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  1. This story is based loosely on real events from my life. I hope you all enjoy 1. What have I gotten myself into, I thought driving into town. At 21, I had just graduated college in Illinois and had taken a job with a friend who lived in Florida. I’d packed up my little Toyota Corolla and driven from the cornfields I grew up in to the hot sunny coast of Florida. I don’t really know what I had been expecting but coming across the highway towards the coast and being greeted by the vast expanse of bright blue sky hadn’t been on the list. The sky just seemed bigger, like the land was diminished somehow and there was just more room for sky. I came off the highway and onto the main road that brought me towards the coast and the barrier island I was now to call home. I probably could have looked up something about where I was going, but for some reason I just didn’t. I knew that Cocoa Beach was close to Cape Canaveral but that was really it. I drove past pastel colored midcentury buildings, Miami meets the space race. Impossibly tall thin palm trees lined the street as I drove looking out for the hotel I was staying at. My job had put me up at this place, a beach side extended stay place that in the off season had plenty of rooms. I pulled into the small parking lot and looked around. From here you couldn’t see the hotel at all, just a big wall of lush vegetation. I left my suitcase in the car and walked down the narrow cobble stone path between big ferns. The path quickly opened up onto a large patio surrounded on all sides by low bungalow like houses. A sign reading “Office” pointed to the only two-story building. A little nervously I went up to the glass door and pushed my way inside. It was cool and inviting inside after being in the thick Florida heat even for a second. My eyes took a long moment to adjust to the much dimmer light now that I was out of the sun, and so I didn’t see him at first. Sitting behind a counter, was a handsome older man in a loose-fitting linen shirt unbuttoned at the neck. Now, I am not a prude, nor entirely inexperience when it comes to men, but this man was something new to me. Up until this point my experience had largely been with guys in my university. We had all been about the same age, and all of similar body types. This man was something different. Probably in his late fifties his hair was almost completely silver. He had a short cropped white beard, that preserved a little of his old much darker hair color around his moustache. He had a square, handsome face, and bright green eyes twinkled at me. The open neck of his shirt showed a thick forest of dark gray hair covering richly tanned skin. He was hot… no, not hot, sexy in a whole new way to me. I felt myself instantly attracted to him, even before I heard his low rumbling baritone voice. “Can I help you,” he asked, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Yes,” I stammered, “I’m David. I was… um… my job, well my friend booked me in here… I’m sorry I’m just realizing I should have gotten more information from her. I can um… If you don’t have… I can call…” I could hear myself stammering, but was absolutely incapable of stopping it, words just tumbled out of my mouth. “You’re Sarah’s boy, right?” “Yes! David, I already said that… hello!” The word boy hung in my mind. It did something to me. I wanted him to say it again. “Don’t worry. We’ve been expecting you. I’m Jack.” He got up from the counter. I saw now that he was tall and broad, with thick ropey arms. He had a little bit of a belly, that just added to the masculine energy he exuded. “Follow me,” he said pulling a set of keys off a peg behind him. He stepped out from behind the desk and revealed tree trunk thick, hair covered legs, sticking out from short, tight, tan shorts. Maybe it was my imagination but I thought I could see outline of a semi hard cock sticking off to one side of his shorts. I followed Jack out of the little office and back into the bright sun and oppressive heat. I instantly felt sweat start to spring up on my back. We walked across the courtyard, around a bright blue pool, with rattan furniture and umbrellas surrounding it. As we walked he talked, “My husband Danny and I own this place. I’m sure you’ll see him around. Tall bear with salt and pepper hair, and a hatred for shirts. No matter how often I suggest he wears a shirt when there are guests around I can’t get him to do it. You’re welcome to use any of the amenities here while you stay. We have a small gym on the back side of the office, the pool is open from ten to ten every day. There’s a trail down this way to the beach.” Truthfully, I was having trouble paying attention to everything he was saying. Watching his round muscular ass move in his tight shorts was hypnotic. The fabric of his shirt clung to the broad v of his torso, sticking slightly to his skin as he started to sweat. We came around one of the last buildings off on the side of the property and walked down a little concrete path. He brought me to the last door with a brass number 12 on it, and unlocked it. The little apartment was cool and inviting. The door opened into the little living room, a fan turning slowly over head, and then led into a kitchen. A hall opened up to the right leading to two bedrooms and a bathroom. It was perfect. “What do you think? Will this do?” “Yes, its… wow! Its so nice!” “Sorry you’re off on the end of the property over here. We’re redoing a few of the units closer to the center, and need to keep the others open if people book them out. To be honest we’re cutting Sarah a bit of a deal on this place so…” he trailed off. “No! Oh my gosh. Its perfect. My college apartment was so small and had four homos stuffed in it.” He laughed, “Four homos stuffed in a small space isn’t all bad.” He let the joke hang in the air for a second, the innuendo crackled for a second. There was something a little different in how he was looking at me now, like he was undressing me with his eyes. I blushed and broke eye contact with him. “Right, well let me know if you need anything.” He moved towards the door, “I’m usually in the office, and if you can’t find me there my cell phone number is on the door. Text me any time, I’ll be happy to help you out with anything you need.” He hadn’t said a single sexual thing, but somehow it all seemed charged. He gave me another smile, and left me in the little apartment feeling hot and unsure of myself. I took a long moment, getting my breathing down, and feeling the flush recede in my cheeks before I went back to the car to get my bags. On my way back, dragging my rolling case behind me, I saw another older man, in his early fifties I guessed. He had close cropped salt and pepper hair, a bushy moustache and dark stubble on his face. He wore low slung basketball shirts and no shirt. He was a little far away for me to be sure but it looked like the thick band of a jockstrap was peeking out from the top of his shorts. My heart thudded in my chest again. From all I could tell the only people at the hotel right now were me and these two older men. We were totally alone and I was experiencing a sexual awakening I didn’t totally understand yet. By the time I got back to the little apartment I was hard as a rock. I pulled the blinds shut and stripped off all of my clothes. Right there in the living room I started to rub my hard cock. I had one hand behind my head, and my eyes closed. I imagined those two men. Jack and Daddy stood there in my imagination. Just as I had seen them that afternoon. Their natural heat and masculinity was all it took and soon I was firing ropes of cum onto the tiled floor. I paused for a moment, catching my breath, and looked at my load. Then I did something I’d never done before. I got down on my hands and knees and licked my semen off of the cool tiles. When I had licked the floor clean I stayed there for a minute, on all fours, with my ass slightly in the air. My cock gave another powerful throb. I was still fucking horny. Of course everyone says that 21 year olds are just horny all the time, and maybe that’s a little bit true, but this was different. I heard Jack calling me Sarah’s boy again. That second word, “boy” seemed to echo in my mind. I moved into the bedroom, not bothering to get dressed. I started to unpack, something to distract myself. I put clothes into drawers, and laid toiletries out in the bathroom. The bed was already made, but I tossed the pillow I’d brought with me onto it, and flopped back still naked. My cock was half hard. It really hadn’t gone down since I had come into the apartment despite the massive load I’d shot. I felt restless. I got back up and paced, then decided I couldn’t stay inside all day, and got out my swim trunks. They weren’t anything spectacular, or really that flattering, just the shortest trunks I could find at a midwestern target. I pulled on a thin tank top, and grabbed my sunglasses. It was somehow even hotter in the afternoon and I felt sweat in my pits almost immediately. I would need more deodorant I thought, or I’d just stink of sweat all the time. I padded back along the narrow concrete path in my flip flops till it turned into stone pavers, leading the way through more vegetation to the beach. It struck me, that with all the plants around no one on the outside could see into the little complex of bungalows, even here on the highly populated island it was totally private. I walked along the sand a little ways but out from under the protection of the palm trees it was just too hot. I found the other inlet through the plants that lead back to the hotel and turned up the path. I made my way between the other bungalows, to the pool. It was deserted. I went in the gate and kicked off my flip flops. The umbrellas around the deck cast long shadows over the edge of the pool and I sat with my feet in the water looking up at the big blue sky. Now, in the quiet, my thoughts finally were a little more quiet and I worried again what I had gotten myself into. I had moved my whole life down here, without really much of a plan. I had my job for right now, but my boss (who had moved back a shortly after we met in my home town and started a new company) was really the only person I knew. Outside of work I had nothing. It was just me in this new place. I had become so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t hear the gate to the pool open again. I almost jumped out of my skin when a voice broke through my thoughts. “You must be David… shit sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya. I’m Danny.” Here was the other owner. He was still dressed in only basketball shorts and flip flops. Now that he was closer I was certain that the white band sticking above the low waistband of his shorts was that of a bike jock. He was more built than Jack, with pecs that stood out thick and defined from his chest, but still sported a little bit of a gut. He looked like someone who liked working out but liked good food and beer just as much. His whole body seemed to be covered in dark brown hair flecked with gray. Jack hadn’t been kidding when he described Danny as a bear. Maybe it was just that at college I had never been presented with anyone like them, maybe it was something unique to them, but having been faced with these two men they were all I could think about. My eyes drifted down to Danny’s crotch, I couldn’t help myself, and I was convinced I could see the outline of a heavy cock tucked into the pouch of his jock. Heat rose in my cheeks again. “I’m David,” I stammered, so nervous I couldn’t really talk. “But you knew that. Sorry! I’m not normally this…” I stood up to shake his hand, realizing too late that my cock was hard as a rock and pointing straight out. Danny smiled, “Nice to meet you David. It seems like maybe you’re more excited than nervous thought.” He looked down at my straining swim shorts. I quickly tried to cover myself up, muttering an apology. “Don’t apologize. Don’t be sorry about a natural body reaction. It seems like you’ve seen something you like and that’s gotten you excited. Totally normal at your age. Well, totally normal at any age.” He took a step closer. “Jack said you were cute; said you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.” “I… well… I don’t…” He was even closer to me now. “Its ok. There’s no harm in looking. Something tells me you’re too nervous right now, but when you’re ready you can do more than look if you want. Let me see your phone.” I handed him my cell, he took it and quickly punched a number into it. “I added myself to your contacts. If you decide you’d like to do more than just look… and something tells me you’re going to want to… send me a message. We’ll get you the daddy dick I think you’re starting to crave.” He gave the slightly swollen bulge in his shorts a squeeze and left. I was completely breathless, and now had a wet spot in the front of my shorts. After that I didn’t know what to do. I grabbed my things and went back to my little apartment. I watched TV. I drove out to the grocery store and bought some food. I tried to read a book. No matter what I did thought my mind came back to what Danny had said. My mind came back to his offer of daddy dick. Is that what I wanted? Did I want these two older men to fuck me? Even that first day, after only a few hours, I knew in my heart that was what I wanted. The animal heat that surrounded them both, hearing Jack refer to me as boy… it made me want to be their boy. I was hard again. I stripped off and shot another load onto the floor. This time without hesitation I licked it off of the tiles. My dreams that night were full of Jack and Danny. I heard them calling me boy. I woke up to sun streaming through the window, covered in my own cum and still rock hard. I hadn’t had a wet dream in years, yet I had just blown a load dreaming about these two men. It was 10am, way too early for this sort of thing but I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want to wait any longer. I took my phone from the bed side table and found Danny’s number. My hands were shaking as I typed out my message: Hey Danny. It’s David. I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday. I stared at it, and then clicked send. His message came back a minute later: Hey David! I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. But I’m glad that you messaged me. Remind me, what did I say yesterday that you’ve been thinking about? Did he not remember? No… He wanted me to say it. I typed back: About wanting more than just to look. His response came quickly this time: Anything else boy? There was that word again… boy. My cock throbbed. My dick was definitely doing the thinking now as I responded: Getting me the daddy dick I crave. Good boy: he responded: The first step in getting what you want is saying it proudly. Now the second step is making the effort to get it. I’m not going to push you and I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. If you really want it, in an hour meet me at bungalow 4. I didn’t think, I just typed: I’ll be there! This is what will be waiting for you: came his reply followed by a photo of a big thick cock, nestled in a dense bush of pubes. The head was shiny with precum, and seemed to throb with lust even in the still photo. My mouth went dry. College boys did not have cocks like this. I wanted it. Once again I replied with: I will be there! See you in an hour. Good boy. My hands were shaking, my cock was actively leaking precum. There was no chance I wasn’t going to go there. I was so horny in that moment I probably would have said yes to anything he asked. I just had to figure out how to kill the hour. I was getting ready to take a shower when another text from Danny came through: if you haven’t showered already boy, don’t I like my boys sweaty. My cock dropped a big glob of precum onto the floor. I dug out the one jock that I owned. I had purchased it from a sporting goods store back home. I had felt so naughty doing it. When I got home I’d pulled the straps over my ass and jerked myself stupid though. Having my ass exposed like that turned me on. It made me feel sexy and powerful. I found another thin tank top, and the smallest shorts I owned to complete the look. I felt hot looking in the full length mirror. Not super thin, nor built, I had a narrow frame. My light brown hair was cut close and flopped to one side. I had the starts of what I really hope would be a thick pelt of chest hair growing in the center of my chest. I just hoped that Danny thought I was as hot as I felt. I still had fifteen minutes before I was supposed to meet Danny but I decided I didn’t care. I’d just be early. Seeming eager didn’t seem like a bad thing. I slipped into my sandals and walked back towards the center of the property to find bungalow 4. It was tucked back off the pool, with its entrance facing the path to the ocean. It was much more central than my place but still secluded, even if there were other guests on the property I doubted they would notice a boy getting his first taste of daddy dick. With my heart pounding and my cock already at half mast, I knocked on the door. There was no answer. Fuck! I thought. Was this the wrong door? I looked at the messages. No, I was in the right place. I knocked again. Still nothing. I took a couple of deep breaths. Maybe it was just because I was early. I waited a few minutes. Then I lost my resolve and knocked once more. I heard movement inside for the first time and then the door opened. Danny was standing there with a massive grin on his face, wearing only a jockstrap. My eyes must have become the size of dinner plates seeing him like that. “Good job boy,” he said, grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me inside. “You really want this don’t you?” He grabbed at his crotch and shook his dick at me. “Yes!” “I thought after I didn’t answer the door the first time you might give up… but you didn’t.” “I… um…” “Go on… I told you, you only get the things you ask for.” “I really wanted your daddy dick!” I blurted out all at once. “I know boy. I know, and you’re gonna get it really soon.” “Thank you…” I hesitated and then added, “daddy.” What was I doing, my non horny brain reared up for a second. I was calling this man daddy and thanking him for saying he’d fuck me. At the same time, I decided I didn’t care. It just felt right to say. “You’re a little embarrassed to call me daddy, aren’t you? That’s ok. It felt right when you said it. You liked it. I liked it too boy. We’re going to make each other feel very good.” He closed what little distance there was between us. He seemed to tower over me, and took my chin in his hand. He tilted my face up to his and then kissed me. His moustache tickled my face. I parted my lips immediately and let his tongue into my mouth. He held the back of my head in place and pulled me into him. My body was pressed into his hairy chest. His warm belly against by body made me feel week. I wanted to be enveloped in this man’s body. “Did that feel good boy?” He asked breaking our kiss. “Yes daddy!” “Good! Now listen carefully I’m going to explain how this is going to go.” “Ok!” “I’m going to take things slow with you this afternoon. I’m going to introduce you to man scent, and get you used to sucking my cock. I’m going to open up your hole and eat your sweet little ass till you’re begging me to fuck you. Then I’m going to fuck you till I cum deep inside your hole.” “I’ve only ever fucked with condoms before.” I said, worried that this would disappoint him somehow. “Don’t worry about that boy. Daddy is going to introduce you to the joys of real raw man sex. I’m going to breed you so deep that my load will always be inside of you.” “What about Jack?” “You’re not ready for Jack yet. You may think my dick is big but Jack’s is much thicker than mine. If you make it through everything today, and you still are interested in more daddy dick then you’ll be ready for Jack’s cock.” “I want you both to fuck me,” I was feeling bold. His dirty talk was making it easier for me to let go and just say what I wanted. “In due time boy. Now here’s the last thing. We will stop at any point today. You say the word and we will end it right then. However, once you say stop it is over and you won’t get a second chance at this,” he grabbed his crotch, “understood?” “Yes daddy!” “Good, now take your clothes off.” I was hard as a rock, as I stripped off. My shirt fell to the floor, I kicked my sandals off and shoved my shorts down. “You can keep your jock on. It makes you feel sexy doesn’t it?” I nodded. “Good boy.” He came close to me again. His hands grabbed my waist and he pulled me close. His mouth found mine again and he held onto me as we made out. My skin was now pressed against his. I felt his body hair brushing against my own. One of his big hands slid down to my ass and began to grab at the meat. I moaned into his mouth as he massaged my butt cheek. Involuntarily I felt my back arch, and I pressed my cheeks into his warm rough hands. The hand that wasn’t currently exploring my ass cheeks came up behind my head. He held me in our kiss, controlling which way my head turned and how much I could back off at any time. Very suddenly he broke the kiss, and put his other hand behind his head. He aimed my face at his hairy pit and pushed my nose into the musky thicket. “Breath it in boy, and then lick my pit. I want you to smell and taste daddy.” I did as instructed, I took a deep breath through my nose and felt a rush. His smell was intoxicating. My whole life I had found the smell of a locker room intriguing, until that moment I hadn’t realized it was the musk of sweaty men that I had been responding to all that time. It was like a drug. I sniffed and sniffed. It made me harder and hornier. I stuck out my tongue and tasted the salty sweat that clung to the dense hairs of his pit. “Fuck,” I moaned, as I lapped up the delicious taste. “I know, it turns you on boy. Get deep in there.” He pressed my face into his pit, twisting my head back and forth. His scent was the only thing I could smell. Danny growled and then moved me to his other pit. He didn’t need to push me forward I dove in. I had one hand on his big bulging bicep and the other wrapped around his neck, holding myself close to him. I devoured his sweat. My face was covered in his smell. I felt like I had been marked in some way. “Good boy,” he cooed. “Are you ready for something more?” “Yes!” I looked up from his pit, I my face was slathered with spit. “Get on your knees then. Its time to put that mouth to good use.” I practically feel to my knees. I looked up at him, and he smiled. “You’re sure you want to keep going boy?” “More than anything.” “Good answer.” He grabbed the straining pouch of his jock and pulled it aside. There it was: his perfect cock. The big mushroom head stuck straight out, right at my eye level. A big throbbing vein ran along the top of the thick shaft. Two big low hanging balls swung freely below its base. Surrounding it all was a dense thicket of pubes, the kind you saw in vintage porn, wild and unkept. My mouth was watering. “Open your mouth.” I did as I was told. He smacked his cock against my face leaving smears of precum on my cheeks. Then he flopped it against my open mouth. With one hand holding the root of his cock, and the other on the back of my head, he guided my forward. I’d blown a few guys in college but never anyone with a cock like this. I struggled to swallow him down. Choking and spluttering I worked till my nose was buried in his pubes. My face was red, and my eyes were already starting to water. His pubes smelled even better than his pits did, and I was determined despite everything to get my nose in them. He muttered encouragement, as he held me in place. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it, and my gag reflex couldn’t be suppressed anymore, he pulled my head back and his cock fell from my mouth. I gasped and coughed. “Damn boy! You did good. Now, work the shaft slowly. Lick all along it. Get your tongue in my piss slit. We’ll work you up to really deep throating daddy’s cock.” I did as I was told. I slobbered all over his cock. I slurped the leaking mushroom head, and tongued more precum out of his slit. I gobbled both balls into my mouth. I thrust my nose deep in his pubes. I worshiped him. This perfect cock in front of me had become my whole world. This was already better than any hook up I had had in college. Though I had never known it before, I had a huge thing for older men. I wanted to be their boy. I wanted to make them feel good. Every time Danny groaned it was a little reward for me, proof that I was doing a good job. He let me worship him for a long time. The heat had started to rise in the room, and I could smell the scent of both of us filling it up. My chin was covered in my own spit, and my whole face felt slick. Danny took hold of my head again and pushed his cock deep into my mouth once more. I swallowed hard and this time his cock went down my throat a little easier. It still constricted my airway, and I felt color rising in my cheeks. I held my breath as long as I could. I flicked my tongue around, and pushed myself a little further forward. I gaged. He let me go, and I fell backwards gasping. “That was really good boy. I’m really proud of you.” He squatted down and kissed me. His kiss was more gentle this time, less ravenous and more caring. “Now, I’m going to make you feel good. Come into the other room, get on the bed on all fours.” He helped me up and led me into the other room. I practically leapt onto the bed. On all fours with my ass stuck in the air I positioned myself at the edge of the bed. I had been rimmed before and I had a pretty good idea that that was what was instore for me now. “Fuck you’re eager.” Danny stepped up behind me and rubbed one of my cheeks, “Fresh beautiful boy butt. Your hole is so fucking pretty, pink and tight.” He bit one my butt cheek lightly. “And with just the right amount of hair. Too smooth and it doesn’t feel like you’re fucking a man, but you’ve got these nice furry cheeks. My dick is going to look so good sliding between them. Do you want to keep going boy?” “Yes daddy!” His tongue flicked across my hole. I gasped, and he laughed lightly. Then he did it again. Over and over he slid his tongue across my puckered hole. I relaxed into it and pushed back slightly. I felt my hole open up a little and his tongue pushed inside. He worked his tongue around the sides of my hole, tickling the ridge around it. His teasing was making me moan. With each movement of his tongue I pushed back a little more. It felt amazing. I could feel my hole relaxing, feel it opening. I was hyper aware of every fraction of an inch of his probing. He was getting deeper. Slowly he worked up till he was fucking me with his tongue. He had one hand on each of my cheeks pulling them apart. With each thrust of his tongue I let out a moan. I was panting. I felt sweat on my back. His dick wasn’t even in me and I was absolute putty in his hands. Even with how good it felt I surprised myself when I shouted out, “Please daddy! Please fuck me!” He took his mouth off of my hole. “Is that what you want boy? You want this big daddy dick in your hole.” “Yes! Please… please fuck me!” “You remember what I said earlier boy? I only fuck raw. If I fuck you I’m going to breed you. I’m going to pump you full of my cum. Is that what you want?” “Yes daddy.” “No, you have to say it. You only get things you want when you say them out loud.” “I want you to fuck me…” I hesitated and then, “and breed me. I want you to breed me! Please!” “Good boy! Roll over on your back. I’m going to look you in the eyes while I fuck you.” I flipped onto my back and grabbed my ankles. I pulled my legs up, presenting my hole to him again and said, “Please, please, please fuck me.” “Don’t worry boy. You’re going to get lots of daddy dick. Once Jack and I have broken you in you’ll get all the daddy dick you could ever want.” He spit into his hand and smeared it on his cock head. Then his head was against my hole and he was leaning over me. His belly was on my balls. He seemed to loom over me, seemingly larger and more powerful than ever. His cock pushed against my still tight ring with a slow and steady pressure. The anticipation made my heart flutter and a wild electric sexual energy crackled between us. I stared right into his eyes as he pushed a little harder till suddenly my hole gave way and his cock head sunk inside me. It was like all the wind had been knocked out of me. For a long moment I couldn’t breathe. A wave of pleasure so overwhelming and intense had crashed over me when he broke past my sphincter that it was like my mind rebooted. He stayed there for a moment, telling me what a good job I was doing as my breathing calmed down. He lent even further forward, pinning my legs to my chest as kissed me. While I was distracted by his invading tongue he pressed forward with his cock. Another few inches slid inside me. I was more full than I had ever been before. Danny was absolutely the fattest cock I had ever had. It was heaven. “That feels so good daddy.” “That’s only half my cock boy. Take a deep breath and let it out when I tell you.” I breathed in deep through my nose, and held it. He gave me a peck and said, “breath out slowly.” As I let the air out of my lungs he pressed onward and I felt his pubes on my ass. “Oh god!” I said. “That’s right. That’s what it feels like to be full of daddy dick.” “It feels amazing.” “You still want me to fuck you?” “Yes!” “And what else?” “I want you to breed me! Cum inside of me daddy! Fuck me!” “As you wish.” He pulled his cock back slowly and then rocked forward again. I groaned and my eyes rolled back. He did it again, and again, and again. Slowly he built up the pace. The hot, sweat scented room, was steadily filled with the sound of fucking. His thighs smacking against my ass as he ravaged my hole. I was putty in his hands. I would have done anything for him. All that I could think about was how good his cock felt, how much I liked being fucked by him, how much I liked being used by a daddy. He slid one arm under my back, his cock still lodged deep inside of me and rolled to the side. I was dragged over with him, landing on top of him, his cock never leaving my ass. Without prompting I started to ride him. My hands gripped his furry pecs. I let the wander, enjoying his hair covered body. He looked so masculine and powerful laying there. I bounced up and down on his dick, driving it deep inside me. “You’re doing amazing boy. You’re making daddy’s dick feel so good!” “Thank you daddy! Getting fucked has never felt this amazing! Its so fucking good. You feel so deep.” “That’s what raw daddy dick can do for you boy. Its how men were meant to fuck. You’re just experiencing real man sex for the first time.” “I never want it any other way again!” He grabbed me by the neck and pulled me down into a wet passionate kiss. Our tongues wrestled as his dick was thrust up into me. When he released me he said, “Ok boy. This is your last off ramp. I’m getting close to filling your hole with my cum. Once I do you’re committing to getting fucked by Jack at least once, because if I’ve bred a hole he as to. Are you ready for that? Is that what you want?” “Fuck yes! Fucking breed me!” “Good answer.” He flipped us back over so he was on top of me again. This time he was really hammering me. Sweat dripped off of him onto my body. I licked at the drop that fell on my lips. He growled when he saw me do that. His face started to contort, and his breath came in deep grunted bursts. It felt like his dick was made of steel. Then he let out this roar and tossed his head back. He thrust his cock forward as he did and jammed it past my second hole causing me to shout. He held himself there, his cock throbbing and pulsing as it pumped what felt like a river of cum into my guts. As he did my own cock gave a powerful throb and shot cum all over both of our stomachs. Danny collapsed forward onto me, muttering, “Good boy. I’m proud of you,” as he did. My heart was pounding even as my breathing leveled out again. I had done it. I had taken Danny’s cock and he had bred me. For the first time in my life my ass was full of a man’s semen. It was incredible. I felt more attractive and sexual that I ever had before. Despite just having shot my load all over both of us I was still hard, and a little trickle of precum was dripping from my dick. “Thank you,” I said and kissed his cheek. “How do you feel?” He pushed himself up on his elbows so his face was above mine again. “Fucking amazing. Nothing has ever felt that good. I feel… I feel slutty.” “Do you like feeling slutty?” “I love it!” “Good. I like my boys slutty.” “Am I your boy?” I could hear the hope in my voice. I didn’t know till right then that that was what I wanted, but once I heard it it was all I could imagine for myself. “Is that what you want?” “Yes daddy!” “You’re learning. Well you’re not my boy just yet, but you’re off to a good start. In order for me to call you my boy you’ll have to first take Jack’s cock. Then we’ll see if you’re ready.” “OK!” “Now, just like with my you’ll get lots of opportunities to stop with Jack if you want to. We don’t want you doing anything you’re not one hundred percent sure on. Right now I’m sure if I asked you if you were ready for Jack to fuck you you’d say yes. But I also know you’re full of hormones and post fuck glow. So… you’re gonna wait. I’ve given your number to Jack and in a little while he’ll text you and see if you’re still interested. If you are the two of you will go from there.” “Will you be there?” “Not the first time. The first time is about the two of you bonding.” “Thank you daddy!” I kissed him hard on the mouth. He got up off the bed. “God you’re fucking sexy.” As he tucked his now softened cock back into his jock he said, “Oh, by the way, for the next week there are no other guests here. Its just the three of us. So feel free to… well… walk around in as little or as much clothing as you want.” He bent forward and kissed me again. “I’m going to go tell Jack about you. Relax. You can hang out here, or back at yours. He’ll text you in an hour or so.” One more kiss and a longing look and he was gone.
    17 points
  2. I drew Tommy’s first encounter with Mr. Lewis. Back when he was fixing his sink.
    6 points
  3. I had been at the local gay pub here in Brisbane in wickham terrace, if you know you know. I had been heavily drinking due to a recent breakup, was feeling very unloved and needy at the time. I was living with a good mate, we had an amazing apartment, cheap, in the heart of the city and close to the SOP and gay drinking spot. So hookups was easily arranged, my housemate and I were pretty open and never stopped each other from having fun. This particular weekend however he had family and friends staying over and having a party. Not wanting to be a burdon I took myself to the watering hole and got my self stupidly drunk. Half way through the drinking fest I decided to head back home and grab my other pack of ciggeretes rather than wasting money on another pack. Walking up the street more so stumbling I stop to catch my breath. At 29 years old I was a stocky guy, medium hairy, small cut cock big nuts, was more a bottom and generally wearing a jockstrap 99.99 % of the time these days. Stopping near a empty car parking lot I hear someone say “come over” standing still as I try to determine if I actually heard someone or it was my imagination. “Yeah you mate, come here” the gruff voice spoke again. Without any concern for my own safety I walk into the not so well lit carpark and as I turn I see a scruffy hairy guy on the concrete garden wall staring at me. Looking at him I instantly could tell he was homeless, had his bag beside him, dirty clothes, scruffy beard and I could smell piss, stale cum and booze on him. “Got a smoke mate?” He looks at me as I fumble and go to get my last cig for him, I move closer and as I am about to hand it to him, he reaches out and starts rubbing my crotch as he grins at me. Smiling at him, he goes for my zipper and pulls it down as he unbuttons me and drops my jeans, he moves forward and pulls my jockstrap to the side as he places his mouth around my soft cock as it starts to hardon. Moaning I let him suck me as I rub my hand through his greasy hair as I start humping his mouth as he sucks harder. Grunting as I feel him tug at my nuts almost blowing my load I can feel my precum leaking hard. Looking down he is unzipping himself and pulls out this thick hard at least 8 inches uncut and very hairy prick. He stops sucking as he leans back and strokes his cock. Without thinking I get down on my knees and can smell his ripe cheesy cock right away. I get my mouth on his cock and start licking under his foreskin as he grunts as he takes the cigerette I dropped beside him and lights up. Sucking on his overhang of skin as I clean his greasy cock, grunting as I feel him swell and thicken. I start bobbing up and down getting him harder. I don’t know how long I was sucking him for but I was starting to feel my drunk buzz wear off and became more aware of what I was doing and could be begging for trouble. As if he was aware he produced a bottle of cheap vodka and told me to drink, pulling off his meaty cock I took the bottle and took a swig grimicing at the harsh cheap sting the alcohol hitting back of my throat. “Take another hit” he grins as he strokes my hard little cock. Taking another swig, followed by another as he takes the bottle from me, I feel that buzz kicking back in as he moves me into a position on my knees over the brick wall. Feeling him behind me I giggle as I feel his thick cock between my chubby arse cheeks. “Do you have a rubber” I moan, he grunts and says sure, I hear him behind me as he opens a package and hear that familiar rubbber snap as he moves his cock back between my cheeks, I reach behind me to check and feel the rubber over his cock “I got it on pig fucking hell” he grunts, I place my hand back on the wall for stablity. I hear him spit on his cock as it hits my tight hole. He pushes as I grunt “Shuttup or we will get caught, stupid fuck” he harshly whispers at me as I put my hand over my mouth as he forces himself in me, straining I can feel the pop as his engorged head slides inside my tight hole. Not been fucked for a few months really bought tears to my eyes as he pushed in more, forcing his cock inch by inch as I start to shake. “Fuckkkk stop please your too big” I whimper softly. Knowing he heard me but chose to ignore my pitiful plea as he grabbed my hips and shoved in harder slamming deep in me as his nuts hit mine. He grunt and starts fucking, not getting any chance to accept his thickness, he pounds away at my hole. The grunting turning me on. He fucks harder and faster, biting down on my hand as I whine and grunt with each thrust that he gives me. I feel him slam deep and shudder as he is cumming, sweat dripping off him onto me all I can smell is his sweaty scent. He pulls out and rips the rubber off and throws it into the darkness. He sits back breathing heavily as he clicks his fingers and points to his cock I get down and take him back in my mouth, tasting his strong thick cum as I feel his cock head throb and more cum leaks out as I greedily suck it from his cock and swallow it… Tasting metalic too but definite can taste myself on his cock thinking it strange as he was rubbered up. Tapping me on the head telling me to stop he sighs as I release his cock. “Thanks needed that” he grins at me. “Anytime” I stay there on my knees still half naked hoping his was gunna finish me off, but he grabbed his pants and pulled on the cord and did himself up as he finished the smoke, asking me if I had any more and told him I was on my way back to get another pack and go back to drinking. Telling me he was spending the night here and to go get him some and he would see about fucking me again if I was interested. Thinking about it, and it cudda been the alcohol or just the sheer need of wanting to be wanted even if just my hole to get off. I said he could crash in my secure parking, I had my own car park space that was secure from the rest of parking with its own pull down door so was private. Without a response he grabbed his back and said lead the way, pulling my pants up I take him up the road and lead him down the car park entrance as I put my code in as the door opens he follows me closly. Walking down the concrete hallway I get to my door and open the roller door as he walks inside and I mention I have a cot set up at the back I usually come down here to get away from the housemate and have my own space, toys and lube my laptop is there with porn on it. Grinning at me he drops his bag and starts to get naked as he gets to his underwear and looks at me and asks if I want another fucking, grinning I start to strip and get down on all fours over the cot as I feel him behind me rubbing my hole. He mentions he hasn’t any more rubbers and I don’t have any he says “I could just fuck you raw, I promise I wont cum in you” my head in two places as I simply nod and confirm “you wont cum in me??” Nodding he spits on his cock and I notice it slides in easier this time, I feel very wet all of a sudden, grunting as he slides in deep hearing him sigh as he starts fucking me in a steady rythem, “Once I cum it takes me a while to cum again” hr groans as he keeps fucking, I push back as I enjoy the senstion of letting him fuck me raw, the thought of him raw turning me on. He continually spits on his cock and keeps me lubed up. We mustve been fucking for at least 30 mins and at about that mark I feel him shudder as he slides in deep and takes a minute. “Are you ok?” I mention as I feel his cock throb in me as he moans softly. “Yeah pig just catching my breath” he starts fucking again, I feel very wet and can feel something dripping down my hole down my legs, putting it down to spit and sweat I push back, another 15 mins later he stops and sighs again as he calls me a dirty pig as his cock throbs, telling me to be still or he will cum… few minutes later he starts fucking again this time harder and rougher making me whimper as he snarls at me. “Dirty fucking faggot taking my nasty homeless cock, I wanna blow my load in ya guts pigs, where do you want my nasty fucking homeless load you faggot?” He growls. Thinking he is roleplaying I push back and beg him to cum, “fuck me harder, fuck this faggot, blow your load all over my hole or my face” grunting as I feel his speed pick up. “Beg me to dump it in you pig” hr grunts as he spits on my face. Confused and starting to feel my hole tense up shooting pains down my legs “please, don’t cum in me… cum on my face or down my throat” whimpering “Yeah you want my load in ya don’t ya faggot” he grunts as he slams deeper “No, not in me please” I whimper as I try to pull forward Hearing him growl as he slams forward and strains as I feel his cock throb in me yet again as he growls “yeahhhhh take my nasty homeless load faggot fuckkk yeahhhhhhhh” he cooes. He lets go of me as he pulls out, I turn around shocked he looks at me and says “fuck that was hot” he grins. “You said you wouldn’t cum in me” I say shakily as I go to stand up. “Sorry I couldn’t help myself, you felt so good and I just lost control, how about you go up grab the smokes and come back and have a drink and get more aqauntied with my cock pig” he smiles Looking at him, he looked ok, so I grabbed my jeans and pulled them up, leaving him in the garage I go up the elevator to my floor, opening up to loud music and a few people I didn’t know. There were a few of the bears from the bar I had been drinking at. Smiling at me as I return the smiles and nod my head as I beeline it towards my room, grabbing a drink along the way and quenching my parched throat to the sweet nector of the drink. Pushing my way into my room as I close the door halfway as I go searching for my stash. Looking around I don’t notice as one of the guys come in. He coughs slightly and says eveing to me as I turn around shocked and startled. Grinning at me I ease as I return the evening and ask him if he is having fun. “I was having fun shame as I was looking for you at the bar but you had disappeared that was over an hour ago, where did you wonder off too, givin ive just seen you come back here now and been here for a while myself” he mentions as he steps closer. “I stopped and got some air and kinda hooked up” I grin as I blush at him. “Hooked up hey…… wouldn’t have been with that homeless guy in the parking lot on the way here would it” he smirks at me, shocked as I blushed harder as he steps up to me and pushes his hand down the back of jeans as he touches my wet arse. “Ohhh and he loaded ya too did he” he grunts as he slips his finger inside me as I reach out and grab his furry arm to steady myself as I whimper “He did, he fucked me a few times but came in me once…. By accident” I whimper as he undoes my belt and button and pulls my zipper down. “Accident… sure…. He probably blew in you more than the once, he is known for that” he grins as he fingers my sloppy hole harder as he manuvures me over the bed on all fours as I hear him unzip himself. “No need for a rubber then if he has already bred ya is there pig? He looks down at me as I look behind and see a fat uncut 7 inch thicker than the homeless cock protruding out his fly. Rubbing his cock over my arse I whimper as he pushes forward he reaches down and places his hand over my mouth as he thrusts his hips forward hard as his cock lodges and splits me open. Muffled screaming into his hand it didn’t take long for my arse to stretch and the pain gave way to pleasure as he started fucking me. Grunting and gruffing as he sweated over me pushing his cock deeper inside me. The door opened and in walked another guy I remembered from the bar, he closed the door and locked it behind me as he sauntered over to the bed and unzipped himself as he crawled up onto the bed and presented me with his 6 inch fat thick cock cock hairy half way up his cock a thick bush at the base and so sweaty he pushes his cock on my lips as I open and he rams his cock in me. They start talking to each other so casual as if I werent there being dicked by em on my bed with a group of people right outside the door. “You heading out after this to the next party Chav?” The guy behind me fucking me spoke to the one down my throat. “Yeah, gunna see Dave and the others and decide what to do from there, prob head to the Den and loose another load if I feel up for it, by the way your doing him raw? The guy down my throat spoke back. “Yeah doing him raw, you know Baz the homeless guy he has already dumped a load, well prob a few knowing him, so no need for rubbers now who knows what he has right” the guy fucking me replies as he picks up and starts fucking hard, feeling his heavy nuts slap mine as I listen to the conversation and break out in a cold sweat worrying myself. “Awwww yeah im gunna nut in him, you can fuck him after im done bud” as he grabs my hips and digs his fingers into my hips and pulls me back on his cock as he lodges himself in me, feeling his throbbing cock at my 2nd entrance pumping his batter inside me. My muffled groans as I gag on the guys cock as I feel the guys load pump inside my guts. He withdraws as he walks around to the side of the bed as the guy pulls out my mouth and moves behind me. I get the cum coated cock shoved in my mouth as he tells me to clean him up as his mate slides easily into my cum coated arse. “Fuck he is wet, I bet the guy blew a few loads in him now your load fuck it feels good. Not gunna last long will add my nasty load and we can bail” the guy who had just face fucked me and now pumping away at my arse. I suck the guys cock cleaning his greasy cum covered prick as he sneers at me. “Yeah you dirty fuck, guess there really isnt a need to wear rubbers anymore, you let a homeless guy fuck you you pig who knows what the fuck he has” he leers at me as I shudder as I feel his mate grinding harder at my arse as he starts groaning feeling him push harder into me as he unloads. The cock slides out my mouth and my arse at the same time, groaning as I collapse on the bed panting. Watching them pull their pants up and ignore me as they leave the room talking about their next plans for the night. The door quietly half closes. Its only a few minutes and this fat chubby older guy would have been about 55 yrs old comes in and closes and locks the door as he looks at me, im half dozing so I smile and mumble something not even trying to cover up. He grabs a cup that was on my night table something alcoholic as he passes it to me and tells me to drink it all. Happily gulping down the mixture as I feel him move behind me. “They did you raw?” He asks as his thick finger slightly grazes my cummy tender hole, shuddering as I nod. “Its been so long since ive fucked raw, not many let me these days” he almost whispers as I watch him with his other hand move his zipper down as he slides his fingers inside his zipper and starts playing with himself. Without speaking I spread my legs and stay face down, the alcohol kicking back in as my head spins. I hear him drop his pants as he gets on top and I feel his thick cock force inside me as I gasp. “Fuck yeah you pig, let daddy inside you. Naughty faggot son letting those men breed you, you know they aint clean right. Your chute filled with nasty dirty seed and now letting daddy knock you up with his bugged cock” he growls as he grinds his hips and starts hitting that spot as I grown and push my arse back to meet his thrusts. Grunting on top of me, he gives me a good few minutes of solid fucking. Suddenly he moans a really deep gutteral groan and I can feel his cock throbbing as he unloads. Once done he pulls out and pulls his pants back on as he walks around my side I see the tattoo just above his pubic bone as he tucks his shirt in of a bio hazard symbol with a scorpian over the symbol. He pats my head and tells me Im a good pig for letting him nut in me but I shouldve gotten him to rubber up, however he is grateful I didn’t. Smiling at me he takes his leave. Looking at the clock, I realise ive been up here for almost an hour and taken 3 raw loads and almost forgot about the homelss guy. I reach for my clothes as I dress myself groaning as I feel the cum leak out of me. I grab the smokes and slip out of my unit to the elevators and back down to the garage. I walk into my unit and I hear talking and walk in on the homeless guy who fucked me and two other hairy scruffy older blocks, sitting there in their sweaty jocks obviosly waiting for me.. One of them speaks “Finally he is here. I get to go first” he states as he looks at me. What Have I gotten myself into? I start trembling……
    5 points
  4. Seems like they havent released anything in forever but all the classic vids are every where raw porno is found…would be amazing to see a new generation of HDK tops and bottoms. The studio had a huge influence on me and was prolly my intro to bareback sex. Had many of my fav porn star tops like Big Ben Gunn, Jay Benjamin, Mitch banning, Titpig, Steve Parker and so many more as well as legendary bottoms like Tim skyler, Steve tuck, Caleb Daniel, and jarrod Steele. Will never forget the first time I discovered HDK I was shown the video Palm Springs Sluts and HDK Road trip
    5 points
  5. He winked at me as he slid in and out and leant forward to kiss me. "I wonder whose baby he'll carry?" He whispered. He looked down at the man who lay there in submission and said "I'm cumming in you, mate. More dirty spunk for you." Then he groaned and shivered as he shot his load. After a few moments, he stood up and I watched his slimey cock flop out of the wet, slack arsehole. "There you go. " he laughed "You're well fucked now!"
    5 points
  6. I turned 18 a few weeks ago. Graduated high school and now I was trying to occupy my summer with what to do until college started in the spring. My dad figured I needed community service work to help my résumé. So he suggested that I give some assistance to Mr. Wilson, the man who lives on our block. Apparently he was living with late stage AIDS and was having a hard time taking care of things around the house. I was planning on studying to become a nurse so it sounded like good practice. Mr. Wilson didn’t require anything too crazy. Just some general clean up around the house. When I arrived he greeted me at the door “Welcome Nick. Thanks for coming by. Come in.” He was in his late 60s early 70s. Pale, bald, thin and gaunt in the face, thin arms and legs, with a potbelly. He guided me in to his living room. His house was a bit of a mess. A lot of laundry magazines and dishes everywhere. It looked like it would take a little bit more effort to clean up than I thought. But it didn’t seem very bad. “So what would you like me to start with first Mr. Wilson?“ “Oh just anywhere you like. I’ve let the place go quite a bit. I haven’t had much energy these days understandably.“ I understood. I figured he was having a hard time what was his condition. So I started picking up dishes left about. And washed them. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to pick up the clothes laying about. Some of his underwear and socks had a distinctive smell coming from them like a mix of body odor and something slightly fishy? I was in the laundry room sorting his clothes. Separating the colors and the whites. When I held his underwear in my hand I felt around the crotch area and it felt strangely hard. I reached on the inside of them and felt something dry on the inside of the crotch area. It took me a second but then I realized what it was and quickly put them in the washer. “So what do you plan on doing after the summer?“ Mr. Wilson was watching me sort the clothes. “Oh I plan on going to school and studying to be a nurse.“ “Fantastic, I could possibly hire you to take care of me full-time. That is if I last that long.“ “You seem healthy enough sir I’m sure you’ll be fine.“ “Oh that’s kind of you to say. But the disease has took its toll on me quite a bit. It’s running rampant in me, more so than it seems on the surface.“ “Well I would be happy to help you with whatever you need. It would be good training for me.“ Mr. Wilson smiled. “Becoming the nurse is serious stuff. You have to do all sorts of things. Manage medication‘s, IVs, sponge baths for those who can’t manage.” “Oh it will be no trouble for me at all sir. I like to help people, and taking care of the sick and elderly seems like a good calling.“ “Yes it is very noble. i’m glad I can give you experience. Say young lad, since you’ll need the training anyway, would you mind helping me with a sponge bath? It gets difficult for me moving around.“ I was taken aback by that request a little bit. It’s not what I was expected to do to help him with. But he was right, I will need to do these sorts of things if I am going to become a nurse. “Oh um sure. I’ll just finish up with the clothes and I’ll see you, where?” “In my bedroom. It’ll be easier if I am laying down in bed.“ Yeah I guess that made sense. Where else would you do it? I finished with the laundry and gathered what I needed for cleaning up Mr. Wilson. Bucket of hot soapy water, a couple of rags. I met him in his room, and he was naked on the bed. I had to admit it was a little shocking being alone in a room with a naked man. As I got to work on Mr. Wilson. I was running the rag up and down his legs trying to be a diligent caregiver. I ran my rag up his thigh and got close to his crotch area. I wasn’t sure what to do once I got there. “You should clean that area as well Nick. It’s all part of normal nurse work.“ I put the rag on his penis and started wiping it clean. Going around his balls and underneath his shaft. As I was cleaning him he was getting an erection. It was large, very large “Oh it looks like you’ve awoken some thing. Never mind that. It happens when it receives any stimulation. I am human after all. So I do have urges.“ “Right. I understand.” I wiped his erect penis up-and-down a couple of times. Mr. Wilson was looking at me. “I’ve never seen one that big before.” “11.5 inches my boy. Trust me I have satisfied many men in my days, and unfortunately perforated a few.“ That made me blush. That type of talk seemed a little bit too lewd for this situation. “You should clean underneath the foreskin as well.“ “How do I do that?“ “Well young man.“ Mr. Wilson sat upright. “You should hold the shaft and peel the foreskin back. You can clean me more efficiently that way. It’s important to clean under there you know. Here, I’ll make it easier for you.“ Mr. Wilson stood up and put his hands on my shoulders pushing me down to my knees. His erect cock was now staring directly at me, The head of his dick peering through the forskin. “Now young lad. Take your hand and grab my penis.“ So I brought my hand up and gripped his dick. “Now take your other hand and wrap it around my cock head and pull back on it.“ I reached my other hand and did as instructed. I pulled back his foreskin and his mushroom head cock was staring at me fully exposed. Even with both my hands gripping his shaft there was still plenty my hands couldn’t cover. The thought occurred to me that I was now on my knees gripping onto Mr. Wilson’s penis with both hands. I was getting nervous and for a moment I forgot what to do. “Well? Are you forgetting something?“ “Oh right! The rag.” The rag was on the floor by Mr. Wilson’s feet. I let go of his penis and bent down to pick it up. Mr. Wilson squatting down at the same time. “Let me help you with that.” Both our hands met as we reached for the rag. In the awkwardness of it I grabbed the rag and we both got up. But in both of our maneuvers Mr. Wilson’s penis slapped my forehead and slid down my face as I motioned my head up. “Oh no I’m so sorry!“ I pulled my head away completely embarrassed. “Don’t be sorry it was just a little bump. It’s just a penis, it won’t hurt you.“ I brushed off the incident and I wrapped the rag around his penis and started stroking it to get it clean. “Oh yeah, that’s a good technique. You’ll get it nice and clean that way.“ I only stroked it a few times. I wasn’t trying to stimulate him, but this seemed like the only way to properly wash him. Once I was done I instructed him to lay back down on the bed and I continued to give him a bath. Cleaning the rest of him. It went without further incident. I continued to clean his bedroom. Mr. Wilson watching me and helping me organize some of his things. He didn’t put his clothes back on, he remained naked and his large penis still rockhard. “You don’t mind me walking around all naturale do you? I find it more comfortable this way.” I didn’t want to be rude. After all I am training to be a caregiver so I had to put his needs first. “Of course. It’s your house you can do whatever you like.“ I assured him with a smile. Deep down I was uncomfortable with it. I was picking up things here and there. I came across a box of magazines, they were porno magazines. “Oh don’t mind those. Just something to get me off when I need to. Here let me show you my favorite one.“ He took out a particular magazine and flipped to a page. He revealed photos of an older man who looked similar to him bareback fucking a young 18 or 19 year old who looked similar to me. I didn’t want to be rude, but I also didn’t want to look at his porn. “Oh that looks pretty wild.“ “Indeed. This sort of thing really gets me boned up.“ He was now stroking his cock next to me. He was looking at me a little sad. “Hey Nick, do you think you could do me a big favor?“ “What is it?“ “Do you think you could help me get off? It’s been so long since I’ve been in the presence of such a handsome young man like you. I would really appreciate it.“ “I don’t think I can do that. It wouldn’t be appropriate.“ “Relax my boy. You’re just helping out an old man like you were meant to you when you came here, isn’t that right? Please I assure you you will be totally fine I just want to see your ass while I rub one out.“ I wasn’t sure what to do in the situation. I wanted to be helpful, I wanted to help him with his needs. But I didn’t think that I could do something like that. But he was such a lonely man. I figured it might be OK as long as he’s just jacking off and nothing more comes of it. “Do you promise not to tell anyone?” “Absolutely. I will take it to the grave with me.” “Uh, okay, as long as we are safe. What do you need me to do?“ “Splendid! Well first takeoff all your clothes and lay face down on my bed. I want to see that beautiful body of yours.“ I slowly strip down and climbed onto his bed laying down like he asked. Mr. Wilson climbed on the bed and got on top of me straddling my thighs, his dick slapping my ass crack. “Hey! What are-“ “Relax Nick. I’m just getting a good look at your ass. Now just lay there and let this old man enjoy the sight of you.” This felt like a very compromising position, but I assumed that it would all be over fairly soon. Mr. Wilson was stroking his cock with one hand while rubbing my butt cheeks with the other. “Yeah, that is such a beautiful ass of yours, I would so love to dig my cock in there.“ “Please don’t joke like that sir. You have aids remember?“ “Of course, how can I forget? I have a very high viral load. And I haven’t gotten off in quite a few days. And theoretically if I did fuck that beautiful tight ass of yours, you would definitely get what I have he he.” That type of verbal treatment was very unsettling. But he was a lonely old man, I figured I would let him say what he wanted and blow a load out. He slapped his cock against my ass few times. My God it was so big. But while he rubbed his cock against my ass cheeks, he wasn’t stroking it. It seemed like he was dragging it out. “Hey there Nick I’m having a hard time getting off. Do you think you could let me grind my tip against your hole a little bit? I won’t penetrate, I just want to hump a little. It would definitely help me shoot.“ “Isn’t that pushing things little too far? What if it goes inside?“ “Nonsense. We don’t have any lube and you’re so young and tight there’s no way it will go in. You’ll be perfectly safe. Please?“ I was very hesitant. Things were escalating a little. But theoretically what he said seemed completely safe. As long as it didn’t actually go inside me then there wasn’t any risk. “O-okay. But just humping on the outside OK?“ “Of course! Now get on your hands and knees doggy style for me.“ We repositioned and I got on my knees. Mr. Wilson spread my cheeks and start slapping his cock against my ass hole. He swirled his tip around it and then positioned it right at the center of my ring. He put his hands on my hips and started rocking his hips back-and-forth. “Ah yes this feels much better, you’re smooth little pucker is doing the trick.“ his humping wasn’t too hard. He was staying outside of me like he assured me. I was able to relax and let him have his fun. He was rubbing my ass cheeks and feeling up my back as his hips rocks into me. I could feel my asshole being pushed with each thrust. It felt kind of good. Especially with such a monstrously huge cock. Then I felt something. My asshole was getting wet. Mr. Wilson was leaking pre out of his dick. His thrusting was still relatively tame so it didn’t seem like it was all that bad but I was getting a little worried about my hole getting lubed up. “Oh yeah thats better. I can feel myself leaking.” His humping started getting harder. I felt my ass hole getting hit roughly by his dick. I kept myself clenched but Mr. Wilson was getting more enthusiastic. As his movements became stronger and his cock leaked more I could feel his tip starting to part my ass. It felt like it was slowly digging into me. “Mr. Wilson you should be careful. I think you’re starting to go in.“ “Nonsense boy. I’m still completely outside of you. My wet cock head is just kissing you. Don’t be afraid to have your hole kiss it back.“ “Are you getting close yet?” “I’m building up to it. Why? Do you want it to end now? Doesn’t my cock feel good?” “It feels great sir. You have a wonderful cock. You just need to careful is all.” The more he humped my hole the more the tip started digging in. At this point his tip was halfway into my ring. His hands were exploring my body as his hips kept grinding forward. “Ow, that’s starting to go a little too far. You should ease up“ “it’s fine. Just enjoy my cock. Young men like you should be lucky to have experienced old men like me show you how good you can feel with your ass. Besides, I can tell your ass is very inexperienced. It’s gonna take a lot more than what I’m doing to penetrate you. For example if I were to jam forward like this!” As Mr. Wilson’s tip was halfway in my ring, he jammed his hips forward and his head popped inside of me. He then quickly pulled out and continued his humping, not easing up on the force though. “OUCH! That went in!” It hurt when he popped inside of me. It was true that I’ve had very little experience with sex. So the pain of his initial entry shot through me. “Well so it did. Oops, it’s all right I will try to stay out of you.” My ass felt vulnerable after that initial plunge. I was having a really hard time keeping him out of me. His thrusting unrelenting. Then I felt his cock head pop into me again and then right back out. “Oof. That feels good.“ “Sir you shouldn’t do that!“ his thrusting continued. With the way my hole was getting wet from his cock. It felt like every fifth or sixth thrust his cock head entered me again. Then every second or third thrust it entered. Then Mr. Lewis picked up a piece of ramming his cock head in and out of my hole constantly. “Don’t worry about all this Nick. It’s just popping in to say hello. Your ass is really inviting.“ The feeling of his cock head going in and out of my ring was horrifying yet felt good at the same time. But still I wanted him to stop and continue with grinding my hole just from the outside. “Sir please it’s going inside me!” “That’s not going inside of you, this is going inside of you.“ Mr. Wilson then thrust into his cock in my ass, sliding in what felt like 5 or 6 inches and then pulled out and continued with the tip of his cock going in and out. “Ow! That was too deep!” “See that was going inside of you. This is just the entrance. Now just focus on how good my cock is.. I’m getting close.” “Oh God, you’ll cum outside right?“ “Sure, sure. let me Focus on your beautiful ass.” Mr. Wilson was now wrapping his arms around my torso. I felt his cock starting to dig in deeper. He wasn’t just fucking me with the tip anymore. He was sliding at least half his cock in me, like previously. “Oh fuck this is so much better, the inside of your colon is definitely working my cock up to an eruption!” “Sir please pull out! That’s too far!“ The cock going up my ass is starting to drive me crazy. I couldn’t deny that it was probably the best fucking I have ever felt in my life. But I knew exactly what kind of cock was inside of me. A poz cock, and not just a poz cock, a full-blown AIDS cock. “Just a moment kid. I’m so close! Please just focus on squeezing that ass on this dirty cock. Work this load out of me!” Suddenly he started slamming his cock all the way in and out. I felt the full length of his 11 1/2 inch dick pulverizing my insides. Every time he went balls deep it felt like I was getting stabbed on the inside causing pleasure as he passed over my prostate and pain as he slid far past that. “Sir! What are you doing!? This is too much! Ouch! It hurts!” The ball slapping fucks were relentless. His pace started to quicken rapidly. His body trembling. “Just hold out a little longer Nick! You’re such a good boy! I’m going to reward my good boy by shooting AIDS poison in you! Fuck! I’m about to create a partner in hospice in just few more-“ he now let his body collapse onto me. His cock furiously slamming down into me. “AAAAAGH FUCK!” His cock started violently spasming deep inside. I could feel blast after blast of his toxic cum shooting into me. And it had a bit of a sting to it to due to have roughly he fucked me on the inside, almost like acid. “Ahhhhh. That was good Nick. Such a wonderful ass.” I was in shock. I couldn’t speak. Mr. Wilson slowly got up. His long cock pulling out. “Oops, little bit of blood on my cock. Guess I tore you up in there. It happens to almost all they guys I fuck.” My ass hurt. I could barely get up. I slowly got my close on while Mr. Wilson stayed nude. “Well then. Now that I was able to get off, you can continue your work.” I looked at him as if he was crazy. How could I work after what he did? But there’s no way I could leave, if I did I’d be terrified of him telling anyone what happened. So I swallowed my pride and got back to cleaning his house.
    4 points
  7. Couldn't agree more! I have a strong appreciation for those early bareback studios - I was already hunting for raw sex on the DL, but HDK, TIM, DickWadd showing all that hot GROUP bare pig fucking brought me out of the closet as a confirmed barebacker! Later on came the super hot muscle jock types like Sean Cody, ChaosMen and Gay4Pay studios (very hot), but always had - and still have - a lust for all the hot EARLY bareback porn - taking the risk and going raw cuz it felt 100 x better - total mix of sex pigs!
    4 points
  8. Brian’s dad didn’t tell me anything except to show up at an address right after practice. I was trembling from nervousness and too much fear as I opened the door to the house and went inside. I hadn’t showered and changed with the other guys like I usually did, too afraid of being late and what it might mean. What kind of punishment was there going to be? I know I messed up. My parents couldn’t know I had a nudity magazine in my bag, I’d get a whipping and grounded for who knows how long. Worse than that, the disappointment in their eyes because I’d failed them was something that made me fall asleep crying last night. If only I hadn’t brought my older brother’s Penthouse with me to the church retreat so that I could show Brian. Brian was always talking about girls, and pussy, and sex. I remember being very shocked at how direct and straightforward he was about sex, not to mention the dirty words he used. We weren’t supposed to be lustful or profane, Bishop Jacob said it was a sin. Brian didn’t go to my school. He was a senior, like me, and his birthday was just one day earlier than mine, but we were in the same Ward. The church had thrown a double birthday party for us to celebrate our 18th together. We were now men, adults, and for a whole month I felt proud and grown up. Then Brian’s dad caught us with the Penthouse, whispering and huddled close together with a flashlight in the Worship Room down the hall from where we were supposed to be sleeping. I thought he’d be angry and punish us right there, but he didn’t. He leafed through the magazine standing right in front of us sitting on the floor, every now and then uttering a ‘hmmmmm’ or a ‘okay…I see.’ I know he’d never seen one of THOSE magazines before. The elders of the church didn’t sin like we did. Brian’s dad was standing a foot away only in his holy garments and I couldn’t help seeing them push outward as he expressed his disapproval. Bishop Jacob or the elders, mostly the elders, would gather the young men before church every Wednesday night and Sunday morning, to encourage us to empty our hearts of sin. They’d always let us do it individually, knowing it would be embarrassing to speak of those things in the group. I don’t know what the others would say, except Brian, but I used up all my time talking about Rebecca Thompson and how she wore shirts that were too tight for her big breasts, and how that tempted me but that I was resisting temptation every day. Elder Peter would always ask “were you aroused by this?” In a soft voice I would have to reply truthfully “Yes.” “Were you fully aroused, or only slightly?” He would ask. Ashamed, I would answer “Fully, Elder.” “And did you spill your seed?” The answer changed every week. Sometimes I could control myself, but sometimes just fidgeting my legs meant my seed came forth before I could stop it. I would have to describe it to Elder Peter, the urges and the way my dick wouldn’t go down, and how pushing my legs together seemed to help and make it worse at the same time, until I knew my seed was going to squirt out into my pants in class, and he would scowl. And on those occasions Elder Peter would administer my punishment on my bared butt over his lap. Before he let me up, he would make me promise to resist the temptation of Rebecca’s young full breasts, straining the fabric of her blouses and shirts, and that I wouldn’t let my throbbing penis control my thoughts when I squeezed my legs together until I spurted my young seed wastefully, which often meant I became aroused again. Fortunately, my arousal was pressed firmly against Elder Peter’s legs so he didn’t know. Resisting the temptation of sin was so difficult. Sometimes even the warmth of Elder Peter’s muscular leg against my dick threatened to push me into ejaculation again. Sin and temptation was everywhere. God had no idea what nightmare he created. But Elder Peter was not unusual. I received punishment from almost all the Elders for my sins. Brian’s dad was the nicest one. He always said the pain of the punishment was intended to remind me that lusting was sinful, and that I should remember the pain every time I started to think about females and their bodies. He would take the time to rub my sore butt to ease the sting while he spoke to me kindly about how men would only enjoy sexual thoughts with their wives after they were married, and that men must be strong. He would then tell me that he knew I was a good boy who was trying, and that I could come to him if I needed to. He would rub over my back and butt gently and soothingly while he talked softly about how important it was that we don’t lust for women. Of course I would tell Brian what had happened after each occasion. And Brian would tell me about his. Brian was far more daring than I could ever be and sometimes I think he just made stuff up to shock the Elders. “I told Elder Carl that I put peanut butter on my dick and made my dog lick it off. Oh man, he was mad, he swatted me for a half hour. He made me take all my clothes off and straddle the chair backwards so my ass hung off the seat, and he lit into me. Both cheeks, and the middle.” Brian laughed talking about it. “Fuck, dude… I swear he was enjoying it, running his hand over my big meaty cheeks and asshole. I think Elder Carl likes my ass.” Brian was a little bigger than me, but we were both hefty guys. Both linebackers on our respective teams in high school. “You have a huge target, man.” I told him. “Yeah, that’s why I don’t care. Only my dad is big enough to make me feel it when he goes in with a swat. The other Elders are pussies. They think I give a shit if they whack my ass? I can barely feel it. I put that beast out there and let them go to town. And man, they fuckin’ hate it when I talk about cock and pussy. I told Elder David I got a blowjob from Donna Tempano and he beat my ass until he couldn’t breathe. He seriously had to stop because he couldn’t breathe. That was hilarious. I wore his ass out, he didn’t get close to wearing my ass out. Not this ass.” Brian was way cooler than I could ever be. But he could afford to be, his dad was an Elder in the church. He didn’t have anything to lose. So I walked down the dark hallway with trepidation. If Brian said his dad was the only one who could make him feel a punishment, I know I was in for big trouble. Someone waited there at the end of the hallway, but I couldn’t tell who it was. They wore a white robe, and a mask that covered everything but their mouth. “Penitent Michael, have you come to absolve your sins?” He asked. His voice was deep. I didn’t recognize it, but I was surprised. I thought Elder Robert, Brian’s dad would be the one to punish me. “Uh, yes.” I said. “Enter and join the other Penitents.” He said. Other…? Part of me was relieved that I wasn’t the only one, but the other part was dreading that my sins would be revealed to others. I took a deep breath, and straightened my spine to it’s full 6’3” height. I would take my punishment like a man. I pushed my way through the curtained doorway to see a room shrouded in darkness and candlelight. A hand came from the side immediately and stopped me. “You will disrobe.” He said. Another robed figure, with a mask. But the voice sounded familiar even though I couldn’t place it. I hesitated only a couple seconds before stripping off my sweat soaked cutoff tee shirt without arms I wore for practice, and my high cut nylon shorts. I left my jockstrap on for the moment while I kicked off my cleats and pulled my sweaty socks from my size 12 feet. Damn, that felt good getting out of my footgear. I took a moment to flex my long toes. The concrete floor was cold, but felt great. “Join the other Penitents.” The voice said. I hadn’t taken off my jock, but was grateful they didn’t want me to strip it off. That would be weird. I looked around and saw four other guys my age kneeling before a raised dais. There seemed to be a space for me, and walking up I could barely make out Brian’s huge form kneeling in his jockstrap. I scooted in next to him. “Hey Bri.” I whispered. He turned his head just a bit and I caught a grin on his handsome face. “Hey Mike.” Heck, if Brian was here, I’d be fine. I wasn’t nervous anymore. The church had its secret ceremonies. If Brian was here, we’d do this together. I had noticed as I had walked up in the dim light that the other guys were also in jockstraps. Maybe we were going to be inducted into some special sports brotherhood of the church, which was incredibly cool. I’d always thought the church was kind of wimpy even though it was necessary for my everlasting holy soul and my bond with God. I know we heavily supported the cub scouts and Boy Scouts, and were involved in National Parks, State Parks, and many things outdoors and manly…but the central church part was not very tough and rugged. Yeah, sure, there was the part about men being in control and making the decisions…but we had more accountants and lawyers to boast of than firemen and woodsmen. So, a special church brotherhood of sports guys was going to be cool as sh—- well, really cool. “Are we going to be punished?” I whispered quickly while ten white robed figures assembled on the dais in front of us, standing tall and serious with their white masks that covered everything but their mouths and eyes. “Better.” Was all Brian said, smiling. We waited for a half a minute and I tried not to fidget. “You didn’t shower?” Brian asked, obviously catching a whiff of my heady scent after an intense practice. “No time.” I shot back. “I didn’t want to be late. I was last one here as it was.” “Yeah, I can smell the testosterone coming off you, bro.” He snorted. I leaned slightly towards him and inhaled. “You’re one to talk, you smell as bad as me.” He shrugged. “My natural scent. All man.” He turned slightly and winked at me which made me grin. “Men smell like men. Oh fuck.” His words made me dart my eyes to the dais, where a muscular man strode barefoot past the robed and masked figures. He wore a mask too, but otherwise only a small loincloth. “Bishop Jacob.” Brian whispered. “He’s fuckin stacked, bro.” I guess that was news to both of us. Even though he wore the same mask as the others, Bishop Jacob was easy to discern. In services he stretched his clothes near to splitting when we saw him and it was a point of pride for our Ward that he was a competitive bodybuilder, especially among the younger members who were jocks like Brian and I. We loved Bishop Jacob. And I hated when I had to admit my sins to him. But Bishop Jacob never made me feel bad about my sins, he would administer my punishment lightly, with a gentle hand and a gentle voice, and then he would hold me to his chest while he kindly told me that good men did not view women as sex objects, that they were to be honored as the bearers of our children, as vessels of our love and support. And that we should seek to have sex with women only to bear children to honor their purpose under God. That men have baser urges which if they couldn’t control, had less sinful outlets. Bishop Jacob was incredible. I know he was 40 years old, but he had a body I dreamed of having. Linebackers weren’t necessarily stacked and cut. We were big boys, meaty, muscly, thick and driven to plow, like draft horses. Bishop Jacob had a narrow waist, and a thick deep chest, with shoulders piled on like clouds on a mountain. His legs flared out from his loincloth as wide as his waist. Damn, my big old body could never be as tight as his, coach wanted me to eat everything I could. I know Brian was thinking the same thing, even though he wore a size 34 waist a size lower than mine. And Brian’s butt was bigger and beefier than mine, at least I thought so. I had wide and long glutes, where his were probably half as long as mine and narrower which made them bubble out. But Bishop Jacob, when he turned to the left, then the right in his loincloth, his glutes were like boulders on his huge thighs. He was saying something to the robed figures above us, but I couldn’t hear. “Man, Bishop Jacob is a beast!” I said. “Yeah, man.” Brian whispered. “He keeps telling me I can’t do bodybuilding until I’m older, because my young body isn’t done growing yet, but I can’t wait.” “Really? Can we look like him?” I breathed. “He says yes, but it’s a lot of hard training. But we both have scholarships to play, so he says we’re not on the bodybuilding track and should follow the football training because we’ll do better with that. But still…” “Yeah. Girls would go crazy for us if we looked like that…”. I said. “Right, bro?” He shot back. Not like either of us were hurting for girls, but we weren’t going with just any girl, especially if they weren’t with the church. Well, I know Brian had gotten involved with a couple girls that weren’t but he said they weren’t worth it, that his parents messed it all up. Our whispered conversation was interrupted when Bishop Jacob spoke. “Penitents, you are here because each of you have expressed difficulty with sexual needs, and because each of you has now become a man. As young men, many transgressions can be forgiven. The road to becoming a man is difficult and there are many temptations. You five have shown that you cannot manage and control your temptations. The time is past when such youthful temptations can be forgiven.” I was horrified to see that Bishop Jacob looked directly at Brian, and then at me. I just about peed in my jockstrap. I don’t know what I would do if Bishop Jacob was disappointed in me. He held our gaze for a full three seconds. Then he breathed deep, and the shadows from the candlelight played across his defined abdominal muscles, forcing his Adonis belt to thrust out. “BUT!” He said in a loud voice, which made me jerk in fright. “You all can undergo the Ceremony of Manhood, IF YOU CHOOSE, and be born anew as men, to carry the burden that all men carry. The burden is heavy. We carry the burden so that our women, our children, will not have to carry it. Such is the weight we bear. The men before you have carried the burden, as God decreed. In the Garden of Eden, Eve brought sin to Mankind. Because of that Original Sin, it is Man that must bear the weight. When Christ died on the cross, he bore the weight of Mankind’s sin. Can we, as Men, do any less?” The robed and masked figures bowed their heads and clasped their hands in front of their chests. “We cannot escape the punishment for our sins.” The strong, muscular naked body of Bishop Jacob intoned. It appeared like he had oiled himself so that his muscles reflected the scant candlelight, and deepened the shadows where it danced. I thought he looked like a God. I think he shaved his body, which was beautiful, and mesermerizing. “And we will all sin. It is in our nature.” I was entranced. He was right. We would sin, we were made to sin, but it was our duty to defend ourselves from sin. To deny it. “You cannot deny it.” He said. What? “You cannot deny sin… after all, Eve’s act by putting her mouth on the apple and taking a bite, eating from the forbidden fruit condemned us all. The only way you could fight it was to stop Eve from committing the act before she succumbed. Once she introduced sin to Mankind, we carry it forever.” I froze. What? “The consequence of Eve’s act, is that we WILL sin.” Bishop Jacob stopped like he’d dropped a sledgehammer. I…. Was that true? In my case, yes, I sinned every day, every week. I tried to be better, but Rebecca and her tits, her tight jeans over her juicy butt… I had bad thoughts. It was wrong. But was it going to ALWAYS be there? Because of Eve? Because she let sin infect Mankind? Oh No. That was bad. Tears began to fall from my eyes. We were all sunk. How? How could we overcome this? It wasn’t the fault of women, I know they were innocent, and should be cherished. Women weren’t Eve, they didn’t cause this. “Brian, why? What can we do?” I asked him, out loud, crying. I know everyone heard, but this was terrible. I could see tears in all their eyes, they felt just as bad. “Listen to the Elders, Mike.” Brian said, confidently. And it was his confidence that calmed me. Bishop Jacob smiled and spread his arms. He looked beautiful, like the Archangel Michael. “We can accept the sin of our brothers, and thus we take the sin from them and deliver it unto Christ and his infinite forgiveness. And then, when we enfold our women and create new souls, our sons and daughters, their sin is less. We can create our children more pure than we have ever been, with less sin in every generation, until we reach the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the duty of EVERY son of Adam to take what sin he can unto himself so that his seed has less sin than he has borne.” Bishop Jacob was so beautiful, so strong, so righteous. Yes! I put my hand out to grasp Brian’s shoulder. “Amen!” I cried, along with Brian and the other three Penitents. I turned, and saw a mirroring huge smile on my friend. So I said, “Brian, I will take your sin, so that you may be pure.” He smiled back, his big bright white and straight teeth flashing me from his handsome blonde head. “Michael, I will take your sin, so that you may be pure.” He said. Then… “bro.” I laughed. And hugged him tight. “Bro. Of course.” I said into his ear. Things moved fast after that, we were approached by two robed figures. I’d already wondered if there were Elders, but who knows. I think they were, and I hoped they were my Elders, because they were all good, strong, capable men who had guided me since I could remember. Brian and I were led to a small room with two… workout benches? Yeah, the ones that you could raise the back for shoulder presses. I still didn’t know which Elders were escorting us. The robes were really big, and the masks didn’t reveal much. “Sit, facing the back.” One of the men said. His voice sounded familiar. I took one workout bench, Brian took the other. Our jock strapped asses easily extended beyond the ten inch fixed seat pad. I wrapped my arms around the upper cushion and looked over at Brian. He darted his eyes down to my ass and flexed his own ass, sticking it further out. I raised my eyebrows, but mirrored his move. Now both our big, meaty glutes were hanging off the small triangular cushion of the workout bench. I could feel the ambient swirling air kiss my exposed asshole hanging just beyond the seat. Brian relaxed his cheek against the upper cushion, looking at me and not blinking. He seemed to be emotionally relaxed. I was in a mood, so it seemed to me like he was looking at me with love. I felt the same. So I did the same. Eye to eye. “Relax. After this, everything is just you and me, bro.” Brian said mysteriously. I smiled. “You and me.” I said. So stupid. So innocent.
    3 points
  9. Chapter 13: Dinner Then Desert. Sir and I were about to leave for dinner, when he told me to think about all the Positions, and after dinner, that's how I would make love to him, shooting my load deep in him for the very first time. On their way to dinner, they passed a sex shop, and Sir pulled in, telling me I deserved something special for all ive accomplished this far. Sir found the perfect leather jock for me. It had a removable front cod piece which was attahed with snaps. He told me to try it on, and if it fit, to keep it on for dinner. They had a table away from others, and while they were waiting on their food, they were both fondling each other's cocks. My new leather jock was amazing, and Sir apparently loved rubbing my cock in it. I actually came in it, and told Sir. He laughed and said I was simply conditioning the leather! After they ate, they headed back to the motel, where Sir told me to model my new jock for him. We then got in bed and kissed and cuddled. Sir explained that normally sex isn't like this as most guys prefer a pump and go. He continued by saying pump and go's were his most frequent, but wanted something more, even if it was with his step son. I said I was happy to hear that and asked Sir if he could still have pump and dumps. Sir indicated that was OK however he wanted to know when and who with. Sir added that he would like me to participate in a 3 or even more way as long as they kept their relationship secret, and not locally. I said that was hot, and asked Sir how he found other men to have sex with. Sir told me that was a part of a future lesson. With that Sir asked me which position I wanted to make love to him in. I said I was torn between doggy and Missionary. Sir said I probably had enough cum churning in my balls, it would be both, and instructed me to suck his cock. He told me the first position would be making love, but the second would be simple fucking. Sir told me I was expected to be verbal in both cases. We seductively stripped each other and started caressing each othets bodies. I focused on my Sirs nips fot the first time, gently pinching them then sucking on thr. Sirs nips were definitely tied to his cock. We then got in bed, with my back propped up against the headboard, and Sir sitting in front of me. We passionately kissed as i fondled his cock. It wasnt long before i told him i wanted to make love to him, and told him to get on his back and put his legs over my shoulders. There was no need to suck him to get him hard. I lubed up his ass, sticking a few fingers in him and pumping them in and out. I then slowly slid my cock in him. When i was in to the base, i bent over and passionately kissed hom before making love to him. My balls were full of cum, and aching to release, so i only made love to him before unloading deep in him. As I unloaded in him, I looked into his eyes and said I love you. I then ate his ass, and swapped my load with him. We both rolled over and kissed, and Sir told me thatvm was amazing, especially as it was the first time I had seeded anyone. He added that I was great at being vocal also. He suggested we rest a bit for our next fuck session, and reminded me to change verbal gears for it and be a nasty verbal pig when we did! I was happy that Sir gave me some time to think about how to be a verbal pig. I thought back to some of the videos I had seen. It wasn't long before Sir said make love to me. I immediately responded that I was going to fuck him, and fuck him hard and told him to get in the sling. He said yes Sir. Once I positioned him, he again said make love to me. I spit in his face telling him he was only a hole for me to use solely for my pleasure. This apparently excited Sir as his cock grew to full size. He put his hand on his cock, and started to stroke and I slapped him, saying this was for my pleasure and not his. I told him if he was lucky, I'd suck his cock, but it wasn't for his pleasure but mine. I thrust my dry cock in his ass to its base and thrusting in him as hard as I could. Completely pulling my cock out, and thrusting back in. The sling was rocking back and forth while I fucked him. Sir said he wanted my load and I slapped him again telling him it didn't matter what he wanted, as I was in control now. I grabbed his nipples and pinched them as hard as I could. Surprisingly his nipples were also connected to my cock, and it seemed my cock grew ever harder than it already was. I could feel my nut sack tightening up, and knew it wouldn't be long before I seeded him. Just before I nutted, I blurted out take my positive load. You are mine now you fucking pig! I then flooded his hole. I told him to get out of the sling, and into the bed you fucking pig, I'm not done with you yet. I told him to get on his stomach, and then I ate his ass. He begged me to feed him my load, and I slapped his ass as hard as I could and reminded him this was for my pleasure and not his. I then told him to roll over and I'd suck his cock, but once again it was for my pleasure, and he wouldn't be tasting his cum. After he shot a huge load in my mouth, I put two fingers in my mouth, and moved them towards his mouth. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. Just before my fingers reached his tongue, I pulled them back, and put them in my mouth, sucking them clean. I said to bad you couldn't taste your last negative load as it was unbelievably tasty. Sir told me that I did an amazing job, but asked why I played the poz card. I explained that I had seen a poz porn before, and it was the most verbal and piggy porn I've ever seen. Sir told me one didn't have to be positive to be a pig. I said i realized that, but really didn't know how to be verbal and piggy at the same time. Sir then kissed and caressed me. Deep down in Sirs heart, he knew the discussion of becoming poz would come up, but now wasn't the time.
    3 points
  10. Last year when I discovered Sniffies easily 70% of my hookups were straight partnered men in my car parked in the back of wherever parking area where they lived. And these straight cheaters were almost ALL of my repeaters. They were always on time, in control; they got to do things they couldn't do with their ladies and, afterwards, grateful. For me, after 3 of these in a night, it couldn't have been better then this. Has anyone else found Sniffies to be much less busy this year?
    3 points
  11. After Vault on Saturday night was feeling cum depived but met up with a regular FB with 9" u/c on Sunday night and he filled me good and hard.
    3 points
  12. I never sucked off anyone BUT took a young sissy’s cherry at 14 after PE in the locker room. He sucked me off and when I got hard I took him rough and bred him quickly. I knew it hurt him but he kept coming back for more. Many times it was just him sucking me off but I was already addicted to raw tight ass.
    3 points
  13. This isn't anything new. Even in rural areas, the percentage of those guys who identify as "straight" but were still on the DL is very high, almost equal to those living in metropolitan areas. As I have gotten older, many of the guys I have hooked up with were formerly married to women, or have children from past relationships. I figured that was a "sign of the times" as many who were willing to talk about the subject said family pressure was the main reason they married and had children, not because they really wanted to. I moved from a more rural area to a metropolitan one, and I found that the percent was about the same. Also, if I met guys through say through the now defunct Craigslist, those guys were not the same as those who would post profiles on say adam4adam, or barebackrt. I would say the majority identified as bisexual or said they were straight, but wanted to have sex with a guy once in a while. I heard reasons like "My wife won't suck my dick" or "She won't do anal". When I lived in "the country" so to speak, the three guys who I saw on a regular basis were either married, previously married or were living with a woman. I used to think there was something wrong with me that I attracted guys that used to have sex only with women, but after talking to other guys I found that they too, were having sex with guys who identified as bisexual or wouldn't even go that far. I make it a point not to ask personal questions when I first meet someone. It's not my business, no one forced them to respond to my profiles or come over my place. But after a few years and seeing a personal twenty or thirty times, I felt a question here and there was fair game and those who continued to stop by eventually opened up and talked about their personal lives. After all, it's just sex, there is no emotional involvement, and no one owes anyone an explanation. But a little background info about how you ended up in my bed on multiple occasions made me more comfortable with them . In most instances, I answer their texts first.
    3 points
  14. Its always been the case. In any given venue - bathhouse, online, sex party, gay app - at least 30% of the men are married. Usually depends on day/time of day. Late evenings/night you get the single guys. Rush hour and lunch time is peak activity for married men.
    3 points
  15. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** CHAPTER IX: Upgrade to POZ I had over 3 hours still before the Chicago flight was boarding…I guess I’m one of those “get to the airport early” people. In fact, that was one of the things my ex and I used to argue about; of course now I look back on that time and chuckle, it was all so innocent. I was totally afraid of catching something and was a complete condom-nazi, even in my monogamous relationship with my ex. How times have changed! Just a couple of years ago I would have no idea that today I’d be happily single, POZ and loving it and gleefully breeding and infecting any chaser who wants my loaded seed. And there have been a few oblivious bottoms-up bottoms at the bathhouse or under a stall in a men’s room who have gotten my gift as well…So I really may be well over 10 pozzings for all I know, but the X only counts with confirmed hits. Hence the flight to Chicago to meet up with my poz son Benny and hopefully his boss InstaKyle. Still content from my security room pozzing of the hot TSA agent Reggie, I made my way for a quick shower and nap in the private lounge area they have here. I paid for entry to the lounge and was ready for some restorative time. I showered at the little personal booth here in the lounge area, my hands rubbing over the biotat that Eric did for me, now pending its first accompanying X now that I just pozzed up Reggie the TSA agent not 1 hour previously…Just rubbing my hands over my poz tat makes my dick stir again, even though I’m dog-tired and my cock has shot three big loads in a few hours. Again, I just know deep down that the pozzing happened, but of course I have to wait for the official confirmation from Reggie and from Harry from the night before…Eric is a stickler for known pozzings before applying an X to signify membership in “The Ten.” As I’m toweling off, my phone buzzed and I had another confirmation, this one from Mitch, the 75-year old neighbor of mine who outsourced the pozzing of his young BF Clark to me. “Thank you Randy! Clark had a bad fuck flu and a poz result this morning on the home test! He is so happy and you’ve made me a happy Daddy as well! You’ll always he his biological Dad ! See you around the neighborhood!” I’m so excited I got another confirmation and Clark is Officially Son #5, even though Mitch is his Daddy. After the shower, and now this good news, I settle into the little bed in the small chamber, hopefully for a couple of hours’ rest before the boarding process. Between the late-night pozzing of Harry and then the early morning dash to LAX, then meeting up with and breeding Reggie, I am pretty exhausted and off to sleep I go right away. Some of the way through the nap, I lapse into a dream, a lucid dream which I have sometimes…in the dream, my pierced POZ cock is getting sucked off expertly but I can’t see who is doing the deed…I just sense a uniform on the guy and a pin with wings and a logo and a name, but I can’t read the name. He speaks in a hazy voice or in my hazy dreamlike state “Can I do this? Is this OK?” But this is a sweet dream nonetheless and my cock rises from its slumber and I feel it throbbing and pulsing. It’s so true that the more poz sex you have, the more you want! Only now in this dream I feel like the mouth on my cock has been replaced by a warm hole, moving up and down on me, I’m moaning and groaning in my sleep and before I know it, I dream another toxic load of my poz seed is impregnating this mancunt into the poz brotherhood. Happily satisfied once again, I drift off into a deeper sleep and in an hour or so, my phone alarm buzzes and I get dressed again, hoping to grab some coffee on the way out of the lounge. Among my clothes which I had thrown on the little chair next to the bed, I see a strange object…It’s a nametag. “Calvin” Was it always here, left by someone before me? Or was my lucid dream of fucking and seeding some manhole really *not* a dream? I have no time to ponder this, and I finish dressing, grab some coffee and head out of the lounge for the gate. The flight is boarding in 15 minutes and I sit myself down waiting for my group to be called. The gate attendants are busy with papers and answering questions: “We board shortly, ma’am” “Yes, I can switch your seat, sir” – that kind of thing. Just then, the female gate attendant looks up and greets the approaching flight crew: ‘Hey, Judy,” “Hi Bill,” “Good morning, Theresa,” and “Oh, hey Calvin.” I shot up in my seat to see who Calvin is – and was not disappointed; his hot body straining against his tight uniform, his brown hair and three-day stubble framing his face, setting off his green eyes. He’s about 25 if he’s a day. ‘Can’t be, I think to myself, could it? Calvin greets the desk attendant “Hi, Marie, I needed that nap in the lounge – just what the doctor ordered! Only I can’t find my nametag now!” I look down in my hand, which is still holding the “Calvin” name tag and walk over to him at the desk where he’s chatting with his co-worker. “You looking for this,? I ask, holding out the gold nametag. His beautiful, smiling face suddenly went all sorts of pale, and he leaned into me and said “am I in trouble now with you?” “Why would you assume that,” I responded. He sheepishly looked at me, saying ‘I did ask you if it was OK but I think you were maybe still a little sleepy and I wondered if you had heard me. I don’t want you to think I would do that if you hadn’t consented.” “Well, did I consent?” I asked, playing with him a bit. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say. “My friend Reggie described you to me and told me what you did for him. He was so happy about it, I had to see for myself. I saw you in the lounge and you hadn’t locked your cubicle door.” “You wanted this,” I asked, pointing to the lower part of my T-shirt but really pointing to the poz biotat below it. “Desperately…been trying for years.” “I’m glad to be of service,” I whispered. “Now, you can’t get loaded up by anyone else until you get the fuck flu…and with my strain, you’ll get it. Rest assured, I *have* just pozzed you, I’ve got a 100% conversion rate, even after just 1 fuck.” Here’s my phone number, handing a slip of paper to him. Text me when you get your results with a pic of the test.” “Thank you, Sir,” Calvin said, a couple of tears streaming down his face. “I have to get onboard now, but I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me.” With that, he turned and walked past the gate attendant, saying something quickly to her, and then he was gone up the jetway. A couple of moments later, I hear my name called to the desk. Calvin got me upgraded to 1st class! ~90 minutes later~ I’m ensconced in my lie-back 1st class seat, the very helpful and friendly Calvin, my poz load already at work on his bloodstream, changing his DNA and bringing him into the poz brotherhood, has been supplying me with champagne the whole time. Calvin texts me an address of a hotel with the message “Shame we can’t do an encore here on the plane when I’m working, but this is where I’ll be tonight, a few of us flight attendants who want the same thing will be there as well.” Immediately, I text my poz son #2 Benny, who I’m going to meet at O’Hare… “You up for some toxic gift-giving with me tonight, boy?”
    3 points
  16. I didn’t see Rob at all the rest of the day. I tried to find him but he was either too busy or he may have been avoiding me since seeing me in the hallway. The day flew by and I could barely focus on schoolwork. As the evening came I wandered through the apartment trying one last attempt to see if I could get ahold of him. But no luck. I was at my place, thinking of what to say to Mr. Lewis. I was at a loss so I laid face down in bed, hoping I could sleep off the stress. I wasn’t asleep long until I was woken up by a big weight on me. As I came to I saw Mr. Lewis was in bed sitting front of me. His cock was poking me in the face. His feet pressed against my cheeks. As I looked over my shoulder the weight on top of me was George down at my ass eating me out. They were both there. They snuck in as I was asleep. Fuck I should have put the chair on the door! “What’s going on?!” Mr. Lewis repositioned my face with his feet to look directly at his cock. The tip of it grinding against my lips. “Moment of truth pig boy. Did ya slobber all over the big man’s feet like I told ya to?” “Not yet grandpa, I haven’t found him.” Mr. Lewis’s cock went in my mouth. I could taste his salty pre cum. He smiled. Clearly happy over for what I said. “Oh then I guess you’re too late now. Times up.” “But! I still have time!” I tried to say as best as I could with his bulbous tip in my mouth. “Nope! My task, my rules. But deep down you didn’t want to complete that assignment. You’re addicted to your grandpa aren’t you?” He was rubbing his feet on me while I sucked him. “You love my cock don’t you?” “…yes” I mumbled “You love these feet don’t you?” “…yes” “Good, then how about you lick them here, while old George goes to town on your ass? I know he has already sampled you a few times, but this time I’m gonna make sure he’s very thorough. And so will I.” George continued licking my hole. It felt good and Mr. Lewis’s feet felt nice caressing my face. I wanted to escape but the kink was making my head spin. The cock slipped out of my mouth, a trail of pre falling down my chin. I kissed his feet and started licking his feet and cock. Going back and forth between them. “Yes that a good foot pig.” Mr. Lewis took out some thing that he was holding behind him, it was a condom. But it was a used condom filled with cum, a lot of cum. Like a bunch of guys jacked off into it. It looked like half a cups worth. He was pinching the opening shut. It bounced like a creamy water balloon. “Here George use this.” George took a break from rimming me and sat up on top of me, his cock resting on my crack. He took the condom and started sticking the opening at my ass, shoving it in. “Wait what’s that? No. What are you doing?” I protested but Mr. Lewis held my face to him with his feet. “Just some natural lube for you boy. Look, he’s going to get the end of it nestled in your ass there and squeeze the tip of it like a tube of toothpaste. Your ass will get filled with multiple loads from friends of mine. “Oh god, do they have anything?” George was squeezing the condom with the opening inside me. The mass of cum balling up at my entrance. My clenching hole keeping the cum from draining into me for now but George kept the pressure, gently pushing the cum balloon further. “I don’t know. Does it matter? You’re a dirty pig boy who doesn’t care how low he goes. I was thinking I had to break you down more but you seem to love George’s kink so much, I don’t see a point now.” “I didn’t! He sat on me! Nothing happened! I just rimmed him. That Frank guy was there and saw!” The cum bubble was still being pressed against my hole. George seemed not to care either way. Mr. Lewis looked off to the side. “That true Frank? George didn’t do the deed while you fucked him?” “Not that I witnessed. I wouldn’t be there if he did. I’m a piss freak but that ain’t my scene.” What? Frank was here? How many guys were in my room? “George old buddy. Are you up to your pranks again?” He looked at George playfully annoyed. “Eh, I didn’t have anything at the time. But he’s going to get it sooner or later and I’ll be the one to do it.” “Sure sure, but that’s besides the point. What matters is he hasn’t dropped all his barriers yet. Come on, get up. I’ll need some alone time to work my magic.” Fuck thank goodness. I felt relieved and was relaxing more. “I still need to cum.” George complained, then with a sharp lurch, he pressed the cum balloon against my ass and it all squirted up in my ass! “Oh fuck!” I felt it spread in me. It was room temperature so I couldn’t feel any warmth from it but I felt it balling up in my colon then spreading towards my depth. “George! That wasn’t easy to collect.” Mr. Lewis was annoyed. George pulling the sloppy empty condom out of me and started slapping my ass with his hard cock. “Didn’t want to waste it.” He got into position for penetration. “George no. You can’t fuck him. I need to-“ George slammed his cock in me and started fucking. His weight on my back made it impossible to move. “George, you’re being very naughty.” “You don’t get him all to yourself. I’m gonna cum in him then finish what I started.” I think Frank was jacking off in the corner, or on the edge of the bed. Hard to tell. George was enjoying my cum filled ass and I was starting to enjoy him fucking me but I still wanted him off. “Oh it’s just like with Mason’s son all over again. You always were a greedy bastard.” Mr. Lewis got up and was tapping George on the shoulder. “That’s enough big man. Let up.” George slowed down but still kept thrusting. “We’re still going to fuck him later?” He asked now giving periodic hard slams. It caused more pain then pleasure, but still my dick was hard from it. “Yes we will. But I need quality time with my grandson. Be at the ready though. You’ll get yours later tonight.” George reluctantly got up, pulling his cock out and a small guider of cum shot out my ass. “I still have a full bladder here.” Frank complained. “You can hold it a while longer Frank. You love it anyway. The feeling of needing to piss gets that long cock of yours leaking hard.” Mr. Lewis was gathering the group. There were even a couple other guys there leaving that I didn’t notice before. Shit he actually had a train of guys organized? Almost everyone dispersed and was leaving. Mr. Lewis ushering everyone out and talking with some of them. Frank was still in the bedroom with me looking anxiously back and forth to the door and me. “Hey lil buddy, before he comes back. Help me out here will ya?” Frank whispered. He got close and shoved his cock in my face. “Drink my piss. Gulp it down fast before he comes back.” I opened my mouth and as soon as he stuck it in he unleashed his flow. “Oh yeah I was holding it in for a while. He promised me a toilet boy and I’m getting one.” I did my best to gulp it down. He was well hydrated and it didn’t have a strong taste to it. Just slightly tangy and warm. It was actually enjoyable, okay, it was really enjoyable and was turning me on. Gulp after gulp I swallowed Franks piss. He was smiling at me, running his hands through my hair. Eventually it slowed and came to a halt. He gave a few finishing bursts and pulled out. I licked the last drops off his tip and licked my lips. “Thanks man, that was so hot. Did you like it?” “Yeah I did, thanks.” I whispered my gratitude while wiping my mouth. Frank bent down to whisper in my ear. “Hey, do you want to come to a party with me sometime? I have some friends that would love to piss in you.” Normally I’d refuse, but I really did enjoy drinking it from him. So gave him a nod. “Good, I’ll get things arranged.” Frank got up to leave passing by Mr. Lewis. “Taking your time hu? No funny business?” Mr. Lewis looked at Frank suspicious. “Everything’s fine man. Just leaving.” As Mr. Lewis ushered the last guest out. Rob was standing in the doorway. “Oh? What are you doing here?” Mr. Lewis asked Rob. I was standing there between them, happy to see Rob but also ashamed of him seeing so many guys leave my place. “The kid wanted me to come over so I’m here.” Rob looked at me. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Mr. Lewis looked at Rob then back to me several times. “Well… very well then… you two have fun.” Mr. Lewis wandered back to his place, I could here him mumbling under his breath “Fuck, fuck. God damn it.” He acted like he just lost a bet. I was now alone with Rob. A strange sense of comfort and safety washed over me. “I thought you wanted to fool around but it looks like you already got your fill.” He commented noticing the cum seeping out my ass. “Not by choice. He’s been fairly assertive with that recently.” “That right? You seemed to be enjoying yourself getting fucked the hall.” Rob walked to the kitchen and wet a rag. He came back to me and started cleaning me off. “I can explain.” “No need, I know how tempting his cock is and he has a knack for converting guys into kink.” I liked having him touch me. Getting cleaning up by him almost felt nurturing. “He didn’t seem too happy I was here. Is this game of his supposed to be over by now or what?” “He said I had till the end of today or he’d have George-“ “George?!” He grabbed my shoulders. “He has that nasty fuck involved too?” I looked down. “Yeah and a few others apparently… but you came before they did anything. Well mostly.” Rob took a breath. “Okay. Kid you need to stop this. Those guys are bad business. I don’t think you know how bad half the people are who live here. It’s like a damn fetish bathhouse at times.” “Yeah I’ve been starting to pick up on that.” Rob was looking up and down my naked body in front of him. “What do you need from me? He just wants me to fuck you and he’ll leave you alone?” “I don’t think he’ll leave me alone. I would just dodge being thrown to George and I guess those other guys. Frank seemed nice though…” “Frank? Yeah he’s an okay guy for the most part. Obsessed with piss play though. Did he get you doing any of that?” “Yeah, twice. Mr. Lewis too a couple times.” “Damn and you like it?” I couldn’t tell if he was being judgmental or not. “I liked it from Frank.” “He’d be glad to hear that.” Rob was now pacing around the room, contemplating. “Okay so here’s what we can do. I’m clean you hear? I’m not interested in catching anything from you. So I’ll hang about here for a bit and you can tell the old bastard we did whatever you want to tell him okay?” Would that trick work? Would Mr. Lewis believe that? But it sounded like a win for me either way. “Yeah I’d like that. Thanks.” I got clothes on and Rob and I were spending time together. For once in a long time I actually felt like I could drop my guard. I wasn’t expecting him to be so understanding. We watched TV, played on our phones, talked about our days and some of the things that Mr. Lewis George and Frank did. Rob was unfazed by it. After a couple of hours, Rob felt like it was time for him to leave. “OK little man. I’m going to head out. You can tell Mr. Wilson you did whatever it was you needed to do. Just don’t tell him I bottomed for you. I don’t need him getting the impression I am taking dirty loads. At least not until you’ve been tested and stop playing with him.” “Right, understood. But he wasn’t expecting me to fuck you.“ “Then tell him I fucked to you, whatever.“ “He wasn’t expecting that either.“ “Alright wait, what exactly did he want you to do?” For some reason I felt embarrassed to mention it. I looked down at his large shoes, imagining what his feet look like inside them. “Uh… he wanted me to… lick your feet.” Rob them quickly grab my shoulder, his mood perked up a bit. “Shit are you serious?! That’s all?! Fuck dude I totally would have loved to do that! That’s a huge kink of mine!” He was now smiling at me but a smile mixed with a touch of disappointment as if he missed out on an opportunity. I think it was actually the first time I had seen him smile. “Really?!” “Yeah! And we could’ve done that this entire time! There ain’t no bodily fluids exchanging. Fuck why didn’t you tell me that from the get-go! It’s too late to actually do anything like that, I have shit to do.” “I- I don’t know. I’m still new to this. I don’t know how to tell a guy I want to foot worship him.” “You want to? Not just have to?” “Yeah, it becoming a kink of mine I guess.” “Alright little dude, I’m going to be real with you now. I’ll foot dom you. But you need to stop seeing that guy. If you do that. I’ll make you my foot pig all you like and then some. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” I noticed a slight bulge in his pants. He seems to be getting horny. “Yeah I’d love that.” Rob knelt down to take a shoe off. He pulled off one of his socks and I saw his bare foot. It was huge and meaty. Larger then Mr. Lewis’s or George’s, but not as chubby a man George’s. It was beautiful but I couldn’t see the bottom of it since he slipped his foot back in the shoe. “Here take this. You can show it to Mr. Lewis as proof.” I graciously too the sock from him. It was warm and a little damp from sweat. “Kick the bad habit. I don’t play with tainted goods.” With that Rob left. I was alone in the apartment and it was late. But I was in better spirits now. I felt like I had a little bit more control of the situation now. This time I blocked the door and wedged it good. I went to bed but noticed there was still cum on my sheets. I slept next to it, figuring I’d clean it up in the morning. No one tried getting in, or at least not that I noticed. Mr. Lewis must have believed that I completed my task. There must have been a lot of disappointed guys out there. Especially George. I gripped onto Rob’s sock, holding it close to my face. It smelled fantastic and I couldn’t get enough of it. I decided that the next day I’d be more assertive, perhaps establish boundaries. I slept good that night dreaming of Rob stepping on me.
    3 points
  17. Anyone notice a lot of straight married guys on Grindr and Sniffles looking for side anon action bb lately? I’ve notice quite a few and many saying their wives aren’t making them cum or not in the mood…. Is march close pussy for spring cleaning month?
    2 points
  18. “So,” the man said, looking directly into my eyes, “you want to join our little club.” It wasn’t really a question so much as it was a statment. I nodded slowly, my mouth dry. I tried to return the rugged looking man’s gaze with the same intensity that he gave but just couldn’t muster it. I felt my eyes drifting down to his full lips, his well kept full beard, the mound of chest hair that erupted from the collar of his v neck shit, and to his broad pecs with pert nipples that showed clearly through his shirt. “And do you know what this club is boy?” This was a question, and I answered as honestly as I could, “Mostly sir. My…um… friend, said he thought that I would fit in and arranged this…uh…interview…” I trailed off at the end. The man smiled slightly, “You can say fuck buddy, Sam. I know who Devin is to you.” I blushed. Devin and I had been friends for ages and had started fucking a few months previously when I found out just how thick his cock is. “Why did he say he thought you would fit in?” My cheeks went from pink to scarlet, “I… well…” “Just say it, you’ll feel better.” “I love getting bred.” I spat out the words before I chickened out. “I love taking loads.” “Good boy. You like it when Devin breeds you.” Another statement, “you like feeling his cum inside you boy hole.” “Yes Sir.” “And you want more, isn’t that right?” “Yes.” I was growing a little bolder now. “How many loads have you taken in a day Sam?” “Four.” “Four, all from the same person?” “Yes, Devin.” “Have you ever taken more than one mans load in a day?” Color rose up my neck, “Once, a guy fucked me once in the afternoon and then I met another man in a bar that night and he bred me too.” “Good, very good. Now did Devin explain the what the interview process was like for our club?” “Not really, Sir. Just that there would be an interview, and that it was a good way of meeting people. Though,” I said quickly, “from the way he said it I feel like there’s much more to it than that.” The man laughed, “Just a bit.” He smiled a broad smile that lit up his whole face. “You see Sam, our club is a special one and we have to be sure that you’re the right fit. Its not just a club to meet guys who might fuck you. It is a club to meet guys who will fuck you. If you make it through the entire interview process Sam you will get more cock in your life than you will know what to do with. Does that sound like something that interests you?” “Yes,” my voice cracking just slightly. “Good, now Devin is a full member, he’s one of our switches, but he tells me you’re not much of a top.” “No, uh no, not really.” “So you’ll be interviewing as a bottom.” “Yeah, I guess so.” “Being a bottom is nothing to be ashamed of, bottoms are an important and integral part of our group. Now if you were interviewing as a top or a switch this is the moment where I would bring in one of our bottoms for you to demonstrate your skills with; however, as a bottom you will be demonstrating,” he got up from behind his desk and walked around to stand in front of me, “your talents by taking my fat cock.” He grabbed his growing bulge through his pants and I felt my cock twitch. “Now before we continue there is one thing I must tell you. In this club, until you are a full member every load goes in your hole, and if you become a member it is still strongly encouraged. Do you understand?” “Yes, Sir.” My mouth felt dry. “Good, now strip.” I stood up, my hands shaking a little. The man was very close to me now. I could smell his light but powerful man smell and it made me weak. I pulled my shirt off over my head exposing my lightly haired torso and reasonable body, my friends joked that I had the body of someone who loves the gym but also loves pizza and they weren’t wrong. I kicked off my shoes, and socks, then went to undo my pants. I took a deep breath and pushed them down exposing the white jock I was wearing. “A jock strap, interesting. Not what I was expecting from you boy.” I moved to take it off too and the man stopped me saying, “That you can leave on boy, you won’t be playing with your cock for a while.” With me now standing in just my jock, the man started to take off his clothes. He quickly pulled off his shoes and socks, then with more care he took his shirt off tossing it to the side. I stared at his broad chest, the thick mass of dark hair flecked with grey. His big round pink nipples stood out erect from the fur. He had the solid build of someone who worked out for strength not to look good. My cock was throbbing. He undid his jeans, and then slowly slid them down. I knew at once he wasn’t wearing any underwear and his pubes began to erupt from the fly of his pants right off. Suddenly his cock sprang up as his pants hit the floor and he stepped out of them. I almost didn’t believe my eyes. His cock was as thick as a beer can and probably seven inches long. My mouth watered and my hole twitched, my own six inch cock was throbbing. I had never wanted a man as much as I wanted the man in front of me. “You like what you see boy?” “Yes.” “Good, get on your knees boy and get it nice and wet. The only lube you’re getting is spit.” I fell to my knees and scrambled towards his cock. I licked around the broad flat head of his dick for a moment and then swallowed it deep. His hands grabbed the back of my head and forced his dick down my throat. “That’s it boy, swallow my cock. Get it covered with your throat juice so I can slide deep in you hole.” I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to have his cock inside of me. My nose was pressed deep in his pubes and his balls were bouncing off of my chin. The man growled as he fucked my throat, my cheeks starting to hurt as they stretched around his girth. I kept almost gagging as he forced his cock deep inside me. He didn’t care about that though, all he was focused on was getting his cock as far down my throat as he could. The lack of air getting to my brain made me weak. I felt myself just letting go, giving myself over. I was his. This man owned my body, I had no idea how true that would become. I have no idea how long he fucked my throat but spit and drool dripped from my chin coating his cock and balls completely when he finally pulled his dick from my mouth. I gasped for air, blinking up at him. He grabbed me under my arms and tossed me onto the desk chest first. My ass was now exposed and at the perfect height for fucking. If I had had any illusions of this being a tender fuck they went out the window when he kicked my feet apart and slapped his cock against my exposed hole. With one hand on my shoulder and the other on his cock, he lobbed a big glop of spit on my ass and then rubbed his cock head into it. I took a deep breath knowing what was about to happen and tried to relax into it. “You did great with the cock sucking, full marks. Now let’s see how you do taking my cock. Are you ready boy?” “Yes.” “Then tell me what you want” “I want your cock. I want you inside me! I want your load!” “Good boy.” He pressed his thick, flat cock head against my hole. The bluntness of his tip meant that my hole had to stretch almost to his full girth before he was even inside me an inch. It took a moment, and I was panting, pushing back as best I could, before he suddenly sunk what must have been almost halfway in. I shuddered and gasped, my breath coming in ragged burst. He let me get used to his cock for a moment, then dropped another big blob of spit onto his shaft and pushed further inside. This time he didn’t stop till his pubes were pressed tight against my ass. I was whimpering now. My hole had never had to stretch that fast before. It was exhilarating. “Fuck that’s a nice cunt. Warm and inviting, but it’s a little too tight for my liking, let’s see if we can’t do something about that.” After spitting one more time onto my stuffed hole he pulled his cock back, one hand on my ass the other between my shoulder blades holding me down. He pulled out slowly till it felt like just the tip was inside me and then with more force than the last time pushed his cock back in. He built up the speed pushing harder and harder into me each time. I grunted and whimpered as he worked his way to really pounding me. I pushed my ass back onto him, willing my hole to open up for him. “Good boy,” he said, slamming into me hard, “That hole is opening up into a nice loose pussy. Keep pushing it out just like that. Your cunt is never going to be the same boy.” “Please breed me Sir,” I practically shouted. “Oh I’m going to leave you dripping when I’m done turning this boy hole into a proper pussy. Don’t you worry.” He was hammering me now and I was shouting. The sound of his balls slapping against my taint filled the room. Sweat was pouring off of both of us. I felt like I stunk of sex and I loved it. I had done slutty things but felt like a new chapter. This man was judging me on how good of a bottom I was and I was determined to prove to him what a champion I was. I slammed my ass back against his thrusts making my ass clap even harder. His cock was bottoming out in me with every thrust. I alternated between pushing my hole open and trying to such him deeper and deeper. His breathing was starting to change and his pace become even more frenetic. He was getting close. My own cock, still stuffed in the pouch of my jockstrap was practically dripping with precum, but only half hard, all of my focus had shifted to this man and his cock. He was the only thing that mattered. “Spread your cheeks for me boy, I wanna see that pussy open up for me when I breed it.” I grabbed my cheeks with both hands and spread them as wide as I could. He pulled his cock completely out of my hole with a pop, and then slammed it back in again. His cock broke past my ring like that over and over again wrecking my hole. I was no longer pushing back against him. Apart from holding my cheeks apart my body had gone slack. “Im going to fill you boy.” “Please give me your load.” “Fucking take my load,” he groaned as he slammed his cock as deep as he could into me and kept it there as his balls pulled up and unloaded. His dick spasmed for what felt like ages pumping his load into me. He must have shot a gallon of cum for how long he twitched. Once his dick had stopped, he said “Stay just like that.” He pulled out slowly. I heard him grab something, heard the click of a phone camera, and then felt cold plastic on my hole. A butt plug, I knew that feeling Devin had done this to me before. My well fucked hole quickly accepted the plug inside and then held it firm. “Take a seat boy.” I straightened up and staggered to the chair I had been sitting in at the start of the interview. “You did well. Your hole bloomed into a nice pussy for me in good time. I can’t wait to see what you can do with more training.” He was back to being very businesslike, despite now being fully naked in his chair across the desk he had just bred me on. “You have made it to the next step of the interview. With each step you will learn a little more about what is expected of the bottoms in our group. You will then be tested to see if you can meet those expectations. If at any point you want to drop out you are more than welcome to do so, but know there are no second chances. Once you have said you can’t take it…” he trailed off, “but I cant see that happening with you. You can go home now. Keep the plug in your hole, and my load in your guts. You will receive a call in a few hours about the next part of your interview.” He turned to his computer ignoring me, and I realized it was time to leave. Feeling dirty and incredibly turned on I grabbed my clothes and left the room.
    2 points
  19. Last week i went to a gay sauna to meet an old married daddy who had a profile on Grindr looking for sub married bottom to suck his thick meat and get fucked with condom. We agreed to meet at the gay sauna because we are both married and cant host . When we got inside an empty room, we quickly dropped off our towels then he ordered me to get down on my knees to sniff his sweaty ripe cock, balls and rim his hairy asshole while he was loading up his glass pipe with white crystals then started taking hit after hit. He then pulled me up to give me take hit after the pipe was reloading. Despite my refusal for not taking any drugs due to the fact that I have to pick up my youngest daughter at the childcare later . But what I didn't know that he had an other plan to get me wired up and high. As he was rimming and fingering my asshole, he secretly pushed his wet finger coated with tina into my dry cunt hole. As discussed before the meeting that he would fuck me with rubber and i don't want to pnp but when I actually hooked up with him I was turned into a drugged up raw whore against my will. He started fucking my asshole with his covered thick cock and only used small amount of his spits as lube . At first I was struggling to accept his powerful cock but he was kind enough to make me snort amyl even though I'm not big fan of sniffling that shit. He made me laid down on my tummy then he climbed on top of me using his weight to pin me down and fucked me senselessly and taking dirty in my ears saying that I'm his filthy sub pig , how much he loves fucking cheating and unfaithful married daddy's asshole . During the rough fucking he took off the condom without me knowing then kept going on ramping his raw meat deep inside my bare cunt. He then reached out to get the already loaded up pipe , lit it up with the touch and taking more hits while still grinding his unprotected cock into my innocent fuckhole then gave me the pipe to smoke the rest of the remaining crystals . This time I took his offers without any hesitation. He knew that i couldn't resist the magical feelings of blowing up the white clouds after I was given the booty pump earlier. I was flying hight and got fucked up totally. He then asked me to sit down on his cock. In my drugged up state I clearly saw his raw cock for the first time but I completely forgot my agreement with him that he can only fuck me safe. He looked at me with his evil eyes and smiled when he finally let me know that he actually fucked me bareback and got me all wired up and high. I was disappointed with him for not being able to keep his words but my disappointment only lasted for a few seconds after his whole cock dissapeared completely in my spunk asshole. He took control over my slutty asshole for what seemed to be long period of times ( it would have been at least 3 hours ) . He was a horny devil hung top daddy, he planned to drug me up and fuck me all bareback on the wet and dirty floor of the gay sauna that i don't consider to have sex with strangers for a first time. I ended up getting fucked up bareback and took his 2 heavy dirty loads just before my alarm went off for picking up my daughter. I called my wife to pick her up instead because I wouldn't drive when i was still under the effects of the drugs. When my hung top daddy left the room, i went straight to the glory hole booths, got in an empty one, locked the door and waited for any horny cocks that need a wet mouth or sloppy cunt hole to put through the holes on the wall. I was still hungry for cocks and cums after the long fucking session with devil daddy. I sucked two more cocks from anonymous guys, one of them was an Asian gentleman who has a decent uncut cock with white cheeses around his knob, the other was a big fatty old man with huge smelly thick cock. Both unloaded their fresh sperms in my hungry mouth and I was more than happy to swallow them down my empty stomach . Just before I was about to leave the booth, a young construction guy still in his dirty uniform went in the booth and looked the door. He was so damn sexy and good looking. He squashed down to look through the hole and when he saw me all naked and my hard big cock, he asked me to slide my cock through the hole and hungrily sucked on my cock. After a short time indulging himself on my meat, he dropped his pant dowm to his ankles and offered me to taste his juicy manly cock. He then turned around, brought his hairy asshole to the hole and i knew actually what he wanted. I used my hands to pull his ass cheeks wide open, his pinky asshole had a strong sweaty ripe scent. I don't usually play with dirty smelly assholes but weird enough i stuck my nose right into his cunt hole , take long deep sniffling one after an other then gradually gave his shithole a good rimming with my tongue and slided my fingers into his cunt hole to stretch it open wider for my wet tongue to do its magic works. He suggested that we should go to a private room for more privacy. How could I refuse not to play with a hot muscle young guy who is half younger than my age. When we were inside the room, he asked me if Im married daddy because he saw the gold band on my finger. I confirmed him that I am bi vers daddy with 2 young daughters . He said that am I ok to play with a total gay guy who is in long and steady relationship with an older mature gay guy. I told him that it's one of my fantasy to have sex with gay guy who has partner but loves to fuck around as i do fuck around behind my gf . He owns a great good looking 8" cock and an asshole that makes me as a sub bottom daddy wouldn't resist the temptation to fuck him. We took turns to suck our cocks and rimmed our assholes. When he tasted some cums in my asshole he asked how many loads i took, i answered more than 2 from a pervert dirty old man who i met on Grindr and an mature guy at the glory hole before he arrived. He got so excited by the facts that i was drugged up by the hung top daddy , got fucked bareback and took loads unwillingly - he rammed his unprotected cock into my sloppy cunt without any lubricant and of course without my resistance. His awesome gorgeous big cock pounded my cumdump hole so rough and deep as if he was taking revenge on his cheating boyfriend. He forced me to sniff his sweaty ripe pits, sniffing his smelly asshole, swallowed his spits and tongue bath his whole body. I was in heaven for being the useless piece of shit for this horny muscle young gay guy who in real life i could have paid him big bucks to have sex with him but it was my great luck to be his sex machine just because I'm bi married bottom daddy and I am a big dirty kinky cumdump. I asked him if I could fuck him for a while but he said NO because he wasn't prepared to be bottom even though he was obsessed with it when we were playing in the glory hole booth before. I kept on asking him, convincing him, begging him to let me sink my married cock into his gorgeous pussy hole because i knew that it turns him on big time to get fucked by a cock that gets my gf pregnant twice. Eventually he gave up his slutty asshole to my horny daddy's big cock. I fucked him missionary style because i love seeing his gorgeous face's impressions while he takes my raw cock up in his cheating asshole and tell him how much of a good slut he is for daddy's big cock and how much i love impregnate him, how exciting it is to send him home to his longtime partner with his asshole full of my babies. My messy slimy cock was happy to penetrate this young muscle slut knowing that he is a great cumdump pig as i am . We are both in a steady relationships but we love playing the fields and love fucking around , talking loads then go home to our partners at the end of the day and have intimate moments together with them . I would love pnp fucking with a gay couple when the top's cock is smaller than mine and his partner convinces him to take my cock in a sandwich fuck 😋
    2 points
  20. I love masculine cocksuckers. Guys that I would NEVER suspect suck dick.
    2 points
  21. Brian! You okay?” Was the only thing I could think of as the robed figure pushed what I could only assume was his hard penis inside my ass. Okay… maybe it came out more like ‘UNNMGGGHHHHH, BBBBBBRRRR….GIUUIUUNNNCHHHHGH, FUUUUUUCCCKKKK.’ My face was pressed (not voluntarily) against the bench back. “Relax, Penitent”. The gruff voice said. “Mmmmmm, It hurts……. “ I cried. It was a long whelping cry, after the first raging painful grunting negation. “That’s the punishment. This is the sin. Do you accept the sin of your brother?” The voice asked. A familiar voice. A comforting voice. “Yes. Yes. YES! I ACCEPT YOUR SIN.” I said, gasping. I know it was Brian’s dad. I would take his sin. I wanted his sin. His sin was worth carrying. “All of my sin? Will you take it? Will you bear it?” He said, gruffly. “Yes, sir I will take your sin. Please, Let me carry your sin.” I said as his thick girth stretched my virgin asshole. I would do this for Brian’s dad, as much as it hurt, gladly, no matter what it cost me. As a man, it was my duty to take this sin inside. I would carry it in my dirty bottom until I could rid myself of it. Brian’s dad grunted and thrust inside my unsullied 18 year old hole because my purity let him dispel the concentrated sin he had built up during his life. I could wipe him clean. For me, an 18 year old virgin without sin, I could take the burden. “Please! Give me your sin! I will take it!” I grunted out to him as he painfully broke inside my virgin hole. “My sin is dirty” He cried, and he sounded bereft. “You are pure, and I don’t know if I can make you carry it.” He said, almost crying, still thrusting up inside of me. Our act was a sin in itself, but I know that’s what this ceremony was intended to contain. If we must sin, let us make sure we keep it among those who can bear it, and release it to Christ. Wow. Brian’s dad had a big penis… a big cock.. Oh Lord forgive me, it hurt. It was so big. It tore my virgin hole, and I knew I must be bleeding even as he used my blood as a lubricant to thrust up deep into my most intimate depths, but he would not be denied, and I would not deny him this opportunity to release the sin he carried. And so I relaxed into the pain, the invasion, the indefensible battering of his brutal thick manhood, letting him take me from behind as I remained pinnned on the upright workout bench. My friend Brian was likewise pinned up against his bench, being gifted by Bishop Jacob. Brian’s face was frozen in ecstasy, and I watched while Bishop Jacob’s thick cock rammed into Brian’s meaty ass over and over again. “We’re so lucky.” Brian grunted as Bishop Jacob punched up into his secret man regions. “We can take way more sin than the other dudes, man.” He said. “We’re tough. “Dude, you and me, we can take all of it.” He smiled. God, he was so handsome. He was right. We could handle more than anyone. Bishop Jacob slammed his hand onto Brian’s face and pinned it to the bench back. Brian grinned and licked his lips. Brian’s dad wrapped his hands around my chest. “Michael, let’s get you turned around.” he said, so gently, with love. “Yes, sir. Whatever you want.” I said. For Brian’s dad I would do anything. Honestly, for any of the Elders I would. It was worth it, it was important. “Good boy.” The Elder said. Once I was turned around, Brian’s dad shoved his fat dick back inside me. “Mmmmmmm.” He groaned. “Once Brian’s mom knew, she divorced me.” He said. “That’s not easily done in the church.” As his thick, long cock forced its way into my poor 18 year old virgin hole, I found it difficult to make conversation. Brian’s dad leaned down and put his face to mine. “It’s okay”. He said then leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I felt relief. Elder Robert, Brian’s dad, was a major figure in the church. I needed to be here for him. I could take his sin, his confession, his pain. And part of me said I could be there for him whenever he needed, to erase, to absolve, to relieve, to take the sin he built up. And so I told him, with my big linebacker legs pulled wide and up so he could thrust his thick cock inside me. “I will take it for you. Please. Give it to me.” He looked at me, his eyes nearly filled with tears. “It’s more than you should bear, Michael.” He said, his voice breaking. “It’ is my shame, A sin no one should bear.” As he thrust into me, the sin already complete, I breathed. “I will share your sin. Please.” “You have to understand.” His thrusts were gentle. They were slow, but fully deep. “I’ve tried to keep Brian from the worst of it, but he’s wild.” It was excruciating, he pulled all the way out, then pushed ALL the way back inside, to the balls. Brian’s dad had a HUGE cock. Mostly normal at the head and middle, but shaped like a traffic cone, so the base was thicker than a baked potato. “It’s not for me to bring him into the secret brotherhood. But you can help him.” I grunted and gasped. “Unnngggghhhh” I grunted as he thrusted. My ass was on fire and it hurt so bad. But he needed it so badly that I pulled my legs back to let him push into me as much as he needed to. “Michael, will you let me gift you with my seed?” He was struggling with what he had to do. Why? He had to know I would accept his sin. If he let his seed flow into me, that was why we were here, to allow his sin to dilute to the next generation. “Yes! Let me take your seed. I will take your sin, Sir and take it as many times as you need.” I said. I was not expecting Brian’s dad to kiss me then, but as I felt him giving me his precious seed he forced his mouth upon mine and we shared the deepest kiss of pure emotion I have ever felt. I am sure God himself saw that kiss, and approved. Soon after that, Brian’s dad and Bishop Jacob traded places, and if I was shocked by Brian’s dad fucking his son, it didn’t have a lot of mental room to consider any of that as Bishop Jacob was kind enough to give me four of his sins. And when Bishop Jacob kissed me, I felt like I was floating in the arms of God himself.
    2 points
  22. Never got around to posting this but it's a hot story so... A year before the pandemic I went to my local bathhouse, not really expecting anything. I got a locker and once undressed I just sat around in the sauna. Some guy in his 40s was already there and noticed the young, fresh meat. I was still a bit shy as I had gotten on prep and had never taken anon loads before. He stroked my thigh and I pretty much immediately got hard through my towel. He noticed that and worked towards underneath my towel and asked me if I'd like some head. I looked down at his cock and saw he was hard too. Without saying anything I just went for it on my knees. He moaned and told me that I was a good boy. While I was working his cock someone came in and was watching the show before groping my ass. Guy #2 asked how the faggot was doing and as he said that my cock twitched and I moaned again. He took that as a sign that I liked being called that and asked guy #1 if he'd mind if he fucks me (he didn't ask me but obviously I wanted him in me). He lubed up and pushed himself right in. I was getting spit roasted for the first time and I couldn't be happier! After a bit I heard the guy behind me grunt, pull out, and thank me before walking away. I felt my hole and found that he came in me which made me a bit more wild on the guy I was sucking. He wanted his turn though and pulled me up and had me sit on his dick. I had my back towards him and mounted him. He picked my legs up and started thrusting. Nobody else was in there but I'm sure they would've loved to see a twink getting railed with cum dripping onto someone's cock. That first guy came quite quickly. I thanked him for a good time. I went upstairs to where the gloryholes are and got into one (they're my favorite). I felt like I was waiting forever but finally a cock came through! He didn't want to fuck but just wanted to get sucked off. I was fine with that and gave him a good deepthroat session. He gave the obvious knock after a bit and I made sure to go all the way to his base so he could feel my throat as he came. Nobody else really came into the gloryhole but I spent a bit of time in there jerking off thinking about how slutty I had become (a few years ago at this bathhouse I sucked off a bunch of guys and before that was one of my first times). I stepped out of the gloryhole and walked around a bit before I heard a voice that seemed familiar. It was the guy who first fucked me (guy #2) and as I walked into the room he was in (a video room with some benches) I saw a fit daddy talking with someone while they were watching some porn. We locked eyes and he said "Oh looks like a certain faggot might want daddy's cock again". My cock instantly shot up in my towel and he motioned me over. He said he wanted me to get lubed up a bit inside so his friend could have a good time too. I noticed that his friend was a fit guy but not a daddy. Either way I was going to get some more cock so I straddled the daddy and he started to pound me good. His friend wanted some attention and I was happy to give him some. The daddy must've really gotten warmed up from the first time cause he was getting pretty verbal with me as he was fucking me. We also got some attention and I was thinking I might actually be a gangbang slut. After what felt like 15 minutes of nonstop pounding the daddy came in me and invited someone over for a turn. That guy wasted no time and instantly had his way with me. He didn't last long and shot a load in me before the daddy had his friend take a turn. His friend, who was getting some quality head for at least 15 minutes took no time in getting inside of me and after about 5 minutes he himself finished inside as well. I had gotten 5 loads in my ass and one in my mouth so far and was loving it! I thanked them both and as I was leaving I saw a young asian twink sitting in the room. He said he was a little too shy to play but wanted to know if I'd go with him to his room. Naturally I said yes (I love other twinks)! In that room was one of my best experiences of the year. We 69'd, throat fucked each other, and flip-fucked. I spent so much time in there I was going to get worried I would get in trouble for overstaying. I didn't care though cause I was having so much fun railing this twink and getting fucked by him. Eventually we started flipping every 5 or so minutes to see who would cum first. He ended up cumming first and gave me my last load of the night. After he gave me his I grinned at him and told him that it was my turn! I pulled away from him and had him get on his fours so I could mount him. Once I was inside I started thrusting away thinking about all the loads in me, in a few minutes I ended up breeding him. I collapsed next to him and thanked him for the good time. He gave me his number and asked if I'd like to have something regular. We exchanged numbers and I ended up calling it a day/night. Sadly the pandemic hit a few months later and I have yet to return to that bathhouse. I also was never able to meet up with that twink due to the pandemic and he ended up moving away. I probably should've asked that daddy for his number but I wasn't thinking about it at the time. Hopefully the next time I go I'll make a new friend, ideally one who'd flip with me but also want to go be a cumdump alongside me.
    2 points
  23. Fuck yeah I was same. Dumb jockbro but started getn addicted to alpha nut made me feel more stronger like a real jockbro taking their alpha nut balls deep. Word got round n so long as no one talked about it I got hit up few times most days then still do. Gloryholes in local restrooms and cruisy parks so easy to get my jockpussy bred
    2 points
  24. I enjoy raw cock and cum inside my ass. If I'm with a Top, I expect to be fucked and bred. Otherwise, what's the point of seeking out thecompany of a Top?
    2 points
  25. Wow.. So hot🔥 To be totally not in control as he was whipping you can be so hot. I bet when he stopped and the feeling of his cock entering was intense! One of my favorite things.. I have done that a lot even when the top is not into it that I have seen them get wildly hot doing it..
    2 points
  26. Chapter: 14 Sex vs Love Sir immediately told me to get on all fours. Sir put a small amount of lube on his boys hairless pink pucker, and began rubbing it in with the head of his cock. He teased my hole by just sticking the head of his cock in making me beg for all of it. I started to say Sir I need you to plant your seed deep in my eager hole. As soon as his boy said deep, Sir buried his cock to the base. It was the last thing I expected, and I winced in pain. He asked me if i was OK, and I said it hurt, but in a good way. Sir then bent over and we kissed before he started gently pumping my ass. After awhile Sir started pulling his cock completely out of my hungry hole, and then back in. Sir grabbed his phone and took a short video of my ass being stretched by his cock. Sir thought it would be good for me to see what it looked like, as he hoped I would be vers and thought the video might help convince me not just to be a cum dump. Sir continued to slowly pump away, and felt his nut sack tightening so knew he was close. He told me he was close and would be a bit more aggressive with me. Sir began pumping faster and more aggressively until he busted his load deep inside. I fell flat on the bed, and Sir remained hard in me. I said I love you Sir, and Sir pulled out and kissed me telling me to get on my back and put my legs up. Even though Sir shot a huge and deep load in me, there was a small amount of cum dripping from my ass. Sir was quick to lick it from my ass and passionately kiss me before entering my ass again. This time Sir would take it slow and steady with me. He would bend down kissing me occasionally. I became somewhat vocal by saying make passionate love to me Sir, and show me how much you love me by planting your seed deep Inside me. This turned Sir on immensely and it wasn't long before he shot his second load in me. Sir then pulled out a butt plug to hold his seed in for later on. We made out and kissed some, falling asleep in each other's arms. Next Chapter: The Search is On
    2 points
  27. Chapter 12: Assume the Positions Part 3. After their smoke, Sir told me we were going to have two of the most common positions. We started with Missionary sex. As the last fuck was a dry one, Sir lubed up his boys hole and his cock. After a few minutes of thrusting Sir told me to bend my knees and put them over his shoulders. Sir took my ass slow and steady as his I stroked my raging hard on. Sir thrusted in and completely out of my ass, hitting my prostrate on each down stroke. It wasn't long before he shot I shot my load all over my chest and face. Sir licked the cum from my face, and scooped the cum off his chest, offering it to me. Of course I greedily ate it. Sir told me that this position was the best for intimate eye contact, and hitting the prostrate or as some call it, the G Spot. Their next, and last position before a late lunch, early dinner would be doggy. Sir explained that this was probably one of the most popular positions, and could be done in several variations. Sir told me to get on all fours. Once in position, Sir began to rim my ass, spitting on my hole before penetrating me. Sir told me he wanted me to be verbal, and it was to be dirty talk. I started by saying fuck my ass and flood it with your cum. Sir pumped my ass hard for about 5 minutes before telling me to put my head down to the bed, and arch my back ass high up. I said fuck me harder, I know you can fuck harder than you just did. Sir just said, oh yea. You asked for it and you are gonna get it boy. Sir pumped away with a furious pace before he grabbed me and threw me over the edge of the bed. Sir had blue balls filled with his seed just waiting to erupt deep in his boys hungry hole. Sir fucked me so hard I thought the bed was going to break! After less than 5 minutes of penetration, Sir felt he was about to cum. Sir pulled his cock out of my hole, and I begged him to fill me with his m cum. Sir thrusted several times in me before blowing his load deep in me. He then plugged my hole, and suggested we shower before heading out to eat. Sir said id get several loads after we ate. They showered together and kissed some without either touching the others cocks or asses, and then headed out to eat.
    2 points
  28. I wish there had been lads like you around where I grew up... I might not have had to wait until I was in my 20s otherwise!
    2 points
  29. I'm definitely a bottom who wants to do anal if I'm hooking up. I will say no to guys who just want a blowjob. I will suck the guy's cock before he fucks me though but I'm not into just the blowjob. I prefer cum in my hole.
    2 points
  30. Never too old to become a Tina whore, I was 67 when introduced to Tina. First two times was a bump and third time a slam. Was glorious to say the least. Like to go to the baths and smoke and bumps and then find and get into the sling and offer my ass to anyone who wants it. Some of the fuckers figure out I am high on Tina and give me a nice bump.
    2 points
  31. I ask sometimes afterwards hoping that the top will say that they are poz or toxic. Such a rush. I usually start by saying that it doesn't matter since I am on meds but just curious if you are poz. When you say it that way they are more likely to be honest and tell you.
    2 points
  32. Great writing. I just wish I'd stayed there when I was 21. Who am I kidding? I would have wanted to stay there when I figured out I was gay at 12. Older, hairy men were always what I thought about when I jerked off.
    2 points
  33. For me, there's nothing degrading about blowjobs. I get the taste of cock and cum and the guys get my talented mouth, lips and tongue along with the satisfaction of me swallowing!
    2 points
  34. That's the pleasure I offer and get. No anal no sex. Period.
    2 points
  35. Lucky cute boy gets used well! [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/tripple-dick-bang-xhAZCtd
    2 points
  36. Yeah... sadly, it seems like 90+% of guys on sniffies are bottoms... But maybe that will change if more "straight" guys keep joining!
    2 points
  37. Why is that a turn-off? Because you think they should only top if they are cheating? Or cheating in general is bad?
    2 points
  38. Spring is in the air and married puckers are in bloom.
    2 points
  39. Yes, and I hope it stays this way. Love married cock and ass.
    2 points
  40. Please accept my condolences. My heart is breaking for you. I wish I could tell you it gets better. It doesn’t. It just gets to be different. I’m happy you loved each other and you have those memories in your heart. It’s ok to be angry. It means you’re feeling and you can’t heal without feel. Don’t dwell on being gay, straight or whatever. All the sex in the world is no match to another person’s love. You are who you are. You don’t have to be any particular way for anyone. Trust me, they’ll get over it The way you opened up here leads me to believe you are a wonderful person. I’m sure it won’t be unnoticed and you will find love again. Don’t fight it as it will be different. You never replace him but you can love someone else, you’ll know when it’s right. Please don’t hesitate to talk it out. There are plenty of us willing to lend an ear and some tears to help you get through this. Just take it one step at a time.
    2 points
  41. On Onlyfans…drtyNYCman. He posts lots of videos 20 minutes and longer of him barebacking or jerking. Also sells used underwear with cum in condoms with videos. Incredibly hot guy.
    2 points
  42. I was 17 almost 18 and he was 36. We were taking a walk on a trail at night and he felt very horny. We hide behind a wooden fence and I gave my first bj. I tried to swallow and throat down his big thick white daddy cock, but I kept gagging and choking. All the sudden he lifted me up, turned me around, leaned me against the fence doggy style, and pulled down my pants and boxer briefs. I was excited to finally get fucked because of all the porn I watched as a child. He went down on me and ate, licked, and tongue fucked my hairy virgin hole. He stood up and pressed his fat head of his white man cock against my tiny pussy. He whisper, “you want this man cock to be your first?” Of course I begged him to fucked me, but he knew I was naïve. At that moment, I never felt so much pain! His raw unlubed cock forced its way into me and I kid you not, I collapsed on the floor to get away from his dick. He did a few more thrust to teach me a lesson for trusting a complete stranger over grindr. He pulled out and turned me around to kiss me and gave me this warning, “don’t go bareback with anyone or they might give you aids.” However, after a few more years, that same clueless bottom would turn into a willingly bug chaser and beg for a top to give his neg hole multiple poz loads.
    2 points
  43. Yes I like being a Poz cumdumpster everyone is still having a good time with me at bathhouses and mens parties. 99% of guys breed rawdawg these days and I don’t have a problem with that at all. It’s not a bad thing to be Poz it’s not a big deal for me most guys I meet are Poz too
    2 points
  44. 12. I barely slept. With the plug out I felt so empty it only made me crave cock more. My dick strained against the cage constantly and I felt like a slow trickle of precum was oozing from me at all times. Just when the sun was rising I decided I couldn’t take it anymore and worked the plug back inside of me. As the massive base popped inside of me a sighed. The rest of the day was spent bouncing on the plug and swallowing piss loads I felt like I needed to be doing something slutty. It had become a compulsion. I lay on my bed naked scrolling through Twitter, finding more and more porn sights about boys being used. I focused in on chastity things. I found myself longing to be one of those boys caged for months becoming a total cumslut. I longed to be used, tied down, and ruined. I watched boys getting opened up with toys and taking cock after cock after cock. I wanted to be them. I couldn’t focus and time moved at a painfully slow rate. Then 3pm hit and Sir finally sent me a text. Well you haven’t asked for the key to your cage so I can only assume that you’ve been a good boy or have failed and have been out taking loads all day. I’m so horny I can’t think Sir! All I want is cock and I haven’t had any! Good. Be ready in about an hour. A friend will be at your place then to get you ready for your next task. Thank you Sir. Good luck boy. An hour later I was practically salivating. Naked, cock dripping, and plugged I sat on my couch waiting. When the apartment buzzer finally went off I ran to answer it, praying that whoever was coming up was going to fuck me. Then there was Devin, the guy who had recommended me for the club, standing in my doorway. He smiled, and stepped inside. He took a long minute to take me in, his eyes lingering on the cage around my cock. “You know every time I fucked you I wondered what you would look like with a cock cage.” “Really?” “It looks better than I thought it would. They really change how you think don’t they?” “God yes,” I said reaching out for him, “I’m so fucking horny.” “Not so fast boy,” he pushed me back, “I’m going to inspect you, and then get you ready for your evening plans.” “You’re not going to fuck me?” “Not right now, you’ll have to wait a little while longer.” “God, I need dick!” I felt like I was screaming. “You’ll get lots of dick soon, don’t you worry.” “Yes Sir,” I felt sad. I loved Devin’s cock. It wasn’t super long but fucking hell it was thick. Nestled into a heavy bush with low hanging balls that slapped against my taint while he fucked me, it was perfect. “Don’t look so sad. Seriously, you’re gonna get bred plenty, and you’ll get my cock soon enough.” With that he grabbed his bulge and shook it at me. “Now, turn around and bend over, I’ve got to make sure you’ve stuck to the rules and kept that cunt plugged up and haven’t taken any loads today.” I got on the couch and presented my ass to him. I felt dirty and I liked it. A drop of precum dripped from the end of my cage. Devin walked up behind me and tugged on the plug. “Push out cunt,” he instructed. Closing my eyes I flexed my hole and felt the plug start to slide out. With a final grunt it popped out into Devin’s hands and he groaned. “Fucking hell. You’ve destroyed this hole boy.” He ran his finger along the ring. I felt cold air blowing inside my gape. “You had such a tight little pussy the last time I fucked you and in just a few days they’ve given you this massive fucking cunt.” I could tell he was fingering me but my hole was so loose it didn’t feel like enough. “I’ve got four fingers in your cunt and youre barely even moaning. You fucking pig.” He spanked my ass, and then shoved his face in my hole. He worked his tongue around and dug deep. I groaned as his tongue flicked in and out of my battered hole. It plunged a swirled, sinking deeper and deeper into me. I felt like I was being hollowed out. “Good boy,” Devin said at last as he pulled his face away, his cheeks wet with spit, “It seems that you’ve played by the rules. I didn’t find a single drop of cum in your cunt. Sir will be so proud.” “Thank you! I wanted to get fucked so bad. But I also didn’t want to fail and have all of this end.” “I know what you mean,” his fingers were swirling around in my cunt again, “when I first joined I was less of a bottom than you and within a day I was constantly craving cock. I spent two day caged and horny doing nothing but riding toys and swallowing my own piss after my first two tests before they sent me to Jerry. Knowing that I was vers they had to break me to make sure I was bottom enough to join.” As he was saying all of this he had started to work the plug back into me. “Then it was almost a full two weeks of spending hours in Jerry’s play room getting loose and looser, all the while begging him to breed me. When he finally bred me I was so happy I almost cried, I hadn’t cum in like 15 days and all I wanted was some real cock.” The plug popped into my hole with a wet squelch. “Then the next day… well you’re going to find out about that now.” He locked the harness around the plug again and stood me up. “Ok, get dressed, just like a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. You won’t be dressed long.” I went into the bedroom and pulled on the same clothes I had been wearing for hookups the day before, they smelled slightly of sex and cum still. Back out in the main room Devin smiled at me. “You look like the best kind of mess,” he said. I followed him out the door and down the stairs to the street, there was an uber waiting and we both got in. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going,” I asked. “Nope, this whole thing is gonna be a surprise for you.” The drive was relatively short, but every bump in the road slammed the plug into my hole and made a drop of precum leak from my cage. When we arrived at our destination I felt like I was in heat. It had now been almost a full twenty four hours since I had last been fucked and I was desperate. We had pulled up in front of a nondescript looking modern apartment building, just above the park it was clearly a wealthy spot but without much character. Devin got out and walked confidently to the doors. He waved to the door man as we passed and walked straight to the elevator. Still without saying a word Devin got off the elevator and lead me down the hall to a partly ajar door. Following close behind him, I walked into a brightly lit spacious living room. “Who’s place is this?” “Don’t talk.” I swallowed hard. “Take your clothes off.” I kicked off my shoes towards the wall and dropped my shorts without question. My shirt was tossed on top of my shoes. In just a couple of days I had become totally accustomed to being completely naked and exposed, in fact I was starting to crave it. I like people seeing my caged cock and plugged cunt. “Follow me,” Devin said and gestured to another door. I assumed that he was taking me into a playroom like Jerry’s and I was mostly right. Inside it was dark and lit in all red light. There was no furniture in the room save an odd-looking bench right in the middle and a sling pushed against the far wall. My cages throbbed thinking about what might happen to me in this room. Devin silently took me over to the bench and bent me over. It was the perfect height so that my ass was stuck in the air and my chest was slightly lower. He positioned me so that my cage stuck through a hole towards the top of the bench and put my knees up on the little rests on the side. Then he buckled my wrists and ankles to the bench. Just before he put the blindfold on me he squatted down in front of me and smiled “I’m so proud of you.” Finally he unbuckled the harness and worked the plug out of my hole again. Then he left. He left and I lay there, not able to see anything strapped to the bench, with my cunt exposed to the world. I hadn’t heard the door close so I assumed that anyone walking into the living room could see my loose gaping hole presented to them. Then I felt the first pair of hands. Rough and hungry they explored my hole, and then they disappeared. Very quickly though I heard someone spit and felt the warm wet glob slid into my hole followed very closely by a short fat cock. The broad head opened me up and made me moan. I groaned as the unseen man started to pound me. He clearly didn’t care about how I felt he only cared about getting himself off but I was in heaven. I begged him to fuck me and to breed me. I needed his load. As soon as he exploded in my guts he pulled out, I felt a mark being made on my back, and another cock replaced him. This one long and thin, it pounded against my second hole a few times before breaking in. I grunted as my cunt was deepened and took the man’s pounding like the cum dump I had become. This man lasted longer than the first but not by much. It didn’t seem like the goal was to make the fucks last but to get their loads into me. When he finished he pulled out, made a mark on my back, and then a new cock came. This happened again and again. I had no idea how many men fucked me like that, but when each one finished they marked my back so I assumed I’d find out in the end. My hole felt slack by the time the last man pulled out and marked me. I had long sense lost the ability or will to clamp down I was just a bruised and beaten flesh hole. Sweat covered my whole body, my cage was sticky with precum, and seed had splashed out my hole to cover my taint and balls. I felt disgusting and so turned on all at the same time. Then I heard him again, Sir. “Well, well, well pig. You’ve done a good job.” He undid the restraints and but kept a hand on my back to keep me in place. “You have just taken a load from everyone in the club, well apart from the caged-up cunt bottoms. You have just one more test. One more thing you need to prove you have overcome. We never told you the full name of our little club.” He took the blind fold off and helped me off the bench. My legs shook and I could feel cum dripping down my legs. Sir held a clip board in front of me. “The last thing you have to do is sign this agreement.” I looked at the paper and the heading at the top “Poz Breeding Group – Bottom Contract”. My heart skipped a beat, I looked at Sir questioningly. “Yes boy, you’ve been taking poz loads this whole time. Here is your choice you can try to go to the doctor right now or you can give in and sign on the dotted line and this is what your life can be like all the time.” I thought for about five seconds before saying, “give me the fucking pen.” Sir laughed and handed me a pen. I scrawled my name on there as quickly as I could and then looked at the beautiful man standing in front of me. On an impulse I handed him back the clipboard and fell to my knees. I swallowed his semi hard cock to the base and started sucking. I could taste ass juice and cum and knew he had been one of the men to fuck me. “Fuck, all those poz loads and you’re still fucking hungry?” It was Devin. “I say we get this boy in the sling and let everyone have another go.” “Good idea Devin, go tell the guys and I’ll get him in the sling.” Sir stood me up and started to walk me over to the sling. Just before he got me there I said, “Wait! The guys they made tally marks on me, didn’t they?” “They sure did pig.” “How many? How many guys just fucked me.” “Forty-eight.” “Oh fuck yes!” Sir lifted me into the sling where I stayed for most of the night. I think the whole club fucked me again, some of them twice. At some point Jerry came in and seeing how destroyed I was decided that I was ready for my first fist. I had found my calling. I never asked to take the cage off, I never cared about getting off again. Eventually a few months later I got an even smaller caged, and a tattoo above my ass saying “no loads refused.” I had become a cumdump, and I had never felt happier.
    2 points
  45. 2. I had been laying around my apartment naked, my cock half hard and leaking, my hole stretched tight around the plug still lodged inside it, for hours when my phone finally buzzed. Prove to me that you are still plugged boy – you have 1 one minute to reply. I snatched my phone and bent over, taking a photo of my plugged hole and sent it to the random text I had received. Good boy. Your first test was to prove you could take a thick cock. Your second task will be to prove your willingness to give up control. Your address has been given to a member of our club, at some point in the next few hours he will buzz your door. You will let him in, unlock your front door and be waiting ass up when he comes in. If you choose to not buzz him in your candidacy will be invalidated. Reply to this message that you understand. I understand and am waiting! I responded. My heart was in my chest reading those messages. I wasn’t sure how the man had gotten my address, I had no idea who he had given it to, and I had no idea when they were coming. I tried to distract myself. I turned on the tv. I put on some clothes and cleaned up. I read emails. I tried to read a book. No matter what I did I was still horribly conscious that I had a plug stuffed in my butt and a man I knew nothing about coming over to dump his load in me. I wasn’t sure if I was excited, horny, interested or scared. But my hole kept twitching and my cock kept leaking through the underwear I put on so I resolved to answer my door when the call came. But that took time, lots more time. An hour passed, and then two, I began to think that it was a prank, no one was coming. Then, right around three hours late, my buzzer went off. My heart thudded and my stomach dropped, my resolve faltered. Was I really going to do this? Was I going to let a complete stranger into my apartment knowing nothing about them and let them breed my ass. I shifted my weight a little in my seat and the plug jammed deeper into me. My hole ached, and I was hungry. Without another thought I got up, I pressed the buzzer and I unlocked my front door. Quickly stripped off my clothes, and knelt on my couch wearing nothing but my jock. With the plug firmly lodged in my ass I aimed my hole at the door and waited. I heard the door open and made to look over my shoulder to see who had just come in when a slightly raspy voice said “Eyes forward boy.” My head snapped back front. It didn’t sound like he got undressed but I distinctly heard him unzip his pants. The strangers hand suddenly touched my ass and pulled on the plug lodged in me. “Push that plug out cunt,” he said. He had a slight Southern lilt to his voice, and I began to imagine a man with weather beaten features, an untrimmed beard, a narrow but toned body, and treasure trail to die for. I pushed against the plug, trying to expel it from my ass. The widest part though was too thick to just force out and the stranger started to tug at it. He pulled bringing it just to the brink of popping out of my hole and then letting it snap back. My hole was screaming. It felt stretched more than it ever had been. I knew that it was becoming a slack cunt quickly with this treatment and I loved it. Without warning the stranger tugged the plug completely from my hole and slammed his cock in to replace it. The load I had taken earlier was the only lube I got and it made me moan and grunt. The stranger proceeded to fuck me hard and fast. This was about me proving I could give up control of my hole and nothing more. He pounded me hard, his cock long but thin stabbing deep inside me. I groaned and begged him for his load. I thanked him for fucking me. I whimpered in joy. After what could only have been five or so minutes he groaned loudly, bottomed out in my cunt and pumped his load into me. When he was done he pulled his cock out, rammed the plug back in, and left. I was sweaty, panting, and my cock was completely soft but covered in precum. I wanted more. The plug was laying on the couch next to me. I looked at it, thought about it for a moment, and then crammed it back in my leaking hole. It slid in easily this time and I sat down hard on the couch to cram it even deeper. I sat there for a few moments relishing the fullness when I heard my phone buzz on the table. Good job boy. You have passed the second stage. How do you feel. Slutty as fuck. Is that a feeling you are enjoying? Yes! That was so fucking hot. I never even saw who he was. Good. You’re doing great boy. You’ve shown your willingness to give up your hole to someone you clearly want, and to give up your hole in an anonymous situation. I bet you even shoved that plug back in your hole didn’t you? Yes! Well done. The next stage of your interview is about how well you take instruction. You are not to jerk off or cum until you are given permission. You will remained plugged at all times. And tomorrow you will clear your whole day to be available for the club.
    2 points
  46. So my local abs has a nice big booth in it with clothing hooks in it. I went Friday night, took off my clothes, with only a jock on and put a blindfold on. I put 20 dollars worth of tokens in the machine and left the door open a crack and a marker next to my bent over inviting ass and started working my poppers. It took what felt like a lifetime before I heard the hinges of the door creak. I was pretty well gooned on the new bottle of poppers and ready for anything. I felt the roughy bristle of a beard and mustache buried deep in my bubble butt as this visitor dove in to eat my now quivering hole. After tasting my ass I heard his belt unbuckle and seconds later felt the familiar pressure of a cockhead against my hole. This guy took his time and worked in slowly which was good, as he seemed girthy and it took a few seconds for me to open up fully to him. With in a minute he was deep stroking me. With his cock and I heard him grunting as I felt a wet warmth start leaking out of my hole. He pulled out, uncapped the marker and I felt a tally mark get left on my right cheek. I suddenly felt empty and cold as he buckled up and left, but that didn’t last long. As soon as he left I heard another belt unbuckle and soon had my ass plowed with a smaller cock. Shortly offer I had tally mark number 2 notched. Next thing I know I can feel the presence of many guys around me. I am getting poked with cocks in my face and discover that I have three surrounding me and one starts plunging balls deep into my ass. As I work on these cocks with my mouth they start switching places and breeding me and then bringing their cum covered cocks to me to clean. This went on for a long time. I eventually heard the video stop. Someone said they would take care of it and I heard tokens clanging into the machine and the porn sounds once again intermingled with the sounds of sloppy pleasure me and my kabul of tops were making. I assumed the same four guys were working on me until I felt a massive cock shoved on my lips. This thing was so big I couldn’t really get my mouth around it. I miss my best for awhile before he withdrew it and proceeded to slam into me balls deep. I actually helped in pain for the first time ever as I adjusted to his size. He worked me over for a long time. He made sure to verbally abuse me, calling me a sissy fag, a cumdump whore, a hole waiting to be ruined. I get off on this and was soon shooting a load in my jock hands free. It was so intense. After he finally told me he was breeding me and pulled out I got up and felt my hole and found it to have a nice rosebud. I told him I was going to be taking my blindfold off he said he still needed to add his tally mark so I needed to wait. I asked him how many there were, thinking I’d have six. He said there were 12 and he would be 13! After I heard the door close, I took of the blindfold and saw the cum pile on the floor and decided I couldn’t waste it so I got on the floor and lapped it up. I then dressed walked out and went home. Sore, but satisfied.
    1 point
  47. Yes! In last year, I’ve had more encounters with married straight men than before, without changing my cruising habits lol. These have included on ‘gay’ hookup sites, cottages, a work colleague and a barista at my local coffee shop. All raw without even asking about condoms, status etc and I introduced two of them to my friends Tina and Gina.
    1 point
  48. fuck yes! I love getting fucked by guys who tell me I’m worthless trash, treat me like worthless trash and clearly think I AM worthless trash. love it when I can tell the man fucking my throat or jack hammering my pussy is actually trying to hurt me and gets off on causing me physical pain. love it when they spit in my face while they strangle me and I find black men strangle me the hardest and they slap me the hardest and definitely fuck me like I’m not a person but an object or just to take their anger out on some helpless femboy faggot. I’ve had a few black men really go next level when abusing me. one guy got off on strangling me so hard when he fucked me that I would pass out and usually by the time I woke up, he was gone and another guy was up inside me hammering away at my lifeless body. sometimes he would jam a few fingers in alongside his big cock or just shove his hand into me to slop up cum and then shove his hand in my mouth. he’s the only guy I ever met who would make out with me while his hands were squeezing my skinny girly neck to completely close off my windpipe. and he would whisper the dirtiest, nastiest stuff in my ear that I cant even say here. very large man that could do anything they want to a girl like me. he was one of 4 men to give me a black eye while fucking me. (him and one other white guy another time was intentional from a punch to the face when they came in me, 2 other guys were actually semi-accidental from getting hit by their cocks.) also had a trio of black guys who were buddies that used me a number of times. not huge but bigger than average guys with 8-9 strong inches. they were really into fucking me doggystyle with a belt wrapped around my throat and one guy would fuck me while either him or a second guy pulled on the belt and another guy would fuck my mouth or step on the side of my head, pinning it to the ground and they would all try to spit on my face and when possible by location they pissed on me. they would get me to lick their shoes, top and bottom. and they would sometimes try to find random stuff around the house to shove up my ass. they were actually the first guys to shove a gun (unloaded, safety on) up my ass and fuck me with it. a lot of face slapping and laying me on my back to fuck my throat. these guys fucked me in their apartment, in a park, in a couple alleys, in a parking lot, in my parents bed and in a parked van during the day and their goal was to make it feel like they were raping me so they were always super rough, and abusive and really into the dirtiest talk ever.
    1 point
  49. The older guy I was fucking broke off the kiss and produced some poppers. He took a sniff and handed me the bottle. I paused with my cock deep in his arse and took a hit, relishing the rush and feeling my cock stiffen even more. "Yeah!" He groaned and pushed back against me. The aroma filled the small room and the younger man said "Wow! What is that? It makes my heart race!" "It's poppers." I said. "Try some. Makes you feel sexy." He was handed the bottle and he took a small sniff, gasped, and then took a longer hit. "Oh my!" He said, and sagged into the couch, his hips jerking as his cock twitched.
    1 point
  50. A wooden paddle slammed against my buttocks. Again, Sir said. The force of the paddle was excruciating. I was suspended in the sling, tied to all kinds of knots wearing a mask that only revealed my eyes and mouth. The mesh covering my nostrils made it difficult for the poppers to work effectively. Sir was now spanking me with different sizes of paddles. Floggers were also tested on my body, with my pain threshold being observed from the screams I let out. The sound from the whip sliced the air and landed on my torso, making me jolt in every direction, begging Sir to continue. "If this is what daddy wants, then don't stop please." "Good boy, good boy." Sir was now brushing my chest with the whip....giving a final strike before placing his palms on my shoulder. I could then feel Sir's hands slowly slide to my thighs and then legs, probing again my hole... This felt familiar and Sir began telling me that he's going to break me slowly as he hasn't fisted me yet.. "Let's start again with the toys, shall we? No. 4 is it?" Unlike the earlier session, Sir did not warn me of his intrusion. The mighty dildo was immediately shoved into me, making me spasm in trying to lock my legs, rendering it futile as the 4th toy was stroking in and out of me. Sharp pain in the beginning slowly turned to blissful. In and out again, loosening my hole once more. I never realized how tight I was as it took myself another time to adjust my hole to the tools Sir was introducing to. The sharpness and the enlargement of my insides were felt again, as if the first time. The pause we had probably resealed my gut. I didn't mind as Sir slowly fed me some smoke when he came up to kiss me, telling me how good I was doing. "You're not even close to what I have in store for you. I'm still loosening you up, Bryan." He was right. For the past 10 hours, it was my hole that was being worked on with numerous scars and cuts being inflicted upon me. Sir's fist wasn't even in me yet and at this point, I was still not sated. It felt as if every time pain was inflicted on me, as Sir increased his intensity and right before the plateau, Sir relieves me with indescribable pleasure. I would be deprived of the T and then fed at intervals to put me on the edge. By 11 PM, my confidence in Sir rekindled as I now saw Sir dipping his right hand into a jar. With his left hand, he garnished his marbled hand with some T dust and held my neck in a light choke hold while slowly penetrating the fist into me. Pure bliss was what I felt. Finally. Sir's fist in me while I was experiencing peak T. The burn from the shards made my hole engulf Sir's fist even more, making Sir smirk as he felt my hole contracting around his hands, kneading my inner with care. "Esti, your have one of the tightest ass I've seen." Sir giggled and pushed deeper into me and I never felt fuller. He continuously rammed his arm in and out of me while taking the T hits, shotgunning me in between. "You can never get enough of this, slut, I promise you won't. We're not even done with Day 1 yet, and I can't wait for you to meet the rest of my pals that will become your new family." Moaning was my new language and I was only capable of nodding and agreeing to whatever Sir said. I ask if Sir and his friends will take care of me properly. "Yes, boy, don't you worry. We share our resources and always make sure that no one's left out. I can't wait for you to meet Daniel, that boy who got his brains fucked out. He'll teach you how to embrace your inner slut." I then ask if Sir is proud of me and his boys. "Always, boy, always. The first sight of a boy daddy likes, daddy knows he's going to make me proud. And you, Bryan, son, you might be in the hall of fame given how much we've progressed." Sir's arm was still going in and out of me, this time at a slower pace, ensuring that I feel every movement that Sir could give. "Now, boy, I got to take a piss now so let me insert something in you" Sir then started to piss in me through the tunnel and I began to feel my a heightened sense of rush, absorbing a new wave of T that was now metabolizing in a different way. I truly wished that I could never let the sensation fade away. Sir has truly opened my horizons and is slowly changing me into the true homosexual deviant that I am, ready to serve and obey men like Sir. Slowly I felt full from the piss that Sir gave me and I was also fortunate to see Sir's smile as he finished relieving himself, rubbing my face with his palm and pecking me, telling me what a good boy I am. He then instructed me to hold it in as he untied the ropes and knots that I had been attached to for the past 4 hours. With every knot being released, I tried to maintain my stillness to avoid any leak from my hole but the tunnel was tricky. Sir stared at it and pulled it without giving a second thought, replacing it with a steel butt plug instead, allowing a few seconds of his piss to leak out of me. "It's not your fault boy, just my own little adjustment. Hold it in now." I nodded and let myself seat on the couch that was now covered in vinyl to make cleaning easier. I continued to watch the TV above the fireplace as Sir told me that it's time for me to recover before the other members arrive. I couldn't contain my excitement so I tried to quickly skip through the videos that Sir made to know who's who. Most of these men were younger than 30, probably still in school or are professionals. Majority were submissive bottoms and only 2 were verses out of the total 7 guys that had became brothers. I wonder, how did Sir started this group..? "May I ask something, daddy?" "Bien sûr, fiston." "How did this start? It doesn't have to be a long explanation but maybe a resume?" "Hmm I prefer we do make the most out of recovery time by not interacting but I will give you a brief recollection of events that lead to the purpose of The Chalet. I will say this once and I will not entertain any additional question. You see my fiston, the first boy that carried my strain was a young man around your age, Mark, who grew up in Quebec City and barely had any experience with the kinks I have. We met at a bar, when these online crap didn't exist yet and formed a father and son like relationship. I was 35, he was 24. He was in his final year of university and decided that he wanted to finally lose his virginity. Up until then, I acted as a mentor to Mark, advising him on who to date and what to do. It came to a surprise to me that even though Mark had cruised and did some hanky panky with some guys during his jeunesse, he had never had a cock in his ass. He begged me to do it because he trusted me but I told him I only do bare and he was well aware of my status. I protested at the first few times he suggested, even if he didn't mind it bare because I couldn't sentence him to what I have. PreP was not accessible at all during that time. Now, Mark knew of my partying habits and he only did poppers but Mark knew that if he wants something, he has to earn it through means that might go against his own principles. One Friday night, as I got home, I walked up to the main door unlocked. I slowly glided through the house and there was a trail of candles leading to my bedroom. As I entered, acid techno that reminded me of my Berlin days were being played and on my bed, I see Mark, blindfolded, in a leather jockstrap with leatherboots, displaying his ass that had a plug in it. On his right hand, a tube that was connected to a glass pipe of T. Mark really was committed. I could have stopped myself and told Mark to get off from my bed but the sheer exhaustion from work on that particular day made me unbutton my shirt and my pants. I layered his blindfold with my tie to ensure that there was total darkness. I slowly massaged and knead his body, touching it for the first time. How pure it felt. I then placed my mouth on his as he finished a hit, inhaling it and I broke the silence... Why do you want this Mark? "Because you're my daddy, Jérome. And you're going to give me your strain to ensure that we've something to cherish. Breed me and let me be positive with your DNA in me. You have treated me like a son and I think it's best that we make sure that a legacy is kept. Please, Jérome." I could tell he was tweaking hard. How did he manage to even score T? It was exceptionally good, dare I say better than my usual stash. I hesitated now as I know that technically, it's what Mark wanted but is it right for me to change his life for good? If he is willing then nothing wrong was done, I thought. "So you like T now huh? How long have you been smoking?" "Since this morning. Setting myself up on your bed was something spontaneous. You did tell me where the spare keys were. Come on, Jérome. It's time. Don't you want to breed a virgin with your load? Pure biology, Jérome." I forgot to mention that Mark's major was in biochemistry, which now explains his fascination and nonchalant attitude to HIV. It was all analytical to him. Most things were. It's one of the reasons why I truly love Mark and why we have this bond. I was still standing in front of Mark's beautiful bubble butt ass, caressing it with my fingers, hearing him prrr and inhaling the pipe. I smoked more and began innovate on what Mark had said earlier. "Let's start a family, boy." I started to spit onto his ass crack and finger it, circling and inserting my fingers "What do you mean, daddy?" Mark released a gasp as I started to push and pull 3 fingers into him. "A brotherhood, you might say. Men of your kind, carrying my seed and strain. To have a legacy guarded by fine men that we select. You know how potent my seed is" "Yes, daddy. I agree. And these members, what will their purpose be?" "The mission that they are obligated to do as a member of the brotherhood is to scout for potential carriers. Men who fit a certain criteria. Like you, Mark, smart, young, and gorgeous body. So pure yet you're going to be carrying something so dangerous that the polarity of it all only makes others question themselves more, killing the stigma that this virus has on us." "So we're going to really start a family, daddy? And you're going to breed me with your seed? No turning back?" This is when I learnt to often say "No turning back", from Mark. Because with him, there really was no turning back. My confidence is partly shaped by his constant reassurance. He made me feel as if I was a figure to look up to. And at that point, I realized that a part of me will now be embedded into future men and brothers, mutating the strain I have as Mark explained, while increasing its potency. The fact that I did not have any signs of shedding or symptoms showed how stealthy my load was. These men will know their purpose and embrace their inner desire. Pure lust is the objective I find in the brotherhood I've created. For the past 15 years, I have to admit that I am quite proud of the brotherhood Mark and I created. 12 men and counting. Bryan, you're Lucky No. 13. Anyway, the moment Mark asked that there's no turning back, bare naked I was, and with one single stroke that made my shaft harden, I plunged into Mark's hole, deflowering him with not a drop of lube. Only the sweat that our skin produced, which was sufficient given how soaked we were from smoking the T. Moans of pleasure came out of Mark. I have never heard him sound this satiated. It was pure animal instinct at this point. His ass gyrated on my shaft smoothly, and I started to throw in some shards of T to enhance our fuck. Mark was now in overdrive as I could tell his eyes were now wider than before. I flipped him over and took of his blindfold to appreciate his beauty, pecking him in between, telling him how it's going to be okay. "I'm so lucky that you're my first fuck, Jérome." Mark let out. He was repeating how grateful he was to have a daddy like me and that I was fulfilling every desires he had. "No regrets in smoking the T, daddy. Look what you've earned. A willing virgin with a tight ass who was always right infront of you. And now he's all yours, free for you to load as much as you want" Mark was now very erotic with his words, making me develop a deeper sort of feeling I previously had for him. I think at this point, when I was ready to climax, did our bond was fully established. "Mark, I didn't expect this to happen and I know everything's going to be okay. I want you to know that I'm going to take care of you, son. When you convert and carry my load, I'll be there every step of the way and this family we're going to build, it's going to happen. Okay, boy?" "Okay, daddy, don't stop fucking I can feel your precum in me now. Come in me please, breed my virgin hole" I looked over and saw that my dick was now covered in a gush of blood and precum. It's inevitable that Mark will convert tonight. Mark's arm was now locked onto my back, holding my shoulder as I was now fucking him missionary, locking eyes and never losing any focus. His twink body suited my frame, ergonomically speaking as there was little fatigue from the both of us. At that moment, we were fully soaked in our sweat and the high barely diminished. Even with the amount of T I was on, I could feel my climax building. Thinking of Mark, his words and our plans had unleashed a dream that I can now realize. Only when I ejaculate into this boy would that dream begin to form. I was still looking at Mark, seeing him moan with eyes closed, enjoying every stroke I gave. My climax was now increasing, picking up the pace I could feel the blood rushing into my shaft, enabling my cum to travel through my urethra. Finally, I hit the point of no return and my nose was now running. I was still moving myself into Mark before I hit pause and released a scream of relief from finally ejaculating. Right before it built up, I slowly whispered to Mark that my babies are his and that this strain will be historical. Mark only nodded and begged to be filled. Once I came, I could have sworn that I shot at least 5 ropes of high viral load into Mark, warming his insides and having my swimmers seeping through his cuts in hopes that his conversion would accelerate. I let out a huge sigh and wrestled with Mark, kissing him and telling him how outrageous the idea now was, post-nut. Mark, who hasn't came and chose to remain so, rationalized and told me that the deed is done and that all we have to do is wait. If he converts, then the plan proceeds. "So, I guess it has been quite a success, hasn't it?" I cut Sir for a bit as I started to notice how long his story was when he initially said he had no time. Clearly, Mark left a huge impact on Sir which I can see why and how. The way he cares for you, the way he explains things, if he could do this to me, imagine how he must have treated Mark. It made me dismiss the torture and pain Sir put me through because it was a part of becoming a brother, carrier of Sir's strain. I finally realized my worth in being a part of the brotherhood. "Very much so. Story over. See you in 2 hours, boy." I wonder what happened to Mark. Will he show up later? I tried to find videos of Mark on the TV and there was a folder containing tens of videos. Randomly, I chose the one titled: "Mark leaves a new mark." The film starts off in this very chalet I was in, differently decorated back then. A solid wooden table was in the middle of the room rather than the coffee table. A boy, probably 23 or so in gym clothes walked to the table. Mark appeared from behind, this time packing more muscles and a buzzed cut. He overpowered the other boy and forced his limbs onto the table with a handful of ropes. Mark seemed different than what Sir had told me. He was more mature and had obviously gained experience. He then proceeded to attach a mouth gag on his victim whose name I found out was Joey. Mark spoke; "So Joey, you're here for a reason, right? You want to get bred, right?" "No man, I take it back I don't wanna be sick, not like you" "But you said no loads refused the last time I bred you, what makes it different this time?" "I didn't mean that and dude, one time the risk isn't that high can you let me go now please?" Joey was struggling to get out and I presumed that Joey and Mark were fucking before Joey found out bout Mark's status. "Now Joey, don't take back your words. Let's have a little truth serum, shall we?" Mark took a pipe and lit it to let Joey inhale. Within a few puffs, Joey became quiet and was responding well to Mark's caress. Mark licked his armpit, spit in his mouth and even bit his nipple with no reservation from Joey. Joey only yielded as he let out moans of pleasure. "So now I can breed you again right? You're going to be a part of this brotherhood, right Joey?" "Sure, dude, just fuck me please, are you gonna fuck me? Dude." In an instance, Joey transformed into a dog whose leash is held by Mark. Mark only responded; "I want you to know that is is certain and that everything is recorded. You can't go back from this Joey. But fret not, your safety and health are guaranteed by me and Jérome. Understood?" "Whatever man just fucking breed me please." Mark only realized that the lube Mark had lathered in Joey was laced with T which explains how tweaked he was. With Joey's consent, Mark plowed Joey on the table, moving his hips that outlined his gorgeous ass. I could even catch a few glances of Mark's hole while his death stick was inseminating Joey. Joey was still and could only widen his legs further apart for Mark to fill him up completely. "So the first night I met you, the condom slipped off so I kinda bred you then. Then last week when we were drunk and you said fuck it. Even tho you didn't feel it, I did come in you but not that much and last night? Boy, last night was great. Firs time doing T and now you're an expert. Good job, joey!" Joey could only muster a smile and a nod of yeah dude, fuck yeah while Mark was still ramming him in and out. "Now, I'm going to come soon, and I want to look at you when I do, so you know I bred you and that we're going to bond for life now, okay Joey?" "Yes, dude, whatever you say." "Look at me Joey, don't look away!" Joey starred into Mark's hazel eyes, seeing his pupils expand from the orgasm that he had experienced, filling Joey with a warm sensation that triggered Joey's own climax, hands free. Mark scooped the semen and fed into Joey, sharing a bit as they snowballed into pure lust. "No regrets?" Mark came up to ask "No..not even one." Joey responded. It's astonishing how quick one can change their mind and beliefs. I'm a proof of that. Only 1 more hour left until the guests arrive. I was starting to sober up and I needed to clean myself, especially from all the new cuts and scars that formed. I also wonder what Sir was doing now. Probably setting up the next event for me, assembling a fuck furniture that I would be on, or maybe a cage that I had to be in. These past few days have been thrilling and nothing short of exciting. Alas, I decide to take a bath to recollect myself and brace myself for what's to come.
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