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  1. The next day dawn bright, hot and sunny once again. We spent the morning swimming and packing up our site. We didn’t bother with clothes, and oddly, nothing was said about the day before. About noon the two hunky cubs paddled up to our site. Their gorgeous hairy chests had me immediately springing a boner. I tried to hide it, but Peter was quickly kneeling in front with my cock down his throat. Both guys shucked their shorts as they confidently walked up to me and kissed me. Both had a hand on my ass and one of their fingers penetrated me. “Finally!” one exclaimed as he moved behind me. Peter moved off my cock long enough to say, “Dominate him, he’s just learning his submissive role.” The cub behind me needed no more encouragement. He spit on his 7 solid inches and plunged it balls deep into my tender ass. I screamed and it echoed down the lake. He didn’t wait to pound me, and it took a while for pleasure to mix in with the almost overwhelming pain. This transition was just started when he declared; “Take my fuckin load slut.” I couldn’t feel the load but the spasms of his cock and shudder of his body were unmistakable. Number two was immediately trusting into me. With the first guys cum as lube I didn’t want this onslaught to end. All too soon a long groan emitted from his mouth but clearly started from his groin and member unloading deep in my gut. Only then did Peter stand with some of my cum smeared on his lips. I must have unloaded without noticing. He was soon behind me and I was riding his familiar rock-hard tool. Only yesterday my ass had been a virgin, within ten minutes today I was impaled on my third raw cock. Two had already bred me and I was sure I wouldn’t be waiting long for load number three. And, I was loving this! After Peter came in me number two cub wasted no time crouching behind me and lapping at my sloppy hole. Number one cub joined him and licked the cum that had already dripped down my leg. I was bent over facing the lake and saw two canoes come around the point. There were four older shirtless guys who stopped paddling and were clearly mesmerized by the surprise sex show. Peter stroked his big meat and called out, “Come and get in the action if you want guys.” They quickly reached shore and were scrambling out of any clothes they had been wearing. The silver bear among them came straight to me and asked the cubs if they were prepping me for a fuck. “Nope’, responded the first, “Enjoying the three loads this slutty sub has already received.” “Then move out of the way, he won’t need anymore lube for this monster.” Only then did I realize his rock-solid rod was at least 12 inches long and thicker than a beer can. As he moved in behind me I cried, “I can’t take that!” “You can and you will, even if it splits you in two.” I was already screaming as the portobello mushroom head breached my outer ring. “Would one of you cubs do me? I always perform better if I’ve got a cock up my ass.” I couldn’t see which one stepped up, but from the silver daddies groan of pleasure I knew his rear door had been breached. It was only then that I noticed Peter was being spit roasted down by the shore. I short fat man the shape of a beach ball was giving the blowjob. An elderly pot-bellied guy was fucking his ass. Cub number 2 joined them, and his boner was soon planted in the old guy’s ass. My attention returned to the pain in my ass, which surprisingly was mixed with intense pleasure. I reached between my legs to find silver daddies’ huge raw cock was disappearing balls deep with each instroke. I could hardly believe this and was incredibly proud of myself at the same time. Cub number 1’s voice came over the intense sounds of sex all around the campsite. “I’m about to cum daddy bear, where do you want it.” “Fuck kid, no need to ask. Just breed me deep.” “Fuuuccckkkk Yyeeaaahhhh. Loadin your …” “Yeah, I can feel it …sending me over the edge.” Silver daddies’ unloading growl was in competition with the old guy breeding Peter. Pretty soon the beach ball fat guy’s cock was in my ass, and even quicker pumping his sperm into me. Only then did I notice the fourth of their party. A tall, slim, steely grey-haired guy I would guess in his mid forties. He was rolling a condom onto his thin straight 8” cock. I noticed a wedding band. His rubber clad cock was soon pistoning my slopy ass. It didn’t feel nearly as good as the raw ones, but my ass was thankful for the attention all the same. He fucked me for a long time. As he was doing so, I watched Peter pump a load into Cub #1. Cub number two bred Peter, and so did Silver Daddy. Then I felt the long slim cock slip from my ass. I heard the snap of the rubber as he removed it from his cock. He was already unloading as he pushed back into me. I was so fuckin happy I was getting his load that I didn't ask what that was about. My dripping ass became the centre of attention as everyone, excelt the tall slim guy, used, abused and bred me one more time. My hole would no longer close and cum was leaking out and down my balls and legs only a little slower than it had been pumped in. I was exhausted, but still able to keep track of the twelve loads that had painted my gut walls. I was dumfounded. Seven men had just used and abused me and the only one I knew anything about was my childhood friend Peter. How had I let this happen? Like a kid in a candy store I knew I wanted more as the three canoes paddled away. I turned to Peter. “I know we are supposed to go home this afternoon. But, after what just happened I can’t. I’m not ready to face my wife and kids. I understand if you must leave. I’ll paddle you to your car …” “No need. I’m here for you.” He was already unpacking the tent. As the sun set that night it was finally cooling off, so we lit a fire. We must have sat for ¾’s of an hour entranced by the dancing flames, not a word crossed our lips. Peter broke the silence. “Sorry bud. I think that was too much for you.” “Fuck yeah! How often does that happen to you?” “Not that much, sometimes, well enough. OK, often " he laughed. “I can’t believe that my ass was a virgin yesterday, and now 7 men have dominated and bred me.” “Fuckin hot, eh?” “Well yeah, but overwhelming to. And I just want more … … … How many guys have you had sex with?” “Oh shit. Lost track years ago. Hundreds, maybe even thousands.” “Holy shit! … … How can you be so comfortable with it?” “It’s just so natural for me. I started early and by 18 my brother, uncle and older cousin were fucking and breeding me three times a week. After leaving high school I play on a men’s soccer team. The first year I set the goal to suck off everyone of them before the end of the season. Exceeded my goal by also being bred by half of them and all our coaches.” “You’ve got to be kidding me.” “Nope. I just love sex with men, I’m addicted to it.” “What about your wife?” “What about her?” “Does she know?” “Let’s just say she gives me lots of ‘hall passes’, just as I do with her.” I let that sink in for quite some time. Then a question occurred to me. “Why did that one guy wear a condom up until he unloaded in me.?” “Not sure, but I suspect he wanted to lower his chances of taking something home to his wife. Did you see his wedding ring?” “Something home?” “An STD. Wife and I bring stuff home all the time. You’ll need to get tested after the sex circus we had today.” “FUCK!!!!!” “It’s no big deal. The clinics are completely confidential.” I was too exhausted to talk anymore. We sat in silence for another fifteen minutes before Peter quietly announced. “I want to fuck you, I need to breed you one more time before I fall asleep.” That’s how I fell asleep with 13 loads in my ass only the day after I lost my virgin ass to my childhood friend. ….To be continued
    8 points
  2. It's still Sunday, and instead of saving this for next week, I've decided to give it to you now, knowing I left you on a cliffhanger. Enjoy! Part 40: Pastor Fucks Pastor (Pastor Kline’s Perspective) I sat in my living room, sick to my stomach, my mind playing over everything that happened since I saw Ben. He’d told me about his wife and the tension he had felt. He told me about how proud he was of Will. He told me about his son Jay and how he thought he was… free? I couldn’t understand why he had left the way he did. Had I said something I shouldn’t have? Was it possible that maybe he knew how I felt about him? Did he know that I’d only contacted him in the hopes of something happening between us? Did he know that I’m gay? Did he know that I’ve slept with his son? Did he know that his son had pozzed me? Did he— There was a knocking on my door, pulling me back from the catastrophe of the day. Another knocking brought me to my feet and running to the door. “Hello?” “Mark?” “Ben?” I unlocked the door, but before I could open it, the door flew open and Ben stormed inside, the door bouncing back. He pushed past me, his manner manic. He looked disheveled, his shirt untucked, his tie loosened. His hair was messed up. He looked so different from the man I had seen earlier that day. “Ben, what’s wrong?” “I can’t,” he said, moving further into my home, circling, pacing. “I can’t. I can’t.” “You can’t what?” I asked. “What’s wrong?” “I can’t keep doing this,” he said, turning to me, his eyes wide. “I just… I can’t keep…” “Ben, what’s wrong?” I grabbed his shoulders, trying to stop his moving. He was breathing heavily, his eyes slightly red. “Are you alright? What’s going on?” “I’m a horrible person,” he said. “What? No, you’re not.” “Yes, I am,” he said. “I’m horrible. I’m a horrible person.” “No, you’re not.” “I’ve always been a horrible person,” he said. “Ben, sit down.” I brought him to a chair, helping him to sit as he tried to slow his breathing. “Do you want something to drink?” “No,” he said. “I’m fine. I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” I asked, sitting across from him. He started to nod, but he quickly started shaking his head. “I feel… I feel so… so… ashamed!” “Why?” I asked. “Because,” he said. “There’s a darkness in my heart that I can’t remove.” “What are you talking about?” “I’ve tried to pray it away,” he said. “I tried to smother it. I tried to hide it so far down inside me so it wouldn’t come back.” “What are you talking about?” “My son,” Ben said, “I’ve always looked down on him. I’ve always looked at him as if he was something awful, someone who I should be ashamed of.” “I don’t understand,” I said. “What has Will—” “Not Will,” he said, staring at me, confused. “Jay.” “Jay?” Ben shook his head. “I always knew my son was wild. He turned from his faith long ago. He ran as far from me as he could. I built a wall up against him, wanting to distance myself from him and his choices. Whenever we speak, it’s strained. He hates me.” “He doesn’t hate you.” “He does,” Ben said. “I just spoke to him. I called him. Even before I could really say a word, he shouted at me and hung up. He didn’t even let me explain to him that I… that I…” “That you what?” Ben stared at me. “He doesn’t know that he and I are exactly the same.” “What? What do you mean?” Ben’s chin shook as he held back tears. “I’m not the pure man you think I am. I’m not good. I’ve… I’ve sinned. I’ve sinned so many times.” “Ben, we all have,” I said. “All men have—” “No,” Ben shouted, sending me back. “I’m not a good, pure man. Before you met me, before I went to college, I… I wasn’t pure. I hadn’t kept myself pure for my wife.” I stared at him, his words sinking in. “You weren’t… a virgin?” Ben hung his head. “I slept with my girlfriend at the time, but not only her. I slept with dozens of women. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop. There was this… urge inside me. I couldn’t keep myself clean. My sexual deviance consumed my thoughts.” “Ben, you were a young man,” I said. “All young men, all men have strong sexual urges.” “But I’m not meant to,” he said. “I’m a man of God. I’m meant to be pure. I’m meant to resist all sexual urges, but I couldn’t. My son… my son is just like me. I see so much of myself in him. I see his choices as my own. But that’s not the worst part. The worst part is… is…” “Is what?” He looked at me, a tear running down his cheek. “I want to be him.” I leaned back in my chair. “What?” “I want to live like him,” Ben said. “I know it’s wrong. I know that I’m a married man with sons. I know that I’m meant to be a respectable man, a godly man everyone is meant to look up to, but that’s not who I am inside. All I want is what my son has. He is free. He sleeps with anyone he wants. He does whatever he wants without the fear of ramifications.” I watched in awe as Ben’s moral compass collapsed. I saw him crave the sin Jay and Will bathed in. I saw him struggling with the same darkness that had tortured my soul for decades. Never, in all the years I had craved this man, had I believed him to be as sinful as me. As sinful as Jay. As sinful as Will. Well, I thought, knowing the deepest secret we all hid deep inside ourselves, not as sinful as he might think. “I tried to tell my son,” Ben said. “I tried to confess to him, to Jay. I wanted to speak to someone, hoping he wouldn’t judge me. I didn’t want Will to know, to look at me any differently, but even Jay wouldn’t listen. He hates me so much that he doesn’t even want to speak to me.” “He feels hurt,” I said. “He feels—” “He’s gay,” Ben said. “What?” “Jay,” Ben continued. “He told me he’s gay. He said it as if it was one final slap to my face. He said it to hurt me. He said it to make me hate him.” Ben covered his face with his hands, his breathing heavy. “He still doesn’t know that… that I am… that I’m also…” I reached out and pried his hands off his face, holding his chin steady. His tearful eyes stared into mine. I leaned forward, moving carefully, and lightly pressed my lips on his. It was the moment I had always hoped for. It was the moment I had always desired more than anything. In that moment, I knew I was risking everything, just as he had with his confession. I waited, only my lips moving, only my desire made known. I started to pull back, my heart sinking, knowing I had read the situation wrong. I had been entirely wrong. “Ben, I—” Ben grabbed my head and pulled me into a deep kiss, holding me tight. I could taste him. I finally found myself pulled into the hold of the first person I ever truly loved. His hands let me go, our lips parting. I moved back, watching his face as I saw him thinking over everything he had just done. It was brief, but there was a small smile. “I hope I read that right,” I said, clearing my throat. Ben laughed, wiping tears away. “Yes,” he said. “You read that right.” “Good,” I said. “If I hadn’t, I would have just fucked up my life.” “That’s funny. I was thinking the same thing.” “Don’t worry,” I told him. “I won’t tell anyone anything. I promise. Your secret is safe with me.” Ben nodded, collecting his composure. “Can I tell you something?” I asked. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. I mean, a long time. Decades.” “Really?” Ben said. “Well, I can’t exactly say the same thing, but I’m flattered.” “Haven’t you ever… you know… been with another man?” “No,” Ben said, a bit too loud. “I’m sorry. No, I haven’t. Like I said, I only ever slept with women. Then I got married. After that, I’m ashamed to say, I slept with several more women.” “From your church?” “No,” he said. “Never someone I knew. I only ever slept with women who were strangers to me, women I’d never see again. I couldn’t silence my urges, but I made sure the truth wouldn’t hunt me down.” “The truth always does,” I told him. Ben nodded. “At some point in my life,” he said, “there came a time when my sexual urges started to change, to transform. I started noticing the men around me. I started feeling a sexual pull toward them. I tried to trick myself into believing that it was only because I had started to keep myself contained. I had tried, once my sons were born and growing, to keep myself true to my wife. The way she treats me now is how she has always treated me. I’ve always found myself running from her. I tried to believe that she was the reason for why I felt this way toward other men. I prayed. I prayed for God to silence the urges, but they wouldn’t disappear. Instead, they grew stronger. I lusted after the men of my church. I wanted them. I tried to create scenarios in which one of them would find himself alone with me, discovering desires they never knew they had. I wanted another man to want me.” “But you never did?” “Never. I fought hard, especially once Will became a pastor. I didn’t want to shame him, but everything Jay did with his life only fueled the fire inside me. I saw the life he lived, and I wanted it. I wanted it so badly. My wife and I haven’t had sex in years. My urges started to grow stronger. For some reason, as we talked today, I found them rising back to the surface, stronger than ever before.” “And your son being gay…” “Jay and I are more alike than I already knew,” he said. “I think I owe him an apology.” “Maybe,” I said. I reached out my hands, holding his. “Now that you’ve told me all of this, what now?” “What do you mean?” “I mean, what do you think you owe yourself?” Ben looked deep into my eyes, and I got lost in his. “I'm here with you,” he finally said. “If you’ll have me.” I smiled, nodding. I stood up and started toward the stairs, Ben following behind. As we walked, I started to unbutton my shirt and undue my belt, Ben following my lead. I wanted to relish the sight of this gorgeous man stripping his clothing, revealing himself to me for the first time. Here we were, two men of God, casting off the costumes that we wore for the world, revealing to each other the true passion beneath. “Are you sure?” I asked as we reached the bedroom door, only our underwear remaining. “What does this tell you?” Ben grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss, his tongue exploring my own, tasting me. We stumbled into the bedroom, and I fell back onto the bed, looking up at the gorgeous man standing in front of me. No, he wasn’t as fit as Will or Jay, but he was just as hairy, and his body was, to me, the greatest sight I’d ever seen. I pulled my underwear off, revealing my body to him, allowing him to see the man he had revealed his soul to. Ben smiled as he looked at me, filling me with an overwhelming rush of joy, almost orgasmic. “I hope you won’t be disappointed,” Ben said, moving his hands to the waistband of his underwear. “I could never be,” I said. “You could never disappoint me.” He slid his underwear down, letting them fall to the floor, kicking them out the door and into the hall, grabbing my own and throwing them out too. I stared at his body, my eyes falling down to his magnificent cock which was already getting hard. It looked as if he was the thickness of Jay but also the length of Will, creating the perfect example of a penis. His balls, the source of two of the sexiest men I knew, hung low and were of a considerable size. “What do you think?” he asked, reaching down and giving his dick a tug. “I think it’s the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen,” I told him. “No wonder you fucked so many women. With a cock like that, what other choice do you have?” Ben smiled and then climbed up onto the bed, hovering over me, looking down with a burning passion I couldn’t wait to be consumed by. He leaned down and kissed me, his body pressed against mine. I was consumed by his warmth, my hands reaching for his back so I could pull him down on me. I wanted to ravage him, to explore every aspect of his body until there wasn’t anything of Ben Ryder that I didn’t know by heart. “Wow,” he said, breaking the kiss. “You have really wanted this.” “You have no idea,” I said. Ben looked down at his cock, a steady stream of precum leaking out. “Looks like I won’t be needing any lube. Unless, you have some…” “No,” I said. “I’m fine. I trust you.” Ben smiled, kissed me again, and then pushed himself back up, towering over me. He looked like a god. “Ready?” “I’ve been ready for years,” I told him, my legs lifted up, revealing my hole. “I’ll go slow,” he said, directing his cock head toward my puckered hole. “Don’t,” I told him. “I can’t wait. I need you inside me.” Ben smiled and then pressed his cock against my hole, forcing his thick, burning dick into my body. I felt myself shaking, months of being fucked by Will, Peter, and Dom not enough to open my body to a man as magnificent as Ben. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Keep going,” I said. Ben hadn’t mentioned anything about a condom, and I didn’t want him to notice as the high of the moment had not yet disappeared. If I kept him inside of me and got him fucking my ass, he’d fail to notice, and I’d feel him shoot his load deep inside my guts. I could feel every inch entering me. I watched as his face contorted to the waves of pleasure coursing through his body as he entered me, filling me. “Fuck me,” I told him, his eyes meeting mine. “Fuck me hard.” Ben smiled. “I’ve waited so long for a man to tell me that,” he said. He started thrusting into me, his cock hitting my prostate and driving me wild. Everything I had felt when I had been fucked by Will was multiplied as the man of my deepest desires drove his cock deep into my body, filling me in ways no one else ever could. I watched the sweat pouring down Ben’s face, admiring his heaving chest as he kept up the pace, drilling my hole. He fucked just as well, if not better, than the men half his age. He was everything I ever wanted, and now I had him. “Oh fuck,” I moaned. “Oh, fuck me!” “You like that?” “Fuck me harder,” I cried. “You want my load?” he taunted. “Here it comes.” I was lost in the moment, knowing that I was to be filled with the seed of this righteous man. Every hope I had ever had in connection with this moment was being fulfilled. “Dad?” I heard the voice, and I instantly knew who was standing in the doorway. I sat up, grabbing for sheets, trying to cover myself as my eyes rested on the shocked expression of Will Ryder. I watched as he looked from me to Ben, time slowing down around us. Ben climbed off the bed, turning to his son, his cock, swelling from his needed release, ejaculating ropes of his cum all over the floor. ___________________________________________________________________ I tried several versions of how to get Ben to this point and into Pastor Kline's bed. I hope this didn't disappoint. I know there's a lot of dialogue, but I felt it was needed. I couldn't just have Ben jump into bed with no consideration for how he got there. Anyway, thanks for reading this far!
    7 points
  3. I booked a session with my therapist as soon as I could. I got to a sexual health clinic even sooner. And, by the middle of the week I spilled the beans to my wife. Well not all the beans, not all the vivid details. Just that I found men more attractive than women, and I confessed I’d had ‘an encounter’ while away. She was not overly surprised and surprisingly supportive, despite her own fears of what this might mean for our marriage. Over the next month we each read everything we could find about how other couples had worked out ‘arrangements’ to stay together. I was so relieved when my STD tests came back negative. We had refrained from sex until I got those results. The night after I got them, we tried to make love, but my heart and body were just not into it. My soul had found an essential part of itself. I could not longer deny why hairy chests were such a magnet for my eyes and sex drive. It felt like it was tearing my heart from my chest but within six months I not only moved out I relocated to the other side of the continent. I actual camped and drove myself across the country. On the second day of the drive, I got confirmation that as terrified as I was about these choices it was the right thing to do. I had stopped for a quick lunch at a truck stop. I took a stool at the counter. The waiter was a cute young man. I was a bit confused because I could have sworn he was flirting with me as he took my order. Before he brought my food, instead of bringing my coffee he placed a large mug of cold beer in front of me. “Ah …. Um … I didn’t order beer …” “Yeah, I know. That guy bought it for you.” His eyes motioned toward a truck driver at the end of the u-shaped counter. My heart actually began to flutter, and my cock instantly sprung a boner as the driver’s eyes caught mine when I looked to see who was offering this gift. I quickly took in his bright, penetrating, bedroom blue eyes; a confident warm friendly smile, the slight nod of his head as he knew he had captivated my attention. It was as if my eyes were being pulled by a flesh magnet, and I couldn’t look away from his big boned sturdy body, his longish dirty brown curly hair, his five o’clock shadow: but, mostly, his loose fitting clean white t-shirt that someone had altered with pinking shears. The sleaves had been raggedly cut off with almost all the sides well down his torso. The neck had been cut into a deep v. Only small straps remained over his strong shoulders. The thick hair on his powerful chest spilled out the v and the slashed sides. The edge of one dark nipple peaked out for anyone and everyone to see. He was my perfect image of sexy! Knowing he had my attention he reached up through the bottom of his t and winked as he tweaking the semi exposed nipple. I knew I must be blushing as my face burned. The cute waiter flirtingly suggested I might need to cool down with a sip of beer. I picked up the mug in a toasting gesture toward my handsome admirer and mouthed ‘thank you’. He continued to smile, joined me in the toast by hoisting his mug, and mouthed back ‘enjoy’. My food arrived and I did my best to stay focused on eating it. About halfway through a presence moved onto the stool beside me. Between forkfuls I had resorted to guzzling my beer, my mug was almost empty. Placing his hand on my bare thigh (I always wear shorts in warm weather) he asked if he could buy me another. I quickly responded, “I shouldn’t.” As his hand left my thigh, reached up under his shirt, emerging into view through the v to rub his hairy chest he said. “Oh, I think you should.” And there was his captivating wink again. That’s when our cute waiter arrived with two more mugs. I knew I was trumped, we toasted our mugs and I watched as he proceeded to chug his beer. Glug, glug, glug … his beautiful Adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow. He expertly didn’t spill a drop. Seeing his mug empty I tipped mine to my mouth intending to take a large guzzle. I took too large a mouthful, choaked, and proceeded to spill much of the rest down the front of my shirt, soaking my crotch. As I tried in vain to mop up my mess, he ordered two more mugs. The waiter tripped as he arrived to deliver them. They smashed on the counter and sprayed both the trucker and me. Our clothes were soaked. What was left of that skimpy white t-shirt was now transparent. My eyes bugged out. He quickly pulled it over his head and wrung it out into his mouth. “Looks like we need to go to my truck cab and get out of these.” His eyes held mine. “Ah …. ah … ah…” I stuttered. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the counter. “Let’s go.” Before leaving he handed the waiter a crisp new $50 bill. “Keep the change.” His rig was covered with chrome accents and sparkled it was so clean and buffed. As he climbed to open the cab door my eyes looked directly at his round firm butt filling his tight blue jeans. He reached down to offer me a hand to help pull me up. The inside of the cab was as spotless and tidy as the sheen on the outside. He immediately moved into and invited me back to the spacious sleeping cab. He was already slipping off his jeans by the time I got there. Commando, I was confronted with his semi-hard thick cock. I froze into my typical deer caught in headlights. “Come on guy, it won’t suck itself.” he laughed. When I still didn’t move, he said; “Come on! You know why you followed me here.” I quickly dropped to my knees and engulfed his beer-soaked cock. It hardened and he fucked it deeper and deeper until it was hitting my tonsils. He only stopped when I started to gag and cough. He then stood me up, stripped me and bent me over his bunk. His five-o’clock shadow was soon scratching my ass cheeks and his tongue probing my hole. This continued for a deliciously long time. I was enjoying it so much that I was disappointed when he stood me, turned me around, pushed me on my back and pulled me forward so my ass was hanging over the edge. I instinctively lifted and spread my legs; the mushroom head of his now huge cock didn’t miss a beat as it started teasing my hole. “I need to see your face as I claim your hole man.” I couldn’t hide the fear in my voice; “Fuck, I don’t think I can take that.” “What you a virgin or something.” The lust grew in his eyes. “No. I’ve been fucked. My first time was six months ago, but there’s been nothing up there since.” “So, some other guy took your cherry. Damn sorry it wasn’t left for me.” “Well … um … actually seven guys. Peter broke me in, and the next day six strangers and Peter used me.” “Used you? Did you suck them.” “Well yeah … and they all fucked me and came in my ass … … several times actually.” “Nice!” With no further ado he hoarcked on his cock and his mushroom head breached my ring. One of his hands went over my mouth to stifle my scream. He started to push in little by little continuing to add spit for lube. I couldn’t take it anymore, grabbed his but cheeks and rapidly pulled him into me balls deep. The relief was almost instantaneous. It was his turn for his gorgeous eyes to roll into the back of his head. Then he kissed me passionately and started to thrust. Between his spit, precum, and my ass juices the lubrication was spot on. I wanted a video recording from my view of this gorgeous blond hunk looming over my prone body and pushing his huge cock in and out of my hole. He had amazing stamina. He would work himself up into a frantic state, so I was sure he was ready to explode and then he’d back off, as in slow down. He’d push in deep almost crushing me, hold it there and proceed to kiss me passionately for ten or so minutes. Then the fuck would continue. Frantic, slow, hold, kiss and repeat. Again and again. I finally confessed my legs hurt. He continued to fuck me moving me into three or four other positions. I was like putty in his strong hands and loved the feel of our naked hairy bodies connecting. A couple hours passed in these coital gymnastics. When he had me back in missionary his face disappeared into my ass for the most intense rimming I could imagine. When he stood, he was holding his huge, ridged cock pointed at my now aching hole. “You ready for the grand finally?” I just nodded my head. Even though it was hurting like hell my ass was so relieved to have him back inside. We both panted and groaned as he drove into me like a pile driver. He just went on and on and on. When I was beginning to think maybe he wasn’t able to cum, wondered if I was doing something wrong, he pinned me down, pressing my body into the mattress like in a vice, threw back his head, and his open mouth emitted a powerful groan as his entire body began to shake and shudder. My fingers found his taint as it was pulsing blast after blast as deep into my gut as his cum could reach. He collapsed with the full weight of his body onto me, and we both panted to regain our breath. I was surprised to feel the cab shift as I heard the door open. I realized company was arriving. Soon, the cute waiter appeared through the door of the sleeping cab. He was quickly stripping. “Fuck man, my smoke break is almost done. I knew you were still fucking as I watched the cab rock. I began to think I would never hear you cum man. Get off him. I only have time left for a quick pump and dump.” The trucker was off of me and the cute waiter in me before I had time to protest. Not that I thought of protesting. True to his word after about five quick pumps he was spraying my gut walls with his copious sperm. As quickly as he had arrived, he jumped off me, pulled on his clothes, and left. The trucker was sitting on the end of the bed grinning and stroking his huge hard cock. “How many times have you two done this. It was all planned out wasn’t it.” “Fuck yeah man. Dozens of times. I’ve been doing this route for four years. We manage this every two or three weeks. He’ll be pissed he had to breed you so quick. Help me out, would yah? Stick around ‘til the end of his shift.” I didn’t need convincing but his hot mouth on my ready cock made sure I wasn’t going anywhere soon. We 69ed for a good while before he was sucking out my ass. After he snowballed a good wad into my mouth, he lowered his hairy ass into my groin. My cock slid up and down his crack until he reached for it, aimed it at his hole and pushed it in with a deep sighing; “Fuck yeah man. I need this.” No lube. I fucked him in a number of positions for the next hour. How I held off that long I’ll never know. I finally asked; “I’m so fuckin close, where …” “In me, don’t ask, breed me.” I already had. As we were recovering his shortwave radio came to life. “Hey bud. By the rockin of your wheels it looks like you’re havin fun. You got some tail you’re willin to share?” He looked at me. “He’s another trucker, big bear, I know you’ll like what he has to offer.” Before I could answer he bounced out to the radio and called his friend to join us. By the tip of the cab as the door opened, I knew his buddy must be big. I still wasn’t prepared for the 6’4” 300 pound giant that entered shirtless into the sleeping cab. Every inch of his torso, front and back. were covered with thick black hair. His work boots, pants and underwear quickly ripped off, he was on top of me. Turning to his buddy he said. “I’m gonna assume he’s lubed and ready to go.” “Yup, mine, and one from our cute waiter.” His solid member wasn’t as long as our host but it was almost twice as thick. This didn’t stop him from ploughing into me with no preparation. For the next twenty minutes his sweating body and pounding tool dominated me. Our hosts once again hard cock was fed to my mouth. They both climaxed at the same time. I was given a pass for the next round. I was horny as hell watching our host trucker take a pounding and breeding from the massive bear. The bear then lay on his back and our host directed my cock into the deep, dark, sweaty, hairy hole. I was mounted again for a sandwich fuck culminating with yet another load pumped into me, mine into the bear and the bear’s hitting the cab ceiling and wall. “Holy fuckin shit. Look at the time. We’ve gotta get these rigs moving. Don’t forget to hookup with the waiter. He’ll be leaving from his shift.” The two rigs left the lot as I headed for my car still trying to wrestle myself back into my smelly beer stained clothes. The waiter was leaving the restaurant and called me over. He took me out back behind a dumpster and took his time breeding my ass. He didn’t worry about keeping quite and before I stood straight again four more strangers’ cocks had been in me and left their silky deposits. Tuckers, cooks, dishwasher; I had no idea. I could hardly walk. But, I knew I had made the right choice to leave my marriage and get as far out of my hometown as I could manage. To be continued
    6 points
  4. 1. I don’t get it … why lie? When you pull his pants off, you’re going to see the reality of it! 2. I’ve said it thousands of times. The size of a dick makes no difference to me. I’ve had plenty of guys with the big dick who didn’t know what to do once they stuffed their cock up my ass. And there are plenty of guys with small meat, who have climbed on top and fucked me to the point that my eyes rolled back in my head.
    5 points
  5. I had sex with this greek taxi driver in my early 20s. He was a bi, super down low, early 40s, married dad with a whole lot of kids. He was a curious lurker on the site, but I wanted him and we talked a bit. I promised he could top as much and as long as long he liked and eventually he said yes. He was scruffy-handsome and crazy hairy, like his chest had proper fur. I've got a kink for dad dick and I love hair, so it felt great getting tangled up with such a hairy guy and feel his hard dad dick. I can see how he ended up with so many kids. This guy had stamina. Said I was the second guy he'd been with and his first time fucking a guy, which I believe. He was horny for it and wanted to get a hotel room, and after some kissing and blowing we got down to him fucking me with a condom on. He felt great, I had my first anal orgasm with him. Then I felt him cum. I immediately was sure the condom had broken. I could feel his dick pulsing and I felt this slippery, hot liquid sensation inside my butt. I was 100% a condom user at this point, but this felt amazing. I was tiny bit freaked at being cum in, but I figured he was telling the truth about me being his first guy fuck. When he pulled out the condom was actually fine and full of cum. He just shoots huge loads. I was a relieved and kind of disappointed. We fucked for several hours, always with a condom, and he felt as good every time he cum. But the idea was planted. I kept daydreaming about him fucking me rawdog with our hairy chests tangling up and feeling him bucking and shooting hot cum inside me. I was sure it would feel even more intense. I asked him later to meet up again and do it like that. I believed what he said about being his first time so I was down for it. But he felt guilty about cheating on his wife and we never met again. I didn't find another guy I felt ok doing it with until PrEP came along, then I just went for it like I wanted to with a totally random hookup. I wanted to feel liberated, and I did when I let him cum in me without a condom.
    5 points
  6. I was waiting for 2 regular tops to come over and was playing with my hole and the 7 loads I already when there the doorbell rang, I thought it was my fuck buddies so opened the door wearing nothing but my chastity and holding the 10" dildo up my hole, only to find a delivery guy (looked really good and only 20yrs) holding a package 🙈 I was speechless and he just smirked and asked if I wanted him to replace the toy so I let him in, he had me bent on the living room sofa, yanked the dildo and rammed a thick 7" cock. very quickly he noticed the cum in my hole and picked up the pace, started calling me a worthless cumdump and within 5 minutes he flooded me with load #8. i cleaned him with my mouth and as he opened the door telling me he enjoyed fucking me and would love to come back so we exchanged info, my 2 fuck buddies were at the door. Then they both just came in and we continued fucking. i love when they fuck together cause they have great rhythm when they double fuck me (both are 8") both loaded me with 2 loads With now 12 loads flooding me I and waiting for more to cum, already have 3 more lined up and still looking for more.
    5 points
  7. Last night in the sauna, my partner is on a business trip and left me alone and horny so I cleaned up and went there, stripped when I got in and headed to the dark room. It was pleasantly full of men so I knew I was up for a good time. Bent over and waited no longer than 2 minutes before I felt someone behind me pressing his cock in me. I was prelubed and primed with a dildo before leaving home so he slid in easily. after he came he was replaced by the next one and I had the pleasure of cleaning his cock. this went for a while and I was on all fours, on my back and on the fuck bench taking load after load till after about 10 I was led to the main sling room which was free for me to climb. one of the daddies put a blindfold on me and I just smiled and offered my cum filled hole to anyone who wished to unload. i spent there about 5 hours and I lost count on how many loads I took, I just know I was leaking cum so badly cause I was gaping all the way home (lucky it was a short walk of shame lol)
    5 points
  8. Had a productive Sunday. I was set to visit a friend in the afternoon and he lives in the gay area of the city so I prepped in the morning and headed down early. I saw a guy online who has bred me once before and I messaged him. He let me know he was hungover & horny, sent me his address & buzzcode, and told me to strip at the door and find him in the bedroom. He's really sexy, mid 40s Middle Eastern guy who loves being called daddy and talking about seeding his boy. I sucked him off, climbed up on him, and milked his cock with my hole while he went on about how bad daddy needed this and what a good boy i was being helping daddy with his hangover. He was getting close so he flipped me onto my back and shoved in deep till he was filling me up. As I was getting dressed I opened Grindr and there was a top who had sent me his dick pics. Big black cock, lucky me. Checked his profile and was not very attracted to his face plus he was quite overweight but he was only 40 feet away and he confirmed he lived in the same building as the first top (I wonder how many sluts like me have gone from one of their apartments right to the other and if they plan it). Seeing as I'm an absolute cumdump, I popped over to his place and got doggy on his bed, feeling incredibly cumhungry after the first load. He offered poppers so I huffed on those while he pounded at my sloppy hole. Doggy really is the ultimate position and it's hot when fat guys kinda rest their belly on top of my ass while they drill my hole. He was a quiet fucker but his long strokes felt amazing and eventually I heard his breath quicken right before he let out a big groan and gave me load #2. Satisfied with that, I thanked him and headed to brunch with my friend, feeling so happy to have 2 strangers loads marinating in my sloppy hole for the rest of the day 🙂
    5 points
  9. It intense how it makes you become like one, but it needs the right kind of guy. Always happy find one who is up for that kind of experience. But like you said a bit rare. Hookup app bottoms have been rubbish around here lately. Most want a load but not letting me fuck them much. But I want a full experience. I've got excited about topping him, so I want to feel like I've properly had the guy I want to fuck, even if it's just a few minutes so that his warm hole makes me cum. It's when I can feel him relax inside and that familiar squeezing and his body response that tells me he's enjoying it, that's when I get really turned on and feel ready to cum in him. You can tell when it's feeling good for him, even if he's one of those quiet guys or a guy who doesn't want to admit how good it feels. And that's when I want to pump a load in him, when he's fully given his butt to me. We've got a lot of down low workmen and army types around here, many of them low mileage bottoms or virgin, and they're often a lot better than the out gay guys. They'll let me fuck them sometimes and it's great, but I'm not going to be a dick and ride an inexperienced guy for half an hour. Sometimes the best way is finding a guy, doesn't matter if he's 20 or 45, just as long as he's low experience bottoming or a virgin and teaching him how to enjoy bottoming over a period of time, not just to get in the habit of taking awkward pokes for loads. Bi guys like me who've been in long term relationships with a woman usually understand the skill a top can have in giving someone pleasure with their dick and let me do my thing in them, so they're good to look out for.
    4 points
  10. It’s where you take random frozen loads in a condom and fill it til full then use it as a cum dildo. I collect loads out cruising from discarded condoms as well as get guys to send me loads in the mail for me to use on my boys.
    3 points
  11. Why...cause a wet ass on my bare cock feels good!
    3 points
  12. So this story is inspired by Sppermpig's Mall Santa story, but not really directly based on it. Mall Santa Gets The Gift for Christmas So I was down and out of luck lately. I got laid off from my job, my wife left, and I had to short sell my house to pay off bills. With what little equity money I had left over I bought a small, older, beat up camper van and I've been living in it while looking for work. The job market really sucks right now so the only job I have been able to find is as a Mall Santa. It doesn't pay well or have any benefits but the mall manager lets me park my RV back behind the mall near the loading area and hook up to the power outlet there. I don't really have to work too hard to pull off the Santa thing. I'm an older, fat, germanic guy with long hair and a beard. About all I had to do was get my hair made a little more grey and get some of those round small spectacles made in my prescription. The Santa Suit fits me with no extra padding needed. Anyway, I'm not into children at all so this wasn't exactly a stimulating gig, plus the lady they have playing Mrs. Claus is kind of a ball buster, and the Elf is a bit of a tease. He recognized me as a faggot from day one and despite being a very small and skinny guy, other than a little "dad bod" gut, at probably barely over 5' compared to me being over 6', he has a real horse dick that dwarfs my tiny nub. I know all this because the first day after work he stopped by my RV bringing a 6 pack of beer and it wasn't long before I was on my knees slurping on his monster dick. It wasn't long after that he greased up my ass and his dick and pounded and filled my hole with his hot load. He really got into it, grunting and making me moan and him whispering in my ear "breeding that fat ass" as he came deep inside me. I forgot to mention that "Mrs Claus" is actually the Elf's wife. He's obviously told her about what is going on because they both love to shoot me taunting looks and make gestures towards me when nobody is looking. Most days it was parents, often just mothers bringing their kids to see Santa. Sometimes maybe an Aunt or Grandma. While the Elf and Mrs Claus keep the kids busy with cookies and candy, the chaperones have a word with Santa to set up the conversation. Occasionally one of them will try to hit on Santa when they are telling me what I should ask the kids and if I should tell the kids somethhing they're going to get. That sort of thing. If only they knew Santa has nothing for them but maybe some oral service and would be more interested in sleeping with their husbands! Anyway one day a bunch of older kids stopped by, obviously bored and hanging out at the mall. I'd guess them late high schoolers based on one wearing a Varsity letter jacket and the giveaway the class of this year so they'd be graduating soon. One by one they came up and told me what they wanted for xmas. It was obviously a big joke foor them. The girls were playing their best cock teases thinking they were giving Santa a boner. I played along but you know, my days of going after young poontang are long gone. There was one hold out, a young man who was having none of it. He had been talking to Mrs Claus and the Elf while the others were having their fun. He had to be dared by his friends to do it, and come up to sit on Santa's lap. When he came up he spoke to me softly so his friends wouldn't hear... something I wasn't expecting to hear. That he was going to come back after closing time and make me suck his dick. Apparently the Elf and his wife have quite the "gaydar" and clued him in about me, but unlike me this kid is the dom top type. And that did make my little nub tingle. Telling him loudly so all his friends could hear "I promise to make all your Christmas wishes come true!", they went on their way. I was back in my RV and getting out of my suit and opening up a beer as I heard a knock on the door. I wasn't sure if it was the Elf or the kid. Looking through the peephole I saw it was the kid so I let him in and asked him if he wanted a beer, knowing he was under age (for drinking, he'd told me he had just turned 18). Oh well. He took it and took a couple swigs then told me to strip and get on my knees as he opened his belt and let his dick loose. I did as he asked and took his dick in my mouth. He told me how much he likes a big fat ass and how he's been secretly banging the jock in the varsity jacket all year behind both of their trophy girlfriend's backs, but he just doesn't have the cushion I do. He turned me around and started fingering my hole and then unceremoniously slammed his dick in causing me to moan out in both pain and pleasure. His dick was at least as long as the Elf, and even thicker. Well, then the whole story started to come out. As he was pounding me he grunted into my ear that he and the Elf and his wife had been fucking for years... But then something I really wasn't expecting as I felt his balls start to pull up and his movements became faster and more erratic and his breathing heavier. He roared out "take my POZ load you bitch". Then I understood what the Elf was talking about when he used the term "breeding" and why he was so gaunt and sinewy. But I figured it was probably too late anyway. After that day the kid came back several times to fill me, and a couple times he was joined by the Elf and his wife, who watched and teased me the whole time. I told you she was a real ball buster and she loves humiliating tiny cocked faggots like me. Sure enough the day after xmas as I was having to find another place to park my RV, my Santa gig having finished up, I came down with a bad case of the flu. And I knew what it must be. A trip to the free clinic to be tested confirmed it. Poz and a sky high viral load. Luckily enough the Elf and his wife have an acreage on the edge of town and they invited me to bring my RV out to their place. So now I'm still getting daily visits from them to recharge my ass and humiliate me. A couple of times a week the kid stops by to add his hot loads too to make sure my VL remains pegged. I'm still looking for work, more than a few hours a week I get at the Mall doing janitorial work -- the mall manager is a nice guy. But of course I don't have any health insurance so I haven't been able to go on any meds. Oh and the mall manager? Yeah, I'd been taking loads from him on and off since before I got the Santa gig, that's how he knew me, we met at one of the adult bookstores. He still stops by a couple times a month when he gets horny. I'm not sure if he's aware of the risk he's taking plowing my poz ass these days. The thought of him taking those chances kind of turns me on. Last time I was in his assistant told me that he was sick at home being nursed by his wife so who knows. Next year I may have to use some padding if I want to pull of the Santa thing, because I'm already starting to lose weight and become more wasted. Only thing is, my belly is still full, hard and round. I guess that's how the pattern works. So maybe I won't need much padding after all.
    3 points
  13. I awoke the next morning to the sound of splashing water. I climbed out of the tent to find Peter skinny dipping right off our site. I decided ‘what the hell’, slipped out of my shorts and dove in. After our swim we had a nice breakfast, checked the map for our day’s adventure and set out in the quickly climbing heat of the day. About halfway across our first portage we came upon a couple of very hunky, friendly guys camping. Even though it was before 11 a.m. they offered us beer. Peter was quick to accept and told them I didn’t drink beer. This was true and I was too shy to speak up and say that in the extreme heat I would give one a try. As the three of them talked and bantered I just grew more and more anxious. I began to worry I was moving toward a panic attack and excused myself saying I needed to pee and that maybe I’d take a swim to cool off before returning. I had a nice little swim, and when I thought it would have been long enough for them to have downed their beers, I headed back to the camp site. From a distance I could see they were having sex. Peter was in the middle being spit roasted. I couldn’t stop myself from hiding in the bushes and watching. One hunky cub pounded his ass as the other fucked his mouth. There was no doubt he was an enthusiastic participant. “Fuck, I’m so close!”, called the guy in his ass. “Breed him man”, responded the other. Peter reached behind to pull the guy tight into his ass as the tops howl made it clear he was having the orgasm of his life. The sexy cubs quickly switched places. Peter was now sucking and cleaning the cock that had just exploded in his ass and the guy fucking him quickly and loudly orgasmed. I was so turned on watching my childhood friend take two loads up the ass that I lost my balance and fell into the bush betraying my presence. Peter came over to help me up and as if nothing was out of the ordinary, he scooped some cum from his ass and fed it too me. By now they were all laughing. By the empties strewn around they had each had more than one beer. Again, I was offered a beer which I eagerly accepted and guzzled to try and hide my embracement. They each had two or three more beer to my one and soon the two cubs were pissing into Peter’s mouth and ass. I couldn’t believe what I was watching and just how none pulsed the other three were with their nakedness and sexual exploits. They acted as if I wasn’t even there. In my semi-drunken state, I finally encourage a very drunk Peter that it was time for us to move on. We returned to our lake, and I paddled the canoe back to our campsite with a naked Peter sprawled in the bottom of the canoe. As Peter slept off his drunken stupor sprawled naked out on a rock, I contemplated what I had just witnessed and tried to be honest with my reaction as my therapist had encouraged. Truth was, I had been incredibly turned on and deeply jealous of the other three for being so sexually liberated. As Peter came to his first words were, “I want to fuck you. I want to fuck your ass so badly.” “Shit man. Honestly, I want you to fuck me to. But I’m so fuckin scared.” He motioned for me to move over to him, took me into his arms, and held me in a deep embrace. I began to cry, and the crying developed into sobs and for the longest time I just wept and wept. Peter just held me tight and kissed the tears from my face until I calmed down. “Peter, I do want you to fuck me, but I’m too fucking frightened. Fuck, it’s not about want, I need you to fuck me. I need you to show me what I need. Just take me for God’s sake, just take me with your big, beautiful cock.” He took my face in his hands and kissed me so gently. He kissed the tears from my eyes and cheeks. He looked deeply into my eyes and gently said, “I want to fuck you, I want to give you what you need. Get out of your shorts.” As I disrobed, he laid back and invited me to sit on his face. I did as instructed and his tongue penetrated my hole. I instinctively bent and took his hardening cock into my mouth. He rimmed, fucked and chewed on my hole as I gaged and slobbered on his man meet. Somehow, I knew when it was time to turn and lower myself toward his powerful manhood. With one hand he steadied and aimed his cock and with the other he guided my hips into place. I felt and savoured the mushroom head of his cock teasing my hole. I couldn't believe this was actually going to happen. He just kept looking into my eyes and encouraging me with a gentle affirming nod of his head. Not a word was spoken but his instruction was clear. The pressure grew on my hole as I lowered myself further. Just as I wondered how much more pressure would be needed his turgid tool breached my hole. His tip was inside me, and fuck, did it hurt. I threw my head back in pain and agony. I was ready to jump up and off him when I felt his strong hands firmly grip my waist and exert pressure to pull my body down onto him. I was resisting and he caught my eye once again. Modeling deep beathing he continued to steadily increase the downward pressure. He slid into me ½ inch by ½ inch and I felt like I was being torn apart. He held my gaze and mouthed the words, “I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you so much.” I had reached my pain limit, I broke eye contact and attempted to stand up and flee. His hips anticipated my move and beat me as he thrust up and impaled me with the full length of his rod. I thought I was going to faint the pain was so fierce. Again, I tried to pull away, but his strong grip held me fast. “Breath deep, just breath deep.” Unable to do anything else I followed his instruction and like magic the searing pain transformed into amazing pleasure, or better, a hurt that just hurt so fuckin good. My face began to relax, and he broke into a huge ‘I told you so’ smile. I lifted my ass a little and then sat right back down. It felt ok so I did it again, stroking the raw cock into my ass a bit further with each try. My pleasure just kept growing as did his ‘I fucking told you so’ grin. Then suddenly his look changed to animalistic lust, and I was instantly on my back with my ass gaping. The feeling so cool and empty. He quickly pulled up my legs and pinned them to my shoulders. With his cock head once again teasing my hole through gritted teeth he said, “Now … I’m going to fuck you; I’m going to take what I want.” And he plunged into me knocking every ounce of air out of my body. The onslaught was like being hit by a train, and it didn’t stop, and the longer it continued the more I realized I couldn’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. I just wanted it to go on and on. I was soon awash in the sweat rolling off his body. He was licking sweat from my neck and then biting my neck. Fuck I realized, he’s giving me a hickey. Then fear set in, he’s become a vampire. That’s when a warm sensation began filling my gut, I could feel every spasm and his growl of ejaculation vibrated throughout my body. He panted like a wild animal and crushed me into the rock with his powerful anvil. I began to wonder if he would ever stop. And then his voice rasped triumphantly; “I just fucked you; I just took what I needed. … And I just fuckin … stole your virginity. … now it’s time … for you to thank me.” And like a jack rabbit in one hop his still ragging hard cock was down my throat. The taste of cum, sweat and ass juices was intoxicating. When I had thoroughly cleaned his cock, I thanked him and asked how soon ‘til he would be ready to ‘go again’. He mounted me immediately, and although I didn’t think it possible, he gave me an even more brutal fucking and quickly pumped what felt like an even bigger load deep into my gut. Throughout the rest of the day, we did nothing but fuck and breed each other, eat, swim and start all over again. I fell asleep that night having pumped three loads into my friend. His cock was in my ass marinating in the five loads he had pumped into me. To be continued
    3 points
  14. Peter, my first childhood friend. He lived next door. At the age of four, we loved to go behind the shed, strip to our underwear and pretend we were Indians. We would wrestle and take turns strangling and knifing each other to death. At the moment of death, we would always fall on top of each other exhilarated by our skin on skin contact. A few years later we would have sleepovers in the shed. He introduced me to tying leather straps around the base of our erections. I was intoxicated by the smell of the leather. He moved away so we didn’t see much of each other until grade nine. We would meet up at an abandoned shed and simply fondle each other’s hard ons. I was so turned on as he talked about what his older brother did to him sexually when they were left alone at home. I’m sure he wondered why I never asked him to do these things with me. I was deeply ashamed of these encounters and soon decided there was no place to talk about this and therefore it was to disappear from my life. I buried myself in my school work and the high school band. This didn’t stop me from being turned on by the handsome player beside me whose shirt always gapped so I could see his nipple and beautiful chest. After high school I left town for university, and Peter became the custodian for a private school. I was a frightened, studious nerd, never missing a class and spending hours studying and sleeping in the library. On one of my holiday visits back to my hometown I bumped into Peter on the street just down the block from the abandoned shed. He lit up a cigarette and suggested we go to the shed ‘for old times sake’. I ignored the fact that he was now married and the fear in my gut and followed him. Once inside he pinned me against a wall and kissed me passionately. My first kiss, ever! I was transported out of this world as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began to dance with mine. I don’t know how long we sucked face, but I soon realized he had opened my pants and fished out my now very stiff cock. He quickly dropped to his knees and my stiffy was deep down his hot throat. His eyes smiled up at me as his head bounced and I watched my member move back and forth in his lips. It didn’t take long ‘til I ejaculated, and he sucked down every drop. I stood horrified and frozen; he stood, grinned at me and planted another kiss on my gasping mouth. I hurriedly pulled up my pants and ran failing to savour the taste of my own cum. It would be several years before I would run into him again. I’d been working at my first job for about a year and went home for an uncle’s funeral. This coincided with my high school reunion, so I decided to attend. Of course, I went alone and was not surprised to see Peter and his wife there. I’d heard they now had three kids. I bumped into Peter alone at the bar. He was already a bit tipsy, and I was embarrassed by how blatantly he was flirting with me. I hustled him off to a private hallway and we were soon entering a one-person bathroom together. Door closed and locked I was once again pinned against the wall and our mouths were locked in a passionate kiss. When we finally broke from this I anxiously asked about his wife. He hushed me with a finger to his mouth with one of his shit faced grins. He then unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. Commando, his large, ridged cock slapped against his taunt belly and sexy treasure trail. He pushed me to my knees presenting his manhood to my face. I’d never really taken the time to notice before, but I was overcome by it’s cut, beauty. He grinned and nodded to me. With some hesitation I took the silky head in my mouth. “Use your tongue.”, he encouraged. Instinctively it found his piss slit and tried in vain to enter. He moaned his enjoyment and I was soon deep throat experimenting as I gave my very first blow job. As I felt I was just getting this figured out he pulled my head off his cock. “Stop. You’re good! I don’t want to cum yet.” He soon had his shirt off and my pants around my knees. Then he was kneeling and my penis had disappeared down his throat. ‘How was it I hadn’t experience this since the last time years ago?’ I wondered. “Oh, fuck Peter! That feels so good. I’m so close.” As he jumped to his feet and spun around, he urgently said, “No, not yet.” As he bent over leaning against the sink, he spit on one hand and rubbed it into his hairy ass hole. I had no idea what to do. He grabbed my raging hard on, pulled me to him and guided it to his winking hole. When I remained like a dear caught in headlights he backed onto my raw cock. This was the early seventies. I finally looked in the mirror and there was his classic shit faced grin urging me on. “Fuck me.” It felt great in there and I slowly started the in and out movement. Truth be told he was doing most of the moving with his ass. “Fuck me man, pound my ass.” I upped my game a little. “Faster, harder, fuck my cunt!” Something then possessed me, and I started slamming into him. Over and over and over again. “Fuck yeah, that’s what I need. Don’t stop!” “But if I keep this … up I’m … going to lose it.” I gasped. “Fuck yeah. That’s the point. Cum inside me, I need your sperm.” With those words not even fully out of his mouth I blasted, and blasted, and blasted! After the biggest orgasm of my life, I collapsed on his back as we both caught our breath. When I softened and fell out of him, he reached into his ass and brought out two fingers full of my man juices which proceeded right into his mouth. Then he kissed me and fed me my own cum, mouth to mouth. I was instantly hard again, a fact his free hand on my cock didn’t miss. In one swift move he was turned, bent and had my raw cock up his ass again. I didn’t need encouraging this time and ravaged his ass for the next twenty minutes. Oh, the stamina of youth as I had recovered and blasted the second load painting his guts. Gave my first blow job and pumped two loads into the ass of my now married childhood friend. Now that was a reunion beyond all my expectations. To be continued
    2 points
  15. Well said, ellentonboy !! There's also this thing called 'Learned Skill', which some heavily-hung guys never had to learn. The technique, experience, all of that counts for something too. A modestly-proportioned Cock can put the BreedSweat on a bottom too, provided the Top knows what he's doing.
    2 points
  16. I started having gay sex when PREP was not a thing. At least, not yet in Italy. So, I was always super careful and insisted on condoms-only. Stiill, I knew i liked bottoming, but it was never mind-blowing. I loved getting there, but then, when they pushed beyond my ring, it always was with more than a little discomfort, and I often ended up hoping to finish soon. Then, one day, back at my parents' town, I meet this super sexy man on Grindr. He is visiting his parents, too. We arrange for some carsex in the evening. Get to pick him up, and he is even sexier than in pic. There is no discussion on safe sex, I assume it is condoms, as usual. We find our quiet spot, start making out, you know, the usual. In the end, he makes me lie doggy style on the front seat, while he takes care of my ass from the back seat. And he totally goes to town rimming my naive butt. And I love it. Juices are running. Then, like in a bad porn movie, he leans into me, bare cockhead pushing against my lubed hole, asking me if ha just can play a bit bare. Just a little bit. Of course, i am ways too horny to say no. Next thing I know he is balls deep in me, bare, and I am loving it. Of course, he then starts fucking me and, in the end, asks me if I wanted him to cum out. Of course I had him cum in me. That was the first time I really loved getting fucked. My dick stayed hard all along the shag, and kept producing precum. I was totally hooked. Of course, I felt super guilty, afterwards. But the seed was there. I would then meet a further couple of guys who finally taught me to stop worrying and just enjoy
    2 points
  17. I never thought of it that way. I do know two of those that were banned and they would be considered bigger than average. One said he felt his messages were being read, and that the use of drugs was what he felt got him canned. He isn't a dealer, I think he was more searching for it. The other mentioned to me that he somehow posted in his profile the @ icon, I believe referencing his Twitter (or X) handle, or maybe it was Instagram. I don't know if the owner took offense, or if he felt the guy was "soliciting". I really think he did that just so people could find him on other platforms, I have never known him to escort - but I do know he has a larger than normal dick. What's most surprising to me, is that the owner of that site has done little or nothing to update it, or attract new members. Even adam4adam added seems to put more money into it's site, and it's practically free even if you sit on it all night and day. With Bareback, he holds you to 35 messages a day before he makes you pay. I did write him once about the organized party section - I saw the term "Notice: Someone attending this event does not like you, or you don't like them". I looked at the list of those attending, and then looked at who I had blocked (just a few really awful individuals). I didn't recognize those approved for attending the event, so I sent a message to the owner. He did respond, promptly, telling me if I had put someone on "ignore" or "block", or someone did that to me, then neither of us could see each other. I felt stupid after asking the question, but he was, at least to me, somewhat nice. I do recall him mentioning in a message to all new members that he sees every photo posted, so don't bother to unlock your pics for him. I also noticed he has "HOLY SHIT" listed as his dick size. Hmmm, I wonder if anyone from BZ can verify that????
    2 points
  18. 20 days later..... Yearly total 371 Last cumdump session: +31
    2 points
  19. Breeding Season, Scene 7, Treasure Island Media A fuck bud and I each made one a few years back. Not huge, about as big as an ice cube. Slipped them in each others' asses and flip fucked as they melted. Highly recommend!
    2 points
  20. tlg @WDRNvers open minded 😉 love pigs
    2 points
  21. The slow intensity building sounds very tantric in quality. Men who are that patient and capable of deferred gratification aren't as common as I'd like.
    2 points
  22. Yes, you pretty much can (though you're likely to pick up all sorts of other bugs, which if untreated can also kill you and/or make your life miserable). Of course if you'd gotten on PrEP before this, you could still be a "piggy slutty power bottom" and not have to deal with all the side issues of being HIV+.
    2 points
  23. It depends. I've got a wide range. Fortunately, I can stay hard for as long as I like (provided I don't drink any beer!) so there's no need to rush. At the low end sometimes all we've got is a few minutes because the guy is sneaking in a fuck the gf won't know about on his way home from work, or we've cruised each other and need to do it fast while we're alone. I can get the job done in less than five if needed. The best fast fucks are intense and animal like with no chat or messing around. Often I don't say a word, or nothing after 'hey'. If we're going to do it like dogs and go from seeing each other to immediately fucking there's no point getting all chit chat. It's physical. It's easier to show a guy what I want and it happens quickly. It's always a huge orgasm when it's been a quick fuck. At the high end I've had experiences with guys where they sit in my lap, my dick inside them, and we just hang out enjoying the feeling. Relax, kiss. No pumping, no trying to cum. Just me inside him. Nothing happens right away, but it gets more and more intense as all the little feelings get stronger. This can be 30 minutes, 45, nobody's counting, that's not what it's about. But it's a long time and you bond and get a kind of intimacy that doesn't happen any other way I know about. When I move, even a tiny bit, he responds. If my dick throbs he tightens, which makes me throb more, and it keeps growing. At first you get really relaxed, but at the feelings grow it gets intense until you cum.
    2 points
  24. Nevermind. I started writing, and it all came out. Here you go. Part 39: Ben Ryder (Pastor Kline’s Perspective) “Hello?” “Hey, Mark. It’s me,” Will said over the phone. “Am I interrupting anything?” “Nothing,” I told him, examining myself in a mirror. “In fact, I just sent my wife off to visit her sister for two weeks.” “Sounds like that’ll leave your ass open for the rest of us,” Will said. “Peter will want to see you.” “Is his dick ready to fuck?” I asked. “Maybe not,” he said. “But you know there’s no stopping Peter. Not now, anyway.” “Yeah,” I said, looking myself over, taking in my dress pants, my buttoned shirt, and my tie. I looked good. I felt good. “Lucky man.” “A horny man,” he said. “And it’s his own fault for piercing his own dick with his wedding ring.” “Do you…” I started, stopping as the thought got caught in my throat. “Do you ever find yourself… jealous of him?” “Jealous of Peter?” he said. “I mean, the PA does look hot, and he can cum a lot.” “Not that,” I said. “Not his hyperspermia. I mean, the fact that he’s out. He’s living his life now, the way he wants to.” “Oh,” Will said. I could hear the weight in his voice, the realization setting in. “I don’t know. I mean, yeah, he got rid of his wife, but, I mean, he’s not exactly… free. He’s hiding out at Wade’s house. He left his job and has no money. Everyone but us is talking to him, and even we have to do it in secret. I don’t know, Mark. I don’t really think I’m feeling jealous of him.” “I guess you’re right,” I said. “Still, I can’t help but think—” “I know it’s hard,” Will said. “But don’t go off and do something stupid. Yes, it worked out well with Peter, Lewis, and your son, but we can’t keep pushing our luck. It won’t take long before we go too far.” “You’re right,” I said, walking to my front door, my keys in hand. “We’ll be smart.” I ended the call and walked out the door. __ I sat at the table, my heart racing, my mind spinning, an ache in my stomach causing me to feel sick. What if Will was right? What if I had pushed my luck too far? What if I was putting not only myself but everyone else at risk? Had I made a mistake? “Mark? Mark Kline, is that you?” I looked up and nearly fell out of my chair as I saw the face of a man I hadn’t seen in decades. I stood up, my legs feeling weak while my extended hand shook. It was suddenly remarkable to me that I hadn’t noticed it before. How had I never noticed how similar Will looked to his father? “Ben,” I said, grabbing his hand and shaking it. He had a firm grip, and I nearly came thinking about how amazing his hand would feel stroking my cock, grasping my balls, taking hold of my neck. “It’s great to see you.” “And you,” he said, taking a seat. “I hope you haven’t been waiting here long.” “Not at all,” I said. The waitress came over and took our orders, my order almost missed as my attention was stolen by Ben. “Where’s your wife?” I asked. “Isn’t she coming?” “She’s at home,” Ben said. “My wife isn’t one who likes traveling, even if it is to see her own son preach. Granted, we’ve seen him do it before, but it’s almost a sin that we haven’t seen him in his, I’m sorry, his and your church.” “It’s a good distance,” I said, happy at hearing the news that he was alone. “My wife prefers everyone journeying to see her,” he said, rolling his eyes. The waitress brought us our drinks. “That might be why we’ve never managed to make the connection that you work with Will before now.” “I’m sorry to hear that she’s not with you,” I lied. “It would have been good to meet her.” “Well, between you and me,” he said, leaning forward, his cologne wafting into my nose and ensnaring my senses, “I’m happy to be here alone.” My cock jumped. “Why’s that?” “Mark, let me tell you now before you get to be sitting where I’m sitting,” Ben said. “Retirement isn’t as wonderful as it seems. I used to have something to do with my day, serving a purpose, spending hours in my office, but now I’m left listening to my wife jabber on about all these people I don’t know or don’t care about. She’s constantly nagging at me to get up and do something, but once I do, she’s nagging at me to relax. She wants us to join all these elderly groups, as if I’m one foot in the grave. I’m still a young man. Well, I’m a man who isn’t locked up in a retirement home. I can’t get a word in even if my life depended on it. It’s exhausting. That’s why I was so happy to hear from you. You’re giving me a chance to escape for a few days.” “You’re giving me a lot to look forward to.” Ben smiled. “I’m almost tempted to order a drink with alcohol in it,” he said. “Don’t let me stop you,” I joked, wishing he would, letting his guard down. It’s not that I wanted him drunk, but if he was a bit looser, it would make everything considerably easier. “I shouldn’t,” he said. “Glad to hear it,” I said. “Not glad that you’re feeling that way about your wife. That’s not what I mean. I mean, I’m glad you could make the trip. I’m glad it’s going to give you the time away you need.” “Thanks,” he said. “You’re married too, right?” I nodded. “Do you ever feel like you’re… what’s the right word…?” “Stifled?” I joked. “That’s one of the words to use,” Ben said, laughing. “I know it sounds horrible, especially since we’re both pastors, but I sometimes just want to… well, never mind.” “Want to what?” I urged, my mind enraptured by every word he had to say. I had missed seeing this man speak, watching his lips, noticing his strong chin which was darkened by stubble. I remember watching him in college, wishing I could kiss his chin, even suckle on his prominent Adam’s apple. I simply wanted a taste of him. Will wasn't enough for me, anymore. I needed the real thing. I needed the source. “Sometimes I just want to run away,” he said. For a moment, there was a look on his face, a look of shock at hearing those words come out of his mouth. Then, for an even briefer moment, I saw a slight smile at the thought. “Sometimes, I don’t know, I just wish I could disappear for a while, be on my own, shirk off all those responsibilities. Is that awful?” “No,” I said. “Do you ever feel like that?” I smiled. “Often, unfortunately. Maybe it’s the job. Maybe it’s just marriage. I have felt like that, though.” “And what helped you through it?” he asked. “Honestly,” I said, “your son. Will helped me.” “Will helped you through it?” Ben laughed. “And how did he manage to do that?” Memories of my legs pulled to my chest, Will’s naked body on top of me, his dick slamming into my hole, filling me up with his poz seed filled my mind, and my cock got hard again. Mixing with those memories were the imaginings of Ben on top of me, his naked, sweaty body writhing as he filled me with his cock. All the nights I spent with Will fucking me, all the days I spent sucking him off in his office, all solidified in my mind. “He… helped me tap into a piece of myself that I had always wanted to find. When I was feeling lost, he, and a few other men from the church, helped pull me back to where I needed to be.” “Sounds like my boy did well,” Ben said. “He did very well,” I told him, my hole aching to feel his cock again. “He always does.” “And he still doesn’t know that I’m here?” “I never spoke a word of it to him,” I said. I had already imagined all the scenarios which would play out. While I knew none of them ended as well as I would hope, that didn’t stop me from making sure the plan moved forward. “And you’ve got your own boy?” “I do,” I said. “Ryan. He’s in college.” “And how are you two doing?” “Better now,” I said. “We struggled to connect for a while, but we managed to reconnect recently. Will helped with that, too." I remembered the night of Will fucking Ryan's hole, fucking my son right into me, milking my son's prostate until he shot our family's load deep into my hole. "You could almost say he pushed my son right into my arms.” Ben smiled. “I’m glad to hear that my boy is doing well. I wish his brothers were doing as well as him. My son Zack is married. We’re expecting grandkids soon. I hope they have them to give my wife someone else to worry over. My other son, Jay, is… well, it’s difficult to describe Jay. He’s a lot to handle.” “I’m sure he is,” I said, knowing from experience. “Will has told me all about Jay.” “I’ve always spoken out against Jay,” Ben said. “I’ve always been so hard on him. I sometimes wonder if everything I did caused him to act the way he has. He’s so wild. He’s so uncontrollable. He’s so… he’s so…” Ben’s expression changed again, almost as if he was seeing something clearly for the first time. “He’s so… free. That’s the only word I can’t think of. He’s free.” “Is that a bad thing?” I asked. “Shouldn’t we all, in some way, be free?” Ben looked at me, his brow furrowed, his mind turning over everything he had just told me. Now, more than ever, I could see Will within his father. “I’m sorry,” Ben said, standing up and leaving the table. “Ben,” I called, trying to run after him. “Ben, what’s wrong?” “I’m sorry, Mark,” he said, heading for the door. “I just… I’ve got to go.” “Is it something I said?” I watched as Ben left the restaurant. __ (Will’s perspective) “I’m not sure what’s going on,” I told Dom, circling around Wade’s living room, a fresh load of his cum dripping out of my ass. My own cock was covered in cum, having just shot deep into Wade’s hole as he fisted Peter. Peter’s cock was still too sensitive for him to be fucking anyone, and while we couldn’t stop him from leaking so much precum, we did try to teach him how to orgasm with just his ass and with little cum being ejaculated. “He’ll learn,” Wade had told us. Since Peter had been staying with Wade, the two of them had gotten to be very close. It was almost as if Wade had found someone he could train in all the perverted sexual acts he lived for while Peter had found someone who worshiped his gift for how incredible it made him. Though Peter had since recovered from his conversion, now officially being a poz man, he still tried to keep out of sight until the rumors about him started to die down a bit. So while Dom and I would often spend time at his or my apartment, we were for the present time spending hours with Wade and Peter so we could all fuck as much as our cocks and balls allowed. The only person missing was Pastor Kline. “Do you think something’s wrong?” Dom asked. “I’m not sure,” I told him. “It’s just, when I talked to him on the phone today, he sounded… I don’t know… off.” “Maybe he didn’t want his wife to hear.” “She’s out of town,” I told him. “Maybe he’s sick,” Peter said. “Even when he was converting and on his ass,” I told them, “he still found a way for me to get my cock up his ass. If he’s sick, he’ll manage to be here riding as many cocks as he can.” “Maybe it’s nothing.” I shook my head. “He looked weird even when Peter was getting his cock pierced,” I said. “Something’s going on with him, but I can’t figure out what it is.” “Let’s go find out,” Dom said. We got in my car and drove over to Pastor Kline’s house. We knew his wife was gone, but there was no guarantee that he would be there. Hours had passed since I spoke to him, and there had been no further communication since. “Maybe he’s visiting his son,” Dom said. “Mark's car is here,” I said, pointing it out, failing to notice another car parked nearby. We walked to the door and found that it was slightly ajar, the lights inside still on. I looked at Dom who shrugged, turning back to examine the neighborhood. “There’s another car here. Maybe he’s not alone.” “Someone from church?” I asked, spotting the car without taking the proper time to notice it. “Maybe someone to fuck,” Dom said. We entered the house and started searching, trying to keep quiet so we didn’t scare anyone should he have someone else there. “Will,” Dom whispered, waving me over. He pointed at a trail of clothing leading up the stairs and into the hall. “I think he’s got someone here, and I doubt he’s from church.” “With our church, it’s anyone’s guess,” I said. Dom started up the stairs, but I reached out and grabbed his arm. “What the fuck are you doing?” “I want to see who it is,” Dom said. “He didn’t invite us.” “Exactly,” Dom said. “Think of all the times we invited him over so we could fuck him. We brought him into this world. He can’t just sneak off and fuck someone without at least inviting us to fuck. If not to fuck, to at least watch.” Dom started up the stairs, and though I tried to resist the temptation, I soon found myself right behind Dom, slowly moving down the hall. I noticed the clothing, spotting the undershirts, the socks, the ties, and the underwear. Everything belonged to men, so we knew Pastor Kline was with a man. We got to the door and found it slightly open, the sound of a squeaking bed, strained moans, and skin slapping skin pouring out into the hall. “Let’s see who we’ve got,” Dom said, pushing the door open. Having fucked in Pastor Kline’s bedroom before, I knew where to look, and spotted the two men fucking immediately. I saw the naked skin, Pastor Kline’s legs hoisted up in the air, his hands grasping the arms of the man fucking his ass as hard and as fast as possible. I watched as the man’s hips thrusted forward, Pastor Kline’s legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him deeper into his body. I could see the sweat glistening on their bodies. I could smell the aroma of sex in the air. “Oh fuck,” Pastor Kline moaned. "Oh, fuck me!" “You like that?” Air caught in my lungs as I heard the voice, the scene before me turning upside down. "Fuck me harder!" Everything I had missed, from the car outside to the clothing on the floor to the back of the man’s head, even though now covered in sweat, all became familiar. "You want my load? Here it comes!" My heart felt as if it was about to burst out of my chest. “Dad?” Pastor Kline shot up, scrambling across the bed, pulling at sheets to cover himself. My eyes, however, were focused on the naked man who jumped off the bed, turning around, his thick, hard cock standing straight out. “Will?” my father said. His cock started shooting cum, splattering across the floor between us. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I told you we'd get here. I promise more of Ben in the next chapter. We may be having a Ryder Threesome in the near future.
    2 points
  25. The bf wanted me on the straight and narrow and was hot as fuck but made me be a clean cut boy again. Turns out he's cheating and so now am back on the t and throwing away my meds and embracing my needs
    2 points
  26. Covered in t sweat and my cum. Oink oink brothers
    2 points
  27. The terms have been mixed up a bit in recent years. We do have a living language. For example, in the past the word 'gay' was not connected at all with 'homosexual men'. The word 'gay' in its original meaning means 'cheerful' or 'happy'. Like the word 'gay', the word 'faggot' has also changed meaning in recent years. I think you're using the word "faggot" in its old sense, as "gay man?" Because sucking cock and getting your ass fucked doesn't make you a fagot in the new sense. Then you are a gay man. You are a 'faggot' in the new sense if you aim to satisfy men without getting sexual satisfaction yourself. His pleasure is a faggots goal. A 'faggot' is a service point. A piece of fuck meat. What men use to empty their balls into. Being 'gay' and being 'a faggot' is something totally different these days.
    2 points
  28. One time a friend took me to a highway rest area at night and led me down behind the parking area quite a way until we got to a little clearing with a picnic table and hung out passing poppers and sneaking a few puff puffs on his pipe. He knew I was nervous being down there and passing the pipe was his plan to make sure I was horny enough to forget about nerves or inhibitions and before long I was on my knees on the ground pulling on my cock and sucking another man's cock and I swallowed 2 or 3 loads before someone I never saw was pressing his cock into my hole while my friend was poppering me up again telling me to go with it and have fun. Anyway, we went back there again during the daytime and I told him I can't believe you let me do that while naked and on the ground completely littered with used condoms and trash.
    2 points
  29. I was in a gay bar one night and sucked a guy off on the patio while other guys watched and that turned into me sucking multiple men off.
    2 points
  30. I'm a freshman in college and have been pretty DL but also wanting to try a dick for the longest time. I got on the sniffies app & found this guy with a really thick dick who wanted to fuck me. I live with roommates int he dorms so I couldn't host, but he suggested that we could meet anonymously in a nearby college building in the basement, which had a bathroom that people rarely went to. He said he only fucked bareback and wanted to breed me which made me pretty nervous because I've never done that before, but I was really horny and really wanted to try it, so I agreed. He told me to meet him in the stall next to the back stall and tap my feet to let him know it was me. He stuck his fat cock under the stall and I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. Then he said he really wanted to blow his load in my hole. We didn't have lube so he just spit on his dick and stuck it in. To be honest it hurt pretty bad at first, but after 30 seconds of pumping I started to enjoy it. We heard someone walking towards the bathroom so we knew we had to wrap it up quick. He grabbed my hips and thrusted hard and deep into my virgin hole and shot a load deep inside me. I went back to my dorm with his cum still sitting in my hole. I hadn't cum in the bathroom because he just used my hole and left, so I started fingering myself using his cum as lube. It felt incredible and before I knew it I shot my load. I think this won't be the last raw load I take. I'm already thinking about the next load I can get. Something tells me I might turn into a cum dump... I also filmed a bit of it if you guys are interested: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video74530109/18_yo_bareback_cruising_in_college_bathroom
    1 point
  31. The owners of large cocks need to know what they are doing. Sure there are some sluts on here that can take just about anything with the first thrust. But many of us need to be worked up to it. And the top needs to know a little about the male anatomy to understand the muscles and turns/bends of the bottom's ass. For the few tops that didn't know what they were doing, I have to tell them to stop and let me ride it so I can work up to it. So, I've never refused a big one, we just have to negotiate. Of course, once I'm opened with the particular dick, the top can take me as he wants.
    1 point
  32. Yeah, I get that. It's a very different vibe. The holy grail for me is a connected fuck with what I think of as "long-haul" fuckers and breeders. An intense experience that unfolds over a few hours without rushing. My best experiences tend to be 2 to 5 hour long sessions where we lose ourselves, get primal, and don't even feel the time passing. My daddy and regulars can always tell how much I'm enjoying them inside me and pleasing them. I'm told I make great sounds when I'm being fucked, but what they love most is how much my dick leaks while I'm being fucked well. Multi-cummers, long-fuckers, or guys who take a long time to cum are ideal playmates. I like giving the guys who can go long the time to do that, since they tell me so many bottoms are one and done and not up for the long-haul. I like to really surrender and earn the moments when a man can't help but lose himself completely and throb his seed inside me.
    1 point
  33. I was in the closet but secretly a huge BB pig jerking off to TIM porn and fantasizing about it a lot. I signed up on BBRT and was lurking there for a few years until I finally decided to try getting fucked. I had some experience with dildos and opening my hole so I felt ready to do it. I organized a hookup with a guy on Sunday around noon Saturday night. I drive to his place but then he ghosted me and didn’t reply or read my messages. So I was there super horny on a Sunday and was unwilling to give up. Started discussions with a few other guys on BBRT and landed pretty quickly on a plan with a guy living with his boyfriend about 30 min away. The couple lived in a wooded area and had a hot tub they liked to invite guests into and have BB parties. He was a true pig and didn’t ask about status (this was before prep) just that if I agreed to come I would be fucked BB and bred deep. The guy had this plan that I would pretend to be his work colleague and then I would seduce his boyfriend in the hot tub and we would end up having a BB 3some. I drove to them later in the day so horny I could hardly focus and scared at the BB and poz aspect of it as this guy was a “don’t ask” kinda guy. I drove to them and the guy greets me and introduces his bf. I was coming for a “dip in the hot tub” as we had agreed. We go rather quickly over there and strip naked. They’re both older than me but not by so much that they’re not attractive horny pigs. We start with some small chat and I position myself slowly closer to the bf. I wasn’t sure how to proceed so I didn’t do much until the guy I talked to started caressing my ass and says to his bf. “Hey, feel this”. Bf reaches over and gropes me and I answered with some sultry moans. The bf then says “You didn’t tell me he was such a slut” and hearing that really turned me on and I leaned into it as I started jerking him, kissing them both and getting steamier. The guy I messaged then proceeded to start lubing my hole. His bf then asks if I like getting fucked by which I replied “yes, love getting raw dick in my hole” at which point he was so horny that he drove his cock in in one stroke. It hurt like hell but I was trooper and breathed through it. They alternated a couple times on my ass then when the bf was getting close he pulled out and came all over my hole and ass. The guy I messaged then scooped it up with his cock and really started pumping me. He asked if I liked being bred and as I encouraged him to breed me he came deep inside and I felt a cock unload a huge load inside me for the first time. We wrapped up rather quickly and I being all nervous about being a possibly poz BB slut decided to get going even though they offered me to spend the night and fuck. On the drive home I was scared AF and also horny AF smelling and feeling the cum leak from my used hole. 🐽
    1 point
  34. This story has all the wonderful sexual brutality that characterizes most of Pervinmt's work, but at its heart is the tender affection between Cole and Mitch, a love story. Although their relationship started with Cole using Mitch much as others would use him, it evolved into something deeper and more honest. I'd like for Cole to outwit Mitch's tormentors, freeing his lover to be a cumdump or not on his own terms, not as a perpetual rape victim of Jenkins and his asshole frat bros. I'd love to see this story continued, and with a happy ending for our heroes, even if that includes whoring Mitch's holes every weekend.
    1 point
  35. I was raised Methodist, and I observe with either bemusement or amusement (I can’t decide) that the United Methodist Church - the second largest Protestant denomination in America is currently tearing itself limb from limb because some in the denominational leadership are absolutely determined to keep the wicked, heathen, soulless gays away from their communion wafers. I have to suppress a giggle when I read that part of the agreement to “let” almost half the churches that don’t want to preach hate depart includes a stipulation that the departing churches can’t call themselves United Methodists. Well look around, folks, you’re just as un-united as they are now. It takes two sides to have a schism. I haven’t set foot in a Methodist Church since I was an undergraduate, nor have I found any church where the people were actually Christians that Christ would recognize. I’ve known a few of the genuine article, but they seldom need a church to do their good in the world. I pity Mr. Johnson, actually. Not just because he’s clearly such a damaged soul, but because he’s let himself be lured by the bait of power into the abattoir where the demons are even now sharpening their knives for him.
    1 point
  36. 1st time when i was 17 met up with a guy, condoms never discussed. My hole was real tight, he pushed into my hole raw. Felt my hole give way, was painful but he held his cock in and told me to relax. Fucked me and he bred my hole in a few minutes... popped my cherry, hole was bleeding after but i still liked it. He fucked me a few times after that taking his raw cock and cum each time.
    1 point
  37. Demolished £40 worth of ubereats food and feeling better. Found some extra T though...
    1 point
  38. 1. Jason I didn’t know what to expect when Nathan opened the door, or, for that matter, whom to expect. I didn't know his name. I didn't know what he would be into. Even so, even although I hadn't been mentally expecting any type of guy in particular, his actual, physical presence shocked me a bit. It was finally happening, for real. He was a bit on the short side compared to what I had imagined. He was also very cute. Even through his t-shirt, I could tell he was rail-thin, as there wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. He had short hair, blue eyes with just the merest hint of stubble, like he hadn't shaved that morning. "I'm Sean," he said, standing just inside the door, introducing himself. Nathan closed the door as Sean began to speak, and we were alone. "I'm Jason," I replied, feeling a little self-conscious at this point. I was in just a jock strap, but Sean was still fully dressed. "Nice to meet you," he said, smiling at me. I felt a little more at ease with him, thinking he seemed easy-going enough. "I guess I'm a little over-dressed for this," and with that he removed his shirt, revealing, as I had guessed, that his body was quite wiry and thin. He was not very muscular but there was a spray of hair over his pecs and the hint of a treasure trail disappearing into his shorts. "I guess this is always a little awkward at first, huh?" "Yeah," I replied, not having moved from the bed. "Want to break the ice a bit?" He put an emphasis on ice that was a bit unusual. "Sure," I replied. With that he pulled down his shorts, revealing a swimmer's jock, just like the one I was wearing. There was a spray of pubic hair poking out of the top and the pouch looked to be very well-filled. "Cool," he said, reaching into his bag, and pulling out a case for sunglasses. Opening it, he extracted a glass pipe and lighter. "You cool?" he asked, gesturing at his pipe. Remaining in the sunglasses case was a fat bag of crystal. "Yeah, I am" not knowing what else to say. It had been a while since I had partied, but I hadn't given it up. "Awesome. I love this stuff." He sat down on the bed next to me, and carefully wiped off the bowl of the pipe. He took the torch and slowly melted the drug already in the pipe. He did a long hit from the pipe and then motioned for me to shotgun it from him. I leaned in, letting our lips lock, and inhaled a thick cloud. Even after I had taken as much as I could, he continued to exhale the smoke into the dim bedroom. It engulfed our heads as we continued to kiss. "You party a lot?" he asked me, breaking off the kiss. "Not really. Once every few months, I guess. You?" "Every weekend, usually." He did another long hit from the pipe, and held it. This time he just exhaled it. "It's how I got into barebacking. No one ever uses a rubber when they are partying, you know." I smiled, agreeing, and enjoying that initial tingle of the drug with the promise of so much more pleasure. "You ever do a booty bump?" Sean asked. "Never," I answered. It had been only a year or so ago I had even smoked it for the first time. Hearing my answer, he dug into his bag again and pulled out a needle-less syringe as well as the baggie of crystal from the case. "Water?" he asked, looking around. I pointed to a glass of water on the bed table. "Perfect," he said. He pulled out a large chunk of the tina, and forced it into the body of the syringe. He put the plunger in and then filled it with water. He flicked the syringe a few times before sitting back down next to me. "Ready?" he asked me. He was gently shaking it and its powerful contents. I guessed it was to force the crystal dissolve. "I'm not sure about this," I said. I had been with him for less than five minutes, and already, I wasn't sure about how fast this was going. "Maybe just smoke it?" "Don't worry. You'll love this," he said. "Get on all fours, with that beautiful fuckable ass up in the air." I didn't protest any more and got on my knees. Sean knelt down between my legs and spread my cheeks. "Hand me that bottle of lube," he said. I grabbed it and handed it to him. I felt a drop or two of the cold lube on my ass and a slight poke as the syringe plunged into my hole. "This may sting a bit," he said, and suddenly, there was a cold feeling in my ass. "That's it?" I asked. "Yeah. Just hold it there, and let it soak in." I heard him light the torch again, and he took another long hit from the pipe. "You're poz?" I asked him. I wanted to know more about him. "Yeah, of course. Years now." He did another hit before continuing. "Nate tells me you're still neg?" "Yeah." There was now a tinge of warmth in my hole, like a big load had just been planted up there. It seemed to gradually radiate out from my butt, and it was beginning to envelope my entire body. "How did you get HIV?" "Same way you're going to get it," he said. "Letting poz guys fuck me." He rubbed a finger against my ass. "You're good. Roll over." I rolled onto my back; Sean was still kneeling between my legs. He did one more hit from the pipe, then leaned towards me. "Take it," he said, letting only the smallest cloud escape. I locked lips with Sean, and he forced the drug into my lungs, once more completely filling me up with the cloud. I was a light-weight, he was a heavy-weight. I was already in over my head. But still, I held the crystal for as long as I could. "Good job," he said, finally giving me permission to breathe it out. He put the pipe and lighter on the bed table. "You want my poz load?" he asked me. "Yeah, I do," I answered. I was feeling no pain and no shame. The idea of a hard poz cock sliding into my hole was filling my mind, crowding out all other thoughts, including any thought of self-preservation. "I need some fresh poz cum in me." "It's hot to hear you beg for it," Sean said. He reached down and pulled his jockstrap to the side, letting his cock hang out. He was already semi-hard, and I could tell it was a nice sized dick. It wasn't as long as some I had played with, but just the girth and weight of it was impressive, especially in contrast to his short, skinny body, which made it seem even bigger. I must have been staring, since Sean noticed me and said, "Yeah, it's a big one for a skinny runt like me." Sean poured some lube on his cock, stroking it and slicking it up. It didn't grow much bigger, which I was glad for, but just got harder. As he rubbed the lube over his shaft, he started to press the head against my ass, teasing it. I pushed back against him, wanting it inside of me. "Please man," I begged. I didn't want it; I needed it deep in me. "Patience," he answered, adding "you'll get it soon enough." He poured some lube down my crack and slid a finger in, pushing the slippery fluid into me. "You're opening up really nicely," he remarked, asking "You ready?" I nodded. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. Sean poured a little more lube on his tool. I offered him the poppers, but he shook his head. "Give me that hard cock," I said. He grinned at me and lined his cockhead up with my hole. Right as the poppers hit, Sean pushed into me. Feeling my hole stretch open to fit his thick cockhead, I knew this was going to be another intense fuck. Sean took his time entering me. He didn't go very fast, but it was also clear he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Damn, that's tight," he said. "How long have you been getting fucked?" I thought back to when I had first met Nathan. I realized that it had been less than a week ago. Now here I was, tweaked out, with my legs up in the air, and a relative stranger forcing his poz raw cock into my hole. "Only about a week," I said. In my horny, tweaked-out state, I couldn't keep up with any story more complex than the simple truth. "Damn, man. No wonder you're so tight. And you're already chasing?" "Chasing?" I asked. I had never heard that phrase before, especially for sex. "You know, bug chasing. Looking for poz guys to infect you." "Yeah. I guess I am chasing." Sean had now gotten his cock all the way in my hole, and was starting to slowly stroke in and out. Between my insatiable desire for raw cock and tina's effectiveness, I knew my hole was opening up nicely for him. "Hot," Sean said. "What about you? Did you chase? Or was it an accident?" "Naw. Once I started seriously partying, and of course, barebacking, I knew it was only a matter of time." He shoved his cock back into me. "I was playing with all kinds of guys, poz, neg and unknown. All raw. I knew it was pointless to try to avoid it." "So, what did you do?" I reached down and grabbed his bony ass. He was small enough that I could grab both cheeks, and pull him deeper in my hole. His body felt so small on top of me, yet his cock was so large and hard inside of me. "I went for it. Whenever I saw a poz guy online, I'd ask him to fuck me raw." He took another of his deep strokes and his eyes closed in pleasure. "Did anyone refuse?" I was wondering how common it was for poz guys to knowingly fuck neg guys. Nathan had fucked me, but then, he had also asked me repeatedly if I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. "Hell no. Every guy wants to fuck raw, no matter what he might say." I had to agree with his assessment, as either a top or a bottom. "Only one guy wasn't sure about it, that is fucking me raw." "And, what happened there?" "I said I'd get him high. And he fucked six poz loads into me over the weekend." "Sweet," I said. "Yeah." Sean leaned in and kissed me. I was having a good time. There was an easy connection developing between us. He was also just fun to talk to, not to mention how good his cock felt buried in my bare ass. We lay there, kissing and fucking, working his cock deeper into my body, and then fucking and kissing some more. He was dripping pre-cum into me the entire time, further lubricating my hole. "How long did it take?" I asked, breaking off our long kiss. "Getting pozzed?" he asked. I nodded. "I don't know. I never got sick. And I waited six months before I got tested." He thrust in deep. "Of course, I tested out poz." We went silent again. He was fucking me harder now and I could tell he was getting close, but I didn't want the fuck to end quite so soon. "Any regrets?" I asked him. "About being poz?" he asked. He shook his head no. "You know that feeling, right as the crystal is hitting, when you have that feeling of complete freedom and total desire for sex?" It was my turn to shake my head, this time agreeing. "It's like that. All the time. I don't worry about who fucks me. Or who I fuck." I smiled. "It sounds nice." "And sometimes, just sometimes," he said, "You get a fucking hot neg guy, with an amazing ass. Who. Wants. My. Poz. Cum." With each word, he thrust his cock into me, emphasizing just whom he was talking about. "And it makes all the petty discomforts completely worthwhile." We took another long pause from talking in order to make out some more. Then he asked, "And you? Why are you doing this?" I paused. It was a question for which I didn't have a good answer. Nor would Sean be the last one to ask me either. I delayed answering by pulling him down and kissing him again. He probed my mouth but after a few moments, he broke it off. "You can't get out of answering that so easily." "I don't know for sure. A week ago, I would have said I was totally top. Bareback, but still a top. Then I met Nathan. And I had to get his cock inside of me." Sean was watching me, smiling. I could feel his cock stiffening slightly in my hole. I continued. "And that he was poz wasn't a worry. It was almost a bonus. Now I just want to not be afraid anymore, to get the inevitable over with. And enjoy the process as much as I can." "I understand. Nathan's damn amazing," he said. It was an interesting comment, said in a tone that implied much more was being left unsaid. I expected for him to be jealous, but there was no trace of it. "Any regrets so far? Any uncertainty?" "Some. It's big step, but so far, this just feels right. The first time Nathan came in me was the most intimate experience I've ever had. And your cock in me raw is almost as amazing." I pulled him into me deep again, and kissed him. "Fuck me. Cum in me, Sean. Breed me good, Sean." "Fuck Jason, I don't want to cum yet. I want this to last." Almost simultaneously, we both turned and looked at the clock on the bed table. Forty-five after. Time had flown by for us, twisted by the crystal into an encounter that was far too short. "Damn. Time's almost up." "I know. Seems too short. Is this going to be the only time?" "Not at all. Nathan knows how to find me. But let's focus on the here and now. Which means getting you bred." "Sounds good to me," I said. Sean grabbed the bottle of poppers and held it under my nose. "Do a good hit, Jason," he said. I took a long hit, before Sean took the bottle. He did a hit and then offered it back to me. I shook my head no, but he insisted. "Let yourself go," he said. Reluctantly, I inhaled more of the sweet scent. "Right on, Jason," he said, doing one last quick one himself. "Now, what do you want?" "I want your poz sperm inside of me, Sean." It was a true statement. I was having a great time with Sean, and it seemed perfectly alright and perfectly natural to have him shoot in me. That it was deadly sperm was only an added bonus. It was such a small, intimate thing to give him as a top: to let him cum in me. I couldn't make him pull out. I couldn't think about how it could change me forever. "Please, breed me." "Oh yeah, Jason," he grunted. "I'm gonna shoot. I'm gonna cum in your sweet raw ass." He bent down, stuck his tongue in my mouth, and shoved his cock in deep. "I can't hold it any longer," he said. Deep inside of me, his cock stiffened, spurted and injected his toxic cum into me. "Take it, Jason," he said, between frantic kisses. "Please, Sean, give it to me," I said. I was clenching my ass around his cock, trying to milk out every drop of his poz jizz. I was totally in the moment, unable to worry about the danger of this simple fuck. The danger was a part of the turn-on; this innocent-looking young man had a cock that could kill, coupled with a serious drug problem. "Fuck yeah, I'm breeding that hot hole of yours now," he said, pistoning in and out of my ass. I could feel his cockhead rubbing his sperm all over my hole, making sure it smeared across my hole, ready to be absorbed by my body. There were a few more shivers racking Sean's body, as he pumped the last of his load into me. We stayed linked with his cock connecting us. We made out a bit while the last drops of his precious spooge slowly dripped into me. "Thanks," I said. "That was hot." "Fuck yeah," he said. "I hope you get what you need. And I'm glad I could be part of the process." "Me too. I really enjoyed this." We were quiet a bit, kissing while his cock softened. "What's your plans for the rest of the day," I asked. "Not sure," he answered. He shifted slowly, finally letting his cock slide out of my hole. Soon I would need something back in me, but for now, it was enough just to feel his warm semen in my hole. "Still early. Probably head to a bath house and see how many loads I can get." He grabbed a towel from the bed table and wiped off his cock. "You?" "Nathan's got my afternoon planned. You're the first of several. But no idea of who." "Fucking hot. You're gonna have fun." "I hope so. You've set a very high bar." He laughed. "Let's do a hit for the road," he said as he picked up the pipe again. He lit the torch, and held it under the bowl. As the crystal smoked, he did an expert hit, draining the bowl several times. When he finished, he motioned for me to shotgun it from him. I took the hit. It was huge and it filled my lungs. "Hold it for me, Jason," he said. As I held it, he put his cock back in the jockstrap, and pulled on his shorts. "Now," he said, and I got to exhale. The cloud filled the room. "Your turn," he said, handing me the pipe and torch. I lit it up, and started sucking on the stem. I wasn't sure how big of a hit I wanted, but Sean told me what I needed. "Do a big one, Jason." I kept on inhaling, filling my lungs the best I could. "Nice," he said, as I finally pulled the pipe away. "Hold it." I held it as long as I could and motioned for him to shotgun it. We locked lips as I pushed the hit into his mouth. He only took a bit of it, making me exhale the rest. "Fuck Sean," I said. "I'm going to be feeling fearless this afternoon." "That's what I want. You need to enjoy this afternoon." He put away the pipe and lighter, and gathered up his things. He gave me one last kiss. "I want to see you again soon. Hopefully you'll be poz by then." He headed out the door, and I lay back down on the bed, waiting for Nathan to bring the next guy.
    1 point
  39. Fitting this should be my first post. Hello all
    1 point
  40. About the only way I can see this possibly making sense is in the context of a long-term relationship with a significant BDSM and power exchange component, particularly if the two are moving from a more conventional relationship of equals into a Dom/sub power exchange one. The sub, no matter how much he may desire that sort of arrangement, is going to find it conflicts with much of the way he lived his life before, and a lot of those kinds of things may need to be stripped away. Now, I will say that presumably the Dom's expectations will have been outlined before that process begins. For instance, the parties may pursue this kind of arrangement because the prospective sub recognizes he needs the discipline and rigor of deferring to someone else; that might be to help him save and become financially stable (so the Dom controls his spending and forces saving and investment). Or it might be to have the sub live a more healthy lifestyle, so the Dom controls the meal choices and ensures his sub exercises and eats well. (Or, alternatively, if the Dom appreciates a belly on a sub and the sub is willing to become a gainer, the Dom might force him to eat higher volumes of food designed for him to become, well, more rounded.) But for a scene? Absolutely not.
    1 point
  41. Shit... don't know what I do first... Get the cum in those condoms or at least one in my ass for lube and then shove my ass on that hot cock. When he unloaded deep in my ass, I would put the remainder of the cum in those rubbers into my ass, hoping there would be another cock appearing through the hole...
    1 point
  42. I was so excited leading up to my first time getting fucked. The top was hung and hot and I was horny and craving dick. We were both young and inexperienced and he used a rubber. It was pretty great but wasn’t as great as I’d hoped. A couple weeks later i hooked up with a guy and he ‘forgot’ the condoms. I was horny so we fucked anyway and if was amazing; it was the fuck I’d been dreaming about. Haven’t used them since.
    1 point
  43. "Cheating", like sexual monogamy, is a concept manufactured by religions like Christianity, Islam and Mormonism. It has zero basis in reality or nature. The sooner males embrace this and live by it, the better their relationships will flourish without a cloud of jealousy that hangs over most monogamous relationships. Sex is the ultimate male Pleasure sport in my view. My other half and I both play and he not only encourages my promiscuity, he is often the camera guy on my porn shoots. There's none of those toxic behaviors of going through each other's phones when the other isn't looking and so forth. It's just sex. We can focus on our commitment to each other without having to worry if the other might be "cheating" sexually with someone else because the concept is rendered null.
    1 point
  44. Chapter 4: Who have I become? “Sup Fag? You want some of this?” “Yeh? You want to play with it? Tell me about you” — I typically follow instructions well. I rarely color outside the lines in life. Boundaries and rules have kept me on a pretty consistent path. So I guess it isn’t a surprise that I followed these instructions like my life depended on them. The next part of the journey isn’t always clear in my memory. I know I reached out. I know I consented to be drugged and to get used. I don’t know much else. I also know that I hit a sort of rock bottom after this. I opened up to friends and family about what was happening, not going into explicit detail, but letting them know that the breakup was really hard on me and that I was struggling. I knew there was a risk that the photos, videos, or other information could end up being used against me, but I did what I could to prevent that. I changed phone numbers, scrubbed my online presence, and started trying to take care of myself. The photos and videos of me never surfaced, my family and friends were never contacted, and in general, the only person who knew what happened was me and whoever else I came into contact with, or rather, who came into contact with me and then shot their loads in me. This new direction was helpful, for a time, but deep down I knew that I was always going to stumble and fall back into depravity. But, there were lessons from this experience that helped in other areas. I became less rigid, more flexible in terms of boundaries and rules. However, this also meant that it wasn’t always so straight forward or certain what steps I should take. I was used to living in black & white, and suddenly I was forced to live with a lot more complexity than that. I pumped the brakes on sexual activity and I went completely sober. Following this experience, it took time to get over Trev and to put the wheels back on my general existence after falling off the tracks so spectacularly. I deleted the online hook up apps, I stopped watching porn, and I went an entire year without even making out with a guy. I think I wanted a hard reset. It was useful. However, after a year of trying my best to be what I thought was a better version of me, I was finding myself bored, alone, and horny. Over this time I had switched jobs, still in comms/marketing, but with another organization and a different type of role. In my new role, I was going to be traveling a lot more which I was excited for, but also nervous about. I knew traveling could get me into trouble. I got a new phone at work, the same number and phone as a previous employee from another department, but otherwise new to me. First on my agenda in my new role was to head to the national office for training and onboarding. I was going to be flown to a much larger city in the middle of the country for a week to meet directors and VPs and get a sense for the new landscape I was in. I was excited, but all I could think about was, “will I behave?” I wasn’t so sure. I headed up early on a Monday morning. I hadn’t even booted up the phone yet, waiting till I was on the plane out before even looking at the thing. It was completely reset. Funny how I was trying to do a complete reset on my life too. I booted up the phone, set it up with my info, and then looked to see what was happening. Right away I got a text message. I assumed it was from the corporate head office. I was wrong. “Sup Fag? You want some of this?” It was from an unknown number, with a picture of a hard uncut dick, wet, with a bottle of poppers next to the dick. I was shocked. I had also opened this on the plane, but thankfully no one was sitting next to me. Was the previous owner of this phone a slut? What was happening? The text message and the picture was so shocking to me. I didnt notice that I was instantly harder than I have been in months. I had to cover my lap with my bag to hide my hard on. “Sir, you need to put your bag under your seat for take off”. I smiled at the flight attendant and nodded and replaced my bag with my jacket. My dick was throbbing. I wasn’t sure what I should do about the text message? I was going to delete and block the number, but I was so curious. Curious and horny. Things were a bit different for me now. I was on prep, feeling a bit more secure in my own sexual desires, but it had been so long since I tried anything with anyone. I had assumed I would start dating, not jump into the apps. But this message from a complete stranger, it almost didnt seem real. I texted back. “Hey, this message must be for the previous owner of the phone. I got this number and phone through work. Sorry, you got a different guy here.” Thinking this would be it, I turned off the phone, tried to recenter myself, and tucked in for the flight. But my hard on wouldn’t leave. I just kept thinking about that dick and the poppers, about the wild times I had a year ago. As the plane took off and we started the climb into the sky, all I could think about was getting off. As soon as the plane climbed high enough for seat belts to be taken off, I grabbed the phone and rushed to the bathroom. I need to jerk it, and the least I could do was use this unsolicited image as my bate material. I booted up the phone and saw another message. Fuck, I forgot to turn the phone onto airplane mode before turning it off so it was still sending/receiving messages. The message was from the same number. “Do you like what you see?” Of course I did. My rock hard cock was leaking through my pants as I was standing in the airplane bathroom about to jerk it to this random guy's photo. I had to ignore the messages and just jerk off. Ignore the messages. Just ignore it. I turned the phone on airplane mode and started jerking to the photo. I could feel myself shaking, I was so horny and worked up. Just receiving a message like this after such a long period without porn and action was enough to send my body into overdrive. I was jerking, with the intention of getting off as quickly as possible. I didn’t last long. I jerked and shot a huge load into the sink and streaking up into the mirror of the plane bathroom. Hopefully I didnt make too much noise. I cleaned up, headed back to the seat, and forgot all about it. A few hours later I landed and I headed to the hotel. I wasn’t on official work duties at all today. I was just required to get to the hotel, check in, and relax. It was summer and hot. I thought about maybe checking out the local queer scene, or going for a walk. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to get up to. Shortly after getting to my room, visions of my hookups a year ago came back to me. The text message and the photo were front and center in my mind. I was in trouble. Even though I jerked, I could tell I was still excited and felt a sense of ravenous desire that I have not experienced sober before in my life. I opened up my phone, looked at the last message from this mystery popper dick guy and wrote him back. “Yes.” Short, simple, uncomplicated. I fell into bed and started playing with my dick. I had not used porn in almost a year. I deleted most of my accounts and I didnt have any saved content anywhere, not even on my computer. But I was craving porn. Really bad. But I wanted to stick to my principles. I felt the phone vibrate. It was him. “Yeh? You want to play with it? Tell me about you” I knew this wasn’t going to end well. I needed to delete and block the number. I needed to stick to what was working for me. But, if I was so serious about these new rules and boundaries in my life, why was I so bored? So alone? So fucking horny all the time? I wrote back and sent him a selfie with a message. “Bored, away for work in another city, and horny”. Well, I knew exactly where this was going to go. I told him where I was, which hotel, the room number, how long I was staying, he asked more questions, never really offering up details about himself. But I think I needed and wanted an outlet. He became the place for my sexual confessions. As much as I tried to improve my life and reconcile all these different parts of myself, I hadn’t truly opened up about what had happened a year ago. “So, you are a submissive gooner fag? Wanting to get fucked anonymously while also being fucked up? Is that correct?” I was rock hard and jerking while texting with him. He was triggering all the parts of me that have been wanting to be triggered. I was completely unhinged and unlocked. “Yes sir. That is what I want. It has been so long.” Even though I had gotten off earlier I was rock hard, leaking, and bating hard. “Good boy. You are little fag. I will have more instructions for you, but for now, stop touching your dick and wait by the phone. And go check the package that is outside of your door”. Oh fuck. Things were escalating. I tucked my dick in my shorts and opened the hotel door to find a small brown bag. I quickly grabbed it and went inside. Another text. “Enjoy… be in touch soon”. Inside the bag were two bottles of unopened poppers, a brand I had never used before, and some treats, a couple baggies of white powder, a couple baggies of brown powder, and a few pills. I should have just thrown it all out. I should have gone to the hotel and asked for a new room. I should have blocked the number. But all I could think was, fuck it. Who was I becoming? (to be continued)
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  45. The nastiest place was with my brother, we checked into this really cheap and sleazy motel and my brother made me pay... it was like $39 a night, or $12 an hour, the mattress was lumpy, there were drug deals going down outside, the bedspread was all worn out and it was burned and stained all over and the drapes had a rip in them about 6" long and 3" wide, right at eye level so that if you stopped to look in, you would be able to see us fucking on the bed. The room smelled like smoke, sex and what else so he cracked the window and then he got drunk and laid back on the bed and we started having sex. He had me facing the drapes and he pounded the fuck out of me for like two hours. I could feel wet cum spots on the bedspread, people walking by could hear us thru the cracked window and would look in and watch for a few seconds and then leave, and a few would stay for a few minutes. I could tell some were drug dealers and they called others over to watch. I felt so nasty doing it there and seeing the people come and go but it gave me a huge mental rush!
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  46. Part 21: Pastor Kline's Conversion I walked into my office several days after our four-way with a noticeable waddle, my ass still hurting from Peter’s vigorous fucking. After he filled me, Peter took a few minutes to recover and then fucked Pastor Kline. Dominic fucked me for a while, adding to the cum which was dripping out of my ass. After hours of sex, we were all sweaty, the apartment smelling strongly of testosterone. “I never knew it could feel like this,” Peter said. “What did it feel like with Lewis?” I asked. “Great,” Peter said, “but I was his first. He really didn’t have a handle on anything.” “Did he at least try blowing you?” Dominic asked. “Not really,” Peter said. “We’ll train him,” Dominic said. “Pastor Kline will give him lessons on technique.” “Happily,” Pastor Kline said. Peter and Pastor Kline left soon after, returning to their wives. It took some time for them to clean themselves up, showing no signs of just having had incredible sex. “If you ask me,” Dominic said, returning to the bed where I was waiting, cum dripping out of my ass, soaking the sheets which were already drenched from our sweaty bodies, “I think there’s something in the water at your church. You’ve got gay men popping out of the woodwork left and right.” “Maybe it’s you,” I told him, reaching out and rubbing my hand over his chest. “Maybe we just can’t resist someone as dominant as you.” “Maybe,” he said. I laughed. “What?” he asked. “Nothing,” I told him. “It’s just… I’m now just realizing how close your name is to dominant. You are the Dom in the relationship.” “And you are a ‘Ryder’ of dick,” he said, smiling. “We’re perfect for each other.” “I suppose we are,” I told him. “You know, when Peter was fucking me, I found myself wanting him real hard.” “Should I be jealous?” “No,” I told him. “I wish he could join us, actually.” “Sounds hot,” Dominic said. “Unlikely, but hot. He is married after all.” “True. What do you think they’ll do now? Peter and Pastor Kline? When they convert, what will happen? How will they hide it?” “Neither fucks their wife,” Dominic said. “They’ll have to decide later on what they’ll do with medication, but, for now, it’s all sex and poz cum.” “Are you on meds?” I asked him. “I was for a while,” Dominic said. “I stopped once I knew I wanted your ass.” “How sweet,” I said, grabbing his nipple and pinching hard. “I guess I’ll have to figure out medication at some point too.” “But not now,” Dominic said. “For now, all I want is for you to blow your load in my mouth. Got it?” I nodded. ### “Good morning, Pastor Ryder,” the church secretary said. “Good morning.” I passed Pastor Kline’s office and found the lights off. “Where’s Pastor Kline?” I asked. “Sick,” she said. “He called this morning saying he has the flu and won’t be in all week.” “Oh,” I said, stopping myself from smiling. “He just needs our prayer,” she said. “He sure does,” I said. As soon as I was in my office I called Pastor Kline’s number. “Hello?” a groaning voice said. “It’s Will,” I said, my voice low. “I just heard you’re sick.” “Sure am,” Pastor Kline said. “Do you think it could be… well, you know.” “Most likely,” I told him. “Look, I’ll be over in a day or two to check on you. I’ll call Dominic and make sure he knows. He’ll let you know everything you need to do to get through this.” “Thanks, Will,” he said. “I was starting to think it would never happen.” As soon as I ended the call I called Dominic. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Positive,” I said. “Well, I guess we don’t know that part yet, but you know what I mean.” “I’ll call Dr. Wade and make an appointment for him.” “You’ll have to give yourself another tally mark,” I said. “Seems so. Heard anything from Peter?” “Not yet,” I told him. “All we need to do now is get Peter to bring Lewis into our little gang. Then, we’ll move onto Pastor Kline’s son.” “Lewis won’t be much of a problem,” I said. “Pastor Kline’s son will be the challenge.” “We’ll make it happen.” Two days later I visited Pastor Kline. “The poor thing is so sick,” Mrs. Kline said. “I’ve barely been able to get anything done, trying to keep him going.” “If you want,” I told her, “I’ll stay here with him for a few hours if you want to go out and do some shopping.” “Would you do that?” “Of course,” I told her. Once she was gone, I went into their bedroom, finding Pastor Kline looking deathly ill. Shit, I thought. Had I looked like this? Pastor Kline’s eyes opened, a smile forming once he recognized me. “Will. How are you?” “I’m good,” I said. “You’ve looked better.” “Is my wife nearby?” he asked. “No. She just left to go shopping. I told her I would look after for you’re a while.” “Good,” he said. “Fuck. Did you feel this bad?” “Almost,” I told him. “In a few days, you’ll get super horny.” “I’m horny now,” he said, his hand moving beneath the covers and rubbing his crotch. “Do you want some help?” I asked. “If you don’t mind,” he said. I pulled down the covers and slipped down his underwear, revealing his growing cock. It was true that Pastor Kline’s dick was nothing special, but it was hot knowing I was holding the cock of a man of God. A man who had poz blood coursing through his veins, converting his body. As if my thought entered his mind, Pastor Kline’s cock started to stiffen in my hand. I ran my thumb over the head, smearing precum. “That feels amazing,” Pastor Kline moaned. I leaned forward and ran my tongue from the base of his cock all the way up to the tip, sending waves throughout his body. I held his balls in my hand, wrapping my fingers around his scrotum and pulling down. “I’m not going to let you cum yet,” I said. “We’ve got a while until your wife gets back.” “I’m all yours,” he said. I swallowed his dick, taking it all with ease. I had to pace myself, slowly moving my tongue along his shaft, applying just enough pressure to keep him hard but not enough to make him cum. After nearly an hour my jaw was getting sore. “Ready to cum?” I asked him. “Always,” he moaned, running his hand through my hair. He smiled. “What?” “Nothing,” he said. “I just never imagined I would ever see you sucking my dick.” “Well, a few months ago, I wouldn’t have thought I would be,” I told him, licking the head, a string of precum stretching out and landing in my beard. He moved his thumb along my face, wiping up the precum and inserting it in my mouth. “I’ve wanted you ever since you were hired,” Pastor Kline said. "Why?" I asked. "I know I'm sort of good looking-" "Try fucking hot," Pastor Kline said, straining to laugh. "You remind me of a man I went to college with years ago. Fuck, I wanted him. I almost tried to corner him one night, but I stopped myself. God, if I saw him again..." "You'd fuck his brains out?" "I'd get as much out of him as I could," Pastor Kline said. "Back when we hired you, I think I was hoping for another chance." "Well," I told him, "you got it." He ran his hand along my face, fingers moving over my beard. “I used to stay up late, wait for my wife to fall asleep, and think about you fucking me.” “Dreams come true,” I said. He smiled. “Sometimes, I’d fantasize about you and my son taking turns fucking me. Then you’d fuck him, taking both of us.” “You’ve really got something for your son, don’t you?” “He’s just so handsome,” Pastor Kline said. “I know he’s my son, but don’t you get it? You fucked your brother. Wasn’t that a special connection?” “It was,” I admitted, thinking back, crossing a line so few crossed. I still hadn't heard from Jay, and an anger still remained, but there was no denying the fact that what had happened between us had been incredible. “I just don’t want you to get your hopes up. I also don’t want you to risk your relationship. What if you make a move, and you’re wrong?” “I know,” he said. “We’re just gonna need to get Lewis on our side first. If anyone’s got a shot, it’s him.” “Peter’s working on that,” I said. I watched as Pastor Kline closed his eyes, low moans escaping his lips. “Keep your eyes closed,” I told him. I stood up and pulled down my pants and underwear, my cock already hard. I climbed up on the bed and situated myself between his legs, hoisting them up over my shoulders, revealing his hole. “I want you to imagine I’m your son. Say whatever it is you’d want to say to him. Got it?” Pastor Kline nodded. I spit in my hand and rubbed it along my dick and on his hole. I pressed my head against his opening and pushed inside, moving beyond the resistance and causing him to shudder and gasp. “Oh, Will,” he said. “No,” I told him, pushing harder, forcing more of myself inside. “Not Will.” “Ryan,” he moaned, his hands reaching up to his nipples which he started to twist. Having fucked Pastor Kline many times before, I knew what made his body lose control. I knew what would make him cum from just his ass. I knew what would make him feel what he had always wanted to feel: his son fucking him. “Is this what you want, Dad?” I whispered, shoving myself deep inside him, his back arching, hands shaking. “Am I making you feel good?” “Yes, Son.” “Do you like knowing that the dick that you made is inside you?” “Yes.” “Is it filling you?” “It’s so big.” “Do you want me to breed you?” “I need your cum.” “How badly?” “I need it so bad. I need it deep inside me, Son.” “Will you be my pig?” “Forever.” “Will you give me your ass whenever I need it?” “It’s always yours.” My breathing was shallow, my orgasm rising. I reached out and grabbed his arms, pulling them up and over his head, pinning him down. His eyes opened, looking straight into mine. “You’re mine,” I said, slamming my dick hard into his ass, unloading deep. My arms shook, unable to hold my weight. I collapsed on his chest, both our chests heaving as we tried to catch our breath. I felt something wet around my stomach and looked down, seeing a small pool of cum beneath Pastor Kline’s dick. I lifted myself off him and scooped up his cum on my finger and stuck it in my mouth, my eyes meeting his as I savored his first poz load. “Fuck,” he moaned, smiling big. “I’ve never felt so bad but been so happy.” I collected more of his cum and dropped it into his mouth, watching as he licked his lips. “Taste good?” “Amazing,” he said. I pulled my dick out, watching as my cum squirted out on the sheets. “While I love the smell of men and sex,” I told him, “we probably should clean you up before your wife gets home.” “You’re right,” he said. “Just give me a second. I want to bask in this for a moment more.” I changed his sheets and helped him into the bathroom where he shit out my cum, much to his disappointment. I helped him shower and blew him again. Once he was clean and unable to cum anymore, I returned him to his newly made bed. “Do you think it’ll ever happen?” he asked me. “What?” “Ryan,” he said. “I want more than anything for him to fuck me.” “Well,” I said. “Remember how much you hoped I’d fuck you one day? That happened. Hell, we’ve fucked so many times, I’ve lost count.” “That’s true,” he said. After a few minutes he fell asleep. Not long after his wife returned. “How is he?” “Tired,” I told her. “I know a doctor to call should he get worse. Just let me know.” “Thank you, Will.” “My pleasure,” I said, smiling. ### “How is he?” Dominic asked. “Feeling sick,” I told him. “I kept him company.” “And by that you mean…” “I fucked him while pretending to be his son,” I said. “Then I tasted his first poz load and then fed him the rest. I also blew him.” “If only I had had you when I converted,” Dominic said, kissing me. My phone vibrated, revealing a call. I looked at the ID and found Jay's name. "Hello?" "Will," Jay's voice said over the phone, an excitement within the single word. "I've got some great news..." _________________________________________________________________________________________ As I said in my previous chapter post, we've reached the point of what I have written. I'm working on writing more, but life gets in the way. I'll be taking a short break so that I can get more written. I'm hoping this isn't a story that could go on forever, so I'm trying to figure out a good ending. What it will be, who knows. If you have ideas or there's something you want to see, please let me know. No promises they'll happen, but I love seeing your thoughts. Until our next Sermon, keep fucking.
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  47. I live in NYC. I'd be here all day if I recounted every Men's room, Bathhouse, Subway station, Tunnel, car and Platform, Every parking lot, bublic park or office building Jail cell,commuter bus, stadium house of worship or a dark street alley or abandonded store front or between parked cars or City roof top where we could be seen by others in taller buildings or every sex club or night club with a black out room My desire is to have more sleazy public sex. to drop more loads and take even more. but. the older I get and the more conservative the world around me. gets, the more I have to lose. but damn I miss the days whenI was brave enough to grab a had cock on a crowded subway train
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  48. Thanks for all these comments! I feel welcomed and in a club lol. I have been being fisted by my girlfriend and also a twinky little boy from my gym the last few months. My girl destroyed me yesterday and I was just in heaven, no uncomfortable and she goes "I was up to the elbow you know" and......well that blew my mind. She's 6 feet tall so those are long arms lol. I need a REAL MANs hands, the Twink is basically the same size as my chick. Still searching. Im almost completely anal, occasionally fucking my girl but she normally just fucks me with her 10 in dildo and then I occasionally take loads at my gym. Literally my dream relationship lol
    1 point
  49. I almost shot at that. You, sir, "get" this little notion wherein the partying takes equal importance with the sex, the attitudes, and the reality of learning you love to get high and fuck on this. Relatable and realistic and I'm gonna beat off to this god knows how many times..Reading this hot little story made me feel like I was reliving every situation where stopping to think about anything sane or cautious was just simply dismissed and erased with a cloud; really helps obscure those long-term concerns that've been cropping up in my head from realizing I've been in this not-neg-for-long's jock with increasing frequency since this rollercoaster started. Almost too many times to remember all the dick and what I did with it - but who cares? You perfectly summed up a very close parallel universe of experience.. let's just say everything Jason thinks and does makes sense to me. Thanks for getting me rarin' to find more dick and ass. Raw dick and ass, of course. Let us know how Jason fares, and anything else you've got buzzin around in that twisted brain.. don't hold back.
    1 point
  50. I really get into a verbal top forcing me to swallow his piss.
    1 point
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