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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2018 in Posts

  1. Part 2. Fake me agreed to meet at his place. He said that he had the perfect dungeon set up for a slut like me. It had a sling, a cage for him to keep me in, web cams set up through the room, a variety of toys, and cuffs shackled to the wall. Fake me loved it and told him I would be over the next day. I ended up blocking him on that profile after didn't show up. The very day I was supposed to meet him on my fake profile he messaged me on my real one. He wanted to meet irl and grab a drink at the local gay bar near his house. I was super apprehensive as I knew what kinks he was into but also I thought this might be the way to actually live out my fantasies. I agreed to meet him at 7 that night. I got myself ready and was out the door, ready to meet and hopefully have some fun after. I got to the bar and realized I was a little early so I grabbed a spot at that bar and got a vodka soda. After sitting for what seemed like an eternity I felt a hand on my back. It was him, and he was much older than I though he was. His eyes were sunken in, his face was gaunt and he was very skinny. However after a drink in me and being incredibly horny I didn't care. We got to talking and he grabbed the next round of drinks. After that I don't really remember what happened. I just remember him grabbing my thigh and whispering in my ear "I'm gonna finally have my fun with you johnny" and then I blacked out.
    10 points
  2. Part 1 I left the office building and started making my way home through the hustle and bustle of the city at rush hour. Finally I made it on the metro for my 20 minute ride to the suburbs and back to the house that I shared with my brother Andy. As I watched through the window at the scenes passing by, I realised the same routine would happen tonight with Gary who was house sharing and a friend of my brother. Gary was a rather extraordinary person who stood at five feet eleven inches 34 years old, solid build and sported a flat mohican hair style, on his adventures out he always dressed in leather chaps, white t-shirt and leather jacket. At 22 years old I was still fairly naive about the gay scene and not that interested in being a typical gay that fornicated with anything that had a cock. Being only five feet seven inches tall I had a trim compact build gained mostly through going to the gym at lunchtime for an hour, my blond hair was kept cropped as it was easy to manage and I nearly always had a tan. I only had to look at the sun and it would bronze my skin perfectly giving me a look that I was always on holiday at the beach. So it was another usual ride to the suburbs, my headphones were plugged in listening to music and minding my own business, the same familiar faces were on the metro including the men who always tried to grab seats near me and spend the time giving furtive glances in my direction when they could. Sometimes feeling like an expensive prime piece of steak put out on display, on occasion it made me feel uncomfortable but I just let the music take me off in to my own world and adore the admiration. I put my tings down in the kitchen and Andy walked in and greeted me with the usual how was your day chit chat and telling me he had to go back to work as they had a few things going on. My brother was 8 years older than me and a couple of inches taller but had the same build and hair colour. I knew he was HIV positive and talked openly to me about it and his sexual experiences which usually got me pretty aroused. Just then Gary walked in, sporting a pair of boxers he apologised for being inappropriately dressed, we wall laughed at his stupid apology, on his left arm at the top he had one tattoo of a bio hazard symbol which sort of looked out of place being the only tattoo that adorned his body. They started to ask if I had got my cherry popped and why was I holding out, I grabbed my brothers crotch and told him I was waiting for him to fuck me, laughing as I tugged on his ball sack. He kissed my forehead and told me one day he would have his very wicked way with me. I have to admit that my massive crush on my brother was beginning to bother me somewhat and having Gary around as well didn't help things, oh yes I was incredibly turned on by him as well. I knew the only way to get sex with both of them was to go bareback and day by day to thought of this was growing more intense and desirable. The risk of doing such was to expose myself to the virus and that was always the block that stopped me moving towards zero hour. After we had eaten dinner Andy headed out back to work. Gary was finishing in the kitchen and I sat on the counter top chatting to him about his latest escapade. I was wearing only my jogging bottoms and it was quite visible I was getting turned on, as Gary passed me he looked at my crotch, laughed and tapped my semi erection "mmmm someone is horny." he commented. I flinched at the unexpected tap "May have to go and rub it off." I replied. He opened the fridge door and got a pot of greek yoghurt and a teaspoon. "Do you want yoghurt?" he asked, "Sure why not." nodding as I replied. I felt several cold splats hit my chest as he flicked the yoghurt at me, I looked at Gary and he was laughing and said "There you go.". My mouth dropped open as I couldn't believe what he just did "Oh and how am I suppose to eat that!" I cried trying to stifle my giggling, he moved towards me "Like this." he said. He held my arms down at my side as I felt his tongue lapping up the yoghurt from my chest, he moved his mouth towards mine and his lips touched mine forcing my mouth open he drippled the yoghurt in to my mouth. My head spinning I slurped the yoghurt and swallowed it as I felt his tongue again lapping up more and depositing it in my mouth. This time I felt his tongue push in to my mouth as he started kissing me. I offered no resistance as he kept deep kissing and invading my mouth. Slowly he pulled me off the counter and pushed me down to my knees where I came face to face with his fully erect eight inch cock poking out of his boxer shorts. I slid my mouth over the head of his cock and slowly began to suck and explore him intimately. I felt the head go slimy as he started leaking precum enabling me to take more of his cock in my mouth. He pulled me up kissed me again as his hand moved over my ass and pulled my jogging bottoms down exposing my hard cock and firm smooth ass. Gradually he turned me around forcing me over the kitchen counter he started to grind his cock against my hole. His cock leaking more precum that he now started to use to lubricate my hole. I let out a moan as I felt the head of his cock slowly prising my hole open. He worked steadily and with purpose edging in more of his cock, I tried to raise my body upright but I encountered his body leaning further over keeping mine firmly against the counter top. My body felt a burning pain as he slipped more of his cock inside forcing my chute open, I wanted to tell him to stop, but every time I tried he pushed a little further causing me to gasp. I began to feel his pubic fair touch my ass and I knew he was near to full penetration. He stopped pushing and kissed the back of my neck and whispering "I know this is what you really want.", his hips started to gently rock and a cry escaped my mouth as the pain burned up through my back. The rocking picked up speed and intensity and I could feel every movement he made, my ass began pushing back meeting his forward thrust allowing him to get deeper inside me. All of a sudden he tightened his hold on me and thrusted in hard as he let our a low roar, I felt his cock jump inside followed by a warming sensation as he released his toxic seed in to me. His hips never loosing contact with my ass he continued pushing in harder as wave after wave of his orgasm flowed in to my body. He lay panting on top of me as he slowly pulled his cock out, my body quivered as his head plopped out followed by a small trickle of his seed. Zero hour had been reached in a very painful erotic way. I stood upright slightly dazed and confused what had happened, I simply looked at Gary with a mortified look on my face.
    8 points
  3. Part 3 I woke up some time later in a place I did not recognize. Mostly because i couldn't see anything, my entire face was covered and I could barely breath, it felt like my access to oxygen was being restricted through a hose. I started to move and that's when I realized I was completely shackled to something swinging and I could not move. That's when I heard his voice. "Good you're awake, I've been waiting for you to come to. I've got a lot of fun plans for you. I know you've been catfishing and I know your secret desires to be a fuck hole faggot. Now I just need to train you. I've taken the liberty of going through your phone, I texted your boss saying you've had to leave for a family emergency and that you won't be back for some time. She isn't expecting you for at least a month but we can extend that further when the time comes. Your family thinks that you just need some alone time so they won't be looking for you either." At this point I started to panic regretting everything I had done. I tried to break free but then I felt a punch to my guy. "Stop trying to break free faggot. You won't be able to and the sooner you realize that the better for you." He then placed some headphones on my ears and I heard his deep voice saying "you live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master, you are a faggot" on repeat and then I smelt the acrid smell of poppers. He must have screwed them into the mask I was wearing because the smell was overpowering. I was left there for hours listening to the voice repeating those four phrases over and over and the poppers making my head swim. I couldn't make sense of where I was or what was happening. Just the gentle swing of my body back and forth and the drool running down my cheeks. Then I felt the headphones removed and I came to. I heard his voice say, "how are you faggot?" I just moaned incomprehensibly. He then put the headphones back on and I felt him walk away. I passed out shortly there after. I woke up some time later to myself on a bed, or I guess what I now call my bed, really it's just a sheet on the bottom of a cage that is 4x3ft. I had a collar on, my head had been shaved, my dick was in a plastic cage and I had a terrible burning sensation on my ass. I looked down to my ass to see a new tattoo. It said "no load refused" then he came down the stairs and walked over to me. Without a word he reached into my cage and attached a metal chain to my dick cage, unlocked the door to my bed caged and pulled as hard as he could on the chain. I screamed out in pain to which he quickly turned around and back handed me "You will never make a sound again unless given permission" and then walked me over to a shower and turned it on. He cleaned me out with out saying a word, and then brought me back to the sling in the middle of the room. I then saw what he had put on me the day before. It was a gas mask with a hose attached, and the bottom of the hose had rivets in it. He put the mask back on me and directed me into the sling. He then put the headphones back on and screwed in a bottle of poppers to the hose. I was lost again within minutes. However this time I felt something different, he started to probe by ass with his fingers, pulling my hole apart and stretching it. It was very pliable on account of the poppers and loosened up very quickly. He then took off the blinders on the mask and the headphones. He then showed me his cock. It had about 15 piercings on it of varying sizes and he then leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I am about to make you something very special" I screamed into the mask as he put the blinders back on and the headphones. I then felt the cold tip of metal against my hole.
    8 points
  4. Part 4 Even though it was cold metal, my hole was in fire. He pushed in and I felt every piercing push into me. It felt like I was being torn open he then bottomed out and I let out a moan of relief. It didn't last long though he pulled all the way out again completely. I felt like I had just been zipped open. I tried to get out of the sling but he slapped me across the face and pushed me down. I felt the cold buckling of cuffs against my wrist and ankles. He then started to push into me again, each piercing grabbing at my hole and dragging across it. This time he slowly started to thrust. Even though I was loose I could still feel every piercing against my hole. He kept thrusting and I could feel my ass getting slippery, it dint hurt as much and his voice in my ears started to sooth me. I was living for his cock and his cum and was wanting him to unload in me, to get it over with but also to feel the warmth of his manliness in me. I felt my cock starting to strain against my plastic cock cage and I started to moan. SLAP He took the headphones off. "What did I say faggot!? No noises unless you have permission." And then he pulled out and slammed all the way in again. I tried not to scream and bit my tongue. I passed out. I woke up to him still fucking me , I don't know how long I was out but it was still going. He saw me come to and removed the headphones. "Good, I'm about to cum and you will be mine always. I have a secret." He then leaned down to my ear and whispered. "I've been poz for 4 years and have a med resistant strain, I just got the notice that I have full blown AIDS and it's all going into you." I screamed as he thrust into me one final time and I felt the warmth gush into me. As he came he told me I was a good faggot slut and now I can become who I was meant to be. He slipped out and I heard a splash, my ass had been leaking ass juices and a small bit of blood. I knew it would take and so did he. He leaned in once more and told me not to worry we weren't done yet. He opened my blinders and I saw him go to the closet in the corner and pulled out a gallon jug filled with yellowish white liquid. He told me he had been saving this for a very special occasion and had been it for 4 months. He told me it was his cum that he had saved. And then he grabbed a funnel and put the end of it into my ass. He again closed my blinders and replaced the headphones. "You live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master you are a faggot," and I felt the cool liquid line the insides of my gut, soothing the ripped flesh and saturating my entirety.
    7 points
  5. Part 2 Rob awoke refreshed but horny. His throbbing morning wood reminded him it would need some attention soon. First however, he needed to hit the gym and pump up. That extra testosterone would make him even more horny and ready to fuck, but based on the action he got last night he was confident it would be no problem to get some release later in the day. The hotel gym was small but adequate for a quick workout to pump up his muscles and clear his head. There was only one other person in the gym, some middle age business type. Rob knew the type as soon as he saw the wedding ring on his finger and the frequent stares at him as he worked his pecs on the machine. “Geez these married guys, they are so obvious about wanting my cock they can’t even stare discreetly”. Well time for a show; Rob stood up and casually gripped his crotch and rubbed it allowing the big outline of his cock to show thru the thin gym shorts. Rob thought the guy’s eyeballs would pop out of his head and was sure he saw a trace of drool as “Mr. Married Businessman’s” jaw dropped. Maybe some other time thought Rob, I’m sure I can do much better. He grabbed his towel and left the gym to go back to his room and shower. After his shower, Rob checked his phone and had several message from the various hookup apps. He had forgotten he had posted a travel ad to both A4A and BBRT. He quickly scanned the responses; they were the usual quick messages indicating they’d love to play while he was in town. Funny there was one response on BBRT from a cocksucker that said he so enjoyed sucking out his load in the bathroom of Rawhide and he love to do it again. Rob did not recognize the guy from his posted pics at all, but then again he only saw most of his cocksuckers last night from the top of their heads slurping down his cock. Rob quickly replied; ”Sure, see you later this weekend, I’ll look for you on your knees”. He was about to log off his phone when he got a message notification, this one from A4A. It was another New Orleans tourist looking for some fun. The profile wasn’t bad, the guy was 25, masculine looking and according to his location he was close. Rob responded asking him to unlock his private photos as he unlocked his own private pics of his hard cock. “Nice bubble ass!”. Rob could almost feel the guy blush. The guy’s name was Matt and he was visiting from Texas, his profile said he was a versatile top and only played safe but Rob knew he could get the guy to rethink that. Soon they had arranged to meet face to face at the bar OZ a short distance from them both. “We can just grab a drink and get to know each other “ Matt implied. Rob thought “Yeah right, the only thing that I’m going to get to know is the inside of your tight ass with my raw cock”. It was going to be a hot humid day in New Orleans so no need for any underwear; he threw on a pair of well-fitting cargo shorts, a revealing white tank and a pair of flip flops. He was out the door in 5 minutes and on his way to Oz. Matt matched his profile pics well so when he walked up to Rob he knew immediately who is was. He was possibly a bit shorter than the 5’9” his profile professed but with a little bubble ass like that it didn’t matter. Matt clearly took care of his body but he wasn’t a muscle stud like Rob. Now was the part of the chase that Rob hated, the small talk and pleasantries before they could get down to action. “Do you wanna party and flip fuck” Matt finally quietly asked. “Sounds good what you got to play with?” replied Rob. “I have some Molly with me if you want to sneak into the bathroom, then we can head to my hotel and play”. So off to the bathroom they went. Matt handed Rob a pill and then swallowed one himself with a quick chug of water. Rob took the pill and with a small slight of hand acted like he swallowed it but actually pocketed the pill for later. He figured it could be useful at a later time. By the time they got to Matt’s hotel, Rob could tell from his eyes that Matt was starting to fly. Once in the room Matt had definitely lost his shyness and quickly stripped and was fondling Rob’s ass and cock. As Rob stripped he pushed Matt to the bed and stuck his cock into Matt’s awaiting mouth. He wasn’t a bad cocksucker but he needs to take it deeper thought Rob. He then started forcing his fat cock farther down Matt’s throat.. He gagged but Rob was persistent, he did want to pace himself though and save his load for that bubble ass. When Matt finally came up for air he said “Suck my cock too, let’s 69”. Rob begrudgingly wet his hand and stroked Matt’s cock. It was a decent cock, about 7” although not very thick. “Hey buddy, why don’t do a shot of tequila from that bottle you have over there and really get down and dirty?”. Rob nodded in agreement so Rob removed his shorts from around his ankles and went to pour some shots into a couple of cups. For Matt’s shot though he had an extra surprise, the other Molly tablet. Using the tequila bottle he quickly crushed the pill and while blocking Matt’s view by giving him a view of his clenched ass, he swept the drug into a cup and added tequila. He poured himself a shot as well. “Bottom’s up!” grinned Rob. Rob then straddled Matt and placed his ass in his face. “Get my hole ready buddy – start licking”. Wow, the tongue eating his hole felt so great he was dazed for a moment but then moved his hand to his prize, he needed to feel that tight puckered pink hole that was ripe for the taking. He slid his finger in and Matt let out a slight yelp. “There’s lube and condoms in the nightstand drawer”. There was no way he was going to use a condom but a little lube would be useful. As Rob roughly worked 3 fingers into Matt’s ass he shifted and pushed his cock back into Matt’s mouth. It was almost show time. Rob could tell by the mouth on his cock that Matt was really flying and almost completely out of it by this time. SUCCESS!. Rob flipped Matt on his stomach and propped his ass up with a pillow and spread his legs to give him full and easy access to his hole. “Condom” Matt whined. “Of course buddy” Rob reached grabbed a condom and ripped it open. He dropped the open wrapper next to Matt’s face so he could see it and paused a moment rubbing the condom between his finger to make it sound like he was actually rolling it on his cock. On second thought, he did ask nicely so maybe I should give him a condom fuck Rob thought with an evil grin, so he barely put the condom on the tip of his fat mushroom cockhead and with that pushed the head into Matt’s awaiting ass. Even in Matt’s drugged state, that cock felt like it was splitting him open. He cried out at the invasion, “More lube, pull it out!”. “You’re a noisy little bottom slut aren’t you? You need to keep it down a little” Rob said as he shoved Matt’s underwear into his open mouth and placed a pillow over his head. “There that’s better”. He then pulled out his cock. Magically the condom was gone, lodged somewhere just inside Matt’s ass. He spit on the open hole in front of him and then again on his cock. “There’s your extra lube” he sarcastically said as he thrust the entire 8” ball’s deep into Matt’s ass. Matt bucked violently but he was no match for Rob’s strength that was pinning him down and soon he was quietly moaning as Rob deep fucked his hole. This guy’s ass was sweet, he loved how it gripped his cock and the sound of his balls slapping against the pale white cheeks was like music to his ears. Thirty minutes later he felt his balls churn and he shot a load deep in Matt’s ass. As he pulled out Matt actually felt empty and could feel the air conditioned hotel air rush in to his stretched abused hole. Rob could see Matt was still conscious by the way he wiggled his ass. It was almost like he was begging for round two. Matt’s ass looked a bit loose from the pounding it just took, but Rob thought “What the hell, my cock is hard again so might as well take advantage, this slut needs to learn he was meant to be a bottom”. So with that thought he fucked Matt in every position possible for another hour and gave him 2 additional loads then jumped in the shower to clean up. Matt rolled on his side and reached back to feel and finger his abused hole. A look of horror showed in his eyes as he realized it was gaping and that there was a mixture of cum and blood leaking out of it. As Rob went to leave he saw Matt’s dazed look and simply said “Don’t worry buddy, that really is Neg cum, I only Top. This will give you something to think about when you play next time now that you’ve realized what a pussy boy bottom you are”. “Oh and at some point in time you will probably find that condom, it's lodged deep in your ass somewhere, enjoy the rest of your vacation” With that Rob walked out the door.
    5 points
  6. [ I tried something different with this chapter. I'm not sure how it turned out, but I'm sure I'll hear about it! ] Part 48 - Flashback The smell of poppers and cum filled the air and the sounds of the chains jangled as the muscled hulk slammed in and grunted as his highly toxic jizz flooded into the sloppy cunt. “Oh yeah, give me that dirty load” Frank yelled back at the guy. He looked up at the top’s body, from his bulging muscles and well defined torso, veins clearly visible on his arms, the biohazard tattoo on his left pec and finally up to his face where the snarl told him “you are so fucked” without a word being spoken. Who knows how many diseases this guy had just pumped into him. Frank knew he had to have him when he saw most of the guys in the bathhouse scurry away as he walked through looking for his next victim. HIV didn’t scare Frank. He had made sure that he had taken many charged loads from his son until he too was infected. He kept taking them afterwards, since he was so turned on by getting fucked and bred by his own son who never seemed to run out of that delicious poz cum. But variety is the spice of life, as they say, and he sought out as many other strains as he could. “How the fuck could I have gotten to this point” he wondered. He had always loved the feeling of being with another guy. It felt completely different than when he had sex with women. Sex with guys was always about the base need to fuck or be fucked. Just animal sex between two guys who knew what men craved from sex. When he got married, he swore off gay sex and was a devoted husband and then father to their son Ric. As Ric got older he sensed that his son was just like him, but maybe even more so. Ric wasn’t as outgoing as Frank and as far as he could tell wasn’t even sexually active. Once Ric turned 18, Frank decided he needed to prod his offspring into finding the joy of sex. First he hired a female escort to show him how to have sex. She seemed willing and even turned on to be his first. She left after only a half hour and told him later his son was “a fag.” Apparently he never got hard and barely made it to first base. After a few weeks of perusing male escorting sites, he came across an ad for a guy that was only a few years older than Ric. The pictures turned him on. He almost hired the guy for himself, since he liked the looks of the muscular jock. The ad oozed confidence and yet didn’t seem too intimidating. He liked the tattoos on the guy and pieced a few pictures together to see that the lower tattoo was of a scorpion. He searched the internet and found out what the symbolism of it was in the gay community these days. It turned him on even more, but he didn’t know why. He had stopped having gay sex when he met his future wife. He had used condoms occasionally up to that point. His whole sex life had been during the AIDS crisis and after. He saw the pictures and they weren’t pretty. He had ignored the issue since it didn’t affect him while he was living a straight life. But now, thinking that his son was probably gay and his wife had stopped having sex with him a few years earlier and told him that their sex life was over, he started thinking that maybe he should return to having sex with men to satisfy his needs. But this was a whole new world to him. Here was someone who was infected with HIV and proud of it enough to have it broadcast to the world with his very permanent ink. He sent off the message explaining the situation and had gotten a prompt reply from the guy, Dave. It seemed weird having a conversation about having sex with a guy as a business transaction and even weirder that he was setting this guy up with his probably virgin son. “If it goes well, I’ll hire him too” thought Frank. He talked several times to Dave about the meeting with his son and each time found himself stroking his cock wanting to change the appointment for himself instead. He got the hotel room as suggested by Dave. It seemed expensive, but Dave told him it was well equipped for a day and night of fun. When he checked in, the guy at the front desk just oozed sex. Frank would have done almost anything to have an hour or two of wild sex with him. The guy looked straight but he had this feeling inside that he wasn’t. He seemed to be just like the guys he had searched out when he was younger. Masculine, bearded, hairy, confident and a burning desire for sex with other men. Ric had been even more exasperated with Frank at meeting another escort after the first, embarrassing session. In the end, Ric did as Frank asked, but Frank knew this was his last chance at anything like this. He left Ric sitting in the hotel room and sat in his car until the meeting time with Dave. Frank was sure he was more nervous than Ric was. Ric seemed to be completely uninterested in meeting someone for sex. Maybe he didn’t want his parents to know that he liked guys more than girls. Frank had hundreds of thoughts going through his mind. He waited and waited. It had been over an hour since the meeting time and he had seen a guy walk into the hotel room right at the time Dave was supposed to be there, but Frank had been too far away to know if it was Dave. No one came out of the room and he was too scared to get close to see if he could hear any noises. He went and got a hotel room on the other side of town near the interstate and a six pack of beer and watched gay porn on his laptop for the rest of the night. Frank woke up early and checked his phone for the thousandth time, making sure that Ric hadn’t called him to pick him up. Frank went down to get the free breakfast offered at the hotel, but wasn’t really hungry. He was even more nervous now. What if something happened to Ric? What if Dave was really a murderer? He loved his son more than anything in the world. How could he have been so reckless and left him in a hotel room with an HIV positive whore for a whole day and night? He had been projecting his own forbidden fantasies on his young son. He even rationalized that HIV wasn’t an issue any more. If Ric was gay he probably would get infected sooner or later and it made sense to get it over with so he didn’t worry like Frank had. They probably used condoms anyway if they had sex he thought then. He looked down at his plate and he had only taken two bites out of the muffin and the apple still sat there without a mark. His coffee was now cold and the cup almost full. He tossed the muffin and plate in the trash, poured the coffee down the sink and took the apple back to his room. He waited and waited. Time seemed to just crawl along until it was finally time to go pick up Ric. Or maybe claim the body. He packed up, checked out and drove back over to the other hotel and parked. There wasn’t any police tape around the door, so maybe everything was OK. Or they hadn’t found the body yet. He tentatively knocked on the door and it took an hour for someone to open it. Or ten seconds, he couldn’t tell which. The door opened just a bit and he heard the guy say “Yes?” Frank said “I know I’m a bit early, but I was kind of anxious to find out if Ric’s ok and if he had a good time.” The door opened the rest of the way and Dave stood there in just a jockstrap and nothing else. Frank felt his cock jolt awake. He looked up and down Dave’s body and he realized that the pictures didn’t do him justice. He was a magnificent human specimen. Tight muscles, not overdone or roided up. A smile that could melt your heart and a nice bulge in his jockstrap that said he could probably fuck you for days. Frank was brought out of his daze when Joe told him “Yeah, I think it went well, but the real judge is Ric. You have a great son there, Frank. You should be proud of him.” Frank nodded and said “Oh, I am. I just want the best for him.” He wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to ask, but he did anyway, trying to be discrete and not let Ric hear. He whispered “Uh…. I gotta ask… Is he really… gay?” Joe smiled back at Frank and replied to him quietly “Oh yeah, he proved that pretty quickly. I hope you’re ok with it and it won’t change how you feel about him.” Frank nodded. He sat there for a few uncomfortable seconds and swallowed hard before asking “And, did you fuck him? And… knock him up?” He saw a confused look on Dave’s face and knew that while they hadn’t discussed HIV status before the meeting, he was bringing it up now. Joe replied “Yeah, we both fucked each other.” Frank explained “I saw your tattoo in the pictures. One of the reasons I chose you was that I’m guessing you are poz and I wanted Ric to get it out of the way and not have to worry about becoming poz. It’s going to happen sometime if he’s gay, right?” Frank saw the surprise in Dave’s face and he then got very serious saying “It doesn’t have to happen. There’s ways to prevent it. Condoms, prep, being careful with who you fuck.” Frank realized that he had indeed projected his desires on his son. He tried to rationalize it by telling Dave “Yeah, but its easier to just get it over with and he can now do everything without worry.” Before Dave could reply and continue the awkward conversation Ric walked out of the bathroom. Frank looked at his son and couldn’t believe his eyes. His son was no longer the awkward, nerdy kid with the messy hair and the scraggly beard. He could tell it was Ric, but just barely. The clothes he was wearing fit tight and showed off his young body. Ric wasn’t muscled like Dave but the tight shirt let everyone know he was a lean sexy guy. The jeans were cut low and showed off both his bulge and his ass. Frank had never thought his son was hot, but that now changed. Frank blurted out “Oh my god.” He paused and then said “I didn’t expect you to do anything but talk and maybe have some fun.” Frank heard his son’s voice ask him “You like it dad?” Frank nodded his head and said “You look so handsome. Sexy even.” Frank saw his son smile and he realized that any concerns he had about Ric were now gone. Dave then revealed how he had wanted Ric to get pozzed and he was embarrassed that he would do something like that, but Ric seemed to be ok with it. More than OK, since Ric suggested that he get fucked by Dave too. He was shocked, surprised and turned on all at the same time. Ric encouraged him, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to have his son watch him get fucked. Suddenly he found himself in a position he hadn’t been in in a very long time - on his knees in front of another man. He didn’t really know how he got in that position, but it was just like he had dreamed the night before. He sucked his first cock in a very long time and enjoyed every second of it. When he saw his son get aroused watching him suck cock he was shocked. He couldn’t believe how well endowed his son was and then felt disgusted that he wanted to suck his own son’s cock. But disgust turned to lust and he wanted to suck that long, thick shaft. He kept becoming more of a sex pig when he stood there on his knees sucking both cocks, back and forth. Then he found himself kneeling on the bed. He felt Dave’s pierced cock push into his tight ass and all those memories of taking dick decades earlier came back to him. He knew then that he wasn’t going to deprive himself of the pleasures of getting fucked by another man. He remembered getting spit-roasted by Dave and his son and how great it felt. He was jolted back to the present when he felt a guy slam into his ass and grunt “you’re pozzed now, whore” and pull out. He looked up and it wasn’t the muscled guy, but an older black guy with gray in his beard and a large belly. It was only seconds and another guy shoved his cock into Frank’s cum filled hole. He remembered when he was back in the hotel room with Ric and Dave and Dave had leaned over and whispered in his ear “Yeah, I’m poz and not on meds so I’m really toxic. I knocked your son up and now its your turn. You can convert together.” He couldn’t believe how hearing those words turned him on. What he had tried to avoid his whole life was now happening and his cock began to shoot cum all over the bed. Hearing his son tell Dave to breed him caused him to begin shooting his load again. HIs ass spasmed and milked the poz cum out of Dave and into his guts. Frank didn’t think it could get any hotter than that until he heard Dave tell Ric to fuck him. He felt his son’s cock drive deep into his hole, but couldn’t feel his son’s body against his ass. Ric started thrusting in harder and harder and Frank couldn’t remember ever having a cock that deep inside him. And then there was the pain as Ric drove in even further. His cock just kept going in and hitting a wall inside him until he broke through. The pain went back to pleasure after a while but it ended way too soon when he felt his son cum inside him. He wanted more. He needed more. But thats all he got that day. He remembered sneaking into Ric’s room late one night after Ric had been sick and begging him to fuck him. He knew that he might have not gotten infected from Dave and now that he knew his son was poz he wanted Ric to make sure he got pozzed too. Ric had fucked him a lot - almost daily for a few weeks until he got sick too and Ric told him to go to the clinic and get tested. Frank remembered that was when he became a total pig. He volunteered for business trips so he could go to other cities and fuck or get fucked by random guys he would pick up. If the city had a bathhouse, he was there after taking care of work. Sometimes he would pick up other guys on business and fuck them in the room or get fucked. It was always bare. If the guy wanted a condom then he wasn’t interested. He loved it when a guy would ask his status after he had bred them. He always said “I’m not sure but probably neg” claiming that he rarely barebacks. And thats how he ended up here, laying in a sling with guy after guy shooting their charged spunk deep inside his poz cunt. He had put an ad up looking for toxic tops to breed him at the bathhouse and more than a few showed up. He looked up at the guy currently fucking him who was probably in his late sixties with all the signs of wasting. “Yeah, I knew when you let Bobby fuck you, you’d take any load. If you’re not already poz, you will be after all these toxic loads soak into you” the guy said as he grunted and Frank felt yet another bugged load pump inside him. When the guy left, Frank got out of the sling and wandered around trying to find some hopefully neg bottom to breed but they seemed to run away when they saw him coming, knowing that he was a poz cumdump looking to leave his mark on someone. Frank headed back to the hotel and started looking online for someone to tag. He shoved a plug in to hold the loads in his ass and then opened his computer. His search was always the same - neg or not sure bottom or vers guys, either not caring about his status, not asking, or looking for poz cum. He never failed at finding at least one guy every time and was sure he was leaving a trail of newly poz guys all around the country. He tried a different site and there he was: BB bottom, 26 wm, 5ft6, 128lbs, shaved body, neg, recently tested, blindfolded, send pic in 1st msg He sent off a cock pic and a pic with his head cut off and waited for the reply. It came quicker than most and after two more messages, he was off to meet the guy. He walked into the guy’s apartment and heard “Hi daddy. I’m in the bedroom. Are you ready to fuck your boy?” He followed the voice and turned the corner to see a guy matching the description on his knees with his ass up and a hood over his head. “No blowjob, I guess” Frank thought and he took his clothes off, leaving them in a pile on the floor. He tongue fucked the guy and heard him moan. He finger fucked the guy more roughly and the moans became groans. After he worked three fingers in the guy, he stood behind and shoved his cock in. At first it was only a quarter of the way in, but past the outer ring and he felt the guy shake and quiver at the invasion. “You want daddy’s cock all the way inside you?” he asked. “Yes, daddy, please fuck and breed your boy” the bottom said without hesitation. Frank thought it was weird. Every time he would fuck one of these younger guys they would call him daddy, but he never would fuck his own son. He was a poz bottom bitch for his son, and he didn’t want that to ever change. He loved every time his son fucked him and always left with a large poz load inside him. These guys were different. They wanted a bare fuck and he would give it to them along with a fully charged load of cum. The guy he was fucking now was just like them, but maybe a slightly better bottom. The guy worked his ass around Frank’s cock, trying to get Frank to shoot his load in. Frank wanted this fuck to last a bit longer and he stretched it out almost 10 minutes more before he buried his cock inside the boy’s hole and felt his balls pump another load of virus filled cum into the guy. “Thank you daddy” the guy yelled out as his cum shot out. Frank pulled his cock out and wiped it on the sheets and got dressed, his cock sated for a few more hours. He walked out of the apartment, got in his car and drove back to the hotel. Another successful business trip in the books.
    4 points
  7. Part 19 I was pulled into the middle of the bed and felt the weight of more people around me, my body was craving contact. “Two in his hole at a time. Dump your load and make way for the next cock, don’t take your time he’s got a lot of cock to get through!” Tom said as the men made their way towards me. I felt my body being lifted and turned, I was on all fours, barely able to support myself I felt someone lying underneath me and another behind my ass. Without a moment to think both men began to force themselves into my ass. The feeling was indescribable. I’d never felt so stretched. Both men had pierced cocks and I could feel my ass being torn up as the both began to find their pace for fucking me. I’d never been double penetrated and with the drugs coursing through my veins, I wanted more. I began to relax and enjoy being stretched out. With a hard thrust the guy behind me unloaded in my ass and was quickly replaced by a smaller but fatter cock, again pierced. The pattern continued and occasionally both men would cum at the same time. Giving me a couple of minutes before the abuse continued. My rubber suit was filled with sweat and I could have passed out from the heat but I was too high to notice. I just craved more, I’d truly been turned into a cum slut. After about 10 rounds I felt the familiarity of Daddy’s cock pushing its way into my hole, he was underneath me, I let my weight fall on him and he held me tight while the cock from behind battered my now bruised hole. “Good boy, you’re making daddy proud. Only one more round after this and it’s over with.” Tom said while holding me close to him. Tom pushed me back and the guy behind me grabbed my body to keep me upright. “You’re a tough little boy, you’ve done better than I thought you would.” It was Brian, he and Tom were both buried deep in me and I didn’t want it to stop. They fucked me together for what felt like half an hour, cum was running down my legs and I could hear the slapping of their balls as they both men brought themselves close to breeding me again. My hole was being destroyed yet all I could think was more! Brian came first, his load was so big I felt it shoot from his cock inside me. Tom quickly came afterwards, still with Brian’s cock in me. My ass felt full and very wet! Tom pulled me close to him as Brian removed his cock, it wasn’t replaced with anyone else. It was only Daddy in me now. He pulled my face up to his and kissed me deeply, it made me even more horny, if that was possible. Tom broke off our kiss and whispered into my ear; “Last round boy, don’t give up now, this one won’t be easy” I hadn’t thought any of this had been easy, what would be happening next. Tom held me close and rolled me over onto my back and pulled his cock out from my tired hole. I began to feel dizzy and sick again, my fever must have been sky high and the room was spinning. Tom again addressed the room, there must have only been about 10 guys left, who knew what time it was, I was completely unaware of anything except the cum running out of my ass. “Right gents last round. Arse to Elbow”
    4 points
  8. DOUBLE CONVERSION Part 1 Rob was excited as he boarded his flight to New Orleans. He had really been looking forward to his week vacation and it was finally here. It was time for some non-stop drinking and sex. He knew of the cities’ reputation, and was ready to find some holes to sink his fat 8”cock into. It’s not that he had trouble getting serviced at home; after all he was a 6’2” masculine and muscular 32 year old stud. His dark hair, bright blue eyes and well defined muscles got him attention no matter where he went. Every day in the gym there were always guys staring as he worked out and afterwards in the showers of course He was sure it was no coincidence that whenever he showered at the gym that the locker room just happened to be full. He’d play the cock tease and put on a show as he soaped up his defined smooth body, careful to pay special attention to his big cock and balls and well defined ass. However, Rob was all top and he loved to dominate guys. The only thing that got near his ass was the tongue of the bottom that was servicing him at the time. At least in his mind it was degrading for the bottom to eat his ass so that made it hotter. He did have to admit that being rimmed felt great though and made him even harder when he ultimately slammed the bottom’s ass. Although his hometown was pretty good in size, the options to meet guys was somewhat limited. There were only two gay bars in town, one of which was populated mainly by older guys that weren’t his type. He liked younger guys with tight asses. That bar, Renegade, did however attract a lot of guys into leather which was a fetish of his. So he’d go occasionally find someone acceptable for a quick fuck and leave. He had been there enough that the regulars recognized his cocky attitude so it was getting harder to find a hole there. The other bar, Dreams, was more of a twink bar. Of course he got lots of attention there because of his looks but the guys there also recognized him and his reputation. It didn’t help that Rob was fond of taking pictures of guys taking his cock for his collection and those pics occasionally had been used as blackmail when Rob was horny and didn’t want to spend a lot of time finding a hole to fuck. Although he didn’t do drugs himself other than poppers, he did find that a little G and/or X slipped into the bottoms drink made them more willing to do what he wanted. It was especially useful in getting the bottoms to take his cock raw. Raw was the only way he’d fuck, condoms were too restrictive and the felling of his raw cock pounding a tight ass was just so exhilarating. Most of Rob’s conquests lately had been thru apps. There seemed to be a lot of guys looking for cock on the side. He also learned that pretending to be versatile got him more hookups. He never gave his ass up but it did get him the connection in the door and once the guy was zoned out on the drugs and fucked he could leave with his own ass intact. The problem with the apps was all the back and forth messaging that was usually required, Rob didn’t have the patience. A drive to the a nearby college town always resulted in him finding a hole to fuck but that 90 minute drive one way kept him from doing it too often. As Rob settled into his seat on the plane he realized he was hard. Damn he was horny, that asshole last night from Grindr stood him up and he needed to fuck someone. Even though it was a Thursday he was confident from what he had read he’d still get some action tonight in the French Quarter. He was so ready. The male flight attendant noticed his bulge and gave him a smile. Rob thought, “Another gay flight attendant what a surprise”. He had met his share of them that were on an overnight layover in town and were looking for cock on the internet. Most of the ones he had fucked seemed to have well used holes so he thought that probably was why they took the job in the first place.. He did like the NSA attitude they had though and it was always an easy fuck and go since they had to catch flights in the mornings. Although, there may have been a couple of times where they missed the flights because they got a bit too fucked up when Rob was using them. Rob’s attitude was “Oh well if they lost their jobs it’s their problem for being such cum dump whores”. Fortunately the flight had no delays and Rob quickly caught a cab from the airport to his hotel in the French Quarter. Once at the hotel he checked in and immediately changed into a pair of tight worn jeans some black boots and a leather vest. He was ready, his cock was ready! He looked in the mirror, damn he looked hot. That coupled with the fact that he was fresh meat here in New Orleans meant in his mind that he’d get his rocks off soon. He was out the door and on his way to Rawhide. He made a couple of stops along the way to at the bars serving alcohol to the street. By the time he reached Rawhide he had already had 3 beers and was feeling slightly buzzed and very horny. The bar wasn’t packed but it being only 10 p.m. he was sure it would pick up. All eyes were on him, the “fresh meat” theory was certainly true here. His ass was grabbed a couple of times, guess it was time to assert himself as a TOP. Rob made a conscious effort to focus on assess, pat them, grope them, stare at them – surely people would notice what he was interested in. He also casually mentioned to a couple guys standing next to him t at the bar that he was hoping to find a raw bottom to take his load tonight. As the crowd grew he figured it was time to head to the back, he knew from what he read on the internet, that there was likely some action going on back there. Besides he had to piss like a racehorse as he was now on his 6th beer. Here’s where all the people went Rob thought as he pushed his way thru the sweaty bodies and made his way to the urinal. He unfastened his jeans, unzipped and pulled out his cock to let it flow. There were a lot of eyes watching so he thought he’d put on a little show so he stroked his cock a few times to harden it up and shook the last drops of piss off it. Almost immediately, a hand grabbed his cock and started slowly stroking it, someone behind him started nibbling on his neck and another pair of hands played with his nipples. Soon a bottle of poppers appeared under his nose and Rob took a couple of deep huffs. The hand on his cock had been replaced by a mouth which soon began to deep throat his full 8 inches. He was in heaven, but because he was so horny he shot his load deep down the unknown cocksucker’s throat within 15 minutes. He tried to fasten his jeans but he was led to another room cramped with guys and another mouth began to massage his cock. Over in the corner he saw a guy bent over a sink being fucked. The whole room was full of the scent of sweat, poppers and sex. OMG he was ready to cum again. “This place is amazing!!!” After he came the second time someone else was ready to suck his cock. Yeah that would be nice, Rob thought but the site of the guy in the corner getting fucked gave him other ideas. He glanced down slightly and saw a nice plump lily white ass pointed at him, he reached out and fingered the hole . It was wet and lubed so Rob pulled his cock out of the sucker’s mouth and plunged it into the hole in front of him.. The guy in front was caught by surprise to be impaled so suddenly by such a big fat cock and started to call out but Rob soon muffled his mouth with this hand. There were so many people in the room and there was nowhere to go. The guy was soon whimpering.as Rob aggressively pounded his ass while other fed him poppers and groped him all over. Rob’s third load was shot deep in up the assaulted ass and as Rob pulled out another stepped up to fuck the bottom using Rob’s cum as lube. Rob turned and his cock was cleaned by yet another awaiting cocksucker. After all this action Rob needed to piss again but there was nowhere to go. He couldn’t hold it so just started pissing down the throat of his current cocksucker. Wow, Rob thought this was hot, he’d never tried WS. “I’ll have to add that to my repertoire” he thought to himself. Rob eventually go out of the backroom and feeling exhausted left the bar and made his way back home. As he lay on the bed in his room he was grinning ear-to-ear. New Orleans was just as he had hoped and it was only the first day of his trip. He’d have to stop by one of the leather shops he had read about in the morning and check out some new gear and maybe some equipment for his basement. This was going to be a fantastic trip.
    3 points
  9. First let me say I am sorry for typos. I am writing this after everything happened. I am a 28 year old guy living in downtown Minneapolis. I am fairly decent looking, 6'ft brn hair and brn eyes, and a slim build. Think collegiate swimmer a couple years after graduation and that is my body type, not super muscular but not super fit anymore either. I don't know how to exactly start this story as it's still a blur to me but I think I'll start from where I think it all went wrong. I started catfishing in college, I found this guys photos online on reddit. He was a 10 out of 10, absolutely jacked and everything about him perfect. So I started to create an online persona with him. I called him johnny and he would live out my darkest fantasies. I would use a geospoofer and put him in new York or weho and made his user name something like "taking loads" it was hot I would make up a whole new life every new place he went. From being a trust fund kid, to a traveling salesman, he had the life all while taking loads. I also had my own actual profile that didn't get as many hits but was still fairly popular. I never thought anyone would collect the dots until I was catfishing in my home town. On my fake profile I had always had a conversation with this one guy who had a shit load of tattoos and I never saw his face but was always intriguing to me. He indulged my fantasies of being gangbanged, and having loads flooding out of my hole. One day he messaged me on my actual profile too. The conversation started off pretty normal. Him: hey man what's up Me: nm just staying inside and avoiding the cold lol. What about you? Him: about the same just chatting up some guys in the area This went on for about a week, messaging him both on my real and fake account. On my fake account I divulged how I wanted to always be flooded with cum, have no choice in what I was able to do and to be a true faggot. He always encouraged this and would set me tasks to do on my "travels." Things like collect ten loads before noon, go to a bathhouse and rent a room and be ass up for 2 hours, and so on. Finally he said he wanted to meet me (fake me) next time I was in town a d I agreed. Meanwhile he did the same to the real me but with out the slutty stuff. We talked about our interests in movies, food and so on. Little did I realize he was tracking my movements on my real account too.
    3 points
  10. Several months ago I began to chat with a young 26 year old Japanese kid, named Miako. He had posted on Craigslist that he wanted to experience his first sex party, while he was going to be visiting Las Vegas. He's closeted with his family and friends in Japan and completely on the DL. He's also only had limited experience as a bottom. But, his fantasy was to host an anonymous sex party, where he was the only bottom, taking all dicks that come into his room. His CL ad also said he wanted to experience his first black cock. I contacted him and told him that I had hosted many such hotel sex parties here in Las Vegas. I told him that I was a bottom, but that I would be happy to help him out with planning the party. And could also act as a fluffer and take pictures if he was interested. We chatted back and forth and he told me he'd love to have me in the room to photograph and fluff. As well as the fact that he'd feel safer with someone else in the room, since strangers would be coming and going. Since he had only advertised this through Craigslist, I helped him out, by putting posts about the sex party on BBRT, M4SexNow.com Squirt and several other websites on his behalf. I was a bit jealous, because since he's a very young, very feminine, good looking young man with some nice pictures in his CL ad, he had gotten a lot of responses to his ad. On Craigslist alone, he had over 25 guys that had said they wanted to come fuck him. The response from black guys was also really admirable. He had about 7 replies from black guys wanting to pound his ass. I had also sent messages to a couple of my black top fuckbuddies and asked them to attend. Unfortunately, he only wanted to be fucked by condom covered cocks. So, since I put that in the party listing on BBRT, it only got about 6 requests. But one those BBRT guys actually showed up. As did 2 of my black buddies. I met Miako at his off strip hotel room about an hour before his party was supposed to start. When he opened the door to his room, I was greeted by a sweet looking, very slight, delicate young Japanese kid of about 5'4" and 125 lbs. His features were very delicate and feminine. He was very sweet and soft spoken, I was worried that he was getting himself in over his head. And was not prepared for what he's set himself up for. I asked him if he was still sure he wanted to do this? He said he was nervous, but was also very excited to try this. I set up the room, setting out some bottles of lube, poppers and condoms that he had purchased. As well as some boxes of tissues and wet wipes. While I set everything out and put duct tape over his door lock, Miako douched and showered. The party was to start at 7pm. At 6:40pm, just as Miako was stepping out of the shower, there was a knock on the door, the door then was pushed open and the first guest arrived. A heavy set, yet muscular guy in his mid 50's walked into the room. He had a blue work shirt and jeans on. The work shirt had the logo of a heating and air conditioning company. He was obviously on his way home from work. Miako was naked and toweling off as he walked into the room. The first guest immediately walked over to Miako and felt his ass. "Mmmm....... This is going to feel good in your sweet, little boy pussy", he said. The guy quickly undid his belt and unzipped. He pulled out a 6", thick, uncut slab of meat. Miako dropped to his knees and took the thick cock into his mouth. I took a bottle of poppers and put them under both Miako and the other guys noses as Miako got the guy hard. Finally the guy told Miako to get on his knees. As Miako knelt on the end of the bed, the guy kicked his shoes off and pulled his pants off. I handed him a condom and the bottle of lube. He put the condom on and lubed up his cock as I slid lube up Miako's hole. This guy took no time ramming up into Miako's tight pussy. Miako let out a soft moan/groan as the thick cock slid up into him. I asked him if he was ok? He asked for the poppers. I put the bottle under his nose as he took some deep drags. Soon he opened up for the guy and the guy gave him a nice, hard fuck. I took a few pics of the guys cock in Miako's hole as they fucked. It was about a 10 minute fuck, before the guy shot his load, pulled out, dressed and left without a word. As soon as the door slammed shut, Miako began to giggle like a little girl. "Ooooh! That was fun!", he laughed. Just then, the door opened and a Latino guy in his late 20's walked in. Miako goes back to his position on his hands and knees on the edge of the bed. He Latino guy walks over to Miako's ass and fingers his hole. He's pulls out his cock. It's already hard. He puts his raw cockhead up to Miako's hole and begins to push in. Miako pulled back. "NO! Condom only!", he shouts, as I open a condom package. "FUCK!", the guy says. "Fuck parties are raw", he barks. "The kid wants a condom, dude. A condom or no fuck", I tell him as I place the condom in his hand. "Shit!", he says as he unrolls a condom onto his hard 7" cock. The guy fucks hard and deep. I can see that Miako is flinching with every thrust. So, I put the poppers under his nose. Soon, he's relaxed into the fuck and is no longer flinching and has eased into the fuck. Even with the condom, the guy seems to be enjoying Miako's tight Asian ass. After 12 or 13 minutes he pulls out and rips the condom off. "Give me your mouth, Fag", he barks. Miako turns and takes the uncut Latino dick into his mouth. The guy fucks Miako's mouth until he's gagging on it. Then he pulls from the mouth and jacks off into Miako's open mouth. As soon as he cums, he quickly pulls up his pants and leaves the room. Miako again breaks into laughter. "Oh, this is fun. It hurts, but it feels good, too. I feel like prostitute", he chuckles. "You're a geisha whore", I laugh. Another 5 minutes pass before the next guy shows up. I scruffy looking guy in his late 50's/early 60's comes in. His face is covered with several days of stubble. His hair is messy and his clothes are wrinkled. He smells of stale cigarettes and stale beer. He's very gruff and intimidating in his appearance. He says nothing as he comes in and quickly strips completely naked. He has a nice body for a guy his age. He looks like he works an active and very physical job. His tan body is covered in a blanket of faded tattoos. Some of them large breasted naked women. The large tattoo on his chest and upper abs is a naked woman, sitting, with her legs spread, showing her pussy. The guy walks up to Miako's ass and slaps his cock against his hole. I walk over and drop to my knees and say, "Let me get you hard". He puts his dick to my lips. His cock tastes salty and funky. He hasn't showered or washed his dick in awhile. The smell is both repulsive and a turn on at the same time. He's masculine and rough. And I want to service him. He quickly hardens in my mouth. Once he's hard, I roll a condom onto him and lube it up. He then puts his cock to Miako's hole and pushes up into him. The guy fucked Miako for close to 20 minutes. While this guy was fucking Miako, two of my black fuck buddies walked into the room. They quickly undressed. Myron climbed onto the bed and fed his bbc to Miako to suck. I dropped to my knees and began to suck Ben's bbc. Once the scruffy guy came and pulled out, Ben condomed up and began to fuck Miako. The scruffy guy dressed and left. Ben and Myron took turns fucking Miako. Ben is well over 8"s when he's fully hard. Miako was doing his best to take it, but he was needing to sniff the poppers almost continually to be able to take Ben's bbc. Myron's cock was just a bit smaller and thinner than Ben's. But, they are both brutal fuckers. They were not showing Miako's inexperienced pussy any mercy. Miako would flinch in both pleasure and pain as he received each brutal thrust from these hung black men. Finally, Ben pulled his cock from Miako and began to jack off. He began to cum and shot his load all over Miako's tight, bubble butt. Then Ben put his cock up to my mouth and I cleaned off the rest of the cum that continued to ooze from his cockhead. Myron then slipped back into Miako's pussy and fuck harder than ever. He was leaning forward and pinching Miako's tits as he ground his cock into the Asian pussy. Myron let out a loud growl and slammed all the way into Miako as he filled the condom with his load. When he pulled out and pulled off the condom, he threw the condom into the corner and I dove for his cock. I cleaned it with my mouth as he softened. My two black buddies dressed as another black guy walked into the room. This guy was a black God! He was at least 6'4", 265lbs and muscled. "Hey, Bros. How's the pussy?", he asked as he began to strip and they were passing him on their way to the door. "Nice and tight", they both said in almost unison, with a chuckle. Myron and Ben had now left and this new guy was quickly naked. He had at least 8"s of thick, uncut and very thick meat hanging down over 2 swollen, giant balls. He was extremely muscular and also covered in tattoos. He walked over to Miako as Miako repositioned himself on the edge of the bed. He had a fearful look on his face. "Suck me, queer boy", the guy grunted. Miako turned and took the guys soft cock into his mouth. The guy was quickly getting hard. Once he was fully hard, he had grabbed Miako around the back of the head and was face fucking him. Miako was gagging and coughing. Soon the guy turned and barked at me. "Suck it, daddy" he growled. "You want some black dick, don't you?" I took some drags from my poppers and dropped to my knees. He fed me his bbc and I did my best to take it down my throat. I also choked on it as he pulled my head down onto his bbc. Then he pulled from my mouth and told Miako to show him his ass. Miako again knelt on the edge of the bed. The black guy put his raw cock up to Miako's hole and was going to push into him raw. "He wants condoms only", I said as I handed him a condom. "FUCK!" he growled as he ripped the condom package from my hands. As he put the magnum sized condom onto his bbc, I lubed up Miako's stretched hole. This guy had swollen to close to 9"s and very thick. His cockhead was also large and mushroomed shaped. Miako poppered up as the guy began to press inside Miako's cunt. Miako was groaning in pain. "UHHH!!! Stop! Wait!", Miako shouted. The black guy took no heed. He continued to press in. Miako was flinching in pain as this big guy was forcing his cock up into Miako's tender pussy. "Shut up and take it, bitch! You wanted black cock. Now shut up and take it like a man", he shouted back. I leaned down to Miako's face. "Are you ok, buddy? Can you take his cock? Do you need to take a break?" Like a little trooper, he his best to take it, but finally he crawled forward and pulled off the guys cock. "I'm sorry", Miako said. "I can't. I can't take it", he said sadly. "FUCK!" the guy grunted as he ripped the condom off and threw it at Miako. Miako looked frightened as he crawled to the head of the king sized bed. I was also a bit worried. The guy was pissed. "Want to fuck me", I asked the black guy? "You can fuck my ass. I can take you", I replied. Without saying anything, he began to reach for another magnum condom. "Raw!", I shout. "You can fuck me raw", I said. "In fact, I'd prefer it raw. If you'll fuck me raw, I can take it, better", I said. Without a word, he squeezed some lube on his raw cock as I quickly undressed. I asked Miako to lube my ass well. I knelt on the edge of the bed and took some deep drags on poppers as Miako liberally lubed my hole and pushed some in. The Black Beast stepped up to me and slapped his bbc on my hole a few times before plunging up into me. I let out a loud gasp as his cockhead slipped up past my sphincter. I continued to sniff on poppers as he began to thrust. Each thrust going deeper into me. Soon I could feel him go up into the second sphincter. I thought my head was going to explode from all the poppers. But I needed to continue to sniff nearly non-stop to take the hard, deep pounding from this bbc that was assaulting my ass. But, within a few minutes, I had relaxed into it and it was feeling awesome. I looked up at Miako, who was staring at this with a look of awe and unbelief on his face. As this Black God was pounding me, a 20 something, athletic young hunk came into the room and quickly stripped. He was soon followed by an early 40's looking guy next door type guy that also came in and quickly stripped. Miako had gotten off the bed and was sucking both their cocks as the black guy rammed my hole. After about 15 minutes of fucking me in every position imaginable, the black guy finally rammed deep into me and let out a loud growl as he emptied his balls into my gut. The black guy pulled out and climbed off the bed as the 40 something guy climbed up and slid his raw cock up into me. While the guy was fucking me, the 20 something guy told Miako that he was going to fuck him. Miako put a condom on the kid and knelt on the bed, next to me, with his ass in the air. The kid lubed up his condom covered cock and began to slide up into Miako's pussy. Miako flinched and pulled off. "I'm sorry", he said. "I'm too sore. I can't take it". Miako apologized. The guy fucking me pulled out and told the kid to "Try this daddy's hole. It's nice, silky and wet". "Pull the condom off", I told the kid. "I'll take you raw". The kid pulled the condom off and slid up into me. For almost 25 minutes the two guys took turns fucking my raw cunt. First the 20 something kid shot his load up there. Then the 40 something guy slid back into me and added his load. I had been so busy taking both those dicks, that I hadn't even noticed that a black kid in his early 20's had come into the room. When I turned around I saw Miako on his knees sucking a long, thin cock of this young, thuggish looking black kid, wearing a hoodie sweatshirt and jeans. Miako wanted to try again to take this black kids cock in his ass, but after just a few minutes, it was clear that he was just too sore. So, I again offered my ass to the kid. I pulled the condom off the kid and got face down, ass up on the edge of the bed as I felt the kid slide his 7", thin cock easily up into my well opened pussy. He was a brutal fucker. He was grabbing me hard around the waist, his right leg up on the bed as he stood behind me and rammed hard and deep into my cunt. About 15 minutes of hard fucking brought load number 4 into my ass. By now, I needed to get home. I started to dress. "You going to take more cock?" I asked Miako. "No. I'm too sore. I have to stop", he says. I finish dressing and pull the duct tape from the door locks. "Did you have fun?", I ask as I'm about to leave the room. "Oh, yes!", Miako says, almost with a squeal of joy to his voice. I leave the room and head down the hallway towards the elevator, I pass a handsome guy in his mid 40's. Just as I push the elevator button, I look back and see the guy knocking on Miako's door. I smile as I step into the elevator. Not knowing if Miako answered the door and let the guy in or not?
    3 points
  11. This is my first story, which is an embellishment of how I actually started barebacking after my wife left me. It you guys like it there is lots more to the story I've also included a picture of me wearing the exact glass plug I talk about in the story. Enjoy. Part 1. I’d never felt worse in my life. My wife had admitted to cheating on me, and at the end of a horrible week trying to reconcile things with her she told me she wanted a divorce and was going to stay with her parents. "I can't wear this anymore," she said as she slipped off her wedding ring and set it on the table by the entryway. Then she was gone. That was two days ago. I was depressed and suicidal, and had started drinking early in the day. As the hours went by my swirling mix of emotions manifested in a strange depraved horniness. “Fuck it,” I thought. I’d always wanted to do it, why not? I’d long had a fantasy of being fucked anonymously, and taking a raw load of cum in my ass. Despite having a number of discrete hook ups over the years I’d never done it because I was terrified of getting an STD. Yet, I kept coming back to these homemade videos of Craigslist encounters where a submissive bottom became a cumdump for strangers. I couldn’t get that scene out of my head: blindfolded, helpless while a random stud shoved his cock in raw, using the bottom like an object. Countless nights I had lain in bed and jacked off to that fantasy while my wife slept next to me. I felt like I was built to be a cumdump. I had a naturally round and smooth ass. I worked out frequently at the gym down the street and got lots of lingering looks from the older Daddy types. I was only 28, still young enough I still advertised myself as a ‘college boy’ in Craigslist ads. Plus, although in public I acted like the stereotypical aggressive white male, I secretly craved domination. No one would ever guess – unless they saw my internet search history- that my fantasies were borderline sissy. In my depressed state I’d downed half a bottle of shitty rum and my entire body was feeling hot. My inhibitions were quickly evaporating. I sat at my laptop and typed out a Craigslist ad with one hand while my other jacked my smallish circumcised cock: College cumdump looking for anon sex. Smooth thick college booty looking to host anon tops ASAP. Walk in, fuck me, cum and leave. My blood rushing, I posted some photos of my ass that I kept hidden away in a folder on my hard drive. In one, I had my wife’s glass butt plug inserted and you could see straight into my gaped hole. In another, my hole was stretched around a thick cucumber. Such is the sex life of closeted married guys, relegated to using makeshift toys or using those of our wives. I posted the ad, and went to the bathroom to clean up. Even though I hadn’t had many anal experiences, I knew all about getting clean inside. I found a water bottle worked fine for enemas (could never have anything proper in case the wife found it) even though it scratched up my hole a bit. I didn’t even care really. As drunk as I was I felt nothing but pleasure as I shoved the corkscrew nose of the bottle into myself and started to purge. In between cleanings I gave everything a good shave, dick, balls, ass, thighs. I loved running my hands over my freshly shaved skin. Being smooth like that made me feel emasculated. I gave my thick ass a slap and moaned with desire. I was prepping myself to be used by whoever came as a public cumdump slut. Hell, I was depressed and thinking about killing myself anyway, what did it matter if I let some anonymous men use me as a piece of fuckmeat? I checked my ad and saw I already had a few responses. Most didn't seem legit, but one guy replied with a picture showing a nice thick uncircumcised Mexican cock. There were lots of Mexicans where I was, since it was sort of a sanctuary town. The sight of his meaty brown cock made me clinch my ass with anticipation. He was 5'11, thin but fit, had lots of tattoos. It never surprises me how many guys will use their real email addresses and names for a 'discrete' craigslist encounter. The name 'Isaiah Rodriguez' was in the header. He said he was straight and just wanted a hole to dump into. Out of curiosity, since the city was only 100,000 or so, I googled his name and didn't have much trouble finding him since he'd apparently been arrested recently. Drugs and assault. Seeing his face in the google images search, he definitely looked like the type who'd fuck you up if you pissed him off. Recently released from prison from a felony conviction. But fuck it all anyway. I was going to be his bitch. I sent him my apartment number and he said he was on his way and that he wanted it dark so he could fuck me anonymously. The rush of doing something so risky had me flying. I would never normally hook up with a guy like this, but my depressed state twisted my fears into desires. I was a beta and he was an alpha. It was his right to conquer a submissive bitch like me, a little beta who couldn't even keep his wife from straying. I placed a blanket down on the linoleum of the entryway, along with a bottle of lube and a black scarf that was to be my blindfold. Then I went and turned off all the lights until it was pitch black in the apartment and returned to my place in front of the door. In the darkness I wrapped the scarf around my face, covering my eyes, and tied it snuggly behind my head. I got on all fours in front of the door and popped my ass just like a good bitch should. I shivered as the cool air shriveled my testicles. The only sound I could hear was my own breathing and a dull hum of traffic passing outside. Eventually, I heard a car's engine approach and then park outside. A few moments later, footsteps. Then, the door opening. I held my breath as the cold air swept in, rushing over my puckered pussy. He didn't say a word as he entered and closed the door behind him. He got down on his knees behind me and felt my smooth ass. His finger stopped when he found my hole, and he started fingering me roughly. I moaned as he molested me. After a minute or so I heard the clank of his belt unbuckle as he undid his pants and I suddenly felt his warm cockhead at my hole. In all my years sneaking around and being a closeted faggot, I'd never taken a cock raw. I was finally living out my fantasy! I reached back and handed him the bottle of lube. He took it and squirted it on his cock and rubbed some into my puckering hole. "You're gonna take my cock, whiteboy," he told me as he positioned himself behind me. He grabbed my hips and thrust into me, sending burning pain shooting through my asshole. FUCK. I clenched my teeth, whimpering as he resized me. hadn't warmed up at all before, and his thick Mexican cock was tearing me open! Just his head was able to get in at first, but after a few more thrusts he was hitting deeper and deeper until every inch of his meaty cock was stuffed into me. "Fuck ya, bitch," he sighed when his cock and sunk into me fully. He slapped my ass and proceeded to fuck me. I'd never been fucked so roughly before. He clearly only cared about his own pleasure. Soon my tight hole surrendered to his pounding and I began to loosen up enough to enjoy it. o doubt about it, this must be how it feels to be a bitch. I was like a rag doll as he shoved into me doggystyle, a total stranger barebacking me without ever seeing his face. Suddenly he grunted and thrust into me extra deep. I warmth spread inside me as I groaned in pleasure. Fuck, he'd done it. He blasted into me without even a warning. Breathing heavily, he commanded "Stay face down, until after I leave, bitch," and, as he withdrew his cock from my ass he added "I don't want you seeing who I am, faggot." I nodded, even though it was dark. A few seconds later the cold air rushed in as he opened and closed the door, and he was gone. "Oh my god," I moaned in ecstasy, slipping my blindfold up. "I just got bred like a bitch." I felt filthy and used. I reached back between my legs and felt my tender hole. I could feel his warm cream dripping out of me. Fuck, how much had he cum? I didn't want to lose it, so I crawled into the bedroom to the box where my wife kept her dirty toys and found the giant glass butt plug. I'd gotten it for her for Valentine's day, but it had been way too large for her and she wasn't that into anal play. But now here I was inserting the cool glass into my own hole. With the cum it slid into me rather easily until I got to its widest part. Fuck it felt good to feel the cool glass against my burning, pummeled pussy. I sat back on the plug and bounced up and down. I didn't even touch my cock as it flopped around. I was a total bitch tonight and I was only going to get pleasure through my hole. I groaned as the huge glass plug stretched me even wider than the Mexican's cock had, until finally I couldn't take it any longer. I didn't give a fuck if it was going to hurt... I sat down full on it and shoved it in. A brief feeling of shock swept over me as I felt the plug's huge circumference pass through me, and then instant relief as my guts sucked it in. Holy fuck, that was amazing. I'd only ever had the plug inside me once before when I'd taken those pictures I'd posted in my Craigslist ad. This thought made me want to see something. Standing, I waddled with the uncomfortably large plug to the bathroom and turned on the light. Facing away from the mirror, I turned my head far enough to get a glimpse of my gaped ass in the mirror. "Fuck..." I moaned as I saw it. With the glass window into my ass I could see the white spew coating my guts. I bent over further and snapped a few pictures on my cellphone. I returned to my laptop to see if I had any more responses, and my greedy hole tightened around my plug as I saw all the cocks which were lined up, eager to fuck me. And so I did what a cumdump is supposed to do. I messaged two more guys my address and put my blindfold back on, patiently waiting to accept any cock that came through the door. I didn't have to wait long. A bigger guy who sounded white showed up a few minutes later. I was disappointed when I heard the sound of a condom wrapper, but he had a thick cock and fucked me hard. After him there was another Mexican guy, an older one this time. Basically couldn't speak any English and had a smaller cock, but he at least fucked me bare and dumped his load on the pile. When he left, I reinserted my wife's butt plug to keep the cum from dripping out. "Damn," I thought. These guys had been fun, but were nothing compared to the first alpha who had fucked me. I went and took a few more swigs of my shitty rum to keep my buzz up. I wanted the next guy to be a really good fuck, someone who would really dominate me. By now the emails had piled up and I could afford to be a bit choosier. One message caught my eye. It was from 'Sir.' I clicked the email and was greeted with a faceless body shot of a muscular older dom with a massively thick cock dripping precum. The email read "Bitch, Daddy knows what boys like you need. I've got a five-day load that needs dumped in a sweet boy hole. Only reply if you want to submit fully and be owned." A chill passed through me as I read his words. This guy had tried to contact me before. Months ago I'd posted an ad while my wife was out of town to suck some cock. We'd exchanged some emails but he had seemed way too intense and I flaked on him. But I distinctly remember jacking off later that night thinking about being impaled on that thick daddy cock. Submit fully? I didn't know what he was talking about, but right now it seemed like that's what I was meant for. I was already suicidal so what the fuck was there to be scared of anymore anyway? "I'll submit to you in anyway you want, Sir. I'm at 606 Sage Blvd," I replied, and resumed my proper position on my hands and knees in front of the door. My most recent swig of alcohol was rushing to my brain now. Fuck, the room was spinning in the darkness. I had been fearless before, even when I knew a convicted felon was coming over to breed me, but now a feeling of uneasiness was setting in. Had I just surpassed the good vibe buzz of my alcohol? The rush of being fucked by so many strangers was leaving, and now I started to feel cold as I crouched naked on the floor on my hands and knees, willing boy pussy in the air. What the fuck was I doing? This guy seemed even more unsafe than the Mexican gangbanger. But there was no time to reassess the situation, because there were already footsteps outside my door. Sir was here. I held my breath as the door opened and I heard the sound of heavy footsteps. "Good boy," said a deep voice. Then I heard him chuckle. "Pop your ass for Daddy," he said, stepping down onto my back with his boot heel. I immediately complied. "Yes sir." He started feeling up my ass, sighing approval. He found my glass plug, which was still inserted, and traced his rough fingertips around it. "Looks like you finally took the plunge, faggot. How many loads you got in there?" "Two loads, Sir." "Mmm good boy. Well now you're going to take the most important load of your life, bitch." I didn't know what he was talking about. "Spread your ass open for Daddy, let me see this slutty hole of yours." I placed my face into the blanket and reached back with both hands, spreading my ass. "So you're married, huh?" he said. Fuck. He must have seen my wedding ring! I was so used to wearing it I didn't even think to take it off before the fuckfest began. He slapped my ass hard. "I asked you a question, bitch!" I cringed from the sting and cried, "Yes sir! Yes, I'm married." He chuckled again and said, "Well this might be a two-for-one, then." He reached up to my ass and tugged on the sizeable plug. I moaned as he pulled it to its widest point and held it there, gaping my ass. "From husband to cumdump," he laughed. "Well faggot, you've got some making up to do," he said as he sunk the plug back up inside me. "You stood me up once before. You were supposed to give me that sweet faggot mouth of yours and you flaked out, remember?" "I'm sorry, Sir, I don't know what you mean," I said, but in truth I did remember. Suddenly he slapped me across the face, and I recoiled shock. Blindfolded and dark as it was, I was completely helpless to his assault. "Don't fucking lie, bitch. Now sit up here on your knees. I want those faggot lips wrapped around my cock." Jesus, with every word that came out of his mouth there was no choice but to comply. I sat up on my knees and he stood in front of me, guiding my mouth to his crotch. I reached up to undo his pants, and he slapped me again. "No hands, bitch. Prove how much of a fag boy you are. Use your faggot mouth to get my cock out." I did as he commanded, and used my teeth to bite his pants and, with some effort, I unbuttoned his jeans. "That's it faggot, show me how badly you want to serve me. I'm gonna own you now boy. Those dick sucking lips of yours belong to me now. You’re just fuckmeat to me." I was able to bite and pull apart his fly, and then finally gained access to the elastic band of his briefs. A new feeling was stirring inside of me. I'd been nervous at first, but there was something incredibly erotic about his dominating presence and being told exactly what to do. He was reminding me of what a beta male I truly was. I tugged down on his briefs with my teeth and received the reward of his half hard dick flopping against my face. It was freshly showered and had the stubble of a somewhat recent shave. He guided the head of his cock into my mouth. Holy fuck! His cock head was massive. Was it just because I was blindfolded and had lost my perception of size? He kept pushing in, groaning as more and more inches of his cock entered, and my mouth was stretched wider and wider. "Yaaaa, you like Daddy's horse cock, boy?" "Mphhhh-gugugg," I gagged, with his dick still in my mouth. "Mmm, well play time is over. I'm going to give your tonsils a good fucking. Keep your hands to your side. If you even try to reach up I'll slap the shit out of you." I gurgled in agreement. Sir grabbed both my ears as handles and pulled me further down on his massive cock. "Fuckkkk," he moaned. "Your wife doesn't know you suck dick, does she?" I shook my head and he chuckled. "I wonder what she'd say if she could see her faggot husband with a cock down his throat right now?" Fuck... I could never live it down if that happened and she found out. She already hated my guts. I'm sure she'd tell every fucking person we know, including that cunt sister of hers. "It's okay little boy, you keep doing a good job on Daddy's cock and I won't say a word. Now let that dick go all the way down your throat like a good bitch." He pulled my head all the way down and his massive cockhead stretched open my throat and went down my esophagus. I immediate gagged and tried to pull off, but his iron grip held me in place. He started fucking my throat mercilessly, his voice becoming threatening. "Hey, bitch, right down your fuckin' faggot throat. Bet you suck dick better than your wife does, you know that? I bet your wife has never sucked your pathetic little dick like you're sucking mine now." It was true. Despite that his dick was much more massive than mine, she'd never had much interest in giving me blowjobs, much less deep throating. "Hold it right there, fag," he said with his huge dick fully in my throat. My eyes were streaming and I was on the verge of puking. Through my blindfold it got momentarily brighter. "Say, 'I suck dick better than my wife," he ordered me. Of course, I couldn't say anything with his cock lodged in my throat, but I grunted out the phrase anyway, which simply emerged as gargled spit. He chuckled in approval. "Alright, you got my horse cock ready to fuck you boy," Daddy said with satisfaction. "I've got a special reward for you now." I heard what sounded like a plastic 'pop' and then sensed an acetone-like smell. He grabbed my face and tilted it upwards, pulling the blindfold down just a bit on my forehead. I then felt the pointed tip of a sharpie as he started writing. "There, it says 'CUMDUMP' on your face, boy, with permanent marker. I wonder what you wife will say when she sees it?" Fuck, this guy was totally mindfucking me. A twinge of horrible guilty pleasure pulsed in my cock at the humiliation this guy was dragging me through, especially when my wife was in the midst of divorcing me. "Speaking of your wife, I think I know the best way to break a sissy bitch like you in. Where are your wife's panties?" "Wha-? Her panties?" "Her panties, faggot. Where does she keep them. In a drawer?" "I... Yes sir. To the right... is the bedroom. They're in the top drawer of the dresser." I heard him walk past me and creak open the bedroom door. He rummaged around before returning a few moments later. "Put these on, faggot," he said as he threw a pair of lacy panties in my face. I'm going to prove you're not even a real man. I'm going to fuck you like a bitch in your wife's panties... fuck you way better and harder than you could ever fuck her with your worthless boy cock." I swallowed down the lump in my throat. This isn't how I planned it to go. The guys were just supposed to stay in the entryway with me, fuck and leave. I cringed at how many personal and revealing things he must have just seen walking into the bedroom like that. But I also knew that if I hesitated to put on my wife's panties that Daddy was going to slap me in the face. I shimmied into the panties and discovered it was a thong, which slid snugly up between my ass cheeks. "Ha ha, there you go, now you're looking like a proper sissy faggot," Daddy laughed, giving my smooth ass a slap. "You feeling humiliated yet, boy? Are you an owned sissy cumdump?" "Yes, Sir! I'm an owned sissy faggot cumdump!" Daddy pushed me back onto all fours and grunted approval. "Yes you are boy, yes you are..." Again, there was a momentary brightness, followed by a chuckle. He grabbed the plug and pulled it from my hole, continuing to chuckle. "This is just perfect," he said, almost under his breath. I then felt him probe my hole with his rough finger. He finger fucked me, which wasn't really necessary since the three previous cocks and the plug had gaped me considerably. I felt a bit of pain as he molested my hole, which I was surprised by because with the amount of alcohol I'd consumed most of my body felt pretty numb. After a little while he positioned himself behind me, and spit on his cock. "Here it comes you little bitch. This horse cock is going to change you forever." He pulled my thong to the side and pushed the head of his cock into my hole. Pain instantly shot through me. FUCK his size made the Mexican guy seem tiny. "Don't run from it bitch. Make your wife proud and slide your slutty hole down on my cock while you're wearing her panties. Don’t you want to make your wife proud of what a good little whore you are?" "Oh fuck, Daddy! Yes, I want to make my wife proud and be a good whore!" I cried out as his huge cock resized me. Every inch that penetrated brought new waves of pleasure and pain until he was fully inside me. Then there was that sharp poking again, a jabbing pain almost but this time coming from deeper in my intestines. Daddy started fucking me, training my boy hole to take his massive cock. His voice got deeper as he fucked. He reached down and grabbed my balls in a crushing grip. "Yeah, I own these," he growled. "I own your little sissy cock and balls. I own your faggot mouth... and I own.. YOUR HOLE!" He thrust extra deep suddenly and more of the jabbing pain came. "Yes Sir, you own it all! I'm just your faggot cumdump to use how you want!" My hole had somehow adjusted to his massive cock and he was now fucking me in deep strokes, pummeling my prostate and beyond with his huge dick. "I want you to beg me for my seed, boy. I want you to beg me to knock you up while you're wearing your wife's cute little panties." "Please Daddy! Please knock me up! I want your cum, Daddy, please let me have it!" "I'm gonna get you pregnant, boy. You're gonna be my bitch and have my babies." "YES PLEASE SIR, PLEASE!!! I’LL HAVE YOUR BABIES!!" "FUCK yeah, boy. Just remember when you're trying to scrub that marker off your face later..." he was saying between thrusts, "you... begged for me to give you this...AAAAAAHHHH!" He grabbed my hips and thrust deeply, pushing me forward with my face to the floor as he shot his superior alpha load into my inferior beta cunt. His massive cock was shoved so deeply into me I thought he was going to rip through my intestines. The warm cream was spreading all inside me, more than the previous two loads combined. "Fuuuuck boy, you just really got fucked you know that?" he panted, holding his cock fully buried in me. "I really own you now boy, no going back. You're a faggot for life now." He withdrew his cock, and then I felt the smooth glass of the butt plug being shoved back into me. "Let that marinate inside you, boy. You're just a fucktoy now. This isn't the last time I'm going to use your fuckmeat. Whenever I tell you to you'll have that cunt ready for me. You'll wear what I tell you to. You do what I tell you to." I heard him zipping back up, and I just stayed face down enjoying the feeling of being a well-used cumdump. I'd definitely found my purpose in life. This parading around pretending to be an alpha had been so exhausting and phony. No doubt about it, I was a true beta and a cumdump meant to be used as a hole for real men. As Daddy's cum soaked into my guts I felt completely emasculated. Of course my wife had cheated on me and was going to leave me. I was a dumb cock sucking faggot that just allowed four strangers to fuck me. She wanted a real alpha, not the pathetic beta sissy who had just taken a load while wearing a pair of her panties. "Almost forgot," Daddy said, and I heard the familiar 'pop' of him opening his Sharpie. He wrote something small just above my tailbone, then gave my ass a slap, remarking "Enjoy that load bitch. Check your email in a bit," as he opened the door and was gone. I waited a few seconds in the darkness as I tried to process all that had just happened. "Holy fuck," I said out loud. For the first time since I'd started my night as a cumdump I reached to my cock, and could understand how small it was compared to the real man that had just fucked me. It didn't even seem worth jacking it. I was full of cum and felt completely satisfied. Dazed, I stood up and removed my blindfold. I was surprised to find that I could actually see a little bit in the dark apartment since my eyes had adjusted. I turned on the light and staggered to the bathroom mirror. My throat was burning from the rough fucking he had given my tonsils. Looking in the mirror I saw 'CUMDUMP' written across my forehead, which as of tonight was now 100% true. I then recognized the purple thong I was wearing. It had been the special lingerie my wife had worn during our honeymoon a few years earlier. One of my sexiest photos of her was her wearing this thong, bent over on all fours.... and now that had been the exact scene I'd reenacted for the stranger who had just dumped a five day load into my guts. It did make my ass look very plump and fuckable 'though. Remembering he had also written something on my back. I turned and looked over my shoulder and saw that it was simply a small plus sign. What the fuck did it mean? I was exhausted and I knew I should probably go to sleep. The hangover was going to be horrible as it was. I quickly picked up from my fuckfest, folded up the blanket and put the lube away. That's when I noticed the entryway table, or I should say, what was missing from it. "FUCK," I exclaimed with my raspy, throat-fucked voice. My wife's ring was gone. "You gotta be fucking kidding me," I said. I looked around the table to see if maybe it had gotten knocked off, but sure enough it was gone. "Holy fucking shit," I said in disbelief. Guilt and resentment instantly set in. You dumbfuck, what were you thinking. You should have been thinking about how to fix your marriage instead of playing out your gay fucking fantasies. I honestly had no fucking idea what I was going to do. It was probably the Mexican fucker who took it... god damn it... I sat down to my laptop to shut it off, when I remembered that the guy had told me to check my email in a bit. I remembered everything he'd said at the end, how he owned me, and he was going to fuck me more. "Fuck that," I scoffed. Guy was fucking crazy. It was hot to do once, but I was never going to see that guy again. Still, out of curiosity I checked my email. Sure enough, there was an email from him. I opened it to simply find a link to a craigslist ad.... I clicked it and was instantly mortified at what I saw. My face, blindfolded, a massive dick in my mouth.... Then the second one, me bent over, wearing my wife's honeymoon thong with her glass butt plug inserted in my ass, holding in the loads of strangers who had bred me.... holy shit. The table behind you could clearly see our wedding photos! There wasn't even a question as to who it was. I was completely exposed in the pictures, completely emasculated and humiliated for anyone to see who clicked on the ad. There was no way anyone who knew me wouldn't immediately identify me. The text said simply 'This married husband is now an owned cumdump. The cumdump lives at 606 Sage Boulevard and will happily wear its wife's panties while you breed it.' Oh my god. This can't be happening. I clicked on the ad and typed out a reply as fast as I could. I begged him to take down the ad. I couldn't be exposed like that. Please, I would do anything! Just take the fucking ad down. A cold, dreading sweat started to form on my brow. What was I going to do? If ANYONE saw this there would be no coming back from it. My friends, my work, everyone would know. My wife would know! Would I face charges for letting a man play with her underwear, for wearing them without her permission? Fuck fuck fuck! And then there was a reply: Sure, I'll take the ad down. Just understand that I own you now. Tomorrow at 9 PM you'll meet me in front of your door blindfolded just like you were tonight for another breeding session. You will wear another pair of your wife's panties. I think pink would look good on a sissy bitch like you. Well, the good news was my wife wasn't coming home anytime soon... I replied 'THANK YOU! Yes, I'll do whatever you want. And please, did you take the wedding ring that was on the table? Please, I'm begging you if you did, can I please have it back? It's not even worth anything, it's a fake diamond'. I had never admitted that to anyone. I was such a beta I couldn't even get my wife a real ring. His reply was short, if ambiguous 'Haha, you still haven't found it?' Found it? What the fuck was he talking about? Then something dawned on me. I reached back and slowly pulled the big glass plug out of my ass. A thick dollup of cum dripped out and onto my thigh. I inserted my finger and reached up inside myself. Probing around the cum-slicked ruined hole that was now my resized cunt, I encountered a metal circle, now warmed by the heat of my guts. Oh my god, I thought as I pulled out my wife's wedding ring out of my ass. He’d fucked it into me from the very start. The sharp edges had sliced me up pretty good inside and my hole was now incredibly tender. The normally clear glass of the fake diamond was tinged with red, and cum from three strangers dripped off it. The jabbing pain as he'd fucked me.... So this is what it was like to be completely owned, to be a true cumdump. I reached back and put the ring back inside me, followed by my wife's butt plug. Then I crawled into my empty bed that was meant for two people, and cried myself softly to sleep as the toxic load seeped into the fresh cuts that had been carved inside me by my wife’s own wedding ring.
    2 points
  12. I live in Las Vegas and for a town called Sin City, it can really be hit or miss if you're a bottom. But I'll never forget the time that I was essentially raped at Entourage, one of the two remaining bathhouses here in town. I'd been out with a couple of friends and we'd gone to Badlands, a somewhat old style saloon in the same commercial center where Entourage is located. I was feeling buzzed and was in no condition to drive home so as we said our goodbyes, my buddies went their way and I walked over to Entourage. As it was roughly 2:00 AM on a Friday night, all the rooms were taken up and I had to settle for a locker. I figured I'd just wait til a room was available and get some sleep then. In the meantime, I figured I'd check out the action. I undressed and walked around with the towel over one shoulder, which, for the most part, covered my cock, but which left my ass visible. The hallways and TV room were nearly empty and, as I made my way around, I could see that most doors were closed. I silently regretted those last two Jack and cokes I'd had because they were beginning to hit me and all I wanted was to lay down somewhere quiet and get some rest. That's when I saw Him walking towards me: good looking, muscular, 20 something year old dark haired stud with a USMC tattoo on his right pec and a beer can thick cock hanging between his legs. He walked past me without acknowledgement, but as I turned to look over my shoulder, I caught him doing the same, apparently staring at my ass. For the next few minutes, as I looked for a place to lay down, I would occasionally see him in my peripheral vision, stalking me as if I were his prey. I finally made my slightly disoriented way into the empty dark room and lay face down on a waist high platform, ready to get some shut eye and oblivious to the fact that the stud had followed behind me and was standing a mere few feet from me, fisting his thick cock and making plans for my hole. As I lay there on the verge of sleep, I suddenly felt him straddle my ass, spread my cheeks with both hands, and what felt like a baseball bat pressing against my asshole, trying to stretch it against its obvious resistance. The shock and pain woke me the fuck up and in a drunken slur I said "Please don't, you're really big." Without saying a word he backed off and I could hear him pop open some lube and begin to jack his cock. I naively thought that that was the end of it when he suddenly lay his full weight on my back, clamped one hand around my mouth, and used his other hand to maneuver his now slick cock between my cheeks and started using that big mushroom head as a battering ram. The slippery lube and his insistence gradually spread my hole and with an almost audible pop, his cock head forced its way through my sphincter and I heard him groan savagely as I lay there and saw stars from the pain of the sudden invasion. I tried getting up from under him but he used his body weight to hold me down and as he shoved the remaining length of his hole wrecker in me, he hissed into my ear, "I'm fucking balls deep in you now, just fucking take it." I felt helpless as I lay there and felt him bucking his hips and sliding his thick fucker in and out of me, feeling his huge cock head drag and push my insides as he shoved in and out of my guts. In the back of my mind, I was worried and scared because I knew I was essentially getting raped by a big dicked stud who hadn't even contemplated putting a condom on before spearing my guts with his huge cock. But in the forefront, I was beginning to really enjoy the fuck as I he would slam balls deep and ram directly onto my prostate. I couldn't help it and I started moaning uncontrollably against his hand on every down stroke. He soon noticed and that seemed to turn him on. He started getting more vocal, whispering encouragements into my ear, "That's right, fuck yeah, I knew you'd love my cock.....yeah, take my fucking cock all in you..... Yeah, your tight little pussy is gonna make me cum..... Yeah, I'm gonna fill you up with my load." The rhythm of the cock pistoning in and out of my ass began to become more frantic, even as I recognized a complete stranger was about to shoot his cum into my unprotected hole. His breathing became more ragged as he suddenly pushed himself as deep into me as he could and froze in place as I could feel his cock twitching and throbbing balls deep in me as he flooded my guts with his cum and groaned, "Fuck yeah, knocking your ass up with my seed! Yeah, take it all bitch, take my babies in you, fucking take my load!" My hole spasmed around his cock, responding to the stimulus as he lay on top of me, his heart beating like a jack rabbit and his cock still throbbing with the last jets of his orgasm. He pulled his cock out of me and I felt empty as the cool air hit my now puffed up ass lips. He smacked my left ass cheek and said, "Keep my cum in you and let it do its job, cumdump." With that advice he got off of me and walked back into the darkness. I lay there confused and conflicted as my military rapist's cum slowly trickled out of my hole and ran down my balls to join the load I'd unexpectedly shot as he took my ass and made it his cumdump.
    2 points
  13. I'm a straight acting guy who loves loads and loads of cum dumped all over my face and down my throat. Im such a cumhungry faggot. I save and freeze all my own loads of cum. So when I can't find any cocks to drain. I'll pull out my frozen block of cum and cover my face with loads after loads after loads of my own cum and take pics and videos of myself. Tell me your cum stories
    2 points
  14. Ended up with 5 loads for the night demos dudes off Grindr. I take most of my loads in an anonymous setting; ass up, face down, door unlocked and the lights dim or completely off. The first dude was a regular that lives a block away. He knows the drill and comes over freeballing in basketball shorts and a tank. He’s an older latino stud with a huge 8 in dick. I heard him come thru the front door and i took a huge hit of poppers. He dropped his shorts and rammed his cock up my hole. My head was already spinning and he was in a rhythm. 5 minutes later he’s moaning and talking in Spanish and I know he’s unloading in me. He slaps my ass, pulls up his shorts and leaves. The second dude is a complete stranger. He’s white and hairy with a hard dad bod. I tell him the set up and he’s over within 10 minutes. He pulls out his cock thru his jeans, still clothed, and rubs his flaccid cock in my ass crack. He gets hard, spits on his cock and slowly slides in. He starts stroking and i hear him ask, “Where do you want my seed?!” I tell him to breed me and he starts unloading and his body is twitching. He pulls out and rubs off the cum and wipes it on my ass. The third guy is a student at ASU that was shopping nearby at the mall. He’s a latino mixed and pretty toned. He hit me up and I sent him my address immediately and he’s down. I didn’t even see his cock. He gets to the door and when he gets inside he was nervous but eventually starts playing with my ass. I didn’t tell him I was pre-bred but I say I’m already lubed up. He gets completely naked and starts sliding in and he’s moaning. He gets balls deep and stops and grabs my waist and pulls out. He tells me that he came and my ass was too wet for him to last. He laughs and leaves. The next guy is a dude I’ve hooked up with before. He’s tall, slim and very good looking. His cock is uncut and really sensitive but he takes too long to cum so I don’t invite him over anymore but tonight I was hungry. He’s up in my apartment in a few minutes and we 69 to get started. He’s sucking the loads out of my ass and I’m tasting his precum. I start riding his face and he tells me he wants to add another load to my hole. He pushes me over and my head is hanging over the bed with my ass in his control on the bed. He pins me at my waist and starts drilling me, going all the way out and back in. He’s drilling me for about 45 minutes and I’m enjoying him being in control and me helpless. He puts the bottle of poppers under my nose and I take a long double hit and he takes a hit. I know he’s about to cum when he does that so I clinch my ass and that sends him over the edge. He moans and groans a lot as his cock is overly sensitive inside my hole. He collapses then quickly dresses and leaves. It was bittersweet for him to leave because I wanted him to cum sooner but I want him to keep moaning and fucking as I was close to getting off. The last dude of the night was a lyft driver close to my apartments. His profile pic showed off his smooth abs and pecs with some scruffy facial hair. I send him my ass pics and tell him I have some loads in. He asks for my address and sends his dick pics and he’s 7 in uncut and thick. We don’t exchange face pics and he tells me to be waiting for a pump n dump. I obey and he shows up. I can hear him stroking in the distance, he comes closer and touches my hole. I hear him say, “damn this pussy is wet.” I start stroking as he starts dirty talking and sliding in. He gets balls deep and tells me to hit my poppers so he can wreck my ass. I’m high in the next moments and every deep stroke is ecstasy. He’s pounding relentlessly and reaches around to my cock and starts stroking me in between his fingers. I don’t want him to stop but I’m trying to hold back to cum at the same time as him. But I let him know I’m about to bust and I cum all over his hand. I can tell he’s turned on by getting me off and his thrusts get harder and his breathing gets quicker. He yells that he’s cumming and i could feel his thick cock pulsing. He tells me how hot my ass is as he pulls up his pants and leaves. I never saw his face and don’t know anything about him but I have his load in my ass and that’s all I cared about.
    2 points
  15. if you're fucking me bareback I expect you to cum in my ass If I'm fucking a bottom bareback I WILL be cumming in your ass
    2 points
  16. Yesterday afternoon... I was doing my HIV outreach & testing at the bathhouse... was the end of the afternoon and gave the last "client" his negative results... he leaned in to give me a thank you hug and kiss I gave him tongue and slipped my hand in his towel... he bent me over and quickly gave me his load.. A hot Panamanian uncut cock and a BIG LOAD :-)
    2 points
  17. Friday i went out cruising at my new favorite park. It's an older run down park and most of the sex happens in a pavillon that has great visibility or a board walk that has been closed for repairs for several years now. As I got out of my car I saw a guy in his late 50s/early 60s with jeans, work boots, white t shirt and mullet hair cut walking around his truck but definitely checking things out. I started walking back into the woods/trails and looked to see if he followed. Once he did, i turned off the trail and walked down an embankment and he was behind me. We climbed partly out of slight and he started groping and soon we were exchanging oral. Since i was wearing a jock, i bent over to suck his dick and put his hand on my hairy ass. He felt it and grunted. I said you wanna fuck? He said hell yeah. I spit on my ass, he spit on his cock and he slowly pushed his average sized cock in me. He said I want to get in you really deep, open up. I held on to a tree while he began to fuck me nice and good. I noticed an older guy that is a regular is standing at the top of the embankment watching and jacking. I tell my redneck top daddy to keep plowing and to cum in my ass when he was ready. Pretty soon he started huffing and puffing and deposited his load in my hole. The dude watching also shot and took off. I hung for a few minute on the trail and a young Hispanic guy starting walking my way. He stopped and we groped each other and he started heavy kissing and making out. I asked is he would fuck me, he said yes so I suggested the boardwalk. We walked over and climbed over the entrance fence that says "closed for repairs". No one goes on the boardwalk except guys looking for action. It's surrounded by mangroves that lead to the bay. We found one of my normal spots and began to get partly undressed. The guy has a nice fat cut cock which I began sucking getting it ready for my ass while he was feeling my hairy ass and the load that was leaking out. I turned around and leaned on the railing and he slides in my ass. No condoms, no questions. My kind of guy. Just as he is fucking me another guy comes walking down the board walk. My young top doesn't slow down, just keeps on plowing me. As the guy gets closer he is smiling and once I see him i realize he is very hot. He watches and gives us encouragement and starting jerking his cock. My young top likes the encouragement and really starts to pound me, kind of showing his stuff. Pretty soon, I can feel his cock swelling and I know his load will be cumming soon. A few more thrusts and he unloads. I thank him for the load and he zips up and walks down the board walk. Now the guy that watched is jacking his cock, I ask "what do you like to do?". He says "fuck". He turns me around and impales me on his rock hard cock and starts to fuck me hard immediately. He is shorter than me and grabs me around the neck and is trying to climb on me while I am standing. This dude knows how to fuck. Meanwhile two more guys walk up and start watching him fuck me. Both are regulars I have seen before so we don't break from the breeding. Pretty soon he started to pump and slam his cock in me and he let out a very loud moan and flooded me with his cum. He held his cock in me to give me every drop. We zipped up and another guy walked by that apparently had been watching from a distance. I went back to my car pretty proud to get 3 loads in my hole in 1 hour of cruising. I love outdoor/public cruising and having guys watch me getting fucked.
    2 points
  18. Right guys, I have a direction the story could go in but if no one is liking the story or interested in commenting then this is the last chapter. Part 20 I must have blacked out for a bit, when I stirred again my vision was clouded over, I realised I was back in the sling and the mask with the poppers was back over my face. My head was spinning. “Use the jar of cum as lube and whatever is still in his hole. The goal is to get your fist as deep as your elbow. Do that and then add your load of cum for the next guy to use as lube.” I vaguely had an idea of what was about to happen but apart from Daddy’s big cock and being double penetrated I’d never had a fist in my ass before, especially not anything as big and deep as a forearm either. If it wasn’t for the poppers I’d probably have tried to struggle. The first guy took a scoop of cum from the jar of loads and lathered it on my hole, it felt wet and slimy, he started fingering my hole and quickly built up to having 4 fingers deep in my ass, It wasn’t as painful as I thought, but my hole had been abused a lot so far tonight so must have been loose. “Fuck Tom he’s fucking sucking my hand in! Filthy pig” The guy grunted as he forced his fist into my hole I took a deep breath in the mask and felt his fist slide deeper into me. My head was spinning. I let out a deep moan. “He likes it too. His hole is soaked in cum” With all the compliments this guy was giving my hole I felt an odd sense of pride. He began to slide his fist deeper, each time pulling out slightly and then working himself in further. I did my best to relax but the invasion began to become too much. My moaning increased. “Come on boy, don’t let me down. Brian is going to give you some more help” Tom whispered in my ear as I felt the sharp scratch against my arm again. I was being slammed for the second time. This time I didn’t feel as much of a rush and wasn’t sure it had worked until I heard the guy fisting me shout out; “Fucking right to the elbow you slut and you’re still sucking me in!” I hadn’t realised but he was right, my ass had his whole forearm buried in it! I felt him twist his arm and my hole body convulsed! He slowly pulled his arm out and I could feel the flow of cum following it. He then without warning slammed his cock into my hole and quickly bred me! When he pulled out he gave my ass another hard slap! My ass felt unbelievably empty until I felt the next hand at my hole. His hand felt smaller and quickly his fist was in my hole. Maybe I was just so wrecked it felt smaller but all the same he began to work up a rhythm. I soon noticed he was alternating his hands and was fisting me faster each time. He was getting deeper and I could feel myself moaning again in pain and pleasure. “Fucking pig is loving my arm up there.” I heard the guy say as he alternated his arms, eventually he must have reached his elbow as I felt the familiar emptiness followed by a quick breeding. After the first two guys the rush of being slammed and the poppers completely took over. I don’t remember much of what happened, each arm stretched me open in a new way. One guy punch fisted me and another i’m sure went past his elbow. After a couple of hours of being fisted I felt the familiarity of Daddy once again. Tom had taken up the position at my ass. He pulled the mask off my face, flooding me with fresh air, although the room stunk of cum and sex. “Okay boy it’s Daddy’s turn now.” Tom’s hand felt thicker than all the other men before him. He kept adding more cum to my ass from the jar, my hole was soaked and must have been puffy looking. He worked his fist into my ass and without the poppers I felt myself being tighter. Maybe the buzz of the slam had started to wear off too. I felt more aware than I had for the past few hours. “Tom I think his fevers broke, his eyes look brighter. Albeit terrified too!” I hear Brian say as he began to laugh. “That’s it boy, I want you to remember Daddy deep in you, claiming you from the inside!” Tom was getting deeper and deeper into my hole and I could hear myself moaning from the depths of my balls. The pain started to become overwhelming. That’s when I caught his piercing blue eyes, the minute his eyes locked onto mine I felt him slide the last few inches up to his elbow in my ass. He didn’t break eye contact the whole time. “Want more cum boy?” “Yes Daddy” was all I could reply, I was transfixed. He twisted his arm in my hole and puled out a bit, making my hole gape. Brian passed him the jar of cum, there must have been at least a pint of cum in it. How long had they been saving it for! Tom took the jar and poured the cum down his arm and into my now gaping hole. “That’s it boy, make your hole eat it up. Come on soak up that cum” My ass instantly felt cold and began to feel full, with each load of cum Tom poured in he’d shove his fist to his elbow again pushing it in deeper. I could taste it, it was that deep. After the jar was empty Tom worked his fist deeper into my hole he must have been just past his elbow when I felt the familiar coldness of his cock ring next to my hole. I must have looked panicked. “Relax boy, Daddy wants to fuck you, but you’re too stretched out, I’ll need to do it with my arm still inside you! Brian shove the mask back on him. I won’t stop when I start” I felt the darkness over my eyes and my nose instantly filled with poppers. They did help to relax me but with the abuse my ass was now going through there was now way to escape the pain. Tom managed to get half his cock into my ass with his fist up to his forearm at the same time. I began to moan loudly and could feel my body writhing in pain. Unknowingly I’d started to cry. “That’s it boy, give in to Daddy! Remember it’s what I want” His pace sped up and I felt like I would break. He quickly withdrew his fist causing me to scream out in pain, he then slammed all of his cock into my destroyed ass, snatch the mask off my face and kissed me quickly and deeply as he came in me. “I love you boy” Was the last thing I heard and I was out.
    2 points
  19. PART 7 Rom and his friend walked in the room and shut the door. I was laying on my back on the bed with my elbows propping me up. It wasn’t exactly bright lights in the tiny room, but it was light enough. I took the new guy in, really really aware he had already been told there wAs a bottom that took it bareback waiting for him. I didn’t get his age, but he was somewhere around 45, give or take a year or two. He had long legs and I guessed he was maybe 6’ 1”, But he was pretty lean. He had a light patch of greying hair on his chest and his face was clean shaven. His mostly grey hair was cut very short. He wore his towel low on his hips. I thought he was hot as hell. Ron spoke up, “Chris this is my friend Steven. Steven meet my sexy young friend Chris. Chris, is Steven your type?” I nodded vigorously. “Steven, did I deliver on my promise of a beautiful young sexy bottom boy?” “ Hell yes you did,” said Steven, adding to me, “it is so nice to meet you sexy boy. Ron here told me this is your first time here? And your first time barebacking?” I nodded. “Well, I understand. Man sex is hot enough, but in a place like this where everyone is so fucking horny ano practically naked and its just us men, so we can have the freedom to explore. Like you explored tonight. I gotta tell you Chris, seeing you there like that, it makes me really want you. It makes me want to fuck you.” Ron had stepped back, making it obvious he was just there to watch. I didn’t care at that point. “I... I think you are really hot too Steven. Do you like to bareback too?” It was at this point that he finally let his towel drop and I got to see his hardening cock for the first time. My eyes were just glued to it, as he slowly gripped it and began to stroke. He was getting hard really fast. And fuck, he was hung. It was perfect. 8. 5 inches with beautiful cut head that topped a thick shaft that had just the slightest most perfect curve. He had trimmed most of the hair away and his balls were shaved. His balls...big round balls, the kind that probably make a lot of cum. His package was magnificent. “It’s so fucking perfect,” I marveled out loud. “I am so glad you like it so much, baby. I’m gonna give you a chance to touch it, and lick it, and suck it... and then it’s going all the inside you. Every. Single. Bit. Is that ok, baby? Is it ok if I fuck you deep?” I am sure I was nodding when I blurted out “I wanna do that all for you just please fuck me bareback.” He looked down at me smiling. “Of course I am gonna fuck you raw Chris.” And then as he leaned into me and i prepared for a kiss, he added, “and I promise you I am not pulling out til all my cum is in that little hole. Is that ok baby?” Looking in his eyes, I nodded. As he leaned in and kissed me hard, I realized very acutely, I had already agreed to lick and suck this strangers cock before letting him fuck my already beaten up hole bareback until he cums inside of me. And I had no idea if he was hiv positive. And I knew it didn’t matter because I would have let him fuck me no matter if he was positive or not. And that totally scared me and totally turned me on. And I knew when this night was over, I was gonna spend a lot of time thinking why I had all of a sudden started hoping the guys I was with had hiv. But right now as my mouth opened and his tongue invaded, I just melted. My cock was like steel and I just wanted him. And I wanted him to be poz. I had to know. As I broke the kiss, I whispered “Steven it’s ok with me if you are, but I just wanted to know.... are you hiv.” He cut me off before I finished. “Yeah sexy. I’m poz. And I know that’s ok with you. I can tell. It’s so sexy. You’re so sexy, that hungry hole. I can’t wait to be inside you.” And i couldn’t wait either.
    2 points
  20. Frank and I started spending 2 to 3 days during the week together in the evening in his playroom. Weekends we might do other things but usually ended up having sex too. I learned a lot and we soon started swapping roles. It felt weird at first. I had never had any problems fucking Frank. Hell, the first time we met, I fucked him. But to be a Dom to him took some work to get my mind into it. Frank seemed to like it though. Sometimes he would stop and give me hints on what might make it better. We always talked afterwards, though, about what things we did that turned us on and how to make it hotter the next time. I mentioned that I liked the element of surprise and Frank nodded without saying anything more. One Saturday I showed up at his house and walked in the front door. As was the usual protocol, I stripped and left my clothes by the door. I wandered around the house looking for Frank but couldn’t find him. I stepped out the back patio and quickly two guys grabbed my arms. A dark cloth bag went over my head and I tried to break free, but the guys holding me were too strong. I felt someone wrap some rope around my ankles and then pick up my legs. I was carried away, naked. It seemed like they were taking me a ways away from the house and my mind was spinning, trying to figure out what was going on. They finally set me down, but they tied my hands to something. I felt someone put cuffs around my ankles and the rope was removed. Someone spread my legs and they were locked to something to keep them apart. I could feel the breeze against my skin and I remembered I was still outside and naked. Someone stuffed a cloth in my mouth and I lost my chance to scream out and call for help. “He’s just as sexy as Frank said” I heard one of the guys say. “If they are friends of Frank’s then I’m probably ok” I thought. I felt hands all over my body - not just two. It seemed to be more than four, too. Probably six. While they were big and rough hands, they were gentle in their touch. “Look at that ass. Nice and hairy and muscular. I could spend hours with my face buried in there” said another voice. “That cock is damn fine too” said a third voice and I realized my cock was getting hard. “Just remember, we can touch but no sex. Frank would have our balls if we messed with his boy without his ok” said the first voice. I was trying to figure out what was going on. They knew Frank and they knew he considered me his ‘boy’. They also knew Frank would be pissed if they tried to fuck me. They stopped groping me and I heard them whispering. Soon I heard another person approach. “Thanks, guys” I heard Frank say. “You got one fine boy there Frank. Any time you want to share him, just let me know” the second voice said. “Well, maybe we should ask him “ Frank said. A moment later he asked “Boy, would you like a few men to help me show you how good fucking outdoors is?” Frank said. Someone pulled the gag from my mouth and I felt the hands keep floating all over my body. My mind was all over the place. It sounded so erotic and so dangerous that it turned me on. But I had no idea who was there. They were friends of Franks, obviously, so it wasn’t like it would be random guys fucking me. I didn’t want to keep Frank waiting, so I said loudly “Yes, Sir!” I heard a few guys say “Fuck, yeah” or something similar and I heard Frank’s distinctive laugh. “I’m not sure you know what you just asked for, boy. I’m sure you will remember it though” Frank said. I heard the sound of a couple zippers being unzipped and then felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I could tell it was Frank and he whispered in my ear “Make me proud, boy.” His hands went down my back and then spread my ass apart. Frank’s tongue went after my hole and he was pushing spit into my hole and then tongue fucking it in deeper. I could picture the scene in my head. Me hooded and tied to some trees in a forest, surrounded by naked men, all wanting to use me. I had no idea how many men were there, I was thinking it was maybe six, but I kept hearing noises all around me. Suddenly, I couldn’t feel Frank’s tongue or beard against my ass. I heard whispering, but couldn’t make out what anyone was saying. I felt two hands on my shoulders again and then a cock pushing my ass apart, heading straight for my hole. Frank’s cock pushed in and I tried to relax but I was still tight without him fingering me open. He let me get used to it for a minute and then started to fuck. This was different than our usual fucks. Frank was showing his friends how he owned my hole and while he might let them fuck me, they should consider this a rare privilege. He kept pounding me and kissing the back of my neck and shoulders. It was a big change from our sex play of the past few weeks. I felt his cock swell as he drilled me and I knew he was about to mark me with his seed. The grunts were familiar and then I felt the warmth of his cum fill me up inside. He gently bit my neck and then pulled out. I heard a voice say “Frank, may I use your boy?” followed by Frank’s affirmation. A new cock slid firmly into my cum lubed hole and I heard the man behind me moan. His cock pumped in and out of me slowly at first and then getting faster and more frantic. I felt another load shoot inside me and I was now carrying the DNA of one of Frank’s friends too. Another guy approached and the request was the same and Frank allowed him to fuck me. And another and another. When the eighth guy pushed his cock into me, my ass was beyond sore. The cum could only do so much to put out the fire from being roughly fucked over and over. This fuck was thankfully short, but the guy seemed to cum forever. When he pulled out I felt cum dripping off my balls and down my legs. I stood there for several minutes, waiting for either another guy to fuck me or to be untied and unhooded so I could see the men that used me. Instead, I started feeling warm streams cover my body. They came from every direction and from the smell I could tell that they were pissing all over my body. I had tried piss once before a long time ago and it had never done anything for me. This time, it just added to the experience. When everyone’s bladders were empty, I could hear people walk away. I was left there for what seemed a long time, Frank told me later it was fifteen minutes, before Frank took the hood off of me and then untied me. Everyone was gone, it was just the two of us, naked in the forest around his house. “I hope you liked that, Mike” Frank said as we walked back towards the house. “Yes, Sir” I replied and I heard him chuckle. “Good, I’m glad. I did too and you made several men very happy tonight. But, once we are done with the scene, you don’t have to address me as ‘Sir’” Frank said and I replied “OK, Frank.” He led me into the back entrance of the house that took us down some steps right into the basement. We showered off together in the playroom. Once cleaned off we went up stairs and drank a few beers before we went to his bedroom and fell asleep. Frank was behind me with his cock nestling next to my balls and cum slowly leaking from my ass.
    2 points
  21. How it Happened Ch. 3 I caught the bus back to campus without any trouble. The whole time with Michael seemed like a terrifying sexy dream. My well-fucked ass and the slowly leaking jizz seeping from my “boy pussy” told me I had not imagined my time with Michael. Fortunately, my roommate was still gone when I returned to my dorm room. I stripped and took another shower, so when I woke in the morning I wouldn’t wake to a puddle of cum in my bed. I told myself, even though I promised to let Michael fuck me raw anytime he wanted, this was only a one-time occurrence. When we met again, I would explain I preferred to engage in only safe-sex. I was sure he would understand, and we could move forward without any repeat of our wild and reckless night. Now having told myself this, I had to admit the sex had been amazing. The warm, throbbing cock pumping in and out of me had treated me to what had to be without a doubt some of the best sex in my life. I found myself getting hard as I remembered the hot, pulsing shots of his thick semen filling me up, as he continued pounding me like a porn star whore. I understood now why guys loved fucking raw, and I almost regretted depriving that lacrosse of the opportunity to breed me as Michael had done. Still it was better to be safe, than sorry. Michael and I could get tested together, and once our tests came back negative, we could skip rubbers and fuck like the night before. I took a couple of Aleve PM, so I could get some rest, and hopefully ease the pain of my well-fucked ass. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard my roomie return, but I was too far gone to care. When I woke up, I first thought it was dawn, but, I had slept through the entire day. Fortunately, I had only two classes, but I had never missed a class in my life. I contacted friends from those classes to catch up on my missed work, as well as checked over my work for the next day’s class-work. My friends from the night I met Michael had texted me to make sure I was doing okay. They apologized for abandoning me at after-hours club. I texted back it was all cool and had met a great guy, who was interested in seeing me again. Bed-time, Michael texted me. I found myself boning up at once as soon as I saw a message from him. I didn’t remember giving him my number, but at this point I couldn’t care less how he got my number. He told me how much he enjoyed our time together and was definitely looking forward to seeing me again Friday night. I responded telling him how much fun I had as well, and I was looking forward to seeing him again. I soon found my cock leaking like crazy as he told me how much he enjoyed being inside me, and the way my “boy pussy” just seemed to keep milking his cock for more jizz. Even though his graphic texts turned me on something awful, I told him I really needed to talk about being safe in the future. I felt relieved when he responded that was something we could talk about Friday. I had been afraid he would want to not see me again, but that seemed not to be the case. He told me his friends were excited to meet me this coming weekend. His last text of the night included a picture of his cock buried in my ass, with some of his loads leaking out, with the comment, “Something to dream about until we see one another again. I barely made it to our bathroom, before I blew my load all over myself. I wanted him to fuck me again in the worse way. The rest of the week seemed to drag along at a snail’s pace, until Friday afternoon and my classes were over for the week. I made sure to try and get ahead of my school work, so I wouldn’t have anything to do Sunday night. It didn’t help Michael sexted me every night. I was a quivering messy of teen hormones by the time I caught the bus to Michael’s apartment Friday evening. The second night we had texted, he made me promise not to fap for the rest of the week. He wanted me loaded with jizz, so he could empty me out completely by the end of the weekend. The thought of someone making me climax until I couldn’t shoot anymore strangely turned me on more than I wanted to admit. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been as hard as I was when I climbed on the bus from Hopkins to downtown. I packed my toiletries, as well a couple changes of clothes, since I had no idea what he had planned for us to do over the weekend. I made sure I packed a box of condoms, just in case Michael didn’t have any on hand. I wanted to be prepared like the Eagle Scout I was. My heart was pounding, and there was a nice sized wet spot on my jeans, by the time I arrived at Michael’s apartment. I was seriously regretting following his instructions I free-ball. My tight jeans rubbed me in ways I wasn’t used to while wearing underwear. Every step made me harder and ooze even more precum. The outer door-grate was unlocked and opened easily when I pulled on it. I took a deep breathe before I hesitantly knocked on the door. I could hear voices and music playing, so I knocked a little bit harder a couple more times before I heard the door unlock and open. “Babe,” Michael smiled at me stepping aside to let me enter. I thought I’d blow my wad right there in the door way when I saw him. The only thing he had on was pair of black skin-tight jeans with the top button unbuttoned. His thick, hard cock bulged and strained against the zipper which seemed barely able to restrain his desire for me. “We’ve all been waiting for you to get here, so the fun can begin,” he told me, pulling me into a passionate kiss. His kiss threw me completely off kilter, everything I had planned to say to him went out of my mind. As we kissed, he began getting me out of my clothes, I almost felt as if I were in a porn flick, everything seemed to be happening so quickly. Once I was naked, Michael handed me the glass pipe we had smoked last time I was there. I started to say I didn’t want to get started that quick this time, but as soon as I opened my mouth the pipe was inserted. “Inhale babe, just keep inhaling like a good lil’ chem piggy,” he chuckled, as he continued moving his lighter back and forth as he started stroking my cock. God, what a surreal and amazing feelings he was created in me. Occasionally, he would take a hit himself, but soon I found it back in my mouth. I lost track of time as I stood in the doorway getting wasted and jerked off by him. My lust for Michael was equal to the previous time I had been at his place on Saturday night. I wanted his dick bad and he knew it. He pushed me down to my knees, before feeding me his beautiful, thick, uncut cock. I worshiped it, as he had taught me to the first time I sucked him. I swear I got even harder, when he grabbed a fistful of my hair and began to seriously face-fuck me like the slut he called me. I gagged somewhat, but soon was able to take his cock to his shaved groin. If being his slut got me his dick, I was more than willing to become one for him. I was in love with him and wanted to please him. I began to love it when he forced himself deep down my throat cutting off my air and holding it there until I was almost ready to pass out, Slobber and precum coated his cock when he finally withdrew it long enough to let me breath, before shoving it in deep. He could do anything he wanted, I was his to use, so long as he fucked me. I began to believe and accept his dirty talk about being his slut, bitch-boy. I was his whore/cumslut. I wanted, no correct that, NEEDED, to please him anyway I could so he would slide his magnificent fuck-stick inside my boy-cunt. Safe-sex was the furthest thing from my mind. I NEEDED to feel him deep inside me and flooding my insides with his cum. He pulled me off his throbbing, dripping cock, smiling down at me. “Oh yeah slut, we’re going to have a fun time this weekend,” he told me yanking me to my feet by my hair, before French kissing the hell out of me. “Come on bitch, time for some more fuck smoke and some fuck vitamins, then you can get back to work showing me how much you want my fuck stick and dirty loads up your cunt.” I didn’t even think to argue, I just followed him down to the living-room. All thoughts of safe-sex had vanished into thin air like the clouds of white smoke he began to feed me once I swallowed another smiley-face pill and a blue diamond-shaped pill. Once again, he encouraged me to drink more Gatorade. Once I had finished the Gatorade, he fed me even more of the amazing fuck-smoke, which made me even horny than I thought possible. I didn’t even wait to be asked, I finished the pipe off and dropped to my knees and returned to worshiping my new owner. If I had been sober, I would have taken serious offense to being referred to as his property, now rather than his boyfriend. If it meant I would soon be fucked by him, I was more than willing to be his bitch, slut. I had no intention of debated his claim of knocking me up, as being proof I was now his to do or to use however he wanted. My sole focus was bringing pleasure to him, so he would bring me pleasure. I moaned in pleasure, as he continued to forcefully use my mouth and throat. I enjoyed the feel of his hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks wide and slipping something small and hard in my hole. A moment later I felt a warm, burning feeling suddenly shot into my hole, before the hard, small cylinder slide from my hole. As time began to stand still, my hole began to hunger to be filled with his hard cock. I was about to try and pull off his cock to beg him to fuck me, when suddenly my hole stretched wider than it had ever been stretched before as an enormous cock-head punched through it’s opening, thrusting several massively, thick inches deep inside me. “Sorry Mikey, we just couldn’t wait any longer to join the party,” a deep, masculine voice said from behind me. “Is he as good as cock-sucker as he looks?” Another voice off to the side asked. “It looks like he knows how to deep through you, but can he do me? A third voice asked. “Well there is only one way to find out, you’ll just have to take him for a test spin. He’s yours for the weekend, but don’t break him please I still want to keep him for a while longer to expand his horizons,” I heard Michael chuckle as he pulled me off his cock and slide out from under me and off the couch. I gasped for breath as I felt the rest of my mysterious fucker’s raw dick sink all the way inside me as his bushy pubes settled against my ass cheeks. My head dropped all the way down on the sofa cushion as I moaned in pleasure at the mysterious cock now buried balls deep inside me. I was torn between feeling betrayed by my new boyfriend, and the incredible pleasure of the thick piece of fuck-meat now buried inside me. I didn’t even know what the guy even looked like, but I was beginning to not even care, because as he began rocking in and out of me slowly at first building momentum, I found myself moaning in pleasure. I didn’t want this amazing thick cock to stop. I my moans of pleasure soon matched both the speed and depth of his fucking. “Hey Mikey, I think he likes it,” chuckled the voice behind me, which prompted laughs from the others. I never had any doubt he would,” laughed Michael. “Have fun with him. I’ll be back later, I have a “date” with a hot lil’ Calvert Hall senior. I may bring him back to join the fun,” chuckled my “boyfriend”. “The kid loves raw cock and cum, I met him at Bush River,” he laughed. Michael grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head up to face him. “You are going to take good care of my friends while I’m gone aren’t you cumdump?” He asked me with a look that told me I had better behave or else. “Yes…Sir,” I answered submissively, fearing what might happen if I dared to refuse. Besides, I was really beginning to enjoy the fuck I was getting for this mysterious man. “That’s a good lil’ bitch slut,” he smirked at me. “I’m just helping you become the lil’ faggot slut you’ve always dreamed of being,” he laughed, before leaning down to kiss the hell of me. “I’ll be back in a couple hours gents, enjoy,” he said before letting go of my hair and leaving the room. “Here blow some clouds boy,” commanded a deep voice holding the glass pipe to my mouth. I heard the click of the lighter and saw the flame begin to move along the bottom of the glass bubble. Each time I inhaled deeply, the cock fucking me paused, only to resume its relentless pounding of my ass. Once I finished off the white rock, I found myself presented with two cocks to service. One black and one caramel-colored, both were larger and thicker than I had seen before in my limited sexual explorations. Normally, I would have resisted, but instead I began to worship those beautiful cocks being presented to me. I was in heaven licking and sucking on them, while another cock continued to fuck me relentlessly. “Damn, this cunt is amazing,” grunted the voice behind me. “He’s a horny lil’ fucker,” he groaned, before slapping my ass hard, which in turned made me moan around one of the cocks stuffing my throat. “I think Mikey found a good one here, he’s a nasty lil’ pussy boy,” chuckled one of the voices busy feeding me cock. “Get…ready…to…swap,” panted my fucker. “SHIT! YES! FUCK!” Howled the man long dicking me like there was no tomorrow. “TAKE…MY…DIRTY…LOAD!” I pushed back against the unknown man fucking me as I felt his dick begin to swell and fill me with his jizz. I wanted his load in the worse way. “Damn! That was a good fuck, can’t wait until he’s really broken in properly,” chuckled the man as I felt his cock begin to withdraw from me. I tried to close my ass to keep his load inside, but I couldn’t. The next thing I knew another cock was sliding inside me, while I was presented with a cum-covered cock to clean. I didn’t hesitate in opening my mouth to clean and worship the cock that had just fucked me so wonderfully.
    2 points
  22. It was a long day at the office, patient after patient, with very little time to eat let alone time to go to the bathroom. Before heading home, I sat at my computer and posted on Craigslist, I need the release tonight. Masc top – 45 Masculine top here HWP in search of a bubble butt bottom into kissing, getting rimmed and fucked. DDF tested at the beginning of the month. Prefer 20-30yrs hwp as well. I take care of myself you should too. Then I submitted a picture of my 7.5 inch uncut thick Latin cock. I could really use the release, business has been booming and that’s great but I want to travel, and meet guys. I drove home, and forgot about the post so I wouldn’t be disappointed by a lack of interest in the post. My roommate was gone for a couple weeks on business I could go home and spend my night naked, watch porn on the big screen and cook myself a good meal without any interference. No matter what it will be a good night. A few hours later I hear my phone go off with the email sound, my cock twitched in excitement. When I opened the email, there was a picture of an athletic, tone, young bubble butt bottom. He wrote his stats, 6’2 185lb with a 6.5 inch cut cock. He knew he was clean and double checked my stats because he has a girlfriend that doesn’t know and it need to stay that way. I couldn’t believe it, I would get to fuck a “straight” sexy bottom tonight. My cock was instantly rock hard, “the code is 002 I’m on the second floor of the building, door will be unlocked. I can’t wait to have some fun! I can show you my last results, we can play safe though if you want. See you at 8pm!” I wrote in reply. I took a nice hot shower and laid in bed, still rock hard with anticipation of fucking this hopefully great ass. It felt like forever, but I heard my apartment door open and shut, and the shadow of my hookup entering my room. Dressed in a plain white undershirt and sweat pants, the picture he sent didn’t do him justice. He didn’t waste any time either, while walking over to the bed he took off his shirt and slid down his sweatpants, the dim lights showed off every line, and curve of his athletic body. He got in bed crawling up to meet me, I grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was an amazing kisser for being “straight” I didn’t think he’d be as into it as he was. My hands roamed his body, his ass was firm, strong and big for a white boy. My fingers played with his puckered hole, “I want to eat your ass”, I said pulling his hips up towards my face, “suck my cock.” He did as he was told, this is where his straightness showed, his mouth was warm and soft but he wasn’t the greatest cocksucker. His ass though, his ass was smooth, tasted so delicious. He cleaned up well, not even a lingering taste of soap. His ass began to open up for my tongue, I pushed my spit deeper with my finger as he deep throated my cock as best he could. I turned him around and sat him down on my wet cock, sliding it between his beautiful ass cheeks. We continued to make out, tongues darting back and forth, when he surprised me by grabbing my cock and lining it up to his tight hole, pushing down onto it slowly. With spit as lube the entry was slow, he pulled up and I licked my hand to put more lube on my cock. He sat down and this time, I slid most of the way in and it felt incredible. He sat up, slowly lifting and dropping down onto my cock eyes closed head up towards the ceiling, he was enjoying it a lot. I ran my hands up his sexy abs to his shoulders and pulled him back down for his delicious mouth. I couldn’t take it much longer, I fucked his ass while kissing him for probably a minute or two longer before pushing him down all the way on my cock and cumming deep into his amazing ass. “Oh my God, you have the perfect ass” I said to him as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth drunk on the cum deep in his ass. “Thank you” he said shyly as he got up, my still rock hard cock leaving his ass with a *pop*. He was clearly nervous as he crept back towards his clothes and left. I wanted his ass again, I want his mouth again. Why do the hot ones have to be straight? I thought to myself as I jacked off to the thought of him. I sent him an email the next mornin, “Thank you for last night, but you left me still hard and wanting your ass, let me know when you can come back for more!” Surprisingly I got a reply within the hour, “Sorry I left in such a hurry, I’m still pretty new to all of this, it felt great though, I think your cum is still inside my ass. Kind of makes me horny all over again.” “that’s hot, keep it in there as long as you can or come back for more. How’s tonight?” My cock now rock hard at the office. I day dreamed all day of what I wanted to do with him. Bringing him to the office and fucking him over one of the dental cleaning chairs, meeting him at his house and fucking him in his bed, and taking him on a vacation away from his girlfriend. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. By the end of the day I had not heard back, I hope I didn’t scare him off. I got home, and while in the shower heard my phone go off. I left the shower running, and went to my phone I hope it says “on my way over”. It didn’t but I enjoyed this email even more. “I cant come over tonight, and weekends are tough, that’s when I see my girlfriend. Next week I’m watching a family friends house, and she can’t stay over if you want to come by a couple times. Maybe play some fantasies I’ve had but never tried.” I replied, “Yes, tell me them.” Hours later he sent me the most exciting email I’ve ever received. “Ok I’m super nervous about a lot of this but… One fantasy is to have my drink drugged and be used all night, with or without video. But to wake up knowing someone used me as their cumrag, sore and full of cum. Btw I’m game to try anything at least once. I want my hole opened up, I love the idea of someone pissing into it, either as an enema or just to fill me up. I have never cum from someone fucking me but I know its possible, I’ve told myself when I’ve been really horny that if I were to accomplish that, that I would consider it a sign I’m truly meant to be gay, to take cocks. Lastly, I like the idea of there being some secret thing I wear, have on my body that claims me as theirs. Other than these I love the idea of gangbangs, 3somes, exhibition, chastity, CBT, golden showers from groups, being abused and dominated, sometimes at my horniest even outed, and scat. I emailed him back “We will have some fun next week, I will come over every night that you can have me. One of those nights you will be drugged and I will use you all night, I will try to fist you, you will drink my piss when I ask, and who knows maybe I’ll call a friend or two. You have the most perfect ass, and I think its meant to take cocks, I will make you gay” “Yes Sir” “Address, phone number, and your work schedule please. I will text you before I come over each night.” I immediately started preparing for the next week, I went to a sex shop and bought restraints, cock rings, poppers and toys in different sizes. I want him to wear a jock strap, I picked up a Diesel, Andrew Christian and Addicted brand straps. I called in and got myself some Xanax from the pharmacy, and some other things for a good cocktail in case. I really do think I could make him gay, and I hope that he becomes mine when he realizes it. Monday took forever to come but I text him at 7pm, “can I come over?” “Yes, I need to clean up though” “See you within the hour”, I said, my cock already pressing into my jeans. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door, I didn’t want to walk into the wrong one. The boy opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and a t-shirt. “Here, go put this on and come to the door to let me in the proper way.” I said handing him one of the jockstraps. I shut the door, and he went off to change. I knocked again, he answered the door in just the jockstrap, but didn’t open the door all the way. He looked so hot, this boy will be mine. I pushed the door wide open, “Aren’t you going to kiss your gay lover hello?” He sheepishly stepped forward, and I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss which he gratefully returned. I spun us around so his ass faced the street, it wasn’t a busy neighborhood but I knew it would scare him and drive him wild. I broke the kiss, “my bag is in my car in the driveway, go get it.” And I shut the door, making sure to lock the deadbolt loudly so he knows there’s only one way back in. I went to the kitchen and started to make us a drink, and he was back at the door knocking. I walked slowly back to the door, and asked who it was as I looked through the hole in the door. “Its Trevor!” he said nervously. “Not remembering, how do I know you?” egging him on. “Sir can you let me in?” he said desperately. I opened the door a crack, “You got the wrong bag, and you will answer, ‘I’m your gay bottom’ if you want to be let back in when you get back. I went back to make him a special drink, piss, gin and tonic with a little treat for him. *Knock, Knock, Knock* But I had to finish making the drinks. It was hard to stop the flow of piss, but I wanted him to have the rest from the tap. *Knock, Knock, Knock* “Who is it?” I yelled from the kitchen this time. He hesitated, and I heard something softly said through the door, “who is it?” I repeated. “It’s your gay bottom!” he rushed and said just loud enough. I walked back to the door, he had the correct bag this time. “Good boy, thanks for grabbing my bag. I made us a drink, lets go chat. Yours is a piss gin and tonic. I’m drinking beer.” He seemed to like that, and I followed his perfect ass into the kitchen. We talked for 45 minutes, and I learned a lot about my future boy. “you need another drink, follow me” I said. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bathroom, “On your knees, urinal.” He quickly got onto his knees, his hard cock stretching the jock strap. I whipped out my cock and put it in his face, “put your lips around my cock, but no tongue, you will swallow everything I give you tonight” His soft lips surrounded the head of my cock, and I let my stream go, I could hear him gulping. It took every ounce of focus I had to not get hard and stop my flow of piss. He swallowed the last of my piss, I grabbed his face, kissed him deep, and spit into his mouth. “Good boy, lets head to the bedroom.” He got up and stumbled, the Xanax must be kicking in finally I thought. We go into the room and I pushed him onto the bed, “on your elbows and knees, I’m going to eat your ass” I said. He was quiet but by his squirming I knew he was enjoying my tongue, I would stop every once in a while and suck his cock a little to keep him on edge. “What do you want?” I asked. “Your cock” “where do you want my cock?” “I want you to fuck my ass” “I will fuck you good tonight, slut” “Thank you Sir”, he answered as I sprayed a towel with Maximum Impact and pushed it to his face. “Deep breaths slut, these are called poppers, you’re going to like these.” I commanded. Sure enough his hole started to visibly loosen up, and this scared “straight” boy was now ready for the fucking of his life. He moaned as my cock entered his ass, I fucked him deep and slow, he took every inch of it. His ass was meant for cock, I’d make him realize it. He was moaning up a storm as I flipped him back and forth from his stomach to his back fucking him fast and rough, I would slow down and whisper things in his ear, knowing he wouldn’t respond much but hopefully it sticks in his mind. “You will be my boyfriend, we will travel and I’ll fuck you every day while we are gone, you take cock so well, you probably take cock better than you give it, your cock is mine, your hole is mine, I wish I could make your pregnant”. I repeated over and over. He answered at last, “fuck me until I’m pregnant.” That’s when it struck me, I knew how to make him mine forever.
    1 point
  23. (This is my first time posting a personal story in this forum, so I apology in advance for any spelling or mistake since my native language is not english ) I've never really posted anything here before because even though I fantasize a lot about gay bareback, I never had the courage to actually engage in sex without wearing a condom. I just limit myself to jerk off watching breeding videos or reading your fantasy posts (thanks men, your stories are so hot). But some weeks ago I watched a TIM video that changed something on me: There was this big muscular guy totally unconscious being bred by some random guy. Nothing special so far, but in this particular scene, the bottom took some sleeping pills beforehand. He was at the mercy of his top, defenseless, unconscious. The cameraman never recorded the top face so the bottom could never know who used his ass. The moment I saw the video I knew I need to do that. What a fantasy... One of my best friends is a doc, so I asked him for some strong sleeping pills. Until that point, my only real experiences with guys had been mutual masturbation and some oral sex after a party, so I was really anxious about what could happen with my experiment. I don't elaborate these escenarios that much, but in reality I'm kind of a shy man. My friend gave me the pills which he said were the same drugs he uses at the hospital to sleep patients before anesthesia makes effect. The next day, I had a really long lunch break. I used that time to go home and settle things up: I douched my ass and got ready to arrange the meeting. I downloaded grindr (again) and tried to find someone... But just having the pills in my pocket made my heart rush so badly that I had to dress myself up again and finally decided to return to work. In the night, having come back home after a terrible day in my work I opened grindr again. I talked to this mid 30s man who had an "eggplant" emoji by his name. The picture only showed his torso, but he looked really hot (the kind of guys I like, middle east looking, brown skin, muscle pecs, big arms, thick beards and a full grown chest hair) I didn't asked him for face pictures, but I told him the pills thing and the typical "I am kind of shy to the idea of fucking with other guys". I waited for him in my house with the sleeping pills already on my system. The only petition I had was for him to record all the action and send me he video afterwards. I finally took the pills. My heart started to rush a lot. Anxiety again. To be honest I had some second thoughts, I even thought about locking the door of my place... But in the end, I decided to free my decires and fulfill my fantasy. In order to feel more calmed I put some condoms and lub next to my bed. I left the door opened, and before I could notice I started to feel the effects, dizziness, difficulty opening my eyes... I went to bed and man! those pills were no joke, they were as strong as they could be. I wasn't even able to untie my necktie. I fell asleep so deeply. Just remembering it gives me a hard-on. If you liked how I put in practice my fantasy –and want to know what happened the next day– please let me know. It's nice to share with each other what turn us on, and how our sexualities have developed through our lives. I planned to write how things happened in only one post, but it's getting long.
    1 point
  24. It all started just because my regular fuck bud was a little too arrogant. He knew I loved his huge cock and could not get enough of it. He just got irritating when wanting my ass to use and wanting it now or he would look elsewhere, knowing I would do almost anything to get him in me. We were both neg and we barebacked only with each other. He would send me pics of his other 'conquests', either fucking them or them fucking him, but always sheathed up. He got so bad that if I did not agree to meet at 'his' time within about five minutes of it and always with hardly any notice of when he would be available until I got the message. Usually wanted me within a couple of hours of contacting me, no matter how many times I would ask for more time to prepare and see if I could get away or not. This got on my nerves the more he did it. I loved his eight inch cock, which had the girth of my wrist. I especially loved the way he would pound my hole, just the way I liked it, drilling me as hard and deep as he could. He about drove me wild with wanting his cock in me and he could cum huge amounts every time. The more he did me the more I wanted and he knew it and would basically tease me by contacting me whenever and at times I was sure he knew I would have no way to get there in time. I then found BreedingZone and shorty after BBRT and I started to think of getting even for those missed fucks I wanted so badly. The more I read on BZ the more I wanted to read and then started to read the gift giving and chasing fiction and thinking hey, that could be real actually. And then he messaged me again with only about a half an hour to prepare and I decided that was the last straw. I went to BBRT and filled out a profile and let it be known I was chasing, even though I wasn't, but wanted a poz hvl guy willing to poz someone, anyone. It didn't take long to get some hits. I needed someone close and could also get away with little notice also. I found the right guy for it and we discussed it and then met up for just a meet to talk. He said he would be willing to stealth someone and thought it would be a very hot time. He was close by, only a five minute drive, and he worked for himself, so getting away on short notice was not a problem either. I then got a hold of my fuck buddy and asked if it would be okay if I asked another guy to join us, as I was interested in getting fucked more than once in a session and thought it would be hot to be fucked again right after he got done loading my hole good. He was all for it and wanted to know when. I told him whenever he could get free and ready. I then got a hold of my poz guy and told him my fuck buddy was hot for me to get fucked twice and it would probably happen very soon. He was ready whenever the time would be. I was right too as it was only a couple of days when my fuck buddy sent me a message wanting to fuck and asking if the other guy would be able to join us. True to form he only gave me about two hours to reply and get ready. Fortunately I was able to make his deadline, and when I reached-out to my poz guy, he also was available, so the stage was set. I sent a message back to my fuck buddy and told him we could both be at our meeting place at the appointed time. So, everything was set, and I was hard thinking about the upcoming session.
    1 point
  25. My name is John, i'm 24, average height, slim build with soft brown hair and blue eyes, I'm not the best looking guy but I get my fair share of attention. i'd finished university in the summer, split up with my boyfriend and started my graduate job in a large business firm in the city. The company managed product development for major companies and brands so I was thrilled to get a place within such big company. My parents always told me to never turn down an opportunity that could take you somewhere. After working in the office for a few months I quickly got used to the fast pace, that started to creep into every part of my life. After working all week, putting in 50 hours, I was normally exhausted on a Friday night and would just head straight home and masturbate for as long as I could, it had been ages since I'd had sex, with work being so busy. That is however, until I got talked into going to a bar by one of my co-workers. He was married, unhappy about it, and constantly stressed in work. We went to a bar a couple of streets away from the office, It was dark and you would walk past it if you didn't know it was there. It wasn't the sort of place I imagined anyone in work would go to, least of all Mick. We sat at the bar and was served by an overly flirtatious girl, I rolled my eyes now realising why Mick came here; "Not your type then?" Mick asked me "She's certainly not anything I'm looking for." I said, realising i'd probably said too much. "Oh shit, I didn't realise you were gay, don't worry about it my nephew is gay, It doesn't bother me." "I...er... please don't tell anyone in work. It's hard enough being new without them knowing." I pleaded "John... relax, lets have a drink and i'll point you in the direction of the gay bars in the city, you need to try stop thinking about work all the time." We finished our drinks and after Mick had bitched about work and his family we headed out. He told me what train to get and explained where to go from there. I thanked him for the drink and told him I'd see him on Monday. Little did I know what was coming. I took the train to a part of the city I'd never been to before, walked the short distance and found a few bars with guys hanging around outside smoking. I walked into the bar with the least amount of guys hanging around outside, hopefully it meant the bar was quieter. I just wanted a couple of drinks and maybe a dance-floor fumble, I was still exhausted and hadn't prepared for any kind of sex, my pubes hadn't been trimmed for weeks and my ass wasn't clean. I grabbed a drink and found a stool at a table in the corner of a small but open bar and dance floor area. It was inoffensive and there was an okay selection of guys. Mostly in their 30's and upwards but I didn't mind a slightly mature guy. They tended to be less pushy. After nursing my drink for about 10 minutes or so a guy sat down across from me. He was in his late 40's, maybe. Good hair, perfect smile and from what I could see he kept himself in shape. It was his crisp white shirt that first caught my eye. "Hey, I'm Tom." It took me a minute to register what he said, I was lost in his bright blue eyes. "I'm John" I mumbled out, I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. "Are you here by yourself?" He asked, breaking our gaze and looking around the room. Once I regained my composure I smiled at him. "I've just came from work and was just looking for a quick drink, I'm not looking for anything else tonight." "You're a bit presumptive kid" he said laughing "How about I buy you one more drink, and then once we've chatted a bit you can try turn down my sexual advances then" He smirked at me and his blue eyes narrowed in a dangerous way, he turned for the bar and I found myself just sitting there. I wasn't normally as direct with guys, but there was something about Tom that made me feel slightly scared, even if my cock was growing in my briefs. Tom came back with two drinks, he handed mine over and I took a few long sips, trying to avoid conversation. "Sorry it took a while, I bumped into a few friends at the bar.... so, I'm guessing you're not from around here?" "I just moved to the city after I graduated, I got a job in the city. A friend told me about here, tonight, I thought I'd come take a look, I've not been out much since I moved." I quickly finished the rest of my drink, completely embarrassed by how pathetic I sounded. We chatted for another half hour or so, my cock stayed hard the entire time. I told him about myself, where I grew up, what I studied, how I've only had one boyfriend at Uni and how I hadn't had sex since we split up. He just sat there the entire time staring into my eyes, I realised I hadn't asked him anything about himself. "Sorry Tom I've not even asked you anything about yourself." "Don't worry about me, I find you very interesting. How did you and your ex have sex?" I was surprised, I wasn't expecting such a blunt question, I guessed it was only fair after our conversation earlier. "Well...I'm versatile, but I mostly fucked him" I said timidly "You cum in his ass boy?" "I...eh...no, we only played safe, the condom broke once, but we stopped." I was surprised at myself for telling this stranger about me and my ex's sex life. "I'm sorry Tom, I really should be going home, thank you for the drink." I stood up and turned towards the door. Tom stood as quickly as I had. He was six foot, and his chest and arms looked very buff. I glanced at his crotch too and he had a nice bulge under his black suit trousers. "Wow kid, slow down, just asking you some friendly questions. If you insist on leaving, at least let me walk you back to the train station. It's easy to get a bit disorientated in this part of town." I let him walk me down the street towards the train station, the fresh air must have gone to my head, I was beginning to feel a bit dizzy and my vision was getting blurry. I felt Toms' arm around my waist holding me up, we turned a corner. I didn't remember walking this much when I first got off the train. "Whats happening...I don't feel right" I mumbled finding it harder to walk now. "Shhh...Not much farther, my car is park just over here. You must have had too much to drink...." Tom said with a wicked smile, although I couldn't see it. We walked a bit further and I heard the sound of a car door being opened, I felt myself being laid across the back seat, too limp to say no. While lying there with my eyes closed I could hear mumbled voices outside of the car, I think I heard Tom say; "I'm going to claim him first, I'll text you when he's ready"
    1 point
  26. These stories remind me of something that just happened couple of days ago. I was watching this dude who had just turned 18 years old for several weeks, trying to figure out if he was gay or what. My gaydar was going off the chart every time I saw him. He was kind of the Frat looking college boy who happened to live in the same apartment building as do I. One night after I was undressed, watching TV which I always do. It was around 9:00 P.M. and I heard a knock at the door. I could not imagine who the hell it was, so I pulled-on a pair of jeans and answered the door. It was that damn kid. I just stood there with my mouth, open, probably. It turned out he had lost his house key and wanted to know if I had a credit card or something that he could use to open his door as he didn't want to call the manager, thereby incurring the charge. "Sure," I answered, and, finding an old used up Wal-Mart card, handed it to him. "Thanks. I'll bring it right back. Oh, in case you don't know, I'm in 209." Now I have seen him with a girl now and then but nothing looked too serious. Needless to say, after shutting the door behind him, my hormones started racing, thinking of all kinds of things I could do to this boy. Now I had at least 20 years on him, but figured I could teach him a lesson or two. I had no poppers or anything else, but did have plenty of cold beer so I worked-up a plan for his return. My cock stirring and being a top, I was really thinking 'Hmmmm. Tonight is the night to get this guy, who I suspect is a virgin'. I have been poz for quite a few years and really never thought of gifting it. I also didn't really give it much thought at the moment other then this boy's nice looks and slender body. He must have weighed 135 to 140 lbs. Well, I was as ready as I could be. He came back within a few minutes, saying he had opened the door, but apologized because the card was mangled. Thank god it was un-usable anyway. So I casually asked him to come in and have a beer with me. Happily he accepted my invitation, and sat on the couch with a cold one. I had a movie on that just started that I had pay per view. So he from what I saw was interested in the movie so things went smoothly from there. After he had guzzled down about 8 beers during the movie, he got up and went to take a piss. Not surprisingly he was a bit off balance some on the way upstairs to the bath room. "Hmmm" again I said to myself, "This might be my only time and should take advantage of it." Now this guy was as cute as they came. Being 18 he had his boyish looks and swimmers build, I could only imagine what was under those baggy clothes. He came back down and asked if I minded he had another beer. "Of course not!" I said cheerfully. The movie ended and was on regular TV and we just made small talk and he was slurring and telling me that it was his first time at really getting buzzed and it felt good. He was sitting on the couch next to me and I got up and got a beer also, But I was no way near drinking as much as was he. I came back and sat closer to him of course and he looked slightly tired and I just let things happen. I casually reached over and put my hand on his leg and asked him if he was ok. Sure he said. But I kept my hand on his leg. Half way from his knee to his crotch. He did not move and of course my cock started to stir. Maybe just maybe tonight was my lucky night. I had not gotten off in days so had a good load brewing. I got a little brave and took my hand off his leg and then said something funny to him and slapped him on the leg and my hand of course was a little higher up his leg this time and I kept it there. I was sporting a tent in my jeans as I proudly can say I am well hung, uncut, and thick about 9 inches and 6 inches in girth. So there was not much room once things started stirring, if you know what I mean. I decided then I would get up and go to the kitchen and get some chips and of course let him see me getting aroused. I watched him and his eyes locked right on my crotch. Brought back the chips and gave him a bowl and sat down next to him again. Now I could not tell with the baggy pants if he was getting hard or it was just a wrinkle in his pants but I kept a very eagle eye on it and kept reaching down to get chips from the bowl resting in his lap making the bowl move a little each time I did this. Finally I came to the conclusion this beer-induced lad was getting horny, so I went for it. No more playing around. I removed the bowl and reached over and groped his crotch and yeah, I was right he was getting hard. He did not push my hand away but he said that he was straight and if anything happened then I was to forget about it and that just got me going more. A straight boy! Either he was lying or he was being truthful - whichever, I had to get some of his ass! I told him to stand and we stood up and of course now I was bulging a big ol hard on and I took his hand and put it on my crotch. He said "Damn" and I told him to take off his shirt which he did in a flash. He was hot and bothered. Just the way I wanted him to be. Nice body, I just could not believe it. Nice and slim just the way I like them and very little hair above his belly button. I fumbled as I was kind of nervous with his snap on his pants as I was not sure how far I could go. And then unzipped him. His pants fell to the floor. He already had his shoes off as I make people take their shoes off when they come into the house. So only thing left was the boxers which was tenting beautifully. I reached down and squeezed his hard on and he kind of groaned. I then told him to step out of his pants and to follow me upstairs to the bedroom where the lighting was dim. He staggered up behind me still hard and I got him up in the bedroom and told him to sit down on the bed but before he did that to shed the boxers. Which he did. Out popped a very nice looking juicy cut cock with average shaft. But at the same time I saw his ass in the mirror, Nice bubble butt cheeks. Damn this made me really want it. So I slowly dropped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth and started sucking on it. He moaned and said he always wondered what that would feel like. I had me a pure virgin here. I asked him if he had been with any girls and he said "not yet." He was still too shy around them so they even though he was cute kind of stayed away. He was sitting down so I decided it was time to show my glory and unbuttoned my pants and dropped them to the floor and stepped out of them. I also had boxers on but it was very obvious I was horny. I then dropped my boxers and he looked at my uncut clean cock and said "damn" again. He said he never seen one that big only in pictures and I got closer to him and I said "taste it" He said "No, I',m straight. I replied "Look nobody will know but you and me and I really want you to suck my cock and I will suck yours." Of course I had other plans for him, but he didn't need to know that just then. So He got my root into his mouth and I pulled the skin back so he could get at the head. He could not take much of it as he would gag, so I got back on my knees and said "lay down and I will do yours." I sucked him for a few minutes and thank god for the beer, He was not a quick cummer. But I could feel the cum slowly filling his nuts and knew if I kept on I would get him off. Of course I was all in my glory as this is what I had wanted for months after he had moved in next to me. I told him to get on the bed and be doggie style and I would teach him a new trick. He readily did so asking why. I got behind him and slowly licked his back and down to his crack and then I got to the cherry. I licked it and tongue fucked it for several minutes with him saying it felt so damn good. He was glad that he was there but not to tell a soul. I promised I wouldn't. I had lube within reach which was baby oil, and I made as if I intended to give him a massage. He seemed to be keen on that so I dribbled some down his crack and slowly stuck my middle finger in. Not much but just a little and he bucked off. But I kept after him until finally he just gave up and let me put my finger up his ass. I did this until I could get 2 fingers up there and did not want to press my luck. I then without him noticing it lubed up my cum filled cock and knew damn well this was going to hurt. I almost felt sorry for him but I just had to have a piece of his ass. I got behind him and the skin was over my cock head again, but that was ok. It would move back when I did the deed. I took my legs and knees and slowly but surely spread his legs apart some more so he was really lined up. I then was ready. I put my cock head near his cherry hole and he felt what was coming and said "Hell no, You're not doing that." I of course knew all the tricks and replied "I need to get off all I want to do is put the head in and I will stop and beat off and shoot all over your back." After long moments I finally convinced him. More lube as this guy had no idea what was going to really happen to him. I stuck my cock head against his hole and slowly pushed in. He said "Dude that hurts like hell and you don't have a rubber. I said "sorry" and that I didnt need one as I was not going to cream up inside of him [Yeah! Right!] I again told him to just bite down and it would only hurt for a minute and I pressed on. I could feel my cock head slowly go past his pucker hole and the skin pulled slowly back as I went in. I just kept it there and stroked my cock for a few minutes and pressed a little more. It was like a "pop." The head was in and no protest. But I knew I still had to get the 9 inches into him and had a long way to go. I was where I wanted to be so I leaned somewhat on his back kissing and tongueing his back. He seemed to like it. Now I was ready for more and this was the end of the game. I did not want to hurt him or really rip him apart but definitely wanted all-the-way-in. I pressed onwards and sliding the shaft in. He protested, I said "dude, just hang on. Trust me - you're not gonna believe how great this will feel." You know those famous words. I then positioned myself so I could hold on to his somewhat bony waist and held on and I slowly but surely pressed on. I was half in and was fucking him with half of my cock and still he was protesting and that also I did not have a condom. I knew I was going to breed him tonight if it was the last thing I did. So with a quick movement his legs went out beneath him and on his stomach he went. I was still in him and was laying on his back with my weight on top of him. I was somewhat bigger then him so I had the advantage. I then said the hell with it. My cock head was in and about another 3 or 4 inches of the shaft. It was time for breeding. I then grabbed him around the chest and gave him a body hug, licked his ear and away I went. I sunk the rest of my thick cock into him all the way to the pubes. He let out a yell but that did not bother me. I just kept it there and let him get use to having it up his tight ass. It was hot. Here I was in a virgin ass with my thick pole. A piece of ass I have not had for some time. I then slowly pulled some out and put it back in. He just laid there kind of stunned at what was happening. His sweet ass was getting bred. I said the hell with it then and slowly pumped him until I was taking my cock out to almost the part of the head pulled out. I could even feel the foreskin go over the head a little and then I would slam it back in. It felt to a point that he was arching his back up in the air to take it. But it might have been my imagination. However this went on for what seemed quite awhile and he said "Don't cum in me" and I said "of course not." Little did he know. I had him right where I wanted him. I told him to slowly get to his knees as I wanted to make sure I was in to the hilt. He did and without my cock falling out. I then slowly picked up my speed as I knew I was going to cum pretty soon. This was too hot for me to handle. I reached around and made his cock hard and slowly stroked it with precum leaking out of it. Then the urge hit me. I pulled my cock out to the end for the last time and buried it deep into his ass up to the pubes of my bushy hair and felt my balls slap against his at the same time as I had low hangers but they were full. I was there, I shot my poz load deep inside of his tight ass. And I kept it there for a minute or so with him bitching that I had cum up his ass when he asked me not to. I was in no way getting soft and rested a minute and slowly started again. I fucked him hard and earnest for at least another 20 minutes and did the same thing and shot another poz load deep in his ass. Only he didn't know my cum was a special gift. I was done for the time being so let it get soft and fall out. It had a tinge of pink on it so I knew I had done some damage. I rolled him over and sucked on his cock and in no time he shot a huge load down my throat. He then just laid there as a rag doll, falling in and out of sleep. I cleaned up any goo that was left dripping down his sweet cock and told myself just one more load and I will be nice and let him go. I slowly turned him over and he did not protest this time. He knew it was coming and nothing he could do about it. I spread his legs and dipped my cock back into his pozzed filled cum hole and was off again. I did not need lube this time he had plenty of cum for that so I grinded my cock into him thrust after thrust and he said he was getting sore. That was ok, I thought and kept going. I put my hands and arms around his waist and lifted his ass up to my cock everytime I shoved my cock into him so he would get all that he could. I again shot another load. This was for some reason a long one. It was like I was never going to stop shooting. But of course I did. I pulled out and told him he could go home now if he wanted. He asked if I minded he just lay there for the night and I said hell no. We drifted off to sleep as he did not want to get off again. I woke up around 3:00 A.M. and had another raging hard on. And he was in the right exact position to get him again. I threw back the covers and lubed my cock and mounted him. He was sleeping but he woke up real fast when I shoved my thick 9 inches into him. I fucked him again for about 30 minutes and gave him his 4th load of poz cum. Then I reached over and felt a semi hard on so I toked on that until I got it real hard and sucked on it till he busted a nut. Then we fell asleep in earnest. Woke the next morning and he begged me not to tell anyone and I said "no way" but I wanted him to come over once in awhile just to play. He did not seem to keen on that but he did like looking at my swinging big cock. It was about 3 months after that I saw him going into the local ABS. He was not saying much to me, but even so, having broken him in, I would get him and his sweet tasting, tight ass. He was now 'one of the boys' so to speak. And if he did fuck some cunt then she was going to get pozzed. I suspect he he knew he was pozzed and did not want to tell me. I also think after I had de-flowered him, he had played around some with other guys. Otherwise I should think he would have come back to me and bitched me out about pozzing him. He didn't so that told me that he didn't really know who pozzed him, and I had done my job well. Even if he was straight, he still got bred, and had no more worries. After all, he was now one of the boys. In all shape and manner.
    1 point
  27. Older, married men are usually my thing. I had only had sex with two other men before this guy, bot with condoms. Both times kind of sucked. The condom hurt and really detracted from the experience. This changed when I met my first regular fuckbud. 45 years old and married. Big and manly looking. Real sexy. He also had an amazing cock. We got together once and fucked with a condom. Definitely not bad but the condom still felt rough. But it was definitely the best fuck I had so far. I definitely was open to another encounter with him. A few weeks past and he sends me a text of his perfect, uncut cock followed by "I'm free, lets fuck." I instantly got hard. I told him to hurry over to my place. My cock was throbbing. He gets over to my place and instantly undress right in front of him. He grabs my ass and squeezes it firmly. I then got on my knees and began to pull down his pants. His cocked burst out of his underwear and I looked up at him with lust as I held it. "Your cock is perfect. You make me feel so slutty." I began sucking it as hard as I could. I felt it grow in my mouth, felt the blood rushing with every flick of my tongue. I could taste his precum slowly seep out. I sucked until it became impossible feeling his throbbing cock inside me. I made a final slurp. Looking at him while rubbing his hairy, exposed, stomach I moaningly asked: "You ready to fuck me like a slut." "Yes, I love fucking my slut." The thought then dawned on me. I did not have a condom that would fit him. While still on my knees, throbbing cock in my face, I asked if he brought one. "Nope, I forgot." He said this with a joking tone. Something about it made me even hornier. I could tell he didn't wanna use one. I was scared at how horny this made me. His cock was so perfect that temptation pulsed through me. I knew I needed to see if one of my condoms would fit...or else... I then hurriedly went to my drawer and grabbed one of mine. I took the wrapper off and with a good effort tried to push it on. It wouldn't go past the tip. It limply feel off unto the ground. Instead, my vision was filled by hot, uncut, bare cock. A moment passed before he spoke: "I promise I won't get you pregnant." This sent me over the edge. I started jerking him and in slutty moans: "Lets fuck like men. I wanna feel you bare." Getting on my knees over the bed, I heard the opening of my lube bottle. Then came the squirt of it flowing into his hand. Then came him applying it both to his cock and my ass. Each moment that ticked filled me with more lust and desire. I was at the point of screaming. My whole body was shaking. He began teasing my ass. His bare tip flicking on my hole drove me to insanity. "Please baby, I wanna feel you." With these words, he began his first thrust. It was slow and deliberate. It was one of the hottest things I have ever felt. Instead of rough rubber, I felt soft skin. He was the widest cock I had taken up to that point, but bare, the soft flesh filled me in a much more gentle, erotic, way. It felt so much more personal. I loved feeling him in a way like his wife only knew. It was like I was in on a secret. That whole first stroke felt way longer than it did. As his tip reached the top of the thrust, I moaned: "Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. I feel like such a slut." "Yes you are. You are my slut." He then went into his normal fuck rhythm. But this time I felt so much more of it. There was no pain to distract me. Only pleasure. I interrupted my moans: "Promise you will come in me. When its time, cum as hard as you can in me." I noticed he got harder hearing this. I felt him grow more erect inside me. Each thrust made his cock swell more and more. I could sense his cock was getting ready to burst. I began riding it as hard as I can. I hear his voice from above: "I am gonna cum." I respond: "Keep your promise. Fill me up baby." And with that I felt a warmth hit the back of my prostate. This made me cum instantly. I felt each subsequent thrust fill me with more and more warmth. I felt everything. After that he pulled out and got ready to go. When he left I got up and felt his cum running down my leg. The feeling made me want it all over again. We fucked two more times. The last time we fucked was my last bareback. I have been wanting it again. Live in Skagit co, WA. If you are older or married and need a chubby bottom boy hit me up
    1 point
  28. He's posted himself stretching his balls and using pumps. Can anyone explain exactly what happens? I had a fuck bud that went from nice dick, more or less average, enlarged and unnatural. It looked and felt swollen with squishy tissue when erect. Far more so than Aymeric in the pics I posted. I could barely suck it. I let him fuck me. It was a task, he could hardly keep it in and complained he couldn't feel much. I asked him what he did.. he played dumbed and didn't wanna talk about it. I have little patience for bs that insults common sense so I just let it go. Before After
    1 point
  29. Oh Fucking YES ! Simply HOT and Delicious - understanding !
    1 point
  30. I shave my head all the time and I love the feeling of having it shaved.
    1 point
  31. I must have some partial natural immunity or luck, because I started barebacking with poz guys even before prep was on the market, and I think back to some of those experiences and how I know guys who got it from a lot less than I've done. So until I actually test otherwise, I assume probably neg.
    1 point
  32. PReP is now available in Australia on our PBS scheme as of 1 April. That means a months supply will cost AUD $39.50 a month for waged and $6.50 for those on benefits.
    1 point
  33. Sometimes I can go for days/weeks without thinking about sex. But, there's other times when my libido is in overdrive; and, getting cock/cum are just about all I can think about. Here's the rundown of my 3-day Easter Weekend of cock: 1. Friday night, took 2 loads from a fuck buddy. (He invited a friend over, and they both 'tag-teamed' my hole. 2. Saturday night, took 2 loads from 5 cocks at Slammers LA. 3. Sunday afternoon, took 4 loads from 8 cocks at a sex party in Van Nuys. (The last two guys (#7/#8) of that afternoon had thick, fat dicks. Didn't think I could handle anymore meat, but I took their fucking juicy loads like a champ). Hope you all had a nice weekend, boys--I sure did.
    1 point
  34. I make it clear before I fuck you bare that I intend on breeding and seeding you with no pull outs. Once that is established then its a go. If there is hesitation or they guy says "cant you shoot on my hole" or "shoot it on my ass" or "pull out and shoot on my face" FUCK NO. We're not going to connect. I'm clear: I fuck bare, I breed and I seed Period and its always going to be deep in your hole.
    1 point
  35. Hey guys, thanks for the comments. Hope you enjoy part 2. If you like it I can keep writing more ******* My mind had been racing all day. I had cycled between depression, anxiousness, and horniness thinking about what I did the night before. I'd really let strangers in my door and taken their raw loads anonymously! I was torn by the fulfillment of being a cumdump, and the fear of not being in control. I felt sick every time I thought about being exposed by the guy from craigslist, about losing everything in my life I'd worked for up to that point, and yet as time passed I couldn't resist being turned. I was reminded of Daddy's thick horse cock whenever I walked or sat down. But even though my insides were sore and raw, my faggot cunt kept clenching and feeling empty. Daddy sent just one followup email after he had blackmailed me and threatened to expose me: Don't jackoff until I see you. I want my bitch in heat. I followed his instructions exactly. A part of me feared that cumming would bring me down from the high and I'd regret it all more than I already did. Still, it was torture to deny myself from cumming after I'd just had the kinkiest night of sex in my life. As the time got nearer I scrubbed out my intestines with the deepest enema I'd ever given myself. It was made easier by the fact that I'd had almost zero appetite. Soon, I was squeaky clean and ready to be fucked. Then came time for me to follow Daddy's other instruction. I opened my wife's underwear drawer and looked at her collection of panties with a newfound fascination. I remember looking at these panties with the anticipation of how good they would make my wife's ass look, but now I was picturing my own ass in them, wondering which ones Daddy would like best. Daddy had requested pink, so I chose a hot pink g-string my wife had gotten for Valentine's day. Despite that the front was almost as skimpy as the back, my small smooth package fit nicely against the thin cotton fabric. I popped my ass and looked in the bathroom mirror. Damn, I looked so gay. What would my wife say if she saw me right now? What would the guys I used to play football with say? "I hope Daddy likes these," I said in a faggy voice, sucking on my finger. I reached down and rubbed my cockhead through my pink panties, which drooled stick precum. It was almost time, and I was started getting nervous again. What was I going to do if this guy robbed me or beat me up? But something inside me bowed to his control. When the time came, I shut off all the lights in my apartment, blindfolded myself, and took my place on my hands and knees in front of the door. ****** I waited fifteen minutes in that vulnerable position. Was Daddy late? Was he still coming? Then I heard someone pull up outside my door, and my cunt clenched as if in answer. The door swung open, and heavy footsteps let me know Sir had arrived. "Woof, boy," he growled. "Looks like you understand I'm serious about owning your faggot ass." "Yes, sir" I whimpered. His rough hands started to inspect me, gliding over my shaved smooth ass, and fishhooking into my mouth. I sucked and rubbed my tongue against his calloused finger, and he groaned with approval. He withdrew and spanked me on the ass. "You've got a lot of work to do tonight boy," Sir said, pinching my nipple. I moaned from the mixture of pleasure and pain, not understanding the meaning. "Got a lot of loads lined up for you. But first... I want to make sure you're properly prepared." What did he mean 'a lot of loads'? Suddenly, Daddy stood and left me, walking into the apartment. Blind and helpless as I was, I was in no position to stop him. I heard him flip on the bathroom light switch, and a faint glow shown from behind my blindfold. "The pink one hers?" he asked. "Uh, what?" But he didn't elaborate, and turned the light off. I held my breath as his heavy footsteps brought him past and then back behind me. "Ya boy... you're gonna forget all about pussy. You're gonna forget your dick was ever used for something. You're the pussy now, faggot." Then he put something thin and sharp at my hole and pushed it in. I cringed and gasped as it scraped me guts. He twisted it inside me, fucking me with it in a rough sawing motion. What the fuck was inside me? It felt like a pen or something, but somehow it was grabbing my intestines and scratching them raw. "Reach back and grab your ankles, fag."." I did as Daddy said, putting my face against the floor with my bare ass in the air. I bit my lip as my ass began to sting. A brief illumination let me know he'd just taken a picture of my ass. "If you thought those other pictures I posted of you were bad, just wait until your wife sees you in her panties with her toothbrush shoved up her ass." He laughed dryly. "So you do exactly as I say, boy. Don't try to resist becoming what you really are." I cringed at what the photo must look like, my fat smooth ass squeezed into my wife's pink g-string, along with her fucking toothbrush crammed halfway up my guts, what the fuck... Daddy spanked my ass, and yanked the toothbrush out of my hole, causing me to yelp. "First one's on his way," Daddy said. "You take every single load that walks through this door, and I don't post those pictures of you, understand? And then if I hear at the end of the night you were a good fuck, then I'll come back and put my own load in you... and then I'll let you cum." As in, he'd invited other people, people I had no idea who they were, over to fuck me? That's what he meant? Suddenly, he grabbed my balls and started squeezing them mercilessly in his fist. "You GOT that, faggot?" he growled. "Yes! Yes, I'll do it!" I cried. Relief flooded through me as he released his iron grip on my testicles. "Don't disappoint me, faggot," he said, giving my ass one final slap. "Make your wife proud while these random cocks plow you," he laughed. Then he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. Fuck. I had no doubt he was serious about exposing me. My heart was racing from the rough handling he'd given me. I slumped forward, resting, clenching my asshole in the cool air by the doorway. My hole still stung from the toothbrush. What if one of these guys knew who I was? What if they had an STD or something? But then there were footsteps outside... They wiped their feet on the mat outside, and then opened the door. A chill ran over me as the cold air rushed in over my bare ass. "Mmmm," the stranger said, unzipping and shedding his coat. He groped my ass and testicles. "Been awhile since I smashed college tail," he chuckled. "Turn around, suck my cock boy." I turned around in the darkness, my blindfold ensuring that even with the dim light coming through the crack beneath the door I couldn't see the stranger. I reached up to his cock and found it semi hard. The scent of man was strong as I took his cock into my mouth. He groaned as I sucked on the head, and salty precum started dribbling onto my tongue. His cock inflated until it was hitting the back of my throat. When I tried to pull back, he grabbed the back of my head and thrust, sending his cockhead past my tonsils. "Do a good job..." he said sternly as I choked on his cock. He started thrusting in and out of my throat mercilessly. I gagged and even threw up a bit, but swallowed it and kept sucking. His flaccid cock was now fully erect and rock hard, 7 inches and thick. "Fuck," he said, withdrawing. "Turn around, I want to fuck you now bitch." I did as he said, thankful he was done with my throat. He positioned himself behind me, his belt buckle clinking as he opened up his fly. He pulled my pink panties to the side, as spanked my cheek. The spit on his cock was all the lubrication he gave me as he pushed his meaty cockhead into my hole. I gasped as he fucked his cock roughly into me, and with several more thrusts he was buried balls deep in me, never asking if I wanted him to use a condom. "FUCK ya," he groaned. I could feel his belly resting on my ass as he started to pound me. "Fuuuuck," I whimpered as the stranger's cock prodded my full prostate. The sting in my ass gave way to pleasure as he fucked me bare. I reached back and spread my ass, letting him hit deeper and deeper. His fat belly slapped against me as he quickened his pace. He grabbed my hips and drove his cock into me, panting like a dog. I loved every brutal thrust as he used me. Not only did I not know who he was, someone else had chosen him to load my ass. I had no input on who used my hole. His intense pounding didn't last long before he yelled out and suddenly warmth shot into me, reigniting the stinging sensation. "Ohhhh shit, oh shit," he said, quivering, his cock pulsing more and more into me. "Oh fuck, I just gave you a ten day load bitch," he laughed. "Mmmm, hope you liked that." As he pulled out I tried to clench, but still some of his ample load dribbled out from me. "I did, thank you for your load," I told him, feeling complete with his cum trickling deeper into my guts. He zipped up, opened the door, and left. Load number one. ****** I exhaled and leaned forward. All the uneasiness melted away as the stranger's load sloshed inside me. I reached back and stuck my finger in my cummy hole, wincing as I found my o-ring tender. For two nights in a row a stranger's sperm was swimming around in my guts. I spent the next 20 minutes running my hands over my smooth ass, enjoying how slutty I felt. Eventually I heard a car pull up, and soon there was another man to service at my door. I popped my ass for my newest visitor as he entered. The only sound he made a quiet coughing as he got settled in behind me. Then, he squirted some lube that he'd apparently brought onto my hole and his dick, and slid his smallish cock into me. My hole opened easily for him, being already stretched out and filled with cum. He fucked me in short hard thrusts. Fast to shove in, slow to pull out. Only three minutes in his silence was broken by a muffled orgasm. He pumped a few more times, fucking his frothy cum into me, then zipped up and left without a word. Load number two. A Mexican guy who took a long time to get hard, but after sucking his uncut cock long enough he bred me rough and deep. Load number three. An old guy with a raspy voice and a thin cock. Load number four. A married guy who loved that I was wearing panties, and railed me for fifteen minutes straight, calling me a "stupid slut" as my useless cock flopped around in my wife's panties. Load number five. "Waited a long time to fuck this ass," the next stranger said, spanking me hard. "Never would have guessed you were a faggot, strutting around with that sexy wife of yours." The darkness concealed my sudden blush of embarrassment. Fuck. This guy knew me? "But you must be pretty damn gay to be taking anon loads instead of fucking her..." he said, feeling up my ass. "These her panties?" "Yes," I answered. "Hot... I check out both your asses at the gym, but I guess this way I sorta get to fuck you both," he laughed, snapping the g-string against my plump ass. After a bit of rustling I felt his cockhead at my hole. "Hope you're prepped up boy, cuz I don't pull out." "Mmm, I don't want you to pull out," I said, which seemed to turn him on. He pushed into my wrecked hole, and I discovered he was reasonably hung. Even though it was my sixth cock of the night he gave me a good stretching. "Where is your little wife tonight?" he asked as he fucked me. "She out gettin some dick of her own?" That was pretty possible. Cheating fucking whore. "She's at her parents house," I said, which was partly true. "She know you're taking anon loads tonight?" he asked, picking up his pace a bit. "N-no." "Hm. Didn't think so. Ahhhh fuck. I like it when she wears those little black spandex shorts," he said, breathing heavy as he rammed his big cock deep into my guts. "And when she's on her hands and knees stretching just like this... oh fuck..." Was this guy really fucking me while dirty talking about my wife? "What's her name?" he asked, smacking my ass. "Renee," I answered, sitting my ass back onto his thick cock. "Renee," he repeated. "Fuck ya, Renee, take that dick baby. Ride that dick you married slut." Holy fuck. did that turn me on! "Ya fuck me," I groaned, "fuck my slutty married pussy!" "Mmmm," he growled, pumping into me forcefully, "that's right you dumb cunt. Take it bareback you stupid cockslut. Fuckin whore. Take it bareback in your married pussy." "Yes please! Please fuck my wife's pussy! Cum in her please!" "You want your wife bred? You want your wife's married pussy knocked up?" "YES! Fuck her! Fucking cum in her and knock her up!" "Alright, pig. I'm gonna knock her up. I'm gonna fuck my babies into your wife's sweet cunt. You're gonna taste my cum every time you eat her out and know that I own her slutty pussy. Fuck ya, Renee. Take my cum, take it! Fuck, Renee! FUUUUUCKKK! I blowing in you right now!" "Yes! Breed me! Dump in my!" I yelled as his cum shot into my worn out cunt. His sperm stung my raw walls as he fucked it into me. He kept pumping, panting with exhaustion, until finally he sat back, withdrawing his cock from my gaping ass. "God damn," he sighed. "You're a sick fuck," he laughed. "I like it." I was exhilarated. I had no idea how hot it would be to have a man use me while thinking about my wife. Holy shit, and to hear him screaming her name while he blew it in me! My wrecked hole didn't have the strength to keep the loads in anymore, and some squirted out while I waited for him to leave. "Thanks for your cum," I said as he got dressed in the dark. "Next time I see you at the gym I'll take you to the showers for a quick fuck," he said. My precum dripped at knowing that even though he knew me I had no idea who he was... "I'll send you back out to Renee with my dirty load dripping from your hole." He spanked my ass, and sighed with regret. "If I was younger, I'd fuck you again, pig." Then he opened the door and was gone. Load number six. ******** How long had I been bent over in the darkness, a hole to use for whoever came through the door? I had no idea, but when the next customer opened my door, I recognized - with a mix of fear and horniness - the sound of Daddy's heavy footsteps behind me. "You did a fine job, boy," he complimented me, and I felt relief at his approval. He stepped up behind me and started photographing my cum-splattered ass. "How did you like being a cumdump for my friends?" "I loved it, Daddy," I whimpered. "I took all their loads." "Ya you did, fag. Every fucking toxic load. Such a stupid cumdump, aren't you boy?" "Yes Daddy, just your dumb slut." "You're more than a slut boy, you're my fucking whore now. I just pimped out that sweet neg hole of yours all night. Those dirty fuckers paid me $50 each to fuck you raw." He spanked my ass harshly, laughing as I heard the now familiar sound of a man's belt being unbuckled behind me. "Now you're gonna get what you earned. You're gonna take my load every night from now on until the deed is done, until you're mine forever." Daddy's horse cock stretched my hole open wide. I bit my lip in pain as inch after inch of his thick rod pushed in, lubricated only by the six anonymous loads I'd taken. "You're doing good with your training boy. Just keep doing what I tell you, and you'll be Daddy's boy before too long. I was prepped up before boy, but just for you I'm going off. Might take a little while, but I'll keep breeding you every day pumping my babies into you until you're pregnant for good. You're gonna be such a good incubator for my boys. A nice warm piece of fuckmeat for them to thrive in." Daddy's cock was rock hard and ramming into me so fast I didn't know if I could continue to take it. I clenched my hole in time with his pumping, desperately trying to milk his load out. "Fuck ya, Daddy! I want to have your babies! I'm your fuckmeat!" He growled in approval and started jackhammering into me. I'd never been fucked so hard in my life. My entire guts just relaxed and let him enter me freely, too tired to keep up any resistance to his giant cock. "Here it comes, boy! If you're lucky this'll be the load that ends you, you fucking beta faggot." "Yes Daddy, breed me! Knock me up with your alpha male cum!" "Oh, fuck YAHHHHHHH!" Daddy pushed all his weight onto me as he got ready to cum, flattening me to the floor. His strong hand went to my throat, clamping down on my windpipe as he thrust deeply into me. I wriggled helplessly, fighting for air as he choked me, but he ignored my squirming. "You'll breathe... when I'm done... cumming in you, FUCCCCCKKK!" He rammed his cock into me so hard I thought he was going to break through my intestines. I would have screamed out if I had any air in my lungs. My head spun, my consciousness slipping away as his horse cock pulsed his alpha cum into my ass. "There's another roll of the dice for you, fag boy," he laughed, releasing me from his choke-hold. I sputtered and gasped for air as he got up off me. "Now let's make sure it takes. Go get that butt plug of yours, the one you had in last time. And bring your wife's wedding ring. I'm gonna put it back where it belongs." I fought through my dizziness and obediently crawled on my hands and knees to the bedroom. I knew where they were even in the darkness and without removing my blindfold... sitting on the night stand by the bed. I returned to Daddy in the entry way, groveling in front of my alpha. "H-here they are," I choked out my sore throat. "You know what I love about all this?" he taunted, stepping around behind me. "All night while you were my good little cumdump whore, you've been wearing your wedding ring. What a devoted husband you are." Shit. I hadn't even thought about it. I was so used to wearing it I didn't think to take it off. But Daddy now made that choice for me. "Let's add it to the collection," he said, and pulled my hand backward, slipping it off. What was the point in fighting? The rings were fucking worthless anyway. I moaned as I felt the hard metal circles pushed into my hole: first my ring, then the sharp edges of my wife's. The jabbing feeling of my wife's fake diamond was now obvious to me as my walls contracted and sucked it up. "Fuckin hot, boy," said Daddy as he used his sausage-like fingers to stuff the rings deeper. "I'm having a lot of fun ruining you." And with that, he pressed the glass plug against my hole until my feeble o-ring gave way, and the cavernous abyss that was now my cunt swallowed it hungrily. "Now, have you been a good boy and did your hold your cum in all day for me?" "Yes Sir," I said, acutely aware of how my cock had been denied any attention. "How about I let you have that orgasm I promised you?" "I'd love that Daddy!" I said excitedly. I hadn't cum in over 48 hours. "Ha, you'll love this, boy. Come here, sit up on your knees. I'm gonna show you how beta males are allowed to cum." As I did, I heard a plastic echoey sound come from the bathroom, and then felt something set in front of me. There were more noises too, small items being moved. "Put your hands behind your back. Let me see this little faggot cock of yours." He reached into my panties and pulled out my smallish cock, which immediately shriveled with the cold air. Daddy laughed as he choked it in his fist. "Little guy's scared, ha ha. Well boy, alpha's cum is meant to seed and breed. But your cum, well... it goes somewhere else." He started jacking my cock and I could hear the crinkle of plastic. "Mmmph," I whimpered at having my cock teased. Precum was oozing out and all I could think about were the loads marinating in my ass, plugged up with my wedding rings. I could already feel my cum welling up in me. "Cum from beta males like you goes in the garbage," Daddy said sternly. "It's a waste, just like you are. Weak beta cum needs to be eliminated from the gene pool." "Oh fuck," I gasped under my breath. Every cruel word he said brought me closer to cumming. "Dump it in there boy, shoot your worthless cum into the garbage can. Show me you understand where your place is." "Fuck, oh Daddy! OH FUCK!" And just as I started to cum, Daddy immediately quit jacking me and gripped my cock tightly, pointing it into the garbage can, as rope after rope of my worthless cum shot into the bin. "Oh fuck, please, please DADDY!" I screamed as I pleaded with him to keep jacking me, but he snickered as my burning orgasm fizzled and was ruined, despite having drained my balls. I thrust my hips pointlessly against his fist, but he just laughed and let my spent dick drop against the edge of the garbage can. "That's a good boy," he said, getting up from me and heading toward the door. My mind was so fucked, I couldn't even comprehend what had happened. I felt even more sexually frustrated than before he'd milked me. "I'll be in touch, fag. Got lots more training for you to do." Before I could say another word he left, and slowly my consciousness started to return. It was like I'd been high all day, doped out on a drug. I had done so much shit I shouldn't have, I couldn't even process it. It had come so naturally to be objectified, to be a thing to be used... what purpose had I even had before that... I removed the blindfold, locked the door, and turned on the light. As my eyes adjusted to the burning brightness I saw the garbage can in front of me. Inside were my wedding photos, their black frames and glass covered with my cum. The sperm running down the picture of my wife's face was probably the last "facial" I'd ever be giving her, considering I was now a cumdump. I left the picture frames in there, and put the garbage can back in the bathroom. I had no idea what time it was, but my body was fully spent. I crawled into bed facedown, my brain happy to be shut down after another night of mind-fucking. I drifted off to sleep, the plug keeping Daddy's load safe inside me. ********* I slept hard enough I didn't have any dreams. But sometime, hours later, there was a banging at my front door. "What the fuck," I said, feeling like death as I sat up. I saw daylight peaking through the curtains. I waited, hoping whoever the fuck it was would go away, when suddenly I heard the unmistakable sound of a key turning in the lock. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I pulled the blankets around me in confusion as the door opened. Had Daddy made a key to my apartment? But the footsteps weren't Daddy's. "Hello," Renee said sweetly, standing in the doorway. Fear stuck in my throat, as she approached me. "I..." "I've done a lot of thinking," she said, struggling not to cry. "You're right. We should work on things. I... I just needed some time. I've missed you." She sat next to me on the bed, and took my hand in hers. "Where..." she said, looking down at my hand, then smiled apologetically. "Well it's only fair. I guess I'm not wearing mine either." She pulled me in for a hug saying, "I'm really happy to see you. What have you been doing while I was gone?" As I thought of what to say, my ass involuntarily clenched around the glass plug that was still held our rings inside my guts, soaking in the loads of the strangers who had used me only hours before.
    1 point
  36. Posted an hour ago. I hope this vid isn't pulled by Xtube as he mentions his err...."professional" activities. By: david-sf https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/david-sf-anon-blindfold-breeding-34601871 DAVID-SF ANON BLINDFOLD BREEDING This hot sexy fuck wanted me to breed him Anon. So I brought my buddy with me to hold the camera and he decided to unload in him also. Def going to be breeding this one again and again. YUM!!!!!! Want me to cum in your guts hit me up.
    1 point
  37. I think it depends on the type of piercing and how open your hole is. But I highly recommend bottoms search for pierced tops to use you. It increases your chances of anal tearing and direct exposure to the top's seed. Ive been fucked by a pierced poz top with a nice thick dick. I don't open up very easily, so that metal had to push into my sphincter and I could definitely feel it scraping me, probably if you open up easily it won't make as much difference because there isn't as much pressure/friction. It was an overnight fuck. He kept using me, roughing up my hole with his piercing. The first load was a normal hot fuck. When he started fucking me the second time, after a couple minutes he pulled out again and showed me his dick. It was streaked with pink. I growled like a beast, could not believe how much it turned me on to be getting a REAL breeding. He put a white towel under my hips so we could see how bad it got. Then I told him to plunge it back in and do what we both knew we wanted. It hurt going back in but we were so crazed it didn't matter. He came in me four times, and by the end that towel had red spots all over it from the juices dripping out of me. The adrenaline rush of letting a positive man ejaculate in my roughed up hole over and over was so intense, I got a buzz as strong as if I'd chugged a six pack of beer. So go find a pierced top and let him do bad things to your hole. You'll love it. Rmemeber, kids: "if it bleeds, it breeds."
    1 point
  38. beautiful verbal poz fuck: https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/hot-21-yr-old-gives-me-his-load-34488281
    1 point
  39. I hate the pullout porn culture. if the sperm is not delivered deep up the arsehole, the fuck is simply not complete. When I bottom ieant that load inside me and when I top I sure as hell am not pulling out. Fucking is skin to skin with the sperm.delivered where it belongs
    1 point
  40. Wrestling Party turned Orgy Thanksgiving break was coming up and the guys on the wrestling team were throwing a party to celebrate Thanksgiving break and as a last hurrah before we started our season. So far Rob and I had fucked around with Chris, James, and Jon and Seth. Chris and James had gotten their fuck flus and gone to the clinic to confirm. We now had two confirmed poz guys on the team from Rob and I; and Jon and Seth had actually been poz already; Dad and David had gotten Seth when he first moved to the area and he had bugged Jon up once they started dating. So with Rob and me, we had a total of six guys that were poz and all from the same family strain. Rob and I arrived at Jon and Seth’s a little early to help them out with setup and to help them with a few special preparations. See, this party had two objectives: One to let off a bit of steam before the season started and we all went on restrictions; and two to poz up as many of our team mates as possible. For that end, Rob and I had the task of adding baby oil to the lube, and using a pin to doctor up all the condoms that would possibly be used. We hoped to not have to stealth anyone, but just in case the guy insisted, all the condoms that would be used would break. We finished up with the condoms just as the first guys arrived. We had all agreed that it would be fun to show up in our High school Singlets, so each guy was in his old school colors. Rob and I changed after we finished up with the condoms and then joined the others as we proceeded to get our Drink on. As the night progressed, all the boys got drunker and drunker, except for the five of us who would be helping them all join the club. The one thing I learned that night, most of my team mates were what they often call sixpack gays. To get everyone in the mood to fuck, we moved the furniture to the walls, and began to wrestle with each other. Those of us in the know would rub our cocks in their butt cracks, grab their bulges, or anything to get their minds on sex. Soon, most of the guys were horned up and ready to strip off their singlet. That was soon done, and we had twenty guys all horned up and naked. We all fell into a pile on the floor and began to suck cocks and eat asses. Chris, James, Seth, Rob and I were sure to start working on the guys who might be more on the hetero side and get them to give us their asses bare. The guys were in groups of three or four, at least one of them having their ass worked as they swallowed another guy’s cock. I was eating out Gus’s hole as he sucked on Paul’s cock. Rob has his cock down Eric’s throat as Gene opened up his hole for his cock. Chris was getting blown by Caleb who was in turn getting sucked by Alex who was getting fucked by Brent. James was rimming Lee to get his hole ready, while he was blowing Paul. Jon was on his knees taking turns blowing Jason and Forrest while Don was working his cock into Jon’s hole. Seth had already gotten his cock into Will who was being spit roasted on the other side by Sam. Jason was under Will sucking his cock and occasionally lapping Seth’s cock as it pulled out of Will. Matt was next to Anton kissing each other as each of them were prepped to be fucked by Simon and Wayne respectively. The room was filled with the sounds of grunts, groans and skin slapping skin as all the guys worked up to shooting their cum into their team mates, truly a bonding experience. After that initial round, we kept switching up partners and those of us where were already poz making sure that we got at least one load in most of our team mates. Hopefully, most would be sick just in time to get better for the season. Hours later, and with drained balls, we all fell asleep around the house. And the best part, not a single condom had been used all night.
    1 point
  41. You asked this, so I’m going to answer. The first indication I had that I was infected with HIV was a line of six doctors standing by my hospital bed. They had just come in and woke me up where I was recovering from having nearly died from fungal meningitis and related stroke two days earlier. ”You have AIDS,” they said. Boom. Just like that. No easing into it, no hand-holding, no sugar-coating. ”Are you telling me I have HIV?” I asked. ”No, AIDS,” one of them said. I don’t remember any of the conversation after that. I had tested and tested - all negative. False negatives, as it turned out. What I had to learn and learn fast is that the doomsday scenario of wasting away and dying a hideous death is now something I can prevent, but it means changing the way I think and live. It means ART meds for the rest if my life (or until there’s a cure), without fail, because if I slack off, the virus will evolve so the meds will do no good. Let’s get one thing crystal clear - the HIV virus is The Enemy. It will kill you if it can. It is constantly upping its game, its hides where we cannot find it, it turns our own defenses against us, and so far, we cannot stop it. We can only slow it down. There are guys here - way too many guys - who have the mistaken idea that getting HIV means you can now fuck bare without worry. Wrong-o. Getting HIV doesn’t mean you’re free - you can still get infected with a different/worse/treatment-resistant strain you didn’t have to start with and be ten times worse off. Plus, getting pozzed (let alone living with AIDS) puts you at far greater risk of getting other diseases that wouldn’t kill a neg guy, but they might kill you. And I guaran-damn-tee you that when you’re lying in a hospital bed with pneumonia or meningitis, you won’t be on the fence about whether you want to have AIDS. I’ve made this point elsewhere in this part of the forum, but I’ll do it again here: This is the HIV Health area, not the chaser/gifter area, so this may be the only place on this entire bareback fucking site where it’s appropriate to say that romanticization or sexualization of disease is inappropriate. Get it straight: No man who is compos mentis chooses a debilitating lifelong illness. No man with any goddamn sense looks at wasting, weakness, incontinence and death and says, “Yeah, I’m down for that!” And no man who has ever watched a loved one, a partner, or a brother-in-spirit decay and die before his helpless eyes as the Enemy Virus did its work would ever suggest that it was sexy. I don’t judge men for having chaser or gifter fantasies, because I frankly don’t get where they’re coming from. I’m living their fucking fantasy, and it sucks ass in the worst possible way. Whatever. But anyone who actually intentionally infects another person? Anyone who chooses not to accept treatment but instead allows The Enemy to use his body as an incubator and then goes out a-fucking bare? Those men are making conscious choices to give aid and comfort to the enemy, and they are wrong. I have AIDS. I publicly announce my status before I put my ass in service, every time. I don’t play unless undetectable (yes, last check yesterday in fact) and I do not miss my meds. I am grateful to every single Top who does me the honor of breeding me, and it is my duty to ensure that I never put any of them at risk. Remember that there was once a time when there was no such thing as HIV, or AIDS, when bareback sex wasn’t potentially deadly, when men took for granted what we now debate and fantasize about. The fact that we can do it at all now is only because science has given us a measure of control over the Enemy. Our ability to continue fucking in the way that we choose in the future means we can’t begin to glorify the disease to the point that we give it a stronger foothold - or any more of our lives. It’s had enough already.
    1 point
  42. Here's part 2, guys. Hope you like it. My body was tingling all over from the drugs and I was so turned on by the four guys who were all there to breed my ass. My Dad had arranged it and now here I was feeling like I just wanted their cum loads, I needed them. Deep inside me. I didn’t care about anything else, except their hard cocks shoved inside me.

 Eric was the first to make a move. “Get up on the bed, faggot,” he said. I jumped up and got on the huge bed with my ass in the air. Eric shoved his hairy face up against my boy twat and started to eat my ass.

 I moaned in pleasure. Dean walked over and started to kiss me and then gave me another shotgun of T, like I needed to get any higher. He pulled away and said “we’re gonna get you fucked up, faggot, then rape you.” I just moaned. This guy knew exactly what I wanted.

Jose and Chris were making out with each other and passing shotguns back and forth.

Eric came up for air and I turned around to look at him. His beard was covered in cum that he had sucked out of my cumdump. Dean looked up and said “FUCK that’s hot.” He leaned over my back (not hard to do since I”m 5’5” tall) and licked the loads from my dad and the two Mall DILFs out of Eric’s beard. Then he leaned down to share them with me. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and I could taste the salty jizz that I love so much. We passed the loads back and forth until they were gone and then I felt Eric stand up.

Dean got up and Jose moved over on the bed to shove his fat, uncut 8” dick into my mouth. Eric pushed my head down onto Jose’s dick, and then my back down so my ass was higher in the air. 

 Then in one fell swoop, he plunged his cock (which was even bigger than Jose’s, maybe 9.5” also uncut) into my sloppy pussy.

I pulled up off Jose’s cock so I could moan loudly. 


All three of them laughed. Chris said “Fuck guys, I never though this guy would be both hot and such a dirty little faggot. Only 18 too. Must’ve had some early training.” He knew full well by whom.

I looked up at him and grinned, and then went back to sucking Jose’s fat cock without saying a word. Gotta have a secret or two and, besides, cocksuckers need to be dedicated to getting hard cocks ready to breed greedy cunts.

Eric had plunged his cock all the way inside my dumpster. He was almost as big as my Dad. 

“Guys, this kid……hey faggot, what’s your name kid? Besides whore, cocksucker and cumdump?"

I pulled my mouth off Jose’s cock long enough to say “Justin.”

Eric laughed and continued “well Justin here has a well used hole. My cock is pretty long and fat and it just slid right in with no resistance. Pretty sure he’s never said no to a cock in his whole life.”

“Nope,” I said, briefly pulling my mouth off Jose’s short, fat cock. It was so fat I could barely get my lips around it. I couldn’t wait to get it up my boy cunt. I hope they had all seen my profile that said “all loads up my fagdump. No load refused.” Behind me, Eric started to slide slowly in and out of my ass, making me moan with pleasure whenever his huge cock pulled all the way out and then plunged back inside me. Every time he pushed all the way inside me, my face was pushed all the way down Jose’s cock, and into my throat. Daddy always told me I was a great deep throater. Jose’s loud moans and muttering “filthy cocksucker,” seemed to agree.

I looked over and Dean had turned Chris around so we were side by side on the bed with our boy twats in the air. Chris was tall, and had a thin, muscular body with lots of body hair. His ass was big and round and begged to be bred.

“Come on Dean, give me another load. My hole is begging for it.”

Dean laughed and said “your hole is always begging for a load, dude.” 

Dean stood up and walked around behind Chris, and I could hear him slide his cock up Chris’ hole. As soon as he bottomed out, he pulled back and I could hear a squishing sound. Chris was clearly loaded up, too.

“Fuck man, I love your cock inside me,” Chris said. Those four guys who were here earlier really bred me good. Dean laughed and shoved his cock back in Chris’ hole which elicited more loud moaning.

“They sure did. Your cunt is really loose and sloppy. Just like I like it.”

Chris moaned and said “yeah, when one of them was pissing on me, he said they’d been partying for a while, but none of them had cum yet. I’m glad all four of them shot loads in my cunt. Two of them twice! Six loads enough to lube up your cock baby?”

 I looked over at Chris, who’s eyes were closed and his face contorted with the same feeling I had. I was serving my purpose. I was getting high and taking a strange man’s cock up my ass, and it felt great.

Chris opened his eyes and looked over at me, then he scooted over so we could make out while we were getting fucked.

He shoved his tongue in my mouth and we kissed passionately and he whispered “you have to let Dean fuck you. His cock is amazing.” 

“Eric’s feels fucking awesome,” I said, and Chris told me that Eric was his husband and they’d been breeding each other’s holes for 4 years. “Lucky you, you get that fat stick to breed you all the time!” He just smiled and laughed and then moaned as Dean bottomed out in his hole again.

 We both lay there moaning while getting our cunts pounded by two long, thick uncut cocks. I was in heaven since I also had Jose’s fat cock buried all the way inside my faggot throat. Just where Daddy wanted me to be. I wished he could be watching me get used like a whore.

Eric and Dean were making out while they were fucking us whores, and decided to switch. Chris and I both turned over and held our legs in the air while the boys spat on their cocks and slid them into the new cunt.

Chris was right, Dean’s cock was slightly fatter than Eric’s and was really splitting me open, assisted by my swirling brain which was incredibly high. Jose decided we were not high enough and pulled out the pipe and gave me a shotgun which I shared with Chris. We laid there with the two tops switching off (with Jose occasionally taking a dip in one cumdump or the other)for a while. We were both in cumdump heaven with our holes wide open, being raped full of big fat cocks. Dean, in particular, loved calling us both “whore,” “fag,” “rapehole,” and other nasty words. I loved it. It just made my cunt feel more appreciated. My normally fat, 8” uncut dick had turned into a cocklet, completely shriveled up and I couldn’t care less. My purpose was serving cocks with my hole. I was letting complete strangers shove their cocks up my ass and just for good measure, I had one shoved all the way down my throat.

We stayed like that for a while, with Dean and Eric trading off between Chris’ cunt and mine. Jose seemed to prefer having me suck his rock hard cock (I later learned he loved blow jobs more than fucking ass). Good thing, since the only thing I love more than a cock in my pussy is one shoved in my mouth. Dean was plowing my cunt and spinning out a long list of dirty words when he slowed down and said “you want my load whore? You dirty little faggot. You need my cum in your pussy?”

I pulled my mouth off Jose’s cock and moaned “yesssss…..please give me your load. I need your cum inside me."

Dean laughed, “Like you ever had a choice. Like I would waste this load of jizz anywhere but inside your filthy cumdump. Nasty little fag, whored out by your own Dad.”

With that, Dean sped up. I could feel the sweat dripping off his body onto my back, while he pounded my ass so hard I couldn’t keep Jose’s cock in my mouth. I couldn’t stop moaning, and begging. “Please, Dean, fucking give me your cum. Knock me up with your fucking babies. My pussy is made for cum. It needs cum.” Dean laughed again and said “I think that’s the only thing your cunt is for, taking loads."

With that he pounded me a few more times, and roared. “I’m FUCKING CUMMING, FAGGOT! TAKE MY LOAD YOU NASTY FUCKING WHORE.”

All I could do was keep moaning and saying “thank you, thank you, thank you…breed me! breed me! breed me!” Eric and Chris had stopped fucking with Eric’s fat cock shoved all the way inside his boyfriend’s cunt so they could watch Dean’s epic raping of my pussy.

Once Dean collapsed on my furry back, panting, with his fat cock still jammed up my gaping cunt. Eric started to speed up again, and this time it was Chris’ turn to start moaning and begging for a load. “Fuck, baby, I need your load. Knock me up. I gotta have your cum in my pussy. You know how much I love it…”

Eric laughed and said “fuck, I sure did marry a dirty little whore. You want my load baby? Tell me what you want, fag boy!”

“Yes, baby, I gotta have it. Give it to me, prove that I’m your dirty little cumdump property. Knock me up!” 

“Here it comes baby boy. Daddy’s gonna give you his jizz. You ready? BEG FOR IT WHORE!” “FUCK YEAH! BREED ME BABY! I gotta have your cum”

Then Eric slammed into Chris’ ass one last time and you could see his nuts throbbing and a huge load of jizz going into Chris’ greedy hole. 

Chris moaned and kept repeating “fuck, yeah, give me that load baby. Give your boy your load. I need it so bad.”

This time it was Eric’s turn to collapse. He rolled over on the huge bed and his cock slowly slid out of Chris’ cumdumpster with a SLURRRRP sound. His cunt was well used and he was a happy little whore with jizz slowly beginning to drip down his ass crack and onto his leg.

 Finally, Jose said “FUCK that was hot! You guys are all so fucking sexy! MY TURN! Then he shoved his cock back in my mouth and started fucking my face. He only took a few strokes before he unloaded a huge load of spunk inside me. I held his load in my mouth, and then leaned over and snowballed it to Chris. 

He moaned loudly and then passed it to Eric, who moaned as well and then sat up. Chris was still on his hands and knees when Eric leaned down and shoved his face in Chris’ gaping cunt. He pushed some of Jose’s load into Chris’ ass and then moved over, pushed Dean aside and gave me the rest of it in my cunt.

I moaned “FUCK YEAH! Thank you baby! Give me that jizz!”

We all collapsed, laughing, in a heap. Dean pulled out a pipe and said “which one of you dirty fags wants more?”

All four of us said “ME!” Dean took a huge hit off the pipe and shotgunned it to me. Then he said “let’s find some more pigs to rape these two cunts. What do you say?” I was passing the shotgun to Chris and both of us moaned at the prospect of more men coming over to use us like the dirty fags we are.
    1 point
  43. Accidentally cut off a section of this. As we walked into the living room, I could see that he was talking to three other guys, all in their early 20s. All of them were sitting watching porn, stroking their hard cocks. One was short and stocky, a hot bear with a beard, the other two were more twink-ish medium height and lean builds. As soon as I reached the sofa where they were sitting, I shucked my tank top and shorts and turned around, pushed the butt plug out with a plop and loads started to ooze out of my well fucked hole.
 “Fuck boys,” Dean said, this pig is loaded up already. One of the loads is from his DAD! “How many other loads you have in there, fag?”
 “Two,” I said. “Both from randos who fucked me in the bathroom at the mall."
 “That’s so fucking hot, piggy,” the bearish guy said, “I”m Eddie,” he said, and then took a huge hit off the glass pipe he was holding in his hand. He held it in his lungs for a long time and then leaned over to kiss me and passed the hit to me. “That's a shotgun. You’re gonna love them.”
 “Come on guys, let’s get this faggot FUCKED UP.” They each walked up to me with a glass pipe and made me do a huge hit and then shotgun it back and forth with them. By the time I had met the other guys, Jose and Chris, my head was spinning and my cunt was feeling even more greedy, if that was possible. I had to have their cocks. My cunt was on FIRE.
    1 point
  44. Old money means more in America than most people want to admit. Wealth, power, the right to do what you want and get away with shit - ah the joy of it all! My name is Heinrich Meyer and my family moved to Chicago in the early 1900s where we became one of the great families of the city. My ancestors were dukes or barons or some other drivel title hundreds of years ago and while there is no disputing we were rich as fuck when we arrived, how my great grandfather came about that wealth is of much dispute. Some in the family say he robbed, then killed his father before fleeing the old country. Others say that he had split from his family as a young man and had already made a fortune by the time he turned 20. Either way, when he arrived in Chicago he brought chests of gold and an entire village population with him to create his new kingdom. Even now, while the Castle - our family home - has changed little since then, what were peasant hovels and workshops that surrounded it for blocks in every direction have now developed into a thriving and prosperous neighborhood. We own it all and they - and the family fortune - will someday be all mine. In the meantime, I get to enjoy all that life has to offer. For example, right now I have a silver tray filled with lines of the best cocaine, sitting next to a rare bottle of Scotch, while I watch my whipping boy get his ass mercilessly fucked by a couple hood thugs from the south side. There are some families who move to America and assimilate. Not the Meyers. Oh we ‘play’ the all American family for the public, but behind closed doors the old country still rules. We rarely speak English at home, the old traditions bind us, and of those - the one I have loved the most - has been the whipping boy. Jaegar, which means ‘hunter’, has been my only real companion since I can remember and he has the honor of being my whipping boy. Both his parents, like everyone else within a few miles of the Castle, work for my family as they have for generations going back to the old country. I was only a baby when Jaegar - who was a few weeks older than me - was chosen. You see, as the family prince I could not be allowed to socialize with the riff raff, yet every child needs a pet - and a whipping boy - and mine was Jaegar. My sisters had their little girl companions who would come and go, but my Jaegar was a constant, especially since I was the only son and the eldest. He slept in my room in his own little cot at the foot of bed unless I had kicked him into the hall. He ate his meals with me, would entertain me, and most importantly, when I got into trouble it was Jaegar who got punished. My kinderfrau, or nanny, was an old, mean crone like they all are, and I did my best to make her life as miserable as she made mine. It was Jaegar who really paid the price though and as I got older I would spend the hours when I was supposed to be studying at my fancy prep school, thinking of ways to torture them both. Jaegar took it all with honor, dignity, and even a smile. It was his duty, but according to my Oma - or grandmother - it was love, adoration, a will to serve and please me beyond all else. Well that just pissed me off and made me want to punish him more. Watching Jaegar arch his back in pain as the first thug dick slammed into him made me smile. That’s it! I snorted some coke, sipped my Scotch, and watched my latest punishment unfold. I was jealous of Jaegar, always had been, I know that, and for that he had to pay as well. Where I was shorter and lithe like all the men in my family, Jaegar was true peasant stock - thick built, tall, and a dick to rival the two thugs he was now serving at my command. It was a clinical jealousy though. Jaegar and I had never even discussed anything sexual, let alone experimented. It just was not done. He was, well, the whipping boy. He had his place and I had mine. That was that. So why did I set up this fuck fest session to see him punished? My 18th birthday was two weeks ago and my father, several of my uncles, and a few of my older cousins took me to our lodge up in Wisconsin to celebrate. Drugs and alcohol are embraced vices within my family, and there was plenty of both from the moment we arrived. It was late on the first night, I had drank more than I was accustomed to and my Onkel Derych - my father’s brother - helped me up the stairs. I leaned against him as I took off my pants and when I turned to climb into the bed, Onkel Derych grabbed me by the waist, pulled me back against him, laughing, slurring, and telling me what a nice ass I had. I didn’t understand and when I tried to push him away, he pulled tighter, and so I started to yell. The door banged open and there in the light of the hallway was my vater - my father. “LASS DEN QUATSCH!” my father yelled. I stopped, my father strode in, walked over to me, and slapped me hard across the face. I gaped at him, touched my now tender jaw. My father had never hit me. Ever. He had hit Jaegar many times, but never me. I instinctively turned, trying to find where Jaegar was and why father had not hit him. Onkel held my arms as my father unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor. I stared as he stroked his hard hard dick with his left hand while calmly sipping a glass of liquor from his right. Onkel pushed me forward and then down to my knees. I looked up, my father finished his drink and threw the glass against the far wall before looking down at me and saying, “Tonight, tonight you are a man in the eyes of the law of this country. But in my eyes, and in the eyes of your Onkels and cousins, you are nothing, and will remain nothing until you find some way to prove yourself a true man - a true Meyer. To begin, you will learn your first lesson and this is how to please me and your Onkels. That is the job of the youngest male from when they turn 18 until they are replaced, to please us - all of us - whenever we demand it. You will marry in time - when I decide it is right. You will be faithful to your wife and will never have a mistress or use a whore like those bauers, or workers, we employ. Men have urges and needs, as God willed it, but we are the masters, WE are the ones in control, and to ensure our line and to protect the family - the family provides all that we need. Do you understand?” I didn’t understand, not really, but as my father guided my mouth to his throbbing cock, I accepted my duty. I did my duty and swallowed as my father shot his salty semen into my mouth. I did my duty and did not fight back or cry out when my Onkel Derych pushed his dick into my ass and fucked me. I held my head high and did my duty as my father and Onkel guided me back downstairs where I found my other family members all in various states of sexual activity. Generally it was the Onkels fucking the cousins, but there were some who switched, to my surprise. Maybe I will share more about that night another time. The next morning I awoke sore, hung over, and still somewhat confused by the night’s events. My cousins smiled as I walked downstairs for some much needed juice, and when I asked where my father was they just snickered and said he was in his room with tante. My aunt? I walked back up stairs and to the far side of the lodge and heard moans and groans coming from my father’s room. The door was ajar, I pushed it open and gasped - there was my father on his hands and knees on the bed being fucked by Klaus! Klaus had been my father’s whipping boy when he was younger and had become my father’s right hand man and business manager. Well fuck! Clearly they were more than that. Klaus stopped, my father turned and saw me, he reached back and patted Klaus’ left hand that was holding his hip. Klaus relaxed his grip, my father slid off his dick, walked over to me, pulled me into the room, shut the door behind me, and then led me over to the bed. My father laughed at the look on my face as I stared at Klaus’ large cock before ordering me to please them both. I avoided my father, uncles, and cousins as much as I could the next two weeks, but they all knew every hiding place there was in the Castle and my father especially seemed to delight in making me bend forward to receive his watery seed. Each time one of them found me, I swore I would make Jaegar pay and so I shared with him my plan to spend a weekend at a fancy downtown hotel, just him and me, to give us a chance to celebrate my birthday - together, just us. Jaegar was excited, and babbled on about room service, maybe going to a club, and more. I had made other plans. We arrived at the hotel at 1:30 p.m for an early check in and as soon as we got to the room I brought out the coke, poured a drink, and Jaegar happily joined me. We laughed, joked, told childhood stories, shared our dreams for the future and for a moment, just a moment, I forgot all about my need to punish Jaegar. The loud knock on the hotel room door reminded me. I ordered Jaegar to stay seated, went to the door and opened it for the two thugs. They had posted an ad online looking for a pay-to-play set up. A few emails later and it was all arranged and agreed to. For a healthy tip for their time and assurances I had party favors, they would fuck my friend and let me watch. The money I offered was enough to silence any questions they had about why I wanted it that way. “Hey, you got the roses?” the taller of the two thugs asked. They appeared to be a few years older than me and I was lost a bit in thought when they asked again. “Roses?” I said. “Fuck man yeah, the cash. Pay-to-play. We smokin or what?” Jaegar stood up, “What’s going on?” he asked. The thugs brushed past him, snorted a few lines off the plate, poured some drinks, lit some smokes, and started to get undressed. “What’s going on? Tell me!” Jaegar said with a layer of fear in his voice. I grabbed him by his arm, squeezed and snapped, “What the fuck do you think? These two gentlemen are looking for some white ass and since they can’t have mine - they will be taking yours instead.” Several expressions came over Jaegar’s face - anger, hurt, resignation, determination, duty - yes duty - the good whipping boy knew his place. I could smell the cheesey, unwashed head of the first thug’s dick when he dropped his boxers. Disgusting. The second thug stood beside me and cleared a few more lines, then he too undressed. He smelled nothing like my father, or uncles, or cousins. He too was clearly unwashed, but the aroma was not unpleasant and I had a fleeting desire to reach out and touch him. To feel the heft of his long, black dick. To slide my tongue around the bulbous head. To taste….NEIN! NO! I would not. The thugs stood side by side with a naked Jaegar at their feet. While they finished their smokes they guided Jaegar’s mouth first from one dick, to the next, until both were sloppy wet with his spit. Then with brutal efficiency and strength the thugs had Jaegar on his hands and knees on the bed ready to get the full 20+inches of punishment they were being well paid to dole out. Jaeger turned his head towards me and begged, “Heinrich, PLEASE?!” He never used my name - why would he - except on a few rare occasions when he had tried to comfort me. Thinking of that, him seeing my weakness, made me wanted him to be punished all the more. “Do it.” I ordered. The thugs laughed, one of them grabbed Jaegar’s head and he started gagging and choking on the rough, thug dick. I snorted another line and smiled as the second thug spit on his dick, spit on Jager’s clenched ass, slapped his ass hard several times and ordered him to relax before he he mounted him and started fucking with no mercy. I snorted another line and smiled. YES - Jaegar’s body was shaking from pain, “Fuck him harder!” I ordered, and the thugs complied, skewering Jaegar’s throat and ass with brutal strokes of raw black dick. As the thug fucking his throat pulled back and released Jaegar’s head so he could adjust his angle, Jaeger turned, his eyes met mine, and there was something about the pain I saw there that I did not like. I quickly looked away, grabbed the tray and snorted two more lines. The thug who was fucking Jaegar pulled out his ass, Jaeger winced, choked on the dick in his mouth, but stayed in position. I held the tray up as the thug walked over, his black dick twitching, covered in spit, and the blood and juice of Jaegar’s ass. “Taste it,” the thug demanded in a quiet whisper. He was standing so close now, blocking my vision of Jaegar. I craned my neck and looked up into his face. My hand shook as the thug snorted a line, I set the tray down and turned my head. The thug walked back to the bed, remounted Jaeger and it was not long before he announced, “GETTING READY TO CUM UP IN THAT ASS - FUCKING HELL, TIGHT HOLE - TAKE THIS FUCKIN NUTT MAN…” I watched in utter fascination as the thug slam fucked Jaegaer with all out abandon. His hips and thighs were hitting Jaegar with full force as his monster BBC turned that ass inside out. My father and uncles fucked like girly robots compared to this guy and something about it was mesmerizing to watch, to hear, to wonder about. The thug shook his head, wiped the sweat from his brow, and pulled his dick out of Jaegar’s now cum filled ass. Jaegar grunted and as the thug fucking his throat let go of his head, Jaegar lifted his hips up, laid his chest down on the bed, offering his torn and bloody ass for the second round of gut beating. The thug who was now back in front of me cleaning up one side of the tray of coke laughed and said, “Your boy took that like a fucking champ. He’s not a virgin any more, that’s for fucking sure.” His body was blocking the view of the bed again, but I heard Jaegar grunt - the second guy must have just mounted him. The thug set the tray down, leaned forward and demanded once more in a quiet whisper, “Taste it.” I turned my head slightly, but the site of his still throbbing and hard dick was fascinating, more so knowing that the streaks of red, mixed with white gobs, was the effect of Jaeger’s bloody ass and the thug’s cum. I quickly licked his gory shaft clean then stumbled as I stood up and grabbed the tray and said, “We need more supplies.” The thug laughed and walked back towards the bed. When I sat back down in the chair, the silver tray coated with many lines of white cocaine once more, a shiver ran up my spine. The thug that had just cum inside Jaegar was now fucking his throat, but was looking at me. He had a twisted smirk on his face, the smirk of someone who had a secret or had won a game. Jaegar’s eyes were closed as the second thug fucked him rougher and harder than the first if that was possible. I smiled thinking he was in pain and that his punishment was almost complete, but stopped - Jaeger was moaning, he was rocking his body back and forth meeting every thrust of the BBC - he was fucking enjoying it! NO! I was jealous of his pleasure, and angered that he was not being punished as he should have been. He was the one who should have been used by my family that night. Not me. It was the whipping boy’s job to serve and to be punished - not MINE! “Slap him. Spank him. MAKE IT HURT!” I demanded. The two thugs looked at me, laughed, and the one who’s dick I tasted said, “Oh, his ass pussy hurts for sure.” That wasn’t good enough. I snorted two more lines, slammed the tray onto the table, got up, went to the closet, pulled the belts off my and Jaegar’s pants, took another $200 out of my wallet, stormed across the room and thrust the belts and cash towards the thugs. “MAKE - IT - HURT!!” I demanded again. The rhythmic sound of leather on skin, mixed with the grunts of pain from Jaegar was music to my ears and I sighed, satisfied, as I sat back down and grabbed the tray. The thugs were turning Jaegar’s back, thighs, and arms red with welted stripes as they fucked him from both ends. Jaegar’s body was shaking now - GOOD! The whipping boy was doing his duty, taking his punishment. The tempo of fucking and belt smacks picked up as the second thug got ready to breed Jaegar too, “TAKE THIS BLACK DICK IN THAT WHITE PUSSY - SLOPPY PUSSY - LET ME TAKE THAT SECOND HOLE - OWN THAT SHIT - THAT PUSSY MINE! HERE IT COMES - FLOODING THEM GUTZ OUT - FLOODING THAT PUSSY HOLE - PLANTING THAT SHIT DEEP IN...AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH…!!!!” I was now leaning forward in the chair, transfixed on this scene of abuse, use, and decadence. I smiled in satisfaction as Jaegar winced when the dick was yanked out of his now tender hole. I smiled as Jaegar dropped onto his stomach on the bed, his sides heaving. I smiled at the red criss cross marks that layered his skin now. The second thug walked over and stood in front of me blocking my view of the bed as I held up the silver tray. He snorted deep and hard and as he took his fill I eyed his still hard shaft. It was thicker than the first one, but like his was still raging hard and coated in red, gobs of white, and more. The slit was wide open, glistening long strands still pumping out and without asking I guided it to my mouth and licked him clean savoring the taste of Jaegar’s punishment. I set the tray down, the thugs started to get dressed over by Jaegar who was now sitting up on the edge of the bed with a look on his face I had never seen before. I stood up, walked into the bathroom and splashed cold water over my face. I patted my face dry, walked back out into the room and stopped cold. Jaegar was standing in the middle of the floor, his big dick sticking straight out, as were the horse sized BBC’s of the thugs who were standing on each side of him. “Jaegar?” I asked. The sound of leather on skin echoed throughout the room as Jaegar slapped the two belts into the open palm of his left hand. He took a step forward and said, “NOW IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO LEARN WHO THE REAL MASTER IS AND WHO IS REALLY THE WHIPPING BOY.”
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  45. Part 4....................... Don pulled me away from Josh for a private word. I had an inclining of what he wanted to say. “Listen Jase, I know you’re horny about this idea but what would really seal the deal is if you help out in the show,” he commented, giving me that same insane grin. I didn’t immediately answer as the thought of fucking in front of an audience was actually turning me on. “You want me to fuck Ethan, I take it?” I asked. Don didn’t answer, but his smirk said it all. “So, pozzing a negative bottom and some incest for the punters?” I asked in follow-up. “You got it, Jase, and you know you want to,” Don replied, copping a feel through my trousers of my cock, which was now quite hard. “Your head and dick certainly want to,” he added. I kissed him hard, “Fucking cunt, you knew I’d do it,” I remarked after breaking off the kiss, “...but on one condition." “Oh? What?” Don growled back at me although he also knew in the back of his mind what was coming. “If we’re doing incest, I also wanna fuck your son,” I answered, using a completely serious voice. Don looked into my eyes and thought for a couple of seconds before he replied “You know I haven’t wanted to go there. My relationship with Jermaine already took a nose dive after that time he came to live with me and he tried to kiss me,” Don replied, returning my serious expression. “I know, but I also know he loves you very much and wants to show you. He had just found out he was HIV positive and his stepfather had kicked him out. He needed comforting and, in retrospect I think he was sorry how he responded to you that night but I think he feels like you pushed him away and you don’t love him,” I explained, putting my hand on Don’s arm. “He told you?” Don asked me, softening some. “Yeah, when he stayed with me a few months ago. I never told you because he asked me not to,” I continued. Don looked over at his magnificent son who was talking to two of the American distributors. He was extremely handsome with an incredible body. He might not be as beefed-up as his father, but was none the less amazingly ripped and defined, and his cock was almost as big as Don’s. “I love him too” Don said, his eyes welling up. “Show him,” I urged, giving Don a light kiss. After a quick chat to Julian, he called the boys over, explaining “Okay, guys, we need a show. Chris and Sam, would you play together for our guests and Chris, would you top?” he asked the brothers. They both grinned and Ethan looked a little disappointed not to be included with his boyfriend. “Don’t worry Ethan, you have your own special performance to put on,” Julian explained, giving Ethan a smile, as he added “Ben here is negative and wants to convert for the audience,” Julian said, which earned a smile from everyone. "Josh, as you’re packing some deadly seed, would you please do the honours please and breed him?” With this Jermaine was clearly disappointed, so Julian hastened to explain "“Don’t worry Jermaine, you’ll also be putting on a ‘special’ show for us,” giving him a wide smile of pleasure. Both Ethan and Jermaine looked slightly confused but said nothing and Julian moved to the middle of the room before they could say anything else. “Ladies and Gents. If I could have your attention please,” Julian asked in commanding tone. The room fell silent quickly and all heads turned to Julian standing near the large bed in the centre of the room. “As so many of you have commented this evening on our delicious models, we thought we’d put on a little impromptu performance for your pleasure,” he remarked, grinning broadly to the sea of heads. There was a lot of buzzing chatter and a round of applause broke out. “Thank you. Thank you. As you know, BoyToy prides itself on only the very best models and hardcore performances. We want the audience at home to know that if a BoyToy is being bred on video for the first time, he really is HIV negative and wants to convert,” pausing for effect, and then resuming "and tonight we have such a BoyToy who is, in fact, HIV negative and wishes to be bred here tonight for your pleasure.” With that Julian grinned madly at the audience, which once again burst into cheers and clapping. Resuming, Julian added "And as you are all aware, we also have two brothers who have consented to fuck each other for your pleasure," pausing again for more cheers. “You should also know that both boys are negative, or at least they were 24 hours ago before being bred multiple times with poison cum and tonight they are greedy for more.” He finished his remarks to wild applause and a few whoops. “Boys?” Julian called as the lights in the room dimmed while spots shown down on the bed. Chris and Sam walked forward, now completely naked, Chris holding his younger brother's hand. Both were still sporting their induced erections. A wild round of applause followed them to the centre of the room as Josh and Ben followed behind. “Brothers Chris and Sam” Julian announced as Chris and Sam stood in the spot lights glare, “and HIV and very positive Josh and HIV negative Ben” finishing the introductions. After the clapping died down it became hushed very quickly and as background music piped up, both sets of boys started to kiss. Chris was passionately tonguing his younger brother while each caressed and explored his brother's naked body. On the other side of the bed, Josh started making out with Ben who was slightly shorter than Josh, who had, meanwhile, found Ben’s naked bum cheeks and was squeezing hard while Ben clearly had one hand wrapped firmly round Josh’s cock. Chris pushed Sam back onto the bed which was deceptively high, allowing easy access for the top to stand and fuck. Chris was now down on Sam’s cock sucking him hard while he squirmed in pleasure at his elder Brother’s touch. Ben had got to his knees and had Josh’s cock down his throat, expertly sucking him and almost swallowing him whole. The crowd of people standing round moved in closer and coincidentally there was a lot of crotch fondling and re-positioning as cocks as every man's cock had clearly started to swell. Don and I watched from the back of the room on monitors as cameras had been set up to capture all the action,“This is so fucking awesome,” Don whispered. The action had stepped up some and Josh had lifted Ben up and thrown him onto the bed so that Ben’s head was near Sam on the opposite side. Josh then went down on Ben’s cock sucking him hard and very rough. I knew about this aspect of Josh and knew he loved being treated like a sub slut by older guys but equally loved to treat younger ones just as badly. He was sucking Ben, biting him, sucking his balls into his mouth and all the time he had a couple of fingers inside Ben’s cunt causing him discomfort. Clearly Ben was enjoying it though and was moaning loudly for the crowd while pushing Josh’ head down harder. Chris too had upped his game and was now devouring Sam’s cunt, spreading his cheeks and finger fucking him while Sam wanked himself hard. It didn’t take long before Ben and Sam were kissing with tongues as their mouths were close enough albeit upside down. Meanwhile, some of the guys looking on the scene were openly tugging on their dicks as they’d had to release themselves. After a good period of make out Josh stood up to aim his cock at Ben’s cunt and the audience audibly breathed in. Josh wasn’t going to make this easy for Ben either, he’d used his spit to lube his ass and also spat on his hand to rub over his cock then lining up he pushed into Ben with rapid force. Ben squealed loudly which gained another round of applause as Josh started to fuck him. Everyone knew they were watching a healthy HIV negative boy getting a potential infecting from a greedy positive cock and clearly they loved it as more of the men in the audience started wanking hard. I noticed the German guy I’d been talking to almost drooling at the scene with a nice fat dick in his hands. Chris too had stood up and pulled Sam closer to him and again the audience watched ecstatically as he slid his long thick dick into his brother’s cunt. It was like the room lifted up a level in sexual tension as now both boys were being bred. The fucking became intensive and, although all the boys were hard on Viagra, they were clearly reveling in being watched by an audience that was becoming more and more debauched by proceedings. Ben and Sam were both groaning wildly, holding on to the bed as their bodies were being invaded with more ferocity by Josh and Chris. It was almost like each top was spurring the other on to fuck harder. All the boys were now sweating profusely under the hot glare of the lights and the physical excursion of hard fucking. Considering neither Chris, Sam or Josh had ever done anything like this before, each was doing an awesome job which had not escaped Don or Julian’s attention. After nearly ten minutes of fucking action, Sam began to groan loudly and started to cum hard shooting his load so far and hard it projected over his head before hitting his face. The crowd cheered loudly at that one. Ben too was getting close and Josh the ever consummate dirty cunt slowed and bent down to catch his first spurts of cum as Ben too groaned, shooting into Josh’s open mouth before Josh continued to pile drive his ass while swallowing his cum. Chris was the first of the tops to cum and after a few more minutes he slowed, with sweat dripping from his face, pulling out and Sam leaning up on his elbows just managed to catch the first torrent of his brother’s orgasm in his open mouth. He quickly grabbed Chris’ cock and pumped it to lick out all his cum, eating enthusiastically to a huge round of applause from the standing crowd. Now all eyes were on Josh as he continued for another five minutes before he too began to slow and as the crowd held Its collective breath he let out an animal roar as he came hard pumping his deadly load of jizz deep inside Ben’s negative cunt. Again the crowd whooped and applauded loudly as Josh collapsed onto Ben’s sweaty and cum covered body, kissing madly but all the time keeping his cock deep inside him. Julian stepped forward and addressed the crowd, “Pozz load one” he said grinning happily to yet more applause. “I hope you enjoyed round one” he said looking at the happy faces before him, “If you have the need, I’m sure the boys would be happy to take any deposits you have” He said looking at the hard cocks before him. All the boys looked very happy as cocks started moving forward to them and as four willing mouths opened up, cum started shooting from a number of directions. Don and I were so turned on I had my hand wrapped round his fat dick and he had a finger up my cunt as we watched the four lads take copious amounts of cum, bukkake style. Ben seemed to be getting most loads, which we suspected were perhaps poz, to help him convert, but Josh, Sam and Chris were receiving plenty themselves and what they got they shared while kissing and cumswapping. The whole scene was amazing. When the piss started flowing the boys didn’t disappoint either and were open mouthed taking what ever came their way, “Fucking awesome” Don growled at me. “So are you?” I asked him, feeling so turned on right now from drink and live sex while pumping a huge fat cock. “Yeah, I’ll fuck him” He grinned back at me. “Sweet” I replied as we kissed again. To be continued ..................................
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  46. Well, we had done it and stealthed my FB with a load of hvl poz cum. The poz guy, though, took a little advantage of the situation of me being in another world from being fucked so good. He had after loading my boy, also rammed home in me and bred me with his toxic load and it felt so good that he kept on pounding my hole until he had cum in me a second time to boot. WOW Was I ever in fuck heaven from the way they had used my hole. I loved every minute of it even if I had been surprised a lot by the poz cum and had not really been after that at all. Afterwards the poz guy and I had talked a bit and decided to get my boy again as soon as possible. He thought we could turn him into a cum dump and get rid of him wanting a condom ever again. We just needed to get him going more and we both decided to try and keep our 'rosters' clear as possible to be ready for him when he would call. We didn't have long to wait either. My boy loved my hole so much and it was hard for him to find anyone else who could take the pounding he liked to do with his huge cock. True to form he sent me an email and wanted to fuck me and again with only about an hour to try and get ready. He also asked if it was possible for the 'other guy', as he referred to him, to join also. He probably thought it would be too quick to get him. He was going to be surprised though, I hoped. I immediately got ahold of our poz guy and he was ready and could meet us at the time. We were both there early. Loved the way he made out and also the taste of his nice cock too. We made out for a good 20 minutes before my FB got there. He looked a little surprised to see the poz guy there but tried to not let on and said how happy he was for him to be there. My FB wanted to know if the poz buy would fuck me first to get me opened up more for him. This was a surprise though and I had not thought he would ask that. I looked at the poz guy and he smiled and told us he was ready for it. I wasn't sure I wanted it but laid down and we all started to make out for a bit and then the poz guy climbed on me. He looked me right in the eyes as he started to stick his cock in me. It was drooling precum and slicked my hole up and he was able to slide in fairly easily with his own lube. My boy was soon over me kissing me as the poz guy started to stroke his cock in my hole. It felt amazing and I was soon ramming my ass back at him as he tried to bottom out every time in me. This went on for a good 10 minutes when my FB all at once asked to take over. I groaned as the poz guys cock left my hole but soon I was back in ecstasy as my boy rammed his huge cock in me and started pounding away immediately. He was telling me he was too turned on watching me take another cock and just had to have my hole. The poz guy was now behind my boy with a hard cock in need and leaned over him again. He asked us what he was supposed to do with his cock now as he was really turned on badly and in need of getting off. I grabbed my boy though and planted a hot deep kiss on him to keep him from answering and just pointed with one had for the poz guy to ram it in him. The poz guy started rubbing his cock up and down my boys ass lubing his hole with his precum like he had mine. My FB started to squirm a little but I held him tight and shoved my tongue in his mouth as deep as I could and wrapped my legs around him tighter also. He quit moving so much other than ramming his cock in me deep and hard and soon I could tell the poz guy had his cock buried in him again. My boy held still for a bit deep inside me and I could feel the poz guy pounding away at his hole. My boy was looking me in the eyes and soon he could not hold still and he started to pound my again which definitely got him impaled deeper in me and the poz guy deeper in him too. He quit the kiss and his head went back as he arched his back and pounded me as hard as he could. He was then yelling how great this felt and looked over his shoulder at the poz guy who leaned in and kissed him passionately. My boy was moaning his pleasure now and soon broke the kiss and was telling us both to use him good. The poz guy kind of let part of the cat out of the bag as he then told my boy to get ready he was going to cum and impregnate him. My boy was too far gone and it didn't seem to register what was said. He just told the poz guy to hurry as he was about ready to cum too. They both went wild then and soon my bud rammed home in my ass as deep as he could and yelled he was cumming. The poz guy then yelled he could feel it in my boys ass and he was cumming too and all this set me off and I was cumming all over my stomach without having to touch my own cock. All three of us getting off at the same time and wow I was floating away my orgasm was so strong. I started to come back and again the poz guy was the only one with me as my boy had got up and left again quickly. He was rimming my ass and eating the load from by FB and before I could say anything he had lined his cock up with my ass and was rammed in deep. He held it still in me as it registered on my mind that his poz cock was again in me. I was trying to find a way to tell him no but could not think of a way with it feeling so good in me. I had never been able to turn down a hard cock and especially once it was in me it was basically impossible for me to say no. He just held still for a while and only kind of stirred around a little without actually pumping and out at all. The feeling was nice though. He was telling me he thought he was definitely pozzing my boy as he had noticed a little pinkish color on his cock this time when he pulled out of him and there had been he was sure some tearing in him and bleeding which would help his toxic load get into him better and faster. I hadn't heard it but he also told me my boy had thanked him for the load when he left. We both smiled at that one. As he told me about the thank you, the poz guy pulled back on his cock until only the head was still in me and asked if I wanted another load. Before I could answer he shoved forward and buried his cock to the hilt in me and I could only moan in pleasure and he took that as a yes and really started to fuck me good. Again, I got two more loads from him before he was done and I had not told him to stop. I was a doggone cum dump myself and now proabably getting pozzed when all I had wanted was my bud to get it. Not only that but I got two loads now for the one he got. What should I do now?
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  47. I arrived at our meeting place early and my poz bud arrived at about the same time, so we had time to talk and do a little preparing for my arrogant fuck bud to arrive. He was going to get a lot more out of this fuck than he knew was coming. Poz guy and I talked and planned for a bit and then started to make out while awaiting my fuck buddy. I definitely wanted this guy horned up and ready when my fuck buddy got there. We started by kissing some and then, since it was going to happen anyway, got naked and were feeling each other up and stroking each others cocks. He had a lot of precum and it didn't take long before his cock was covered in it and slick and hard as a rock. His cock was about as long as my fuck buddy's, but just short of being as big around. It was a damn nice size though and I couldn't wait and dropped on my knees, and took it into my mouth. I just had to taste it and feel that nice cock throb in my throat a little. We fooled around for about ten minutes when my fuck buddy finally arrived, and his arrival was just in time, as that poz cock was starting to taste mighty good to me and my ass was starting to tingle with a need to be filled. My fuck buddy took one look at us and stripped, saying "It looks like I got here just in time. Another five minutes and I'd have had sloppy seconds." We all laughed a bit at that, but I don't think either of them really knew how close that was to the truth. My ass was ready and in need of filling. My fuck buddy and the poz guy started to kiss, and I went down to swallow my fuck buddy's beautiful cock, to prime him so he would cream my hole good. Poz guy and I traded around after a few minutes and he was swallowing that big cock while I gave some tongue-action to my fuck buddy. The three of us went back and forth several times, as my fuck buddy became increasingly worked up. Yeah, I was determined to edge him, to get him so hot that he would be ready for anything. His cock was about as hard as I could ever remember it and he was panting to plant it in me by the time I lay down and told him to hurry and do me. I was more than ready to be fucked. My fuck buddy lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly entered my hole, a little at a time, teasing me as he went by pushing in and then holding still again. Our poz bud was behind him watching and then, right on cue, commented to my fuck buddy "Damn, you've got a nice ass too," adding "Do you like to get fucked?" My fuck buddy replied "Yeah, but I only bareback with this guy." Poz guy just smiled. As my fuck bud started to finally fuck me the poz guy moved behind him more and started to play with his ass, lubing it, and loosening it up by some vigorous finger play, all the while telling my bud "I gotta play with your ass while you fuck your buddy," and encouraging him to pound my ass good and get it nice and sloppy for him. He kept whispering how hot it was to watch his big cock tear my hole up. Knowing where this was headed, I enjoyed the talk almost as much as I enjoyed being fucked. My fuck bud always took a while to cum so I knew I was in for a good ass pounding, for at least twenty minutes or maybe more. It felt good as he lifted my legs higher and higher and had them over his shoulders, holding me almost upside down as he pounded my ass. It was always a great fuck with him. I could just see the poz guy a bit behind him as he was running a finger into my fuck buddy, and then said he was going for more fingers. My fuck buddy replied "It feels great, and I can feel the tingle of your fingers against my prostate as I pound away at this hole." Soon the poz guy told him he had all four of his fingers in my fuck buddy's ass. He, in turn, was clearly enjoying the anal play, and it helped him pound me hard. The poz guy kept up a steady stream of hot talk, telling us how hot it was to watch me being fucked as he played with my fuck buddy's hole and how hot he was getting too. He also told my fuck buddy how hot his hole was, and commented it was making him really horny too, and that his cock was hard as a rock. He pushed up against my fuck buddy, and ran himself up and down the crack of his ass, and asked how he liked the feel of that. My bud told him it fell good and bet I would love that when he got done with me. The poz guy never moved back away again and kept his fingers probing deep in my fuck bud's hole while his poz cock kept up a smooth slide up and down his crack smearing lots of his precum all over my bud's ass crack and hole and slicking him up even more with the lube there also. My bud was loving the attention and was pounding my hole as hard as he ever had and we were both soon moaning our pleasure a lot. My bud then told us he was getting close and then really started going even faster and harder if that was possible. The poz guy said he was really getting horny for some too, but I don't think by now it was registering with my bud at all as he approached his orgasm. I then notice the poz guy had pulled his fingers out of my bud and had him by the hips with both hands and rubbing his cock up and down his crack faster. My bud looked my in the eyes and told me to get ready as he was going to cum. He then rammed me about three or four more time and buried his cock as deep into me as he could as he grunted out that he was cumming hard. As soon as he came to a halt in me and was cumming the poz guy all at once yelled oh hell I can't take it and rammed his cock home in my bud's hole and said he was cumming too. My fuck bud was so far gone in his orgasm it didn't register at first that the poz guy's cock was buried deep in his hole and filling him up too for a while. As my bud was finally coming down he was telling us that was about the hottest cum he had ever had and then it dawned on him that there was a cock buried in him too. He looked over his shoulder and wanted to know what the poz guy was doing anyway. He told him he was sorry but he just got too excited when my boy came in me that he rammed home in him without thinking or knowing what he was doing. He apologized. My boy told him it was ok but he was not realy happy about getting a load in him. I could tell he was some pissed but kind of shrugged it off as he got up and got dressed and like normal was out of there within just a few minutes of cumming in me. He never hung around anyway more than a few minutes. I was still laying there with my legs spread and like usual, also, after being fucked by my bud I was in another world enjoying the feeling of being fucked and filled. I didn't even notice my boy leave nor that the poz guy was still hard and telling me how hot that had been and he was still damnably horned up by that. I didn't know anything until all at once it dawned on me that my legs were up I the air again and my hole was being pounded again. I came around and looked up and was looking right into the eyes of the poz guy as he was ramming his toxic cock in me now. I yelled what the hell are you doing, I don't want pozzed, just my boy. He just smiled and said he was sorry but that session just made him too horny and he couldn't resist my hole right there in front of him. I started to tell him to get off when he all at once rammed home in me hard and moaned and I could feel his cock pulsing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and he told me OMG that feels good and I am filling you full of my poz seed too. As he said that he leaned down and kissed me and started to pound away again and I could do nothing but thrust my ass back at him as it felt too good to stop.
    1 point
  48. Chapter III. I let myself into a very nice house and climbed the stairs. The last door on the left was closed and there were instructions handwritten on a piece of paper. SORRY BRO. ONE OF US CHICKENED OUT. PLEASE FUCK US BOTH BUT WRAP UP FOR THE BOY CLOSEST TO THE DOOR. LUBE AND CONDOMS ON THE TABLE. Okay, whatever. I figured at least one of these boys had some sense. When I opened the door, I saw two slim twinks, both with spiky blond hair, both wearing black leather blindfold masks over their eyes. They were rolling around making out in the middle of the bed. I cleared my throat, and they wriggled apart, pawing around to get their grounding on the mattress. They lined up at the foot of the bed, on their hands and knees, side by side, asses up. They both wore red jockstraps framing their upturned muscled asses. I shucked off my boots, pants and my tee, wasted on these blindfolded sluts, and climbed onto the bed. I placed my crotch into one of their faces and he stuck out his tongue. I let him get my jock soaking wet before moving over to the next boy. I moved the pouch aside and let the other boy finish getting me hard. The first boy whimpered and I grumbled, “Shut up!” as I forced my cock down his throat. I let the first boy blow me until switching to let the other boy have a turn. As he blew me, I leaned forward spitting onto my hand before sticking my fingers in their asses. They both moaned with delight. I pulled out of the second boy’s mouth and went to their asses. I licked them both up and down and worked a finger or two in. I guess I had to bag up for one of the boys; even though I wasn’t POZ, they didn’t know that. I unwrapped a condom from the table and rolled it over my own drooling hard cock. I had so much precum and was so wet, I half thought that the condom might work itself off of my dick. No harm done if it did though… I unrolled the rubber and squirted on some lube. The boy closest to the door was quivering as I grabbed his hips and jammed the head of my wrapped cock into his ass. He jumped as I kept pushing forward until I was balls deep in his ass. He reached his hand back, presumably to check that I was wrapped. I slapped his hand away and kept fucking him. I could tell he was squirming underneath me a bit. When I pulled out, I pulled the rubber off with a loud snap and held it to his nose to sniff. He grinned. I aligned myself against the other boy’s hips and slammed my drooling cock into his ass with one thrust. He helped and grabbed the other boy’s hand as I pummeled away. With his free hand, he reached back to feel my cock and I let him. He had his fingers at the base of my dick as he winced and moaned. Then, he started to squirm a lot when he didn’t feel the rubber. I guess he was really turned on thinking he was taking a POZ load. “No… Not like this!” he groaned. I guess he was having second thoughts. The other boy just grabbed his head and kissed him hard. It turned me on to think of the scene from their end. A few months ago, this could have been me and my boy. That got my nuts churning and I fired off my load deep into this kids guts. The boy was practically sobbing behind his mask. The other boy was so wrapped up in comforting the boy who thought he just took a POZ load that neither one of them noticed as I pulled myself together and started to get dressed. As I creaked the door open, the boy closest to the door mumbled, “The money, it’s on the dresser.” Hell, I almost forgot to get paid for my first hustle! I palmed the money and raced out to the car. As I pulled into my own driveway, I called Vinny and told him what had happened. He chuckled, “HAHA! They think you POZZED the wrong boy! They were fooling around before you got there and lost where they were on the bed!” Vinny told me that they would get a free follow-up appointment whenever they wanted it! He asked me how much I had made, and it dawned on me that I hadn’t counted the money. I had $1000 crumbled into my pocket.
    1 point
  49. I love small penis chat, but I'm interested in knowing what most guys would define a small cock to be? New poll perhaps? I think I'm small - when limp it can really shrivel up, and having trouble getting hard doesn't help (even though I'm only in my 20s). On a good day with a full hard on I get to about 5.5 inches so would this count as small? I love tops who like to humiliate me about it and incorporate it into sex - for me, it's the primary factor in being a bottom, followed by the impotence issues. Being laughed at by hung tops, or watching it bounce a bit when being fucked is an incredible turn on. I find it strange there isn't the same level of small penis humiliation fetish in the gay world as there is in the straight. I would sign up to any site that focuses on humiliating young twinky bottoms for their small cocks and punishing them by making them take donkey dick upon donkey dick bareback.
    1 point
  50. The first guy that ever fucked me was my best friends dad....I was 16 and sleeping over at their house, I sucked off my best friend and swallowed his load and about an hour later I went downstairs to get a drink of water and ran into his dad with a huge erection..he looked at me and then looked at his cock and I knew he wanted me....I pulled his boxers down to find a 9.5 inch cock and started sucking on it..he then told me to follow him to the den and he told me to get on all fours and started to rim me......he fucked me and it hurt like fucking hell until he expolded deep in me. I kissed him and he said he tasted cum and I told him it was his sons and I swallowed his load earlier......this made his dick hard again and he fucked me longer and harder and shot another load in me. Next morning my best friend had awaken and had his morning wood and was playing with my ass..he asked why I was lubed up and I told him that I wanted him to fuck me.....he slid in and started to fuck me until he shot his load in me to mix with his fathers 2 loads...he pulled out and I went down on him to clean his cock and taste the mixture of both their loads.....he asked me where I got the lube and I confessed to him that it was his dad's cum in me and he said that was cool. It was the start of a dad/son tag team for me that went on for 2 years and they enjoyed it as much as I did.
    1 point
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