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  1. Part 13. My calling from God. I laid there in a heavenly state. Mr. Terry stepped away and said to my daddy, 'Now that we exchanged our gifts for and got our cherry, I will go figure out the order and a plan for the rest of them. You get him ready.' Daddy pulled up a stool next to me, i felt him arranging the fur blanket so I was tucked and nested in. After making sure i was comfortable he sat down on the stool and leaned in to kiss me on my leather hooded forehead. He used his finger to slowly and lovingly move my chin and the rest of my head toward him. I looked into his eyes and felt I belonged. For the first time, I felt loved, full and had purpose. He traced his fingers over my smooth chest and paid extra attention as he circled around my nipples. Stopping slowly to pinch, flick or just twist them very gingerly. He was staring deep into my eyes and me deep into his... as he said, 'Son, do you still feel the medicine or do you need more?' I still had my mouth covered with the hose. He reached under my head and started to unlace and unzip the hood as he commented, 'lets get this off of you for a little bit'. As he pulled the hood off my head, my ears and skin felt so connected to the room and space rather than distant. My head felt all sweaty as it came exposed to the cool air of the woodshed. As he petted my head and combed my hair with his fingernails, he looked back into my eyes and said, 'I am so proud of you, you took our horse cocks like a champ. Do you understand the importance and meaning of that?' I moved my head left to right telling him no. He took the brown bottle and held to my nose and continued to look inside of me. I started to inhale deeply and looked back. He knew when my lungs were full and without saying a word, closed my other nostril and moved the bottle to the other side. We just stared at each other without a word. He did this a third time and start to talk by saying....'I suspected when you told me earlier about how when you touch your nipples it tingles in your asshole. Do you remember telling me that pup?' i nodded. 'Well I guessed then that it meant that you are a very .... and I mean VERY special child of god.' Although i kept staring, my eyes got big and my head tilted as I was confused and I said, 'really? do you think? my father said I was a bastard and that god made me as a mistake'. He held the brown bottle to my nose again and said, 'Your father was wrong about a lot of things, this is the most important. God put you on this earth with a purpose, a very special and rare purpose. You see, almost all pussies are on women like you learned in school. And you remember what we know about women and their pussies? 'Yes, they harbor disease that will make men weak and sick and lure us to the eternal hell fire,' I said with confidence. He smiled, move the bottle to my other nostril and said 'exactly. Their cunts are dirty, poison and evil. However, every once in a while, every very rare once in a while,... very very rare. God will give a boy a pussy.' He put the cap on the bottle and laid it on my chest nestled between my two well defined pecs. He started to pet my head nice and slow putting my short blond hair back into place. He then nodded and allowed me to release the vapors from my lungs. He said, 'Lukas, I cant believe it, but you are one of those special children of God that has a boy pussy.' I smiled and he nodded and smiled even bigger and said. 'Yes, can you believe how lucky you are? Do you understand the importance and significance of that?' I must have had a puzzled look on my face of curiosity because he kissed the tip of my nose like a puppy and said. 'Yes, glory be to God, you have a boy pussy.' This is the greatest gift you can be offered from God. He paused and said, well second greatest gift, but I bet you have the first greatest also, it is just too early to know yet.' 'Wow, i feel so blessed, thank you for figuring that out for me, I did always feel different than my friends and siblings. Mr. C, this birthday is just getting better and better.' 'Oh son, this is just the beginning. Do you have any idea how having a boy pussy will change your life?' I became very puzzled by the question and said....'well....no, not really.' He picked up the bottle off my chest and gave me two big hits. I held on the second as he screwed the cap back on and returned it to my chest. Once he nodded I exhaled and although totally flying, I somehow still hinged on every word he said. 'Lukas, this means that you can help men. Any and all men that need relief for their cocks, some of us several times a day.' I felt my cock jump and he smiled again and said 'see.... Men will be so happy as they learn about your boy pussy. It means you can pleasure them with your boy cunt. Your beautifully bald smooth pussy can give their cocks great happiness, just like you just gave me and Mr. Terry.' He put his index finger on my hole and was rubbing circles around it while his other hand played with my titties. I looked down and saw my cock was leaking another big pool of precum all over my belly. As he continued to finger my hole and tweak my tits, he continued and said, 'Yes, men will come from all around, every man is going to want a piece of that pussy and you were put here to help them. It will be like the wise men and everyone coming to the stable to see the new savior. To help them ejaculate their cocks into you so they dont have to tempt fate but seeking the pleasure from those dirty cunts on their wives or girlfriends or other whores.' 'Oh like those places down on Front street?' I asked. 'Exactly, those and others, there is such a huge need for boy pussy. Lukas, do you remember Mr. Ali and all those men up in the house?' I nodded, 'oh yeah, I remember. Do you think even them could use some boy pussy.' 'Oh, heavens yes Son, many of them told me that personally, they have been waiting a long time to try and find some boy pussy.' 'Do you think any of them would be interested in mine? I mean, it is new and probably not all that good since I dont really know how to use it well yet and it currently feels very wet or messy and sticky.... but we could ask them if you think I could help any of them? He picked the brown medicine bottle up and started to prepare me for more hits. As I took my first breath in, he said. 'You know Lukas, the more you use your pussy and the more you share your pussy with others, the smarter it will become. In fact, it will begin to know what cocks need and want and it will learn to please them greatly. You know what else Lukas?' 'What daddy'. As he moved to the other nostril. 'It is even ok once you have had your medicine to ask a man if he would like to use your pussy. Some men will just take it, but others would find it so sweet of you to not only have a boy pussy but to offer it to them on your own. You dont have to wait for them to ask you. Understand? 'Yeah, I think so. But for now, I will look to you. If you wink at me, then I will know I should ask them....ok? He recapped the medicine bottle and returned it to the cleft in my chest. 'He slowly moved his hand up behind my ear and petted me again, and said, 'Yes, that is a great idea. Yes son, please look at me, and I will give you permission. That way they will know you are my boy and I give your pussy to them for enjoyment.' There was a knock at the door and Mr. C said, 'yes, enter.' 'Awesome, thanks Mr. C, I mean, thanks daddy.' 'Son, you remember our host, Mr. Ali?' I looked at Mr. Ali. He was standing there with his robe partially open, exposing that dark black carpet of fur. I looked at daddy and he winked. Even in my fog from the medicine I knew why he did that. Actually I knew and felt it as I looked at my own cock hard as a rock and staying warm in my puddle of precum on my belly. Therefore, I looked back at Mr. Ali and said. 'Mr. Ali, I have a boy pussy. Maybe you would help me and play with my pussy? I never knew I had it until today, but if you need some pussy, you are welcome to have mine.' He glanced quickly over at daddy and then quickly stepped between my legs still suspended to chains and said, 'I would enjoy nothing more pup'.
    9 points
  2. PART 12 As my breathing returned to normalcy and my heart rate slowly came down a little from my fuck high, the guilt started to come back. Three times now. Three loads of hiv cum I have in me now, in less than a week. What was I doing? Why? And even the answer to those questions left me troubled. I did it cuz it felt so good. I did it because after the times when sex had felt wrong or incomplete, it had all of a sudden been all consuming, the hottest experience of my life. Tom was like some sex god that brought out this need. I couldn’t stop thinking of the intense sense that I needed to get fucked - that I desperately needed to get fucked. And the only part I didn’t get is why I had also discovered how much I didn’t just want bareback sex, I wanted Tom to cum in me. He had offered to pull out even. I had asked him not to, even when I knew he was HIV positive. As Tom lay next to me, I think he sensed some kind of battle going on in my head. “What’s my sexy boy thinking about? He has a serious look all of a sudden,” he said gently. What did I say? I tried to think of some way to gloss over it all. Or joke. But then I just thought maybe he was the one guy I could actually talk to about it. “Tom, I don’t know... it’s just, well, until a week ago I was very careful when having sex. But when I met you it just happened so fast. I just ... it’s feels so good when you fuck me, but I am scared about HIV. Like every time, it just feels so good and I get so carried away and want you to cum in me. And...” I fumbled off. He was silent for a moment and then he looked at me and again in a gentle voice said, “So yeah, it has been a big week for you. Lots of firsts. This is a little complicated because I don’t want to tell you what to do here. But I do have some observations. I have been actively gay for many many years and have been with many bottoms. There are 'types' of bottoms. You are the type I call a total bottom, the kind of bottom who cums just from getting fucked. Total bottoms don’t just want to get fucked, they to get fucked. Now, I don’t normally meet guys your age anymore, so I didn't consider your relative inexperience, but then you weren’t completely inexperienced either. Last night and today, knowing I'm HIV positive, you came here. I didn’t chase you down. You came here presumably because the sex felt so good you needed more. For some people, the risk of HIV or living with it is worth it, because the need is so important.” I just nodded as he continued, “Another observation sexy boy, I gave you the choice. I offered to pull out. But you didn’t want me to. Why? Same thing: the need. I can see you fighting it and some guys fight it harder than others. But from my observation, most guys who start taking it bareback don’t stop, finding bareback sex addictive. For example, how would you answer these two questions? Can you imagine going back to using condoms and never feeling what we feel when we are having raw sex like we just did? And can you imagine never having the sensation and knowledge that another mans cum is coating your guts?” The last part Tom said in an exceptionally low and sexy voice. I was already getting hard again. He was so good at pushing my boundaries. I knew it would continue to cause me guilt and that it would take a while to come to terms with - if I ever could, but still what he had said, so much made sense even right then. I hadn’t been able to stay away for even a week. And I did it knowingly and even asked for his cum. And the part that made me braver and feel gulltier at the same time was this, I already wanted him to fuck me again. And I was totally already thinking of his cum shooting into me again. HIV loadnumber four, it would be. I looked down and the talk had had an effect on him too. I didn’t know fully what I wanted to say and knew at some point I would want to talk some more about it, but in the meantime I had something on my mind. And the need totally was overpowering the risk. “Tom, can you... will you cum in me again? Please?” I whispered. Tom just grinned and then leaned into mine and kissed me. I felt his hard cock poking into my torso, and knew I wouldn’t have to wait long to get what I needed.
    8 points
  3. Part 3. I was tunnel-visioned out, passing out boxes of cigarettes like a clown on a parade float. The smile painted on, but really just a dancing monkey with a cash register calling the tune. Then Mick reached in and pulled me out. “Hey, I’m busy with getting the cigar shipment sorted out,” he shot over his shoulder, “maybe help that guy in the humidor? Said he wanted some pipe tobacco.” I headed back to the walk-in humidor and stepped inside. Just on the other side of the center table display I could see black leather through the stacked boxes of Upmanns and Fuentes. “Hmmm, we’ve got the Hemingway’s in,” I noted to myself. As I thought to grab a Short Story for later, the man at the jars of pipe tobacco shifted a bit and my eyes wandered back to him. It was the leather that really caught my eye. Black leather, but not that pristine, showroom new leather or the glossy vinyl that seemed to be so popular with the weekend warrior set. This leather was broken in, supple, with a grain that can only be nurtured over years of wear and care. He wore that jacket and there was no chance of it wearing him. When he moved his arm up to take down a jar of Latakia, the creases and folds made that magical sound, the sound that muscles must make under the skin when they tense and pull and expand. I began to sweat just a little bit. It was 78° in the humidor, but it might as well have been 100. My jeans also got incrementally tighter. “Could you help me here?” He asked that as less of a question and much more like a command. He wasn’t loud, he wasn’t abrasive, and I wasn’t completely sure he hadn’t just spoken directly into my mind. “Sure, What do you need?” I ventured as I rounded the corner just to his left. He turned his head and looked at me for a moment. Or maybe an hour. I wasn’t really experiencing things in a linear way as I caught sight of his eyes. They could have been blue, could have been green, or they could have been as black as the leather he wore neck to toes. His eyes didn’t move from mine, but I knew he had fully scanned me, from the floor right up to the top of my head. I felt like I had just passed through a CAT scan. “I need a blend for tonight,” he said, crooking his right eyebrow just a bit for emphasis, “something smooth with more than a little edge to it.” His eyes dipped ever so subtly down my body, then slid back up. “I see you have the Latakia there,” I said almost unconsciously, with a slight nod toward the jar in his hands. The nod dislodged a bead of sweat that had built at the nape of my hairline which then rolled straight down my spine, raising the hair on my arms like a static charge. “That’ll get you the edge you need in a good blend. I’d go two thirds black cavendish for the smoothness and a third of the Latakia if that’s what you’re looking for.” Again, he crooked that eyebrow at me and gave the slightest smile. “Sounds perfect, but I’d like a hint of flavor in there too.” He paused, just long enough to scan me one more time. “What would you toss in there?” “For taste and aroma, we’ve got this burley and Virginia cherry blend,” I gestured toward the jar on my left, but it felt like I was moving my arm through black strap molasses, the tension was so palpable. “A little bit of that goes a long way, so I’d just put an ounce or two in the blend.” He smiled that crooked smile again, “Sold. I’ll take a pound of your special blend tonight.” I could have sworn he said something else as well, but it was only my percolating imagination piecing those particular words together. “I’ll grab these jars and take them out to the scale” I murmured, almost choking, as I pulled the Latakia out of his grip and gathered the other two jars. As I turned to walk out, I saw him reach inside his jacket but was quickly out the door to mix up his order. The air outside the humidor was almost bracing as the rush of the ceiling fans powered off the layer of heat I carried with me. I set about pulling his order together, portioning out the balance he was looking for, carefully lacing the cherry flavor throughout the blend. It had to be even to pack right and smoke consistently with each bowl. There is no recipe with tobacco, at least not good tobacco, just a touch and intuition. After a few minutes and a trip to the scale, I had the blend in a ziplock ready to go. Just as I sealed the bag, he strode out of the humidor and to the register where I met him. “That’ll be twenty three dollars” I said as absently as I usually do when manning the cash box. “Here’s thirty,” He said as he handed two crisp, folded bills to me. “Keep the change.” He then tucked the baggie into his inside breast pocket and disappeared through the door. I looked down and went to put the twenty and the ten away when a slip of paper slid out from between them and fell to the floor, bouncing off the edge of my shoe. The skittering sound set off my adrenaline and I was frozen for a second. Snapping to, I jammed the bills into the register, slammed it closed and retrieved the paper. As I tucked it into my back pocket, I looked over at Mick. “Hey, I need to use the john. You okay with the shop?” “Yeah, no problem man.” And with that, the sweat I thought had been part and parcel with the humidor hit me again. I knew I had to read this note as soon as absolutely possible.
    6 points
  4. Part 8 Chris I woke up Friday morning with my typical ‘morning wood’. Without any hesitation I began to stroke myself off. As I was beating my Mart I stared think that I can’t believe how good it feels to have Dante's cock inside me. It doesn’t matter if he’s fucking me or I’m sucking him. It just feels good, it feels right, it even feels natural to me, but the feeling of him exploding inside me and filling me up with his cum is a feeling I will work for every time I’m with him. I couldn’t wait till after school when I’d be able to go see Dante. Not only was I going to get fucked, but the weekend was also time to party. Dante had told me something about a special party he was invited to tonight in which he would make a lot of money selling drugs. He let me know he made arrangements with the party host for us to have a room to parents so that he could fuck me between his deals. I couldn’t wait for the school day to end. Michael I was beginning to wonder if something was going on after Chris suddenly started to disappear every afternoon. When I tried to make plans when my best bud, Chris, for the weekend he told me he was busy. That’s when I decided to follow him Friday when he left to see where he was going. I could tell his move was on something else as he quickly drove off. I followed him to a sub division of nice condos. He parked his car and walked down a path between the until he came to one of the gates that led into the back yard. I parked my car down the block and looked for a vantage point where I could see what was going on at that condo. Home Slice It was finally Friday, and I’d be spending the weekend with Dante. I told my parents that a friend of mine volunteers at a youth center and talked me into volunteering at the youth center. Since he lives close I was going to sleep at his place. My parents are very trusting and never questioned me about my friend or the youth center. Friday morning sends to go slow, but when the been rang for lunch I was out the door and hoped into my truck to make the trip Dante's. During the drive my mind was on Dante’s cock, how I couldn’t wait for him to slide it indie me, but, more importantly, the feeling of him cumming inside my ass. In my mind I had this strange feeling I the back of my head that said this was very wrong, but I chalked that feeling up to the religious crap my parents shoved down my throat. For a split second I though I saw Michael’s car as I pulled out of the high school parking lot, but my mind quickly centered back on Dante’s cock, my ass, his cum and Tina. The drive seemed to go fast as I parked my truck and made the quick walk to Dante's back gate. I was pleasantly surprised to find him waiting there for me with a gift. Dante I was waiting for Home Slice as he entered the gate to my private back yard pool. I had one of the half dozen condos that had the private area with a pool. It was going to be a fun weekend with the money I was going to make at the party that night along with the poz cum I was going to fuck into his ass all weekend long. We kissed before he started to change into his ‘house clothes’ and I showed him the clothes I got him to wear that night. A pair of slim fit, low rise jeans that I’m knew would show off his great ass, a skin tight t-shirt that would highlight his nice chest and arms. Since we didn’t need to be at the party until that evening put was time to get spun and fuck. Just as he was about to slip on his AC boxer briefs, he turned to me and asked, “Do I want need to put these on if they’re only going to be cumming off once we slam?” I simply replied, “No” and we headed over to the pool where some of my crew was already partying. I grabbed a couple points, slammed Home Slice, and as he coughed and rode his rush I slammed myself. I was starting my oven coughing when Home Slice went down on my cock talking my hardening shaft into his throat like the natural born cock sucker I knew him to be. Michael I found a tree I could climb that would allow me a view of the fenced in yard of a very nice condo unit that had it’s own private pool. When I finally got positioned so that I was able to see the activities while not being seen. What I saw totally surprised the hell out of me, I saw Chris on his knees sucking Dante’s cock. I had heard rumors that Dante was gay, but never believed them since the was so tuff, he never came across girly. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say or do the next time I saw Chris at school. I climbed down from my perch when Chris climbed into one of the lounge chair and Dante began to fuck him. Home Slice After I sucked Dante to his full hardness, I couldn’t wait the have it inside my hungry ass. I hoped up on the closest lounge chair on my hands and knees presenting my ass to my man and begging him to civil me. Dante quickly shoved the entire length in me and fucked me like I needed to be fucked.
    6 points
  5. Part 13 Later Saturday morning Nick was at the warehouse checking on the business. The play area had pretty much been cleaned up from the previous night’s party so they were on schedule to reset the space later in the afternoon in time for the private birthday party starting at 9 p.m. With that under control, he stopped by the desk of his media manager. “Hey Tony how are you doing with the footage from last night,” he asked? “Good morning boss man; I already have all the stills and general video clips of last night’s party uploaded to the club members' site.” “I also have the video edited from the soccer player’s conversion; I just need to set the linkage up with the payment system so people can view it.” Nick smiled, “You are the best!” Tony sarcastically replied, “I’m just putting that fancy MIT degree to work.” That got a laugh out of Nick and then he continued his questions. “Where are you on the promotional clip for our newest addition?” “I’m actually pretty far; should have it up on the site in a couple hours to promote the party Sunday night.” “I’m impressed,” replied Nick. Tony continued, “Ever since we added the RFID chip to those arm bands it makes it so much easier to trigger certain cameras and to track what area to focus on during a party.” ‘We don’t have to go through so much footage at the end to find good usable video like we used to.” “Time is money, so the faster we get things up on the web the better; if the big theme parks only knew how we adapted their concept.” They both roared with laughter. “Nick I do have a question about some of the material.” “Do you want to use any of the footage of the guy putting on the cock ring in the changing room back at the store?” Nick shook his head, “No, as amusing as that was to watch him struggle, we really want to promote him as a dominant Top for this event and that struggle could be interpreted as a sign of weakness.” “I don’t know how closely you looked at it, but at one point he was almost crying in pain trying to get that ring over his balls and half hard cock.” Tony agreed, this promotional clip really was meant to show this guy as a strong dominant total Top. Nick started to leave to check on something else but stopped to remind Tony of a couple more things. “Don’t forget to set up the special privileges auction function for Sunday’s event.” “I also need you or one of the other guys to be at the store by 3:30 on Sunday afternoon to take pictures of our new addition; I’ll explain more on that later.” It was after 11 in the morning before Rob finally woke up. He had a terrible headache and felt lethargic. He couldn’t figure out why he would feel that way; he didn’t really drink that much last night he thought yet he felt like he had a hangover and was itching for something to pick him up. He didn’t bring any Tylenol with him on the trip so he’d have to deal with that later. First he needed a long hot shower to wash off the sweat and smell of sex. His hot shower helped a little but he was still a little edgy. He decided he would go down to the hotel pool and relax awhile and then text Cody from last night to set up something for later. As Rob relaxed at the pool he took the opportunity to check his profiles on the hook-up sites for messages. As he scanned the messages on his phone he was amazed at how many guys wanted to hook up and service his cock. He wasn’t surprised that he got messages, after all he was a real stud; he was just a bit shocked by the sheer number of them. Was it the new pictures he added to the profiles or was it just because he was in New Orleans and there were more willing horny bottoms here than there were back in Ohio? He’d have to wait until he returned home next week to make that determination. He was confident though that he’s get some fresh meat in Ohio and probably a lot of sluts begging for a repeat fuck. His cock started to harden at that thought and his bulge became quite evident in swim trunks. He quickly deleted a lot of the messages of guys he thought weren’t deserving of his cock. With all these messages he could afford to be choosy. Soon his phone buzzed indicating he just received a message from BBRT. According to the profile associated with the message, it was from a couple visiting from Toronto, Canada. It said they were both total bottoms and liked three-ways and watching their partner getting fucked. Rob wasn’t quite sure how a pair of bottoms could be a couple; to him it seemed like they wouldn’t get much sex that way. Their pictures on the profile looked good. There was one of them both sharing a cock in their mouths, a couple of nude frontals and a pic of each of them getting fucked by a mystery cock. The most interesting thing though was that according to the geolocation feature, they were less than 100 feet away. Rob looked up from his phone and spied the pair on the other side of the pool holding their phone and staring at him. When they nodded at him, Rob acknowledged them and nodded back. With the dark sunglasses he was wearing, the pair couldn’t really tell how much Rob was staring, so they stood up and entered the pool to get wet. They casually swam toward Rob to try to determine if he was interested but Rob kept his cool and from his poker face they really couldn’t tell. However when they exited the pool and Rob saw their tight little asses in their Speedos his cock twitched. Rob then replied to their message “You want my cock – your room – lead the way.” With that the Canadians quickly dried off and headed back into the hotel. Rob slowly followed them to the elevator inside. When the three were alone in the elevator on the way to the 12th floor, Rob took a closer look at them without his sunglasses. They matched the profile pictures pretty well, but he couldn’t tell which ass shot belonged to which since they had covered up with their towels for the trip back to the room. Both guys had the same dark hair and trim smooth body. One of the pair got bold and reached out to rub Rob’s cock thru his swim trunks. Rob got a smirk on his face and said “I hope you two don’t get into some lover’s quarrel over who gets fucked first” “ Don't worry, I’m sure I have at least a load for each of you.” The elevator soon reached the 12th floor and the trio exited. Once inside the room, Rob wasted no time and dropped his trunks. “Suck my cock faggots!’ he sneered. The two immediately dropped to their knees and both began to work on Rob’s cock with their tongues. It was clear these two had done this many times before; they worked together like a synchronized team. While one sucked Rob’s cock the other would lick and suck his low hanging balls. Without a word they would switch roles. Rob took some time to thrust his cock in one throat and pump a few times and then move to the other guy’s mouth as they were kneeled before him. “Ok cock whores, get your asses out of those pussy suits and get prepared to take a pounding.” “Since you both did a decent job getting my cock wet, that’s all the lube you are getting; I will let you decide who gets fucked first.” The shortest of the pair climbed up on the bed, reached back to spread his cheeks and presented his hole to Rob. Without a word Rob lined up and slammed his cock into the waiting hole. The bottom screamed in pain into the pillow while his partner watched and jerked his own throbbing cock. Rob noticed him jerking and decided it wasn’t acceptable for a bottom to be masturbating that way. If there was a Top in the room, that bottom should have his focus on pleasuring him. Rob kicked at the voyeur’s cock and said “Get your tongue out and eat my ass while I fuck your boyfriend!” When the bottom didn’t move fast enough, Rob grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back to his ass. “Now start eating!” The Canadian didn’t have a choice really. This certainly wasn’t how he and his partner usually played. Part of the fun for them was to watch the pleasure in the other’s face as they were getting fucked. In this case though, Rob was fucking so roughly that it wasn’t clear the one who was getting plowed was getting much enjoyment. In fact from the blood streaks on Rob’s cock, it was more of a case of the ass being brutally ripped open. After a half hour of hard pounding Rob came in the bottom’s ass. He then pulled out, turned and had the other bottom clean his cock. “Clean that cock, I don’t want you having any extra cum as lube.“ “You need to experience the same joy as your boyfriend just did.” The guy on the bed was crying from that experience and he was clearly in shock. Rob pushed him off the bed and pulled the other by his hair onto the bed. He then repeated the process by lining his cock up and slamming it in. Although the new bottom was expecting a rough fuck after witnessing his partner being used, he wasn’t quite prepared for the entry and he too yelled out into the pillow. “Hey fucker, your ass is tighter than your boyfriend’s, he’s probably been sneaking around on you.” “Tell you what; I’ll open you up so you both have matching gaping holes.” Rob started deep hard thrusts more aimed at hurting the bottom than anything thing else. His deep thrusts and motion didn’t really allow for the previously fucked bottom to rim him while he was fucking. That didn’t stop Rob from adding a little extra degradation to the mix. He reached over and grabbed the guy by the neck and pushed his face toward the floor. “You focus on licking and worshipping my feet while I’m busy fucking.” This fuck lasted a little longer than the first and it was almost 40 minutes of solid fucking before Rob shot his next load into the now bloodied ass. The foot worshiper was then made to clean Rob’s cock. Rob put his swim trunks back on and headed toward the door. “I’ll let you know if I want another round, since I know where you are staying and it's convenient for me.” “That was fun,” Rob thought. His headache was still there from his party withdrawal, but the fucking did get his juices flowing and made him feel a little bit better. He decided to go back to his own room and text Cody.
    6 points
  6. It had been a few months since posting my number on Breedingzone, and pornhub. But it finally paid off when a trucker texted me to say that he was going to be at the truck stop , in Olive Branch, MS.. I told him I stay one mile from the Flying J and would love to meet up with him. He let me know that next Tuesday and every Tuesday after that he would be in the area, and really wanted to breed my fuck hole. This was on a Thursday and I was so excited about the coming week. He text Tuesday morning to let me know he would be there around 5pm. I said GREAT since I usually work until 4 or 5pm. When I got off work I went right home showered and got my hole ready to take his load, or loads.. I text him when ready and he said to meet him outside the J in 15 mins. I arrived and OMG , the man was about 6'3 , 220 lbs and just a big bear of a man. I walked up to him and he said OH YEAH, you are going to be my whore for the night. We walked out to his truck and got in. As soon as I was in , and said ok, now get those fucking clothes off and start servicing your daddy. His cock was about 8.5 and had one of biggest mushroom heads I had ever seen. I quickly took it all and nursed it for about 30 mins , before he said good boy, now daddy wants that hole you been telling me about. I got on my knees and he lubed my hole and then with out warning just plowed in balls deep. I was in heaven and pain all at the same time. He just kept saying shut up and take that fucking cock, you little whore. He told me he was going to knock me up and make me his regular weekly fuck. He fucked me for like an hour and then told me clean off his cock, which I did , as a good bottom slut . While I was sucking his cock he was busy on his phone. He was talking with someone and said : Yeah just put my first load in and getting serviced for my next load. Yeah , I am in the red truck middle row, 4th truck in . I was not sure what was going on. But soon learned that my new Daddy was whoreing me out. (HOT) About 15 mins later a knock was at his truck door, and he said your next load is here. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and went and let the guy in. He was a tall thin guy with lots of tatts up and down his arms. He quickly took off his clothes and showed his 9 inch cock that had a tat off a scorpion on it. That was really fucking hot. He also had a bio tat on his chest circling his nipple. He looked at me and said: oh yeah I'm going to enjoy giving this bitch my toxic seed. I quickly took his cock into my hungry mouth and sucked him as best I could , it was so damn big and I was doing my best to deep throat it but it was to big and had curve that was hot as fuck. I serviced him for only about 15 mins and he was fingering my hole the whole time. He looked down at me and said ok BITCH TIME TO BREED. I turned around and presented my freshly used hole and begun to eat my hole like never before. My trucker Daddy got in front of me and forced his huge cock down my throat again. After a few minutes the guy behind me got up and mounted me. His cock was nice and the curve really felt awesome. I could not say anything as my new Daddy had his cock balls deep in my throat. The second guy was fucking my hole like a true top stud. Slamming it in and out and calling me a dirty fucking whore the whole time. My daddy was just laughing saying : Yeah FUCK THIS BITCH GOOD. He fucked my hole for about 20 mins before saying, here you go bitch , TAKE MY TOXIC SEED.. I lay there for a mins and started to get up when Daddy said : where you think your going? You are my whore for the night and you are staying right here till I put at least two more loads in that bitch cunt. The second guy laughed and said : YEAH YOU FUCKING WHORE, WE ARE GOING TO BREED THAT CUNT ALL NIGHT.. I ended up staying in the truck for the next 3 hours and took 2 more loads from each of my Top Breeders. It was so great and I gave my second guy my number and told him : Here is my number . 618-967-7232... Text me anytime you get this way. They both sent me a text at least twice a month and kept my hole well used. And yes this is my true cell number.
    5 points
  7. Part 56 - Swim Meat It had been a rough season for the team. The first several meets they had been missing at least one swimmer that had been out with the flu. The coach had started to make sure that the team had been taking vitamins and getting flu shots, but it didn’t really help. Finally, the whole team seemed healthy and back to normal in time for a clinic up at the university about an hour north. It was a three day clinic where several coaches, college swimmers and ex-olympic athletes would give tips to all the swimmers. Coach Adams thought that this would be a good way to get his team back into competition shape. He even was able to coerce money out of they school district to pay for three hotel rooms so they didn’t have to commute each day. The team showed up after classes on Thursday with their gear bags and a duffle bag with clothes. Shane convinced the coach to let Ric join the team and be the go-fer and baggage handler. Reluctantly he agreed when Ric offered to pay for his own meals. They settled into the van and Coach Adams drove the team up to the university. When they pulled into the hotel, Ric got a big grin on his face. The sign said “Rest Inn Lodge” and he remembered it well. He hoped the manager that had been there during his stay with Dave would be there. The guys hopped out of the van and followed the coach into the lobby. Ric looked around and was trying to remember the name of the manager. The coach hit the bell and several seconds later Dennis walked out of the office at the same time a young blonde girl came running down the hall. Ric looked at Dennis and Dennis looked at Ric. Dennis couldn’t remember why Ric looked familiar and then it clicked. “Sarah, I’ll take care of this group. You can finish up with your other tasks” Dennis said. Ric saw Dennis wink at him and then Dennis said to the coach “Can I help you?” “Yes, I have three rooms reserved under Adams. We’re here for the swim clinic” Coach Adams said. “Let me check…” Dennis said and then continued “Ah, got it. Uh, we have a slight problem with your reservation. You wanted three rooms in a row. One of the rooms that we had assigned to you had a plumbing problem and is unusable. I have another room that is about six doors down, so you would have two together and then one a short ways away. Is that OK?” Dennis said. "Uh, not really. I need to be able to chaperone these high school kids and it will be hard to do that if one is not with the others” the coach said, exasperated. “I’m sorry, but there aren’t many other alternatives. We only have a few other rooms available since people are in for the seminar and other university activities this weekend. The only other alternative is to have you spread even farther apart and on different floors” Dennis explained, giving Ric another wink. Ric nudged Shane and nodded. Shane then said “Come on, coach. We don’t have much of a choice. We’ll promise to be on our best behavior.” “That’s what I’m afraid of. It’s not like we have much of a choice. OK, we’ll take it” Coach Adams said. “I’d recommend you take one of the two that are together and put the ones you think will be uh… troublesome next to you.” Dennis said. “That’s all of them. I should have brought rope to tie them up so they don’t get loose” the coach said. “That, I can help you with…” Dennis said as a couple of the team gasped and then he said “I’m just kidding.” Dennis programmed the keys and handed them over. “Here’s two keys for room 141, four keys for room 143, and four keys for room 152. If there’s anything I can do, please let me or any of my staff know.” Ric chuckled when he heard room 152. That was the room he lost his virginity in and got pozzed in too. He nudged Shane again and whispered “we get 152.” “Oh Mr. Adams, let me send down some adult beverages for you as compensation for the inconvenience. What would you prefer?” Dennis said just as the team started to leave. “Oh, thanks. Uh… light beer would be great” the coach replied. Ric, Shane, Marty, Zac took the keys for room 152. Ric looked back and saw Dennis motion for him to come closer at the end of the counter. Dennis whispered “You were here before, right?” and Ric nodded. “And in that room for a special night?” Dennis then asked. “Yeah, and you visited for some fun” Ric replied quietly. “OK, I thought so. Try and keep the coach from seeing the room. I wasn’t sure, but I thought you guys might want some space to play. Stop by later and fill me in, ok?” Dennis said, giving Ric a wink. Ethan, Toby and Max took the room next to the coach and they all went to their rooms to unpack. Coach Adams dropped his bag and was just about to check on each of the guys rooms when Dennis arrived with a six pack of light beer in a bucket of ice. “Please make sure that your students don’t raid your stash. The police usually stop by a few times a night during the weekends to make sure there’s no underage drinking going on” Dennis said. The coach took the beer and set it back in the room on the counter next to the sink. As he walked towards the door, the entire team was there asking about dinner. Ric had gone back to the front desk and spotted Dennis who ushered him into the office. “So, how are you doing?” Dennis asked. “Fuckin, great” Ric said. “I heard from Dave that you’re in the club now. Congrats” Dennis said and Ric replied “Thanks” with a huge grin. “So, did you share with these guys? Or are they still neg?” Dennis asked. Ric chuckled. “I tagged them all. I got three and then we took care of the rest of the team. We have a very positive senior class.” “Fuck yeah. Are you planning on having any fun while you’re here this weekend?” Dennis asked while rubbing his bulge. “I know that some of the guys are hoping to find other swimmers to fuck, but I don’t think theres a plan” Ric explained. “And what about the coach? Gay? Straight? Bi? I kind of got a vibe from him” Dennis then asked. “No clue. I know we have a couple gay teachers at school, but they try and stay in the closet, at school anyway. I know the coach isn’t married, but I don’t know what team he plays on” Ric said. He reached over and rubbed Dennis’s cock through his pants and smiled before saying “I hope I can taste this again this weekend.” “Oh yeah! And let me know if you need help with any legal neg guys you find” Dennis said as Ric walked out of the office. Ric was walking down the hall and met the team walking the other way. “We’re heading to dinner” Shane said. The team ate dinner and then the coach drove everyone back to the hotel. “We need to be a eating a light breakfast at 7:30 AM and In the van with your gear at 8:30. Checkin at the clinic starts at 9. I’ll be checking on you guys this evening. You better not be causing trouble. This is a training camp, not a party” the coach barked to the team as they walked through the lobby. Each group went to their rooms and the coach went to his. He grabbed a cold beer and then went to look around the hotel to see what places that the team should be avoiding. He found the gym and noticed several new looking pieces of equipment and then looked at the locker room and sauna. “I’m going to have to spend some time in here, relaxing” he thought. He finished his beer and dropped it into a waste bin and found the breakfast area and then the bar. He sat down at the bar and ordered a pint of beer and watched the sports recap on TV. Dennis walked through the bar several times as he usually did making sure that the hotel was running smoothly and checking out Coach Adams. At one point an attractive woman that looked to be a few years older than the coach took a seat next to him and seemed to be hitting on him. The coach seemed to be disinterested and finally she gave up and found an older businessman to use her charms on. He ordered another beer and continued watching TV and checking his phone. Dennis noticed he seemed to have a text conversation going with someone. Dennis got more interested and sent his own text message and before too long, his boyfriend Corey showed up. Corey sat down a couple stools away from the coach and ordered a drink. Soon he was talking to the coach, first about whatever sports news was on the TV and before too long, they were facing each other, talking. Dennis knew how good Corey was at picking up both straight and gay guys and getting the straight guys to take a walk on the wild side. After the third pint, the coach and Corey got up and started walking out of the bar. Coach Adams walked by and stopped in front of each of the team’s rooms and listened. All he heard was a TV from both rooms and then walked with Corey back to his room. “We have to be quiet. My team is next door” the coach whispered to Corey before he pulled him close and kissed him. Corey slid his hand underneath the coach’s polo shirt with the logo of the school on the chest. The shirt was pulled over his head and thrown on the floor. Corey backed the coach towards the bed without his tongue ever leaving the coach’s mouth. With the coach on his back, Corey unbuckled the belt and unbuttoned the coach’s jeans before pulling them off. The coach laid there in just a pair of trunks with a sizable bulge and wet spot. He looked down at the coach and quickly took his clothes off. Corey climbed on the bed and lowered his cock to the coach’s mouth while Corey licked and chewed on the coach’s cock through his underwear. The coach's warm mouth took Corey’s cock in deep and Corey could tell he had an expert cocksucker blowing him. He started to fuck the coach’s mouth and the coach flicked his tongue all around Corey’s shaft. Corey was working the coach’s cock over too, soon dispensing with the underwear and swallowing his cock to the base. Corey was trying to decide whether to fuck or be fucked and came to the conclusion that his rock hard and dripping cock needed to be planted as deep as possible in the coach’s ass. Dennis knocked on the door and heard the guys inside laughing and then shushing each other. The door opened just a crack and Ric’s face filled the gap saying “Yes?” Ric looked out and saw Dennis with a large grin on his face and then opened the door wider and pulled him inside. Dennis looked around and saw four naked swimmers. Ric looked like he had just gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar and the other three were quickly trying to get out of the compromising positions they were in. Dennis chuckled and said “Good, I’m glad you’re making use of the room. Your coach is going to be occupied for a little while, so don’t worry about him interrupting your fun. You might want to let the other room know, but tell them the coach is in his room, so don’t be too obvious.” “Fuck yeah!” said all four. Ric then said “Do you want to join us? I’m sure any one of us would love to feel that cock inside them.” “Uh, are you all 18 or older?” Dennis said nervously. “All legal and toxic” Shane replied with a huge grin. It only took three seconds and Dennis was naked too. Zac took nearly as long to be kneeling in front of Dennis licking at his balls and cock. Ric moved behind Dennis and was feeling his body all over. After spending so much time with the shaved swimmers, he really enjoyed running his hands through Dennis’s fur. Dennis seemed to be enjoying it too and the three moved closer to the bed, since Shane and Marty were all over the couch with Shane laid out on his back and Marty devouring his cock. Zac slid under Dennis and tried to swallow down on his cock while Dennis was licking the charged precum that was drooling out of Zac’s cock. Ric spread Dennis’s ass apart and dove in tongue first. Ric loved the scent that Dennis was giving off and was licking up the sweat as much as he was digging his tongue into Dennis’s hole. Dennis was growling and moaning. It had been a while since he had been in the middle of a three-way and wanted to take full advantage of it. Zac was covering his cock with a thick coat of spit and Ric was prepping his hole with his tongue, spit and fingers. Corey climbed off the coach and moved between the coach’s muscular legs. While the coach no longer had the swimmer’s build of his youth, he had kept in very good shape and still had the rounded, muscular bubble butt that most of his sex partners loved. His close cropped dark hair accented his gray-green eyes. He kept his body hair shaved like the swimmers he coached. His pubes were trimmed and surrounded his seven inches of average thickness cut meat. He stood a bit taller than most of his swim team at 5 foot 9. Corey rolled the coach on to his stomach and slapped his ass before pulling it apart and started to rim him. He felt the coach push his ass up, trying to get his tongue in deeper. Corey obliged and began to tongue fuck his hole. The coach was working his ass muscles around Corey’s tongue and Corey replaced his tongue first with one finger, then two. The coach was moaning as Corey’s fingers got deeper and at one point Corey told the coach to be quiet to not let the team members next door hear him. The coach buried his face in the bed and Corey added a third finger to his pussy. After adding some more spit Corey moved up and slid his stiff shaft between the tight ass cheeks and then pressed into the pucker. He felt the coach relax and his cock slid slowly inside, aided by the spit and now precum that was oozing from his cock. The coach raised his ass a little higher and squeezed his ass muscles around Corey’s cock. Corey began to wonder if the coach was total bottom or just an experienced one that could flip. He fucked harder and deeper until his pubes were pressing against the coaches bubble butt. He pressed a hand on the coach’s back, between the shoulder blades forcing his face into the now bouncing bed. Corey let out quiet grunts, but he secretly wanted to be as vocal as possible to let the swim team know that he was fucking their coach. His cock drove deep into the coach's cunt over and over until he started to hear the coach beg him. “Fuck yeah”, “wreck that hole”, “Gimme that load” came in between grunts and groans. Corey smiled and thought “Oh yeah, this fucker knows its bare and wants me to breed him.” Dennis had told him to make it a long fuck and Corey hoped that he had gone on long enough, since he really couldn’t delay his orgasm much longer. The next time he heard the coach beg him to breed him he plunged deep into his hole and felt his seed pump inside. His sweaty chest was on the coach’s back as his cock throbbed and his hips rolled, forcing the shaft in as far as it would go. The coach moaned out when he felt the hot cum flood his guts saying out loud “oh god, yes” and he milked Corey’s cock of every drop of seed. Dennis leaned upward and Ric did the same. “On your knees, boy” Dennis barked out at Zac who quickly removed his mouth from Dennis’s cock and turned around as fast as he could. He stood on all fours in front of Dennis who covered his fingers in spit and worked it into Zac’s quivering hole. Two fingers pushed into the tight pussy and Dennis stretched the hole out, getting it ready for his thick cock. Dennis added a third finger and twisted roughly before moving closer to Zac and slammed his cock in immediately after he pulled his fingers out. Zac screamed out from the sudden intrusion. Ric grabbed Zac’s speedo and stuffed it into his mouth to muffle any further screams. Dennis hammered away at Zac’s hole until Rick climbed behind him and then he just pushed deep into Zac and stayed there. Ric took his clue and lined his dripping cock at Dennis’s hole and plowed in all the way with one firm stroke. Dennis groaned loudly as Ric’s long, thick cock tore into Dennis’s tight hole. “Fuck, that’s a sweet pussy” Ric whispered into Dennis’s ear. His cock throbbed and Dennis whimpered, the pain in his ass was incredible from the invasion, but it turned him on knowing that Ric knew how to knock up guys by destroying their hole and then dumping his toxic sperm inside. When he had recovered a bit, he pushed back against Ric, giving himself enough room to fuck into Zac and then back on to Ric. Dennis was sweating profusely, partially from Ric’s rough entry and also from fucking. Zac was working his ass muscles, greedily trying to get Dennis to breed him. He enjoyed feeling Dennis poke into him deep, not as deep as Ric usually did, but still filling his ass up with cock. Dennis’s thrusts got harder, slamming into Zac and then Ric. He couldn’t believe how deep Ric’s cock went inside him, easily slamming into his inner ring. He knew he was going to get bred deep and hoped that Ric’s virus was going to give him the recharge that he craved. Marty was riding Shane’s cock with even more energy than he had before. He steadied himself with one hand on the back of the sofa and the other on Shane’s chest, tweaking his nipple occasionally. That usually elicited a big thrust from Shane’s hips and Marty loved feeling his best friend fill his ass up with poz cock. He looked over and saw Ric drilling into the hotel manager who was pounding Zac. He liked how Zac looked with his speedo stuffed in his mouth while he was getting fucked by the much bigger, bearded and hairy hotel manager. He hoped that he could get fucked in a three way like that, but wasn’t sure whether he wanted to be in front or the middle. He started squeezing his hole around Shane’s cock as he pulled up and looked back down at Shane’s face. He had a big grin that was accented by the patch of hair Shane had grown on his chin. Marty thought it looked hot, unlike Shane’s parents who harassed Shane endlessly about it. Shane was thrusting his hips up to meet Marty’s downward pushes and Shane’s cock started to swell. Marty knew the feeling well, having taken hundreds of Shane’s loads - first when they were neg and more recently when they had a lot more bite. He waited until he heard the familiar grunt and then forced himself down, taking all of Shane’s pulsating cock deep in his pussy. The warmth of Shane’s charged load filled him up again and he was in heaven. The coach laid there with Corey’s cock deep inside him. He’d clamp down on the softening shaft, trying to get another few drops of cum inside him. Corey was laying on top, their sweaty bodies glued together. After several minutes, Corey rolled off and laid on the bed next to the coach who moved down and started to lick the soft shaft, balls and pubes. Corey was sure that his cock was now clean, but the coach continued to nurse on his cock which was starting to get hard again. He looked down at the coach and said “You want more?” The coach looked back and let the cock drop out of his mouth saying “Yeah, its been months since my boyfriend got deployed and I haven’t been fucked since he left.” Corey laughed and said “Ok, but this one has to be quick since I have to get home before my boyfriend does.” He leaned up and pushed the coach on his back and lifted his legs up. Corey pushed him back and saw some cum dripping out of the coach’s abused hole. He pushed the cum up with his rigid cock on to the puckered hole and slid back inside. The cum filled hole felt silky around his rod and he gave the coach long strokes letting him feel all of his cock. Each thrust got harder and it didn’t take long until he was pounding in yet again. The coach was letting out grunts and yelps and Corey leaned forward and placed his hand over the coaches mouth. He slammed in hard and then slowly withdrew. BAM! he slammed in again and pulled back even slower. The coach’s eyes were wide open and staring back at Corey’s face, which had a sinister looking grin. BAM BAM! Corey slammed in, pulled back and slammed in again. Corey could see that mixture of excitement and fear in the coach’s eyes. BAM! he thrusted in again, each time forcing the coach further across the bed. He only had a few more before he would have to pull him back so he didn’t fall off the edge. His cock was throbbing and his balls were churning. BAM! Corey slammed in again, his cock pushing into the soft walls of the coach’s chute. He heard a whimper escape around his hand and closed his eyes. With one final slam, Corey unleashed a second flood of cum into the coach’s hungry hole. When the spurts of seed stopped, Corey leaned back, taking his hand off the coach’s mouth. “Oh my god, that was intense. I’ve never been fucked like that!” exclaimed the coach. Corey was panting and his cock hurt from the rough fuck. “I hope it wasn’t too much” Corey said as he pulled his cock out and sat back on the bed. “Fuck no! I’ve always wanted to try it rough and I loved it” the coach replied. He crawled over and started licking Corey’s cock and then stopped. “I think I taste a bit of blood though. I’m gonna be sore tomorrow” the coach said before quickly licking the rest of the cum off Corey’s cock. Dennis started grunting louder and Ric could feel his hole pulse around Ric’s thrusting cock. Ric knew that Dennis was about to cum so he wrapped his arm around Dennis’s chest, letting him pull Ric along with each shove into Zac’s surely wrecked hole. Dennis let out a growl and everyone knew he was one step away. “FUCK!” he yelled out and unleashed a torrent of viral seed into Zac’s newly poz hole. The orgasm milked Ric’s load out of him and he pumped a huge load of his own strain into Dennis’s guts. Ric’s chest was tight against Dennis’s sweaty back and he ran his fingers through the sweat soaked hair on Dennis’s chest. Their bodies were heaving together as they gasped for air. He heard Zac mutter “fuck yeah” over and over. Zac, Dennis and Ric finally pulled apart and Marty and Shane hurried over and joined them on the bed, Marty sucking Dennis’s cock and Shane slurping on Ric’s. Marty pulled off and said to Dennis “You really wrecked his hole.” Dennis patted Zac on the head and said “Thanks, you really took it well.” Zac smiled enjoying the feeling of his hole throbbing and coated with another man’s toxic cum. “I have to get going guys. Let me know if you want any help with other guys you find at the swim clinic” Dennis said as he got up. Marty’s hope of taking Dennis’s cock would have to wait another day. Dennis put his clothes back on, leaving the tails of his shirt hanging out and just draping his tie around his neck. “Shit! I gotta get home” Corey said, looking at the alarm clock in the room. He quickly got dressed and slapped the coach’s naked butt before saying “Bye and thanks. That was fun” and then heading out the door. Corey walked down the hallway and met Dennis walking out of the orgy room. He high-fived his boyfriend and they walked out to their car.
    5 points
  8. Part 8 It was early evening Saturday by now, I’d been at Dean’s house since early afternoon. I had no idea how long I’d been there until I looked at a clock. I didn’t care either, all I wanted was more drugs, more cock and more cum inside me. Daddy and I got in the car and he turned to me “I’m so fucking proud of you Justin. You were amazing back there. Daddy raised you to be a dirty little whore who never said no. And you proved yourself to be exactly that today. Dean kept track and you took 18 loads today including the ones at the mall.” I smiled and blushed a little. I love making Daddy proud of me. And my cumdump was still aching for more. “Thanks, Daddy. I had an awesome time. My pussy was fucking hungry. What’s the surprise?” He just smiled and kept driving. “You’ll see. I know you’re going to like it. One more thing you should know. I set you up with Dean. I wanted you to have a good experience the first time you got gang banged, and I know him and trust him. I wanted my baby boy to be raped hard but kept safe.” He smiled at me and continued, “I met Dean when he was only 18 and still a virgin. I took his cherry and got him into pig sex, just like you. Now you’re 18 and he’s helping me introduce you to being the dirty little faggot pig I know you can be.” He reached over and tousled my hair. Then he reached behind me and started to play with the crack of my hairy ass. I leaned my head back and moaned. “Fuck Daddy, my ass is so fucking hungry. I really need to take some more cocks. Are you taking me to where I can get more cocks, please?” He laughed and said “holy shit, son, you are a hungry little fag. Yes, I’m taking you to where you can get more cocks. As a matter of fact we’re here.” Daddy pulled the car up in front of a low, sleazy looking one story building. There was graffiti on one end and the sign was kind of beat up. It read ‘13th Avenue Arcade.’ I couldn’t figure out why were going to an arcade to play video games, and said so. He laughed “Oh baby boy, it’s not that kind of arcade. But we will be playing some fun games. Mostly involving your cunt and some strangers’ cocks.” He pulled the car around the back, and parked in a dark corner of the parking lot. He leaned over and kissed me deep on the lips. “You’re such a hot little faggot, son. I can’t wait for you to find out your surprise.” He grinned again, and pulled a small case out of the glovebox of the car. He unzipped it and pulled out two loaded points, along with a strap and alcohol pads. I knew exactly what to do. I grabbed the pad and started wiping the crook of my arm while Daddy put a strap on each of our arms. He carefully slid the needle into my arm and pulled back until it registered a bright red flash. He smiled and said “hold on, when I say ‘now,’ push it in,” and proceeded to slip the loaded point into his vein. As soon as his point registered, he looked over at me and said “you ready faggot?” I laughed and said “I was born ready for this, Daddy.” He laughed again and said “you sure were. NOW!” With that we both pushed the plungers in on our respective points. This one was stronger than what Dean and Eric had given me, my ears rang, and I started to cough. I could see that it was affecting Daddy the same way. “Good boy! Let’s go in there and get you gang raped!” I opened the door of the car and got unsteadily to my feet. I made an extra effort to keep the buttplug in my cunt, not wanting to lose any of the 18 loads of cum I had inside me. Daddy opened the back door of the arcade and I could see it was dimly lit inside. Off to the right there was a door with two large windows in it, and I could see a video playing there on an enormous screen. I could hear some low moaning from behind the door and from other places in the room I couldn’t identify. To the left were a bunch of plywood booths with doors on them. A couple were ajar and I could see video screens inside, showing clips of movies. There were 8 or 10 men milling about the room, cruising or being cruised. Daddy and I walked to the front of the room and passed through a brightly lit doorway into the front part of the store. There were cheap sex toys for sale, dildos, vibrators, cockrings, as well as a few straggler DVDs for people who hadn’t quite embraced streaming porn. Daddy walked up to the counter and threw $20 on the glass case. He smiled at the young man working there and said “Hey Chuck how you been? This is my son, Justin. I’m bringing him around to show him the ropes.” Chuck laughed. He reached out a meaty paw at the end of a hairy arm and shook my hand. “Nice to meet ya Justin. Your Dad’s a nasty fucking pig. He teaching you to be one too?” I blushed and said “he sure is. I love it.” Chuck laughed and leaned over to ask Daddy quietly, “you been playin darts with this boy?” Daddy laughed. “Maybe. You’ll have to find out.” Chuck got a nasty shit eating grin on his face. “I plan to do that, Mike.” Chuck was a large man, about 30 years old, probably 6’5” tall and broad shouldered. He had hair pouring out of the collar of his t-shirt, as if the thin white cotton just couldn’t contain the fur. He had a little bit of a beer belly and a shaved head. He was incredibly hot, and his tight shorts left little to the imagination. Chuck took the $20 bill Daddy laid on the counter and handed Daddy a bunch of brass tokens. He took half of them and handed them to me. Chuck said “feel free to go in the movie room. Let me know when you wanna go back there and I’ll buzz you in.” Daddy tousled my hair again and said “you ready boy? Let’s go get that cumdump raped again. What do you say?” “Fuck yeah, Daddy. My pussy is desperate. I’ve gotta have more cum inside me. I really wanna get used like a whore.” He laughed and we walked in the back. “Have fun, guys, I’ll come back and check on you in a while,” Chuck said. Daddy and I waved and we walked back into the back room. He led me over to one of the booths in the middle of the row and opened the door. There were holes in both side walls and a TV screen at the front. Daddy pulled the door shut and said “strip.” I took off my t-shirt and shorts and he reached around and pulled the large buttplug out of my hole. I moaned loudly. I lived for my cunt being full, and now it felt so empty. The slam we did in the car left me desperate for cock. Daddy reached over and started to kiss me hard, on the mouth and said “are you ready for your surprise, son? Are you ready to be bred by any cock that wants to breed you?” “Fuck Daddy! I need it so badly. You know I can’t say no to cock.” I moaned loudly. He reached over and bent me at the waist and I figured it out. He wanted me to shove my cunt up against the hole in the wall. “That’s it boy! That’s called a glory hole. You’ll find out in a minute why.” I moaned again, and I could hear the door in the next booth open. Then I heard one of the tokens dropped into the machine, a zipper pulled down and pants hitting the floor. “It’s showtime, baby boy,” Daddy whispered. “Fuck Daddy! I love you so much. This man is going to breed me and I can’t even see him, but I love his cock no matter what, as long as he shoots another load in me." I could feel the man’s cock head pressed against my ass, and I pushed my hole back further and just let his cock slide inside me. I heard the man in the other booth moan as his cock made its way inside my cunt. “Fuck that’s sloppy,” I could hear him whisper to himself. Daddy gave me a hit of poppers which I pulled deep into my lungs and held there. My cunt relaxed even more if that was possible. I was flying. I was high on crystal and poppers and cock. Mostly cock. Daddy’s surprise was just beginning but I could tell it was going to be a helluva fun night. The man in the other booth got into a good rhythm of fucking me with his nice fat 7” uncut cock. I moaned in a low guttural voice as the man started to pound my cunt, and Daddy said “I’ll be back in a minute, son. I’m pretty sure you know what to do now.” He handed me the bottle of poppers and let the door of the booth shut behind him. I was in heaven, and hoped it would last forever. Just as the booth door closed, the man on the other side of the wall sped up and I could feel his cock throbbing. Then the spurts that went all the way up my cunt. I was tweaked out of my mind, and focused on one thing and one thing only. My cunt and getting it as loaded up and raped by as many cocks as possible. The first glory hole cock held still and throbbed inside my ass, then it slid out of me and I heard the man in the booth pull up his pants and walk out. I noticed some movement in the booth on the other and I looked inside, only to see a huge fat cut dick appear. “Sit on it faggot,” the disembodied voice on the other side said. “Yes, sir!” I said and turned around only to sink my sloppy hole onto the new man’s cock that wanted to use me. I could tell it was going to be a long night and my cunt throbbed now that it was once again happy and full of cock.
    5 points
  9. I don't really write that often (or ever before, to be specific), so let me know what you guys think. +++ I probably should've been more careful. I've lived with my uncle for a while now, having moved there when my dad was sent off to prison. My mom had died not long after I was born, which left me being sent to the closest relatives I had. Turned out that was my uncle Eric. He was a good guy, but these days, he was pretty busy. The auto shop he worked at had acquired a contract with a major local rental company and handled most of their repairs. Today, like most days, he was off working at the shop, probably late into the evening. I was used to that. What I wasn't used to was having dad back home. When I was a kid a ten year sentence sounded like an eternity. In reality, time passes quickly, and he's been nothing but an absolute dick since he'd gotten out. Eric had tried to get him a job at the shop, but that quickly went south, since dad didn't take kindly to being ordered around. Prison hadn't done him any favors in that department, and my uncle said he was a surly bastard before that. I don't remember too much of him from before, really, but he sure as hell hadn't gotten nicer. Seeing as Eric was gone all day as usual, I guess I'd assumed dad would be out, too. He was supposed to be headed to follow up on a few job opportunities today, and Eric had dropped him off in town in the morning. I had stayed home, as usual, and when the gardener had come around during mid-day, we did our usual thing. Mitch was the first (and only) guy I'd fucked. He'd been my uncle's gardener for years, and given all the work he did around the house, he had a muscular, rugged frame. He was a local guy, about fifteen or so years older than me. There were more days than I could count where I'd spent the afternoon sitting at the window, watching him haul his sweaty shirt off his body to reveal that bearish physique, hairy body dripping with sweat. I was a teenager the first time he caught me trying to get a peek at his dick, and after pleading with him not to tell my uncle Eric, I managed to convince him to let me have a good look. A good look turned into a blow job (which apparently, I was a natural at), and before long, we had a steady routine with him going out, doing the yard work, then coming inside and stripping down, lowing his hairy, beefy body on top of me to fuck my face and throat. Admittedly, that was easier said than done; he had a meaty seven inch cock, and it had taken some getting used to when he'd thrust it down my throat in the throes of a good skullfuck. Of course, it didn't take too long for him to go further south and have a go at my hole. That truly had been an undertaking, but once he was balls deep in me, I couldn't get enough of it. We only got worse then, even getting me to convince my uncle that the yard needed more upkeep. Every time he came over now, he spent more time pounding me than out in the yard. That's what we were up to today, with him up on top of me, groaning with delight. "Jesus, Mason, I can feel your pussy pulling me in," he panted, sweat dripping down from his brow onto my chest. I could feel the entire bed rocking with his thrusts, my body bouncing back and forth with it as well. I kept an ear out for the sound of my uncle's bike pulling up, as that was usually our cue to pack up and get decent, though at this point in the day, I figured there was little chance that would happen. Imagine my surprise, then, when the sensation of Mitch's shaft pumping in and out of me was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open. Mitch fell off of me in a surprised heap, and behind him was my dad, his face looking bewildered. I wasn't really sure how to react; after all, I was naked, with my hole exposed right then and there. "The FUCK is this, boy?" his voice snarled out, and I could hear Mitch scrambling to his feet, stuttering as he gathered up his clothes. He didn't even take the condom off before pulling his underwear on. For his part, my dad glanced over at him, scoffed a bit, then turned back to me, ignoring the other man in the room while he stared me down. "You got me out looking for jobs when apparently we've a perfectly good whore on our hands right here," he said, and I found myself stammering, not even sure how to respond. Mitch was bright red, his clothes barely hanging on as he bolted out of the door. I could hear the door slam downstairs, my heart racing as dad stood there, leering. "Well? Anything to say?" "D-Dad, I swear, it's not like that," I stammer, and he leers at me, grinning now. "Well, I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be now," he says, latching the door shut. I made a move to get off the bed, but he quickly shouted, "Stay right as you are, boy. I didn't tell you to get dressed." I froze, my heart hammering away. I could smell the booze on him from here; clearly, he'd gone out and gotten drunk instead of going to get a job as he'd said. He made his way over to the bed, shrugging off his coat as he did. "I'm gonna see about getting in touch with a couple of my buddies to find some men looking for some tight pussy to fuck. You're gonna do what they ask, they're gonna pay me, and that's that. You understand?" "Dad, I --" I started, but the look he gave me was enough to convince me otherwise. I could see his jaw twitch, and I paled, for once wishing my uncle would get home early. Dad seemed satisfied by my silence, then continued. "On that note, it's been too damn long since I got a chance to breed some hole. Given that you're all ready to go, I'm gonna be your first John," he said, then reached down to pull off his shirt. I had avoided him since he'd gotten back, and so I had yet to see what he looked like shirtless. His torso was covered in varous tattoos, some of them there from when I was a kid, but others entirely new. The one that stood out the most was the one right above his groin: a biohazard symbol, much cleaner and newer than the ones around it. I was no fool; I knew exactly what that meant. Apparently, the look on my face said it too, as a predatory grin spread across dad's face once he looked up from taking his jeans off. "Looks like I don't need to explain the next part." Now fully naked, I found myself trying to crawl away from him, his massive form dwarfing mine. I'd inherited his beefy build, sure, but given how much younger I was and the fact that he'd been lifting weights longer than I'd been alive, he was an absolute beast of a bear, barrel-chested with a beefy gut and thick limbs. I felt one hand reach and grab at my leg while the other pinned me down, the weight seeming impossibly huge as I felt him force my leg up to my chest. "It's gonna hurt, boy, but you might as well start getting used to it," he said, roughly folding me up with his weight as his hand slammed down over my lips, muffling my protests. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the terrible reality of the situation setting in. I struggled, but all I could really do was wriggle around under him, flexing and whimpering helplessly. Meanwhile, I could feel his hairy body rubbing against me, his cock slapping up against my beefy ass. I could feel it pulsing, growing thicker with every second. He rubbed it back and forth down my crack, sighing some as he threw his head back. "Can't wait to hear what the guys say when I tell them I've found a pussy for us to use," he said, and even as I struggled, he moved his hardening shaft back, letting it slide downward until the head was right at the still-open entrance to my hole. There was no warning, no preparation. He didn't even lube it up before pushing forward and sliding into me. Luckily for me, Mitch had lubed up before fucking me, but even then, given how much bigger my dad was, it was impossible not to cry out into his hand, my hole burning. "Holy shit, that's tight," he chuckled, whistling a bit to himself. I could see him grinning even with the tears blurring my vision, and as my hole tightened in protest, he increased the pressure, forcing it deeper and deeper, splitting me in two. I gasped out in agony, his hand only tightening. When that hairy groin finally pressed up against my ass, I felt like he was punching me in the gut with it, my belly aching from the feeling of it pressing in. He held it there for a brief moment, savoring the first hole he'd fucked in months. "See, there you go, relax," he said, chuckling to himself. It still hurt like hell, but indeed, now that he had no more cock to force in me, my body was forced to adjust, slowly relaxing around his thick girth. He pulled back, the burning coming back some, though not nearly as horribly as the pain of him forcing in. Still, it was by no means pleasant as he rammed back and forth into me. my hole losing the bit of relaxation it had attained before. The bed rocked loudly, his hips slapping against mine as he bore down on me from above, his face looming over mine, sneering as he ruthlessly thrusted away. "That's right, slut, you know what's coming to you, you know what this means..." He chuckled to himself, closing his eyes and enjoying my hole. "I've knocked up every bitch I've ever fucked, Mason, and now I'm gonna knock you up, too," he grunted, then panted out in erratic, short bursts, his thrusts growing frenzied and brutal. I could feel my hole get wet, stinging now, and with a snarl, he rammed his cock in deep. I knew he was cumming, and I could do little more than whimper in response. After what felt like a few minutes, he pulled his cock out of me, still panting. My hole ached, though I was glad it was seemingly over with, as his hand left my mouth. I remained limp underneath him, resigned to it now that his load was oozing out of my ass. What was the point? I knew what that tattoo meant, and what was no doubt in store for me next. Even as he rolled over onto the bed beside me, reaching down beside it to fish his phone out of his pants, I remained there, a bit scared to even try getting up without permission. Dad looked through his phone for a bit, then grinned, putting it aside. "Alright, cunt, my friend will be here in a bit... Now, turn around and get on all fours. You're ready for your second dose of daddy's venom..."
    4 points
  10. Anyone following along regarding gray bear- he felt better last night. Hardly any fever but still a bit weak. I had him get on all fours so I could fuck him again as I was hard all day at work thinking about his newly pozzed cunt. I took it easy on him since he didn't have much energy, and dumped my nut after five minutes of slow fucking. I fixed us some dinner after that, then got back in bed and had him lean back against me as I rubbed his nipples and belly, and welcomed him to the poz brotherhood. I began rubbing his cock and telling him to shoot his FIRST toxic load for me. He came so fast I could barely catch it in my hand, but what I did catch I quickly fed to him. The rest I rubbed into his belly, chest, and beard, calling him a filthy pig as I did so. He fell asleep, so I went and watched some tv until bedtime. I then went back to bedroom and fucked him a second time before I decided to call it a night. I have two poz bear buddies I see all the time. I think I want to share my newest pig with them this weekend.
    4 points
  11. Today was pretty casual, and my partner Shane was chatting on and off with a few guys on Grindr. After dinner, a guy from UMass said he’d like to come over for some hot tub time. We hung out a bit when he arrived, and then stripped down and jumped in the tub. The guy was hot looking — browning-red hair, blue eyes, 6’, lean athletic build, and sporting a large cock (even while it wasn’t erect). Chatted awhile out there as the sun set, shared a bottle of wine, and enjoyed the casual progression of touching under the water. Finally Shane sat along the edge of the tub and the guy went right down on his cock, using one hand to hold Shane’s hardon while he worked his mouth along the shaft. We took turns sitting along the edge getting each of our cocks worked over. The UMass student’s hardon was about 7.5” and thick, with a nice smooth head that mushroomed wider than the shaft. At one point, both he and Shane were leaning over the side of the tub in the twilight, showcasing their asses and sweet holes. I went back and forth, tonguing both their tight holes, and gently probing one with a finger while my tongue was in the other. Finally Shane asked if he wanted to take things inside, and the stud quickly agreed. I closed up the tub and followed a moment later, grabbing my towel to dry off. I looked around the house quickly, and found Shane had led him downstairs to the place space in the basement where the sling is hung. They were standing naked in middle of the room making out, both hardons raging while they stroked each other. I grabbed the lube and poppers out of a drawer, then joined them in a 3-way kiss. The stud dropped to his knees and started working both our dicks simultaneously, slurping as he went from one to the other. I was playing gently with Shane’s ass at first, then bent over to grab the stud’s ass and finger his hole again. “Have you been in a sling before?” I asked. ”Never.” ”Wanna try it?” ”Hell yeah!” We moved him to the sling, helping him jump in and position himself. I slipped one ankle into a stirrup while Shane did the other. Then I grabbed his thighs and pulled him so his ass was hanging over the edge of the sling. I stepped to the side and put a bottle of poppers under his nose, giving him two hits to start. Shane was the first to fuck him, entering slowly so the stud could acclimate to his hold being stretched. His dick was presuming as he took Shane’s cock in his ass. Shane rocked the sling gently, his cock sliding in and out ever so gently as the main event began. The stud let out a soft moan, wincing slightly at the thickness of Shane’s cock as it opened him up more. It was slow and steady at first, the college stud starting to moan as Shane gave the first fuck of the evening. The stud was stroking his own dick, and I slapped my dick on his mouth until he opened up and swallowed it. “How do you like the sling?” Shane asked ”Oh my god, this is so fucking hot!” Shane took that as a signal to start fucking him harder. The chains began to jangle with the rhythm of the fuck, and the college boy was grunting as he swang back and forth, his ass meeting Shane’s pelvis with a slap each time. I was stroking watching the live porn, loving the sight of this college boy taking Shane’s raw cock in the sling. “You want some?” Shane asked me. ”Fuck yeah.” We switched spots and I slid right into the stud. His hole was soooo warm, and Shane had opened him nicely. I like to stand still, pushing and pulling the sling by the chains so he is fucking himself on my dick. I moved my hips to enter at different angles, stretching his young hole even wider as I took him raw. He never asked for a rubber or flinched at being barebacked. His tall frame looked incredibly hot spread out in the sling, legs caught in the stirrups so he was totally exposed. I wrapped one hand around his dick and used it to leverage fucking him while swinging the sling back and forth. “Oh fuck yeah!!” He kept saying as he was impaled. I started feeling the juices building up, and I knew this boy was in for a load. “You want my load, don’t you?” “Oh fuck yeah!” “You’re ready to take your first breeding in a sling, aren’t you?” “Oh fuck yeah!” I grabbed his hips and started pulling him back and forth harder, slamming my cock inside him as I left the amazing pleasure building in me. I felt his ass muscles tighten and relax around my cock. The look on his face was pure lust as he was fucked by someone he hadn’t known an hour ago. I finally let it loose, “Oh! Fuck! Yeah! Breed me!” I couldn’t speak, but just kept pumping, visualizing my load pushed deeper and deeper inside this stud. I felt an amazing rush knowing this guy had my load inside him. I stepped back roughly, catching my breath. He and Shane were making out, and he said quietly, “Oh fuck yeah. That was hot!” I needed to clear my head from the poppers, and went upstairs to grab some water and wash off my dick (I don’t know why, but I like to rinse off after cumming). I wasn’t in a rush, knowing Shane was there to occupy our guest. After a few minutes, I heard the sling chains jangling, and could hear the movement through the ceiling beams. I wandered back downstairs. Shane was in the sling, his legs suspended wide and his ass open for the stud who was pushing his thick dick into that waiting hole. Shane was still taking a hit of poppers when the stud’s dick sank inside him. He moaned his moan of first penetration, a sound I’ve heard escape from him countless times — a mix of mild pain and the thrill of taking a cock. He didn’t waste any time getting into a fast paced fuck, his pelvis slapping against Shane’s lubed ass, and both grunting and breathing heavy in a primal exchange. Shane was taking it hard, his head thrown back and eyes closed as he lost himself in the fuck. The stud was running one hand up and down Shane’s tight abs while he held onto Shane’s cock with the other. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the chains, but he was maneuvering around them well enough. He slipped one of Shane’s toes into his mouth and sucked on it while he pounded into his hole. “I can’t last much longer,” the stud panted. “Can I cum in you?” “Cum in me,” Shane said between grunts. “Oh fuck yeah!” The stud started pounding straight in and out, holding Shane’s thighs for leverage as he went for the gold! He started letting out short breaths and closed his eyes, “OH FUCK! OH fuck. YEEEEAHHHHH!” I knew he was unleashing his load inside Shane. Shane let his own load go, splashing his cum across his abs and chest while the stud splashed inside his ass. The two rocked back and forth, grunting and shuddering as their orgasms shook them. The stud leaned forward over Shane in the sling, his dick still buried inside. They stayed there like that a minute or two before he eased his cock out of the hole he’d just bred. ”That was amazing,’ he panted as he stepped back. I jerked off again about an hour later on the couch, Shane asleep on the other end with the guy’s load still in him. I was feeling the sexual rush replaying the whole scene in my head again. Let me know if you enjoyed hearing tonight’s adventure.
    3 points
  12. Wile this boy is fucking my brains out like a porn star and I'm in heaven and so is my brother who is screaming for it harder and more The screams for the other room is getting louder and louder as I'm in heaven with a dick in my man cunt and enjoying to ride of a great slam. After about 3 massive loads in my hole, I really want to see what is going with the boy in the other room as the screams have gone and now you hear the moans of pleasure. I open the door and he is in a sling with a fist up to the elbow in him and he is asking to be slammed again and asking if the fist can go in deeper. The fister looks at me to get a point and slam him as he does not want to remove his arm from him at the time. I find a vein and I can see this is a very heavy slam as the fister says he wants to wreck his hole forever. As he is coughing the fister just drives his arm past the elbow as now his arm is just fucking in and out. When finished his hole went from a hole to a man cunt in 2 days and is totally destroyed. Right before we leave we call Mr.Jackson about what to do with this boy and gives us an address to take him to. We get to this place in a warehouse section really run down and pull up to a door that only says Club 250 we enter and we wait to be buzzed in and the 3 of us meet Mr.Jones who owns the place and looks at my brother and says this is the boy we have him over the keys to his chastity device and the dog collar he is wearing. Mr.Jones says you want to see what this boy will be doing as he leads us into a big room and to get out of his clothes as he will never need them again then get on his knees and start to lick up all the cum from the gang bang that happened a few minutes ago. I can see had to be 30 loads as Mr.Jones directs his, then one of his customers comes over and says what you have here a new clean up boy. Mr.Jone says YES, and let us hope he lasts longer than the last one as the customer grabs the leash bends the boy over a bench spreads his ass cheeks and says just how I love them a raw wreck hole as he puts his dick in and fucks, this time the boy is not screaming but moaning pleasure of getting a nice big toxic dick in his now wreck hole. We head back home and get back to work in the meth lab making Mr.Jackson famous Tina and let us hope no one ever complains about it again but in my heart, I hope they do and I love doing what we did to this boy a lot. Let me know what you think and if you want more. Thanks
    3 points
  13. Dad’s Basement Part Three Dad’s shower was open with multiple heads, like something you would see in a locker room, which made it easy to spy on him. I stood outside the shower area as he turned on the water for each head. His cock bounced as he moved alone the wall completing his task. The steam began to rise almost instantly, heating the air. I watched Dad step under on of the head, water began to run down his muscled frame, matting the body hair as he became wetter and wetter. It was like a dream watching him run his hands over his body, massaging his muscles. His hands explored every inch of his body, slowly running along the length of his cock and cupping his balls. My cock began to harden again as I watched the live shower scene of my Dad. He slowly turned his back to me. His hands began to move down the front of his thighs, causing him to bend over the lower his hands went down his legs. I watched his furry ass as he bent over. Once his hands were near his ankles, his furry crack opened, exposing his hole to me. It was so fucking hot. His hands moved to his ass checks and spread them open more, giving me a better view of his hole. I felt like I was frozen to the floor, as I watched his hands massage his cheeks then slowly move towards his crack. His fingers ran up and down the furry trench, teasing his hole and me. Unknowingly, I was doing the same to my crack, my fingers were sliding up and down my own crack, teasing my self. It was pleasure I had never experienced before. Each time my fingers hit my hole, my cock jumped. “Step into my parlor, Son.” I stepped in and joined my Dad under the shower heads. The hot water felt good on my body. I closed my eyes and put my head under the falling water. “Relax” was the only word spoken. One of Dad’s hands was pushing my forward on my upper back while the other was rubbing my lower back. He was bent of slightly, opposite of me, his fingers were lightly toughing my skin above my ass, slowly moving down. I bit my lip when the found the entrance of my crack and slowly work down. The first pass they just went over my hole, each finger dipping slightly in as they went over my puckered hole. Dad’s fingers stopped as they pasted upwards. This time he pushed his fingers into my pucker, just getting the tips in slightly, over and over. Each time he did this I would moan ever so silently. Grabbing some soap, he lathered up his fingers, then returned to my hole. With each push inwards his fingers invaded deeper and deeper into my virgin hole. The little bit of pain, turned to pleasure with each push inwards. I braced myself with my hands against the wall. “Daddy loves your boy pussy, Son” he said as he quickly moved behind me, pressing his furry muscled body against my back. His hard cock was laying in my crack and in my mind’s eye I could see it covering the whole length. He was slowly moving it up and down my crack, breathing on my neck. "Hard to keep from pushing my cock into your hole, fucking you good and seeding your hole, Son,” he said, “Restraining myself is hard. If I am to convert you, I have to do it correctly.” “Yes Daddy,” was all I could say. He turned me around, pulling me close again. This time our cocks were pressed together. Being slightly shorter than him, our eyes were inches apart, as well as our lips. I licked mine as I stared into his eyes. “Get on your knees, Son,” he said, putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me down until his cock was in my face, adding “Taste your Daddy.” I opened my mouth as wide as possible and engulfed Dad’s big veiny cock, taking it as deep as possible. His hands moved to the back of my head, pushing gently. Placing my hands on his thighs as I moved back and forth on his cock, doing my best to take it further and further down my throat. Apparently that what Dad had in mind as he grunted a deep voice "Deeper Son, DEEPER.” I tried to take more and more of his cock into my mouth and throat as I went down on him, only to gag more and more. His hips began to thrust more and more towards my face, pushing more of his cock into my mouth and throat as he cooed “Relax Son, Daddy won’t hurt you.” I tried to relax but this was so new. His hands moved from the back of my head to the sides, holding me in place as he thrust his hips faster and harder towards my face. I felt his balls hit my chin as his cock inched deeper into my throat, until there was a pop. His cock slide into my throat and he pressed his crotch against my face, balls against my chin. “Good Boy," Dad again murmured, only to hold still for a moment, then only to pull out, and then resume face-fucking me. As he did so, spit shot out of my mouth, landing in his crotch hair and running down my chin. I focused my eyes upwards to see his chest heaving, his head thrown back while biting his lips as he teased me saying “Not much longer now Son.” I muffled a moaned as a response. I was in my own ecstasy. I had my Dad’s hard cock fucking my mouth. Tasting his pre-cum, a preview of the cum that was infected with his HIV. My hands were rubbing the wet furry thighs as my cock jumped a little as it stood between my thighs. “Hot fucking mouth Son. Can only imagine how good my cock would feel slipping in and out of your neg fuck hole,” he remarked. Again I replied with a muffled moan. “Want Daddy to shoot on your face or down your throat Son?” he asked. “faummmce” I replied. “Throat it is, Boy.” He pulled his cock out slightly as his piss slit opened. His poz cum shot out, landing on my tongue giving me a taste of my Dad’s toxic seed. After two shots, he pushed his cock all the way in and shot the rest of his load down my throat to my waiting stomach. I could feel the pulses of cum shooting against my tongue. “Fuck yeah, huge load,” Dad commented as the intensity and frequency of his cum shots decreased, finally stopping. Dad repeated withdrew himself, only to push back in, each time his cock softening on the down stroke. “Lick Daddy’s cock clean, Boy.” I did as he demanded, running my tongue all over his cock while it was inside my mouth. Once it popped out, I continued to lick it. My cock bounced as I licked his softening cock. He bent over, grabbing my chin in his hand, locking his eyes on mine and announced “Your first HIV load, Son.” Without touching myself I shot my load in the air. It was washed away with the hot water from the shower. "Soon you won’t be shooting neg loads, Boy.”
    3 points
  14. Dad’s Basement - Part Two I spent the day on the sofa, half watching movies to take my mind off what I saw in the basement and the other half thinking about it. I would catch myself playing with my cock through my shorts when my mind wondered to the basement. The thought of Dad and his buddies fucking and sucking seemed to leave my cock harder than I had ever before experienced, and the thought they were (I imagined) playing in the basement even while I was sleeping upstairs somehow made the vision even more enticing. Still, one would have thought I would have heard my Dad come home, or at least the garage door go up and his diesel truck pulling inside, but nope: I was lost in thought, my hand inside my shorts wrapped around my hard cock when Dad's voice awoke me out of my day dream. “Wow, Son that’s quite a greeting for your old man!” Dad said when he saw me. “Dad!” I yelled, slapped back to reality and jerking my hand out of my shorts. “Anything interesting happen today, Son?” Dad asked coyly. “Well, let’s see. I found out that my Dad likes cock - every which way he can get it, has a sex club in our basement, and likes to spread his disease to others,” I said. "Other than that it was a quiet day.” “Yeah Son, I am a pig, a toxic pig, who loves to give into the most deviant sexual pleasure imaginable, and I am not ashamed to do.” “It’s okay Dad, I think it’s hot.” “Hot, huh? Like when you spy on your old man and jack your cock as I shower or stroke my cock in bed?” I had to smile as I nodded 'yes'. “It’s okay Son. I have no issue with any of that. Fuck, it was a turn on knowing you jack your boy cock watching me,” Dad remarked, adding “See?” I looked down at the front of his jeans, his hard cock was straining against the denim. I stood up, which allowed Dad to see my shorts were tented by my own very hard cock. “Does knowing what we do in the basement turn you on, Son?” “Definitely, Dad.” “Good, but I need to know if the full range of our activities turns you on, or is there some component of our sessions leave you uncertain or even afraid?" “The HIV component, Dad, scares me, yet it also excites me," I had to acknowledge. “Most boys your age have those mixed emotions. After conversion (or infected), sex becomes uninhibited, free from restraints of safety. That’s what we do in the basement: fuck free. There are times when we meet just to help a man break those restraints and become free. Understand?” “I think so. You take men who are not carrying HIV and give it to them?” “Yes. Some take it willingly and some don’t. Some want it and some don’t know they want it, but still get it.” As he gave this explanation Dad was rubbing his cock through his jeans, which rendered me even more excited. Our conversation was turning both of us on, and in fact I am fairly sure I could see his cock pulsate, even through his jeans, particularly when his palm caressed the his cock head. “Do the jocks and pictures nailed to the wall represent all of the men that you have infected?” “I didn’t infect them all, Son, but yes, they do represent the men who were infected by a member of the Club. That's our trophy wall It reminds us of who is carrying our virus.” Without thinking I started rubbing my cock, mimicking what Dad was doing to his. His eyes darted down, watching my hand. “Drop them Son,” he ordered. "Show Daddy.” Blindly obeying, I hooked my thumbs in the waist band of my shorts and pushed them to my ankles, where I stepped out of them. Standing upright again, my cock jumped up and down, finally resting pointing in front of me. “Grew up nicely there, Son,” Dad commented as he kicked off his work boots, unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles, stepping out of them. Standing straight up, he put his hands on his hips, allowing me access to view his crotch, this time with out spying. His cock was hard as a rock, pointing outward just like mine, but that is where the similarities stopped. His cock was at least nine inches long and almost as thick as a beer bottle. The head was massive and veins ran up and down it. I found myself wondering how I had managed to overlook these amazing details when I spied on him. His nut sac was smooth and hung low, with one ball higher than the other. When I looked up at his face there was an evil grin on it. “You like looking at that cock, Son?” I nodded slowly. “I like you looking at it.” I was mesmerized. The cock that made me was not six feet away, obscenely pointing at me, teasing me, and all I could do was to stare and slowly stroke my painfully hard cock. “That’s it Son, stroke your cock for your Daddy.” I watched as he bent down, slid his hand into the pocket of his jeans and pull out one of the brown bottles. Dropping his jeans, he moved to my side, his cock and balls bouncing with each step. My mind was focused on his cock and balls, so huge. He unscrewed the cap on the brown bottle, positioned it under one of my nostrils, pinched the other closed and urged “Inhale deeply, Son.” I did as he instructed, still stroking my boy cock. He switched nostrils and repeated his instruction. Again I complied. Almost instantly, I felt like I was flying, the sensations of my stroking intensified and my heart raced. My breathing was heavier. Dad’s hot breathe in my ear urged “Touch it Son, you know you want to. Feel the cock that made you!” I slowly moved my hand over to his cock. The closer I got, I could feel the heat rising from his dick. I closed my eyes and wrapped my fingers around it. It was hotter than I expected. And harder. Instantly I shot my load, out in front of me and unto the floor. “Good boy” Dad said with a smile. “I think you are ready for more. Let’s go to Daddy’s shower, Son. I have so much more to teach you before you join us in the basement.” He took off his shirt as he headed down the hall, his furry cheeks bouncing as he walked away. I pulled my shirt over my head and followed, like a little puppy.
    3 points
  15. Dad’s Basement Part One OFF LIMITS !!!! That’s how it always was, no one had access to the basement except Dad. Growing up I used to imagine that he was a mad scientist and it was his laboratory where he conducted hair raising experiments. As I got older, my thoughts changed - was it his private gym - he was built, but I knew he went to a gym early in the morning - hell I even went with him quite a few times. My mind always wondered, but I never had the chance to go down —— until now. Here it was my eighteenth birthday, I was home alone, which was the norm since Mom ran off with some man she met on the internet when I was starting my teen years and has not been heard from since. It was when I was heading to the kitchen to get my breakfast, that I saw it. The basement door was open, not wide open, but just enough to know someone could go down there. Stomach be damned, my curiosity was strong than my hunger at this point. I had to see what was down there. “Dad, are you home?” I yelled. No response. I made my way to the laundry room, which accessed the garage and saw that his truck was gone. My stomach groaned - not from hunger, but nerves. I made my way through the house, looking for my Dad. I wanted to make sure I was home alone. I was still scared of getting caught in the “forbidden basement.” He was no where to be found in the house, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t hiding some where. Fuck I can’t believe I would think that my own Dad would set me up. I had to make sure. Grabbing my cell, I dialed Dad’s number, he quickly answered after one ring, was he waiting for this call. Was this a set up? “Morning Squirt, what’s up?” he said. Squirt - the nickname he knew I hated, yet called me that when it was just the two of us. “Dad, do you want me to do the yard today?” I asked “It’s your birthday and you want to do yard work? We can do it this weekend, together. Any more silly questions or can I get back to my work so I can be home on time?” he replied. “Yeah, are you coming home early or what, like you said it is my birthday.” “Right now, Squirt, it looks like normal time. Got any other pressing questions?” “Nah, I’m good” I replied. "Bye, Dad.” I hung up and quickly made my way to the basement door. In my mind I expected it to be closed and locked, thinking it was all a trick of my mind. Without knowing it I held my breathe as I made my way to the door, only to slowly release it seeing that the door was still a jar. Nervously, I slowly pushed the door open, exposing the darkened stairs which lead to the mysterious basement below. I squinted my eyes to see if I could see anything in the darkness below. Nothing! That first step was the hardest, I had always known I was not allowed down here, but with finding the door opened I could not help but break the rule. I felt the way to see if I could find a switch to illuminate the mystery, nothing. Another what the fuck? I slowly descended the stairs until I was at the bottom. The nerves in my stomach were twitching so bad that I thought I was going to throw up. I was frozen to the floor, as my hands explored the walls, searching for a light switch. It wasn't long until I found one. I closed my eyes and flipped it, as I thought “let there be light.” At that moment, I wondered if this is really what I wanted. Did I want to know my Dad’s secret? I slowly opened my eyes, finding the room flooded with a red light. The walls were darkly painted and if I were to guess they were black. There was symbols painted on they walls with phrases under them. The one that was the biggest and stood out the most was a circle like symbol, that I had seen somewhere before, but did not know where, and had the phrase under it that said “TOXIC FOR LIFE” Else where there were sayings like “no load refused,” “Seed belongs in holes,” and “gifting is the way” - and more. I didn’t under stand. I slowly moved inwards, noticing a leather pad hanging from chains in one corner, two padded “saw horses” in the middle of the room. What the fuck is this place, I thought. It’s not a gym, because I have never seen equipment like this. As I made my way back, I saw that tucked under the stairs was an open shower area, with white tiles and three heads and two drains. I still didn’t understand. I passed out of that room and into another. The room was painted just like the other, with more phrases. The only different was the symbol, this time there was a huge scorpion on the wall, freaky as shit and ugly as hell. Under the big scorpion was shelves with little brown bottles on them, as well as what looked like plastic bottles filled with a clear liquid. I racked my mind trying to figure out what this shit was and what it was used for. From where I was standing there was a darkened opening to my left and one to my right, leading off to who knows where and what. Being adventurous, I went to the left, it was dark inside so I felt my way. I bumped into the a wall in front of me, but felt an opening to my right, so I turned and continued. I bumped and turned many times again. Shit this was some kind of maze. I panicked, I tried to remember which way I turned and went. What if I get trapped in here and Dad finds me here. I turned and moved, finding relief when I found the opening to get out. I have to be more careful. I discovered nothing with that adventure, so I decided to head to the other opening I went across the room and into through the other opening to find a wall blocking me, but with openings on the left and right. I went left only to find that this lead me to a room with another wall that went completely across the room. I walked to my right keeping a distance from the new wall with my hand on the wall that I first came to. I saw that there was three holes in the wall, which allowed light to come through. I gathered my courage and crossed the room to the middle hole, to discover that the hole came up to about my crotch. I slowly squatted down and looked through the hole - only to see the outside door to the left, which was letting in the light from out side through the frosted windows. I didn’t understand any of this. I went back out and look around the big room again, I failed to notice more shelves holding more brown bottles and plastic squeeze bottles. In each corner was a TV, hung high near the ceiling. As I got back to the stairs, I realized there was another opening on the wall with the light switch. It was still dark inside, so I reached around inside trying to find the new room’s light switch. A musty smell invaded my nostrils, rousing my curiosity, as well as my cock. Why was I turned on by this smell. Moments later I found the switch and found this room was a locker room. The lockers formed a square in the center, yet none were on the outer walls. Entering I found why. There were hundreds of used jocks nailed to the wall with pictures under them. The jocks were stained, some a bright yellow, some creamy, some very dark yellow. I lifted one of the jocks to look at the picture. It was of a naked man who’s cock was hard as a rock, my guess the owner of the jock. I lifted the picture up, to find a name, date, and what looked like a code - numbers mixed with three letters in the middle. Looking around I could see that three walls were almost covered with jocks. The fourth was bare. At this point I wanted out of the basement. I had so many questions, yet I found that I didn’t want to seek the answers to them. Switching off the lights I made my way I back upstairs, climbed them and put the basement door like I found it. My mind was racing - what the fuck was that shit downstairs and what did it all mean. Confused, I wanted answers, but again I didn’t. Was I really suppose to see this? Did Dad make a mistake? I went to my room, grabbed my laptop, determined to find out what all this was, even if it took all day. I logged in and had an email from my Dad pop up on my desk top. It’s subject line was “BASEMENT” - I forgo my searching to read this. It read: Squirt, I left the basement open for you today. It is time you found out what the secret is. It was after your call that I knew you were going to head down there. So here is what I do down there. I SUCK DICK, GET MY DICK SUCKED, FUCK ASS AND GET MY ASS FUCKED. I can only put it bluntly. Yes, son I am a faggot, cocksucker, or if you want me to be pc - I am gay. I built the basement as a sex club for men like me. We get together as much as possible to have sex. There is a sling hanging from the ceiling, fuck benches, a maze with glory holes, and a glory hole wall to suck cock from people not in our “Club.” I have well stocked it will lube and poppers (you snort to get a rush - not drugs), the TV’s are for porn. I am sure you are wondering what are on the walls. Son, we are a Poz Fuck Club, each of the members is HIV positive and each man enjoys passing his strain to others. We do not let loads of cum go to waste - we swallow and we breed. The jocks and pictures are of men who had been converted by our club members. I know this may shock you, that your Dad is a toxic cock slut, but after discovering what you were watching on line, I thought it was time for you to know, learn and maybe join in (this part makes my cock hard) Don’t be embarrassed - I want you to be open about sex even with me. I will be open with you. We will talk more when I get home. Happy Birthday Son Love ya, Dad I read the email over and over. He knew what I watched on line. I was so scared that if he ever discovered my secret, it would either scare him or anger him, not turn him on. I needed to talk my mind off him and the basement until he got home. So I headed to the living room to watch movies until he got home.
    2 points
  16. His thick, POZ load creamed my ass. What a fucking way to celebrate hump day! I had taken Wednesday off from work, as that was the only day the electrician could come by and do the latest round of work I needed. He was tall, thick, with a beard – total white daddy bear. Grizzly? Polar Bear? Yeah more Polar Bear in a sweaty, Redneck, white trash sort of way. I can say that as they are my peoples – I grew up in the country, in a trailer, with a bunch of weed-growing, inbred mother-fuckers – and damn proud of it. Take a knee Tim Tebow! So back to the story. This electrician had worked on my condo twice before and each time there was just something about him that made me want to jerk off thinking about him for days after. Dirty sex. That’s it. He was one of those men that you look at and think, “Yeah this fucker is DIRTY/NASTY sex!” Alas, even when he asked me if I was married to a Mrs. or a Mr. and I said I preferred just being single and playing with my straight top fuck buddies. He didn’t react and went right back to his work. I figured he was not into sliding my way and giving my boy hole a pounding. The wiring was completed on the electrical outlets I wanted moved, and as the Polar Bear helped me push the entertainment center back against the wall he grabbed one of the DVD cases that fell out, looked at the BANG BROS title and cover and whistled and said, “Fucking hell. Those chicks can take some dick!” I laughed, smiled, and agreed, “Yeah, that’s one of my favorites.” He then surprised me by asking, “Is this what you put in when your straight fuck buddies come by to fuck you?” as he grabbed the remotes, turned the TV on then revved up the DVD player. “Grab me a beer as and let’s watch this puppy,” the electrician went on, “This was my only job of the day as the one for this afternoon got cancelled and I got several hours before I have to be home to the wife and kids.” I happily obliged, not quite sure where this was going, but excited about the possibilities. Hell even if I got to see his dick that would give me fantasies to jack off to for a good long while. “BETTER BRING ME A COUPLE, I’M A THIRSTY SON-OF-A-BITCH,” he yelled from the living room, so I snagged two beers for him, one for me, handed them to him, set mine down and excused myself to use the bathroom. A quick finger in the ass check to make sure I was clean and I joined him back in the living room. The electrician downed the first two beers in nothing flat and had just crushed the empty can of the third when the porn moved beyond the initial set up/let’s get naked to the “bitch get on your knees and suck my long, black dick.” My guest stood up, started emptying his pockets and unbuttoning his work shirt and said, “Go on and grab me four more beers and line them up here for me so they’re handy.” I scrambled up, eyed his big furry chest as I walked by and swooned a little from his hot, man scent. By the time I got back with the beer he was buck naked, sitting in the chair with a beer in his left hand and his thick dick in his right, stroking it to attention. “I have not been able to get out to see the street whores up in Northeast all week,” the electrician said as he continued to watch the porn and stroke his dick, which was now slick with precum, “I creampie their pussies at least every other day in the back of my work van. Fuck yeah they skanky bitches.” Then he looked right at me and said, “You’re a skanky bitch too, now get the fuck over here because I got a week’s worth of cum to creampie that pussy good with.” The electrician did not even look at me as I quickly got undressed. He was standing up now, slugging his beer, stroking his meaty dick, and eyes intent on the porn. The beer finished, he burped, wiped his chin a bit although he still had spit/beer dregs glistening his beard, crushed the can and casually tossed it to the side where it clanged loudly on the wood floor. I wasn’t sure what exactly to do, but stepped up and bent forward just to the left and front of him – and waited. Another loud burp, a slug of spit shot into my crack, big bear paw claws scratching at my hole looking for honey, then the electrician grabbed me, wrapped both arms around me tight and squeezed, “FUCKING SKANK BITCH, GONNA CREAM THAT PUSSY GOOD. DAMN YOU’RE TIGHT, NOT FOR LONG, GIVE ME THAT HOLE, FUCK YEAH, FILLING THAT PUSSY UP WITH MY POZ DICK!” What? I tried to turn my head, my body stiffened, the Polar Bear tightened his grip more as he banged my ass harder and deeper and laughed, “YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, YOU HEARD ME BITCH. FILLING YOU WITH POZ DICK, BUT YOU DON’T CARE DO YOU? YOU JUST BENT OVER AND TOOK ME RAW, NOW YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE. BIG OLD WHITE POZ DICK IN YOUR SKANKY BITCH WHORE PUSSY. FUCKING HELL I LOVE CREAMING A HOLE! YOU READY FOR THIS LOAD? READY TO GET NAILED AND RAILED? AWWW FUCK YEAH! MILK MY DICK!” His thick, POZ load creamed my ass and before his dick was totally finished he let go of me, pulled out, stepped back, popped another can of beer open, drained it and threw the can on the floor, then pointed at his dick and said, “GET ON YOUR KNEES SKANK AND TASTE IT. LICK IT CLEAN THEN IF YOU CAN GET IT HARD AGAIN I’LL FUCK YOU SOME MORE. THAT PUSSY’S EAGER FOR IT NOW ISN’T IT?” A few minutes later the electrician was hard and ready to go again and easily slid up my greased and coated guts. The second load took a little longer and he was breathing hard, but when his balls pulled up he let me know, “POZZING YOU AGAIN YOU SKANK WHORE BITCH!” With this load, he stepped back, swayed a little, ran a hand through his beard, over his head, across his big furry chest, grabbed me by the arm and stumbled us to the bedroom. A quick shove and I was face down on the bed, with a grunt and a sigh he quickly followed and promptly fell asleep, snoring like a chainsaw as his bear paws held me tight against his chest. The mini-hibernation nap revived the hungry bear who groaned and growled when he awoke, stroked his hard dick back to full life once then twice, then grunted as he heaved himself up onto my back. It was hard to breath with this giant Polar Bear on my back, but I let him take what he wanted as he grabbed my wrists, held my arms out wide, and slid his dick up my moist hole and whispered, “USED SKANK BITCH PUSSY. WET WITH CUM. GLAZED ON THE OUTSIDE WITH THAT WHITE, CREAM FILLING ON THE INSIDE. BIG OLD JELLY DOUGHNUT THAT FEELS SO GOOD WRAPPED AROUND MY FUCKING POZ DICK.”
    2 points
  17. I imagine picking up a young guy hitchhiker. His name is Mark ,he's about 18, slim,well built and obviously completely straight. His tight jeans show off his ass and bulging cock. I ask him where he is going...miles away on an almost deserted road. He is obviously a bit suspicious of me but we get talking. After a while he loosens up a bit and starts talking about his girl friend and how often he fucks her. I'm more interested in his cock and tight ass but go along with it. After a while I pull over saying I need a few minutes break. Then take out a small bottle from the glove compartment. "Say, you ever sniffed this? Really makes you high." I unscrew the top and he holds it to his nose, sniffing really gently. "Ohh..what is this stuff?" I pour some on a piece of rag and he holds it against his face. "Youve got to keep breathing deeply...slowly at first." He starts breathing it in, and I pour some more on. "Thats it,Mark, deep breaths...deeper." His breathing is starting to get deeper and more regular and his eyelids keep fluttering. His muscles are relaxing and he is starting to lose consciousness. "Deeper,Mark." By now I've got to hold the rag against his face and he's gradually going limp, deep regular breathing as he becomes totally unconscious. I lower the seat so he's laying down and I tie the rag round his face. "Its chloroform Mark, and Im going to fuck you." I undo his jeans and slide them down, then his briefs, and with difficulty, as he is heavy, roll him on his stomach. Seconds later I'm fucking him hard and empty my load in his tight ass. When he wakes up a few minutes later he doesn't even know he has been fucked. Email me if this story turns you on or you want to add to it.
    2 points
  18. Hi Everyone, I have been a long time reader of this site but I have never posted before. But i took a step over the weekend that I wanted to share with you all. About a month ago I started on Prep as i thought it would be a good step to killing my worries. On Sunday I decided today was the day I would take a load from any guy that wanted to give me one. Sunday Morning Guy 1 A black bear started to talk to me on Grindr on Sunday monrning. He wanted to drop by on his way home from the store to give me a good fucking. I said yes! After about 15 mins he arrived. I started by sucking his 8’’ dick! (Also my first black guy). Once he was hard we moved to the bedroom where i got on my hand and knees. He pushed his massive raw dick into my ass (I had already lubed it up before he arrived) He did waste anytime and started pounding my ass after about a minute of allowing me to get use to his massive size. He fucked my ass for about 20 mins as this pace before unloading my first B.B load in my ass. It was amazing!! I could feel his dick get bigger as he came. Sunday Morning Guy 2 With the black guys load still inside me. I as high on the experience i had just had. I got back on to Grindr to look for my 2nd load. A guy just 100 feet away had already messaged me asking if i was free to host. I said yes! I did let me know i had just taken a massive load from a guy just 15 mins before. He was happy to add to it. 5 mins later the guy arrived. He was already hard and just wanted to get into my ass. I got into the doggy position again in the bedroom. He entered my wet ass with his 7’’ dick. He pounded my ass right away and lasted only 2 mins adding to my other load. He pulled out and left without saying a word to me! I left both loads in my ass. Whats next? Well I can say i have read a lot of posts on this and until now haven’t really understood how a load can really change you. I’m not sure what my next step is but i would be happy to repeat the above! Thanks, i hope you all like my first post.
    2 points
  19. Outside the locked bedroom door, the crowd talked, sang and danced, the music blared, the drinks were being spilled on the apartment’s wall-to-wall carpet, and the mood was set for the late night rager to continue for hours. Inside the bedroom, two strangers kissed passionately grinding their hard, naked dicks against one another’s, arms wrapped around waists, and hands groping, exploring, squeezing. Their clothing lay in piles around the room, evidence of their passionate foreplay. Dicks had been sucked, asses fingered, armpits licked, nipples tweaked. And there they stood kissing, on the precipice of the final act. One of the strangers broke free of the embrace. He sat on the bed and opened a drawer to his bedside table. He withdrew bottles of lube and poppers, and he searched for a condom. He wrestled through the miscellany, but found no latex protection. “Shit.” He said. “I can’t find any rubbers.” He looked to the other man. “It’s ok with me if it’s ok with you,” the stranger replied, “I’m clean.” Innocently believing his body wasn’t hosting an ever-rising viral load and that his cum wasn’t venomous. The muscular 25-year-old sitting on the bed briefly contemplated what to do. His dick was raging hard and dripping pre-cum, and he needed to get fucked the Adonis before him. With either alcohol or passion dictating his actions, he laid back on his bed, resting his head on his pillow and spreading his legs wide. His hard dick lay on his tight abs and his bubble butt was inviting entry. He gave a cocky smile at the approving gaze he received and raked his fingers through his blond and buzzed head with one hand and stroked his fat dick with the other. The bass of speakers outside pounded. The other stranger, who just turned 30, climbed onto the bed and kneeled between his junior’s thick thighs. His seven-inch dick was raging hard and his tingling balls needed release. He grabbed the lube and applied it to his throbbing dick. “Jack?!” A knock at the door. “We’re doing keg stands!” The younger stranger – Jack – yelled back “Give me 10 minutes!” Jack chuckled. “Sorry about that” he said to the other guy, who’s precummy, lubed, raw dickhead was now pressing against Jack’s puckered hole. “You want this?” He said with a devilish grin. “Yeah. Fuck me, dude.” Jack replied. The stranger guided his prick into Jack’s sphincter. It was a slow decent: the raw dick head plotting the cock’s course down the younger man’s guts, growing ever harder, expanding in the tight grip of the skin to skin contact. Jack reached for the poppers and inhaled. A euphoria overcame him, making the invasion less painful and more invited. He arched his back and spread his legs wider. The stranger was on his knees in between Jack’s spread legs when his bare dick bottomed out. He grabbed Jack’s ankles and placed them on his shoulders where he held them. “I’m all the way in.” He sat still with his cock bottomed out in Jack. His balls rested against Jack’s supple ass cheeks. Jack looked up at the strapping stranger and studied his muscular torso: he was a prize of a man, tan, beefy, sexy, with tattoos on the side of his chest. The stranger began to assault Jack’s hole. He pulled his dick three inches out and then slammed back in. He then retreated until only his prick’s wide mushroom head was inside, then slammed back in again. Over and over, he methodically pummeled Jack’s tight fuck chute. In. Out. Body crashing into body, over and over, like waves onto a shore. The crowd outside began singing along to a popular song, muffling the grunts of the strangers mating inside the bedroom. Jack lay there taking the wondrous fuck like a champ, milking the perfect cock with his hole. His glute muscles were clenched tight around the stranger’s wonderful dick. Jack was, of course, unaware that the raw tool was pillaging his ass, robbing him of his purity. He had blissfully opened his door to a thief, to whom he was handing his unblemished DNA forever. Jack’s dick, much like the stranger’s within him, was a faucet of precum. It glistened with his own juices. He stroked his cock with a firm grip and in rhythm with the stranger’s drum beat against his body. “I’m close. I’m gonna cum” The stranger barked as he pulled almost completely out and then slammed back inside. “You want my load?” There was no option, though: Jack needed this guy’s dick in him with every rub of his own fat cock until completion, even if that meant a load of stranger cum in his guts. “Fuck me. Don’t pull out.” Jack said as he stroked his own dick at an ever-increasing pace. The stranger’s hips moved quickly. In, out. Back, forth. Balls colliding. Skin slapping. Grunts escaping. “Oh fuck. Oh yeah. Oh fuck!!!” The stranger emitted. The stranger accidentally pulled out completely to the dismay of both men, who were in heat. “Oh fuck” he said as he grabbed his well-greased cock, realigned it with Jack’s newly abused hole, and slammed forward into Jack again. As the tip of his cock neared Jacks’ prostate, an explosion of toxic jizz erupted. “FUUUUCCCCKKK!!” The stranger said as his dick finally bottomed out again in Jack. Volley after volley of poz cum spurted deep inside Jack’s guts. Jack’s eyes rolled back as his final strokes brought forth a spray of his own cum up over his chest and onto his face and pillow. His body convulsed he emptied his neg load.. Infected cum lubricated Jack’s guts as the stranger began to pull out minutes later. The two sweaty strangers kissed and collapsed beside one another, unaware of the dark forces at work within their bodies.
    2 points
  20. First of all, let me apologise for the delay in this story, many of you have been asking for this for a while but due to an old broken laptop it’s not been possible, however due to new machine here you go. As you may have worked out from my first story ‘Pozzing the Blond Boy’ I’m into young guys. I always love the chase, from chatting to them through to the actual meeting, persuading the guy to take my toxic poz cock deep in his body. I also like guys with cool hair. Not only does it look good, but I really enjoy running my hands through a guy's hair during sex. I chat with a fair number of cute young guys and seem to be an attraction for them. Why, I’m not sure why, but then I’m not complaining. So how did this story start. Well I was online chatting to a few guys and checking out profiles when I came across a picture that made me stop in my tracks: this young guy was model cute. Very cute face, 5’8” so slightly shorter than me and looked younger than he actually was, which I always find a bonus. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes, a lovely combination and his hair was what I’d describe as a young Justin Bieber swept to the side look, short at the back, also a favourite of mine. I decided I would send him a message just to say hello, not really expecting a reply. To my surprise I received a reply almost immediately. I won't bore you with all the conversational details because that’s not what you want to hear, but we both liked what we saw, his private pics revealed the cutest bubble butt you’ve ever seen, and a slim but slightly defined smooth body. Our conversations revealed that he was a virgin, very nervous about meeting and a bit unsure about himself. After chatting for a while he decided he wanted to meet. Now a guy like this, unsure about himself and nervous about sex is a young guy ripe for stealth breeding, a cute guy you just want to infect but I’d also got to know him quite well and felt kind of guilty so I started asking some poz-probing questions. He was unsure about taking my cock, however loved the look of it and decided he wanted to meet out and go for a drive and a chat. Just to say hello in person. When I pulled into the car park to meet him, always in the back of my mind if he was actually going to be there, but he was. This boy was amazingly cute, even better looking than his pics which were already stunning, he’d had his hair cut that morning so it looked great, neat but still floppy. He got in the car and we went for a drive. During the drive I steered the conversation onto sex, something which I could see was uncomfortable for him to talk about but he so wanted to do things with a guy that his hard cock started to show, I looked down and smiled but he seemed embarrassed, I told him not to be and guided his hand down to my thick poz cock that was hard and wet at the tip. This seemed to flick a switch in his head and he started rubbing my cock, it felt great but I needed more from this boy, I knew I couldn’t fuck him that day but wanted his sweet boy mouth wrapped around my hard cock. We found a place to stop and I leant over and kissed him, he kissed me back and was learning with every minute, I slid my tongue into his mouth as I grabbed his cock and he whimpered with pleasure. After a while I sat back, unzipped and got out my hard poz cock, pulled back the foreskin revealing a wet, pre-cum covered head, all worries about me being poz seemed to go from him as he wrapped his hand around my cock and started to wank it. I needed more and asked him to suck me, he went straight down and I felt his warm wet mouth slide over my cock, it felt amazing, I looked down at his sexy hair and buried my hands in it, something I’d wanted to do since first seeing his picture, it felt great between my fingers, thick textured floppy hair, this made me want to blow my toxic poz load in this boys mouth, but I didn’t want him to waste it, I wanted it swallowed. I put pressure on the back of his hair, pushing his head down, fucking my poz cock deeper into his throat, I told him I was going to cum and wanted it swallowed. I put more pressure on his head building up the pace until I felt my balls tense, I pushed his head down hard, right in the back of his throat and felt my toxic seed pumping deep inside, and he had no choice but to swallow it all like a good boy. After the meet we chatted a few more times and during the chat he revealed that he loved what we did and wanked about swallowing my poz seed for days after, so we arranged a time when his house was free to meet and take his virginity. The talk of poz seed was now turning him on big time and finally the day arrived. He opened the door and gave me a smile that could melt you, those gorgeous light blue eyes, that sexy floppy hair just waiting to be grabbed. As soon as we were in his bedroom I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply, as we kissed we undressed, my hands running up the back of that hair as he buried his tongue into my mouth with an almost primal urge. We got into bed, our naked bodies together, out had cocks fighting with each other under the duvet. After some intense kissing he put his head under the covers, not wanting that hair messed up I pulled the duvet down laid on my back and looked down at the top of his hair as he went to work on my cock. He was taking it deeper and deeper into his mouth, his floppy hair touching my stomach as he went down deep. This boy was doing such a good job, that I could have been there for hours but my brain was saying to me, breed this boy now! I pulled him off my cock and pushed him onto his back, lifted his legs revealing that tight virgin hole, twitching for its first time. I went down on his sucked his cock, tasting his sweet young pre-cum, then worked down to his hole, getting my tongue on and in it, by this time he was moaning with pleasure and now I wanted just one thing, this boy needed to be fucked, needed my high viral load deep in him, infecting him for the rest of his life. I slightly lubed up my cock but just left his hole wet from its rimming. I lifted his legs and positioned my cock at his hole. I told him it was time for him to lose his virginity and that it was going to hurt, but hurt in a good way and he’d love it. I slowly pushed my cock, his hole resisted at first but then with a pop my head slid in, he gasped in pain and tears started to form at the edge of his eyes, but there was no way I was stopping, this boy had given into me and now it was time to initiate him. With one push I drove my thick throbbing pre-cum covered cock right into his guts, he cried with pain so I held still to let him get used to me after all seasoned guys have difficulties with my thick cock so a virgin is definitely going to struggle, he looked up at me through those teary eyes and said, I want this, I want you. I started to slide all the way in and out fucking him deep, his cock started to harden with every stroke and with every stoke I drove it in harder until I was really ramming him, his hair shuddering with every thrust. I pulled out turned him over doggy and rammed my poz cock deep in that willing hole, with every thrust producing a whimper from him, I grabbed his hips and fucked his virgin hole into submission, his floppy hair bouncing with every thrust. I pushed him down on his stomach, laid on him and drove my now dripping poz cock, home, deep into his body, piercing and ripping his inner ring, I buried my hands in the top of that floppy hair while giving him a fuck he will never forget. After I had fucked him into the mattress for a good fifteen minutes I pulled out and revealed my poz cock covered in pre-cum and blood from this boys ripped hole, it was now time to infect this cutie and to have a connection like no other with him for the rest of his life. I turned him back over lifted his legs and rammed my cock home, he gasped again but this time it was in pleasure, his hole finally given up to my highly toxic poz cock. I drove my cock into him while he wanked himself, I could feel my balls building, tingling, my cock started to swell big time and as it did I leant forward, buried my hand in the top of his hair and kissed him. I couldn’t hold back any more, so I pushed in deeper than ever before and as I felt my cock pop in his inner ring it exploded, sending volley after volley of thick highly toxic cum into his guts, directly deep into his body, as I was pumping my high viral load into him, he moaned and then I felt his cock pulse and hot cum shoot between us coating my chest with his seed as I had just done to his arse walls. I whispered in is ear while he was still recovering with my cock in him that I’d just pozzed him and that he was a part of my club forever. I pulled out and told him to clean my cock with his mouth, which he did without hesitation, the enormity of what had just happened still not had time to screw with his mind. He cleaned it so well that I stayed hard, so got my hands on that hair again and told him not to stop, as you may know from my previous story I have a bit of a kink, I like to make sure the boy knows he’s mine. After he sucked me for a while I stood up, him on his knees and got him to bow his head forwards, I wanked my cock hard until I was ready to shoot a second poz load, I aimed it at him and unloaded all over that sexy hair, my strings of white cum laying on his hair, him looking up at me looking properly used. I rubbed my cum into his hair and told him he should keep it in for the rest of the day as well as my cum in his arse. I took a small pair of scissors and cut a full length lock of his hair as my trophy, another to add to the collection. We got dressed and chatted for a good hour about what had just happened, when it was time to go, I gave him a hug and felt my now dry cum in his hair, very horny, when I left and walked away it was a feeling of a job well done but also not the end of the story, after all he’s invited me back to do it all again!
    2 points
  21. Last night went to the spot by my job. Bought some new poppers went in the back area there was an older white daddy type we made eye contract went to the booths I got on my knees gave him had he went soft them hard and came quickly he left and I decided to try my luck. An older Latin guy came in but wasn't interested and he left then a black guy came in walked past me straight to the booth and he fed the machine. I waited a moment and checked on this guy, he's sitting down stroking his nine inches. I stepped in my booth paid and got on my knees. He got up still stroking approached me and started to feed me. With a mouthful of cock I took two hits of the poppers swallowed his cock almost whole. He moaned as he face fucked me, his cock filled my mouth and I focused on it. I was hoping he wanted my ass but alas that wasn't the case. I reached in and grabbed his ass goading him to fuck me harder and then he erupted in my mouth and I swallowed. Spent he slides out my mouth and goes "Damn that mouth of yours is dangerous " he wanted to know where have I been hiding. I smiled and thanked him. I then drive to the place buy JFK helped a guy beat off and then sucked him dry and headed home
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  22. My new pozpig got a load after work, now he's cooking ME dinner. I'm liking this new version of him.
    2 points
  23. doubtful. Its the UK, he will be placed on treatment immediately, and will be watched to make sure he takes his meds.
    2 points
  24. Stopped over at gray bear's house after work, as he texted me he wasn't feeling well. He's the long time friend who just started taking my cock raw a few weeks back. Sure enough, he's been in bed since Sunday, off and on high fever and NyQuil not really helping him feel better. I layed in bed with him a while, spooning behind him and telling him it's what he wanted, so just try to ride out the fuck flu best he could. I held him, rubbed his belly and beard, and told him I'd be here for him like I said I would. He fell asleep, and as I'm laying there behind him my cock was aching something fierce to fuck him, fever or not. I pulled it out of my jeans and placed it at his opening as he slept, letting my precum lube his hot as hell crack. After a few minutes, I couldn't wait any longer and began pushing into him. He woke up and started to protest, but I held him firm and reminded him it was my cunt now. He shut up, and I slid in fully and just held my cock inside him, feeling the heat of his body burning with fever. I know it wasn't the nicest thing for me to do, but I had to breed him. I gently fucked him for about 5 minutes before I nutted in him, then I told him what a good whore he was now and how proud I am. I held him til he went back to sleep, then came home to pack a bag. I'm gonna spend a night or two at his place until he's feeling better. I'm horny as fuck over this pozzing.
    2 points
  25. Part 7 Home Slice After a nice shower I sucked a one last load from Dante's balls savoring the flavor as I swallowed it down. I let him know that my truck was at Michael's as was pulled away from his place. It didn’t take long before we pulled up near Michael’s house where I quickly jumped out of Dante’s ride so he could pull away without Michael seeing him. Michael I began to worry a bit when Chris didn’t show up to the party Friday night. I knew he was with my weed dealer, Dante. I was afraid that Dante was busted by the cops and Chris was arrested for being: the car with him. When I saw him waking up my driveway towards his car I ran out to find out what had happened to him. Chris I was expecting Michael to meet me as I returned to pick up my truck after basically disappearing all weekend. Dante had given me what I was to tell him, no more and no less. I simply told him that Dante needed to go by his place to pickup more supplies and we ended up staying be had a lot going on there and I stuck around since I was have a good time. Michael seemed to buy the bull I feed him as I gave him a stash of weed Dante had me give him to help with what I told him adding that I was given the weed to make up for the ‘inconvenience’ Dante might have caused. I excused myself from any further discussion with Michael since I had just enough time to run home before church. The rest is the day went as normal with one exception, I couldn’t get Dante out of my head. I was lucky I do had Tina dick, but my ass was screaming to be filled. After dinner I excused myself and went to my bedroom where I finished too what like school work I had due Monday, climbed into bed naked (for the first time in my life) and quickly fell asleep with the faint feeling of Dante's cock fucking me while gently fondling my soft cock. I woke before my alarm went off with morning wood like I had never had before. To me, it still felt like I had Dante’s dick in my ass as I reached to stroke my rock hard 6 1/2 inch cock. It didn’t surprise me that it only took a could minutes before I shot my load with the strongest orgasm I had ever felt before. I didn’t know if I could wait all week to see Dante. He told me that his only expectations were that I be at his crib every weekend, Friday after school until Sunday morning when I had to go to church. It started me thinking, I was an 18 year old senior, I had two study periods that were at the ended my day, and if I could get an excuse, like I had a job (or something like that) I could get out is school around 12:30 pm. And since both my parents worked and wouldn’t be home until 6 pm, I’d have a coupe hours I could spend with Dante. I used the new iPhone X Dante gave me so that I could call him without my parents knowing anything about my new ‘friend’ and ‘activities’. I texted him my plan and he immediately had a way to get me the ‘excuse’ in order to get me out early. When I arrived at school that day I stopped I the office where I was told that they received a request from a local youth center requesting my early release from school. The request was still that I could volunteer with at risk youth who liked to hangout at the center in the afternoons. What surprised me was the administrator who was going over the process type me that since I had lunch the period before, I was free to leave at the sorry of my lunch. Damn did I just get lucky, I new it wouldn’t take me long to get to Dante's and this would give me a good 5 hours with him. The day moved quickly and when it was the guy lunch, I made my way to my car. I was hoping to get out the school without seeing Michael. Although, Dave worked out what I should tell him, I was lucky that I had church on Sunday. But I wasn’t that lucky today. As was leaving my locker there was Michael. He asked btw all kinds of questions about Dante’s condo, if everything he heard any his crew and the wild, drug filled parties her through. I free him the info Dante gave me telling him there were a my of drugs, plenty of tail to chase, a pool and hot tub out back. I told Michael I suck to smoking the weed Date have me and stayed away from the numerous hard drugs. There was a lot of naked tail swimming I the pool or chilling I the hot tub. I then sticky excused myself explaining that I had a volunteer opportunity to help bolster my high school experience and needed to get going. I partially ran to my truck and speed off. I are the lunch my mom packed for me as I drove over to Dante's place. As instructed, I parked my truck in front of an unoccupied condo and walked the shirt distance over to Dante’s unit. Being part of his crew I had the code to the doors and back gate, and with where I parked the back gate wasn’t only the closest to walk to, but it was inconspicuous to approach. Once I was inside the gate I knew what was expected of me. Dante had a locking cupboard for me, inside were several Andrew Christian boxer briefs and a few swim suites (bikini and square cut style). I pulled out a red pair known that was Dante's favorite color quickly stripped out of khaki's and t-shirt; then slipping the tight fitting underwear on. Dante I was just getting out of the pool from my morning swim. The water doing off my naked body, fucking the warmth of the hot sun wash over my body as my semi hard cock dangled between my legs. I knew Home Slice would be arriving soon and I wondered how much his sober ass was going to want my cock inside his great ass. I missed him coming through the back gate, and totally missed him approaching me as I died my hair and face, but I definitely felt his with mouth as he engulfed my growing cock when you the root. We both moaned as he began to give me a great blow job. Damn, her really liked sucking cock, he was a natural born cock sucker. He was so good if I didn’t stop him he was going to be eating my load and I had a better place it needed to be deposited. I pulled him off my, now rock hard cock, and up to his feet where we kissed. I told him, “Get on the the lounge chair, suck that ass out while I very that great ass of yours ready for a good fucking.” Home Slice quickly positioned himself as instructed and I done in face first greedily eating his tasty ass. I worked as much spit into his hole. My spit was all the lube he was gong to get when I slide my cock inside him. That wasn't going to be the only difference with this fuck, we were also going to have an audience, there were a number of my crew stirring about that were getting ready to watch the slim, white boy take a fuck better them half of them could dream of getting. Once I was satisfied he was lubed enough, I lined up my hard, pre cum dripping dick against his hole. I used some of my pre cum to add some lube for the initial penetration as I let him know, “Ready or not” as I added enough pressure the tip of my cock slipped inside easily. If I had and doubts about Home Slice taking my cock sober quickly faded as he pushed back against me wanting to get more of my cock inside him as he moaned out “OH FUCK!” His ass was perfect to fuck. Or was the best ass I’d fucked in my 10 years of fucking guys. I rode him like the bitch he was becumming, knowing I was gong to fill film with another load of poz cum. He had taken sui much from me and Miguel there was no way he was gong to escape this fate of my DNA poignantly becumming part of him. It didn’t matter to me if Miguel or I pozzed him since Miguel was the guy who pozzed me. I had just turned 18 when Miguel made me on offer to becum his ‘distributor’. The only way the deal was going to be sealed was after he fucked me. I knew I was gay a couple years before, but was a strict, total top. But the deal Miguel was offering me was to good to pass up. I figured I could take a fucking in order to make several hundreds of thousands of dollars. Miguel pushed me to my knees what I began to suck his cock, getting it hard for the deed that I was about to undertake. He quickly filled my mouth before his cock snaked it’s way down my throat (it was at that moment I was thankful I enjoyed giving head and was great at deep throating), and (just as I had done to Home Slice), Miguel pulled his cock from my throat, pushed me into my back and as he climbed between my legs he pulled a week filled point out and expertly gave me my first slam. I can’t recall if I knew it from the start or if I learned later that he was fucking me raw, but with the slam he gave me, which (unlike Home Slice here) made my cock go fuck hard. I didn’t care or think about him bartending me, I knew he was breeding me since I could feel it when his cock would spam inside me and I swear I could feel his load splash me inside. It wasn’t until he pulled out of my cum filled hole after his sixth load that the implications of what we had done hit me. He didn’t give my ho hole any chance to close up or any of his load to leak out when he slid a butt plug inside telling me, “You’re to keep that plug in place until tomorrow.” Baje I left his hotel room he handed me a bag full of drugs abc a was of cash ($50,000 when I finally counted or) before heading home with that plug moving as I sat in my car driving. I came down with the ‘(fuck) flu’ a coupe weeks later. When Miguel came back to town a coupe months later I had $170,000 for him and he had more drugs guy me to sell. He never fucked me again, but it was then that I realized I’d need to have a nice ass (preferably neg) for him to breed. Recalling that night helped me last longer fucking Home Slice, but I couldn’t hole back any longer as I began to long dick his ass. He was working that hole milking my cock the best he could as my balls began churn. I slammed in so hard I punched through the third, deep internal ring as I shot a huge load into his (soon to be formerly) neg ass. As I continued to thrust my still hard cock inside Home Slice with the few of my crew who had been watching, a coupe starting their own fucking, I wondered if Home Slice was just naïve, dumb or didn’t know better. I figured we’d have that conversation later: the week when I’d tell him that he will be carrying my DNA for life. He took four loads from me that afternoon and each afternoon that week.
    2 points
  26. Did a long weekend in Disney Orlando this month with my partner and some friends. Had a nice sized two-bedroom in Saratoga Springs resort we shared among 5 of us for a semi-annual reunion. This was our final evening / night of the trip, when just Shane and I were left (our friends departed earlier that day) because of a cancelled flight. This was the start of what turned out to be an exciting night....... I had gone to meet another friend who lives in Tampa, while Shane did an afternoon at the spa. I was back at the resort chatting on the apps with a few guys. Most were cast members (there are always a handful looking to play, but they work odd shifts or often are only available late after the parks close). A 22 year old guest staying nearby was sounding more serious, so I invested more attention in his chat. He was traveling with his family for the week, couldn’t host (as most of the guys on the apps around Disney cannot), and was horny. He was 5’10”, very lean, brick red hair that was short and very curly, and a cute face. Not usually who I would pursue (I like a guy with a solid build), but he seemed nice, real, and was available now. I met him near the bus stop and walked over. He was here with his family — his parents and two younger siblings, as well as a grandparent, aunt, and 2 younger cousins. They were in the water park (kinda surprising since its been unseasonably cold this week), and he hung out at their resort instead. Grinding on Grindr, of course (haha). We chatted about his college — he was a senior in psychology, planning to do grad school next year. He was a bit shy, which I found endearing. Very grounded. Far from being a typical self-focused or entitled twink, this guy was articulate, seemed to have some culture under his belt, and was humble. He was quiet and reserved, but friendly. It was a nice walk back to the condo, and was more intrigued to see where this would go. I wasn’t convinced he would totally follow through, but he’d come this far. I hadn’t heard back from Shane, yet, so was thinking this would be a one-on-one. In the condo, college boy and I had a glass of wine (he was looking a bit timid), and I casually placed my hand on him a few times as we moved around — his back, then waist, and finally leg while sitting on the couch. After a bit he returned the touch. I leaned in to kiss him, and warmed up to a slow, intimate series of kisses on the couch. I casually rubbed his chest and legs, and he reached down for my cock. It was time to move to the bedroom. I ushered him into our friends’ vacant room, went to mine to grab lube and poppers, and returned. He asked if I was on PrEP, and I confirmed it (we’d discussed it in our app chat, and its in my profile, but he needed to hear it again). He said he doesn’t usually bareback, and I told him I had condoms if he wanted. At that point, he dropped to his knees, pulled out my dick, and started sucking. College boy had a nice mouth and technique, sliding up and down my cock with his tongue, never loosing suction. He was a voracious cocksucker. I pulled his mouth off my cock, and slapped it against his face; he immediately put his tongue out for more. I was more turned on, and slowly fed it to him, pulling back to tease him, and build his need for it. I reached down and pulled his shirt off, then started to fuck his face, holding the back of his head, and his ears at one point. I thought about shooting in his mouth, but I wanted more of this college boy. I told him to strip; he wrestled out of his jeans and underwear while still kneeling. I reached down to his smooth ass while he went down on my cock again. I rubbed my finger against his dry hole, massaging rather than penetrating, starting to stimulate the nerves and relax his muscle. He moaned quietly, and actually stopped sucking my cock and pushed his head into my abs. “Fuck yeah,” he whispered. I wet my fingers and slowly started to probe him, tenderly, feeling his muscle contract and then ease open as he fell under the spell. He was still kneeling on the floor, and I got down on one knee alongside him, one hand caressing his back and the other now better positioned to play with his ass. He slid into position on all fours, and I drizzled lube on my fingers, probing a bit deeper to work the lube all the way in. ”Can I have some poppers?” he asked quietly. I handed him the amber bottle, and he took two long drags off of it. He settled his chest against the carpet, spread his knees wider to better display his ass in the air, and started to moan louder as the magic took hold. College boy was surrendering to the allure of offering himself to a stranger. My cock was rock hard, and I jerked it a few times to cover it in lube before returning my fingers to his hole. It was definitely time for more. I stood up, then squatted behind his ass, letting my cock slid up and down along that inviting divide between his ass checks. “Oh fuck yeah” he breathed, slowly grinding his ass against my cock. I ran my Hands along his back, massaging him firmly, let my dick go freestyle as it searched for his hole on its own. College boy groaned when the head pressed against his waiting hole. I pressed more firmly, and felt the natural resistance of a young hole that was still learning to open itself up. I started a regular rhythm of pressure, letting the subtle thrusts entice his hole to open. “It’s a thick dick. Take another hit of the poppers,” I told him. He did, raising up onto all fours after he did, and working his ass back and forth against my cock. Then the head of my cock popped into his hold, the sphincter opening just enough to allow access. He whimpered and then moaned loudly as he let it slide in deeper. I held it inside him silently, massaging his back gently, caressing his ass cheeks. Then he started rocking back and forth on my cock, very slowly at first, but gradually getting more adventurous. His hole was firmly gripped around my cock, and it felt amazingly warm and smooth inside. It was easy to glide in and out as he fucked himself. I started moving my hips in rhythm with his ass, letting my cock stretch his hole a bit wider, and introducing new angles. College boy turned to butter and sank his chest to the ground again. He was ready. I held his hips and began thrusting harder. College boy moaned none stop, gasping occasionally and asking to get fucked longer. My pelvis was smacking hard against his lean ass. I slowed a few times as I shifted my own position, and enjoyed watching my slick dick gliding in and out of that fresh hole. Finally I pulled out, stood up, and told him to stand. I stretched my legs as he rose (he was a bit shaky), then pushed him onto his back on the bed. His legs went right into the air and I dove back into his hole. His slender dick was standing straight up, and I reached for it. “Don’t!” He gasped. “I’ll shoot! I want more! It feels amazing!!” I started fucking him hard, my balls slapping his ass as I went for longer strokes. I was sweating, and I could see the sheen on his own body. College boy grabbed his own ankles and held his legs wide, grunting with each deep thrust. “Oh! Fuck! Yeah!” He looked up at me, his eyes glazed in cocklust. He had totally surrendered to me. It was time to finish on the high note. I pressed one hand against his lightly fuzzed chest for balance, and grabbed his dick in my other, He gasped and locked eyes with me. He knew what was about to happen. I wasn’t asking permission or what he wanted. This would be wordless and primal. I fucked harder, feeling the release build in me. I massaged his dick, rather than jerking it. He kept staring at me, his filled with desire and suddenly a hint of fear. I unleashed inside him, driving my load deep and growling with each desperate thrust. College boy threw his head back and exploded, his cum splattering his own face and shoulders. He shuddered again and again as the orgasm pulsed through his lean body. I stood there panting, his body displayed in front of me, my dick still inside his cum-filled hole. I was fucking turned on still — I had just bred his hot little college boy. After a few moments we moved apart. He was once again reserved and timid. He showered quietly and quickly. I heard voices in the living room, and knew Shane had returned — but not alone. I stepped into the shower. “How are you doing?” College boy said he was fine. I figured he hadn’t been bred before, or at least very rarely. Which turned me on even more. My dick was getting hard again. We dressed and headed into the living room. College boy needed to meet his family for dinner in Disney Springs. My partner was sitting on the couch with a cute guy sharing wine. We exchanged hellos, and I said I was going to walk college boy out. He and walked back to the bus stop, hugged quickly, and said goodbye. I would hear from him later via Grindr. I was right that he had only been bred a couple times by his ex-boyfriend. He’d admit to jerking off the rest of the week thinking about our encounter and taking a load in his ass. I would do the same, and was feeling a thrill each time I thought about that reserved college boy walking with his family that night through Disney, my load inside him. I wandered back to the condo to see what Shane and his guy were up to. I’ll share that experience in my next thread.... If you enjoyed this one, let me know by clicked the blue heart below.
    2 points
  27. PART 6 Dean had shoved a huge shard of T in Daddy’s big round furry ass. “You fucker. Holy shit! Damn, you could’ve warned me! I wouldn’t turn down a nice booty bump from a hot pig like you!” Dean got a nasty grin on his face and said “I know, Mike, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I love surprises. Don’t you?” Daddy laughed and said. “You dirty little fucker. Wait until I get my cock out of this whore and into your sloppy cumdump.” Dean laughed while Daddy continued to lay on Chris’ chest and let the booty bump fully dissolve in his ass. Chris stuck his tongue in Daddy’s mouth and they were making out like crazy while Dean kept shoving his fingers in and out of Daddy’s hole. Daddy continued to moan loudly, while he pushed himself back on Dean’s fingers. Finally Daddy lifted himself up, moaning, while Dean kept his fingers in Daddy’s ass. Finally, the hairy stranger who was fucking me started to speed up and leaned down and grabbed my face, spitting in it to get my attention and said “I’m gonna come, faggot, where do you want my load?” He grinned, knowing the answer I would give. There was only one right answer. “Please shoot it in my cumdump. It’s the only place I want loads. I need cum in my rape hole. Fucking knock me up, man…make my cunt pregnant.” The man got a grimace on his face and pounded me hard. “Take my fucking load you dirty little cumwhore!” He kept pounding his fat cock in and out of my cunt faster and faster, and then held still. I could feel his nuts pulsing and shooting another load of stranger sperm deep inside me. The man who just bred me leaned down to kiss me and when he did, he spit in my face again, smiled and said “you fucking dirty little faggot. Your cunt needs more doesn’t it?” I nodded and moaned, then he pulled his fat uncut cock out of my cunt and shoved it into my mouth so I could clean off the cum from various men that he’d been using to lube up his dick. Meanwhile, another complete stranger walked up and prepared to use me for my primary purpose. Being fucked by hard cocks, and bred full of sperm by men I didn’t know and would never see again. While I was getting loaded up, Daddy had started to fuck Chris hard again, making him beg for Daddy’s amazing cock. He was even calling my Daddy “Daddy,” which turned me on so much. I really wanted to have another brother who was as much of a whore as me. While the next man (this time a smooth black guy with a giant dick) began using me, Dean walked up behind Daddy, who was bent over Chris pounding him alternately hard and soft. On one of the slower pounds, Dean touched his ass. He immediately stopped and said “can’t resist my ass, can you Dean? OK. Breed the old man. It’s been a while since I’ve had your rape stick inside me. Go ahead, mother fucker. Do your best.” Dean laughed and looked over at me, grinning. His cock was fat and steel hard. He walked up to Daddy and quickly rammed his entire cock into Daddy’s big hairy ass, causing him to moan and lean over Chris’ chest again. Chris cried out “Holy fuck, Daddy! Your cock just got fatter inside my cunt. That feels so fucking good. Every time Dean rams your hole, I can feel your cock throbbing all the way inside my cumdump! FUCK YEAH!” Chris trailed off into gibberish, and Eric leaned over and gave him another hit of T from the pipe while Jose was sucking another stranger who I hadn’t noticed before. The man who was fucking me looked at me in disbelief at what was happening around him. He turned to me and said “is that hot older guy really your Dad?” I smiled and said “He sure is. He raised me to be just as much of a whore as he is.” Daddy moaned while Dean continued to pound his cunt, all the while telling Daddy what a dirty cumdump he was. “Well fuck, man, your hole sure feels sloppy and amazing. I’m gonna add some more cum to it. You like my cock, fagboy?” I grabbed onto his big ass and pulled his huge cock as far inside me as I could and moaned. “Fuck yeah, man, I need as many loads as you can give me.” He laughed and said “here comes the first one, I can usually give a whore three or four. You ready faggot?” “FUCK YES! Give me your load! I need it breeding me!” Daddy turned and moaned while he laughed and said “That’s my dirty little pig. Beg for the man’s load like I taught you.” Dean laughed and began to shove his cock into Daddy’s cunt with each word he repeated his hard strokes. “You do the SAME, MIKE. BEG. FOR. MY. LOAD.” Daddy moaned and said “Please give me your fucking load Dean! I need to get my cunt knocked up. Breed me like the whore I am.” Dean laughed and said “as if I was going to give you a choice."
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  28. So I told you that as I finished up with my college boy trick, that my partner Shane had returned from some spa time with a guy of his own. I met him briefly as I was walking my freshly bred trick out. Handsome guy, in his late 20s, European accent — Czech or Bulgarian regions, I would guess. Dark hair and eyes, with a nice definition. He was a Disney cast member working in one of the resorts. I walked my trick out of the resort, and purposely wandered back to our room. I have a strong voyeuristic side to me, and didn’t want to return too soon and break the chemistry that was obviously brewing between Shane and the cast member. I quietly entered the condo, and was happy to see that Shane and the European guy were no longer in the living room. Their shirts were laying on floor. Listening, I headed to the guest room where I was hearing the noises of men grunting and gasping in passionate exploration. I peeked around the corner of the bedroom and saw the cast member laying naked on the bed, his body smooth and nicely defined. His cock was thick and meaty, standing straight up — it really was an impressive site. Shane was straddling the guy, his smooth ass grinding against that beautiful cock in slow motion, building the anticipation in both of them. Shane was arched forward, kissing the guy as they teased the coming fuck. Shane squirted some of the lube I’d used just an hour ago in that same bed, reaching back to slick the guy’s cock. The guy immediately reached down and began maneuvering his cock, using the mushroomed head to search for Shane’s hole. Shane snatched the bottle of poppers off the sheets and took two strong hits. The cast member found his target, the grinding coming to and abrupt end, and their bodies moving very slowly and purposefully as he entered Shane’s ass. Shane let out a sound I know so very well — a long, drawn out, “ooooohahhhhhhh” as his sphincter stretched and released around that European club. The cast member’s hot body begun working, his hips thrusting up and in tight circles, working the hole that Shane had so willingly offered up raw. Shane was jerking his own big dick, moaning as his ass was expertly worked into submission. “Fuck that’s big!” I heard him gasp between thrusts. “I told you it was big,” the guy said, reaching his hands down to Shane’s ass and grasping his cheeks firmly while thrusting up. Shane groaned in pleasure, then leaned back on his arms, showing off his own athletic physique, thick chest, and raging hardon. He worked his own hips to ride the thick meat inside him, becoming louder as he did. “Uh! OH! UUHHHHH!” I stroked my dick watching my partner ride this sexy boy’s body. Shane bounced on that dick for a few more minutes, the two of them occasionally whispering to one another, then thrusting hard. Shane’s ass was now accustomed to the European cock, and he was lost in cock lust. Finally they slowed, and I watched as that thick meat slid out of Shane’s hole. They stayed in that position a moment, then exchanged a few whispers, and Shane moved to side. The cast member got up, grabbed Shane’s waist, and guided him into a doggy position. He then pushed his dick back inside my partner’s hungry hole. The sound of muscle slapping against muscle filled the room as he started to pound Shane. My partner was moaning non stop as his ass was taken by this guy. The guy used his knees to push Shane’s legs further apart, and slowly fucked him into the mattress, finally landing Shane in a spread eagle. This European stud braced his own arms so he was hovering over Shane’s body, and started thrusting his hips so his cock was plunging into Shane’s smooth ass. Shane was making a mix of grunts and whimpers as he was fucked by long, deep, plunging strokes. He couldn’t move anything but his lower legs, which were now slightly off the bed as he was pounded into the mattress. I was stroking hard, building toward another climax watching as these two were each caught up in their own parts of the experience. Shane was lost in ecstasy of being fucked long and hard, anticipating being turned into this guy’s cumdump. The young European stud was exhilarated by the power and pleasure of the ass wrapped around his cock. He was thrusting hard, his eyes closed and focused on his own pleasure. Shane had offered him a raw hole, and he was clearly about to breed it. His muscles tightened and started to spasm as he let out three deep grunts, his thrusts become an effort as he unleashed his seed in my partner’s willing ass. He pushed himself deep inside, arching his back to maximize penetration and push his seed as deep inside as possible. His body spammed two more times, and I could imagine the large, sticky load that was being pumped out of this stud’s cock and into Shane. As the two lay there still, I stepped out of the doorway to let them finish their connection. I heard them shower, and then saw the European cast member leave. Shane was still naked, admitting he was a bit dizzy from the poppers and breeding experience. His dick was long and hard, and he hadn’t come during their fuck. I was horned up knowing there was a stranger’s fresh load inside him. A short time later I saw him cruising on his phone .... and I wondered if there was more to cum that day. [If you enjoyed reading about this little adventure, let me know! You can tap the blue heart below and leave a message.]
    2 points
  29. Dad’s Basement Part Five I was led by the two men, into the next room, the one that was divided into two. We continued to move until we were in the area with three glory holes cut into the wall. Not much light was coming through the holes, so I knew the sun was going down outside. “Taking all loads is like Russian roulette - raw cock goes into your hole and the cock shoots - could be shooting blanks or a hot round of poz cum” one of the men said. I was placed with my back to the wall and pulled over at the waist allowing my ass to open at the glory hole. “Plus Son there is an added excitement to taking cocks that you don’t know who it is attached to, Do you know them or are they complete strangers you will never see again” I pushed my ass checks back against the wooden wall. I could hear sounds coming from all around. I looked to my left to see my Dad putting his ass against the wooden wall too. Only there was already a hard cock sticking through the glory hole. It was dark, thick and sticking straight out. I watched my Dad spit in his hand, rub the spit onto his hole, and push back on the dark cock, It slowly disappeared into Dad’s hole. My cock started to expand. I was watching my Dad take cock up his hole. It was the hottest thing I had ever saw. Dad’s head was thrown back with pleasure and one of his buds shoved a bottle of poppers under his nose, which he inhaled deeply. “Show your Son how to take cock” I watched as Dad’s ass pressed against the wood wall, the cock was deep inside his hole. I could feel the thrusts of the man fucking my Dad, move the wall on my ass. Dad moaned load as the cock moved in and out of his hole. I was lost watching Dad take raw cock, until I felt something pushing at my own hole. One of Dad’s buds reached back and spread my checks giving the unknown man access to my used hole. “Fuck man, that is one used cummy fuck hole” said the man on the other side of the wall, who was pushing his cock into my hole. I had heard that voice some where before, I knew it but could not place it. My hole opened around the cock, allowing it to slide deep inside, pushing the cum forward and out ward of my hole. I moaned as the cock began to move. I concentrated on the rhythm of the fuck - as he pushed in I pushed back and pulled off as he pulled out. “Good Son, take that anon raw cock - you know it could be anyone even grandpa” Dad said, “imagine being fucked by not just me but him as well today Son” My cock throbbed at that thought. I loved over and Dad was matching his fuck just like mine. We moved together. I looked up to see the other men who fucked me earlier either sucking or fucking each other. Dad took another big hit of poppers and then handed them to me - and I followed suit in huffing them. “Fuck that hole just opened” the top said on the other side of the wall, picking up speed. I looked to the other side of me, to see another cock coming through the hole. I could not help be think it was a beautiful sight to see, another hard fucking cock. I watch the tattooed, uncut cock man back his ass up, taking the cock deep into his hole, moaning as he was penetrated. I passed him the poppers and watched him inhale deep. I continued to push back against the hard cock working in and out of my hole. Poz cum flowed out of my hole and dripped down my balls. “Stay where you are fucker, I have to eat that ass!” the owner of the cock fucking me said. I felt his cock slip out and was soon replaced with a hot tongue. It was sliding in and out of my cum covered gapping hole. It was another new sensation. I moaned more and more as he switched from tongue fucking me and sucking my hole to eat out the cum deposited in there. My cock twitched rapidly as my mind wondered if he knew he was not only sucking out my Dad’s cum but also sucking out and swallowing nothing but poz loads. I ran my finger over my cock and scooped up the pre-cum leaking out. I was bringing it to my lips when I felt my Dad’s hand grab mine and pulling it to his mouth. “Give me your pre-fuck juice Son” I felt his mouth engulf my finger, sucking it like it was a skinny cock. The uncut guy reached over and scooped some of my pre-cum onto his finger and sucked it off, just like my Dad. “Fucking tastes like yours bud” The man stopped eating my ass and pushed his cock in my hole again, sliding all the way in and all the way out, over and over. I could hear a growl coming from him and knew he would not last much longer in my hole. “Never thought I would breed that hot ass that you strutted around campus, teasing the hell out of every man” he said. “you fucking overachieving whore” Fuck me, where did I know that voice from. I felt him slam his body against the wall, as his cock start to shoot deep inside my hole adding his cum to the rest. The thought of not knowing if I was getting more poz cum or not was a huge fucking turn on. Soon the pulse of his cock stopped and he pulled out. I fought the urge to look through the glory hole to see who it was. “Hot as fuck is right Dad” I said turning to him, watch him pull off his cock. “Got a load?” I asked him “Switching” I watched him and the uncut man switch cocks, fuck it was hot the just slid back on the new cocks, using each other’s ass juices as lube. I felt fingers playing with my hole through the glory hole. I closed my eyes as I felt them enter me. The new man pushed in two fingers, then three and then four, ramming them in and out. I wanted to scream out just give me your fucking cock, but didn’t. He removed his fingers, leaving empty and wanting to filled. I felt his hard cock rubbing up and down my hole, slowly moving, wetting the head with cum. I balanced myself on my knees and reached back spreading my ass open more. He positioned his cock head at my hole and pushed in, driving deep. I moaned again, I felt full as his cock spread open my ever loosening hole. Even with soreness setting in, I felt pleasure. He slowly moved his cock in and out of my hole. Steadily fucking me. I turned and watched Dad slam his ass back against the wooden wall, fucking himself on the cock sticking through the glory hole. Harder and harder Dad pushed back against the wall, until he pushed all the way back and held his ass against it. “Getting bred Son” he said smiling at me. The cock inside my hole was still steadily pumping in and out, working the ridge of it’s head against the muscles of my loose hole. “NEXT” Dad yelled as to signal anyone on the public side of the glory hole he was ready for the next anon cock. I watched as he braced himself, knowing that a cock had just entered his hole. “Oh yeah, fuck me hard bud” Dad said as he began moving back and forth on the new cock. Sounds of fucking and sucking echoed through the basement, while the smell of cum, piss and musk infused with the heated air. “Going to get loaded up Son, so I can squat over your mouth and feed you cum from my hairy ass!” Dad said. The cock inside my ass grew thicker and harder, giving me the sign it was going to shoot it’s load deep into my hole. I licked my lips, knowing that I was going to be flooded with more cum. One strong push in and the flood began. I could feel pulse after pulse of seed shooting into me. He pulled out and within seconds another cock stabbed at my hole, sliding in deep this time with almost no effort. “Your first black cock Son.” Dad said, “Hold on tight I have had that cock before and he fucks hard and long” My cock oozed pre-cum knowing that this cock had fucked and breed my Dad. Such a fucking turn on. It drove deep inside me. I still wondered how Dad knew what cock was fucking his Son’s ass. Was these anon fucks pre-arranged. Those thoughts quickly left my mind, as the black did started to pull in and out my hole. The cock would pull completely out of my hole, only to be shoved deep into me seconds later. This punch fuck attack continued for what seemed like for ever. Looking over at Dad, I could see him lost in a world of pleasure as his hard cock jumped up and down between his legs as he was fucked. Pre-cum was hanging from the head and almost touching the floor. I wanted to taste it, I wanted to suck every drop out of that piss slit. I watched Dad push back against the wooden wall, getting fucked and taking loads. “Good boy pussy” I heard grunted though the wall, “Gonna give you a highly toxic load Boy” My cock jumped knowing that this man was advertising his poz load and I was going to get it. His cock roughly punched my used hole, deeper and deeper. I jumped when he hit deep inside me. “Don’t pull off Boy, so fucking close” he said He continued to fuck me harder and deeper, until he pushed in deep and stayed there. Grunting and groaning as his piss slit opened and his toxic load invaded my used hole. I tried to squeeze my ass around his cock to milk out every drop, but my hole had been fucked so much by thick cocks, there wasn’t much pressure. “Clean it Boy” he said pulling out of my ass. I flipped around positioning my mouth at the glory hole. I closed my eyes and opened wide. I felt the cock pass through my mouth, gently sliding against my lips. It was slick with cum and the juices from my well fucked hole. I closed my lips around the black cock and lick and sucked. It began to move in and out of my mouth. Fingers began to feel around my hole, sliding in and out. The black cock soften and popped out of my mouth. He pulled away and I turned to back my ass against the hole again, waiting for the next cock to arrive. Time continued to pass, as the fucking continued. I lost count of how many anon cocks and loads I had taken through the glory hole, as well as how many Dad had. The third glory hole had seen many men presenting their holes to be fucked so I didn’t even try to concentrate on them. I knew it was getting late in the night, but I wanted more, more cock, more cum, and more disease.
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  30. Dad’s Basement - Part Four As the week went on Dad taught me more and more about man to man raw sex, although it wasn’t physical, I knew that would change once the weekend arrived. Dad didn’t hold back when it came to my new sexual education, the more twisted and perverted the harder his cock got, and well, mine too. As each day past, my anticipation grew. I wondered if this would be the day that Dad popped my cherry, but it wasn’t and soon it was Friday. “Morning Son,” Dad said, as he slapped his hard cock against my forehead. “Morning." “Tonight is a big night for you. I have left you something on the table. You know what you need to do today for tonight,” he said, tucking his hard cock inside his pants. “Yes, Daddy.” “We both have to be ready for tonight,” he said. "See you about two this afternoon, Son.” With that he left, leaving me in my bed with my morning hard on which I slowly stroked under the covers, only to return saying “Son, quit playing with your cock. In fact don’t touch the fucker until I tell you. Not even to piss.’ “Fuck” I said, but it was too late. He was gone. Slowly I got out of bed, thinking pissing is going to be interesting and messy today as I headed down to the kitchen to see what he had left me. Wasn’t hard to find, he had propped a new jock in its packaging up against a huge black fake dick. Seeing this caused me to smile. Written on a post it was a note which read 'Wear this all day. Mark it as yours'. I opened the new jock and stepped into it. My hard cock tented the material of the pouch out. It was going to be a long day of getting ready for tonight in the basement, so I had to do what Dad had told me to do in order to be ready. Dad came home a little after two to find me seated on the floor in my jock which was still tented outwards by my hard cock and now stained yellow from piss. "Damn, that’s fucking hot, Son,” Dad remarked with pleasure. “Thanks,” I replied with a grin. We both did our thing to prepare for the night's activities, and were ready about 6:00 PM. I was in the kitchen leaning against the counter in my nasty jock when Dad came in. No words were spoken as he opened the basement door and disappeared into the darkness. I quickly moved towards the door and then down the stairs until I bumped into Dad at the bottom. My pouch inadvertently rubbed against his ass. “Easy Son. There will be time for that shortly.” I could hear movement already in the basement, yet it was completely dark. I began to think that the darkness was messing with my mind, until Dad hit the light switch and there in the middle of the room was eight nude men, each man's cock obscenely hard and pointing directly at me. Some of the men I recognized, while others were new to me. Dad turned to me, gabbed my upper arms in his fists and announced “Tonight Son, each of these men, will fuck and seed your neg hole. The goal is to convert you.” “Does that include you Dad?” I asked. “FUCK YEAH” he firmly declared, adding “I will be the first and the last in the first part of tonight's conversion party." My cock got harder in my pouch. I could not believe it. Tonight Daddy was going to take my virgin cherry as well as my disease cherry. My hole twitched as I looked at the men in the room and the hard man cocks. Never one to waste time, Dad pulled me into the locker room, where he pulled down my jock, freeing my hard cock. He positioned me on the empty wall, as another man stepped forward with a camera, his hard cock bouncing as he moved. I saw a flash and then I was pulled in a new direction. Fuck these twisted fuckers were in a hurry. I lost my jock in the locker room, not really caring if I ever saw it again. Then I was taken back to the first room. A fuck bench had been moved to the middle of the room. My heart was pounding and I felt my legs getting weak, the excitement was getting to be too much. It was obvious what was intended. I climbed on the bench, both my holes exposed for easy access. I felt my arms and legs being tied to the bench as my torso. With what was about to happen, these men wanted me to stay in place. Rough hands roamed my body, my ass was slapped over and over, nipples pinched, my cock jacked and balls squeezed. I felt one cock after another slap my face while other men spat in my face. I closed my eyes, hoping this was not a dream. I wanted this. A hot breathe in my ear asked “You want this Son?” It was my Daddy. I nodded in affirmation. “Not good enough, Son.” “Yes.” “You want Daddy and his friends to fuck you, to shoot their poz loads in your hole, to gift you their disease?” “FUCK YES DADDY! Fuck me, poz me, convert me.” “Good boy,” he said as the other men grunted in approval. My ass was spread wide by two men, as something rough was pushed into my hole. It hurt like hell as it passed through my clenched hole. I could feel scratching inside my hole as this object moved in and out of me. As my mind tried to get my mouth to object to this invasion in my hole, my cock jumped and leaked over powering my mind. Then the object was abruptly withdrawn, causing my hole to clinch shut in pain. Tears welled-up in my eyes, which I fought to stop. Again I felt breath in my ears announcing “Your fuck hole is ready Son.” My Dad was displaying a bloody toothbrush for my inspection. Standing up, he stroked his cock and handed the tooth brush to a tattoo covered man with a big uncut cock. Hands were still exploring my body, teasing and torturing me. My ass was burning from all the slaps. “Men, Let the games begin," Dad announced, asking me "Are you ready for Daddy’s cock, Son?” I felt Dad’s cock head rub up and down my crack. My legs were shaking from fear as well as excitement, knowing my Dad was going to take both my cherries right now. His head teased me over and over, until he grabbed my hips, and thrust his cock head into my hole. It resisted at first, but with consent pushing and the slapping of my ass checks from other men, it open and his cock plunged deep into my hole. The pain was intense. I screamed as he continued to push deeper and deeper, until he was balls-deep. He continued to press against my ass with his body, holding me to him as I tried to pull away and fight my bindings. The men all around grunted in approval of my Dad's assault on my ass. Some liquid was flowing freely down my crack and onto my balls. Dad pulled his cock out slowly, allowing me to feel every vein on his shaft, until only his head was inside my broken hole. Without warning he thrust back into my hole, doing this over and over. The pain continued with each thrust of his cock, but slowly diminished, until it was replaced with pleasure. My grunts of pain, turned to moans. “He’s fucking enjoying it now,” someone observed, adding “I can’t wait to shove this uncut cock into that used broken boy hole and let him feel that extra cock skin.” Someone else commented “Fuck, I have a week's worth of cum churning in my balls for this boy," and yet another "Conversion is almost certain for your boy.” Dad continued to fuck my hole, increasing his rhythm, balls bouncing off my ass. I could hear him grunting like a wild animal. His breathing was getting faster and faster too. I knew it would not be long until his poz load would be shooting into my wrecked hole, and I was right. “Here it comes Son. Daddy is going to corrupt you, convert up, fuck you up,” he exclaimed in triumph as he pushed in deep as his cock started shooting its toxic load out of the piss slit, which was accompanied by the declaration “Daddy is pozzing your boy pussy!” I could feel his cock jump. I could feel his cum shooting inside hitting the sensitive walls of my ass. Once done, he abruptly withdrew, which left my ass leaving me feeling empty, but not for long. Another cock head was breaching my hole, filling me up again, driving in balls-deep as the new man gripped my hips. I closed my eyes. This time the pain was less and was quickly replaced with pleasure. “Good job Son” my Dad said in my ear, “look at Daddy’s cock.” I opened my eyes to see my Dad’s semi hard cock in front of me. It was red with blood, mixed with cum. I could not believe his magnificent tool had been in my hole. “Clean my cock, Son.” With out hesitating I opened my mouth and he pushed it in. I licked and suck on his cock, tasting my blood and his cum, knowing that it was the second poz cum load he had given me, but the first one up my pussy. The man behind me continued to fuck my hole. His cock wasn't as thick as Dad’s but it was almost as long, didn’t really matter though, he knew how to fuck and please a hole, and it wasn't long before he rammed his cock deep inside and shot his load. Another poz load in my hole. Fuck, I was getting into this. I wondered how many loads I would get. He pulled out my used hole and laughed, saying "Damn, after only two cocks, look how that hole gapes!” Even if I couldn't see what he was talking about, after having been fucked by two cocks in rapid sequence, I could feel not only were my ass lips puffy, my hope was gaping open. The ventilation in the basement was causing slight drafts, and the air blowing across my hole caused it to wink a bit, but still stayed open. Shivers ran up my spine, and straight to my cock, causing it to jump more and leak more. I was surprised I hadn't yet shot my load. “Ready for a new sensation Boy? Uncut cock. Lots of skin.” I felt the cock slide in deep. The new man held it there, then slowly pulled out. I could feel the skin moving as the cock moved. I moaned. With only one thrust and pull out I knew I was hooked on uncut cock. He wasn’t going to continue to bring me pleasure this was about him, so he grabbed my hips and began to fuck me harder and harder, but the uncut cock and rough fuck only made me moan loader. “Your Boy is a fucking natural,” my latest fucker announced as he continued fucking with gusto. I was to occupied with getting fucked to hear any replies, but I felt another cock poking at my mouth so I sucked it in, cleaning it off, tasting my ass, my blood, my Dad’s cum and his cum. I wanted poppers but none were ever presented to me. Soon the uncut man rammed in and began shooting. Pulling out he was replaced by another cock. This was done over and over for several hours. Each man had shot his poz load into my well-used hole. I had no idea how long I was tied there, taking each man’s poz cock and cum up my hole. I did know, however, I was fucked by each one, starting with my Dad, and, as promised, to be concluded by my Dad. “Time for the cock that made you again, boy.” I felt Dad’s big cock, easily slid into my hole. I moaned as I was sore from the earlier fucks, but the slickness of all the poz loads reduced the pain and increased the pleasure, although there was no escaping the fact that the torn tissues in my ass were a source of substantial pain. Dad, however, was not concerned with my discomfort, he was focused on getting off and ensuring my conversion. He fucked my hole with fast jerking movements in and out of my hole, until he changed the motion to long strokes. I could feel his cock head sliding in deep, hitting my prostate with each thrust. “Going to fuck that last neg load out of you, Son.” I could feel someone holding my cock, slowly jacking it. I knew I would not last long with Dad fucking my hole and someone jacking me. I bit my lip to hold of on shooting until I couldn’t hold it any more. My cock start to shoot, my ass muscles would contracted around Dad’s cock. “Oh FUCK BOY!” my Dad yelled, “your hole is squeezing Daddy’s cock, gonna poz you again, can’t hold it.” With that he slammed balls deep into me and shot, as the man finished milking my cock. Still breathing heavy Dad, pulled out and slapped my ass check with appreciation, praising me saying “Good boy, Son, but it isn't over. Ten poz loads is only the beginning.” I was lifted off the fuck bench, held up by two men, one on each side. I looked down to see with cocks hard as rocks. Grins came across their faces. “That was just part one Boy” one of the men explained, adding “Part two is the mind fuck.”
    2 points
  31. I found my way to a "Neg Only" party a couple of nights ago. It was great fun. I had to "apply" by email stating that I was neg and DDF and attach a full frontage pic and mug shot. It’s to my advantage that I’m young, and have a job that takes me outdoors and gives me lots of exercise, so I’m always looking tan and fit and healthy. My cock jumped when the door opened, and I spied the nine neg asses lined up to greet me. I was a "first-timer" which meant I had to act discretely, but that didn’t alter my objective which was to poz, poz, poz! Myself included, there were two tops, four bottoms, and four versatiles. I started off with a married bottom named Troy, 28, blonde and blue-eyed, a PA transplant, so sweet and horny. We sat on the couch and made out. When he offered me his ass, I told him to sit on my dick and fuck himself silly. Eventually I pushed him onto his back, drew his legs to my shoulders, and pistoned until I delivered my first poz load of the night in his sweet virgin ass. Afterwards, I kept my dick in him to make sure my charge didn’t leak out. Mike, a 30-something Italian top, came up from behind and slammed his shaft into me. He pulled me off Troy, and stuck his dick into Troy’s sloppy ass. He alternated between Troy’s poz-filled ass and my long-pozzed hole. All the while I watched his reddening cock for abrasions. My mind worked feverishly on schemes to get Mike on the bottom. What a great affiliate he’d make! I ruefully recalled the "Ruffies" (date rape pills) I’d left on the dresser. I’d have to have Mike over one evening real soon. I got to screwing Davie, a 23 year old Korean, till he decided he’d rather be screwing me. Javier (Jay for short), a Latino with a short, fat dick, and a very cute Redhead joined us. The four of us ended up on the floor with Davie sitting on my dick. The Redhead crammed his shaft down Davie’s throat while Jay fucked me. I was in pig heaven! Kevin, our host, interrupted to bring us some poppers, and soon we were flying. Someone suggested double-dicking. Jay pulled out of my ass to slip into Davie’s hole beside me. Davie was a bit ambivalent about being double-fucked, and the Redhead offered his shaft as a diversion. Kevin fed Davie a tremendous whiff of poppers, and Jay slid into Davie with ease. What a wonderful sensation! My dick was in Davie’s pussy, pulsing beside Jay’s throbbing cock. It sent shivers all over my body. I blasted my second poz load of the evening into the Asian’s neg ass, dousing Jay’s cock with my virus. The Redhead replaced me, joining Jay in double-dicking the Asian. Davie moaned as my cumload-lubricant greased the two dicks engorging his mancunt. I watched them shoot into Davie, Jay first, then the Redhead, and salivated as they ground my bug into Davie’s damaged rectum. I dozed for an hour before approaching my final conquest—Joey, this short little guy, with closely cropped hair and brown eyes and the neatest little ass you’ve ever seen on a gay man. Without saying a word, I led him to a corner and rimmed him. I had already cum twice, so I knew my third load wouldn’t cum quickly. I fucked Joey mercilessly for 30 minutes, till he complained he was sore, then 10 minutes later I shot hard, fast, and furious. I figured I’d torn him up pretty good. It was only after cumming that I kissed him, lubriciously filling his mouth with my spit. He dug it. I’ve kept in touch with each of them. Of course, they think I’m neg. But that facilitates my objective—which is to poz them all. Key is to convert the tops who’ll infect the others. The virus’ll spread like wildfire, each of them thinking the others are neg. Then I’m gonna host a "Poz Only" party, and see who shows up.
    1 point
  32. After a hookup didn't go as planned I decided to make my way to the baths, and it was a fantastic decision. The night started kind of slow, got a couple hits but they didn't want the same thing as me. Climbed up on the fuck bench and got a really dissatisfying ride. Thinking it was going to be another unfulfilling night at the baths, I was working my way around the maze when a stray hand grabbed my ass. He slid a couple fingers over my hole, felt that it was lubed up and good to go, so I let him into one of the gloryhole cubbies. He left the door open and started pounding me like he was out to wreck my hole. I got in the zone really quickly, and slammed my ass back against him just as hard as he was thrusting his hips. After a solid 10-15 minute aggressive pounding he bottomed out and pumped his load into me. By the time he pulled out number 2 was already waiting for me through one of the gloryholes. So I re-lubed, and got him right in there. Once he started pounding me I looked up and saw a small audience had gathered, a number of guys stroking their cocks waiting for their chance at my sloppy hole. Of course I had to give them a show, so I went wild. This guy didn't last as long, and as he pulled out I felt those two loads dripping down my legs. The second I turned around, number 3 pushed his way through the audience and pushed right in without giving me a moment to breathe. He must have watched the other two since he went from zero to pound city in a single thrust. I gave just as good as I got, but at this point I was hungry and I wanted a proper ride on the fuck bench. Happily obliging, we walked over but it was occupied. Before I knew it number 4 came up behind me and slapped my ass with his huge cock. I wanted it bad, so I guided him to my slut hole and backed all the way onto him until I could feel his balls slap me. Using a free edge on the fuck bench to brace myself, I rode him from end to end, hard enough to produce a loud slap when my ass hit his stomach. I got so into the moment I started getting louder and louder, which made the guy actually on the bench get louder in response. The guy fucking him got more aggressive while I slammed my hips as hard as I could on number 4. Pretty soon the rhythm of his thrusts broke, hie bottomed out, and bred me with a massive load. And once again, the second number 4 pulled out, number 3 lined back up, this time determined to fuck me even harder than number 4 and earlier in the cubby. This guy had some serious stamina, I thought he would use my hole all night if he could. He got really into it, slapping my ass, moaning loudly every time I pushed him all the way inside me, which made the bottom on the bench reply with his own moans. But after maybe 20 minutes (I'm guessing since time was a blur at this point), number 3 was at his limit, and he gave me my final load of the night. I know 4 loads is almost nothing compared to what I've seen discussed on this site, but tonight I finally got to feel like a proper cumdump for the first time. Now I want more.
    1 point
  33. So I have busy Work and Home lives which means that I can’t just walk out and play each evening. And that’s probably a good thing because I’m addicted to piss and cum and when I get started I don’t wanna stop till everyone around me has been drained. What works for me is to take secret days off work and get as much dick as I can - I call them my fuck days. Fridays are usually the best. Lemme tell you about a day recently. I took my usual train to central London for ‘work’. By the time I got to London I was fucking horny for some morning spunk loads. I’m checking all the apps and there’s a guy in a local hotel close by. The messages are short - am I a pig looking for piss and cum right now - yes - here’s the address be here in 5 mins - great see you then. I walk into the hotel and his room is just off the main entrance. He’s a fucking giant - tall, hairy, stocky with flimsy straight guy boxers on. Immediately he says strip, I’m naked in seconds. He says he wants to piss so open up and I’m on my knees looking up at this hot guy as he drops his boxers to reveal a thick meaty slab - my mouth opens wide and he puts the head in on my tongue. I close around his cockhead which is filling my mouth and he immediately starts pissing full force down my throat. I recognise the taste, this is his morning piss. He holds my head on his cock and pulls me towards him. His pissing cock goes deeper down to the back of my throat. He’s filling my throat now and I can smell his musky bush. He holds my head there with two hands - obviously a pro at pissing down pig throats, not that I was going anywhere. Once done he moves to the bed and says he wants me positioned with my cunt in his face and my mouth on his dick. I think fuck yeah he wants to rim me, but as soon as I start sucking he starts to slap and crush my balls. He slaps my ass and tells me to keep going until he’s about to cum, so I swallow his dick and give him a fucking awesome bj while he builds up the pressure on my balls. He pushes me off the bed onto the floor and stands over me. He’s wanking fast now and I know what’s about to happen, he aims at my face and blasts me with a huge creamy load. Then he tells me to eat his load which I do, feeling so submissive to this giant of a man. I leave the hotel and check grindr. There’s a mixed guy who has just started his work day next to the station and wants a bj. Black and Mixed guys are my ultimate fantasy, I fucking love them so of course I said yes. I reach the place and it’s a set of offices. I have to pretend to be picking up a parcel to get through the front door - I suppose it isn’t really pretending - I am hoping to leave with a huge cum and piss load ? I head up to the third floor and find a small set of toilets just off the landing. I go inside and pretend to wash my hands and in walks a hot tall mixed young guy with skinny jeans. He pushes me into the cubicle and I sit on the toilet while he starts unbuttoning. Out of his skinny jeans comes a thick uncut hunk of meat and I get straight to work. The guy is loving it, holding my head as he fucks my face. He keeps saying how fucking hot it is that I can swallow him whole. He’s pretty big so I’m drooling in this gag the fag style throat fuck when the door to the toilet opens. As we hear a guy starting to piss in the urinal he slowly slides his dick in and out, all the way down my throat. I know what he’s waiting for, and I’m prepared. As soon as the guy using the urinal leaves, he’s back up to speed, power fucking my throat, and I know he’s close to getting his nut. He growls and I can feel the flesh in my mouth pulse and pump my throat full of hot cum. He looks like he’s had a workout and leaves his dick to get soft in my mouth. Once he had recovered from offloading what felt like a pint of cum, he was done and left. A good start to the day. I head to my favourite shopping centre to douche. For me, a necessity when playing is a clean ass. Knowing I’m clean gives me the confidence to eat every dick clean after its fucked me, plus one of the greatest pleasures in my life is I love to finger my sloppy hole and eat the multiple loads of cum outta my hole. This usually takes a little while, and I’m usually lining up meets for after I’m done prepping. I’m done and I’ve arranged a meet with a guy in toilets across the shopping centre. He’s vers but says he has a morning load to drop and i’m the fag that’s gonna take it. I walk into the toilets and he’s at the urinals, I stand next to him and he waves his cock - I smile and we head for a cubicle. Once in the cubicle I’m straight down onto my knees. This guy isn’t tall, but has a hot chunky dick so on my knees is gonna be the best place to throat him effectively. He unbuckles and pulls out his dick and balls and I go to work. His dick tastes like he’s just had a piss and that drives me even more wild. He holds the back of my head and fucks my throat - I can tell that he’s enjoying it, but that he needs to unload. We can both hear other guys coming in and using the urinals, which turns me on even more and we both try our best to be quiet. He’s nearly done and he stops being quiet and starts to power fuck my face, calling me names and telling me to get ready for his cum. He holds my head on his dick and I feel the familiar pump down the back of my throat. He pulls out, satisfied and leaves. A guy dressed in a hi-vis jacket, dirty jeans and boots, probably in his 40’s or 50’s pushes the door open and sees me on my knees. He smirks, walks in and closes the door. Obviously someone else was listening whilst the last guy used me. I’m a fan of older guys - 40’s and 50’s daddy types have generally been around the block, know what turns them on, and know how to use submissive guys like me. He starts to unbuckle and pulls out a decent soft dick. I get to work and that soft dick grows and grows. I’m fucking impressed, this guy is 8” hard and thick. I’m putting on my best head game and swallowing him like a pro. He reaches down my back and fingers my ass, then he pulls out of my throat and whispers to me ‘gimme that cunt and I’ll blow a huge load up you’. I’m already lubed so stand up, this guy bends me over and he’s a tall guy so just the right height to make this a fucking awesome first fuck. As I bend over looking for my poppers, this guy takes it as his queue to get inside me, and he forces all 8” up me in one go. As it’s the first fuck of the day, and I can’t seem to find my poppers it hurts, but he starts to saw in and out of my ass. Within a minute he’s pounding me and I get the familiar feelings of slutty pleasure and pride. He’s power fucking me now and I can hear his hi-vis jacket making sounds each time he moves. No doubt everyone outside can hear, and again that turns me on. He fucks in quick succession and I know what’s coming, he pulls me all the way back on his dick and I feel that warm thick cum spreading inside me, whilst his thick dick pulses in my hole. He catches his breath and pulls out, I drop to my knees and clean his dick off with my mouth. This is like a reflex for me, something I was trained to do very early on in my getting fucked slutty career. After he leaves I reach back with two fingers and dig some cum out of my hole, it’s thick and creamy - my fucking favourite, I lick my fingers clean and get ready to head out. At this point I usually go to either some cruising grounds or a sauna. Today I’m broke, so it’s to the cruising ground for me. I head out to one of my favourites. A park in London that has a lot of cruising from all sorts of guys, but with a load of trades / construction / blue collar guys - my favourite. I arrive and usually do a scout to see how busy it is, and to see if there are any straights or kids in the gay cruising area. As I’m walking through, there’s a hot Latino guy - short, bearded and slim, usually in porn this would be a power bottom and I’m never lucky enough to get a top version of these guys. We smile, and he motions me into a wooded area. Once there I’m fully expecting him to go for my dick but he pulls out a hot looking soft 7” and forcefully pulls the back of my head down. He has one of the tastiest foreskins ever - he’s just had a piss and I can still taste the salty goodness on his dick which has started to grow. He pulls up his shirt and starts to play with his nipples with one hand, whilst holding the back of my head with the other hand. He’s fucking my throat and his dick has reached a good 8.5/9”. The combination of thick and long means I’m in gag the fag style sucking again. The top is really fucking enjoying it. He stops and pulls me up, directing my mouth to eat his nipples. As I’m licking away he reaches back and two fingers are forced up my ass. He spreads them inside and pulls them out, seeing the cum load from earlier. He puts both cum dripping fingers in my mouth and tells me to turn around. He adds some lube to his dick and bends me over till he lines up his dick and pushes into me. Again, my poppers are in my trousers so I’m just gonna have to ride it without. His dick gets in deep, and he feels around and pulls on my nipples as he fucks. I’m holding onto a tree and the branches are going wild as he fucks me hard and fast, it’s a nice fuck his dick feels great in my hole, but soon enough I feel him powering up and his dick throbbing. He fucks into me one last time and rests on my back as I feel his dick release in me, he pulls out and is gone. I’m wandering around and there’s a black guy, tall and thin who isn’t interested in me but I know he’s hiding a big fucking dick and I want it. I don’t look like I naturally bottom, so this one is going to need something for him to realise. I hang out in an area that people walk through and I see a top I regularly play with - he’s a plumber in blue overalls and a decent dick in his 50’s. He knows that I love black dick and he’s helped me out like this in the past. I start sucking him in the clearing and the black guy wanders past. He stops and leans up against a tree with his hands wanking what I can see is a big dick in his joggers. I’m putting on the whole show, being really slutty whilst he watches and rubs his crotch. The plumber is doing the same moaning saying how good I am at throating his dick. I motion for him to join us and he pulls out a genuine 9” beast. He’s pushing my head down on the plumbers dick, but let’s me wank him. His dick is so big - a true 2-hander. The plumber pulls me off his dick and pushes me towards the black guys dick. I can taste his pre-cum as I dive in. He’s so big my mouth is stretched fully over his dick. The plumber heads off as he knows I’m gonna be busy for a while. He turns and gives me a knowing wink as he leaves. The black guy is impressed - lots of ‘shit you are good man’ as he holds my head and fucks in and out. He pulls me up and bends me over the closest tree. This time, I’m ready and I take a hit of poppers - if ever I need it, it’s gonna be now. He fingers my ass and finds me already loaded, asks me about it and finds it hot that I’ve already been seeded. I put some lube on his big dick and it looks just like my black dildo I use at home - only bigger. He steps up and I feel him at my ass. He pushes in and the head is massive. I don’t have much time to get used to him though as he continues to push in till he bottoms out. Fuck I feel completely and utterly full, and his dick brushes past my prostate as he starts to fuck me. Again, the sense of slutty pride is washing over me that I’m being dicked by this monster black dick. I’m by no means a size queen, but if you are getting fucked, it may as well be by the biggest dick you can find, and always try to find bigger! The black guy is spreading my cheeks to try and get in deeper so I help him out and pull them back displaying my hole. This allows him to cram an extra inch or so into my hole and I really feel it. I can feel him picking up the pace and out of the corner of my eye I can see a tall white guy watching and wanking in the bushes ahead. This turns me on and I’m moaning begging for the black guys cum in me. He’s power fucking my ass and stops, pulling my ass fully back on his dick. I can feel the pulse in his dick and the warmness spreading in my ass. After a minute of him idly playing with my nipples, he says ‘your gonna have to clench, I just dumped a weeks worth up you’. I pull off, and angle my gaping spunky hole in the direction of the white guy in the bushes whilst I sucked the black guys cock clean - creamy white cum. The guy pulls up his trackies, slaps my ass then leaves. The tall white guy makes his way round, and asks if I want another load, of course there’s no other answer than ‘fuck yea’ so he pulls out a decent thick 8” and slams it up my ass. He doesn’t need lube with all the cum in me and gets straight to work. Within a couple of minutes he’s added his load to my ass. I continue walking around the park. There’s an area that’s half a walkway half a secluded spot great for getting fucked. I check it out and can see two guys hanging around a fallen tree just outside the spot. They look mid 30’s and Eastern European, and they are drinking polish beer. I look closely and they are both rubbing some thick dicks through their joggers. I step into their view and wander to a place in the bushes where I have my back against a tree but can still see them. They keep wanking, and one of the guys pulls out his dick, continuing to wank but this time in the open. I slide down to my knees where they can see, lick my lips and play with my nipples. It doesn’t take long. The first guy is a little older than the other and has a nice 7” dick with a long foreskin. His younger mate follows but he keeps wanking in his joggers. The guy who has his dick out says in really broken English he needs a piss first and his mate says he does too. I say “why don’t you feed me your piss”. The older guy gives a knowing smirk and says something in a language I don’t know to the other and they both laugh. The older guy steps up, and places his dick on my tongue. I can see the other guy pull out a nice thick 7.5” with a long foreskin and start pissing into an empty can. The older guy on my tongue holds my head with his hands and starts to piss full force. I close my mouth round his dick and start swallowing. This piss tastes fucking great - weak beer piss where the guy has obviously been drinking all day. Once he is done he pulls my head into his crotch and starts to get hard. He’s fucking my face and I can see the younger guy taps him on the shoulder to take his turn. He’s longer and slightly thicker than his mate and tastes just as good. He goes balls deep and starts to power fuck my face. Its turning into another gag the fag style throat fuck and both guys are slapping my face as they choke me on their dicks, swapping me back and forth between them. I can tell they are close and they talk to each other in their own language. They pull out, tell me to stick out my tongue and look up at them. I know what’s coming and both guys cum over my face at roughly the same time. I’m in luck, it’s thick and creamy. The guys leave, laughing and telling me that I should drink this too and hand me the piss filled can. I was in pig heaven and didn’t really care if anyone saw. I scooped all the cum and ate it, then downed the can of tasty piss. I wander around some more and there’s a short young white guy who says “how you doing mate” I say “good” and he says “nice ass” giving me a wink. This guy is a lot shorter than me, and younger than me, but I think what the hell, I wink back and head for the nearest secluded bushes. He follows and we meet in the buses. He feels my ass and says “I wanna load you just like that black guy”. He pulls down his black shorts, and pulls my head down till I have a nice 6.5” dick in my mouth. I suck him for about a minute until he is proper hard and he says “time for that pussy”. I stand up and lean over as far as I can. This guy is super hard and slips straight in all the way. He starts to fuck and can see some of the cum from earlier leaking out. He says “fuck yeah you little slut” and keeps fucking me hard and fast. A couple of minutes of fucking and he says “get ready for another load up your cunt” and he seeds me. As he pulls out he pulls my head down to clean off his dick, tucks it away then leaves. The older white guy from earlier came into view and said “wanna finish me off”. Of course the answer was always going to be yes, so I get on my knees, pull out his dick and start sucking. No theatrics this time, he’s just looking to cum then head home and I’m a slut looking for my next load. As I’m sucking him I feel a hand on my ass, and the older guy holds my head whilst fucking my throat so I can’t see the other guy. This turns me the fuck on. I feel one, then two fingers digging into my hole, then the fingers being replaced by something spongy but hard. My hole stretches over the dick as it goes in all the way and bottoms out in me. From the feel of it, it’s thick, but not necessarily too long - i fucking love those kinds of dicks. The older white guy gives me poppers and I’m in piggy heaven - a dick in each hole. Each of the guys is speeding up, and I can taste more and more precum. The guy in my ass grunts, then I feel him pump his cum into me. He pulls out and is gone. The older white guy cums a huge load down my throat. He says “thanks - I was saving that for you”. I stay for about another hour, sucking a few guys but none amazing. I head off back to the station I use to get out of London. I check in on the apps but not expecting anything, I’ve had a good run today so am pretty satisfied. There is a couple close by - two tops one in his 40’s and one his 50’s looking for subs and pigs for fun. I message and immediately get a response - they are horny, with big thick meaty dicks about 7.5” are looking for now and send me their room number. Three minutes later and I’m stood in front of two tall, stocky guys who are just wearing jocks. I strip while the couple kisses in front of me, playing with their hard dicks. They ask me what I’m into and I say “piss and cum from big thick dicks” - it’s like a cheesy porn line and we all laugh. One of them kisses me whilst the other fingers my ass. The one fingering my ass says “fuck yeah, pre-loaded, how many pig” I say and they lead me over to the bed. The kissing guy gets on the bed and pulls my head down onto his dick. The other guy gets behind me, pulls my cheeks apart and starts to aggressively eat me out. My hole was opening up for this cunt eating pro. The dick in my mouth tasted really fucking good and we were getting into a good rhythm. The guy from behind finished eating me out and slammed his dick into me, forcing me deeper on the guy in my throat. I was in pig heaven and we fucked that way for a few minutes before the tops switched. They fucked that way for a few more minutes and the top in my ass grunted and came. The other top pulled out of my throat and went back to my ass, cumming shortly after. I thank them both and they say “you ain’t finished yet pig”. They push me down in front of the bed and stand either side of me. They put their softening dicks in my mouth and tell me to “drink up”. The two dicks then start pissing full force down my throat. I’m struggling to keep up but fucking love this. They finish and this is the best ending to my fuck day.
    1 point
  34. Great story so far. Cant wait for the next part
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. I had an eventful weekend. Saturday my bud called me up, he was getting wild at a hotel with a guy. I was busy but went over that night. The other guy was good looking, Israeli. But his ass stunk from taking seven loads. My friend went down to meet his other bud, skinhead looking young guy. While he was downstairs I stuck it in the Israeli but wasn't in the mental place where I wanted the smell yet. He said I was big and it hurt, so I told him to clean his ass and we'd try again. The other two came up. We all got going,. I ate the skinheads ass pounded him for a while and fucked my bud . Israeli was sort of falling out. Skinhead was very into me pounding him but chatty and being nosey, I said I'm here to fuck not chat about my criminal past and stuff from years ago. Finally skinhead swirled out. I fucked the shit out of my buddy,.after opening his hole with my fingers. He had a couple loads up there alreaady. Dripped out. Finally we were kneeling on the floor --him in front of me with my hands on his shoulders. Going really fast. I blew my load in his ass and it felt so sensitive I shook. He actually came right before me. Afterward he said it was amazing . I hate that word. AMAZING Reminds me of a left wing hipster . It was fucking. That's all. Sunday things got crazy.
    1 point
  37. So true !! I see this all the time in my outreach efforts on in the field...
    1 point
  38. I just got back to my hotel from there took two raw loads, heading back to Canada tomorrow so I had to leave early
    1 point
  39. I have a male/male couple I met a couple years ago. One guy is a vers bottom and the other is total bottom. I see them once in awhile when I'm horny and they can host. Yesterday I was so fucking horned up I was looking online for some ass. My buddy was online and we chatted about they needing dick and me needing ass. Well, within an hour I was at their place with my clothes off and getting a nice blow job. We put on the porn and all started getting hard. It was so hot watching the vers guy get hard and slowly slide up bottom guy's hole. His dick is a bit bigger than mine and watching it go in and out of the hole was amazing. My cock was stiff and at attention. Bottom guy was lubricated but the amazing thing is that when turned on his ass actually lubes it self somehow. The result is a smooth as hell fuck and it draws out your cum. Vers guy is thrusting in and out. Bottom is pumping his ass back against vers guy. It was hot watching this couple fucking and doing things to each other that had them moaning and groaning with pleasure. My cock was dripping. Vers guy started pumping his cock deeper and deeper inside bottom guy. Bottom guy is almost shouting with joy at his hole being wrecked and pounded. I was behind them stroking my cock watching the action as vers guy shot a huge load inside bottom hole. His cock and balls contracting as he filled his partner up with seed. Of course that makes me so fucking hot. I love sliding inside a wet hole. Nothing better. As soon as vers guy gets off I tell bottom guy not to move and I climb on top of him.. My hard cock slides back and forth against his hole. Every time the head of my cock rubs his ass hole we both moan with pleasure. My cock finds it target and I slide inside. I thrust and pump..It feels so great. My bare cock deep inside his warm wet hole. I fuck and fuck and finally I can feel mycock starting to expand. I hit some poppers and boom my load shoots out and deep inside him. I didn't miss a beat as I kept fucking his hole and shot another load inside shortly after. As I get off and lay back to rest, vers guy swoops on my cock and cleans it off. He lovingly sucks my cock and eats my cum. HOT. ATM is so hot. I am getting hard.. Vers guy lays on his stomach (my favorite. I can pound hard) and spreads his cheeks wide apart. "Please fuck me" is all he had to say. I'm on top fucking and pumping. Sooner than later (too soon) I start shooting another load deep inside his hole. Total of 3 loads so far. We chill and relax a bit before I start fucking bottom again. All told I spent 3 hours there fucking and gave out 6-7 loads..Pure bliss!!
    1 point
  40. I learned by sucking my dad, later my married neighbor while his wife watched, and then my brother. It started when I was 14. My dad would get drunk, pass out on the couch wearing only a terry cloth shower kilt. I would sit on the floor staring at his cock and balls while he snored. Occassionally I would see his cock twitch, harden, and even drip precum. I would get brave and start touching, tickling and stroking his cock while he was passed out. I eventually got braver and braver as he never woke up. Eventually I started to lick and suck his balls and cock. One time he grabbed my head and woke up as I was on his cock. He demanded to know what I was doing. I claimed I was walking by and noticed his cock leaking and I was afraid he was going to piss on the couch. I thought that sounded better than saying I been lusting after your cock, and sucking you off for months while you were passed out. Anyway, after some yelling he said he was too drunk to walk to the bathroom and since I was going to drink his piss while he slept, I might as well drink it while he was awake. He told me to put my mouth back on his cock and he started pissing. Afraid he would think I lied about not wanting him to piss on the couch, I swallowed it all. Afterwards he started to get hard, and he grabbed my head and started moving it back and forth while I still had his cock in my mouth. Soon I started to develop a rhythm and he no longer needed to move my head back and forth on his cock. Suddenly he grabbed a hold of my head and pulled me roughly all the way to his crotch and shot his load. I just swallowed and do not really taste it that time. When he was finished he told me to get out of his sight and said you better hope I don't tell your mother about this because she would think I was a disgusting perverted pig. I started to cry until he promised he would not say another to her, and I promised to do anything for him to keep the secret. That was the beginning of my cock sucking.
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  41. Jeff and I left the resort and took a taxi to the airport as there were no ubers back then. In the cab, I was thinking about the load Jeff had filled me with just before checkout. As we exited the cab, before entering the terminal, Jeff pulled out two Benson and Hedges menthols and handed me one. I lit mine and took a long deep drag. Jeff commented to how expertly I exhaled the smoke. Walking to the security area I again thought about the loads I had taken over the last three days. Taking our seats I just looked at Jeff with total lust. Thinking about how he had made me feel so special. I put my hand on my recently pierced ear and rotated the piercing studs as I had been instructed. The plane was jetting down the runway when Jeff leaned into my ear and whispered something that was ominous. Todd I should have told you that your uncle and I are both HIV positive and off of our meds. After what we did this weekend, you are probably poz too I was feeling quite conflicted. Three days ago I was a virgin and today I might be on my way to being HIV positive. Then I felt the urge to fart, but when I did all I felt was something warm and wet between my briefs and my crotch. Our plane landed and Uncle Pete was waiting for us at baggage claim. He noticed my ear and just winked at Jeff and me. Heading to Uncle Pete's car he pulled out his pack of Benson and Hedges menthols, and Jeff said "hand one of those to Todd." Uncle Pete just smiled and said, "you've grown up a lot this weekend, Toddy." More to come(cum). Let me know how you like this post, 97% is somewhat fictional but not all.
    1 point
  42. Part 5; The twink got to work cleaning up Phil's Dick that was wet with Blood & Cum. After a few minutes he stopped, his posture curling, he started to shake... 'I'm FREEEEEEEEEZING Daddy' I carried him into the bedroom, put a fleece on him, put him in my bed on a towel (for the sweats) cranked up the heating, and put a small butt plug inside him, so he didn't leak Phil's cum. 'Phil, can you keep an eye on the lad? I am going to the shops, I need a few things, plus, I just gave him my last two Paracetamol, and he'll be needing more whilst he stays with me for a few days'. 'Sure'. You know when you go to the shops for a few items, and end up doing the weekly shop, well, that was me. Hence, I was gone for a good hour and a half. Upon my return there was a second motorbike in my driveway. 'Oh god, what is Phil up to?' I thought to myself. He is a deviant! There was no one in the kitchen. I quickly put away the fridge and freezer items and went to my bedroom to see how the little twink was doing. Not there! Checked the living room.... Nope! Bathroom? Nope! Hmmmmm, the Dungeon in the Garage? YES! Two of Phil's biker mates were here, John & Bill. Both Poz, not full blown, yet not on meds, and very much detectable! Not that it really mattered now in regards to initial infection. John was lying on his back on an old mattress that they had put a vinyl play sheet over, with the twink sat on top, impaled on his Dick. Bill was knelt behind, and ALSO inside the boy, fucking him. Phil was watching the action with a cigarette, and a beer. Good job I had just stocked up on Beer then. 'How long has he been out of bed?' 'They got here about an hour after you left, so, I guess 30 minutes give or take'. I had to hand it to Phil, he knew how to live out there! I joined him for a fag, and a Beer too, whilst watching John & Bill fuck and stretch my sero converting twink. Bill took his Dick out, stood up, lifting the twink up with him. John came over, joining us two for a smoke. Bill got the twink lying on his front. Just as well, I think he was too weak to even kneel at this stage. Bill began fucking again, leaning on his forearms, as the boy just lay there motionless, his inner being gradually accepting my DNA, as his flesh was mauled. After some idle chatter we could see Bill's body begin to tense with 'Oh yeah's' ... His forearms gave way so the boy's body of fever took Bill's whole body weight. He started grunting, thrusting each time his Dick unleashed his cum. I walked over, and knelt by my boys face... 'Are you OK sexy?' 'Yes Daddy. I'm just a dirty pig that has wanted this for a very long time. I just hope to feel better very soon'. 'Don't worry sexy, you'll feel much better in a few days time'. John walked over...
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  43. Here we go, boys. More . ====================== Part 7 Dean sped up pounding Daddy’s ass, while talking a stream of filth. “You fucking whore faggot, you think you’re a top. You can’t wait for my cock to rape your hairy fucking cumdump. Begging for loads like a nasty little $2 whore. Like your son. Never seen such a nasty little faggot begging for loads. Now I know who taught him to be such a pig.” And on and on. All the while, pounding Daddy’s ass full of his long, fat, cut cock. Daddy was reduced to moaning gibberish, and trying to keep his cock inside Chris’ sloppy hole. Chris was desperate to keep Daddy’s cock inside him, so his greedy cunt would stay filled. So they held onto each other while Dean raped my Daddy. I was so turned on watching it happen, while my own cunt was filled with an enormous fat dick. Dean kept up the filth coming out of his mouth, calling Daddy a faggot whore and a dirty cumdump, while he pounded Daddy’s hole incredibly hard. Finally, with a shudder and a loud moan, I could see his nuts contracting and could tell that Dean was pumping Daddy full of a huge load of sticky sperm. Just like the one he had dumped into me. Daddy moaned, begging Dean to breed him. “Fuck Dean, I can’t ever say no to your load. Breed my fucking whore dump. Rape me full of your sperm. Turn me into your fucking bitch.” Dean just laughed and said “I already did, Mike. Boy turns into Daddy and rapes Daddy into submission.” Daddy laughed, turned and pulled Dean in to kiss him hard. Chris just moaned and said “Daddy Mike, will you breed me now, please?” I looked over and he was doing his best begging puppy dog imitation. Daddy laughed and started to pound Chris again, while a dribble of Dean’s jizz rolled out of Daddy’s cunt. Dean licked it up and fed it back to Daddy. Jack, the black dude who was raping me started to speed up and said “Fuck that was hot. Nasty fucking cumdump family. Fucking little faggot, you ready for another load of sperm? Tell me what you want!” “Fuck yeah, rape me full of that cum. Give me that fucking sperm load. I can’t get enough jizz inside me. I’m just a fucking whore for cum. Breed me motherfucker!” He pounded his cock a final time all the way inside my cumdump and I could feel his dick throbbing inside me. Using me to get off like I was a Fleshlight. Using me as a fuck hole. Using me to dump his load into. Knocking me up. Not a person, just a hole for cock and cum.. Just like Daddy raised me to be. Jack pulled his cock out of my gaping dumpster and immediately shoved a fat plug in so I wouldn’t lose any of the cum. I moaned like a whore and he rolled off me. Daddy sped up and I could see he was finally giving Chris the load of jizz that he’d been begging for. Daddy turned to me and said “you all plugged up, son? Good. Don’t wanna lose any of that jizz. Let’s get dressed and go. I still have a surprise for you.” We said our goodbyes to the other guys, got dressed and headed out. I couldn’t wait to find out what Daddy had in store for me. I was high as fuck and my cunt was still incredibly hungry for cock and cum.
    1 point
  44. Love This! From The cumdump pussyboy To The locaTion and surroundings! AlThough This is ficTion, iT makes me crave more and wanTing my own "riTual!"
    1 point
  45. DefiniTely enjoying This! Please wriTe more soon!
    1 point
  46. Part 16 - Connecting the dots Mark had been checking the intern at work out for a couple months. The company frequently got college students to come in and work cheap with the promise that if the company liked how they worked they would get an offer when they graduated. He could tell that the guy was hiding something and it wasn’t just that he looked uncomfortable in the corporate clothing of khaki’s and polo shirts. He could see there were several piercings that he didn’t wear at work, and he always seemed to be checking out the other people in the office but never said a word about what he did outside the office. Many people try to keep their private lives out of the office gossip, but Paul took it to new levels. Mark talked to his boss and got Paul to help him on his current project. They had spent a week together and Mark had caught Paul staring at him several times. Finally he called him out on it. Paul stammered for words, embarrassed that he had been busted but happy that Mark couldn’t see his crotch, since he was rock hard like he usually was around Mark. “Listen, it will be a lot easier if you just tell me what you’re thinking and why you keep staring at me. Is it the tattoos?” Mark asked? After a few false starts, Paul finally said “No one in the office knows, but I’m gay” and paused before he added “and there are a lot of hot guys that work here” and paused again before turning bright red and finished with “and you’re the hottest one.” Mark chuckled “Dude, about a third of the guys in this department are gay. Including me. Don’t be shy about it, its cool. Just don’t stare and stalk guys at work or it can get you in deep shit. That doesn’t mean that you can’t let them know that you’re interested in getting to know them better. Just keep extracurricular activities and work separate. Look, it’s about lunch time, lets go grab a bite to eat and we can talk more openly.” Paul gave a big sigh and a smile came over his face. “Thanks, I didn’t realize it was that obvious.” The two left the building and went to a deli that Mark knew of. They grabbed sandwiches and drinks, drove back and sat down on a park bench outside the office and began to eat. Mark broke the silence and said “You should be yourself at the office, unless you’re some twisted crazed maniac, of course. It would make it a lot less stressful when you only have one life to live, not two.” “I don’t think most people would like what I do in my off time” Paul replied. “Oh? You have some skeletons in your closet?” Mark asked inquisitively. “Kinda.” Mark probed a bit “It can’t be anything crazier than some of the stuff I’ve done, so give me a hint.” After a few moments, Paul asked “If I tell you, you won’t tell anyone about this, right?” “Of course.” Paul took a deep breath and said “I go to a lot of warehouse parties. I DJ sometimes, but usually dance and hookup. Sometimes I strip at clubs and get a lot of offers for, uh, services.” He stopped and looked at Mark, waiting to see if he looked shocked or pissed off. “That’s it? Kinkier shit goes down with some of your co-workers. I don’t think management would like to hear about the stripping and escorting, but you’re a hot early 20’s gay guy. Have fun, enjoy your life. Do the crazy shit that you won’t be able to when you get older. Don’t brag about it in the office, but be yourself. Hell, my boyfriend and I might even want to watch you strip sometime” Mark said with a wink. Feeling a lot more comfortable, Paul asked “You do things like that with your boyfriend?” “Yeah” Mark said, chuckling a bit “Last stripper we saw we took home for the weekend.” Mark could see Paul react with some surprise but also saw his cock twitch. “Well, I’ve been working on a new routine and if you would like I can give you a private showing sometime” Paul said with a big grin. Mark was stripping Paul in his mind and felt his cock get really hard. “Mmmm, I bet that would be fun. I don’t like to mess around with guys from work, though and I doubt I could keep my hands to myself with you stripping in front of me.” “Well, I’m just an intern and I doubt I’ll be around after the end of the year. I also like my customers to touch the merchandise” Paul said with a nudge. “What do you have planned this evening? Maybe seven?” Mark looked at him, shaking his head. “He’s bold, that’s for sure” he thought. “I should probably decline, but my cock says yes. I usually listen to it when I shouldn’t and it always gets me into trouble. I think seven is good. I’ll text Eric and see.” “I like trouble” Paul said as they got up and walked back to work. Sitting at his desk, Mark wondered what he just got himself into, but texted Eric anyway. “hottie from work wants to show us his new stripping routine. u up for it? 7pm” and he hit send. A minute later Eric replied “What? u sure u want to bang a guy from work?” “not sure it will go that far, but I do. U in?” Mark replied right away. “ya. It’s hump day and I’m gonna dick someone tonite ;)” was Eric’s response. Mark gave Paul his number and address and decided 7:30-8 PM would be a better time. The rest of the afternoon went quick and as Mark was about to leave for the day to get home and clean up, his phone rang. It was Joe and he answered “Hey, Joe, how are you feeling?” as he walked out to his car and started driving home. “Still dragging a bit, but a lot better than I was at the end of last week” Joe replied. “Good to hear. How is everyone else doing?” Mark asked. “Kyle and Steven are doing better too. Kyle hit classes on Monday and Steven and I were back Tueday.” “How’s Dennis?” Mark then asked. “He hasn’t gotten sick yet, but he keeps getting loaded from Tony, Derrick and Luis.” “He must have a really good immune system then!” Mark said laughing. “The four of us went to get tested today. Do you think its too early?” Joe asked. “Cool. Where did you go - the university clinic? I would think that a blood test it would show it, but you never know. I did mine a couple weeks after I recovered from the flu. Did they say when the results would be ready?” Mark inquired. “Fuck no, the university clinic hates fags. The only time I went there they told me I was going to burn in hell for being gay. We went to the Jones clinic. Most everyone that works there is gay. We have to go back Friday to get the results. There were a lot of people there today. I’ve never seen it that busy. There was this one kid there that looked like he was still in high school, scared shitless. Kinda cute, skinny with bleached hair and some colored streaks in it and big plugs in his ears. Bet he would be a fun fuck. Dennis was hitting on him pretty hard” Joe said. Mark’s mind raced as he heard Joe describe the guy. “Oh fuck. Uh, did you catch his name?” “Who, the kid Dennis liked? Uh, yeah. Oren or Aaron. Something like that. Why?” “FUCK! Uh, it sounds like the guy from the car rental place. I nailed him. Twice” was Mark’s response. “You what? Is he even legal? Does he know you’re poz?” “Yeah, he’s legal. Nineteen. He hit on me and I fucked him in the bathroom when I picked up the car and then again when I dropped the car off. And no, he doesn’t know I’m poz. He called this weekend all freaked out. He was sick and some guy who fucked him last week told him he was giving him AIDS. I sent him to the same clinic you guys went to” explained Mark. “Damn, bro. That’s twisted. Why did he call you?” “I don’t know. He said I was the only one he could talk to. He’s not really out and has just started getting fucked. If he has any gay friends, they are probably just as clueless as he is” Mark said and then continued “Listen, tell the other guys you gotta keep the chasing and gifting quiet with him. And me being poz, too. If you can, help him out. He’s a good guy. He just needs someone to guide him. I fucked up on that part and thought with my dick.” “OK, bro. I’ll let em know.” Joe said, rolling his eyes. “Let me know what the tests say. You might have earned your other tattoo” Mark said. “Oh yeah, I forgot to thank you for that. Thad told me about it at my last session. I’m trying to figure out what to do and where to put it. I’ve seen some hot pics on the internet and have a few ideas. I’ll text you on Friday morning when I find out the results” Joe said. “You’re welcome. Talk to you soon. Bye” said Mark and he hung up, sitting in the parking spot at his apartment. Mark got out of the car and shook his head. “How fucked up is this?” he thought as he entered the apartment. Eric was in the shower and Mark just stood there watching him through the steamy glass, rubbing his crotch. He started to take his clothes off and his phone rang again. “Fuck, who is it now?” Mark mumbled to himself. Picking up the phone he saw it was Aaron and he answered it “Hello?” “Hello sir, er, uh, Mark” Aaron responded. “Hey, did you go to the clinic and see a doctor?” Mark asked, pretending not to know. Mark could hear Aaron sobbing again before he replied “Yeah, I drove up there and saw the doctor. They took four vials of blood to test and the doctor checked me out. He even stuck a swab up my dick and fingered my hole.” “Sounds like a fun date” Mark joked before turning more serious “When did they tell you they would have the results ready?” “I have to go back Friday morning. I don’t know if I can make it until then. I’ve already thrown up twice since then from nerves.” “Aaron, relax. There’s nothing you can do at this point other than wait, so just go to work, hit the gym, watch porn or what ever you normally do and don’t dwell on what the results are going to be. Just deal with it when you actually know something” Mark said trying to comfort him a bit. Mark recalled his talk with Joe earlier and decided he should see if Aaron remembered Joe and his friends. “Was the clinic ok? Did they treat you well? Obviously they ask a lot of personal questions, but I hope they made you feel like you could trust them.” “Yeah, everyone was really nice. Even some of the other patients were friendly and tried to cheer me up. One guy even gave me his number. I’m not sure if he really wanted me to call him just to talk or whether he just wanted to fuck. He was really hot, but I don’t feel like ever having sex again. His friends were really cool too. But I feel like everyone was looking at me like ‘you’re a slut and are going to pay for your crazy sex life’” said Aaron. “Aaron, don’t beat yourself up. A LOT of people get an STD sometime in their lives. It’s what happens when you have sex with multiple people. And its natural to have sex with multiple people, especially if you’re gay. Maybe you should to talk to the guy that gave you his number. What was his name?” Mark asked. “Let me find the note. Dennis, I think” Aaron replied, fishing the scrap of paper out of his pocket. “Yeah, Dennis.” “You dog” thought Mark with a big grin on his face before asking Aaron “You said he was hot. What did he look like?” Mark figured if he could get Aaron to keep his mind off the tests, he would settle down and let Mark get back to Eric. “He was about six foot tall with reddish hair. He had a beard and a bunch of tattoos. And a smile that melted my heart. But he won’t want to talk to talk to me if I have hiv” Aaron replied. “It takes a lot of guts to give a stranger your number like he did. And you’re just turning away without even giving him a chance. Call him, talk to him for 5 minutes and see where it goes. Maybe he just wants to talk and that would be REALLY good for you right now. It will give you something to do and kill time before Friday morning. I have to go now, but I want you to let me know what happens when you get the results. No matter what the result is, you’re going to be fine. Life may be a bit different, but its still going to go on for a long time.” “Ok, thanks. I’ll be ok, I guess. Bye” Aaron said and hung up. Mark stood up and Eric was looking at him with a confused look. “Becoming a therapist, now?” Eric asked. “Nah, this guy I fucked when I was visiting my brother thinks he got pozzed from a guy last week. He needs some moral support” Mark answered. “Damn, that death stick of yours really gets around. You think you pozzed him?” Eric asked with a sly grin. “Probably.” Mark jumped in the shower and cleaned himself off and changed into shorts and a tank top and slid into some sandals just as there was a knock at the door.
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  47. Dad’s Basement Part Fourteen I woke up with my head pounding and my throat sore. My sheets were wet and my muscles were a little achy. I headed to Dad’s bathroom to see Dad before he got dressed. I knew he would be in the shower, I woke up early enough. I stood in the doorway and watched the water run down his back and ass. He was happily whistling. “Good morning Daddy” I said. He turned and smiled. “Good Morning to you Son. Slept good” “Slept great” I continued to watch him later up his chest and stomach. It was so erotic to see my hot muscled Daddy cleaning his fur. His cock and balls jumped as he moved. The water and soap flowers down his torso and streamed off the head of his cock between his legs. It looked as if he was pissing. “Who’s Dax” I asked just out of the blue. “Dax? How did you know about him?” he replied. “Oh I guess I heard someone in the basement say that name” thinking quickly so he would not know I knew of the conversation with his buds. “When the time is right Son, you will learn all about Dax” he said, “How are you feeling, Son, you look a little green around the gills” “Not so hot Daddy, I ache, throat hurts, get hot flashes and have the worst headache” “You might have the fuck flu Son, but have never known it to his so fast, usually hits in a week or two.” “Fuck flu? Y'all have talked about it but never explained it” Dad shut off the water and began to towel off, making his cock and balls bounce more and more. I was enjoying the show he was giving me even thought he didn’t know it was a show. “Baby boy, the HIV is taking over, the fuck flu is your body’s response to the losing battle. I just don’t know how it happened so fast” “It might be Garrett” “Garrett” “He fucked me one the night after the basement. He came through my window.” “I don’t see how that could speed up your conversion” “Daddy, he told me he was full blown” “A.I.D.S” he said, “Well that little fucker” “Don’t be mad Daddy” “I’m not, just wish he would have shared the new with everyone” “Now take that sexy ass back to bed and stay there, I need to make some arrangements for your care, since I have to be at work all day. Meetings I can’t get out of, but I will call and check in” I did as he said. I was under the covers shivering when he came in. i was disappointed that he was fully dressed and I could not see his fur, his ass, his cock and balls. “I’m leaving the door unlocked, Doc is sending over a nurse to take care of you, Doc is going to come and examine you around lunch time. You do as they as.” he said, “you are not too old to go over my knee” “Yes Daddy” I watched him leave and soon fell back asleep. When I work up later there by my bed sat a male nurse. He was Latino, dark hair and goatee, well defined body under his red scrubs. “Hola, I am Jose. Doc sent me over to look after you” he said, “How are you feeling?” “Thirsty Jose!” I watched him get up, his ass was nice and round and giggled some when we walked. He left my room and returned with a glass of ice water. I could not focus on anything but his crotch. I could see his cock running down his right leg. It looked thick. He helped me sit up and held the glass to my lips for me to drink. It felt good, but hurt like hell going down my raw throat. When I had enough I fell back against my pillow just staring at Jose. “Doc is running behind today, so he won’t be here until about 2” he said I nodded my understanding. He got up and left my room without another word. He returned with a big bowl filled with cool water and a cloth. I slowly pulled back the covers, exposing my naked body, I shivered more. Wetting the towel in the water and wringing it out, he stood next to my bed. He lifted my arm and held it in place. He slowly moved the towel up and down the skin of my arm. I only closed my eye for a second and when I opened them, my hand near his crotch. He moved forward a little and my hand would put pressure against the tube of meat running down his leg. He lowered my arm, rewet the cloth, and moved to the other side of my bed. He repeated the same motions with that arm. Once again there were moments when his dick and my hand would meet. He moved back to the bowl, rewetting the cloth and started wiping my chest. My eyes watched his crotch, his cock would twitch with his movements. It was slowly moving further down his thigh inside his scrub pants. This time when he rewetted the cloth, water splashed and made a big wet spot on the crotch of his pants. He just smiled and moved to wipe my stomach. The fabric stuck to his cock, making it more pronounced. I couldn’t help but stare. He caught me staring more than once. When he went to rewet his cloth, he dropped it in the water and left it there. He turned to me, pulled the knot on this pants and and let them drop. HIs cock swung free of his thigh and hung low, twitching, slowly moving the foreskin back from the head. He stepped out, turned and got the clothe. He started wiping at my legs, His ass was now in my view as well. It was covered with black hair, that grew thicker as it got to his crack. Staring at his cock and ass was having an effect on my cock, it was slowly expanding inching up my stomach. Jose slowly bent over, lifting my cock with his hand and engulfing it in his mouth. I tilted my head back, as his mouth lowered on my cock, taking it deep into his throat. His hand slide between my thighs and spread the open. HIs fingers explored my balls, then dropped lower. HIs uncut meat was growing and was soon visible from between his thighs. “We have to feed the virus amigo” He stood up, pulled his shirt over his head. His chest was defined and had a little bit of black fur between the pecs. Around his belly button was more fur. He climbed on my bed and knelt between my legs, lifting them slowly to his shoulders. He crawled closer, pulled back his foreskin and pushed his cock into my hole. I moaned loudly, as he drove deeper and deeper into my hole, until his black fur covered sac was against my hole. “My injection is just the first today, high count, very potent.” he said, “may inject you twice before the Doc comes” I felt his skin moved against my hole as his cock slide out. He didn't wait to push back in, balls deep. His fingers roamed my chest, gently crossing my nipples, flicking them lightly as he moved his cock in and out. His cock picked up speed pumping in and out of my hole, as he pinched my nipple harder and harder. My cock was leaking with every thrust. I went to grab it to jack as he fucked my hole and pinched my nipples but he pushed my hand away. “No jack, no cock” he said. He pushed against me, lifting my ass off the mattress, folding me in half. My cock hung over my face, dripping pre-cum onto my chin. I could see his brown cock sliding in and out of my hole, It was slick with ass juice. “Pre-cum just as potent” His balls were slapping my ass over and over and he picked up speed. My muscles ached more and more as he pounded me. I was sweating so much that it was running down my back, it was cold which sent more shivers through my body. My head was pounding to the rhythm of his fucking, My mouth and throat was dry. He looked me in my eyes and the spit in my face. It took me by surprise, I licked my lips trying to taste Jose’s spit. I wanted every bit of juice from him I could. He pulled his cock out of my hole, placed his face really close, pushing my ass forward this this hands. He lined up his mouth to my hole, just inches away and spit. I could feel the spit hit my hole, over and over. He spit on my hole at least three times. Quickly he moved, lined up his cock with my spit covered hole and drove it in deep. I moaned loudly. “Ooooh you like that?” Jose asked. He pulled out and drove in deep again, repeating this over and over. Getting punched fucked by his uncut cock was amazing. His balls slapped at my ass and back. I grabbed my legs to hold them forward, keeping my ass in the air. I wanted to stay in this position, but Jose had other ideas. He pulled his cock out of my ass, slapped it hard and moved off the bed. He pushed my legs down then ordered: “Get on your stomach!” I complied. He climbed on my back, using his legs he parted my own, allowing him access to my hole. His cock was so hard that he just pushed and it hit home. Sliding into my waiting hole. He dropped his body weight on me, slid his arm around my neck putting me into a choke hold. I could feel his hips grinding into, pushing his cock deeper and deeper. His hot breathe was on the side of my face. He pulled back his cock by lifting his ass in the air. I would have given anything to be able to see his ass going up and down as he drove his dick into me. His crotch slapped against my ass. With each slapped of my ass and the driving of his dick deep into my hole, his choke hold got a little tighter. His breathe was hot in my ear. I could tell he was going close as his breathe was getting shallow. The up and down movement of his ass moving his cock in and out of my ass was getting faster and faster. His poz load was edging closer and closer to spitting out of this foreskin cover cock. He pushed his dick deep inside of me, pressing his crotch to my ass. “Injecting my poison” he whispered. I couldn’t feel his cum shooting and figured he was oozing his thick cream in. He kept pushing in, even thought his cock couldn’t get any deeper. I think it was to pull the foreskin back exposing his head and piss slit in my ass. “That should help keep you conversion going” Doc said from the doorway, slowly stroking his massive cock, that was sticking out of his open fly, with his balls hanging low in front of his pants. “Good job Jose” Jose pulled out of me, jumped around and kneeled at my head. He lifted his slowly softening cock to my lips, pulling back the foreskin. I instantly stuck my tongue out and licked around his exposed cock head. I slipped my tongue inside his foreskin, digging for any cum that could be hiding there. He pushed his soft cock into my mouth until I was sniffing his crotch hair. “Only gave one injection, Doc” “It’s okay Jose, please head back to the clinic. We can have our patient here come in for a check up and you can inject him again” Doc said. “Si” With that Jose got dressed and left. Leaving naked, soaking wet from sweat, shivering from the cold, aching on my bed with my ass up in the air. “Do I get an injection from you Doc?”
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  48. Dad’s Basement Part Nine I woke up suddenly. I wasn’t on the sofa anymore. I was in my bed, naked but at least in my bed. The room was dark and the door was closed. I could hear muffled voices coming from down the hall, deep voices. Was Dad fucking around again, or was it just the TV? Slowly, I cracked open my bedroom door and listened. It wasn’t the TV, unless Dad was talking to it. I opened my door more and slipped out, creeping down the hall, pressing my body against the wall, trying to be smaller, just like I did when I was younger and was spying on Dad. “Drew, how did you know your boy would be willing to get fucked, hell even take our poz loads” someone asked. It was Garrett, I recognized his voice from last night. “Squirt has been spying on his own Dad, pretty much all his life, but what really sealed the deal was the Dad/Son role-playing bareback porn he jacks to” “So the little fucker was a pervert just like his Dad, only he didn’t know it” Garrett replied. “Oh Squirt knew it, but wasn’t able to admit it” Dad said. “I think he will now” “Fucker didn’t know it was me last night fucking him through the glory hole” That voice, I knew that voice. I heard it last night but still didn’t know. “Never said word one to me, Paul” Dad said, “I am surprised you held out until last night. Always figured I would get a call that you raped his ass in the locker room at his school” That’s when it hit me, Paul and school. Only one person there I knew by that name and that was Coach Paul, the fucking track coach. I would always catch him looking at me, lusting after my ass. “Too many witnesses there,” Coach Paul said, “Now the alley behind the theatre that’s a different store” “Speaking of theatre, you going to whore his boy pussy out at the one on Mason Ave?” “Garrett, thats your hole in the wall, fucking hangout, You and skin should take him there.” Dad said. “Oh fuck yeah, I can do that,” Garrett replied. “Doc, how was the boy pussy this afternoon” “Best I have had in a long time, Drew and I double fucked it.” Doc responded. Fuck, Dad, Garrett, Coach Paul and Doc, sitting around talking about me, I could not believe this. Talk of a theatre, I had to know more. “Would love to whore him out at the truck stop and rest area” Dad said. “Charge ‘em, you could make a lot of money” Coach replied. “Well, the three of you can have him anytime free of charge” Dad said. “Ever thought of filming him, take him to a cheap, flea bate motel and advertise his ass, then film it.” Doc asked “I want him to experience everything and more” Dad replied. “Hell yeah” “Fucker can be a prick tease, was doing that last night in his bed, almost jumped on him and raped his ass. When Daddy’s dick wants hole, it’s going to get it.” “Damn that’s fucked up,” Garrett said, “Skin here don't like to be teased” I inched forward, closer to the edge of the hall, still not wanting to be caught. “Damn Doc you missed it last night, was the hottest fucking sight. Drew here popping his own son’s cherry, then raw fucking him, dropping the first poz strain deep inside.” Garrett said. “Don’t remind me” Doc replied, “With all the strains he took last night, fuck flu should come fast, especially since y’all prepped his pussy well” “Your professional opinion?” Dad asked. “Just a thought, His boy pussy will need to be seeded with more poz loads during that time, that insures a conversion, after that a visit to Dax is in order.” Doc replied. Dax, who the fuck is Dax? I never heard Dad speak of him, her or what ever Dax is. Curiosity was killing me, I crept forward a bit more and could see into the living room. Dad was in his chair so his back was to me, I could only make out Doc’s huge legs to the left of him and Garrett and Coach Paul were on the sofa. To my surprise they were dressed, although Garrett and Paul were massaging there crotches. “Did we get his jock? If not I have a nice ripe one he wore during phys-ed. Swiped it when he was in the shower” Coach Paul said. “That jock has more of your DNA on it than Matt’s. His jock is hanging proudly on a nail in the locker room below. Right under mine” Dad said. I could not believe that Coach Paul stole my jock, it was my favorite, broken in, soft and had the perfect indentation of my cock in the fabric. I thought some football player meat head took it as a joke, but Coach Paul was a surprise. “Paul, did you ever fuck that quarterback you were after” Dad asked. “Doc and I pounded that hole about two weeks ago, after a pill dissolve in a beer, he was ours for the taking.” Coach Paul responded. “Thanks for sharing that muscle ass Paul” Dad said smartly. “Got videos if you want, Wait the fuck, that was the weekend you and Matt went to your folks, don’t blame me if you missed out” “Fuck you Paul” Dad said back laughing, “Almost get Matt that weekend, had to share a bed with the little squirt there, but couldn’t risk Mom hearing, Dad on the other hand would have joined in” Fuck, Gramps is a pervert too. Can’t wait to visit him again. “Only bad thing about Dad is, he is shooting blanks. No HIV” Dad said. “Your family is fucking twisted, Drew” Garrett said. “Dad and son fucking has been going on for generations now, it’s tradition. You jealous?” Dad said. “Fuck yeah I am,” Garrett responded, “Dad had a dick on him with foreskin to boot.” “Now who's the pervert.” “Did Thick Dick Rick come and play” Doc asked. “Fuck yeah he did. His was the third cock Matt took through the glory hole. Rode it like a champ. Just need to get him inside the basement to fuck him, wanna hear him make Matt squeal like a pig” Dad replied. I saw Dad’s head turn to Doc, but still couldn’t see either of their faces. “I know that face Doc, what the fuck is going on in that twisted mind of yours” Dad asked. “Just thinking how far we could stretch open that boy pussy of Matt’s, maybe just turn it from a pussy to a cunt quicker” Doc replied. “Go on” “Double fuck his boy pussy with Thick Dick Rick” Doc said, “My cock and his” “Oh you twisted fucker” Coach Paul said, adding “I get to be camera man on that one” “I can prep his pussy real good with my mouth, and ole’ Skin here will supply to lube” Garrett added. “Guess that means I supply the boy pussy” Dad said with a laugh. “Getting late guys, we need to break this cock gag session up” Doc said, “Looks like we all are in agreement on Matt, let’s wait for the fuck flu and go from there” I listened a bit more as the men called it a night. As they left, I hurried back to my bed. What was this agreement? Were they each going to whore me out in their own fucking deviant ways? Was I now their sex slave? Don’t I have any say? I had more answers than questions. One thing I decide I wasn’t going to play my hand that I knew. I was going to see where they took me, without them knowing I know. Fuck I was tired, I was starting to confuse myself. I closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep. I heard a faint knock, thinking it was a dream moments later. I listened again, a knock. I stayed quiet. Opened my eyes just enough to see my window. There was a dark outline of a man on the blinds. Another knock. I got up, lifted a slat of the blind, peeking out. It was Garrett. I quickly but quietly raised the blinds and window. “What’s up Garrett?” I asked. “Skin is Boy” he replied.
    1 point
  49. Part XVI I was really drunk and could not seem to keep a thought going. It seemed like I had been getting fucked by several poz guys again, but just could not seem to comprehend it. I remember wondering what I had been drinking, and was was it about the booze cause I was, I thought, just sitting here at same the table we had occupied since we arrived. In any event I remember thinking 'Damn, I've got to quit drinking so much when out', and my brain seemed wooden, and my ass felt wet, perhaps even a little sore. I also remember thinking 'Oh, well, it looks like my buddies are all in a good mood'. I wondered if the one we brought here to get pozzed up had gotten loaded or not. I tried to ask but could barely speak. My buddies, however, apparently understood me, as one of them remarked "He probably will be as he got a good 15 or so loads in his ass." I remembering joining the laughter, and this time managed to add "Yep, I bet he does this time." This started a new wave of laughter and some gesturing in my direction, but I couldn't quite understand that. Not sure, but I think one of the guys is saying something about the bar getting ready to close in a few and why don't we all go back to his place for a bit. Not sure who is talking but seems they are all agreed. I tell them I had better head for home but they are telling me I am too drunk to drive and might as well come along with them until I sober up. Sounds reasonable to me I guess. A couple of them pretty much have to hold me up to get out the door and into a car. Next thing I remember then is them helping me get out of the car again when we arrived. I don't seem to recognize the house though and am told it is the guy from the parade's place. They help me up the walk and into the house and take me into a room and kind of help me lay down to sleep it off. As I am drifting off it seems like there are more than just my 5 friends and the parade guy there but I am not sure. Again I kind of drift back to aware, somewhat, and am feeling like I am moving. I open my eyes and try to focus but still really out of it. I think I am naked now it seems. I am moving and try to shake the cobwebs but not doing real good at that. Looks like some chains hooked to the ceiling and mirrors and maybe two guys showing in them with one apparently fucking the other? WOW, must be dreaming again about the parade and kind of drift off again. When I open my eyes again I am in a bed and naked as hell. Where the hell am I? Also, it feels like someone else naked and in the bed with me. I can also feel something at my ass. I reach down and open my legs up some and what the hell, it feels like a cock buried in my ass. Can't be. But it sure is and as I fell it, whoever it belongs to all at once starts to move and his cock goes in deeper and I moan. Damn, my ass is sore as hell but it also feels great too, but what the hell is going on? I turn my head to look over my shoulder just as the guy starts to really pound my hole. It takes me a minute to recover from that and then I recognize him. The POZ GUY from the parade. What the hell is going on here? I try to move away but he has a good grip on me and is really pounding my hole hard now. I try to tell him to stop but can't get the words out from the sensations flowing from my ass to my cock. I can only move my ass back at him as he thrusts into me and my cock is hard as a rock now too. Another few minutes went by and then he held me even tighter announcing "Here it comes," as he buried his cock as deep as he could in my ass. I could feel it throb and my own cock erupted with a huge load. We lay like that for a bit and then as his cock slipped out of me, he rolled me over towards him, planting a kiss on my lips. I could do nothing but return it, even if I was completely confused. Finally after a bit he pulls away and sits up and climbs out of bed and heads for what I assume is the toilet. I laid there and tried to wrap my mind around what in the hell had happened and how was I here? Just couple of minutes later one of my work buds walked in, stark naked, and grinned commenting about me finally getting up. He came over to the bed and sat down next to me and before I knew it he had grabbed me and planted a kiss on me too. I pulled back and asked what the heck was going on anyway. He started to laugh and asked me if I was kidding? I said hell no, what happened, I don't hardly remember anything and really couldn't remember leaving the bar. My friend looked at me like I was crazy to start with. Then he grinned and asked if I remember what all I had been doing. I told him I just got up and have no idea what the hell was going on or how I ended up here and where were we and why did I just get fucked by the guy from the parade, and he is poz? My buddies mouth dropped open and he exclaimed you just got fucked again? I looked at him weird and asked what he meant by AGAIN? He told me I seem to have a lot to tell you. He wanted to know if I remembered getting fucked at the bar? I looked at him like he was crazy and told him there was no way. He laughed again, and told me I sure had and probably had gotten a good dozen loads in my ass there. My mouth dropped open as he told me that and went into some details also. I was really freaked out and then he told me that every one of those loads had also been poz and that each of my work buddies had fucked me too and couple of them had went twice there and the guy from the parade had also fucked me at the bar too. My eyes were really wide now, what the hell did I do? My buddy then started telling me about all of us leaving the bar and coming to the parade guy's house to drink some more. They had basically carried me in and stripped me and put in his sling to sleep mostly, but some of the other guys from the parade showed up also and with me naked and in the sling it wasn't long before one of those guys was loading my hole also and the everyone took a turn or two and some three. I told him to hold up a minute, that takes a lot of time. He told me it went on all night long before the parade bud got me out of the sling and brought me up here to his bed to sleep. He also said he had dumped another load in my ass in the bed then. I couldn't hold it back any longer and wanted to know the time. He told me it was probably 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon now. My chin had to drop to the floor, that fucking long. How the hell many loads did I get in my ass? My friend said he wasn't sure but probably had to be a good two dozen total if not more. I could not comprehend this again. It then dawned on me that my cock which had just exploded a short time ago was back hard again and my friend was rubbing my bare leg up and down and stopping just short of my cock. As I noticed this the guy from the parade had walked back in and my friend leaned towards me and kissed me again as I looked in the eyes of the guy from the parade. I returned the kiss without thinking and then felt my friends hand leave my leg and grab my cock. I gasped and then he pushed me down on the bed, grabbed my legs and lifted them up and slid between my legs and lined up his hard cock and plunged it deep into me on one stroke. I almost came unglued it felt so good. Damn, I don't want this but can't seem to refuse from the way it feels. The poz guy from the parade came and sat down beside us. As I noticed him sitting down and turned my head that way he leaned in and planted a kiss on me and reached between my friend and my bodies and stroked my cock. My whole being was in overdrive and I was moaning my pleasure constantly. I then became aware there was someone else there. I looked towards the door and there was another of my friends from work. He was naked and walked in and was naked and stroking his cock as he approached the bed. About 20 minutes went by and my buddy fucking me looked deep into my eyes and told me he was cumming and buried his cock deep and moaned and filled my hole with another load of poz cum. As his cock deflated he climbed off of me and my other work buddy jumped right in and rammed his cock in me before I could even move. He really went to town pounding my hard. He had been stroking his cock the whole time there and it was only about another 5 minutes and he was creaming the hell out of my hole too. I then noticed that the parade guy had got up and seemed to be rummaging around in a drawer for something. As my friends cock went limp and fell out of my hole he moved from between my legs. Before I could lower them the parade guy grabbed them and held them up high and told me not to drop down but keep all that in me. I didn't know what he meant and then wham he had rammed something else up my ass. I gasped and wanted to know what the hell? He told me he had rammed a butt plug in me so none of their cum could get back out. I told him I need to get as much of that back the heck out of me as possible. He just grinned, grabbed me and lifted me right up out of bed and stood my up. I just gasped and stood there a moment from the sensations that had caused from that big butt plug. I then told him I really needed to pee now and he pointed me towards the toilet.
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  50. Part Three. I was so high still from either the poppers or the stuff he was putting in my ass I had a hard time keeping up with him as he headed for a group of cars parked along the roadway. Dan stopped and opened a car and grabbed a bag and said “come on piggy, time to make you a whore”. He heads down this path and over a bridge to another trail and ends up under some kind of tree that’s branches all most come the ground with a picnic table under it. STRIP BITCH! Off come the shorts in a heartbeat. He then pulls out two Styrofoam pads and puts one on the bench part and tells me to get up and kneel on it, he then pulls out a dog collar and puts it on me and fastens two chains to the collar and secures them to the ends of the table. He then ties ropes to my ankles and spreads them wide and ties them to the table ends. My hands are handcuffed and tied to the other side of the table. He said this is where the real fun starts my friend. He grabbed his lube and plastic bag, hands me a bottle of poppers “you won’t need those very long bitch”. I can no longer see behind me or move much, but I know I am going to get my ass packed with lube and whatever is in that bag. I feel him filling my ass with lube and I am pushing back wanting more than that damn finger. I all of a sudden hear someone cough; as I look up there is three guys standing in branches with cocks out jacking them, when Dan said “almost ready come on it”! Dan, then asked me if I ever partied; I said sure! (Thinking beer). Dan said I am sure this is going to be a lot more then you ever dreamed of! He then had his friends grab my arm as he wrapped some band around my arm. I am so high from whatever was in the lube, but now I am scared shitless, not knowing what he is doing, then I see him with a syringe and needle coming up to my arm, I start to fight, but I have no where go and not able to fight very well. Dan tells me to calm down that what he has been putting in my ass is the same that he is going to give me now, just more. I see the needle go in my arm and the band come off. I am still in a panic, but aware that these guys seem to be getting naked and see guys grabbing each other’s cocks and feeling my body all over. I put my head down and can see someone is now behind me and feel his cock going into my ass, no pain, no problems. I can hear myself telling myself or them how great it feels, “Please fuck me, please fuck me, fuck yes”. I find myself pushing back wanting the strangers cock in me. My hair is then grabbed and I am now getting my mouth filled with a nice cock and hearing what a complete pig I was. I think it was Dan who said, “He was a straight bitch yesterday, and a cock, cum, chem whore piggy now”! I look out of the corner of my eye and see Dan standing there naked, and more guys seem to have found our hiding spot! I feel the first guy in my moth explode and I start to swallow his cum like a baby to milk. Then hear the stranger in my ass telling Dan he was going to knock this bitch up, then grunted and said take my fucking hot load you cunt!! And I am sure it was a hot load, it felt great!! Two more are now filling my holes and start talking dirty to me about making me one of them, a toxic bitch for them to use for years to come because no one else will want me!! I was confused, but didn’t care at that point, I was getting gang-banged by complete strangers, high as fuck and loving every minute of it and wanting more. Dan leans down as I am gulping another load down my throat and laughs saying, “you have no idea what these guys are talking about do you pig?” I can’t really answer at this point with a cock filling my belly with his seed and the other holding my hips and just slamming into me telling me I am going to be a pregnant piggy before the days end!! I thought back to yesterday and the thought girls must be going through knowing they were getting pregnant and carrying a man’s babies in her, and I was a proud bitch at this point, me pregnant with other men’s babies swimming in me, knocking me up with their seed!! I looked up at Dan, the guy pulled his cock out of my mouth and I just said “I am proud to be the bitch to these men and carry their babies in me”! I want to feel every guy in the world put his seed in me!!. Dan then asked if I knew what being Poz was, I just shook my head “no”, “you will bitch, you will”! As the last of the men, who I was told come down to the park on their lunch hours and after work to release a load or two were done, and only Dan and I were left and even he fucked me again and made me clean him off, released me from my bondage and kind of curled up on the table and fell asleep……………..
    1 point
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