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  1. PART 1 My parents just left me—their little Jason—in my fully furnished studio apartment. I was now positively on my own. They drove me up to Chicago to attend university—class of 1990. I have three weeks before classes start, and I’m going to explore the city. I already know where I’m going tonight. It’s been on my mind for months ever since I heard about the place. But, now, I have some shopping to do to get ready. A whirlwind shopping spree found me back at my place by 5:00 and my modifications finished by 5:30. (I had to get used to a new time zone.) I looked at my new shower addition and couldn’t wait to try it since I had never used one before. I got the hang of it quick enough. I took my time so that I could be sure that I would be absolutely thoroughly cleaned out in anticipation of tonight’s fun or what I hoped would be fun. I had already decided I was a good prospect to find another guy tonight to have sex with, and I didn’t want anything to go wrong. Eight o’clock found me champing at the bit. I was running crystal clear water out of my ass. I took a quick shower making sure not to put on any deodorant. I looked at myself in the full length mirror on my bathroom door and liked what I saw. I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs all going at full speed. I almost decided not to go but chastised myself for being a chicken. This is what I had dreamed about for so long. I looked once more at myself and took inventory: 19 years old; manly baritone voice; 6 feet tall; naturally tan body; 175 pounds of running and swimming muscles; brown eyes; brown hair covering my arms, legs, head, and crotch triangle; size 11 ½ feet; long slender fingers attached to big hands; and cut thick 8 inch cock hanging in front of naturally hairless sac containing 2 large hen egg-sized balls. I was nervous that I might be not up to par for the men where I was going. But, then, if I didn’t go, I wouldn’t know if I were or were not. I hurried from the bathroom, slipped on an old Bike white jockstrap, a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and sandals. I stuffed my money, ID, and CTA pass in my front pocket, picked up my gym bag with the lock and goods, and grabbing my keys went out the door. The clerk at the counter smiled a lot; his name was Cy he told me. I told him I was Jason. He gave me a wink and told me to come to him if I needed anything at all because he would be there all night. He was hot. He talked me into getting a room, actually what he called a double, telling me it was his treat since I had not brought enough money. I found my room after making a quick stop at a commode, stripped putting all my clothes and sandals in my gym bag locking it, made sure my lube was on the bed after applying some to my ass, tossed my towel over my shoulder, strapped on my door key, and left my room wearing only my trusty white Bike jockstrap and a smile. I wandered around the huge bath house going upstairs and in the basement. I went in the steam room finding several men engaged in sucking. I watched for a long time. My mind was racing at what I saw as an almost open invitation to having sex in public areas . . . and no one cared. This is what I had heard about the place and what had kept me in a subdued yet excited state for the last several months. I knew once I had decided where I was going to university I would have to visit this place. I had at last arrived. When I left the steam room, I again wandered over the three levels noting what must be protocol. I stood back and watched other men who also were wandering the narrow halls. What I suspected was true or at least I hoped so. I put my theory to the test returning to a room on the second floor where a hot looking man had been. He was still in his room with the door opened wide. I stood across the hall from his door and watched the man as he slowly rubbed his towel-covered cock. After a couple of minutes, he lifted the towel up allowing his cock freedom to rise upwards. I looked to my left and right and entered his room shutting the door behind me. He stood up as I crossed the room to him. I knelt quickly on the floor using my towel for comfort. I was breathing heavily and my hands shook. My mouth was dry but I opened it. I took his cock in my hand guiding it into my mouth where I tasted my very first cock. I began slowly moving up and down on the shaft as my mouth awakened providing saliva to make the move easier. I carefully began sucking my first cock. There would be many more I hoped. This stranger put his hands on either side of my head and held me still as he began to piston in and out of my mouth. I began quietly to moan at his taste as my head began to swim in blissfulness. My eyes fluttered briefly until I recomposed myself. He fucked my mouth easily for many minutes as I drooled in anticipation. I heard him begin to moan and looked up at him seeing his head tilted backward. His hands tightened on my head; I braced myself for what I knew was going to happen. Several more minutes passed as he continued to moan and increase the tempo of his fucking my mouth. Then, with a growl, I felt his cock fill and hit the back of my mouth. Seconds passed; I felt a flexing of his cock as the first load of his cum shot into my mouth. I gagged like the beginner I was but kept my mouth closed mostly learning to swallow each salvo of his nectar. Rank amateur and I’m sure he knew it, but he said nothing. My cock was straining in my jock. PART 2 I was ecstatic when I left his room and felt as if I were flying! My heart was racing at what I had done. I was giddy but tried to contain my wild enthusiasm as I began walking back to my room. I decided to hit up the basement before the first floor where my room was. My pace was unhurried and garnered several long looks and smiles, a couple of pats on my bare ass, and one distinctive grope of my bulging jock. As I rounded the last corner in the basement, I noticed a door open that I thought had been previously closed. Inside was a young guy who couldn’t have been much older than me. He was naked standing by his bed and stroking a cock that looked to be very similar to the one I had just sucked. I stopped directly in front of his door. Without hesitating, he beckoned me in; I went closing the door. I went to the floor and began working on his cock which was indeed very similar to the first one I had just sucked. The difference was this young guy was a lot more hurried and soon I could tell he was looking for a fast cum shot. Well less than 5 minutes, I heard him groaning as he pummelled my mouth blasting out his load which I swallowed. He hurried me out of his room. Oh. My feet took me up the stairs where I wandered the round-about hall on the first floor. The room next to mine had an older man—read probably in his fifties—in it. He had grey hair, very thin but with muscles, no body hair to speak of, and was propped up against the wall as his uncut cock lay across his thigh. I unlocked my door and stepped over to look at him once more. He motioned me to come into his room. I closed my door and joined him. As I stepped away from his door, I began to kneel once more, but he pulled me back up on my feet. We stood looking eye to eye. He put his arms around my waist, and I put mine around his shoulders. He leaned in and kissed me which took me off guard. I backed my head away for a brief moment and then relented. We kissed several minutes before separating. I knelt down taking his uncut cock into my mouth. He had a very different taste and texture than my first two cocks I had sucked. I soon found that I could slip my tongue beneath his foreskin and had a lot of fun swirling my tongue first one way and then the other. My host sighed quietly and emitted gentle moans. I looked up and saw his face with his eyes closed swaying as if there were a gentle breeze. I sucked on the entire shaft learning my trade and trying different tricks to taste more of this new cock and to be sure that the man to whom it was attached was enjoying himself. We continued for some time. My knees began to hurt, my legs began to cramp, and my mouth began to ache. Somehow, I persevered until without warning a guttural moan crept out of his closed mouth just as a huge glob of cum hit the back of my throat. I was startled and choked at the same time. His cum landed in my mouth as if it were a military barrage. Each salvo landed in a different spot. I felt a backlog of the sticky fluid building in my mouth until I thought it would burst out and spew everywhere. Fortunately, just as I was running out of room the bombardment began to abate; I began swallowing faster. I felt his body shiver and let his spent cock slowly slip from my mouth. My host helped me to my feet and once more hugged me. We kissed some more. He told me I tasted good. I had a momentary dull brain before I realized about what he was talking. I laughed and told him he was the one that tasted good. He had a very pleasant smile. I had an epiphany as I stood there with him. I realized that I had now sucked three men and swallowed their cum loads. I was not nervous or anxious any more about my being accepted. I knew I was attractive enough and had what it would take to find plenty of men at this bath house to sate my repressed sexual appetite. My mind began to race as I thought about starting a journal and keeping track of my sexual trysts. Abruptly, I returned to my reality of being held by this nice older man. Indeed, all three of my conquests were superb in their own right. Any hint of ageism fell away. I resolved that it was about sex and me getting a lot of it to make up for “lost” time. I had no time for age numbers.
    6 points
  2. Its that time of the week again when thoughts turn to what the days ahead may have in store for all the whores, sluts, holes, cocks, sleazy & depraved guys that inhabit this wonderful BZ Brotherhood ...
    6 points
  3. Half of this story is true. Half of it isn't. Everything's so different now when it comes to chat rooms. It used to be simple. There used to be just this one big chat site where you could go directly to your city or region and start a conversation with guys nearby. I'm in a medium-sized city and always found guys to talk to. It was 1998, and I was just a stupid kid messing around online. I was "out", but not really happy with the clubs I'd been to or the personal ads I'd tried. Somewhere around that time I discovered I was a "bug chaser". It was a surprise to me even though a therapist once told me that the thing you fear most is the thing you will eventually go after. So be it. I don't pretend to understand the human mind -- least of all, my own. So I'm chatting in my city's room and I started a conversation with this guy who called himself "a tall, tasty top". Just my kind. But he also had HIV that was advancing ever so close to full-blown AIDS. We chatted for a bit and exchanged some personal information. He worked at a big museum and did misc. artwork for the place. He was a musician and seemed altogether interesting. But then he moved things along to sex talk. I'd already told him I was HIV NEG, but he seemed to want to know how far I'd go with him. I admitted that I wanted to suck him off. "You'd suck a poz dick?", he asked. "Just yours," was my reply. "My doc is really concerned about my viral load. I'm getting my tonsils taken out in a few days because he thinks that will help,". Oh. OK. "Well, maybe we could meet for lunch later on?" "My operation is Thursday morning. Want to meet for a late lunch on Friday?" "Absolutely". I thought that seemed kind of soon after a surgery, but I suggested a little bar and grill that was near both our workplaces. He agreed and it was all set. After I signed-out, I realized that even though we'd set a date, place and time --- we had no idea what the other looked like or would be wearing. All I had to go on was 'tall, tasty top'. That'd have to do, I guess. Friday came around and I told my boss I was taking the afternoon off. At 1 o'clock, I slipped out and was at the place plenty early to see if I could spot him coming in. It didn't take long before I spotted him coming through the parking lot. He was super tall, very skinny and looking like Hollywood (in my opinion). Dark black hair and full beard and mustache, glasses, and dark eyes directed toward me. He knew me too. Amazing. he was dressed way more casual than I was, but he was an artist after all. Lunch. Well, I could have picked a better place for a date with somebody who'd just had throat surgery. They didn't even serve soup here, just hot chili which I doubt he could tolerate. I ordered a burger and he ordered a turkey sandwich. While waiting, we finally got around to basics like our names and ages and where we lived. He was so fascinating to look at, and his voice was low and friendly. His name was Kent. I took two or three bites from my burger and I couldn't eat any more. My stomach was doing flips like I was teen girl in love. He finished his food and half of mine before suggesting we go to a gay bar around the corner. "Just for a bit" We got there and I immediately ordered a large pitcher of beer. He was a little concerned that my stomach was too empty for so much booze, but I lied and said I'd had a big breakfast. We were sitting at the bar on two stools. He was wearing old jeans with holes everywhere - including the ones that let me see his white, white bony kneecaps. I wanted to touch one of them, but needed some beer first. I hated myself for being shy. We drank and talked, and at some point he took my hand in his. Life was perfect. I guess I should've eaten more and I guess I shouldn't have downed the beers so quickly because we were deep-kissing right there in front of everyone. I'd touched both knees and possibly even kissed one. I might have even have rubbed his crotch. It's all blurry ---even the part where he drug me out of the bar and drove me to his house. I was fairly awake and lucid when we went in his front door. He escorted me to a very long couch where I just knew I'd fall asleep. It was so plush and luxurious that I was prepared to close my eyes and let dreams come on. I'd forgotten all about Kent. He'd disappeared somewhere. And then he walked in and cleared his throat. "Wake up!" I sat up as my head spun a bit. "I want to play a concerto for you". he announced. He was completely nude and I noticed the scars on his neck, his fat dick and his long, long feet. He walked casually over to a fancy piano and started pounding out the most beautiful music I'd ever heard. Should I remain on the couch? Should I go stand closer? I opted to get closer and watch him. It was all so wonderful and my head was filled with colors and images from each perfect note. And then it was over. He sat up from the bench, took my hand and led me upstairs to his bedroom. Either I undressed myself or he did it for me, but I was naked under his covers. He crawled in beside me. "Still want to suck a poz cock?" "Oh yeah. I do." He was stretched out on his back and I immediately put his thick knob in my mouth. Did I realize what I was doing? No. I just did it. I moved as far down the shaft as I could. He started bucking his hips and I knew he wanted me to complete the task. I pulled off, took a deep breath and continued. I kept sucking and my jaw got tired when he suddenly thrust his groin up and shot a huge load against the roof of my mouth. I didn't spill a drop and swallowed it all. Bug cum. I took his sudden snoring as a sign I could sleep too. And, oh I did. I dreamed of birds and piano music. I woke up to two things: a desire for water and a prodding between my ass cheeks. Kent had woken earlier and had worked himself into full-blown hardness. He was pushing it into my hole. There was no way I could pretend to be asleep for this, but I needed to try. He got the fat head in and I yelled out. Very awake now. "Sshhhh". "It hurts too much. Maybe we shouldn't do this now". "Get on all fours. Pretend you're The Sphinx". I did as told...thinking of that odd monument in Egypt. And then he was covering me with his lean, furry body. He worked his way back inside with some lube this time. It nearly killed me, but it as it kept going I felt a little better. And as he slid in and back, I felt pleasure in my crotch area, I told him how much I was enjoying this and that made him thrust harder. And then he came. His poz cum was inside of me and I hadn't even mentally prepared for that. Too much to think about. I'd have so much to deal with when I woke up, but right now I just wanted to sleep. And dream.
    5 points
  4. PART 3 I walked to the front desk noting the time: almost 11:45. I still had another five hours. I smiled and felt wicked. Then, I remembered Cy but didn’t see him at the front desk. He probably had left work early. The next time I saw him I’d thank him and pay for the double room. I didn’t want to owe anyone and certainly didn’t want to be known as cheap. I wondered if maybe he had to pay for the room difference out of his own pocket. I frowned. The idea bothered me. My feet took me back to my room where I decided to try being a host. I dimmed the light to various levels before deciding on a setting, opened my door wide, and climbed on the bed settling back against the wall raising my left leg up foot flat on the bed and hooking my right ankle around my left ankle. My left hand rested on my mounded cock which I began to slowly rub. Much traffic passed by looking in with some men stepping back to the doorway for another quick glance before moving on. Others momentarily returned and lingered or stood across the narrow hall to my door before moving on as well. None chose to enter or wait around long enough for an invitation. I had just about given up on playing host when a familiar face looked into my room as it went past my door. Cy stopped abruptly, grabbed the door frame, and pulled himself back to fill my door smiling that same smile he had at the counter. I sat up returning his smiling. “How’s it going? You having a good time,” Cy asked. “Super. Better than I thought I would,” I replied. “Good. That’s what we like to hear. That’s why guys come here—to have a good time,” Cy said as he grinned broadly and his eyes sparkled. “Any problems? Questions?” “No problems or questions,” I said, then, glanced quickly over his shoulder trying to make sure I wasn’t overheard. “I have sucked off three guys and swallowed my first cum ever,” I whispered grinning and beaming at my accomplishment. Cy’s eyes bugged up as he bent over slapping my knee and laughing quietly then saying, “This is your first time having sex with men? That’s the way to go, sport. That’s why we’re here. Good for you. You fuck anybody yet or anyone fuck you?” “No. I’m having too good a time sucking so far,” I said, “but I have thought about it. I guess if I met the right guy I would.” “Well, no time like the present for an offer to be made then,” Cy said as he broadly smiled once more taking a step further into my room. I smiled back at Cy. Then it slowly dawned on me finally roaring down on me like a ton of bricks. Cy was propositioning to fuck me . . . or me fuck him. Was this his way of getting repaid what I owed for the room? My look must have changed as I continued to process. Then, I looked at Cy as I had looked at myself earlier in the evening. What I saw was amazing. How had I overlooked his details. Cy was over 6 feet because he had looked down at me at the check in desk, weighed maybe a little more than my 175, same muscles or more, crystal blue eyes, blond hair, and the whitest teeth I had ever seen that created such an enchanting smile. “Uh, well, uh, you see, I, that is . . . .” I rambled on like an addlebrained simp. “Hey. Just an offer. When you came in tonight, I thought you were hot looking and knew you would be a hit here. Just thought I’d stop by and give it a shot. No harm meant. No offense,” Cy said sounding disappointed. “I really took a liking to you is all. And, then, you go and tell me tonight is the first time you’ve ever had sex with another man . . . WOW . . . I thought I might get lucky with such a hunk like yourself and pop that cherry of yours.” That big bewitching smile with those big blue effervescent eyes melted me. He was hot looking. I trembled slightly in excitement and anticipation. “Well, uh, you’re working. If you weren’t working, I’d really like that a lot,” I heard myself saying with a shaking voice. “I don’t want you to get in trouble or anything.” I stopped speaking and then slowly added, “I really would like for you to, you know, uh, well . . . make me . . . not a virgin any more.” My voice trailed off. Cy looked at me from where he stood. His smile grew and slowly those perfect pure white teeth shone at me. “I manage the place; not an issue what I do. Come on. Leave your things here. I’ll get us a bigger bed and room.” PART 4 Cy took me to room 71 on the second floor. It indeed was a bigger room and bed. I had taken a towel with me and wore my jock leaving everything behind. Cy shut the door and dimmed the light leaving enough though so that we easily could see the other. He quickly slipped out of his shoes, socks, and body hugging t-shirt revealing a muscled chest with huge nipples and areolas. He looked up at me and smiled; I felt like melting into a puddle on the floor. He unsnapped the button on his jeans and unzipped them shaking them loose and down to the floor where he quickly bent over stepping out of one and then the other leg. He tossed his jeans onto the rest of his clothes as he stood up and began to approach me. I felt as if someone had taken a 1 by 10 and hit me square on my face. I became nervous and unsure from what I saw. Cy began to wrap his arms around my waist leaving me to lift my arms up around his neck. His body touched mine as he ground his huge uncut cock into my jock-covered crotch. We hugged for several minutes causing my cock to begin to stretch the material of my jock. Cy said nothing. He moved his head where I felt his tongue lightly lick on my neck followed by licking my ear externally. His tongue felt hard and thick but was quite gentle as he masterfully moved it over me sending chills down my spine and causing the hair on my head to stand up. Several minutes he continued to work on me. My nervousness began to wane. He drove me crazy when he drove his dominating tongue deeply into my ear. I shivered with excitement and anticipation. Several minutes later, Cy pulled away slowly lowering his head down my upper torso licking his way until he reached my left nipple. There, he began to lick and suckle gently if not in an almost hesitating way. My head spun. Time passed dreamlike as my head swirled from the sensation. The licking continued but I soon felt Cy’s teeth slightly abrading my nipple. I gasped while his tongue and teeth moved me psychologically along the path Cy had chosen for his deed. I was a 19 year old virgin being seduced by a probably 30 something year old man who was driving me crazy. I was heady with the sensation of his work but would not stop him from doing anything to me. Cy’s left hand moved from my waist up to my right nipple where he began to gently squeeze and pinch me. Cy would attack first one nipple and then the other returning to the first for more work. Just when I thought I could not stand his attention any longer, he began working on both nipples at the same time. His intensity of stimulation increased yet I held my objections in check. The tips were now almost raw from the work Cy had been doing to them. My cock was straining for release and had soaked my pouch with pre-cum. My hands wanted to push Cy away and a nanosecond later I wanted to pull him in closer so that he wouldn’t stop doing what he was doing. Suddenly, Cy slapped his palms over my nipples shocking me back to reality as his hands dug into my skin. With a firm grasp on me and saying not a word, he guided me to the bed where he backed me against it causing me to fall back onto the bed while my feet stayed on the floor. As I fell backwards, Cy released my nipples, knelt between my legs spreading them, pulled off my jock with some difficulty, lunged forward grasping my nipples between two fingers on each hand, and swallowed my cock to the base. The suddenness took me by surprise causing me to call out which I quickly strangled off in my throat. Cy milked my cock like an expert using his talented tongue to fire up my nerve endings as he had done to my neck and ears. Up and down my cock his mouth went using his hard tongue to massage and tease my cock. Coupled with his hands working on my nipples I found myself in complete disarray and under Cy’s magical spell. With great speed, his left hand left my right nipple and grabbed my balls massaging them downward away from my body. His hand adeptly moved my balls away from their firing position as he stopped his nipple play and sucking. He began to lightly bite up the entire length of my cock causing me to begin losing my erection. I was devastated and, oh, so, frustrated! I had been so close! Cy knew it. Cy let my softened cock slip out of his mouth as he released my balls and nipple. His hands were put below my thighs which he hoisted high up and back onto my chest where he told me to grab them and hold on. I obeyed. Cy slapped his mouth directly on my ass hole and began to lick and lick me. He lasted about a minute before he drove his pointed hard tongue into my hole. I was repulsed and turned on at the same time. I now wanted more of his tongue in me and began grunting my approval as he worked so very hard. My moans were loud and sustained. His big hands held onto my spread buttocks. He pulled his tongue from my hole and began using his teeth. I let out a loud guttural moan. It seemed his efforts doubled. Soon, I began to whimper and gasp as sweat now rolled off my body. Cy placed his mouth over my hole and began to suck and suck and suck. My head thrashed about as my fists beat the mattress beneath me causing Cy to take his hands and shove my legs back up onto my chest. This 19 year old was flying high and on the precipice of erupting once more.
    5 points
  5. This story is mostly fictional. 1993 Ben was late to the technology revolution. He was one of the last of his friends to get a computer or to connect to the internet. Once online, he looked a few dozen dick pics and thought there was really not much more to see. Yawn. But then he discovered "blogs" and it was a revelation. Ben remembered once finding a discarded diary in the alley behind his parents' house. It was some teen girl's daily record of all the guys she was hopelessly in love with and all the girls she thought were bitches or sluts. It was mostly boring, but Ben got a secret thrill from reading someone else's inner dialogue in print. And now, on the internet, there were people from all over the world sharing their private thoughts right where anyone could see them. Amazing. It didn't take long for Ben to hone in on the many gay blogs. Here were men like him who had desperate crushes on certain male celebrities and felt alienated from the rest of the world. That was okay for a little while, but he found himself following links to gay blogs that had a bit more of an edge. He found blogs by gay men who went to bathhouses, had anonymous sex in parks and got "fisted" on a regular basis. Wow. He also found the journals of men living with AIDS -- a disease that terrified Ben and kept him deeply in the closet. Yet for whatever reason, he followed these blogs and read them faithfully. One that particularly caught his attention was "The Random Musings of Mr. Freeze". It was the journal of an HIV positive man who not only wasn't afraid of the virus, but seemed to think of it as a source of pride. He was still sexually active and never used a condom if it could be helped. He went back and forth between being a "top" and a "bottom" with no preference suggested. Ben thought the guy must be very attractive to be having that much sex, but then Mr. Freeze posted a photo of himself and he wasn't all that cute. He was maybe early 30'a and had a mostly average face with a fairly big nose. He also has silver hair. Not the kind of natural silver you see on dads, but a really fake silver like something out of a crayon box. That must be why he called himself 'Mr. Freeze'. But no. Ben went back through his archives and found the key entry: 'L' thinks it's so weird that I save and freeze my cum after I jack off. I use an empty pill bottle and it's got a wide top so I never lose much when I aim. Cum freezes fast and thaws fast. I never thaw it unless I've got a bottom over and then I let it thaw enough to use some of it as lube for his hole. It smells terrific and works as good as KY. Used on a young guy from down the street just last week. I used to do it with any blood I lost from cuts and stuff, but it loses its color in the freezer. It turns brown and looks like frozen shit. But the beautiful virus is still in there and I can't throw it out. Ben read this and then went straight to the kitchen and got a bottle of beer. He was afraid of himself and what he was feeling. He was afraid of the hardness creeping into his dick and afraid he'd send this guy a message. Two more beers were consumed before the confused boy found his way to sleep that night. Mr. Freeze must have gotten some new tech equipment recently because his blog got spiffier and he was also posting more photos. The latest one was to showcase the rose bush blooming in his front yard. The bees have busy and it seems the birds have too. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much action and my cum bottle is almost full. They tried a new med on me and it made me so sick that I threw it in the trash. I thought briefly about freezing my vomit, but that seems disgusting -- even to me. LOL The picture caught Ben's eye for several reasons. He was certain he'd seen that house before. Peeling blue paint, broken drain pipe, elaborate birdbath. Hadn't he driven by that place before? Wasn't it in his neighborhood? Maybe not. America had become so generic, that Mr. Freeze could be several states away. It wasn't until the blog featured a photo of his dog posing cutely that Ben was certain it was his neighborhood for sure. If you zoomed in on the street sign in the background -- it said "Juniper" which was one street over from Ben's apartment. He'd taken that street on his way to work a few times when he went to vote or to sometimes visit his friend Nick. Dear Lord! Summer is almost here and my balls are getting fuller by the day. I wore practically nothing to walk Baby this afternoon and saw no takers. Maybe it's time to concentrate on gardening for a bit. Just started cumming in my second bottle. God help the bottom who comes my way next. Found my second lesion today. It's on top of my left hand and so I can cover it with a band-aid for now. Ben made plans to go for a stroll on Mr. Freeze's block the very next day. He had a professional-looking camera with a nice neckband. You can walk anywhere with that and not seem suspicious. You just stroll and sometimes play with the lens and nobody thinks you're up to something. Here was Juniper street. It was quiet except for the hum of lawnmowers here and there. He walked right by Mr. Freeze's modest house and stood. It was time to adjust the focus and rummage through his camera bag for lens wipe. No sign of him yet. Ben made his way down the street and thought he might capture some shots of the ancient church at the end of the block. "OW! FUCKING SHIT!" a voice carried out over the quiet. "GODDAMN!" Ben hadn't even taken two steps when he saw Mr Freeze come limping from behind his house. That silver hair! It looked even goofier on a guy who was obviously weakened by injury. Even in his pain, he looked to see me on the sidewalk. "Come help me, please!" I sprinted over to him and thought maybe he needed help to the door. No. He'd apparently been digging with no shoes on and sunk a shovel into the first two toes on his left foot. "Did I sever a toe?" "No. They're all there." "Do I need stitches?" "No. Just ice. And gauze. It'll bleed for a bit, but you can help it slow by putting your foot up above your heart." (Ben knew stuff) "Help me to the door, please". They slowly made their way to the unlocked door and his dog was right there with silent confusion on his face. He trailed blood all through his small living room and plopped on the couch. His kitchen was right off to the side and Ben went there to fetch some paper towels. He moved a tall chair over in front of Mr. Freeze and lifted his foot on top of it and cleaned his injury as much as I could, but the blood was still leaking. "Do you have peroxide or any kind of antiseptic?" He shook his head 'no' like a little boy. Ben found him cuter than he had earlier. "I guess no gauze either". "Nope. But I think the bleeding is slowing a little." "Want me to save it for the freezer?" His eyes brightened and he offered Ben a quick smile. Mr. Freeze knew he was being attended to by a fan. "Yeah." Ben dug an empty film canister from his camera bag and went over to the couch, sat down next to the man and placed it up near the bleeding toes. "I'll hold it". They stayed there on the couch for a few minutes, watching the slow stream of red blood drip, until Mr. Freeze decided to move things along. Well today was certainly eventful! I almost chopped my foot off with a garden shovel and met a fan of this blog. He helped me immensely and I paid him in cum. It took no effort to get him naked and in my bed, Sweet! I didn't have any frozen cum thawed but I had some fresh blood that was still warm. It's not as good of a lube as you'd think, but he was excited and ready to be bred. I mounted him fast and hard. You have to get in quick with those virgin boys or they back out. I was all the way in before he started crying out. I held a hand over his pretty mouth and soon pumped some beautiful cream inside of him. He was dazed, and left right away. Hey, Ben. If you're reading this (and I know you are), come back soon for your camera and stuff. I'll have a thawing bottle of come for you. xxoo
    4 points
  6. *My first story here. Mostly true, I think, but I was so high l can't be sure. So I'm posting it here. Hope it amuses... My favorite dealer is from a few years back when I spent 4 months in New Orleans. I'd only slammed few times by then and it'd been several months since then. I was bartending part time to keep busy and as a way to meet people. One guy who became a regular for me was a real hot late-30's slim tattooed shaved-head dealer who lived across the street from the bar in The French Quarter. When I was needing supplies I'd stop at his place after my shift where I'd hang out do we got to know each other a bit. I could sort of tell I wasn't his type. But we got along well enough for him to admit his favorite scene was to get a straight customer high enough that he'd let the dealer fuck him. He told me many stories of his successes but he had one new customer that he hadn't been able to close the deal with yet. The guy was our age, dark, hairy, a delivery man for a beer company and straight. Married-with-a-kid-and-another-one-on-the-way straight. But the guy liked his Tina and would hang out for hours getting high and pawing his crotch every time he made buy. It was driving my pal crazy; he was sure he could get into the guy's shorts with a bit of help. I told him an idea that might just get him over the hump and into his hole. And it worked out pretty well. The hottie usually stopped by when his last shift of the week was over, early afternoon on Thursdays. My shift was done at 1pm that day (New Orleans hours) which gave me an hour to get myself ready. By the time he walked in I was already half naked, on my knees and sucking my bud's cock. The guy didn't seem turned off or even too surprised. He just did his business and asked if he could hang a bit and blow some clouds, which is exactly what we hoped for. The guys kept chatting, I kept sucking and we all kept smoking. My pal kind of hinted that I was a bit of a Tina whore who earned my way by entertaining the dealer anyway he wanted. After a bit the dealer slid his hand down my spine to my butthole and started to finger me. Then he took a big rock and slipped it up my hole. The new guy hadn't ever seen a booty bump before but from the sound of it he was unzipping his fly in his excitement. In fact my dealer had me taking his shorts off while I kept sucking him but I got a good look at the guy across the room on the couch. 7" uncut, thick, hairy and juicy. The guy's eyes were black and laser-focused on us, especially when my pal turned around and buried my face in his ass. Well the newbie went nuts over that, said he'd never seen anyone do it though he'd heard of it and always fantasized about a tongue licking his shitter. He dropped his shorts and stood next to us to get a good view. The dealer said, "You should try some of this," meaning me. "He's one high cock-hungry bitch." The dealer grabbed my hair and swung my face in front of this straight, veined, slick cock. I held my mouth open and reached with my tongue for this perfect slab of mancock until the guy gave in and stuffed it down my throat. Pretty soon he remembered my rim-job and turned around. But here's where the next step out my plan came into play. I backed away and said, "Sorry. I'd love to but I only eat clean hole." But the guy was too high and too horned to let that stop him. I mean he begged a bit but I stuck to my plan. Now the dealer stepped in and suggested that he clean up in the shower. I even offered to show him how I do it since I needed a little break. So I took him to the bathroom and introduced him to the shower hose, making it look like no big deal. I left him in there alone and came out to wait for the plan to pay off. After 10 minutes the shower shut off and the guy came out in a towel still wet. But we were ready for him. We had a fresh full pipe to hand him and while he sat back on the couch my friendly dealer surprised him again. He tied off my arm and stuck a full rig I'm my vein so the new guy could watch. He said, "Watch this. He'll do anything we want after this." He then pressed down the plunger and popped the strap. WOW it must have been a big one cuz my eyes went won my and my ears rang and I coughed more than ever before. I guess it was my reward for bringing home the prize. All I wanted was cock and I crawled across the floor to the couch and that last cock I could remember sucking, which was lucky cuz I still had a job to do. I buried my face in his pubes with his half-hard dick in my throat, gagging and sputtering and moaning. My pal then came up behind me and fingered more tina in my hole. The guy on the couch was smoking away on the pipe and groaning as much as I was when my bud pulled his fingers out and stuffed his cock in. One long shove all the way to the bottom. That was my cue to lick down past the guy's balls to his taint and then to his furry cherry hole. I licked, I sucked, I nibbled and I tongued away for a long while I think. I know I had my spit all over my face and dripping off my chin. That's when I started fingering him too. Not much to start but eventually I had a finger from each hand and my tongue in there tasting the pink meat. The guy was groaning and tossing hires had around. I pulled back enough to show my progress to the guy dickin me from behind. That's when he tagged me out and went in for some butt-munching of his own. That was also my cue to slip away, grab my few clothes and the little bag of tina (that in fact I'd paid him for) plus a little sumthin-sumthin unexpected- another fully-loaded rig, I guess to show his gratitude. Gotta love this guy. Thus I left him to his own devices. High as I was I knew I wasn't heading home. I went to the old Midtown Spa, the sleazier of the two available. On Thursdays they rented rooms at half price so all the nastiest men crawled out from under their rocks. Plus a more colorful crowd went there and I loves me some BBC in need of white hole to breed. And I got plenty. Also later I heard the outcome of the great plan. It all went as hoped. In fact the newbie stayed most of the night getting higher and getting fucked. He even showed up at my work one day looking for action. But that's another story.
    3 points
  7. This site is for adults which clearly you have yet to attain. the moderator is a good chap, who has dedicated considerable time to the hetero, homo & bi communities to provide them with a suitable adult minded forum. Please take your low information lies elsewhere as you are largely being ignored here..
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Get that plunger going.
    3 points
  10. Part 6 We took a few minutes to allow the boys to freshen up in the shower, have some water and get a little to eat before we readied them for the next part of their welcome to their new home. We took them down to the ‘work area’ and the largest room we have in the place. In the room we had 2 slings set up and plenty of fixed cameras to catch all the action that was about to happen. We helped the boys get into the slings and secured their arms and legs before we told them what was about to happen to them for the next session. Before we could start to tell them about what was planned one of the twins asked if they were now poz like their dad and uncle. I had to be honest with them that we won’t know if it takes for a 2 to 4 weeks. The next question really shocked and surprised me and Chase. They asked if there was another way to help be sure that their Uncle Tyler was the one who pozzed them. I asked if they really wanted to know who their poz father was or just leave it to chance. They gave us a very strong argument when they pointed out that I was the one who infected their real dad and if I passed on my bug to them then I would be their poz dad. They could then call me dad (instead of Uncle Tyler). Then their dad and I would both be their fathers. I didn’t even have to look over to Chase to know what he was thinking. He grabbed a couple of the empty points, a tourniquet and came to where I was standing. He expertly drew enough blood to fill each one about 75%. Then we each approached a twin with a (well) prepared point and the point filled with my poz blood. We let the boys know that with my blood, there would be no doubt who their poz dad was. As we prepped the boys for their injections we let them know that we have invited a number of friends (along with the guys that work for us) to take a turn fucking each of them. They were about to be gang banged till their holes were dripping with all the cum they could hold. The tourniquets were placed tightly on each twin’s bicep, alcohol was rubbed over a couple good veins, then the points were both inserted and we were sure that we were in the vein good before we first emptied the blood then the Tina into each twin. These slams were strong and we planned to follow them up shortly after the twins were well into their rush. When the tourniquets were pulled off the boys they both began a strong coughing fit as we again rubbed their chest helped them ride to the other side. We knew they were ready when the twin I had slammed looked up to me and said he needed his hole filled with as much cock as we had for them. I walked over to the other twin and asked if he too needed his hole filled like his brother said. He looked up at me cross eyed (I’m sure the slams were affecting the twins eye sight) and answered, ‘Fuck yeah Daddy Tyler, I need cock in me too!” Chase opened the door and the steady stream of guys came in along with 4 hand cameras. As the guys came into the room some of them were already smoking Tina, had slammed earlier, or (like me and Chase) needed to slam before we started the gang bang. The only thing Chase and I needed to do before we slammed ourselves was to give each twin their added slam (along with more of my blood). Before we knew it there was a guy between each twin’s restrained legs. We had given instructions to the guys earlier that the twins were not to be fucked until they begged for it proper. While each twin was receiving an expert rim job we administered their second slam along with my blood mixed in to the point (since these slams were nowhere as big as the ones they had gotten moments earlier). The twins were begging for their asses to be stuffed with cock so that each one was finally impaled as we were about to administer their slams. The boys had no clue what we were doing as they each had a nice size cock thrusted balls deep then held there as we approached, quickly tied off each twin’s arm then quickly administered the slams. When the boys began coughing for a second time the guy whose cock was buried in their ass began fucking. The sensation of a coughing bottom along with the slight jump in temperature must have felt incredible because they didn’t seem to last that long (plus I knew a number of our guests were saving their cum for our boys). Mean while, Chase and I stood near the twins so they could watch (if they were able to see) us administer our own slams. We weren’t slamming that much, enough to carry us through the gang bang. Every guy that came to fuck the twins took a turn in each boy’s ass. There were comments as to which twin had the better hole. But when it came down to it, they were identical twins and had exactly the same hole to fuck
    3 points
  11. Early morning light is streaming in. Flecks of dust are in the air and their smoke swirls in complicated spirals tumbling over each other in the still room. “Old John” is such a misnomer. He’s not old at all. Maybe the beard could make you think he’s older than he is from far away, but if you look at his skin you can see he’s not wrinkled until he frowns or smiles, and only then it's just around his eyes. His blue eyes. Piercing they are. It’s probably the contrast with his black brows with eyes the color of robin eggs. Deep set they are. Shadowy and mesmerizing. As he sits there with his arm around his boy, he studies me with a resolve that either says he’s going to kill me or give me the hardest fuck of my life. He chomps on his cigar freeing his left hand. He runs that hand over his pumped chest for my benefit. Each black hair is drawn back and springs forward once his hand passes. His nipple are large and Young John reaches up and plays with one, softly, until it engorges to an even plumper size. He’s a Tom of Finland drawing made flesh. His sneering smile is definitely of the bad boy variety but I have to believe he's not evil. He asks me how I'm feeling. “Great,” I say. Immediately he tells me puppies don’t speak. I bark a happy reply and pant with my tongue hanging out at him. “Good boy,” he says, patting the couch next to him. “Git up here you mangy mutt.” I bound over on all fours and jump up next to him. “Hoo-wee, you got the worst doggy breath I ever smelled. You like having your wiener play with like that?” I bark a positive reply. “Young John does not like that, do you Young John?” “Nope. Hate it," he says. "But it lets me do this now.” He takes his father's hand and put his index finger into his piss slit, drilling half-way down his shaft, wiggling it about. “I love when daddy does that. But wait’ll uncle Gary gets out his catheter. See if’n you like that when he’ll fill your bladder so full of everybody's piss till you cain’t take no more.” “Now, Young John, he’s hasn’t done that to you for weeks. You’re worrying you mutt all to hell.” Young John puts out his cigarette. He focuses in on Old John. “Daddy, can me and him go to your room and play in the sling? I was showing College how to take my fist and I want to learn him how to take it deep like I do." He leans in to me to tell me confidentially, "Daddy says I’m about ready to get my first prolapse, didn’t ya daddy?” “You’re getting’ there, boy. Someday, and that might be soon, you’re lil butt’s gonna start hanging out your hole like a little pig’s tail. And once it does, I’m gonna fuck the stars out of you and eat your ass like it were a delicious pork tenderloin. You’re gonna howl and spit and just cum like a love starved alley cat. Yeah, sure, why don’t you take your mutt and git him ready in the sling. Daddy’s gonna put on a little leather and then see how good you trained him.” “C’mon, College,” says Young John reattaching my leash. I trot on all fours trying to keep up with him racing down the hall. Old John’s bedroom is at the end of the trailer and is much larger than Young John’s room. There’s a large king size bed covered in black sheets, and above it hands a sling whose four chained corners reach up to eyelets screwed into the trailer’s ceiling. Old John has followed us in and is at his closet going through it, selectively putting on a leather vest, chaps with a sharply studded cod piece, and snapping on studded wrist bands. Young John excitedly is boosting my ass up into the sling which is quite high. He helps me put my legs in the leather straps, locking ankle restraints and securing them to each of the chains. He picks up an off-brand shortening and lubes his fist greasing them up to his elbow. “I ain’t gonna chain your arms yet till he get more used to taking a fist. Now remember, you don’t fight me, you hear? You just lie back and relax your hole. Sniff this here bottle when you want,” Young John says, handing me a small popper bottle. “Any time you want me to go in deeper you just take a whiff. Watch this daddy. I’m gonna start me goin' in him with a fist.” And he does. I feel his knuckles lined up at my exposed ass, and he begins pushing while I’m trying to get the greasy cap off the bottle. I take a deep hit and right away he’s popping my ass open with his small fist. I had forgotten what his fist feels like in me, and the poppers are making it a pleasant sensation, one that makes me want him in me deep, one that allows my sphincter to easily accept him. “See, daddy,” he says, pulling his fully clenched fist out slowly and then pressing it in again, “I trained him good, didn’t I?” Old John comes over next to me, feeling me up. His large hand runs over my pecs, down my belly, and then begin stroking my cock. It’s hard in no time looking up into his handsome face. I reach a hand up and do what I’ve wanted to do since I first laid eyes on him: I run my hand over his black pelt, feeling his protruding nipples, and laying my hand under his pits. I take away the smell of sweat from his moist pits on my hands. It’s stronger then the poppers and makes me want him desperately. He smiles amused. I feel Johnny pushing his small arm forcefully up my hole, deeper and with more force that when we were playing earlier. “Let him do you, College," the man says. "Let him go deep inside.” He's leaning down almost in my face. “The more you let him in you now, the easier it’ll be when I take over. I’m gonna rip the living shit out of your insides, cocksucker. That I guarantee.” He squeezes the tip of my cock and licks the pearl of precum off it. He lets it ride on his tongue and dips down and places it on my lips. He builds up some spit and lets it drool off his tongue. I open my mouth and let it flow into me. “Did you ask College if he has the bug in him?” He looks between my legs at his boy concentrating on my hole. I feel his small arm deep inside me. His hand is starting to veer to the left. So far his small hand and thin arm feel good, getting into places I’ve never felt before. This suddenly turning left, however, is starting to hurt. I take a couple of hits from the bottle and it eases the pain slightly and lets him go in a little deeper. “He let me bareback him right away so I guessed he's got the bug. Daddy, I think I’m at his turning point. Damn, College, I’m gonna take you past my elbow yet. You ready for that?” “I'm neg and want to stay—“ Old John put a hand over my mouth. “What I say about talk?” He pulls a gag from his nightstand and quickly straps it over me. I try to say I’m sorry but there’s a mouth bit within the gag that doesn’t allow any words to form. “You don't got the bug, pup?” he asks. “Just nod your head yes or no.” I shake my head no, and now that I think back on Gary's biohazard and scorpion tattoos it’s clear to me the Tina let down my usual cautiousness. I’m dealing with poz guys that take pride in being unsafe. Old John is reading my face, which is full of concern. He places a powerful hand on my chest sensing I might be trying to get up. But besides his pushing me deeper into the sling, there’s Young John’s hand way inside me with his full forearm pumping away. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Old John takes my arm and puts it in a leather restrain above my head. He bends down and licks my pit until it’s sopping wet. Then he reaches over and binds my other arm. He’s bent over me as he does and I get a brush of his hairy chest. I raise my head and push my face onto his nipple and start sucking. “You say you're neg but you just might be conflicted. You sure as hell act like you're ready to be knocked up." He holds my chin and talks to me seriously. "If you’re kindly, I might could.” He’s now smiling, flashing his yellowed teeth. I shake my head again no, emphatically. “Nah, don’t you worry none. I won’t if’n you don’t want me to. But why don’t we give you a lil’ fortification and then see how you feel about it. Son,” he says to Young John. He wanders over to stand in back of the boy running his big hairy mitts over Young John’s chest. “You keep up the good Lord's work. Your daddy’s so proud of you. Looks like he’s just about ready to take a man-size fist thanks to you, studded wrists and all. Pull out for a sec, lemme see that hole.” He does, and Old John slips in several of his sausage fingers. He slips in another finger from his other hand and pulls my hole painfully apart. “Hoo-wee, he’s a tight one, ain’t he? You best start usin’ two fists and see if he cain’t take that before I come back. I’ll be two shakes with works for the three of us.” “Yes, daddy,” Johnny says. He greases up both hands like he’s washing them. He’s still folding one hand over another as he slips one hand in, pulls it out and right away puts in the other. He keeps this up and I feel my hole starting to melt against all resistance. He’s not letting my hole clamp shut for a second, but has both hands so close to my stretched out hole that, without warning, he’s pulled apart my hole and has both hands inside still folding over each other inside me. He’s good. It causing all sorts of distress yet it feels like an incredible massage. I can’t help making sounds of pleasure but still beg him to stop. It's too much. “You like my daddy, don’t ya?” I can’t communicate anything to him, but only feel how he’s working my hole into an over-the-top erotic frenzy. “Best be not liking him too much. He’s my daddy. You got that?” He pulls both fists out simultaneous. I yell into the gag. I’m sure from the force and width of his extraction he’s torn some of my hole. With a cruel smile he shows me a bit of blood on his right hand. “He ain’t your daddy,” and he punches his right fist deep into my gut. He’s trying to hurt me now so I try clamping shut my hole, but it’s not working. He’s going for deep thrusts, pausing occasionally at his deepest point of penetration, giving me most of his forearm, before he slips a couple of fingers from his free hand, stretching me out, trading arms, eventually slipping in a hand, and again stretching my hole to the extreme. With an arm and a hand deeply buried, he violently pulls out. “I seen the way you look at him.” He slaps my balls, and my dick jumps straight up. “I seen the way he looks at you. Seen the way he looks at your big gooch.” He punches me in the balls. Again I jerk in pain. “He ain’t yours to look at that way.” He throws a hard right punch, smashing my balls, then a left, connecting again in the same spot. He alternates like a boxers, head down, my balls are his punching bag. In pain I’m flinging myself back and forth. I'm starting to feel sick, afraid if I throw up I’m going to choke in my own puke. Old John walks in and Young John abruptly stops. Old John holds three syringes and eyes Young John disapprovingly. “You boys playing nice?” he asks. “Yes, daddy. I got two hands in him just like you said. He bled a little, but I bet you’re gonna make him bleed a lot more, won’t ya daddy?” “More’n likely. How else he gonna learn to take a man’s whole arm. Right boyo? How else did I learn you to take what a man's got to give.” He tapping the edge of each vial getting air bubbles out. “Member how much you liked it when you first took daddy’s arm all the way? How I’d make a muscle and make you squeal?” “Yeah, an’ how, when you got all the way, I could feel your armpit hair tickling all the way up to my second ring. Will you do me like that after we get our shots?” “First daddy’s got to attend to your friend.” I see Johnny throw me a real angry look. I would reassure him if I could that I’m not after a permanent position, but I’m not sure myself if I’m not at least partially hook on his daddy. I’ve never really thought about the whole daddy thing—I think of myself more in the brother-on-brother lane. But if I were to want a daddy I doubt I could do better than this dark haired, blue eyes muscle god that’s holding up a needle to my neck. “Hold still, boy. You don’t want me to miss. It’s not as strong as your first one, just a sort of pick-me-up.” He stabs my neck and floods it into me. It goes straight to my brain and he wrong: it’s just as strong; it kicks me in the head and in the nuts. With the gag in my mouth I suddenly feel I can't breathe. I'm panicking and Old John is holding my face in his hand. He's telling me to just ride it out, that I'm okay, he's got me. I melt into his hand. I want him to never let me go. All I want is his dick in me, bug or no. And as the drug takes hold of my mind, I amend that desire: I want his bug; I want it to be his DNA to infect me. “You happy now, boy?” he asks me seeing that the panic has passed and pure lust taking over. I still can’t focus on him, my eyes are so crossed, but I feel safe in his care. “Young John, fetch me that bottle of G and my plunger. I want him to be out of his mind horned up when I fuck him." Johnny is out of the room in a flash and it’s just me and him. I feel like I'm in a vast cave in this dark room. I can’t tell time anymore. It simply stretches out without meaning. All I know is I want this man’s dick, and instinctively he knows it. He undoes my gag. We both know I want his cock in my mouth and he gives it to me, stroking my head, feeding it down my throat. He looks down the hallway and says quietly to me, “I'll tell you what. I think maybe Young John has passed his expiration date. I’m thinkin’ you might be a better 'Young John' than him. He's always been a little on the scrawny side, but he was always so dang cute. But he's getting older now, and he ain't as cute as he was, and he don't look like he's gonna fill out much more. The 'Young John' afore him was more your build. And you are right good eye candy and, ah, sweet Jesus, a mighty good cock sucker. All the way, boy, take it all the way down. Would you like that? Would you like to be my next 'Young John'?” I hear his words, but I can't piece together what he’s telling me. All I know is I just want to please him, take his cock down to his pubes. I mutter an uh-huh affirmation for him to keep feeding me his hard cock. "You gonna do everything I say, ain't ya? There's nothing you won't do. Ain't that right?" I nod within this dark cave of incomprehension. I hear Young John's footfalls trotting down the hall coming into the bedroom. “Boy," he tells Young John, "fill that plunger half full and stick that up his ass. No, not so much. I don’t want him passing out, just enough to make him want his hole to be a bloody mess and beggin' me to knock him up with my dirty cum.” He looks me squarely in the eye. "Ain't that right, son?"
    3 points
  12. Part 7 I couldn't concentrate on work over the next few days. Hell, I couldn't concentrate on anything! Wondering about what would happen when I returned to Frank's place on Friday was very distracting, so I replayed the events of last weekend many times in my head. I had taken 4 poz loads. I had taken them knowingly and willingly. At first I was shocked that I had done it. It was hard to believe. But each time I thought about it, it seemed more real, and I was more excited about it and less apprehensive. I said it out loud, "I took 4 poz loads." The fear was less. In fact, it made my cock hard to say it. I said it again, and the fear seemed to dissipate. Actually, there was still some fear, but it was a different kind of fear. It was the fear of the unknown, the fear I felt taking on a challenge. But there was also the resolve I needed to have to face the challenge. I knew deep down that the fear would not stop me. My cock was hard more often than usual, even when I was dealing with work issues and day to day things. But I did not give myself any release. It felt like that would be wrong, that I should not cum until I was with Frank and Craig again. I kind of enjoyed this self-imposed celibacy. It was certainly a new experience. It was the longest 4 days I had ever experienced, but Friday finally arrived. After lunch I hurried through some work that had to be finished. Around 3:30 I called Frank's house. Craig answered, "Hello?" "Hi Craig, it's Jeff." "Hey white boy! You need to get your ass over here!" He had a friendly tone, I heard an edge to it. "Jeff, I'm sorry if that sounded pushy. Frank and I are expecting you... whenever you can get here. Can you come for dinner?" He was trying hard to be relaxed, but that edge was still there. "I can come over any time now. I'm done with work for the day." "Great!" he almost shouted, "Jeff babe, I really need you here." That was wonderful to hear. "I need to see you again, too. I need to see both of you." He let out a nervous little laugh at that. "Jeff, I have to be honest with you. Since you left the other day, things have been a little tense here. Frank hasn't touched me since then. That's weird- he usually fucks me at least once a day. I finally asked him about it yesterday because it was messing up my mind." "Craig, I don't want to come between you, believe me." "I know babe, and it's not like that. It's cool. He told me he has been saving it all up for you. It's like some kind of self-imposed chastity. And that's freaky because he is the most highly sexed man I have ever known. And me too! I haven't even jacked off. I'm horny as hell and I'm about to explode!" "Craig, you won't believe this, but I haven't touched myself since Monday either, and I am just as horny!" "Well, get your sweet ass over here now! We've been working like dogs getting things ready for you. And plan on spending the whole weekend, OK?" "OK! I'm going to pack a bag and then I'll come right over." "Don't bother packing too much- you won't need clothes!" He laughed. I packed quickly and started my drive to the lake. What the hell had they been working so hard at? Well, I would find out. I arrived a before 4pm. Frank was waiting in the driveway just like last time. He was beaming, and he greeting me with a deep kiss and wrapped me in his arms. Our hard cocks pressed against each other. "Jeff my boy, I think we have an emergency upstairs. Let's go." We hurried into the house. Craig was nowhere to be seen, but that thought quickly passed. Frank's arm was around my shoulders again. The warmth of his body and his masculine scent were all I could think of. We ended up in the bedroom. We both shed our clothes as fast as we could. His thick uncut cock was already leaking precum. He led me to the bed and we lay down together. Frank started to kiss me again, running his hands lightly up and down my body. I felt his body, too. My hands felt his strong shoulders, his beautiful furry chest, and of course my hands couldn't stay away from that cock. I slowly stroked it, pulling the foreskin back and then pushing it up to cover the head. He let out a deep, quiet growl, and bit my lower lip. He took hold of my shoulders and moved me onto my back. He was on top of me. My hand was still stroking his dick, and the precum seemed to pour out of it. He got up on his knees and grabbed my legs and lifted them. He bent his head down and licked my puckered hole. His tongue was forceful as he pushed it inside me. He started to grunt as he ate my hole like a hungry animal. I was in heaven! He lifted up his head and looked deep into my eyes. He straightened up and I felt his cock rest on my wet hole. He smiled and started to slide his cock along my crack, breathing heavier. Our eyes were locked, and a look of lust passed between us. "Jeff- Jeff- my boy Jeff- my Jeff." He was almost panting. "Jeff, I have been saving up my seed just for you. Do you want it?" "Oh yes! I want you to fuck me. I want you to seed my hole." "You know what that means. You know my seed will mark you. Is that what you want?" "Yes please! I want it so bad!" "This four day load feels very potent. It's a huge load- a huge poz load." "Poz me! Plant you seed inside me! Change me! Mark me as yours!" He reached down and I felt the head of his cock press against my fuckhole. He slowly pressed in. The only lube was his spit and precum. He was going very slowly, but as he entered me it started to hurt. But I did not want him to stop. "I know this hurts, boy. Open up and let me in. This is your destiny, boy." He pressed more of his cock into me. I cried out a little. He bent down and kissed me, fucking those fist couple of inches in and out of me. Each stroke was a bit easier to take, but I couldn't believe how hard and thick it was. "Your hole is so warm, boy," he whispered. And all of a sudden he plunged all the way into me. I let out a sharp cry of pain, which he muffled with another kiss. He stayed like that, kissing me while his dick remained planted in my hole all the way to the root. My hole twitched, try to accommodate this invader. "Oh my god!" he shouted out. I felt his cock throb, and with each pulse of it he let out a grunt. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. His beautiful face thrilled me. He was cumming inside me! He pushed into me with the last few pulses and his last grunt turned into a long, satisfied groan. His body relaxed and lowered onto me, but his cock remained deep inside my hole. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my ear. I didn't want him to move. We stayed like that for a few minutes, neither of us speaking. His dick was still as hard as ever, and my ass was still adjusting. I squeezed my ass muscles gently and his arms squeezed me back. He let out a deep sigh and a soft chuckle. His eyes opened and found mine. "I am sorry, boy." "Sorry for what?" What was he talking about? "I'm sorry I came so quickly. But it was amazing finally being inside you." "I have no complaints. I think we both needed that." I squeezed my ass again. "And I don't think you are done yet." He laughed, and pushed himself up slightly. He reached between us and found my cock. He slowly rubbed it back and forth against his furry belly. "You're not done either, boy." "I will cum very soon if you keep that up," I said. He stopped and I whimpered a little. He laughed. "Don't worry, we have plenty of time." He held me by the shoulders as he scooted over to the bedside table, keeping his cock planted deep. He opened a drawer and said, "There's something here for you. It has your name on it." He pulled a buttplug out. He rose up and I felt his cock gradually leave me. He pressed the buttplug into my hole to replace his cock. He pushed it in firmly. "Leave that in there for now. Let that seed percolate and get absorbed. I'll be right back with Craig." He gave me a sly wink and got up off the bed, his still hard cock bobbing as he walked out the door. In no time at all he was back with Craig. Craig was naked and also had a raging hardon. The curve of it was matched by his broad grin. He jumped up onto the bed beside me and planted a kiss on my lips. He reached down and tapped the base of the buttplug. Frank moved over to Craig's side of the bed. He reached down and stroked Craig's cock and looked down on us kissing. "Jeff needs to let go of a load, but I owe you some, boy," he said to Craig. He started stroking his partner's dick with one hand, and fingering his hole with the other. Craig broke off our kiss. He looked up at Frank and said, "It's not going to take much for me to blow my load." Frank said, "I know, boy. But tell me when it gets close, and tell me in time." He reached down and took Craig's cock in his mouth. Craig moaned, and I reached over and pulled on one o his nipple rings. Craig moaned louder. Frank lifted his head up. "Tell him what you have deep inside you, Jeff." His hand started stroking Craig again. "I have Frank's load in me." "You want another load, Jeff?" "I sure do!" "Good. You are going to get many loads this weekend. Now I think you know what get's this boy really hot. Tell him about that load again. Use his magic word." Frank winked at me. I knew exactly what he meant. "Frank gave me his seed. He planted his poz seed deep." Craig cried out "Oh god! I'm so close!" "Hold on, boy," Frank said. he took his hand away from Craig's dick, and reached over and pulled the buttplug out of my ass. "Boy, plant that load in there too. He needs both our loads. Fuck him now!" He reached down and rolled me onto my side facing away from Craig. I felt Craig's dick plunge into my hole. He fucked a few rapid strokes and then I felt him shudder as he let loose with a load of cum. He seemed to cum forever. He eventually slowed down. "Boy, keep that cock in there deep and grab him tight," Frank demanded. Craig's arms circled around me. "Roll onto your back with Jeff on top of you." My back was on Craig's chest, and my hard cock was pointing at the ceiling. Frank bent down and took my dick in his mouth. he rubbed my balls with the palm of his hand as he gave me an expert blow job. In no time my balls began to pull up. I was close to shooting my load. Frank replaced his hot mouth with his hand and move closer to us. He was stroking me, and the head of my cock was bouncing against his big, hard cock. I gasped as my orgasm came over me. My cum started to shoot out, and Frank directed it onto his own cock. With each spurt, my hole clenched onto Craig's dick. At my last spurt, Frank reached down and pulled Craig's cock out of me. He climbed up and filled my hole with his own cock which was coated with my own load. It was so wonderful to feel him stretch my hole open gain. He kissed me, and slowly removed his cock, replacing it immediately with the buttplug. "There," he said, "that was a good start. Now I think it's time for a little nap before dinner." We all lay on the bed and snoozed for a bit. We were 3 happy men snuggling together. I was in the middle, and Frank's hand was resting under my balls, gently holding the plug in place. I couldn't stop smiling. Part 8 coming soon.
    3 points
  13. It has been about ten years since I graduated from college and I guess that's why this encounter entered my mind recently. I used to jerk off to the memory of it for awhile, but thankfully my lust for barebacking and cummy adventures has filled my brain with lots of spankable material. Still, when I think back to this occasion, I still get pretty hard. I was a Resident Assistant for two years in college and I loved it because not only am I social person, but also because I got to have my own room and bathroom. It was the perfect situation for me as at that time I was a 'straight' college student at a big southern state school - a way to get to know a bunch of people but still get my own privacy when I needed it. Of course I principally needed a private room so I could jerk off. If I needed to fuck and dump a load in a nice ass, I went online and found a bottom somewhere in the vicinity who needed to be bred and who could also host. I don't exactly know when I became a barebacker, although looking back I suppose the attraction stemmed from my first anal experience. I frequently went to an adult book store to get head through a glory hole. I had discovered the ABS in my freshman year. It was far from campus so I wasn't all that concerned about running into anyone I knew from school, and as I was usually successful in getting a blowjob, I began to visit the place regularly. In any event, on the occasion of which I'm thinking, I was in a booth at the ABS and was receiving a particularly good blowjob through the glory hole. I was approaching orgasm when the mouth pulled away. Somewhat surprised, I withdrew my cock from the hole, and crouched down, peered into the hole, whereupon I heard the guy on the other side say "unlock your door." I did and within seconds the cocksucker stepped into my cubicle with me. He was a small framed Latino. His body and ass were quite furry, which I found a major fucking turn-on. He gestured that I should take a seat in the chair, my pants and underwear around my ankles. When I was in position he sat on my raw hard cock until I was balls deep inside him as he stared into my eyes. He rode me until I felt my orgasm build and suddenly burst inside him. I plainly saw how his eyes got wide and glazed over with satisfaction and animal-like lust. I was hooked: I was a top who bred bottoms. And believe me, every bottom I encountered craved my thick raw cock, especially 'cause my cock head always swelled to generous proportions just as I shot my large load deep in the bottom's guts. I also think the curve of my cock must have played the bottom's prostate like a fiddle. I quickly discovered I had only to fuck a bottom once before he would be addicted to my thick curve and he would beg for my cock. Yeah, once I entered a guy, his ass would belong to me. One particular college night, I was especially horny and needed a good bottom in whom to unload. I went online to Craigslist and found a 40 year old bottom who was, in the words of his posting, "looking to take as much college dick and cum as I can." I sent him a pic of my cock and my stats and waited. Within a few minutes he sent me his hotel and his room number with some pics. I checked out his pics; nice lean, masculine frame, salt'n'pepper hair, moderately hairy with a relatively hairless ass with a very furry crack. He said he'd meet me naked on all fours with the door propped open and that he might find another top to join. I got ready and headed his way. I arrived at the hotel and found the door ajar. I went inside and immediately could smell the familiar scent of masculine sweat, lube, and cum. This hole had been used. "Got a cummy ass for me?" I asked as I loudly undid my belt buckle (bottoms love that part...always see them either excitedly re-position like a puppy who knows it's getting a their bodies tremble and their asshole winks. Either one gets my dick hard) "Got two loads so far...you college boys are hungry." I had finished undressing, leaving on only my backward hat with my school's logo proudly displayed, and placed my large hand on his ass. He shook with pleasure. "Suck my cock and get it ready for your cummy pussy," I ordered. He moaned and dove for my cock. The moment it passed through his lips and he began to feel the girth and the length, he let out a animal-like grunt and instinctively arched his back to raise his furry-cracked bubble ass higher. I could see the glistening wetness on his slightly-open hole in the dim light of the hotel room as he continued to feast on my cock, moaning and grunting like a good little fuck pig. This pig needed more seed. The pigs cell phone on the bed next to him began to ring. He pulled off my cock "Sorry, sir, it's the other college guy top who's going to breed me with you--if you don't mind, sir." "Answer the phone so you can get back on my cock, pig." He answered the phone and it was clear the kid was asking for directions and this guy didn't know the city. He looked at me "Can you help him find this place?" I took the phone in one hand and grabbed the back of the pigs head with my other and guided his mouth back to my cock. I spoke into the phone. "Hey, I've got this pig hungrily slurping on my cock but his cummy butt needs more cock in it. Where are you so we can get you in one of these holes and make this pig a happy cumdump?" The voice on the phone hesitated at first, but when he spoke it was clear he was horny as fuck. "I just need to figure out how to get there from where I'm at--I'm new this semester." "I've got your welcome present here--don't forget the balls, pig--if you want a big load you better worship those balls, too. Okay, so where are you?" I talked with the other top about where he was and quickly directed him to where he was going. He was only five minutes away. "The door is still ajar, come in and shut it and get undressed before you fully enter the room. I want you ready to take over this mouth the second you walk in, because I need to reward this bitch for slurping on my cock so much by driving this thick curve deep in that wet hole." "You got it, man. Sounds so hot." I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. The pig kept slurping on my cock as he held up a bottle of poppers. I took a huge hit and let the warmth and hunger wash over me as the cumdump took a few hits and hungrily returned to slobbering on my thick cock, savoring the precum and moaning like a fucking bitch. I heard the door open and heard the new college top fumbling with his clothes. He was a bit nervous, which wasn't all that surprising. I was prepared to take charge and get him where he needed to go, and honestly, I was sure once the college top felt the cock sucker's mouth he would be hooked. At that moment the college top entered. Glancing up I realized I knew him. He had recently moved to my floor, and I had casually spoken to him a couple of times. He was a quiet kid who mostly stayed to himself. A musician, if I remembered correctly. I remember thinking when I met him, that I thought he was cute, but I hadn't obsessed over him, after all, I was outwardly straight. But here we both were, both naked, in a hotel room, both of us were completely hard (and I noticed, his cock was also quite impressive. Once he recognized me, he was also clearly completely mortified and seemed a bit bit frozen, unsure of how to handle the situation. So I took charge. "Pig, you've had enough of my cock - at least for now. If you want my cock in that ass, go show our friend here how hungry you are for cock." The cumdump immediately got off the bed where he had been on all fours sucking my cock and rushed in front of my resident. Without hesitating, he dove onto the other guy's cock, loudly moaning and slurping like a slut. I watched as the panic melted away to pleasure and I walked over to the guys and presented a bottle of poppers under my resident's nose. He took a deep hit in both nostrils and immediately I saw it in his eyes--the hungry glazed look of a barebacker. He was ready. "On the bed on all fours, cumdump," I ordered. The 40 year old man quickly complied, making sure his back was arched to make his ass and mouth more appealing to the two college tops he was pleasuring. I looked at my resident asking "You want mouth or ass?" He smiled, "I want ass. I know I'll cum if I watch you fuck him and I want to breed him, especially if he's got some loads in him already." I climbed on the bed and got comfortable and the bottom immediately got to work sucking my cock. He was so excited knowing he was about to get fucked. My resident hesitated a second "Is there lube?" "He's got two loads in his ass. Just eat him out a bit to get him wet and push it in." I watched as my resident got between the bottom's legs, spread his ass cheeks, and went to town eating that cummy hole. The excessive moaning and flourishes he used on my cock made it clear he was quite happy, and was properly thanking me for arranging double fuck session. My resident, meanwhile, unquestionably loved eating cummy ass. I took some satisfaction in thinking I would have fun with the quiet musician who lived down the hall. Yeah, I was going to have fun with this boy. "Now fuck him. I'd say the bitch has earned a few more loads." I love being able to see the face of both bottom and the top when a top first slides his cock into a cummy-holed slut. The ecstasy and hunger the resident and cumdump were experiencing was abundantly tangible, so I took a large hit of poppers and begin to face fuck the bottom. He loved every second of the spit-roasting, and from the grunts coming from the top, I suspected he would barely last five minutes, so I paused in face-fucking the bottom so he can really enjoy my cock on his terms. I'd like to think each tongue-flick and oral massage of my cock was his way of thanking me. While he was enjoying the resident's cock, he knew he belonged to me. The cumdump could tell, even before I penetrated his hole, that my cock was special. He was a true cumdump. I looked up as the resident was practically howling, knowing he was about to cum. I withdrew from the cumdump's mouth, walked around the bed so I was directly behind the resident, allowing my hard cock head to rest against his ass cheek as I leaned in close behind him and quietly ordered the resident to "Load him. Load up the cumdump. I'm going to fuck him and I want your load deep in his guts while I'm filling him up. Give him your warm, thick load." I also ordered the cumdump to "Beg for that load, bitch. Tell him that you want it." And beg he did. The 40 year old begged and pleaded for that load like a true cumdump. The resident, meanwhile, was about to go over the edge, so I took the bottom about his waist and pulled him back so that the resident was completely balls-deep. Then, at just the right moment, I grunted in the resident's ear "Shoot that load." I could feel his body spasm as he came, wave after wave of orgasm hitting him as the cumdump moaned and thanked him over and over again. When he was done cumming, the resident pulled out with a wet "plop" and collapsed on his back on the bed next to the cumdump. I immediately grabbed the cumdump by the waist with both hands and spit on my cockhead. Placing my cock at the entrance to his wet, hot, cummy hole, I slid my entire eight inch shaft deep into his guts. The noise the cumdump made was unlike any I'd heard him: it was a deep, guttural groan that seemed to escape from deep in his gut. He was truly a bitch in heat. I took my time enjoying the cummy wetness of his warm guts as I pounded his ass, using every stroke to caress and massage the hole so that it began to naturally form to the shape of my cock. As I owned his ass, the cumdump eventually coaxed the resident to scoot up on the bed so he could suck his semi-hard cock while in the daze of the poppers and the pleasure of my cock filling his cummy hole. I felt my orgasm building as I watched the resident's cock growing harder in the cumdump's mouth and watching as the cumdump hungrily started really working for a load in his mouth, sensing another load would soon be deposited in his ass. He pushed back and met each thrust while giving focused attention to the cock in his mouth. As I said, he was a true cumdump, and most definitely was earning his cummy rewards. I unloaded in his ass moments before the resident unloaded in his mouth and felt the cumdump's body shivering as he felt my cockhead swell and release a giant load into his guts. His ass was filled to the brim with cum, and as the resident began to flood his mouth the cumdump laughed around the dick as he moaned and savored each drop. As my orgasm subsided, I pulled out slowly and felt the cum following my dick. When my cockhead popped out of the cumdump's well used asshole, a splatter of cum came out and landed on the hotel bedspread. In a flash, the resident dove on the cummy hole, licking and slurping up the cum and ass juices leaking out. "Push some of it back in" the bottom begged. "Please give me the seed." Scooping up some of the cum on my cock head, I slid my dick, which was still quite hard, back into his cummy ass. The resident kept his face right there by the hole, watching and breathing on my cock as if to make sure each drop of cum remained in the cumdump's hole. The bottom, for his part, clamped down on my cock when I withdrew, ensuring the multiple loads he had taken would not be lost. The resident immediately took my cummy cock in his mouth and cleaned it off. I smiled in satisfaction as he enjoyed servicing my cock for a few moments before I withdrew from his mouth. "Come on, we've got to go. I'm sure this cumdump has more tops on the way." "Just a couple," the bottom answered. I noticed his cummy asshole seemed to wink in agreement. The resident and I quickly dressed, so we were ready to leave at the same time. Just before I opened the door to leave, I looked over my shoulder at the cumdump and said "Thanks, cumpdump, you did a good job." With that, resident and I walked out. He didn't say anything until we were in the elevator. "Will this change anything at the dorms? Cuz I'm not really out," he asked with a hesitant voice. "Hey, nothing's going to change," I replied with a reassuring smile, "except that you're going to suck a load out of my cummy dick when we get back to the dorms." From his smile, I had the feeling he had decided a little change wasn't such a bad thing. This is my first story on here. Let me know if you guys enjoyed and I should keep writing...I have PLENTY of other great stories up my sleeves (or up someone's ass)
    2 points
  14. I was searching the ads on Craigslist this morning. One ad really got my eye. This guy had posted on both the M4M and the M4W pages. He said he was a black trucker, stuck at a Vegas truck stop for the day. He wanted to get blown in his sleeper cabin. Maybe fuck. I sent him a message with some pics. Telling him that I wanted to suck, rim and bottom for him. He messaged me back and said he was chatting with a female right now. He preferred fucking a female, but he'd get back to me if it didn't work out with this chick. About 20 minutes passed. So, I assumed he was going to hook up with the female. Finally, I got another email from him. "She's a hooker. I'm not paying. Come on over". I quickly hopped in my car and headed for him at the truck stop. Luckily, it's the closest of the truck stops to my house. I was pulling into the Flying J truck stop in about 20 minutes. He had told me the color and make of this 18 wheeler rig. And said he was parked in the last row, at the far north end. I easily found him and was able to park my car nearby. As I walked towards his truck, he flashed his lights. I walked to his truck and he pushed open the passenger door. I climbed up into the cab and found a 55 year old, grey haired, hot, daddy, black man. He was dressed in jeans, a black tee-shirt and had big, black work boots on. He looked hot as hell. As I got into the cab, he told me to go back into his large sleeper area. He locked the doors to his truck. Came back into the sleeper and pulled the curtain between the cab and the sleeper. It was kind of dark, so he flipped on a small lamp, giving the sleeper a dim light. I sat on the bed and he walked over to me, unzipping his pants and pulling out a nicely sized BBC. He put his partially hard cock to my lips and I began to suck. His cock hardened in my mouth. Once he was finally hard, he had probably about 9"s with a nice thickness and a swollen, mushroom head. As I'm sucking, he pulls off his tee-shirt, tossing it to the floor. Then he pulls out, sits next to me on the bed and begins to remove his boots. Then stands and pulls his jeans and underwear off. He's now standing in front of me, fully naked, with his large BBC standing straight out. His dark, smooth skin was turning me on. I quickly stripped and went back to sucking his cock. Then he knelt on the bed and told me to eat his black ass. I put my face up to his ass. I licked around his hole. His ass smelled and tasted kind of musky. He'd been driving for many hours. His sweaty ass tasted salty and bitter. "Eat it, Fag", he growled. I spread his ass cheeks and dove my tongue up into him. "Good boy", he moaned as I tongue fucked his straight ass. He was pressing his muscular ass up against my face. I licked, lapped and flicked my tongue across his rosebud. "Ah, yeah! Good Faggot! Eat my hole, piggy". He's very verbal, and I'm finding that a real turn on. "Now suck me, Fag. Suck my black dick", he demanded. He turns and I again swallow as much of his cock as I can. He grabs my head and tries to fuck my face. I'm gagging on his cock as he rams it down my throat. After about 5 minutes of cocksucking, he says, "Show me that pussy". I come up off his cock and get on my hands and knees. I spread my ass for him. "Mmmmm...... Nice!", he says. "Hand me my pants, please", I ask. He reaches for my pants and hands them to me. I pull my poppers and lube from my pants. I hand him the lube and I start to sniff my poppers. "I don't need lube, Fag. Just my spit is all you'll get". He spits on my hole a few times. While he's spitting on his cock, I add more of my spit to my hole. He's big and he's thick. I'm going to need as much spit as I can get in my hole. As he begins to press into me, I again sniff on my poppers. His cock burns a bit as he's sliding in me. I'm continuing to breath in my poppers, trying to stifle my desire to cry out. He plunges into me in one quick thrust. And immediately begins to pound my hole. It takes a couple of minutes for the pain to turn to pleasure. But, soon I'm begging him to really pound me with his big dick. He's obviously only interested in his own pleasure. He's ramming me repeatedly. Calling me a whore. Calling me a faggot. His thrusts become almost brutal and he seems to enjoy hearing my grunts as he rams into me. About 6 or 7 minutes of powerful pounding finally pays off as he takes one final thrust into me and holds it there as his cock throbs and fills my ass with his hot cum. I'm both sad, but relieved when the pounding stops. I milk his cock with my ass as he begins to pull out of me. Once his cock fully plops from my hole, I spin around and open my mouth. He knows what I want and feeds me his still hard cock to clean off. "Yeah. I thought you'd be a greedy pig and want my cock some more. Clean it, Pig!" I clean his cock of all his and my juices as it softens in my mouth. He pulls from my mouth and grabs some gym shorts to pull on. I take my cue and get dressed. He lays back on his sleeper mattress and says, "I was really wanting a pussy to pound tonight. But your ass was mighty damn good". "Do you pass through Vegas often", I ask? "A fair amount", he replied. "Let me know, next time. My ass is yours to use anytime you want", I said. "Watch your email tonight. I may have another load to fill you with. I'm gonna get a bit of sleep. And we'll see?". I finished dressing and let myself out of his truck. "Lock the door", he yelled, as I jumped down to the ground. I'll be keeping a close eye on my emails later tonight. I would love a second pounding from him.
    2 points
  15. Moderator does a great job ,considering the subject and the many imputs and comments
    2 points
  16. Got a new harsh Master,who knows how to handle these Sissy Slut.Thank you.
    2 points
  17. I too was topping bare before the PrEP and would worry afterwards. It really took away all the fun of fucking bare. I've been on PrEP for at least a year and now have fun whenever possible. Love the sex and the freedom it gives me. I don't want to get HIV and PrEP has given me the freedom to enjoy the kind of sex I really want. There is nothing better for me than sliding inside a nice warm man hole. I don't even ask status any more as I'm more interested in getting inside and dropping loads. Total sex addict here and loving it.
    2 points
  18. Still possibly the hottest thread on the board. Reading Cody's adventures never gets old.
    2 points
  19. Moderator's Note: If you don't like a story, hit the red arrow to down vote it or just move along. No reason to be negative.
    2 points
  20. Got bred twice today at a bookstore over lunch. Swallowed 4 loads and sucked on another 3. Not bad, but I need more. Got to get my holes ready for IML!
    2 points
  21. Part 5 I woke up with Craig spooning me, his arms around me, and his hard cock pressing against my ass. I smiled as I reached back and guiding him back inside me. He slid in and let out a sleepy sigh. It was heaven just feeling his body pressed against my back and his cock filling me up. It seemed he was still half asleep, and I was barely awake myself. Thoughts were drifting in and out of my mind. He said he had a "hot guy" and I felt I needed to ask him more about that. I really didn't want to be the "other man." Right then he pulled back a little and fucked me with a few very slow strokes, followed by another sigh. He whispered in my ear, "Does that feel good baby?" "It sure does. This is the best way to wake up ever." He kissed my ear and gave me 3 or 4 long slow strokes. His hand moved down and found my hard cock and he started to stroke it just as slowly. "A penny for your thoughts, white boy," he said. "Well," I started, but paused. "Tell me, baby. Are you worried about what we did last night? I'm sorry." "No- it's not that at all," actually it surprised me that I hadn't given that a single thought. "I was just wondering- you mentioned this guy you have. Is that something serious? Are we doing something wrong? I don't want to break anybody up." It sounded stupid once I had said it, but I couldn't take it back. Craig pressed his cock inside me again deep, and left it there. "You are such a good guy." He gave my ear another kiss. "There is nothing to worry about. He's a great guy, too. I love him- we love each other. I don't thin I would ever leave him. We're together, but we both play with other guys sometimes. We tell each other everything... eventually." He let out a little chuckle. "I'll tell him all about you today. If he was here he'd be fucking you right now. Or he might fuck me while I fuck you." He squeezed my cock hard. "I think that might turn you on. Am I right?" He was right. I pictured another man being in bed with us, and I was very turned on. In fact, I realized the imaginary other guy I pictured in my mind was Frank. My ass muscles gave his cock a squeeze. "That does sound hot." "There, I think we are both finally awake. I know for sure that hot hole of yours is awake, and I need to give it another good fuck." He got up out of bed and was grabbing his clothes. He took out his phone. "I want a picture of that sweet ass- that OK?" "Ummm.. I've never had anyone take pictures of me like that. I guess it's OK, as long as you promise not to post anything online, OK?" "Oh these will be just for me. Well, I would have to show my guy, too." "That's fine," I said. He stood beside the bed and told me what poses to take. He took pics of my hard cock, and even more pics of my ass, some close-ups, but when he told me to smile I knew he was including my face in some shots. This was oddly exciting. Then he told me to get on my back and lift up my legs. I reached down and pulled my ass cheeks apart. 'Damn babe, there's just a little dribble of my poz cum leaking out. Let me gets that shot." He then moved closer. "You have me so horned up again. I need to give you some more of that poz love juice!" I smiled, and lifted my legs just a bit higher. His beautiful black cock pressed against my hole and slowly entered again. "Oh baby, prettiest picture yet!" He plunged into my well used hole all the way and started plowing me good. The shutter sound had stopped. I stopped thinking about the pictures and concentrated on the marvelous feeling of his cock. I threw my head back and closed my eyes. "Baby it feels so good. Your ass feels so good. How does my cock feel?" "It feels great- fuck me!" I gasped. "You want my cum baby? Tell me how much you want it." "Give me your cum!" "Tell me what I want to hear, white boy. Beg for that seed!" "Give me your seed please!" "Tell me what I want to hear." I knew what he wanted to hear. It was the same thing I wanted to say, "Give me your poz seed. I need your poz cum in my hole!" "Fuck yeah baby!" He plunged in and I felt him shoot deep into me. He pulled out his cock, and I looked up. He was still holding his phone up and pointing it down at his cock and my hole. I felt some cum shoot out onto my balls and my hole, and he reached down and swept it all up with his dick and fucked it all into me. He was taking a video! "There's my poz cum in you babe," he said. He put his phone down and lowered himself onto me and I felt the aftershocks go through his body. His head was right next to mine and he kissed me softly on the lips. "Did you just video that?" I asked. "Yes, don't worry. I think it's a hot video. Want to see it." "Of course I do, but don't move yet." He let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. His hand slid in between our sweaty bodies and found my raging hard cock. He stroked it while he kissed and chewed on my neck. I no time I let out a quiet grunt as I shot my own load all over both of us. He lifted up his head, and brought his hand to his mouth and licked my cum off. The he kissed me, giving me a taste. He eased himself up and bent down to lick some of his load out of my hole. Then he moved up for another kiss. I had both our cum on my tongue. "How does that taste- poz and neg cum mixed together?" "Delicious!" I had never in my wildest fantasies thought I would have such hot sex with such a hot man. My life was changing for sure. It felt like his poz seed had already infected my mind. Part 6 coming soon
    2 points
  22. It had been two weeks since my encounter with Mr. Marco, I mean Frank. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was waiting for him to call me, but I was out living my life as usual. It was Saturday night, and I decided to hit the local bar. It was still early, so not many people were there. It was not a gay bar, not in this small town. But the people were always friendly, the beer was cheap, and you never knew who might drift in. On this quiet night I did see someone interesting. There was this black guy there sitting at the end of the bar. Black men are very rare in this part of the world, so he really stood out. He stood out for his looks, too. He looked slightly smaller than me with a lean body, handsome face, and whenever he got up his movements were graceful and sleek almost like a cat. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, and he picked up on that. He nodded at me and I smiled back. He seemed to chuckle to himself as he got up and walked my way. He came over and said "Hi." I said, "Hey, how are you? My name's Jeff," and extended my hand. He grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. "I'm Craig. Nice to meet you." He held my hand a bit longer than the usual handshake, squeezed it, then let go. "Mind if I sit?" "Please do. Where are you from?" He looked me deep in the eyes and smiled warmly. "I want to be from this bar and to your place, sexy man." And he laughed softly at the look of surprise on my face. "Or did I mistake those looks you were giving me? If I did, I apologize." "No need to apologize. I've been wondering how to get close to you. Guess you solved that problem pretty quick." "Well, let's go then- if your place is cool... Is it?" "Yes, it's very cool. You have a car?" He said he didn't. So I drove the half mile back to my apartment. I was thinking while I drove how crazy this was, but I had gotten so horny fantasizing what might happen soon between me and Mr. Marco that I needed to get off before I went crazy. I had been jacking off every night for a week now, and it would be good to have some actual contact. We went up the stairs to my place, and Craig pressed against me while I unlocked the door. Once we got inside he had his hands all over me. We kissed passionately as he started to undress me. I was getting his clothes off him, too. We stumbled over to the couch, kissing, nibbling, touching, stroking. It felt very hot. He was slightly smaller than me, but his body felt strong. We landed on the couch and I got a good look at him. He didn't have an ounce of fat on him. His skin was smooth, his muscles rippled, both his nipples were pierced, and his dick- I had seen very few black cocks in person, and this one was the best. It wasn't huge, but it was long and had a nice upward curve. He leaned in and started chewing on my nipple. He pushed me down on my back on the couch and switched over to the other nipple. It was driving me wild. He lifted his head and smiled at me. "You are a hot guy, Jeff." He grabbed my stiff dick. "And I love me some white cock." All of a sudden he had my cock deep in his throat, slobbering it up while he grabbed my balls and tugged on them. "Slow down or I'm going to blow too soon," I gasped. He laughed softly and moved up to straddle my chest. That beautiful black piece of meat was throbbing in front of my face, so of course I opened up wide and swallowed it. He moaned and made encouraging noises while he reached back and grabbed my cock. He wasn't stroking it, just holding it very firmly. I sucked him for a while, taking more and more of his cock while he gently fucked my face. He leaned down and asked me quietly, "Hey Jeff, do you like to eat ass?" I nodded yes with his cock still deep in my throat. He got up and turned around and sat his round, firm ass on my face. I was intoxicated by the musky smell. I pressed my nose in and inhaled. It had been a while, and rimming a hot guy was one of my favorite things to do. I licked around his rosy hole with the tip of my tongue. "Oh yeah man, that's the way. Make love to my hole baby," he said. My tongue went a bit deeper, tasting that tangy sweet ass. He wiggled it, and I tongued him deeper and deeper. He was moaning and I was grunting like a pig. He leaned down and started sucking me again. He went slowly and deliberately, and I was in heaven. My cock was as hard as it had ever been. He lifted his head up slightly and said, "I need that hot white cock in my ass, man. Will you fuck me?" Damn, who could resist? He didn't wait for an answer. He turned around again and was about to sit on my cock. "Do we need..." I was going to ask if he wanted lube and a condom. "No baby, we don't need anything we don't have right here," he said, and his ass pressed against my dick. I moaned deeply as I felt his hole open and I slid into that warm, dark hole. We paused when I felt I was in all the way. His ass twitched on my cock. It felt like a dozen fingers squeezing it- amazing! I started to fuck up into him and he started to bob up and down. We fucked harder and faster while I felt his sweaty abs. My hands moved up to tug on his pierced nipples as our fucking intensified. I was getting so close. I wanted to shoot my load deep in this delightful ass, but I wanted this feeling to last forever too. Eventually I couldn't hold back. He urged me on- "Seed my hole, baby! Breed me!" That did it. I pushed up with a great thrust and let loose with my cum. His ass milked it out of me. I couldn't believe it could feel so good. I had never felt an ass do that before. I lay there panting and he leaned down kissing my face and neck. I felt his cock jerking and felt the warmth of his cum all over me. I wrapped my arms around him and drew him tightly to me. My spent cock slipped out of his ass and I forced my tongue deep down his throat. Our kissing and breathing slowed down eventually. Our bodies were warm and covered with sweat and cum. I was exhausted and that wonderful afterglow was spreading through me. "Thanks baby, that was amazing," Craig whispered into my ear. "Hey, let's take a shower," I said. He followed me into the bathroom. I got a nice warm shower going, and we stepped in together, kissing, touching, smiling, and rinsing off. We got out of the shower and toweled each other off. My mind was spinning. Craig said, "Hey Jeff, can I crash here with you? I have luggage still at the bus station. Do you have time in the morning to drop me off there to pick it up?" "I have the whole day off tomorrow. We'll get you all set. I'll feed you a good breakfast first, though." "That's an offer I can't refuse, baby." We headed to bed. It was so good to have someone in my arms for the night. I was starting to drift off when I felt Craig's hand on my ass. He whispered in my ear again- what a nice feeling- "I love white cock like I said. But I love white ass just as much." I just let out a quiet moan. "I have a hot guy who gives me his cock, but I never get that hot furry white ass of his..." I was listening, but sleep was coming on me quickly, I could tell. He squeezed my ass and I felt fingers brushing against my hole very lightly. He continued his whispers. "Not tonight baby, but maybe soon. We never talked about status baby, I bet you're negative." I couldn't respond with more than a quiet mm-hmm to indicate that yes, I was negative. "Well, I only fuck bare, so maybe we shouldn't risk it." The very softly, "Damn shame... damn shame." He was drifting off too. We slept for hours with our arms around each other. More to cum soon.
    2 points
  23. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
    1 point
  24. Samuel: I’m a 50+ year old bear, been positive for more than 25 years, with not quite the perceived look, but with the alternate look of someone who has been on the various drug regimens throughout the AIDS epidemic, not really wasted but skinny in my extremities, but with the uneven fat redistribution caused by drugs like AZT and crixivan, so slightly bloated belly look with little fat in face and ass. Was diagnosed less than a year after I met my current husband, most likely from my fucking around in restroom stalls and frequenting backrooms and bathhouses, and never getting tested until the early 90’s after one of my husband’s previous fuckbuddies was diagnosed with KS and AIDS. Well for the best part of time since my diagnosis I have been undetectable, and had no problem sticking to the three times a day, two times a day, 8-15 pills a day regimen, but when my doc got me on a single pill a day cocktail, damn if I can remember to take that horse pill, so much so that after glancing at the calendar it’s been a month since I last took one, bad bear. I have not suffered any major illnesses in the last 25+ years although there has been a couple close calls with opportunistic infections, mostly dermatological or gastronomical, but no major illnesses. But last time I tested I was no longer undetectable, 150 to 500 copies, and that was from just missing a couple doses, and know I been drug free for over a month, my viral load must be sky high. I had been having a rough night with my blood glucose being high I was having a hard time finding rem sleep, I tossed and turned throughout the night, my thoughts going to sex more often than not, it had been a little over two weeks since my last real ejaculation, I was downright horny. I finally got up early around 3am and started flipping through the apps on my phone, BBRT, A4A, CL to name a few, when I came upon a ad on CL: YNG Newbie in need of mature guidance Just turned 18 virgin cub ISO Daddy bear, show me the ropes, never been with anyone outside of boyfriend and we just kiss and fondle, Will be in town today and tomorrow touring collage universities, HMU if you’re Mature, kinky, Down for fun with a virgin and can meet me at my motel room early or late before and after our tours. + is a +, interested in exploring my wild side I started to bone up as my mind saw an opportunity for release, I emailed the poster and really didn’t expect much of a response, but about ten minutes later my phone pinged and I had a reply. Very nervous, never hooked up before, can we do this this morning around 8, staying at the RR inn off of **** room 210 Timing was perfect, dropped off my hubby at his work at 7 and made it back home in time to pick up my bag full of goodies, Dildos, restraints (If he was into that), lube, poppers, and at the last minute I threw in my cruel condom (not sure how kinky he wanted to get) the +is+ had me thinking this virgin was a chaser for some odd reason. I arrived at the motel and went up to the room and quietly knock, not wanting to raise any suspicion from the other guest (although this motel was popular amongst the working boys and girls if you know what I mean). I waited a few moments then the door opened and I was greeted by a mid-thirties Latino guy, who quickly ushered me into the room, my first inclination was to bolt back out the door to my car, but then I saw two boys laying on the bed in tank tops and basketball shorts, the one with strawberry blonde hair bounced off the bed and up to me, hugging me then planting a quick kiss on me “Hi I’m Dan the guy you have been messaging with, this is my best friend Jon and his step dad Manuel, you must be Sam” I sort of just stood there for a couple then replied “Um, I thought it was just us, you failed to mention these other guys when we messaged back and forth” “I’m sorry I just didn’t want to scare you away, I didn’t know if you’d be into a group scene or not, but I took the chance” Dan leaned in again and this time kissed me deeply our tongues intertwined, his hands caressing my body. Dan stood a little shorter than my 6’0” at around 5’10”, Jon was a bit taller at 6’2” and Manuel was maybe 5’8”, they all had lean bodies, Dan with Blonde hair and Jon with brown, and Manuel with the start of white peppering his jet black locks. They all were quite good looking, Dan and Jon were 18, Dan just turning a couple weeks before and Jon a few months older, Manuel was 32. Dan led me to the bed and slowly undressed me as Jon crawled over to me and began caressing my groin, as Manuel, began kissing me with Dan moving south as he sat me down on the bed, Manuel following me, his mouth never leaving mine as we began a deep make out session. The boys then got in front of us and began licking and tonguing our respective cocks Dan on mine and Jon on his Step dad’s impressive piece, neither boy seemed like they had ever done this before so their technique was not the best. Dan was not the best cocksucker but he was good enough to get me hard as Jon worked over Manuel, his step dad began talking dirty to the boy “Oh son, you have no idea how long I waited these last couple years to finally get you to service me, oh yeah lick those balls, take that cock deep oh yeah work for that daddy juice” Dan, having gotten me rock hard moved up and began kissing my belly then my chest and neck and finally his lips met mine again and he kissed me deep “Daddy make me yours forever, breed my virgin boi pussy with your toxic sperm” He whispered in my ear as he lowered his dry hole to the tip of my cockhead, which was drooling precum onto his sweet hole, he rubbed back and forth a bit then with a hard push dropped his ass over my ridged pole impaling himself in one swift motion, his eyes bugged out from the pain and as he began to lift himself off my cock I held him firm letting my precum seep into his colon, his now clenching sphincter trying to expel the invading rod of fire which he had impaled himself down into the depths of his own hell. I twitched my tool inside him and gradually let him slide up an inch or two before pushing him back down on my toxic staff, each time I lifted him up and allowed him to impale himself again he began to feel less pain and was soon riding my stick on his own. Now I don’t generally get to fuck 18 year olds and it felt great having my hard cock sliding in and out of that sweet boy hole, but I wasn’t ready to dump my load just yet so as I began to feel the urge, I lifted the boy off of my ridged cock and laid him beside me once again caressing his body and kissing his full lips. Seeing Dan with his pert just plowed hole laying there half on top of me, Jon abandoned his make out session with hi step dad to dive between his best friend ass cheeks and for the first time rim Dan’s puffy ass lips, Manuel took the time to head over to the bathroom, but instead of using the facilities he reached into a bag and pulled out a pill blister pack, poured a glass of water then offered me a little blue pill “Here with these two we’ll both probably need these” I gulped down a pill and then went back to being caressed by the two boys, while Manuel dove down and took my cock in his mouth to clean it off. It was a sight, seeing Dan and Jon playing with each other for what they say was their first time doing sexual things to each other, sucking each other and fingering holes, Manuel began kissing me again as the boys played at the foot of the bed, 69ing each other, he periodically broke the kiss to tell me of their situation, how he married Jon’s mother 4 years ago and he thought of himself as Bisexual but was leaning more towards gay as Jon’s presence was leading him more to darker thoughts of Man on Man sex. “So what’s in the bag my amigo?” “Just some toys, and supplies” He was curious so he opened the bag and placed the items on the bed next to the guys, he took the lube and greased his finger then began inserting his finger into his stepson, slowly working his index finger into the second knuckle, I moved around and used some lube and slowly inserted the dildo into Dan, rotating it slightly on the inward stroke then reversing on the outward pull, Dan began moaning as I increased the pressure and speed on which I was working his hole. His boi pussy was opening nicely, so I upped the stakes and grabbed the cruel condom and slid it over the toy, lubed it up then began working his hole again, by the time I had worked it in about ten times it was beginning to come out with a pinkish tinge, I rammed it in once more and pulled the dildo out, leaving the condom in Dan, who was already holding his legs up to his chest leaving his hole exposed for me, I stepped behind him and slid my still rock hard cock into the sheath and began fucking Dan in earnest, Manuel took the bloodied dildo and began working it into Jon’s hole while I fucked His Boyfriend/BFF, as I had not cum in like two weeks the added friction of the cruel condom brought me to verge quite quickly after I got over the initial pain of the metal mesh scratching and tearing the tender glans allowing me to bleed into the wrecked hole “Where you want my cum slut?” “In my ass Daddy” “You want me to shoot my Toxic load inside your wrecked pussy boy” “Yes Daddy cum in me give me your toxic load, Poz me up” With that I began shooting my 2 week old load into Dan as Jon and Manuel looked on, Jon with a dildo being worked into his hole. As I came down from my orgasmic high, my cock was still rock hard and dripping boy spunk from Dan’s sloppy ass, I looked at Manuel and Jon “Who’s next?” Manuel indicated Jon’s puffy lips as I slid over to Jon and slid in without the use of any more lube, just the CC sliding into my new boy, tearing up his ass as I pushed in. Manuel began licking and slurping Dan’s rose bud then slid his large Hispanic cock in and began pumping into the boy, pushing my toxic load deeper within the once virgin slut, relishing in the cum sloshing around his pulsating tool, all that cum was going to make him cum fast adding his negative seed to mine. Hearing Manuel rut in Dan’s gut, triggered my second load of the morning as I blasted Jon’s intestine with my toxic spunk. I pulled out of Jon and laid back on the bed, still rock hard but exhausted I pulled my two boys up to me and cuddled and kissed them both, while Manuel set to cleaning my slimy cock licking every drop of spunk and ass juice and blood off my ridged pillar. He then laid beside Jon and we cuddled and made out for a while. The sounds of men making out and caressing were the only sounds in the room, then Manuel got up and slid the CC onto my cock, lubed up his hole then sat down on my cock, you could see the pain in his eyes as he worked his ass raw up and down on the mesh sheath, he soon had the third load of the morning making its way out my piss slit and deep within his guts, all the while talking dirty on how he wanted my Poz load to infect him and the boys and that no matter which university the boys choose in this area I was going to be their Poz Daddy and he would rent a place for them and me to fuck our brains out whenever the need presented itself.
    1 point
  25. Part 1: It was the weekend of my 20th high school reunion. It had been a mostly boring gathering. I never made any deep friendships in high school. I think it was because I was so far into the closet, and didn't feel like I fit in with any of the groups of kids. I was into art and music, and it felt like I was the only one. So here I was on the day after, stopping at a convenience store to get a cup of coffee. I was at the coffee urns fixing myself a cup and I heard someone behind me say, "Jeff, is that you?" I turned around expecting to see one of my classmates, but instead it was a very handsome man a few years older than me. I looked for a second, and finally recognized my old history teacher Mr. Marco. Wow! I had had such a crush on this man back then! He was younger than the other teachers, only 10 years older than the students. He was tall, had a mass of dark curly hair, broad shoulders, beautiful deep brown eyes, a nice moustache, and a smile that lit up any room. Here he was 20 years later and even better looking. His body looked a bit bigger, his moustache was now a trim beard, his curls had a bit of silver at the temples, and that smile was still amazing. "Wow, Mr. Marco! Long time no see! How are you?" "Please Jeff, call me Frank. I am doing really well, and you?" "I'm doing well. I'm working right here in town. Love my job. Just saw a bunch of my old classmates last night at our 20th reunion." "That's great, Jeff. I'm moving back here to my parents' old place. Mom passed away earlier this year and left me the house. It's good to be back." Mr. Marco had been my favorite teacher. Besides being hot and making a confused and closeted high school boy have fantasies, he had the ability to make history come alive for me. He was always encouraging and genuinely concerned about how his students did in class. I loved the classes I had with him in my sophomore and junior years, and was really looking forward to senior year when we got to do special projects for class. But the summer after my junior year he got divorced from his wife and moved to another town. I guess I had felt a bit abandoned back then. And here he was after all this time. All these thoughts flooded through my mind, but I snapped out of it. "Oh yeah, I heard she died. I'm sorry. I always loved that house. It's such beautiful spot on the lake." He reached out and touched my arm. "Well Jeff, if you're not busy I'm heading over there. Come on over and we'll take a swim, have lunch, do some catching up." "That sounds great Mr. Marco-" he gave me a look- "I mean Frank. I'd love to." "Well, just follow me," he said, flashing me one of those smiles. My mind raced as I followed him in my car. I felt like a kid again. I really had no thought that anything would happen between us. Just spending time with such a sexy man would be nice for a change. We got to the house and he invited me in for a tour. It was a nice place, very well kept up, warm and inviting. The best part was the view of the lake. There was a broad lawn leading to the shore, and the house was on a very private little inlet. We walked across the grass down to the boathouse and dock. Frank pulled off his shirt and I got a good look at his furry chest. I had always wondered how hairy he was. "I'm going in for a swim. Come on in. I love to skinny dip- hope you're not shy!" He turned toward the water as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his shorts and ran down the dock and dove in. I did the same, hoping I wouldn't pop a boner before I hit the water. The water was great, jut cool enough to calm that down. We swam for a while and then he went up on shore nd stretched out on the grass on his back. I followed him, and we both lay naked in the warm sun. "So Jeff, how's your love life?" "Well... " was all I could say, surprised by his question. "Sorry to be so personal," he said. "I guess this is a bit awkward, with our history of being teacher and student. It can be tough to meet again as peers. I remember you well, Jeff. I remember we had a good connection. I enjoyed having you as a student." "I loved having you as a teacher," I blurted out, perhaps a bit too eagerly. He looked over at me and smiled. "I think you were signed up for my independent study class when I left town. I'm sorry that didn't happen. You know why I left?" "You got divorced." "Yes, that's the short version. I think I can tell you now. Things had not been good with my marriage. Neither of us was happy, especially not me. I made a mistake getting married." He paused and looked me in the eye. "I never made her happy, and I finally got honest with myself about why that was." He looked up at the sky. "I was attracted to men. That was the problem. After we split up we were both so much happier." He looked back at me. "Does that shock you?" I gulped and shook my head no. I swallowed hard, and finally blurted out, "N-n-n-no. I am gay too." I felt my face and whole body blush. "I thought maybe you were, Jeff. I got that vibe from you back then, Of course, I would never have done anything with you. You were way too young, aside from the possibility of losing my job. It was tough for me back then, though, being surrounded by so many good looking boys. Well, they were young men really. The hottest boys were the smart ones- like you." He flashed me that smile again. I couldn't believe this was happening. My heart was pounding. I bravely said, "Well here we are now, and we're both consenting adults." Still smiling, he reached over and grabbed my hand. He placed it on his growing cock. "Yes, here we are, and this is what you are doing to me." He leaned in and kissed me. I started stroking his dick. It was getting longer and thicker. I pulled back for a good look. It was uncut and growing to about 7 1/2 inches. The foreskin was pulling back from a big round head. My own dick was as hard as iit had ever been. I kissed him again, keeping that big veiny dick in my had. I kissed his neck, and down onto his furry chest. I licked at his nipples, and my head kept traveling lower. I kissed his belly and felt his bushy pubes against me face. I took the head of his dick in my mouth and felt his hands on my head. I swallowed him whole while my hand fondled his heavy balls. He then gently pulled my head back up for another, deeper kiss. His hands were all over my back and he squeezed my ass. Our cocks rubbed up against each other. He whispered in my ear, "What I really want is for you to lick my balls." I nodded and raced down there between his legs. He lifted his knees giving me access. I took one ball in my mouth and swirled my tongue all over it. I switched to the other and heard him moan and gasp. My fingers traced along his thighs. My mouth left his balls to swallow his cock again. He said, "No- keep sucking my balls. Stoke my dick. I'm getting close." I did what he asked. In just about a minute he did shoot while I had both his balls in my mouth. I felt that hot cock pulsing strongly as he came all over himself. I was moving to lick up his cum when he jumped up and ran back into the lake. I sat up in a bit of a daze. I loved what just happened, but was a bit freaked out at his reaction. Had I done something wrong? He came back up out of the water and stood in front of me. He saw my hard cock and knelt down and pushed me onto my back. He swallowed my cock and in no time I was blasting my load down his throat. He got down next to me and put his arm around me, getting me wet. We lay there both breathing heavily. He said, "I'm sorry Jeff, I freaked out. Maybe we shouldn't have done that." "No, I'm glad we did, Frank. I'm cool with it, really." He looked at me very seriously, then his smile started to come back. "Well, I'm glad. I really needed it." He got up and went over to retrieve his clothes. "I'd love to see you again Jeff. But I need to get ready to go back to my old place and get the rest of my things. I'll be moving in here, but I'll be gone for two weeks wrapping things up. I'll call you when I get back, OK?" It was my turn to smile. "You better call me."
    1 point
  26. Whoring out my boy, bareben this weekend. Hosting in Western NY (Rochester), Wickr dad4pozboys if interested.
    1 point
  27. I've used these for ages, both before being poz and afterwards. They are really very accurate if used as directed. They do best with a pinprick of blood (99% accuracy) but will also do OK with just saliva (91%). These days I buy them so I can stealth poz. Some guys just won't bareback without proof, and these test kits are gold for getting around that. I know how to fake swabbing my mouth, so it'll always show negative... and the other guy will then happily have bareback with me and receive a poz load I also use them in repeat encounters so I can tell when I've been successful in pozzing them. It also gives me an opportunity to be there when they find out they're HIV+ which is always a turnon for me. Some of them are SO upset. You then have the option of testing yourself, showing a poz result, and making them feel that THEY infected YOU... thus avoiding repercussions from the person you pozzed So the kits work. But they're only reliable if you use them as directed.
    1 point
  28. I'm glad to read that your happy to be on prep and dropping loads anywhere I can't wait to get out there and start getting loads dropped into me I always wanted to be a raw bottom pig and this will help me just let loose and give my ass up to all who wants it I can't wait to actually take my first poz load I want to look that person in the eye as they drop their hot seeds in my guts
    1 point
  29. You may be having trouble because being a picky, demanding bottom is a turn off for a lot of tops. There are plenty of bottoms who will put out for them without the amount of hassle you are generating. Waiting for The 1 is a great way to never get laid. My advice would be to try putting ou for some 0.8s or 0.74s o even 0.62s. You may find that after a good hard ride that you are willing to round them up to 1.
    1 point
  30. Yay took dose number 2 today for prep I was told to wait 7 days so 5 more to go then time to let loose and get out there to bottom freely see how many loads I can get first time out. But gotta wait till next weekend I work everyday till Friday damn it if you in Austin Texas let's chat
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I still have sex with my brother every now and then and he's mostly straight, but we started doing it as kids and now every once in a while we still 69 when his wife is asleep. We strongly resemble one another. So, yes.
    1 point
  33. Well just got the results of 2nd round of blood tests and I'm 100% POZ YES YES YES
    1 point
  34. ☣☣☣Fuckin' Oink~! Please keep sharing. Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Wood love to breed it, & swap bugz too. My VL= 100G. Hep C+ & TB too. Please post some pix, & location. Thanks for following me.
    1 point
  35. The following is complete fiction, it has no firm basis and is just an idea i had whilst thinking of times gone by and lost chances. I apologize if it is rather long. I'm not a word smith. I just write it as it comes out. August 2001. Here I was in Manchester. I had just left home and knew no one. Truth be told I had run away from home. Coming out to my parents had been a bad idea. Mum had taken it badly and I ended up bruised and battered, so one day I just packed my things and left. On arrival in Manchester I a place in a student house and enrolled myself at a local college to do some crappy catering course. I certainly had no real firm idea of what I was going to do with my life, but decided to give it a whirl. After a few days I plucked up enough courage to try out the gay scene. I had never been into a gay pub, and in fact didn't even know any other gay men. I was still a virgin, (if you don't count waking off to porn!). The first couple of bars I visited, Via Fossa, and a bit further down, Manto's, seemed okay. I had a drink in each and was somewhat enjoying my new-found freedom, so I decided to visit a few more bars. As I made the rounds I passed an alley in which I saw a bar called Company Bar. Now remember folks. At the time of this incident I was 18, and knew nothing about gay pubs, which I knew only through what I had seen on Queer As Folk. The name sounded friendly enough so I decided to give it a try. At this stage I was a bit tipsy as I had never really had much to drink before. There was no doorman, only a long flight of stairs down into the basement where, apparently, the bar was located. I gingerly made my way down the staircase, trying all the time not to trip. When I stepped through the door, I stopped dead. I couldn't believe my eyes. This bar was very unlike the other two bars I had visited. The crowd was so much older and more, well, manly looking. They were wearing strange clothing I hadn't seen before, clothing made from rubber and leather. I was particularly astonished by a patron who was wearing a pair of what appeared to be leather coverings on his jeans which left the back and front exposed. (Late I learned the leather garment he was wearing were called chaps). Not wanting to look a total fool, I decided to get a drink, consume it, and split, so I made my way to the rather small bar, squeezing in between two guys, one, an older man who was dressed in leather, and the other somewhat younger, (in the range of 30 - 35, or so), who sported a shaved head and bleacher jeans. "Beer please!" I nervously squeaked at the barman when he finally noticed me. "ID?" he rumbled back. I presented my drivers licence. Glancing at it, he handed it back and nodded at someone behind me. I paid for my drink and decided to stand on the far side away from the bar with my back to the wall. God, was I nervous! Up until this point I had always sorta fantasised about getting it on with slim, trim and cute guys who were my own age, but one guy was staring at me non-stop, and I found myself thinking he was oddly interesting. He was somewhere between 45 and 50 years old, had dark brown hair going grey at the sides, a full beard, was wearing a leather biker jacket, boots, and the aforementioned chaps. Even as he sipped his beer he never took his eyes off me. I could tell I was blushing as I was terribly nervous, but all the beers I had consumed got the better of me: I needed to piss, and quickly, so I located the toilets and made a quick dash inside. Standing at the trough I pulled-out my dick and let it flow, my eyes closed in the pleasure of a desperately needed piss. Damn, did it feel good. I was, however, so buzzed I didn't hear the door open, and not until I heard the sound of another stream of piss splashing into the trough did I realize someone had entered the restroom and was standing along side me. Upon taking a quick look I discovered the leather guy was also pissing, Naturally I couldn't help but sneak a peek at his dick; even soft he was showing a seven inch cock. Mine, in contrast, outwardly small, even though I knew that at full mast it was a respectable seven and a half inches. I also noticed his cock was considerably thicker than mine. Startled, I looked-up and realized he was smiling directly at me, almost wiling me to admire his cock. "Hey boy, like what you see?" His voice was just as you would expect: deep and rumbling. Something inside me lit up. I didn't know what was happening to me, but this guy really hit a button somewhere. "Yeah, I suppose," I stammered. My nervousness seemed to please him more. "My name's Mike. Can I buy you a drink?" he again rumbled. Slowly, somewhat distractedly, I nodded 'yes' as I stared into his deep eyes. I was hooked. With that he put his dick away and zipped up. I snapped out of my trance and did the same, following Mike out of the toilets and back into the bar. Soon we were sat together on high stools near the back chatting. Within five minutes he had managed to get out of me my life history. I didn't learn what he did, but he seemed to have me in the palm of his hand, an apt phrase as to what was about to follow. Once the beers had been drunk I offered to buy him another, but he declined as he said he had to be off home. He could probably see my disappointed expression a mile away. "Tell you what boy. Why don't you come with me so we can continue chatting," he asked. At this point I would likely have agreed to anything. Something that night had changed. I had never before seen a gay guy like Mike. So powerful, so manly. Still, I I did hesitate for a second or so, that was until he leaned quickly forward and kissed me hard, before whispering into my ear "I know you want this, boy. I saw you when you came in. It was as if you had walked into a toy shop at Christmas. I know you're nervous, baby, but we're gonna have fun." By now I was completely lost. He took me into his arms and guided me through the bar towards the door. I could smell his body odor: not deodorant or cologne. Just honest manly smells. My dick was rock hard in an instant, creating a substantial bulge in my crotch. Mike noticed the condition of my cock and gave it a quick squeeze. Shivers raced up and down my spine. "Okay," I replied, as, with he led me through the exit, his arm over my shoulder, and somehow we managed the staircase into the cold night air. Whereupon Mike hailed a passing black cab. Once we were en route to Mike's place, he put his arm around me, protectively, perhaps, and at no point did I feel threatened or unsafe. In fact I felt happier than I had in quite a while! Soon we were at Mike's place, which was a nice loft apartment. As he hung-up our coats, he offered me a drink from his fridge and told me to make myself at home. I sat on the sofa as Mike brought out the beers, which he placed on the coffee table. Then he took off his t-shirt, exposing his broad, very hairy chest. I had never before seen so much hair on a man's chest, and Mike registered my amazement, and apparently enjoyed my reaction, because he slowly he bent down, lifted me up off the sofa, pulled me in for a deep long kiss, his tongue assaulted my mouth. I was powerless to refuse him, and immediately found myself responding with enthusiasm, running my hands over his back and powerful arms. He also spent time exploring my body, pulling off my t-shirt and admiring my pale skinned hairless chest. The next thing I knew he was pulling my mouth down towards his chest saying "Suck on my nipples, boy." I could do little but comply. What I was doing seemed to be right as he began growling and moaning, soon he ordered me to chew them as well, and this was also apparently done to his satisfaction because he groaned even more loudly. After about five minutes of this he pulled my face up, placed a hand on each side of my head, and looking deep into my eyes asked "You're hot boy. In fact you're the hottest boy I've had in months. I want to make your first time special, so you'll never forget, but you gotta know once we're in the bedroom I'm in charge. You've gotta do as I say, right?" I was stunned by this, but managed to stammer out "Yes, sir." I couldn't think of a more complete reply. "I didn't quite hear that, BOY!" he said again, this time his face looked darker. "Yes sir," I replied more clearly. "That's better." And with that he turned me around and guided me to the bedroom. What the fuck was happening I asked myself. I had never even thought of this kind of shit before. Was it the beer? Was it my nerves? What? As soon as we got into the bedroom he turned me around and barked the order "Strip." I immediately removed my trainers, jeans, boxers and socks and stood before him, my dick once again rock hard. WTF? I stood there at the foot of his bed, awaiting his inspection and further inspections. Nodding his approval, he ordered me to turn around. Upon doing so, Mike inspected my back and commented "Nice boy, but I wanna see your hole. Pull your ass cheeks apart." I did as instructed, somewhat embarrassed, but also turned on by this big dominant man, a real man, who was inspecting me, checking me over, me, a thin pale twink fresh from the sticks. "Hmmm. I think we are gonna gonna have some fun, boy. Turn around." When I complied, I could see Mike was thinking about something, and sure enough, he slowly approached me and looked me straight in the eyes and said "Usually when I pick up boys like you, they appear to be up for some fun, at least when we're standing at the bar, only to develop cold feet when we get here. Which means I have to remind them of what we're here for, but you're different. Yeah, I can tell you're nervous, but you're not fighting back at all." He looked on at me with the gleam of lust in his gaze. I returned his look, even if the experience was new to me. Stepping back, he slowly undid his belt, pulled off his boots and dropped his chaps and jeans, his hardening cock coming into full view for the first time. My eyes were riveted: it looked wonderful. Involuntarily I licked my lips in anticipation. I had never sucked a cock in my life and most definitely wanted his. His voice brought me back to reality: "All in good time, boy." With that he moved quickly forward, pushed me back onto the bed and was on top of me in an instant, his hands exploring my body, his mouth on mine Then he moved down and started sucking my nipples, one after the other. It felt like electric bolts were shooting through my body. And, the pleasure shifted to my cock when, in a flash, he took my dick head in his mouth. I nearly jumped right out of the bed as he started to work my dick in his mouth. It was incredible. A tingle told me my cum wasn't far off. As an experienced cock sucker, Mike knew as much, and stopped blowing me, but rather pinched the base of my dick, commenting "Not yet, boy. You've had your fun. Now it's my turn." With this, he rolled off of me, and roughly forced me to suck on his nipples again, virtually chewing on them the way he liked. This time, however, he pushed my head lower towards his crotch. Unbidden I kissed and sucked my way down his broad hairy chest and torso until I was faced with his now hard dick. It must of been at least ten inches in length. "Cover your teeth with your lips, boy, and do what I did," Mike directed as he forced my head down onto his cock. I began slowly, and then began working away at the head. The noises Mike made told me he was enjoying my attention, but all too soon i felt his hands forcing my head lower, forcing me to take more and more of his cock into my mouth, so much, in fact, that I thought i would choke, but then, to my astonishment, I realized I had taken his entire length into my throat, and his cock head was lodged deep in my gullet. Somehow I had learned to breath, notwithstanding the tube of flesh that was obstructing my throat. "Good boy," he remarked, as Mike then proceeded to fuck my throat, quite roughly, truth be told, all the time telling me what a good boy I was, and that I was a natural cock sucker. His praise encouraged me even more, so I used my imagination to maximize his pleasure. And, as Mike wouldn't allow me to play with myself, my balls were definitely frantic, and my cock was drooling. After about ten minutes he pulled me off of his cock. Although I may very well have looked like a mess, Mike didn't hesitate to again kiss me long and deep. "I wanna fuck you, boy. I wanna shoot my cum in your ass." I had all the safe sex lectures at school, but at this point I didn't care. I wanted Mike and his cum. "Please, that's exactly what I was hoping for," I replied. Mike positioned me so I was now on my stomach, and he dove into my ass, rimming me without the slightest hesitation, pleasuring me for some fifteen minutes. Then he slowly worked one, then two, then three fingers into my hole, stretching my ass lips even as he continued tongue-fucking me. "I'd say you're ready now, boy. Lay on your back. Take a couple hits of these poppers," he directed, encouraging me to take more and more until my head was spinning and my heart beat raced. When I wondered where this was going, I then felt a sharp pain in my arse, pain that intensified as his cock head forced its way in. I screamed in agony but he pinned me down, held me there, with only his cock head in my hole, saying "You're gonna take it all boy. You're gonna take my dick all the way. You need this as much as I. My cock is gonna change your life forever." With that admonition he again ordered me to take additional hits of the poppers. Again my head spun and heart raced, but my ass muscles also seemed to loosen and his cock slid into me, slowly, steadily, inch by inch, working its way down until his balls were resting on my ass. I had never felt so full before, almost, but not quite as if I needed the loo! Then he started to work his cock in and out of my ass. The sensation at first was agony but soon changed to that of pleasure. His rhythm intensified until he was virtually slamming my butt. My dick was still rock hard but kept twitching every time he nudged my prostate. I knew I was not far from cumming. I told him as much, and he replied "I'm close too, boy," his pace now frantic, and as he pushed himself over the top, he shouted "TAKE MY POZ CUM. BOY!" He roared and convulsed as he came, his load blowing deep into my ass. The sensation and excitement pushed me over the top, and I also came, blowing my cum all over his torso. I was still high from the fuck and trying to take it all in, but I wasn't so out of it that I hadn't registered his exclamation. Looking at his eyes, which were dull with exhaustion, I managed to stutter "Y-y-y-your positive?" "Yes, boy I am. And my positive load is now swimming around in your gut. You should be proud. I've been saving that one for days!" As the high of his orgasm subsided, he saw my face and his expression softened. He slowly withdrew his cock from my ass as I lay in his bed, terrified, excited and gratified. Mike collapsed beside me and pulled me into his embrace, explaining "It's okay, boy. You're gonna be fine. You're not like those other trashy twinks I've fucked and kicked-out - just for the pleasure of taking them down a few notches. I fucked you to set you free. I want you here with me forever, boy." I slowly looked up at him, tears in my eyes. He'd just infected me with HIV, but then he'd been so tender afterwards. Looking into his eyes I saw only genuine affection. My last resolve gave way and I buried my face against his chest and said "I want you too, Daddy." That night he fucked two more loads into my ass. The next day we talked it all through. As soon as I got my diagnosis he'd make sure I got the best care. Then we went to my crummy student house, collected my things and moved them into his. We've been together now for 14 years, and Mike has introduced me to new sexual experiences, the like of which I never thought possible. And, as I've kept my looks, we now go out to work the bars together. You see, Mike likes nothing more than watching me breed some cute twink's ass on the webcam as I fuck him in our bed.
    1 point
  36. As Trevor's body and mind reacted forcefully to Daddy's ramming the thick 6" dildo in the pig's relaxed and increasingly hungry hole, it was more from the shock and surprise than anything else. Hell!! The tweaked out little fucker had already had so many booty bumps, coated fingers and shards in his pussy along with all the hits from the pipe, there was no fucking way he could feel much lingering pain from the dildo. Although I knew that when Daddy's FAT throbbing hard and bare cherry-popper pierced the pig, his pain would be intense and blinding for the first few moments. Even experienced (and eager!) holes like mine still had some discomfort on Daddy's initial entry. But then, every time, taking another hit or two and letting my hole transmit the pure sensual lust Daddy's cock created throughout my body I always enjoyed the ride. I was excited to see the sub pig's transformation and acceptance when he had that long hard unmedicated poz daddy dick in his guts! We were getting close to that point and my cock twitched with the anticipation. I held the boi firmly by the shoulders as I ordered him to keep sucking on the glass pipe, soothing him with my voice...telling him how horny it made our Daddy to be using his hole like this...letting him know how hot he looked, covered in sweat, his hairy muscled legs pulled back and watching the dildo slide in and out of his greedy pig hole as the Tina turned his mind to the fullness between his legs. A fullness he had never known or felt but one which he would crave more and more as the night and weekend went on. As I saw his body and mind begin to relax and enjoy this new sensation, I leaned down and licked his sweaty neck and ran my tongue inside his ear and whispered to him, "Yeah, pig baby....that's it....give in to it. See? The pain doesn't last but the fucking pleasure lasts and lasts. And you know what?" I asked as I relit the pipe for him. "It's our hot fucking leather stud Daddy who's the one who brings you the pleasure. He wants you to enjoy giving your body and your hole to him....he only wants you to enjoy it as much as he does! Pleasure and Daddy...they go together pig." I pulled the pipe away from his lips and drew in the remaining swirling smoke as I watched Trevor blow out a huge cloud then begin to murmur, but loud enough for me and Daddy both to hear his chemmed chant, "pleasure...Daddy....Daddy..pleasure.....mmmmmmm". Then, as if a switch had been thrown, he arched his back and pushed his ass into the inward thrust of the dildo, crying out. "Fuck yeah Daddy Sir! It feels so DAMN good! Oh gawd, fuck my pig hole with that dildo...yeah...shove it deep! Just like that..fuck YEAH!!" Daddy shoved the dildo in harder making the cunt whimper and said, "My little pig's hole is getting hungrier and hungrier isn't it? Never had anything even as big as this dildo in that sweet young virgin hole of yours have you?" 'Never, Daddy! I never thought I could like it,...but OMG I fucking love it!!" Daddy's voice remained seductive and inviting but the demon in his eyes when he looked at me and smiled oh so wickedly, made my cock throb and ooze a big pool of poz precum. "Look at my other pig's big hard wet cock! It turns him on knowing you're liking what Daddy is doing to your hole. Don't let his juices go to waste pig. Suck his cockhead and take that precum into your belly. Trust me, his precum is delicious and very special". Trevor turned his face to his right where my achingly hard cock had been rubbing against his cheek, smearing it with precum. With a hungry growl he parted those fucking fantastic lips, sealed them just under the mushroom head of my dick and I felt his tongue begin swirling across my piss slit, lapping up every dirty toxic drop of my precum. "Oh fuck yeah slut!", I said. "Your mouth feels so damn good! Suck that cokc, just like Daddy told you to. Do whatever Daddy tells you to and we'll all have one hell of an unforgettable weekend!" The pig boi hummed around the first couple inches of my cock as he continued fucking his hole into the dildo thrusts. This went on for a good five minutes when he finally took his mouth off my cock and looked at Daddy with eyes raging with lust and as dark as hell and pleaded with him..."More, Daddy! I need more. Something to fill my sub pig cunt deeper, wider! I can't fucking get enough! Please Daddy! I am your pig boi and I'm here to serve and please you.....but...OH GAWD!!" he yelled out as Daddy rammed the dildo in hard and twisted it. "I want to please you Daddy, but my hole is so hungry! I'm sorry Daddy". I was sucking on his hard sweaty hair-covered nipple as he said this and smiled around the nub in my mouth when I heard him, then heard Daddy's response. "There's nothing to be sorry for, boi. Your hunger IS pleasing Daddy. It's making Daddy so hard and wet. Here, feel it", he said and I could see him as he pulled out the dildo and let just the wet leaking tip of his cock teasingly touch the unsavable pig's hole. "Feel that, boi? That's how hard and wet you've made Daddy by wanting what Daddy wants to give you." Daddy gyrated his hips slightly and stepped just a bit closer touching the pig's unprotected hole with the full flatness of his cockhead. "You like that pig? You like Daddy's hard cock pressing against your cunt lips like that? The cock that YOU made so hard!" "Oh yes, Sir Daddy! It feels so much bigger than it did in my mouth. Soooooooo big....mmmm". Daddy knew he was almost there. "And you want something bigger than the dildo I've been using on you, don't you?" "YES!! Bigger! Thicker, longer! To feel my hole completely. I need to be filled Sir. Please. Do you have another toy that you can slide inside me that's as big as your dick?!" Daddy slid another couple tina coated fingers into the hyped up soon-to-be-pregnant cock slut pig, making him moan and spread his legs wider. "I have just the 'TOY' for you boi. I think you'll want it but it's going to hurt going in at first. It's a LOT bigger than the dildo." "That's what I want Daddy! A LOT bigger! Please Daddy...give it to me.....let me feel your toy in my hole! I NEED it!!" Daddy leaned forward causing his wet cockhead to again tease Trevor's wet hole. Daddy stared into the pig boi's black eyes and said, "If that's what you want pig, then Daddy's going to give you just what you want. Get ready slut!"
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  37. Chapter Eight. Now in the hall, I quickened my pace to catch up with the Priest, feeling the plug in my hole pulse slightly with every step. It felt as if the plug was slowly fucking me, causing my dick to harden. We moved silently towards another door at the end of the hall. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but didn’t think it would be proper voicing them, even though every act that I preformed changed my life, bring me closer to death. At the door, we stopped. I could hear a rhythmic beep coming from behind the door. The Priest turned to me, staring at me silently, as if he knew I had questions. “Your curiosity is getting the best of you, but you must trust the Priests. We have longed for a neophyte like you, one that will convert quickly and fully. After which will be used as an incubator and master of conversion.” the Priest said. The Priest didn’t give me a chance to ask a single question, as he turned and opened the only door in the hall. I was taken back by what I saw. Everything in the room was white, so white it looked sterile. Two beds were on the wall opposite the door, surround by medical equipment. I only recognized the heart monitors, which were supply the beeps I heard outside the door. In each bed, was a man. So wasted away that they looked like they were just skin and bones, covered by a white sheet. As I watched their chest slowly rise and fall, the Priest lightly pushed on my back, steering me into the room, shutting the door behind us. Stepping closer, I could see the lump of their cocks and balls under the sheet, which looked huge against their wasted frames. Standing naked between the foot of the beds, I wondered just what was about to happen. “These men are at death’s door. They will be providing you with another strain of virus. We have given them a mixture of erectile medications to keep them hard as you fuck yourself on their cocks” the Priest said, “Your hole must stimulate them and milk their last load into you before death takes them.” The Priest pushed me forward, causing me to bend at the waist. He grabbed the base of the plug, pulling it slightly out then pushing it back in. Over and over he fucked my hole with the plugs. Lubing it the cum from inside. The soreness of my hole quickly returned and the muscles ached from being open. My cock jumped with each push in of the plug, which soon had me leaking pre-cum, until with one quick pull, the Priest ripped the plug out of my hole, causing me to whimper, afraid that I would wake the men, before I was ready to milk their virus filled cum from their balls. I watched both men slowly open their eyes, piercing my body from their hollow sockets. With out instruction I pulled the sheet back from the man to my left, exposing his naked body. He had the heart monitor pads on his chest, as well as an IV in his right arm. I rubbed my hand up his leg, slowly feeling his cold skin. His cock reacted to my touch, starting to twitch and grow, slowing inching up his stomach. His excitement grew, as well as his heart rate. Climbing on the bed, I positioned my hole over his cock, reaching down and lifting it up. Squatting down, I lowered myself until his cock started to pierce my hole, sliding in. I continued until my hole had completely swallowed his hard cock. As I raised and lowered my hole on this dying man’s cock, I looked over to see the other man’s sheet starting to tent up, knowing that his cock was getting hard by the live sex show in the next bed. I slowly rode the cock, rising up until I could feel his cock head at my hole, then I would drop down until I was pressing against his bony groin. I could feel him press up against me slightly driving his pelvic bones into my ass. I watched his heart monitor as the beeping increased more and more and I pumped his cock in and out of my hole. I grew increasingly alarmed as his heart rate increased, yet I did not stop riding his cock. As the rate increased, so did the rate of my bouncing up and down of his cock. His cock wast thickening and becoming harder and harder as I knew he would not last long. I felt his cock starting to jump inside my hole, and slammed it deep within, grinding against his crotch. His load shot out deep inside me, as an alarm on the heart monitor sounded. I watched the waves of heart beats change to a solid line. I panicked knowing I just fucked the last load out of this man. Did I just murder him by fucking him? I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I sat on the man with his cock deflating inside of me. The Priest stood next to me. “He is at peace. Do not bare guilt or shame, for this was his purpose, it was his choice, and he knew the consequences.” the Priest said. I lifted off the cock, looking over at the other man. He was pushing the sheet down with this legs, exposing his hard leaking cock. He licked his lips, jerking his head to the side, inviting me to his bed. I climbed off the now dead man’s bed and moved over to the next. I watched the Priest pull the sheet over the man I had just fucked, covering him completely. I climbed on top of the man, again squatting over his cock, which he held up, aiming for my hole. I looked him in the eyes as he nodded his head, giving me permission to sit on his cock. I could feel it driving deep into my hole. Pushing the cum deeper and deeper as it went in. As my ass met his crotch, I braced myself by putting my hands on his chest, being careful no to pull off the heart monitor pads. He pushed his hips up, driving his cock deeper into me. My mind was focusing on the alarm which was still signaling the lack of heart beat in the bed next to me. I lifted my ass off this man’s crotch as he grabbed my hips and started to pump quickly in and out of my hole. He was fucking me as if his life depended on it, maybe it did. I pushed down to meet his thrust upwards, causing a slapping sound that didn’t even drown out the alarm. His pumping grew slower and slower, as he tired out quickly, Repositioning myself, I took over riding his cock, riding him like I did the man before him. I watched him smile, feeling the pleasure of my hole riding his cock. His hands moved up and down my legs allowing me to feel his bony fingers. Moving my hands across his chest, I grasped his nipples, pinching and twisting them. He moaned in pleasure as I pumped my ass up and down his cock. “won’t last much longer” he whispered in between moans. I quickened my pace, until he pushed down on my knees signaling that he was about to cum. It was then that I dropped down completely, taking his cock deep in as it pulsed and shot his load inside me. I waited for the alarm to sound, but it never came. His heart rate was high as he shot, but never stopped completely. It slowly decreased as he calmed himself. I waited still for him to die while still on his cock. I could feel it slowly going soft inside my hole. I continued to press against his crotch, trying to keep him inside me longer, but as it grew softer and softer it slipped out of my hole. “Thank you” he whispered. I climbed down, moving back near the Priest. I watched the man close his eyes thinking this is it, he will be a peace soon. His breathing became slower, but was steady as he slipped off to sleep. The Priest pulled the sheet back over the man, shaking his head as he did it. I think he was disappointed that this man did not die as he shot his load. We left through the door and back out into the hall. I closed my eyes reflecting on what had happened. Thinking that when it’s my time to die, I want to go just like that, having someone ride me, and die as I shoot my last load deep into their hole. “I’m not satisfied that you will convert one hundred percent. Dr. Serpent was correct. Escalation is needed.” We quickly walked back to the Doctor’s door. Before the Priest could knock it opened. Still naked except for his boots, stood the doctor. “I knew you would return,” said the doctor. “A success and a failure” “Disappointing, good thing I prepared” said the doctor. The Doctor stepped aside, allowing us to move back into the exam room. I brushed my hand across his hanging cock, watching him smile as I did. I wanted his venom again, I wanted it deep in my hole. I made my was to the exam table as the doctor shut the door.
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  38. if a guy slides his meat into me bare i think he knows he can probably breed me too. Some just bone me til they nut. others tell me they are about to nut and should they pull outand i tell them to breed me. There's nothing more satisfying than that final deep theust as their nuts unload into you and you know a fellow male has juts sprayed his warm masculine essence in your used fuck guts. Never gets old.
    1 point
  39. Moderator's Note: The 2nd part of this story was posted in another thread. I am copying it here, so the story will stay together. Porsche911, please add any additional parts to this thread. Do not start another new thread. Jeremy awoke the next morning on the couch. He squinted his eyes as the morning light came in through the windows. Propping himself up on his arms, he looked around. Christopher, Sean, and Danny were also on the couch. His friends were still sleeping. Every one of them were nude. Jeremy could spot dried cum stains on their bodies and the couch from the previous night’s events. All three of his friends were sprawled out because of the large size of the furniture. And they were the epitome of what men should look like. Bulging arms, thick legs, and tight abs were all standard fixtures on their bodies. It was the result of long hours in the gym and camaraderie that went well beyond the weight room. Jeremy stood up and stretched. He had a semi-erection from looking at the guys beside him. It felt somewhat strange, having this attraction. Jeremy went to the kitchen naked and got one of the protein shakes from the refrigerator. He silently went back past the living room and into the hallway. In his bedroom, Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. There was dried cum on his front. He didn’t care, though. He did a many push-ups as he could on the floor. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his triceps and chest singed. As he stood up, Jeremy heard water running from another room. “Hey,” came a voice from behind him. “Woah,” Jeremy started, turning to see Porter standing in the doorway. Porter wore only a black jockstrap. It stood out against his pale body, as did the faint blue veins feeding his beefy muscles. “Hey.” “Good night last night?” “Yeah, I . . . I guess so.” Jeremy remembered what he had seen transpire between Porter and Addison. “Yeah, me too.” “What’d you guys do?” “Uh, we just watched some porn.” Porter smirked, walking into the room. “Sure you did. Were you expecting something like this to happen?” “What do you mean?” Porter shrugged. He grabbed Jeremy’s right arm, rubbing it up and down. Though his palms were calloused, it matched the firm push he applied. Porter always went rough with his workouts. He lifted less weight than most of his friends, but could do more reps than any of them. He was Porter the Powerhouse. Jeremy could only imagine what that could translate to under the sheets. “You like that?” Jeremy observed Porter’s eyes. They were fixated on Jeremy’s body. Only his body. “Feels good, man.” “Sure does.” Porter lifted up Jeremy’s right pec a few times, watching it bounce. “Flex,” he commanded. Jeremy did as he was told. Porter smiled at the ripples of muscle. “Good body, man.” “Thanks. You, too.” “Yeah?” he asked, stepping back. “You like this?” “I—” “Look at my bod, man, NOT my face,” Porter said sternly. Jeremy looked over the light skin of his friend. Well, Jeremy wasn’t sure if this could be considered something friends did. But who gave a fuck. He loved the dusky coat of scruff over Porter’s chest and abs. The pure balls of strength on Porter’s shoulders, his thick trunks of legs. “You look great, Porter. Your hair is . . .” “Yeah, I’m debating on shaving it all off or not.” “Nah, it’s hot.” Porter nodded, looking down at his body. “Addison would agree with you.” “Oh? You and Addison—” “Look, most of us here came to terms with what we wanted freshman year,” Porter said, flexing in the mirror. He appeared like a narcissistic asshole looking at himself. But the primal instinct in Jeremy, deep inside him, made Porter look like the hottest person he’d seen in a long time. Forget any girls’ tits he’d seen, Porter had most all of them beat in size with his own furry pecs. And to hell with pussies, because that bulge sticking out of his jock was pure erotic. Not to mention that ass . . .“First it was me and Addison, then it spread to the other guys around mid-sophomore year. We know what we like. We know what it takes to look like we do.” Jeremy was slightly confused. Confused, but excited. “What do you mean?” “Dude, look at how much work we put into our bods. Look at all the money and time spent, protein, creatine, glutamine, and weekends we’ve given away. All the planning and dieting we’ve done. What was it for, huh?” Jeremy thought. “Looking good.” “Fuck yeah. Now why would we waste all this,” he said as he flexed his bicep, “for some anorexic drunk bitch at a club? Or a stoned cunt at Lollapalooza? We’re better than that. We’re better than them. We take strength and looks over everything, so it was natural for this to happen.” “What to happen?” Jeremy asked. He knew it was a dumb question. He already knew the answer. But he wanted to hear it from Porter’s vain mouth. The man in front of him was never more lucrative. “Jeremy, we fuck studs now. Men. The biggest ripped, toned, meatheads we can get our dicks into.” Porter chuckled as he examined his calves. “We’re sluts. We want hunks.” Jeremy slowly nodded, processing the information. “So does everyone, I mean, all the other guys—” “We’ve all fucked each other,” Porter finished. “You were the most reserved and uptight about girls and shit, so we tried to keep it from you.” “Why?” Porter shook his head. “I dunno. I knew you’d want to, but the others weren’t so sure.” “Hmm.” Jeremy did not even notice that he was leaking precum onto the floor. Porter did, though. “You can make the decision for yourself.” Porter came over, without invitation, and tugged on Jeremy’s dick. It immediately stiffened. It felt amazing. “I know you’re a slut for studs. I want to see you in action, too. Do you want to see me?” Jeremy’s mind was reeling. This was happening fast. But it was a surge far more exciting than anything he’d ever experienced before. “I . . .” Porter let go, stepping backwards. “Addison’s in the shower. We’re going to fuck. You can come watch if you want.” With that, Porter left the room, his ass almost bouncing as he walked. Jeremy was not sure what to do. After that discussion, Porter definitely made him feel like he was above fucking girls. But he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to fuck a guy. On the other hand, Porter was by and far the hottest person Jeremy thought he had ever let touch him. It was the muscle, vanity, and arrogant attitude that escalated him to a prime piece of ass. Jeremy looked at himself in the mirror. It was instinct for him to flex some part of his body. Just to see the results of his labor. Yes, he decided, he was like Porter. And he wanted to see more. Jeremy followed Porter’s path, going towards the sound of running water. He went into the bedroom across the hall. The room was a mess. Clothes enough for two people and a thong were strewn on the floor. The sheets on the bed were tangled and twisted. It was clear Addison and Porter had spent the night together. The door to the bathroom was wide open. Light steam was coming out of the doorway. Jeremy, totally naked and sporting a semi, gingerly walked over the threshold and into the bathroom. There was a sink by the door, followed by the toilet, and a wall-to-wall Jacuzzi bathtub on the opposite wall. Addison was standing up in the tub, which was filled with water. His strong jaw was glistening with sweat. His tanned body was without any hair at all, except for the small patch above his rock hard cock. Porter was on his knees in the tub, practically gagging on Addison’s manhood. There was a lust for it, a desire. Porter took pleasure in it, not at all deterred that he looked like the bitch of the situation. Addison looked up, then winked at Jeremy. “Morning,” he smiled. Jeremy nodded, not wanting to interrupt too much. Porter looked up from the cock he was servicing. A strand of precum connected his lips to Addison’s manhood. “Sit on the toilet, slut. He’s mine for now.” Jeremy did as he was told. He sat down and began stroking himself. He had plenty of precum to lubricate. Porter sucked on Addison for a little while longer, choking vigorously. He sucked like he lifted: no holding back. Jeremy wished Porter was sucking on his cock. He got harder just thinking of it. Eventually Addison shoved Porter off of him. Some water sloshed out of the tub in a single wave. No one cared. “Bend over, bitch,” Addison grinned. His dick had to have been at least eight inches long. With a stern look and a nod, Porter turned around and lifted his ass to Addison. It wasn’t for fun, it seemed, but a duty to Addison. Jeremy could tell through Porter’s face. Porter believed Addison deserved his ass. It made Jeremy all the more harder. He stroked with more vigor. Addison reached on the bathtub rim for a condom conveniently laying there. There was also a bottle of lube. Addison ripped the wrapper apart with his teeth and began to put it on. Porter, watching Jeremy with strict eyes, shook his head. “No.” “What you say?” Addison asked, the condom halfway on his dick. “No. No condoms. I want him to see natural man-fucking.” Addison smirked, then ripped the condom off his dick. He threw it at Jeremy’s face. “Fag,” Addison laughed. Addison then lubed up his dick and began to push it into Porter’s hole. Jeremy took the condom off his face and cast it onto the floor. He wanted to see everything. Addison took no time in getting into Porter’s man cunt. It only took a total of ten seconds before he was balls-deep. Jeremy was impressed. Porter only held a look of concentration as Addison went to town on him. Pound after pound, with varying intensity, pushed into him. “Fuck yeah,” Porter said after a couple of minutes. “Fucking POUND that pussy!” he yelled. His face was starting to get red. Addison kept nailing Porter, harder and harder. Jeremy looked closer at Porter’s ass. It was hairy and slick. The fur clung to Addison’s dick as it was thrust out and into Porter’s insides. Porter turned and looked at Jeremy. “I want you later,” he said. It was as if no one was fucking him, like natural conversation on the side of the street. Addison took an extra hard thrust. “Good thing about Porter,” Addison panted, “is that he never complains. He’s a power bottom.” “FUCK YEAH!” Porter screamed. It took Jeremy by surprise at the volume. “FUCK ME, MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!” Addison went into a wild thrusting. He rutted harder into Porter’s hole than Jeremy had seen in any porn. It was wild. Porter in turn grabbed the backs of Addison’s legs and pushed deeper inside himself. Addison started to curve his spine. “Uh, uh, I’m about to cum.” “FUCK ME!” Porter screamed, pushing Addison harder into his hole. Jeremy was bewildered. He stroked his cock faster. “UH, UH, OH my GOD!!” Addison yelled, stopping the thrusting and slamming his pelvis into Porter’s hole. Jeremy could tell Addison was spurting in Porter’s ass by the ruts of both their hips. “Fuck yeah!” Porter yelled, slapping the water in triumph. Half a liter of bathwater was thrown onto the walls and floor. Addison pulled his dick out and crouched in the water. He was eye level to Porter’s hole. “Come on, man, show me the money,” Addison urged. “Oh my god,” Jeremy said, unable to hold himself. He was so close to cumming. Porter looked over at him. “Come over here, show me what you’re working with.” Jeremy, without hesitation, got up and kept stroking himself. “I’m close.” Porter looked up at him. He was not a lover, hooker, friend, or even weight lifter at that point. He was a slut. Only existing for cum. Man juice. The milk of all humanity, sperm of life. Given to the holes of sluts. Jeremy began to spurt, cumming all over Porter’s ass. Addison looked up with a smile and caught the rest in his mouth, sucking on Jeremy’s dick. Jeremy pushed him away. “No! I want it on him!” Addison laughed and spit the cum on the small of Porter’s back. “Fine, dude!” Jeremy finished cumming and shook the last of his spunk onto Porter. Addison was still crouching, watching the cum drizzle. “Fuck.” Porter, looking up at Jeremy, tightened his abdomen and squirted Addion’s splooge out of his ass. He was like a water gun. The cum fell all over Addison’s ripped chest. Addison leaned back in the bathwater and breathed heavily. Porter stood up. His skin was splotched from the exertion. His cock was still rock hard. “Lick it.” Jeremy looked form Porter to Addison and back again. He made up his mind. In two licks, he went down on Addison’s chest and removed all the cum. He held it in his mouth. It was incredibly salty. Porter stepped out of the tub and pushed his body tight against Jeremy’s. “Give it to me.” They made out, transferring the cum between both of them and using is as lube between their tongues. Each swallowed greedily after most of it had dissolved. Porter stood back. His dick was standing proud. “You slut. Welcome.” Jeremy had never felt more free.
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  40. last year You know how people love to gossip and talk shit about other people? I took a psychology class in college and have talked to a few therapists, but I still don't know why we like to repeat negative information about fellow human beings. What desire does it satisfy? Not that I'm innocent; I not only repeat nasty rumors, but also eagerly listen to them. That's how I found out about Randy. Guys at the little tavern I stopped at after work were the most chattering, gossiping bunch of hens you'd ever want to meet. I knew most of them by name after a few months of going there. I was still inexperienced with actual gay sex, but I don't think I came across that way. When I told my friend my friend Joseph that I was a virgin, he didn't believe me at first. I play it cool. After he realized I wasn't lying, he took it upon myself to point out all the men I should stay away from. "He'll rob you blind". "That one has a partner and they both cheat". "He has HIV". Huh? It was 2016 and the disease was very manageable with medication, right? Plus -- I knew how to use a condom if the occasion finally ever arose for me. One evening I got a little too drunk and found myself in a circle of young guys who were dishing about everybody they knew. That's when Randy's name was first mentioned. Apparently he was a guy that once frequented this place but had disappeared from the scene about a year ago. A few guys were sure that he was dying in some hospice and others said he was haunting the one bathhouse. For whatever reason, I wanted to know more. He was known to be HIV+ and didn't have the ability to treat it with even the newest medications. Not only that, but he was supposedly still active sexually. Just not here. I felt my boner rise. As I waited for more information about this guy, a few hot businessmen walked in and all their attention was diverted. They were pretty tasty-looking, but Randy was all I could think about. I finally managed to drag Joseph aside for a few minutes and interrogate him about this infamous man. "Do you know Randy?" "Sort of. He lives in my building and I see him every other week or so. Why?" "I want to meet him. Or see him at least. Where does he hang out?" "Oh no! You heard about the 'super strain' he's got in his balls and now you're wanting to have sex with him! Are you crazy? No. I know what you are: a 'bug chaser'." I should have protested and reassured him that I was just curious, but I just stood in silence. "Well, I'll miss you if that counts for anything. I knew a few guys like you and they're all gone now. Tell you what -- go home and sleep it off and if you're still intent on this, I'll text you his email address tomorrow". Deal. I found my way back to my apartment and slept off and on until dawn. Once the sun was up, I rolled out of bed and called in sick to work. I went back to try and sleep. but just couldn't. Ever notice how you can't force yourself to be tired? It was late in the morning and still no text from Joseph. I should have guessed this. He's not the most reliable guy in the world and has a tendency to bullshit. Then a little "ding" went off and then another. Not a text -- that was the sound I gave to incoming emails. They weren't from Joseph. They were from HIM. Hi. Joe told me a little bit about you and assured me you were cute and cool. I'm 44. Is that too old? LOL My heart was jumping all over my chest. I seldom smoke anymore, but found an old pack and fished one out. There were two more emails from him. OK. Me again. Sorry I forgot my number. It's --- -----. Hope to hear from you soon. The last email was just a photo of him. He looked very normal. He kind of looked like one of those divorced dads I's see on weekends at the grocery store. Medium weight and somewhat shaggy blonde/brown hair that was just a few weeks past 'clean cut'. He needed a shave too. I loved the pic because it wasn't a posed selfie. It was just an honest, candid shot that somebody else must have taken. I was nearly in love at that point. I made myself do some laundry and the dishes and some general tidying up before I called him just at 1:12 pm. "Hello?" "Hi. Is this Randy?" "Yes! Is this Joseph's friend, Tim?" "It is. Got your emails and pic... thanks!" "Sorry. That's the only photo of me I had saved. I had some more 'interesting' ones on my old phone but it died. Maybe we can take some new ones later." Wow. This was moving fast. "I took the day off and was wondering what you were up to". "I am supposed to go feed a friend's dogs, but not until later. Wanna go do something?" "Sure. Like a movie?" " No. Definitely not a movie. You can't talk n a movie, and there's not much out there I'd want to see anyway." "Well YOU decide then". "I'll come pick you up and we'll go find something to do. Just give me your address and I'll be there in thirty minutes." I was dizzy now and had to sit down, but I gave him my address and we said our goodbyes. I rushed to change clothes. I was going to go casual because he struck me as the ultra-relaxed sort. I should have taken longer because it had only been five minutes since I'd hung up the phone. Waiting waiting waiting. Dear Lord. I wasn't religious, but felt the need to pray for some reason. And then there was a knock on my door.I opened it and there he stood -- looking exactly like his photograph. He was a tad taller than me -- wearing a simple t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. He didn't look sick or too thin or give any sign of being "viral". He sized me up a little and then smiled brightly. "Let's go!" he said. I followed and don't even remember if I locked the door behind me. We drove away on that beautiful late-Spring day and sat in silence. "Let's go to Rose Park and take a walk," he suggested. It was called Rose park because it was full of regularly-tended rose bushes, but they wouldn't bloom until later in the Summer. "Sounds good", was all I said. I should be talking more. I should also stop glancing down at his legs. They were mostly hairless but well-formed. Nothing about him suggested bad health. For such a perfect day, there almost no other visitors at the park. It's not the weekend, I reminded myself. We strolled down a path past the pond, the fountains and the not-blooming rose garden. Once were deeper into the park's wilder area, he started talking. "Joseph is a character isn't he? He didn't tell me much about you". I guess this my cue to give him some details about my life, but he wanted to move the conversation forward again. "I'm sure you know all about me, though. Right?" I wondered how in the world I was still walking and breathing. I was dizzy and stumbled a bit over a rock or an acorn or something. He reached over and took my left hand to steady me. "Thanks. I'm fine. It's okay". But he still kept holding my hand. "I heard a little. Just bar talk". "Well -- I'll tell you everything. I'm HIV positive and have multi-resistant strains. I guess it's all mixed to become one, but I don't know enough about stuff to officially classify it. I just know I hate doctors and I hate taking pills and I absolutely hate the big pharmacies that are pushing these little chances of life when you know damn good and well the cure is within their reach. Fuck 'em". I could tell he was getting worked-up because his grip on my hand tightened and he was sweating. At that moment I realized my hands were only a few skin layers away from his mega-toxic veins and bloodstream. Plus his sweat was probably tainted as well. I should be talking more, but I didn't feel entitled to right now. We were under some overgrown willows and the shade was almost cool. I wanted to say something. Anything. "How do you feel?" was all I could come up with. "Powerful", was his simple, calm response. "Good", I said because I was really glad he felt that way. Randy led me off the path and further into the forest of willows and untended grass. He turned around to face me. "I lied", he said out of the blue. "About..?" "Joseph told me all about you. I saw your Facebook and your Instagram. I know more than you think I do. He also told me your goal was to get THIS inside you", he said, grabbing his crotch with the hand that wasn't holding mine. "Why? Wha...What did he say?" "Sshh. Sshh. We'll do this and you'll have a good story to tell at the pub. Watch me get naked and work yourself up. We're alone here". Sure enough -- he pulled down his shorts (no underwear), kicked off his flips, and yanked off his shirt. He was perfect in a way. So very normal. His dick was average-sized but super hard. I briefly looked at his scrotum because I knew that's where the super strain was cooking. Maybe he noticed my glance. Maybe not. I could barely get my shorts and undies down because my dick was so uncontrollably hard. I barely got my loafers off before he engulfed me in a bear hug. It felt nice and I would have been happy if it all ended now. "Work on this dick, little chaser boy". I knew he meant for me to blow him because that was close to a line I'd heard in porn videos. I knelt and had the head of his super weapon on my tongue. Way closer to the bug than my hand had ever been. It wasn't too bad at all. I didn't choke or gag like I'd always suspected I would if this ever happened. This was going well I thought as he started bucking his hips and mumbling non-words. "STOP!", he commanded, "I'm about to cum". Then he turned around and offered his spread ass cheeks to me. This is what I never imagined doing. But I planted my face right in there and then let my tongue take over. He sure loved that. I was starting to like it too, but he stopped me again. Randy grabbed his discarded shirt and made a little mat for me to lie down on. "Get down there now". I was on my back and looking up at him as he jerked his dick. "You don't even want me to pretend I'm putting on a condom, do you?" he asked. I shook my head and he fell on top of me. "Fuck Yeah" was all he said before pushing his crotch down onto mine and grinding. I would have been happy if it all ended now. My brain was in the clouds somewhere when I felt a knife-like pain in my ass. I almost yelled but his mouth was over mine. His tongue was a fat worm rolling around all over my teeth and gums. Our first kiss was not all that romantic. And then he was inside of me completely. The most toxic guy in the city (possibly the state) was fucking me. Raw. "Why?", I asked for whatever reason. Maybe because it felt a little bit like a rape. Of course it wasn't. I'd pursued this and participated fully in everything leading up to it. "What do you mean 'why'?", he asked as his breathing grew heavier. I said nothing. "I have all the power and you have none. You can't escape the consequences at this point....speaking of...." He was thrusting uncontrollably now, He had cum. Deep in me. He kissed me one more time and then rolled off, exhausted. We were both on our backs, looking up at the swaying willow branches and the dying afternoon sun. Dying. What now? He drove me back to my place in almost complete silence. I thought we'd say 'goodnite' at that point, but Randy escorted me up to my door and then invited himself in. We spent the night in my bed, arms wrapped around each other. He was in my life now...as was his virus I supposed. OK. It was somewhat early and we hadn't eaten dinner, but fatigue won over and we slept deeply.
    1 point
  41. Sounds good; love bears; can you remember the name of the bar?
    1 point
  42. Part 4 Craig looked me deep in the eyes. He grabbed my hand and brought it down to the bulge in his pants. He was fully hard. "This is what you just did to me," he said. I grabbed his hand and lead him into the bedroom. I pushed him onto the bed and started to take off my clothes as fast as possible. He didn't take his eyes off me while he started to strip his own clothes off. I stood before him naked, and he said, "Turn around, baby, and let me see that sweet white ass." I did. "Now back up here and let me have it." I did. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks. He squeezed them and pulled them apart. "Such a pretty pink hole- now bend over." I felt his warm breath on my ass and then felt his tongue lick up and down my crack. "Sweet, sweet ass, babe," he whispered, and then started kissing and licking my puckered hole. He grabbed me around the waist and forcefully pulled my ass into his face. His tongue traced around my hole and eased in deeper. He was eating me like I was candy. My ass opened up for his warm, wet, rough tongue. He tossed me onto the bed on my back, He pushed the backs of my thighs and raised my legs and kept slurping away. Then he pushed a finger into my hole and gently fucked in and out. After a couple of minutes, he entered me with 2 fingers, and then with 3. He got up on his knees between my raised legs, spit on his cock, and pressed the head against my relaxed hole. He just held it there and looked at me with lust. I knew then I really was ready for this, whether he was poz or not. I knew I had to have his cock inside me, and needed to feel him cum in me. After a few seconds that seemed like an hour he said, "You have no idea how much I want this, Jeff. But I can't without telling you - I'm poz. I can't just fuck you without telling you that." "I know," I said, "or I thought you probably are. I can't believe how much I want you. Please fuck me! I am so turned on right now just thinking about taking your load. Fuck me, fuck me please!" His face lit up in an evil smile, and he very slowly pushed into me. It was an unbelievable feeling, unlike any other fuck I had ever taken. He eventually stopped when he was almost all in. My ass was giving a little resistance, but I reached for his ass and pushed him all the way in. Wow! He leaned down and gave me a deep, passionate kiss. Then he slowly pulled back until only the head of his cock was inside me. He began to give me long, firm strokes. We were both enjoying this slow, deliberate pace of his fucking. My hands left his ass and found those sexy pierced nipples. He closed his eyes and threw his head back and moaned. I started to tug on his nipple rings, and he fucked faster. Each thrust felt deeper. His ass moved around in a corkscrew motion. His cock was hitting every spot. This was heaven! My whole body felt flushed and I pushed back against every deep thrust. His moans and the tempo of his fucking increased. I gasped and moaned, too. He looked down at me with a look of ecstasy and said through his deep, panting breaths, "I'm getting real close, baby. Tell me you want this. Tell me how much you want my seed." "I want it. Seed my hole!" "What do you want, white boy?" "I want you cum inside me... please!" He fucked harder and harder, but wasn't yet cumming. "I'm so close, baby! Tell me again!" "I want your cum! I need your CUM!" I cried out. "What kind of cum? Tell me what you really want. I'm so fucking close!" "I want your hot cum- I need your cum- your POZ cum! Give me that hot fucking POZ CUM!" He gave a yell and plunged his dick deep as it would go. He grunted and grunted and I knew he was shooting. "Take that poz cum, white boy!" he gasped. His breath stared to calm down, but he was still deep inside me. He bent down for another lustful kiss. I held him tight. His cock remained deep inside me, and I loved it. His mouth finally left mine. "I'm still hard, baby, roll over." Somehow I rolled over face down on the bed without loosing his cock. He was on my back, slowly fucking his cock in and out. He was kissing my neck and nibbling my ears and still he fucked my loaded hole. This amazing fuck was not over yet. He whispered in my ear, "I love that ass. I want to fuck you forever." My hole was sloppy from the huge load he had planted in me, and he kept right on with his gentle fucking. "I'm pushing that cum deeper in, baby. How does it feel?" "I love it. Fuck me all night. Please don't ever stop," I whispered. "I feel another load coming, babe. Tell me you want it. Tell me- you know what I want to hear." His breathe felt wonderful in my ear. My heart was starting to pound again. "I want your hot poz cum. I need more of your poz cum. Please give it to me- please..." He gasped and pushed into me all the way again. I felt him shudder and felt him shoot in my hole. My mind was flying, almost like I was getting high from his hot seed. We stayed like that for a long time. His cock softened only a little. He let out a deep sigh and slowly started to pull out. But my ass clenched tight on his cock without me thinking about it. My hands reached back to his ass and pulled him close. I wanted his cock in me as long as I could have it. He gently kissed my neck, and we slowly rolled over onto our dies in a spooning position. We both drifted off to sleep with my ass milking out those last drops. Part 5 coming soon
    1 point
  43. Rim and Be Rimmed ... two sides of the same coin to me. I just love sleazy sex ... any way I can get it, any way it cums ... quite happy to switch once I get going on the chems!
    1 point
  44. "Get up here boy and sit in Daddy's lap. It's time for all 3 of us to get real piggy." The cocksucker, hearing daddy's command took one last loud slurp on the meaty tool he had been feeding on then rose up and eagerly straddled daddy's thighs wiggling his hairy ass against the spit soaked cock rubbing up against him. "You two pigs looked damn hot when you were making out earlier. Got your leather daddy horned up nice and hard. Now I want to see you two fuckers shotgun some tina then really make out." The pig boi and I looked at each other eagerly, and I could see the barely restrained hunger in his dark soulless dilated eyes. He was a damn good kisser and I was going to enjoy this just for that part of it alone. But even more, I would enjoy it knowing that the shotguns would get him even more spun and closer to crossing that line he wasn't even aware Daddy had already drawn for him. Daddy placed the well-loaded pipe stem up to the full wet lips of this young horny sub pig and lit the flame under the bowl. "Take a HUGE hit pig. I want this shotgun to last so you two fucking bois can swap spit a long time and make Daddy's dick hard and needing to cum." The boi moaned hungrily and began to inhale deep and steady. I was impressed! His hit was even longer than most of Daddy's. As I watched him inhale, I saw the change reflected in his darkening eyes, the powerful potent Tina taking control of him....just as Daddy had planned. The next step would begin soon...as a matter of fact right after we shotgunned. My eyes flickered briefly to the TV screen playing - of course - gay bareback porn. The scene showing now was 2 hot daddies with a young jock in a sling, one feeding him the pipe while the other was blowing clouds up his hole. We didn't have a sling, but.... The sub boi finally ended his hit and with a whispered seductive command from our Daddy he leaned forward to meet my parted lips, and exhaled the biggest damn shotgun I had ever had! Holy Shit!! I started feeling my whole body tingle within seconds! If I wasn't careful I'd be as out of it as our star attraction. I sucked the smoke in slowly tasting his lips and tongue, then returned it to him as we moaned into each other. My fingers moved to his nips and began pulling on them, intensifying the shotgun and tongue action as we traded the smoke back and forth 6 or 7 times. The smoke was gone but with daddy egging us on we leaned into each other and started making out noisily. What a fucking tongue and mouth this boi had on him! I couldn't wait to have him using it on my poz cock! As we continued making out, now rubbing each others skin, I felt Daddy's hand slide down my naked sweaty back then felt the familiar pleasure of his thick finger sliding into my wet hole. I grunted with lust and need, and at the same time realized he must have done the same thing to the pig as he grunted loud and hard and pulled back from my lips. "That hurts, Sir", he said, looking at Daddy. "That's what Daddy wants, right now pig. And you want to please your Daddy, don't you?" "Yes, Daddy, but...." "No buts, pig! It's only hurting because your hole is so tight and dry. My other boy is obviously enjoying it, but his hole is nice and wet and recently stretched." Daddy looked at me and I took the cue. "Daddy, maybe I can help get the pig's hole wet so he'll enjoy it when you slide your finger in him again. I've been wanting to taste that hairy hole of his ever since he got naked! May I, Sir, please?" Daddy had told me to be sure to play up the submissive attitude at the beginning. Daddy looked at the sub pig who was already nodding his head, silently asking daddy to approve. "You liked his tongue in your mouth, didn't you boi? I bet you'd fucking love to feel him using it on your ass wouldn't you?" "Oh yes, daddy, I would! Please! I want him to eat my ass and make me wet...so I can please you!" Daddy leaned back in his chair, pushed us both off his lap and spread his legs, his thick, 8.5 inch cut beautiful toxic cock throbbing in the air. "On your knees, pig! You and me will smoke the pipe and you'll suck Daddy's cock, while your pig brother gets behind you and fucks your hole with his tongue. Would you like that?" Daddy hadn't even finished the question before the pig was on his knees, licking at the oozings coming out of the piss slit of the cock in front of him and arching his back and pushing his ass out for me. "Yes, Daddy! I would...I would like it very much!" Daddy put the pipe to the boi's lips again and commanded him to suck the glass cock, then suck his Daddy's cock. He looked over the boi's back at me with an almost demonic leer of dark pleasure on his face and nodding his head toward the full baggie of T shards on the table next to me said to me, "And, you. boy! Do what you're back there to do! And make sure your pig brother feels it!" I smiled as I lowered my face to this young unsuspecting chemmed up jock's ass, knowing my tongue wasn't going to be the only thing sliding up his hole in the next few minutes. To Be Continued.....
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  45. Hit the bookstore today. Booths have no doors with gloryholes opposite the shared entry, so you can see the guy working the other gh. I was at one and not having any luck so I stood up and was jacking a bit. In walks a preppy, clean cut guy shorts and expensive sweatshirt - good looking but looking too proper for such a place. He knelt right down to the gh in the opposite wall and didn't see anything, so he turned and looked at me. He licked his lips seeing my STILL soft uncut cock. I stepped over and let him suck it. Good cocksucker, but he was hoping for a monster Latin cock and I'm just average. He got up and went searching for bigger. It happens. I went back to my hole and saw an older daddy. I motioned thru the hole and he unzipped and presented a huge cock head - must've been 3 inches across. I got right to work and started sucking it, but it didn't get any bigger or harder. He couldn't get it up no matter how hard I tried (and I can suck a mean dick). I tried backing up on to it and he liked that so I kept pulsing my hole against him. Back comes the preppy to the other both and when he sees me backed up on the hole his eyes get big and he steps and and fingers my hole and says "I wanna fuck that" so I drop to me knees and free his cock. It's already hard, so I'm just living him up. He pulls me up and forces me against the wall and fucks me. He grabs my hair, but it's cropped short so he puts his arm around my throat and I LOVE it! I milk his cockn with my ass and he pumps harder until he shoots in me! Love it when a preppy guy is actually a pig!
    1 point
  46. So a quick update about my shenanigans on Friday. I was feeling very horny and dirty. Just a cumslut mood and I'd been chatting to a +, not on meds guy who was working in the area on Grindr. No pics on his profile nor did I ask for any! He he said he liked to fuck cummy sloppy holes so I decided to go for a cruise at my local spot. It was getting to about 4:30 and was starting to get dark. A car pulled up behind me and i recognised him straight away as a hot dilf I'd seen on a few sites previously. Shaved head, nice chunky broad build and a stubble. I mean, what more can you ask for. We went in to the woods and started sucking each other. He had a nice 7" coke can thick cock, uncut and leaking precum. I lubed up my ass and backed straight on to him. All I got was a 'mmmmmm, I'm gonna breed your tight ass'. That was enough for me to guess he was in to his verbal so I started shouting and moaning obscenities to him. This got him going a whole lot more. I begged him to dump his poz spunk up me and he never told me he wasn't poz so I carried on. About 15 mins in, he dumps a huge load up my ass and walks off. I messaged the poz guy from earlier, gave him my address and said I would be ready with my ass out and lights off in 10 mins. Sure enough, he turned up and boy did he love his verbal! He fucked me for a good 10 mins with his big thick 7" cock, I've no idea what he looked like but he sounded about 40, nice feel husky voice and he had a nice firm body. He dumped his + unmedicated load deep up my ass and swiftly exited leaving me with a dripping asshole! Fucking amazing Friday!
    1 point
  47. Went to Jackhammer in Chicago last night, late Saturday night. I was in the downstairs bar, The Hole. It didn't get crowded until after midnight. They make you undress and check your clothes, and so I only had on panties with a big cutout hole in the ass. The back room area gets a lot of action. It was basically a big orgy. Guys were getting fucked on mattresses and a lot of sucking was going on. I sucked a couple guys, then I climbed into the sling that was vacant. One guy started fingering my hole as I had my legs up. It was really hot. I was moving my ass as his fingers were going in deep. Sure enough, another guy started rubbing my ass and the next thing I knew he was sliding his cock into my ass after the first guy had me lubed up with his fingers. Being in a sling is sooo hot. Two different guys fucked me in the sling while a few others watched.
    1 point
  48. My first piss load was a stealth experience and it was hot! I was getting fucked missionary by a guy who I had hooked up with a few times before but our prior experiences had always been a quick pump and dump. This time, in the middle of fucking me he suddenly stopped and held his cock balls deep in my ass. I said, "what the fuck, are you cumming already?" He said, "no, I'm taking a piss." As he continued to piss my ass started to feel pleasantly warm and full. I just laid there and took all of it in a state of bliss. I had always fantasized about having a guy piss in my ass but like many on this thread was afraid if I asked him to he would freak out. When he finished pissing he went back to fucking me and I loved the wet sloshing sensations it was giving me inside. By the time he added his load to the mix my ass was well used and staring to leak some of his piss which as hot as hell. I wanted to lay there and enjoy the feeling of his piss and cum inside me for as long as possible but unfortunately he had pissed a lot and it needed to come out so I had to rush the bathroom and let it out. I jacked off and came as his piss and cum were running out of my ass into the toilet. I've been stealth pissed a few times since then but I have also become more open about my desires and if I feel the top is piggy enough I don't hesitate to ask for his piss. More often than not I get it. However, getting pissed in by a stealth top who does it without asking is a way hotter experience than discussing it before hand. Nothing gets me hotter than an alpha male dominate top who uses his bottoms in whatever way he pleases as he knows the natural order of things -- my role as a bottom is to be submissive and take whatever he gives me and thank him for it when he's done.
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  49. PART 3 Conrad looked up at me and smiled. His legs were still wide open, and a pearl-size drop of cum escaped his hole. I pushed it in with my finger, and he moaned. “Sit up, boy,” I said. “Take three nice hits off the pipe for your big bro. I’m gonna get us ready for a night at the baths.” I heard the click of the lighter as I grabbed a white jockstrap from the laundry basket, giving it a quick smell and catching a whiff of cum, sweat, and piss in the fabric pouch. I threw it to Conrad. “Here, bud—wear this,” I said. “It’s only slightly used.” He nodded as a dense cloud billowed from his mouth. Meanwhile, I grabbed my playkit, threw on a T-shirt, and pulled my gym shorts over my cock—still rock-hard and glistening with fresh poz seed. The mesh fabric strained around my erection, pulling on the elastic and revealing just a little bit of the thick patch of hair above my cock. I heard the boy hit the pipe a second time, then a third, as I prepared another dose of G in the kitchen. I brought him the dose as he exhaled smoke from his nose like a regular chemwhore. “Drink up,” I said, “then put on those shorts. But leave your tank top here, OK? I want everybody to see my lil’ bro’s hot fuckin’ body.” He nodded, gulping at the G-laced soda before pulling his shorts over the jockstrap. The waistline landed about one-third of the way down his bubble butt, revealing a bright-white band of elastic. “Good boy,” I said, lighting up the pipe and sharing the smoke with him in a deep, hungry kiss. “Now let’s go feed your hot little butt.” He practically ran to the bathhouse, stopping every 50 feet or so to keep his shorts from slipping to the ground. Finally I grabbed his hand, unbuttoned the top button, and let the shorts fall. He shot a worried glance my way. “Don’t worry, bud,” I said with a triumphant grin, opening the front doors to the bathhouse. “Nobody here’s gonna complain.” My buddy Rick was on duty at the ticket window. As Conrad and I approached, he gave the kid a once-over and laughed. “Holy shit, dude,” he said to me. “This one's gonna be good.” “It already is,” I said, showing him one of my fingers slick with cum from Conrad’s hole. Rick practically licked his chops. (He was one of my regular top buddies, and he especially loved sprinkling a layer of T on his raw poz dick and sliding it inside a faggot’s wrecked, dripping cumhole.) As he secured a room for us, I glanced back at the guys standing in line. All of them craned their necks to see my boy leaning against the counter in his jockstrap. I pulled his ass apart, revealing a trickle of cum running down his leg. That earned a few grunts of piggy appreciation. Then I whispered in my lil’ bro’s ear: “Keep spreading it, boy. Be proud of your hunger.” He nodded eagerly, reaching back and showing off his smooth, knocked-up boyhole. One of the dudes in line responded with a single word: “Fuuuuuuuuuck.” “The sling room is taken,” said Rick. “But I’m pretty sure you’ll be invited there at some point.” (He gave the word “point” a little extra emphasis, followed by a wink.) “Anyway, I managed to get a deluxe room for you. Come on through and let me check your bags.” We walked through the security door, and I put my playkit on the counter. Rick opened it up. I'd packed everything I might need for a night of poz-fucking: a row of prepared points, a large dimebag full of T, a needleless syringe for administering booty bumps, and a water bong. “Looks good to me,” he said with a smirk. Then he leaned over the counter and lowered his voice. “I’m off at 6 am. You’re welcome to come by my place when you’re done here.” Rick often hosted a group at his place on Sunday mornings. It was always a good crowd—mostly because he would recruit the hottest partyboys from the bathhouse by giving them a glimpse of his big dick while “checking their bags.” I gave him a nod. “Fuck yeah,” I said. “He’ll be very ready for you by that...point.” “Point taken,” said Rick with a smirk. “Now get to work.” As Conrad and I began walking down the hallway toward our room, I put my arm around his shoulder, bringing my mouth close to his ear. “If you see anything you like, just let me know. OK, buddy?” “Yes, big bro,” he answered, causing my cock to nearly spring out of my shorts. We walked past the hot tub, where some kid sat on the edge, legs dangling in the water, his hole eagerly riding a Daddy's raw cock. The kid was clearly tweaked out of his mind, and I could hear the top muttering a steady stream of pigtalk as the kid bounced hungrily on his dick. Conrad stopped and stared. “Don’t worry, buddy,” I said. “That’s nothing compared to what you’re in for.” We turned the corner. Ahead of us, leaning against the wall, a furry guy in his mid- to late 20s stood watching the men walk by. He was wearing nothing but a towel and a camouflage ballcap. I thought to myself: this is what Conrad might look like in a few years. The dude sported a little more muscle, a spray of hair across his pecs, and a clear treasure trail leading from his abs to the towel wrapped around his waist. But that's not what really caught my attention. No: what caught my attention was the giant red-and-black biohazard tattoo just above his left nipple. And then something happened that blew my fucking mind. Conrad saw the dude standing there, let out a little whimper, and made a beeline for this total fuckin’ stranger. And without a word, he placed his tongue on the guy’s nipple...giving the biohazard tat a long, slow lick. The dude grinned, placed his hand on the back of Conrad’s head, and encouraged him to keep worshiping the mark of poz brotherhood. Then he looked over at me. “This your boy?” he said. “Fuck yeah,” I answered. “I’m Sloan. This is Conrad.” “Jason here,” he said. “But before we go any further, he needs to be clear on one thing.” “What’s that? “My tattoo isn’t gonna give him what he wants. Only one thing is gonna do that.” He pulled the towel away from his waist, and his fat uncut cock swung forward, its head grazing my lil’ bro’s abs. Conrad whimpered again. I leaned over to give Jason a long, sloppy kiss. “Come with us,” I said. “I wanna see you help my boy earn his tattoo.” Conrad broke away from his poz-worship, and the two guys followed me to the room. Once inside, the boy dropped to his knees and began noisily and shamelessly slurping on Jason’s poz cock. Fuck yeah, I thought to myself. That G is definitely kicking in. “Goddamn,” said Jason with a laugh. “You got this kid fuckin’ blitzed, huh?” I answered with a proud nod. “Nice,” Jason said, then lowered his voice. “So…how are you guys partying?” I raised my eyebrows, then gave Jason another deep kiss as Conrad kept trying to devour his cock. “Fuck, dude,” I whispered in his ear. “That’s one of my favorite fuckin’ questions.” (As most partypigs know, the only people who ask “how you’re partying” are slammers—so Jason was not only a hot poz fucker, but a slampig too.) “Oh yeah, fucker?” he said with a smirk. “You been playing darts with this boy?” “Not yet,” I answered. “But in a few minutes, he'll be getting his first fuckin’ slam.” I took Jason’s hand and guided it to Conrad’s hole. His finger made contact with the warm seed slowly dripping from my lil’ bro’s knocked-up cunt—and with that, Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned in appreciation. “That’s poz load #1,” I said. “My load. I got this kid high and pounded his virgin cunt full of seed. And of course he’s hungry for more.” “Of course he is,” Jason said. “Listen—I’m here with my poz Daddy, the dude who knocked me up about a year ago. We’re in the sling room. We love getting negboys on their backs, slamming ‘em up for the first time, and transforming them into little poz cumhounds. You wanna join us?” I flashed him a wolfish grin, then leaned over to kiss him again. “Couldn’t have planned it better myself,” I said. “Fuckin' A. Let’s go create a slampig.” MORE SOON…
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  50. 6. Jason I walked out of Nathan's place in a daze, still not quite believing everything I had done over the past two days. Forty-eight hours ago, I had been exclusively a top. Since then, I had gotten fucked repeatedly. I had taken six, maybe seven unprotected loads in my ass. And each of those loads was from a man who was proudly, openly, HIV-positive. Walking towards my apartment, I was acutely aware of how sore I was from all the fucking. But, despite the soreness, all I could think about was getting another cock up there, and the pleasure another load of cream filling me up. Each time I imagined some passer-by penetrating me, I could feel my cock twitch in joy and anticipation. Although, at the same time, my brain screamed what a stupid idea getting fucked raw was. I knew that the past few days were going to be a life-changing period. I had seen all of the pills that Nathan took. I knew that they would be my future as well if I kept on this path, this path of being a bareback bottom to HIV-positive men. It was a scary thought. But it was also an exciting thought. Between scenes in the movies I had done, the bottoms were always talking about what they had done the previous night or the last weekend. Their stories were of countless nights in bath houses, at endless sex parties, and non-stop cruising in parks or online. They had the freedom to hook up with any man they wanted and to explore their darkest sexual needs and hottest sexual fantasies. Sometimes, they would arrive on set with cum already dripping out of their holes. It was a world I had always felt cut off from, unwilling or afraid to take those necessary first steps. But there was a door to that world now open, and I had already taken that first, dangerous step. A few more days, and the door would shut behind me. It might have shut already. And I didn't mind at all. While I was thinking about what I had done and what I wanted to do next, I got to my small studio apartment. I went in long enough to pack a bag from the gym, then went to work out. Early on a Friday morning, the gym was fairly quiet. I spent a good two hours working on my chest, abs and arms, ending with some intense cardio. By the end of my workout, I could tell I clearly hadn't showered in a while: a sweaty funk tinged with all the smells of sex was enveloping my body. I noticed several guys take a good look at me as I walked by, knowing exactly how that smell had developed and what it meant. After my workout, I headed into the lockers and steam room there. I was going to be sore later from the workout and hoped that relaxing in the steam would take care of that. When I walked in, it seemed like I was the only one in there; the dense steam blocked my sight. I put down my towel, and leaned back. I closed my eyes, and let my mind drift. It didn't take long before I was thinking about Nathan again. Clearly, he had been dominating my thoughts recently. This morning, even as tired as I was from the workout, I found myself thinking about the sex with Nathan. How right it felt to be down on my knees in front of him, sucking on his cock. Or how wonderful it felt when he slid his hard manhood into my hole. Unlike earlier in the day, I didn't have the same fear about him being near me, being inside me. I wasn't worried about him changing my life. All I thought about was just the simple pleasure at being able to be so close and intimate with a man like him. A poz man like him. My cock was responding to my fevered imagination, starting to stiffen and grow. I was glad I was alone and hidden in the thick steam. I let my hand drift down and start to stroke my cock. It didn't take much more than a few strokes before I was rock hard. Seemingly on its own, my other hand dropped down as well, and went between my legs. I started to finger my hole. It was still a bit sore from all the energetic and intense fucks Nathan had given me over the past two days. But despite the soreness, it felt good to be playing with it. I had found a new part of my body that gave me pleasure, and I knew I hadn't yet explored everything that I could do with it. I felt some of Nathan's cum starting to drip out. I tried my best to push it back into my hole. I didn't want to loose a single drop of his precious, deadly sperm. My cock was responding eagerly to my explorations, dripping pre-cum. I wanted so badly to get off right there, in the gym steam room. When I shot my load, I would be thinking about having Nathan's hard dick pounding my my ass deep. Unfortunately, I knew that I needed to save my load for the next morning and the video shoot. Reluctantly, my hand dropped away from my hole, and I leaned back again. I closed my eyes once more. I must have been more tired than I realized, because quickly I was dozing a bit. The warmth of the steam and the occasional hiss of the steam room lulled me to sleep. I woke up with a start when someone suddenly covered my head with a towel. I tried to pull it off my face, but it was being held in place from behind me. "Don't try, faggot," someone whispered into my ear. I tried to open my mouth to say something, and a towel got jammed in, which kept me from saying anything, or even making any noise. "Just relax, and you'll come out more or less unharmed," the voice in my ear continued. "It's pretty obvious you're turned by this." Another hand slapped my cock. Despite the fear tumbling across my body, my cock was still rock hard, bouncing joyfully against my flat abs. I suddenly realized that the hand which had slapped my cock had to be someone other than the man who was holding the towel and whispering in my ear. It meant there were at least two people in the steam room with me. I must have been sleeping soundly to have not heard them enter the steam room. I wondered how long they had been watching me and if my erection had been obvious. "Pretty fucking horny, aren't you boy?" the other person said, slapping my cock again. With my mouth full of towel, I could only grunt. With his other hand, he grabbed my balls. He pulled on them and squeezed them hard. I wanted to gasp, but the towel kept me from any audible reaction. "Young, dumb, and definitely full of cum," he said. He let go of my balls and they returned to position, only a slight dull ache remaining. Bu he didn't move his hand, instead pushing between my legs, where he found my hole. "Fuck man," he said. "The faggot is dripping cum already." He pushed a finger into my hole. It slid in easily, lubricated by a mixture of sweat, some remaining lube, and mostly Nathan's cum. "Bet he wants real men's spooge up there, doesn't he?" the guy asked. The man holding the towel over my head laughed. "You saw him staring at everyone's crotch in the weight room. You know he can't get enough." My legs were forced apart, and my most private parts were left totally exposed to these two strangers. "Go ahead," the one behind me said. "Fuck him." I tried my best to tell them no, but I was gagged and could do little more than moan. I also tried to close my legs as well, but one of the men had gotten between my legs and held them open. I could feel his hard cock against my thigh, seeking out my hole. So far, only Nathan had been inside of me. And now I was going to get fucked by a complete stranger. No, better to say I was going to be raped by a total stranger. I had no clue what he looked like. I tried to remember who else had been in the weight room with me. But even as his cock was pushing against my asshole, I was drawing a complete blank. I tried my best to keep him from entering me, squirming and shifting as best I would. But with two men holding me down, my efforts were useless. I was too exhausted from the workout and my ass was far too tired to resist the penetration. Even worse, I wanted this stranger to be inside of me. Once the stranger entered me, I'd be a cock-hungry bottom. Nathan had just whetted my pent-up appetite Between the stranger's force, and my pleasure-seeking brain, resistance was futile. The stranger's cock forced its way into my hole, and got deep into my body. It was clear he wasn't wearing a rubber; there was nothing between him and me. Where the rawness had made me feel closer and more connected to Nathan, here, the lack of protection made me feel just more exposed and vulnerable. He was taking something from me, and I was still ambivalent about giving it to him. Even as I was thinking about ways to escape the situation, my body had other ideas. My ass was opening up and let the stranger get his raw cock deep into me. Even though it was hard to admit it, I was enjoying the feeling of his bare shaft sliding into me. I couldn't fault him. He was just behaving the way that almost every male would act if he could. He was making sure that his seed was spread into as many holes as possible. Even though he was forcing himself on me, forcing his hard cock into my hole, it felt almost wrong to deny this man his pleasure. "The slut loves it," he said, as his balls slapped against my ass cheeks. He wasn't as big as Nathan, which definitely helped me take his fuckstick. "How many guys bred you last night? Your nasty ass is dripping cum." He was probably about seven inches long, and not too thick. But he had a fat mushroom head on that shaft. I could feel it sliding back and forth in my hole. "But don't worry. I'm gonna make sure I get every drop of my spunk deep in you." He slammed his cock into my hole, making sure I knew who was doing the fucking and who was getting fucked. "You're gonna love this hole," my top said to his friend. "Fucking sloppy cunt." "How many guys nailed your hole last night?" the guy behind me asked. "Three? Five? Seven? Or did you even keep track, slut?" Even if I had wanted to answer, I still had the towel in my mouth. It kept me from saying anything more coherent than a grunt. "You must have enjoyed it," he said. "Your cock is still hard as a rock. Didn't get a chance to get off?" I wanted to reach down and play with my shaft. But, I wasn't sure if these two men would let me jerk myself. And, of course, there was the shoot tomorrow. I tried to grab my cock, but the man fucking me slapped my hand out of the way. "Not yet, faggot. You're not going to cum before we do." I didn't try to fight them. I was tired from the workout, and had been sweating ever since I got into the steam room. I had no idea of the strength of the two guys, and I wasn't going to risk trying to fight them. Besides, my body was definitely enjoying the fuck. Mentally, I was a turmoil of emotions. I was embarrassed that I was enjoying this, and still felt violated. My cock was hard as a cock, dripping precum, and I was squeezing my ass around the stranger's shaft, trying to milk out a load of his precious cum. "Hurry up man, shoot your load," the guy behind me said. "I don't want to fuck a loose hole." "Relax man," my fucker said. "He's still plenty tight. You'll get your chance soon enough." The guy fucking me sped up his strokes, pushing his cock in ever deeper. I could feel him get harder, and knew he was getting close. I couldn't believe I was letting a total stranger fuck me, or that I was letting it happen in such a public location. Even more incredibly, he was about to shoot inside me. Forty-eight hours ago, I hadn't ever let a guy put his cock inside of me, much less shoot his load. Now I was forced to admit that I wanted a total stranger to breed my hole. "Fuck man, I'm gonna cum," the guy pounding my hole said. "You gonna take my load, faggot?" he asked me. I could only grunt in response, but I nodded my head yes. "Ha," he laughed. "That wasn't a question. You have no choice." It wasn't something I had even thought about it. I couldn't imagine asking him shoot anywhere but inside of me. I hated the thought of even this stranger pulling out of me and wasting his jizz. "Damn faggot. You have a hot, hungry hole," he said, slamming his cock into me. Deep in my ass, I could feel his fat mushroom head swell, and the hot semen spray my guts. "Fuck faggot, take my load," he grunted. His hips pushed up against my ass, forcing his load deeper into my hole. There was another grunt from him followed by another jet of cum into me. "Take it, man." he grunted. "Breeding him good?" the other guy asked. "Get his hole nice and slick for me," he said, egging on the guy fucking me. The top didn't need much encouragement, thrusting his cock back into my hole and still shooting thick jets of sperm into me. His balls were full and I lost track of how many thrusts it was before he started to fade. "He's a bit runny," he said, as he slowed down his thrusts, letting his cock finally relax, and slide out of my hole. "But that's the way you seem to like it," the man said. He worked his cock out of my hole, sliding out an inch, then pushing back in a half inch. I could feel all of the accumulated jizz, from both him and Nathan sloshing around inside me. His efforts in making sure the cum didn't all come running out of my hole and stayed inside of me seemed like a small gift of pleasure. "Damn man, Don't need any lube to get inside of him," the guy behind me said. The man who had just fucked me finally got his cock out of me. Even after his best efforts to keep the semen in me, some ran out; I could feel the warm, sticky fluid against my ass. "You know it," he said. Behind me, the guy tied the towel tight, making sure my head stayed covered. In a quick move, the two men traded positions. The man who had just fucked me was now behind me, holding onto my head. He leaned down, his mouth next to my ear. "You better be ready for another cock." Between my legs, the other guy was already lining up his cock, rubbing it up against my crack and getting just enough cum on it to lubricate it. "Not that you have much choice," he said, his hand holding my head in place to re-enforce the powerlessness of my situation. The other guy's cockhead was poking against my hole, and I was still hard as a rock. All I wanted was another hard penis inside me. I shifted my hips just enough for his head to slide in. "Damn, faggot. You want it bad, don't you?" he asked. He finished what I had started, and forced his cock into me. His cock was surprisingly thin. Even his cock head wasn't that thick. It felt like two fingers were sliding into me. But, what he might have lacked in girth, he more than made up in length. I kept on expecting to feel his balls slap against my ass, but instead, there was just inch after endless inch of cock sliding into my hole. He knew he was longer than the average man, and took his time. Still, when nine inches of his shaft was inside me, it was clear he was venturing into virgin territory. I gasped involuntarily, as his cock slid way past where Nathan and the first unknown man had been able to inject their mancream. "Not lubed as deep as you need, huh faggot?" the new guy asked me. He just slowed down only slightly, pulling out a bit and forcing some sperm into me. It seemed to just barely lubricate the virgin part of my ass. "That should be enough jizz up there, faggot," he said. It was now my job to get used to his cock. I took a deep breath, and focused on his cock, his invasion of my ass. It had turned into a snake inside of me, long and thin, its head exploring new parts of my body. As he forced it into me, I wondered if his snake venom would be poisonous. I knew that it wouldn't matter much to me: eventually it had to be bite and squirt its venom inside of me. Whether he was charged up or not wasn't a choice I had. "You need more cum up that hungry hole of yours," the guy behind me said. I nodded my head in agreement, although I knew he didn't care about my opinion. My latest fucker continued to force his thin cock ever deeper into me. Perhaps because of the thinness of his shaft or because of my ass, he was rock hard. Finally, after shoving seemingly a foot of cock into me, I felt his balls hit my ass cheeks. I was well and truly being fucked, impaled on this stranger's hard snake. I relaxed, adjusting to the new cock inside of me. Despite the length, it didn't take long for me to enjoy it. But, I was glad he had length, not girth as well. His thrusts in and out pushed the accumulated cum up into the deepest reaches of my hole, and I was soon good and lubricated. As I leaned back and started to enjoy the fuck, I realized that he was only the third man to get in my ass. My emotions cycled between feeling violated and wanting every millimeter of his cock in my hole. If he asked me right then if he wanted me to continue, I wouldn't be able to say no. Further, I was pushing up against his cock, with every stroke, trying to get it in deeper. My ass was squeezed tight around his cock, milking out every drop of his pre-cum and working on milking out his hot load. I would have to tell Nathan about what happened. But I had no idea how he would react. I knew that he was cool with other guys fucking me: at least those that he had selected. But I wasn't sure if I could just go out and get fucked. And this was something else, not quite rape, but not quite sex of my own choosing. But my cock knew what it wanted. It was hard as a rock, and I had to admit, I was enjoying the nailing I was getting. "Fuck faggot," the guy now holding the towel said. "Your cock is dripping pre-cum. You must be really enjoying this." I could feel my cock throbbing, and I wanted desperately to reach down and stroke it. But I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to get the release I so craved. Even if I was allowed, I still wanted to save my load for the bottom that Thomas had planned for me tomorrow. I suddenly understood the need a bottom felt for cum. I wanted this stranger to breed me. I needed it. And I knew I had to give the bottom tomorrow the same forceful gift of sperm. I remembered that a bottom once told me how much he hated to see cum get wasted, and only now did I have a visceral understanding of the emotions involved. Even from these faceless, unknown strangers, I needed them to shoot their semen inside of me. Even as I was lost in my own thoughts of sex, the top hadn't stopped forcing his cock into my hole. I might have been worried about the epistemological meaning of a man shooting his load into my unprotected ass, but this top had no such concerns. He was focused on his own pleasure. His only knowledge was his deep, animal urges to spread his DNA to as many holes as possible. That required him get off inside of me. He didn't try to draw out the experience: after a few more minutes of fucking, his breaths got shallow, and his cock got even harder. I could tell he had rubbed most of the jizz into my ass; It didn't seem like he pre-cummed much. Suddenly, he grunted, once more shoved his cock in deep, and spurted the first of his load into my ass. "Yeah, breed his hole," the guy behind me said, egging his friend on. "Breed him full of your potent jizz." I gasped when I heard "breed" and "potent." Did it mean that the stranger fucking me now was poz as well? Nathan had been fucking his poz cum into me for the past few days, but that was different. I was Nathan's cum, Nathan's virus. It was something I wanted. I hadn't thought I would be taking other men's cum, other men's poz cum this soon. Men I didn't know, and men I couldn't see. Or that I would be taking poz cum in a situation like this, where I was vulnerable and naive. But still I hadn't struggled against his seeding me. His orgasm wasn't too long. Both of them were aware of how public the steam room was, and how vulnerable they were. But as he slid his softening cock out of my ass, I knew that despite the short orgasm, he had pumped a big load of sperm up there. I was going to be nursing a well-fucked hole for the rest of the day. "You good?" his friend asked him. "Fuck yeah," the guy said. "Balls drained." He got out from between my legs, and I guess stood up. The guy behind me spoke to me. "So, Jason. We know about you. Just relax for a few minutes in here." I felt a pit in my stomach. They knew my name. It was my real name, not my porn name. They probably knew a lot more about me. I wondered if they had even planned this. The tension on the towel released but it remained draped over my head. The two of them walked away: the door opened, and then closed. I was once again alone in the steam room. A bit of semen was dripping from my hole, and there was the scent of men, the scent of sex in the humid, steamy fog. I just sat there for a moment, trying to wrap my head around what had just happened to me. I still couldn't decide if I had been raped. I had never told them no, although I had been gagged. I hadn't fought against it. But I felt violated, like they had taken something from me that I hadn't wanted to give them. And I'd never get it back now. Still, I was struggling not to touch my hard cock, to shoot a thick load. I knew when I next jerked off, I'd alternate between imagining Nathan in me, and imagining these two strangers inside of me. I'd try to put a body and a face to each cock and each voice. I pulled the towel off my head. The towel was one of the ones supplied by the gym and gave no hint to the owners. I ran my finger along my crack. It was a little tender from the several poundings I had gotten that morning. It was a little slick from the lube and cum. I wiped off the sperm with one of the towels they had left and then threw it into the corner. I didn't care that I was getting rid of evidence. I would never tell anyone in an authority position what had happened. At most I might tell Nathan about it. I knew that I wanted all the semen to stay inside of me: Nathan's cum, and the two strangers' seed. This, I wanted more than anything else at that moment. I headed out of the steam room. The locker room was empty, and there was no trace of the two men who had just fucked me. I dressed quickly, and headed back to my apartment.
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