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  1. Out With a Bang I was in a bind. The minor league hockey team I was playing for had just informed me they were sending me up to the next level. That meant a move from Los Angeles to Boston. Normally this kind of news would’ve made my day, but there was one thing in the way. A big thing. Two years ago I moved to LA straight out of college. I’d gone to school in Minnesota on a full hockey scholarship, but all the time growing up in Norman, Oklahoma, my real dream was to be an actor. A movie star, to be more precise. The next Brad Pitt or something. I’d done some plays in high school and college and even some local community theater, so I figured I’d give it a shot. I mean, it’s not like I wasn’t not good looking or anything. People always told me I had that ‘All American Boy Next Door Look.’ I’m 6’2, 175 pounds, with light brown hair and brown eyes, and having played sports all my life, I have a pretty decent body. But breaking into show business wasn’t as easy I as I thought it would be. I went on countless auditions and rarely ever got a call back. Sometimes I think the only reason I ever got in the door was because I’m as good looking as I am. Soon I got frustrated and disillusioned with the whole idea of show business, and decided to fall back on what I did best: play hockey. I tried out for – and made – the Los Angeles Lightning, a second level minor league team. It wasn’t the majors or anything, but hell, it was a paycheck and I was playing again. It also allowed me to keep going on auditions. That’s when I got what I thought was my ‘big break.’ I was leaving an audition one day, confident I wasn’t going to get the part, when this hot chick approached me. She said she worked for a production company that made specialty internet movies and said I had the ‘look’ they were going for and wondered if I would be interested. I wasn’t sure what she meant by ‘specialty internet movies’ and that was probably my first mistake. Even though I graduated from college, I was pretty naïve about the way the world worked. And I was probably too trusting, because it didn’t take much convincing for her to sell me on the idea. She explained the movies were mostly fetish stuff: short 15-30 minute videos where a good looking guy lets his girlfriend tie him up and tickle him, or a guy gets kidnapped by some hot babes. Cheesy shit like that. I told her that wasn’t the kind of actor I wanted to be, but she reminded me that a lot of people broke into films by doing lousy TV or commercials, and then she went on to name a bunch of people I admired and some of the shit jobs they started out doing. I finally agreed and within a few hours I was all signed up. So far I’ve made seven of these crappy movies. I’m glad they’re only available online because they’re terrible. In every one I’m chloroformed (fake) or drugged (again, fake) or somehow (yes, fake) knocked out by some hot chick and then tied up and tickled. I don’t mind the girls, but I’m ticklish and one time this chick I was filming with realized just how ticklish I was and wouldn’t untie me when the director called “cut.” She kept tickling me until I was panting and gasping and almost pissed my pants. I was hacked off but she and Terry (he’s the owner of the company as well as the director) and all the crew thought it was funny. Yeah, not so much for me though. But the biggest problem I have is they always strip me when I’m tied up. Just to my underwear, but even that’s bad enough. I guess I’m too modest or something. The first time it happened I objected, but Terry told me to grow up. ‘At least you don’t have to be naked,’ he’d said. ‘And besides, it’s only underwear.’ I also made the dumb mistake of wearing briefs the first time out. I switched to boxer briefs when I started high school, only wearing briefs to the gym or on a run or – as that day turned out to be – laundry day. But anyway, so there I was in nothing but my tight white briefs I’d bought at Walmart, with my hands tied over my head being tickled until I was practically hoarse. And then it got worse – because face it, it always gets worse – I boned up big time and it was embarrassing as fuck. For the rest of the day I had to put up with the crew calling me ‘boner boy’ and making cracks about my tented ‘tighty whities.’ After that first movie I made a point to always wear navy blue or black boxer briefs to the set. The first movie turned out to be a hit with the internet crowd. Terry offered me twice what I got for the first movie if I did a follow up and I said yes. Of course, what I didn’t know at the time was the majority of the fans were gay men. I had no idea what I was doing would have so much appeal to pervs. I agreed to a third movie and soon Terry talked me into signing a contract. And it’s that contract that was now holding up my new hockey career. Well, I’d just have to get out of the it. How hard could it be? I’d already made seven movies for them and that should be enough. Terry seemed pretty reasonable and I’m sure if I talked to him and explained my situation, it’d be no problem to get out of my contract. Boy, was I wrong! I decided to talk to Terry the day I was scheduled to shoot my next movie. I threw on a robe and went to his office. His door was open but he was on the phone. I knocked softly on the door jamb and he motioned me in, gesturing with his hand for me to take a seat. I sat down on the couch across from him and waited for him to finish his call. It wasn’t until he was off the phone that he told me he could see straight up my legs to my package. Shit, had he been checking me out the whole time? I knew he was gay, but he had a boyfriend so what was up with the roving eye? “What can I do for you, Colton?” he asked. “Look Terry,” I said, stammering a little. “I’m just going to be upfront about this. The Lightning are moving me up to the next level.” “That’s great,” he said, “but what does that have to do with anything here?” I sighed. “The new team is in Boston and they want me there next week.” “That’s going to tough,” he said. “You realize you signed a one-year contract and it’s only been four months so far.” “Yeah,” I said, “but I figure I’ve already made seven movies for you and today will be eight. That’s a lot. You’ve got other guys working for you, don’t you?” Terry nodded. “Yes, I do, but you’re our number one guy.” “I am?” I was surprised and, to be honest, a little flattered. “Yes, you are, but that’s not the issue here,” he said firmly. “You signed a contract and you’re legally bound to fulfill the terms of that contract. If you want to move Boston that’s your choice. I guess you can fly in for shoots.” “Yeah?” I asked. “You’d fly me in?” He laughed and shook his head. “No, you’d be responsible for your own airfare and lodging. This wasn’t going at all the way I’d expected. “Come on, Terry,” I pleaded. “I can’t afford that. Can’t you just let me out of my contract? Please? I’ve done everything you’ve asked even when it was humiliating as hell and I’ve never asked for anything.” “I think you’ve been paid fairly for your troubles,” Terry said, his voice sounded a bit clipped. “It’s not that,” I said, exasperated. “I just feel like a piece of meat sometimes. I didn’t know in the beginning what I was getting into and to be honest, I feel kind of dirty knowing there’s a bunch of fags out there getting off over it.” Terry sat up ramrod straight, took in a quick breath through his nose and pursed his lips. I cringed, figuring my use of the word ‘fags’ had taken it too far. But then he sighed and sat back. “Tell you what, Colton,” he said, and I was relieved he sounded so cool. “I’ll think about it. Why don’t you finish getting ready for the shoot, okay? I’ll make a few calls and let you know in a little while.” With that glimmer of hope I stood up to leave. Terry was picking up his phone to make a call when I left his office. “Close the door, please,” he requested. It was about forty-five minutes later when Terry walked up to me. “Good news,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “I talked to the producers and they’ve agreed to let you out of your contract after this movie.” “Really” I said. “You mean all I have to do is make this last movie and that’s it?” Terry nodded and I gave him a hug. “Thank you!” “But there’s a slight change,” he said as I released him. “Anything,” I said quickly, so happy. “What is it?” “Okay, you know in the opening scene when Pam knocks you out while you’re on the couch wearing those boxer briefs?” he said, and I nodded. “Well, you’re gonna be dressed instead. And then, after she knocks you out she’ll strip you and tie you up.” “Oh, okay. No problem. So I can get dressed, right?” “Not so fast,” Terry said. “Instead of what you’re wearing, I want you wearing white briefs.” My shoulders slumped. “Really? Tighty whities? Come on, Terry, they’re so fucking ga–” “Look Colton,” he said, interrupting me before I could stick my foot in it again, “you’re getting what you want. We’re releasing you from your contract almost eight months and sixteen movies early. I think this is the least you can do.” “You’re right,” I said. “I’m sorry.” “Okay. Let’s just forget about it,” he said. “I sent Paul out to pick up some briefs. We’ll start as soon as he gets back.” Now I was excited. A few more hours and I was done! Despite the money I got from doing these movies, they were pretty demeaning and I regretted ever signing that damn contract. Paul was back a few minutes later and handed me a three-pack of Tommy Hilfiger briefs. I took them and went back to my dressing room. I didn’t have breakfast so I stopped at the craft services table where – shit, I always forget his name – was setting out trays of pastries and sandwiches and stuff. “Hey, do you have any of that juice you had last time?” I asked, grabbing a sandwich and a napkin. “Yeah, but I haven’t brought it in yet,” he replied. “Give me two minutes and I’ll bring some to you in your dressing room.” “Thanks.” Once in my dressing room, I tossed the package of underwear onto one of the chairs and slumped onto the couch. Talk about a final humiliation. A few moments later there was a knock on the door and the craft services guy poked his head in. “Here’s your juice,” he said and handed me a big glass. I thanked him and took a drink before I opened the briefs and slipped on a pair. Hmmm… they were a lot softer than the ones I had and fit a helluva lot better, too. My dick is six inches or so when soft and I’ve got pretty big balls, but these briefs cupped them just right and made them feel snug and cozy. I checked myself out in the mirror and actually liked how they made my butt and package look. Nice. I shrugged and tossed the remaining two into my bag to take home. I finished dressing and then sat and waited for the call to go to the set, polishing off my sandwich and juice. I was texting my buddy when a production assistant knocked on the door and let me know they were ready. Normally I’m nervous before shooting, but I was feeling oddly calm as I walked onto the set. The way the scene was set up had me sitting on the couch watching TV while Pam snuck up behind me and knocked me out with chloroform. Terry always told me I ‘went out’ better than most people. Said I made it look authentic. That was probably the only thing I was proud of in doing these schlocky films. The set was basic: couch, coffee table, entertainment center, and bed. After Pam ragged me she would drag me to the bed, undress me and tie me up. “Okay, here’s the set up,” Terry explained. “You’ll be watching the game and you hear the door but you don’t turn to look. You just hold your empty glass up and ask Pam for another.” I noted the large tumbler on the coffee table as Terry continued. “Instead of a refill, she presses the cloth over your nose and mouth and… well, you know the drill.” I looked around but didn’t see Pam. “Where’s Pam?” I asked. “She had a phone call,” Paul explained. “She’s already been briefed about the new set up. She’ll be back in a minute.” I nodded and Terry asked if there were any questions. There weren’t any so he called for quiet on the set and told everybody to take their places. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, pleasantly surprised it was hooked up to cable, and tuned to ESPN. The Minnesota Wild were playing. Bonus! “And … Action!” All I had to do was sit and watch TV and as soon as the cloth was pressed to my face, struggle and pretend to pass out. No big deal. Since this was my last movie I’d make it look extra good and convincing. I picked up the glass to take a drink and noticed it was completely full. Why would the prop guy fill it all the way full when I’m supposed to be asking for a refill in about thirty seconds? What a fucking idiot. I sighed inwardly and began to drink it all down. I heard the door knob click and I quickly finished the juice. “Hey Pam,” I called out, my eyes not leaving the screen as Terry instructed, “get me a refill, will ya?” There was no response but I could hear footsteps approaching so I held the glass up for her to take, mentally counting down the seconds. One … two … Suddenly the cloth was clamped over my nose and mouth. What the – Something was different… wrong. The cloth stank and – oh fuck – was this real chloroform? I began to struggle. “Mmmpphh!!!!” I tried to twist away, but the hand pressed more tightly against my face. This couldn’t be Pam. I mean, she’s strong but this was definitely a man’s hand I was trying to pry off my face. What the hell?! I tried again to buck the guy off, but by now I’d gotten a good dose of the chloroform and was feeling a little light-headed. To make matters worse, another set of hands reached over the couch and grabbed my hands, restraining me. The hand holding the rag didn’t let up and I could feel myself getting weaker and more tired. Within a few seconds I was drifting out of consciousness. “Cut!” I vaguely heard. There was a pounding in my head, kind of like when you hold a seashell up to your ear, and I could barely move. “Is he still awake?” somebody asked as my eyelid was lifted. I tried to see who it was but I couldn’t focus. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. “Yes,” another voice said, “but he’s pretty out of it and will be for a few minutes. That should be enough time to get everything set up.” I felt my body being lifted and drag-walked from the couch to the bed, barely registering as two blue, diamond-shaped tablets were put in my mouth, a bottle of water held to my lips, and a hand stroked my throat, coaxing me to swallow the pills. Then I was eased onto my back. “What did you give him,” somebody – Kirk I think his name was – asked as he picked up the glass I’d dropped, sniffed it, and placed it back onto the coffee table. “G&T,” Terry replied and it sounded like he was smiling. “Ah,” Paul chuckled. “Gina and Tina: my two favorite ladies.” “Yeah, they’ll put him in the mood we want,” Terry further explained. “I made sure the juice he had in his dressing room was dosed with a little G just to chill him out. With what he just drank, he’s gonna be feeling really good in a few minutes, and in the movie he’ll look like a total team player–” “Yeah… catcher,” somebody else interjected and everybody began to laugh. I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t know who Gina and Tina were. The only girl I’d seen today was Pam, and it looked like she was gone now. Somebody began to unbutton my shirt. I looked up and the guy winked at me. “How ya feeling?” I shrugged my shoulder and smiled. “Excellent,” he said. I noticed commotion behind him and watched as crew members brought in a padded bench and what looked like a saw horse. Then they began to set up a big contraption that reminded me of my sister’s canopy bed, except there were chains hanging from it and a black hammock-looking thing. My shirt was pushed back off my shoulders and slid off. Then I felt my belt being unbuckled. I should’ve been panicked, but I was feeling warm and shiny. And a little amped. “What’re you doing?” I slurred as the button on my pants was undone and my zipper was pulled down. I felt like I was floating… and suddenly it was no big deal at all. I was hauled to my feet and held up by strong hands on both sides as my pants fell to my ankles. I opened my eyes and saw Terry coming over. What was happening? I tried to talk but couldn’t make my mouth work. Terry was in front of me now. He reached out and gave my nuts a squeeze through my briefs. My dick twitched. The hell?! “Okay guys,” he said, “let’s get his pants off.” They laid me back down on the bed, took off my shoes and socks and then stripped my pants off. I was naked now except for my underwear. “Unhhh…” I moaned as hands began to roam over my body. I began to arch into the sensations. Fuck, I was flying! “Yeah, he’s feeling it now,” Terry said. I was pulled back to my feet and held in place once again by a couple of the guys. Terry came over and stood next to me. He clapped his hands. “Gentlemen, your attention please!” he called out. The crew gathered around and I struggled not to sway. Terry rested a hand on the small of my back and as he began to speak he dipped his fingers beneath the waistband of my briefs and I felt his index finger trace the crack of my ass. “As you may have heard,” he announced, “Colton here is moving on to bigger and better things and this will be his last movie with us. You can see there’s been a bit of a change to the script, and we’ve changed the title as well. The new title is ‘Out With a Bang’ and I think it will be his best one yet.” There was a burst of laughter and then he continued. “Now don’t worry, you’ll all get your turn, so be patient.” He reached down and started stroking me through my briefs. I felt myself getting hard and I wanted to be shocked, but instead I groaned my pleasure.“Let’s get his underwear off and the cameras rolling, okay?”Somebody grabbed my face and shoved a cock deep in my mouth. More hands roamed all over my body and I started to feel really tingly. Something was I was carried back to the bed and watched as my briefs were tugged down, staring in fascination as my now fully erect dick bobbed up and then slapped my stomach. What the fuck? Why was I so hard? I was eased down onto my back. I was stark naked and spread eagle when a set of lips began to play with and nibble my nipples while a hand grabbed my cock and started to jerk on it. I moaned as another began to tug on my nuts. very wrong because no way in fuck would I ever feel this good about dudes touching me! I was lifted off the bed and brought to one of the padded wooden benches. I was tied in a way that had me down on all fours, but left my dick, ass and upper body exposed. Somebody got down under me and began to suck my cock. I tried to cry out again, but somebody yanked on my hair and another dick slipped between my lips and suddenly I was being face-fucked. I could hear voices all around me, but they seemed to all blend into one. Two small brown bottles were put up to my nostrils and I was forced to inhale from them. It felt like fireworks were going off in my head and my body began to vibrate with excitement. “Unnnnhhh…” I moaned, my voice still muffled by the dick in my mouth. My head was spinning round and round. I was given several more hits from those little bottles before they were taken away. The dick in my mouth slid out, only to be replaced by another, and the face-fucking started all over. The first guy hadn’t come, thank God, but the second guy did, almost immediately, and I found myself forced to swallow. The first guy was still there and he was furiously jerking off as he watched me being skull-fucked. Suddenly he yelped and shot his load all over my face! The cock in my mouth pulled out and yet another one took its place. There seemed to be a never-ending supply of dick filling my mouth. If cum wasn’t being shot down my throat it was being sprayed across my face or onto my body. Soon I was covered in cum, my own as well as others’. It was in my hair, up my nose, and in my ears. It was rubbed all over my body, smeared across my face, and even into my ass crack. Hand after hand pumped away at my dick, which was so hard. A finger coated with some kind of lubricant jabbed at my asshole and I squirmed in pain. Then a second finger joined it and began to stretch and pull. I don’t know how long they spent prepping me because whatever was in the brown bottles they kept shoving under my nose had me in a daze. The dick in my mouth suddenly slipped out and I turned my head to see Terry kneeling next to me. He was tying some kind of rubber tubing to my bicep like a tourniquet and then held up a syringe. He flicked it twice and injected it into my arm. I immediately began to cough and sputter and when the wheezing fit passed, I felt hands on my hips and something thick and blunt against my entrance. Oh my God… My hole was wet and slick and the dick thrust its way in. “Oh fuck!” I cried out as it pushed past the ring of muscle and I felt balls slap against my ass. It felt fucking fantastic! I wanted to cry out again, but a dick shoved its way into my mouth and all I could do was moan and take it. They fucked me and used me like they owned me. Then Terry took his turn, making sure to take his time. His cock raked over something inside me that made me quiver and moan and my already hard dick felt like it could cut glass. He laughed and kept aiming at the spot. He called me all kinds degrading names, and the rest of the guys, lined up and waited their turn, laughed and joined in on the name-calling. Terry pulled out and a moment later slid his finger back in. I felt a burning sensation and then – holy shit – I wanted to be fucked even more! I wiggled my ass and Terry smacked it – hard – before pushing back in with a vengeance. The fucking started all over again. In and out, in and out, in and out. It was nonstop for I don’t know how long. It seemed like every stroke was hitting that magic button inside of me and I couldn’t help but moan because it was feeling so fucking good now. I felt like some kind of cheap whore but I didn’t want it to stop! It felt so good to be fucked and I wanted more. I might have passed out a couple of times, but Terry made sure to keep me coherent. At one point he shot me up with the syringe again. By that time though, I’d lost track of how many cocks I’d taken in my ass and down my throat. The last thing I remember was Terry standing in front of me holding a white cloth. He covered my nose and mouth with it and held it in place until everything went black. I woke up in my own bed. I don’t know how much time had passed or how I’d gotten there. My head throbbed, my ass hurt, and my jaw felt like it was out of joint. I was covered in cum and wearing just the briefs I’d been given for the shoot. I crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror! My hair was all spiked up with what I assumed was dried cum and there was still more on me – not yet dried – that glistened on my face, neck, chest… shit, even under my armpits! I felt sticky and tacky all over. And my neck was covered in hickeys. I dropped to my knees and hurled into my toilet. My ass burned and I gingerly slid the briefs down. What the fuck? As I pulled the briefs away, grossed out at much cum was in them, I stared in shock. My pubes were gone. They shaved my crotch? What the holy fuck?! I staggered into the shower and turned the taps on full blast, letting the hot water wash all the jizz off me. I stood there until the water went cold before finally turning it off. I dried off, careful to avoid my dick, nuts, pecs and ass, because they were all red and sensitive. I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way slowly into the living room. There was a manila envelope next to my phone, wallet and keys on the coffee table. My name was scrawled across it. Inside was a DVD and a note. I unfolded the paper. ‘Colton – True to my word, I’ve torn up your contract. The DVD is a rough cut of your last movie. I think it’s some of your best work to date. If your hockey career doesn’t work out, there’s always a place here for you. The movie is only for a select few. However, I’ll release it to the public if you do anything stupid like go to the cops. Then, not only will it be uploaded to the internet, but I’ll send it to every team in the league as well as your family, friends and every contact in you phone.’ I picked up my phone. There were a couple of missed calls and a bunch of text messages from a number I didn’t recognize. I opened the first one: it was a clip of me begging to be fucked. I closed it in horror and opened the next: me being fucked in the mouth and ass. Shit. I was so screwed.
    12 points
  2. STR8 CZECH TWINK TRICKS A FRIEND INTO TINA SLAM & POZ BREEDING - PART ! THE INTRODUCTION: Maxim and Ilya are two cute 18 year old Czech straight twinks living in Prague. They know each other since kindergraten and do almost everything together. People often think that they are bothersome because they both have black hair, a slim athletic body, and their tanned skin is smooth. But there are some differences; Maxim has a more defined body than Ilya, but Ilya has a bigger cock. When they where a few years younger they watched porn together sparking their craving for sex. After they both had sex with a girl from school, but they wanted it more like the pornvids so they needed to find girls/women with more experience. The next day they posted a message on a website for sex hookups. The message was straight to the point: “Two sexy ripped 18 y/o boys. Looking for sex with older experienced girls/women (20 - 30 y/o). 7inch and 9inch cocks are waiting for you. Whe’re quick learners and up for fulfilling all sexual wishes; dp, anal, cream pie, face fucking, etc. PS: We’re not gigolo’s or escort. We fuck for free & with our condom”. They added a picture of their athletic bodies and there rock hard cocks. Within 10 minutes the reactions started to come in. They received their sex dates at Ilya’s house during the day and in the evening. Maxims parents worked hat hard and always where home late. They had 3 - 4 dates per week and their dates came mostly alone, but sometimes they brought an extra girlfriend. Within a few month they were pro’s and already did every type of sex that they knew by watching porn. THE SETUP: One weekend Ilya helped his older brother move to his own apartment and he would stay the night so he can attend the housewarming party with his brothers friends. Maxim couldn’t join because he was laying in bed with the flu. It was a good party because Maxim didn’t see Ilya until wednesday. When Ilya came over he was talking about something he learned from his brother that makes sex hotter than hell. Before Maxim could ask what it was, Ilya continued by telling a that at the party a super hot girl that was checking him out and when he went to the bathroom she followed him and stroked and sucked his big cock. Ilya paused a few seconds and continue with “….Dude… She asked me if i knew a some place where we could fuck?”. So I told here that i knew a place but that would mean getting fucked by me and a friend. He looked in Maxim eyes and said that She told him that she loves getting fucked by two cocks! “So we only need to tell here when she can come!” Ilya concluded. Maxim started to tell Ilya that his parents won’t be home all weekend and that we could spent the whole weekend fucking. “I will text here right away” Ilya said. 3 minutes later he got a reply that Ilya read to loud: “If we have the whole weekend than i can bring over some extra girlfriends. All of them cum craving sluts like me!”. Maxim eyes started to twinkle. THE TRICK: Saturday Ilya came over early because he had to tell Maxim what he learned from his brother. He had a bag with him with a pipe a few syringes and a small bag full of white crystals. He started with “This stuff will make us so fucking horny that we can go on the whole weekend pounding”. “Do we need that?” Maxim replied. Ilya knew that Maxim would say that so he answered immediately with “If you try it you will know the answer. My brother introduced me to it when i was at his place. I also hesitated, but when i tried it felt so fucking horny and knew that we should try this out together”, he quickly added “let’s start by smoking a small amount”. He load up some crystals in the pipe, heated the pipe with a flame and took a few hits. He then gave the pipe to Maxim, put the flame under the bowl and told him to inhale deep a few times. “How are you feeling” Ilya asked Maxim. Maxim replied “Feeling a bit hot, getting a bit horny”. Ilya put on some porn and asked Maxim “Want another hit from the pipe? This will make your cock fucking hard so we can start the action right away when the girls arrive”. Maxim nodded and took the pipe, heated it and took a couple of big hits. His cock reacted right away by getting rock hard. Maxim let out a deep sigh and said “this is super!”. Maxim took a few deep hits every five minutes while stroking his hard cock. After half an hour his cock went limp, he tried to get hard again but it nothing work. Maxim started to freak out “What’s happening dude? Can’t get hard anymore!”. Ilya answered calm “You took the hits to quickly after each other. I had the same problem. It will get hard in about 1 - 2 hours”. Maxim start to panic and said: “But the girls are here in less then 45 minutes. Can’t stay like this?!”. “My brother showed me how to undo it. Let me show you how on myself, so you can decide if you want it?!” Ilya said. He took a leather strap tied it around his arm, took a pre-prepared syringe, found a vein and slowly shot the content into his bloodstream. He release the strap and started to couch, and his soft dick started to grow. “Okay! Can you do me now? Want to be rock hard when they arrive!” said Maxim. Ilya knows that his friend is exactly where he wants him to be. He takes out a syringe marked with a small red sticker and starts to tie a strap around maxims arm. He sticks the needle in the vein and start to push the plunger down. He knows that the syringe with the red sticker is pre-prepared with a dose 4 times higher than he gave himself. When he removes the strap, Maxim starts to cough very hard and Ilya knows that the conversion has begon. THE PREPARATION: Maxim is flying high on T not aware of his surrounding. Ilya throws Maxims arm around his neck and drags him to the bathroom. he puts him on a small bench so his ass is sticking out and his limp body is resting against the wall. He starts to clean out his friends ass. After 25 minutes he is finished. He takes a bottle of lube and squirts some up Maxims ass. Maxim is slowly getting more aware and starts moaning. Ilya says to him that he passed out and that he put him under the shower to revive him. Maxim mumbles. Ilya put his arm around him and helps Maxim back to the living room and puts him into a lounge chair. He takes some ropes and ties both arms behind the backseat. He then puts Maxims legs on his shoulders and start to lube up Maxims virgin hole. Maxim is getting more aware of whats happing with him and starts to mumble “What… doing… Un..tie…”. “I will tell you what i’m doing. I’m preparing you for the same thing that happened to me last weekend. You think using girls for lust and fucking their pussy hard is hot! it’s nothing compared to being used like a slut and getting your ass pussy fucked hard. You’re gone be reprogrammed to service cock… bare cock…” replies Ilya. Maxims mumbles “No… Stop”. Ilya starts grinning and says “You’re ass will start burning i a few seconds and you will scream… you can fight it or embrace it… either way you’re ass will turn into a willing open hole and you will beg for cock!”. He than places a big shared against the Maxims sphincter and places his hard lubed 9 inch cock against it and starts to push the shard inside with his cock. Maxim starts to scream, but slowly the 9 inch cock sinks deeper. When the whole length is in Maxims arse starts to burn and he start to beg to take it out. Ilya slowly pulls out but when he’s almost out he rams in deep. He starts repeating the stroke while Maxim screams. With each stroke he cranks up the tempo. Maxims ass starts tingling and a warm glow rushes to his brain. The screams start to change in to moans. Ilya is piston fucking his friends ass harder. But then he pulls out complete. The tingling and empty feeling in Maxims ass gets worse every second. The feeling is driving him insane and he asks Ilya to put it back in. “I want you to beg for it. Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to fuck you hard. Beg me to shoot my load deep in your ass!” Ilya replies. “Please fuck me… hard… en shoot your load deep inside me” moans Maxim. Ilya plunges his dick back inside and starts to fuck hard. Maxim feels Ilya’s cock swell up and moaned “Yeah… fill my ass… fill it with your cum”. Ilya starts breathing heavy and says “This will be the first but not the last. You’ll will meet the guys that converted me and they will do the same to you!”. Maxim could believe what he heard. At the same time Ilya made a loud roar and started to fill up Maxims ass. A few second later there was a loud knock on the door. Ilya pulled out and opend the door. THE GANG: A group off six guys in their early twenties came inside lead by Ilya’s brother. “Good job little bro” he said. They guys started to strip. Their athletic ripped bodies where covered in tattoo. All guys had a biohazard tattoo above their dicks. Two guys came into action and took two syringes, one walked towards Maxim and the other to Ilya. Ilya’s brother: “You’re only goal in life will be to service us. We will use you as we please and you will do ass we please. We will breed your asses with our cum… Our toxic cum… When you are converted you will be marked with the same tattoo we have…”. The couching of both boys interrupts him. “Love the sound of meth running to their veins” he says before continuing: “When you’re marked your part of our gang… And we are always on the prowl for new straight boys we can initiate!”. The gang gathered around the two willing boys. THE CONVERSION: Ilya’s brother is the first to ram his big poz cock inside Maxim. Two other members shove their cocks down the boys throats, one shoves his cock deep into Ilya’s ass. The other two take place behind the two ass fuckers and start to play with their nipples. Both cocks react by swelling up in the boys asses. — TO BE CONTINUED —
    7 points
  3. I was visiting my siste in Mexico City, i’m a 23 years old, white, 5’7, regular body, not fat but not slim either, kind of hairy and i think handsome haha, so i’m mainly top, my cock is 7 inches and really thick, but once in a while i like to be fucked by bigger guys than me, in size, age and cock. so i went on Grindr, got a text from this guy, he was blonde, like 6’2, broad shoulders but wasn’t muscled, i little beer belly, he was 35 and was cute, his cock was 7.8 inches long and a little less thick than mine, a really gorgeous dick. i met him in the park near his hotel, wich is 3 blocks away from my sister’s home, we chatted a little and then he invited me to his room. As soon as we got in he kissed me really passionately and we made out, first with our cloths on, and then naked like half an hour, then i started sucking him, i’m no really a fan on sucking but i just craved that cock. After a while we made a 69 while he rimmed me. When my hole was finally ready, i’m really tight, he reached for a condom. i’m no fond of condoms, for me the best there is about sex is that a man can fill another man’s ass with his seed, but i’m a little paranoid with aids so i rarely bareback unless it is with a boyfriend, anyway, he told me to get in all fours and slowly and with lots of lube got his dick balls deep, i just fel so full, my asshole was stretching a lot more than usually and my ass was completely full, i could feel his dick pushing a little in my second sphincter, it was heaven, well, almost heaven. he starte fucking me slowly at first, but then he picked the pace and was giving me one of my top 3 fucks. He fucked me for 15min in all fours, missionary, laying completely on top of me but suddenly got tired and got out of me. We rested a little while i sucked him till he got hard again, with did that like 2 time more, then he putted his last condom and fucked me missionary, i was enjoying it but i could tell he was getting soft, we made out a little when his dick got out of me, i was really dissapointed and i could tell he was too. he just stood in ther with his cock over my hole, and then he starte to massage my entrance up and down, while getting harder again, he then, really slowly, like asking me permission, began to get his cock in me. i was scared even when he told me he was clean but i allowed it, i don’t regret it, he got event harder inside me a fucked me really good for 5 minutes, he the told me he was about to cum, got his dick out and started jacking it, i quickly pulled him from his back to get his dick in my ass, he looked at me surprised, but then slammed me 3 time, the final one he went balls deep, and i could feel his dick jerking inside me, i also could feel something warm spreading in my guts, i was completely in heaven. after a minute or so he got out of me and jacked me off till i was cumming all over the bed. We then took a shower, chatted a little and then i got home. 2 hour latter i got the urge to take a “dump”, but when i let it out it was a really big amount of cum that came out of me, jacked myself of again thinking of how this cute pilot just knocked me up and left me that full.
    4 points
  4. Part 63 - Confrontation The alarm went off and the coach laid there in bed. All he really wanted to do sleep the rest of the day and recover from the nine hard breedings he took the day before. Instead, he got up and slowly walked to the shower. He stood there letting the water rush over him and then took the soap and cleaned himself off. He got dressed and then packed his bag up and took it to the van. His legs and ass were sore, he was sure that anyone looking at him could tell he had been fucked all night. He walked back into the breakfast area and the team was already there. “Hey coach!” Shane said. The team all had grins on their faces and the coach was sure they knew he had had a rough night. “Hi, guys. Ready for the last day of camp?” he asked. “Yeah. This was a lot of fun” Marty said. “I hope you learned a lot too. We need to be really competitive the rest of the season to make it to finals” the coach said as he shifted his position to find one that hurt less. “You ok coach? You look like you’re in pain” Ethan asked. “I’ll be ok. I just slept funny” the coach replied, getting up and then heading over to get a quick breakfast. The team all snickered and gestured on the positions they thought he was in while “sleeping.” The coach came back and they all finished breakfast. The coach tossed Shane the keys to the van and said “Get everyone’s luggage in the van and bring me the room keys.” Shane and Ethan handed over the room keys and the team headed to the parking lot. The coach went to the front desk and Dakota was standing behind the desk. “Hello, Dakota. We’re checking out” the coach said as he pushed the keys across the desk. “I hope you enjoyed your stay, Coach Adams. I know I did” Dakota said with a smile. “Feel free to stop back any time, no reservation is needed for that hot ass of yours. We give free booster shots, too.” The coach nervously looked around to see if anyone could have heard the last part and was relieved that no one was nearby. “Uh, sure” the coach replied. The coach started towards the front door and saw Ric walking towards the front desk. “Leaving in a couple minutes, Ric” he yelled out. “Thanks, coach. I’ll meet you over at the University. I’m meeting a friend first.” Ric replied. The coach shook his head. If it had been one of his team, he wouldn’t let him skip out of part of the camp, but since Ric wasn’t a swimmer, he just let it go. “Be sure to be over there by 4PM” the coach told Ric. The team headed over to the athletic center and Ric poked his head into Dennis’s office. “Hey Dennis, how’s it going?” RIc asked. “Doing good. I hope you guys had fun while you were here” Dennis replied. “Oh yeah. A lot different than the last time, but still a lot of fun. With any luck the room may have gotten another convert or two” Ric said with a devilish grin. “Yeah, it gets a lot of action and hopefully you guys were successful” Dennis said before he motioned for Ric to come closer. “Keep this between you and me, but you should keep an eye out on your coach. He may need some help in a few weeks.” Ric’s eyes got big “You tagged him?” Ric asked. “Yeah, my boyfriend, Dave, Dakota, Tony, Luis, Juan, Tyler, Carl and I all fucked him” Dennis said. “Dave? The escort? As in Joe?” asked Ric. “Oh, you know? Cool. Yeah, that Dave, er.. Joe” Dennis said. “Wow, you really did a job on him with that many guys. Does he know about you guys being poz?” Ric asked. Dennis replied “Yeah, Joe told him and he seemed to get off on it. We’ll see how enthusiastic he is when the flu hits.” “Now his comment when I ran into him in the sauna makes some sense. He saw my biohazard tat and asked if someone sent me in there. I bet he thought I was sent to breed him” Ric said. “Hehe, yeah. It doesn’t mean you couldn’t once you’re back home” Dennis said. “Fuck no! I don’t want to end up on the news as another student that fucked his teacher. It would screw both of our lives up. Maybe after I graduate, but even then I don’t know” Ric answered. “He’s got a great ass, but yeah, I get it. So you guys head back today?” asked Dennis. “Yeah. This is the last day of camp. The team already left. First, I’m going over to get pierced by Daryl and then meet them at the University before going home” replied Ric. Dennis smiled and asked “Cool. What are you getting done?” “I want to get my nipples done and then a ladder on my cock” answered Ric. “Wow, that’s a lot in one day” Dennis replied. “Yeah, but its kind of hard to get up here. Do you know what bus I need to take to get over to Daryl and Thad’s shop?” asked Ric. “Don’t worry about the bus. I can take you over in the shuttle. Just let me know when” Dennis said. “Thanks, I really appreciate it” Ric said. Dennis dropped Ric off at the tattoo shop telling him to call when he was done and he would take him over to the university. Ric walked up to the door and pulled. It was locked but after a few knocks, Daryl came up and let him in. Dennis drove off and Ric went inside the shop. “So, nips and a ladder? You’re going to be one sore puppy” Daryl said with a smile. Ric picked out a pair of barbell’s for his nipple piercings and they went into the back room. Ric pulled his shirt off, sat down in the chair and leaned back. He felt the adrenaline start to pump through his body and then there was the rush of endorphins as the needle poked through. “Fuuuucck!” Ric yelled out while still trying to hold still. “One down, five to go” Daryl said with a grin. He moved over and pierced the second nipple, with Ric yelling out like before. “Rest there for ten minutes and then we’ll work on the ladder” said Daryl as he got up and put the needles in the used bin and went to get the stuff for the other piercings. Daryl laid everything out and then said “Ok, now take your shorts and underwear off.” Ric did and Daryl smiled as he saw the hung cock between Ric’s legs. Ric sat back down and Daryl asked “Is that what its like soft?” “Nah, its a little hard now” answered Ric. “OK, get it hard so I know what size and where to put it” Daryl said. Ric stroked his cock and once it was hard Daryl rolled his eyes and said “I forgot how big it gets. Just a sec, I need to find some longer bars.” Daryl rummaged through the container of straight and slightly curved barbell piercings and then muttered “Shit.” He got up and went to the front of the shop and Ric could hear him pulling out case after case. Ric sat there with his cock rock hard and wasn’t sure what to do so he kept stroking it to keep it stiff. Daryl came back into the room and said “Sorry, bud. I don’t have anything that’s the right size. Most guys aren’t as thick as you are, and the ones I have would be too short and pretty painful. Let me measure exactly what I need and then I’ll do it when they come in. I know this sucks for you since you can’t get up hear that easy, but I want to do it right.” Ric looked up at Daryl, the disappointment clearly showed on his face. “Damn. Ok. I understand” Ric said getting up out of the chair. He put on his clothes and they walked back to the front of the shop. He paid for the nipple piercings and gave Daryl his number to call when the right piercings came in. Ric called Dennis back and told him he was done getting pierced and a few minutes later the van showed up. Ric hopped in and Dakota was driving. “Heading over to the athletic center?” Dakota asked. “Yeah, gotta meet up for my ride home” Ric replied. There was a long silence as they drove through the streets until Dakota said “Your coach is a great fuck. He took everything I could give him. You think he’s really neg? I mean, not for much longer, but now? He took some pretty potent seed.” Ric squirmed in his seat, feeling a little uncomfortable talking about the coach getting bred. “I dunno. I’m not even on the team, I just tagged along to have some fun with the guys and I haven’t fucked the coach” Ric replied. “Ah, gotcha. Dennis said you were in the club, so I assumed you had tagged him too. I saw you fuck the one coaches in the sauna. That was pretty hot. Too bad you got interrupted by those guys. You should have fucked the bottom guy and left him a surprise present” Dakota said. “I was tempted, but I really just wanted to get out of there. Besides, my balls were empty after I fucked the coach” Ric replied. They pulled up to the center and Dakota turned to Ric. “Here’s my number. Whenever you’re up this way I’d love to hookup some time. You seem like a nice guy and Dennis said you are a great fuck. Maybe we can swap strains” Dakota told Ric. “Thanks, that sounds like fun” Ric replied as he squeezed Dakota’s leg. Ric hopped out of the van and walked into the building and went to find his usual spot. He saw someone sitting over there and as he got closer he realized it was Joe. “Hey, what are you doing here?” he said as he got close. Joe turned and said “Hey, Ric. Well, I got a message from Marcus to meet you and him here. I’ve been waiting an hour. I saw him over with the rest of the swimmers but he hasn’t come over.” “Oh shit. This isn’t good. He showed up at the hotel yesterday and then ran out when he saw my biohazard tat and figured out we were poz. I guess you didn’t warn him” Ric said. “Fuck. No, I didn’t. I don’t think he knows I’m poz either. This might get ugly. I’ll take the heat, don’t worry” Joe said seriously. A whistle blew and that session was over. Joe saw Marcus walking their way. “I’m gonna take us to the wrestling room. No one else needs to hear this” Joe said as he got up and pointed towards the doors. Ric and Joe started walking to them and Marcus changed his direction there too. Joe and Ric got to the doors and walked to the wrestling room. They went in and then kept walking to the second room. “No one can hear us in there even if he yells” Joe said. Once inside, Joe stopped and turned around, waiting for Marcus to come in. The door flew open and Marcus came towards Joe and they could tell he was pissed. “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing? Setting me up with a poz dude? Are you fuckin’ nuts?” Marcus said as he walked up to Joe. He jabbed his finger into Joe’s chest with each of the last four words. “Marcus, you seemed to like him and he liked you. I just thought I’d let you know where to find each other and that there was mutual interest. We haven’t fucked in a while. I don’t know what you’re into or not any more. Shit, you’re both adults and you know you have to have these conversations if you’re gonna fuck… thats if you actually care if a guy is neg or poz” Joe said back in a stern voice. “What? You think I’d fuck with poz guys? This guy’s still in high school. Why would I think he’s poz?” Marcus asked back. “You don’t think guys in high school fuck raw? I know I did. I never used a condom until I got to college. And I know we never used one when I fucked you all those times. Who knows how many poz guys you’ve been with and didn’t even know it” Joe countered. Marcus was stunned. “I… uh… I’m careful about who I fuck with” Marcus finally said. “Doesn’t sound like it to me. Ric said you never asked and only stopped when you saw his biohazard tat” Joe replied. “But I told you, I never expect a guy that age to be poz” Marcus said. Joe could tell the intensity was easing from Marcus’s argument. “That doesn’t mean shit. Old, young, smooth, hairy, athletic or obese. Anyone can be poz and with most guys you can’t tell. Are you on prep?” Joe asked. “What? No. Why would I be. I told you, I’m careful” said Marcus. “Would you have let the other guy in my room fuck you raw?” Ric asked before Joe could say anything. “Sure. He’s cute and had nice cock, but he seemed more interested in getting fucked” Marcus replied, not expecting to get questioned from both guys. “Then you would have take a big toxic load. He just converted a month ago. He’s not on drugs and is really potent. He loves getting his dick in neg holes too” Ric said. Marcus’s jaw dropped and he backed up a step and was clearly panicked. Joe laughed and said “Who knows, that pretty little ass of yours might already be knocked up. You’ve always been a horny bottom. You probably want it but are just afraid to admit it. I’ve seen it a lot. First guys stop asking if the tops are neg and then after they find out they've taken a few poz loads they get comfortable and start looking for the poz guys.” “No, its nothing like that. It just makes things awkward” Marcus said. “That isn’t what guys that are intent on staying neg say. You’re just playing russian roulette. One day the bullet will end up in the chamber and you’re gonna be pozzed up like Ric and I are. It might have already happened” Joe said with a chuckle. Ric was grinning, since he thought he knew where Joe was taking the conversation. “You? You’re poz too?” Marcus asked incredulously. “Yeah, I am” Joe said smiling back at Marcus. “Why don’t you just admit that you want a good poz fuck. You always liked my cock and I bet you’d love Ric’s cock too. He may be young, but he’s hung and knows how to use it” Ric moved behind Marcus and gently ran his hands over Marcus’s speedo covered ass. He heard Marcus gasp and then his breathing became labored. “No, thats crazy dude. Why would I ever want to knowingly take a poz load?” Marcus asked. “Once you’re poz, you never have to worry about some guy pozzing you again” Ric said softly in his ear as Ric’s hands continued to rub over his ass. Joe moved closer and brushed his hands over Marcus’s chest, rubbing the hard, pierced nipples. Joe could see Marcus fight with himself. “I know you want it. Just tell us and we can give you a fuck like no other. You can choose who and how. Just me, just Ric or both of us. I could even set something up and get a group together, but Ric might not be able to make it and you really should experience his cock. Just say yes, Marcus and we’ll take you over to the storage room and give you the fuck of your life” Joe said. Marcus was muttering to himself as he listened to Joe. A large wet spot of precum had soaked through his speedo and his cock was getting harder. Ric thought he heard “oh fuck” over and over but since he was behind Marcus he couldn’t really hear it. Joe saw a tear run down Marcus’s cheek and then he said “I want to but I shouldn’t. Oh god, what do I do?” “Let fate decide for you. That’s what I did” Ric said. “What?” Marcus said, confused more than ever. “I took the loads and let fate decide if I got pozzed. My life has been so much better since then” Ric said. “oh fuck, oh god” Marcus said and then was breathing heavy. Joe and Ric let Marcus stew with the thoughts and finally Marcus said “Give me your poz cocks.” Joe's grin got more intense and he led Ric and Marcus over to the storage room. The three went inside and Ric locked the door. Ric moved in behind Marcus and started to kiss the back of his neck and put his hands inside Marcus’s speedo and pulled them down. Joe pulled off his t-shirt and dropped his shorts to the floor. A tug and his jockstrap was laying on top of his shorts. Joe moved closer and kissed Marcus deeply. He could feel Marcus’s cock get stiffer between them and rubbed his body against the leaking shaft. Ric was the only one with clothes on, so he pulled away and shucked his clothes onto the floor too. Getting closer, he got down on his knees and pried the firm ass apart. Ric inhaled deeply, smelling the sweat and scent from Marcus as well as the chlorine from the pool. He licked along the crack and and felt Marcus shiver. Joe licked and kissed down Marcus’s front and took his stiff cock into his mouth. Joe sucked and licked, trying to get Marcus to a stage of lust that he would never want to come down from until his ass was full of Ric and Joe’s cum. He could hear Ric doing his best on Marcus’s pussy and knew they had to be intense but not take Marcus over the edge. When Marcus started to squirm he knew that it was time. Joe pulled off and pulled Marcus down to his knees. Ric sat down on the rolled wrestling mat as Joe directed him to. Joe turned Marcus so that he was in between Ric’s legs and then moved in behind Marcus, like he had done dozens of times before and slicked his cock up with spit. Marcus started to lick Ric’s hard cock and braced himself on Ric’s legs. Joe pushed the piercing into the throbbing pucker and added more spit. Pressing in harder he could feel Marcus start to tense up. Joe gave him a few strokes with his hands along his back and Ric’s hands were caressing his his head which was enough to relax Marcus and Joe pressed in harder. A few more rubs of his hand and Joe felt the hole open up enough and he gave a nudge, letting the rest of his cock head pop past Marcus’s outer ring. When Joe had fucked Marcus in the past, Marcus was always eager to get all of his cock inside him. This time Joe was going slower and figured once he got a good rhythm going Marcus would become the usual cock hungry slut. Joe started to rock his hips, pushing deeper in each time. Marcus was energetically sucking Ric’s cock and Joe’s strokes got longer. Soon he was fucking Marcus just like the old days. He pushed all the way in and then got up on his feet, pushing Ric’s cock deep into Marcus’s throat. With Joe now in a better position, he began to pound Marcus’s hole. He could feel the ring tug and pull as he jabbed it into the tender walls of Marcus’s rectum. Joe was hammering away at Marcus’s ass and was amazed that Marcus was still sucking Ric’s thick shaft. Ric had his eyes closed and was enjoying the oral workover from Marcus. Joe knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, but wanted to make sure he got Marcus’s chute opened up and prepped for Ric’s larger cock. He pulled out and plunged back in a few times but that just intensified the tightness in his balls. Joe grabbed Marcus’s shoulders and drove his cock in deep. The pulses from his cock were intense and he could feel the cum shoot out and cover the walls of Marcus’s tunnel. Joe grunted as each wave of toxic seed pumped into the swimmer. Marcus had stopped sucking when he felt Joe start to breed his hole. It was too late now, Joe’s poz cum was now inside him, possibly infecting him. Marcus was expecting it to feel different, but it felt just like all the other times Joe had cum inside him. It was a feeling that he loved - the warmth and wetness of another man’s cum deep inside him. He let out a loud moan that surprised not only Ric and Joe, but himself. His heart was racing, knowing that he had just done something that he had been avoiding since he took his first cock. Joe left his cock inside Marcus for a minute after the shots of cum ended. He slowly pulled out and left the gaping, cum filled hole empty. Ric realized it was his turn and gently pulled his cock from Marcus’s mouth and slid over before quickly moving behind Marcus. He saw some of Joe’s cum dripping out of the battered hole and smiled as he lined his cock up. He pushed in and Marcus’s hole was tight. The coating of spit and Joe’s cum didn’t seem to be enough to let his cock just slide in. He waited until Joe was in place in front of Marcus and Marcus had started to lick the still hard shaft clean. With a little more pressure, his cock descended deeper into Marcus’s hole. He could hear the groans but kept pushing further. When he hit the inner ring he looked down and still had over an inch left to go. Ric grabbed Marcus’s hips and thrust in, plowing in the rest of the way. He heard a muffled scream so he stood there motionless for half a minute. When Marcus seemed to recover, he pulled back and heard another muffled groan. Ric started to rock back and forth slowly, letting Marcus get used to his sizable shaft. Just like he had done the first time fucking most of the guys, he let Marcus get used to it and then fucked faster or longer. Marcus seemed to adapt quicker than many guys and he thought it might be one of the few times that Marcus would know how it felt to be fucked by his own cock. Their length and thickness seemed to be similar from the short time that he saw it before Joe began fucking Marcus. Ric soon had a good pace going, long firm strokes felt good inside the experienced hole. Marcus even started to squeeze down on his cock occasionally. A tingle or two from his balls told Ric he was nearing the point of no return. He fucked harder and looked at Joe who was watching Ric pound Marcus’s ass. Joe grinned and nodded to Ric as he sensed Ric was getting close. Joe held Marcus’s head down on his cock as Ric pushed in all the way. Ric let out a growl as his cock pumped shot after shot of charged cum into Marcus’s wrecked cunt. After the first few spurts, Joe let go of Marcus’s head and let him gasp for air while Ric flooded his ass. Ric left his cock inside Marcus while his body recovered from the orgasm. Ric pulled out and sat down on the floor against the rolled mat. Marcus then backed away from Joe and laid down on the floor on his back, breathing heavily. “Oh my god that was wild” Marcus said. Joe got a wicked smile on his face and leaned forward and crawled between Marcus’s legs. “What are you doing, Joe?” Marcus asked. “I just want to feel what that hole feels like after Ric stretched you out” Joe replied. Before Marcus could say anything, Joe lifted his legs up and slid his hard cock right into the loose, cummy hole. Joe started to drill Marcus again, this time feeling Ric’s and his cum mixed together coating his cock. Marcus moaned as Joe fucked him. He tried in vain to clamp his hole down around Joe’s cock and just laid back and let Joe pound his pussy. “Damn, you’re loose now” Joe said. “Think he can take us both?” Ric asked. A look of fear came over Marcus’s face as Joe said “We can try.” Joe hooked his arms under Marcus’s arms and then leaned back until Marcus was now riding him. Ric pushed Marcus over so he was laying on Joe’s chest and he straddled Joe. He pressed his cock against Joe’s shaft and then up to Marcus’s hole. He shoved in and got nowhere. He then pulled his foreskin back and pushed slowly and felt his cock head catch on the battered hole. Pushing harder he heard Marcus whimper and then it stretched enough for him to start sliding in. Joe held Marcus still as Ric’s shaft pushed along Joe’s. Ric felt Joe’s piercing drag along the bottom of his cock as he gave Marcus the last few inches. Marcus was fully impaled on both cocks and had never felt so full in his life. Ric started to move back and forth with his hips and while the strokes were only a few inches long it was enough to send shockwaves through all three of them. He kept it up for a few minutes and then felt Joe’s cock start to pulse against his own. Another dose of Joe’s viral cum pumped into Marcus’s ass and the feeling caused Ric to shoot another load in too. Marcus whimpered and yelled out “Oh fuck!” as he felt the third and fourth poz loads fill his tortured hole. Deep down he knew this was probably it - his neg days were now numbered. He was on an adrenaline high like never before with the risk making it so much more intense. Ric pulled his cock out and Marcus stood up, his shaky legs barely holding him vertical. Ric put his clothes on and helped Marcus get his speedo back on. Helping Joe off the floor, Ric watched him put his clothes back on. They walked slowly out of the wrestling rooms and towards the pool. As they got closer to the pool, Marcus went over to where all the swimmers were. Joe and Ric went back over to the other side. Joe gave Ric a hug and told him to keep in touch and let him know where he decided to go to college and then headed out the door. He stared at Joe's ass walking away from him until the door closed. The final whistle blew and the camp was over. The teams showered and packed and Ric dragged the equipment duffles back to the van. Everyone hopped in for the drive home. They pulled into the school parking lot and as Ric was unloading all of the bags the coach walked up to him. “Ric, I’d like you to stop by my office some time this week. I think you’re the only one at school that can help me with a few things I need to know. This is just between you and me. OK?” Coach Adams said. “Sure thing coach” Ric replied.
    4 points
  5. 6. thanks for the love over this story guys, much appreciated We eventually woke late and Ben announced that as it was Saturday and no college work for me today as better time would be spent at the Sauna Club socializing with Dan, Rich, Mark and a few others of their friends. “Yeah your brother is going to be a magnet for what you usually like most” Olly said before laughingly adding, “plenty of group action” “Fresh meat, no loads refused always draws out the best of humanity with gifts to share with a newbie.” Responded Ben already rubbing his crotch. “Bro, you’d better just have an energy shake for breakfast and then we’ll teach you how to clean out the lovely hole of yours in readiness for a mid-day work out.” For me mid-day couldn’t come soon enough but it was well into the afternoon by the time Ben & Olly lead me into the Sauna Club, paid our entrance fees then off to the locker room to strip down to towels which my brother and partner tucked in around their waist but I was told to just drape mine over my shoulder. “No point hiding the goods on offer is there?” They led me upstairs to the large viewing room full of guys whose lustful eyes coveted me as I passed by with wolf whistles and groping of my ass. On we walked to an area beyond where five cubicles, each with a scuzzy stained mattress was on the floor with just a curtain for privacy. Ben ushered us in one and left the curtain open and then he and Olly removed their well tented towels and pull me into an intense round of kissing and after several minutes of tongue jousting my brother pushed me down on my back.. “You ready for this? You don’t have to if you don’t want to you know? Ben says, “I already have yours and Olly’s Poz cum in me, so yeah, I’m good with this!” and by the time Ben had worked up to three fingers buried deep in me hole we had an audience of several pairs of eyes hungrily looking on, hard cocks in hand jerking off. I had to laugh as I imagined I was circled by sex-starved wolves ready to pounce and consume me, whatever, the though was enough to make my cock swell and drool a constant flow of precum over my groin. Once Ben and Olly had donated more of their Poz cum up my chute Olly said loud enough for all to hear, “Off to the Sling Room for you to complete your afternoon/evening of NO LOADS REFUSED action” “I’ve heard about them but never been in a sling.” I managed to splutter upon seeing the contraption spot lit in the darkened room. “Hop in, lie back and make yourself comfortable.” “Woa the leather’s cold” “Don’t worry it’ll soon warm up, now let me tie your wrists and ankles to the chains…don’t want you escaping little bro! There how does it feel?” I had just one word, “Fantastic!” “There you go guys…he’s all yours” as he addresses a growing throng gathered around. “Ah Dan trust you to be first….” I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw a smiling Dan move towards me as all I could focus on was his tattoo of an elephant’s head inked all over his crotch with, yes, you’ve guessed it, his long cock for its trunk! He flashed a killer smile that caught my attention and then I saw his sparkling eyes and yet despite the comedy tattoo me and my cock felt an instant attraction. Fuck I wanted this man. I wanted him just as I lusted after my brother all these years. Our eyes remained locked on one another as Dan took up station at my exposed and quivering ass, “Do you like elephants Liam?” he asked all innocently. “Sure” I tell him “D’ya know how they wash themselves?” to which other guys burst out laughing… “Yeah they suck up water in their trunk and spray it over their bodies.” “Well done Liam, look just like this.” As he pulled his long foreskin back revealing a shiny Prince Albert, something I’d heard about but never actually seen before. I was mesmerized and didn’t at first realise as he let rip a torrent of piss all over me and simultaneously others standing close by joined in the golden shower. I had never indulged in piss-play before but I was surprised at how turned on I was, or was it just because it was Dan? When Dan’s PA’d elephant trunk piss stream eventually stopped he lined his dick with my hole and pushed in balls deep…and if it hadn’t been for the previous loads it would have been painful but now I just felt full. My eyes locked on to Dan’s as I felt the electricity flow between us as I enjoy his full attention…it didn’t go unnoticed by my brother who stroked my face and said, “You’re doing great, we’ll make a great cumslut out of you yet. I can tell Dan likes you and I think you like him too, am I right?” I nodded, unable to speak as Dan’s bulbous dick head and PA continuously rubbed over my prostate…I let out a satisfied “Aaaaahhhh” just as a rock-hard cock was pushed in my mouth. I guess Dan felt it too as still staring deep into my eyes he starts licking my feet and sucking my toes, “Ummmm, sweaty teen feet, I just love your smell” as he runs his nose all over the soles of my feet and under my toes making the hairs on the back of my neck raise and me uncontrollably squirm. “Ohhhhh Myyyyy Godddd…Dan, please … Arrr fuck…! Please, please… please breed me” The stimulation or feet licking is too much, my hole clamping tight around his cock in spasms; I know the signs so well now my cum fires out high in the air and then splatters down all over me in hot jets of cummy rain. “Oh yeah bro…., you get shot of all that neg seed.” Ben encourages me, “Now get ready for Dan’s Poz cum, tell him you want it, you want him to knock you up” This is all new to me and I cannot articulate properly any dirty talk other than. “Yeeeessssss”, is my response, my whole body now shaking in anticipation! “Yes, what?” asks Dan “I want you to Poz me” Well, I’m not going to refuse you, am I? “You sure you’re ready for this, coz’ there’s no going back now?” “Sure, oh God. Yes! Come on, don’t play games with me, fill me up with your POZ jizz!" is my breathy reply. Dan goes from slowly and deliberately pushing my ass ring open with each inward thrust and pulling it out on each outward stroke to now hammering in hard and fast in my slick passage. His eyes bug wide and sweat glistening over his body giving him a luminance God like appearance and at this pace his PA feels unworldly and fantastic in my hole. “I know I’m not going to last long, oh yeah…oh yeah”…he says over and over again He jabs harder and faster, says “I’m almost there” as all of his efforts are solely on giving me what I want and what I need. Dan’s toxic delivery. "Please breed me. I want your toxic cum." He rams home HARD smashes my prostate to fire off rope after rope of thick highly toxic baby makers in my guts as in the same instant my balls pull up and yet more useless cum squirts out. “Welcum to the club…my Bug Brother!” then leans forwards for our first incestuous kiss. No sooner had Dan pulled out of my hole it wasn’t left vacant for long as my brother, Olly and Dan made sure I was anally and orally fucked as all the guys kept revolving around taking turns. This was all new with hands continually playing with my cock, balls, nipples and stroking every other part of my body. One by one they all unloaded their Poz cum in or over me until there was just the four of us. Olly held me then said, “I think Dan is infatuated by you, look…” as Dan moved round to my battered and puffy hole, but instead of pushing in he rest his steel like cock on my aching balls and lovingly licked and sucked on my toes again before pushing his “trunk” in tenderly a few times, watched me adoringly, then pulled out his pink foamy spunk covered cock to offer me the dripping spume to my open and willing mouth. “There you go Bug Brother taste the essence of us, Poz, proud and family all connected by Ben’s strain.” As I slurped and spotlessly cleaned his dick the other three all cheered and as I pulled off and looked back up at him. "Ummmm, delicious..." “Do you want to come home with us or go with Dan to rest and recuperate bro? “Err…..” I knew I really wanted both options and then it hit me, “Why can’t we all go home together?”
    4 points
  6. Jockstrap Party My boy and I have been having a lot of fun lately, very little of it safer fun. We hooked up with another couple a few weeks ago and had a blast playing raw. Jim and Dan are both a bit older than us, and both very vers. Jim has a sexy hairy chest and Dan is almost entirely hairless. Both of the guys fucked my boy raw and left big juicy loads in his ass. I was rawfucking Dan’s hairless hole at the same time as he bred my boy. They cradled my boy while I plowed their loads deeper into his hole before adding my own. We made a point to let the guys know we wanted to play together again. They invited us to a jockstrap party at a big warehouse bar on the outskirts of town. We went to work that morning, both me and my boy wearing sexy jockstraps under our slacks and dress shirts. The four of us met for a few courage drinks before heading to the warehouse. We stripped down to our jocks and shoes and checked our clothes before going into the main bar area. We had heard that things could get steamy there, and were more comfortable playing raw with friends than with strangers, so we tucked some single use lube packets into our socks and a few condoms. Dan said that might be a good idea as some of these guys were POZ and sometimes fucking happened at this kind of party. There must have been a hundred men there, some sweaty and rank, some squeaky clean. Jim and Dan knew a couple of the guys there and introduced us to some of their buddies. I assumed that they had all fucked around. They were nice, shook hands, groped crotches and butts, but were generally non-threatening. Jim went to the bar and brought back a stack of solo cups and a pitcher of beer. Dan pointed out a guy on the edge of their group named Sean. He told me he was a really hot top but to play safely with him… I assumed that meant he had some kind of bug or kink… Jim spilled some beer on my jock’s pouch while pouring me a cup. Of course, Sean made a bee line to me, knelt down and licked the beer, of course making my cock grow and stretch out the front of my jockstrap. Sean is pretty tall and beefy with a broad chest and massive nipples. He had on tall boots and a leather harness. He growled at me and smiled as he stood up thanking me for the free sip. As we stood drinking and chatting, Sean kept rubbing his crotch. I knew he must have had a big dick as his pouch kept filling more and more. Dan and Jim ran off to hang out with some friends on a private VIP roof deck, where I knew there would likely be some fucking action. We promised we’d head up soon. Sean leaned in and grasped me and my boy’s bare buttcheeks. He said into our ears, ‘Finally, I’ve got you guys alone!’ I laughed as we were hardly alone, there were at least fifty guys standing around. I knew he was flirting pretty heavily, but I figured we were safe in public. Plus, if we wanted to fool around, I remembered the condoms in my socks and thought how glad I was to have come prepared. I felt Sean’s hand getting closer to my crack, and I sort of whimpered, I guess. He grinned at me, then at my boy. He brought his hand to my boy’s mouth and inserted two fingers. My boy groaned and suckled them. This guy was clearly seducing both of us. Once his fingers were good and wet, Sean brought his hand back to my ass and started gently playing with my hole, sinking just his fingertips in, lubed with my boy’s spit. I must have thrown my head back, savoring the sensation of this stranger’s fingers teasing my hole, and closed my eyes. Before I could open them, Sean inserted his finger into my mouth. I sucked hard and he slipped two more fingers in all the way to his thumb. I thought I was going to puke, and gagged as he pulled his hand away. I knew it was going to go directly to my boy’s ass, and that I’d helped prepare my boy’s hole for whatever was about to happen. We stood face-to-face for a bit Sean he was really playing with our asses. He might have had two fingers in me a few knuckles deep. The way my boy was bucking, I knew he was deeper in his hole. My boy is much more of a bottom than me, and much looser, so it was all sort of going fine. Sean released his grasp on my ass and situated himself behind my boy, with my boy facing me. My boy was practically panting and shoved his tongue down my throat. He grasped my jaw with both hands and leaned into me. With his face in mine, I couldn’t see with my eyes what Sean was doing, so I let me hands wander. I put my hands around my boy’s slim waist and felt him grooving. He was driving his crotch into mine, but also his ass into Sean’s crotch. I slipped my hand into Sean’s jockstrap and felt a hefty drooling cock with a thick cold metal cockring at its base. My boy kept moaning as he felt that fabric-clad shaft grinding into his buttcrack. I pulled away from my boy. I tried to whisper into his ear that he was about to get fucked. With the booming music in the bar, I had to repeat myself, ‘If you don’t want to get fucked right here on the dancefloor, you should pull off!’ He might have misheard me and he just nodded. Then he shouted back into my year, ‘YES! Pull it out!’ I realized he thought I was asking if he wanted Sean’s raw dick as his hole. I chuckled knowing that he was hungry for to get fucked like a slut in the middle of the bar. My boy’s eyes pleaded, so I freed Sean’s dick from his jockstrap. I jerked his massive thick tool a few times smearing his precum all over his shaft. Sean kept grooving, but had contorted my boy so he was sort of squating with his ass stuck out for better access. I’m not naïve and my boy wasn’t acting like he wanted Sean to stop. I raised my ankle up and got out a condom and some lube from my sock. With my boy leaning against me for support, I tore open the condom wrapper and tried to lower it on to Sean’s throbbing cock head. He was shimmying around so I couldn’t quite land it. He lurched forward and the condom fell out of my hand and onto the floor. He lurched forward again a few times as I got another condom out and unwrapped. My boy was pushing back against Sean, groaning deeply, as I was busy trying to get a condom on Sean. When my hands were where I thought his dick was, I realized it was too late for a condom. Sean had slid his bare cock all the way into my boy’s ass. I told my boy, ‘He’s in you raw. Is that ok?’ My boy nodded and wrapped his arms around my head, kissing me hard. He clenched his eyes shut and let Sean use his ass. I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Dan back from whatever mischief they’d gotten into upstairs. I leaned back so he could say something in my ear. ‘Good thing you brought those condoms. Sean usually only fucks raw… and he shoots toxic loads.’ He pointed to the wrapper on the floor. I just nodded, knowing that Sean was about to breed my boy. Sean started grunting and plowing my boy’s ass faster and harder. My poor boy nearly lost his balance. Dan helped support my boy as Sean moaned, spewing his toxic spunk into my boy’s ass. Sean pulled back, his cock falling out of my boy’s guts with a wet plop. Dan realized that he wasn’t wearing a condom and moaned as he dropped to his knees. He grabbed Sean’s cock and swallowed it all the way. Jim showed back up and saw my boy leaning on my and his boyfriend blowing Sean. I spread my boy’s cheeks and Jim saw how opened and wet it was. He shrugged and also knelt, tonguing the POZ seed off and out of my boy’s ass. There must have been ten guys in a tight circle around us. A few guys were jerking their cocks and one stepped up to me asking, ‘Your boy takes loads? Can I breed him next?’ I nodded and my boy opened his eyes grinning. He said to me, ‘It’s going to be a long night…’
    3 points
  7. My first post here, of a real experience last year in in Orlando hotel room. Very DL daddy type here with a sick sweet obsession for mancunt, cock and cum in all its many forms. I rarely get to play at home because of work, wife, family, and busy life, but when I get a hotel room all to myself all bets are off. I was getting ready to call it a night because no one seemed to be around on the usual cruising sites, or at least there was no interest. Just before I was ready to shut off the iPad a boy, Scotty hit me up on bbrt. He indicated that he only lived across the parking lot from my hotel and could use a good breeding. Before I could think I said hell yeah, I’ll meet you in the parking lot in five minutes. Got dressed and went downstairs, and across the parking lot strolled Scotty, slim twink, about 30, so hot and sweet. This daddy rarely gets a chance to play with boys of this type and I was so ready to get at him, as we rode the elevator upstairs to my room. Immediately after we walked in the door he stripped down and so did I. Scotty so fucking hot, about 5’9 and 130#. My mouth was watering looking at his smooth ass and uncut cock which was long but soft at the moment. He was ready for breeding and made no bones about it, telling me in a soft voice “daddy I need to feel your cum deep inside me.” I was insane with lust and had him lay down on bath towels on the bed, to hold his legs back exposing his sweet used pussy. Without a moment to lose I got down and put my mouth right up into his ass and lubricated it with all the spit I had in me. As I am hungry throat pig I gobbled up his cock, and much to my surprise he began to grow significantly in my throat. I started to gag a little witch suited me just fine and got my phlegm really flowing. I just couldn’t believe how well he was hung as I kept working on his cock growing inmy mouth and hand, it was at least 8 inches of sweet boy meat, which had a curious curve down. I finally took my stupid slobbering mouth out of his dripping ass, aand easily slipped my cock into him. Not very big here and so i pounded away my belly and nuts slapping against him. Scotty kept stroking his cock which I kept spitting on, rubbing his head against my stomach and just above the base of my cock every time I pulled out a little. After only about five minutes Scotty said daddy would it be OK if i came on your cock and you put it back inside my ass and added yours to the mix? Of course I told him to go for it whenever he wanted, I back my cock out until just my head was still inside of him, and he blew an incredible load all over my stomach and my dick. Promptly I came furiously inside his ass and we both watched as our cocks twitched with the remaining drops of our loads. Not one to waste the opportunity to enjoy a hot cream pie I promptly got my mouth deep inside his ass as he pushed out, and drooling with sperm we snowballed each other to exhaustion. I wanted to do it again, but Scotty had to leave, as his boyfriend was back home and waiting for his arrival to finish him off. He said he would come back the following night if i was free, and would bring his boyfriend and maybe a couple more buddies. OMG! Hell yeah, but that is another story for another time.
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  9. Concerned1, what is the point of your threads. You state a position based on your own ill-informed ideas about how HIV transmission works. People then present their own experiences that contradict your nonsense. You then talk over everything they say making no efforts to address their points. This process continues until everyone else realizes the there is no point in having a discussion with you, and the thread dies out. The fact is that you have nothing but prejudice and internalized homophobia and sex-negativity to support your position. When bath houses started reopening, there was not a huge spike in HIV transmission Here is some ACTUAL DATA https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891333/ This study concludes that the average number of sexual,partners per visit is less than 3 while the vast majority of visitors have sex with one person and then leave. We hear stories about people having wild sex adventures at the baths which certainly do happen, but most of those are guys who travel to a city with a bathhouse or who only go once in a while for a special treat. Most guys want to drop in, get off, and leave. The average length of visit was a little over 3 hours with a range from 20minutes to 17 hours. The biggest danger in the spread of HIV is guys who don’t get tested. They have sex with other guys thinking they are negative and telling them they are negative. If they happen to turn Poz, they might behighly infectious for months or years without knowing it. They spread the virus wherever they go. They are just as dangerous in your bedroom after 3 dates as they would be at the baths. The difference is there are bowls of condoms everywhere at the baths, and he probably had to walk by the table offering free HIV tests to get there.
    3 points
  10. The Adult theater was on a main road that I use to drive thru on the way to work. It was in a run down area I would drive by on my way to and from work. I would see lots of Black Guys going in and out and wondered what it was like. One night I was let off of work early. I was driving home. As I passed the theater I saw a well dressed tall Black guy standing in front of the theater, I pulled around the block and stopped across the street from the theater. And looked at the Black Guy, He was well dressed, suit and hat, He was groping His Black Dick constantly and looking at the cars when they went pass the theater. He spotted me looking at Him. He walked over to my car, And was eye ball me. And crabbed His Black Dick and said what you looking for ? I said I was checking the theater out, As I looked at His Crotch , It started to grow. He said come inside and check the theater out. I said I didn't have any money And the Black Guy said No problem I can get you in for free, We walked up to the ticket booth And the Black Guy said something to the Black Clerk and He buzzed us in. We walked into the theater and it was dark We sat down in a seat , It was a interracial movie that was on. The white guy was taking care of the Black guy , The Black Guy pulled His Black Dick out of His Pants and started to stroke it. It started to grow bigger It looked to be 11' uncut My eyes were on His Black Dick Before I knew it He was gabbing my head and forcing it down on His Black Dick, Then He got up and through me over the seats in front of me, And started to fuck me, Another Black guy came around and rammed His Black Dick in my mouth, Till he was cumming I took a few loads in my mouth And the Black Guy that was Fucking me Came too,' I was exhausted I went in the bath room and washed up The Black Guy followed me in, As I was washing my Ass off with a piece of paper towel I pulled my shorts up . The Black Guy walked out with me. The next day was Friday When I got up I was still horny and I decided to go back to the theater and suck some more Black Dick. I got there around noon. The Black Clerk had just opened the theater, He looked at me and said "Your The Jack of Spades" I heard about from last night ! He buzzed me in for free . I didn't know what He was talking about.. But I saved $15.00 dollars. I said What ? The Black Clerk came out of the ticket booth, And said His name was Daniel, He Said that His clean up guy had not been showing up for work And asked me if I wanted a job ? He reached down and gabbed His crotch and rubbed His Black Dick, I said ' Yes Sir' He took me in the back of the theater, It was a storage room. He gave me a pair of white shorts and a white t shirt And said these should fit., All the white boy have to wear them. He stood there and watched me undress, The shorts and t shirt were tight and had a logo on them saying "Jack Of Spades" He Put a Leather Collar around my neck. He said to where this lock on the Collar . He was very demanding boss. But just to me Not to the other Black employees. I could never do any thing right. He said that I was part of a inferior race, He shamed me every chance He got, But I continued to do my job, It got worse, He would scream at me, And tell me I was a dumb Ass, Than one day there was a mess in the bathroom And Daniel Told me it needed to be cleaned up right away. As I was cleaning it up, Daniel came in the bathroom And said I was doing it wrong, He called me a stupid white Hunky, He throw His cigarette on the floor and told me to pick it up, I bent down to pick it up and Daniel took His shoe and pushed me down to the floor, My face was right next to the bottom of the urinal. He told me to stay there and unbuttoned His jeans and pulled His Black Dick out and started to take a Piss, I watched Him taking a Piss, He called me a Hunky again, Than He swung His Black Dick over my way and His Piss sprayed all over my face, He shook His Black Dick off, And said "You'll learn" Jack Of Spades , When He left I took my tongue and rubbed it over my lips. I was going thru the theater when I got a feeling deep in my gut, I was Horny, Than I saw a Black God jerking off. I licked my lips and dropped to my knees, He motioned for me to come over and swallow His Black Dick. He Told me to stand up He pulled my shorts down and placed His Black Dick at my hole and slowly pushed His Black Dick in even further Till He was Balls deep in me, I spread my cheeks with my hands and said Fuck me Deep ! He used my Ass just like in the movie, He put His Black Seed in my ass, Than He turned me around and put His Black Dick in my mouth, Yeah clean if up ! He zipped up and left, That night when I went in to get payed Daniel handed me the envelope and it said , "Jack Of Spades " on it, Daniel said check your schedule. He handed me the schedule He dropped the paper on the floor, When I bent down to pick it up, Daniel gabbed my Ass, There was a line crossed over my name With a new name "Jack Spades " Daniel said it totally normal and natural for most white males to feel a deep hidden sexual attraction to Black males. These feelings are totally normal. I said thxs and left. The next day when I got there Daniel said there's a mess in the theater, "Clean it up Jack" I when in with a mop and bucket and cleaned it up , There was a Black Guy jacking His Dick, He moved His hand away from His Black Dick, To give me a eye full, Bring those lips over here white boy, He spread His legs wide apart and I fell to my knees and swallowed His Black Dick, He Jammed it into my mouth , Suck on that Black Dick,.. It got bigger and thicker before I knew it He was coming in my mouth, I swallowed His Black Seed, And pushed the bucket to the rest room to put it away, There was a Black Guy in the Bath room He said What's Up. He pushed me into a stall and said you like Black Meat don't you ? I shook my head Yes" He Pulled down my pants, He laughed when He saw my little white dick, He pushed me down to the floor. He put His Shoe against my dick and then pushed it down on my nuts. I grabbed His leg and said Please Sir " I'll do anything, Anything ? He put me in between urinals , Get on your knees. Kneel down, He took my hands and tied my hands to the other urinals on my right and left. Then He pulled out a magic marker and started to write all over my body Cum Dump, Black Dick here, I want your Black Load, He put a bag over my eyes. And left me there, A couple of guys make me Suck them off, The Guys that Had all ready cum Pissed all over me,, One Black Guy removed my blind fold, It was the Pimp that brought me into this place, I begged Him to untie me, He said if I would swallow every drop of His urine He would untie me, He placed His Black Dick in my mouth and told me to get ready for His Piss, In a moment He let lose the yellow stream, I drink the yellow Piss, When He was done peeing He told me to relax my throat and to let His Black Dick in, All the way in, I felt Him growing Bigger in my mouth and down my throat. His Nuts were Bouncing off my chin, He untied my hands, and backed His Black Dick out of my mouth, I saw how Big He was, It must been 11 inches long and uncut, He turned me around and I felt His Black Dick hitting my hole. He was very verbal, He brought my submissive side out, Be for I knew it The Black Pimp , Had lifted my body up and rested it on His Black Dick. Then I felt His Black Dick start to enter my ass. It slid in like it was meant to be there , I moaned with pleasure as He moved it in and out of my ass. He was Muscular and Dominant. He moved my body around to Hit His Black Dick just right , The way that He mounted my hole, Made me feel like a real pussy . He moved my body up and down on His Black Dick. The Pimp had me reach around and pull my Ass Cheeks apart, So He could get His Black Dick all the way in,my Ass. He removed His hands from my waist and moved them to my neck, All the while He was fucking me , And then as He started to squeeze my neck, I couldn't breathe, He was choking me. My body started to convulse, I started to suffer violent involuntary contraction of my muscles, The Black Guy liked the feeling of my ass pulsating on His Black Dick. He tightened His grip on my neck, And I started to shake violently, He rammed His Black Dick into my Ass hole, He tightened His Grip even more around my neck, I Couldn't breathe, My arms and legs started to move uncontrollably, The Black Guy was Fucking me relentlessly As I was shaking, His Black Dick slid pass my second hole, He Held me there and said I'm Cumming, I'm Cumming, Breeding this white hole good with this Alpha Black load. Than He released His hands from my neck, And I was Chocking and trying to catch my breath. He smiled at me and said You've been Cunted Now The result of getting Fucked and Bred so relentlessly and violently by an actual Black Man, that it makes a fag’s butt hole become a sloppy Cunt. Abolishing any remaining part of masculinity from the faggot. Let's do this tomorrow night .. On the Stage.. For everyone to see I can Fuck for hours with out Cumming The next day came soon enough. I kept my self busy The Reggie came in and asked if I was ready to put on a show ? I said No I didn't want to have Sex on Stage.. Cum on Don't be scared. I got what you need a Booty Bump' I asked Him what that was ? It's just like Coke but Better. Come on try it , A Booty Bump. . He pulled a Syringe out with out the needle, He ripped my shorts down, I said I didn't want to do that. He fingered my Hole,, Stop I said ! He took a Syringe and pushed it up my Butt Hole and injected some liquid in my Ass, I said Stop It. But it was to late. He rubbed my Ass Hole and said You'll do just fine. The solution that He put up my Butt Hole was Meth. He told me to pull my short up. And Drag the bed frame out and put it in the center of the Stage. It only took about 5 mins for the Meth to start hit me. He dragged me out on the Stage and removed my shorts so everyone could see me. He Had me lay on the frame and than put restraints on my wrists and ankles, He put the Blind fold on me. I could feel the Meth was hitting me, He put a Mic so everyone could hear me Begging. He toughed my back and I moaned, Reggie said Legs Spread wide open, Ass Up.. Your Back is Arched, On all fours waiting for Black Dick ! He put His Black Dick up against my hole and I backed up and He enter my Ass and I Moaned , Be for I knew it His Black Dick was Deep in me, Balls Deep in my Ass. He eased His Black Dick in and out. He said my Ass was my Pleasure Zone, That's all I could feel, I was nothing but a Hole, For Fucking. Reggie new He would be feeling the Booty Bump too. He was Fucking me waiting for the Meth to transfer from my butt to His Black Dick, It only took a few Mins for the Meth to enter His Black Dick. He could feel the Pleasure, The Meth was focusing on His Groin area. All I could do was to Beg Him for that Black Dick to Fuck me, He Fucked me silly, I wanted more of Black Dick, I was experience a sudden "rush" of pleasure a prolonged sense of euphoria, as well as increased energy, confidence, sexual prowess and feelings of desirability. I said Give me more, My voice was going across the sound system. I was begging for That Black Dick , Reggie lifted me and placed my Ass Hole on His Humongous Black Dick. It slid on in my Ass, He said is that what you want ? How do you like that Black Dick ? I was so high, I was experiencing a surge of dopamine, intense rush of pleasure. I didn't know what I was doing or saying, I said "Give me that Nigger Dick" It Boomed across the Speaker. Reggie slipped my face , I said it again and He slipped me Harder, And Pulled His Black Dick out of my Ass, He grabbed my head and rammed His Black Dick into my mouth, Making me silent other than the Moaning and Groaning, The Ass juices that were once in my Ass, Now were in my mouth. He Fucked my mouth, But He wanted the Meth Hole, He wanted to Feel what I was feeling. My ass was on fire, Reggie started to got really Weird, It was if the Devil came out in Him. He wanted to do all these "crazy" things and was extremely forceful and aggressive. His Black Dick Had a mine of it's own, Reggie said I"m going to Rape You Bitch, Reggie suddenly had me hog-tied. I was crying out for Him to Stop. He had become Really aggressive and demeaning. It was as though, I was only there for Him to enact some kind of rape-type fantasy! He got physical and rough. He was playing the role now, He was the Black Master and I was His white slave. He was Fucking me rough All the way out and then all the way in, Than He said what do you want ? I said Give me that Nigger Dick ! Again and again I screamed out , He struck my Ass, Again and Again He put His hands around my neck. And tightened His grip, He was Choking me. I was struggled to breathe, He tightened His hands around my neck. This is my Ass Now He said, "Your my Slave", Call me Master , I said Your My Black Master ! This must of turned Him on. He Choked me Harder, I couldn't Breathe, I started to Shake and Convulse. He got more intense His Black Dick was growing Bigger and Longer, I could feel His Black Dick in my Gut, I was Shaking uncontrollably! Than He started Humiliating me, Talking down to me, He wanted me to feel like a slave! He said Your not a men ! You could never compete sexually with a Black Man ! You'll Never be a man ! Nature never intended for you to be sexually Dominate the way a Black Man is ! He rammed His Black Dick into my Hole. Nature intended for me to be dominated ! Your Like a Bitch ! Like my slave! I'm going to show everyone how to convert a white guy. Make Him a Bitch for Black Dick! No need for Rubber's because you can't get Him pregnant ! Your Black Master is going to try. You want your Black Master Cum , I'm going Bred you slave, Shit I'm Cumming , I could feel His Warm Black Seed entering my hole, At that moment When He was Cumming, I started to Shake, I felt myself Cumming too, My Black Master pulled His Black Dick out of my Ass, He grabbed my head and put His Black Dick in my mouth and ordered me to clean it ! The audience was clapping .. Than He pissed all over my body Your a "Jack Of Spades "
    2 points
  11. My Boy Wanted BIG Dicks - Chapter 1. My boy and I fuck as often as we can. We have great sex, even if it can seem like the ‘spark’ is gone sometimes. He nearly always bottomed for me, raw, of course, and he could take all of my cock like a champ, but I sensed he wanted something more. One night, as I was pounding his hole, he reached back and slid a finger into his hole next to my thrusting cock. He moaned and pulled out his finger. I quickly replaced it with mine, and soon had three fingers inside his hole along with my cock. I used my other hand to grab my phone off the bedside table and took a few sexy pics. The extra girth had him whimpering like a bitch in heat. That sent me over the edge, and I bred him deep. When I pulled my cock out, I kept working my cummy fingers into his hole, more puffy and stretched than I’d seen it in a long time. We swung back and forth from having an open relationship at times to relatively monogamous. It seemed to me like it was time to find something bigger for my boy to get stuffed with. I realized that if I didn’t do it for him / with him, he’d do it without me. The next day, after work, I stopped by an adult bookstore where in the past I had often sucked cock through a glory hole. On this occasion, however, I was after a cock ring to plump my dick up, and, who knows, perhaps find a big-dicked stud to bring home with me to open my boy’s hole up. I found a cock ring that looked promising; it was chrome and looked as if it would fit snugly around my cock and balls. I paid for it, as he gave me the change, the cashier smiled at me, offering to show me how to put it on. I accepted his invitation and and followed him to a video booth in the back. He left the door behind him slightly cracked and started to pull down his track pants. Out plopped a nice plump seven-inch dick with some big low-hanging balls. He lifted his nutsack, and I could see he was wearing the same cock ring. He unzipped my trousers and fished out my dick. My cock does the job if it is only average. He smirked at me and whispered, "I can see why you’d like a little… enhancement." I chuckled as he unhooked my belt and shoved my pants and underwear down to my ankles. "The trick," he continued, "is to put it on before you get really hard." He slid the ring over my cock and then fished one and then the other nut through the opening. As soon as I had it on, he swiveled me around so I was facing the wall. He grabbed my hips so my ass was ripe for fucking. He spit on his plump dick and slapped it against my ass a few times. I wanted to feel that big dick opening me up, so I grabbed my cheeks and spread my ass wide. He worked three spit-slick fingers into me at the same time. I yowled, but let him keep going until that silky hardness of thick cock sunk into me. It had been so long since I had been fucked that I was super tight. He leaned over me and grunted into my ear "You like getting raw-fucked with that big cock?" I nodded and grunted back at him. He pounded me until he was close and then pulled out, plopping down on the bench and pulling me down, spearing my loosened hole. I bounced up and down until he grabbed my shoulders so my ass was a few inches above his balls and pistoned into me. "I don’t pull out until I cum. Hope you’re okay with that." "FUCK YES!" I shouted, as he picked him his pace, and slammed into me a few final times. I knew he had shot his load deeper into me that I had ever bred my boy. He lifted me off of his cock and had me clean it off. That juicy cock stayed hard thanks to the cock ring, and I licked off his seed and my tangy tinny ass juice. I wondered if he had ripped me up a little. He stood up and pulled his track pants back over that glorious cock and simply walked out. It looked like an anaconda in his pants as he sauntered out. I was still squatting on the filthy floor of the booth when I saw a cock come through the hole in the wall. I sucked it down my throat, less girth and shorter than the cashier's, but still impressive. I notice a spade sign tattooed onto his crotch just at the base of his cock. I kissed it. Once I got that cock slicked up, I turned around and back onto it, swallowing it into my cummy asshole. My unseen buddy held his balls against the hole and let me fuck myself onto it. I heard him grumble, "Gonna cum, dude. You want my load in your ass?" I didn’t answer, but kept bouncing up and down until I heard him squeal and pushed back as he bred my guts. I pulled off and swallowed his cock down to the root, licking our combined wetness and swallowing it. He pulled back and stuck his mouth against the hole. "Your cock, man. I wanna suck your cock." I obliged and stuck my straining dick through the hole. He gulped and slurped until I lost my load down his throat. He swallowed it all like a champ, lustily licking his lips and gurgling as he stood up. I had an idea, and grabbed one of my business cards out of my pocket and thrust it through the hole. He took it and laughed, "We’ll be in touch." I felt more horny than ever, and was still hard. I decided it was time to get home to my boy. On the way out, I slipped my card to the cashier as well. He asked if I wanted a repeat performance, and I replied "I’d love to watch you breed my boy." "You pimping his hole out? He cute?" I showed him pics on my phone of me and my boy, some clothed and some naughty, one of my raw cock in his hole alongside my fingers. "You think he’d like my big raw dick?" I nodded and he handed me his phone to enter my number. "I’ll be in touch," he commented as I headed towards the door. I drove home, feeling those two loads oozing out of my ass. When I got home, my boy was naked, ass up in the bed. I was still wearing the cock ring, and squeezed out some seed from my ass into my hand. I worked it up and down my plump shaft and slapped it against his ass. As I did so, I saw a glob of cum work its way out. "You been fucked?" He nodded, still face down. "Was he hung?" "Like a fucking horse," he moaned into the pillow. "And you let him breed you?" He nodded again. "He NEG?" I asked, already about to blow my load. He hesitated, so I made him answer by shoving my cummy cock into his freshly-bred hole. I asked again, "IS HE NEG?’" "I didn’t ask." He moaned as I fucked him, and then turned his head around, reaching for my cock. "You feel different. Thicker. Plumper." I pulled out to show him the cock ring, slapped his ass with my dick, and diving back in, rocking my hips against his ass, pile-driving his slutty hole. Then I told him what I’d been up to. "I just took two loads at the bookstore Didn’t ask if they were NEG either." "FUUUUUUCK," he groaned into the pillow as I added "I lubed your hole with their loads." "UM HMMMM," he groaned. "So you've got three loads in your ass, and you’re about to get your fourth!" With that I bred him as deeply as I could, although admittedly not as deeply as either of the guys who had bred me at the bookstore. I pulled out and flopped down on the bed next to him. "Did you really get fucked at the bookstore?" I nodded. "Shit. I just jerked off earlier and fingered my own load into my ass to be ready for you." I laughed, thinking he was joking, but then I realized he wasn’t kidding. He knew I wasn’t either when he reached back and fingered my ass, which was still juicy and leaking seed. He brought his cummy fingers to his lips and licked them. I was still hard and he grabbed my dick, pulled me up and onto my knees, shoving my face into the pillow. He ate my ass, gobbling up as much cum as he could before slamming his face against mine, as we kissed those loads back and forth. I reached for my phone to get a pic of our cummy satisfied slutty faces and saw that there was a text. It read: ROBBY HERE. THE CLERK. U WANT ANOTHER LOAD TONIGHT? HOW ABOUT UR BOY? I CAN BREED YOU BOTH. HOPE U DON’T MIND POZ CUM. I showed it to my boy, who grinned, and grabbed the phone. He texted our address back, followed up with: WE’RE READY NOW. CUM BREED US.
    2 points
  12. Some truth is too good to be fiction... DaddyBoy Ben is what I've renamed the slut. Taking on a new identity is integral to transformation. So we'll call him that. I travel a lot for work and pleasure and stumbled across him in the south. Let's say Birmingham, but it wasn't. He schooled and worked mall retail. 18 and hot young 6'1" soccer player with a tite lil body that was furry in all the right places, with a 5 o'clock shadow, piercing blue eyes and a million dollar smile--and was articulate, bright and obviously way too book smart--and boxers dumb. The kid was a strong 8 on a scale of 1 to 10... bear daddy has high standards (no point in ruining shit that's already fucked up, right?). About to graduate HS. So kinky and bold that the first vids he sent were 1) getting fucked bare by a bear, 2) pissing on himself and 3) of him crapping a shit into the tub. He'd been raised in a very conservative Christian home. Been top of his class in a private Christian academy. And boiling over with angst and urges he was powerless to control. Sadly, he was busy with school and graduation. I was never in town at the right time. So we just texted for over a year. And then this summer, he returned home after a year at school. And we still missed each other twice when I was in his area. And then, last Thursday evening about bedtime he called. "Daddy, do you have a minute. Something happened today. And I feel free. I've not been a good boy, but now I'm ready." What had changed is that he'd gone to a hotel room full of tweakers who had booty-bumped his brains out. But for all the rimming and toy play, everyone had limp lil tina dicks. And DaddyBoy Ben was finally ready to submit, but trapped on an island of misfit dicks. "I'm in the car now dad. I'm kind of lost getting out of town, but I'm heading your way. How do I get there?," he asked. "It's 9 hours son," I replied. "It's not like I'll be sleeping any time soon, Daddy," he shot back. "I've dodged you. Avoided you. Said I was busy when I wasn't. At one point I even blocked your number, but I still jerked off to thoughts of you. And went on Breeding Zone every day--knowing you were the one who sent me there. I've self-fisted my hole, wishing it was you. Feeling so empty. I'm coming now. I'm ready and I'm on my way." So, I thought to myself... all it took was one good booty bump to dislodge 19 years of uptight sexual constipation. Oh Tina, you are a wild one. And he was literally lost in the woods in bumfuck 'Bama. He had to share his location so I could talk him to I-65 north. And he blew up my phone all night. When he finally hit town, I left work to meet him at my place. He was every bit the adonis I'd seen in the pics. Yet he had come to life, with the most adorable aww-shucks smile. Bashful antics. And an eager mouth that raped my goatee and mouth the moment we stepped in the door. We left a trail of clothes all the way to the bedroom. He jumped up on the bed, and raised in the air one of hot and furry boy ass, with an eager pucker you could tell he was trying to wreck. And then, I noticed dried blood on one of those tight, athletic ass cheeks. "Ummm... DaddyBoy Ben," I asked, "there's dried blood on your ass cheek." "Oh god dad, I'm sorry," he confessed. "I got so horny last night that I stopped at a rest area in Tennessee and got in the back seat to play with my boyhole. But all I could find back there to stick up in me was a big mag-lite. And I got a little too rough with myself." "I'm sorry, I tried to clean it up." Damn, I thought. Did the heavens just open up and drop the perfect fuck slut into my life? "It's okay, kid," I reassured him. "Dad's fave lubes are 1) cum from the last dad, 2) spit and 3) the wrecked remnants of a young fuck hole that's wayyyyyy to eager." With that, I grabbed the elbow grease and began to finger his hole while slicking up my chode. One finger met no resistance in him. The second joined it easily. The third joined those... and not until the fourth did I reach his fuck ring. And it was still rubbery and eager, opening up as I added my thumb to the pyramid my bear paw made as I tried to find his limit. He cried out--yet pushed back, instead of pulling away. And reached for the elbow grease, grabbed a handful and then lubed by hand up to my wrist. I worked that furry ass while dirty talking the little tweaked out, cum hungry fist-bitch. "So you're finally ready for your first known poz load, son?," I goaded. "Yes, daddy, I'm soooooo ready," he replied with his mouth in a guttural, come-breed-me growl... as his eager hole kept twitching around my big old bear paw, as I worked it up into DaddyBoy Ben. The cock and cum hungry bitch was a natural. At barely 19, his body knew how to beg at both ends. I removed my paw and replaced it with my daddy cock. Seeing his lightly-fur covered ass yield to my fuck beast, as my big bush of gray dad pubes nestled into his crisco-covered, crimson boy crack. And I went to town. Called him every dirty name in the book. Smacked his ass and asked him, "Who's your daddy, Ben?" and went wild as he bit the pillow and said, "You are, DaddySir." I'd stretched and wrecked his hole so hard it was my saving grace. I'd have busted my two day nut in him so fast if I'd had resistance. As he tightened back up after a few minutes, I got on my back. And told him to sit his teen ass on that vile fuck beast of a poz daddy cock. And hop on it he did. DaddyBoy Ben landed in the saddle and rode like he was breaking broncos. His tight teen pecs had nice nips with big eraser-sized points I could pull... and they were hard-wired straight to his cum hole. The harder I tweaked, the harder he rode. "You can hop off any time son," I said. "If you still wanna be a chicken shit who talks the talk. But if you wanna talk the walk and ride the cock, keep it up cum slut. And I'll bathe your innocent ass in the dirty daddy nut I've been collecting from a long line of fucksluts and boy breeders going back a decade before you were born." His non-verbal answer was affirmative, as he dug down and rode harder. The look on his face was no longer innocent and playful. Bashful or cherubic. He was a tina-fueled twink whose face was contorted by pleasure. His eyes were dilated and his lips alternately pulled back over his teeth as he groaned... or as his teeth bit his bottom lip hard. And then came forth the mating call he'd been practicing in his head, all those times he jerked off to the thought of me... as I fucked his mind by introducing him to things like BBRT and BreedingZone... squandering his innocence onto the field of full submission by boys to men, where he found his place on his knees. Or ass in the air. Existing only to be the next beautiful young thing in line, offering himself fully and fully exposed as a sacrifice on the altar of hedonistic, raw sex, in the boy-ruining breeding rites of daddy boys serving the dark desires of selfish, fucked-up men... as the thoughts I'd possessed him with for two years came spilling out, in a tirade of hungry, wanton need... "Fuck me daddy. Breed my bloody boy hole. I'm ripe. I'm fertile. I'm here. It's yours." And his ass responded to the rhythm of his sex rant, like to the beating of a drum... bottoming out. Clenching. Riding up and tightening up. Then thrusting back down on my daddy cock. "Poz me, DaddySir. I belong to you now. Share me with your dirty squad. Make me into the community cumhole for dads you promised I could be. Coach me to greatness. Train me to be one of those boys that becomes top 5 for the dads I ride... s'good that I'm their go-to fantasy as they jerk off for years to come. Make me a cum sponge, DaddySir. Use me up until I'm used up and your done. Then cast me aside like an unwanted cumrag. Dirty and stank. My only worth being a fuck hole no one wants once their loads land in me." I could no longer resist. I grabbed his waist and with one hand and neck with the other. I pulled him down to me and kissed the kid hard, as I drove my dirty dad cock deep, then flooded his freshly fisted womb with my bastion of dirty little swimmers. He stayed close to me, trying to keep me in him and hard. Tender moments to share, as he nestled into his new life. His cherry wrecked and ruined. His destiny secured. His options gone. As I got out of bed and wiped his cherry from my cock with a towel, I tossed him his phone. "Ready to earn some gear, toys and undies, DaddyBoy Ben?," I asked. "I've gotta get back to work. But today, you have a chance to earn #SlutPoints which are redeemable one-for-one into dollars at either the toy store or ToolBox Mens Wear, the undies store. Lotsa Nasty Pig Jocks there. Since you're tweaked out of your mind, you can handle an aggressive cum quota for this afternoon. DaddyBears are 10 points. If they're over 60 years old, you double down. Each bug nut is worth an extra 10 points, too. Anything else dirty will be acknowledge proportionately. Since your friend Tina blew your mind, your ass has the power to make DaddySir into Santa and make toys, trunks and jocks rain like Christmas." I pulled him to me and kissed that sweet face. "Go big or go home, Ben." And those were my last words to him. I came home from work to an empty house. Only the bedsheets ripped from the bed and a master bath that looked like a dozen guys had taken showers were left to feed my imagination, wondering what happened to DaddyBoy Ben. Oh... that and three places where bloody cum stains my white carpet. Anyone know how to get that out?
    2 points
  13. Maybe the guys in Boston need a new team whore
    2 points
  14. Trapped with the family at the annual reunion thing and horny as fuck. Had been hitting up the sites. It's hard to get anyone interested when you have no car and are only available after everyone goes to sleep. Suddenly, I was the last one awake so I msg'd this hung as fuck hot black dude that liked to breed hole (his profile said 'condom'... eww). He asked if I wanted a second big black cock to come. "Not as hot as me but a lot thicker". My reply went something like: "Fuck yes!". They arrived and I had them shut their headlights off and guided them to where they could park so nobody in the house would see them. We awkwardly made it to the shop building out back and I ditched my pants exposing my jockstrap framed hole. He said "get me hard" so I dropped to my knees and slid my lips down his limp dick to the pubes. he started to grow in my mouth and I had to back off to avoid gagging. He took one more dip in my mouth and stood me up, turned me around and bent me over the workbench, pushing on my hips as if to tell me "bite your tongue bitch... this hole is mine". He lined the head of my dick up with my hole and I asked for the poppers. I was going to need them! He didn't wait and got the head in my pre-lubed hole. Fuck it hurt so good!! I took a big sniff and right as the wave hit me, I pushed my hole out and... my intention was to go balls deep, but only got about half way down before I needed to tell my brain to shut the fuck up and let my thirsty hole run things. I flexed the 5 muscle zones of my fuckhole like a massage chair to keep him entertained while I took another big whiff with one hand and smeared some spit on his baby arm sized dick with the other. The wave hit my head again. I pulled all the way out, clenched my entire fuck chute, said a split second prayer to whoever/whatever the god of the cum-whore is, gritted my teeth and just backed my ass up on his monster cock as hard as I fucking could. I felt my butt bones hitting his pelvis. A bell went off in my head, like the carnival thing where you take the big hammer and try to hit the pad so hard it rings the 'strong man' bell... He didn't just hit my second ring, he pierced it like a .50 cal bullet. Rectum... damn near killed 'em! I could tell that every muscle zone in my ass was firing totally on their own. He also knew it. I'd bet that if I could see his face, it was flashing over with a totally evil grin as he turned to look at his breeder friend. I wanted to look, but I knew at that point I was just another cunt that needed bred. This was just the first of 2 black dicks I had committed to soaking a load from. ...... I may have found another cock that needs drained. I'll finish my story her e soon.
    2 points
  15. Also, I would like to point out. A peer-reviewed study with hard data took me less than 5 minutes to find online.
    2 points
  16. Part 62 - The Runaway The hotel room phone rang and the voice told them that they were to meet a half hour later for dinner. It wasn’t the coach’s voice, it sounded more like someone at the front desk. Zac and Marty went back down to the game room hoping to beat their scores from the previous day. Shane and Ric were taking a look at the porn flicks that Dennis had left them on the memory stick in the TV. There was a wide variety of gay porn - twinks, interracial, leather guys, BDSM, daddy/son, muscled guys, even some trans porn. They would watch a few minutes of each flick and then tell each other which guy they wanted to fuck or be fucked by. Both were just wearing underwear and occasionally stroking their cocks. There was a knock at the door and both scrambled to shut the TV off and then throw on some shorts that hopefully would hide their raging boners. Ric went to the door and opened it just a few inches. Looking out, he saw the black swimmer from the camp. “Ric? Joe said you were in this room” Marcus asked. Ric opened the door a little wider and said “Marcus? I thought he was joking about telling you what room I had.” Marcus laughed. “Joe rarely jokes when sex is involved. Uh, can I come in?” “Oh yeah. Sorry. I’m just a little shocked” Ric said as he opened the door and let Marcus enter before grabbing the “Do Not Disturb” sign from the back of the door and putting it outside and then closing and locking the door. “Mmm, who’s this sexy one? Your boyfriend?” Marcus asked. “Nah, he’s our team captain. Shane, this is Marcus. You remember him from the camp, right?” Ric said. “Hell yeah. It’s hard to forget someone that hot” Shane said. The three guys stood there gazing at each other and feeling their cock’s get hard. Ric made the first move and pulled Marcus’s shirt off over his head and then started feeling his tight body. Shane knew what he wanted to see and reached down and grabbed Marcus’s cock through the sweat pants. After a few strokes, he reached inside them and was feeling the thick shaft and balls that were straining inside the jockstrap. Marcus’s eyes were closed as the two fondled his body. Ric’s hands moved lower and then tugged the sweatpants down, letting them drop to the floor. Ric kissed the back of his neck while his hands felt the firm, smooth bubble butt and the crevice between the two mounds. Shane moved closer and started kissing Marcus’s lips as his hand moved inside the jockstrap pouch. Shane moaned as he felt the long and thick cock that seemed to keep growing. He squeezed and stroked it wondering how he was going to take it. It felt a little thicker and longer than Ric’s and he struggled to take his sometimes. Marcus opened his eyes and looked at Shane. He reached down and pinched Shane’s nipples and then pushed his trunks down with a thumb on each side. Shane’s hard cock snared the top band, but with a few tugs, the shorts dropped down and Shane’s cock sprung free. Shane thought he was well endowed, but he was obviously the smallest dicked guy in the room. He didn’t care since what he wanted was to feel Marcus’s raw cock deep inside him. Ric pushed his underwear off and then turned Marcus around. It was his turn to feel the cock he had admired inside the speedos the past two days. He leaned down and kissed Marcus, pushing his tongue into Marcus’s mouth and their two tongues explored each other. Shane kissed down Marcus’s back until he had his ass in front of him. Shane licked each ass cheek and then up the crack. Spreading his ass apart, his tongue probed deeper and deeper, licking from the bottom of the jock pouch, across his taint and up to his hole. He licked around the ring and then pushed into the pucker with the tip of his tongue. Ric turned Marcus and then backed up to the bed. The kiss ended and Ric pushed Marcus to his knees. As Marcus sank down, he flicked his tongue over Ric’s nipples and then followed the treasure trail down. As he descended into his trimmed pubes, Marcus suddenly stopped and he jumped back. “Fuck!!!” yelled Marcus as he stood upright, still in his jock. “You’re poz? What the fuck, man” Marcus exclaimed. “Joe knows, so I thought he told you” Ric said. Shane was kneeling with a very confused look on his face. Marcus threw his sweatpants and shoes on, grabbed his shirt and took off out the door. “Well that fucking sucks” Shane said. Ric nodded and they sat back down on the couch, stroking their cocks and turned the TV and porn flick back on. A while later there was a knock at the door and Ric got up, grabbing his underwear to cover his cock as he opened the door. It was Marty and Zac and he let them in. “Who was the lucky fuck?” Zac asked. “No one. We didn’t get very far and he ran out of the room when he found out we were poz” Shane said. “Bummer. Well, its time for our late dinner so lets go to the lobby and get some chow” Marty said. The team stood around the lobby for several minutes and the coach came running from the hallway, his hair still damp and his shirt untucked. “I hope she was fun, coach” Ethan said before laughing. The coach looked a little flustered, unsure how he should respond so he just said nothing other than “Let’s get some food.” They hit a pizza restaurant and all through dinner the swimmer’s needled their coach about why he was late and had the hotel call to tell them rather than do it himself. “He had his mouth full” teased one swimmer. “Maybe he was all tied up” joked another. The coach was getting more embarrassed by the minute. The comments were getting too close to the truth and he didn’t want them to know what he had done. After dinner, Ric wandered around the hotel. He figured his chances with Marcus were gone, so he was hoping he would run into Spencer. He walked through the gym and didn’t see him. He went to the game room and played a couple games, but when he ran out of tokens he left and headed back towards his room. As he was crossing the lobby, he spotted Spencer coming in the front door with some of his team. Their eyes met and Spencer told his team to get to their rooms and not cause any trouble. He grabbed Ric by the arm and took him down the hall towards the gym. “Hey, sexy. Were you ignoring me today? I saw you with a couple other guys during camp” Spencer said. “Yeah, that was a friend of mine. He’s a student here and stopped by so we could catch up. His boyfriend stopped by too. He used to wrestle here, so he showed me around the athletic center” Ric explained. “Ah, ok. So what are you up to tonight?” Spencer asked. “Well, I was out wandering around looking for you” Ric said with a grin. “Oh you were, huh? And what did you have planned after you found me?” Spencer replied. “I don’t know. Maybe you have a few ideas” Ric said. “Let me change and I’ll meet you in your room in 15 minutes?” Spencer asked. “I think my room is taken. We can try the locker room or sauna…” Ric said. “I don’t know. I don’t want to get caught fucking in a public place” Spencer replied nervously. “Lets just try it and we can look for somewhere else if we have to” Ric said. Ric headed back to his room to grab a few things and found Shane, Marty and Zac sucking each other off. He tossed on a tank top and some basketball shorts and went back to the gym. He took his time since Spencer had said 15 minutes and made a detour through the game room and spotted several swimmers from the camp in there. He got to the gym and was trying to decide whether to start a workout and then go with Spencer into the sauna or to just go there directly. When he saw the half dozen guys working out, he figured he should just go to the sauna and stake out a place. He went to the locker room and took his clothes off, putting them into a locker and went over to a shower. He quickly rinsed off and then grabbed a towel and tossed it over his shoulder. Ric opened the door to the sauna and walked in. He looked left, then right and then jumped back a bit. “Uh, Hi coach. I didn’t expect you to be down here” Ric said, scrambling for something to say. He quickly looked the coach over, never having seen him naked before. The coach’s eyes were huge as he saw Ric come into the sauna. He looked him over from head to toe, but spent a lot of time looking at Ric’s cock. “Holy fuck!” the coach said, sitting up but unsure what to do next. Then he spotted it. The now familiar tattoo, right above Ric’s huge cock. “Oh my god. You’re poz?” Ric swallowed hard. He wasn’t expecting to have this conversation between the coach and him. Ever. “Uh, yeah. Can we keep that just between you and me, coach?” Slowly, the coach said “Oooooookaaaaaay. After a few seconds the coach then asked “Did anyone send you here?” “Send me here? Uh, no. I was going to meet someone, but I think that’s a bad idea now” Ric replied. “No, no. I was just trying to relax. I’m done, I’ll head up to my room and leave you here to meet your friend” the coach said as he quickly got up and grabbed his towel. As he walked out the door he got a closer look and quietly muttered “Fuck that’s big.” Ric was a little rattled and he sat down on his towel. He looked around the sauna and noticed the lock on the door. He smiled and started to relax when the door opened and Spencer walked in with a towel around his waist. “Hiding the good stuff, huh?” Ric joked. “Saving it for you” Spencer said as he walked into the sauna. Ric got off the bench and walked to Spencer, locking the door and then pulling him in tightly and kissing him. Spencer dropped the towel on the bench and wrapped his arms around Ric. His hands moved down and cupped Ric’s ass, pulling it apart to let his fingers slide in. “You want it, huh?” asked Ric. “Fuck yeah. I wanted to flip last night, but you were more interested in knocking me up. Tonight, I’ll fuck you first then you get to breed my ass” Spencer said. “Sounds fair” Ric replied as he turned and then pushed Spencer against the wall. He licked down Spencer’s body until he got to his semi-rigid cock. Ric licked around the helmet of Spencer’s cut cock and grazed his teeth over the shaft as he swallowed it into his throat. He felt Spencer’s hands on the back of his head and it excited him. He was usually the guy forcing a guy to swallow his cock, but now he was the cocksucker. Spencer’s thick six and a half inches wasn’t huge, but it had a nice meaty feel to it and he hoped Spencer knew how to throw a good fuck. Ric sucked for all he was worth and then put his hands on Spencer’s ass. He heard Spencer tell him “Not so fast, I get to fuck that hot, poz ass of yours first.” Ric bobbed on his cock and then pulled back when Spencer’s hands let go of his head. Spencer picked Ric up and turned him around, telling him to kneel on the lower bench. Spencer kneeled and then dove into Ric’s hairy ass. His tongue licked up the sweat and manscent and it drove Spencer wild. He tongue fucked Ric’s hole, forcing some spit inside. Spencer stood up and rubbed his hard cock between Ric’s ass and then pushed in. There was some resistance but Ric relaxed and Spencer’s shaft pushed into his hole. Ric enjoyed feeling the thick cock stretch his hole out and he found out that Spencer was a good fuck. Ric was yelling out encouragement to Spencer who responded by fucking harder. Ric braced himself for the rough pounding and grunted with the harder thrusts. “Breed my ass Spencer” Ric called out and Spencer drove in harder. Spencer put his hands on Ric’s shoulders and used them to pull himself as deep as he could for several more strokes and then pushed in and held it there a moment. Growling, Spencer’s hips bucked with each spurt of cum that he pumped into Ric’s ass. Spencer laid down on RIc’s back as his hips continued to drive his cock in with each fading shot of seed. Spencer was breathing heavily on RIc’s back and then kissed his neck over and over until his body had settled back to normal. “Fuck, dude. That was hot” Ric said. “Well, you have a great ass. I loved feeling it around my raw cock and you really know how to milk it” Spencer replied. He pulled his cock out of Ric’s ass and Ric quickly swung around and began to lick all of the cum off his cock. “Holy shit” yelled out Spencer. Ric pulled off and looked up at Spencer and asked “You’ve never had a guy clean your cock after you fucked him?” “Nope. One guy tried but he stopped after one lick” Spencer said. Ric finished licking the cum and assjuice off of his cock and then stood up and pushed Spencer to the bench. Ric slapped his ass and then quickly rimmed Spencer’s hole. He scooped up some of the cum that was dripping down his leg and rubbed it over his cock and was about to push into Spencer’s hole when someone banged on the door. “What the fuck” Ric said as he spread Spencer’s ass apart. There was more banging and he could hear people talking outside. Not wanting to draw more attention to themselves, Ric stood up and turned around and unlocked the door. It opened up and there were three swimmers from the camp standing there. One was naked the others had towels around their waist. “What the fuck guys? We’re busy” Ric told the guys. “You’re not the only one that wants to fuck in here. Can’t you share?” one of the swimmers said. “Holy shit. Look at the size of that cock” one of the other swimmers said. Before Ric could tell them to just wait their turn in the sauna the three pushed in and were staring at Ric’s cock. Spencer was still kneeling on the bench looking back and was relieved it wasn’t guys from his team that were barging in. Ric said “Can’t you wait your turn? We’ll be done in ten or fifteen minutes” but the guys ignored him as they oogled over Ric’s cock. “That would fuckin destroy your ass” the tallest one told the short, dark blond swimmer. Ric rolled his eyes and then said “Just use the other end and fuck him there” and he turned back towards Spencer. He spread Spencer’s asscheeks apart and then spit on his hole before pulling back his foreskin and pressing the head of his cock to Spencer’s pussy. Spencer took a deep breath and tried to relax, but Ric’s cock was much larger than what he usually got fucked by. He had taken it yesterday so he knew he could do it, but it was still a tight fit. Ric pushed harder and then the head popped inside. Spencer tried to stay quiet, but he just couldn’t. A loud groan came out of his mouth as his ass stretched to take Ric’s cock. “Oh my god. He’s taking it” Ric heard over his shoulder. He looked and the three swimmers were right behind him, watching his cock plow into Spencer’s aching hole. “Get the fuck to the other end and screw each other!” Ric yelled out. When the guys didn’t move right away, he added “NOW! Or I’m gonna fuck all three of you hard with no lube!” The guys scurried over to the other side and Ric started to fuck Spencer, who was happy having a moment to let his ass get used to Ric’s shaft again. Ric slowly started to fuck into Spencer’s ass, first getting deeper before he went faster. With his legs slapping against Spencer’s ass he heard more murmurs from behind him. He looked back and the shorter one was on his knees sucking the other two guy’s cocks. The taller ones were talking between themselves. Ric only heard parts of their conversation but they seemed to be in awe that anyone could take Ric’s cock and they now felt like that had small cocks. Ric varied his strokes but it was obvious to the three swimmers that he was going to give Spencer a long fuck. He started fucking harder and Spencer was letting out the occasional “Fuck!”, “Shit!”, “Oh god” amidst the grunts. It had been over twenty minutes of plowing Spencer’s hole and Ric felt his orgasm building. He said to Spencer, so that the others could hear, “Oh fuck… I’m getting close… You want this load???” and Spencer replied “Fuck… Yeah… Breed my ass and give me that hot cum.” Ric slammed in hard several times and then planted his cock deep, past the inner ring, and then let his balls unleash their toxin. Ric grunted with each pulse of poison that shot into Spencer’s ravaged hole. The other guys were stunned as they watched Ric fill Spencer’s ass full of cum. One asked “You really breed him, dude?” Ric shook his head and said “Yeah I did. My cum is deep inside him trying to get him pregnant.” The guys gave a tentative laugh, unsure what RIc meant. “Guys couldn’t get pregnant, could they?” they thought. Ric slowly pulled his cock out of Spencer’s cunt and sat down on the upper bench next to Spencer. Spencer moved between Ric’s legs and licked the cum from his cock. It had a coppery taste to it and he knew that Ric had done some damage inside his ass, which was sore into its inner depths. Neither Ric nor Spencer wanted to hang around and have to deal with the swimmers, so after Ric was licked clean, they got up and headed to the door. “Dude - I’ll give you twenty bucks if you fuck Howie, here” The tall brown haired guy said. Ric laughed and said “I’m done for now and besides, I don’t think he could handle it.” The short dark blond guy said with a cocky attitude “Sure I can.” Ric laughed and he and Spencer let the sauna door close behind them as they went into the shower room and showered together, washing off the sweat. They dried off and then got dressed and headed back to their rooms. “That was fuckin’ weird. If I wasn’t all ready to nail you, I would have beat the crap out of them” Ric said. The coach was laying in bed and glanced over at the alarm clock and it said 10:54PM. He was thinking about what he had done with the three guys in the sauna earlier. Then his mind switched to thinking about him seeing Ric in the sauna. He never suspected him of being hung like that and definitely wouldn’t have thought that he would be poz. He was jolted back to the present when the phone rang. He picked it up and said “Hello.” “Are you ready for more?” asked the person on the other end. “Yes” the coach said hesitantly. “Be ready in five minutes. Naked, on all fours, on the bed, ass to the door” said the other person. The coach’s heart started beating faster. “What was he getting into?” he thought. He got into position with a bottle of lube on the bed next to him and waited until he heard the beep from the electronic door lock. The door opened almost exactly five minutes after the call and he heard it shut. “You never told me if you moan or scream” a familiar voice said. He heard a zipper and then clothes hitting the floor. He felt someone climb on the bed and was trying to remember who’s voice it was. The bottle of lube got picked up and a few drops fell on to the coach’s ass, above his hole. It dripped down and got fingered in roughly. The coach heard another squirt of lube and assumed it was for the guy’s cock. Suddenly he felt a cock resting on his sore rosebud and the guy said “Scream, then moan, that is my favorite.” With that, the cock was rammed into the coach’s unsuspecting hole. The coach screamed out as the long thin cock tore into his ass. It just seemed to keep pushing deeper inside him and the coach couldn’t prevent his hole from spasming around the guy’s shaft. When he felt guy’s pubes against his hole he knew that was as deep as it could go. The coach’s hole was on fire and the searing pain had spread throughout his body. “Lube” was all he could say. “Too late for that, I’m all the way in. Now let the precum drip and coat your guts so we can get you all charged up” the guy told the coach. He pulled back and the coach felt the long shaft try to pull his body inside out. The coach could feel the mushroom head tugging against his outer ring and then it pulled free. Suddenly his ass was empty but he knew it wouldn’t be for long. Seconds later, the guy shoved his stiff cock back inside until the two bodies were fully connected again. The second scream was just as loud as the first. The guy did it two more times and the scream seemed to be the same each time. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be good if your swim team heard you scream like that. Lets see if your moaning is better.” The coach felt the cock inside him pumping in and out three or four inches at a time. With many guys that would be a full stroke, leaving just enough inside to not pop out, but with the cock that was inside him now it was only a third of the length. The pain faded away and as his rectum was coated with precum, and the pleasure of being fucked came to the front. Within ten strokes, the coach became a moaning slut. Moaning and begging for more cock. Faster thrusts. Deeper shoves. “Yeah, that’s a good slut. Moan and beg like a good cumwhore. You want me to shoot my seed into that jock cunt, don’t you?” the coach was told. “Oh god yeah. Breed me deep and give me your load” the coach begged. “What kind of load do you want?” The coach responded without hesitation, saying “Fuckin breed me full of poz cum. Poz me up!” The strokes of the ten inch cock inside the coach got longer and harder. All of the previous thrusts had stretched the coach’s hole open and there no longer was a struggle for the shaft to attack the neg hole. After long stroking the coach’s ass for several minutes, Dakota pulled back and rammed in as hard as he could, making the coach whimper as his cock erupted, spewing hot virus-laced seed deep into the coach’s chute. Dakota pulled his cock out, seeing streaks and spots of red on his long fuck-stick. He wiped his cock off on a towel and told the coach “You have half an hour until the next one.” Every hour throughout the night a new person showed up and fucked the coach, pumping in a virulent load of semen and then letting it soak in. The twenty to forty minute breaks in between each fuck let the coach get a quick catnap while the bug filled cum soaked into his body, hunting for a way to infect their new host. When Tony walked in at 4 AM, the coach was asleep. The coach was awakened by his cock sliding into the tortured hole. Tony held the coach tight against his body as his hips pummeled his cock into the coach’s puffy, throbbing, red pussy. The coach was just a whimpering shell of a man. His body ached everywhere - from the deepest parts of his guts to his toes and fingers. “UGH UGH UUGGHHH” Tony grunted as he jabbed his cock into the coach’s ass. The stretched out hole almost looked like the coach had spent the night getting fisted, but only cocks and some fingers had penetrated the oraface. Once his load was deposited inside, Tony pulled out and looked the coach in the eyes and said “AIDS cum is the best, isn’t it?” Tony got dressed and the coach curled up in the middle of the bed, pink ooze dripping out of his well-worn hole. He heard the door close and then was back asleep.
    2 points
  17. Part 22 Rob woke up to the sound of banging. Standing at the front of the cage was a gym-built stud in a tank and sweat pants. “Wake up whore, time for your workout.” “My name is Tanner and I’m your new personal trainer.” Rob backed himself into the corner when he recognized Tanner as the uncut Top from the party that had made him eat his dick cheese and lick his sweaty body clean. “Out of the cage pig,” Tanner barked. As Rob slowly crawled out, Tanner grabbed him by the hair and pulled. He then put a leather collar around Rob’s neck and snapped on a leash. Tanner yanked on the leash and said “Follow me.” Rob shuffled behind Tanner as they made their way to the gym a few doors down from Rob’s “office”. The gym was fully equipped, although some of the standard equipment looked as though some modifications had been made. Tanner led Rob past a couple other guys who just snickered at him as he went by. “We’ll start with your upper body,” Tanner explained as they approached one of the machines. “Hop up on the seat.” Rob started to move then stopped as he saw the seat. Attached to the seat was a thick 8” butt plug. He looked at Tanner to question him and Tanner started laughing. “I suppose you want some lube pansy boy.” Tanner slicked the plug with some T-laced lube then guided Rob to sit. Rob tried to gradually lower himself on the plug when Tanner pushed him down hard by his shoulders. Rob let out a yelp. Tanner then rubbed his crotch in Rob’s face to stop him from complaining. The Tina in the lube started to relax him and he started to chew on Tanners sweatpants. “I see you are a hungry little bitch but there will be time for that later.” “Grab the bars and start some presses.” “Give me Ten!” Rob got a big surprise when he completed his first set of ten reps. Tanner grabbed a remote and pressed a button. The plug in Rob’s ass started vibrating and flexing. He let out a gasp at the feeling in his horny ass. After a minute or two the plug stopped and Tanner added more weight to the machine and ordered him to do another set. Again after the set, Rob’s ass was given a treat with the vibrating plug. For the next hour Rob was put through a series of exercises working each of his muscle groups. Each and every set was followed by the reward of the vibrating plug. Rob thought he was done after the leg lifts when Tanner helped him off the butt plug. He was wrong. “”You have a couple more areas to work,” Tanner said as he led him over to what looked like a modified squat machine. Rob’s wrists were tied to the hand holds and he was told to squat down. He repeated this a couple more times while Tanner figured out his limit on the amount of weight. Tanner then rolled over a table with a humongous dildo attached to hit. Rob knew what was coming next. As soon as Tanner released the catch the weight would push him down on the dildo. Rob was scared of the look of the dildo. It got thicker towards the base. It he let the weights push him all the way down he was sure he’d be split wide open. As he was psyching himself up for the exercise Tanner stepped up with something else in his hand. “Several guys have commented on how much they like your low hanging balls; so we thought it would be good to develop that a little more too.” Tanner then attached a parachute ball stretcher around the base of Rob’s ball sack and added some weights. While Rob was distracted by the pain in his balls, Tanner released the catch on the machine. The weight pushed Rob down quickly so that at least 6” of the dildo entered his ass before he regained control and lifted himself off of it. Tanner added more weight and released the catch. More of the dido entered Rob’s ass this time but he was able to lift himself off again. Tanner didn’t add any more weight but did make Rob do reps for 15 more minutes. On the last rep Rob could hardly lift himself up, so he was glad Tanner said the workout was over for the day and that he released him from the squat machine. Tanner removed the ball stretcher and handed Rob a pair of plain white briefs and told him to put them on. Although he would wear a jock to the gym, Rob just didn’t like to wear underwear, but he had to admit the support of the tighty whiteys was a comfort to his aching balls. Tanner clamped on the ankle shackles again and told Rob he had a special treat for him. When he pulled out a point, Rob’s eyes lit up. He could use a little boost right now. Rob knew the routine and held out his arm. Rob was getting more and more dependent on the meth. He dropped to his knees and released Tanners cock from his sweats and started sucking on it like his life depended on it. “You are getting better at cock sucking pig.” “You know what I like, get your tongue under that skin.” Tanner motioned over two of the other staff members who were working out. Soon Rob had three hard cocks in his face. He greedily went back and forth between each of them, often taking two at a time in his mouth. He tried for three but his jaws just wouldn’t open that far. It wasn’t long before each of the cocks fed Rob a big load of protein. “Nothing like a protein shake to help build muscle after a workout,” laughed Tanner. The other guys high-fived him and said they had to get to work. Tanner led Rob back to his room. Rob was still horny and his ass was begging to be filled. When they entered the room, Rob saw they weren’t alone. Inside the room were two skinny geeky looking twinks with black rimmed glasses dressed in cartoon character-shirts and jeans. There also was a cameraman. Both of the twinks were very pale as if they never went out in the sun. Tanner pushed Rob down on all fours and removed the leash and collar. Tanner pushed Rob’s ass with his foot and said, “Why don’t you crawl over there and give your visitors a proper welcome.” The two twinks had removed their t-shirts and jeans and were standing there in tighty whiteys and white socks. Each stood about 5’7” and both were very smooth. One had black hair and the other was a strawberry blonde. They appeared to be in their early twenties. There was another thing they seemed to have in common; each was sporting a huge bulge that their tight underwear barely contained. Rob was still flying and horny from his slam and quickly moved toward the twinks and began mouthing their cocks through the white briefs. He heard the unmistakable sound of the twinks inhaling poppers. When they were finished they handed him the little brown bottle. They waited patiently for him to finish but as soon as he handed the bottle back they each pushed his head into their crotches. Rob sucked and drooled so much on their crotches that their cocks were becoming visible though the wet white cotton material. It was then that they removed their briefs and released their cocks. The cocks were humongous. They were at least 10” long and fairly thick. They looked so disproportionate compared to their small thin frames. Rob started deep throating the big cocks, going back and forth between the two them. The twinksgrinned aer to aer and felt in control of the muscle stud servicing them. “That feels awesome jock boy,” the blonde moaned as Rob worked his cock. The other twink moved back to Rob’s ass and started rubbing Rob’s crack through the white briefs. The twink grabbed Rob's briefs and made a small rip in them over Rob's hungry hole. The twink then told his buddy to give Rob another hit of poppers. As Rob inhaled, the twink stuck his cock through the hole in Rob’s briefs and plunged it deep up Rob’s hole. He then began a hard deep assault on Rob’s surprised asshole. Rob let out a muffled moan as he was spit-roasted by the pair of nerds. Soon Rob felt the telltale signs of being loaded with seed. The twinks quickly changed places and the blonde began fucking Rob’s cum lubed hole through the tighty whiteys. The dark haired guy was hard again and urged his partner to hurry up because he wanted to fuck Rob’s ass another time. The blond took a little longer than his buddy but soon added his load to Rob’s ass as well. When the dark haired guy came around to the rear he grabbed Rob’s briefs and tore the hole larger to expose Rob’s entire ass. A couple of quick slaps to Rob’s ass later and he was driving his cock home. The blonde in the meantime was slapping Rob’s face with his flaccid cock. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue jock boy,” he demanded. He then slapped Rob’s tongue with his slimy cock. This action caused the remnants of cum and ass juices to splash Rob’s face. Being as young as he was, the blonde quickly recovered from his fuck and was rock hard again and began skull fucking Rob. When the dark haired twink came the second time, the pair of twinks switched places. “You gave him two loads so I need to do the same,” the blond said as he pressed his long cock balls deep into Rob. He was slow and deliberate this time making sure that Rob felt every inch and that the camera man got some great slow motion shots of the monster cock fucking Rob's ass. He finished his second fuck and moved to push his partner out of the way so Rob could clean his cock. With that, the pair grabbed their white briefs from the floor. Instead of putting them on however, they shoved one pair in Rob’s mouth and placed the other over his head. The cameraman gave them a thumbs up and stopped filming. “Thanks guys, that’s a wrap.” The two redressed and left the room with the camera man. Rob thought he was done until he felt another cock pressing at his ass opening. “That scene was hot,” Tanner said. “I think I need a little relief before I put you back in your cage.” He reached over to secure the white briefs in Rob’s mouth with his hand and then fucked Rob doggy-style for 20 minutes. Afterward he pushed Rob into his cage and locked the door. The 5 loads up Rob’s ass started to dribble out onto his fleece pet bed. “Rest up cum slut, there is a party tonight for you to work.” “It’s jockstrap night; I’m not sure which station you’ll be at, but I’m sure Nick will make the decision based on the feedback he got from the last party.”
    2 points
  18. Was horny as fuck Saturday AM, this trucker hit me up on GROWLr said he was coming through kcmo and wanted to fuck. Was into hairy bear (that’s me). We chatted. I sent him ass Picts and then agreeed I would meet him and fuck in his sleeper truck. Got cleaned up and went to meet. My heart was racing. I had never done anything like this. Parked in front of his truck and climbed in the passenger side. He was sexy as fuck. Nice 9.5 thick cock. I stripped, sucked him for a bit while he fingered my hole and then I got on all fours and he proceeded to use my hole for his pleasure. Thank god I had poppers. He fucked me for a good 20 min and then I could hear his breathing pick up and I knew I was I’m for a huge load. He grabbed my hips and had one last thrust and bred my ass good.
    2 points
  19. Part 60 - Reunion Ric woke up next to Marty and Zac. His stiff morning cock was pressing at the entrance to Marty’s hole and he wanted to thrust in and fuck Marty like he had done numerous times before. He decided instead to get up and save his load in case he could hookup with Spencer again and help make sure that he joined the club. He wandered over and grabbed his phone and took a look. Six unread text messages. He had one from his mom asking if he was ok. One from Ethan asking where he was from yesterday afternoon. One from Jason wanting to fuck sometime Saturday. One from Alex and two from Dave. Ric’s cock twitched and he heart started beating faster. He opened the chat from Dave and read: “7:58 PM: hey. good to hear from u. busy tonite, meet tomorrow? U at reg pool or jock pool?” “1:13 AM: just tagged a swim coach at bar. said he got fucked earlier. guy he described sounded like u” Ric laughed and decided that he wasn’t going to be the sole breeder of Spencer. If it was going to be someone else, Dave was probably a good person to share the deed with. He played a few games on his phone while the other guys slept. They looked exhausted when he came back to the room the night before after their tag team of the other swimmers. At 7 AM, he woke the guys up and they all got showered and dressed. They got down to the breakfast area later than they were supposed to and the coach was none too happy. “Where the heck have you guys been? You look terrible. Did you guys get any sleep? You better not have been drinking.” the coach barked. All he got was three groans. Ric and the other three swimmers looked well rested and ready for the second day of camp. After a quick breakfast they piled into the van and went over to the university pool. Ric hadn’t paid attention to where they went the day before but today he was keen to make sure he knew what building they were in. They pulled into the parking lot and the coach parked the van. The team went back into the building, with Shane, Marty and Zac all dragging behind. Ric had a large duffel bag over his shoulder and a smaller one in his right hand. As they got closer Ric saw in big letters on the side of the building “Thomas Shelton Memorial Athletic Center.” He repeated it over and over to himself as they walked inside and to the locker room. The team dressed for the days activities and once again, Ric went to his spot from the day before, book in hand. He hadn’t even read one page from the book so far, it was there just in case he got bored. He looked around and saw another team arrive with the coach hassling two of the swimmers who looked as tired as Shane, Marty and Zac did. He looked closer and it was the two guys that his roommates had brought back and then kicked Ric out. Ric waited until 9:30AM and started sending replies to the text messages he had missed. First was to Dave: “hi. sry i missed ur msg last nite. at thomas shelton athletic center. be here all day, at hotel after 5” The next went to Jason: “with swim team at camp out of town. be back tomorrow nite” He read the message from Alex: “8:01 PM: finally got tested. neg. guess it was reg flu. wtf?” Ric chuckled and said to himself “I guess I’m not as good as I thought.” He typed out a reply: “sry i didnt reply last nite. out of town. we need to try harder. need to breed u every day til it happens ;)” He sat back and watched the new exercises that the guys were going through. He scoped out all of his favorite guys from the day before. A couple of the college swimmers weren’t there and he decided he really was into guys four or five years older than him. He watched as the swimmers all started practicing their starting dives. They would dive and a college swimmer or coach would show them what to improve. It was a little hypnotic and when he felt a hand on his shoulder he almost jumped out of his skin. “Sorry, dude. Didn’t mean to scare you” said Joe. Ric got a big grin on his face as he turned around and saw Dave standing there. “Dave! Its fuckin’ great to see you again” Ric said as he moved closer and hugged him. Ric really wanted to kiss him, but decided that would be a bad idea, possibly for both of them. He stepped back and saw him standing there in a tank top and sweat pants. He would have preferred him naked, but that wasn’t going to happen. They sat down and started to chat. Catching up on things that had happened since they last saw each other at Ric’s club initiation. Ric told him about how he got the entire swim team pozzed, half by himself and then as a group effort with the other guys. He told him about his dad and what a poz slut he had become. After about the tenth time Ric called him Dave, Joe stopped Ric and said “There’s something I need to tell you.” Ric’s heart sank. He figured that Dave was about to tell him to stop contacting him and move on. He almost started to cry, but said “Yeah?” “Dave is my escorting name. We’re kinda past that. My real name is Joe. I consider you one of my friends, Ric. We may not see each other all the time, but we’re connected. You’re almost like my little brother” Joe said. “Oh, OK” Ric said, with a tear running down his cheek. Joe smiled and wiped the tear off and asked “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. I just never could figure out where I stood with you. Was I just a client or was there more?” Ric said. “Yeah, we met with you being a client. But it evolved. As I said, I consider us friends. Friends that sometimes fuck. I do have a boyfriend, so thats probably as far as its going to go. I hope that’s OK?” “Yeah, thats cool” Ric replied and a big smile slowly formed on his face. They talked some more and then Ric asked “Your message said that you hooked up with a coach last night?” “Haha. Theres a gay club I go to by my apartment and this guy I hadn’t seen before was on the dance floor. My boyfriend and I hit on him and eventually I took him into the back room to fuck him. When he went to blow me, he saw the scorpion tat and said “what the fuck? is everyone poz here.” I asked why and he said a guy from one of the swim teams had fucked him earlier and was poz too. I told him I knew one guy that was in town for the swim event and asked him to describe the guy that did him. It sounded like you” Joe said. “Do you know his name?” Ric asked. Joe laughed. “With hookups like that I don’t get names or numbers, especially if they’re from out of town. Maybe a grunt or a thank you.” “Ah, yeah. I haven’t done anything like that, yet. I can’t get into bars. Just a bookstore a couple times” Ric said. Joe smiled, happy that Ric tried more bookstore sex after the attempt at their first meeting. Ric looked around and tried to find Spencer in the crowd of swimmers and coaches. Once he spotted him, Ric pointed the guy out and asked if that was him. Joe laughed again and said “Yep.” “You know, he used to chase but gave it up. He kinda freaked when he saw my biohazard tat. But he gave in and let me breed him. I thought he was a great fuck” Ric said. “Wow, I wouldn’t have guessed that. Mine was a quickie against the bathroom wall, but yeah he was a good fuck. Great ass muscles” said Joe. Ric laughed. He had never compared notes on how good a bottom was with another top guy. Joe’s phone buzzed and he checked the message. Joe chuckled and typed back a reply. “I hope you don’t mind, but we’re going to have a visitor in a few minutes” Joe told Ric. “Oh? Who?” asked Ric. “You get to meet my boyfriend Kyle. He left his keys at home and can’t get in. I have the car keys with the other set.” Joe explained. “Uh, I don’t know. Is he gonna be jealous that we’re meeting?” asked Ric. “Nah. We’re very open. He lets me escort and fuck on the side and I let him fuck others too. We need each other though and that’s what makes it work.” “Cool. I hope I can find a relationship like that” Ric said as Spencer waved at him. They talked a few more minutes and Kyle walked up. “So this is the guy you were telling me about?” Kyle asked Joe. “Yeah. Ric this is Kyle. Kyle, Ric” Joe said. “You skipped the part about him being drop dead gorgeous” Kyle said as he put out his hand. Ric stood up and clasped Kyle’s hand pulling it into a bro-hug. “So, you’re one of Joe’s victims, huh?” Kyle said as he sat down next to Joe. “I guess you could say that” Ric said, a little embarrassed. “It’s a special gift that needs to be shared. Nothing to be ashamed about, its a badge of honor” Kyle said, sensing Ric’s uneasiness. Ric chuckled “Oh, I’ve been sharing.” “I was just about to show Ric around the building. You want to join us?” Joe asked Kyle. “Sure, sounds like fun” Kyle replied. The three got up and headed past some double doors. “This end of the building is aquatic stuff. There’s three pools total, one for diving, one for races and one training pool. In the middle is where I used to spend my time when I was on the wrestling team” Joe said. “You were a wrestler? Fuck I bet you looked sexy on the mat” Ric said. Kyle and Joe both laughed. “Yeah, nothing like flopping around with a sweaty guy trying to find out who’s gonna be on top” Joe said. As they walked around they kept running into college athletes. Many would let out a casual “Hey, Joe” and some would come over and give Joe a hug. More than a few mentioned that they missed seeing him around. Joe showed Ric the workout room. There seemed to be a permanent scent of sweat and testosterone in the room and Ric saw row after row of top notch equipment. It was nothing like the workout room at the hotel or even his school. Over a dozen guys were working out on various machines. Some were obviously football players, others could be soccer players, gymnasts, and runners. They walked past a few conference rooms and Ric looked a bit confused. “Believe it or not, athletes have a lot of meetings. We go over matches or games to see what we can do better or see what the competition is like. There’s strategy and the good athletes know how to think as well as pin their opponent” Joe explained. They turned a corner and almost ran into a guy jogging down the hall towards the locker room. Ric gasped when he saw the black swimmer from the day before. The guy stopped dead in front of them “Joe! How the fuck are you? Long time.” “Hey Marcus. Doin great. How about you?” Joe said. “Good…good. Hey Kyle. You still got this guy on a leash?” Marcus asked while giving Joe an extended hug. “Yeah, but he keeps breaking free” Kyle replied with a laugh. Marcus moved over and gave Kyle a quick hug and then asked “Who’s this hottie with you?” “This is Ric. He’s visiting and helping out one of the teams for your swim camp” Joe replied. “Rawr. He doesn’t look like a swimmer but he’s damn fine. If he’s a friend of yours he must be family, then” Marcus said running his finger down Ric’s chest. “Yeah he is, but back off. Your cute little ass couldn’t handle him. He’d rip you in two” Joe said semi-seriously. Marcus had moved behind Ric, his chest against Ric’s back and he ran his full hand down Ric’s chest, abs and then grabbed his cock and balls through Ric’s jeans. “Oh, yeah. I bet he’s lots of fun” Marcus said, breathing on Ric’s neck. Marcus was a little shorter than Ric but all of Ric’s observations the day before seemed to be pretty accurate. Even in street clothes he had a sizable bulge, a hot butt and perfect, unblemished chocolate skin covered his toned and taut muscles. “I’d love to stick around, but I’m already late” Marcus said as he released Ric and took off. “You know him?” Ric asked. “Oh yeah. We haven’t fucked in a year or so but we used to do it a lot after workouts” Joe said. “Shit. I bet that was hot” Ric said. “You like him?” Kyle asked. “He was one of the guys that I was watching yesterday. I didn’t know if he was gay or not, but he’s definitely sexy” Ric said. Joe pulled out his phone and thumbed through his address book and then tapped out a message. “152, right?” Ric looked at him confused and then realized he meant his room number at the hotel. “Yeah.” “Now he knows. Maybe you’ll get room service” Joe said with a laugh. He led Ric around showing a few more areas of the building and then circled back. “I saved the best for last” Joe said as they went through some doors into what was the wrestling area. “The team is at a match in Kansas this weekend, so no wrestlers are around for you to try and tap” he said as he took them into another smaller room with more mats. They kept walking through the darkened rooms, with just a few dim lights on to prevent the room being in complete darkness. Joe opened a door to the side and went in. It was a half empty storage room that contained some boxes and a rolled up wrestling mat. The floor was cushy and Ric looked down to see a section of wrestling mat on the floor. The door slammed shut and then there was the click of a lock. Suddenly Joe had him pinned against the wall, his hand unbuttoning RIc’s jeans followed by his lips on Ric’s, kissing him. Ric felt awkward with Kyle standing there watching Joe kiss him but then Kyle pulled off his shirt and said “What’s it gonna be, poz boy? Top, bottom or both?” Joe stepped back and yanked Ric’s shirt over his head and unzipped the jeans, tugging them to the floor. Ric took the hint and pushed his shoes off and then pushed his trunks down, stepping out of his jeans and standing there naked. Kyle was next to be undressed and Joe was scrambling to get his clothes off too. “So?” asked Joe. Ric’s mind raced. He had spent most of his time lately topping and desperately wanted to feel Joe’s cock in him again. But he also wanted to fuck. Kyle was really cute and he thought it would be hot to fuck him in front of Joe. “Everything!” Ric blurted out. Joe and Kyle moved in, sharing kisses and gropes. Three stiff cocks were doing a sword fight while hands roamed over bodies that were beginning to sweat in the still air of the storage room. Joe pulled Ric away from the wall and Kyle moved around behind Ric. Kyle kissed Ric’s neck and then started to suck really hard, leaving a very visible hickey. “Joe marked your insides, I get the outside” he said with a chuckle. Joe moved down Ric’s front side and Kyle did the same with the back. Ric gasped as Joe deep throated his cock and Kyle dug his tongue into his tight, hairy hole. He had remembered Dave, er, Joe knew how to suck his cock, but it had been months since it had happened and none of the guys that had sucked him recently came close to being as good. Joe was, after all, a professional. Ric’s cock was dripping precum into Joe’s mouth and throat. It seemed every time Kyle forced a pair of fingers deep in his ass, Joe would take his entire shaft into his throat and massage it. Ric’s senses were overloaded. His cock was ready to plow into a greedy ass and at the same time his ass was ready for a bare, poz cock. Joe grasped his balls and squeezed while tugging them down. Ric started to whimper as he struggled to not shoot his load down Joe’s throat. Joe could sense that Ric was close and slowly pulled off of RIc’s cock and tapped Kyle’s leg, letting him know it was time to switch it up. Suddenly, Ric’s cock was now poking out into the air and his ass was empty. Joe made sure that he wasn’t like that long. He turned Ric around and bent him over to Kyle’s waiting cock. Ric started to swallow Kyle’s cock but then Kyle shoved it into his mouth and down his throat. He struggled a bit until he got into the rhythm of Kyle fucking his throat. It lasted only a few seconds when he felt Joe spit on his hole and then shove his cock deep into his pussy. Ric tried to scream out, but Kyle’s cock was filling his mouth. Joe let Ric get used to having his cock inside his ass for a few moments and then started to fuck. After the brutal penetrations, Joe and Kyle’s fucking tamed down. It was still a hard spitroast, but much more enjoyable. Ric was surprised as his lips, then tongue felt a row of little bars on the bottom of Kyle’s cock. He kept flicking his tongue over them and they really turned him on. He thought they were going to feel really good when Kyle swapped with Joe and fucked his ass, but for now he was feeling Joe thrusting in deep. His fuck was similar to how Joe fucked him right before his dad showed up on that fateful weekend. Each thrust was strong and purposeful, the way he liked it, not like how some of the guys assumed they should fuck him since he was younger. Joe and Kyle started to fuck harder into each end and Ric tried to massage both of their cocks with his throat and ass. It got to a point, though, that Ric couldn’t keep up and he became just a pair of holes for them to use. Kyle pulled Ric on to his cock and held him firm while Joe pulled out and then rammed in. Ric didn’t think Kyle’s cock could go any deeper into his throat, but he was wrong. Kyle pushed him back, letting him breathe for a second and then pulled him back on to his cock. Joe shoved his cock in and Ric could feel the pulses. More of Joe’s precious poz seed was filling his guts and he loved the feeling. His ass was sore from the pounding and he was sure that the piercing added to the soreness. Joe was bear hugging Ric from behind while his balls emptied their infectious contents. Ric savored the closeness of Joe’s sweaty body on his back. Kyle had pulled out as Joe bred Ric and then watched the two become one for a few moments. Joe kissed the back of Ric’s neck and then stood up, pulling his cock from the swollen pussy. Cum dripped out of the gaping hole, running down Ric’s balls and legs. Kyle scooped some up it up with his cock and slid easily into Ric’s ass. Joe moved around and presented his cock to Ric, who licked off the tip before opening his mouth to let Joe push his cock in deeper. Joe slowly inched his cock in, making sure that Ric had licked all of the cum and ass juices off the shaft before giving him more. When his pubes were against Ric’s face, he pulled back out and let Ric lick off his balls and pubes. Kyle was drilling into the cum filled hole and would moan louder when Ric squeezed his pucker around his cock. Ric loved the sensations of each bar piercing under Kyle’s cock rippling through his hole. By now, the feeling of the PA was a pleasant enhancement to a fuck. The ladder piercing was new and really enhanced it even more. Once Rick had finished cleaning Joe’s cock and balls Joe pulled away. Ric wanted to suck his cock more while Kyle fucked him, but Joe had a different idea. Kyle pulled out and Joe got on his knees and bent over the rolled up wrestling mat. Ric looked at him and then realized what Joe was thinking. He got on his knees and spit on Joe’s hole and then moved in and mounted him. Kyle followed along and once Ric was planted deep inside Joe, he thrust back into Ric. Ric had never been in the middle of a three way. He almost always was the one at the back or in front getting sucked. It took him a few tries to get it working right, but once he started fucking Joe and then back into Kyle he loved it. Ric fucked faster and faster into Joe, and that meant that he was also fucking himself faster onto Kyle’s cock. He controlled the pace - faster then slower, a hard slam followed by a quick backward shove and then even firm thrusts. He heard grunts from both directions as Joe took his cock in all the way and then Kyle’s cock impaled Ric’s ass. The tingling in his balls signaled the impending rush of cum, so Ric thrust in hard a few times and then grabbed Joe’s shoulders, pulling him in as far as he could. Kyle immediately knew what was happening and shoved in hard too, pressing Ric firmly against Joe. Ric’s cock erupted, shooting his own poisonous recipe into Joe’s poz ass. The orgasm caused Ric’s hole to milk Kyle’s cock which only needed a little encouragement to release his own poz brew into Ric’s young ass. Ric and Kyle both were yelping as each spurt shot out, waves of pleasure rushing through their bodies. The shots faded away and the three were laying there recovering when Ric said “Oh my god that was fucking awesome.” Joe and Kyle both concurred, saying “oooh, yeah.” Kyle pulled out and then sat down against the rolled mat and Ric did the same. The three sat there for a few moments until Kyle said “I’m surprised you came here, Joe, since this is the room you got busted in.” “Yeah, it may have some bad memories, but a lot of good ones too. I just need to find someone to poz in here and it will be complete” Joe said with a laugh.
    2 points
  20. Part 57 - The Coach Sweats It Out Coach Adams showered and headed down to the front desk before breakfast. Behind the desk was a tall, thin guy tapping at the computer. “Excuse me…” the coach said, trying to read the name on the guy’s badge “…uh Dakota.” “Yes?” came the reply in a thin femme voice. The coach was somewhat relieved and assumed the guy was gay. “I’d like to know if I can move to another room” the coach said laying the key out on the desk with the number on the folder facing up. “Is there something wrong with your room, sir?” asked Dakota. “No, not really. Its just a little too close to my swim team and I’d rather not let them hear the noises from my room” coach Adams said with a wink. “Oh? Are you a moaner or a screamer?” Dakota asked with a smile while he typed into the keyboard. The coach choked when he heard the reply and quietly said “something like that.” “We have something on the second floor on the end. 201. It’s a king room, not two queen beds. Will that work?” Dakota said. “Yeah, perfect. Can I move my stuff now or later?” the coach asked. “Just pack your bags and leave them in your room by the door. I’ll have the cleaning staff move it when the other room has been cleaned” Dakota said handing the coach a new key. “Great. I really appreciate it” the coach replied. “You’re very welcome sir. I hope you have a fun time tonight” answered Dakota with a smile. The team ate breakfast and was packed in the van with several minutes to spare. The coach drove over to the university and the headed into the athletic center where the swimming pools were. They went inside and registered and were told where the locker rooms were and where to go for the first session. Ric had a large duffle bags over each shoulder, each containing suits, goggles, clipboards, timers and a few other necessities. He followed the team into the locker room and let them each find their stuff while he looked around at the mostly naked group of guys from the various teams. In the main pool area, Ric found a place off to the side to sit and observe. He had brought a book to read if things got too dull, but it was nice to see the mixture of college and older high school swimmers. Some of the coaches even caught his eye. His gaze was interrupted when he heard “are you an assistant coach too?” from a guy that was suddenly standing right next to him. Ric looked up and saw a guy he guessed was a few years older than him, muscled like a gymnast, wearing a tight tank top and shorts. His light brown hair was short on the sides and longer on top, pulled back with a little tail. “Uh, no. I’m just helping out my team for the training camp” Ric replied. The guy chuckled and said “That sounds like an assistant coach to me. Do all the stuff the coach and team doesn’t want to do. So, you’re a classmate with one of the high school teams?” “Yeah. Eighteen and a senior” Ric said with a smile. He was getting a feeling about the guy and was hoping this was more than just small talk. “Oh, I thought you were a bit older. I guess its the beard. I’m Spencer. Nice to meet you” the guy said. “Hi Spencer, I’m Ric. I take it you are a ‘real’ assistant coach for one of the teams?” Ric asked. “Yep. The Wolverines. I’m a student teacher there and have been helping out with the various teams. Anything to help get an offer, hehe” Spencer said. Ric decided to play his cards and said “They’re a lucky to have a hot guy like you to help them out. Hopefully they will keep you on full time next year.” Ric watched as Spencer first was startled and then blushed at Ric’s forwardness. “Uh, thanks. Was I really that obvious?” Spencer asked. Ric let out a quiet laugh and said “No, not at all. I just took a chance.” “Oh, thank god. I’ve been trying to be careful, but a guy has needs. It’s going to be a long semester” Spencer said. “You’ll have no problem getting some. Maybe even during the training camp” Ric said with a wicked smile. “I hope so. Maybe I can sneak away and have some fun. I’m staying at the Rest Inn Lodge” Spencer said. “That’s great! Me too” replied Ric. Ric and Spencer attended to their teams and Ric kept glancing over at Spencer for the rest of the day. They seemed to catch each other checking the guys out, whether it was camp attendees, coaches or the college swimmers that were helping out. There was one black college swimmer that Ric paid a lot of attention to. His lithe body showed off the prominent bulge in his speedo. While most guys just had a bulge that let his imagination ponder the contents, this guy’s cock snaked to the side letting you know that there was a sizable shaft that was going to fill you up wherever it went. When the final whistle of the day blew Ric was happy that the first day was over. He was exhausted just looking at all of the hot guys, and his cock was aching to find a cock hungry hole to fuck. He found the team and helped collect all of the equipment and swimsuits and get everyone loaded into the van. They drove back to the hotel and the coach told everyone “Get some rest. We’ll meet at seven for dinner.” The team had no intention of getting rest. A bed might be involved, but not sleep. The coach decided that it would be a good time to hit the gym and then sauna. He headed towards his new room and changed into some workout clothes and went to the gym. Dennis was looking over the cameras and spotted coach Adams go into the gym. He kept an eye on what he did and smiled when he saw the coach head to the locker rooms. When he saw him go into the sauna, he knew he had to tap what his boyfriend had fucked the night before. Dennis went into the locker room and stripped, grabbing a towel on his way in to the sauna. Dennis entered the sauna and saw the coach leaning back with his eyes closed. When the door slammed shut, the coach looked over and saw Dennis sitting down on his towel next to him. “Looking to get away from your team?” Dennis asked. “Yeah. They can be a handful some times. I need the break and they probably are enjoying a bit of freedom” the coach said. “There aren’t that many women’s teams in the hotel this year so I hope they’re not all running after the same girls” Dennis replied. The coach laughed and said “The women are pretty safe with my swim team. Its the other guys that need to be careful.” “Oh? Are they all gay?” Dennis asked innocently. “I think most, if not all of them. They haven’t said anything to me, but my gaydar has gone off on each one. And I know how horny I was at that age so I wouldn’t be surprised if theres a giant orgy going on right now” the coach said with a laugh. “How about it now? Is it going off?” Dennis said looking over at the coach with a grin and a stiffening cock. The coach looked over and seemed surprised at Dennis’s question. “Uh, I really can’t tell except for your cock getting harder” the coach said. “Well, you’re a sexy guy and my cock tends to get excited when there’s a sexy naked guy next to me” Dennis said, turning towards the coach and spreading his legs The coach looked over at Dennis and licked his lips before moving off the bench and kneeling on the lower bench between Dennis’s legs. He looked up at Dennis and then down at his stiff rod. Dennis put his hand on the coach’s head and pushed it towards his cock. He got no resistance from the coach and felt the coach’s wet tongue licking the sweat off his shaft. He let go of the coach’s head and the little encouragement was all the coach needed before he was sucking on Dennis’s cock like it was the last one on earth. The coach was bobbing on Dennis’s cock, taking it deep into his throat and gripping it with his throat muscles before he pulled back and began bobbing again. Dennis was enjoying the oral attention the coach was giving him but he wanted to see just how good his ass was. Corey had told him all the details from the previous night’s encounter with the coach and knew when Corey loved a hole it must be really good. He could tell that the coach kept looking nervously to see if anyone else had come in and saw him servicing the hotel manager. Finally, the coach leaned back and gasped for air before saying “We really should go somewhere. I don’t want anyone walking in on us.” “Don’t worry, I put the sign out that says that the sauna is out of order” Dennis said as he stood up and reached over, flicking the lock on the door so no one could get in. The coach grinned and stood up, standing in front of Dennis. Dennis looked at the coach, pulled him close and kissed him roughly. His hands reached down and spread the coaches muscled ass mounds apart and one finger zeroed in on his puckered hole. He felt the coach moan into their kiss as the finger found its target. Their tongues darted against each other as Dennis pushed his finger into the coach’s hole. Aided only by sweat, Dennis knew how his finger was roughly penetrating the coach’s pussy but he didn’t seem to be complaining. Dennis turned their bodies around and pushed the coach backwards toward the corner. When they made it the few feet across the floor and the coach was against the corner of the lower bench, he ended the kiss and gave a gentle nudge. The coach took the hint and climbed up, laying back on the upper bench in the corner. Dennis raised his legs and kneeled down on the lower bench. He sucked down the coach’s cock and heard him gasp. Firmly grabbing the coach’s balls, he squeezed them tight and felt the coach squirm. He pulled off the cock, grazing his teeth on the coach’s mushroom head. He pushed the coach’s hips up and drove his face between the muscled mounds. The coach moaned loudly as the bearded face forced his ass apart and Dennis’s tongue dug into his pussy. Dennis forced some spit inside but wanted it to be as dry a fuck as possible. Dennis stood up and looked at the coach, their eyes locking together. The head of his cock poked at the entrance and Dennis dripped some spit onto the tip and pucker. He nudged his cock in slightly and heard the coach gasp. His toxic precum was now oozing inside the coach’s hole. He pressed harder and felt the hole slowly relax as the coach let the raw cock enter him. Another nudge and he felt his cock head pop inside and the coach groaned. Dennis started to work his hips, plowing in deeper and deeper. He leaned forward and the sweat was dripping over the coach’s abs and chest. The coach reached up with both hands, rubbing Dennis’s chest while the thick cock stretched him open and plunged deeper into his cunt. “Fuck, that feels good” moaned the coach. “Yeah, you like that big, raw dick inside you?” Dennis asked before slamming his cock the rest of the way in. “FUCK!” screamed out the coach and Dennis just grinned. He paused a moment and then started to thrust his cock in, each stroke getting longer until his whole length was driving in and out of his hole. A smile returned to the coach’s face as he got used to the rough fucking. His hole started to feel wet and he thought that the hotel manager must be one of those guys that leaks a lot of precum and it was helping him take the thick cock hard. The coach occasionally would clamp down on Dennis’s cock and after several times Dennis told him “I’m not ready to breed you yet. I want to enjoy this jock pussy some more.” Dennis started to pound harder and was amazed at how good the coach could take it. He knew the coach’s hole was probably pretty sore from the hard fuck that Corey had given him. While the coach loved finally getting some action, he was starting to feel it. His ass was burning from getting stretched and pounded. He moved his hands and started to tweak Dennis’s nipples, hoping that a flood of cum would soothe his sore hole. It made Dennis start to fuck even harder. Both Dennis and the coach were grunting with each thrust until Dennis began to coat the coach’s guts with his virulent seed. “Oh Fuck Yeah! Breed that hole” yelled the coach as he felt the cum fill him up. Dennis pulled back half way and drove back in feeling another spurt of diseased cum pump in. The last stroke had driven into the coach’s prostate and with that, his cock began shooting thick, creamy ropes of cum all over his chest and face. The coach’s orgasm milked even more of Dennis’s deadly sperm into his hole. Dennis pulled back once more and shoved in as his balls shot the last of his cum into the coach’s abused ass. Dennis slowly pulled his cock out and looked back at the coach laying there in a state of bliss. “Same time tomorrow?” asked Dennis as he grabbed the towel and wiped his cock off. “Oh hell, yeah” replied the coach. Dennis unlocked the door and then went to take a quick shower before going back to work. The coach laid there a few minutes, catching his breath and thought “What was that tattoo on his back? Something tribal or a sunburst?” He got up and headed into the shower area but Dennis was gone. He stood under the shower for several minutes. He thought about the last day - months of no sex and now two long hard bareback fucks leaving his ass filled with a strangers load and now the prospect of it happening again tomorrow. He loved the feeling of cum inside him and tried to hold it in as long as he could. He dressed and headed back to his room. As he got to the stairs, Shane came around the corner. “Hey coach. You’re walking a bit funny. Hope it was fun!” Shane said and kept walking. “Fuck!” the coach muttered to himself. The last thing he wanted was his team to know was that he was a cumdump bottom. Ethan, Toby and Max were heading back to their room from the day’s clinic when an elderly couple walked out of the room next to them. “Isn’t that the coach’s room?” asked Max. “Yeah. What the fuck?” replied Ethan. The three went into their room and quickly showered and changed clothes into shorts and a tee. They wandered around the hotel and found the game room. They laughed at some of the arcade machines that were there, some looked even older than their parents. There were some of the other swimmers from the clinic playing games or talking. Max saw one guy come into the room that he had talked to in between sessions earlier that day. “Hey, David” Max said as the guy walked to their group. Max introduced Toby and Ethan to David and then asked “What are you up to?” “No fuckin clue. I only have an hour or so before we head to dinner. How about you?” David replied. “Same here. You, uh, looked a lot hotter in the speedo than those baggy pants” Max said. David blushed and looked down at his feet for a second. When he looked back he could see Toby and Ethan licking their lips and nodding. “Uh, are you guys gay too?” Max laughed and replied “Our whole team is.” “Oh, fuck. That would be so cool. I’m the only one on my team except for a bi guy. A couple of the guys are cool with it but most give me shit and think I’m checking em out in the showers. I can hardly wait to get to college next year and finally meet more gay guys” David said. “If you ever need a team to check out, just let us know” Max said with a wink. “Fuck yeah! I could really use a good fuck. The last time was my cousin at Christmas” David said enthusiastically. As the guys walked quickly back to the room with Ethan grabbing at David’s ass. David asked Max “You said this afternoon you loved to share your special seed. Are you... uh... poz?” “Yeah, all three of us are” Max replied. “Fuck! Uh how? I mean… I know how it happens, but did you want it?” David asked nervously. “Mmmhmm. We helped each other. It was really hot” Toby said. There was a short pause before David asked “Are you guys on drugs so you can’t infect guys?” “Nope. It was recent too so we’re all at full power” Max said almost gloating. David stopped and then said “Uh, I don’t know guys. I don’t think I’m ready for that.” “We can use condoms if you want” said Toby while he was rubbing his stiff cock. “Uh, I guess that would be ok, just pull out before you cum to make sure” David said, walking again. “Cool. I think I have a couple in my bag” Ethan said, winking at Toby. Max opened the room and was pulling his clothes off before the door closed. The three guys surrounded David and pulled his clothes off. Max was the first to get his tongue into David’s mouth. Toby sunk to his knees and was licking at the wet tip of David’s cock. Ethan quietly went over to his duffle bag and pulled out three condoms and some lube, tossing them on the bed before moving behind David. He kissed the back of his neck and then moved lower and lower, kissing and licking his shoulders and back until he too was on his knees and rubbing his hands over the firm rounded mounds of David’s ass. David was a little shorter than the three other guys, but his body was toned with strong legs, shoulders and arms. His reddish-brown hair was cut short and his greenish eyes were constantly darting around taking in the sights of three guys groping and fondling his body. Toby soon had six inches of veiny shaft in his mouth while his hands massaged two large balls. David moaned into Max’s mouth as their kiss got more energetic. His senses were overloading with one guy on his cock, one rimming his ass and another kissing him and pinching his nipples. He was hoping he didn’t cum just from the foreplay, since he had never had more than one guy before and only one guy had stuck around long enough for round 2. Ethan was doing his best to get David’s hole wet with spit. He fucked with his tongue, pushed spit inside and then worked it deeper with his finger. All he could taste was soap and sweat and knew he really wanted to fuck this hole. While all three guys considered themselves versatile, Ethan had the most experience topping and he knew that Toby had fucked less than five guys. Max had even less practice, since the only person he had ever fucked was the male cheerleader who was home sick right now with a bad case of the flu, six doses of Max’s cum having done the trick. Ethan slowly pushed David towards the bed, the other two guys following along. Once they made it there, it was time to rearrange. David crawled to the middle of the bed with Ethan right behind him. Max moved in front and fed him his cock with Toby right next to him. Ethan dripped some lube on David’s hole and worked it in with his finger. David was slurping on Max’s cock and began to moan around it when Ethan’s finger penetrated his ass. Ethan grabbed a condom and ripped open the packet and rolled it on to his cock. He looked at Max and rolled his eyes and then grinned as he placed the tip of his cock at the pink glistening pucker of David’s hole. David reached back to make sure that Ethan had covered his poz cock up and then went back to sucking Max's rod. Ethan dripped some more lube on his latex covered shaft and smeared it around before pushing into David’s tight pussy. After several attempts to get inside Ethan moved back and coated two of his fingers with lube and pushed them in. He spent a few minutes working them in and twisting them around until he had stretched the hole enough to add a third finger. With three fingers pushed deep into David’s hole, Ethan twisted them around and felt David squirm. He pulled his fingers out and quickly stuffed his cock inside before his hole could constrict. David lunged forward with Ethan’s cock driving into his ass, but that just shoved Max’s cock all the way into his mouth and throat. Max could tell David was panicking from being spit roasted for the first time and held his shoulders while pulling back to let him breathe. Ethan yelled out “Oh fuck!” with his cock buried inside the scared bottom boy who had clamped his hole down tight around Ethan’s shaft. With a little more space to move and a cock no longer stuffed down his throat to let him gasp for air, David soon relaxed enough to feel comfortable having a cock in each end. He reached back and felt the condom still on Ethan’s cock and relaxed even more. When Ethan felt the grip on his cock go from strangulation to firm, he knew David was ready to get fucked. Ethan slowly pulled back and then pushed in, building speed slowly and enjoying the tight hole on his shaft. Max pulled his cock out and Toby moved over and fed David his dripping cock. Toby started to fuck David’s face with his cock and David struggled to take his cock into his throat, gagging with each stab of the shaft. Ethan was really enjoying it since it seemed with each gag, David’s hole would squeeze down on his dick. He pushed down on the small of David’s back to get it arched more and then started to fuck faster. Grabbing his hips, he was driving his cock in hard and then bouncing off the firm ass. Ethan felt the condom break, but just kept pounding the swimmer’s ass hoping that he wouldn’t notice the sudden change. David must have noticed, since he reached back and felt Ethan’s cock. He didn’t stop and must have felt the ring at the base of the shredded condom and thought that everything was ok. Ethan pounded harder and it was only a few minutes later his balls tightened up and cock swell up. He kept fucking as his cock sprayed the virus filled semen into David’s unsuspecting hole. Ethan was normally vocal when he came but he stifled it as best he could not wanting to let anyone know. When the last spurt shot out, he slowed down and pulled his cock from the gaping hole saying “Toby, you gotta try this hole. It feels fucking amazing.” Ethan climbed off the bed and walked back to the bathroom where he dumped the destroyed condom in the trash can and wiped his cum covered cock off with a towel. Toby didn’t need to be asked twice and pulled his cock out of David’s mouth and scooted around behind him. He made a show of putting the condom on and Max once again stuffed his cock into David’s waiting mouth. Toby figured there wasn’t going to be much need for lube, based on the contorted face that Ethan had earlier, but he faked putting more into David’s ass. Toby pushed his cock into the slick hole and quickly began pounding David’s cum filled hole. He smiled as he saw the frothy cum from Ethan’s load surround the base of his cock and it just drove him to fuck harder. He pulled out and slammed back in a few times until he felt his cock covered not in latex, but in cum. With his cock now free, he kept a firm, even pace until his balls tingled. He casually picked up the lube bottle and held it in his hand. Toby closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he imagined the cum he was about to shoot fill David’s cunt. Like Ethan, he tried to keep plowing through his orgasm. His cock pumped several shots of poz seed inside David, mixing with Ethan’s. After his shots of cum stopped, Toby thrusted a few more times before pulling out and grunting “FUCK!” loudly. He shook some of the lube all over David’s back, hoping it felt like he was shooting his cum all over it. Max moved around and was behind David in an instant and Ethan pushed his cleaned cock into David’s mouth. Max saw the cum dripping out of David’s hole while he rolled the condom on. Ethan smiled at him and he knew he was going to be the fall guy. Max shoved his cock into the gaping fuckhole and started to pump. He had been so close to shooting a few times already and didn’t want to waste his precious seed in David’s mouth. Max was mixing up his thrusts, trying to get the condom to break in the cum soaked hole. David was lubed way too well with cum and Max was having to try really hard to get the condom to break. He jabbed his cock in several directions and then reached down with his hand and tried to pull the condom tight as he rammed in. Finally he felt it and grinned back at Ethan. The exhilaration of having his bare cock fucking the neg hole sent him over the edge. He grunted and yelled out as he laid forward onto David’s back as his hips bucked into David’s ass, each time pumping another diseased rope of cum inside. He was panting hard and finally said “Sorry, dude. I couldn’t pull out. It just came too fast.” Max knew that there was no way they were going to be able to explain the amount of cum that they had dumped inside the neg swimmer’s ass. He slowly pulled his cock out and said “Oh, shit.” “What?” asked David. “Uh… the condom broke” replied Max. “Huh? You mean you just dumped a poz load into me?” David asked with panic in his voice. “Yeah, dude. I’m really sorry” Max said. “Oh fuck!” David repeated over and over. He quickly got up and threw his shorts on and grabbed his underwear, shirt and shoes and went running out the door.
    2 points
  21. I’ve now shared my boy’s sweet NEG ass with a handful of friends, some POZ, but mostly NEG. We’ve talked about it and he’s not a chaser, he’s just a cum-loving slut. I can’t hold that against him. Besides, his ass is so hot and so tight, it would be criminal not to share it. I always fuck him bare, and talk real dirty about sharing his ass with strangers, and whoring him out. A few moths ago, we decided to take things to another level, and attend a POZ-friendly sex party, if we could fine one. My boy saw one close to our apartment, and made a reservation. Condoms to be provided, but not required. Getting ready for the event was HOT. I helped him clean out his ass real good, and thought some of the guys there might appreciate a pre-lubed sweet hole for them to use. I rimmed his hole getting it good and sloppy before plunging my rod in to the balls and fucking him hard for a good fifteen minutes before depositing my load deep within. I fingered his ass to make sure every drop made it in and then squirted a bit more lube up there for good measure. I didn’t know how many cocks he’d take that night, but didn’t want anyone to tear him up. When we arrived, we checked our clothes. My boy kept his jock on, and we both kept on our socks, with a few condoms each, just in case. He told me it was okay to play with other bottoms, and I could fuck them raw, but he wanted me to pull out before coming, so I could give my loads to him. I made him PROMISE me to not take anyone raw unless they promised they were NEG. He agreed, but looked a little hurt. My boy went to look for a water bottle to keep himself hydrated and told me to “make friends.” I was shocked to see one or two familiar faces there. One was my old buddy BJ, a barrel chested cigar smoking bearded daddy-type bear, in leather chaps, with his cock hanging out. I am usually a top, but a few summers ago, after a particularly wild party, I gave my raw ass to BJ and took his load. I fondly remembered his beer-can thick cock, big egg-sized low-hanging balls, and salty load dripping down my thighs. He had licked up as much as possible and snowballed it to me. He asked what I was doing there, and I said, “Lining up some dick for my boyfriend." "You still NEG?” he asked. “As far as I know.” “Your boy?” “NEG.” “Fuck,” he said, “I’d tap his hot little ass any time, but I got POZZED.” I asked when, and he promised it was after our one hot time together. I told him he was free to fuck him as long as he bagged up and pulled out before coming. I told him I would get off on licking up his BUG JUICE from my boy’s ass and back. That really got him going, and he started slowly jerking himself. My boy came back with some water, and I introduced BJ to my boy. He was smitten. BJ took his hand and led him to a mattress in a side room. Watching my boy savagely kissing this hot POZ daddy got me rock hard. BJ bent him over to fuck him doggy style, facing me as I fed my hard cock to my boy’s hungry mouth. He was in heaven. I offered BJ a condom, but he refused. I thought he was going to fuck him raw, and was about to protest, when he reached into his back pocket and got one of his own. He carefully unwrapped it, and properly put it on. My boy was screwing his ass around in circles, hungry for action, and wondering what the delay was. I nodded to BJ, and properly bagged up, he slowly slid his cock all the way in. My boy was not quiet about how much he was enjoying being fucked by this thick cock. I pulled my dripping dick out of his mouth and whispered into his ear, “BJ’s POZ, but he’s fucking you safe, and he promised to pull out when he comes. I’ll feed it to you if I don’t swallow it all myself.” He grunted approval, reaching back to make sure BJ was all latexed up. After a few minutes doggy style, BJ’s pace increased and he lunged forward, then paused for a few seconds. He leaned forward and whispered something in my boy’s ear. He grunted back, “Oh yeah, man. Don’t stop. Give it to me!” “Getting close?” I asked. “Fuck yeah!” I noticed we had drawn a bit of a crowd, and there were four or five guys egging BJ on, “Load him up!” “Cum in his ass,” they shouted. BJ picked up his pace again, and really started slamming his ass. He pulled out, and went to pull off the condom. It was then I saw that it had ripped. I guess that’s what that lunge was. He didn’t even seem to notice that the condom had broken, but he’d kept his promise and pulled out, thank God. He shot a massive load all over my boy’s sweaty back and ass. I lurched forward and licked it off in gobs, making sure it wouldn't drip into his used sweaty hole. I spit it into his piggy grinning face. He swallowed it all down, meekly thanked BJ for a good time, and asked the crowd, “Who’s next?” BJ wasled away to a corner to watch the action. A skinny nerdy looking frekle-faced redhead with a huge wang nervously stepped up. As my boy’s pimp for the night, I gave the redhead the same rules I had given BJ. He nodded okay. I offered him a condom, and he smiled, pulling one of his own from his socks. Same brand as BJ. Small world. He bagged up, and slid right in. I reached around to make sure it was on properly, and almost busted a nut feeling his huge dick plunging in and out of my boy’s hole, latex and all. Seeing his familiar hairy hole being filled with a cute nerdy stranger’s cock got me really hot. I was glad to be sharing that moment with my boy, and felt safe knowing that I was there to make sure it was happening safely. Big Red slammed his sweet ass a few times and sunk it in all the way, pulled out almost entirely, and slammed in again, holding it there. Then he slowed his pace as my boy wriggled around on his pole. He looked pleadingly around the room. “Someone give me his dick to suck!” A well-muscled Chelsea gym bunny stepped up and stuck his dick in my boy’s eager mouth. Big Red quicked his stride, and looked like he was cumming. He left his dick in my boy’s sloppy hole for a few seconds before pulling it out with a juicy plop. Fuck, the condom broke again, and this time he’d cum deep inside my boy’s hole. Gym Guy saw this and before I could do anything, spun my boy around and stuck his cock in raw. BJ went from lurking in the corner and came up behind me. “Don’t fight it,” he whispered. “This is what he came here for. Don’t ruin it for him.” “What!?!?!” I asked. BJ explained to me that this wasn’t a POZ-friendly party, it was a POZ-only party and my boy and I were the only NEG ones there. He then told me that he came once in my boy’s hole before shooting his second load that I shared with my boy. Big Red has probably also shot twice up his still-NEG hole. I was furious, but still-rock hard. BJ explained that he was the party organizer and told my boy the whole deal before he agreed to come. The condoms had been poked through with pins before being strategically scattered throughout the place and handed out to people who wanted the illusion of playing safe. My head was spinning as Gym Guy slammed my boy’s ass real hard, creaming his pussy. He pulled out just enough to shoot a few spurts on my boy’s quivering hole before pressing them in with his oozing cock. BJ got down on his knees and swallowed my hard tool as another guy lined him his dick with my boy’s hungry gaping drippy hole. I saw his dick before the rest of him. Salt and pepper hair, firm chest and arms, but sunken sick-looking facial cheeks. The other guys didn’t look POZ, but this fucker sure did. He pumped a few times, looking like a rutting animal, before loading my boy’s hole. I came in BJ’s mouth and he took it all in his mouth, then got up, and fed me some of my load. He then started fingering my hole with the rest of it. I was overcome with lust. How forbidden to be sharing my boy’s hole with a roomful of POZ strangers. I wanted some of the attention for myself and got down doggy style, facing my boy’s mouth and started kissing him hard. He was shocked that I was now on my knees too, being a slut offering up his ass for POZ cum. He seemed to be smiling. I closed my eyes, reached back and spread my cheeks for someone to dick me. And someone did. Several someones did. I took at least four cocks, and counted at least three loads up cum deposited deep up my NEG hole. My boy must have taken at least eight dicks. And he took all of their loads, like a champ. When we left, we were both covered in sweat and cum. We made it home and spooned together all night, cum leaking out both of our holes. Neither of his showered or washed out our cummy asses. We both tested NEG later that month and NEG again a month later. We haven’t been back to the POZ party yet, and may not be allowed until we both test POZ. Until then, I’ll have to keep looking for dick for my boy’s hole, and occasionally mine.
    1 point
  22. Now straight sex will no more be so funny as before...
    1 point
  23. Love it want this to happen to me
    1 point
  24. Yeah I was kind of unsure about my post. Wouldn't have been surprised or put out if I had gotten a ruler to the knuckles for that.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. This^. Boom. We have a winner. Actual data wins out over speculation, supposition, assumption, and bias every. single. time. In any event, HIV/AIDS has become too entrenched across too many demographics to attribute its spread to a single causality in such a facile way.
    1 point
  27. Before I was POZ, I hit the baths regularly, when I did get POZ'd it was at a friend's party. So DR. Scorpio is right, raw sex happens everywhere. Mind you, I still go to the baths and take raw loads.
    1 point
  28. I dropped by the bookstore on my way home from work tonight. I wanted a piece of ass, but I was willing to settle for head. The first guy kept changing how he was handling things (as it were) and never really gave me a chance to become even moderately excited, while the second one kept gagging and spitting on the floor. Went into another booth and got some fingers rubbing the hole. I stuck my dick through and found out he was a world-class cocksucker. I went from I'm horny to HOLY HELL I'M GOING TO CUM in less than five minutes, and the last minute was spent fighting back the orgasm, because I didn't want it to end.
    1 point
  29. Another great chapter ?
    1 point
  30. It nice to be at IML and getting eye rape wile walking around the hotel and the looks I get.
    1 point
  31. Part 23 The jockstrap party was just as the name implied; the guests had to wear a jockstrap for entry. While some members would wear leather or latex jocks, the majority would wear cloth. The cloth variety made it much more erotic for the Tops as the bottoms sucked their cocks through the fabric. It was especially hot when the jocks were well used and sweaty. Nick’s decision was to set Rob up bent over a bench with his head and arms in stocks. His legs were restrained and kept spread with a spreader bar. That way both holes could be used. To further emphasize that he was just a cum dump for any cock, Rob was also blindfolded. As Nick put the blindfold on he instructed Rob,” You are to focus your energy solely on serving cock with your mouth, throat and ass.” Rob felt the tourniquet on his arm and then the now familiar prick. As he began to fly, his first cock of the night was pressed against his lips. He had no idea who the cock belonged to, but obediently opened his mouth and began to service it. It was actually Nick that was face fucking Rob. He wanted to test Rob’s compliance with the instructions he had just been given before the guests began to arrive in large numbers. He didn’t say a word as Rob greedily sucked his cock. Nick noted that Rob had come a long way in the past few days with his oral skills. Rob’s gag reflex was diminishing and he was being more aggressive with the use of his tongue and throat muscles. Nick smiled to himself because he knew Rob’s psyche was breaking. Tanner had just finished strapping Red to a fuck bench when Nick caught his attention. Nick motioned Tanner over and held his finger up to his lips to indicate for him not to talk. Nick then pointed at Rob’s ass and nodded. Tanner understood the message. He loved the feel of Rob’s muscle ass so his cock immediately hardened and he drove it into Rob’s ass. Tanner wondered if Rob recognized the feel of his cock. After all he had just fucked him a few hours ago. Then again, Rob had been fucked by a lot of different cocks the last few days so in his drug clouded brain he probably wasn’t able to match a cock with a face or name. Nick and Tanner spit roasted Rob for a few more minutes and then Nick pulled out and motioned for Tanner to do the same. They stood there for another minute before they heard Rob moan and utter the words “Someone please fill my holes, I’m so horny.” They had some more work to do; the doors to the party would open in about 10 minutes and they still had to turn on all the video screens and program the final bottom line-up and locations into the feedback tablets. When they were out of earshot of Rob, Nick asked Tanner how Rob’s bottoming skills were progressing. Tanner smiled and said “ He is starting to push back, clench his ass and milk the cock in his ass, so I think mentally his role as a bottom is starting to sink in.” “Great,” said Nick, “He’ll be good and ready then for the next stage by the time that PReP works its way out of his system.” “He’s going to make us a lot of money.” The doors to the party opened and the early arrivals rushed to the available bottoms. Rob felt a crusty jock strap rubbing his face and immediately went to work. The dried cum on the jock flaked off as Rob chewed and sucked. The cum flakes dissolved as they mixed with his saliva. Rob recognized the taste and its recognition caused him to drool more. He could feel the cock hardening within the jock and soon the head was poking over the top of the strap. After Rob swirled his tongue around the head, the Top could wait no longer and pulled his jock down and fed Rod the entire length. Meanwhile another Top had stepped up and was fingering Rob’s ass. Rob started grinding his ass against the fingers and was rewarded as they were replaced by a thick cock. Having a cock pumping both his holes was satisfying his craving somewhat, but he guys’ were pumping too slow for him; his hormones were wanting more. Rob struggled with how to communicate that to the Tops. His mouth was stuffed so he couldn’t talk; his hands were in the stocks so he couldn’t grab the guy in front to pull him in farther. He had limited movement of his hips so couldn’t push back too much. Through his haze of desire an idea finally came to him. He rapidly flicked his tongue around the cock in his mouth while simultaneously suctioning it like a vacuum. It worked; the Top started fucking faster and deeper. At his backend he started squeezing and releasing his ass muscles around the cock in rapid succession. That technique got the Top plowing his ass to also increase the depth and speed of his strokes. Rob started to feel more relief to his yearning. Both Tops were about to feel relief as well as the sensations on their cocks were driving them over the edge. Both Tops shot their loads simultaneously inside Rob’s wet holes. The next Top at Rob’s face didn’t even bother with the rubbing of his jock covered cock in Rob’s face. He had heard the moans of pleasure from the previous Top and wanted to get right down to action so he drove his cock balls deep into the awaiting mouth. However, in keeping with the jock theme of the evening, he had removed his jock and held it over Rob’s nose while he skull fucked him. “Breathe in my funk you filthy pig,” he growled as he fucked Rob’s throat harder. The smell of man sweat was becoming just another one of those scents that triggered Rob’s pleasure centers. Especially when it was in conjunction with a hard cock in his mouth or his ass. It was even better if there was a cock in both holes. That soon became a reality when another Top stepped up to use his ass and add his batter to the mix. Rob sucked one Top after another for several hours. He also collected multiple loads up his ass during that time. He was filled with enough cum that he was finding it difficult to keep it inside. No matter how hard he clenched his ass some cum inevitably leaked out each time he was fucked. There was a pause in the fucking as some sort of contest was taking place. From what Rob could ascertain it was a jock strap contest and the winner got to pick one of the bottoms to fuck on stage. He heard a winner announced and was anticipating he would be released and moved to the stage to be fucked. Even though he was still fighting the idea that he was a bottom, he was sure in his head that everyone wanted him regardless of his sexual position. He really expected that he would soon be moved to the stage and fucked. However nobody came to get him and he was not brought to the stage. Soon he heard the crowd chanting as the fuck show with some other bottom started. He actually felt a little dejected. Even though he couldn’t see who the contest winner had picked, he was sure that he was hotter than whoever that bottom was. Rob then felt the presence of someone next to him and heard him say, “Hey loser, how does it feel to be the only cum dump not being fucked right now,” “That’s right, every other bottom in the place has a cock in one or both of their fuck holes right now.” “You’re a worthless loser.” A dirty jock was then shoved into Rob’s mouth and a thick cock began pounding his ass. The whole time he was being fucked, the Top emphasized to Rob what a worthless cum dump he was. When the Top seeded Rob’s ass he just walked away and left Rob with the jock still in his mouth and cum leaking out of his ass. That was Rob’s last fuck of the night. The blindfold was removed and he was led back to his office. The remaining party goers just ignored him as he was led through the crowd. He saw there were men of all types in attendance that night, but since nobody would even return a glance with him, he was completely clueless as to which if any of them had fucked him. He was still feeling the effects of the drugs and wanted more cock, but instead he was being ignored. As he settled back into his cage the feeling of rejection set in and he just curled himself into a ball and tried to sleep.
    1 point
  32. 5. The journey continues “I think it’s time we showered and went to bed don’t you? I’ll call mum and tell her we ran into you and you have come to stay over for a catch-up, OK?” Ben informs me. “Yes please bro, I’d love that.” We group showered and the hot soapy water washed my cares away as both Ben and Olly soaped me up paying particular attention to my cock, balls and gently played with my battered ass crack. Refreshed and reinvigorated we lept on to the bed in a heap, kissing and caressing as I extended my gay sex education from my brother and his partner and eager to learn more secrets spots as well as have more of his special cum from Ben doing what I always wanted him to give me. I felt a small pressure on my head, feeling his hand guide my head towards his straining cock and balls. Well, time to properly try this out...something I had dreamed about since I stole his used cum-rag T Shirt. I open my mouth to properly suck off my brother and feel the spongy texture of his dick-head as I ran my tongue over and around it, savouring the deep smell of pure Ben as I inhale... I was in heaven, hell, and everywhere in between. "Wow...no teaching required in giving head" Ben's face had a mix of pleasure and happiness to it, enjoying the playful humour mixed in with my spirited exploration of every part of his magnificent cock. I tried to mimic what I had seen in gay porn videos, but damn...his big fat cock seemed bigger than it did in the toilets but I must have been doing something right by the way Ben moaned to himself, the way he grabbed and played with his nipples, his knees mixing between being steady waving open and closed and trying to buck under the pressure of pleasure. What I lack in skill, I guess, I make up for in vigour. And vigorous I was. I doubled my effort to move on to his big bull sized balls to lick, kiss, suck and taste every inch of this dangling sack this delicious taboo and depravity. It was Ben and it was perfect. So hot to the touch, I could almost feel his balls move with me in tandem to every lick. I sucked each of them in, savouring them and I could tell it was driving Ben crazy. Apparently I was a natural at playing with balls... "Damn fucking damn... I'm already close..." Ben whispered to me, I guess I was good... Or perhaps the emotions of playing with his brother that got the better of him. “Me too” piped up Olly, who I had all but forgotten about as my life long fantasy played out in real time, a quick glance confirmed he was jerking off watching us two brothers enjoy one another. "What do you want me to do?" I asked looking up lovingly at Ben "Just... " His eyes were shut tight, riding each wave of ecstasy in his mind. It was so hot... I went back to bobbing my head on his rock-hard dick. I could taste a mix of my own saliva and his delicious precum and I just fell into a comfortable rhythm. My head and tongue moved in tandem with his thrusts, and I could see his body stiffen. I'm..." And with that feeble whimper of warning, Ben climaxed, grabbing my head tight feeding me every drop of cum he could muster. And what cum it was. I could feel my mouth filling up, gush after gush, till I was forced to stop savouring and start swallowing. But the taste. Different from his precum, but still perfect... It was so hot, slightly sweet mixed with a bitter aftertaste but in a sophisticated, fancy restaurant type of way. "Fuck... fucking fuck... Damn..." Ben's knees buckled but thankfully he never toppled over. He leaned back and rested against the bedhead, catching his breath, his body flush red. He wiped his sweaty brown hair out of his eyes, his breathing slowing, coming down from the rush. "Well... I'm... impressed bro. You aren't half bad... Not bad at all." Ben laughed lightly patting the top of my head. "Oh! Wow, fucking wow, that was soooooooooooo HOT... damn! Look at me." I opened my eyes and looked across at Olly as he smiled devilishly as jet after jet of poisonous jizz painted my face and hair, thick gobs of HIV laden cum dripped down from my hair, stinging in my eyes, I scooped as much as I could in my right hand and slurped on the bitter tasting spunk as I made sure to clean up every drop. “Fuck that was awesome bro, but no more wasted cum going down your throat or over that pretty face…we gotta share you with Dan, Rich, Mark and a few other friends to make sure it only goes in your hole so you convert and join our own special brotherhood. After ordering in a takeaway we all clambered into bed and following my sexploits I quickly went to sleep tightly snuggled up between Ben & Olly as they text or spoke to their pals. During the night I dreamt in full technicolor of every detail of the day’s events partially thrusting back as it felt for real like I was being fucked once more…in fact I caught myself moaning out loud and was afraid I would wake the boys. When I came to, I realized I wasn’t dreaming, it was Ben spooned up behind me, nuzzled into my neck and whispered, “I’m so glad you’re here, I couldn’t help myself, I just had to claim your hole as mine.” “He’s mine after you’ve finished you dirty dog, remember we share everything!” said a wide-awake Olly and with that Ben groaned as he filled my boycunt with his special brew. Olly threw back the duvet and presented me with his huge dick which was very thick and, in the half-light, looked dark and menacing with protruding veins that gave it a gnarled appearance. “Jeez I glad I’m lubed up with Ben’s load coz’ I think my hole is about to get its biggest challenge yet!” “On your back boy.” Olly authority demanded and as I rolled on to my back Olly knelt before me and pushed my legs apart. “Push some of that thick Poz spunk out” he instructed and as I did so a torrent of cum flowed out on his hand which he them smeared over his cock and pushed the rest of Ben’s jizz back in. Olly placed his dick-head at my hole and pushed the puckered skin open and continued pushing, inching his ever-thickening shaft in further pushing my internal flesh aside as his cock slid in gliding on Ben’s DNA. I let out a blissful groan as I felt Olly bottom out with his hot heavy balls resting on my taint. Now he was all the way in he lifted my legs up over his shoulders and leant forwards and began easing in and out. “Fuck me Ben, this is one fine pussy your brother has here.” As Ben switched on the bedside light to fully watch his partner have his way with me. I whimpered not in delight but in pain as not only Olly’s pace changed but the direction varied too further stretching and tearing at my internal skin as the hammering assault continued. I didn’t know what was happening next as Olly got Ben to move over and see his cock sawing in and out of my ass but he suddenly had a look of total satisfaction on his face as he intensively stared straight in to my eyes. Then punching in hard between each word, then says, “you’re torn up and bleeding-which-should-guarantee-your conversion-our-boy” and simultaneously upon hearing this my cock exploded in jets of negative cum that splattered up my stomach, neck and face. As my climax fired off my sphincter twitched and gripped hard around Olly’s monster dick which set off a train reaction; first his breathing becoming ragged, then his body shuddered as he then punched in soooo deep, roared as his virulent load flooded my intestines. He slumped over me and tenderly kissed me, a loving kiss as he gently pumped his still hard cock in my battered hole, “Welcome to the club kid.”
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  33. That is exactly the journey of my ex of 13 years did for me. He saw my desire to be a cum dump, he knew I could never be satisfied with one cock, as he said to me once when I tried to get him to go again "you really need tgo be fucked at least four times a day". He was right, first he started bringing tops home and watching as they fucked me. Then he started taking me to sex clubs and naked parties and encourage me to let myself go. He would organise gangbangs for me and he led me down every path he knew I wanted to travel. I wsent from being a prissy and pretend queen to being a cumdump and just living for being fucked and bred.
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  34. Yesterday at the park toilets. A quick fuck in the cubicle. Loaded me after 3 thrusts! He was eager ?. I cleaned his cock and he was off. Just what I needed while on my way home.
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  35. Thank you for the love for this story with plenty more to cum... 4. The reveal That shock paled into insignificance when I opened the toilet door only to find my brother Ben laughing, with another guy about his age at the hand basin, talking about the dumbfuck they had just Pozzed. “Ben!” I screamed, “was that you…..?” I couldn’t finish what I was saying as a tsunami of emotions hit me. “Fuck! Liam what the fuck are you doing here, in there, Oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuck. Bro I’m sooooooooo sorry I never…..” He too couldn’t speak, red faced and too angry to get the words out. Ben turned to his mate, “Dan you better go. Liam you have to come home with me…we have to have a talk.” We didn’t say a word to one another on the walk to his car and “Get in” was all that was said before we got to his house. My brother quickly ushered me indoors and sat me down in one of two black leather settees, “Beer?” he asked I simply nodded yes. While he was in the kitchen I scanned the room, white, bright and minimalistic with everything in its place, the total opposite of when he was at home. “Here drink this, you’ll need it.” And before I could finish one sip the front door opens and in walks the man I know to be Olly. “Hi Love, home early for once" then scanning the room looking for Ben says, "…Oh Liam….I didn’t expect you to be here too! Sorry I didn’t mean it the way that sounded! Oh shit, let me start again…Good to see you and welcome to our home.” “Well done loverboy you managed to insult my brother and ‘out’ us all in one go!” snapped Ben to Olly. “I’m sorry. Ben what’s up? It looks to me like something is seriously wrong by the looks on your faces, d’ya want me to leave so you two can talk about it?” “No, I think you had better stay and hear this.” Then turning to me confessed, “Just in case you hadn’t got it, Olly is my boyfriend, my partner, so yes I am gay just like you. I love Olly….” And then smirking says, “I’m a size queen, so maybe soon you’ll see why I love him so.” Then Ben proceeds to tell Olly about our toilet adventures with Dan. I was surprised that Olly wasn’t angry but appeared to be turned on by the huge lump that was showing in the front of his suit trousers. “Other than keeping it in the family…the problem is?” a smiling nonplussed Olly asks. “We’re all Poz and unmedicated but it was Liam’s first time.” Ben spelt out. “Wow! You took your own brother’s cherry you lucky bastard” replied Olly totally missing the point. Ben’s protective feelings for me broke out once again as he dropped into the seat next to me, gave me a hug and said, “You OK with this?” I didn’t know what I thought, it was all too much; getting fucked for the first time, getting fucked by my own brother, not only that but by someone I had for years fantasized and wanked off over, finding out he is gay too, finding out he has a boyfriend, finding out they are both HIV positive all as I sit here with two Poz loads soaking in my ripped-up guts. It was too much and I snuggled into his chest and burst into tears, sobbing loudly. “Hey, hey, we’re here to support you.” Olly said reaching over to rub my shoulders, “We can get you to the medical centre for some emergency Prep to stop your exposure to HIV if you decide that’s what you want to do, we didn’t, but it’s up to you, your choice.” Truth be told I didn’t know what I wanted, my red eyes smarted but I pulled myself together and asked about their life, how they got Pozzed and how they live with it. I also was intrigued as if they were together why Ben was in a toilet with this Dan chap. I sat enthralled by their tale of how Ben got infected, gave it to Olly when they got together and Dan was a mate of theirs who was chasing the bug to get it and move on so he can enjoy fucking whom he wants, when he wants. I took it all in. “Is it wrong that that’s what I want too?” after hearing all about this made my cock throb, swell and leak a huge wet spot in my trousers…it didn’t go unnoticed. “Looks like your little brother likes the idea of being knocked-up, see his cock has made his mind up for him” as a big shit eating grin spreads across Olly’s face, “Am I right, or am I right?” “You got me, yeah I think that’s what I want, but only if you help me through it.” I said lightly punching him on the arm. A collective “Yes!” erupted from both Ben and Olly as they caressed and cuddled me as for the first time I literally felt brotherly love.
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  36. A Weekend Away. I’m Greg, and I’ve been together with my boyfriend Aiden for almost five years now. I was his second serious relationship. When he was at college he had a relationship with a guy named Brandon but it did not work out for a number of reasons. Perhaps one of the major ones was that Aiden is a total bottom, and Brandon wanted to get fucked too from time to time. Aiden is a very jealous guy and insists on absolute monogamy, but Brandon wanted more variety in his life, variety which included getting fucked by other guys. After they broke up they remained good friends and still keep in touch. In some ways, Aiden and I have a similar problem to what Brandon and he did. Basically we are both bottoms and sex ends up being blowjobs and cuddling, with the odd attempt at fucking being a disaster. Aiden insists on using condoms and I cannot get hard wearing one. My sex life generally consists of jerking off to internet porn when Aiden is not around. I was scheduled to spend a week at a conference in the same city as Brandon and his husband Ben, and was surprised when Aiden told me that he had contacted Brandon that I would be visiting and suggested that we meet up. I had never met the guys, but had talked with them on the phone. We had all become friends on Facebook and they had lots of pictures of themselves and their friends. They were two hot hunks! I wondered if Brandon and Ben had the sort of “open” relationship that Brandon had insisted on and that Aiden couldn’t stomach. I had no plans to find out but I must admit that I was curious. It had been a long time since I had been properly fucked! After some to-and-froing of emails and text messages, I arranged to meet them at the hotel I was stating at, and they would take me out for a drink at a local gay bar or two. I was waiting in front of the lobby at the designated time when I saw a their car pull up. They got out to greet me and I didn’t want to believe what I saw even though I recognized them from photographs. Both Brandon and Ben were hotter than fuck with tight t-shirts and pants that showed of their bulging crotches and asses. I had tried to look as good as I could and was wearing tight faded blue jeans showing off my massive bulge and a tight white t-shirt. One look at them and my mouth started to go dry, and I immediately started fantasizing about being fucked by them. I didn’t want to cheat on Aiden, but I really needed to be fucked so badly. I think they noticed that I couldn’t stop staring at their crotches. Ben hopped into the back seat and I sat beside Grant in the front. Brandon started describing the various local bars but I just grinned at him. "I've had a long day. You said you guys live close by and I'd like to see your place and get to know you better in a quiet environment. If you have something alcoholic to drink why don't we just go to your place." Just looking at those two sexy guys was starting to make me hard. I am not sure what I was thinking of, certainly I had no plans of cheating on Aiden but they were SO sexy. The more we talked about this and that the harder I got. We got to their place and as we walked from the car to the front door making small talk I could not help but notice what nice butts they had in their tight pants. Brandon’s tight khakis clearly showed the lines of the jock that he was wearing, and Ben’s jeans fitted in a way that emphasized his bubble butt and the cleft between. I’m not really a top but I would have to say both of them were fuckable! It was so long since Aiden and I had had any sort of sex that I was as horny as hell, enough to turn top for the night. Fuck! What was I thinking! Cheating! Nope. I had broached the subject of opening our relationship to Aiden several time and every time it ended in tears and shouting. I loved Aiden too much to fuck up our relationship, even though I ended up spending way too much time jerking off to porn. Always bareback porn as that is hotter and it since it was all a fantasy to me, it may as well be risky. Brandon and Ben were not making things any easier! Brandon whispered something in Ben’s ear and Ben put his hand down the back of Brandon’s jeans. It almost looked like he was fingering his hole, making me jealous of their obvious displays of affection. Brandon opened the door and we all entered. Brandon waved us towards the couch. “Why don’t you guys get comfortable on the couch while I get us each a beer? We have all sorts? Any preference?” I responded “An IPA if you have one”. “Sure, we had a few in the fridge.” Was his response as he left the room. I looked around the room. Nicely decorated in a clean modern style, but I could not help noticing the porn DVDs lying around on the coffee table where no-one could miss them: “Bareback Blond Boyfriends”, “Raw Cheating Lovers” and a few others including “Raw Load Takers.” One night when Aiden was at a work function I had found a copy of “Raw Load Takers” online and I knew its plot line. Guys hanging out in parks and men’s rooms getting fucked bare by anonymous strangers. An interesting choice of videos for a married couple. There was also a small bowl with condoms and a bottle of lube on a side table, which I thought a rather odd thing to leave in a living except if they regularly hooked up with other guys. The condoms were a contrast to the DVDs though. Brandon returned with the beers and gave me one. “Go slow, they are strong. They’re 8% alcohol. You’ve had a long day. We wouldn’t want you to get out of control.” I felt a twinge of excitement at the suggestion that I might “get out of control” and I said something to change the subject. “Wow. Bareback porn. Aiden won’t let me buy any, as he says you shouldn’t reward them for promoting unsafe sex.” Brandon just smiled. “Well, if you like we can watch one. I know you want to watch one.” I was conflicted. Forbidden fruit was calling. “But only if you want to. We won’t try anything. We're married.” Brandon was standing directly in front of me with his bulging crotch at eye level. I looked straight at him. “No, of course not.” I paused, then continued “You choose a good one, one that you like.” He slipped “Raw Cheating Lovers” into the DVD player. His choice of title made me wonder if he was planning anything. Whatever my mind was trying to tell me my body had other ideas and glancing down I saw an obvious shiny circle of pre-cum leaking through my jeans. I covered it with my left hand so that they would not notice. We made small talk and sipped our beers for a few minutes as the movie developed. At about the point when the first cheating boyfriend snuck out of the house to hook up with a trick he met on Grindr, Brandon spoke quite casually, as if it was a coincidence. “You know of course, that Aiden and I broke up about the whole question of monogamy. I wanted some variety, and he couldn’t deal with it. He has phoned me more than once to cry on my shoulder about fights that you guys have had about the issue. Did you ever sort it out?” I did not know what to say, and it was hard to hide the raging erection in my jeans. “Uh, it sort of blew over. We don’t talk about it, but I haven’t had sex with anyone else.” Brandon just smiled and made sure I saw as he re-arranged his massive bulge in his jeans to make it more comfortable. We sat in silence for a moment or two watching the move and when the first trick shot his load into the first cheating lover I had to admit to them how hot the movie was. “Fuck, I don’t know when last I watched bareback porn on a screen bigger than my cellphone. It’s hot!” Brandon laughed. “Yeah, like cocks, the bigger the better.” The action on the screen was had gotten me stimulated, as the bulge in my pants now stretched out in a fat straight line almost as far as my jean pocket and I had also had to make some adjustments for comfort. I had been stealing glances at Ben and Brandon’s crotches all the way through the conversation, and now all three of us were rock hard. This was starting to get awkward, although I have to admit that I was totally turned on by what was happening. I asked them the question that had been brewing all evening: “You guys are obviously really into bareback porn. Maybe even as much as I am. Do you bareback each other? Aiden and I still use condoms even though we have never slept with anyone outside of our relationship. At least, I know I haven’t.” Ben answered. “Yes, we got tested after we got married. Only with each other. We don’t fuck around.” I wondered if that was true, considering that both of them seemed to be getting turned on by me with my obviously swollen package watching porn with them and the convenient supply of condoms and lube. As the screen showed the bottom’s wrecked ass leaking cum from an internal cum shot I realized that I wanted to be fucked and take a load or two more than anything. “So which of you guys is a top? Aiden and I are both bottoms, which sucks.” I didn’t mean to say it in a way that implied that I wanted to be fucked by them, but it came out that way. Ben and Brandon were obviously thinking along the same lines as they both answered. “Both of us.” Great! "So who bottoms?" "Both of Us. We're versatile." I looked at the rock hard bulge in Brandon’s thin khaki pants. "So you guys bareback. Does it really feel so much better than with condoms?" This line of discussion was obviously turning Brandon on as he started leaking pre-cum and creating a slick patch around his cock head. "Fuck Yeah", He responded. "The only thing that feels better than pumping your load into a juicy ass is having someone fill your gut with his sperm." By now his cock was drooling so much that the patch was about the size of a quarter and very obvious and I could barely take my eyes off it. I also pre-cum a lot and if anything, the wet patch on my jeans was bigger than his! Brandon looked straight at me and said. "By the looks of things the movie and the conversation have got you quite stimulated." For a fraction of a second I panicked about what I knew was about to happen as I realized what it was that I wanted so badly and that Brandon and Ben were more than willing to give it to me. Brandon continued. “Based on what you're packing in your jeans you should try to top more. There's lots of guys that would love to have that up their ass.” I didn’t respond to that but asked. "I want to see you guys fuck bareback. I've never seen it live and up close before. I’ll just watch you guys and jerk off. Brandon chuckled. “When you see how hot it is, you’ll want to be fucked!” Inkew it to be true, but I wasn’t ready for bareback yet. “Then you can fuck me with a condom. I've never cheated on Aiden before, but we'll be safe and he'll never know.” Ben needed no encouragement and started stripping down to his black and red jock briefs. His ass looked really hot framed by the cutout at the back. Brandon undressed a little more slowly, putting on a show for me. I made no moves to undress but was rubbing my cock through my pants. Brandon went straight for Ben’s ass and started eating it out and getting it nice and wet ready for fucking. I had now unzipped my pants and was working my dick with my hand and it was now drooling copious amounts of pre-cum. Ben bent over forward and exposed his hole and I could see it was well used. I found it a surprising turn on, something I did not expect. Brandon spat on his hand and slicked up his cock and then spat again into Ben’s hole and slid his bare cock all the way in. I guess he didn’t need lube. By now I had stripped off all my clothes and was naked on the couch with my ass over the edge jerking my meat while I watched Brandon fuck Ben inches away from me. The sight of his fat raw dick sliding in and out of Ben’s hole was an incredible turn-on, coupled with the juicy and wet sounds of the fucking. The more they fucked, the slicker Brandon’s cock became as if Ben was pre-lubed. I thought for a moment that perhaps Ben already had a load up his ass and I almost came at the thought. Brandon whispered something in Ben's ear and Ben turned around and started kissing me on the mouth while Brandon pulled out of his ass. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brandon grab a condom from the side table, tear open the packet and roll it over his dick I heard the pop of the cap on the bottle of lube and I heard the slick sounds of lube being applied over the condom. Then he went down between my legs where I could not see him, as Ben was deep tonguing my mouth. I felt him slather my hole with lube. Brandon moved forward and I felt his cock head pressing against my hole. It felt different some how to when Aiden fucked me. Brandon is uncut, and Aiden is cut, but that shouldn’t really make a difference with a condom. Of course, the only thing that had been up may ass in the last few months was one of my selection of dildos. After seeing the size of Brandon’s rock hard dick, I was glad that I had spent the last afternoon at home with the largest one up my chute! Brandon started slowly probing my anus with his dick and I relaxed and felt a brief moment of pain as the fat dick head started spreading my anal sphincter and forcing its way in. The sensation of Brandon’s fat cock sliding up my anal passage stretching out the walls to the maximum and then up to and past the inner sphincter was intense, and made me realize how much I missed it in Aiden and my relatively sexless relationship. “Oh fuck, that feels so good. Damn!” I uttered as he bottomed in my colon and I felt his crotch slam against my butt cheeks. Both of them chuckled before Brandon spoke. “You like my dick filling your hole huh?” He was not joking. His massive dick was the best thing I had felt in years, and I don’t think I had ever had a dick that felt that good before. My brief pangs of guilt were rapidly banished by the growing lust in my crotch. He slowly started fucking me with long strokes and I wished I could see his dick sliding in and out but now Ben had gone down on me sucking my dick and his head was in the way. “Fuck yeah, it feels different than when Aiden fucks me. Better. Thicker.” Brandon grinned at me as if he knew something I didn’t. “Maybe it’s because he is really a bottom and doesn’t know how to fuck?” He chuckled and picked up the pace. My dick was starting to leak profusely and moved my hand to start jerking off, but Ben grabbed it and held it away. “No, not yet. Later.” Brandon was fucking me hard and fast while Ben had left my crotch and was deep kissing me again and it did not take more than thirty seconds or so before he started cumming. I then realized why it felt different: I felt seven or eight massive squirts of scalding hot cum against the walls of my bowels for the first time. "Oh fuck. FUCK. Yeah FUCK!" was all I could say. Ben had now conveniently moved out of the way so that I could see Brandon’s cock in my ass. As he slowly pulled out it was obvious that the condom had burst and that his fat cockhead was glistening with his cum. I had suspected something was different when I felt Brandon’s cock slide up my chute, and knew it was bare when I felt cum in my ass but it was still somewhat of a shock as I observed the damage and understood that I had taken a load for the first time. The shock quickly turned to lust. “I guess that’s why it felt so good, it was bareback.” “Yeah,” Brandon responded. “Feels good doesn’t it? Maybe you’d be a top more often if you were not dealing with tight numbing latex on your cock.” My rock hard dick was still drooling pre-cum into the puddle that was forming on my belly. I was obviously not turned off by the idea. Brandon grinned at me. “I’m the only one of us who hasn’t been fucked yet, but also the only one who has cum, so why don’t you try and fuck me? Bareback, of course. And see what it feels like. Put that big dick of yours to good use and you may find that you like topping when you can fuck bare. You can even cum in me.” Ben grinned with agreement. “And then Ben can fuck you and give you his load also.” I was still on my back on the couch and before I could say anything Brandon came over and lowered himself onto my dick, after slicking it up with some of the pre-cum from my belly and cum from my ass. The sensation of my cock sliding up his velvet soft juicy hole was incredible. I almost came on the spot. He started riding me like a champion and I realized how good fucking an ass was, as long as it was raw. It was almost too much for me and it was not long before I shot my first unprotected load deep in Brandon’s gut. Ben was watching all this with his dick in his hand, planning the next move. As Brandon slowly lifted himself off me Ben spoke. “Let’s take a break for a few minutes and then I’ll can fuck you and you can fuck me.” “Bareback?” I asked. “Yeah, of course. Just like I said.” was Brandon’s response. Ben got us each another beer and they told me about their “arrangement”. I wished that Aiden and I could get something like that worked out but I found it strange that after the attempt to use a condom for the first fuck, and which almost immediately broke. Neither Ben nor Brandon pursued their stated “only safe with strangers” rule. Oh well, they did say they had been tested and the result was negative, so it was probably OK. Certainly, I now understood the attraction of barebacking. By the time I had slugged the second beer I had lost all my inhibitions, and Ben had no trouble unapologetically sliding his raw dick into my hole. By the end of the evening I had dumped a load into each of them and they had each loaded me up twice. I totally understood what Brandon had said about raw fucking. Without a condom sliding my bare dick into a juicy cunt was magic. I was going to do a lot more fucking in future, it just was not going to be with Aiden and with a condom. We got together a few more times that week, and each time both of them loaded me up. I wasn’t complaining. Brandon even helped me set up a profile on their favorite bareback hookup site. My last words to them as they dropped me off at the hotel on the last evening was : “I’m not going to say anything to Aiden, but I’m going to start fucking around behind his back, and topping, and giving loads. All bareback of course.” They just grinned at me.
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  37. remember when a fully clothes guy was hot enuf, that u did not have to confirm dick size before hook up
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  38. First of all, let me apologise for the delay in this story, many of you have been asking for this for a while but due to an old broken laptop it’s not been possible, however due to new machine here you go. As you may have worked out from my first story ‘Pozzing the Blond Boy’ I’m into young guys. I always love the chase, from chatting to them through to the actual meeting, persuading the guy to take my toxic poz cock deep in his body. I also like guys with cool hair. Not only does it look good, but I really enjoy running my hands through a guy's hair during sex. I chat with a fair number of cute young guys and seem to be an attraction for them. Why, I’m not sure why, but then I’m not complaining. So how did this story start. Well I was online chatting to a few guys and checking out profiles when I came across a picture that made me stop in my tracks: this young guy was model cute. Very cute face, 5’8” so slightly shorter than me and looked younger than he actually was, which I always find a bonus. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes, a lovely combination and his hair was what I’d describe as a young Justin Bieber swept to the side look, short at the back, also a favourite of mine. I decided I would send him a message just to say hello, not really expecting a reply. To my surprise I received a reply almost immediately. I won't bore you with all the conversational details because that’s not what you want to hear, but we both liked what we saw, his private pics revealed the cutest bubble butt you’ve ever seen, and a slim but slightly defined smooth body. Our conversations revealed that he was a virgin, very nervous about meeting and a bit unsure about himself. After chatting for a while he decided he wanted to meet. Now a guy like this, unsure about himself and nervous about sex is a young guy ripe for stealth breeding, a cute guy you just want to infect but I’d also got to know him quite well and felt kind of guilty so I started asking some poz-probing questions. He was unsure about taking my cock, however loved the look of it and decided he wanted to meet out and go for a drive and a chat. Just to say hello in person. When I pulled into the car park to meet him, always in the back of my mind if he was actually going to be there, but he was. This boy was amazingly cute, even better looking than his pics which were already stunning, he’d had his hair cut that morning so it looked great, neat but still floppy. He got in the car and we went for a drive. During the drive I steered the conversation onto sex, something which I could see was uncomfortable for him to talk about but he so wanted to do things with a guy that his hard cock started to show, I looked down and smiled but he seemed embarrassed, I told him not to be and guided his hand down to my thick poz cock that was hard and wet at the tip. This seemed to flick a switch in his head and he started rubbing my cock, it felt great but I needed more from this boy, I knew I couldn’t fuck him that day but wanted his sweet boy mouth wrapped around my hard cock. We found a place to stop and I leant over and kissed him, he kissed me back and was learning with every minute, I slid my tongue into his mouth as I grabbed his cock and he whimpered with pleasure. After a while I sat back, unzipped and got out my hard poz cock, pulled back the foreskin revealing a wet, pre-cum covered head, all worries about me being poz seemed to go from him as he wrapped his hand around my cock and started to wank it. I needed more and asked him to suck me, he went straight down and I felt his warm wet mouth slide over my cock, it felt amazing, I looked down at his sexy hair and buried my hands in it, something I’d wanted to do since first seeing his picture, it felt great between my fingers, thick textured floppy hair, this made me want to blow my toxic poz load in this boys mouth, but I didn’t want him to waste it, I wanted it swallowed. I put pressure on the back of his hair, pushing his head down, fucking my poz cock deeper into his throat, I told him I was going to cum and wanted it swallowed. I put more pressure on his head building up the pace until I felt my balls tense, I pushed his head down hard, right in the back of his throat and felt my toxic seed pumping deep inside, and he had no choice but to swallow it all like a good boy. After the meet we chatted a few more times and during the chat he revealed that he loved what we did and wanked about swallowing my poz seed for days after, so we arranged a time when his house was free to meet and take his virginity. The talk of poz seed was now turning him on big time and finally the day arrived. He opened the door and gave me a smile that could melt you, those gorgeous light blue eyes, that sexy floppy hair just waiting to be grabbed. As soon as we were in his bedroom I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply, as we kissed we undressed, my hands running up the back of that hair as he buried his tongue into my mouth with an almost primal urge. We got into bed, our naked bodies together, out had cocks fighting with each other under the duvet. After some intense kissing he put his head under the covers, not wanting that hair messed up I pulled the duvet down laid on my back and looked down at the top of his hair as he went to work on my cock. He was taking it deeper and deeper into his mouth, his floppy hair touching my stomach as he went down deep. This boy was doing such a good job, that I could have been there for hours but my brain was saying to me, breed this boy now! I pulled him off my cock and pushed him onto his back, lifted his legs revealing that tight virgin hole, twitching for its first time. I went down on his sucked his cock, tasting his sweet young pre-cum, then worked down to his hole, getting my tongue on and in it, by this time he was moaning with pleasure and now I wanted just one thing, this boy needed to be fucked, needed my high viral load deep in him, infecting him for the rest of his life. I slightly lubed up my cock but just left his hole wet from its rimming. I lifted his legs and positioned my cock at his hole. I told him it was time for him to lose his virginity and that it was going to hurt, but hurt in a good way and he’d love it. I slowly pushed my cock, his hole resisted at first but then with a pop my head slid in, he gasped in pain and tears started to form at the edge of his eyes, but there was no way I was stopping, this boy had given into me and now it was time to initiate him. With one push I drove my thick throbbing pre-cum covered cock right into his guts, he cried with pain so I held still to let him get used to me after all seasoned guys have difficulties with my thick cock so a virgin is definitely going to struggle, he looked up at me through those teary eyes and said, I want this, I want you. I started to slide all the way in and out fucking him deep, his cock started to harden with every stroke and with every stoke I drove it in harder until I was really ramming him, his hair shuddering with every thrust. I pulled out turned him over doggy and rammed my poz cock deep in that willing hole, with every thrust producing a whimper from him, I grabbed his hips and fucked his virgin hole into submission, his floppy hair bouncing with every thrust. I pushed him down on his stomach, laid on him and drove my now dripping poz cock, home, deep into his body, piercing and ripping his inner ring, I buried my hands in the top of that floppy hair while giving him a fuck he will never forget. After I had fucked him into the mattress for a good fifteen minutes I pulled out and revealed my poz cock covered in pre-cum and blood from this boys ripped hole, it was now time to infect this cutie and to have a connection like no other with him for the rest of his life. I turned him back over lifted his legs and rammed my cock home, he gasped again but this time it was in pleasure, his hole finally given up to my highly toxic poz cock. I drove my cock into him while he wanked himself, I could feel my balls building, tingling, my cock started to swell big time and as it did I leant forward, buried my hand in the top of his hair and kissed him. I couldn’t hold back any more, so I pushed in deeper than ever before and as I felt my cock pop in his inner ring it exploded, sending volley after volley of thick highly toxic cum into his guts, directly deep into his body, as I was pumping my high viral load into him, he moaned and then I felt his cock pulse and hot cum shoot between us coating my chest with his seed as I had just done to his arse walls. I whispered in is ear while he was still recovering with my cock in him that I’d just pozzed him and that he was a part of my club forever. I pulled out and told him to clean my cock with his mouth, which he did without hesitation, the enormity of what had just happened still not had time to screw with his mind. He cleaned it so well that I stayed hard, so got my hands on that hair again and told him not to stop, as you may know from my previous story I have a bit of a kink, I like to make sure the boy knows he’s mine. After he sucked me for a while I stood up, him on his knees and got him to bow his head forwards, I wanked my cock hard until I was ready to shoot a second poz load, I aimed it at him and unloaded all over that sexy hair, my strings of white cum laying on his hair, him looking up at me looking properly used. I rubbed my cum into his hair and told him he should keep it in for the rest of the day as well as my cum in his arse. I took a small pair of scissors and cut a full length lock of his hair as my trophy, another to add to the collection. We got dressed and chatted for a good hour about what had just happened, when it was time to go, I gave him a hug and felt my now dry cum in his hair, very horny, when I left and walked away it was a feeling of a job well done but also not the end of the story, after all he’s invited me back to do it all again!
    1 point
  39. Part 8; Back to the play room with the fist gel, and there was Tom, kneeling on the rubbered mattress, the twink on all 4s sucking more AIDS Dick. Tom had taken his spiked PA out. The twinks ass sticking in the air I took a moment to take in the beautiful sight of his cunt lips, now; puffed, swollen, and flopped open. Oink! Crouching behind him I buried my face within his swollen cunt, my tongue darting in and around inside whilst his swollen cunt lips from top to bottom stretched to my nostrils right down to my chin. I alternated between doing that and wrapping my lips right around his cunt and sucking, and also taking a portion of his battered cunt between my lips chewing and sucking. Taking each thumb and forefinger, I pulled aside wonderful puffy lips, and ordered; 'Push it out boy'. His Rose bloomed with ease, as it did he farted and a mixture of what I am sure was; fist gel, blood and cum dripped out. What a fucking beautiful sight! I dove straight in, sticking my tongue inside his open bloom, licking, sucking, slurping, and rubbing my face in it. It partially went back in. 'Push it out again boy, and if it goes back in, just keep pushing it out'. He pushed out again, with more farting and warm goo squirting out. I dove straight back in again, feasting on his blooming cunt. It was fucking heaven! I was getting too turned on to just keep using my mouth. I sat up, and moved in closer. He bloomed for me again, and I began to rub my Dick Head over the centre of his Rose. Without wanting this flower to close too soon I pushed in only a few inches, and started fucking his beautiful inside out cunt! I got too carried away pushing in too deep, his bloom closing. I pulled out. He bloomed for me immediately again. We kept this up for a while when Tom who had walked off to put back on his spiked Gauge PA suddenly pulled the boy to his feet, throwing him in the sling, putting the stool in place. From the collection of toys he got the dildo called 'The Punch Fist', lubed it up. Putting it down he wiped his hands, got the half full syringe of the triple DNA cocktail, squirted about half into the fist gel, then inserted 3 fingers and the syringe, and bellowed; 'Push out that Dirty Pussy out you Nasty fucking Pig'. The twink whimpered with lustful submission, threw his arms up, held onto the sling chains, and once again bloomed. Tom depressed the plunger, discarded it on the floor, picked up the 'Punch Fist', aggressively slammed it in the gaping cunt. 'Keith, go and get the kitchen timer, bring it up and set it for 1 hour'. ***** Squeal for Part 9...
    1 point
  40. I stopped Prep... and although currently still neg, I can tell you I enjoy bb sex with men SO MUCH MORE. If you are truly chasing, you know what to do.
    1 point
  41. Wanna play some truth or dare? Or get naked and have some fun? Add me on Snapchat !
    1 point
  42. So I have been a long time fan of this site and read many stories. Felt like it was my time to start sharing. This is the story of how I was introduced and became addicted to bb. I went to high school in Florida and vowed that I would move away for college. And that I did. One summer visiting my parents was the summer that changed my life. I decided to spend a good 3 weeks with my parents and after a couple of days I was finding every excuse to get out of the house. One particularly horny say I was on grindr and this older muscle daddy hit me. He wanted to know if I wanted to come over for some fun. Mind you I was pretty inexperienced to the whole gay/sex thing and also normally (no longer the case) not attracted to older guys. However my parents were being particularly annoying, and I was pretty horny so I took him up on the offer. I lied to my parents about how I was meeting some friends from high school borrowed my mom's car and drove to this guys house. Along the way I was super nervous and asked him if he had condoms and lube since I didn't have any. He told me not to worry. Upon reaching his house I walk up to the door and before I even knock this muscular shirtless daddy opens the door in nothing but gym shorts where are very noticeable bulge is showing. Stammering and getting all shy I don't know really what to do and I'm pretty sure he could tell how new I was to everything. This daddy changed my entire perspective of older guys. Salt and pepper hair, white and muscular body. A good 6 inches taller than me (I'm 5'8 average build) is looming over me and I can smell his musk. He grabs my shoulders and brings me in closing the door behind him. Never taking his hands off my shoulders he leads me deeper into his house and guides me to his bedroom. He then proceds to tell me not to worry. Asking me at the same time how old I was (at the time I was very discreet on grindr and has barely anything on it) I proceed to tell him I'm 19 in which he laughs and says his son is close to my age. This amazing specimen of a man was 55 and had a body of a 30 year old. The entire time he is talking to me he keeps his hands on my shoulders almost like he is preventing me from running away. He then asks me how experienced I am in which I told him honestly I've only had sex once and a couple or bjs. He got a twinkle in his eye and asked me if I had ever been rimmed before. My clueless self actually responded with what is rimming in which he laughed and said that he would show. Pushing me onto his bed he proceds to start to make out with me. I feel his tongue lightly push into my mouth and I get a hint of mouth wash. His expert hands are caressing my body and working their way to my ass. He proceds to lay on top of me and I feel my breath leaving me. Somehow he has worked my pants off me and my raging 7 inch cock was straining my boxers. He proceds to pull my boxers down giving my boner its freedom. He starts kissing my neck, then chest working his way down. Licking my nibbles and involuntary moan leaves my mouth. Looking up at me he says oh sensitive nipples I see and proceeds to suck and lick both my nipples causing me to gasp and moan. He wedges his legs between mine spreading my ass wide and I feel something hard pressing against it. This entire time he had kept his shorts in and I had not gotten to see his dick. I reach down to try to grab it in which he grabs his hands and says "no boy not yet" he then spreads my legs with his hands exposing my pink hole and I hear a growl from him. "Mmmm nice boy let me show you what rimming is" In which he puts his head down to my ass and starts to lick my hole. I gasp never before having felt something like it before. One word to describe it, pure ecstasy. He licks and tongue fucks me as I moan and wiggle under his expert skills. "yes boy you like it don't you. You want my dick next" Being in a euphoric haze I just nod at him and finally his gym shorts come off. Out comes a 8 inch dick that had a very noticeable curve to the left. He process to hold my legs and bring his dick to my hole. This snaps me our of my haze and ask him to put on a condom and get lube. He tells me to not to worry he will as he rubs his dick on my wet hole. I moan in which he smiles and asks me if I like it. Nodding my head he continues to rub his dick on my hole. I feel him gently push his dick on my hole in which I stop him again and he said he just wants to rub on it some more and he will get a condom. My naive self said OK and let him keep rubbing it. He does this circular motion on my hole with his dick head that just feels so amazing. Pushing ever so lightly on my hole just continuing the circle motion. Ever time though he pushs just a little more and I'm whimpering under him. What he is doing just feels so amazing. Without any warning he suddenly pushs just a little more and I feel his dick enter me with a small pop. Pain floods my brain and I try to push him off me. "stay still boy, just relax" he told me "breathe" He doesn't move even though I'm pushing on his chest to get off me. His grip on my legs tighten and I feel him push in deeper. Causing me to cry out some more. "please stop, it hurts and you don't have a condom" He just smiles this devilish smile at me and push a deeper and then I feel it. His dick pressing against my prostate causing precum to gush out of my dick. Seeing this he starts a slow rhythmic thrust aiming for that spot. My arms weaken and I longer try to push him off me. Pure ecstasy has taken over and I start to see stars. My body shakes and my ass clenches on his dick. I can no longer resist his dick feels so good, like something I had never felt from the sex with a condom I had before. It is so smooth and I can feel every bit of his cock no friction which surprised me since we didn't use lube. He continues to fuck me going faster and faster "yeah boy. Your hole is mine now. You want my daddy load don't you." "please daddy. Fuck me. Please give it to me" I can't even believe the things coming out of my mouth but I say all of it to him. I just don't want it to stop Suddenly he push a in right on my spot and gives a low growl. I can feel his dick expanding in me and this weird sensation. "its all yours boy fuck yeah" he says as he shoots deep in me more and more. Unloading into me I start to jerk off and cum all over myself. He finally pulls out and throws me a towel just laughing. I end up driving home in a daze but something in me has changed. I wanted it again and that is all I knew
    1 point
  43. I'm on PrEP now, and I would not have any concerns about dating or being in a relationship with someone who is HIV+. PrEP is a great innovation, and as a believer in science and research, there can only be improvements to be made from here on out...it would be great if there were a cure found in my lifetime! The only issue I can think of would be if studies/trials found that there were significant long-term side effects of Truvada that would cause harm to my body. Then things might get dicey...but even then if I'm in a good, trusting, lasting relationship with a HIV+ man, we'd make it work.
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  45. Diagnosed mid-year two years ago. Most likely picked it up at a sex club in London about 6 months previous so had it for I believe pretty much bang on 3 years now. Probably via another bottom as the tops were dipping in and out whether bb or condom and not cleaning between... hot experience!! But with a not so hot outcome. Side effects wise I've had no issues so far and my Dr is even surprised how my blood levels seem to be staying pretty static (VL fluctuates, but liver function levels stay the same). Sex-wise the amount of sex I've had has decreased dramatically. People see or hear the words HepC and they just don't want to know, doesn't matter whether they are HIV neg or poz... you'd think the poz guys would be more understanding considering the stigma that they face from the "DDF / Clean" crew. I get they want to protect themselves, but its the attitude and way they turn you down. Even had abuse on BBRT before from a HIV poz guy... IRONY much!! IMO there's more stigma attached to it than HIV. Even dating wise, can be getting on really well with someone, so 2nd or 3rd date in I disclose my status then that's the last I'll hear from them! Which then leads me onto the mental health effects of having it. I go through periods of being fine and not thinking about it TOO much (albeit I do think about it EVERY DAY) and then I have periods (particularly after any of the above situations) where it really gets me down, sleepless nights, just wanna drink to forget etc. Still awaiting treatment on the NHS (UK based), they cap the number of people who are being allowed treatment and prioritising based on how sick you are. Me being otherwise perfectly healthy, am at the bottom of that list and therefore I know I won't be receiving treatment any time soon. The private cover I've got doesn't include HepC and other STDs or chronic illnesses.
    1 point
  46. Part 3 He then stopped and signalled the other two to stop fisting me and said untie this pig. They untied me and then helped me down from the sling. Master said to the other two its time for your double up. One of them lay back on the floor, his mate slammed him and then I was told to sit down on his hard cock facing him. I did as I was told, and then given another slam. I leaned forward, the 2nd guy had just slammed and he positioned himself behind me and pushed his hard thick cock in with his friend's cock...both filling my hungry spun hole. My Master positioned himself in front of me and pushed his hard cock down my throat. I was in pig heaven, two hard thick cocks fucking my cunthole while my throat was being filled with hot thick 9" cock. They continued this for ages, and every now and then Master fed me poppers. I was so high and had so given myself over to these three. They each changed positions, with each of them having a turn at my throat as well as double fucking with Master. I was then laid on my back, and one of the guys had a break while Master fucked me. While he fucked me, the other guy squatted his hole over my tongue and he pinned my legs back so Master could get in deep. I got my tongue deep inside the guy's clean tasty hole as Master's cock plowed me deep and I kept moaning with pleasure. After a while the guy swapped places with his friend. Master's pounding became more intense, and he was about to blow. I moaned and drove my tongue deeper up the guys hole as Master blew his volleys of thick hot cum deep into my hole. He withdrew, and straight away the other guy who was having a break buried his face into my cunthole, licking, slurping and sucking the cum out of my wrecked hole. He then moved up and sank his rock hard cock into me, and started fucking me as he deep kissed his friend with a mouthful of Masters cum and my clear ass juices. That made his cock really hard as he fucked me, and I kepp moaning yeah fuck me fuck yeah give me your hot cum...and before long he followed Master's lead and blew loads into my hole. As soon as he finished, he swapped places with his mate...the mate now eating my hole like there was no tomorrow as the guy who just blew squatted over me and fed me his still hard cock with a blend of Masters cum, his cum and my ass juices on it while the two of them kissed. In no time the last guy blew, and I also got to clean his cock. By this time my high was wearing off a little. Master told them to take a break, and said I've got just the thing to keep this pig spun and open. I was still on may back, and he put anklets on my ankles and tied my legs so they were up and back and wide. He then positioned a fuck machine with a huge toy at the entrance of my hole. The toy was a lifelike fist. He lube my hole, and turned on the machine. He got it so it wasslow fucking me and coming out each time. when he was satisfied it was set right, he tied bands around both arms. He produced two full rigs and told one of the guys to administer one as he did the other. He told the guy to get it in and a flash, and then hold it. He did the same, then he said to me welcome to your new life pig. This is what you wanted. This will keep you primed while we have a break. He then motioned to the guy to press the plunger as he did at the same time, then both withdrew and plasters applied. As soon as the massive rush hit me the lights were dimmed more, dance beat music started, disco lights began and the machine was started with the fist toy in my hole...but this time Master turned it up and it was punch fisting me rapidly. The fist was a special design so every few minutes it self lubed through a tube from inside it. My body became totally in tune with the beat of the music, and Master got it so the punching of the machine was in beat and I experienced total and utter bliss! Wave upon wave of pleasure racked my body and my hole, and I experienced anal orgasms one after another. I was completely unaware of anything except the total bliss I was in. I could hear a growling low gutteral animalistic noise, and was later told it was me... So guys, anyone want more...???
    1 point
  47. One guy, Jake, with whom I've been talking lately is, at 21, a few years younger than either Ari or me. Jake has known for the past four months that he is HIV positive, and he explained to me that he had chased hard for it, taking loads from guys who were up-front about being poz, as well as from random arcade glory hole cocks. Jake hasn't started meds and enjoys fucking around as both a top and a bottom. Since being diagnosed, he has fucked three chasers, two of whom have since tested poz but the status of the third won't known for a while as he won't be tested for a few more weeks. This tally doesn't include the possible infection of any guy who didn't specifically ask about Jake's status. All-in-all Jake estimates that, since converting, he has fucked six or seven guys, and taken an equal number of loads in his ass. Any how, I showed Jake pics of Ari, explaining that I wanted either have my Ari himself poz me, or have him arrange for me to be pozzed. Jake was definitely down for it, and asked if getting Ari to cheat on me would be easy. "I honestly don't know," I replied, and then asked "anyhow, how would I know if Ari cheated unless I caught him in the act?" Jake suggested I should orchestrate a 'chance meeting' with Ari where Jake could test the waters. I thought for a minute, and then mentioned Ari worked in a retail clothing store. With that information Jake came-up with a plan to determine if Ari would cheat on me, and if he did, it was likely Ari would end-up poz. And, if Ari didn't cheat, well, the door to a three-way was always open. With that, Jake instructed me not to have sex with Ari for awhile and asked where he worked. I agreed, and gave Jake the information, and also told him what days Ari has commented on as being slow-customer days. Thus armed, Jake could pick a time when he and Ari wouldn't be distracted by other customers, and during which Jake could test the waters.
    1 point
  48. I was spacing in and out, enjoying the sensation of the new bigger plug in my hole, the chems flowing through my body had me all worked up. Mikey came back into the room, this time with a third guy. I recognised this one from a previous one night stand, Dave, but he'd been the bottom that time. Dave was maybe 25 if he was a day and clearly worked out, a buff gym tight body, big smooth chest, thick arms. He had a big smile on his face as he admired my position in the sling and the butt plug filling my fuck hole. "Outstanding...you want some more cock whore?" "Yeah, mate, I need more cock, fucking fill my hole" "I plan on it" He dropped his shorts to reveal a nice thick 7inch cut cock, it was really thick and growing to attention. Mikey came up behind me and this time he positioned a bottle of poppers at my nose, holding one nostril closed "breathe deep baby". I did as I was told, deep breaths from one nostril, then the other. A few seconds later the rush hit me, as it did Dave started to remove the butt plug, it sprung out of my hole with a rush of cum. "Oh fuck you been busy with this one already Mikey!". Dave threw the butt plug to one side and positioned his cock at my opening, he slowly began to slid it inside me. Too slow, I wanted him to pound me, fuck the hell out of me. "Faster Dave, fucking give me that dick". "Not so fast baby, your going to enjoy this". He kept his slow deliberate pace, filling my hole with his cock in a slow deep thrust. Then once he was balls deep he held it there, leant down and kissed me deeply grinding deeper still inside me. Then he leant back and started to slowly and rhythmically thrust into me, the pace was just this side of too slow for me I wanted more, almost as if his thick cock wasn't enough for me any more. "I dunno Mikey, I don't think cock is doing it for this boy any more", Dave said as he kept sliding in and out. "I know Dave, I think you might need to fist punch that cunt" In my haze the only part of that sentence I could process was fist, they were going to fist me, but I was way too tight for that. My hole had always been tight it's what guys loved about fucking me, I could milk their dicks with my arse. As I was trying to process this, Mikey placed the poppers at my nose again, I started breathing the fumes enjoying the sensation mixed with the slam. Dave pulled out of my hole, and kneeled behind me then I felt his fingers exploring my opening. First three, then four, he started working them in and out of me, my hole opening and closing more slowly each time, then he added the fingers from his other hand, stretching and probing. As this was going on I was still breathing the poppers, and moaning like a bitch in heat. The feel of his hands working my hole open, stretching it were amazing. I was having the greatest ride of my life. "I think he's ready now" Dave pulled both hands from my hole, then I felt his knuckles pushing inside me, "Oh Fuck" I moaned "It's okay baby your so open and ready, take another hit on the poppers and I'll slide right in" The poppers were back and I breathed deep and held it, as I did Dave pushed is fist inside me, "OH MY GOD FUCK YES", he held it for a moment, allowing me to adjust to the intrusion, there were so many sensations all at once I took another hit of the poppers, and then he started to work it deeper inside, before pulling back out again. "Oh Fuck YEAH!!!, fucking fist punch my cunt!" I was begging for his fist back inside me, it wasn't cock but it was somehow better, I had no idea what was going on but here I was strapped into a sling one dude feeding me poppers the other fist fucking my hole as I moaned and begged for it over and over. "Fuck Me Fuck Me Fuck Me Fuck Me Fuck Me". As Dave continued to work his fist in and out of my hole I started to space out.... ...I don't know what happened, I think I passed out from a combination of the poppers and the slam, I woke up and I was lying on a bed in a room I didn't recognise. As i started to stir, I realised my hole was empty, I slid my hand down to explore it, every touch from my finger like a bolt of electricity shooting through me, it was empty and need to be filled. I was softly moaning fingering myself when a door opened and light from the hall spilled in as five guys entered the room and gathered around the edges of the bed, naked and stroking there cocks, Mikey was amongst them and they were all looking at me like I was about to be the main meal, "Fill my fucking hole", I lied back and spread my legs and arse cheeks wide..... More to come.
    1 point
  49. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  50. PART 6 As Grant’s dick slowly churned the poz cum inside Conrad’s fuckhole, my bro just kept grinning—a less angelic grin than before, almost a little evil—and his eyes radiated the dark intensity of a truly trashed-up chempig. “I’m so proud of you, bro,” I said to him, and he looked at me with that same grin. “This is fuckin’ amazing, bro,” he replied. “Ever since you put that needle in my arm, all I can think is dick. Dick. I need dick. I love dick. Fuck, dude! DICK.” That made everybody laugh. “I’m glad to hear that, boy. Slamming should do that to a bottompig like you.” Conrad growled hungrily, then turned to Grant. “Fuck, Daddy—that felt so good. Your cock, your cum. You fed me exactly what I needed, exactly where I needed it. Poz cum in my raw hole.” Right around that moment—as Grant and Conrad continued their Daddy-bro bonding with filthy pigtalk punctuated by the occasional deep kiss—my phone buzzed. It was a text from Rick, my buddy at the front desk of the bathhouse. If you’re up for another conquest tonight, he wrote, I’ve got a candidate for you. Hot little self-righteous condom-Nazi with a gorgeous furry butt. I replied right away, telling him that Recruit #1 was already a trashy slampig, so I had time to bring another boy to the dark side. Rick texted right back: Fuck yeah! You’ll find him sitting on the edge of the Jacuzzi. I want to see his pupils get bigger than fuckin quarters. And then I want to destroy his slammed-up hole. (This is why I love playing with Rick: for him, innocence is only acceptable if it’s up for immediate destruction.) I didn’t want to miss this boy at the Jacuzzi, so I grabbed Jason—Grant’s furry pigboy—and asked him to give me a hand. Then I pulled Conrad down from the sling and said it was time to rinse off. I assured Daddy Grant that his boys would return soon, then ushered Conrad and Jason out the door with their towels draped over their shoulders. As the three of us walked past a steady stream of half-naked men—many of them leering at us, some reaching out to brush their hands against Conrad’s boyish skin—I explained how the two of them could help me nail my newest victim. When we arrived at our destination, the three of us parted ways: I went to the Jacuzzi, and Jason and Conrad went into the group shower. (At this particular bathhouse, anyone sitting in the Jacuzzi can ogle the dudes in the shower—the two areas are only a few feet apart.) As for Rick’s boy, I caught sight of him immediately. He was maybe in his mid-20s, short and compact, with a perfect dusting of fur across his muscular little chest. A little bit of scruff. Rugby players’ legs. A nice piece of uncut meat between his legs. And that face—the kind of angelic face that demands to be stuffed full of cock. As I slowly walked down the hot tub stairs and submerged myself in the water, I made sure that my cock stayed above the surface long enough for my new target to see it. He saw it, alright—and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stared back. And as I sat down on the ledge across from him, I cocked my head to indicate he should sit with me. He didn’t hesitate for a second. As he walked my way, I got a clearer look at his ridiculously defined six-pack, not to mention his rapidly-growing cock. Best of all, when he spun around to sit down on the ledge next to me, I got a quick peek at his ass. Rick wasn’t kidding—this boy had the kind of butt that gangfucks were made for. We started with a little small talk. His name was Dylan. He was a grad student, and he’d been in the area for about six months. But just as I began to turn the conversation in a more filthy direction, everyone in the Jacuzzi started pointing to the showers—and once we looked, we couldn’t stop staring, because Jason and Conrad were putting on quite a show. This was all part of my plan, of course. I’d instructed Jason and Conrad to walk into the shower area as if they didn’t know each other. I’d told them to choose adjacent showers. I directed Conrad to begin soaping up his hot young jockbutt, and I told Jason to respond by jacking his stiffening cock. By the time Dylan and I started watching, Jason was already fingering Conrad’s hole and asking him to squeeze out a little cum from his last breeding. We watched as a thick stream of white jizz came streaming out of Conrad’s butt, which earned an audible grunt of appreciation from the cumpigs in the hot tub. By the time Jason pushed Conrad against the railing of the Jacuzzi and started pounding him raw, I was rubbing my finger across the surface of Dylan’s tight little furry fuckhole, earning a little moan in the process. His cock was rock-hard as he openly gaped at the bareback fuckshow in front of us. “Pretty hot, huh?” I said, continuing to run my finger across the entrance to his hole. “Fuck yeah—it’s definitely hot. But not for me, man—I play safe, you know?” “Oh, that’s cool—so do I.” He turned to me and gave me an appreciative smile. Then I leaned over and whispered in his ear: “And I have rubbers in my room. So when can I fuck you?” He didn’t answer, but simply stood up and walked to get his towel, the muscles in his butt flexing with every step. He glanced back and gestured for me to join. Following close behind, I watched him clamber out of the Jacuzzi, his leg swinging up to the edge as he climbed out the side of the pool—a maneuver that briefly exposed his fuckhole. One way or another, I said to myself, consensual or not, this boy’s butt is taking my raw dick tonight. Just then, the fuck between Jason and Conrad was reaching its noisy climax. Jason was asking my lil’ bro all sorts of questions: do you like being a fuckin’ bareback slut at the bathhouse? Do you like giving up your wrecked pighole to total strangers? Are you gonna take loads in your slopped-up hole all fucking night? Conrad didn't answer, exactly, beyond a half-coherent litany of nasty pigspeak, his slammed-up brain unable to perform basic processes while that big raw dick was pounding his hole. He just kept saying things like fuck, fuck, fuck, breed it fucker, fuckin’ A, fuckin’ use this hole, use my hungry cunt. Knock it up. Please, please knock it up. Fuck! Goddammit, you hot pig motherfucker… Then I heard Jason start to breathe heavily as his dick slapped faster and faster against that cum-flooded hole. Then came a few more questions: You want my fuckin’ load in your slopped-up hole, huh? You hungry for my cum? You wanna get fuckin’ pregnant, dude? Yes, shouted Conrad, nearly delirious with hunger. Fuckin’ yes. Fuckin’ breed me. Please. Please, please breed me. I’m so fuckin’ hungry for that seed. Ohmigod—ohmigod—I feel it—I feel it—fuck yeah! Gimme your load, dude. Thank you. Oh, fuck! Thank you. Thank you. Ohmigod—FUCKER! Everyone in the hot tub could see Jason’s whole body shake as he unleashed his poz cum inside my lil’ bro, Conrad grinning like a little kid as he milked that dick clean with his hungry jockbutt. When Dylan and I turned to leave, I caught a quick glimpse of Jason’s softening cock, coated with fresh seed, pulling out of Conrad’s hole, only to be replaced right away by some random dude’s veiny, precum-dripping Daddy dick. My lil’ bro let out a guttural moan of approval as the new cock invaded his ass—and the whole time I just kept brushing my fingers against Dylan’s twitching, furry muscle hole. First, we took a brief detour to the front desk. I told Dylan that I needed an extra towel, but I actually needed to give Rick a signal that a new corruption project was underway. As I picked up the towel, I gave Rick a little wink, and he replied by mouthing the word “Oink.” As Dylan and I walked away, I looked back at the front desk and held up both hands, mouthing “10 minutes.” Rick answered with a thumbs-up while flashing an evil-pig grin. Back in the room, Dylan climbed up on the bed, got on all fours, and immediately began sucking my dick. Bobbing up and down on my poz shaft, he instinctively arched his back and aimed his hole at the ceiling. I fixed my sights on that quivering cunt, imagining just how incredible this negboy’s fuckhole would feel against the skin of my poz cock. I leaned down to kiss Dylan. It was important to make a good connection with this kid, to gain his trust. I’ve found that a good makeout session can help establish that kind of instant connection, especially if the boy is affectionate and eager for someone to take care of him. That was Dylan, all right—I could tell he was a sweet one. I wreck boys like him all the time: nice kids who somehow fall under the spell of a guy like me, a guy who lives to see virgin boyhole oozing thick white sperm, preferably streaked with ribbons of pink and red. Cum and blood: the keys to initiation and brotherhood. Dylan kissed me hungrily while I kept toying with his fuckhole. “Just curious, boy,” I whispered in his ear. “Do you like to get tied up?” “Fuck yeah,” he said. “Just as long as you don’t make the knots too tight. I kinda just want the illusion that I’m tied up, you know? I need to be able to escape if necessary.” “Oh, of course,” I replied, reaching into my bag to grab a handful of rope. I looped a few coils around his wrists, then made a loose knot on the bedposts so that he wouldn’t feel trapped. “That OK, boy?” He nodded with a big grin. I leaned down to kiss him again, and his body trembled with hunger and excitement. “I can’t wait to feel my cock slide inside you, Dylan. You’re such a sexy little fucker.” He responded with a happy murmur as I reached into my bag. OK, that’s enough affection for now, I thought to myself. It’s time for things to take a nasty turn. First, I grabbed a piece of piss-stained fabric and shoved it in his mouth. Then I reached up to the knots on the bedposts, and with a simple tug I tightened them so that Dylan couldn’t move his arms. His eyes grew wide, and he attempted to use his legs as leverage, but it was no use—I’d already pinned his thighs with my knees. “Sorry, kid,” I said. “When I tie a boy up, he’s fuckin’ pinned until I say otherwise. For real. No escaping, understand? Tonight you’re mine.” As Dylan attempted to scream through the fabric, I heard a knock at the door, followed by a key entering the doorknob. I looked back to see Rick come in with our buddy Santiago, another staff member. (Santiago, you see, is the kind of ruthless Latino top who just isn’t happy until he sees blood on his dick.) “Excuse me, guys, but we heard sounds of a struggle in here,” Rick said to me, doing his best to sound genuinely concerned. “We just wanted to make sure everything’s alright.” Dylan tried screaming again, but I muffled him even more by placing my hand over his mouth. “Everything's fine," I assured him. "I do have one small problem, though: I need some help getting this boy under control. See those ropes on the bedside table?” Rick nodded and grabbed the ropes. Dylan, meanwhile, was trembling with fear—and that’s a major turn-on for me. When I see a boy get scared because he’s no longer in control, my cock twitches and I start drooling precum. I mean, look: there’s nothing hotter to me than watching a boy break. I love breaking ‘em down until they finally surrender and start begging for the raw dick they’ve always wanted. As Dylan kept trembling and whimpering, Rick and Santiago each grabbed a leg, bent him in half to expose his fuckhole, then secured his ankles to the bedposts. He struggled from time to time, and his head kept shaking back and forth in silent protest. But these protests were feeble—he knew he was fucked. I turned to Rick. “In the nightstand, you’ll find a needleless syringe. It’s all ready to go. A nice big fat dose.” He handed it over to me, and I inserted the plastic tip into Dylan’s hole as he gave me a pained, pleading look. “Don’t worry, boy. This is just some very, very special lube.” Then I pushed the plunger in, releasing the drugs into his fuckhole and bringing Dylan one step closer to the world of chemsex. With the chems quickly finding their way into Dylan’s system, I reached into my bag to grab one of my specially prepared condoms. (The preparation is pretty simple: I slice off the reservoir at the tip, so it only takes a few deep thrusts before my mushroom head bursts through the weak end of the rubber.) I held up the condom for Dylan to see, and relief flashed across his face. We were being safe after all! Then I rolled it onto my dick—making sure my boy didn’t catch sight of the hole at the tip—before pouring some lube on my shaft. Finally, with a slow thrust, I began sinking my poz dick and its useless rubber into this helpless negboy fuckhole. His cunt was warm and hungry from that giant booty bump, and I had no problem going balls-deep on the first push. I pulled back a few inches, then buried my dick all the way once more—at which point I felt my cockhead burst through the rubber, and my precum-covered cock got its first exposure to the warmth and wetness of Dylan’s unprotected fuckhole. A moment later, I pulled back out. The broken rubber now covered about two-thirds of my cock, and a string of precum connected the tip of my dick to the warm hunger of Dylan’s hole. “Sorry, dude,” I said to him, “Looks like the condom broke.” Fear entered his eyes again, and he tried to say something through the fabric stuffed in his mouth. “Dylan, I can’t hear what you’re saying. Don’t worry, though—I’ll ask somebody else. Hey, Rick? Look at this rubber. What should I do?” Rick shrugged. “Take off the rubber. Fuck his hole raw.” “Fuck yeah,” said Santiago. “Just breed that fuckin’ uptight faggot.” I looked back at our boy. “So tell me, boy: Should the three of us just bareback that sweet fuckhole of yours?” Dylan was screaming again, shaking his head back and forth, trying his best to fight his restraints. “Sorry, buddy—I really can’t hear what you’re saying. I guess we’re just gonna go with the majority, OK? Which means I’m gonna pound my cum deep inside you.” And with that, I ripped off the rubber and shoved my raw dick into Dylan’s partied-up butt. I leaned into him, looking directly into his eyes as I began to pump in and out of him with long strokes. He was starting to cry, but that just made my dick harder. “Don’t cry, buddy,” I said to him. “We’re only gonna fill your butt with three raw loads, that's all. You love bareback sex, don’t you?” “Well, at least part of him does,” Rick said, pointing to Dylan’s cock. It was rock-fucking-hard. “Your dick’s pretty hard, Dylan,” I said to him. “I guess some people might call this a rape. But what do you call it when you're raping a cunt that secret loves it?” I noticed that Rick and Santiago were starting to get naked, quietly unveiling the biohazard tats on their chests. And as I expected, Dylan saw the tattoos almost immediately, his eyes going wild with distress as he tried to yell through the muzzle. “I think he kinda likes the biohazard symbol,” said Santiago. "That makes two of us, Dylan," said Rick. "I'm glad to see you're so open-minded about taking our poz cocks bareback, even though we're not on meds." Either Dylan was exhausted or losing his voice, because he hardly made a whimper when he heard that. He just closed his eyes and quietly took my dick. A few moments later, as my pace quickened and my balls tightened, I leaned closer to Dylan. “I’m about to blow a fuckin’ load, boy. Where do you want it?” Now he was crying in earnest, still shaking his head back and forth, still making the occasional whimper. I turned to Rick. “I’m not sure, but I think he said he wants my cum in his hole.” “Yeah, that’s what I heard. Knock him up.” And then Santiago chimed in: “Fuck yeah, dude. Poz that sweet little butt.” At that, I felt Dylan’s hole clench. “His hole just squeezed around my cock. I think that means he’s consenting.” “Fuck yeah it does. Go for it,” Rick said. “Get this boy fuckin’ pregnant. Rape him full of the bug.” I turned back to Dylan. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? My unmedicated poz cum seeping into your bloodstream?” Dylan just closed his eyes and tried to say something. “I really wish I knew what you were telling me, boy. You must be begging for my toxic load in your sweet little hole. You wanna get loaded up, boy? I certainly hope so, ‘cuz I’m breeding you—I’m fuckin’ breeding you, bitch. Hear that, fag? Yeah? You like it? You hungry for some poz seed? That’s what I thought you said. YOU LOVE IT. Well, open wide, faggot, ‘cuz I’m pozzing your sweet neg hole right…fucking…now.” And just like that, I force-bred Dylan with a giant load of my poz cum. He was clearly in shock as I pulled my cock out of his hole—eyes glazed over, mouth wide open. Rick climbed onto the bed and immediately thrust his poz dick into our freshly bred boy, laughing when he saw the near-catatonic expression on Dylan’s face. “I think this kid is speechless with gratitude,” he said, slowly working his cock in and out of our new cumpig. “So let’s make him more grateful. Don’t we have a little something to brighten his day?” “Of course we do,” I replied, taking a few prepared rigs out of my bag. Then I leaned closer to Dylan. “Listen, boy: You want to take our raw dicks, don’t you? Well, this will make it easier for you to be our poz cumdump. But if we’re going to do this, I need you to sit very, very still, OK? Because otherwise you’ll just hurt yourself. Do you understand? That means no struggling, boy. Got it?” As I was saying that, Rick placed a blindfold over Dylan’s eyes, then a tourniquet on his arm, all while keeping his cock lodged deep in the boy’s hole. Then he spoke to Dylan. “We need you to nod for us, boy. Let us know that you understand. You need to be still. Perfectly still. Got it?” A pause, followed by a slow nod from Dylan. “Good boy,” I said. “Now, you’re going to feel a little pinprick in your arm. Again, do not move your arm. Just keep your arm still.” During this little speech, I was busy inserting Dylan’s rig in my arm, capturing some of my blood in the chamber. Then I lined up that same syringe with a vein in Dylan's forearm. “Such a good boy,” I assured him. “OK, here’s the pinch. Stay still.” I inserted the dirty needle in his vein, then pulled it back to mix his blood with mine. “You’re being very good, boy. Just stay like you are.” It only took a few more seconds to push the contents of that fat rig—including a fresh infusion of my poz blood—into the boy’s bloodstream, remove the needle, and release the tourniquet. There was a sharp intake of breath from Dylan. Then Rick moaned. “Dude,” he said. “I love fucking a boy’s hole when he gets slammed up, because his butt gets about 10 degrees warmer as soon as you administer that hit.” As Dylan began a violent coughing fit, Rick’s eyes rolled back and he groaned. “Fuckin’ A. His cunt is convulsing with every cough. I’m not gonna last long inside this boy.” As for Dylan, after a few moments of near-panic, he began to relax. His head tilted back, his mouth opened up. He let out a deep moan. As soon as Rick heard that sound emerge from Dylan, he started working the boy's hole—and with every thrust inside that furry slammed-up cunt, moan sounded a little more like a hungry growl. I leaned closer to Dylan. “OK, slampig. How do you feel about raw cock now?” He paused, then slowly shook his head a few times, just like before. Then another pause. And as Rick’s cock plunged its full length into his hungry butt, Dylan started slowly nodding. “Wait—is that a yes, boy? Are you trying to tell me that you want raw dick?” He nodded again, more vigorously this time. “Is that slam making you hungry, boy? Hungry to get pounded and bred and pozzed?” This time, the nod was almost violent. I could even hear him yelling “Yes” through the fabric. “OK, boy,” I continued, “If we let you speak again, are you going to accept what we’re giving you? Are you going to be a grateful and obedient fuckhole?” Another nod. “Well, here’s your test. When I take this fabric out of your mouth, the first thing I want to hear is ‘Please knock me up.’ Got it?” A nod. “Good boy. Now do it.” I started to remove the makeshift muzzle, and I could hear him saying the phrase through the muffled fabric already. Over and over he said it—“please knock me up,” “please knock me up.” In fact, for those first 30 minutes of speaking, with that giant slam still rushing through his bloodstream, “please knock me up” appeared to be the only thing he knew how to say. And that was just fine, because getting knocked up was the only thing he really needed to do that night. I laid down next to him and whispered in his ear. “So tell me the truth: you’ve always wanted to be a cumpig. Isn’t that right, boy?” “Yes,” he replied. “I wanted cum so bad. Raw dick. Uninhibited fucking. I’ve been so scared, but I’m not scared anymore.” “Good boy. You shouldn’t be scared. You should be proud. Proud to take raw dick, proud to be a true bottom—a bottom who surrenders everything to his top—and above all, proud to be free from the fear of getting pozzed. You remember those dudes fucking in the shower?” "Yeah. That was fuckin' hot." "Well, those are my friends. I set that whole thing up. I asked them to do that in front of you, because I knew it would activate your inner cumpig. I knew it would get you thinking about raw cock, about anonymous dick, about embracing the needs of that hungry fuckin' cunt of yours." I took off Dylan’s blindfold. His pupils were enormous, but his eyes shone with an odd combination of happiness and hunger. “Thank you,” he said to me. “Thank you for giving me what I needed, even before I knew that I needed it.” We fell into a deep kiss just as Rick’s body shuddered violently, his dick delivering pulse after pulse of poz cum inside this slammed-up boy’s hungry hole. Dylan let out another groan, whispered "Thank you so much, you fuckin' stud," and went back to making out with me. Finally I sat up, looking him deep in those jet-black pupils. “One more question, boy. After the three of us breed you, what are you gonna do?” He shot me a devilish little grin. “You mean…other than hunting for more loads?” “Good answer,” I said with a laugh. “And if you think you’re hungry now, you have no idea what’s coming. Because it won’t be long before we’ll slide another needle in your arm to get you even nastier and trashier, you twisted fuckin’ pig.” With that, Rick waved his cock over Dylan’s face, all slicked up with a heavy coating of fresh cum. And without saying another word—like any good pair of pigs—Dylan and I helped each other lick that poz dick clean. MORE TO COME…
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