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  1. 7. The Eel (Epilogue) You can check out any time you like, But you can never leave. —Hotel California, Eagles, 1976 It lays there on the bed solidifying its epidermis, from pink flesh to grey skin. It will ossify in a matter of minutes if it's not coated with mucous or put into water. All the guests have dispersed. The clock ticks in the empty house. Its ends have sealed, eyes and small dorsal fins developed, but it's gasping. Elijah picks it up. It's larger than the previous one. Maybe over five feet in length. Surely it will beckon a more pure soul. One not so small and bitter as what was once called Tucker Broderick. Elijah carries it up to the aquarium and let's it slide in. The doorbell chimes. It will take him ages for him to descend the two staircases to answer. The front door creaks open and Sergei is staring at the ancient owner leaning against his cane. He's always a little creeped out by the man the few times he's met him. His snow white beard and long grey hair is incongruent with the short-sleeved leather shirt and pants he wears. He's like a relic from vintage porn websites he's visited: he's a study in black and white. Ashen skin, black eyes that are surprising alive. "Yes, Sergei?" the man inquires. "I'm sorry to disturb you on a Sunday, but I received a call from the parents of my worker. He never comes home Friday and they worry. I see his truck here and wonder if you have seen him. Long brown hair, very tan, blue eyes?" The man blinks at Sergei several times before speaking. "Yes. No, a backpack. Yes. There was a strange backpack in the bathroom. Please, come in." Sergei thinks better of it. The man is large, solid, but old, hunched, and he's concerned with Tucker's whereabouts. "I get so few visitors. Would you share a tipple of wine with me?" They have made it to the dining room level, where a half-filled bottle of white wine sits, surrounded by several liqueur glasses. "I can't, sir. My family is waiting Sunday dinner." "Pity. Let me get the backpack." Since they've gotten to the dining room, the old man seems a little sprier, leaving his cane leaning on a chair. He disappears into the dark of the bedroom. Sergei fidgets close to the staircase. Looks at the curious bull paintings, the large Chinese lanterns in a side room, the play of dust through light streaming from the great room a level above. He wonders about the bulls. Is it accidental that their penises are so pronounced? Sergei is a little embarrassed even thinking about it. The man returns holding Tucker's backpack. His beard is different as is his hair. Streaks of grey run through it that Sergei was certain weren't there before. Maybe it's the light. "Would this belong to the young man you're looking for? I did not look inside." He accepts it and rifles through the contents. A black hair band, black silk shorts, a pair of jeans and a rebel flag tee shirt he's seen Tucker wear. He smells Tucker's sweat and tanning lotion on the shirt. Keys, wallet, driver ID of Tucker with his usual wary smile. "And you haven't seen him?" "No, Sergei. I believe I would have noticed a stray workman wandering through my house," chuckles the man. "He's a young man you say? Maybe he has found a desperate housewife in the neighborhood." If the client is kidding he's not too far off from how Sergei fantasizes about Tucker in his spare time. "Are you near to finishing the roof?" The man pulls out a chair for Sergei. "Please," he indicates the chair. Sergei raises a hand to decline. "We finished. Tomorrow my brother and I clean up." "Then I must pay you." He exits to the room with the red Chinese lanterns, rumples through a desk drawer. Sergei notices the staircase next to the bedroom. He doesn't remember it from when he and Tucker were searching for a bathroom a few weeks ago. The man is suddenly next to him, laying a surprisingly solid hand on his shoulder. His other hand holds a check. The man's beard definitely has streaks of greyish-black where it didn't before. "For you and your workers, with a little extra for you. We must toast to a job well done." The man is about to pour the wine into liqueur glasses. "No, sir. I'm afraid I am not a wine drinker." "Ah. Vodka, yes? You must. One toast. I have delicious Kalashnikov upstairs." Sergei is impressed. He's not had it since he left Kiev. "I must get home soon, though. To my family." "You mean your brother's family." The correction stings Sergei. It also makes him suspicious how his client would know that. He has never spent much time with him, nor does he wish to. "Humor an old man. One toast to a lovely afternoon. It will make the day less solitary for me." Sergei considers again while he holds the check. He feels compelled and acquiesces, and they mount the stairs to the great room. There's two decanters on the silver tray on the coffee table. From the clear decanter the man pours out a good amount in the crystal glasses. "Nostrovia!" "To your health," Sergei says, downing the whole amount at once. It doesn't sit right at all with him. He coughs loudly. When he turns to the man, he's shocked by the transformation. He appears no more than forty, dark beard, not hunched at all but upright and strong. Muscles bulge under his short-sleeved shirt. Sergei suddenly feels a little woozy. The man pushes him back. "Sit, Sergei. Sit." Sergei isn't sitting so much as trying to get his bearings and not fall over. He's sails back onto the sofa. His eyes blur. As quickly as he can he puts his wire-frame glasses over his ears to try to focus. Then, the strangest thing, he feels he's getting an erection for no discernible reason. Looking out the window at a view he sees it cuts down straight to the ocean. It's even more stunning than the roof. He's comfortable, feeling increasingly euphoric. Bells go off. This isn't any high from vodka. He doubts it was vodka. He can't seem to move, yet his dick keeps rising. Blue ocean, his mind drifts, blue like Tucker's eyes. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it, Sergei." Elijah bends over. Unlaces, then takes off one of Sergei's shoes. "Tucker is going to love having a visitor so soon." He unlaces and takes off the other shoe. "Especially one with such a good and gentle soul. I can tell these things, Sergei. I was with the church for a terribly long time. A terribly long time to be held in such servitude. Let's unbind that demon so it can breath." Elijah unbuckles Sergei's jeans and let's his large and growing penis bounce out of his fly. Elijah starts stroking it. Sergei flinches, the last movement he'll make of his own volition. "Oh, you're a virgin. I had no idea, child." His dick is leaking precum like a faucet. Elijah, a relic from ages ago, out of the pages of The Inquisition, slows his stroke to a barely discernible crawl. "No. You're right, boy. We should just sit here quiet for a while and take in the view. Tucker's not going anywhere. And neither are you."
    4 points
  2. Chapter Three Standing in the hall my cock throbbed for attention. As fucking hot as my split roast was I didn’t cum, yet I didn’t want to cum since it could signal the end of my quest to be initiated into The Order. “Seed, once the divine essence of life, power of procreation energy, now is the servant of disease, prophet of death. Once embraced, now it is rejected. Suppression of seed is an act of rebellion from our most ancient natural desires.” the Priest said. “We must allow the force, wether life giving or taking to be consumed within. Within the last test you allowed a segment of seed to be introduced into your essence, we will now implant more seed into you, verifying your body’s ability to be a vessel for copious portions of seed.” Without further discussion, we exited the hall into one of the rooms. Inside was an exam table with stirrups, a very well used table. In the corner of the room was a rim seat positioned over what looked like an ancient vessel which had the symbol from the invitation and two male gender symbols - instead of one being over laid slightly over the other as to show a couple, they were positioned with the arrow portion of one sliding through the circle of another - as in a representation of fucking. My interest was growing more and more as I thought about it. The Priest motion silently for me to climb upon the table, which I did without hesitation. I needed no instructions to place my feet in the stirrups. Once in position, the Priest tied my ankles to the cold metal of the stirrups. He silently moved from the foot of the table to my head, where he presented me with a black mask. This one covered my eyes and nose, with only air holes available for me to breath. Placing the mask over my head, he began speaking. I could not under stand, the language was foreign to me. Gently raising my head, he tied the straps of the mask behind my head - purging me into a dark world. My ears started to pick up sounds coming from the door area of the room. I thought I heard someone come in, the clanking of metal, and the swishing of liquids, but my imagination could be getting the best of me. A strange sensation came over my lips, something was rubbing on them. It was hard, yet had a softness to it, rounded in shape. Immediately I thought it was another cock for me to suck, so without question I opened and the object slipped in. It was pushed in until it moved no further and held in place with a hand across my mouth as I felt another pair of hands tie it tightly behind my neck. I had just been gagged. “calm your inner self, submit, and derive in the pleasure” Breathing slow deep breathes I calmed myself. Although my anticipation was through the roof, trust of the Priest had overcome any fear I had experienced. My inner thighs were being stroked as I breathed, helping me to relax as well. This touch had my cock leaking on my stomach, forming a puddle in my belly button. The hands lowered, rubbing across my exposed ass, to my crack. Fingers began to explore my hole, slowly sliding around the edge, circling until they were in the center gently pushing. My hole easily gave way in my relaxed state and having been fucked and seeded not thirty minute earlier by a homeless man. The fingers pushed in and out going further and further in, opening my wet hole even more. The pleasure was intense, as my hole opened more and more. Quickly, the fingers left my hole and something else was pushed in, hard and deep. My hole felt as though it was being ripped open it was so big. I wanted to scream in pain, but nothing came out. My mind raced with objects that could have been forced deep into my hole. Yet nothing matched the amount of pain I was experiencing. My relaxed state was gone, I was tense, my abs contracted as I tried to push out what ever was shoved into my hole. I felt the hands stroking my inner thighs again. “Calm your inner self” the Priest said “Pain is a gateway to great pleasure” I focused on my breathing again as the pain started to subside. My hole was adjusting to the object in my hole, relaxing and tightening around the object. I remember feeling this way the first time I had a cock slip inside my hole, it felt as if I was being torn apart, then subsided into the most erotic pleasure I had ever experience. Drawing on the memory I relaxed more. As I laid there, I felt a great amount of pressure coming from inside me. I felt I was being filled. My hole was warming up, expanding and creating great pressure. I clinched my fists beside me as I felt as I was going to explode. The pressure was coming more and more as I felt my inside expand more and more. “Excellent. Concentrate your mind on your fuck hole, squeeze as we remove the chalice. Seed is life, death, and the energy in between. Keep that energy within.” I concentrated on my hole, tuning out every sound around me, even the Priest voice as I felt “the chalice” being tugged on. I squeezed my ass muscles as I felt my hole pulling outwards. Every inch being pulled out felt like a mile, until my hole popped around the top, freeing “the chalice” from me. My hole still gapped, yet I squeezed. I could feel liquid running out, not much but some. I continued to squeeze, until I felt my hole close completely. “Absorb the life within the seed, embrace it’s energy, celebrate its death. Many man have held this seed before and many more will hold it after you. A genesis and legacy of Priest who celebrated in disease, then taken in death. Resist explosion for a minimum of an hour” Time moved slowly in my head as I counted, but after about fifteen minutes I lost count. The pressure inside of me grew, small cramps plagued my muscles as I fought the urge to expel. I once again calmed myself with breathing, squeezing my hole and wondering how the Priest that contributed to this mixture died. With my mind off the pressure, it seemed to ease, yet my mind continued to be invaded by thoughts of HIV and more. Exotic diseases conjured in my mind, how they effected the body causing death. “45 minutes” the Priest said. Concentration lost, pressure turned to pain. I needed to expel the mixture inside. I felt the bindings on my legs come off. I felt the gag in my mouth being removed at the same time. There were still two men in this room with me, a Priest and an unknown. I felt the bindings of the mask being untied and darkness became light. I squinted as I adjusted to the light. I could see a figure between my legs, he was grinning evilly. “You may rise, yet the time to expel has not arrive” With the help of the man at the foot of the exam table, I lowered my legs, squeezing my ass tighter and tighter. A small mount of stiffness had set in my legs, but I slowly moved them to ease that. The man that helped me was completely naked. His body was nothing but skin and bones. I could count each rib within his chest. My eyes went lower, no fat on his stomach. His body completely smooth. His cock obscenely pointed out from his body. It was at least eight inches, dripping and so inviting. I watched his finger make contact with his cock head, start circling and collecting pre-cum. His coated finger reached out, pointing at my mouth. Fuck me, I wanted it. I turned towards the Priest, silently asking for permission. He quietly nodded. I engulfed the finger, tasting, savoring the pre-cum. I sucked on his finger as if I was sucking on a hard cock. The Priest moved behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, and pushing me to my knees. I was now eye level with the man’s cock. “Receive pleasure as you experience pain” the Priest stated “Expulsion will happen when my assistant is gratified.” I didn’t need any more instructions. I engulfed my mouth over the cock and encircled the shaft with my lips. Spit flowed into my mouth, wetting everything inside and continuing to wet as I took the cock deeper. I didn’t stop until his smooth balls were pushing against my chin. Without warning, the man grabbed my head and started to pull his cock out, until the ridge of his head was pulling my lips outward, than rammed it balls deep again, causing me to choke. There was no time to adjust or breath as he pulled out and rammed in again. This attack didn’t stop, it continued until I had spit flying every where, running down my chin, his balls and tears flowing from my eyes. The need to expel was growing and I was losing concentration on holding. The attack on my mouth and throat slowed a little, which allowed me to refocus on my hole. With all my concentration on my hole, my throat relaxed and I got into a rhythm of when to breath and when not to. His face fucking was rougher than anything I had experienced. Yet I was enjoying it, my mouth was full of a mixture of his pre-cum and my spit. My lips were slick with this mixture adding to his pleasure and the ease of the fucking. The sounds of this fucking filled the room. My cock was bobbing up and down, leaking yet I did not touch it. His moans turned into a growl as he rammed his cock all the way in and shot his load. Like the homeless man, I didn’t taste a drop as it hit my throat and ran down. I was again disappointed, I wanted to taste these loads. He pulled his cock from my mouth and left the room. “It is time” I got up from my knees and squatted over the rim seat and vessel. I pushed with very little pressure and the mixture of Priest seed exploded out. Relief was instant, yet I felt empty. I pushed more and expelled more seed. I pushed one more time and lost a little more. “Enough. Seed is required for the final test of this phase of your invitation.” We left the room, with the mixture of cum running down my legs leaving a trail of cum as we made our way through another door and making a left turn.
    4 points
  3. I live only a few blocks from one of the saddest, seediest gay bars in the city. It's only four blocks away so I usually walked there with no worries about how plastered I'd get. It was called "Silver's" for whatever reason and the patrons were a mixture of older gentlemen, drug dealers & users, and hustlers. I myself had been mistaken for a hustler because I always arrived by myself, played pinball for hours and never talked to anyone. It didn't help that I dressed like a bum and looked very boyish. Once the regulars knew I always came and left alone, no one ever bothered me again. I don't mean to, but I give off some very anti-soical vibes. If I'd get bored with pinball, I'd usually sit at a table clode to the pool table and watch the game while polishing off bottle after bottle of cheap beer. I would rarely strike up a conversation with anyone because I suck at small talk, flirting and stuff like that. I mostly listened to the men talking. I'm a freelance writer and find all people interesting. The old guys always had great stories, and if I wasn't so shy, I would have sat down on an empty stool next to one of them and asked questions. The dealers were all business and didn't chat with each other. The hustler and users were mostly interghangeable or else they were both. They had great conversations about pure deprivation. I'd watch them go and out to the parking lot multiple times an hour but didn't know if they were using or blowing somebody. Or both. For whatever reason, some silly. little guy decided to befriend me. His name was "Tweety", and he was a tiny, skinny, pesky little fairy who never shut up. He'd chatter on and on like canary while I tried to just ignore him. Eventually, I gave up and would talk with him. It was through my new friendTweety, that I started to meet some of the gang st Silver's and learn their names. We'd bum smokes from each other and buy rounds for the crew of low-lifes that I guess I was now a part of. No big deal. I was a bit more educated and way less experienced than they were, but we were all basically the same. Ome night, the pinball machine was dark and out of order so I just walked up to where Tweety was sitting and we started talking. The regulars filtered in and I couldn't help but notice that three or four of them had oversized bandages on their arms and hands. I assumed it was a drug thing and didn't ask questions. They all seemed flush with cash and bought round after round of shots. I loosened up quite a bit and finally their injuries. They looked at each other with small,secretive smiles but wouldn't answer me directly. It had to be a drug thing. Then Tweety pulled me aside and told me they let this one guy cut them for money. What the fuck? He thought I knew because I had so many cutting scars on my inner arm. He assumed I was in on the whole thing. I stood there, looking blankly at him. My scars were from a depressed period I'd gone through a decade or more earlier. Cutting my arms made me feel better for some bizarre reason. Once he was convinced of my cluelessness, he explained that there was a rich artist living downtown who hired boys to let him cut them a little snd then use the blood in his "work". "has he ever cut you?", I asked. "Only once. My body is too precious and beautiful to be ruined with a damn razor blade," he answered with a dramatic fluttering of his eyelashes. "What's his name?" I wanted to know because it sounded like the kind of twisted story I was always trying to write. "Carlos. I can't remember his last name, but I know it's hard to pronounce. Why? Do you want to make some money?" No No No. "I just want to interview him". "Well, I'll give you his number. I only keep it because he always has good speed". Tweety copied it down on the inside of matchbook for me. I was pretty blasted from all the shots so I headed home. "Be careful", Tweet called out as I weaved toward the door. I think I heard the whole group laugh at me. I stumbled home, fell asleep with my clothes on and dreamed of hospitals. I woke up groggy and slowly started to remember the previous night and the bizarre story of this "Carlos" guy. I stumbled nakedly to where I'd tossed my jeans and found the matchbook. I knew if I had a morning cigarette and a cup of coffee, I'd scare myself out of calling. So I just did it right away. "Hello? Carlos here," an exhausted voice answered, I guess he was a late sleeper too. "I'm sorry to wake you, Sir. My name is Tim and someone named 'Tweety' gave me your number". "Oh". he chuckled smokily, "Him. You need stuff?". "No. He told me about your ... art, and I am very curious to see it and talk with you." "Are you with a newspaper or tv?' "Neither. I just find it interesting and wanted to know more". (silence) "Hello?" "I'm still here.", he finally said, "Write down my address and stop by anytime after 8 o'clock tonight". Tonight? I wasn't expecting to meet this weirdo so soon. It was more my style to put off things until I forgot about them. I wrote the address and wondered if I'd actually go through with it. The day slogged on and on for an eternity before the sun even thought about going down. Around six-thirty, I showered, shaved and got dressed. I wore my new black Levis, my new white sneakers and one of my nicest shirts. Why in the world was I dressing like I was going on a date? I was going to meet some drug dealer "artist" who bled street sluts. Even as I struggled to understand my motives, I sparayed some cologne on. At 7:40 I just couldn't wait any more. Parking downtown is sometimes difficult so I figured just finding a space would eat up some time. I took off and found the place almost right away. What's amazing is that I didn't talk myself out of it. I looked up at the building. These were nice lofts that not many people could afford. I buzzed him at the doorway and waiting for an agonizing two minutes before he answered. and let me in. The interior was very elegant but also ghostly. I rode the elevator to the sixth floor. As I got out, two young guys entered. They both had bandaged arms and were whispering excitedly to each other. They didn't even notice me. I walked to his door and knocked. "It's open." a voice answered. "Come on in". Huh? What kind of rich drug dealer leaves his door unlocked? I walked in. The place was as big as a bus station with really high ceilings. It smelled strongly of paint thinner and there was giant sheets pf clear plastic on the hardwwood floor. Paint cans, canvasses, brushes and other assorted art crap were everywhere. What struck me first was that I assumed artists used oil paints in tubes, but these were cans of hardware store-type stuff that you'd paint your garage with. The second thing I noticed was how ugly the colors were...assorted shades of browns, greys and sickly yellows. It was like Easter in Hell. And it was all lit up brightly. Then I saw him in a far corner. It had to him. He was tall and exotic looking. He was not wearing anytthing but some way-short cutoff jean shorts. He was skinny. bearded. hairy and haad tiny spots of paint all over him. I didn't get a good look at his face because he was kneeling down next to some kid who appeared to be sobbing. He was speaking in a low, comforting tone. The young dude finally collected himself and sniffed all his way to the door with his shoelaces undone. He didn't see me but I noticed his arm left arm was wrapped in snow-white gauze. Busy night I guess. He padded barefoot all the way to me with a walk that made me think of a stage magician. Dramatic. He stood about a foot away and sized me up. "Hi. Are you Carlos? I'm Tim". I reached out to shake his hand and his expression changed. "You've been here before, haven't you?" "Um. No. I haven't." He quickly grabbed my arm in his big, bony hands and exposed the underside of my right wrist. "So where'd you get these?" He was referring to all my old scars from yesteryear. "Oh. Those...those are pretty old." He tilted his head a bit and I described who I was and reminded him that I'd called him this morning. "Ah yes", he said with a smile, "Come have a seat. But take your shoes and socks off first. If you're barefoot, you can feel when you walk in paint. With shoes on, you could track paint everywhere and not know it". Made sense. I did as instructed and followed through his cavernous front room to a couple of really nice easy chairs. "Watch where you step...and don't trip." I sat down but he remained standing. "I'm sure I have paint on my shorts so I can't sit down." he said. He looked at me for a bit and then added "Oh Hell with it. I've had a long day and my legs ache". He stepped out of his jean shorts distractedly and settled into the other chair with an audible sigh of comfort. He was completely naked. And maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed like him it took him a second too long to strip because I got a good long look at his hairy ass and oversized dick. Shit. I needed to collect myself. "Tell me about your artwork", i said quickly. "Walk over to that wall", he said while gesturing towards the space near where'd I walked in. There was a row of fresh, glistening canvasses. And they were fucking ugly. Hoe was this guy rich? I looked closer at the first one and still found it hideous, but also intriguing somehow. I looked closer and suddenly he was directly in my ear. "What's the verdict, Mr. Curious?" I couldn't really answer. I also couldn't turn around because he was naked. I'm so glad I hadn't drank anything because I felt the need to be in control now. "Tell me about your process", I finally said. "why don't I show you my process". Oh. Okay. He was still naked as I followed him over to another corner. He was still naked and I walked on paint. Control. I needed to maintain some. There was a wooden stool in between a blank canvass on an easel and a small refridgerator. "Please sit." He rummaged in the fridge for a few seconds and then closed the door without taking anything out. "I'll be right back, Mr. Curious. Stay put." I of course watched his bony naked frame walk all the way across the room before disappearing through a dark doorway. He came back with a lighter and a glass pipe in his hand. I knew enough about stuff to know this was meth or crack or speed. "Hope you don't mind. I need to wake up." I watched, fascinated. "I'm out of special paint somehow." He lamented. With an arched eyebrow he asked me if I'd like to volunteer a tiny amount of blood. Hell NO. I had to get out of there. He shrugged. "I promise you're safe here. You won't be harmed." Well. "I'll give you five hundred bucks". Well! I sat silently as he picked up a little orangle box and opened it and produced a new, factory-sealed razor blade. He deliberately unsheathed in front of me and let me see it was completely new and flawless. "You can make the cut yourself. I usually like to do it, but we both already know you're experienced." Quick as a flash, his arm came around and he injected a syringe into my rib cage. Fucking what??? "Don't worry. It was just a litttle something to keep the cut from clotting too fast. And slso some....caffeine to give you energy". This was the point we all reach sometimes, and just let things happen without caring anymore. I could feel the caffeine working its way to my heart. Suddenly this all seemed okay. "How big? How deep?", I asked in a calm voice. "Very small. And just deep enough to get a good bleed going." I finally looked him in the face and noticed how handsome he was and how black his hair was. 'Dark Jesus' is what I heard in my head. He handed me the new razor very delicately and i pinched it between my two fingers. It was all so familiar. In my mind, I was back in the bathroom of my parents' house, sitting on the edge of the tub. I studied the underside o0f my arm and saw that same blue vein I'd hacked at as a kid. Too quickly and carelessly, I made a cut right on top of Old Blue. It was larger and deeper than I'd intended. I was gushing. "Strip!", he commanded, "You'll ruin your clothes". And I did just that. I stood up and let the wide rivulet of bright red blood flow out of me. It felt good. It felt like old times. The caffeine he'd given me was making me feel happy and excited. I volunteered to do it again, "Slow down Hot Rod", he admonished as he tried to capture my dripping blood in a tiny jar. I felt the blade drop out of my hand because my fingers were getting cold and weak. I stumbled a little, and he helped me settle on the wooden stool. I was grinning like a monkey as I heard my fresh blood spattering noisily on the plastic below me. It was loud. Did I really cut that much? I didn't mean to. I hoped he wasn't mad. It was suddenly important to me that I please him. He told me to hold the wounded arm above my head if I could. Sure. "You fucking better not pass out on me", he warned. "I won't," I promised as tiny streams of blood dripped down my neck, back and chest. "You've really got very vibrant red material in that arm". He showed the full jar he'd collected. I wobbled a tiny bit and grinned dreamily at him. "But I want to try the other arm -- just to see if it's a little more interesting than the other one." Well, that made perfect sense. He moved a standing lamp closer so he could see the non-bleeding arm I was holding out. He grabbed a blade that was already on his work tablebefore I had a chance to tell him I'd dropped the fresh one. Under the bright light he studied my network of veins. As I looked down I noticed his long bare feet below which were covered with blood and paint. Actually, the whole floor was flooded with red. Not my mess to worry about. "What did you say?" he asked as he looked at me tenderly. I hadn't realized I'd said anything out loud. For whatever reason I said "I love you". He didn't respond. Just made a fast, fresh gash on the untouched arm. He couldn't be mad at me now because his cut was even more severe than the one I'd made. The dam had burst and my blood was going everywhere. I felt so dizzy. I said domrthing about needing to lie down. Where were those comfy chairs? I could face them together and sleep on the cushions. I neede to get to them before I passed out. I'd better hurry. I stepped a liitle too quickly because the bloody, paint-soaked plastic cause me to slip and fall on my back. Ahh. This was as good as a chair. I almost drifted off. I almost didn't notice Carlos lower himself on top of me. I wanted this. I'm pretty sure he gave ne another needle to my ribs and say something about a substance that would control the bleeding. I guess it wasn't working fast enough for him because he kept muttering "shit shit shit". He straddled my chest with his long legs and was smoking that pipe again. I asked to try it and he held to my lips and flicked the lighter as I inhaled the fires of Hell. Now I was starting to come alive again. It made me so happy to see him inhale more as well because I wanted him to be happy. I started to try and ask him if he was feeling good, but he was lifting my bare legs in the air and positioning his long hairy prick up against my hole. Nice. That felt right. For a brief second I remeber he had some paint on the pointy head of his dick and that worried me more than anything. A strange dick with no condom was inside me but I was more worried about paint in my bloodstream. Not too worried -- just a little worried. He bucked those slim hips in and out of me as we slid all over the wet plastic. It was almost comical....like a 'Tom and Jerry' cartoon or something. But then he came audibly...and emptied his seed inside of my ass. Was I still bleeding? Was I dying? Both? I wandered some other things when Carlos covered me with a few layers of unstretched canvas. It was a little scratchy but warm. I drifted into dreams of colors and art. Would I wake up alive? Probably.
    3 points
  4. Chapter Four This hall was different, there was only a single door waiting for us, which peaked my curiosity. Was this where I was going to be fucked by the Priest or better yet have a ride on the cock of the bull who granted me entrance to this twisted place? Without a word, the Priest opened the door, granting us access to this new room. Inside was another door beside a floor to ceiling window. Inside the window was dark, revealing nothing. “Death is irrevocable. Unchangeable, time is of the essence. Afflictions harbor death, yet by welcoming sickness, pollution, and decay, you balance out the repercussion of natural sex. Sex free from constraints, free from judgment, and internal remorse.” Said the Priest. “Beyond this door exists a man that has balances the terms of free sex. His life consisted of nothing but free sex, self perverting his body of death. Analyzing his seed, we have discovered that he is a carrier of each Sexually Transmitted Disease known to medical science. Mutation has created new, ones that we don’t know how they effect the body.” Staring inside, I just wanted a peak of this man. I could only guess that this man was a God to them, they worship him for his embrace of death. Darkness still hid this man from me. “Wasting away, we search for our next Absolute Being. You must allow his death to be passed to you. You must seize his death, making it your own. Allow him to use your hole to gratify his consecrated cock. Absorb his energy, his disease, and his death.” I watched through the window as the light flickered on. Standing in the middle of the room, with his back to us was a naked man, or what was left of him. His body was voided of any fat deposits, his skin hung from him. His ass was saggy and wrinkled. His right arm was the only body part moving. It was obvious that he was stroking his cock. He slowly turned around, revealing the front of his body, which was very much like his back, void of fat and wrinkled skin. In the middle of his chest was the same symbol that was on the invite, tattooed deep. I moved my eyes slowly down his chest and stomach to his crotch. He was slowly stroking his cock, which was at least nine inches cut, with a massive mushroom head. It was red, raw and in some spots bleeding. If his toxic load didn’t corrupt me then the blood off his cock would. His face was blank, void of emotion. Yet, his eyes spoke volumes. Lust, carnage, and sex radiated from behind his darkened stare. He licked his lips while with his free hand created a turning motioning. Hypnotized I slowly turned in spot in front of the window, then once my back was to him, bent over, spreading my ass checks with my hands, exposing my hole. Inside I was pleased with myself, I was freeing myself from the bondage of misery and inhibition. The Priest inserted a key and with a click the door was swinging open. I moved quickly inside with the gaunt man. My desire to acquire his disease and death took over. I craved freedom. Immediately the man grabbed me, turned me around while at the same time bending me over. His hand clamped around the back of my neck, holding me still as his cock started to stab my wet hole. My cock instantly shot it’s load all over the floor just from this man’s touch. His cock found my hole and slid in, balls deep in one motion. I felt no pain, no remorse, only lust for death. He pulled out until his massive cock head was pulling my hole out from the inside, then pushed back in balls deep. As he quickened his pace of pumping his cock deep in and out of my hole, his grip tightened on my neck. The pain of my neck mixed with the pleasure of my hole hardened my cock again, yet I could not stroke only brace myself with my hands on my thighs. My mind’s only thought of the mixing of the cum that was already in my hole and the blood from his raw cock. I was over come with excitement again, shooting my load on the floor, the second time without stroking. I was absorbing his death. My mind filled with thoughts of viruses moving through my blood stream, effecting every cell in my body. I wanted his gift of disease circulating my blood stream. I wanted to be a carrier for HIV, for the unknown, for death. He continued to pump his cock deep in my hole, over and over. I felt his nuts slap mine sending pleasure shooting through my body. His hand forcefully turn my head without releasing my neck, directing my sight to the window. My eyes bulged as I saw the Priest. His robe was open, exposing his naked body underneath. He was stroking a thick uncut cock, eyes closed, licking his lips with an expression of pure pleasure on his face. His cock was heavy in his hand, thick and spongy and his balls were hanging low, bouncing to the rhythm of his stroking. Tattooed around his belly button was the biohazard symbol. My Priest was poz, how fucking hot. Was his toxic load part of the cum that I held in my hole before? My mouth watered as I watched the Priest stroke through the window. My gift giver continued pounding my hole, pulling cum from deep inside causing my balls to become slick and drip down to the floor. The cock thickened inside of me, hardening telling me that he was going to blow his charged seed soon. I continued to watch the Priest stroke through the window. My breath quickened, matching the sinister man’s fucking me. His thrusts became harder and harder, while the Priest’s own stroking became quicker and quicker. My own death dealer released his grip on the back of my neck, only to position is forearm across my throat, all the while still roughly pounding my hole. I grabbed his forearm with both hands, trying to release it, not wanting to escape this brutal fucking, but to ensure I stayed conscious, so I could feel his gift me his disease; to feel my body welcome HIV as well as any other disease he carried. Through the window, the Priest held his hand in front of his cock head, aiming the piss slit into the palm of his hand. I watched as his cock became fully erect, then begin to pulse, as shot after shot of cum erupted from his piss slit into his waiting palm. The load was thick and clung to the sides of his slit only to be forced off by another shot, repeating this over and over again, until the eruption slowed to just a light milking by his hand. My desire for this cum was great. I wanted to eat it, shove it up my fucked hole so it could be used as lube and then forced deep inside by the current dick. The Priest locked eyes with me, his stare was so intense I could not look away. Without emotion, he raised his hand to his mouth, licking his cum off and swallowing it. Seeing this, I shut my eyes, getting lost in the pounding that my hole was taking. The long strokes in and out of my ass soon shortened, as if he was teasing his head with my hole bringing him closer and closer to shooting. I rode the wave of pleasure, until he rammed his cock deep within. His cock jumped and twitched over and over in my hole as his diseased cum shot in deep. “take my death you cock loving mother fucker” he yelled I pushed back on his cock feeling his bones grind against my ass. I wanted every fucking poisoned drop of cum inside me. Moments later he push me violent forward, causing me to fall to the floor, ripping his still hard cock out of my hole, then turned away. I moved quickly towards the door for my escape. Not knowing what will happen now that he shot. Going through the door, I discovered the Priest had now refastened his robe and was quietly waiting. I fell back on the door, holding it in place, until the Priest locked it. I wanted out of that room. It was the only time I felt fear. The fear was not from sex, disease or death but of the man that just fucked me. I felt a darkness emerge from him after he shot his load in me, as if he lost part of him and that was replaced with something else. We quietly left the booth and returned to the hall. As if trained I followed the Priest through another door. Entering the area just outside the locker room. “A choice you must make now,” the Priest started to say. “now?” I questioned. Where was my choice in this earlier, although I think I would have said yes to all that I have done. “A choice you must make now, receive our mark, and continue this journey or reject the mark and go into the world with new purpose, new desires, new diseases and new freedom” “mark” I quietly said feeling as if it was the only choice to make. I wanted more than just the freedom I gained through raw sex, through carrying death. The Priest knocked three times on a door. The muscle bull entered through it shortly after. His massive arms wrapped around me at my elbows, which caused the part of my arms below to lift outward. As I was standing there in the grips of this bull, grinding my ass against his crotch still separated by his robe, the Priest had opened a cabinet. I could see a red glow illuminating the inside, but had no idea what he was doing. I could feel the dick on my captor growing against my ass, distracting me slightly from the Priest. In a quick motion, the Priest moved in front of me, grabbed my right arm, twisted it palm up and at my wrist pressed a red hot prod against my skin. The pain was tormenting, I opened my mouth to scream, yet nothing came out. The seconds seemed like an eternity. Satisfied that I was properly marked, the Priest removed the prod, then rubbed an cream on the spot which removed all the fire, pain and redness, leaving only the left side of the symbol of the invitation. With that task complete the Priest turned and disappeared through the door we came through. “Phase one is complete, dress, leave and be ready” the bull said pointing to the door of the locker room. I quickly went in, found my stuff, dressed. My head was swimming with questions. My hole was so wet, that I knew I would have a huge wet spot on my shorts before I got home. I could feel the cum leaking slowly out of my hole. A door opened and a hand motioned for me and without question I followed, taking me back into the man-trap just off the entrance. The muscle bull was waiting for me and quickly let me out back into the world.
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  5. Same here. With me it's always a hit or miss if if I'm done or not after I cum. But when I cum handsfree just from getting fucked I ALWAYS want to go on and can't get enough. Best orgasm and want more. Some tops with stamina who can fuck for a long time or can cum multiple times can do this to me. My new FB is one of those guys. He usually dumps multiple loads in me and makes me cum several times as well. Never had guy who can do that to me every time we fuck.
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  6. Daddy Max had an astonished look on his face as he watched Alex fight to not cum. He gently reached over and took Alex’s face in both his hands, looked him in the eye, and said, “Does the fact that I’m poz and want to fuck you turn you on that much?” A shudder went through Alex and he moaned loudly, “You have NO idea! I’ve thought about it off and on, and just tonight had decided to give in and start trying to get converted. And now you’re here, wanting to fuck me, and telling me you’re poz. It’s like a fucking dream come true!” “Well my stud boy, let’s work on making that dream a reality.” Daddy Max got up and helped Alex off the bunk. He led him to the sling and helped him get settled in it. With a devilish grin, he put the ankle and wrist restraints on him. “If we’re going to do this, we might as well do it right.” After he got Alex secured, he said, “You must be thirsty. I’ve got some bottled water here if you’d like some. And I have some with a little something that would make tonight so much better for you, if you’re interested.” “Are you talking GHB or something stronger?” he asked cautiously. Daddy Max leaned in close to Alex with a tender look on his face. “I would never lie to you or do anything to hurt you. I wasn’t kidding when I said earlier that you might just be a keeper. I definitely want to talk more about that after tonight. But I do want us, especially you, to have fun tonight. It’s up to you if you want some enhancement or not.” “What the hell, why not!” Alex exclaimed. Since his hands were restrained, Daddy Max tipped the water bottle so he could get a good drink of the prepared water. He had never done GHB before, but knew all about it. He swallowed a good portion of the water and settled back in the sling. His new daddy started running his hands all over Alex’s chest and stomach, pinching his nipples. He leaned in and kissed him and then went over to a locker to get a few things. He brought back some lube, a good sized toy, and a hand towel. Then he got down on his knees so his face was even with Alex’s ass and started giving him some return treatment. Daddy Max started running his tongue up and down the spread wide ass crack. Then he zeroed in on the asshole and started tongue fucking it. Alex moaned. It wasn’t long before Max got a taste of the load that was already in Alex’s cunt. He sucked some of the load out and went and kissed Alex, sharing it with him. “Was that poz cum?” he asked. Alex nodded with a silly grin on his face. The GHB was starting to take effect and he was feeling a little loopy. Max patted him on his cheek, “Good boy!”. He went back to his ass and lubed up a few of his fingers. He put one in and started feeling around, getting him lubed up. I inserted 2 fingers easily enough and started stretching his hole. He also hooked his fingers and used his nails to scrape a few times while he was fucking in and out with them. “Even in his drugged condition, Alex reacted at that, “OW!”. “Just making it a little easier for you tonight,” Max explained. He was still fucking his 2 fingers in and out and Alex’s pain turned to pure pleasure. He then added a 3rd finger and went back to stretching as he fucked them in and out. “Oh fuck, yes, finger that ass,” Alex begged him. “ I want that thick daddy cock inside me.” “Almost there, stud, just hold on.” He could tell the drug was working on him so he added a 4th finger to make sure he was good and open. When he finally pulled his fingers ou, there were some pink areas, so he knew he’d scraped him enough to make him bleed. His new stud was going to get his wish tonight. Max lubed up the toy and put the head up to the stretched out hole. It sank in pretty quickly. It wasn’t quite as big as his 8.5X7 cock, but it was good enough sized to make sure he was ready for what came next. “OH GOD, YEAH!!!” Alex cried out. “Fuck me with that thing!”. He was obviously enjoying the toy, so Max started a good in and out rhythm, going all the way in every time. “You like that toy in you, don’t you?” he asked. Alex purred, ”Oh fuck yeah. Can’t wait til I have you inside me, though Daddy Max!”. Max picked up the pace a little with the toy and used it for a few more minutes. He pulled it out, stood up, and started lubing his thick cock up. “Get ready boy, here comes the real thing.” “Oh fuck yes, Daddy, please fuck me with your poz cock!!!” Max put the head of his cock up to the younger stud’s asshole and rubbed it back and forth a few times. Alex started squirming in the sling. “Take my toxic cock, boy!” Max shoved the head and a few inches of his thick rod into the waiting cunt. Even with the fingering and toy play, he was still really tight. “UNGH!” Alex yelled out, but was still trying to fuck his ass onto the thick invader. “Oh yeah, that stuff has you really ready to be fucked good and hard,” Max commented. Alex was sweating quite a bit, his cock was rock hard and leaking, and he was grunting as he tried to fuck his tight ass onto the thick daddy cock. Max grabbed hold of the chains holding the sling up and started really plowing the rest of his cock in, fucking an inch or two in, then pulling out a bit, then fucking a few more inches in til he was all the way in. “You got my entire poz cock in you now, boy,” Daddy Max told him. “Please fuck me with it Daddy Max, fuck me and fill me up with your poz cum! I need it.” Alex replied. “Oh, you’re going to get it, alright. And I have a special surprise for you, boy. My doctor is changing my meds, so I’m actually off meds right now. You’re going to get a load of unmedicated poz cum fucked into you.” As Daddy Max said that, he was plunging his hard, thick, poz cock in and when he ran over Alex’s prostate, he shot his load all over his stomach and chest. He even got some on his lips. The news about the unmedicated poz cum turned him on that much. His orgasm caused his asshole to contract on Daddy Max’s cock which pushed him towards his own orgasm. “You’re making me cum, boy. Here it is, I can’t hold back, TAKE MY TOXIC LOAD!” He stayed balls deep in Alex’s well fucked cunt and unloaded deep inside him. Both of them moaning, grunting, and cussing. Daddy Max stayed buried in his boy until every bit of cum was drained from his toxic balls. He leaned in and kissed Alex deeply and passionately. They made out for several minutes until Max’s cock grew soft and slipped out of the well fucked hole. He pulled back a little and said, “I have one more surprise for you, if you’re up for it.” Alex was still pretty worked up, but having that massive orgasm helped calm him down a little. “What do you have for me now?” Alex asked. “Your friend Sam who fucked you earlier is a fuck bud of mine. I ran into him after he dumped his load in you and we set this up. He knew you wanted to convert and he could tell I had the hots for you, so he put my room number on one of the marker boards saying there was a hot stud in the sling wanting poz loads. If you’re up for it, when I open that door, there should be poz guys waiting to fuck you. If you aren’t up for it, I’ll go erase the message, no harm, no foul.” Alex’s cock sprang back to life as he listened to what all had been set up, just for him. “Fuck YEAH, I’m up for it!” he exclaimed. “This is a dream come true. I’d like some more of that water, though, before you open the door. I want to really enjoy this.” Max retrieved the bottle he drank from earlier and helped him finish it off. Before he opened the door, he leaned in and said, “You’re making your new daddy VERY happy, boy,” then he kissed him deeply. “So let’s get the next phase of this party started,” he said and walked over and opened the door.
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  7. 6. Ouroboros Sunrise approaches. There is an oblique orange glow in the southern facing windows. In the early dawn only Riggs and Duncan are left in the tower. Riggs wanted to get Duncan alone and talk to him about the prospects of moving with him to San Francisco should he receive the Artistic Director position for the SF-based company. A teaching and company member position; fight instructor he's thinking. First, though, he wants to see Duncan's professed skills while he's tied to the St. Andrews cross. Brenner excused himself, saying he's tired. As he made his way to his room in the dark, through labyrinthine passageways in these early hours, hearing the echoes of a whip's crack and then Riggs' bound screams from the tower. A pair made for each other, he thinks. Truth is, he wants to be alone and imagine (and beat off to) what Duncan and Tucker felt when they took the eel. Once he finds his room buried deep within the mountainside, Riggs' muffled cries are only background while he concentrates his mind, dick flapping in hand, around the sensation of what a four-foot creature traveling through his body would feel like. He'll bargain with Elijah to have the experience when everyone is up and parting ways in the afternoon, but Elijah will turn him down, telling him it's only meant for a select few. Brenner will leave in a huff, and it will permanently mark him, compel him to find other ways to over-compensate for the slight. But that will only manifest itself in many years to come. Which leaves Samuel, Elijah, and poor depleted Tucker making their way back up to the aquarium room. The men park the exhausted boy back in the cowhide barber chair. Samuel scoops a glass of water from the tank and gives Tucker a much needed drink. Tucker downs the glass in almost one gulp. He doesn't see Samuel dipping into the tank a second time in an effort to slake his thirst. The water tastes odd, is not satisfying his thirst, but he begs for a third nonetheless. Samuel obliges. The other ex-Jesuit has gotten out his barber tools and comes up behind Tucker and massages his shoulders. It's as much tenderness as he needs, and melts into the chair. The electric blades click on. Samuel is spreading foam on his arm. It feels good to have a slow, soothing sensation of fingers going over his bicep and forearm. Elijah's electric blade buzzing through his hair also feels good. He feels he's shedding skin, carefully orchestrated by two men who know exactly what they're doing. Samuel moves to the other arms while Elijah finishes the first phase of denuding the boy's entire body. The chair is tipped back and Elijah sits on a stool in back of Tucker washing his stubble with warm water. He then soaps the scalp and with a sharpened straight razor starts scraping the sides. Now the top. Tucker's totally into it. The more his body is shaved the more alive he feels. Elijah turns his head to one side. Tucker can't help but give in to whatever the men who attend him want. Elijah lays bare one side of his neck, then tilting his head the other way, strips the boy of any remaining scalp hair. The man takes a warm cloth and wipes his head clean. Samuel has soaped the boy's legs and is scraping them clean from thigh to toe. Once smooth, Samuel moves on to his public hair, first using scissors to remove the large swath of dark hair, then after foam is applied, the straight razor scrapes against the grain and makes him new-born smooth. Elijah is busy at his arm pits, making sure there is not one hair left on his torso. Both armpits are clean, then Elijah removes the boy's eyebrows. Both men anoint his body with water from the tank, then turn him over in the chair so his butt is folded highest in the chair. There is a lot of hair to remove back here. Elijah takes the butt crack and the patch of fur at the small of his back, while Samuel works on making his legs completely hairless. When both are satisfied with the result they run their hands over his body, ensuring not one hair remains. Tucker takes a hand and examines himself. He is rock hard as his hands run over the course of his completely shorn body. "Why?" he asks Elijah far back in his brain, as if he's looking up from a hole dug six feet deep. "We are removing the animal you were born into, to become something better, more pure." Samuel applies olive oil to his skin. Elijah joins in. Tucker sees an silver urn pour out liquid onto his chest, his groin, his arms and legs, and the lubricant is massaged into his pours, joints, pits, hole. In fact, as he now sits back up in the chair, an inordinate amount of attention is being placed on pouring a lot of oil into Samuel's hand and then cupped inside his hole. He feels like one slimy fucker and is squirming his hand onto the outstretch palms of the men greasing him up. This is like no other sensation. It's as if he himself feels what it's like to be a greased up dick slipping within a firm fist, that his body is a dick made out of his complete form. He can't get enough of their touch. If they keep up their stroking his head will explode in a volcanic orgasm. First Master Eli bends and kisses him, then Samuel's sunken face bends over and sends his tongue into the boy's mouth. "Time to take him downstairs," Elijah signals to Samuel. As they descend the stairs, Tucker hears the muffled screams of Riggs from the tower. "What's that?" Tucker asks. "A story that's not part of yours. Yours is a much more interesting tail," says Samuel as they enter the master bedroom. They're escorting him cautiously between them, but as they cross into the bedroom sense the boy has no intention of running, which is usually the case. Elijah lays him on the rubber sheets and moves him to the center of the bed. "Ready for one more shot?" Samuel's asks. Tucker nods his head up and down, and then sinks face down into the rubber. "And one for you, brother?" "Give him the same as me. Seven," says Elijah. "He'll lose his mind after all he's had." "The general idea, isn't it?" The men smile. Elijah crawls naked onto the bed. Once he positioned against the headboard, he cradles the boy's head in his meaty palms. "Do you have enough light, brother?" Elijah asks in the dark room who's only light comes from the dirt-covered windows in the back of the house. "Plenty," says Samuel, taking two syringes from the dresser. He takes the vial of speed and fills both syringes to point seven, and takes a third for himself at the same level. Elijah folds the boy's head into his hairy crotch. The boy sniffs and laps his tongue in the bush. "Hold him still." Elijah grips his head while Samuel find one of the three useful veins in his neck. He gets a draw. "Enjoy this, boy. Totally give in to how you feel. You, too, brother," and Elijah holds his neck to the side. Samuel feels for a vein then pops the point into Elijah's neck. Emptying the syringe elicits a deep, massive cough. Samuel sits on the side of the bed and shoots up in his neck, too. Tucker hasn't moved since he's been injected. His breathing is locked and has paralyzed his brain. He suddenly jolts upright gasping for air, then coughs, rasps another breath and hacks again. Samuel reaches out for him and puts his skeletal fingers around the boys cock. The sensation sends Tucker into a tailspin, falling forward bumping his head against Elijah's erect monster. "Oh, fuck, Sir, I want to drain your cock," he says, he brain fried of all thoughts save one: lust. Elijah's eyes are rolled up in his head and speaks from a far away place, saying, "Go ahead, boy. Take it all in." Tucker's head turns as he inhales his Master's meat. "All the way down. All the way." He pushes Tucker down on his cock. Tucker takes it to the bush and Elijah holds him there. Samuel is stroking Tucker's cock and playing with his heavy P.A. causing Tucker to writhe on the slippery rubber. Samuel's feeling his butt, sticking in a few fingers as Elijah sticks a finger, then a second also into Tucker's hole. He's bringing him up to his face so he can see, out of flickering eyes, how Tucker's gape is fairing. With Samuel's fingers and his in the boy's ass lips, they're tearing him apart. His hole is wide open being pulled in different directions. There are no longer men in the room, only three animals. Elijah rips the boy from Samuel who growls at the side of the bed, like a wolf who's dinner's been ripped from him. "Brother, get the speculum. The boy's not going to take my fist as he is." Samuel snarls. He knows he could take the boy but Elijah is claiming ownership, and circumstances being what the are, he has the right to be the one to take the boy. He careens over to the dresser and out of the bottom drawer produces the forearm-length horse speculum. All he has to do to lube it is draw some of the excess oil smeared over the bed, most of which leaks out of the boy's ass, which he does and hands it to Elijah. Elijah has gotten Tucker's ass to face his. His tongue is inside the boy's rectum and his long tongue is licking the boy's inner walls. Soon he will want to see the beginning of a prolapse before he's done tonight and will eat it before the metamorphosis. He takes the huge speculum and aligns it with Tucker's hole. "Boy, don't stop sucking my cock. If this begins to hurt, suck me harder." Tucker agrees in a grunt with Elijah's cock buried in his throat. The speculum's base is held next to Elijah's ear. He begins to slide it in and feels the boy's head bobbing up and down more rapidly the deeper in he goes. He must be feeling discomfort or pain and he pushes it in to its halfway mark, for Tucker's head is at his cock like a jackhammer. Right past the halfway point, Tucker's head collapses across his body, his head's buried on his cock, and he's not moving. The boy shudders lying on top of him. He slaps the boy's ass hard. The smack seems to wake him and he once again is deep throating him. Samuel is sitting crossed-legged in front of Tucker's head. He holds a bottle of poppers to his nose. It accounts for the short pause from the boy who's now very receptive to the speculum's penetration and the enthusiasm of the sucking is at a peak. It's all Elijah can do not to cum down the boy's throat. The speculum has hit a barrier before it's almost in. He signals to Samuel to give the boy another hit. Samuel's raising the boy's face up enough to place the bottle under his left nostril, then his right, then once again under each. Tucker goes back to swallow his Master's cock and luxuriating is the smell of his Master's rancid bush. He pauses in the bush on every decent. It makes his Master leak but doesn't distract him from his objective. The last of the instrument is in and he's now spreading the two duck blades apart. He's got it open several inches. The boy sends out a loud moan of pleasure and torment. Samuel gives the boy another hit then pushes his head down under Elijah's balls and orders him to eat. The boy's head's buried in Elijah's taint and he's rutting like a pig to get down further to his Master's bunghole. "Come here and look at this," Elijah says, entranced. "Flick on the lamp." On his way to his brother, Samuel flicks on a side table lamp, enough to display Tucker's enormous gape. It's spacious enough for Elijah to ram his arm up to his elbow. Samuel can even add his arm and grab Elijah's hand. "Halfway there, brother. We might be able to do this together." "It'll be a welcome first, brother. Let's get this out of him," Samuel suggests regarding the speculum. Elijah reverses the processes slowly so as not to pinch any sensitive internal skin. Once they have it removed, they work the boy around so his head's up at the top of the headboard. They tie his hands. The boy's face is brown from wallowing under Elijah's hole. He seems excited judging by the size of his dick, which is a good sign of success for the metamorphosis. The men tie each of Tucker's legs to the top eyelet at the bottom bed posts so his torso is straining in the air, the better to have direct access to his quite open hole. Elijah allows Samuel to go first while he takes up at Tucker's head with a fresh box of amyl nitrate caps. Samuel greases up his arm and slowly lowers it into Tucker. Tucker cries out not know where he is anymore, only senses what his body is going through. Samuel feels the cobwebs between colon chambers, fine webs that he's destroying as he penetrates the boy. I'm sure if you've ever fisted someone you've felt the heart beats when you've found a new area to penetrate. Your fingers feel like your touching harp stings directly coming from your fistee's heart. Samuel's feeling Tucker's heartstrings once he gets to the elbow. Every few inches the coursing of blood rushes through the thin fibers separating the chambers. Each time he slides into a virginal area, Tucker calls out from somewhere lost inside his body. Tucker's unmoored again since the needle shot into his neck. He has no idea where he is. He barely remembers who. He only knows how much he's enjoying his body being ripped away from him. He feels his legs in the air and a skeleton of a man looming above him. Someone, a man with a black beard is feeding him vapors that allows and encourages the skeleton to drill into him deeper. Each inch the skeleton takes, a memory bubbles up and washes away. The skeleton is scratching at a door like a dog wanted to get in. Tucker resists but the aroma hits his brain not only sabotages his defense but makes him complicit in betraying himself. He shows the skeleton the rift, the keyhole, the clue where he can be unlocked. The skeleton is keen on finding these weakness and exploiting them to his advantage. A memory of the face of his fourth grade school teacher, Mrs. McCullough, the oddest collection of consonants and vowels he'd ever encountered, bubbles up. Her black horn-rimmed glasses, her watery eyes, her times tables and cursive handwriting on the green chalkboard, is right in front of his eyes. Then as a price for the sense of pleasure of deeper penetration, he must choose between her memory or this new pleasurable sensation. He chooses pleasure each time and her face fractures and is swept away to eternity; a new depth of penetration bears down inside his body, replaces self with erotic pulp of mindless ecstasy. There is something telling him to stop the slide but it weakens every moment. Samuel stand over the boy, his arm inside Tucker's hole's up to his bicep. "He's starting to resist. I think he knows what's happening." Elijah rises from cradling Tucker's head and comes over to the end of the bed. He takes a stance next to Samuel. Samuel withdraws his hand. His arm is covered in pink grease with bits of red at his fingernails. "I'll punch him for a while and see if he regresses. Lower that leg." They each lower a leg laying Tucker's back to rest on the rubber sheet, but still leaves his legs hoist mid-way up the post. Samuel greases Elijah’s hairy black arms. Tucker's focusing on him in a way that he hasn't before. He's starting to see the man's not on his side; giving him pure pleasure is a ruse. His eyes are bobbing above a sea of complete pleasure, a last attempt not to drown. There's more at work here that he starts to fathom, that with each new pleasure, a part of himself is traded away. He knows his name but can't remember how he got here or who these men are. He only knows they pleasure him but at what cost? If Duncan's hands were extra large, Elijah's are twice as big. Elijah finds it difficult to make the hurdle through his first sphincter. Samuel quickly cracks a cap and makes Tucker forget what's possible and only allows what's desired. His mind is blank again and he pushes his asslips onto Elijah's closed fist. Once inside it's literally downhill from there. Elijah doesn't stop till he's buried to his elbow. Tucker's eyes are rolled up into his head, as hears Elijah order, "Open your eyes and watch me!" He does. Tucker sees an entire forearm of black hair pull out of him. His ass farts as the air deflates out of him. "Push," Elijah orders. He does, and the man's telling him he's a good boy. That's it, push it out. The man then plows back into him with a force that propels the arm past the elbow. He feels stuffed as he's never felt, feels an object buried so deep a collection of grade school friends he barely remembers show their faces and blow away like sand across a schoolyard. He looks up and sees the skeleton next to him snapping a caplet, holding one nostril, telling him to inhale, while his ass flairs open even deeper on the wrist of black hairs. The man above him plummets down into his gut. "What are you doing to me?" he asks as more with his eyes than with his voice. The man only acknowledges he doing something to him. Grunts yes. Tucker pleads again, and the man explains what he's doing, again more with his mind than voice. He's straightening out his colon. The man greases his other hand and is now alternating his fists and arms into Tucker's hole. His hole will never close completely again once the man pushes both hands in together. He bears down inside him, pushing and straining as deep as both hands will reach. He suddenly pulls both out and Tucker feels his guts following them out beyond his asslips. "Yes!" shouts the man. "Push, fucker! Push it out!" He doesn't exactly know what the man wants but it feels like he's shit or farting, but all he can see in the mirror above is petals of red blooming out of his asshole. The man's fingering it causing bolts of electricity from his hole to shoot to the rest of his body. He's on fire, his asshole is electrified. Whatever he's sacrificing is worth this sensation. He pushes again and the bloom that's coming out of him is being eaten by the man. He's licking not just his asshole but the walls exposed from inside. It's as if he's turning inside out and the more he does the more the man is pleased. He wants to please the man because it's all tied up with the pleasure he's feeling—circular logic, the snake eating its tail. Ouroboros. His guts appear to be shy and retreat well within his colon. The man stands. Both arms in him has stretched his opening wide, allowing the man easy access to pile drive one arm then the other again and again, over and over, in a huge power punch into his colon. Within the rapture, there is a final, vague image he has of standing in a crib. He sees his own tiny hands grip the rail. Two figure are in bed asleep. He loses his grip, and the memory slips away like smoke. He doesn't need the amyl now, he needs the man to destroy his hole. Since he's lost his grip on words, he's mouthing nonsense but the intent still comes through to the standing man. Wreck my hole, begging between each punch, annihilate my cunt, obliterate my pussy. He doesn't even know where these ideas are coming from, but he feels Samuel at his side, playing with his dick and nipples, coaxing him to deeper and darker imaginings. The standing man's in a frenzy, as is Tucker imploring the beast above to delve deeper and deeper into his soul. "That's it, boy. Give up everything to your Master and to His Master." Elijah pushes both arms deep into Tucker, stretching apart his ass, his enormous boulder-like shoulders bulging, veins popping, and then he yanks both arms out at the same time. Both fists pop out bring with them inches of Tucker's intestines. Elijah wraps as much as he can in his mouth and sucks the entire red bulge into his maw. He bites and chews the boy's entrails, gnaws into the center, sticking a tongue deep inside the prolapse. His dick is charged and he holds the prolapse steady and slips in his metal ring, then his cockhead, into the center orifice. He humps the prolapse, holding it like a small animal, while his cock slips deep inside. Tucker's fucked internal and externally. Elijah's rough hands are driving Tucker wild, while the cock buried deep is making him craven. He implores Master Eli to take him. Elijah is jacking his cock in his extended hole like a wild dog, unable to stop, unable to think. He's locked into Tucker as Tucker is with him. Elijah erupts like a geyser flooding the boy's depth with cum, a stream, a river, a tsunami of sperm flushing out of him. He pulls out and his arm travels along the river of cloudy seed down deep into the boy's body. Samuel whispers to him, "Fisters claim the heart of the boy is the goal. Not us—we say it's the soul. Give him yours." Tucker feels Elijah's shoulder resting at his hole. He feels the massive bush of black pit hair tickling his hairless sphincter. There's no fuller feeling he could possible have, no more feeling of belong to someone than this moment. He nods to Samuel, then nods up to Elijah. Elijah feels the boy's heartbeat, then feels the soul surrounding it, grabs it, and rips Tucker inside out.
    3 points
  8. Chapter 2 After he pulled his cock out of the bottom on the bed and Sam pulled out of Alex, they moved away so the next lucky top could take their places. Before he picked up his towel, Alex wrapped his arms around Sam, gave him a big hug, and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. “Wow, thanks.” Sam told him. “No, thank YOU!” Alex replied. “You helped me reach a decision about something and I’m going to start working on it tonight.” Sam got a knowing look in his eyes and smiled. “Happy hunting, stud,” he told Alex as he picked up his own towel and headed for the door. Alex did the same thing, deciding it was time to head for the wet area. Alex entered the large tiled room where the showers, hot tub, steam room, and dry sauna were and hung his towel on a hook. He showered off quickly, enjoying the eye candy that was showering around him, and then settled into the hot tub. No one was getting serviced at the moment, but there were several other guys in the water with him. He enjoyed the hot water as he relaxed for a bit. He closed his eyes and thought about the poz cum that was still in his ass. Even though Sam was on meds, it still had the virus in it, which turned him on and made his cock start to harden. The more he thought about his decision, the harder he got, too. He remembered seeing messages on the marker boards in the hallways about guys in certain rooms seeking poz loads. He wondered if he had the nerve to do that tonight. One thing at a time, he thought. It was time to sit in the steam room for a bit. There was usually some action going on in there and even if he didn’t participate, it was nice to watch and jack his cock some. He stood up with his raging hardon and got a few whistles of admiration. He smiled and winked at them and headed to the door to the steam room. It was a big room with lots of space. There were a handful of guys already in there, one getting fucked. Alex sat near them and started slowly playing with his hard cock. It amazed him that he was so hard considering he’d just cum a short while ago. The idea of becoming poz turned him on that much. The 2 guys fucking were really going at it and Alex was focused on watching them and didn’t realize someone had walked up to him. “Mind if I sit here?” a voice asked him, breaking his concentration. He looked up and saw the hairy, bearded daddy from the locker room pointing to the space next to him. “Please, be my guest,” Alex replied, a little startled. The hot daddy sat down and held his hand out. “Hi, I’m Max,”. “Nice to meet you Max, I’m Alex.” “You really caught my attention in the locker room, Alex,” Max admitted. “I was hoping I’d run into you again tonight.” “Well, I’m glad you did,” Alex countered. Feeling bold, Alex put his hand on Max’s muscular, hairy chest and started rubbing all around. Max growled softly, “Oh yeah, that feels nice.” He turned so he was facing Max and put his other hand up as well, running both hands through all the sweaty hair and playing with his big nipples. “Oh fuck yeah, you know exactly what a man likes, don’t you,” Max said, growling again. He sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the attention, which made his big, thick cock stand up. He then turned towards Alex, put both hands on either side of his face, and drew him in for a kiss. He kissed Alex gently on the lips a couple of times and then planted a deep, passionate kiss on him. Their tongues battled and they swapped spit as the kissing went on and on. Max finally broke the kiss and stood up. He held out his hand to Alex, “Why don’t we go back to my room and get comfortable.” “I’m all yours,” Alex shot back, standing up and taking the hand that had been offered to him. They exited the steam room and Max went to get his towel. “No need to shower, I love a sweaty man,” he said. Alex raised an eyebrow, smiled, and grabbed his own towel. They wrapped their towels around themselves and headed down a hallway. Alex followed to the back part of the area where the rooms were. Max unlocked his door and let him into a large room with a bunk, some lockers, and a sling in it. He had rented one of the bigger play rooms. Alex couldn’t believe his luck. One of the hottest men there had a great room and was interested in him. They dropped their towels and laid on the bunk, their sweaty bodies mashed up against each other. “You’re a pretty damn good kisser,” Max said to Alex. “Right back at you stud,” he replied. “Call me Daddy Max.” He said with one of those low, sexy growls of his. “Yes Sir, Daddy Max.” The 2 men went at it again, making out fiercely, their tongues battling for dominance. Their hands were all over each other’s bodies, exploring everywhere. Daddy Max was covered with a thick layer of fur that had just started showing his gray. His hair, beard, and body hair was black except for the gray, giving him an incredibly sexy look. Alex reached down for Daddy Max’s cock and could barely get his hand around it. It had to be at least 8 inches if not more. He loved that his new daddy made those deep growling noises while they were kissing. Everything about this man turned him on. Daddy Max finally broke the kiss and lay back on the bunk. “Why don’t you show your new Daddy how good you are with your tongue.” Alex immediately started working his way down his body, starting with kissing and licking his face, including that sexy beard, working his way down the neck, chest, stomach, and legs. He licked and kissed practically every inch of the front of his body, purposely avoiding his thick cock and bull balls. He worked his way back up to the crotch and started licking and sucking on each ball. He could only get one at a time in his mouth, they were so big. Then he made his way up to that incredibly thick cock. He started licking, sucking, and nibbling the big mushroom head and worked his way down each side before finally opening his mouth wide and engulfing as much of the cock as he could. He was able to make it more than halfway down so he started working up and down, sucking and licking the head and shaft. Daddy Max continued making low growling noises, obviously loving the attention his cock was getting. Alex kept it up for another few minutes, pulled off the cock, and gave his new daddy a big kiss. Then he whispered, “Turn over, please.” Max flashed him his brilliant smile and rolled over on his stomach, his thick cock sticking out between his legs. Alex started giving his backside the same treatment as his front, kissing and licking his way down from his thick neck to his waist, then skipped his ass and worked his way down both legs. He made his way back up to the hairy ass and started kneading each ass cheek. He licked all around before finally spreading his cheeks and running his tongue up and down the sweaty crack. As he zeroed his tongue onto Daddy Max’s asshole, he let out another deep growl. Alex was learning quickly that meant he liked what he was doing. He started licking and sucking on his new Daddy’s asshole, sticking his tongue in as deeply as he could. Daddy Max arched his back and pushed out, opening his ass for the tongue. Alex licked, sucked, and tongued the delicious asshole for quite a while. He finally, reluctantly, crawled back up to where he was lying next to his new friend. They started kissing again. Alex loved the fact that Daddy Max was tasting his own ass by sucking on the tongue that had just been buried in it. “My friend, I think you just might be a keeper,” Max said to Alex. He immediately put his finger on Alex’s lips saying, “Let’s see how the rest of tonight goes and take it from there.” Alex smiled shyly and nodded. They sat up facing each other on the bunk. “So, do you think you’re up for some adventure tonight? Maybe broaden your horizons some?” Daddy Max asked. Alex got a curious look on his face, “go ahead, I’m listening.” “Good boy. I have this room for the night, so why don’t we get your hot ass in that sling and see what happens next.” “I’ve never been fucked in a sling. I think I’d like that, especially with you doing the fucking.” “I’ll definitely be doing the fucking, at first. You see, I come here quite a bit and know a lot of the regulars. If one of us finds a hot piece of ass that doesn’t mind being shared, we usually let the rest of the gang in on it. You strike me as the type that might be up for some fun like that. What do you say, stud? Although I think I can guess your answer from the way your cock is acting.” Alex looked down and not only was he rock hard, but had a stream of precum running down his shaft. His little head had already made up its mind. “To be completely fair, there’s one thing I need to tell you first. I’m HIV+,” Daddy Max said. Alex had to grab his cock and squeeze it hard to fight cumming. The fact that this hot daddy was into him, wanted to do some intense play with him, and had HIV had almost made him have an orgasm without touching himself.
    3 points
  9. So. This is another true story. A few weeks ago, my husband had just left for work and I was horny as hell. Note for those who didn't read my earlier post: I'm a 27 year old whore. 5'7" and about 150lbs. Hairy and love bottoming. My husband is a sweet adorable man who doesn't have much of a libido and I'm always horny as hell so I fuck around when he is away at work. Bored out of my mind, I decided to hit up some of my regulars to see if they were free. Nothing there. I hit up A4A and BBRT and small town that I am in, nothing. I finally resorted to Grindr. Posted a note saying I was horny and looking for now. A few minutes later I was hit up by a blank profile. No pleasantries. Just a simple "address?" Being a good slut I gave him my address. He asked, "std and HIV?" Me, "Clean. You?" Him, "Squeaky clean." That's all he said. I quickly showered and cleaned up and prepared the lube and condoms. Fifteen minutes later he sends me a message, "Here." Buzzer didnt work so I went downstairs to get him. At the door I literally stopped short. I saw a fucking hunk of a man. Handsome as fuck. White guy. Late twenties. Built like a football player (big and beefy). Black beard and the deepest blue eyes. The guy seemed too good to be true. I thought maybe he was there to meet someone else. I walked up and opened the door. He looked at me and said, "this is gonna be fun." I led him upstairs slowly. I was so in awe of him I couldn't walk any faster. I finally ushered him into my house and he asked where the bedroom was. I pointed it out weekly. He held me by the neck and led me into my own bedroom. I knew who was in charge. Once inside, he said, "Listen faggot. I'm straight so don't even think of trying to kiss me. Understood?" I weakly replied, "Yes Sir." I quickly got to my knees and untied his shoes. I took them off and took a big whiff of his sweaty smelly socks. I licked his smelly socks and rubbed my face all over and under his feet. My submission to his superior self got him hard. He motioned me up to his crotch and I obliged by quickly unbuckling his manly texas style belt and jeans. I pulled down his pants to his ankles and he stepped out of them. All the while my face was buried into his sexy grey boxer shorts as I was aiming for that hard on. He slapped me on my right cheek on the face and pulled off his shirt. For the first time I saw his sexy hairy chest. He had the perfect chest. Big and burly. His chest hair thicker and blacker than mine (which can be hard considering I'm brown). He had a sexy Tattoo on his left pec with his name on it. We will call him Brandon. He had another sexy complex mechanical tattoo on his left shoulder and upper arm. Basically with his shirt off, this Addonis went from a 9 to a 13 out of 10. I feel it is a bottom's duty to ensure that the bottom slut is undressed faster than its top. So I too quickly took off all my clothes down to my birthday suit left in just the work socks that my baby daddy had given me and told me to wear every time I got fucked by another man. Anyway, my sexy straight top then went to lie on the bed on his back. He made himself comfortable using my husband's pillows. And then ordered me with those Godly eyes onto his crotch. I politely obliged and took a big whiff of his sweaty crotch before begging him for permission to remove his boxers with my mouth. He permitted me. I did the finest and fastest job of doing so considering the practice I'd had. His cock was a beer can thick 9" member oozing precum. It was covered at the base by a thick growth of the densest public hair I had ever seen. This white man, whoever he was, was the finest specimen of a testosterone filled man I'd ever seen. I quickly started to lick his hairy balls and work my way up to his thick uncut cock. His crotch was pungent. And he was sweaty. Maybe he had worked earlier. It got me even more horned up. I took his cock in my mouth and tried to deep throat it. Gagged. He laughed and pushed me down on it. I choked and gagged for a few minutes before he let go. And then my throat became used to him and I wored his thick dick deep into my throat over and over. "I dont want to cum this way faggot," he said. I knew what he meant. I squirted some lube on my ass and positioned myself on my back. I grabbed a condom and started to open it. He laughed. "I'm gonna breed you raw faggot." With that he forced his thick cock onto my hole. It was too big. I screamed a "No. Condom please." He slapped me hard across the face. So hard it hurt. Angrily. He grabbed my face and chin with his hand and pushed his face into mine. "I will do as I want. And I will fuck your ass raw. Understood?" I started to cry. He spit on his thick cock and forced it in. I screamed in pain and he held his hand over my mouth and pushed my face down as he forced his way into my ass. He was pushing down on my face so much and so hard into the mattress, I could feel the box spring hitting the back of my head. My ass was higher than my face and completely at his disposal. He kept forcing his cock in till he was balls deep. And that's when the rough thrusting began. My screams were muffled by his sheer force and his loud animal grunts as he raped my ass raw. Twenty minutes later I had lost all strength to fight back and he was still strong and powerful destroying my sore ass. The pain was slowly starting to feel good as I knew I would probably never be raped like this by real man ever again. He moved his hand from my mouth to my neck and pulled me up to his hairy pit. I took a big whiff and as soon as I smelled his manliness, my limp dicklet sprung to life. This seemed to please my sexy bear rapist and his thrusts started to get deeper and faster. He kept hitting my prostate and after five more minutes, he had me cummings hands free. I shot all over my chest and face. He smiled and continued to grunt as my hole automatically became tighter after I had just come. It started to hurt more and more. I started to tear up again and whimpered. Finally he announced that he was getting close by grunting loudly and started to deposit volleys after volleys of his baby juice into my ass. I counted thirteen thrusts and volleys. I finally took a deep breath as he pulled out of me. My ass felt empty. He brought his dick close to my face to clean off. I could see pink splooge on it. I knew he had ripped me up good. I lapped up everything that was on his dick as he laughed for some reason. He looked at me handsome as ever and said, "You're such a faggot." As he wore his clothes and I lay there exhausted with my ass sore and bleeding, I said to him, "Thank you Sir."
    2 points
  10. It was all falling into place. I had just discovered my boyfriend of ten years was cheating on me. How did I discover it? Today, Saturday, I was sleeping in late as I recovered from a godawful, unseasonable flu. My guy had left me to work overtime, yet again, and in his hurry he had accidentally picked-up my phone, leaving his plugged into the charger. As the text message pinged, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and groggily picked up the phone and opened what I thought was a message for me Pitor: Ive not cum since we last fucked got a huge Poz load 4 u my filthy POZ cum slut? I had to re-read it as those two words jumped up off the screen at me: Poz and Fucked. The bastard was getting barebacked, then turning around and fucking ME and didn’t have the decency to say and I didn't even know the fucker bottomed as he certainly didn't for me! I was stunned. My boyfriend Grahame is cheating on me AND was fucking with a guy with HIV. I couldn't believe it and felt sick as I scrolled through a series of text and picture messages. With my heart sunk with each conversation as I realized they had been chatting and fucking for the past nine months. My stomach churned as I think back on the deceit and web of lies doing extra hours at work or dashing off to see family but as mad and pissed as I was my cock was rock hard as I read the multiple messages. Grahame: I would LOVE to get fucked by your big PA’d dick! Pitor: U know i'm POZ? Grahame: I don't care. J I want to feel ur big dick in me raw!!! As I read on it was obvious this just was not just dirty talk. Pitor Good I wanna mark ur your ass as mine! i've had to come off meds now but still have a low viral count but u can still get pozzed. ru cool with that? Grahame: ive thought about it but I cant give up on the best fucks of my life. i dont want to stop taking your cock!!! Pitor: good, i can't get enough of your ass. Grahame: Jeez my ass is still ripped, sore & bruised from yesterday. I can barely walk! You fucked me so hard. I can't get enough. I WANT MORE!!!! Pitor J yeah, followed by a picture insert I saw a little blood flecks mixed in with some cum that was dribbling from your hole. I know it was Grahame because of the series of moles on his right ass cheek. I knew you'd like my 10 inches. I love pumping my DIRTY cum deep up ur ass. Ur NEG ass is soooo fucking hot. Grahame: Yeah knock me up with ur + babies Pitor: Good coz Ive got a bonus 4 u this afternoon ;-) Grahame: That was awesome! I cant remember the last time I did ass to mouth I love it when you drill both holes! I can’t believe I’m reading this behavior coming from a guy who didn’t like to rim me because he thought doing that was too dirty-- the fucker! Pitor: yeah that was hot! glad I got to cum in each hole. U got to deep throat well even tho I choked u a few times. Grahame: No worries i fucking loved that! Having sooo much cock in my mouth was intense I almost blacked out. i can't decide if i like ur dick in my mouth or ass the most. Pitor: well i'll just have 2 keep fucking both ends like today then. Grahame: Oh yes please!!!! I’ve never felt so dumb, stupid and humiliated. Yet my cock had never been harder as their fucking tales unfolded and I realized I wasn't just upset, I was jealous. I had been missing out of being rammed by the apparently humongous cock which Grahame had been enjoying. 'Ummmm, I wish I knew what it felt like', I murmured to myself as I found myself jacking my dick. Pitor: It’s all set for this afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your leather blindfold he he I had no idea he owned a leather blindfold-- or where he kept it. The things you learn! Pitor continues: You really love POZ cock n cum up ur ass don't you and say u cant get enough so I have a plan 2 make sure u do get MORE than enough Grahame : I want it and am willing to do anything thing for your cock and cum Pitor: Anything eh? Grahame: Yes, yes, YES! In a trance reading all these reckless indiscretions I realized I was furiously wacking myself, and a huge amount of my pre-cum had pooled on my abs. Pitor: so what did you think of my Polish friends Pawel & Kris? Grahame: bloody fantastic m8 great big cocks rammed in both ends switching back and forth whats not to like? Glad they came first b4 you used that jagged PA on me. Pitor: yeah cum as lube is best, especially when its freshly diagnosed as POZ cum Grahame : Hell yes! Pitor: They’re in town a few more days. u wanna play some more with them? Grahame: YES!!! as much as we can!!!! But without the blindfold this time as I want to watch their faces and look into their eyes as they shoot their payload into me. Really want 2 make this happen…Harry and me have played around with guys in the past but always safe and I hate condoms so now I’m probably Poz from all the fucking WE have done Harry and me can bareback all the time and not worry. As u wont let me cum when we fuck I’m sooooo horny by the time I get home I’ve been fucking Harry almost every time I get to bed he must be POZ by now too! Pitor: Sweet my strain lives on Grahame: I’ve called in sick i wanna get fucked by them all RIGHT NOW. I notice there is a couple of weeks’ gap now between their conversations Pitor: when ru gonna get tested? Grahame: NO point, I’ve felt like crap for the past 2 weeks with what must be fuck flu but all good now can’t wait to ride your death stick again. Pitor: Great! i've got another friend u’ll like. Hes looking to become poz too. CUM over Tears ran down my face as I read about Grahame’s conversion party and confirmation of his seroconversion and realised from his symptoms that I was almost certainly also seroconverting. When I came to this realization, my cock exploded, shooting the biggest load of my life as my poz cum flew everywhere, giving me a real sense of perverse accomplishment, knowing that I could see this as an all around positive outcome as I could now share my seed and TOP for the first time. Without hesitation I scooted over to my laptop, open the web browser and post a BBRTS advertisement which read “Hung Poz Cock Seeking a Neg chaser".
    2 points
  11. James was a good boy. He was the best boy. James was the soccer jock, lgbtq club president, popular, friendly, and at 6'0", 165, blonde hair and blue eyes - gorgeous. He was the boy everyone wanted. James breezed through Stanford and then Princeton Law. His parents gave him a car for high school graduation; a backpacking trip through Europe for college graduation; and a condo for graduating law school. James new condo was in Chicago as was his new job at a top firm. James worked a lot, but he still played sports, ran, went to the gym and managed to fuck as much ass as he could find on Grindr. James a a wet dream - smart, attractive, educated, good job, gorgeous body, and a top. James fucked every gorgeous guy between the ages of 18-25 who hit him up on Grindr. He'd always go to their place. He'd always use a condom. He'd always blow his load on the guy's back or face. Boys fell at his feet and he loved it. He wasn't conceited, but it felt natural that guys hit on him and he accepted it with grace and a hard cock. James was picky though. The guys had to be as hot as him. He didn't want to grab anyone's soft belly or flabby tits as he fucked them. He wanted perfect guys. James also rejected barebackers. He thought they were stupid and risking their lives for momentary pleasure. You see, even though James had been fucking guys since he was 15, he had never once fucked a dude without a condom. James would say, "I'm saving that for the man I love." Enter...............the Tip James was out with his gay friends one night. They'd all been to a fundraiser for a gay rights organization and had a few drinks. They went out directly afterwards. James' friends were much like him, athough mostly bottoms and certainly not only have safe sex. In fact, most of them thought James was kind of pretentious about the safe sex aspect of his life. But, they never mentioned their dissatisfaction to James or each other. James' friend, Mike, introduced him to a friend visiting from Spain. Juan was a bit shorter than James, but he was just as fit. James thought Juan was the hottest man he had ever seen. Juan was very attracted to James. Mike had met Juan in Madrid. In fact, Mike had been fucked and bred by Juan many times, including that very morning. Mike knew not only that James and Juan were both tops, he also knew Juan was an amazing bareback-only top. Mike had also been fucked by James, who he knew to be a safe sex only top, so Mike thought it'd be interesting to see what developed between the two tops. It wasn't long before Juan was touching James all over. James was getting more girly than any of his friends had ever seen him. In fact almost everyone was shocked when James went to get drinks and Juan pressed his cock into James' amazing ass and very slowly ground into James. James was nervous. He was a top and this guy obviously wanted to fuck him. He didn't really know what to do. The guy was so hot that James had to fuck him. To calm himself, James drank more than usual, with the consequence he was rather drunk by the time he and Juan left the bar. James broke his first rule, namely he never brought tricks to his condo, but knowing Juan was staying at Mike's place, and as James wasn't interested in Mike being privy to what transpired that night, it seemed James' condo was the best option. Once in the cab, James finally got a good feel of Juan's amazing nine and a half inch cock. Now, James' cock was a solid eight incher, eight inches that guys loved, but James found Juan's cock was utterly amazing in both length and girth. They kissed in the cab, and Juan, never the shy type, sought-out James' crotch and massaged below James' balls, striving to reach his hole. James didn't really know why he did so, but almost involuntarily he spread his legs to accommodate Juan's focus of interest - his hole, and when Juan's fingers found that hole, James moaned softly. Once upstairs, James made a drink for each, and they enjoyed the amazing view of the Chicago skyline from James' living room. Not to be outdone by the city scape, Juan pulled his shirt off to afford James another amazing sight. James followed suit, and the two men resumed making out, as James melted into Juan's nimble fingers and suggestive tongue. It wasn't long before James and Juan were naked and James hands were braced against the floor to ceiling windows as Juan ate his jock ass. Even in his drunken haze, James thought several times that Juan ate ass better than he had ever eaten another man's ass, particularly as Juan's tongue reached an amazing depth into James' hole. Juan knew James was a top, Mike having told him as much, and, to get into James' ass, Juan knew he would need to weaken all of James' defenses, and opening-up James' hole was the best way to ensure James would be fucked at this very window, so Juan kept eating James' ass for quite some time until he got to his feet and asked "Why not grab some lube?" James returned with both lube and condoms. Juan pressed James against the window again and jammed his tongue up James' ass, causing James to moan like a whore. James was sober enough to realize he was begging like most of the bottoms he'd fucked. James decided right then that he would let Juan fuck him. It would be the first time James had been fucked his senior year of college. Juan recognized the relaxation of ass and back muscles as the other top gave his ass over to him, so he started fingering James. First, one finger, then two, then twisting and corkscrewing the fingers; then more ass-eating. Only to repeat the sequence several times. After almost an hour of prepping James' ass for this fuck Juan stood up and pressed his cock on James' ass crack, as he simultaneously kissed James and ground his cock into James' crack. Juan asked James what he wanted. "Please fuck me," came the reply. Juan made James beg to get fucked, and beg James did, realizing to some degree Juan was turning him into his bitch, but James was too drunk and too turned on to care. James wanted Juan's cock inside him. He needed it tonight. James spread his cheeks for Juan, face pressed against the glass. He shoved his hole back at Juan. Juan dribbled lube on James ass and then spread his hand over James hole to rub and finger it in. Then for the first time since they had been naked, Juan touched James' cock, giving it a thorough lube job. Juan then lubed James' ass and fingered him again, lubed James' cock again, and then lubed his own cock. Juan pressed forward on James open hole. James winced as he felt the cock enter him. Then he relaxed as the spongy head was pushing inside him. James knew it would hurt, but he really needed Juan to fuck him tonight. As Juan was pressing in a bit more, James asked "Are you wearing a condom?" "No," Juan replied. "I never fuck without a condom. Put one on." Juan pressed in a bit more and then pulled back some. Juan was watching and half his head was inside James now. Juan said, "I'm not even inside you yet. Let me just play around with the tip and then I'll put on the condom." James reasoned Juan's suggestion was okay as they would fuck bareback only briefly- only a minute or so. "Okay, but just for a minute. Then use the condoms on the table." Juan agreed. He had this safe sex top exactly where he wanted him. Juan pushed and pulled a little bit farther inside James' hole with each thrust. Once half Juan's cock was inside James, Juan asked James how he liked it. "It feels really good. We should put on a condom though." "Just a bit more. Your ass feels so amazing wrapped on my cock this way." Juan continued to lightly play with James' cock and stroke his lean, hot jock body as the former top was giving up his ass. Juan didn't take long before he was balls-deep in James' hole. James could feel Juan's public hair on his ass. He knew Juan was all the way inside his ass bareback. James mentioned the condom again. Juan flexed his cock inside James and James moaned and squeezed his ass on Juan's cock. 'Fuck it' James thought, adding 'I'll live it up. Just this one time. I'll let Juan fuck me bareback'. Juan knew he had James now. He knew the boy would never mention a condom again tonight. Juan started fucking James hard. James was moaning and grunting. Juan was amazed at how easily this safe sex top had given up his ass bareback. Juan was chuckling inside. He thought to himself, "All bottoms just need to be shown they are bottoms." Juan and James were sweating. James was getting his ass seriously fucked by the hottest guy ever. Juan was fucking a seriously hot guy. James and Juan both knew how amazing this fuck felt. James was grunting and moaning. He started imagining what it would be like bent over like this for Juan more often. James was imaging Juan fucking him everyday. He thought how lucky he was to have this gorgeous man inside him. How privileged he felt to be fucked by this big dick. Wow. Juan was an amazing fuck. Juan was stroking James cock faster and he was fucking with shorter and shorter strokes. James knew Juan was going to cum. Juan said, "I'm going to cum." James reached his hand back, grabbed James ass and pulled him inside him. James felt his first internal cum shot at that moment. He felt so hot. He felt so sexy. He felt so amazing. James came all over the rub and window. Without a thought of condoms, Juan fucked James multiple times a day, every day for the next two weeks before he left to return home. Juan came in James every time. Juan eventually started making James beg for the cum to be shot in his ass. James loved it.
    2 points
  12. 7. Seth "Fuck me," I moaned. Cal's tongue was pressing into me, and it wasn't enough. I needed something bigger inside of me, something more masculine, more potent, more alive. Even though I had barely been barebacking for twelve hours, and bottoming for less than a third of that time, there was a brutal compulsion that I could not control. I had seen porn movies before where the bottom seemed almost out of control, that their life and happiness were totally dependent on getting fucked and bred. Until now, I hadn't understood that need. But now, this need was more than just understandable. It seemed like the natural state of things. I wanted men to put their cocks inside of me. I wanted them to fuck me. Most of all, I wanted them to breed me. The only measure of my worth was how many loads I could accumulate over the course of a day. "Fuck me. Please," I grunted, as Cal relentless licked my hole, teasing me with what could be. "You want it, boy?" Jon asked. He was now standing beside me. I looked down; his thick daddy cock was hard again. There was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. It was a fluid that should have been released inside of me, not left to dissipate into thin air. "Yes," I said. I tried not to sound too desperate, but every second without a dick inside of me was agony. Cal's tongue was good, but it wasn't Jon's tongue. Nor was it Jon's cock. "Fuck me." "Of course, boy," Jon said. He ran his hand down my torso, tracing out the muscles before following the line down to my cock. "Seems like you're pretty turned on by all of this?" "Yeah," I said. "I am." "That's good," Jon continued. "A young man like you should always be horny." He leaned in and kissed me. "A young man like you should always be getting fucked. Or fucking." He was right. Of course, he had the experience that came with age, but even I, still young, still barely a barebacker, knew that he was right. "Always," he said, as he moved behind me, and insinuated his cock into my crack. He was already hard and his dickhead pressed up against my hole. "You want my hole?" I asked, arching my back. I tried my best to sound like this was my choice, but I failed. There were only two ways this could work out. The first was Jon fucking me and the second was me fucking Jon. Either way, a dick needed to be in a hole. "You want it?" I asked again, this time not even attempting to hide the need in my voice. "I do. But I think you need it worse. Don't you, boy? Don't you need my cock?" "Please," I murmured and I rubbed my ass up and down along his shaft. "I need your cock." "You need my load?" he asked. "Don't you need my load inside of you?" "Please," I repeated. "I need your load." For a brief moment, the sex fog lifted, and I realized exactly what I had asked for. I had asked Jon for his load. He had told me he was positive, and I had just asked him to cum inside me. But, then I remembered. I had taken a drug earlier that day, and it no longer mattered. Sex was safe again, even when it was bareback. "Of course boy. Any time you want it, it's yours for the asking." Jon wrapped one arm around my chest. His dark hair contrasted with my light, smooth skin. It only emphasized the differences between us: maturity and youth, man and boy, poz and neg, and most of all in that moment, top and bottom. With his other hand, he reached down and aligned his cock with my hole. I pressed back, Jon pushed forward, and with barely any resistance, his cock re-entered my body. "Oh hell yes," he said. "That's a hot fucking hole." "Feel all that cum up there?" Cal asked. "Feel it in that slutty hole?" "Oh yeah," Jon grunted. He was pushing deeper into me, finding the well-used route into my body. "My load. Your load. Jean-Paul's load." He pulled out, just enough to distribute some of the accumulated semen along my hole. "He was born to take cock." I could see the two of them just barely reflected in the glass of the window. Cal started to stroke his cock, and then he leaned in and kissed Jon. The two stayed lip-locked as Jon pushed his cock the rest of the way inside of me. "All the way," Jon said when he finally broke off the kiss. In the reflection, Cal whispered something in Jon's ear. I could just barely hear it. "...potential to spread it," he ended, as he raised Jon's arm and buried his nose in the man's armpit. "Of course," Jon said, agreeing with whatever Cal had whispered. "He's born for this." Jon turned his attention back to me. "You've been dreaming of getting it raw, haven't you?" "Yeah," I said. "Every time I jerk off." I took a deep breath. "I'm never going back to condoms." But it didn't matter. There were better ways to stay safe than a thick, impervious rubber sheath around what should be close, warm, and intimate. "Don't be fooled," Cal said. "Every man wants to go raw. Every. Man." "Well, of course the three of you do," I said. Jon was deep inside me now, slowly thrusting in and out of me. He was edging himself, pushing himself closer and closer to orgasm. I didn't mind his pace. I had already gotten his load once. This time, we could relax and enjoy the journey. Having him so close to me was important. I needed his body pressed against mine and his raw cock buried inside me was as close to a paradise as I would ever find. "i want you inside me raw." "I know," Jon said. "It's good, isn't it?" "Yeah," I said. Just as the weed was starting to taper off, the drink was hitting me. Both drugs were affecting my mind, each of them re-enforcing the other and pushing me towards a world where only pleasure mattered. "I love feeling you inside me," I said. "Inside you raw," Jon murmured in response, gently pushing himself deeper into me. "Sex the way it was meant to be." "And now it's safe," I said. "Just a pill," Jon said. It was just a pill. Every day. And I wouldn't have to worry about men like Jon. I could enjoy them for what they were: beautiful, arousing, sexual creatures. All I had to do was remember to take a pill once a day. It would be easy. There wasn't much that would keep me from a quick pill, once a day. Especially given the peace of mind that it brought. "Just remember to take it tomorrow," he said. I twisted my head back to meet his lips. We kissed and his tongue probed my mouth. I was happy to have met Jon, and thankful that he was the first one to fuck me raw. We had talked so much about barebacking over the past few months, it seemed almost impossible that it was happening, and not just happening, but happening for the second time. Jon had been there for me so many times: validating my terrors of barebacking, but also reassuring me about the pleasures. Luckily, the terrors were rapidly receding. Jon's raw cock felt amazing inside of me, and I was reveling in the freedom that raw sex was providing. Jon could pull out, but another man would quickly take his place. It could have been Cal, it could have been Jean-Paul. Or maybe it could be a stranger, someone totally unknown, yet eager to enjoy my hole. My cock throbbed, thinking about the possibilities. "I want you to cum in me again," I whispered to Jon. There was so much I wanted to tell him: about how good he felt, about how glad I was that he was inside of me raw, about how badly I wanted another man inside of me, and about how I'd never defile myself again with latex. But for now, that short phrase would cover all those thoughts. "I want you to cum in me again," I repeated. "Of course," Jon said. "I hate wasting cum. And you are such a worthy hole to shoot in." We had found a steady rhythm to our fucking, his cock sliding in and out of me, my hips forcing myself further on his shaft. "I can feel how hungry you are," he continued. "I need your cum," I said. I was turning into one of the bottoms I saw in porn flicks, always getting fucked and always hungry for another load. A fifty load weekend no longer seemed like an insane quest; rather it felt like just a good start on the coming week. "I want more." "More?" Jon asked me. "You know that tomorrow is the day for you." "Tomorrow?" I asked. It seemed like such a long way away. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to last that long. "Tomorrow is the party in your honor. How many do you want?" "Loads? Or men?" "Does it matter?" Cal chimed in. "I'm sure you can take it, no matter what it is." "No," I said. "As many as I can get. Six? Seven? Eight?" I didn't want to seem greedy, but at the same time, I wanted everything I could get. This was my life now, a life of freedom and exploration, where sex was common and safe, and the last of my fears were fading away. "I think that can happen," Jon said. "Easily." "Hell," Cal said. "He'll get at least six loads tonight, if not more." He turned to me, kissed me, then whispered in my ear. "Fucking cumslut," he said. "Taking every load you can." He kissed me again. "Fucking jealous of you." "Don't mind Cal," Jon said. "He's a greedy bottom." Earlier in the day, I wouldn't have understood that at all. But now it was far too easy to comprehend. The need for seed could be all-consuming. At least I had Jon's cock in my ass as I was contemplating this idea. If I had been alone, it would have driven me insane with desire. "But tonight, it's all for you." "It is," Cal said. "I'm jealous, but I've had years to collect seed. You're still young. And innocent." The two men laughed at the comment; it was clear that they had spent a long time together and had developed a personal language. I wondered what meanings they were imputing to "young and innocent" and what I needed to be wary of. But it wasn't time for philosophizing. It was time for fucking. Jon pulled nearly all the way out, then slammed back in. I pressed up against the window, momentarily terrified that it wouldn't be able to withstand the attack. But the window held up against my weight, my hole swallowed Jon's cock, and the world was right again. All that I needed was another load inside of me. "Cum in me," I grunted. "Please?" "Of course," Jon said. "But I'm having too much fun doing this and I don't want to cum too soon." He pushed his dick back into me. This time I could feel the drip of pre-cum into my hole, lubricating me for the continued fuck. "Oh fuck yeah," he said. "So fucking good." His cock was stiff and long, and he was using it to the best advantage to slide in and out of my hole. I knew just how he felt: like a man, a man enjoying himself. It was good that he was using me like this. He deserved to feel good. "You don't have to stop," I said. "Fuck me as long as you want." "Or as I need," Jon said. "Come on," Cal said. "Give the boy a break. Plenty of time this weekend. And I think dinner's almost ready." "You're right," Jon said. He turned his attention back to me. "You want to be a greedy boy and get a load now? Or wait for after dinner?" I leaned back on his cock. "Now," I said. "And then another one after." "We'll have to see about that," Jon said. "But definitely one for you right now." He started to thrust his cock harder, forcing himself as deep as he could get. "That's just such a nice hole. So warm." "So wet with cum," Cal said. He leaned in and kissed me. "Three loads up there," he said. "And you're going to get a fourth. Must feel great." "Yeah," I said. "It feels fucking amazing." Jon had been fucking raw for years. He'd almost been fucking longer than I had been alive. I was jealous of all the men who had gotten his load before me. I wanted all of the loads, and didn't want to share. Jon continued to thrust in me, and I had to push back against him with all my strength. I looked out the window at the sun setting on the city-scoped below. I wondered if people could see me, naked, a hot older man pounding my ass. If they could see me, I wondered what they thought. I wondered if they knew how badly I had wanted exactly this, and how many nights I had jerked off fantasizing about a man fucking me raw. Cal has been reading my mind. "If the light's on, yeah, people can see in." I tried to step back, but was quickly reminded that right behind me was Jon and his hard dick. It jammed another quarter inch inside of me. In any other context, it was barely anything at all. But in my tender hole, it felt like several times that. "Oh, fuck yes," Jon said. I was now truly impaled on his cock. If he came, his load would go straight into my gut. It wouldn't be long before my body absorbed the semen and a part of Jon would be permanently a part of me. I might be just another hole to fuck for Jon, but he'd always be the first guy that came in me. I wanted to treasure the memory of that load. "Oh hell yes," Jon grunted again, slamming his cock into my hole. He gasped. "Oh Fuck," he moaned, and his cock throbbed. There was an explosion of warmth in my body that I knew was his cum. Jon had cum a second time inside of me, and I was barely satisfied. I clenched my ass, milking out every drop of his precious semen. "Oh yeah. Milk out that cum." He pulled out, then pressed back into me. "Every drop." Another jet of jizz shot into my body and with it, another wave of pleasure washed over me. Having a man truly cum in me was still a new sensation. It had happened many times with a rubber, but bareback was still utterly new. I didn't yet have the words to explain the sensations. "It's good," Jon continued. "It's so good." His body was pressed up against mine, his sweaty, hairy chest pinned against my back. "Cumming inside you," he grunted, as more cum leaked out of his cock and into me. "Another load?" a new voice said. I turned my head as best I could, and barely saw JP framed in a doorway. "Yeah," Cal said. "Number four for our new boy." "Well, if we're going to get loads five through ten into him, you're going to need some food. Dinner's ready." Cal, not deeply fitted together like Jon and I, bounded over to Jean-Paul. He gave the older man a deep kiss, as the man's right hand disappeared into Cal's sweatpants, cupping and squeezing his ass. Cal said something, but he was too far away for me to hear it. "We should join them," Jon said. His cock was starting to soften inside of me. "Tonight, I can sleep with my dick inside you." My dick throbbed at the possibility of having Kevin all night. Things that were too hard to pull off with rubbers suddenly became possible bareback. There were so few negatives with barebacking and so many positives. I could fall asleep with a cock inside me. Getting double-fucked no longer seemed so scary. I could have three hung men in a row pound my hole multiple times. Finally, I could feel so close with the man I was having sex with. The only real negative was AIDS, and that wasn't a problem any more. Jon pulled himself out of me, and it jerked me back to reality. "It's easy to get lost," Jon said. "I've been there. Need something to keep you grounded." He pulled me close with an arm wrapped around my waist. "Pull up your sweats, and let's get some food." Dinner was perfect JP had made a salad, pork chops and some grilled cauliflower. It was just enough food to leave me satisfied without feeling full. "What's for dessert?" Cal asked, after JP had re-filled our wine glasses, and Jon had passed around a freshly packed bong. The alcohol and weed were making me feel warm and lazy; I wanted to get naked, curl up with one of the naked "Well, I didn't make anything," JP said. "But I know two boys who could use a cream filling." He was staring at me. "I know Jon got another round with you. My turn now." It could have been a question, but it wasn't. He was asserting what was his, and daring me to contradict him. He didn't need to bother. As soon as he mentioned it, my hole started to twitch in anticipation. "You want to take care of Seth?" Jon asked. "I've already had seconds. And I think Cal is feeling left out of the fun." I glanced at Cal, seated across from me. He started to smile. "Finally," Cal said. "Well," Jean-Paul continued. "It sounds like we know what we want. Shall we head back to the bedroom?" "Sure," Jon said. "We'll worry about the dishes later." He stood up, and took Cal's hand. They headed out of the dining room towards the bedroom, leaving me alone with Jean-Paul. "How are you doing," he asked me, standing up and offering me his hand. "Good," I said. "Really good." I was definitely feeling the wine and the weed, but in a good way. It took the edge off and removed some inhibitions. JP pulled me close to him; pressed up against his warm body, I could smell the accumulated sweat, lube, and hint of cum from our earlier fucking. I leaned in to kiss him; he accepted my tongue readily. "I want to get back in you," he said. "Feel all those loads up your hole." "I want you inside me. I want you to cum in me again." Through our sweatpants, I could feel his cock growing hard. Even soft, it was thick and heavy; hard, it was almost a monster. It was only the beginning of the weekend, and I wondered if I could take two more days of being fucking by dicks like this. But that was something to think about later. For now, I just wanted his cock back inside me. "Fuck me." "Hungry boy," JP said. He grabbed the bong off the table and handed it to me. "Do another hit for me. I want to see what you do when you're stoned." "Are you?" I asked. "After you," he said. I took the hint, and held the lighter by the bowl. I took a big hit, enjoying the sound of the smoke bubbling through the water. I held the hit as I handed the bong to JP. He followed my lead, and did another hit. We exhaled simultaneously, our bodies briefly hidden by the smoke. "Ready?" he asked. "Hell yeah," I said. He pulled me close, and pushed down my sweat pants, leaving me naked. My cock was sticking out, hard and erect, and my ass was exposed, ready for a man to penetrate it. "My turn," I said, and pulled his sweats down. He was wearing a jockstrap underneath them, the mesh fabric straining to contain his manhood. I ran my hand over the pouch. His cock was like a snake cornered, twitching and trembling, trying to escape from its constraints. "You want that, don't you?" "Yeah," I said. "I do." "You want to do it here? Or in the bedroom?" "Your choice," I said. All I cared about was when I got it; at this point, I would have bent over on a street corner if I thought it meant getting dick sooner. "Bedroom," he said. "Gotta keep tabs on Cal and Jon, before they get too crazy." I wondered what Jon and Cal might be doing that the four of us had not already done. "Come on," he said. He walked out of the dining room, taking off his jock strap and letting it fall to the floor. His ass was thick and muscular. I hadn't cum since this morning, and my cock needed relief just as badly as JP's did. I wanted to bury my dick deep inside JP and feel his warm hole wrap itself around my tool. Of course, I also wanted to shoot my load into him as well. I followed him into the bedroom. Cal and Jon were on the bed already, Cal's legs spread and up in the air and Jon already inside of him. The two of them had their arms wrapped around each other, and were whispering to each other. JP and I were far enough away that it was an indistinct murmur. "Guess we're on the couch," JP said, motioning me towards a black leather couch. It was at an angle to the bed, arranged so that we could watch the two men on the bed, or look out the window at the sunset. JP sat down on the couch, his erect shaft sticking straight up. "Come here boy," he said to me. I straddled him and pushed my ass back against his dick. "You want it?" he asked. I was facing him, staring into his brown eyes and studying his grey-flecked stubble. He was at that indeterminate age of "older:" perhaps early forties, maybe even a well-preserved sixties. But age didn't matter here; the only thing that did matter was his cock. It was nuzzled up against my hole, waiting to penetrate me. "Ready?" he asked. He didn't need to do any explanation of what he meant by that. We both had the same goal. "Yeah," I said. "Good." He put a hand on my waist, and reached around to guide his cock into my hole. His cockhead slid in, almost too easily. It was the fifth time I had gotten fucked that evening, and my hole was relaxed and ready. "Oh yeah," he said, as the head disappeared into my body. "Fucking nice hole. Fucking nice spermy hole." "Oh god," I moaned, feeling his manhood press into my body. "Oh fuck yes," "Give him what he needs," Jon called out, hearing my grunts and moans. "You know he can handle it." "Ignore him," JP said. He craned his neck, I leaned in, and we kissed. His stubble was rough against my face, but that was the way it should be. There was no mistaking he was a man as his thick cock pushed into me; the stubble only re-enforced that. "What do you need? What do you want?" "Your cock," I said. "Yes, boy?" he replied. He was laying claim to me, that much was clear from his tone, and it made me happy. I had always tried to control my fantasies. I had read so much on the internet: from groups to barebacking, from partying to leather, from bondage to role play, what turned me seemed limitless. I had been raised to be a good boy, and between the barebacking, the wine, and the pot, that short lifetime of indoctrination was quickly fading away. To be his boy, his personal toy seemed like the best thing I could do at the moment. "What else?" "Your load," I continued. He kissed me again, working his way down my face, throat, and finally reaching my smooth chest. "What else?" "Jon's cum." This time he didn't have to say a word. He just lifted his eyebrow, and I knew he expected more from me. "Cal's cum." "And?" "Anyone's cum." He smiled at me. Admitting I would take anyone's cum was a small price to pay. I would do anything to see that smile again. "That's my boy," he said, and kissed me gently. As soon as he broke off the kiss, he slammed his cock into me. "Cumhole," he said, as my body shook from the impact. He kissed me again. "Just how I like them. Innocent on the outside, perverted on the inside." "I try," I said. Jean-Paul's raw cock was remorselessly thrusting into me. That was the fundamental perversion of the night: I was letting another man bareback me. There seemed to be nothing more perverted or anything more transgressive than the simple act of two men having sex the way it had always been. The condom had so quickly become an inevitable part of sex that we, as men, had forgotten how unnatural it was. But, at the same time, until very recently, the condom was critical. Jon had told me that the entire family, Jon, Jean-Paul, and Cal, were all HIV-positive. "How long for you?" I asked, between bouncing up and down on JP's shaft. "I mean, being..." I hesitated. It was not my place to ask this deeply personal question. But, JP had his cock buried in my ass and was dripping pre-cum into me. There was not much that seemed to be off-limits between the two of us. "Poz?" JP asked. He pushed me down on to his cock, reminding me exactly who was fucking whom. "Yeah," I said. "When did you get it?" "Well. I found out twenty years ago. August 10th." "You remember?" "Some dates you never forget." "Do you know how you got it?" I asked. Once more, I wondered if I was getting too personal. But there was still the unmistakable presence of JP's manhood in my gut, leaking the virus he had acquired so many years ago into me. It didn't matter now; I was protected. But I was still curious. "I was younger. Lost. I had broken up with my college boyfriend, ten years after we had moved in together." He stared at me for a moment. "You want to hear the ramblings of an old man?" "Yeah," I said. It was the honest answer. I did want to hear his story. "Fucking hot older man. DILF." "Thanks. Anyway. I was lost after that. Started going to circuit parties. All-night, drug-fueled dance parties, a sea of almost naked, muscle men. Hooking up with the men I met there. It was all about living in the moment, giving ourselves over to pleasure. We knew the risks, but condoms were too much trouble." His gaze lost focus as the memories of those years hit him. At first, it was hard for me to tell if the memories were good ones or bad ones. But then, I felt his dick push deeper into me, lubricated by the steady drip of his pre-cum. "And?" I asked. "Two weeks after a party in Palm Springs, got really sick. Was in the hospital for a few days. They did the blood test, and found out why I was sick." "HIV?" "Exactly. I want to say finding out gave me the kick to make my life better. But it didn't. Not by a long shot. It made it worse. More parties. More drugs. More men. And now I no longer had to worry about catching anything. So more unsafe sex." "What about now?" Jean-Paul seemed so adult, so in control of his life that it was hard for me to imagine that he was once an out-of-control party boy. "I mean, it's not what you are now is it?" "Well. I'm a lot better now. There's still the occasional bit of fun." He pushed his cock into me; I was clearly the bit of fun for the night. "It wasn't until I met Jon that I really started to clean up and calm down. But that was nearly four years later." I kissed him. It was hard to think of anything else I could do in that moment to get closer to him. My body was pressed against his, my tongue was in his mouth, and his cock was in my gut. My cock was hard as a rock, thinking about everything he had done and the experiences I wanted to share with him. "Any regrets?" "About my life?" he asked. I nodded. "No. Can't have regrets. There's no opportunity to go back and fix things." This time he kissed me. We didn't have to say anything; even as young and innocent as I was, I intuitively understood what he was telling me. "But it's a lot easier now. You've got PrEP, and don't have to be afraid of the freedom." There was another pause. In the background, I could hear Cal and Jon fucking. "You?" he started. "Are you scared at all?" "Yeah," I said. "I was. I barely fucked until college. And even though I fantasized about barebacking, I didn't dare do it until today." "You trust it?" "Of course," I said. "It works. I read a lot about it, before I started." The first time I heard about it, it seemed too good to be true. A pill that would protect me. "And Jon told me a lot about it as well." JP grinned. "And I get to reap the benefits of it. You're a real barebacker now." "Yeah. I am. Not going back either." "That's what I like to hear from a man. Any other kinks you want to explore?" "Well, uh," I stumbled. I knew I shouldn't be ashamed of what turned me on, but I blushed when I thought about the porn I had downloaded and all of the freaky stuff I had jerked off and shot my load to. Besides barebacking, there was one thing that reliably got me off. "Yeah. There is." "Yes?" JP asked, arching his eyebrow. "But, um, well." I stopped again. I wondered what JP would say. I hadn't even talk about this with Jon, much less the husband I had only met a few hours earlier. "I always get off to bondage movies." As I said it, I hadn't realized how fast my heart was racing. "Bondage?" he asked. There was a hint of tension in his voice. He was playing his cards close to his chest; it was hard to tell if it was excitement or condemnation. "You mean, like rope and restraints?" "Yeah," I said. "It's just, just the way I am." "No," he said. "It's cool. Better, it's very cool." He leaned in, the smile on his face was conspiratorial. "Jon and Cal. Doesn't do anything for them. But me. Nothing gets me harder than tying up a boy." In my gut, it was hard to tell if the feelings were from excitement, or the white shaft of marble that was JP's cock slamming into me. "I've never done it before though," I said, scared that telling him the truth would turn him off. "Doesn't matter. We can go slow." He closed his eyes, slammed his cock into me, and let out a gusher of pre-cum. "The thought of you. Rope around your body. Tethered down. Straining against the shackles, but ultimately powerless. Fuck!" He pulled his cock out, then slammed it into me. "I want to do that. To you. With you." He opened his eyes and stared at me. My hand went to my dick, almost involuntarily. I was barebacking with a hot older man. A dirty old man who wanted to tie me up. A man who wanted to tie me up, and fuck me. It was too many jerk-off fantasies colliding into reality, and my cock was dripping precum. "You like that boy?" "Fuck yeah," I said. I was jacking my cock furiously now, at least two strokes for every stroke of JP's stiff cock. "You'd let me tie you up?" I nodded. "Make you totally helpless?" I nodded again. "You know, I could do anything I wanted to you." I nodded once more. "I know." I was not the only one edging ever closer to orgasm thinking about the possibilities. "Anything you wanted." His cock was deep in me. "I've already let you cum in me." Things slowed down for me. I could feel every tiny movement of his cock, even the faint throb of his heartbeat. "I know," he said. His cock penetrated a millimeter deeper into me. It hardly made a difference, but in the moment, it mattered. He was inside of me. Dripping in me. "I want to cum in you again." Pressed against my ass, I could feel his balls, full and heavy with cum. They pulled in to his body, getting ready for the impending orgasm. "Fill you with my load." "Do it," I said. "Fill me with your poz load." That needed to be said. As soon as I said it, time flipped. In less than the blink of an eye, JP had grabbed my hands, pulled them off my cock, slammed his own shaft far into my body, and for an agonizing moment, the world stopped. "Cum in me." "Fuck," he said, and a spurt of cum slammed down the length of his cock, directly into my body. It was quickly followed by a second one, and then a third. "Fuck," he said, before giving me a kiss, and shooting a fourth load of his dirty cum in me.
    2 points
  13. ***Okay, I toyed with a couple of ideas for this next bit. I'll post this one for now, and maybe later a slight variation if it works out the way I like.*** “So you want this fuckin’ AIDS seed?” he asked me. As if he even had to ask?! I had literally just got done fighting him for it. I began to swivel my hips and ride his stiff prick, desperate for another helping. “You’re so fucked up,” he said. “You know you’re going to get infected if you keep this up.” “That’s kind of the point,” I panted. Just as it seemed that he might be getting into it, he clearly had a powerful pang of guilt and he flung me off of him once again. “No! You can’t do this,” he protested, jumping up off of the bed. “I won’t do this to you. You seem like a really nice guy, I can’t be responsible.” “I am responsible!” I retorted. “So am I. I shouldn’t have given in the first time. I was weak, but I need to stay strong -that’s my responsibility ever since diagnosis.” He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me off of the bed, down the hall to the bathroom, where he shoved me into the shower, turned it on, and proceeded to practically rape my ass with the shower douche! “This might not help, but you’ll thank me in the morning,” he growled to me as I struggled against him. I might have had the upper hand when I was sitting on top of him, but standing up I was no match -he’s twice my size! When he was done with rinsing me out he dried me off, threw my clothes at me and dragged me out to the car. I had no idea where he was taking me -this was the strangest hook-up I’ve ever had. Five minutes later he was pulling up to the ER. What the fuck?! “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I moaned. “My buddy works in the ER. He’ll give you some pills to clear you. Come on,” he growled, hopping out of the car and coming around to my side when I didn’t bother to open the door. “If you were going to make me take these, why didn’t you just keep fucking me and let us both enjoy ourselves?” I complained. He seemed stumped. In his panic to take the weight of the toxic world on his shoulders, he didn’t even imagine he could just have fun for a while before getting me all medicated up. After a few minutes pondering, a slight grin pulled at his lips. “Fine, I’ll make you a deal. You go in and get the meds from my buddy, and when I take you home we can fuck again. Nothing to worry about at that point.” “Deal,” I replied confidently, the wheels in my brain already churning. “One more thing-” “What?” he sighed in exasperation. “Do you have a name or should I just call you ‘selfish asshole’?” He laughed. “Selfish asshole? Really?” “Well, that’s what I’ve been calling you in my head, so I just figured-” “Will. My name is Will.” “Fine. Will. I’m Stephen.” We walked into the ER, which was surprisingly quiet for that time of night. I would have figured all kinds of crap went down in the middle of the night. Knifings, shootings, overdoses. A seriously hunky doctor came straight for us, smiling at Will. “Will, what’s up?” “Hey, Josh. I need a little favor,” he said furtively, making a slight nod in my direction. “What’s the problem?” Josh asked. “We got a little carried away earlier and things got a little . . . unsafe,” he told his buddy as diplomatically as possible. “Can you give him that medication you told me about?” Josh smiled at me and said, “Sure, follow me. Will, you can stay here for a few minutes. Won’t take long.” I followed Josh to an exam room and he had me sit on one of those awful cushioned tables with the paper on top of it. And then he stared me down. “So, things got out of hand?” he leered. Subtle, why doesn’t he do the ‘wink, wink, nudge, nudge,’ too? “He came in me without a condom. I don’t see what the big deal is,” I blurted out. The look of surprise on his handsome face was priceless. “Well, you do realize that he has quite a high viral load at this point.” “I’m aware of that,” I told him coolly. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth and he tried to conceal it. He went to a cabinet off to my right to retrieve the medication they’d been discussing. As he reached up to the top shelf, the blue hospital issue shirt he wore under the white doctor coat hiked up and revealed a small biohazard tattoo just above his right hip bone. Interesting. Pills in hand, he turned back to me. I could see that the bulge in his crotch had started to stir and grow, not obscenely, but something had ticked his pulse up a notch. “So, it doesn’t bother you to have unmedicated men breed you?” he asked. I’m not into playing games so I told him boldly, “I love it.” His eyebrows shot up and his smile was huge. As was the bulge, now growing before my very eyes. “Tell you what, I’ll give you some of my own to take home with you as long as you take this in front of me,” he said, waving the packet of meds at me. “Fine,” was all I could say. Despite how brutalized my hole felt after that violent douching, it was twitching in anticipation. So was my dick, which was tenting huge in the front of my pants. I popped the pills in my mouth, turned around and waved my ass at him. I immediately felt his hands on my hips, and then he pulled my pants down to my ankles. “Off,” he ordered, so I lifted first one foot and then the other to shake myself free of my pants. Not about to waste any time, plus in a hospital we couldn’t know if someone would come looking for him, he quickly lined his dick up to my waiting hole. He teased the opening for a couple of seconds, and I could feel that his dick head was nice and fat, and then he shoved forward, driving at least half of his shaft into me. I groaned in my mouth, trying to contain myself so we wouldn’t draw attention to us. He held onto my hips and leaned back, watching his dick slamming in and out of my ravaged hole. Knowing that he was occupied with the view, I took the opportunity to spit the pills out that I’d pretended to swallow. I had held them between a couple of molars so that they wouldn’t dissolve at all in any of my saliva, and in my palm they were still fully in tact. “You guys must have had a good time,” he commented. “Your hole is bleeding.” I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised after that shower scene, but I was. “It is?” “Don’t worry, not a lot. But some streaks on my dick. Don’t matter, it’ll just lube your hole for my dick. And his. I assume he’s going to fuck you again after you leave here.” “That’s the plan,” I told him. “Then it’s a good thing we got you squared away now so you can settle in and enjoy yourself,” he said, picking up the pace and slamming me hard. “You want it?” “Give it to me,” I hissed. He stifled a low growl in clenched teeth as his balls erupted in my ass, flooding me with toxic seed. I was in heaven and I never wanted that feeling to end. But as with all good things . . . We straightened up, set our clothes properly, and exited the room as professionally as possible, no one the wiser as to what had just happened in the examination room. Josh walked me out to the waiting room and Will. They shook hands, smiled, and made a couple of minutes of small talk. “He’s all set,” Josh told him. “Have at it. Free pass tonight,” he told him slyly, turning to leave, but stopping to say his good-bye to me. “Thanks, doc. I really appreciate your bedside manner,” I said, unable to control my grin. We shook hands and then I turned to follow Will out, turning to see Josh staring at the pills I had slipped into his hand. He shook his head at me, but the smile on his face told me he wasn’t pissed, and the tent in his pants made his real feelings perfectly clear. He gave me a wink, and then pulled his white lab coat closed to conceal his hard-on, and then turned and left. Back in the car, Will looked over at me for a moment, then leaned across and planted a kiss on me that went all the way down to my toes. “See, it wasn’t so bad. Now we’ve got all night to enjoy and not worry.” If only he knew . . .
    2 points
  14. ATM is mandatory in my playroom. I want to go back and forth constantly while you are on the fuck bench. I have never been told that any of my bottoms have had an issue. I clean other top's cocks direct from ass before felching...and I have never had an issue at all. My men know how to clean deep and I use a lube (H20 Anal) that has no taste.
    2 points
  15. wow! i can't wait for more
    2 points
  16. i literally take hundreds of anonymous loads every month from total strangers.most of the time i don't even see the faces of the guys fucking me n breeding me.they just mount me from behind or I'm laying in a bathhouse sling blindfolded just letting guy after guy pump loads of cum into me.i don't know names, looks, ages, race, status or anything about what they look like or who they are.im just the community owned fuckslut that guys use for a cumdumpster.i get blindfolded at breeders apts usually and i take tons of loads in the bathhouse sling usually blindfolded plus the way the sling room is lit the bottom can't really see the tops fucking him and i don't see any of the guys that breed me on the fuckbench from behind and its dark when i take loads in porntheatres.i took over 100 loads last weekend and only saw 2 breeders faces.dont know their names either though.i can never get enough anonymous cum dumped in me by strangers. when i leave the bathhouse with 30-40 loads in me from a bunch of random strangers I'm so horny i go find more at an outdoor cruising spot or on grindr or bbrt.i have literally been fucked bareback and cum inside by hundreds and hundreds of nameless men i could never recognize
    2 points
  17. Game Quest: Part 2 About a week passed, and I had purposely stayed out of the game. Instead, I went onto the hook up site, Daddies4bois and altered my profile slightly so that it couldn’t be matched up with my gaming profile, changed my location to the other side of the country to provide a false sense of security to open up to a stranger, and then contacted him there. In the week that followed, we messaged back and forth all the while, probing him deeper about his fantasies and kinks, and joyfully having to explain to him many in the process. He was truly innocent, but had definitely been exposed to kinky vids and sites on the internet. What he didn’t know, I took it upon myself to educate or “expose” him to. During the process, what I discovered about him was innumerable, and his curiosity was never ending. Ah, to be 19 again. It was also a great opportunity to lead him to where I would want a boy to be: TPE slavery, group play, sm, and because of my newly acquired status, risky bareback sex and pozzing. The issue of HIV and barebacking brought up the most questions and he was the most apprehensive to barebacking. So, I barraged him with tons of videos and websites showing him how hot it would be for him if he was a poz sub boy for pervy daddies. Soon his questions abated and he began to ask if I had more vids about boys being “bred” raw. Of course I gladly obliged, and sent him vid after vid, happy that it looks like I got him hooked on the fetish and being a dirty little slut boy. After a week or two, I started to encourage him to actively reach out and look for someone local to hook up with for real, a dominate daddy figure that would own and take care of him. We talked about this for hours, and probed him about older guys he knew, that might serve as a good mentor. Then it happened. My phone rang, and I looked at the screen to see a local number that I didn’t know. I answered and sure enough it was the same voice I had heard many times in the online quest voice chats. “Hi.” said the voice in the loudspeaker. “Is this Dionysies?” “Is this Dionysies, what…?”, I responded. “That’s number 5 boy.” “Oh, I’m sorry Sir, I didn’t know we were still on the quest Sir.” “That’s ok boy.” I responded. “What’s up? I’m Rog by the way, but continue calling me ‘sir’ that works just as well.” “Thanks Sir, I’m Greg” “Did you still want to do cosplay with me Sir?” he asked. “Of course, boy the offer is still open. When are your free?” “I’m pretty much free all of the time Sir.” He responded sadly. “What about tomorrow then boy? I get off work at 5.” “That’s ok with me Sir, where will we go play Sir?” “You don’t have any costumes is that right?” “No Sir” “Well since you don’t have a costume, why don’t you come over here and you can borrow one of mine. You can choose whatever you like, I have some nice medieval ones.” “Cool Sir! I love medieval Sir! Castles and dragons and dungeons are so cool Sir!’ “I thought you might boy! Also tomorrow’s good ‘cause I can call some friends that I’ve played with before to see who’s free to join in.” I added. “They’re very experienced and would be happy to show you the ropes too.” “I don’t want to drag down the game, but I think I’m a quick learner Sir. Would they be ok with a newbie.” “Oh yes, very! I know them pretty well, and trust me, they will have no problem getting you into your role and leading you down the right path. As long as you prove as obedient as you do online, there’s not much else to worry about.” I giggled a bit here, but he continued with an enthusiastic: “OH cool Sir! It really sounds like fun!” “It definitely will be boy.” I said. “And by the way boy, that was number 6,” I chuckled. “I’m sorry Sir” he said then met my laugh. “It’s ok boy, you’re learning. Here’s my address… I’ll see you at 5:30, don’t eat we’ll take care of dinner as part of playtime. You can park your car in front of the garage.” “Ok Sir, I won’t Sir.” He hesitated, then added, “Sir, I don’t drive, I’ll be on my bike, I think it will take about 40 minutes Sir.” “That’s ok boy, there’s room for your bike,” I laughed, “just make sure you’re here by 5:30.” “Yes, Sir. I will Sir.” “Good boy” I said gently. “Now, we’ll see you tomorrow.” “Yes Sir.” “Good bye for now. Get plenty of rest tonight, real-life play is more physical than online quests.” “Yes, Sir, I will Sir. Good bye Sir.” I hung up the phone. Sweet!! I said to myself, everything is paying off, and mentally ran through everything I needed to get ready.
    2 points
  18. Who is ready for some hard ball throbbing cock deep in there hole? I know you want this Breederjock come and get what you are craving and enjoy the new life as one of my boy's
    2 points
  19. I was on a business trip and was horny as hell. I checked out a couple hook up sites but didn't get much response. Finally on Bbrts I got an oink and a note "breed me daddy". Hell yes. I messaged back that I was staying at a nearby hotel and had a king size bed and a hard Dick ready to fuck. He said he would be over in 15 min. He wanted to know if I had poppers. As a matter-of-fact I did. When he knocked on the door I was horny for ass. He was a few years younger than me and bearish. He started mouthing my cock through my underware. That got my attention. He got undressed and lay in the bed his head and mouth on my now naked crotch. He sucked a licked my cock as we both hit poppers. His swirling tongue had me moaning with pleasure. But I really wanted to breed. I lubed his hole and slid inside as he hit the poppers heavily. I love how his hole opened up for me. I was fucking and pumping and we both hit the poppers. I could feel my balls tingle and my load came roaring out as I buried deeper inside. I rolled off to take a break and he had his mouth on me again coaxing my cock hard. I love ATM. I had him roll over on his stomach and I started pumping in again. It felt so good. Did I say I love sloppy hole? It felt so wet from my previous load. We both hit the poppers again a I shot another load. All told we fucked for 2 hours and I gave him 4 cum injections. Each time he would suck me hard again using his tongue and mouth to get me rock hard. I slept well that night! Haha!
    2 points
  20. As I lay beside the boy he greedily licks my fingers clean of the bloodied cum and ass juices. “Well, well who have we here?” asks Grahame, the boy locks eyes with me sensing my confusion that we didn’t even to get to introducing ourselves blurts out “Liam…my name is Liam” “Well Liam, what brings you to our bed, sharing my boyfriend?” Liam looks worried but answers, “My cheating boyfriend. He’s obviously moved on to an ‘open relationship’ so this is a revenge fuck.” He turns his head and says “sorry” to me before continuing, “I thought I might as well knowingly get pozzed so I get IT out of the way and not worry about who I fuck in future.” I can’t help but notice Grahame’s cock is rock hard in his joggers with a sizable wet patch from copious amounts of pre-cum thinking that this 20 something years old jock is, ready and begging to be fucked full of HIV-positive spunk again. “Ha. That’s funny, you see I am a cheating husband too that got pozzed, knocked up my partner who’s just passed on my DNA to you” and turning to me says, “turned him from a cock loving cum slut in to a gifting TOP, who knew that would happen once he was made free?” “And looking at the POZ mess leaking from your hole and the blood on our sheets I recon you’re well and truly on your way to joining the brotherhood too” As the words spill from his mouth he is pulling off his shirt and dropping his joggers to reveal his prized possession a lovely 8” x 6” uncut cock that already is hard and twitching, flat against his stomach and has smeared glistening pre-cum over his hairy treasure trail. “As you’re here you might as well take my DNA from the source!” as an evil grin appears across his face as he approaches our new friend Liam "Yeah roll over, spread your cheeks and hole, let me get a couple of fingers in there, no need for lube, ah! three fingers sawing in and out,” Knowing my boyfriend’s technique those fingers will be circling round probing the soft inner reaches of Liam’s fuck chute and massaging his prostate driving him crazy. “You my friend, I'll have you gaping soon." All Liam could utter between moans was, "Fuck yeah, this feels amazing! Wreck my hole." "I see there's a lot of pink in the cum leaking around my fingers. Looks like Harry did some damage fucking you earlier, just makes it easier for our poz swimmers to get into your body and do their work.” “Jeez how many loads have you taken boy?” “Three…ummm…aaaah….so far” replies Liam pushing back further impaling his puffy hole on Grahame’s fingers as four long fingers are now opening Liam’s hole yet wider “You ready for more infected cum?" What could he say? There was only one right answer at this moment in time. "Yeeeeessss, Fuck Me, pleeeeeaaase." I slide off the bed to get a closer look as Grahame wanks his cock a couple of times before placing the angry purple head of his deathstick at Liam’s hole, teasing his ass lips and drooling toxic fluid all around his opening. "Ahhh ...yes" my partner says as the bulbous bellend pushes in and disappears into the fleshy crevice. Our boy is making involuntary little whimpers just like I do when Grahame’s thick dick squeezes past my ass muscles and pulls everything back as he withdraws, only to increase the sensations of pressure and fullness as he slowly inches more cock in. My mouth is dry and I feel slightly faint but I cannot take my eyes off my boyfriend’s dick fluidly moving in and out going deeper with each forward stroke as he gently rocks back and forth. “You ready for more boy?” I know Grahame is impatient as he can fuck for ages before cumming and doesn’t want to hold back any longer. A POZ man on a mission to infect a NEG bottom. “Fuck yeah” is the response as my partner leans forward, has his hand on Liam’s shoulders pulling him back as simultaneously he bucks his hips forwards to slide all 8 inches in balls deep. “How does that feel now all of me is buried deep in you boy?” “Ummmm….so good” coos Liam I watch both of them intently, and then my husband and I look into each other's eyes. "Fuck yea", he moans. I'm so turned on, I can feel my heart pounding and notice my tender and worn cock is stirring again demanding attention thicken with each heartbeat. I scoot on the bed, wriggle back downwards under Liam, whose hole is taking all the pleasure as Grahame’s rhythm picks up, as his shriveled penis bounces under his tummy and roll my head back to suckle on his shrunken cock. I’m sucking hard and swirling my tongue getting frustrated that I’m having so little effect so I reach up to Liam’s chest and begin tweaking and rubbing his nipples which has an immediate impact. Blood floods through his slab of meat as it grows and grows until its lodged down my throat cutting off air supply. I panic, feel faint as his cock is pushed yet further into me with each thrusting motion from behind. Tears, mucus and snot flow as I eventually wiggle free, chest heaving, gasping for air, panting hard as I recover, enough of that I manoeuvre further down the bed to watch mesmerised as Grahame’s big dick pistons in and out coupled to a heady mix of sweaty sex, cum and ass juices l could stay here forever. I’m brought back to reality as velvety lips engulf my cock. "Ahhhhhhh.... careful….ahhhh... so tender" I moan as he works my cock. To take my mind off the soreness l tug and squeeze on my fellah’s big cum laden shaved balls as he lets out a long moan making me smile as I watch them grow and turn red in my hands eliciting a further moan letting me know he’s in heaven receiving all this attention. I know I am as Liam deep throats my hard on but no matter how hard he tries my balls are drained dry and I am not going to cum anytime soon. I am happy just wanting to watch my man fucking Liam getting bred over and over taking part in his conversion although as I watch I am beginning to feel jealous. My hole is desperate for attention right now, and I’m so hungry to bottom again I don’t care if it’s from a cock or a tongue especially as I hear Grahame hunch over Liam and say, “I’m getting close” “Stop!” I say and waste no time climbing from under Liam to squatting down presenting my hole right in front of Liam’s face. I feel his hands and then his face gets knocked in to my butt as Grahame’s dick serves him well and forces into Liam’s open hole again and I groan loudly as his tongue slides up to my asshole but I’m aching to be fucked and bred by Liam’s big cock. Next I feel wet fingers rubbing my asshole – it feels good. “Ahhhhhhh… yeah, time for a daisy chain” I moan “Fuck yea babe” I hear from behind “That’s what you need… some thick dick?” I nod vigorously pushing back on Liam’s fingers as the two disengage and pull me to the end of the bed, I step off, bend over, head down, ass up dying to be fucked. Liam lines up behind me and I feel his wet cock touching my hole, then pushes all 9 inches in to my well used hole, holding it for a moment as my ass stretches and contracts around his cock. From behind I hear Grahame say “you been missing my POZ cock you bugchasing slut, wanting to get knocked up, huh?" "Yeah, do it. Poz me up." Says Liam as more movement from behind forces his dick deeper in me. "I'm all the way in…does that feel good boy…more Poz cock for your Neg ass?" "Oh fuck ... oh fuck ..yeah” as I feel Liam’s body shake at the intrusion as Grahame starts riding the boy with his cock throbbing and leaking precum deep inside of him as the daisy chain fucking slowly begins. Grahame has his long toxic cock halfway into Liam leaving him room to fuck himself in to me and then back fully onto Grahame. We got a good rhythm going, with my fellah’s cock forcing what’s left of my dirty load deeper with each stroke to do it deed. Liam picked up the pace going back and forth, into the ass and onto the cock, balls slapping, heat building, his stamina impressive as he worked up a sweat fucking into me and then impaling himself on Grahame’s Poz cock. The pounding is hard and fast just as I love it, I’m in absolute ecstasy with Liam’s uncut cock drilling my hole. To keep pace, he’s holding on tight, nails digging in my flanks. The whole scene had him so fucking worked up hurtling towards sensory overload “I won’t last long. Fuck! I’m getting close,” Liam tells us. “I’m getting ready to breed your guts,” he almost screams into my ear. “Yeah do it, fill me up…cum…I need it!” I shout back like a good bottom should Further behind we hear, “Are you ready for my poz cum in your ass? I’m gonna fill your fucked-up hole up with it.” “Oh fuck yes, I can’t wait any longer…I’m gonna shoot…OH FUCK I’M FUCKING CUMMING!” Liam bellows, shoving all the way in me and shooting his cum, spraying my needy guts in an explosive climax. Surely his sphincter was contracting tight around Grahame’s thrusting dick alternating between squeezing and milking the deadly load out “You want this load?” “Yes … yes … fuck yeah… I want it” Getting off on the verbals Grahame says “What do you want?” as he rams in hard doing as much damage as possible, “Beg for IT” “Fuck … fuck ... I want it, I want your load, I want your POZ load”. I could tell Grahame was close now, past the point of no return. He plunges his cock hard “here it comes, boy... You're getting my cum!" Lucky Liam, I know he will be feeling Grahame’s thick vein on the underside of his cock expand and flex as it propels the explosion of infected cum in his guts. I know he’s doing his best to make sure that his life altering DNA finds its way into Liam’s bloodstream where it will take hold – another HIV+ bareback bottom is born. We disentangle and see where Grahame pulled that a dollop of my deadly dark pink sperm hangs from the gaping opening of the hole, “Hot” we simultaneously whisper. Panting and dripping in sweat Liam is quickly down from his climactic high by asking, “Can I do the honors of cleaning your cocks?” Fuck, what a pig we have created here!
    2 points
  21. 5. To the Elbow Duncan McCain's hands are much larger than Samuel's. Where Samuel's long figures thrilled Tucker when they curled into a first and uncurled across his prostate, Duncan's hands are having trouble getting through with even three fingers in his initial sphincter. Yeah, that much bigger. "I cannot do it, Master Samuel," he say. "The boy's much too tight for me fleshy paws. Sir Eli, might ya have a speculum on the premises?" "Certainly. A regular one and then a horse speculum, but I don't think we'll need that." He immediately goes over to the side table, opens the cabinet doors and withdraws one about six inches long. "I think this will do." He brings it over and looks down at the boy in the sling. "This is necessary, boy, for us to get you to the next stage, but you're going to enjoy every minute of it." Tucker's in a daze and peers up at Elijah and accepts what he says at face value not really knowing what he means. He instantly feels a cold, hard sliver of metal enter him. He looked down and observes Duncan's concentrated face, slowly pushing in the metal object. Duncan's expression is one of determination and enjoyment. You could tell he prefers being on this end of things rather than on the receiving end, rather than being an object taking other's cock on the fuck bench. The metal object's expanding, spreading Tucker's hole open, stretching him and exposing him like he's never even conceived of being exposed before. How perverse it is to have these men gathered round and watched as Duncan twisted the speculum open. One inch, two inches, then up to almost a three inch spread, enough in the spot light to illuminated Tucker's pink guts. He can't clamp shut if he wanted to. Each time he squeeze it elicits a murmur from the men. There's a lot of grease coating the hole, but still a lot of flesh that the men don't hesitate to stick fingers in and feel Tucker's colon inches deep. Brenner brings a candle over for all of them to peer deeply. Brenner tips the candle enough for a single drop of wax to hit Tucker's open sphincter. The boy hollers in shock. Elijah give Brenner a single look, and Brenner falls back behind Samuel. The metal has warmed and once the stretching's finished he feels excited that he's on display. Alan Riggs ambles up close and aims his flaccid dick at Tucker's hole. It takes a good few minutes for him to start his stream, but once it flows, it flows hard and strong. The warmth creeps over Tucker of the sensation of a fierce trickle peeing on one wall then the other. He not that out of it to know another man is urinating inside of him. Judging by his dick he's liking it. He' being used as a toilet and he sticks a finger in his hole to feel it starting to fill up. Duncan, too, is coaxing his hole to absorb the stream. He flutters two finger in the hole, pushing the flesh up and down, letting it drain deeper inside Tucker's track. "Think I'm needing to relieve the lizard, too. Would you mind, lad, if I used you like the toilet I know ya are?" Tucker smiled a devilish smile, which perks up Duncan's cock to no end. It's isn't at full hard on but engorged nonetheless. Duncan stand with his cock readied at the speculum entrance, then when he feels ready to start a piss, he slips several inches of his tool into Tucker's channel. The cockhead easily exceeds the six inches of the instruments, and in silent agreement Tucker clamps down on Duncan's mushroom head. Bearing down creates a secret seal between the boys. Several silent minutes pass with pleasure written all over Duncan's and Tucker's face. Tucker doesn't expect this sensation, however. Very quickly he feels himself getting higher. The euphoria he feels is like a jolt of adrenaline. His heart kicks up, and the sense of Duncan's head in his ass make him start to rock on his cock. His carnal feeling toward Duncan increases. With the contraption in his ass a true fuck isn't in the cards, but the residual effect of this piss makes him horny for whatever was next. He won't have to wait long. The speculum first is released, then carefully withdrawn. "Let see how ya feel now, boyo. Oh, aye, a nice stretch ya had, didn't ya?" "It feels so good, please take my hole, Duncan." Duncan starts with three figures, then easily adds a fourth, and then his thumb. His entire paw's still large for Tucker's newly fisted hole, but the chem piss that's coursing through him, is compelling him to ride the fleshy part of the thumb up and over, enjoy the discomfort, and quickly guide the hand pummeling down his chute. The sphincter closes on the wrist pushing the hand rapidly inside. He gasped at it girth and rapidity of which he's taking Duncan's hand. Duncan let it sit there while Tucker adjusts to what now felt like a giant potato in his ass. But it isn't a damn potato, is it? It's Duncan's hot fucking hand, and he couldn't be more pleased that it was this handsome guy that he now sees in the mirror above starting to slide in and out, slowing at first, but quickening the pace once Tucker can take it. When the rhythm's established Duncan begins taking him on the ride of his life. The swinging of the sling helps. He can see Tucker's not interested in him being gentle, and he's happy to oblige. New to fisting himself, introduced a few months ago when Samuel took him over the brink in this very sling, he knows traditionally it's part of S&M. It was only late in the seventies it was ruined by a book called Trust, which put the bottom in charge. He's learned Elijah and Samuel, coming out of the tradition of the Catholic church, that it's up to the Top to determine the pleasure/pain ratio, not the bottom, and it only advances a fistee to be able to take a fist deeper and wider, when the Top is in change. It seems like Tucker instinctive acknowledges this. Tucker closes his eyes and feels how much he could let Duncan penetrate him. As much, in fact, as Duncan wanted. A little at first, but when Master Eli brakes some amyl under his nose he feels himself not only open up to Duncan, but he's bearing down so that Duncan is able to get in him deep on each swing. Soon he's riding half of Duncan's forearm, and as he's preparing himself to bear down even more for the deepest invasion he can, his senses suddenly turn inside out when Duncan takes back control of the ride and ejects his entire hand out of his ass. His audible gasp takes the other by surprise. He yells to the ceiling not in pain but with elation. Another new sensation, during a night of new sensations, is born and he wants it again. "Oh, fuck, man. Do that again, sir." Mmm, Duncan liked the sound of "sir" and positions all his fingers together, and in one move, conquers Tucker's hole in a single stab. The hole's more than willing and he enters him and delves deep and once again withdraws it quickly. Tucker gasped again and flares his hole for Duncan to re-enter, which is exactly what Duncan does. The boy's hole is loosening and in so doing is putting the innards of his hole on display each time he's exited. Master Eli comes around to view the blossoming hole. "Nice. Look at those lips." He hooks a finger on the edge of Tucker's sphincter and pulls it open to show the others the beginning of a bloom. "Close your fist. See if he can take that." "He's just staring to open. Dunnot know if he's ready." But Duncan curls his fingers anyway. Samuel applies a handful of lube over his knuckles and wrist, and Duncan pushed hard at Tucker's entrance. It isn't going to be accepted until Eli brakes another cap under his nose. He holds it steady for Tucker, telling the boy to keep breathing in. On the third inhalation, the fist brakes through, as much from Tucker opening as Duncan pushing, and Tucker voices an intense rush of exhilaration. He holds up a hand to beg Duncan to let him adjust, but Duncan denies him, stays in charge, punching in deep, then pulling out quickly, and punching in again while he knows the lad's still rushing on the amyl. Tucker's letting out the usual "oh, fuck, oh, fuck," but soon it's turning into, "yeah, punch my fucking hole. Make it a slopping cunt." Duncan's sees Tucker's turned the corner to the dark side of fisting, not sensual but destructive. Samuel's taught him well. Duncan's right there, having led him to this next phase, with Tucker ready to get his hole wrecked. "Fuck yeah, pig. Gonna turn that hole into a gaping maw." Duncan whispers. "Yes, sir. Punch my cunt!" And they start trading fuck yeahs, and please more, back and forth, under their breaths, until Tucker is pushing out his hole to meet each of Duncan's punches. His lips spread wide and arch for Duncan's hand. Every now and then Duncan keeps his hand inside and drills him open further, twists and pistons, sending Tucker into heights of ecstasy. This lets Tucker open not only with his lips flapping when he finally pulls out of him, but allows his punches rhythmically landing deeper and harder, taking in almost three-quarters of his forearm. It's a mighty hard two handed punch he's gotten into, and all the men are dripping in the erotic air of a virgin hole being willingly raped in the light of the flickering fire. The ritualism is not lost on any of them. They view Tucker as a sacrifice and a totem of their belief in absolute pleasure. Samuel can't take it any more. He's spouting his long slender cock, foreskin entirely stretched back, and he saddles up to Tucker's ass. "Jack me off in him, boy. The cunt is perfect!" He slips his member inside and waits for Duncan to slide back to the entrance and grip him in at the entrance. The rectum is stretched larger than it's ever been tonight, taking both fist and cock, and Tucker's riding the trail of dopamine of his first punch fisting. He's ready and eager to have a cock and fist in him together, so much so Samuel can keep pressing until not only is his cock inside Duncan's fist but, with Duncan's help, both his balls falls into the receptive hole. Duncan's greasy paw has no trouble finding Samuel's balls and he's squeezing the hell out of them, Samuel not minding one bit. Duncan slathers him in grease, clamping down hard on the invading cock and balls. "Oh, fuck YEAH!" shouts Samuel. Elijah comes up behind Duncan and starts playing with his nipple. Riggs is getting too excited by the spectacle. He crawls on all fours under the sling and begs Duncan to fist him too. It's a circus act as Elijah grease Duncan's hole and slips his major P.A. inside the red head's slender ass. Brenner slaps his dick on Tucker's gasping mouth and the men become one orgy beast: fucking, fisting, jacking, sucking one central figure. And that central figure is wailing and moaning like a slut, with a cock in his mouth, nips tweaked, a fist holding his ass wide open, and a cock ejaculating and slathering his walls with cum. A hard slam, a breath from Samuel, then a second later another round of piss for Tucker's butt. Samuel jacks Tucker's cock lying in front of him and the boy, feeling every orifice filled, his brain recognizing he's being used as a cumdump and toilet, and with Duncan's arm now freed of Samuel's cock, is going up to his elbow. The last three inches easily open up and Duncan is fisting inside Riggs sloppy cunt and at the same time quickly into Tucker's newly stretched hole. When he gets to the crook of his arm he sees Tucker watching the entire spectacle in the mirror, and Tucker can't hold himself back. Tucker shoots and hits the mirror above and then with Eli fucking his own hole, Duncan shoots hands-free, spraying Tucker in the face. He's right in the center of where he wants to be. Eli rises on his toes filling Duncan with cum, which combined with Riggs and Brenner's early slop, white juice runs down his legs. Brenner floods Tucker's mouth with a river of spooge. Tucker relishes the taste and the sight of his face covered in cream. He licks his lips ready for what's next.
    2 points
  22. PART I In the summer of my senior year in high school, I had just turned 18, I suddenly started looking less like a boy and more like a man. I gained 20 pounds of muscle, jumping two full weight classes on the wrestling team. My chest became muscular and defined almost overnight. My boyish stomach developed into six distinct muscles that flexed and tightened on demand. In addition, my ass wasn’t flat anymore - it was a genuine bubble butt, a jockboy muscle ass. Even my dick seemed to get fatter and longer. Girls started noticing me. And something else started happening, also: when I walked around town, the occasional man would shoot hungry glances at me, devouring me with his eyes. The truth is, I wanted to be devoured, and every night, when I quietly jacked my dick under the covers, I’d think about my wrestling coach, Mr. Pitt. He was in his late 30s, with jet-black hair and dark, playful, wolfish eyes. He always had a thick layer of scruff on his square jaw, and his torso was just fucking perfect: I’d never seen him with his shirt off, but he definitely had a hairy chest, and his hard pecs were always visible under his tight-fitting polo shirt. From the moment I met the guy, I jacked off almost every night wondering what his cock looked like, imagining what it would be like to touch that chest, that hair, those nips. The assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Strickland, was every bit as hot. A former college wrestler now in his mid-20s, he was a dirty-blond, green-eyed Midwestern jock dude with a massive bulge in his crotch. One time I happened to see him playing basketball shirtless, and I just stopped and stared: his schlong bounced up and down in his loose gym shorts, and his muscled chest was covered with a sexy layer of dark-blond fur. Coach Pitt and Coach Strickland—the brown-haired dude and the blond guy. They were like the Hardy Boys, all grown up, strutting around the halls of our high school with their dress pants stretched tight around their cocks. At the beginning of my senior year, Coach Pitt started paying a lot more attention to me. He made me team captain. He and I would often demonstrate wrestling moves together, and sometimes his hand would linger on my ass after he’d pinned me to the mat. And like all team captains at our school, I was responsible for helping him clean up the equipment after practice - which meant that I got to the locker room 30 minutes late every night, after all my teammates were gone. Then I’d shower by myself, get dressed, and head home. But something funny happened about a week before Christmas: after my shower, I was toweling off in front of my locker, bending over the bench to grab my briefs. And I swear I felt someone staring at me. I turned back toward Coach Pitt’s office, but he was concentrating on some paperwork at his desk. I began slipping my briefs up my calves and thighs, snapping the elastic around my butt, and again I sensed someone was watching - but when I looked up, Coach Pitt wasn’t looking at all. I figured my mind was just playing tricks on me. The next night was even weirder. After I got dressed, I walked past Coach Pitt’s office. His office was composed of two rooms: the front room facing the lockers, and a back room suited for physical therapy and private meetings. The door to the backroom was just barely open, and through the crack I could see Coach watching something on a computer. His back was turned to me, but as I looked closer, I could see that it was porn. And not just any porn - it was gay porn. From what I could tell, Coach Pitt had both of his hands on his cock, jacking like crazy to a scene where some dude was pounding a tight muscle hole. But then he suddenly froze in place, as if he could sense me watching. He tilted his head to the side, listening. And before he could turn around, I ducked out of the locker room and into the night. The next day was the last day of school before Christmas break. As I showered up, Coach Pitt poked his head into the shower room. “Hey, buddy,” he said. I looked over at him. He was only wearing a towel loosely draped around his hips. I stared at his perfect hairy chest, his taut abs, the dense thicket of hair just above his cock bulge. His body was even hotter than I’d imagined in all my jack-off fantasies. A few moments passed before I realized that I was staring. Startled, I looked toward the wall. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Lance,” Coach said, cracking a devilish grin. “Do you mind if I shower in here? The shower in my office is on the fritz.” I shrugged, trying not to reveal my excitement. “Cool,” I managed to croak. He swaggered to the opposite wall and turned on a showerhead. Meanwhile, my cock, no longer a boy’s little dick, but a man’s cock, fat and veiny, began to throb and grow. Then I heard his voice “You’re looking really great these days, Lance.” I turned around to look at him, and saw something I hadn’t even dared to see in my dreams. Coach Pitt stood under a full stream of water, his eyes closed, his face turned upward into the shower, shampoo streaming down his torso, down his abs. As my eyes descended down his body along with the water and the suds, I saw that everything was cascading around his giant cock. He was completely hard. His beautiful dick extended a full nine inches from his abs - a man’s cock, that made me feel like a boy all over again. Panicked, I turned back to stare at the wall. My dick was also now totally hard. I wasn’t sure what to do. Then Coach Pitt spoke. “Hey, Lance? Everything okay?” After a moment’s hesitation, I rotated my torso to face him, trying to hide my giant boner. He was still standing underneath the water, but now his legs were shoulder-width apart, his hands tweaking his nips, his hard cock visibly twitching. And there was a big ol’ grin on his handsome, scruffy face. I stared openly. I didn’t want to say anything. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake myself up. “You have the cutest fuckin’ butt, dude,” he said, reaching down to yank on his dick. “I’ve jacked my cock so many times thinking about your little jock ass.” He paused, then smiled. “You like my dick, huh? I knew you were a little cockhound the moment I saw you at your first practice back in freshman year.” I kept staring. He let out a low chuckle, then gripped his cock with his hand, the muscles in his forearm tensing as he began jerking off in front of me. “You wanna touch my dick, Lance?” he asked. “It’s cool, buddy. Just say it. You wanna touch Coach’s cock, huh?” I nodded. “What was that, boy?” “Yes, Coach, I want to touch your dick.” His smile got even bigger. “Good boy,” he said. “You smoke weed?” “Yes, Coach.” “C’mon, then,” he said. “Let’s go to my office. Hang out. Have a little fun. Cool?” “Yeah, OK,” I said, my body shaking with excitement. I followed him through the front office and into the back office. He closed and locked the door, then turned to face me. He brushed his hand against my chest, then reached around to the small of my back, drawing me closer to him. I could feel the heat of his breath. “Actually,” he said, “wanna try something even more fun than pot?” “Sure, yeah,” I answered. At that point I would have done anything - absolutely anything - to keep this dream from ending. He walked over to a desk drawer, opened it, and removed a glass pipe. “You’ll like this, buddy,” he said. All I could do was nod. I couldn’t believe I was standing in Coach Pitt’s office, the two of us in nothing but towels. “Here: put it to your mouth. I’ll light it. Wait. Just wait for it. You’ll see a little wisp of smoke coming out of this hole here, and then you start inhaling. Now. Start. Good boy. There you go. Keep inhaling. Good.” I blew out a cloud of white smoke. “Do it again,” he said. I obeyed. And a third time. And a fourth. Then he took the pipe and lit it for himself, blowing the smoke into my mouth, then kissed me, his beard rough against my lips. He growled, asking “How ya doing, buddy?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. My head was buzzing. My cock was unbelievably hard. And something in my butt - well, it almost ached. Like the beginning of a hunger pang I’d never felt before. Coach Pitt dropped his towel, then removed mine. He stepped closer, rubbed his nips against mine, his cock against my stomach. Then he kissed me as his hands wandered down to my jock butt, each hand on an asscheek, spreading my hole. I arched my back just a little bit, and my ass spread wider. He grinned. “That smoke made your hole hungry, huh?” I nodded, and he laughed again. “I’ve got a confession, boy,” he said. “My office shower’s actually working. I just wanted an excuse to get naked with the hottest little stud on my wrestling team.” He leaned in to kiss me again, and this time I kissed him back, hungrily. He growled as his fingers hovered over my hole. “You ever take a man’s cock in this sweet little cunt?” I shook my head. He pulled me closer, grinding his abs against mine. “You gonna give up your smooth, pink, tight virgin ass to Coach? Let Coach dick you deep, slap his balls against your ass, pound you like the sweet hungry fagboy you are?” “Yes, Coach.” “Yes Coach what?” “Please fuck me, Coach. I want your dick inside me so fucking bad.” “Thatta boy," he said, then paused. He lowered his voice. "You gonna make Coach wear a rubber?” I didn't answer right away. Everyone's supposed to use rubbers, right? But then Coach slipped his hand back around my butt and spread my fuck hole with two fingers. “Your Coach fucks the way men are supposed to fuck. Raw. Natural. I want to feel the skin of my fat cock head splitting your little jock butt wide open. I want to feel the heat and hunger of your virgin hole against my bare dick. And you’ll let me do that, won’t you? Because you’re Coach’s good boy. Right, Lance?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me the way you want.” “That’s what I like to hear. A true bottom boy surrenders his hole to raw dick. That right?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me raw.” “And I won’t pull out until I’ve pounded my boy’s hole full of seed.” I don’t know why, but with those words I almost shot my load without even touching myself. Coach saw my eyes get big, and he grinned. “See? You know, and somehow you’ve always known, that a man’s cum is what you need in this sweet little butt. I want to train my boy to spread his boy hole for cock. Beg for seed like a good bottom. The best bottom.” “The best bottom,” I murmured, nodding. “Let’s get you cleaned out, boy. I’ll show you how to get your ass ready for Coach.” With that he took me back to his private shower and pointed to a little red plastic bulb. “This has some liquid in it already,” he said to me. “It’s a homemade recipe to help my boy get ready for dick.” He reached down, spread my pink hole a little bit, and inserted the tip of the douche. Then he gave a hard squeeze. “Clench your butt, Lance. Keep it up in there.” At first I didn’t feel anything, but then my head began to tingle, and my dick twitched, and I felt a warmth and a deep, dark hunger radiating out from my guts. My butt seemed to pulse with a need to be touched, licked, fingered, fucked, filled. Coach Pitt smiled. “You feel that?” I nodded. “That, boy, is what it’s like to douche with your Coach’s slam piss. You don’t know what slam piss is, but you will. Enjoy the ride. Just enjoy it. But keep your hole nice and tight. Nice and tight for Coach. Good boy.” He turned me around, cautioning me “Keep that hole tight,” as he rubbed his cock up against my crack, adding “You’ve got some fur on this hole, boy.” I nodded. Just a few months earlier I’d started to get hair around my ass, and just a little bit on my chest. “Listen,” he said. “I love a furry hole on a man. But a boy like you? A boy getting his cherry popped? That boy needs a smooth fuckin’ pussy. You OK with me shaving your boy hole, Lance?” “Yes, please.” “Yes, please what?” “Yes please, Coach.” While his chem piss continued to radiate waves of pleasure all over my body, Coach smeared shaving cream on my ass. Then I felt the brush of a razor against my hole, and as he shaved me, I swear I could feel every hair surrendering to his blade. “There you go, buddy,” he said, slapping my ass. “Now go release that special brew that Coach squirted up your hole, then come back and I’ll fill you with the rest.” After a second dose of slam piss flooded my guts, Coach handed me the little bulb and told me to finish up. “And then you know what happens?” he asked. I smiled eagerly, responding “You fuck me, Coach?” “Not quite yet. First we’re driving back to my place, and we’re gonna hang out with Coach Strickland. He’s dying to see your boy hole. Would you like that?” “Fuck YEAH.” “Such a good boy. You want both of your coaches to pound you full of their seed, huh?” “Fuck YES. Please, Coach.” He paused. Then he drew me closer to him, kissed me, and brushed his beautiful dick across my abs. I could feel the pulse of his cock, so full of blood. I looked down at his massive, swinging balls, so full of cum. Then I heard his voice again. “I want to hear you say, ‘Please knock me up, Coach.’” “Please knock me up, Coach.” “Good. Now: ‘Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.’” “Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.” “Good boy. And finally: ‘Make me yours forever.’” “Make me yours forever.” “Very good, boy. Now go clean up. We’re gonna make this the fuck of your life.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  23. Making My Dreams Cum True I went to a leather bar in New York, dressed in my leather chaps, vest and cap. I had been there several times, hoping on each occasion to hook up with one particular very hot Leather Man. We had eyed each other a few times, but nothing had happened. This particular Friday night I intended to try harder, so I wore a worn, tight pair of 501s which displayed my tight ass quite well. Shortly after entering the bar, I headed to the men’s room, and in the process brushed-up against him as he lounged against the bar. Sure enough he followed me into the restroom, and stood at the urinal next to me. Naturally, my cock immediately came to attention and, upon noticing it, he drawled “Boy, that cock sure looks good, and your butt looks even better!" I replied “I’d sure like your cock to know my tight hole better.” Giving me a somewhat sinister look he asked “You bareback?” “Well, I’ve never been barebacked, but you’re so hot I think I just might. If you’re safe.” “Yeah, I’m safe,” he replied, and with that we agreed to meet the following night at his place. Finally Saturday night arrived. All day I had been both excited and leery of barebacking with him, but the thought of playing with him took control. At least that’s what my asshole seemed to be saying as it twitched throughout my day time activities. When I arrived at his apartment he gave me a drink to relax, and it definitely worked. In short order I was so fucking horny I don’t think I had ever before felt so excited. Looking back, I’m sure he had spiked my drink, just to put me in the mood to have my neg hole used raw. He took me down into his dimly lit dungeon where a leather sling hung next to a leather draped which was illuminated by two large candles on opposing sides of the table. He instructed me to lay in the sling. I eagerly complied, and within seconds found myself restrained. He opened a drawer which was filled with toys. My cock remained rock hard as I anticipated the pleasures that were before me as he selected a large dildo and slowly worked it up my quivering hole. Man, I was utterly overwhelmed in sexual excitement, and naturally wanted more and more, so I was not all that surprised when I found myself begging for his raw cock, which only made him ply my hole all the harder. Even so, after thoroughly loosening up my ass, he slowly and deliberately removed his leather cod piece, and then lowered the sling so he could straddle over my mouth, ordering me to slowly lick his cock and announce my desires. So I found myself speaking to his cock, telling it I wanted, no, I needed hot cum in my hole. Slowly his cock began to rise. Damn, it was unbelievably large – perhaps as much as nine inches of pure man muscle, when fully erect. Fuck, I needed to be fucked. Perhaps reading my mind, he raised the sling into position over the leather draped table, and positioning the candles to provide the necessary lighting, he used a pre-prepared turkey baster to insert a white liquid into my ass, pausing briefly only to explain the liquid was cum that he had saved-up just for the occasion. Damn, I was so ready to receive his hot hard cock deep within my ass. Involuntarily I found myself begging to feel it, and to my pleasure he positioned himself at the entrance to my hole and whispered “What do you want?” “My ass full of your cum,” I whispered in reply. He slowly worked his cock into my ass, sliding it in and out, preparing it for his eventual assault. “This is only the beginning,” he advised as he varied his pace and the angle of insertion, giving me a wide range of sensations to enjoy. As the tension increased, again I found myself begging for his load, but he cautioned me saying “Not so fast. You’ve gotta earn the right to enjoy my gift. And that means I’m in charge.” With that he withdrew, and inserting the turkey baster again into my ass, he forced additional cum into my hole, but this time he used a small brush to work it in deeply. Fuck, what a feeling! To be filled with man cum, lubing my hole in preparation for his raw cock. Damn! It was like being fucked for the first time, all over again! After he had vigorously abraded my hole, the brush bristles were pink with my blood. “Your hole is ready to receive my man cum. Is this what you want?” “Absolutely,” I replied. My hole was in desperate need of his cum. With that he pushed his rock hard cock deep into my ass. Again he asked "What do you want?" “Your cum,” I replied, as he fucked deeper and deeper. “Again,” he demanded. “I need your cum, Sir." “Well then, you will receive it. If you truly want the seed of lust, Boy. You do know what I mean, don’t you Boy? "Yes, Sir, your seed,” I replied. “You know my seed is special, don’t you, Boy. That it’s charged hot seed. You want my special seed in your hole, don’t you, Boy?” My hole twitched and tightened on his cock in acknowledgement. I was absolutely ready to be blessed with his seed, but he slowed the assault on my hole, and delayed gifting me, asking yet again “Are you willing to take my poz load deep into your ass and to be almost certainly be converted?” My hole relaxed as if to let him drive his cock home Damn! I was gonna get a poz load! My hole rejoiced with excitement beyond anything I had known before. I looked directly into his intense eyes and shot my final neg load all over myself as, with a final thrust, he announced “As you wish, Boy. Here’s my poz seed!” blowing volley after volley of his charged load deep into my ass. The next weekend, four of his friends would each blow his load into my ass – just as a reward to me for being such a good bottom boy. Ah, if only in my dreams!
    1 point
  24. “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned,” I gasped as the thick uncut dick pushed through the gloryhole cut into the wood of the confessional, then through my outer ass ring. “You have not sinned yet my son,” Father Adelmo said, “But I see from the arch of your back that you are about to. Here, snort this white manna, feel the burn, and let Brother Roberto give you your penance.” The legend of El Dorado - originally El Hombre Dorado (the golden man) - changed over time and went from being a man, to a city, to a kingdom, and then finally an empire. Yet here I was, on the outskirts of Miami, seeking a way to my El Dorado, my golden man, the man who could infect me with CRF19 - the most virulent strain of AIDs in the Western Hemisphere. The thick wood wall held firm as Brother Roberto slammed his 10-inch dick through the velvet covered hole and into my ass raw. I was happy to take whatever penance he offered as long as it got me closer to my goal - closer to the bug - closer to CRF19. My journey began in 2015 when the United States and Cuba restored diplomatic relations after 50 odd years of being enemies. Soon after the doors had reopened between our two countries, reports started appearing on some of the fringe news sites of a dark virus. ‘CUBAN DEATH MARCH’, ‘COMMUNIST PLAGUE’, ‘AMERICA AT RISK FROM VIRAL ATTACK - FIDEL’S LAST TRY’, and more. By the time some of the mainstream news and government sources reported the information, the headlines were not quite so inflammatory, but gave me a fucking hard on nonetheless. CRF19 was an aggressive strain of AIDs so far only found in Cuba. No one knows why exactly yet and just fucking Google if you want to read the conspiracy theories from it's a legacy of the aliens who founded Atlantis, to John F. Kennedy’s ‘FUCK YOU’ to the Cuban people. What mattered to me were the words, “...aggressive strain...combination of sub-types A,C, D,..a recombinant strain that progresses to AIDs THREE TIMES FASTER than normal strains…” I spent months on multiple search engines, submitted several Freedom of Information Act requests to the Centers for Disease Control, sent emails to whoever I could find in the United Nations, NGOs in Florida, and more trying to find some lead, some detail, something concrete about this strain of AIDs. Why you ask? I’m a drug addled bug chaser - duh! I like dirty dick and well frankly, tired of the vanilla shit available to me in the grand-old-U-S-of-A. Gonorrhea - been there done that. Syphilis? HUH! One shot and cured? I even spent my two week vacation last year as a drugged out whore at a homeless camp in Oakland, California, where I ingested so much street drugs, raw homeless dick, viral blood and cum, I had the demons of Hell trying to live up to the example I set! Yeah, I came home with a sore throat, a sniffle, a drip or two, but nothing that would have set my path to that total self-destruct button. You know those TV ads with the big red button they push and BAM - office supplies appear? I was looking for one of those with a biohazard sign on it - one that would lead me to a toxic waste dump of humanity - the apocalypse of my existence - the end times living in the Nirvana of viral-infected bliss. I had almost given up, and then I read a blog post about Father Adelmo. At first I figured it was from what ever drugs I had let the latest BBC freak me up with so I would be a pliant white cunt for him, but turned out to be all true – and then some. My research on the web told me that Father Adelmo came to Florida in a boat with his parents when he was like 13. He excelled at school, went to seminary, rose up in the ranks of the church hierarchy, but then something happened. What exactly, I could not find, but searching deep and wide on the web I soon realized Father Adelmo had two groups of followers - the normal, kind-hearted citizen who supported his many, and ongoing good works even like his soup kitchens, hospices, and other charities even though he had been kicked out of the priesthood. The second were more of a mystery as the few threads I found that mentioned drugs, sex, cultish activities often disappeared almost as soon as they got posted. I guess Father Adelmo didn’t want folks like me to know the vile, twisted, drug-crazed shit he made them do. All that was well and good, but the fucking kicker - the fucking kicker was I found an online post where someone said that Father Adelmo had snuck them into Cuba for a weekend of raw, twisted, brutal, gangbang fucking. He was a sex trafficker – fuck! The catch? There’s always a fucking catch. Beyond the U.S. Coast Guard and whatever Cuban border issues and legalities such shit might create, Father Adelmo was a cash boy. Cash man more accurately, but a hustler. Pure and true. While it appeared his monies went to help the hungry, the homeless, the less fortunate, he was still a hustler and part of my mind warned - DANGER DANGER - CON-ARTIST! Well that didn’t stop me. Through a lot of sleuthing that was a combination of Sherlock Holmes, Magnum PI, and Agatha Christie, I was able to get an email address that I was told would connect me to him. A few emails later - with me having to bare my innermost, darkest, twisted and extreme desires - Father Adelmo agreed to help me if I had the funds and got to Miami. FUCK! Two weeks later I was in Little Havana waiting to step through a door with bars on it in a line of nondescript buildings that were a mix of warehouses/shops. The only indicator I was in the right place were the numbers above the door that were peeling off - you know those metallic looking kind you get at a hardware store that are like stickers? Oh yeah, and also by two men with plastic name tags pinned to their shirts that said ‘Brother Roberto’ who were standing outside the door. Did IHOP have a ‘going out of name tag sale’? They could have been twins as both were dark skinned, tall, muscular - like fucking buff muscular, with tight clipped hair, and were wearing all black clothes. The one on the right had a jagged scar on his right temple and he put a hand roughly in the middle of my chest to make sure I got the message that to enter through the door I had to get through him and his compadre first. I thought they would ask for an ID, secret password or some shit once I told them I was there to see Father Adelmo. No, nothing that movie-esque. Brother Roberto - the one with the scar - held up his phone, took a picture of my face sans-shades, tapped his foot as he waited, the phone dinged, then he smiled and said, “Entre por favor - PUTA!” I knew enough Spanish to know he just called me a slut and as I glanced at the hefty Cuban cigar he had dangling down his right pant leg I was more than ready and said, “Thanks Bob!” as I waved and sauntered in. The outside walls of Father Adelmo’s chapel were a vibrant blue, but inside it was dark, full of smoke, candles, and looked like the central altar of a medieval cathedral had been crammed into a space far too small for it. Did they fucking heist a church or what? In the middle of the floor, standing on a slightly raised dais was Father Adelmo dressed in robes of gold brocade with jewels on each finger, a miter hat, chains of gold - the embodiment of a prince of the church. Well except for him being naked, the smoke coming from crack pipes, weed pipes, and god knows what and the two ‘altar’ boys (clearly of legal age so ‘altar men’ but you know what I mean) off to the side fucking like rabbits. Holy hell what the fuck? “This do in remembrance of me,” Father Adelmo said as the next supplicant got down on his twink knees and slurped on the good Padre’s thick uncut dick that was peeking out between his golden robes. The twink then stood back up, took the jeweled chalice from Father Adelmo’s right hand and slurped from it, wiped his mouth with an exaggerated motion, then bent forward and with a rolled up bill snorted a line off a golden tray held in the Father’s left. The twink spasmed and would have dropped if not for another man dressed just like the two out front had not caught him, shuffled him to a bench against the wall, and left him propped askew as two other supplicants began stripping him. The Father paused and looked at me, “Come forth my son. Join the holy union. Be one of the body.” All eyes turned and stared at me - well all eyes that were conscious and not fucked up. I took a small step forward, then another, and the grunts of the two altar boys as one shot in the other’s ass spurred me forward. Up close I could see that Father Adelmo might be older than he first appeared. Yet, he was still handsome and that dick - fuck that dick! Up close it was even thicker and was drooling from the tip. I wanted nothing more than to bow before my new lord and master. “This do in remembrance of me,” Father Adelmo said as he jutted his hips forward and held out the chalice and plate for me to partake. I took a step back, raised my hands up in humble submission and said, “I..ah..think I’ll just watch? This time? OK?” Father Adelmo ran his tongue over his top lip then pulled his lower lip under his upper teeth all in one alluring motion that said, “YOU LOOK FUCKING TASTY!” I took another step back and bumped into a hard body. Another Brother Roberto was standing behind me, blocking any further regress, so I smiled, gave a nervous chuckle, and watched the rest of the ceremony trying not to let my ass override my common sense. Once all the supplicants had tasted Father Adelmo, drank from the chalice, snorted from the plate, and staggered off to begin their orgy of salvation, the Brother Roberto behind me pushed me forward as another Brother Roberto took a white, lace handkerchief and wiped the spittle off Father Adelmo’s dick before tucking it into his pant’s pocket. He then took the chalice and plate and followed the Padre stage right and through a door into the back. I was pushed along to follow and when I stepped through the heavy, wooden door once again had the thought of, “Where the fuck are we?” We were in a series of rooms that seemed far larger than what should have been - all polished wood, velvets, golden candlesticks, and more. Father Adelmo let one of the Brothers pull the golden robes off, but before they took off his jewels and miter he motioned for the chalice and plate and said to me again, “Come forth my son. Join the holy union. Be one of the body.” The Brother Roberto behind me gave me a rough shove, so I got the impression this was not a choice. I stepped forward, reached for the cup and got a good cuff up side the head. I turned with a snarl at the Brother as I rubbed my head and he pointed. Oh yeah, step one, kiss the ring - or in this case, the big uncut Cuban dick on Father Adelmo. I kneeled, kissed the tip, got my head cuffed, so I opened my mouth and slurped on it a few times while Father Adelmo and the Brother Robertos chanted in unison, “Taste of my flesh”. His dick was rank and foul tasting and I don’t really like sloppy seconds or 23rds or however many other mouths had been on there. Father Adelmo held the chalice and plate steady. I took the chalice, stared down into the dark red swirls of liquid, sniffed it, eased it to my lips and took a sip. I swallowed and Father Adelmo and the Brother Robertos chanted in unison, “Taste of my blood”. I didn’t have a rolled up bill so leaned close to the golden platter, pinched one nostril and SNORTED. Fucking hell! I choked, gagged, and thought for sure I would have a stroke as Father Adelmo and the Brother Robertos chanted in unison, “Taste of my spirit”. My eyes watered, I felt dizzy all of a sudden, and someone roughly put their hands under my armpits and half dragged/half walked me to a velvet cushioned chair just off to the side. While I tried to regain my senses, one Brother Roberto after another completed the ritual - tasting the Father’s dick, drinking from the chalice, snorting from the plate. Not one of them staggered or swooned and I felt like such a pussy. The ceremony complete, Father Adelmo’s final adornments were taken off, placed inside a large, wooden cabinet, and while I looked in awe again at his monster uncut dick, he came over to me and said, “Come my son, let’s discuss what it is that you seek.” The Brother Roberto I had met out front - the one with the jagged scar on his temple - helped me up then Bob and another Brother started to manhandle me and strip me. “Hey - hey - what the fuck guys - I…” Another cuff to the head and I shut up and complied. I was still buzzing from whatever the fuck it was I drank and snorted and even if I hadn’t of been there would have been no way honestly I could have stopped them. Plus, it was kind of hot being force stripped by the macho men even if they were fucking cultists or crazy fuckers. I was led through an ornate door into a room that had plush carpets, piles of pillows, tables with platters of white powder, crystal decanter’s with various drinks, and other carnal wants and desires. On the far side of the room the wall was covered with a series of four wooden booths. The ornate carvings and scrollwork and velvet curtains told me they were confessionals - or had been once. Father Adelmo sat in the one on the far left and I was directed to the one just to the right - my right/his left - whatever. The curtain was shut behind me, Father Adelmo slid the partition back, and said, “Kneel my son, and tell me - what do you seek?” I looked at the Padre’s handsome face and watched as he started stroking his dick. Someone in front of his booth held the golden platter out for him along with a golden straw, and Father Adelmo snorted a big line, wiped his nostrils, his eyes flared open, and he stroked his dick faster. My curtain was pulled back, the platter pushed in, I snorted again, swayed, Father Adelmo chuckled, but this time the rush was not so bad and I quickly steadied myself on my knees. “Push your ass back now,” Father Adelmo said. “What?” I asked, not understanding. I turned and looked at the confessional wall behind me and saw a gloryhole had been cut into the wood and trimmed in dark, red velvet. Two large, meaty fingers were wagging at me and I looked incredulously at Father Adelmo, the fingers, back at the Father. He smiled, “What do you seek?” he said again in a reassuring voice, then his tone darkened and he said, “NOW PUSH YOUR ASS BACK!” I looked back at the waggling fingers again - they were still there, waiting for my hole - yet they had changed and were dusted in a coat of white powder - likely from the golden platter. The fingers found my fuck-chute, I cried out “FUCK THAT BURNS, PLEASE STOP!” Father Adelmo had stood up now, his big, uncut dick hanging over the side of the confessional window as he grabbed my head and fed me his Cuban dick. “TASTE OF MY BODY - TASTE OF MY BLOOD - TASTE OF MY SPIRIT. THE VESSEL MUST BE CLEANSED, PREPARED, AND ANNOINTED!” Father Adelmo said as I sucked his brick-hard dick and the anonymous fingers scraped and dug and ripped up my hole as they coated my guts with the white powder. Other voices chimed in, all chanting in unison as I was plugged at both ends by these unholy men. I cried out, my guts clenched, my body heaved and the fingers that had been digging in my ass quickly removed themselves and a soft cloth wiped, dabbed, and cleaned me. Father Adelmo lifted my head up and peered down at me, “You have begun the journey. Your body has rid itself of that which has been holding you back. You have dispelled a good portion of the inner lining of guts to ensure that you are ready to receive the gifts that are to come. You must pay the price to reach El Dorado, to find the one you seek, to become the sacrifice on the altar of man - for men - by men. Now my son, what do you say?” I was confused, in pain, high as fuck, and was having a difficult time focusing between the scalding burning in my ass, the hot man dick that had just been taken from my mouth, and the words that the Padre had spoken. What do I say? Yes? Please? Thank you? How the fuck did I know what he wanted? He was talking in riddles - just fuck me for god’s sake! I was raised a Baptist so all this formal religious overtone was a bit beyond my personal experience, but thanks to cable TV I knew enough I guess as I replied, “FORGIVE ME FATHER, FOR I HAVE SINNED.” I THEN GASPED AS THE THICK UNCUT DICK PUSHED THROUGH THE GLORYHOLE CUT INTO THE WOOD OF THE CONFESSIONAL, THEN THROUGH MY OUTER ASS RING. “YOU HAVE NOT SINNED YET MY SON,” FATHER ADELMO SAID, “BUT I SEE FROM THE ARCH OF YOUR BACK THAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO. HERE, SNORT THIS WHITE MANNA, FEEL THE BURN, AND LET BROTHER ROBERTO GIVE YOU YOUR PENANCE.” Stay Tuned for Part 2 - (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
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  25. Fuck, Fuck, damn, shit. Four hours ago I had been on the top of the world. Now as I was sitting in the emergency room of the local hospital, my shoulder and elbow aching, waiting on the doctor to give me the results of the x-ray. ther than some pain I was okay, even if my baby, my cherished silver Camaro, most likely was totaled. Ever see a 19 year old cry? Well, that was me: all 6’3” of jock boy, sniffling, some out of pain, mostly not knowing what the future would bring. In high school I played football my freshmen and sophomore years, wide receiver. I was quick and I had good hands, but all that tackling was taking a toll on my Nordic frame. In my junior year I started playing baseball and was a darn good pitcher, good enough to be a starter most of the year, although we were a rural school most of the away games were close enough to be a bus trip to and from, even if sometimes they got us home very late in the evening. My senior year we were good enough to make it to conference and state tournaments which required us to be housed in cheap motels on the weekends when we were on the road. It was on one of these trips I discovered my love of traveling with the team and spending quality bullshit time with my teammates. Now, I've long known I was attracted to other guys early on but abstained from acting on my feelings, even when I knew three other teammates were either bi or gay, and a few others who were questioning their straightness. However, when I was in a hotel room with several other teenage guys, all of whom were playing macho games such as boasting which cheerleaders would put out, and each guy displaying his cock as wantonly as he could, well, it was obvious to me which players could be coaxed into some man-on-man fun. At the end of my senior year I was offered a scholarship to play ball at the state college. My life was looking good: not only was I a good athlete but I also excelled in academia and would be able to get my degree in engineering while on a full ride. I red-shirted my freshmen season and although I was still classified by the school as a freshman, I began my second season as a relief pitcher. Although I wasn’t a starting pitcher I at least got into a few games. Then a drunken asshole ran a red light, sending my Camaro careening into a spin. Luckily for me, the fucker only clipped the front to the car and didn’t T-bone my car in the middle, which meant I walked away with relatively minor injuries from which I would recover in a few months: there were no broken bones but lots of torn cartilage and tendons in the shoulder and elbow. I would not be pitching the rest of the season. I left the hospital with my friends from the dorms. I was in tears, knowing I’d have to face the coach on Monday. My parents were already set to arrive the next day to survey the damage. I meet my parents at the front door of my dorm the next morning after just a few hours of sleep, most of it induced by the pain meds the doctor had prescribed to control the pain. My mom gently hugged me and my dad clasped me by my good shoulder although it was bruised as well. Lead me to their car and we hit the local pancake place for breakfast, sure beat dorm food any day, we discussed the car and they assured me they were not angry with me, they knew how much I loved my car, I had it since my 16th birthday and took real good care of it. They dropped me off back at my dorm after we went to look over the damage and make sure it was being taken care of by the body shop, also collecting my school work and personal belongings so I wouldn’t lose anything. I kicked back most of the afternoon and evening when coach called and asked to come over to see me. I’ll be honest I was scared, I could lose my scholarship, I could lose my position with the team. I waited anxiously for him to arrive. Now if you could classify my 19 year old, 6’3” less than 10% body fat 165# muscular body as a Nordic god like, with my blue eyes and dirty blonde hair which naturally lightens during summer. You would classify coach who is 35 years old 5’11 and maybe 150 soaking wet all muscles and sinew as a Aztec god as his Spanish and Mexican heritage made him one hot number, one that always made me quiver when he stepped to close in the dugout or on the field, but here he was coming to my dorm room to discuss my future. Coach arrived shortly after 6 and I sat across from him on my roommates bed while he sat at my desk, coach Juan as we all called him, started out all business like discussing my position on the team, physical therapy I’d most likely have to go through and things about my rehabilitation. He expressed his sorrow at things happening this way and would do everything that he could so I wouldn’t lose my scholarship. Juan then got up and crossed the distance between us, using the guise of wanting to see my shoulder he had me remove the baseball shirt I had donned earlier since it was easier to get on and off. He caressed the sore tissues, which were already turning black and blue, then proceeded to work his way down my chest tweaking my nipples a bit, my cock betrayed me as it not only was at full mast but spirting precum making a large wet spot in my basketball shorts, coach took notice and leaned down and began kissing me, he soon was on top of me being careful of my shoulder making me quiver in his arms as he caressed my body and somehow removed my shorts exposing my 9 inch cock tenting my jock the precum totally soaked through the material and making it translucent, I soon had my 9 inches buried down his throat as he hummed onto my tool. He rolled me over and was sucking my cock between my legs pulling it back so it almost touched my virgin hole, he then did what I thought was impossible and was able to place the head near my hole and use the precum flowing from my tube to lubricate my hole. Between him fingering my own precum into my hole and fingering it he soon had me sloppy and almost loosened up his tongue doing marvels on my rosy pucker. Suddenly he stopped and I thought this was over but, he then placed his thick mushroom head on my quivering hole and pushed in with dominance, the head popped in and I felt a sharp pain that quickly went away and left me with a full feeling at my entrance he then started to work his cock in slowly giving me more and more, complimenting me on being a born bottom. I asked about condoms and he told me it was too later now his raw cock was already dripping his precum in my hole, but if I really wanted to be fucked with a condom he would pull out and put one on. He slid his cock out and I handed him a rubber and he rolled it down his shaft the pushed back into my hole, it burned and irritated the opening and made me wince in agony, I told him to pull out and fuck me raw, he quickly obliged and slid his bare cock into my now irritated hole, his precum re-lubricating the walls and making the sting go away, I was soon riding his large schlong like a pro and he asked where I wanted his cum, I replied breed me coach. He sped up his assault on my hole then pushed in and held and I could feel his cock pulsing as he unloaded his seed into my intestine. I felt so fulfilled yet naughty for letting coach cum in me. Coach cuddled me and kept his cock buried in my hole until we fell asleep together. Lucky for me my roommate Chris had gone home for the weekend, as I awoke in the middle of the night to coach breeding me again, and although Chris and I Had had make out sessions we never went all the way beyond a blow or hand job. I now had two maybe three of Juan’s loads in my gut and I was feeling excited. Coach was turning me into just another cum craving cock hungry boy. I awoke the next morning to coach sucking on my slong, I was rock hard and oozing precum again then Juan did what I least expected he slid down my pole and started fucking himself on my fuck tube, I didn’t last long as his ass milked my cock I blasted a load into his rectum. He then positioned his hole over my face and pushed out my cream forcing me to eat my own spooge from his ass, I felt disgusted and excited at the same time. Coach was turning me into his own sex pig. Soon after we showered and coach presented me with an application for team manager, I would be responsible for the teams equipment and uniforms, including their jocks and cups, it was a dirty job but it would keep me on the team while I rehabilitated and I got to sniff al the jocks and cups before cleaning them as well as the sweaty uniforms, I was in pig heaven and I would have to travel with the team. To make sure everything was taken care of.
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  26. Last summer, my boy and I took a vacation to Europe together. It was one of those packages, seeing a different city every day for a week and a half before flying home. We thought it would be exhilarating, but it turned out to be exhausting. When passing through Berlin, we decided to separate from the group and see the gay neighborhood. I had sort of hoped we’d get up to some naughty fun so I brought a small tube of lube and condoms in my shirt pocket, just in case. I bet there was a place where I could fuck him, safely, with maybe a few strangers watching. The very idea got my cock stirring. We fuck bare in private, but I didn’t want any strangers to think my boy was a slut who took all loads… We wound up in a two-level club with a sign proclaiming CRUISING BASEMENT. The street level bar looked like a normal bar, except with flat screen televisions playing bareback porn. There was a set of stairs at the back of the bar down to what must have been the cruising area. We were both kind of nervous being there, with nothing like that in our hometown, or even in most big cities in America for that matter. We quickly downed two large beers each in quick succession. We joked about exploring downstairs and seeing what trouble we could get into. Maybe some beers would help ease our angst and loosen us up a bit. My boy asked the bartender where the restroom was, and he gestured with a wink to the dark staircase. I knew he had to take a piss and he got up to head downstairs as I ordered another beer. A few minutes went by. Then a few minutes more passed. I was halfway through my beer and needed to take a piss myself. I gulped down the rest of my drink, paid our tab, grabbed my boy’s untouched beer and headed to find him. I found the bathroom, surprisingly clean and well-lit. No sign of my boy. I took a piss into a stainless steel trough urinal, holding my boy’s beer with one hand and my streaming cock in the other. I felt someone come up behind me, and press his crotch into my ass. I melted into him as he reached around and shook the last droplets from my dick. He pulled way, knelt down and took me into his mouth, moaning as he deep-throated me, occasionally holding up a bottle of poppers to huff. I like good head as much as anyone, but I was worried about my boy. I pulled the guy off my now-wet dick and backed out of the bathroom. The guy stayed on his knees grinning at me as I headed into the darkness to rescue my boy if he needed rescuing or to join in some raunchy, hopefully safe fun. In the darkness, I followed the sound of whispers and groans down a short hallway where I found my boy in an open doorway, leaning out and moaning, with his eyes closed. I reached out to feel his chest. His shirt was pulled up behind his neck. He clenched his eyes and I ran my hand down to his crotch. It was so dark that I could barely see that his pants were at his ankles, and someone was eating his ass. I grabbed my boy’s hard cock and he swatted my hand away. I cleared my throat and he opened his eyes. He reached out to me and wrapped his arms around my neck, supporting his weight as the stranger worked his ass. My boy whispered, or rather hissed into my ear "Is it okay if he fucks me?" I murmured approval, extracted the condom from my pocket, and handed it to the top who stood up and started slapping his sizeable dick against my boy’s wet ass crack. Of course I expected him to pull on the condom, but instead he scoffed and threw it to the dirty ground, pushed my boy’s back down so it was parallel to the floor, and his ass arched up. My boy grabbed onto my waist with both arms as the stranger lurched forward. My boy yelped and I knew the top had entered him raw. Just then the guy who had briefly blown me in the bathroom stepped out of the darkness and held his bottle of poppers under my boy’s nostrils. My boy huffed deep and held his breath. Had I been thinking clearly, I might have tried to stop it, but I was honestly too turned on. The top pounding my boy’s raw ass went at it for about thirty seconds, only to mutter "Too tight. Gonna make me breed him too soon." Then giving a disapproving grimace he pulled out and disappeared into the shadows. My boy was dizzy from the experience. I grasped both of his hands and led him towards a deep bench against a wall. I sat down and he collapsed, face first into my lap, thinking he would take a quick nap, but I was wrong. He shimmied my pants down and swallowed my hard dripping cock to the root. I was still wet with the poppers guy’s spit. I knew there were other guys around. I could hear them whispering, and kissing, and sucking, and fucking. Knowing that at least some of them were watching really got me hot. The guy with the poppers had followed us and knelt down behind my boy, diving into his freshly-fucked ass with his tongue. My boy moaned on my dick. The guy lapped away for a few moments and then crouched down behind him. From my place on the bench, I watched as his aimed his raw cock into my boy’s willing ass. My boy squealed as he took another raw anal assault. The poppers guy took a huff and then leaned over my boy, making him do the same, and then offering them to me. I took the bottle and inhaled very deeply as the poppers guy's pace picked up only to halt. I knew he was firing his cum into my boy’s bare hole. He slapped my boy’s sweaty, and now cummy ass and pulled out. I thought he’d go away, but he leaned towards my boy and whispered with his thick German accent, theatrically so everyone around could hear "Good thing that other guy didn’t blow his load inside you. He’s POZZED up more than a few tourists here." He chuckled as my boy fisted his cock, his moans announcing he himself was close to cumming. The poppers guy laid down on his back, under my boy, on that filthy sticky floor, gobbling down my boy’s cock just in time to swallow his load. Just then, the first guy, the hulking POZ one, crept out of the darkness again. His huge cock was still wet and shiny, either from my boy’s hole or from some other bottom in the basement darkness. He slapped it against my boy’s cummy crack a few times, leered at me, and slammed all the way in. My boy tried to swallow my dick, but the top was so aggressive that he mostly just moaned with an open mouth around the head. He fucked my boy hard and quick for no more than two minutes. He cursed in Dutch, or German maybe, a few times before quickening his pace and then pounding six times with decreasing speed, filling my boy with toxic seed. It got me super close to going over the edge. My boy felt my nuts tightening up and pulled off my cock. The POZ top disappeared and the poppers guy just laughed as I pulled away and got behind my boy, marveling at the cum streaking down his thighs and the low light glistening on his sweaty back. I slid easily into is loose sloppy hole and came after five seconds. My boy threw his head back and lost another load into the poppers guy’s eager mouth. My boy stood up on his trembling legs and threw his arms around me, kissing me deeply. He growled into my ear "We gotta get out of here, and fast, or I’m going to wind up taking every load in this basement." "And what would be so bad about that?" I asked. He kissed me hard, grinned and waved at me, and backed away into the darkness….
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  27. I have a fuckbud that I see every now and then, latin, 5'10", dark hair, 7-7.5 thick uncut cock. The last time he fucked me I told him to freeze his loads when he jerks off until the next time we were able to get together. He sent me a few pics of the vial he was using as he filled it up. Today he said he had relatives coming over and would have to get rid of it so I told him to come over after work and not to bother showering. He came over, the door was unlocked and I was face down ass up on a sofa bed in the living room. He walked in and stripped and started right in fingering my prelubed hole open. The cum had started melting so he worked the thawed cum into my hole and then pushed a frozen chunk of cum in me (the vial I saw later was about three inches tall and maybe half an inch in diameter). I had cum running down my balls that he scooped up with his hand and held that over my face while he rammed his cock in all the way. The cum in my hole made for great lube and I sucked on his hand and fingers getting all that sweet seed coating my tongue and throat until he started rubbing it into my beard. All I could smell was cum and I felt a pool forming in the sheets under my cock. He fucked two fresh loads into me then took a break while I sucked his cock clean. He told me he had eight loads in the vial so I was now up to ten. I kept sucking him until he got hard again and he pushed me on my stomach and jerked off on my hole then rammed his cock in and fucked me hard with the 11th load. When he finally pulled out there was cum coating his cock, balls and pubes and I made sure I got every drop. It will be about three weeks before we can get back together again, I gave him some pointers about different containers to use that would make it easier and told him to shoot for 30 loads for next time.
    1 point
  28. ***First off, this is total fiction, but I was inspired by something that happened to me a few years ago -before I was chasing. Now I wish this is how it had gone down.*** That day was a day like any other, woke up horny as hell. Only this time I didn't have to work and I was going to do something about my hunger. I got onto a few sites and weeded through profiles, until I finally managed to connect with a guy who needed a hot ass to fuck. Done! He was over in less than 30 minutes, and I was ready for him, face down-ass up on the bed. I heard him fumbling with his clothes and then that damned crinkling sound of a fucking condom. UGH! I wished then that I had lubed my ass with Vaseline so it could shred that fucker up, but it was too late for that. I just gritted my teeth and prepared myself for that rubber burn. I just hoped (for a change) that he wasn't too hung, that should make the burning rubber a little easier on my insides. It wasn't totally awful, and if he wasn't wrapped up, that is a dick I could spend hours on end with. But I had to get him to use a ton of lube just to keep me from feeling the condom. Eventually he got tired of pounding me doggie style, so he lay down on the bed and had me climb on top. I rode him good, determined to get him off and then get back online to find a guy who would give me some loads. When he was just about to cum he shoved me really hard off of him, and he was left panting with his dick firm and throbbing in the air. "What the fuck?" I howled. "I didn't want to cum in you," he replied, gulping in deep breaths. "Why? You've got a condom on," I complained. "I just . . . couldn't." He hadn't actually blown his load, so I climbed back on and started riding him again, only this time he didn't seem as into it -for some reason I got the feeling he was still worried about cumming. I don't get it. And after a few minutes he did it again, leaving my hole literally gaping open and starved. "Dude, what is the problem?" I asked. He finally blurted out, "I've got HIV! AIDS! Dammit, I can't take the chance of cumming inside anyone even with protection." Fuck this, I told myself. Faster than he could even register what was happening, I tore that condom off of him and dropped my ass down, raw and balls-deep. He was protesting and trying to get me off of him, but I locked my thighs onto him and rode like I was on a mechanical bull who was trying to buck me off. "Give me that fuckin' load!" I demanded. His eyes grew so big, he thought I was crazy for sure. "Are you insane? You can't-" "Give me your fucking AIDS!" I yelled at him. He was still pushing on me to get off, but I was riding him hard and his dick was still steel hard and buried totally up inside me. I think on some level he was loving being inside me the way nature intended, at least his rock hard dick was thrilled about it. We literally struggled and fought for at least five minutes, and despite him being significantly bigger than me, I had desperation and hunger on my side. And I won! Finally he stopped struggling and only a minute later he grunted and I felt that beautiful dick spewing toxic seed deep into me. Aah, relief. I stayed on top of him, not letting him out of my ass, determined to take every single drop his balls had to expel. Eventually he opened his eyes and stared me down. "Why would you do that?" Such a sweet guy, he was actually concerned about me. I grinned at him, determined to lighten his mood. "Hey, poz guys need to cum, too." "Yes, with condoms," he asserted, almost scolding me for being so irresponsible. "Hell NO," I retorted. "The fact that you have a viral load means you shouldn't ever have to touch another condom in your whole life. Your seed was made to be spread." "Yes, but you-" "-would have asked if I was really concerned about it. And if you'd told me up front, I would have insisted we go bare from the start," I assured him. "I still don't understand why," he mumbled. "Because you've been given the freedom to fuck and not worry about it anymore. It is the responsibility of the guy on the receiving end. If he's concerned about catching something, he should ask ahead of time, he should demand condoms, and he should probably find a safer way to get fucked than anonymous hook-ups." He was silent for several minutes, clearly pondering what I'd told him. But I did notice that his dick never softened inside my ass, not even a little bit. Eventually I felt his hands on my hips and he began to buck up into me. It appeared that I had done a little reverse on him and changed him into a gifter, and now he was turned on by the idea of delivering his toxic load into me. He looked deep into my eyes and grinned. "So, you want this fucking AIDS seed?"
    1 point
  29. Very promising -I can't wait to see where this goes! More please
    1 point
  30. Totally agree, I love taking anon loads. In dark rooms at the baths or hooded, the knowledge that I don't know who they are, what they look like, young or old, black or white only that they want to fuck and breed my hole. At teh baths I lay in my dark room and wait to feel teh hand on my ass then the finger in my hole. Once they realize i am well lubed or full of cum, the next thing I feel is their raw cock willing me. Never a sound of a condom being opened. Love taking any raw cock...hopefully a toxic one.
    1 point
  31. I love anon and cruise ABS everywhere I go. Nothing like sucking a raw dick through a glory hole, spitting and slobbering it up, lining up against my hole and being bred. Recently I have been using spit only as lube.
    1 point
  32. I'm always doing ATM with my top dad. Mainly to clean off his cock after he comes, or sometimes when he just wants to take a rest. I agree with the above that as long as I've cleaned out before we start, then I've never worried about getting sick or have gotten sick from fecal matter. Tasting lube can be an issue depending upon what kind we were using, but the lube usually sucks off quickly and the taste goes away after a few seconds.
    1 point
  33. Yeah I am pumped for this weekend. I have the truck warming up as the bottom boy has no way to get here. I told him if I come get you, you will be ours the entire weekend NO Choice and I am not bringing you home until we are done breeding you. All he said is oh my God I am rock hard at the sounds of that. This drive better be worth it. Little does he know he is going to be in bondage from the time I pick him up until we bring him home. Time to turn man into a cum slut with a little boy pussy that craves Toxic loads.
    1 point
  34. After posting the experience of felching a hot pighole about 4 years ago on here which I just re-read, i've got another more recent experience to relate. I was in London at the HOIST which caters to leather/rubber men. I've a fetish for leather and boots and love breeding and getting fucked by other leather pigs. It was crowded with all these hot men and there was sex going on all around me. Two floors of semi-dark pathways past slings and dark corners. I caught the eye of this shorter compact cub, full beard, shirtless with a harness and tight leather chaps, his dick and balls and nice furry ass hanging out. I followed him to a dark area and I was leaning back against the wall playing with my dick eyeing him like we all do in leather bars. He came closer to me and stood right in front of me, with his back and ass really close to my dick and was grinding his ass as he got closer and closer to me. It was obvious that he had been fucked already as i could see that his ass was all wet and could smell the cum leaking out of him. I put my arms under his arms around to his chest and started pulling on his eraser nips pulling him tight up against my hard dick which he responded to right away with a loud moan and he bent forward to offer up his ass to me and with a deep gutteral voice begged me to breed him. As soon as I slid my dick into his hole it was obvious he had many loads in him, his ass was sloppy the way i like and as I started to fuck him, the seed in his gut was leaking out over the legs of my leatherchaps. The more I fucked the louder he moaned and we started to attract a crowd of leather and rubber pigs around us. Most were jerking their dicks and I let several of them shoot their loads over my dick as I was breeding the leathercub's sloppy ass. I shot my load into him and he was slamming his ass back hard against my thrusts in. I pulled out and asked him how many loads he had taken. He told me he had lost count but he thought I was number 18. He sucked on my dick to clean it off and then wanted to know if I would felch the seed from his ass and feed him. I was so fuckin turned on by this cub and of couse I obliged. He pushed a little and this flood of gut warmed slop flowed out and I was almost choking there was so much. I swallowed a mouthful but there was a lot more and I then snowballed that into his mouth. we moaned and grunted and passed the slop between us for awhile. Another guy was at his ass sucking out more loads and he passed the slop to the two of us so we had a threesome slurp.
    1 point
  35. The party........Oops, I did it again A few weeks after Juan left, James felt the need to get fucked. He never told his friends about this need or what he and Juan had done together. Mike suspected, but James never confirmed anything. James also didn't tell his friends about the toys he bought to use on his ass. He used them every time he jerked off now. James was starting to think of his ass as a sexual organ that needed attention. James had fucked about four guys in the preceding three weeks, each time using the same approach: go to the guy's place, use a condom, cum on his back or face. James enjoyed fucking the guys, but something felt different. He didn't feel as satisfied. He needed another cock in his ass. James went with Mike and a couple of other friends to a party in a lakefront condo. He knew the guys from the bars, but not very well. James was wearing a tee shirt that barely touched the top of his jeans and tighter jeans that usual. The jeans made his ass look amazing. James was a bit self-conscious about wanting to get his ass fucked so he hung around the bar in the kitchen a lot. Mike noticed and sent over an acquaintance who had fucked him recently, Dustin. Dustin was not really James type. He was short, thin, and nerdy, but he was a solid guy, had a huge cock, and was very sexually aggressive. Twenty minutes later James was on his knees sucking Dustin's cock in the bathroom, getting him off in a few minutes. And yes, James swallowed. James may have hoped he and Dustin could return to the party without anyone noticing, but not so: the attendees had noticed 'top jock boy James' was acting a bit different. A few of the guys knew something was up when top boy Dustin and 'top boy' James disappeared into the bathroom together. An hour later, Dustin had his cock in James and was fucking him in an alley between the party and the bars. James opened his ass to Dustin as soon as the boy had told him to. James moaned as he bent over, as Dustin, the ever-so-nerdy guy pummeled his ass. James loving playing the bottom - he needed and had to get fucked - he had to have the cock in his hole. James had condoms in his jeans pockets but none of them were on Dustin's cock. He was letting another dude he'd just met a couple hours ago fuck him bareback. James actually didn't care about that right now. Instead he needed the cock. He also recognized he wanted the cum in his ass. It had been weeks since Juan had dumped his cum in James' ass. Now James needed Dustin's cum. In fact, he told Dustin "I want you to cum in me. Don't pull out." Dustin just pumped harder and in a minute dumped his load in James willing ass. Dustin and James went to join the others at the bars and dance. At 4:00 in the morning, James left the bar with Dustin and some of Dustin's friends. They went to Dustin's house where all four guys fucked former jock top boy James bareback. seeding his hole - and on each occasion James plead for the top's load.
    1 point
  36. Heading back to Anaheim this weekend to get passed around and loaded up. Any SoCal tops looking for a warm hole to pound full of cum?
    1 point
  37. its a shame that I couldn't book him for a rematch before I fly off, as he's not avail on my last day, I'm half contemplating to go on PEP, just passed 48hours mark, I guess I'll just enjoy taking chances this time , if his seeds grow inside me, so be it! least its a hot masseur that poz me
    1 point
  38. My favorite fuck buddy, who can best be described as a bodybuilder cumdump, invited me over after he had some Xanax & wine. He was passed out on his stomach with his legs spread. I ate his cunt, then mounted him and fucked with no mercy . . . and no lube.
    1 point
  39. I was getting fucked all the time - Connor, our threesomes. It had to be 10 times a week. I felt at times like there was always cum leaking from my ass. I told Connor and we laughed. He said, "Your ass is such a willing receptacle. We all want to give it our cum." I loved Connor so much. I felt like my heart was never going to stop filling my chest. We fought, sure. All couples do. Even when fighting my feelings for him were so strong. My feelings for Connor didn't prevent me from starting to break our rules: 1. Sex with others only with Connor's knowledge and/or participation. As soon as spring semester finals began, our differing degree paths brought on different finals/papers/projects. It seemed that we were always missing each other. Right in the middle of finals, I had a three day break. It's New Orleans and finals = Jazz Fest. I got tickets with my club bottom boy friend Ashley and John, my previous roommate. Off we went to the fest, which was held at the Fairgrounds race track and was basically and all day party as you waited for bands. We smoked pot, ate way too much food, and break lots of beer. I was drunk. It was fun. Ashley started telling us stories of the guys who fucked him. John started sharing his stories too. I told them mine. At one point as I was telling a story I noticed them both looking at me like I was crazy. I'd forgotten what safe sex advocates they were and I had been telling them about begging guys to cum in my ass. They were really concerned because they both knew Connor and I had sex with a lot of guys during the school year - dozens of different guys. We messed around at the bathhouse, in the club, at parties. Everyone knew we were open, but not even my friends knew I didn't use condoms when getting fucked by guys other than Connor. We ended up having a serious conversation which, of course, sobered me up just enough to realize I was too sober. The conversation wound down as the next act started. I left to get another beer. As I was waiting in line, I felt a guy squeeze my ass gently. I turned around and it was Seth - the guy who fucked me just prior to my breakup with Justin. We hugged and it was good to see him. He was still hot as fuck and he was always friendly. He asked why I had looked so pensive when he came up behind me. I decided, "Fuck it." I told him what had just happened. I mean, who was he to judge, he already came inside me. Seth laughed and we made a joke of the whole thing. We wandered around the Fairgrounds listening to music in other tents. Just as it was turning dusk, Seth asked if I wanted to go to his car and smoke before the main act started. I went with him down the long line of cars to his Suburban. I made fun of him for having such a "top-boy" car. He grabbed my ass and pushed me up against the side of the. Seth said, "You have such a bottom boy ass." I looked at him and down the line of cars. We were wedged in a line of cars parked side to side. I could hear people, but couldn't see them. As Seth ground his crotch into my ass for the second time - only partially kidding; I unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down. He said, "That's what I'm talking about." I was in briefs which I also pushed down in the back so his cock could rub on my bare ass. I reached for his cock, unzipped his shorts, felt inside his boxers and pulled out his cock. It still felt as great as ever. I put his cock on my ass. He said, "I'm going to fuck you bareback. What would your friends say?" I said, "They wouldn't like it." He said, "Do you want it anyway?" I said, "Fuck my ass Seth." Seth pushed my shirt over my head and then my shorts and underwear down. I stepped out of them. Now dressed only in sneakers, Seth spit on his cock a few times. He said, "You sure you want this cock? I have a condom in my pocket." I said, "Yes, fuck me without it. I want it bareback. Just like the first time you fucked me." Seth pushed his big cock in my ass. I moaned as softly as I could. His cock slipped in my regularly used ass rather easily. Seth began fucking me with long deep strokes. He built up speed quickly. Within a few minutes Seth said, "I'm going to breed you bitch." And he flooded my ass with his cum. He fucked me two more times in the back of his truck. Once with my feet on the roof of his truck and once bent over the back seat. I begged for his cum the second and third times he fucked me. When we finally went back to see the music, the main act was half over. I was stoned, well fucked and had Seth's cum leaking out of my ass. My friends asked where I had been. I told them I ran into Seth and we went and smoked pot and talked. When I got home that night, I quickly jumped in the shower and tried to clean out as much as possible so Connor wouldn't know I had another guy's cum inside me. I got in bed and laid next to Connor. He felt my ass. He felt my hole. He said, "Your ass is puffy. Were you playing with your toys today?" I said I had played with my toys that morning. I also told him that I had just cleaned out. Connor said he hadn't paid enough attention to me the last week. He then proceeded to pound my ass for an hour until he loaded me with a week's worth of his cum. Seth was the first guy I didn't tell Connor about; but he was not the last one.
    1 point
  40. I would be willing if I was in your area to do you both make you watch me knock up your boyfriend before I turn and bend you over for the second load. The second load always takes longer so I can pile drive that boy hole turning it into a toxic cum dump as your boyfriend watches and lets the reality of what just happen to him sink in.
    1 point
  41. 3 months since my castration. So far it has been great. Other than my current "dry spell" have had a lot of great cock. Have not gotten hard or cummed since then. Proud to be a POZ EUNUCH.
    1 point
  42. Heading to SLC in August, was going to try the same thing or have some buddies pimp my ass out.
    1 point
  43. Chapter IV. After being loaded with the bellhop’s cum, both my boy and I were still out of breath as the bus pulled away from the hotel in Berlin. In that city, we’d both gone from being in a semi-monogamous relationship to taking cum from likely-POZ strangers. We slumped down in the seats and my boy slid his left hand down his pants and past his crotch to his freshly fucked hole. I could actually hear cum squelching in his ass. He smiled and slid his right hand down the back of my pants. Once both hands were good and cummy he smiled. The tour guide walked past us and stopped. He leaned over me and sucked the cum off of both my boy’s hands. ‘Get some rest, guys. I’m going to show you a good time in Prague tonight. He tousled my hair and walked away. I dozed off and woke up a bit later to find my boy gone. I poked my head over the seats and couldn’t see him anywhere. I also couldn’t put eyes on our hunky tour guide. I snickered and tiptoed past the other sleeping tourists and put my ear to the bus bathroom. I heard short breathing and the occasional wince. I rapped lightly at the door and the breathing stopped. The door cracked open and my sweaty boy peeked out. ‘Wait your turn!’ he hissed and closed the door. I knew he was at that moment probably full of raw dick. I went back to the seat and giggled, amazed at how hungry my once-almost-prudish boyfriend was now for raw cock. A few minutes later he hobbled back to the seat, and leered at me. ‘He’s ready for you,’ he said, winking. I stood up and kissed him. ‘He breed you?’ I whispered as I licked his earlobe. He nodded and whispered back, ‘He did. And he’s got a load for you too…’ He smacked my cheek and I headed back to the bathroom, glad that the rest of the passengers were all dozing. I opened the door, and there was the tour guide, naked from the waist down, with his huge uncut hard-on glistening with his seed and my boy’s fresh ass juices. His dick stood straight up, in front of his navel tattoo. I started drooling. The bathroom was very small. I nearly bent in half to try to lick the pearls of cum off of his dick. The tour guide stood me up, pulled my pants off and spun me around. He spit into his palm to grease my hole a bit and then pulled me down onto his cock. It was a good thing that I had fresh bellboy seed dripping out of me to ease his pounding or it would have seriously hurt. I didn’t realize I was moaning until he wrapped his sweaty paw over my mouth. He kept his hand there as he pistoned into me. He growled, ‘You’re in for it now. Took longer to work this load up since your boy got my first load of the day!’ He slammed into me and held me down so I couldn’t have pulled off of his raw cock even if I had wanted to. I made my way back to the seat to find my boy smiling in his sleep. We both slept a bit and woke up about three hours later on the outskirts of Prague. The sightseeing that day was lovely, but that’s not I’m here to tell, and not what you’re here to read about. After a breathless day of seeing too many touristy places, we checked in to our hotel. Dinner that night was to be in the hotel restaurant. We were hoping that there would be some naughty fun later so we showered and cleaned out pretty well just in case. I got so turned on watching him clean out that once he was spic and span, I dove into his ass. I swear I could still taste the tour guide’s load seeping out of his ass even after all of the cycles of cleaning… I had to fuck him. I lost my load quickly. I fired my cum into him, the third load up his ass of the day, and he pulled off quickly, stabbed his cock into me, and filled me up with what felt like a big sticky load, my third load too. As we were changing for dinner, and hopefully naughty fun afterwards, there was a knock at the door. A very handsome man was standing there with an envelope in his hand. He handed it to us, winked, turned, and walked off. After the morning tryst with the Berlin bellhop, we were surprised that he didn’t stay to fool around. I opened the envelope, and saw that it was an invitation to a private club with both of our names on it. It read, ‘Show me for free admission to the VIP area,’ followed by a street address. I got excited about what sort of club it might be, knowing that the tour guide must have arranged the invite for us. We headed down to dinner, ate a hearty meal, with the tour guide always finding a way to wink at us, or stroke our shoulders as he brushed by from table to table. I was rock hard the whole time. My boy reached over and under the table unzipped my pants, whipping out my cock. Of course, the timing worked out so that the busboy was clearing plates and got an eyeful. He froze for a split second, then licked his lips. As he walked away, my boy got up and followed him to the kitchen. I knew someone was going to get fucked. The tour guide appeared, as if on cue, saying, ‘Your boy must be entertaining Josef…’ I grinned. ‘You think your boy will take his load?’ I nodded. ‘Good,’ he replied, leaning forward to stroke my drooling cock. ‘He’ll need lots of lube for what I have planned for you both tonight. So will you.’ I nodded again, my throat dry. ‘You may want to see if you can find them… I bet he’s good for two loads. Most Czech boys are…’ I took his advice, zipped up, and headed down a back hallway to the kitchen area. I heard deep grunting through a closed door, took a deep breath, and opened the door. There was my boy, on his back on a stack of boxes, with Josef hammering his hole and another guy forcefully fucking his throat. Josef grunted with each thrust, while my boy had his head craned back, swallowing the huge dick swinging around in his mouth. The dick belonged to a surly heavyset hairy guy with white pants bunched up at his ankles. I could see my boy’s throat bulge every time the dick in his mouth slid deep. The guy motioned for me to come over to him. He pulled out of my boy’s mouth and my boy looked up at me, almost annoyed that he only had one raw cock in him. The heavy guy yanked my pants down and bent me over my boy, who greedily swallowed my cock. The guy’s cock was thick, and I was again glad to be slick with cum to ease a fresh dick entering me. I licked and stroked my boy’s cock as Josef kept fucking him. I felt like I was being split in two with the dick inside me thrusting deeper and deeper. I also felt the guy’s sweaty hairy belly slipped around on my ass and lower back. I’d never been fucked by a guy with a big belly before, and I loved the sensation. He smacked my ass and cursed at me, maybe in Turkish? Josef picked up his pace, and the hairy Turk matched him. The both moaned as they started cumming at the same time, filling my boy and me up with fresh cum. The Turk pulled out immediately, slapped his dick on my crack, pulled up his pants, grabbed his shirt and disappeared quickly. Josef took a little more time, easing back and forth in my boy’s hole. I watched as sweat glistened and trickled down his slim chest. He leaned forward and fingered my hole a bit. He said in a sexy strong accent, ‘I will see you boys later tonight… well, maybe not see you, but feel you…’ He winked and got dressed, leaving me and my boy to pull ourselves together. We dressed and entered the dining room just in time for dessert. Josef brought us coffee whispering, ‘you better stay awake… It’s going to be a long night for you both!’ To be continued…
    1 point
  44. I love going to Palm Springs. You see, once a year some friends - anywhere between 5 and 7 of us - rent a house with a pool for a long weekend. It’s never the same group of people and usually there's at least one person I don’t know at the start of the 4 days. This time I did know everyone, just not very well…. yet. The reason these Palm Springs weekends are so great is because there’s inevitably going to be sex involved. In years past there was lots of drugs as well. But it seems that, as we ‘mature’ that party aspect has gradually knocked down to alcohol and coke. Man, I miss Tina! And sex too, for that matter. I’ve been celibate for about a year with no boyfriend or regular hook-ups. At just 5’6” I had put on an extra 15lbs from drinking. Now 15lbs probably doesn’t sound like much, but to a late 30-something living in gay West Hollywood, CA — an extra 15lbs that’s not muscle might as well classify you as obese. But over the last few months I’ve been taking care of myself, doing the P90X, and gotten into shape. Which was needed for such a naked weekend…. where I was determined to take some loads. Lots of loads! My best friend's BF (Jake) had organized the weekend. Jake and Chad (my friend of 20 years) have a very open and adventurous relationship. I don’t know many of the details but when your friend of a couple decades starts wearing a chain and padlock around his neck out in public, you get an idea that something new and different is happening at home. The other couple was Ryan and Ken. Ryan and I use to be best buds, wing-men, and trouble-makers. Ryan is an ass hole, but I was always able to deal with his snide remarks. He first introduced me to all sorts of fun drugs, including tina. Thank you, Ryan!!! His bf, Ken, is also an ass hole - which is why I stopped hanging around with them. One asshole I could handle, two was too much. (I’ve been known to hold a grudge). But this weekend I was determined to let the past stay in the past and make nice. Because, actually, I knew that Ken had been good for Ryan. When they first started dating, I heard from a reliable source who said of Ken, “Once a nasty BB cum-pig, always a nasty BB cum-pig.” Which should have made me like him a lot! (he’s a bottom, though). Ryan and I had fooled around every now and again back when we hung out more. Even having smoked crystal together, Ryan would always insist on using condoms… which I hated. But his cock was amazing so I took it. I’d never seen a half-cut dick before. Ryan joked that he was circumcised as a baby, but his Mom was too lazy to take care of him so some foreskin grew back. It was long, smooth, and thick - with the little skin covering the head. And dark(ish). Ryan is Italian by decent and has a few of the features. A darker dick was one of them which turned me on so much just because it was different. Now on PrEP, I knew that Ken's piggy tendencies had rubbed off on my former friend and he was playing raw. Make no mistake, I was hoping to hop a ride on his bare fuck stick finally. Anyway the first day was fine. We all swam naked in the pool and hung out. David and Nathan are the last two I haven’t told you about yet. Not a couple but a couple of hot twinks! Nathan is very thin and tall with a huge dick — because all tall skinny white guys have monster cocks, apparently. All I knew of Nathan, really, was that he was shocked one time when he found out that a friend of ours did tina. You know, shocked in the way a young and naive “good boy” would be. Being so young and naive I just made some assumptions about his sexual tendencies -- and they bored me. David was the person I knew the least about but wanted the most. A chiseled frame on a cocky boy’s body, David had been flirtatious and slutty all day. David was a GoGo boy by night and a flight attendant by day. I know he’s hooked up in the past with Jake (our host) and Chad (my friend of 20 years). Chad said that the entire time they were all fucking around, David kept asking to take pictures. A hot, sexy exhibitionist. Nice! As night fell — remember, there are no hard core drugs anywhere just alcohol and coke — talk turns to harder stuff. Thankfully, the crew wants more. I’m relieved. Being a flight attendant must have it’s perks because David happens to know someone in town who may be able to hook us up. Talk then turns to what to order. The two couples are only really interested in E. David turns to me and whispers, “I’d rather get Tina and really fuck around.” (did I mention that we were all casually naked hanging out by the pool and that sorta talk makes me instantly hard?) “OMG, I haven’t done that in so long,” I replied but sounding incredibly anxious. “Wanna go in with me?” he asked to which I devilishly replied “you’re gonna turn me into a cum pig. Are you ready for that?” He was. For a change of scenery, the two couples left to go to Hunters, the local bar. David and I stayed back to call his dealer friend and wait for the package. Since everyone except us were going to roll, we said we’d also get the house cleaned up and ready for a fun night. To my surprise, Nathan stayed back with us but scampered off to shower. Finally alone and away from the condescending judgment of the others, David and I begin to have a more frank and open discussion about our devilish plot. “I love doing Tina so much better - it makes me an insatiable sex machine,” David admits to which I agreed. “How do you do it? Smoke, rail or slam?” “Well I haven’t done anything in years,” I confess. “But I’ve mostly only smoked before.” “Never slammed,” David asked me curiously? “Well once,” I admitted. "But it was years ago!” “Well, hopefully my guy will bring a pipe for you, otherwise you’re in for a trip with me,” he smirked. I was really starting to like this stud. “You need Leather!” he exclaimed and grabbed my arm pulling me to his room. I knew David was into some leather accessories from his GoGo pics. For me, eh - take it, leave it, whatever. Inside his room, David tosses an Atlantis Events duffle bag up on the bed. I didn’t know he’d been on an Atlantis cruise before. Guess there’s lots I don’t know about him. Inside the duffle was all sorts of fun leather treats. I’m fitted with one of his harness and a leather jock. The harness is awesome! Since I’ve been getting myself back in-shape, this new accessory really accentuates my body. “So I’m really into nasty pig sex when I slam,” David blurts out. “I do it all the time around the country where people don’t really know me and I can let loose. But in LA, around my friends, I keep it to myself. You know.” And I did know. I understood all too well how cliquish and judgmental WeHo fags could be. Especially couples. So I reassured David that my inner slut whore would be released right along side of his. We pop a couple of Cialis to stay hard. “So what exactly do you get into when you party?” I had to know. “Everything!” he said. My ripped little GoGo boy was trying on different harnesses himself while standing there in a tiny little jockstrap that was strained to contain his meat. “Fucking and taking photos and videos are hot. I’m also turned on by watersports!” This intrigued me to no end as I wanted to dabble in piss play, but never really found someone into it. My fantasy is to have someone piss in my hole. Amazing! “I just hope my mouth doesn’t get me into trouble with the others because I’m very verbal as well,” David continued. “There’s something about POZ talk, especially to someone who’s neg, that turns me on when I play.” *Ding Dong* We opened the front door to David’s friend, Steve. A well-build guy in his mid 40’s - which is young for Palm Springs. Steve had salt & pepper hair and broad shoulders - the kind you want to swing from. He was extremely nice. As a businessman, I’m sure he WOULD be nice with the amount we were buying from him that night. Standing around the kitchen island, we chit-chat about the weekend as Steve begins to lay out his wears. This guy came prepared! Not only did he have everything in-stock that we wanted, he also came with all the necessary tools one would need; including a pipe and torch and a couple of fresh needles. Wasting no time, and anxious for us to sample his inventory, Steve began filling the pipe without needing any guidance from us. And then enters Nathan. Fresh from his shower, the skinny twink walks out naked. What few pubes he had before the shower are now gone and he is smooth as a baby from the face down. His cock sways between his legs as he walks and looks even larger now - even though it’s soft. “Yea! Goodies! What do we have?” Nathan asked with a boyish excitement. “All the exctacy and tina you boys can play with,” chimed Steve very happy with his business offering. “Yea, so here's the deal - Sam and I are going to PNP and be a couple of slutty boys tonight,” explained David who was teasing young Nathan’s nipples. “Well I want to be a slutty boy too!” Nathan exclaimed in protest like a young boy telling his older brother that he can do anything the older boys can do. My jaw nearly hit the floor. Steve had already lit up the pipe and had taken a hit. I guess it was technically still his drugs even though a wad of cash was still sitting on the table. But here’s where my night started to change…. Because Nathan - the innocent, naive boy - grabbed the pipe and drew out a huge puff of the magical white smoke. And with a confidence of youth and knowing he’s cute, he then shot-gunned David who was now completely fingering little Nathan’s hole. “This is going to be fun,” said David exhaling a massive white cloud. We dimmed the lights and moved over to the couches. I threw on some porn as the boys all did another hit off the pipe. Finally it was my turn. “We’re going to do some very bad things with you tonight, Nathan.” “Oh good!” the boy exclaimed as he grabbed hold of David’s harness to hoist his little boy body on top of the GoGo muscle stud to grind up against his jock. Steve motioned to have me join him back in the kitchen. “Now I brought needles, saline, and a booty syringe - it’s all here and it’s all yours. Do you have any questions?” Excited and thrilled at what I knew was happening - and the euphoria of having a couple of great hits of tina in me after all these years, I did have a concern for Steve. “David and I - for sure - are going to slam but I’ve only done it once and I don’t know about him. Can you stay to help us with our first?” I asked thinking Steve was looking to leave. He was not - just still proud of the various level of prepared he was — which we were not. Collecting the required supplies and moving back to the couch, Nathan is now sucking on David’s cock. A long 7 to 8’ shaft with a huge mushroom head. I couldn’t wait to feel it deep inside me. Nathan is fascinated with the tools of our trade and is gazing at the two needles. This boy is much more forward than I expected him to be. “Do you want to slam with us?” David asks Nathan. “Do you want me to fuck you deep while you’re flying so high? You want to be a nasty cum pig like Sam and me?” David is fingering Nathan’s hairless and perfect boy hole whispering this to him like a seductive temptress. The boy’s eyes are so big and wanting but all he can do is smile a huge grin and nod yes as he stares at the needles being prepared. “You want to take all of our loads up your kunt like a good little bitch? Take our POZ cum deep inside of you?” “Fuck Yea” the boy exclaimed, now riding on David’s finger and dry-humping his muscular chest with a rock-hard cock that I wanted as well. “Infect me!” he exclaimed with joy. I nearly fell over. “Oh you want our POZ cum in you, is that it? You like the idea of taking toxic seed you little slut?” David said after licking two fingers and pressing them in Nathan’s ass. He really did like POZ talk. “Oh Fuck Yea!” said Nathan. “Give me all of it! Fill me with your loaded cum!” “Open your mouth,” David ordered before spitting in Nathan’s mouth which he then closed with a devilish grin and a happy moan. Now I may not know what I’m doing when it comes to injecting - but David looked to be a pro. He tightened a strap around his arm and found a good vein to poke with the fresh needle Steve and I had prepared. Drawing back the blood into the syringe, he was focussed for a guy who was already high from smoking. And the look on Nathan’s face was of a boy in heat. “Do it! Put that crystal in your arm,” whispered Nathan. I had seriously underestimated this boy! A couple of good coughs and David stood up whipped off his jockstrap and began playing with his very hard cock thanks to the boner pills we’d taken. “Now you guys,” he said pointing to us. Because we only had the two needles (we didn’t expect needing more than that) and because David and I are both poz, I grabbed his dirty needle and passed it to Steve to refill for me. Pointing to the unused one I said, “there, that one is ready to go, Nathan, but let Steve here help you with it.” “No,” he said with a calmness and a certainty. “You first and then I want to use the same needle.” This got David, who was now obviously high, unbelievably excited. He grabbed the boy’s head, “you want my toxic seed and toxic blood?” This was said with such excitement and glee but also with a perverted and sadistic tone. David immediately kissed Nathan deep before the boy could answer his question. But after a deep lip lock Nathan shot him that boyish grin that tells you ‘I’m cute and I always get what I want’. “Fuck Yes!” “Charge me up and fuck me up! All of you!” “Fuck! You nasty cum dump, bug chasing slut!” David exclaimed with excitement. He really did get off on this talk. I did too. This was the night I needed! I watched in amazement and excitement as the needle was poked into my arm. Steve was very precise and careful. Nathan had plopped next to me standing on his knees on the couch to watch the show. His massive dick pressed against my shoulder so he could lean over closer to watch as the blood was pulled from my arm to mix with the crystal solution. It entered my mostly slam-virgin body and Steve released the strap to let the drugs rush through my body. The sensation was warm and exciting. I coughed and stood up to touch David’s perfect pecs. I then turned to kiss Nathan. “You ARE going to fuck me with your massive cock tonight,” I said to him with a playful confidence. Now my inner cum-slut personality was emerging! Yea! “As long as you promise to fuck me with your poz cock,” he replied. As Steve began to prepare the last slam in the same needle, David had the brilliant idea to go grab the booty bump syringe. Nathan’s attention was now fully on Steve as he worked. “And I want you to mix some of Sam and David’s charged blood in with my injection,” he ordered. “Are you certain, boy?” Steve asked. Perfect -- the friendly neighborhood drug dealer was now the moral center of this horny group. “Yea, Nathan - that may be too much,” I was able to say trying to also be a little good. “It’s fine. I’m on PrEP anyway. Aren’t you and David undetectable?” he asked. We both were and Nathan assured us that it would be fine. “I’m a bug chaser but I’ve got a huge start and am not completely stupid. I take precautions so I can play hard and slutty like I like. But the idea of chasing is a HUGE turn on for me.” Steve took the needle and pulled out some blood from David’s arm. To stop the trickle of blood from his vein, David licked it from himself. Hot, I thought. My blood was next. Steve then shook the continues of this now pink needle and asked one more time to be sure. The boy was sure. With the same preseason and care, Steve drew back some of Nathan’s blood to mix with ours and began sliding it in. After the strap was released from his arm, the boy’s head thrust back and he squealed with excitement. “Somebody fuck me!” he said. And of course, David obliged. Steve had removed his shirt by now and he returned to his glass pipe to blow more smoke. As Nathan and David were now fucking on the couch, my ass needed some major attention. Getting Steve out of the rest of his clothes was easy. He wasn’t wearing underwear. His dick was also huge and uncut. There's nothing better than the feel of an uncut cock sliding raw inside your ass. I can feel the foreskin sliding back and forth in my hole. Remembering the sensation get's me over the moon so I lay back on the other side of the couch and raise my legs, silently ordering this hot, solid man to come and abuse me. He walked over, bent down and spit a huge glob of spit onto my hole and then slid his 8” shaft into my very hungry hole. “Oh Fuck Yea Man!” I grunted at him. "Fuck me good! Pound me with that cock. I need to feel it in me." “Oh - so there’s more than one slutty cum whore in the house is that it?” he asked me. “Oh fuck yea! I'm the original cum dump. That little trashy fuck, Nathan, isn’t going to get ALL the raw loads tonight!” I protested in a very deep and slutty voice that's half serious but half joking. I then open my mouth wide and Steve happily spits down my throat as he’s pounding my ass next to my tall slutty counterpart. After a few minutes, the two tops swap and my chiseled and hot GoGo boy has his fat mushroom head in my ass. "You like that, you little fuck pig?" "Fuck yea I do!" David's sex talk is turning me on so hard. "We're going to charge up that hot little boy hole good tonight," he says as he's in me. "Yea!" I exclaim. "And piss in my hole!" I couldn't believe the words escaped my lips so easily. "You wanna take my piss? You want to be my urinal? Want me to fill up your hole so it's soaking wet?" he asked. All I could do was grunt my Yes and excitement. "Turn me into a piss pig tonight," I begged. With that, David pulled down my chin and spit in my mouth before dismounting me. Tapping Steve on the shoulder he was all, "come on - we're moving this show." He grabbed the un-used booty bump (we hadn't gotten to it yet) and we all walked outside. "Sam wants to be a piss pig - who besides me can help with that?" David asked looking squarely at Nathan. "Yea, I could piss on him," he replied. "No... IN him. We're gong to fill up his guts and turn him in a wet, tripping toilet," said David. "And if you do a good job, you'll get a prize," he said to the boy waving a full booty bump in his face. On a blanket in the grass I laid down excited for the new experience. Nathan came down and hovered over me with his rock-hard cock at the entrance of my ass. "You want my piss in your ass don't you slut?" Nathan had now taken up a very dominant position as the commanding top. And I did. I did want his huge tool to douce me with his piss. It was over 8" and really thick. Maybe even thicker than Steve's. And I couldn’t wait to feel it. Nathan raised up and grabbed his cock. He stood still for a moment concentrating. Then I felt a couple of light splashes against my ass. Another moment and then the stream came. He maneuvered his cock to spray piss on my hard dick and stomach before guiding it into my hole. The sensation was incredible! The warmth was filling my gut really fast - which I hadn’t anticipated. He still wasn’t all the way in me - just the head of his cock. But the fluid was filling me up. “Yes! Fuck your piss up in me!” I said. “Take my piss you filthy slut.” Nathan had really done a 180 and was now commanding my obedience.
    1 point
  45. So it was in the mid of 2001, i was living in that time in cologne/germany. I still was neg, but by visiting the bars and the darkrooms more and more I let the gus fuck me bare. One day I met a guy at the bar..wie talked a lot, drinking some beer...and he invited me to his place.. It was one of these hot nights in the summer, I only had a shorts and a shirt on, and as alwasdo, no underwear:-) On the way to his home.. he was grabbling at my cock, kissing me..and we became more and more horny. reaching his home... the air was very sticky and warm... we put out our clothes..just smoking for relaxing:-) He told me that he will fuck me only bare, as I Told him that i was still neg gut want to convert. Horny as hell, he fixed me on his bed, got a thoothbrush, putting in my arse. Then he stroke his cockin dry and hard.. he fucked me over half an hour, looking at me..then he asked:*Are you ready for my gift?* Icried *Put it in, I want to be your brother*..he fucked again, I felt his cock becomming harder and bigger..he moaned..and shoot in his toxic juice. When he got out, he put a plug in and gave his cok in my moth for cleaning it.. I saw his cum on it, and my blood...soo good. It was the best fuck I ever had. He told me that he was not on med and highly toxic. By saying this I turnd arround putting my arse up again for him. For three days we didn't leave his place, fucking us to hell... 3 Weeks later I became sick... We are still friends, and wenn wee meet, we must change our new bebies:-))
    1 point
  46. That becomes a difficult question to answer. For me, I'm fine with it, face or not. I had a guy (way back as a baby gay, as in 19 and single digits of experience) who left his webcam on while we had sex and then told me about it afterwards. I was a mixed bag of reactions on it. Part of me was pissed, part of me was turned on. Part of me was relieved that it was a webcam, part of me knew anyone watching could have recorded it. Part of me wanted to punch him in the face, part of me somehow liked him more for doing it. I hit the top of the fence on that one, and didn't know which way I would fall off. I ended up going with the idea that, while I wouldn't have said yes if he asked and would have had a hundred or more objections whether it was an open webcam or a video recording, I kind of appreciated that he did it without asking for my consent. Strange, but I felt more comfortable with knowing after the fact, about not having a choice and not feeling self conscious about the camera. It ended up being kind of like losing one's virginity, lots of build up to the moment and no big deal after it happens. Then it, in a way, became a turn on. I began to assume everyone I have sex with might be recording it. Which is strangely exciting. Flash forward 15 years, we're still friends, and I'm even friends with his wife. He also kept his love of recording, so I have pics that would destroy his life, one's his wife knows nothing about. She thinks he just jerks off to gay porn. She has no idea how much more is going on. But I do. Which is kind of hot on a whole different level.
    1 point
  47. 2. Jon "Got a package for you," the guard said. I looked up from my phone to see Hector looking at me. I hoped it was the package I had been expecting. It was an important part of my plans for Seth's party, and I had been worried it wouldn╒t get here in time for the weekend. "Thanks," I said. "It's in the back." Hector said. I felt a knot in my stomach. I knew where this was leading. "And where's Cal been? I haven't seen him for a few days." I had just come from the gym, and the workout had left me not just sweaty, but also horny. Still, I wasn't sure if I was ready for Hector. "He's been in Austin for work this week," I said. "Too bad," Hector said. "I've been missing him." Hector rubbed his crotch. There was no doubt why the burly Latino was missing Cal. Cal was usually the one who satisfied Hector's needs. Hector was the prototypical security guard, insecure and eager to assert his authority. Mixed with a deep insecurity about his sexuality, it was a toxic combination and it was reflected in his approach to sex. He was rough and aggressive, with a tendency to be very verbal and abusive. More than once, Cal had come up to the apartment with tears streaming down his face and bruises on his body. With Cal away, the job of satisfying Hector's dark, uncut cock was going to fall to me. "Me too," I said, as Hector motioned for me to head to the storage room in the back. The security guard put up a sign "Back in ten minutes." Not that he cared when he got back, but it would help to bound the experience. "He's back late tonight." "Yeah?" he said. "But my shift ends at 7:00." It was going to be me pleasuring him tonight. I couldn't tell if Hector was in a good mood or not, but it didn't matter. His cock was already stirring. As far as his penis was concerned, it didn't matter what I wanted. All that mattered was what Hector needed. He opened the door to the storage room. "Can't last that long?" It was my cock talking. As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Hector could barely control his sexuality, and never joked about it. I sometimes wondered if what Cal and I did for him was a safety valve, letting him release his tensions in a controlled way with participants that at least knew what they were getting into. I walked into the storage room. It was not the first time I had been in it, but it had been several months since the last time. As always, there was the single flickering fluorescent bulb, barely illuminating the room. Against the far wall, the locked cage ran the width of the room. It had only been a few weeks ago that I had come home and had to claim Cal from the cage. He bruised and bloodied from Hector's "games." Luckily, I had only been in the cage once, and I shivered at the memory. I wondered once again what I had just volunteered for. As I looked around the room, I noticed something new, a ratty old mattress, stained and dirty. It was in one corner of the cage. It was hard to tell if being thrown on the dirty mattress was a better outcome than just lying on the cold floor. "Shut up faggot," Hector said. It wasn't the words but the tone that hammered home the reality of the situation. Even though I was scared of what would happen next, my cock was playing traitor as it lengthened and hardened in my jeans. "On your knees." I fell to the ground in a motion that felt more like an involuntary reflex than a choice. I looked up at the Latino. He was smiling, the bulge in his khakis painfully obvious. Reverentially, he undid his belt. For him, it was a symbol of his power, and therefore, it required the utmost respect. I had watched the first time Cal had casually tossed it aside. The welts on his ass took two weeks to fully disappear. "You know what to do cocksucker," he said. I nodded and undid his pants, exposing a pair of white briefs, already stretched nearly to breaking point by his uncut cock. I pulled down his briefs, and his cock sprang free. It was thick, dark and despite how hard he was, the head was still covered by his foreskin. I would be lucky if Hector would use any lube to make the fuck bearable, much less some poppers or tina to make it fun. The Latino approached fucking as a zero-sum game, where any pleasure I got was less pleasure he got. For Hector, even me sucking his cock was an excuse to find new ways to get me to gag. I opened my mouth, taking the very tip of his cock into my body. Gently, I probed under his foreskin. If I knew Hector, he had spent most of the afternoon surfing the Internet for porn. The big breasts and wet cunts he had found had made him drip a bit, and the pre-cum had accumulated under his cockhood. "Oh fuck yeah, cocksucker. Lick up that sweat," he grunted, shoving his cock a bit further into my mouth. "Mmmmph," I said, working my way down his thick shaft. The entire encounter had happened so fast that I didn't really have a chance to get into the right headspace. From our idle chatter in the lobby to me on my knees sucking his cock, it had been barely five minutes. Nevertheless, my mood did not matter. I had to deep-throat the Latino. Hector hated any other lube than spit, so deep throating him was essential. My saliva would be my only respite from his ass pounding. "All the way down, faggot," he said. "Make my cock happy." I exhaled and focused on the cock already pressing against the back of my throat. "Yeah, it'll make your throat sore. But you like that." Hector grabbed the back of my head. "Come on. How many times have you done this before?" I didn't want to count; that would involve re-living the most extreme moments. I remembered the time he had practically choked me with his dick. He pulled it out only seconds before I blacked out. "Do it," he said, forcing my head down on his manhood. "Uuuuugh," I moaned, as the thick head forced itself into my throat. I had to take it, but every ounce of my being rebelled against the humiliation of his utter domination of my throat. "Eeease?" I grunted, begging him to let up on me. "Fucking feels so good cocksucker," he said. "No way am I gonna give up on this." He held my head in place; my nose rubbing against his closely trimmed pubes. There was the faint scent of soap, and the much stronger odor of sweat. In other words, he smelled like a man. He thrust his hips forward, forcing his steel shaft further in my mouth. "I know faggot. You can't get enough of a real man's cock." I looked up at him, silent and desperate. He was staring down at me, smiling broadly. His cock twitched, delivering a payload of pre-cum that landed straight in my stomach. He knew that every movement of his body was another ordeal as I struggled to accommodate his thickness. My obvious discomfort at sucking his cock only made him harder. Suddenly, he yanked his cock out of my throat and mouth. The removal was almost worse than the original penetration. But, the spasms subsided quickly once his cock was out of my mouth. "Stand up," he said, stepping back. He had decided that his cock was wet and hard enough to shove into my ass. I stood up quickly. "Bend over," he said. I bent over, leaning my weight against one of the shelves. It was full of packages waiting to be picked up. "Lower," he said, motioning me to rest against only the second shelf from the bottom. I stood up long enough to kick off my pants, then forced myself in the awkward and revealing posture he had demanded. As ambivalent as he might have been about gay sex, Hector still knew exactly what he was doing. By forcing me to brace myself against the lower shelf, I had to spread my legs wide, which forced my ass up. I could feel the chill of cool air against my hole. It reminded me just how exposed and vulnerable I had let myself become. In the position I had now assumed, there was no way for me to resist Hector's inevitable attack. My hole was exposed and ready for him to penetrate. The sudden chill awoke something dark and evil lurking within my body. I was no stranger to the passions of my virus. At the worst moments, it would stir, and assert itself. It wanted companionship, and it knew the best way to get it was through fluid exchange. Now aroused it asserted itself and made my only thought the need to get fucked. Hector grabbed onto my waist with one hand, and spat on his cock. Even when he had the time, he hated lube. "You know. Spit is all that a cocksucker deserves." He positioned his dick against my hole, pausing for a moment. "Let me in," he said, as he pressed harder and forced himself into me. As he entered, his foreskin peeled back, exposing his swollen cockhead. At least there was a bit of pre-cum to lubricate his penetration, but it was hardly enough. Not that it mattered. My virus was in control now and it wanted cum even more than Hector needed to drain his balls. I grunted, shifting my weight to try to get into a better position. "Stay cocksucker," he said, using his free hand hold me in place. "This is how I want it." I stopped squirming. I could feel each millimeter of his cock as it pressed into ass. Since I had no chance to prepare, his dick was a burning poker invading me. I moaned, more from pain than any kind of pleasure. "That's a real man in your ass," he said. He pushed further into me, the skin of his shaft rubbing against the tender walls of my ass. I closed my eyes, dreaming of even a drop of lube to make it easier to bear. "It's the kind of cock you dream about, faggot." "So fucking tight," Hector said. His cock was only seven or eight inches long, but it was thick. He was stretching me out. "Almost all in." I allowed myself a breath and forced myself to relax even more. Unfortunately, like Hector, the virus did not believe in pleasure. All it wanted that afternoon was another man in me, another chance to get re-infected. As I exhaled, his cock slid deeper into me and his thick pubes brushed against my buttocks. "It's all the way in, cocksucker," he said, and almost immediately, pulled back out. "Now the fun can really begin." I gasped, only to be rewarded with another hard thrust back into my hole. This time, it was at an angle and his dickhead rubbed against fresh parts of my hole. Hector was trying to find the sweet spot that maximized both his pleasure my discomfort. He knew what he was doing, and quickly found a rhythm of thrusts, parries, and withdrawals that left me breathless and sweating. He now had both hands on my waist and held me in place. It meant there was no relief for my aching thighs or sore ass. The only relief was that he was dripping pre-cum into me. If we kept this up long enough, I would be properly lubricated, and his fucking wouldn't be quite as harrowing. "Oh yeah," Hector said. "Almost there, cocksucker." "Please," I moaned. I wasn't sure if the voice was me begging for the fuck to end, or my virus, begging for his load. My arms were getting tired from supporting myself and pushing back against his pounding. His pre-cum was making his thrusts a little more bearable, but each one was still a painful reminder of his utter dominance over me. "Please," I grunted again. "Faggot begging for a man's load," Hector said. "Fucking the way the world should work." He slammed his cock deep into my hole and held it there. Of course, this was the moment where he had opened me up and lubricated me enough that his thrusts were no longer painful. He knew how to time it perfectly; when it became even slightly pleasurable for me, it was time for the encounter to end. "Fucking taking my load." His shaft throbbed. "Fucking breeding that faggot hole." The first spurt of cum was like a bullet, colliding with my body, lodging itself deep. Three more spurts followed in quick succession, each punctuated by a grunt of pleasure. As he filled me, my virus was briefly satiated. I no longer had the utter compulsion for sperm. I had a shining moment of clarity and was able to see myself in perfect understanding. Unfortunately, I was still bent over, practically naked, with another man's semen dripping out of my ass. It was not how I wanted to imagine myself. Afterwards, he paused for a moment, slowly working his load into my ass. "Hope JP likes sloppy seconds, faggot," he said. He pulled his cock out quickly, sending fresh bolts of pain through my body. Before I could even recover, he had put his dick back in his briefs, pulled up his pants and re-adjusted his belt. "Your package is there, cocksucker," he said, pointing to a small box practically covered in shipping labels in English and Chinese. He slapped my ass. It was harder than it needed, and I only barely caught myself from crashing into the shelf. "Clean your self up and take it." With nary another word, Hector left the storage room, leaving me still mostly naked, bent over, with a few drops of his seed dripping out of my ass. I stood up slowly, trying not to move too fast and cause my aching muscles to enter spasms of protest. I pulled on my underwear and pants, and grabbed the package Hector had pointed to. When I stepped out of the storage room, Hector was already back at his desk. I could see a picture of a naked woman on his screen, her legs spread and her fingers sliding into her cunt. He made no acknowledgement of my presence as I walked to the elevators. In the elevator, I shook the box, but there was no sound to reveal anything about the contents. It was both re-assuring and nerve-wracking. It had been a very complex order, and I was terrified that it would get messed up in critical ways. The elevator quickly took me up the fifty-odd floors to the condo, dropping me off in the foyer. I kicked off my shoes, and headed to the kitchen. "Hello?" I called out. Cal was still away, but I hoped that Jean-Paul had beaten me back home. "Welcome home," Jean-Paul called back. It sounded like he was in the living room. "I'm in the kitchen, JP," I said. I found a pair of scissors, and started to carefully cut the packing tape from the box. "What's in the box?" I looked up to see JP standing in the doorway. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. "Gym, then shower. Didn't see much point in getting fully dressed again." I could jus barely see his penis outlined in the sweats. It reminded me of what I had just done. It also reminded me that Hector's cum had only partially satiated my needs. "No complaints about that here," I said. JP's cock grew slightly in his sweat pants. I opened the box, and pulled out a few sheets of Chinese newspaper, and extracted two bags stuffed full of oblong blue pills. I had ordered about 300 of them; eyeballing the bags, it looked about right. JP walked over to me, pressing his body against mine. He was warm and the contours of his body were infinitely familiar and comfortable. "I thought those were Viagra," he said. "But Truvada?" "Well, kind of," I said. I pulled out another bag; this one was just as full. "These are for our boy tomorrow night." "Seth?" JP asked. "Yeah." I opened one of the bags, and extracted a pill. "Sugar pills," I said. "We'll replace his with the fakes." I had the idea several months earlier, in the quiet, dark hours of the night when the only ones awake were the ones driven by demons too powerful for mortals to defeat. That night, my demons had been crystal meth and three unknown, erect men. "Fuck," JP said. "You're a twisted fucker." He was now pressed up against my back. I could feel his cock grow as he thought through the implications of what I had just said. We would be fucking Seth raw and Seth, of course, would let us inject him full of our poz cum. He thought the pills he was taking would protect him. But he would be wrong. It would be just like a good old-fashioned stealthing, only far more dark, evil and perverted. "I learned from the best," I said. I pulled out one last bag. This one had only about 30 white tablets in them. "And those?" "Just some molly." "And the student becomes the master," JP said. "Well, even so, maybe you can give me a refresher course," I said. His cock was pressed against my back. Even though Hector had just fucked me, the virus was insistent. It needed more. It especially needed a poz man's sperm. "You sure?" JP asked. "We gotta save something for Seth, you know." "One last one?" I asked. I was already undoing my belt, racing to get out of my clothes. "I guess," JP said. He pushed down his sweats, letting his cock spring free. I finally got my pants off, and started to unbutton my shirt. "I can probably manage one load for you, my needy man." "You have no idea," I said. I wanted JP's cock. I needed his poz cum. "I think I know you well enough to know how badly you need cock." "Hector," I started. "You already have a load up there?" JP asked. He loved it when I came pre-seeded. I tossed my shirt into a corner, and nodded. "Yeah." "Oh hell yeah," JP said. "You need another load up that hot, greedy hole of yours?" "Fuck yeah," I said. "You need a recharge? Get you primed and ready for our innocent boy tomorrow night?" "I do." JP lifted me onto the kitchen table. The wood was warm against my skin, but as JP buried his face in my ass, I barely even noticed where I was. "Mmmm," he said. His tongue was probing my hole, darting in and out of me. He was trying to find the hidden pockets of cum that were still in my hole. "I can taste his cum." "Are you still?" I asked. "Off meds?" JP replied. After so many years together, we didn't need to complete sentences to know what the other was thinking. "Yeah," he continued. "It's been about a week now." "You must be pretty potent by now." "I hope so. For Seth's sake. Tonight, however, it's all yours." He stood up and spun me around. My head was now hanging off the side of the table, his erection standing up stiffly in front of me. It was beautiful, familiar presence; I had long ago lost track of all the times we had fucked. "Come on," he said, putting his warm hands on the side of my head, and gently holding me in place as he pushed his cock towards me. "Suck my cock. Get me hard," he said, as if he wasn't already hard enough. "Fucking beautiful cock," I said. "Beautiful, AIDS-infected cock." "It infected you," JP said. "It did." I replied. I opened my mouth and took the very tip of his cock. I barely brushed my tongue across it, but even so could taste the intense, bitter taste of his pre-cum. He had always tasted bitter, but it was not an unpleasant taste. Like a fine Islay scotch, it had grown on me and I reveled in its complexities and changes as his health and viral load ebbed and flowed. It took only one taste for me to realize how potent he was. Tomorrow he would be even more deadly. The drugs we all took worked extremely well, and when JP stopped them, his virus came back with a vengeance. JP's high viral load would be an added reward for Seth this weekend, albeit one he would not have chosen for himself. "I can taste the virus in your pre-cum," I said. "I know," JP said. "I can tell you love it." He was right. It reminded me of when we were first dating and when HIV was far scarier. JP had been there for me, helping me accept his poz cock and take his infected loads. He had been there for me when I had gotten sick, fucking me repeatedly to make sure I was sure to convert. It was so perfect that he had done it to me. Even now, I would jerk off thinking about those weeks. JP was pushing his cock deeper into my mouth and soon he was pressing against the back. I swallowed and let him enter my throat. Although JP was thick, I had gotten used to him. There were only a few seconds of discomfort before I acclimated to his familiar girth. "That's right, boy. Take it all." "Please," I murmured, as best I could with his cock buried in my throat. I wanted him to force his cock into me and to take me once more. He was only a few years older than me, but his hair was already the perfect mixture of salt and pepper. I thought it was hot; it made him even more of the daddy he already was. "Fuck me," I grunted, staring at the black and white hair of his pubes. He held my head in place as he pushed his cock deeper into me. Although I should have expected it, the first time was still a surprise. I forced myself to adjust to it, fighting back the urge to gag. "Come on, take it," JP said. "Take my diseased cock." I closed my eyes and relaxed. Before I knew it, my lips were pressed up against the base of his dick, and my nose was nestled against his heavy balls. This was one of the most perfect configurations for two men to be in: one man buried deep in the throat of another man. Just as soon as I had gotten used to it, and right as I began to savor it, JP pulled his cock out. But immediately, he sunk it right back into me. I was surprised by how forceful he was, and once more had to force myself not to gag. JP usually took his time and let me get used to him. But tonight, there was urgency in his actions. "Fuck," JP said. "I'm not sure what's into me tonight. I gotta get off." He pulled his cock out again. It was as hard as it ever was, and was now dripping wet from my spit. "The virus is in your brain," I said. "It needs to spread." "You're right," he said. He let go of my head and stepped back. "Wanna go to the bedroom?" he asked me. I pulled myself up and sat on the counter. "You going to breed me? Make me your infected poz man?" "My diseased husband," he said, smiling. He extended his hand. I grabbed it, and followed him into the bedroom. In the bedroom, he grabbed my other arm and tossed me onto the bed. Jon-Paul was six inches taller than me, and at least fifty pounds heavier. All of that extra weight was muscle. When we wrestled, I always lost. "You are going to get fucked good," he said. "Infected with some new strain of virus." "I hope so," I said. I pushed the covers back, leaned up against the pillows, and spread my legs. "All yours, my poisonous stud." JP got on the bed, and knelt between my legs. I handed him a bottle of lube. "You think you need this?" he asked. "Don't you already have another man's cum up there?" I nodded. "Just a bit," I said. "I guess," JP said. He grabbed one of my legs and pushed me back, exposing my hole even more. He squeezed a bit of the lubricant out of the bottle, directly onto my hole. "You've got a drop of cum leaking out," he said. Pre-seeded holes were one of his biggest turn-ons; his eyes were wide and eager to pound my hole. He poured a thin bead of the fluid onto his erection and gave it a few strokes. "I'm a slimepit," I said. "I know." "Not yet," JP said. He had navigated his cock to my hole, and it was now pressing against me insistently. By now, after all the years together we knew each other's bodies completely and instinctively. Even tweaked up, in a dark maze, I could always steer my cock directly into JP's throat. He had the same navigation talents when it came to my body. "One load does not a cumdump make, much less a slime pit." "You need to fix that," I said. Before I could say anything else, he pushed his cock into me. I gasped, from a perfect mixture of surprise, delight, and discomfort. As JP started to find a rhythm of fucking me, the surprise and discomfort disappeared and all that remained was pleasure. JP leaned in and gave me a kiss. "I can feel that load inside you," he said, before pushing his tongue back into my mouth. "How many loads is Seth going to get?" he asked. "As many as we can give him," I said. "As many as it takes to infect him." "But he thinks this is perfectly safe? That PrEP is going to protect him?" "Yeah," I said. I clenched my ass tight around JP's cock, wanting to milk out more of his toxic pre-cum. "And he thinks all of us are on meds." "Other than you, me and Cal, who's coming?" JP licked my ear, sending waves of pleasure over my body, all of them converging on my hole. "Ohhh, baby," he murmured as he felt my hole twitch. "Just us tomorrow night," I replied, trying to ignore the pleasure I was feeling. "Pizza, poppers, and pozzing." "You mean supper, smoke, and stealthing, right?" "Hell yeah," I said. "Then, Saturday, we've got Jesse, Max, Dennis, Nathan and Jason and Sean and Vic." "How much cock is this boy going to take? Max and Sean and Vic are pretty big." "You're at least as big as all of them," I said. I reached down and grabbed his muscular ass. I pulled him closer. It gave me a chance to feel his hairy chest rub against mine, but also get another half inch of cock in me. "And you said Dennis and Jesse as well?" I nodded. "They've been off drugs for how long?" "Resistant for Dennis. Jesse never even took them." "That's right. But it's like bringing a nuclear warhead to a high school wrestling match. He doesn't stand a chance." I nodded again. Dennis had stopped drugs a few months ago, when his virus became resistant to one of the medicines. The last time I had seen him, he had been gaunt and slow, like all his energy was being sucked up by the virus. But the disease had not affected his cock; it was as hard and powerful as ever. Jesse, on the other hand, still looked like the model he once was, albeit with a bit of grey in his goatee. He had never taken drugs at all. He thought they interrupted the universe's master plan, in which his disease was a small part of some grand and perfect design. "But what about you?" I asked. "I tasted your pre-cum tonight. If they are a nuclear weapon, you're a fucking neutron bomb." "You could tell?" JP asked. He slowed down his insistent pounding, and kissed me. "That's fucking hot." I could. It wasn't very accurate, but he tasted metallic, almost poisonous when his viral load was high. "Yeah," I said. "You know I can. And from your precum tonight, you're a deadly stud of a man." "All the better to infect my special studs with. All the best for our special guest this weekend." "Yeah, and speaking of special guests, Tina will also be making an appearance on Saturday. Vic said he would hook us up." "Drugs and sex, and poz men?" JP asked. "Everything after this weekend is going to be a let down for Seth." "Yeah," I said, laughing. "You're probably right." "Another let down?" JP asked. I nodded. "Cal's gonna get home and there's going to be no cum left for him." "It's going to be even worse this weekend. He's gonna be a hungry boy by the end, seeing Seth get all the loads." "And he's gonna be even more jealous of the load Hector gave you." He pressed his dick into me, finding another reservoir of the Latino's jizz. "So fucking hot, you taking that load, and bringing it home for me to fuck into you." "I want to be your slut," I said. "I know. But you have such a nice cock yourself. You shouldn't deny men the pleasure of it." "Nor my load." "Your foul, polluted cum," JP said. He reached down and grabbed my cock. It was rock-hard, and already dripping some pre-cum. He rubbed his finger in the slick fluid, and then put the finger in his mouth. "But still so sweet. The drugs are working?" "Yeah, last test was about a month ago and I was all clean." "Except for your mind," JP said. "The boy has no clue what he's getting himself into." "A nest of vipers," I said. "Deadly vipers." "And this viper is getting ready to bite." "Shoot its venom into me," I said. JP had been playing with both my body and my mind. Between his fucking and his dirty talk, he had pushed me into a dark headspace, where I almost believed that his cock was a thick, fat snake. It was biding its time and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. "Oh fuck yeah," JP grunted as he shoved his snake into my hole. "Gonna breed my man's slut hole." He was still for a moment, enjoying the sensation of his cockhead swimming in Hector's load. He exhaled. At the same moment, his cock swelled and spurted. His cum shot out of his dick, into my waiting ass. "Take my AIDS cum," he moaned. "Give it to me," I said. "Re-charge my hole." "Hell yeah," JP said. His hips were thrusting into me again, smearing his fresh cum against my hole while at the same time, working Hector's load into me as well. Each thrust was marked by another throb of his cock as he ejaculated more of his virus-ridden sperm into me. "Can't ever get enough of you." "I'm jealous of every load I don't get," I said. "I know." He leaned in and started to kiss me. "You are still my favorite. And each year, you only get hotter." As JP's orgasm faded, we continued to make out. We each were constantly adjusting our position, making sure that JP's cock stayed in me. But, eventually, JP began to get soft and my legs got sore. "Dinner?" he whispered in my ear. "Sure," I said. We slowly disentangled, finding excuses to slap each other's balls, nibble on a nipple, or just make out that left us in bed another fifteen minutes. Finally we stood up and we each pulled on a pair of sweats. I took a piss, and JP headed to the kitchen. The rest of the evening was uneventful. JP made dinner, we curled up on the couch and watched some TV, and then we went to bed. Around midnight, we were momentarily awoken by Cal coming back and crawling in between us. I wrapped my arms around the lanky young man and nestled my erect penis between his muscular ass cheeks. I quickly fell back to sleep, dreaming of an angry virus, desperate to spread itself to every unsuspecting, horny man.
    1 point
  48. Gave one in the gym sauna earlier to a married guy in his late 50's. We've fool around a few times but mostly jacking one another and I've blown him a couple of times. I saw him getting out of his street clothes as I was headed to the sauna and we waved at one another. I was already stroking myself hard when came in wearing a towel. What surprised me was he carrying a little jar of Vaseline which he handed me, tossed his towel on the bench and then bent over. I quickly greased my dick and slowly started to push it in his ass. I've got a thick cock and he was tight, but after he loosened up I started pounding him hard and fast while he stroked himself. I loved how he was whimpering and trying not to make too much noise. It didn't take long before I told him I was ready to breed his tight hole, and then I shoved it in to the hilt and came deep inside of his ass. My orgasm was so intense I thought my knees would buckle, but I kept fucking him as he rubbed out his own load. Without a word I slapped his ass, grabbed my towel and left for the shower.
    1 point
  49. A nooner last week in a married fuck buddy's bed while his wife was at work. I'm not sure why, but I find it hot to fuck a married guy in the bed he and his wife share. I guess the touch of the taboo turns me on.
    1 point
  50. PART III I stared at Coach Pitt’s cock. It twitched every few seconds, a steady stream of precum sliding into the ridges of his furry abs. He saw me staring and grinned. “You like my dick, boy?” I nodded eagerly, and my own cock twitched. He grabbed my fat piece of meat and whistled. “Goddamn, Lance—you’ve got a pretty hot cock yourself.” He kissed me again, then looked me square in the eyes. “Now, listen: I promised Coach Strickland that he could watch me destroy your virginity. But before that happens, I’d really like to see you worship my cock. You wanna worship Coach’s cock?” “Fuck yeah, Coach.” “Then get on your knees, boy.” I knelt down in front of him, inhaling the scent of his fur and his precum and his sweaty crotch. I’d only sucked a few cocks before, and hadn’t really gotten the hang of it. But I’d never touched a cock like this. As I stared at the veiny shaft glistening with precum, my hunger for Coach’s dick activated instincts I didn't know were there. I wrapped my mouth eagerly around his mushroom head and began sucking on it like his seed was the only thing keeping me alive—first swallowing a few inches, then slowly engulfing more and more of it in my mouth. I wanted to please and worship this man more than anything else in the world. “Good boy,” he growled. “That’s a very, very good boy. You know, Lance, I suspected you were probably a hungry little fag, but I had no idea what a natural pig I had on my hands. I can already tell that you’re gonna make me so proud.” I murmured with pleasure as I kept creeping my lips down the length of his cock. He moaned, and I tasted his DNA as it dripped steadily down the back of my throat. “Turn around,” he said. “I wanna munch on that sweet little jockbutt.” I spun around for him. He gently pushed down on the small of my back so that my spine arched, then he positioned my legs to expose my hole even more. “Spread it, pig,” he said, and I reached back and spread my hungry butt. “Just like that. I like to see you just totally open and vulnerable. Submissive. Proud of your role as a chemmed-up cumhole.” With that, he dove right into my wide-open butt. I gasped as he buried his face in me, and I could hear him growl and snort as he spit and chewed and tongued my tight hole. I whimpered. Then he pulled me upright, turned my head to the side, and kissed me. “Your hole tastes fuckin’ awesome,” he said to me. “When I’m fucking you, I’ll pull out from time to time and shove my cock down your throat. That way you can taste your hot little boybutt all over my raw dick. Got it?” I nodded, and he kissed me a little more. His mouth was full of the same spit that was dripping out of my fuckhole and down my leg. Then he stood up. “OK, boy,” he said with a grin. “It’s time to head to my place and get you knocked up.” He pulled me to my feet and threw me a warm-up jersey. “Just put that on. No underwear. I want you to be naked as soon as possible once we’re inside my house.” Meanwhile, he threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, zipping it up to cover his hairy chest and abs. His hard cock formed a huge tent in his sweats, pulling the elastic band low enough that I could see his pubic hair. As we drove back to his place, he took out his phone and dialed Coach Strickland. “Hey, bud,” he said. “I’ve got the boy with me. We’ll be there in 10 minutes. You wanna get those hits ready? Oh, and by the way—Lance has something to tell you.” He handed the phone to me. “Tell him, Lance. Tell him what you want tonight.” “Hey,” I said. Strickland replied, “Hey, buddy. You got something to tell me?” I hesitated just for a moment, then plunged right in: “I wanna get fucked. I want your raw dick in my hole. I need it. So bad.” “Woof. That’s fuckin’ hot, boy. You gonna make me pull out?” “Fuck no, Coach. Cum in my butt. Please.” “Holy shit, dude. You’re such a fuckin’ good boy.” Here I paused again. I looked over at Coach Pitt, who gave me a little nod. Then I turned back to the phone and said, very quietly, “And one more thing. I want your poz cum.” A long pause. Then Strickland said: “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you, boy.” Another pause. Then I heard myself say, clearly and confidently, “I said I want you to bareback my hungry hole full of poz cum.” Strickland let out a little whoop. “Fuck yeah, you hot little pig! You wanna get inducted into the brotherhood? Wanna get converted?” “Yes please, Coach.” “Good fucking BOY,” he replied, and whooped again. Coach Pitt motioned for me to hand back the phone. “I told you this boy had potential,” he said to Strickland. “But I had no idea just how much. See you in a few.” When we pulled into the garage and closed the door, Strickland walked out to meet us wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts. I could see the outline of his giant cock through the mesh fabric. His chest and abs were covered with a thin layer of blond fur. I stared at his dick. “Hey, little buddy,” said Strickland. “Get down on your knees and suck my dick.” I obeyed. Kneeling before this studly fucker, I greedily swallowed the giant head of his dick. He grabbed my hair and began easing more and more of his cock into my mouth. “Fuck, dude,” he said. “This fag is a natural cocksucker.” “I know,” said Coach Pitt. “I can’t wait to see how he reacts to a big raw dick in his butt.” With that, Strickland pulled me off his cock and yanked me to my feet. “C’mon inside, boy,” he said. “I’ve prepared a very special surprise for you. You’re gonna fuckin’ love it.” I followed him inside, then downstairs to a dark room that smelled like sweat and piss. Sex toys were everywhere. A sling was in the corner. And on a table near the doorway, I saw three syringes laid out in a row. “Get up in the sling,” said Strickland. “Coach Pitt will secure your hands and feet.” I did as I was told. Taking off the warm-up jersey, I climbed into the sling and put my legs into the stirrups. Coach Pitt winked at me as he secured my hands and feet. Then he grabbed a piece of rubber and tied it around my arm. “Listen, boy,” he said. “This is gonna be really intense, but just trust me. Just go with it. Coach Strickland prepared a big slam for you. That means he’s put drugs into a syringe, and we’re gonna inject it right into your bloodstream. You’ll feel an incredibly intense rush, then you’ll just want dick in your hole. Raw dick. Our dicks. And everyone else’s dicks, too.” “We’re filming this, by the way,” said Strickland, pointing to a camera in the corner. “We want to document your initiation. I don’t care if that makes you uncomfortable. Frankly, in just a few minutes, you won’t care either.” I watched as Coach Pitt secured a rubber strap to his own bicep. Then Strickland handed him a syringe and swabbed my arm with an alcohol pad. “Coach Pitt is gonna do his slam at the same time as you,” Strickland said to me. “That way he can talk you through the initial rush. I’ll slam second. And then, little buddy, we’re both gonna get you fuckin’ pregnant.” He removed the orange cap from the syringe, tapping it to remove any air bubbles. He found a good vein and inserted the needle. He looked back at Coach Pitt, who was doing the same. “Just tell me when you’re ready, Pitt,” he said. I watched as Strickland pulled the plunger back from my syringe, and it turned deep red. “I’ve got a register,” said Coach Pitt. “Fuckin’ do it.” And with that, Strickland undid the rubber strap from my bicep and began pushing down on the plunger. I watched the red liquid disappear into my vein, then felt a scratching at the back of my throat. I coughed violently as a rush of blood and chemicals went to my head. My heart began beating in double time. “Hold your arm up, boy,” said Strickland, showing me how to keep a finger over the entry point. I heard Coach Pitt exhale loudly, growl, and say “Fuck yeah” under his breath. Strickland went off to do his own slam, and Coach Pitt approached me, his giant dick bobbing in front of him, rock-hard. He, too, had his arm in the air, and his eyes were full of crazy, devilish intensity. Meanwhile, I was a little panicked. The rush was more intense than anything I’d ever felt. I couldn’t even begin to process what I was feeling. “It’s OK, boy,” said Coach Pitt, gently. “Just go with it. We gave you a REALLY big hit. Does this make you feel any better?” He ran his hands across my chest, tweaking my nips, then slowly moved his fingers down to my stomach. “Or this?” He inserted two fingers in my hole, and my eyes immediately rolled back in my head. Coach Pitt laughed. “Fuck yeah, boy,” he said. “This sweet little fuckhole’s all slammed up, and it’s ready to get fuckin’ pozzed. You want my dick, boy?” “Fuck yeah,” I said, completely blown away by the intense sensation of his fingers in my hole—it was like his fingers were everywhere on my body at once. In fact, my body felt like nothing but a hole. And all I could think was that I needed Coach’s big dick inside me, I needed his sweet fuckin’ seed, I needed his virus, I needed him to mark me, own me, use me, wreck me. “Here you go, pig,” he said, resting the head of his dick against my fuckhole. “Strickland and I are gonna fuck you raw. We’re gonna breed you full of our poz seed. Then we’ll have some buddies come over to work all that cum up inside you, blasting you full of more virus. We’ll do everything we can to get you fuckin’ converted, I promise you.” That’s when he inserted the head of his cock inside my hole. My ass radiated with hunger. My mouth dropped open and my eyes fluttered. Coach Pitt grinned his evil grin. “Want more?” I nodded emphatically. Then I felt him pushing his massive raw shaft inside me, about a half-inch, then pausing, then a half-inch more. “Goddamn,” he said. “I tell ya, Strickland, there’s nothing hotter than fucking a virgin hole that’s just been slammed for the first time. It’s this combination of crazy tightness and insane hunger. His hole is grabbing onto my cock, doing its best to devour it, and his little cunt muscles are trying to catch up. You OK, boy? You want more dick?” By this point, I was grinning stupidly as he slowly impaled me on his raw shaft. I didn’t need to answer. He could see the complete bliss on my face. My wrestling coach, my dream man, was slowly filling my hole with his dick. Surrendering to his cock, feeling him invade me and claim me, I’d found my purpose, or at least part of it. My purpose was to serve and worship men like Coach Pitt, offering my raw hole for them to pound and breed. “I’m not gonna last long,” Coach Pitt said. “This hole is fuckin’ incredible. Boy, you’re gonna get so much cum tonight—you have no idea. How’s that slam feeling?” “I didn’t think it was possible to feel this good,” I said, still grinning from the sensation of being filled by this stud’s giant dick. “I didn’t think I would ever get to see your cock, let alone feel it push inside my fuckhole.” With that, Coach pushed the rest of the way into me, his heavy balls resting against my asscrack. I looked up at him, my vision blurred by the waves of pleasure running up and down my entire body. No rubbers, no barriers—just the skin of his fat mushroom head rubbing against the skin of my hungry virgin hole. “You want my cum, don’t you?” he said, starting to thrust his dick into my jockbutt. “I so fucking want it,” I replied. He smiled. “I’m so glad I get to poz you, Lance. I’m so glad I’m the one who gets to flood your virgin hole with my virus. I’m gonna mark you. You’re gonna be mine. You wanna be mine?” “Yes, Coach,” I said. “Make me yours. All yours. Please. Poz me. Infect me. Give me your virus. Work my slammed-up hole with your raw dick until you pump a load deep. Please.” “I like to hear you beg, boy.” I heard his breath grow shallow. His thrusts went a little deeper. He was close to shooting. “I like to hear you beg for my toxic load. I fuckin’ love it. Sweet little jockboy like you with a hungry bubble butt. You want a poz load, boy?” “Fuck yeah. Poz me. Please.” “Here it comes, you little fucker. You little neg bitchboy. I’m about to blast you full of my fuckin’ poison. Fuckin’ A, Lance—sweet hungry tight virgin fuckhole. Fuck! You know what I’m doing right now, you hot little faggot? I’m. Stealing. Your. Fucking. Boyhood. Fuuuuuuck!” With that, he thrust deep, his whole body convulsing as poz cum pulsed out of his raw dick. Then another pulse. Then another. I felt a wetness and warmth began to flood my guts as Coach’s cock unleashed a ******* of infected seed into my defenseless body. Finally, after the eighth or ninth pulse, he came to a stop. His dick was still hard, still lodged in my cumhole. He looked me in the eye, grinned a huge grin, and said with a growl: “Welcome to the fuckin’ brotherhood, baby boy.” MORE SOON…
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