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  1. The director was very effusive about my engagement and hot sexiness in the next days blocking of sex scenes with the bear. I had no trouble kissing him passionately. Furthermore, I had to remind myself not to retrieve the bears substantial cock from his skin toned jock and take it in my mouth. He had sprung a boner which was so huge it almost spilled from the skimpy material. I couldn’t help but wonder how different it would taste from last nights escort. In a flash we were at opening night. The director called the cast into a huddle for our pre-show pep talk. He explained that he had a tradition of ‘changing up’ one part of the show for opening night. We had already changed venue a week before the show start. I couldn’t imagine what else he might have in mind. “I want my two leads to get rid of their jockstraps. The play starts with the two of you being attracted to each other and going right into bareback sex with the bear breeding his bottom. The show will be far more powerful if the audience doesn’t have to use their imaginations to get rid of the clothing. They need to see your cocks.” “But what if we get hard?” I protested. “You better fuckin get hard” the director answered back. “We want this to look believable.” The bear looked at me, slipped out of his jock and smiled. “The show must go on. Besides, I’ve been dying to see your cock other than in the pics from your last show.”, he said. Shortly the curtain opened and we made our way onto the stage from opposite sides dressed only in the birthday suites we were born in. There were already a half dozen other men on stage fondling, sucking and fucking each other. I was too distracted by my co-leads huge hard on standing at attention and pointing right at me to notice if the other’s were simulating or really having sex. As we had blocked the scene in rehearsals the bear and my eyes met. We moved toward each other as if there were powerfully attracted magnets in our bodies. When we met up centre stage the bear turned is hairy bum to the audience and I dropped to my knees in front of him. I’m tempted to say I forgot where I was, but truth is, rather than simulating a blow job I took his powerful erection deep into my throat. He decided, game on, grabbed my hair and lit into a relentless face fuck. By now the audience had caught on and they were cheering. The bear shifted his feet to half turn so the audience got a side on view of my oral ministrations. They roared encouragement and nearly ‘raise the roof’ off the theatre. My next move was to stand and passionately kiss the bear co-lead. Whistles and cheers, the audience was wild with animalistic passion. The bear moved into my ear and his words reverberated down my spine to the tip of my toes and made my exposed hard cock twitch. “You started this, we’re going to have to finish this with the same commitment to realness and excellence.” Words only I could hear. Suddenly, he pushed me down with my back resting on an ottoman , my legs in the air and my hairy ass exposed. This is where he deviated from the preshow blocking. He moved me and the ottoman side ways to give the audience a better view of our impending intercourse. His face soon met my hole and he was giving me a better rim job than the escort the night before. The audience was whistling and cheering and my exhibitionist was in full control, accept for one irksome detail , my brain was screaming ‘condom’. I irrationally asked him with a stage whisper loud enough for only him to hear over the crowd; “Do you have a condom?” “I’m starkers here man, of course I don’t have a condom.” “Then turn me back so we can fake it to get through this scene.” He snarled. “No fuckin, way man.” Spit on his hand and lubed my hole. Spit again and lubed his massive cock. With his raw nob at my vulnerable hole, again in stage whisper, he asked. “So are you going to stop this show, or must the show go on?” His eyes melted from angry to an irresistible warmth. “The show must go on, fuckin breed my ass.” Slowly but steadily his massive cock started to disappear into my ass. I was afraid the audience was ready to riot they were making so much noise, standing, jumping and cheering. When I was afraid I couldn’t handle more of his length and girth I told him he had to stop. He did for a moment as one of the other men handed me an open bottle of poppers. I filled both nostrils twice with long deep inhales. My head spun, my ass relaxed, and sucked the rest of him in balls deep. Nothing could stop my exhibitionist now. I shouted out my lines ad lib. I didn’t care what the script said, what he thought. “Damn right, you know what I need, fuck me raw” “Only way I play” he ad libed back. “Yah, daddy bear, fill my ass with your big bare cock.” “Oh yeah, you like my risky daddy bear pistol up your ass don’t you slut.” “Love your cock daddy, need your cum.” “You want daddy to breed you?” “Fuck yah, breed my ass daddy. Seed me up!” “Are you positive” “Yes, I’m positive, breed me now” “So you are positive, that’s HIV positive?” “... What? fuck no, I’m not poz … wait ….what … are you?” “A bit late now with my toxic dick and precum already deep inside you.” Suddenly it seemed I wasn’t in a play anymore, but in real life and overcome with fear. The audience was silent now, you could have heard a pin drop. “Fuck, no, then you better pull out …. Pull out now!” He didn’t. He leaned in and gave me the most passionate deep tongue kiss. I melted and forgot what we had just been talking about, forgot that we were in front of an audience. I moaned deeply and my hands instinctively grabbed his hairy ass and pulled his cock in even deeper. His voice reverberating through me again like a spartan sword claiming, demanding me to give over my life, my all. “I’m very close. Where am I going to cum?” “In me. Breed me. I need all your beautiful cum.” The words rushed from my lips, and this was no stage whisper. The bear bellowed and roared as his entire body tensed and I held him deep inside my ass. To be continued ….
    28 points
  2. I knew the moment he asked me to strip naked for the entire audition that I wanted the part. My exhibitionist self desperately needed the part. On the walk back to my hotel my shacky self-esteem kicked in and my thoughts were full a dreadful foreboding. I drank alone from the bar fridge and got fall down black out drunk. I was awakened about 11 a.m. by a call from the director’s assistant. “We think you would be great for the part. Will you take it?” “Um … yeah. Yes, sure, I would be delighted to take it.” When I got through my disbelief I assured myself I could do this as I would be performing so far away from home. I flew back to Toronto and met my co-lead at the read through. We were given joke straps to wear. He was a handsome 6’4” bear of a man with a deep resonant voice that reverberated all down my spinal column as he performed his lines. Flesh coloured Jock straps became our apparel for every rehearsal. They took great care to find tones that matched both our different skin tones. My inner exhibitionist was already having a great time! At the end of the day we blocked out our first simulated sexual encounter the director drew me aside as everyone else was sent home. He began by gently asking me how I felt about taking part in the sex scene. I confessed I felt awkward, especially when it came to kissing my co-lead bear. The director didn’t say anything he just leaned into me and planted a kiss on my lips. I was a bit taken aback, but he just kept looking into my eyes and did it again. This time his tongue slipped into my mouth and the kiss lasted longer. I was surprised that I was beginning to relax and maybe even enjoy this kiss from a man. After all, he was a good kisser and the unique feel of his whiskers scratching my face was strangely erotic. Sensing my shift he asked if he could make me an offer. “I want to hire you a gay escort so you can get more comfortable with man on man intimacy. I won’t tell you what to do with him, just stay open to the experience and only do what you are comfortable doing. Well stretch your comfort level a little. Would that be OK?” “Um … I don’t know. Maybe? As long as you don’t have expectations.” “I don’t.” “OK, sure, anything for the show.” That night a stunning tall slim black man knocked at my hotel room door. Thankfully I had already downed a few double scotch on the rocks. I invited him in and he immediately kicked off his expensive loafers and pulled off his socks before sitting on the couch. When I turned from preparing him a drink he had opened his shirt to reveal a beautiful hairless muscled chest and eight pack abbs. As we sipped our drinks he opened his trousers and out popped a huge flaccid cock. He was clearly commando for this gig. He asked me to stand, stood himself, and stepped naked toward me. He proceeded to strip off my clothes in the most sensual provocative experience I had ever had. When I was totally nude he asked me to touch his cock. When I demurred, he dropped to his knees shallowed my penis to the hilt and was lapping at my hairy balls with his tongue. My cock was growing hard fast. He worked my hips so that I was face fucking him. I was loving this, no woman had ever taken me so completely with her mouth. I told him when I felt close to cumming and he pulled off, stood and pushed me down to my knees. I tentatively touched his semi-erection and thought; ‘yeah I really do want to pull off this play, I need this experience.’ I took as much of him into my mouth as I could manage. His manhood just kept growing! Soon I realized we were on the bed 69ing. I was loving the feel of his mouth on my cock, and his cock stretching my jaw. Soon I was about ready to shoot and warned him. He pulled off my hard cock, rolled me on my back and had his ass impaled on my raw member before I had time to think. He looked at me with his warm eyes and asked if I was ok with this. My cock twitched in his hole which he took as permission and started riding me like a horse at full gallop. I was soon pressing up into him as much as he was pushing down onto me. I didn’t have time to warn him and blasted my load deep in his guts. He just held me in his warm gaze and smile. I had never orgasmed so powerfully and it took me a while to regain my senses. When he saw I had he proclaimed; “Your turn.” I was initially struck dumb, let myself get fucked by this man? No way!” Then I remembered my part, I would bottom in the play, I needed to know what this was like to play the part convincingly. I heard the director's voice in my head 'stretch yourself a bit beyond your comfort zone. ' or something like that. “Fuck man, yeah, you’re right. … But at least wear a condom.” “Do you have any?” “Fuck! No! You?” “Never use them.” “Even with clients.” He held his hard cock pointing to it with his eyes and smiling. “They always want this raw man. Beside you just fucked and bred me; ‘what’s good for the goose’ and all” “FUCK MAN?” “Yeah that’s exactly what you need, a good raw fuck and breeding.” And as if he was reading my mind; “You know this is part of your research for this play, you’re the receptive bottom, right?” “Yeah, but that will be simulated.” “You know you need it raw with me to get it right in the play?” “Right, but you’ll go slow, you are massive and my ass is a virgin.” “Sure man.” “And you’ll pull out before you cum?” “But you get bred in the play, and you just bred me.” My turn to be bold; “But you want to put that raw cock in my ass? Right?” “Fuck yeah!” “Then I’ll agree, for my training, but, only if you promise to pull out before you cum.” “Let’s see what you say when I’m close.” I should have noticed this was not a question. I laid back on the bed, ass near the edge, and he lifted my legs toward my chest. I couldn't believe I was letting this stranger do this to me. His head moved in and he began to rim my ass. I couldn’t hold back my moans of pleasure. Soon his tongue was fucking me, quickly followed by one, two and then three fingers. A bottle of poppers was held to my nose and I instinctively took a deep wiff. Bottle moved to my other nostril and I breathed in deeply. My head was spinning and my ass fully relaxed. Well almost fully, he plunged his raw dick into me. I screamed and he covered my mouth with his to muffle me. He held for a moment until my pain transformed to pleasure. “Fuck me with that big tool man.” “With pleasure” He needed no more encouragement. He soon pounded in and out of me like a jack hammer. I was mesmerized as I watched his big black cock disappearing into my hairy hole. I didn’t want his assault to end. “Give it to me big boy. Raw fuck my no longer virgin ass.” “It’s still a virgin to cum.” He rasped as he breathing became more laboured. “Don’t cum yet. I need you to fuck me longer before you pull out.” “Fuck man, I’m so close.” “Hold off for a little longer ….” “Man … please…. I … can’t” “Oh fuck, just breed me then, cum in my ass” He was already unloading. Volley after volley painted my guts. To be continued
    18 points
  3. Spent most of Sunday at Sauna Sauna in Chesire (UK). Very vers, so fucked plenty of holes and took plenty of dick, all raw. I bred some random in the sling room, straight after another guy did. Another followed me in after, there was a queue. After some recovery time, bred an anon in one of the rooms. Towards the end of the afternoon, I went into one of the larger group rooms, I ended up taking loads off 3 guys, one after another. Could feel seed running down my thigh as I walked away. Stopped by a rough looking stocky bloke who I'd seen through the day. He stood out 'cause his jock had a really wide waist band. He pushed me down, so I started throating him, a nice dick. I dragged his jock down a bit.....saw the top of a biohazard tat. He tried to pull it back up but I made eye contact and started licking, kissing the tatt. He relaxed. Blew him some more then stood up and bent over, pushing my ass onto that dick. He took the hint, he was up me a second later, bare., jock pulled down, ink on show. 3 or 4 guys watching. He leans forward, says "you want my load" into my ear, I reply, "give me that poz cum". Next second I feel that dick flexing and a warmth in my guts. Don't know if he was U+ or not but I know what I'm hoping for, One of the watchers fucked and loaded me straight after that too.
    14 points
  4. What the fuck now,’ was the panicked thought running through my head. We had gone completely off script and I wasn’t supposed to learn that he had taken the risk of pozing me until I saw the very realistic biohazard tattoo the make-up department had put on the bear’s ass to wiggle at the audience. The other thought, ‘is his biohazard tattoo really a fake’. Both thoughts raced through my mind at lightning speed, but I knew I didn’t have time to dwell on them. I just returned to the script other than bewilderedly asking for confirmation when I did see his tattoo. The script worked perfectly and was all the more powerful with my emotional uncertainty about what had just happened. The bear was far more convincing as well, and the dramatic start didn’t take away from the audience hanging on every word. We argued, we cried, we expressed our overwhelming attraction to each other and we went through the cycle again. Act two began with us at an emergency clinic where I’m administered 'themorningaftertreatment'. Next scene has us back at my apartment and the bear making sexual moves on me. I’m like “Really? You just almost pozed me and you want me to give up my ass so soon?” “Your protected now.” His words once again traveling to my core and causing me to melt. We are soon both naked and the audience is once again seeing his huge bare member disappear up my ass. Lights fade to a black stage. The spot light comes up on a sign held out from the wings, “Four months later.” Stage lights come back up. The bear has me bent over an ottoman and is unloading in my ass once again. Yes, literally breeding me again! He continues pounding me, urging me to jerk off. Okay, we’ve left the script again. I stroke, he pounds, and soon I have one of the biggest longest orgasms of my life. My exhibitionist self is more than happy to receive the cheering. We collapse on the couch and talk about how great we feel we are together. All the fucking hot sex we enjoy together and with others. We marvel at the the fact I’ve been taking his loads all this time, without protection, and I’ve stayed negative. We eventually make our way to bed, and again the stage fades to black. New sign from the wings, “Next morning.” Lights come up, we are still naked in bad. I’m sweating profusely. I’m clearly sick as a dog. Shortest closing scene in theatre history. The ‘opening night after party’ was a blur for me. Everyone was full of praise for the bear and my performance. Especially our director. He kept picking up the tab for our booze and we were soon drunk. I wasn’t thinking clear enough now to even have my questions occur to me. Second night I’m happy and excited to be naked back on stage. Our theatre space is sold out, standing room only. My co-lead doesn’t turn his back to the audience, so again my first move is to actually take his beautiful cock into my mouth for all to see. Cheering from the crowd. When we get to the part where he is to fuck me again we are positioned for the crowd to see every detail. As his mushroom head is seeking to find my hole I stage whisper for only him to hear. “What? Are we doing this again? I thought it was just for opening night.” “See this full theatre? Everyone one of these fags is here to watch me poz breed your neg hole. Do you want to disappoint them now? No longer using stage whisper I call out, “Fuck me with your big raw cock daddy bear!” As he’s pushing in the crowd goes wild with excitement and encouragement. During the intermission the bear brought one of the other cast members and they pulled me aside. The bear was angry and wondered why I hadn’t cleaned out before the show. I didn’t know what he was talking about. The cast member took me off to a bathroom and taught me how to douche. Apparently I had just been lucky the first three times I got fucked By the end of the night I am again hosting two of the bears loads deep in my ass, and I’ve shot off for everyone to see and enjoy. The rest of the weeks performances go well. I’m getting two loads bred into me per show, and more people are cramming in and standing every night. Week two of the run starts once again with a jammed packed enthusiastic crowd. By the end of the night my cohost is so delighted he invites me back to his place for ‘a drink’. I take this invitation literally and am shocked and amazed when the door is hardly closed and he has me bent against the wall, both our pants at our knees and his raw cock pounding away in my well lubricated ass. The second night I knew what I was in for. Any moral compass I used to have about casual sex had completely evaporated. I ended the week having taken the 10 show loads and about 12 after show loads. This bear was insatiable! I didn't have a show the next day so accompanied the bear and a friend of his to a restaurant. During the meal the bear was extremely flirty with our sexy waiter. The waiter was flirting with all of us. While handing his credit card back to the bear the waiter said; "My shift is finished and hubby is home, meet me in the back alley in 5." When the bear left our table his friend asked; “So do you want to order another drink, or come back to my place. I vote for my place.” “What about your friend?” “Oh those two will be a while I can assure you.” “OK I guess it’s drinks at your place.” I knew he had not invited me for drinks. The moment the elevator door closed as we left the restaurant our tongues were down each other’s throats. In the elevator in his building we actually started tearing each other’s clothes off. We were barely decent as we stumbled to his door past an elderly neighbour. She called him by name, gave a knowing wink and wished us both a very good night. As he slipped the rest of the way out of his jeans I saw it. A big scorpion tattoo on the left side of his lower abdomen. I wasn’t sure why it filled me with dread but I remained calm enough to ask him about the tattoo. “My scorpion? You are straight aren’t you?” …. To be continued…
    9 points
  5. Work of fiction, none of this is true. As a 33 year old, slim, fem and albeit hairy white man with a cute and bouncy ass, I have been the desire of many an older man. While I am bi, I have been mostly attracted to older men. In fact, I have always been attracted to older bears and chubs. I love getting on all fours, feeling their bare cock slide into my tight hole, and then feeling them drop their belly on my ass as they thrust all the way to the hilt. There is something hot and exciting about getting fucked roughly by someone who has a weight differential of almost two hundred pounds. That makes me moan like a slut in heat taking her first BBC creampie. Tonight, I had an itch that needed to be scratched. After years of taking bare cock in my ass and breeding old pussy, I wanted more. What I wanted was a big black cock to impregnate me. To give me his babies. To poz me. For the last two years I have been chasing have that impregnation with no luck. That is until I found the one. I had been browsing the various silver daddy personal sites and BBRT and received a message from a potential suitor. "Hey there, I love seeing those pictures of your tight ass. It would love good gripping my 12" raw BBC. Here's my contact info, call me. - Rex." Attached to his PM was a picture of a massive black cock. My mouth was watering. I had to finger my hole I was that excited. I quickly called him with the number he left me. "Hello, is this Rex? This is Andy." "Hey there, Andy, it is. How is my sexy white son doing today?" "Horny, Rex." "I can tell baby. Want to come over and get that horniness under control? You can come over now, I'll send you, my address." "On my way, Rex. See you soon." I ended the call and seconds later I received a text from Rex with his address. Tuns out he was only a few blocks away from me. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out of my apartment. I walked the short distance to his apartment and pressed the buzzer for his place. I heard the door click unlock after I announced I was here. I took the elevator to his floor and walked to his door and knocked. "It's open!" I heard from within the apartment. I walked in, closed the door behind me, and was immediately greeted by a massive human being. A six foot eight-inch tall, massive bear of a black man with a massive cock just dangling between his legs. No sooner did I see Rex did I walk up and start stroking his cock and sucking on his tits. That was about all I could do to greet him at my height (5'8"). "mmmmm hello, Andy. You are even more sexy in person. Why don't you strip down and have a seat on the couch next to me so we can talk." Without saying a word, I stripped out of my clothes with exception of my fem high knee/low thigh socks. The older men I fucked loved me wearing them as they plowed my slutty hole. I sat down next to him, and we started making out and stroking each other's cocks. Compared to his massive BBC, my 7" and thick cock looked tiny. We broke off the kiss but continued to slowly stroke each other. We talked about how old we were, weight, etc. The usual stuff. Now picture the size differential. I am 5'8", 135 pounds fem, hairy, and slim. Rex was 6'8", 315 lbs, with a slight belly. He was built more like a linebacker who had retired and gained more weight. "So Andy, are you a bottom?" "Versatile" "Maybe if you are lucky you will be tonight, but for the most part, you're bottoming tonight." I nodded in agreement. I mean that is why I was there. "Do you take cock bare or covered?" "Bareback. Bare. Raw. No condoms are allowed near my cock or my holes." "Mmmm excellent, baby. Daddy Rex loves that. It's got me at full mast, baby." I moaned as he gave a couple quick strokes to my cock. "How do you take loads?" "In my ass. If you are cumming in my mouth, you are wasting your load and my time." "Fuck yes, baby, I love that. Now then, what is your status?" "Negative, not on PREP." "Ooooooh baby, yes. One final question: are you okay with being fucked by a POZ guy who has a high viral count?" "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't okay with it." He moaned loudly as he lifted me up effortlessly and carried me to his bedroom. We made out along the way. We arrived at his bed in his room, he was still carrying me, my hole being poked and prodded by his massive rock-hard cock. I could feel the head of his cock enter my unlubricated hole. He pinned me up against wall with the cock head inside my hole. I was moaning loudly. Suddenly, I felt something warm in my hole. He was pissing in my hole. My rectum and colon was now filled with his piss. I wantonly wrapped my legs around his midsection as his stream inside me stopped and he started to move my ass up and down on his cock. "Glad you liked the lube. That's all you're getting that isn't my cum, baby." I could do nothing but moan like a slut. (To be continued)
    8 points
  6. Pozed on stage How does a 35-year-old straight male get pozed by a gay fuck? Furthermore, how does he do so in a theatrical production on stage? Good questions which require some back story. I’m a 6’ 1”, 180 lb. chiseled, hairy chested, fit actor of Italian heritage which blessed me with a rich olive skin tone. I had just finished the run of a production in which I played a gigolo. My good looks helped get me this part. In the first act I shagged a dozen different women, in a few of the simulated sex scenes the audience got a very good view of my naked ass. Being not only an actor; but, an exhibitionist, I was delighted to wiggle my naked butt on stage. The curtains opened to the second act with me and a gorgeous woman shagging in a hotel room. Initially we are under covers as I simulate vigorously pounding her. The door to the room opens and in storms her cop boyfriend, he’s still in uniform. He quickly rips the covers off the bed and our naked bodies are exposed for the entire audience. Full frontal, at this point I had rolled off her. Without a word being exchanged he grabs a steak knife from the ‘room service cart’ and slits my throat. The theater audiences’ gasps, even screams, proved just how realistic the props department managed this illusion. For the next few minutes my body laid full exposed on my back on the bed as the cop and his girlfriend wiped the room clean of any evidence of their having been near the crime scene. The rest of the play is a murder mystery trying to determine which jilted lover or woman I had been with was responsible for my death. I was not the lead for this play, but you wouldn’t know that from the promotional material which featured my bare ass and full-frontal nude scenes. They knew what they were doing, almost every seat was sold out. I loved those performance pics that showed up on Instagram and Twitter posted by many of my fans. Truth be told a posted a few myself. These elicited many positive comments. Some highly suggestive. Both women and men making sexual propositions. I even followed through with a couple of the women. I guess playing the part of a gigolo had rubbed off on me and altered my moral outlook about casual sex. One direct message on twitter caught and held my attention. It read; “I’m a gay director in Toronto. I want to congratulate you on your recent performance. The photo shoots of your naked body convinced me you are the perfect co-star for my next production. Give me a call.” His phone number was attached. I call him up and he explained that I would play the part of a gay man who gets pozed in Act one set in a New York bathhouse. He wanted me to understand before I agreed to an audition that the part required lots of simulated gay sex and some nudity. I listened carefully but ultimately decided it did not sound like a part for me. He understood and told me to feel free to call him back if I changed my mind. His last statement; “I’ll buy you a plane ticket to get you to the audition, no conditions attached, just come to the audition.” I thanked him and assured him I didn’t think I would be changing my mind. Two days later the Matthew Shepherd assault and murder was on the news. I found myself rethinking why I had turned down the audition. Was I just being homophobic? I called the gay director and was soon flying across the country. What could I loose. Besides why turn down the opportunity for a flight paid vacation to a great city. To be continued… -
    8 points
  7. My older brother dealt drugs when we were teenagers and he made me smoke pot with him a couple times but I didn’t like it. After I came out when I was 16 in 1979, I dated guys monogamously and never did drugs. One time when I went with a friend to Austin for a lake party, someone slipped a molly into my sandwich. It freaked me out, not knowing what had happened and I didn’t like it. Anything that was speedy, even caffeine trigger my anxiety, and that sure did it. After that I specifically avoided doing anything and rarely drank. Many years later when my husband of 20 years and I visited Palm Springs for the second time, we rented a house and made plans to hang out with guys we found on apps. We had been open for about ten years and it worked for us. We didn’t hook up much with other people where we lived for discretion. We were both executives in visible positions and needed to be discreet. But when we were out of town it was easier. My husband is an ex-model, very hung and had no problem finding willing younger guys (his type) to fuck. I liked all kinds of guys and had become pretty adventurous with sex, exploring a lot of kinks over the years. I found a really sexy, tall all-American looking guy in his 40s on an app. He had a humongous dick, which was my kryptonite, seemed kinky, and kind of nasty. He was interested in hanging out and was free that night. He said he had a friend who was on his way from San Francisco and would be in town within the hours. He sent me pics of the guy. His friend was in his 30’s, shorter than his friend and also really handsome, in that swarthy Italian way. Oh, and he also had a huge cock, almost as big as his tall friend. I got the impression they liked tag teaming bottoms and I’d trained my hole to be flexible and strong, so I could take big cocks and even a fist a couple times, and still be able to get tight pretty quickly afterwards. But, it had been awhile since I’d been fucked because work was crazy busy during COVID, so I would have to really get warmed up to take either of these guys. We met at CCBC where I had rented a room. The tall guy was there in the lobby when I arrived and introduced himself as “Rob” (not his real name). We got settled into the room when the shorter Italian guy arrived, and introduced himself as “Gino” (also not his real name). Gino and I sort of hit it off right away. He made a couple trips to the four to bring in four suitcases. Rob explained that Gino was a dealer and was moving to Palm Springs and was setting up shop as soon as he moved into his rental house. Gino opened up the suitcases. While I couldn’t see everything from my chair across the room, I could see they were full of pill bottles, plastic baggies, many different colors of pills and powders, along with pipes, bongs and other stuff I couldn’t see very clearly. Gino asked me if I partied and I said I didn’t but told them I had brought a joint and didn’t mind if they did. I’d heard how addictive, dangerous and intense meth was and that never appealed to me, especially because it was speedy. In fact it scared the hell out of me. I had a really great life and I didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. However, something surprised me in that moment he asked me. I got scared about the idea and weirdly it also turned me on. I kind of laughed to myself because it seemed I’d found another kink I didn’t want to actually engage in, but fantasize about, like pozzing. They started smoking from a bong and blowing big clouds. The clouds seemed really seductive to me. Gino asked me if I wanted to try a hit. I paused for just a couple seconds, feeling my cock get raging hard. I told him no. He raised an eyebrow like he didn’t believe me. I think he’d noticed my hesitation and curiosity. So he said, “How about this?” He took a big hit and then came over to about a foot from me and started blowing it towards my face. I wasn’t expecting it but for some reason my reflexive reaction was to breathe some in. I quickly exhaled, worried what might happen. Gino smiled a little and the two guys took some more hits. I was feeling my favorite sex pot and laid down on the bed. Gino came over next to me on the bed, took a huge hit and leaned over me, holding it and raising his eyebrows. My cock instantly got even harder, I think because of the risk and danger. I’d learned that risk and a little danger was a turn-on for me when being blindfolded at my first dungeon party a couple months ago. I just looked into his eyes and he must have taken that as a green light because he leaned down and blew the big hit into my mouth. I only breathed in a little but just the idea of someone getting me high on something dangerous without my explicit consent made almost cum. We talked for quite a while and I found that I really liked both of them, especially Gino. He was surprisingly down to earth and friendly, easy to talk to. He seemed surprisingly trustworthy for a dealer. Rob definitely did not seem trustworthy, but something about his shadiness was sexy. I’d taken another hit off the indica joint and was feeling good. We all made out for awhile, and it was hot. They paused, got up and shot up their dicks with what they called trimix. The guy with the monster dick said he had to have an extra strong formula to get his big beautiful cock hard after partying. Watching them inject their dicks was unexpectedly crazy hot. I laughed at myself, at how much I’d changed since my sort of puritan 20’s and 30’s. As they shot their dicks up, I began to feel the meth I’d inhaled. It was speedy, but nice, very euphoric and it made me even hornier. I began to want to be fucked pretty bad. After the trimix, they said they were going to slam. I didn’t know what that meant but when they started filling two syringes I figured it out. I noticed I started precumming watching them, and I think they noticed it too. As I watched and wondered what it would be like, I realized how dark my kinks had gotten. It was kind of scary, and alluring too. I could see it hit them and how much they enjoyed it, but it still scared the hell out of me. After they slammed we really started making out hardcore. Rob started playing with my hole and said, “Gino, you’ve got to check out his hole. It is magnificent.” Gino moved around to between my legs and said, “fuuuuuuck” and started eating me out. Rob gave me his dick to suck. While I was doing that, Rob leaned over to Gino and whispered something. Gino shook his head while his tongue was deep in me. I asked what they were talking about because this was a pretty risky situation. Gino took his mouth off of my hole and said, “Rob thought we should stealth booty bump you, you know, but some Tina up your hole and get you higher. I told him no, that wasn’t cool.” My reaction to hearing this was gratitude for Gino protecting me, and getting really turned on my Rob's sleazy underhandedness and desire to corrupt me. I just said, “fuuuuuck” and closed my eyes. Gino began to fuck me as I was sucking Rob’s enormous head. I couldn't’ get it in any further. My hole was amazingly loose and took Gino’s big rod pretty easily. He kept saying how much he loved my hole, and then came in me hard. I could feel it - it was a lot. He kept fucking me, like fucking the cum into my hole with a little half smile. Then Rob moved around and turned me over on my knees and fucked the living hell out of me. I couldn’t believe I could take his whole cock. Gino was kissing me and sliding fingers in beside Rob’s cock, stretching me beyond even when I had been fisted. Rob also came hard and shoved in me deeper than I’d had any cock, hand or toy, and he just held it there while he came. He started at me, watching my eyes. After a couple minutes, I could feel it. There was meth in their cum. I could feel the euphoric speed hitting me. “Oh jeezus!” I said. “You guys did stealth me after all, with your cum!” Gino said that it wasn’t much and assured me I’d be fine. With hardly a poz, Gino slid underneath me and then began to slide in, with Rob still inside. “Oh shit. Oh shit. I don’t think I can take it.” I said. Gino told me to just breathe and I’d be fine. Suprisingly, it hurt and stretched hard for a few minutes but after that I just felt amazingly full and tight and fantastic. Then both they started fucking me, moving in and out with different cadences and depth. I started to scream in complete ecstacy, and then came. They kept fucking me until they both came again. After that I was spent, and just turned over on my back. I was really spinning now, part pot, part meth, part dopamine from the sensation of being double fucked, but I felt great. We chatted for a bit and then they slammed again and took another couple hits. Gino blew another hit in my face. I definitely didn’t need it. The cum was doing the trick. But I wasn’t too high. Several concerns registered in my mind: the first was, I liked it and I was thinking about when I would do it again. The second was, how high I was still going to get, and lastly, how long would I be high? Would I need to stay overnight? Would my husband be able to tell when I got home? I texted my husband that I was having a great time, we were hanging out with some guys at CCBC and not to wait up. After I put my phone down, Gino pulled my knees up and pulled my ass to his cock, which was still hard. He slid in me and said, “What do you want?” “Are you poz?” I asked, registering this was my other dangerous fantasy. “No, but Rob is and he’s not on meds. Are you on PreP?” He asked. I realized I had forgotten my prep at home and had not taken it in two days, which wasn’t a big deal. Gino said I’d be fine. Gino shoved his beautiful, big uncut cock inside me and began fucking me slowly, all the way in and all the way out. Then he shoved it deep inside, leaned over me and said, “Clench your hole on my cock.” I couldn’’t figure out why but I did it. He held still, his big hard cock all the way inside me. I suddenly began to feel fuller, like his cock was expanding. He smiled and said, “You’ve never been piss fucked before, have you.?” “Oh fucking hell!” I replied It was the hottest thing I’d never heard about. After he finished filling me far beyond any capacity I’d previously reached, he started fucking me. He told me to stay clenched as he fucked me slowly, and I did. My daily Kegel exercises were paying off. He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out slowly and told me to hold it in. He raised my knees and then ass up so that my hole was like a piss chalice and it would stay in. “How does that feel?” He asked with a grin. “It is blowing my mind.” I replied, ”Hold it in for five minutes.” He said, giving me a knowing look. And then it hit me, their piss had probably more meth in it than their cum. A lot more. They had slammed twice and smoked a lot. Then I started feeling the big wave of high hit me hard. It was amazing, not at all like I expected. Both of the guys were getting off on doing this to me and we all kissed together as I held it inside me. The high kept getting bigger and bigger. Gino told me to go to the bathroom and let it out. When I got back to the bed, Rob said, “My turn.” Rob’s piss fucking me was even wilder; his bigger cock, and much more piss did a lot more damage to my hole and really ratchet up my high. After I let it out, I was really spinning but feeling great. We messed around some more, made out and the double fucked me again for a bit. Then Rob jumped up and said with a big surprised grin. “Come with me. Grab a towel and follow me.”
    4 points
  8. Years ago in a relationship my bf belonged to a local gay basketball team. They practised at a local Y convenient having shower and lockers there. I went a few times to watch and remember a new member playing but he kept to a tight small circle of players. Sometimes most of the players went out for something to eat or drink, this guy rarely joined in. He was easily the handsomest guy. BF and I break up after a few years. I go online to a cruise site and a blank profile--like mine-- he texted for a blind fuck, walk in find me blindfolded ass-up to take his dick. We did this a few times, almost total silence, he enters strips and uses my mouth to get hard then breeds me. Fit body, not a quicky, few words. I asked if I could feel his balls when he's inside me and I held them all the time feeling his babies cum into me. After about 6th fuck we both mentioned that it was great and want to keep meeting. He said I could remove the blindfold. I immediately recognized him, he knew nothing about me. He fucked me for months after but he never knew I knew him from before.
    4 points
  9. I was able to get away from my small town to a mid-size city last week. Because I was staying with a friend, I couldn’t host, which made it difficult to hook up. But late last night I got a text from a hot 21 year old otter. He was direct and polite, enough for me already to want to meet but then his pics were really hot with a great-looking cock. He asked to see my ass, and as soon as he saw my hairy hole, he replied “I want it”. He couldn’t host either, but suggested we fuck outside the suburban house he was staying in with his gay friends. He said we’d have to be very quiet and we only had 30 min. I’d already tucked myself in for the night, but happily got up to pop my contact lenses back in, and drove the 6 minutes to him. He greeted me in the dark at the gate on the side of the house, and was charming as he whispered that he wanted me to bend over a chair he’d pulled out. I offered him lube but he said spit is hotter. I asked if he wanted some head first but he said he really wanted to get into my ass, so I pulled my shorts down and bent over, in plain sight of the next-door neighbour’s front door just 3m away. He wasted no time in gently fingering me. I am a natural moaner, and men always like it, but my mission was to be as quiet as possible, so I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensation of his virile cock teasing my hole. I had been fucked a few hours earlier by another guy with a 7” cock, so he was able to get in without lube without any discomfort. He bottomed out as soon as he slipped in, and it felt so good, both because of the dimensions of his dick, but also because he was so cute and sexy. He fucked me slowly and rather deliberately for the first 5 minutes or so, then began to pick up speed. It was novel and a bit odd to be fucking so without any sounds from either party, but in a way it allowed me to focus my mind and body on his cock alone. He’d been fucking me faster for another 5 minutes or so and then he whispered he was going to cum and sunk in balls deep. He had a pretty intense orgasm because he was shuddering and still fucking me for another minute or two after he loaded my ass. I squeezed my ass around his cock a few times to show my appreciation, and tightened as he pulled out so that none of his cum would escape. I knew he’d blown a big load because of how wet it felt, and this made me quite happy. He was genuine and sweet, saying it was great and thanked me. I did the same and in the dark I thought he was reaching out to shake my hand, but then realised as I clasped his fist that he wanted to fist-bump. We quietly chuckled and I made a rock-paper-scissors motion. It was a bonus to see his cute smile and quiet laugh at that. We wished each other a good day and just as I exited the gate I almost walked into a guy walking his dog. It was hot to think that that guy had now idea he’d almost just walked past two guys fucking. Once I got back to bed, I fingered myself a bit to get a whiff of his cum. It turned me on so much to smell it as I stroked. Turns out he shot so deep I could only get an essence, but the volume was considerable deep beyond. I kept it in all night and by the morning, I'd absorbed it all. Big turn on for me, thinking I carried a piece of him in me 🙂 If only I had a fuck buddy like him in my town!
    4 points
  10. A few years ago I was on vacation in Fort Lauderdale and was looking for some 420 on the hookup apps. Found this profile, blank pic but name was 420Daddy and messaged him and as luck would have it, he had some to sell and we arranged quick pick up. I was planning on going out to the bars right after so I took a few pregame shots and was all showered and fresh wearing a Jock under my shorts and tank. His place was only a few blocks away so I started walking over and he said to not knock or ring bell cause his family was home but just to message when I was at the front gate. I do as he says and am waiting for him out by the front gate which has high shrubs and no lights. He comes out, tall guy, at least 6’ tall, black guy, goatee and buzzed hair. He’s wearing a tank top and basketball shorts and flip flops. Of course I immediately look down at his basketball shorts and was not disappointed at all. I introduce myself and give him the money, he takes it and gives me the 420 and introduces himself as Zeke. I guess it was the shots or just being in vacation mode but I immediately clarify, “I thought it was Daddy?”. He immediately looks me up and down and I can see the change in his eyes and face. The environment immediately getting charged with tension. His only reply is, “do you want to call me daddy?” and grabs me by the waist and kisses me. It all happens so fast but we’re making out and he pulls me to the side of the tall hedges and has his hands down the back of my pants exploring and almost growls when he feels I’m wearing a jockstrap. He’s flush against me and I can feel his hard dick pressing against my stomach. It was the most unintentional hottest random moment going from a quick pick up to this intense moment. Not very long after I’m on my knees with his basketball shorts around his ankles and doing my best to throat his dick. He keeps shh-ing me but also keeps fucking the back of my throat. I hear him spit on his hands and quickly he’s fingering my hole. He does it a second time while I pull poppers out of my pocket and quickly take a hit. Before I even take a full first hit he’s turned me around and pressing his dick against my hole. He used a lot of spit so his head dipped right inside. He gasps and holds it there as I’m taking my second hit of poppers. I feel my heart beating in my ears but trying to keep quiet while he whispers, “oh fuck” and starts pushing deeper inside me. Once he’s balls deep he holds me there and I can feel his dick get even harder. After almost a whole minute he slowly starts fucking me, slowly and then building then he pulls out until just his head is in and then slams in again. I’m whimpering and moaning but his hand is over my mouth. He pulls me balls deep again and asks for poppers. I take two big hits and then give them to him. He takes a big hit and then breathes it into my ear and says, “call me daddy” “Fuck me….daddy” was all I could whisper out before he puts his hand over my mouth to the point of near discomfort and immediately starts fucking me hard. The entire front yard dark and quiet except the sounds of his balls slapping against my ass and my muffled moaning. I feel him get his hardest yet and then he holds me balls deep while emptying them completely inside me. Almost another full minute does he hold me there until he slowly pulls out with another “fuck” and slaps my ass once. He gives me my 420 money back and says to hit him up when I leave the bars… To be continued?
    3 points
  11. Hello to everybody, as I was telling you some months ago, I developed the desire to be a cumdump, after moving to NYC. I have managed to find a Master who is training me into turning myself into a toy for tops, and this really makes me always crazy horny. I have found to be a very resilient power bottom also. I cannot describe you how much I love the smell, the feeling of that sloshing, and of that cock pumping a big loads inside of you. So far my loads count since February 2023 is 198 loads. Master wanted me to have a slow progression at the beginning to test and train me with smaller and controlled sessions. Now I'm officially ready and Master will create a yearly goal to keep improving myself. I wanna get used as much as possible I will never refuse a load. Master agreed to my request, to make this social, so he will set as goal the most common (values) suggested in this topic. So given the fact that I am at 198, we still have 3 months and that now I'll finally start to get used without any limitation; what do you think has to be the 2023 and 2024 goals for this 21yo cumdump?
    3 points
  12. ... yesterday's 100% melt-down shit-show in the US House of Representatives should have convinced you. I know there are fair-minded Republicans, fiscal responsibility, all of that, but the crazies have taken over to such an extent that it's impacting everyone's life in a serious way. Since legislation must originate in the House, does anyone think they're going to get the budgetary items agreed upon, and the government funded in a matter of mere weeks? They can't agree on so much as when the potty breaks are allowed. This has become a modern example of neither the Emperor or his gadflies have any clothes, at all. I'll lay down 10 - 1 that this won't be completely over until next year - with millions needlessly harmed in the process. All fair-minded folks simply must vote this clowncar load of tunnel-visioned children out of office. Get registered. Become active in the political life of your neighborhood/town/city. Volunteer in the process. Get your friends/neighbors registered. Vote as if your life depended on it, because chances are increasing daily that it does.
    3 points
  13. My boy and I were on vacation and went to a leather bar for a few beers. We saw a few sexy guys, and a couple of old trolls around, some in gear, some not. The bartender had an acne-scarred pockmarked face and a slightly gaunt appearance. There was one guy with white chest hair and a pot belly, which looked even more round with his harness. I asked my boy if he liked doing what I asked him to do, and he said yes. He can be pretty submissive. I asked him if he’d fuck any guy in the bar that I told him to pursue. He said yes. We joked about it over the next round of beers, talking about how he loved to be dominated, loudly enough that both the potbellied man and the bartender could hear. They exchanged looks. By that time, my we both had to take a piss. I let him go first so I could stay and watch our coats and ordered another round of beers. The potbellied man swaggered over to me, dressed in chaps, a leather jockstrap, and his harness. He told me he liked to play with couples. I asked him to follow me to the men's room when my boy came back. I was hatching a plan. My boy came a few seconds later. We downed our beers quickly as the man watched. I got up to do to the bathroom and the guy followed me. My boy raised his eyebrows as he saw the man following me, knowing something was up. The man locked the bathroom door after him and we were alone. He told me to kneel. He told me he loved dominating couples and he was looking forward to breeding my boy. He pulled his jock to the side and revealed a thick stubby uncut dick and furry balls. My mouth watered. He told me to swallow his cock. I did. His cock tasted rancid. He pulled out and spun around spreading his sagging ass cheeks. ‘Eat my hole,’ he commanded. His ass was sweaty and rank. I did as I was told, excited to see him dominate my boy, and myself, actually. The guy scooched his ass all over my face and then pulled away. ‘You’ll do,’ was all he said as he unlocked the door and tucked his cock back into his jock. I still had to take a piss and tried to pee into the trough despite my hard-on. When I left the bathroom, the bartender pulled me aside and said, ‘Be careful around that guy. He’s POZ and I know you were in there with him. Hope he didn’t cum in you…’ I shook my head, ‘no,’ and headed started to head back to the barstool. ‘I know he’s POZ because he POZZED me…’ My jaw dropped but my plan was getting more detailed… The man was chatting up my boy and had three beers there. He had his hand on my boy’s inner thigh and my boy was softly caressing his furry belly. My boy looked a little shy, wondering if I was ok with him talking so intimately with this stranger. I bent over to whisper in his ear, ‘This man is going to breed you,’ and I licked his ear. He just moaned and the man bent forward to kiss him hard on the mouth. I asked to pay our tab and the man told the bartender that I’d be paying his too. The bartender shook his head as he gave me the total. I paid him and we made a quick exit out the backdoor into a dimly lit parking lot. We walked a few steps and the fat guy put his hand on both our shoulders, ‘Kneel,’ he ordered. Me and my boy dropped to our knees on the hard asphalt and he looked at me. ‘Tell him to suck me off. Maybe he gives better head than you.’ I looked at my boy saying, ‘you heard the man. Suck his cock.’ My boy fished out his thick stubby dick and swallowed it down to the root. He cradled the man's big hairy balls. I fished out my dick and started jerking off. When the man’s dick was hard and slippery with spit, he nodded to me saying, ‘It’s time. Bend him over, spread his cheeks, and get his hole wet.’ I lifted my boy to his feet and pulled down his jeans, leaned him against a brick wall. I lapped at my boy’s hole, opening it with my fingers and smearing spit inside, to lube him up for the POZ strangers thick cock. I realized that I knew he was POZ but hadn’t told my boy. This was such a turn on. The man shoved me out of the way and lined himself up, ready to slide into my submissive boy. ‘The nice man is going to fuck you now. Let him use you,’ I moaned into my boy’s ear. The fat man surprised me by rolling a rubber onto his cock. He winked at me. As the stranger entered him, I cradled my boy’s head in my arms. He looked up at me and grunted, ‘Anything for you…’ ‘He might have knocked you up, boy, but he’s wearing a rubber’ My boy just looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded. I knew he preferred to be fucked raw, but we weren’t in charge, and there was a POZ cock deep in his hole. The man grunted as he slid balls deep into my boy. I could hear his hole squelching with my spit. The man fucked my boy for a few minutes as my boy fisted his own hard cock. I knelt down and sucked my boy’s dick. I lapped at his balls and even the spot where the stranger’s cock was splitting him open as it entered him. The man held his fingers at the base of the condom and kept fucking my boy. Every time he pulled back, the rubber rolled up more and more. I kept my tongue at that spot, helping the condom ride higher and higher until it cam completely off in my mouth. I stood up and smiled at my boy, the used rubber in my teeth as the man pounded his raw POZ cock into my boy. My boy’s eyes widened. The man picked up his pace and I heard the back door of the bar open. I looked over and saw the bartender with a bag of trash. He just shook his head at me, but I waved him over. ‘When the fat man is done, would you like to breed my boy?’ The bartender smirked at me and nodded. The man started to cum, and without asking either of us, bred him deeply. He slammed into my boy and stayed deep, filling him up with POZ seed. He started to go soft quickly and pulled out. The bartender had released his own cock, longer but thinner than the fat man. He slid right into my boy who clenched his eyes and teeth and took him without and sign of approval or resistance, another raw cock that he didn’t know was toxic. The bartender looked so hot, his skinny hips and sagging ass swaying as he pounded my boy, about to fill him up with more nasty seed. The fat man pointed to his slimy soft cock and told me to clean it. I gladly did so, filling my mouth with ass juice and POZ seed. He brought his palm to my lip. ‘Spit!,’ he ordered. I did, hocking the slime ball into my hand. He spread my cheeks with his free hand shoved his cummy fingers into my ass. ‘You wanted this. Don’t lie…’ I just nodded and let him force some of his cum into me. The bartender picked up his pace and drilled my boy as the fat man fingered me. I shot my load on the ground as the bartender shot his POZ cum into my boy’s guts. The bartender pulled out and pulled his jeans down, removing his jockstrap. My boy was still leaning against the wall, legs spread as far as the pants at his ankles would let him. There was a thick stream of white spooge leaking out of his ass. The bartender winked at me and tossed his jockstrap to the fat man. The man grinned at me and jammed the jockstrap into my boy’s gaping hole. ‘Get dressed, and don’t show your faces around here again.’ The bartender headed in and the potbellied stranger walked away into the darkness. We fumbled with our clothes and headed back to the hotel. Hand in hand, my boy put his head on my shoulder. I felt conflicted. I had told him to let these men bareback him without letting him know their gifted status. ‘Babe,’ I whispered. ‘Those men… They were both POZ. Are you ok with that?’ ‘They bartender told me they were both POZ while you were blowing that leather daddy in the bathroom. It is so hot that you thought I didn’t know!’ To be continued???
    3 points
  14. Yesterday at a local park. Hooked up with a guy from grindr. Sucked his cock and he fucked me raw on a picnic table.
    3 points
  15. Okay, so what constitutes "older"? 40? 50? 60? I find these kinds of threads incredibly entertaining because at one point in my life 30 was considered "over the hill". You were done, the party was over. Boy was I wrong. I don't get irritated, I laugh, when I read some posts or overhear guys saying "oh, I would never hook up with him, he's in his 40s". It's not as prevalent here on BZ, but other hook up sites and apps guys make up these kind of remarks all the time. I just sit back and say to myself "Just you wait......". Because time marches on and before you know it there is a face staring you back in the mirror that isn't 25 anymore, and that person still wants to have sex, for MANY years to come. Time marches on gentleman, never say never!
    3 points
  16. I know its not the best arse, but here's my hole
    3 points
  17. Interesting article in my news feed this morning about same-sex sexual behaviors in (non-human) mammals, with some hypotheses about why it (repeatedly) evolves. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41290-x TL;DR - One of the hypotheses (excerpt below) focuses on mediating lethal conflicts by substituting sexual behavior in the establishment of dominance hierarchies, particularly among males. Gee, doesn't that sound an awful lot like the whole "alpha" dynamic that we talk about here? Hmmm.... interesting!
    3 points
  18. Well, I have been training my boyfriend to be the best cumdump possible, and he has now completed his training. Now of course, is the best bit, time to put all he has learned into practice, and do it all for my enjoyment, and the pleasure of strangers. So I thought as his career starts today, I'd blog the cocks and cum he takes, every day from now on, so I can keep track of how good a load collector he is. Picture below of his tight cunt dropping, is from his training sessions, and fuck knows who's cum is running out of his pussy. Best get those legs open lad, I expect a lot to lick out!
    3 points
  19. Installment number Nine of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown , with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style non-enhanced sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - with Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the guesthouse with his revealed to be former partyboi husband Charlie), Karl and the other Houseboys and the skinhead Manager Zar. Then an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – shows up in time for the party. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story during the storm-caused power failure, and our str8 boy gets booty-bumped one too many times and pulls me back to my room because he needs to be fucked NOW... We were in the midst of thanking each other profusely – me for offering me his cherry, he for me waiting for him to want it then doing so well – when a key turned in the lock and Lou peeked around the doorframe. “Finally.” He commented. “Thank you, J-man, you are impressive.” “Daddy-J is a master of his art” (which he pronounced ‘ahhhT’) replied Vice to Lou, “now shut up, get in here and fuck me!” SATURDAY, 2AM and BEYOND: IN THE WEE SMALL HOURS OF THE MORNIN’ I laughed hearing the deflowered stud in my bed demanding more cock in his ass. Lou looked really, really pleased and fished in his pouch for a big rock to drop in the waterpipe. Sparking the torch, he melted the rock as Vice and I looked on, then took a big rip off the pipe and smiled. “So,” he began as he blew out his cloud. “You liked it then?” “It’s wickie hot,” was Vice’s reply as Lou took what looked like another massive hit. He then handed me the pipe and torch and pulled Vice in for a shotgun that turned into a major tongue-wrestle between them. As I took a big hit myself, Lou and Vice finally disengaged, their cloud dissipating between them. “Feel any less like a man?” Lou continued his line of questioning. Vice shook his head several times then said: “Nah, it’s just like J-man here said, you can get fucked and still be all man… I totally get that now, J,” he looked to me as he finished. “And damn it feels hot as fuck too. Just like me fucking ass, I gotta try out a few more samples. For instance, I just had some amazing white meat, isn’t it time for some dark meat now?” We all laughed. After passing the pipe and sharing shotguns between the three of us, Vice looked at Lou and said, “You been wanting a piece of this for a while, ain’t cha’ bro? Been jonesing for some fine straight-boy hole?” With a big smirk, Lou replied “you don’t know the half of it homie… Been jonesing for that super ‘fine’ tail for a while – givin’ and takin’ now? Dat’s fly… jus’ wha’ I need for a real wingman, yo.” I was chuckling to myself as both of their speech patterns went totally street urban all of a sudden while they teased each other. I mean, Vice always had the Bahstan-Capecadd drawl to a degree, but he was unconsciously laying it on thicker now while Lou seemed to be able to turn on and off his “Official Only African American Dealer In The Town But Customers Expect It” Urban Patois that he obviously got a kick out of using when it was fun for him or when he wanted a customer or any possible threat to think that’s all he was… and hey, it certainly comes across strong, confident and badass… smart dude that Lou. Seeing the rabid looks they were giving each other, I hopped off the bed and quickly removed almost all of my leather, grabbed a towel and my bath kit and my key and said “Sounds like I should give you guys a few… gonna go piss, shower and wander. How long should I stay gone?” “Only 15 or 20,” Vice replied, “I wanna’ try out that ‘Lucky Philippe’ thing you talk about.” “Lucky Pierre” I corrected, and you’ll love it, see you in a few…” I saw Lou lining his chocolate cock up with Vice’s hole as I closed the door and headed to the shared bathroom. Just as I was heading in, a guy stopped me in the hall. This was an older gent, probably the oldest guest in the place that night – he’d been one of the gladiator movie fans from this afternoon and had to be 75 if he was a day, lean and wiry, his white skin tanned like well worn leather, about 5’6” and a few tatts that looked genuine Navy like the vintage white sailor cap he was sporting over his silver buzz cut, white canvas deck shoes and a military surplus jock completed his attire. “You needing to empty the tap, sir? Why waste it on the porcelain?” Pleased with his nonchalant request, I figured, why not? “Sure thing Sailor, but you better know that this is definitely high-octane and very much not plain unleaded. That okay?” He nodded, “damn sir, that’s a bonus!” “Okay Sea-dawg, front or back?” The armband on his thin right bicep was black so that wasn’t an issue. His face lit up as he answered “Back, back please. Much better bump from your fuel that way… don’t worry, sir all clean.” With the caverject shot still in full force I was hard again almost immediately. He wasn’t really my type, but he’d kept trim and the grin on his face and the twinkle in his eye were enough for me to recognize a fellow player who enjoyed the game as much as I did and probably didn’t get to play as much anymore… and yeah, this would be me someday too, so l gave this Korean War Vet/New Chembuddy as good a quickie as I could, I remember hoping karma would come back to me someday in the future! I started to bring him into the restroom, but he asked quietly “out here?”. Which made me grin, and made my cock a bit harder, as I turned him and made him do a perp stance facing the wall in the hall, arms up and legs spread. He was lubed but freshly so, and I still had plenty on my tool that a bit of spit got us wet enough for me to slide right in… warm velvet I have to admit. We were near the edge of the now slightly dimmer emergency lighting and seemed like a few guys were watching from the shadows, so rather than give him my chempiss right away, I gave him a nice steady firm mid-pace fuck for a couple of minutes – he had nice muscle control I must admit. “Damn” I said out loud to please him as I pumped him while reaching around to tweak his pierced nips, “you may look like a salty dog, but you’re still an able-bodied seaman where it counts sailor.” (My several times playing Lt. Cable in “South Pacific” were serving me well here…) “Oh yeah, Cap’n, you like that Squid Hole?” he groaned back. (How do I always wind up an officer?). I switched to a slow screw that I knew couldn’t last more than a few minutes as I seriously had to piss by this time, and I wanted to end with the piss so we didn’t mess up the hallway – which would happen if I continued a fuck on a piss-filled hole. That was when I felt a fat warm cock slide into MY hole while a soft hairy belly from someone rather large covered my back and two hairy arms slid around me and started seriously tweaking MY nips, and both felt great. A grumbly voice spoke in my ear “You like filling my man’s sweet ass? You’re making him so happy I had to find some way to repay you.” I figured this must be the Bear from the afternoon’s Gladiator group who was sitting at the time with the Vet I was pumping now – seemed to remember thinking he could play Santa Claus at Macy’s without any false hair, false beard or false belly… hell, it worked for the moment. “His ass is like velvet, man, and you feel great back there too, BUT I was just supposed to be emptying my chempiss in your salty dog here except when I slid in I just couldn’t resist a little bit of a fuck before I empty out. And I have to empty out SOON. Seriously, almost bursting here.” “Okay, just let me have a minute or two more, I’ll pound you, you pound him – he can take it – then piss away!” Which is what we did. Maybe another 20-25 hard pounding strokes and I felt Santa shudder and jerk as he dropped a load in me while my battered bladder finally let go and filled his partner with a good amount of high octane chem piss. The naval dude just sighed and said, “Thanks Cap’n, anytime you need a snug harbor…” “Thanks for that, both of you” I said to the pair as I finished pissing and quickly popped out of the now squishy hole, “but now I have to do a quick shower and run…” Santa wiggled his eyebrows at me, asking “Your straight boytoy waiting to fuck you some more?” I couldn’t resist. “No man,” I replied with a smirk. “My pet straight boy begged me to de-virginize his straight hairy ass, and he’s waiting for me to fuck him again – our dusky friend is filling the void for me right now, and I want to get back…” Okay, okay, I was actually bragging… wouldn’t you? The look on their faces was priceless – and Santa’s cock jerked up a couple of times on its own and dribbled out a bit more jizz. I swiped my finger through it, licked it off my finger and gave a quick but proper salute then sauntered into the bathroom. In unison behind me I heard two male voices whimper “Fuuuuuuck…” Within a few minutes, I had dumped lube and load out of my butt, did a spot clean, showered the outer layer of sweat and lube off, gargled some mouthwash and headed back to “my boys”. Entering the hall from the shower I realized the power had gone back on while I was in there – the red lighting from the beginning of the evening was back, looking around I noticed that there were less doors open and a few more “do not disturb” signs out as some guys, especially those not enhanced, got tuckered out and finished up their play for the night. I took a quick detour back to the stairs to the third floor and went part way up – the door to room 38 was only barely cracked, but it was evident that there was still a good bit of activity going on in there – as I tried to get a better handle on how things were going in there, the door creaked a bit more open and Sebastian popped his head out. “Just checking – we are going to need another fifteen minutes or so,” I whispered, “do you want the three of us to come back up?” Nodding his head with great emphasis, Sebastian replied “Oh very much so yes, things should go on for at least another two hours… oui, yes, come… come soon!” Promising we would, I headed back downstairs and slipped into the room. “Ready for me?” I asked as I came in. One of the room lights was now on, and I saw that Vice was fumbling around – gently -by my laptop while Lou was pulling drinks out of my cooler with one hand and holding his monster water pipe with the other. “Sweet, hand me one of those gatorades, man,” Lou tossed me a lemon-lime, my favorite and I feel like I emptied half of it down my gullet in 30 seconds or less, “thanks, I needed that. You boys enjoying your new activity!” “Mmm-hmm-hmm” was all I could get out of a smirking, grinning Lou, while Vice replied, “Indeed we are, but I’m glad you are back, I need to examine these two styles side by side. Mind blown, J, mind blown!” He chuckled to himself a bit then looked down at what he was doing. “Oh, but first, when the power went back on, your machine booted itself back up but it seems to be freaking out a bit. I tried to calm it down, but you’d better… and maybe put on some more hot stuff now that it’s not on battery anymore?” He couldn’t have looked more like a little boy in that moment if he tried. The problem was easy – the dvd drive kept trying to engage, but no one was pressing “play”. I put in Hot Desert Knights with a leather theme and took the offered bong and shared a few rips with the boys. I let them know the gang upstairs would be happy to have us return if they both wanted to AFTER we schooled Vice on “Lucky Pierre”. Since he’d spent the last little while being dicked by his bud’s weapon, it was time for him to fuck Lou while I sandwiched Vice from behind. Lou lay on the bed and raised his legs to the sky while Vice and I spent a minute or five tonguing that hole and Frenching each other with a few more clouds, then Vice got to his knees and grabbed Lou by the ankles and pushed in. “Ooh, hold a minute” asked Lou. “Seriously? You been fucked all night man,” I kidded, “not enough lube?” “No, dammit,” he replied, “freakin’ CHARLIE HORSE”, which made all of us, even him laugh out loud. I took those few minutes while he and Vice kneaded Lou’s calf muscle (with Vice still fully inserted) to rim Vice’s magnificent no-longer-virgin ass, getting it a bit more ready. “Done!” Lou said, “now get that daddy dick in the boy here…” On my knees I entered Vice from behind while Lou held poppers under his pal’s nose – I slid right in like Brett Gardner stealing Third in Post Season… damn life is good sometimes, right? Both my boys were moaning and talking nasty and seemed to be in heaven, myself likewise. Vice commented finally – “this is the most amazing sensation my body has ever had, no wonder this is your fav, J Daddy!” A minute or two later, he called ‘switch’. I stood at the edge of the bed sitting on a pillow, rolled onto my back with knees to my chest, then pulled myself back to the edge so that my ass was partly off with the pillow wedging it up, then I reached over pulled the other pillow behind my neck got my knees behind my elbows and said, “Ready boys.” Like I did before, Vice and Lou attacked my hole for a bit with tongues and clouds, then with a huff of Max Impact off a sweat sock, Vice once again sank his thick linguica into the guy who took his virgin hole. He was getting REALLY good working a man’s hole, and when his eyes widened a bit and then slowly closed in a blissful expression, I knew that Lou’s chocolate delight was re-finding its new home. “Fuuhuuhgh, so wickie hawt, yeah, yeah – how do you dudes ever STOP doing this?” Lou and I both chortled a bit about that, and I answered, “that’s why I try to do it so often, right?” The expression on Vice’s face was one of sheer bliss. Lou caught my eye over his shoulder and murmured “get ready to do that muscle contraction thing you do with yo ass J-man, we’re going to send him to orbit from both sides…” I nodded and Lou raised his voice to a growl in Vice’s ear “Welcome to Nirvana man – there ain’t not going back to boring ass vanilla sex now!” Vice’s eyes shot open as Lou began a wild rough triple beat pound on this now ravenous hole of Vice’s while I worked my muscle magic on that hot cock of his at the same time… the poor kid looked like he was about to hyperventilate. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah, Yeah, YEAH… FUCKIN HEAVEN BROS!!!” Vice bucked and heaved, then stuck both arms straight out to both sides and bellowed “STOP! … MUST BREATHE!” All movement came to a halt as the Dealer stud and I smiled at each other with the newly initiated stud muffin between us collapsed on my chest, tears streaming down his face as he laughed, giggled, panted and moaned “so good, so wickie good, so fuckin good…” and then laughed and cried some more hugging my chest, then kissing me and smiling “Oh daddy, so so so good… but I gotta have five to pull my soul back inta my body man… and then we go upstairs.” “Excellent,” I responded. “That’s my wingman,” said Lou. As his chest slowed down from it’s heaving, Vice was laughing again “Nothing came out of my dick, but it felt like the most powerful cum I ever had… as good as when you fucked me to jizz without touching myself, J-daddy- not better cause it couldn’t be but LONGER. The two of you might kill me but I wouldn’t care.” His breathing slowed some more, then he smirked at us “I realize I have two professional level players here with me, but I’m new, we’re all high as fuck and they are out there wanting us to join in… can we?” “Hell yeah,” I said, “But do something for me. Enjoy getting more cock and more ass, but trust me if you want to take on Marcel, leave him for last and let us get you ready – everyone else should be fine.” I went to the closet and pulled a few things out; “let me set you both up so they think the whole master and his boys things is real since it seems to turn them on – AND it also allows me to protect our newbie here since they all seem to hop to my commands even Marcel, so… first of all, a subtle change…” pulling most of the leather off of Vice, I pulled the second black ribbon out of the wrist band and wrapped it around his right arm so he had two like Lou and I did, “don’t say a word, see who figures it out first.” “Devious, J-man, even I could take lessons…” Lou quipped. I put them both in black cloth baseball caps not exactly matching but close, same with two white jock-codpieces (the waistband stays on but you can unsnap the pouch so your cock is free and it still has straps in the back to frame your ass perfectly, each with thick rubber cock rings, leather thongs tied around their biceps on both sides right under the ribbons, white sweat socks, and leather and cloth wrist wraps that could be locked together so one’s right wrist was connected to his buddy’s left and they’d need to walk in tandem. My master’s cap, my full metal harness, leather vest and a black leather jock-codpiece also with removable pouch, chrome taint tickler thick cockring, my engineer boots and we were ready. “What, no leash and collars for us?” Lou joked. I took his hand, showed him my pale hand by turning it back and forth right over his, then took his dark hand and flipped it back and forth, then put them together showing the contrast. “Hell no,” I said seriously, “if you ever want me to do that in private fine, because to me it doesn’t matter whose got more melanin and whose got less - and is fucking jealous!!” which made him laugh in that grave moment, which was good, “but with these guys? Some of whom may have the issues we talked about and joked about earlier? No way will I denigrate you that way or have them think that just cause you’re “my boys” that I think of you as anything less than me or that you are in a servant position to me, no. I just won’t do it. There’s too much real shit out there without having to add to it for a fantasy or for show. Hope that’s cool, but not me.” Lou just grabbed me and planted a huge kiss on me, his eyes looked a bit wet. “That. That… damn man, look what you did to me you righteous fuck you! Respect man,” he touched his heart and looked down for a bit. “Respect” Vice just goggled at us during this whole exchange. “Well then,” Lou announced. “Since Daddy J will NOT be Masta J, for which I thank him, then let’s go up there with heads held high, cocks half hard and asses primed and SHOW THEM MOTHERFUCKERS HOW ITS DONE!”. Laughing our asses off we made it to Room 38, were welcomed heartily with clouds and booty bumps and kisses and gropes and rimming and more clouds, and Zar being the first to notice Vice’s “change of status” to versatile and so claiming “DIBS!” while the rest swarmed Vice like frat boys getting free pizza, so I stepped in front of my newbie, and got into my Daddy/Boy role play persona while holding out my hand, between the Tina, the fog of long pnp play and the hot situation, I was really chewing the scenery as we say, even getting bombastic but man it was fun. “Just understand something here. This boy of mine is special, and he asked me to take his cherry tonight – and I did, then his brother there added his skills too. And my boy liked it – he liked it a lot, and he’s gonna be an amazing switch hitter, but on this special occasion, he wants to try a few more… and I gave my permission, I WANT him to enjoy this and so far he’s had remarkably little pain and let me be clear, it will STAY that way. Get it? Now he’s a real man and so I’m not saying you can’t fuck hard or get a bit rough or wrestle it up some, but this is his first damn time and I promise you he will enjoy it or you will answer to me. So no games with not enough lube, or scratching him up, or pushing too much in too fast or making him bleed, or any shit like that. Understand? I want him to WANT to do this again, so don’t fuck this up. Right?” Head nods all around and it was all I could do not to crack up – they all took me at my word and only the brief smile of gratitude from Vice and the furtive look of merriment on Lou and to be honest, Zar’s faces let me know I had a few appreciating my over the top performance. But I was being honest, I wanted the kid to like this, not wind up bleeding and in pain and never repeating his experiences. Zar would get his wish from this afternoon as Vice wanted him to go first, which seemed to immensely please the hot skinhead guest house manager. As a final note before sex, I pulled Vice and Marcel aside and whispered low to Marcel “Dude, I know you’re an alpha, you don’t get fucked only fisted and you are a master cocksman with that battering ram of yours and I can attest to how amazing that feels opening a guy up. But I’m asking you to let him decide if wants to finally have a go at that masterpiece, and I’m asking you to wait for a few smaller guys to go first, then go easy at first – and use some boybutter on that piercing of yours, not just spit, okay? You can do all that to me or my other boy Lou over there. Show your amazing skills to Vice by making him love it. If he says stop, DO, or he and I will double fuck you until you scream… that a deal – it’s a fine just cherry-picked hole and it will be worth your while. Deal?” Marcel kissed us both on both cheeks and said “Agreed. You protect your boys, good. Like me with Sebastian. Now let’s all fuck – since our house manager gets him first, I’ll substitute his Daddy’s hole instead.” Overhearing that Zar tossed me Max Impact, a jock, and then held a pipe to my lips to get me started for Marcel’s monster. And that’s how within 10 minutes from leaving my room the three of us wound up side by side fucking and rimming a hot dude in front of us with three studs behind us pounding our holes. Lou had Sebastian to fuck and rim, with Ed topping him, Vice was enjoying Rachman “Rocky”’s beautiful butt, with Zar blissfully pounding him out expertly, while I rimmed and fucked Gary while Marcel attempted to create a new lane of the Lincoln Tunnel in my ass… amazing, BUT… still amazing… And so it went, the three of us got to be “Lucky Pierre’s” much of the time with the occasional bonus of either a cock or hot hole for our mouths and tongues along with our cocks in an ass and cocks in us. Much swapping of threes and fours, and Vice not only enjoyed Zar as a top, but had Tom and Ed and Gary fuck him too – Rachman and Sebastian leaning heavily bottom for the evening passed on a turn but asked for “rain checks”. There were times when Vice and I, or Lou and Vice, or Zar and me would be 69ing sucking the others cocks while each of us was being fucked too. Finally, Vice decided it was time he tried the “Double Diamond Dick” before he chickened out. Wanting to concentrate fully on what was happening, he opted out of being a Lucky Pierre this time and got on his back for the penetration, pillows propping up his butt and neck as Marcel stood bedside like Vice had done to me down in my room. I knelt on one side of him on the bed with pipe, torch, poppers and Max Impact with Lou on the other side ready with several lubes but first while I was shot-gunning Vice a hit, tied off his bud’s arm and the hot dealer administered Vice a small pick-up slam while Sebastian, standing, did the same for his hubby Marcel. Two snaps as tourniquets were popped off, two guys coughing and then Vice moaning, “okay man, give me that monster” with Marcel simply nodding and growling sexily as his fat head and piercing – covered with cream lube slowly stretched open a hole that until just a few hours ago had been “exit only” and that 48 hours prior would never have conceived of being where it was and WANTING this. I saw a bit of fear, and whispered, ‘Relax, you’ve got this, and trust me the way he’s doing it – you are going to love it real soon!” Vice nodded and the panic eased off his face and he was smiling again, allowing the big head to pop through and making him gasp and moan “fuck that’s big… but fuck that’s good.” With popper hits, a couple of shared clouds and encouragement from everyone in the room, slowly but surely that beautiful beast went balls deep on our former str8 sex only convert. When those bull balls swinging beneath their leather ball stretcher slapped down against Vice’s sss skin he got a look of hungry triumph on his face saying “Oh fuck this is awesome… fuck me man, please.” The rest of the room while still stroking other guys or with their cock in an ass or one in their own hole, slowed to watch this newbie take a cock many more experienced holes would balk at. And while he was huffing and puffing a lot, he was definitely enjoying it! Marcel was true to his word, and so he kept his strokes long and slow but he did make them HARD and Vice seemed to like that as it must have been hitting his prostate just right. We all knew this couldn’t last long but it wasn’t Vice who had to tap out, it was Marcel! Vice started that blissed out laugh/cry thing he did the last two times he let go, and the laughing huffs must have made his hole contract each time because Marcel started shaking his head rapidly back and forth growling, “so tight, merde, can’t hold it…” and then roared incoherently while he blew a load up into Vice who immediately started that shaking anal orgasm thing again that left him smiling and giggling while Marcel looked out for the count! That seemed the right time to call a close and as the three of us got ourselves and our gear back together, I pulled out 3 butt plugs I’d put in Lou’s canvas ditty when I knew we were on our way up, giving the fattest one to Vice whose hole was currently the one most stretched to hold everything in on our way downstairs. Stopping in the common bathroom, we all did a little cleaning rinsed off in the shower together, and retired to my room to collapse naked with each other, lightly playing while we relaxed and watched porn each catching a bit of nap here and there and enjoying each other’s bodies and company. Vice was popping grapes and having a bit of Yogurt around 5:30AM when he looked at me, and with all sincerity asked, “So, Daddy J, is EVERY weekend like this for you?” Lou couldn’t even control his laughter as I sputtered, “sadly no, Vice, even I cannot claim to have a weekend like THIS very often at all.” We laughed and I added “and hell, its still not even dawn on Saturday morning!!”
    2 points
  20. CumUnion on Friday night, then 2nd week of Western Xposure all weekend. Might swing by Barracks for Cocks in Socks (but will probably stay at All Worlds until they kick me out) Planning on getting as many loads as is humanly possible. Cum seed me or offer your own cummy hole, I can't resist eating and then fucking those!
    2 points
  21. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/vintage-gayporn-12-at-noon/
    2 points
  22. 8 yo. With the 2 teachers of my 2 last years in primary school. The 1st one, Mr S. (CM1 class) was also a neighbour and a friend of my family (his 4 yo son and my younger brother were friend). He used to fuck me everyday during morning and afternoon recesses. Sometime, when it was his time to watch the kids, the other teacher would take his turn. Mr S. offered me a pear for enemas, and learned me how to use it. I would ask to go to the bathroom during the first hour, take the enema in the cupboard, and prepare myself. At the beginning, they would make me expel their cum so that I would not stain my underwear. They stopped asking me that when they estimated my anus was accustomed and muscled enough. I can't say if this was because I was really young or the regularity of the fucking, but it generated cravings in me: even when I moved to secondary school, I tried to see Mr S. in his classroom everyday after class, because sucking my classmates dicks was not sufficient.
    2 points
  23. Continuing the story…. We followed Rob out into the shared area of the complex. There were rooms around the central area, that had a pool and hot tubs. He took us to a corner of the complex where there was an outdoor dungeon. In the center was a sling. There were four guys there sucking each other in different corners. It was dark outside with only dim lighting. Rob lifted me into the swing and began fucking me. With gymnast skill, Gino jumped up on top of me and lifted my legs so they could double fuck me. I was spinning and so relaxed and my hole and been fucked by both of them for hours so I was as loose as I’d ever been, but I didn’t think I could take these two at the same time. Rob slid in first. He felt so good and I moaned as he warmed me back up. Then Gino put his head at the entrance and firmly forced the tip in. They had obviously had lots of practice together. I didn’t think I could take getting double fucked again, but I was so high I could have taken an elephant, I thought. They both came again, one shortly after the other. While I was catching my breath, Rob was talking to the guys. One by one they came over and fucked me. None of them came but the nastiness of having four strangers stick their dicks in my slag hole was hot. Rob and Gino pretty much carried me back to the room. They smoked some more and Gino blew some more smoke in my face. I didn’t fight it but didn’t try to inhale it either. Rob said he was going for a walk and left for awhile. Gino and I talked for a bit and then he stuck his still hard cock in me again. He felt soooo good inside and I told him. I knew it was the drugs but I felt like I was falling in love with him. He was so handsome and nice and sexually in tune with me. Then he said, “You ready?” ”For what?” I asked, wondering what else they hadn’t already done. Gino slid three fingers inside me along side his cock. It felt fantastic. Then he added a forth and got his hand in up to his knuckles and held it there while he fucked me hard. It was better than being double fucked. I screamed as I tried to cum but the T was keeping me limp and unable to com. After a few minutes, he slid out, backed down and told me to just relax my body and my hole. He petted the outside and softly massaged the inside. It felt good. I felt a burning. I’m not sure to this day if he added more T but I wouldn’t be surprised. Then he inserted all four fingers up to his knuckles. I knew what he was doing now. “I’ve only been fisted once by a guy with small hands years ago and that was for like ten seconds.” I said. ”Just relax.” He replied. He coached me to breathe and push out and before long his whole big fist was in me. Fireworks blew in my brain and my entire body started to shudder. “Oh fuck, Gino. Oh fuck!” Then Gino started to turn it gently one direction and the other. I couldn’t believe the ecstasy that was wracking my entire body. Like every nerve was on fire. I moaned so loudly I thought someone would complain from another room. He continued by pulling almost all the way out and then back in. Finally I asked him to pull out. My nervous system was overloaded and I could not take any more. To be continued.
    2 points
  24. i sucked my first cock at 18 shortly before graduating high school (a 21 year old). a few months later i got fucked by a 27 year old teaching assistant at university. both were BIG men who did not know it was my first time and gave it to me pretty hard. without any discussion before, during or after, i naturally gravitated toward a submissive bottom role and reciprocation was not even considered. i wasn't expecting sex to be so physically demanding but i immediately knew on some level that i'd found my place and had better get comfortable in it. the rest of the year did not go as smoothly. instead of embracing my instinctive attraction to older, dominant, masculine tops who sensed our compatibility, i kept going home from the bars with guys my own age who lacked the equipment and assertiveness to make anything sexual happen between us. I felt guilty about being more attracted to men who weren't out as gay for political reasons and was generally confused about who to be friends with and who to fuck, not having any experiences with gay people. I did manage to get fucked twice by guys who were handsome but clearly more vers-bottom oriented so there weren't fireworks. by the end of the year, my new best friend, a tall 23 year old musclejock who seemed (to me) too masculine to possibly be completely uninterested in topping, finally succeeded in convincing me that it wouldn't work out between two total bottoms and to let him be my wingman instead. i turned 19 and returned to my suburban hometown where i'd be commuting one hour into the city for an undemanding job at my uncle's office filling in for a receptionist on maternity leave. i was expecting the summer to be a dud but decided to take my friend up on his suggestion to check out the nude beach, the adult movie theatre and the personals on squirt and craigslist. My body count went from 4 to "lost track" within my first week on the job, I kid you not. Every day for 4 months I spent my hourlong lunch break on my hands and knees on the dirty floor of a $6 porn theatre sucking off every dick i could get my hands on, a nice mix of 30-60 year old guys of all racial backgrounds looking to unload before heading back to work. Some were in suits, some in scrubs, some in UPS uniforms, construction vests. If they had hair on their chest and a thick slab of meat I'd be bobbing in no time in front of the whole theatre. I realized there was nothing stopping me from moving on to the next cock even if the first guy had cum and gone, and nothing stopping strangers from playing with my tits and sliding their cock into my ass from behind while i was being held down on a stranger's dick and couldn't turn around to look at who was joining in. I was introduced to poppers and what they allowed me to do for the daddies. i quickly got over my shyness about age differences, public and group sex and being called "daddy's pussyboy" by men who were evenly divided between those who never touched my limp leaking dick at all and those who got off on our size contrast even when they stroked me to full 4" erection. many in both camps had wedding rings on. i started wearing red or black Calvin Klein thongs and hanging out in the "bi/straight" theatre instead of the one showing gay porn and realized i had even better luck there. the only days i didn't punch in for my shift as the financial district's resident shameless twink lunch hour bottom were when i called in sick to suck cock at the nude beach instead. i must have averaged 3 or 4 men every weekday for 4 months plus the occasional craigslist hookup or roadhead on the weekend which works out to 300-400 blowjobs in a summer. i probably only got penetrated about 50 times because there wasn't enough time to take any more. needless to say, my second year of college was very different than the first. i still went to bars and clubs with my friends but would slip away before last call to the local leather bar where i was usually the youngest person by a mile and men would pick me up by putting my hand down their pants or fingering me on the dancefloor. no ambiguity. i was usually blowing them before the taxi even got us home. if they fell asleep after fucking me i'd slip out and head to the bathhouse to get a $5 student discounted locker and station myself in a dark room in time for the 3am rush. if my hookup had taken viagra, i wouldn't be released from cocksucking duty until much later but it was still impossible to resist stopping by the bathhouse on my way home just to see who was around. By 5 or 6am the better looking guys were few and far between but there was never a shortage of hard dicks and nasty daddies very surprised and happy to see me pop up out of nowhere and start feeling them up under their towel. Sunday afternoons were also great sauna days, there's nothing better for a hangover than getting spitroasted in a steamroom. Weekdays after work were also prime time for commuter daddies cheating on their way to the train station. All that to say, things escalated quickly. It was 4 and suddenly it was more than 50 and suddenly it was a shockingly high ballpark estimate that I knew I should keep to myself in polite company. I've never been much of a counter - most nights at the sauna the dicks would sometimes blend together if I never got a good look at their face to begin with, and it might have been 4 guys or possibly 7, with usually about half of them fucking my ass. I've slowed down lately but I've probably averaged sex with at least 2 or 3 different men per week over the last 15 years. That puts me around 2500-2750 overall, although I have a lot more repeat customers these days which is fine by me!
    2 points
  25. I'm very vers, both can be great experiences in their own way :) To be honest, if I'm really in to a guy who hasn't had a chance to prepare I'll still do it. The guys I'm getting are often cruisy 'straight' types, either at the cruising places near the industrial area or found on grindr where I look for uniform and work gear profile pics. Workmen with a 45 minute break, that type of guy. Recently had a landscape gardener who'd just finished a job and was sneaking in a meet on the way home to his girlfriend. These aren't generally freshly prepped guys, and even if I did catch them on a day off work most of them would be pretty clueless about prepping anyway. Mostly they're wanking or blowing each other and not highly experienced guys. A lot need to be told you've gotta use lube for a fuck. But they're often up for trying it, so that's cool. So yeah, I top their unprepared butts. Not got any fetish for it, but if you want that kind of guy that's how they mostly come. It's almost always ok, no accidents. What does get me hard is unplanned sex and workmen, so when their pants come off and I'm looking at their warm, sexy hole, that's all I care about. I had a hot cub with a great beard one time who was some kind of cable internet installer come to my house in his work gear. His butt looked great in the work pants, proper stocky and nice, and it looked even better with them pulled down a bit and him on the bed with his legs up. A great hairy, stocky arse and thighs with a nice furry crack. I could feel the heat of his entrance on my foreskin and his soft crack hair around my dick as I teased him. Then he tells me he hasn't been able to prepare so we can't fuck! I don't care, I've got totally focused on the goal at that point. My dick is touching the entrance to the most amazing feeling thing and I'm one push of my thighs away from feeling it. It was like mate, I've got to have this arse. Some guys can be convinced it's ok, others you can't. Thankfully he was cool with it and we had a great time.
    2 points
  26. You’re absolutely right. Airport hotels - or even hotels mainly used by cabin crew in a city - are fertile ground. Open Grindr around Heathrow and you’re knee deep in cock.
    2 points
  27. I look here daily for an update. Hopefully soon
    2 points
  28. Hot Bull Top, intense breeding [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/blindfolded-restroom-anonymous-breeding/
    2 points
  29. Context: POV of my experience breeding a cumdump in London. I had been eyeing his profile for a few weeks now, but had been too nervous to message him. After getting off to cumdump porn on twitter for a while, I worked up my courage to get the real experience. The beating of my heart drowned out the noise of the busy road outside his apartment building, as I waited to be let in. It was my first time doing something like this and I didn’t even know the guy’s name; all I had to go on was a single image taken of him on all fours: showing off a muscular back, leading down to his small waist, and finally a bubble jockstrapped ass. In his profile description, there was just one word - ‘Cumdump’. The buzzer sounded and I was let in. Irrationally, it felt as if the man in reception knew what I was there for and my face was heated. I walked quickly through the corridor to the elevator, whilst masking my anxiety with nonchalance. After reaching his floor, I again read over his instructions to find his flat - my cock was rock hard at this point. My breath paused briefly when I saw his door ajar… this was really about to happen. It was dark inside, with faint music playing. It smelled of sex. I found him on all fours in red lighting, in nothing but a jockstrap exactly like in his pictures. The sight of a muscular man, face down ass up, waiting to be fucked will forever be engraved in my mind. I got on my knees and gave his round globes a feel, taking my time to appreciate every inch and occasionally spreading his hole. With the tip of my right thumb I circled his wet hole teasingly before doing the same with my tongue. I then laid it flat on his hole - it tasted a mix of berry-flavored lube and cum - lapping at that soft, silky goodness. The next few minutes were spent alternating between tonguing his hole deep in and out and drawing letters, shapes, and symbols, I honestly couldn’t get enough. But I came for something else. The thing that had kept my cock straining against my jeans for the entirety of London to see on the journey to his place. My balls were churning like crazy - I needed to breed him. Pushing my cock into his pre-loaded hole was so easy since there was little resistance. The feeling of warmth and wetness was unmatched to any other guy I had fucked before and I knew I would become addicted to it. I slid my cock in and out with long-strokes, slow and deep, really just stretching him out as much as I could. That was my standard tempo, speeding up to a faster fucking every now and then; he would get especially verbal at the peak of fucking, begging for my load. I kept at this for about 45 minutes, with some small breaks in between. Fucking him in missionary was amazing - he wound his thick muscular legs around me as if to get my cock as deep as possible into his slutty hole. All the while his baseball cap stayed on, obscuring his anonymity. He was just a cumdump, a hole to be used and bred by the men of the city. I heard his door open as someone else came in. Initially I panicked, but he reassured me it was another cruiser coming to dump his load - my time was up. He laid flat on the ground, with me on top of him. The feel of his sweaty muscular back against my chest as I fucked him deep was glorious. In this position, his hole felt tighter than before, he was stimulating my cock so well. I sped up faster and faster until he was begging for my load in front of the new guest, who had already dropped his pants and began stroking his cock. Finally I came, shoving my cock as deep as possible inside him. With full control over his slutty hole, he did this thing where he clenched his cheeks to squeeze my dick, milking the cum from my dick. After a minute of my cock being jerked off by his ass, I slid out and saw his hole gape with my cum. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I gave him a soft slap on his ass and said thank you, putting my jeans back on. He mumbled something unintelligible in response, probably because the other breeder had already started fucking him. I left with a smile on my face.
    2 points
  30. Paul's Continuing Seduction, Matt at the Bar, Part 2 The drag show is ending as Matt sits down. Paul is flirting with a couple of the guys at the table when Matt sits down. He reaches over to rub Matt’s leg as a friendly gesture. Matt smiles at Paul and the guys. The bouncer Matt knows comes by to clean off the empty glasses on the table. The bouncer leans in and asks Matt to come to the bar with him as he drops off the glasses. Bouncer turns to Matt at the bar and says, “Hey one of the folks who works here saw you leave the bathroom with a guy we know does coke. We asked him not to do it here. I just gotta ask, were you in the bathroom with that guy and did you do drugs with him tonight?” Matt is a bit surprised; not that John would do coke, but that he is being asked if he did coke in the bar tonight. Matt honestly answers, “Yes, we were in the bathroom together. But he was fucking me in there. We didn’t do drugs.” The bouncer rolls his eyes, chuckles, and says, “Matt the bathrooms are not for fucking. If you got caught in there, we’d ask you to leave the bar. Seriously, just use them to go to the bathroom.” Matt blushes deeply (for what seems like the tenth time tonight) and apologizes. The bouncer says “Thanks for being honest with me. Stay away from that guy. He ain’t bad, but he ain’t a good guy either. And, if you wanna get fucked just wiggle that amazing ass in my direction.” The bouncer smiles at Matt. Matt turns away from the bouncer, wiggles his ass, and looks over his shoulder. The bouncer, and now a bartender watching, laugh and high five. Matt laughs. The bartender makes them each a shot and they do it. As Bouncer walks away, he feels Matt’s ass before he takes off. Matt leans in and says, “You want to come by later?” Bouncer nods. Matt grabs a bar napkin and a pen and writes the address and buzzer number on the napkin. “I’ll get out of here about 2am tonight. That cool.” Matt says, “Ring the buzzer. I’m going to go home soon before I get wasted on these drinks.” Bartender makes Matt another long island, on the house. Matt had seen and spoken with the bartender while getting drinks on other visits to this bar. Matt is imagining the bartender fucking his ass. The bartender is mid-30s and has a bulky, almost baseball player build, and nice arms. His shirt cuts into his biceps nicely, but not in an overly muscled way. Matt leans in for the presented drink and says, “The bouncer may come by tonight. Want to join us?” The bartender smiles at Matt and noncommittally says, “Maybe.” Matt smiles and goes back to the table to find Paul and one of the under 21s still there. Paul clearly has decided who he is fucking tonight. Matt is a little disappointed, hoping Paul would fuck him later. Since Matt and Travis broke it off, Matt doesn’t have access to Paul’s dick as often. Matt sits down next to Paul and the guy. Paul turns to Matt and asks what the bouncer wanted. Matt tells him. Paul laughs. The other guy leans in and says, “What’s funny?” Paul tells the guy what happened. The guy is surprised. Matt and Paul can see it on his face. Ignoring the guy’s reaction, Paul says, “Where’s my drink?” Matt apologizes and said this one was on the house. He gives Paul some money and says, “Go get one for yourself. I just forgot.” Paul takes the money and says he will be back; leaving Matt with the surprised college kid to his right. Matt is sitting in his cushioned round swivel stool; looking around the bar some. He turns to face the college boy and asks his name. It’s Ryan. Ryan says, “Listen. I’m sorry I was surprised a minute ago at your story. It’s just that I was saving this for you.” Ryan hands Matt his free safe sex kit the clinic folks were giving out. Ryan continues, “Yours was the only one that was opened. When my friends left after the drag show, they all took their packets. I noticed you left yours on the table and I put it in my pocket to give it to you. I was surprised when you said your got fucked in the bathroom because I knew your condoms were in my pocket. That would mean you got fucked without the condoms.” Matt looked at Ryan and thought, “What a nosy fucker. Why is this asshole all up in my business. This is how rumors start and why people talk about me.” Matt took a beat and sipped his drink through the straw and looked more deeply Ryan. Ryan clearly played sports in high school, maybe club sports in college. The brown haired, button nosed, slim waisted jock was sexy. There was something else though all over the college boy’s face – curiosity. It wasn’t judgment. This kid was curious. Matt put his drink on the table, looked the boy in the eye and said, “Yes. I bumped into a fuckbuddy in line for the bathroom. We fucked in the bathroom. We didn’t use a condom.” Ryan looked like a guy who knew the answer and been proven correct, but then the curiosity washed over his face again. Ryan eagerly asked, “Does that mean the story that Jason told us is true? That y’all had unprotected sex with my friends a couple weeks ago?” Matt looks dead in Ryan’s face and says, “Jason is the black haired one right?” Ryan nods. “What did Jason tell you about his role in this unprotected bareback orgy among 6 guys?” Ryan says, “Not much really. He had sex with two guys.” Paul comes back over with his drink and a water for Ryan. He hears the conversation and sees the guy’s body language. As Paul is about to say something, Matt says, “Ryan. The story you heard made me look slutty right? That, I as the bottom, had unprotected sex with 4 men that night and I let guys cum inside me. And that I was the center of the story?” Ryan nods. Matt sighs slowly and says, “Sex is fun. That night was fun. It really was. It was fun for each of us. Right Paul?” Paul nods. Matt continues, “If the guys telling that story were honest in their retelling of the story, they’d tell it from their own perspectives and how they enjoyed it. Their story would be how it made each of them feel to do the things we did that night.” Paul, sensing Matt’s frustration but also the wisdom in what Matt is saying, joins in saying “Matt is right. When I jerk off thinking about previous sex partners I think about how it made me feel or how they looked as they got fucked or came. Isn’t that how you think about it when you jerk off?” Ryan looks down and shyly says, “I just came out this past year. I have fooled around with some guys on campus, but I haven’t had many great sexual experiences yet.” Then he adds, “I do think what you are saying is true though. I wish more of my friends saw it that way. Instead of judging each other for being too slutty and sleeping around. We all just want the same thing and want to feel good about doing it.” Paul comes and stands between Matt and Ryan. Matt’s legs are on either side of Paul’s legs as he stands there. Ryan is facing Paul as well. Paul kisses Ryan for a minute or so. Paul stops and turns to Matt. Paul kisses Matt and Matt feels his tongue in his mouth. Matt sucks on the tongue and kisses him back. Paul breaks off the kiss. Paul encourages Matt and Ryan to kiss. Matt leans over and Ryan kisses Matt. It’s a good kiss. Matt feels Ryan’s aggressive kiss and lets him take charge. By the time it’s over, Matt’s lips are wet and he feels a little abused, but in a good way. Paul says, “Matt you came to the bar tonight dressed for sex right?” Paul slips his hand up Matt’s shorts and a bit surprised asks, “What happened to your jockstrap?” Matt laughs softly and says, “Payment for services rendered.” The boys all laugh. All the tension from the previous conversation is gone now. Paul says, “That guy in the bathroom fucked you bareback right?” Matt nods, wondering where this is going. Paul says, “You knew there were condoms all over this bar tonight from the clinic safe sex folks, but you had unprotected sex anyway. Why?” Matt says, “It feels a lot better. And I knew the guy who fucked me.” Paul says, “I like to fuck bareback as well. You like getting fucked bareback by me right?” Matt smiles and says, “Yeah I do. I was hoping we’d fuck tonight.” Paul turns to Ryan and says, “When did you last have sex without a condom?” Ryan says, “I never have. I always use condoms to have sex.” Paul says, “When did you last get tested?” Ryan, “Beginning of the semester. Couple months ago.” Paul looks at Matt. Matt, knowing where this is going now, smiles. Paul asks Matt, “You up for it?” Matt says, “Yes. If Ryan is.” Ryan, looking like a cross between a confused puppy and an eager boy, looks at them both. Paul says, “Ryan, would you like to fuck Matt bareback tonight?” Ryan, clearly debating internally, says “but is it safe?” Matt says, “I just got tested and I’m negative. One guy I’ve had sex with previously, fucked me earlier tonight and came in my ass. I know the guy, but he’s not a friend or anything. So..um..yeah..I guess there is a small risk. Up to you.” Ryan says, “I really want to fuck you. You are so sexy. Can we just see how it goes and if we want to use a condom, we can?” Matt says, “Absolutely.” Matt, Paul, and Ryan leave the bar. As they are leaving, Matt sees the bouncer and says, “See you later I hope.” Bouncer smiles at Matt. The three guys head to Matt’s place. When they get there, Matt takes off his shoes, socks, and tank top. Paul and Ryan sit on Matt’s bed and kiss. Matt watches the guys make out. Paul takes off Ryan’s shirt and holds out his hand to Matt. Just in the flimsy running shorts, Matt straddles Ryan’s waist and kisses him. Ryan’s hands explore Matt’s body as they make out. Matt feels the eagerness in the man he is kissing. Matt decides to let Ryan be in total charge so he is comfortable. After a few minutes of rubbing his hands all over Matt’s back, abs, arms and shoulders; Ryan’s hands find Matt’s pert ass. Ryan quickly discovers the open seems and slides his hands inside to run on Matt’s bare ass. Clearly excited, Ryan says “You have the best ass I’ve ever felt.” Matt says softly, “Feel my hole. I like it when a guy plays with my hole.” Ryan looks up at Matt as he runs his fingers through Matt’s ass crack tentatively to find Matt’s hole. Matt and Ryan both know Matt’s been fingered tonight by Paul, fucked and bred by a guy less than an hour ago. Ryan feels Matt’s hole and rubs it. Matt moans softly as Ryan and Paul watch Matt’s face filled with pleasure. Ryan slips a finger inside Matt’s hole. Matt pushes back down on it so it slides all the way inside. Ryan watches as Matt fucks himself on his finger. The bed shifts as Paul stands and undresses himself. As if Paul’s movement is Ryan’s awakening, Ryan flips Matt onto his back, pulls off Matt's shorts, stands up, takes off his jeans and underwear, pushes off his shoes. Clad only in his socks, Ryan gets between Matt’s legs, slides up Matt's lithe body and kisses him. Matt can feel Ryan’s hard cock pressed against him. Ryan is feeling for Matt’s hole again. Matt spread his legs so they are bent on either side of Ryan, feet on the mattress, giving Ryan access to his hole. Ryan says, “I want to fuck you.” Matt says, “I want you to fuck me.” Ryan says, “Your hole is so hot. I can tell you really want to fuck.” Paul says, “Matt loves getting fucked,” and he sits back on the bed. Paul hands Matt the lube packet he brought from the bar. It’s open. Matt reaches down and lubes his hole some and says, “Can I lube your cock Ryan?” Ryan says, “Yes.” Ryan moans as Matt’s lubricated hand wraps around his cock. Matt strokes this nice cock for a few strokes to get it lubed up. Matt looks up at Ryan. Ryan puts his bare cock at Matt's hole and says, “I’m going to fuck you.” Paul holds out a condom and says, “Want this?” Matt says, "I want you to fuck me bareback." Matt guides Ryan’s bare, lubed cock to his unprotected ass and puts it on his hole. Matt says, “Push inside me.” A bit too aggressively, Ryan pushes his cock inside Matt. Matt’s grunt is appreciative and a bit pained. Paul drops the condom on the bed next to Matt and says, “Let Matt adjust to you inside him.” Matt lifts his legs up so Ryan’s cock can slide in him easier. Matt turns his head. sees the unopened condom next to him, and opens his mouth for Paul’s cock. As Paul slides his cock into Matt’s mouth, Ryan’s balls touch Matt’s ass. Ryan is in heaven. This sexy twink is spreading his legs for his bare cock and sucking off another guy that Ryan just met tonight. Fuck this feels so good. Ryan had never felt his bare cock inside an ass before. Ryan was so excited. He wasn’t going to last long inside this ass. Matt could feel Ryan beginning to tense up. He slid his free hand down Ryan’s back and grabbed his ass. Matt stopped sucking Paul for a bit, looked up at Ryan and said, “Cum inside me. It’s ok. I want you to cum in my ass. It’s the best part of getting fucked bareback.” Ryan made eye contact with Matt and growled, “I’m gonna cum soon.” Paul said, “Cum in him. He wants your load.” Matt held his legs open wide and watched as Ryan’s face contorted and he screamed, “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!” Ryan slammed his hips forward, burying his bare cock in Matt’s ass as he shot his load deep. Matt could feel 6-7 pumps as Ryan unloaded inside him. Ryan collapsed on Matt in enjoyment and pleasure. Ryan’s old habits took over and he slid his cock out and looked down. He chuckled at himself and said, “Oh yeah, no condom to throw in the toilet.” Ryan laid back down on the bed. Paul gently tugged Matt’s arm and said, “Sit your cum filled ass on my bare cock and ride.” Matt smiled and did as he was told; straddling Paul’s lap, lining up his big cock and sitting down on it. Matt adjusted to it easily since he’d already been fingered, fucked by two guys, and this was a cock with which his ass was well acquainted. Matt rode Paul up and down. Ryan laid next to them on Matt’s bed watching the guys fuck. Paul said, “Your ass feels so wet from the loads you took. It turns me on watching you beg guys to cum in you.” Paul took over the fuck at this point, guiding Matt’s ass to meet his thrusts upward. Matt adjusted his ass for this large cock’s intrusion – the third cock of the night. Paul said, “Beg me for it. I’m close and want to hear you say it.” Matt looked at Paul and Ryan and smiled a naughty smile. “You like it when I say slutty things right?” Paul nodded and continued to fuck Matt’s ass, slowing down a bit and long stroking his fat, long, bare cock into Matt’s ass. Matt said, “Cum in me. Add your load to two other guys tonight. Breed me.” Paul slid in and out of Matt as he was hearing the words. It was like Matt pulled a trigger. Paul was so turned on that he started cumming on the out stroke, tried to recover, but ended up losing half his load on Matt’s back, ass and floor. Paul shot his load so hard that he accidentally denied Matt half his load. Paul dropped back on the bed while Matt said, “Dude. You were supposed to cum inside. You shot so hard its in my hair.” They all laughed. Paul said, “That was super hot.” Ryan was hard again from watching the boys fuck. Matt looked hungrily at Ryan’s cock. Matt leaned over and took it in his mouth. It tasted of lube, his ass, and cum. It didn’t take look for Ryan to cum. He held Matt’s head as his shot his load down Matt’s throat. The party broke up when Matt said he needed to shower. The guys got dressed. Matt got Ryan’s number and they left. Matt was in the shower when he heard the door buzzer. He thought Ryan or Paul had forgotten something. He hopped out of the shower, dried off a bit to keep from getting water everywhere, buzzed the front door, popped his own door open a bit and was bent over slipping on the shorts he wore to the bar when he heard his apartment door open. He heard, “That’s a great ass.” Matt looked over his shoulder. It was the bouncer and the bartender from the bar. Matt said, “I guess I don’t need to put these shorts on.” The bouncer and bartender fucked him until the sun came up. Despite all the work of the safe sex advocates, Matt took it bareback from both the bartender and the bouncer that night. Matt took 2 loads down his throat and 3 more up his ass. The bartender and bouncer bred him and Matt begged them to cum in his ass. As the sun came up, Matt had taken 6 loads in his ass from 5 different men in less than 12 hours. Well, 5 and a half loads – Matt didn’t get all of Paul’s load.
    2 points
  31. And I was just about to setup a GoFundMe to get them both a room. 😀 Anyway, plucky comic relief aside… I’ll avoid multi-quoting various excerpts and just cite my point. I’m not an angel, I have in the past ‘arranged’ for some ‘companionship’ and certainly sex was on offer though not necessarily on the printed menu. Not proud of it, it was an especially lonely point of my life, I’m not normal transactional in that way, and frankly I tend to shut down those types of overtures from people. I get where people can feel betrayed by especially political figures who manipulate situations where one moment they’ll be doing the kneel-and-bob and the next they’ll be thumping a Bible in front of constituents and decrying the moral breakdown of the family unit. But let’s not be naive in that most politicians and public figures are serially dishonest and sociopaths. It’s scummy, they deserve the karma they’ll at some point get, but outing someone like that will only result in the wrong sort of blowback and the point will be lost in the noise. My $0.02: I believe in karma, and it has a way of catching up with people.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Its the feeling of just DROPPING YOUR TOWEL inside a room or where ever you are inside the bath and start fucking. Can't do that in an ABS, theater, park, rest room nor Grindr.
    1 point
  34. The HPV vaccine only protects agains a subset of HPV viruses strains. There are also a number of other viruses that will manifest as viral warts. One hypothesis is that warts or viral outbreaks are thought to be triggered by trauma or stress and will trigger a breakout after nearby tissue damage or prolonged psychological stress when cortisol levels are elevated. As with most viral infections symptoms are usually the worst after a first lifetime contact and then subside with subsequent outbreaks being less severe. Unfortunately, many viruses are never cleared and remain dormant. As we age and our immune systems wane breakouts may become more pervasive both in frequency and severity. An uncomfortable reality but I’d rather spend my life fucking freely with them than avoiding sex and hoping to maintain a pure body.
    1 point
  35. Love sharing a devils dick. Sucking it while it is halfway up an ass. Kissing with the melted cum. Working my tongue around when it's inside a guy. Using it as a double dildo between our asses. Or being the third moving ut between two guys, licking it...
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Damn hot hole on an innocent looking boy. I bet you arent as innocent as you look though lol
    1 point
  39. Love to be watch as Im getting fucked and sucking at the same time.. Love when a zoom session is on or guys just sitting there watching..
    1 point
  40. Yet reason and civilization trump animal instinct and impulse - yes, even sexual drive, as potent as it is - every day, and, on balance, have for millennia, which is why we are right now having this pleasant conversation via electronic technology and not throwing our own dung at one another whilst swinging from trees. But never mind reason and civilization - though I think they’re considerably more durable than a veneer - self-preservation is not dependent upon them. It’s a far stronger instinct, universal across living things, a base biological instruction that powerfully drives the behavior of both individuals and populations. We observe that gifter/chaser culture is irrational because it runs directly counter to the most fundamental imperative understood by all living things: Avoid Death. If this were just another fantasy or fetish playing itself out within the confines of the mind, it would be harmless. For some, it is. Their motivations can be rationalized through psychology. I don’t necessarily think a man is looney for having a gifter/chaser fantasy - sexual psychology is bizarre, often with deep, dark roots. But there are those who actually act on it, and It’s when they act on it that it becomes irrationally self-destructive. More than that, in this case, the potential for harm extends beyond the individual to every other sexual partner this person may fuck, should he become infected and feel the desire to “share”. Thus we also observe gifter/chaser culture to be irrational at the population level. A society that openly distributed a deadly pathogen would eventually cease to be. The ‘brotherhood’ we’re discussing speaks openly of going without meds, seeking high viral loads, and trying to reach the advanced stage of the disease so as to appear ‘wasted’, as though it were a status symbol and not a harbinger of death. Their philosophy, taken to its logical conclusion, would doom a society, if not a species.
    1 point
  41. It’s not clutching our fucking pearls to wonder why men whom we might potentially fuck want to become incubators for a disease that makes fucking a deadly hazard. Wanting a disease is crazy, by any sane standard. It’s not strange that any normal, rational person would look at gifter/chaser culture and think, ‘those guys are insane’. There is not a single justification for wanting to contract HIV that stands up to rational scrutiny. Every excuse is based on some fevered fetish or fantasy that ignores, glosses over, minimizes or denies some basic truth about the consequences of becoming infected with the Enemy Virus. Calling it ‘being sexually extreme’ is just another delusion. I’ve done sexually extreme, in diverse ways that most guys would justifiably think anyone would be out of his mind to allow, and sexually extreme doesn’t look like this. This is just nuts. Their ‘brotherhood’ is a brotherhood of the misguided, and I can say that as one with more goddamn credentials to join than anybody would ever need.
    1 point
  42. i assume this is a reference to ageism. Fact of life i guess 😜it's partially why i'm currently such a slut: i see the window closing and i want to get as much action in while i still can. still, after i got both divorced and vaccinated and started hookin up again, i read an article about a published study finding the average US male had 6 sexual partners. i thought 6!? like in a weekend? turns out it's in a lifetime! omfg life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death. lol so i sat down and tried to do the math and came up with in the 6 months since my div i'd been with about 30 different guys lol 6! can you imagine? that's like one sat night at megaplex! 😈
    1 point
  43. By the time I finished college I had lost count. What was so nuts is that I used to try and remember their first name and where I hooked up with them. This was before the time of phone apps or even hook up sites, I found men at college, in certain areas of the city I lived in, and yes the numerous ABS scattered in the downtown area. I went to the baths, which were a convenient walk from the bars I went to. My home town really wasn't into "carding" like you see today. so it was not difficult for a 19 year old to get into a bar or club. I went out both Friday and Saturday evening from the time I was actually 18, so even if I met one new guy a night the numbers just added up. Take into account the fact that during the week I went to the gym, so I scored there, and Sunday afternoons were a good time to find guys as well. I counted the guys I shot a load with. Doesn't matter if it was anal or oral, if I would cum, he made the list. Tbh, when I sit down and try to calculate the number of guys I have hooked up with it makes me sick to my stomach, not kidding.
    1 point
  44. I started going with guys when I was 15 or 16, so how many men I have fucked or have fucked me, or I have blown or have had sex with in bedrooms, cottages/tea rooms, outdoor spaces, clubs, saunas over the last 50 years I really wouldn't know. It must be in the 100s. Sad to say, though, the number has dwindled radically in the last few years.
    1 point
  45. This is a little further south but I didn't see anything for San Diego. SD has Barnetts, Jolars and Adult Depot. I've had fun at all of them but Adult Depot seems to be where I get the most cum. I've never been in their arcade booths but they have two decent sized theater areas. I have been bent over the last row of seats many times with guys taking turns fucking me. The pic is in the bathroom after 4 guys fucked me an adult theater. I usually only stay for an hour or two.
    1 point
  46. PART 8 Jammes held the spread opening for several minutes causing Joel to begin to twist in hunger for a more filled feeling. His body was demanding attention now. He absolutely was in need to be used. His head twisted to the left and then to the right as he began to whimper pitifully. Jammes decided it was time to move on and began a slow release of the stretched opening which did nothing for Joel's urgent need. Closer and closer Jammes' fingers moved together until at long last they once more touched each other. Jammes pulled them from Joel and patted his new toy's now closed hole. Jammes reached down into his backpack and pulled out his tube of lubrication. He released a small amount of the lube spreading it over the tip and inserted the tube full length only to begin slowly withdrawing the tube as he depressed the plunger releasing the home brew into Joel's ass. Joel had fared well with the whole process. But, now that there was no longer a presence, Joel began once more to whine and whimper at his empty horniness. Jammes reached into his backpack and took out a black 6-inch dick-shaped dildo with a safety set of balls to prevent total insertion. Jammes placed the dildo against Joel's ass opening balancing it there on the fingers of his left hand. He turned and winked at the men looking in at the window. His head turned back to his work and with a swift hammer-like stroke of his right fist the dildo was pushed light speed fully into Joel's ass. Joel sharply yelped once both from shock and size of the dildo. His yelp was muffled by the expert placement of the hood by Jammes who immediately rose and moved to Joel's head. "You know that didn't hurt," Joel heard Jammes soothingly speak to him as he lightly rubbed Joel's chest and stomach. "You know you are going to take larger ones. Your body is begging for me to quench your thirst just as I did with the water you took from me. Remember? Now, tell me you neeeeeeed me to satisfy that hunger your body feels. Come on. Tell me, and I promise you a night of unparalleled delight." Joel stared into the darkness of the inside of the hood. His nostrils flared. His body was feeling so awake and alive. The spoken words echoed in his ears as he wondered if he had been heard saying, "Do what you want only fill me up. I'm going crazy. PLEEEEEEASE!" Joel pleaded. Jammes alone had heard Joel's muffled begging words and smiled. They all end up here at my mercy begging for more he thought. He returned to his seat and began twisting the still impaled dildo finally beginning to pump it in and out of Joel's ass. Joel felt a sense of accomplishment and more desire as Jammes went about his business of priming this new white ass toy for the ultimate use. Jammes played with Joel for several hours upsizing dildos until at last the 12-inch long and thick black dildo was now pummelling the hole which had been a virgin earlier that evening. Jammes worked Joel's hole hard with this dildo as only moans of lust and muffled words of encouragement came from under the hood. At times, Joel was screaming for Jammes to amp up his work. Jammes only smiled when he heard the begging words. But, it was now 3:00 in the morning, and Jammes had one more item to use. He yanked the dildo out of Joel, closed the window, and removed the hood.
    1 point
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