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  1. The latest strain of JP’s virus shot out of his piss slit like a SPACE X rocket and quickly went to work colonizing itself in the lining of my ass and guts. I sighed in satisfaction, feeling the fullness of his dick, the warmth of his cum, the rough scraping of his fingernails down my sides as he shivered in orgasmic release. We were resting in post-fuck bliss when our smart watches started to beep and flash - another fucking lockdown. All week the base had gone through a series of ever tightening security measures since the media broke the news. How did they know that the story the government had successfully sold to the American people for the past 30 years was not true? That Patient Zero - the man to blame for the AIDs epidemic in the United States was not a Canadian flight attendant? That the real track of the virus was from Zaire, to Haiti, to New York City in the late 1960s and early 1970s? I shivered in fear as I thought about what might come next: that Jean Pierre might be named - that we might be separated - that the world would find out about Project Unicorn and that Patient Zero was my brother, my lover, my husband. I chuckled and shook my head and wiped the sweat from my face as JP (Jean Pierre, but I always called him JP) caressed my forehead with a gentle touch, then leaned in and even more gently kissed me. He knew what I was thinking. He always knew. It had been that way since we were kids, and as he flipped me over onto my stomach and slammed his 11-inch dick back into my nutt filled hole he asked, “Hey B, You ready for some more unicorn seed?” JP always called me B. It used to be short for ‘boy’ - his first English word. Now it was just short for ‘daddy’s bitch’ when JP went into ‘top daddy mode’ during our sex games and role play. JP yanked me up onto my hands and knees and cuffed my head, forcing me to lay my chest down onto the mattress so he could scrape my insides with a deep fuck. Load #2 was always rougher - load #3 would take him an hour of fucking, pure beastial brutal fucking - and he was not satisfied until my ass pussy was swollen, black and blue, and my body was marked as his inside and out. Fuck I loved this man! As JP started slightly snoring, exhausted from dropping three buckets of viral cum in me. I reached out to grab his hand and held it as I thought back to how our story began. I was four years old the first time I met JP. He was eight and covered head to toe in a viral suit, a Center for Disease Control (CDC) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suit, complete with a hood and face mask. It was 1972 and they didn’t have PPEs for kids back then, so the suit fit him awkwardly, especially as my Dad and the other CDC doctors had used duct tape to tighten it in certain spots to he would not fall over when he tried to walk. I thought it was funny, but from the anger on JP’s face, and the scolding I received from my Father, I learned I was wrong. One day I was playing with the kids at my babysitter's house while Dad was at work, and the next we were in some new house, surrounded by boxes, and all I could see outside was a fence that I was told I could not go past. Beyond the fence I soon learned was a whole, new world. A world full of fighter jets, tanks, men in uniform, and from that day on Dad and I, (and soon JP), lived smack dab in the center of one of the largest, most secure, and secretive military installations in the country. Naturally the military installation also happened to be in the middle of bum-fuck-no-where! For the next two years I saw JP for a several hours every day as he and I played together in one of the labs. We found 101 ways to entertain ourselves and excelled at role play. JP was always the good guy or dominant one, even though I was the physically boy of the two of us. He was the cop, I was the robber. He was the cowboy, I was the Indian. Whatever it was, JP was always in charge. He was never without his PPE, but I didn’t think anything of it after asking my Dad why he had to wear it and Dad’s answer was “Because he’s special.” Knowing now that JP is Patient Zero and that all AIDs roads lead back to him, you might well ask 'Why did my Dad let us play?' Well, he was an angry, frightened, and often violent kid and I remember hearing Dad tell one of his techs that I was a calming influence on JP. In addition JP was always in that damn suit. JP was the only kid with whom I was allowed to play. On the occasion of my sixth birthday party Dad asked if I would like to have JP live with us as part of the family. That was the best birthday gift ever and the next day - my actual birthday - JP moved into our house on the base. Not only did I have a new brother, but JP didn’t have to wear his PPE anymore. There were still rules - and Dad made me my brother’s keeper to ensure the rules were obeyed . For instance, JP had to wear gloves on his hands at all times, long sleeve shirts and pants, and if he ever tripped or cut himself, we had to hit a big, red alarm button by the front door and the house would be immediately swarmed by techs from Dad’s lab who would check us over, clean up, and sharply remind us to be careful. Still, I could not resist touching JP when we were alone. JP would always pull away quickly and scold me whenever I sneaked a touch to his neck or some other small, bare patch of his ebony body. The feel of his skin, the warmth of his body through his clothes, the look in his eyes, which I now know was of the basic human need to be loved. Anyone else who touched JP was a lab tech who often had a needle to prick him with or some machine to hook him up to. I don't believe even my Father actually touched JP. I was the only person in JP’s life who saw him just as he was: a scared, lonely boy. JP shifted in his sleep. I smiled and reached down to caress his hardening dick. Fuck - even after all that, and all the years being together, and the hundreds of times he has cum inside me, JP is still a fucking nympho! In my teens our roles reversed. I became the wild, angry child and JP was the calming figure in our lives. I got caught trying to sneak onto a fighter jet, hiding out in the Army barracks as I tried to figure out how to run away, gambling with Marines using Dad’s gold watch as my bet, smoking and drinking with some Navy guys with stuff I stole from dad’s locked cabinet in the basement, and more. Through it all, JP was there. He never gave up on me, never got angry, and always made sure to tell me I was loved. My Father, on the other hand, was quick to remind me that I was brilliant, but stupid in the ways of life. I was brilliant, I guess, so even with only the home schooling I had received from the tutors Dad had hired for JP and me, I was accepted at an Ivy League school just after my seventeenth birthday. At the time JP was 21 and the day I left for college was the first time I ever saw him cry. The sight made me angry - a reaction I regret to this day. I don’t know why I got angry, but the look of hurt and pain in JP’s eyes when I snapped at him and told him I couldn’t wait to leave, forever haunts me. Well, long story short, I crashed and burned. Having total freedom, having a whole new world to explore, have no one literally guarding me day and night, I knew no boundaries and no barriers. Drugs, alcohol, sex - I did them all to the extreme. It was now 1986. AIDs was a major news story and had been for a few years. My Dad had even made sure I knew all about safe sex and at the time, I did not know why he was so insistent about that and never made a connection to JP, but when I went to college I knew all the steps that one should take to protect oneself - and I did none of them. For me it was not about being gay or whatever, it was just about having fun. Extreme fun. And the first time I took raw dick in my ass I was hooked. Yeah, I was addicted to the thrill of danger, the rush, and just the general fact that raw dick felt 1,000% percent better than a dick with a rubber. My ass was put against so many bookstore glory holes and taken so much anonymous cum I imagine I was directly responsible for the dramatic rise in the profit margins of the local sex venues. JP’s dick was now streaming a continuous line of venomous, toxic fluid. I carefully dipped my finger into the small puddle forming on tight abdomen and then licked it clean. Fuck even at 52, JP’s 5’8”, 150 pound body was still pure, lean muscle. My hole twitched, but I decided to let him sleep a little while longer. Back to our story. My world collapsed. Dad had a heart attack and I got kicked out of college for catastrophically failing, so, I went home where I decided it was time to grow up. Not only did I help Dad during his recovery, but I easily stepped in and helped cover for him at his lab. I also tried to make things up with JP. I felt bad. I really did. And while he seemed generally okay, occasionally I would still see the pain in his eyes when he looked at me. All I saw when I looked at him was a fucking hot black man with a monster BBC and I was determined to get it. You may think that Truveda and PrEP is a medical advance from 2014 or so. Nope. The U.S. Government knew all about Prep by the mid 1980’s and it was created, thanks to JP. Before I left for college Dad had told me I had an iron deficiency or some shit and made me promise to take the pills he gave me every single day and told me that if I didn’t I would have a stroke. Well that scared the life out of me! Surprisingly, taking those pills was the only thing I actually did do right during those months and it wasn’t until I was back home, covering for my Dad in the lab that I learned the truth: those pills were an early form of PrEP. They were just as effective as the current version, if not more so. That wasn’t the only thing about which Dad had lied - okay, well, not actually lied, but had not told me everything. There was JP. I spent hours and hours reading all his ‘secret and classified’ files: JP was Patient Zero. He was born in Zaire, in Kinshasha, in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. His parents had been labelled collaborators with the Belgian colonialists and when JP was about three his parents were killed and he was sex trafficked - literally sold - to some Haitian soldiers who were in the country helping keep the peace. He was taken to Haiti, where he was sold again to some asshole from New York City and was then taken there, where the horrors continued. That’s where my Dad found him in late 1971. My Dad is unbelievably brilliant and could see disease vectors and track viral clues like a bloodhound after a raccoon. His files show he told the CDC he was conducting tests of standard vaccination protocols in New York City. What he was really doing was tracking Patient Zero. He was looking for the source of a new virus, one he had seen in Haiti, and which he had followed to America. JP was rescued and my Dad forever felt guilty about not having found him sooner. The files referenced how JP had coped with the trauma, how he acted numb, almost unresponsive when he was first brought to the base. How only after he and I had started being playmates had they seen a glimmer of change, and then real hope once he had moved in with us. The files also detailed Project Unicorn - the U.S. Government’s efforts to slice, dice, and use JP as a fucking guinea pig for more untold horrors. They were especially intrigued by the fact that JP’s AIDs virus would mutate and evolve every year or so, seemingly randomly. My Dad even wrote in one file, “NO MATTER HOW MUCH THIS PAINS ME, THIS BOY’S LIFE IS WORTH NOTHING COMPARED TO SAVING THE WORLD.” JP was Patient Zero. JP was the nation’s father of the AIDs epidemic. JP’s virus - then and now - was like nothing the CDC had ever seen. It changed, mutated, grew to toxic levels no biology should ever be able to endure, yet JP thrived. He never got sick. He didn’t waste away. All drugs were withheld from him. No treatment ever given. That fucking pissed me off; knowing my Dad and the government, had abused him all over again. Clinically I understood why, but personally I realized, right then, how much I loved JP. I had always loved JP. Now what was I going to do about it? Project Unicorn 2.0 - my plan to get JP’s raw AIDs dick and have him infect me so we would be together forever. Crazy? Fuck yeah! Worth it? FUCK YEAH! JP had sacrificed - without a choice - so much for so many and no one would ever know. It was time someone sacrificed for him. Step 1: Stop Prep - I flushed a bottle full of my ‘iron deficiency’ pills down the drain. I would lie to my Dad if I had to, but my mind and heart were set. Step 2: Find out what JP knows about sex - On a military base getting gay porn, even back in the mid to late 80s was damn easy. Dad was gone for a couple days getting checked at Bethesda Naval Hospital, so I was home, alone, with JP. I got naked, plopped myself on the couch, popped in the video, and waited for JP to get home from his daily check in at the lab. He walked in, saw two black guys tag fucking a white bottom, grabbed his dick, shook his head, and literally ran to his bedroom and locked the door. I banged on his door, pleaded for him to open up as I ‘apologized’. Nothing except heavy breathing and a gasp. Yeah, I knew what jacking off sounded like. Step 2: Touch that dick - I left for the lab as normal, but immediately backtracked, sneaked in through the garage, and waited in the side entry hall until I heard the shower in JP’s bathroom start. I waited another minute, then knocked, “Hey JP, mind if I piss? Damn you know how that coffee runs right through me and the other toilet is not working,” I announced as I walked into the steam-filled bathroom, flipped the toilet lid up with a loud SMACK, and chuckled as JP fumbled, mumbled, and tried to hide the big top tent he was creating as his hard dick poked against the shower curtain. JP had his own bathroom for ‘safety’ reasons, and I lied about the other toilet. Once I finished pissing, I closed the toilet lid, sat down, and asked JP what was up. The curtain pulled back, then shut quickly as JP realized his monster hard on was peaking out. I boldly stood up, yanked the curtain back. JP’s reflexes kicked in and he wrapped his arms around his chest. I smiled, and with no place for him to run reached out and gently stroked his hard dick. Oh my fucking God! The look on JP’s face. Shock. Shame. Guilt. Desire. Lust. Need. Acceptance. Demanding I finish what I started. Without another word I started stroking his dick, using the water of the shower and the lather of the soap to make my hand slick, warm, wet, moist, and just what JP needed. JP tried to stop me only once, “Please don’t,” he pleaded, “I...I’m...it’s not safe...I can’t...I….” I replied “I know,” as I stroked him harder and faster. In less than 60 seconds he blew the biggest fucking load of cum I had ever seen. JP immediately gasped, pulled back to the far end of the shower, I smiled, wiped my hand on a towel and said, “See you tonight when I get home!” Step 3: Remove the barriers - Bethesda decided to keep Dad for several weeks for tests, observation, and to tap his expertise. For me, I could not have asked for a better plan. That night I came home, made dinner, set the table, opened a bottle of wine, and when JP sheepishly came in I took his gloved hands, held them tight, gently removed one glove, then the other. Once his hands were free he looked like a scared rabbit ready to run. I cupped his hands between mine and brought them up to my face. First I had him touch my right cheek, then my left. Opening his palms, I smiled, bent down a little and kissed them. He tried to flinch, but I had expected that and held firm, then casually said, “I hope you’re hungry. I made too much I think.” For the rest of dinner I smiled as JP kept stopping and staring at his hands. It had been a far too long since he had been around any other living soul without his gloves on. I even reached out several times to touch the back of his hand, to press against his wrist as I grabbed the salt, to brush against his knuckles as I set my glass down. JP smiled. Step 4: Take that nutt in my ass - The next few days and nights I replicated the success of that first day. It was torture for me as I wanted nothing more than his AIDs-filled dick slamming my hole, but I knew I had to be cautious. I would ‘accidently’ catch him in the shower and by the fifth day JP had the shower curtain pulled back and was eagerly waiting for me to stroke him off. At dinner that night we both were sitting at the table naked. JP had never even slept naked in his own bed. We laughed and smiled, genuinely enjoying the freedom of the moment. I freely rubbed my hand up and down JP’s arm, making the skin ripple with goose bumps. JP got up to go piss. I followed JP and stood in the bathroom doorway as he sighed in exultation from the release on his bladder. I licked my lips, wanting to taste and swallow that salty offering, but knew I would soon enough. JP stopped, I handed him his drink and remained in the doorway as he scrunched his face and downed the entire glass as I casually tipped it up with my right index finger. He laughed, reached out and spanked my right butt cheek. I turned around, set my glass on the floor and said, “Spank it harder.” JP tapped my right cheek lighter than a church lady. “Harder,” I urged. The next slap was better, but not enough. The third, hell yeah - I yelped, raised up on my toes in reflex to get away, and as JP apologized profusely I turned, and kissed him. Big, open mouth, sloppy, wet, tongue fuck kiss. JP had a look on his face like a UFO had just landed in our backyard and the little green men had said, “Take me to your leader.” I spit into my hand, reached down, and stroked his dick. At eleven inches it was pretty fucking long, and he was also quite thick. Could I take it? I didn’t know at the time, but sure the fuck was going to make it happen if it literally killed me trying. JP was quivering as I spit on his dick a few more times and continued stroking him. He grabbed the door jam, tilted his head back and gasped with pleasure. I paused, spat in my hand again and when JP did not feel me resume stroking his shaft he looked at me, looked at where my hand was and literally gasped. I BENT FORWARD, LINED UP JP’S RAW MONSTER AGAINST MY GREEDY HOLE, AND CRIED OUT IN PAIN AND JOY AS I PUSHED BACK, IMPALING MYSELF ON HIS RAW, TOXIC, PLUNGER. JP’S ENTIRE BODY SHOOK. HE BABBLED SOMETHING IN FRENCH I DID NOT QUITE CATCH. THEN HE SLAMMED ME AGAINST THE WALL AS YEARS WORTH OF NEED, DESIRE, AND WANT CAME GUSHING OUT AND HE BLEW THE FIRST OF MANY LOADS INTO MY WELCOMING ASS. After that first release JP’s guilt almost did him. Actually, almost did us both in. He felt shame, feeling he had done wrong. After all he knew the dangers, that he was Patient Zero, he knew that like the biblical prophets he had left waste and destruction and death in his wake. Hours later, after holding him, telling him over and over how much I loved him, needed him, wanted him inside, he seemed to get it, at least for the moment. The second and third breeding, while more brutal than the first, set the chemical and physical bond between us. JP has woken up from his nap, slipped his black and white ‘thug’ bandana down onto his forehead, cocked his head so I can see the part cut down to the scalp, and said, “Show me that fucking pussy!” He’s asleep again now, a small smile on his face, and I gently touch the little half moon curves where his upper and lower lips meet. Fuck, he’s sexy! My ass is throbbing - maybe for the next fuck he will take me to one of the base gloryholes? So, back to our story. That first night was all it took to poz me. Dad was still at Bethesda but within 48-hours I had the fuck flu so bad I begged - literally begged JP to grab an MP’s gun and shoot me. His response? He fucked me some more. He was a wild man. The best had been unleashed. He had had found his lover, his soulmate and reconnected with his best - and only - friend - and he fucked me over and over and over. I had so much AIDs venom running through me I could have taken out a nest of rattlesnakes and a pit of scorpions! When Dad finally came home from Bethesda he didn't seem to be surprised to see JP and me holding hands, no gloves in sight, or to learn we were a couple. I was ready for a fight, but Dad just smiled, hugged us both, and said he hoped we would be happy together but we had to understand what this meant. For JP, not much would change. For me, I was now Patient #1. I was the only person that my father could prove beyond a doubt was infected directly by Patient Zero. I became his next test subject. The following years were a series of tests, trials, poking and prodding, but as long as JP and I were together, it was all good. Sexually, we explored every wild and kick ass scene and thing we could. There are some nasty, twisted, freaky mother fuckers on military bases let me tell you. JP discovered about 10 years ago there was a gloryhole in one of the Air Force maintenance warehouses. Every Friday and Saturday night he would have me bent over, sucking his monster truck rod, while some anonymous Air Force brat blew his seed in my hole. Once I was so full of cum I felt like I would bust, JP slam-fucked my ass. Anonymous cum sprayed everywhere until he filled me with his own loads. Often following such debauchery he would follow his cum with his piss. Our role play became more intense too and JP knew that I would literally do ANYTHING he asked or needed. There was no safe word as he liked to beat my hole up like it stole something. No permission asked. I was his - and his alone - just as JP was mine - and as my husband moaned, turned his head and opened his sleepy eyes, I slid my nutt filled ass all the way down his 11-inch dick and said, “FUCK ME WITH THAT UNICORN HORN!”
    5 points
  2. I told myself I would just look, I always tell myself that. It was Friday night and I was online. Barebackrt always manages to get me in trouble and just when I was starting to be good again. I sorted through several messages and prospected fucks before coming across one that looked promising. The guy was a little bigger, but not fat, and he had a huge, thick cock. In his message, he asked me if I wanted to come play with him and a friend. He said they would get me high on g and t and fuck me all night. I had promised myself that I wouldn't party anymore, especially not a few days before class and since I had a loving (and in his mind), monogamous boyfriend now. We continued to exchange messages and eventually my slutty side won out when he mentioned how much he wanted me to be a whore and to watch me take several guys' raw cocks and cum. I was on my way to his apartment within minutes. I arrived at his apartment just as the other guy (his friend who he had mentioned) was leaving. I was a little disappointed as this guy was hot but by this point I was in slut mode and just wanted to get high and take dick. I immediately took off my clothes (the guy told me later what a turn on this was for him) and took some g. We started smoking a little while the guy (William) played with my hardening dick and told me what a slut he wanted me to be. This, along with the drugs, made me horny enough to try to ride his thick, 8.5" dick. It took some work but I managed to ride him while he lay on his back. He eventually lifted me up and fucked me doggy (my favorite) while taking breaks to message other guy's online with invitations to use my ass. I wont lie, his dick was painful to take, but it was a good pain and I was in heat. His phone rang and he stopped fucking me to answer it. He hung up and said "A guy is here to fuck you, put your ass in the air and get ready for him." I did as I was told, positioning my self so my ass was in the air facing the door. The guy came in, undressed, and immediately slid his raw dick in my ass. His was definitely easier to take and I was glad I had been stretched out a bit before. The guy wasn't exactly attractive, but he was passing and he had a decent dick that he fucked me with so I was happy. While he pumped away, William watched and told me what a good slut I was. He started taking pictures which really turned me on. The current top pushed me down from my knees so I was laying face down on the bed. He held my face down and fucked me hard, whispering in my ear "I'm going to breed your ass." He started fucking faster and I could feel his balls, thick with cum now, slapping against my ass. He told me he was going to breed me and William urged him on, "Breed his ass." He shot his load up me with a grunt, my first one of the night. He got dressed and left with a thank you and a slap on the ass. William's phone buzzed and he told me that the next guy was already here, "get back in position." I did as I was told again, but this time I had a load in me. The next guy was hot. He was from the Midwest with blond hair, a hot, worked out body, and a nicely sized dick. He took off his clothes and walked over to admired my loaded ass. "He just took a load before you got here," William told him. "Nice," he said as he teased my wet hole with his finger. He slid his ass up my cum-filled hole; his dick felt amazing. It was the perfect size. I moaned like a little bitch as he started fucking me, rhythmically pushing his dick in and out. While he fucked me doggy on the bed I reached around to grab his muscled arms, pushing into his cock as he fucked me. He slid out of me and William immediately shoved his thick cock in, it still hurt but I took it anyway with a slight gasp which quickly turned into moans as he pounded my hole. As he fucked me I noticed that there were 2 other guys in the room now as well, getting undressed. William slid out of me and I moved my ass back into position for the next guy. He was a hot, straight-acting, surfer guy with an amazing dick and this, low-hanging balls. His chest was smooth and tight. He fucked slid his cock in my wet hole and began fucking me like the others. The guy from the Midwest positioned his cock in front of me and I sucked on it while taking the other guy's dick. The surfer guy turned me over and fucked me with my legs in the air and over his shoulders. I wanted to kiss him so bad but he turned away when I tried. I reached down and felt his smooth balls slapping against my ass and his raw dick pumping in and out of my slutty hole. He grabbed my feet and spread my legs in the air as he fucked me, hold my feet. I looked down at his amazing dick fucking my hole. So fucking, hot. I wanted his hot ball sac to unload up me so badly. The second guy to come in started fucking Midwestern guy on the bed next to me. I love getting fucked while listening to another bottom moan next to me. Such a fucking turn on. William continued taking pictures and telling the other guys to fuck me. He told the surfer guy to breed me. He started fucking me more intensely, throwing me over so I was flat on my stomach again and shot his load up my cunt. My second load, I couldn't be happier. He lay on top of me as his balls unloaded into my ass, I reached back and felt them pulse. My ass was definitely wet now. Watching me get bred got the top who had been fucking Midwestern guy really horny, he pulled out and came over to shove his cock in my warm, wet hole. He had a long, curved dick and he fucked hard and fast. My ass must have felt great with the warm cum in it because he came within a couple of minutes. He shot a huge load and I could feel cum leaking out and down my balls as he pulled out. Midwestern guy was up next, he had me lay on my back with my legs in the air as he admired my cum-drenched hole. He slowly teased his hole with his dick, pushing it in and out of the opening to my hole gently. I moaned with pleasure and he rammed his dick in hard, pounding away at my hole. I could feel the cum running down and out of my ass as he fucked me. I reached down to feel his shaft which was slick with thick cum. He pumped me hard for several minutes as I moaned and told him how good his dick felt. I will admit, his felt the best by far. He finally shot his load in me, adding up to a total of 4. William gave me the last load and for once, with all the cum in me, his dick barely hurt at all. He had a huge load for me too. After that, everyone started picking up to leave and I decided to head back home too. My ass was full of cum as I sat down at my computer once I got home and logged onto Barebackrt.
    3 points
  3. [Above: A picture of me in March 2013, immediately after taking a raw load deep in my pozzed-up cumhole.] I wasn't always a cumpig. Throughout my 20s, I was extremely careful to use condoms all the time, even in committed relationships. But when I was about 25, I discovered bareback porn, and it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen: these guys freely gave up their asses to raw tops, BEGGING for loads, celebrating cum instead of fearing it. Bareback porn felt dangerous and intense and exactly right. Soon enough, I was on the local phone chatline, talking to guys who told me all about the world of poz pigs: bugchasers, giftgivers, conversion parties. I began posting profiles on bareback hookup sites, but only as a top -- that was my compromise, my attempt to play with fire from a safe distance. But every time I had my raw dick buried in a jockpig's beautiful wide-open boybutt, I'd see the blissed-out look on his face, his muscular legs spread wide to reveal his hungry faggot cumhole. And after pounding his guts full of my DNA, I'd feel that total sense of connection as I pulled my cum-covered cock from his hole, tiny strings of jizz connecting my raw dick with his pulsing, hungry, dripping cunt. Of course, I wasn't content to live vicariously through those bottom pigs. I wanted to BE them. I finally began living the life of an unapologetic bareback pig in 2007 -- the same weekend I moved to San Francisco. It was mid-July and I was looking for a hookup online. I found a hot couple (one top, one vers); the top wanted to watch his boyfriend take raw dick. I volunteered and headed their way. When I arrived, I was happy to see that they were even hotter than their pictures. Both were in their 30s; the top, Jake, had a square jaw, wolfish eyes, and a tuft of chest hair sticking out from the neck of his T-shirt. His boyfriend, Trey, was a few years younger, clean-shaven and very preppy-looking. It was clear from their tight T-shirts that they had some seriously hot bodies under their clothes. I sat down on their couch, all of us still fully dressed. After a little bit of small talk, there was an awkward pause. Then Jake said to me, "So -- do you party?" I shook my head. "No, I've never done that." He glanced over at Trey, then back at me. "Well -- would you like to try it?" "It's no big deal either way," Trey said to me, doing his best to be as nonchalant as possible. "This stuff just makes you feel a little more horny, that's all." I shrugged. "Sure, I guess," I said. Jake flashed a little half-smile, then grabbed a pipe from a desk drawer. He put the pipe up to my lips, lit it, and told me to wait until his command. Then, when smoke began emerging from the top of the pipe, he told me to begin inhaling slowly. It was a very big hit -- he had me inhaling for a long time, and the cloud that came out of my mouth was thick and solid white -- but he registered disappointment. "That wasn't a very big one," he said. "Let's try one more." Then another. All three hits were administered under the pretense that they were too tiny to be effective. But after that third hit, I sat back, rubbed my crotch, and immediately began squirming on the sofa, feeling a strange, restless need to be naked and feel Jake's muscular, hairy body rubbing up against mine. Jake was watching me closely, nodding while he growled under his breath. "You can take your clothes off, Ben," he said, smiling that half-smile again. "Just get naked. Show off for me. You feeling good?" [Above: A picture of me taken immediately after returning from a hotel party, where I took two loads in my pighole.] I nodded. In fact, I had NEVER felt so good. As I took off my shirt and pants, Jake pulled his dick out of his pants and picked up the pipe again. His 8.5" cock was the perfect instrument for pounding another man into submission -- fat, slightly curved upward, with a mushroom head that was already dripping precum. This amazing tool, hard and glistening, bounced up and down as Jake hit the pipe. He blew the smoke into my mouth, then began running his hands all over my body. "How do your nips feel?" he asked. "They're tingling," I said. He laughed. "Yeah, they sometimes do that when you're fucked up. And how does this feel?" He ran his fingers lightly between my balls and my hole, causing me to gasp. No man's touch had ever felt this amazing. My legs immediately spread to give him easier access to a spot I never knew existed. Jake grinned again. "Nice, Ben. You ever get fucked?" "Sometimes," I said between shivering breaths, his fingers still brushing against my perineum. "Not often." "Well, you certainly look like you're in the mood for some dick," he said. "Do you want my dick inside you?" I answered with a nod. "No," he said, "Nodding isn't good enough. I asked if you wanted my dick inside you. I need to hear what you want." "I want your dick inside me," I said. "Good boy," he replied. Then a pause. "You read our profile, so you must be aware that we only fuck raw," he continued. "Did you know that?" I nodded. "I need to hear it," he said. "I know you only fuck raw." "And once I'm inside this sweet little fuckhole, I will not pull out. Period. Do you understand?" "I understand." Another pause as he continued to brush his fingers around the perimeter of my hole, my legs stretching further and further back as the Tina gave me a hunger for sex like I'd never known. "Now, unless I'm mistaken, I think your profile said that you're negative," he said. "Is that true?" A long pause. I didn't want to answer, because I was afraid that if I told him the truth, he might send me home out of concern for my health. But something about the situation -- his seductive tone, his dripping dick, his half-smile -- told me that I could be honest. "Yes, it's true," I said. "I was tested last week, and I'm still negative." "So you must be aware that the two of us are positive. Right?" "Yeah, I know you're poz." "And you still want me to fuck you?" I couldn't answer at first. All I could feel were those fingers teasing my partied-up fuckhole. "Yes," I finally said. "I still want you to fuck me." "Raw." "Yes, raw." "With our poz cocks, our poz precum, our toxic seed?" "Yes, poz." He grabbed both sides of my head, and drew me close to him so that we were looking directly into each others' eyes. "Tell me what you want, Ben. I know you've been keeping this a secret for a long time, but your secret's safe with me. And you can't get what you want until you tell me exactly what you're craving right now." "Poz seed," I choked out. I couldn't believe I was saying this, and yet I'd never been so turned on in my life. "You want poz seed blasted inside this sweet little neg fuckhole?" "Yes." "Good boy. Repeat after me: 'Please poz me, Jake.'" "Please poz me, Jake." "Louder, boy." "PLEASE POZ ME, JAKE." "Good. I'm so proud of you, Ben." He slapped my ass. "Now I think you need to go jump in the shower. You know what you're about to become? You're about to become a true bottom. Do you know what that means?" "No." "A true bottom," he said, "doesn't let fear get in the way of his top's dick. A true bottom freely surrenders his hungry fuckhole, spreads it wide for the man splitting him in half. Poz or neg, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is for the bottom to serve his top man like a good bottom should. It's all about embracing your role as a hot, muscular, hungry jockhole, existing solely to please pig tops. Is that what you want to be -- a true bottom? A bottom pig?" "Yes, please. Please make me a true bottom." At that moment, I saw his fat dick twitch, then ooze a heavy stream of precum onto the floor. Jake's half-smile was now a wide-open, evil grin. "Go shower up, boy," he said. "I can't wait to blast your insides full of my poz seed." MORE SOON...
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  4. FEELING LOW, FEELING HIGH (How Low Will I Go . . . continued) Well there was no surprise what happened about a week later: I woke up feeling like shit. Worse than shit. I was sweaty and feverish and achy all over. Yup, the fuck flu was beginning to kick my ass. Despite the fatigue, I had enough mental brain power to do a little calendar calculation in my head. I supposed it is possible that taking all of those loads from the AIDS patients at the hospice could infect me severely enough to kick in after a week. Could it? Part of me was still thinking (and maybe hoping) that it was from that first day, with that first skinny wasting man who passed me off at the bathhouse. I knew my 'hope' was a little stupid - it could have come from any of them. Or Stu or David. Or a combination. I could be carrying all of their HIV babies all at once! My stomach was rolling and my mind was spinning. Actually, that was the room. I was thinking too hard about it: I had gotten what I wanted. What was next? I really did feel like shit, but my dick was standing at full mast and I was fucking horny, knowing I was finally a part of The Brotherhood. Even though I really didn’t have the energy, I dragged my sickly ass out of bed, cleaned myself up (and out), pulled on a jock strap, a pair of nylon trackies and a tee shirt, then headed out. I wanted to go back to where it all began. So I hopped a cab just outside of my building. The cabbie kept eyeing me in the rear view mirror and after a minute or so kindly asked “You feeling alright, buddy?” “I’m, uh, just a little under the weather,” I replied, "but nothing to worry about. I’m on my way to get a little more . . . medicine.” He dropped me off at the corner and I walked the few doors down to the black door of the hidden bathhouse. I carefully made my way down the stairs, praying that my legs would hold me up all the way down. The same guy was behind the desk and I slipped him the entrance fee. He squinted at me. He knew. “You okay?” he asked. I wondered just what answer was the right one in these circumstances. T o hell with it. “Fuck flu,” I blurted out. Just then out came the first guy from that first time, the frail and sick looking one. He was smiling at me, and his cock stood mighty and hard. “Time to finish what we started,” he said in a husky voice. He didn’t give me time to undress or find somewhere more comfortable to fuck. He simply pulled me around the corner, yanked my pants down and entered my ass, slam-fucking me hard, with only the precum from his big cock as lube. I was too exhausted to make much of a fuss over the discomfort, and besides, it always feels great to have a man up in my hole, even if it was, on occasion, a literal pain in the ass. For such a slight looking man, his hands gripped my hips quite strongly, his bony fingers digging into me while his big bone dug into my greedy fuck hole. He slammed into me hard, really hard, clearly trying to tear me up inside so that he could ensure a clear path of travel for his potent toxic seed to enter into me again. I closed my eyes for a minute, basking in the hypnotic sound of our skin smacking into one another again and again. I could have died right then and there and would have been one happy pig. He pounded my insides to mush, and he was sweating quite a bit and breathing hard, so I knew that it wouldn’t be much longer. His grip on my hips grew painful as he growled like some sort of wounded animal, his cock swelling inside of me and depositing his viral load into me once again, most certainly impregnating me. He remained in side my ass until his cock grew soft and slid out of my wet and sloppy hole on its own accord. Reaching down, the guy reached down and massaged the cum that had leaked out into my swollen and tender ass. I had expected the other guys who had come to watch to step up and take their turns on me but, much to my disappointment, they didn’t. Instead, he pulled my pants back into place and led me out front where he put his clothes on and guided me back the way I’d come. Turning to him I asked “What’s going on?” “I’ve got something special in mind for you,” he replied with an evil glint in his eyes. Well my initial disappointment vanished instantly and my cock sprang back to life. We took our time slowly ascended the stairs up to street level. I think that we both felt like shit, but somehow we both walked unhindered, and he guided me to a nearby park. I had been by here before but usually avoided it, having seen some of the wasted burn-out types who hung out there all the time. After having been used like a whore as I have been lately, I knew now that I was in no position to judge them. It also occurred to me that I still didn’t know the guy's name but I was following him around like a lost puppy. And he seemed to know a lot of the guys we passed. Perhaps he was one of them. I wondered if that was how he got infected, sharing needles or something. “You think you’ve gone down the rabbit hole? ou've only just stepped through the entrance,” he commented, smirking. “I can tell that you are not the type of pig who will be satisfied until you’re completely degraded and trashed.” My mind was telling me that I didn’t like the sounds of that, but I couldn’t ignore the enormous tent sticking out in front of my pants. Damn this thing sometimes! “We could have stayed at the bathhouse and let all of those guys used you again. But let's face it - been there, done that. You need something new, don’t you? Something . . . more? My heart was pounding hard and my breathing was already more of a pant. How did this guy get into my head like that? I just nodded at him, knowing that everything he said about me was right. I would trust that he would know just what it would take to satisfy my inner pig. He finally stopped at a group of some seven guys, all looking really rough and tough. They didn’t look to be homeless, just really sort of seedy looking. I guess they were just hanging out looking for something to do. Or some-ONE. He pulled one guy away and spoke very quietly to him for several minutes. Every so often they would both look over at me, and the man he was talking to would raise his eyebrows sometimes or smirk at me. When they finished whispering, they both looked at me and said, “Let’s go,” and I, along with the others, walked over to a beat up old van at the other end of the park. It was filthy inside and the back had no seats. One of the guys, a big man who was real hairy bear, grabbed hold of me and pulled me to his lap. “Why don’t you sit on me until we get there?” he growled into my ear. I figured ‘Fine, I’m sure his lap is much more comfortable than the floor’, so I smiled at him. “Well go ahead, lose the pants,” he snapped at me. Duh, he really wanted me to sit on him! Also fine by me, so I stood and shucked off my pants, and then straddled his lap, working his already hard cock out of his pants. One load in my hole helped get his fat uncut cock into my hungry hole. And I do mean fat. He wasn’t longer than seven inches, but he had to be more than that around! I fucking loved feeling his cock stretch my hole open wide. I leaned my head back and smiled to myself, not even particularly aware of the other guys watching me. Only his cock and my hole. He started talking to me, so I snapped out of my personal daze and looked at his face. He was actually quite handsome. I have always loved a bear. He didn’t look skinny enough to be a junkie, not that I had much experience. I’ve always been a lightweight when it comes to substances. “You are a good little whore, aren’t ya'?” he asked, adding “Fuck, your ass feels good on my cock. I’m going to enjoy using you plenty,” he growled as he thrust his hips up to get as much of his cock into my hole as was possible. He continued to growl and rut up into my lusting hole, but after a few minutes I tuned into the other guys complaining to him that he was hogging the hole. Evidently they all wanted their turn. “Fine,” he grumbled. “Get off,” he said to me, shoving me off of his still throbbing dick. My friend who had brought me to these guys was sitting up front with the driver and one other man, so that left me in the back with four guys other than the one who had already been in me. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.... I didn’t have to bother choosing between them, as the first guy nearest me tossed me down to me knees, shuffled on his knees behind me and hammered his dick balls deep inside me. I howled from the shock of it. He wasn’t all that big, but I wasn’t wide open and gaping just yet so my hole needed to adjust to the sudden invasion. “Shut the fuck up, bitch,” he snarled, ramming into me over and over again. He pounded me like this for just a couple of minutes and then I was dragged onto the next guy, and the next and the next. By this time my hole had loosened up good and was feeling really sloppy. Also by this time we had reached our destination. The van stopped and the side door slid wide open, exposing me in all of my nakedness to anyone who might pass by. The man who I now recognized as the leader of the group (and the driver of the van) grabbed my clothes from the floor of the van and just nodded his head in the direction of the house where we were parked. Luckily as I peeked out I couldn’t see any other houses in close proximity, so I didn’t have to worry about making the naked sprint to the front door. I could feel cum from my first fuck (plus all of their precum and surely some blood) trickling down the insides of my legs as I walked, and my cock got stiffer. Something about feeling cum running down my legs reminds me that I was a whore, which excited me more than ever. They led me down to a rough and unfinished basement, with little in the way of furniture. Or light, for that matter. Just a beat up old sofa, a few folding chairs, and some exposed metal posts and wooden beams. Charming. The leader suddenly grabbed my hands and in a flash, before I could register what was happening, he had me chained to one of the metal posts in the middle of the room. From there he sauntered over to a dark corner where I heard him dragging something. Then he and one of the other guys picked it up -looked to me like they’d build their own fuck bench. Two of the other guys took hold of my legs and lifted me up in the air, which made me feel very much like a frog: arms out in front of me, legs back and splayed, stomach facing down. The fuck bench was slid in place under me and I was set down on top of it. “This’ll be your home until we’re done with you,” the leader said, patting the bench. “Almost all of us have had a turn in you, but not quite. But as none of us have unloaded in you yet, we‘ve got some work ahead of us.” With that, I could hear him unbuckling his pants and saw him kick them off to the side. He entered me and took hold of my hips while he took his time in me. It was a very good fuck, not rough, but not slow and tender either. Just good quality dick in a hungry pig hole. He had stamina, too. He kept it up for a good 20-30 minutes and wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down. Another 10 minutes and he leaned himself down on top of me so he could whisper in my ear. “I just got back from Cuba a couple of months ago. I brought something back with me . . . and it didn't come from the duty-free,” he told me, in a cross between a whisper and a growl, his breath so hot and stimulating against my ear. I felt an instant rush slam through my body. This guy was seriously telling me that he was a carrier of the Cuban strain? I felt a moment of panic, but shoved it down just as quickly. It was what it was. I was a cumwhore, made to take loads - all of them. And I had heard many guys were deliberately seeking out the deadly and untreatable Cuban strain. "Please, fill me with you poison seed!" I yelled. "Come on, knock me up with that toxic cum!!" “Here it cums, slut, my fucking deadly cum going inside you,” he growled in my ear as I felt him tense and his cock expanded and exploded inside me, filling me with his intensely viral seed. My balls exploded at that exact moment, emptying into my mesh jock strap and leaking out in a puddle beneath me. I just dropped my head, moaned through our simultaneous orgasms, and revelled in the entire feeling of freedom and pig sex that had eluded me my entire life. Now I was the way I was meant to be. Over the course of the next couple of hours the guys all had their turns on me, and I learned that they met at a special clinic that was studying the most deadly and untreatable of all HIV strains out there. And they all came together to combine their DNA into some seriously effective and highly toxic strain of HIV. Inside of my body. Yes, the terror was still there, but it didn’t stamp out the sheer lust and thrill that consumed me. I was a bitch in heat now, and no deadly strain was going to stop me from being the biggest cumwhore I could possibly be. The guys actually kept me there for a couple of days, letting me move around freely only long enough to stretch my legs and to rehydrate. No food. I was fucked beyond fucked. My asshole was now a permanently gaping sloppy cavern, and the guys could just dive balls deep into me with not even a flinch from me. I could still feel them inside of me, but I’d been stretched and torn up enough to be able to accommodate anything. But it was that Cuban load that really opened the floodgates to all of the depravity that I experienced over the course of those couple of days. Maybe I’ll get into a little more detail . . .
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  5. I had been horny all week not able to get out and play with any of my regular fuck buddies my hole was hungry. I was idly cruising squirt waiting to see if one of my regular fuck buds showed up, no luck. I was about to give up and log off when a chat request popped up. I didn't recognise the user name, but the pic looked intriguing, and older daddy type in reasonable shape. "Hey you looking to play?" Indeed I was, the horniness was driving at this point, "Yeah mate, you can host?". A few seconds passed before the response "Yeah, here's my address be here in half an hour" And with that I quickly put on my come fuck me out fit, a tight jock strap, tight little white footy shorts and a dark singlet. I jumped in the car and drove over, with that nervous mix of anticipation and excitement, my hole twitching at the thought of some hot cock. I arrived at a fairly average house on a quiet street, no activity nearby, I realised all of sudden how late it had gotten, had to be close to midnight. Not that i cared, there was a slight chill in the air and I could hear some music coming from inside the house as I approached the door. I knocked, and heard some activity inside. The door opened to the guy from the pics he looked even better in person, he was wearing nothing but a towel and a smile "Hey mate come on in", I slipped passed and felt him admiring my tight arse in my shorts. I was in the living room, a big screen TV was playing a bareback porno, a guy on screen was getting it good and deep. This made my cock start to stir and strain against my jock, in the middle of the room between the lounge and the tv was a massage table. As I was taking this in my host had closed the door and dropped his towel. "I thought you might like a massage to help you relax". I was admiring his cock, had to be 8 inches and was only half hard at best. "That would be awesome mate", I replied and started to shed my clothes, I didn't need much encouragement at this point, and my cock was becoming uncomfortable in my jock. As I bent over to drop my shorts, he came up behind me cupping one of my cheeks in his hand, a finger ever so slightly working towards my hole. "Very nice mate" "Thanks" I don't get too many complaints I cheekily replied, "Bet you don't, if you don't mind I'm gonna give that some special attention when you're on the table, I have a special oil that will get you nice and slippery". As I got onto the table and positioned my head on the cut out, I said "Sounds good mate, been a while so I'll be a little tight". As I positioned my self I heard him getting his equipment together, then at the massage table head opening a cup with a straw appeared, "Gotta keep your fluids up mate" I took a big sip without even asking what it was, it was water but there was something else I didn't recognise. As I finished the contents of the cup I started to feel very relaxed and warm, I'd never done anything stronger than vodka and at first thought maybe there had been some in the drink. Then I felt his hands spreading warm oil all over my back, and as promised extra attention on my arse. He was kneading and spreading my meaty cheeks and I felt extra oil dripping on my hole. I was really enjoying the attention, and my cock was harder than it had ever been, a pool of pre cum between my stomach and the table. Then I felt something I will always remember, a sharp pain in my arse "Hey whats that", "Don't worry mate, just the special oil it burns at first but soon you won't notice it". He kept working a finger in and out of my hole running it all around the rim, and he was right the burning started to subside and it was replaced with a warm feeling and then a hunger, my hole started to open up and I then I heard this low guttural moaning, I thought it was the porn movie, but no it was me I was moaning for more. I felt him press more of his "special oil" into my hole, and this time he had two maybe three fingers inside me, I couldn't really tell but the other thing that was happening was I was raising my arse up to meet the strokes of his fingers. "Oh yeah I think this cunts ready for some cock", all I would do was moan in agreement "mmmhhhhh" "You gonna take my charged load in your cunt mate?", his charged load? what was he talking about?, all I wanted was his cock inside my hole right now! He was now on top of me, rubbing his cock against the opening of my cunt, teasing my hungry hole. "Your profile says you only play safe, but you don't want that tonight do you". He was right but at this moment all I wanted was cock raw and deep in me "I don't care fucking put it in me" I managed to slur out, "I can fuck you raw?", "yeah mate, fucking breed my hole I want your load" - I'd seen enough bareback porn to know the lingo. That was all he needed to hear, in one swift movement he positioned the head of his cock at my hole and buried it balls deep inside me, normally that would have hurt like hell, but instead I felt I finally had I what I needed, a big fat cock inside me. He started to pump me and all I wanted was this cock inside me forever. It felt amazing, sliding so effortlessly in and out coating my insides in pre cum. He pulled out without warning, "Hey", He slapped my arse hard, "Don't worry mate, we just need to relocate" He helped guide me off the table into a room at the back of the house, inside it was lit by only a soft blue glow, the walls lined with mirrors, and on one wall a tv showing an angle on the sling in the middle of the room, he helped put me into it and strapped my wrists and arms in place, then he disappeared for a moment I admired the view of my open arse in the mirrors it felt so empty and I could watch it pulsing hungry for cock. After what seemed like an eternity he reentered the room holding a needle and a rubber strap, "This is gonna make you feel even better mate", in my already partially chemmed up state, from the "special oil" I wasn't able to fight back, especially strapped into the sling, as he swabbed a vein on my arm, and applied the strap I mumbled some half hearted objection "nah mate I don't do needles". "It's okay mate, this will be worth it", and then he stuck the needle in my arm, a little blood appeared and then he depressed the plunger, I felt a slight warming in my arm, then he released the strap and I felt it hit me almost immediately, a head rush and several sharp coughs, then all I wanted was cock, as much cock as I could get. "How you feel mate", "Fuck me, give me that fucking cock" He smiled positioned himself at my arse and slid inside me, it felt more awesome than before even, he started working into me hard and fast. The sling swinging me in rhythm with his thrusts getting me impaled longer and deeper. And then he started "You gonna take my charged load boy, you gonna take Daddy's toxic seed in your cunt?!" "Yes fucking breed me, give me that load, I want that fucking load". And then I felt it the warm rush of toxic cum bathing my insides, he pulled out and shoved a butt plug inside me to hold the cum, didn't want to waste any. I was still horny, and wanted more, little did I know I would get it and then some. More to come....
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  6. http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Whoring-it-up-with-a-Cumdump-29361101 boymatt23 Whoring it up with a Cumdump I know I am long overdue for a video. I have beem fucking this hot twink with the tighest little butt ever. Added a new member to my fold who is a 18 yr old raw top in training . This 18 year old uncut top walked in and went straight to eating the bottom's ass and slid his dick in with no lube or spit. He did a great job pounding a cumslut, just like the rest of us. I saw him eyeing my ass and asked me if I wanted some young 18 yr old cum in me. Well who am I to saw no? He pounded my butt until I came all over his stomach, ultimately giving his young load to the cumdump.
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  7. PART 3 As I gratefully slurped on Jake's fat poz dick, I couldn't get over how sweet his seed tasted as it dripped from his twitching cock. Precum continued to pulse out of his shaft. His balls still hung heavy with millions of infected sperm. I wanted all of that seed swimming up in my guts, taking over my body, colonizing me with his deadly DNA. I looked up at him, and he grinned at me, shaking his head and laughing. "That's only your first load, and you're already addicted to my virus," he said. "You're such a good boy. You ready for more poz dick?" "Fuck yeah," I said, arching my back even more and spreading my knocked-up cunt for Trey, who was rubbing the head of his raw cock against my dripping hole. Trey slapped my ass. "That's not just a hole anymore," he said to me. "That's a fuckin' CUMhole. Isn't that right, boy?" "Yes," I answered. "What's that cumhole for?" Trey asked. "For taking raw dick and poz seed," I said. "Damn, Jake. He's such a good boy," Trey said. "I think he deserves a little bump of T inside this swollen cunt." "Fuck yeah, baby," Jake said, leaning over to spread my hole with his hands. "Put a few shards on the end of your raw dick and work 'em in. Make him bleed a little more. Get him even hungrier. I want him good and wrecked before Beau shoves his toxic dick inside this hungry little fuckhole. Hey, boy," he said to me. "You feel that cum dripping out of your cunt? Trey's gonna plug you up with his dick and work all that poz jizz into your little neg butt, your tissues, your bloodstream. He's gonna rub my sperm deeper into you. And from here on out, we're only gonna use our virus as lube. Got that?" "Yes," I answered. "Yes. Please. I want it. More poz seed. Inside me. Deeper. Please." Jake grunted approval. As I kept worshipping his twitching poz dick, I heard Trey rustling around in a plastic bag behind me. Then I felt the head of his cock push up inside my hole, along with a scratching, burning heat that first made me tense up. But just a moment later, hunger radiated up my spine, and I backed my hole onto his dick in one greedy backward thrust. "Thatta bitch," said Trey. "Fuck yourself on my poz dick, boy. Fuck yourself to death. I want to see how much you want my virus." I pushed off his cock, then pushed back again to swallow his shaft with my partied-up hole. Then again. And again. Faster. Hungrier. Grunting, panting, whimpering with pain and insane pleasure, possessed by a deep need for these men to make me theirs forever. I glanced over at Beau, who was still hard at work under the desklamp. Were those needles in his hands? And why was one of the syringes a deep shade of red? Trey didn't last long: after a minute or two of watching me impale myself on his poz dick, he grabbed my hips and reclaimed control of my neg cunt. "Fuck, Jake," he said. "I'm not gonna last much longer. This boy needs another dose of our strain. Don't you, boy?" I whimpered. Jake smacked me on the side of the head. "Trey asked you a question, boy. Do you want his strain?" "Yes, I want his poz strain," I replied. "Please infect me. Knock my ass up. Make me yours. Own me. POZ ME. PLEASE." Hearing that, Trey's breath grew shorter, and his dick got even harder. "Fuck you, bitch," he said to me. "You're getting pozzed tonight whether you want it...or...NOT." Then he went into a convulsive, ass-pounding orgasm, his poz dick pumping stream after stream of tainted cum into my wide-open neg hole. As he continued to shake with each pulse of his fat dick, I pushed my ass against him again, working his cock with my swollen cunt, doing everything I could to drain him completely and get that strain as deep as it could go. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Beau watching us from the desk, his hand working his dick as his balls bounced with every stroke. I was mesmerized by those balls -- low and full and deadly. Beau smiled. "I think this boy's ready for the next stage of his initiation," he said to Jake. Jake nodded. With Trey's dick still twitching inside my slopped-up cumhole, Beau walked over and knelt down beside me, turning my face to look at him. He was in his late twenties, and had the look of a fratboy gone to the dark side: backwards ball cap, strong jawline, military haircut, muscled-up pecs, and a trail of fur running down the middle of his abs to a veiny cock, even bigger than Jake's, that was perfect for pozzing up uninitiated jockboy hole. It was his eyes that gave him away: dark, almost pitch-black, piercing, the eyes of a Devil who's out to destroy. "We've made you into a hungry boy," he said to me. "But it's time to make you even hungrier. Are you ready to be a shameless, trashy cumpig for us to pimp out and poz up all night long? You ready to go to the next level?" I nodded. "I'm ready," I said. "I'll do anything. I want your virus. Bad." "Anything?" "Anything. Please. Poz me." Beau grinned, and turned to Trey. "Let's put him on the couch," he said. "Prop up his arm on a pillow." He walked back to the desk, returning with four syringes. He handed one each to Jake and Trey, put another behind his ear, and held out the last one for me to see. It was a deep crimson red. "See that, boy? That's my blood. I melted a syringe full of Tina with my fucking toxic blood, and I'm gonna pump this into your vein. After that, you're gonna be 50 times higher than you are right now. By that point, you won't even feel like a hot little jockboy anymore -- you'll be nothing but a hole, and you'll welcome every AIDS-infected cock deep in your wrecked cunt. You ready for that, fucker?" I turned to Jake. He rubbed my chest reassuringly. "It's OK, pig," he told me. "Believe me, you want this. Just trust us. You'll fucking love it." Beau was already applying a tourniquet to my arm. Meanwhile, Jake and Trey were doing the same to theirs. "Watch Jake do his hit," Beau said to me. "He's going to stick the needle in his vein, draw it back to make sure that he's directly connected to his bloodstream, then push the plunger in. That delivers the T right into his circulatory system. Watch." I watched. Jake inserted the needle. He pulled back the plunger, a flood of red filling the syringe. Then he pushed the plunger in, pulled the needle out, and released the tourniquet, raising his arm above his head. His mouth dropped open and his eyes rolled back. He let out a long, shaky breath. And his dick suddenly curved even further upward, a stream of precum oozing out of his piss-slit as he broke into an ecstatic grin. "See that?" said Beau. "Now, it's gonna be really intense at first. You might feel like you're having trouble breathing, and you might feel really warm all of a sudden. But don't worry -- that's normal. Just relax into it. OK?" "OK," I said, resting my arm on the pillow. Beau had no trouble finding a vein, gently inserting the needle into my arm. Even from that initial puncture, I felt a tiny rush from the T on the needle. He pulled the plunger back, and the red color of the syringe grew even darker. "Ready, boy?" he said, looking me in the eye. "You ready to take my virus directly into your bloodstream?" "Fuck yeah," I said. "Push that poz blood into me." "You didn't have a choice, bitch." He plunged the syringe's contents into my vein just before releasing the tourniquet. It hit me immediately. I felt a powerful rush in my head, and I went into a coughing fit as I tasted something chemical at the back of my throat. Then my breathing grew shallow, causing me to have a moment of panic -- but then Jake was lying down next to me, wrapping his arms around me, running his hands over my chest and stomach. "Just relax, buddy," he said. "It's OK. It's intense, I know. But just relax into it. Relax." I looked him in the eyes, my breathing still tense and labored. "Here," he said. "Does this help?" With a light touch of his fingers, he moved down to my slopped-up cumhole, gently inserting two fingers just an inch or two into my cunt. As soon as his fingers entered my knocked-up butt, all thoughts of panic vanished. Suddenly my fuckhole was the center of my universe -- it expanded around his fingers, seemed to expand into the entire room. I was nothing but a hungry slammed-up poz-craving cunt dripping with two loads of viral seed. Nothing else -- just a hole, ready to surrender to any dick that wanted to mark me and charge me up. My eyes rolled back in my head, I let out a long, low moan, and my hole felt ready to swallow Jake's hand. He grinned. "There you go," he said. "That's the sound of a slampig being born." I looked up toward Beau, who was just then plunging the syringe into his vein. My eyes fixated on his cock as it twitched and dripped during his initial rush. Meanwhile, he stared right back at me. "Show me your slampig fuckhole," Beau said. "Spread it. I wanna see what I'm gonna flood with poz seed." I spread my cum-soaked, torn-up hole as far as I could. He watched me with his dark Devil eyes, jacking his unmedicated poz cock, his fat shaft glistening like steel. "Nice," he said to me, his eyes gleaming with a hunger to destroy me -- me, this helpless negboy bitch with veins pumped full of Tina and tainted blood. "Keep those legs up, boy. I'm gonna pound that cunt and poz you the fuck up." MORE SOON...
    3 points
  8. PART 2 [Above: My ass in December 2012, waiting for anonymous dick to deposit a fresh strain of POZ cum.] After showering, I returned to Jake and Trey's living room. They already had a third guy there -- a very handsome dude, a little younger than me, smoking the pipe while Trey sucked his fat dick. "Hey, boy," said Jake. "Meet Beau. I told him that we had a neg hole all hopped up on Tina, and he came right over. Let's just say that he's gonna play a very important role in your pozzing tonight. You wanna tell him why, Beau?" "Sure," said Beau, right after blowing out a giant cloud of white smoke. "Around this time last year, Jake and Trey pumped me full of their sweet poz strain, and I got knocked up with the bug I'd been craving. Since then, I haven't gone on any meds, and my viral load is pretty fuckin' high. I love sharing my virus with boys like you, and especially with boys not like you -- boys who think I'm a neg total top, and trust me to destroy their perfect neg fuckholes with my poison shaft." "Trey and I are on meds," Jake explained. "So we're practically shooting blanks. But Beau here, he can do some serious damage to your immune system. Tell me, then: do you want this stud to fuck you after Trey and I have wrecked your neg hole?" "Yes. I want his unmedicated poz load," I said. Beau smiled. "I think we've got a good boy on our hands." "We definitely have a good boy on our hands," Jake replied. Then he motioned me over to the couch. "Sit down here, boy. Spread your legs. We're going to do a few things to help your cunt get even hungrier." I eagerly walked over to the couch, the Tina still making my head buzz after those first few hits almost an hour before. Jake lit up the pipe, took a giant hit, and blew it in my mouth. Then he handed the pipe and the lighter to me. "Here boy -- I'll teach you. Hold the flame right under the T," he said to me. "See that smoke coming out the top? That's when you start your slow inhale. Slow. Keep it slow. No, keep inhaling. Don't stop. Good boy." They watched me take four giant hits. Then I handed the pipe to Trey and lay back on the couch, lifting my legs to expose my hungry jockhole. "Oh, that's pretty," Beau said, smiling. "I can't wait to destroy that thing." Meanwhile, Jake was dipping his finger into a small plastic bag. He applied a little lube to my hole -- again, those fingers brushing against my cunt drove me wild -- and then he shoved into me with the finger that had been in the bag. There was a sharp pain, followed by a sudden warmth as he roughly rubbed the inside of my hole. Then my cunt relaxed, opened up, and began eagerly swallowing up that finger, then two, then three, with no pain -- just total eagerness for this man to use my butt however he wanted. Jake laughed. "Thatta boy," he said. "Jesus. I can feel this pussy getting hungrier by the second." Then he stood up, his dick looking even bigger, its curve pointing to his steady stream of precum. "You want this poz dick, boy? It's so ready to invade your neg cunt." "Fuck yes," I replied. "Please. Please give me your poz cock. I want to be just like you. I want you to mark me. Infect me. Please, please, please poz me." "You want my strain? Beau here has my strain. You like my strain, Beau?" "Fuckin' A," Beau said. "I'm so proud to carry your strain, and pass it on to every boy I can seduce with T and breed full of my virus." Jake knelt down between my legs, placing the head of his dick against the entrance to my hole. "You feel that, boy? That's my poz cock," he said. "Feel it?" "Oh fuck yeah, I feel it," I replied, squirming with total hunger for this man to transform me into a poz dickpig. "This is the point of no return, buddy. Once I'm inside, you're getting pozzed. In fact, even if I don't shoot a big wad, I'll still be dripping my precum the whole time, lubing you up with my virus. You ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "To get pozzed. To feel your poz dick in me. To beg for your poz cum." He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. He didn't last long. As I watched his muscular chest flex with every thrust, and his abs tighten each time his shaft drove all the way inside me, I could hear his breath grow shorter, his body beginning to shake with an intense need to release. "Tell me what you want, boy," he said. "Tell me now." "I want your poz cum, you fucking stud. Poz me." "What was that?" "I said PLEASE FUCKING POZ ME. PLEASE. PLEASE." "Fuck you, faggot. You didn't. Ever. Have. A. CHOICE." At that, his whole body went into a powerful convulsion as he plunged his cock even deeper. The muscles in his stomach spasmed repeatedly, and he grunted and growled with each pulsation of his stud-dick as he emptied a ballsac full of poz sperm inside my neg guts. Beau laughed. "Congratulations, boy," he said to me. "You are now officially a pig. Hungry for more?" "Yes, please. Please more poz seed. Please." "That's good," Beau replied. "Because that wasn't really a choice, either. But first, you're going to do what a true bottom does, and clean off the cock that just pounded your guts full of sweet poz cum." At that moment, Jake pulled out, and his dick glistened with the deathseed he'd just injected into my hole. I eagerly scrambled to the ground and wrapped my mouth around it, slurping greedily to taste this man's toxic DNA and worship his perfect boy-wrecking dick. "Jesus, he's a good boy," said Jake. As I knelt on the ground, carefully cleaning off my man's dick, I felt something slightly prickly press against the inside of my warm, wet cumhole. "Just hold still," said Trey. "I'm just rubbing the inside of your cunt with a toothbrush. Brushing some of that poz jizz up inside you, giving you little abrasions so that you can welcome more poz spunk into your bloodstream." Hearing that, I arched my back to spread my hole a little wider, allowing the toothbrush to plunge deeper inside my cum-soaked cunt. Seeing that, Jake whistled. "Jesus," he said. "I'd say we've created a pig. And trust me when I say this: this night is going to get much, much wilder. Just wait to see what fuckin' nasty surprises we have waiting for you." I glanced over at Beau, who was busy at work under the desklamp. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but it looked like he was carefully measuring T into little vials. Jake grabbed my head, turned it back in his direction, and impaled my mouth on his beautiful giftgiving cock. "Don't worry about what's next," he said to me. "Just worship my poz cock like a grateful faggot who knows his place." "Thank you," I murmured, as I plunged my hungry mouth down on his poz dick over and over again, with blood and cum oozing out of my partied-up hole. MORE SOON...
    3 points
  9. This happened last week when I was in NJ for business. I had been horny all day and my cock kept getting hard. I was busy with a work meeting but I was having trouble ignoring the growing lump in my pants. After I was back at my hotel I started to search for some hot ass to breed on BBRTS. I came across a cumdump ad from a guy that was taking loads a few miles from where I was staying. He was in a local Adult theater and was taking loads. I sent him an email and asked if he'd like some additional loads. He sent me a message that he was taking some loads from 3 cocks and as soon as he was done he was happy to come over and take mine. Sure enough, about an hour later he arrives. Hot guy late 30's 5'10" hairy chest and ass, and a wet hole. We started kissing and he got down sucking me hard. I couldn't wait any longer and pushed him on the bed on his back with his legs in the air. I sank my cock deep in that hot wet hole. OMG it felt so good with the other loads inside. I fucked his hole hard for a short time before my first load shot out of my balls and into his ass! "don't you dare pull out" he said. DUH I had no intention as I pushed further inside to let him feel my cock explode. He stayed with me for several hours and over that time I fucked him and seeded his ass several more times. I'm lucky, my dick isn't huge but its kinda thick and I can cum mutiple times. He was a greedy cumdump and took everything I had. Honestly I was spent and very happy. He left my hotel room about 4am with a very happy wet dripping hole! I want more! I love it and am addicted to breeding hot ass!!
    2 points
  10. All through high school I knew I was gay, and at 5'8", 125 pubs (soaking wet) I was an easy target. One guy in particular bullied me through senior year. His name was Elliot Warner Ray and his family was very prominent in the community. It left me with very little recourse except to take what he was dishing out. That amounted to the occasional time he'd get me alone where he forced me to suck him off. I learned quickly through him raping my mouth not only how to give great head, but the joys of swallowing cum. After graduation he went to work for his father before heading to a prominent university on the east coast. I was not as lucky as he was and has to settle for the local community college. I was able to get a job at a local fitness club where I quickly made friends with a number of the personal trainers. They were really cool with me and offered to help me bulk up. Through nutritional advice and regular workouts I started to put some muscle on my skinny frame. Then one day they asked me if I'd be interested in something 'special' to help me along. Before I knew it I was taking steroids and was gaining muscle really fast. These guys became really good friends and when labor day weekend came they invited me to spend the weekend with them. Three of the trainers rented a house nit far from this club. It started off as a typical weekend. They had a pool I their back yard and I soon we were swimming. This was the first time I noticed that they had matching tattoos. It was of a rattle snake on the upper left side of their chest. I commented on how hot the tattoo looked and thought maybe I could get the something. They told me that there was only one way that I could get the tattoo and they'd even pay for it.....I'd have to let them fuck me. One of them actually was hoping I'd be interested especially since I was going to be spending the weekend with them and they wanted to party with me. I kind of knew what he meant, but has never done drugs before. He said that they would take care of me if I wanted to party with them and have the best sex of my life. I let them know that the only sexual experience I've had so far were the blow jobs my high school bully forced on me. They pulled a strange pipe out and began smoking it and before I could answer they had me taking my first hit. As they taught me how to smoke from the pipe one of the guys got me a shot to drink. They told me to swallow down the shot and follow it with a good amount of Gatorade. I followed their instructions and the shot treated nasty. We all settled down and before to long I was feeling really horny and the guys has me down on my knees as they began taking turns with my mouth. As I was really going to town sucking one if the guys cocks I felt someone behind me as two hands were in my ass cheeks and a tongue began to probe my hole. I couldn't help myself as I began to moan around the cock in my mouth. One of the guys suggested we move this to the basement where we could get more comfortable. Down in the basement they had a sex room set up. A bed was on one side, a couch I the other and in the middle they had hanging from beams in the ceiling a sling. They told me to climb in and get comfortable, but once I was I the sling I was theirs until Monday afternoon. For some unknown reason I climbed into the sling and got comfortable. They then secured my feet in stirrups attached to the chains and my wrists were put into restraints. I was truly theirs, there was no escape. While they were restraining me my cock got very hard. My body knew I needed this even if my mind want sure. Before I knew it one of the guys appeared with a syringe I his hand as another one was tying a piece if exercise tubing on my upper arm. They told me to keep still as they give me a slam as Tina (the same stuff I had been smoking earlier). I watched as they stuck the needle in one of my prominent veins, then they explained as a flash of blood appeared in the barrel that they were making sure the needle was in the vein, before they slowly emptied the contents. When the tubing was removed grill my arm I felt a warmth rush into my chest just before I started to cough really hard. As I was coming out of my coughing fit I noticed that the guys each doing themselves. I then felt someone resume licking my ass as one of the guys leaned over to kiss me before giving me his cock to suck. Now I had never been fucked before but my ass was screaming to be filled. As the guys tongued my hole and I sucked a nice cock I was moaning in pure pleasure. I took a moment to pause sucking on the cock in my mouth to beg who ever it was between my legs too fuck me. I went back to sucking cock when I felt the tip of a cock at my hole. As the cock st my hole pooped through I thought Fuck, it felt so damn good to finally get fucked. When I was allowed to see the stud who has taken my cherry, I was pleasantly surprised to see the trainer who has helped my shape my new body. He looked down at me and commented on what a stud I've become as his cock bottomed out. He then began to slowly pull out and push back in waiting for me to get accustomed to his penetration. When he finally started to really fuck me my wrists were released. He guided my hand to my hole do I could feel his steel spike as it pistoned in my hungry hole. As I felt his cock moving in and out I never felt a condom. I then asked if he put a condom on, I was taught never to fuck without one. He looked down saying I never asked for one and besides, he never uses them, that it feels so much better raw and he began to fuck me harder. He was really hitting something deep inside me cause it made me forget about the condom and give into the pleasure I was feeling of my first fuck. As he continued to fuck me I face into the bareback fuck buy asked him not to cum inside me. He asked me not to what. I again after him not to cum inside me. He acted like he couldn't really hear what I said and again said don't do what and then I yelled cum inside me. He then said oh ok, and I felt his cock getting harder and he began to getting as he slammed into my hole and I felt his cock spasming. I'm sure he saw the look of shock on my face when he leaned in kissed me and whispered, I never pull out until I cum. My cock was so hard thinking about what just happen and before I knew it he pulled out and another one of the guys took his place. At this point I didn't care about condoms or where the guy shot his load. (Next Chapter, my high school bully returns)
    2 points
  11. It wasn't easy to earn my rattle snake tattoo. For the next several weekend I would have to get off work at the same time as my 3 trainer friends on Saturday, go with them to the 4 bedroom house they rent, get slammed and then fucked by each one. I stopped thinking about safe sex, only wanting their raw chicks and cum inside me. During the week they began to work with me on becoming a personal trainer. It had been about a month since the labor day party when I started to feel sick. I was at the club and had to leave early. My three buddies seemed pleased I was starting to become ill and told me to go home, get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. I was sick for 4 days which gave me time to study for my personal trainer's test. I had to take my test that Saturday morning and the club would get the results Monday. After my test I was to go over the the house for our usual party and play. When I got to the house I found my friends in the living room already naked and smoking. I joined them and quickly stripped and began to smoke. We wasted no time and headed down to the basement where points were wading. They had taught me how to administer my own slam a couple weeks back and we each grabbed a point and did our slams. As I rode my rush I was surprised that I wasn't going to be the center of the action as it seemed we were going at it with each other. We kissed, licked, sucked and fucked each other until the next morning. Monday at work started lime a normal day until I was about to get off work. The guys came to me letting me know that they think I've earned my rattle snake tattoo. First of all I passed my personal trainers test. Second they needed to take me to the free clinic for a blood test. I couldn't understand what a blood test had to do with the tattoo until we got to the clinic. The guys new the nurse who was going to preform my tests. First he did a swab of the inside of my cheek before he took some blood for confirmation of the rapid test. I asked him what the tests were for when he said congratulations the rapid test came back positive. My buddy's were with me and could see the confusion and worry on my face when they finally let me in I their secret, they were all HIV+, and they wanted me to become one of their brothers so they needed to poz me. For some strange reason I was so turned on at what they just told me. They then asked me to move into the house with them and now that I'd be making more money as a personal trainer I could afford living with in the house. It was great living with these guys. We each had our own bedroom, but I don't think I ever slept alone. One night I might have one of the guys fuck me before were fell asleep our I might fuck one of them. About a month later in mid November I had heard a rumor about my former high school bully, Elliot Warner Ray. The word I heard was that he was kicked out of the prestigious university he was attending, and would be back home. Sure enough right before Christmas he came into the club. I knew he wouldn't recognize me, since graduation I had put on a significant about of muscle, grew my hair out long and ditched my glasses for contracts. One of my roommates knew about him and his gay bashing. They all wanted to knock him down a peg or two. I was so wanting to get him. We came up with a plan. We told Elliot about the girl that was going to be at the house for a party that was 'easy'. We knew how much of a player he was so it was so easy to get him over to the house. Once he was there we made it seem like he was the first to arrive. We should his drink and after he drank his second one it was very easy getting him down to the basement. He settled a little as we removed his clothes before securing him in the sling. We waited as the G we aimed his drink with wore off. He was still a little out of it as we administered a shot of tri-mix to his cock to make sure he was hard as steel, then tied off his upper arm preparing him for his first slam. Once he seemed to comprehend what was going on I asked him if he was ready to be our bitch. He thrashed about against his restraints yelling for us to release him. We just laughed as a piece of exercise band was tired tightly to his upper arm warning him that he best keep still or risk serious injury as we made sure he saw the needle that was about to go into his arm. He turned his arm as he laid there in the sling still as instructed. It turned me on as I watched the great Elliot Warner Ray, the guy who tormented me throughout my senior year about to be reduced to a Tina bitch! As the point wasted his vein you could see the look of horror in his eyes. With the flash of his blood in the chamber my cock twitched, as the plunger was pushed and the entire .5 slam was pushed into his blood system a small bit of precum oozed out my piss slit, and when the tourniquet was removed and Elliot began to cough I readied myself to take his neg virgin ass. As I stepped up between his legs one of my roommates sprinkled some Tina in my loved covered cock informing me that this was done when they took my virginity. I looked at our victim as I placed the tip of my cock against his hole. I really liked what I saw as I looked down at Elliot. His pupils were dark and as large as saucers. His protests were no more as the tip of my cock slipped into his hole. A sight moan escaped his lips as I sank in deeper, the Tina on my cock tearing into the delicate tissue of his ass. I pushed in balls deep getting a slight yelp from him, a mix of pain with the pleasure he was going to learn to enjoy by the time we were finished. I held my cock still inside him waiting to judge his reaction. I could see the confusion in his eyes, a confusion between 'I'm strait' and 'Damn this feel so good' as I face his hard cock a squeeze to help him make up his mind. I knew which side won as he began to (seemingly) involuntarily began to wiggle his ass. I pulled my cock back a bit before trusting back in eliciting a definite pleasurable moan from Elliot. I then asked him if he was starting to enjoy my gay dick in his strait ass (mirroring what he has said to me when he forced me to suck his cock, he'd look down at me asking if I enjoyed his strait cock I my gay mouth). He didn't say a word as I began to work up to a good rhythm. I didn't want this fuck to last too long knowing my roommates were waiting for their turn. As I really got going I leaned in wanting to let my former high school bully who I was and that I was about to breed him like he has done to so many at our high school. I looked him in the eye and medical told him, putting on a good build, growing out my hair and with contacts he never recognized who I was. I gave him a clue when I added that I bet he'd recognize me if I was on my knees with his strait cock I my gay mouth. I could see the wheels spinning as he figured out that I was the fag he bullied all last year I high school. I could feel my balls begin to tighten up and knew I was about to blue my dirty cum inside the strait boy. I closed my eyes and let Elliot know that although my first load was going into his ass, I'd give him an opportunity to swallow my next load. Then I shouted out 'FUCK' as I slammed in balls deep and shot a 2 weeks worth load deep inside as I pooped passed his third ring. I could tell he felt every Siam of my cock as I looked deep into his eyes. I face him a kiss he wasn't prepared for as his lips were slightly parted and my tongue forced into his mouth. What surprise me was how he seemed to instinctively accept my kiss. When the kids broke it looked like there was a change in his brain as my semi-hard cock slipped from his ass. I moved aside to let one of my roomies take his turn as I moved up to Elliott's head with my cock covered in his has juices and some of my cum. I placed it choose to his lips as someone released his hands. Once his hands were free he grabbed my ass and pulled me in sui he could get his first taste of cock. I leaned my head back as he took my rod sub to the root. His talent surprised me and I could tell mine wasn't the first cock gee ever sucked. As his ass got fucked he brought life back to my tool. As he was about to take his second load in his hole I was getting ready to feed him my second load. I heard my roommate grunt as he deposited his sperm deep I his bowel. This sent me over the edge. I decided not to warn him of my eminent orgasm, but it was clear to me he didn't want me to pull out as he kept his hands on my ass. I looked at Elliot as I vent my balls boil over and my cum began to flow into his mouth. He hungrily swallowed every drop I fed him. As the next roomie slid his Tina covered cock in I asked Elliot 'What the fuck?' He let me know that while drunk one night he had experimented with a fraternity brother I college, but thought it wasn't for him, but for some reason he was enjoying everything we were doing to him as he grabbed his hard cock adding that he never hit this hard with his frat brother. I hadn't the heart to tell him about the tri-mix we injected into his cock to make sure he was hard. Elliot took 3 to 4 load in his ass from each of us and a couple more down his throat....did we just turn this strait boy gay?
    2 points
  12. Chapter 14: The Pervert I stared up at the mirror, seeing my body, tears streaking down my face. It also wet from that fucker’s armpits and asshole. I felt like puking, remembering that I had just had my tongue shoved up another guy’s asshole. I heard the door open and looked over to see who was next. I recoiled in fear and terror as I saw the clerk, with his swastika tattoo at full gory glory, waddle towards me. I tried screaming out, but I still had no voice. He grinned at me and just said, “Don’t worry boy, I’m not here for your cunt. You wiped me out at two loads. Plus, I had to punish a certain other boy,” he looked to the other guy and they both laughed. “Help me get the cunt down.” He and the other guy worked together to get me down, unhooking my legs and letting me slowly readjust to the blood flow. Clerk, “How many loads did he take?” Other guy, “Final tally is 39. I believe that’s a record for our group.” Clerk, “And he’s still alive? Impressive. The last guy died at 24 loads. You going to tell me his secret?” Other guy, “You know the rules Leo. You pay to play and record; we keep the secrets.” Clerk, “Fine. Don’t really give a fuck anyway. Spent $2,000 on him. Think I’ll make easily twice that from his videos.” Other guy, “Just remember the rule, no faces. Except the cunt.” At this point he looked at me briefly and smiled. Clerk, “Yeah, I remember. All the cameras are placed so that only his face shows up. I’ll need to edit out the, uh, OTHER, part though.” Other guy, “Yeah, please do. Did you call his ride?” Clerk, “He’ll be here in about 20 minutes. So I’ll leave you guys alone.” Other guy, looking directly at the clerk, said, “No need to leave. You sure you don’t want a last bit of use from little Joey here?” Clerk grabbed at his crotch and laughed. “This little fucker is down for the count for a couple days. Ain’t no way he’s up to another fucking.” Other guy, “I’m sure there’s something in your twisted fuck mind that Joey can help with. ANYTHING at all.” Clerk, “Anything?” Other guy, “Anything. Just tell him what you want.” The other guy walked to the side of the room and smiled as he saw my discomfort. The clerk just looked me over and said, “You don’t like my tattoo do you?” I shook my head and said, “No I don’t.” Clerk, “You a nigger lover?” Me, “No.” Clerk, “Kiss it.” Me, “What? Kiss that? No fucking way.” Other guy, in a sharp tone, “Order him Leo.” Clerk, looking over at the other guy, “Really?” Other guy, slight nod. Leo, “Kiss my swastika bitch.” I hobbled forward, dropped to my knees. I tried to fight it, but I placed my lips to the center of the swastika. Leo, “Lick it, from point to point.” I tried to fight it, disgusted at what I was doing. I licked it from one top point to the bottom and repeated on the other side of it. Leo, “You fucking little sicko.” Other guy, “Move along Leo. Even I find that repugnant. You know why you’re allowed in this.” Leo, “Fuck off, S… Ahh, leave it at fuck off.” Other guy, “Smart choice. Focus on the fucktard. What do you want him to do?” Leo, “Stand up bitch.” I used his belly to help myself stand up. As I did, my face moved near his armpit and was assaulted by the stench of his filthy pit. My face recoiled in disgust at the smell. Leo, “Oh, does that stink? I didn’t shower yesterday.” “Or the last week,” I muttered. Leo laughed and then slapped me across the face. Leo smiled at the red handprint, and whistled when it disappeared. He looked at the other guy, “I think I just discovered something.” Other guy, looking directly at Leo, “No, you didn’t. Now, if you want something from Joey, decide quickly. I’m getting sick being in the same room with you. And his ride will be here soon.” Leo snarled at the other guy, then turned back to me. “Lick my dirty armpit clean.” I looked at him, and then the other guy. “Please, not that. That’s too much.” Other guy, “Joey.” Leo, “Lick my fucking armpit clean. NOW BITCH.” He raised his arm and if the smell was bad before, it was horrible. I don’t know what was going on but as my mind screamed at me to stop, and my stomach threatened to eject whatever was in my stomach, my face moved closer until my tongue was deep in Leo’s putrid armpit. He moved slightly and shoved my face into his armpit using his other hand. “Yeah jock boy, get that tongue in there. Taste that pit sweat. Do you like it?” I shook my head, while still tonguing away. I heard a car pull in to the lot and stop in front of the door. Other guy, “Time’s up Leo.” Leo, “Fuck man, he’s getting me going.” Other guy, “NOW LEO.” I felt Leo pull away and back up. I heard a knock on the door as Leo snickered at me. “Your face is covered in my pit sweat you little bitch.” Leo opened the door and walked out, as Sir entered. Sir looked at the other guy, nodded and said, “Brother. How’d our new disciple do?” I looked from Sir to the other guy. Brother? What? Sir saw my confusion and introduced me, “Joey, meet Brother Shawn. Brother Shawn, I believe you already know Joey.” Brother Shawn looked in my direction, but did not make eye contact. “Oh, yes. I do know Joey. Quite intimately in fact.” Sir looked at Brother Shawn, “I will expect a full report. Until then, Joey go wash that slime off your face. You have class in a couple hours.” I walked into the bathroom and washed my face. A couple of hours? How long had this been going on? I looked in the mirror, trying to see what had become of me. I noticed a mark on my forehead that had never been there before. I touched it and could feel it was still raw and sore to the touch. I looked down the rest of my body. Despite memories of burns and beatings, I had no visible marks. Just the one in the center of my forehead. I walked back out to find Sir and the other Brother talking. Sir trailed off when he saw me, but I distinctly heard his last words, “A gift from his…” “You ready boy?” “Yes Sir. Can I ask some questions?” Sir and the other Brother exchanged concerned looks. Sir said, “You can ask, but I can’t guarantee that I can, or will, answer them. Not here though. This place reeks of Leo, and it makes me sick.” Sir instructed me to get in the car and asked Brother Shawn to come with us. Brother Shawn agreed. I walked to the car and opened the passenger side front door and retrieved my shirt and pants. I turned to find both Sir and Brother Shawn staring at me. “If Brother, uh, him? Okay that’s the first question I need an answer to. You,” looking at Sir, “I address as Sir.” He nodded. “If I’m in the service of another Brother, and you’re not there, I can address him as Sir?” Sir nodded. “How do I address you each if you are together? Like now. Is it Sir 1 and Sir 2? Or is it both Sir? Or…” Sir smiled and waved me over. I walked over, worried that I had offended him with my imbecilic question. He took my face in his hand, lifting me by the chin, and leaned down. I expected a face full of spit as he had done almost 24 hours before. Instead, this time he gently placed his lips to mine and gave me a gentle kiss. My heart and stomach both leapt and flipped at the same time. “Joey, you can be so frustratingly adorable at times.” “I, I’m sorry Sir. I…” “Shh. That’s an okay thing to be. SOMETIMES.” I looked at him, seeing the smile in his eyes and on his face. He saw my face and my eyes looking at him. “But I will still beat your ass if you deserve it.” His demeanor switched from amused to serious in an instant. Seeing the fear in my eyes, he switched back to a smile. “Now the answer to your question. Your long and goofy question. When you are addressing me, I am always Sir. When you are in service to another Brother by himself, his title is also Sir; as you followed yesterday. In the presence of multiple Brothers, you defer to me as Sir and if need to address another Brother arises, you use that title, Brother.” I mouthed the correct titling and said, “Thank you, Sir.” I asked if I should get dressed or stay as I am and was directed to dress. I turned back to the car and got in the back seat. Sir smiled at me. “You are learning well boy. Your training is coming along, much faster than we expected.”
    2 points
  13. The next day I could hardly concentrate on my work, thinking about what I'd done and the risks I'd taken. But at the same time, my cock was rock hard with excitement and when 5 0'clock came, I couldn't resist going back to the toilet. It was getting dark, but I saw several men go inside as I nervously smoked a cigarette and got up the courage to go in too. After a while, when no-one had come out, the curiosity of what might be happening got the better of me and I went through the doorway. It was gloomy, not pitch black like the night before, but the same smell of piss, poppers and sweat assailed my nostrils and my heart beat fast with excitement. The small space was filled with men, clustered around in a group. I heard the unmistakable grunts and moans of men engaged in sex and pushed forward to see what was happening. I gasped when I saw chubby, smoothed-skinned twink bending forward, naked from the waist down as a skinny old man held him around the waist and energetically fucked his fat arse. He must have been 18 or 19, short with blond hair which was matted over his brow. His eyes were bright with fear and lust and I saw bottles of poppers being jammed under his nose. The spiders had caught a fly, I thought, and now they were spinning their nitrate web around the lad as he sagged in helpless lust between their old, diseased bodies. The man fucking him gave a grunt and his hips spasmed in orgasm. When he pulled out, a gush of sperm dripped over the twink's testicles and onto the filthy floor. There was a scramble and then a black guy in a filthy polo shirt dropped his shorts, rubbed the thick cock below his bulging belly and slid it up the glistening hole, driving a low moan of pain and surrender from the sweating twink. I watched, fascinated as the black guy thrust in and out in a primeval rythym as the others urged him on. He gasped and shuddered in ecstasy then staggered back and I found myself in the front of the queue. Hands opened my belt and dragged my trousers and pants down and gnarled fingers guided my throbbing cock into the gaping, wet hole, as other hands pushed my bottom forward until I was sheathed in a delicious, hot, wet tunnel.After a few thrusts, I couldn't hold back and I spurted and spurted, and added my sperm to the toxic brew in the twink's backside.
    2 points
  14. PART 4 I spread my hole for Beau -- my head buzzing, my nips tingling, my knocked-up butt radiating hunger and heat. He swaggered toward me, his eyes nothing but pitch-black pupils. He grinned and let out a low, menacing laugh, then walked right up to my hole and positioned the flared-out head of his raw cock against my neg cunt. I'd never felt such an intense need for dick. As he teased my butt, my head dropped back, my mouth dropped open, and I let out a guttural moan. My torn-up hole pulsed outward toward his dick, trying desperately to swallow it whole. "Listen to me, pig," Beau said, rubbing his cock along the edge of my cunt. "Are you listening?" "Fuck yeah, I'm listening," I said, looking him square in those black demon eyes. "This slammed-up cunt of yours? It's gonna take a deep injection of my virus. Then Jake and Beau will massage my infected cum into the walls of your little jockbutt by pounding you full of a few more poz loads. And do you know what happens then?" "No. What?" "We pimp you out. We've already put an ad on Craigslist saying that there's a poz-friendly bareback newbie with his ass in the air, waiting for loads. And just before those twisted pigs start showing up to add their virus to the mix, we're gonna slam you again. You want some more Tina in your veins, slampig?" "Fuck yeah, dude." "You love that slam, huh?" "It's fuckin' amazing. I love it." "You've got my poz blood running in your veins now. You want my poz dick, too?" "Please." "Please what?" "Please destroy my hole with your fat raw cock." "Yeah?" "Fuck yeah. Please make me your poz brother. Please." "You got it, pig." And with that, he shoved in. The curved thrust of Beau's dick burrowed past every natural defense I had -- the muscles in my butt gave way to this beautiful cock dripping a steady stream of virus. And as he fed my aching slam-hole with his twitching dick, I felt a total weightlessness in surrendering to this man: his taut stomach muscles, his square-jawed cockiness, his biceps expanding and contracting as he administered a hole-annihilating butt-fuck. My cunt belonged to this young stud, and the walls of my torn-up butt gave way to his dick like molten wax. If taking a gut-ful of his poz sperm meant that I would be a little more like him, then I wanted every infected drop. I don't know how long he pounded me -- it could have been five minutes or five hours. I just stared into his black eyes and rode the euphoria of the chemicals rushing through my bloodstream and the virus gathering in my guts. But finally, the pace of his fucking quickened, and he broke into a grin. "Here comes my poz load, pig. You want it?" "Fuck yeah, I want it. Poz me. Please fucking poz me." "How much virus do you want in your boybutt tonight?" "As much as I can take." "No, boy. Not as much as you can take. You're gonna get a whole lot more than that. I want your cute little jockbutt gushing with a heavy stream of infected seed. And you know what?" "What?" "I'm flooding your guts with my virus...right...fucking...NOW." My hole, hungry for cum, grabbed hold of his raw dick with a velvet grip, and he sprayed his seed across the torn-up walls of my butt. He stayed inside me for a minute or two, until his cock finally stopped twitching. Then he replaced his dick with three fingers. Then four. Then a thumb. Still staring deep into my eyes, he worked his fist inside my butt, using his wrist to massage his infected cum into my bloodstream. And so it went: Jake fucked me again. Then Trey. Then Jake and Beau double-fucked my torn-up butt. Later, as we started lining up strangers to fill my cumhole for the rest of a long night -- I took 19 loads in all -- Beau prepared a new bloodslam. It was bigger this time, he said. And with Jake's fat dick lodged inside my butt, Beau pushed that Tina into my vein once again, and once again I felt my hole radiate with chemical heat as I coughed. Meanwhile, Jake plunged his raw dick into my slampig cunt. "I'm proud of you, boy," he said. "And you know what?" "What?" "I'll be even prouder to call you my poz brother." With that, we kissed, deep and hard. He looked into my eyes, all pupils, dark with pure animal hunger. And then, as I gave him a little nod, and he gave me his wolfish grin, he blasted another load of virus deep into my guts. THE END
    2 points
  15. The second part of my real experiences that came about because of my work in real estate – to be fair, this doesn’t happen OFTEN, but being a realtor has afforded me a number of unexpected chances to play - even more frequently than my OTHER career, performing. So here's a few more of the hotter sessions that started out as "just work". RENOVATION CHEMMING. A number of times, bumping into the workmen who are doing a renovation at one of my listings has turned into a hot scene in hot surroundings. One of the first of these involved a colleague named Kevin who was a “flipper” of condos along a stretch of the “Gold Coast” in Jersey, from Fort Lee to Hoboken. This guy had me coming to meet him at his latest purchase in a tower building facing Manhattan. Now, I did know he was gay prior to heading down there, but wasn’t aware he was a real player. I arrived earlier than expected, but since he’d said he’d be there with the workmen “all day” I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t have the front desk call up to let them know I was there because I knew the unit number already. So when I arrived it was a bit too soon and Kevin was not quite prepared when I arrived. I tapped on the unit door, and apparently, one of the workers thought I was there for something else as he peeked around the doorframe. It was obvious he was not wearing much if anything. He winked and gestured me to come in. Kind of an honest mistake, as I WAS wearing a leather motorcycle jacket, jeans, and engineer boots, but I do that a lot in Fall and Spring in the NYC metro area – it’s an accepted enough look, especially when heading to a construction project! I looked around and raised my brow and smiled, which was when Kevin noticed me, and whispered “Diego, that’s my REALTOR”. What began to ensue was a certain amount of panic – trying to turn off porn, find clothes, put away incriminating items… I felt bad I interrupted, and was honestly a bit envious, so I pointed to a bong that was poorly hidden behind a chair and mentioned that “if that’s Miss T you’ve got in there, I’ve had a hell of a morning and I could use a hit.” Well, THAT certainly slowed down the panic, and worried looks changed to smiles and laughs. Kevin looked at me and said “Didn’t you get my text?” I shook my head “no”, looked at my phone and shook my head again. One of the other guys held up a cellphone and said “Yo, Bossman, you forgot to hit SEND…” all the while busting out laughing. Kevin looked abashed and started to stammer, until the same guy said, “look at his jeans man, he’s into it, no harm…” “I’m sorry,” Kevin began. “I meant to send a text asking you to come late afternoon”. it was now barely 10:30. “You’re really cool with this?” he asked. I laughed and looked around. “Of course I am, especially if I’m allowed to join in” I replied, then asked, “That cool with you guys?” Kevin looked amazingly relieved, and then looked me over again, appreciatively. “Hell yeah, get naked.” I said I would but wanted to run out to my car and get my play bag that I always keep in the trunk. I was back as fast as humanly possible, perhaps faster, and started a quick strip. As I pulled out my leather harnesses, metal cockring and such, the talkative guy, Lonzo, said to Kevin, “oh yeah, he’s into it… looks like he’s TOTALLY into it!” The bong was brought my way, and a torch applied. I breathed in slowly but for a long, long draw and finally let out a huge cloud. It was GOOD stuff too. For me to feel that much on one hit proved that. I was encouraged to take a good number of hits while the guys appeared to be starting to get back into the activities I had interrupted so unexpectedly! Kevin beckoned me to follow him as I looked from side to side at the construction project well underway all over the unit – with tarps and sawhorses and some exposed framing here and there, it was actually a damn good and hot play space. “What a great space and what a nice way to do business,” I said to him. “I wish every new client-meet turned out this way. And damn, your stuff is REALLY good. I’m half-way there already.” Kevin agreed that it was very good product, and that he got only “the best” for his workers, it kept them loyal and coming back to work for him over and over. I imagined that it would. He led me to the bathroom, which was by far the most renovated in the entire place, and had a huge shower already hooked up with a sure-shot. “I don’t know whether you’re top, bottom or between,” he said, “but everyone’s ass gets played with in our groups, so please clean out. Here’s a dick pill and a pipe and torch to help out, that cool?” I told him it was and that I was versatile, and pleased about that rule, and set about getting ready. As he was about to leave, he said, “oh, and if you’re into it, don’t waste piss in the toilet, we have a few watersports fans…” I assured him I would and got down to business getting ready. Fortunately, it was a quick cleanup, a brief rinse under the shower, and drying off I opened the door. I put my leather on, put my package through my favorite metal cockring, took the pipe and torch and headed back out. At Kevin’s suggestion I put my boots back on, just like all of them. When I got to the living room area, the guys were kicked back, kindly waiting on me to really start going at it again. There were two large laptops running bareback porn, and lube, poppers, Max Impact, and some bongs and other paraphernalia in view. I looked around the room; Kevin was a white guy with dark hair and handsome face, lightly hairy average body with a little middle age spread, and partly hard cock that was not particularly large or thick, but his ass was a work of art. Lonzo was the only one apparently taller than me – either Italian or Hispanic, big chest and arms, great legs, big weapon swinging below a hairy torso with a slight beer belly, and a beefy butt. Diego, the kid who answered the door, was young, Hispanic, smooth pretty much all over, thin but wiry body about 5’6”, nice cock for his size and adorable little ass. An Irish guy - and I mean FROM Ireland - just shy of my height, incredibly pale, muscular, tatted, several piercings, low hangers below a normal size dong was sporting a shaved all over skinhead look that was pretty hot. And finally, another guy from Eastern Europe – scary hot green eyes, hot daddy soccer player type, lightly furred with a thick cock. This looked better and better. “Pull some clouds, dude” said the Irish guy handing me an even bigger and more intricate water bong. I started to melt the contents of the bowl while I said: “You saw my cloud earlier guys, I’m a singer too, so I have huge lungs… if anyone likes shotgunning, I’m good at it.” Several of the guys took me up on that, so I got to lock lips a bit with most of them including my host. We were all stroking our cocks – and others – getting our motors running for some great partysex – or in their case, a continuation of it! Little shots of G were handed out, while mouths found cocks and nips, and I took advantage of Lonzo leaning over while he put down the tray of shot glasses, and sunk my tongue into his hairy hole. He wiggled a bit back my way and I started to go to town on his beefy butt, causing my cock to start to plump up, but not get fully hard as the blue pill hadn’t quite kicked in yet. “Hold up just a minute and you can go back to that anytime,” he said, as he called us all over to take our shots. When I do it I always have to take a couple of good rips on the pipe to make sure I keep a “healthy balance” between my two letters of the alphabet. Diego took that opportunity to start sucking my rod, and started bringing my soldier to attention. “Right,” said the Irish guy, brandishing a long needless syringe like a thinner turkey baster, “if you want to be fully part of the crew, you gotta’ get initiated. Bend over the scaffold.” There was a sturdy looking paint scaffold – thick planks secured to several sawhorses with some tarp covering at just about waist height. I bent over leaning my elbows on the thing, and presented my butt. Diego scooted under me and resumed work on my cock, while the Irishman crouched behind me and stuck his tongue up my hairy hole to loosen me up for a booty bump. Ever get rimmed by someone with a tongue piercing? It’s awesome, and not only did this guy have one but he knew how to use it too… fuck, he was good! I moaned at the two oral assaults, wishing I had somewhere to put my mouth and tongue. Then I felt the cylinder of magic pressed into my hole and the bump was pressed into my hole. “Clench” I heard from behind me and did so while the guy ran his tongue and piercing and lips all around my cheeks and taint and the back of my balls, while Diego continued his magic on my cock. “Boss, could you get me ready”, said the hot skinhead behind me, as he followed with “unclench” and dove tongue first into my now relaxed hole. I saw my client/host/new fuckbuddy Kevin get on his knees and start sucking that pale cock while its owner went to town on my pulsing bud. The G, the booty bump and dick pill all seemed to kick in at once, and I was feeling amazing. Through my legs I could see Lonzo and the Euro guy had stopped 69ing and came over to watch, dropping a bottle of poppers and a Max Impact spray and cloth in front of me on the scaffold. “Take a quick hit before he nails you,” was whispered in my ear. I sprayed the cloth and started to suck it in, when the tongue on my butt disappeared to be replaced by a feeling both warm and cold – the head of his uncut cock and his prince albert. Fortunately, it was a thicker gauge so it did not cut going in. There was some discomfort at first, but hands tweaking my nips, Diego lapping my hard cock and the entire scene was so hot, that it faded pretty quickly into a very hot fuck. He wasn’t super-hung, a bit smaller than me, but his cock and his piercing felt really good, and I was super turned on by how his long, hefty ballsack swung back on forth and slapped me each time he pumped me. “Yeah, fuck that daddy ass, Devlin,” I heard someone mutter. At least now I had a name for the Irishman, one more to go… Euro guy pulled one of my arms up and popped up onto the scaffold spreading his legs so I could suck his cock while I was being fucked, I went to town swallowing that thick pole and enjoying it, before he rolled back some and then pulled himself back to the edge, presenting his pucker for a salad tossing. I dove in with gusto, it being a very favorite activity, and as usual, my cock got stiff as a board. Apparently this was a signal to Diego, who stopped sucking me. Being young, flexible and short, what he did next should have surprised me. He got on his feet in a bent-over crouch and backed up onto my cock, which entered him with almost no resistance. Oh my god, pure nirvana – my ass, cock and tongue were all performing their favorite jobs. Taking a quick breath and Max Impact hit, I noticed the entire party was now part of one scene, as Euro guy had laid fully back, 69ing with Kevin, while the “bossman” was plowed by Lonzo’s big dick as Lonzo balanced on his knees on the opposite edge of the scaffold. Damn, what a hot scene. Devlin’s strokes started to get faster and more punishing, and he grunted “Hope you wanted this load!” seconds before he blew off strongly in my ass. What felt like waves of sperm must have been flowing into me from the way his cock shaft was pulsing. He pulled out a bit too fast and I gasped, while Devlin dropped behind me and stuck his tongue up my hole to reach his own juice. It was incredible, but after another minute or so, I tapped Diego on his flank, pulled my mouth off hot Euro hole and said, “I HAVE to straighten my legs!” I eased out of Diego’s hole and stood up flexing my thigh muscles and going up on my toes for a couple of times to stretch my calves too. Devlin and Diego pushed me towards the Euro hunk and his now perfect cock height vulnerable hole on the edge of the scaffolding. My cock slid in like it had been pumping this channel for years, not the first time. The beefy daddy legs went up over my shoulders while Kevin continued to blow him for a few. Kevin pulled up and got off the scaffold saying “we need some more hits” quickly bringing the bong over. “How’s his rod feel in your hole, Caz?” said Kevin as he held out the bong for us both to take hits. Caz. Short for Cazamir, it turns out. Nice to finally know. “He fucks good,” came the deep growl from this hot construction guy, with a definite accent. “Then the boss gets next dibs,” Kevin said. I made out and shotgunned with Kevin as we blew a few more clouds and I fucked Cazamir, then he quietly let his boss take his place and I pounded Kevin hard the way he begged me to. Then it was time for me to take a break on a couple of cushions that were under the tarps. I watched the porn, blew some clouds, sucked down some hydration, and shortly Lonzo pulled me forward, rolled my legs back and began furiously tonguing my hole, searching for the Leprechaun’s gold, no doubt… he then sunk the most sizable cock in the room into me and began a nice fuck. Shortly, Diego came over and sat on my face, while I licked his boy hole and he made out with Lonzo. As the afternoon progressed, I would eventually fuck everyone there for at least a bit, and was fucked by everyone except Kevin and Diego, who apparently were strictly bottom guys. I got into some fisting with Devlin and Caz, their holes blossoming open for me as we gave them some enormous stretch – I love those trashy hot Euro guys – and watching my technique, Kevin made me promise to come back and help train his hole to accept and enjoy a fist. I promised I would. Toward the end of the session, a hot water sports scene ensued in the most unfinished room – the floor was covered completely wall to wall with rubber sheeting that went up the sides a bit (the space had to be a large walk-in closet or pantry or something, with guys getting wet down and sprayed by each other, and guys swallowing chempiss or taking it up their cumholes, eventually all down on the floor rolling and sliding around each other with mouths, cocks, nips, fingers and holes all being used indiscriminately. W/S isn’t always my favorite thing, but I can certainly get into it, especially with guys who really enthusiastically like it – and this scene was by far the hottest ever W/S scene I’d experienced up to that time, or for that matter, since. Any time I met with Kevin for playtime after that, either alone or with his crew, at a work site or in his own place, there was always an area for that rubber sheeting, and he loved nothing more than to be fucked while he and his partner and anyone else were soaked and slippery with chempiss. It was, I’ll admit very hot. Sometimes, the shower clean up afterwards could be ALMOST as hot as getting messy in the first place….
    1 point
  16. So, here I am of my first day out of school for the summer, my parents are at work and I have nothing to do except lay here and jack off and think of something to do. We just moved here a couple of months ago due to a job change for my Dad and I have always lived in the big city’s with room to walk, now I only have a yard and a big ass park down the street to go to. Since my parents are big beer drinkers I figure it is almost noon, so I grab 6 of their beers in a bag and decide to check out the park. After entering the park I start walking and the road and I see trails off into the woods and decide to check one out. I walk for a bit and find a small river/creek that is running fairly fast and sit down against a tree and watch the water and started drinking my beers. I must have been on my fourth or fifth beer when I heard what sounded like a commotion behind me. As I look around if I had not been sitting I would have fallen over, there about 50 feet away was a white guy on his knees sucking a black guy’s cock. In all my life I have heard of the gay life and sex but this was mind blowing. I just continued to watch as this white guy just went to town sucking the blackest cock I have ever imagined. The black guy was talking really nasty to the white guy, telling him “yeah white boy, suck that black cock, get it deeper, going to give you a good load down that bitch white throat”. Now I should have just got back behind the tree until they were done, but somehow I moved further out and broke a branch on the ground that drew both of their attention. Oh shit, now what. I look at the black guy who is smiling at me and the white guy gets up and they both walk over to me with the black guy still having his cock out and hard. As they reach me the black guy asked “do you think this boy liked the show”? The white guy grabs my cock and says “yeah, he is hard as a rock”. At this point the white guy pulls down my shorts to my ankles and grabs my cock. At this point I should have pulled up my short and ran like hell screaming all the way, but here I am with a guy holding my cock and balls and looking between the black guys cock and his eyes and the evil smile. The black guy then puts his hands on my shoulder and pushes down and I seem to just float to my knees where I now looking right at this guy’s cock in my face. The black guy grabs his cock and starts to hit my lips with his cock until I open my mouth to say ouch only to have him push his cock in my mouth. The white guy leans in to my ear and starts giving me my first lesson of how to use my lips and tongue and how to keep my teeth off telling me how I am going to be coming back after today for a lot more. Then white guy then leans down and drove his tongue into my ass, I thought I was going to lose it right then and there, fuck did that feel awesome. Meanwhile the black guy starts calling me all sorts of degrading names and terms “suck my black cock you white bitch, yeah, so easy to turn out a punk white boy for black meat, guess you’re going to get this big fat load down your bitch throat”, all his talking seem to just turn me on more and as he kept telling me what a cocksucking bitch I was going to be the more I tried to get more of his cock in my mouth. The black guy then opens this bottle and puts it under my nose telling me to inhale deep and I do, “Fuck” my head is spinning and I seem to want to suck more and more of this cock in me, I then feel the white guy pushing a finger in my ass, then another one and another, I am in heaven. The black guy keeps feeing me the bottle under my nose and the white guy who is somehow naked is still telling me how much of a pig I am going to become when this is over. The white guy then pulls out a bag of something and a bottle of what I found later was lube, he mixes the lube and the stuff in the bag and starts to finger it up my ass. I am go back to sucking on the black guys cock and hitting the brown bottle, a few minutes later I start to feel a rush of rushes. I start to just suck and not knowing what a gag reflex was yet, but I just wanted his cock buried in me. The white guy was now behind me with his cock pointed right as my ass. He gets the tip at my hole and starts to push, telling me go with it, that it will hurt for a minute but then I am going to love it. The black guy pulls his cock out tells me to hit the bottle deep, as it kicks in the white guy pushes in and now pass my once virgin ring. I tried to move forward trying to get away from the pain, but then I am so unstable and the white guy just keeps talking dirty to me, telling me now I am his bitch, his cumdump and that he was going to breed me full of his seed. What seemed to be an eternity was only a few minutes before the pain subsided and another hit of the bottle I was finding myself getting into it. Now the black guy puts his cock back at my mouth and he tells me to “suck that black cock you bitch” and boy do I ever. It never dawned on my if anyone had walked down there they would have seen a high school kid on his hands and knees with a cock fucking him in the ass and a black guys cock driving in his mouth, and at this point I didn’t care. The black guy starts to tell me he is close and gives me another hit of the bottle and tells me to start swallowing, at this point he lets volley after volley of cum loose in my mouth and I do as he says not knowing any better. The white guy is not far behind telling me I will be pregnant with his babies in a second and he lets out a roar and unloads my ass. The black guy just zips up his pants and says “see you soon” and walks off, the white guy pulls his cock out of my ass and wipes the rest of his cum on my ass cheeks, and I am still on my hands and knees wondering what just happened. The white guy then grabs my cock and balls and squeezes and asks me where I live, the pain was so bad I just blurted out my address to him and he tells me to meet him at the rest area down the road tomorrow at noon and just to wear shorts, no underwear or shirt or he would be at my house to get me, then walks off. To be continued.....
    1 point
  17. After years of denial of who I really am, being uptight, playing on the DL when I wanted dick then back to pussy thinking it's gone. I finally gave in n let the inner fag come out. I was still worried about being caught in the act. That changed one night when I went to a gay bar, I didn't know anybody at 1st. Then an old co worker came up n we started talking n he invited me to his table where 5-6 guys were. "What are u doing in here, Erik? I thought u were straight." I had several drinks n my tongue had listened. "I'm bi, I just hide it well. Im newly single n decided to test these waters since I haven't in a few years." We talked n I started feeling really drunk n horny. Taylor n his friends had been flirting w me more n more, my usually uptight ass was eating it up. Taylor asked me if liked to get high on anything other than weed & if I ever done Tina. I told him I tried it w my ex gf n it had no effect on me other than a limp dick, but I loved the high. He said maybe I tried it w the wrong sex, we went to the bathroom stall w his bf n we smoked some shards. He told me he had spiked my drink w GCB is why I was so drunk n my dick was bulging. He also told me that him n Jon wanted me when we worked together. There I was, spun as hell, really starting to want him n bf then n there. The guys fucking in the next stall fed it, he reached over n rubbed my throbbing cock n Jon rubbed his. Omg what have u done to me? I'm so horny. He leaned towards me n whispered, awakened the cock slut in u. It seems when a guy rubs ur dick on this ur extremly horny. We are going to a party w more drugs n sex,wanna get real crazy n go? Or we can go to our house n party there. I was beside myself w list for them, I was rubbing their dicks, hitting the pipe when I felt a finger slide into my ass. I moaned as he worked it around, I just pushed a huge shard in ur ass, it seems u like ur ass w things in it. The rush hit me, our neighbor was moaning like a whore begging to be fucked harder n I was being fingered n rubbing both their dicks. I was in heat n Taylor was working my ass so good as he said, I had a feeling about u cuz I caught u checking out the guys, now I'm finally gonna fuck u. I got on my knees n sucked their dicks hungrily, I had never wanted dick so bad, my ass was craving cocks bad. Yeah that's it, tease our cocks n ull get all u want. Meths got u so hot for it ud probably take on every dick in here. Jon said, damn he can really suck dick, I bet that ass is nice n tight. Oh yeah, he's loving it. Wanna go to an orgy n get higher n let lose? Omg yes, I panted, I never been in one. We straightened up n rejoined their party, they looked at us n smiled knowingly. They told them that they had talked me into the orgy tonight, n everybody was happy. We stayed a lil while longer, was rubbed, hugged n groped by all 10 guys at the table. We went back to the restroom again to smoke more, 4 of us crammed into that stall, I was beside myself wanting every guy I saw. They had given me 4 more booty bumps n I couldn't control it any longer. I sucked off a dick that came thru the hole in the stall in less than 5 minutes. Holy shit boys, we got to get this slut to our party. He's about to get a line started here. Reluctently we left the bar n headed to Taylors house, on the way I was in the middle of back seat making out w Taylor n jon their hands were all over me n mine on them. More later
    1 point
  18. It was 3 a.m., and I had gotten off the last bus to the eastern part of the suburb. I could barely see the streets, as there were only a few streetlights and the moon hid itself from view between the thick, large clouds. As I was walking, I could hear my steps echo between the tightly placed houses. My hearth paces as I made my way through the dark streets of a cold town, with its residents oblivious of my presence. As my boots dragged me forwards, they were wetted by the asphalt. Turning around the second corner, as I was instructed to do, the tightly places houses were replaced with camper vans of different sizes. I quickly found the one I was sent a picture of, and checked its registration, or rather the lack of it. “A white camper van, with darkened windows, and no registration plate.” With a rushing hearth and breathlessness, I steadily approached the door of the couchbuilt body, only to realise that the door was unlocked and open a few degrees. There was a stool next to the door, dirty and cold. I removed my quilted jacket, placing it neatly on the stool. Then, I removed my t-shirt, and my belt. Before going forward with removing my jeans, I surveyed the area, making sure that no one was having a late-night walk or a walk-to-the-restroom. Of course, I had forgotten that removing tightly placed jeans required me to take off my shoes. As I was taking of my boots, I quickly realised that either my socks or my feet were going to get wet, so I made sure to pack my socks inside of my boots before letting my feet feel the frosty soil. There I was, nearly naked of all the non-natural thing of my life. I checked that none of my clothes, except my boots, were of any danger of falling on the ground. I had placed my boots under the stool, giving me a fake comfort that whoever might steal the clothes, will not be able to see the boots. Looking backwards for a second time, I could see the vast emptiness which consumed the sad, old place. Gripping the bandages of my briefs, I let it slide through my torso, and fall on the cold ground. Having no interest in picking it up, I quietly, and very slowly allowed my feet to escape from it, leaving me stark naked in a cold, dark and strange place. Naked in front of a strange door. Naked the same way I was born. Natural, and naked. Please leave a comment or message me if you wish me to continue.
    1 point
  19. Looking for NO LIMIT buds (who can drive and host) to pick me up in Brantford and get fucking TWISTED together! I have absolutely NO limits. Also, unmedicated and would love to poz my first victim HAIL!
    1 point
  20. Got and gave my first loads in a month. Sometimes life just gets in the way of fun. Hit up 3 different guys on Grindr and 2 on A4A from about 10:00 last night until the last hookup around 3:00am. The last one was the only guy I fucked (seemed like nothing but total tops online last night) so I was glad to finally unload in a hole.
    1 point
  21. Up for donating a nice load into an eager manhole
    1 point
  22. So there is no way to remove your membership, if you choose to do so? I find it hard to believe that the administrators don't possess the ability to remove someone's name and profile from the site if they wish it. Is this explained when someone signs up?
    1 point
  23. Deleting your membership (something you can't actually do), doesn't delete posts since it would make the site completely confusing since threads depend on a continuity of discussion. Moderators can edit posts to remove personally identifying information. Just click on "Report Post" above the post and say what the problem is.
    1 point
  24. My experience is that it didn't do a thing for me. I was quite disappointed, actually. Your results may vary. It doesn't hurt. No pain at all. Best of luck.
    1 point
  25. Very hot story and enjoy how the straight jock turns out loving getting bred. Mmmm keep more cumming.
    1 point
  26. I get what you're saying - barebacking used to give me a "rush" doing something I knew I "shouldn't" be doing, but that rush would usually (almost always) make me cum prematurely. Didn't matter if I was top or bottom - once I was making that raw contact, I would often cum without a real satisfying fuck. The risk factor/taboo would push me over the edge way too fast. I went through a few different phases over a 10 year period feeling guilty playing bare, then just deciding not to worry about it, then abstaining for a little while, then repeating the cycle. I got on it about 2.5 years ago, just a few weeks after I finally grew the balls to join bbrt and started getting hit up by so many HOT "poz/undet/ask me" guys I KNEW I wanted to fuck with. I've never been having so much hot uninhibited sex with so many hot guys in my life and love how liberated I feel and no fear or guilt after!! I love it - no questions asked - group setting, cumunion, fuck, breed swallow anyone hot with zero discussion. Feel like I'm becoming more of a slut/stud every passing month with zero regrets
    1 point
  27. Poz & AIDS Tops wanted use me as a cumdump, love it very rough and hard, just push me over and fuck me, use me and then leave...
    1 point
  28. Not at all. I have no desire to catch anything, let alone something I can't get rid of it. Don't make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.
    1 point
  29. Unfortunately I don't feel it when someone cums inside me because I feel super full when he explodes. I love the feeling of cum dripping out of me as I walk out or when I sleep.
    1 point
  30. I don't mind bottoms jacking off, it can be a big turn on for me - but - but - but - if they cum before I do it's a total passion killer for me. By all means play with yourself but save the orgasm till you've had my load emptied deep inside you.
    1 point
  31. Had to go to the post office in village, afterwords was desperate for a piss, so went to the local bogs. Standing at one of the urinals was a hot delivery guy. As I was pissing could see him playing with his cock. I was hard despite pissing. He had a nice cock, but even better ass, filling his uniform trousers. We wanted each other, then moved into one of the cubicles. He puts down my jeans and sucks on my cock, fuck he was good, had to pull out twice otherwise I would of shot my load in his mouth. Whilst sucking me delivery man had pulled his trousers and pants down, so I had great view of his cock and ass. Fuck it was great. I dont normal y fuck, but his ass was hot, so go him to stand up, turned him round and bent him over so I could give him a good rim job. As I was eating him out, he pulled his ass cheeks apart giving me more access to his hot sexy man hole. I sucked licked and tongue fucked his hole, till it was wet loose and open to be fucked. I lubed my cock with my spit, stopped up, and before he could say anything shoved my cock up his ass, balls deep. He didn't try to stop me, all his said was " fuck, fuck ,fuck" So I did, taking my time, slowly pulling out until the tip of my cock was at his ass lips then shoving my cock back in all the way. I did this for about 5 minutes, but couldn't keep it going as I was so close to shooting my load, so I just pounded his ass, faster and faster until I shot my load up his ass. As I did this he was walking of and shot his load all over the floor. When I pulled out he span round and sucked my cock clean. I then sucked his cock clean, I wanted to suck my cum out his ass, but he wanted to keep it in his ass. Cant wait to fuck him again, and hopefully he will fuck me.
    1 point
  32. I've only seen this once and it was in London at a sex club called Chariiots. I don't know whether he has sex with anyone there other than with me. When I first saw him, I didn't think I had a chance at all with him, so I didn't even try to pursue him. I just kept walking around. I got into the Jacuzzi. A few minutes later he got in. I was talking to another person when I felt a hand touch my leg under the water. I was surprised it was the twink. I couldn't believe he wanted to fool around with me. We got out of the Jacuzzi and went into one of the rooms to be alone. I was shocked again when laid on the bed, pulled me on top of him and took my dick into his asshole without even saying a word about a condom. Needless to say, The shock mixed with the pleasure caused me to flood his insides with cum. After I came, I stayed inside of him and we both fell asleep for about an hour then he left the club. He told me that he was visiting there from Canada. I told him that I was from California and that hopefully we would contact each other again. I knew that was not likely to happen but he gave me his number anyway.
    1 point
  33. I'm totally the same way. I will take as many loads as I can possibly get. Nothing is as satisfying as feeling your hole trashed, loose and sloppy, unable to hold the monumental amount of cum inside of you. Even if it leaks out, there is still plenty left up inside. And still you only want more!
    1 point
  34. Part 2 We got to their house, followed by 3 more carloads of guys. It seems you've gained a following, our parties are real popular but there's more than usual. We went inside n down to the basement, there were slings, a huge big screen TV w a bunch of pillows on the floor. We got higher, I was spun majorly as the room filled up w guys. Taylor put in a DVD n the newsman was replaced w a mass of naked men sucking n fucking n moaning. My eyes were glued to the screen when I felt my clothes being stripped n hands on my body. Taylor n Jon were all over me, I was being groped by everybody, booty bumps shoved in my ass n I was about to lose control. Taylor whispered, ur ass is ours, we all want a piece of u.
    1 point
  35. IV The elevator doors finally open. Theres a 6’1 190lb built blond clean cut military looking guy in grey gym cloths with his phone out. My heart skips a beat and my legs temporarily don’t work from being stunned by how masculine and sexy he is. I quickly notice he’s half hard dick is buldging though his grey gym shorts. His dick looks massive. Oh my god, i can barely move and take my eyes off his dick print. I look up and see his pump and wet red lips and piercing blue eyes. His arms are muscular and have thick blond hair. I finally find myself and step into the elevator. He’s looking passed me. Someone else is approaching and about to enter the elevator from behind me. I shuffle to the side to let them in. The blond, strangely, makes no attempt to get out and instead reaches his hand out to greet this new addition to the elevator. I finally catch get sight of the new addition. It’s another strikingly handsome guy. About 5’10, 170 lbs, dark features, dark hair, big brown eyes, he’s latin, Brazilian maybe. He’s also in gym shorts, tank top, and flip flops. He has tattoos all over his arms and is also very hairy with scruffy facial hair. The two of them shake hands. the bond says “hey, I’m Nick, nice to meet you.. good timing” the Brazilian introduces himself “Carlos here.” They shake hands and then stand next to each other. All three of us are standing side by side. I take a step forward and reach forward to hit floor 10. I know they can see my wet ass. I feel liquid dripping down my leg and know my ass and inner thighs are probably soaked through. So much cum dipping out.. I step back in line with them and notice they don’t hit any number. They must be on the same floor. Then I catch out of the corner of my eye Carlos has his right hand down the ass of Nicks loose shorts. Is he fingering his hole?! My dick jumps. G’damn they’re hot. Nick reaches up and starts rubbing the back of Carlos’s neck. I feel the blood rushing to both my dick and my face. I feel like I'm in a wet dream. I notice Carlos is starting to budge in his shorts also. I cant help but to look over at them. I want to see nicks lips and face again. I glance. Carlos is looking at my budge, and Nick makes eye contact with me. What the fuck is going on. Lust is in the air. I feel like we’re all in heat. I look down to confirm Carlos is fingering Nicks hole. Yep.. and they’re both getting fully hard. I reach down to adjust my dick to the side. My heart is pounding. I involuntarily lick my lips. As i adjust my dick Carlos reaches down and grabs my hand and my dick and gives it a squeeze. My mouth falls open and let out a low “ahh”. This is happening. Nick asks “what room are you in?” i respond “1016, you?” “1028.. come with us for a bit..” the elevator door chimes open on the 10th floor. Nick steps out. Carlos gives my dick/hand one more squeeze and holds my arm to pull me after them. As they slide the keycard into the lock I hear loud sniffing from under the door. What is that? We open the door and we’re greeted by a massive white husky dog. It hops up and puts its paws on Nicks chest and licks his neck. This dog is giant. Then it does the same to me. I grab its center body and rub his sides a bit while he’s licking me. The dog is awkwardly boned up from the excitement. While I’m rubbing / hugging the dog, Carlos reaches down to the dogs dick and squeezes it lightly, “woof” he says and the looks up at me and smiles. Strange behavior but I smile back at Carlos, mainly because he's so beautiful. I let the dog down. Nick and Carlos waste no time ripping his shirts off and revealing their muscular color contrasting bodies. Nick has nice blond chest hair and a quite a lot of fur down his happy trail. Carlos is not very hairy up top but his happy trail, legs, and arms are furry. They both have quite a few tattoos. Nothing too notable except both have similar paw print tattoos and sharp almost tribal patterns. Carlos grabs the back of my head and kisses me hard. His tongue feels amazing. Nick starts unbuttoning my pants at the same time. My pants fall to the floor. I know they’re wet from the jjizz and blood. Nick says “mm just as i thought, you’ve been taking loads, eh?” I am embarrassed but distracted by Carlos's mouth. Nick takes my dick in his mouth and at the same time pulls Carlos’s shorts down. Nick is servicing both of us. It’s all too amazing. Nick then gets up, goes to the bathroom and comes back with a warm we towel. He wipes my legs and ass, cleaning me up a bit. “now you’re fuckabale again” he says. Carlos leads me to the bed, and forcefully pushes me face down onto it and barks “get on your hands and knees. Show me your hole” i feel like there’s nothing I can do but comply. When did I become so submissive? I raise my ass in the air. Carlos spits on my asshole and slides his finger in. He says to Nick “he’s still so slippery.. the pup is going to love this..” The pup? Nick climbs on the bed while Carlos is eating my ass. Nick puts his hard hairy dick in my face. He’s at least 8” and very thick. It has hair almost half way up its shaft and heavy large pink balls under it. Nick grabs the back of my head and jams it down my throat. I gag and spit all over his pubes. He starts to face fuck me and moan. After about 10 thrusts i push him out of my mouth. His dick glistens with my spit and I can see precum starting to emerge from the dickhole. He grabs his dick and jerks it a few times. The precum almost drips off and then he wipes it with his index finger and puts the finger in my mouth. It’s slick and salty. It’s all too much. My dick is also throbbing. Carlos is probing my ass and scratching at my prostate. Nick jams his dick back in my mouth. I try to suck and swallow more precum. Nick calls out “Duke.. come here, boy..” Nick tells Carlos “let him investigate” I’m confused but can barely think straight with Nicks dick sliding in an out of my mouth. I want to taste his load. Then I feel a cold wet sponge press up against my asshole. Then it breaths and a giant warm tongue licks from my hanging balls up and into my hole. It feels amazing. The dog is licking my hole? What the fuck is going on? I try to turn my head to see what’s happening at my ass and Nick grabs my head and continues to force fuck my mouth. Carlos asks nick “he’s definitely ready to fuck.. will he just get up on him or do i need to help?” Nick responds “get up here boy.." and reaches over me. He grabbed Dukes front paws and pulls him on top of me. Are they trying to get the dog to fuck me? It’s all happening so fast. Then I feel it. The dogs dick slides into my ass and he immediately starts thrusting. Its dick is swelling. I try to squirm away from the dog and Nick but thrusts harder. Im about to pass out. I feel the dick in my ass throb and swell. It’s shooting is load in me. Fuck. Carlos eggs it on “good boy.. that’s hot.. nut deep boy” The dog stops and pulses. It’s flooded my guts. I am so turned on and disgusted with myself at the same time. My dick is betraying me rational thinking, overpowering me with lust. I want this. With each pulse my dick edges closer to cumming. Then I feel Duke trying to dismount. His blood-filled knot is stuck in me. Duke pulls harder and successfully rips out of my ass. My hole gapes. I feel the cool air all the way in my stomach. Carlos says “Duke really loaded you good.” Carlos replaces Duke, sliding his fat uncut dick in with ease. He’s fucking the dogs load deeper into my body. I want him to. He is about to make me cum just by fucking. Then I feel Nick’s dick swell. He’s about to shoot in my mouth. He slides balls deep and holds it there for a second. I can smell my spit in his trimmed pubes and all the wetness on my face, against his body. He pulls out and then shoves balls deep into my throat again. The bottom of his dick starts to flex. He’s coming down my throat. Nick moans and grabs the back of my head harder. I am forced to swallow as fast as i can. It sets me over the edge and I involuntarily start to cum also. Carlos is fucking my prostate so hard I cant stop cumming. Its too powerful. Then I feel carlos start to speed up. He starts to growl and moan as he fucks full speed. He's also climaxing. He pushes me forward onto my stomach. Nicks dick falls out of my mouth. Carlos lays ontop of me while he continues to throb and come down from his climax. We’re all breathing heavily. Carloss dick slowly deflates. He slides out of my ass. I grab the used wet towel and wipe off. I look at the dog. It’s staring at me. It knows i wanted it’s seed. Nick tells me he’s here for a few days and that we should hang again. I write my number down and head to my hotel room. The last 12 hours have changed me forever.
    1 point
  36. If you're a true cumdump/cumslut/cumwhore, you should be willing to put on a blindfold, spread your ass, bend over a fuckbench or climb in a sling and let any man who wants to fuck your hole and spray his sperm up your guts. It shouldn't matter whether you find the guy attractive or not, whether he has a big dick or not, hence why you should be willing to wear a blindfold. You should only be interested in getting cum up your hole. Nothing else matters.
    1 point
  37. III I need to make my way to the showers and push out this thing and the cum.. As I walk down the hall my head starts to get light and my ass starts to burn.. but more for desire. My hole needs attention. Lust seems to be taking over my body. Its heard to breath for a minute. I stop and try to focus on standing and breathing. I can feel throbbing coming from both my dick and asshole. My ass needs more dick. A guy comes up from behind me and says “how are you feeling?” I turn around. He’s nasty. He has a gaunt face, probably 60, 5’9” and 160 with a few tattoos around his waste. They look like Chinese stars and bug stingers. I notice his dick is pink and has what looks like blood streaks. Fuck, this is one of the guys that fucked me. For some reason i still liked his touch. With one hand he holds my shoulder and looks deeper into my eyes and repeats “hey, how are you feeling? you want some more seed?”. His other hand reaches around to my ass his finger probes my slick hole. I don’t say anything. I don’t deny nor accept his offer. He smiles, showing me his yellow teeth, and holding my shoulders pushes me down the hall. He opens one of the doors. Inside is stained mattress, an unzipped backpack, and a mounted TV playing group bareback porn. He grabs my face and slithers his tongue into my mouth. Im both repulsed and turned on by this old troll. He grabs my dick and I grab his. Both of our dicks are tender feeling but hard and start leaking a precum. I open my eyes while we’re standing there and see the 20 year old from the video room. He’s hot as hell. He comes to the open door and starts jerking his 9 inch fat dick. The old man pushes me backward. I think about my ass needing more attention. It burns for more. My heels hit the bedside and i fall backwards. The old man doesn’t miss a beat and puts his arms under my legs to pin me on my back and expose my hungry hole. I look down at his precum slick dick head aimed for my hole. He spits on my hole. I can feel the warmth of his spit coating my holes lips. He nudges forward and I feel his dickhead sink into me. It feels amazing. He works the head in and out a few times. The boy at the door say “fucking hot, Bill.. good find.” The boy walks over, crawls onto the bed and sits directly on my face. His hairy hole on my mouth. His large saggy balls on my chin. He moans “eat my ass.. rim me dude” I comply and start licking his hole. I feel the thick hair on my lips and tongue and taste the funk and what seems to be slickness from possibly being fucked earlier in the evening. I hear more guys coming into the room and one says with a deep voice “this is what I’m talking about” “nicee, Bill”. Bill is now slowly sliding in and out of me. I hear another guy say “here lets put another shard in him” Bills dick abandons my hungry hole. I feel brutally rough fingers jam another piece of glass deep in my ass. It feels like its in my stomach. It burns but more quickly this time makes me want more dick, deeper in me. Bill fucks the shard deeper in me. He starts to breath heavier and pump. He’s about to cum. I feel his dick flexing harder. The 20 year old on top of me is now stroking my dick as bill is about to climax. Bill moans “ahh here’s another load.. ahh hell yeah” He pulses and jams a few more times. i hear a deeper voice claim my ass next “my turn,.. I'm about to bust” Bill passes my legs to the deep voice guy. I feel his belly press up against my balls and his much smaller dick slide into my cum filled hole. He pumps a few times and growls “oh man, god I love breeding dirty muscle pups.. ahh fuck yeah” I feel his balls jetting into me. I pull him into me even more. I want all of him. I want all of them. He's not enough. He pushes forward as he pulsates. I think he’s making out with the 20 year old. I feel cold hands grab my right ankle. The fat bear climbs off. My other ankles is grabbed. My ass looses some of the cum its filled with. It feels like ounces of liquid oozes onto the mattress. The guy holding my ankles say “fuck yeah, how many loads has this pup taken?” Bill responds “at least 4 so far.. Then another voice says “my load was worked up in there also earlier from when i got head and Rafa fucked him..” Another voice says “Rafa eh.. pup I hope you like all the strains, Rafa just found out he’s full blown..” The man with my ankles moaned and shoved his thick cock in my hole. this one was just what I wanted.. Thick and long. He really stretched my ass. As he pounded the 20 year old scooted back and started working his dick in my mouth. My jaw could hardly accommodate 1/4th of this dick. I could smell ass, spit, and fuck on his dick. He definitely fucked earlier. I felt the guy jackhammering my ass speed up. He moaned and rams hard and stays deep. His dick is so thick I can feel every vain flex with the climax. I feel his cum in my stomach. I wanted all of him in me. I pulled his thighs. He too was old feeling and thin. I grabbed his waist to pull him harder and feel his boney ribs. He leans down to sucked the 20 year olds dick for a moment and then dismounted me. As he slides out, my hole is gaping, cold, raw, and wants more. I grab the underside of my knees to expose it even more. I feel the cool air assist the liquids both sink deeper into my body and chill them running down my crack and back. The 20 year old climbs behind me. He’s next. His dick is so big. The head was as big as the last guys entire dick. It is perfect. He leans into me and kisses me. His young tongue, sweet spit, and full lips are refreshing. At the same time he sinks deeper and deeper into my ass. I want him. He pumps a few times in and out while sinking. I looked around the room. There’s one other guy left who’s jerking. he is about 40 and very hairy. Possibly middle eastern. As the 20 year old starts to speed up the hairy guy positions himself behind the 20 year old. The 20 year old bottoms out and stops. I feel him flexing. He grabs my neck with one hand and leans forward and sticks his tongue in my mouth. I feel him flexing harder. the hairy guy is entering the 20 year old. I reach down to jack my dick. I am already close to blowing my load. My dick is so sensitive. The two of them started to pump in sync. Their weight together fucks me even deeper. My ass was stretched to its limit. I feel all the toxic cum being rubbed into my ass walls but this massive man dick. The pace started to speed up. The 20 year old moaned. “oh.. oh man.. here it cums” the hairy guy groaned also. I couldn’t stop my dick from shooting. He was hitting my prostate and every other part of my insides. I started to shake a with each jet. Again my ass hold tightens around the dick flooding my ass. Pump.. pump.. pump.. My dick jumps at the same time his dick flexes. The two of them fall forward onto me and then crash to the side of me and lay down on the bed. the 20 year olds knot is still inside me but slowly deflating. We were all so excused and breathing heavy.. I doze off.. Everything's black. I see a giant bull with red eyes approaching me. Where am i? My ass is on fire. The bull comes closer and I can see his red firehose of a dick start to emerge from the black fur. It;s glistening with red slickness. Everything goes black. I’m now in barn and I see a giant scorpion the size of a dog and a long black stinger dripping hot white acid. raised above it's body. For some reason I want it’s acid in me. I look to the right and see I’m under under the demon cows body it’s 16” dick is about to touch my lips. I accept it. i put the head in my mouth. It’s dick hole is at least 1/2” wide. I taste salty precum with my tongue. I suck on it and feel it start to flex and pump. A shot of cum fills my mouth. My mouth starts being flooded with cum. It’s so hot and salty. It has thick chunks of sperm. I can’t help but swallow gulp after gulp. I feel the stinger making its way into my hole. It burns but i want it. I feel its cold sharp tip enter me. It sinks deeper and stretches my hole to it’s ripping point and then stops. I then feel a blast acid in my hole. My dick is throbbing. I want more of both. I suck harder on the dick and try to use my feet to get the stinger father in my ass. My dick is about to explode. I wake up. I’m still in the bathhouse bed. I’m alone. My dick is throbbing. I feel my ass and it’s crusted with dry cum and blood. the mattress has blood on it from my ass. What time is it? I need to get to my meetings. Fuck I am so out it. My dick is so hard and my ass is sore but feels good. I rush back to my locker, throw on my cloths and head back to the Courtyard. It’s sometime in the morning. The sun is barely coming up. Luckily I know my first meeting doesn’t start until noon. I can probably get cleaned up and get more rest. As I walk I feel my ass get sticky and wet. I’m surely leaking into the ass of my jeans. As i enter the lobby I notice the front desk guy is an veiny old daddy. He’s probably 60, muscular looking, overly manicured, and looks like he's been around. He smiles at me as I shuffle to the elevator. I look like shit. As I pass him, i know he can see my ass is wet. I wait for the elevator embarrassed but so tired I don’t care.
    1 point
  38. II i stand there and process that I already have two random guys cum in my ass. The risk isn't that high, is it? Definitely no more unsafe sex. But I do want to blow another load or at least explore this place a bit more. I make my way through the glory hole room. I pass a few more guys at holes sucking off dicks. Theres a long hallway with doors on each side. Those must be the rooms. I walk down the hallway and hear guys grunts and fucking. My dick throbs, letting me know its not ready to leave yet. I feel more liquid leaking down my leg. I reach down to wipe my towel on it. As i pull my hand up i catch a little more light. My fingers are pink. Is my ass bleeding? I look at my towel. There are red marks. My ass is bleeding. It must be from the scratching or something? Luckily I don’t smell any shit.. just liquids. I approach a larger room with showers. One heavy set guy is showering. A bit passed the showers are jacuzzis. There are a few older guys sitting it it. Their eyes follow me as I walk passed. I see a few dark narrow hallways. I enter one. Its a video room with a big elevated bed area. A younger dude in his mid 20s is on it. He looks american but fully hairy and a little stocky, but still hot. He’s stroking his dick. His dick is shiny and huge. It looks like it’s about 9” or so. Very hot. He spots me and then turns back to the projected bareback porn. I exit that room and try to look down the other narrow hallway but it’s pitch black. I hear some sucking, moaning, and slapping. I can’t tell if its a room or a hallway now. I enter running my hand along one of the walls. I come across a shoulder and chest. the skin is smooth and a bit loose like an older guy. I whisper “sorry”. He whispers “anytime” and then he feels my waste, back, and slide his hand down to my ass. My dick twitches but I keep slowly making my way forward. My legs lightly bump a guy on his knees. I squeeze his shoulder in apology. He’s unfazed and sucking a dick. I decide to stop and lean up against the wall until my eyes adjust more to this new darker room. I hear what must be 3-4 pairs of guys sucking and or fucking. A hand from my right, no doubt the guy who's chest i touched, grabs my hand an brings it to his bare dick. It’s about 5” and average thickness but rock hard and uncut. He’s leaking precum. As I hold his dick he grabs my wrist and makes me jerk him. His other hand undoes my towel and it again falls to the ground. My hard dick is free again. He starts exploring my muscular body with his hands. he whispers “hot body, bud..” As he explores my body his fingers find my wet hole. He moans “mmm.” He starts to probe my hole with his finger while stroking my dick. I do the same thing to him. I feel his ass and hole. He’s definitely older. I can feel the looseness of his ass skin. His hole is loose and slimy. I then feel another set of hands grab my dick. Then a month cover it. Its the cocksucker. He must have spun around. I’m overwhelmed again. Another set of hands start touching me from the left. They grab my face and bring me in for a kiss. A mystery tongue is shoved in my mouth. This guy has bad breath and almost metallic tasting spit. I try to pull away but he forcefully holds my head while exploring my mouth with his nasty tongue. My heart pounds. The danger and riskiness of it all turns me on even more. i know I shouldn’t want this, but I do. I start to kiss him back. He’s breathing into my mouth while kissing. It’s like he’s trying to push his breath into my lunges. Its making my head light. I’m powerless against these guys. All I can do i hold onto the dick to my right and the bald head sucking my dick in front of me. A free my face to get a breath of air. I then feel a cool glass tube against my nostrils. I cant help but inhale. What the fuck is this? My head spins. It’s like paint thinner. I grab the wrist of the hand holding the bottle. But I'm weak. It presses against my nose harder. I cant help but breath more into my body. I start to black out. All i can feel is my heart pounding, my dick throbbing, and fingers sliding in and out of my ass hole. A few moments go by. I start coming back and grab for the cocksuckers head. His head is gone. I grab hips. He’s how fucking himself on my dick, raw. i’m balls deep raw in this old feeling body. one hand grabs the back of my head and the tube is pressed against my nose again. I breath a few more times and black out again only feeling my dick and ass. I’m shuffled a few steps forward away from the wall. I feel my balls begin to boil. im barely standing, and more holding onto the sloppy bottom to keep balance. My dick is so hard. The tube remains under my nose. I think I’m going to pass out but i don’t. Then I feel a wet slimy body behind me. I’m bent forward a little bit. Something larger than a finger is inserted. I finely hear “fucking take it.. oh hell yeah.. keep the poppers there.. this guy is fucking hot..” He trusts a few times and growls “ahh” I feel his 5” dick blasting inside my raw ass. He’s flooding me with what feels like gallons on old warm jizz. My dick erupts. My body spasms and the tube loses my face. I shoot volley after volley of cum into this raw old ass. The bottom doesn’t stop fucking against me. He keeps bottoming out against my body. The dick from behind me disappears and the guy from my left, the one with the tube groans. I feel a spurt of hot cum on my ass crack and then he quickly pulls my waste bask onto his dick. He’s much bigger that the previous old guy. He thrusts a few more times. I can feel he had a big load. I can feel his dick stretch my ass lips and my innards as he throbs. I start coming back from my high. I’m still impaled in the ass and the bottom is trying his hardest to make me cum again. My balls are still tight. I could come again if he continues. The guy behind me shuffles out from behind me. I fall back against the wall. It give me enough room to pull out of the bottom. I can’t believe this is happening. The bottom tries to find my dick with his hole again but I hold him away and whisper “no more”. I reach down on the ground for my towel but it’s gone. I am wet slimy everywhere. My dick is still so hard though. What is happening to me here? I start making my way to the exit of the room when I feel more fingers find my ass and. I hear a guy whisper “ah found it.. here this will help you..” I try to escape his hands but he shoves something in my ass. It hurts. He shoves it as far as his finger will go. It feels like a small piece of glass that’s on fire. I quickly grab his wrist and formally pull his hand away and say “what the fuck man..” and walk away. My asshole is on fire. My dick is still hard though. It sways with each step.
    1 point
  39. For me, it's practice and mentality. Once you learn how it feels to force yourself from gagging, it gets easier. Another tip: don't start off trying to take it all. Use your mouth to lube that cock up. Once it's good and covered in your spit, it's a lot easier to go down on it.
    1 point
  40. I stayed neg but now i will try to get as many poz cum as possible
    1 point
  41. Yes i did and i took poz loads
    1 point
  42. I hope the author continues this...very fucking hot!!!
    1 point
  43. The unanimity says it all. I like my loads as deep inside my guts as the top can manage...Even then, I like to show some tops that they can shoot it far deeper than they would ever have thought possible by fucking their cocks with my hole. The further inside that cock is, the greater the surge in electricity the reverberations of his body cause inside me, the greater the reception passed back to him through his cock. Then, please, please, please fuck it in me. Work that cum into me. Deeply, passionately, intensely.
    1 point
  44. My first gay fuck was in 1991. I was 24, not far shy of 25, and on a business trip with my boss. With my boss asleep in the next hotel room, I hired a gay escort and was absolutely determined to get fucked. Since my first gay BJ when I was 17, I'd steadily increased my experience and tried at least twice before to "go the whole way". When he arrived and stripped naked pretty much straight away, I couldn't believe it: he was gorgeous, young, muscular, hairy and, for me, sex incarnate. He stripped naked, then he did as exactly I asked and took charge. From the first time he kissed me, I wanted his cock inside me. As he undressed me and kissed me everywhere, I was just in awe. I remember his cock pushing against my hole while we were kissing. I was so lost in what we were doing, I didn't even think about a condom. The head of his cock was definitely inside me for ages; I remember so clearly the first time he thrust it gently against my hole and thrust just the head inside. He laughed, licked my armpits, sucked my nips and pulled it out. Then lowered himself back onto me, kissing me so hard. Then the head of his cock was back inside me. He was still bare and alternating between just entering me and withdrawing and forcing me to lick his cock clean. He was pre-cumming insanely. Then, suddenly, he started rubbing my cock against his hole. I got carried away and thrust myself inside him. After seeing his face - first surprise, then the most amazing smile, as he thrust himself back down on my cock. I blew within minutes. Then he used my cum to lube his cock and entered me. The pain was excruciating. He tried everything he could to get me to calm down but I simply couldn't take it. Eventually I gave up. I'd had his cock in my hole but I hadn't really been fucked. I was both genuinely elated and genuinely devastated. The next night, I rang him again and asked if he'd try again; just try and ignore my screams from the pain. He brought his boyfriend this time; it was something along the lines that I could watch them fucking if I couldn't go through with it again. And, while I was playing with his boyfriend, he (Nathan) just thrust his cock inside me; stopped; and whispered "I can put a condom on if you want but I owe you a load". I know I tried to say "you should" but he started to withdraw....as much as it hurt, it was enthralling. The head of his cock reached the rim of my hole; it felt like I could feel every millimetre of the edge of my hole rolling excruciatingly slowly as he withdrew. Then without warning, he started plunging inside me again. In so deep. Out. In even further. Out. As he started to gather pace, the ecstasy which accompanies the stretching of your insides started to arise. At some point while Nathan was pumping my hole, I found myself inside his boyfriend. And, then, after kissing my back and then his boyfriend, Nathan started pumping. Real serious fucking. Ball slapping fucking. I came inside him boyfriend twice while Nathan pounded my hole. I learned later that my blood was his lube. The fucking lasted for ages (he later told me he fucked me for over 20 minutes). When he was getting close, he flipped me over and demanded that I keep eye contact as he got closer and closer. As he was about to cum, he yelled "where?" I was too dumbfucked to answer so he "can I..." By then, however, he started convulsing...jerking... I felt cum load after cum load deep inside me. Not only was Nathan a shooter, he was a multi-shooter. He collapsed into me. I can't quite remember when I realised that the boyfriend to lifting me by the ankles and inserting his cock into my arse. At some point, Nathan's was over my mouth face-fucking me while the boyfriend was pounding me. We fucked each other several times that night, all of us copping multiple cum loads. I hired Nathan regularly for almost 10 years after that. For a while, he insisted on fucking me with condoms until I begged...then he told me he might be HIV.... If he was, that night was my first known poz loads.
    1 point
  45. They dragged my trousers and underpants down and my cock sprang up strong and stiff. Then warm, wet lips engulfed it and I gasped with pleasure, even though I knew what I was doing was dangerous and wrong. Now another smell hit me as someone opened a bottle of poppers which filled the small space. My heart began to race and I put my hands on the head sucking me, and felt thin hair and wrinkled skin. Meanwhile, other fingers gripped the base of my cock, probed between my buttocks and pinched my nipples through my shirt. Oh god, I thought, I should go. This was all wrong. A bottle was thrust into my nostrils. "Take a deep sniff" whispered the man who'd been kissing me, adding "enjoy yourself." I inhaled, and felt the popper-rush and my resistance melted. Someone pushed my head down and fed a thick cock into my mouth. It was slippery and tasted of cum and smelled of ass juices. I gagged, but the poppers had me high and I began to suck and clean it. Someone asked "Who is he?" "Dunno," whispered another, explaining "Some yuppie slumming it." "He's sure eager for cock." A low chuckle "Yeah, and he's gonna get what's coming to him." I felt a finger against my arsehole. It was cold and slippery and I realised someone was rubbing lube into it. Oh no. This was too much. I needed to come to my senses. But it felt so good as the finger slid gently into me and the poppers bottle was thrust under my nose. I groaned and stayed bent over, my heart beating fast and a pulse roaring in my ears. "Fuck it!" someone urged. I felt a body behind me and then a thin, mushroom headed cock probing my hole. I reached back and realised it was bare, and my heart skipped a beat. What was I doing? How could I do this? But the head popped into me, followed by the long, thin shaft and I could only groan with pleasure and surrender. He began to thrust slowly, deliberately in and out, and I could feel calloused fingers feeling for where the shaft entered me. His thrusts were getting more deliberate, faster, as he worked himself towards orgasm. 'I'm going to let him', I thought, 'Oh Jesus, I'm going to let him'. He was now thrusting fast, so I wasn't surprised when he gasped "I'm gonna cum!. I'm gonna breed your fuckin' arse!" He gave a deep growl of pleasure, and I felt the cock in me swell and throb and knew he was spurting, his sperm carrying god knows what diseases into my guts. I was shaking with fear, but also with the realisation that I'd crossed a line into depravity and it was also exciting. Fingers probed my hole and a man said "Spunked up him, did you?" "Oh yeah. Gave him a dirty load." Someone stroked my head surprisingly gently. "Nice one, mate. Now you've joined the club." Fingers undid my shirt, pulling it off my body and then they gently, reverently pulled me into a cubicle. Someone sat on the toilet, I couldn't see who, and pulled my head down onto his cock. He stroked my face as I sucked him and gave me more poppers. Then he reached over my back and I felt his strong hands pull my cheeks apart, asking "Who's next? Anyone want to knock him up before he leaves?" Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I realised what was happening to me, the awful depravity of it, and I also knew I wanted it. An obese man mounted me, resting his heavy belly on my bottom as his stubby cock slid into my wet hole. He was excited, dripping with sweat and only lasted a few seconds before he gasped and came in me. He pulled out roughly, and I felt a gush of warm, slimy spunk dribble down over my balls. 'Yes, I'm going to let them', I thought as another cock nosed easily into my dripping hole. I had gladly accepted my fate.
    1 point
  46. Maculine, pig, sub, bottom boy here parTyinG ...very horny and high and would love to find one or two guys for some perv dom/sub dirty chat.....ishtarboy on yahoo & skype
    1 point
  47. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  48. Whoah....this is incredibly hot. My twink cock is ROCK HARD after reading this hehheeh
    1 point
  49. Just a few years ago i went home with two of my mates friends they were a couple...after we got home it got rough pretty quickly...I had to blow both of them for a good half hour...then the beefiest of the two held my arms while the other started rimming my ass...wasn't long and he had his head teasing my hole... I kinda freaked out a bit cause I knew he wasn't wearing a rubber but I was pretty drunk and his partner had me in a pretty tight grip...he laughed and spat in my face. the guy kept teasing but soon put on a rubber...sliding it in I could feel the latex and relaxed a bit....after the amyl and the pounding I was getting I wanted them to swap ( other guy was stocky and had a huge dick ) I heard him put on the rubber and he just slammed it straight in and went to town fucking my ass off while he had a handful of hair..he slowed up and shoved hard in a few times then just held it....i was pretty wasted...his mate jumped on and finished off as well...I didn't even think about it till after they were both done...I showered and realised my ass was leaking both loads and was pretty bruised up....freaked out at first but my cock got so hard every time I thought about it for months after...... i got tested and all came up clean...
    1 point
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