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  1. Part 38 - Glitz and Glamour Early Sunday morning and Josh found himself wide awake since he had been resting for the last couple of days and his body was back up to full strength, laying on his side watching the day breaking across Bel Air his head pretty empty of thoughts in this calm state and a smile broadened across his face feeling the arm of Bobby that was wrapped around him moving. The comfort and sense of belonging it and any thoughts of rejection were dispelled far away. Adjusting to having a man in bed beside him every morning was one of the most unusual things he had to overcome, now though he was finding his sleep restless if he didn't have Bobby next to him and holding on to him for dear life, he understood that Bobby was more afraid that he would reject him after all Bobby had opened his heart up to him. Guided by his own desire to be with Bobby his hand rested on top of Bobby's hand, he murmured in his sleep and found Bobby's thumb entwinning with his own, Josh yawned and blinked several times before closing his eyes and falling back to sleep safe in the arms of his lover. They day looked perfect with just a wisp of a breeze and not a cloud in the sky, Mark opened up the curtains and looked out over the gardens to the pool terrace having heard that someone was up swimming already. He looked in amazement at something he had never seen before at this time of day, his mother and father were taking an early morning swim. His face beaming watching them from the balcony, he turned his head hearing the rustling of the curtains as Ben walked out and stood besides him, he leaned over and kissed him placing their arms around each other. They heard the familiar voice of Pedro calling out good morning to them from the terrace, he was assisting the maid and George setting up breakfast, they both responded to Pedro who pointed at the pool and Mark nodded, it was unusual as Maddy a creature of habit would usually only swim later in the day. David looked up waved and called for them to come down and join them, they nodded and disappeared to grab their swim wear and head down picking up their robes on the way out of the bedroom. Daniel and Jordan were coming out of their room with Jordan obviously dressed for the gym and Daniel wearing tight shorts and t-shirt. Ben wolf whistled at Daniel "Wow you look sexy this morning in those shorts" Ben chuckled. Daniel looked Ben up and down "Not so bad yourself in those speedos" he replied licking his lips. "Come and join us for a swim guys" Mark said giving Daniel and Jordan a kiss good morning. Jordan patted Mark's ass "When I finish my workout I will" he replied "Danny will join you he gets bored in the gym". Ben walked up to Daniel who he really did find sexually arousing due to his British charm "Kiss me Britboy". Daniel smirked, grabbed Ben and forced his tongue in to Ben's mouth kissing him deeply "Happy now" he said. "Dude" Ben said looking bewildered but smiling with a big cheesy grin never expecting for that happen. Jordan and Mark laughed "Well you did ask him to" Jordan said "actually" he picked Ben up "your coming to workout". Ben was flung over Jordan's shoulder "Oh no not again my legs ache" Ben protested to no avail as he was carried away. Daniel looked at Mark "Okay guess I am swimming then" he said and Mark put his arm around Daniel. "Come on you need to change first" Mark said escorting him back to the room. Sunday turned out to be one long family day by the pool, Nicky and Kit's children were spent most of the day playing games with Daniel, Callum, Steve, Ben, Ethan and Josh, stopping only for lunch and drink then dinner as they continued on until early evening. Lucy, Maddy and Nicky forming a new friendship along with their husbands which would eventually benefit everyone in one way or another. Monday was going to be a busy especially for Bobby who had secured with Maddy's help exclusive publicity of the hotel opening and the party inside, especially as no other press were being allowed in. Bobby had called upon a photographer friend to help with the promise of more work to come since Lucy was adamant that he to should be able to enjoy the evening. By the end of the day it had quietened down by the pool except for the odd laugh, Adam, Tony, Steve and Callum were swimming around in the pool chatting and often play fighting. Lucy was one who didn't miss a trick and leaned over to Maddy "I think there is something going on over there" she nodded to the pool. Maddy chuckled "They do seem to be getting on rather well" she replied. Mark overhearing looked and smiled "Don't be shocked if they sex" he casually said leaning back in his sunbed. Lucy looked a little shock "Really" she replied with a surprised sound in her voice. "Difficult to explain Lucy, but the way they look at sex is somewhat different if not unconventional" Maddy said putting more sunscreen on. Lucy laid back "It does look like there is a lot of sexual tension in the pool" she said causing Mark and Jordan to laugh and Maddy smile. Monday was busy but everything had come together and the hotel looked magnificent and definitely up to Salinger standards, Lucy checked her watch again then her appearance in the mirror of the reception foyer, Sofie put her hand on her arm telling her to relax a little. Lucy looked at her and smiled before calling out places to everyone as it was 5 minutes to 6pm. The red carpet out the front of the hotel was brushed one more time and tension barriers set far enough away to keep the press at bay that had swarmed as well as the general public since word had got out who was attending the opening. It was always going to be manic as Nicky would be performing the opening and Sam Smith would be attending and singing along with numerous other A list celebrities. Daniel and Jordan came in through the front doors after doing a final check with the security team, they headed up to the top floor bar and restaurant which was called Sam's and run by Curt and Mario having completed a gruelling couple of months training at the Salinger Barbados and in LA with Sofie. They were happy to see each other again and had a quick catch up before guests started arriving. Mark and Ben headed out in the first limo with Angelo, Ethan and Josh, the second limo was Maddy and David and the third with Callum, Steve, Tony and Adam. At the hotel celebrities were arriving and posing on the red carpet before entering in to the hotel and ushered out to the pool terrace where the reception was being held. Bobby's photographer was taking pictures of guests meeting Lucy, David and Sofie as well as general socialising, Nicky and Sam were due to arrive at 7pm as the guests of honour. The first limo turned on to the street and they could already see the flashes and crowds waiting. "I hope you three are ready for this" Mark said as the limo waited behind the one in front. "I don't think I am" Ethan responded "we will get out first and go in ahead of you" he suggested. Mark looked at him "Don't be silly" he said. "No Mark we will do as Ethan suggested after all it is Ben and you they will want" Angelo said putting his foot down. "Is it that mad then" Josh asked excitedly "I want to see Bobby anyway I miss him". Ethan turned to him "Out with it what is going on?" he asked "you have been way to happy". Josh blushed slightly then Ethan clicked "Oh my god did he" he started saying before Josh shot him a look. Mark and Angelo looked at each other and smirked "I am sure we will find out" Angelo said. The limo pulled up to the red carpet and the doorman opened the door to limo allowing Josh, Ethan and Angelo to step out. Immediately they were called at to stop for photographs so they obliged quickly standing together then turning to face the other side before moving forward seeing Ben step out of the car. Ethan stopped by the doors and turned back to watch smiling as immediately the cameras were flashing like crazy recognising Ben and hearing his name being called out, Josh and Angelo also stopped and watched as Mark exited the limo to even more flurry of flashes and shouts to face them. Mark held out his hand and Ben took it as they walked along the carpet smiling and stopping before joining the three waiting at the doors and going inside. "Hell that was fun" Josh said beaming from ear to ear "I liked that" but he ran off mid sentence seeing Bobby. "Is that what life is like for you now Ben?" Ethan asked chuckling. Ben looked hot and flustered "Yes, I still find it weird but it sort of comes with my husband". Lucy waved and headed over in their direction "Hello everyone, go and mingle on the terrace". "Thank you Lucy" Mark replied as an usher came over to direct them. Lucy looked at the boys "Just don't get to star struck in there" she laughed and turned hearing the noise outside. Sofie turned to Lucy "Is that tall guy a model or something?" she asked. Lucy chuckled "No but my god he is stunning in a tuxedo, I've only seen Angelo in swimwear and that ain't bad either". Sofie laughed "He is going to turn some heads in there". They all turned and heard the frantic loud calling 'Mrs Davenport, Mr Davenport this way please', the camera flashes went in to overdrive as Madeline and David Davenport exited their limo stopping several times for the waiting press. Mark told the usher they would wait for the Davenports before going to the terrace. Ben and Ethan both stood and looked at Maddy who exuded an air of elegance unlike anything they had seen, she appeared gracious and smiled, Bobby appeared with the photographer and Josh in tow, he quickly said hello and slowly shook his head smiling at Angelo and mouthed the word 'Amazing'. He headed off as Lucy and David Sallinger greeted Maddy and David entering the reception foyer and posing for pictures together. Lucy waved at the boys to come over and have a group photo taken asking Bobby to join them, she looked at Angelo and smiling telling him how stunning he looked. She wasn't wrong as several other guests had passed by double taking him and questioning amongst themselves who he was, there was no doubt he was a head turner when he walked in to the room. Ushered to the pool terrace they couldn't believe their eyes as many film and TV stars stood around socialising and dressed in their finery, naturally who wouldn't want to come for the press opportunity as the invite stated that Nicky would be there and anyone with enough sense knew it meant a large press gathering. Ethan chuckled to himself as he looked at Angelo who was a little embarrassed about all the looks he was getting as they walked past finding a spot on the terrace. It didn't take long for some of the celebrities to come up introducing themselves to Mark and Ben as they were pretty big news in LA and even Ben was quite famous, the guests were also intrigued to be introduced to Angelo and wanting to find out more about him. Daniel and Jordan appeared on the terrace and made their way over with Callum, Steve, Adam and Tony who had just arrived all buzzing about the press outside and feeling like VIP's. Outside Sam arrived and the media frenzy went berserk along with the fans who had come out to see the British singer, Lucy and David rushed over to welcome him as the friend he now was, before the usher escorted him through to the terrace. Adam spotted him first "Oh my god look who has just arrived" he said as everyone else turned to see. Daniel waved and turned to Adam "Relax Adam" he said seeing him all excited "he is a friend of ours". "What, really, seriously?" Adam replied and watched as Sam headed in their direction. Jordan put his arm around Adam "You will get to meet him, and he is singing later as well". Adam frantically picked up a napkin "I need to get an autograph or something" he said going all gooey. Sam gave Callum, Steve, Jordan and Daniel a hug "Great to see you 4 again" he said. Daniel did the introductions "And this is Adam who I think is a bit of a fan". Adam stupidly waved his napkin "Can you sign it for me" he said stumbling the words. Sam looked at Adam "No don't be silly how about a picture instead?" he replied. Adam whisked his phone out giving it to Daniel "Thanks Sam, Daniel can you take the picture please?". Daniel laughed shaking his head "Of course I will". Same put his arm around Adam "Anyway Adam any friend of these 4 I would consider a friend as well". Sam spent a while with the group learning about who was with who and was pleased to meet Mark and Ben as he had seen the photos of their wedding and honeymoon from Daniel. They could hear the roar of the crowd outside as Nicky and Kit had arrived, Lucy and David escorted them on to the terrace where other celebrities were trying to catch her attention but she simply waved in acknowledgement and went straight over to Daniel and the group kissing them all. She stayed for a few minutes and made her excuses as she should go an speak to some of her co-workers laughing as she did so and promising to have a drink with them after the opening. By the time they were ready to perform the opening Bobby had obtained over 400 photographs of all the different guests and could now at least leave the picture taking to the photographer and join Josh finally. Before the evening was done most of the invited guests were leaving and just the group remained in the roof bar, Adam and Sam had shared a kiss much to Tony's annoyance until Steve walked up and gave him a kiss. Jordan was first to remark saying it looked like Sam has had a few drinks and let down his guard. By the time the limo arrived to take Sam back to his hotel he had agreed to sing at Adam and Tony's wedding, but he didn't get off lightly as they also persuaded him to do Angelo and Ethan's wedding at the Hamptons in the summer. As he left he asked Daniel and Jordan if he could sing at their wedding in England, Daniel was only to happy that he had offered. The rest of the group files in to their limos and headed back to Liongate arriving back there just after 11pm and climbed the stairs to their bedrooms, Adam and Tony were in the room next to Steve and Callum and as they reached the doors to their respective rooms they looked at each other. "Are you going to bed?" Steve asked to Tony and Adam. Adam looked at Tony "Well sort of if you want to join us" Adam replied. Callum smirked "We will get changed and join you shortly" he said winking at Adam. There was very little formality when Steve and Callum arrived at Adam and Tony's room, all the pent up flirting and innuendos over the past few days had made all 4 of them desperate for each other. Tony grabbed Steve and kissed him deeply all the time moving him backwards until his knees buckled hitting the edge of the bed and falling back with Tony immediately on top pinning Steve's arms above his head continuing to kiss him, Steve relinquished any protesting as he knew with Tony that he was going to be the one getting fucked. Adam had stripped Callum naked and stood in the middle of the room enjoying a more sensual kiss as their hands roamed over each others bodies, Adam had to look down at what he was feeling and sure enough Callum was certainly not small in the packaging but his hands didn't take long to reach around and grab Callum's firm ass cheeks and caress them. Callum's hand was massaging Adam's balls quickly bringing Adam to a hard erection, Adam moaned and quickly moved his hands up to Callum's shoulders and pushed him down on to his knees. Tenderly Callum ran his tongue over the head and down the shaft of Adam's cock causing it to bounce several times in anticipation, his tongue reaching the base then circled underneath as he kissed Adam's balls one by one and gently sucking on them and moving his tongue along the underneath of the shaft back to the head where again he licked it over before his lips closed around. Adam let out a moan 'oh fuck yes' he said through his moaning voice as Callum slipped deeper increasing the pressure of his sucking and closing his mouth around the cock. Normally by now Adam would have forced the guys head deep and throat fucked him but he was entranced with the work Callum was doing, it was subtle but Callum tasted the tinge of saltiness telling him that Adam was leaking precum, his hands holding Adam's ass cheeks and he could feel the trembling in Adam's legs. Callum kissed the head of Adam's cock and he stood up taking hold of it he guided Adam over to the bed where they both climbed on and resumed their kissing, hands wandering all over each other caressing and stroking, Callum moved his head down to Adam's left nipple where he sucked and bit softly moving as Adam rolled on to his back. Callum worked his tongue down Adam's smooth body reaching the cock he licked his way up and closed in on the head, Adam's hand grabbed Callum's head and forced him down deeper on to his cock with surprising results, he was amazed how talented Callum was around cocks. Callum gagged after several moments of his throat impaled on Adam and he had only one desire now as his mouth worked back up towards Adam's. He greeted Callum with open mouth with tongues swirling around depositing saliva in each other, with ease Callum swung his leg over Adam's body and his body followed and he sat astride looking Adam in the face as his ass cheeks ran the length of the cock. Adam reached up and stroked Callum's face then placed his hand behind his neck pulling him forward to resume their kiss, all the time his ass manipulated Adam's cock until the head tapped at his hole, he knew it would hurt initially but he backed up allowing the head of Adam's cock to slip in to his ass. He winced in mild pain but continued easing himself down whilst Adam looked up at him, his hands continued to caress Callum's body until he realised that his raw cock was deep inside Callum. "Wait, have you got a condom?" Adam asked looking surprised and alarmed. Steve moved over the bed and kissed Callum then looking at Adam he smiled "He doesn't wear them". Adam looked from Steve to Callum "It's to risky I am not on meds" he had to let it be known. Callum leaned forward and rubbed his hips back and forth grinding down on Adam's cock, he smiled and kissed him deeper than they had ever done before. It was all Adam needed to know and he thrusted his hips up hard taking Callum by surprise who gasped and yelped slightly but his ass ground down harder against Adam, he looked Adam in the eye again 'fuck me yank' he commanded. As if the other knew what was about to happen their hands began wrestling for dominance but Callum had the weight advantage as he was on top and managed to pin Adam's arms across his chest as he began bouncing on Adam's cock faster and harder all the time moaning and smiling down at him. It was a momentary lapse on Callum's behalf that gave Adam enough of an advantage to throw Callum off balance and roll him on his back with his cock still buried in his ass, he made a pretend of resisting but was laughing and moaning at the same time. Adam gently slapped Callum on the face 'Your my British bitch now' he said as he began to hammer home nailing Callum good and proper in the ass, he leaned forward and they kissed several times. Callum gabbed his cock feeling his orgasm building up and managed to rub twice getting his foreskin back in time to expel his seed with some force as it hit Adam's chin. Adam felt the ass tightening around his cock through Callum's orgasm, he pushed balls deep and began bringing it home 'Gonna breed you' he only just managed to get the words out before his own orgasm took over and he pushed harder as if he was trying crush Callum's pelvis at the hardness of his jolts and grinding. Callum's back arched and his neck rolled back in ecstasy as he felt the warmth from Adam's seed flooding his body, Adam moaned again 'oh shit' he collapsed forward coming to a rest on top of Callum who wrapped his arms his body and kissed the side of his face 'fuck that was amazing' Callum said as they both burst out giggling. One thing for sure, Callum has a pretty fine ass for fucking Adam said looking over at Steve who was underneath Tony smiling and nodding in agreement. Tony looked over at Callum 'My turn breeding your ass next' he winked. Adam rolled off Callum and laid next to him as they watched Tony who resumed kissing Steve after watching their partners fucking. "You sure you want to do this?" Tony looked down at Steve giving him one last chance to back out. Steve nodded "You mean poz me?" he asked stroking Tony's chest. "Well it's not guarantee" he chuckled "but the risk is higher with us no on meds" he said. "I'm sure Tony" Steve replied pulling him forward to kiss. Tony kneeled up on the bed and spun Steve over like a rag doll so he was laying on his stomach inches from Callum and Adam's face, they hadn't moved as Callum refused to let him take his cock out. Tony dived down and rimmed Steve's hole deep, his eyes opened wider and looked directly in to Callum's 'Strange looking you lover in the eye when they are about to get fucked by someone else' he said looking up at Adam who was mindlessly caressing and stroking Callum's head. Steve heard Tony spit and felt the saliva running down in between his ass cheeks, it was as if he was bracing for impact as he knew what was going to be coming up from the rear. Sure enough the mattress sank slightly either side of his body as Tony loomed over his body feeling Tony's cock pushing up between his cheeks where it met his hole and didn't even stop for introductions, it glided forward prising his hole wide open. Steve winced and turned his head to look at Tony 'I'm going to fuck you before the night is out' he said thrashing his head forward as more of Tony penetrated in to his body. Tony's hips pushed forward and held position bottoming out in Steve, slowly he raised them the pushed down again causing Steve's legs to wriggle and lift up. Tony chuckled and repositioned himself hooking Steve's legs and pinning them to the bed, allowing himself to lower down coming to a rest on the back of Steve he pulled his arms above his head and ever so gently and he began fucking him. Slow at first taking his time kissing Steve when ever his head raised up from the deep penetrating strokes, Tony was incredibly turned on by the moaning coming from Steve which was quite a difference for him as Adam would usually be quite verbal and rough which was also a big turn on. He began to decrease the time between each stroke and speed at which he was delivering them, he could feel Steve's feet squirming against the restraint 'You okay?' he asked Steve who wriggled his ass and pushed it up 'fuck me' he said 'please fuck me' he repeated. Adam could feel Callum's cock growing underneath him as he could see how much Callum was enjoying watching his boyfriend get fucked. Tony shifted his position as he began to increase momentum, he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer as Steve's ass kept pushing up meeting his downward thrusts. He let out a guttural moan as a warning shot before leaning forward and looking at Steve 'ready for me baby?' he asked and Steve grinned and nodded as best he could as he was now in his own state of delirious pleasure. He felt the dull pain from Tony's cock pushing in deep and holding there as his body went rigid 'yeah, yeah' he moaned in pleasure unleashing his seed in to Steve in several torrents. The orgasm faded and his body relaxed as he went back to gently caressing the inside of Steve's toxic cum filled ass. Callum leaned forward and kissed Steve then Tony, the strangest of silences filled the room as they looked at each other. It wasn't a strangeness that was weird in fact it was as if something special was happening. By the morning Steve had indeed fucked Tony and Adam, Tony had fucked Callum several times, Callum had fucked Steve but Tony was not about to let Callum loose on his ass with his weapon. Callum giggled shrugging his shoulders 'oh well you better fuck me again' was all he said and it was all Tony needed to hear before taking him again.
    7 points
  2. Part three: My trips to the sauna and cruising area hadn’t led to my conversion. I shared this with a sympathetic gay friend called Ray, who worked at a casino. He came up with a new plan that could well ensure my pozzing. He told me what I was doing was running the odds, that what he did in the casino business. He had several guys who owed him favours, amongst them was someone who was certainly poz and with a high level count. He would get together seven of them to attend the casino the following week, including the poz, not on meds guy. He would lend me his room that he was allowed to use, when he had to work late, which was common in the casino business, especially at weekends. Then I would be forced to take whoever’s number came up on the roulette wheel that evening. Each guy would be numbered 1-7, if the number on the wheel ended between 1 and 7 that guy would then be free to breed me, irrespective of their status. I would be blindfolded and tied to the bed each time and would not know, who was fucking me. In the event an 8, 9 or 0 came up then I would have to wait for another spin. I was very keen on the idea and assented. The following Saturday, Ray contacted me to say everything was in place and so I got myself ready for the evening’s entertainment. I arrived well-groomed, appearing as if one of the regular punters and went over to the roulette table, where Ray was currently running the table. I sat down; waiting to see what number fate would decide would be my first bare fuck of the evening. The ball span rapidly around the wheel, until it settled on a black number. “22 Black” called out Ray. He nodded for me to go into his office and told me to strip and then go through the far door into his bedroom. A few minutes later, he entered the bedroom, placed me face down on the bed, tied my wrists and ankles to the bed and placed a manacle over my eyes. “You’ll enjoy no.2”, he said, and then left the room, whilst I awaited my first encounter. I heard the guy enter the room and he was obviously stroking his cock to erection. It was frustrating not being able to see him nor react in any way to the situation. Then suddenly, I felt his full and very thick cock roughly enter me He pushed it in without any lube and it hurt. I started saying how he was going to breed me real good as he forced his way in and out of me. It was a merciless onslaught and I struggled to cope with the width of his cock as he rammed it again and again inside me. He picked up quite a fast pace as he drove his dick in and out painfully. I didn’t know if my innards would cope with the onslaught. The way he kept on about breeding me, I wondered if this first guy was the promised poz guy. When he came he pushed into me firmly and then pulled out, ramming his cock inside me again as more spunk oozed out and then for a third time he forced his way inside shooting his remaining semen deep inside. This really hurt and I wondered if I’d be able to cope with another six fucks. He untied me and hastily retreated before I had time to see who he was. I collected myself together, put on my clothes and proceeding back out into the main casino and over to Ray at the roulette wheel. “I told you you’d have a good time with no.2” he said. Now let’s see what fate brings you second time over.” The ball was dropped into the wheel and it span round and round before landing on red 21. “Have fun”, he said as he ushered me once again to his office. After going through the same procedures, I eagerly anticipated the next fuck, yet wondered how my innards would cope after my first pounding. I got the shock of my life with this second encounter. He was much more gentle than the first guy, Slowly and sensually massaging my buttocks and lower spine, before I started to feel his growing cock slide up and down the crack of my anus. He applied plenty of lube to his cock with aided the sliding of his penis along my crack, until with an easy push he inserted his well-lubed cock inside. It was very stimulating feeling his gentle caress of both my insides and my back. But then I got the shock of my life as he slowly pushed himself forward, both penetrating more deeply and letting his arms and hands push further up my back, for it was then I felt the gentle caress of tits brushing against my back This guy was obviously transsexual, but I was loving it and my dick grew with the sensual manner in which he fucked me. This slower fuck nevertheless had its effects as I heard the soft but husky voice moan as ejaculate entered me! As before I returned to the fray wondering who else was in store for me. This time the wheel came up as red 34. So I was going to experience number 4 as my third fuck of the night. This time although I was securely blindfolded, I was not tied to the bed as before and I was able to lie with my back on the bed. I soon found out why that was. This guy was ready for me immediately. He grabbed my legs and pulled them towards me, as my legs reached the end of the bed, he raised them high in the air so that he could place then over his shoulders. Then his long thin cock entered me right up to his balls. He wasn’t hard like no.2, but he was energetic and pushing his dick in and out at a good rate with one mission in my mind to fill me with his seed. I could hear him building into a climax as his breathing became heavier and the prospect of breeding me was obviously a big turn-on for him. Then with a satisfied grunt he ejaculated into me, my third seeding of the night. I was now in a state of ecstasy of having received these three bare fucks in a row and looking forward to my next fuck. That was until the number came up as red 32. Oh, no, how am I going to manage another round with the thick cocked ravager? My fears were not allayed when I was trussed up again and the man whispered in my ear “you think you got it hard last time?” He forced his thick dick into my mouth. I could hardly encompass it. When it had fully grown, he pulled it straight out and plunged it straight up me with only my saliva and previous seedings to act as lubrication. “Now feel the full force of my hard cock with you!”, he warned. “I’m going to breed you hard!” I screamed as he pushed his thick cock inside, not recovered from his previous pounding. “Shut up or I’ll make you” was his reply. I whimpered quietly. He was not only fucking me with his massive cock, but fingers were being inserted to further stretch me open. It hurt like hell. It was really difficult to hold my screams in. I could hear his chuckling. “I’m going to enjoy breeding you again!” His club-like cock was once again ravaging my insides and tender as they were from the last time he fucked me, I was now in agony, yet unable to do anything about it. He was going to breed me hard. He pushed his bulbous mushroom-headed cock firmly into me and held it there as he was obviously cumming. I could feel some liquid trickling down my leg. Was it semen or was it blood? I struggled back to the roulette table with a slightly awkward gait from this latest bout of fucking. I dreaded the idea a two would come up again. I watched with fear and trepidation as the ball rolled round. “Red 25” Ray announced. He got his very attractive assistant croupier to take over from him. As I looked at her great boobs and long legs, I noticed something about her that made me wonder if she wasn’t the TS that had fucked me earlier. “I’ve got a quick 15 minute break now; let’s make the most of it.” Ray insisted. I was neither bound nor blindfolded and to my amazement Ray started stripping himself. “One of those I asked to attend was unable to make it, so I’m stepping in for him.” I’m entitled to a short break of 15 minutes so this is going to be short but sweet.” “Well, at least I know you’re not the one who’s poz and unmedicated,” I replied. Ray made no comment as he gave me his cock to suck to its full length. When he was fully erect he said “I wanted to do this for a long time now.” And plunged his bare cock deep inside me. He built up a good rhythm as he fucked me faster and faster and the previous spunk helped me cope with the ravages I had faced earlier. Although he was on an obvious time constraint his pistoning in and out as my arse sucked his pole was quite enjoyable and not just for me. Just before his time was running out, Ray managed to unload a fifth deposit of cum. Two more to go for the evening. Ray quickly dressed and hurried back to his duties. I took a more leisurely time feeling quite tired after 5 rounds of fucking. When I returned to the wheel and watched the ball come to its halt, Ray called out black 8. This meant I had to wait for the next round of bet placing before I would discover who was next in my bareback lottery. Ray suggested I take a break, since I looked tired and go over to the bar for a drink, before coming back to the roulette table maybe a bit later. Since I was feeling it, I took him up on his suggestion. When I returned, the ball came up as black 6, so I was going to get a new partner for my pozzing roulette. I returned to the bedroom to be again bound and gagged and awaited my next bareback partner. He started rubbing his cock against my bum crack and I felt it growing bigger by the second, but before he inserted his cock, he placed three fingers into my hole telling me he had to prepare my hole for what was to come. His accent made me think he was black as he obviously came from the Caribbean. As he inserted his fingers, he slowly stretched and probed more deeply. He then started to move his fingers in and out. As he was finger fucking me with one hand, getting my arse to be wider, so he grabbed my cock and started to wank it to attention. Then squirting lube onto his now massive cock, and into my well-stretched and eager arse, he positioned himself ready to spear his large cock inside me. With one great push it was inside me with a plop. He then pushed in and out whilst still holding onto my dick, which he pulled my foreskin up and down in time with his fucking. This drove me crazy with lust and made me begin to think I was going to come myself. He continued to force his way right inside me as his balls slapped against my arse, as he plunged deeply inside. I did all I could to milk his enormous cock with my hole. Then, for the first time, I could feel his big cock throbbing and squirting inside me. My cock was itself close to coming too. He pulled out and commented that it was a pity he was there merely to breed me, but then changed his mind saying “What the heck, there’s nothing stopping me enjoying your cock too”. He released me from my constraints and mounted me. This was a position that I often found led to a quick result. It was true on this occasion as the previous wanking and fucking had already made me very horny and this man rising up and down on my stiff cock was the stimulus I needed to return the favour by seeding his hole too. The guy acknowledged his appreciation and then left me to return to the casino. Last spin of the wheel: who would I get? Would it be one of the others, nos. 3 or 7? Would I find myself being fucked by one of those who I’d already experienced earlier that evening? I hoped it wouldn’t be no.2 as my constitution wouldn’t be up to it. I hoped that I’d already taken the highly viral poz load that Ray had promised. The ball landed and decided my final partner “Black 4”. I was going to be fucked by no.4 again, the prospect didn’t disappoint because I’d enjoyed our first encounter that evening. As before, the guy did not restrain me, but merely placed a blindfold over my eyes and he placed me on my back. He then dragged me to the edge of the bed and placed my legs over his shoulders, so that he could take me as last time. This time, however, maybe because he had already unloaded into me earlier, he could get the same rhythm going and had not once but twice to change my position before he could make it easy for him to plough my hole. He thrust in and out with renewed enthusiasm and quite loud cries, almost to the point I wondered if people in the casino could hear what we were up to. As he pushed his dick inside me, he also moved his dick in an anticlockwise rotation, further increasing both our enjoyment of this bare fuck. His breathing grew heavier along with his thrusts as he built towards a climax and pushed in hard as he released the seventh and last load of semen inside me for this evening. He was somewhat tired after this second bout of fucking and didn’t leave the room as quickly as before, so I managed to get my blindfold off just as he was leaving the bedroom to go into the office to retrieve his own clothes. It was then I noticed the biohazard tattoo emblazoned on his back. So he unloaded two poz loads inside me this evening. I returned to ray enthralled by the experience and admitted I knew I’d been loaded with toxic cum twice that evening as I knew no.4 was the poz unmedicated guy that Ray had promised. Ray looked at me and told me something I hadn’t expected. “In the casino business we ensure the odds are stacked in our favour. Take roulette for instance. We give 35:1 if you choose the right number, but in fact there are 36 numbers plus the zero that you can’t even bet on, so we win more than our clients do. I did the same thing this evening for you. You think number 4 is poz unmedicated, you’re right he is, but then so were almost all those who fucked you this evening apart from my assistant Jess. I met them all at an exclusive venue called the “Fuck Club” and I was responsible for pozzing two of those who fucked you this evening. I must remember to recommend for membership to the club if this recent experiment still proves negative.” So was this “lucky seven” for me or was it third time lucky?
    6 points
  3. Well this is strange place I, Darius, find myself in at the moment sitting here waiting for my new lover to move in to the house that I now own after my previous lover sadly passed away. Now don't get me wrong it was inevitable as his health deteriorated rapidly over the last few months of his life and I had the luxury of time to adjust and prepare myself, and yes he died from hiv complications. He was the one I crazily got seduced by and now I am his legacy and continuing what he started 20 years ago, back then I was a randy and always horny 22 year old and he, Curtis, was a cum shooting 40 year old that loved dipping his dick in to greedy asses and breeding them. Oh Curtis, when I think about him I get hard without any question and all through our time together there was never any day where I didn't get 3 or 4 loads from him and sometimes 6 or 7 at the weekends. I'm now rock hard and oozing toxic pre-cum courtesy of Curtis's strain my underwear now has a sticky wet patch that I finger and lick remembering him. Curtis stood five feet eleven slightly taller than my five feet seven which he always maintained provided him easier access to my ass when we fucked missionary style, his swimmers build was perfectly bronzed. Unusual for a guy with strawberry blond hair and green eyes who usually go red then fade, his undeniable quality was his cock which probed the inner depths of my body at eight and a half inches long and 7 inches thick, when fully erect you could crash a car in to it and do a lot of damage to the car as it stood rock hard like an iron bar on a mission. Me, oh I still retain my firm pert ass and ample seven inch cock, my body is a little wider but still fairly trim and there are grey hairs coming through the mousy brown hair as age defines me. So while I am waiting for my new lover Zack to appear who is 10 years my junior I thought I would write down about how my toxic life began all those years ago. Fresh out of education and working with an accountancy company I had rented a small place not far from Gihrardelli square in San Fran, it was modest but serviced my needs and was comfortable with a great view over the bay. The location was great as it was close enough to the city and plenty of gay action around the area, being new to the area I was much in demand having moved there from Oakland. I had returned from a run along the shore line and showered walking around the apartment with a towel wrapped around me feeling particularly horny as always after I had been running. I wasn't in the mood for company and about to fire up Grindr only to find my phone battery had died, I put it on charge and opened up my laptop and decided to go on to a gay porn site and find some fuck clips, you know one of the free ones. As usual I found some of the barebacking clips not that I ever did raw sex but liked watching them and finding ones where the top actually loaded the bottom rather than pulling out to cum then putting it back in afterwards, I didn't know then why I found those videos disappointing but when it was clear to see the top actually orgasm deep in his bottom it always got me off. I tutted to myself as another clip ended with a wasted load over the bottoms ass instead of in it, I scrolled down to the screen to look at the related clips any my attention was drawn to the thumbnail of a guy holding his erect cock with what looked like quite a big PA. The person wasn't a double take looker in fact just pretty ordinary and the clip was only 3 minutes long so I decided to have a look anyway and soon I was hooked watching as the guy was rubbing his cock talking to the camera. "You like this don't you it is what you pervs crave, my toxic cock buried deep inside you unleashing it's destruction. That's right guys unmedicated poz cock and my viral load grows day by day, you haven't lived until you have had the thrill of feeling my 8.5 inches of rock hard ass destroyer pulsing deep inside knowing it will infect you and bring you in to the brotherhood for life. I need to fuck you pussy boys and let you feel what a real man fucking you feels like, I will fuck you and knock you up and don't even think for one minute I will pull out if you ask me to as it ain't gonna happen. You should feel how hard it is right now, it feels so good in my hand but it needs your neg ass to breed". The clip ended and one of those annoying ads appeared, I looked down and my cum soaked hand having been so engrossed and turned on by him I had jacked off within those 3 minutes, my face was flustered and I found myself panting lightly at my orgasm. I bookmarked the link to this clip and over the next few nights I would watch it again and again. It got to the point that I even created an account on the porn site to leave a comment, surprisingly only 7 comments had been left mostly about how mice the meat looked and how they would like to get to fucked. I looked at his profile shocked to find that his location was San Fran and his scree name "SteelCock" made me smile but his last online date was around 9 months ago, did I detect disappointment hell yes but anyway I still left a comment it was the least I could do for the pleasure it brought me in 3 minutes. "Always gets me hard and jacking off listening to him and watching him massage his beautiful cock". I hit the submit button and logged off going to bed as it was coming up to 11pm. The next day I logged on and saw that a couple of people had like my comment and I saw one response "ditto", I logged in to my account decided to leave a thumbs up on the guy who responded, but immediately my attention was drawn to the flashing "Message Waiting" on the screen. I clicked on it not really sure what to expect but I stared at the screen seeing the message was from SteelCock, I clicked to open the message. "Hey, see you are in SF though not much detail on your profile, hit me up if your neg and willing for a guaranteed breeding". It was short but to the point, I was in a state of shock reading and re-reading the message but I was kind of drawn in, but also wondering if the guy really was real and genuine but kind of turned on at the same time. I was the kind of guy who let older guys fuck me but I usually drew the limit at 30 years old, but in turn I especially liked to fuck guys my age or younger. My hands were already tapping at the keyboard typing out a response blindly. "Hey, not so sure on the willing but hell your hot and loved your clip, I am 22". Needless to say our messages went on for a couple of days where gradually he coaxed more and more out of me, I should have paid more attention to what I said in my first message to him where I stated "not so sure" as he took that as a "probability" and carefully but not overstepping boundaries he was dropping seductive comments in his messages to me. As the weekend drew nearer he asked I plucked up the courage to see if we wanted to meet face to face in public and have a coffee, partly out of sussing out if he was real, surprisingly he agreed and that Saturday afternoon I sat in Gihrardelli square waiting where he told me to be at the coffee shop outside. He said that I would recognise him from the clip without any doubt and he wasn't wrong, I'm not sure if I smiled but I got his eye as soon as he turned the corner and appeared. He sat opposite me after getting us both a coffee and we casually chatted, there was no mention of sex, just a normal conversation with what I was beginning to see was a charismatic charming guy who I knew had a devious streak and wanted only one thing, but I was to drawn in by him and we kind of clicked and got on really well. We had several casual meetings at the same coffee shop a few times a week in the evenings to the point where I was neglecting having sex with guys and concentrating purely on him, when I returned home each time I would jack off furiously completely horned up imagining having sex and feeling his cock deep inside me. A few weeks later we met on a Sunday afternoon for a light lunch then as usual we headed down to the shore for a walk. "So Darius tell me about your love life" he asked as we walked along the shore, I chuckled "I don't have a love life just fucks for the moment", he smiled "A sexy young guy like you and you have no lover". I smiled and bumped my shoulder against his in a friendly gesture "When I am ready then maybe but just not found the right one" a statement that was partially true as I was growing fonder of Curtis as we got to know each other. He looked at me all serious like "You know I want to fuck you Darius and have so since we first me" his statement caught me unaware although it was something I kind of knew that still caused conflicting emotions in me "You don't see me as a friend then" I asked wanting to get an angle of what he was really thinking, his hand patted my shoulder "I do like you Darius but I want to breed your neg ass real good" I literally shuddered hearing the words. "But how do you know I am neg?" I asked as the thought struck me, he chuckled "Your resisting having sex with me Darius it is that obvious", I walked quiet for a moment lost for something to say "I don't know" I replied taking a deep breath to steady myself "I jack off thinking about you every night and more so after we have been together" fuck why did I say that I thought to myself, I was revealing more and more about me to him without rhyme or reason. He smirked and patted my ass "Deep down you want this to happen don't you Darius" he said without looking at me as we climbed around a rock outcrop on the shore finding ourselves alone, my resistance to him was waning more and more "If you used a condom I would fuck without hesitation" I stopped walking feeling a chilly breeze from the ocean coming ashore, he stopped and looked at me "Condom is no use it will break easily from the pounding I will give you so its pointless to start with" he replied raising his hand and stroking the side of my face "It is just a matter of time before you willingly let me take you" he said with confidence. I gulped as he moved closer to me sensing what was about to happen and I was secretly only to ready to kiss him, he leaned forward his lips brushing mine but he quickly kissed me on the cheek "Let's head back I think we have walked far enough" he said turning to walking off. I was close to throwing a tantrum for some reason, he had well and truly teased me making me yearn even more for him. Curtis was smiling but I couldn't see his face, he knew I was hooked and would end up under him for sure. He was good at playing it cool the next time we met for a coffee as if we had never spoken about him gifting me, our chats and meetings were getting longer and longer as I really enjoyed his company. It was during one of our walks along the shore a few days later that I ventured to ask him "How many have you done it to?" half not expecting much of a response but he looked at me "Knowingly about 2 a year, but plenty have had my seed through casual fucking" he replied, guessing he was being open with me I probed further "Do they all get it then?" he smiled and for the first time he put his arm around my shoulder "Unless there really lucky but most get infected, I have a very high viral load and by the time I finish with them it is already in their system", it was kind of creepy hearing this but I didn't pull away from him "And you only do them the once?" I asked looking up at him. He stopped "Your very curious this evening. I never usually go back for seconds it can be awkward" he said with his eyes fixed on me, "I see and are they ones that don't know what your doing to them?" I felt very awkward asking that silly question but he nodded "If they show any hesitation I will stealth them" his arm holding me closer as we continued walking. We reached back to Gihrardelli square and was about to part company when I did the stupidest thing and asked him if he wanted to come back to mine, Curtis looked at me and smiled "No I don't think so your not ready for me yet" he said and it was a very obvious statement of his intention. My face must have been a picture of disappointment and conflict and Curtis registered this and knew that actually I was seduced enough ready for the taking. "I have an idea, a friend of mine has a house in Napa, why don't we go there this weekend we can leave Friday and come back Sunday?" he suggested and it sounded like a great idea to escape the city, I knew what I was letting myself in for and agreed trying to put a casual "Yeah that sounds nice" kind of attitude. My walk home was hasty as I needed to wank big time, Curtis would pick me up at 4pm on Friday and finally we would be spending time together. I wasn't fooled and realised I had just committed myself to getting hiv willingly but was it worth the price, probably not and the dumbest thing I would ever do, Curtis had got me to fallen in love with him and as it stood I was willing to do anything for him. It was so casual as if we were friends going away for the weekend, we had been here for an hour and he made no advances towards me just the kiss on the cheek as he picked me up. We had a lovely dinner in Sonoma and headed back to the house perched on a hill overlooking the vineyards that was quite magical. I stood on the veranda watching the landscape and somehow at peace with my decision to come here, I remembered him saying that most of the guys he knocked up had been one time hook ups and strangely felt that maybe I was being treated differently, my thoughts interrupted as he approached carrying a glass of wine for me. I sighed looking out over the rolling hills "It's perfect here isn't it?" he said and I nodded sipping my wine "It is quite special here" I replied, Curtis put his arm around me "Special place for a special person" he kissed me on the head, he pulled his phone out and set it on video holding it up so we were both in shot before pressing the record button and what proceeded was the most unusual conversation that helped seal my fate. Curtis spoke first "So Darius why did you agree to come here with me?" "You invited me here" I replied looking at him. Curtis smiled "Are you turned on by me Darius?" "I think you know that but yes incredibly so" I replied looking at the phones screen. "Do you want me to fuck you or make love to you Darius?" he asked watching me. I hesitated briefly and went for broke "Both". Curtis laughed "You understand that I only fuck bareback and will cum inside you?". I nodded "Yes". "You know I am hiv positive and have a very high viral load that will infect you?" he said smirking. "Yes" I gulped which sounded louder in my head than it actually was. Curtis smiled "Are you willingly going to engage in bareback sex with me and let me breed you?". The words bouncing in my ears but I nodded "Yes, willingly". "Why is that Darius?" Curtis asked looking into the phones screen. I wanted to say it but should I pausing for a moment unsure what to say before I opened my mouth "I'm in love with you". Curtis abruptly stopped recording and put the phone and my glass of wine down turning me to him and before I could gauge his reaction his tongue was already deep in my mouth kissing me. His arms wrapped around my back picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom where we both stripped naked in between the frantic kissing, my hand delved down finding his cock that was pressed up hard against me. I must have looked shocked when I finally felt it with my hand for the first time, it was thick and it was as hard definitely the hardest cock I had ever felt and then the PA was cool to touch, Curtis smiled and his tongue licked my lips "You know that is going in your ass and won't come out until I have left you with my gift Darius". Curtis ran his hands up my chest then pushed me backwards hard, falling on the bed his hands quickly grabbing my legs pulling me forward until my ass hung over the edge of the bed, his legs hooking mine around his hips as he leaned forward his face inches from mine "I'm going to give it to you Darius make no mistake about it" his words filtering through the haze of desire to be fucked by him "You want it and I know you do", where had this come from I quickly questioned my decision, how had he reduced me to this I began thinking but his tongue was invading my mouth again, any resistance I had at knowing this was a bad decision was gone. Curtis knew the power of seduction but he never expected it would result in me falling in love with him, it was his patience at not rushing me in the first place that paid off in his eyes. I moaned subtly as I felt the metal rubbing at my hole with the pressure gradually increasing prising my hole open, my arms pinned above my head and he continued kissing me deep. The searing pain reverberated around my hole moving deeper as he finally pushed the head of his cock in to my ass, I couldn't scream only moan and mumble my mouth full of his tongue. My arms wriggling in a pretence of trying to escape, he tightened hold of my arms and looked at me "Don't fight it Darius you have been waiting for me to do this" he said. My eyes giving away my desire drove him on, the pain grew in intensity slowly guiding and forcing his cock through my unlubed ass, pushing his cock deep my ass opened wider the deeper he penetrated me, tiny tears opening in my anal wall as the head of his cock and PA worked their way in. My legs clamped around his waist squeezing as my back arched and I moaned louder my eyes watering from the pain, but my legs squeezing gave him all the encouragement he need pushing the final 3 inches hard and without mercy in to me until he was balls deep and coming to a rest. Finally he stopped kissing me and I gasped and moaned trying to thrash around but his cock had me staked on the bed, I looked up from the watery eyes as a tear escaped the corner "Breed me" I commanded out of nowhere, he smiled "Your mine Darius" and gave me several hard thrusts causing me to scream in pain or pleasure I don't remember which but my back arched higher as he wriggled his ass and the cock massaged deep inside my ass, a pleasure I had never felt before overtook me and my mouth filled with his tongue again. Some say that long strokes are good for fucking, but I can tell you that feeling his cock buried so deep in my body, his balls pressed up hard against my ass and just his hips doing the thrusting turned my world upside down when it came to sex in the future. The pain had gone only to be replaced by the feeling of him filling my ass with his cock was more than I could take, my own cock jolted and I cried in to his mouth as my cum shot up both of our chests. Curtis moaned in pleasure in to my mouth the speed of his hips movement increasing along with the intensity he stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye "Your ready for breeding Darius" he said smirking as a bead of his sweat dripped on to my face "What do you want Darius" he asked intently staring at me never missing a beat with his fucking. I looked up at him "Fuck me please" I said, he smirked again "Tell me what you really want Darius" this time he ground his hips hard against me "Ahh fuck, breed me give it to me" I was now pleading but he simply smiled "No that's not it Darius tell me what you want" he asked again, he was going to make me say it "Poz me give me your toxic seed" I almost cried wondering how I could be such a dirty slut and say those words. What had Curtis done to me in such a short space of time was reduce me to a bug chasing bottom begging to get knocked up. Curtis looked and smiled at me he hips ramping up and I could now feel the pain again in my ass as he started to really fuck me harder "That's a good boy you know what you want now but then you always wanted it didn't you?" he asked kissing me tenderly this time, I nodded "You knew I wanted it" I could see the look in his eyes as he tried to hold off from breeding me edging himself them slowing, a trick that allows the balls to build up a momentous amount of cum that would be ready and poised to strike their victim. His cock showed no signs relinquishing it's destructive duty in my ass and I found myself pleading over and over for him to impregnate me with his seed. My ass was beginning to feel painfully sore at the constant pumping of his cock, Curtis looked up and groaned loudly before returning his gaze to me a big grin on his face "Oh baby your fucked for life now" he groaned and slammed his hips so hard against my ass I thought it would split open. The jolts from his hips felt like electric shocks running through and down to the end of his cock as it jumped and pulsed hard against my anal wall finally releasing his toxic seed flooding me and seeping in to the tears of my bleeding ass, Curtis groaned continuously for what seemed like ages finally collapsing on top of me his mouth seeking mine as we kissed and his hips ground against my ass. When he finally took his cock painfully out of my ass he looked down at me "Breeding you felt better than I could have imagined, welcome to the brotherhood Darius", he climbed on the bed and held me in his arms for an hour before turning the light off and falling asleep. I woke up early in the morning and ran to the bathroom, I sat on the toilet letting out a bubbling fart followed by a steady stream of his cum mixed with my blood now a rusty brown colour, I looked down at the result of our fuck and couldn't believe how much of his toxic seed had been released in to my body. I felt bad and stupid and slowly wiped my ass that was still tender and returned to the bedroom climbing back in to bed, Curtis stirred cuddling up against me I could feel his cock growing nestled between my ass cheeks, slowly his body pushed me on my stomach, rolling on top of me his cock slipping deeper between my ass cheeks seeking my hole, I winced at the pain but he was already pushing it back deep inside me. This time he slowly fucked me for several hours breeding me a further 3 times before we even got out of bed, he leaned his head forward to face me "Did you mean what you said last night?" he asked, I looked slightly confused "What did I say?", he smiled "You love me". I looked him in the eye and nodded "Yes". By the time we left on Sunday evening I took a couple of more hard poundings from him but mostly our time was spent making love. We saw each other most nights for a week until I fell ill where he cared for me and after I was better I got tested and confirmed that Curtis had indeed converted me. He seemed happy but then one night I was going through the porn site looking for his clip via my bookmark but it was not found, even his profile had been deactivated. I didn't know what to make of it at first until there was a knock at the door and he stood there holding his hand "Darius come you belong with me" was all that he said, hence this is where my toxic life began. All through the 20 years Curtis and I was breed guys either willingly or by stealth at the bathhouse, until that fateful day 15 years in to our relationship that Zack contacted us through a website. He was one smart well educated dirty slut who craved us to keep him prisoner until he converted, well Zack joined us the house we now owned Napa for a long weekend where Curtis and I took turns nailing the pool guys ass. When Zack wasn't getting fucked he turned his attention to me and although 10 years younger he made me his bitch quite easily due to his quite muscular build, Curtis would quite often film Zack recharging me with his own strain of our seed. Over the course of several months Zack confessed he had fallen in love with us both since that weekend he converted and he made a solemn promise to Curtis after his health deteriorated that he would move in and take care of me, Curtis smiled and whispered thank you to him. True to his words he arrived just as I finish recounting my meeting with Curtis his belongings in tow, Zack kissed me deeply.
    5 points
  4. Chapter VI We all sat around for a while talking. Not about what had just happened, only chit chat. Nigel and I could not make eye contact. Randy was even somewhat subdued. After about a half hour, Randy excused himself and left for home. Nigel and I sat around, not talking for awhile. Then we got up and headed to bed. Once we were in bed, did we start to talk about what had happened. I told him I had seen the tattoo on Randy's back the last time he was here, but had not said anything because I didn't think there would ever be a need to. Nigel told me he had not intended to do anything more than make-out a little and maybe just give Randy a handjob. He had just got carried away in the moment and when Randy had stuck his fingers up his ass he had wanted it all. When he had looked up and saw me standing there, he was going to stop, but when Randy had made me grab his cock and told me to make the decision and I had guided that beautiful cock to his entrance and pushed it in, he was lost to his lust and could not stop. We kissed then and soon fell asleep. For the next couple of days we talked very little about what had happened. We still kept in contact with Randy and did not really blame him for what had been done. We even dropped by the restaurant for supper on the third day after the deed. Randy informed us that he had found out that Justin might be interested in him. We thought that would be great. As per usual, though, Nigel and Randy could still not quit their unabashed flirting. I found myself doing the same. Randy was just too charming and hot to resist. We found ourselves inviting him over, again, this time just for drinks and talk. This time we were on for Saturday evening at about 8. This time, when Randy showed up, he had a bottle of Rum and a case of Coke. He also brought another vid for us to watch. We sat around, just talking and enjoying our drinks for a while. We didn't bring up the last time, just chitchat about nothing in particular. Of course, we were still all flirting like normal for us since Randy was so nice and so damn hot. We all had at least three quite strong drinks. Being hot as it was and drinking, none of us had on anything but shorts. It was quite apparent the between the drinks and the flirting that all of us were tenting our shorts a little and when we brought up a mention of Justin, Randy very definitely stood up tall. It was very obvious that he had the hots for his co-worker as every mention made his cock twitch in his shorts. Nigel and I found great pleasure in bringing UP the subject often. We finally decided to put in the video to see what it was like. This was probably not a good idea, but we didn't realize that until later. Like before, Randy had brought another pozzing video, This time, we all sat on the couch, with Nigel on one side of Randy and me on the other side. I kind of did this thinking it would inhibit any more play between them. The movie was actually, maybe, a little hotter than the last one. Randy leaned back and put his arms up, basically around both Nigel and me. Nigel and I found ourselves actually leaning on Randy's chest. As the movie heated up, I caught myself reaching, almost without thinking, to take ahold of Randy's cock. My hand encountered Nigel's hand already there. We quickly exchanged looks and then I looked up just in time to meet Randy leaning down and our lips met in a deep hot kiss. When we broke the kiss, I looked down to see that Nigel had Randy's cock out and was sucking it. I was upset again, as this was what I had tried to avoid. I looked over a little to find that Nigel's shorts were off of him and Randy had what looked like at least three fingers buried up Nigel's ass. As I turned back, Nigel quit sucking that poz bbc and I felt Randy's hand push my head down towards his cock and I found myself opening my mouth and swallowing it into my throat even. I could taste his precum and it was delicious. I sucked it in as deep as I could, savoring it happily. I knew I should stop, but the taste and the knowledge that this was so wrong was too much for me. I then felt Randy lift me up al the way onto the couch so I was on my knees and then he tugged my shorts down and as I lifted up a little, he pulled them all the way off of me. He then caressed my ass, found my hole and pressed a finger rather roughly into me. I gasped and rose up off of his cock, but as I did so, his other hand stopped me. I looked over to see Nigel just pulling Randy's shorts all the way off of him. He then fell backwards onto the couch on his back with both legs in the air and spread wide apart. Then Randy roughly rammed three fingers up his hole, again. I sucked Randy for all I was worth, hoping to get him to cum in my mouth, as I was sure if I stopped, he would immediately have me, line up his cock to breed Nigel again with his POZ BBC. I knew I would not stop him either and would help slide it into Nigel's hole willingly. Randy's finger in my own hole quickly became two and then three of them roughly running in and out of me and scraping also at times with his fingernails. Even rough, it felt amazing and Nigel must be feeling the same as I could hear his moans of pleasure. This went on for a good twenty minutes and as I came up for a breath of air, Randy all at once pulled me across his body, twisting away from me as he did so. I had to grab around his waist with one arm and as I started to grab on with my other one, his fingers came out of my hole. He grabbed around me completely, getting ahold of my hand in his and placing them around his cock in a tight grip. His other hand came out of Nigel's hole and he was guiding his cock with my hand wrapped around it towards Nigel's hole, again. He let go of my hand and I could not stop myself from pushing it into my loved one's wide open and very red hole. I let go of Randy's cock and watched it slide in deeper and deeper until it was all in. No sooner did it bottom out than, Randy started fucking Nigel hard and fast. He also, started ramming his fingers fast and rough in my hole. I gasped and was moaning with pain and pleasure at the same time. It was wild beyond belief, watching that POZ BBC destroying my boyfriend's ass, Randy also sucking on Nigel's beautiful toes and his fingers doing magic in my hole. Randy traded back and forth kissing Nigel and I. When not kissing him, I just kept staring down at his cock pounding away at my boyfriend's hole. It was amazing, watching that huge black cock going into and out of that very pale hole. Randy kept up a fast, hard pace for a good 15 more minutes, then I could actually see his cock swell some more and his balls pull up tight and then could see his cock start to throb as he buried it deep and told Nigel he was getting another hot load of his toxic cum. As he said this, Nigel's little cock erupted too. I leaned in lapping it up off of his stomach. Then before I realized what was happening, Randy pulled his cock from Nigel's hole, flipped me onto my back, and pulling his fingers out of my hole, scraping me with his fingernails doing so, drove his still giant hard cock deep into my own hole. I had not counted on this and tried to push him off but he was too big and strong and had me pinned down. He reached down with both hands and grabbed my legs, lifting them up and apart as he bottomed out in me. I could only gasp as I had never had anything that big in me ever. Randy then leaned down and kissed me deeply as he started to fuck me hard. He broke off the kiss to look into my eyes and then Nigel was leaning in and kissing me and then asking me, doesn't that feel fantastic. I couldn't answer, but only moan with the pleasure that huge poz bbc was causing me. It seemed to go on and on forever, but was really probably a good 45 minutes. It was heaven on Earth and then Randy buried his cock deep into me, grinding hard as he whispered to me to take his hot hot hot load of cum. I felt my own cock spew out my cum onto my chest and Nigel was slurping it up and then kissing me, sharing what might be my last load of neg cum.
    5 points
  5. I went to Montreal for gay pride with a few friends. I was constantly horny with all those hot fucking men around, but was unable to act because I was sharing a hotel room with two of my friends. One morning I woke up at 6 a.m. feeling so horny. I decided to go out and cruise. I got dressed and packed poppers, cock ring and lube then took off. I passed a Sauna, which I understood to be a gay bathhouse. So I decided to try it out. Of course it was early morning so I didn't expect much. At least I could watch a porno tape and jack off. I got a room and walked around. There were a few people around and the staff was cleaning the place up from the night before so it was pretty much what I expected. I went to my room and lay on my stomach to show off my well-muscled ass and to send the clear message that I was looking for cock, especially to get fucked. I was so horny. Almost immediately, I looked up and saw a couple of guys looking into my room as they passed. They looked pretty hot. I hadn't seen them earlier. As they passed my room I was wondering if they were together or just cruising close together. Anyway they passed. A few minutes later they were back. One was tall around 6'2" with light hair and looked around 35. He had a smooth slender body and classic handsome face. The other was Puerto Rican, slender with tats and a belly button ring. I heard the tall guy whisper to the other, "Pretty hot ass." I watched as they both came into the room and closed the door. The PR guy immediately got between my legs and shoved his tongue into my ass. Then he began to eat. I fucking held my breath. The taller guy leaned over and whispered into my ear. "This is my pig, he's going to clean your hole out for me." Then he told the PR," That's it clean that hole out for me, get it slick, yeah that's it open him up." He looked at me and said that his "pig" would clean out my dirty hole with his mouth and get me ready to get fucked. At this point he got on the bed and my head was between his legs. He had a beautiful cock. Then the PR started to really open me up and eat my fuck hole out like a mad man. He was moaning. He loved eating man butt. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. The tall guy then told the PR to eat my balls and get them wet. As the PR swallowed my second ball into his mouth, the tall guy shoved his big cock into my mouth. I started blowing him really good. I was so turned on at this point that I took his cock all the way down and held my breath. I was frozen in ecstasy. I had a huge uncut cock in the back of my throat and my balls were being washed down a hot Puerto Rican's throat. "Come on stud, get back on that hole and fill him up with your slimy spit. I wanna see that hole drip clean with your fucking saliva." The PR got back on my hole and started pushing spit into my hole. It felt so fucking cool. The tall guy started telling me what was going to happen. He told me that my hole was going to be filled with drool and that he would fuck me deep and hard while his "pig" licked the juices that dripped from my hole while it was being fucked. This turned me on so much. At that point the tall guy put his finger into my hole along with the PR's tongue. The tall guy started fucking my throat relentlessly while he fingered me. Then he added another finger and pulled my hole open. He told me to relax so he could see inside my hole. "There you are stud," he said to the PR, "Now dribble spit into him. As another lunge from his cock hit the back of my throat, I could feel both of them dribbling saliva into me. The Puerto Rican was moaning and licking all around my pucker. The tall guy pulled his cock out of my mouth and I realized that I was covered in my own saliva from being face fucked so well. I didn't care. He had me get up on my knees with my ass off the edge of the bed. The Puerto Rican changed places and I started to suck his cock as he pushed it towards my face. I felt the tall guy's breath on my fuck-hole and then shove his tongue in. Hot fucking tongue. Both these boys had their tongue in my ass and I didn't know they existed 20 minutes earlier. Then the tall guy pulled my head back and asked me if I wanted some cock in my ass. I begged for it. He then gave me a hit of poppers and told the PR to guide his 8.5" uncut cock into my hole. I felt the big head sliding around my hole and felt my fuck hole dripping. Then he got the head in. I went back down on the cock in front of me and swallowed. More poppers and I was moaning. Slowly the tall guy shoved his cock into me until I felt his balls nudge my asshole. He took a hit of poppers and I knew it was coming, the fuck of my life. The Puerto Rican held my legs back while the tall guy fucked me with fervor, strength and a masculine pump that only comes when guys fuck. I was delirious. The tall guy told the Puerto Rican bud to come around and suck his balls while he fucked. So he did. It was so fucking hot feeling him position himself between our legs. I could feel him lap the tall guy’s balls and eventually he ran his tongue from his balls to my asshole. He licked like he was trying to slide his tongue in next to the tall guys cock. He was licking all around to get the ass juice as it dripped from the tall guys cock. The tall guy pulled his cock out and shoved it into the Puerto Ricans mouth without missing a beat. He continued talking nasty to him, "Lick that ass juice off my cock, dude, Tell me you like the way it tastes." All the Puerto Rican guy could do was slurp and lick. I realized I had several fingers in my ass then felt the tall guy's cock slam back into me. I was so glad we were fucking again. But he pulled out almost as fast and flipped me onto my back. The Puerto Rican immediately dove onto my cock as my legs were lifted and bam! More cock in my ass. "Fuck me!, Yeah fuck me stud. Shove that cock into me and fuck me hard." I got the ass pounding of my life. He just kept fucking me, pulling out and shoving it back in. I lost it and blew my load. The Puerto Rican took my load in his mouth and started making out with the tall guy. I could see my cum dripping in between their lips- they were clearly getting off on sharing. The tall guy kept fucking me, hard. They were moaning together then I felt him pump and shoot 3 large spurts and 2 smaller ones into me. I clinched my ass tight to milk him as much as possible. The warmth sliding around inside me was amazing. He just held his cock in me as it pulsed. The Puerto Rican got down between our legs again and licked around the tall guys cock as he slowly came down from his orgasm. When his cock plopped out noisily and the Puerto Rican was all over it licking it clean; eating it and savoring every drop of it. Then he was all over my ass and licking and eating my hole out while the tall guy encouraged him. I could feel and hear him moaning into my hole to encourage me to push it out to him. When he was done he and his boyfriend smiled and told me it was hot. I was spent. They wrapped their towels, grabbed their poppers, each kissed me again and they left. I realized I had just had one of the hottest fuck sessions of my life.
    3 points
  6. Had a hot threesome recently at my place in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Used doublelist to set it up. Still miss craigslist personals, but doublelist.com seems to work. They both arrived within 5 minutes of each other. I met them at the door wearing a smile and sandals, my dick bobbing obscenely as I walked. Each of the guys smiled big when they saw me. They were both versatile and I looked forward to a hard fuck. We went into my den and the large screen TV had gay porn playing. The young guy was only 25, 6', 175 lbs, toned, tatted body, 7 thick cut inches. He kissed passionately lots of tongue sucking as I jacked him to full hardness. My other friend was older, 55, married, discreet, but hung with a 9" rod that could make you cry uncle. He was a bit heavy, hairy (which I love). While I was playing with the youngster, he moved behind me and fingered my hole while kissing my neck. I was already lubed... Always be prepared, lol. I dropped to my knees, sucking the kid's dick, licking, jacking, getting him really slippery and wet. He was enjoying it so much, head back, eyes closed, chest heaving.... Older guy dropped down behind me, pulling my ass back and began to feed the monster into me. Damn, it was painful at first. Through the outer ring and he met resistance as my ass clenched him so tight. I asked him to wait as I adjusted to the size and he paused, but not for long. Pushing on into me, I slobbered all over the kid's cock as my ass tried to take the monster. My cock was dripping precum all over the carpeting. I sped up sucking the kid. He was feeding me a steady stream of sweet precum. I licked my finger and found his tight little hole, then pushed inside and found the velvet softness. He moaned, clenching tight and began to force fuck me, pushing into my gullet. The old guy was picking up speed, slapping my ass, talking dirty, telling me take it like a man. I loved it. It hurt so good. Both guys were close to shooting their loads. I went over the top, feeling my cum load starting up the shaft and my ass clenched the big cock in me, putting him over the top. He grunted as he came, spurt after big spurt. It was intense. Youngster began bucking into my throat, spewing his sweet cum load. It was tasty and smooth. Both guys, panting, just stopped, staying put for a bit, as they regained their senses and slipped from my abused holes. We were just getting started.
    3 points
  7. Last night again. After the South Indian guy left I started jerking off and watching porn. It was 12ish. About a half hour later a youngish bear with a hot beard messaged me on Growlr. We had chatted numerous times but hadn't hooked up. He was teasing me about how horny he was and how nice my assed looked to fuck. Well...compliments will get you laid. I invited him over as he lived pretty close by and he got to me around 1ish. We started off kissing but moved to the bed so I could suck his dick. Nice thick dick. Love thick. Needed to ride that. I hadn't washed up from the last guy and had his load in my ass still. I was a bit concerned that he might notice and be turned off. I didn't say anything and thought I'd just see what happened. After i sucked him bone hard he repositioned me on my knees and got to eating my ass. I thought for sure he'd notice the taste of cum but he just dived in and sucked my hole good. Then he flipped me over on my back and slid into my wet freshly licked cummy hole. Well the cum in there from earlier definitely acted as great lube. He started deep dicking me and I was loving it. I could feel some of the last guys cum drip out a little. He fucked me about 10 minutes and started to dump his load in me. Fucking hot. Love that cum fired deep in my hole. He collapsed on me and we cuddled a little before he left. It was close to 2. He never mentioned if he noticed the smell, feel or taste of another man's cum in my hole. I wonder if he knew. So this was another first for me. Three separate hookups in one night. All fucked me and bred my ass. Damn hot fun.
    3 points
  8. Luv this story😍😛 losolent...keep 'em cumming☣️☣️!! Oink!!🐷
    3 points
  9. Last night my 23 yr old tall beautiful black boy came by. He needed some daddy time. He loves to call me daddy and fuck me. I still don't get it but I sure got it. Beautiful cock and body. Love his curvy hard body. We started kissing and grinding together on the bed and he's saying I love you daddy and I'm going to fuck you daddy. Damn. He rolled me over on my back and we kissed more. He's into spitting and loves to spit on me. My face, my nipples. Not used to that but I try and give some back too. He loves it. He says "can I fuck you now daddy" and I lift my legs up around him and he slides in slowly and loves the slow fuck. I think it's because he'll cum quick if he fucks quick and hard. We fuck slow for 15 minutes and he dumps a big beautiful load in my hole. Heaven. Love when men cum. It's really the best part of being a man - the release of seed. And even better if you're a cumslut. We kissed and cuddled for a while and conversed. After a good long while I started licking his nipples and he got rock hard again and asked if he could fuck his daddy again. Hell yeah. He got on top and slid back in me and fucked exactly like the first time and was so nice. He then added another load to the first one he put in me. Perfect. So totally satisfied now. Two hours of sexy fun.
    3 points
  10. just spent 2 hours in some guys apartment taking loads from 4 guys while semi-dressed in my t-girl whore gear. they actually had me meet them on the street so they could pick me up like an actual streetwalking whore then drove me to one of their apartments and took turns fucking me. lots of double penetration just like I like it. 2 black men, 1 asian and 1 white man, probably in their 50s. 1 of the black men had a really big meaty cock. the other was average and the white guy had a big fat 8+ inches. The asian guy was only about 6 inches but really thick.the black guys called me babygirl and white bitch. the other 2 called me cumdump and slut. they visiting from out of town.best part is 2 of them are straight. one of them said "I don't fuck boys but I love fucking tranny whores like you even though I know you're all dirty cumdumps.its hard to find real girls that slutty" they gave me 9 total loads
    3 points
  11. I had been drinking way too much the night I met Michael. I recently moved to Baltimore to attend college and be free of the small town I had grown up in and begin to explore my hidden gay side. There was a gay group on campus, which I started attending to meet others like myself. Chris, one of the older students, quickly became a mentor to me. He even managed to help me get a fake ID which allowed me to get into the local gay dance clubs and to buy booze at liquor stores near the University. Chris and I never engaged in sex though, since we were neither one another’s type, I am a twink and he’s more a bear, but that was all cool. He showed me where I could go on campus for some anonymous male on male action. Which consisted mainly of blow jobs, since I was trying to be safe. He also introduced me to the Hippo dance club. The Hippo club was the main gay dance club in Baltimore, and the place to be seen in the community. I tried to date a few people I’d met there, but it never seemed to go very far. I did finally surrender my virginity to a young jock-like guy I met at the Hippo, who worked as a waiter at the gay bar/restaurant across from the club, but I made sure he used protection. We lasted all of a month, before he moved on to another conquest. I hurt at first, but Chris explained here in the big city twinks were a dime a dozen and I should just have fun, until I finally met Mr. Right. So as a result, I followed my mentor’s advice and began just hooking up with guys I had met at Central Station or from the Hippo. Being young, 5’4” and barely a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet, and naturally smooth with a shaggy head of light mousey-brown hair, I found myself popular. I allowed myself to experiment with diverse types of guys, jocks, twinks, professionals, and a couple of daddies, always making sure we used protection. Only once, did I almost have unprotected sex, a lacrosse player from my school started to push in me, when I asked if he was wearing a rubber. He told me no, it was better without one. I made him stop and wrap up, I could tell he wasn’t happy about it, but he did put one on. He made sure to pound the hell out of me, to let me know how unhappy he was wearing one. Afterwards he pushed me naked into the hall of the dorm and tossed my clothes to me telling when I wanted to fuck like a real man to come back and he would breed me like a proper slut. Needless to say, I crossed him off my list of sex partners. One night in October, while I was hanging out with some of my new gay friends at the Hippo, I overheard them debating about going to 1722 after the Hippo. I had overheard a few people talking about 1722 during the couple of months I had been coming to the Hippo, but didn’t know what it was. They informed me 1722 was an afterhours club for people who didn’t want to stop partying after the clubs and bars closed. Discovering I had never been to the club, they decided to take me. 1722 was a BYOB, but they told me if I tipped the bartender I shouldn’t have a problem getting something to drink. Once the Hippo closed for the night, we stopped by Matt’s, a friend from the Hippo who I had slept with once, to get some vodka from his apartment before walking to the club. Since it was an unusually hot fall night I took off my sweaty long-sleeved shirt as we headed towards the club. We shared the liquor, taking swings from bottle in the brown bag. I certainly wasn’t feeling any pain by the time we arrived at the club. A huge bear of man took our cover-charge and let us in. The place looked like a complete dive, but had an amazing sound-system. The dance floor was the first thing you saw, all sorts of people were there. Straights, gays, bisexuals, and trannies all having fun making out and dancing, not a care in the world. My friends led me to the back to drop off their booze and get some mixed drinks. Once we got our drinks we head down to the dance floor. In no time, we’re all dancing up a storm and having a blast. As time went by my friends began to slowly disappear, until I was all alone on the dancefloor having fun. I excused myself from the hot older couple I was dancing with to use the bathroom and get another drink. Dancing is hard, hot work. After pissing, I headed to get another drink. I was standing in line a cute, tall, thin blond smiled at me, before walking over to me and handing me a shot of something dark. I smiled back and tossed the nasty tasting stuff back like the practiced drinker I was becoming. I stepped out of line to thank him when he leaned in asking, “Top or bottom?” “Bottom,” I answered back blushing a little at his direct approach. “Good, let’s go,” he smiled back at me taking my hand and pulling me out the back of the club. Outside I got my first good look at him in the street light of the back-parking lot. He was blond, good-looking, wraith-like, and tall like I like. His skin-tight tee-shirt which didn’t even reach the top of his low-hanging tight jeans, said SPIT ON IT. The long thick bulge snaking down his pants leg told me how much he wanted me. “I have friends back there in the club, they’ll be worried about me,” I said looking back at the back entrance once we were outside and heading around to the front of the building. “I need to let them know where I am. They are my ride back to school.” “The last one left about a half an hour ago with a big daddy type,” he smirked at me, before pushing me against the building and kissing the shit out of me. It was such a hot kiss I didn’t even mind the feel of the hard, gritty, brick wall against my bare, sweaty back. Pulling back from the kiss he said, “I’ve been watching you most of the evening, you’re one sexy lil’ fucker,” he said reaching out to twist, then pinch my nipples. He quickly discovered my sensitive nipples were hard-wired to my six-and-half-inch dick. “Yeah, we’re going to have a lot of fun,” he smirked pulling me away from the brick wall and popped my jeans button open before sliding one of his hands down the back of my jeans and past my underwear to tap my tight hole with one of his long fingers, causing me to moan loudly. He pulled his hand out and smelled his finger. “Oh, we’re definitely gonna have a lot of fun,” he smiled back at me. In my drunken state, I had surrendered myself to this unknown dominate man, who couldn’t be too much older than I was. He pulled out a pack of Marlboro Reds, extracting a fat rolled up cigarette along with a lighter. As we walked towards his apartment in Mt. Vernon, he lit the strange cigarette inhaling deeply before holding it and exhaling. “Here have, a toke, its good-stuff, I don’t do ragweed,” he said smiling at me. “I don’t smoke cigarettes,” I said starting to hand it back to him, which prompted a laugh. “Baby, it’s not a cigarette,” leaning in he whispered, “It’s WEED,” he continued wrapping his arm around my sweaty, shirtless frame. “I don’t, well I’ve never smoked pot before,” I admitted to the handsome blond leading me to his apartment. “Oh baby, I’ve got so much to show and teach you,” he smiled using the one hand wrapped around me to pinch my nipple. “Go on babe, just inhale and try to hold it in your lungs as long as you can, it’s okay if you cough,” he informed me putting the joint to my lips. I inhaled my first toke of weed ever on St. Paul street in full view of anyone who wanted to see, but in the early still dark dawn hours there was no one about to see. I coughed like all first timers, but my new friend pulled out a small rectangular green bottle from his back pocket, and had me take another shot of something called Jägermeister, before taking several more hits as we reached a tight alley way between a row of townhouses. He guided me down the dark alley to a basement entrance. First unlocking the outer gate and then door, before pushing me in and down a couple steps to a small living room and kitchen area. A small torch lamp dimly lit the room. On the coffee table, there was a large glass bong and a tray of more weed, along with a long glass pipe with a small bowl and a large bubble behind it and a long-curved stem. “Have a seat and get comfortable, while I grab us a couple of Gatorades,” he said pulling off his tee shirt and tossing it on a chair across the room, and kicking off his shoes. I sat down on the couch and tried to focus on what was going on. I had never been this fucked up in my life and I was enjoying it. My host returned holding a couple of open bottles of Gatorade with the rest of his clothes tossed over his arm. He set the bottles down before tossing all his clothes on the chair with his shirt. “I said you should make yourself comfortable he said handing me my drink. I couldn’t take my eyes off his thick, uncut, hard, dripping eight-plus inch cock hanging right in front of me from his shaved crotch. He definitely would be the biggest I had ever taken. Next thing I knew he had dropped down to his knees between my legs and was unzipping my jeans. “up,” was all he said pulling first my jeans along with my underwear and socks off. He gathered up my clothes and shoes tossing them over with his clothes. “You won’t be needing those for a while,” he smirked at me. “Very nice,” he said sitting down and grabbing the long-curved pipe. He opened a small box and selected a small white rock. “Watch how it’s done,” he smiled at me. I watched as he passed the heavy lighter slowly back and forth until the small bulb began to fill with thick white smoke. He inhaled deeply, holding it for what seemed like ages before exhaling. He turned to me and began to build up more smoke in the chamber, before telling me to start inhaling until he either told me to stop or I couldn’t take anymore. I cleared the chamber twice before he set the pipe down and handed me a blue-diamond shaped pill followed by a green smiley-faced one. I didn’t even think to ask what they were until I swallowed them. “Those are fuck vitamins,” he chuckled, refilling the pipe, then handing it to me. “This is fuck smoke,” he smiled at me, before keeping me smoking it until the white rock was gone. I never felt more alive and energized, and horny. I stared openly at his magnificent, leaking uncut cock. “See it’s already working,” he chuckled, using a thumb to force down his cock. “Suck it, baby, I know you want to, so give it some love,” he said reaching out and pulling me down between his spread legs. “Show me how much you want my stinger up your sweet boy cunt, Then, maybe I’ll give you what you need,” he grinned, grabbing a handful of my hair, and pulling me to his waiting cock. I’d never been dominated or controlled in my short sex life, and I’d never been more turned on than I could have ever imagined. Anything he wanted me to do I would hasten to obey, wanting his approval and his cock. I stuck out my tongue and began to worship his dripping cock. Slowly licking and slurping the large plum-like gland that was beginning to stick out from its hood. I used my tongue all over and under his cock trying to show him how much I wanted his cock. After a while he grabbed my hair yanking hard enough to force me to open my mouth, at which point he shoved his dick in my mouth. “Now suck it properly,” he said beginning to face fuck me, forcing more and more of his cock in my throat. In no time, he was trying to force it down my throat. “Just breath through your nose and just relax your throat babe, you’re making me feel really good, and soon I’ll be ready to make you feel even better with my fuck-stick,” he grinned at me as I looked up at him. I started to pull off to say something when I noticed he was filming me with his smartphone. “Don’t worry babe, it’s all good, everyone isn’t gonna see you being a proper lil’ slut boy, just me and maybe a couple of friends,” he chuckled forcing his cock all the way down my throat to his musky, sweaty, shaved crotch. “Show my nuts some lov’n babe,” he commanded me yanking me by my hair off his cock and down on his shaved, smooth balls. I did, as commanded, I showed those cum-filled balls all the love I had shown his cock, and he loved it, sliding down on the coach so to expose his hole to me. All he did was point with his chin and I began to work my way down to his hole. I’ve enjoyed getting rimmed, but I never really cared to perform it, but here I now was doing it because I was told to and I couldn’t get enough of his hole. The sweaty, musky, manly odor drove me insane. By the sounds he was making I was doing a wonderful job, which made me proud I could please him like that with my mouth. “Break time babe,” he panted at me, yanking my head out of his ass. “Yeah, you like that don’t you baby?” He asked me, I licked my lips and nodded yes. “Fuck smoke break, babe,” he smiled at me. “Yeah, you’re just a lil’ chem, fuck boy, cumslut aren’t you babe.” Again, without thinking nodded yes, he had me and knew it. “Is this your first time being a lil’ chem piggy?” I didn’t know what to say, but yes. I had never felt this good or had this much fun during sex. “Oh sweetie, you’re going to have the best time today,” he smiled at me handing the glass pipe again and big lighter. “Blow some clouds babe, you need to get nice and tweaked for our play time.” In the meantime, he got up and went over to his laptop and fooled around with it before turning on his TV. Suddenly porn began playing on the TV from the laptop. “I thought you might like something to get you into the mood,” he chuckled taking the pipe from me and taking a big hit, before returning it to me. I was really flying by this time, and hornier than I have been in my life. There was a growing itch in my hole, and the amateur porn we were now watching wasn’t helping things. Some twink, who looked barely eighteen, was taking a pounding like a well-practiced whore in someone’s bedroom. “Time babe to get you ready for a ride,” he smirked at me, twisting me around so he had access to my ass, while I could keep watching the porn playing on his TV. I dropped my head to the couch cushion and started to moan, as his talented tongue first began licking and then began probing my insides making me moan. One or two of the guys I’d been with previously had rimmed me, but nothing like this. He certainly knew what he was doing and I had no complaints. Before I knew it, he had switched from rimming me to fingering my hole. The warming lube he used to finger me seemed a little warmer than I was used to, because it burned at first, before morphing into the most incredible pleasure. I can’t remember when I ever felt that desperate to get fucked before, but between my moaning I began to beg for his cock. “One more thing I need to do to prime your lil’ boy puss before we get started,” he chuckled. Next thing I felt was a rough, small object pushed in my ass and a burning sensation. “SHIT THAT HURTS,” I gasped, feeling him rub it all around my colon. A brief time later, the pain began to morph as the warming lube had done before, leaving me with an itch, which became a desire, which became a need. I soon found myself pushing back to get more of his finger, no fingers inside me. I moaned and begged for more. “Yeah babe, you’ve got a nice hungry cunt now,” he chuckled smacking my ass hard, which caused me to moan. “Yeah babe, you want it, now don’t you?” He asked as he scooted up on the couch closer to my ass and began to tease me with his large dripping gland. He would push slightly against it, just hard enough to make me push back against it in an attempt to get him to fuck me. I wanted his dick in the worse way. “Please fuck me, I NEED IT!” I begged him, as I began to lose my mind, needing his dick in the worse way. “You sure you want it?” he asked teasingly, knowing I was his to do as he wanted. “YES! PLEASE! OH GOD! PLEASE FUCK ME!” I begged this man, who I realized I had never even gotten his name, to fuck me. I didn’t care what his name even was, so long as he fucked me with his beautiful cock. He slid two fingers back into my hungry hole, as he leaned down to my ear and whispered, “I’m going to fuck you so good.” He continued teasing my ear, and leaving me panting with need and lust, “Then I’m going to pump my first load in a week, inside your hot pussy and breed you like the bitch you are,” he said tweaking me sensitive, hard nipples, making me buck back against him. “But…but…I…only…use…rubbers, I’m…clean,” I panted as he continued revving me up beyond anything I been before in my life. “Not anymore,” he chuckled, thrusting forward hard, impaling me on half his raw cock. I had barely begun to process what he said to me when, he pulled out to the ridge of his gland, before thrusting forward and burying his cock completely in my ass. “OH GOD!” I moaned in pleasure, having never experienced anything like what was now happening to me. His cock seemed to slide effortlessly in and out of me as he began to long dick me from the start. Fucking had never felt like this with rubbers. “See babe, I knew you would like it raw,” he chuckled pulling completely out before slapping my ass cheeks hard, and then slamming all the way back in and then repeated his action several more times. I couldn’t form any words, drool flowed from my mouth as he pounded me like a porn star slut. All that mattered to me was he continued to fuck me. My mind knew I wasn’t having safe sex, but I couldn’t care, this felt better than anything I had ever felt before. I now understood why the lax player had been pissed at me. I could feel every inch and bump and vein on his cock and it was amazing. “Yeah slut, you like it raw, now don’t you?” All I could do was nod, only grunts and moans were all I could make. Suddenly he pulled completely out, before grabbing my legs and flipping me on my back. I looked up into his grinning face, and whimpered in need to have his cock inside me again. Pushing my legs back towards my ears, he mounted me again causing me to moan as I resumed my place as his fuck toy. “Shit babe, I love turning you college boys into sluts for raw cock and cum,” he smirked, as sweat glistened on both of us. I loved the feeling and sounds of his shaved balls slapping against my hairless ass. He leaned down and bit first one then the other of my hard nipples, driving me to even greater heights of lust and pleasure. “FU…CK…ME…YE…S…HAR…D…ER!” I managed to finally force out of my throat. He began to thrash fuck me, pulling completely out before slamming balls deep back inside me. “TAKE…MY…DIRTY…SEED!” He panted repeatedly rabbit fucking me. “SHIT! YES!!! TAKE…IT…ALL!!!!” He shouted as I felt him swell, and begin to pulse, as he ground against me. I could feel each and every shot of his jizz, coat my insides. “You’re…mine…forever,” he panted leaning down to kiss me for the first time. “Not bad, for round one,” he chuckled pulling out of me with a wet pop. I lay on the couch panting hard, as I felt some of his semen began to leak out of me. I had not yet climaxed, but precum from my dick coated my stomach and chest. I couldn’t help but grin at the man who had just bred me for the first time in my life. “You look so fuck’n hot babe,” he smirked at me. “Nothing hotter than a sexy fucking twink freshly bred and waiting to be bred again and again,” he smiled at me taking a couple of pictures with his smartphone. Note- I hope you like this new story, I kind of lost my motivation for first story on here.
    2 points
  12. My Blindfolded Boy Tricks Me My boy and I both get off on sharing his hole with new guys. I had been travelling a lot for work lately, leaving him to hunt for his own fresh cock. We were both on PrEP and rarely missed a dose. I was home for the week and got a text saying that his meds had been delivered, I went to the mailbox, but it was open and empty. We ordered a replacement, but they said it would take some time to arrive, so I split my pills with him so he wouldn’t miss a dose, then I was off to the airport again. About two weeks later, the replacement pills were due to show up, but, again, he told me, they were stolen from the mailbox before he could grab them. Now, we were both going to start missing doses. Added to that, he’d been going out night after night and I knew he was getting barebacked regularly by a few NEG friends and some strangers. He called me very late one night to let me know he was bringing a new buddy home to fuck him, a sexy dark-skinned guy named Chris. They hadn’t discussed his status, but assumed he was POZ. I asked that he take pics. Within twenty minutes, I had about five pics of a musceled guy slapping his impressive cock in my boy’s face and then it resting against his furry ass crack. He sent me one of the guy’s dick straining against a condom, then one of that wrapped dick forced into his hole. Then one of a ripped condom on his ass cheeks with a fresh load squirted all over his crack, possibly even some leaking out of his puffy red hole. I replied with some horny words of encouragement, but didn’t hear back from him that night. I wondered if they went for another round. The next morning, we texted and he told me that he’d told the guy he was missing PrEP doses, so the guy thought it would be safer to wrap up, but that he was pretty sure he got bred at least a little before he pulled out and accounced that the condom had broken. I was getting hard just hearing about it, and my boy knew it. He told me that the guy was interested in meeting up sometime to play again, maybe raw. I was home a few days later and made it home late to find my boy gone. I texted him saying that I was back and after a while, he replied that he was heading home; he’d been out with some buddies, likely taking loads. When he walked in, I tore his clothes off and bent him over the sofa. I spread his cheeks and dove my tongue into his ass, only a little surprised to see it used and slick. I lapped at his hole and out seeped gobs of fresh cum. I gladly ate it from his cumdump ass and slurped it down. I slammed my dick into him and pulled out a few times to see rivers of seed drooling onto my cock. I knew he’d been raw-fucked at least a few times. I bred him and we made out out on the couch as he told me about his evening. He’d gone to the bar with some guys, and was about to head home with them when Chris appeared. The guys invited them both, and all took turns fucking my boy at their place. We both knew the guys, and they were on PrEP. They all bred him raw except Chris who started with a rubber on, but, again, it broke, and he pulled out to cum on his ass rather than in it. We cuddled as I fingered his cunt, and he said we should really meet up together with Chris soon. He told me that Chris had a fantasy about fucking a guy blindfolded, and that he’d love to try that out sometime. The next day, on the way home from work, I stopped by a bookstore and bought a new leather blindfold for my boy. I gave it to him after dinner and his eye twinkled. I asked if he wanted to break it in, but he said he’d rather wait for Chris’ massive likely-POZ cock. That Friday night, my boy arranged for Chris to meet us at the bar. The guys who had bred my boy the last weekend were there, but he told them he was spoken for for the night. Chris was hot, maybe half-black, half-latin, but all sexy. Big furry pecs and well-developed arms. It looked like his shorts were about to burst with his hefty package too. My boy introduced us and then went to the bar to grab some beers. Chris and I chatted about my boy’s hot ass and willingness to get fucked by big dicks, especially raw. He told me that he’d recently converted and hadn’t gotten to an undetectible place yet, hence his hesitation to breed my boy, especially after hearing out both of us missing PrEP doses lately. The chat was getting me hard when my boy came back and we clinked beer bottles. We leaned against the bar, me and Chris reaching our hands down to grab and eventually finger my boy’s ass. I left Chris’ fingers to play with my boy’s hole as I went to get another round of beers. When I came back, my boy was writhing as Chris jammed three fingers up his hole. We quickly downed the beers and headed to a cab back to our place. When we got back, my boy stripped Chris naked, and out plopped a sizeable eight inch uncut tool. I undressed myself as Chris egged him on. I stood next to Chris and my boy dove onto my own impressivly thick six inch dick. Chris noticed the leather blindfold and put it over my boy’s eyes. He then grabbed a cockring out of his jeans and motioned for me to put it on. Chris led my boy to our bed, on his belly and face fucked him. When he needed a break, I took over. We switched back and forth until my boy turned over on his back and grabbed his ankles revealing his hole ready for fucking. Chris knelt down and licked his ass. We took turns, making out into my boy’s ass. I slapped my dick against my boy’s ass and he did the same. Chris went back to his clothes and pulled out a condom. He held it up as if to ask if he should put it on. I begrudingly nodded, ‘yeah…’ and he dutifully put it on. He slapped it on my boy’s hole and slid halfway in. He pulled out and I slid in halfway… My boy reached down to my cock and said, ‘no fair… If one of you is raw and the other isn’t, I can tell you apart… Sort of makes the blindfold pointless, right?’ I told him he had a point… Chris shook his head, ‘no,’ like he wasn’t going to fuck my boy bareback with his POZ cock. I shrugged and got a condom out of the bedside table and put it on. Chris dove back in, liberally lubing up his sheathed condom. He pummeled my boy’s ass until he needed a breather, I fucked my boy as hard as Chris hard, noticing how his cockring plumped up my cock. We took turns back and forth for a while. ‘I need cum!’ my boy groaned. Chris was fucking him and started to pull out. My boy wrapped his hands around Chris’ hips, ‘no baby… I know it’s you. You can breed me…’ Chris tried to pull back but my boy’s fingers had grabbed the rubber and were pulling it off his cock. I tore my own condom off as Chris backed away. I fucked a minute or two until I was so close. I wanted to go a few more seconds, so I pulled out. Chris slapped his raw POZ cock on my boy’s ass, and he scooted forward until he mounted that dick. Chris began spurting immediately. He shot ropes of hot cum into my boy’s slack pussy and backed away in horror. I lunged forward and pushed that POZ cum deep into my boy before adding my own. My boy curled up into a ball, still blindfolded and played with his cummy hole. ‘Wow, baby, ‘You came a lot… We should let Chris cum in the condom now…’ Chris was still rockhard and grabbed a fresh condom and rolled it on. My boy lay on his side while Chris slid into my boy’s slick hole and hammered hard. My boy groaned in pleasure. Chris’ pace slowed and I knew he was cumming. When he pulled out, the now-shredded condom was around the base of his cock. He’d bred my boy twice with his newly-toxic seed. My boy curled up and fell asleep. Chris and I shared a beer, with him quietly apologizing for cumming twice in my boy’s ass. I told him it was okay, and hot… He pulled himself together and got dressed and left. I went back to our room. My boy still had the blindfold on, and I was still hard. ‘Hey baby,’ he murmered. ‘Thanks for letting him fuck me…’ I told him, honestly, that it was hot. He told me he was glad we’d both rubbered up for the fucking but he was so glad he took my load at the end… I wanted to come clean about Chris breeding him first, so I told him. He took the blindfold off and nodded. ‘Yeah. About that… That was the plan the whole time. That cockring made you bigger, but I could tell it was him I took the condom off of… Thank you for not stopping it’ My dick was fully hard again. ‘He bred you twice, you know…’ He nodded. I put the blidfold back on him. ‘And now, you’ll get my second load too!’
    2 points
  13. I try to be a good guy. I love my husband with all my heart but there is an itch he just can't scratch. We will be married 3 years this June and in that time I have walked a fine line. This past Sunday I crossed it because I just needed to get scratched. I created a Grindr account and saw a guy nearby who had a hot typical torso pic. We chatted a while and exchanged pics. This is normal...I do a bit of catfishing and move on. The more we talked though, the hornier I got. He finally sent me a dick pic and knew thats what I needed. It was just over 8 inches and fat. I wanted to nurse it but he wanted more. I guaranteed he would get off....so he gave me the address. He met me at the door shirtless with a long bushy beard and lean tan body. He was older than me but he was in great shape. We started to make out right after he shut the door. His hand slid down the back of my shorts and mine went right to his bulge. It didn't take long to find our way to the bed room where he stripped me down and he got naked as well. I sucked his dick a while when he shot a premature load. This is where he surprised me...he stayed hard. I licked the cum off his stomach as he told me to get on all fours. He ate my ass like it was his last meal and I was moaning like a whore. 10 minutes late he was balls deep and slow fucking my hole. Long story short...he nutted balls deep in me and then jerked me off before sending me on my way.
    2 points
  14. Independence Day (July 4) is coming up in the United States, on a Thursday. I usually do my hotel slutting on Thursdays - more guys seem to want to breed me on Thursdays, I don’t know why - but I’m uncertain whether it’s worth going out on the night of a big holiday long-weekend. Are men going to be too busy with family/friends/parties to think about finding some ass, or will the festivities bring them out into the open and make it more likely? This holiday in particular is going to play hell with early evening fucking because fireworks - but then, fireworks may keep some of them out after bedtime... As a rule, regardless of the specific holiday, would you say you’re more likely, or less likely, to look for bareback play on a holiday?
    2 points
  15. Tonight I entertained an older black man that I've been fucked by before but it's been a good while since we last met. I saw him on bbrt and we started chatting again. The first fuck was memorable. He ate my ass like nobody's business. And then got me on all fours ass up and fucked me deep from behind. He fucked me something good. I wanted a little more of that and we set up a time to get together. He came over. We started kissing and he got me ass up on the bed so he could feast on my exposed hole. He did not disappoint. Love that hot tongue. He delved into my asshole like a pro and had me moaning good. After a good long while he raised his boner up and jabbed at my hole a few times slowly. Fucking love that. Immanent hole fuck is such a high for a bottom. We know it's a moment away and we instantly crave that stretch of our holes. He started fucking me from behind laying face down on the bed and he laid his dick into my hole deep. Crazy hot. After a while I flipped so I could ride his cock on top and I rode out his load about 20 minutes later. He had some damn hot spasms in my ass. Cum again for my hole. We cuddled a while and he left shortly. It was 8 PM. 10 PM this young South Indian guy messaged me. He's a vers bottom but he was still into me. Let's face it, if you're a vers bottom you 99% of the time want dick in your ass. It just feels good. We've chatted a number of times but we never hooked. Well. I was still horny. I had pushed the load I got earlier out and washed up just in case something else might go down tonight. I told him to come over and we could kiss and cuddle for a while. He arrived. Beautiful tall guy. Handsome as fuck. About 26. Beautiful lean body and hairy chest and hot hard thick cock. We undressed and laid down and kissed and got playful and I sucked his boner and teased him. After a while I moved into position so that I could work his cock up into my hole. So I straddled him and teased and poked his cock into my hole. He loved it and let me work it in bare. Best feeling. He filled me up and we kissed and I rode his hot pulsating load out into my horny ass. Sweet fucker. He was happy as pie. I'm writing this with his load deep in my ass. Love it.
    2 points
  16. True story. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment. The ad read: “FUN...RELAXATION...QUALITY! - You and I will be NUDE during the entire session. I am 25 yo, MASCULINE, Latino, DISCREET, SMOOTH BOD, TONGUE PIERCED, Fun all Around, Very Easy to Get Along with, VERY Good-Looking, Fit. I wasn’t going to do it, but man was I horny. I was visiting south Texas and boned. So I hadn’t cum in a few days and jacking has been limited. But I was on my way to the gym when I decided to email the guy in the ad. I decided if the guy calls me back, I would simply get a hot massage, perhaps get my rocks off. When I got out of the gym, my cell phone rang and my heart raced. You know that butterfly-type feeling when you know you are about to do something risky. He sounded open and nice. We agreed on a price and he gave me directions. I arrived at his hotel room and he answered wearing a pair of red shorts. He was Hispanic, had a great smile and an awesome body. Smooth all over, both nips pierced just like his ad said. I wondered if I would get to experience his tongue piercing. I dismissed that though. This was a massage. He invited me in and said to get comfortable that he wanted to take a quick shower. He stripped his shorts down to his ankles revealing a nice boned uncut cock. It was nice and fat and was probably somewhere around 8.5”. He kept talking, as I started to strip and he turned to go into the bathroom. Amazing ass. Amazing. I looked over in the mirror and was grateful that I had been hitting the gym regularly for the past 6 months. It was really showing. I turned sideways and liked what I saw, finally. At 45, I was not vain, but wanted to look as good as I could for my age. I tweaked my left tit and stretched my 7” cut cock to breathe some life into it from being confined to my jock pouch. I was sitting on the bed when Robert came out of the bathroom still slightly wet from the shower. I asked how he wanted me and he said, “whatever makes you comfortable.” I turned onto my stomach and stretched out my arms in traditional massage position. I was ready for a good massage. But he jumped on the bed and laid right on top of me. Hot! I told him rather quickly that I had been hitting the gym a lot so my shoulders, biceps, triceps and back needed a lot of attention. I also said that I was not shy, he could touch me anywhere and that I especially like my butt worked. At that point, he grabbed some oil and started on my calves and slid his hands up my body, climbed onto the bed and lay down on top of me. I could feel his breath on my neck. His naked body on mine felt very warm and good. He whispered, “Relax, man. I’m going to take you on a trip.” He then moved off me and started to give me an awesome massage. He worked my shoulders perfectly and had me arching my back when he worked my spine. His hands were strong and skilled and fucking great. I think I started to moan a little. He added tons of oil and spread it all over and worked it into my legs and up the cheeks of my ass and onto my sides then underneath and tweaked my nips. Then he did my back pushing the oil onto the crevice of my butt. I could feel it start to run down the inside of my crack of my ass. He took his finger and traced it all the way down my crack and across my hole and scooped up the access oil. I stopped breathing for a moment waiting for what was going to come next. I could feel his breath on my ass, then I felt him lightly bite my ass cheek. He started to rub my hole back and forth. I lifted my ass and began to moan again. This was fucking awesome. It was so much more than I had hoped for. He began massaging my balls getting them really oily and greasy. He slipped his hand underneath me and pulled my hard cock down between my legs and started jacking it. I was leaking like crazy and the oil and my pre-cum mixed together and created a serious glide that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I hoarsely whispered, “Oh fuck yeah, dude”. At that point I felt him spread my cheeks apart and I felt him lick my hole. Fucking amazing. He’s fucking licking my ass man and it’s sending me into orbit. I push back on his tongue. He started to rub his finger in circles around my hole, then pushed it in. He kept pushing it in until he was buried to the second knuckle. I fucked back on his finger. After about 5 minutes of fingering me, he pulled out and slide back on top of me grabbing both tits and pinching. I could feel his rock hard uncut cock sliding between the greasy cheeks of my ass and just sliding back and forth between them. Then I felt his tongue in my ear again. I was writhing in ecstasy. I turned my head towards him and felt him lick towards my mouth, finding my tongue and then French kissing me sloppily. I could feel his pierced tongue that had, only moments ago, eaten my ass out like the pro he was. While we were making out, Robert repositioned his body next to mine and took my hand and put it on his greasy cock. His cock was rock hard – as hard as it could possibly get. I love this dick, man. His foreskin was tight around the flaring knob. I loved the way it practically snapped when it crossed the crown of his cock. Robert licked from my mouth to my left tit, my most sensitive one, and started biting it. I loved my hand back further to his shaved balls and tugged and pulled on them. After a few moments, I moved my hand further back and found his shaved hole all smooth and oily. I started rubbing his hole and he started moaning. “You ready to turn over so I can do the other side?” I snapped out of my stupor and turned over revealing a seriously hard cock steadily flowing with pre-cum. This stud took the next 15 minutes or so and massaged my chest, arms neck and legs. Then he positioned himself between my spread legs and started to jack my cock. His face was very close to my cock as he jacked it and every so often he would get really close to the head of my dick and drool spit over it. Occasionally I would feel his tongue hit the tip of my cock when he was adding more spit to my jack session. Next, he started licking the sides then sucked it into his mouth. I moaned as he jacked and sucked my rock hard cock. I grabbed the back of his longish hair and encouraged him to continue. He did. He spit out my cock and started on my balls. I have very sensitive balls that love to be worked over really good. When he sucked both my big balls into his mouth, I let out a guttural, animalistic sound and grabbed his hair with both hands again and ground his head into my balls as hard as I could. I was on that trip he told me about earlier. He let each of my slime-coated nuts pop out of his mouth and went back down on my cock. Then he descended down further and further until my cock hit the back of this throat. Robert then grabbed both ass cheeks and stuffed my cock in as far back as he could then into his throat. Another guttural moan escaped and we both started fucking his throat. I had had enough. I wanted his cock in my mouth. I pulled him up across my chest feeling that rock hard Latin cock slide up my stomach, across my chest and into my mouth. I took him balls-deep on the first try and swallowed. He went wild, “Oh fuck yeah, eat the cock, man. I love that shit.” He started to fuck my throat and I had his ass cheeks in my hands and taking his dick deep into my throat without gagging or breathing. We had a great rhythm and both were getting the deep throating of a lifetime. Finally I had to breathe. I spit his cock out and swallowed it again and spit it out equally as fast. I stuffed both hot smooth shaved balls into my mouth and sucked. I pulled my head back and created pressure that caused him to squirm. I could see his hot shaved little Latin pussy wink in front of me. I popped his balls out, spread his cheeks completely apart and shoved my tongue into his puss. “Eat that fucking ass, man.” I licked and darted my tongue in and out and circled his hole. It was leaking spit and that made his pucker all shiny and when it snapped closed, little spit bubbles would escape his tight ring. He pushed his ring out and I took advantage of the moment and wrapped my teeth around this pucker and captured it, ever so lightly chewing his pussy lips. I loved this boy’s hole. I started sucking his cock again and slipped a finger into his super wet ass. We were in the middle of a really hot 69. I reached under him and started to tug on his tit rings. All of a sudden he pulled away from me, got between my legs and lifted them as high as he could and dove into my ass and started eating my butt as good as I ate his. I felt his pierced tongue work my hole. My spine was tingling. “How do you want to cum, stud?” he asked. I wanted to eat his ass some more so I told him I wanted to cum with his ass in my mouth. He got up and straddled my face and sat on my mouth. I started chewing. I was jacking his cock with my right hand and mine with my left. He was spreading his cheeks with both his hands and he leaned over and dribbled spit onto my cock. We were both moaning and cursing and writhing and pumping. Then I heard him start a low guttural moan and felt his cock swell and pulse. He asked me where I wanted it, and I told him all over me. His cum felt hot to my skin and his asshole started to convulse in my mouth. I kept jacking us both. He shot 5 or 6 ropes of cum across my chest and stomach. I used some of his cum to lube my cock and then shot my load high into the air. It was only then, after I shot my huge load that I let his pussy lips go from my mouth. I loved eating that ass. He fell to my side and we laid there for a few minutes catching our breath. Afterwards he offered me a shower, which I needed. To my surprise he came into the shower with me and we washed each other and kissed a little. I paid and left. It was one of the hottest experiences with a massage I ever had.
    2 points
  17. The fact that a top has chosen to be inside my hole makes my day. The fact he’s used me to get him off, that is the best feeling in the world.
    2 points
  18. I had arranged to meet a hot black guy with a 9.5" cock who was visiting Las Vegas. We had been chatting on BBRT for a few days. I got to his room on the Las Vegas strip right on time. We quickly got down to business. No kissing, not even any cocksucking. He wanted me on my knees, on the bed immediately. I quickly complied and sniffed poppers while he lubed up his cock and my ass. I knew I would need those poppers with his 9.5", thick, bbc. As I continued to take deep drags on the poppers, he slid his entire shaft, balls deep, into me. It felt great and we were soon slamming back into each other. He'd grind and then slam some more. About 15 minutes of hard pounding brought him to orgasm and my first load of the day. It was a slam, bam, thank you, now get out, type of fuck. I dressed and left the hotel. Since I was now in the part of town where most of the Adult Book Stores are located, I thought I'd stop by my favorite ABS, Peepland. There were only a few guys in the video arcade when I got there. Two of the video booth doors were locked. I found one occupied booth with an unlocked door. I stepped into the booth to find a latino guy in his early 30's, wearing construction clothing, standing with his cock out, stroking to the str8 video on the screen. He never even looked at me as I locked the door, came all the way into the booth and dropped to my knees. I took a drag on my poppers and offered him some. He took my poppers and sniffed on them as I started to suck on his uncut, 6" cock. He was only partially hard when I put my lips around his cock. But he quickly swelled to full hardness. Then he grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock to the back of my throat. Holding it there until I began to gag and come off it. "Ahhhh, nice" he said softly and pulled my head back onto his cock. He was really enjoying my gagging on his cock. We did that for several minutes until I couldn't take any more. "Do you like to fuck?" I asked? "Yeah. I'll fuck you" was all he said. I got up and quickly pulled my clothes off as he did the same. There's a chair bolted to the floor in the corner of the booth. I knelt on the chair as he stepped behind me. I sniffed my poppers as he spit on his cock and on my hole. I knew my hole was still nicely lubed from the first guy. He slid up into me easily and began to fuck me hard and deep. "Ahhh.... Yeah........... Fuck......... Uhhh........... He was softly grunting as he pounded his cock into me. He only took about 4 or 5 minutes of slamming into me before he let out a loud grunt. I milked my ass on his cock and he quickly pulled out of me and quickly dressed. "Thanks" was all he said as he finished dressing and was out the booth door before I knew what happened. I had to laugh. Str8 guys! They do tend to cum and depart very quickly. As I dressed another guy entered the booth. He was a tall, muscular, attractive looking white guy in his late 40's/early 50's. I stepped aside so he could step all the way into the booth. The video was still on the latino guys str8 movie. The new guy flipped through some of the str8 movies until he found one that he liked. Then he pulled his pants off and put them on the chair. Then he pulled his shirt off and put it on the chair as well. I started to drop to my knees, wanting to suck on the already hard, thick cock he had sticking out in front of him. It was about 6.5"s, very thick. But he stopped me and told me to suck on his nipples. He lifted his arm and my face went to his chest. I began to suck and gently chew on his right nipple as it hardened with my attention. With my right hand I squeezed his left nipple. He was now moaning with pleasure. After a few minutes of worshipping his nipples, I reached down to squeeze his cock, but he pushed my hand away from his cock. "Play with my balls", he said. I fondled his balls as I continued to suck on his nipples. His eyes were glued to the screen as the white girl was taking a huge black cock in her pussy. "Can I lick your balls?" I asked him. "Sure", he replied. I dropped to my knees and sucked and licked his balls as he stroked his cock. I licked up the underside of his cock, but he stopped me before my mouth got to his cockhead. But, I could taste his sweet precum that had dripped down his shaft. I took my finger and wiped it across his piss slit on his cockhead. I then licked my fingers of the ample precum that he was oozing from his slit. He seemed to like the idea of me tasting his precum. He squeezed his cock and scooped up some precum on his index finger and fed it to me. "You like the taste of that?" he asked. "I sure do", I replied. I thought that now, maybe he'd let me suck his cock. But he pushed my head away as I tried to go for his cock again. I went back to licking his balls again for a few minutes. Then stood and went back to sucking his nipples. He was now stroking his cock stronger and faster as his eyes were still glued to the tv screen. Soon he stepped slightly to the right as I looked down to see cum spraying out of his cock and the cum shot against the wall under the tv screen. He grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser on the wall and wiped his cock as he stepped into his pants, pulled on his shirt and was out of the booth in an instant. I pulled myself together and left the booth to check what else might be in the other booths. I saw the light on a booth at the far end and wandered down there. I tried the door knob and it was unlocked. So, I went in. Sitting on the chair, watching a str8 movie was another latino guy. This one, kind of scruffy looking. In his late 20's. Looked like he was some kind of laborer from his clothing. It was about that time of day when guys were getting off work. I locked the door and then dropped to my knees in front of him. He had been jacking off, but he lifted his butt and pulled his pants down to his ankles. He had about a 5", thick, uncut cock. I took a drag on my poppers, then started to suck on his cock. I sucked on his foreskin for a bit. Then pushed the foreskin back and started to suck his entire cock. Like the other str8 guys before him, his eyes were glued to the action on the screen as I serviced his cock. The size of his cock was easy to suck. I was doing a great job and he was moaning in pleasure. It only took about 5 minutes of cocksucking before he filled my mouth with his hot seed. I sucked every drop from him then got up as he pulled his pants up and left the booth. Is I left the booth, there was only one light on over a booth door. I tried the door and it was locked. I think that's my signal to go home, I said to myself. I left the store satisfied that I had 2 loads in both ends and had had an enjoyable afternoon. Ah, the pleasures of living in Vegas.
    2 points
  19. PART 6..... I broke away from the cigerette tasting tongue that had invaded my mouth. What is happening to me? I had so many naked men around me, touching me forcefully and it was fuckin pitch black.What the fuck am I doing? Naked hard dicked men, these men were forcing me to bend over, I resisted, but I had no control, I was fuckin scared. I fell down, bent over, feeling squashed by sweaty bodies and feeling constantly groped, fingered and felt a hot mouth on my dick. Lots of hands, hairy and smooth bodies; naked bodies pushing and rubbing against mine. My jockstrap was gone, my mask had come off, there must have been about 12 or more naked blokes in this small dark room. I was forcefully pushed forward and found my face between a few hard cocks that was forcing my mouth to open, trying to push my lips open, No No No,I clenched my mouth shut!!!, I was not doing that, I wanted to get out , I was fed poppers and took some deep hits of fresh strong poppers, I gave in, I sucked these cocks and gagged, some cuming in my mouth, another one, and another, just constant hard cock entering my mouth on and on. I felt my legs being pulled apart, whilst hands were stroking and feeling me, something like Lube I imagine was shoved up my wet arse from the constant rimming and fingering I had been recieving, it was so hot. I felt dizzy and felt like i was going to pass out, I stood up and said I needed to get out of here, I was ignored and instantly felt a Dick of an unknown dark figure ram up my arse, the first couple of seconds was killing me and I honestly felt like I was passing in and out of conciouseness, the poppers were strong and after a while I seem to come too and I felt different sizes of cocks going in and out of my arse. I need to leave this room, I shouted, I was ignored further being constantly fucked by different guys and I felt like I had been sucking every one in this cesspitt whilst i was being multiple fucked, Someone must have gotton under me at some point and was licking all my balls and gently massaging my dick and more gentle than these other gropers, I felt so sensative, my body was tingling, my arse was burning and I was getting non stopped fucked by whoever these blokes were and he was licking the cum up from my dripping hole. I let him rim me, He then moved around and kissed me with cum from my arse into my mouth, I was feeling horny, receptive and after more poppers and sucking cock which I was now enjoying i let him fuck me and fuck me hard and boy was he good when he shot his load deep into my arse wih the other loads in me, I felt fucking hornier, I needed more poppers, my dick was being Sucked. He pulled my head off these cocks to suck his cock clean and this meant my arse was now open to anyone and soon I was being entered one after another and was now being fed other cocks, some cum-covered and slimy, others fresh and clean. Some guys came in my mouth during this, and after another 10 or 12 fucks and more loads later, I gave up counting the dark strangers using my holes, the action seemed to calm down around us. I got the impression that a new bottom had become the centre of attention. I had been there about 40 or 50 mins. My ass was literally dripping with cum by now. I thought I was prepared to end and leave, the new bottom who just came in was at the side of me and he went to the back of me and worked my hole with his fingers and lube for ages, licking his fingers and putting them in my mouth, He seemed genuinly attentive to me, I was so relaxed. My ass was on fire burning but nice if that makes sense, I kinda felt floated, he was very attentive, kissing and massaging me, I was just so relaxed, I then felt him lunge forward,his naked hips rubbing against mine, he was getting fucked and then a fat dick entered my arse, we were being fucked side by side our hips, skin , bodies rubbing together, who is this bottom?. Other guys appeared, I felt shattered, my legs were stretched open along with the cheeks of my ass as another faceless dick pounded deep in my arse, I felt like I was drifting in and out, but the other bottom had his arm round my shoulders, we kissed each other deeply, tongues affectionatly kissing whilst we were both getting fucked by strangers. He seemed familiar, who is he? Who are these faceless shadows fucking us?, Why am I enjoying this den of eniquity? He then motioned to me that we were going to the little room attached,It was dark, but my eyes seem to know how to move around, it seemed to be a dark corridor, narrow, we walked through although my legs were like putty, there were naked blokes on both sides, we had to push through them, pitch black, naked guys, hard cocks sticking in my body, lots of hands were on me, kissing, tongues, some one sucking me, it was absolutely pitch black! I loved it, the guy holding me stopped and said, who wants to fuck him? I know you, I am sure,I cant seem to place this Man.. I was bent over in this dark wet smelly narrow corridor on some stairs/ steps that went no where and was repeatedly fucked and hard by some hard naked figures, I was leaning with my hands on the stairs in front for support. Must have took at least another 9 loads and posdibly more in there and have no idea who they were, what they were like, just cock, grunting, pushing cumming in me etc. But the bottom bloke seemed familiar to me, I need to see his face outside, I did something totally weird for me, but bent down and was licking his cummed arse out, I know this smell, this aura.I know this Man, but who the fuck is he? I was sore, but felt horny eating this familiar hole and went looking for more. I Know who you are........
    2 points
  20. My husband and I ENCOURAGE each other to get extra action on the side! The more the better! And expect it to be 'unsafe' bareback sex, preferably with total strangers. We 'keep scores' and show each other the exchanges on Grindr and Scruff and the dick and full body naked shots! The more cocky, lewd and self-assured they are, the more we are in awe about the other's 'prize tricks'. We EXPECT the other to take loads and or breed some guy raw, whatever the action requires. Of course only a balls-deep ass-breeding will leave a proof-positive residue and that musky scent of buck on your ass... We get so turned on by all that we now have the best sex with each other as we call each other a 'champ barebacker', 'proud slut', a genuine cum-dumpster, whatever details of our daily or weekly exploits... Promiscuity and raw play should be a sport among bros! He is my wingman and I'm his slut mentor! PS: we started out as a 'conventional cheater' situation, me catching him, laying down THE NEW LAW! "PROMISCUITY and random sex rules! But all must be consummated bareback! No regrets, no shame, no fear, no hypocrisy, no jealousy, and no rubbers EVER!" Can't preach my sermon often enough!
    2 points
  21. How it Happened Ch. 3 I caught the bus back to campus without any trouble. The whole time with Michael seemed like a terrifying sexy dream. My well-fucked ass and the slowly leaking jizz seeping from my “boy pussy” told me I had not imagined my time with Michael. Fortunately, my roommate was still gone when I returned to my dorm room. I stripped and took another shower, so when I woke in the morning I wouldn’t wake to a puddle of cum in my bed. I told myself, even though I promised to let Michael fuck me raw anytime he wanted, this was only a one-time occurrence. When we met again, I would explain I preferred to engage in only safe-sex. I was sure he would understand, and we could move forward without any repeat of our wild and reckless night. Now having told myself this, I had to admit the sex had been amazing. The warm, throbbing cock pumping in and out of me had treated me to what had to be without a doubt some of the best sex in my life. I found myself getting hard as I remembered the hot, pulsing shots of his thick semen filling me up, as he continued pounding me like a porn star whore. I understood now why guys loved fucking raw, and I almost regretted depriving that lacrosse of the opportunity to breed me as Michael had done. Still it was better to be safe, than sorry. Michael and I could get tested together, and once our tests came back negative, we could skip rubbers and fuck like the night before. I took a couple of Aleve PM, so I could get some rest, and hopefully ease the pain of my well-fucked ass. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard my roomie return, but I was too far gone to care. When I woke up, I first thought it was dawn, but, I had slept through the entire day. Fortunately, I had only two classes, but I had never missed a class in my life. I contacted friends from those classes to catch up on my missed work, as well as checked over my work for the next day’s class-work. My friends from the night I met Michael had texted me to make sure I was doing okay. They apologized for abandoning me at after-hours club. I texted back it was all cool and had met a great guy, who was interested in seeing me again. Bed-time, Michael texted me. I found myself boning up at once as soon as I saw a message from him. I didn’t remember giving him my number, but at this point I couldn’t care less how he got my number. He told me how much he enjoyed our time together and was definitely looking forward to seeing me again Friday night. I responded telling him how much fun I had as well, and I was looking forward to seeing him again. I soon found my cock leaking like crazy as he told me how much he enjoyed being inside me, and the way my “boy pussy” just seemed to keep milking his cock for more jizz. Even though his graphic texts turned me on something awful, I told him I really needed to talk about being safe in the future. I felt relieved when he responded that was something we could talk about Friday. I had been afraid he would want to not see me again, but that seemed not to be the case. He told me his friends were excited to meet me this coming weekend. His last text of the night included a picture of his cock buried in my ass, with some of his loads leaking out, with the comment, “Something to dream about until we see one another again. I barely made it to our bathroom, before I blew my load all over myself. I wanted him to fuck me again in the worse way. The rest of the week seemed to drag along at a snail’s pace, until Friday afternoon and my classes were over for the week. I made sure to try and get ahead of my school work, so I wouldn’t have anything to do Sunday night. It didn’t help Michael sexted me every night. I was a quivering messy of teen hormones by the time I caught the bus to Michael’s apartment Friday evening. The second night we had texted, he made me promise not to fap for the rest of the week. He wanted me loaded with jizz, so he could empty me out completely by the end of the weekend. The thought of someone making me climax until I couldn’t shoot anymore strangely turned me on more than I wanted to admit. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been as hard as I was when I climbed on the bus from Hopkins to downtown. I packed my toiletries, as well a couple changes of clothes, since I had no idea what he had planned for us to do over the weekend. I made sure I packed a box of condoms, just in case Michael didn’t have any on hand. I wanted to be prepared like the Eagle Scout I was. My heart was pounding, and there was a nice sized wet spot on my jeans, by the time I arrived at Michael’s apartment. I was seriously regretting following his instructions I free-ball. My tight jeans rubbed me in ways I wasn’t used to while wearing underwear. Every step made me harder and ooze even more precum. The outer door-grate was unlocked and opened easily when I pulled on it. I took a deep breathe before I hesitantly knocked on the door. I could hear voices and music playing, so I knocked a little bit harder a couple more times before I heard the door unlock and open. “Babe,” Michael smiled at me stepping aside to let me enter. I thought I’d blow my wad right there in the door way when I saw him. The only thing he had on was pair of black skin-tight jeans with the top button unbuttoned. His thick, hard cock bulged and strained against the zipper which seemed barely able to restrain his desire for me. “We’ve all been waiting for you to get here, so the fun can begin,” he told me, pulling me into a passionate kiss. His kiss threw me completely off kilter, everything I had planned to say to him went out of my mind. As we kissed, he began getting me out of my clothes, I almost felt as if I were in a porn flick, everything seemed to be happening so quickly. Once I was naked, Michael handed me the glass pipe we had smoked last time I was there. I started to say I didn’t want to get started that quick this time, but as soon as I opened my mouth the pipe was inserted. “Inhale babe, just keep inhaling like a good lil’ chem piggy,” he chuckled, as he continued moving his lighter back and forth as he started stroking my cock. God, what a surreal and amazing feelings he was created in me. Occasionally, he would take a hit himself, but soon I found it back in my mouth. I lost track of time as I stood in the doorway getting wasted and jerked off by him. My lust for Michael was equal to the previous time I had been at his place on Saturday night. I wanted his dick bad and he knew it. He pushed me down to my knees, before feeding me his beautiful, thick, uncut cock. I worshiped it, as he had taught me to the first time I sucked him. I swear I got even harder, when he grabbed a fistful of my hair and began to seriously face-fuck me like the slut he called me. I gagged somewhat, but soon was able to take his cock to his shaved groin. If being his slut got me his dick, I was more than willing to become one for him. I was in love with him and wanted to please him. I began to love it when he forced himself deep down my throat cutting off my air and holding it there until I was almost ready to pass out, Slobber and precum coated his cock when he finally withdrew it long enough to let me breath, before shoving it in deep. He could do anything he wanted, I was his to use, so long as he fucked me. I began to believe and accept his dirty talk about being his slut, bitch-boy. I was his whore/cumslut. I wanted, no correct that, NEEDED, to please him anyway I could so he would slide his magnificent fuck-stick inside my boy-cunt. Safe-sex was the furthest thing from my mind. I NEEDED to feel him deep inside me and flooding my insides with his cum. He pulled me off his throbbing, dripping cock, smiling down at me. “Oh yeah slut, we’re going to have a fun time this weekend,” he told me yanking me to my feet by my hair, before French kissing the hell out of me. “Come on bitch, time for some more fuck smoke and some fuck vitamins, then you can get back to work showing me how much you want my fuck stick and dirty loads up your cunt.” I didn’t even think to argue, I just followed him down to the living-room. All thoughts of safe-sex had vanished into thin air like the clouds of white smoke he began to feed me once I swallowed another smiley-face pill and a blue diamond-shaped pill. Once again, he encouraged me to drink more Gatorade. Once I had finished the Gatorade, he fed me even more of the amazing fuck-smoke, which made me even horny than I thought possible. I didn’t even wait to be asked, I finished the pipe off and dropped to my knees and returned to worshiping my new owner. If I had been sober, I would have taken serious offense to being referred to as his property, now rather than his boyfriend. If it meant I would soon be fucked by him, I was more than willing to be his bitch, slut. I had no intention of debated his claim of knocking me up, as being proof I was now his to do or to use however he wanted. My sole focus was bringing pleasure to him, so he would bring me pleasure. I moaned in pleasure, as he continued to forcefully use my mouth and throat. I enjoyed the feel of his hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks wide and slipping something small and hard in my hole. A moment later I felt a warm, burning feeling suddenly shot into my hole, before the hard, small cylinder slide from my hole. As time began to stand still, my hole began to hunger to be filled with his hard cock. I was about to try and pull off his cock to beg him to fuck me, when suddenly my hole stretched wider than it had ever been stretched before as an enormous cock-head punched through it’s opening, thrusting several massively, thick inches deep inside me. “Sorry Mikey, we just couldn’t wait any longer to join the party,” a deep, masculine voice said from behind me. “Is he as good as cock-sucker as he looks?” Another voice off to the side asked. “It looks like he knows how to deep through you, but can he do me? A third voice asked. “Well there is only one way to find out, you’ll just have to take him for a test spin. He’s yours for the weekend, but don’t break him please I still want to keep him for a while longer to expand his horizons,” I heard Michael chuckle as he pulled me off his cock and slide out from under me and off the couch. I gasped for breath as I felt the rest of my mysterious fucker’s raw dick sink all the way inside me as his bushy pubes settled against my ass cheeks. My head dropped all the way down on the sofa cushion as I moaned in pleasure at the mysterious cock now buried balls deep inside me. I was torn between feeling betrayed by my new boyfriend, and the incredible pleasure of the thick piece of fuck-meat now buried inside me. I didn’t even know what the guy even looked like, but I was beginning to not even care, because as he began rocking in and out of me slowly at first building momentum, I found myself moaning in pleasure. I didn’t want this amazing thick cock to stop. I my moans of pleasure soon matched both the speed and depth of his fucking. “Hey Mikey, I think he likes it,” chuckled the voice behind me, which prompted laughs from the others. I never had any doubt he would,” laughed Michael. “Have fun with him. I’ll be back later, I have a “date” with a hot lil’ Calvert Hall senior. I may bring him back to join the fun,” chuckled my “boyfriend”. “The kid loves raw cock and cum, I met him at Bush River,” he laughed. Michael grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head up to face him. “You are going to take good care of my friends while I’m gone aren’t you cumdump?” He asked me with a look that told me I had better behave or else. “Yes…Sir,” I answered submissively, fearing what might happen if I dared to refuse. Besides, I was really beginning to enjoy the fuck I was getting for this mysterious man. “That’s a good lil’ bitch slut,” he smirked at me. “I’m just helping you become the lil’ faggot slut you’ve always dreamed of being,” he laughed, before leaning down to kiss the hell of me. “I’ll be back in a couple hours gents, enjoy,” he said before letting go of my hair and leaving the room. “Here blow some clouds boy,” commanded a deep voice holding the glass pipe to my mouth. I heard the click of the lighter and saw the flame begin to move along the bottom of the glass bubble. Each time I inhaled deeply, the cock fucking me paused, only to resume its relentless pounding of my ass. Once I finished off the white rock, I found myself presented with two cocks to service. One black and one caramel-colored, both were larger and thicker than I had seen before in my limited sexual explorations. Normally, I would have resisted, but instead I began to worship those beautiful cocks being presented to me. I was in heaven licking and sucking on them, while another cock continued to fuck me relentlessly. “Damn, this cunt is amazing,” grunted the voice behind me. “He’s a horny lil’ fucker,” he groaned, before slapping my ass hard, which in turned made me moan around one of the cocks stuffing my throat. “I think Mikey found a good one here, he’s a nasty lil’ pussy boy,” chuckled one of the voices busy feeding me cock. “Get…ready…to…swap,” panted my fucker. “SHIT! YES! FUCK!” Howled the man long dicking me like there was no tomorrow. “TAKE…MY…DIRTY…LOAD!” I pushed back against the unknown man fucking me as I felt his dick begin to swell and fill me with his jizz. I wanted his load in the worse way. “Damn! That was a good fuck, can’t wait until he’s really broken in properly,” chuckled the man as I felt his cock begin to withdraw from me. I tried to close my ass to keep his load inside, but I couldn’t. The next thing I knew another cock was sliding inside me, while I was presented with a cum-covered cock to clean. I didn’t hesitate in opening my mouth to clean and worship the cock that had just fucked me so wonderfully.
    2 points
  22. Well guys I hope you enjoy this.... How it happened - part 2 “Not bad, for round one,” he chuckled pulling out of me with a wet pop. I lay on the couch panting hard, as I felt some of his semen began to leak out of me. I had not yet climaxed, but precum from my dick coated my stomach and chest. I couldn’t help but grin at the man who had just bred me for the first time in my life. “You look so fuck’n hot babe,” he smirked at me. “Nothing hotter than a sexy fucking twink freshly bred and waiting to be bred again and again,” he smiled at me taking a couple of pictures with his smartphone. “I think you’re going to be very popular,” he chuckled at me, when he saw me slip my hand down between my legs and start to play with my cum-covered hole. “Time for some more fuck smoke, wish you could meet my friend Mr. T, but we’ll save that for next time when I know you are going to be stay a whole weekend,” he smirked at me. I hesitantly asked, “You want to see me again,” I needed that big cock back inside me the worst way. I seriously don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t wanted to fuck, I mean see me again. I should have been concerned, I had just taken my first raw cock and load, but instead of jumping up to expel his jizz, I pulled my gaping hole wide open to show him. I wanted him back inside me NOW, and this was the best way I could think of asking him to pump another load deep inside my ass. “Oh, don’t worry babe, I’ve got plenty more for your hot lil’ boy pussy,” he smirked slipping two thick fingers inside, just long enough to start me moaning and humping back against his hand. “We’re going fuck for a long-time boy,” he chuckled pulling out his fingers and sucking them clean. “It’s fuck smoke break time, then back to using my cumdump’s boy pussy. You’re my lil’ cumslut fuck toy boy aren’t you babe?” All I could do was smile and nod back to the sweat-covered man who had just introduced me to the pleasures of raw cock. There wasn’t anything about him I didn’t like. He handed me the glass pipe again, as well as the lighter. I flicked the lighter and began to inhale, as I rocked the pipe slowly. I started to hand the pipe back to him, but he shook his head no and told me to finish the rock, while he went to the bedroom to do something. I forgot he was even gone, while I smoked the white rock. By the time he returned I had finished the rock. I never wanted fucked as much as I did at that moment. I NEEDED him inside me now, even more than the first time he sunk his beautiful 8-plus inch cock inside me. “Oh, ya boy, you’re tweaked out of you fuckin’ mind now,” he laughed stroking his hard cock. A thick black ring now encased the base of his cock, while another even thicker one encircled his ball-sack above his balls. His cock looked like a truly potent weapon now and I wanted it inside me in the worse way. He grabbed me by the cock and led me up a couple of steps into his bedroom. There were two camcorders on tripods pointed at the king-sized four-posted bed, one pointing down from the head of the bed, and the other aimed from a bottom corner of the bed. I was puzzled to see only a black plastic sheet on the bed, with several pillows also covered with black plastic. In an alcove, there was a leather swing-like device. “Up bitch, and assume the position,’ he commanded me, slapping the bed with his hand. I normally would have turned and grabbed my clothes and left, if anyone before had ever thought to speak to me like that, but I found myself hopping up on his bed and positioned my ass towards him. All I could think of was his incredible cock fucking me again. I wanted him to fill me with another load of his jizz. I knew intellectually I shouldn’t, but the feel of his raw cock fucking and then exploding deep inside me was the most incredible sex I’d ever had in my life. I NEEDED him to do it again and again and again. I couldn’t believe how horny I was for his dick and jizz. “You’re a good lil’ cumslut boy, aren’t you?” he chuckled turning me slightly so my coming fuck would be captured for posterity. “You’re going to show everyone what a good lil’ bitch slut you are, right babe?” He asked me right before slapping my ass hard, and making me moan in pleasure, as he climbed up on the bed. He spent the next several minutes teasing my hole with his amazing cock, but never pushed all the way back in. Only just far enough to let me know how much my ass missed him inside me. I was begging before the first minute even passed. I begged and promised to do anything, so long as he fucked me again. He encouraged me to talk dirty and nasty, while begging for his dick. He teased me asking if I would let him knock my ass up again if he fucked me. I was so desperate for his cock, I promised he could always knock up my boy cunt anytime he fucked me. I would never have him wrap up when he wanted inside my boy pussy. At this point I would have promised anything to get him to fuck me again. I’d never in my life imagined being this horny. Once my promises had been secured he slammed in balls deep in a single thrust. I moaned loudly, as my eyes rolled back in pleasure. He began to long dick me repeatedly, more often, than not pulling completely out before ramming back in so hard our balls smacked together loudly. Sweat poured from both of us, as he used me all over the bed. We did every imageable position possible. Many I had only seen in hardcore, slutty sex. Honestly, I don’t think I could even remember the total number of times I jizzed. I think maybe four times, I know he came at least five times total, before I finally could not fuck anymore. He pulled a sheet over me, but not both taking a bunch of pictures and used one of the camcorders to do a close-up of my heaving, sweat-drenched, cum-covered body and my gaping, leaking cum-filled hole. “You look so fuckin’ hot babe,” he smiled leaning down to kiss me passionately. “Get some rest, I have a few things to do before I join you there for a rest,” he smiled at me. As he walked away from the bed and back down the stairs to the living room I heard “Welcome to the Jungle” start playing, followed by him answering his cell phone as I started to doze off. “HEY! I take it you liked round one’s live stream,” he chuckled. I wanted to hear more of his conversation since it seemed to be about me, but I was too exhausted. I did hear him continue talking as I slipped into sand land. “Oh, fuck ya, he is, wait ‘til you see the vid after I have it edited for the site. He’s a natural, plus he promised to take on all of my friends raw, if I promised to keep knocking his ass up,” he laughed, loudly. “Nah, he not local, he’s a fresh piece of Hopkins ass.” When I woke up, I found myself still horny, but still tired from all the sex. It then hit me everything I had done the night before. I had gone home with a guy I barely knew and let him fuck me raw. In fact, I had begged him to fuck me and give me his loads. What had I done? I had seriously fucked up bigtime. I would make sure I never let that happen again. I couldn’t let myself be so careless. Suddenly I felt strong arms pulling me close to a warm, naked body. “Afternoon babe,” a familiar voice whispered in my ear as I felt a hard, thick cock make contact with my still slightly sore hole. Before I could say anything, he pushed steadily forward burying his raw cock back inside me. My body shuddered as it accepted readily the thick, hard cock sliding inside my still cum-slicked hole. I couldn’t help myself as I began to massage his incredible cock with my muscles. I helped his entry by pushing back to take even more of the cock, which had taught me the joys of bareback sex. No matter how wrong it was I couldn’t deprive myself or him of the pleasures we enjoyed. “Fuck your ass feels so good on my cock,” he purred into my ear. My only response was to moan and grind against his smooth groin. “Yeah, you missed this didn’t you?” He asked me as he began to long-dick me. “Yes,” I moaned softly, not believing I was letting him fuck me bareback yet again. He just felt so good inside me, I wanted him to just keep fucking me. “Yeah, I knew the first time I saw you on the dancefloor you were a nasty lil’ cumslut,” he whispered in my ear as he licked it, making moan and squirm. “We’re going to have so much fun together, babe,” he hissed in my ear, rabbit fucking me hard. “I’m going to teach and show you so much my lil’ cumslut boy,” he said rolling me on to my hands and knees and continued his assault on my ass. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face up, “Look! How hot you look getting fucked, you were meant to be used like this babe,” he grunted to me as I looked at myself in the mirror above the headboard. I did look hot, though I seriously looked like a slut as he continued to long dick me. He knew how to dominate me and turn me on like no one else I’d ever been with. I was indeed his to use as he wanted for as long as he wanted. I was so conflicted about what was happening to me, but my hidden kinky, slutty side seamed totally in control. I wanted his load inside me. “Br…bre…breed me,” I finally panted out, knowing how wrong it was, but knowing how good it felt. I wanted to feel his big, thick cock pulse inside me again. I would deal with the consequences later, now I just needed his jizz and badly. He smiled toothily at me in the mirror, as he smacked my ass and began long-dicking me completely pulling all the way out before slam back in hard. His sweat-drenched balls smacked hard against my own, which just made the sex even better if that was possible. I was ready to climax again as he thrust back in hitting my prostrate. I saw stars as I fired my load on the black plastic sheet beneath me. “FUCK! SHIT! YES!” he shouted as he thrust inside one last time and flooded my insides. I could feel his load begin to leak out my hole as he slowly withdrew, before slamming back in. He repeated this several times, which in turn made me leak more cum out of my own semi-hard penis. He finally pulled out and drove his mouth into my freshly fucked my ass. I couldn’t take it anymore and collapsed on my freshly shot load. All I could do was moan and take his incredible rimming. When he finally seemed satisfied, he forcefully flipped me over and moved up to kiss me. As I opened my mouth he opened his and released the loads he had eaten out of me into my mouth. Before I could do anything about it he grabbed my head with his hands, beginning passionately kissing me sharing his jizz with me until after what seemed an eternity I had eaten and swallowed everything he had fucked into me over the night. “Well babe,” he said smiling down at me, “I guess we better get you cleaned up so you can get a little rest before classes in the morning. I hope you didn’t have any unfinished homework,” he chuckled. “What time is it?” I asked not knowing how long we’d been at this. “It’s about eight Sunday night,” he chuckled. We’ve had a lot of fun all day.” “WHAT! It’s that late, shit my friends will be wondering what happened,” I said sitting up with a panicked look. “Shhhh…Babe it’s okay, you can catch a bus back to school a couple blocks from here and will be back in no time.” He smiled reassuringly at me. Hop in the shower and get cleaned up,” he said ushering me into the bedroom behind his bedroom. “I’d join you in the shower, but then you might not get home ‘til Wednesday,” he smirked giving me a kiss. I climbed in the hot shower and enjoyed the feel of the water pounding against me. I don’t know how long I was in there, but I felt completely refreshed though still tired after my experiences of sex with this man I still didn’t know his name. I had spent almost a complete day with this guy and still didn’t know his name. The black plastic sheet was no longer on the bed, instead a blood red set of sheets were exposed. My clothes lay on the bed, and I could hear him down in the living room/ kitchen area doing something. I realized as I dressed my underwear was missing. I got dressed anyway, because I really did need to get back to Hopkins. I walked down the steps to the living area to get my shoes, he was coming out of the kitchen area with a bottle of Gatorade. I couldn’t believe how sex he looked standing there in skin-tight black jeans, and nothing else but a slouchie beanie. He shot me a big grin. “There’s my babe,” he said pulling me into a tight hug and then a kiss. I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Hey, did you see my underwear down here somewhere?” I asked looking around. He laughed, “Yeah I kept it as a souvenir of our first date, besides I like my boys to freeball,” he smiled back at me. “You want to see me again?” I asked suddenly excited someone wanted to date me. “Fuck ya babe, I want to see a whole lot more of you,” he said leaning down and kissing me hard, as he gripped my ass. “I have so much I want to experience with you,” he whispered into my ear. I boned up instantly in his arms, and I could tell he was boned as well. I was excited at the thought of finally having a boyfriend, and a sexy one at that. “It’s finally gotten colder, and I know you weren’t wearing a coat, so you can borrow one of mine until you come down this coming Friday. I’m having a small get together with some close friends and I’d love you to meet them. Bring whatever you need for the weekend and you can go back Sunday. How does that sound?” He said opening a closet door and pulling out an expensive looking black leather jacket with a gold embroidered scorpion on the upper left side. “You can wear this and bring it back on Friday,” he said with a smirk. “Thanks,” I started to say, but stopped and looked sheepishly at him. “I’m sorry I forgot your name,” I said softly, waiting for his reaction. He didn’t get angry, but rather started laughing. “You didn’t forget it,” he said grinning. “You were too horny to even care, which made things more fun,” pulling me into another kiss. “I’m Michael,” he paused briefly looking at me before leaning done to my ear and whispering, “And you’re Ian, my lil’ cumslut boy.” He opened the door and unlocked the door grate to let me leave. It certainly way colder than it had been the night before. I was glad Michael had loaned me his jacket. I couldn’t wait to see him again. My new boyfriend, as I walked towards the bus stop to take me back to Hopkins. I was on cloud nine.
    2 points
  23. Friday night.... before I left for the baths... I had filled the pipe with most all the dust and small bits that remained from the supply.... when I got to the club, ...I hit the deck, I was the only out there... landed on a lounge and lit up... got three really good hits/clouds ..... dropped back and stared at the sky... for how long I have no idea.... head was filled with clouds... feeling fukn amazing... I slowly managed to tune back in, went downstairs.. dropped the pipe and lighter in my locker then went to the basement..... straight to the back room.... a couple of guys passed and one rubbed my ass... I stopped and dropped to surrender mode and gave him full access... he led me over to the back bench and pushed me over... my hands on the bench, ass out, he teases my hole with his dick then lubes me... he slides in... fuck.... I know I'm moaning .. he slow fucks me... I'm braced against the wall.... he just fucks me.... slow steady.... I feel a hand on my dick .. t dick... don't care... just fuck me.... I feel him shallow fucking ... he's holding my waist........... picking up speed,... fuck.... plows my hole... he groans loud and shoves in.... my first load............. I head back upstairs to shower... a medium sized Asian guy stops me ... asks if I want to go to his room... I say yeah and follow back downstairs.. ... he gets me on my back on the bed... pushed my legs back and drives his tongue into my ass... still wet with lube and cum... he's eating me deep.. he gets back up then shoved his dick in... fucking thick meat.. he fucks hard... reaches over and crushed my tits.. I groan loud.. he twists and pulls on my tits... FUCK!!.... he pulls out and gets me on my knees ... he shoves back in... he's using the old lube, his spit and the cum as lube... fucking me hard and fast... pushed me down on the mattress. slides back in... he's wailing on me.. pulls out, spits on my ass, then shoved back in. ........ Damn... pulls me back on my knees... he eats my ass again........ shoves some fingers in... twists and works my ass... pulls out and his dick is back... he's moaning... fucking fast............. he yells fuck........ slams in pulls back slams in........... he stops... I can feel his thick dick throbbing in my ass..... he pushes me back down on the bed..... he's lying on me.. his dick still throbbing... he's biting my back.... He slowly pulls out.......... tells me to stay there... he'll be right back............ he leaves me alone in his room .... I just lie there.. feeling my hole.. leaking cum.... A few minutes he comes back...... he's got another Asian guy with him........ this one's heavier, got a thick dick.. longer than the first one.... he has me sit up and drop back on the bed... pulls my legs up and fingers my soggy hole.... he grabs a lube bottle and squirts it straight into my hole....fingers my ass again.. pushes my legs as far back as possible... shoves his meat in... FUCK!! this one I can feel ....deep..... he slams my ass... leans in and kisses me ........... he tastes like cum.... fucks me non-stop... asks if I like it... I groan yes... fucks like a machine... hard steady deep .... .. I'm lost in this.... he's hitting every spot in my ass... damn............ he asks if I want his cum.......... do I like his dick............ if I'm a whore.... I say yes to everything.......... he fucks faster... calling me his whore... he slams deep and is telling me I'm his whore.... he slows down... slides in deep.. kisses me again...his tongue all over my mouth... he pulls out and tells me to stay... he leaves ... I am down on the mattress.. face up,,, legs over the edge.... fingering my leaking hole.... I taste whats coming out..... pure cum.............. Several minutes pass.. I'm out of focus... tuned out.. fingers up my hole.... the door opens .. the first guy is back with a maybe 40 y.o. white guy... the new guy says to get on my knees... he turns me to the side.. climbs on the bed... pushes my shoulders down and slides his dick in... thinner dick but really good fucker............ he fucks me standing.... hits my hole at every angle.... milking my prostate.... I'm leaking quarts.... he gets back off the bed.. pulls me to the edge and fucks............... steady fucks............. pulling my waist... he slows.... riding just the cock-head....... shoves back in and stops............. holds me in position for several minutes.....grinding his crotch on me, waving his dick around in my ass... he slowly gets soft and pulls out.... he says thanks then leaves the room.... I drop onto the bed..... fucking wiped-out.... the door opens and the first guy is back with another guy.... I say that I'm dried out.. need water.... they both ask me to stay... I get up... and stagger to the door... I really need a break... they say okay.... I head back upstairs to shower and drink some water..... a very long shower..... Head back to the deck to crash and dry..... land on a lounge.... no one else there.... I tune out.... Next I feel a dick on my face..... I open my eyes and sort-of focus on a guy standing next to me.. his dick two inches from me.... I lean in and take his dick..... nice thick meat.... 6-7" ... smooth.... I work on his dick ... he leans in and reaches down between my legs.... finger straight to my ass.... he shoves a finger in.... I lift up for access... he works my ass hard with his finger.... I feel untrimmed nails... he shoves another finger in..... pulls my ass higher with his fingers.... fucking me with his fingers... trashing my hole.... I'm moaning during all this... eyes closed... giving in.... giving him as much access as I can..... he has more fingers in.... fucking me raw with his dry rough fingers and nails.... he leans in and asks me if I'm high..... I know I smile, moan, and try to nod with his dick down my throat.............. He pulls out.. tells me to get up and we go over to the table with benches.... I kneel on a bench and lean over the table.... he shoves his fingers back in.... dry fucking me ............. he asks if I want his cock. YES SIR!!!!!!!!!..... how badly.............. PLEASE FUCK ME!!!..... he opens a packet and spreads lube on his dick and on my ass...... he lines up and slides in..... I am so fucked up now..... he's sliding in as I'm backing on to his dick....he rides me .............. calls me a fucking tweeker........ asks if I have more.... NO SIR!!!!..... he says he wants to see me slam.... he fucks me ..... hard fucks........ he gets me up on the table top.. legs off the edge.... fingers my ass again.... spreads my hole open..... slides his dick back in with his fingers still in me..... he's fucking me hard..... spreading my ass open with his fingers.... fucks fast...... calling me a fucking pig..... ... he says that he's giving me his load......... he says he's fucking up my fucked up ass... says here it comes you fucking pig...... he slams in .... says FUCK YEAH!!! DAMN YOU'VE GOT A HOT ASS.........long pause and heavy breathing.... he pulls his dick out.... his fingers are twisting in my hole.... he adds more fingers.... he adds more lube..... he tells me to relax and push out............ I brace.. slow my breathing ... I push out .... he pushes in..... oh fuck.......... he pushes and turns his hand...I rexal my hole and breath..... slowly he pushes in... I feel his hand passing through my hole....... I can feel my ass rest around his wrist ............. FUCK........... he says again..... DAMN HOT ASS!!!!!!!!.... I feel another pair of hands on my back... but don't look up.... just feeling fucking filled .. head and body with his hand..... he turns his hand and I can feel his fingers spread around my ass.... I hear another voice ask the guy in me if he knows me.... he says that he recognizes me... from where he doesn't say..... He slowly pulls his hand out...... oh fuck............. I groan very load as he pulls all the way out...... my ass fills with cool air..... he tells the 2nd guy that my hole is wide open and ready for his dick.... I push up and sit back on my calves..... head down.... head spinning... body empty... damn..... the 2nd guy gets up on the table and sits in front of me.... his dick in my face.... I take his dick down my throat..... he's already close... seems soon that he's pumping his load down my throat......I'm gagging on his dick but want every drop.............. I pull back.... I finally see him.... nice looking black guy.... little chubby.... he's smiling at me..... I lean back .. eyes closed..... he gets up and walks away.. I drop back onto the bench.... Catch my breath then head downstairs..... more water........ need to break..... I have no sense remaining and head to the basement... just want to lie down.... head to the backroom.... land on one of the pads and tune out...... then another hand on my ass.... he fingers my hole... still very wet, filled with cum..... he climbs up, kneels between my legs and slides in as he leans in over me....... another slow steady fuck.... I raise my ass...... he's on his knees steady fucking me..... running his hands all over my back.... finally holds my hips and picks up speed.... he pulls out and slams back in several times... finally bottoming out and holding............. I can hear him breathing very loud through the music............ he pulls out.. slaps my ass and walks away.... I begin to lie flat again but another hand is on my butt..... he runs his fingers down my ass crack.... pausing at my hole..... teases my wet spot..... he pulls me so that my ass is hanging off the edge, my knees on the pad.... my head is down at the edge of the pad and the wall.... he teases my hole with his finger and his dick for a couple minutes..... he pushes my ass down a little.... I feel his dick slide in.... he goes balls deep.... then holds in place...... he reaches over and grabs my nips.... just squeezing my tits.. twisting .. squeezing.... He begins to fuck..... my head is filled with dick.............. damn............ long slow fuck............. nothing said............. I do feel other hands on my ass..... fingers at my hole..... feeling my dick..... he keeps me in position and just fucks... talking to another guy sometimes but I'm not paying attention.... When he's done... he pulls out and finger teases my hole again..... I can feel cum running down my leg..... he says thanks and leaves... I get to my feet very slowly..... I see two more guys in the room with me but need water.... they both grab my ass as I pass them.... I almost stop ............ head back up to the shower and water...... Back up to the deck.... no one else...... I crash again for a while..... once I am able to calm down I get back downstairs.... few people now..... also already after 4:30a.... seemed to be only a couple of hours..... but over 6 hours..... I shower then the steam-room....sit quietly.... one visitor but I'm out.... Shower again then to the locker to dry and get dressed.... somehow I knew that I have to be at work soon........... left at 5a.... Fuckn pipe.................. (To Moderators.... please do not edit this..... my thoughts.. my story..... thanks....)
    1 point
  24. Piss sub here. Drink piss, Get pissed on, pissed in, piss fucked
    1 point
  25. i know what i wanna eat 😆
    1 point
  26. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/blindfolded-twink-cumdump-used-40467211
    1 point
  27. Any night at Steamworks Toronto plus Pride Parade Sunday’s Fukdto bb sex party at club120 I would recommend highly! Happy Pride!
    1 point
  28. I hear BareBuddy.com is picking up momentum in EU and some US cities... very limited here in ATL so far.
    1 point
  29. A few hours later he was hard again. "Man I got a really stiff one." "Get in the doggie position". I'm gonna fuck you for a long time"
    1 point
  30. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/standing-shed-jerk-long-version-37969931 OMG!!! I so want to be at his feet ready to submit to this AIDS Master. Hope he is on this site and notices that this one pig is in love with him.
    1 point
  31. A couple of great bookstore vids from a trucker: Hot Trucker Breeds Me at Gloryhole My First PA
    1 point
  32. When I was "training" to drink piss, I drank my own. First time after drinking water, then beer and then alcohol. There is a definite taste to all three. I know that tasting cum after a guy eats asparagus is NASTY.
    1 point
  33. No, no one knows "nice little Randy in Marketing" is a BB slut who's poz and gets gono and crabs.
    1 point
  34. Just now a biker guy who lives in East London fucked me on his way home from work, this guy is a beauty, amazing skin, furry, beautiful face and a big cock that gets thicker at the base. hes fucked me three (or four) times before but today he was in a hurry, he literally let me get on all fours and pounded his cock into me with his leathers around his ankles until he blasted a huge load into me, I could actually feel his cock throbbing as it pulsed when he came, then he pulled his leathers up, put his helmet back on said thanks and left.......... after a passionate kiss by the door on the way out.
    1 point
  35. There is a solution to whiny bottoms.... ball gags. Whether a dirty jock or an actual one.... super us full to shut that little whiner up.
    1 point
  36. Chapter III The next day, Saturday, we arose, wrapped in each other's arms. We got up and took a shower together and then got breakfast and coffee. Neither of us were talking much as I know he was as disturbed about what had happened the night before. We had watched what we had thought was just another of our normal BB vids, but found out that is was not only BB but was also a pozzing vid. It had caught us by surprise, but aftwrwards we had had one of the hottest fuck sessions we had ever had. It was well after lunch before we really started to talk about it. We discussed it a lot, trying to figure out why we had become so turned on. It was pure nonsense to us as we even used condom together always. Why had we found it so hot for a POZ BB VID, why? We had no answer for it and decided it must have just been the shock of it. Even after the talk and our decision, I could not get the idea of the bottom in that vid. He had been actually almost as cute of a twink as Nigel and not really much difference in size. I could almost envision Nigel getting that hot poz load and it was a little disturbing but at the same time hotter than all get out. I found myself wondering what it would be like to see Nigel taking a hot poz load in his absolutely perfect butt. I was hard as a bar of steel at the crazy thought. Before we knew it, it was getting about time for supper and we decided to go out to eat. We headed for our favorite restaurant, talking on the way about the fact we hadn't been there in a while for some reason. We arrived to find, to our shock, that it had closed up and was no longer open at all. Now, what to do? We left our auto parked and decided to walk around and see if there was another place close. After a short walk, we found one that looked interesting just a couple of blocks away and around a corner on a side street. We entered and found a table and settled in. I headed to the restroom, as I had to go, washed my hands and returned. I got back to find that Nigel had ordered us coffee and we had our menus now. I noticed very quickly that Nigel was excited for some reason. Before I could ask him what was up, he started telling me about the waiter. He said he had been taken by surprise when he showed up at our table and that he was an absolute black adonis. I looked up as he was descibing him to me and I spotted our waiter almost immediately at another table. He was all that Nigel was saying and then some. He appeared to be about 5' 10 or 11" talll and a good 180 pounds of muscular hunk. As I watched, he approached our table and I could tell from his tight fitting pants that he had what looked to be a very nice package also. As he got to our table, I saw that the name of his uniform shirt tag said Randy. (omg, I just realized that at the start of my story, I put my name on here as Randy, way ahead of myself there, as my name is actually Seth, what a dummy I am. LOL.) Anyway, Randy, smiled and asked us how we were doing and if we were ready to order. We told him we were ready, and Nigel added, really ready. I looked at him in amazment, as he usually did not flirt that openly. He was grinning like the cat that ate the canary and I had to grin at the adorable look on his face. He could hardly take his eyes off of our waiter and I really could not blame him as Randy was astonishingly handsome and seemed so very likeable with his huge smile. And him being this close to us while we were seated gave us both quite a view of his huge bulge in his pants. Neither Nigel or mysef could hardly take our stares away from that view and our waiter seemed to notice where our eyes were as his bulge seemed to fill out even more. Our meal took longer than usual, as Randy, our waiter, was very attentive and came to check on us a lot. Every time he came by he stopped to talk to us and we could not help but stop eating to admire him. Nigel was in full on flirt mode, lol. I was almost jealous of the attention he gave Randy and it was definitely returned. Nobody, I don't think, could refuse the attention and super attractiveness of Nigel. His boyish looks, beautiful smile and eyes could turn anyone's head. His tight compact body and beautiful bubble butt were magnificent. At one time, Nigel excuse himself to go to the restroom and many eyes followed his walk there. He seemed to take longer than normal and finally returned and Randy was right behind him. I kind of wondered if Randy had had to use the restroom too. By the time we had finished, Nigel had already found out when Randy was getting off work and had asked him back to our place for a drink and to possibly watch a movie. Randy, unfortunately, declined sayin he was too tired tonight as he had had to work a double shift. I spoke up then, asking if he was free tomorrow night and could come for dinner and drinks. He told us he would love to come as he wouild be off work the next couple of nights. We settled on the time, 7 pm and thanked Randy for his very wonderful service and headed home.
    1 point
  37. Bill, Scott and Michael have been roommates for two years but since Michael was moving away to attend grad school they had just placed an ad online for a new roommate. "Roommate wanted for a three bedroom single family house in Newton. The bedroom is about 12 x 18 and has an attached bathroom (bathroom also has a door from the hallway and serves as the guest bathroom). House has laundry, exercise room, six person spa and garage parking for three cars, one allotted to each roommate. Two gay 23/24 year olds seek similar aged laid back guy that is quiet yet fun to hang around. $700 including utilities, one month security also needed." Timmy was reading the ads and this seemed perfect. Timmy was 22 and recently graduated college and started his first job but he still lived at home. He stayed at home while attending college and now did not have any school or other debt and he knew staying at home was the right thing to do for his financial future but he wanted to be free. He knew he was gay when he was in sixth grade but the way he figured it out also sealed his closet door for him. His father was in a tirade about a gay couple that moved into the neighborhood and was ranting for months about them every time he drank and that was often. It was during these episodes that Timmy learned what a gay person was and also realized why he felt different from everyone else. He started researching at the library as he didn’t dare use the family computer for fear of getting caught and therefore be became comfortable knowing that he was gay and also that gays were normal yet suffered hatred from many people - including his father. He loved his Dad but knew it was best to keep quiet and did so. Timmy was also a natural athlete and never fit the classic stereotypes making it just a little easier, but his desires kept growing. Attending college wasn’t as difficult as he thought as it was mostly a commuter school and therefore socializing was actually a minimum and it allowed him not to dwell on his sexuality. He did have a few brief encounters with a couple of guys from the school but they were not very satisfying as the guys were beginners like him and since neither had experience it was clumsy and confusing. Bill and Scott hated interviewing the guys that responded to the ad but when they met Timmy they knew they found the perfect new roommate, yet for very different reasons. Bill grew up in a house just like Timmy’s and his parents still didn’t know he was gay and he liked the fact that when his parents came by that Timmy wouldn’t prance around in a pink tank tube singing YMCA. Scott though was already thinking about how he could seduce Timmy and thought even if he couldn’t get into his pants he would enjoy seeing his tight jock body. They all agreed that night and Timmy moved in the following Friday. The guys helped him settle in and the three seemed to quickly become friends and Timmy enjoyed being able to talk openly with other gay guys for the first time. He also learned to drink and smoke pot as his new roommates seemed to do that a lot and he learned he liked the feeling of getting stoned and wasted. He really liked how both of them usually walked around in just boxers or shorts and soon so was he. As the weeks went by they discussed many things especially later at night after Bill would go to bed Scott would get Timmy to open up about his fantasies. Being stoned Timmy had no problem sharing that he wanted to be sexually controlled. His dream man would treat him as an equal in all things except sex - where he would dominate Timmy completely. Scott would ask about various things and every time Timmy’s answer would be that if his man wanted him to do it then he would learn to either like it or at least learn to like making his man happy. Timmy may have little experience but he knew he was a bottom sub boy par excellence and was looking forward to meeting a man that could treat him like that. Scott would almost drool when he listened to Timmy but he also was keeping a mental list of the stuff that turned Timmy on. About two months after Timmy moved in Bill flew back to his parents for some family event. Scott knew now was the best time to try to get into Timmy’s pants or more correctly his tight jock ass. As usual when Timmy got home he changed into a pair of gym shorts and as he came out of his bedroom Scott was ready and handed him a beer and said “TGIF” and started to down his own so Timmy repeated the comment and started to suck his down too and thought life was great. The evening started like normal and soon Timmy had a nice buzz on but what he didn’t know was that Scott wasn’t drinking as much as he was. Scott had started the night be giving Timmy a beer and then over the next few hours he dictated each little item from having Timmy go make them rum and coke drinks or to roll another joint to even ordering Chinese food which Timmy didn’t actually like much. Scott loved how easy Timmy was to lead and when he asked Timmy to rub his feet and Timmy got down in front of him on the floor and started to rub his feet and smiled up at him he decided then that tonight he was going to fuck Timmy. A few minutes later Scott pulled his foot back when he stood up and then he rubbed Timmy‘s head and said "Thanks, you’re such a good boy" which got the stoned Timmy grinning from ear to ear. Then Scott told him to stay put as he would get the drinks this time. Timmy just sat there and watched Scott walk away thinking how lucky he was to have found such a good roommate. Scott stopped in his bedroom first and grabbed his bottle of G as it was time to turn Timmy on. When he saw his bathrobe he thought it might also be perfect time to get in the spa too and he grabbed an extra one for Timmy. In the kitchen he poured a capful of G but then thought about how much Timmy had already drank and he didn’t want him to pass-out, well at least not yet so he poured half the cap into his beer also and wondered if he actually could get any hornier than he already was. Timmy was still sitting on the floor waiting and smiling his silly boy grin once he saw Scott walking back into the room. His innocent look made Scott almost feel guilty for what he was planning but then realized he was only going to do what Timmy wanted and needed so there was no reason to be guilty. He handed the drink to Timmy and also one of the robes telling him that they were going to get in the spa. Timmy responded with OK as he got up and followed Scott out to the back deck. They had used the spa many times, but this was the first time Timmy saw Scott remove his shorts and get in naked. Timmy was in it naked only once before when he was home alone and he remembered how nice it felt and just as he was about to take off his shorts, Scott told him to "Drop your shorts and get in here" and Timmy did. Scott raised his glass and toasted “To our best night yet!” and then he downed his drink and watched Timmy do the same. Scott relaxed awhile and once he could feel the G starting to work in him he started to tell Timmy about the first time he was in a spa which was on a ski vacation when he was a freshman. Now the story was just a story that Scott made up but he knew it would help turn Timmy into putty and he told Timmy how they were at his best friend’s ski house but that night he was alone with his friend’s older brother, Mark, and described how they also were stoned first then got into the spa naked and it was his first time naked with another guy and Mark was such a hunky stud. Mark told him how much he missed his girlfriend at home and then started to describe how she would stroke him and then Mark actually started to stroke himself right in front of me and then he described how she would suck him and he wished so much that she was there. I was shocked that he was jerking off in front of me but it turned me on so much he told Timmy. Scott started to stroke himself as told the story and he nearly shot off when he saw Timmy subconsciously lick his lips. Scott then stopped talking and relaxed and less than ten seconds later Timmy asked but it blurted out all at once, “Then what happened?” Scott asked Timmy if he wanted to hear all the little details and Timmy nodded. Scott then asked "Would you like to know what it felt like when Mark held my head and slowly pushed me down onto his cock?" Timmy nodded again. Scott continued, asking "And I bet you want to know about how he fucked me all night too?" This time Timmy nodded and added “You were so lucky. I have dreamed about a night like that for the last ten years.” Scott then asked if hearing the story would help or would Timmy rather have Scott help him make it happen. Timmy reached for his cock but Scott told him not to touch himself and again asked if he wanted it to happen to him. Timmy nodded again. Scott told Timmy that it hadn’t happened yet because he was looking for the perfect man but he hadn’t thought about being the perfect boy, and that if Timmy wanted to surrender control to another man, Timmy needed to first let him know that he, Timmy, wanted him to take control, adding that a real man wouldn't rape an unwilling man but instead would always look for a man who wants to be treated like a boy, to be held, cherished, loved and yes probably raped too. Scott then asked Timmy if that is what he wanted and Timmy nodded. Scott told him that since it was clear that Timmy was and wanted to be a submissive boy he should always respond to a man by calling him Sir and he should practice now, he then re-asked the question and Timmy responded “Yes, Sir”. Scott and Timmy then went through a series of questions such as: "Do you want me to help you? Are you willing to do everything I say?" Timmy replied “Yes, Sir” to both questions. Scott then grabbed Timmy’s head and pushed it on to his cock. Timmy didn’t resist and started to suck him. Scott guided and instructed Timmy until he started to suck like a talented cocksucker. Scott started to rub Timmy’s ass and then his hole and when he pushed his finger into Timmy he heard the sweetest moan ever. He decided then that he wanted to get Timmy a little hornier still before continuing and he lifted Timmy’s head and told him to sit there and wait and not to touch himself. Scott grabbed the empty drinks and went to refill them. He stopped in his room and grabbed some lube and also prepared a nice booty bump for Timmy and he refilled their drinks adding another half cap of G to both his and Timmy’s. Scott asked Timmy if he moved or touched himself and Timmy replied “No, Sir” and Scott told Timmy that he was so easy to train than he would soon find men treating him exactly as he wanted and Timmy smiled. Scott handed him the drink and toasted again “to our best night yet” and this time Timmy repeated each word before he also swallowed the drink completely. Scott then told Timmy to lean over the edge of the spa onto the deck so that his ass was sticking out and Scott then told him that he wanted men to use him because he is a submissive and isn’t that right and Timmy meekly responded “Yes, Sir”. Well Timmy boy you are about to learn reason number two and the secret that every top man knows which is when you eat a bottom’s ass you can make him do anything, and then Scott ran his tongue over Timmy’s hole sending Timmy into a near orgasm. Timmy looked back at Scott and Scott said I told you so, soon you’ll learn that you will do anything to get that tongue back in your ass and then he started to lick the hole again as Timmy thrashed on the deck. Once he had the hole wet and relaxed he pushed the booty bump in and then joined Timmy on the deck and told Timmy to sit with him on the deck chairs and asked Timmy if he ever thought about swallowing a guy's piss and Timmy told him that he heard about and read about it but no it wasn’t something he thought about doing. Scott leaned over and slapped Timmy and said you must respond with respect or you will never get what you are looking for. Timmy was shocked at first by the slap but realized that he forgot to call Scott Sir and then apologized several times and used Sir each time. Scott stood up and rubbed Timmy’s head and told him that he was a good boy but he just needed to learn. Scott could also see Timmy wiggling his ass and knew the booty bump was kicking in and decided it was time to break Timmy in. “Timmy, on your knees” Timmy quickly got on his knees and had his head pulled down onto Scott’s cock and started to suck. “Timmy, listen to me as you worship my cock. This is all new and I understand but you will learn to be a good boy.” Timmy’s ass was really wiggling and the need was growing inside him but he didn’t know what it was. “Timmy, you felt the most pleasure in your life just now while I was eating your ass didn’t you? No don’t move just nod.” And Timmy nodded. “By now you must feel the most amazing need coming from your ass, don’t you?” Timmy nodded. “You want me to do something about it for you?” Timmy nodded. “You want me to fuck you?” Timmy nodded. “You want me to pound your ass?” Timmy nodded. "You want me to breed you over and over again?" Timmy nodded. “Now is the time for you to decide if you truly want me to teach you or not.” In a moment you will either swallow to indicate you want me to continue or you can take your mouth off of my cock and you can quit and just go to bed.” Timmy thought he was about to cum but when the first taste of Scott’s piss hit his tongue he understood he had to swallow now or it was all over and he started to swallow. “That’s a good boy, look up at me while you drink.” Timmy looked up and the hunger was in his eyes. “Timmy you are not drinking my piss because you want me to lick your ass again, you are swallowing my piss because I told you too and you want to please me, is that right?” Timmy nodded and Scott’s desire grew and he needed to fuck Timmy more now than ever before and he grabbed his head and pushed into his throat and stopped holding back and just let his piss pour into his boy’s stomach. “Timmy, hold still. I am pissing into your belly so we can be done as we need to take care of your ass now.” Timmy knew his ass needed something and knew Scott would take care of it and therefore he didn’t worry even as he felt lightheaded as he couldn’t breathe but just as he felt like he was going to pass out Scott pulled back and Timmy gasped. Scott told him to follow and went to his bedroom as it was time to breed.
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  38. I remember my dad used to shower with me when I was real young. He showed me what his dick looked like hard, brown, thick cut meaty and I remember watching him soap it up and down until he came. He never touched my dick but he definitely soaped up my body and made my little boy dick hard. I always thought maybe he knew I was going to be gay even then and was testing the waters while my memory was still kind of solidifying since those times are fuzzy in my mind, but I definitely know it happened and I wish he would have taught me more. I always imagines having a kid would be a great bonding experience myself
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  39. I ordered a sub of mine to piss himself and sleep in his wet u underwear. Thats fucking hot
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  40. I love a PA in my ass or mouth especially with a POZ Man. The bigger the better. If it scrapes it is doing its job, as for chipping teeth I don't have any.
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  41. Or a guy who comes in and barely makes eye-contact, like he is ashamed of his 'depraved, gay side', (yes maybe gets distracted by his phone, maybe cheating) Doesn't say anything (because he is too dumb or inhibited), but goes bare, consummates his 'dirty deed', nuts really quick and runs off without eye-contact (again) or he is GUILTY! And when you see him out some time (with his presumably 'straight' company) he FREAKS and averts his eyes like you have a 'dirty secret on him' and high-tails like a weasel... lol But they 'come around' years later, drunk at a bar, trying to 'regain the moment' but slobbering and awkward! You know, THE CLOSET wasn't too kind to him! lol
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  42. Had a fun communion last time I went. I hadn’t gone for a while and decided to go to the one at Steamworks in Berkeley. I also had a friend in town and he wanted to go as well. I try to write about my cumdump experiences that are different or unique to me. As anyone knows who’s read my prior entries, since I became a cumdump a couple years ago I’ve had lots of loads in my hole. It’s definitely been a progression. When I first started I was excited to get a 2 or 3 loads in my hole. Now I would consider that a slow night. ? it seems like the more you get, the more it increases the hunger within you. This time while At communion I had quite an enjoyable time with the top. I have been there for a little bit and gotten fucked by a few guys and taking some loads so I decided it was time to position myself on the fuck bench. I hadn’t been there for too long when a top bear came over and started to finger my hole. After realizing that it was pre-lubed with cum, he quickly proceeded to put it in his dick with one thrust. He had a nice thickness to him and some length but not too much. So he was able to slide right in my cum lubed and open hole. He used it well for about 10 minutes; all while talking loudly about how good my hole was and how he was going to bust his nut in there. He increased his pace and got louder as he got closer to coming. When coming, he shouted and moaned, yelling “here’s number one” for the benefit of the crowd that had circled to watch. When he had finished, he started talking to the crowd and asking “who’s got number two?”. Another guy jumped on my hole proceeded to fuck me and unload. This continued for about an hour with my bear top encouraging others to use my hole and keeping track all the while. By the end I had a good five loads in me and a second one from him! Overall a great experience! After another hour or so when the crowd begin to die down, I decided to head home. But because I still had a need in me to be used, I decided to stop in the park and see if anything would happen. They were a few guys about in the area near the bathrooms where men cruise for sex. There was one black guy already under the tree near the handicap ramp where guys go to fuck and suck. I leaned over the ramp and pulled down my sweatpants exposing my ass and turned around to look at the guy. He had already pulled out his dick and was stroking it. He walked over and pushed me down to suck on his nice meaty 8 inches. When I was sucking on him, he started rubbing and feeling up my ass till he got to my hole. When he felt how wet and loose my hole was, he immediately turned me around and shove it right in. He started fucking and bucking like a stallion in heat while held onto the railing for dear life! After roughly fucking me for 5 minutes, he pulled me towards him and thrust in deep to unload. When done, he immediately pulled out, shoved his dick in his pants and left, leaving me with my ass exposed and cum dripping down my leg. I decided to walk more of the park to see if I could get any more loads. Turned out to be my lucky night! I ran into another black guy with a nice 8 inch dick as well and he proceeded to fuck me behind the bushes for a nice long session for about 45 minutes or more. He got me so horned up that I kept on stripping off more and more of my clothes because I wanted to be comfortable and experience all of him. By the end I was stark naked bent over just taken his dick. He was a great fucker! He’d pull in all the way out and slam it back in my sloppy hole. When he was ready to unload he made sure to get in even deeper so that his balls were slapping against my ass as he came in my hole. We talked briefly after and exchanged names and how we hoped to meet each other again. I wished I had gotten his number because he was so good! After him my hole felt satisfied and I went home to sleep well that night!
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  43. Part 3 My last night in Berlin was the best! I went to Scheune which is becoming a new favorite of mine. After buying a beer and checking my coat, I headed downstairs to the play area. I knew I wanted to be an exhibitionist and get as many loads as possible, so I headed over to the sling area. Next to the sling, there was a wall with a grid of metal over it. I started to undress taking off my jeans while holding onto the metal. There was a heavyset German guy who was watching me while rubbing the bulge in his pants. From the look he was giving me I knew he wanted some ass and to unload. He had that look of hunger. I turned to make sure that he would have a clear view of my ass and my jockstrap while I stripped off the remainder of my clothes. He moved closer to me so I pulled out his dick and was stroking the stubby thickness of it. He put a hand on my ass and started rubbing and squeezing it while fingering my hole. I leaned forward. In the meantime a few other guys have been attracted to the action and were standing behind him in a semi circle. Between the crowd and my available ass, this guy didn’t need any more prompting. He bent me over and thrust his dick dick inside of me. It felt so good to know that I was being used in front of this crowd of men. He shoved and grunted with an urgency to unload. It didn’t take him long but once he was done immediately a member of the audience jumped on my ass and took his place. For the next half hour all of the 6-8 guys in the semi circle took their turns in my hole. Each one unloaded in me till they were all spent and I was left standing while cum dripped down my leg out of my hole. I felt like such a well used cumdump. It was incredibly satisfying and I was grateful for all of their loads.
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  44. "Good because I'm gonna fuck you until I cum"
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  45. He told me to take off my clothes and lie on my stomach
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  46. Part 4 Dan kissed me again and spoke softly "You should know that to me love making is natural sex, you become one with me and share a very intimate bond and will take everything I give, no questions and no hesitation.". I knew that my brother and Gary were undetectable so the chances of being infected by them was pretty low, but I had to figure out how to ask the question of Dan. I breathed loudly and moaned as Dan licked my nipple and worked his way down my chest and navel, the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood up at the sensation of him exploring my body with his tongue. I felt my last few items of clothing being removed from my body, laying naked on the bed Dan removed the rest of his clothes to reveal a beautiful specimen of a cock, long and thick covering a set of heavily hanging balls. I reached out and touched his cock and he moved forward towards my mouth, my lips parted as the head of his now semi erect cock slipped between and in to my mouth. Tenderly sucking and applying pressure I could feel it growing in my mouth and pushing further in towards the back of my throat, gagging he pulled out and kissed me again between my gasps for breath. Dan positioned himself on top of me as he continued kissing me and probing my mouth with his tongue, his left leg pushed in between mine forcing them apart, I moaned as his full weight was on me, my legs were wrapped around his hips. Without realising he had placed me in the missionary position, drawing his legs further up towards my hips causing my legs to move up around his waist. I was now in place ready to be penetrated, I could feel his cock rubbing against my hole as the kissing continued. Dan was an expert kisser as he continued on with his mission of making love to me, caressing my body, stroking my face, his mouth never broke contact with mine. Slowly his hips raised as I felt the head of his cock starting to caress my hole, it was very slick and lubed from his precum already oozing out. I felt my ass opening as the head slipped in, moaning and wriggling he held me firmly. A sharp pain shot through my ass as he started pushing the shaft of his cock inside me. I broke form the kiss about to cry out from pain when his hand clamped firmly over my mouth muting any sound. My body was trying to reject the invasion but my mind was full of desire for him. A gradual and intense pressure was now applied as he slipped the rest of his cock deep inside until I felt his balls touching my ass. He removed his hand from my mouth as I panted hard adjusting to the size of his cock now embedded in my body. His mouth clamped down on to mine as he started to kiss me again. Feeling his balls rubbing against my ass as he slowly gyrated his hips was intoxicating and I felt absorbed in the moment. Plop, plop, plop was the sound of his balls hitting against my ass as he started to fuck me, the soreness and burning in my ass grew intensely as he relentlessly bucked his hips back and forwards. Moaning in to his mouth as he continued kissing me I suddenly felt his cock stiffen and swell, Dan broke from our kiss and wrapped his arm around my head hold me close as he let out a long grunt and groan in my ear. My hands grabbed his shoulders and I closed my eyes as warmth started to spread deep in my ass as torrents of his poz seed now flowed into me, with every upward jolt and grunt more seed was pumping from his cock in to my body. Dan collapsed on top of me still keeping his cock tight inside whilst his hips ground against my ass working the seed further into me. His mouth closed in on mine as we kissed. After around 15 minutes he slowly pulled his cock out carefully so not to have fall out from my ass, he rolled on to his back "Oh fuck, that was hot. I wrapped my arm over his chest and snuggled up to him as he placed his arm around my neck and we both fell asleep. We woke just after sunrise and looked at each other and spontaneously laughed. As we laid there I asked Dan about him being poz, "Been poz about 5 years." he replied, "Oh, do you have a medication regime?", he looked at me and smiled "No, not on meds yet, have a pretty high viral load but it's not affecting my cell count to badly yet.". I looked worriedly at him "You do know I am neg don't you?", stroking my face he replied "Probably not after the breeding I gave you last night, but you will definitely get my gift if you want to keep having sex with me." he winked got up and began to get dressed as I went to the bathroom desperately needing to sit down and break wind, so I thought. What happened in fact was a loud wet sloppy noise as he seed was being expelled by my ass. Wiping after I finished and taking a look there were no tell tell signs of blood mixed in his poz seed, stupidly thinking I escaped the bullet. As Dan left we kissed and he said he would see me Monday on the metro as usual.
    1 point
  47. Part 3 As I entered the house Gary and my brother were in the kitchen, I shouted hello at them and went to my room and got changed. Gary appeared at my bedroom door "Everything alright?" he asked, "Yes, although still a little sore from what you did to me" he laughed at me, "Don't worry it will get easier, dinner is ready.". I followed him down to the kitchen where my brother looked over at me "Sore?" he asked as my face turned red and I nodded, we sat down and ate dinner. As we were clearing up my brother came over and put his arms around me, his head forcing mine over to the side exposing my neck he clamped his mouth at the bottom and started biting and sucking. I pleaded with him to stop but he sucked harder, as he released he looked at the spot and grinned before saying "That will take around 5 days to disappear and before it goes I will show you real brotherly love.". I walked over to the oven door to check myself out then turned to face him "You better make sure you do.", he came over to me and grabbed my face with both hands and started kissing me on the mouth. I fancied the hell out my brother so gladly I responded and kissed him back deep. "That is so hot." Gary said, I broke free from my brother's kiss and went over to Gary and kissed him. "Just getting more practice in." I said and laughed. The rest of the evening we spent in the lounge watching a film, I knew at some point I would have to broach the subject of Gary fucking me without a condom but for now I just wanted to start enjoying the freedom. I went on to tell them about Dan and the incident on the metro to which they both replied that I didn't waste much time putting it about. The more I thought about it and Dan I wondered if it was only going to be a matter of time, as the film finished I kissed Gary and my brother goodnight and headed up for some needed sleep and thank heavens tomorrow was Friday. The metro pulled to the station and as I stepped on board and headed to find a seat, I settled in and was about to put my headphones in when Dan appeared and took the seat opposite me. "Morning Josh." he smile was so radiant "Morning Dan, ready for another day?" I asked, "Yeah, but I know what I would prefer to do." laughing and winking at me. By the time we got off the metro and headed our separate ways I had found out that he was 31 years old, worked a couple of blocks away and lived close to the metro stop after mine. I had agreed to meet him lunchtime at the gym, the morning went by so slowly and I tried to busy myself to stop me from clock watching. At last it was midday and I finished off an email and collected my gym bag and headed out of the office. I had just finished a 5 mile run and slowing the running machine down as Dan appeared from the weight room and joined me, we chatted a bit then headed to the showers. Dan stood next to me in the shower, his naked body was doing it for me and I was finding it difficult to control my arousal. He looked over at me "Didn't know you had a partner.", I looked over at him "Why would you think that?", "Your love bite." he replied. I chuckled "That was my brother last night, claims he wants to do me.", "OMG that is not normal." he laughed before realising I was serious "Your brother wants to bed you....hmmm I can see why as I would as well.". I felt an overwhelming surge of sexual desire but contained myself and played it cool "Yeah." I laughed and winked at him. We parted company agreeing to meet at the metro after work. I decided to invite him for dinner partly out of curiosity and that I also liked his company, fortunately the afternoon sped by and at 5pm I logged off my work computer and left the office for the weekend. Dan was already at the station when I arrived, bracing myself to pluck up the courage to ask him if he wanted to join me for dinner. To my surprise he agreed, I hastily sent a text to my brother to let him know there was 1 addition for dinner, he replied with an okay as I took my seat on the metro. As we entered the house I called out to my brother and Gary whom both appeared so I quickly did the introductions, my brother nodded approval and smiled at me saying "Dinner will be in 20 minutes.". I took Dan upstairs to my room closing the door behind him and wasted no time, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him as his mouth sought mine and his tongue speared in to my mouth. His kissing was so intense and dominate that my legs started to shake uncontrollably, his arms circling around my back he gradually lifted me off the ground and took me over to the bed. Gently he lowered me down and laid on top of me continuing his kissing, my hands were all over his body as I couldn't get enough of feeling his toned torso and arms. After some time we heard Gary shout that dinner was ready and Dan released me and flipped on to his back, "Seriously I am going to have to make love to you later." he said grabbing at his crotch and giving it a good rub, my head was buzzing with excitement but also the thought of how dominant and controlling he appeared to be. Over dinner and wine the conversation was good and interesting, hardly any sex talk and mostly a getting to know Dan and vice versa, my brother showed a little to much interest in Dan so I made our excuses as we headed back upstairs to my room. Dan stroked my chest through my shirt as we lay on the bed, gradually he undid the buttons exposing my chest, his head moved forward as he started licking and sucking at my nipples, I found out by this simple move that my nipples wired to my groin causing an instant erection. Dan realised he had found my erogenous zone on first strike. My hands moved across his broad shoulders as I started to undo his shirt buttons, as I reached the button button I moved my hands inside the open shirt and ran them up towards his shoulders pushing the shirt over them to reveal his body and those tattoos. A tribal tattoo that run down his left arm, paw prints over his right breast that ran down towards his groin area. I commented on his tattoos and how amazing they looked as I inspected the tribal tattoo further, embedded within I counted 3 biohazard tattoos that were designed to mix in perfectly. I knew what they meant and commented on how well designed it was circling around each biohazard symbol, "Ahh, you noticed them." he said looking at me "You know what they mean?", I simply nodded and muttered "Yes, I know.".
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  48. Part 2 Frozen to the spot with my ass on fire and hurting I couldn't think straight, part of me had enjoyed being held down and fucked, the flip side saw it as a violation and an unprovoked act. Gary stood there and licked his lips "As good as I suspected it would be." he said, turning he sauntered out of the kitchen. I went up to my room and locked the door behind me and sat on the bed. My cock was still hard as the thoughts played over in my mind, his body laying on top of me and the feeling of his orgasm as he pumped his load deep in me caused my cock to spasm and release my load inside my jogging bottoms. I stretched out back on bed heaving as the wetness from my load soaked through my joggers and trickled down between my balls as I drifted off to sleep. Woken at 11pm by Andy coming home I got up off the bed and stripped naked and climbed under the duvet and went back to sleep, it was a very rough night of sleep. Between the thoughts of Gary and my sore ass I tossed and turned, made several trips to the bathroom as Gary's seed was seeping out. As I wiped my ass I noticed some pinkish streaks but thought nothing more of it, eventually I drifted off to sleep only to be woken again by my alarm at 6am. Fortunately I usually left work before either of them surfaced, stepping on the metro to the office I was conscious that somehow I looked different to the eyes of the world this morning as I took my seat in the regular spot. As I did so two guys took the seat opposite me and nodded as a good morning to me. I put my earphones in and drifted off in to my world listening to my music. I kept noticing that one of the guys opposite me was looking constantly at me, his eyes darting to the window if I looked over. He looked to be in his early 30's and I could tell by his tight shirt he packed quite a bit of muscle in his arms, I could also make out the outline of a tribal tattoo running down his left shoulder and arm. Inwardly smiling to myself thinking he was pretty dam hot. 20 minutes had passed quickly and I was sat at my office desk, still feeling a little discomfort down below the hours went by slowly up to midday. I went to the gym round the block from my office which was usually quiet at lunchtimes, I didn't feel up to doing to much workout so decided to hit the weight room. As I was finishing my first rep a guy offered to spot for my second, I said thank you but I am okay as I looked up at him I could see the tattoo clearly and his very defined torso. I just layed there looking at him until he introduced himself as Dan and continued that he sees me on the metro every day. I did the usual courtesy thing and introduced myself as Josh, he took the bench across from me only to be consciously aware he was looking at me, I only managed 2 more rep's as I felt a little embarrassed so decided to hit the shower and grab some lunch. That afternoon my mind kept wandering to Dan and how fit he looked staring down at me, in any other circumstance I would have been at such a disadvantage laying on the bench while he stood over me. I stood on the platform waiting for the metro home when a voice behind me said hello Josh, I turned to see Dan and greeted him as the metro pulled in. I stepped on board and Dan followed behind me, all the seats were taken so I stood at the end of the carriage in between the luggage racks and toilets. Dan stood close up next to me then bumped against me as the metro pulled away from the station. I felt a stirring in my groin and did something out of the ordinary by grabbing his arm as the metro jolted again, I looked at him and apologised to be rewarded by a very sexy smile. "Bumpy ride." he said as he moved towards the toilet door and his eyes looking intently at me, he opened the door and motioned me to follow him. I hesitated and had a look round but everyone was minding their own business so I took a couple of steps towards the door tentatively. My mind racing telling me this was a risky move but my desire was winning and letting all my inhibitions slip away. His arm grabbed mine and pulled me inside as he closed and locked the door behind me, pushing me up against the wall with his body and pinning my arms above my head his face moved in quick as he planted his mouth over mine. Natural instinct caused my mouth to part as I felt his tongue dive inside my mouth seeking my tongue. A fire raged in my body as he gave me the most passionate deep french kiss I ever experienced, releasing my arms he wrapped his around my body and neck continuing this deep long kiss. I was brought back to the real world as the familiar jolt shunt jolt of the metro told me it was approaching my stop. Breaking free from the clinches of his arms and mouth he knew this was my stop coming up. "Really that was perfection." he whispered and grabbed my hand rubbing it against his crotch, there was no mistaking that he packed a pretty hefty sized cock judging by how hard he was. I tried to compose myself and unlocked the door and pulling it open slightly to check no one was outside, I slipped out through the door and to the exit waiting for the metro to stop. My heart was doing palpitations at what just happened, people were now moving and waiting behind me as the doors slid open and I stepped on to the platform. Walking towards the station exit I looked in the window to see Dan sat there smiling and winking at me, I smiled and continued my walk home.
    1 point
  49. 15, my first boyfriend, he actually asked permission to cum inside me when he got close. I remember thinking what an odd question, why wouldn't you cum in me?
    1 point
  50. Part III “Aw fuck! I’m filling your guts with my cum... right! NOW!” the trucker growled loudly enough for everyone at the rest stop to hear. He was a big-bellied man who wore his cap backwards and had a long, scraggly beard. He stank of piss, beer, and cigarettes, and he fucked me with a thick, long, toxic-looking rod and had dumped my ass with a flash flood of cream. “Alright, I’m next,” said one of the two cute jocky college-aged guys. “Wait man, me too,” the other one said. They were both high as hell I could tell. One of them was tall and had long skater boy hair. He grabbed me by my hair and smacked my face with his rock hard, leaking dick. Then he forcefully clutched both sides of my head and thrust his dick into the back of my throat, making me gag and splutter. The other one was shorter but heavily muscular. He roughly grabbed my ankles and ripped my legs apart like he was opening a Christmas gift. He jammed his cock into me with ease; it had already been opened up by a couple guys and heavily lubed up with cum. The night was silent but for the sounds of the highway, my muffled moaning and gagging, and the smacking sounds of the guy’s balls slapping against my ass every time he pounded me. I was being rented out as a quick pump n’ dump behind a highway rest stop for anyone with five bucks in their pocket. I was on my back, legs in the air, and was being pounded against the wall. Giovanni stood with his back to the wall smoking a joint and collecting money. It was over eighty degrees outside and past 1 AM. “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming inside you bitch!” grunted the guy who was fucking me. With that, he unloaded another load of cum in my ass, and at this point I was overflowing. Cum was leaking in a steady stream out of my ass and down my crack. The other guy pulled outside of my mouth and came onto my hole, then pushed it in with his finger. “Last guy plug him back up,” Giovanni said as he finished. My head was spinning from copious amounts of crack, meth, and weed Giovanni had supplied me in the car on our way here. He made sure I never stopped smoking on the 20 minute drive here. I was pretty much blacked out but would phase in every once in a while in the middle of being fucked and it felt so fucking good. The last guy crammed my giant butt plug back in my ass to keep the cum from trickling out, but my ass was so full some of it still leaked. “Get dressed,” Giovanni said, grabbing me by the hair and lifting me up to my legs. I hurriedly pulled up my board shorts (that’s all he allowed me to wear) and when I stood up I could feel thick, warm streams of cum run down my leg. The men who fucked me were getting into their cars and driving away. Giovanni was wearing a mesh top and a speedo, which meant we were going to the baths today. I crawled into the passenger’s seat of his car and felt the cum from my ass soak through the back of my ass onto the leather seats. Giovanni handed me a loaded syringe and two blunts. “It’s a long way to the baths, cumwhore.” I lit up a blunt and we passed it between us; I greedily left the syringe for right before the baths. I wanted to be freshly high out of my mind and flying before I let any guy with any cock fuck me in the sex clubs. I had spent the entire day tanning by Giovanni’s pole in my g-string smoking T, so I didn’t look gaunt, but I did have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. Giovanni found a parking spot a block away from the bathhouse and I gave myself the slam in the car. There were no cops on this street; it was deserted except for the twisted fuckers at the bathhouse. We walked to the entrance. It was a basement venue, with a red neon sign flashing above it. Guys in harnesses and leather chaps were smoking cigarettes outside. “Yo, Gio! Fresh meat? Let’s go inside, boys. We’ve got fresh cumdump tonight,” one of them said hungrily to the others, grabbing his crotch as they all followed us in. My slimy ass perked at the thought of all those lustful, probably poz men pumping me with their cocks.
    1 point
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