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  1. Part 14 - Aaron’s freakout Sunday morning Mark was flipping through websites looking for another hookup so he could dump a load or two. Eric had been working late trying to catch up on the days he missed while he was sick and here it was Saturday and he was at work again. Mark’s regular phone rang. He picked it up and it was a number he didn’t recognize, but the area code was from where his brother Joe lived. He answered the phone and heard “Hello, is this Mark?” “Yes it is.” “Sir, this is Aaron from A1 Car Rental. Do you remember me?” the voice on the other end said. “Sure I do, Aaron. Is there a problem? I don’t think there was any damage to the car.” “No sir, this isn’t about your car rental. Do you have a few minutes to talk? There’s no one here I can talk to and…” Mark could hear sobbing on the other end. “Yeah, no problem Aaron. What’s up?” After a few moments Aaron said “Well, I hooked up with this guy a couple nights ago after work. We met at this adult book store and we ended up in a room.” Aaron continued after a few more sobs “The guy got really rough with me, which I kind of like.” “Yeah, I remember” Mark chuckled. “Well, he held me down and slammed his cock into me and came inside me. While he held me down, he told me I was a stupid fuck to let a poz guy breed him.” There were more sobs before he added “He told me that I would have AIDS soon just like him.” Mark was shocked. He wasn’t expecting to ever hear from Aaron again, much less having to calm him down from a another guy breeding him with poz seed. His mind was racing trying to figure out what to say when Aaron started talking again. “And last night I started feeling sick. I have a fever and my neck is swollen and my arms and legs ache. Did he really give me AIDS?” “Aaron, take a deep breath. Relax. No one just gives you AIDS. He may have infected you with HIV and maybe other STDs, but you have to leave it untreated for a long time for it to progress to AIDS. Maybe he was just telling you that to shock you. Some guys get off on that.” “Uh…. OK. But why am I sick?” Aaron asked. “It could be lots of things, you deal with travelers at work who may be sick and passed their flu on to you. How many guys have you hooked up with since I met you?” “seven or eight, I guess” was Aaron’s response. Mark smiled and thought “The kids becoming quite the slut”. “Well, one of them could have given you something. If you’re really feeling bad, you could go to a doctor and have him run some tests.” Mark told him. “I don’t want to go to my doctor and tell him that I had sex with a bunch of guys.” “Ah, that makes it a bit harder. Let me check something out” Mark said as he picked up his tablet and started searching for gay friendly clinics near Aaron. “I’m doing a few searches, just hang on ok?” but Mark only got a few more sobs as a reply. “Aaron, you still there?” Aaron replied with a sullen “Yeah.” “There’s not much near you. The only thing I can find is the Jones Health Clinic up by the university, about an hour north of you. It says they are gay friendly and have sexual health programs with free testing. Do you think you can make it up there?” “I don’t know. I feel horrible. If I was infected the other night, do I need to go right away?” Aaron asked. Mark wasn’t sure how he wanted to answer - the timing was about right for Mark’s loads to have infected him. A test now would point the finger at him. If Aaron waited, all the guys he had bareback sex with could be the one. “Well, if you don’t feel safe driving up there and can’t get anyone to take you there then I guess you should go as soon as you feel well enough. If it is the flu that you get when you’re infected with HIV, then its already too late to prevent it.” “Oh fuck. You think I have HIV?” Aaron said before sobbing again. “It’s possible. The symptoms you said you have sound like when the body seroconverts, but it could also just be the common flu.” “Fuck. ok.” “Aaron, be sure you treat the fever. It doesn’t matter what kind of flu it is. Drink fluids and eat what you can, like soup. If the fever gets too high, you need to see a doctor no matter what. Worry about what kind of flu it is after you recover and can see someone” Mark said before adding “Let me know what happens. You have my number.” Mark gave the address and phone number for the clinic to Aaron before hanging up. Mark replayed in his mind both of his fucks with Aaron and remembered he said that he had taken some raw cocks between those sessions, so that would be his way to cast doubt that it was him that infected Aaron. While at work Wednesday morning, Mark’s phone rang. It was Aaron. He answered and heard Aaron’s voice on the other end “Hello, sir. Can you talk?” “Yeah, just a moment, let me get to a place where I can be alone” said Mark as he walked down the hall to a small conference room. “What’s up Aaron? Are you feeling better?” “Yeah, a little better. The fever is down. I called the clinic and set up an appointment. I was kind of vague but told them that I had a fever and sweats and aches. I’m going up there now, but what do I tell them?” “Be honest with them. If their website is accurate, they are sex positive and won’t shame you for being gay or having sex. The reviews looked good too. Tell them that you had a few sexual encounters that you didn’t use condoms and then there was the meeting with the one guy from last week and you’re scared he may have given you something bad. I don’t want to scare you, but its probably better that you don’t identify anyone you had sex with to them. They might get really nosy. Just tell them you met them in public places and don’t remember their names and don’t have any phone numbers. They’re used to that with gay guys. OK?” “Yeah, I understand“ Aaron replied. “Call me back after you finish. They are probably going to do some blood tests so you won’t get an answer right away. Don’t worry, its normal” said Mark “Thank you sir, I will.” Mark laughed to himself before saying “Aaron, please stop calling me ‘sir’. Call me Mark. If you keep calling me sir, I’ll come back there and put a collar on you and drag you back here to my dungeon.” Mark paused a moment waiting to get a response from Aaron, but got nothing. “I’m just kidding, I don’t have a dungeon.”
    8 points
  2. K, so, I recently moved in with my cuzin and her kid a couple weeks ago...since then...I've had to get my lazy ass up every morning, early as fuck, to take her to work and take little Jacob (aka Jacob Jr. or "JJ") to his dad's...long story short...JJ's dad's loaded me up a couple times...most recently, this morning lol....oh and did I mention JJ's dad has another gf lol. So, it all started last week on Tuesday...like usual I dropped off my cuzin at work and took JJ to his dads. Well, when I got to JJ's dads place JJ was asleep so I carried him into his dad's room and laid him on the bed...but of course as soon as I laid him down he kinda woke up and started crying...so I laid there for a minute to put him back to sleep (btw JJ is 4yo lol). Once he fell back to sleep I got up real slow and started to walk out of the room...that's when JJ's dad stood in the doorway with an obvious semi hard on lol and wouldn't let me pass. Nothing like creepy or anything just like kinda blocked the door way to where I kinda had to scoot past him in a way that he rubbed against me lol..... ok so a little back story on JJ's dad (aka Jacob Sr. or Jake)...when he was dating my cuzin I always thought he was so hot...ugh...but truly never thought he liked me cuz he would be an ass to me sometimes...like say stuff about being gay or making gay jokes...shit like that. So I figured he was pretty much straight...although, he did flash his cock to me one time when he was drunk as fuck lol...but so was I, so it was like whatever lol....besides my cuz saw him do it and she sorta laughingly scolded him...you know how that goes....ANYWAY.... so...once I got past him I still had to go get JJ's diaper bag and car seat from the car...so I did that and came back in...this time tho...when I got back in...Jake was pretty much fully hard as fuck lol (oh and yeah...he was high lol)....now...I'd like to say I was like OMG whats wrong with you lol...but come on lol.....so as I was putting the stuff down he asked if I wanted a hit (420) ...I was like fuck it sure...ended up taking a few more hits and got super fucking horny, like I usually do lol.........and like all of a sudden I got up all fast and said omg where's JJ...I went to the room real fast and he was still asleep (LOL I was so high and paranoid LOL)...anyway as I came back into the living room Jake was laying on the couch totally naked and hard as fuck...I sorta giggled and he said you want another hit...so I sat on the floor next to him and he started stroking his cock...omg I wanted it so bad...and without a word I knelt next to the couch, grabbed his cock and started sucking on it...ugh it tasted so good....after a little while he sat up and said come here and lifted me up off the floor....he spit on his hand...rubbed it on his cock...spit again on his hand and rubbed it on and in my hole...and he sat me down on his cock...omg fuck....finally when I was all the way down I started riding it up and down real slow...hearing him moan was soo hot.....so after a few minutes of that he told me to get up and he had me kneel on the couch with my chest against the back of the couch and then fucked me so fucking hard omg damn...like seriously his balls were slapping against my ass so hard....and after about 10min or so he grunted so loud and pushed in me as deep as he could and busted his nut deep in my hole mmmm fuckin omg it felt soo good.... sadly...hes one of those kinda guys that are like ok you need to leave now lol....but whatever...I got what I wanted and so did he....AND...he's had it a few more times since the first time lol...this morning being the last time ....cant wait till his next load mmmm hehe
    7 points
  3. Thanks for the comments. ---------- Part 15 - Testing… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Testing… Aaron parked the car he borrowed from the car rental company and walked the block to the clinic. His stomach was in knots he was so nervous and was afraid he was going to vomit. His body still ached and his neck was swollen still but he needed to know what he was sick from. Walking in, he noticed a large waiting room with almost all young men sitting in the chairs. A few looked like they were still in high school and a few were older guys in their 40’s or 50’s, but most looked to be about his age or a few years older. Most of the people waiting were by themselves but there were a few pairs of guys and one group of four guys. He looked at his watch and realized he was over 30 minutes early and walked up to the desk and quietly told the male receptionist that he was there for an appointment. The guy smiled and asked his name and handed him some forms to fill out. Aaron checked the guy out, reading his name tag which said “Douglas” and noticed he had a pride bracelet like the one Mark had, which put Aaron more at ease. “Everything is confidential, so please be honest. We can’t help you if you don’t tell us everything” the receptionist said. Aaron took the papers and a pen and found a seat away from everyone else and started filling out the forms. He couldn’t believe how much info they wanted. “Date of last sexual encounter”, “same or opposite sex partners?” “Do you have individual or group sex?” “Do you practice safe sex? Yes/no/sometimes/mostly/rarely” “Do you consider yourself heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, pansexual?” “how many sexual partners have you had in the past 30 days?” and it went on. He felt uncomfortable answering the questions truthfully and hoped that Mark was right about them not shaming him for being gay and the reckless sex he had been having. He finally finished the forms and took them back to Douglas who told him to take a seat and they would call him when the doctor was ready and then winked at Aaron. Sitting in the chair, he looked around the room. Every possible type of person was there - thin and fat; muscled or not; black, white, asian, hispanic and several he had no idea what ethnic group they were in; hipsters, preppy guys, average joes, hippies, jocks, cubs, bears, daddies and twinks; healthy looking guys and a few that looked not so healthy; one guy looked like some of the pictures he had seen of AIDS patients on the net. He kept looking over at the group of four guys and wondered what their deal was. “Who would go get tested for STDs with their friends?” he wondered. Soon a nurse came out and paged someone named ‘Steven’ and the asian guy from the group of four got up and went into what he guessed were the exam rooms. Finally a nurse came out from the door and called “Joe and Aaron.” Another one of the group of four got up at the same time Aaron did and they both went to the door with the nurse, the other guy, Joe, saying “Hi” to him with a smile and Aaron replied with a quiet “hi.” They were ushered down the hall and Joe was put in one exam room and Aaron the one next door. The nurse weighed him, took his temperature which was still a little high, and blood pressure which was quite high, probably from the stress. The nurse told him to stay seated and a doctor would be in shortly. When the doctor came in he had a very relaxed demeanor and seemed to be in his mid 30’s, wearing a lab coat over a shirt with a tie and dress pants and looking pretty athletic. The doctor looked over the forms that Aaron had filled out and Aaron saw a few smiles and a few frowns on the doctor’s face. “So, Aaron. It looks like you’re a pretty active young gay guy. Pretty normal, to be honest. Now, tell me about this illness you had this past weekend and why you’re worried about it.” Aaron explained what had happened and started to cry again. The doctor calmed him down and told him “Don’t be hard on yourself about this. Sometimes we meet guys that aren’t so nice and regret it. I’ve had my share. It’s my job to figure out if you did catch anything and then treat it.” The doctor did a few tests in the room and checked his throat, neck, and joints before having him undress completely and then examined him below the waist, including bending him over and examining his hole. Aaron started to get aroused as the doctor pushed a lubed finger into him. As he turned back around he was embarrassed to let the doctor see his hard-on. The doctor said “I guess that still works fine, then” he chuckled and then added “Don’t worry, most gay men enjoy anal exams so I’m used to it. So, the only thing left is to get some blood tests done. Between those and the cultures I took, we’ll know in a couple days whats really going on.” Aaron looked surprised “A couple days?” “Yeah, we have a lot of lab work between you and all the other patients you saw in the waiting room, so we won’t know the results until late tomorrow or Friday” the doctor explained. After getting dressed, Aaron got led down the hall to another small waiting area for the blood tests. There, he ran into the guy from before, Joe. Joe checked him out as Aaron took the seat next to him. “So, just a regular test or did someone give you something besides a good time?” Joe asked with a smile. Aaron looked at him with a horrified look and finally answered “Uh, not sure yet. Guess I’ll find out in a few days.” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just trying to break the ice. Most of us are here for the same reason. Nothing to be ashamed of” Joe said as he put his arm around Aaron’s shoulder squeezing it. The door opened and Aaron recognized the asian guy from earlier walk out towards Joe. “Fucking vampire took four vials of blood” the guy told Joe, who responded “You’ll survive, Steven” Aaron’s eyes got big. He hated needles and the comment was making him feel even sicker. Joe got up and went inside and Aaron slid down to the first chair as another patient showed up for a blood test. It was another guy from the group of four he saw before - the ginger haired guy that Aaron had stared at earlier. “Hey, don’t look so down. It’s just a blood test, not death row” the guy told Aaron as he sat down next to him. The guy reached over and squeezed Aaron’s leg saying “Hi, I’m Dennis. First time here?” “Uh, yeah” Aaron replied. “You get used to it. It’s the price you pay for getting laid” Dennis said with a laugh and then asked “You go to school here?” “Uhhh, no. I live south of here. I didn’t want to see my old doctor in case he said something to my parents” Aaron said after a long pause. He looked down at his feet hoping Dennis would just leave him alone. “Ah, gotcha. Been there, done that. Don’t worry, everyone here is cool and they’ll help you no matter what” Dennis said as the door opened and Joe walked out. Aaron got up to go in and was shaking as he walked into the room. Aaron looked at the guy that Steven had called a vampire earlier. He was a really cute blonde haired, blue eyed twink with a big smile. Aaron thought he could be a model. After verifying Aaron’s information and sensing Aarons uneasiness giving blood, the lab tech suggested that Aaron look at a painting on the wall and distracted him with a few jokes. Aaron barely sensed the needle going in and before he knew it the needle was out and his arm was bandaged over the wound. “All done! They probably have already set up a followup appointment on Friday to let you know the results. Don’t worry, just keep a positive outlook” the lab tech said with a wink. Aaron got up and opened the door. As he walked out, Dennis was walking towards him and gave him a piece of paper whispering “I don’t know if you’re interested, but here’s my number. Give me a call if you need to talk or want to get together.” Aaron walked back out into the waiting room and over to the receptionists desk. He said to Douglas, the receptionist, “They said I might already have an appointment set up for Friday.” “No, not yet. You can either just walk in and wait for an opening or set up a time. What works best for you?” Douglas asked. “An appointment. Anything after 10 and before 4, I guess” answered Aaron. “I have a 10:30am. That ok?” “Yeah” Aaron said, wondering how he was going to make it almost 2 more days. “OK, here’s your reminder card” Douglas said looking at Aaron with a smile “Relax, everything will be fine. Find something to do to keep your mind busy while waiting for the results.” “Thanks” said Aaron as he turned around. Near the door was three of the guys from the group all standing there looking at him. He walked towards the door trying not to make eye contact, but couldn’t keep his eyes off Dennis who smiled at him and gave him a gesture for Aaron to call him. Aaron walked outside and down the street. He got in the car and just sat there, shaking. “What the fuck have I done? My life may be over and I have to wait two days to find out. And what the hell, almost everyone in the clinic tried to hit on me!” The light was peeking through the curtains and Derrick rolled over and put his arm around Tony, pinching his nipple on the way. Tony moaned and awoke with a smile. “I heard the boys are getting tested today. What do you think their chances are?” he said to Derrick. “With as many loads as we gave those three, I doubt they’ll be neg, but Mark’s brother only let Mark breed him. I don’t know how toxic he is, so I’ll say 50/50 for him. We should probably go to the clinic too. My cock’s been dripping again” said Derrick. “Yeah, mine too. I tagged the new barback last night after we closed. Fuckin’ hot boy, but damn is he dumb. He believed me when I told him part of his job as barback was to take all the other employees bareback and he had a week to get bred by everyone or we would fire him.” Tony said. “Fuck yeah. I saw him hustling around refilling ice and glasses when I was there last night. Hot body, great ass and a big bulge” Derrick replied. “He got four out of 11 guys last night, so he’s on his way. Luis and I were the first to breed him and left him sloppy for the other two bartenders. He said he wasn’t a bottom, but by the time I shot my load he was begging to get fucked more. He should be knocked up pretty quick. I want to get him as a server for the other club. I think he’ll be good for that. Oh, by the way… any luck lining up special guests for the next party?” Tony asked. Derrick rolled onto his side looking at Tony “I had a couple guys that might be good. One guy called yesterday afternoon and told me he just tested poz, so he’s out. Too bad, too. He’s a hot muscle cub with an ass to die for. The other one is a good looking daddy, but I don’t know if the members want someone older. I’ve been meaning to ask the Joe or Kyle if they know any students that might be up for it.” “That might be good. Students are always looking for a few hundred extra bucks. Having a chance at getting knocked up is just a bonus” Tony said laughing. “Speaking of knocked up, I haven’t fucked you in days. Show me that pussy” Derrick said as he spread Tony’s legs. Rubbing his oozing cock around the ring, he lunged forward jabbing his cock into Tony’s hole. Tony grunted and pulled his legs back while Derrick kept thrusting his cock in. Between the precum and yellowish discharge, Tony’s pussy was sloppy and lubed for the punishment. Derrick never fucked slow and gentle, it was always with force and with purpose. The bed was creaking and Tony alternated between moans and begging for Derrick to fuck harder. The precum and ooze from Tony’s cock was pooling on his navel to overflowing. Tony stuck his fingers in and scooped some up and licked them clean. Derrick grunted and slammed in and Tony could feel his cock twitch and the warmth of his poisonous seed fill his body. Derrick pulled his softening cock out and fell back to the bed. “Damn, I still like breeding that hole just like when I charged you up.”
    6 points
  4. PigWeek 2017. I hadn't really posted any updates because its been kind of slow for a couple of days. At the Monday night party I got zero---yes that's right ZERO--loads. There was just too much going on and everyone wanted to try to fist me, and that's one of the only things I don't do in front of a crowd. My Tuesday night gangbang in my hotel room was mediocre. 8 loads, which is fine, but for Pig Week I was expecting something outlandish, like 30 loads or whatever. However, last night made up for everything and I could probably leave now and be perfectly happy (not that I'm going to!). They held this "gangbang lottery" where you submit your name and your picture and then they pull a name out of a hat and that person gets gangbanged right there in front of the crowd by a bunch of the featured pornstars and then anyone in the crowd who wants a turn. It just keeps going until the winner says they've had enough. MY FUCKING NAME GOT DRAWN. (I was like the 7th name they drew but the first 6 weren't there. How friggin' lucky is that?) So here's the thing: nobody kept count of how many loads I got and by the end I was barely coherent so I certainly didn't keep track. But in talking with people in the crowd afterwards (plus playing with my cummy hole when I got home) I would conservatively say I got fucked by about 30 guys and took roughly 15 loads. All on a fuckbench in front of a crowd. Over my years of playing I've been in a lot of hot situations and done a lot of hot things, but it will be really hard to ever top this one. Honestly, it was kind of surreal. As it was going on, I couldnt believe it was actually happening. Between this, my gangbang, a random load here and there, and all of the stuff from the first few days, I'm at 53 loads for the week with 4 more days in Ft. Lauderdale.
    6 points
  5. Part 24 It became clear that Thomas knew what he had gotten himself into as he began to beg to be 'knocked up' and for 'poz cum'. As people started to leave and Thomas was left with the twins and Steve he openly admitted that he had been looking to get pozzed so that he could be free to take any cock and load offered him and possibly poz a few neg asses along the way. This news got Steve thinking and as he looked and the fit, 18 year old asked him if he'd like ti work for him. Thomas didn't hesitate and answered yes without knowing any details. Thomas had a dark side from reading stories on Breeding Zone. He then asked Steve, "What would you want me to do for you?" Steve told him that there were many facets to his business from performing like the twins to being paid to have sex with someone. Thomas began to get hard while Steve went into detail on the money he could make starting with getting paid for his pozzing video that would be privately sold. Noticing Thomas's growing hard cock Steve asked him if he'd like to 'do something with his tool?' Thomas said he wanted to fuck the twin who had watched him fuck his brother. He added that he already gave his brother 3 neg loads and feels he should give his last few to his twin. Thomas had a talent of cumming without the bottom ever knowing it, especially when he's smoked some Tina. The twin in question took Thomas's place in the sling and before he knew it he took 4 loads from the soon to be poz friend. The fourth load was known since it was the largest and strongest orgasm. Thomas was eager to start working for Steve, but was told he could only start working after he had the 'fuck flu'. Thomas understood this and asked what the odds were that the bug took during his getting fucked by so many different guys. Steve told him that the odds were even money considering the rigs used to slam him with were dirty point from poz guys. Sure enough Thomas came down with the 'fuck flu' 10 days later. The first weekend after his recovery Steve had arranged a light schedule of clients and Thomas began his work. Some of the clients he met with wanted to show him off, some wanted to just party and fuck. During this time Thomas kept priming the pump (as he called it) with his nerdy roommate who he knew to be a closeted fag. Troy was his name and he was from a small farming town. Through the talks he had with the shy kid, he knew him to be a virgin. Troy asked a lot of question about gay sax and Thomas could see his little dick get hard as they talked. Thomas thought he's make a good cum dump working for Steve. He took the idea, along with a few pictures he took of his 5'6", 110 pound, brown hair and eyes, slim roommate for Steve to look over. Steve knew that with the right atmosphere and chemical enhancements Troy could easily be turned into the whore he was meant to be. Thomas made one request to Steve, he wanted to be the one to take his roommate cherry and give him his first taste of cock. Steve agreed and with his monthly party coming up the next weekend figured that would be the perfect time for this boy conversion of questioning, neg virgin to poz, cum dump whore. He supplied Thomas with GHB to dose his roommate with before they would leave for the party. All week Thomas started to tell Troy about this exclusive party he was invited too this weekend and that he was allowed to bring one person and he wanted to bring Troy. Troy felt special since he was going to his first real college party and an exclusive party. The night of the party Thomas suggested that they have a drink together before heading over to the party. As they walked across campus Thomas could tell the G was already starting to work on Troy so that when they arrived at Steve's Troy didn't really notice that there were no girls attending. The naked guys swimming didn't even seem to bother the G'ed out Troy, in fact he openly stared at the naked bodies before him, Thomas noticed his roommate gawking at the naked party goers and asked him, "See anything you like?" This made Troy blush and gave Thomas the opening he was looking for as he leaned in and gave his roommate his first real kiss. Troy seemed to naturally accept his roommate's kiss. Thomas made sure to introduce Troy to Steve, Matt and Bam Bam, before escorting Troy to a designated area where he could start to push Troy's buttons and start his journey to becoming Steve whore. The area was semi private with night vision cameras to record all the details. The two kissed again once they were in this secluded spot, this time the kiss was more passionate as Thomas slipped his tongue inside his roommate's mouth causing him to moan. Thomas knew he had to make this 'first time' for Troy one he would never forget. In fact it would be a feeling the soon to be whore would chase again and again as he would try to please any man he was going to be with after that night. As the long, passionate kiss ended Thomas whispered to Troy that with all the talking the two has done that he knew exactly what he needed and that they'd take it as slow r as fast as Troy wanted. Troy nodded in agreement as he leaned in for another kiss. This time as they kissed Thomas began to slowly undress his (now willing) roommate. Soon enough Troy followed his roommate's lead and worked to get his clothes off. In short time both were naked. Thomas first give Troy's 6" cock a light stroke before he made a quick move to give him his first rim job. As he keeled behind the naked roomy he dove in between his hairless ass as he began to lick the outside of his freshly washed hole. Thomas could still smell the faint hint of Ivory soap as he worked his tongue around and eventually into Troy's virgin hole moaning at the new found sensation he was experiencing. In Troy's slightly, bent over position he couldn't help but look between his legs and clearly see in the dim light Thomas's 8", hard, drooling cock bouncing with his heart beat. With the G releasing his inner desires he couldn't help himself as he asked, "Your dick looks so good, can I please suck it? I want to suck my first dick." Not wanting to disappoint, Thomas Stood up knowing (from his personal experience) that a good whore gets on his knees to suck cock. As he applied a little pressure to Troy's shoulders getting him to lower to his knees he let him know, "Of course you can suck my cock." As Troy assumed his new position on his knees Thomas let him know as he grabbed himself, "This is a cock, not a dick, if you want to suck my cock, do it right and please me, you'll need to follow my directions, understand?" Troy looked up and answered a simple "Yes." Thomas began to instruct Troy in the art of sucking cock. He first had Troy show his cock love with his tongue before having him take the head into his mouth. Troy was eager to please as he followed everything he was told. Troy was a little hesitant when it came time to take his roommate's cock into his throat. Thomas simply looked down at him and he knew his place and that if he was going to be good at sucking cock he'd have to learn to deep throat a cock. Thomas told him to breath in through his nose as he lowered himself onto his cock and to relax his throat as the tip reached the back of his mouth. Once his cock was there ready to enter he was to breath his cock into his throat. With Thomas's hand on the back of his head he had little choice as he felt his head being pushed down and the cock he was sucking slowly snaking its way down his throat. He did his best to follow the directions he was given. Just as he thought he was going to puke or pass out due to the lack of air, the hand on his head let up and he was able to slowly pull back. Thomas let Troy know that he did well for his first deep throating and asked if he was up to try again. As if sucking cock and deep throating was becoming natural to Troy (and it was) he bobbed up and down 2 times before burying his nose in his roommate's pubs. Troy repeated this a couple more times to Thomas's amazement and bring him close to feeding Troy his pos cum. Of course he had better plans for his poz seed. He pulled Troy off his cock as he lowered himself so that the two could kiss some more. While the two kissed Thomas asked, "Are you liking what were doing so far?" Troy answered with a "Yes" to which he was told, "Stand up and turn around, I was to eat that ass some more. Get you ready to lose that virginity you told me about." Troy had an idea where this was going and stood up and turned giving Thomas access to his ass. It was now time to get Troy's hole ready to be 'seeded'. Thomas had a small bottle of warming lube (warmed from the Tina mixed into it) along with a nice shard of Tina. He figured he'd tell the dumb farm kid as he started to lube his hole after a good rimming that he was 'opening' him up in preparation for his thick cock. Again Troy couldn't help himself as he began to moan while Thomas began to work his tongue around and then inside Troy's neg ass. Thomas again asked his roommate if he was enjoying himself. At first troy nodded yes, but then added, "OH FUCK! Take me, give me what you know I need. You know I want it all." Was Troy asking to not just be fucked, but to be pozzed? In the small farming community where Troy grew up it was very religious. It was so religious they never taught sex education in school. There was no information provided on safe sex, the use of condoms or HIV. Thomas knew all this and why Troy was ripe for the 'picking' (or pozzing in this case). Thomas knew it was time to 'lube' the neg boy up and start getting his ass hungrier for his cock. He alternated between tongue and finger as he let Troy know, "I'm going to start getting you ready for what you really need." Troy again could only nod in agreement as he felt the transition from tongue to fingers. The first bit of tainted lube pushed in by a single finger into his tight hole made Troy gasp. It was followed by a little more lube and a second finger as Thomas slowly worked his fingers stretching and tearing at the walls getting them ready for his seed to be planted. A low moan was still escaping through Troy's lips as more lube was added along with a third finger. When Thomas pulled his three fingers from Troy's hole he marveled at how his hole seemed to stay open a few seconds as if it was asking for something more. Thomas knew exactly what it was asking for and knew it was time to booty bump the unsuspecting roommate. Thomas took the Tina shard with some more lube and slipped it inside as he let Troy know he was almost ready after he stretched him open some more. With his three fingers he pushed the shard in as far as it would go and then began to flex his fingers so that Troy would think the slight burn was from having his hole stretched open to accommodate the poz spike that was ready to breed him. Troy's ass began to respond as the shard inside him was almost completely melted. He began to grind his ass backwards onto Thomas's hand trying to get more inside. Thomas knew he was more than ready as he stood up behind his roommate, wrapped his arms around his body, positioned his cock at the entrance to his neg ass and slowly applied pressure trying to breach the outer ring. What surprised him was Troy pushing back and trying to impale himself onto his cock. As his cock head popped inside Troy let out a decent moan that was sure to be heard by anyone around the corner at the party. Both of them held still as Thomas first kissed Troy on neck before whispering, "Breathe in and just stay still, breathe in and relax, let your hole get accustomed to having a cock inside." The two were frozen still. As much as Thomas wanted to just go ahead and plow on in and fuck he knew that he needed to let Troy enjoy his first fuck, to learn the pleasure his ass would give others as well as the pleasure it would bring him when he let anyone fuck him. As the two stood there Thomas could feel Troy's hole start to relax and open up as it accepted his hard cock. He was already heavily leaking precum as he asked Troy, "How are you doing bro? Are you ready for some more of my cock in your hole?" Troy not only nodded he began to push back as Thomas took the cue and slowly pushed forward. Troy couldn't understand how all of a sudden he felt this hunger inside his ass that could only be satisfied by being filled by a dick, no not a dick, a cock. As he continued to moan he turned his head a little and asked Thomas, "Push it all in. Please push your cock all the way inside me. Make me yours." Thomas replied, "Only if your sure." About a third of his cock remained to be pushed inside as Troy nodded yes and added "I'm sure." Thomas first gave Troy a kiss on his neck. He didn't need to be asked again. With the position Troy was in and the hold he had on his body gave him the ability to thrust forward sinking his cock balls deep and eliciting a yelp (that was definitely heard by the party guests) followed by a satisfying moan. Thomas held still allowing Troy to get used to his thick, 8" cock before he st about slowly pistoning in and out of the former virgin. It took about 10 minutes for Thomas to give Troy his first poz load. The next load took a little longer. Troy continued to moan as Thomas began to fuck him making Thomas wonder if this was just cause it is his first time getting fucked or would he do this with anyone who fucked him as a whore. Thomas made sure that Troy was enjoying his fucking, although he figured he must be since he was pushing back to meet his inward thrusts. Thomas said, "I can tell your enjoying my cock inside you." Troy replied, "Yes I am. Are you enjoying having your big, thick cock inside me?" Thomas gave a nice hard thrust as he was close to delivering his second load and answered, "What does that tell you" while giving Troy a couple more hard thrusts eliciting the former virgin to moan with each one. Troy then asked, "Fuck me like you know I need to be fucked. Give it all to me. I want to feel you explode inside me." He had no idea what he had just asked for and Thomas wasn't going to let him down as he moved his arms from around Troy's body to placing his hands on Troy's hips as he began to power fuck his roommate. He delivered 2 more loads without Troys knowledge before his cum dump said, "Your cock feels so hard, so big inside me. It feels so good to have your cock inside me. Fuck, I need your cum inside me making me yours." The cum already inside Troy had him marked. The drugs he has already had, and soon to have more, will cement his brain to chase this feeling again and again with every man he is paid to service. Thomas was really pounding into Troy. He asked his fuck toy, "Are you sure you're ready for me to breed your ass?" Troy nearly shouted, "Yes, fuck yes, breed me!" That was enough to send Thomas over the edge as he slammed into Troy deeper than he had past the deep internal ring) and shot his biggest load. As the two were recovering from their fuck Thomas noticed a figure in the shadows. He knew it was Steve.
    6 points
  6. CHAPTER FOUR By the time the weekend rolled around, I was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. The only thing that would make this group setting hotter were for the guys to be poz, but having a bunch of construction hunks working me over? Still a dream come true, status or not. Pat had confirmation from eight of the guy. Not as many as he’d originally thought, but a few chickened out last minute -which is to be expected with straight guys wondering how far they’re willing to go for a fuck. A couple others had commitments come up that they couldn’t get out of. Still, eight men plus Pat are more than enough to give my pig hole a good pounding. He set it up for mid-afternoon, figuring that even if the guys got done with me within a few hours, we’d still have time to post some ads for poz guys or hit a book store or bathhouse afterwards. Pat went to the motel alone and told me he would text me when all of the guys arrived so that I could walk in to a full room of horny men needing to be serviced. I didn’t even care that I was sporting a major bulge in my pants as I walked to the room. There was no way to help it. As soon as I walked in the room, the men all stared at me. I was surprised that they were all still dressed. I guess for a bunch of straight guys, standing around naked wasn’t something they were comfortable with. I actually felt my stomach drop a little -I just knew that this wasn’t going to turn out as hot as I’d hoped. They were probably just going to open their pants, fuck me, blow their load, and take off. Still, I pasted a smile on my face, walked up to Pat, got on my knees and fished his growing dick out of his pants. Hopefully if I put on a good enough show, they’ll get into it. And luckily they did. As soon as I got Pat’s beautiful meat in my mouth, I felt someone behind me, grabbing my ass. I’d only worn my standard nylon trackies, commando, so they would have easy access. And the man behind me easily slipped my pants down to my ankles and, with no ceremony, began to slid his cock into my awaiting hole. “Fuck, he’s already wet,” he gasped loudly for the other guys to hear. “Did you fuck him earlier?” he asked Pat. Pat laughed. “Fuck yeah, we fuck every day,” he told him. "Gave him a couple of loads before lunch," he added proudly. “Damn, ass feels better than I thought it would,” the man grunted, beginning to really pump me now. His dick was nice, about as long as Pat’s but thicker, so I was feeling a nice stretch. Now the other guys were starting to get into it. Slowly they all began to take the bulges out of their pants, and their cocks were free to jack in front of them until they got a turn in me. Pat pulled his cock out of my mouth and guided one of the other men to take his place. I didn’t get a look at him, really, but I had barely registered any of them when I walked into the room. I have to admit that, while I have eyes for cock (and a nice butt to eat), I really only have eyes for Pat. So when I walked into the room, he’s the only man I saw. The rest were just cocks. The man in my ass began to pound me hard and fast and I braced myself for the big load I knew he was going to deliver into me. And wow, was it ever big. It felt like he was pissing! He held inside me for over a minute, sort of petting my lower back as we stood joined. “You got a lot in you, buddy,” he told me. “My wife’s been out of town visiting her mother for a couple of weeks. That’s a big two-week load you got in you,” he said, giving my ass a slap before extracting his shrinking cock. Quickly, I pulled off of the cock I was sucking and spun around, taking the man’s cock in my mouth to clean him off, while I shoved my ass towards the dick I’d gotten wet and ready. So, the second man sank into me as I nursed the first fucker’s cock, milking out every drop before he finally stepped back and allowed another man at my mouth. The guys were all a little stunned that I sucked the cock straight out of my hole, but I guess seeing how slutty it made me, and just knowing how piggy they thought it was, it just got them more in the mood to fuck me like a real motel room whore. The next three hours went just like that. Each of them took a couple of turns on my ass and mouth, but I was happy that all of the men agreed to only put their loads in my ass. While I like a mouthful of cum every now and again, it’s just more satisfying to me to get it up the ass. None of that pesky stomach acid destroying any other gifts they might be delivering. I guess all it really takes to get straight men to lighten up is take their load. Greedily, too. They could see how much I wanted it, and in that environment, everything just turns animal. It’s just men fucking. Doesn’t matter who or what they’re fucking, they are just doing what evolution has programmed them to do. All in all, by six thirty that Saturday evening my hole had received seventeen loads from Pat’s construction crew buddies, not counting the two from Pat earlier in the day that had lubed my hole. He walked the guys out and, as he closed the door behind him, he turned and leaned on it, grinning at me. “That was fucking hot,” he said. “But I bet you’re ready for some more, aren’t you?” All of that cum in me had only fueled my hunger, and I felt insatiable. I would take on a thousand men in the mood I was in. “You have no idea,” I told him, almost in a pant. My heart was pounding and my breathing was coming almost in gasps. I felt desperate. “Hang on, I need to piss, and then I’ll hop online and see if we can find you some poz dick for that hole,” he laughed, heading to the bathroom. In just my jock strap now, I followed him in. As soon as he pulled his cock out of his pants, I grabbed his dick and guided him over to the bathtub where I climbed in and looked up at him. He started laughing and shaking his dick at me. “You want my piss? Want me to piss all over you? Fuck, you’re extra piggy today,” he laughed. “Fine, might as well go all in, then,” he added before going back out into the room and getting my trackies and tee shirt. He tossed them to me. “Put ‘em on,” he instructed. Once I was fully dressed, he began to piss on me. Starting from the top of my head, he then aimed directly into my mouth, where I swallowed as much as I could, and then he hosed me down over my chest, stomach, and then concentrated on my crotch, wetting my nylon pants until they were shiny and soaked. So there I was, with an ass full of cum -which was rapidly oozing out of my well-fucked hole- and fully clothed, drenched in piss. I’d never felt like such a pig in my life. I also couldn’t remember being so horny, either. Pat could see it just by looking in my eyes. “You need it bad, don’t you? I can see it in your eyes. You’re gone into full-on whore mode.” He was not laughing now, as he could see and practically feel my hunger. He told me to wait in the tub and let the excess piss drain off of me while he went to see if he could find anyone to fuck me. Less than five minutes later I heard the door close and Pat returned with someone. I could hear the other man’s voice. “I found you some more dick,” he called to me. “Come and get it, piss pig.” I think he was feeling the same energy that I was, because he was starting to get into the verbal that he knows I enjoy so much. I walked out of the bathroom, still soaked in his piss, and saw Pat standing next to a man I recognized as a pimp. I’d seen him with a few of his girls just outside of the motel entrance. He was taller than me. Black. Grungy looking, tough and mean looking, but the way he was grabbing his crotch told me was into it. “Tony here has seen, and heard, us fucking in here ever since I started renting this room,” Pat told me. “He’s straight, only ever fucks his whores, but he thinks you must be a big whore. I told him that you are a big whore. And a good one.” I felt my heart pounding in my chest. This was surreal. It’s not that I was attracted to this man -he wasn’t even remotely attractive, especially standing next to a stud like Pat. But knowing that he’s a pimp, and only fucks his skanky whores, it just made things that much sleazier. And so much hotter! I couldn’t help but wonder if he was infected with anything. “Come on, bitch, I gotta get back out there and keep an eye on my business,” he growled at me. “Suck it and get it wet,” he instructed, pulling his very long looking dick out of his dirty pants. At only half-mast, this pimp was sporting about eight inches. I dropped to my knees at his feet and began to give him a good tongue bath that had in grunting in no time. His crotch smelled very musky, like he hadn’t showered in a day or two. And his cock, well, that kept growing in my mouth. Fuck, he wasn’t too thick, but he’d grown to at least eleven inches, perhaps twelve. He didn’t let me suck him long -this wasn’t a seduction, after all. Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he yanked me off of his cock and shoved me towards the bed, where I landed on all fours. He grabbed a handful of the back of my trackies and yanked them down. Quickly he slammed balls deep into me. Out of all of the men who fucked me today, this pimp was by far the roughest, not to mention he had the biggest dick. This was a man who was used to treating whoever he stuck his dick into like nothing but trash. Practically inanimate objects, just vessels to be filled. As soon as the man entered me, Pat rushed around to my front and watched me with concerned eyes. Sure, he wanted to make this as memorable and dirty as possible, but he clearly was worried this pimp was going to hurt me. Despite the man who was basically punishing my hole, staring up into Pat’s eyes, we were the only two men in the room. His eyes never left mine, but he did reach down and hold my hands on the dingy bedspread. When the pimp was getting close, he grabbed my hips really hard. It was painful as he dug his dirty nails into my skin. “Where you want this stuff? You want it up that faggot kunt?” he panted. “Dump it up his ass!” Pat ordered him. “Breed me!” I begged. “Fucking sluttier than any of my girls, the number of guys I saw leaving this room today. Should be making money with this hot fucking ass,” he said through gritted teeth. I guess I should be flattered that he was actually enjoying my ass, but still all I could see was Pat, and all I wanted was cum. “You really want my load? Huh, bitch? Didn’t even ask me about no condoms or anything? You that big a fuckin’ whore?” he yelled at me. “I don’t care, breed me!” I yelled. Pat was now smiling huge as we listened to this guy insinuating that he might be infected. I wanted to bend lower and take his cock into my mouth again, but he pulled my head up instead, and our lips locked while the pimp finished off with my ass. “Look at the two faggots kissing,” the pimp said. “Fine, you get what you deserve, fucking fags. You want AIDS? I’ll give you fuckin’ AIDS. Take it! Here it fucking comes you bitchwhorekunt!” he roared, ramming balls-deep into me and spray painting my insides with his venomous seed. As soon as he finished cumming he literally yanked his dick out of my hole with a loud sloppy wet popping sound. “Clean this motherfuckin’ dick like a good bitch supposed to do,” he instructed. I removed my lips from Pats and turned around to lick the big piece of meat clean. I was stunned when I saw his still engorged cock swaying in front of me. His dick was covered in blood. Mixed with all of that cum, yes, but it wasn’t pink. It was red. He’d torn me up good. My heart was pounding again, really hard, as I licked him clean. And I was stunned again when I felt Pat’s tongue at my hole -licking my blood as it oozed out of my damaged hole. I finished with the pimp, he slapped me lightly on the side of the head to tell me he’d had enough, and then he stuffed his still semi-hard cock back into his pants. “You ever want to make a few bucks, you come see me,” he said before disappearing out the door. I’d never felt so cheap and used in my entire life. Nothing I’d ever done before at the book stores or bathhouses compared. This was as low as I’d ever sunk. And I was still turned-the-fuck-ON. Of course, that could have something to do with the insane rimming that Pat was giving my ass. This was the first time he’d actually rimmed me -thought I’d done him plenty of times before. I think this was it for him, too. The moment when we truly surrendered to the calling for cum, for us being true pigs, for HIV and AIDS. Judging by the way he held my ass, a cheek tight in each hand, and his face mashed as hard into me as he could get it, he was all in. When he finally came up for air, he was panting loudly. I spun around and just lunged at him. I needed to kiss him. His entire mouth area was covered in my blood and a mixture of all of those loads. Our tongues invaded each other’s mouths as our arms pulled us as close as we could get. And feeling that we were both rock hard, I knew that this day was far from over. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the day that I would get infected. That we get infected. Maybe I already am. And maybe so is Pat. Before I had time to give it much thought, Pat pulled away and hopped off the side of the bed. He grinned at me and said, "I've got another surprise for you . . ."
    5 points
  7. Oh...and the icing on the cake is that--completely unintentionally and not knowing that I was going to be called up in front of the crowd---this is the outfit I wore.
    3 points
  8. This story isn’t abandoned. I just have a crazy whirlwind going on right now. Move to a new house, the continued lawsuit from my car accident, as well as the holidays and everyone at work taking vacation... which means chronic understaffing. As soon as my laptop is unpacked and my home office is set back up, I plan to start writing again. As of right now though, all I have is my phone and that’s a tad hard to write and edit on.
    3 points
  9. This isn't mine, but wanted to share it and please if you know who produce this text let me know so i will put her proper credit , xxx This is a guide for Superior Black Men that want to usurp their rights over crossdressing white boys. I will tell you the weaknesses and inner desires of white boys, so that you may more easily enslave and own them. If you want an obedient and addicted white boy, read on. 1) Getting a real meeting with a boy is the most crucial part of beginning the white boy emasculation. The rest comes easy and naturally for the sissy boy. Most fantasize about being forced into it. They like the risks and are completely aware that it is a slippery slope. Blackmail and Domination is part of what they want. On some level, they want and feel they deserve to lose their identity as a man and to serve Superior Men. More than anything in the world. Any kind of resistance is just part of what the fantasy; white sissy boys have a desire to be freed from their choice. Younger and not married are more desirable. Degrade and humiliate him in your emails. Ask him how small his little pee pee is. Tell him how you will slap his face with Your Superior Cock. You will put him on a leash. Sissy 's like to hear confirmation they are not real men. Call them a girl. Tell him he has a girly ass. Or if he is skinny, call him petite and effeminate. Ask him if he likes looking at a picture of Your Cock. Give him a female name as a reminder. On the reverse, make him call you Daddy (this is the absolute most humiliating name you can use, but Sir or Master work well too). If he doesn't, tell him you will punish him. Try and get a phone number or address before he can back out. Always push to meet sooner. 2) Establishing follow up sessions. This is where most sissy boys get away. My greatest advice here is to ask the sissy if you can record and take pictures of him for your personal collection. In the moment, they will tend to say yes and do it. A simple picture of him on his knees sucking your cock could well be the key to his entire enslavement. You only need suggestively say you like the picture and want to send it to his friends if he is reluctant to meet. Record him every time after. Chastity is another way. This is better longterm and for training. Just like other males, white sissys have that moment of wake-up and sometimes regret when they finally cum. They will do anything before that moment, but can feel like they went to far once cum. Not allowing them to cum will keep them submissive, turned on, and obedient. You can do whatever you want for however long you want. They on some level, even like the denial. They feel trapped and needy to be nice to you. If they are resistant to this initially, you can keep pushing it, and just put it on them if you can convince them to be tied up. Forgiveness over permission. Use a device that cannot be removed without a key. During the first meeting, make them cum, be verbal, make them tell you what a bitch they are. Make them promise they will be your sextoym. Make them give you their word they will suck you next week. 3) Training will transform the white sissy into a total, obedient slut. You should not let them cum more than once a week. Suggest tying them up when you let them cum and you take off the device, so they have no say if it comes back on. Prolonging how long they cum will make it more intense and they will have much less chance of regret. You can anally train them to cum without stimulation from their little white penis and eventually to cum without being hard. Google sissy gasm. Teasing around their butt with your fingers will help. The goal is to have them only cum from anal stimulation. If you have to, make them wait another week if they can't do it without touching their tiny pee pee. Stroke them from behind like a bitch so their cock is pulled behind their legs. If they're really are unable to cum after two weeks. Also suggest stroking like this the first time you meet them until they cum. 4) After some time, you may introduce more changes to the white sissy. Changes that cross the "point of no return" will keep a white boy as a sissy longer than anything else. They may resist to these ideas, but you can keep pushing it on them, and on some level they want it more than anything in the world. Ultimately, it is their choice. Shaving smooth will make a huge difference in how girly the sissy looks. If you are keeping the sissy shaved,, You could eventually encourage the sissy to get laser hair removal. Another suggestion would be a tramp stamp or other tattoos. Perhaps "sissy slut", "Emily", "BBC Owned". You could have her do a trial with a Henna tattoo or just go all the way. Permanent makeup is another humiliating way to feminize the white sissy. The final step is the one white sissy boys think about the most. They feel it is their destiny and that is a final step to submitting and giving up their ego for humiliation. Hormones. Two types, anti-androgen and estrogen. Estrogen will have the most effects, such as face breasts, and submissive tendency. Anti androgen will make them more petite, less muscle, and make their tiny pee pees even smaller. You can find more online about it. Whatever you want of them, tell them they need to look pretty and pleasurable for Men. And that they are better off this way. Affirm it is who they are on the inside. 5) Enslaving the sissy is the goal. Establish Dominance and always push the little white boys to say they are inferior. Treat them like a sextoy. Text them you want blowjobs on random days. White sissies should be your on-call fk toy. Punish them when they are bad. Use chastity to control their rewards. You can do whatever you like, turn them into a live-in maid if you like or a discreet obedient sex slave.
    2 points
  10. Todd was admired by most of his team mates and those who played on opposing teams as well. He had played soccer and baseball in high school and had trouble deciding which to follow at university. He had been recruited by 2 state universities for soccer and 3 for baseball. He wanted to go where no one knew him. Todd had a secret to protect from the guys at home. As the school year wound down, Todd became more and more ill at ease. He had to make a decision. He decided on the school furthest from home. He knew none of his classmates were going there and it was in a major metropolitan area. His campus visit made the decision easy. He was wined and dined by the coach and given a guide from the baseball team. Todd was a catcher. He had the squat formation perfect. As a result, his thighs and calves were well muscled. He had a large ass that really filled out his baseball pants in the squat. His tour guide was a catcher as well, but a senior to be graduated in 2 weeks. He was tall for a catcher, but nimble. Todd was impressed. He was more impressed as he met pitchers. The varsity first baseman was nicknamed Stretch for obvious reasons. The guys all seemed likable. Todd thought he would fit in. That catcher tour guide TJ's roomie was away for a quick visit to his family. So Todd bunked in the room with TJ. Two rooms shared a bath between them. TJ told Todd to go ahead and shower as they were going out to a campus party that night. Todd said he really didn't have clothes for a party. TJ volunteered some of his roomies. Todd wondered but wanted to see what parties on campus were like. He made his way into the shower. Odd, there were no locks on the doors. oh well, Todd stripped, folded is clothes neatly, and climbed in. There was plenty of hot water but little steam. Todd loved the pulsating shower head. It caused a rise in his groin. He stayed in the shower a long time. When he came out, TJ was coming in from the hall. Todd wrapped in the bath towel searched his bag for underwear. Shit, he had none. TJ said no problem and gave him a cock sock to wear. Todd laughed and said, "You can't be serious." TJ remarked that all the guys wear them. Todd donned the cocksock before dropping the towel. Little did Todd know that TJ and the guys in the next room had watched him in the shower via camera. They saw his big dig get hard, saw him shoot his wad, nearly collapse against the wall. But most of all they loved the way he soaped his ass and his hole, slipping one the two fingers in. Now only did they see, they recorded it all. The roomie's clothes fit Todd a little snuggly, especially around the ass. Oh well. It was a campus party. When the two left, they were met by other players coming out of rooms into the hall. They walked together to a spot in the woods laughing as joking as only college jocks do. The clearing had tables, benches, 2 sheds, and an outhouse. There was an old fashioned water pump. two old washtubs held ice and beer. A makeshift bar held hard liquor. The guys began to party. TJ brough Todd a beer and a chaser. Todd was accustomed to beer but not alcohol. He watched as TJ chugged his beer and slammed his shot. So Todd followed suit. After a few minutes Todd felt a stirring in his crotch. He knew there was no way to hide it, the pants were too tight. The guys continued to drink, they passed around a few smokes. Todd had never smoked. But he took one, Marlboro the label said. What Todd didn't know was the guys had laced that one cigarette with g. Todd would soon be extremely hard in his pants and extremely happy and needy. To be continued if I get guys wanting it
    2 points
  11. I was traveling for work and found myself staying in a large hotel / conference center. Logging into Growlr, I ended up connecting with a bearish couple who were staying in the same hotel. Their pics were okay, a bit fuzzy (always a cause for concern), but they were conversing openly so I wasn’t too put off. Their cock pics were impressive, though, and I kept looking back at those as we chatted. Convenience was a bonus in their favor, so I agreed to swing by their room. I put on a jock strap, shorts, T, and flip flops; then slipped poppers in my pocket and headed down to their floor. They let me into their room — pretty standard hotel issue with a king size bed. The lighting was purposefully low. As expected, they were older than their profile pics — probably late 50s / early 60s — with more pounds than described, and both wearing black t-shirts. However, they played their cards well — the one who was waiting inside the room was standing there with a huge hard on. His cock was thick and long, and I was immediately captivated. There wasn’t much talking. The one who greeted me came up behind me, and four hands started rubbing my chest, back, and arms. A few happy grunts were all the noise we were making. I heard the guy who had opened the door slip-off his shorts. Our encounter picked up steam quickly. The bears pulled off my T and shorts, leaving my standing there in a jock strap. I put my hands behind my head so they could openly explore. Four hands worked across my head, chest, arms, and back. Then I felt one cup my balls, and another gently run up and down between my ass. There was a hand on my back pushing me toward the bed. “Get on all fours.” I jumped up on the bed, my feet hanging off the end. “Inhale.” I felt the cold glass under my nose, his hand pressing against the side of my nose while I took a hit of poppers. I inhaled without exhaling, holding it inside for a moment. As my heart rated started to pound, I slowly exhaled, letting the warmth start to wash over my body. “Take another hit.” As I inhaled and held the second hit, I could feel his partner tonguing my hole. I exhaled and moaned at the same time, that warm feeling spreading across my body, and my ass becoming very hungry. The girthy, long cock pressed against my lips, and I opened my mouth to engulf it. Riding the poppers rush, I slurped on that big cock on my mouth, while pushing my ass back on the others’ tongue and probing fingers. I didn’t have to wait long to feel lube being spread on my hole, and fingers begin to work it inside. “What do you want?” I let the big cock drop from my mouth, “I want your cock in my ass.” Our online chat never discussed condoms or bareback, so I wasn’t certain what I was about to get. I felt the hot, slippery head of his bare dick pressing against my hole, pushing it open. I groaned as the dick I hadn’t ever really seen pushed inside me. The poppers appeared below my nose again, and I took a long hit. I was swimming in the popper haze and dim lighting, focusing on the feeling of that cock in my ass. Once the fucking started, it didn’t stop. My chest was pushed into the comforter, the warm feeling of the comforter contrasting to the exposed feeling of my ass up in the air. He fucked me with a variety of strokes, loosening up my ass as he occasionally moved from side to side. There was no talking — just the sound of his body slapping against my ass, and the quick grunts his thrusts drove out of me. I lost track of time, but suddenly I felt his cock slip out. Against the poppers were under my nose, and a hand was pressing one nostril closed. I took two long hits, letting the feeling wash over me again, my heart pounding. I wanted to be used. Then the cock I’d seen when I came into the room, and had time to suck down, slid into my awaiting hole. I pushed myself up on my arms, arching my back. It was a BIG cock! I panted a little, trying to adjust to the size, but he just started fucking my ass. The other guy, meanwhile, pushed his cock into my mouth. I didn’t know if he had washed, but I wasn’t given a choice. The two bears had me spit roasted, plowing me at either end. I grunted and choked a little, but they didn’t stop. The guy in front of me grunted, his hand on the back of my head forcing me to take his cock deep. I felt the thick load filling my mouth, tasting the tangy-salty mix. Fuck that was hot! The bear behind me pulled out while his partner fell back on the bed breathing heavily. He grabbed my ankles and rolled me onto my back, driving my legs apart to expose my wet ass. He pushed back inside me and started fucking again. This time his strokes were long and deep, and I felt his balls slap my ass. I couldn’t moan or grunt any longer — the best I could manage were gasps as he plunged inside. My hole was stretched around his cock, and I slipped into total submission. This guy could do whatever he wanted at this point. ”Breed him,” his partner said from behind me. The topping bear growled, fucking my hole a bit harder and faster, growling every so often, his eyes locked with mine. “You want this load, don’t you, boy?” ”Yes.” ”Tell me what you want, boy.” ”Breed me, Sir.” Nothing more was said after that. The bear changed his tempo, now pounding me furiously, clearly focused on his own satisfaction. His partner grabbed my wrists and held my arms wide so I couldn’t stroke my own cock. I was reaching my limit for taking a pounding, but also realized I didn’t have any choice left. Without warning, the bear growled once, then again, and finally unleashed in my ass. He made a couple final, desperate thrusts to bury his load deep before pulling out. After catching his breath, the two bears made me get back on all fours so they could take a few pics of his load in my cummy ass.
    2 points
  12. Tommy is in the same situation as I was very little money and waiting on tables , so tell him what I did by working in the building and what I do now. He can’t believe me but is willing to try. I ask Larry and I tell him about his age and Larry laughs and said he is now much younger that you are. Tommy is 5ft. 7 weight 120 7 X 2 dick swimmer build blond hair , blue eyes with a cute bubble butt that needs a good fucking. Larry says the only thing Tommy needs is to what little body hair he has removed. I tell Tommy if he wants to move into my place he can as it’s big enough and he can save some money by doing so and not have to put up with the crap in the dorms. Back at the building I’m very busy and 90% of the ones I’m seeing are Tops and only a few want to PNP. The ones I Top all most want to PNP and I have a lot of fun fucking them and giving them my neg. loads. I had one bottom who wanted to be fisted by someone with a small hand and Larry ask me to do it . I have see it done but never did it before and the money for this is very good as it’s a long session. The client is in his mid 30s 6ft. very nice body with a lot of piercings,I say he has a 2ga. P.A. a Guiche on his taint , 10 ring Jacobs ladder on his scrotum , nipple rings the size of quarts with a POZ tattoo above the crack of his ass and over his dick. By looking at him in street cloths you would think of him as a banker but underneath he is a real pig. Larry gives me the list of what he wants done and if we run over the 5 hour time it’s ok as he is a very good client. A lot of the things I will be doing for the first time but others who work here have given me a good education on how to do it. We meet up in the room and I give a heavy Gator Aid after he finish it we talk a bit , then I take his arm tie it off and give him a heavy slam. When I see the flash of his toxic blood ( he is not on meds ) my dick is so hard and all I’ve done is give him a slam. I take him over to the sling and he jumps in to it like it’s his second home , I take a shoe lace and tie it off at the base of his scrotum to keep his dick up as he like sounds in his urethral , you use plenty of lube and just let the metal rod drop in by gravity , he takes the first one easy so I get a bigger one and the same it goes in easy, the next one is the biggest one we have and after that is in he says use your finger , I put so lube on my raw finger and it goes right in , he ha a big hard on as I stroke his dick. After I take my finger out I take out the mechanical suction pump and put it in his dick as I spread his legs as wide as they will go so I have complete access to his hole. Looking at his hole you can see this in not his first time doing this but I wonder why he wants me. Before I start I load him up on Gator Aid and give him a very heavy slam so he is flying. I take this big lube shooter that is loaded with J-Lube mix with Miss Tina and inserted in his hole , he does not need toys to stretch bill so I make my hand look like a duck bill and cover my hand and forearm. With fisting it’s the bottom who is telling you if they can take more or they want you to stop , go slower and even more lube. As my fingers go in his hole open up like a flower in the spring does , his hole is sucking my are after it go to my wrist, I was told about people like this as I move my forearm out to put more lube on and I’m past the elbow as I watch the sucking machine doing a number on his dick. I want to pull out to keep him hydrated and to put a gas mask on his and give him some poppers as I’m now to see how deep I can go with him.This time I just make a fist and punch it right in with very little complaint so I pull out and start to punch fist him and he is really liking it , then I re lube and go to see how deep I can go and it does not take lone till I’m up to my arm pit and I see my hand moving on his stomach. This is incredible as I’m about to cum from this as he says can you please use your other hand in me. So I put so lube on his body and let it run down and put as much as I can on it and put my hand in his hole as he is screaming and it’s not screaming of protest but of sheer pleasure, My one arm is as deep as it can go and my other hand is just past the wrist with me rocking my body back and forth. What I really love is how warm my hand and arm are with the total feeling of the power I have as he rocks back and forth , yes there is some blood as I’m sure I might have cut him up or the stretching did something but as I pull out I have never seen in my short life someone so happy high and exhausted. After I pull out I see how big his hole an apple would just fall in. I call for the nurse to help me as he will be needing some time to recover. The nurse comes in and hands me this GIANT butt plug and says just put it in and it goes in real easy. I look at the time and this session has been going on for 10 hours for in my head I thought it was only 3 hours , it’s then I realize how tired I am. I get home and Tommy is in bed so I just curl up to him and go to sleep and that night I was dreaming about thous piercing and the Poz tattoo and how much he was screaming pleasure. When I wake Tommy said they heard the screaming down stairs and they were joking about how much fun someone was having.
    2 points
  13. Got myself a new bitch. Couldn't wait to breed his white teenboy cunt for the first time... ...but his lil white boypussy was just too damn tight to take a real man's cock. So I got him some nice toys to practice on. Told him not to get back to me again until he could take all three of them at the same time... ...tonight he texted me. Hope his hairless boycunt is ready for me now...
    2 points
  14. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/unwanted-creampie-from-anonymous-bear-top-condom-to-bareback-32848192#scroll=comments UNWANTED CREAMPIE FROM ANONYMOUS BEAR TOP CONDOM TO BAREBACK Anon Bear top from craigslist breaks condom and breeds me. He purposely broke the condom or it could have been an accident. Either way he dumped his seed inside of me without me knowing. I was pissed even though the video is hot. So I think i got stealthed, or condom to bareback.
    2 points
  15. THIS PART IS VERY BORING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, I will spice it up the next few. So after 10 days just like the nurse said my hole is back to normal and not deformed like it was after Mr.C pimped me out.Larry says that I have to see the camera man because I will need pictures for the building site so people can see what they are getting. I go up to the third floor and the camera man is waiting for me, he explains what he want poses he wants me to make, but first he hands me a syringe and I ask for a rope , he laughs and says this is not for slamming but for you to get a hard dick. When he shows me it then hits me as that is what Mr.C did before he fuck me the last time and his dick was hard for hours.I take the syringe and inject into the base of my dick and with in a few minutes my dick is like a rock hard sticking out ( I found out later it’s caverject ) he tells me this will last a few hours so we have to get to work as clients get off from seeing boys whit hard dicks. After he is finished he shows me the pictures and it’s WOW as I don’t recognize my self and the pictures of my ass and the hole with my finger in my mouth bending over are fucking hot. Later Larry shows my profile that will be posted with the pictures . Rates XXX Age Jail bate and that is very true Size 8 X 6 Hight 5 feet 6 Weight 110 LBS. Ethnicity Latin Services Escorting Preferences Anal,Nipples, Rimming , Oral ,Cum ,PNP ,WS , Body Hair None Body Build Skinny Safe/BB Anything goes Position Versatile/bottom Style Twink Orientation Gay Available by appointment only I will be working 3 days a week and during school and the summer I can travel I keep looking at the pictures and say to my self can I see this one now as I still don’t believe it’s me in the pictures. The next day I get a 2 hour session and it’s just fuck and suck as most sessions are. I will be working Friday , Saturday & Sunday and my first week I make $4,000 after Larry takes his cut. The rest of the week I in school and doing great with no financial problems and I’m wearing the hottest clothes. I hear about how are worried about how they will pay for school when they graduate , well if I keep this up I won’t have that problem. There is this boy that I see and like me he also skipped grades when in elementary school , he likes to spend time in the library like me as reading books is a passion of mine as most today are reading on I Pads. I can see every now and then he is eye balling me and gives a quick smile , I do the same . This goes on for a month before he comes over to me and we start talking and he ask me if I’m Gay. I take him by the hand and we go to a very quite are where no one goes but to make out. I start to give him a kiss and work my way down his body working over his nipples and his raging hard dick and give him a fanatic blow job that takes a minute for him to explode in my mouth , I get back up with his load in my mouth and kiss him and transfer his load back to his mouth as we kiss. Later he tells me no one has ever done that to him and would like to see me. He lives in a dorm so that is a big problem so I tell I have my own place and I know where there a few parties he can be my guest at, as Tommy leaves he gives me his number .
    2 points
  16. Wile I’m sucking on Mr.C dick his boy is cleaning any of Mr.C cum that is dripping out or that is on the rubber sheet and feeding it to me. When he pulls his dick out he says the fun is just beginning for me as his boy puts a shard in my hole and for some reason I go into a foggy haze . When I wake up I’m in the room the nurse that is uses to treat us so we don’t have to go to regular Dr.an have them ask questions. As I see a video playing of me and what happen. My hole feels funny like something is in it , my ass cheeks are on fire , my mouth and jaw hurt. When the nurse who is really a Doctor but was disbarred from the medical world for some unknown reason sits down next to me as says how are you doing. I tell him and says I will have dentist appointment in 2 days as some of my teeth were chipped from the ones who had Prince Albert piercings on their dicks, your hole there is a large butt plug in you as you were dripping cum out and your ass cheeks are a bright red from the men smacking you . He says Larry will be speaking to me later but the video of what happen it being played in the club now and ask if I want to see as I was in that fog after Mr.C fuck me. I ask if I can fast forward and I do , so after Mr.C pulls out I’m given some pills and a slam then 4 men show up as they hand Mr.C envelopes and proceed to fuck me and I suck their dicks. They put me in all different position you can possible be in they even did a Double penetration on me and all the wile this is going on I’m keep asking for more dicks in my hole and begging for their cum , the men who are fucking me as they keep coming one after another as I see they take a magic marker and draw a line on my back after they have given a load, in the end the marks go from the top on my shoulders to the top on my ass crack and total 175. Some of these men are very old and look very sick and some are very hot looking and a lot had a bio hazard tattoo on the video but they all give Mr.C an envelope. The pills they give me are to keep me up but I don’t remember it at the time but on the video I can see the bug eyed look I have on my face asking for more cum ,for another slammed and a booty bump.They are giving me water but the sweat coming off my body was not enough and that is why I lay in bed with this IV in my are. Some even were licking the sweat off me with some burying their face in my ass cheeks sucking and licking the cum out of my hole, some even put a white powder on my ass cheeks and snort it.I see a lot in the back ground slamming before they fuck me. They put this device on me when they have to piss as I hear one say it’s a crime to wast chem. piss. http://shop.oxballs.com/URINAL-ULTIMATE-strap-on-piss-gag-by-OXBALLS-OX-1309.htm When its about over Mr.C comes over and opens that box , it's a syringe and what ever it is he injects it into the base of his dick ( found out later it's caverject )and in a few minutes his dick is rock hard and then just drives into me and this time it goes easy as he looks right into the camera and says this hole is now officially broken and to be used often. Mr.C is fucking me so hard that he is driving me to the wall , the cum from pervious loads is coming out an splashing all over the place as his boy takes his hand to clean it up then gives me to lick his fingers clean. I almost fall off the bed then he drags me back , I’m looking at the tape and he fucking me for close to one hour before he collapse on top of me and just lays there. When he with draws his dick his boy buried his face in my ass and took his tongue to my hole then he shoves a large butt plug in my hole so I don’t leak it all over the place and to let my body absorb all the toxic loads that I have taken. The nurse says that he should remove the plug and that it might hurt , when he does there is some pain but its bearable , he spreads my cheeks to examine the damage to my hole and says that in 10 days I go back to work , he takes a picture and you can see how red the hole is and the lips around are very swollen like it had been just gone through a heavy fisting. When Larry comes in he is smiling and says I did great and the money is in my bank and this envelope is for me from Mr.C. for what I did not know is that he was pimping me out and after he got his money back the rest was for me and there is enough for 2 semesters at school , so he fuck me for free.
    2 points
  17. Part 12 - Ink again Joe woke up on the couch and looked at the clock. “Shit! Only half an hour to shower and get to the tattoo shop” he mumbled to himself. He quickly looked in and made sure Kyle and Steven were okay, bringing each of them a fresh bottle of Gatorade as well as a damp cloth for their foreheads. He ran through the shower and got dressed as fast as he could, kissing Kyle before he ran out the door. Joe walked into the studio with a minute to spare and Thad looked up at him with a smile “I thought you might not make it. You doing okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine, but my roommates are pretty sick,” replied Joe and then added “Uh, how did you know?” “When you made the appointment you mentioned that you might be sick in a couple weeks. Speaking of which, do you know where you’re going to put it?” Thad asked. Confused, Joe asked “Put what?” “Your brother also paid for a biohazard tat for me to do after you earned it. It doesn’t sound like you’re ready for it, but you should start thinking where you want to put it. You can also do a scorpion or something like that. I like doing tats for other guys when they join the club. We gotta be proud and advertise.” “That sneaky bastard. He didn’t tell me, but cool. Yeah, I’ll try and think of something and where I want it” Joe said. "Okay, well, meanwhile have a seat and let's get this other one going,” Thad said as he sat down on his stool and laid out the drawing and began to work. After a short while, Thad said “You been taking a lot of hot loads since you were in last?” Joe looked at Thad, incredulous that he was having this kind of a conversation with a stranger. “I, uh, want to see if the ones I got from Mark do it, so I haven’t gotten anything since he went back to California. I’m not used to not getting laid, it’s driving me nuts. I even fucked our new roommate Friday I was so horny.” Laughing, Thad said “Nice. Was that the first time you fucked with your new PA?” “Yeah, it was. I couldn’t believe how good it felt. I didn’t last long and shot a big load into him” Joe said feeling more comfortable talking with Thad. “Cool, you fucked raw then. Just be careful, a PA heals quick, but you don’t want to stress it too much this soon. If it hurts, stop. Oh, and remember you can get pozzed when you top too. That's how my boyfriend got it,” Thad explained. “Yeah, I’ll be careful. I was able to start stroking myself after three days and it feels like its fully healed. Thanks for reminding me. I was just too horny yesterday. I keep wondering if I’m making the right decision so I know who gave it to me. Watching my boyfriend get bred by all these poz guys is making me jealous,” replied Joe. “Only you know the answer to that, but it you can have a strong bond to the guy that gives it to you. My boyfriend did me and I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else,” commented Thad as he moved Joe forward and started working on the shoulder blade. “Fuck, that’s hot. I suppose if Mark’s seed doesn’t do it I’ll have Kyle make sure,” Joe replied as the buzzing stopped and Thad blotted his arm and shoulder. “Next time we’re going to do your pec, which is tender skin, so be prepared. I’m going to put on some ointment like last time and gauze it up. You can probably take it off tonight or sleep with it on and take it off in the morning. When do you want to do your next appointment?” Thad asked. “Two weeks again? Hopefully I’ll have some good news by then,” Joe remarked with a chuckle. “Cool. Yeah, good luck. Just don’t get down if it doesn’t happen right away. It took Daryl three months of almost daily fucking before I converted, just before the end of my freshman year,” Thad replied. “Wow, three months? Yeah, I’ll be okay no matter what happens. Thanks, and I’ll see you in two weeks,” Joe said as he gingerly put his t-shirt back on and went outside. 'Fuck, I hope it doesn’t take that long', thought Joe as he got in the car. He sat there for a moment and picked up his phone and sent this message to Dennis: How u doin? Kyle and Steven sick” Then he sent this message to Mark: Saw Thad 4 next part of tat thx for bio tat 2. Steven now sick too. He drove home and went to check on Kyle and Steven. Kyle was sitting up with his phone catching up on his messages. He looked a little better but still not great. Steven got up and staggered to the bathroom and began to puke into the toilet. Joe’s phone buzzed with a new message from Dennis which read: I’m ok. was just with Tony & Derrick Mark was looking around online and came across an interesting ad: WM 29 5’9” 150lbs, smooth, jock bottom for anon fuck at my place, send stats - dick pics only Mark sent off a reply with a pic of his hard cock and his physical stats with no mention of HIV status but he did add he preferred bareback sex saying that condoms and his PA didn’t work well together. Soon he had a reply and a picture of a tight bubble but that looked pre-lubed. One more round of messages got him a anything u want, sir, followed by an address. Mark put on some clothing, slipped a lube packet and poppers in his pocket before heading over, told Kyle and Steven he'd be right back, and made the short drive to the bottom's house, parking the car about a block away and walking to the apartment building. He got buzzed in and went to the door which was ajar. He always enjoyed the adrenaline rush when he did an anonymous fuck with someone new. Pushing the door open, he went inside looking around and followed the instructions - left down the hallway, second door on the right. Walking in he found the guy on all fours on the bed, a blindfold covering his eyes and that beautiful ass winking at him. He tossed the lube and poppers on the bed, pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants, his cock straining to pop out of his jockstrap. He leaned in and planted his face between the guy’s taut ass cheeks and started eating his hole out, pushing his tongue into the winking hole and forcing some spit inside. Mark started to work his finger into the guy’s pussy, feeling the warmth and slickness. The guy had indeed pre-lubed his hole, but when Mark pulled his finger out and sniffed, the aroma was unfortunately that of lube, not cum. Taking a hit from the poppers, Mark moved closer and tapped his cock on the guy's hole, hearing a muffled "Fuck yeah, gimme that cock” from the guy. He slapped the guy's ass and pushed in, feeling the hungry hole suck his cock inside. Slowly he drove his cock all the way in until his pubes were against the guy's firm cheeks. The hole twitched around his cock a few times and Mark began to thrust in and out while the bottom worked his ass back and forth. The full length of his cock was pounding the guy and he heard the moans of a bitch in heat begging for him to fuck harder. Mark pulled his cock out and crouched behind the guy and slammed his cock in as hard as he could. The slut’s arms collapsed and he had his face on the bed. Mark held his shoulders down as he kept a constant rhythm of long, hard thrusts. He heard the slut repeatedly saying “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” over and over into the bed until the guy grunted, his hole started spasming around Mark’s cock, effectively milking Mark's cock into shooting his own load deep into the guy's cunt, each spurt added to the toxic, cream-filled hole. When the shots ended, Mark pulled his cock out of the guy's hole and pushed his face back down, licking up the cum from his hole and feeling it slowly close around his tongue. Satisfied, he moved back and wiped his cock on a nearby towel and put his clothes back on. “Thanks, bud” was all he said as he walked out of the bedroom and apartment, back to his car.
    2 points
  18. I was going to take the poll, but you didn't go small enough. I'm slightly less than 4"
    2 points
  19. ***I actually stole my own idea and incorporated it into this part of the story. I have an entirely other story that I wrote months ago (yet to be posted) about a construction crew. To be added sometime soon*** CHAPTER THREE Pat and I resumed our fucking like animals after that session at the book store just because it felt fucking good, and if I happen to already be infected, then his chances increased. But it was more about the fuck until a few weeks later when I went to get tested. I hadn’t experienced any sort of symptoms, but that’s not always an indicator. And shockingly my tests came back negative. I couldn’t fathom how that was possible after all of the furious pounding I took that night. Pat could see the disappointment on my face as soon as I walked back into the apartment. “Are you kidding me?” he asked. “Still negative,” I sighed. “I guess it doesn’t matter either way. We’re still fucking, right? And if you want other guys to fuck you, go right ahead. It will get done sooner or later.” His words were encouraging, and he’d never told me to let other guys breed me other than when he was with me, but I guess he was giving me the green light to amp up my efforts. We continued to peruse stories on Breeding Zone in the hopes of getting some more good ideas that might tip things in our favor. After all, we’d only done one gang fuck. And sure, lots of those guys said they are poz, but they might have been undetectable. Well, not all of them, but some of them must have been. And there is the possibility that some of them said they were poz just to get in line to fuck me -Pat had said ‘Poz guys to the front of the line’. Anyway, it’s not like we were going to quit pigging out just because we finally convert. If anything, we were hoping to open ourselves up to even more depravity. “How was your day?” I asked him, flopping down on the couch next to him with a glass of wine. “Weird,” he replied, frowning. “Word has spread to the crew that I left my wife . . . for a man.” “Uh-oh. Are they giving you shit?” I asked, worried that he might find himself in a situation where he might be outnumbered by a bunch of homophobic assholes. “A couple of the guys gave me some strange looks at first, but a few of the others kind of broke the ice during lunch.” He stretched out his legs and put his feet up on the coffee table and his arm went back and over my shoulders, holding me closer to him. “They started asking me why I left her, and then why I decided on guys.” “What did you tell them?” We’d never really discussed what went through his mind during that time. All we knew is that I sort of seduced him and drew him into my wicked web of sex games. Kidding. Sort of. “I kept it basic. Told them she was a bitch who only wanted to shop and never put out.” “What did you tell them about me?” This I had to hear. Pat chuckled a little before replying. “You might enjoy this. Or get pissed at me.” “Spit it out,” I urged. “I told them that you were a whore for dick, and couldn’t get enough of mine,” he said quickly, sounding worried that I might freak that he’d told a bunch of strangers that I was a whore. “Sounds about right,” I murmured into my wine glass before taking a mouthful. “Did they leave you alone after that?” “Hell no. The questions kept coming. How much sex? Any weird places? Did I let other guys fuck you? On and on. I didn’t say anything about us trying to get pozzed, but I told them that you got gangbanged at the book store a few weeks ago. That got their attention quick,” he laughed. “In what way?” “Honestly, even though I know that most of those guys are straighter than straight, they all had tents in their pants when I was telling them about you.” “Haha, I’ve never been nailed by an entire construction crew,” I joked, taking another swig of wine. “Yeah, that’s the thing. I think they might want to try,” he told me reticently. “I never knew how some guys just like to fuck, no matter where their dick goes. So even though a lot of them are married and don’t have evil wives like I did, they still need more sex than they are getting.” I sat back a little so that I could look directly at him. “Are you serious? Do you really want to have another gangbang with your entire crew?” As much as I always loved the idea of my man pimping me out, my mind was still spinning with this scenario. It was also taking us off track from our goal of getting infected. Still, who in their right mind would turn down an entire construction crew of red blooded, virile, buff studs? So, naturally, I was getting seriously aroused and my mind slowed it’s roll. “Only if you want to,” Pat told me. “Do you want me to?” I asked him sternly. If he was concerned about how it would reflect on him at work, I would never risk it. I certainly wasn’t lacking for dick. Pat shrugged his wide, muscular shoulders. “I think so? I never had to think of this stuff before I met you. But I do love to watch you take dick,” he concluded, and the tent in his own pants filled in any other blanks there might be. After he fucked me right there on the sofa and dumped a nice big load into my ass, he sat there with his phone texting some of the crew, spreading the word that we were having a gangbang at his hotel room this weekend. And he made sure that they all knew that condoms were not allowed. “I told them all that you’re a cumwhore -that’s what one of the guys at the book store called you and I definitely think it fits,” he told me. “Mmm,” I growled, “You know how much I love it when you call me names,” I said, climbing back into his lap and freeing his hardening cock from the confines of his pants once again. As his stiff cock slid back into my cummy hole, Pat’s hands held me firmly, guiding me up and down in a slow and pleasurable fuck. “I like the reaction you get from it, but you know I would never hurt you, right?” he asked me. "And you mean a lot more to me than just a place to put my dick." “I know,” I panted, still bouncing up and down on him, varying my ride from short and quick to longer full-dick-length strokes. “And lets keep the poz-chasing between us. I don’t think any of the guys I invited have any diseases and we don’t want to scare them off before you get all of their cum,” he said, grinning evilly. After I rode him for a few minutes he also said, “And depending on how strenuous the gangbang is, maybe we’ll have some poz guy over after they’re all done with you.” That got my heartbeat racing and I slammed myself up and down on him harder than ever, desperate to feel him spraying my insides with his stud seed. With his hands gripping me tightly, he pulled me down hard, burying his cock balls-deep in me. His head fell back and a growl ripped from his chest as his balls fired off inside me. I leaned forward and kissed him as he continued to drain inside me. My own cock was still hard and throbbing, but I honestly didn’t care about it. I was already planning how I could take on the entire construction crew and get some poz dick afterwards.
    2 points
  20. Had that urge to get fucked raw the other morning. On A4A there was a guy that bred me a year or so back. He lives in the area during the winter. Sent him a note offering up my hole for his pleasure. He wasn't completely settled in and was unable to host. I wasn't able to host because wife is home all the time. He was up for some raw breeding, just didn't have a place. I decided to run an ad on CL for a hosting voyeur. On occasion that's a fun way to get a place to play. Got a response back fairly quickly. Straight guy wanted to see two guy breed. Sent message to my top guy and now he's not available. Drop a line to the voyeur and he says, why don't I come over and service him. Get stats and they seem OK. Then notice, that he's 22 and I'm mid 50's. Start thinking I'm not going to drive 30 minutes to be turned away at the door. Email him and ask about age difference; he says he's into getting his cock in a hole what's age got to do with it. On a side note, think that's when you can really tell if you have a “straight” one. Those guys tend not to be focused on age or even looks all that much. Real straight guys just want a mouth and/or ass to serve their cock. My other two married “straight” guys are the same way. I digress…….. Make the 30 minute drive, walk up a flight of stairs and stand there at the stranger's door wondering what is going to greet me. Damn, door opens 6'2”, nice build, couple of day beard scruff, and unrully dark haired stud is standing there with only a Polo Shirt on and a 7+ cut cock with low hangers is standing there. Not a word is said. He walks over to the sofa, sits, spreads his legs as his cock starts firming up more. I'm down on my knees fully dressed deep throating the guy. I get so hungry for his cock, all I want is his load in the back of my throat. I slow down, decide to change the tempo and head for his low hangers and tant. The good news is, he's not raising his legs up like a closet bottom does meaning, he really wants cock in him and acts like a top to sucker a guy in to breed him. Just mention it, because that happens a lot around here. The good news is, balls and tant felt good but that wasn't the action he wanted. After some time on the nuts, he grabs my head and positions his cock back in my throat and he takes over the pumping. He becomes a true throat fucker and I'm starting to taste continuous ribbons of precum oozing out of his cock. Gad, the time is close. I pull my head off his cock and ask……...please, fuck me……..please! Not a word from him, he just stands up and looks at me. I'm not sure if he's through or will he fuck me. I pull some lube out and start on his cock, he doesn't back away. From there I strip down, lean over the coach, arms on the back, and he plunges his cock into me. No testing, no getting my ass relaxed, just the tip hits my hole and he plunges it full force into me. I want to pull away, push him out, tighten up, what ever to get that burning feeling out of me so I can relax to fit his cock. Then I just say to myself, I'm the one that wanted cock in me to today and this is what I'm getting. All of sudden the pain become that special pleasure. I open up and he can drill deeper. The next thing I know, I'm saying “please seed me….please , please. The first time he says a word since I've arrived, he says “you want me to cum in you?” I'm just saying, yes please give me your cum. He starts rocking and convulsing. I feel my ass starting to feel the liquid warmth. He keeps pumping and just won't stop and the his cock doesn't soften in the slightest. My cock starts getting harder and out of nowhere, my load starts pumping out of me. Of course I'm in dream land. But after my load is shot, my ass is really tightening up and I start to pull away. He pulls me back and starts to pump harder. I'm squirming now and not really into it. He comes close to my ear and says, now I'm going to really fuck you, you're pre-lubed and tight. My ass is so tight resisting this rape. I was not a willing participant and my ass kept getting tighter. His first load was oozing out of me. That's when he'd take his finger, cover it with his load coming out of my hole and start feeding it to me, telling me to eat my ass cum. The first taste had that nasty flavor and smell. But when it sat on my tongue all of a sudden my ass started to losen up. He grabs for my cock, I guess thinking that would relax me. Of course I'm soft as can be from shooting my load after he came the first time. He flicks my cock with his fingers and laughs saying I'm a real pussy now, not even a man. His pumping is steady and has a rhythm. Same pattern over and over; pull out to the edge of the head and then plunge back in. My mind is going into a zone and then all of sudden I feel my balls starting to move. At first I think he's starting some CBT but no, another load is starting pump out of my soft cock. I just start spewing loads of cum. He forces me on my knees doggie style and tells me lick my cum off his floor. As I've got my face on the floor eating my own cum I start to feel that warm flow in my ass. He pulls out quickly and with it comes some of his load now on the floor and more still oozing out of me. He grabs my head, puts my mouth where his cum sits on the floor and tells me to clean it up. He walks away and I'm just sitting there with ass cum around my face and mouth, naked, limp cock, and a cummy ass. He walks out from the hall he went down. Now he's fully clothed. Looks at me in disgust. Tells me to leave now. I ask for a towel to clean my self up some and he says NO. Put your clothes on and wear my cum. I get dressed and head to the door. Just as I get to the hallway, he says I need to know one more thing. I turn around, and now standing in the hall next to living room where we had just fucked is his woman, standing there with a camera. She smiles and says, Oh sometimes he just needs some man pussy; you did good. His last comment to me as he was edging me toward the door was, next time bring your buddy we still want a voyeur session.
    2 points
  21. 6. Jay I was empty. Rod had pulled his cock out of me. I had barely kept it together when he had been fucking me, and I was learning that the alternative, not being fucked, was even worse. The only thing that made it bearable was that Rod had cum in me. In the heat and passion of getting fucked, I hadn't even noticed him cum. But as I took my first hesitant steps, I could feel his seed slosh within me. It felt good, to have a man like Rod fuck me. It felt even better to have his load inside of me. "I'm sure you can get more," Rod said. "You've got a great ass." "Thanks," I said, a bit embarrassed. I had played around a bit with girls, but somehow, it had never felt quite right. But this, now, this was totally different. It felt natural to have another man's cock in my ass. It felt right. Now that Rod had pulled out of me, I was empty. All I could think about was how to get him back inside of me. It didn't even have to be Rod. I wanted a dick in my hole. Any dick. "It felt good. Really good." "I'm sure it did," Rod said. "You want to join the party?" He motioned to the balcony door. The lights in the hotel room were dim now, but I could make out some of the men inside. There seemed to be more men, some on the couches, some still standing. All of them were wearing less clothes than before. "Sure," I said. I went to where my clothes were piled up. "Don't worry about those," Rod said. "You won't need them. Besides, you look better naked." I blushed, and followed Rod to the door. He hadn't bothered with clothes either. There was an economy of motion with him; no motion was superfluous. It had been the same when he had been fucking me. Every movement had been done with his pleasure in mind; now, in walking, every movement was done with intention. He paused for a moment at the door. "Ready?" he asked. "Of course." Even this close, it was still hard to make out exactly what was happening in the hotel room. Men were standing as to obscure what seemed like important activities going on in the room. "Should I not be?" "No," Rod said. He reached out and grabbed my ass. "You're more than prepared for this." He opened the door. There was a slight rush of air out, and I could feel the warmth against my skin. I inhaled; it was the scent of sweat and masculinity and a new scent, one that I immediately knew as sex and passion. It was like a locker room, crossed with an orgy. My dick responded immediately. "Welcome back," a man said. It took me a moment to recognize him as Aiden. "You're just in time." My head was still swimming in the electrifying scent of the room. I took a moment to survey the room. The lights were dim, and there was a haze in the room. I could smell a bit of weed, but not enough to account for the cloudiness. It made me think of an opium den; there was something dark occurring here, but I didn't know what it was. "Would hate to be late for this party," Rod said. Aiden had crossed over and was standing by me. He took my arm, and guided me deeper into the room. "I want you to meet someone," Aiden said, as he propelled me into the dark room. "He's been working for me for a while now. I think the two of you would get along well." Even if I didn't know where I was going in the dim room, Aiden did. We headed towards one of the far corners of the room. As we walked, looked around. On one of the couches, two of the men I had seen earlier were now naked, their legs spread wide. Two of the younger men were kneeling, their lips wrapped around the older men's cocks, giving them head. As we passed, one of the older men flicked a lighter. The intense blue flame barely illuminated his face as he heated up a glass bowl. But before I could see what happened next, Aiden gently pushed me along. "You'll find out soon enough," he said, in reference to the glass pipe I had seen. It was a little lighter in the corner than the rest of the room. There was a candle sitting on a table there, and it provided enough light to see the two men standing around it. One was a younger man, maybe just a bit older than me, and right about my height. He was wearing little more than underwear and a pair of sneakers. The other was a hulking black man. He was maybe only an inch taller, but he was far more muscular, and between the muscle and a pair of black leather boots, he seemed far bigger. He had on a pair of boxers. "This is Tucker," Aiden said, indicating the smaller white boy. "And this is Jay." "Nice to meet you, Jay," Tucker said. "And this is Damon." "Hey," Damon grunted. "Tucker, Jay is new here. He's just had a chance to get acquainted with Rod." "Heh," Damon snorted. "Acquainted." He knew exactly what Rod and I had done on the patio, and didn't care for Aiden's polite euphemism for our man-on-man fucking. "Maybe you can help him get to know Tina, and then see where she takes you?" "Hell yeah," Damon grunted again. It was hard not to stare at his perfect, dark body. There was hardly an ounce of body fat on him, and every muscle was visible under his taut skin. I glanced down quickly, but it was hard to tell what he was packing with the loose boxer briefs. I remembered my middle school days, where the rumor among the boys had been how hung the black boys at the school across town had been. I wondered if Damon would re-enforce the stereotype. "I can do that," Tucker said. He reached out and ran a hand down my back, coming to rest on one of my ass cheeks. He paused, just enough to remind me who was in control here. "It's gonna be fun," he continued. "Jay is gonna love it so much." I nodded in agreement. "Right on. I'll be back in a bit. Time for me to find some of my own trouble," Aiden said, and soon disappeared into the stand of men in the center of the room. It might have been my imagination, but more of them seemed naked than just a few seconds ago. I tried hard not to stare, but the thoughts of the hard cocks just a glance away were hard to resist. "This is your first time here?" Tucker asked me. I nodded, not wanting to admit just how naive I was. "That's cool. First time for everything. You partied before?" "Party?" I asked. It seemed like a strange to ask. "You know, Tina." He held up a glass pipe with a round bowl at one end. It was filled with small white crystals. It was the same kind of pipe I had seen the guy heat up earlier. "You'll love it," Tucker continued. He held a torch under the bowl; the crystals quickly melted and the bowl filled with a white vapor. "Just inhale, like you would a cigarette or a joint." He demonstrated it, draining the bowl several times. "Shotgun it," Damon said. He moved behind me, pressing his body against mine. His skin was hot, with just enough sweat for it to slide against me. Chills ran down my spine, directly to my dick. "Yeah," Tucker said. He pressed his lips against mine. "Inhale," Damon whispered into my ear. I did and as I did, Tucker exhaled his hit into my lungs. "Hold it," he said. Tucker made sure that I couldn't exhale by keeping his lips against mine. Tucker's tongue probed my mouth, as the shotgun turned into a long kiss. "Hold it," Damon continued. His dick was growing, pressing against my ass, and it felt massive. It was a rush of sensations, as I tried to hold my breath, even as I was desperate to exhale. "Feel it?" Damon asked. I nodded. "Good. Exhale." Tucker released his lips, and I exhaled. It was a thick white cloud that momentarily obscured his face. As I exhaled, I really started to feel it. It was a feeling of freedom and possibility, of happiness and potential. Barriers that I had erected for myself came down, and anything was possible. "Oh fuck," I moaned, and pressed back against Damon. I wanted to feel his dick, regardless of how big it was. I wanted his dick inside me, filling me up, and challenging the limits of my anatomy. "Yeah, you're feeling it," Damon said. "Another one?" I nodded. "Of course he wants more," Tucker said. "It's your turn now." He put the pipe in my mouth. "Let's do this one right," Damon said, and pushed down his boxers. I felt his dick nestle in my ass crack. It was a perfect home for it. "Make it a big one." I was scared of what I was getting myself into. Whatever the drug was in that pipe, it was powerful and quick-acting. I felt the warmth from it fill my entire body and infiltrate my brain. Even as I worried about the effects of the drug, my ass rubbed up against Damon's thick black cock, to get him as stiff as possible. I exhaled the last of the previous hit, to get my lungs as empty as possible for the next one. "Of course it's going to be a big one," Tucker said. "Just wait for the bowl to fill, then inhale slowly. He held the torch under the bowl. This close, it was easy to see the bowl fill with a thick white cloud. I waited, then Tucker nodded. I began to slowly inhale. I expected the smoke to be harsher, more like weed or cigarette smoke. But it was smooth and easy. "Not so fast. Give it time. Savor it," Tucker said. "Lots of time to have fun tonight," Damon said. He wrapped an arm around me, holding me tight. "I want you flying tonight." I kept my eye on the bowl, draining it on a regular basis. Finally, my lungs were full, and I nodded that I was satisfied. "Just a little more," Damon said. I thought my lungs were going to burst, but I did what Damon told me, inhaling two more gulps of the cloud. "Fucking hot," Tucker said. He took the pipe from my mouth and stuck it in his, sucking down on the thick clouds. "Now, hold it," Damon said. One arm was still wrapped around me, holding me. With his other, he put his hand over my mouth, and pinched my nose closed. "Hold it until I tell you." At first, it felt almost safe, to be under the control of a strong black man. But it didn't take long for my body to demand, selfishly, the right to breathe. I tried, but found such a simple thing was being denied. "You can breathe when I want you to," Damon said. "Come on," Tucker said. He exhaled his cloud in my face, taunting me with his ability to breath at his pleasure. "He's new at this." "I know," Damon said. "That's why I'm doing this." I was starting to get frantic, trying to breath, and was squirming in an effort to escape. But Damon's arm held me tight and his hand was unyielding. He leaned in and whispered to me. "Just think what it's going to be like when my cock is inside you." I shivered. His dick was now a steel shaft against my ass. It was hard to tell if he was leaking pre-cum, or if Rod's cum was starting to leak out of me. Either way, his dick was sliding up and down, pressing against my hole, and demanding entrance. The night had suddenly taken a brutally serious turn. Even worse, whatever I was smoking was keeping me from being scared. The shiver was less from fear and more from hungry anticipation. I was struggling, helplessly, for breath, and my cock was throbbing. "Fuck, this is going to be good," Damon whispered, as he finally released his grip on my face. I exhaled, and gasped for breath. "You want another hit?" Tucker asked me. I hadn't yet caught my breath but I wasn't in control of my body any longer. "Yeah," I said, my mouth answering for me. "I do." "Damn boy," Damon said. "You're a natural at this. We're gonna have to play a lot more." He reached down and stroked my dick. I thought I was going to explode as the sensations ricocheted across my body. "Give him what he needs." We repeated the process, every step of it. Tucker inserted the pipe into my mouth and held the torch. I inhaled big gulps of the white cloud, and then Damon put his hand back over my mouth and nose. Even though I knew it was coming and how it would feel, it was still impossible for me to suppress my instincts to fight back against Damon's actions. "Just relax," Damon said. "We're only just beginning." I tried my best, but whatever was in the pipe was making it hard for me to concentrate. My mind was constantly flitting in all sorts of directions, thinking about my throbbing cock, before turning to my hungry, needy hole, and then skittering off back to my dick. The only constant was Damon's strong hand cupped over my mouth and nose, the band around his ring finger pressed against my lip. As black spots started to cloud my vision, Damon relented. "My turn," he said to Tucker, and released his hold on me. I gasped for breath, as Damon took the pipe and torch from Tucker. He made no effort to move away from me; the flame was close enough that I could feel the heat against my cheek, and could hear him inhale the thick drug. "Big clouds, huh," Tucker said. Damon just nodded, focused on the pipe. He handed the pipe back to Tucker; the young man stuck the still-warm stem in his mouth and inhaled as he re-lit the torch. Damon held his hit for a long time before grabbing my jaw, twisting my head around, and exhaling his hit into my mouth. "Hold it, boy," he said. This time, at least, he let me decide when I had had too much. Still, I tried to hold it as long as I could, before exhaling. Damon was still pressed up against me, his dick still nestled in my crack. I found myself involuntarily grinding my ass against him, eager for him to put his penis into my ass. "Yeah, boy, I know you want it now." His body was warm against me, and for a brief moment, I was at peace. But then, his dick twitched and grew, and my hunger for cock returned. "But first, I think you need another chance to suck on the glass pipe As soon as he spoke, Tucker stuck the pipe back in my mouth and held the torch under it. It was still warm, and it didn't take long before it was smoking again. "Make it a big one," Damon said. He continued, somewhat ominously, "You're going to need it." "He can take it," Tucker said. Nevertheless, I did as I was told, and inhaled deeply from the pipe. I was starting to get the hang of it, and this time, I could feel the thick clouds collecting in my lungs. "Fuck, look at him. He's a fucking natural." "I know," Damon said. "You should feel how his hole is trying to gobble up my dick. He's a hungry little faggot." I tensed at the word "Faggot." It had always been the worst of the schoolyard taunts. I had managed to escape it for so long. But now, it was hardly calling me a name. I had kissed another man. I had let him fuck me up the ass. Now, barely ten minutes later, I was all but begging a totally different man to fuck me. It was hard to deny that "faggot" now fit me. He rubbed his cheek against my neck and ear. The stubble on his face was rough, like sandpaper. It was not the soft skin of a woman, but the bristly whiskers of a man, and despite how much had grown in on his cheeks, I knew if I asked, he would say he had shaven that morning. It reminded me how I just barely had scruff on my face, despite not shaving for nearly four weeks now. He was more of a man that I would ever be, and it was an honor to be his faggot. "Big hit for me, faggot boy," Damon said, as I started to slow down on the pipe. "Get your head up in the clouds." I nodded. I wanted to make him happy, and if that entailed sucking down more of this drug, I was more than willing to do it. Even though I thought I had filled my lungs full, I drained the bowl a few more times. "That's good, Damon said, just as my lungs reached their ultimate capacity. "This is going to be really good." "His first time is going to be one to remember," Tucker said. He took the pipe out of my mouth, and Damon immediately put his hand back over my mouth and nose. This time, his ring pressed against my lips. As the hit of the drugs started to wrap its influence around my brain, my mind once more jumped to wild thoughts and conclusions. I wondered if he was married, and if he was married, whether it was to a man or a woman. Damon must have been reading my mind. "Yeah," he said. "Feel that against your lips?" I nodded. "Yeah, that's my wedding ring. But you know why I come here?" I shook my head. I barely knew what "here" was. much less why these men had come together. "Love my wife. She's amazing. But you know, she isn't into all the things I like." I nodded; it was hard to follow the exact words, the air I needed to think had been displaced by the drugs. "And boys like you, well, boys like you let me do anything I fucking want." "Umpph," I managed to grunt, but only the slightest but of the cloud escaped. I had no prayer of getting more air, and I felt my strength gently sap away. Nevertheless, I wasted valuable energy rubbing my ass up against his cock. Damon's dick was thick and hard, warm with the blood flowing through it. I wanted to feel it inside me. I wanted to milk it dry, and get his load. "Oh yeah," Tucker said. He had just done his own hit, and his words were formed from clouds. "Stop teasing him and fuck him." "Ready for it?" Damon asked. He nodded my head up and down for me. "I knew you were." Tucker was fading out of my vision as I struggled against his grip. I didn't know what I wanted: to give in to the faggot that had been hiding deep inside me all those years? or to escape, and pretend that I hadn't seen who I really was. It was good that Damon was making these decisions for me. He could give me what I needed. "Of course he is," Tucker said. A part of me knew he was standing right in front of me, but I couldn't see him. I couldn't see anything beyond a few blurs, as the drugs took over. Damon's cockhead was now pressed against my hole. "Give it to him." Damon pressed into me. His hand over my mouth was perfect for the leverage he needed to press his manhood into my hole. I was glad that Rod had fucked me earlier; if Rod was just merely large, Damon's shaft was massive; at least an inch thicker around, and several inches longer. Damon didn't give me any chance to adjust, and just pressed himself all the way into me. "Oh fuck, faggot," Damon grunted. "That's the raw hole I need. Fuck you good, and give you my babies." I was impaled on his cock. He slammed in and out of me, each stroke reminding me how I was little more than a fuck-toy for the black man. He still had his hand over my mouth, and it was getting far harder to concentrate. I had already closed my eyes; looking just felt too hard. All that I focused on was Damon's dick, forcing its way into me. "Oh damn! You've got a load up there. Fucking nasty boy." "You better let the boy breathe," Tucker said. In the drug-filled haze, I wondered what would happen if Damon refused. Consciousness was already draining away from me and I didn't know how long I would be able to hold out. But, Damon had one small mercy, and released his grip on my nose. I exhaled as quickly as I could, the thick cloud enveloping my head. I quickly inhaled, terrified that Damon would take away the small privilege of breath away from me again. "Awww. But it feels so good. The way the faggot relaxes his hole. No resistance. Just pleasure." "For you," Tucker said. "What?" Damon sneered. "You think I'm worried about the whore? That's what he's here for. For me to use." "You don't want to break him." "I dunno. You remember last time." Tucker winced. He was remembering something, something he didn't want to remember. I wondered what that memory was. "I do. And I told you can't do it again." "To you," Damon said. His cock was sliding, long, agonizing strokes in and out of me. I was glad that Rod had cum in me; the lubrication from the cum was desperately needed. "I didn't say anything about our tweaker whore here." With that, he slapped my ass. It stung; the last time I had been spanked was when I was six, over twelve years ago. But this time, it wasn't about being a bad boy. It was about being a good boy. About making Damon feel good. Making him feel like a man. Making him feel like he could do anything he wanted. I wanted him to feel good, because that was the way I was going to get his load. Tucker leaned in towards me. "I know that face," he said, as he pressed his lips against mine. His tongue pressed into my mouth. It was far too easy to respond to his kiss. I relaxed. Damon had the experience to know what was coming next, and pushed his steel shaft even further into my body. "You head is way in the clouds," Tucker said. "It's a dangerous place to be." "It's the only place for him," Damon said. "I want to see the two of you share another hit." "Of course." Tucker said. He produced the now-familiar glass pipe, but this time he stuck it in his mouth. It was my first chance to watch him up close, and I stared at the solid blue flame as it heated the bowl. It wasn't long before the thick white clouds started to form. Tucker took long slow hits from the pipe, never letting the bowl completely empty. "That's how a boy hits the pipe," Damon said. "Watch and learn." I didn't have to be told. I was mesmerized by the sight. I wanted to see Tucker get high, just like me. I wanted to know how far he would go and if what his limits were. As I stared, Damon pushed his dick deep in me. He was forcing Rod's cum deeper into me, where it could burrow into my body and become a permanent part of me. I could hardly resist such an idea, and pushed back against Damon. His dick only got deeper in me. "That's it," Damon said. "Your turn," Tucker said, as he finally pulled the pipe out of his mouth. The pipe was hot and still smoking. Thick tendrils of the white cloud sunk down, taking seeming minutes before they dissipated, like the contrails of a high-flying jetliner. He leaned in again, and pressed his lips against mine. I knew what to expect, and had already emptied my lungs. Tucker paused. He closed his eyes and savored the sensation of the drug flooding into his body and taking over. When he opened his eyes, I could tell it was no longer quite the same person as before. He was hungry; he needed something that he didn't have. I understood his desire. I had Damon's cock in my ass. It was enough to take the edge off, but knew what he was feeling. "That's the Tucker I want," Damon said, seeing the same need in the young man's face. Tucker leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. He exhaled and filled my lungs with the thick clouds. As he did, Damon pressed even more of his cock into my hole. "All the way in," he said. I gasped; this was more than just filling me up like Rod's cock. This was practically splitting me in two, and I struggled to get comfortable. Unfortunately, my struggles only meant I sucked more of the cloud out of Tucker's lungs. "It's OK," Damon said. "I know it's a big one. But don't worry. You're doing better than Tucker did the first time." Tucker suddenly froze at the memory. "Yeah," Damon said. "First time I fucked him, he passed out when I stuck it all in. Didn't you, Tucker-boy?" Tucker only nodded. He kept his mouth against mine, his tongue exploring my mouth, and prevented me from exhaling the hit. Damon pulled out, leaving just his fat cockhead in my hole. Tucker released his lip-lock on me at the same time, and involuntarily, I exhaled the hit. I shivered. I couldn't tell if it was from the drugs, from being suddenly empty of dick, or from fear of getting Damon's cock all the way back into me. "I'm sorry," Tucker said. "Your cock. It's big." "Oh, don't worry. I know it's big. It's OK. You just need more practice." Damon pushed his cock back into me. I gasped, but forced myself to take it. I didn't want to disappoint or demean Damon by rejecting his cock. He must have noticed, because he continued. "But Jay here, he's taking it like a faggot should." "Did you really pass out?" I asked. "Yeah," Tucker said. "And?" "And what?" Damon asked. "I continued fucking him. He's a faggot. That's what he's here for." Tucker nodded in silent agreement. "He did. When I came to, he was pounding my hole." He put the pipe in his mouth again. It was still smoking, but nevertheless he held the torch under it. As soon as the bowl started to smoke, he inhaled, pulling in deep gulps of the thick cloud. I wondered if he was trying to remember or trying to forget. However, I didn't have much of a chance to wonder. Damon had started slamming his dick in me, each stroke seemingly deeper and harder than the one before. I understood why Tucker had passed out; Damon was a machine, fucking me harder than I had even seen in porn. It didn't seem possible that I could withstand it and I silently prayed that he would let up. However, the prayers were for naught. After each stroke, he slammed back in, harder and more intense than before.
    2 points
  22. I go for my first hair removal treatment and since I have very little hair to begin with it goes quickly. This will be my first night at the building and I’m kinda scared as all I will have on is the baseball cap , shoes and this small jock strap with my ass handing out. I’m on the floor for my shift and the place is busy in the main area with guys fucking and sucking, as I walk around taking orders. It’s then I found out what light & heavy points are syringes and on the tray with alcohol wipes with a rubber strap. There a few green light on so I’m taking orders as fast as I can and I relies my dick is rock hard and I’m wet. Everyone is very nice to me with a smile and a tap on my ass cheeks as I smile back. The person at the bar says you are a natural shaking your booty as you walk around. I see people of all ages here all doing some kind of sex act and most I have never seen before , like in one room they ask for 5 heavy point, shards, spike lube and poppers. I come back later when the light is green and I see he has his arm up the other guys ass and he is begging for more so he ask me to hold a bottle of poppers under his nose. The fister is smiling at me as he can see I’m rock hard , he says I see you have never seen something like this before, I say WOW you are so right as he laugh and say one day this might be you in the sling and little does he know I have never had anything up my hole. My shift is over and as I leave the bar tender says you did great and hands me the envelope I walk out the door past the doorman & security then I open the envelope and I see $500 in it WOW that is 2 weeks pay busing tables. Some days they ask me to go in and clean up for a few hours witch I do as I get to see what all the side rooms are about without anyone in them, some have slings , benches , OBGYN tables and one room that is the special room with Bio Hazard symbol on it’s walls , I wonder what goes on in this room as in the 2 week I have been here this room I have not seen it used during my shift. Larry comes by and says I’m doing a great job and needs my help on the second floor for a few minutes. We get off the elevator and it’s WOW as this is like a palace with 12 rooms we have to move a bed from one room to another, from what I hear a private party will be going on here. I see a this hot looking guy with a body to die for in a small speedo come up to Larry and say something to him and he looks worried , he ask me if I want to make $300 real quick, I say YES. This HOT guy leads me by the hand and gives me what is going to happen. He has a client who want a rough fuck with 2 Tops and say I have never done anything like this and he laughs and says you have seen what goes on down stairs, I smile and tells me to take shower as he will be here soon.I get out of the shower and the client is here and says to me how old are you and the HOT guy slaps him on the face as I see him giving him a slam and says look at that dick that is going to be raping your hole soon. We get him sucking our dicks and HOT guy starts fucking him first and soon dumps a load in him raw, the client is told to turn around and starts to suck the dick that just came out of his ass and now it’s my turn and the very first time I’m fucking anyone in my life. I’m told just go balls deep and I do and I feel the cum from Hot guy making it easy as the client is grunting , I'm fucking him as fast as I can going all the way in and pulling out then all the way in balls deep and it does not me long to cum with a load like I was pissing in his hole as I pulled out my cum is splashing all over us and HOT guy tells him to lick my dick and all the cum up that is on our bodies. I’m still hard as I slap my dick on the client face as HOT guy says this is what a real man is, later HOT guy says I’m a natural and I say at what and he laugh as a working boy. As I leave Larry say thanks as I help him out of a sticky situation then hands me $300.
    2 points
  23. On Friday night I was at a sauna in Budapest where I showed another top the error of his ways and convinced him to bareback. After some earlier fucking (details provided in my posting entitled My trip to Budapest), I was relaxing in a Finnish sauna talking to my friends. Next to them there was a young guy around 25- 27, with a nice sporty / stocky build, and some facial hair. He was semi-hard and was stroking his cock. When I looked him in the eye ho nodded with his head out of the sauna, so I stepped out and he followed me. We entered a cubicle where I sucked him until he announced he wanted to fuck me, sadly, wrapping himself before sliding into my ass. After a while he lost his boner so he removed the condom off and I resumed sucking his cock until he was erect. Then I straddled him and tried to sit on his pole. Again he produced a condom and went back to fucking my ass. After several minutes we changed positions, so he can fuck me on my back I pretended to help him to guide his cock inside, and while doing so I removed the condom He was fucking me quite hard and we both enjoyed it considerably, but after 15 minutes he withdrew, wanting to change positions, only to discover he had been fucking me bare. I played dumb, suggesting the condom must have slipped off. He didn't have another condom available and said he would find some more and return to finish the fuck session. I told him I was going to get some lube, in truth hoping to avoid running into him again. Unfortunately he spotted me and followed me when I was returning to the maze. I was saved, however, as I ran into a bareback top who had bred me earlier, and the two of us began kissing. The condom Nazi poked at my ass from behind, grinding his cock against my crack, hoping to entice the bareback top and me to join him in a threesome. To my surprise the three of us entered a cubicle where the bareback top immediately began fucking me. The condom Nazi asked if we wanted a condom, which we declined. As it turned out the condom Nazi hadn't picked up any, and the bareback top told him to get a free condom from a box at the entrance. So the condom Nazi went out, and I was enjoying a good bareback fuck with the top I preferred. After a while the condom Nazi returned complaining there are no more condoms at the maze entrance. So I took pity on him and began sucking his cock and the bareback top continued pounding my ass. The two of us, the bareback top and I came almost simultaneously, at which time he gave me his second load of the evening. Since I was a bit annoyed with the condom Nazi I decided I didn't care if he didn't get off. Still, as the bareback top stepped out of the cubicle the condom Nazi grabbed my hand saying he wanted to fuck me. I asked (perhaps a bit sarcastically) if he had a condom. He replied no. I asked if he wants to fuck without one, and he said maybe. I lay down doggie style and guided his bare cock in my ass. After some 15 minutes of power-fucking he bred my ass. I guess it took a live demonstration by another bareback top inspired the former condom Nazi to fuck bare and breed.
    2 points
  24. FROM STRAIGHT BOY TO CUMDUMP IN ONE NIGHT ----the story of my transformation---- The summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college started out as the most boring summer of my life. I had stayed at university to take summer classes and was subletting a room in a shitty four-bedroom apartment of which I was the only resident. I worked at a local movie store fifteen hours a week and was taking two classes both of which were over by two pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of the time I just spent watching Netflix going for runs, and jerking off. I had run track in high school and still kept up with my workouts keeping my lean frame in shape. At that time I was five eleven, one hundred and fifty pounds, with short-cropped black hair and the starting of a rather thick pelt of hair across my body. Puberty had come a little late to me and I had been hairless all through high school for the most part, but freshman year it had struck with a vengeance and I now grew thick coarse black leg and arm hair, my pits long bushy shrubs, and my chest hadn’t sprouted a patch in the middle but rather was slowly becoming carpeted in black hair. I loved it, I thought all the hair made up for my slight build and made me look manlier so I showed it off every chance I got. Normally when I went for a run I just ran round the campus, but on this particular day I was in a mood, bored with my solitary routine, sick of not seeing any of my friends cause they had all gone home for the summer, and over feeling trapped on campus so I made my way to a bike trail that ran through most of the town and started to run as far away from campus as I could. It was a hot day and the sweat ran down my bare torso and I jogged along for several miles. Most of the trail was bordered by trees, but every once in a while there was a gap and you could see into the back gardens of the people who’s houses back onto the trail. I had run the trail before and there was almost never anything of interest happening on it, in fact the only real appeal of the trail was that it was away from the school. I suppose before I continue with my story that I should mention that at this point in time I believed myself to be straight. This is in fact the story of how I came to realize that not only was that not true, but just how very much of a fag I really was. Despite believing myself to be straight I had always been interested in the male form. I could never help but to look when I saw a real manly man out and about. So what happened next really should have been no surprise. As I ran round a bend in the trail I found myself facing one of those patches where the trees thinned and you could seen to some random person’s back garden. This back garden however didn’t belong to just anyone. There in the clearing pushing a wheel barrow full of dead plants was a six foot six inch tall sweat soaked muscle bear. He had a strong pronounced jaw line sprinkled with salt and paper stubble, his head was shaved but the skin was tan from the sun. His arm muscles flexed under the dark bronze skin and hair as he moved the wheel barrow across the yard his bare chest glistening with sweat from the heat. Though I was staring intently at this perfect specimen of manliness I was still running until suddenly I caught my foot on a root and tumbled ass over elbow over the small bush that separated the trail from the Adonis’s backyard and landed sprawled face down on his perfectly kept grass. “Holy shit,” I heard him call out, “you ok kid?” “Yeah, I’m fine… just tripped… sorry.” I wanted to get out of there as quickly as I could even and though I was already flushed from the heat running I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I rolled over and started to stand up when the ankle that I had caught on the tree root gave way underneath me. “You don’t seem ok kid, come on… let’s get you inside and make sure that ankle’s not broken.” As he walked over to me I was overwhelmed by his smell, a thick pungent musk that I found to be intoxicating. My head was swimming as I tried to focus through the haze of his sweat stink and I hardly noticed him picking me up and helping me to stand so that we could hop back to the house. He took me into the kitchen, sat me at the table and started to unlace my shoe to look at my ankle. I barely paid attention to anything that happened, till he said it was just a bad sprain and that I should just rest my leg for a while. “How far did you run kid?” “From the north side of campus,” I replied. “Shit that’s half way across town, tell you what. I’ll drive you back later so that you don’t have to run on that twisted ankle.” I graciously took him up on his offer, and sat in the kitchen icing my ankle and watching the man, who’s name I had learned was Eric finish up the yard work before he drove me back to campus. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and I didn’t understand why, I thought that it was because he looked like the man I whished to become, but I was wrong. When Eric had finished the yard work a little over fourth five minutes later he came back into the kitchen bringing with him that glorious smell once more. “Ok, let me grab a shirt, and right a note to my husband telling him I’m out in case he comes home from work while we’re gone, and then we’ll be off.” He said off of this as though it were the most natural thing in the world, but my head was spinning: HUSBAND? Was this perfect specimen of man a homosexual, could that be? I didn’t have much time to think before Eric had returned with an white a-line t shirt one along with the same basketball shorts he had been wearing to work in the yard. I set my foot on the ground gingerly, and Eric leaned in to help pick me up, but once he had pulled me upright he just held me for a minute and stared into my eyes. His eyes were slate blue and stood out against his tanned skin and dark hair. After what seemed like an eternity he said, “So why did you trip kid?” “Ummm…. I…” I spluttered. “I thought so,” and he leaned in and kissed me. Several things all happened at once within my body: I panicked; I tried to push him away; and my cock sprang to life becoming instantly hard. I staggered away from him for a moment my brain screaming. And then it all stopped and all that I wanted to do was be in that man’s arms, I wanted to feel him against me. I dove back into his arms, grabbed his face and stuffed my tongue in his mouth. His hands wandered up and down my back, grazing but being careful not to go past the waist band of my short bright yellow running shorts, as we kissed and I clung to him as if I never wanted to let him go. Eric broke away, “I guessed that that’s why you tripped, but I wasn’t sure till you sat in here and practically drooled as you watched me work in the garden. Plus your cock hardened every time I touched you. Your brain my not be ready to admit it but your cock certainly isn’t” He said all this staring into my eyes, his hands still roaming over my back, but with that last part he reached forward and grabbed my throbbing cock through the thin nylon on my shorts. I gasped. He smiled, “You ever been with a man, kid?” “I’m straight.” “And I’m the Queen of England,” he said, kneeling in front of me, “don’t worry boy I’ll teach you hot to please a man.” With that he pulled my shorts down exposing my rock hard cock and before I could protest further he swallowed my whole seven and a half inch cock to be base. Within seconds he had me moaning and groaning and holding on the back of his head to keep my cock from slipping out of his mouth. I started to feel my balls tensing up and seeming to sense it too Eric pulled off of my cock and stood up again. “Now you try.” “I’m straight,” Eric pulled of his shirt revealing his massive hair covered chest in all its glory. “You want this I can tell. Now get on your knees and suck my cock.” I don’t know what made me do it but I sank to my knees, Eric pulled his cock from the waistband of his shorts, smacked me in the face a few times and then I opened my mouth wide and began blowing this beautiful man. As I emulated what he had just been doing to me his cock began to grow and engorge until I was convinced that it wouldn’t fit in my mouth any longer. “Good boy, you work that man cock, get it good and hard.” What the hell was I doing? I was gagging this man’s ever hardening cock down my throat and loving every second of it. This was better then anything I had ever down with a girl. The smell of Eric’s sweat burned in my nose and I could taste the sweet salty liquid on his cock and I swallowed. He placed his big strong hands on the back of my head and guided me to begin bobbing up and down on his shaft. His cock brushed against my tonsils and I heaved for a moment before swallowing hard and feeling his cock slid down my throat. Everything was perfect. My jaw stretched as wide as it could, I felt pubes around my nose and balls against my chin and opening my eyes I found that I had slid Eric’s entire massive cock down my throat and was now sucking it with ease. I looked up at Eric and saw that he had his phone in one hand and the other holding my head in place as he started to thrust in and out of my mouth. I panicked a little, but never thought to take his cock from my mouth. There was the click of the camera and I widened my eyes in shock. “Don’t worry boy, just a pic for my husband to show him what’s waiting for him at home.” My brain was screaming at me to spit his cock out, pull my pants up and run, but my cock was throbbing, my mouth was drooling and for the first time in my life I felt an itch grown inside of me that I did not yet understand. “You’re a hot little cock sucker aren’t you.” Without knowing why I nodded, and grabbed Eric’s well built thighs pulling his cock into my mouth completely once more. “I’m gonna have some fun with you tonight.” Eric let go of my head and grabbing me under the armpits pulled me to my feet and kissed me again. This time was rougher, he shoved his tongue into my mouth and held my face close to his with his rough hands. I melted into him, feeling his warm sweaty body pressed against mine, his massive cock trapped between up. “Turn around,” he whispered in my ear. Don’t do it, my brain told me, you’re not a fag. What the hell are you doing? I turned around obediently. Eric hugged me from behind, his hands resting on my pecs as he kissed my neck. I could feel his cock nestled in my ass crack, and I couldn’t help myself, I rocked back on it rubbing his cock with my tight furry ass. Eric began to kiss down my body, his tongue tracing my spine as he once more sank to his knees. His tongue came to my tailbone and I shuddered, it was as if a bolt of electricity had gone through my body. I involuntarily arched by back. “A natural bottom,” Eric muttered and with one hand between my shoulder blades and one on my hip he forcer me to bend over so that my chest was resting on the table. He spread my ass cheeks with his hands and I felt cool air on my hole. Then something warm and wet touched my hole. Two reactions shot through me, the one from my mind of RUN, the second from my ass: GOD NEVER LET THIS STOP. It was as if the way I thought about myself and my body and what I wanted was at war with what my body was experiencing. That itch I had started to feel earlier began to become a burn and find a home in my ass Eric’s tongue brushed against my tight hairy little virgin pucker. Eric pushed down on the small of my back forcing me to push my ass out more and I felt his tongue make it’s first attempt at entering my hole. The war raged on inside my body but I made no attempts to stop Eric, I just kept moaning loudly. I could feel my hole becoming slick with his spit and weather it was from the spit or the warmth or his breath or the repeated darting actions of his tongue I could feel my hole slowly starting to relax and bloom allowing more of Eric’s tongue to dip inside. My cock was hard as a rock and dripping precum but I felt no interest in jerking off my focus was on my internal conflict and on the waves of pleasure that emanated from my steadily loosening hole. “God you have a beautiful hole, tight, pink, and furry. I love it. Nice virgin hole.” Something rough pressed against my hole for a moment along with Eric’s tongue I looked over my shoulder trying to see what he was doing and I gasped when I realized that it was his finger. He briefly sucked on his finger and then pressed it again to my hole. Now slick with spit his finger didn’t just rebound off of my tight pucker but pressed inward a little bit, but my hole resisted. Eric returned to working my hole with his tongue but kept a steady pressure on my hole with his finger. My mind was becoming foggy and the argument between my brain and my body was becoming less and less. I started to think things like: if it feels so good how can it not be what I want. Eric increased the pressure of his finger on my hole, hocked a big glob of spit onto my hole and suddenly something gave way and his finger just slid inside of me. I gasped, it didn’t hurt, not at all, it was like a when you finally manage to scratch a really bad itch on your back that you couldn’t reach; and there ended my internal strife, a decision had been made, my body won and silenced my brain. I pushed back against his finger trying to swallow more of it up. Eric responded by slowly and deliberately sliding his finger in and out of my hole making me moan loudly. I felt sweat spring up on my back and it was hard to catch my breath. Eric chuckled softly to himself and withdrew his finger. I felt empty and alone for a moment and then I felt the finger return but it was thicker this time; two fingers. He repeated the same process until over the course of the next half hour he had worked all four fingers into my hole and was slowly twisting them in and out of my now loosened hole. Eric kissed my ass cheek and stood up with drawing his fingers from my hole. God I missed his fingers, the transformation that had taken place within me over the past forty minutes was complete. I no longer questioned what I was feeling and I knew that I wanted to keep his fingers inside my hole forever. That is until what happened next. Eric rapped an arm around me and pulled me up from my bent position, kissing my neck, his warm musky body pressed against my own. “You have such a sweet virgin hole boy,” he shifted his weight, “but I think you’re hole is ready for more,” with his free hand he bent his cock down from where it rested in my ass crack and aimed it at my now slick and loosened hole, “what do you say we bust that cherry?” I was grinding my ass back against his cock, relishing each time I felt his cock snag on my ass ring, but this was not enough for Eric. He let go of my chest and pushed me back down on the table so that my ass was once again spread out before him. My whole body seemed to have become electric and I sensed every tiny shift that Eric made as he shifted himself into position and began to ever so gently press his thick mushroom headed cock against my hole. His four fingers had opened my up a lot but my hole as still far to tight for Eric’s cock, he pushed harder, hocking up another big glob of spit right onto where his cock head met my hole. The itch I had felt earlier was getting worse, I felt as though there was a burning inside of my hole and only getting Eric’s monster cock inside of me could make it stop. I flexed my ass muscles and twitched my hole like I was taking a shit and felt for a brief moment my hole open up and a tiny bit of Eric’s mushroom head slip inside. I did it again this time pushing back against his cock and felt a little bit more slide inside. “Jesus, you can’t wait to pop that cherry can you boy? Alright then lets do this. When I push you flex your hole.” Eric grabbed me by the hips and started to push hard against my hole, he managed to force a little bit of the head inside without my help but then I flexed my hole and between his pressure and my open hole the head of his cock shot into my ass with a pop. It felt like a soda can had just been shoved up my ass, but I loved it, I wanted more. Eric stopped pushing for a moment, then spat on his cock and pushed hard again sinking about another inch of his cock inside me. He did this several more times till at long last I felt his thick black pubes against my ass and his balls resting against mine. Sweat covered my whole body and I was shaking a little. My hole was twitching around Eric’s cock trying to pull more of him inside of me. After what seemed like a glorious eternity he began to pull out until only the massive mushroom head remained in my hole, and then just as slowly he pushed back in again. A whimper escaped from my lips. “You like that thick cock deep inside you boy? You like feeling your cherry disappear as my cock invades your sweet wet boy cunt?” “Yes,” I said breathlessly. There was no denying what I wanted, no claims of being straight, no claims of wanting to be a top either, my cock was hard as a rock but I had no interest in it, all that mattered was Eric’s cock. “What do you want now boy?” Eric pulled out to the tip again, “Do you want me to fuck your boy cunt?” He plunged back in, harder then he had before, “You want me to pound your hole?” “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes what?” He withdrew again. “Yes I want you to fuck me.” And there it was, there was no taking it back, I had admitted what I wanted. “Good answer boy.” Holding me by the waist Eric started to make me grind forward and back on his cock and he pulled in and out picking up his pace rapidly until in a short while he was hammering away as though he were fucking a well broken in hole. I was moaning like a bitch in heat and I knew it. Everything else in my mind had gone blank and all that I could focus on as my hole and his cock. Faster and faster he went, now slamming his cock in hard so that the room filled with the sound of flesh smacking flesh. He grabbed my shoulders for better leverage and I started to buck back harder, meeting each thrust with equal force. By now I was practically screaming my vocabulary reduced to three phrases: Yes; Please; and Fuck me. “You wanna ride my cock boy?” “Fuck yes” Eric pulled his cock from my ass with a soft squelch and layer down on the floor his cock sticking straight up to the ceiling. I practically flung myself on his cock, positioning it at the opening of my no longer virgin hole and sitting down hard. I bounced up and down letting gravity pull me back onto Eric’s cock each time. Both of us were covered with sweat and it was as if the whole world smelled of sex. Eric’s breathing began to change and he started to buck his cock up into me as I rode. Quicker and quicker he pounded till after ten more minutes he growled, “I’m going to cum, I’m so fucking close. I’m gonna breed that sweet cunt and make you into a real bottom boy.” “Yes breed me,” I groaned, not really knowing what I was saying. “You want my seed boy?” “God yes!” “Ok, well get ready cause…. FUCK!” He never finished his sentence he just grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to bottom out on his cock while I felt his shaft pulse and throb deep in my guts and a new kinda warmth spread through my body. His cum filled my hole and started to leak out a little down his cock onto his balls. I was panting, but my lust was unslaked. I leaned in and kissed Eric as he had kissed me before he started eating out my hole, rough and hungry. I ran my hands up and down his hairy body feeling the mixture of the hair with the sweat. Eric pulled me close and kissed me too before just hugging me to his chest, his cock still buried deep in my stretched out hole. “Jesus when you sent me a picture of some cock sucker on your tool I expected to find a twink waiting at the door to suck my cock, not find you with your cock still inside of his cunt and your load leaking out.” I sat up, dropping down all the way on Eric’s cock in so doing and gasped, when I heard the new voice. “I took one look at this cherry hole and I had to breed it.” Eric said to the new comer. “Cherry hole you say. Well then I’ll need to taste it too.” “Kid this is my husband Matt. Hope that hole’s feeling good cause it’s in for a long night.”
    1 point
  25. After I graduated from college at the end of my senior year I embarked on what is easily the most boring road trip of all time. I had to drive my little car, from Orlando where I went to school all the way up to Rockledge, Illinois where my parents lived. I was transporting my books, papers and clothing, having sold the rest of my stuff on craigslist. So now was in my compact car full of boxes heading northward. I had decided to do the drive in three days instead of two like I had done when I moved to college, and so I spent the first night in Atlanta in a shitty hotel on the ring road. What with packing and graduating and the parties and everything I was completely exhausted by the time I got to the hotel that night, and promptly passed out right after dinner. Now being 22, 5’11” and 150lbs with short brown hair, a tight smooth swimmers body I tended to attract a lot of attention from men, a fact that I took full advantage of. During my four years at college I had gotten used to getting fucked at least five nights a week if not every night, and to be honest usually by a different guy each night. By the time I reached my hotel on the second night in Effingham, Illinois it was four days sense I had last been fucked and I was climbing the walls. I was already on Grindr before I got in the lobby of the hotel, rolling my suit case behind me. I walked up to the counter and gave the guy my name without looking at him, it wasn’t until he asked to see my ID that I looked up from scrolling through trolls and looked at him. He was reasonably handsome although older then I normally go for, he looked to be about thirty-five, sandy blond hair, broad shoulder, and a powerfully built frame. He took my Driver’s license, typed in whatever information he needed from it, and then handed me a key card without saying much of anything. “Alright Mr. Martin, you’re all set. Room 115, just down this hall, last room on the left.” He pointed down the hallway just past the counter and smiled a broad toothy smile. I took the car and nodded, heading back down the hallway, my attention already back on Grindr. The room was larger then I expected, with a nice queen sized bed at one end with a tv on a rotating stand across from it. An archway separated the bed at the far end of the room from the little sitting area composed of a single couch and a coffee table with a lamp and the bathroom. I dropped my suitcase next to the bed got out my laptop and sat down on the little couch. While I waited for my computer to boot up and connect to the hotel Wi-Fi I scrolled to the top of Grindr and refreshed the page. A new profile appeared right next to mine, one of those headless torso pictures. I don’t normally pay much attention to headless torsos, I usually think “what are you trying to hide,” but I was getting desperate so I clicked. He didn’t have his distance shown but he had to be close. The enlargement of his picture was hot though, showing not just his well-built blond haired chest but his flat stomach and deep pelvic v that made my mouth water a little. He listed no stats, which is normally another red flag for me, but I was so horny and he was one of the few decent looking guys from what I could see in a twenty mile radios so I clicked the message icon. Hey what’s up? I opened adam4adam on my computer and changed my city view to Effingham hoping to have better luck there. A few moments later my phone buzzed. I pulled Grindr back up and found a message from the headless torso. Just working. How are you? Alright. Just got into town. Bored n horny. I responded. His reply came before I put my phone down. This town sucks for guys. I’m always horny as fuck. LOL. Any more pics? He responded with a picture of a long fat cock nestled in a thick bush of light brown pubes a thin sliver of well toned abs and a thick blondish treasure trail visible at the bottom of the picture. Damn that’s a hot fucking cock. How big are you? Again his response came before I could put my phone down. 8.5 and thick. What are you into kid? Bottom, the rest is up for grabs. Nice, send me a pic of your ass. I pulled one up quickly on Grindr’s photo log and sent it. Hot. Face pic? I asked. This time his response took longer. In fact it didn’t come at all. Fucking flake, I thought, and pulled up some porn on my computer. I checked Grindr every once in a while is I jerked off and fingered my hole but he didn’t reply back for over an hour. Just as I was thinking I should just finish off and go to bed my phone buzzed again. It was a message for the headless torso who was still the closet guy to me. So you wanna get fucked tonight kid? Yeah. But I need to see a face pic. I sent back. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. I looked at the clock on my computer; it was ten o’clock at night, who the hell was knocking on the door. Shifting my boner so that it was tucked up into my waistband where it was mostly unnoticeable I walked over to the door. When I opened it I found the tall blond from the front desk standing there. He looked even bigger no that he wasn’t behind his desk, I noticed how broad his shoulders were and how massive his pecs appeared to be through the shirt. He looked like a beefy farm hand from a 1970’s porno. “You wanted a face pic?” I heard for the first time a slight country twang in his low voice. “What,” I stammered. “You said you needed to see a face pic before I got to pound that sweet ass of yours well here it is.” He was the headless torso, the front desk guy that I had barely glanced at when I came into the hotel. “Look I’m not really supposed to do stuff like this but I just got off my shift, so can I come in before the night shift guy sees me?” “Fuck, yeah, sure.” I said hurriedly. The massive hulk of a farm hand walked quickly into the room and I shut the door behind him. He smiled that broad toothy smile again and said, “Well I trust you like what you see.” “Yeah, you’re hot.” “Good, then why don’t you strip boy and show me that hot ass.” I pulled my t-shirt off, my heart pounding. I had had quick Grindr hookups before but never had I had a guy show up at my door without my having really invited him over and start to give me instructions. I hesitated for a moment before dropping my briefs and kicking them off. I now stood completely naked in front of the front desk clerk of the hotel I was staying in while he rubbed his boner through his trousers. “I’m Will,” he said and unbuttoned his shirt. His headless torso picture hadn’t been a lie, his body looked even better then in the picture. Now that I could see his perfectly round small brown nipples up close, and that thick blond hair, his bushy pits, the heavily veined and muscled arms I felt weak at the knees. “I’m Tyler,” I answered him, as he undid his belt and dropped his trousers a slightly yellowed jockstrap straining to contain his swelling cock. “Why don’t you get on your knees and suck my cock before we work it up your sweet ass.” He said rubbing his chest with one hand. I didn’t need to be told twice and quickly feel to my knees in front of him. I licked his cock head through his dirty jock tasting the salty taste of old sweat and piss on the fabric. This guy was a pig and I loved it. He brought the hand that wasn’t busy tweeking his own nipples down on the back of my head to hold me in place and moaned, “Go on and get my cock out boy.” I moved his jock aside and the fat mushroom headed cock he had sent me a picture of sprung out accompanied by two large cum laden balls. Not wasting another second I opened wide and swallowed his cock head. Will groaned pushing me down further, forcing more of his cock into my mouth. I gobbled as much of his cock as I could down into my mouth feeling it hit the back of my throat too soon. For a few minutes Will tried to force his cock further down my throat before pulling out and instructing me to lay on the bed with my head hanging off the edge. I had heard this command before and knew what was coming. I got up onto the bed and lay with my head off the end my mouth already open. “Good slut, you’re gonna get the pounding you need just wait.” He slid his cock into my open mouth and using the leverage and angle of my throat to his advantage began to throat fuck me, forcing his cock down my throat making me gag occasionally. Will pounded away as if my mouth were an ass, and I thought that if he fucked me half as hard as he was fucking my mouth I would be set for a week. Spit and precum dripped out of the corners of my mouth as he pounded my face, his balls slapping against my nose. I heard his breathing change and noticed that his balls were retracting slightly. Shit, I thought, he’s going to cum and not be able to fuck me. Just as I thought that his cock throbbed hard in my mouth and began to rocket cum down my throat. He pulled out till his head rested in my mouth shooting his load onto my tongue. It tasted sweet and salty just like his jock. Slowly he pulled out of my mouth and stepped back. I rolled over and looked at him a little sadly, he just smiled and said, “That wasn’t my only load kid, I haven’t even gone soft yet.” It was true his cock was still hard as a rock. “Lay on the bed normal will yah,” he instructed. I flipped around so my head was resting on the pillows laying on my back and he climbed onto the bed with me. Will moves so quickly I didn’t notice it happen, he suddenly was between my slightly parted legs his strong muscular hairy body over mine as he bent down to kiss me. He forced is tongue into my mouth and I quickly opened up for him. He pressed his chest against mine as we kissed, this was more tender and passionate then he had been. I didn’t really notice that he was slowly spreading his knees forcing my legs apart, in fact I didn’t notice what he was doing until he had managed to get my legs spread wide and his hands holding my hips as he rubbed his cock up and down my crack while he kissed me. I groaned into his mouth as he worked his cock closer and closer to my hole. Eventually I felt his warm wet cock head, slick with spit and more precum, press against my hole. He kept his mouth pressed to mine as he rubbed his cock more forcefully against my pucker. His kissing became rougher, more fanatic, and I was so distracted my his quick moving tongue that I completely forgot about his cock pressing against my hole until I suddenly felt his head press into my hole stretching my sphincter across it’s bulbous form. “Wait,” I gasped, feeling his cock sliding a little deeper into my hole, “I have condoms in my bag.” He pulled away from my a little so he could look me square in the face, still pressing his cock into my quivering hole, “I only fuck raw kid. You want this cock you take it as it is.” I hesitated, and he kept thrusting his fat cock into my hole, stretching me wide. I felt his cock head brush against my prostate and gasped, “Please fuck me,” I moaned. “Good boy,” he slid in the rest of the way, my dry hole pulling a little as he did. I couldn’t believe what I was doing, this stranger this man I had never met before was fucking me raw. Up until that moment I had only let my first boyfriend fuck me raw. I had forgotten how good a bare cock felt inside of me, but I hadn’t even asked his status. I was so conflicted between the values and rules I had set for myself, the risks I understood, and the insane amounts of pleaser that this man’s raw cock slowly pulling out of my hole was giving me. “Are you NEG,” I asked quietly. Will laughed, and said, “Doesn’t matter now, your hole’s full of my precum. I leak like a faucet you’ve seen that already.” It was true, when he had been throat fucking me I was astonished by the amount of precum he dripped in my mouth at times it had felt like almost a constant stream. “Do you want me to stop boy?” He flexed his cock inside of me as he spoke. When I hesitated he flexed his cock again pressing against my prostate and I gasped, “No, fuck me. Please, I need to get fucked so bad.” He smiled at me and started to slip in and out of my ass faster, his precum quickly lubing my hole for him. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the euphoria of having my hole used by this massive hulk of a man. Will pushed my legs into my chest giving himself more leverage to fuck down into my hole. I felt drops of sweat dripping onto me as his face and chest started to glisten. His breathing became erratic and I felt his thrust getting rougher he was going to cum in me, I could tell. After a few moments though his breathing returned to normal and he went pack to pounding me deep. “Man you hole feels so good on my raw cock,” he said, emphasizing the word raw as if reminding me of the choice I had made. I loved getting fucked, and I had had a lot of great tops but his cock did feel better inside of me. He was giving me more pleasure then I had had in a long time. My whole body seemed to be tingling, alive with electricity and my lust for Will and his cock grew. His breathing started to get ragged again as he long dicked me, pulling his cock completely out of my hole before slamming it back in to my now gaping sphincter. “I’m gonna cum soon,” he grunted on one of his body rocking inward thrusts. “Where do you want it,” he asked on the withdrawal. I thought for a moment, but I had already decided when I thought he was going to cum before that if I was getting raw fucked that I was at least going to get the reward. “In my hole, I want you to cum inside me.” “You sure?” “Yes, dump a load in me.” “I knew you were a slut bottom when I first saw you,” he said in one quick breath as he slammed into me again and unleashed his second load of the night into my twitching rectum. His cock throbbed as he came and we both held perfectly still. I realized that I was holding my breath after a moment, and just as he finished cuming we both exhaled slowly. We breathed together for a few long slow breaths before Will flexed his cock inside of me again and began to slowly fuck his cock into me again. “You can go again,” I said, surprised. He put his hands on my thighs pressing them into my chest, pinning me to the bed, “There’s plenty more POZ cum where that came from.” “POZ!” I almost shouted trying to push him off. “What are you trying to push me off for kid, you’ve already got two POZ loads in that sweet hole of yours and about a gallon of precum.” “Two,” I said with tears in my eyes. “Yeah I came in you once but just kept fucking.” So he had cum that first time. His cock brushed my prostate again as I struggled and I felt the euphoria wash over me. “I’m gonna cum at least three more times tonight,” he went on, “and they are all going in this hot little ass of yours one way or another.” He flexed his cock, “So we can either do this the easy way or,” another flex of his cock, “the hard way. What do you say kid, you wanna take these loads like the good slut I know you are or am I going to have to make you take them.” I was panting from his slow fucking and flexing his cock against my prostate, it took me no time to think of my answer. “Fuck your loads into me. I want everything you can give me.” After a few long moments he bent low and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my body. Then he reared back, and swinging his legs out, flipped us both over so that he was now laying flat on his back and I was sitting astride him with his still hard cock in my ass. “How about you milk the next one from my cock.” I rode his cock till he unloaded inside of me again, and then he flipped me over doggy style. After that it was a blur as he pounded my hole all around the hotel room, sometimes bending me over the little sofa or pressing me up against the door. Five loads later we passed out on the bed his cock still buried deep inside my now leaking, puffy, fuck battered hole. The next morning I awoke to the feeling of Will sliding his cock, which had slipped out during the few hours sleep that we got when it finally went down, back into my hole. I pressed my ass back against his cock, having completely given myself over to him and his toxic loads. He sank balls deep and holding onto my hips kept me still as he kissed the back of my neck. I suddenly felt a huge warmth inside of me and realized that Will was pissing inside of my ruined hole. I had heard about people doing this but always thought it way too extreme but now that I felt the flood of piss warming my guts is wondered how I ever could have thought so. “Good slut,” he said when he had finished peeing, “now go and let all that out in the bathroom and then ill give you one more load for the road.” He kissed the back of my neck again and spanked my ass cheek as he pulled out. I quickly clenched my hole not wanting any of the warm liquid to escape and shuffled off to the bathroom. I couldn’t believe how much piss was inside of me when I sat down on the toilet and let my ass relax. It was like a never-ending flood. When at last my hole was empty I got up to flush and was surprised when I looked in the yellow water that there was no cum mixed in. My body had absorbed all of that POZ cum while I slept. My heart pounded in fear but my cock was hard as a rock. Knowing that there was only one thing to do I went back to the bed where Will was laying on his back stroking his fat cock and mounted his dick in one swift move. Will actually gave me three more loads that morning and I arrived at my parents house after four more hours of driving with my hole still feeling wet and slick. That night despite my parent’s objections I told them I was going into Chicago to see friends. When I got off the train in Boys Town for the first time in my life I walked I crossed the street and walked right into Steamworks. I paid for a locker, got my towel and spent the rest of the night taking any cock that came my way. I’ve already taken almost a dozen POZ loads, I told myself, so what does it matter what loads I take now. THE END
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  26. 1 point
  27. I'm bi. My dick gets used when I'm with a woman. In the company of men, all I can think about is my hole full of cock and filled with cum. No interest in topping guys at all.
    1 point
  28. its been wonderful hehe
    1 point
  29. By: monkstown25 https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/another-business-trip-with-slutty-daddy-part-2-32868902 Another business trip with slutty daddy. Part 2
    1 point
  30. I’m an absolute submissive bottom. I can’t recall a single time among the (very) few times I was asked to fuck someone that I came. Usually I can’t even stay hard. For that matter, oral doesn’t do much for me either unless the guy is -phenomenal- at it. It doesn’t help that my cock is a bit above average size, because guys seem to want to gravitate to it, especially at the bathhouse while I’m trying to steam. I’ve had guys walk by and strip my towel off of me while I was relaxing with my eyes closed. I’m halfway tempted to get a cock tattoo that reads “Please Enter At The Rear”. Topping just feels *wrong* to me, unnatural. I *know* what I’m for, and that’s being a man that stronger, more aggressive, more masculine men use for pleasure. That’s my role and I’m good at it. Always do what you’re best at, that’s what I say.
    1 point
  31. If they only caught it on film ..... they could have been watching Lloyd getting Pozzed while Lloyd and Carl were filming their pozzing of Matt. Great story Toon, you out did yourself with the different twists.
    1 point
  32. Adult bookstore 16 guys in 2 hours. I left work early, wife was out of town. Swallowed 13 loads, 3 on my face and chest (I was naked in the booth huffing poppers the whole time), drank two loads of piss from the tap, and had some of each sprayed all over me. Place emptied out after the lunch crowd died down. When I left I proudly walked out with cum drying in my beard and stinking like piss. Clerk winked and chuckled as I walked out the door. Didn’t shower that night when I got home, jerked off, shot a huge load and ate it (I always do ?) and rolled over after and went to sleep happy. Best time I’ve ever had at ABS to date.
    1 point
  33. So I've been chatting off and on (more off than on) with an undetectable handsome black man who has a beautiful, just my size at 8 inches, thick, veiny cock. I am mostly a bottom but will top if the mood strikes. The other day, he hits me up and says he really needs dick. The moment was right so I went over to his house, which wasn't on the best side of town. Walked past his Dad and "drunk -ass cousin"and around back. He walked me into his room and I take off my clothes revealing my pierced cock. We start getting down to business and I am full mast and fucking him with slow short strokes and then fast long strokes, which is how I like it as a bottom. He is moaning and screaming LOUD, as I continue to fuck him. I don't consider myself a very good top but he is Ffucking wailing like a banshee with noone in the house. However just as Im blasting, grandmama comes knockin on the door asking about something or other (I have no idea what.) Anywho, this dude wants me to fuck him on the regular, but I am mostly a bottom, but willing to oblige if I can get what I want.) Plus, the thought of just walking into this Dudes house and fucking him in front of his fam is kindof a turnon.
    1 point
  34. Part 13 - Why not me? Kyle woke up covered in sweat yet again. He rolled over and there was Steven naked and dripping sweat too. He still felt weak, but he got up and took a long shower. All clean and dried off, he put some clothes on. “I gotta get to both classes today, but I’m fucked for the test in engineering. I didn’t study at all” he thought. Joe was making breakfast and Kyle tried to eat some toast and drink coffee, but the most he could handle was a few nibbles and sips. They checked on Steven and got him set up with a drink and a clean garbage can since he was still vomiting but with little in his body not much was coming up. Kyle walked slowly into his engineering class and the professor looked at him and said “What do you think you’re doing here Kyle?” “I’m here for the test, sir” he replied softly since loud noises made his headache even worse. “I don’t know if I should send you to the clinic or the morgue. You look terrible. How long have you been sick?” the professor asked. “Since Saturday morning, sir” was Kyle’s answer. The professor moved closer to Kyle and said quietly “You’re in no shape to take this test. I doubt you studied at all. Go over to the clinic and then get some rest. Stop by my office when you feel better and we’ll figure out how to make up the test.” With that he turned Kyle to the door and the professor ushered him into the hallway. Kyle wandered back to the parking lot having to stop several times to rest. Once he got there he got into the passenger seat and passed out again until Joe came back after his classes were done. They went home and Kyle was back in bed. Joe played nurse for Kyle and Steven the rest of the day and once again slept on the couch. Tuesday began like Monday and Kyle showered and got ready for class. A quick test of the thermometer indicated 99.8 degrees F. Still a fever, but better than the previous day. He ate a little more than the day before but staggered and fell over going to the door. Joe sent him back to bed and told him he would let his profs know he was still sick. About ten in the morning, Steven looked up and Luis and Derrick were standing at the foot of the bed grinning. “Ya want to know the hottest fuck of all is, Luis? Breeding a guy with the fuck flu. Their holes feel so good with your poz fuckstick inside them.” Luis nodded as they quickly undressed and pulled the two sick boys to the edge of the bed facing each other. “See, their cocks are even hard knowing that the bug is taking over their bodies” Derrick said. They lubed up their cocks and simultaneously started pushing their cocks into the weary boy’s holes. Once they both had bottomed out, Luis said “Damn, this hole is on fire. He’s gonna cook my chorizo.” “Yeah, just like yours was when I bred you when you were sick like these two” Derrick answered. Kyle moaned when Derrick started to fuck his hole. The rest of his body might have been sore, but his pussy was in ecstasy. He looked over at Steven who had a smile on his face while Luis pounded his ass. The bed was bouncing from the boys getting slammed in from each side. It only lasted a few minutes before both Derrick and Luis started grunting and unleashing their toxic cum into the helpless boys. “You gotta make sure you fill them with bugs when they’re sick so theres no chance the body can fight it off. These boys are going to make great poz breeders” Derrick said with an evil grin. They pulled their cocks out and laid the two boys back on the bed and watched them pass out. “I’m headed over to the hotel and see Dennis” Luis said as they walked out of the apartment. Derrick just laughed and smiled at Luis. Joe finished his classes and decided he should check up on Dennis and sent a text message. Dennis called Joe back “Hey Joe. I’m doing good. I felt a little feverish Monday morning and was dragging the whole day. There were a few weird rashes too. I thought for sure I would be out like Kyle and Steven Tuesday, but I’ve felt fine since. Do you think that was it? I know some people never get the flu when they convert.” “Yeah, I know. I’ve felt fine too. Maybe the virus didn’t take or we’re the ones that don’t get sick” Joe replied. “Who knows.” Joe asked “Have you taken any more loads since Sunday’s fuck with Tony and Derrick?” “Oh my god yeah. Those horny fuckers have been taking it out on my ass since Kyle and Steven aren’t available to fuck. All three fucked me last night at work and Luis just did me again at lunch today” Dennis replied. “Shit, I’m going crazy here not getting fucked and you’re getting nailed all the time. You bitch!” Joe said before laughing. “Haha, yeah. I gotta get back to work. I’ll let you know if anything happens and let me know if you guys need any help” Dennis said. Joe went home and checked in on his patients. It seemed to be the same as when he left. He sat down and studied for a while and then worked on a class project. Once again, he made dinner for himself and ate it with the other guys passed out in the bedroom. “This wasn’t how I thought it was going to be” Joe said to himself as he lit up a joint and took a big hit. He went back to studying and after about an hour was having trouble focusing on the book. He was thirsty too and got up to get something to drink, he was unsteady on his feet and almost fell over so he sat back down on the arm of the couch. Reaching up he felt sweat on his forehead. Slowly, he got up again and made his way to the kitchen and got a gatorade from the refrigerator. He felt weak and went to the bathroom where he got the thermometer and sat down on the toilet before he fell over. 102.7 degrees F. “Finally” he thought. Joe staggered back into the living room and fell onto the couch. He reached over and pulled the blanket and pillow up and covered himself up. Grabbing his phone he sent a text message to his brother “103 fever. guess u did it.” After hitting send, he typed another message to Dennis “I’m sick” and hit send right before he passed out. Mark heard his phone buzz and read the message from Joe. A smile came over his face. He was now bonded with his brother like few brothers are. He tried calling Joe, but the phone just rang and went to voicemail and he hung up. He tried a little while later and got the same thing. He called Tony, but it went straight to voicemail. “He’s probably working tonight. Or fucking” thought Mark. He dialed Dennis’s number and got voicemail as well. This time he left a message “Hi Dennis, this is Mark. Can you check on Joe? I think he has the flu and I can’t get hold of him to find out if he’s ok. Thanks.” Dennis laid on the bed of one of the empty hotel rooms, Luis’s cock still in his ass with two loads seeping into his body. He had seen the phone ring and Mark’s name pop up. Slowly he pulled off Luis and saw one voicemail and one text message he missed. He read the text and then listened to the voicemail before calling Mark back. “Hi Mark, I got your message. I also got one from Joe and haven’t been able to talk to him either. What’s his address? I’ll go over after work.” Mark gave him the address and thanked him. “I wasn’t there to care for Eric and now I’m not there to help Joe. I’m a fucking asshole” Mark told himself. Dennis went back to the bed and climbed in. Kissing Luis, he spread Luis’s legs before thrusting his cock into Luis’s hole. Luis looked back at him with a devilish grin and wrapped his legs around Dennis as Dennis plowed his cock deep into Luis’s poz hole. Having only been getting fucked for several days, Dennis needed to release and Luis was going to get his huge load. He kept fucking harder and harder and his cock started to throb. “I wonder if its neg or poz cum” thought Dennis as he slammed in and felt almost 10 shots of cum pump into Luis. Dennis collapsed on the bed next to Luis and after a few minutes Luis asked “So what was the call about?” “Oh, Joe has the fuck flu now. Mark wants me to check up on him” Dennis answered. “Fuck yeah. So that leaves just you still shooting blanks…” Luis said. “Yeah, so I guess I gotta keep taking more loads until I’m knocked up like them” Dennis replied as the two of them laughed. Dennis cleaned up and then stopped over to check in on Joe. When he got there, the door was unlocked so he went inside. The apartment had a funky smell of sweat and something else he couldn’t place. Joe was on the couch, covered with a blanket and shivering. His body was oozing sweat and he could hear the occasional moan from Joe. It wasn’t a good moan either. You could hear the pain in his voice. Dennis went into the bathroom and found a small towel and soaked it in cold water and mopped Joes forehead with it. Dennis sent a message to his boyfriend Corey, saying that he wouldn’t be home that night since he was watching the guys he was with at the sex party and they all were sick. Corey replied “OK ;)” Dennis looked around the apartment and found Kyle and Steven in the bedroom. The smell of stale sweat permeated the room “Damn, they’re going to have to air this place out soon” thought Dennis. He went back to the living room and pulled off his shirt and pants, picked up a blanket that was on the floor and sat down in the chair. He chuckled, the blanket smelled like cum but he still pulled it over himself. “They need cum scented fabric softener” mused Dennis. He watched Joe for a little while until he fell asleep. For the next few days, the guys pushed through the flu. Dennis kept an eye on them when he wasn’t working and even had his boyfriend look in on them. He was sending Mark an update a couple times a day. Dennis was a little jealous that he had taken as many viral loads, if not more, than the other three but hadn’t gotten sick yet. He was still getting at least 2 loads a day from either Tony, Derrick or Luis. Between bottles of gatorade and toast or bread, the three guys kept hydrated and ate as much food as their stomachs would allow. Kyle was the first to get back on his feet and decided he would go back to classes on Monday. Steven was moving around Friday evening and was taking care of Joe. Joe finally shook the fever and swollen glands that made swallowing anything difficult late on Saturday. When Dennis showed up on Sunday, they all agreed to head to the clinic downtown and see about getting tested on Monday. “Do you think its too soon? Maybe we should wait a week” asked Kyle. “OK, lets wait until Wednesday and we’ll see what the tests say and if we’re still neg we can retest in a couple weeks” Joe said.
    1 point
  35. I recently moved down from NYC to ATL, and went to CU with my new black boy in both October and November. I remember fucking you in the back room (I remember the mesh armbands). I also fkd you at Poz/Prep Play (P3) . Now that I see your poz-off meds, I will def fuck you again at P3 in December. I like P3 because of the attitude. I like the guys in ATL -- i only saw one rubber used. The CU on Nov 22 got really hot. I am turned on by guys who go barefoot, and there were 5 dudes there totally naked -- i fucked 3 of them. I like to keep circulating through Club Manifest. I meet my black boy there, we play separately, then cum together at the end. I like CU in ATL much better than CU at Paddles-NYC-Manhattan. Paddles is a cold basement, and because I was on several other BB party lists, I avoided CU at Paddles. I will register on BBRT for CU next month, to add to the numbers and show that i will attend.
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  36. I know we're in a backwater, where we don't know anyone who's poz, and we're only risking common-or-garden infections; but it's so good to have a girl up for fucking strangers and perverts! We get the guys who hang around the doggers' car parks; I do all the hanging around on my own and line up a group for a particular place and time. I meet the guys who pick up street prostitutes, compare notes and fix her up with them. I get to fend off the ones who look as if they haven't washed, and she gets to say "no" if she doesn't like them. Some of the regular perverts warned us away from three guys who come out together in a blue merc because "they were bi", and that would be "far too dangerous", but she was prepared to hang about half the night in the hope they'd turn up! I don't think they were bi at all, just up for giving each other a casual wank between fucks; We took them home after meeting them just once, which we haven't done that often. It's such a dirty turn-on listening to the guys brag about their "conquests", knowing in my heart that every cock she gets might just be infected. Having to have her with her cunt full of their cum after every session. I couldn't stop myself if I tried! I am so lucky that she's such a slut!
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  37. I went to the local bookstore. At the start the place was kinda dead, and most of the movie booths were out of order, but I hung around, waiting to see if anything would perk up. I was able to suck a couple of cocks, but not much else. Finally nice cock came through the glory hole. It was an uncut black guy. I sucked him hard then put my ass on it. He got super hard, fucking me through the glory hole, blowing his load in my ass. The next guy had a fucking horse cock. He fucked me in the dark back room, followed by another dude who bred me. While I was getting fucked by the two guys in the dark room, another guy was standing nearby, watching me get fucked. After the second guy came in my hole, the observer asked if the top came, and, learning he had, the observer offered to eat my hole, which, of course, I let him do.
    1 point
  38. Part 4 - Friday Funday Mark was awakened by his phone ringing and finally got to it right before it went to voicemail. “Hello,” he answered in a groggy voice. It was his mom. “Did you make it okay? Have you talked to Joel? Why not?” It was a one-sided conversation in which he couldn’t get time to answer the questions with more than one word before she started the next question. He just let her talk until she was done and told her everything would be fine. He would talk to Joey after he finished classes today and not to worry. He tossed the phone on the bed and wandered into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and said to himself “This is not going to be fun.” He shaved, showered and brushed his teeth and went over to the dresser. He grabbed some clothes to put on, a jock, a pair of jeans and a tee. The clothes were all tight fitting and showed off his body nicely - bulge, bubble butt, abs, pecs and biceps. He decided that he needed a decent meal since yesterday diet of coffee and sex left him pretty starved. Mark wandered down to the lobby area where they had a continental breakfast laid out. Not many people were there since it was 8:30 AM. A family with a mom, dad and two little kids; an elderly couple; and a large middle aged woman. The dad was his mid 30s and was not unattractive. He probably was a jock in his high school and college days, but life as a family man was obviously taking its toll. He looked tired and was putting on some weight. The kids were screaming for their food, tugging at his pants for attention and constantly changing what they wanted. Mark grabbed a bowl and put some fresh fruit and yogurt in it, then grabbed another bowl and filled it with cereal and milk. He set the bowls at an empty table and grabbed a cup of coffee. He sat down and chuckled - his mom would be proud of him eating a nutritious meal. As he ate breakfast he caught up on emails and the news. Getting up to get another cup of coffee he overheard the mom tell her husband "See? You don’t want to look like that. All those ugly tattoos. You can barely see his skin. UGH! He’s probably a drug dealer.” Laughing to himself, Mark thought 'She must be talking about me. That poor pussy-whipped sucker is stuck listening to her bitch at him for the next 50 years unless he divorces her - or kills her'. Mark cleaned his table off and took his coffee back to the room. Looking at the clock he had six and a half hours until he needed to be at Joey’s apartment. “Let’s see who’s around” he thought to himself and grabbed his hookup phone. The apps on this phone were a lot different than his normal phone. No news or weather apps, just a couple hookup apps, a Craigslist app and a web browser. He looked through the apps and Craigslist and there was nothing of interest. “Probably a bit too early for any students” he guessed. He grabbed the car keys and his 'fuck bag' which contained lube, poppers and a safety pin and decided to take a wander around town to see if any of his old haunts were still there. Driving around he was amazed at how much it had changed. New strip malls where cheap student housing used to be. New names for old bars. His favorite ABS was now an office building parking lot. He drove over to the campus and parked the car. Suddenly he felt a little old or the freshmen looked really young, he couldn’t decide which. Wandering around he ended up at the library and decided to check out the restrooms he used to cruise in. Walking in to the first one he immediately noticed the security camera on the ceiling. 'Damn, there’s no action gonna happen here', he thought. He hit the other one in the basement that usually attracted the kinkier guys and found the same thing. 'Fuck, where do guys hookup around here'? He remembered the storage room over in the old engineering building and wandered that way. When he got close all he saw was a crane with a wrecking ball and the building mostly demolished. His heart sank. He had sucked and fucked a lot there during his tenure. He walked around a bit more and sat down on a park bench and pulled out the phone. More people were on the apps but nothing really looked good. Getting on Craigslist he did a few searches and only found one that looked promising: Horny bottom cub looking for hot sex. 27, 5’10, 200lbs, furry ass, safe or bb, anon ok The pics looked decent, especially the one with him laying in a sling. He decided what the fuck and sent a reply including his phone number and a couple of his own pics - the obligatory dick pic and a body shot. He kept searching with different terms and wasn’t finding much else when his phone rang. He answered and it was the cub from Craigslist. They traded questions and answers for a minute and Mark got the address. Half an hour to get there was more than enough time so he went back to the car and drove to the address to check the area out. Finding nothing suspicious, he found a spot to park and waited five minutes. Taking out a lube packet and the brown popper bottle he put them in his jeans pocket. No need for the safety pin to sabotage a condom, since the guy wanted a raw fuck and sounded excited when Mark had told him he never pulls out to cum. Walking up to the door of the house Mark took one last look around to make sure he was safe and knocked on the door. The door opened and standing in front of him was the guy in just a black jockstrap and a black leather harness. Just like the pictures, if not better. It looked like he had been working out a bit since the pics were taken and was turning into a sexy muscle cub. He had dark hair, a slightly bushy beard, fur covering his chest, abs and legs. Mark introduced himself saying “Hey, I’m the guy who from the Craigslist ad”. The cub took a look around and smiled before asking Mark to come inside. Mark followed him back to the bedroom and could smell the pot smoke lingering around. The bedroom was a little small but it was obvious a lot of sex had happened there. The bed had restraints on each corner, there were a couple boxes of various toys next to the bed and there was a large eyelet screwed into the ceiling. Mark grabbed the cub by his harness and pulled him close, roughly kissing him before pushing him back a bit and spitting in his mouth. “You ready, fucker?” Mark asked. “Yes Sir!” was the response. Mark didn’t consider himself a Dom, but he could become quite dominant given the right bottom and this guy fit the bill. He quickly shed his clothes and took the lube and poppers out and tossed them on the bed. Grabbing the cub by the harness again he pushed him back next to the bed and then pushed him to his knees. The cub was on Mark’s cock in a second and started licking all around it before grabbing the PA with his teeth and tugging. Mark grinned as he looked down watching the guy suck his cock like a pro. The cub was rougher than most with his cock sucking and it set the tone for an aggressive fuck. After using his tongue on Mark’s balls, shaft, head and piercing he swallowed Mark’s cock all the way down. Mark gasped and then moaned in pleasure. Not many guys had been able to swallow his cock that easily and with each passing moment Mark realized that this guy was going to be a great fuck. Mark began to fuck the guys face, driving his cock deep and holding it there for several seconds until he felt the cub start to struggle. Each time he did it, he waited just a bit longer, depriving the cub of air. With his cock covered in spit and throat slime, Mark lifted the cub to the bed, spun him around and got him on all fours. Mark looked at the cub’s furry ass and licked his lips. Many of Mark’s friends were not into hairy asses, but they really turned him on. Licking up from the cub’s balls, over his taint and along the crack he tasted the cub’s scent. Licking up to the cub’s hole, he zeroed in on his target. He was disappointed that he couldn’t taste any cum from an earlier breeding. Fucking the hole with his tongue he felt the hole start to open and relax. He sucked on the pucker and forced some of his spit inside. Moving his hand over the furry butt cheek, he pushed a finger in next to his tongue. Feeling the warmth of the cub’s hole he began to alternate his tongue and finger inside the hole. The cub was groaning in pleasure at the assplay and Mark started to get more aggressive with his finger before adding a second finger. Mark felt his cock starting to drip precum and knew both of them were ready for the real fuck. Mark stood up and rubbed the piercing around the cub’s ring. Grabbing the lube packet, he ripped it open and dripped some on and in the cub’s hole. Adding some to the tip and shaft of his cock he leaned in and started to push. He felt the hole relax and the ring and head slipped inside before the hole tightened around it. “Aaaahhhh, fuck yeah” Mark muttered as he continued pushing his cock into the cub’s velvety hole. Grabbing the cub's hips, Mark began to fuck, thrusting in harder and harder until his cock was planted all the way in. The cub was rocking his ass back to meet Mark’s thrusts and Mark was bouncing off the cub’s furry, muscled butt each time. Between the lube and Mark’s precum the cub’s hole was slick and easy to power fuck. The cub for his part was working his ass muscles and milking Mark’s cock. Mark pulled out and pushed the cub into the middle of the bed. Standing on the bed straddling the cub, Mark bent down and slammed his cock back into the cub. The cub grunted and responded “Fuck yes, Sir!” Mark’s sweat was dripping off of him on to the cub's back as he pounded the cub’s ass with long hard strokes. With the cub gripping Mark’s cock with his ass, Mark soon felt his balls start to tighten up and his cock engorge. With his final few stroke, he slammed his cock hard into the cub and his cock began to shoot volley after volley of diseased cum into the cub’s hole. Mark fell on top of the cub and piston’d his cock in a few more times before pulling out. Both of them rolled over on the bed breathing hard. The cub spoke first “Thanks man, that was awesome. I love feeling my ass full of cum.” Mark replied “Yeah, that was fuckin’ good. You really know how to work a cock. Thanks”. After a minute the cub said “I hope you don’t mind taking off, but I have another guy coming over in about 10 minutes and it gets awkward the tops run into each other.” Mark chuckled and said “No problem man. You’re all lubed for him, that's for sure.” Mark got up and put his clothes back on and walked to the front door, the cub close behind. Mark slapped his ass and said “Thanks, enjoy the load,” before walking out the door and to his car. Mark had worked up an appetite from the fuck, so he drove over to a sandwich shop he used to go to. Thankfully it was still there. Going in, he got his 'usual', a spicy italian sub with fresh mozzarella and a drink. He chowed down on the sandwich and felt the burn of the spicy meats and giardiniera. His energy replenished, Mark opened his phone again and looked around to see what fun he might be able to squeeze in before going back to the hotel for a shower and then meeting up with his brother. Looking through the apps and CL again, he found a few more things that looked promising but nothing that sounded great. Finally he found a guy that was looking for a 'quick pump and dump, no blowjobs'. The guy had a good description 'gwm, ex-jock, cumdump btm 5’6, 155, tight ass' and it said 'BB only, no loads refused'. Hmmm. A few messages back and forth and they had a meeting time and place. No mention was made about status and Mark wasn’t going to tell unless he had to. The street sounded familiar, but Mark couldn’t figure out why. The guy wanted to meet/fuck in the storage room of his apt building in case his roommate came home. The guy said he was on his way back from classes so he needed a bit of time to clean up. Mark had 45 minutes to kill so he drove around a bit more hoping to see a few more places he used to go to still there. A few minutes before the meeting time, Mark pulled up to a large apartment building. Then it hit him. This is where his brother lived. Same fucking address. Crap. What was he going to do? The pics didn’t look like his brother, which was a relief, but he didn’t want to possibly run into Joey having just fucked a hookup, but to cancel now would be a dick move, so he decided to chance it. Besides, he was horny again and his cock was half hard already. Mark grabbed a new lube packet and the poppers and went in to the building, down the stairs, to end of the hall and the door on the right. Knock twice, followed by a single knock. The door opened and there stood the guy. “Sup” was all the guy said. The description matched perfectly, so Mark walked into the storage room and followed the guy to the end of the aisle and turned. There were some boxes there and the guy pushed his gym shorts down showing a bare, hairless, muscled bubble butt. Mark grabbed the poppers and took a hit and passed them to the guy who did a couple hits. Mark dropped his jeans down and pulled out his semi-rigid cock and stroked it several times until it was hard. Lubing the guy's ass from the packet, he put some on his cock and spread the guy's ass cheeks, teased the guy's hole for a couple seconds and then pushed in. Mark heard the guy grunt out “Oh my fucking god, oh fuck fuck fuck,” as Mark shoved his cock in balls-deep in with one long push. He knew he was tearing the hell out of the guy's hole, but Mark felt if you say “no loads refused” it really means “poz me up” and Mark was going to try his best. Once he got all the way in he didn’t wait to start pounding the guy's hole with no mercy. His body kept slamming into the guy's ass over and over. Mark ground his hips as he was thrusting in. All you could hear in the room was the drone of some building equipment, the slapping of skin, Mark’s grunts and the guys constant “Oh fuck.” Mark was being rough and brutal and his goal was to make this guy a 'one and done' conversion. Some jackrabbit fucking followed by several hard thrusts jabbing into the walls of his ass. Pull all the way out and slam back in. Finally Mark couldn’t last any longer and drove his cock in deep and felt the pulsations as his balls pumped the demon seed into the guy. The breeding complete, Mark pulled his cock out and saw his cock covered in cum and blood. He grabbed the guys shorts and pulled them up, wiping his cock on them before letting the shorts snap tight around the guy's waist. “Thanks, bud” Mark said and walked out of the room, letting the door close behind him. Mark hurried out of the building and back to the car hoping he wouldn’t run into Joey. Looking at his phone he saw the time - 19 minutes from meet to breed to gone. Perfect. The phone buzzed with a message. It was from the guy he just fucked. “OMG that was hot. Can we do again tomorrow?” Mark just laughed “Greedy fucker” and drove back to the hotel. Mark walked in the room and it was sparkling clean. The stained bedspread was replaced and the stack of extra towels was even higher. A note was on the pillow with a wrapped piece of chocolate and his butt plug, all cleaned. The note read simply “Thanks again, Dennis.” Mark showered and put some clean clothes on and laid down on the couch watching TV. He set the alarm on his phone and laid his head back to take a quick nap.
    1 point
  39. I appreciate all the feedback that I’ve been getting from everyone, and as always, I always love to get more. Feel free to message me personally if you ever have questions or anything you’d like to see if you don’t want to comment publicly. Hope you enjoy. -- Part 9: Closing Time “Fuck yeah, take that cock deep in your guts,” Kyle said, watching as the large cock slammed away at my hole. I grinned, taking an extra deep puff on the smoldering red in my mouth, and began clenching my hole down as I nose-jetted the smoke out. “Shit yeah dude,” the guy behind the wall said, slamming my hole extra hard in appreciation, “Grip down on my cock with your juicy hole!” With a nod at me, Kyle knelt down next to the hole and watched the anonymous cock pound away as we both smoked. I looked down and enjoyed the scene as well as Kyle took a deep inhale on the red in his mouth and took it out of his mouth before starting to suck on my cock. I moaned as his hot, smoky mouth surrounded my cum-slicked dick and he sucked hard. “Oh fuck,” the man behind the wall yelled out, as my ass involuntarily got tighter as I fought the urge to keep from cumming in Kyle’s warm wet mouth. “Ugh…. stop Kyle…. gonna cum if you keep that up!” I whispered, puffing hard on my red to try and keep focused and calm down my building orgasm. Pulling off, he growled at me and roughly grabbed my balls. I instinctively yelped at the shock and pain. It worked, however, and my orgasm disappeared. This though also caused my ass to tighten again. “Fuck, can’t hold it in anymore!” the guy yelled, his strokes suddenly becoming erratic, “Gonna shoot up your hole man! My dicks gonna add to the soup cooking in there. Here it comes fucker! Gaaaaahhh…. fuuuuuuu…” With that, he suddenly slammed into my hole and stayed still. I felt his cock start to pump into my ass, jerking hard and moving around with every shot. After a few moments, he finally finished and Kyle pulled me off the cock and turned me around. “Clean him up bitch,” Kyle said, stroking his cock and puffing away at the cigarette in his mouth, “Show him your appreciation for the kind gift of his load.” I nodded and started to suck the cock clean, enjoying the taste of all the loads and my ass on the guy’s meat. I gently nursed at the large piece and as I finally got it deep in my throat I could see the small tattoo on the base of his pelvis. It was a symbol I must have seen at least a thousand times every day at work, warning me of the dangers that lie inside. And now, I was face to face with the symbol, prominently attached to the guy who had just dumped what felt like a huge load in my hole. I jumped back just slightly, even though I had definitely taken poz cum earlier that night. Knowingly taking it after the fact though added to my surprise, and after my mind processed it, I moaned somewhat in pleasure and fear. “Fuck yeah man,” Kyle said, slowly positioning my ass to another waiting cock at the opposite hole, “you add a nice buggy load to my friend’s neg hole?” “Shit yeah! My cobra only spits venom! Wait…. Fuck, that you Kyle?” the muffled voice said, pulling out of my mouth and shaking the cock at my face, hitting it with a few stray drops of semen-laced spit before stepping back. “Yeah man!” he said, as he shoved my ass down, making me gasp. Looking around I realized my cigarette was now out and to the butt. Kyle grabbed it and threw it to the ground. Next, he pulled a fresh one from the pack and placed it between my lips and lit me. I instinctively inhaled deeply several times, hungry and happy to be smoking again as Kyle and the mystery guy continued to talk. “Fucking nice hole you found there. He’s neg, huh?” the guy asked, as he pulled his pants up. “Yeah, cute fucker just started coming here last night. Practically a virgin from what his hole felt like when I used it,” he replied, looking at me expectantly. I gave a nod in agreement, half listening as the cock in my ass slowly pumped inside me, “Let me plant a hot load deep inside him and the fucker even stole my gar so he could blow his load. Nice tight hole, right?” “Hell yeah. Though with all those loads up there, that juicy ass is gonna poz up in no time!” the guy said, and suddenly I was face to face with a younger looking Asian guy with a goatee and a heavy 5 o’clock shadow, “Let me taste my cum in your mouth buddy?” Pulling my red out of my mouth, Kyle pushed my head forward and I immediately found myself with the guy’s tongue probing at my mouth. I opened up and could taste cigar smoke and whiskey on his breath. The taste made me take his tongue deeper, allowing it to probe deep inside. We proceeded to make out for a few minutes as the man in my ass let out a loud grunt and unloaded in my ass. He must have pulled out and left, due to the slamming his door in the room. Kyle slowly pulled my ass away from the hole, filling it with his fingers. Finally, after a minute or two, another cock must have stepped up to play, and Kyle removed his fingers and shoved me back down to take another load. The guy stopped kissing as I let out a moan from the stretching of my ass to accommodate the bigger dick. “Fuck! Nothing better than tasting my poz cum in a neg guy’s sweet mouth. Damn, you were right Kyle, the kid is sexy as fuck and a great kisser, and sounds like a born bottom breeder,” he said, as I felt Kyle play with my balls, pulling them down and back, making me ride the cock harder. The guy then looked me in the face and continued, “Guessing a cute fucker like you is likely a non-smoking little preppy boy, right? Kyle helping you become the pig you always wanted to be?” With a laugh, Kyle answered for me. “Nah man, I wish,” he said, releasing my balls as I heard the click of a lighter, “This pig already was on his way. Just helping him out tonight on getting there quicker!” “Hot damn!” the guy said, reaching down and grabbing my jaw before running his thumb across my lips. He gave me a hungry look before he stuck the tip of his thumb in my mouth. “Cute innocent face and fuckable lips…” I felt the tell-tale sign of yet another load getting dumped in my ass. I opened my mouth involuntarily, moaning as the cock slammed harder and shot another load. “I’m Ren. Get my number from Kyle. I want to play with you again,” he said softly before finally releasing my face. With a light slap on my left cheek, he turned away and walking out of the room. I pulled my face away and looked at Kyle, who was stroking his cock, the wicked looking PA gleaming at me as if it were evil and sentient. “Ren want’s you to have his number?” Kyle guessed, blowing his smoke in my face. I took a deep breath in. In the back of my mind, I realized I enjoying it, savoring the nasty smoke where I would have hated it and gotten angry at the act in the past. “Yeah, you got it?” I asked, wincing as the cock pulled out, and the anonymous fuck left without a word. “Definitely. He’s one twisted kinky fucker. Also my tattoo and piercing artist. Works at a place I go to a few blocks over,” he explained, walking slowly over and rubbing his hard dick against my lips, “Might have to get you over there sometime.” “Definitely, “ I said as I nodded and opened my mouth and slowly started to suck on his cock. “Fuck yeah man, suck on my monster,” he said, as another cock presented itself to my ass. I swallowed hard and felt the metal in his cock head hit the back of my throat as the next guy to fuck me slid inside. “Wet as fuck. Nasty little slut,” the guy at my hole said out loud before slamming away at my ass. “Hey fucker,” Kyle said, slowly starting to pull out of my mouth. “Mmmmmph?” I replied, clamping down on his dick in reply. “Seriously dude…” he continued, smiling down at me and blowing another cloud of smoke at me before continuing, “Stop… Gotta go take a piss.” I started to release when my mind went back to the text messages from earlier in the evening. I pulled off his dick and looked up at him. Reaching down, I grabbed the bottle of poppers and took several deep hits before setting it down. “Feed me it,” I whispered, licking my mouth almost surprising myself as the words left my lips. “Shit, seriously?” he said, clearly shocked. “Might as well try it and see if I like it,” I replied grabbing the red from his hand and sucking in a lungful of smoke, “Give me that fucking prick and fill my stomach full of your hot piss. “Damn… you really are a fucking pig, bro,” he said, and stepped up closer, letting his dick get closer to my mouth, “Love pissing into a human urinal!” Slowly he inhaled on his red and nodded at me, instructing me to do the same. Satisfied I have a big enough lungful, he pulled it out and stuck it in his mouth next to his. Slowly, he pulled my jaw open and gently inserted his dickhead into my waiting mouth. I clamped gently down and waited for a few minutes, enjoying the rough fuck from the top in my ass, who was spewing nasty words out about my hole. “Fucking nasty little bug chaser. Getting his hole filled with any cock that will take it. Probably already a stupid fucking poz cumdump…” the man yelled, announcing to the world my debauchery. “Hear that man?” Kyle asked, his voice sounding strained, “You’re getting even more advertising. Gonna have you service every guy here tonight, and when they’re done, Benny and I are gonna leave our loads in you too. Having Benny use the money he owes me to get you an extra special gift to commemorate your night here.” Suddenly, I felt a hot gush of warm salty liquid fill my mouth. The liquid quickly filled my mouth, and after a second of hesitation, I gulped down the hot piss.The taste was different than I expected. Kyle let out a sigh and I continued to gulp, enjoying the feeling of the hot liquid filling my stomach. After a while, his cock slowly dribbled to a stop and he pulled his now throbbing member out of my mouth. I suck as he pulled out, freeing the last few drops of piss from around the large PA lodged in the pisshole. Staring up, I looked at Kyle, who was staring down at me in happy awe. “Fucking nice man!” he said, grabbing my chin and moving my head around, my body jolting occasionally in response to the hard slams in my hole from the verbal guy deep inside it, “Not a drop wasted. You’re a natural piss toilet. I love it. Next one is getting showered all over you though.” Suddenly, the pace in my hole picked up suddenly, and I heard the guy in my ass yell out. “Fuck! Knocking your stupid ass up with my babies, bitch! Take it! TAKE IT!” he said, slamming my hole hard enough to make the wall shake. After a few moments, he pulled out, and Kyle spun me around. “Thank the nice man and help him get cleaned up to leave, slut,” he growled, shoving my face into the hole. I immediately looked through and opened my mouth. A large, uncut cock was quickly shoved roughly into my mouth, a large scorpion going down the shaft. I felt Kyle shove my hole onto yet another cock, and I winced, feeling the smoke and poppers starting to wear off. Satisfied he was clean, the top pulled his cock out of my mouth and smacked my face as hard as he could. “Stupid fucking faggot,” the guy said and walked out without another word. “Fu… Ow!” I said, pulling my face back and rubbing it. Kyle nose-jetted down at me with a questioning look. “Asshole slapped my face really hard. And my hole is getting tired,” I groused, grabbing the bottle of poppers. “Sorry about that,” Kyle replied, kneeling beside me and grabbing two fresh reds and sticking them both in my mouth as I took several deep hits off the bottle. Soon enough, my ass started to enjoy the pounding it was receiving and I closed the bottle. Kyle lit the two cigarettes, and I took a deep inhale. “Fuck, that’s better,” I sighed, enjoying the extra thick smoke pouring out of my mouth, “Going straight to my cock.” “Nice, dude,” he said, lighting two from his pack as well, “Love fucking my lungs with a double. Figured you would too. Gonna try an’ get a whole pack inside you by the end of tonight.” “Holy shit yes,” I said, enjoying the smoke as I hauled away, happy to have the smoke and poppers fucking me up again. “Gonna have you so full of buggy little swimmers you’ll be shitting cock slime for the whole week fucker,” he continued, looking beneath me at my asshole, smiling as the guy in my ass came silently and pulled out, a second cock instantly now fucking it, “Nice, two for one. Maybe they have different strains.” “Fuck yeah, my ass is full of all sorts of bugs tonight,” I said, zoned out on the poppers and smoke, letting my cock and balls do the talking, “Gonna really get knocked up like the slut I am tonight.” “Yeah buddy, can’t wait 'til you get turned toxic and get your poz badge!” he agreed, licking at the loads dripping from me off my now aching balls, “You want to bug up? Get the gift?” “Fuck yeah,” I said, realizing that the people in the next room could likely hear our dark conversation. The cock in my hole twitched hard at my reply, and its pace quickened, “Can’t wait until my ass gets fully converted and I get my gift.” “Gonna need to get you a tatt then,” he said smoke pouring out of him as he gave my dick a few strokes. My ass clenched at his stroking, and the cock in my ass blew its load, its owner groaning behind the wall. “Fuckin’ awesome man, milk that tainted cock,” Kyle said, our dirty talk making both of us smoke down our reds to the filter in what felt like record time. We both removed the spent butts. Kyle reached for our packs as he planted a deep kiss on my lips, his fingers expertly pulling out our smokes as his smoky tongue intertwined with mine. Pulling back, he spit into my mouth and then dove back in. I sucked on his tongue, somewhat unsurprised to find a piercing there as well. We released and Kyle stuck my two reds on my lips as he did the same with his. With a quick flick of the lighter, Kyle lit us both up and we continued to smoke. Another cock was shoved in my ass as Kyle continued to talk. “Fuck yeah, haul on that double. Gonna feed you the whole pack before you leave tonight. Got to admit, was surprised you actually agreed to let me whore you out tonight and try get your ass knocked up,” Kyle said, grinning and stroking his cock, “Fuckin’ love it though. Also, love watching you take so quickly to the reds. Think you’ll fuck your lungs with them again, man?” “Yeah,” I grunted, nose jetting the smoke and sliding my ass back against cock, enjoying the slick, loose feeling in my hole, “Definitely prefer cigars, but these are great too, especially two at a time.” We both sat in silence as we smoked and I was fucked, Kyle stroking his cock next to my face. Another cock appeared in front of me when suddenly Kyle pushed me out of the way. He stroked it a few times, and then wiped his hand across my soaking wet balls, collecting the multiple loads dripping out of my wrecked ass. He grinned at me as he smeared some of the jizz on the cock, and then on his asshole. “Watching you take all those toxic loads making my ass hungry too,” he groaned, quickly sinking down on the glistening cock, “Wanna make out and swap smoke for a while as we take all these loads, bro?” I nodded and for the following hour or so we did just that. I quickly lost count of the number of guys who dumped a load in my ass, instead just enjoying the feeling of my ass loosening up into a dripping cum dump and sharing the smoke with Kyle. We smoked the packs of reds down quickly, my lungs burning and my head swimming at the massive amount I inhaled. Both of us eventually found out holes empty, and Kyle and I stood up, making out and stroking each other, our cocks both dripping. A knock interrupted us followed by the sound of a set of keys at the door. Slowly the door opened and Benny, the blue-haired twink walked in. Promptly, he pulled his pants down and revealed a massive, cut cock. I was frankly shocked, as I would never have guessed he was packing such a large cock on such a small body. He walked up and shoved at my upper back, bending me over as he took my ass without a word. He made quick work, not making a sound as he slammed away at my hole until he released his load and whispered into my ear. “Take my unmedicated high viral load bitch,” he said and licked my neck before pulling out his cock and grabbing his pants, pulling them back up and tossing a set of keys at Kyle. “Hey, fucker, what’s these for?” he said, catching them with ease before stepping up to my ass and shoving his cock in as well, “And where’s the thing?” “Gonna take a few days to get it. You’ll live,” he said, his voice sounding bored, letting out a loud yawn, “I gotta go. Everyone else is gone and it’s all pretty much locked up. Let yourself out.” With those parting words, Benny walked out and left me alone with Kyle. “So,” he said, "didn’t get to give you your gift for helping me prove my point to Mr. Queen there. But maybe I can give you another in its place…” Kyle slammed his metal filled cock up my ass and proceeded to fuck me hard, having us both light up as he did. I looked into my pack, and to my surprise found only 1 red left. “Gonna be an incentive for you to get your own,” he said, looking over my shoulder as he puffed away, “…fuck, getting close already.” I clenched my hole down, trying to milk his cock and help him along when he continued talking, his voice strained. “So, fucker…” he said, slamming my ass as hard as he could, his PA rubbing around in my hole and abusing it, “Remember when I told you I got tested the other day?” I nodded, unable to say anything due to the solid reaming I was receiving. “Never did tell you the actual result,” he continued, wrapping his hands around my neck and squeezing slightly, changing his angle and making me harder, “… didn’t stop your ass for milking me dry though. Also bet you’re wondering how I knew you’re a doctor and won that bet with little Princess Betty.” Again, I nodded. I had vaguely wondered how Kyle had known this. “Was at your hospital the other day, and saw your sexy ass in the cafeteria talking to all your doctor friends. Had my first appointment with my infectious disease doc,” he said, his pace picking up somehow even faster, “Fuck yeah, knew when I saw you that if I ever saw you again, I’d find a way to fuck your sweet hole. Shiiiiit… I got to stealth your sweet hole last night. Now I’m gonna shoot my fucking toxic poz load inside you again slut.” And with that, Kyle slammed into my ass and held still, letting out a loud growl as his cock throbbed, shooting what felt like a huge load deep inside me. It was powerful, forcing out some of the other loads in the process as my ass ran out of space for all the cum inside of me. Part of me was shocked, as with the way Kyle had told me his status the night before, he almost sounded like he was negative. But thinking back to his exact words again, I realized he was right, and never actually gave me a full answer. Slowly, he reached around me and grabbed the now cold and unforgotten butt plug that had been in my ass hours earlier. He quickly pulled himself out and shoved it in, eliciting a gasp from me as the cold plug seated itself deep inside me and my hole slammed shut at the cold intrusion. “Fuck yeah, grab that plug with your stretched out ass lips. You know you want those loads to stay inside where they belong.” Kyle then grabbed the back of my head, pulling my face to his crotch. “Suck me clean so we can go, pig.” I sucked him clean, slowly savouring the taste of all the different cum loads coating his dick. His tasted great, with an extra smoky taste to it. I realized I likely had something to my theory of smoker’s cum tasting different. After a few minutes, and coaxing a bit more of Kyle’s cum out of his cock as it deflated, I stood up, getting ready to jack off. “No way fucker, save that for tomorrow when you remove that plug,” he said, smacking my hand away, “Let those loads marinate inside your ass and then jack off in the morning. Give that virus a chance to knock you up.” We both dressed in silence, my ass feeling delightfully full again with the multitudes of cum sloshing inside my hole around the plug. I pocketed the box of reds, now empty save for one lone cigarette. We climbed the stairs in silence, and I stood back and rubbed my still hard and aching cock and cum-swollen balls, watching Kyle open the door before letting us out. He grabbed another cigarette and lit it quickly before handing it to me to share. I took a deep puff and handed the red back. “Well, I’m off to home. We gotta do this again soon. Next time though, I expect you to bring your own smokes,” he said, a wicked grin on his face as I slowly nose-jetted the smoke. “Who says I’ll be back?” I asked, jokingly getting an attitude as he started to walk away. “Dude, pig like you will be here every night I bet,” he said loudly, “Besides, got to work your ass up to being ready for the bathhouse somehow.” I secretly was glad the street was empty, as his words echoed off the different storefronts. “Sounds like a plan then…” I said, turning away and starting the short walk to my apartment building next door, “Don’t forget to send me that Ren guy’s number?” “Will do. But only if you send me a pic of your ass tomorrow after you take the plug out. See ya soon!” he called back, waving to me as I left. I waved back, knowing the action was pointless since he couldn’t see me. Slowly, I walked in the front door, looking at the security guard at the desk. I was silent, seeing that he was clearly asleep, his legs on the desk and hat on his face. Looking at him, I glanced at the clock behind him and quickly realized the time. 3:45am. Holy shit, I thought to myself, as I called the elevator, which quickly opened with a soft clank, did I seriously spend almost 6 hours at a glory hole?! I grinned at the realization, catching my reflection in the now closed doors. I looked… well… well-fucked was the first thing that came to mind. My hair was tousled, and I had what looked like a small bit of cum coating my bottom lip. I instinctively licked it. Yep… cum. The doors quickly opened, and I walked out, quickly unlocking the door to my apartment and stepping in. A slightly hazy cloud of cigar smoke still hung slightly in the air from the nights earlier festivities. I took in a deep breath and inhaled deep through my nose, now enjoying the smell. I quickly made my way to the bathroom and removed the cock ring from my member before taking a quick piss. The relief was instant, as I felt my dick slowly deflated and I unleashed a full bladder. My eyes felt heavy as I relieved myself. The night quickly was catching up to me, as I felt the tiredness suddenly hit me like a brick wall. Yawning, I undressed, and pulled back the covers, climbing into bed. In almost no time at all, I quickly drifted off to sleep, with ass plug deep inside me as the countless loads inside my ass stayed trapped. Kept warm inside me, allowing them to get absorbed.
    1 point
  40. No, it isn't necessary that I always find someone new. In fact, I have had some boyfriends in the past, a few of whom I have been exclusive with. And I certainly entertain the possibility that I would find one person to bareback with in the future. Part of the difficulty is that I am extremely busy in general, and as an (aspiring) academic I have found that it is difficult to concretely separate my professional life from my private life. It has been extremely difficult for me to find people who are understanding and/or flexible enough where this would not be a major issue. Consequently, most of my sexual encounters over the past few years have been decidedly casual. And, while I definitely do enjoy being able to have sex with new people (as it can be quite exhilarating, no?) this should not be taken to suggest that I do not appreciate steady companionship, or longer-term commitments or relationships. It is just that, on the whole, the nature of what I do and what I wish to do in academia makes it much more difficult for me to find people where such longer-term commitments are an option (at least here, geographically speaking).
    1 point
  41. Michel Foucault is a pretty famous and influential philosopher who was also a pretty famous slut. Just tell people that you're modeling your career on his.
    1 point
  42. I laid tied to the bed, staring at the hotel door, waiting for the next top to come and poz my hole. Wrestling with how to come to terms with the whole thing. “Peter?” I said. “What” he snapped back. “I admit I wanted to be pozzed, but honestly not like this” “Yeah, I know how you wanted it, you wanted me to do so you could hold it over my head” “No I wouldn’t” The knock at the door kept him from responding. As he opened it wondered who would be there. The man that was outside was fucking hot. He was like a living god. Tall, dark, handsome and covered in tattoos. Under his tank he was furry and muscular. As he walked into the room, his cock jumped under his gym shorts. “So how many have knocked him up?” he asked “An escort, me, and a guy who was full blown” Peter said. “Fuckin’ hot” the stranger said, “let me add mine” “He’s open for business,” Peter replied, “tell all your toxic friends” “Fuck man, I can have my husband head over after his workout, as well as some of my buds” “The more the better” The muscle god was now stripping. Once his tank was removed and his body exposed, I was in awe. He was solidly built. “you ready for this?” he asked looking right at me. “Yes” I replied. “If he starts to object, just keep going,” Peter said, “he’s going home poz one way or another” I watched the muscle god drop his shorts, exposing his thick veiny cock. It had to be nine inches. I licked my lips and lifted my hips off the bed, raising my ass up in the air. “Someone’s eager” Peter said. The stranger climbed between my legs and buried his face in my crack. Licking my hole, soaking it with his spit. Peter was pinching his nipples as he watch. The stinger then climbed on top of me, line up his cock and pushed it in. I let out a loud moan. He dropped body on me and I felt as if I was being smothered. He was pumping his cock in and out of my hole. I would lift my hips off the bed, pushing upwards so my ass was meeting his cock. “Someone’s very eager” the stranger said. “Fuck your poz load into me” I said. The stranger slammed his cock into me hard, pushing me into the mattress. I was pushing back my ass as he slammed in. I watched Peter across the room, watching me as I was getting fucked. “Untie me your twisted motherfucker, so I can fuck this man properly” I yelled to him. Peter dropped his phone and quickly moved over to the bed. He released both my wrists and i pushed myself up to a kneeling position. I wanted this doggie style. “Fuck me like the bitch I am” I said. The stranger grabbed my hips and began to fuck me more, faster and harder. “Slap my ass” I ordered. Peter was releasing my ankles. “I said slap my ass” The stranger slapped my right cheek hard, making it sting. “Again” I said He then started to slap my ass over and over as he pounded my hole. “Glad to see you are embracing your inner pig” Peter said. “Oh I’m just beginning” The stranger pulls out and flips me over on my back, grabbing my ankles he pushed my legs back, shoving my knees into my chest. Peter grabs his cock and lines it up with my hole. The stranger’s cock pushes in all the way. “Going to dump my load into your hot ass soon buddy” He started to pound my hole, thrusting his body weight into me. I could see Peter standing there, his cock was getting hard again. I watched it lift off his balls and slowly start to expand, until it was sticking straight out. I squeezed my hole around his cock as the stranger fucked me. The bed was squeaking as we fucked on it. I know people passing the room could hear it, but I didn’t care, fuck them. Hell, if they wanted they could come in and fuck me too. I didn’t want to fight this any more. I wanted to be a fucking pig. The stranger’s cock was rock hard and his balls were tensing up, drawing close to his body. He was getting close to dumping his poz load into me. “Want my load fucker’ he asked. “Fuck yeah, is a pig’s ass pork” “Fuck yeah” “Dump your poz load in my hole” He slammed into me. He grunted loudly as he emptied his balls into my hole. Every few seconds he would pull out and thrust back in. “Fuck dude, y’all up for a little four-way later tonight” “Fuck yeah” I said. “I will text you the address when I get to my car” he said, “my husband needs to poz that ass” “Tonight all holes will be available” I said. “Same here” He pulled off me and began dressing. I wasn’t sure if Peter was in shock or just scared. As soon as the man left the room. I grabbed my cock and started stroking it hard. I stared at Peter the whole time, watching him and his hard cock standing there. “Hope we have some time before my next trick,” I said to him. A beep on his phone brought him back to reality. I grabbed it off the table, it was a text message of the guys address and what time to be at his place. I tossed his phone back down, then walked towards him next to the bed. “Your ass is next” I said to him, pushing him on the bed.
    1 point
  43. Part 11 Luke's oral training was progressing nicely as he started to become more aware, and accepting, of his situation. After being confronted with the possibilities he quickly accepted his new role and began to accelerate his skills, not only sucking cock but getting fucked. He not only craved the needle of a slam, but the need to be fucked. Steve was not going to send him out on a job util he was, first, ready and second, a converted poz cum dump. As Friday approached the plan to get the cocky stud who lived in James' dorm was ready to be put into motion. Matt was able to get Steve's support and, although he'd love to add this stud to his stable of boys, the alpha mentality he had would pose a problem. Steve was resigned to see this kid reduced to a chemmed up, cum dump, and marked forever by the seed he'd forever crave after they were done with him. Matt went to the dorm part as James' guest and before too long managed to catch the stuck up studs attention. The studs name was Brandon Allen McMasters (who claimed his nick name to be 'Bam Bam'). The nick name was not just for his initials, he bragged it was for the 9" club he carried between his legs. Matt showed an interest in learning more about his 'so called club' as their conversation it made drudging him up so much easier. Bam Bam was thinking he found himself a nice piece of ass to fuck,. but before he knew it he was having difficulty focusing. With little attention drawn to them Matt put an arm around the stud and walked him out of the party. James had headed out earlier and with a careful eye to Make sure no one was the wiser, the three made their was out to Matt's car. After a short dive to a local Motel 6 the three were ushered into a secluded room on the back side of the property to find Steve waiting with a small group of the campus gay community. Once securely inside the room they stripped their prey and secured his arms out and his lags back so that his hole was exposed. As the kid was still out from the cocktail he was given at the party James was given honors to be the first to seed his virgin ass. James was not going to be gentle as he slammed his barely lubed cock into the semi-conscious stud. As he worked to destroy and breed this stuck up ass Steve began to slowly bring the kid back around with a set of slams that he knew would increase his awareness as he took more and more cock (and cum) in his ass. The stud was also given an injection of Cavedrject which would insure his cock would be hard no mater how much Tina he was given and as it grew to its full 9" they knew why he loved to fuck. Steve was the second guy to fuck him as another slam brought him closer to the discover of the joys his ass was going to command from this day forward. Matt went after Steve and by the third slam the stud was not only aware of what was happening to him but enable him to moan with every thrust Matt gave. By the time 'Bam Bam' was completely aware of his being fucked as all those present were now wearing masks as one after another took his turn. The key to all this was making this stuck up jock know he was taking it raw and (hopefully) get him begging for each guy's load. They had a camera set up on his ass as he was getting fucked. As the talk around him centered on the fact of bareback sex and breeding the 'new piece of meat' they directed his attention to the TV where it was evident he was taking raw dick. This was accentuated by the fact he was hard as the guys around him let him know that he wondered in and begged to be fucked. They went on to tell him that when the first guy went to fuck him and asked if he wanted to be fucked wrapped or raw he replied that he didn't care, he just needed to have his ass filled. 'Bam Bam' took multiple loads from every guy present and, with the Tina now fully in his system, began to beg for each load. After they were sure he had enough poz cum inside him to pregnate a dozen guys he was then put out again by Steve's special blend before a butt plug was securely place inside him and he was taken back to his dorn room where he was tucked into bed and left to dream away. When he woke up on Saturday afternoon he had the strongest urge to take a shit. He sat down on the toilet and forced out the butt plug wich was followed by a decent amount of cum that had not been absorbed by his body. It was at that moment he began to vaguely recall what he thought was a dream, but now was wondering if he had really been fucked. This thought caused his cock to respond and soon found the kid stroking his 9" to the thoughts he thought were dreams, but now had him wondering if the had actually been fucked.
    1 point
  44. Part 10 On Matt's way to the hotel he gave James a ride to his dorm. As they pulled up Matt caught sight of a hunk of a stud walking out of the building. Matt simply asked, "DAMN! Who is the stud leaving your dorm?" Matt answered him, "You mean that repressed, closet fag?" Matt only shook his head allowing James to continue telling him about the guy who was a stuck up, condom nazi who always looking for an ass to fuck and was very particular about the guys. Matt asked James what he mean and James let him know that he only wanted straight acting bottom guys. Matt told James how much he'd like to bring this fucker down to earth by getting him high as fuck and then fucking him raw until his ass was dripping with poz cum. James let Matt know that there was a dorm party the coming weekend and maybe they could make it happen. James add, "I think you'd definitely be his type." The two quickly kissed and James hopped out before Matt drove off. Matt made a few phone calls on his way to the hotel to finalize plans for Luke's transformation. He arrived just before Steve arrive with a naked Luke in tow. Once inside Luke's new room Matt knew the next phase of Luke's training was going to involve teaching the boy to suck cock. Matt stripped down and climbed on the bed resting against the headboard as Steve directed Luke to get between Matt's legs and listen to everything he was told to do or else. This was the first time a cock was to enter Luke's mouth. Matt started off easy as Luke only sucked him hard. As Matt's cock grew so did Luke's ability. Although he couldn't take the entire length in his mouth it was a good start as Matt had him focusing on the pleasure he was giving. Soon there was a knock at the door and in came a man with portable laser hair removal machine. The plan was to permanently eliminate what little hair Luke had on his body. After a good session the guy that had come in with the machine told Steve and Matt to call him immediately if they see any hair growing back. Steve left with this man leaving Matt to continue Luke's 'oral training'. The boy had a ways to go before he'd be ready to meet and client Steve had for him. Matt made sure to coach Luke as he guided him further down on his cock. The plan was to destroy the boy's gag reflex and get him used to swallowing a guy's load. Matt could tell that the drugs were starting to ware off as Luke became a little more coherent to his situation. As Luke became aware of what he had done and was doing he also felt the need for more chems. Sure enough he paused to let Matt know he needed a slam. Matt promised "You'll get your slam after you finish sucking me off and swallow my cum." With how desperate Luke was for his slam he went back to sucking Matt's cock and with following Matt's direction he was about to get his first taste of cum. Matt was going to be sure that Luke didn't pull off as he grabbed the boy's head between his two hands just as he began to fill Luke's mouth with about a table spoon worth of cum.
    1 point
  45. Fucking a guy because you were ordered to would not make you a Dom at the moment. You would still be a sub faggot carrying out an order. The only pleasure you would take in a forced topping would be serving your Dom.
    1 point
  46. Conclusion Part 7 Here I lay fully aroused by the fact that this man, who I just met today, has unleashed feelings that have been pent up since I was a child, taken complete control over me, introduced me to a Sarah Palin in a real and personal way, and has threatened to physically mutilate me, and yet there is no where else I would rather be. Ive paid my psychiatrist for years and never opened up to her like I did to my Daddy today. He knows things about me that I swore I would take to the grave, but at the same time having that burden taken away is cathartic. Im on this bed waiting for his return, wishing I could stay tied up like this overnight, dissapointed that I have to go home to my wife and kids, and truly contemplating a plan for how I can make this life of pig sex, drugs, and immorality a reality. And then my glorious savior walks back into the room and I'm ready for more. Daddy proceeds to do a few more bumps and with each one I can see his cock throb and drop a little. He brings the tray to my face and I do another few to get me ready for the long night ahead thinking of what kind of lie I can tell my wife so I can stay overnight. Daddy quickly stands on the bed tells me to open my mouths and stars emptying is chem piss filled bladder into my mouth and all over my body I drank every drop he put in my mouth a basked in vile stench if the rest as it soaked into my skin. Without stopping his extraneously long piss and spraying every where as he did it, he unstraps my right wrist, grabs the other unused hand cuff and attached it to my right wrist. It was so sexy that he never stopped pissing even as he was locking me in, as the last of the piss was simply dribbling out of the tip of his glistening purple head. So now I have one hand free but it is chained to my cock with the hand cuffs. Daddy gets off the bed spits all over my face and body and then says I'm done with you and leaves the room. I see he placed a tub of lube and the tray of crystal within reach so I stretch to grab the tray and push as much as I can into my piss slit, and then struggle to get the lube. I glob a nice amount of lube on my cock and start stroking. Then it comes to me. Maybe this is a test, maybe I need to do something to show Daddy how much I love Sarah Palin and him. I look around as best I can and what do I see, the dagger. I have to twist and contort my body trying to reach it, with the noose around my neck literally getting tighter as I struggle. I gripe and grope and finally reach it. I manipulate it so that I'm holding the actual blade vertical, with the tip pointed down, parallel to my cock, and all I can think to do is place the blade up to my cock and start stroking. The fear of doing real damage to myself washed away as I asked Sarah Palin to give me the will to make my Daddy happy. So I started to slowly jerk my faggot clit with the knife and my clit in the same hand with edge of the blade resting on my shaft. Now thankfully the blade was dull, though the tip as kind of sharp, but just the thought of blood and pain made me smile. I stroked faster, the metal running up and down my shaft, the pressure of the blade milking me. I was euphoric. Daddy walked in a moment later and sat down in a chair next to the bed to watch me. He grabbed the tray for a few more bumps. I was elated that he was back and giving me his precious attention. He asked me where I got this idea, and I said I prayed to Sarah Palin to help me make you happy. He grabbed me by the chin, opened my mouth and spit in it, saying good boi. Now I was fully in the depth of the perversion that I needed but that I held back for so long. I wanted to do something else to impress Daddy and it came to me as the blade grazed the tip of my clit. I shifted my grip so the blade was in my han better. I stretched my wrist upward, dragging my ball with it, then slowly inserted the tip of the knife into my piss slit, and I swear I almost came right the and there. Now I've done some sounding so my piss slit had some give, which made things even better. I pushed the tip in as far as I could (which was disappointingly not far at all) steadied the blade, and began to pump my hips. Daddy's eyes widened as he watch wil that same evil grin as before. The more I pumped the better it felt, sure it was only the tip and sure the knife was dull, but I knew this was only the beginning. Daddy looked me in the eyes and said, next time you're here we're going to start sounding you to open you up wide, and then we're going to get a sharper knife. I kept pumping, the slight sharp pressure edging me closer and closer to releasing my spunk for Sarah Palin and Daddy. Faster now, more pressure, faster, i getting close, Daddy is encouraging me, he takes off his pentagram necklace, makes me kiss it and tells me to give myself to Sarah Palin. So I did, I say the first thing that comes to mind...Sarah Palin, I offer all of my self to you and your disciples. I'm ready to be vessel for your evil. Hail Sarah Palin! Daddy shoved a bottle of poppers under my nose, I too a few huge hits and before I could exhale, Daddy tightened the noose. I was on another plane of existence, I could feel all the power I was being given right in my cock. I was thrusting now, stretching myself even more, feeling the impending explosion, gasping for air high as kite, Daddy saw my cock twitch as I started to cum and was pulling the noose as hard as he could. I shot thick creamy rope after rope into the air, onto the blade, and into myself. As soon as I was finished and without any time to rest. Daddy spit on me some more and said get out. He quickly unbound me, viscously ripped the monster dildo out of me, grabbed a pink butt plug, rolled it in the last of the crystal on the tray and fixed it deep inside of me. He then says, keep that plug in overnight, don't take it out for any reason and if your wife finds it that's you problem. I sit up, and timidly ask him if I could use the shower, to which he coldly responds...I'm done with you now leave. I quickly stood up, put on my clothes and ran out the door to make the long three hour commute home to Orange County in holiday weekend traffic. The entire time I was driving home I could feel the plug rubbing my prostate as I went over every bump, my cock was hard the whole time. I stunk like sex and piss. I didn't want that smell to end by I knew I was unreal trouble if I got home like that so I stopped at a Starbucks, walked in with my head held high and the stench of chem piss emanating from my body. Into the bathroom, strip naked, and because I knew Sarah Palin and Daddy would want me to, I washed my self in the toilet. Now cleaned up-ish I got back in the car and headed home. I left that plug in overnight and into the next. I kept it there to remind me that my life is going to be very different from now. Hail Sarah Palin! Thanks for listening to my story and I hope I'm going to have many many more (good and bad) now that I'm starting the transition to the real cum guzzling pig I was always meant to be.
    1 point
  47. Part 2 So here I stand, naked and so high my pussy is throbbing and dripping wet. I realize that I'm beyond fucked up (which is awesome) so I had to lay down on the bed because my balance was off and my vision was blurry. Daddy then grabs me, pulls me off the bed, and starts to slap me around and tell me what a little light weight bitch I was. He proceeds to turn me around, forces me onto the bed, spreads my legs, and begins to shove booty bump after booty bump into my aching hole. I can feel my pussy getting hot and it's now dripping down my leg. At this point, I'm not in control. I feel so good, so electric, but started getting tunnel vision and I'm writhing on the bed. By this point I've realized I just need to go with it and be a complete whore and give up all control to Daddy because he knows best. So I reach over grab the plate and do another line....ooohhh yeah. Daddy then begins the process of gearing up in his leather, chest harness, arm bands, etc, but the best part was that he pulls on a filthy, yellow stained jock. I sit up as best I can and lean over and push my face into the pouch. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it smelled, it was a mixture of old strong chem piss, dirty cock, and his normal manly musk, all concentrated in a single place and my face was buried it it. I couldn't have been happier, until he pulls out his hard cock and drops a line right on it. I realize holy shit...he owns me, I have no control here. I snort the line off his cock and then stick his dick in my mouth to clean Daddy's fuck stick off, taking it all the way to the base, with my tongue resting under his balls, gently licking them, all the while keeping our eyes locked. I'm so fuzzy right now...I'm scared, exhilarated, confused, but then Daddy took control and made me feel better. That only lasted a minute. He starts to slap my face again hard, spits on me and tells me I'm not yet worthy to be in his Master's presence. Here is where the real fun begins.
    1 point
  48. 7. Seth "Fuck me," I moaned. Cal's tongue was pressing into me, and it wasn't enough. I needed something bigger inside of me, something more masculine, more potent, more alive. Even though I had barely been barebacking for twelve hours, and bottoming for less than a third of that time, there was a brutal compulsion that I could not control. I had seen porn movies before where the bottom seemed almost out of control, that their life and happiness were totally dependent on getting fucked and bred. Until now, I hadn't understood that need. But now, this need was more than just understandable. It seemed like the natural state of things. I wanted men to put their cocks inside of me. I wanted them to fuck me. Most of all, I wanted them to breed me. The only measure of my worth was how many loads I could accumulate over the course of a day. "Fuck me. Please," I grunted, as Cal relentless licked my hole, teasing me with what could be. "You want it, boy?" Jon asked. He was now standing beside me. I looked down; his thick daddy cock was hard again. There was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. It was a fluid that should have been released inside of me, not left to dissipate into thin air. "Yes," I said. I tried not to sound too desperate, but every second without a dick inside of me was agony. Cal's tongue was good, but it wasn't Jon's tongue. Nor was it Jon's cock. "Fuck me." "Of course, boy," Jon said. He ran his hand down my torso, tracing out the muscles before following the line down to my cock. "Seems like you're pretty turned on by all of this?" "Yeah," I said. "I am." "That's good," Jon continued. "A young man like you should always be horny." He leaned in and kissed me. "A young man like you should always be getting fucked. Or fucking." He was right. Of course, he had the experience that came with age, but even I, still young, still barely a barebacker, knew that he was right. "Always," he said, as he moved behind me, and insinuated his cock into my crack. He was already hard and his dickhead pressed up against my hole. "You want my hole?" I asked, arching my back. I tried my best to sound like this was my choice, but I failed. There were only two ways this could work out. The first was Jon fucking me and the second was me fucking Jon. Either way, a dick needed to be in a hole. "You want it?" I asked again, this time not even attempting to hide the need in my voice. "I do. But I think you need it worse. Don't you, boy? Don't you need my cock?" "Please," I murmured and I rubbed my ass up and down along his shaft. "I need your cock." "You need my load?" he asked. "Don't you need my load inside of you?" "Please," I repeated. "I need your load." For a brief moment, the sex fog lifted, and I realized exactly what I had asked for. I had asked Jon for his load. He had told me he was positive, and I had just asked him to cum inside me. But, then I remembered. I had taken a drug earlier that day, and it no longer mattered. Sex was safe again, even when it was bareback. "Of course boy. Any time you want it, it's yours for the asking." Jon wrapped one arm around my chest. His dark hair contrasted with my light, smooth skin. It only emphasized the differences between us: maturity and youth, man and boy, poz and neg, and most of all in that moment, top and bottom. With his other hand, he reached down and aligned his cock with my hole. I pressed back, Jon pushed forward, and with barely any resistance, his cock re-entered my body. "Oh hell yes," he said. "That's a hot fucking hole." "Feel all that cum up there?" Cal asked. "Feel it in that slutty hole?" "Oh yeah," Jon grunted. He was pushing deeper into me, finding the well-used route into my body. "My load. Your load. Jean-Paul's load." He pulled out, just enough to distribute some of the accumulated semen along my hole. "He was born to take cock." I could see the two of them just barely reflected in the glass of the window. Cal started to stroke his cock, and then he leaned in and kissed Jon. The two stayed lip-locked as Jon pushed his cock the rest of the way inside of me. "All the way," Jon said when he finally broke off the kiss. In the reflection, Cal whispered something in Jon's ear. I could just barely hear it. "...potential to spread it," he ended, as he raised Jon's arm and buried his nose in the man's armpit. "Of course," Jon said, agreeing with whatever Cal had whispered. "He's born for this." Jon turned his attention back to me. "You've been dreaming of getting it raw, haven't you?" "Yeah," I said. "Every time I jerk off." I took a deep breath. "I'm never going back to condoms." But it didn't matter. There were better ways to stay safe than a thick, impervious rubber sheath around what should be close, warm, and intimate. "Don't be fooled," Cal said. "Every man wants to go raw. Every. Man." "Well, of course the three of you do," I said. Jon was deep inside me now, slowly thrusting in and out of me. He was edging himself, pushing himself closer and closer to orgasm. I didn't mind his pace. I had already gotten his load once. This time, we could relax and enjoy the journey. Having him so close to me was important. I needed his body pressed against mine and his raw cock buried inside me was as close to a paradise as I would ever find. "i want you inside me raw." "I know," Jon said. "It's good, isn't it?" "Yeah," I said. Just as the weed was starting to taper off, the drink was hitting me. Both drugs were affecting my mind, each of them re-enforcing the other and pushing me towards a world where only pleasure mattered. "I love feeling you inside me," I said. "Inside you raw," Jon murmured in response, gently pushing himself deeper into me. "Sex the way it was meant to be." "And now it's safe," I said. "Just a pill," Jon said. It was just a pill. Every day. And I wouldn't have to worry about men like Jon. I could enjoy them for what they were: beautiful, arousing, sexual creatures. All I had to do was remember to take a pill once a day. It would be easy. There wasn't much that would keep me from a quick pill, once a day. Especially given the peace of mind that it brought. "Just remember to take it tomorrow," he said. I twisted my head back to meet his lips. We kissed and his tongue probed my mouth. I was happy to have met Jon, and thankful that he was the first one to fuck me raw. We had talked so much about barebacking over the past few months, it seemed almost impossible that it was happening, and not just happening, but happening for the second time. Jon had been there for me so many times: validating my terrors of barebacking, but also reassuring me about the pleasures. Luckily, the terrors were rapidly receding. Jon's raw cock felt amazing inside of me, and I was reveling in the freedom that raw sex was providing. Jon could pull out, but another man would quickly take his place. It could have been Cal, it could have been Jean-Paul. Or maybe it could be a stranger, someone totally unknown, yet eager to enjoy my hole. My cock throbbed, thinking about the possibilities. "I want you to cum in me again," I whispered to Jon. There was so much I wanted to tell him: about how good he felt, about how glad I was that he was inside of me raw, about how badly I wanted another man inside of me, and about how I'd never defile myself again with latex. But for now, that short phrase would cover all those thoughts. "I want you to cum in me again," I repeated. "Of course," Jon said. "I hate wasting cum. And you are such a worthy hole to shoot in." We had found a steady rhythm to our fucking, his cock sliding in and out of me, my hips forcing myself further on his shaft. "I can feel how hungry you are," he continued. "I need your cum," I said. I was turning into one of the bottoms I saw in porn flicks, always getting fucked and always hungry for another load. A fifty load weekend no longer seemed like an insane quest; rather it felt like just a good start on the coming week. "I want more." "More?" Jon asked me. "You know that tomorrow is the day for you." "Tomorrow?" I asked. It seemed like such a long way away. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to last that long. "Tomorrow is the party in your honor. How many do you want?" "Loads? Or men?" "Does it matter?" Cal chimed in. "I'm sure you can take it, no matter what it is." "No," I said. "As many as I can get. Six? Seven? Eight?" I didn't want to seem greedy, but at the same time, I wanted everything I could get. This was my life now, a life of freedom and exploration, where sex was common and safe, and the last of my fears were fading away. "I think that can happen," Jon said. "Easily." "Hell," Cal said. "He'll get at least six loads tonight, if not more." He turned to me, kissed me, then whispered in my ear. "Fucking cumslut," he said. "Taking every load you can." He kissed me again. "Fucking jealous of you." "Don't mind Cal," Jon said. "He's a greedy bottom." Earlier in the day, I wouldn't have understood that at all. But now it was far too easy to comprehend. The need for seed could be all-consuming. At least I had Jon's cock in my ass as I was contemplating this idea. If I had been alone, it would have driven me insane with desire. "But tonight, it's all for you." "It is," Cal said. "I'm jealous, but I've had years to collect seed. You're still young. And innocent." The two men laughed at the comment; it was clear that they had spent a long time together and had developed a personal language. I wondered what meanings they were imputing to "young and innocent" and what I needed to be wary of. But it wasn't time for philosophizing. It was time for fucking. Jon pulled nearly all the way out, then slammed back in. I pressed up against the window, momentarily terrified that it wouldn't be able to withstand the attack. But the window held up against my weight, my hole swallowed Jon's cock, and the world was right again. All that I needed was another load inside of me. "Cum in me," I grunted. "Please?" "Of course," Jon said. "But I'm having too much fun doing this and I don't want to cum too soon." He pushed his dick back into me. This time I could feel the drip of pre-cum into my hole, lubricating me for the continued fuck. "Oh fuck yeah," he said. "So fucking good." His cock was stiff and long, and he was using it to the best advantage to slide in and out of my hole. I knew just how he felt: like a man, a man enjoying himself. It was good that he was using me like this. He deserved to feel good. "You don't have to stop," I said. "Fuck me as long as you want." "Or as I need," Jon said. "Come on," Cal said. "Give the boy a break. Plenty of time this weekend. And I think dinner's almost ready." "You're right," Jon said. He turned his attention back to me. "You want to be a greedy boy and get a load now? Or wait for after dinner?" I leaned back on his cock. "Now," I said. "And then another one after." "We'll have to see about that," Jon said. "But definitely one for you right now." He started to thrust his cock harder, forcing himself as deep as he could get. "That's just such a nice hole. So warm." "So wet with cum," Cal said. He leaned in and kissed me. "Three loads up there," he said. "And you're going to get a fourth. Must feel great." "Yeah," I said. "It feels fucking amazing." Jon had been fucking raw for years. He'd almost been fucking longer than I had been alive. I was jealous of all the men who had gotten his load before me. I wanted all of the loads, and didn't want to share. Jon continued to thrust in me, and I had to push back against him with all my strength. I looked out the window at the sun setting on the city-scoped below. I wondered if people could see me, naked, a hot older man pounding my ass. If they could see me, I wondered what they thought. I wondered if they knew how badly I had wanted exactly this, and how many nights I had jerked off fantasizing about a man fucking me raw. Cal has been reading my mind. "If the light's on, yeah, people can see in." I tried to step back, but was quickly reminded that right behind me was Jon and his hard dick. It jammed another quarter inch inside of me. In any other context, it was barely anything at all. But in my tender hole, it felt like several times that. "Oh, fuck yes," Jon said. I was now truly impaled on his cock. If he came, his load would go straight into my gut. It wouldn't be long before my body absorbed the semen and a part of Jon would be permanently a part of me. I might be just another hole to fuck for Jon, but he'd always be the first guy that came in me. I wanted to treasure the memory of that load. "Oh hell yes," Jon grunted again, slamming his cock into my hole. He gasped. "Oh Fuck," he moaned, and his cock throbbed. There was an explosion of warmth in my body that I knew was his cum. Jon had cum a second time inside of me, and I was barely satisfied. I clenched my ass, milking out every drop of his precious semen. "Oh yeah. Milk out that cum." He pulled out, then pressed back into me. "Every drop." Another jet of jizz shot into my body and with it, another wave of pleasure washed over me. Having a man truly cum in me was still a new sensation. It had happened many times with a rubber, but bareback was still utterly new. I didn't yet have the words to explain the sensations. "It's good," Jon continued. "It's so good." His body was pressed up against mine, his sweaty, hairy chest pinned against my back. "Cumming inside you," he grunted, as more cum leaked out of his cock and into me. "Another load?" a new voice said. I turned my head as best I could, and barely saw JP framed in a doorway. "Yeah," Cal said. "Number four for our new boy." "Well, if we're going to get loads five through ten into him, you're going to need some food. Dinner's ready." Cal, not deeply fitted together like Jon and I, bounded over to Jean-Paul. He gave the older man a deep kiss, as the man's right hand disappeared into Cal's sweatpants, cupping and squeezing his ass. Cal said something, but he was too far away for me to hear it. "We should join them," Jon said. His cock was starting to soften inside of me. "Tonight, I can sleep with my dick inside you." My dick throbbed at the possibility of having Kevin all night. Things that were too hard to pull off with rubbers suddenly became possible bareback. There were so few negatives with barebacking and so many positives. I could fall asleep with a cock inside me. Getting double-fucked no longer seemed so scary. I could have three hung men in a row pound my hole multiple times. Finally, I could feel so close with the man I was having sex with. The only real negative was AIDS, and that wasn't a problem any more. Jon pulled himself out of me, and it jerked me back to reality. "It's easy to get lost," Jon said. "I've been there. Need something to keep you grounded." He pulled me close with an arm wrapped around my waist. "Pull up your sweats, and let's get some food." Dinner was perfect JP had made a salad, pork chops and some grilled cauliflower. It was just enough food to leave me satisfied without feeling full. "What's for dessert?" Cal asked, after JP had re-filled our wine glasses, and Jon had passed around a freshly packed bong. The alcohol and weed were making me feel warm and lazy; I wanted to get naked, curl up with one of the naked "Well, I didn't make anything," JP said. "But I know two boys who could use a cream filling." He was staring at me. "I know Jon got another round with you. My turn now." It could have been a question, but it wasn't. He was asserting what was his, and daring me to contradict him. He didn't need to bother. As soon as he mentioned it, my hole started to twitch in anticipation. "You want to take care of Seth?" Jon asked. "I've already had seconds. And I think Cal is feeling left out of the fun." I glanced at Cal, seated across from me. He started to smile. "Finally," Cal said. "Well," Jean-Paul continued. "It sounds like we know what we want. Shall we head back to the bedroom?" "Sure," Jon said. "We'll worry about the dishes later." He stood up, and took Cal's hand. They headed out of the dining room towards the bedroom, leaving me alone with Jean-Paul. "How are you doing," he asked me, standing up and offering me his hand. "Good," I said. "Really good." I was definitely feeling the wine and the weed, but in a good way. It took the edge off and removed some inhibitions. JP pulled me close to him; pressed up against his warm body, I could smell the accumulated sweat, lube, and hint of cum from our earlier fucking. I leaned in to kiss him; he accepted my tongue readily. "I want to get back in you," he said. "Feel all those loads up your hole." "I want you inside me. I want you to cum in me again." Through our sweatpants, I could feel his cock growing hard. Even soft, it was thick and heavy; hard, it was almost a monster. It was only the beginning of the weekend, and I wondered if I could take two more days of being fucking by dicks like this. But that was something to think about later. For now, I just wanted his cock back inside me. "Fuck me." "Hungry boy," JP said. He grabbed the bong off the table and handed it to me. "Do another hit for me. I want to see what you do when you're stoned." "Are you?" I asked. "After you," he said. I took the hint, and held the lighter by the bowl. I took a big hit, enjoying the sound of the smoke bubbling through the water. I held the hit as I handed the bong to JP. He followed my lead, and did another hit. We exhaled simultaneously, our bodies briefly hidden by the smoke. "Ready?" he asked. "Hell yeah," I said. He pulled me close, and pushed down my sweat pants, leaving me naked. My cock was sticking out, hard and erect, and my ass was exposed, ready for a man to penetrate it. "My turn," I said, and pulled his sweats down. He was wearing a jockstrap underneath them, the mesh fabric straining to contain his manhood. I ran my hand over the pouch. His cock was like a snake cornered, twitching and trembling, trying to escape from its constraints. "You want that, don't you?" "Yeah," I said. "I do." "You want to do it here? Or in the bedroom?" "Your choice," I said. All I cared about was when I got it; at this point, I would have bent over on a street corner if I thought it meant getting dick sooner. "Bedroom," he said. "Gotta keep tabs on Cal and Jon, before they get too crazy." I wondered what Jon and Cal might be doing that the four of us had not already done. "Come on," he said. He walked out of the dining room, taking off his jock strap and letting it fall to the floor. His ass was thick and muscular. I hadn't cum since this morning, and my cock needed relief just as badly as JP's did. I wanted to bury my dick deep inside JP and feel his warm hole wrap itself around my tool. Of course, I also wanted to shoot my load into him as well. I followed him into the bedroom. Cal and Jon were on the bed already, Cal's legs spread and up in the air and Jon already inside of him. The two of them had their arms wrapped around each other, and were whispering to each other. JP and I were far enough away that it was an indistinct murmur. "Guess we're on the couch," JP said, motioning me towards a black leather couch. It was at an angle to the bed, arranged so that we could watch the two men on the bed, or look out the window at the sunset. JP sat down on the couch, his erect shaft sticking straight up. "Come here boy," he said to me. I straddled him and pushed my ass back against his dick. "You want it?" he asked. I was facing him, staring into his brown eyes and studying his grey-flecked stubble. He was at that indeterminate age of "older:" perhaps early forties, maybe even a well-preserved sixties. But age didn't matter here; the only thing that did matter was his cock. It was nuzzled up against my hole, waiting to penetrate me. "Ready?" he asked. He didn't need to do any explanation of what he meant by that. We both had the same goal. "Yeah," I said. "Good." He put a hand on my waist, and reached around to guide his cock into my hole. His cockhead slid in, almost too easily. It was the fifth time I had gotten fucked that evening, and my hole was relaxed and ready. "Oh yeah," he said, as the head disappeared into my body. "Fucking nice hole. Fucking nice spermy hole." "Oh god," I moaned, feeling his manhood press into my body. "Oh fuck yes," "Give him what he needs," Jon called out, hearing my grunts and moans. "You know he can handle it." "Ignore him," JP said. He craned his neck, I leaned in, and we kissed. His stubble was rough against my face, but that was the way it should be. There was no mistaking he was a man as his thick cock pushed into me; the stubble only re-enforced that. "What do you need? What do you want?" "Your cock," I said. "Yes, boy?" he replied. He was laying claim to me, that much was clear from his tone, and it made me happy. I had always tried to control my fantasies. I had read so much on the internet: from groups to barebacking, from partying to leather, from bondage to role play, what turned me seemed limitless. I had been raised to be a good boy, and between the barebacking, the wine, and the pot, that short lifetime of indoctrination was quickly fading away. To be his boy, his personal toy seemed like the best thing I could do at the moment. "What else?" "Your load," I continued. He kissed me again, working his way down my face, throat, and finally reaching my smooth chest. "What else?" "Jon's cum." This time he didn't have to say a word. He just lifted his eyebrow, and I knew he expected more from me. "Cal's cum." "And?" "Anyone's cum." He smiled at me. Admitting I would take anyone's cum was a small price to pay. I would do anything to see that smile again. "That's my boy," he said, and kissed me gently. As soon as he broke off the kiss, he slammed his cock into me. "Cumhole," he said, as my body shook from the impact. He kissed me again. "Just how I like them. Innocent on the outside, perverted on the inside." "I try," I said. Jean-Paul's raw cock was remorselessly thrusting into me. That was the fundamental perversion of the night: I was letting another man bareback me. There seemed to be nothing more perverted or anything more transgressive than the simple act of two men having sex the way it had always been. The condom had so quickly become an inevitable part of sex that we, as men, had forgotten how unnatural it was. But, at the same time, until very recently, the condom was critical. Jon had told me that the entire family, Jon, Jean-Paul, and Cal, were all HIV-positive. "How long for you?" I asked, between bouncing up and down on JP's shaft. "I mean, being..." I hesitated. It was not my place to ask this deeply personal question. But, JP had his cock buried in my ass and was dripping pre-cum into me. There was not much that seemed to be off-limits between the two of us. "Poz?" JP asked. He pushed me down on to his cock, reminding me exactly who was fucking whom. "Yeah," I said. "When did you get it?" "Well. I found out twenty years ago. August 10th." "You remember?" "Some dates you never forget." "Do you know how you got it?" I asked. Once more, I wondered if I was getting too personal. But there was still the unmistakable presence of JP's manhood in my gut, leaking the virus he had acquired so many years ago into me. It didn't matter now; I was protected. But I was still curious. "I was younger. Lost. I had broken up with my college boyfriend, ten years after we had moved in together." He stared at me for a moment. "You want to hear the ramblings of an old man?" "Yeah," I said. It was the honest answer. I did want to hear his story. "Fucking hot older man. DILF." "Thanks. Anyway. I was lost after that. Started going to circuit parties. All-night, drug-fueled dance parties, a sea of almost naked, muscle men. Hooking up with the men I met there. It was all about living in the moment, giving ourselves over to pleasure. We knew the risks, but condoms were too much trouble." His gaze lost focus as the memories of those years hit him. At first, it was hard for me to tell if the memories were good ones or bad ones. But then, I felt his dick push deeper into me, lubricated by the steady drip of his pre-cum. "And?" I asked. "Two weeks after a party in Palm Springs, got really sick. Was in the hospital for a few days. They did the blood test, and found out why I was sick." "HIV?" "Exactly. I want to say finding out gave me the kick to make my life better. But it didn't. Not by a long shot. It made it worse. More parties. More drugs. More men. And now I no longer had to worry about catching anything. So more unsafe sex." "What about now?" Jean-Paul seemed so adult, so in control of his life that it was hard for me to imagine that he was once an out-of-control party boy. "I mean, it's not what you are now is it?" "Well. I'm a lot better now. There's still the occasional bit of fun." He pushed his cock into me; I was clearly the bit of fun for the night. "It wasn't until I met Jon that I really started to clean up and calm down. But that was nearly four years later." I kissed him. It was hard to think of anything else I could do in that moment to get closer to him. My body was pressed against his, my tongue was in his mouth, and his cock was in my gut. My cock was hard as a rock, thinking about everything he had done and the experiences I wanted to share with him. "Any regrets?" "About my life?" he asked. I nodded. "No. Can't have regrets. There's no opportunity to go back and fix things." This time he kissed me. We didn't have to say anything; even as young and innocent as I was, I intuitively understood what he was telling me. "But it's a lot easier now. You've got PrEP, and don't have to be afraid of the freedom." There was another pause. In the background, I could hear Cal and Jon fucking. "You?" he started. "Are you scared at all?" "Yeah," I said. "I was. I barely fucked until college. And even though I fantasized about barebacking, I didn't dare do it until today." "You trust it?" "Of course," I said. "It works. I read a lot about it, before I started." The first time I heard about it, it seemed too good to be true. A pill that would protect me. "And Jon told me a lot about it as well." JP grinned. "And I get to reap the benefits of it. You're a real barebacker now." "Yeah. I am. Not going back either." "That's what I like to hear from a man. Any other kinks you want to explore?" "Well, uh," I stumbled. I knew I shouldn't be ashamed of what turned me on, but I blushed when I thought about the porn I had downloaded and all of the freaky stuff I had jerked off and shot my load to. Besides barebacking, there was one thing that reliably got me off. "Yeah. There is." "Yes?" JP asked, arching his eyebrow. "But, um, well." I stopped again. I wondered what JP would say. I hadn't even talk about this with Jon, much less the husband I had only met a few hours earlier. "I always get off to bondage movies." As I said it, I hadn't realized how fast my heart was racing. "Bondage?" he asked. There was a hint of tension in his voice. He was playing his cards close to his chest; it was hard to tell if it was excitement or condemnation. "You mean, like rope and restraints?" "Yeah," I said. "It's just, just the way I am." "No," he said. "It's cool. Better, it's very cool." He leaned in, the smile on his face was conspiratorial. "Jon and Cal. Doesn't do anything for them. But me. Nothing gets me harder than tying up a boy." In my gut, it was hard to tell if the feelings were from excitement, or the white shaft of marble that was JP's cock slamming into me. "I've never done it before though," I said, scared that telling him the truth would turn him off. "Doesn't matter. We can go slow." He closed his eyes, slammed his cock into me, and let out a gusher of pre-cum. "The thought of you. Rope around your body. Tethered down. Straining against the shackles, but ultimately powerless. Fuck!" He pulled his cock out, then slammed it into me. "I want to do that. To you. With you." He opened his eyes and stared at me. My hand went to my dick, almost involuntarily. I was barebacking with a hot older man. A dirty old man who wanted to tie me up. A man who wanted to tie me up, and fuck me. It was too many jerk-off fantasies colliding into reality, and my cock was dripping precum. "You like that boy?" "Fuck yeah," I said. I was jacking my cock furiously now, at least two strokes for every stroke of JP's stiff cock. "You'd let me tie you up?" I nodded. "Make you totally helpless?" I nodded again. "You know, I could do anything I wanted to you." I nodded once more. "I know." I was not the only one edging ever closer to orgasm thinking about the possibilities. "Anything you wanted." His cock was deep in me. "I've already let you cum in me." Things slowed down for me. I could feel every tiny movement of his cock, even the faint throb of his heartbeat. "I know," he said. His cock penetrated a millimeter deeper into me. It hardly made a difference, but in the moment, it mattered. He was inside of me. Dripping in me. "I want to cum in you again." Pressed against my ass, I could feel his balls, full and heavy with cum. They pulled in to his body, getting ready for the impending orgasm. "Fill you with my load." "Do it," I said. "Fill me with your poz load." That needed to be said. As soon as I said it, time flipped. In less than the blink of an eye, JP had grabbed my hands, pulled them off my cock, slammed his own shaft far into my body, and for an agonizing moment, the world stopped. "Cum in me." "Fuck," he said, and a spurt of cum slammed down the length of his cock, directly into my body. It was quickly followed by a second one, and then a third. "Fuck," he said, before giving me a kiss, and shooting a fourth load of his dirty cum in me.
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  49. I can see you've sorta replicated what I had done for Cumdump Network. Well, Cumdump Network (when it launches next year) will be for both anal and oral cumdumps. And there will be a sister site, Public Urinals, for piss bottoms. They'll all work more or less the same way.
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  50. To see Breeder's original blog post click here Today’s essay is courtesy of a reader who wrote in the following question: Give hope to the hopeless & tell us the funniest time you've mistaken someone's approach as something sexual when it was as mundane as wanting directions. If you have failures I may end up with one or two successes—and wouldn't you wanna help a brotha out? I always want to help a brotha out. Here goes. I’ve mentioned before that I didn’t learn to drive until I was in my early twenties. It wasn’t out of any particular timidity on my part to climb behind a wheel, believe me; I wanted to drive very badly, and concealing my lack of a license during my college years was both shameful and almost more work than the college courses themselves. No, my dad very simply didn’t want to pay the exorbitant insurance rates on a teenager. I think he would have been quite happy to let me rely on him and on my mother for rides, and kept me on the mercy of the Richmond public bus lines until I was thirty, if he’d had anything to say about it—but when I moved to Michigan to attend graduate school there, I’d been working for a few years, had a little money saved up, and bought my first car from one of his colleagues. It was a dark blue 1979 Chevrolet Malibu with whitewall tires. Despite the fact it was over a decade old when I bought it, it only had something like 12,000 miles on it; the professor from whom I’d purchased it was a little old lady with a cane who drove it a mile back and forth to the campus every day, and then to church on Sundays. Before I had my own family, and when my mom was still alive, I used to visit my parents in Virginia for all the big holidays. It wasn’t a small undertaking. It was the same thirteen-hour drive that I was still making when I started writing this blog, in fact—across the Ohio and Pennsylvania turnpikes, then snaking down through Southern Pennsylvania and West Virginia to avoid D.C.., and finally into Virginia to Richmond. In those pre-internet days I didn’t have a cell phone to talk in, or email to check, or Twitter to keep me amused. I didn’t have an iPod. My car stereo consisted of an AM radio that seemed somehow only to pick up Spanish-language channels. So what I would do would be to spend a few days beforehand recording seven or eight mix tapes of my favorite eighties hits (this was during the actual nineteen-eighties, so they weren’t retro, then). Then I’d put my ginormous boom box in the back seat of my car along with a bag full of D batteries and all those mix tapes, hop in the car, and then start the looooong trip to Virginia with the Thompson Twins or Vanity 6 blaring from the speakers. I’m a very neat person (generally), and I keep my cars immaculate (usually), but between the boom box and the tapes and the batteries and the bag of snacks I’d bring and the maps I’d keep in the passenger seat because of my conviction I might get lost—a conviction that’s been proved correct more times than I’d like to admit—my car could be a mess when I was making one of those trips home. Again, in those pre-internet times, picking up men was a very different thing than it is now. These days, if I wanted to hook up on the way back to Virginia, I’d maybe place a Craigslist ad beforehand, or fire up Grindr or Scruff or Adam4Adam on my cell phone when I’d reached a suitable resting place. In those days, I could stop at one of the numerous truck stops or rest areas along the way and try my luck in the men’s rooms. Or I could simply look out the window as I drove. Oh yeah. Those were the glory days of car cruising. It was not at all unusual for me to find men to fuck around with simply by locking gazes with a man in the passing lane and pulling off at the next exit to drop trou in the woods, or behind a barn, or fuck in a car. Especially when I’d drive through West Virginia or the rural parts of Virginia. One trip, a platonic gay friend of mine was making his way to Florida. I’d agreed to drive him to Richmond, where another buddy of his would be taking him the rest of the way. We crossed the West Virginia state line and the cruising started. Guys were leering and winking at us from their cars. We drove into Virginia and one not-too-attractive fellow followed us for over twenty miles, leaning over to open his mouth and circle his O-shaped lips with his slurping tongue, to indicate he wanted to blow one or both of us. He’d speed ahead, slow down to let us overtake him, then repeat the invitation, over and over again. (It probably didn’t help that my friend kept winking at him to tease him, when we’d pass.) Anyway. So I was on the way down to Virginia for one of the holidays—Easter, I think it was. It was fairly warm. I had my boom box playing something embarrassing in the back seat. The greatest hits of Ta Mara and the Seen, maybe. I’m driving down a lonely stretch of West Virginia highway with nothing in front of me when a man pulls up beside me in a red pickup truck. It was like one of those red pickup trucks you’d see in country videos—not too shiny, not too beat-up. Well-worn. Obviously used, and not an affectation. And that the wheel is the most fucking gorgeous slab of beef I’d seen in a dog’s age. I still remember what he looked like. He wore a yellow T-shirt with the sleeves ripped out so that they showed off his big ol’ muscular shoulders and biceps. His hair was short on top and had been trimmed with a precision level, and a little bit longer in the back. Yeah, he had a mullet of sorts, but they were more fashionable then. Shut up. Even from a lane over I could tell that his eyes were an intense blue. And he had one those square faces that one sees on professional wrestlers—just big, handsome features so broadly painted that his good looks could be recognizable from a football stadium away. I had my mouth open, singing along to some cheesy song. I snapped it shut, when our eyes locked. And then I swerved because I’d gone a little astray, and I’d overcompensated in steering back between the lines. Whoops. He zoomed ahead and pulled in front of me. I followed a while, then passed him. When I turned to look at him, he stared back. He nodded. I nodded in return, with my heart pounding. This guy was a stud. He passed me again. He looked down in my direction. Stared. My cock throbbed in my pants. My throat was dry. Still looking over his shoulder, he passed me again. For about twenty minutes we passed each other, back and forth. He didn’t lick his lips or do anything so obvious, but every time I’d pass, he would stare, and stare. Finally he passed me a final time, then cut in front of me. He put on his blinker about a half-mile before an exit, and pulled off onto it when it arrived. I bit the bullet and followed. He pulled into some kind of former gas station or something, right off the exit. It wasn’t open, and there were no cars there. My heart was still racing. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, I thought to myself. I would do anything for this guy and my car is a fucking MESS. I don’t know why it mattered to me; I think I was thinking that he wanted to screw, it’d be easier to do in the back seat. That Malibu was fuckin’ big enough. I could’ve hosted a small orgy inside and still had room left for a DJ. So for a frantic thirty seconds after I pulled into a parking space, I was leaning over in the back trying to dispose of a boom box, D batteries that had fallen out of their paper bag and were rolling everywhere, a grocery sack of snacks, and what seemed like a thousand mix tapes. There was a tap on my window. The guy had gotten out of his truck and sauntered over. He stuck his thumbs in the pockets of his 501s. My view of him was of a sturdy but trim waist, his big basket, and that tight yello T-shirt broadening out into his big ol’ chest. I unrolled the window and looked out and up into those blue, blue eyes. “Hi,” I said. Only I’m sure it came out more like “H-h-h-h-h-huuuhh-h-h-h.” He put his hands on his thighs and bent over. I could smell him. He smelled like armpit and motor oil—and that was fuckin' perfume to me! “Hey there,” he growled, in a deep porn star voice. “What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound casual. I stretched out my legs so that he could have a view of the hardness in my pants. “I noticed you back there on the freeway,” he said, but my Mental Sex Translator interpreted it as Boy, I’m gonna fuck that slutty little cumhole of yours ’til it bleeds. “Oh yeah?” I asked. My Mental Sex Translator went Please, daddy. That’s how I need it. “Yeah,” he said in his gravelly bass. “You should probably know your back left tire’s a little low.” My Mental Sex Translator had already interpreted that as, Down on your fuckin’ knees, son, and choke on my big fat hog. But then I heard what he’d actually said and I was brought up short. “Wait, whuh?” “Probably about five pounds flat, I’d guess,” he said. “Maybe seven. Just thought you should know.” He flipped me a two-fingered salute at his forehead, and turned to go, as my hope sank like the Titanic. Then he faced me again. “Oh. By the way.” My heart went pitty-pat at his about-face. “Yeah?” “Your gas cover door’s open, too.” There was the crunch of his feet on the gravel, and then a cloud of dust as the pickup truck started up and turned down the state road. My dick wilted in my shorts. I’d never felt so dumb in my life. And I was still finding D batteries on the car floor for weeks and weeks afterward. More...
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