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  1. I always were interested in group sex and being kinky. Since my early years that I dream of being males little bitch. I always was afraid and impressed by tall and masculine man, always felt some kind of submission toward them. At some point in my adulthood I decided to try bathhouses. Of course after one time I was really into it. I continued to go, and then one day... I was travelling Europe and stopped for a week in Amsterdam. The weather was insane, its was in the middle of a heatwave. One evening I decided to venture in the redlight district and go see where was the good bathhouses. I was so suprised to see A LINEUP to enter the bathhouse. Mind you, in my native city, you're lucky if there is 10 guys in total. Si I immediatly knew I HAD to go. After a while I finally enter, and its jampacked, to the point I have a hard time not stepping on anyone's toe. I make my way to the dark room and start having fun. I start making out with this guy, he's bald and his body is toned and hot. I can't see him in the dark, but what a hot male look like. Lets call him John #1. At some point he tells me to wait and some back with a methpipe. Oh god, I never done this, not even done coke, only speed. I'm freaking out, but at the same time my partner was so damn hot, I really wanted to please him. So I took a hit. I felt a burning sensation in my lung, coughed up a bit, and right after, I felt like sexual desire was growing in me. I felt hot but so good, and I immediatly started going ham on John#1. He then took me slowly to the sling, and even tho I never done it I got in there . I feel his big cock playing around my ass and I'm in extasy. My brain is screaming to put a condom on him, but my body is demanding semen. He kisses me and I whisper to him "please breed me, I want to feel your male essence in me". He then penetrated me right away. I screamed, feeling a bit of pain, but mostly pleasure. My entire body was shaking and sweating, I was ready. I was ready to take that men hot load, whatever the cost. He came after fucking me for 10 minutes. I was still very high and horny, so I decided to stay in the sling. It took 30 seconds to feel another man in me. That one didn't even asked or kissed me, just went for it, and it felt so hot. He was thick, I could feel my hole being trashed out. He was also really aggresive, choking and spanking me. At that point I knew I wanted this alpha male cum so bad. I whispered to him "please, I beg you to cum, I want to feel your juice inside me, feel like a part of your masculinity is part of me. That's when he stopped fucking me and told me "You're gonna have to work for it Boy, and if you do well I'll bring some friends so you can take their loads as well... So, should I continue?
    9 points
  2. by Andrew "Aethan" French afrench@gct.com Given the events you're about to read, you might guess that Micky and I met at a Horror or Sci-Fi convention, or in some weird voodoo cult in New Orleans, or some farfetched locale. The truth is, Micky and I met in a little gay bar in downtown Boston. I had broken up with a real asshole (no comment; I have nothing to say about him, and he has nothing to do with this story) and was looking to drown my sorrows in a lot of bad alcohol and a few nights of utterly dangerous casual sex. I was crazy from having broken up, and I really didn't give a shit about AIDS or anything else. Luckily for me, the first night I went cruising, Micky wandered into my life. When he entered, I was awed by the seemingly total focus with which he carried himself. Every step seemed to have been planned out ahead of time, and his walk was graceful and predatory. Everything about him bespoke a man who was looking for good sex in large amounts. I couldn't help but be attracted to those smoldering black eyes, set under brows whose fiery red matched the wild mane that framed his beautiful face. His body was muscular and lean, and his clothes snugged up against the fine structure beneath, hiding and revealing things in an alternating way that immediately sent a charge to my crotch. Judging by the reaction of the others in the room, everybody was experiencing the same sensation. I felt, rather than saw, his eyes upon me, and I was disappointed when they flickered away to explore the rest of the crowd. I spent the night watching him. Everywhere he passed, heads turned, and he slipped through the busy bar, hither and yon, looking, apparently, for just the right somebody. I watched in mounting terror as the bar's patrons began approaching him. I wanted him, badly. I wanted him to dominate me utterly and use me as he chose. I wanted to belong to him, not in the sense of the short encounter I had come looking for, but in a long term relationship. This, I sensed, was the real Mr. Right of my life, and I wanted to be with him, more than I had ever wanted anything before. When I saw a new wave of barhoppers enter and fixate on him, I knew I had to make my move or I was going to lose him. I was scared that he would ignore me or reject me, but I was going to have to take my chances. I waved at him, beckoning to him and smiling my best smile. He looked at me curiously, shrugged, disengaged one guy who had draped an arm around his waist, and glided in my direction. He sized me up when he arrived, and he didn't seem to have lost interest. So I steeled up my courage. "I'm Jack. Can I buy you a drink?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and I cursed inwardly for using such an obvious pick-up line. To my surprise and eternal gratification he smiled, a long lingering toothy grin which spread from his mouth and eyes across his whole face. He spoke, in a deep sonorous baritone. "Hi Jack. I'm Micky. No, you can't." I felt my heart sink. "But I'd like to buy you one." I felt it leap back up. "Not here though....too crowded...too many assholes." He took my hand and drew me off of my seat. I couldn't speak. We stopped by the coats, where he pulled down mine and handed it to me. "How the hell did you know that was my coat?" I asked, when we had slipped out of the bar into the cool spring night. He shrugged. "It just seemed like the coat you would wear. I'm a pretty decent judge of character. Besides, it smells like you." We walked under the light of the bright moon. It had just turned past full, so it illuminated the street like another lamp, casting our shadows ahead of us as Micky guided us down the sidewalks in the direction of what he referred to as "the best damned bar in Boston." It was indeed a cozy little place. Not a gay bar, but a fine place to talk quietly amongst a staff that genuinely seemed to like you. It turned out that Micky was an amazing judge of character. He guessed instinctively what I drank and that I was a painter. "You seem the artistic type," he said with a shrug. I became more and more fascinated with Micky, and by the time the bar sent us home, I knew that I wanted to know everything about him and to be a part of what he was. So when he looked at me and asked "Would you like to come home with me?" I accepted without a second's hesitation. His apartment was quite close. He lived in a one-room studio which had been, he explained, the attic of the brownstone building. A friend of his owned it, and his rent was remarkably low. It was spartanly finished, but plants grew everywhere. Their smell was heady and lush, and it was as if he had shown me a hidden rainforest in the center of Back Bay. A state of the art sound system surrounded the room with soft music. His CD collection showed extremely eclectic tastes. A complete run of the Beatles sat side by side with Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach. A They Might Be Giants CD sat atop a sound effect disk of thunderstorms. He put in the thunderstorms tape, took me by the hand, and led me into a space between the plants. His bed was a nest of pillows and blankets, and I let him lower me onto it, loving him even before we ever made love. Sex with Micky was an almost religious experience. His gentle ways of coaxing me into various positions and activities only served to heighten my arousal with him. He seemed to know my body and its desires better than I knew myself, and he cheerfully exploited every one of them. And when it seemed that things were getting too innocent, he would suddenly reveal a rough side. His straightforward, uncomplicated, animalistic charm truly won me over, and I felt completely vulnerable and yet totally safe in his arms. We finally fell into sleep in each others embrace, and when I awoke, he was lying there studying me, smiling. From then on, we were lovers. I had never had a complaint with Micky as far as his being my lover went. He and I had been lived together for two years or so, after my parents disowned me for being gay. We shared his great studio apartment in the Back Bay. It turned out that Micky was very well off, owning his own shipping company, and this gave me the freedom to paint for a living. Micky became my favorite model, and his easy-going attitude towards nudity made him fun to work with. He developed a following among my audience, and while it became increasingly easy to sell my work, it became increasingly difficult to part with my pieces. I loved looking at my nudes of Micky, and I was jealous of anyone who bought one. He was supportive of my work, and whenever I would express disappointment in myself or comment about my shortcomings, he would hold me and rock me like a child until I felt myself again. Everything seemed ideal, except for one detail. Every month, Micky would get very moody and restless without any provocation. The next day, he would disappear without explanation, not returning for three nights. When he returned, he was always in better spirits, and we would have wild, reckless sex for hours non-stop. That part was okay, but his disappearances began to bother me. He would always try to say that he had been away on business for his company, but I began to recognize a pattern. I became suspicious, even morbidly so. Was he in the Mafia, doing hits for money? Was he seeing another lover? What was he hiding from me...or trying to protect me from? As much as I loved him, I began to be afraid of him. Doubt became my worst enemy, forcing me to worry that we were about to spiral into a breakup. I questioned him at length, but he would always worm his way out of the conversation. At last, I couldn't stand it any longer. He was sprawled on the couch, and he was moody. I sensed the time was about to occur; he would disappear tomorrow, unless I was able to determine what was happening. "Micky," I said, quietly but firmly, "I know you're going to leave tomorrow. Please tell me where you're going." "Business," he muttered darkly. "Commodities deal in Acron. Be back..." "Three days from now." I glowered at him. "Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I haven't noticed the pattern? Don't insult my intelligence." "Jack," he said, as his temper rose, "don't be ridiculous. I have business. I'll come back on Tuesday. You'll have a nice quiet long-weekend, and everything will be fine again." "Bullshit, Micky! I've called your company. They never know what I'm talking about when I mention these business trips. They say you take the time as vacation days. Now will you tell me the fucking truth." He sat there, his hands clenching and opening as if he might suddenly attack me. I felt an anger boiling just below his facade of calm. "Jack, you wouldn't understand." "Try me, for Christ's sake. I don't understand now, but I'm willing to listen. Otherwise this whole relationship is for shit! If you go away without explaining yourself, I won't be here when you get back." Saying it nearly destroyed me, but I was insane with the need to know. That was the threat that got him. He deflated visibly and stared up at me miserably. "You might leave if I tell you the truth." "Better that than to keep living with these stupid lies." He struggled with himself for awhile, emotions playing across his face. Finally, he sighed heavily. "Okay, tomorrow I'll explain everything." His expression darkened. "I'll show you everything. You deserve to know." We didn't make love that night. I sat awake in bed, feeling his warmth near me under the sheets and listening to his slow deep breaths. I was afraid. Now that I was going to know everything, I began to wonder if I really wanted to know it. But I felt that it was too late. I had started everything sliding, and I was just going to have to find out what was at the bottom when I hit it. I just hoped we'd survive the fall. I sank at last into a fitful sleep. When I woke up, Micky was gone. At first I was afraid that he had left for the weekend, having chickened out of telling me his secret, but I found a note that indicated he would be back later that afternoon. The day crawled by, and I worried about Micky. I was worried I had driven him away, that he could not tell me his story, and that he had left me alone again. I tried to do some painting, but I couldn't concentrate. I started at every movement in the hall outside our door. Every time the phone rang, I jumped. At last, around sunset, he appeared, and I almost cried with relief. He was carrying two bags of groceries, both of which proved to be full of meat. He stuffed them into the fridge and came over to me. "Its almost time for you to know." I felt a shiver of anticipation, or was it fear? I could not say. Then, inexplicably, Micky started removing his clothes. "Oh, no," I laughed nervously, "I'm not going to be so easily distracted." Micky smiled without humor. "This is integral to your understanding of the truth." "I've seen you naked before, Micky. Its impressive, but nothing new." "You've never seen me completely undressed," he muttered mysteriously. I started to protest, but then something prevented me from continuing. Micky's skin began to ripple and bunch, as if he were changing subtly, underneath. A slight tear showed in his skin, revealing... what? Fur? So it seemed. The surface below was covered with a fine glistening fur the same color as Micky's hair. I realized that all of Micky's skin was peeling away in chunks. It fell to the floor, dry and brittle, like the outer skin of an onion. The thing underneath the skin was seven foot tall if it was an inch, and its body rippled with muscles. A canine snout unfolded beneath Micky's face, tearing through. Gleaming fangs shone in the light, and I wanted nothing so desperately as to be able to run, but, somehow, my brain seemed to have shut down, refusing to send signals to the rest of my body. One message only was getting through. Micky's a fucking werewolf. It began to make some twisted sort of sense. Three day disappearances. Must be the full moon. I couldn't move; shock held me rooted to the spot. I was going to die, and Micky, my lover was going to kill me. He would leap on me, his powerful jaws crushing the life from me. With a jolt of terror, my body began functioning again, but far too slowly. I turned to run, when a voice stopped me in my tracks. "Jack, its me." I turned back to look at the creature which stood before me. It had Micky's voice. It was deeper and harsher, but it was his voice nonetheless. "Micky?" I gasped out from lungs frozen with shivery fear. "Are you in there?" "Its me, Jack. This is what I am." I stared at him. This was no Lon Chaney junior with yak hair on his chin. Micky looked like someone had put a huge wolf's head on top of a weight-lifter's body and covered the whole thing with fur. He was gigantic. His whole body seemed to have swelled, getting physically massive. I glanced down; his cock had become huge. It was nearly a foot long, and it stood erect, giving it the illusion of even greater size. Despite myself, I was a little aroused. I had always been satisfied with Micky before, but this was a fuzzy Adonis! I laughed, a hysterical little giggle, at the incongruity of my thoughts. "Shit, Micky. How the fuck did this happen?" A low guttural laugh escaped the fanged maw of my lover. "Puberty. Some kids got acne; I got fur. My dad said that it skipped a few generations, that my great grandfather had had the gift, and that now I had it. He taught me not to be afraid of it. Its a good thing, I believe, but its hard to explain that to people. Telling people you're a werewolf makes them think you're really crazy or really kinky. But as you see, its the truth. On the three nights of the full moon, this is what I become. It doesn't make any sense. For one thing, I put on about two-hundred pounds of mass...pure muscle." "Yeah, you certainly got..." I looked at his cock involuntarily, "big!" He chuckled. "My senses go from being remarkable to being downright scary, even to me. I can smell things...and hear things....God, Jack. You can't imagine what its like." "Help me to imagine. How does it feel?" He shrugged his gargantuan shoulders. "Natural now. It was weird at first, but now its very natural. It doesn't hurt or anything, like they show in the movies, and I don't eat people. I just get a little wilder, a lot hungrier, and my instincts start kicking in." He blushed then, under his fur, and I caught his train of thought. "In other words, you get really really horny." He grinned hugely as I said this, exposing sharp rows of teeth. "That's why we always fucked so crazily when I came back. I couldn't get laid all that time, and I'd be aching for sex." I looked at him closely. He was so different that he almost couldn't be Micky in my mind. The fur was definitely Micky's hair though, his wild red mane. And the eyes were just the same as Micky's, big, black, soulful, and full of love. "Wow, Micky. I really wasn't ready for...this." He nodded sadly. "I understand. I'll leave. The rent's paid through the end of the summer, and you'll have plenty of time to find a new..." "No Micky! That's not what I mean. I don't want you to leave. I still love you. This is...really weird, but I think I can handle it." He looked at me, hope radiant in his face. "You mean it, Jack?" "I mean it, lover. Look, I'll cook some steak for dinner, and you can explain it to me over dessert." He looked at me thoughtfully. "You are a hell of a guy, Jack. I was so scared...so afraid that I would lose you. When we met, I knew you were the right one, but lately I...I...." He smiled; it was Micky's same gentle smile. "Thanks, Jack." He reached over and took me into his warm furry embrace. Dinner was messy and a bit awkward. Micky insisted that I not cook the steaks he ate, and as I was talking forkfuls of my own well done T-bone, he was ravenously ripping chunks of raw beef into his mouth and swallowing them whole. I drank several glasses of red wine, while he drank nothing but water. "Trust me Jack. You don't want to get me drunk when I look like this. Tipsy werewolves singing Irish drinking songs under a full moon is not the sort of thing we want the neighbors to see." We laughed then, and I was pleased with myself. I was really adapting to this well. It must've been my abiding passion for Micky. Or maybe it was the wine. We talked until three, pondering the existence of other werewolves and whether any of the others were gay. As the clock struck, he looked out the window and sighed. "Thank goodness," he said. "It'll only be a short time until dawn, and then we can be together again." "But we are together, Micky." He shook his head. "I mean sexually. It'll be good to relieve the urges on a daily basis rather than all at once. I was always afraid I was gonna hurt you." It was then that my wine-befuddled head finally acknowledged what my sober self refused to. I wanted to have sex with Micky while he was like this. I couldn't help it. It was the one thing I could do to really prove to him that I was fully accepting of him. I stood, and crossed the room. As he turned, I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head against his chest. He seemed surprised, but he returned the hug. His body seemed to radiate heat, and as we stood there, I felt his dick pressed up against me. I felt a throb of sympathy from my own crotch, and I couldn't help letting my hands explore down his back to his ass, which I began kneading roughly. He pulled back a little, surprised. "Jack, you ought to be careful. I have claws you know. And I'm afraid I'd be really rough if we..." his voice trailed off. In reply, I began undoing the buttons on my shirt. "You won't be rough with me, Micky. I know you. You're still in control in there, and you'll be very gentle." I stripped off my shoes and socks, then beckoned to him. "Help me, Micky." He approached, trembling. His huge hairy paws reached out and came to rest, feather light, upon my shoulders. He pulled off my shirt with the care of a mother undressing her child. I could feel his enormous claws, sharp as razors, but his touch was so light that they never drew blood, only traced lines along my skin. His hands drifted lightly down my sides until they came to rest on the front of my blue-jeans. With exaggerated caution, he worked a finger inside the waistline. I flinched involuntarily. He froze, panic on his face. I smiled at him. "Don't worry big guy; you didn't Bobbittize me. He relaxed and unfastened my pants, then slowly pulled them down until I stood, as naked as he. I took his hand and led him through the plants to the nest of pillows and blankets. We embraced again, and feeling his furry muscular frame pressed close to mine, his warm fuzz on my cock, made me squirm with pleasure. Our hands explored each other's bodies, eliciting occasional murmurs of pleasure from one or the other. I ran my hands over his body, delighting in the magnificent muscle structure. I swirled my fingers through his fur, causing him to shudder and shake like a dog whose belly is being scratched. Then I took his enormous cock in my hand, feeling the new weight and heft of it. This was so strange and wonderful; it was Micky's soul in a new body that was mine to explore. We were intimates and strangers at the same time. Knowing Micky's favorite sexual zones gave me a certain advantage. I tugged at the hairy balls with one hand while feathering a finger up and down his thickened shaft with the other. Micky's beautiful eyes closed and his head lolled back on his shoulders as he succumbed to the stroking I began to give him. I knelt before him, sniffing the musky odor of his crotch. My tongue darted out, flicking into the hole at the end of his massive wolfmeat. He moaned, and his hands fell heavily onto my head, pulling me towards him. I obligingly opened as wide as I could to take him in. Inch after heavenly inch shoved its way into my mouth, and my eyes watered as I nearly gagged from the sheer size. I gave him a good session of sucking, his hands running through my hair and insistently continuing the rhythm we had fallen into. He tensed, his body going rigid and a low ululating moan escaping his lips as the first wave of his cum splashed the back of my throat. I renewed my sucking, intent at getting every last drop. Finally, when nothing more seemed forthcoming, and his body relaxed, I came off of his shaft and grinned. "Your turn, Fido. Lie down." Micky did as I asked, his massive frame sinking deeply into the cushions. I knelt with my cock poised over his face and my balls dangling down to brush the tip of his long wolfen snout. He carefully covered his sharp teeth with his lips before reaching up to engulf me with his mouth. I felt his hot breath against the length of my shaft and shuddered with the anticipation. He reached up and encircled the globes of my ass with his hands, pulling me down into his waiting jaws. The length of his mouth made it the deepest throating I have ever had, and I humped my hips, fucking his face so hard his head bumped against the floor with every thrust. Meanwhile, I reached out to continue my research into his larger member and wonderfully full scrotum. His dick responded immediately, beginning to swell up again. I remembered that Micky's power to get it up again and again after he had been absent had been startling. If he was any more capable of multiple loads in an evening in his wolfen form, we might be at this for a long time! Within his mouth, he began rubbing his long slippery tongue against my cockmeat. I felt myself slipping towards orgasm, and I halted my screwing, unwilling to give up my load so soon. "Uh, uh, Wolfboy. You're not getting off so easy. I want to be reamed. Royally screwed, and you're the best werewolf for the job. You're the best one I know; hell, you're the only one I know!" Micky seemed to be in a fog. His meat was swollen again, and he looked about ready to stick it someplace moist and tight. I knelt down on my hands and knees beside him. "Okay, Micky. We'll do it doggie-style. In your honor of course." With no hesitation, Micky grabbed my ass and heaved himself forward. He buried his long nose in my butt, licking and slurping. I felt the elongated tongue snake forward and push against my tight hole, shoving with such authority that it finally wiggled its way in. Micky ate out my ass with relish, making it nice and slippery for what was to come. By the time he pulled away, I was aching for more. He obliged me by sliding forward until I felt his shaft at the very opening to my hole. I shivered with anticipation, and it was with slow and cautious movements that Micky began moving into me. Now I'm hardly a beginner at anal sex, but the sheer size of Micky's meat made me tremble with fear. I could feel it inching inwards, and my poor ass did its best to relax and open as wide as possible, but it still hurt like hell. Micky, to his credit, waited every time to let me get used to what was happening. I felt like a virgin again, but when he had slid in as far as possible, so deeply that I was sure that if I looked in the mirror I'd see his cock in my throat, the feeling that I was getting melted me to my heart. He reached around to stroke my straining meat, and I moaned in painful pleasure. "Oh, God, Micky. I can't believe you've got the whole thing in there." He didn't respond, except to whimper slightly in sympathy. We started rocking, and I did what I had always done sexually with Micky. I put myself completely under his control, trusting to his gentility and judgment. I was glad I did. Micky's senses allowed him to know exactly when to move and exactly when to be still. And if Micky ever ignored my comfort, I never noticed. We fucked in a slow deliberate rhythm until we realized that dawn was about to break, at which point Micky began pounding into my ass. I felt nothing but waves of pleasure now, and a few minutes later, I felt him tense and buck. A howl burst from his throat as waves of cum came rocketing into my ass. His hands clenched on my cock, and the combination of feelings was enough to send me over the edge, just as the sun rose into the sky. We collapsed onto the bedding, Micky's body slipping rapidly back into human form. Exhausted, we both fell into a dreamless slumber. Micky's arm encircled my waist, and I felt loved and protected as I never had before. The following two nights were a repeat performance, and I began to realize that Micky as a werewolf was just as wonderfully sexy as Micky as a human. Once he got over his initial fear of hurting me, we got back into our usual routine of alternating roughness and gentility. The nights passed too quickly for my tastes, and I found myself beginning to long for the next full moon. Life with a werewolf has now become my norm, and Micky is just as glad not to have to spend his full moon nights hiding in dark alleys and getting chronic blue balls. Micky still models for my paintings, and if some people wonder why I've stopped working on nudes and started painting sexually explicit werewolf scenes, I just explain it as a creative phase. Micky is just as wonderful a lover as ever, and I count myself lucky to have found him. And if he's a fucking werewolf, so what? He's MY fucking werewolf. Nobody's perfect.
    8 points
  3. Daddy Issues Hey everyone... first post here. Definitely happy I found this place- haven’t really found an alternative for people sharing stories, especially pertaining to this sort of subject matter. Loosely based on a series of encounters many years ago, but ones that I think back to a good amount. Decided to write about it. I was probably 21 or 22 at the time. Names, events, and descriptions have been modified for fun and because I can’t remember everything anyway. I hope some of you enjoy it. -- My stomach felt hot; the type of warmth that twists your gut on an empty stomach with nerves. And despite the beads of sweat dripping down my face, the rest of me was freezing. Standing outside the townhouse unit, bundled up in an oversized maroon hoodie and a pair of baggy black jeans, my hands were crossed and tucked under my armpits, teeth chattering as I waited in the chilly doorway. Even in the dark I could see the steamy clouds of breath with each exhale, and the gentlest draughts sent shivers across the sheet of sweat forming on my face. I was beginning to wonder if this had been a bad idea. It wasn’t that I minded the cold; the cold and I usually got along. But it was distinctly sobering. And the buzz from earlier was beginning to subside, leaving room for the more sensible parts of my brain to enter. And they were beginning to suspect that I was perhaps biting off more than I could chew. The cum threatening to leak out of my hole also raised a good point. My ex, Sam, had been especially rough today. Was I really up for more after that? Shouting at me while he fucked me like a ragdoll, twisting my sensitive nipples painfully until I arched my back and screamed, then stuffing his tongue down my throat as he emptied into my guts and practically threw my clothes at me afterwards... Sam and I... had issues. But he was also my main and only connection. And he liked the money while I liked to party—sometimes even with him. And our openness with one another tended to increase as a function of tina. Like I said—issues. Mercifully, I was spared further self-reflection when the door clicked and creaked open, revealing a firmly built father-figure who stood a solid six inches taller than me. I would have guessed him at roughly six foot two. “Sinking feeling?” I recited from adam4adam, smiling loosely, head crooked off to the side slightly. A grin spread across his face. “Just Chris is fine,” he greeted. “Daniel, right?” I nodded. “Come on in,” he invited, stepping off to the side as the door swung ajar. The contrast couldn’t have been more pronounced as I moseyed on by him. Aside from being substantially taller, Chris was large; broad-shouldered with the beginnings of a healthy paunch. He had the type of body that was once very built but had succumbed to a desk job and too much beer in later life. Atop his head, fiery red hair dotted with grey formed a halo around an emerging bald spot. There was lingering hesitation. But it was also cold and I very much wanted to find some warmth. The husky, broad build attached to the heavy voice was also something of a weakness of mine. So with all this in mind I muted Jiminy and stepped in past the threshold. The instant the door shut I found myself engulfed. Thick, fuzzy arms wrapped themselves around my chest, pulling me close to the grey button-up that draped loosely over the muscle-bear’s torso. Gasping, possibly on cue or as a reflex, I leaned into the embrace and craned my head up, parting my lips as his mouth pressed down on me and pushed his thick tongue inside. Meanwhile, one great big paw found my ass and squeezed my left cheek through the cold fabric, making me jump. He seemed pleased by this—as he pulled away, his face was bright with mischief. “Thanks for coming. I’m glad you could make it,” he growled. “Thanks for having me,” I responded sheepishly. “I’m glad I could come too.” He smirked. “Come on. We’re upstairs,” he instructed, grasping my hand as he lead me up the steps. As he pulled I had to hurry a bit to keep up. Passing the first door on the left, we scurried to the second, at which point Chris shoved it open and pulled me inside. The ceiling lights had been turned off; only the lamps in the corner and on the bedside table were lit, giving the room a dim ambiance. Immediately my eyes glanced to the nightstand- where a pair of old-fashioned glasses sat, their smooth edges catching the low light of the bedroom, making the red of the drink inside blush a deep crimson. Adjacent to it, a pair of syringes nestled together conspicuously. And below, a bag of crystals rested beside glass pipe and a little blue pill. At the sight of the needles, my heart began to pound. “It’s all right there,” I murmured. There was that doubt again. Was this a good idea. It wasn’t much of a question. But it might be a fun idea, I argued, and in many ways that was far more compelling. Either oblivious to my uncertainty or electing to move past it, Chris was already retrieving the glasses. Smiling welcomingly, he offered one. “It’s G. And Gatorade. You said you’ve done G?” I nodded, and reached out to accept. “Yeah. Thanks,” I murmured. Admittedly, I kind of hated G but declining felt rude. And anything to take the edge off sounded good so I smiled politely and braced for the worst. Nodding, he raised his glass. “Cheers,” he said, then clinked and chugged it back in one great gulp with what I assume was the Viagra, inviting me to follow suit. Following his lead, I drank the poorly masked acrid flavour, downing it in two swigs. Grimacing as I set the cup down, I sunk down onto the bed and reached for my shoulders, peeling away the thick layers of clothing I’d come wrapped in. Wiping my damp face against the inside of the scratchy fabric as it slid past my smooth stomach, the hoodie pooled messily on the floor. Meanwhile, Chris licked his lips and undid his belt, pulling the leather strap from outside his jeans as his murky eyes watched me undress. As my pants and boxers fell down around my lightly haired legs, showing off my freshly shaven groin, I could feel the buzz on my skin from his eyes outlining me- tracing over my lithe form as he drew his mental image. Looking back at him, by comparison he was a giant- I was barely five foot eight, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and what could readily be described as a pallid complexion. Where my face was clean-shaven conceal my years, he wore his time with pride. I had no illusions that he was likely close to lapping both my weight and age; if I was a hundred and forty pounds, I estimated Chris at around two sixty. Maybe more. In his forties, if adam4adam was to be believed. In truth, I’d been very surprised when he’d even responded. But then we started talking and he rather directly advised that I was his type. And he was definitely mine. And despite the remnants of tina from a cloudy overcast, I could feel my cock twitch in anticipation. As he sat down next to me, I could feel the bed sag around him, displacing the mattress such that I popped up a bit. Pulling me close, I could see that his pupils were dilated like mine. I smiled. “Been having fun?” I joked. “Yeah, but just by myself tonight,” he replied, then all but dragged me onto his lap. Turning me around to face him, he seemed delighted to find how pliable and malleable my light body was in his hands, and I eagerly bent into his touch. “I’m glad we could fix that,” I returned wanly. He let out a chuckle. Digging his fingers into the smooth face of my ass, he began to peel the globes apart, making me shiver as I leaned against his chest. Then a probing finger touched my wet entrance. He paused. “What’s this?” My heart skipped a beat. “Oh,” I responded nervously. Instinctively my body moved to pull back, but then one of his hands rose and it was futile- like a steel cable across my back, locking me in place. “That,” I said slowly, my mouth suddenly feeling very dry, “That would be my ex.” A moment of silence fell upon us. The hand digging into my pucker pulled back and I managed to wrestle my face to the side. From the corner of my eye I could see him looking at his paw, examining the sheen of translucent cum on the tip of his index finger. To my surprise, he licked it. “Hot,” he responded, then reached back down, gathering more of the viscous fluid that had just started to leak out slowly onto his jeans. Once satisfied, I felt the arm on my back ease up and he let me pull back, only to press the cum-soaked finger against my lips. My dick immediately sprang to life. “Was it any good?” he asked as my mouth accepted the offering, swirling the tongue around his fingertip as he watched me lap away Tom’s juices. As the finger left my mouth, I licked my lips. “It was... alright, I guess. Kind of rough.” “I see,” he returned softly. “You like rough?” My voice hitched. Oh if only you knew, my brain snickered. On the outside, my voice returned coyly, “Sometimes. Maybe. Depends on the other person.” “I see.” Then a pause. All I could really feel was his fingers stroking my back gently. I began to wonder if I’d done something wrong. “Chris?” I asked. “Are you sure about this?” he asked slowly, carefully. “Sure about what?” I echoed. And then suddenly I was facing the bedside table. Following his bicep to forearm to outstretched fingers, I spied the instruments from earlier—specifically the rigs. “This,” he clarified. Oh. That. My stomach knotted. I licked my lips. “I think so.” “Think?” he repeated. Heavy hands stroked my arm, soothing and warm. I nestled in closer, enjoying the arm around my waist. A moment passed. Then another. Words were suddenly tough. I opened my mouth to speak but everything snagged and I gave up, shutting my mouth as I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. “Daniel...” he said gently, nearly making me jump. “It’s okay if you just want to smoke. We’re going to have a good time either way, right?” “I know but...” “But what?” he asked softly. Well, there it was; I wasn’t going to be allowed indecision here. And he had very graciously offered me a way out. My eyes wandered to the loaded pipe. The tina had melted into the lower hemisphere, giving it a pearly look. And in that pearly gloss there was something comfortably familiar to it. But as my gaze wandered back to the pair of syringes, all loaded and set aside for us, my heart pounded inside my chest. Excitement crept upon me. Sucking in a deep breath, I provided my answer before I could formulate a proper case against it. “I want to try it,” I admitted. “With you.” Chris stared at me for a good minute. Slowly, an eager smile spread across his face. “Good.” He almost sounded relieved. With the G beginning to hit me, a clumsy warmth had radiated outwards from my gut and sunk into the extremities where it settled. Messily, I shuffled off Chris’s lap, planting a kiss on his fuzzy cheek as I went. Rising from the bed, he gathered one of the syringes and looked around for a moment, brow furrowed in contemplation, before opening the drawer and retrieving a bright orange rubber strap and a pair of square swab packets. Settling down in front of me, kneeling to keep himself level, he tied the rubber band around my arm. “Make a fist.” Within a few moments, he’d found the vein. Tearing the packet with his front teeth, he wiped the faint bump with an alcohol swab and licked his lips, eyes narrowed in focus as the tip of the needle approached the raised flesh. “Let me know if it hurts. At all. Ok?” I nodded, sucking in a breath to brace myself. I didn’t like needles. Probably the main reason I hadn’t learned how to do this myself. Or done this. Well, that and Sam didn’t like them either. The prick through skin stung but only momentarily. Subsiding as quickly as it came, Chris glanced up at me, prompting me to shake my head. Nodding, he slowly he pulled back on the plunger, drawing a flash of blood. “Anything?” he asked. Once more I shook my head. “Good.” And then he pressed forward, unloading the chemicals into my arm. Wasting no time, he smoothly retracted the needle, placed a cotton-ball on the entry point, and released the orange band from my arm. “Arm up. Hold that. And lie back,” he instructed. Hand above my head, holding the ball in place as told, I sunk back onto the bed and wondered when it would hit me. It wasn’t long. Within maybe two seconds I could feel my skin flush, like I’d suddenly been plugged into the wall and electrocuted. Coursing over my arms, finding my chest and stomach, traveling down into my legs and toes, then all the way up my neck. Like a tingling, tickling fire the burning feeling built in my throat, rapidly reaching a fever pitch and I coughed hard, involuntarily releasing the cotton as I clutched my chest and heaved. With each retching gasp, pleasure ripped through my body, making me shake as I rode the wave. Above, Chris simply watched, smiling from ear to ear as I unraveled in front of him. Whether it was fifteen seconds or five minutes before I regained the ability to speak I do not know. What I do recall is what I said. “Holy fuck.” The remark was whispered as my hands moved on their own accord—up to my face, then down across my chest, and experimentally grazing my swollen nipples. Then they migrated south, detouring at my cock, exploring my twitching hole, and completing their lap by returning to my face. Everything twitched. My skin buzzed. And there was a ringing in my ears that made everything seem so close and far at the same time. “It’s... I can’t... oh my god...” I stammered, panting on the bed. In my head the apprehensions were melting away—reservations disappearing in a maelstrom of heat—leaving nothing but impulse, fantasy, and want. Everything felt like a good idea. Cum, piss, cocks, toys, fists, pain, humiliation- my mind jumped from idea to idea, pirouetting from scene to scene, electrified by the prospect of my current companion holding my hand as we delved into pig hell. Roaring through my mind, the need to be used like a fuck-toy all but raced through my head, liberated from its cage by the chemicals hijacking me. Peeling my hands away from my face, I turned to Chris. “It’s so much,” I whispered. To this, Chris chuckled, spotting his own vein as he aimed the syringe. “Just breathe, baby,” he instructed. “I’ll be there soon.” His cough was considerably less laboured. And as the strap fell away he began to undress, shucking his loose button-up over his shoulders, allowing me to see his powerful biceps and thick chest muscles that were loosely covered by red and gray hair. And, deliciously, a pair hairy armpits that reeked with sweat. Reflexively, I licked my lips. Then he began to remove his jeans, unfastening the button and sliding them past his hairy legs as he removed them with his boxers. He was already getting hard- between his legs sat a chubby cock, nestled in a patch of red hair and two huge, low-hanging balls. Resting his weight on his forearm, he settled on his side next to me. “So,” he asked, licking his fingers before pressing his hand against my chest. “How are you feeling?” The bass tones of his voice were lightened by amusement as his finger and thumb found one of my swollen nipples. Inhaling sharply as he rolled them between his heavy digits, I let out a yelp as he gave a quick squeeze. Finding my bearings, riding the exhilarating pleasure, I managed to suck in a lungful of air. “Amazing,” I breathed, rising from the bed, biting my lip as I took in his full naked body- from his huge hands to his growing dick, to the powerful centre that connected them all. Imagining my holes used like sleeves for every part sticking out of him—a human waste receptacle for his cum and piss. Someone’s boy to use. His boy to use. “Better than puffing it?” he teased, grinning from ear to ear. “Definitely,” I agreed. “Good,” he growled, pulling me close in a crushing kiss. Breathless as we broke away, I felt giddy. Suckling his neck, I moved in close, balancing myself on my knees around one of his resting thighs. I needed to taste him. Reaching gently for one of his arms, I touched the thin layer of fur, then lightly lifted it with his assistance above his head and dug my tongue into his hairy pit. With him palming the back of my head to pull me closer, I inhaled the heavy, musky smell and my body jolted with excitement. Lapping at the sweaty, salty, acidic flavour I drank greedily until there was nothing left and let out a pleading noise. Above, he chuckled throatily and released my face as the other arm rose in an invitation that I was happy to accept. Electing to not grip my head this time, his free hand found its way to my ass-cheeks, squeezing them hard enough to make me yelp as I continued to service him. Between the smooth globes his fingers crawled, teasing my hole as it traced the outside, gathering the leaking cum. Shifting my weight, I arched my back, inviting the finger for closer inspection. Still slightly slick with Sam’s load, his ring finger pushed onwards roughly, making every nerve tingle. But all I could think was more. “Please,” I begged. “Please what, boy?” he teased, extracting the intruding digit only to thrust it back inside. Pulling away from his pit, I looked at the heavy, hungry expression that had overtaken Chris’s initially welcoming features. Something distinctly dark had taken over his face—the same unhinged need the chemicals had unleashed in myself, but funneled through his want to control. My chest fluttered in delight. “I want you to use me,” I whispered. “To fuck me. To fill me.” Studying my face, all twisted with need, his dilated eyes narrowed slightly, his breathing soft and slow. “I’m gonna do a lot more than that, Daniel.” My breathing hitched. “I know,” I whispered. “I’m gonna ruin you,” he growled, burying his face in my neck, sucking the soft skin as he bit down. I let out a groan, feeling the skin tingle as his teeth sunk. Traveling up to my ear, he licked as he went, nipping my earlobe before settling his mouth just outside. I could hear his heavy panting and it made me crackle with excitement. “And you’d just let me, wouldn’t you,” he hissed, digging his finger deeper, coating it in Sam’s splooge, wriggling it to ease it in to the knuckle. “I bet you’d let a hundred guys fuck you if I wanted.” “And then some,” I agreed softly. “Two at a time even, all snug inside your little boy hole, just to make sure everyone’s served,” he growled as he pulled back only to slip his middle finger inside alongside, making sure I felt the stretching as his fingernail scraped against my insides. “As many as you’d want to fit,” I whimpered, revelling in the burn as he worked my hole. His voice made a rumble of appreciation. “Get that hole open, puffy, and swollen. Just oozing with cum,” he hissed, turning his fingers as he spoke. “Running down your legs in streams.” “Stuffing it back inside me with your hands,” I whispered, my heartbeat quickening as the words formed. “Shoving it into my guts with your arm. Cleaning every cock that blows inside me with my mouth.” Groaning, his fingers left my ass and were quickly shoved into my mouth. Nursing them, my tongue swirled around the faint taste of my juices mixed with the salty, musky flavour of Sam. All the while, his expression darkened, his teeth coming together. Glancing down, I saw his cock stood upright, thick veins bulging up every inch of the beer-can shaft, leading up towards a mushroom head leaking pre-cum. Pulling away from the fingers I sunk down, arching my back as my legs stretched to balance my body on my hands and knees. Up close I estimated him at approaching nine inches, maybe eight-and-a-half. Inhaling through my nose I took in the pungent aroma of dried piss mixed with sweat and his natural musky odour. Entranced, my mouth opened, drawing the head inside as my hand reached to grip the thick shaft. Making a noise of appreciation, he opened his legs a bit, running his fingers through my hair and resting them on the back of my head gently. Now, full disclosure—I am far from the best at blowjobs in the universe. And in many positions I frequently have trouble deep-throating. But in the moment, with the tina racing through me, I thought I could do anything and I found myself relaxing my jaw, easing the muscles and sliding down on him as best I could. It was somewhat successful. Letting out a groan as his head pressed my throat muscles, not quite unclenched enough or at the best angle for passage, his shaft slipped and slid along my wet mouth. My glands were working overtime, pumping out saliva as I dragged my tongue from trunk to top, swirling around his glans as I came up. Up and down I went, swallowing the excess spit as his hand guided me with gentle pressure. “Wait,” he grunted. Popping up for air, I awaited further instruction as he released my head and pointed to my crotch. “Bring that ass here,” he ordered. Obediently, I turned around, balancing on my hands and knees. Setting my legs around his thick torso, his back sunk into the mattress. Shuffling along until my mouth was lined up a perfect forty five degree angle with his cock and my ass stood above his pecs, his hands reached up, gripping my ass-cheeks hard as he spread them wide. The bed creaked—reacting to him rising—and I lowered my open mouth back onto his cock as his face pushed into my crack, beard scratching the inside of my cheeks as he dug in. Locked in his powerful grip, I inhaled through my nose, relaxing my throat as I measured the angle and aligned myself accordingly. And then I went slid down, feeling his cock brush against the back of my gullet. Easing up further, the entrance opened, allowing him to push past my throat muscles with a slight raise of his hips as I buried my nose in his pubes. Letting out of a guttural groan as I took him to the root, I could feel the sound vibrate against my ass, making me tingle with anticipation as my throat worked his massive rod. Meanwhile, he paused momentarily to stare at my just-leaking hole, before his wide tongue gave one long, slow lick against my puckered opening, sending shivers up my spine as I fucked my face on him. “Fucking hot hole,” he growled, then dug in, all but mashing his face into me. Scratching around my hole with his beard in the best way possible his thick tongue plunged into the load left by Sam. Sucking and slurping, making my ass as wet as he could as he sought depth I lost focus, tingling from end to end, and pulled up involuntarily to nurse his head. Below, his hips bucked. Right. Refocusing despite the warmth and tingling in my hole, I relaxed once more, breathing through my nose as I took him down. Pulling away from my hole for just a moment, he gave my ass a slam. “Tastes so good,” he rumbled, then dug back in. Slick with spit, acclimatizing to the motion and high as a kite, I got bolder. Pulling all the way up his head, I’d spend a moment focusing there, then lower myself and push past the throat muscles, holding him down as I swallowed around him. Then repeat. Following this rhythm, he’d dig hard, using his index and middle fingers to pry me open as he tried to stuff his whole tongue up my ass. Then as I came up he’d pull back, lapping at the salty cum, spit, and ass-juices that he’d displaced. Punctuating with the odd nip or bite against my cheeks, or stinging slap against my ass, we continued like this for several minutes—maybe five, maybe ten, it’s hard to say. Our cadence was broken by him pushing my waist off his body. “Get up,” he instructed. Pulling my mouth away from his cock, I looked over my shoulder. Face red, he was breathing was hard. “I want you to sit on it.” Crawling forward, I straddled his lap as he sat up. Guiding his cock to my slick hole, his hand grabbed my back and pulled me into a deep kiss, making me taste the mix of his spit, my ass, and Sam’s salty cum as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. Meanwhile, my hand gripped his slippery cock, holding it in my hand as it rubbed against my entrance. Briefly, Chris pulled away from the kiss. Reaching over to the bedside table his arm dug haphazardly through the contents of the drawer until he retrieved a tube of silicon lube and a small bottle of poppers. Popping the lids he greased his shaft and held the poppers below my nostrils, encouraging me to inhale. As the heat blossomed in my chest it mingled with the existing high and made my whole body shiver, muscles melting into putty. Meanwhile he capped the poppers and set them aside, placing his hands back to my sides. “Breathe and sit,” he commanded, then sunk back onto the mattress, placing his hands on my waist to hold me in place. Slowly, I began to lower myself. Despite being wet with spit, lube, and cum, it still took effort to accommodate him. Pushing past the sphincter, he slid in, stretching as my muscles groaned and ached at the intrusion. Gasping, I set my hands on his stomach, shutting my eyes as I took a deep breath. “It’s so much,” I whimpered. “I know, baby. Just breathe,” he encouraged. It was a slow process—I had no doubts that my guts had been roughed up but in a twisted way it made me want it more. Below, he’d stroke my sides reassuringly, telling me how good of a boy I was as I slid down inch by inch. Finally I felt it—the pubic hair rubbing against my pucker. I opened my eyes and glanced below. “It’s all there,” I breathed. “I know,” he confirmed, grinning from ear to ear. “How do you feel?” he asked. I shifted my hips. “Full,” I said blithely. “Very full. But good.” “Good,” he echoed. Reaching to the side, he retrieved the poppers. “Take some,” he instructed, handing them off to me. “I’m going to start moving.” Nodding, I uncapped the lid and took two long, heavy inhales on each side and focused on the feeling in my ass—each inch stretching my hole around him. In time with the heat spreading through my body, his hands returned their grip to my waist making my hips shift—as if doing so would help him get in further. Above I closed the bottle and tossed it aside. Pausing to appreciate the depth, we both stared at each other for just moment. Then slowly, I raised my hips only to come slamming down on him as his vice-like grip pulled at the exact moment his hips jerked in a brutal thrust. Establishing this as our rhythm, my legs rose once more. On cue, his legs pumped as his arms yanked me back down. Letting out a cry, I settled into the pace, holding onto him as we pushed onwards. Buried so far down that his balls slapped up against me as he pounded, my cock was only half-hard from the tina but it didn’t stop it from leaking pre-cum all over his stomach. Battering my prostate, all but forcing the fluid out of me, he drove in harder and harder with every shove. More. Please, God, more. All the while, Chris kept his eyes locked on mine, growling intermittently as he fucked Sam’s cum deeper into my ass. “Fucking slut,” he snarled, his hips lurching as he buried himself into me. “Seeing someone before me.” Another thrust, making my guts stretch as I gasped. “Took his load.” Thrust. “Then came right here for more.” Another thrust and I found myself breaking apart, dissolving into whimpers on top of him. “Yes,” I moaned. “Could have just come here,” he growled. “Instead made me wait all fucking day for you. But you needed his load, didn’t you?” “I did,” I gasped. “Sleazy, slutty boy. Coming over with some man’s load up your ass. Just can’t help yourself.” I couldn’t make words. He was so deep. Practically punching my prostate with his cock-head, I let out a noise halfway between a gurgle and a groan, covering my face with my hands as he took control of the pace. “Isn’t. This. Better.” Each word was punctuated with a brutal thrust. Knocked off balance, I threatened to tumble over and was forced me to lean forwards, pressing my hands against his pecs for support. “So much better,” I wailed. “Fucking right it is.” And with that, he gripped harder, digging his fingers into my sides—I had no illusions there would be bruises later—and pushed our combined weight forward. Letting out a yelp as I toppled over, my back hit the mattress. Then he gathered my legs and pulled them above his shoulders, dragging me up so he had a forty-five degree angle to drive into my hole. I couldn’t tell you how long he fucked me like that for—I just remember holding onto the bed and moaning as he pumped in and out of me, rocking my hips to meet his thrusts because I couldn’t get him far enough inside me. And then the furrowing of his brow as he shut his eyes and grit his teeth, signalling the end of the moment as he let out a guttural roar, slamming into me as far as he could. Inside I felt the delicious wet warmth spread inside my ass making my heart race as my legs squeezed him and my arms came up to hold onto him. My face buried itself in his neck. Being careful not to crush me under his weight, Chris came down, eyes shut, propping himself up on his forearms for support. My stomach was wet. More precum had been fucked out of me. I was even almost hard. And as we pulled away, and he opened his eyes, his mouth parted slightly, panting, studying me. “Slut,” he said softly. Through laboured breathing, I nodded. “My slut,” he corrected. And with that remark we reached a mutual understanding—that this was the price of admission for more. Gazing up into his murky blue eyes, my breath caught in my throat. Covered in our mingled sweat, skin pulsing with electricity, heart racing with chemically induced emotion, we both already knew my answer. “Your slut,” I agreed.
    6 points
  4. Part 10 - The Long Three Months I walked in with coffees at 9am since I didn't want the day to go to waste. Sean and Joshua asleep and Brad somewhere between sleep and awake pulled me back in to bed after placing the cups down on the bedside table, the smile I saw on Sean's face as he slept said it all. Happily I got back in to bed and his arms quickly kissing and giggling as he laid on top of me rubbing his cock against my ass. I could sense it wouldn't be long before we really sealed our love for each other. The giggling woke Joshua who turned in bed laying on his back. Joshua turning his head looking at Sean and smiled "Morning, so what does this mean?" he asked him completely infatuated. Sean stroked the side of Joshua's face "You tell me, I know I like you" Sean replied. "I have never had a boyfriend or anything serious" Joshua replied. Sean ran his hand down Joshua's body "Same here, will you be my first?". Joshua grinned "Yeah I would really like that". "Neat" Sean said smiling "I have a boyfriend", Joshua laughed and leaned over to kiss him. Joshua raised his head "Shall we go annoy them?" he asked grinning. They crept out of bed and stood either side of us, both with mischief in their eyes they quickly got in bed thinking they had the element of surprise but Brad quickly got Joshua on his back pinning him to the bed and biting his nipples, the squeals of pleasure from Joshua his legs trying to hook round Brad's body to squeeze him was futile. I didn't fight Sean off and let him pin me down 'bring it on' I said giggling but he just wanted to kiss and hug me. They way our friendship with Sean and Joshua developed it would end up being a very intimate and close one bonding the four of us as almost lovers. Happy and confident with our own partners we enjoyed a love and respect from each other beyond what we could imagine. Since the guys had to be back in Dallas today Steve suggested well almost over pushy that we all drive up for the day and Brad was adamant that is what we should do. And so it was agreed that Joshua would come up with us so he could spend more time with Sean. We arrived just after 1pm. It was fair to say that Joshua and Sean were completely different people today, the power of love I guess. We had lunch then walked finding ourselves downtown and on the expensive shopping street. Mike joked that we should go in to JJ's boutique and I remembered the message Marcus sent me, entering the manager walked straight over to me. "How nice to see you again, I have been expecting you" he said guiding us over to the private fitting lounge. I was quite stunned by his remark "How did you know I would be coming today?" I asked. Steve and Brad held back and grabbing Joshua and Sean "Let him go in first" Brad said. Opening the door I walked in and stood there taking in the scene for a moment then burst out crying running, Eddie stood there and swept me up in his arms swinging me around and kissing me. It was an outpouring of emotions seeing him that I hadn't realised I was holding in, eventually he put me down still hugging me tightly. God how I missed being in those arms, his smell and his body made me ache for him. "You didn't think I was going to miss your 21st birthday did you" Eddie said wiping the tears from my face. I hugged him as hard as I could "I'm so happy to see you" I said "why didn't you say something?". "You know I can't. Anyway they helped put this together" he replied as the door opened. Eddie pulled away "Brad" he said smiling walking over and kissing him "please tell me you two are an item now". Brad nodded and Eddie hugged him "Finally got the courage and thank you for coming" Brad said. "About time you fool" Eddie said kissing and hugging Brad again. "You knew as well?" I asked Brad who smiled, Joshua and Sean stood there mouths open looking at Eddie. "Ah the two guys in the picture" Eddie said walking towards them with me. "This is Joshua and Sean, boyfriends as of this morning" I said. Eddie laughed "What you want a kiss and hug as well?" he asked Joshua. He nodded "Fuck yeah" he said hugging and feeling Eddie all over "Sean ya gotta feel this" he laughed. Eddie smiled "Wow, sorry Tom I found a new toy" he laughed saying hello and hugging Sean. Mike and Eddie hugged saying hello "Jacob had to fly to Europe today" Eddie said as we went to sit down. "That's okay, did he send me those parcels?" I asked Eddie. Eddie smirked "I sent them for him and helped choose the suit" he replied. "I love the suit, thank you, tell him I said thanks" I said sitting next to him. Eddie laughed "Your kidding right. Your the only person that can sell his product without working" he said. "Oh you mean the polo shirts yesterday" I asked laughing. "Yup" Eddie replied "it is the first time they have had to take pre-orders" he said. The manager brought us drinks in and took the others in to the boutique, they were allowed 2 pairs of underwear and 1 polo shirt each. Eddie went on to explain that the gagging clause was still holding and for him to risk everything to see me was a calculated one but he had to take it. Of course I understood we couldn't go out of the boutique together and chance being seen together. As a thank you for the photo they took Jacob had arranged for Joshua and Sean to choose a suit each, they were both overwhelmed, Sean had never had anything like it and asked Mike to look after it at his apartment. To quickly it was over and we had to head back to Medina and the boutique was about to close. Eddie left half an hour before me through the back entrance, Brad went off to fetch the SUV as we had quite a lot of boxes and bags. Joshua clearly knackered fell asleep on the back seat and woke just as arrived outside his parents house. "Going to have a problem explaining this suit to them" he laughed getting out of the SUV. I got out and walked round to his side "Tell them the truth that it was a gift from the designer" I said. "Yeah they will believe that" he laughed "Thanks both of you, I had such a great time" he said to us both. Brad smirked "Your welcome at the ranch whenever you want" he said. "So I have this big party next weekend, will you both come, Sean may come with Mike" he asked almost pleading. I nodded "We would love to" I replied looking at Brad who nodded in agreement. Strangely sad when we drove away, after having so much fun over the weekend with people we have come to love so dearly as friends, it was quiet, but also nice to have normality back if you could call Brad and I normal. Both pretty knackered we put the boxes of clothes on the closet floor and crashed on the bed. Brad's hand began wandering along my body then finally slipping under the elastic of my underwear, passing over my cock and balls his hand ventured further down, my eyes opened and quietly moaned as I felt his finger circle around my hole. He leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips before spearing me with tongue, it was a hard rough kiss unlike any I had encountered with him before but it was turning me on to the point my ass was lifting off the bed as he continually fingered and circled my hole. His hand left my hole but his kissing continued to intensify, his fingers expertly manoeuvring the elastic waist band down freeing my cock and ass from it's light fabric. My hands worked down Brad's body feeling how erect his cock was, I knew it wanted to be freed so I pushed his underwear down. I had never seen or felt him so turned on like this, naked laying there our bodies so close together. My body was being pushed over until I found myself laying on my stomach. His entire body seemed to slide over my back in to position very easily, I raised my head in anticipation as I knew what was about to happen. He was rock hard and positioned his cock head and tried to push in. "Ow ow ow! Brad wait! You can't go in dry, you need something to lube it" I said, he looked around quickly but there was nothing to use. His body lifted off my back and I felt the warm saliva from his mouth at my hole, his finger worked some of it in before depositing more. I heard him spit on his hand and rub it around his cock. His body loomed over me again and he kissed my neck 'I love you so much Tom' he said putting his cock head against my hole and started to push. This time my hole yielded, and instantly Brad felt his cock surrounded by an intense heat. It was so different than anything else he had experienced. Tighter. Warmer. I moaned at his partial penetration, thankful it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, I pushed back until his cock was buried deep. Brad started to pull out slowly, only to push back in. He held my hips laying down his full body weight on me and he began to slowly fuck me with a grinding accuracy relishing the sensation. My body responding and pushing up wanting him so badly, he felt so good and different. The sensation was beginning to be more than Brad could stand and I knew he was about to blow. He moaned loudly against me ear 'I'm gonna cum real soon' he warned me, I raised my head and met his mouth kissing him just as hard as he had kissed me earlier. He moved his arm and cushioned my neck and kissed me back 'Oh Brad, fuck me, really fuck me' I said out of nowhere. Brad started to pound me harder gradually he would increase the intensity testing my threshold and trying to hold back as his cock slammed in and out of my ass. My whole body seemed to come alive once again as I moaned louder with the powerful pounding I was getting from my step-brother. His orgasm started with an odd sensation like his balls were constricting enhanced by the sensation of them slapping against my ass hard. Then with a loud "Ahhhhhh!" Brad fell forward and the knot released, I could feel his cock spasming through my ass. Brad's body shook from the physical sensation like his balls were free releasing their contained payload directly in to my ass. At that moment when I realised Brad was breeding me I came 'holy fuck' Brad cried out in pleasure as my hole tightened and gripped on his cock almost pulling what cum was left out of his balls. My hand gripping on to the sheet under me for support feeling my load escaping and his flowing in to me binding our love together. Slowly our bodies relaxed from their euphoric state, half expecting him to make a quick withdrawal I was wrong. He continued to lay on top of me his groin gently grinding his cock deeper inside, kissing my neck telling me how much he loved me. He showed no sign of going soft and I was in heaven just feeling him inside my body, I turned my head and kissed him professing my love for him. Suddenly my head fell forward and I moaned as he began to fuck me again, a steady unmistakable rhythm from his hips his breathing heavy and erratic for several minutes. He cried out pushing up hard shooting a second load in to me. Our heads so close together feeling his warm breath as he panted and moaned my name over and over. A happy sensation washed over both of us we laid in bed together that night in each others arms, our love and bond would never be tested or broken not matter what was thrown at us. The downside some would say was that night the beast was unleashed in Brad, discovering a new love for sex. I knew he was sex mad with girls but this was a whole new level even for Brad, he just couldn't get enough of it and me. I confess there were many days during that week I walked around loaded, he had a knack of breeding so deep that it took a few hours for the cum to reveal itself and when it did it usually caught me off guard, I was beginning to think that maybe I should invest in some adult diapers to help me get through the day. I met up with Joshua several days during the week and took him a birthday card on the Thursday when we met during his lunchbreak, he seemed a little distracted when we sat down and he started to tell me that he had a message from Mike saying that Sean got in to trouble with his family and was having a very difficult time, the photo of him with Joshua and me had got back to his family, saying there were unhappy was an understatement. His older brother had beaten him and was now driving him to and from work preventing him from going out and seeing anyone. "It's all over before it begun" Joshua said looking completely devastated. I held his hand "I'm so sorry Joshua" I said looking at him my heart was breaking for him. When I left Joshua I felt so responsible for what had happened, I knew Sean was working a late shift today from 2pm to 10pm. I stood outside the bank, it was a risk and I had no idea what I was doing but I got in to the SUV and headed for Dallas arriving just after 4pm I parked outside the diner and looked so see if he was there. I knew calling Mike would be no use as he was in LA, so I got out and walked inside seeing him working in the prep area. I was shocked to see he had a bruise under his eye, he saw me and shook his head a frightened look on his face. I sat down at a table close to where he was working and ordered a coffee. After 10 or so minutes he finally stood at the wall just out of view but enough that I could see and talk to him. "What are you doing here?" he asked. I glanced at him "You know why, Joshua is so devastated" I said seeing him wipe his eyes. "I can't, I am already in so much trouble with my family" he replied nervously. I was at a lost what to do and just blurted it out "Come back with me" I said. Sean looked at me "You mean leave?" he asked "Really, can I come with you?" he said moving forward a little. "Yes, I mean I don't know what I am doing but I can't leave you here" I said turning in my seat. "Your not joking I can come with you?" he asked me again. I nodded "If you want to be with Joshua we can sort things out" I said seeing the tears falling down his face. Sean wiped his face "Back door, 5 minutes" he said slipping out of view. I finished my coffee and paid then drove around to the back door of the diner leaving the engine running, it was quiet round the back. The door opened and Sean came out carrying a trash bag like normal, he put it in the bin looking around he took the apron off and threw it against the door and ran over to SUV. He climbed in the back seat and laid down looking scared. I drove out of the parking lot calmly and on to the freeway back to Medina. I told him we were out of Dallas and could hear him crying in the back from relief. I drove back to the ranch without stopping and into the garage and walked Sean to our bedroom. Brad was just coming in from swimming and smiled seeing Sean but his face soon changed when he saw how distraught and bruised he was. I sent a message to Joshua telling him Sean was at Medina and to come over. It was one thing rescuing him like that but I hadn't really thought things out or what consequence could lay ahead. I also hadn't bargained on Seth noticing me coming back and he appeared at the door to our bedroom. He was shocked seeing Sean, he quickly looked him over making sure he was alright and asking if he had any pain. When he was happy he beckoned me to go to the family room. I had a feeling that I might have overstepped the mark this time. He was more annoyed that I put myself at risk if I had been seen as we saw what his family could do. We sat there in an awkward silence for a few minutes before I said that I had enough money to get him set up only to be shot down by him as quickly as I spoke. Seth stood up and walked and got us both a bottle of water "Was he in a lot of trouble?" he asked. I nodded "Yes, I couldn't leave him being treated like that" I replied as Seth sat down. "He will need to keep a low profile until things cool down" he said to me. "I know" I said agreeing with him "It's hard to see that happening and I kind of know how it feels". Seth nodded knowing what I was referring to "Okay, he can stay here and help on the ranch for his keep". I thanked and hugged Seth for at least understanding the reason why I did it. Joshua came over and the next few weeks he and Sean became a serious couple and Sean was welcomed by Joshua's family. Having Sean living on the ranch certainly changed our lives, our parents grew to love him so much he was included as part of the family but still keeping a very low profile and hardly ever ventured off the ranch. Some evenings Sean would creep in to bed with us enjoying a kiss and cuddle but he always gave us our space. Joshua's party was good fun, his parents a little reserved when meeting Sean and suspicious he was more that just a friend. Joshua was partly open about his sexuality with his parents but they assumed it was just a thing he was going through, secretly they assumed there was more to Sean's presence. It didn't cause any problems but Joshua didn't throw it in his parents face. Joshua had also passed his accountancy exam so it was a double celebration that night. The difficult part was seeing many of the people I was in school with many of whom knew who I was and wanted photos with me, in some way I was actually struck how much people knew about me even though I kept myself shut away at the ranch. Sean was working out with Brad and I and developing some much sought after muscle, as a person he seemed to change so much and was a lot happier escaping from his life in Dallas. I was helping around the ranch with Sean, we loved spending time together joking around and laughing as we worked, stealing kisses when no one was looking. Life was going good that I had forgotten about the weeks flying by. The coming weekend was due to be another scorcher, Joshua was coming over to stay for the weekend as usual and it was decided we would go down to the river Saturday afternoon. We tried to persuade Mike to come down but he had volunteered to cover a New York flight Friday evening then overnight and fly back Saturday morning, if he had time he would come down later as Steve was in Mexico working with Patricia in Cabo San Lucas. Sean would send a weekly email to his parents that was brief saying he was okay and happy, they would reply telling him to come home and talk but he would always reply with a no. The flight was a horrible one being a Friday night and Mike soon realised why the cabin manager's hated doing this route at this time of day. It was full of partying people heading for a long weekend, so he breathed a sigh of relief when the last passenger disembarked and he could finally get to the airport hotel for a few hours sleep before the return flight at 9am. The limousine pulled up at 7am outside the impressive Manhattan mansion off Central Park, Marcus stood at the door hurrying Jacob along who as usual always found something else he needed to do last minute. Marcus finally getting him in the car looked at the photo Jacob was studying. "How long until the event?" Marcus asked. Jacob eased back in the seat "Three months, I don't know if he will come" he replied sighing. Marcus looked out of the window "Or if he will ever do it again" he said "But you got Eddie so it's a start". The limo pulled up to the airport terminal and they checked in proceeding to the first class lounge where Jacob and Marcus caught up on some emails congratulating them for the nominations. Heading down to the plane they were welcomed on board by the dashing cabin manager who smiled and directed them to their seat. Jacob chuckled and told Marcus to focus on the map and not the cabin manager. Marcus studied the map all through the take off and climb before the inflight service started. He put the map on Jacob's lap 'dammed if I know where this place is'. Mike picked up the manifest and read through the first class passengers stopping and chuckling at the name of the two in seat 2A and 2B Marcus and Jacob Jansen wondering if it was actually the designer. The cabin attendant came back and with the order for two lime and sodas and coffees for 2A and 2B she reeled off then disappeared taking other drinks. Mike prepped the drinks and headed out of the galley. Jacob was reading the map and Marcus looking at both the pictures of the model wearing the jock strap and baseball cap. It still took his breath away when he looked at how striking the picture was and how Eddie had caught him so sexually. "Your drinks gentlemen" Mike said approaching the seats. "Thanks" Jacob said looking up. Mike noticed the picture on the table "Stunning isn't he" he said. Marcus chuckled holding both pictures up "Which do you like best" he asked Mike. Mike smiled looking carefully "This one, it sort of makes you want to you know" he chuckled. "Yeah that's what Jacob thinks as well" he said waving the picture under Jacob's face. Mike finished placing the drinks "Hope you don't mind me asking but are you the designer?" he asked quietly. Jacob flashed a smile "I am he" he replied quietly then Mike pulled up the underwear band with the logo. Marcus laughed "Always nice to meet someone wearing my husbands clothes". "Do you need help finding somewhere in Texas?" he asked seeing the map Jacob was holding. "Not unless you know where this god dam Medina Ranch is, I only just found the town" Jacob said putting the map down. Mike chuckled and pointed to it on the map "Right there middle of no where" he laughed. Marcus chuckled "Oh very funny" he said looking at Mike. "No seriously right there, that is where Tom lives" he replied causing Jacob to look at him. "You know Tom?" Jacob asked surprised. Mike smiled "Yeah I stay at the ranch with him quite often, I met his friend Eddie in your shop". Jacob smiled and grabbed Mike hand "Thank you so much" he looked at Marcus "what luck". "Are you going to see him today then?" he asked Jacob who was looking at the map again. Marcus nodded "Yes we need to catch up with him" he replied. "Ah, you won't find him at the ranch he will down by the river today I am meeting them there later" Mike told them. Jacob looked up "Well Mike I need to ask, will you take us with you?" he asked. Mike nodded "So the three months is up then?" he asked as both looked at him in surprise. Jacob shook his head amused "How on earth would you know about the gagging clause?". "My boyfriends boss is Patricia Manon" he replied. Mike explained about how he met Steve that day when Tom quit modelling and they rescued him from Eric. He ended up with two unexpected passengers in his car that day after landing at Dallas and drove down to Medina. At the river Sean laid there so happy and content with his life and watching his boyfriend up to his knees in the river cooling down looking back at him. "You haven't posted anything on your feed recently " Joshua said returning from paddling in the river. I laughed "What should I post Brad and I kissing?" I asked him seeing a look of horror on Brad's face. Brad pulled me back down restraining me "Don't you dare" he laughed fighting my attempts to get free. Joshua handed me my phone "Unlock it let's take a picture of you sitting by the river" he suggested. I sat by the waters edge looking out across the river with the tress in background, I was only wearing shorts, Joshua kneeled down and took the photo 'Oh yes' he said handing me the phone. It was a brilliant photo and I tweeted it with the message 'Finding solitude and tranquillity in the sunshine'. I was also surprised to see my followers had reached 800k, it was bewildering why people would be following me as I was no longer modelling, the likes and tweets flooding in fast and furious form the photo. I joked about getting someone to manage this watching the likes going up and retweets, messages coming in from all angels. Brad started teasing me so I jumped up and laid on top of him, he looked up at me 'I love you' he said stroking my face and pulling me in to kiss, his hands quickly removed my shorts, his aim was to get me naked and he started pushing the Jacob strap down. I was aware of what he was doing and pretended to fight back until I saw it land several meters away. Joshua and Sean were paddling in the stream laughing holding each other and kissing. Marcus laughed seeing the tweet as the car travelled down the dirt track to the line of trees. The rustling in the trees disguising the sound of Mike's car pulling up behind my SUV. The tall handsome man walked through to the clearing quietly and picked up the jock strap smiling. Joshua and Sean saw him standing there and stopped somewhat stunned to see someone else here and unsure who he was. "Still wearing my underwear Tom?" Jacob said causing us both to jump forgetting I was naked. Brad stood up "Who the fuck are you?" he asked as Jacob threw the jock strap at me. "Jacob" I said stunned running over to him naked and in to his arms where he kissed and hugged me. "Oh god it's so good to see you Tom" Jacob said putting me down. Fumbling to put the jock strap back on "This is Brad my step-brother and boyfriend" I said introducing him. "Brad this is Jacob, he is the designer I modelled for " Brad shook his hand. "Nice to meet you" Brad said waiting as Jacobs mind ticked over finding it amusing. "So hang on, step-brother and your boyfriend?" Jacob asked pointing to us both. I smiled at Jacob "Yes" I replied and Brad kissed me. "Shit you country folks are so backwards" Jacob said laughing looking around "amazing place" he said. I smiled and walked him down to the water "And these two our friends..." I started but he cut me off chuckling. "I know these two" he said "Sean and Joshua" they laughed and shook hands in awe at the stunning looks of the designer standing there. "How long are you going to be it's dam hot here and this is the back of beyond" said another voice appearing. Jacob looked over his head "Take your clothes off and go for a dip, Brad this is Marcus my husband". Marcus walked over "TMCT I told you to hang tight" he said kissing me then looking at Brad grinning. I chuckled "My boyfriend and step brother Brad" I said introducing him. Marcus laughed "Keeping it in the family, oh, not sure which of you is sexier" he kissed Brad on the cheek. Mike appeared and we ran over to say hello "Sorry I met them on the plane" he explained laughing. I went back to Jacob "What are you doing here Jacob?" I asked sitting down on the blanket with Brad. "You ran off and boy did you upset Patty big time, the amount of money she is loosing now" he said chuckling. "Sorry" I replied "but I had to get out and I didn't know there was a gagging order in place". Jacob hugged me "Why didn't you tell me things were bad I would have flown over and helped you" he said. "I know but you don't owe me anything and I had to deal with this" I replied looking at him. Jacob smiled "Tom you have no idea how much in debt to you I am" he said as I just sat looking confused. "What do you mean?" Brad asked a little overcome by seeing the real Jacob in the flesh. "Everything he models just sells out within days" Jacob said ruffling my hair. Marcus approached having cooled down "Love to see you two model together" he said sitting next to Brad. Brad pulled a strange face "Seriously that is weird" he replied laughing. Jacob nodded "I could see that. Anyway that's why I am here is there somewhere we can talk?" he asked. Brad stood "Come back to the ranch and talk. Marcus you can cool down properly in the pool with us". Marcus jumped up grabbing Brad "Show me the way sexy" he said to a laughing Brad. "Careful" I said to Marcus "the four of them together are a handful" I warned him. Jacob stood and looked around again "I can see why you come here it is so beautiful and quiet". I smiled "Best place to think and find peace" I said hugging him again. We packed up and drove back to the ranch house. Brad and Marcus hit it off chatting away. It was a little worrying to see how Brad would react around more gay men but he was pretty cool and genuinely seemed to like Jacob and Marcus. We piled out on to the terrace where everyone apart from Jacob and I dived in to the pool, we sat at the table to catch up and talk. Jacob smiled seeing Marcus and Brad hitting it off and laughing. Marcus no heeding my warning was soon overpowered by the Joshua, Sean and Brad whilst Mike looked on laughing. I watched them briefly and turned to Jacob "I am sorry about everything Jacob" I said. Jacob looked at me "I had him blacklisted" he replied "Eric I mean, no one knows the reason" he went on further. "Patty does" I told him "well that's part of the reason I left, she didn't believe me" I explained. Jacob leaned forward "Don't worry she is discreet and won't say anything, I know she wants you back" he said. I chuckled "She told me I would never model again" I said looking at the pool "I don't care though". He smiled "I want you back modelling Tom, just for me in New York" Jacob said looking at me. I leaned forward "I see, but what about Patty" I replied. Jacob chuckled "She can stop you signing up with agencies but not directly with the designer" he explained. "But why I mean modelling isn't really for me" I asked doubting if I really wanted this. "Tell me have you been out and been recognised?" Jacob asked me seriously. I nodded "Well yes here in Medina I was recognised" I replied. Jacob laughed "The Model Called Tom, you really have no idea how famous or in demand you are?". I shook my head "No, you know I didn't really pay much attention it was just photographs". Jacob looked seriously at me "I want you to be the face behind Man by Jacob" he said. I looked blankly at him "A what?" I asked looking completely stupid. Jacob chuckled "You become the face of my new menswear brand, we are creating it because of you". "Shut up" I said giggling "me, you created a brand because of me?" I repeated several times. "Yes" Jacob laughed "Young hip brand aimed at your age range and younger" he tried to explain it to me. "I don't know, I am happy here at Medina ranch" I said apologetically to Jacob. Jacob's smile faded a little "A model that can sell a range is a rare thing Tom". I turned to face him "I don't know, anyway Eddie was the one who really created me" I grinned fondly. Jacob laughed "Eddie will work on the project as well but only if your on board" he said. "If I said yes I am not leaving here, I love Brad and my friends to much" I said looking out at the pool. Jacob smiled "I will fly you up to New York, 3 days at most twice a month, you and Brad". I shrugged my shoulders and smiled "I have nothing to loose Jacob but only if Brad agrees". "Excellent" Jacob smiled "Can you fly up this week and we can sign contracts and get you started?". I laughed "I thought you came here as a friend not to get me working" I said to him. Jacob smiled at me "I do consider you as a friend Tom, in fact a close one that I hope I can trust". I looked confused at him "Trust in what?" I asked. "Man by Jacob" he said "it is not out there yet so you need to keep it secret until we are ready". "You can trust me Jacob, anyway you were the first person who was ever really nice to me in LA" I told him. Jacob laughed "I thought that was Eddie" he said catching me off guard with his whit. "As long as Brad can come with me I would be happy to" I replied unsure if I was making the right decision. Jacob nodded "Brad is quite a stunner but your step-brother, seriously!" he laughed. I looked at Brad "The person I have truly been in love with for so many years" I said then looked at Jacob. "There is one other thing I need to ask you" Jacob started to say and leaned over. "Am I going to like this?" I chuckled and he shrugged his shoulders. "There is an award event coming up, I would like you to attend with me" Jacob asked looking seriously at me. "Oh" I mumbled looking down "I don't think I am quite ready for that" I replied honestly. Jacob smiled "It's a couple of months off yet, but it is a big thing in the modelling world" he said. I sat there quiet for a moment "Why do you want me there?" I asked. "To show you off" Jacob laughed "and... you have been nominated for an award" he said grinning. I looked at Sean "Jacob can we bring Sean as well, I don't want to leave him by himself on the ranch, not yet anyway" I asked. Jacob smiled "Yes if you agree to come to the awards and only because it is you" he said. I sighed and shook my head "Are you blackmailing me" I laughed "you drive a hard bargain" I smiled at him. Jacob and Marcus stayed overnight at the ranch after a little coercing and blackmailing of my own, so they cancelled their hotel reservation in Dallas. Our parents were actually shocked for once meeting Jacob Jansen the man behind the fashion brand, yeah my mother knew about him she often wandered around the boutiques of his. They were interested in finding out what Jacob had offered me, my mother was very keen on the idea since I had shown no real interest at finding a proper job, she reminded me exactly how good I was and produced the photo I gave them wearing one of his suits for the first time. With the nine of us there dinner went on until well in to the early hours. Sean, Joshua and Mike had the spare bed in our room. Okay so the five of us did play a little, after all Brad still had an enormous crush on Joshua. Joshua, well he got over his crush for Brad, he really did have eyes only for Sean but they also agreed to have a relationship like Brad and I, purely so they could be in bed with us. Mike and Brad shared their first kiss that night, Mike couldn't believe how much of a randy buggar Brad had become, way more than me but it is was kept our friendships so special, having these intimate but not serious moments in our lives. Monday morning came around and Sean and I laid in bed watching Brad dressing, they were both looking forward to flying up to New York on Wednesday morning. Well it was bizarre for two reasons, flying north instead of west and no Mike on the flight that I was so use to. Jacob flew us to New York in first class which was Sean's first experience of flying. We were all like kids having never seen this city before, but we recognised landmarks from TV shows as the car drove us through midtown to Jacob's offices. We stepped out of the limo and looked at the sign near the doors, it wasn't blaring out at you, stylish and modest it read 'Home of Jacob Jansen Fashions'. It was a little intimidating rather like the day I walked in to Manon International as we went through the doors, only this time I was not a nobody. Two women standing in the reception rushed over greeting me by name and introducing themselves as part of JJF's marketing team. We were whisked up to the fifth floor and when the elevator doors opened we stepped into the fashionable offices of Jacob's headquarters, immediately I was surrounded by people that were so excited to meet me personally. Sean and Brad eyed up a couple of extremely buff models who were dressed in some tailored shirts. Walking past both of them acknowledged me and said hello using my name, one winked a Sean and Brad and did a double take before he disappeared in to the dressing suite, Brad and Sean were almost tempted to wander off and find him. Jacob came out of his office and beamed ignoring everyone else he almost flew across the floor to greet us...
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  5. Hairy men and innocent twinks are my current go to
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  6. PART 7: After Marcus had bred Shawn with his POZ cum and I had forced him into a double penetration in which I blew my load in him and caused him to involuntarily blast his load hands-free between he and Marcus, we were all quite worn out. We were in a tangle of flesh against flesh in his dorm bed kindof talking to each other until we all fell asleep. I woke up first, it was evening, per the lack of sunlight through the blinds. I was groggy but also noticing I had a huge erection against Shawn's stunningly thick bubble ass. I wanted to plow him immediately. But thought it seemed a bit rapey, so I opted instead to ease my head down towards his ass, kissing and licking his lean muscular back all the way down to his gluts. I began caressing and massaging his beautiful bouncy cheeks and opening them up to look at his tight pink hole. There were traces of both mine and Marcus' cum around his hole and a little pinkness to some of it. I suspected when I surprised him with the double penetration that I probably tore him a little, subsequently moments before Marcus blew is POZ load up Shawn's ass. Seeing his tight hole with pink POZ cum had my cock leaking. I slowly began licking his hole clean. His hole was soft yet tight, it took me awhile to start getting my tongue past his hole and up inside him. Once it was wet enough I began to slide a finger into him. That's when Shawn let out a long slow moan. I froze, giving him the option to tell me to stop. Shawn softly whispered, "Fuck Nick, please don't stop, that feels so good, eat my hole good baby." and continued to moan in pleasure as my finger began it's gentle rotations on his prostate while my tongue worked on lubing up his quivering boy pussy. I really wasn't able to control myself at this point, I slide up his body which was still wrapped around Marcus' naked lean and tight body. I aligned my fat cock onto his hole and spat into my hand for extra lube, and eased my wooden limb into his willing ass. With just spit for lube I was amazed that I was able to keep sinking into him without any drag or resistance. Soon I was in balls deep, slightly on top of his shaking body. When Marcus felt my body weight on top of Shawn, who was on top of Marcus, he woke up and accessed the situation quickly. Marcus said, "Damn Nick, you wake up horny or something? Me too," as he grabbed his massive uncut hard cock squeezing a drop of precum out of the tip. He asked Shawn, "you want another round boy?" Shawn simply moaned deeply. Marcus looked at Shawn's face and then looked at me, "Shit, Nick, you're already inside him aren't you?" I replied, "Yeah man, early bird gets the worm, I woke up hard as stone against Shawn's ass, and couldn't resist eating our cum out of his hole while he was asleep, and just couldn't stop myself once I started." I began fucking into Shawn's tight warm fuck hole harder as Marcus got up on his knees to shove his thick dick into Shawn's open mouth. Shawn just said, "Fuck yeah, give me that big black cock," as he deepthroated Marcus' pole over and over again, pausing for a second, to say, "don't cum in my mouth, I want you both to breed my ass again with your POZ load." I was watching Shawn work Marcus' cock like a magician, making it disappear and re-appear at a break neck speed. I pushed down on Shawn's strong upper body so that I could have a good support and feel his back muscles, because I was beginning to rail on his hole, building up to a fast cumming climax. The scene was too hot for me and when I looked down at his ass bouncing against my hips as I pounded my raw cock in and out of his hole it was a thing of wet dreams, I immediately started blasting deep inside Shawn's bowels. Shawn quickly realized I was filling his hole and began to tighten his hole around my convulsing cock, which made me cum continuously for longer than expected. I felt totally empty. Usually I feel like I'm able to go a few more times after I first nut. Marcus pulled his cock out of Shawn's mouth, got off the bed, and asked Shawn, "You want me to breed you with my toxic load? Huh boy? You want this big load up your ass with Nick's?" "Gawd yes, please. Please breed me Marcus!" Marcus didn't even give me time to pull out, he pulled my body aside with one powerful move. I collapsed on the bed as Marcus pulled Shawn's ass into the air, wrapped his hands around Shawn's fat ass and slammed balls deep into him. My face was next to Shawn's and his mouth was wide open from the sudden shock of being impaled by Marcus. His eyes were glazed over with lust. I began to kiss Shawn's face, then scooted my body under his so that I could passionately make out with his soft young lips. Marcus wasted no time, and within minutes he was unloading into Shawn. Marcus exclaimed, "YEAH TAKE that fucking load bitch! You feel me breeding your neg hole?" Marcus finished filling Shawn up but began to speed up his pounding again. I thought, "Ahhh, the old familiar, double loads. Marcus was gifted like that. Delivering two loads within minutes. I've been on the receiving end of that gift several times." Just as I could tell Marcus was about to nut again, he grabbed my legs which were underneath Shawn while I made-out with Shawn during his anal assault. Marcus yanked my body down the bed hoisted my legs into the air and planted his fat cockhead on my hole simultaneously jerking off his wet cock and forcing it inside my resistant hole. He sank his body weight on top of me forcing half his cock into my hole and began shooting his second load. It hurt like a bitch, but once it started happening I didn't want it to stop til he was satisfied. He pushed the rest of dick deep into me and held it there. Marcus looked over at the clock and responded, "Damn it's 10PM already, do you guys wanna shower up and maybe head to a bar or something? Maybe come back here afterwards and have another fuck sesh?" We were all in agreement with Marcus' plan. We walked a couple blocks to catch a bus to head off campus and out of town to check out the bar scene. We all looked like some normal looking young fellas out for a good time. We stopped into a bar and grabbed some beers. It was pretty chill. As it got later, a group of bridesmaids came in dressed up in there typical tiaras, penis shaped...every novelty imaginable and were already drunk...and obnoxious. Shawn and I rolled our eyes and started making snarky comments. Marcus however was staring at the bride-to-be. Sometimes I forget that he's supposed to be straight. Or is straight...still has his girlfriend Chloe and they still live together and fuck. But again, sometimes it catches me off guard when I see him undressing a sexy young girl with his eyes. Part of me wondered if we could get her home with us and I could get Marcus to breed his POZ load into her pussy, the night before her wedding. Fuck, it sounds hot, but also like maybe I'm having some sick thoughts about stealthing a soon to be bride, thinking about how she'll probably give it to her husband. I realized I'm hard as a rock in my jeans, and they aren't doing a good job at hiding it. I turned around toward the bar and ordered three shots of tequila and said to the boys, "We've probably worn out our welcome here, let's finish off with a shot of tequila and head out." Marcus and Shawn in their own ways happily agreed to the decision. Marcus did steal another longing look at the bride to be. We settled up our tab and started walking past the other bars toward the bus stop. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck," Shawn loudly whispered as he ducked away from the bar windows to hide behind Marcus and I. Marcus replied, "Why you buggin' man?" Shawn said, "Look inside that bar," pointing toward the end of the bar, "that's my old Poli-Sci classmate that kinda raped me I told you about." Marcus and I looked at a very good looking and muscular jock drunkenly clinging to both the bar and his drink. The guy had on what looked like a painted on t-shirt and jeans, showing off quite a body. Even in his drunken state, his face was beautiful, and sad/angry looking. Shawn began to walk faster, trying to get away, while Marcus and I just stood there staring at our friend's rapist. Shawn stopped ten or fifteen feet away saying, "COME ON! I can't let him see me!" Marcus laughed, then I laughed. Shawn said, "What the hell is wrong with you two?" Marcus looked at me with a full knowing glance then spoke to Shawn, "Do you think that hot drunken jock in there is gonna hurt you when Nick and I are here with you? Let's go in." I wholeheartedly agreed. But Shawn was giving us his adamant protests...as Marcus and I sandwiched him between us and forced him through the doorway. We had to literally push Shawn up to the bar right beside his assailant. I ordered us all beers, then loudly told the bartender to, "get this guy a drink too." That caught his attention and he groggily looked up at me, "Do I know you? I didn't ask for a drink." as he started to puff up a bit. That's when he noticed Shawn between Marcus and I. He was visibly caught off guard. Perfect. He said to Shawn, "Oh. It's you. Hadn't seen you in awhile, you skipping class a lot?" Shawn was silent, but Marcus jabbed his finger into Shawn's side forcing him to speak, "Uhm, no. I dropped that class." The jock just shook his head in the affirmative then looked down and said, "I gotta take a piss." "Shit," I said, "he's probably baling." But just in case I slid down to his drink I bought him and dropped half a xanex I had in my pocket into it. I always take one xanex with me when I go anywhere in public because I suffer from extreme general anxiety disorder. I've never ever thought about doing what I just did, but inside I furious with this jock prick who raped my friend and got away with it like he was entitled to. Marcus and I already knew what we were going to do to him the second we saw him and all it took was a knowing glance between the two of us before we entered the bar. I looked at Marcus, and he walked off toward the restroom. He was in and out and back in 30 seconds. He said, "He's in there, I think he'll be back." Shawn looked confused and scared he asked us, "Guys? What's going on?" I looked at him firmly and said, "He raped you. Even if you enjoyed it a little bit and even if you blew your load, HE RAPED YOU. You told him, "NO." Shawn responded to us both, "Look guys, I understand, I know you want to protect me too, but can't we just let it go? Please?" Marcus responded this time, "Shawn, if we just "let it go" then he's going to do it again, and again, and again. Maybe not to you, but someone else. Do you want other people to go through that too? He's probably already done it to other people, most likely since he was in high school." Shawn said, "I don't know guys. You're not going to hurt him are you?" I said, "Yeah, we are Shawn. But I'm going to make sure he understands why, and we aren't going to send him to the hospital or anything, he just needs to learn a lesson." The jock came back looking more sobered up and downed his laced drink and looking at Shawn said, "See you guys later, I gotta go find some tail." I grabbed the jock's arm, man his arm was nice...and said, "You going back to campus? I think our buddy Shawn is too drunk to get us back and we're just here visiting our buddy. Do you think you could get us back to his dorm? I'm not sure which one it is." Shawn picked up on our plan and began to act drunk and tired. The guy looked at Shawn then us and said with a smirk, "Yeah, I know where Shawn lives, I can take you there. Do you two have a hotel in town?" I lied and said, "Yeah, we'll probably head back to the hotel once we get Shawn settled in." The frat boy got us back to Shawn's dorm, and we all entered. I began taking Shawn's clothes off, and asked the jock-boy to help me. He quickly obliged, although I could tell the drink and xanex were kicking in as he fumbled with Shawn's buttons on his jeans. He began to pull Shawn's pants off of him, and I watched as he tried to discretely grope Shawn's ass. We had Shawn down to his tight undies and onto his bed. Shawn acted like he was already passed out. The frat jock said, "You guys headed back to your hotel? I can watch after him." I went over to the fridge and grabbed three beers as Marcus said, "Yeah but I think we'll have a beer first," he pulled out a THC vape pen and asked him, "you like to get a little high with us first?" Free weed, or THC in this case, caused the dumb jock to not worry as much about getting Marcus and I out of Shawn's dorm. Marcus and I knew he only wanted us out of there so he could rape him again. I thought, "Not tonight bitch. You're going to get what's coming to you." I brought back the beers to Marcus and the boy as he was exhaling a huge cloud of THC. Jockboy was sitting next to Shawn on his bed and started coughing and hacking, I handed him the beer and he took a big swig of it. I asked him, "So what's your name man? I'm Nick and this is Marcus. Shawn never told us your name." He looked at us with hazy eyes and said, "I'm David. Wait, Shawn told you guys about me?" Marcus responded, "Yeah man, he told us about a really good looking guy he had a crush on in his Poli-Sci class like day one." The guy, I mean, David, looked confused and said, "Oh. I knew he stared at me a lot, kinda creeped me out, but I didn't know he had a crush on me." That began a long conversation and as the weed and alcohol set in on David, he wasn't so anxious for us to leave. Before long an hour had passed, and David had passed out. Marcus and I fell asleep too, but not before removing David's shoes, socks, shirt and undoing his pants. We also set an alarm on our watches to make sure we woke up before David did. 8AM rolled around and right on time Marcus and I were wakened. We quickly got undressed down to our underwear, enjoying each other's body's along the way. We were both already erect. We woke Shawn, and told him he did a good job last night playing along and to just follow our lead. Next Marcus and I tied David's arms to the bed then tightly knotted some rope around David's ankles. We continued gently pulling his pants down, much to our delight he hadn't worn underwear. His erection was average, nothing to brag about. Typical. David moved around a little when we pulled his pants off, but Marcus and I were quick to tied his ankles to the end of the bed. I got out my phone and asked Shawn if he'd like to suck David cock while I videod. He happily obliged. Personally I know Shawn's mouth skills were excellent and in minutes David was waking up. It took him a minute to realize the entirety of the situation. He was naked, tied to a bad, Shawn was sucking his cock while I caught everything on video. David said, "What the fuck!?!? What the hell do you think you're doing?" I put my phone down and straddled David's lean tanned chest, I'd already shucked my underwear at this point. I showed David the video that I expertly captured. It looked as if he had his arms above his head, but not tied, and he was thoroughly enjoying a guy suck on his cock." I thought it was funny that Shawn continued sucking David's cock this whole time. He could've quit any time after I had got the video. Shawn's a good bottom boy. haha. David had a massive look of panic on his face. Marcus and I explained to him in no uncertain terms that this was direct karma and payback for what he did to Shawn in that bar alley. David protested and said that Shawn wanted it, because he stared at him all the time. It took several minutes before we finally got it through the dumb jock's head that he did indeed rape Shawn. He cried, and apologized to Shawn, to me, to Marcus. He begged us to let him go. HA! I got off of David while Shawn stood up looking down at him. He looked at David in his crystal clear hazel eyes and got on top of him, he placed David's cock in between those beautiful ass cheeks and began teasing David's cock tip in and out of his hole. David moaned then realizing the scene said, "Please? I'm not gay man, don't do this." Shawn laughed and retorted, "Didn't I beg you not to fuck me that night? Not to rape me? This time I want it. You don't want this?" As he slid fully down onto David's achingly hard cock. David couldn't help himself, he moaned and tried to hide the pleasure on his face as Shawn began to ride his bare cock. Marcus walked up to David's open moaning mouth and pushed his massive dick into his mouth. David quickly moved his head to get the cock out of his mouth and said, "No, not that. I'm not a cocksucker." Marcus slapped him. Shawn told Marcus, "No, David slapped me much harder than that when he finished raping me. Slap him one more time, but leave a mark." Marcus slapped David again, and job well done. He left a bright red mark and a slightly stunned David. Marcus said, "You're sucking my cock or I'm fucking your ass. It's your choice. Although, you might want to consider sucking me off since I was born HIV positive." David wasn't a complete idiot. He at least knew the risk of HIV transmission via a blowjob was virtually non-existent, and he also knew Marcus' huge cock would definitely injure his hole and likely give him HIV. So he leaned his head up and took Marcus back into his mouth. I was feeling quite left out. So I set up my phone to record all of this, and decided I'd crawl in between David's legs and suck on his balls while Shawn rode his cock and Marcus facefucked the poor frat boy. I got into position, admiring Shawn's thick ass bobbing up and down on David's dick before spreading David's legs and driving my long wet tongue into his hole. I heard David groan around Marcus' cock and his body reacted to my expert rim job. Soon I worked a finger into his hole. I finger-banged his prostate as I heard Marcus say, "Swallow it bitch! Swallow it or I'll jam it in your ass." This had me incredibly erect as I watched my fingers work in and out of David's hole. I had three fingers in him now and was working a fourth in. I could hear David begin his climax. I hadn't cum yet though. I quickly positioned myself against my hand that was working David's hole and made a swift transition of my hand with my cock. I was now fucking David raw. He immediately noticed the difference and between heavy breathing and his impending orgasm quizzed me, "You don't have HIV do you? Please don't cum in me!" I assured him I had tested negative just a month ago. I didn't volunteer the facts that I had stopped my PrEP and been letting Marcus breed me without his meds. So I wasn't lying really. I actually didn't know my status to be honest. My thick curved cock was positioning my mushroom dickhead directly against David's prostate, this set him off. He was panting and his entire body was covered in sweat, shaking and tensing up. David said, "Oh my god! What are you doing? It feels like you're jacking me off from the inside!" "I'm pounding your pussy's g-spot," I said, "just enjoy it. It's a hidden pleasure zone most men never use. You're going to have the biggest orgasm in your life." David was a mass of flexing muscles speaking gibberish as he finally erupted inside of Shawn. David screamed out as his body spasmed over and over, blasting ropes of cum deep into Shawn, which of course, had Shawn gushing his load all over David's body. Not to be left out, I growled loudly as I filled his bitch ass full of my questionable load. As Shawn was coming off his cum-high, he slowly slid off of David. I kept fucking his hole, but got into a better position, knowing that I was now pounding his prostate like a half fuck-god, half machine. David was slightly less erect, but his body was totally limp from the exhaustion. I continued my assault on his pleasure button deep inside him and just as I was blasting another load into him his cock jumped and jumped and started spewing cum all over himself. I gently began pulling out as I grabbed his head and slid my tongue into his mouth. For a second he resisted, but his body was completely worn out. He had no fight or energy left. He began to kiss me back until my cock was fully out of his hole. Marcus and Shawn were already cleaning up and just watching the scene unfold. We had to leave David tied up for awhile longer to ensure we were able to have a long discussion about everything that happened. Everything that happened with Shawn before he had to transfer classes up until the present, as Shawn was giving him a sponge bath.
    5 points
  7. Just wanted you guys to know that it appeared a database index got corrupted or something and it resulted in pages loading really slowly on the site. Luckily the problem was in the sessions table so I didn't have to get a server admin involved. I just dumped all the data in the table, which deleted the indexes, and then everything rebuilt itself. For a moment I was worried the server was being attacked, so figuring out it was simple data corruption was a relief. The worst case scenario is you might have to login again. But apparently that's not even necessary if you've been on the site recently.
    4 points
  8. Yesterday one of my ultimate fantasies came true when I paid a top to let me suck and ride his dick. It felt so unnecessarily slutty and I loved it! My heart is still racing.
    4 points
  9. Last Thursday I was feeling pretty cockhungry so decided to whore out at the one of the local bookstores. As mentioned before, when in a super slutty mood, I like to find one of the darker booths and just back my ass up to the gloryhole. No questions are required or asked. That night ended up having an above average amount of guys willing to not only fuck, but do so raw. One guy pulled me out of the booth and fucked me in the hallway. I tend to prefer to stay anon, but he was a fucking hot punk type and had no hesitation saying "yes" when I asked if I could wear the pup hood as he rawdogged me. When all was said and done I had at least 4 loads in my hole (maybe more). I went to a private booth to bask in my filth and felched out a bit of the bounty to sample (even scooped some of my drippings off the floor, which is a first to be honest). I closed out the store at 2AM and somehow a piggy friend's ears must have been burning because I got a message on NKP asking if I wanted in on a threesome? I asked him should I shower and clean out, and he answered correctly with "hell no". So I grabbed some gear and ended up spending the majority of the time in the sling getting destroyed by our equally piggy younger friend with a huge uncut slab. Everyone very much enjoyed my very loose, very full hole and I was very grateful of the timing. I drove the younger guy home and ended up hitting one last bookstore (the REALLY dirty one) on the way home just because it was along the way and because I could use a topping off. Sadly no more nuts, but did have a guy almost fist me but I was a bit too sore from the shenanigans. This was an exceptionally productive night across the boards and one I needed badly. Enjoy some media from the festivities. Woof! .
    3 points
  10. If I have to choose between 'putting a rubber on' or no sex with the guy, I'm certain I'll walk away from the condom action every time. Can't even stand condom-porns!
    3 points
  11. During the next week, Eli and I went on with our lives. We stopped over to see his parents for Sunday dinnner and I remember thinking to myself if they only knew... lol If they only knew their adorable little son had his legs spread at the video store just two nights ago, taking raw anonymous black cock. Too bad I didnt video it, could have shown it over dessert lol He and I also had sex a couple times that week.. Each time as I'm fucking him, I'm talking to him about our adventures, making him even more horny than usual. Unloading in his beautiful ass, I knew I couldnt wait to the weekend. Luckily when Friday came , it was cold and wet outside. I knew this would mean there would be extra black men staying over night at the theater. Black guys always got in free and the homeless guys in particular would be looking for a place to stay warm and dry. Got there around midnight, and we'd be there for the next two hours at least. Soon as we got there, we scoped the place out and sure enough, I could count at least 6 black guys in the place, and maybe a few others. We went to the back room, which had a tv in it, and the light was bright enough for all to see what we were doing.. Couple of the guys immediately followed us and watched me go through the normal routine of getting both Eli and myself naked as soon as possilbe.. Had Eli on his knees sucking my cock and I waved one of the black guys over for some fun. He was probably in his 60s, frail looking. definitely had the look of someone who was either sleeping around , sleeping on the streets, or a history of drug use.. But none of that mattered when he pulled out a dark uncut thick monster from his pants. I watched my boy work that big cock in his mouth and was so turned on by it, that I dropped to my knees and we shared that cock together.. Then I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to see that nasty cock up my boy's ass. I took Eli and bent him over the couch and looked at my new friend.. He didn't hesitate. He mounted Eli like a horny dog would mount a pup. Slamming in that pre lubed ass of Eli's, I watched Eli's face grimace as he slammed that cock deep inside him. I watched him fuck him like he owned him, like he was auditioning for some porno movie! And lol he got the job!! He slammed Eli for what seemed like ten minutes before he says out loud, "Gonna Cum" And he pushes his weight down on Eli, and lets out a grunt and groan and what I'm also hoping is the biggest load of his life.. He collapses on Eli and I just wait patiently until I can get him off, and my mouth and cock into that now seeded ass.
    3 points
  12. This story is not true but inspired by a comic I found online. Enjoy. Having just turned 18, I was not going to go trick or treating on my block except Mr. Kleberger, my neighbor, asked me to walk with his twin sons who were probably 7 or 8 at the time. I was in high school, so I wasn't even going to dress up, but my mom said I had to help him and I begrudgingly agreed (plus he was going to pay me and college would be expensive). Since it was last minute, I didnt have a costume and i was secretly relieved that i wouldnt be in danger of having to wear something embarassing on the off chance that i might see someone from ould wear a costume he had and you can imagine my face when I arrived after school and the costume choices were either a toga with some leather arm bands and boots or a Scottish wedding tux complete with kilt. The kilt was too big for me to wear, so I wore the toga and he wore the kilt/tux, while the boys wore Superman and batman costumes. Mr. Kleberger told me his wife was visiting some friends in another state that weekend and it would just be us for the evening, which I heard through a fog that clouded my brain power, brought on by the view of my neighbor and his hot former army ranger body and perfect pink cock. I must have been staring because he volunteered that the kilt was what he wore in his wedding and underwear was never worn between a kilt and a cock. I had a hard time trying to keep my own dick from tenting the toga, which made him notice that you could easily see my boxer briefs under the thin white material. At his urging, I agreed to see if something of his would fit me and not show through as much, but I was flabbergasted by his nonchalant lifting of the costume and tugging down my undies, which made me shoot to full mast while he kept the toga up with a haND and used his other hand to rifle thru his underwear drawer, a prolific collection of briefs, thongs and bikinis in every material and color under the sun. Despite the goal of keeping the underwear from showing beneath the toga, he produced a few bikinis in red, blue and green and helped me try on each one, fondling my package each time as he stood behind me so we could get a good look in the mirror. Next came some more logical options in the form of a few white and flesh colored thongs, and with those he began using his fingers to also lightly work my cheeks and butthole "so the thong lies str8 along the butt crack." Obviously there was more than just the fit causing his handy work, but my naive brain ignored any sexual interest possibly occurring since he was married to a woman. I loved the look of the thongs but he still wasn't satisfied until a lightning dawned on him and he dashed into his office and returned with a package from some online underwear store, newly acquired by him just in time to produce the perfect solution to my toga's dilemma, a white g-string made of the silkiest softest white mesh i'd ever seen or felt. Amazingly fortuitous that he happened to order the new mesh number a few weeks earlier and had yet to open them up. When I bent over to pull the undies up my legs, I felt the soft woolly texture of the kilt pressing against my thighs and smooth butt cheeks, but there was something odd about how it was pressing into me. Somehow the kilt was not hanging down in a normal fashion, but seemed to be wedging itself into the space under my balls and butt. As I finished pulling them up, Mr. K adjusted the kilt so that it slid open and I gasped because all that was left between my thighs, tickling the underside of my balls, was his semi hard dick. He pulled my hips in and lifted the toga up under my arms so his cock was thrusting ever so slowly into the tight envelope between my legs and testicles, whole his fingers adjusted and caressed my desperately hard dick, as it leaked precum through the mesh like a waterfall. "Don't worry about that," I recall him assuring me that it was normal to get excited by the smooth fabrics and no reason to be ashamed of what was just our normal physical response, according to the man whose cock was now dragging across my asshole with each slow movement along my crack. I can't remember exactly how I reacted to his assurances but I am guessing what I thought was a non commital shrug was probably a shudder of ecstacy accompanied by a list full moan. The doorbell rang and Mr. Kleberger was instantly unhooked from where his dick had been working up my ass crack, and I watched in what seemed like slow motion as his dick disappearedunder the kilt with a long string of precum connecting the head, now a much more red shade than the soft pink it had been when it was soft, to a spot hidden somewhere around the point at which the cock pouch met the string on the undies I was wearing. Somehow he managed to press his hard on up against his waist where it could not be detected , then recovered it all with the plaid skirt and headed to answer the trick or treaters at his front door. By the time I got my dick to go down, and readjusted my toga to where you could only barely see that I was still at half mast, another load of trick or treaters had come and gone and the boys were desperate to get going and get some candy. Mr. Kleberger told me that he would stay at the house to answer the door, and asked me me to take the boys through the neighborhood, but not to go past the two streets on either side of our street, and a suggestion that we stop at the house in between the two halves to get defrosted before headin out again. (This was colorado in late october, and the rule was snow always fell on halloween and then it was warm again til December.) I was still obsessing about how hot it had been getting to feel Mr. K's big dick under my sack as we hit the first two streets so the cold was a godsend, keeping my dick from getting fully hard while we were outside. When we stopped to warm up at the house, both boys ran to the kitchen to have somw hot cider their dad had made for us, and while they drank and looked at their loot so far, Mr. Kleberger commented that I must be freezing in my thin costume and pulled me against him to warm up, whispering that he added something extra to my drink and his own, if I thought I could handle the effects. The idea that he was not only touching me again, but bending the rules and letting me have some liquor (I assume it was liquor altho looking back I can't be sure it wasn't ghb or something similar), all added up to the insinuation that in his mind, I was classified as a man, not some little boy. My dick was hard again, and the effects of the drink kept me from noticing that he was still holding me, despite my temperature returning to normal and even beginbing to spike since he was now behind me again, trapping me between his hips and the kitchen counter as he molested my crotch and chest, humored his somehow uncovered cock closer to my hole, and kept me from putting down my glass until I finished the drink, then giving me his drink and telling me to go ahead, since I seemed to like it so much. My head was swimming slightly as another doorbell ring broke us from our entanglement and Mr. K told us to head back out but to hurry back so we could go to a few houses in the other part of the neighborhood that belonged to some pepole he knew before he revealed a surprise for the boys. The mere mention of the surprise had the boys sprinting from house to house, which was not as easy for me to keep up with, now that i was drunkish or under the influence of whatever he put in the drinks, and the even more powerful influence of his sexuality. It took us less than half the time to finish the two long streets and return to the house, where Mr. K waved us inside where he was on the phone with someone, telling them that we would be over in a few minutes. He told the boys to get in his truck but explained that they needed to leave the front seat for me and the surprise, at which point he pointed to a duffle bag by the door to the garage. Both boys hoped up and ran, with candy bags in tow, straight to the truck. I turned to follow, stopping when I felt his hand grip my shoulder. Turning back to face the man who had me semi hard already, I felt my dick go back to fully erect as he stepped close and handed me a shot glass filled with a slight blue liquid, indicating I should drink it fast, while his hand squeezed my dick and he leaned in to whisper. Amazingly he was not saying anything particularly erotic but rather just describing how he had called my parents and ask them if it was okay that I stay the night in order to help him get some stuff finished for work. He asked me if I was okay with that and I nodded feeling the gross soapy tasting stuff in the shot glass hit me almost as soon as it went down my throat. I must have made a face that told him how gross it tasted because he laughed and simply told me that it was well worth it once it took full effect. Sure enough I could barely it sit up straight in the car all the way to the home of one of his co-workers where The Boys trick or treated he chatted with a very attractive older man and his wife. From there we went to another house owned by his boss, a tall dark haired man who was easily twice as wide in the shoulders as I was. The boys had some hot cocoa with the boss's housekeeper while Mr. K introduced me to Mario. The fluid in the shot glass was in full effect by now and without thinking I managed to spurt out loud something that sounded essentially as though I found him incredibly attractive though not nearly that eloquent. Because of the effects of the blue goo, I don't remember exactly what it was I said although I'm pretty sure somewhere in the sentence were the words f*** your hot. Both men laughed as I turned a deep shade of red, immediately realizing how awful it could have been if they hadn't found it humorous. Luckily they seemed to have a very similar sense of irony and humor as the man who I learned at some point in the conversation was of Italian descent, proceeded to reach out and put his arm around me pulling me in next to him and reaching down once he was sure the boys could not see and taking a handful of my ass under the toga even going so far as slipping one finger into my ass crack and wiggling it against my tight asshole. By this point in the evening I was less inhibited but I still gasped at his touch which got another big laugh out of both he and Mr. Kleberger. I had a feeling from the snake shaped bulge working down his right trouser leg that we could have done a lot more than just getting handsy but the boys re entered the room at that point so we said goodbye and we're back in the car. The last stop was the home of some of the boy's classmates which is where Mr. Kleberger told us all what the surprise was. He opened up a duffle bag he had brought from the house and inside were some of the boys' pajamas and street clothes and two sleeping bags. Both boys got really excited as their dad explained that they were going to spend the night with their friends and he would pick then up in the morning. He walked them to the door and returned to the car and explained that he still needed my help answering the door if any trick or treaters came by while he made a few calls for work, and perhaps we could watch a scary movie or something like that when he finished if I could still hang out for the night. I agreed with a nod and we made small talk on the 5 minute drive back to his house which I heard very little of due to his hand stroking my thigh and getting closer and closer to my cock with each rub until he was able to run my groin without any pretense. We pulled into the garage and he lifted the toga material and gave my dick a few strokes through the mesh undies as I moaned, then covered me up and told me to follow him inside. Instead of heading to the living room which was right next to the front door, he headed down the steps just inside the garage door to the ground level basement where a small bathroom and a spare bedroom were all located. "I figured you might like to watch a movie on the big screen and relax on the Murphy bed in here," he explained while pullin a Murphy bed down from where it was on the wall. He told me to get comfy and asked if I wanted to watch TV or a film he thought I would enjoy, which got a shrug from me, so he smiled and walked to the dvd player and inserted a disk that he pulled from a pocket on his coat, which I'd seen him take from his boss before we left. He handed me the remote and said he would be back in a few once he finished his calls, but that this disc had some videos I would like. As he went upstairs to make the calls, I felt deflated hoping to get to play with him some more, but I decided to wait to see what happened once he was done with his calls and played the first clip on the dvd. The screen lit up with a scene featuring a man in a mask stalking a half naked man though a warehouse, bUT before they could build any tension it cut ahead to where the masked man caught the other man and proceeded to hold him down and tear off his shorts and rape the guy. I was shocked that this seemed to be just a rape scene from some movie, and while you couldnt see exactly what was going on, the nudity and movements left little to the imagination. This must have been a mistake I thought but I didn't want Mr. K to find out so I turned the volume down and played the next scene on the disc. This was yet another sex scene, this one featuring two men having sex with a woman, and again the scene showed enough nudity and implied penetration that I was hard as nails and jerking my dick slowly while I watched. The three or four scenes after that one confirmed that these were each sex scenes from movies so I began flipping through them at 2x speed to see as many penis and butts as I could! That's when I got to a scene that was suddenly very different, obviously shot on a camcorder by an amateur camera man. This scene showed the couple we met earlier in the evening in their bedroom as they began undressing and fucking around. I could hardly believe my eyes. I skipped to the next scene and again it was the couple from earlier but now the wife was getting tag teamed by her husband and another man who seemed familiar. Once I got a good look at him I realized it was Mario! The scene was short but had my mind spinning. I laid down to keep from passing out and started the next scene. The screen showed a different bedroom now and on the bed was a gorgeous guy who couldn't have been too much older than me, but was muscle-bound and hot as fuck, wearing just a tight pair of red briefs. The camera operator reached out and groped the boy on the bed, and then set down the camera on a table and came into the shot. It was mario again! Mario told the young man to lose the briefs and turn over before he took off the briefs he had on and began jerking his big cock. I couldn't help but play with my butthole and cock as he first fingered then licked and finally fucked the guy without a condom on. My eyes were glued to the images and I was so focused on their sex that I didn't realize that I could no longer hear Mr. Kleberger on thr phone. It wasn't until I heard his feet coming down the stairs that I began to scramble to change the scene and just turned it to one of the str8 sex scenes when the door opened and Mr. Kleberger walked in carrying some bottles under his arm and the bowl of candy. He smiled and asked if I liked the movie scenes and I told him I did, very much. He made me a drink with the bottles and sat next to me on the bed, lettin me know he had shut off the outside light since we were probably done getting trick or treaters anyway. We sipped our drinks and he asked if he could show me a film on the disk he enjoyed, I nodded and he selected a title from the menu that appeared to be the whole movie which disappointed me until he told me it was about a young man who worked as a prostitute and got into some very bizarre situations. Sure enough less than 5 minutes in there was a scene where the guy was dressing up in woman's clothes and had to jack off for a man, and two seconds later another scene where an older woman hired him and 3 others to gang bang her. Mr. K removed his shirt, since it was so warm and when he sat down he did so behind me and pulled me back so I was between his legs with his arms around me as he leaned against the pillows and headboard. The kilt had ridden up as I scooted back and I could feel his throbbing cock as he very slowly and subtly rubbed it against my butt. He asked me if I had ever smoked weed and I admitted I had smoked with a friend, but i made the single hit from my friend's pipe sound like I had smoked a dozen times. Mr. K produced a joint from some unknown location and while i was scarred to do dtugs, i didnt wamt to stop the fun so i took a big hit when he handed it ti me, followed by coughing a lot while he chuckled and patted my back. He showed me how to shotgun a hit then, and after the first shotgun, he kissed me and each time after that we made out more and moee until the joint was done, and we were making out in earnest. Meanwhile he had one hand untying the belt on the toga while his other hand was working it up my thighs and pulling it up to take it off. My hips lifted up off the bed so he could get the toga further up and when I sat back down he pulled me in closer and his dick was now firmly between my cheeks and pumped every so often, playing with my hole and poking my balls from below each time he pushed. He spoke softly about the movie, telling me he always wanted to meet someone like the boy in the film, and asking me if I would ever do stuff like that for the right price. I was drunk by then and agreeing to everything he was saying, so I think he knew I wouldn't object when he moved us to the side of the bed, pulling me down to my knees and removing his kilt entirely before telling me to open my mouth. This wasn't the first dick I had sucked which must have been apparent because he was pleased and very complimentary about the fact I was deep throating his big pink cock and had no trouble choking even when he was going fast. Before too long he told me he was getting close and he had another thing he wanted to try. Pulling me back to my feet, he spun me around and pushed me back on to the bed, then peeled the undies off my dripping dick and began sucking my cock and licking my balls and ass. I was already leaking pre cum and moaning like crazy so he must have decided to just go for broke, because when I couldnt feel his tongue on me and opened my eyes, he was lubing his dick with something from his nightstand and pulling my hips to the edge of the bed. I told him I wasn't sure if I could handle getting fucked and he laughed, tellin me he had no intention of fucking me, he just wanted to see if he could get the tip in me since I was so tight. I asked if he should put on a condom, but he insisted that we weren't actually going to fuck so there was no need for anything like that. My drunk horny ass was in no position to disagree, literally, so I let him fold back my legs and put the cool slick stuff he had been using on his dick on my hole with his fingers, inserting one then two and working them in and out while I grimaced and held my breath. He kissed me and told me to relax, reaching over and pulling a pipe from the pocket of his discarded pants and heated the pipe from below, which I had not scene anyone do before. He shot gunned some hits to me again and suddenly I was hornier than I had ever been and feeling much less drunk, although the high was clouding my judgement enough that I felt even less resistant to his fingers. He lit the pipe for me and made me take 6 big hit's in a row, and I was surprised at how easily I took them compared to the joint. When I was done with hit number six he set the pipe down and moved back between my legs, but this time he went ahead and worked his cock up between my cheeks until the head was pressing harder and harder against it. He leaned in, pushing my legs further back until my knees were next to my ears so he could kiss me. Thats when he thrust his hips forward fast and burst through my sphincter until half his cock was speared into my hole and I screamed into his mouth while we kissed. He told me to breath and covered my mouth, which seemed counter intuitive, then he kept pushing forward while I squealed and groaned until I felt his hips flat against my ass cheeks, which were spread to where I felt they might rip open and leave me split right down the middle. He removed his hand and told me to take a minute and get used to his dick, and I told him to take it out, but he said it was too late for that now. I tried to convince him that it was too big but he kept reminding me that he was already all the way in. I even tried to ask again that he put on a condom, and he said he would once I was used to his size, since it would hurt too much to take his cock out now and put it back in. He then slowly worked it in back and forth bit by bit, which made me shut up and squeal some more which only made him enjoy it more. Within a few minutes he was working it in and out 4 or 5 inches at a time and as he had told me, my ass was starting to relax and accept it, and my dick, which had deflated during the initial pain, was making a come back with each slide of his meat across my prostate. We took some more hits from the pipe and sure enough I began to enjoy his fuck. "I knew you were going to take this dick, you little whore," he said as he built up speed. "I could tell you were begging for it the moment we moved in back when you were just a kid. You had that look on your face that says 'make me take your raw dick and I will be a cumslut for life!' I just didn't think I would want your ass so bad once you grew up, but I can't help it, your butt is like a bubble I have been wanting to pop since it grew in." I should have been offended but it turned me on knowing he was watching me and wanting me. He continued to tell me how much he had dreamed of raping my butt and turning me into a plaything, how he had ordered the underwear specifically for me to wear and planned our costumes so he could fuck my ass, even if he'd had to get me wasted and do it once I passed out. Somewhere in his furious fuck, I remembered we were fucking sans rubber, and for the third time that night I brought it up, which made hI'm cover my mouth and tell me to forget the condom, cause he was about to breed my boy butt and that was the last thing he wanted to hear about it. I might have argued except he grabbed my cock and jerked me with gusto as he neared his own orgasm. Bring a teen boy, the stimulation of his hand on my dick and his cock in my ass was too much and with his command that I "shoot that boy whore load!" I did just that, spraying us both up to our faces, just in time for his dick to ram further than it had reached yet that night and unload spasm after spasm of hot cum deep in the darkness of my butt. Since that night, we played a lot of times, often with his boss or the other man from his office, and even once with some boys from my school, but I still get hard on halloween remembering the trick he played and what a treat it was!
    2 points
  13. A giant clit on a bottom can be hot in a visual sense but I have no need to touch it or interact with said clit lol
    2 points
  14. Rarely, if ever seen a condom in Berlin!
    2 points
  15. Can I substitute "sleaziest" for "filthiest"? In that case: Folsom Gulch in SF.
    2 points
  16. The CDC says the chance of contracting HIV through oral sex is very unlikely. The factors that could allow the transfer of HIV infected blood or semen would be open sores in your mouth, open sores on his dick. If it makes you feel better, I swallowed hundreds of loads and was bred hundreds of times over the last 10-15 years and only contracted syphilis once and Hep B once. If you can, go on PrEP (I'm getting it from overseas for $28 a month), get immunized for HPV, HepA, HepB and pneumachoccol. Then get a prescription for doxycycline (or get it overseas). Doxy has two preventative roles for STIs. 200mg taken within 72 hours after a sexual event reduces chances of syph and chlam by 47%, 100mg taken daily for a week before a crazy sex weekend party and then continue taking for 4 weeks after reduces all STIs by 78%. This "1 week before through 4 weeks after" is the same protocol for preventing malaria, so there is no adverse effects or any chance of reduced effectiveness.
    2 points
  17. Wow, it's been over a year since I updated this story. But here is a short new chapter. Enjoy and let me know what you think ! If you have ideas, I'm all ears. I was floored by the amount of videos Josh had filmed. They were all so perfectly organized, too. Each guy that had fucked him had his own folder, even if they were known as Daddy from the gym or Muscle Daddy #2. Josh proudly showed me an online website where he posted his videos, and people subscribed to him monthly. He had hundreds of subscribers, it was insane—though I wasn’t surprised, considering how hot the videos were, and I was lucky to have free access to them. “You can watch any video you want,” Josh said beside me, having sat me down at his comfy desk chair as he was sitting on my lap. I opened Brandon’s folder, curious to see just how many times he had filmed my son. I counted just 4 files, sighing with relief. Josh had made it sound like he had hundreds of them earlier. “Did you post them on your page too?” I asked, unable to stop from glancing back and forth between the computer and Josh jerking himself. The man was an insatiable little slut, and I was slowly turning into one as well, I realized as my cock sprung back to life just from the sight of him. “No, Bran didn’t want me to, these are just for my personal pleasure,” Josh grinned, creating a new folder and naming it Dad. “Here, our first video together, and probably my hottest one yet.” I watched him upload the video we’d just filmed together, my cock hardening even more as I watched the replay of what we’d just done. I heard the familiar sound of an incoming text from Josh’s phone. “Bran-bran liked our film,” Josh claimed, which I doubted very much. I shut my mouth, feeling terrible as I pictured my son watching his father having sex with his frat brother. I couldn’t even imagine how awful he must be feeling. I know I felt terrible at the thought of my son at home alone and lonely. “Hey, Daddy, what’s wrong?” Josh asked, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. He looked genuinely concerned, his hands cupping my face as he leaned in to kiss me lightly. “Nothing,” I lied, turning my attention back to the computer to avoid Josh’s inquiring. I opened one video that had caught my attention in my son’s folder, titled Baby bro and Daddy. Just as I had feared, the video featured an older man, Brandon and Josh. The third guy was older, yes, but not older than me. He was bald, broad-shouldered, with a nice cock, I hated to admit. The video started with Josh as the cameraman, with Brandon and the “Daddy” fully clothed and facing each other. “What are you doing here, Daddy?” Brandon asked, and part of me felt sick to watch what was basically a gay porn video starring my son. “Just checking on you, baby boy, wanted to see how college was going.” Something I hadn’t done much in the past year, which made me feel even guiltier. Josh didn’t seem to notice, as he was busy kissing my neck and watching the video himself. I felt an impossible longing for Brandon right then, wishing I had my son here in my arms. “Fuck, good choice, Daddy, this is one of my favorites,” Josh muttered. “First time Bran-bran showed me how much he needs a Daddy in his life.” “I missed you,” Brandon said, putting his hands on the other man. “That’s why I came to see you.” They started kissing tenderly, the older man so gentle with my son I couldn’t bear watching it and skipped ahead, to a part where Brandon was getting fucked—bareback—by the stranger while Josh fucked the latter. I closed the video altogether, getting up from the chair so suddenly Josh almost fell on his bubble butt. “Damn it,” I cursed, and started pacing in the room. Josh stopped me and hugged me from behind, his hard-on pressing against my ass. “You miss Bran-bran, huh, Daddy?” Josh said, grinding his cock slowly between my cheeks, his hands stroking my chest and playing with my nipples as he kissed my neck. “I miss him too.” I let myself enjoy Josh’s expert hands and lips on my body, hoping the lust would take over the pain. The worst part of it all was that the lust did take over, and quite quickly. I threw my head back to rest on Josh’s shoulder, giving him better access to my neck. “You know what, Daddy?” Josh said between kisses and licks. “Tomorrow we’ll go back to your place, so little Bran can join in on the fun, what do you say?” That got my dick twitching, thinking about fucking my son again, and damn did that make me feel even more perverted. As if roleplaying with Josh wasn’t enough, my own biological son turned me on even more. Josh’s cock rubbed insistently on my hole and I pushed back on it. “Fuck, Daddy, you’re driving me crazy,” Josh whispered in my ear. He pushed me on his bed as he turned on one camera I hadn’t noticed earlier, expertly hidden in the corner of Josh’s room. He grabbed a tripod and set up another camera by the side of the bed. The kid was a professional porn star and director, it seemed. I was impressed and horny at the same time. I hadn’t considered myself an exhibitionist before this, but knowing I was going to be filmed gave me a new thrill. I was discovering all sorts of new experiences lately. Josh soon joined me on the bed, covering my naked body with his and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his strong back, my tongue caressing his while our cocks rubbed against one another. “Fuck, Daddy,” Josh said. “I can’t get enough of you.” “Me neither, son,” I replied, my hands traveling south to knead Josh’s bubble butt. I fingered his slippery hole, entering it smoothly and gaining a sweet moan from Josh. “Yes, Daddy, finger me,” Josh said, moving his ass back and forth to fuck himself on my finger, his cock leaking so much precum it slid easily along my own hardon. I captured Josh’s lips again, enjoying his talents as a kisser while I kept fingering him. “I want your cock Daddy.” Josh sit up and straddled my waist, guiding my cock right under his hole before he sank on it. “Fuck! You’re so big, Daddy,” Josh said as he started fucking himself. “Filling me so good, stretching my tight son hole.” I was speechless, lost in the moment. Josh’s hole was still so slick, so warm and velvety around my cock. I never wanted this to stop. I hated to admit it, but sex with these boys felt so much better than what I’ve had in the past with my own wife. I moved my hips to meet Josh’s rhythm, and sooner than I wanted, I felt myself on the verge of shooting my load. “I’m going to cum, son,” I panted, and as soon as I let the words out, I felt Josh’s walls clenching around my cock as he stopped moving and sat back. “Fuck yes, fill me up, Daddy, fill me up,” he said, looking me straight in the eyes. That was the trigger for my cock, and for the second time today, I shot deep inside Josh, my cock spurting more cum than I thought possible. Josh bent down to kiss me, my dick still lodged deep inside him with my cum. He eventually pulled my cock out, and got on all fours to show his hole to the camera set by the bed. “Such a big Daddy load in there,” Josh said as he fingered himself, scooping my load from his ass and approaching his face in front of the camera to eat every single drop. It was so fucking hot, watching him eat my cum while moaning appreciatively. “You guys, the best tasting cum in the world is your own Daddy’s load,” Josh said with a grin before he turned to look at me. “Right, Daddy?” I brought Josh back on the bed over me to cup his face and kiss him again, tasting myself on this tongue. I was intoxicated, and at this point, I didn’t even care that I was cheating repeatedly on my wife, that I was enjoying roleplaying incest sex with a gorgeous twenty-something. “It’s my turn now, baby boy,” I said, grabbing his cock to guide it to my entrance as I lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist. He took some lube from his bedside table, prepping my hole and his cock. The black bottle of lube caught my eye, and as I watched closely, I realized the lube looked a lot like…Cum. “Like that, Daddy?” Josh asked, having clearly caught me. “Looks real, doesn’t it?” He squirted some more lube on his fingers, bringing them close to me so I could see better—yep, looked like the real thing—before he spread the cum lube on his stubbled face, and it made him look even hotter. “Ready, Daddy?” Josh asked as he pressed against my hole. I nodded, and relaxed my shoulders and ass to welcome Josh’s raw cock. It felt amazing, his long hard dick hitting my prostate with each one of his thrusts. His dirty talk was driving me insane with lust. My own cock was hard again, which I considered a miracle at this point at my age. “Kiss me, son,” I ordered, brining Josh down to meet his lips as he fucked me harder and harder until he buried himself deep inside me and started shooting his load. “I’m coming, Daddy,” Josh said before he captured my lips to stifle my moans. No matter how many times it happened, it still felt amazing to have cum bursting inside you. I couldn’t believe just how good it felt, especially when it’s a big hot guy like Josh that does the deed while caring for you. Josh crashed in my arms as he pulled out, his heavy body on top of me. Josh was a great cuddler, and his body fit right into mine. “I love you, Daddy.” “Love you too, son,” I replied with a kiss on top of his head.
    2 points
  18. In my own opinion, stealthing is not only immoral, it's also illegal in most states, for good reason. Besides, there's not much reason for it since most men will submit anyway.
    2 points
  19. Visiting Houston, so tried Club Houston last night and found that it was half price room night which may explain the full car park, a good sign. It’s a large club with a fabulous outdoor pool and jacuzzi. The cruising space is mainly corridors of rooms with a surprisingly small dark/maze area given the floor area. Steam room not available, still being constructed apparently. I had a video room but the picture quality was fairly dire. Free wifi. Overall a good quality bathhouse and the patrons seemed pretty friendly. Enough of the reviews already, what of the action? I’m versatile but this night I’d decided only to top so my expectations of action were lowered by 50%. However, I did pretty well fucking 6 guys and breeding two of them. Some of theses were in the glory holes and two in other guys’ rooms including a lithe daddy who I saw perched with his door open and as in the air for the 4 hours I was there so I’m sure my cum mixed with that of a number of other guys. The highlight for me was after I’d been in the club for over 3 hours and so I’d donned a metal cock ring lest I be soft at an inopportune time. I started out in a gloryhole booth and had been fucking a guy for a little while. Although I couldn’t see anything I had gauged him to be a fairly short and small guy based on where I had to position my cock and his small hands when he once reached through. He left his booth after a while and I followed shortly after and while I hadn’t seen him I sensed the short guy heading up the stairs to the sucking platform might have been him. I positioned myself behind him and was pleased when he reached behind him to grab my cock and manoeuvre it into his hole. I was soon fucking him again - I could tell it was the same guy by the texture of his ass, which was great. After 10 minutes of that I invited him back to my room. After fucking him some more I took the metal cock ring off (with some difficulty!) so I could thrust more deeply. Not unexpectedly, as it’s happened before, I heard a gasp, a squeal and a cry of ‘its so big’ when I recommenced thrusting as my cock is much thicker at its base. But the small Asian guy gritted his teeth and took it. After a while we stopped the standing doggy position and he lay on his face flat on the bed and I fucked him laying on top, which is my favourite position for finishing off and soon I had planted my seed deep in his ass.
    2 points
  20. Spent last evening with a friend of mine who’s turned into a fuck bud, then turned into an “I don’t know what” over the years. Lately we’ve started to explore a Dom sub relationship. After having a glass of wine, we headed into the bedroom. My friend told me to go down on his dick and as I shifted over on the bed to position myself to suck him, he slapped me hard several times across the face and told me to gag on his dick. Shocked with my face stinging, I followed his command deep throating his already hard dick. Those slaps must of brought out his dominant side as he fucked me the hardest he’s ever done! He took complete control and his dick never left my hole till he shot three loads in me! After he left I felt very satisfied with the intensity of our fuck but I felt that gnawing desire for more loads. So I threw on my whore sweats and headed over to the park. There seems to be a new cruise place between two large construction dumpsters. I wasn’t there long before a heavyset cologne scented Latino pulled out his dick for me. I took his thick meatiness into my mouth swirling his foreskin with my tongue. I continued sucking him sliding down my sweatpants to expose my naked ass. All the while hoping he’d more than just a blowjob. I had sucked on a black guy before him who had played with my ass but refused to fuck me without a condom. The Latino started rubbing my ass and then fingering my hole. Time to put it to the test. I stood up and positioned my hole straight with his dick. He sniffed on his poppers and entered me. No questions of condoms! With a foreskin that completely covered his head, his thick meaty dick felt velvety smooth going in and out of my hole. I got pushed lower and lower squatting with my ass up high till I knew he was gonna unload. He gave one deep thrust and started slow fucking me as his cum jets squirted into my hole. As he gently pulled out, I looked up only to realize that there was this black guy, unzipped and stroking his hard on that had been watching our fucking. Once the Latino cleared my hole, the black guy jumped on and with 4-5 strokes he unloaded. I would’ve liked to stay later and got even more loads but I had to get home and get some sleep for work.
    2 points
  21. Part 9 - 21 Years In The Making Maria called out from the open door asking if I wanted breakfast before she started cleaning. I sat down at the island in the kitchen and ate some fruit and yoghurt chatting away with Maria then helped her clean the lounge by our bedroom. At midday I received a text from Mike telling me that Steve had arrived and they were setting off having picked up Sean from the diner as he worked an early shift. It was a good couple of hours from the airport side of Dallas where they were. I was about to go for a swim when the there was a knock at the front door. Maria was already there and signing for a delivery, she held a couple of parcels in her arms and walked in to the family room. "Tommy, you have parcels here" she called out. I wandered in carrying a towel "Who are they from?" I asked putting the towel down on the counter. Maria shrugged her shoulders "I don't know there is no sender details". Curiously I looked and saw it was send from a depot in New Jersey "That's strange I don't know anyone there". Maria looked at me "Well someone knows you, but why it has been sent without a return address?" she asked. Well curiosity got the better of me when Maria handed me the scissors to undo the smaller parcel. I remove the packaging to find a white shoe box, on the lid was two highly embossed black letter J's back to back. I must have broken the world record in smiling as Maria laughed seeing my face light up. Everything clicked in to place and I knew who the anonymous parcels were from, eagerly I opened the box to find a pair of running trainers, pale green and white in colour with the two letter J's embroidered on. There was a little hand written note inside that I read 'From my new range'. Silly I know but just that note brightened my day. "Those are a fine pair of trainers looking at the quality" Maria said rubbing my head. I looked up at her "It's not the trainers, it's who they are from" I said and she nodded and smiled. "This one is from the same sender" she said handing me the bigger parcel. Removing the outer packaging it was a much larger box, again white in colour with the two letter J's on the lid, removing it I unfolded the lining paper to discover a black suit with another hand written note 'TFT tailored just for you and some other bits. Happy birthday, J M E'. I smiled reading the note, it meant the world to me as he hadn't forgotten me, I knew exactly who the E referred to on the note. Lifting the suit up there was boxes of underwear and 4 polo shirts in different colours. I picked everything up and took it back to the bedroom and left them on the bed for now. Returning to have my swim I spent nearly an hour enjoying the cool water in the pool as the heat of the afternoon was encroaching and getting very oppressive meaning there was a storm looming somewhere on the horizon. Standing on the doorstep the car pulled up, Steve was the first out and run straight for me leaving the car door open, he kissed me and hugged me tightly clearly happy to see me. Mike walked over with Sean who was gobsmacked looking at the ranch house in a world of his own taking everything in. Sean was a bundle of nerves and felt way out of his comfort zone, I wasn't going to let him feel uncomfortable so I walked up to him and planted a big kiss squarely on his lips and held him. "I'm so glad you came Sean" I said to him watching his amazing smile appear on his face. "Thanks for inviting me Tom" he said. "And don't worry we will look after you" I assured him, taking his hand we walked in to the ranch house. Sean looked around "Is he not here?" he asked seeing a confused look on my face "your step-brother" he said. "Oh, no he is working, he will be back around 6pm" I replied then stopped "Why are you interested?" I asked. Sean chuckled "No, I mean not in that way. Mike said he was pretty sexy wanted to see for myself" he said. I laughed "Yeah he is" I said putting my arm around his shoulder "very very sexy, what else has he told you?" "That he is pretending to be straight" Sean replied looking at the grin on my face "Oh no you haven't?". I knew what he meant "Oh yes, he is my step-brother" I laughed sounding ridiculous and emphasising the words. Mike came up behind us "What are we doing then?" he asked slapping our asses. I suggested sitting out by the pool which everyone agreed to as a nice way of cooling down and relaxing as they had all had busy weeks. Lucky them I thought showing them in to our bedroom to get changed, Steve was first to notice the boxes on my bed. "They arrived then" he said looking at the trainers. I walked over to him "Did you know about this" I asked seeing him nod. "Yes, I had to discreetly send your measurements to Jacob. He still thinks about you, so does Eddie" he replied. Steve hugged me "Thanks Steve. I thought they would have forgotten about me". "No way, put them on" he said nodding to the trainers "give me your phone". Steve took a photo of the trainers and posted it on my twitter feed "Marcus asked me to do this" he said. I saw a response come straight away from a Joshua_Medina 'Can't wait to try them on :))' so he was following me and quite avidly so it seemed. Steve asked who it was and I told him he would meet him tomorrow as an old school friend of mine. Mike looked at his profile picture 'gay' was all he said slipping in to his swimwear. Sean sat on the bed looking a little embarrassed and without saying a word I pulled a pair of trunks out from my chest of draws and handed them to him 'You can keep them' I said quietly to him. I made sure during our afternoon that Sean was well looked after and included, after all I had some idea what he was going through. Maria produced a jug of homemade lemonade and fruit, Sean was quite happy swimming around with me in the pool, Mike poured a couple of cups and brought them to the side of the pool. We had no idea where time went, Brad came out of the bedroom French windows on the terrace smiling, he had already changed out of his works clothes and seeing Mike and Steve he went over to say hello. "And who is this?" Brad asked walking towards Sean who was standing very close to me in the pool. I pushed Sean forward "This is Sean, and this is my step-brother Brad" I said "say hello nicely you two". Sean blushed and held out his hand to Brad who took it, he could feel Sean tugging "Don't you dare" he grinned at Sean. "Don't do what?" Sean replied looking all innocent gripping harder on Brad's hand. Brad laughed "Your so brave" he said mocking Sean who in turned pulled Brad forward in to the pool. Sean tried to escape but Brad had hold of him in a frontal bear hug until he apologised and Brad released his hold on him. Brad climbed out of the pool and took his shorts and t-shirt off he looked over at Sean 'I like you' he said grinning at him and grabbing a towel to wipe his face. Sean certainly cut a figure in the pool I noticed and so had Brad. I pushed Sean to the steps telling him we need to get dry and cleaned up for dinner, exiting the pool Brad passed us both a towel and kissed me on the lips giving Mike the opportunity to wolf whistle whilst Steve and Sean looked on confused at the situation. I took Sean in to the bathroom to shower "Your really a nice guy Tom, I'm so glad we met" Sean said. I leaned against the sink watching him stand under the water "Same here and Brad likes you" I said. Sean smiled "No ones ever been this nice to me before, they all think I am rough trade" he admitted. Brad walked in to the bathroom "Sexy rough trade" he said, Sean quickly covering his cock embarrassed. I laughed "Don't mind him" I said "anyway people are to quick to judge Sean" I said as Brad took his clothes off. "Do you mind?" Brad asked me. "No, I should tell you we slept together last weekend" I said being truthful to Brad. Brad smiled "Not so innocent are you" he said stroking my face "And your not so innocent either" he said to Sean. Sean stood aside as Brad walked in to the shower standing close to him "Mind washing my back?" he asked. I left them to it and went back to the bedroom "Did he get in the shower with Sean?" Mike asked. "Yes, quite proud of him, he is beginning to really embrace who he is" I replied sitting on the bed. Steve looked up "Who Brad or Sean?" he giggled "That's one threesome I wouldn't mind". The one thing Brad and I had discussed was about having a type of open relationship that he had heard gay people did. Yeah that completely threw me but he stipulated it was only open as far as we were both involved, I felt more comfortable about that idea rather than just being open completely. My stipulation to the rule was no women and he laughed and said he was done once and for all with Melinda. Brad and Sean returned from their shower as I was putting the polo shirts away in the closet. I called Sean over and gave him a JJ polo shirt since I had collected quite a few of them now and they were cluttering up my closet. He was close to welling up at my generosity and out of thanks he said he would wear it tomorrow at my birthday dinner. The evening was pretty noisy with lots of chatter and laughing. Steve and I left the rest having coffee whilst we went for a short stroll mostly to catch up on things in LA, he was good for the gossip and he didn't disappoint. Eric's contract expired and wasn't renewed and he was shown the door. Patricia was at wits end being bombarded by requests for me to model, he did confide in me that her profit forecast had dropped by 20% mostly due to me. As bad as the terms were I did kind of feel sorry leaving things in such a mess. Steve stopped and told me that she has found my twitter page and was following it, Eddie has refused point blank to shoot for her and Jacob has terminated their agreement. I wanted to hear more about Eddie but Steve cautiously evaded the question. We started walking back to the house and he told me that Patricia had suspected he would be seeing me this weekend. I looked at him "That's not all is it?" I said putting my arm around his shoulder. "No, she asked me to fish around and if you would model again" he said "I have to report back tomorrow". I chuckled "So she hasn't fired you for seeing me then?" I asked. Steve laughed "No, she would be lost without me and she knows it" he replied "would you ever consider it?". I stopped walking and looked at him "To be honest I have put it all behind me Steve" I admitted to him. He smiled "You have no idea the publicity storm you caused going in to JJ's in Dallas last week". I smiled at him and continued walking "I don't want to know" I said "I'm happy here". Steve chuckled "Well let's just say she was annoyed, livid, probably angry you weren't hers" he said. "I do miss it a bit. I mean it was fun and I met some amazing people" I said slapping Steve's ass. "This Brad and you thing serious then?" he asked answering his question "Mike says it is". I kissed him on the cheek "Getting there I think Sean being here may help a little more". "Yeah, he is so god dam straight looking and attractive for a young guy" Steve confessed entering the house. Steve grabbed hold of me "She wants you modelling for her Tom, just adhoc, nothing contractual" he emphasised. "I'm not saying no, but I just don't know yet" I said "she didn't believe me about Eric and that hurt". "Okay enough of that I have done my bit now lets enjoy this weekend" Steve said joining the other three. It was way past midnight when we decided to head to bed, Seth and my mother had arrived back home from their date night and were pleased to see Mike and Steve and thought the world of Sean and his over politeness until Seth told him to act normally. Brad showed Mike and Steve to their room in the main house and I took Sean back to the east wing. "So Joshua comes tomorrow and you and he will bed here if that is okay with you?" I asked him. Sean smiled "Yeah I can crash anywhere" he said. Brad walked in "Oh your not sleeping here come on" he said dragging Sean up from the sofa. "No it's okay really" Sean protested but was not winning. "Here you take my bed I will sleep with Tom" Brad said pointing defiantly to the bed. "Okay dude you win" Sean said chuckling. Brad looked over at Sean "If you get lonely you can hop in with us". "Brad" I said shocked and amused by his complete change "I'm sorry Sean" I giggled. Sean grinned and shrugged his shoulders getting in to Brad's bed. I climbed in to my bed and Brad picked up the book and put it down next to me, I tried to protest that it was late but I couldn't say no to him. He snuggled down and I started reading, Sean leaned up in bed looking over at us for a few minutes. He slipped out of bed and came round to the other side of me jiggling his way in to bed. I ended up with both their head leaning against my chest, arms around their necks trying to hold the book steady. I continued reading and Brad turned the pages for me, Sean was obviously knackered and he quickly fell asleep against me. Brad took the book and placed it at the bottom of the bed, I leaned over and turned the light out. By morning I was cuddled up to Sean and Brad was spooning me, being stuck in the middle of two hot guys was literally hot, pushing the sheet down in an attempt to get some air around my body to cool me down I was trying to be discreet so not to wake them. It was already 10am my movement had stirred Sean and he pushed his chest up closer to me, his arm laying across me and on Brad. My phone started ringing and I quickly tried to pick it up leaning across Sean I grabbed it and answered the facetime call from Mike. "Are you awake, we are?" he asked still laying in bed "happy birthday The Model Called Tom" they both shouted. For a moment I had forgotten "Thanks guys" replying I held the phone away getting all three of us in shot. I heard Steve screech "No you didn't" he said laughing at the sight of us and waking Brad up. "I need to go swim I am so hot stuck here in the middle" I said to Mike and Steve. Steve nodded "Meet you at the pool in 5" he said and they hung up. So I tried to get out of bed by going towards the bottom but Sean and Brad thought it would be funny to hold my legs and keep dragging me back every time I nearly made it to the end of the bed. Brad managed to flip me over on to my back and Sean straddled me holding my arms down. He leaned forward 'Happy birthday' he said and kissed me on the lips giggling. Brad pushed him off and had his turn 'Happy birthday sexy' he said moving his head closer, our lips meeting and kissing for several moments as Sean sat there making funny noises. Brad let me go then slapped Sean's ass. I was laughing so hard I forgot what I was doing until Mike walked in and came to my rescue helping me escape them. I ran out naked and jumped in to the pool then heard splashes behind as Brad and Sean followed me out. Steve stood there and whipped his trunks off 'What the hell' he said, Mike pulled his down and jumped in. Everything felt different and a certain fun had returned, something that seemed to have been amiss from my life and between Brad and myself for ages. Maria came outside wishing me happy birthday and set breakfast up for us on the terrace, it took a while before she realised we were all naked and threatening to take pictures of us if anyone got out before she was done. Hungry wasn't the word when we sat down and ate finally, I sent a text to Joshua making sure he brought some swim wear with him, he sent a reply confirming he would and he was leaving his parents now. Mike was excited to meet the guy in the flesh and find out if he was gay. I had cards from each of the guys, Steve had managed to wrangle some CK shirts from a shoot which were amazing, not as good as Jacob's of course but still they fitted me perfectly. I had made it clear I didn't want gifts from anyone just them here celebrating was enough. Seth and my mother popped by wishing me happy birthday and handing me the only present I asked for, a new phone. They were heading out for the day and would be back later in the afternoon for the birthday dinner. A little while later Maria appeared telling me a car was pulling up, I jumped up and ran to the front door and opened it just as Joshua got out, he looked even sexier in his tailored shorts and casual shirt. I ran over and hugged him as he wished me happy birthday. "Come on, let's go meet the guys" I said but Joshua held back. "Tom" he said and I turned to face him "I don't want things to be awkward or you to find out from anyone else". I smiled and grabbed his hand "Joshua" I said and he looked me in the eye "Be yourself here" I said. He smiled and walked with me in to the house "Bit nervous meeting your friends" he said. "You know Brad" I said, I didn't want to tell him everyone here is gay, he had to find that out himself. Brad was in the family room getting coffee "Hey Joshua, nice to see you out of your business suit" he smiled. "Hi Brad" he stumbled blushing looking at Brad "you certainly look different with no clothes on" he said. "Guys meet Joshua" I said taking him out side "Joshua this is Mike, Steve and Sean". They each came over to say hello, Sean as usual his shy self hung back. Mike, Steve and I saw it straight away, the moment Sean and Joshua clapped eyes on each other it was like the 4th of July between them. Both being coy and probably feeling attracted to each other beyond reasoning. It was to be frank quite amazing seeing this happen in front of your eyes, they shook hands awkwardly trying to avoid each others gaze. "There is you answer" Mike said winking at me. I seized the opportunity "Joshua want to help me with the picnic" I suggested. "Yes, of course" he said beaming at me passing Brad as we walked inside. "Here" I handed him the hamper basket "you okay, now you have met them?" I asked. Joshua looked at me "Tom, I feel a little silly" he started saying "but Sean... is he gay?" he asked in a hushed voice. I handed him napkins "Why do you want to know?" I asked waiting for him to reveal himself. Sean looked out to the terrace "The way he looked at me just now" he replied not giving anything away. "He seemed to fancy you" I replied passing deli meats to him "Do you fancy him?" I asked. Joshua paused for a moment then looked at me and nodded "Yes" he replied staring at me waiting for a response. I wrapped the bread and handed it to him "He is single, and an amazing person on the inside". I could see Joshua smile "Thanks" he said packing the bread in the hamper basket. "For what?" I asked holding up the salami and chorizo "Italian or Spanish sausage" I grinned. Joshua turned to me "For not judging me" he said "Umm never had either" I could tell what he was thinking. I laughed waving the sausages "Both I guess" I said handing them to him. Joshua held the sausage up and looked at me "So which do you prefer?" he asked looking at me waiting. Chuckling at him "Put them in the basket" I said watching him "Chorizo" I replied and winked at him. Joshua picked up on my response and almost like a different person he immediately began opening up. We continued to chat and pack the hamper up, outside Brad and Sean were certainly hitting it off sat on the terrace talking, clearly you could see Sean gazing at Joshua standing next to me in between conversation. I considered for a moment playing matchmaker but thought it might be pushing Joshua or Sean to far. Through all the things that had happened I really had forgotten how much I actually liked him in high school, we sat together in several lessons but it just goes to show you never really know someone until you are out of school. "I am sorry, you know for all the time at school and I never really spent with you" I said to him. Joshua looked up surprised "I guess outside of class we had our own friends. Anyway you was popular" he said. "Popular?" I asked looking at him "you will need to explain that" handing him some cheese. "Brad and you always had girls flocking around you both, you two really stuck together" he explained. I chuckled "He was looking after me, living way out here we just bonded, rather to well it would seem" I told him. Joshua nodded "Yeah I guess so" he stopped looking at Brad "It makes my day when he comes in to the bank". "Who Brad?" I asked and he nodded, I smiled looking at Brad. Joshua looked at me "What about you, I mean you must have guys clammering to bed you?" he asked smirking. I smiled "Well there was a photographer" I said then stopped "this conversation is for another day Joshua" I said quietly. Joshua took me by surprise as if he knew something was under there and hugged me "Sure, I understand" he said. He smiled "Does that mean we will see each other. I mean as friends" he quickly corrected himself. "Of course, anyway I want to see how things progress" I replied winking at him. Joshua looked confused "What things?" he asked me closing hamper lip. I smiled "Just things" I said placing the rest of the cheese in the fridge "Come on to the SUV with the food". I wanted to tell him about Brad but decided it was best if Brad made the move when he was ready to tell people or if they caught us kissing, since Joshua's arrival Brad had played it down a lot. We loaded the SUV with the hamper basket and Joshua asked where we were actually going. Stupidly I hadn't told him so pointed out towards the trees and told him about the shallow Medina river that runs through here and it is a place Brad and I escape to during the summer. Brad and the others appeared carrying blankets, towels and a couple of books. I laughed and told him we probably won't be reading. I tried to deliberately put Joshua and Sean together but Brad insisted Joshua sit up front with me whilst the 4 of them squeezed in to the back seat. We walked through the small line of trees in to the open bank fronting the river, Steve, Sean and Joshua all gasped at how beautiful it was here, leaving the hamper in the car for the moment we set up camp on the banks of the river and proceeded to walk a couple of miles following the river and wading in the water. We hadn't gone 50 meters until Brad came by my side and took my hand. Joshua looked on stunned seeing the look Brad gave me as we walked. Steve chuckled and bumped against Joshua knowing he was trying to figure out what was going on between Brad and myself. Joshua deliberately slowing Steve down to get out of earshot from us. "I thought Brad was straight" he said to Steve. Steve put his arm around Joshua "They have been in love for years, just afraid to show it" he said. Sean turned and stood there "Come on you two, stop gossiping" he waited for Joshua and Steve to catch up. They quickly made eye contact and looked away trying to hide whatever they were feeling. Joshua made idle chat with Sean bringing up the rear of the group some 5 meters behind us. Joshua stumbled slightly on a sharp pebble in the water, his hand brushed Sean's regaining his balance. Neither looked at the other as Sean purposely brushed his hand against Joshua's, all you could hear was Joshua laughing. I turned back and smiled, I could see that relationship working as they already had a spark that was unlike anything else I had seen except for Mike and Steve, but that was just outright flirting to start with which developed very quickly moving to the bedroom. Returning to our spot after walking for several hours we sat down and enjoyed our picnic sitting in the sun dangling our feet in the river. Sean was the one who picked up the book and came and sat by me pleading to read a chapter. Mike and Steve wanted to walk the other way up river so they trotted off, we got comfortable and Brad sat behind me resting his head on my shoulder arms around my chest as I began reading. Sean and Joshua laid down close to each other sneaking glances, it was almost palpable waiting for them to share their first kiss and I didn't know what they were waiting for. You would have thought that the romantic setting by the river would be enough. After an hour reading Sean rolled on his stomach resting on his elbows, he clearly wanted to say something but his nerves beat him and he picked strands of grass slowly. I really felt for him knowing he was not the kind of guy who was brave enough to be upfront with his emotions. In Joshua's case he was feeling it and couldn't keep his eyes off Sean, everything about him was just what Joshua imagined to find in a person. The dark clouds were looming and the trees began rustling, like a jack in the box Brad and I jumped up and started packing things up. Piling back in to the SUV we drove back to the ranch house and had a swim in the pool before the storm closed in then went to change for dinner. True to his word Sean put on the polo shirt, I pulled him with me and got out a Jacob strap, his eyes lit up 'I've always wanted to wear one of those' Sean said as I handed it to him. He quickly discarded his underwear and put it on, looking at himself in the mirror he was stunned how much it accentuated your package and he kept grabbing it. I walked over and kissed him 'It is yours to keep', this time he did shed a tear and hugged me hard. Mike walked in having already changed and copped a feel of Sean "God you look amazing" he said hugging him. Sean grinned "I feel so fucking horny dressed like this" he said. Mike looked at me "I have an idea, got another one?" he asked "And a polo shirt" I knew what he was thinking. "Joshua" I called out from the bathroom waiting for him to appear. He almost fell over looking at Sean when he walked in "Here put these on" Mike said to him. Brad had now appeared "Oh this looks interesting" he smirked feeling Sean's exposed ass. "Come on Tom" Mike said "you as well". So the three of us were dressed the same in JJ polo shirts and jock straps, I was desperately trying to hold back as my cock wanted to thrust out being so turned on at the moment seeing the other two. Mike grabbed my phone and told us to go out by the pool. The storm was raging and the black clouds provided the perfect backdrop, I stood in the middle arms around both of then and Mike took a photo and handed me the phone. I laughed saying Eddie could not have caught that better showing Sean and Joshua who just smiled and looked at each other. Joshua was first to ask me to put it on my twitter feed and Sean agreed, I typed 'Birthday celebration and dressed to impress with friends' I linked Joshua but Sean didn't have an account but they both nodded and I hit the tweet button. My followers were still going up, it seemed the more I posted the more people followed me. Within 10 minutes there was over 50k likes and hundreds of comments mostly about wanting all three of us in their beds. Joshua picked up his phone which kept going off as well to find he suddenly had three thousand followers which had gone up by 2,980 in a short space of time, most of his followers were family and friends something he had forgotten. Joshua was taken back for a moment 'Fuck people will know now' he said and shrugging his shoulders. Sean looked "How so, it doesn't refer to anything" he said studying the picture. Joshua laughed "We are wearing jock straps" he pointed out. Sean glanced at Joshua grinning "Yeah, and you look fine" he said drawing out the word fine in his Texan accent. Joshua stared at the picture "You sexy" was all that could get his lips to form. Finally we sat down for my birthday dinner, our parents liked everyone around the table even though they were outnumbered 6 to 2 on gay people. The birthday cake was my favourite black forest gateaux, ever since a young age I loved that taste of morello cherries and chocolate. It was strangely my only indulgence and the best way to my heart if you knew me. The champagne was poured toasting me, I then reminded everyone that Joshua was 21 this week and we toasted him. My phone vibrating all through dinner with PM's dropping in my twitter mail box. As coffee was being prepared I quickly opened my phone and told Sean and Joshua that our picture had been liked by over 60k a feat they couldn't quite comprehend, but neither could I in all fairness. The third message I saw in the list had photos attached and I saw it was from Marcus's private account, the pictures showed that the polo shirts and jock straps from the on line service had all sold out since I posted the picture. The message was brief 'Amazing, take the two guys to the Dallas store, gifts waiting for you all', I smiled and put the phone back in my pocket. The best part of my birthday was having the people I wanted here, my parents went off to their room and the six of us sat outside chatting in the warm evening air now the storm had abated. Steve was feeling randy and dragged Mike off to bed, Brad shouting after them not to make a mess leaving us all laughing loudly. It wasn't long before we headed indoors at just after 11pm, Joshua strangely looking around and asked where he was sleeping. Brad the ever consummate host said he had a choice of in the lounge or in one of the beds but he would have to share with Sean. This was breaking new ground with Joshua since he had never been in bed with another guy, he had a few discreet booty calls around Medina and they were usually quickies before the men went back to their wives or girlfriends, there were very few actual gay men in Medina but plenty that liked to flit the other way for some uncomplicated relief. We gave Sean and Joshua Brad's bed, I would say that was due to Sean having it the night before but he ended up in our bed anyway. It was so cute as they both took apprehensive steps still holding back the pending eruption that was going to happen some time soon. Well that was the plan but no sooner had Brad pestered me to read, there was four of us in one bed, Sean and Joshua either side still in their jacob straps, Brad laying on his stomach in between my legs, his head resting on my stomach occasionally rubbing his chin against my groin making me laugh and but also giving me an incredible erection that I didn't bother hiding. What didn't help was Sean rubbing my left nipple then Joshua started on my right nipple, I threw the book down on the floor giving up 'Fuck I know when I am beaten' I said. Brad lurched forward and kissed me, surprisingly Joshua ran his hand down Brad's body causing him to stop kissing me and look at him. Joshua quickly removed his hand but Brad grabbed it and pulled it towards his own erect cock, he looked like he was going to freak out opening his mouth Brad quickly closed in and kissed Joshua deep. He kissed me then kissed Sean as I took a turn kissing Joshua. Hands roaming everywhere from asses to cock. I pulled away 'Stop, Stop' I called out, the three of them looked at me wondering what I was doing 'You two need to be together, have some alone time' I said thinking about them. Sean looked at Joshua who shrugged his shoulders then full on assaulted me with their mouths kissing and nipping me on my neck and chest. I tried speaking in between laughing wanting help, Brad sat on his knees with his cock out stroking it with one hand and rubbing mine through my underwear with his other hand. Powerless but also very turned on I laid back and pulled Sean up kissing him which halted his attack on me, a strand of saliva between us as I quickly moved on to Joshua who surprisingly kissed me full tongue mode, he was no novice at kissing I laughed inside. Brad grabbed Joshua and gently teased him downwards to his cock, panic overtook he turned to look at Sean for some reason, but he smiled and egged him on. He needed no encouragement and gladly fulfilled a hidden fantasy of his involving Brad, closing his eyes his slipped his lips around the head of Brad's cock. Sean leaned over me and freed is cock pushing it in to my mouth, having done this before with him I knew what he liked as I teased the head of his cock with my tongue then washing the bathing the shaft in saliva I began to work him steadily all the time letting him get deeper in my mouth, all I could hear was the gasps and short moans from Sean, his hand holding my head in place as he began to move his hips quickly partially fucking my face. Brad flipped Joshua on to his back taking up a similar position as Sean had and began working his cock in Joshua's mouth 'holy fuck' Brad spurted out as he began fucking his face harder, Joshua's hands gripping Brad's balls his other hand moving over Brad's ass and teasing his hole. Brad lost control reaching an incredible orgasm the likes he had never felt before. Quickly pulling his cock out and resting it on Joshua's lips it bounced rapidly before firing his hot seed which just seemed to flow without stopping. Joshua opened his mouth and took the last few squirts of seed running his tongue over the head of Brad's cock. Watching the most sexual scene unfolding before his eyes Sean stopped face fucking me but I could feel his cock pulsing in my mouth I knew he was about to unload, I got the first load smack bang at the back of my throat causing me to gag before he pulled his cock out of my mouth. With no choice I swallowed and teased the head of his cock with my lips that quickly coated in his creamy warm fluid. I never knew how devious Sean was as he looked at me then started pushing his cock back in to my mouth forcing me to take more of his cum until I was only left with the sticky remnants around my chin and lips. Joshua looked at Sean and flopped his cock out 'Your turn' he said grinning at him, Sean chuckled and slid around the bed as I watched before I realised Brad's lips were around my cock. I looked down not really believing what I was seeing as he performed many of the same actions that Joshua had done to his cock. I was already about to burst my load but something in the way he slowly worked my cock sent me to a tranquil calming place, I wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible. I suddenly found Joshua's body laying next to mine, we both leaned up, I watch Sean working Joshua and he was watching Brad working me. It was only a moment but we seemed to be moaning at the same time then grabbing each other we kissed hard and passionately almost trying to suck each others tongues out, I could taste Brad in his mouth and he could taste Sean in mine. The desire we both felt being worked by the ones we fancied was to much for both us, our kissing enhancing our arousal as we both seemed to time our orgasms locking our lips firmly together. I think I gave the first jump pressing my lips up harder to his and moaning in his mouth, he immediately responded. Sean took Joshua's cock deep as he orgasmed receiving the full force his mouth flooding rapidly. Brad pulled off and licked my shaft as I shot my load over Joshua and myself. Sean so turned on by our kissing leaned over us and drippled the cum from his mouth over our locked lips, we carried on kissing. Sean grabbed Brad pushing him back on the bed and kissing him with the remains of Joshua's cum. Surprised and almost freaked out by Sean's dominance Brad did relax wrapping his arms around him, Brad really seemed to enjoy the feeling of his body lying on top of him. By the time Joshua and I finished kissing we looked up and saw Sean resting in Brad's arms watching us. I sat up and chuckled 'Best birthday ever' I remarked collapsing back on the bed giggling. Joshua moved round and pulled Sean towards him he stroked the side of his face as their heads moved closer together, finally their lips meeting and kissing. Brad and I smiled at each other happy to see them finally kissing, and kissing, and kissing. In fact Brad and I ended up taking the other bed and left them on mine as they couldn't keep their hands or mouths off each other. What time did they stop?, I have no idea, Brad turned the light off at 2am and we cuddled up kissing and falling asleep...
    2 points
  22. A total bottom who only wants to be used, never touches himself, only sucks and gets fucked can be hard to find but fortunately they’re not extinct yet.
    2 points
  23. ,I was smoking pretty regularly with a group of guys. I was their bitch to use when they smoked me out. The fellow that introduced me to the pipe turned me into a crossdresser and started to who're me out just so he could watch. I got to the point that I would do anything he asked since I didn't have my own supply and was addicted to the T and had come to enjoy being their Tina who're. No one in the group slammed. They warned me against it if I brought it up. Isaac cruising sites one night and started chatting with a really hot guy. It didn't take long for him to ask if I partied. Not wanting to scare him off I hesitated. His next question was "have you ever slammed?" I told him that I hadn't and had been, warned off. After more conversation my future dealer sealed my future by sending a clock pic and inviting me over the next. He was well practiced with his seduction and deep down I wanted to take this next step. I arrivedd. He kissed me softly. Offered me a pipe a said he had a few things to do before he could playback. I just kept hitting the pipe and was starting to feel it he came b back in decked out in leather. I offered the pipe to him but waved it away and told me he only slammed. Then he gave about ten reasons why slamming is better. He left out the one about after the slam he had for me he would have a new customer that couldn't escape his web. He was so hot and he was so confident. He was a health care professional as well. I wanted anyway, no time like the present. He tied me off and explained what I would feel. The flash of red made my clock twitch. He emptied the barrel quickly. He told me to stand and raise my arm up as he released the band. At first I felt nothing and then bam. My sknees buckled and I fell backwards onto his bed I couldn't breathe. I was going to die. I never got him to tell how big that first slam was but I've met a number or other guys who fell,under his thrall. Most think it was at least .6 maybe more. It was probably ten minutes before anything other than Oh Fuck!came out of me .All the lights were out and I was rolling from side trying to get my hands up my cunt. When my new god mercifully shoved his very large cock deep into my soul and hooked his arms under my legs and rolled me back so there was no escape I knew I was starting a new life. He fucked me long and slow. He told me how to gently rub his nipples the way he liked. He kept whispering things in my ear very softly. I couldn't make out what he said but I could feel him taking control of me. Then he started a chant that I instinctively started to say with him After about ten minutes I was so ready to cum. He sensed it a told me to think of the slam as I did. Another ten minutes and as the most incredibly intense orgasm ever he asked me if I was poz. I told him no. He asked if it bothered me if he was. Given the circumstances I told him no. He said that's good because I already gave you two charged loads and here comes number three. He then went back to whispering but now I could make out some of the words. He was hypnotising me. This went on for a couple of hours but now he fucked me in different positions. He finally pulled out and got on his cell. After about ten minutes he turned back to me and said.time for another slam . I started to say I had to leave He quickly cut me short saying that it wasn't a.question, stick out your arm. As he was wrapping the tubing around my upper arm he told me that this day changed me. He said that I belonged to him and I had no free will anymore. He was going to be my meth dealer and when he said it was time to slam I couldn't resist. He said some of his other customers were coming to pick up a large order and they were horny. He was, of course right . Not only was I too spun to resist the idea was so hot I didn"t want to. He said this would be a smaller dose since.His customers usually liked to slam their fuktoys. My new life had.begun.
    2 points
  24. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 6 I struggled to respond coherently. “Awww fuck yeah Daddy! Work my hungry cunt!” I mumbled as another of Daddy’s fingers went in my mouth. “Please Daddy!” I begged as my face turned to puppy, remembering the first time I saw the swollen cunt lips between puppy’s legs pulsing at me. “Good answer cuntboy. I knew that slammed up cunt would take control once you saw puppy’s cunt for yourself.” Daddy chuckled and gave my cheeks a gentle slap. “Go on cuntboy...climb back on that sling...puppy, jock that cock of yours and chain him up while I grab some more rigs. Cuntboy’s gonna need to be ready for his first fist.” and he wandered off. Bending over, puppy grabbed his jockstrap and hesitated for a few seconds...giving me a view of those swollen cunt lips. “Shit...” I thought, "how the fuck long has Daddy been working those cunt lips to get them to that point?” Puppy turned around, pulling the pouch over his cock and balls, reading my thoughts. “I met Daddy when I was 22, I’m 26 now.” Helping me up to my feet, puppy cupped my ass cheek and led me to the sling. Then I saw myself in the mirrored corner wall. I couldn’t believe how totally hot I looked. I took in my sweat slicked pecs now fully presenting themselves in the yellow piped harness and I grabbed my tits. My yellow jock pouch strained and I moaned seeing puppy’s reflection as he stood behind me, hands moving down my waist to my pouch, he growled and bit my neck. “Fuck yeah, cuntboy...we gotta get you a yellow swimmer jock and we’ll be a perfect pair...piss and fist for Daddy.” “Awww Man!” I eagerly agreed. “Fuck yeah cuntboy...climb on...” puppy directed. “Slide that cunt down a bit more. That’s it.” Puppy bound my ankles making sure my legs were spread wide open and moved on up and did my wrists. Strapping my bicep, puppy whistled, “That my cuntboy...is a beautiful sight.” and licked it. “Here puppy, slam your cuntboy with this.” Daddy laughed, handing it to puppy. “Fuck yeah Daddy, my fucking pleasure!” Puppy prepped and expertly guided the rig into my vein and slammed me. I felt the chems rush into me...but this time it was more intense...I panicked. Daddy leaned forward. Rubbing my pecs gently, Daddy tried to calm me down. “It’s ok boy, I gave you a bit more than what we’re gonna do. You’ll need it to take my fist the first time.” Before I knew it, the panic was replaced with the familiar deep hunger emanating from my cunt overtaking my body. “Good cuntboy...take my cock.” My head moved to the side and took Daddy’s cock in. “MMMMM....” I began to suckle, feeling the metal ring hit roof of my mouth as my tongue lapped the bottom of his shaft. “OK puppy, give me a slam and then do yourself.” commanded Daddy. “Cuntboy...concentrate on my cock for now.” I continued worshipping cock. “AWWWW FUCK!” Daddy exclaimed, his cock jerking in my mouth from the rush of chems now coursing through his veins. I continued on his cock...anticipating the coming session. Hearing the sounds of puppy slamming himself, Daddy pulled out. "I want to hear you ask for it, cuntboy," “Please Daddy, I want it!” "You want what? I didn't hear you, cuntboy." “YOUR FIST, DADDY! I NEED YOUR FIST! "Where do you want it, cuntboy?" "IN MY CUNT, DADDY! PLEASE, DADDY!" At the sight of my begging for fist, puppy howled..”FUUCK! YEAH CUNTBOY!” and sank his knees. With a wicked look in his eyes, Daddy winked at me and headed over to the toy shelf. Grabbing a large black butt plug, he walked over to puppy. “Puppy, present cunt!” Daddy loudly commanded. Puppy fell to his knees...his slammed-up cunt shot up as the swollen cunt lips bloomed and Daddy shoved the plug in, making sure the cunt lips securely held it tight. “FUUUCK!” puppy moaned with pleasure. Daddy leashed puppy’s collar and led him to the sling, securing it to the chain holding a bottom corner of the sling. “Get comfortable puppy, you’re in for a treat. You’re gonna watch cuntboy take a fist for the first time.” Daddy grabbed a stool. Placing it between my legs, he sat and proceeded put on another pair black rubber gloves. Sinking his hand in the tub of Elbow Grease, Daddy looked up, “Are you sure, cuntboy” “Yes, Daddy, I’m sure” I reassured him. “I want this...I need this.” Daddy began sliding the lube over his hands, “Do you trust me, cuntboy? I need to know.” Lying there, I looked at my Daddy and I knew I did even if we had only just met in person. I knew I wanted to give myself over to him. “Yes Daddy, I trust you.” He smiled, his right hand caressing my ass cheek with his fingers spread across it. "Now you're gonna feel what it's like to be your Daddy's hot little cunttoy." Slowly sliding toward my hungry cunt, “Uhhh...” I moaned as my ass involuntarily rose to meet Daddy’s hand. Daddy’s fingers began to circle my cunt lips...teasing them. I felt my cunt lips spread as Daddy’s fingers began their entry into my cunt...first one, then another two quickly followed. Before I could protest, his four cupped fingers were at the entrance of stretched cunt. “How you doing, cuntboy?” Daddy asked as he teased my cunt lips with his thumb and he slid in to the knuckles. I could feel my stretched-out cunt but there was no pain. The chems had taking care of that. “Shit yeah!” puppy growled, “You’re gonna love Daddy’s fist, cuntboy.” “Yes, Daddy, do it!” I begged. "Oh yeah, CUNTBOY!" Daddy growled, "open your cunt for DADDY! Take a deep breath, here it comes." I inhaled and Daddy pushed... ”Fuck!!!” I exhaled as I felt his knuckles sliding over my cunt lips. I was in ecstasy, feeling my cunt being ultimately fucked and filled. I was out of control knowing that I had just given my body over to Daddy... At the same time, I had never felt so connected to someone as I did at that moment to Daddy. As my cunt lips pulsed on his wrist, Daddy looked at my cunt and smiled, “ Cuntboy, that is one fucking beautiful cunt.” Daddy praised. Spreading his fingers open his hand moved in... my cunt spasmed. I was in heat. “OH GOD! PLEASE!” I yelled, my head rolling back. Daddy balling his fist, pushed a bit deeper opening my cunt like never before. “Deep breath cuntboy,” and Daddy started slowly pulling it out bit. I exhaled and his hand pushed it back inside my cunt. I grunted as his hand moved a bit faster now, pulling back and forth with a twisting motion. I didn’t want it to end. We continued like this for a while...Daddy exploring my slammed-up cunt with his fist as my plugged alpha looked on. Satisfied on my first go at his fist, Daddy pulled out, grabbed a towel and cleaned up his hands. He stood up, and walked up to and placed his fist at my lips. “You did good cuntboy. We’ve got lots of time to work on that cunt. Now look up.” Kissing his hand, I looked up ...and saw my sweat slick body splayed open presenting my cunt.... Taking a closer look, I sighed...my cunt lips were puffy and slightly extended...I was complete.
    2 points
  25. I have no teeth. It seems to encourage tops to treat me as just a hole to cum in. They seldom say anything about it. The only time I was with two guys, they talked about me, and my mouth, and about not worrying about "its teeth" while I was sucking. One of the men I served most often said it was "more like a cunt" for him.
    2 points
  26. Almost forgot to post the update. I went back two days later and he pounded another load into me. This guy is awesome. I can't wait until next time.
    2 points
  27. Pigs meet Tom. One of my newest creations and recruits to the cause. I know he's going to poz so many guys with the words of encouragement I am giving him.
    2 points
  28. PART 2: Marcus and I continued to see each other, as friends, at parties and bars with our mutual buddies. Most of the time he'd have his girlfriend, Chloe, with him. Our relationship changed subtly. We acted more relaxed around each other and he would touch me in a "bro" way, much more often than he did before we had sex. We were definitely closer and sort-of intimate in a bromance kind of way. This went on for a few weeks, without either of us ever mentioning the night he finally came inside someone (me), which was the first time I'd ever taken a poz load. This Friday night we pre-partied at our buddy's apartment and Chloe, his girlfriend, was there again. She was very pretty, and I really liked her. We had even begun to get closer. It was her idea to go out to the club, she wanted to dance. Nobody wanted to go though, but Marcus was obligated as the good boyfriend to take her dancing. Chloe tried really hard to convince other people to come along, but everybody wanted a more chill night in. She particularly put her efforts into persuading me to go with her and Marcus to the club. She was dancing up on me, and said,"Marcus can't dance, come on, you have to come so I can have a dancing partner. Pleassse?" I looked at Marcus and he just gave a shrug and a smile. I caved to peer pressure and decided I would tag along and go dancing with them. Marcus had booked an Uber and it didn't take long before we were piling in the back seat together. The Uber driver asked,"Where to?" Chloe immediately responded,"Majesty!" I looked at Marcus questioningly because while it was the biggest and best dance club in the city, it was also predominantly gay. Chloe saw the look on my face and me looking at Marcus and said to me,"Come on, it's the best club for dancing, and you don't have to play like you're straight around me anymore." We all laughed and Marcus just shrugged and smiled again, "She calls the shots bro." We got to the club about midnight and surprisingly the line was out the door already. We got in quickly, and first order was Chloe going to the bathroom, while Marcus and I got everybody drinks. While he and I were at the upstairs bar getting all the drinks he said,"Thanks for coming out tonight man. I know you didn't really want to. Just so you know, I didn't tell Chloe you were gay, she's actually the one that told me the night before...you and I...well in the sauna... Chloe found out from her co-worker, I think you would call him a twink. haha. Anyways, you apparently fuck him on the regular." I gulped a big swig of my drink. Damn, my throat got dry all of a sudden, and I was beginning to sweat. ---So he found out I was gay the night before he fucked me? Hmmm. Chloe popped up between the two of us, grabbing a drink from Marcus with one hand and grabbed my hand with her other, dragging me out to the dance floor,"Come on! Let's dance!" she yelled. I actually really enjoy dancing, and she and I lit the floor up. We were on the dance floor for a solid hour, thoroughly soaked in sweat. Marcus would watch us from the sidelines, refreshing our drinks and had a small table ready for us with bottled water for when, or if, we ever took a break. We had an amazing time. I started to get a little tired, and she had to pee, so we finally made it to Marcus' table. She said she was ready to go home, so Marcus ordered an Uber and while we waited she was still dancing next to the table in between Marcus and myself. He was behind her as she ground her ass against his crotch, his mouth was on her sweaty neck, and his hands held her tiny hips tightly. His strong hands. Chloe moved my hands to her hips too, then moved them on top of Marcus' hands. He was still kissing Chloe's neck, but he was looking straight into my eyes. It was the first time Marcus and I had touched intimately since the night he came in me. We got to their apartment, and Chloe insisted I come in for a beer and to wind down. Chloe was drunk and very horny, she was all over Marcus. I wasn't jealous, it was nice to see. But it was getting me horny! I was watching music videos on the TV when she drug Marcus to their bedroom, for obvious reasons. I resigned myself to the couch and laid down. I vaguely heard Chloe cumming, she wasn't quiet, and it sounded like she really got off. It wasn't ten minutes later when Marcus came out of the bedroom in just gym shorts. I immediately noticed he wasn't wearing underwear and was still somewhat hard. Marcus went to the fridge and asked if I wanted another beer. I said,"sure, but shouldn't you have some water? I heard Chloe in there, and it sounded like you probably need to rehydrate." Marcus laughed as he handed me my beer. He was standing in front of me, his still semi hard cock about a foot from my face under a thin layer of mesh gym shorts material. I could smell the sex from him and it made my face flush and my dick harden. Marcus said,"I"m surprised you heard us over the tv, these walls are pretty well insulated. And you know I don't gotta hydrate, you know the way it is with me and my girlfriends. I can't cum with a condom and they won't let me fuck them without one." He put his hand on the side of my face and lifted it up looking down at me,"nobody's ever let me cum in them, except you." I couldn't even look at him now, because his cock was fully erect in his shorts right in front of my face and I couldn't control myself one second longer. I grabbed his cock and gave it a squeeze. He put his beer on the table and dropped his shorts, put his hand behind my neck and used his other hand to aim his thick uncut cock at my mouth. I eagerly sucked his throbbing monster into my mouth. I could taste the condom residue and when I deep throated him I could smell Chloe's pussy on his pubes. It excited me so much, that I undid my pants and pulled my dick out and started stroking as I vigorously sucked his cock. I was bouncing up and down on it as he told me to,"suck that dick. I know you want it. You want this load don't you? You want my cum inside you, don't you? Tell me.." I came off his cock and said,"yes. I've missed your cock, and I want your cum inside me. Wherever you want to put it." He quickly yanked me up from the couch and grabbed my pants and underwear and jerked them down, pulling my feet out of them. He kissed me hard on the mouth and slipped his tongue inside me. I moaned into his mouth and felt his hands on my ass. He pulled his mouth back for a second and stuck two fingers inside my mouth and I sucked them as he moved them in and out. He pulled them free from my mouth and spit on his two wet fingers, reaching around and began to push them into my asshole as he grabbed my head with his free hand and kissed me hard again. He got his fingers up inside me to the knuckle and again, I moaned into his mouth. Marcus was being aggressive and I loved it. He turned me around and pulled off my shirt, he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me against him. His muscular pecs and stomach were against my back and his cock was snugly in my ass crack. He spat into his free hand and I could tell he was lubing up his cock, seconds later I felt his cockhead pushing against my hole. It breached my opening and I sighed in pain and pleasure while he kissed my neck and forced more of his stiff cock inside my ass. He moved forward, causing me to have to put my knees up on the couch, he pushed my head forward so I was bent over now in doggy style. I felt his hand firmly grasp my hips, he started fucking his big cock in and out of my hole. My asshole felt so good as he longdicked me. Feeling his slick cock sliding all the way in and out of me had me leaking precum and I grabbed my swollen cock to jerk off while he pounded my ass. "Oh god, Marcus, fuck me. Shit that feels so good. I can't wait for you to finish off inside me," I said. Marcus responded,"You like this big black cock? You want my poz load up that pussy?" I told him to please cum in me, fill me up good. We were making quite a bit of noise at this point, but I didn't care if Chloe woke up and saw us even, it felt so good, I wasn't going to let him stop until he unloaded in me. I could tell he was getting close too, he was fucking me so hard, my ass was getting plowed into at such a fast rate, I was glad he had lube on his cock from the condom that he used to fuck Chloe not too long ago. Just thinking of that made me hornier, and I wanted his cum even more knowing that his girlfriend never took it. Marcus began moaning and saying,"oh fuck, here it comes. I'm about to blow. Ah shit, ah shit, ah shiiitttt." He slammed into me deep and I felt his cock swell and thicken stretching my hole out more as he pumped me full of his poz cum. He kept himself buried deep inside me as I continued to jerk off and I was getting close. I guess he could tell I was about to blast his couch with my cum because he grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Wait, please?" I said, "please let me cum with you still inside me." He slowly pulled out of me, grabbed me and turned me around face to face. His lips met mine with force and his tongue snaked into my mouth to wrestle with mine. His hands moved up to my shoulders and pushed me down firmly so that I was seated on the edge of the couch. I briefly watched a few seconds of the music video playing as hot shirtless guys danced around a diva. He dropped to his knees and grabbed my legs, and spread them wide. I felt so open and powerless. He looked down and aimed his rigid cock at my wet hole, while his hands held my ankles wide and high I felt his cockhead on my hole right before he slammed fully into me. I gasped, my mouth was in a permanent "O" because that thick dickhead just punched my prostate and he held it there applying pressure to it, squeezing the cum out of it, making it escape through my cock onto my stomach. He immediately began fucking me at breakneck speeds, and it brought me back to the first time we fucked. He was able to blow a second load within minutes of the first one last time, and this was how he did it. I hoped it was happening again, remembering it last time was enough to bring me off, my body went stiff and I began shooting cum into my open mouth and all over myself as he rammed my prostate. I was drenched in my own cum as I watched him build up to his second orgasm, he moved his hands to my hips and thrust himself as deeply as he could and I felt his cock swell yet again pumping his load into me. I think we were both exhausted at this point. He pulled out, and he lifted my limp legs to slide my underwear back onto me. He laid my motionless body down on the couch, put his gym shorts on, and crawled up next to me, pulling the couch blanket over us. We both blacked out. The morning sun shined brightly through the living room window curtains. Music videos were still playing on the tv. I was disoriented for a minute while my mind processed where I was, and why I was there and what had happened. Marcus was still snuggled up to me under the blanket on the couch. His arm was around me, and I felt his erection against my ass. I was worried, Chloe would wake up and catch us like this. I shook him and told him to hurry and get up before his girlfriend woke up. He yawned and stretched a little. He said,"Don't worry, she sleeps like a zombie til late. Last night was amazing man. Watching you and Chloe dance last night had me hard half the time I was at the club." I was like,"what? You were sitting at the table in the club with a boner watching your girlfriend and I dance? You fuckin' pervert. No wonder you're hard right now." Marcus said,"You call me the pervert, but you let me fuck you like a cum hungry slut and you've taken four of my poz loads in your ass and acted like it was a gift from heaven." My mouth hung open in disbelief, but he had a point. I was a total cumslut when it came to him fucking me. I mean, he's fucking hot, straight, hung, and cums gallons and not just once. I laughed and said,"okay, okay, that's me in the moment, yes. I kinda separate those moments from you and me, as buddies. Right now, we're blurring the lines and it has me freaking a little." Marcus, ran his hand down my side and grabbed my underwear to yank them down. He brought his hand up to his mouth and spit in it, moved it to my mouth and said,"spit." I did as he commanded and spit in his hand. He reached under the blanket and lubed up his rock hard cock. He pushed into my hole with relative ease, but I could feel the friction. I groaned, and just let him do what he wanted to me. Marcus smiled and said,"see? you don't even try to stop me from fucking you when a minute ago you were worried about Chloe waking up? You're a whore for me." He was right, I couldn't help it either, his thick bare cock filling my hole up deeply was irresistible. I went from worrying about his girlfriend waking up to not caring if his grandma walked in on us as soon as his cock began to push into me. He firmly held my hip as he fucked slowly in and out of my hole. His massive loads from last night were enough that he didn't need any lube besides our spit to enter me. It wasn't as slick as last night, but he was going so slowly that it didn't need to be. He propped his head up on his hand while he rested his elbow on the pillow looking down at me. He looked so casual...from the waist up. I again warned him,"we better stop before Chloe gets u...." Just then the bedroom door opened and Chloe walked out in just a t-shirt, her tight pert tits were clearly bra-less and she wore a thong, her ass cheeks bounced as she went straight for the kitchen. Meanwhile Marcus simply moved his eyes from me, to the tv and began watching the music video. Marcus said,"Good morning babe. You feel okay? I came in here after you passed out to keep my homie company and we kinda blacked out here." Chloe turned around looking disheveled but glowing, she smiled and said,"I actually feel really good. I think all that dancing and then a good orgasm was what I needed last night. You guys look so cute, do you two want some coffee?" I was dumbfounded, as all of this unfolded before me, Marcus' cock was STILL deep inside me and he was still slowly fucking me. Marcus looked down at me and said,"you want some?" with a big smile. I knew he meant, did I want his cum, but he was trying to shake me loose to answer Chloe about the coffee. I stammered, "Uhmmm, yeah. Sure, yeah I want it...I mean, some. Some coffee, yes, please." Chloe responded, "great! two coffees coming up!" Marcus laughed, "yup, coming up!" as he continued to fuck my hole, picking up a little speed. Chloe had her back to us working on the coffee, and Marcus looked down at me, kissed me hard on the lips and whispered,"you ready for it? you want me to cum up in that hole?" I said,"yes, breed me again..." He tensed up and I felt him blasting inside me again as his girlfriend finished up our coffees. She brought them over to us and handed each of us our own cups while Marcus was still inside me. Chloe said, "I gotta put some pants on, it's freezing in here," as she bounced to the bedroom. Marcus pulled out of my asshole, and pulled up his shorts and sat up. He winked at me as he brought his cup to his mouth. I just shook my head and said, "whatever Marcus, it's your funeral." and rolled my eyes. He laughed into his mug.
    2 points
  29. The top’s name was Anthony. I had found him on-line using the screen name Hot Rod. His profile had talked about his big hard cock, his stamina, his big loads, all of which really got my juices going, so I hit him up. We exchanged a few e-mails and when I asked for his phone number he gave it to me. Come on guys! That seems trustworthy, right? I usually ask on-line strangers lots of questions but on this night I was so horned up that I just blurted out that I wanted him to come over and play. Right away. Next thing you know, here we are on my queen-size bed, me flat on my back and Anthony, he’s on his knees between my legs, looking down at me with a smug expression. God damn! He’s so HOT! “What?” I said, looking up at him quizzically. “Let’s get you out of those pants,” he said. And that’s just what he proceeded to do! I felt a little vulnerable, naked and my legs spread like that, with him kneeling in between, still fully dressed, looking down at me thoughtfully. That didn't seem to stop my dick from standing straight up however. If anything, I was harder than usual. “Come on, you get undressed too,” I said. “Whatever you say, man,” he replied. With that, he reached up and slowly started to pull his t-shirt up and over his head. My eyes darted to his midsection as the bottom hem began to rise. I wanted to see if he had a nice treasure trail. I like my guys with some fur on their belly and chest. There was a sexy thatch of black hair running down into his jeans. It took me a few seconds for my brain to process the image in front of me. Beneath that glorious trail of hair was a tattoo. It was THAT TATTOO! You know, the universal bio-hazard symbol. When Anthony caught the look on my face he sneered, “Don’t you fret about that! I’m gonna take good care of you.” With that he shoved his jeans down to his knees. His cock sprang up stiffly, long and thick. It was already starting to ooze a clear fluid, tantalizing but undoubtedly toxic. He said, “Don’t worry, baby, all you gotta do is lick it a little, just a little. You know…make it feel good.” As he leaned towards me I couldn't help but moisten my lips and open my mouth. “Yeah, I figured you would,” he said as he rubbed the head of that big cock across my mouth, coating my lips with his slightly salty precum. It was like I was mesmerized. I offered no resistance when his cock began to push into my mouth. God, it tasted good! I moaned just a little when I realized that I was accepting him willingly but I just couldn't stop. “That’s it, baby, get that big dick of mine nice and wet. The slicker it gets, the easier it’ll be on your ass!” As much as his cock was turning me on, when I realized that he was intending to fuck me with it, my fears came roaring back. “No way am I gonna let you fuck me with that cock,” I announced. “I’m not gonna make you do anything that you don’t want to do, baby!” he crooned. “I promise you, I’ll only do what's ok with you, how’s that?” “Well,” I assented, “I guess that’ll be alright.” He ordered, "Now get back on that cock. That was feeling mighty good!” Now that I wasn't so nervous, the idea of sucking on that big-ass cock seemed like a reasonable thing to do. I started making love to that dick with my lips and tongue and throat. I could tell that he was getting into it because he placed his hands on each side of my head, held me steady and then began a gentle yet insistent rocking motion with his hips. Being used this way just got me hotter and my thoughts began to whirl. My desires were taking over and my common sense was melting away rapidly. He stopped face fucking me long enough to pull off the rest of his clothes. He stretched out, lying atop me and applying urgent little kisses and bites, sending me further into orbit. First he worked on my front side and then he carefully turned me over onto my stomach and continued his efforts on my back and neck. “Baby,” he whispered huskily. “You turn me on so much it’s hard for me to restrain myself.” With that, he started to slowly rub the head of his cock up and down the crack of my ass. I tensed up until he reminded me of his promise not to do anything that I wasn't ok with. “Baby,” he said, “let me just put my cock inside you, only a couple of inches. That ass of yours looks so sweet, I just gotta see what it feels like to be inside. Don’t worry, that’s all I’m gonna do.” I thought that his request sounded a little fishy, but he had promised, after all, and I told you my thinking was getting a little mixed up! After a couple of minutes he said, “Yeah, that feels so good…just a couple more inches deeper…just for a minute, ok? I just want to see what it feels like.” Again, I gave my reluctant approval. But this time, after he eased that huge dick in a bit, he caught me by surprise by pulling it back out, just a few inches. When I didn't squawk, he repeated the process, gently pushing in and then pulling back again. “Don’t worry, baby,” he breathed, “I’m not fucking you, I’m just gonna move it in and out for a little bit, just for a couple of minutes. It feels so, so good, baby!” I guess he thought that my shocked silence meant that I was ok with it all because soon his rhythm started to pick up ever so gradually and his strokes started getting deeper. As freaked out as I was, I have to admit that it was starting to feel waves of pleasure washing over me. Faster, deeper, I didn't know what to think. Was he really fucking me after all? And here I was, after all my earlier protests, letting him actually fuck me, fuck me RAW! His breathing was getting more labored, a sign that he was gonna blow his wad soon. His poz load! He was still pumping away deep inside me and I was so dazed by it all that I wasn't doing anything to stop him! Nothing was coming out of my mouth except little gasps of pleasure. I was just about to tell him, “No! Please, no!” when I felt his hips start to jerk as he began to flood my insides with his seed. This hot poz top was actually breeding me and I had let him do it without saying a freakin' word! After several more thrusts he was finally spent. He rolled me over and stared into my eyes. A hint of a sheepish grin played across his lips. “I told you that I was gonna take care of you, didn't I?”
    1 point
  30. Honestly with my girth I tend to get a lot of teeth during blowjobs or peoples jaw not being able to open up wide enough. The first time I got a gum job honestly it was amazing. not worry no teeth scaping mu shaft. the only problem is he looked pretty funny with a big grin and no teeth, but he was a nice dude
    1 point
  31. I've got no teeth, most Tops I've sucked off love it because they can go really deep and not worry about getting scraped. They like that I can put a lot of pressure on their cock with my gums.
    1 point
  32. Still hard just thinking about the huge load I received Monday (p.921 of where get/give loads)
    1 point
  33. For me, voting Trump in 2020 is like asking me to kill myself. Do any of you care about the things he and Pence are doing to Ryan White? Or promoting discrimination against LGBT people? Trump and Pence don't give a fuck about any of you, more so you aren't straight and don't follow their agenda strictly. Why torture yourselves.
    1 point
  34. Spunkinmyarse, 22 loads over 48 hours !!! Fucking awesome. So good I am going up tomorrow night for another lot. 😛
    1 point
  35. My last load was last night at the bathhouse... Very tall et muscle build black men was standing in the corner si I stand beside and rub his chess... He got hard and push me to the corner and I suck him... after a wile I got up and turn around... He start to unfold a condom, beeing all gentlemen... I took his cock and shove it all in. He drop the ruber and fuck me real hard and slap me... telling me nasty stuff in front of the other guys who stop to look. Then he stop and I could feel his balls loading my tore ass... and the pulsing heart beat of his cock. It was a huge load and it drip a bit on my legs... I love that... Now : Planing on going to the cumunion next thursday... for more...
    1 point
  36. After breeding a boy from a nearby college last night and again this morning before sending him back to his dorm, I suddenly had some inspiration for another chapter. Hope you enjoy.
    1 point
  37. It was quantuty not quality at the sauna this afternoon. Got into action straight away, when one guy followed me into the darkroom. He was into licking and sucking, on this occasion I wasn't so turned on. But as he was doing this, two more men came in the room and for a time their was stroking and sucking of various cocks. One of the two new guys left and I spent more time with the other new arrival feeling his cock grow in my mouth to a quite respectable size, suddenly I wanted to feel that in my hole. not my mouth. As I concentrated more on this guy, the other got the message and left, leaving me once I'd sucked him to full erection to vainly try various ways of him putting his bare cock inside me. It kept slipping out! He suggested going to a room. I followed, he immediately rammed his excited cock straight up my bare arse and told me how he tends to come very quickly. I certianly didn't mind. It was true within a minute he pumped his load inside me and kept pumping. I'd never had so much cum emptying into me. It was dribbling down my balls and for the next 10-15 minutes more cum would be expelled from my anus at regular intervals. When it had finally died down I tried to seek others to use my well-lubricated arse, but almost everyone seemed merely to be interested in sucking or playing. Eventually a man in the front part of the darkroom offered his arse and when others were finished playing around him, I gave him what he needed a stiff bare cock up his arse.
    1 point
  38. As a bottom faggot I find that I get along best on a regular basis with other bottom faggots. Much more in common and easier to talk with outside of the bedroom. I do have a bottom friend that I occasionally go to baths, cruise bbrt and take road trips with. Always have a great time and we can generally keep an eye on each other.
    1 point
  39. I have got to tell you about what happened yesterday morning. So, I went to Bear Day at the bathhouse yesterday.. Kinda a disappointing turnout compared to other months. I only got four loads shot into me. As a bathhouse load count, that's low for me, but with bears and daddies? I have always felt like those type of guys took special care of me, making sure I get every drop of cum buried far enough that it won't drip out, and that I was bred as many times with as many loads as they could give me. Bottom (hehe) line, I was not going to get what I needed if I stayed there. Of course I didn't want to give up completely either and just go home. So I got a hotel room. Now what I was especially hoping for was that my ex's brother would be there. He works 3rd shift front desk, and I am fairly sure I'm close to getting him to fuck me. At the very least he has snuck up to my room on a few occasions to play camera man while some guy breeds my ass, so he is definitely more comfortable with bareback man-sex than your average straight guy. So great! Whether he fucked me or not, I'd still get some new video clips to enjoy with hot encounters to re-live later on. Of course it was his night off. This entire cum-hunt just keeps declining. So before I got the room I texted a few people to see if there was enough interest among my regular fuckbuddies that the cost of the hotel room would be worth it - that I'd get a decent number of breedings tonight. Two guys in particular were all over it! And these weren't some random internet hookups either, I've known each of them longer than I have known my husband. Texting back and forth... They are both on their way over! They have all the info, the room number, how to get here... Never fucking showed up. No responses to any messages sent to them. All night long: Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, BBRT, A4A, even Manhunt. Nothing. I dozed here and there, but my need to have my furry fuckhole filled kept me going. So, the sun comes up and I go outside for a cigarette. There's a guy there smoking a joint. I comment, "Well there's one of the best ways to start the day" He laughs I casually gesture with my phone "I'm working on the other one." He doesn't understand. I showed him the phone. Scruff was on the screen and I commented that it was a "dating app." Took him a second, and I was able to watch the moment when it registered in his mind that it was all guys. Understandably it took him a little by surprise - the guy was not expecting that - but he was cool about it. Seemed to genuinely not give a shit. Told him about last night, how I was supposed to get laid and they both stood me up and that all of it was the reason I was spending the morning jumping back and forth between the fuckbuddy apps. He was impressed that there was supposed to be two guys coming over last night. I was impressed that out of all of that, that was the detail that stood out most to him. He asked what we would have done if they had shown up, and I very boldly and confidently said, "I dunno, they'd probably both have just ended up breeding me a few times and then gone home. He goes, "Breed you?" I wondered if he was being a smart-ass at first, because apparently I believed it to be a more commonly used term than it actually is. I said, "Well yeah, you know, cum in my ass" again with more confidence than I had ever earned in my life. Seriously where the fuck was this even coming from? So he asked what Scruff had to do with all that. I told him I was trying to get someone to come over and breed my ass before checkout time, and that maybe then I'd feel a little better about the night before. He leans in a bit and quietly says, "I'll do it" I had a feeling we were headed there. I was not giving him time to talk himself out of it. I put my cigarette out. "Awesome, let's go!" He just had to run back to his room first to tell his wife he was going out for a walk.Great. Guess I won't bee seeing him again anytime soon. He started toward his room, stopped, hesitated, turned toward me and said, "Nah, fuck it. Let's just go to your room. Went upstairs to my room, stripped. Didn't suck him long, since he was already hard when the pants came off. This dick wad going to be a challenge. I mean we're not talking over-the-top too big, but it sure as hell was not a "starter cock" either.He suggested I lube up my ass a little. Trust me pal, there was never a time where that wasn't in the plan. I lubed my hole up nicely and I handed him lube. Never once even looked like he would ask for a rubber - didn't enter his mind. Jackpot. I turned around and this total stranger I had just met outside on the sidewalk and never asked his name, slid his raw cock slowly into my ass. I won't lie, it fucking hurt. He definitely pushed into my ass faster than I can handle, but I was determined to deal with as much pain as I could, only slowing or stopping him when it became unbearable. I wanted this to be as easy and enjoyable for him as it could be - because there was no fucking way I was about to give him any reason to leave. He pulled out for a moment and I attacked a bottle of poppers (which he kindly tossed to me without my even thinking of it). As I felt the skin of his cock inching its way back into my hole, it not only felt better, it felt fucking amazing. What the fuck kind of poppers did I buy again? A few second later, I realized that it was not the poppers which had made the feeling of his bare cock inside of me so intense. It was the fact that since he had re-entered me, he had been cumming the entire time. And this man shot buckets. He came a little quicker than I would have liked, but I don't care because it was massive. And even though I didn't realize it until a bit later, that is how I took my 200th load of 2019 .
    1 point
  40. It goes a little hazy here for a while, but I recall sending messages out to loads of guys on NKP asking for them to cum inside me and rape me and use me. I know some where incoherent, almost like I had loads to drink, but I hadn’t. What I do recall is two men by me, one was fucking me and the other looking. I can still see the guy fucking me now, youngish, really slim, sexy, baseball cap and I couldn’t really speak or move much, but I was looking up at the mirror on the ceiling, above me, and watching a raw dick go in and out of the hole in the mirror. Now, I know it was me, but at the time, I didn’t see it as me, so hard to explain. I have no idea who they were, where they came from etc. All I recall is just wanting cum in me like never before. The other guy was stood by the side of me, his dick hard and just talking about what was going on. Then the guy whose house it was came in, and I recall him saying outloud, he hasn’t met anyone from NKP before and I just recall these grins in a sort of twisted way. Next I heard, he is negative you know and he said he likes guys off meds. What are you, and I recall the words positive and don’t take meds. I recall being so incredibly horny and wanting to be used, not caring about what would happen, just so long as they would really use me, be rough and help give it to me. This bit is so vague, but I recall the other guy underneath my ass whilst the other guy was fucking me and I think he may have been putting chems inside me. I just don’t know….. i will carry on later 🙂
    1 point
  41. As he was riding my cock, giving everyone ( now at least five people) a good show, my eyes fixed on to one black man, around age 40 maybe 6 foot tall slim build , with what looked like a foot long cock. Stroking it, and obviously enjoying the show. I gave him a nod of my head as if to say come closer.. which he did. I whisper to my boy, dont you want a taste of that..dont you wish daddys cock was that big...dirty nasty words to make him even more horny. The black man came closer , within reach of my bf and he touches it, opens his mouth and starts sucking.. Proud of my boy... at times seems sweet and innocent, but he's never questioned me about my cock.. is it clean? is it dirty? he's just accepted it however it is, raw and breeding him often... and now he's taking a stranger, a stranger at a video store, taking his cock and sucking on it.. i know I have to stop fucking my boy for a while and enjoy the show that is beginning. so i push him off of me and tell him to get on his knees on the floor.. He backs off from sucking the bbc and drops to his knees but then just as quickly goes back to sucking the black man. I sit back on the couch, touching myself, encouraging him and complimenting him on his cock sucking skills.. As much as i would like to see that cock erupt in his mouth, I really want to see it in his ass.. So I touch his shoulder and pull him back and bend him over the couch. Our new friend follows his movement and presses his thick dark meat up against his pink boy hole.. I kiss Eli and tell him how much i love him.. I kiss him deeply as that raw black cock pushes into his hole until it disappears inside him. As I' m watching this.. I can only imagine what might be going on.. After all this is the xxx vid store. Guys in here bareback all the time. Some are strung out on drugs, Some are homeless, Some have dirty toxic cocks.. No telling what best described the black man now on a mission to breed my boy.. And I wanted to watch it happen. I wanted to hear the black man groan as he was cumming, watching him push it in as deep as he could as he unleashed what I hoped was a huge load in his ass... I kiss Eli again . I look at him in his eyes and I ask him.. you want his load? he answered , Oh God Daddy, I do..... and with that I said to the black guy, I want to see you breed my son... and with that the black man lets out this sound of triumph and I know he's filling my boys gut with his first load of the night.
    1 point
  42. I'm very average endowed. Not super thick either. It works, but I'm more bottom anyway. I've been with huge and tiny. I've had horrible fucks with both and great fucks with both. Sure a HUGFE cock is fun to look at and ride, but it's not the end all be all. I've been with WAY too many guys who think "Here it is. I'm a sex god." Sorry. You're hung, but you're not necessarily good in bed.
    1 point
  43. Having a super loose hole is an amazing high for me as is seeing trashed holes on fellow males because I know how much sexual use they have indulged to get that way. Like other super used bottoms I am proud that I have a long slit instead of a puckered hole and love that a guy can see or feel my ass crack and immediately know how heavily used on sex and size I am. I love after sex clubs/parties and good fisting use my hole just hangs open. Can't wait til it is permanently ruined and prolapsing even more than it has started to. Guys have double penetrated me, jerked off inside me and on 2 occasions now had both hands in me. I love when a guy tries to fuck me after heavy use and I can barely feel him and he says my manhole is like fuking an open window. I play with my oversize toys everyday so i stay hosed out and keep my body ready for use, using a little oil based lube for prel-ubing whenever I go out so I can be bred anywhere. I am not sure how well my ass muscles work for waste retention and removal anymore since they don't get the chance to even try with my daily hosing taking that issue away. Still it's great to walk and feel what's left of my asshole stretched and open and unable to fully tighten up, but with my love of use and size why would I want to? I love being the sexual equivalent of a circus sideshow freak that everyone stops and watches because they cannot believe what they are seeing. When I see a guy in a film or at a club with a giant hole just hanging open I get instantly hard because I know how used he is and what he mental and physical pleasure high he is feeling. So what's it like to feel so loose and used? absolute fuking heaven.
    1 point
  44. I don't care about a candidate's personal life; I ain't having dinner with them. I don't care about their race or gender or what they wear. I don't care about divorces, abortions, sex life. I care about their political experience and how they will represent my political values. Trump has no experience, he's damaging the economy, he's damaging my rights.
    1 point
  45. Re-read what you just wrote and try to understand why an average reader would find it irrational and overwrought. You give the impression that you’re hyperventilating. You may wish to try breathing into a bag or something.
    1 point
  46. Thanks for following! Would Love Your Hot Seed in my off-PrEP Neg pig hole!
    1 point
  47. Part 13 Brandon (a.k.a. Bam Bam) and Robbie grew up as next door neighbors and best friends. There was only one year difference in age between them, but they were opposite when is came to looks. Robbie was a lot shorter then his fiend. At 5'6" he only weighed about 120 pounds. He arrived on campus late Wednesday night to spend the next 5 days exploring the campus he would soon be attanding. He was graduating early from high school and planned on starting college right after the new year. This got Matt thinking as they began to set their plan into motion to fully bring Robbie out of his sexual shell. He and Brandon had only 'fooled around' a few times jerking off together and only once did they try sucking cock. Brandon recalled that Robbie was a natural at it when they exchanged blow jobs after graduation. But as summer dragged on and Brandon began to get redy to leave for college the two didn't do anything more. They used the coeds from Matt's building to assist in the plan. They would pose as Brandon's and James's girlfriends. The plan Thursday night was to go to a local party where they would meet up with Matt. While at the party they made sure Robbie would get 'mixed drinks' as they suposedly chose to drink rum and cokes. The only thing Robbie was getting in his coke was GHB. When they met up with Matt he offered them some weed to smoke and before Robbie knew it he was G'ed up and high on pot. All of a sudden the girl that was wih Brandon complained that she was really sick and the two couples were going to take the girls home in James's small car. With the one girl not feeling well they didn't want to crowd her in the back seat. Matt immediately offered to give Robbie a lift back to campus as the two couples headed for the door. Roobie was none the wiser as the two got into Matt's Mustang and drove off. Robbie was starting to doze off as Matt started the engine. Matt said to the unsuspecting 18 year old, "Looks like you need a little pick me up" as he pulled out a pipe a little baggie. Robbie answered him stating "More weed was going to put him to sleep". Matt let his new young friend know that it wasn't weed, "No bro, this is T, it's a stimulant. It will wake you right up" as he lit his torch and sucked in a nice small hit before blowing out a cloud in the car uttering "Damn that's good!" He urged Robbie to give it a try holding the pipe towards him. Robbie put his lips on the pipe as Matt lit the torch and heated the bowl instructing Robbie to suck in the smoke as it began to swirl around. Matt let Robbie knwo he should take a couple more hits since it takes a few to really feel the effets. After four good hits Matt could see the effect it was already having on Robbie asking how he felt. Robbie's answer, "I feel more awake". was no surprise. Matt quickly removed his t-shirt and threw it in the back seat exposing his muscular upper body commenting "That stuff always makes me feel very warm. Don't you feel a lot warmer Robbie?" Robbie nodded in agreement as he admired Matt's well defined chest and arms. Matt then suggested for Robbie to remove his shirt. Matt caught Robbie staring as he then showed off his biceps and triceps Matt invited Robbie to feel his arms and chest as he was flexing while letting his rider know that he used to wrestle until he decided to focus on his education. But knew how to stroke the little guys ego. He told Robbie he liked the lean compact body he had as he reached over to touch Robbie's ars, chest and abs. At first this advancement from Matt made Robbie feel a little uncomfortable, but then he had just felt Matt's muscles a few seconds earlier. Besides, the physical contact they made with each other kind of excited him since it had been months since he had any physical contact with another person. Just as they were about to start to drive Matt's phone went off letting him know that he had a text message. Matt looked at the phone then told Robbie that Matt and James were at the girl's place, that there was a pool party going on and that we should join them. Robbie was quick to say "Let's go" to which Matt added "Right on!" adding that they could smoke some more T when latter if Robbie wanted to , and Robbie wanted to. When Matt pulled into his parking space Robbie reached for his shirt only to be stopped. Matt informed him "It's a pool party, I doubt we'll be needing our shirts bro" as they climbed out of the car and headed in the gate. The usual suspects were there some still wearig swim suits, a few bare ass naked. Matt immediately shook hands and gave a hug to Andre who was there to keep order. Steve was out of town for the weekend since he had to take Luke on his first 'working' trip. The kids boyish looks had already brough in a nice sum for Steve that when Matt asked him about having the pool party Steve agreed as long as Andre ws there to keep things from getting out of hand. Andre was a former football player who worked security on campus and was in Steve's back pocket. Although he was very straight, he liked on occasion to fuck a nice piece of white ass. I had a feeling he might tap Robbie before the weekend was through. They quickly found Matt and James in the pool with the girls sitting near them on the deck. As Matt hit the pipe before offering it to his friends in the water. After they each took a couple hits Robbie wasted no time in making some clouds of his own before noticing that both Brandon and James were naked. Bam Bam kooked up at the half naked Matt and Robbie asking "Are you guys here to swim or what?" Matt dropped his shorts, said swimm and jumped into the pool as Robbie watch before following his example. Once in the water Matt worked to get Robbie in the corner alone where he began to make his move first by kissing him then letting his hands roam over his small frame. Robbie was liking the attention he was getting has he allowed Matt to continue his exploration of his mouth with his tongue and his slim body with his more powerful hands. Robbie was a little worried that his close friend might see what was going on, but Matt let him know that Bam Bam's attention was on the girls sitting by the pools edge. The attention Matt was giving Robbie was, along wth the G & T in his system, was making it easy for Matt to manipulate the smaller (and more submissive) Robbie that when he made the suggestion, "Why don't we move this inside to my apartment?" Robbie was quick to agree with a simple nod of his head. Robbie quickly grabbed their shorts and shoes as he followed Matt inside like a puppy dog. Once inside Matt's apartment and before they resumed kissing, Robbie took a brief moment to tell Matt, "I've only done thi a couple times with a friend, I'm." Matt put a finger on Robbie lips to stop him from continuing and said "Their is a first time for everyone, don't worry, we'll take it slow and you can say stop any time you want" knowing full well that the T & G would keep him going. After some more kissing Matt fixed them some drinks and Robbie hit the pipe a few more times. Matt put a larger dose a GHB in Robbie's drink this time and shortly after he finished it had Robbie bent over his couch as he gave him his first rim job. Robbie couldn't help but moan as he felt Matt's tongue circle, lick and penerate his virgin hole as Matt urged him to hit the pipe freely. After Matt was satisfied that he was priming the pump he then had Robbie get on his knees and sucking only the second cock in his young life. Matt was thinking how right Bam Bam was, Robbie was a natural at sucking cock. Maybe he could get Robbie to do a little work on the side for him after he started school. As Robbie held Matt's cock in his throat he felt like he could bust a nut at any moment. He pulled Robbie off him and brought him in for a kiss before leading him to his beroom where he manuvered Robbie on his back allowing him to climb on top after grabbing the lube, poppers and some Tina. As the two kissed Matt began to lube up Robbie's virgin hole. First one finger then as he added more lube and a second finger he made sure to slip a nice shard of Tina inside as well. Through the kissin Robbie attempted to say something about the burn he felt from the Tina only to be quieted by the now more dominant Matt. More lube soon followed along with another shard of Tina as Robbies as was now being stretched and prepared for Matt's cock. When Matt easily had four fingers inside Robbie's hole he broke off the kiss only instruck Robbie to hit the pipe a few more times before he was going to finally get fucked. Robbied ass was so hungry and in need of being filled by Matt's (ot any man's) cock he took five massive hits off the pipe Matt had in the bedroom before turning to Matt and letting himknow he was ready. There was no discussion of status, or condoms as Matt lined his cock up with Robbie's hole. With all the work Matt had doen on opening up Robbie his cock popped in easily and he slowly slid it all the way inside. Matt knew his job was to get Robbie craving to be fucked since Bam Bam wanted the honors of being the first to breed his friend. So aftera good 30 minutes of fucking where Matt had to really concentrate on not cumming they took a break. Matt asked Robbie if he'd like to see the rest of the place. Mat had access to the basement play room and when they got down there Robbie imnediately saw the sling and wanted to jump in. As he laid there Matt asked "You want to try the sling out?" Robbie shook his head and answered "Yes I would." Matt kndw it was time to take thing up a notch and told Robbie "There is only one way you are getting fucked in the sling, you have to let me restrain you and you have to take a slam." Robbie agreed to getting slammed without even knowng what a slam was as Matt secure the straps on his ankles and wrists. Robbie began to panick a little when he applied the tourniquett and had the loaded point in hand, but Robbie seemed to relax a bit after Matt kissed him and told him "The stuff in this point is the same stuff you've been smoking all night, T, and I know you like smoking T, right?" Robbie nodded in agreement before Matt when on, "I know you're going to enjoy slamming, just sit back and enjoy the ride." Matt further explained what to expect with the cough, fast breathing and quickening heart beat as he slid the needle into a fat vein, registered the familiar red swirl and pushed the plunger down. As Robbie's coughing fit began to subside he had to blink his eyes as he saw his naked friend emerge from the shadows and quickly shove his rock hard cock balls deep inside him.
    1 point
  48. Part 5 As the van drove through the city, I lay in the back in a chemed up, sexed up haze. My mind drifted back to my high school football days. I saw my teammates naked in the showers, rubbing their soap covered bodies. Then I saw them lined up one after the other to fuck me as I lay on the weight bench, pounding my ass and filling me with their hot cum. Then I imagined their dads fucking me, big hairy men passing the quarterback slut around. As these images filled my head, I reached down into my shorts and felt my raw, puffy hole. I moaned as I felt the wetness oozing out of it, around my finger and down my leg. I knew my hole was wrecked, but I still wanted more. I had no idea just how wrecked my hole would become. The van stopped and Master came to the back and pulled off my tank top. Pulling out some nipple clamps, he attached them to me. I yelped in pain, but was quickly turned on by this new sensation. Then he opened the van door. I started to panic. We were at the bar from last night. The bar I frequented as the top God. I was known there! Everyone would see me as a pig! Master just yanked on my collar and dragged me out of the van. As soon as we entered the bar, he dropped me to my knees. I crawled after him, my head hung in shame as people snickered and pointed. Master just took his position at the bar with me on the floor next to him. Over the next few hours I remained on the floor. People would come to examine me with my cum caked hair, reeking of piss, with cum oozing out of my ass. Master would encourage them to finger my hole, which they did a lot. Especially humiliating were the twinks I had dominated fingering me and sticking their fingers in my mouth to clean off. Eventually we left and Master drove us to our next destination. Club Taurus. A very hardcore sex club. I had heard about it, but had never been. I was informed that I was tonight's special entertainment. As soon as Master paid and we were inside, I was stripped naked again and led to our room. The club wasn't busy yet, it was still a little early, so I just rested a while on the bed while Master busied himself with his phone. An hour or so later, and it was time to get busy. Several large hits and a bootie bump later, we were out in the orgy room. I was grabbed immediately and bent over. I didn't even see the man, but just felt his cock push into me. I moaned like a whore as he rode me, pumping me hard and unloading deep inside me. Man after man used my whore holes, dumping load after load into me. At one point as I was sitting on a guy, riding him, he just grabbed me and pulled me into him. Immediately I felt another cock at my hole, trying to push in. With brute force he jammed it up inside me alongside the other cock. I cried out in pain as I was ripped apart. The guy who had just entered me covered my mouth to silence me and started deep dicking me hard and fast until both cocks erupted at the same time flooding my torn innards. The use of my body went on for some time before Master took me out of the orgy room and back to our private room. I was to get a little break before the finale of the evening.
    1 point
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