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  1. PART 15 I heard Cy greet Jo Jo. They stepped outside the room and closed the door. I tried listening to their conversation but to no avail. Besides, I was trying to re-hash everything that had happened to me in the last few hours. In the midst of my review, I suddenly freaked at what I had done: allowed Cy to fuck me without a condom and unload his cum in my ass on numerous occasions; an unknown black man who had kept me high on something and had also fucked me without a condom shooting his cum in my ass; let some white guy torture me especially with a dildo that he paddled hard and then fucked me and filled me with his cum; and, now, some Latino guy named Jo Jo who had shoved his hand and forearm in my ass and eventually fucked a load of his cum in me. What the hell was wrong with me?!?!?!?!?!?! I began to hyperventilate and began to make some screeching noises as my panic level grew. Cy hurriedly pushed open the door closing it quickly behind him. He reached for me quickly holding me as best he could as he hushed and consoled me. He kept calling me babe and Jason and asking what was wrong. I couldn’t talk but only continued with my panic state for a few more minutes. Cy’s presence and voice began to calm me lasting a few minutes more. The last vestiges and images of what I had done left my mind as I focused on Cy. I whispered to him that I had become upset over what I had done since meeting him. I poured out my fears. Cy knew exactly what I needed and began soothingly to talk to me in his hypnotic voice assuring me that he was positive that I knew what I was doing and that he was positive that I was okay. He told me how proud he was of me for agreeing to the training and how well I had done. He explained he had to have the other men to train me as they had the expertise that he didn’t and he was positive that I would enjoy everything that they had done to me. He began to push me on making a decision as to whether or not that I had indeed enjoyed everything after I had learned to enjoy myself. He had me to think about everything now that he was there holding me. Then, he asked me to think once more and decide if I was positive that I had enjoyed the training or if I was positive that I had not enjoyed it. My arms longed to wrap around Cy’s neck for comfort but instead contented myself with looking deep into his eyes as he smiled down at me. In an epiphany, I realized that Cy was sincere about not having the skill to do what the three men had done to me. I realized also that this was something that Cy wanted to see me doing. I was to become some sort of actor on a stage somewhere so that Cy could get excited being a voyeur. I knew that at some time in the future Cy would arrange all of this to happen again, but he would be there to watch me. I remembered my vow to him and repeated it with absolute conviction: I would do anything that Cy wanted me to do no matter what it was. “Jason, babe, you make me so proud and you do me such an honour for trusting me on all this,” Cy whispered addictively in my ear. “I am positive . . . absolutely positive . . . that you are becoming as positive as I am. By the end of my shift, there is no doubt that you will be as positive as I am. We’ve known each other so short of a time but I feel so close to you as if you were a part of me in some way. I want so much to be a part of you . . . in a positive way. I want to be such a big positive influence on you.” Cy’s narcotic words whirled around in my head. I had a flashback when I first saw Cy last night. He looked up at me and smiled that bewitching big grin of his that mesmerised me and left me flustered. His strength drew me to him as if he had a great purpose. I knew I had a great purpose last night: explore this bath house and my sexuality which had been suppressed for so long. I looked up at Cy and as I nodded consent said, “I want to be as positive as you, Cy. Make sure I become as positive as you. I need you to be a part of me forever.” Cy kissed me lightly as he released his hold on me. He walked to the end of the sling where he stood looking down at me as he lined his thick cock up with my sore and loose hole. He had no lube but slid inside me slowly creating a great deal of friction. I was uncomfortable but I made no outward sign of my pain. It seemed like hours before Cy was fully balls deep in me. He gently grasped my nipples and began squeezing as he now withdrew his fully erect phallus. I jerked at his fingers on my still sore nipples. He began to piston his cock in and out until his speed and depth grew to such intensity that he released my nipples and began pounding until he yelled and slammed deep flooding me again. PART 16 Cy stood between my legs and trembled as the last of his cum deposit flowed into my willing ass. I looked at Cy and smiled weakly. He leaned over me to kiss me as his deflated cock slowly slipped out of my ass. I whispered to him, “Whatever you want . . . anything you tell me to do . . . all you have to do is tell me . . . I won’t say no to you . . . I need you . . . I want you to be a part of me always.” Cy winked at me and smiled that infectious white toothy grin I knew him for. I was smitten with him. The last of his cock slid out of my ass; I felt some liquid flow out as well but I didn’t care. Cy walked to my side and bent down kissing me several times. I knew I belonged to Cy. I knew he cared for me a great deal. I had figured out that Cy wanted me to “catch up” with him on different sexual appetites that he had and he wanted me to enjoy them as much as he did. From his fucking me, I knew I had passed the test he had laid out for me without telling me it was a test. I was renewed with energy now. “Jason, babe, are you sure you will do whatever I tell you to do? No questions asked? Never contradict me? Never say ‘no’ to me?” Cy cooed at me. “You don’t realize that already I am a part of you forever. Yeah, I’m . . . definitely . . . positive . . . that I am a part of you forever.” He kissed me gently. “Cy, I promise; I really do promise,” I whispered up to him with longing eyes. Cy began to unbuckle my restraints. He helped me out of the sling where I had been for almost five hours. He worked with me to regain my circulation. At last we sat on the bed with Cy’s arm around me. We sat in silence for a long time. I partially stood then knelt on the floor facing Cy. I looked up into his face with no innocence. I looked for a very long time as my brain raced through everything that I had done and most importantly everything that Cy had said to me. My thoughts began to focus on how Cy had phrased everything. “You . . . fucked me . . . without . . . a condom . . . and . . . shot your cum . . . in my ass . . . many, many, many times,” I began. “You . . . had . . . me . . . come here . . . tonight . . . to have . . . other men . . . do . . . the same . . . and to . . . do . . . other . . . things.” I paused then went on more directly. “Everything that you did . . . or arranged to do to me was to make me . . . HIV positive, wasn’t it? You deliberately infected me and had other men to deliberately infect me.” My face did not betray where I was coming from. There was no anger or outrage or betrayal in my voice. Cy looked into my face for an answer but found none. He smiled cupping his big hands around my face leaning down to me. “Yes, I fucked you without a condom and shot my cum in your ass many times. I arranged for tonight to be sure that what I started got completed and that you converted. When I saw you, I knew you were neg. I knew also I had to fuck you and that meant you wouldn’t be neg after I did. So, I had you set up tonight to make sure.” We looked at each other saying nothing. Nothing more needed to be said. Cy released his hands from my face. I slowly stood up and cautiously walked around the room. I fingered the sling. I walked back to the bed where Cy still sat. I stood before him but not too close as I was still thinking about what Cy had finally admitted and that I had just realized moments before. I leaned over grasping each of Cy’s knees in my hands. I spread his legs and knelt between them. I lifted his tumescent cock to my mouth where I swallowed it in its entirety. I nursed and suckled on it until it began to grow and expand. Not long I had to withdraw part of his cock from my mouth as it no longer would fit. I made a mental note to learn to take it all. When his cock had swollen to its largest size, I slid it carefully out of my mouth. My head lifted upwards and looked deep into Cy’s eyes and said, “You are my guru; you are my most superior teacher. I will follow you and learn everything that you tell me to learn. I will do whatever you tell me to do. I will not refuse you anything no matter the end result. You are a part of me and always will be. I will need more of you in me if I am to live. I want . . . need to be HIV positive like you.” Cy hung on every word that I said. He looked at me closely. He stood up lifting me off the floor. He wrapped his big arms around me and hugged me tightly. We kissed deeply and long. When he pulled his lips from mine, he smiled once more at me causing a narcotic rush inside of me. “From now until 5:00, you will kneel on that bed facing away from the door which will be left open. Any man who enters the room may fuck you and cum in your ass. Never look over your shoulder; you don’t care who he is or what he looks like. You only care what I look like. We are going on such a positive trip the likes of which no one will ever have. I am going to get as many poz men as I can to breed your ass full of their venom. But, I will always put the first poz load in you and the last poz load every day.” Cy said. And, from that day until now which is four years later and I’m graduating tomorrow is how Cy turned me into a poz cum hungry bottom taking any cum in my ass. I am so fortunate to have met Cy and to have an outlook on life that is so . . . positive.
    5 points
  2. This is my first story on here Bald Man Stealths Young Stud Daniel was sitting at the bar. He was from a small town in Oklahoma and recently transferred to a college in Miami. His hometown was extremely conservative, and he always had to hide the fact he was gay and always participated in masculine activities to hide it. He was on the football and baseball teams, and even had girlfriends to add to the illusion, but deep down, he knew that all he wanted was to get fucked hard by men. The only time he had ever had any gay experience was a time he jerked off in a bathroom with another guy while in Tulsa. But that was going to change tonight- and he would remember it forever. Daniel participates in intra-mural sports because he still likes athletics, keeping his body fit. He was around 5'10", trimmed his body hair very short, and has thick black hair and slightly tanned skin. His dick isn't huge (around 6.5") but he didn't intend on topping tonight. The bar that he was in was not too lively. It was a place to pick up guys and go fuck. He saw it on a website- it was far from his campus and was quite low-key. Even in Miami, he still didn't feel ready to come out. But what he didn't know was that this bar was frequented by HIV Postitive men, which he would soon come to know very well. A man approached him at the bar, he was older, had a swimmer's body, and he was around 45 and had a shaved head and a thick beard to match. Daniel always had an affinity men that looked like him. He was around 6'3", so he was substantially taller than him. The man looked at him and asked with a deep voice, "Can I buy you a drink?" Daniel looked at him, smiled, and said, "Sure. Just a beer is fine." "Well you heard him, a beer for the him please," he said to the bartender. The bartender quickly filled up a glass from the tap, placed a napkin on the bar, followed by the beer. "You don't look like you're from around here," the man said, noting Daniel's mannerisms and conservative way of dress. "I'm not. I'm actually from Bumfuck, USA," Daniel said while the man laughed. "You remind me of when I was your age. In college in a new city, looking to fuck the nearest man I could find," he said. "I moved here when I was around 19, and it has been a wild time. I'm Sean, by the way." "Daniel." They did the usual small talk about sports, the weather, etc, and drank a few beers until Sean looked at him and said, "Do you want to go back to my place?" Daniel responded with a shaky, "Yeah, sure!" Sean paid for both of their tabs, ordered an Uber, and they headed back to his apartment. When they walked in, Daniel was taken aback. It was on a higher floor of a pretty nice building, overlooking the Miami River with a huge window which took up the entire wall opposite of the entrance. It was night, so you could see the lights of the other buildings, but not much else. Inside the apartment was more interesting. It was a bit cold, and the furniture was quite modern with sharp edges that contrasted the grain of the black hardwood floors. To the right was a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances and black cabinets. The room was entirely black and white, with only a few blood red accent pieces to break the contrast. To the left, he could see an unlit hallway which he somehow knew would lead down a dark path. Sean dropped his keys into a blood red dish sitting on a black table next to the door, snapping Daniel out of the almost hypnotic fugue the apartment gave him. "Wow this place is... nice," Daniel said in a wavering voice. It truly was nice compared to his shitty dorm room. "Do you want a drink?" Sean said as he made his way into the Kitchen area. "Sure," Daniel responded. Sean opened the freezer pulling out a bottle of vodka, and said, "Is vodka soda alright?" "Yeah," Daniel said. Sean poured two drinks and walked over and handed on to him. He looked at Daniel and commented, "You look nervous." "Yeah its just that... I've never really... done this before." "What, hook up with a random guy you just met in a bar before?" Sean said with a laugh. "Among other things," Daniel said, feeling a bit more relaxed. "It's alright. I used to be nervous doing this sort of thing too. It takes practice," he said slyly as he took the empty glass from Daniels hand and placing both glasses on the table. Daniel looked at him for a second and felt his face flush as Sean looked him in the eye. Sean then embraced and kissed him. Daniels legs felt wobbly. Daniel wondered whether it was the booze or how good it felt to finally touch a man like this. The kissing became more intense as Sean began unbuttoning his shirt. Daniel immediately went for his chest and began his descent. He took a pause at his belly button and noticed a biohazard tattoo and wondered what that meant. He didn't wonder for very long as he began to unbuckle Sean's belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, and pulling them down. Underneath was a pair of white boxer briefs which struggled to keep what looked like a huge package contained. He pulled them down too, exposing what was an 8 inch dick and about as round as a beer can. He began sucking and jerking it, struggling with its size. Sean tilted his head back and let out a moan of pleasure. After a few minutes, Sean nudged him up and said, "Let's go to the bedroom." He took of his shoes, socks, and pants from around his ankles and headed for the hallway. Daniel followed, undressing himself completely on the way. The bedroom was similarly designed like the rest of the apartment. Black woods floors, white walls, and a black bed with blood red bedding atop of it. Sean turned around, embraced Daniel and kissed him once again. He reached down and stroked Daniel's hard cock for a few seconds. Immediately after, Sean took Daniel and pushed him on the bed and started sucking his dick. Daniel started moaning, looking down at Sean as he expertly pleasured him. He placed a hand on his completely smooth head and closed his eyes enjoying the moment. He started to tense up and said, "I think I'm gonna cum." Sean pulled up and said, "I'm not near finished with you yet." He flipped him over and started licking his asshole. Daniel moaned harder, never feeling any sensation like this before. After about 30 seconds of this, Sean pushed his index finger at his hole. "Damn you've got a tight ass," as he began sliding his finger into Daniel's virgin hole. Daniel let out a moan as Sean began fingering his with no lube. He immediately added another finger and pushed them deep into his hole. He twisted them around, and Daniel could feel his fingernails dig into the wall of his hole. Daniel thought that this must just be how it is as he moaned into the blood red pillow, writhing in ecstatic pleasure. Sean pulled his fingers out and said, "Turn over. I want to look at you while I do this." Daniel obliged, turn over and putting his legs around Sean as he got between them. Sean spit on his hand, rubbed it on his dick, and started pushing at Daniel's hole. A thought crossed Daniel's mind to ask him to put on a condom, but it felt so good right now he didn't even care. As Sean managed to get his rock hard dick inside his tight hole, Daniel's eyes shot wide open as he let out a pained moan and gripped the blood red fabric of the bed spread. Sean leaned over him, kissing him as he started fucking him. Daniel felt Sean's dick picking up the pace, feeling the friction of the skin on skin struggling to be lubricated with only a bit of spit. Daniel was in a state of utter pleasure looking at Sean in the eye while he was getting fucked. After a few minutes Sean's fucking was getting more desperate. He was feeling his own pleasure peaking. Sean said, "I'm gonna cum." Daniel thought about asking him to pull out, but before the thought could come out of his mouth, Sean kissed him again. Daniel came right then, without touching his dick, feeling himself being pumped full of Sean's cum. Sean slowed down, moaning through the painful pleasure of fucking after you've cum. He pulled out and collapsed beside Daniel as they both panted, both of them staring at the ceiling while they lay on the blood red bed. Daniel did not know at that moment that Sean would be a part of him forever.
    4 points
  3. Last week I went to a sex party at a hotel. When I arrived soon after the start there were about a half-dozen already there, making out and sucking dick. I stripped and approached the group, and started to kiss and touch two of them. More guys kept arriving and soon there were several groups, all getting into it. It was a good mix of ages, skewing mid-30's to mid-50's, but with some younger and older. Most height-weight proportionate, and there were quite a few with big tools. Very quickly I found myself being rimmed by a guy who was shorter than me and was really in heat. He licked and tongued my hole, warming my entire body. After a few minutes he stood and slid his dick in my hole, fucking me with quick strokes. His cock was average sized, which is what I prefer for my first cock, until I'm opened-up. He didn't take very long to cum, loudly, to the approval of the room. My inner slut was proud that I was the first to get a load. I didn't take a break, but immediately began making out with a lean guy with a nice seven inch thick cock, alternated sucking and kissing him. Not only was he was a great kisser, he was also great at fucking my ass. Several times I did ass to mouth, tasting lube and cum. He tried to hold back, but finally shot a big load deep in my ass. This fuck, like the first one, was a standing fuck, where I was bent over a bit as he held my chest in his arms, or as he held my hips. He stayed in for a while before he slowly slid out. We kissed, I cleaned his cock, and kissed again. It was raw and passionate. Our connection was animalistic - which is nice to encounter. I took a little break, wandered over to some of the other boys, kissing and touching, then sucking. A youngish, tall, heavy in a good way black guy arrived. As soon as he was naked I went to work on his dick, getting it hard, squeezing his nipples as he indicated, and just enjoying feeling his enormous arms. I turned and guided his seven inch plus meat into my cum-lubed hole. We fucked a while. Others watched us, until he got soft, at which time we separated a for a bit. After a while another guy started to fuck him, and he was really enjoying it. He was frantically jerking off, and sensing he was close, I turned my ass toward him. One big spurt landed on my butt before he shoved his rod in me and dumped the rest of his load into the mix which was already there. He was sweating a lot - from both his orgasm and the heat of all the horny men. Next, another skinny guy with a big dick, mutual sucking before he had me crouch on the bed's edge and mounted me. He slid in and out, loving the sloppiness. He said he was vers and asked to be fucked. It is rare for me to fuck, my physical DNA and psychological character is bottom, built to take DNA. But since he had fucked me, and I wanted to keep help sustain the hot vibe at the party, I obliged. It was a nice hole, and he said he appreciated that my dick was so hard. Soon he was back in me, more ass-to-mouth, then he went on to a short, thin, young guy who was laying his back. The lucky kid got his load, when the kid asked me to also fuck his ass, which I did. As we fucked he said it was the first time he had been fucked while carrying a load in in his ass, and that he really wanted me to add my spunk to the mix. He felt amazing, reminding me why cum is the best lube. But I wasn't ready to shoot, as I was hoping for one more myself, or to cum while I was taking it up the ass, so I withdrew and another guy immediately took my place. I moved around, sucking and kissing, and got fucked a couple more times. The last one was hot, lean muscle 20-something with a big, uncut cock. Then it was 7:00 and I had to leave. It had been a damn hot party with a lot of cock and cum in less than two hours. I jerked off that night reliving the experience as I played with my cum-saturated hole. That night and the next day none of it leaked out, so all of it was absorbed. I hope there is another party soon!
    4 points
  4. Since the weather has been nice the last few days, I decided to scope out some places to swim and possibly camp. Found a good place about 45 minutes from me. It was secluded, and a good path that had to be hiked due to put holes that a vehicle can't get through. When it opened up to the lake I found two guys had already set-up a camp. As I approached them to introduce myself, I saw the two guys were in their late 20s, and both were naked as they were apparently swimming in the lake. Both walked up to me and shook my hand and acted like everything was cool, as if it was not unusual for guys to go skinny dipping. As we made our introductions, they both suggested I take a dip in the lake, adding there was no one else around, so it was fine if I skinny dipped. At this point I began to wonder if I had interrupted them, as both guys' cock was somewhat plumped up, and each was at least seven inches in length, and quite thick. I noticed they were both very 'touchy' with me - for certain, if either could find some excuse he did so, so I went with it. Before long, I was naked and sucking off both guys. After a few minutes of sucking, the more dominate guy asked "Hey, guy, do you have any condoms?" Of course I didn't, so I paused in sucking his buddy and answered "Just go ahead," as I went back to sucking his buddy, and as I presented my ass to the other guy. The more dominant guy went balls deep on the first thrust. My cock immediately began to leak precum, and didn't cease for the next hour as they alternately fucked my hole. Finally one shot up into my hole and the other instantly spun me around and pushed his dick inside and shot his load. With two loads in my hole, I collapsed onto my back. The more submissive guy immediately rolled over and sucked me off. Before, however, he had a chance to swallow my load, I kissed him and we snowballed the load between ourselves. I think I'll be camping at the lake quite a bit this summer.
    4 points
  5. PART 13 The black man had just finished packing his bag when there was a knock at the door. He opened it greeting someone. The door closed, and I got to see my new trainer sent from Cy. He stood about my height and maybe weighed 165 pounds. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He was clean shaven and no hair on his chest. He set his bag down opening it and removing items laying them on the bed where I couldn’t see them. He came over to my head leaning down whispering in my ear that he had been sent by Cy. He told me that Cy was positive that I would not object to his work. He said that Cy gave him his word that I would not make any sound or object to anything that he did to me. He asked if Cy was correct? I studied the face of the man in front of me. Cy knew I was here. I trusted Cy. Cy wouldn’t let just any man do anything to harm me. He knew this man and trusted him. I looked up into his face and told him Cy was correct. I did not object to his work whatever it was and would not make any sound. He patted me on my chest. His first trip to his bag and back to me resulted in clamps being put on my nipples. I yelped a little at the shock of the first and broke out in a sweat as I shook my head left to right. The second clamp was eased onto my second nipple. I was still panting heavily but that abated in time. The second trip back ended with him grabbing my balls and pulling them down away from my body. He slipped something around them, and I heard snaps being clicked. I watched as he attached two weights to whatever it was. He carefully lifted the weights over each side of the sling allowing each to play out the full length of the cord holding them. My balls jerked upward and strained causing a tingling sensation. I looked at him, nodded, and smiled. He reminded me that he was here at Cy’s request and that I had agreed to no noise. Cy’s reputation hung in the balance of my reaction to my training. I nodded my head again wondering still why it was that Cy wanted me to do all this. I would have been quite content to have just him to fuck me. It would have been so much better as I wouldn’t have to worry about other men and what I might get unwanted from them. But, it was Cy who wanted me to do this. Once more I looked at the man in charge, smiled, and shook my head in consent as I steeled myself for whatever might be coming. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! My body stiffened with each strike of the paddle on my ass. I was as tense as I possibly could get and my ass was on fire. I felt a great struggle as the man attempted to stuff a dildo in my ass. It took some time to relax and when I did I whimpered loudly as a long dildo was rammed deep inside me without the benefit of any lube. Tears were running down my cheeks by this time. I thought of Cy and remembered my promise to him to always do whatever he wanted me to do. This was what Cy wanted me to do: I was resolved to finish this training. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! With each smack of the paddle, the dildo was driven hard into my ass. I twisted and turned in the sling as best I could but to no avail since I was strapped in. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Tears rolled down my cheeks now abundantly. I began to doubt I could do this as I began a high-pitched whine of pain acknowledgement. A hand rubbed over my cheeks. I jerked at the touch. I felt a hand fumbling around with the dildo which was yanked out of my ass unceremoniously. I tensed again stiffly as a deep guttural howl eventually died in my throat. I collapsed on the sling in great pain. As I lay recuperating and gasping for air, once more the dildo was plunged full length into my ass. There was the same pain as before but my body only half jerked in resistance. Again, the dildo was yanked out of my ass causing me to barely stir. For the next several minutes, my teacher repeated the process of shoving in my ass the dildo and yanking it back out once more. I was aware of the violence and as more of it was foisted on my body I focused my brain on Cy. My brain began a mantra: anything for Cy. I repeated it over and over and over and over. Then, it all stopped. I heard what had to be the dildo hitting the bed. I felt the device around my balls with the weights removed as well as the clamps on my nipples. Sharp pain emanated from my balls and especially from my nipples. I sighed deeply with each removal as my body trembled at the release and relief. I lay in the sling in quiet reflection for several minutes as I heard the man packing his bag. Then, in a swift entry, I felt his hard cock bury itself deep inside me stretching my ass wider than it had ever been. I looked up to see his grinning face with his wide eyes looking at me as he grabbed my hips and began fucking me wildly. I looked at him and began growling for him to fuck me. He began a maddening pace of in and out of my aching sore ass. The chains rattled wildly as I now screamed for him to fuck me which he did. But, all too soon he began to growl loudly and slammed inside me deeply unleashing his torrent of ball juices. No doubt millions and millions of sperm now flowed freely from deep within his body to deep into the shadowy recesses of my own body. PART 14 After my ass beater left me and leaving the door open, I found my heart pounding in my chest from the force of the paddling and his fucking me. I closed my eyes and reflected on what all had happened to me since my parents had left me alone in Chicago. My thoughts always went back to Cy and what he had talked me into doing. No, that’s not fair. Cy didn’t talk me into anything. I willingly agreed to do everything; I had told Cy as much. I just didn’t know it was going to include all of what had been occurring tonight. I was conflicted big time, but I also knew I wanted to do everything Cy asked of me. I mean I was okay with Cy fucking me without a condom; well, sort of okay with it. I knew I could trust him. He had that hypnotic look that I just had to agree to do whatever he wanted. I was sure that he really cared about me. But, these two men who had just spent time training me for . . . well, I wasn’t sure what. But, Cy had said they were okay, so, they were okay. Period. About that time in my rehash of events, the door pushed open and in walked a guy I had to look at real close. I finally realised he was a Latino. He stood about 5 foot 4 inches, brown eyes, black hair, clean shaven with a slight stubble on further notice, and no hair on his torso. He introduced himself as Jo Jo and had been sent by Cy to do some training. I told him I was Jason. Jo Jo told me to relax that he would not hurt me. He closed the door. It dawned on me that Jo Jo had introduced himself whereas the first two men had not. I wondered if I should be concerned. I had not noticed that Jo Jo had brought a stool with him until I heard it being settled on the floor. Jo Jo sat on it. I heard something being opened. A thick blob of something was pushed onto my ass hole. It was cool. I felt Jo Jo pushing the blob into my ass which still smarted from the paddling I had received. He tried several different ways to get the stuff in my ass. I realized that it must be some sort of lube as it felt greasy. Jo Jo began working his fingers in my ass which hurt still. He was very good at getting this lube in my ass. I did finally lay back and began to relax as what he was doing felt sort of good. Jo Jo began fingering my ass hole. He told me that it looked and felt like I had been fucked a lot. I told him that in reality I had begun being fucked just yesterday. He stopped fingering my hole and told me he was surprised. I finally began to tell him about the trainer who had worked on me just before him. I told him everything including the dildo shoved in my ass and being paddled with it in me. Jo Jo never commented but began fingering me once more but kept adding more fingers as he plied away on my ass. In no time, I felt a strong force trying to enter my ass. I tensed and began to groan. Jo Jo told me just to relax; he wasn’t going to hurt me; Cy had told him not to hurt me. I suppose to make me compliant he told me to think of the training as if Cy were doing it himself. He—Jo Jo—was just a proxy since Cy was working. I thought about that and resolved to focus on Cy. Jo Jo continued to calmly talk with me encouraging me to work with him so that Cy would be very pleased with his progress. He was very upbeat as he worked on my ass non-stop. It rattled my brain a bit when I finally realized that it was Jo Jo’s fingers that he was trying to push into my ass. In a final determination, I screamed at my brain to accept what Jo Jo was doing to my ass and to let his hand slide inside me. Like magic on the third attempt after my chastising my brain, I felt a shockwave of pain course through my body as my ass hole opened up and I felt Jo Jo’s small hand slide inside me. My throat caught a guttural howl as my sphincter clamped down on the wrist now holding still while in my ass. Jo Jo sharply told me to breathe through my mouth and pant like a dog. I complied. Time passed as usual as the pain which I had never felt before ravaged my body causing me to shake violently as I lay restrained in the sling. I believed I was going to die. Multiple minutes passed until exhaustion set in on my body and brain. The sound of the rattling chains grew less as the pain in my ass soothed itself. Jo Jo sat quietly and patiently until my acceptance of his hand in my ass. Jo Jo knew when he could begin the real training and did so. Though there was pain it was not as bad as I had made it out to be. It was more of the surprise if not astonishment that such a feat could be done than real pain. Sweat poured off my body as Jo Jo encouraged me telling me how Cy would be so positively pleased at my accomplishment. Jo Jo slowly pushed his hand further into my body until he reached his mid forearm telling me where he was. I then felt him withdrawing his arm until his wrist was once more at my opening. We rested for a bit and then Jo Jo began once more to enter my body pushing his hand further and further. A dozen times he slowly pushed his arm into me, and a dozen times he slowly pulled his arm out of me. I felt him gently turning and twisting arm until the thickness of his palm popped out of my sphincter followed by his fingers. I was tired and drenched in sweat by happy that I would so positively please Cy. I looked up to see Jo Jo wiping his hand and arm with a towel. He then used the towel to wipe my ass. He patted my inner thigh as he inserted something which pricked me as it entered. No doubt this device was what Cy had used on me. After withdrawing it from my ass, Jo Jo stood on the stool and inserted his cock where he fucked me several minutes and finally with no sound at all slammed his cock deep inside me and began shooting his load of cum. I looked deeply into Jo Jo’s shining dark brown eyes nodded and smiled at him. As he was pulling his softening cock from my ass, there was a knock on the door.
    4 points
  6. Below is another bareback pozzing story from the old bugshare site for my bareback blog. This one takes place in a bookstore and involves a frat boy and a daddy. http://fuckworker.blogspot.com/2012/04/frat-boy-pozzing.html ............................ I was at one of my favorite bookstores and in the mood to play. It was just after lunch time on a sunny Monday. I wasn't sure what I’d find, but it never hurts to look. The parking lot looked promising, anyway. I went in, leaned against the wall, and lit a cig, checking out who was there. There was a really hot Latino, a dude who reminded me of your typical Frat Boy, and the usual Trolls. I missed an opportunity to join Latino and Frat Boy. They entered a booth together. Damn! I popped in the various booths to see who else was playin’ but didn't find much. I lit another cig. The Latino left Frat Boy’s booth and headed for the exit. Hmmmmm, that was quick! But a couple minutes later he reappeared and knocked on the door. Needed Condoms or Lube or something, I surmised. Things didn't look promising, so I fed in some tokens, watched a Vid, and got myself hard. A couple bucks later, I wandered around to see if anyone new had come in. The black guy with the goatee was back—he’d fucked me a few weeks before. There was also an older black dude who went in the bathroom. He came out spouting one helluva bulge, and stroked it through his pants. I didn't even notice that the booth Frat Boy had occupied was vacant, until he emerged from another booth nearby. He sized me up, then reentered, leaving the door slightly ajar. I wondered if I should take the bait, or see what the black dudes had to offer. What the hell, Frat Boy was sexy—20’s 5'8" 135, shaved head, sweatshirt, olive pants, and combat boots. I entered his booth and locked the door behind me. After feeding some tokens into the Vid, we groped ourselves, each waiting for the other to make the first move. He finally did, and unzipped my jeans. He complimented me on my Cock size, and I felt him up. I got his pants down, then his tight whites, and out popped the perfect Sex Organ—trimmed blond pubes, smooth Balls, and a completely straight Cock, perfect thickness, and hard as a rock. He asked me what I was into. “Pretty much anything.” “You fuck?” “Sure.” "Wanna fuck me, or want me to do you?" “I usually Bottom.” “Condom?” "Prefer not." That turned him on. I sucked his Dick and got It nice and wet. “Drop your pants and bend over. Got any Lube?” I did not. He spotted a used Condom in the corner, picked it up and dumped whoever’s Cum onto his Cock and smeared the rest onto my Hole. Holy Shit! The Dude was a Sex Pig! He slid his meat all the way in and started to fuck me. God, that combination of Cock and Anonymous Jizm felt great! I’m a Super Pig, too! "I’m fucking your Ass bareback , Man. Damn this is hot! My bare Cock pluggin’ your Hole!" "Wanna Cum in me?” "Fuck, yeah!" "Flood my Hole, Man! Shoot in me!" After he’d Cum, I glanced through the Glory Hole, and the Goateed Black Dude was stroking his Rod. Frat Boy asked me if I wanted that Black Dick in me, too. I backed up to the hole. Frat Boy knew what was happening—the expression on my face told him all. He lay down on his back so he could look up and watch the Black Cock plow me. He told me that his Cum was oozing out of my Pussy, and reported, dismayed, that the Black Dude wore a Rubber. Still, Goatee knew how to fuck, and his hips gyrated like crazy. Black Goatee pulled out and Frat Boy got up. His neck and chest were splattered with Spooge that had dribbled out of my Pussy. I stuck my tongue through the Glory Hole. Black Goatee stripped off the Cum-filled Condom and plowed his thick Dick down my gullet. Frat Boy urged me to “Clean up that Shaft.” He wiped his own Cum off his chest, stroked It onto his hardening Tool, fingered my sloppy Hole, and thrust his Rod back up my Ass. Goateed Black Guy zipped up and left. The Older Black Dude entered the booth. He pulled out a stubby fat Cock with massive Balls and flipped both through the hole. Frat Boy pulled outta my Ass and sucked his Black Dick. The Black Dude’s Cock grew in length, but more so in girth. Frat Boy suggested I back up to the hole and see if the Black Guy would fuck me. I did so, and Older Black played with my Mancunt—then nothing. I glanced through in time to see him walk out. Frat boy put one arm around me and worked the digits of one hand up my used sloppy Hole, while he beat off with the other. "I wonder how many guys here are POZ ." I shrugged. He winked and shot his Load. I knelt in time to get most of It down my throat. We cleaned up, and he told me how fuckin’ hot it had been and how he hoped we could do it again. He left, and I leaned back against my favorite wall and smoked. I still hadn’t Cum. This Lumberjack type came in. He headed for one of the end booths, and I entered the adjoining one. It was getting late, and I really needed to get off. I didn't even look through the hole—just dropped my jeans and stroked my Dick. Needing coins for the Vid, I bent down to grab some tokens from my pants pocket. My Ass grazed the hole. Lumberjack thrust his Dick through and pushed against my Ass Crack. I squatted, spread my Cheeks, and guided his Cock into my Pussy. His belt buckle clanked against the partition with each thrust. I started jacking. As I shot, my Ass Muscles contracted tightly about his Pole. He spasmed and shot up my Ass. He beat a hasty retreat to the exit. On my drive home I wondered about Frat Boy, or Pig Boy, or whatever you wanna call him, and his comment to me: "I wonder how many guys here are POZ ." Strange he should mention that. Did either one of us care?
    3 points
  7. Finally was told VL is 27,235 and CD4 is 38.
    3 points
  8. So on Saturday this same fuckbud was sitting on my face while I tongued his hole. He really wanted me to shove up my tongue nice and deep into his hole. I was lying on my back, and he was straddled above my head. He turned around and started sliding up and down my cock for a few minutes, then to my surprise, brought his ass back up to my face to rim him some more. I've never rimmed him after fucking him...it was hot. His hole was loosened up from my cock and I could really get my tongue up there. I'm hoping we can do that again today...and I'm curious to try eating his ass after shooting a load into him. Feltching virgin here!
    3 points
  9. Trolls GRIN when they see me walk into the XXX bookstore. They know they're gettin a blowjob.
    3 points
  10. My boyfriend is out of town, so I spent my day taking loads. After hitting the gym and picking up fresh poppers, I jumped on Grindr and visited a muscle daddy in his hotel. He gave me a quick pump and dump, solid vanilla fuck. A hung college kid with a 9" BBC hit me up right after, and I swung by his apartment. His roommates were clearly home, but that didn't stop him from pounding me hard. He loved hearing me beg for his load. When I left, I had to walk by his roommates with his cum dripping down my leg. To end the afternoon, I took some anonymous cock from Craigslist, door unlocked, blindfolded and poppers in hand. Two guys came over separately, one had clearly just gotten off from working outside, covered in sweat. He was a true pig, made me lick his stank pits before rimming my cum filled hole. I could hear him take a few pics before sliding his pierced cock in my hole. He was beer can thick and ravaged my ass, giving me my third load of the day. The last guy was a great surprise. I had only seen a pic of his cock, a solid 8 inches. He skipped foreplay, told me to hit the poppers and shoved in balls deep, only cum for lube. I was a bitch in heat, begging for him to impregnate my hole. He was into some pervy talk, and knowing I had a boyfriend only made him fuck me harder. He came then kept fucking, giving me another load after 45 more minutes of hard fucking. My cum filled hole is sore and happy after today.
    3 points
  11. We sat out back behind the 7-11 and drank the beers I earned for Eddie. Tom chugged his beers down and started looking me up and down. Eddie said boy I told you, you weren't done yet so now why don't you give Tom some of that sweet ass. I was a bit freaked out, this was all new to me, very exciting but still scary as hell. I walked over to Tom and he said well get down there and get to work. I kneeled down and started to undo his pants to get to his cock. He stank to the point of almost making me sick. I pulled out his cock and it looked all filthy and had sores and did not look safe at all. I looked at Eddie and asked if he was kidding. He said if I knew what was good for me I would get on that cock now. Tom was already getting excited and hard. He did not have a huge cock maybe 6 inches or so. I gave in and did as told and started licking and sucking his diseased dick like it was the best tasting cock I had ever had. The thought of not knowing if he was sick or if he had any stds started to get me a bit excited ,, all or nothing by this point I guess. He started moaning and really enjoying my work. I thought he was going to blow his load down my throat, but he all of a sudden pushed me off and told me to give him my ass.. I did as he said and he tore my panties down and started fucking me hard doggie style. He was starting to fuck me harder and harder, I could not believe he was this worked up and still had not cum. Eddie came over and grabbed my head and shoulders to give me support for this beating my ass was getting. He held my face in his lap and I could feel his large cock on my face through his jeans. He just held me there and kept encouraging Tom to show my hole no mercy. After what seemed like forever Tom started grunting and let loose with the biggest load I had ever taken in my ass. I could feel him filling my guts with who knows what new bacteria and filth. After he finished he just stayed there with his cock in my ass. Eddie still held tight and I could not move but was just resting and catching my breath. Then before too long I felt a new sensation. I tried to move but Eddie held me tight and just started to laugh. Tom was starting to piss inside my ass. It was shocking to me but felt great at the same time, then in a final act of humiliation he pulled out of my ass and continued to piss all over my ass and back. He took his time emptying his beer filled bladder all over me. They were both laughing with pride about what they had just done to me. They let me loose and I pulled up my panties and jeans and we started to walk back to the house, me covered in piss and cum and Eddie grinning from ear to ear.
    3 points
  12. Chapter Eight. Now in the hall, I quickened my pace to catch up with the Priest, feeling the plug in my hole pulse slightly with every step. It felt as if the plug was slowly fucking me, causing my dick to harden. We moved silently towards another door at the end of the hall. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but didn’t think it would be proper voicing them, even though every act that I preformed changed my life, bring me closer to death. At the door, we stopped. I could hear a rhythmic beep coming from behind the door. The Priest turned to me, staring at me silently, as if he knew I had questions. “Your curiosity is getting the best of you, but you must trust the Priests. We have longed for a neophyte like you, one that will convert quickly and fully. After which will be used as an incubator and master of conversion.” the Priest said. The Priest didn’t give me a chance to ask a single question, as he turned and opened the only door in the hall. I was taken back by what I saw. Everything in the room was white, so white it looked sterile. Two beds were on the wall opposite the door, surround by medical equipment. I only recognized the heart monitors, which were supply the beeps I heard outside the door. In each bed, was a man. So wasted away that they looked like they were just skin and bones, covered by a white sheet. As I watched their chest slowly rise and fall, the Priest lightly pushed on my back, steering me into the room, shutting the door behind us. Stepping closer, I could see the lump of their cocks and balls under the sheet, which looked huge against their wasted frames. Standing naked between the foot of the beds, I wondered just what was about to happen. “These men are at death’s door. They will be providing you with another strain of virus. We have given them a mixture of erectile medications to keep them hard as you fuck yourself on their cocks” the Priest said, “Your hole must stimulate them and milk their last load into you before death takes them.” The Priest pushed me forward, causing me to bend at the waist. He grabbed the base of the plug, pulling it slightly out then pushing it back in. Over and over he fucked my hole with the plugs. Lubing it the cum from inside. The soreness of my hole quickly returned and the muscles ached from being open. My cock jumped with each push in of the plug, which soon had me leaking pre-cum, until with one quick pull, the Priest ripped the plug out of my hole, causing me to whimper, afraid that I would wake the men, before I was ready to milk their virus filled cum from their balls. I watched both men slowly open their eyes, piercing my body from their hollow sockets. With out instruction I pulled the sheet back from the man to my left, exposing his naked body. He had the heart monitor pads on his chest, as well as an IV in his right arm. I rubbed my hand up his leg, slowly feeling his cold skin. His cock reacted to my touch, starting to twitch and grow, slowing inching up his stomach. His excitement grew, as well as his heart rate. Climbing on the bed, I positioned my hole over his cock, reaching down and lifting it up. Squatting down, I lowered myself until his cock started to pierce my hole, sliding in. I continued until my hole had completely swallowed his hard cock. As I raised and lowered my hole on this dying man’s cock, I looked over to see the other man’s sheet starting to tent up, knowing that his cock was getting hard by the live sex show in the next bed. I slowly rode the cock, rising up until I could feel his cock head at my hole, then I would drop down until I was pressing against his bony groin. I could feel him press up against me slightly driving his pelvic bones into my ass. I watched his heart monitor as the beeping increased more and more and I pumped his cock in and out of my hole. I grew increasingly alarmed as his heart rate increased, yet I did not stop riding his cock. As the rate increased, so did the rate of my bouncing up and down of his cock. His cock wast thickening and becoming harder and harder as I knew he would not last long. I felt his cock starting to jump inside my hole, and slammed it deep within, grinding against his crotch. His load shot out deep inside me, as an alarm on the heart monitor sounded. I watched the waves of heart beats change to a solid line. I panicked knowing I just fucked the last load out of this man. Did I just murder him by fucking him? I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I sat on the man with his cock deflating inside of me. The Priest stood next to me. “He is at peace. Do not bare guilt or shame, for this was his purpose, it was his choice, and he knew the consequences.” the Priest said. I lifted off the cock, looking over at the other man. He was pushing the sheet down with this legs, exposing his hard leaking cock. He licked his lips, jerking his head to the side, inviting me to his bed. I climbed off the now dead man’s bed and moved over to the next. I watched the Priest pull the sheet over the man I had just fucked, covering him completely. I climbed on top of the man, again squatting over his cock, which he held up, aiming for my hole. I looked him in the eyes as he nodded his head, giving me permission to sit on his cock. I could feel it driving deep into my hole. Pushing the cum deeper and deeper as it went in. As my ass met his crotch, I braced myself by putting my hands on his chest, being careful no to pull off the heart monitor pads. He pushed his hips up, driving his cock deeper into me. My mind was focusing on the alarm which was still signaling the lack of heart beat in the bed next to me. I lifted my ass off this man’s crotch as he grabbed my hips and started to pump quickly in and out of my hole. He was fucking me as if his life depended on it, maybe it did. I pushed down to meet his thrust upwards, causing a slapping sound that didn’t even drown out the alarm. His pumping grew slower and slower, as he tired out quickly, Repositioning myself, I took over riding his cock, riding him like I did the man before him. I watched him smile, feeling the pleasure of my hole riding his cock. His hands moved up and down my legs allowing me to feel his bony fingers. Moving my hands across his chest, I grasped his nipples, pinching and twisting them. He moaned in pleasure as I pumped my ass up and down his cock. “won’t last much longer” he whispered in between moans. I quickened my pace, until he pushed down on my knees signaling that he was about to cum. It was then that I dropped down completely, taking his cock deep in as it pulsed and shot his load inside me. I waited for the alarm to sound, but it never came. His heart rate was high as he shot, but never stopped completely. It slowly decreased as he calmed himself. I waited still for him to die while still on his cock. I could feel it slowly going soft inside my hole. I continued to press against his crotch, trying to keep him inside me longer, but as it grew softer and softer it slipped out of my hole. “Thank you” he whispered. I climbed down, moving back near the Priest. I watched the man close his eyes thinking this is it, he will be a peace soon. His breathing became slower, but was steady as he slipped off to sleep. The Priest pulled the sheet back over the man, shaking his head as he did it. I think he was disappointed that this man did not die as he shot his load. We left through the door and back out into the hall. I closed my eyes reflecting on what had happened. Thinking that when it’s my time to die, I want to go just like that, having someone ride me, and die as I shoot my last load deep into their hole. “I’m not satisfied that you will convert one hundred percent. Dr. Serpent was correct. Escalation is needed.” We quickly walked back to the Doctor’s door. Before the Priest could knock it opened. Still naked except for his boots, stood the doctor. “I knew you would return,” said the doctor. “A success and a failure” “Disappointing, good thing I prepared” said the doctor. The Doctor stepped aside, allowing us to move back into the exam room. I brushed my hand across his hanging cock, watching him smile as I did. I wanted his venom again, I wanted it deep in my hole. I made my was to the exam table as the doctor shut the door.
    3 points
  13. Chapter Seven Almost all of my strength had come back by the time we entered the doctor’s office. The Priest went first, me following. Inside was a semi-lite room set up just like an exam room at any doctors office. Framed posters covered the walls - some looks like viruses taken from medical journals, while others were more obscene. Mixed in were posters of cocks, some hard, some soft, cut and uncut, some shooting cum, while others oozed what looked to be the clap - red with irritation as well as other sexual transmitted diseases. There was also posters of holes - some just normal, some puckered and red, while others were open, oozing cum. My cock was slowly rising after my look around the room. Standing in the middle of the room was the doctor. His hair was salt and pepper as well as his goatee. He was wearing a lab coat and combat boots. The coat was open, exposing his body to me - tanned, toned, and defined. His chest was covered in a mat of black and white chest hair leading to a “treasure trail” down to his trimmed dark crotch hair. His cock hung heavy over his balls, it was cut with a huge mushroom head that was about the size of a baby’s fist. The shaft of his cock was thick and veiny. His balls were smooth, hanging low in his sac, one higher than the other. “Conversion?” the sexy doctor asked? “Yes, phase one resulted with infection, bolstered the virus through feeding - six loads - from mid viral count HIV positive to two full blown.” replied the Priest. “Excellent” said the doctor. “Please take a seat on the exam table so the evil doctor can probe you” I moved slowly to the exam table, still studying the doctor’s body. My cock was hard as a rock, pointing my way to the table. As I climbed on, the Priest turned and exited the room. As the doctor approached, I spread my legs wide giving his access to my cock, balls and my aching hole. “Are you experiencing aches? Fever? Sweats?” the doctor asked. “Earlier Sir, but now it’s just aches.” I replied “Bar keep’s piss?” “Yes, Sir” “Hmmm, excellent elixir. Symptoms should return in time. ” His hands were cold to the touch, as he felt around my neck, just under my jaw. They warmed as he ran his hand over my shoulders and into my arm pits. I jumped a little from this touch, slightly ticklish in my pits. Pressing hard into my pits, he made small circles. As he was examining me, I was watching his cock, hanging between his legs. I fought back the urge to touch it, stimulating it until it was hard as a rock. “You like looking it my cock?” the doctor asked. I nodded yes, not taking my eyes off the head of his cock. “It’s okay it likes the attention” the doctor replied. “It’s pure poison boy. It has bitten many boys with out them knowing it.” “It starts by kissing the hole, ever so lightly, secreting a sample unto the skin, making the boy beg for my snake to slither in” “No protective skin can hold it, it sheds it quickly and silently. Writhing until it spits it’s venom deep inside a warm dark hole” As the doctor talked, his cock started to slowly thicken in girth and length. The head was resting on my knee when it finished hardening. It was so long, at least eleven inches if not a foot. His nuts pulled up as he made his cock jump off my knee and then drop down on it. “it likes you, boy” “feel it, hold it, let it slither in your hand” I wrapped my fingers around it, yet it my fingers did not touch. I slid my hand from just behind the head to the base of the shaft. It felt hot. I watched as the doctor licked his lips, knowing that he wanted to inject me with his venom. “you want it in you, don’t you?” the doctor asked with a grin. I just nodded as I continued to stroke it, feeling him trying to make his cock jump again in my hand. As much as my hole ached, I wanted to feel this massive cock deep inside me. I wanted a real cock fucking my ass. “there will be no skin to shed this time” I let go of his cock, slowly laid back on the exam table and raised my legs high into the air, presenting my hole for his use, his pleasure. I reach around my hips and spread my checks, exposing my hole more. He watched as he stroked his cock. “puffy and red, oozing death - just the way I like it” Stepping closer to the exam table, he removed his lab coat. I could feel his cock head just touching my hole, teasing me. The massive head circled my puffy hole, rubbing the cum that had leaked out all around. I pictured his cock spitting pre-cum as he played in the toxic cum that had escape from my fuck hole. “push out that fuck hole” I pushed out, opening my hole and at the same time squirting out some of the cum I was holding in, It squired out covering the doctor’s cock even hitting his crotch hair. “AGAIN” he shouted Concentrating harder, I pushed out my hole as he drove his cock in deep and hitting bottom, causing me to jump. He pulled out until just his head was inside my hole, pulling my hole outwards, then pushed all the way back in, this time penetrating my second ring. I had never felt such pleasure. His massive cock was hitting new pleasure points deep inside me. He pulled out again - this time all the way and drove all they way back in. He continued to punch fuck my hole over and over. His cock pumped air in me as he drove in, causing me to swell in my abdomen, until I couldn’t hold it and then it would blow out, expelling more cum all over the doctor’s cock and body. It was a sloppy noisy fuck. The doctor grabbed my ankles, yanking my legs open as far as they could go and then a bit more. The muscles in my legs screamed in pain as they were stretched. His cock continued to pump in and out of my wide hole, every time going balls deep into me, pushing the toxic loads from before deeper and deeper into me. I moaned more and more as he continued to fuck me, only to be drowned out by a deep growl coming from his chest, as well as the wet sloppy cum hole. I looked to my right to see a picture of a hole, opened, puffy oozing cum out of the red interior. “just like your hole” the doctor said noticing my gaze. The assault on my hole continued. I still wanted more and more. I could feel his nuts hitting my ass, I could feel the cum running down my ass to the table. I could feel his crotch hair rubbing my balls as he slammed his dick deep into me. I could feel his cock head as it penetrated my hole and escaped. My cock was hard resting on my abs, leaking a large pool of pre-cum in my belly button. The doctor scooped up some of my pre-cum onto his fingers and slid them into his mouth, savoring the sweet juice from my balls. “newly mutated seed. fresh poison - a new strain of AIDS……mmmmmmm” He continued to eat my pre-cum as he drove his cock in and out of my wrecked hole. His cock was hardening and thickening as he pumped my hole. I could only imagine his balls tightening up, drawling close to his body as hie prepared to shoot his toxic load into my guts. “snake is getting ready to strike - ready for my venom?” “Give it to me” “another AIDS load” He rammed his cock deep inside me, pushing his hips into me, as I felt his cock jump and pulse inside, shooting his AIDS deep within. As his cock slowed in pulsing he started to pump in and out of my hole, mixing his AIDS load with the HIV and AIDS loads already inside. The doctor slowly pulled his cock out of me, releasing me and allowing me to lower my legs. I watched his cum covered, dripping cock slowly deflate, returning to a hanging position on his body. I wanted to ump off the exam table, dropping to my knees in front of him. “hold your legs wide” I quickly grabbed my legs behind my knees, as the doctor went for a stool and tray of examination tools. He sat in front of my used, leaking hole, which was now wide open. No matter how hard I tried to squeeze it shut, it remained gapping. After the huge dildo and the doctor’s massive cock, I knew it would be a while before my hole would return to normal. I felt a coldness near my hole, something metallic. It circled my hole, as if collecting the leaking cum, until it slowly invaded. I felt it pressing against the puffy lips of my hole, slowly stretching them wider and wider. It was then, I knew the doctor had inserted a speculum into my hole. The stretching continued well past the point of comfort, past the point that the dildo and dick had stretched me open. “very nice” the doctor said. I watched as he stood up and walked over to a cabinet on the wall. Opening it revealed a phone. After removing the receiver and placing it to his ear, he only said: “it is time.” He hung up and returned to his stool and grabbed what looked like a pen off the tray, he bend over as to look into my used hole. The pen turned out to be a small flash light. The Priest entered the room and joined the doctor at my hole, silently standing behind the doctor. “cum has coated the walls which are irritated, mixed with the blood from my busting of your inner ring. Rate of infection should increase.” “Chanced of conversion?” the Priest asked. “98% or higher” the doctor replied. “2% chance of failure is still not acceptable, this one must jump the precursor.” “Escalation is still an option. We could add another method of exposure” My mind started to concoct how they would escalate higher than what I had bed exposed to. I had taken two homeless men’s cum loads, a mixture of cum from Priests - some dead, some living that was recycled, and the cum and possibly blood from a man who had put his cock in any hole he could find as well as taken any and all cock into his holes. I also took four loads of HIV positive cum and two loads of full blown AIDS cum tonight as well as the doctor’s AIDS load. What the fuck was next? “Plug him!” the Priest ordered, “I will determine if escalation is needed.” I heard the doctor open a drawer and then quickly shut it. The speculum was slowly closed and pulled from my hole. Without warning, a plug was shoved into my hole. I felt my hole give as the ball head pushed in, then it collapsed around the narrow base. I jumped and bite my lip. “Come with me” the Priest said. I obeyed without question, jumping off the exam table. I followed the Priest across the room and out the door, only to hear the doctor quietly say: “you will be back”
    3 points
  14. It has been about ten years since I graduated from college and I guess that's why this encounter entered my mind recently. I used to jerk off to the memory of it for awhile, but thankfully my lust for barebacking and cummy adventures has filled my brain with lots of spankable material. Still, when I think back to this occasion, I still get pretty hard. I was a Resident Assistant for two years in college and I loved it because not only am I social person, but also because I got to have my own room and bathroom. It was the perfect situation for me as at that time I was a 'straight' college student at a big southern state school - a way to get to know a bunch of people but still get my own privacy when I needed it. Of course I principally needed a private room so I could jerk off. If I needed to fuck and dump a load in a nice ass, I went online and found a bottom somewhere in the vicinity who needed to be bred and who could also host. I don't exactly know when I became a barebacker, although looking back I suppose the attraction stemmed from my first anal experience. I frequently went to an adult book store to get head through a glory hole. I had discovered the ABS in my freshman year. It was far from campus so I wasn't all that concerned about running into anyone I knew from school, and as I was usually successful in getting a blowjob, I began to visit the place regularly. In any event, on the occasion of which I'm thinking, I was in a booth at the ABS and was receiving a particularly good blowjob through the glory hole. I was approaching orgasm when the mouth pulled away. Somewhat surprised, I withdrew my cock from the hole, and crouched down, peered into the hole, whereupon I heard the guy on the other side say "unlock your door." I did and within seconds the cocksucker stepped into my cubicle with me. He was a small framed Latino. His body and ass were quite furry, which I found a major fucking turn-on. He gestured that I should take a seat in the chair, my pants and underwear around my ankles. When I was in position he sat on my raw hard cock until I was balls deep inside him as he stared into my eyes. He rode me until I felt my orgasm build and suddenly burst inside him. I plainly saw how his eyes got wide and glazed over with satisfaction and animal-like lust. I was hooked: I was a top who bred bottoms. And believe me, every bottom I encountered craved my thick raw cock, especially 'cause my cock head always swelled to generous proportions just as I shot my large load deep in the bottom's guts. I also think the curve of my cock must have played the bottom's prostate like a fiddle. I quickly discovered I had only to fuck a bottom once before he would be addicted to my thick curve and he would beg for my cock. Yeah, once I entered a guy, his ass would belong to me. One particular college night, I was especially horny and needed a good bottom in whom to unload. I went online to Craigslist and found a 40 year old bottom who was, in the words of his posting, "looking to take as much college dick and cum as I can." I sent him a pic of my cock and my stats and waited. Within a few minutes he sent me his hotel and his room number with some pics. I checked out his pics; nice lean, masculine frame, salt'n'pepper hair, moderately hairy with a relatively hairless ass with a very furry crack. He said he'd meet me naked on all fours with the door propped open and that he might find another top to join. I got ready and headed his way. I arrived at the hotel and found the door ajar. I went inside and immediately could smell the familiar scent of masculine sweat, lube, and cum. This hole had been used. "Got a cummy ass for me?" I asked as I loudly undid my belt buckle (bottoms love that part...always see them either excitedly re-position like a puppy who knows it's getting a their bodies tremble and their asshole winks. Either one gets my dick hard) "Got two loads so far...you college boys are hungry." I had finished undressing, leaving on only my backward hat with my school's logo proudly displayed, and placed my large hand on his ass. He shook with pleasure. "Suck my cock and get it ready for your cummy pussy," I ordered. He moaned and dove for my cock. The moment it passed through his lips and he began to feel the girth and the length, he let out a animal-like grunt and instinctively arched his back to raise his furry-cracked bubble ass higher. I could see the glistening wetness on his slightly-open hole in the dim light of the hotel room as he continued to feast on my cock, moaning and grunting like a good little fuck pig. This pig needed more seed. The pigs cell phone on the bed next to him began to ring. He pulled off my cock "Sorry, sir, it's the other college guy top who's going to breed me with you--if you don't mind, sir." "Answer the phone so you can get back on my cock, pig." He answered the phone and it was clear the kid was asking for directions and this guy didn't know the city. He looked at me "Can you help him find this place?" I took the phone in one hand and grabbed the back of the pigs head with my other and guided his mouth back to my cock. I spoke into the phone. "Hey, I've got this pig hungrily slurping on my cock but his cummy butt needs more cock in it. Where are you so we can get you in one of these holes and make this pig a happy cumdump?" The voice on the phone hesitated at first, but when he spoke it was clear he was horny as fuck. "I just need to figure out how to get there from where I'm at--I'm new this semester." "I've got your welcome present here--don't forget the balls, pig--if you want a big load you better worship those balls, too. Okay, so where are you?" I talked with the other top about where he was and quickly directed him to where he was going. He was only five minutes away. "The door is still ajar, come in and shut it and get undressed before you fully enter the room. I want you ready to take over this mouth the second you walk in, because I need to reward this bitch for slurping on my cock so much by driving this thick curve deep in that wet hole." "You got it, man. Sounds so hot." I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. The pig kept slurping on my cock as he held up a bottle of poppers. I took a huge hit and let the warmth and hunger wash over me as the cumdump took a few hits and hungrily returned to slobbering on my thick cock, savoring the precum and moaning like a fucking bitch. I heard the door open and heard the new college top fumbling with his clothes. He was a bit nervous, which wasn't all that surprising. I was prepared to take charge and get him where he needed to go, and honestly, I was sure once the college top felt the cock sucker's mouth he would be hooked. At that moment the college top entered. Glancing up I realized I knew him. He had recently moved to my floor, and I had casually spoken to him a couple of times. He was a quiet kid who mostly stayed to himself. A musician, if I remembered correctly. I remember thinking when I met him, that I thought he was cute, but I hadn't obsessed over him, after all, I was outwardly straight. But here we both were, both naked, in a hotel room, both of us were completely hard (and I noticed, his cock was also quite impressive. Once he recognized me, he was also clearly completely mortified and seemed a bit bit frozen, unsure of how to handle the situation. So I took charge. "Pig, you've had enough of my cock - at least for now. If you want my cock in that ass, go show our friend here how hungry you are for cock." The cumdump immediately got off the bed where he had been on all fours sucking my cock and rushed in front of my resident. Without hesitating, he dove onto the other guy's cock, loudly moaning and slurping like a slut. I watched as the panic melted away to pleasure and I walked over to the guys and presented a bottle of poppers under my resident's nose. He took a deep hit in both nostrils and immediately I saw it in his eyes--the hungry glazed look of a barebacker. He was ready. "On the bed on all fours, cumdump," I ordered. The 40 year old man quickly complied, making sure his back was arched to make his ass and mouth more appealing to the two college tops he was pleasuring. I looked at my resident asking "You want mouth or ass?" He smiled, "I want ass. I know I'll cum if I watch you fuck him and I want to breed him, especially if he's got some loads in him already." I climbed on the bed and got comfortable and the bottom immediately got to work sucking my cock. He was so excited knowing he was about to get fucked. My resident hesitated a second "Is there lube?" "He's got two loads in his ass. Just eat him out a bit to get him wet and push it in." I watched as my resident got between the bottom's legs, spread his ass cheeks, and went to town eating that cummy hole. The excessive moaning and flourishes he used on my cock made it clear he was quite happy, and was properly thanking me for arranging double fuck session. My resident, meanwhile, unquestionably loved eating cummy ass. I took some satisfaction in thinking I would have fun with the quiet musician who lived down the hall. Yeah, I was going to have fun with this boy. "Now fuck him. I'd say the bitch has earned a few more loads." I love being able to see the face of both bottom and the top when a top first slides his cock into a cummy-holed slut. The ecstasy and hunger the resident and cumdump were experiencing was abundantly tangible, so I took a large hit of poppers and begin to face fuck the bottom. He loved every second of the spit-roasting, and from the grunts coming from the top, I suspected he would barely last five minutes, so I paused in face-fucking the bottom so he can really enjoy my cock on his terms. I'd like to think each tongue-flick and oral massage of my cock was his way of thanking me. While he was enjoying the resident's cock, he knew he belonged to me. The cumdump could tell, even before I penetrated his hole, that my cock was special. He was a true cumdump. I looked up as the resident was practically howling, knowing he was about to cum. I withdrew from the cumdump's mouth, walked around the bed so I was directly behind the resident, allowing my hard cock head to rest against his ass cheek as I leaned in close behind him and quietly ordered the resident to "Load him. Load up the cumdump. I'm going to fuck him and I want your load deep in his guts while I'm filling him up. Give him your warm, thick load." I also ordered the cumdump to "Beg for that load, bitch. Tell him that you want it." And beg he did. The 40 year old begged and pleaded for that load like a true cumdump. The resident, meanwhile, was about to go over the edge, so I took the bottom about his waist and pulled him back so that the resident was completely balls-deep. Then, at just the right moment, I grunted in the resident's ear "Shoot that load." I could feel his body spasm as he came, wave after wave of orgasm hitting him as the cumdump moaned and thanked him over and over again. When he was done cumming, the resident pulled out with a wet "plop" and collapsed on his back on the bed next to the cumdump. I immediately grabbed the cumdump by the waist with both hands and spit on my cockhead. Placing my cock at the entrance to his wet, hot, cummy hole, I slid my entire eight inch shaft deep into his guts. The noise the cumdump made was unlike any I'd heard him: it was a deep, guttural groan that seemed to escape from deep in his gut. He was truly a bitch in heat. I took my time enjoying the cummy wetness of his warm guts as I pounded his ass, using every stroke to caress and massage the hole so that it began to naturally form to the shape of my cock. As I owned his ass, the cumdump eventually coaxed the resident to scoot up on the bed so he could suck his semi-hard cock while in the daze of the poppers and the pleasure of my cock filling his cummy hole. I felt my orgasm building as I watched the resident's cock growing harder in the cumdump's mouth and watching as the cumdump hungrily started really working for a load in his mouth, sensing another load would soon be deposited in his ass. He pushed back and met each thrust while giving focused attention to the cock in his mouth. As I said, he was a true cumdump, and most definitely was earning his cummy rewards. I unloaded in his ass moments before the resident unloaded in his mouth and felt the cumdump's body shivering as he felt my cockhead swell and release a giant load into his guts. His ass was filled to the brim with cum, and as the resident began to flood his mouth the cumdump laughed around the dick as he moaned and savored each drop. As my orgasm subsided, I pulled out slowly and felt the cum following my dick. When my cockhead popped out of the cumdump's well used asshole, a splatter of cum came out and landed on the hotel bedspread. In a flash, the resident dove on the cummy hole, licking and slurping up the cum and ass juices leaking out. "Push some of it back in" the bottom begged. "Please give me the seed." Scooping up some of the cum on my cock head, I slid my dick, which was still quite hard, back into his cummy ass. The resident kept his face right there by the hole, watching and breathing on my cock as if to make sure each drop of cum remained in the cumdump's hole. The bottom, for his part, clamped down on my cock when I withdrew, ensuring the multiple loads he had taken would not be lost. The resident immediately took my cummy cock in his mouth and cleaned it off. I smiled in satisfaction as he enjoyed servicing my cock for a few moments before I withdrew from his mouth. "Come on, we've got to go. I'm sure this cumdump has more tops on the way." "Just a couple," the bottom answered. I noticed his cummy asshole seemed to wink in agreement. The resident and I quickly dressed, so we were ready to leave at the same time. Just before I opened the door to leave, I looked over my shoulder at the cumdump and said "Thanks, cumpdump, you did a good job." With that, resident and I walked out. He didn't say anything until we were in the elevator. "Will this change anything at the dorms? Cuz I'm not really out," he asked with a hesitant voice. "Hey, nothing's going to change," I replied with a reassuring smile, "except that you're going to suck a load out of my cummy dick when we get back to the dorms." From his smile, I had the feeling he had decided a little change wasn't such a bad thing. This is my first story on here. Let me know if you guys enjoyed and I should keep writing...I have PLENTY of other great stories up my sleeves (or up someone's ass)
    2 points
  15. After unloading his last load it didn't take long for him to get hard again. I knew I had to assume the doggie position and take more of his toxic seed. As soon as I was on my hands and knees he was inserting his cock deep inside me ready to go again. Soon I could feel his cock vigorously thrusting inside my ass. That toxic cock felt really good inside me . I was so turned on that I started to jack off. It only took a few minutes before I ejaculated. My breeder said "Man you sure like this." "I like it so much I really want to do it again," I answered. "I can do that. I've got lots of loads to give you, and to be honest, it's easy to fuck you 'cause it makes ne feel dominant, and it's also a big turn on knowing that you will eventually convert, progress to full blown AIDS. So, I will make sure you fulfill your purpose as a bottom." After completing his version of a mission statement he unloaded a big toxic load inside my ass. I knew after that it was a matter of time before I converted. Which is exactly what I wanted.
    2 points
  16. Went out last night to a black out party at a bar... was wearing my new jockstrap, an old school white athletic supporter. Soon after I got there a beefy guy bent me over and slid his cock in my ass, after pumping for a few minutes he let out a loud growl, signaling to everyone in the room that my ass was getting bred. A little while later I was sucking the beautiful, thick cock belonging to a cute youngish guy... he started fingering my ass, then he pulled me up. I thought he was going to fuck me, instead he introduced me to his older husband, who had his cock out, it was even bigger. The husband didn't say much, he just turned me around and Made me bend over for his cock. Too soon he was depositing his load. The younger guy then fucked me for a minute too, but he didn't cum. Much later, the hottest fuck of the night: the bar was emptying out, though there were a few guys wandering in. I was in the back corner, bent over sucking an older guy's dick. I didn't realize there was anyone behind me, without warning someone grabbed my hips from behind and slid his cock inside me. The guy who I was sucking held my head down on his cock, so I couldn't even turn around to see who was fucking me. A small crowd gathered to watch me get fucked, and eventually the unknown top thrust hard and unloaded in me. I was able to look around just in time to see a hot older daddy zip up and leave... he never said a word to me. A few other guys, including the guy I had been sucking, passed me around for a minute, but if any of them came they were very quiet. Three loads confirmed. Later, when I got home, my boyfriend was so turned on by the loads in my ass he ate me out forever then dumped his load down my throat.
    2 points
  17. My cell phone has been going insane today. I forgot I gave that little cum slut my number so he could text me. I must have 12 messages from him Begging us to remove the cage from his cock. I sent only one message back. We will remove that cage but you must come to the house for us to do that. other wise it stays on. see ya tomorrow bitch. So he sends one back say'ing he will call the police. I asked what are you going to tell them? that you have been letting one of the guy's at the gym fuck you for the past 2 weeks and now you are his bitch locked in chastity but changed your mind and want it removed? All I got back is see you at the gym in the morning.
    2 points
  18. Whoring out my boy (bareben) 24/7 all Easter weekend through Monday. Hang out, a bit bring beer or dump and go. No one refused and kinky and poz very welcome. wickr direct: dad4pozboys. Rochester NY
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  19. Cumdump whore takes three loads.... http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Cumdump-taking-three-hot-loads-30573311
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  20. This has taken a while, but I figured I should finish the story... Part Four: So that summer, I said farewell to my grandaprents, not realizing that it was going to be the final goodbye. Just weeks after I moved to Atlanta, they were killed in a car crash. I am sure that many of ya'll think that I would become wealthy, but the farm was heavily in debt and we had to sell it off just to satisfy the bills. There wasn't even enough money left over to help with college. Even so, I moved in with Rocky and Alex. Rocky and myself were still undergoing our cunting training, although I seemed to be taking it better than he was. That summer, in early June, Alex walked into the apartment and asked, "Are you ready for your permanent family marker?" I repleied with enthusiasm that I was up for anything, especially as the fuck flu had kept me down for weeks already. We went down to a seedy looking tattoo parlor, right off of Ponce near downtown and Alex whispered something in the tattoo artist's ear. He just smiled and motioned for me to go into the back room. Once back there, Alex instructed me to undress, so I took my shirt off. I was expecting the tattoo on my pec, just like all my brothers. "No," he said, "all of your clothes." With that I fully undressed, exposing my caged cock, somewhat embarassingly to the tattoo artist. Alex whipped out the key that Dad had given him and took the cage off. My hairless boycock started to harden with its new found freedom. Alex looked at the tattoo artist and they both understood that my hardon was not going to help the tatoo situation. "Hang on a minute" the tattoo artist said as he walked back into the main area. He returned in seconds with a handfull of preloaded syringes. "This lidocaine should take care of the problem," he said, and with that he wiped my dick and the surrounding area with alcohol and started to inject a series of injections into me. I was immediately numb and my dick was fast asleep. "Gonna have to get some of those for Rocky," Alex said with an evil grin. With that the artist started to work on my new biohazard tattoo, and an hour later he was done and my cock was numb and locked. The artist gave Alex a bag of the preloaded lidocaine syringes as we waled out the door. Damn, Dad must have connections all over the city for just about anything he needs I thought. We drove back to the apartment and made small talk on the trip back, mostly about what college was going to be like. The next few months were sort of a blur, with all of the sex and drugs. I was introduced to dealing by Rocky and Alex, but mostly I just made private deliveries for them or Dad, rather than the actual process of dealing. I was amazed at some of the places that I delivered to. Think of some of the most posh estates in Buckhead and you get the idea. It was during this time that Dad intoduced me to other fun substances besides tina. First, it was GBH, which I found took the edge off of the tina and made the ride a hell of a lot more fun and less harsh. Quite different than when he had given it to me with other meds to help me crash. Then, just before college started that fall, I was in Dad's dungeon playing with Jaden and Mark, as Dad, Rocky, and Alex were in Florida for the weekend. I hadn't been told why they were going, but it was't odd for Dad to take one or more of us on a trip with him, with the exception of myself, as I was still so new. Both of them were heavy into fisting, and I was still undergoing cunting training, Dad had left me in their care with explicit instructions to work my boy cunt over well. Anyhow, I had gotten cleaned out and Jason had prepped our rigs while Jaden and Mark watched porn and waited for me. Then, as I stepped out of the shower, Jason stepped in. "Whoa... what the hell are you doing?" I asked. Immediately, Jason replied that Mark had told him to clean out as well as there was only one bottom and two tops, and nobody wanted to get bored. I asked "What is the point if you can't get off?" to which he replied, "i still enjoy a good fist fucking session every now and then, and some clear juice drips out." I turned around to walk off and noticed two rigs that were heavily loaded and four that were about half, although still generously full any way you look at it. That when it dawned on me that I had never seen Jason high at all. Ever. This could be interesting I thought as put my jock on and joined the bros in the living room watching porn. Soon enough, Jason walked in and Jaden looked at me with his evil jock grin and announced, "its time to head down for some fun." With that, we all headed to the dungeon in the basement. Jason and I soon found ourselves strapped down to the fisting benches and the Crisco had been brought out. However, there was a new device hanging from the ceiling that looked sort of like an oxygen mask in an airplane. These were brought down and strapped over our faces. As mine was strapped on, I asked what it was. "Its a feeder system for poppers that I can set based on what you need so that you stay strapped up." replied Mark. Then, I looked on as Jaden and Mark took two of the smaller rigs and slammed themselves. Neither really coughed, but just got that look that they were ready for anything. Then Jaden grabbed my right arm and deftly slipped a torniquet on it , wiped the main vein on my arm with a wipe. Pulling the tip cover off of the rig, he looked at me and asked, with his eyes fixed in mine, "You ready for it, bro?" Whether or not I was , and I was, it really wouldn't have mattered at this point. With that, the rig was in, registered and dumped almost before I could think about it. Suddenly, my ears were ringing and my boy cunt felt empty. Jaden knew exactly what to do. He slowly started working his had into me, and almost unbelievably less than 15 minutes later he was in me. I looked over and saw Mark giving Jason about as much pleasure as a nutless wonder could have. Suddenly, just as Jaden had gotten into me, and only just past the hand, he stopped. "I have a surprise for ya, lil bro." Oh shit... surprises around here come in many forms, both good and bad. He went over and grabbed a mirror with several white lines cut on top of it. Cocaine? Why would I want that? I had just slammed a .25 less than half an hour ago. Jaden walked up to me, "This is K--ketamine. Its a tranquilizer and if you like G, you will love this. I am gonna hold the straw for ya and I want you to breathe in as hard as you can." With that, one of the fat lines disappearred. I didn't really feel much at first, but them, bam... pure bliss. I my state of pure bliss I hadn't noticed that Jaden had grabbed one of the other two rigs that were still left, the ones that had a ton in them. Jaden took my arm down, looked me in the eyes and said, "This is gonna be the grand finale of your cunting tonight. Dad told us to finish it for him since he had to be out of town. After tonight, when you have your full body orgasm, you will never want to play with that boy clit again, unless you have to to knock up a neg cunt." I just looked at him, totally in a k hole state, and nodded. Not that he cared whether I agreed or not, but I was so fucked up that I would have nodded at anything he said. It was about all I could muster. Then, without warning, I felt a jab in my arm again. "You're really gonna feel this, bro. Its a .75, which is more than I have ever done. None of what he said really registered. I was just sort of there, and sort of not there. Suddenly, I felt a tightness in my chest and a cough like all of my lungs were coming out. "Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck" was all I could manage to say. Then, I smelled the poppers. In the minute that I had been rushing, Jaden had recuffed my arm in place, turned the poppers mask on lightly, and was back in position with his arm elbow deep in me. I was in pure bliss. This went on for some time, how long I'm not sure as time has a tendency to be warped during these sessions. But he was straight up punch fucking me, and quite hard. Unlike anything I had done with Dad or any brothers before. Then, suddenly I smelled the poppers get much stronger and that familiar burning sensation in my boy cunt. I had no idea what he had planned at this point. About that time, I felt more pressure on my boycunt. That was when I realized that he was going in with both hands. Jaden worked my boy hole for a bit and then stopped. He came up to me and took the mask off and presented me with another line of K. I eagerly partook, and soon enough the mask was back on delivering copious amounts of amyl and oxygen. It didnt take long for him to pop his second hand in, and within minutes, he had put so much pressure on what I call my "boy button" that I was in a full body orgasm, that according to Jaden, lasted for nearly half an hour. As good as that felt, hell everybody ought to cum that way. As I slowly came out of the climax of my life, two things hit me. First, he was way deeper than my prostate, so that orgasm came from somewhere else totally, and second, Jason was in the throes of a similar climax as well. I just laid back in shock. Jaden looked at me, "Time that you finally returned, bro." I asked him, Was I like that?" pointing to Jason. "Yeh, but about three times as intense." I looked down and my jock was covered in cum, pre cum, piss, and sweat. Jaden and Mark swapped off for the night, and we had more fun, but nothing like that first full body orgasm. We ended the night with the biggest plug Dad had shoved in me, and then it was off to shower and get ready for the week ahead, when I would have to register for classes. That week, I went to Tech and registered for classes and Jaden, Mark, and myself went for lunch at the Varsity. Dad still wasn't back, so I was hanging with Jaden and Mark as I didn't really want to be by myself the whole time. When I was in line registering for classes, I met this hot fucker named Eric. He was about 6' and 175 with pure ginger hair and a skoal ring in his back pocket. We struck up a conversation and hit it off immediately, having come from similar backgrounds. I left out a few key details about my personal life that he didn't need to know just yet. I was on the prowl for another bro. Eric was toatlly straight, or so he claimed, but I was betting some boy medicine would turn him into the cock hungry monster I knew he could become. We swapped numbers before leaving so that we could stay in touch, although since he would be staying on campus, it wouldn't be that hard to find him. A few days went by and were at the last weeknd of summer. Classes were going to start on Monday, and I get a phone call from Eric. It seems that his girlfriend had dumped him and he was looking for something to do. So, being the great guy that I am, I agreed to hang out with him on Saturday night. I told Jaden and Mark about him, and they agreed to go along as back up if needed. Saturday rolled around, and I picked up Eric to head out to Stone Mountain to some redneck pool halls I knew about out there that didn't ask for ID. We pulled in the parking lot and got out. He missed that I was checking his ass out the whole time we were headed to the door. Jaden and Mark were already there, mostly just for safety. We grabbed some beers and he commented on how he would "like to get his dick wet" when he was watching some bar hag. He got up to go to the restroom after our fourth or fifth beer, and when he returned I had shots of whisky for us. Little did he know that his had enough rophenyl in his to take out a small village. It didn't take long and he was slurring and stammering. I got him to the truck and took him home, where the drug slowly wore off. I asked him as he came to if, " ya want something to make ya feel better and more awake? That shot must have put ya over the edge there." "Sure" he replied as I went to the apartment kitchen and grabbed a pill that had been filled with tina. He popped two of them and in about half an hour he was damn near euphoric and so talkative it was almost annoying. "You want a join, Eric?" I asked. "Hell yeh" was the quick reply. Little did he know that it was laced with t as well. Pretty soon, macho stud hetero boy was all but trying to get in my pants. I couldn't let him down there yet as I was still locked and had no key. Plus, I didnt want to scare him. "There is plenty more where that came from, buddy" I told him as we left to get him back to his dorm room. We mase plans to hang out the next weekend, when I was hoping Dad would be back, along with Alex and Rocky. On that Tuesday, the second day of classes, I returned to the apartment to find Alex, but no Rocky. "He is at Dad's recovering" Alex said. Concerned, I asked, "What the fuck happened?" Alex replied that Rocky had not been doing well in his cunting and that Dad had taken him to a surgeon to get the issue fixed. "Fixed??? What the fuck do you mean by that?" I asked. Alex replied, " he had a minor procedure, nothing too major to help him be a better bottom. That is all I am allowed to say right now." Part 5: Rocky explained, Eric meets Dad and Cheyenne's BrothersCheyennes Tattoo
    2 points
  21. PART 11 We lay for a bit more before Cy very, very slowly began pulling his cock out of my ass. When free, Cy lay beside me as I stayed on my stomach but turned my head to face him. We looked at each other. I was the luckiest 19 year old that ever lived. In less than a day of moving into my new studio, I had met a hot hunk of a man who was so totally honest with me, and I was convinced that he genuinely really liked and cared for me. I suddenly remembered myself and in a flash rushed down to Cy’s cock and bathed it clean before returning to lie on my stomach. “I have to go, babe. I need to stop by my place to take care of a couple of things before going to work tonight. I’m on tonight from 9:00 until 5:00. You will be coming back, I hope,” Cy said. “If you’re working, what’s the point of my being there? I don’t want to be possessive but you’ve spoiled me,” I chuckled lightly giving Cy a longing look I had not intended. “Oh, well, when you’re the manager, perks come with the job,” he grinned his toothy white smile at me as his eyes twinkled. “Besides, you need to experiment with other men. Not just any man though. Just special men like me who are positive about life. Special men who can teach you things about taking control of your life and turning it into a positive one where you can charge out into the world and change men in it.” Our eyes met, and I felt as if I were being hypnotized. “Of course, babe, you are so very special to me; you know I would never abandon you,” Cy whispered dreamily. “But, you should be willing to learn from other men I know who have their own special . . . talent . . . to teach you. Would you want to do that, babe? Would you want to do that for me, Jason? You know I wouldn’t suggest it unless it really meant a lot to me.” Cy said the last so very slow as he lowered his head averting his eyes from me. Again, I felt drugged and horrid for almost outright defying the man who had spent so much time teaching me and taking me under his wing for protection and safety. I was so crestfallen with myself at my selfishness. “Cy, you know I will be there if you want me there. I always want to do what you want me to do. No, I will do whatever you tell me. You mean so much to me and have been so good to me I will never be able to repay you,” I said eagerly needing his approval. That narcotic loaded smile beamed at me as Cy raised his head. He reached over and kissed me so tenderly and long using his hands to pull our two bodies together in an embrace of passion. My brain now screamed at me to slow down, but my emotions brushed them aside like trash. I would do whatever Cy told me to do. I reminded myself not to question him. He was safe. Cy slowly pulled away, looked deeply into my eyes, and then began to get off the bed. I followed. He stretched and headed to the bath room stopping. He turned back grinning like a Cheshire cat. I looked at him and saw a god. I was missing him already and yet he still stood here in my apartment in all his naked glory. Da Vinci should have been around to make a life-size statue of him. My head swooned. Cy continued to stand there until at long last my stupid brain awoke me to what was expected of me. I almost ran to him. I looked up at him and said nothing. I knelt obediently lifting his life-giving disbursement tube to my mouth where I stuffed it in gently closing my lips all around to seal my mouth. My hand helped to keep me steady. I turned my eyes upward and waited. Cy looked down smiling. I could see all the way to Olympus; Zeus had been replaced. There was a new main god in charge. A warm trickle of water found its way into my mouth and continued until I got my rhythm going of how to fill my mouth and swallow. I never took my eyes from Cy’s. My learning was quick and Cy began to let his flow increase. My game was upped to meet his pace. I felt overwhelmed a couple of times but kept at my duty until finally there was no more. I worshipped and cleaned Cy’s cock gently removing it easing it down until it was peacefully resting in front of his two regal orbs of manly authority. Cy pulled me up and kissed me sweetly. He then pushed me toward the bath room spanking my ass telling me to go and piss. I dutifully complied. When I returned, he was dressed and waiting by the door. “Jason, babe, are you sure you want other men to teach you things that I don’t have the ability to do,” Cy asked. “Cy, I will do whatever you tell me. I will not question you or your motives. You know how I feel about you. You’ve changed me in a major way already. I mean what I say; I won’t question or doubt you in anything you tell me to do.” He looked at me briefly and issued his orders, “Then, bathe and clean yourself extra deep. Be back at 9:30 sharp. I’ll have everything set for you. Bring your ID and apartment key. You won’t need anything else. I’ll have everything for you. Wear what you did last night and nothing more. Do you understand?” “Yes,” I said. He looked at me and smiled, kissed me squeezing my ass at the same time, and left. PART 12 I arrived precisely at 9:15. Cy looked up as he finished with a customer and waved me around the line causing some grumbling. He took my ID and key putting them in his pocket. He had a room key, 2 towels, a padlock with a key, and told me to follow him. We quickly got to room 11 and entered. Cy hugged me closely and kissed me deeply. “How’s my babe,” he asked beaming at me. “I’m doing just great, now,” I responded. “ I, uh, missed you today.” “Good. I’ve got things set for you for tonight. Remember your promise not to question what I set in motion for you. Strip and give me your clothes; keep your jock. I’ll put everything in your locker. You can do whatever you want until 10; you must be back here in this room at 10 with the door open because your first trainer tonight will be here then,” he said. I hesitated but then quickly stripped. Cy gave me a small bottle of lube and the room key, kissed me again, and was gone. I stood there wondering what was happening; then, I opened the door and walked out. I walked the floors and found two different men whom I sucked and swallowed their loads before returning to my room. I arrived about three minutes before my first trainer. He walked to the door filling it with his body. He was 6 feet, probably 180 pounds, hairy arms and legs, short hair on his head that fed down onto his face, chiselled body of muscles, and the most notable seen fact was he was a black man. He told me he was sent by Cy to train me in his specialty. He pointed to the sling; I presumed I was to get in it and did so with some difficulty since I had never been in such a contraption. While I struggled with my assignment, he closed the door and made sure the sliding window panel was closed. He set a small bag on the bed behind him, checked my position adjusting it, then, he strapped my wrists and ankles securely. I was excited, afraid, and every emotion in between. I did not question him but merely obeyed as that is what Cy wanted me to do. He turned back to the bag removing a modified respirator mask. He held it up for me to see and walked to my head placing it on me. He adjusted the straps so that it fit tight around my face. I had a clear view of everything because of the huge face piece lens. The guy took out a bottle and cotton; unscrewed the end on the tube to the mask; dipped cotton in the bottle; stuffed cotton in the tube; capped it. He laid the tube on my chest turning a valve. I smelled something and kept breathing; soon I was dizzy. I watched him turn a knob and felt fresh air. He alternated doing this as I got used to the smell. I kept getting higher and real woozy. Then, without warning, I felt a sharp jolt of pain as my ass collided with something. I looked down and found he had just rammed his cock deep in my ass. He smiled at me with such an evil grin. He knew something that I didn’t know. I tried to think of what it could be but the aroma kept my thoughts from forming. Then, the earthquake struck and everything began to shake. I looked around as my head reeled from the aroma that kept being fed to me. I would about pass out and then just before I did I could breathe fresh air once more. All the while the tremors of the earthquake rattled everything in the room. In reality, my trainer was fucking me with his 9 inch black cock and making sure he buried it deep inside me. He kept fucking even when he saw the telltale signs of blood on his cock from where he had used the brush Cy had given him to use. I began to lay my head back totally unconcerned and smiled at how I was feeling both my head and my ass. I wasn’t filled like I was with Cy but this man was shredding any possible last vestiges of my virginity. I realized this was what Cy wanted for me to learn and experience. How I longed for him but pushed him out of my mind and focused on this black man who was tearing me up. I began to encourage him through my fog. I yelled for him to fuck me harder and deeper. I tried to push my ass back onto his cock with very little success. My air and odor concentration continued to alternate keeping me messed up. I loved it. Still, I screamed for him to fuck me more. Peace. Tranquillity. Stillness. Serenity. I was jolted back to reality by the sudden and rapid cessation of my earthquake. I struggled but finally focused on the man who was fucking me. He stood between my legs in sheer rapture as his cock delivered his nut butter deep inside me. I watched him as no doubt millions and millions of his wriggling sperm gushed out of his piss slit and into my body. My brain seized on the thought and flooded me with endorphins. I felt my cock rising up; I looked down at it. From the deepest of my depths, there came a gush of my own seed that flew up and out of my cock spraying like Ol’ Faithful in Yellowstone. I screamed as my geyser continued to coat the room causing the cock in my ass to begin a second flooding because of my flexing sphincter. When it all was finally over, the two of us looked as if we had just exited the steam room and were totally exhausted.
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  22. PART 9 We left the room. I followed Cy back to the entry counter. I looked at the clock and discovered I had less than half an hour left of my eight hours. I was shocked at how long Cy and I had been fucking. Cy asked the clerk who had been covering for him if there was anything he needed to deal with and was told no. Cy came back to my room with me where we stood inside my room holding each other until he told me to pack my things; I should go home. I knew I would and got dressed. Outside the bath house, we hailed a cab and soon were in my studio apartment. I immediately got the money I was short at the bath house and offered it to Cy. He laughed and told me he had more than been paid back. It took a quick second to realize what he was referring to, and I deeply blushed and laughed. He helped me open my Murphy bed. I closed the blinds and draperies tightly as Cy stripped. I followed suit, and we both climbed in bed where Cy held me tightly and kissed me repeatedly. Then, he rolled me up on all fours, got behind me, and without any lube began to probe my ass with his tumescent uncut cock. “Oh, Cy, we’re going to need some lube,” I said and winced. “Naw. This is part of the treatment, babe. Lube should be created naturally. Besides, there should be at least a little of that last cum load of mine still in you. But, yeah, this time around Jason there will be some pain. Your ass has dried up from the lube I used. I guess you didn’t figure out I used a numbing agent to make things go easy for you the first time. Babe, I promise if it becomes too painful, I will stop. I mean totally stop . . . if you want me to. I mean that,” he cooed at me soothing my nerves. “You mean so much to me, and I feel so close to you. You are very special to me, babe. I have such positive thoughts about you . . . us . . . now.” I heard his words as they fed me a dose of self confidence and pride at having done all that I had done. I felt such a bond with Cy. He made me feel safe and secure. Still, I weighed his words especially the new information regarding a numbing agent. No wonder I had not felt any pain. I had been prepped. Then, I remembered he had spread lube around deep inside me which must have contained the numbing agent. He is so considerate and caring. How had he remained single with him being so hot? I could not believe that I was so lucky. I finally turned my head around to him and conceded, “Okay. You know what you’re doing. I trust you. If I doubt you ever again, tape my mouth closed.” “Babe, you are in the hands of a man who knows exactly what he is doing to you. You can be positive about that; I know I’m positive,” he said. “But, just to keep you in the know, this time will hurt a lot more because I’m not using lube. You have to work with me and trust me that you can work through the pain. And, once it’s over, it’s over. I’ll fuck you good and fill your ass once more with some more of that good protein rich special enhanced gravy of mine. Your ass does love eating my gravy. You love the idea of your ass eating my gravy, don’t you, babe?” “You bet I do. I’m positive I want you to fuck me and flood me with your special enhanced protein gravy. I feel like I belong to you now,” I confessed. “Oh, babe, just for that, I’ll give you a little starter lick so you’ll have at least a little spit to ease me inside you,” Cy admitted. He crept backwards and lowered his face to my ass and began eating my hole driving me wild as he wetted the area. He soon returned behind me and began to push inward. My world became surreal once more. The pressure mounted as did the pain level, then, Cy’s titan hooded joystick popped through my sphincter. I did cry out rising upright pushing my back against his chest. Cy wrapped his arms around me holding me tight as I clamped my mouth together whining and screaming in my throat. He held me tight to keep me impaled as I struggled. Time passed and the pain eased to nothing; I resumed my 4-stance. I commanded my brain to obey and ignore the pain that was coming and my ass to open up and let Cy inside. Much as he had done the first time, Cy jerked himself an inch or two at a time creating another wave of pain which I fought off until at last once more I was filled with the heavenly full feeling of Cy’s majestic 10 ½ inch cock inserted in my ass. This time though he did not wait for me to accommodate him but went right to full length body-jarring piston strokes in and out scraping my insides raw as he re-opened some of his cuts and abrasions which coated his turgid one-eyed trouser snake. He rammed inward harder it seemed to me than he had before, but I didn’t care. This was Cy; I accepted his fucking no matter how I felt. I belonged to him, and my ass did, too. Cy fucked me a long time. I know it was a long time because I knew what time it was when we got to my place. It was now almost an hour and a half after that. He had been fucking me for over forty-five minutes now, and I was in synch with him as I counter fucked down his shaft as he thrust forward. I matched his violent forward thrust into my ass with an equal violent backward thrust onto his cock. I needed his cum load in me where it belonged. He wanted his cum in me as well. We worked to reach that end. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,” Cy screamed in his throat as he again flooded my ass with his globs of ball nectar. I felt each salvo again as it flew through his cock slathering every part of my gut. He pumped and pumped and pumped it felt like gallons into me until at last the pumping ebbed to a dribble. He eased us down onto the mattress where he rested a long time before slowly pulling himself out of my ass. I felt so alone and empty. PART 10 “You stay there; don’t move,” I heard him command. He slipped off the bed and went over to his clothes retrieving something from a bag. I watched carefully as he rubbed something on the item. He returned to the bed and held out to me what looked like a big wedge of something. “This is a butt plug for you. I can’t keep using my cock as one, and you know how I feel about your losing my cum. Pull your ass cheeks open,” he said. Without hesitating, I complied. I felt the tip touch my hole. I could tell there was lube on the butt plug as I felt Cy smearing it around the area. I dismissed as irrelevant the fact that he had lube but didn’t use it with me. Cy had already explained why. I would not question him. He knew what was best for me. Still . . . “Take a deep breath; let it out; another in; out; in; out; in; let about half out and hold it,” Cy said flatly. I obeyed. He shoved inward and twisted the butt plug until the entire mass was seated. I jerked violently but held my cheeks open and choked off all sounds. “There. Now, we have you all set for that latest load to stay in you. You do want to keep my loads, don’t you, babe? It means so much to me,” Cy almost whimpered. “Cy, I’ll take all the cum loads you give me and will never get rid of them if that is what you want,” I said sincerely as I turned around now to look at him. Even though I had tried to make the room as dark as I could there still was light coming in allowing me to see this wonderful kind man. My eyes dropped once more to his cock which now was covered in even more blood. My eyes quickly snapped upward questioningly to him. “Babe, I want to fill that beautiful wonderful ass of yours all the time . . . and will every chance I get. Don’t worry about the blood. You’re okay. You know you can trust me. I’d tell you if anything was wrong wouldn’t I?” Cy asked in such a sincere and soothing voice touching me gently as he spoke. We looked at each other, and then he leaned in and kissed me deeply. We pulled apart, and Cy lay down on his back. “Since it bothers you so much, babe, why not do something about it? Why don’t you go down and clean off my cock?” I looked at Cy then his bloody cock and back to Cy. My mind was blank. Was he serious? I hesitated only for the briefest of time before moving between his legs and devouring as much of his cock as I could. My tongue and mouth laboured on cleaning the dry and drying blood off his cock. My Cy was going to be clean again soon; I would see to that; it was my job. Soon, no trace was left of any blood. He smiled at me and motioned me to join him which I did. We got beneath a cover, and I snuggled into him as he wrapped his protective left arm around me. We slept for hours. I felt a movement and opened my eyes finding Cy slipping his arm out from beneath me. He got out of bed and strode to the bathroom where I could hear a strong stream of piss landing in the toilet. I got out of bed and followed him standing near him until he finished. He turned to leave, but I blocked his way by kneeling in front of him. I looked up, picked up his lazing colossus, and stuffed it in my mouth tonguing it and especially the piss slit. I made sure there was no remnant of any piss. I released his tube steak and stood. He kissed me and went back to bed. I urinated, flushed, and returned to bed also. It was 2:14. Cy told me he needed to get something to eat. We got dressed and went out to a place he knew that wasn’t too far. We got back about 4:00. Cy had me to go with the butt plug still in my ass—just to be sure I didn’t leak. When we got back we climbed on the bed and began making out with great long deep kisses. Soon, Cy had me in my 4-stance and slowly pulled out the plug tossing it on the foot of the bed. He pushed his limp cock in my ass inching it inward slowly. The more he got in me the harder he got until once more he was at full attention. Cy rode my ass harder than ever. I revelled in the feeling of his giant phallus taking command of my ass. We continued fucking at what had become a standard almost violent scene to which I gave full consent. He fucked me for over a half an hour before he cried out and filled me with another of his wonderful cum loads which seemed to go on forever. We eased down onto the mattress as usual with him remaining inside me. We lay there recuperating when in the midst of our rest time a warm feeling spread throughout going deeper and deeper in me. I lay there and said nothing until it dawned on me that Cy was using me as a urinal. Now, I loved his piss, too.
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  23. PART 7 I was in a narcotic state of mind feeding on the so full sensation that I was having with Cy’s giant cock speared inside me. “Yes, I need you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me . . . now.” “Babe, you want me to fuck you now? Right now?” I heard Cy quickly ask. “Yes. Fuck me now,” I repeated with my head spinning full of cobwebs and conflicts. I was in a turmoil but couldn’t let Cy change his mind just for a condom. Cy began to ease his swollen delivery tube further inside me. He was in no rush so that he would not shake me out of my now blissful trance. At intervals along the way to total impalement, I felt sharp pain causing me to moan loudly halting his movement. He allowed enough time for me to adjust to the discomfort before moving once more. In the interim of time which was not long, Cy found his 10 ½ inch uncut cock fully encased by my ass. My pheromones were wild! I felt Cy’s hooded massive bratwurst begin to slide from me. No more than 3 inches had been removed when I began feeling nakedly empty and began to whimper opening my eyes and raising my head. Still more of the colossus slid out of me. I whimpered plaintively trying to push back onto the receding cock. Cy would have none of it using his hands on my hips to keep me in check. My ass felt his oversized stopper of a mushroom head snuggle up to the inside of my entry hole halting Cy’s retreat. I was almost in a frenzy by now at the vacant sensation. My whines were seemingly ignored as Cy withheld himself from me driving up the demand in my brain. He knew how to create a deep need to be occupied feeling in young men such as me. When my benefactor was ready, he began once more filling the void that he had created. Slowly at a snail’s pace I felt Cy’s monster sausage re-entering my ass. Gone were the thoughts of a condom as he slid his raw now pinkish coloured boner inside me. As he did, the pricks and slices that he had created with his brush oozed with my blood coating his manhood. Minutes passed before once more I felt that filled sensation from all of him being inside me. I became sedated. As we were conjoined via his tube, Cy flexed his cock to even greater girth causing me to verbally groan loudly with contentment. Cy had to know the effect he had on men. He was an expert, and I gave thanks for having met him. All too soon, though, Cy began his withdrawal once more as I protested by using my sphincter as a trap. I clamped down hard but could not overcome his power. He continued his egress stopping as he had before. He waited until my begging finally got the better of him, and he returned inside my ass pushing his jumbo middle leg deep. I do not remember how many times Cy teased me in this fashion but I knew that time was passing. Each time when he was barely in my ass I would whine, whimper, plangent, and bemoan my emptiness only to be delayed on his return inside me until he was ready to satisfy my sexual hunger and yearning. This was all about his making me addicted to his powerful thrusting super piston. Indeed, by the time this night was over, I would be a wreck in more ways than one. And, then, my hunger began to be fed in earnest. Cy became more generous with his powerful sex piston. He began feeding a steady and consistent diet to my ass by not stopping on his inward or outward strokes. He himself began moaning and told me how grateful he was to be allowed to do this for me. He praised how my ass felt and lamented not having met me sooner as he slowly increased his tempo of fucking. His words were heard but my brain was concentrating on the physical sensation I was feeling as the blockbuster uncut cock began to ravage my bleeding insides. Still, there was the nagging issue of no condom which grew less with each in and out stroke of his god phallus. More and more Cy revved up his powerful sex engine until soon he was punching inside me jarring my body with ever increasing pelvic slams as he kissed me again and again. Minutes passed as my joy quickened at feeling his gut wrenching prick pulverizing me. His hands now tightly held me for a greater purpose. On and on I felt his cock perform a blitzkrieg attack on me until I was finally knocked back to reality on the battering slams I felt as Cy with a single purpose fucked my ass. Still, he carried on his assault until I thought I could stand it no longer. I rose upward off the bed and grabbed a handful of the sheets beneath me digging in my knees and hands. Were it my head being so struck a concussion no doubt would have occurred. With all the grit and determination I could muster I squeezed my sphincter as hard as I could clamping down on Cy’s cock as I pitched myself backwards as he barrelled forward. Once, twice, three times I met his forward thrust with my rearward thrust. Four, five, six, seven more times we collided in magnificent coupling. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Cy screamed then bit my neck as he battered his way deep inside me stopping as the ball nectar flowed so freely and abundantly from his piss slit flooding my insides like a tsunami. PART 8 Cy continued to unleash more of his cum into my ass as he held his magnificent breeding tool deep inside me. Each salvo created another heavy wave of his ball honey that flew through his blood engorged love shaft filling more of my intestine. The thick coating of DNA reached several of the cuts and openings that Cy had made with his brush. Infrequently but consistently, Cy would pull backwards on his toxic waste delivery system so that some of his poison swimmers would be spilled into unfettered areas then once more push forward smearing his juice waste into the open cuts assuring their absorption by his blood covered dispenser. He knew how to be as effective as he could. Some info he had surmised based on what he had learned from the medical community. He much later taught me his techniques and perfected skills. My education would be complete in many ways but this education came without a degree. All I cared about at this very moment was how he made me feel as he poured millions and millions of his man milk into my ass. I was sweating, gasping for air, trembling, and feeling as if I had won a billion dollar lottery. I was elated beyond description. Cy carefully slid us down onto the mattress where he lay on top of me covering me; I felt to be in such a protective position. He nuzzled my neck as he soothingly murmured into my ear, “Oh, Jason, you are so special. You were great; I can’t believe that you have never been fucked before because of how well you took me. I am positive . . . that this is the best fuck I have ever had. You are so special to me letting me pop your man cherry. I want so much to fuck you again and again and fill you full of my love juices. You do want me to fuck you again, don’t you Jason? Do you want me to positively fill you many times with my cum, baby?” He accentuated each of his lines with licking my neck or ear. I had never felt so complete, excited, sexually aroused, whole or wanted and was undoubtedly filled to an overflowing measure with addictive lust for this man. In the recesses of my mind, I knew what we had done was wrong; oh, so very wrong. I didn’t care. This was Cy. He had made everything so clear. He had explained everything to me. It was sensible. He was so sure of himself. Everything that he told me had been true. I gathered my thoughts. “Cy, I never imagined I could feel like this. You have been so good to me. If it were any other man but you, I would never have let him fuck me without a condom. You have been so truthful to me explaining everything. I am so grateful you are the man, who popped my cherry and took my virginity from me, no, I gave it to you willingly. You feel so good inside me. I want you to fuck me as much as you will and will never ask you to use a condom. I know I can trust you. You have had such a positive influence on me,” I whispered back to him. “Oh, baby doll, you have no idea, Jason, how much you mean to me. I want to breed you all day long and fill you full of my nut juices. And, I want you to promise me always that when I do you will always lay on your stomach afterwards so that all of my cum will drain as far inside you as possible. That way there is less chance that any of it will slip out of you. I want us to be so very connected and joined together. Right now I feel as if I’m in a holy place and want to worship you for what you have given me tonight,” he cooed into my ear. “I have such positive thoughts about you and me right now. Oh, such wonderful . . . thoughts . . . and all so very positive.” Cy’s words wooed me into such a sense of loyalty and dependence. I knew he would be in my life forever. I took such comfort and felt so safe. We lay there for a long time just basking in the afterglow of such a glorious sexual mating. No doubt the actual deed that Cy had intended had been done. Still, I was content and ready for more. Soon, I felt an awakening inside me as Cy’s anal impaler began to stir stretching itself once more to its former great size. We both began to follow the lead given us by his monster. Our path was much the same only this time we lay on the bed. This time Cy took a long time finishing our coupling ritual and filling me again with a huge load of his cum but he did. There was more pain this time as the numbing agent had worn away I figured out later. I was determined though not to make any utterance of discomfort. In fact, by the time Cy was spraying his second load of toxic waste inside me, I was revelling in how the pain felt. It acted as if an aphrodisiac to me. What my brain told me was I needed Cy to fuck me and fill me with his wonderful jism. When we finally separated and sat back against the wall on the bed, I was stunned and shocked to see that Cy’s cock was smeared with red streaks. I looked panic stricken at him. He wrapped his safe arms around me and assured me that everything was okay—I was okay. That any time a cherry gets popped, there is a little blood. He told me soothingly to trust him. I did.
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  24. Chapter Six The cab stopped suddenly. I tried to pull myself up, but the weakness was even greater. The driver got out, opened the back door and dragged me to a sitting position with my feet on the ground outside the cab. He grabbed the back of my shorts, quickly pulling me to a standing position then throwing me over one of his shoulders. We moved to the front door, knocking to gain access to the small area just inside. Greeting us was the muscled man that was there during my first visit. “In the middle of mutation” was all I could make out with what was being said. The driver moved me to one of the shoulders of the muscled man, still in his brown robes as before. My arms hung low against his ass. I mustered some strength to squeeze his ass checks, causing him to grunt. The driver exited, the door was closed and locked. I was carried into the building, then up some stairs. I tried to remember if I had been this way before but my mind was in a fog. We went though another door at the top of the stairs. Once there I was put down, to try to stand on my own, still to weak my legs buckled and was quickly caught by my muscled escort. The room was actually a bar on one side and the other had small cubicles with curtains. Behind the bar was another roided muscle man, but not dressed in a robe, he was in a leather harness. On each shoulder was a metal ring with three straps of leather, one connected to a ring on his mid-chest, one to a ring in the middle of his back, and another that went to a ring that was in an arm band circling his massive biceps. The ring in the middle of his chest and back then had a strap that went to a ring on a waist band. There was two other rings that were connected to straps off the middle ring. These other rings connect to rings on thigh bands. Off the middle waist band ring was a strap that connect to his cock ring. The cock ring was so tight that it pumped up his uncut cock, filling it with blood giving it a purplish hue. The bar keep helped me over to a stool in front of the bar, picked me up and dropped my ass on the cushioned top. He held me there until I recovered slightly and was able to hold myself up with the help of the bar. “Wait here for your Priest” the robed man from the front door told me. “You look like you need a bit of the hair of the dog!” the bar keep said, turning grabbing a shot glass. I stared at his ass as he worked behind the bar. Completing his task he turned back around with the shot glass, sitting it on the bar. The shot glass was filled with a milky like liquid. Without thinking I swallowed the entire shot glass. It was cum - damn. I forcefully dropped the shot glass back on the bar, as if I was signaling to the bartender I wanted another. This time the bartender grabbed a beer mug and held it under his cock. Taking aim, he started to piss into the mug. I watch attentively as the hot piss filled the mug, creating a small amount of foam on top. Once filled he said it in front of me on the bar. “Drink up while it’s hot” he said. Instinctively I grabbed the handle, brining the mug to my mouth and chugged. I didn’t stop until the mug was empty. Slamming it back on the bar top. I felt the warmth move from my stomach to my chest then arms. I felt somewhat better, as if his piss was some sort of magic elixir. The Priest entered the bar shortly after. By the way the robe was filled out he was not the one that guided me during my last visit. “You are over dressed. Please remove your clothes and entrust them to the bar keep.” he said and I obeyed. Once naked, the Priest led me to one of the curtain off areas on the other side of the bar. We stepped in once the curtain was pulled aside for me. Inside was another stool, yet in the middle was a hole with the head of a dildo slightly sticking out. Very realistic dildo, since it had a piss slit in it. I could not see how big it was since the rest was hidden inside the stool. On the wall in front was a small screen, which right now was dark. On each side of the screen was two openings, almost like glory holes, but more the size of a fist. “Please take a seat, then insert your hands into the holes. Inside you will find a rod - grasp it” instructed the Priest and I did as I was told. Now seated and holding on tight, the Priest pulled open my ass checks, exposing my hole to the head of the dildo. Inside the hole something slid down, locking my hands inside. “Your body is reconciling the virus at a cellular level and in order to maximize the effects of the virus - we must feed the virus.” I heard some clicks and whirls, then pressure on my hole as the dildo rose out of the stool. The pressure continued to build until the dildo painfully slid into my dry hole. My hole felt as if it was being pulled outside in. The Priest put his hands on my shoulders and pushed down causing my ass to slide down the dildo more and keeping my ass on the stool. With a click the dildo changed direction and began to slowly pull out of my hole. This movement was repeated over and over. The dryness soon began to ease off as my hole became slick, ass juice was beginning to flow and make the fake dick in my ass wet. Pain soon became pleasure as the slick rubber dick slid in and out of my ass. My cock grew hard between my legs, slowly leaking a stream of pre-cum. As the thrusting quickened, I throw my head back in pleasure, until the dildo pushed deep in my hole. A warmth filled my inside as the dildo slowly pulled out of my hole. I lowered my head just to see the screen light up with the following words Load #1: HIV Positive, Viral Load 10,549 With a click, the dildo rose and started to slid into my hole. The muscles of my hole gave way allowing it to fully enter, the cum load in me help it penetrate completely. Pumping in and out the dildo slid with ease. Faster and faster, causing more pre-cum to leak from my cock’s piss slit. The veiny ridges on the dildo rubbed against my prostate adding to the pleasure. The pace of the fucking was like a jack rabbit, sometimes barely moving, just pulsing, until a warmth flooded my inside again. Load #2: HIV Positive, Viral Load 145,900 The Priest was still standing behind me, hand holding my shoulders holding me down, as the machine clicked again and the dildo slid back up inside my hole, which was growing more and more sensitive. The constant moving in and out of my hole was electrifying to every nerve. This time the speed was slower allowing me to feel every inch, every detail in this fake cock. My own cock throbbed for attention, for release. Pre-cum pumped out with every thrust in of the dildo, creating a thread of pre-cum that was almost to the floor. Minutes pasts, until the dildo push all the way in. The warmth increase inside. Load #3: HIV Positive, Viral Load 559,000 “We are feeding the virus, my neophyte. We must secure the success of conversion” For the fourth time, clicks signaled the rise of the dildo out of the stool, sliding with ease into my hole. Each time it enters, I feel less and less resistance from the muscles. The pace of this fuck was steady, but with more force. The dildo would slide out at a easy pace, but would slam back in deep with each thrust in. The first time, I raised slightly off the stool, only to be pushed down by the hands of the Priest and then held in place with more force. I bit my bottom lip to take my mind off the roughness of the fucking. Time in my mind, during the first three fucks went quickly, but this fuck seemed to last longer. I could feel a wetness between me and the stool, imagining it was just some of the loads leaking out, but feared it was mixed with blood. The dildo thrusted in deep, releasing it’s warmth. Load #4: HIV Positive, Viral Load 1,450,690 My back ached from being upright, my abs burned from keeping me upright, and my cock throbbed wanting to be stroked. I waited for more clicking to signal more fucking, but only heard a soft humming sound. “Relax, my neophyte. In order to increase the strain, we must change the delivery vehicle. Focus, breath and relax for there is pleasure in pain.” The humming returned, accompanied by a vibration, then silence. Within seconds the dreaded clicks. I closed my eyes as I felt my hole being stretched open further then it has ever been. Nerves sent shock waves of pain through my body causing me to try and pull off, only to have the Priest push me back down onto the new dildo. My hole felt as if it was ripping apart, as the new dildo slide further and fast inside. Once the dildo met resistance, it pulsed a few times then started to thrust in and out. The pain was intense, yet my cock throbbed and bounced with each thrust. The pre-cum flowed more like piss out of my piss slit, reaching the floor and pooling. The pain increased as the massive girth of the dildo kept my hole open, allowing it to move quickly in and out. It pushed in deep, held that depth as I felt it flood my inside, but not with warmth but with a hotness. Load #5: AIDS The dildo quickly started moving again, pumping in and out this time at even a quicker pace. My hole ached as the slick fake thick dick moved in and out. Pain continued. I tried to pull my hands free, but my grip would not release, the Priest increased his pressure on my shoulders as he felt me trying to free myself. I screamed as the dildo, pulled out completely, then slammed all the way into my hole over and over. I could hear someone outside the curtain laugh, imagining that it was the bar keep. My legs kicked the wall in front of me, from the assault on my hole, my cock jumped and shot a load that splattered against the wall in front of me. I shivered from my climax, which squeezed the muscles around my hole, sending more pain through my body, and yet the dildo’s invasion continued. My breathing increased, as I pushed with my feet against the wall in front only to meet the body of the Priest behind me pushing back, keeping me right were I was. The massive dildo pushed completely in, adding more heat to my insides. Load #6: AIDS “It is done my neophyte. The virus has been fed.” I felt the dildo slowly retreat from my hole, leaving me feeling empty. The restraint on my hands released allowing me to pull free. I stood, turning to see what was on the stool, only to find a reddish liquid surrounding the opening for the dildo. The curtain was opened, exposing me to the rest of the bar, only to be met with a small applause from the bar keep. The Priest grabbed my arm and escorted me out of the bar area and into a hall. At the end of the hall was a black door with a biohazard symbol in red, under it was a name plate: “Dr. Serpent - Undesirable of Society” The Priest knocked and waited. From inside a deep voice responded. “Enter”
    2 points
  25. Daddy Max had an astonished look on his face as he watched Alex fight to not cum. He gently reached over and took Alex’s face in both his hands, looked him in the eye, and said, “Does the fact that I’m poz and want to fuck you turn you on that much?” A shudder went through Alex and he moaned loudly, “You have NO idea! I’ve thought about it off and on, and just tonight had decided to give in and start trying to get converted. And now you’re here, wanting to fuck me, and telling me you’re poz. It’s like a fucking dream come true!” “Well my stud boy, let’s work on making that dream a reality.” Daddy Max got up and helped Alex off the bunk. He led him to the sling and helped him get settled in it. With a devilish grin, he put the ankle and wrist restraints on him. “If we’re going to do this, we might as well do it right.” After he got Alex secured, he said, “You must be thirsty. I’ve got some bottled water here if you’d like some. And I have some with a little something that would make tonight so much better for you, if you’re interested.” “Are you talking GHB or something stronger?” he asked cautiously. Daddy Max leaned in close to Alex with a tender look on his face. “I would never lie to you or do anything to hurt you. I wasn’t kidding when I said earlier that you might just be a keeper. I definitely want to talk more about that after tonight. But I do want us, especially you, to have fun tonight. It’s up to you if you want some enhancement or not.” “What the hell, why not!” Alex exclaimed. Since his hands were restrained, Daddy Max tipped the water bottle so he could get a good drink of the prepared water. He had never done GHB before, but knew all about it. He swallowed a good portion of the water and settled back in the sling. His new daddy started running his hands all over Alex’s chest and stomach, pinching his nipples. He leaned in and kissed him and then went over to a locker to get a few things. He brought back some lube, a good sized toy, and a hand towel. Then he got down on his knees so his face was even with Alex’s ass and started giving him some return treatment. Daddy Max started running his tongue up and down the spread wide ass crack. Then he zeroed in on the asshole and started tongue fucking it. Alex moaned. It wasn’t long before Max got a taste of the load that was already in Alex’s cunt. He sucked some of the load out and went and kissed Alex, sharing it with him. “Was that poz cum?” he asked. Alex nodded with a silly grin on his face. The GHB was starting to take effect and he was feeling a little loopy. Max patted him on his cheek, “Good boy!”. He went back to his ass and lubed up a few of his fingers. He put one in and started feeling around, getting him lubed up. I inserted 2 fingers easily enough and started stretching his hole. He also hooked his fingers and used his nails to scrape a few times while he was fucking in and out with them. “Even in his drugged condition, Alex reacted at that, “OW!”. “Just making it a little easier for you tonight,” Max explained. He was still fucking his 2 fingers in and out and Alex’s pain turned to pure pleasure. He then added a 3rd finger and went back to stretching as he fucked them in and out. “Oh fuck, yes, finger that ass,” Alex begged him. “ I want that thick daddy cock inside me.” “Almost there, stud, just hold on.” He could tell the drug was working on him so he added a 4th finger to make sure he was good and open. When he finally pulled his fingers ou, there were some pink areas, so he knew he’d scraped him enough to make him bleed. His new stud was going to get his wish tonight. Max lubed up the toy and put the head up to the stretched out hole. It sank in pretty quickly. It wasn’t quite as big as his 8.5X7 cock, but it was good enough sized to make sure he was ready for what came next. “OH GOD, YEAH!!!” Alex cried out. “Fuck me with that thing!”. He was obviously enjoying the toy, so Max started a good in and out rhythm, going all the way in every time. “You like that toy in you, don’t you?” he asked. Alex purred, ”Oh fuck yeah. Can’t wait til I have you inside me, though Daddy Max!”. Max picked up the pace a little with the toy and used it for a few more minutes. He pulled it out, stood up, and started lubing his thick cock up. “Get ready boy, here comes the real thing.” “Oh fuck yes, Daddy, please fuck me with your poz cock!!!” Max put the head of his cock up to the younger stud’s asshole and rubbed it back and forth a few times. Alex started squirming in the sling. “Take my toxic cock, boy!” Max shoved the head and a few inches of his thick rod into the waiting cunt. Even with the fingering and toy play, he was still really tight. “UNGH!” Alex yelled out, but was still trying to fuck his ass onto the thick invader. “Oh yeah, that stuff has you really ready to be fucked good and hard,” Max commented. Alex was sweating quite a bit, his cock was rock hard and leaking, and he was grunting as he tried to fuck his tight ass onto the thick daddy cock. Max grabbed hold of the chains holding the sling up and started really plowing the rest of his cock in, fucking an inch or two in, then pulling out a bit, then fucking a few more inches in til he was all the way in. “You got my entire poz cock in you now, boy,” Daddy Max told him. “Please fuck me with it Daddy Max, fuck me and fill me up with your poz cum! I need it.” Alex replied. “Oh, you’re going to get it, alright. And I have a special surprise for you, boy. My doctor is changing my meds, so I’m actually off meds right now. You’re going to get a load of unmedicated poz cum fucked into you.” As Daddy Max said that, he was plunging his hard, thick, poz cock in and when he ran over Alex’s prostate, he shot his load all over his stomach and chest. He even got some on his lips. The news about the unmedicated poz cum turned him on that much. His orgasm caused his asshole to contract on Daddy Max’s cock which pushed him towards his own orgasm. “You’re making me cum, boy. Here it is, I can’t hold back, TAKE MY TOXIC LOAD!” He stayed balls deep in Alex’s well fucked cunt and unloaded deep inside him. Both of them moaning, grunting, and cussing. Daddy Max stayed buried in his boy until every bit of cum was drained from his toxic balls. He leaned in and kissed Alex deeply and passionately. They made out for several minutes until Max’s cock grew soft and slipped out of the well fucked hole. He pulled back a little and said, “I have one more surprise for you, if you’re up for it.” Alex was still pretty worked up, but having that massive orgasm helped calm him down a little. “What do you have for me now?” Alex asked. “Your friend Sam who fucked you earlier is a fuck bud of mine. I ran into him after he dumped his load in you and we set this up. He knew you wanted to convert and he could tell I had the hots for you, so he put my room number on one of the marker boards saying there was a hot stud in the sling wanting poz loads. If you’re up for it, when I open that door, there should be poz guys waiting to fuck you. If you aren’t up for it, I’ll go erase the message, no harm, no foul.” Alex’s cock sprang back to life as he listened to what all had been set up, just for him. “Fuck YEAH, I’m up for it!” he exclaimed. “This is a dream come true. I’d like some more of that water, though, before you open the door. I want to really enjoy this.” Max retrieved the bottle he drank from earlier and helped him finish it off. Before he opened the door, he leaned in and said, “You’re making your new daddy VERY happy, boy,” then he kissed him deeply. “So let’s get the next phase of this party started,” he said and walked over and opened the door.
    2 points
  26. I got an email from Antone last night. He and his Dad were going to be home today and wanted to fuck me again. So, at 11:30am this morning, I showed up at their condo. Antone answered the door. He let me in, then said his Dad had some errands he had to run. His Dad was going to try to hurry back and join us, but wasn't sure. But, Antone said one of his Dad's buddies may want to join in if I cool with that? I told him that I probably was interested. And asked about his Dad's friend? Antone said his Dad's buddy, Myron, was a middle aged black guy his Dad worked with at the Casino. He was married, with kids and basically str8. But that had fucked Antone a few times in the past. So, I was cool with that. Antone quickly called his Dad's friend Myron to tell him that I was there and cool with him joining us. He told Myron the door was unlocked. Just come in. Then Antone told me that Myron lived in the same condo complex. He'd be over pretty soon. Antone and I sat on the sofa in the living room and began to kiss. We slowly undressed each other as we made out. Once we were both naked I got down on my knees, between Antone's legs and began to suck his dick. His cock grew to full hardness very quickly. I was really enjoying getting this young 23 year old black kids dick hard in my mouth. While I was feasting on his dick, I heard the door open and close. I didn't look up from my cocksucking to look, but I could hear clothes being removed and tossed to the floor. Soon, I felt a heavy cock being slapped against my cheek and forehead. I came up off of Antone's cock and looked up. A butt ugly, middle aged black dude was standing above me, holding a partially hard, huge, cut big black dick, with low hangers. He was very tall, very thin, a rather unattractive face, but a beautiful, huge and thick cut bbc. I moved my head and opened my mouth for him. Myron quickly put his cock to my lips and I took it into my mouth. I sucked as his cock swelled and grew in my mouth. Myron's cock was getting so big and fat that I was having difficulty taking much more than just the head of his cock in my mouth. Then I took turns moving between Myron's and Antone's cock. Sucking each of them for a few minutes, then switching cocks. Soon, Antone said, "Let's go in the bedroom". We all moved into the bedroom and I assumed my position on the floor, sucking both cocks. Then Antone took hold of my arm and pulled me up. "Get on the bed. I want to eat your ass". I climbed up on the edge of the bed and knelt. Antone knelt behind me on the floor and began to lick my ass. As I said in the earlier post, he's good at ass eating. He got his tongue deep inside me. Then he'd spit and slide the spit up in my hole with his tongue. Myron climbed up on the bed. Got on his hands and knees and backed his ass up to my face. I buried my face in his skinny ass and began to lick his hole. He spread his ass to give me even more access to his hole. I ate his str8 ass like the hungry fag I am. Then I felt Antone stand up behind me and put his cockhead against my ass. He pushed up into me. While he was fucking me, Myron turned and fed me his now rock hard bbc. Myron's cock had grown to about 10" inches. And very, very thick. I did my best to suck him, but couldn't get much into my throat. He fed me his balls and I licked and sucked them. Then Myron scooted around again, putting his ass again up to my face. I ate Myron's ass as Antone fucked me for about 5 minutes, then Myron changed places with him. I grabbed my poppers and took several long, deep sniffs of poppers. I was going to need a lot of help taking Myron's huge, fat, monster dick in me. "Do you have some lube", I asked Antone? "Yeah", Antone said as he pulled some from his nightstand. Antone lubed up my ass and then lubed up Myron's bbc. Then Myron positioned his cock back to my hole. I sniffed more poppers as I felt him begin to slide up into me. DAMN! It burned and hurt as he began to push in me. But, I wasn't going to stop him. I just continued to sniff more poppers. Soon, the pain began to ease and I felt like I was opening up for Myron's bbc. He soon was grabbing me around the waist and pumping hard and deep into me. His huge, low hanging balls were slapping against mine as he pummeled my ass. He was showing no mercy as he rammed deeply into me. I heard a door open and close and footsteps on the hardwood floors. "Enjoying the pussy, Myron?", I heard Antone's Dad, Walt, say. "Fuck, yeah", Myron grunted as he pounded my hole. I could see Antone standing off to my side, stroking his cock as he watched Myron fucking me. Antone's Dad began to undress. Then he walked over to Antone and said "Suck me hard, boy"! Antone dropped to his knees and took his Dad's cock into his mouth. He hungrily worked on his Dad's cock as his Dad's friend, Myron continued to fuck me. Once Antone had done his job of fluffing his Father to full hardness, his Dad said, "My turn". Myron pulled out of me and Walt quickly slammed his bbc up into me. He also showed no mercy as he rammed into me and immediately began to pound me. Myron stepped over to Antone and fed him his cock. Antone hungrily went to work on his Dad's friend's cock. For about 20 minutes Walt and his friend Myron traded places in my ass and in Antone's mouth. Walt was the first to shoot his load in my ass. As soon as he filled my ass, he pulled out of me and moved over to his son to clean his cock with his mouth. Myron soon filled my ass again with his cock. After a few more minutes of fucking, Myron let out a loud grunt and growl as he put his load in my ass. Likewise, he then fed his cock to Antone to clean off with his mouth. As Walt and Myron dressed, Antone then stood behind me and slid his youthful cock into me. He must have been really turned on, because he barely fucked me for a minute, before he grunted and filled my ass with his load. My head was spinning from all the poppers I'd been having to sniff, to be able to accommodate those massive cocks. I collapsed onto the bed and tried to catch my breath. "Good boy", Antone's Dad said to him as he kissed Antone. "Now, eat his ass. There's a lot of cum in there for you". I raised back onto my knees and Antone knelt behind me. He spread my ass and began to suck on my hole. He licked and sucked at my hole as he sucked in as much of the mixture of cum that he could feast on. While Antone was eating the spunk from my hole, I heard Myron say, "Thanks guys. Call me next time", and I heard him walk to the front door and exit the condo. "Thanks" was all I heard the Dad say as he also left the room. Antone soon left my ass and laid on the bed, next to me. We kissed and he fed me some of the cum he still had in his mouth. "Holy FUCK!" I said to him. "This is all so fuckin' amazing", I said. "Cool". "Glad you have fun. Dad likes your ass, too. We'll do it again". We both walked into the living room, where our clothes were tossed on the floor, where we had left them. Walt was sitting on the sofa, naked. He had some str8 porn on the TV, his cock still hard and stroking his big cock. I walked over to him and dropped to my knees. I sucked on his cock for a few minutes, then he lifted his legs. I licked his ass for about 5 minutes. Then he told me to kneel on the sofa. He again slid up into me. He fucked me for about 10 minutes. Then said, "I don't think I can cum again. But, I want your ass again, dude". I got up. "You got it, buddy. My ass is yours and your son's any time". I dressed and left as Antone and his Dad, Walt sat naked on the sofa, continuing to watch the str8 porn. FUCK! I will definitely be their white hole to fill, whenever they want me.
    2 points
  27. ***This is a true account of some fun I had last week with one of my favorite guys. It was a long encounter, and as a writer I tend to 'write', so I'll post in several installments. I like details, sorry if it's too wordy, but that's my style.*** THE FURNACE MAN'S SURPRISE VISIT Well, lucky me. I had to spend some time outside a few days ago shoveling snow. Doesn’t sound like much fun, right? Not until I saw a familiar truck a few doors down the street. Could it be the same furnace repair stud with whom I had a couple of encounters last year? I took my time on the small driveway, hoping to see whoever was driving the company truck. It might have only just arrived before I went outside, because no matter how slow I worked, the driveway was clear and I was freezing. Just as I had my hand on the front door I heard the crunch of tires on packed snow coming to a stop behind me. I immediately felt my heart skip a beat and took my time turning around, wondering if it was just my imagination. Or wishful thinking. The truck door opened and the sexy repair man rushed up to meet me. From the smile on his face, I guess he was happy to see me, too. “Been a while,” he said, a little apprehensively. He is a ‘straight-boy’ so I wondered if I should mess with him a little and start screaming something like 'Seven months I haven’t heard from you! You find some other bitch to pump? Don’t play with my emotions, I’m not your sex toy'! But I didn’t want to scare the poor guy off, so I held that all in and giggled a little to myself. “It has been a while,” I simply said. “Are you busy?” “I was just heading in to warm up,” I said, turning back and opening the door. “Want to join me?” I asked over my shoulder. He was already right behind me and I could feel the bulge in his pants against my ass. Fuck, he was horny as hell -this was going to be good. What surprised me this time is that when I turned around to face him, he was right there. He took hold of my head and kissed me. I almost came in my pants just from the surprise of being kissed as he hadn’t kissed me once in either of our other fuck sessions, and I didn’t want to push my luck and lose out so I never before made a move to kiss him. It was a great kiss, too. A bit frenzied with that sort of urgency that comes from being horny and needing it. And at that point, we were both needing it bad. I did have to slow things down since this was unanticipated. I set him up in the living room with a beer and ran upstairs to clean out. I didn’t worry about a shower because I figured I can always drag him in there with me if need be. By the time I was done, he was finishing his beer. I wasn’t sure if leaving him alone down there he might change his mind or get nervous about what we were about to do, but he only looked happy to see me. Really happy to see me. I’m not sure the bulge in his pants ever went down. Our eyes locked when I entered the room and I couldn’t think of much to say other than, “Let’s fuck,” which only made him smile even wider. He was right with me as we raced upstairs to the bedroom. I yanked off the robe I had thrown on, and he pushed me down to the bed, face first, and shocked the hell out of me when I felt his tongue at my ass. Hmm, maybe he’s not so ‘straight-boy’ anymore. He didn’t do it for long, but enough to get my hole wet and aching for stuffing. I moaned at what he was doing, and I’m sure he took that as a sign that I needed his cock. He quickly pulled his clothing off, knelt behind me, lining his cock up to my hole. I had shoved a little coconut oil up inside just in case he was in too big a rush to get enough precum going to use as lube, so he slid into me quite easily. My ass slowly swallowed his cock up right to the balls. His cock wasn't huge, average I guess, but as he bottomed-out I remembered how his cock had fit me so well. Enough to feel good and filled with dick, but not big enough to hurt or cause discomfort. Just the right size to fuck. Good and hard. And that’s exactly what he did. He pounded me hard, his hips smacking into my naked quivering butt cheeks loudly with every impact. Damn, I’d missed this feeling. His dick was just the right size and shape that he could nail me as hard as he wanted, and it only felt good. I grunted nearly every time he hit bottom, but not out of pain, but rather out of sheer ecstasy. I knew this wasn’t going to last long, but I had gotten two loads from him on our first couple of encounters so a quick start was fine by me. Plus it’s just extra lube for the second fuck, and within minutes he was there. “Aw, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he growled. “You want it in you?” “Give it to me!” I yelled. “Breed me!” He lay his entire body down on me and humped a couple more times, growling into my left ear and panting hard, as I finally felt his dick throbbing and filling my guts with his seed. I could actually feel the wetness spread inside my ass. Fuck it felt good. When his breathing calmed, he slowly slid to the side off of me, easing his semi-hard cock out of my ass, and just lay there looking at me. I was glad he didn’t seem in a hurry to take off. “That felt awesome,” I told him, taking a chance and giving him a quick kiss on the mouth. He responded by putting his hand on the back of my head and holding me there longer, to feed me his tongue as well. I thought this guy was hot before, but this time he was off the fucking charts to me. When our mouths and tongues parted, I eased back and just looked. “You look surprised,” he laughed. “I am. I just didn’t expect you to kiss me, and not like that,” I added, unable to hide my satisfied grin. “A lot has changed since I saw you last time. For one, I broke up with my girlfriend. Haven’t seen anyone since.” “Why did you break up?” It really was none of my business, but I had to know if it had anything to do with me. “Even a couple of months after we fucked last time, whenever I was with her it just didn’t feel good. And all I kept thinking about was you. Not ‘you’ you, but you as a guy. Sex is definitely better with guys. I don’t know if that makes me gay or what.” “Does it matter?” “Not anymore. I decided that I’m just going to do what feels good to me. And when I saw you outside today, I just knew I had to see you. I hope you don’t mind. I thought about calling you a few times but it seemed weird.” “Weird, why?” “I don’t know. I hadn’t called, and then I just call out of the blue and want to fuck. I wouldn’t seem like a very good guy.” Doesn’t that beat all -he actually is a decent guy. “Oh, you’re very good,” I teased, reaching down and giving his still-semi-hard cock a tug. “Besides, guys call other guys to fuck all the time. It doesn’t have to mean any more than that.” Now he was the one who looked surprised. “Really?” And his cock instantly grew to full throbbing length in my hand. “Yes, really,” I told him, slowly stroking him, not to get him off, but just in a sort of relaxing way. “I figured something changed with you when you kissed me downstairs.” “I hope you don’t mind that. I just wanted to.” “I almost came in my pants,” I laughed. “It was better than I expected.” “I started looking at gay porn around the same time I ended things with her. Most things I watched turned me on, so I figured I was on to something right.” “So that’s where you learned about rimming?” I asked him, to which he just frowned. “When you licked my ass.” “Oh, yeah, I saw a lot of that in the porn and it seemed like something the guys liked-” “Well I sure did. And it made me a little more desperate to get you inside me.” He smiled at that, and I felt his cock throb in my hand. “How much downtime do you need in between?” he asked. “I can keep going, so it’s up to you. I’ll take whatever you can give me.” He climbed back on top of me, saying, “Well, we might be here a while, then. Hope you don’t have any plans tonight.” With that, I felt his hard dick slide back into my cummy hole. More to come . . .
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  28. Firsy time to Easter Berlin and off to a great start. Took 22 cocks and 12 fists. Four more nights to go. Stay tuned
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  29. You will never agree who agreed to meet us out for drinks. Yup that's right the little bitch from the gym. I wonder what he will think when we get him all fucked up and bring him here. So we can Breed him over and over all night. I bet he either freaks out when he wakes up tomorrow tied to a bed or he just excepts what he is. Either way it is going to be hot to sink my morning wood into his hole so I can flood it with my hot scalding piss. Then say that's it boy hold it all in Master will be right in to fuck it in deeper. This boy is going to be wrecked when we are done with him tonight.
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  30. giving this ass up tonight! i told him no lube
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  31. I caught the 2 interns in the bathroom giving each other a BJ. I had a long talk with them that they can't do it at work. I did invite them to the under 25 party and they are excited.
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  32. Ok I've been having a real good string of luck lately!!!! Like omg!!! Ok I just got back from this. It's 2:01am right now here in Cambridge Ontario Canada...so like a couple hours ago, I was actually sleeping and I got a random text msg from someone who saw my zee map posting and said he was in town from the states, staying at the motel down the street. He said he needed a hungry hole to "dump his dirty load in"...That really turned me on, but I was still half asleep and barely awake. I msged back saying I was sleeping and I was really tired. He responds that he "doesn't fucking care what I want or what I am doing" and that "I better get my stupid slut hole out of bed, and meet him at the bar down the street" welllll......I'm super turned on by abusive and aggressive men, so I responded with "yes sir! I'm getting dressed and I will be there in 5 mins or so" lol. I met him outside the store next to the bar, and he TOTALLY degraded me by rolling down his window and like practically yelling "get in the car ya' dumb slut" .....And I fucking LOOOOOVED that!!!! ??? We went back to the sleazy cheap motel down the street across from the theatre. We get in his room and and I took off my jacket and was just about to untie my shoes when he said, "don't bother getting undressed.". I was like huh? And he said "just pull you pants down to your ankles and bend over the bed." This sleazy fucker was totally the dirty cheap type of breeder that I've always hoped of fucking. As soon as I had bent over the bed, I felt him come up behind me, I almost didn't realize that he was gonna fuck me without any lube or spit and barely managed to spit on my fingers and rub some on my taint before he was pushing inside me. I didn't see his dick the whole time. But I can tell you from how it felt that it was WIDE AS FUCK!!!! it was probably like 7-8 but my gawd it stretched me!!! He fucked me for no more than like 4-5 mins and then as he came he said "fuck ya, take that raw cumload!!" And I literally jizzed. I came really hard right there. That turned me on so much!! He shot his load, it wasn't too big, (and I figured that's cause he gets ALOT of anon taint like mine) and then pulled out, zipped up and said, "alright, get out slut" and he opened the door and threw my jacket outside. I smiled the whole 15 minutes it took to walk home. God I love my life!!!!!!! ???? And thank god for thick dicks, and sleazy CUMLOADS!!!!!! ????
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  33. I was out and about tonight. Just was out at the bar...As usual I was browsing MULTIPLE sites looking for cumloads. I was already on my like 5th shot after already feeling tipsy and I got like 7 different responses all at once. 3 on Grindr, 3 on manhunt, and another on bbrt. I told them I was at the bar, and across the street is a little forest area...I met the first guy in the woods and he was easy to find as he was holding his phone and the light gave him away. He was startled when I snuck up lol. He pulled his cock out without a word once he saw my face and realized that I was his cumhole for the night. He had a nice 8 inch uncut Beauty for me to polish...I sucked him for like a minute before he turned me around and entered me. Hey blew his load....A generous 6-7 strong shots worth, and then pulled up his pants and left without a word. I stayed bent over on my knees after he left with my pants still down while I gave directions to the next donor. Needless to say, I ended up with 7 different loads of cum balls deep inside my jizz trap. God damn! Life as a cum addict is so wonderful! I feel so happy knowing I made a real man shoot his potent seed. And I feel a hundred times better when he cums inside me....And a thousand times better when it's an anonymous load I'm taking! My favorite thing is when they fuck me, breed me, and follow up with something rude like, "thanks slut" God being a cum slut is the happiest I could be!! I love my life as a cum whore!!!! ?????
    1 point
  34. Hubby and I have a rim chair. When we first purchased it, we sat several of the bottoms we shared on it and rimmed their asses and eventually started felching them out after breedings. The hottest experience, I've had was when we (me versatile, him versatile/top) decided to go out and get loaded separately, so we could come home and felch out each other's sloppy cum hole. At that time, we both had been semi-dating (fucking with overnight privileges) other men on the side, so we knew they'd be in the mix... but we were going to try for at least two loads each. That Saturday night my husband (age 40) went to his 23 year old latin boyfriend's apartment telling him he was in the mood to bottom for a change. And, as it turns out his young college boy gave him two loads and invited two of his friends to do the same -- he received a total of 4 loads before leaving. I decided to save my regular top pal for last because I knew his cum always tasted fantastic. Sadly, my first attempt at getting loaded was a bust (and not in the good way) -- I'd met up with a sexy, muscular, hung black stud with 9 thick inches from Adam4Adam, who demanded that we use condoms (NOT), so he fingered my hole while I sucked him off and I was on my way to look for greener pastures. After the initial disappointment, I decided a change of plans was in order. I texted my regular pal and told him I needed a quick load before meeting back up with the husband. Luckily he happily complied and within half an hour I had a huge delicious load deep inside of my arse (so deep that not even a drip ran down my legs). From there, I checked my text messages and BBRT ad to find that I had 3 possible meet-ups. One was an interracial top couple in midtown, one a longtime fuck pal and the third a visitor in a local hotel for the weekend. I texted my hubby and suggested we move our felch-date to 2 am, because i was having trouble chasing down loads. He agreed, saying his group fun with the college boys was done and he was heading to meet hot cubbish pal for a hopeful 5th load (which he received, of course). The race was on! I ended up losing the hotel guy, because he wasn't into "sloppy seconds," but the couple worked me over for an hour and deposited a total of 3 loads in my hungry arse! By the time I got to my fuck buddy's place he had another top on the way (score!)... he filled me with his beautiful, delicious and talented 10.5 inches of BBC and quickly loaded me before his guest arrived. We even had time for a cocktail and to break open a fresh bottle of poppers before the stranger arrived -- who by the way, was was much hotter than his online pix (what a surprise?!) This mixed race stud was fit and had one of the most beautiful cocks I've ever seen. He spent about 45 minutes going back and forth deep bare-fucking me and my pal while we made out, shared poppers and sucked each other. Luckily, I was the one who received his seemingly massive load, which put me over the limit and ran down my legs as my hole could not contain it all. This increased my load count to a respectable 6. Completely satisfied, I headed home to meet my hubby for our fun. Hubby and I each had a shot of tequila and then headed to the rim chair... he took the bottom bunk first, while I hit poppers and prepared to be eaten. As he felched me, I recanted the stories of the night (from disappointed stop #1 to success with my fuckbud, interracial couple and so on...) and how I'd been bred by each stud and dutifully cleaned each spent cock with my tongue, savoring the taste of their cock, my hole and the evolving mix in my well-opened hole -- which made him so horny that he slid back until his cock was under my arse and he quickly fucked and bred me with a final 7th load of the evening, which he immediately ate out as well before giving me a sloppy kiss laced with the cum of 6 men. We swapped places and I quickly sealed my mouth around his arse cunt. As he took a hit of maximum impact and opened his sphincter, I was shocked at how much cum flooded my mouth. I swear it was half a cup of man soup! That was the moment I became a true cum lover --- I now felch every hole I fuck and nothing makes me hard like a sloppy manhole! After a quick big gulp, I was able to slow down and savor the taste, the feel, the mind fuck of eating stranger cum from my husband's largely virgin hole. He told me about each man's cock and how they'd bred him and that he relied on booze and poppers to take all the cock, as I lay beneath him enjoying the protein feast that now dripped from his delicious, well-used ass. Several minutes later I fingered him deeply and watched another small river of cum flow from his depths and land on my tongue. We moved to the bed and made out, kissing for what seemed a long while, sharing the remnants of 12 loads from 10 sexy men (including the last load he'd given me minutes earlier). He lifted his legs to my shoulders and I gently fucked his puffy, red hole while we continued to make out until I exploded inside of him, giving him a 6th and final load, which he kept inside of his arse all night. I wish I could say that we repeated this often, but it was truly a one-time event. While I became a huge cum-lover, he did not. So, now when we share bottom men, he rims to get them open and slicked up for fucking and I felch them afterwards -- still great fun and occasionally he still enjoys a good cum-filled kiss. ;-) Happy breeding men!
    1 point
  35. PART 5 Cy stopped his tongue assault on me which again sent me crashing down the sexual height to which he had driven me. I raised my head up and looked down my torso at his limpid blue eyes staring back at me. I could tell he was grinning at me on several levels as I lay there wet with perspiration and the remains of my gasping for air. “Now, to give you what you really want and haven’t had. We’re going to pop that cherry of yours,” he said quietly. Quickly, I righted myself and scooted backwards away from Cy. “I can’t,” I said definitively. “Cy, there’s no way you can fuck me—no way! You’re too big!” I protested yet so desperately wanted him to fuck me. I was terrified of the thought! Cy grinned and crawled up on the bed on his hands and knees moving closer until we were face-to-face. I had seen his limbless tree trunk swollen and leaking a long line of pre-cum that draped down to the sheet as he came toward me. It was more than twice the size that it was when he had stepped out of his jeans. His cock had to be 10 inches long if not more, and it was as thick as . . . I didn’t know what. The hood had slid back showing a slick purplish mushroom head that was fatter than the shaft. I wanted that cock in my ass; my brain and my ass said no way! I had felt the gooey tip touch my legs as Cy had moved up to me. “What if I told you to trust me, and that I won’t hurt you in the way you think I might,” Cy purred into my face. No doubt my eyes filled with fear if not terror looked into his hypnotic eyes that sparkled with confidence. “You know you want to. You know you came here for it. You know you want me to be the one to pop that cherry of yours,” he cooed and licked my nose. I kept staring into his somnolent eyes that kept luring me back to him with unspoken faux promises of no pain but maddening delight. He kept making almost imperceptible movements with his transfixed eyes as he repeated in a narcotic whisper almost as a mantra, “Come on; you know you want to.” We held our looks for minutes which I could not gauge until at last in a dream I slowly shook my head in assent. Gently and with great touching assurance, Cy moved me around on the bed. I found myself on my elbows and knees with my knees apart. Cy left the bed going to the foot. I heard a bag rustling and then he climbed back up on the bed behind me. (Where had that bag come from?) “I’m going to lube you inside and out real good with a lot of lube. That makes everything slick and easy to slide,” Cy told me as he stroked a buttock. “But, to do that I’m going to have to insert a small tube in your ass; it will feel strange at first but nothing to hurt you. I’ll use the tube to fill you with enough lube to make this so easy for you. You’ll feel something cool; that’s the lube. If you want me to go on, just shake your head.” I hesitantly shook my head. True to his word, the apprehension that I felt dissipated the further Cy moved the tube. He went slowly stopping after awhile. I soon felt a coolness inside me that spread as he removed the tube until at the opening he took the tip in his hand and spread a large amount around my ass hole. “How’s that? How’s my baby doing?” Cy whispered. He evidently moved his wares out of the way as I lazily enjoyed the feeling or something. “Is my baby doing okay now?” “Yes,” I said quietly with no mistrust or anxiety. I was at peace with thoughts of confidence in Cy and his ability. “Just be sure, please, to wear a condom.” “Oh, baby, you know I will with everything going on these days a condom is a must for everyone . . . all the time,” I heard his voice of reason and consent as it murmured his response. I knew this man was good, and he was going to be good to me. He already had been good to me in many ways. I could trust him with my life. “Just a little bit more time to let all that lube get good and spread around. In fact, I’m going to insert something else to help spread it around so that my baby won’t feel any pain. Is that okay with you, baby?” Cy asked. “If it is, just nod for me baby, and we’re almost ready for you to have that cherry popped. I am so lucky.” I slowly nodded once more. I later found out that Cy had laced his lube with a numbing agent. He knew I would not feel anything or at most only a small amount of pain that he was actually inflicting on me. Nothing need be said about the damage he was about to do for his evil deed. He took a long flexible brush with short tough bristles and began to insert it in my ass. I felt an occasional prick and would jerk but made no protest as he pushed it further inside me. Once fully inserted, I felt him slowly withdrawing it and returning it inside me. Several passes were made as he “spread the lube” around inside me. He then withdrew the tool, and I have no doubt he saw the pink mixture on the white bristles. I’ve since seen Cy do this on so many young unsuspecting novices. PART 6 “Okay, baby. You’re ready to go. I got you brushed up real good and in the pink now. You are so good to me. I am so lucky to get to pop that cherry of yours and turn you on to a new life,” I heard Cy crow in a hushed soothing voice. Little did I know what new life he meant. “Jason, baby, I know to use a condom, but, baby, it makes it so much easier for me and a lot less painful for you to make that first bust through without one. I promise not to fuck you without one.” He laughed a little. “Well, not unless you want me to.” He laughed again. “So, are you good for me to ease you open without a condom? Baby, I don’t want you to be hurt not now not ever. I want you to feel good,” I heard Cy say in a soothing concerned voice behind me. The thought of a cock in my ass without a condom scared me—no, terrified me. It was 1986 after all. I had heard reports on television and read newspapers. This was Cy not a man who was sick. He was hung, handsome, and healthy—I could tell that from just looking at him. Anyone could see he was okay to pop my cherry and not hurt me by not using a condom. He would then pull out and don one to fuck me. “Okay,” I quietly said with some reluctance. I felt something at my hole that slid easily and slowly inside me. That didn’t hurt at all. “I’ve just put one of my fingers in your hole, babe. I’m going to put some more in and do a little stretching exercise to help things to go smoothly. My babe isn’t going to hurt; I want him to feel so good when he joins the club,” I heard a husky purr response. Just as Cy had told me, I felt him slowly working more fingers inside me stretching my ass hole wider open. I did feel a tingling of pain but nothing as what I had expected. I relaxed more confident in Cy’s ability and safeness. Cy removed his fingers, and I felt him move close up behind me. I tried to remain relaxed but confess to some tenseness about the unknown that was to come. A pressure was felt where Cy’s fingers had once been. Cy put his hands on my hips and gently held them as more pressure was felt at my hole. The pressure began mounting and continued to increase as I envisioned a needle on a gauge slowly inching toward the red zone. Discomfort began to set in on me, but I fought back not wanting to disappoint Cy and ruin my chance for losing my virginity. Then, everything happened at once as if in a single moment of time: My sphincter popped opened and spread wide allowing the massive mushroom head to slide inside me as Cy’s hood slid backward off the head of his cock. It felt like a foot or more of his gargantuan cock had entered me whereas in reality no more than a couple of inches had. Cy’s hands gripped my hips like a vise making sure I went no where. I rose up instantly on my hands ready to bolt. I gasped in shock holding my breath for a long time. I perceived I was hurt badly when in fact it was the surprise of the sudden entry that jarred me and not any actual pain. Cy had done well in administering the numbing agent. “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You’re okay, babe. I got you now. You’re with me,” he whispered and continued to softly utter his words of assurance allowing me to indeed reject my fear and return to my starting position. Cy made no further move to enter me. My angst abated and soon I began to feel connected to Cy in a very special way as his bare cock became an obsessive thought for me. In due time, I heard Cy caressingly say, “Babe, you ready for me to fuck you properly now?” At the same time I detected a gentle pressure as he carefully eased another inch or so inside me. “Yes, but, please, put on a condom like we agreed,” I quietly said as my eyes closed while I felt how wonderful he was making me feel. The pressure and movement halted, and my head spun with delicious satisfaction of his occupation of me. Shortly, Cy repeated his question in the same caressing and caring tone, “Babe, you ready for me to fuck you now?” He repeated his gentle pressure sliding another inch or so inside me. My head was rolling around as if drugged, and I quietly repeated my request, “Yes, but, please, use a condom.” Again, he stopped allowing me to register his progress. My ass felt so amazing. Cy again in his caring quiet whisper asked, “Babe, you ready for me to fuck you? You need to feel the power within you that you have over me. You need to know how special you are to me. You need that last small step taken to awaken to the beauty that you hold. You need me to awaken the positive feelings in your body.”
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  36. A few hours later he was hard again and ready to give me more of his toxic seed. "Get on all fours so I can give you more of my AIDS babies," he commanded. Once I was in position, I felt his cock sliding deep inside my hole, and he began pounding my ass hard and fast. I distinctly remember enjoying the stimulation his cock was giving my ass, and when he asked "Do you want my AIDS babies?" I replied without thought "Yes, I want your special cum." Upon hearing my reply he fucked my hole with even more energy, hitting my prostate with almost every stroke. Involuntarily I found myself almost chanting "More More More , Give it to me. I want your AIDS babies." "Nothing turns me on more than a white guy who wants my poz cock up his ass," he remarked. I encouraged him adding "I can't wait to give you more of my toxic cum." "Don't worry, I'll make sure you convert," he answered with an air of confidence as he violently unloaded his cum. Yeah, he was doin' his best to ensure I converted.
    1 point
  37. Thanks for the rep, glad you enjoyed the story so far...more wild adventures to cum
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  38. 1 point
  39. Game Quest: Part 12 An expected visitor Getting back to my senses, I backed away from my boy’s fuck hole. He was definitely crying, but the doorbell was ringing so I quickly grabbed a rag to wipe the boy’s cunt slime off my cock and went upstairs to confirm who was hanging on my doorbell. I arrived at the door, sweaty and spent, looked out the sidelight and saw, as expected, my friend Mark. I opened the door, and said “Jesus, what’s the rush?” Mark responded, “I got your vid, and was worried you might have gotten cold feet about pozzing the boy, so figured you would be needing my services to ‘prime’ up his hole.” My old friend stepped in, he was dressed as he always was, in his leather biker jacket, jeans and a white t-shirt that did nothing anymore to hide his 60-year-old belly. “Super-gifter to the rescue”, I laughed and said mockingly. “But my seed is brewing in his gut as we speak.” “Nice,” he said. “Welcome to the club. You get your blood work back?” “Ya”, I said. “475K VL, and 210 CD4.” “Sweet,” he said, “good and potent for a neg hole.” “What about you?” I asked. “I heard you were having some issues.” “Doc said my meds weren’t suppressing the virus very well and higher doses were starting to fuck with my liver, so I’m off meds now.” “For how long?” I inquired, knowing full well he never took them regularly. He enjoyed gifting too much. “Dunno,” he responded. “Doc doesn’t seem to think they’ll work much anyway.” He broke the small silence and said, “Well enough about that, I’m ready to breed! Where’s the boy?” “Downstairs on the bench,” I added. “Hmm,” he said. “The bench is back in business!” He snickered. “Let’s get it rocking then!” I said as I turned to head toward the basement. Without thinking, I brought up the cum rag to wipe the sweat from my forehead, when Mark grabbed my arm and stopped me. Looking at the rag, he said, “Looks like you got him good a fertile.” I looked down at the rag, and saw in the yellow ass slime, a few bright red spots. “Good job!” Mark exclaimed. “Glad to see you back in the game. Mind if I use your shower?” He added abruptly. “I came straight from work.” “I wouldn’t worry about that,” I told him. “He’s bit on the dirty side. Low self-esteem, bad hygiene” I wouldn’t bother showering. He needs to get used to stuff like that anyway.” Looking at the rag again, I smiled, looked at Mark, and gestured towards the door to the cellar.
    1 point
  40. Back in January I spent one Friday getting fucked by four men throughout the night as their "after-dinner entertainment". Well, on Saturday I got a text from the host, saying he'd be having his friends over again, and since they had liked my hole he thought I should come over again. I didn't need to consider that for very long - obviously! So I showed up around 10pm, got naked and went into the sitting room to face the four men who'd be fucking me as many times as they wanted until 10am Sunday morning... They must have agreed on how to proceed in advance, because two of them grabbed hold of me and pushed be down across the coffee table and held me down as the other two took up places in front of me and behind me. I felt a gob of spit land on my hole, and the host behind me rubbed his cock around in it for a bit and then told me to open my mouth. The two cocks went inside me at the same time, each pushing all the way inside, so the one in my mouth was making me gag while the one in my dry ass felt like it was splitting me wide open! Damn... And I hadn't even had a chance to take a few hits of poppers to prepare for this! It was deep, hard fucking in both holes, and meanwhile I was being held down by the two other men who seemed to enjoy pushing me hard down on the coffee table and eliminating any risk of me trying to pull away from either cock. I would have begged for more spit or a dose of poppers if I could, but with a cock fucking my mouth and throat that wasn't really possible. So I hoped and prayed that this would just be a short warm-up, but it wasn't. Both kept going and going in my holes until they finally dumped their loads in me. Now, normally when I get a load I'm just happy to get a load, but this time I couldn't help thinking that at least my ass was now lubed up with cum before the next fuck, and anyway I had been fucked by the largest cock in the room so the next cock would be smaller and fucking a wetter and more open hole... That I got a load in the mouth was perhaps a shame - I prefer taking loads in the ass - but on the other hand it was hot to get loaded up in both holes at the same time! The men switched places so the two that had been fucking me were now holding me down and the other two positioned themselves to fuck my holes - and I only just had time to beg for some poppers, so the host gave me the choice between no poppers at all or being a poppers bitch for the rest of the night and taking hits whenever he ordered me to. Well, I was horny and my ass was sore and I needed some help to push through, I thought, so I accepted him controlling the poppers. I was told to take six deep hits to get started, and boy... OH BOY! Complete rush, and my body went limp and I instantly begged for cock! I got it... They repeated the style of the first two men - hard and deep and continuing until I had one more load in each hole! The poppers was again placed under my nose and I was told to take another six hits. After that I was completely helpless and probably couldn't have said "no" even if I had wanted to. They almost had to lift me off the coffee table and lower me unto the cock of the host who had laid down on the floor. Sheer gravity forced his cock balls-deep in me, and then I was pushed forward so I was lying on his chest. I guess it's no big surprise what happened next; nobody in their right mind would expect a bottom woozy on poppers to be able to ride a cock satisfactorily, right? The last time they had taken turns fucking me for hours before I got DP'ed, but apparently they had less patience this time - or just wanted to challenge my greedy hole... Having been fucked twice and taken two loads in my ass, clearly I wasn't exactly tight or dry, but still... Ouch! But then, I do like getting fucked so I can FEEL it, and I definitely felt it! I was moaning and yelping and writing around as they fucked me hard. And basically that's how the night continued; hard and deep fucking in my increasingly wet and sloppy ass. No more deepthroating, but fuck after fuck after fuck while I was being kept on a permanent poppers high. At one point they were talking about going online to find random guys to fuck my used hole, but they gave up on that idea - and to be honest they were more than capable of using me without external help... Whenever somebody came in my ass I simply had no idea if he'd be followed by another fuck or by a DP - it was unpredictable, and I didn't have a say in it anyway. I had come there to be used and to do as I was told... Seriously, every slutty bottom should have a session like this every now and then. It's a good reminder that if you just give up control you can take a LOT of cock for a LONG time! Who cares if your tight little hole is a sore, open, wet, sloppy mess towards the end of it... And believe me, I was a mess, leaking a continuous flow of cum and gaping when there wasn't a cock or two in me. The gaping led the host to try and fist me, but he couldn't get his big hand in me - so they compared hands to find the one most likely to succeed in fisting me, and eventually... Well, I have rather slim hands, so the host pulled one of my hands around to my hole and began fingerfucking my ass with my own fingers, directing me to add more and more fingers until all five fingers would fit - and then he started pushing on my hand. He fucked me fast and hard with my fingers, slow and easy - and any pace in-between, working out what worked the best in getting me to open up. I love the feeling of my own sloppy hole when it's completely fucked open, but this was challenging! (Also for my shoulder; it takes quite a lot of flexibility to attempt self-fisting, even if somebody else is directing your hand!) I was lying there on the floor, trying to open up to take my own hand - and the only word I knew how to say seemed to be "FUCK!" And then, after another large dose of poppers, I suddenly felt my hole slowly contract until it was squeezed around my wrist! I've never fisted anybody before, so I had no idea what it would feel like to have my hand in a hole - let alone my own hole... It was insane! I was jiggling my fingers around in my gut while I was flexing my hole around my wrist! That didn't last long, though, because the host pulled out my hand and then instantly pushed it back in again, beginning to fuck me properly. The other men were sitting around watching, laughing each time I gasped or moaned, urging the host to fist me wide open with my own hand, but then the host let go and told me to go on by myself; to put on a show for their entertainment. I did my best, but it's a hell of a lot harder to force your own hand up your ass than to have somebody else force it up! I did my best, though, and perhaps they enjoyed it all the more because they could see I was struggling... Finally they resumed fucking me, and to be honest an 8" cock feels like a relief after even a slim hand... More fucking, more loads; you know how it goes... By 10am I was told to get dressed and take my fucked-up ass somewhere else. (So I did... When I left I texted another fuckbuddy who loves sloppy seconds, so I figured my hole in that state would be just the thing for him - and it was!)
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  41. Chapter 2 After he pulled his cock out of the bottom on the bed and Sam pulled out of Alex, they moved away so the next lucky top could take their places. Before he picked up his towel, Alex wrapped his arms around Sam, gave him a big hug, and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. “Wow, thanks.” Sam told him. “No, thank YOU!” Alex replied. “You helped me reach a decision about something and I’m going to start working on it tonight.” Sam got a knowing look in his eyes and smiled. “Happy hunting, stud,” he told Alex as he picked up his own towel and headed for the door. Alex did the same thing, deciding it was time to head for the wet area. Alex entered the large tiled room where the showers, hot tub, steam room, and dry sauna were and hung his towel on a hook. He showered off quickly, enjoying the eye candy that was showering around him, and then settled into the hot tub. No one was getting serviced at the moment, but there were several other guys in the water with him. He enjoyed the hot water as he relaxed for a bit. He closed his eyes and thought about the poz cum that was still in his ass. Even though Sam was on meds, it still had the virus in it, which turned him on and made his cock start to harden. The more he thought about his decision, the harder he got, too. He remembered seeing messages on the marker boards in the hallways about guys in certain rooms seeking poz loads. He wondered if he had the nerve to do that tonight. One thing at a time, he thought. It was time to sit in the steam room for a bit. There was usually some action going on in there and even if he didn’t participate, it was nice to watch and jack his cock some. He stood up with his raging hardon and got a few whistles of admiration. He smiled and winked at them and headed to the door to the steam room. It was a big room with lots of space. There were a handful of guys already in there, one getting fucked. Alex sat near them and started slowly playing with his hard cock. It amazed him that he was so hard considering he’d just cum a short while ago. The idea of becoming poz turned him on that much. The 2 guys fucking were really going at it and Alex was focused on watching them and didn’t realize someone had walked up to him. “Mind if I sit here?” a voice asked him, breaking his concentration. He looked up and saw the hairy, bearded daddy from the locker room pointing to the space next to him. “Please, be my guest,” Alex replied, a little startled. The hot daddy sat down and held his hand out. “Hi, I’m Max,”. “Nice to meet you Max, I’m Alex.” “You really caught my attention in the locker room, Alex,” Max admitted. “I was hoping I’d run into you again tonight.” “Well, I’m glad you did,” Alex countered. Feeling bold, Alex put his hand on Max’s muscular, hairy chest and started rubbing all around. Max growled softly, “Oh yeah, that feels nice.” He turned so he was facing Max and put his other hand up as well, running both hands through all the sweaty hair and playing with his big nipples. “Oh fuck yeah, you know exactly what a man likes, don’t you,” Max said, growling again. He sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the attention, which made his big, thick cock stand up. He then turned towards Alex, put both hands on either side of his face, and drew him in for a kiss. He kissed Alex gently on the lips a couple of times and then planted a deep, passionate kiss on him. Their tongues battled and they swapped spit as the kissing went on and on. Max finally broke the kiss and stood up. He held out his hand to Alex, “Why don’t we go back to my room and get comfortable.” “I’m all yours,” Alex shot back, standing up and taking the hand that had been offered to him. They exited the steam room and Max went to get his towel. “No need to shower, I love a sweaty man,” he said. Alex raised an eyebrow, smiled, and grabbed his own towel. They wrapped their towels around themselves and headed down a hallway. Alex followed to the back part of the area where the rooms were. Max unlocked his door and let him into a large room with a bunk, some lockers, and a sling in it. He had rented one of the bigger play rooms. Alex couldn’t believe his luck. One of the hottest men there had a great room and was interested in him. They dropped their towels and laid on the bunk, their sweaty bodies mashed up against each other. “You’re a pretty damn good kisser,” Max said to Alex. “Right back at you stud,” he replied. “Call me Daddy Max.” He said with one of those low, sexy growls of his. “Yes Sir, Daddy Max.” The 2 men went at it again, making out fiercely, their tongues battling for dominance. Their hands were all over each other’s bodies, exploring everywhere. Daddy Max was covered with a thick layer of fur that had just started showing his gray. His hair, beard, and body hair was black except for the gray, giving him an incredibly sexy look. Alex reached down for Daddy Max’s cock and could barely get his hand around it. It had to be at least 8 inches if not more. He loved that his new daddy made those deep growling noises while they were kissing. Everything about this man turned him on. Daddy Max finally broke the kiss and lay back on the bunk. “Why don’t you show your new Daddy how good you are with your tongue.” Alex immediately started working his way down his body, starting with kissing and licking his face, including that sexy beard, working his way down the neck, chest, stomach, and legs. He licked and kissed practically every inch of the front of his body, purposely avoiding his thick cock and bull balls. He worked his way back up to the crotch and started licking and sucking on each ball. He could only get one at a time in his mouth, they were so big. Then he made his way up to that incredibly thick cock. He started licking, sucking, and nibbling the big mushroom head and worked his way down each side before finally opening his mouth wide and engulfing as much of the cock as he could. He was able to make it more than halfway down so he started working up and down, sucking and licking the head and shaft. Daddy Max continued making low growling noises, obviously loving the attention his cock was getting. Alex kept it up for another few minutes, pulled off the cock, and gave his new daddy a big kiss. Then he whispered, “Turn over, please.” Max flashed him his brilliant smile and rolled over on his stomach, his thick cock sticking out between his legs. Alex started giving his backside the same treatment as his front, kissing and licking his way down from his thick neck to his waist, then skipped his ass and worked his way down both legs. He made his way back up to the hairy ass and started kneading each ass cheek. He licked all around before finally spreading his cheeks and running his tongue up and down the sweaty crack. As he zeroed his tongue onto Daddy Max’s asshole, he let out another deep growl. Alex was learning quickly that meant he liked what he was doing. He started licking and sucking on his new Daddy’s asshole, sticking his tongue in as deeply as he could. Daddy Max arched his back and pushed out, opening his ass for the tongue. Alex licked, sucked, and tongued the delicious asshole for quite a while. He finally, reluctantly, crawled back up to where he was lying next to his new friend. They started kissing again. Alex loved the fact that Daddy Max was tasting his own ass by sucking on the tongue that had just been buried in it. “My friend, I think you just might be a keeper,” Max said to Alex. He immediately put his finger on Alex’s lips saying, “Let’s see how the rest of tonight goes and take it from there.” Alex smiled shyly and nodded. They sat up facing each other on the bunk. “So, do you think you’re up for some adventure tonight? Maybe broaden your horizons some?” Daddy Max asked. Alex got a curious look on his face, “go ahead, I’m listening.” “Good boy. I have this room for the night, so why don’t we get your hot ass in that sling and see what happens next.” “I’ve never been fucked in a sling. I think I’d like that, especially with you doing the fucking.” “I’ll definitely be doing the fucking, at first. You see, I come here quite a bit and know a lot of the regulars. If one of us finds a hot piece of ass that doesn’t mind being shared, we usually let the rest of the gang in on it. You strike me as the type that might be up for some fun like that. What do you say, stud? Although I think I can guess your answer from the way your cock is acting.” Alex looked down and not only was he rock hard, but had a stream of precum running down his shaft. His little head had already made up its mind. “To be completely fair, there’s one thing I need to tell you first. I’m HIV+,” Daddy Max said. Alex had to grab his cock and squeeze it hard to fight cumming. The fact that this hot daddy was into him, wanted to do some intense play with him, and had HIV had almost made him have an orgasm without touching himself.
    1 point
  42. Gaping, I could feel my hole still open minutes after the monster cock slipped out. I wanted more, I wanted him back to fuck me, use me, fuck - even rape me harder over and over. I wondered what was next, how the fuck is this shit hole of a house going to top that fucker. Would my hole still be so open that I would not feel the next cock? It didn’t take long for me to find out. Another mirror slowly started to open, in what I mentally dubbed “The Conversion Funhouse,” slowly revealing the next horror. Standing there in the area behind the mirror was more skeleton, than man. He was so wasted away that he was just skin and bones, not one ounce of fat on his body. He was pale and naked from the neck down. His head was completely covered by what looked like a burlap hood, with slits for eyes and small openings for nostrils - nothing but a sown “x” for a mouth. If he wasn’t nude, he looked as if he stepped out of a slasher film. Walking in slowly, I watched his cock and balls bounce between his legs. His cock was not as massive in length like the monster before, but it was close in girth while still soft. He stopped behind me, as if admiring the work of the cock before him. As he circled my hole slowly with his finger, with out sliding it in, his cock started to grow - my eyes widened as I watch his cock obscenely thicken to the size of a beer can - and this fucker was actually the size of a beer can. FUUUUUCCCKKK - I wanted, needed and craved if up my fuck hole. The length was about seven inches, but it was the girth that was turning me into a bitch in heat. I watched as he positioned himself behind me, the reflection of the sagging skin of his ass made me wonder if he was positive or full blown. The first monster was positive that’s for sure…but how far along was this this fucker was anyone’s guess at this point. Holding the base of his cock, he started running the head up and down my crack, teasing me, pressing more and more into me until on one pass his cock slipped inside my gaping hole. My hole offered no resistance, he plunged balls deep and stayed there. This time there was no pain, only the pleasure of my hole opening wider for this thick cock. His bony hip bones pressed against my ass, digging into me. His bony fingers reached out and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back as far as my neck would allow. With his cock deep in me, he bent down and put his head next to mine. “my AIDS cock is deep in your hole” he said “it’s what you wanted?” I moaned out a yes, all the while processing the smell of his breath, fuck he smelled of rot, of DEATH. “going to slam my AIDS dick in you until I shoot a full term virus into your bleeding hole - are you ready?” Again I moaned out a yes, while breathing in his death and attempting to push back against him. His cock slowly started to move out of my hole, making me feel empty. I could feel more of the first load of cum running down my balls and cock. His fuck was not as brutal as the monster before. His rhythm of in and out was time just perfectly to make my ass feel pleasure, while all the time knowing that he was going to shoot his death deep within, mixing with the toxic load of the brute before. His balls created a slapping sound that complimented the squish of cum being churned in my hole as well as the air that was being injected and forced out with each thrust of his cock. Watching in the mirror, I could see him tweaking his nipples along with a glimpse of his thick cum covered cock as it slid in and out of my hole. Adding to the fuck music was my moans of pleasure and his growling of enjoyment. Pumping his cock in and out of my hole increased along with the forcefulness - this action was like a stabbing motion as if he was plunging a dagger deep in my ass, resulting in my death - which was true to an extent - his cock was going to deliver the blow that would eventually result in my death - death to being negative, death to safe sex, and death by AIDS. “no turning back now you fucking AIDS whore, I am on the edge of blasting your insides with AIDS cum “ he yelled during his breathing, “nothing you can say or do to stop it” His cock thickened slightly and I knew it was time. Time for another gift. No fear, just ecstasy. He slammed his cock all the way inside as it pulsed and spit, coating my raw hole with cum. Within seconds the pulsing stopped and he started pumping his cock in and out of my hole again. “It’s not over fucker, I am a multiple shooter” His cock was even more slick and he slid in and out with more ease and within a minute or two, he pushed in deep again and I felt his cock start to pulse another death load in me, only to have him start fucking me again as soon the climax subsided. “squeeze your hole around my cock, you fucking loose fuck” he screamed at me and as hard as I tried I couldn’t make my hole tight around his cock. “squeeze it you loose lipped whore” he yelled again as he slapped both of my ass cheeks. He had stopped pumping his cock, and was violently pulling out and ramming it back into my hole, over and over. I was completely at his mercy, trying to tighten my hole which was still too loose for him. His hands continued to slap each cheek, alternating the slaps. I could feel my skin heating up and in the mirror’s reflection see red marks forming and darkening. This continued for about five minutes until he slammed all the way in, shooting another load, what felt like a larger load deep into my guts. He pressed into me until it subsided and his cock began to deflate, and as he pulled out he gave each cheek another a slap. I held my breath as he exited the room through the same way he entered. Playing both fucks back in my head. I had been fucked by a monster and by death. What the fuck was next - Sarah Palin himself?
    1 point
  43. Panic started to sit in, as my mind raced and the shaking returning. I wish I had my poppers to relax me. There was not turning back now. Time again felt as if it was standing still. I didn’t know how long I was going to be in here alone, bound, naked and horny as fuck. The silence was deafening and was broken by a click. A mirror to my right started to move and my eyes were glued to the reflection of this in the mirror before me. My breathing became heavier as the mirror revealed the monster behind it. He was fucking huge. From my position I could only guess that he was over 6’5” and his body was so massive that he looked as if he had been on steroids from birth. From his chin down, his body was covered in tattoos and once he stepped in and shut the mirror, I could see that his back side was the same as the front. I could not see his face, he wore a hood that covered it from the bottom of his nose to the middle of his neck in the back, as well as the sides of his head. His eyes were visible through two hole and they were as black as the hood. On his feet he wore combat boots and in the middle was a jockstrap. At one time it had been white and new, now it was stained in red in some spots, yellow in others, and was so worn that it looked as if it would fall apart with one tug. Strings were hanging everywhere. What was inside the pouch was barely being contained. The side of the pouch were stretched so far from his body, that as he stood there one of his balls slipped out. I watched him walk the short distance from where he entered to where I was, stopping next to my head. I could feel the heat of his body as he stood close to me. I turned my head as he squat, watching his pouch as it went by. I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. Slowly he ran his hand along his thigh until he reached the pouch. Grabbing it he pulled it aside, and his cock and balls fell out. His cock was as massive as his body. His cock was twitching as it got harder and harder. Once it was rock hard, a good 11 inches rock hard, it started to jump as an evil grin came across his face. The cock was not only 11 inches but was as thick as a boys arm. Where the fuck did they breed this monster. I wanted his cock in my mouth, I drooled just thinking about how ripe it would taste, how it would stretch open my mouth. I wanted to feel it jammed down my throat, choking me, turning my face blue. I wanted to feel my throat open and his balls slap my chin as he face fucked me, while tears ran down my checks. I was snatched back to reality by something sharp running down my back, right down my spine, causing chills to sweep through my body. Looking up in the mirror I could see it was his fingernail that had been sharpened to a point, it continued until he reached the start of my ass crack, it was then we locked eyes and his fingernail slowly moved until it was at my hole, which was puckering in and out. Fuck I was turned on, I could only imagine the puddle on the floor of pre-cum. Without warning, he stabbed his nail into my puckering hole, at first there was some resistance, but that gave way with by the force that he added. He drove his digit knuckle deep into me, all the time moving his finger around inside - that’s when little waves of pain started to register in my mind. My eyes grew wider. Breaking our eye contact I looked back at his monster cock to take my mind off the pain that was coming more and more, only to find that it was leaking, his pre-cum was so thick, that it went from the piss slit to the floor without breaking and was puddling. He continued the assault on my hole, now finger fucking me so hard that he was pushing my body forward, pinching my cock against the corner of the box. After about five minutes of this, he pulled his finger out, leaving my hole empty. Grabbing my chin with his other hand he forced open my mouth and stuck the finger from my hole in. Greedily I sucked on it, too turned on to register the taste of blood from my hole. Once his finger was clean he withdrew his digit. I watched his reflection as he reached into his boot and pulled out a rounded wooden bit that had leather straps on each end. Again grabbing my chin, he forced open my mouth, shoving the wood in as far back as it would go. He moved quickly over me, straddling my back. I could feel his monster cock resting on my back, leaking its fuck juice. Grabbing the leather he tied them tightly behind my head. Task complete, he slowly moved, dragging his cock down my back until it was resting at the top of my ass crack. My heart was racing, I could see sweat forming on my forehead, and my hole was twitching, pulsing in and out. His evil grin returned as he spit on his fingers then wiped his spit on my hole. He grabbed his cock in his hand he lined up the head against my hole, his other hand pressed down on my back as I bit down on the wood in my mouth. I could feel him pressing hard against my hole, which was resisting until the hand on my back lifted off and slapped my ass hard, that’s when my hole gave way. Feeling my hole opening he pressed harder, driving his monster cock into my hole. There was not waiting for me to adjust to the sheer size of his cock, he continued to drive in. The pain was intense, I felt as if I was being ripped in two. I bit harder, and tried to scream, but nothing came out. I had no clue if he had one inch or ten inside me. In one swift move, he drove all the way in and dropped his body on top of mine. “take the pain, motherfucker, take the pain” My body was sweating, my heart racing, my mind was drifting as I involuntarily rolled my eyes back. A slap against my head brought me back to the situation I was in. His cock was moving in and out of my fuck hole, pulling it out until his cock head was pulling the inside of my hole outwards and then he would drive in balls deep. Over and over he would assault my hole. Minutes ticked by and I began to relax, my hole began to relax, and pain turned to pleasure. Sensing this he picked up speed, ramming his cock in and out. At one point he would take that massive fuck stick out and ram it back in balls deep. My silent screams turned to moans of pleasure! Pleasure I had never felt, his massive cock had opened my hole to new senses and I never wanted it to stop. I could feel his cock getting thicker and thicker and I knew that this power fuck was coming to and end. His cock moved faster and faster as his breath increased. Grabbing me by both shoulders, this monster slammed his cock balls deep, groaning: “take that toxic load, you fucking cock whore” He kept pressing his crotch against my ass, as if he was trying to climb in my hole as I felt the pulsing of his cock shooting his cum deep into my wrecked hole. I counted at least nine pulses of his cock, fuck me - it had to be a huge load of toxic cum. Slowly he pulled slightly out as he came down from his intense climax, then pushed back in just as slow, he continued this each time pulling out further and and further, until he pulled completely out. I feel a small amount of his load running down my balls and cock. Without words, he turned and left through the mirror he entered through, leaving me exhausted and still tied to the box.
    1 point
  44. Part I We met through a craigslist posting. He was looking for a room for the summer on the cheap, and I was looking for a boy to breed. It seemed like a great match. He liked older guys, and I guess I am quickly becoming a daddy bear, almost 40, with a decently muscular rugby build. And I liked his 22yo south african ass. The thought of the pleasure-tortures I would concoct with a slave around made my dick twitch. He had a nice athletic body, tall, scraggly unkempt dark hair, and a fuzzy ass. He seemed very submissive and eager to try everything from our conversations. We Skype and stroked together a few times, and I was looking forward to finally meeting him to see how the chemistry was between us in person. We’d discussed limits. We’d discussed drugs. He’d tried coke before, but never xtc, or g, and definitely not tina. He wanted to fuck safe. He’d never been barebacked before. I knew immediately that I wanted his cherry ass. I wanted to get him spun and bump him so his young bare-virginal ass would take my dick n loads night after night. I knew once he took his first load, he’d never want to go back to condoms. Finally the day came. We decided to skip coffee by my flat in Berlin, and just meet at my place. He showed up with one of those enormous rucksacks and a big goofy grin on his face, and I knew things were going to be fun. I gave him the grand tour, and showed him which drawers would be his, and where he could keep his stuff, admiring his ass through his shorts as he knealt down and fiddled with his bags. He popped up grinning, waving a bag of weed, and suggested we roll a joint and kick back our first night. It was kind of crazy, having a mail-order slave from online, so I nodded, and got my papers, grinding and rolling up some joints for us to smoke, and getting a few beers. He asked if he could freshen up and grab a shower, which was fine. I saw a chance to spike the joints with a bit of crystal and up the ante on the first evening. I was glad he was freshening up, because I was looking forward to eating out his fuzzy hole tonight. He wandered back in a few minutes later in a pair of loose boxers, drying off his hair with a tiny towel, and plopped down on the sofa next to me, close enough to press his leg into mine and whisper, “So, how’s it coming?” We’d see that soon enough I guess. We lit our first joint, and shared it. I couldn’t help but eye his bulge, n see the tip of his cock poking out the leg of his boxers. “Nice weed,” I complimented, enjoying the mix of crystal and weed, and he seemed to be enjoying it too. Leaning back, he enjoyed another long toke, and I could see it was starting to relax him. We chatted, and I idly started playing with his nipple as we smoked a bit, his cock getting harder and starting to leak precum up against his leg. I could tell he was excited to be here as much as I was. My hand dropped from rubbing rings around his slightly hairy nipple, and landed on his inner thigh. He shuddered, my hand grabbing his stiffening member as it peeked out fully now. You can’t deny that first electric moment. But the weed helped us to relax, and i leaned over and we started kissing. My own dick was leaking precum in my jeans, i could feel it pooling in my foreskin, making a wet spot as I explored his lips. My right hand rubbed his cockhead, playing with his precum and slowly rubbing it around the head of his cut cock, feeling his dick pulse in my hand in excitement. That first night we had a good time, despite the bit of tina in the joints, we ended up fucking safe. I played with his hole, rubbing his own precum around his fresh pert hole and starting to massage my finder inside of him. We got up, stumbling a bit as he pulled off my shirt and I tried to pants him simultaneously. We cracked our heads together, just hard enough to smart, and fell back to the couch laughing about it. “Lean back.” I told him, and went down on him, licking the precum off the tip of his cock and tasting him. I took all of him in my mouth, my tongue massaging his cock and i breathed in the heady scent of his musky bush. He’d showered, but thank god he’d just rinsed off. His pubes scent drove me wild, as I gagged on his prick and then eased off, feeling him get excited. I moved his shaft out of the way, licking it as I went. He leaned back over the arm of the couch, shifting his pelvis to give me a bit more access, as i licked down his balls and could just flick my tongue at his taint. I lifted his legs a bit to get more of him. My tongue swirling around his boy hole, slowly rasping his fresh hole and driving him wild. My mouth clamped down on his cunt, munching and licking him. Working my way into him. He put his legs around the back of my neck, pulling me in towards him as I savored rimming him. It snapped me out of it when I looked up, feeling him panting, and he asked me for a condom. I knew it was a long game though, he’d be my slave all summer, and I was going to enjoy corrupting him into my chem sex puppy. I wrapped up and fucked him that first night, a testament to how much I enjoyed his sweet ass, since I stayed rock hard even with a filthy rubber blocking the raw energy between us. We snuggled after in bed, falling asleep comfortably together, his head resting on my chest, by boy curling his body around his dad.
    1 point
  45. Fucking LOVE taboo and stories like this!
    1 point
  46. FUCK, just keeps getting better and better! So fucking HOT!
    1 point
  47. Dad walked in to the room very quickly and gingerly looked me over. "Last night was your meet and greet with the family. Tonight I'm gonna show my baby boy how much I love him." He turned around and left, but within minutes Jason the servant came in. " I'm going to help you get ready for tonight. First we need to get you fed." With that, we went into the kitchen where he had some fruit and juice ready. Fuck, after last night I just needed to eat something, anything really. While I ate, Jason gave me a really nice back message. That really got the kinks from last night out. Then I noticed that hat I was only in my jock. I decided to look for my clothes, but couldn't find them anywhere. "Jason, have you seen my clothes?" "Yeh, they're in the wash. Dad doesn't really want you wearing more of a jock here anyhow." So, I just sat back down and finished eating. After that, I just went back to bed as I was still tired from the night before. I never really fell asleep, just sort of laid there and watched TV. Jason tended to my every need. I was thinking to myself, damn this is a good life. Asking Jason where Rocky and Alex and the other guys were, "They headed home this morning. Dad is pretty proud of Rocky since he has his first anal orgasm last night. But, you know, they don't live here. Come on, we need to start getting you ready." I followed Jason into the bathroom. He had already drawn a hot bath for me. "Get in, let's get you cleaned up". So I undressed and climbed in, but as I did so, I couldn't take me eyes off of Jason. I had never really been drawn to more feminine guys, but damn he was beautiful in an exotic way. He slowly, almost seductively undressed. But when he got totally undressed, he had no cock cage on his small shriveled peanut size cock over what was clearly a scar where his balls had been. "How do you get away without having a cage?" I wondered. "I don't need one. Without my balls I make no testosterone, so I don't get hard. Sometimes Dad or one of your brothers will fuck me, but not much happens with my dick. I just dribble a bit. Once a year, Dad allows me to have a shot of short acting testosterone to get hard and jerk off. He always does it on the anniversary of his unbanning me as a reminder of what I lost." He reached around and unlocked my cock. Slowly, I started to get hard, but it wasn't instant like it would have been in the past. "Looks like your body is slowly getting used to the cunting" he said, " you will eventually crave only anal orgasms and get hard only when Dad commands it. See, you're only slowly getting half hard now." Damn, he was right. But, I sort of figured that he didn't take the cage off for an educational lesson. Soon enough, the razor appeared, and within minutes the only hair on my body was on my legs and my head. Jason had shaved the rest of it off. "Now it's time for you to get clean on the inside" Jason said while grabbing a towel for himself and pulling the drain plug on the tub. Then he grabbed a cup of ice water to shrivel my half inflated cock so that he could put the cage back on, but instead of the cage I had been wearing, Jason grabbed a new, smaller one. "It's to help you forget to associate sexual pleasure from your cock. This one is so small that you can't even rub in it. If it makes you feel better though, Rocky is getting the same thing today too." With that he put the cage on, stuffing my cock in. Sure enough, it was uncomfortable as fuck. Then, Jason turned around and left me to do the internal cleaning. When I was done, I put on the clean jock he had left me. With the old cage, the jock clearly showed my caged dick under it, with this new cage it looked like I was as fixed as Jason...except that I had a full course of testosterone flowing through my body (although not as much as most of my juiced up bros) and that meant that I had some serious needs. Then I went back and hung out with Jason for a bit, mostly making small talk and waiting for Dad. Soon enough, the phone rang. It was Dad sending for me. Jason told me to head for his bedroom, which I did. When I got to Dad's room, he was laying back, blowing a few clouds, watching some hot porn, and jacking his enormous cock. My eyes immediately fixed on his cock. "Calm down Cheyenne, you're going to get it soon enough. Tonight is not about primal pig sex. Tonight is showing a Dad's love for his boy. We are going to go slow and easy. After what you have already done, it will seem pretty basic." I climbed in bed next to Dad. I could feel his strong arms pull me in next to his immense hairy chest. It was a total contrast to my hairless body. He just chewed on my ear, grabbing my nips, which felt almost like an electric arc every time he did. He passed the pipe to me, "Have some, but take it easy. Remember you have to go home tomorrow." Pretty soon, Dad was munching on my hairless cunt like it was a five course meal. By the time Dad slid his cock into me later that night, my cunt was so loose and sloppy from his munching that it just felt right and amazing at the same time. We must have fucked for five or six hours, but I had barely hit the pipe, and certainly no slams. During the whole time Dad had not even touched the front of my jock. He totally ignored my locked up boy cock, but damn, his huge cock inside of me more than made up for it. After he had came for the third time that evening, he pulled out and rolled over, digging aimlessly in a side table drawer. He rolled back over, handing me a toothbrush. "Shove that into your cunt and scrub until it bleeds. Do it for Daddy. Show Dad how eager you are to have his DNA in you." I did as he asked, and it didn't take long before I was showing more than a little pink. Dad eagerly watched me the whole time, slowly getting rock hard again. After I handed him back the toothbrush, Dad said, "That's how most of your brothers were pozzed. With that very brush." Then he slammed his hard cock back into me balls deep. This time he didn't hold back, but fucked me mercilessly. I was moaning like a bitch in heat, and pretty soon, I felt that "gotta pee" feeling again, which was soon flowed by another anal orgasm. I soaked the front of my jock through. Dad just looked and grinned, " Seems like my boy likes Dad's cock." He slammed into me hard and was flooding my guts with his toxic seed for a fourth time. After that, we curled up and fell asleep. The next day I had to be up and ready to head home. Going to Atlanta became an every other weekend trip for the rest of my senior year, but as April gave into May, I was still testing negative. "No son of mine is gonna reject my DNA" Dad said. By mid-May, I was getting concerned that I might be part of that 1% who don't seroconvert, no matter what. On my mid-May visit, I asked Alex if there was anything else I could do. My Dad and my brothers had been fucking me every other weekend, with dozens of toxic loads every time, and still nothing after months. If I wasn't poz by summer, there was a good chance that I might not be admitted to the family. "There is something that you can do, but it's pretty drastic. I'll talk to Dad, and if he approves, we will do it tonight." Alex said. That night I was expecting an evening of profligate pig sex, but when I got cleaned up and into the basement, no one other than Rocky was there. " Come with me, we are heading upstairs." And I followed, more out of curiosity than anything. We went into Dad's bedroom. There was Dad, Alex, Rocky, Jason, and myself in the room. Everyone but me looked serious. "Have you had any drugs, Cheyenne?" Dad asked. I responded that I had not, which was the truth, as I wasn't going to lie to Dad and possibly end up like Jason. "We have dumped gallons of toxic cum in your cunt, son. Nothing seems to take. You have to make a decision as to whether you really want to be part of this family. Tonight you will either become poz or leave here forever. Do you understand?" Dad asked of me. I nodded, but wasn't really sure of what he meant. "Jason, go sit down next to Cheyenne. Cheyenne, I'm not sure if you know this, but all of us are on meds of some type to control out HIV. Not enough to have us shooting blanks, also known as undetectable, but none of us have a super high viral load. The exception here is Jason. As part of his unmanning, he also went off of meds. He has the most toxic viral load around. But, I'm not going to give him testosterone and have him get pleasure from his dick by fucking you. Besides, it would be an insult to you to have a eunuch fuck you. What we are going to do is use this syringe to remove 2 cc of his toxic blood from a vein and hand you the syringe. If you want to be part of this family, you will, on your own volition, take the blood and slam it into your own vein." I just nodded. Shit just got serious for sure. But, he carried Dad's DNA just like my brothers. I looked over as the syringe slowly filled with the crimson blood. Dad handed my the syringe while Rocky tied a tourniquet above my left elbow so that my veins shot out. I just stared at it for a second, and then shakily, I took the needle and slammed the blood. Dad and both brothers grinned ear to ear. Jason just sat there. I didn't feel any different. I got up and walked around. "Head for the basement boys, we gotta milk that neg seed out of Cheyenne for the last time." When we all got down there, Dad removed my jock and cage from my dick, but left Rocky and Alex's on. He gave me a shot in my dick and I was instantly hard as fuck. Then Dad slammed me and told me to start fucking my brothers, with just one caveat. I was to pull out and dump my seed on the floor, which is where he though neg seed belonged. I dumped seven loads on the floor that night before my dick went down and Dad locked my cock back up. "Hope you enjoyed that boy. The next time your cock sees any action will be when you bring a neg boy home that is acceptable to become your brother and y'all move into your own apartment, where you can fuck all you want, so long as he takes my DNA." The next weekend I felt awful, had a fever of 100 constantly, and generally felt like shit. It didn't really matter, since Dad and most of my brothers were in Chicago for IML. I did call Alex and told him what was going on. "Congrats lil bro, sounds like you're going to earn your tattoo pretty soon." I just stayed in bed and was miserable, although I did drag my ass to school since it was the last week of my senior year. After about a week, I felt better, and on my next trip to Atlanta, which as the first of June, Dad took me to get and HIV test. The outcome was a foregone conclusion. I had slammed 2 cc of of poz blood with a viral load of over 2 million. Probably a bit of overkill. The test was positive. More to come...Cheyenne gets his tattoo, begins his college career, moves to Atlanta, and lures an unsuspecting jock to become his little brother....
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  48. Probably 8 hours later Alex came down to get Rocky and I. Both of us were dehydrated as fuck, but otherwise okay. Looking out the kitchen window, I realized it was really late afternoon. Dad came in and said that we had had enough, "And Cheyenne has to be in good shape by tomorrow, so no more medicine. In fact, get him some vitamins and sports drinks so he can crash." Alex got everything that was needed, and by nightfall I was crashing hard, as was Rocky. I didn't feel the greatest, but Dad sent for me by way of the strange servant guy. I followed him into Dad's office. "So, do you want to become one of my sons?" He asked. "Sure, but what are the steps?" Was my simple reply. "Well, you still have a few months of high school to finish, and clearly you can't be coming here every weekend. There is a six month pledgeship before I decide for sure if you're going to become part of the family." I told him that I was sure that I wanted to try it, so we cut a deal. First, I was to come to Atlanta once per month and be with him and his boys, second, I was to spend spring break there, and finally, I was to be fitted with a chastity cage and was not to engage in any sexual activity other than with him or the boys. It sounded like a good deal to me, so I agreed. "One last thing," he said, " you will become HIV positive" during your pledge period. All of my boys are positive and so am I. You will earn the biohazard tattoo before you fully join." I was dumbfounded. Why on Earth would I want a deadly and incurable disease. He saw the look on my face, "Boy, it's how we bond. All of my boys have my DNA in them and you will too. In fact, you might already. If you get a sudden flu in the next few weeks, call Rocky or Alex, they'll know what to do." He dug around his desk and finally found the papers he was looking for. "Here is a contact list for me and everyone of my sons. If we shake on this, tomorrow morning before you leave, Rocky and Alex will take you to shop where you will be measured and get your cock cage put on. The key will stay with me here in Atlanta. It will be about two sizes too small to emphasize that your cunt is your primary sex organ and that your dick only causes you discomfort." I was about to shake with him, "Oh, and two last things, notice that Rocky and Alex have no body hair. I expect yours to be off tonight, especially around that tight cunt of yours and get some jock straps. I don't want to see your caged dick anymore than I have to. Secondly, and most important: I see that you have noticed Jason. He is the servant here. I am sure that you have noticed that he is somewhat different, almost feminine. He was one of my boys a few years ago, but he started selling drugs to guys he didn't know, which almost got us busted, and was also having sex outside of the family. He was given two choices: either repay all the money I had spent on him, including his college tuition, or loose his balls. He chose to give me his balls and now works here as my servant." I was taken aback! This man meant business for sure. Bit, seeing no other way to go to college, and fuck did I enjoy the sex, I shook his hand. I was now a pledge. That evening, I went back to Rocky and Alex's apartment. They helped me shave all of my proud boy hair off. By the time they were done I was as smooth as a baby. I looked at Alex, "how do you guys stay so big" I asked. Alex looked at me, "We are in the gym, with Dad's other boys five or six days a week, plus we use steroids. You will too once your pledge period is up. It makes you so fucking horny that Rocky and I have been fucking each other every night for five years. But, that's about to change as Dad wants Rocky to become more of a bottom, so he is gonna be kept locked just like you until he changes." With that he helped me wash off the last of my body hair, and asked, "Lil bro, ya wanna cum one last time before tomorrow morning?" "Sure" And with that, he summoned Rocky in to give me a blow job. Here I was, an 18 year old kid getting a blow job from a cock locked 23 year old stud. It only took me a few minutes to cum and we went to bed. The next morning, we got up and had a passable breakfast of leftover pizza. Then we went to the shop that Dad had mentioned the day before. The guy behind the counter knew exactly what we were there for, and took us straight to the back. I was measured and in less than five minutes I was wearing a stainless steel cock cage, that just as Dad had promised, was too small. It even had sharp points in it to make it even more uncomfortable if you can believe that. We then went into the front and a butt plug and dildo were retrieved for me by Rocky and Alex. "Dad said you are to fuck yourself with this at least every other night, and sleep with this plug in every night" Rocky said. With that, we left the store. No money ever changed hands, but I'm sure that it was billed to Dad. As I got in my truck to head home, Alex said " the next two weeks are gonna be the hardest. After that the cage will be second nature to ya." Fuck, I was going to go through a two week withdrawal period from jacking off, something I'd done twice a day nearly every day for the last seven years and I wasn't going to be back to see my brothers until the period was over. This was going to suck like hell. But, I got in the truck and made the three hour drive home. End of part two. Will continue with part three.
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  49. Part Two The following Thursday I called the number they had given me from a pay phone on the way home from school. I couldn't have a long distance call showing up on my grandparents phone bill. I got right through to Alex and told him that I would be there tomorrow night. "Great! Sort of figured you would find a way to get here". He then gave me their address and told me to be there by 7. The next night I arrived with fifteen minutes to spare. Rocky let me in. "We have a surprise for ya. Tonight you get to meet our dad." I looked at him in a funny way, since Alex and Rocky don't look a thing alike, " Why do I want to meet your folks?" Rocky looked at me and started to laugh, "He's not our real dad, but we do share the same DNA." I just looked at him sort of puzzled and figured I must have missed something when I was sleeping through 10th grade biology class. A few minutes later Alex arrived and announced that we had better get showered or we were gonna be late. Both Alex and Rocky showered together, then Rocky came for me as Alex again hung the enema bag. "Better be good and clean for tonight lil bro, Dad can put you through some paces." With that, they left and I got ready. We arrived at Dad's house exactly at 8. It was the same house they had taken me to the week previous. It being much earlier, a young guy, not much older than myself answered the door. Something didn't seem exactly right about him I noted mentally, but being polite I went in with Rocky and Alex. We were escorted to Dad's office. "Boys, you did well" bellowed a beefy fortyish daddy type from his chair behind the largest desk I'd ever seen. "Boys, ya'll go downstairs and get everything ready while the boy and I have a talk." Rocky and Alex left the room, as did the funny looking assistant. I was now all alone with a guy who I literally wanted to worship, but he was all business. He shuffled some papers around, and startled me when he knew my name, "Cheyenne, I see you have done fairly well in school, you come from a decent, yet religiously misguided family, is that correct?" Startled, I just nodded. "I know you have better manners than that, boy. You come from a good family in Alabama. You will address me as Sir." "Yessir" I replied. " I have had you investigated over the past week to see if you might be a suitable match for our family here. It does seem that you would be a good match." "What do you mean by your family, Sir?" "Well, I help out deserving young guys such as yourself in exchange for a few minor things, such as sex and some occasional low level drug dealing at the bars." " I don't want to become a whore or a drug dealer, Sir." "It's not exactly like you think, you would basically service myself, some select friends, and so far as the dealing goes, I have so many connections with the DA's office you will never be arrested." Still nervous about it, he told me about how well his family has done. Dad is the president of the largest bank in Georgia and has business connections in every field. He told me that right now he had 4 boys currently in college and that they lived in two pairs here in the city. "If you accept, you will probably live with Rocky and Alex, although I will have to get a bigger apartment for the three of you. But there's no pressure. You have until at least June to make a decision. If you accept I can promise you that you'll graduate and get whatever job you want." "I have a total of twenty boys in my family, with four in college and the other sixteen in excellent positions around the city, one is even starting to have boys of his own." With that, the conversation ended and the funny looking guy reappeared and escorted me downstairs to where Rocky and Alex were. "Lil bro, you're gonna have the night of your life tonight, so get ready. Jump in the shower and use the attachment to clean out again,band then put these on" handing me a jock strap. I did as I was told, and when I came out of the bathroom I followed the voices. The hallway opened up to a room that had stuff that I couldn't even describe. In the middle hung two slings (I learned what they were really fast). Rocky and Alex were talking to Dad --about me and what they had observed when we had watched porn the weekend before. They could tell I was nervous, so Alex grabbed that familiar glass pipe again and told me to take a few hits. Just as I did I saw four syringes produced. Rocky looked at me with an evil grin, "Buddy, if you like the smoke, you're gonna love a slam. Now get in the chair." Now I was truly nervous. A tourniquet was wrapped around my left biceps and Dad grabbed a syringe with a black mark on it. "I think he'll like a full quarter for the first time, boys." With that I felt a pinch, looked down and could see red in the barrel and then holy fucking shit.... More to come...
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  50. As Duke rubbed his still dripping cock over Ryan’s face and then into the boys mouth getting the lad to clean it off as I sat on the armchair and lubed up my cock grunting “hurry up and clean that cock son, then get over here and ride my cock”, a few minutes later the kid climbed up straddling me and lowered his sweet tight hole down on my dick sighing blissfully “mmmm your cocks so big”, I grinned as I put my big hands on his hips pushing his pussy further down onto my cock “yeah I am boy and your cunt is so tight, for now”, ginger just moaned and started to ride me as my phone beeped and I read the text from Carlo’s ‘bring the slut over when your ready’. Thirty minutes later after I’d spunked up the kid’s shitter and Duke had gotten a nice long sloppy blowjob we pulled some shorts on and took a very high Ryan down to Carlos’s place. Carlos has an old house down a tiny alleyway well out of the way from prying eyes, it looks very non descript from the outside but on the inside it looks like an Aladdin’s cave, richly decorated and elaborate, mostly to cater for his main clientele the rich Arabs and Africans who desired white boy arse but also needed a discreet though expensive place to live out their wildest fantasises. I rang the doorbell and was greeted by Carlos who ushered us in and then up to his office where he wasted no time in pushing Ryan’s shorts down and examining the boys body to which ginger posed and preened like a champion stud, Carlos nodded to his henchman “blond him”, and I had to chuckle as the big burly gorillaesque guard grabbed Ryan by the upper arm and dragged the boy out of the room as Carlos spat onto the floor grinning “I got ginger slag’s by the fucking dozen”. Me, Duke and Carlos chilled out smoking and drinking brandy served to us by a bruised oriental kid, we watched some dirty porn and Duke sniggered as he heard a little whimper come from a way down the hall “Jesus that must be strong stuff”, Carlos put his cigarette out grinning “I need him blond mate”. Duke was now busy on the other side of the room molesting the oriental lad, his thoughts of Ryan seemingly gone from his mind as he raised his eyebrows at Carlos who indicated to a door “take him in there, he likes it rough”, the oriental kid looked fearful as Duke pulled him out of the room, followed by a little muffled whimper just before the door shut. A little while later a very blond Ryan was brought back to the room by the guard I had to admit the peroxide look suited the kid as he posed again showing off his now hairless body, Carlos grunted as he stroked Ryan’s rock hard cock “you like being high and getting fucked boy?”, the kid nodded his head “fuck yeah”, Carlos grinned snickering as he lead the lad over to his desk and handed the boy a pipe which the nipper immediately lit up “well you have come to the right place boy, I’ll keep you high and you’ll definitely get fucked”, the kid blew out white clouds “fucking cool, I want it” Carlos smiled “I know you do boy” as he pushed the kid to his knees and sat on his chair, Ryan did not need anymore prompting, he immediately pulled Carlos’s fat cock out of his shorts and sucked like a seasoned whore, Carlos rested his hand on the lads head and nodded to his henchman again who handed Carlos a box and then started to take pictures of Ryan sucking and I had to snigger when the guard used just one massive hand to separate the kids butt cheeks and take some pictures of the boys sweet little slightly red pussy hole, Carlos opened the box and pulled out a gold metal collar and put it round Ryan’s neck before looking at the pictures and nodding to the guard “go and see who wants to bid to be the first in the new boy”, adding as the guard turned leaving the room “and dollars or sterling only, no bullshit currency”. I took a sip of my brandy “so who’s the big ape-man”, Carlos chuckled “that’s Brutus”, I had to laugh “apt name!” , Carlos winked “mate when you see his dick and how he fucks you would agree with it more”, this piqued my interest “yeah?”, Carlo’s winked at me pressing a button on the remote and the screen changed to a fuck that made me raise my eyebrows, I whistled as I watched the hulking form of Brutus fucking a big bodybuilder boy with a dick that put even mine to shame, I watched grinning transfixed as the mammoth cock just plunged in and out of the lads torn up ravaged cunt “fuck the mans a monstercock man”, Carlos grinned “ain’t he just”, I rubbed my crotch as Brutus came back into the room and whispered in Carlo’s ear, Carlos grinned as he pulled his dick out of the kids mouth, “you can finished that later boy” and Brutus quite literally pulled Ryan up by his arm dragging him out of the room, Carlos winked at me “lets go and see some of the show but we got to be quiet”, I sort of frowned but smiled “sure” No even thinking about Duke I followed Carlos down a staircase and into a room lit only by a red light, Carlos put his finger to the lips and indicated to a sofa where we both sat, he flicked a button on the table in front of us and I grinned to see a two way mirror light up and exhaled “fuck yeah”, in the other room Ryan was on his hands and knees sucking one black mans big cock as another was sliding a finger in and out of Ryan’s arsehole, I swear they were the darkest black guys I had ever seen, they even made Duke seem pale in comparison, Carlos whispered “the one being sucked is General Aba Bonsu, some shit high up in some African dictatorship, the other some shit colonel in his army”, I laughed quietly as the colonel added another finger along side his one in the kids pussy “I bet his nationals don’t know about this”, Carlos sniggered “fuck no”. The general pulled his dick out of Ryan’s mouth and barked something at the colonel, the sound was too muffled to understand and Carlos whispered “rooms not fully soundproofed that’s why we gotta be quiet” the colonel nodded and twisted Ryan round to his arse was pointed directly at us, Carlos lit a cigar “the shit likes to watch himself in the mirror as he plays with a sluts pussy”, I smiled as we watched the general caressed the boys arse cheeks before sticking his middle finger into a pot and then sliding the thick digit in the kids cunt grinning at himself in the mirror as the colonel held Ryan firmly in place as the kid started to squirm, I looked at Carlos “what that more tina?”, Carlos whispered “shhhh no it’s some African drug, feels like a thousand needles at first apparently but that goes soon enough and makes a boys pussy hungrier than on Tina”, I grinned “I like the sound of that”, we went back to watching as more and more of the gunge was fingered into Ryan and sure enough his squirming soon subsided, the General seemed to talking lovingly to the kid as he graduated to two fingers and soon enough three were pushing in and out of Ryan’s hungry little pussy. After a while the general spoke to the Colonel and he was passed a reasonably sized black dildo, he slapped it on the boys arse and said something to Ryan who raised himself up on his hands and looked over his shoulder his eyes filled with wonder and lust as the general slowly pushed the dildo into his pussy, the kid was licking his lips as he watched himself getting fucked with the dildo making the general laugh as he pushed the dildo all the way into the boys cunt and the colonel pushed his dick into Ryan’s mouth, the kid seemed to look lovingly at the colonel as the dick pushed through his lips, Carlos grinned “that African shits like ‘e’ makes you all hungry and loved up”, I smirked I watched the boy spasm and the general laugh deeply as he pulled the dildo out of the boys hole, the kids cunt was dripping with mucus from his analgasm, the general scooped some up with his fingers and reached over rubbing the mucus on the colonels cock having the boy eat his own arse juices, I chuckled “I like his style”. I grinned as the general shoved three fingers up the boys gaping cunt before pulled them out covered with the kids juices rubbing them on his cock and clicking his fingers at the colonel while still with his dick still in Ryan’s mouth twisted the boy round again, the general slapped the kids arse hard barking something and the lad immediately moved his knees apart, Carlos chuckled quietly as the general looked at himself in the mirror stroking his cock in an exaggerated manner, not taking his eyes off himself as he positioned it and shoved his length into Ryan’s cunt “the arsehole is such a narcissist”, I nodded as the general grabbed the kids hips fucking him in an exaggerated fashion for a while before shouting something at the colonel who pushed his dick further into the boys throat as the general slammed into the lads arse and it was obvious that both where cumming in Ryan at the same time. Moments later the general and his colonel left the room and we enjoyed the view of Ryan kneeling on the floor just a foot or so away from the other side of the mirror jacking and eating the spunk that was leaking from his pussy, Carlos breathed out “at least we can talk a bit more normal now he’s to fucked up to notice”, surely enough the kid did not even seem to react as he was caught up to much in his own slutty reflection.
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