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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by EricX

  1. I was once married, and made the progression from safe only bottom to Selective bb bottom to no questions asked bb bottom while i was married. Unfortunately, I waited too long to divorce and start actively chasing Poz loads, as it it now hard to find a toxic top these days.
  2. I want to be a member!
  3. I cant wait for bathhouses to open up again.
  4. Neg. stopped prep a long time ago.
  5. was this the guy who was on a meds vacation?
  6. Odd that you can only pick one option, when i , and i suspect most of you will be picking multiple options off the menu. 😀
  7. People chase for many different reasons. Sadly, some chase because they are suicidal or self-loathing. I think those types would also like the COVID-19. chasing. For those of us who chase for different reasons, we may not like this story so much.
  8. Follow your gut. If it tells you to stay on PrEP, then stay on it. My gut told me to stop it, so i listened.
  9. But if its toxic, i hate the idea of it being wastes by not going in my ass
  10. You are a promising new author. There’s no reason anyone should be unkind to you.
  11. But you have to admit that is a hot story!
  12. This is a trick question. Right?
  13. You should see a doctor. They will probably want to do an analscopy on you (an in office procedure, no prep necessary) to biopsy any lesions they find. In rare cases they develop into anal cancer
  14. In general, I’m always amused by “Tops” who have pictures of their ass, but not their cock, in their profile.
  15. Any top whose status is Poz Not on Meds
  16. Will do. I’d love to connect with you!
  17. I’ll be visiting and looking to take loads while I’m there. One on one or as part of a group. And which is better, Club Philly or Sansom Street Gym?
  18. When is the next cummunion?
  19. Some tops don’t mind a whiny bottom— they get off on forcing a bottom’s Discomfort.
  20. I wonder if there is a non-burdensome way moderators can pull the story, and explain the issue that needs to be corrected to the author, instead of inserting themselves into the creative process?
  21. Why is this in the fiction section?
  22. Time for Ed to move on and find a new ass to poz.
  23. I simply cannot go back to condoms. I’ll accept my fate.
  24. Yes, please continue, but if possible could you adjust your font so it’s more easy to read?
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