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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2017 in all areas

  1. 7:00pm on June 3, 2017....My face was pressed into the filthy mattress by my older brother Mark's hand while his cock was forcing its way in and out of my ass. All I could focus on as the smell of cum and piss coming from the mattress, and the sound of my brother's ragged breathing while he raped me in front of his drug dealer DeShaun and the dealer's two thugs who held me down. Every now and then my brother would mutter under his breath, something like "faggot" or "slut", punctuated by a blow to the back of my head. Once he even said something like, "practically begging for it, weren't you". Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was him trying to justify the truly horrendous act he was committing against his younger brother to his drug filled brain, but mostly it just made me feel dirtier (and wonder, maybe, if I had somehow wanted my brother to do this to me). Suddenly, Mark's hand stopped pushing my face into the mattress, and his arm snaked around my throat. He pull me up from a face down position until we were both up in all fours - DeShaun's thugs let go to let the position shift happen - and even though I had thought he couldn't fuck me any deeper or harder, I was wrong. The iron grip if my brother's arm made everything fuzzy as my air flow was getting cut off, and from what sounded like a great distance, I could hear Mark start to breathe more heavily. "Marky Mark - you getting close?" DeShaun asked. He walked over and stroked my older brother's sweaty red face with an almost lover-like gesture. "You gonna POZ that pussy, bitch? Gonna spray your toxic jizz into your little bros cunt and get him pregnant for me?" "Yes...Sir..." grunted Mark, as he raped me even harder. "Gonna fill this faggot cunt up with fuckin death seed. Gonna knock up this virgin pussy." DeShaun leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Hear that, white meat? Your older bro is about to fuckin rape your white faggot cunt to death. After he's done, you ain't gonna be good for anything but to be my nasty faggot whore. So much for fuckin Ivy League and full ride scholarships...you'll be getting plenty of full rides, but the only letters you be earning are STDs." I could feel his tongue licked the side of my face when he was done whispering. I thought I had run out of tears, but I was wrong. Mark was getting ready to climax, pounding harder and harder. I could hear him hissing nasty things through his clenched teeth, "Fuckin hate you...wish you hadn't been born...fuckin nasty faggot slut...gonna POZ your pussy...just...fuckin...DIE". He roared the last word as I felt his cock spasming inside me, pumping warmth into me...and then my ass started to clench while my cock started shooting jizz into the mattress. DeShaun started to laugh. "Oh Lord, white meat...you just shot a huge load from a soft cock...you must have loved getting knocked up by your older bro so much. I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He laughed some more. Mark grunted as he pulled out of me and let me collapse onto the mattress. I could hear him putting his clothes on but I refused to look at him. I didn't know how I could ever look at him again - because while I couldn't admit it to myself yet, I wanted what just happened to happen again. "We good, DeShaun?" he asked. "My debt is paid in full?" "Oh, Marky Mark...we good. You actually built up some credit on that, brother." DeShaun chuckled. "Here, take a ball on me." "Enjoy the faggot." Mark said, prompting me to realize he wasn't taking me with him. "He was supposed to leave on a week long trip straight from the graduation party, so no one is going to realize he's missing for awhile." He walked to the edge of the mattress, looking down at me, tears streaking my face, t shirt ripped to hell, boxers and jeans around my knees, blood and cum oozing from my ass, and cum dripping from my cock. He leaned down and spat directly in my face. "If my parents could see him now, they'd rather he was dead anyway. You are doing my whole family a favor." He turned and walked out of the room without another word. I had a feeling I wasn't going to see my brother again for a long time, if ever. "Well, white meat, I bet you are feeling pretty much like you wanna die right now, don'tcha?" DeShaun said gently, "Good thing Daddy DeShaun has just the thing to make it all better. Time for you to meet Ms. Tina, bitch, because your nightmare is just beginning...and this pussy," he reached between my legs, shoved a couple fingers into my ass, and pulled them out covered in pink stained cum, which he held up to my lips, "this pussy is going to get used a lot worse before your nightmare is over." I knew what he wanted, and a twisted, perverted part of me wanted it too...so I opened my lips and sucked the bloody cum off his fingers.
    7 points
  2. I love going commando. Nothing better than feeling jeans or shorts rub against my ass and crotch and my package stands out more (not that my dick matters, being a bottom, but it attracts attention). Can't always do it, had some awkward moments at the office in front of clients so wear something under a suit, but for the majority of the time I go without underwear. Love seeing others doing the same. Like these.
    6 points
  3. Midnight on June 3, 2017...I should have been on a boat getting crazy in a supervised manner with the rest of my graduating class of high school students...instead, I could feel the rough surface of the alley cutting into my hands and knees through the haze of meth and alcohol as I braced myself on all fours as the next filthy, reeking homeless guy took his place behind me and shoved a rough finger into my...well, I used to call it my asshole, but I'd learned pretty quickly tonight that calling it anything but a pussy or a cunt would get me a sharp backhand across the face. And honestly, being naked on all fours in a dank, smelly dirty alley at midnight, feeling cum running down my thighs because I was too loose and sloppy at this point to keep it in, the terms pussy and cunt were more appropriate anyway. I bit back a cry of pain as the next guy pulled out his finger and shoved his cock in...it felt like a big one, and I think I felt something inside rip...but I knew that I was supposed to be silent unless told otherwise...thankfully, I felt the glass pipe held to my lips and heard the flare of a torch light up...I started to inhale the precious, acrid chemical smoke that would make this experience not just bearable, but arousing. The soft, smooth silky voice on the other end of the pipe chuckled at my eagerness to inhale. "That's it, bitch...take it all the way in...fill those faggot lungs full. I want you to feel that rush all the way down to your pussy, bitch" I held the hit in as long as I could with a cock slopping in and out of my cunt...then let it out slowly, knowing a quick explosive release would result in being deprived of another hit. "Oh baby...you a good bitch, ain't ya. You learning what it takes to become one of my junkie bitches...only three or four more homeless guys for your pussy and then we can get out of here...now, bitch, take another hit." As I sucked down more meth, feeling the need for cock hitting my cunt hard, I couldn't help but think back to six hours earlier...before my asshole was a cum filled pussy, before I had ever taken homeless cock, before I knew what meth tasted like...when I was a normal, 18 year old white kid from the suburbs. Before I knew my older brother had a drug problem. Before I knew he owed a few thousand to his dealer. And before I became payment for his debts.
    5 points
  4. AWAKENING (Part 2) Brandon woke up with his head throbbing. This was one of the worst hangovers he had experienced in his young life, certainly way worse than he would have been expected from the amount he had drunk the night before. He remembered falling asleep on the couch after the confrontation with Mitch, but as he opened his eyes and looked around he realized he was somewhere completely different. He was lying naked on a small mattress in a small room and windowless room. There was a dim bulb on the ceiling above providing a small amount of light to the room. The mattress was covered in a black sheet that did little to hide the thick plastic mattress cover beneath it. The walls and low ceiling of the room were painted black and had a countless number of eye rings in them. In the dim light it was hard for Brandon to make out much in the corners of the room but it looked like there were speakers and several security cameras positioned there. The floor was concrete and sloped slightly towards the corner furthest away from the door. In that lowest corner was a drain. The small room was warm, so Brandon was at least comfortable despite being naked. As Brandon was surveying the room and trying to remember everything that happened last night, the door opened and Mitch came striding in. It took Brandon a second to recognize the man, as he looked completely different decked out all in leather and walking with an authority and confidence that had only been hinted at the night before. Brandon’s eyes were immediately drawn to the massive bulge that was evident in the tight black leather pants that also showed off Mitch’s powerful legs. Brandon used his hands to cover his genitals and immediately tried to start pleading with Mitch again, “Please Mitch, what’s going on? Where am I? I’m sorry about coming home drunk last night. I’ll be better. I promise.” Mitch cut him off, “Too late for any of that Boy. As for what is going on, you agreed to do everything I say from now on. I’m holding you to that. You had the chance to leave last night, but you chose to stay and made a commitment to me. Up until now you have been a worthless piece of human garbage whose word was as worthless as you are. Since you can’t be trusted to keep your word on your own, I’m going to make sure you start keeping it. I’m also going to make something useful out of you. I’ve been studying you for the last couple of weeks, taking your measure. You will never be a true man, you are too much of a faggot to ever claim to be a man. The main reason you have been so lost in life, is that you haven’t accepted your true self and your true place. You exist to serve and be used by real men. The emptiness inside you feel is because you are fighting against the real you.” His voice was calm, steady, and commanding. Several times Brandon wanted to interject some denial, but he found himself cowed by the intimidating leather clad god standing above him. Mitch continued, “I am going to awaken the submissive cum dump slut slave I know is inside you. Soon you will realize that what you thought was your high self-esteem and self-confidence was just a mask you wore to hide the fact that you are just a lost little boy that needs a real man to take charge of your life for you. A man you can worship, please, and obey. So today you start your journey and new life. That’s what is going on. So from now on you will address me by Sir, Master, or Daddy.” Mitch reached down and cupped the boy’s chin in his hand and lifted his head up, locking eyes with the young twink. “Do you understand that Boy?” He asked. Brandon was shaking, partly from shock, partly from fear, and partly from desire. He swallowed hard then let out a meek, “Yes sir.” “Good Boy,” said Mitch as he let go of the boy’s chin and lightly ran his hand up the side of the boy’s sweaty face then through the boy’s damp blond hair. “Now, as far as where you are, you are in my dungeon and you are not free to leave. Even if you were to somehow over power me, there is a lock to the outside that requires a code. The only way you are ever going to see the outside world again is if you do exactly as I say and accept your new position in life,” he said softly as he continued to stroke the boy’s hair, like he was trying to calm a scared puppy. Mitch’s demeanor changed suddenly as he used the hand on the boy’s head to grab a fistful of the boy’s hair. “Now, your first lesson. Whenever your Master or a real man enters the room, you will stand up and show your respect, letting him know by your body language that you are ready and willing to submit to a superior male. Now get to your feet,” he said then used the fist full of hair he had in his hand to start pulling the boy to his feet. Brandon struggled up to his feet, trying not to get his hair yanked out in the process as Mitch continued to pull on it. Once the boy was on his feet, Mitch released his hold and stepped back slightly, looking over Brandon’s naked body. The boy again covered his genitals with his hands. The twink was slim but not bony. He had a slight tan with a very visually striking Speedo shaped tan line around his groin, which was still milky white. The boy had obviously spent some time at the beach or pool down in San Diego before coming north. “Stand up straight; clasp your hands behind your back just above your ass; shoulders back; keep head slightly bowed. If you need somewhere to focus you can keep your eyes on my crotch,” ordered Mitch. Brandon was nervous and unsure, but he knew that he was out of his depth. He was a prisoner, no, more than a prisoner, a slave. The thought both frightened and excited him. He did as he was ordered, standing up straight, lowering his head, and then very slowly and reluctantly he took his hands off his crotch and put them behind his back. He fought back more tears as his shame was revealed to Mitch. Brandon had always been embarrassed about the size of his dick. Growing up he had always been trying to sneak peaks of other boys and men, checking out their pee-pees, dicks, cocks, or penises. His vocabulary changed over the years, but what did not change was that Brandon’s cock was usually smaller than anyone else except eventually the much younger boys. But Brandon was embarrassed for another reason as well. When he pulled his hands away from his crotch, his little dickie sprang up and slapped against his stomach, fully erect and leaking pre-cum. His cock was uncut and the small red head was pushed halfway out of the hood. His dick was probably about four inches long from the tip to base of his pubis. Mitch looked the twink’s exposed body over. He saw the look of shame on the boy’s face as he exposed his small cock. There was a small well trimmed patch of pubic hair above the base of the boy’s small cock and a light dusting of blond hairs over his balls. As for body hair, there was not that much, just small tufts under his arms, a small patch in the middle of his chest, and light amount on his forearms and calves. The sparse body hair would make shaving the boy easier. Eventually he would sign Brandon up for laser hair removal so that the twink would be permanently free of body hair. It was just one of the permanent changes the man had planned for the boy’s body. “You ashamed of your cock Boy?” asked Mitch, knowing the answer but wanting to get Brandon to admit it out loud. “Yes,” sobbed Brandon. Mitch’s hand flew up and slapped the boy across the face, “That’s Yes Sir, Boy.” “Yes, Sir. Sorry...Sir,” corrected Brandon. “Good Boy. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Your cock size is irrelevant,” said Mitch. “But, uh, its too small to really fuck,” said Brandon before quickly adding, “Sir.” “Why do you say that Boy?” asked Mitch, trying to draw out Brandon. “Well, I can’t satisfy Aiden. When we, err, have sex, he always finishes himself off with a dildo, Sir,” admitted Brandon, his cheeks turning bright red. Mitch laughed, which made Brandon feel even more pathetic. His shoulders slumped. Mitch lightly slapped his hands against the outside of the boy’s shoulders, “Shoulders back, keep your position.” Brandon straightened back up. Mitch gently rubbed his hands up and down the outside of the boy’s arms, calming him. “See what I mean about being lost and not accepting your true nature Bran. You are not a top. You never will be. If you were a top, your boyfriend would not be finishing himself off. It has nothing to do with the size of your cock. I’ve seen great tops with cocks your size that have men and boys begging to submit to them. When I’m done with your training you won’t even care if you have a cock anymore, let alone how big it is,” explained Mitch. He noticed Brandon tense up momentarily. Mitch chuckled and quickly added, “Don’t worry, I like guys with cocks, so I’m not going to cut it off or anything. You’ll still have it, even after you find you don’t even need to touch it to cum.” Brandon breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you Sir.” “Okay, now time to get you ready for your new role in life and continue your training. Can you swallow a pill without water?” asked Mitch. Brandon shook his head. Mitch delivered a light slap to the boy’s taunt stomach, “Always answer verbally unless you are gagged.” “Sorry Sir. No Sir,” answered Brandon. It was obvious from the tone of his voice that he was worried about saying no and disappointing his new Master. Mitch cupped the boy’s chin and raised his face up so he was looking in the boy’s eyes, “Brandon, never be afraid to give me an honest answer when I ask you a question. You will never be punished for being honest. You WILL be punished for lying, but not for being honest. Do you understand that Boy?” “Yes Sir,” answered Brandon. “Good, now open your mouth,” ordered Mitch. When Brandon complied, Mitch worked up a large amount of spit in his own mouth than leaned in and spit it into the twink’s open mouth. Mitch kept his hand on the boy’s chin and pressed his fingers into his cheeks, letting the boy know he was to keep his mouth open. He spit several more times into Brandon’s mouth, splattering the boy’s big red lips, chin, and cute button nose with spittle in addition to filling the boy’s mouth. When Brandon was struggling to keep from swallowing and spit was dripping down his chin, Mitch used his other hand to pull a small round tablet out of the small front inset pocket of his tight leather pants. He dropped the pill into the boy’s mouth. “Swallow,” he ordered as he removed his fingers from the boy’s cheeks and pushed his chin up, closing his mouth. Brandon wanted to ask what the pill was, but his mouth was full of spit and he remembered Mitch’s instructions from the night before that he was to take whatever pills Mitch gave him. He hesitated for a brief moment as he thought about everything that was happening to him. Is this what he wanted? Yesterday when he left the house after dinner in search of finding some older gay man that he could flirt with and tease in exchange for getting the old troll to buy him a pint of vodka to get drunk off of, he would have laughed at anyone that said he wanted to be a slave to a man that was as old as his father. Yet here he was, naked, displaying himself to the man, his mouth full of the man’s spit, an unknown pill in his mouth, and his little dick rock hard. Brandon swallowed the pill. “Good Boy,” said Mitch with an evil grin on his face, “You’re true self, a submissive slut boy, is starting to awaken deep within you. Now to properly mark you as the slave you are, you get a present.” Mitch reached behind him and pulled a leather collar out of his back pocket. He wrapped it around the boy’s small neck, tightened it so that it was snug but still left room for the boy to breath then attached a small padlock and locked the collar in place. “This collar marks you for all to see as my property. It has a tag on it with my phone number and the inscription, ‘For Permission to Use Call’,” explained Mitch. He then pulled a leather blindfold out of his other pocket and put it over the boy’s head, adjusting and tightening it so that is was securely in place over his eyes. He then pushed the boy backwards, causing Brandon to fall onto his back on the mattress. “You can relax for a few minutes while I go get the supplies I’ll need for the next step of your journey. Do not touch your blindfold, trust me, I’ll know,” said Mitch, then he turned and strode out of the room. *** If you are looking for a story that rushes to the sex, I’m sorry but I have trouble righting that way. I like to explore the journey and take my time. Feel free to pm me feedback and suggestions for Brandon’s training (or you can leave it in the thread).
    5 points
  5. Just an introduction so far. Still working on the filthy parts. Let me know if you want me to continue. --- I had seen them at the bar for a few months now. A Daddy and his boy, always at the same table. I watched from afar, longing for what they had. Daddy Jack, as he was known, was a big bear of a man, at 6 foot 9 inches, over 300 pounds, in his early 60's. Brick shit houses were built like him. His salt and pepper flat top picked up more salt as it blended into his thick beard. More hair could be seen sprouting from his shirt collar and the gap between his cuffs and gloves. He was always in full leathers, just snug enough to show off his body and massive package. He exuded testosterone. Every time he caught me looking he would look back with his piercingly blue eyes. I always looked away first. Once I got up the nerve to follow him into the men's room. He stood at the bar's trough style urinal, a strong golden stream flowing from an absolute snout of a foreskin. I tried my best to act natural, taking only glances at his cock, rather than climbing into the trough and drinking my fill. Mid-way through an epic piss, Daddy Jack cracked his neck twice and then stretched his arms up over his head. I thought I was being subtle with my sniffing, but then I heard Daddy Jack's deep throated chuckle. He roughly grabbed the back of my head, pulling my nose to his pit. Such a wonderful manly mix of musk, leather, and Old Spice. My cock got rock hard fast enough to cut my piss off mid-stream. While boy scott had nearly the same intensity, it was on a different wavelength. A foot shorter, half Jack's age and weight, swimmer's build he was the otter to Daddy Jack's Bear. Well maybe dolphin instead of otter. His head was shaved, and he looked like the razor ran across his scalp more often than his jaw. One night he was even missing his eyebrows, I still wonder what he did to deserve that. He dressed more casually, t-shirt and jeans most nights. This was set off by his chain collar, thick inch long links dipped in orange latex, with a heavy lock. However, scott was no beaten and broken slave, he was his Daddy's boy and proud of it. The pride could be seen in his bearing and the look of quiet satisfaction. Speaking of quiet, I don't think I ever heard him talk at the bar. One hot summer day, I was sitting at the bar bored after work. Not wanting to go home, not wanting to do much of anything. When a massive mitt in a leather glove reached over my shoulder and grabbed my beer. "Hey!" I shouted as I turned around to see Daddy Jack downing the drink in one gulp. He let loose with a massive belch. "Damn carbonation. Come on we're leaving." "But, but," I sputtered trying to make sense of the situation. Putting the bottle back on the bar, he grabbed me by the chin, looked directly into my eyes and growled, "Boy, I said 'we're leaving' now, pop your donkey-clutch get your ass in gear." He confidently strode out of the bar. Not knowing what else to do, I hurried after him and got into the passenger seat of his car. His smell filled the small space; stronger, with hints of cum and smeg. Soon as I buckled up, he took off like he was making a jail break. A couple miles down the road I found my voice again, "Where are we going? ... ... sir?" "We are going home." "Okay?" still not understanding. "Once we get there, scott will poz your boi cunt good, and then we'll kill him." "Wait, WHAT!?"
    4 points
  6. The day started kinda quiet I was bored so I went to a local park to see whats happening I had been here before and gotten sucked a few times but never did it myself till today. I was lounging around watching the guys pass and the cars cruise a bit when these two guys came up and started talking about the weather and other boring subjects. Then they asked if I wanted to take a ride with them for some privacy seeing as it was a slow day I said sure we got in their pickup truck and left the park (i know I know your saying never take a ride from strangers especially if you are out numbered. We cruised out into the country and I felt a hand on my crotch I was sitting between them in the truck on my right was Joe and driving was Pete. Well Pete was feeling me up getting me hard and Joe just smiled when I put my hand on his crotch we found a secluded driveway to a empty field and pulled in till we were out of sight of the road. By this time Pete had me half undressed my shorts around my ankles and shirt off and he had his pants off. I was enjoying it when Joe said maybe I should give Pete a blowjob so he could feel good I said OK but I never sucked before so they might want to go easy. I went down on Pete and discovered he wasn't too big maybe 5-6" long and thin I slid my mouth down his cock and up lowly Pete told me I was doing a good job I felt Joe playing with my ass and slide a finger in I have been fingered before and thought nothing of it Joe told me maybe I oughta kneel on the seat so I can give Pete a proper good suck and so he can play with my ass I took Pete's cock out and said OK but go easy on fingering me as I'm still a virgin as I've never been fucked he said no problem when I looked back the strange thing was Joe was no bigger in his cock than Pete I sucked on Pete some more and felt Joe gently sliding a finger in and rotating it in bigger and bigger circles (now I know he was getting me looser)then he slid a second finger I moaned as this was feeling good to me so I sucked even harder on Pete trying to focus on him so I wouldn't blow a wad yet. Next thing I know Joe is grinding his crotch against my ass with his cock all the way in I was amazed I didn't even feel him enter or I was just distracted. But it was feeling good to me so I asked how he did it without me feeling it he said I got ya loose enough to slide in your hot lil pussy I said it was my ass he said I'm fucking it aint I? I said yeah he said now its a man-pussy for men to fuck right then he rotated like he was corkscrewing in me god that felt good Pete grabbed me by the head and said after Joe's done I'm next I said sure I didn't know it could feel this good. He grabbed my head and slammed his cock in it. Using my mouth to get him off so he could last a good while in my pussy I felt Joe start pounding my ass hard and fast he expanded and shot a huge load in my ass I could feel it go in deeper and the heat was wonderful he thrust a few times till he just slipped out. Then he told me to lick him clean so I turned around and started licking him. I felt Pete doing something strange to my ass something wet and slippery was twisting and sliding in I moaned and Joe told me Pete was licking all the cum out of my ass so he wouldn't make a mess when he went in. I just moaned and started really licking and sucking on Joe's cock. Pete stopped licking and positioned himself behind me and slid his cock in. He was just a little thicker than Joe was and I could feel it a little as he slid in and he slid all the way in deeper than Joe too. He started sliding in and out sliding out to the tip then going back in till he got faster and harder till he was slamming my poor ass. Joe at this time grabbed my head and did the same to my mouth as he was getting close. Then it happened I felt them both going off at the same time filing both ends with cum. I swallowed it all and Joe got behind me and licked my ass lovingly saying I had a prime pussy and that hed love to share it with a friend of theirs. I was still dazed so I said sure long as I can rest some before we got there. Joe said sure I got dressed and we headed back towards town. We drove closer to my house and I was surprised at how close maybe 6 blocks from home and I was meeting another guy for some fun. We pulled up and they led the way to the door and knocked. We heard some heavy footfalls and then the door opened and I saw a gorgeous well built black man in a robe that barely covered his chest and was just long enough to cover his jewels. He invited us in and they got to small talk while I watched television then Joe called me and I went in Joe introduced me to Reggie. I said hello he returned my greeting and told Joe I was a cute little thing I blushed a little and Joe told him I had a prime pussy that he ought to try. Reggie said sure but he wanted us all to play we went into the bedroom and climbed on the bed I undressed on the bed so I could watch them. They undressed and got on with me Reggie kneeling in front of me he told me to suck his cock it was a huge piece of meat at least 6" long when soft and thick I took it in my mouth and slowly started to suck Joe told me to kneel like I did in the truck so they could play with my ass again. Reggie started getting hard and I couldn't suck alot of his huge cock he said it was OK that just suck what I could so I did about a third of that 12" monster while I was sucking Reggie, Joe was fucking my ass again this time roughly like I was his slut. He got close and pulled out and shot on my back and let Pete take his turn. Pete was more gentle as he saw how rough Joe was and he screwed me lovingly till he too came and asked me to look at him when I did he shot on my face and in my mouth I loved it. Joe told me he wanted another blow job so I started to suck him off when I felt a tremendous pressure on my ass like a telephone pole was trying to get in I grunted and closed my jaw a bit and Joe told Reggie to pull it out of me that I was clamping my jaw down and was gonna bite his dick off. Reggie pulled out and apologized I told him not to worry its not his fault his lots bigger than these two Reggie laughed and said that maybe I should get on top of him and go slow so I can accommodate his huge cock easier I said OK and got on top with Reggie holding his cock up straight I eased on it till I got the head in then I stopped to let myself get used to being stretched so far. After a couple of minutes I went a little further stopping again to relax more. I slid up a bit then back down further till I was half way then up again then back down and took three quarters of it that time. I slid up again and took a breath and dropped all the way down god was I stretched. Reggie told me to relax and breath slowly and let myself get used to it. At this time Joe and Pete had to leave so they told Reggie they would lock the door behind them I told them no problem since I knew I was close to home anyways Reggie told them bye and thanks. I sat there for a few and Reggie told me to wrap my legs around his waist he was gonna turn us over so he would be on top. I wrapped my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck and he turned us over and rested on mehe went further it seemed. I let go of his neck and he propped himself up on his arms looking down at me and smiled saying he was proud I was able to take him I grinned and told him I was proud to be able to take it. he started slowly sliding in and out a little at a time. As he got faster the strokes got longer till just the head was inside then he'd slide all the way back in. I was going crazy from the pleasure I felt moaning and groaning like the women on those adult movies he pulled out and told me to get on my knees so we could fuck doggy style. I got on my knees and he got behind me and positioned it against my pussy and slid home easily. Oh god was I full of cock I started thrusting back at him humping him I wanted him to fuck me so bad he reached around and started playing with my nipples. I felt an electric charge like a switch went on. I moaned and he slid his hand down to my cock and started jacking me off as he slid in and out he went faster and faster and we both built to the pinnacle and both came I reared up and he held me close sliding his hand along my cock as I shot a huge load and I felt him fill my ass and the cum start to run out my ass around his cock running down my thighs. We stayed like that for a good while luxuriating in our closeness till he slipped out my ass. I collapsed and lay there he lay next to me saying Joe was right I have got a prime man pussy that he would love to be in anytime. I looked at him and smiled and said that would be perfect cause he made me feel wonderful and full. We finally got up and I got dressed cause I did have to get home before my family missed me I told him I had to go he said why I told him I was 18 and still at home with my parents he said your 18? I nodded he said I thought you were at least 20 I said no I was 18 he laughed and said it don't matter how old I was he liked my pussy anyways he asked if Joe and Pete knew I said 'no' he said he'd tell them so they all could have a laugh. I told him id see him in a couple of days and we could play again he said sure gave me his number and told me to call first. I called a couple of days later and we played again we played for a couple of months before he finally moved I may have lost my virginity to Joe and Pete. But I think Reggie was the one who really got my cherry.
    4 points
  7. 6:00pm on June 3, 2017....I had spent the day with family celebrating my hard earned graduation from high school. The school-supervised graduation party would begin soon, and my older brother Mark had volunteered to drive me to the school to join my classmates. I was glad to have the time with him - even though he was almost ten years older, we had always been close until the last couple of years. Mark had become unreliable, always running late (if he didn't call and cancel with some weak excuse), and when he was around, he was twitchy and scattered. Even now, driving me to the party, he kept looking around like he though we were being followed, glancing at his phone and taking the long way to school. "Hey bro" he said nervously, "you mind if we make a quick stop? I got to talk to a buddy real quick." "Sure." I said, "I just can't miss the party." "Oh, kiddo" he laughed, "Something tells me you are going to parTy tonight like you never have before. You are going to remember this night for a long time." With that mysterious comment, we sunk into silence as he drove us to what most would call the bad part of town. He pulled up to a dilapidated townhouse with music playing so loud the bass made the car windows vibrate. "This is where my buddy lives" he said, " Come on, he wants to meet the graduate." "That's okay, bro," I said, "I think I'll stay here." "No, you'll fucking come in!" he suddenly freaked, hitting the car door. "Okay, okay - damn." I said, climbing out of the car and following him. I followed him around to a side door, where he knocked. The door swung open to reveal the biggest black guy I'd ever seen in real life - not that it was difficult because I had grown up going to private schools that were 99% Caucasian. The big black guy looked at my brother with disgust on his face. "DeShaun said you weren't supposed to come around here no more, cracka," he growled, his rich ebony voice sending shivers up my spine and down into my hole. "He said I couldn't come until I could pay my debt," my brother stuttered, then sort of jerked his head back towards me. The big black man finally focused on me...he looked me up and down while I squirmed and blushed - then he chuckled, low and slow, and stepped aside to let us pass. "Damn, cracka, you came through alright! You one evil muthafucka...DeShaun is gonna love this..." he said as Mark grabbed my wrist in and iron grip and dragged me into the house. We stopped when the big black guy snagged the back of my pants. "I'll see you later, white meat," he said in my ear. Then Mark dragged me further into the house. We ended up in what must have been the master bedroom - but there was just a dirty mattress on the floor and a throne-like recliner with a fat black guy and two skinnier guys, one black and the other Mexican, flanking him. The room stank of piss, sweat, and chemicals and something I couldn't place, but would later learn to recognize as the stink of fear. The fat guy in the recliner looked up when we entered. "What up, Marky Mark? You bring me something?" he said, bringing the recliner to an upright position. "I know you wouldn't show your cracka face without bringing me payment for your debts." "Hey, DeShaun," my brother stuttered, watching as the two skinnier dudes moved towards us. He jerked his head towards me again. "This is my little brother Nick - the one I was telling you about." The fat black guy looked me up and down. "Well, hey there Nick," he said in a friendly manner, "I'm DeShaun - a buddy of Mark's. He was telling me all about you - class president, valedictorian, off on a full scholarship to an Ivy League school...you got quite the future in store, don'tcha." "Yes Sir," I said, feeling a certain amount of threat from the fat guy in the chair. "Sir!" he chuckled, "Finally, a white boy who knows his place! Tell me, Nick, you ever have time for getting nekkid with all that schoolwork? You a virgin or a playa?" "I'm a virgin," I replied nervously, "I've never dated anyone or anything...too busy with school." "Bet you wanted your first time to be special...something you'd always remember, right boy?" he asked. I blushed and nodded my head yes, confused about where this conversation was going. DeShaun looked at his two associates who were by now on either side of me and jerked his head towards the filthy mattress on the floor. Before I could do anything, they each grabbed an arm, wrapped it behind my back, and dragged me to the mattress and shoved me down onto my stomach onto it. I struggled pointlessly in their firm grips, yelling for help, trying to be heard over the thumping music. DeShaun got out of the chair and came and kneeled on the mattress next to me, and I felt his hand stroke my head. "Sorry to tell you, white meat, but that bright future you had all planned out just went down the drain. See, your brother Mark is a huge meth addict...my best customer in fact. But, he's had some difficulty lately paying for his drugs. I let him have more and more on credit, but told him he needed to give me something special in payment. So Marky tells me about this hot little cunt of a little brother he has, and offers you as payment to clear his debts. So, now your cunt belongs to me - you gonna be working off his debt. There's just one little matter to resolve first." He chuckles, then says to Mark, somewhere in the room, "You got one more thing to do, Marky Mark, before we square. You know I don't fuck pussy that ain't been broken in first. Now slam that rig and pay your debt." I heard some activity from wherever Mark was, as tears streamed down my face and I was babbling for him to save me. A snap of rubber, maybe, and a grunt and a gasp, and my older brother started to breathe really heavy in and out through his gritted teeth. DeShaun chuckled. "Yeah, Marky Mark, that rig is a little stronger than you used to, but I wanted to make sure you put on a good show for us. Now, let's see you breed that cunt." He punctuated the statement by slapping my ass. I heard what sounded like clothes coming off then Mark spit on his palm and it sounded like he was getting the spit on his cock. I started begging him, DeShaun, anyone not to let this happen to me as I felt his weight hit the mattress and he crawled towards me, held facedow still by DeShauns goons. Then, he yanked my shorts and boxers down, and next thing I knew, my older brother was raping me on a filthy mattress while his meth dealer watched. The part that I wouldn't admit yet, even to myself, was that in the very back of my mind, where the darkest, dirtiest thoughts in my head lived, the situation somehow felt...right.
    4 points
  8. INTRO Mitch grabbed the pretentious twink by the neck and shoved him up against the wall next to the door. “That’s it boy, I’ve had enough of your bullshit. Things are going to change around here starting right now. You got that Brandon?” he yelled at the drunken eighteen-year-old blond boy. Brandon tried to say something but was not able to get out more than a groan of pain with Mitch choking him. Mitch spat into the boy’s face, “You are a worthless piece of shit, just like your father said you were when he dumped you on me. I’ve tried to give you a chance to show you could be a decent person and a responsible adult, but you’re just a spoiled brat that uses people. Well punk, your luck has finally run out.” Jackson, an old friend from high school and college, as well as partner in a tech company they had sold a decade ago for a multi-million dollar payday, had called up Mitch a couple weeks ago asking for a huge favor. Jackson’s son, Brandon or Bran for short after the character from the Game of Thrones novel, would be going to college in the San Francisco bay area starting in the fall, but Jackson was worried about the boy. Bran’s mother, who was divorced from Jackson, had spoiled the boy rotten, using just a portion of the generous child support payments Jackson was ordered to pay as part of the divorce settlement. Jackson had no problem with his son being gay since Mitch had been one of his best friends for most of his life. It was obvious from a young age that Bran was queer and Jackson had many conversations with Mitch over the years about the boy. What Jackson could not stand though, was that Brandon had grown up to be a stuck up, spoiled, pretentious asshole. Jackson blamed himself for some of it since he had not fought that hard to retain custody of his son when he divorced his wife. So he had asked Mitch for a favor. He asked Mitch to take the boy in for the summer before college and try to reform the boy before he would move into campus housing for his freshman year. Mitch had met the boy several times previously, including a week before the phone call when he attended the boy’s graduation down in southern California. Mitch had agreed to take the boy in on the one condition that he had total authority to do whatever he felt was needed. To that end he asked Jackson if the boy’s mother was going to continue to spoil the boy after Brandon moved out of her house. Jackson laughed and explained that the only reason she had any money to spend on the boy was because of the generous child support that he was obligated to pay to his ex-wife as long as the boy was a minor. Now that the payments were stopping, his ex-wife had found a new mark to leech off of and was moving to the east coast to live with her new sugar daddy. Brandon was a very pretty young twink, taking after his mother, who had been beautiful enough to be a model, but was not willing to put in the work required to be successful in that career. He was 5’6” and slim. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He had delicate features and a slightly effeminate look. His lips were full and plumb and Mitch had often thought they would look good wrapped around his cock. The boy’s ass was a perfect perky bubble butt that was just begging to be spanked, fucked, and bred. It would look great with a puffy red rosebud leaking multiple loads of toxic cum. Mitch was looking forward to getting the kid flying and turn him into a willing hungry cum dump. Mitch, in contrast, was a man’s man, 6’2” and 225 pounds of muscle with just the right amount of fat to look natural and not like he did nothing but lift weights at the gym all day. He had a naturally fit body that responded well to his daily routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. At 48, his brown hair was just starting to go gray at the temples and his short neatly trimmed beard was streaked with gray. He was classically handsome and never had any trouble finding a willing bottom to get bred by his thick 9” monster cock, which he had used to poz many young twinks over the years during meth fueled marathons of fucking, sm, and fisting. Mitch pulled the boy off the wall and shoved him towards the sofa. The drunk kid stumbled and fell backwards onto the sofa. He sobbed and struggled to make sense of the sudden change in the man that had for the last two weeks let himself be walked all over. Bran had acted towards Mitch the same way he acted towards his mother, just assuming that his clothes would get picked up and washed, and that any money in a wallet left on a counter top was money that Bran could take. The man never seemed to care that Bran never said please or thank you when Mitch did something for him. Brandon was not dumb or oblivious; he could tell that Mitch found him attractive, as many men and women did. This was something which Bran become accustomed to taking advantage of. He figured he could tease Mitch by prancing around the house nearly naked and that was payment enough for Mitch doing all the cooking and cleaning. “You got five minutes to make a decision, you either get your things and get out, or you stay, but if you stay you are agreeing to do everything I say, and I mean everything. Your Dad said you were a worthless piece of trash, spoiled rotten by your mother and has given me permission to do whatever I want to get you to shape up. I gave you a chance to prove him wrong, but you took every opportunity to prove him right,” snarled Mitch. Brandon was in a state of panic. He had never experienced Mitch, nor anyone else, be this forceful and dominate with him. His mother had left to go shack up with some rich guy in Connecticut and had already rented her house out, so Brandon could not go back home. Brandon knew Mitch was right about how his father felt about him, so he could not go to his father’s place. His boyfriend, Aiden, was on a month long post graduation trip to Europe with his family so even if Brandon could get himself back back down to San Diego, he couldn’t crash at Aiden’s house and besides his boyfriend was still under age for another month. The young gay man didn’t have any close friends as he would eventually end up pissing off most people he met as he used them up. He did not have any money saved up as he spent every penny he could get his hands on buying fancy clothes, pot, and booze. He never held down a job to earn any money as he felt working was beneath him, something he had picked up from his mother. So his only options were to agree to Mitch’s demands, or be tossed out into the street. Deep down he knew his usual charms would not work this time, but out of habit he tried anyway, pleading, crying, begging, then throwing a temper tantrum when nothing else worked. Mitch stood stone faced through the boy’s attempted manipulations. He glanced down at his watch. “You just wasted four of your five minutes. You have one minute left to decide,” he said; his voice flat and unemotional. The stress of the situation was starting to sober Brandon up a bit, so he was able to think somewhat more rationally. While his attempts to persuade Mitch had just failed, he figured that in the morning Mitch would probably have calmed down and be more receptive to renegotiating whatever agreement they were in the process of making. He believed he would be able to smooth this all over when he sobered up and things would go back to normal. So he wiped the tears off his face and looked up at Mitch, “Okay, I’ll stay.” “By staying, you agree to do whatever I say. You understand that right?” said Mitch. Brandon rolled his eyes and nodded. Mitch stepped closer to the sofa so he was standing directly over the slim twink. “Then say it. Tell me you agree to do whatever I say,” demanded Mitch. “Fine, I’ll do what you say,” sighed Brandon. Mitch’s hand was lightning fast as he slapped the boy across the face. “Not good enough. Repeat after me, ‘I will stay with you and I will do whatever you say, SIR’” ordered Mitch, saying the words slowly and emphasizing the sir. Brandon grabbed his cheek and fought the urge to start crying again. “Okay fine. I will stay with you and I will do whatever you say, sir,” said Brandon, but even despite his stinging cheek, he reflexively rolled his pretty blue eyes. “Good enough for now. I’ll deal with that attitude of yours tomorrow. Now stay on the couch. If you get up, you’ll get a beating,” said Mitch before turning and walking out of the room and into the bathroom. He returned a moment later with an oblong pink pill and a glass of water. Brandon had at least obeyed this order without any backtalk or attitude. Mitch held the pill and the glass of water out to the boy. “Here, swallow this pill,” he ordered. “What is it?” asked Brandon. “It doesn’t matter what it is. From now on you will swallow any pill I want you to; you will drink anything I tell you to; and you will smoke anything I order you to. What part of ‘you will do everything I say’ are you having trouble with?” asked Mitch. Brandon reach out slowly and took the pill and the glass of water. He put the pill in his mouth and drank a small amount of water. He trapped the pill under his tongue as he swallowed the water, then handed the glass back. Mitch took the glass and set it down on the coffee table. He started to turn, as if he was going to walk away, then quickly sprang on the surprised boy. He landed on top of Brandon, sitting on the boy’s slim waist and pinning him on the sofa. Mitch yanked the boy’s blonde hair, pulling his head back. He grabbed the boy’s jaw with his other hand and forced his mouth open. “DON’T EVER THINK YOU CAN FOOL ME BOY,” he screamed into the boy’s face. He then spit into the boy’s mouth. “Swallow that fucking pill NOW.” Brandon was too terrified to do anything but obey. He swallowed he pill. Once Mitch was satisfied that the pill was down and not coming back up, he got up and left the room. Brandon was too emotionally spent to do anything but curl up into a ball on the sofa and cry until the Ambien kicked in and sent him into a deep sleep. *** Please feel free to leave feedback below or you can also PM me your comments and suggestions. Sex and drugs will be coming soon, I promise. Thank you for reading.
    3 points
  9. i had an ideal childhood. I lived in a generic town in a generic part of the country, but everything was normal and nice. My friends and I rode our bikes and played softball in the park...hell, there was even a tree house in my backyard. Everything changed in 2001. My grandma came to live with us, I started junior high, my parents finally bought a computer and 9/11 happened. Everything was worse. Grandma was a sweet lady, but very deeply into Jesus. She bugged me with her scriptures and psalms and shit. My group of friends seemed to split up and go their separate ways. I was in a bad mood and felt like I was not developing properly. I was gay of course, but that was just too big of a thing to think about. my bike and tree house looked ridiculous to me all of the sudden. And I kept getting pimples here and there. The computer didn't interest me too much. I sucked at the games on it because my hand/eye coordination was never good. I knew there were naked pictures on the internet, but there was always an adult lurking nearby. Plus -- my grandma was always on it. I still curse whoever showed her how to use a computer. She only went to religious websites and places where old, conservative, bible-thumping people like her gathered. That's where the story really begins... "I read a lot of facts about the gays and their AIDS. Did you know that the disease started because those people eat each others' poo?", Grandma announced at the dinner table one night. There was no shutting her up. "And they want more funding for research so they try to infect normal people like us. They stick you with needles that are contaminated. One woman was at the movies and felt a small pain in her back. After the movie was over, her husband saw a sticker on her shoulder that said 'Welcome to the club'. She got the AIDS without knowing it!" I wanted to go eat in my room...away from this shit. "And they leave dirty syringes in the coin return slots of payphones. So scary and so evil." I didn't believe her...entirely. But I wondered it might have some truth in it. I often thought about men having sex with other men, and this added an element of danger to it. I was terrified at first, but that fear turned to fascination over time. I read about the HIV virus in magazines they had in the school library. As I educated myself, I learned about how the virus was actually transmitted. I read about condoms and everything related to this 'gay disease'. I remember once snooping through my parents' bedroom and finding a box of condoms in a drawer. I was mostly fascinated by the illustration of the rubber on the front. It was fully extended and looked giant to me. The box had been opened which meant my father had put one on his penis already! Was he as big as the drawing? I went through high school, dark and moody. I was smart enough to know I wasn't mentally healthy, but not smart enough to ask for help. I was just a typical, sullen teenager in my family's eyes. I got my own computer the year I before I graduated. I used it for homework at times, but mainly I followed the draw of darkness. I went to porn sites, chat rooms and forums about gay sex. I wanted to know everything. Once I found a website where real guys talked about HIV as an erotic thing. They liked spreading it and made it sound so arousing. Imagine...getting a deadly sickness on purpose! I was 18 by then and knew I'd be leaving home soon. I wanted to meet some of these people in real life. They seemed more familiar to me than any of the people my age. Dark, twisted people. I went to the same college both of my parents attended. It didn't seem too much different than high school at first. The same cliques and herd mentality prevailed. Rah rah rah. What is 'school spirit' and what good does it do anyone? I did find a few dark, brooding people like myself, but they expressed their torment through art or poetry or music. I kept mine quiet and locked away. I got acquainted with beer and weed and a few other things, but I was really just waiting. Waiting for what I knew was close by. It probably wouldn't come to me -- I had to out and find it. I started to take long walks at night....everywhere and anywhere. I followed my instincts and wound up at a park that was sort of iconic because of the tall tower built as a memorial to victims of whatever war. It looked like giant penis. I sat on a stone bench and had a clove cigarette. As my adjusted a little, I noticed there were a lot of cars parked here. And there was movement in the shadows. Maybe this was where I'd find what I was searching for. If not, it was close. "I thought I smelled a clove. Got an extra?" A guy sat on the bench next to me. He was older than me, larger than me, and had a weird beatnik beard. I gave him a smoke and lit it for him. In that flash of the lighter I saw a face that looked somewhat demonic. Maybe not -- maybe it was the dark eyes, hair and strange beard that he had. Possibly that was look he was going for. Silence. "There's a lot of people here." "No more than usual. I've seen it a lot more full." "You've been here at night before?" "Only when my dick gets hard." "Huh?" All my sense were on high alert. "This where guys come to suck and fuck. You didn't know that?" "No, I...I'm a freshman." "Well, it's early. Around midnight, more will show up. I've probably fucked most of them. You gay?" "Probably." "Only one way to know for sure." He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. My first kiss. I reached down and touched his crotch. Why? I just wanted to, "Well, that settles that. You're fun. Want to take a walk?" "Sure. Where?" "Not far. Come on." We walked under some huge trees and small sidewalk lamps. He wanted to know about me. I told him most of what I've told you. He was content to listen and I just kept babbling. "You know that thing about needles was just an urban myth, right? Shit, man. The internet is full of bullshit, but I'm glad you found that website...I'm probably a member there." "Are you HIV positive? Are you a bug-chaser? A gift-giver?" "I'm anything you want, little friend. I'm Doug, by the way." "I'm Andy. Nice to meet you." Where was my brain? Why wasn't it working? I needed to think, but forgot how. We moved deeper into the park. The football stadium wasn't far. "You're still a virgin, aren't you?" "Yeah. Why?" "Just curious. We're here." Where? It was just a bare patch of grass, bathed in a square of light from the stadium ahead. "This is where I like to take the new ones. Sit down. It's still a little too early in the year for chiggers, so we should be fine." We sat and he stretched out his long legs. We kissed again and when I reached to touch his groin, he already had his bare penis sticking out of the fly. Electricity went through me. He was already erect. So was I. "Take my pants off for me, Andy." I pulled off his shoes and pants. No underwear. He was half-naked and hard as a rock. I could feel his devilish smile in the sparse light. "Very good. Now take off your own. Let me get a look at what I'm dealing with here." I don't think I was ever naked outdoors before. My bouncing boner was embarrassing. "I see you like everything so far. Let's leave our shirts on for now. There's a bunch of twigs everywhere. Sit." "Will anybody see us?" "Who cares. Just bend down and suck my dick." I bent down and took the head of his penis in my mouth. It was slick already. I took as much of it as I could. I'd never done this before, but I could tell I was good at it. Doug kissed air in between his teeth as I got further and worked the shaft with my tongue. I came up for air. "Want to sit on it? Sit on my big dick?" "You have a condom?" "Nope. I'm allergic to latex. We'll be careful. Just try to get your ass right above my crotch, and then lower down." I tried, but it was awkward and my balance was off. I ended up falling over. Before I could try again, he said "Never mind. We'll do this the old-fashioned way." He pinned me on my back and spread my legs apart. He got rougher. His penis was pressing against my bare butt hole. I knew it would never fit, but maybe all the spit I'd used on him worked enough to get the tip in. I yelped and heard it echo in the darkness. "That's the worst part, little boy. It's all candy from now on. Enjoy." He was then fucking me. I was getting fucked. By a man. The dark I'd been searching for was thrusting inside of me over and over again. It started to feel wonderful. A certain kind of wonderful I never knew existed. "We have to be careful." "I am carefully giving you what you need....right...NOW!" A spasm took over his body and I knew he's cum inside me. Sperm. We got dressed in silence and started walking back. I wanted to talk, but couldn't get a sentence started. "Shh. I know you want to make some sense of this, but you need a good 24 hours to think. Go home, get some sleep and come back to find me in a few days. I'm here almost always." "But..." "Ssh. Here's my car. Give me a kiss." We kissed as he got in. I turned to walk back to my dorm just as he opened the door again. "Oh yeah....welcome to the club!"
    3 points
  10. Nice a hot boy ready to fuck like that ... I like when one guy maintains open his asschecks with his hands like that, so inviting, sexy. And you ? Any idea of what yould be written under that symbol and meaning? not poz symbol ..
    3 points
  11. He is a fucking aging queen. That is about the only way anyone could every describe our host for the evening. Charles,the oldest of the assembled homo hoard, is full of queer BS stories. By that I mean "before Stonewall". We like Ike was a popular saying during the era Charles first learned he liked Dick. (Note to you young guys...Stonewall was a NYC queer bar and kind of ground zero for much of the "out" in the open part of gay rights activism after a riot there in the late '60's got national attention. Ike is Dwight Eisenhower---general and president. Dick is that fleshy shaft that feels so good in your ass). Those of us who know him often use the terms Lady Charles or Lady C in reference to that swishy old fag. No doubt, many of our fem tended brothers have some swish, but Charles damned swish is legendary. Lady C perfected the are of "beauty in all things" long before that became a near stereotype gay attribute. His home, his clothes, his car, his lawn and his business are all near perfect all the time. With the lisp of a Truman Capote wanna be, the good lady is an arch-type old school fag. Several things are great about our senior friend, he is hung like a horse (well maybe a small pony), he has more anal and genital warts than I have ever seen on a man and he LOVE gono. If anyone wants to sample the clap, Charles is usually a good source. Trey was a bit slow in returning to the scene of his presumed POZZING. In fact, I was being to wonder if he was done for the night. Charles was swishing too and fro, fretting about not getting his chance to fuck the kid. I was still hoping to catch a load, but with the black boys spent, Dave in serious lust after Trey and Lady C in a pre-fuck tizzy, Ray and his perverted weird ass fucking pyramid cock was my only hope at the moment. But, shit, all Ray wanted was something to eat and a Mountain Dew. Even though his fucked up pecker was a full staff, he seemed oblivious to the scent of men fucking. My throbbing ass needed a dick bad, but it was not happening. Lady C was on about his third bottle of hand sanitizer when our new grad stumbled back to the bed. Trey laughed a bit as he hollered: "NEXT" and went ass up on the bed. Charles warted up cock was waving proudly as he started rimming his target. I chuckled some as I though about how often that old nelly had sanitized his hands. He had gotten knocked up at the infamous Cheshire Bridge Hotel in Atlanta a decade a go. His longtime boyfriend left him. Since then he has had about every dick or blood shared STD possible, maybe even some he fucking made up. As I mentioned, he liked gono and was always drooling a bit of the nasty pus most of the time. So with very clean hands and a very sick pus-dripping knotted up cock, he was preparing the kids ass for one more POZ cock. Perhaps it is a bit hard to imagine a swishy queen top, but if you can, that was Lady C. How he can swish and fuck at the same time is beyond me, but that is him. The most remarkable about the 6 fuck of the night for Trey is that it was largely unremarkable. Other than the queenly presence in his ass, the fuck was about as vanilla as possible. At times, it was hard to tell if they were fuckign or sleeping. They fucked (sort of) in silence for a bit until the Lady C simply said:, " there it is" and promptly pulled out that gnarly meat and slid off the kid's ass. Hell, with a fuck like that the boy might start liking pussy---'cause that was not a real man fuck at all. But it was POZ cock 6 and an extra measure of gono and herpes thrown in, so the gift was a good one despite being somewhat bland in function. We were all just kind of sitting there wondering what to do next. Six times the kid had taken a POZ load and now what. In a surprise move, Trey "sprang" into action and was trying to woo Dave back into the bed. No doubt, those two were have a great connection and Trey wanted more. He wanted to fuck Dave's fine ass. His cock was pointing at his own chin (damn I remember those days and all that glorious testosterone). We all kind of gave them space and let them fuck as lovers not as part of a POZ party fetish fuck. Just as Trey got his lightly used cock fed into the redheads ass, there was a timid knock on the door. I knew who it was, and I am sure Dave did too, but he was in full bottom mode and enjoying the inexperienced thrusting of his young top. As the perfect host should, Lady C swished to the door and opened it wide. As expected, there stood what might be the world oldest goth dude. Dressed fully in black, black finger nail polish and ghostly white make up, Doug makes for a strange sight. His long hair hangs well below his shoulders. He moves with an easy gait, but more as a spirit than a man. Most of the guys recognized our new visitor and welcomed. Doug is the local "herb man" and is recognized for his superb cultivation of mountain grown weed. But as the night was a substance free event, Doug's other attribute was to be a capstone on the night. He is nearing 70 and has been POZ since he got knocked up in the early '80's. He survived the dark days of the AIDS crisis only after a few brushes with death as he developed full onset AIDS. Later, the new medications restored most of his health and he enjoyed live as a skilled herb peddler and part time metal guitarist. Doug made the decision that when he went on social security, he would go off of the meds. Now he was a unicorn, that mythical, seldom seen holy grail of queer fucking---a full on AIDSBONE. Dave had invited him, but we all knew Doug to be very skittish. It was something of a surprise the man in black showed up. I suppose you may have guessed, I had known Doug a long time. We never fucked until after I converted, but damn, it was hot taking an honest AIDS cock. Knowing his strain dated to the earliest days of what we know as HIV+ infection, it was not only a great fuck, but a emotional cock ride as well. Doug's tool is something more than average, but not much more. He needs the Pfizer Riser blue pill to get to full fuck mode, but it is a nice dick when he does. I have had a dozen or so doses of that precious and rare pecker juice and basked in an AID-induced glow with each one. He is not a real gifted at heart, but Dave convinced him of the importance of this fuck night. I guess I need to add that Doug and Dave are father and son. No, not the fetishized daddy kink of much gay porn, but real honest to goodness father and son. I had gotten fucked by both of them before I really learned of that connection. In so many ways, they are different as any two homos can be. But at heart they both love fag sex and appreciate being POZ. On a couple occasions, I have been spit-roasted by that daddy/boy team and loved getting their family strain in both my fuck holes at the same time. Talk around the queer community is that Doug POZZED his own kid on the son's 18th birthday. I knew that they had fucked a lot and for many, many years so I expected it could be true. When I asked Doug about it, all I got was a bright twinkle in those sunken eyes. His wasting condition makes his face drawn and gaunt, but his eyes lit up when I asked. Perhaps that is why Dave was successful in getting his old man show up and fuck Trey. Lady C ushered Doug into the fuck room with all the embellishment he could muster. I though it might be a bit awkward a Trey was still trying to bust a nut in Doug's cute son. Doug never hesitated, he just came in and stripped, ready to fuck. The effect of the Viagra was apparent, as that old AIDBONE was a rigid as the cock pumping his kid's ass. Dave looked over at his Papa and said, "hey Pops, glad you could cum, Trey is the guy fucking me, he will be done in a minute.". A few minutes of PORN inspired thrusting and contorted motions later, Trey let out a war whoop and cream pied that beautiful ass. Doug was a bit slow and deliberate. He asked Trey if he really wanted that joyful juice that only an AIDBONE can provide. Doug talked some about the generations of queers, past present and future who were all united by that creamy delight. He mentioned how Trey had been filled with a fresh strain (mine, I am just 6 months POZ) and now would be filled with a strain from the near beginning of the disease as we know it. Doug described it as the ALPHA and OMEGA, the beginning and the end of the adventure of being a knocked up homo. He continued on that note describing to Trey that this night was Trey's own alpha experience, the night the bug would invade and attack his immune system. And, as Trey progressed into full on AIDS, he too would have his OMEGA moment, his beginning and end connected by the cum rammed deep this very night. Trey (and the rest of us) were so horned up by that short speech, it is a wonder we did not have a synchronized group orgasm. No more words were spoken as Trey rolled onto his back once more and thrush his legs towards the ceiling. With the polished moves of an experienced and skilled top man, Doug mounted the beginner and split his cum filled ass with the kid's first AIDSBONE. They enthusiastic fucked for a half hour. Doug's skill at using leverage and position helped him fuck like a man one third his age. Trey squealed and groaned in pleasure and that death stick massaged his prostrate. All too soon, Doug erupted in ecstasy and another load was capture in the pooched out honey hole of a young queer. They remained couple for a bit, as if to make sure each and every copy of the AIDS virus drained from Doug's balls into that boy-cunt. Trey seemed serous as he said, "fuck, if I was not POZ already, that fuck knocked me up". He will never know which cock did him, if any, but he had the experience of a lifetime....and still has a lifetime of wild fucking ahead of him. Lady C had the last honor of the evening. We had purchased a huge butt plug for the occasion. It is glass and near the size of a coffee cup. I have one like it and it takes me significant effort to get it into place. But this night, Charles was to drive that glass punisher into Trey's cum filled ass. We wanted him to have the experience of enjoying all that cum, all that sperm and all those copies of our various strains of the bug, for as long as possible. After a few too many hugs, kisses and best wishes, Trey was off into the early morning darkness. His odd gait announcing the prolonged fucking he had just endured. Everyone of us has done that skank walk as only a cum filled fag can. Now Trey, was officially one of us.
    3 points
  12. I've been working behind the scenes on making it so people can enter personal details. I figured if I did it, I might as well do more than the few details that are required for chat. At the bottom of the chat page there's now a link to a page where you can update your details. I'm away in DC for Pride starting tomorrow. When I get back I'll take the next step and then those details will start showing up under the person's avatar in chat. But if you look at the list of things you can enter it's pretty exhaustive. It should be obvious that this is bigger than chat. –that my end goal is really to have full-fledged hookup sites. Given the architecture of what I'm building, details about you as a person are on one input form, and the persona you're projecting are on another input form. But even the chat - the reason why it doesn't look like the old chat, is because I was building something bigger than chat. It's the structure for a messaging system. It's a forum thread. It's a social site (like Twitter or Tumblr). There a lot of details to work out for each of those, but I'm trying to build things that are flexible and reusable in other contexts. This should be an exciting year if I can just get the programming completed…
    3 points
  13. The last of my KW highlights. I was chatting with the guy from my last story, and agreed to meet him at one of the bars. I got there, he was no where to be seen. Almost right after I sit down, the hot FAT-DICK guy from two stories ago walks up to me and sits on the bar-stool. He had hit me up on one of the apps earlier in the day, and we had discussed meeting up the following night to really go at it. He saw me walk in and followed me. This is where I find out he's not cuban, and we chat, sometimes through a translator app, for a good hour or so. My other bud, that I was supposed to originally meet, shows up, but apparently didn't feel like competing and left. He messages me to take the FAT-DICK guy upstairs to a dark room area though, LOL. We eventually make it upstairs, and his Bearded friend from the other night is chatting with someone else. Hmm, maybe a repeat of the last encounter with these men? Or not. I make out with FAT-DICK and he pulls out his cock for me to suck on. Yum, It really is nice. We talk about what we want for sex, and again I want cock in my ass. I bend over and he pulls out a condom and puts in on before sliding in. He is a fucking rough fuck. Pounding my ass like there's no tomorrow. I reach back a couple times for a 'condom check' and notice it's a little rolled down. The third time I reached back I just pull it off and he hesitates but slides in after a few seconds. Now it's a perfect fuck! After another five minutes, I get my ass loaded by his cock. There's more stories I could tell from my trip, but these were by and large the more memorable ones.
    3 points
  14. I posted an ad on Cragislist that read Cumdump hosting. You pick the hole. Door open room dark on knees naked waiting for your cock. Feed it to me until you're hard. You decide which hole to dump in." A 29 year old rough trade hot motherfucker shows up and had me suck his dick, which was buried in my throat balls-deep. I could feel his rod throbbing. Eventually he stepped out of his pants, and I caught a glimpse of a somewhat small tattoo midway up his chest, but as he was still wearing a shirt I couldn't see much of it. After blowing him for a few minutes he slid into my hole. He was not gentle, but instead virtually ripped into my hole. He pounded my love button for about five minutes then withdrew, telling me he wanted me on my back as he wanted to see my eyes as he came inside my ass. I shifted to the position he wanted as I was utterly horny and determined to get his cock back into my hole, so I took a deep hit of poppers as he re-entered my ass, again going balls-deep. About a minute of deep-dicking me, he thrust in his entire length, and leaned back as his cock began shooting cum deep into my ass. Afterwards he looked deep into my eyes, smiling broadly, as he pulled off his shirt to reveal his his hot scorpion tatt.
    2 points
  15. Fuck, for a kid his age he was taking a hard fucking well. Jony is an amazing top fuck. Not only is he beautiful---from the Dominican Republic so he has that caramel skill that is of fucking hot, he has a BBC that is both unique and worthy of the BBC description. Longer than most at over 11 inches, it is also narrow, but has a mushroom head to die for. In fact, it almost looks like some cartoon toadstool. Best of all it has that curve that you know will drive your prostrate into a faggot frenzy. Jony also fucks hard. Not just a little....but damned hard and can go forever before giving up his tainted seed. First time he split my queer ass, it was over an hour until he finally rewarded me with his cum. It was one of the only times I remember thinking I was glad to have a cock out of my bruised hole. But Trey was a trooper. We had selected Jony to go first since we all knew what Trey was in for. If the little homo wanted to fuck like a real man, then taking a pounding like this would prove it. The kid hardly made a noise as Jony mounted him from the rear. Still, those watching could see Trey wince and thrust his white ass to meet that black monster. He must have done some dildo play, because he took that cock like a pro and they were soon fucking hard and fucking in great rhythm. For nearly 35 minutes that skilled top worked Trey into a sexual frenzy. And all that time that fresh bottom hung in and took it. Jony has fucked me enough that I recognized when he was ready to unload. His noises, his movements, the speed and rhythm all were so familiar. My own hard-on was leaking precum by the buckets. I am not sure what was the most exciting, seeing Jony fuck him, think about how that diseased Dominican dick feels in my own ass, or knowing that I was "on deck" to fuck the boy next. When the low moaning started escaping from that dark skinned top, I knew it was happening. Without a single word, Trey had just taken his first POZ load and one of several gifts he would that night...the night he graduated from high school. In our small, isolated mountain town there are limited social opportunities. I suppose we are lucky that there are plenty of "unique" folks in the area so one local diner/pool hall/bar/grocery store (yeah all in one) is very open and accommodating. Thursday is unofficially queer night and a number of us get together to bullshit, play some pool and eat. Must of us are fuck buds in one fashion or the other, but queer night is not really sexual---just a hang out, food and talk thing. Trey first started hanging out a bit right after he turned seventeen. Since all of us regular fags were much older, we were quite careful about our conversations and comments when he was in the place. Eventually, we figured out he was gay---and eventually he brought a few of his own age high school friends and presumed friend with benefits. No doubt, we were all clear that any of that group was strictly off limits. Regardless of how cute, those underage guys are ALWAYS a no-fuck-zone. He was a decent guy, at once he had very serious and introspective and on the other hand, we could see a wild ass homo developing. He asked a million questions about being a "growed up gay". One night, when the subject of the discussion was my recent intentional POZZING, he became more animated than I had ever seen. Clearly he had some connection to chasing and gifting. He thought it was great to know someone (ME) who was POZ and unleashed every question imaginable. Little did he know that the other 5 guys at that big round table were just as POZ as I was and quite likely one of them was the dick that knocked my ass up. A few weeks later, we held a bit of a birthday party as he turned 18. Although he was not longer jail bait, the other locals and I had declared him off limits. We all agreed that as good as fucking him could be, it may be best if he figured out his own place without our horny asses influencing him any more than we had. He seemed happy with his gifts.....some very good lube, a gross of condoms and a huge butt plug. So, it was with major shock that we heard him say, "thanks but what I really want is POZZED'. WTF did he just say? Trey? Wants fucking POZZED? What the shit is up with that.? What we got was one of the most beautiful descriptions of how a young queer, now of age, understood his place in the generations of queers--past, present and future. He knew he had all the loving connections he would need...good family and friends...what he longed for was to be as authentically a fag as he could be. For him , like so many other including me, that was the starting block for our chase. He was clear and eloquent--this kid wanted to get POZZED and SOON. Eventually the subject changed and we had a fun time and the evening ended around 11. Nearly two hours later my phone rang. It was Jamie, the BBC that I think knocked me up. He was worked up. "Man", he said, "you got to give it to him". Half asleep I slurred, "why the fuck me...and what the hell are we even talking about this for/" Jamie continued, " you know he is gonna do it and soon....better that he gets it from someone who cares than a back alley stranger". He kept talking and added, "besides you were just knocked up a few months ago...you know you have the highest VL, you know you could breed him". My brain and my cock were at instant war. My head saying no fucking way and my cock stiffening up as to say "let me at that tender ass." I finally got Jamie off the phone, but could not get back to my sleep. How erotic, how amazing, how wrong, how inappropriate, how...fuck how..fuck how...over and over all night. Nothing else was said until maybe a month later. I had gotten nailed by an honest-to-god AIDSBONE the previous weekend and was all to eager to tell the others about taking that seriously sick dick. I really had not noticed that Trey was not around. Then another occasional partner and part-time group member, Dave, suggested that I introduce the AIDSBONE to Trey and get it over with. Jamie chimed in with a "why ask the AIDS dude when we all could get that done". Starting in jest, an hour later we had designed the perfect POZZING party for our 18 year old buddy. I knew that I was not the only one horned up by the idea as the group started breaking up early. I knew I needed fucked and suggested that anyone who wanted to play could follow me home (two block walk). Four of us spend the next hour sharing our toxic cum and lusting over who might get to POZ Trey. Jony clearly spend some effort to make sure he fully drained his nuts and distributed his load thoroughly in Trey's ass As that black snake slowly withdrew from that very white young ass, we were all waiting to hear any comments the new graduate might have. He just had a world class fucking from an amazing black dick and was filled with a load of HIV+ cum. Not bad for a kid that just a few hours earlier was awearing a green cap and gown as he ended his high school career. All he said was, "fuck, I want more".....and started wagging his ass. I was up next. Of course my cock had been rigid the entire time Jony was working his magic. I was second for several reasons. Not only was I sporting the highest VL of the group due to my own fairly recent POZZING, I was also a confirmed breeder---one conversion in my short life as a POZ FAG. Additionally, I had done the prep work to make Trey as responsive as possible. I washed out his hole to squeaky clean status....removing any natural barriers to the tainted seed he was about to receive. Then, using the same brush that prepped my ass for conversion, I worked his hole until I had achieved a pinkish slime on the bristles. I am sure he was disappointed as I mounted his ass. Not only am I unskilled as a top (full on bottom except for the chances to breed a neg bottom) and I have none of the size Trey's first gifted presented. But, we got into a rhythm and for 5 or 6 minutes, I enjoyed fucking that hole and feeling the leftover cum. But all too soon I knew my time was up and with a loud shout, that little twink got exposure number two. I drained the contents of my balls into his hole. I know what it feels like to get knocked up and to knock up a horny hole.....and I could only hope that highly enjoyable fuck was good for him. As I started to pull out, he clenched his ass, holding more for a bit longer---no doubt, he HAD enjoyed it. And maybe, just maybe me seed was planted once again. We had a planned "break". We wanted to be sure he understood what was happening. By plan, there booze and drugs were absent from the night (save poppers). But, any horned up fag worth the name knows that POZ COCK LUST is even more powerful than the best enhancements. One of the things we offered was a chance to stop at that time. Additionally, he could stop and we would get him to an ER to seek PEP, had he changed his mind. We offered to postpone anything else--anything to make sure he knew he could stop, could get treatment or simply have time to think. Trey had been sipping on a Red Bull while he heard us blab about his options. Suddenly he chugged the rest of his drink, grabbed Dave's cock and said "Somebody needs to fuck me now". Dave is a real cutie, perhaps a bit old to be called a twink at 27, he none the less has that look. Tall and thin, he is also a red-headed Irish guy with that translucent alabaster skin that some ginger Micks display. His skin is just as soft as it is beautiful and his body is fully hairless except for the fire red patch of hair surrounding his junk. Dave and I had met some years before either of us chased. We hooked up a few times, but never were extremely close. He was introduced to me (again) by my most likely gifted. Dave's one infection came the tip of the same BBC some 5 months before I converted. We laughed a bit at the fact we had only fucked with condoms and now were both POZ. Anyhow, Dave is a very nice lover. Enough skill and size to make it enjoyable, but also largely effortless. He is neither fast or slow in summing. Just an all around nice fuck. I knew why Trey wanted him next. Dave had been on meds after getting the bug, but never went "undetectable". He still unsure if it is his own make up or the strain he has, but he continues to have a 100K VL. From my discussions with Trey, I knew he had a fetish for the more extreme strains and was hopeful Dave had one. Dave rolled the twice fucked twink onto his back, wedged his shoulders under the boy's legs and proceeded to mount him with speed and enthusiasm. Again, Trey took cock without a sound (he is going to have to give TOPS some feedback), but Dave let out a huge laugh. The feel of the two loads already deposited was a joy for him. The pure pleasure of breeding a cum filled hole was giving Dave a real thrill. I think it was Trey that really started that fuck off. He was rocking on his ass and working Dave's dick with some decent skill and a whole lot of young-dude testosterone filled lust. Dave started moaning about what a great fuck it was, Trey making a low mooing sound. They were soon in their own fuck-focused world where their bodies were joined and nothing else existed. I suspect many of you have had a fuck like that...where the connection is strong, the lust is mutual and the feelings and desires of both men are matched. It was clear, Dave was NOT FUCKING Trey, rather those two handsome, smooth men were making intimate love. The fucked slowly and deeply for nearly a half hour. At times, they were still, connected, touching, feeling breathing. Other times, they writhed in unison and moaned the same guttural sound as the fucked at a higher intensity. Then for the first time of the night, Trey begged for demon seed. "Dave", he panted loudly, "give me your seed. i want all of your cum. fuck it into me.". A little jealousy was welling in my body as, I expect in Jony". The boy took us without a word And now, after the erotic ecstasy had peaked with Dave, it was all Trey wanted and he kept saying so. Dave responded, "here it is, here is my POZ cum, I want you to have my bug". And with that comment, Trey had his third exposure to the bug. There is way more to this story...and if anyone likes it...will be glad to add to it in other "chapters".
    2 points
  16. As I brought Kane into the Abattoir I took a brief moment to enjoy the crowd. In the centre of the room in front of us was a huge dance floor; dark music pumped dirty and loud and the low strobing lights flashed show illuminations of men in various states of dress dancing and grinding their way across each other. Kane's eyes were barely registering anything after that double bootie bump he had been given by the bouncer and I doubt he had a clue what his piggy hole was in for. I walked him over to the bar along the side and shouted into his ear over the music "So what do you think!" His words slurred back semi comprehensible back to me "erm yeah, its loud man, I'm not feeling so good, this is all a bit much man. I... I... I don't know" "Kane, Kane relax, chill, you're here with me, I'll take good care of you trust me, these guys are harmless. Let me get you a drink and you can relax better" I grabbed the attention of the hot leather daddy bar man and leaned over to give him our order. "My Pig here is new and needs something to relax, can you get me a house special" The daddy winked back and grabbed some cheap soft drink and poured it into a plastic cup. I then watched him squirt some G and some meph into the cup before dipping his cock into the cup to stir it around. The liquid level slowly rose reaching the lip of the cup as he pulled his pissing dick out the cup and placed it in front of me. "There you go Sir, something wicked and wild to get your pig in the proper mood, no charge for you, but I'll be expecting some payment later" He leaned over and grabbed Kanes face shaking his eyes awake. "Hmmm he's a tasty one isn't he" Said the Daddy as he prised open Kanes mouth with his big thumb and held it open wide. The Daddy took a big snort from the back of his throat and spat a huge fat phlegm right into the back of Kanes throat and before Kane even register, he pulled Kane forward and stuck his tongue in, roaming around tasting. Kane pushed back from the bar shocked and confused "fuck FUCK man, no no, I'm not like that, I'm not into dudes". I kicked back into actor mode and grabbed Kanes shoulder to reassure him. "Listen its cool its cool he's just friendly thats all don't think anything of it, you know how slutty some gays are" "Ugh its gross man, he tastes like ash and shit" "Here use this to get rid of the taste" I said as I held the glass to his mouth and poured it down his throat. "Just chug it all and get rid of that taste". I looked back at the bar daddy who was standing back stroking his massive hard dick watching Kane drink his piss. "Ugh that shit was awful what was it" "Just some cheap pop man, I figured you might want something to help clear your head a bit" "Yeah ok cool, cool, ugh its fucking grim though" "Come on listen lets go dance and just try and have some fun yeah, if you don't like this place we can always leave" Kane reluctantly came to the dance floor and he followed me into the thick of the floor in amongst all the sweaty bodies as we began to dance to the dirty beats. It was pretty obvious Kane was the centre of attention as everyone turned towards him watching him dance and move. Guys weren't being subtle as hands decided to start groping his chest and feeling his body as I slowly took a few steps away and let the attack happen. All the drugs Kane had taken so far had him loose and mellow and out of it and he just allowed these men to remove his tight white t-shirt revealing his hard toned torso and pecs. I watched tow guys immediately attach to his nipples slathering over his body I could see in the flashing lights men behind him seeing the exposed hole. I moved around so I could watch as a guy dropped to his knees, pulled my pig's cheeks apart and began eating out the hole. I worked my way through the growing crowd to see my pigs face and could see he was gone, if the crowd wasn't so thick the pig would have fallen over long ago. So I decided it was time for me to go and get a drink for myself. After having a nice cold beer and a good friendly chat I looked over to the dance floor and noticed the crowd had dispersed, back to the usual dancing and grinding. Shit the Pig wasn't there. It wouldn't have been let out by the bouncers, so more than likely was in the toilets. Walking to the back of the club I pushed through into the wet area; the Abattoirs' toilets. There was my pig, on all fours with its classic tightie whities ripped wide apart, letting its shrivelled cock and balls hang loose. The jeans, boots and t-shirt were long gone but it had his white socks on still. Although now they were more a wet yellow colour from all the piss they had clearly been soaked in. The pigs hair was drenched along with most of its body which was currently being roughly thrust between two hot muscled black men, who were so muscled they put my pig to shame. My Pig was definitely not in the room anymore as the guy raping his mouth was pounding his giant cock right down his throat, and I mean down his throat as I was watching this bulge moving back and forth when my Pigs adams apple should have been. Moving behind I saw a similar sight, with every outward pull, a dick the size of a babies arm was pulling out my pigs puffy turn pussy lips before roughly shoving them back inside. This babies arm I guessed was at least 10 inches and jack hammering my pigs guts like it was mashed potato. "You liking my pig boys?" I said as I fished my dick out my jeans. "This ass is fucking prime and about to get nice and charged up in a minute. He's about to get some proper african aids babies. Gonna make him pregnant real soon" he said as he began thrusting harder into my pig. "We are proper toxic, proud and strong" said his friend as he was busy bashing his balls into my pigs face, occasionally taking a moment to slap him with those big open hands. "You sure you want this for him, he want this, no coming back, no treatment for this strain, its nasty shit" "Not a He, It. This pig doesn't deserve being acknowledge as a man, its a thing, my thing. Now fucking knock it up. I want it ruined and toxic and as fucked up as it can be. Give it your aids, both of you. fill it FILL IT UP WITH YOUR AIDS!" I shouted as the pair both began gutturally bellowing pumping their loads into my pig. "FUCK!" they screamed as they both pushed in as deep as they could, shooting load after load of their poison into the pig. Part of me wished the pig has been awake for this. Would it have hurt? Not the fucking, obviously that would have been agony for it, but would it have burnt inside as those viral strains flooded his insides seeping into his blood changing him and further mutating my strain in him. They both took a deep breath in unison as they slowly allowed their softening dicks to slide out, letting go and allowing the pig to slump down to the piss soaked floor. I took the fuckers dick and admired it in my hands for a brief moment. This was at least 12 inches long soft, I had clearly miscalculated. I was getting stiff just thinking about all the damage it had done and how deep that load must have gone. I placed the tip into my mouth and sucked the head tasting my pigs dirt and blooded ass. I stood up and proudly spat the flavour onto its face as it lay there with a slight puddle of cum leaking from its mouth. I used my foot to push the dribbling load back in along with some piss and tilted its head back upwards. "My worthless fucking pig" I wished looking down in both disgust and pride at the sight. The two guys started leaving, heading back to the dance floor, passing the leather daddy barman on their way out. "I'm on a break and figured this was where I could get my payment. Shit looks like someone bust the cherry before I did. Looks like I'm going to have to go a little extra" He leaned down and picked my pig up and put him over his shoulder. "You come with me too, you'll enjoy this" and we walked further into the depths of the club. We walked through some winding corridors and the music died down. We got to a big door with 'Slaughter House - No admittance' written across it. He took out a key with one hand, still holding Kane over his shoulder with the other and open the door. "Holy shit... now THIS is impressive" I gasped as I took out my phone and checked the battery life. Just over 50%, hopefully that would be enough to capture all of this, because this was able to get nasty.
    2 points
  17. My hole LOVES to be stretched and seeded!
    2 points
  18. So hot to have a boy like that, would learn to deepthraot with one like that, would take it so deep, the way he wants .. and he has so nice balls to play with, all all his body is so smooth ... yumm ... how would you use him ?
    2 points
  19. Dude...so fucking hot...I love the story and I could picture the whole thing. I wish my ass was getting raped and used like that
    2 points
  20. Which of these four guys is usually: Top Bottom Switch Bi
    2 points
  21. How impolite it is that you give a guys hole a great fucking and a good load in his hole that he does not have the common decency to clean your dick with his mouth.
    2 points
  22. WARNING: SOME VIOLENT CONTENT (2002) i made it to the age of 23 with my virginity intact even though I went to a liberal college famous for its gay activism and cruising. I just couldn't work up the nerve. It bugged me a little because most of my friends had started having sex in high school. It's not like I didn't have a sex drive or was unattractive...I just lacked even the tiniest amount of bravery. Maybe most of you already know that the longer you go without action, the more fantasies and fetishes start blooming in your brain...and the more you beat off. I had accumulated a huge porn collection by the time I graduated and moved out on my own. I decided on my 23rd birthday that I needed to get my cherry popped within a year. I went to a bar in my neighborhood that I figured was gay because of the rainbow flag that hung over the doorway. As luck would have it, it turned out to be the roughest, sleaziest spot in town. The instant I walked in, I knew I didn't belong in this place. The big bear of a bouncer studied my ID for a long time. "Have fun", was all he said after handing it back to me. There were TVs everywhere, showing porn and music videos. Most of the customers were older than me and wore leather stuff. One unhealthy-looking guy sat at the bar wearing nothing but leather bikini shorts. Some of them were handsome and many of them were definitely not. I tried to act like I'd been here a thousand times already but I doubt anybody bought it. The stares were coming from all directions. Dark eyes sizing up the new kid. I saw an open spot at the bar and ordered a beer. I looked at the TV screen above the liquor bottles and wondered what would happen next. There was a guy sitting next to me who was all leathered-up and probably in his 60's. And drunk. The thing was...he was the least threatening man in my vicinity. He was close to passing out...and so I resumed watching an old Madonna video on the screen. My goal was to finish my three dollar beer and leave. Done. Good-bye. I headed for the door and caught the bouncer's eye again. "Not your kind of place, huh? Well at least you didn't have to pay a cover tonight." I felt the need to apologize for some reason. "It's a nice place. I just need to go." "Wait just a minute or two. There was some kind of fight or something in the parking lot and the cops are out there. Cars, flashing lights." I stood there like the scared doofus I was. In my blue Izod shirt, new jeans and loafers. I was so stupid to just saunter in this place. The bouncer hopped up and left me alone...and then soon came back with a fresh beer and a wooden stool for me to sit on. Nice guy. "Thanks. How much longer do you think I need to stay?" He peeked out the window. "They're cuffing somebody. Shit's going down because they've got the K9 unit out. Drugs, probably." We listened as more sirens sang their way to the parking lot. "Holy shit, Does this happen a lot?" "Regularly. You're safe next to me. What's your name?" "Matt. Yours?" "I'm Brian. You're a cutie. Stay here and keep me company." Brian wasn't 'a cutie' exactly. He was in his 30's, very tall, a little fat and had that weird kind f mustache that reminds you of a walrus. He also had bucked teeth. But yet I felt electricity when he looked at me. He had a leather cap which only somewhat disguised that he was losing his hair. We spent the rest of the evening talking about the scene. The scary guys filtered out slowly and then it was closing time. I sat and watched the exit parade. So many of them scowled at me for whatever reason. "Let's go get breakfast," Brian said as he came back. Well, we skipped IHOP and just went to his place. I wanted to. He had a roommate who was always out getting fucked or partying (or both). They used to do it together, but Brian was older, more tired and had specific tastes. He was a "dad looking for a "son". I was agreeing to everything he proposed for us, but the truth is I just wanted sex. I wanted to see him naked at least. And I did. For about an hour. I massaged his back and size 17 bare feet, but then he went to sleep. I slept on the couch for a few hours until sunrise crept into the room. For the next few weeks, we "dated". It was never going to be serious. We weren't what each other wanted. He wanted a "boy". He wanted me to go get leather gear and have my head shaved down to a crew cut. I was okay with being a submissive, but I wasn't cutting my hair or wearing some leather vest or collar out in public. At least he was kinky. He liked to pee on and in me...and had a hatred for condoms. Only problem was that he couldn't get me relaxed enough to take his dick. He once got it almost a third of the way in, and that seemed celebration-worthy. "I didn't cum, but I put some swimmers in there." Brian also wanted to lick my ass, but I never liked the idea of that. It was just too gross. Why would a guy do that to another guy? One night we lied in bad and tried to discuss things. Brian told me about a little device he had that gave out electric shocks. Wha? He was into discipline and control. He had straps and cuffs and gags ready to go. He was older and knew more stuff, but I knew what and what I could not deal with. I was new, but I wouldn't apologize for not being into his scene. "C'mon. Tell me the sickest thing you'd do with another man." His huge dick was hard and standing up. I hesitated. I had some dark fantasies that I'd never say out loud. "Well...." He wanted to hear something, anything that we could share. "I have rape fantasies. I want forced sex. I want to asleep in my bed and have a group of guys break in and fuck me against my will." He laughed. "You're not nearly ready for that. Look how much time and effort it took me to just get partially into your ass. I can make it happen, but you need some preparation beforehand." "How do prepare for a rape?" "Start using a dildo. You need to loosen up that ass of yours first. If you stay tight, the rape won't be sexy for you. It'll feel like somebody breaking your ribs." "Oh." "I've got some here, but they're too big for you to start with. We'll go to 'Treasures' tomorrow and do a little shopping." And so a day later I came home with some little rubber dicks of various sizes and widths. Also some lube. He instructed me to start out with the smallest one and let him know when I got the biggest all the way in. All that week I worked those things into me while watching porn. The last one was the most difficult, but I got it all the way in. And started to enjoy the sensation more and more. When I called Brian to tell him about my progress, he was happy. "That last one is just slightly smaller than my dick! That means I can finally fill you all the way up! I'm saving my load for then. Saturday good?" And it happened. Finally my virginity was officially gone. We fucked regularly for a month, but he was growing bored.He really wanted me to be a true submissive and call him "Dad". He wanted me to wear and collar and have a crew cut. He also wanted to brand me with, like, an actual branding iron. I couldn't make myself love him enough to do all that shit. We drifted apart and the phone calls stopped. I knew the end was coming, but I still missed him. I never went to the bar he worked at, I'd find another place, but I needed some time to grieve, I was convinced I was over it all and ready to be available again that weekend. Saturday probably. On Friday night I got super stoned and listened to Depeche Mode. There was a heavy knock at my door. Shit! Was my music too loud? Did the weed fumes leak out into the hall? I had no clue. "Who is it?" "Security. Can we come in?" Busted. I opened the door slightly and a bunch of large men burst in and I was knocked to the floor. A heavy boot was on my head and then my wrists were tied behind my back with nylon rope. "Gag him, Stan." I could've sworn that was Brian's voice. I almost cried out to him, but there was now a rubber ball in my mouth that was secured with an elastic band around the back of my head. "You sure about this, Brian?" "Oh yeah. He's been wanting this. Carry him to the bed -- it's right through that door." Was this real? I was carried to my bed and plopped down on my back. A big, meaty hand was covering my eyes. "Should I use the blindfold?" "No. Let him see everything so he'll have a nice memory. Get undressed and I'll fuck him first. Danny is last of course." (chuckles) And then I was face to face with Brian. "Christmas came early, Son. No snow, however -- this is a dry Christmas. I wasn't sure what he meant until he plowed his dick into my ass with no lube. My God! It was like having a wad of sandpaper shoved up there. I was unable to scream, but tears formed in the corners of my eyes. He didn't stop. He had his patterns I was familiar with. Fast, fast, slow, still, and then super fast and cum. He rested his heavy body on top of me for a minute and then got up. "You can take the gag out now. I got him nice and lubed for you. I want to hear how much he's enjoying this." A new guy who had acne scars and sort of a mohawk straddled me. He wanted to be sucked. I did. He loved that. I thought he was stiffening his body because he was about to cum, but no, He pissed down my throat. I wanted to pull away, but his knees were locking me into place. And my hands were literally tied. His flow leveled off, and then he started fucking me. He was a little larger than Brian and it wasn't painless, but it wasn't unpleasant either. I liked it when he finally made a final thrust of cum inside me. I was moaning and talking nonsense words of pleasure. "Shit, Brian? Why are you taking a video of this??" "Just in case he flakes out and wants to go to the cops. We have proof that he liked it." Guy # 3 had a huge piercing in the end of his dick. I was glad he didn't want a blowjob because that thing could break a tooth. He just got down to the business of fucking me. I learned then that you really can't feel a metal ring shoved all the way up your rectum. I guess I was all loose and open at that point. I made more groaning noises because I knew Brian wanted to hear them. But really I didn't feel much more than a nice pinch inside. He came and crawled off. How many were there? Was that Danny? Was he the last? "Let him rest a minute and then it's Danny's turn." I looked over at Brian. He was getting all of this on videotape. I looked at the lens and said "These men are innocent. I invited them here to do what you've seen. OK, Brian. You can stop with the camera already." "No way. You're going to want a record of this. Danny has the biggest dick in the city...and it's lethal. He's got some deadly seed in those balls. You gonna get pregnant, Son." 'Danny' sounds like an innocent little kid's name, but the dude hovering over me looked like a chubby Charles Manson after a bender. He let his full weight settle on me before spreading my legs farther apart. He got the head in. "Shit, boy. You're so full of cum and blood. Try to tighten up for me a little. I'll make it worth your while. I got a dirty dick...dirtier than most. You have it in you now. I'm going to plant my poison in you - hope you've got good health insurance." I looked over at Brian. "HIV??" "Among other things", he said while still filming. "We probably all have it. We all fuck the same guys as well as each other. I might have given you some stuff already. Just enjoy Danny now." I tried. He was just so big. Inch after inch kept snaking its way into me. When would it end? He was inhuman. He took the longest to cum. He did and it hit somewhere deep in my organs. "Get dressed, fellas. He's spent. We'll show ourselves out." Brian untied my hands, kissed me on the forehead and left. My sickest fantasy had become a reality. What the hell could be next? I'l keep you posted.
    2 points
  23. (This is a continuation of my AirBNBreed story. Hope you enjoy.) There are all kinds of interesting sights on my bus tour of Montreal but nothing’s quite as impressive to me as the guy who’s explaining it all to us. Our guide, Nate, is maybe 5’6” and totally built, with pecs and biceps that look like they’re about to burst through his light blue short-sleeve button-down shirt Hulk-style. Then there’s the beefy legs and bubble butt that his fitted khaki shorts show off to perfection. Though I was hoping to swap seed with a hot French Canadian or twenty while I’m here, I’m more than willing to go for a different physical type, especially if they looked like Nate, who explained at the outset that was born in Hawaii but moved to Montreal when he was a baby. He looks like he could be the Rock’s much shorter little brother. It’s especially hot to hear him speak French to a young, beautiful family of four who are visiting from Paris. Nate’s been smiling and making eye contact with me throughout the tour but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants my seed. He could just be doing his job. Still, I’m horned up enough after my breed-fest with Frank and Samuel this morning to be a lot more brazen than I would be back home. I look down at my bulging crotch, notice the Bubblicious logo on my Target t-shirt and get an idea. During the next lull in Nate’s narration, I catch his eye, drop one hand to my crotch-lump, give it a sexy squeeze and then pull it up to my chest to meet the other hand, making a point to cover all of the letters of Bubblicious except for the two B’s in the middle. BB. I shoot Nate a cruise-y, penetrating look. He meets my gaze. I look down, tap my fingers on my pecs that say ‘bb,’ then look back up at him. Nate gulps then gives an affirmative nod so small I worry that I might be imagining it. Nate’s visibly flustered when he starts into his next schpiel about the different festivals that happen throughout the summer including gay pride, which he says with a smile is this coming weekend. Then as we pull into a lush park with beautiful views of the city, he says, “We’re going to stop here for photos and a bathroom break. Be back on the bus in fifteen minutes.” He then catches my eyes and smiles. “Actually, make it twenty.” Fuck, it’s on. Once we’re off the bus, an older couple asks Nate to take their picture with the city behind them. Nate takes the camera and while the pair take their positions Nate walks over to me and whispers, “There’s a storage shed to the right of the men’s room. The door says ‘Private.’ Wait outside it for there.” I use the men’s room first, though it’s difficult to pee with my dick hard and throbbing. While I’m peeing, I reach my fingers under my balls and feel a drop of the spunk Samuel and Frank pumped into me earlier. I bring it to my lips and taste it. Sweet. I leave the bathroom and wait casually near the ‘Private’ door. A few minutes tick by. I’m about to give up and head back to the bus, when Nate comes rushing around the corner. He’s literally unbuttoning his shirt as he struts toward me, smiling with lust in his eyes. He doesn’t say a word. He just opens the door to the storage shed and pulls me inside and around a corner to an open area. The next thing I know, his tongue is in my mouth. He pulls away and grabs my pecs, framing the “bb” with his hands as I did earlier. “That was very clever way to send a message,” he says. “What?” I say, feigning cluelessness. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Give me a break,” he says, laughing. “Better yet, give me a load. And make it a huge one.” “Five days worth,” I say, reaching around to grab that bubble ass through his shorts. “We gotta be quick,” he says. “You got any lube?” “No,” I say. “I’ll get it wet with my mouth,” says Nate, before taking out my hard cock and engulfing it with his hot mouth. As I slowly start to face-fuck him I realize I may have a solution to our lube situation. I move my hands from Nate’s head to under his arms and pull him up till we’re face to face, maybe a centimeter apart. “I might have some lube after all,” I say. He gives me a quizzical look. “Before getting on your bus I got fucked by the couple who’s AirBNB I’m staying at,” I explain. “They breed you?” asks Nate. “Of course,” I say. “Both of them. And I’ve been keeping their loads inside me, which believe me, isn’t easy when that bus would hit a bump.” “Fuck, that’s hot,” says Nate. “They both shot huge,” I say. “So you’re proposing we use their loads to lube up your cock for my hole?” “Yeah. Put your hands under my hole and I’ll let ‘em ooze out.” “You don’t want me to use my mouth?” “Damn, you’re a pig after my own heart.” Nate gets down on his knees and I bend my ass toward his mouth. It only takes a couple of pokes with his long hot tongue before I start to release the loads. I hear him slurp up a mouthful then he grabs my hand and spits it into it. I slather it over my raging hard-on as Nate dives back in for more. “Relax that hole, fucker,” he says between slurps. “I want all of their hot seed.” Three mouthfuls into palmfuls later, my cock is drenched and sticky and Nate is bending over a wheelbarrow, exposing his hot hole to me. “We got ten minutes before we have to get back to the bus,” he pants. “I want you in me for nine of them.” “One stroke?” I ask, putting my cum-slick cock head right at his hole. “Do it,” he says. I rear back a bit, so my cockhead leaves his hole then look down to see a tiny strand of Frank/Samuel cum connecting my angry cockhead to Nate’s puckered hole. It catches the light just so. “Fucking beautiful,” I say. “Now take my cock.” I shove my cumstick all the way into his hot hole in one stroke. “Aaaaaggghhhhh!” Nate groans, his handsome tan face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain. I wriggle my hips back and forth, my balls right up against his ass, and let him get used to the invasion. “You good?” I ask. “Better than good. Now drill me. Pound me deep until you knock me up.” I start pumping, enjoying the sound of my slick cock sliding in and out of his tight fuckhole. I inhale deeply and almost pass out from sensory overload. “Smell,”I say between fuckstrokes. “It’s so hot…to smell all that man-cum….when neither of us has shot off yet.” As I continue to ream out his guts, I steal a look at my watch to see that three minutes have passed. Seven to go. “God, that dick feels so good,” says Nate. “I feel it getting harder with each stroke.” “That’s because your ass is milking my dick like crazy. It’s determined to pull that sperm right out of me.” “I can’t wait for you to blast that hot cum inside me.” Suddenly, we hear the sound of a metal hitting the ground, like shovel being knock over. We both turn to see the handsome father from Parisian family staring at us. Before I can pull out or even feel mortified, I notice that his cock is out and his jerking it. “It’s okay,” he assures us in that sexy French accent. “I watch.” “Where’s your wife and kids?” asks Nate. “Gift shop,” says Paris Dad. Nate and I share a bemused look then I go right back to deep-dicking him. “That hole ready for some sperm, fucker?” I ask Nate after about a minute of pile-driving. “Yeah, but make it last. We got five minutes and your cock feels amazing.” I focus on fucking Nate without going for blast off. We both look over at Paris Dad whose bearded face is now glazed over and whose hand is now going a mile a minute on his 8-inch uncut cock. “Don’t you dare waste your load on the floor!” barks Nate, opening his mouth wide as if to say, ‘Feed me.’ “Can I fuck it up his ass?” PD asks, jutting his chin at me. “I love to breed. The best.” “You’ll have to ask him,” laughs Nate, “but I feel like the answer is yes. His hole is already slick with two loads from this morning.” “Fuck me,” I say. I bury my dick balls deep in Nate, then do my best to arch my ass up so that PD can get up there. I’ve never gotten fucked while fucking so this is going to be a whole new experience, one I can’t wait to tell Samuel and Frank about back at the house. “I’m Jean-Luc, by the way,” PD says as he slides in slowly, inch by inch. As I feel my cummy fuck-tunnel expanding for him, my dick gets even harder in Nate’s hole if that’s possible. Once Jean Luc’s dick is all the way inside, I say “Okay, this is a first for me. Who drives this train?” “You do, the man in the middle,” says Nate. “Let’s do it…four minutes left.” I start to fuck back onto Jean-Luc’s dick then forward into Nate, then back, then forward. It takes some getting used to but gradually, I get my fuckstrokes down and feel like I’m giving both my partners a grade-A fuck as they meet my strokes with their own fuck-rhythms. The sensation is so overwhelming that I’m not able to form words. I just groan while Nate serves up the breeding talk. “You gonna flood my ass, fucker? Send me back in front of all those people full of your jizz.” “Aaaggghhh….annnggggghhh….yes….” is all I can muster. “Jean-Luc, you breed him first and then he’ll blast right off into me,” says Nate. “Sound good, Randy?” “Ughhhhhh….fuck……aaagghhhhh….yes!” I groan. “Do it, Jean-Luc,” commands Nate. “Breed his ass while your beautiful wife’s outside waiting. Shoot him full of that same sperm you made those precious kids with. Do it.” The dirty talk sends Jean-Luc over the edge. “I’m cumming!” he moans. “I am breeding you.” “Fill it, fucker,” I beg The feeling of Jean-Luc’s Euro-cream pouring into my hole sends me over the edge, too. “Tell me what you need, Nate!” I plead through gritted teeth. “Your cum,” he begs. “Cum in my hole, you fucking piggy barebacker.” Hearing Nate say the word–barebacker–in relation to me sends me past the point of no return, and I start to unload while Jean-Luc’s dick is still buried deep up my rectum. “Here is comes, fuckboy,” I moan. “Take…my….seeeeeeed!” With that, I blast five days worth of American-made jizz right up Nate the Tour Guide’s perfect ass. “Every drop, Randy,” Nate says, while jacking a load into his hand. “Every fucking drop.” I fall onto Nate’s back. Jean-Luc falls onto mine. No one moves for about a minute. We just breathe. I steal a look at my watch. “Two minutes,” I say. “Pull out together,” says Jean Luc. As we both snake our dicks out of our fuckee’s asses, the smell of even more fresh cum fills the air. We stand up and face each other in a three way kiss while our hands explore each other’s asses. My eyes are closed so I don’t see that Nate’s bringing his cum-filled hand up to our mouths until a huge hot glob of it is on my tongue. We snowball the load back and forth between the three of us, making sure all of our lips are coated in white. We look at each other and crack up laughing. “We can’t go back on the bus like this,” says Nate. I grab my Bubblicious t-shirt, find the spot where the two B’s appear together and use that to wipe the cum from all of our faces, but I don’t go near the loads in our asses. Those loads are meant to marinate. “You’re going to walk around with a cummed up t-shirt?” asks Nate. “Damned right,” I say. ••••• “So then we all got back on the bus and we finished the tour,” I explain to Frank and Samuel that afternoon back in their kitchen. “And the wife had no idea?” asks Samuel. “I don’t think so,” I say. “How big was Nate’s dick?” Samuel is asking all the questions because Frank’s mouth is busy felching out Jean-Luc’s load. “About 7, I think,” I say. “And thick. We exchanged numbers. I have a feeling we might swap cum again before I go.” Frank walks over to me breeding toteboard and grabs a marker. “You gave a load to the ass and you took a load in the ass,” he sums up. “So two more hashmarks for you…making a total of four.” “And I haven’t even been in Montreal 24 hours,” I say proudly. “Wanna make it five?” says Samuel pulling away from my hole, his scruff caked in Parisian fuckcream. I look down and see him jerking his raging hard on through his nylon running shorts. It’s already making a pre-cum stain on the fabric. I then say what might be my favorite sentence in the English language. “Breed me.”
    1 point
  24. A few months ago I moved in with a FB and a very old friend of his. I needed a new place and they had the spare space. At first I had a couple of apprehensions, knowing that it might be awkward, but things have a way of going well for me when my first impressions are good ones. This particular FB and I had played several times prior to his offering me a room in the condo he and his friend shared with no sexual pressure unless on occasion I might want his sexual company. This seemed an ideal offer in a nice area with good people. I moved in a few weeks later. He's a master bottom, my FB. He's a bottom that any top who knows how to throw a good,...an excellent fuck would like to have not only in the same household but in the same region of the continent. I'm not the greatest top with the biggest cock on the planet but I'm also not one of those piston-action adolescents who think they know what to do with a seasoned hole. I enjoy topping and like the fact that I've never had any complaints by anyone I've sunk my fatty into. I also know the difference between apprentice and master, and a master my new roommate definitely is. The first time we played after I had moved in was his day off and we had the place to ourselves. I happened to be off as well and he also had some enhancements to kick-start our morning from neutral to overdrive in the blink of an eye. Within seconds of blasting off from our hits my cock was harder, thicker and more vascular than it had been in a long time, but my new roommate's ass is one that asks to be eaten slowly, so that every tiny crevice, every dark hair, and every round muscle responds to the probings of my lips, teeth, and tongue. Sinking my cock into his guts would have to wait for the time being. When it was finally time to do so I put my tongue about half as deep as I knew it could go and I got the first vocal response from him, a high pitched squelch that faded into the yoga mat he had his forehead pressed against, his ass up where I could feast comfortably. When my FB does a good hit of tina the effect isn't a manic one but one that puts him into a totally submissive, Zen-like place where the only thing he wants is cock, man fluid of any kind, a fist,... anything or anyone up his hole. After several minutes of enjoying the taste and texture of his ass that day I noticed that my cock got even harder, if that could be possible, so hard in fact that even the hairlike spider veins were swelling. It was time for a little probing around in that master ass and I was curious to see if he would remember any difference in my cock from the last time we fucked. A few more delicious minutes of rimming and my cock and his velvety guts were ready to meet again. There was no need for lube. I had made sure to leave his hole slick with slobber (done easy enough since I was like Pavlov's Dog slobbering over those biscuits) and I knew that his hole puts up no resistance at any time, so I straightened up on my knees and lined the head of my cut cock up to his wet pucker and slowly pushed in,...no hands. Immediately his vice-grip hole took hold of my prick and seemingly pulled me in farther of its own will. Suddenly the head of my dick was being massaged by what seemed to be a triple ringed second door. Could it have been a third...fourth? He loosened his grip long enough for me to slip my nuts in there too. I had shaved them two days earlier and I had a feeling the stubble would cause another sensation within him. That's when I heard the second sound come from him, head still against the yoga mat. That's when that vice-like ring clamped down on all my now burning hot junk and became a cock ring of the best kind. That magnificent muscle pulled me in past that three-ringed circus and within minutes of getting there and by my just holding perfectly still, and him holding perfectly still, with just the gentle tugging of those insides of his that felt like moist velvet, like a warm comfort you don't ever want to leave, by just that subtle motion my brain went somewhere in there with my cock and I came like I had never cum before. When I shot it was a crescendo that seemed to last thirty minutes, though realistically it couldn't have been more than ...ten. I heard his third sound then, a faint groan, like a desperate hunger was at last sated. It was for the time being. Hunger for man fluid, perhaps, but the hunger for something to fill his hole was still there, I could tell. After about ten more minutes I was finally able to liberate my cock and balls from a place that I knew I would revisit and revisit. He was still in the same position, never budging, I thought it was time to investigate with the dexterity and sensation of my fingers just what that three-ringed circus of crescendos and cum was all about. I started slowly with my middle finger, then index, then ring, pinky, thumb, when he suddenly began to push back onto my hand. Quickly past the "point of no return" I was wrist-deep and happy within seconds. Before I knew what was happening I found that magic place that had so expertly, so masterfully pulled every bit of cum out of my nuts and it was at that time that I realized that half of my forearm had slipped into that safe, warm place as well. After opening my hand, pulling out, pushing back in, opening, closing, I had decided it was break time. I gently pulled my arm back, though that vice-grip was having trouble letting go of my wrist. Finally, and with a high-pitched sigh of regret in sounds we were both making now, my hand slipped out, dripping with my own bleachy-scented spunk. I wiped my hand down his spine from between his shoulders to the small of his beautiful back where the sweat had pooled. I bent over that place in a posture that was similar to the one I took while I rimmed him but instead I tasted my own sweet, bleachy cum mixed with the salty, t laced sweat that came out of him and was I refreshed. We have since had other adventures and plan many more; my cock, his hole, my roommate, and I. And roommate is a term that is out of date now in this place where many pleasures find many outlets, and cock feeds ass, and good feeds good. I'm home alright! On our backs and flying!
    1 point
  25. I tried something a little different today. It turned out pretty well, so I may try it again. In the past when I've had a hotel breed and seed, fuck party here in Las Vegas, I've gotten a motel room, near the LV Strip and hosted them in the evening. However, this time, I got a room at a Hotel/Casino in the Las Vegas suburb of Henderson. It's a larger hotel, but it's easy to reach. Just off the exit where 2 freeways merge. There's free parking. And the elevator doesn't require a keycard. So, I decided this would work well for a sex party. I had for 2 days been putting ads on Craigslist. I had also posted a sex party on BBRT. I'd received several dozen replies, saying they wanted to attend. From past experience, I know only a small portion of the guys that say they're coming, actually show up. But, I was hoping for the best. One guy told me that he could only come if it was before 3pm. check-in time was 3pm. But, I was able to check in a bit early, so I got to my room at about 2:30p. I quickly messaged him and gave him the room number. He said he'd be there in 10 mins. I spent the rest of the time messaging everyone that had requested an invite, my room number and told them that the door would be unlocked. Come in and fuck. I then used duct tape to cover the door lock, so the door could just be pushed open, I dimmed the lighting, I undressed, I put out my poppers, wet wipes, a few hand towels and lube. All was set when I heard the door open, close, and he appeared in my dimly lit room. He came into my room and stood at the foot at the bed, kicking off his shoes and opening his jeans. I dropped to my knees and began to suck on his partially hard cock. He continued to undress as I was blowing him. Then he moved to the bed and layed on his back. I then climbed between his legs and again sucked on his now hard cock. I worshipped his cock and balls, then licked his ass. "Oh, FUCK!" he moaned when I licked his asshole. "I've never had my asshole licked", he said. "Are you str8?" I asked. "Yeah. And I don't have much time. My girlfriend is expecting me home". I continued sucking on his short, but fat cock as I tasted precum oozing from his piss slit. "Oh, dude! You're gonna make me cum!", he exclaimed, as he began to shake and fill my mouth with his hot cum. In probably 4 minutes, he had come, cum and was now quickly dressing and was out my door. Typical str8 guy, actually. Quick draws. Not two minutes after str8 boy number one had left, the door opened again and in the darkness I could make out a handsome Jock type guy in his mid 20's come into the room. He was about 5'9", 175 and muscular. He was wearing gym shorts which he quickly shucked. I knelt in front of him and began to suck on his giant cock, that was already rock hard. It was about 9"s long and really thick. Truly ROCK HARD, with a swollen mushroom head. While I was sucking on him, the door opened and closed. From the side of my vision, I could see a tall, broadly built guy in his early 50's walk past where I was kneeling and walk to the corner of the room. He stood there, unzipped and pulled out his cock. He was stroking his cock as he watched me suck the Jock kid. The Jock kid said to the other guy, "Come on over. He can suck us both". "No. Go ahead. I just want to watch right now.", the newcomer said. I continued to suck on the Jock as the door opened and closed again. In walked a stocky guy in his 50's. He quickly undressed and stood next to the Jock. I took turns sucking on both their cocks. The Jock said, "Someone needs to fuck this guy. That's what he wants. Right?" I got up and knelt on the edge of the bed. Grabbing my poppers and placing the lube on the mattress beside me. "Fuck, Yeah! Someone fuck me", I said. The stocky guy quickly came behind me and slapped his hard cock on my hole. I handed him the lube and he lubed both my hole and his cock. I sniffed on the poppers as he slid up inside me. He took no time to begin slamming into me. He wasn't really large. But his cock felt great. And he knew how to fuck. He fucked me for about 5 minutes with some good, hard pounding. While he was fucking me, another guy came into the room. He was a young guy in his 20's. The new 20-something guy quickly undressed and he began to suck on the giant mushroom cock of the Jock. All the while the other tall guy stood in the corner jacking off. The guy fucking me soon came, dressed and left. Then the guy that had just been watching walked behind me. Pulled his jeans open and slapped a huge rock hard cock against my ass. He thrust into me in one quick stab. Thank God the other guy had lubed me well and had dumped a nice load in me, so my ass was well lubed. He slid in me easily. He grabbed me around the waist and pumped hard and deep. It didn't take long for him to cum. He let out a loud growl as he emptied his balls into me. He then quickly pulled out, wiped off his dick, dressed and left. Finally the Jock with the giant, long, thick, mushroomed headed cock decided to fuck. He was completely naked. His body hard and muscular. Even as big as his cock was, the two loads already in me made his thick cock slide in me easily. His cock felt absolutely amazing! The mushroom head was hitting my prostate as he slid in and out of my ass. Sadly, he was so horny and had been enjoying blow jobs from both me and the young kid that had entered, so the Jock came pretty quickly. Damn! I would have loved for him to have fucked me for a long time. His cock was so large and hard, it almost felt like a dildo. But he came quickly, then pulled out. The young guy that was still in the room, but had not played with me dressed while the Jock was dressing and they left together. I was now alone after about 45 minutes of intense fucking. I checked my messages. I had several replies. A couple said they were on their way. And a few said they weren't coming. I heard the door open and close again. A hot black guy in his early 30's came in. He quickly got naked. His bbc was hanging between his legs. I dropped to my knees and began to suck. His cock swelled and lengthened very quickly. Then he literally grabbed me by the arm, pulling me up, pulling me towards the bed. I climbed on, again assuming my "position", on my knees, on the edge of the bed. The handsome bbc stepped behind me and slammed up into me in one, quick thrust. He wasted no time getting to it. Slamming my ass hard and deep. "How many loads you got in you, Faggot?" "Three in my ass and one in my mouth", I told him. "Any black dick, yet?" he asked. 'You're my first, so far". "You like black dick, Fag?" "Fuck, yeah!", I said. He's fucking me hard and slapping against me as the door opens again. From the side of my head I can make out an older white guy and a young black kid come into the room. The older white guy for some reason quickly turned and walked out. Don't know why? Maybe just wasn't his thing? Or he was scared? Or intimidated? Who knows? But, the young black kid quickly undressed and had a hard cock already. "Want a try?" asked the black guy fucking me. Without saying anything, the young black kid walked behind us. The guy fucking me pulled out and the kid took his place in my ass. The kid was not particularly hung, but he felt great. He had that incredible hardness that only young kids have. He was silent as he fucked. But he fucked me for about 6 or 7 minutes. The older black guy knelt on the bed in front of me and I sucked his cock as the young kid fucked me. The only sound the kid made was when he finally came. He let out a soft moan, then quickly pulled out and dressed. The older black guy once again came behind me and slid up in me. His cock was long, but not thick. He slammed in me for about 4 or 5 minutes, then let out a loud "OH, FUCK!" as he shot his load into my ass. As he pulled out of me and began to dress, the door opened again. A very, very tall, muscular guy in his 50's walked in. His emails said he was 6'4", 240 lbs of muscle. He had a very broad build. He walked to the other side of the room and stood there as the black guy finished dressing and left. I walked to the newcomer as he unzipped his pants. He was a very rugged looking guy. His muscles, height and bulk made him kind of intimidating. But, also a real turn on. I sat on the edge of the bed in front of him. He took a few steps towards me and fed his soft cock to me. He had about 8"s. Not particularly thick. But a nice size for sucking. The thickness was just right that I could take it deep down my throat. While I was sucking him the door opened again. The younger guy that had been sucking the Jock, earlier was back. I was puzzled by that, since he'd had no interaction with me. But he came over to where I was sucking this muscle bound hunk and he wanted to taste the dick as well. So, this young kid was going to be a party crasher. He had no interest in fucking me, but wanted the dick that I was providing. He was really turned on by this older muscle guy and was wanting to horn in on my action. I finally asked him to leave when he began to beg the muscle daddy to fuck him. "Excuse me. But, this is my breed & feed. Get your own hotel room. Post your own ads. And have your own party. Get the fuck out", I said to the kid. The kid started to protest when the Muscle Daddy added, "You heard the man. Get out". The kid dressed and left the room as the Muscle Daddy asked me if I wanted to get fucked? "Damn right, I do", I said. And I climbed onto the edge of the bed. "You got a condom?", he asked. SHIT! I'd been really clear in my ads and correspondence that it was bareback only. BUT, Muscle Daddy was so hot, that I was willing to let him fuck me with a condom. I did have one condom in my "fuck kit", so I pulled it out, handed it to him along with the bottle of lube. Again, assuming my position on the bed, he put on the condom and lubed it up. His covered cock slid up into me and he gave me a great fuck. About 10 minutes of wonderful fucking. Even though there was a condom on, this may have been my favorite fuck so far. His cock was just a perfect size. It was long. Thick, but not too thick. His large, swollen cockhead was rubbing my prostate as he slid in and out of me. His fucking actually made me cum. I was shaking in orgasm as he finally got to that point himself. "Where do you want my cum?" he asked. "Anywhere you want, dude", I replied. His fucking got faster and harder. I could feel his cock getting harder inside me. "Ahhhh.........Damn!", he groaned as he pulled from me and began to stroke furiously on his cock. I stayed where I was and I could feel his cockhead slapping my hole. Finally I felt his hot cum shooting all over my ass and my asshole. As he stepped back away from me, I got off the bed. And for the first time got a really good look at him. He was still handsome, but I could tell that in his younger days, he'd been quite a stud. His large, muscular chest was covered in a thick mat of salt & pepper hair. I rubbed his chest. "Damn! You're a hot man!" I said. He laughed. "Thanks", he said. "You're in amazing shape", I said. He again laughed. "Well, I used to be a professional bodybuilder. I'm getting kind of fat. But, thanks". "I just had a testosterone injection 3 days ago. I've been horny as hell. So, I needed this. Thanks. We need to do this again. Can I get your cell number?", he asked. I gave him my cell number and he quickly sent me a text, so that I would have his number. "Can you host?", I asked. "No. Married. Can't host", he said. "Well, normally, I can't, either. But we can always get a room, sometime." I said. "Yeah. Let's do that. You're a good fuck. I'll fuck you anytime", he said. "Thanks!", I say. "So, you're str8?", I ask. He laughs again. "Well, let's just say, I love to fuck. I don't care if it's a pussy. I don't care if it's an asshole. A nice hole is a nice hole. And you've got a nice hole. I'll fuck you, anytime. After Muscle Daddy left the action seemed to die. About 20 minutes went by with no one coming in. It was now 5pm. I'd been going at it for over 2 hours. And my time was getting short before I needed to leave the hotel and meet my friends for dinner. But, I got an email from a young black kid that had been saying he wanted to come. He said he was on the freeway and was 15 minutes away. Was I still taking dick? Well, this kid seemed to have a nice cock. He had sent me several pictures of his very long, very thick, bbc. He even sent me a video of him jacking off and shooting a load. It was hot! And I wanted him inside me. I told him I only had 30 minutes left, but I'd wait. Sure enough at 5:20pm, he was coming through my door. He was a nice looking, heavy set black kid in his mid 20's. He immediately stripped and sat on the edge of the bed. I began to suck on his foreskin and cock as it swelled to full hardness. I licked down his shaft and licked his balls. That pushed a button for him. "Yeah. Suck my balls", he groaned. I sucked on his balls. I sucked first one of his balls into my mouth. His balls were actually kind of small. So, I was able to get both in my mouth. I stroked his cock as I sucked on his balls. He was dripping precum. I went back to sucking him. If I hadn't been so pressed for time, I would have taken my time to savor his beautiful bbc. But, time was running out. I finally climbed onto the edge of the bed, putting my ass up. He climbed off the bed and put his cock to my hole. He began to press into me. His cock was so thick that it was hurting. I had to have him slide in me, real slow. I was sniffing poppers like crazy as I tried to relax my ass to accept his cock. Finally, his cock popped up into me. Then he began to pump. Slam, actually. The pain ended and turned to pleasure as he rammed his young, bbc into me. About 15 minutes of intense fucking resulted in my last load of the night. By the time I dressed and packed up belongings it was time to quickly drive to my dinner appointment.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Welcome! You will read a lot of wild stuff on here. Don't feel like you need to emulate it any time soon. Your health is important and you have your whole life ahead of you.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I am curious as to whether Lucifer shows up on here in correct form, since we know that "Sarah Palin" shows up for the other name...
    1 point
  30. So ive been a cum sucking slut today, or tried to be at least. In sacramento CA. Was able to swallow 3 loads from different black guys so far today. Only one was BBC, the others were pretty average. But its the load that counts, and all three gave me a mouthful. Just anonymous craigslist hookups, we didnt swap names or pics. i just showed up to do my duty. :-)
    1 point
  31. Thank you for the follow sexi stud.
    1 point
  32. Check this out https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com
    1 point
  33. As a Jack of Spades, any load is gratefully received.
    1 point
  34. There is absolutely NOTHING that makes my dick hard as a rock as eating out an ass I am about to fuck. Love diving into a hole and exploring it with my mouth and tongue - getting it all relaxed, wet and well prepared to be bred by my cock. I'll sometimes rim for 10 - 15 minutes or until my bottom is begging for me to fuck him. By that time, my cock will have been leaking precum all over the place, and my dick will be aching to get into that hole. After plowing my seed deeply into his ass, my instinct is to go back down and worship the hole that allowed me in for a thorough breeding, and I and up eventually tasting and eating some of my load. If I am sharing the bottom with other tops, eating ass after they've cum into it makes me even hornier. Max Sohl captured some of my ass gluttony in some of the DVDs I appear in - Dawson's 20 Load Weekend and Sperm Bank are two that cum to mind. I love ass and cum, and rimming and felching allows me to enjoy both!
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  35. (Fiction) Till a few weeks ago, I hardly knew what how a man arms felt, let alone sex. I had been lretty closeted and felt that I was straight for 20 years until i found out that i got attracted to men more and more. I finally realised that i was bisexual but more gay than straight. My road to being attracted to cocks started from fascinating how a woman suck a dick and how she loves eating that slimy nectar from the juicy meat that spews it. With each new video and story i began to be spellbounded to cocks until one day i realised i was getting off on full blown gay pornos but hardly on straight. My desire for cock grew more and more until one day i watch a monster with a scorpion tattoo spew poison inside a hole. That got me off a lot. I kept re-watching it again and again fantasizing myself in that position. Being a 20 year old i full well knew the repercussions of being fucked by a hot rod with poison nectar. Then one day stumbled across this website and i found how people relish in the thought of getting infected which kind of made me horny. I kept continuing reading each story and each day i longed for poz cock, so much more that I couldn't have a hard on if it was not a poz cock story. So I finally decided to start of myself getting fucked by a cock as my curiousity got the better of me. I downloaded Grindr and Planet Romeo and searching for people. It was scary at what would happen if my relatives were to find out accidentally while i chatted with guys and had phone sex randomly. One day as i was filtering through an app, i got a message with a usual hi, i replied back similarly. He asked "How are you?" Me: Fine, u?? He: I m fine. So whats the plan for the weekend? Me: U know, the same boring staying home. He: If u don't mind, how about a drink at XYZ bar, Friday night?? We can chat up. Me: I m not sure. I hardly know u. He: I m not going to bite. Tell u what, dinner and drinks on me. We will just have a nice conversation. *Sends a semi naked photo of himself with jeans on* "Damn!!" I thought "This guy is hot. Wouldn't hurt to meet him". So to which I said yes and made the arrrangements. Come weekend, we met at the bar and this guy was hot at a height of 5 ft 10 inch, probably at mid thirties while i m a slim short guy at 5ft 5 inch whom guys called pretty cute. We had a pretty nice convo on what we do and where we r from and after a few many drinks the alcohol hits me, i get horny and started checking him out. To which he takes perfect advantage by saying the most sleaziest line "Buddy, u seem hammered. Why don't we take u home. U can sit on my lap there, and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?" To which i said "I m curious enough to talk about anything". We hurriedly go over to his house and as soon as his door closes, he pulls me in his powerful arms and french kisses me deep. His tongue ravishing through my mouth deep into my throat, his saliva running down my lips as i embrace his . His short stubble carresing and pleasantly tingling my baby face. I definitely knew i had to have him. His hands carresses through my clothes removing my shirt as he keeps on kissing my lips and sucking my neck, loosening my belt. I felt my stomach flutter as he rush his hands though my underwear to my 5 inch raging hard cock. He breaks away and removes his shirt and i gaze at hus physique. He was definitely hot, not hairy but sculpted. He starts sucking my nipples as i moan at the touch of his hand slowing jacking my cock. He then suggests to move into the bedroom. When we do, he loses his belt and asks me to uncage his monster. I unbuckle his pants and u derwear and drop em. What i gaze upon was a beautiful 8 inch cock as thick as a rod fully raging hard an unmasted. I begin to drool at this piece of art. He pushes down on my shoulders to my knees where i face his majesty hair breadth away from my wet lips.I noticed a small scorpion tattoo nearhis dick. He lightly pushes on the back of my head and i give way with my tongue first savouring the hot meat. It tasted amazing. I slowly sucked on enjoying the feeling of his cock humiliating my face as i looked up deep into his eyes. He slowly started moaning. "Damn!! Where did u learn to suck cock like that?? U r a real true faggot. I love it how u cute lips look on my dick. Keep sucking like that." And he pushed my head a little more and i started gasping for air. He laughed."Don't worry, u will get used to it, here are some poppers as he whips out a small bottle that smelled odd under my nose and yold me to breathe deeply. Once i inhaled deeply, i felt really horny and sucking on his manhood vigorously trying to get the best of it with each suck, he then pushes my head onto his pubes and his cock deep in my throat and shot a ropes and ropes of thick cum i to my unsuspecting mouth. It was a mouthful. "Sorry bitch, i filled u with so cum more than u cud swallow", as cum leaked down my mouth and dripped from my chin. "Don't worry, i m a multi cummer". With that he pulls me up and kisses me and we snowball he cum. He then pushes me with my back on his bed as he keeps on kissing me and he slowly went down. I though he would suck me off back but i was surprised when he lifted my legs revealing my asshole and started reaaming me with his tongue full of his cum. I was in heaven. His tongue was amazing. He continued for a few minutes and i was in heaven. I moaned back and pushed my hips down to his face. He stopped reaming and i felt a bit sad at his tongue moving away. But it was not for long as i felt his cock slowly moving up and down my asscrack slowly teasing my cunt.I asked for a condom and he said, he ran out of it and if i wanted him to fuck it would have to be bare. I was too horny by that point to reject him. He said "Bitch, today i make u mine." And he with that he forcefully pushed his dick inside my asshole. He dick ripped apart my spinchter and i felt a sharp pain to his cock through my ass. I cried. He just with one powerful hand muffled my mouth and proceeded to fuck me rough. It was painful at the start but it started carrying out its magic immediately after. I was aggast at how can a cock perform such a miracle. I loved it and started pushing my ass on his cock more and more. "Bitch I knew u would like it faggot". I knew from the moment i saw u in the bar that u were a horny whore." It was awesome. He steamrolled my i sides and hit my prostate with each stroke. I pulled his face and we get into a deep kisses. I wanted to be his. I wanted his babies. "Bitch u seem to be having the time of ur life." "YES, FUCK ME MORE.I DON'T WANT IT TO STOP". "I ain't stopping until i get u pregnant" "I dnt care if u make me urs. I don't care if u make me pregnant.I don't even fucking care if i die now.JUST DON'T STOP FUCKING ME". "YEA!!WHORE. I WILL KILL U ALRIGHT. U WILL DIE AS I MAKE U PREGNANT WITH MY POZ BABIES". With that he started cumming inside my hole. The stream of cum seemed endless. I could feel my hole slick and wet. I shuddered at his words. "Yo.... You're Poz??". "Yeah bitch. I thought u knew when u saw my scorpion tattoo. But its too late now, my babies are already swimming side ur gut and it will incubate inside u." I was stunned, but he pulled me into a deep kiss and said "You said u didn't care if u die, I am only giving u ur wish. Ur free now." I realised its too late and knew his babies were already working inside of me slowly eating at me and making me his. Although I was shocked, a part of me felt weirdly happy that such a hot guy made me his. I would be his bitch and I would carry his DNA inside me. I pulled him for another kiss and said "I haven't cum yet. U gonna leave me like this??" "Haha...u filthy whore. I knew u would not be satisfied with that, so while we coming down here i called a few of my poz buddies saying that a whore needed breeding. They r probably here and watching". I then look around to see 5 guys with huge dicks stroking their cocks waiting for their turn to fill me in. Looks like this weekend i would not only get pregnant from this hot guys but will have other's babies too. I had the hootest weekend with the 5 guys fucking me day and night and feesing me cum at both ends. I felt fulfilled. A couole of weeks later, i got down with a very bad fever. I got myself tested and found out that i an HIV +. I called up the guy and give him the news. He said " U lucky guy. Looks like ur wish is coming true. U r going to die slowly. Get ur ass over here so that i can help u with that." I rush over to hus place and he fucked me straight for 2 hours. A few days later I moved into him and ever since, he and his friends come over and keep fucking me, keep me on a leash with a collar written faggot on it.I am loving every moment of it and m sure I will let him fuck me and whore me out till i breath my last.
    1 point
  36. It's been awhile but I decided to get back to writing. I'll be releasing a four part story called Dorm Life in the Bug Chasing forum very soon. The first three parts are complete. Part 4 should be done in the next two weeks. It's been fun to write and I hope you'll love it.
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  37. I hate that term “Boy Pussy” and think it’s a major turn-off for me, especially when I am in the middle of fucking a bloke’s ass. But I think the “Boy Pussy” thing is often associated with feminine bottoms – and I am not attracted to feminine guys and I won’t fuck them. So I have not had any experience with that. But I have had a few non-feminine blokes call their ass a “Boy Pussy” or “Boy Cunt” whilst I have been fucking them and I have stopped fucking them for a minute and told them not to say that – and they complied. TONY
    1 point
  38. Took 8 loads from random guys at a Cruise club yesterday... got told by first guy to get into sling, he fucked and then pop my fist cherry... then after he was finished the 7 other guys lined up and used my cunt to cum loads..
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  39. Biscathboy, Come to the bb sex party at Club120 (Church and Richmond) in Toronto this Sunday from 4 to 8 PM. You definitely will get your boyhole used and filled. Check out BBRT Toronto for details. Cheers!
    1 point
  40. lol, my thought too. Though I appreciate that Jerry provided the definition for fetish, I wonder if a woman's desire to be bred would ever be termed a "fetish?" I definitely treat it with reverence, lol. I too have little to no problem retaining it, and if it does by chance want to slide out... I finger it back in.
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  41. When I first started getting fucked I didn't much care about retaining the load up my ass. That was pre-HIV. After I converted to sero-positive, orally, as it happened, I suddenly found that having a man's load up in me was very exciting. If I was at the baths I'd let it run down the inside of my legs. It pays to advertise. If I was working the glory holes, I'd drive home from the bookstore or the theater where I'd gotten bred trying to hold it in. If I filled my pants with cum I found that very sensual, but I always hoped to keep it until I could squirt it out onto a mirror. That way I could watch it emerge. Sometimes I was amazed at how much even a single load would be. Some of those guys must have been waiting a long time to have a butt presented to them at the glory hole. I would examine it, smell it, then either slide it into a device with a plunger to return it to my cum hole, or I'd lick it off the mirror. Either way I enjoyed the hell out of every one of those loads.
    1 point
  42. Hello ... thanks for the reps and for following me xxxx
    1 point
  43. When I'm fucking a guy I love when he cums while I'm inside him. Feeling his asshole spasm around my cock feels amazing!
    1 point
  44. 7. Seth "Fuck me," I moaned. Cal's tongue was pressing into me, and it wasn't enough. I needed something bigger inside of me, something more masculine, more potent, more alive. Even though I had barely been barebacking for twelve hours, and bottoming for less than a third of that time, there was a brutal compulsion that I could not control. I had seen porn movies before where the bottom seemed almost out of control, that their life and happiness were totally dependent on getting fucked and bred. Until now, I hadn't understood that need. But now, this need was more than just understandable. It seemed like the natural state of things. I wanted men to put their cocks inside of me. I wanted them to fuck me. Most of all, I wanted them to breed me. The only measure of my worth was how many loads I could accumulate over the course of a day. "Fuck me. Please," I grunted, as Cal relentless licked my hole, teasing me with what could be. "You want it, boy?" Jon asked. He was now standing beside me. I looked down; his thick daddy cock was hard again. There was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. It was a fluid that should have been released inside of me, not left to dissipate into thin air. "Yes," I said. I tried not to sound too desperate, but every second without a dick inside of me was agony. Cal's tongue was good, but it wasn't Jon's tongue. Nor was it Jon's cock. "Fuck me." "Of course, boy," Jon said. He ran his hand down my torso, tracing out the muscles before following the line down to my cock. "Seems like you're pretty turned on by all of this?" "Yeah," I said. "I am." "That's good," Jon continued. "A young man like you should always be horny." He leaned in and kissed me. "A young man like you should always be getting fucked. Or fucking." He was right. Of course, he had the experience that came with age, but even I, still young, still barely a barebacker, knew that he was right. "Always," he said, as he moved behind me, and insinuated his cock into my crack. He was already hard and his dickhead pressed up against my hole. "You want my hole?" I asked, arching my back. I tried my best to sound like this was my choice, but I failed. There were only two ways this could work out. The first was Jon fucking me and the second was me fucking Jon. Either way, a dick needed to be in a hole. "You want it?" I asked again, this time not even attempting to hide the need in my voice. "I do. But I think you need it worse. Don't you, boy? Don't you need my cock?" "Please," I murmured and I rubbed my ass up and down along his shaft. "I need your cock." "You need my load?" he asked. "Don't you need my load inside of you?" "Please," I repeated. "I need your load." For a brief moment, the sex fog lifted, and I realized exactly what I had asked for. I had asked Jon for his load. He had told me he was positive, and I had just asked him to cum inside me. But, then I remembered. I had taken a drug earlier that day, and it no longer mattered. Sex was safe again, even when it was bareback. "Of course boy. Any time you want it, it's yours for the asking." Jon wrapped one arm around my chest. His dark hair contrasted with my light, smooth skin. It only emphasized the differences between us: maturity and youth, man and boy, poz and neg, and most of all in that moment, top and bottom. With his other hand, he reached down and aligned his cock with my hole. I pressed back, Jon pushed forward, and with barely any resistance, his cock re-entered my body. "Oh hell yes," he said. "That's a hot fucking hole." "Feel all that cum up there?" Cal asked. "Feel it in that slutty hole?" "Oh yeah," Jon grunted. He was pushing deeper into me, finding the well-used route into my body. "My load. Your load. Jean-Paul's load." He pulled out, just enough to distribute some of the accumulated semen along my hole. "He was born to take cock." I could see the two of them just barely reflected in the glass of the window. Cal started to stroke his cock, and then he leaned in and kissed Jon. The two stayed lip-locked as Jon pushed his cock the rest of the way inside of me. "All the way," Jon said when he finally broke off the kiss. In the reflection, Cal whispered something in Jon's ear. I could just barely hear it. "...potential to spread it," he ended, as he raised Jon's arm and buried his nose in the man's armpit. "Of course," Jon said, agreeing with whatever Cal had whispered. "He's born for this." Jon turned his attention back to me. "You've been dreaming of getting it raw, haven't you?" "Yeah," I said. "Every time I jerk off." I took a deep breath. "I'm never going back to condoms." But it didn't matter. There were better ways to stay safe than a thick, impervious rubber sheath around what should be close, warm, and intimate. "Don't be fooled," Cal said. "Every man wants to go raw. Every. Man." "Well, of course the three of you do," I said. Jon was deep inside me now, slowly thrusting in and out of me. He was edging himself, pushing himself closer and closer to orgasm. I didn't mind his pace. I had already gotten his load once. This time, we could relax and enjoy the journey. Having him so close to me was important. I needed his body pressed against mine and his raw cock buried inside me was as close to a paradise as I would ever find. "i want you inside me raw." "I know," Jon said. "It's good, isn't it?" "Yeah," I said. Just as the weed was starting to taper off, the drink was hitting me. Both drugs were affecting my mind, each of them re-enforcing the other and pushing me towards a world where only pleasure mattered. "I love feeling you inside me," I said. "Inside you raw," Jon murmured in response, gently pushing himself deeper into me. "Sex the way it was meant to be." "And now it's safe," I said. "Just a pill," Jon said. It was just a pill. Every day. And I wouldn't have to worry about men like Jon. I could enjoy them for what they were: beautiful, arousing, sexual creatures. All I had to do was remember to take a pill once a day. It would be easy. There wasn't much that would keep me from a quick pill, once a day. Especially given the peace of mind that it brought. "Just remember to take it tomorrow," he said. I twisted my head back to meet his lips. We kissed and his tongue probed my mouth. I was happy to have met Jon, and thankful that he was the first one to fuck me raw. We had talked so much about barebacking over the past few months, it seemed almost impossible that it was happening, and not just happening, but happening for the second time. Jon had been there for me so many times: validating my terrors of barebacking, but also reassuring me about the pleasures. Luckily, the terrors were rapidly receding. Jon's raw cock felt amazing inside of me, and I was reveling in the freedom that raw sex was providing. Jon could pull out, but another man would quickly take his place. It could have been Cal, it could have been Jean-Paul. Or maybe it could be a stranger, someone totally unknown, yet eager to enjoy my hole. My cock throbbed, thinking about the possibilities. "I want you to cum in me again," I whispered to Jon. There was so much I wanted to tell him: about how good he felt, about how glad I was that he was inside of me raw, about how badly I wanted another man inside of me, and about how I'd never defile myself again with latex. But for now, that short phrase would cover all those thoughts. "I want you to cum in me again," I repeated. "Of course," Jon said. "I hate wasting cum. And you are such a worthy hole to shoot in." We had found a steady rhythm to our fucking, his cock sliding in and out of me, my hips forcing myself further on his shaft. "I can feel how hungry you are," he continued. "I need your cum," I said. I was turning into one of the bottoms I saw in porn flicks, always getting fucked and always hungry for another load. A fifty load weekend no longer seemed like an insane quest; rather it felt like just a good start on the coming week. "I want more." "More?" Jon asked me. "You know that tomorrow is the day for you." "Tomorrow?" I asked. It seemed like such a long way away. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to last that long. "Tomorrow is the party in your honor. How many do you want?" "Loads? Or men?" "Does it matter?" Cal chimed in. "I'm sure you can take it, no matter what it is." "No," I said. "As many as I can get. Six? Seven? Eight?" I didn't want to seem greedy, but at the same time, I wanted everything I could get. This was my life now, a life of freedom and exploration, where sex was common and safe, and the last of my fears were fading away. "I think that can happen," Jon said. "Easily." "Hell," Cal said. "He'll get at least six loads tonight, if not more." He turned to me, kissed me, then whispered in my ear. "Fucking cumslut," he said. "Taking every load you can." He kissed me again. "Fucking jealous of you." "Don't mind Cal," Jon said. "He's a greedy bottom." Earlier in the day, I wouldn't have understood that at all. But now it was far too easy to comprehend. The need for seed could be all-consuming. At least I had Jon's cock in my ass as I was contemplating this idea. If I had been alone, it would have driven me insane with desire. "But tonight, it's all for you." "It is," Cal said. "I'm jealous, but I've had years to collect seed. You're still young. And innocent." The two men laughed at the comment; it was clear that they had spent a long time together and had developed a personal language. I wondered what meanings they were imputing to "young and innocent" and what I needed to be wary of. But it wasn't time for philosophizing. It was time for fucking. Jon pulled nearly all the way out, then slammed back in. I pressed up against the window, momentarily terrified that it wouldn't be able to withstand the attack. But the window held up against my weight, my hole swallowed Jon's cock, and the world was right again. All that I needed was another load inside of me. "Cum in me," I grunted. "Please?" "Of course," Jon said. "But I'm having too much fun doing this and I don't want to cum too soon." He pushed his dick back into me. This time I could feel the drip of pre-cum into my hole, lubricating me for the continued fuck. "Oh fuck yeah," he said. "So fucking good." His cock was stiff and long, and he was using it to the best advantage to slide in and out of my hole. I knew just how he felt: like a man, a man enjoying himself. It was good that he was using me like this. He deserved to feel good. "You don't have to stop," I said. "Fuck me as long as you want." "Or as I need," Jon said. "Come on," Cal said. "Give the boy a break. Plenty of time this weekend. And I think dinner's almost ready." "You're right," Jon said. He turned his attention back to me. "You want to be a greedy boy and get a load now? Or wait for after dinner?" I leaned back on his cock. "Now," I said. "And then another one after." "We'll have to see about that," Jon said. "But definitely one for you right now." He started to thrust his cock harder, forcing himself as deep as he could get. "That's just such a nice hole. So warm." "So wet with cum," Cal said. He leaned in and kissed me. "Three loads up there," he said. "And you're going to get a fourth. Must feel great." "Yeah," I said. "It feels fucking amazing." Jon had been fucking raw for years. He'd almost been fucking longer than I had been alive. I was jealous of all the men who had gotten his load before me. I wanted all of the loads, and didn't want to share. Jon continued to thrust in me, and I had to push back against him with all my strength. I looked out the window at the sun setting on the city-scoped below. I wondered if people could see me, naked, a hot older man pounding my ass. If they could see me, I wondered what they thought. I wondered if they knew how badly I had wanted exactly this, and how many nights I had jerked off fantasizing about a man fucking me raw. Cal has been reading my mind. "If the light's on, yeah, people can see in." I tried to step back, but was quickly reminded that right behind me was Jon and his hard dick. It jammed another quarter inch inside of me. In any other context, it was barely anything at all. But in my tender hole, it felt like several times that. "Oh, fuck yes," Jon said. I was now truly impaled on his cock. If he came, his load would go straight into my gut. It wouldn't be long before my body absorbed the semen and a part of Jon would be permanently a part of me. I might be just another hole to fuck for Jon, but he'd always be the first guy that came in me. I wanted to treasure the memory of that load. "Oh hell yes," Jon grunted again, slamming his cock into my hole. He gasped. "Oh Fuck," he moaned, and his cock throbbed. There was an explosion of warmth in my body that I knew was his cum. Jon had cum a second time inside of me, and I was barely satisfied. I clenched my ass, milking out every drop of his precious semen. "Oh yeah. Milk out that cum." He pulled out, then pressed back into me. "Every drop." Another jet of jizz shot into my body and with it, another wave of pleasure washed over me. Having a man truly cum in me was still a new sensation. It had happened many times with a rubber, but bareback was still utterly new. I didn't yet have the words to explain the sensations. "It's good," Jon continued. "It's so good." His body was pressed up against mine, his sweaty, hairy chest pinned against my back. "Cumming inside you," he grunted, as more cum leaked out of his cock and into me. "Another load?" a new voice said. I turned my head as best I could, and barely saw JP framed in a doorway. "Yeah," Cal said. "Number four for our new boy." "Well, if we're going to get loads five through ten into him, you're going to need some food. Dinner's ready." Cal, not deeply fitted together like Jon and I, bounded over to Jean-Paul. He gave the older man a deep kiss, as the man's right hand disappeared into Cal's sweatpants, cupping and squeezing his ass. Cal said something, but he was too far away for me to hear it. "We should join them," Jon said. His cock was starting to soften inside of me. "Tonight, I can sleep with my dick inside you." My dick throbbed at the possibility of having Kevin all night. Things that were too hard to pull off with rubbers suddenly became possible bareback. There were so few negatives with barebacking and so many positives. I could fall asleep with a cock inside me. Getting double-fucked no longer seemed so scary. I could have three hung men in a row pound my hole multiple times. Finally, I could feel so close with the man I was having sex with. The only real negative was AIDS, and that wasn't a problem any more. Jon pulled himself out of me, and it jerked me back to reality. "It's easy to get lost," Jon said. "I've been there. Need something to keep you grounded." He pulled me close with an arm wrapped around my waist. "Pull up your sweats, and let's get some food." Dinner was perfect JP had made a salad, pork chops and some grilled cauliflower. It was just enough food to leave me satisfied without feeling full. "What's for dessert?" Cal asked, after JP had re-filled our wine glasses, and Jon had passed around a freshly packed bong. The alcohol and weed were making me feel warm and lazy; I wanted to get naked, curl up with one of the naked "Well, I didn't make anything," JP said. "But I know two boys who could use a cream filling." He was staring at me. "I know Jon got another round with you. My turn now." It could have been a question, but it wasn't. He was asserting what was his, and daring me to contradict him. He didn't need to bother. As soon as he mentioned it, my hole started to twitch in anticipation. "You want to take care of Seth?" Jon asked. "I've already had seconds. And I think Cal is feeling left out of the fun." I glanced at Cal, seated across from me. He started to smile. "Finally," Cal said. "Well," Jean-Paul continued. "It sounds like we know what we want. Shall we head back to the bedroom?" "Sure," Jon said. "We'll worry about the dishes later." He stood up, and took Cal's hand. They headed out of the dining room towards the bedroom, leaving me alone with Jean-Paul. "How are you doing," he asked me, standing up and offering me his hand. "Good," I said. "Really good." I was definitely feeling the wine and the weed, but in a good way. It took the edge off and removed some inhibitions. JP pulled me close to him; pressed up against his warm body, I could smell the accumulated sweat, lube, and hint of cum from our earlier fucking. I leaned in to kiss him; he accepted my tongue readily. "I want to get back in you," he said. "Feel all those loads up your hole." "I want you inside me. I want you to cum in me again." Through our sweatpants, I could feel his cock growing hard. Even soft, it was thick and heavy; hard, it was almost a monster. It was only the beginning of the weekend, and I wondered if I could take two more days of being fucking by dicks like this. But that was something to think about later. For now, I just wanted his cock back inside me. "Fuck me." "Hungry boy," JP said. He grabbed the bong off the table and handed it to me. "Do another hit for me. I want to see what you do when you're stoned." "Are you?" I asked. "After you," he said. I took the hint, and held the lighter by the bowl. I took a big hit, enjoying the sound of the smoke bubbling through the water. I held the hit as I handed the bong to JP. He followed my lead, and did another hit. We exhaled simultaneously, our bodies briefly hidden by the smoke. "Ready?" he asked. "Hell yeah," I said. He pulled me close, and pushed down my sweat pants, leaving me naked. My cock was sticking out, hard and erect, and my ass was exposed, ready for a man to penetrate it. "My turn," I said, and pulled his sweats down. He was wearing a jockstrap underneath them, the mesh fabric straining to contain his manhood. I ran my hand over the pouch. His cock was like a snake cornered, twitching and trembling, trying to escape from its constraints. "You want that, don't you?" "Yeah," I said. "I do." "You want to do it here? Or in the bedroom?" "Your choice," I said. All I cared about was when I got it; at this point, I would have bent over on a street corner if I thought it meant getting dick sooner. "Bedroom," he said. "Gotta keep tabs on Cal and Jon, before they get too crazy." I wondered what Jon and Cal might be doing that the four of us had not already done. "Come on," he said. He walked out of the dining room, taking off his jock strap and letting it fall to the floor. His ass was thick and muscular. I hadn't cum since this morning, and my cock needed relief just as badly as JP's did. I wanted to bury my dick deep inside JP and feel his warm hole wrap itself around my tool. Of course, I also wanted to shoot my load into him as well. I followed him into the bedroom. Cal and Jon were on the bed already, Cal's legs spread and up in the air and Jon already inside of him. The two of them had their arms wrapped around each other, and were whispering to each other. JP and I were far enough away that it was an indistinct murmur. "Guess we're on the couch," JP said, motioning me towards a black leather couch. It was at an angle to the bed, arranged so that we could watch the two men on the bed, or look out the window at the sunset. JP sat down on the couch, his erect shaft sticking straight up. "Come here boy," he said to me. I straddled him and pushed my ass back against his dick. "You want it?" he asked. I was facing him, staring into his brown eyes and studying his grey-flecked stubble. He was at that indeterminate age of "older:" perhaps early forties, maybe even a well-preserved sixties. But age didn't matter here; the only thing that did matter was his cock. It was nuzzled up against my hole, waiting to penetrate me. "Ready?" he asked. He didn't need to do any explanation of what he meant by that. We both had the same goal. "Yeah," I said. "Good." He put a hand on my waist, and reached around to guide his cock into my hole. His cockhead slid in, almost too easily. It was the fifth time I had gotten fucked that evening, and my hole was relaxed and ready. "Oh yeah," he said, as the head disappeared into my body. "Fucking nice hole. Fucking nice spermy hole." "Oh god," I moaned, feeling his manhood press into my body. "Oh fuck yes," "Give him what he needs," Jon called out, hearing my grunts and moans. "You know he can handle it." "Ignore him," JP said. He craned his neck, I leaned in, and we kissed. His stubble was rough against my face, but that was the way it should be. There was no mistaking he was a man as his thick cock pushed into me; the stubble only re-enforced that. "What do you need? What do you want?" "Your cock," I said. "Yes, boy?" he replied. He was laying claim to me, that much was clear from his tone, and it made me happy. I had always tried to control my fantasies. I had read so much on the internet: from groups to barebacking, from partying to leather, from bondage to role play, what turned me seemed limitless. I had been raised to be a good boy, and between the barebacking, the wine, and the pot, that short lifetime of indoctrination was quickly fading away. To be his boy, his personal toy seemed like the best thing I could do at the moment. "What else?" "Your load," I continued. He kissed me again, working his way down my face, throat, and finally reaching my smooth chest. "What else?" "Jon's cum." This time he didn't have to say a word. He just lifted his eyebrow, and I knew he expected more from me. "Cal's cum." "And?" "Anyone's cum." He smiled at me. Admitting I would take anyone's cum was a small price to pay. I would do anything to see that smile again. "That's my boy," he said, and kissed me gently. As soon as he broke off the kiss, he slammed his cock into me. "Cumhole," he said, as my body shook from the impact. He kissed me again. "Just how I like them. Innocent on the outside, perverted on the inside." "I try," I said. Jean-Paul's raw cock was remorselessly thrusting into me. That was the fundamental perversion of the night: I was letting another man bareback me. There seemed to be nothing more perverted or anything more transgressive than the simple act of two men having sex the way it had always been. The condom had so quickly become an inevitable part of sex that we, as men, had forgotten how unnatural it was. But, at the same time, until very recently, the condom was critical. Jon had told me that the entire family, Jon, Jean-Paul, and Cal, were all HIV-positive. "How long for you?" I asked, between bouncing up and down on JP's shaft. "I mean, being..." I hesitated. It was not my place to ask this deeply personal question. But, JP had his cock buried in my ass and was dripping pre-cum into me. There was not much that seemed to be off-limits between the two of us. "Poz?" JP asked. He pushed me down on to his cock, reminding me exactly who was fucking whom. "Yeah," I said. "When did you get it?" "Well. I found out twenty years ago. August 10th." "You remember?" "Some dates you never forget." "Do you know how you got it?" I asked. Once more, I wondered if I was getting too personal. But there was still the unmistakable presence of JP's manhood in my gut, leaking the virus he had acquired so many years ago into me. It didn't matter now; I was protected. But I was still curious. "I was younger. Lost. I had broken up with my college boyfriend, ten years after we had moved in together." He stared at me for a moment. "You want to hear the ramblings of an old man?" "Yeah," I said. It was the honest answer. I did want to hear his story. "Fucking hot older man. DILF." "Thanks. Anyway. I was lost after that. Started going to circuit parties. All-night, drug-fueled dance parties, a sea of almost naked, muscle men. Hooking up with the men I met there. It was all about living in the moment, giving ourselves over to pleasure. We knew the risks, but condoms were too much trouble." His gaze lost focus as the memories of those years hit him. At first, it was hard for me to tell if the memories were good ones or bad ones. But then, I felt his dick push deeper into me, lubricated by the steady drip of his pre-cum. "And?" I asked. "Two weeks after a party in Palm Springs, got really sick. Was in the hospital for a few days. They did the blood test, and found out why I was sick." "HIV?" "Exactly. I want to say finding out gave me the kick to make my life better. But it didn't. Not by a long shot. It made it worse. More parties. More drugs. More men. And now I no longer had to worry about catching anything. So more unsafe sex." "What about now?" Jean-Paul seemed so adult, so in control of his life that it was hard for me to imagine that he was once an out-of-control party boy. "I mean, it's not what you are now is it?" "Well. I'm a lot better now. There's still the occasional bit of fun." He pushed his cock into me; I was clearly the bit of fun for the night. "It wasn't until I met Jon that I really started to clean up and calm down. But that was nearly four years later." I kissed him. It was hard to think of anything else I could do in that moment to get closer to him. My body was pressed against his, my tongue was in his mouth, and his cock was in my gut. My cock was hard as a rock, thinking about everything he had done and the experiences I wanted to share with him. "Any regrets?" "About my life?" he asked. I nodded. "No. Can't have regrets. There's no opportunity to go back and fix things." This time he kissed me. We didn't have to say anything; even as young and innocent as I was, I intuitively understood what he was telling me. "But it's a lot easier now. You've got PrEP, and don't have to be afraid of the freedom." There was another pause. In the background, I could hear Cal and Jon fucking. "You?" he started. "Are you scared at all?" "Yeah," I said. "I was. I barely fucked until college. And even though I fantasized about barebacking, I didn't dare do it until today." "You trust it?" "Of course," I said. "It works. I read a lot about it, before I started." The first time I heard about it, it seemed too good to be true. A pill that would protect me. "And Jon told me a lot about it as well." JP grinned. "And I get to reap the benefits of it. You're a real barebacker now." "Yeah. I am. Not going back either." "That's what I like to hear from a man. Any other kinks you want to explore?" "Well, uh," I stumbled. I knew I shouldn't be ashamed of what turned me on, but I blushed when I thought about the porn I had downloaded and all of the freaky stuff I had jerked off and shot my load to. Besides barebacking, there was one thing that reliably got me off. "Yeah. There is." "Yes?" JP asked, arching his eyebrow. "But, um, well." I stopped again. I wondered what JP would say. I hadn't even talk about this with Jon, much less the husband I had only met a few hours earlier. "I always get off to bondage movies." As I said it, I hadn't realized how fast my heart was racing. "Bondage?" he asked. There was a hint of tension in his voice. He was playing his cards close to his chest; it was hard to tell if it was excitement or condemnation. "You mean, like rope and restraints?" "Yeah," I said. "It's just, just the way I am." "No," he said. "It's cool. Better, it's very cool." He leaned in, the smile on his face was conspiratorial. "Jon and Cal. Doesn't do anything for them. But me. Nothing gets me harder than tying up a boy." In my gut, it was hard to tell if the feelings were from excitement, or the white shaft of marble that was JP's cock slamming into me. "I've never done it before though," I said, scared that telling him the truth would turn him off. "Doesn't matter. We can go slow." He closed his eyes, slammed his cock into me, and let out a gusher of pre-cum. "The thought of you. Rope around your body. Tethered down. Straining against the shackles, but ultimately powerless. Fuck!" He pulled his cock out, then slammed it into me. "I want to do that. To you. With you." He opened his eyes and stared at me. My hand went to my dick, almost involuntarily. I was barebacking with a hot older man. A dirty old man who wanted to tie me up. A man who wanted to tie me up, and fuck me. It was too many jerk-off fantasies colliding into reality, and my cock was dripping precum. "You like that boy?" "Fuck yeah," I said. I was jacking my cock furiously now, at least two strokes for every stroke of JP's stiff cock. "You'd let me tie you up?" I nodded. "Make you totally helpless?" I nodded again. "You know, I could do anything I wanted to you." I nodded once more. "I know." I was not the only one edging ever closer to orgasm thinking about the possibilities. "Anything you wanted." His cock was deep in me. "I've already let you cum in me." Things slowed down for me. I could feel every tiny movement of his cock, even the faint throb of his heartbeat. "I know," he said. His cock penetrated a millimeter deeper into me. It hardly made a difference, but in the moment, it mattered. He was inside of me. Dripping in me. "I want to cum in you again." Pressed against my ass, I could feel his balls, full and heavy with cum. They pulled in to his body, getting ready for the impending orgasm. "Fill you with my load." "Do it," I said. "Fill me with your poz load." That needed to be said. As soon as I said it, time flipped. In less than the blink of an eye, JP had grabbed my hands, pulled them off my cock, slammed his own shaft far into my body, and for an agonizing moment, the world stopped. "Cum in me." "Fuck," he said, and a spurt of cum slammed down the length of his cock, directly into my body. It was quickly followed by a second one, and then a third. "Fuck," he said, before giving me a kiss, and shooting a fourth load of his dirty cum in me.
    1 point
  45. Hey, Rawboyz! Update Before the BB Orgy Today Wow, yesterday was a personal best for me in terms of bb sex and cum. Grindr was pinging a lot. Maybe it was Saturday. Who knows? I had a 18 yr. old university student and a 30 yr old in back-to-back sex where I received hot cum in my daddy hole. Remember, I'm a bottom at times. Both live not too far from my place. I love hosting. Cheaper than going to Steamworks Toronto 3 times a week. They are part of my regular suck/fuck buds on my iPhone list. The cum was sloshing around in my ass. Felt great. I wanted more. So I decided to go to Steamworks Toronto for a regular Saturday night of bb sex. When I got there at 9 PM, things were quite slow to heat up. Guys were gawking, hands were out shooing you away. WTF!! Only after 1 AM things began to heat up. A lovely young man with a big flowery tattoo wanted me to suck him off. He was gorgeous; a few minutes I was rewarded with a mouthful of hot boy cum. MMMM…. Then, in the dark room a beautiful anonymous hole opened up to take my raw daddy cock. A rhythm began to happen. And you know what happens in a few minutes. I added my saved up load to his CUNT. He thanked me with a kiss after. Can't get any better. So, 3 loads in me, 1 load out of me. Not bad, not bad! Happy barebacking! On to the bb orgy today at Club120 in Toronto. More later...
    1 point
  46. FUCK YEAH! What is your contact info?
    1 point
  47. I just got out of a relatively short but intense relationship with someone 15 years older than me who was on a med vacation. I was drunk at a pride event this past summer and he sort of just coaxed me back to his place (its not difficult to do). I only fuck raw and am 99% bottom. I had coincidentally tested neg at a booth earlier that day. We parTied and soon my legs were up and ass was presented for him to fuck. Normally I'm shy about sharing my taboo fetishes with new fucks but I guess he must have talked dirty enough for me to tell him that I was "sorta into poz guys cuz they're more uninhibited". Which is my gentle way of saying I love dirty, raw, pig sex and love nothing more than to take any and all cum in my ass. I'm a chaser who gets off on the mystery and lack of caring about anybody's HIV status. Anyway, as he was fucking me, he told me that he had been poz for a decade and he was taking time off from his HIV med regimen. He basically told me that he was going to fuck me raw and shoot his unmedicated viral cum in me, and that he did this often. Turns out he has a reputation as one of the sluttier fags in Reno. Needless to say I was in love by then. We got into a serious relationship immediately that was probably one of the funnest, wildest, and somewhat self-destructive few months of my life. He introduced me to a lot of the sleazy gay world that I never knew I was missing until then. Cruising park, bathhouse, bareback house parties, the works... He got off on the knowledge that there were hundreds of dollars worth of unused, crumbling, expired HIV medications littering the entire bottom junk drawer of his night stand. I admittedly couldn't help but get hard thinking of his hedonistic outlook on life. I also loved him as a partner and lover, and still do. Unfortunately our reckless lifestyle and my immaturity in relationships took a huge toll on us. Its hard to treat the person you love like meat who's only purpose is to please - then talk about dinner plans after you've both cum (at least for me, but this world is still new to me). Also my cum pig tendaeies made it difficult to resist temptation and not seek out cum any way possible. We broke up last month and I'm still not over it. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Oddly I was shocked to have tested negative two weeks ago, meaning his charged cum and all the other anon or known poz loads I took didn't take....At least not yet. I guess I just have more time to take raw dick in my ass with the thrill of wondering if it will be THE ONE. Most unorthodox relationship ever in my life, but one thing I'll say is, I've never been bored with a poz man.
    1 point
  48. Exactly my thoughts...love a hard cock and a poz one even more (for the risk/taboo aspect).
    1 point
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