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  1. Meth Lab Fuck Down: My phone buzzed. This was the text I had been waiting for. Tonight would be my big break. Had I crossed a few lines to get here? Yeah, sure, but once I made the takedown of the biggest meth cooker in the Mid-Atlantic region, no one would give a shit about that - if they even ever found out. I was careful, wicked careful, and knew how to cover my tracks. Fuck I learned from the best. My dad, one of my uncles and the guy next door were all Drug Enforcement Agents (DEA) and growing up that’s all I ever wanted to be. It was my destiny. Tonight was destiny too and in addition to making my career it would give me the way to get Chris out of the cluster fuck of a life he had made for himself. Chris was the son of the DEA agent who lived next door to us when I was a kid, and my best friend. All my childhood memories involved Chris and because his dad and mine were often gone, Chris was at my house more than he was at his. We were inseparable and when we became teens we learned the ins and outs of life together - always together - that is until he got caught up in drugs. Finding Chris on the back porch lying on his side, drooling, doped out, and a fucking mess broke my heart and no matter what I did or said, Chris would never stay clean for long. After graduation, for our 18th birthdays, we went camping and the tent had barely been set up before Chris had shot up, or snorted up, and was high as shit. Well that just pissed me off so when it came time to crash and time for us to fuck I was not gentle. I fucked him as hard as I could and let out all my anger, frustration, and disappointment into his ass - along with two huge loads of cum. Chris took it all and begged for more and that’s how we spent our camping trip, with him high and me fucking the hell out of him over and over. Not much has changed the past several years. I went to college, got my degree, and followed my dad into the DEA. Chris continued to get deeper and deeper into drugs; his dad kicked him out; but I still looked out for him. I always made sure he had a spot at my place to crash, food, a little cash and in return I fucked him. Hard and rough and raw. I didn’t know if Chris fucked with other guys or not. I didn’t. Never even considered it, but with Chris it was the way things were. Did I ever feel guilty about it when he was fucked up? No. I had dealt with that stupid shit that first night. It just was. We both enjoyed it and in the midst of all the crazy shit it felt normal. Of course Chris was always grateful for the food and place to crash and kept promising he would pay me back, but until then, his ass was mine. My phone buzzed again. It was Chris. “DEAL’S GOING DOWN TONIGHT BY THE OLD PIER. MEET ME THERE AT 11:00.” My heart raced. Chris was my CI - my Confidential Informant. He had admitted one night he had gotten mixed up with a guy named Hawk, who I knew from my DEA briefings was reportedly the biggest meth cooker in the entire region. Every time I had Chris on his stomach and was fucking the shit out of him, I pumped him for info too. What was Hawk’s real name? Where did he hang? Who were his guys? Who did he sell to? And more. Chris seemed to be willing to talk, and even more willing when I would hand over a baggy of powder or a few needles filled with dope. I cared about Chris sure, but knew he was going to get fucked up no matter what, so why not help him out and help me too? He was always chatty when he was high and plus I loved feeling his ass open up for me and milk my cum out. There was nothing better than fucking his ass when he was high out of his God damned mind. His hole was wet, silky, and just sucked my dick and cum. Maybe it was seeing what drugs had done to Chris and his family is why I had never tried them. Yeah I was around the shit all the time, but had never been tempted, not even when Chris would leave shit laying around. Just wasn’t me. At 8:45 p.m. I was down at the old pier, peering between a rusted dumpster and the chimney of an old factory. Chris had told me before that he often did pickups for Hawk where he would deliver Hawk’s meth to someone and then meet Hawk at some out of the way place to give him the cash. During one night when Chris was super high and I had already pumped a load into him, he confessed that he had lied and that he always met Hawk at the place where he cooked the meth. I couldn’t fucking believe it! Instead of being angry I gave Chris a reward - another nut sack full of cum in his punk hole and that’s when he agreed to text me when the next deal went down. A light rain had begun to fall, but that was OK. I had on my DEA windbreaker; my gun was still in my holster, and my phone in my hand so I could quickly call in backup. Chris said it was only ever him and Hawk and no one else. Yet, just in case, I wanted to be prepared. However my plan was take Hawk myself. I needed this. Over the past few hours I had seen only one person go in the door - the man I assumed was Hawk - my prey. My watch showed 11:01. I heard a cough and saw Chris ambling down the alley towards a dimly lit door. He had on the same white shirt he was wearing two days ago when I last fucked him. I had tried to get him to spend the night after I bred him, but he was too wired and bolted as soon as I was done. Chris had flipped up the collar on his shirt I guess in an effort to try to stay dry. Little good that did. It just made him look like some cartoon character - all skin, bones, a head too big for his long limbs. He stopped at the door, knocked, waited, the door opened, Chris said something, then started to walk inside the old factory. My breath caught in my throat. Chris stopped, quickly glanced side to side and behind himself, then bent down like he was tying his shoe. That’s when he was supposed to stuff a wad of paper towel into the door latch hole so that the door would not click shut behind him. I waited until my watch said 11:09. I scanned the alley and confirmed no one was around. My cold, wet fingers found the snap on my holster and with a small click, I released it and eased my gun out. One more check to confirm I was alone and I quickly slid along the brick wall to the factory door Chris had gone in. At the door I paused, waited, listened. I never questioned that Chris would not have done what I had asked. I never even considered the idea that he might have betrayed me. I should have. The factory door eased open on well-oiled hinges. I quickly stepped inside out of the casting of the light. I let my eyes adjust to the darker interior as I tried to calm my breathing and steady my hand. This was it. I replayed in my mind the various scenarios I expected and in each and every one I knew I would have Hawk in handcuffs very soon. I eased my way to the right, following the rough outline of the exterior wall. I heard no voices, saw no movement, but wanted to be sure. The darkness embraced me as I moved, silent, and sure. I continued to edge my way around the outer wall until I came to a cut in - a long, dark hallway with a faint light at the end and the distant echo of voices. I checked around me once more - all was still and silent. I crept down the hall, the light grew brighter. A door was open, an angry voice was saying, “YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU TRY TO STEAL FROM ME?” I quickly peered through the crack and saw Chris on his knees and a big man - Hawk - standing over him. Compared to Chris, Hawk was a fucking monster. A good foot taller, a good 100 pounds heavier, and all the Aryan tattoos on his forehead and arms only added to the sinister monster look. Yeah this asshole was going down and Chris would be forever grateful. I eased my boot onto the edge of the door and gently pulled my foot back, slowly, to give myself enough space to slip into the room and take Hawk by surprise. BAM! MY WORLD WENT DARK. I winced trying to decide which was worse: the splitting pain at the back of my skull or the slicing pain in my wrists. I moaned. I eased my eyes open and turned my head, which caused a new round of nausea and pain. My wrists were handcuffed and a large chain was threaded between them and connected to a pulley that dangled from the ceiling. I had been stripped naked and was hanging from the chain with my feet barely touching the floor. I assumed from the hot wetness still trickling down my neck that I had been hit and hit hard in the back of the head and that’s what had knocked me out. God damn it! My ears then picked up the moans and groans and sounds of carnal pleasure. I leaned back a little and looked to my right. There was a man - Hawk - naked and fucking Chris who was bent over facing my way. Chris raised his head, closed his eyes and smiled in total fucking ecstasy like he would smile when I had my dick up his ass. He opened his eyes, smirked, closed his eyes again as Hawk hit just the right spot up in his ass, and Chris started bouncing his hips up and down like his hole was in full orgasm. My mouth dropped open. Shit! “GET THE FUCK OFF MY DICK!” Hawk spat as he shoved Chris off his still hard dick. Chris tumbled onto his knees and looked up at Hawk with awe, admiration, and adoration - disgusting! Hawk kicked him in the ribs, “WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAITING FOR? YOU GOT DELIVERIES TO MAKE AND DON’T FUCKING SHOW BACK UP HERE UNTIL I TEXT YOU. NOW GET!” A low growl rumbled in my chest. For Hawk or Chris I don’t know. Clearly I had been set up and clearly Chris was Hawk’s lover or whatever too, but it was the way he treated him. I loved Chris - in my own way - and always did right by him so seeing someone treat him like that just fucking pissed me off. I promised myself right then I would kill Hawk. Fuck the take down! Hawk picked up a plate of crystal meth – bright white lines of powder - that was sitting on the couch and sniffed a few lines using a tattered bill. He wiped his nose, licked his lips, casually sauntered over to me with his monster dick swinging back and forth and when he stopped he said, “WELL, WELL, WELL, AGENT. WE FINALLY MEET AT LAST.” This man - this drug dealer - this filth of humanity that stood before me curled my stomach. I wanted to lash out, but held my tongue as my brain worked to figure a way to escape. Hawk smiled, licked his right index finger, rubbed it around in the plate of white then slid it between the flesh of his gums and lips and hummed as the burning kicked in. His blue eyes flashed open, the pupils distant pricks of black as he eyed me up and down, “YES, I CAN SEE WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE IS SO PROTECTIVE OF YOU - ENAMORED IF YOU WILL. BUT TRULY NOW. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW IT IS NOT REAL. EVEN THE GRATITUDE IS FALSE. YOUR LITTLE ONE IS ONLY A BITCH KIPPE - FAG - FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A MEANS TO AN END. I ON THE OTHER HAND AM THE MASTER. THE SUPERIOR SPECIMEN OF MANHOOD. JUST LOOK AT EVEN HOW MY DICK - STILL SOFT - IS FAR BIGGER THAN YOURS. DO YOU WANT TO FEEL IT? I THINK YOU DO - I THINK YOU MUST!” I twisted and jerked as Hawk stepped behind me. The heat from his body like a hot furnace on a cold winter’s afternoon. I heard the wet slurp of his mouth, then the piercing press of a pointed finger and nail at my sphincter. I tried to adjust my footing but the give of the chain snapped back, sending me onto his coated dart, “YES, SEE? YOU WILL LEARN WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE BEGS FOR MY DICK - BEGS FOR THE FEEL OF MY FORESKIN SLIDING BACK AS I POUND HIS ASS - BEGS FOR ME TO POZ HIS HOLE AND FILL HIM UP WITH MY AIDS. FRANKLY I AM SURPRISED YOU HAVE NOT TESTED POZ YET, BUT MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE ON PREP? OR JUST MAYBE BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A TOP? WELL, WE SHALL TAKE CARE OF THAT.” The clear toll of porcelain on concrete, and the pause of his finger assault on my ass, let me know he had set the plate of drugs on the floor. I wanted to beg and plead for him to stop. To tell him I never did drugs. To scream that I was not a bottom and didn’t get fucked. To tell him I was there only for Chris. All plans for trying to talk my way out of it quickly vanished though. My body arched, my veins pumped my blood faster and faster as my heart raced, my skin was scored bloody as Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    13 points
  2. 1. Aiden I first saw Jay on a Friday night, early October. I was out at a club, standing by the side of the dance floor, watching the endless parade of bright young things. Tonight, it seemed a little more college boys, a little less desperate twenty-something actors. I didn't really care that much about the crowd. It was a mixed night, and I was already too busy defending myself against horny drunk girls, much less trying to separate the gay boys from the straight men. But first, I should probably back up and introduce myself. I'm Aiden. I'm fifty years old, and I've been in that other industry since I was twenty. We never call it anything other than "The Industry," if we even call it anything at all. Activists might call it "sex work" in an effort to give it legitimacy or make it seem more glamorous than it really is. But there is nothing glamorous about the life of a boy selling his body. In order to survive, you must become someone not quite human. You must become a creature who just enacts the core human emotions like empathy, love, and care. You can't survive with real emotions. I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up and graduated. I'm no longer one of the boys. I'm a pimp, and now I get to own the boys. It's not an accident that we call it owning; it's about as close to slavery as it gets these days. It sounds cruel, but I believe it is better this way. It's easier on the boys in the long run if they understand that they are possessions, things to be bought and sold, passed around and shared. The entire process is easier for a bottom, of course. They already understand that they are just vessels for another man's pleasure. Yeah, I said man there. It's a straight boy's fantasy to be paid by women for sex. It. Does. Not. Happen. For men, the Industry is only about man on man, and the sooner a so-called straight boy figures that out, the better for him. In the Industry, we call that process "breaking a boy." The best of us pimps can do it in our sleep. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy, and for me, it came naturally. Of course, it's never easy for the boy. It is always a struggle for a boy to accept his position in the Industry. Back to the night at hand. I had a vodka and cranberry in my hand; I had been nursing it slowly enough that the ice had melted, leaving it weak and watery. I was waiting for the boys to start to approach me. It might take a second or third drink, but they always did. They might claim to be straight, but it didn't matter. Straight boys don't approach fifty year old men in a club. Only gay boys do, and those are only the ones with serious daddy issues. Jay approached me right as I was thinking about ditching my drink and getting another one. The first thing I noticed was his glasses. It was unusual to see a guy out at the club with glasses, much less the striking blue frames he had on. The second thing I noticed was that he was holding a drink. I wondered how he had gotten the drink; he barely looked old enough to fuck, much less to be able to get a drink. No doubt he had a fake ID. Before I got him naked, I'd have to see his real ID. "Hi," he said. "Hi," I replied. I smiled, letting him see my teeth. "Having a good night?" "Yeah," he said. "First time here. It's great." "Cool. I'm Aiden," I said. "Jay," he replied. He held out his hand, and I shook it. His skin was soft and warm. He had an easy life and hadn't gained the rough skin and calluses of manual labor. "You here alone? Or are you with friends?" "I was here with friends. But I seem to have lost them." He looked around again, in a feeble effort to find them amidst the crowd. "I was talking to a girl, and I guess they moved on." I tried not to laugh. He may have been talking to a girl, but that wasn't what he really needed. "Cool. What happened to her? She still around?" "Somewhere," he said, looking around the club again. He focused on the dance floor, and pointed someone out. "There she is. The Asian chick." I followed his finger the best I could. There was a cute Asian girl; dressed in a way that screamed money. I looked Jay over again. She wasn't completely out of his league. At about 6'1", he was a few inches taller than me and his tight graphic t-shirt showed off his muscular body well. But, even from the few words we had exchanged, I could tell he was still young, naive and unfamiliar with talking to girls. "She's cute," I said. "You like Asian girls?" "I dunno," he said. "It all depends on the girl." "What do you like?" "Oh. You know. A little shorter than me. Not too big. Not really a breast man." Or, I thought, he likes his girls boyish. It was already clear that he liked his men to be daddies. "I need another drink," I said. "You want one?" "Yeah, that would be great." "This way," I said. He followed me to the bar. "How long have you been in LA?" I asked as we got in line. "A little over a month," he said. "I'm a freshman at USC." I wasn't surprised. He had the good looks of someone who had spent his entire life never worrying about money. He anticipated my next question. "I grew up outside of Denver." He also had the rugged build of someone for whom the outdoors was easy to get to. "What about you?" "Been here for too long," I said. "Moved here when I was eighteen. Grew up in rural Missouri." I didn't want to give too many details. It was my job to know everything about his life; it was just as important that I remain an enigma to Jay. "What do you do?" "I work in the industry." He didn't need to know which industry it was; I knew he would assume it was the entertainment industry. That was not too far from the truth. "Oh cool. I want to be a producer." "A lot of my good friends do that." Despite changes in social mores, Hollywood was still surprisingly old-fashioned. At least once a week, a producer would call me needing a "new friend" for some celebrity needing some play time without the tabloids finding out. Or they wanted something more reliable than what they could find themselves. The line was moving quicker than I expected. It wasn't long before we were nearly there. "What are you drinking?" I asked. "Are you even old enough to be drinking?" "Well. My ID says I am. And it's a vodka and soda." "Good answer," I said. "For both." I'd really have to see his ID before anything happened. I didn't worry about alcohol. No one would prosecute for just giving an under-age kid a drink. But sex, well, that was a totally different story. "Two Grey Goose and soda." "Nice," Jay said. "Been drinking well tonight." This was almost like shooting fish in a barrel. I would show him a little bit of the good life, and get him used to it. "I'm here on a scholarship," he continued. He had pulled it off well. But then I looked him over again. The subtle flaws that I had missed when I had first examined him were obvious now that I knew to look for them. The shirt, although fashionable, had the awkward drape I associated with a knock-off. His glasses were the same: the color wasn't perfect, and there were some hard edges to the design that I associated with a cheap chain store. Call it Lenscrafters chic. The barrel just got smaller, and the fish bigger. It would be easier than I expected. I handed him his drink. "Cheers," I said. He didn't flinch from my gaze as we clinked glasses. "To success," I said, not specifying what success constituted. I was already running through a list of old friends of mine who would want to have first crack at the young man's ass. "Success," he replied. He was smiling; I wondered what success meant for him tonight. In the end, it didn't really matter what he wanted. So much of what I was going to do with him was going to be about teaching him what he wanted. Yeah, there would always be that initial spark of desire from him; he had shown it in spades. But there was a lot I was going to get to teach him, and in turn, mold it into a core part of not just his sexuality, but also his own identity. We took a sip of our drink, and scanned the crowd. It was a busy night, and on the dance floor, beautiful members of both sexes were out having a good time. As the night wore on, more of the boys were shirtless. Not only that, more of them no longer cared who they were grinding against. It could have been a girl, it could have been a boy. "Fun night," Jay continued. I nodded in agreement. My pocket buzzed. The vibration was just enough to set off my dick. I had been keeping my thoughts high and abstract. But the sudden stimulation jerked me back to the present, and I wondered what his green eyes would look like, staring up at me as his lips were wrapped around my cock. "One second," I said, and pulled out my phone. "Crystal ParTy tonight," it began. It was from my friend ****, who was just as his messages. "One am. Intercontinental, Rm 1902. Bring yourself. Bring a good boy. Bring a friend." "Looking forward. I've got both." I texted back. "$ounds good. eVeryThing covered here." My dick throbbed again. Jay was going to get quite the introduction tonight. I turned to the young man, even if it meant looking up at him. "Friend is having a party. Wanna come with me?" "Where?" he asked, but even in the dim light, his pupils dilated enough to be noticed. "Downtown. I'll get us an Uber." "Awesome," he said. He moved a little closer to me and his lips pursed slightly at the end, like he was waiting for a kiss. Unfortunately, the moment passed. I knew what I needed to do. "Follow me," I said, drinking down the rest of my drink quickly. He followed, gulping down the stiff drink. If I had timed it right, we'd be in the car when the alcohol hit him. "First, text your friends where you're going. Party at the intercontinental hotel." I pulled out the phone again, and held it in front of us. "Quick selfie. My friend wants to see you." I'd also use it to run a fast auction of first breeding rights. The first one turned out perfect, and then Jay wanted one as well. He took a few before the deciding on the best one. "Memories of a fun night," he said. "Hopefully, it is just beginning, I said. "You should send it to your friend as well, so they know I'm not a psycho creeper." I could see him blush, but again, he also moved closer to me. He quickly texted someone. I was close enough I could read the text. "New friend I met. Invited me to a party downtown. See you tomorrow." "Thanks," Jay said, as he hit send. "For thinking of me. I wouldn't have even thought about it." I wondered what his friends would think of the picture. A young man and a much older man. My beard, although still thick, was more silver than brown now, and the wrinkles on my face were becoming more prominent. But perhaps they had already figured out what Jay was just discovering. "It's fine," I said. I didn't tell him how this was an important part of the process. He needed to trust me, to think that I put him first and looked out for his best interests. But I only looked out for my interests. "It's fun to party and meet new people. But remember, not everyone is on the up and up. Not everyone has your best interests at heart." Just like me, I thought. I didn't have to worry about his friends knowing I had taken him somewhere. By the time things got really dangerous, he'd be begging me for it. The best times, they begged me to drug them, to breed them, to infect them. "One second," I said, as I sent a quick text attached to the picture of the two of us. "Fresh meat. Tonight only. Bidding starts at two." I sent it to three of my old friends, Rod, Steven, and Alex. Each of them had a fondness for younger boys, and each of them absolutely loved the idea of deflowering a freshly-minted man. "200," Rod texted back. A few seconds later, Steven replied. "250." "Wanna head out?" I asked Jay. "We can get a cab there." "Sure," he said. I walked towards the exit. I made it a point not to turn around for the first few steps. I knew he would follow me, and he did. He kept close enough to me that I could feel his body heat. I turned around at the steps down off the dance floor. "Need some help," I asked and offered him my hand. He nodded, and I helped him down on to the sticky concrete floor. I thought I detected just the hint of a stagger; the alcohol was just beginning to hit. Hopefully the full rush wouldn't be far off. I had taken the side exit, right by the exit no one knew about. It was just a few steps before we were out in the warm night. "I'll get a uber," I said, and pulled out my phone again. I called for a car, then check the many messages I had received. The bidding was going nicely. "300," then "350", and then "400", quickly followed by "500." In just a few messages, it jumped to 750, and it now was at 90. That one had come in just a few minutes ago. As I unlocked the phone a new message came in. It was from Rod. "1300, with pozzing privileges." There were two things Rod loved more than anything. The first was deflowering young men. The second was infecting them with HIV. "Pozzing is on the table? 1500." Steven also loved spreading his virus. "Hell yeah. 1750," Alex sent me. Alex also enjoyed sharing his virus. My old friends were twisted, nasty men. "2000," Steven replied. "2500," Rod answered back. Jay was going to make me a lot of money, and it wasn't even his first official day on the job. "I'm out," Alex texted the four of us. "Me too. Rod's a lucky pervert," Steven wrote back. "You win," I texted Rod. "I'll swing by and pick you up." "Sounds good to me." I checked the app. The car was still about five minutes away. "Five minutes," I said to Jay. We had stepped out onto a side street and it was dark and quiet. Despite being right in the middle of the busy section, we felt quite alone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys and wallet. From my wallet, I extracted a small bag of white powder. "You ever had a skiing trip?" I asked, indicating the bag. "Skiing?" Jay replied, his face showing his confusion. "You know. Cocaine. Coke." I put the wallet away, and used the key to my front door to scoop up a little mound of the white powder. I snorted it quickly. "Fuck, that feels good." I rubbed my nose quickly. "You want to try?" "I...I...I dunno. Never done it before." He hesitated, but kept on watching me. He was interested, I could tell. "I mean. What's it like?" "You smoked pot?" He nodded. "Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, molly sometimes." "That's good. It's like molly. Only you're stronger. You're fearless." "I just," he started, but never completed the thought. "Just one hit," I said. "See if you like it. Don't worry. You won't get addicted from one little bump." "You sure?" he asked. I nodded. I also stuck the key back in the bag and pulled out another bump. It was smaller than the one I had done, but for a beginner, it was still plenty large enough. "I mean, I can just..." "Try it?" I said, finishing his sentence. He nodded. "Yeah. You should." I held out the key with its white payload. "Just snort it up." Jay leaned in, pushed a finger against one nostril, and snorted. He snorted a bit longer than necessary. "Damn," he said, right after. "That burns." He trailed off just as an uncontrollable smile of bliss emerged on his face. "But, fuck." He trailed off again, lost in his little private world of pleasure as the cocaine got absorbed by his blood, and delivered to his brain. "It's nice. Just relax. Cab is almost here. If you want, you can do another bump when we're on our way." "Yeah," Jay said. "That's a good idea. This is nice." Another euphoric moan of contentment. "Thanks. Really nice." "Enjoy it," I said. I pulled out my phone. "The boy need any vitamin G?" Rod had texted me. "Why the fuck not?" I wrote back quickly. I turned my attention back to Jay. "A friend of mine wants to join us. Gonna swing by his place, if that's cool." "Oh, yeah, that's cool." Jay was still spinning a bit from the cocaine. My dick twitched, watching Jay ride the first waves of the high. The ease of convincing him to use cocaine meant that all the next steps would be easy. It would not be long before Rod's thick, infected dick was deep inside of him, dripping toxic pre-cum. A white Prius pulled up. I checked the plates; not that I needed to, it was the epitome of Uber-ness. "Here's our ride," I said. I opened the door for Jay. He got in, but I still had to help him. I crawled in after him, as he scooted over to the far side. "9255 Doheny. The tall one." Rod was only about fifteen minutes away. "Good night?" I asked, as we pulled away and into the warm California night. "Yeah," he said. "Pretty busy." I pulled out the baggie, and Jay scooted a bit closer to me. "You mind?" I asked. "Nah. Have fun." "You want?" I asked. "Damn, I wish. I but I gotta drive." I scooped out a big mound. Jay's naiveté was once more working in my favor. He had no idea about doses, much less what his dose should be. The mound was big, perhaps a little bigger than even I would want to start with. It would be just right for Jay. "For you," I said. "Fuck," Jay said, eyeing the mound. He knew it was larger than his last bump, but he had no measure for how it would affect him. "Yeah," he grunted as he leaned in and snorted the mound. "OH. FUCK," he said out, filling the interior of the small cars with his grunts of pleasure. "Newbie?" the driver asked. "Yeah," I said. I scraped another bump, not quite as big as Jay's, and did it. I took a look at Jay; his eyes were wide, and I knew he was flying. I was just nicely buzzed; I would wait for the party before I got properly high. Besides, Rod had promised a bit of G, and I had to be the responsible adult, taking care of Jay. "Doing ok there, Jay?" I asked him. "Oh yeah," he said. "Feels so good," he said. I smiled, and put my hand on his thigh. He was fidgeting a bit, and I held his leg in place. "Just relax. Enjoy it. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's good." "I know," Jay said. His leg stopped shaking, but I could feel the tension still in his body. "It's just hard," he started. "To let go?" I asked, anticipating his next words. "Yeah," he said. I just nodded in agreement. My own bump was kicking in, and I was floating on waves of pleasure. I wanted to see Jay naked. I wanted to see cock sliding into his hole. I wanted to see him bred. But all that needed to wait. It just needed to wait a few agonizing minutes. The traffic was surprisingly light and we were doing good time towards Rod's place. It gave me an excuse; I pulled out my phone and called him. "Yeah. Almost there. Less than 5 away. We'll be downstairs," I said. "I've got the Vitamin G. Mixed it in some Gatorade," Rod said. That was what Jay couldn't hear. "Yeah, bring that. We need something to drink," I said. That was the part that Jay could hear. "See you soon." "That your friend?" Jay asked. "What's he like? What's his name again?" "Rod. Rod Eisenman," I said. I flicked through my phone, trying to find a picture of Rod suitable to show the young man. Most of them were him fucking some hot young boy's mouth or ass. "He's cool. I think you'll like him." I finally found one, him shirtless at some street fair, a pair of thin black suspenders holding up his pants. Whether it was intentional or not, I noticed the top button of his pants was undone. "He looks like a cool dad. The one you can't quite believe is actually a dad." "Yeah, that's a good way to describe him." We were pulling up to Rod's place. "Just pull in under the awning." There was no one else, so I figured we would wait. I rolled down the window to see out better. It was less than a minute before Rod walked out of the front door, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. In addition to the G-laced Gatorade, it would have some lube, a cockring or two, plus a pipe and a stash of tina. Rod was prepared for everything, except for safer sex. He walked around, and got in on Jay's side of the car. Jay got the middle seat. "Hi," Rod said. "I'm Rod. You must be Jay." Rod put the backpack on the floor in front of him. "Yeah, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." "Good to meet you too. Aiden's been telling me a bit about you." "All set?" I asked Rod and Jay. They both nodded. "W hotel. On the boulevard," I told the driver. "Right on," he said. Rod reached down into the bag, and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. "Ready for your Vitamin G?" "I'm definitely ready," I said. "And I'm sure Jay will want some. How much is in there?" "I put in three doses." "Perfect," I said. I reached over Jay, and took the bottle of Gatorade from Rod. I opened it and began to drink the sweet liquid. I could just barely taste the bitterness of the GHB. "Vitamin G? Doses?" Jay asked. The alcohol was wearing off, but the cocaine was still making his head spin. "What's that." "Oh," Rod said. "Just some G in the Gatorade. You done it before?" Jay shook his head no. It was one more new thing for Jay to explore this weekend. "You'll love it. Makes you feel warm and happy. Takes the edge off of the cocaine." I drank about a third of the bottle and then I passed it back to Rod. He quickly drank his third, before handing it to Jay. "Your turn. Just drink up," Rod said. The young man hesitated for a moment. Like I had earlier, Rod put his hand on Jay's leg. "Come on. We are all in this together. We'll look out for you." It was as much the tone as the content of Rod's words that got Jay to put the bottle back to his lips and gulp down. "Nice," Rod said. I noticed he hadn't taken his hand off of Jay's thigh. I didn't mind. Rod was paying over two thousand dollars for the pleasure of deflowering Jay. It was bad service to deny him the implicit pleasures of holding the boy's hand. Besides, as soon as Jay was done with the bottle he put his hand on top of Rod's. "How are you feeling?" Rod asked Jay. There was a kindness in his voice, one that I recognized well. It was the tone he used when he was trying to convince a boy to do things. Things like have bareback sex with him or to blast his seed into the boy's body. "Good," Jay said. "Really good." "That's what we want to hear," Rod said. "How do you know Aiden?" he asked, making small chat as the car took us to the night's next destination. "Just tonight," Jay said. "But he's been really awesome." "Of course. He's a cool guy. You're lucky to have met him." Jay's hand was still on top of Rod's. "How old are you?" Rod asked. "18," Jay said. "I'm a freshman." "How has the adjustment been?" Rod asked. "Good?" "Yeah. Still trying to meet people." "Aiden's a good one for meeting people. He'll introduce you to a lot of new friends." I smiled. "Friends" was our code for clients. Rod was a "new friend" for Jay. "I know. He's already introduced me to you." "You feeling it yet? The G?" Rod asked. "I think so," Jay said. "How are you feeling?" "Warm," Jay started. We rounded a corner fast than I expected, and not being belted in, Jay was pushed up against Rod. "Horny," I heard him whisper. Rod smiled. Jay leaned in, and their lips met. It was a short kiss, but it was a kiss. It wasn't an accident or the bumpy road. It was a real kiss, two men pressing their lips against each other. But it wasn't a long kiss. As soon as Jay realized what he had started, he pulled back. "Oh god, I'm sorry," he said.
    10 points
  3. I met this beefy muscled ginger boy at a bar one night. He was early 20's, beautiful bubble butt, tattoo's, the nicest body I've seen in awhile. The boy was driving me crazy all night and kept staring at me. I finally went up and introduced myself and bought him a drink. We got talking, he was very touchy and flirty. A good sign. I put my hand on his lower back and we started making out at the bar. He was aggressive and I liked that. He asked if we could got to the backroom. Inside there he get's down on his knees and starts giving the best blowjob I've had in awhile. Pulling at my dick and rubbing the pre cum all over his. This goes on for about 25 minutes and asks me if we can go back to my place. So we get back to mine and the kid instantly starts taking off his clothes in front of me, gets down on all fours and spreads his ass. His beautiful ginger ass just perfect, and the nicest pink hole. I tell him I'm gonna breed that. He ask's if I'm POZ, I say I am, and the kid kind of get's freaked out. Not in a bad way, but just starts asking me question's. He finally gives me the answer I want, and says "use me as your cum dump" I don't think I've ever been so lucky picking up a guy at a bar. This beautiful ginger let me gag him with my cock till his eyes were watering and he was drooling, slap him around, and finally pound his hole. He moaned like a little bitch when I put it in him, and had to go slow, he told me he was a "top" .... yeah right. Next thing you know for an hour straight I'm fucking this kid every which way I can. And he's taking my dick so good. His hole was so red and stretched open, he held it open as I dripped my entire load down there. After it was all done, he starts fingering his ass and putting my cum all over his lips. I let him blow his load all over my face. He ate it off after. He stayed the night and the next day we went back at it again. He said it got him off fucking poz guys which was hot. He's coming over again this week and said we should film some stuff. Here's hoping he enjoyed his gift! Anyone else got hot stories of gingers?
    4 points
  4. Finished off a great day yesterday with 8 more loads for a total of 10 loads plus one load i drank. Passed out at 12:30am now back up at 6am rock hard and looking for more. Fuck I love my Breed Steed life!!
    3 points
  5. My load count so far this year is: 41 Loads in my mouth. 37 Raw Loads in my ass. 10 Condom fucks 8 Group Fucks I'm behind my totals from last year. But, hope to catch up soon.
    3 points
  6. A true cumdump refuses no cock. Hot/ugly, young/old makes no difference. It’s all about quantity not quality. A true cumdump knows he has an insatiable pussy/cunt and does not confuse this with his masculinity. He is proud of his pussy. A true cumdump can suck in most size cocks into his well trained pussy using just spit as lube. A true cumdump’s cock remains, flaccid and useless when getting bred because ALL feeling and concentration is solely on his cunt. A true cumdump’s pussy can in a second go from loose and sloppy to tight muscle squeezing to drain the load. A true cumdump keeps the sperm in him as long as possible. A true cumdump’s god is cock and sperm is his communion.
    2 points
  7. I had been lurking on bbrt, getting hard to bug chasing fiction on here and jerking off to verbal poz porn on tumblr for a couple of years before I finally took my first toxic plunge. It was just before my 30th birthday and I was in my prime, 6ft, boy next door good looks, tight gym body with a round peach of an ass covered in soft fair bum fluff. I was turning heads in the bar and clubs but I was finding safe and vanilla hook ups didn't do it for me anymore. The sight of a condom in person or in porn was an instant boner killer. I started spending more and more time fantasizing about getting knocked up and began chatting to guys on bbrt. I lived in a small city with an even smaller and discreet bareback scene, at the time there weren't many open bug chasers even on bbrt. I'd already been through a couple of profiles and chickened out on few meets and was finding it difficult to find verbal gift givers, most guys were undetectable and looking for the same. It was a Friday night and work had been a bitch that week. I picked up some weed and beers and settled in for a night of cruising for raw cock. I don't know what clicked in my mind that night, whether it was my looming 30th birthday, the shitty week in work or the disappointing sex of late but I knew that night I would finally let my neg hole be flooded with a toxic load. I was getting a nice buzz from the weed and beer and had some filthy porn on in the back round. It was the kind where the guys were all obviously poz and even implied in some scenes that Toxic tops were pozzing neg bottoms without outright saying it, it gave me an idea to take a different approach online. Logging onto BBRT, I edited my profile, taking out any overt references to being a bug chaser and changing my status to "ask me" instead of "don't know, don't care." If tops could stealth then I could be a stealth bottom and steal the strain I craved. Before I saw what I wanted. His profile described a hung top in his 50s, status "poz" not "undetectable" which really got my attention, and seemed to be close by. Perfect! I messaged him and unlocked all my pics. He got back to me straight away, turns out he was a stoner and was at home high and horny too. We got though all the online pleasantries quickly, he could host and was only a short walk from my place, we were sexually compatible and both up for meeting now. Neither of us asked or disclosed our status in the messages. I supposed he assumed I was poz and, like many others on the site, was being discreet. I asked him to unlock his pics, it was a formality on my part I knew I was ready to give up my hole to him from our brief exchange but it would be nice to get a look first. The notification came through and I nearly came there and then. I was greeted by pics of an obviously wasted body and what once would have been a handsome face but was now sunken and had lined cheeks, mouth and eyes that gave him the appearance of cheeky chappy who would rough me up. Hanging between his skin and bone legs was a veiny flaccid monster, there was more meat on his poz cock than any of his other limbs. He didn't have any fully erect pics but I didn't need to see any more. We swapped numbers, he texted his address and we arranged to meet. I hit the shower and while douching had precum dripping from the semi I had since seeing his pics. It was always at this point before where I would text with some lame excuse to cancel and go have a wank thinking about what could have been. This night was different, although my heart was pounding out of my chest it was with pure excitement not anxiety. My cock was hard the whole 15 minute walk to his place, my hole was twitching with anticipation and instead of any conflicted thoughts I was filled with a focused, frenzied desire to take this strangers poz, hopefully unmedicated cum in my neg cunt. I arrived at the address and text to let him know I was outside, minutes later he was opening the door and leading me to his "flat" at the top of the house. It was more of a efficiency, containing little more than a couch facing a TV, a small bed in the corner, and a kitchen alcove, and what at first glance appeared to be a closet was actually an en suite bathroom. As soon as we were in the door we embraced and kissed. He was somewhat shorter than my height, but the kiss we shared ignited something it both of us and we could both tell we were in for a good night. His frail, small body felt so warm in my arms and instantly put me at ease. We moved to the couch were a joint was waiting, from the first kiss we were never not touching one another, a hand on a knee, a stolen kiss, caressing our hard-ons through our jeans. We were obviously from different worlds but had an instant connection. We made some easy small talk and finished the joint while watching some porn which would not be needed to get me going. I moved off the couch onto my knees and unleashed his hard cock from his jeans. The virus might have done a number on his body and his face but his cock was pristine, a good nine inches with a slight upwards curve, a wet purple head covered in the softest foreskin. When I took it in my mouth I could feel the veins pumping, filled with the poison I was here to take home with me. I didn't take long for us to get naked and onto his bed, his skinny smooth body felt amazing on top of my muscled frame. We were wild for each other, I hadn't been this hard since I was a teenager. I knew it wouldn't be long before I had his toxic cum pumping deep in my hole. I lay back and began to finger my hole giving him a little show, the look on his face was priceless. He was the cat who got the cream, I imagined he couldn't believe his luck having a hot young guy ready to be fucked raw. How was he to know I was the one in absolute awe of him and the poz gift he was going to unknowingly give me. Soon I was flipped onto all fours with his tongue in my sweaty hole, I was moaning like a bitch in heat. He pulled me back to him and I kissed him from behind tasting my ass in his mouth. While we were making out he lined up that perfect poz cock with my neg boy pussy. I fell back into doggie style as he pushed into my wet hole. I was in heaven, I finally had a toxic cock inside me. I arched my back and backed up fully onto that monster, wordlessly letting him know there was no need to be gentle and he got the message and went to town on my greedy cunt. We bucked and fucked in perfect unison. I had a raging boner which I never normally had when getting fucked before, I was feeling new levels pleasure in my mind, hole and dick I had never felt before. I begged him to "breed my hole" and "give me his load" and he responded likewise. Amazingly in my state of bug chaser ecstasy I managed not to let out the usual poz buzz words and give away he was knocking me up, I doubt he would have cared at that stage but I wasn't taking any chances he would pull out. I began to feel his cock getting even harder in me and those tell tale pulses, he was about to cum. I started to squeeze my now loosened hole around his beautiful poz prick. I turned my head and met his eyes, gave him a cheeky smile and told him to "give it to me." He didn't need telling twice and started to slam into my neg cunt. I almost couldn't believe it - his more-than-likely toxic poz cum was going to flood my guts! Additionally, for the first time fucking had never before felt so right and free. I reached for my for my fully erect cock and with one stroke let loose the hardest longest orgasm I had ever felt, spurts and spurts of useless neg jizz landing on the bed spread. This set off a chain reaction in my cunt, he seemed to have an equal orgasm to mine. I felt spasm after spasm inside me, the precious gift deposited deep in me that I was going to try and hold onto, hopefully to regift if it took. He pulled out and I turned around to clean off his cock, licking his sweaty balls, taking in the smell of him, moving my tongue up his torso to his lips and fell back onto the bed in a euphoric embrace. We lay there in after glow bliss kissing and caressing each other, running our hands up our spines inducing those after cum shivers I love. I felt reborn anew lying there, a new clarity had come over me, gone was the indecisiveness and the shame. I had made fantasy reality and it was more than I could have imagined. There was no going back. I knew now for certain I was meant to convert, it was my destiny to be free, to be a poz cum dump. The whole hook up had seemed to fly by but I checked my phone and a couple of hours had passed by, we were both spent and called it a night, agreeing to do it again soon. I was overjoyed leaving and now I was grinning like the cat who got the poison cream. I left my unwitting gifter with a passionate kiss on the doorstep and practically skipped home with his dirty load inside my ass. Several weeks later I came down with a nasty flu. I had to take a sick day from work it was so bad. Still being a horny bastard and bored at home I logged into bbrt and saw him online. He must have noticed me online as I got a text message from him looking for a hook up. I told him I was sick and decided to bring up the fact that I was neg, I asked if he thought there might be a change he could have pozzed me. He text back that there could be, he had health complications and wasn't always 100% with his meds, hence his "poz" status on bbrt. He seemed to worry then and responded with apologies, I told him not to worry that it was what I wanted I knew what I was doing. He replied by text that he presumed I was poz because "Poz guys are always amazing in bed." Turns out he was right.
    2 points
  8. Love all the reputations you horny lot have given. Now who is going to use me as the kinky sissy whore I am. Give me your spunk.
    2 points
  9. So I have been a long time fan of this site and read many stories. Felt like it was my time to start sharing. This is the story of how I was introduced and became addicted to bb. I went to high school in Florida and vowed that I would move away for college. And that I did. One summer visiting my parents was the summer that changed my life. I decided to spend a good 3 weeks with my parents and after a couple of days I was finding every excuse to get out of the house. One particularly horny say I was on grindr and this older muscle daddy hit me. He wanted to know if I wanted to come over for some fun. Mind you I was pretty inexperienced to the whole gay/sex thing and also normally (no longer the case) not attracted to older guys. However my parents were being particularly annoying, and I was pretty horny so I took him up on the offer. I lied to my parents about how I was meeting some friends from high school borrowed my mom's car and drove to this guys house. Along the way I was super nervous and asked him if he had condoms and lube since I didn't have any. He told me not to worry. Upon reaching his house I walk up to the door and before I even knock this muscular shirtless daddy opens the door in nothing but gym shorts where are very noticeable bulge is showing. Stammering and getting all shy I don't know really what to do and I'm pretty sure he could tell how new I was to everything. This daddy changed my entire perspective of older guys. Salt and pepper hair, white and muscular body. A good 6 inches taller than me (I'm 5'8 average build) is looming over me and I can smell his musk. He grabs my shoulders and brings me in closing the door behind him. Never taking his hands off my shoulders he leads me deeper into his house and guides me to his bedroom. He then proceds to tell me not to worry. Asking me at the same time how old I was (at the time I was very discreet on grindr and has barely anything on it) I proceed to tell him I'm 19 in which he laughs and says his son is close to my age. This amazing specimen of a man was 55 and had a body of a 30 year old. The entire time he is talking to me he keeps his hands on my shoulders almost like he is preventing me from running away. He then asks me how experienced I am in which I told him honestly I've only had sex once and a couple or bjs. He got a twinkle in his eye and asked me if I had ever been rimmed before. My clueless self actually responded with what is rimming in which he laughed and said that he would show. Pushing me onto his bed he proceds to start to make out with me. I feel his tongue lightly push into my mouth and I get a hint of mouth wash. His expert hands are caressing my body and working their way to my ass. He proceds to lay on top of me and I feel my breath leaving me. Somehow he has worked my pants off me and my raging 7 inch cock was straining my boxers. He proceds to pull my boxers down giving my boner its freedom. He starts kissing my neck, then chest working his way down. Licking my nibbles and involuntary moan leaves my mouth. Looking up at me he says oh sensitive nipples I see and proceeds to suck and lick both my nipples causing me to gasp and moan. He wedges his legs between mine spreading my ass wide and I feel something hard pressing against it. This entire time he had kept his shorts in and I had not gotten to see his dick. I reach down to try to grab it in which he grabs his hands and says "no boy not yet" he then spreads my legs with his hands exposing my pink hole and I hear a growl from him. "Mmmm nice boy let me show you what rimming is" In which he puts his head down to my ass and starts to lick my hole. I gasp never before having felt something like it before. One word to describe it, pure ecstasy. He licks and tongue fucks me as I moan and wiggle under his expert skills. "yes boy you like it don't you. You want my dick next" Being in a euphoric haze I just nod at him and finally his gym shorts come off. Out comes a 8 inch dick that had a very noticeable curve to the left. He process to hold my legs and bring his dick to my hole. This snaps me our of my haze and ask him to put on a condom and get lube. He tells me to not to worry he will as he rubs his dick on my wet hole. I moan in which he smiles and asks me if I like it. Nodding my head he continues to rub his dick on my hole. I feel him gently push his dick on my hole in which I stop him again and he said he just wants to rub on it some more and he will get a condom. My naive self said OK and let him keep rubbing it. He does this circular motion on my hole with his dick head that just feels so amazing. Pushing ever so lightly on my hole just continuing the circle motion. Ever time though he pushs just a little more and I'm whimpering under him. What he is doing just feels so amazing. Without any warning he suddenly pushs just a little more and I feel his dick enter me with a small pop. Pain floods my brain and I try to push him off me. "stay still boy, just relax" he told me "breathe" He doesn't move even though I'm pushing on his chest to get off me. His grip on my legs tighten and I feel him push in deeper. Causing me to cry out some more. "please stop, it hurts and you don't have a condom" He just smiles this devilish smile at me and push a deeper and then I feel it. His dick pressing against my prostate causing precum to gush out of my dick. Seeing this he starts a slow rhythmic thrust aiming for that spot. My arms weaken and I longer try to push him off me. Pure ecstasy has taken over and I start to see stars. My body shakes and my ass clenches on his dick. I can no longer resist his dick feels so good, like something I had never felt from the sex with a condom I had before. It is so smooth and I can feel every bit of his cock no friction which surprised me since we didn't use lube. He continues to fuck me going faster and faster "yeah boy. Your hole is mine now. You want my daddy load don't you." "please daddy. Fuck me. Please give it to me" I can't even believe the things coming out of my mouth but I say all of it to him. I just don't want it to stop Suddenly he push a in right on my spot and gives a low growl. I can feel his dick expanding in me and this weird sensation. "its all yours boy fuck yeah" he says as he shoots deep in me more and more. Unloading into me I start to jerk off and cum all over myself. He finally pulls out and throws me a towel just laughing. I end up driving home in a daze but something in me has changed. I wanted it again and that is all I knew
    2 points
  10. Me too. Although if the hole has multiple loads, love to piston fuck.
    2 points
  11. Visiting a college town taking my nephew to orientation for college. He's busy doing his thing at State University so I got on A4A. A 6'3" black kid 26 years old Top Poz undetectable responded to me immediately. I gave him directions and he showed up about 30 minutes later. He got here and looked like he had not showered in a few days. His Body Odor was like poppers. So immediately he starts eating my ass and then slowly starts to put his 10 inch cock in my ass. He only used spit. I can't believe I took it but I guess I was so turned on by his sheer size and odor that I thought my cock was going to crack in half it was so hard. So once he's inside deep he hits me in the right places and I shoot my first load within three minutes. That never happens to me. Of course wanting his Poz cum so bad I tell him to keep fucking me and amazingly it felt awesome. He turned me over and fuck me doggy style for about 10 minutes and we both shoot at the same time. Fuck it was so hot. I'm sitting here right now jacking off and all I can smell is his odor on the sheets. BBRT- fucknfeedme
    2 points
  12. My brother ask why just my right ear is pierced , why so many men at Folsom Street were wearing Leather harness and why some had red or black arm bands either on the right or left side. ?
    2 points
  13. I was shopping in Lowes today when one of the employees came up to say hi and could he help me with anything. I said i was looking for a specific tool and he gave me a funny look and then asked if his tool would be good ... again. Turns out he'd fucked me several times already anonymously. I laughed and said i'd love to inspect his tool and then followed him to a back closet which was only about 5x5. He closed and locked the door as i dropped my shorts and bent over to suck his cock. He was already hard but he was about 7" so i willingly paid good attention to it. He pulled me up saying he didn't have long and asked if i was already loaded. Yes ... 2 loads. So he spit on my ass and then slowly slid into me and began fucking. I moaned once and he put a hand over my mouth to tell me to be quiet. In silence then he plowed my ass fast and hard until he gave a slight grunt and i could a fresh load lubing my ass. After he pulled out i turned around and cleaned his cock off, enjoying the taste of his cum. I think i'll be visiting that Lowes more often!
    2 points
  14. Chapter III. My boy and I walked back to our place, already sweaty from raunchy morning sex, and then our pig hole tryst in the garage with Will. I sprouted a fresh hard-on as a I followed my boy up our driveway , my eyes glued to the dark wet spot spreading in his shorts as he dripped cum from his stretched-out asshole. When we got inside, I ripped his shorts down and dove into his ass. I knew he wanted to fuck all day. So much for housework, right? My boy braced himself against the backdoor and I spread his cheeks. The pighole was still firmly planted in his ass, but there was a steady stream of cream leaking out of the middle opening. I knew it was a mix of my NEG cum, and Will’s seed, which he had suggested was POZ. I lapped that mixture up, shivering the whole time. After a few minutes of sucking, the flow stopped, and my boy was weak at the knees. He lay on the floor and swallowed my cock, bobbing up and down a few times. Almost immediately I spurted a load right down his throat. I knew he’d be disappointed that my load hadn’t gone into his pig hole. He gulped and swallowed and chugged. The sound of him gagging on what must have been an enormous load kept me hard. He finally pulled off, my cum dripping down his chin. He pivoted around on his hands and knees, ass up, and begged me, "Pleeeease. Please breed my pig hole. I need more cum!" I aligned my sensitive dick up to that pig hole and eased myself in. I was rock hard, but my dick felt almost wounded from the hot sex we’d been having. Anyhow, I slid inside my boy and let him rock back onto me. He pumped back against my cock. Had I not just lost two loads, I would have cum right away. That tight wet pig hole squeezed my dick unbelievably good. I let him fuck himself on my dick for a few minutes, but knew it would take me a while to work up another load, so I suggested "Baby, let’s take a break… I have an idea. You want more dick, right?" With my dick sort of out of commission, or at least needing help, I thought it might be fun to log onto one of those apps on the phone and see who might be within a decent distance and hungry to fuck my boy still stretched out that that pig hole. I snapped some pics of his puffy ass and uploaded them to my profile. I saw a photo of a crotch stretching out a sweaty jockstrap and messaged the guy. His profile name was HUNG DAD. Woof. Sounded up my alley, and he was only a few miles away. The guy sent a few dick pics before he sent his face and body shots. He had a proud pot belly and an impressive gnarled cock. I have a thing for older guys, and I love the idea of seeing them use my boy. Maybe it’s a power play, but it gets me off. I told HUNG DAD that my boy was training his ass with a pig hole and was hungry for loads. He responded with a pic of his cock half embedded in a pig hole, the same red as my boy’s. He told me that he had a boy too, but he was away for the day entertaining a buddy. I sent our address and the guy said he’d be right over. Maybe ten minutes later, HUNG DAD arrived. He looked to be late-50s, with a shaved head and a salt-and-pepper handlebar mustache. I can imagine this guy starring in trucker porn. This stud’s big dick was visible through his tight denim shorts, right under his impressive low-hanging belly. His shorts were cut so short, I could see the straps on his jock peeking out under his beefy asscheeks. My boy licked his lips as he unbuttoned and forced down the guy’s shorts. HUNG DAD grunted approval down at my boy and oinked at me. He handed me his phone and told me to snaps some pics. I did, snapping away as my boy licked that stained jock pouch with his tongue, and then fished out a great big dick. I got a pic with my boy’s lips at the head of his glorious cock, and then with it shoved as deep down his throat as it would go. HUNG DAD pulled my boy off his cock and bent over, giving the order "Pig! Tongue my shithole. EAT IT." My boy followed orders and I snapped a few more pics. HUNG DAD took his phone back and told me to get my boy’s pig hole as slick with spit as it could be. While my boy and I ate ass at the same time, HUNG DAD was busy with his phone. I heard that familiar tone that he had texted someone a pic. He chuckled, then sent some more. Once he was satisfied that my boy’s sluttiness had been shared with a stranger, or several strangers, he put the phone down and reached around, grabbing the back of my boy’s head and forcing it into his ass. HUNG DAD craned his neck back to me and oinked yet again, commenting "Your boy is eating my boy’s cum outta my ass. That alright with you?" I nodded approval, not that there was anything I could have done to stop it. When he was satisfied with my boy’s job on his hole, HUNG DAD stood up and squatted down between my face and my boy’s hole ordering "‘Put me in him. My raw dick. His pig hole-stretched ass. Put me in him. You wanted this, remember?" I followed his order, spitting in my hand and getting his dick slippery, then easing the head inside my boy, sliding my hand down his cock as it disappeared into my boy’s ass. "Don’t neglect my balls, man," I heard him moan. I suckled his balls, one at a time, then both as he gently rocked back and forth into my boy. He was surprisingly gentle to be such a manly stud. He tenderly slid and out. His rhythm was steady and strong, all the way in, nearly all the way out. HUNG DAD’s phone made a noise as he got some response to my boy’s pics. He pulled out of my boy asking "‘You ready to finish the job, man?’" I was more than ready and slid into my boy, plowing away at that pig hole for a few minutes. He felt so wet! HUNG DAD alternated between busying himself with his phone and snapping more photos. What might have been intimate lovemaking between me and my boy was now becoming fodder for strangers to join in on, in person, putting their cum in his raw hole, and with those pics. Realizing that we might never know who HUNG DAD messaged, or what he or the other stranger, or strangers, would do with those pics, I shot my load deep into my boy’s sloppy piggy ass. HUNG DAD oinked at me again, taking some close-ups of my cock easing out of my boy, and then of my seed oozing out afterwards. He knelt down and lapped up a big glob, and then spit it onto his cock. He jammed it back into my boy, and I decided I’d talk dirty to him, and egg him on. "‘You gonna breed my boy? Gonna fill him up? Add your load to mine and let it soak in?" He oinked back, and started hammering my boy. Without slowing down his anal assault, HUNG DAD looked right at me, "You got it wrong, man. I’m adding my second load to him. I bred him nicely a few minutes ago, and you didn’t even notice. No more Mr. Nice Daddy. This time everyone will know it when I breed your boy!" Gesturing at his phone he grunted the word 'Video'. I understood what he wanted. Picking up his phone I recorded his fuck session, capturing his comments when he let loose a torrent of filth. "Stupid fucker. Sharing your boy’s raw hole with a perfect stranger. You didn’t ask status, didn’t ask me to wrap up or pull out. Whatever he catches from me is totally on you! YOU wanted this!" He was right, of course. But truth be told, were I not busy filming the fuck session, I would have been fisting my cock, so the truth of his comment was a cause for excitement, not remorse. My boy just moaned into the floor. Seeing HUNG DAD breed my boy was so fucking hot. He made sure to shoot his first squirt deep into that pig hole. He pulled out and looked not at me, but at the camera as he growled, "I'm seeding him deep! I'm breeding your fuck boy!!!" And he did. He pulled out and grabbed the phone, still recording, zooming into the scene of the crime to record a river of seed drooling out of my boy’s pig hole. He kept recording as he forced my face down there to lick it up, and as I kissed my boy, sharing the mixed loads in his ass with a kiss. HUNG DAD plopped himself down on the sofa remarking "‘Damn, boy," looking at my boy as he rolled over onto his back and fingered his puffy sore hole. "And you just started your pig training this morning?" My boy nodded and replied "Yeah, we made a new friend in the neighborhood. He’s got a huge dick. And we want him to fuck me. I need to loosen up to take his cock. Maybe you know him?" HUNG DAD chuckled, his belly shaking, "Yeah, I think your talking about Will. And we go way back. Come to mention it, I think I met him right in this room. Anyhow, Will and I share my boy sometimes. But more about how we met, and sharing my boy - that's for later." HUNG DAD went on directly to my boy as if I wasn’t even there asking "‘You have dinner plans? Wanna make this an afternoon of breeding and seeding?" My boy nodded. HUNG DAD CONTINUED "‘I was gonna share my boy at a blindfold BB BBQ tonight, but two boys will be twice as fun." My boy nodded in agreement. "‘Get yourself cleaned up, pig. You’re fucking filthy." My boy got up immediately and headed to the bathroom, but before he disappeared into the bathroom he detoured, giving me a kissed me full on the mouth. Then he ran out of the room. HUNG DAD looked at me explaining "‘So, when I’m in the room, you’re both mine. Understand? If I want to talk to you, I will. I only needed you to get into his ass the first time. Now, he’ll beg me for it. That leaves you out of the picture, man. You can watch, and join in, but only when I say so. Got it?" I nodded, getting hard again, especially when HUNG DAD added "Unless, you wanna bottom too, and be one of my boys." I grinned before I could stop myself. "Yeah. You need to start pig training too," HUNG DAD announced. To be continued…
    2 points
  15. Just another wasted youth (Part 2) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “How old are you bitch?” I asked him, while pulling his nipples through his t-shirt. “18” he moaned. “I turned 18 two days ago” “Aaawwww… and now we seem to be your gift” I smiled. The boy smiles back at me. “Keep yourself dizzy bitch” I encouraged to sniff at the poppers bottle as often as he could. “Enjoy your ride to hell” I stated and my buddies and I laughed loudly while we held this twats body up. “Wouldn’t you enjoy to get fucked by everyone in this darkroom?” I whispered. “Imagine all the cocks getting hard, just because of your cute butt” “They sure would enjoy pounding your sweet loyal cunt” my mate grunted. “I don’t know” the youth replied. “You guys got big dicks…. I am horny for big dicks tonight” he replied. “A true bottom should never refuse a hard cock – not on a night like this” I tried to persuade him. “I love my boyfriend… I don’t want to cheat on him” said the twink who just got his ass fucked by totally strangers. “You are not… tonight your boyfriend isn’t here. You miss him so much, that is why you allowed us to plow your ass….” I talked to him soothingly. “It is your boyfriends fault. He should have been here with you at your birthday party. But don’t worry about it, no one needs to know, that you are a greedy little ass cunt.” The guy behind the twink had his hands on the youths shoulders and fucked him high speed. “Yeah…. it is all *grunts* his fault. He should have been here with me, instead of working for his company…..oooooh - I got needs” he moaned. “Yeah and let the guys here fulfill your needs just for tonight. Tomorrow your boyfriend will get to love you anyway and you love him, but tonight we are here to please your cunt” “Doesn’t it feel good to have a big cock up your ass, jamming your tight entrance…. give us the chance to make you feel good. Let’s make you the star of this night… let all the guys here fuck your ass…. just so, because you can do it…. and you do it so good baby.” I whispered those words into his ear. “Don’t reject anyone… see every cock as a present for you to set a new world record in getting charged up in one night – don’t be a fool to let this chance pass you by….” I continued to talk him into. “You don’t even have to look at the guys. Just stay here, look at the wall and imagine your ass a deposit for cum. Take another whiff….. Yeah….. imagine you are just a hole to us. Help us to get off…. into your sweet little body.” “Oooooh fuck…. your cock feels so good…..and maybe I should let you all fuck my pussy – but only tonight” the lad agreed. “Yeah – only for tonight slut” I answered satisfied. “And only with condoms….” he insisted. This was ridiculous. There he was – a totally drunk teen and buzzed up with poppers and still he had the audacity to demand safe fucks? I sighed deeply and looked at our third mate, who would have been the next to fuck this toad. “Sorry man… then you can’t fuck him with your 12 incher” I winked at him. “Man…. what the fuck….?” he complained. “You know his dick is so huge and thick… he has really problems finding condoms which would fit him.” I explained to our target. He peered at the next cock and seemed to be mesmerized. “Ooooooh *sighs* your cock is fucking beautiful. I have never seen a real dick being so thick and long” he moaned. “And do you see how much he looked forward to demolish your hole? Look at the streams of precum, dripping to the floor already.” I brought his attention to my pals Gono infection. But he was so swept away, that he really didn’t draw the conclusion or maybe it was simply too dark. He asked instead if he could lick his ‘precum’ away. “Of course” my friend said and while still getting fucked up the ass, the lad bent a little to the side and started sucking his fag beater. After only two minutes he got up again and asked my mate ‘Are you okay?’ “I feel great….” my pal replied. “No I mean, are you healthy……?” he mumbled under the influence of the alcohol. “Yeah faggot. Don’t worry I am clean” he lied stealthily. In the meanwhile the second fucker reached his orgasm and ejaculated the second high POZ load flooded the boys’ sewer. “Okay…. then fuck my ass raw.” he whispered. “What?” my mate answered as he was hard of hearing. “FUCK ME RAW” the twink shouted. “Gentlemen…..this twink just turned 18 two days ago and he is willing to accept the gift…. Please…..make sure you make room to those who are willing to share…..” I exclaimed. “You want to get charged up, right?” I asked him loudly. “Yeah man, charge me up with your dicks” he moaned. “I didn’t hear you?” I teased him. “OH FUCK….. GIVE ME YOUR COCKS….. *moans* CHARGE ME UP PLEASE!” he almost cried out. In no time we had a nice crowd of guys gathering around to take part at this spectacle. While our last friend started penetrating the boys’ hole, the twink moaned in pleasure and pain. 12 inch of hard cock meat worked his way up the lads’ ass cunt. “Ooooooh yeah…. this is it….. fuck me…. FUCK….. batter me with your huge dick” he begged. “Don’t worry pups…. I will fuck you hard and give you all I got…..” he snickered.
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  16. Slow at first, inching their dick in, and then alternate between slow and deep, rubbing my prostate, and hard pounding. The slow fuck and prostate rubbing feels amazing and may make me cum. The hard pounding is hot, releasing the animal in us both and adds the feel and sounds of his balls slapping against my ass. Best sex (for me) is a long session where the top does both leaving us both drained, exhausted, totally satisfied and with an incredible afterglow. Of course, if there is more than one guy topping and I already had the first they can do whatever they like: pounding in another load or slowly work the load deeper before adding their own, it's all good.
    2 points
  17. Didn't have the time to finish this story yet. Recognized a similar decrease of 'likes' Part 1 - 39 Part 2 - 18 Part 3 - 18 Part 4 - 19 (Yippie) I will probably finish this story anyway.
    2 points
  18. Part 4. As Adam let the words sink in he began power drive fucking Andrew and shortly is groaning with such a deep voice, it was clear he was about to cum. He hammered away at my boy and then with that deep voice boomed, “Fucking…you…up…Neg Boy, you want my seed?” Andrew didn’t hesitate and between moans, his own lovely hard cock swinging between his legs dripping copious amounts of pre-cum. “Yes sir, I want it” he groans. “Here it comes” balls slapping hard up against Andrew’s butt, “TAKE MY POSION LOAD!!!!” he groans and cums hard inside him, “MY POZ LOAD!!!!!!” Andrew suddenly looked up as he realizes what Adam said, “Wait, WHAT WAS THAT?” He cried. Adam continues to pump what I know to be a gallon of toxic cum inside Andrew and his massive bulk held the frantic boy still. Breathing heavily and sweating profusely he all but collapses on top of him. We could all tell Andrew was now a bit panicky, which just made me hornier I had had to release my dick and was now slowly wanking myself as my fiancé realizes that perhaps ALL the cum he was taking tonight was tainted. “Did you like being bred boy?” came Adam’s deep voice. “You’re Poz aren’t you?” Andrew is asking in a surprisingly clear voice and looking over at this group horny led men and then directly at me, his boyfriend. “Baby, you know the risks of taking anon loads and being bred” I say pacifying him, “You know it’s what we really want…but were just too afraid to say!” Andrew grins in response and the other guys whoop with delight as one kneels beside him and pulls his legs apart and is beginning to lap at Andrew’s battered cunt which is dripping profuse amounts of cum. He licks for a few minutes before standing up to kiss Andrew and pass a mouth full of feltched Poz cum. Some guys that I notice haven’t cum yet are grinning and start making out in a five-way kiss with Andrew who now freely gives himself up as the centre of attention, hands all over each other’s bodies. One helps guide a big fat PA’s cock to his hole, “Breed me again master” Andrew whispers as he rides the poisonous fuck stick in several positions, as the guy slaps his arse and rapes him hard before biting down on his neck, making Andrew yelp out as another diseased load is pumped in him. Before Andrew knows what is happening the show got more and more nasty as the latest fucker pulls out two more, who could be twins rush forward, roughly pushing Andrew up against the wall and as he tries to resist is held firm as despite the odd angle one forces his what looks like 10” monster cock is jaggedly rammed home bottoming out in one stab and begins his rhymical thrusting. Our view is block as the other squats down and give a commentary. “Yeah come on boy I’m inserting one, now two fingers alongside my bros cock.” “Hey cunt! Relax, open up, breath deep and push out… yeah that’s it, good boy that’s now 4 fingers and a cock in your wrecked hole.” “Can you take any more?” It was the horniest thing and it spurred on the others to fuck further heating the toilet block even more, intensifying the smell and aromas to fever pitch as I sprayed the floor with yet another load. Andrew must have been panicking as he had never been fisted let a loan DP’d before but my anticipation peaked as to what would happen next. Surprisingly the hand is yanked out and with some athletic maneuvering the two guys are man handling my boy, still attached by one guys cock, as the other takes his equally huge penis in hand and firmly pushes and prods at the cock already pumping inside Andrew. “How can he still be so tight?” “Open up fucker” he insists and bangs that long monster hard at my boy’s hole as he tries to force his cock inside, “Errrrarrrgh!” he’s shouting. Andrew squeals like a pig. Whether it was the relaxing scream or perhaps realising the futility of it he gives into lust as can be heard from the audible “plop” as the brother sinks in in a double penetration. They quickly get a rhythm going, stretching Andrew’s cunt so wide that he was moaning in ecstasy and after a good while of fucking we hear, “I’m near” “and me” says the other through gritted teeth. “You want me to breed you bitch?” asks one. My boy pauses a response either in thought or pleasure but eventually replies, “Yes, please breed me” That command must push both over the edge with one firing first, “YES! TAKE IT, MY GIFT TO YOU” as the dirty hot load pumps out on the other’s shaft and he too blasts yet more toxic spooge into my fiancé abused and fully stretched hole. I am positively happy packing yet another erection slowly wanking as I watch my Andrew certainly being knocked up. The show is over as guy’s dress and slip away casually chatting and high fiving one another on a good night’s work thus leaving a worn-out Andrew, myself Scott and Adam alone in the semi darkness. “What about you?” Adam asks me, “Your boy wanted us to arrange this for YOU, so you’d be the one knocked up with HIM being instrumental in your downfall to depravity…but you turned the tables on our little plan we hatched at the clinic…”Andy has our numbers so be sure to tell us in a couple of weeks as soon as he starts to get sick with the fuck flu and we can do it all again.” And then there are just us two; me with a sore cock from wanking and balls drained dry and Andrew with an arm draped around my shoulder to keep himself upright, sure to be pregnant with multiple strains of HIV and God knows what STI’s. More to cum ;-)
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  19. Part 2. The full moon and twinkling stars illuminate our way to the Gents which is all in darkness, has no doors so is just a straight forward walk in, modesty wall and as we turn the corner into the urinal area the strong smell of stale piss wafts over me and my cock throbs in my pants. My eyes adjust and I can just about make out the outline of 7 or 8 men partially visible by moonlight streaming through a slot of a window high up on the wall. There is no talking just a couple of guys making out and the others with their cocks out wanking. I push Andrew past a few guys and know his fate is sealed as I undo his jeans button and lower the zipper. My fiancé’s urgent rock hard cock proudly juts out and I automatically bend forward, open my mouth wide and to take him to the root with fabric and pubes pressed to my nose. Immediately hands are all over Andrew as his trousers and tighty whitey briefs fall around his ankles. I stand up, wriggle down my trackie bottoms and push Andrew down to take care of my rock-hard cock by shoving it down Andrew's throat in one go, choking him with every thrust. The moon light highlights the tears in his eyes as he gurgles and struggles for breath but is quickly distracted is the men’s wear guy Scott from the clinic was the first to manoeuvre behind Andrew and I watch as he looks directly into my eyes, put a finger to his mouth and slowly sucks it in and equally slowly pushes out. I can see saliva glistening all over his finger as passes that finger down outta sight an obviously rams it knuckle deep in Andrew’s hole. Amid the silence of the forest you can hear from round my thick uncut 7” cock a sharp intake of breath and as I look down into his face I see in Andrew’s eyes that he’s begging for more as Scott’s finger or fingers saw in and out of my boy’s cunt. From the darkness, I make out the muscly shape of a man I presume to be the other guy from the clinic, Adam, who kneels down on the filthy floor and starts to lap at Scott’s fingers making sure Andrew’s hole is lubed for action. My man pulls off my throbbing cock just in time to prevent me from cumming…”Awwwe” he says squirming around on the fingers deep inside his hole, “fuck mate let up eh, your fingers hurt, it feels like you are scratching and ripping my insides to pieces.” From stumbling across the Raw Top website a few months ago, creating an account, logging on to read all the conversion stories I knew all too well what was happening and why. Scott smirks, “If you in need something else in there, then tell me you want me to breed your cunt”. “Breed me sir” Andrew says whimpering between Scott ravaging his cunt with his fingers as I push his head down on to my cock again thrusting harder each time and made sure he’s all the way down to my balls. At the same time, Scott pulls himself upright spreads Andrew’s cheeks apart and rests his 9” but thankfully thin hard cock in his crack. As I reposition myself so I can see over Andrew’s back for a better view, so does Scott…just enough for the moonlight to show off a biohazard tattoo to the right and a scorpion to the left at the base of his cock letting me know, if I allow him to fuck my boy, it will be Poz sperm spewing into his guts. I can’t help but stare at the tattoos and involuntarily, almost in a trance, nod my approval. Scott rubs the circumcised exposed head around Andrew’s hole no doubt dribbling diseased precum at the entrance and next I see him shuffle ever so slightly forwards and backward teasing my boys hole. I strain forwards for a better look and see that mushroom head nudge in and then ease out pulling Andrews arse lips in and out with his movements as their vice like grip refuses to let this poisoned rod go. Other than my heart pounding in my chest and Andrew’s warm inviting mouth around my cock I am mesmerized as Scott nods and in one hard thrust slams his cock into him balls deep and begins a piston pump fucking my man as I stare down at Andrew and instinctively pinch his nose to close off his air supply, “let’s put on a show” I say as we get this full on spit roast going with Andrew taking it hard both ends. The lack of air, combined with what was happen had Andrew feeling a little dizzy and me too as Adam whispers in my ear. “He looks like he loves being used” “Yeah he’s my cumpdump alright” I reply “And will he know everyone here is positive?” Adam asks “I won’t be telling him. He loves bareback though” I reply. “OK you two ramp up your little show for us and we’ll get the party started” announces Adam. This prompts Scott to become verbal as Andrew get pounded from both ends. “You ready boy for your breeding…getting ready to knock you up” as Andrew affirms with a grunt as tears and snot run down his face…” for a second time, you see I cum multiple times and have already dumped one dirty load in your guts.” Andrew is concentrating so hard as he bounces around keeping my cock down his throat and the incessant pounding form Scott that I don’t think he comprehends the meaning of “dirty load”.
    2 points
  20. I was traveling for business, and as usual, wanted to find a cute boy or two to breed. Hopefully a dumb neg boy to take my toxic poz cock into this ass and spread my bug to yet another town. I jumped on Grindr and saw the perfect boy for me to convert. "raw ass 4 cum" was his handle, and as we chatted he told me he had just started taking bare cock at the insistence of his Fiance. I asked him his name, and he said it was Andrew. told him it was a pleasure to meet him, and would be interested in giving him a couple of loads from my uncut pierced cock if he wanted them. He said that he had to wait till his Fiance was out, but he could come over for an hour or so in a couple of hours. I told him great, looked forward to it, and gave him my hotel information. A couple hours go by, and I get a ping on Grindr, it is Andrew again. He lets me know he is on his way, and should be at my hotel in about 15 minutes. I tell him the room number again, and say that I look forward to it. When there is a knock at my door and I open it, the first thing that catches my attention of the boy standing in the hallway is his gorgeous blue-grey eyes. I invite him in and ask if he wants a drink. He says just a water please. I grab him one from the minibar, and we sit down. After a couple of swigs, he puts the water down, and I go in for a kiss. He quickly kisses me back, and soon I am stripping his clothes off and he is stripping off mine. when he gets to my jeans, and frees my cock, he looks at it for a second, then goes down and starts sucking on it, gettign his tongue in my foreskin and digging for any cheese that might be in there, though I doubt it since I clean well. As he works my cock expertly with his throat, I peal my jeans the rest of the way off. As he comes up for air, he notices the tattoo to the right of my cock. "What's that mean?" he asks me. "it means I am part of a special group of men, and we often wear this symbol as a mark of honor." I tell him. "How do you get it?" "well, you have to have a life changing experience and then you can join the club and get the tattoo. some guys keep it kinda hidden like I do, others will put it a place everyone can see." "I think I would get one where everyone can see." "Yea, I think I know a good place for you to get it, once you have earned it." He goes back to sucking my cock, and I start getting his pants off him. I have some trouble getting them completely off, so I suggest we move to the bed. He stands up and slips the rest of his clothes off, and walks over to the bed, his sweet furry neg ass swaying slightly. I push him down on his stomach, push his legs apart, and dive in to taste his hole before I ravage it and change him completely. he moans and squirms as I rim his tight hole, loosening it up a bit with my tongue and spit before I start adding in a finger, the nail slightly long to help tear his insides and make him ready to receive my gift. Once I had him loosened up, and ready, I moved up his body, kissing his back as I went. Soon, my cock was pushing against his hole, and I was nibbling his ear as I pushed and roughly entered his ass for the first time that night. He grunted in pain, but was a good boy and didn't scream out. I kissed his neck and waited a few moments for him to adjust to the intrusion before I began to slowly thrust in and out. I kept my pace constant, and my breathing normal, because I know I would not last long for my first load, and sure enough, after only about 5 minutes I felt the tingle in my balls signalling I was close to breeding him for the first time. I let the orgasm cum, and flooded him with my first load of toxic cum. After I had breed him, I kept the fucking going, and didn't loose my rock hard cock, so he had no idea I had just given him a nice big load of my poz cum, and was now working it into his ass, helping my swimmers find their way into his system and doing their job. After a few minutes more, I flipped him around so that he was on his back, and I kept up the thrusts, working my first load deeper in to him and building up my second load, which he would think was my first. As I felt my balls begin to contract again, I told him I was close. "Yea, give me your cum." He said. A few more strokes, and I knew I was going to be shooting again. "Here it comes boy." and I shoved all the way in and began to pulse as my cum shot into his willing ass. we kissed as I finished cumming in him, and then I slowly withdrew. I rolled him into a little spoon position, and slid back in to keep most of my cum in his ass to do its job. we snuggled as I slowly pumped his ass, telling him it would take me a few minutes to recover, but that I would soon be up for a second fuck and give him another load. "sounds good to me." he said as I slowly slid in and out of his now well filed ass. He had still not cum, but as I reached around, I could tell his cock was ready to burst. But until I had given him another load I didn't want him cumming. TBC...
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  21. I got an email yesterday afternoon from a hot black guy from Los Angeles, that has fucked me a number of times when he's been traveling here to Las Vegas. He said he had just arrived in town to visit family for Christmas. He was staying at his cousin's place. And that they both wanted to fuck me around 6pm when his cousin got home from work. I emailed back that I was interested and available. He gave me the address and told me to be there at 6pm. This black guy is one hot top. His name is Dwayne. I first met him through a Craigslist ad about 2 years ago. He comes to Las Vegas every couple of months and has fucked me about a dozen times in the past 2 years. So, I was eager to take his dick and his load again. I didn't even ask anything about his cousin. I just figured any additional black dick would be fun. All I knew about the cousin, was that his name was Bernard. And he worked security for one of the big hotel's on the Strip. I arrived at Bernard's condo a few minutes early. Dwayne opened the door. Gorgeous as always. 6'2'', 240 and muscular. Sporting a short goatee and a day's growth of stubble on the rest of his face. Handsome as hell. He was wearing a basketball shorts and a wife-beater tee shirt, which showed off his muscled arms perfectly. He invited me in. As I stepped into the living room, I could see another black dude sitting on the sofa. He glanced up at me, giving me the "once over". "This is my cousin's friend, Morris. I hope you wouldn't mind if he joined us?" Dwayne asked? "Yeah. I'm cool with that." I said. Morris is about 5'10", 200 and also very muscular. Where Dwayne has a light chocolate complexion, Morris has very, very dark, black skin. So black, that it almost shined. Not exactly handsome. But, his muscular build was very appealing. "My cousin just texted me that he's just a few minutes away. He wants us to get started". "Ok, cool", I said, as I followed Dwayne back to one of the bedrooms. The room was dark. We all three stripped naked. And I dropped to my knees to suck on Dwayne's cock. As I sucked, Dwayne's cock grew to it's full 9"s. Even though the room was nearly pitch dark, I could see Morris standing next to us. His cock already hard, stroking it just inches from my face. I turned my head and sucked on Morris's cock. It was just as long as Dwayne's. But even thicker. "Get on your knees on the bed, Bitch", Dwayne said to me. I did as I was told and knelt on the edge of the king size bed that filled the room. I was already prepared with my brown bottle of poppers in my hand. Knowing that Dwayne likes to immediately "get down to business", I took some deep hits of poppers to prepare me for his dick to quickly slide into me. Instead, I felt Morris put his face against my ass and lick my hole. I could tell it was Morris, because the face was smooth shaven, like his. Morris was an expert ass eater. He spread my ass cheeks and slid his tongue deep up into my hole. He had me moaning and squirming as he kissed and licked my fuck hole. He'd spit on my hole, then slide the spit up inside me with his tongue. I continued to sniff on my poppers as Morris rimmed my ass. Soon, Morris's tongue was replaced by his cock. He slipped up into me in one slow thrust. Then he grabbed me around the waist and began to pump. "Good Bitch", I heard Dwayne say. "How does his ass feel?", Dwayne asked Morris. "Nice and silky hole", Morris replied. Soon I heard someone else enter the room. "How's the hole?" I heard the strange voice ask, as I heard shoes being kicked off and clothes being discarded. "Morris is liking it, Cuz", Dwayne chuckled. "Slide up into it, yourself, Dwayne said. "Naaaah, You fuck him for a bit. He's going to need to be stretched out before he can take my dick". his cousin laughed. Morris pulled out of me and I felt the familiar cock of Dwayne slide easily up inside me. Dwayne immediately began to pound me hard and deep. I felt someone climb onto the bed in front of me. There was just enough light to be able to see that it was Bernard. He was even taller than his cousin. Bernard had to be at least 6'4", Muscular, but very thin. But the dick he put to my lips was anything BUT thin. Bernard was already. His cock had to be at least 9" or 9 1/2" long. And extremely thick. His cockhead was like a huge mushroom. And covered with foreskin. I sucked on his foreskin as Dwayne continued to pound my ass. "I've got 2 more buddies coming over. Can you handle it, Bitch?" Bernard said to me. "Uh, huh" I grunted as Bernard's cock slid past my lips and down my throat. I had 2 BBC's fucking both my holes. "I thought you wouldn't mind", Bernard said. "Dwayne told me you were a hungry pig". he laughed. Dwayne pulled out and Morris slid back into me. Morris was really pounding me, this time. He slapped my ass a few times as his cock slammed into me. Soon, Bernard pulled out of my mouth and said, "Ready or not, here I come". He climbed off the bed and walked behind me. Morris pulled out and I felt cold lube being dribbled onto my hole. I heard more lube being squeezed out and Morris was lubing up his cock. Morris's thick mushroom cockhead was soon pressing against my hole. I opened my poppers and took a couple of deep drags on it. I knew I was going to need help taking this big one. Morris soon pushed hard and his cock plopped up inside me. It hurt a bit. But I wanted it badly. I kept sniffing the poppers as he slid balls deep into me. He immediately began to pump deeply in me. "Nice pussy", Bernard said as he fucked me. A few minutes later I heard a couple of more guys enter the room. Once again, I heard shoes being kicked off and clothes being discarded. After a few minutes of Bernard's cock fucking me, he slid out and another cock took it's place. For more than an hour, 5 BBC's took turns filling my ass. When the first guy came inside me, he pulled out and Morris put his mouth up to my asshole, licking the cum that was dripping from my hole. Morris was one hot ass eater. He'd get his tongue deep, up inside me. Taking as much of the other guys cum as he could eat. Then another cock slid into me. Once he came, Morris again ate the load from my hole. Dwayne's familiar cock put the third load in my ass. Morris again licked up the remnants. Then Morris took his turn, fucking me, until he planted his load in me. Then eating his own load that was leaking from my hole with all the other loads. Bernard was the last to seed me. Bernard again sipped into me and fucked me with no mercy. His thrusts were so hard, that it would knock the breath out of me. I would grunt with each of his thrusts. Finally, after about 10 minutes of his assault on my ass, I heard him groan and unload his balls in my hole. As soon as Bernard pulled out, Morris again licked what he could from my ass. As much as I loved it, and I did, love it. I was glad for it to be over. My ass was sore and raw. I climbed off the bed as Bernard handed me a few tissues. I wiped my ass with the tissues, then put the tissues to my nose. I wanted to smell the beautiful aroma of their cum. We all dressed in the dark. Then as we entered the living room I caught the first good look at Bernard and his two buddies. I had 5 loads of cum inside me from those 5 black studs. I was in heaven. I thanked them all and told them I would love to take their loads at any time. Dwayne told me he'd be in Vegas until after New Year's. I told them I wanted to do it again. I sure hope we can make it happen. It was one of the best times I've had in bed, in a long time.
    1 point
  22. Until Death Do Us Part (The Story a Cheating Boyfriend) It happened all on a sunny Saturday at Michelle’s wedding. She was a very good friend of mine and had extended and invitation to me to celebrate with her that most important day. We were quite a crowd, as we witnessed the solemn vows in the church, but I had no eyes for the holy ceremony which was taking place in the sanctuary. No, my eyes were fixed on a young guy who was sitting not far away from me. I recognized his breathtaking beauty, his innocent appearance. His blonde hair and blue eyes gave him an almost angelic appearance, and his body frame, although clearly athletic, was still quite petite. He was not really tall, at most 5'7", I estimated. Eventually he felt observed and after smiling shyly to me once in a while, he concentrated his gaze at Michelle and John who promised to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. It was obvious the guy next to my blonde angel was his boyfriend. He held his arm around his shoulder, like he was protecting him. It was a nice gesture and somehow it made me hard. The boy’s eyes wandered back to me, just to look away…. it was almost like a hot and dangerous game. We all stood when the rites had concluded and the bride and groom began moving down the aisle to leave the church. At this point my cock was extremely hard, so I effectively presented myself to my little blonde darling, allowing him to imagine what was in store for him. Sure enough, when the blonde twink passed in front of me, he blushed when he saw my immense bulge. Since he couldn’t look away, I knew I had him on the hook. During the afternoon we had quite a ball and I made sure Michelle placed me next to the lovely twink. He and his fiancée were friends of her now husband. At that time I learned the twink's name was Dante. Later that evening, when the people were wandering around to dance or take a smoke or simply talk to others we stayed at our table and looked at each other, and got to chatting. Dante told me he had been with his partner for two years and they planned to marry also in the upcoming year. I nodded and my right hand was at the back of his chair. My thumb was caressing his shoulder blade, while he told me how much he was in love with his boyfriend. With my left hand I massaged my bump unashamedly. No one saw it anyway, no one except Dante who tried to ignore the fact that I was discretely playing with my hard on. “Would you mind stop touching me? I am here with my boyfriend,” he said all of a sudden. I kept on caressing his back and told him I knew that, but I was not doing any harm by touching him. “Still…. it is not appropriate,” he insisted. “So you want me to stop. I can do that. I can stop touching you and I can take ‘that’ away from you” I replied and stopped groping myself. Spreading my legs I gave him a good view of the tent, that was building up in my pants. Dante gulped, and quietly remarked "It certainly is impressive, but this really isn't the place for this." “You could take a closer look. Perhaps somewhere more private,” I suggested. Dante looked around frantically. “Meet me at the church yard. Tomorrow. At 3:00 PM,” I demanded. “But my boyfriend,” he mumbled. “We will just meet and talk,” I promised him, although I knew I would be the one talking. He wouldn’t be able to reply, since he would be massaging my cock with his throat. Dante nodded. “I will try to meet you there” he promised and with that I got up and made sure he got a good last look at my bulging pants before I left the table to get myself another drink and to enjoy the rest of the evening with a bunch of my acquaintances. The next day came and I arrived at the church shortly before 3:00 PM. Dante had already arrived, and was seated on a bench texting on his mobile, as he awaited my arrival. He was dressed in a washed out jeans and a skater shirt, looking even younger than his actual age of 18, which he had mentioned to me at the wedding. I walked up to him. My dick started to stir yet again, and, as he was sitting at the right height, it was the first thing he saw: a nice lump was forming in my jeans. “Hey Dante… nice, that you made it” I greeted him. “Yeah – nice to see…. you…. too,” he replied as he stared at my crotch. Then his eyes sought-out my eyes and he smiled at me. “Although I must admit I am still not comfortable being here. I even lied to my boyfriend,” he admitted. ‘Nice’ I thought. “Why? What did you tell him?” I wanted to know. “I texted him I lost my bracelet at the wedding and wanted to check in various places if I could find it” he said. “Well, let’s take a walk over the cemetery. We could talk and find a quiet corner to converse some more,” I looked at him with a friendly face. “Okay,” he agreed and with that we started walking towards the entrance of the wide cemetery, chatting as we made our way. I kept an eye open for a private bench, and then spied the perfect location, a bench positioned beneath a willow, with no nearby tombstones. We sat down and since Dante kept glancing at my crotch, I placed my arm around his shoulder and sat there, my legs wide apart, and suggested “Well, why don’t you check me out - just for a little bit. You know, while we chat,” I suggested. “I'm not sure if I should do that,” he replied, adding “It would feel like cheating on my boyfriend and I don’t want to go that path. I am proud that we are committing ourselves into a faithful relationship." ‘Blah blah blah’ I thought. Of course I agreed with that and I told him it was not my intention to ruin anything. I could relate on that, since I was in a solid relationship myself (a lie) and would never be not loyal to my loved one (again a lie, since I cheated always on my partners). Come on, as if fucking the same old hole would make you horny after some times of usage. “But then again – it is nothing more than a human touch” I explained to him and touched his right hand. “See. Nothing more. No cheating, no lies, just a human touch. And I got the feeling you were quite interested yesterday in feeling me up. And I can sense from the look in your eyes, that you still are, Dante." He didn’t look at my face. He stared openly at my bulge and his hand tried to fondle the clear outlining of my hard nine inch long cock. He started at the base with one finger and followed the route up to my cock head. There he used three of his fingers to get a grip around my glans penis, massaging it through my jeans. "It's so long and thick,” he said admiring. “Yeah – most guys turn me down, because of that” I sighed deeply. “Are you serious?” he asked, looking up at me, but his hand never paused in stroking my cock, even if through my tight jeans. I simply nodded. It was unbelievable, how many guys were scared of the size of my cock. Of course this was a lie also, but I wanted to get this thing going. “I would love to feel it up my ass,” he confessed, "especially 'cause my boyfriend's cock is only six inches long and somewhat thin," but then, in a moment of remorse, he added “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you that.” “Nah – man we are friends. Who can you turn to, if not to a friend in such matters?” I asked him honestly and played my cards so hypocritically. “So you fuck your boyfriend?” I asked. “Good lord – no!” he exclaimed. He was the passive part, which made it so critical for him. He loved his boyfriend, just in bed he was a whack. “Oh that’s bad of course, but love can overcome such problems,” I praised him and really had to bite my tongue in order not to laugh out loud. Then I asked "Do you want to take a closer look?” “Here? Out in the open?” he sounded shocked. I got the feeling this twink was really a good one ‘as in’ playing always safe – meeting the love of his life – testing for HIV and that crap and then fucking without condoms like rabbits. He was a ‘Neg’ for sure, which made him even more desirable for me. “Nah – are you crazy?” I played the surprised. “We could use the church toilets and you could take a short glance. That’s it,” I promised. I vowed I would not fuck him there and smiled my winning smile and so we agreed on walking to the toilets. He was supposed to walk in front of me and reserve a stall and I would enter immediately behind him and enter the stall if no one else was in there at all. I’ve watched him shaking his ass at me, while he looked for the right way back to the church. From time to time he turned around to me and grinned, while I followed him, giving him a dirty look. I even squeezed my bulge more than one time, when he took another turn, gazing at me. I was horny like a dog when I entered the church toilets and as we thought, we were the only ones in there at that moment. So Dante took the last of three stalls and disappeared in it. I followed him and closed the door behind us. Right after that the main door opened again and someone shuffled into to urinals section and started to pee. I signaled Dante to get down on his knees and to open my pants, while I pretended to concentrate to the stranger outside, but I hardly listened to the noises the other fellow made. Dante understood and so he went down and started with my belt. I looked down on him thinking to myself 'Dante is absolutely hypnotized by shape of my cock, even if he hasn't seen it yet'. But with that he opened the last button and received his 'present of the day', my cock! He was mesmerized and looked at it closely. He felt the girth of my dick and enjoyed smelling around my dong, but he never tried to move to the next step, so I pushed the envelope saying "I've really gotta take a piss, but maybe you'd like to hold it for me." He nodded and smiled at me. He aimed my dick towards the toilet porcelain and I started letting go a strong gush of piss. I sighed relieved and the luck was on my side, when I realized that there was no toilet paper in our stall. So when I finished pissing up, I told Dante about our dilemma and asked him, if he could finish the job. He looked up at me with big eyes and you could see his brain started working. But the tension was too much for him and so he focused his gaze on my dick head again and shortly after that I felt his tongue lapping at my glans penis, and he particularly seemed to enjoy licking my piss slit as his tongue wiped through my piss slit a lot of times. He even dared to take my cock head into his mouth for a couple of seconds and started sucking me softly. Then the magic moment was gone and Dante started jacking me off slowly, but without his mouth supporting it. I knew what he was trying to do, but it was my game and he had to obey my rules, so I stopped his motions and started to button up, while grinning at him cheekily. Dante looked like a child, who got robbed of his favorite toy. I almost felt sorry for him, but this jacking off would lead to nothing. I had to keep his tension up and so I apologized to him, and told him that I had to leave for a date with my lover (a lie, since there was no solid relationship for me) and if he would like to meet me for another chat, we could meet at the church parking lot on Thursday at the same time again. His face brightened up and he promised he would make it, and as we walked back to the parking lot, we chatted about ordinary stuff, departing merrily. Dante had traveled to the church bus, and I deliberately didn’t suggest I could drop him off - wherever he was going. He didn't seem to even notice my omission. I knew, however, next time we wouldn’t end up in the church toilet as there were other places, very discrete places we could go, where we could engage in some more interesting action. Little did Dante know there was more about me than just my handsome face or the big cock in my jeans....
    1 point
  23. Ok, first time posting so bare with me. The following story takes place a couple of years ago when I first turned 18; I'd been together with the same woman since my freshman year of high school and had only had a thought or two about anything gay, I hadnt even kissed a man yet. On that fateful night I was sexually frustrated; my gf had gone to Barbados with her parents for a week and masterbating didnt cut it anymore, so I was horny and losing patience. The second night she was gone I had been trying to get off watching some porn but was slowly getting annoyed cus I couldnt get hard. It was then, in my stoned haze, my fingers wandered down to my tight asshole and started lightly brushing the entrance. I stopped after the first finger opened me open and, embarassed, I began rolling a joint. I started smoking and looking for another porn vid to help me cum, somehow drifting into gay porn. I was halfway through a scene of a large black man stretching a tiny white boy with his massive cock that I took notice of my own fingers; sloppily playing with my hole like a womans pussy. I wasnt embarassed this time though and instead going over scenarios in my head, meeting a black god and letting him take my anal virginity. Maybe it was the pot, maybe it was because I was so horny; either way I hopped on google to look for a way to meet men. I was too nervous to try an app, afraid it would show up on my phone plan, and felt craigslist was my best bet for discretion. So off I went, taking sexy pucs for my ad and my gf the furthest thing from my mind. All i could think of was being loved by a real man, a new sensation almost too intoxicating for me to handle. After a painfully long twenty minutes, I had my first reply; 38, 6ft2, ripped like hercules with five images attached of a monstrous 9in cut cock. That was the first of many times I felt my pussy wink. I gave him the address of my gfs parents house, where I wait alone with my right hand fingering myself at the thought of what was about to happen. There was a knock on the door and my heart skipped a beat, I opened it to find the sexiest man Ive ever seen in real life. He was easily double my size; me being 5ft6, 130lbs, lean and toned. I walked him into the bedroom and expressed that it was my first time with a man with anxious shaking in my voice. "Dont worry, boy, Ill take things nice and slow..." He with a deep and sensual growl, he removed his shirt and instructed me to get undressed. Removing my pants first, leaving my boxers on, I took my shirt off; only for him to be towering above me once I was able to see again. He gripped my freshly-shaved chin and tilted my head upwards, splitting my lips open with his massive tongue and started gently massaging my own tongue. I fell into his massive build, the warmth of his body heating me like a furnace, his large hands slipped my boxers to the floor and began kneeding my tiny ass with such sexual force it had me moaning like Id only ive heard my gf moan. I was releasing deep slutty moans each time his tongue left my mouth to take a breath. "Mmm...you like my tongue that much, boy?" He asked, running his tongue across my lips; i instinctually lapped at him with my tongue until we were drowning in one anothers spit once again. At some point his manly fingers had found, and subsequently entered, my tight boy-pussy. "Ill take that as a yes." He laughed, removibg one hand from my ass to unbutton his pants and allow them to fall to the floor. I didnt have to see it, I could feel his massive god cock pressing into my tummy; his heavy balls draped over my painfully hard cock. "On your knees." The god ordered with a slap on my ass, I sank to my knees and came face-to-face with his ebony python; illuminated in an orange glow from the dim light and dripping a stream of precum into a puddle between us. "...oh." I said when the monster jumped, the god laughed and brushed the back of my head; bringing my closer to his meat. "Show it some love...pretend we're kissin again." He said soothingly. I gulped, this is it, after I inevitably swallow this perfect cock Ill never be able to be with my gf the same ever again... I tried shoving his entire cock down my throat in one go, gagging violently and pulling away; only for my godly love to force his rod back into my mouth, his pubes shoved into my nose and I breifly tried to fight it before giving in. He fucked my throat so deep and for so long that I my voice came out raspy and raw. "Please...be my first?" I laud down on my beck and opened my legs like id seen my gf do when shes too drunk and really horny. "I want you inside me." I growled and he lept on top of me, his cock sliding into my ass crack; the warmth caused my hole to twitch like a strobe light. "You got a condom, boy?" The god asked while aiming his dick at my pussy. I thought, only for a split second, about the box of condoms in the bedside table but instead found myself pushing my ass closer; until his cock-head was halfway inside of me. He smiled and grunted, bending his head to invade my mouth with his loving tongue again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his wide waist while he slowly pushed his 9in throbbing monster into my virgin hole. Eventually his head tore passed my first ring and I moaned like a whore, spit trailing between our mouths like slugs, his tongue returned to my mouth and I attempted to open my hole wider for him. Over the course of the next thirty minutes he was balls deep and we were both glistening with sweat. "How you feelin'?" He breathed deeply, staring me in the eyes, his mouth slick with our spit. "Make me yours." I said hungrily and he dove back into my mouth, now feeling free to start pumping my pussy. It hurt only for a few minutes, but the next hour was nothing but intense sloppy pleasure. Hed been ramming into me full force for a while, causing me to scream and beg for more of his dick with every thrust, when suddenly i felt the entire length of his meat throb and pulsate; it was magical. "Im...gonna cum...fuck." He said in between strained breaths, waiting for my say so on where to drop his load. I wrapped my body around his again and drove him impossibly deep in my cunt. "Fill me, baby." I whispered, raspy and exhausted, I licked at his tongue and his full lips met mine in a kiss so deep and hot that I sprayed almost a gallon of cum. Then his pistoned like an angry bull, raging into my hole; his cock throbbing like mad and our bodies melding into each other with sweat and passion. He bottomed out into me that his balls slapped violently against my ass, when his cock head ground across my prostate I began to cum again, exploding like a fountain when I felt his cock empty a buckets-worth of molten love juice into the depths of my new pussy. He stayed in me for almost twenty minutes, grinding his cum into the walls of my pussy while his cock got soft. He left a moment later, leaving me in a puddle of fluids on the bed I fucked my girlfriend on the night she got back. I didnt wash the sheets either.
    1 point
  24. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 1) “What’s up? Are you looking for a tight hole to fuck?” a private message popped up on my screen. ‘RapeMeRaw’ was the guy’s virtual nickname. I clicked to view his profile. …18 years old …White …Slim …Blonde …No hair on his body, as far as the body-pictures showed. “Show your face faggot” I wrote back. He didn’t reply right away. Then he sent me a message, telling me, he would rather like to exchange some messages before sending his picture. “Don’t waste my time – Fake!” I answered him unfavorably. Several minutes later he sent me another message. “Please…. don’t show this to anyone. My parents still don’t know…” he wrote. Attached were some pictures of a cute young twink. He had an innocent look on his face and an angelic smile. “No one cares about you. How old are you?” I wanted to know. “18?” he instantly wrote back. “Are you asking me…?” I wrote, since he looked so youthfully, but who gave a shit. “Give me your skype address. I want to see you. Prove to me, that you are not fake news” I hit the send button. “I will show my face on cam. But I am not doing a sex show for you… just to let you know. I am not stupid…. you might record it after all….” his quick reply flashed on my screen. After getting his skype name I sent him a request. He accepted the call and I could see his face ‘live’. It was the handsome face on the pictures and after he passed this reality check, he turned his cam off again. “Okay whore – when can I rip you open?” I asked him via skype. “I don’t know… I can visit you if you like. I want to be raped hard.” he wrote. “Ever had a cock up your cunt?” “Sure - lots…. I am a true cunt” he lied. Since it is difficult to actually date a twink like this, if you write too long, I asked him to rape his ass that evening. I was sure, that he was already jacking off his young dick fiercly. “Can’t we write a little bit before?” he asked me seriously. “Nah – I am into the real stuff. If you want a hard cock up your slit, raping you savagely… then I am the right guy. Give me your contact address and I will pick you up.” Minutes passed without a reaction. I checked my profile. He hit it 9 times by now and was just surfing on my site. I had some hardcore pictures of my dick fucking tight assholes. The biohazard symbol was visible on my left shoulder. “Are you healthy?” he asked me suddenly. This guy was either stupid or simply not so experienced, as he would like to be. “Of course I am” I replied. I had no cold. I had no headache. I was feeling fine. My lips formed a devilish smile. The next moment ‘RapeMeRaw’ went offline. Oh well I thought and invited a bottom pig to my apartment. I knew this poz whore already and I was sure it would be fun fucking more of my poz cum into his snatch. The following day I received several messages. The little pup apologized for logging out so abruptly. His mother had entered his room and now he was scared, I would believe he was just a no show. He was begging for forgiveness and asking for another chance to be my rape victim. More messages came in, asking me for a second chance. Damn – this fuckslut seemed to be desperate for cock. Who would I be, if I wouldn’t give the kid a chance, meeting my toxic cock. “Apology accepted – meet me this evening at 6pm at a WalMart parking lot nearby” I gave him the exact address and told him to wait in front of the main entrance. During the day he wrote me several other messages. He told me, how he wanted to be ripped open and destroyed by my big cock. He mentioned, that he needed my cum in his puppy cunt so badly. He begged me to fuck him as brutally as I could and that no cry or plea should change my mind. I never replied to any of them. He saw me being online. He knew, I read the messages, but didn’t react. I was sure he got the right feeling, that this would be his one and only chance to meet me. When I came closer to the meeting point, I could see him from afar already. He wore tight white jeans which showed his butt perfectly. It was small ass and promised a tight fucking. His hair had a perfect sidecut. He was in a good shape and had a nice and slim body. It would be fun to show no mercy on the guy. “Hello Sir” he greeted me, looking at my big bulge. “Come with me boy. Let’s move to my car," I ordered as I took a good grip on his nape, leading him to my automobile. He was obviously scared, but as much as he looked around, his gaze always returned to my crotch, which bulged with excitement. Apparently he made-up his mind as he sighed and willingly walked to the car, where, upon arrival, I unlocked the doors and gestured for him to get in. He complied, closing the door as I took my seat in the driver's seat. “Where are we going?” he asked bashfully. I did not even look at him. I opened the buttons of my jeans and pulled my cock out of the fabric. “Suck until I cum, or until I tell you to stop - you fuckwhore” I demanded. I pushed his head down to my crotch and felt his hot tongue playing clumsy with my dickhead. I could feel his hot breath on my toxic rape-stick. He was no professional! That’s for sure. I started the ignition and we drove slowly off the lot. He wanted to be raped… you got to be careful what you are wishing for…
    1 point
  25. It was an evening like any other really. Myself and Kane were heading back from the gym to our flat pumped up and needing to unwind. We lived nice and close to the gym so no need to shower, just a hard workout, lots of sweat then back home feet up protein shakes and an evening in front of the xbox. Kane is a sweetheart. Build like a brick shithouse and a smile the same size to match. Smooth as a babe and always working for his misses. She's a nice girl, huge tits which Kane clearly goes for and he must treat her right cause she doesn't half mind screaming the flat down when she's over for the night. Me I'm Aaron. A few years younger than Kane, we became mates down the gym. I was trying to get bigger and he, being the kind hearted soul he was, came over taught me some stuff and the broship grew from there. He helped me out when I was at a low point by renting me a room and we just developed this bond. It was never an issue me being gay nor him being straight. He were just mates and it was all good. Obviously he had no idea what a twisted little fuck I was of course. We got in as usual and he threw himself on the sofa and switched the xbox on. "Need to get my games in before I crash like always!" I laughed. He worked long shifts, and we hit the gym hard in the evenings. It was no wonder that he always seemed to pass out when we got in. Well that and the crushed sleeping tablets I mixed up in his protein shakes. I handed his over. "Down in one bud" and we both chugged down, taking only a brief minute to watch his chest throb up and down as my little night night juice went down the hatch. We kicked back and chatted for a while, Kane on Call of Duty, me flicking through various hook up apps trying to find someone who might catch my eye. Slowly I watched Kane's hands start to droop as he struggled to keep his eyes open. It was beautiful like clockwork. "Come on mate, lets get you to bed" I said as I hooked his arm over my neck and lifted the hulk of a man up. Kane slurred a thank you of sorts and I took him to his room and pushed him onto his bed. "Sleep tight big man" I said as I closed the door. I glanced at my watch. 30 minutes to kill, so I went back to my apps and continued looking for the right man. Sadly there was no one biting tonight, not that that would be a problem. I walked back towards Kane's room and opened the door to find Kane as I'd left him, except now snoring soundly. I moved over and rolled him onto his front. Pulling his racer vest up and over his head and threaded his arms through before dropping them above his head. There were those wet stinking pits I loved so much. And not a shred of hair on them. Kane was naturally smooth mostly, but he liked to add to the effect by shaving too. I took a nice long slow lick all the way up his pit and soaked my face in that delicious stink. How I kept focused in the gym with this beast I never fucking knew. The other arm now. Same this time I kept the moisture in my mouth and hovered my face above his, taking my thumb and slowly pulling his chin down so his mouth opened, drooling his stank into his mouth and watching his reflex swallow it down. Now time for the proper fun. I took out my phone, loaded up the video function, hit record and began my routine. Slowly I pulled down his shorts inch by inch showing those tight white briefs he loved so much and his package outlined within. The shorts came off and I took a deep sniff on camera. Then back to those pants, once bright white but now stained yellow from sweat and piss stains I buried my face into his junk and sniffed pulling a leg open so his ball sack flopped out and again I made a point of sniffing and licking it on the cam. This was mine. My moment with my beast of a man. The pants came off slowly revealing Kane's cock to the camera. He wasn't a big boy, not small, but a little below average. You always look at these big muscle men and expect them to be big all over, but its not always true as Kane proved. His soft dick was about 5 inches with a nice long chewy hood tapering off. I got the camera in nice and close and had a good chew on that hood before rolling it down and exposing his head, giving it a good clean with my tongue. His stink was addictive but his taste was fucking life giving. By now my cock was throbbing and leaking pre cum in my shorts. So I got up, placed the cam on the shelf getting Kane and me in shot nice and clearly and I stripped off completely. I moved in close and grind my body down on his sleeping mass. I kissed those lips and felt my cock throb against his. He didn't kiss back but that didn't stop me sticking my tongue into his mouth and running it around inside. I lifted his legs up and slide him down the bed a bit, propping him up with some cushions and got the money shot. His beautiful hole opening up, slowly unsticking from the sweat. I grabbed the camera and got a nice good shot of me getting inside close and licking it slowly before ramming my tongue in as deep as I could. The boy was straight, he had no reason to keep his hole clean, and you could taste it. Not that I minded of course, it meant an extra moment of humiliation for him on camera. "Someones a dirty fucking pig today aren't they" I said to the cam as I took my finger and dug it dry up into his sweet straight boy pussy. I had done this enough times so he was just loose enough to eventually give way to the intrusion, but not loose enough to not do a bit of damage on the way. "I keep telling you a good pussy should always be clean don't I" I said, mainly for the cameras purpose. "Time for your punishment to help you remember" I pulled my finger out his hole and caught it on cam. A nice blend of dirty streaks and a tinge of blood. "Now in it goes and suck it clean like a good piggy" Shoving my finger in I made a show of dragging it in and out of his mouth. All the while wiping his arse stank over his tongue and into his gums, taking just a little moment to dig my nail in. "I think pig is tired of his foreplay and wants it now" propping the camera for a moment on the bed, I rolled kane over onto his front and pulled his cheeks apart. I grabbed the cam and made a point of squeezing my cock head pissing out pre cum and drenching that puckered hole. I moved the camera in close and made sure it caught the tattoo on my bell end; a distinct black biohazard symbol. "Time for you to get your big man" I muttered as I slowly forced my cock into his hole watching the raw biohazard slip under the skin followed by inch after inch of my 9 inches. I leaned over and positioned the camera on the bed stand, and moved his face towards it. Then I began my assault on his hole. This was pure fucking heaven as always. His guts being churned and torn up by my dick using him like the pig slut I knew him to be. Greedy, never telling me to stop, never telling me no. He could have all the straight fun he wanted with his bitch but I knew he was my pig slut really. I could feel my poz load building up in my balls and with one final deep push I shoved in as deep as I could and released right up inside him shooting over and over again growling and grunting for the camera as I did. I collapsed on his back and laid there for just a minute, listening to him quietly snore underneath me. It would be so easy to be tender to his big hunk of meat, but I never forgot who was this pig and who was the perv here. I pulled out of him and dragged my fingers up his dirty hole and shovelled what cum and mess I could back inside him. I took his mouth aimed the camera and got a nice shot of my dirty cock sliding in deep, in and out till it came out relatively clean. I grabbed a pen from my shorts pocket and wrote POZ LOAD INSIDE between his cheeks releasing them and watching his hole close tight keeping my load nice and safe inside. "Good night you dirty pig" I said to him on cam as I snorted up a nice wad of phlegm and spat it onto his lips before switching off the video and throwing the duvet over him. I walked back into the lounge and grabbed my laptop. I immediately downloaded the film and spent the next hour editing it. Using some of my favourite sound clips of Kane from the gym grunting and groaning, telling me to push it harder, give it my all etc, I edited my next new masterpiece 'Pig fuck 18' before uploading it to my personal site. Tonight had been fun. But tomorrow was always another day to corrupt that pig even further.
    1 point
  26. Thank-you for the follow mate
    1 point
  27. Just had a cute tall guy being fucking me. He was 1m90 tall so we had a big height difference wich I liked so much. He was so sweet and dominant and he's cock was enormous it was like a 21cm long and about 6cm thick and rock hard. He fucked me for hours! This is the first time sinds ages that i still feel my cunt hurting this much. I was bleeding and in pain but I really wanted to pleasure him and taking he's load deep in my pussy. Afther all, I am very satisfied when i saw the joy in he's bautiful eyes. I wiped the sweat from he's forehead with my hands and he said that he will come back for more. He said that this was the first time he had an orgasm feeling so good! I was feeling so good about what he just said. After a bit of talking he moved on leaving me pregnant ❤️ I hope you enjoyed my shared experience. Unfortunately I do not have action pics or a movie.. I always forget that some how.
    1 point
  28. There's plenty of advice in similar threads here (do a search). Most will come down to: practice! Use dildos. Start with an average girth and then move on to bigger (wider). Also use a dildo before your hookup. Besides loosening your hole the added advantage is you're sure you're clean. And lots of lube.
    1 point
  29. Please do. Great story, well written, and we all want to see the moment you've been leading up to.
    1 point
  30. Any men wanna chat and talk on the phone with me about sex for a while while i jerk off and sniff on poppers? and who wants to send me butt pics and mouth pics? Doesn't matter how old you are or where you're from, just as long as u're in the USA... anyone interested?
    1 point
  31. Wow just realized I pass this test. I have not said no when a top says he wants to fuck me for a couple of years now and insist on no protection.
    1 point
  32. I also would like to find an uncut guy willing to snag up his cock for me. Help guys. Info or places to find cocj cheese. BBRT- fucknfeedme
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. so i went to the Pride Communion again and i managed to get 44 loads dumped in me in 8 hours even though i took some time to lounge in the sauna and jacuzzi. i took loads all over the place as i walked around with no towel but i took most of my loads in the public sling while blindfolded and on a couple darkroom fuckbenches while i sucked cocks.a few guys came in my mouth so i drank half then spit the rest into my hand to relate whoever was fucking me at the time. so i took all those loads n more cocks but have no idea what any of the guys breeding me looked like, age,race etc.all i know is how their cocks feel in me raw.its funny cause when i walk around n guys are looking at me i don't know if their cum is in me lol only 2 fuckbench guys tried to use a condom fucking me but i took them off.really got a mix of cock sizes from very small to huge.(tiny cocks usually cum in me fast)barely any of the guys who used me even spoke to me.just slide in ,fuck the whore,breed it n leave.i was begging guys to breed me n telling them what a dirty little cumdumpster i am but men don't want a whore like me for conversation.i could tell by the sound n when i took little peeks that lots of men were watching me get fucked bareback by a lineup of strangers n they saw my gaping hole dripping cum on the floor overtime a man pulled out of my hole.they know what i am.it was amazing.i felt like such a dirty, used piece of trash whore.what kind of faggot invites men from all over the sex web to meet him at a bathhouse during a bareback party at gay pride then climbs in the public sling with a blindfold on and lets stranger after strangers fuckk me up the ass bareback for hours n begs every guy to cum in my fuckhole?i love thinking about what a trashy whore the guys using me n the guys watching me get used must think i am to be such a community cumdumpster.1 guy pulled off my blindfold so i could look into his eyes while he shot his load in me.i love feeling like such a used faggotwhore
    1 point
  35. Story starts out as a online meeting on men4sexnow. Just small talk at first. Bob was a closet gay who pretended he was straight for many years. Jim was gay and poz undetectable. Bob would sometimes write stories about alpha poz top men and neg bottom boys and then post them on the breeding zone website. Bob also sent his stories to Jim. Many of Bob's stories were popular. Lots of men jacked off to Bob's stories including Jim.. For some reason poz cock was a turn on for Bob. Bob didn't have the balls to actually go through with the act of fucking a poz cock , even undetectable, so Bob would write stories about the act of breeding. As Bob wrote his breeding stories his cock would stay hard and drip precum. Jim and Bob only communicated occasionally. One day Bob woke up horny (as usual) and decided to write a story for Breeding zone and named it Jim and Bob. Of course Bob would send a copy to JIm to get him horned up... This breeding story got JIm really horned up. The story was hot and Jim wanted to make it real. Jim had a big cock with a large mushroom head. Bob often jacked looking at Jim's big cock pics. The next day after Bob's story arrived Jim wrote back saying " loved your hot Jim and Bob story ! I jacked off and shot a huge load that went over my head ! I fantasized I was deep up your ass when I shot my load . I sure would like to give you what you need.. I bet you'd love to suck my big poz cock and feel it deep up your ass. MMMMMM I'd love to breed you ! You need it ! You need my hot loads breeding you deep ! My big cock will stretch your sphincter wide open. You need that don't you!. You need to feel my big poz cock head pressing up against your sphincter wanting in.. You need feel my precum lucubrating it as I rub it back and forth.. I bet your hard now as you read this.. I read his note over and over. My cock was oozing precum like crazy. Jim had me at that point. He knew me. My cock don't lie. It's hard and dripping. The story soon turns into reality ... Jim invited me to Dallas on a Sunday for lunch. We decided to keep it light and we went to subways. The real main course would be after lunch.. As we ate lunch I found my dick getting hard inside the subways. I could hardly wait to taste his big cock head.. I said " I need to use the restroom , wanna go ?" Jim say's "sure" .. I go into the toilet stall and invite Jim in .. I lock the stall and proceed to sit up on the toilet keeping my feet high off the ground to make it look like only one person.. I tell Jim I wanna suck it .. Jim whips it out and it's already almost hard and hard to get out of the zipper. Jim shakes it in front of my face then points his beautiful cock head at my lips . My lips went around his cock head like a magnet. I sucked it like there was no tomorrow !! It was so big and so good ! Only lasted a minute but was ecstasy.. we then went back out to eat our subs.. We both had hard on's.. it was obvious. I think subway girl noticed and smiled.. We finished our subs and now it was time for desert ! we headed for Jim's place.. As soon as we got inside we headed for the bedroom.. clothes were off quickly ! We both stood there with major hard on's .. Jim then put his arms around me slowly grabbing my hot to trot ass and then started kissing my neck.. His cock was poking me in the stomach. I reached with both hands to grab his cock, with my right hand grabbing his cock and my left hand rubbing his balls. He rubbed my ass while I rubbed his big package.. I rubbed his big cock head against my cock. Kevins cock was allot bigger which turns on my submissive nature. We played like that for several minutes. There was no hurry. We both liked edging.. Before we got on the bed I asked Jim if he was still undetectable. Jim said he had been tested 2 weeks prior and he was still poz undetectable but there was still a small chance of getting gifted. Jim lays back on his bed and says" come over here and suck my big poz cock !" Damn that statement made me horned up.. Jim spreads his legs and I get in between them. I first start by licking and sucking his balls. They were shaved just like I like it ! I worked his balls over for several minutes while I stroked his cock in my right hand. Jim's cock head was huge after a few minutes of sucking his balls.. I slowly licked my way up to his cock head. I kissed it several times while looking Jim in the eye.. I pulled down on Jim's cock and said " see if you can push out some precum !" Jim pushed out a nice bead of precum. I used my tongue to touch it. I slowly lifted my tongue and a string of precum followed.. mmmmmm I then tasted it and swirled my tongue over Jim's big cock head spreading his precum all around the head. My mouth soon followed. Jim's cock head was so big it really stretched my mouth open. I then sucked his big poz cock for all it was worth.. Licking up and down the shaft and deep throating the best I could. I often gagged. Soon Jim turned me around to 69.. By then my cock was already dripping allot of precum. Jim's sucking technique felt awesome.. Wasn't long before I felt his tongue on my sphincter while his hands spread my ass cheeks .. Jim was getting it prepared for fucking.. Jim was ready to fuck so he took control by ordering me on my hands and knees.. Jim got behind me, his cock was raging hard.. Jim pulls out some ky in the nightstand .. He put some on his finger and rubbed it on my sphincter and then slipped his finger in slowly. Starts out with one finger and then another. He uses his fingers to massage my prostate. My cock dripped precum like mad as he massaged my prostate. After a couple minutes I feel his fingers slip out. Jim say's " you ready for my big poz cock !" I said "yes , I'm ready !" with the green light being said Jim rubbed his cock on my ass back and forth. He grabbed his cock and put his cock head on my sphincter. He left it there rubbing circles with it.. I said " push some precum out !" I soon felt his slick precum making my sphincter slick .. I then felt the first small initial push. Damn it was so big ! Then another push. My sphincter started to open up with each push.. Soon the head was in.. Jim worked the head in and out slowly getting me use to it. By then I was very slick with precum.. I started pushing back fucking Jim's cock head. My cock was hard as a brick at this point.. Jim says " I'm gonna give you what you need!" Jim slowly worked it a little deeper with each push forward. Soon his big cock broke through the second barrier.. He was home free. Jim worked his cock slowly deeper and deeper till he was balls deep.. ??|||||||||||||||||| \ ) I asked Jim to take some pictures of his cock inside me .. He took pics of his cock at various lengths inside my ass.. We then changed positions on our sides. With my leg raised Jim slipped his cock back in from behind and started fucking me.. It hurt a little but I just took it. It was getting real slick.. I was slick with poz precum and knew I was absorbing his seed.. We changed positions again after a few minutes with me on my back and a pillow under the small of my back.. Kevin spread my legs and moved closer.. Slipping his cock back in.. My legs went over the top of his shoulders.. Jim started kissing me as he pumped his cock in and out.. Jim cock grew extra big.. I reached under and massaged his balls that were already tight.. He was close.. Soon as i rubbed his balls Jim say's " You ready to take my poz load ? " I said nothing.. Jim gruts andI feel his cock start to twitch. I knew huge loads of poz seed was shooting inside me.. Jim breeded me good and held it inside me while I absorbed his DNA... As Jim finished his orgasm I grabbed my cock , and with only a couple strokes I shot off a huge orgasm.. My ass was sore for a couple days.. Jim's big poz cock broke me in good...? Story starts out as a online meeting on men4sexnow. Just small talk at first. Bob was a closet gay who pretended he was straight for many years. Jim was gay and poz undetectable. Bob would sometimes write stories about alpha poz top men and neg bottom boys and then post them on the breeding zone website. Bob also sent his stories to Jim. Many of Bob's stories were popular. Lots of men jacked off to Bob's stories including Jim.. For some reason poz cock was a turn on for Bob. Bob didn't have the balls to actually go through with the act of fucking a poz cock , even undetectable, so Bob would write stories about the act of breeding. As Bob wrote his breeding stories his cock would stay hard and drip precum. Jim and Bob only communicated occasionally. One day Bob woke up horny (as usual) and decided to write a story for Breeding zone and named it Jim and Bob. Of course Bob would send a copy to JIm to get him horned up... This breeding story got JIm really horned up. The story was hot and Jim wanted to make it real. Jim had a big cock with a large mushroom head. Bob often jacked looking at Jim's big cock pics. The next day after Bob's story arrived Jim wrote back saying " loved your hot Jim and Bob story ! I jacked off and shot a huge load that went over my head ! I fantasized I was deep up your ass when I shot my load . I sure would like to give you what you need.. I bet you'd love to suck my big poz cock and feel it deep up your ass. MMMMMM I'd love to breed you ! You need it ! You need my hot loads breeding you deep ! My big cock will stretch your sphincter wide open. You need that don't you!. You need to feel my big poz cock head pressing up against your sphincter wanting in.. You need feel my precum lucubrating it as I rub it back and forth.. I bet your hard now as you read this.. I read his note over and over. My cock was oozing precum like crazy. Jim had me at that point. He knew me. My cock don't lie. It's hard and dripping. The story soon turns into reality ... Jim invited me to Dallas on a Sunday for lunch. We decided to keep it light and we went to subways. The real main course would be after lunch.. As we ate lunch I found my dick getting hard inside the subways. I could hardly wait to taste his big cock head.. I said " I need to use the restroom , wanna go ?" Jim say's "sure" .. I go into the toilet stall and invite Jim in .. I lock the stall and proceed to sit up on the toilet keeping my feet high off the ground to make it look like only one person.. I tell Jim I wanna suck it .. Jim whips it out and it's already almost hard and hard to get out of the zipper. Jim shakes it in front of my face then points his beautiful cock head at my lips . My lips went around his cock head like a magnet. I sucked it like there was no tomorrow !! It was so big and so good ! Only lasted a minute but was ecstasy.. we then went back out to eat our subs.. We both had hard on's.. it was obvious. I think subway girl noticed and smiled.. We finished our subs and now it was time for desert ! we headed for Jim's place.. As soon as we got inside we headed for the bedroom.. clothes were off quickly ! We both stood there with major hard on's .. Jim then put his arms around me slowly grabbing my hot to trot ass and then started kissing my neck.. His cock was poking me in the stomach. I reached with both hands to grab his cock, with my right hand grabbing his cock and my left hand rubbing his balls. He rubbed my ass while I rubbed his big package.. I rubbed his big cock head against my cock. Kevins cock was allot bigger which turns on my submissive nature. We played like that for several minutes. There was no hurry. We both liked edging.. Before we got on the bed I asked Jim if he was still undetectable. Jim said he had been tested 2 weeks prior and he was still poz undetectable but there was still a small chance of getting gifted. Jim lays back on his bed and says" come over here and suck my big poz cock !" Damn that statement made me horned up.. Jim spreads his legs and I get in between them. I first start by licking and sucking his balls. They were shaved just like I like it ! I worked his balls over for several minutes while I stroked his cock in my right hand. Jim's cock head was huge after a few minutes of sucking his balls.. I slowly licked my way up to his cock head. I kissed it several times while looking Jim in the eye.. I pulled down on Jim's cock and said " see if you can push out some precum !" Jim pushed out a nice bead of precum. I used my tongue to touch it. I slowly lifted my tongue and a string of precum followed.. mmmmmm I then tasted it and swirled my tongue over Jim's big cock head spreading his precum all around the head. My mouth soon followed. Jim's cock head was so big it really stretched my mouth open. I then sucked his big poz cock for all it was worth.. Licking up and down the shaft and deep throating the best I could. I often gagged. Soon Jim turned me around to 69.. By then my cock was already dripping allot of precum. Jim's sucking technique felt awesome.. Wasn't long before I felt his tongue on my sphincter while his hands spread my ass cheeks .. Jim was getting it prepared for fucking.. Jim was ready to fuck so he took control by ordering me on my hands and knees.. Jim got behind me, his cock was raging hard.. Jim pulls out some ky in the nightstand .. He put some on his finger and rubbed it on my sphincter and then slipped his finger in slowly. Starts out with one finger and then another. He uses his fingers to massage my prostate. My cock dripped precum like mad as he massaged my prostate. After a couple minutes I feel his fingers slip out. Jim say's " you ready for my big poz cock !" I said "yes , I'm ready !" with the green light being said Jim rubbed his cock on my ass back and forth. He grabbed his cock and put his cock head on my sphincter. He left it there rubbing circles with it.. I said " push some precum out !" I soon felt his slick precum making my sphincter slick .. I then felt the first small initial push. Damn it was so big ! Then another push. My sphincter started to open up with each push.. Soon the head was in.. Jim worked the head in and out slowly getting me use to it. By then I was very slick with precum.. I started pushing back fucking Jim's cock head. My cock was hard as a brick at this point.. Jim says " I'm gonna give you what you need!" Jim slowly worked it a little deeper with each push forward. Soon his big cock broke through the second barrier.. He was home free. Jim worked his cock slowly deeper and deeper till he was balls deep.. ??|||||||||||||||||| \ ) I asked Jim to take some pictures of his cock inside me .. He took pics of his cock at various lengths inside my ass.. We then changed positions on our sides. With my leg raised Jim slipped his cock back in from behind and started fucking me.. It hurt a little but I just took it. It was getting real slick.. I was slick with poz precum and knew I was absorbing his seed.. We changed positions again after a few minutes with me on my back and a pillow under the small of my back.. Kevin spread my legs and moved closer.. Slipping his cock back in.. My legs went over the top of his shoulders.. Jim started kissing me as he pumped his cock in and out.. Jim cock grew extra big.. I reached under and massaged his balls that were already tight.. He was close.. Soon as i rubbed his balls Jim say's " You ready to take my poz load ? " I said nothing.. Jim gruts andI feel his cock start to twitch. I knew huge loads of poz seed was shooting inside me.. Jim breeded me good and held it inside me while I absorbed his DNA... As Jim finished his orgasm I grabbed my cock , and with only a couple strokes I shot off a huge orgasm.. My ass was sore for a couple days.. Jim's big poz cock broke me in good...?
    1 point
  36. OK so I have just come home from a weekly nude social night at a bar. You arrive, check in your clothes and the rest of the night is spent nude (unless you sport a cock ring). I spotted five huge cocks which i am certain were pumped prior to arrival. The first two hours of the night are spent drinking before everyone disappears behind the the black curtain into the dark room. I fucked two guys before finding a hungry hole begging for cock. I recognised him from a sex party two nights ago by the tattoo of the phantom on his shoulder. (for those of you too young to know...ask someone or just fuck off). he was leaving the sex party when I first spotted him but this time he wasn't getting away. I was having a lovely time fucking his hole while two guys were chewing on my nips. I was ready to unload in his hoe when he mentioned that he really loved facials. I really wanted to seed his ass, but i relented and spewed my load all over his face . man he was one happy puppy. But that was not the highlight of the night. I FUCKED AN ALPHA MALE.. Six months ago I ended a decades long streak of being an exclusive bottom and tonight I topped an alpha male!!! I was watching this guy in the backroom and he never had less than four guys servicing him. One in hi spits, one on his nips, one on his cock, one on his balls. I was about to go home after spreading my seed all over 'phantom tattoo's face' when i walked into the bathroom to find two guys sitting in the urinal waiting for loads of piss. I obliged when alpha male walks in. I explain I had just come in for a piss. He unloads a stream of piss over both pigs as well. Then while one pig is sucking on his cock and one on his balls, i am kissing him and my hands strays around to his ass (new habits die hard). i find hi receptive to my fingers. I'm thinking "OK this is an alpha male who is Ok with my four fingers up his hole" I'm already in the twilight zone (ask your parents you young fuckers), so I go round back and manage to slide my cock into his hole. Given I don't know how long this will last, I don't waste any time pumping a load into him. So here i am: Donald Trump is president and I fucked an alpha male: clearly the world no longer makes any sense!! Man it was hot.
    1 point
  37. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 4) “Come here… stroke my cock while you dance you horny fuck” I ordered Davis. He hesitated at first and looked at me worried. Then he moved slowly towards me and lowered his head. I could see him crying. He took my hard cock in both of his hands and started stroking it gently. We could all hear him sob. I handed the cam to a mate, then put my arms around Davis and pulled him closer to me. “Continue stroking me, pup” I told him in a normal tone. His head rested against my right shoulder. I could feel his tears on my skin. My hands started massaging his ass cheeks through his white pair of jeans. My black leather gloves made a nice contrast to the white fabric. Davis’ sobbing increased slightly. He was shaking like a leaf. He guessed obviously, that I would tear his jeans down from him and rape myself into his body. “What’s wrong baby? Don’t you want to welcome us with your sweet innocent hole?” I asked him softly. He shook his head slowly, without looking at my ski mask, revealing only my eyes and my mouth. “Open your jeans and keep on moving your body to the music” I said. Another friend moved closer and pressed himself against the youth’s backside, twisting Davis’ nipples again. Davis heard a loud squeak - just to learn it was himself making those noises. My buddy pressed his hard dick against the boys’ jeans and Davis felt an enormous erection pushing against his ass. The guy moved slowly with Davis rocking body. There was danger in the air. “Start to unbutton your jeans now” I repeated myself squeezing his ass cheeks even more. Davis shook almost violently while sobbing and started to follow my order. It took an eternity for him, to unbutton his pants, but as soon as he accomplished the task, my friend and I pulled Davis’ tight jeans down to his upper thighs. His movements were now more restricted, because he couldn’t get rid of the whole pants at once. I looked down and realized the slut was wearing a jock strap. “Oh you cheap whore…. you dressed up for us? Huh?” I looked at him with my masked face and lifted his chin up, so he could see my cold eyes through the slit. “I bought it for today” he sniffed. “You bought this for our date? You hear that guys? This slick cum bucket bought this whore pants for us” I sneered. I pulled his ass cheeks apart and my mate immediately attacked the boys’ hole. He tried to push his glans penis into Davis, who wailed in distress. It was fun to keep the boy in place, while my mate tried again and again to push his cock into this narrow pink hole. It seemed impossible to fuck him dry. I mean… of course with enough brutality it would fit sooner or later, but we had another plan. “Let a real man open up this cunt” another guy leered. We dragged Davis to a couch and positioned him over one of the couch arms. Someone spread the boys’ ass cheeks apart and with a little bit of spit the second guy actually entered the boy two inches. Davis screamed like a maniac. I pushed his face into a cushion, to muffle his screams. “How does it feel, getting ripped up without lube. Do you like his cock boy? Do you want more of his tube in your cunt?” I shouted out. “Man… he is tight…” the lucky bastard moaned. He withdrew his cock and we let go of Davis. The little punk tried to get up and run for the door, but fell over his own two feet. He tumbled down and crawled away, only to end up hiding in a corner of a room. There he tried to be invisible. Davis blinked and saw three pair of legs walking into his direction. The guys walked slowly and removed their belts slowly. He didn’t dare to examine the whole situation. All he could see were several legs, three hard cock and some dangling belts. Then he felt the first blow….
    1 point
  38. Apologies for the delay in continuing this story but work got in the way. Lots more to cum :-) The impetuousness of youth had Josh leap up off Grahame with cum pouring from his gaping hole, “C’mon guys let’s shower” We follow him like sheep into the en-suite wet room and are a bit surprised as we expect to clean up and shower but the kid obviously has other ideas as he sits down… “You know what I want guys, stand over me and piss, c’mon scent mark me as yours, y’know you want to.” I’m gob smacked by Grahame’s enthusiastic response as we have never done anything like this before. “Hell yeah, let’s do this” and lets rip with a torrent of strong yellow pee directed at Josh letting the flow cascade his chest, face and eventually direct in the boy’s open mouth to taste the salty nectar. We see just how Josh is turned on by piss play with a big sexy grin across his face and immediately sporting another hard-on, looking direct at Grahame nodding approval it’s clear he’s up for more and Grahame’s happy to oblige by joining him on the floor and begins making out just as Liam manages to squeeze out a decent stream letting it flow over both of them and as it peters out the last jets cover his face and onto his tongue which is hanging out waiting to lick up the spray. Grahame has broken another taboo. Liam shakes off the last drips directly into Grahame’s face. No matter how much I try I simply cannot piss, it’s such an alien thing for me to do. I’m pissed off rather than pissing and try to hurry us away from this devil-child. “Time to go guys, I’ve got to meet my dick head brother-in-law and he hates gays so I can’t go smelling of cum and sex” Liam chimes in, “Yeah I have reports to complete…I’m with you” It’s clear Grahame isn’t coming with us as eventually uncouples from a long hard kiss tells us he’s got to arrange Pawel to come and pick-up Josh’s motor… My mood is dark as we drive home and with Josh & Grahame being the elephant in the room so to speak. Liam avoids talking about them, “If you don’t get on with your brother-in-law why go visit him then?” “Good question. God the things I get talked in to! He’s never wanted to spend any time with me since he caught me checking him out when they first got together – well she kept telling me what a huge cock he had, but I promised my big sister I would go around this evening whilst she’s on her bestie’s week-long hen party” I’m not long out of the shower when a text pings in. “Bring beer with u” I dive in to the nearest supermarket, pick up the most expensive six-pack I can see as I don’t want to appear to be a cheapskate and am knocking on their door at 7:30 prompt as arranged. Chris greets me in lounge pants and a T Shirt “G’evening, faggot, get inside quick I don’t want my neighbours seeing me entertaining some queer boy.” I guess he is commando as his package is tantalisingly clearly visible hanging low Once inside all I am told is, “c’mon ‘ere bring me a beer” and as I rummage around looking for a bottle opener and glasses, “NOW! The game’s about to start.” I’m not much into soccer other than 22 men running around in shorts does have a certain attraction. Sitting next to Chris is more than a bit disconcerting and I’m taken aback when he says, “Time we got to know one another better” grabs my head and pulls it to his crotch, “see I need helping out with your sister gone for a week I’ve got blue balls and I doubt she’d like it if I brought a hooker round…so you’re the next best thing.” I freeze not knowing what to do only to get a cuff across the back of the head springing me in to action nuzzling his ever-thickening cock, I rub my lips across the thin material feeling the heat rise from the stirring monster underneath. I run my hands over the rising tent in his lounge pants and gently start jacking him as I pull on the waistband and get a pungent whiff of musk and sweat. It’s intoxicating and I want to get my lips around this cock right now, so emboldened I pull his pants down, as Chris swigs his beer, his huge curved member, it must be 9 or 10 inches and coke can thick, bounces free I go down and slip my tongue beneath his foreskin and have a lot of fun swirling my tongue around tasting a heady mix the remains of salty piss as well as precum and cock cheese, first pulling the velvety skin downwards to expose his purple mushroom head so my tongue can attack one way and then the other. Chris quietly sighs emitting gentle moans. I looked up and see a slight smile on his hitherto angry face, his eyes partially closed still watching the TV. I’m sucking on the entire shaft, tongue lashing more of his shaft. I move getting right on top of his rock-hard cock. Chris presses my head down as the head passes over my lips, teeth and tongue, the curve aiding its progress until I’m pubes deep my gullet squeezing tight as I feel the monster twitch and pulse a flow of precum down my throat. I slowly ease back and push down hard again, no gagging, repeating the manoeuvre again and again with spit flying I pull off, grip his shaft tight in my fist as at the same time swirl my tongue to polish the glistening head. “Awe fuck that’s good” before slamming my head down hard to get most of his cock down my throat again and holds it there. I thought he was going to cum, but no. “Jeez they’re right….you gays do give better blow jobs than girls, certainly better than your sister!” He kept pushing my head down in disbelief so my face is continually pressed into his hairy bush. I feel proud that no one had given him head like I was giving head then panic sets in…I gurgle and try pulling away, fast running out of air, hands flailing I see stars and feel faint…at the very last minute before passing out I feel the pressure of his hands leave allowing me to ease back coughing, gasping, tears streaming down my face gulping in lungful’s of air “you, you bastard” I manage to utter which only get a belly laugh for a response. “Lemme see if you’re a better fuck than your sister too?” I’m still wobbly from lack of oxygen as I am man-handled face down over the back of the sofa. I feel pop my jeans buttons and pull them down exposing my ass for him to spit on my ass crack and hear Chris slick his cock with some more, he then pulls my cheeks apart hard and at the same time pushes forwards his cock jabbing my hole. I push out in anticipation of the onslaught as my ass lips swallow his cock and he pushes himself all the way in grounding his entire weight onto my hole. I scream out as I laid there and had to pound my fists against the sofa as his massive penis snakes down my well used anal canal pushing flesh, mucus and muscle out of the way. I am screaming “fuck” over and over while he’s matching me with “fuck you’re tight” Just like most straight men there is no finesse to this fucking ramming in and pulling out hard and fast like a jack rabbit. My cunt is sore as he quickly uses up what little spit lube got in my chute and the mounting friction painfully burns the tender skin and I’d never known pain like it A chorus of “Ouch, fuck, damn it” cascaded from my mouth until my sphincter relaxes from the onslaught, either that or his precum or possibly my blood lubricates the way. Eventually the pain subsided I was able to get into a rhythm of meeting his speeding thrusts. “Oh fuck, no wonder my sister married you…. you fuck so damned good and your cock is huge.” “Yeah, I knew you’d love it, now.…look at the camera faggot” I crane my head round to see what’s going on…”Good boy making my cock feel good is your purpose.” As he slams in hard big veins popped out of his forehead and sweat dripped from his forehead. I honestly thought the guy was going to have a heart attack and then I feel the warm flow of his cum squirting into me, as it pulses and throbs deep inside my asshole. “Ahhhh, fuuuuck, that’s so hot!", he says, breathless. I seize the moment and squeeze down with my battered ass trying to milk the last drops of Chris’ load. Before I can recover he’s ushering me out of the house saying, “Next week we’re all round Jerry’s make sure your there as the half time entertainment” On my way home, I could feel cum that seeped out of my gaping asslips was drying so it hurt when I moved as the dried cum pulled at my hairy ass. Guilt hit me too, “Fuck I’m Poz and my brother-in-law fucked me, who knows what he may have picked up to infect my innocent sister. Shit, shit, SHIT I cannot let this happen again…yet my sore hole was a reminder all the next day how hot the fuck was.
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  39. PART THREE - PHASE 2 They actually all left to get that drink, probably to the dive bar around the corner, and I could have just taken off and no longer subject myself to this assault. However, I was too exhausted and literally passed out as soon as I heard the front door shut. I woke up (I don’t know how long I’d been asleep) at the sound of the front door slamming. In HE walked, but he wasn’t with anyone. “Good, you’re still awake,” he commented, sitting down beside me on the bed and giving my ass a squeeze. “I wasn’t,” I murmured, blinking my eyes to clear things. “Let’s get that plug out of that pig hole. I need back in,” he said, standing and removing his clothes again and then the plug. My ass made a loud sucking sound as it released it’s hold of the plug, and then he dove into my upturned hole, nearly all the way on the first stroke. “I fuckin’ love using this ass. Who knew trying to make the rent would end up-” “If you need money-” I began. “Nope. Got it covered. Well, you’ll pay, just in your own way,” he told me slyly. As he got into a good rhythm, I forgot all about everything else and just enjoyed the deep pounding my ass was receiving from the beefy stud. At that point, I didn’t care what diseases his balls would infect me with. He was just too sexy, and his dick felt too good, to care. There is a point you pass when you've been fucked so often that nothing else matters, nothing of your 'normal' life. You might have a respectable job, pillar of the community, all of that bullshit. But when you reach the point of total cumdump slut, to hell with all of it. You find yourself living for the feel of another dick in your pig hole, and as many loads as you can get crammed up in there. “Oh, fuck, man, give me another load. I love your nut in me,” I moaned. “Pig bitch whore likes killer cum,” he laughed. “Good thing, you already took a lot of it. And you’re going to get more,” he grunted, thrusting harder and increasing the pace. Another few frantic moments and I felt his balls draining in my ass as he growled through gritted teeth. He was like an animal and I loved it. “Now that we got you warmed up again,” he began, sliding his still hard cock from my hole, “that ass is going to pay my rent.” Huh? My ass is what? He saw the puzzled look on my face and roared with laughter. “Last time your ass payed for kneeing me in the balls. This time your ass is paying for being stupid enough to come back for more of my toxic seed. You got to be one fucked up dude to come back for more.” Even though he was insulting me, staring up and him all I could think was how hot he is. “You’re hot. Can’t blame a guy for liking what he sees,” I told him bluntly. He was kind of a mess, obviously, and living in a sty, but he was sexy nonetheless. “Well good for me, then. Now about that ass. While I was over at the bar I told everyone there that I had a cumwhore available to take loads. Twenty bucks a pop.” Jesus, he’s pimping me out. I’m nothing but a cheap (clearly -$20! My ass should be at least worth $100!!) whore. Just then there was a knock at the door. He pulled on a pair of shorts that made both crotch and ass look fucking delicious, and then turned to me as he reached the doorway. “Get up and follow me to the living room. I don’t want these strange fucks doing you in my bed. And don’t let any of that cum in you leak out,” he ordered. I did my best to squeeze my ass closed before carefully getting to my feet and heading into the living room. HE was already waiting with a really ugly big guy. He wasn’t a wall of beefy muscle stud like HE was. No, this guy was just big, might have been muscular at some stage in life. But now he had a round middle along with the barrel chest. He did have a very obvious large bulge in the crotch of his leather pants. Fuck me, leather pants have always done something to me. I don’t know what it is, as soon as I see a man in leather, any man, no matter his body, age, or looks, I get a hunger. Top that with an impressive crotch bulge -what’s a whore to do? Immediately my mouth started watering. This is going to be good . . . The big leather man noticed my eyes transfixed on his crotch and laughed. “Your pig likes my bulge, I think,” he told HIM. “Well, get on it, bitch,” he ordered me. I immediately dropped to my knees and stuck my nose right in that crotch and gave a good hard sniff. I was no longer in control of my actions, my body and my need had taken over. As I sniffed him, my tongue involuntarily slipped from my mouth and began licking his leather bulge. He alternated between laughing at my zeal and grunting from pleasure. His bulge kept growing from my attention, and I was now licking the full length of his hard cock through his leather pants. What a fucking rush! After a while he shoved my face away and began undoing his pants. As much as I was enticed by his leather, I had developed a hunger for his meat, too. He pulled out a choice looking 8 incher which I immediately dove down on. I had always considered myself a very poor cock sucker, and it had never been something I craved or looked forward to. Not like I craved cock in my ass. But ever since HE had turned me out that first night, my body was for everything sexual, no matter the hole. I was only allowed to suck for a few minutes and then HE told us to get to fucking, that I had other customers to satisfy soon. The big man grabbed me under my arms and hefted me up, then tossed me onto my knees on the sofa, my ass to him. With no ceremony at all, he buried his beautiful cock up my behind. This was my new purpose, I knew it now. And I reveled in it, sighing a satisfied sigh as he bottomed out in me. Then I began to ride him as he pounded me. We were moving in perfect sync and it was a great fuck. “He poz?” my fucker asked HIM. “Working on it,” HE replied. “Well, he’s gonna get some good viral seed from me soon enough. I assume you gave him yours, too.” “I did,” HE confirmed. “And the bunch you came with into the bar?” my fucker asked. “All poz. A few are full-blown, too. Hell, everyone at the bar tonight is poz, so he’s going to be one toxic fucking mess. His body will be overwhelmed with all of the mixing viral strains. Might even create a new superbug in him,” HE said proudly. I should have been terrified at the prospect, but I was just feeling too damn good, and I continued to slam my ass back hard onto that hard 8 inch dick. Just as he began to blast my hole full of his poison cum, I heard a knock on the door. HE disappeared for a minute, and then returned with two rather skinny looking guys. Cute, but they’d obviously done their share of partying over the years, plus they had that wasting look. My current fucker continued to drain his balls into me and then quickly yanked out, slapped my ass and thanked me, then left. HE came up to me and turned my head to look him in the eyes. “These two have high viral loads, unmedicated, med-resistant, and full-blown AIDS. They’re not just going to fuck you. They’re doing to double-dick you.” My eyes grew wide because I knew he was talking about double penetration. I’d never tried that before, but my ass had been stretched and abused enough by now that I was fairly certain I could take it. Especially once I saw the two guys strip. Their cocks were not huge, but on the healthy side of average. I couldn’t help but think how strange it was to think that -the only healthy looking thing on either of them was their cocks. And those cocks fired toxic venom. There really wasn’t any conversation, either. The two men lay down on the floor, moving their crotches as close together as possible. Both cocks were fairly straight, so they actually stood up nicely together -they looked like on big dick. By now I was excited for the challenge. Something happens when you get a load or two of cum up your ass. You automatically NEED more. Doesn’t matter who they come from as long as you get them up your greedy pig hole. I straddled the two men and slowly lowered myself onto their meat. My hole was good and sloppy, and gaping, so I managed to get about half way down before I felt like they weren’t going to fit. HE didn’t miss a beat, and came over, legs on either side of the guy I was facing, and stuck his hard cock into my mouth while simultaneously pushing down on my shoulders, forcing my hole to stretch open. Without all of that cum in me, it would not have happened. However, I was nice and slick now, and somehow they managed to get further into me. Yes, I felt my hole stretching and it hurt a little, but I was so wet back there it just felt too good to care. It took me at least five minutes to get then as far as they could reach, and my thighs were in agony. At least with that depth of penetration I could rest on my knees for a minute. Once I’d had a bit of a rest, HE grabbed me under the arms and lifted me a little, only to lower me down again. He was going to fuck me on them. Gradually it sped up until my hole was loose around the two cocks inside me. It was a little awkward doing this on the floor, but I rode them as well as I could. There would have been a little more flexibility on a bed, but we managed. And the guys did their part trying to thrust up into me while I balanced and rode them. The first words they spoke came when the one my back was to announced he was seconds away from breeding me. His buddy quickly said that he was too. With that kind of incentive, I did my very best to bounce on those dicks, while HE helped me out by lifting and dropping my full weight onto them. A couple of deep plunges like that was all it took and both men began to moan as their dicks throbbed inside of me. Not the best position to be in for breeding, their cum spewed from their cocks but ran down the length of their shafts, over their draining balls, and pooling on the floor. After another minute HE lifted me completely off of them and by now I was so open that cum and blood was just freely running down the backs of my legs. Not a lot of blood again, so I didn’t worry. But it did remind me that there was no way their viruses had avoided my bloodstream. They quickly dressed and left, not even a thank-you to me or HIM, and I had a moment to catch my breath. He surprised me by coming to me and kissing me hard like he does, and then he noticed the pool of cum on the floor. “Someone needs to clean that up,” he mentioned, his hand was on the back of my neck and pushing my head down towards the floor. Despite the fact that the floor looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in ages, I fell to my knees and licked, slurped and sucked for all I was worth until I had a belly full of toxic cum. He enjoyed watching this aspect of my hunger, chuckling a bit at my hunger for the cum, but mostly I think it turned him on. When I stood back up, his dick was totally hard in his shorts. I didn’t even wait to be told. I tugged his shorts down enough to free his throbbing meat, and then spun around and crammed that gorgeous dick all the way in me. Fuck, I love his cock. Maybe because he was the one who broke me in, but his meat filled me perfectly. This time he let me take the lead while he just stood there and enjoyed my ass riding him. There was a knock on the door and HE just shouted, “Open!” and remained where he was for me to use him for a change.
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  40. I have been been intrigued by the idea of castration for a while. The thought of castration play is very exciting. The idea of another guy placing a Burdizzo clamp on my scrotum and castrating me is very stimulating. I would be up for some serious castration play and maybe, given the right circumstances, doing it for real.
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  42. Gaping, I could feel my hole still open minutes after the monster cock slipped out. I wanted more, I wanted him back to fuck me, use me, fuck - even rape me harder over and over. I wondered what was next, how the fuck is this shit hole of a house going to top that fucker. Would my hole still be so open that I would not feel the next cock? It didn’t take long for me to find out. Another mirror slowly started to open, in what I mentally dubbed “The Conversion Funhouse,” slowly revealing the next horror. Standing there in the area behind the mirror was more skeleton, than man. He was so wasted away that he was just skin and bones, not one ounce of fat on his body. He was pale and naked from the neck down. His head was completely covered by what looked like a burlap hood, with slits for eyes and small openings for nostrils - nothing but a sown “x” for a mouth. If he wasn’t nude, he looked as if he stepped out of a slasher film. Walking in slowly, I watched his cock and balls bounce between his legs. His cock was not as massive in length like the monster before, but it was close in girth while still soft. He stopped behind me, as if admiring the work of the cock before him. As he circled my hole slowly with his finger, with out sliding it in, his cock started to grow - my eyes widened as I watch his cock obscenely thicken to the size of a beer can - and this fucker was actually the size of a beer can. FUUUUUCCCKKK - I wanted, needed and craved if up my fuck hole. The length was about seven inches, but it was the girth that was turning me into a bitch in heat. I watched as he positioned himself behind me, the reflection of the sagging skin of his ass made me wonder if he was positive or full blown. The first monster was positive that’s for sure…but how far along was this this fucker was anyone’s guess at this point. Holding the base of his cock, he started running the head up and down my crack, teasing me, pressing more and more into me until on one pass his cock slipped inside my gaping hole. My hole offered no resistance, he plunged balls deep and stayed there. This time there was no pain, only the pleasure of my hole opening wider for this thick cock. His bony hip bones pressed against my ass, digging into me. His bony fingers reached out and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back as far as my neck would allow. With his cock deep in me, he bent down and put his head next to mine. “my AIDS cock is deep in your hole” he said “it’s what you wanted?” I moaned out a yes, all the while processing the smell of his breath, fuck he smelled of rot, of DEATH. “going to slam my AIDS dick in you until I shoot a full term virus into your bleeding hole - are you ready?” Again I moaned out a yes, while breathing in his death and attempting to push back against him. His cock slowly started to move out of my hole, making me feel empty. I could feel more of the first load of cum running down my balls and cock. His fuck was not as brutal as the monster before. His rhythm of in and out was time just perfectly to make my ass feel pleasure, while all the time knowing that he was going to shoot his death deep within, mixing with the toxic load of the brute before. His balls created a slapping sound that complimented the squish of cum being churned in my hole as well as the air that was being injected and forced out with each thrust of his cock. Watching in the mirror, I could see him tweaking his nipples along with a glimpse of his thick cum covered cock as it slid in and out of my hole. Adding to the fuck music was my moans of pleasure and his growling of enjoyment. Pumping his cock in and out of my hole increased along with the forcefulness - this action was like a stabbing motion as if he was plunging a dagger deep in my ass, resulting in my death - which was true to an extent - his cock was going to deliver the blow that would eventually result in my death - death to being negative, death to safe sex, and death by AIDS. “no turning back now you fucking AIDS whore, I am on the edge of blasting your insides with AIDS cum “ he yelled during his breathing, “nothing you can say or do to stop it” His cock thickened slightly and I knew it was time. Time for another gift. No fear, just ecstasy. He slammed his cock all the way inside as it pulsed and spit, coating my raw hole with cum. Within seconds the pulsing stopped and he started pumping his cock in and out of my hole again. “It’s not over fucker, I am a multiple shooter” His cock was even more slick and he slid in and out with more ease and within a minute or two, he pushed in deep again and I felt his cock start to pulse another death load in me, only to have him start fucking me again as soon the climax subsided. “squeeze your hole around my cock, you fucking loose fuck” he screamed at me and as hard as I tried I couldn’t make my hole tight around his cock. “squeeze it you loose lipped whore” he yelled again as he slapped both of my ass cheeks. He had stopped pumping his cock, and was violently pulling out and ramming it back into my hole, over and over. I was completely at his mercy, trying to tighten my hole which was still too loose for him. His hands continued to slap each cheek, alternating the slaps. I could feel my skin heating up and in the mirror’s reflection see red marks forming and darkening. This continued for about five minutes until he slammed all the way in, shooting another load, what felt like a larger load deep into my guts. He pressed into me until it subsided and his cock began to deflate, and as he pulled out he gave each cheek another a slap. I held my breath as he exited the room through the same way he entered. Playing both fucks back in my head. I had been fucked by a monster and by death. What the fuck was next - Sarah Palin himself?
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  43. Las Vegas Hawks Cumunion I have been to Cumunion at Hawks in Las Vegas and at Steamworks in Seattle and they are totally different environments. Vegas is pretty much a free for all and Seattle guys seems to be uptight and a little picky. I am 50 with a slender athletic build and do not look my age. When in Vegas I usually have the words cum hole sharpied on my ass cheeks so it easy for all to know what I want. The two dark rooms are always the best as there are usually 5-6 bottoms bent over and waiting to take anybody and everybody. The video room or the open play room is the next best two areas. I have had luck in all and will def be there in Jan to start off the year right. Seattle has some very hot guys and the best place for play there is the gloryhole rooms or the slingrooms. I have left each establishment so poppered up I could barley drive home and my hole was always sore and leaking.
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  44. I've been to Cumunion in NCY, Toronto, and Chicago. Steamworks in Chicago is the nicest setup, but I've gotta say the mix of men in NYC was off the charts hot: muscle dudes, twinks, Asian studs, Latino thugs, PrEPsters - definitely someone for every taste. The big open room in back is just wall to wall fucking. I couldn't even turn around without a cock poking my ass or my cock getting sucked. Mostly bareback, of course, but you can go at your own speed and connect as much or as little as you want. Just go! You'll be glad you did, man. I promise.
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  45. He said he loved me… but he lied! (Part 2) I started sucking the second dick in my inexperienced life and felt a bit odd, doing that. Come on - I knelt under a table at a club; I met my Mr. Perfect maybe half an hour ago and now I was sucking the cock of one of his best friends already. Okay…. sucking was not real sex in the eyes of those guys. I considered it as sex before I knew my love, but Josh taught me, it is only foreplay and this would not count. I am happy Josh explains me this stuff, since I am still a virgin to this concept. The cock was not as big as Josh’s dick. No one could compare with his 10 inch dick. I tried to follow their conversations, but after a while it was dull for me, since they seemed to talk about only the hot young guys they wanted to breed and seed, to make them part of the team? I swirled my tongue around the guys piss slit and he moaned excessively. “The bitch is cleaning my piss slit” he announced and I heard some noise like they high-fived each other. Since I was so busy sucking dick, I was not really capable following the conversation. “Look at this bitch - didn’t you breed him 2 months ago – still doing fine…. eh?” someone said. Another one replied, that the job hasn’t been done properly and that maybe another approach should be necessary. “I could bang the little slut and destroy his cunt forever” a third voice said. It sounded like Josh, but I was not sure anymore. They continued talking about the guys in the club and then Josh stood up from the table. He left me alone with his friends? I was alarmed and felt left behind in a way. But then I told to myself, he might just need to take a piss and so I calmed down again. Then the storyline from before entered my mind again. About the slut, that had been bred before. Was Josh really the one, who would try it again? That was not possible. He even told his friends, that I was his boyfriend. “Where did Josh go?” I asked with a timid little voice. “Shut up and suck my cock, you bitch - or do you want us to tell Josh, that you are neglecting us?” the one I gave a blow job replied. Of course I didn’t want to annoy Josh and so I went on sucking the guy’s cock deep into my mouth. I even tried to deep-throat him, but this still made me gag a little. The guy was nice enough not to notice. I guess I did a good job, because shortly after my question the guy hissed he would come any minute now. “Keep on sucking me slut. Don’t forget to suck it all down your throat and directly into your tummy you cock slurping whore” he added. I prepared for another hot load and I was not disappointed. I received a big load of cum. He splashed at least eight or nine times in my mouth and I swallowed all, like I promised Josh. It felt like the guy was satisfied with my work. “Are you an obedient cunt and do you continue sucking, or do you want to disappoint your boyfriend again?” another voice asked me. I rushed to the next crotch and opened his pants and his belt. It was a good feeling, because this time it didn’t take me so long to unwrap the dick. I was a fast learner and I was sure Josh would have been proud of me, sucking his second best friend’s cock. This guy seemed to be a bit dirty. I was overwhelmed by the stench coming out of his cock cage. For the first time in my life I saw an uncut cock and I was in a maze. How should I satisfy him? I started moving the foreskin forth and back. The stench was even more extreme then, and it was all because of the dick cheese on his helmet. “Come on…. don’t be shy and clean my cock before giving me a blow job” the guy suggested. For a moment I felt like I would be sick, but I knew Josh would never forgive me, if I rejected his friend, because of his cheesy helmet. So I extended my tongue and tried to lap the cock cheese away. Meanwhile the guys chatted along at the table. There were no encouraging words for me. I was on my own during this challenge. I had to apply more pressure with my tongue to suck and nibble the cock cheese away. “Not again MC…. are you feeding him your dirty cock? You are such a horny perv….” a voice commented. They guys burst out in a laughter, although it was not funny for me. Not funny at all! Nevertheless I suckled more and more of his huge member into my tiny mouth, trying to satisfy another of Josh’s friends. While I did my duty, I heard someone approach our table again. When I saw the shoes and the jeans with the huge bulge I knew it was my lover. My heart missed a beat knowing, he came back to me. There was a commotion at the table. I couldn’t understand everything, but they seemed to celebrate something. It would be so much nicer if I could sit next to my extremely hot boyfriend, instead of sucking a dick under the table of a club. “Maybe this time the bitch gets it" someone said. The guys seemed to be very excited, because suddenly the cock in my mouth spew thick layers of macho cum straight into my gullet. “Hey Mitch – still busy sucking the fuck slime out of someone else?” this time I didn’t even care if he called me Mitch by accident. I crawled between his legs and answered, that I would be there for him. “Open my fucking pants again. I was on the loo and need some cleaning baby” he chuckled. As my fingers ran along his cock cage, I felt the mighty shaft, still hard and horny for me and lurking for my attention. After enjoying the feeling of his huge cock through his fabric, I opened his pants and was a bit shocked. “Josh!” I exclaimed. “What?” he answered. I told him he must have been hurt. I could clearly see streaks of blood along his shaft. But he answered me this happened on the loo. *Everybody at the table laughed* He hit another thing with his cock. I shouldn’t be worried, this would happened a lot of times, since he was so big down there *Laughter again* He said the bleeding had stopped and dried already, but he needed my assistance in cleaning him up urgently. Without hesitation I opened my mouth and licked along his shaft to clean him up from the bloody streaks. The cock tasted somehow differently than before. It was more than just the taste of blood, but I couldn’t name it. I was thoroughly cleaning his dick up and the streaks disappeared more and more. “Stop licking my shaft now, and start sucking my monster cock clean – I want to be clean when I hit another thing accidently.” he moaned. *More laughter of his friends* The strange taste increased with his dick deeply imbedded in my mouth, and still I had never tasted it before. I knew the smell…. but I couldn’t connect to the experience I obviously made before in my life. The guys heard me gagging under the table, but encouraged me to clean Josh’s dick spotlessly. In the end I didn’t want Josh get a bad reputation because of this and so I made his dick as good as new. Isn’t that, what love is all about…. ?
    1 point
  46. Damn! All of you seem to be disgusting whores. Love when the slut has no limit, or just feels pride being used like trash, by any men.
    1 point
  47. A true cumdump bitch is only interested in getting cock and sperm in his pussy. He couldn't care less who the cock is attached too. His pussy needs blind him.
    1 point
  48. Some of the posts here are locked,,, so one can't see the post or reply to it,,,,what's the purpose of THAT?
    1 point
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