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  1. Part 19 - The Estate The first few days back in Tuscany had been mad, Nico and Johan acted like they had not seen Oliver and Savio for years. Nico discreetly spoke to Savio's parents telling them that he was very different and definitely found love. Oliver was again spending time on his phone pacing around the terrace looking anxious then smiling he hung up the phone and immediately received another call. "What is going on?" Johan asked Savio who shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea he was on the phone a lot the last few days" Savio replied "I don't ask". Nico chuckled "Very cloak and daggers" he replied seeing Oliver hang up and beaming. "Everything alright?" Johan asked as Oliver came back over to the table. "Yes" Oliver replied "in fact perfect" he sat down "guys I need to go San Donato". "You want me to drive you?" Nico asked looking at him. Oliver nodded "Please, actually let's all go there is something I need to show you but more so for Savio". Oliver had them all guessing what was going on during the drive to San Donato. He told them all to wait in the car then ran in to the estate agents and out again in less than a minute. "Oliver!" Nico said looking at him with a grin "what have you done?". Oliver grinned "Drive Nico, up to your parents place then down the road until I tell you to stop". Nico smiled and headed off passing the main family vineyard estate and down the road "Stop" Oliver said. This is Fattoria Cerbaia" Nico and Savio both said simultaneously. Oliver looked at Savio and jangled the keys "Ours". Savio sat there with his mouth open "Ours?" he asked "you brought it?". Oliver nodded "Yes, we can spend time between here and New York". Savio got out of the car and looked at the beautifully renovated building "It's way to big for us". Oliver came round to his side and they kissed "I know but I fell in love with it like I have you". Nico looked out of the vineyards "You going to make wine then?" he chuckled. Oliver smiled "No, I have no idea how to do that". "So what will you do with all this land?" Nico asked watching Johan walking around with Savio. Oliver looked at him "Go into partnership with your father, I know he wants the vineyards here". Nico smiled "The family will appreciate that Oliver" he replied "what about the olive and fruit trees?". "I don't know" Oliver admitted "Nico I don't even know how to run an estate like this" he said sounding mortified looking at all the land. Nico laughed "Don't worry you have a wealth of family knowledge here to help". Savio couldn't believe that Oliver had just brought the whole estate and walked back over to him with Johan. Nico was on the phone to his father asking him to come over. Savio held Oliver in his arms and kissed him unable to speak he rested his head on Oliver's shoulder holding him tight. Nico smiled and said he had never seen Savio lost for a thing or two to say. Oliver unlocked the door and they walked around the expansive rooms on the ground floor, the large estate house had been completely modernised and nothing like a traditional Tuscan house inside. The rooms were bright and many overlooked the pool and terrace with views across the vast vineyards and orchards. Oliver walked up behind Savio "There is an apricot orchard here" he said circling his arms around him. Savio leaned back against Oliver "We marry here" he said turning his head looking at Oliver. Oliver nodded "We still have to get furniture for the bedrooms we have no bed yet". Nico laughed hearing Oliver "You stay with us until it is ready" he said putting his arm around Oliver. "Nico?" his father Lorenzo called out through the open front door. Savio went over and greeted his grandfather who was delighted to see him back in Tuscany. He also gave Oliver a hug then began firing questions asking if they were looking around the house. Oliver invited Lorenzo out to the terrace and they walked outside taking in the breath taking views across the vineyards. "Savio and I own the estate" Oliver informed Lorenzo looking at him "as of this morning". He stood looking at Oliver "You brought the whole estate?" Lorenzo asked. "Yes" Oliver replied "it is going to be home for Savio and me". Lorenzo smiled "Perfecto" he said smiling "Are you going in to business against me?" he asked. Oliver laughed "No, I can't make wine" he replied "but you can!". "Sorry?" Lorenzo asked scratching his head "what will you do then?". Oliver looked at Lorenzo "business partnership" he said "you take on the vineyards". Lorenzo looked at him "Oliver are you sure they are worth a lot of money?". Oliver smiled "I know and you can produce some great wine from these" he replied. Lorenzo could see the happiness back in Savio "We will need to sit down and discuss a deal" he said. Oliver held out his hand "If we must" he chuckled "a mutual deal we both like". Lorenzo looked at Oliver's hand bushing it aside "Familia" he said hugging Oliver. Nico tapped Savio on the shoulder and nodded over to where Oliver and his grandfather hugged, they both looked at each other and smiled. Oliver was fast becoming extended family and what they saw now was very significant step, if his grandfather was happy to hug him then the door was open. Savio and Oliver spent their days up at Cerbaia with an interior designer finalising the bedrooms and bathrooms, they would be able to move to their new home in seven days. Savio confided in Oliver he was feeling ill and spent the next day in bed. Johan had one of his doctor friends come over and test Savio who confirmed the following day that Savio had tested positive. Feeling better he wandered outside and found Oliver knee deep in designs for one of the guest bedrooms. Oliver looked up "Are you okay?" he asked standing and walking over to Savio. Savio put his arms around him "Yes" he replied kissing him "we are bonded together now". Oliver giggled feeling Savio's hand delving in to his shorts "Yeah I think you are better". Savio nodded upstairs "Make love to me" he whispered softly. Oliver kissed him gently and lifted him on to the table, Savio giggled and kissed him hard feeling the arm air hitting his exposed buttocks as Oliver pulled his shorts away. Lying back on the table Oliver kissed his stomach and chest pulling his shorts down and moving closer kissing Savio on the mouth. His arms circled around Oliver's neck holding him close, he moaned gently arching his back feeling Oliver's cock pushing in to him. Oliver pulled him towards his cock impaling him even more, their mouths locked together in a sensual loving kiss. His arms tightened around Oliver's neck moaning in to his mouth until he felt the pubes rubbing against his hole. Slowly with the most tenderest of movement he made love to Savio. The shimmering water of the pool reflecting on their bodies, the sun moved higher in the sky beating down on Oliver's back causing small droplet of sweat to build and roll off. Lost in sexual ecstasy and holding each other Oliver took his time. There was nothing to achieve but loving his Savio with greater intimacy and closeness. The minutes passing by their bodies remaining locked together, the slow tender kissing continued since neither one wanted to let go or it to end. Johan came back to the villa to collect some documents and walked through the lounge, his eyes immediately falling on Oliver and Savio embroiled in the throws of passion. He smiled admiring Oliver's ass and how sublime it looked working Savio over. Picking up his documents he took one last look and left without being noticed. Oliver felt a bead of sweat trickle down between his ass cheeks, bringing him out of his lost state. It was like his body woke from a long sleep, tingling through every nerve ending his body engaging in to orgasm. Fighting to contain himself proved fruitless, lifting his head and breaking the kiss he looked deep in to Savio's eyes and pushed his hips up sharply. Savio kissed his lips and laid his head back down moaning 'Oliver' he whimpered feeling the first pulse of Oliver's orgasm reaching in to his body. His body suddenly going sensitive to the touch, Savio had never felt this before. His body seemed to be orgasming from his head to toes, it was like he could feel it running around until it found the exit through his own erect cock shooting a copious amount of seed hard and fast, the stream shooting across his stomach hitting the design books strewn across the table. Their eyes locked together staring at each other, Oliver's hips bucking gently working through the orgasm. He finally collapsed on top of Savio, his head resting on his shoulder panting heavily still holding on to each other. Oliver moved up and kissed Savio gently teasing him with his lips and tongue. Oliver raised him self up still half embedded in Savio's ass "How am I going to explain that?". Savio turned his head to look at the stream of cum across the books "Tell them the designs turned you on". Oliver laughed and leaned down kissing him "What time are we meeting nonni?" Savio asked. Oliver extracted himself carefully "Lunchtime, so you better get showered and changed if your up for it". Savio leaned up sitting on the table "I come" he said "need to make sure you get a good deal" he chuckled. Oliver smiled "So you have become a business man now?" he asked stroking Savio's face. Savio smirked "I have ideas" he said "but now is not the time" he pulled Oliver forward and kissed him. Lunch was a quiet affair with just Oliver, Savio and his grandparents. They were both delighted that Savio had come back home, it was almost like Oliver had been part of the family for years being treated the same as Savio. When it came to discussing business Oliver was adamant that the family should work the vineyards and make the wine for a small cut of the profit. Lorenzo had already had time to think second guessing what Oliver was going to ask, he insisted the wine from Oliver's vineyards carry the name Cerbaia and offered a 50/50 cut. Oliver shook his head and said he was not prepared take no more than 25% reminding him who was doing the work, they shook hands and hugged walking back to the car that Oliver had purchased for Savio and him. Lorenzo stood there and added one last condition that Oliver and Savio should help harvest which will be any day soon. Oliver chuckled and replied that at least he could manage to pick grapes. Back at villa Oliver sent a text to Jack suggesting he come out next week and stay to help for the harvest, amazingly Jack agreed without any argument. Oliver had Liam pack a suitcase full of clothes knowing the warmer days would be vanishing in the next few months. Arranging for the case to be sent to his parents and instructed Jack to bring it with him. Despite the years apart Oliver and Jack slowly began reconnecting their brotherly love for each other over text messages, he could feel that Jack was actually looking forward to his trip as a distraction from his life. Luca and Mark arrived on Sunday morning at Pisa airport smiling as they walked through to arrivals spotting Oliver and Nico there to meet them. They spent the journey telling each other their news and catching up on everything that had gone on since they last saw each other. Oliver explained a little about his brother deciding to tell them everything later when the six of them would meet for dinner. Mark had agreed with the university to complete his course with distant learning managing keep his parents happy at least. Luca and Mark spent the afternoon unpacking and unravelling the true extent of how their lives were now changing adjusting to life in Tuscany. Revealing their nervousness to each other and also safe in the knowledge of Luca's grandparents to help and support them. Nico arrived just after 6pm to collect Luca and Mark, looking forward to dinner and an evening with family and friends although Oliver was fast becoming family. Luca was happy that Oliver that managed to tame the beast that was Savio, they hugged long and hard excitedly talking and Luca wanting to hear all about his trip to America. Savio had never looked so calm or happy and sat happily close to Oliver through out the evening. All ears went to Oliver when he divulged the not so pleasant part of his brother Jack late that evening, he left nothing to the imagination and Johan was the first to speak when he finished. "It looks likes your brother needs to spend a little time with me" Johan said looking at Oliver. He chuckled "He won't like the idea of therapy or rehab" Oliver replied "he doesn't see it as a problem". Johan smiled "Let's not call it therapy just friendly chat" he said "Jack and I, no one else". "Well if you can help I know my family would be very thankful" Oliver said finishing his wine. Savio stood up "Is late" he said looking at Oliver "I horny and need you". Everyone laughed at Savio's frankness and Oliver was already on his feet "You don't need to ask me twice". They disappeared saying good night "He really is a rampant Italian" Mark commented. Nico chuckled "You like rampant Italians then?" he asked in a very seductive way. Mark blushed a little "Well mine is only half Italian" he said "never had a full blooded one". Luca rolled his eyes "Never satisfied with what he has got" he chipped in laughing. Johan was giggling and looking at Luca "I've never had a half one" he said smirking at Luca. Luca laughed shaking his head then looked at Mark "You know what this means?". "I'm way ahead of you" Mark replied already working his round the table to Nico. Johan stood and walked to Luca pulling him out of the chair and lifting him straight in to his arms with ease, he carried him inside and up the stairs to the master bedroom. Johan leaned over him catching him unprepared he kissed Luca full on. The bed moving brought him back from his kiss, Mark now laid beside him with Nico undressing him. Mark turned to look at Luca and moved his head closer their lips met in a long kiss. When they broke apart they were both naked, looking up they saw Nico and Johan naked and kissing, both very erect. They glanced at each other and smiled their eyes speaking their own language of love and affirming this decision. Simultaneously they leaned up grabbing the cocks of Nico and Johan taking them by surprise. Luca held the sheer hardness of Johan's cock, the feeling was dense, thick and very solid with no give. He was under no impression this would be a struggle to take at first. Moving his head closer his eyes taken by what was attached to the cock, the thighs were large and muscled. He felt the head of Johan's cock tapping at his face and running over his mouth, licking his lips to moisten them Luca stuck his tongue out and washed it over the tip of Johan's cock. The foreskin already rolled back perfectly poised for Luca, he allowed the cock to rub against his lips before opening his mouth. His lips tenderly surrounding the head, gently exploring and now using his tongue swirling around. Johan moaned and thrusted forward forcing his cock in to Luca's mouth, he glanced and Johan looked down smirking at the sight of this puppy begging for his treat. Luca pulled his head back and spat on the cock devouring more until he gagged, sharply pulling his head back and releasing the cock he kneeled up running his hands over Johan's chest. It was firm beyond belief and he couldn't resist kissing and licking the further upward his head moved. His hands roaming across the shoulders and down the arms resting on the bulky biceps. Finally their lips caressed briefly and Johan locked Luca in hard deep kiss exchanging saliva with their tongues, Luca's legs trembled feeling Johan's arms circling around his body pulling him closer. Luca flung his arms around Johan's neck moaning softly, he felt Johan's hand moving lower until he began caressing and squeezing his buttocks. Johan pulled Luca up closer and grabbing Luca's leg he pulled it around his waist, moving his other leg Luca was now held up by Johan. Their lips still firmly sealed together in a passionate kiss allowed Luca's free hands to explore and touch Johan's body. Limbs wrapped around each other moving and feeling every part of their bodies. Mark was not so lucky, on grabbing Nico's cock he looked down at Mark and chuckled then pushed him back on the bed 'I'm driving tonight' he said gripping hold of Mark's hands and pushing them above his head. Using his legs he to move Mark's apart he positions himself in between and leaned forward. Mark just looked at Nico 'oh fuck' he said with excitement and trepidation, but also wondering what he had let himself for, he giggled as Nico bit and sucked on his nipples slowly edging upwards to his neck and chin until their lips met. Mark took the lead and pushed his tongue in to Nico's mouth surprising him at the eagerness, locking their lips together they kissed nosily. His body wriggling on the bed powerless from Nico's dominance, his feet caressing Nico's legs moving up and down. Nico waited until Mark moved his legs upwards again and slipped his under Mark's holding them up. On cue Mark clasped his legs around Nico's waist for a fraction of a moment, it was long enough for Nico to get him in to a missionary position. He felt the hold on his hands being gently released, Nico kissed Mark deeper then broke away looking down at him with the wickedest smiles Mark had ever seen. Mark's hands rand down Nico's back and slapped his ass and giggled at his helpless predicament, looking up the smile was still etched broadly on Nico's face like he was teasing him and wanting him to ask for it. At the same time they both looked at Johan and Luca locked together in their own world moaning, Nico leaned forward and whispered in to Mark's ear 'shall I take you gently or break you?'. Unsure what he was asking he looked in to Nico's eyes 'gently' he said in a hushed voice. Nico smiled and kissed him reaching to the bedside table he put some lube in his hand, Mark watched the hand disappear knowing that he was lubing his cock up. They stared at each other then Mark moaned softly feeling Nico's hand rubbing some against his hole quickly followed by another moan a little louder as Nico pushed the head of his cock inside swiftly. The discomfort soon passed and Nico brushed his lips against Mark's, his tongue running across them and delving in to his mouth. Nico's arm slipped behind Mark's neck, holding his in place he kissed deeper at the same time he eased his cock deep in to Mark's ass. His moans stifled by Nico's kiss reaching further and deeper in his ass until he was balls deep in his nephew's boyfriend. The first stifled moans caused Johan and Luca to look, the could see Mark's hand almost clawing on Nico's back. Luca looked back at Johan their noses touching from being so close, Luca felt Johan's arms holding him tighter kissing again his body being lowered on to the bed lying next to Mark. Johan spat in his hand and worked it in to Luca's ass, his back arched and he cried in cross between pain and pleasure feeling his ass expand accommodating the size of Johan's cock. He felt Mark's hand holding his arm then moving across to feel the flexed bicep of Johan then all to quickly it returned around Nico's neck. Johan kissed Luca's neck several times then watched his face at the ecstasy in Luca's eyes the more he pushed inside, his cock already leaking precum having wanted to fuck Luca for so many years. His final push and Luca's arched his back again moaning feeling the last three inches force their way in. Their eyes met looking at each other, Luca's hands holding on and feeling the biceps flexed keeping looming above him. A tender kiss exchanged between them signalled the start, Johan began seamless undulating waves in his hips. His hands gripped tighter around the biceps. Despite Johan's body hardly moving Luca could feel the deep soothing strokes deep in his ass that sent erotic shivers up his spine causing his toes to curl and uncurl. He leaned up and kissed Johan his head collapsing back on the bed. He began to realise that Johan was extremely adept at sex with a man and knew how to pleasure in the most incredible way. Johan and Nico smiled looking at each other and leaning over to kiss. Both boys under them wriggled and moaned in pleasure. Mark ran his hand up Johan's arm again then down Luca's to his shoulder, Johan looked at Mark 'Your next' he said grinning then focusing back on Luca he lowered himself closer and began kissing Luca deeper. It was a subtle change but enough for Luca to feel, the undulating had moved to a steady deep pounding now. His hands wrapped around the big shoulders of Johan holding him closer as they locked together in their kiss. Nico gently caressed Mark's ass deep and they both stopped to watch Johan and Luca. Johan moved his legs up closer around the sides of Luca's ass and getting better traction he began to hit home hard. Luca moaned hard in to Johan's mouth, his arms clasping hard around Johan's shoulders and his legs almost up vertically, his feet arched and toes curled. The intensity fleetingly causing Luca's eyes to roll up, Johan's arm around his neck pulling Luca closer securing him firmly 'oh dam' he suddenly cried out feeling his balls twitching and pulling up. Luca bit at Johan's neck lightly, unable to move his head in any direction, his limbs wrapped around Johan's body who had him completely immobilised. A string of unusual words ensued from Luca that was so out character 'fuck me you bitch' he cried out moaning deeper 'breed me, fuck me like your whore' he said out of nowhere his hands punching at Johan's back. Johan held Luca tighter 'fuck yes' he said then bit Luca's neck and took him to church ramping the speed and force of his thrusting 'going to pump my seed in deep Luca' he said biting him again on the verge of releasing his load. Luca strained under the pressure his ass was taking, suddenly his legs clamped around Johan's waist his body shuddered. His orgasm came so quickly he had no control, the muffled cries reverberating against Johan's neck. He felt Luca's orgasm in his own body bringing him over the edge, Johan bucked his hips hard several time growling like a bear and slamming his hips down hard against Luca's ass 'fuck' he moaned feeling the first volley of his ejaculation entering Luca's body, then the second, third, fourth. Holding Luca tightly his hips stopped bucking, his cock deeply impaled in to Luca, panting against his neck he slowly gyrated his hips pushing the seed deeper in to Luca. Their bodies glistening from tiny beads of sweat, holding on to each other Luca finally regained some composure and laid there enjoying the feeling of Johan's still hard cock massaging him internally. The animalistic nature of Luca has taken both Nico and Mark by surprise hearing them go at it like they had been possessed. Mark leaned up and kissed Nico, they were both aroused by the noises coming from the two bodies next to them. Nico had his own agenda with Mark wanting to take him slowly and allow him to enjoy their first foray together. That was before he was so turned on seeing his nephew go all crazy ass with his husband. Nico looked down at Mark and grinned letting his hips pick up speed fucking Mark deeper and harder but still with some tenderness. Nico usually was one who can hang on and fuck for hours before he would allow himself to cum, but looking down at the sexy 20 year old Mark was doing it for him big time. When the quietness prevailed after Johan finished Nico could now concentrate on Mark fully making him moan and watching him receiving pleasure. Slap, Nico opened his eyes and grinned at Mark 'do that again I will fuck you even harder' he said grinning. Mark chuckled then moaned louder as Nico gave him three hard thrusts, his hands grabbing hold of Nico's butt cheeks he grinned cheekily up at Nico then slapped both cheeks and grabbed hold of them again. Nico responded and began pounding Mark in to the mattress faster and harder, his moans were short gasps unable to keep up with the speed Nico was fucking him. Nico kneeled up holding Mark's legs open and began fucking him steadily 'I can't hold on much more' he said to Mark 'me neither' he replied grabbing his cock and masturbating himself in tune with the rhythm his arse was getting hit. Mark raised his other hand and ran it across Nico's hairy chest tracing the line down to his naval and back up again. His back twisted a little 'cumming' he whimpered like a school child shooting his load across his stomach and chest. Nico gripped his ankles holding them further apart he 'breed you with my Italian seed' he said in between pants, his hands catching Mark above the knees pulled his ass deep on to his cock in preparation. Mark looked up and felt the warming sensation deep in his ass that seemed to grow with every pulses he felt from Nico's cock. Nico looked at Mark and chuckled then leant forward and kissed him with such sweetness. Nico and Mark giggled and kissed "I'm so hot Nico, can we go cool down in the pool?" Mark asked. "Of course" Nico replied looking over at Johan and Luca wrapped around each other "Are you coming?". Johan leaned over and kissed Nico then tongued Mark out good "Can't wait to get you". Mark shook his head "I can't take anymore tonight" he replied and Luca nodded in agreement. "That's okay" Johan replied pulling stroking Mark's face "I can wait". Nico chuckled "Swim?" he asked again. Johan nodded "Yes, this boy is soaking wet under me" he chuckled. Mark kneed up and looked at Luca "Animals, the pair of you" he said smirking puling Luca in for a kiss. The four of them jumped in the pool nosily to cool off, when they looked up they saw Oliver walk out of the bedroom wiping his forehead with a towel Savio appeared naked and kissed the back of his neck. Eventually persuading them to join them in the pool.
    10 points
  2. Well so far lockdown has sucked royally. I live alone and count as an “essential worker.” All work and no play makes everything dull. To be frank I’ve been climbing the walls and wanking everyday to every type of porn I can find. After a few weeks however it’s just not enough. I couldn’t take it. I needed to be pushed down and loaded up. No amount of dildo play ever feels the same as someone else at the helm. So I broke. I admit it. I just needed to feel someone else pressing into me a calling me dirty names. Even as I drove to my favourite cruising spot I honestly didn’t think there would be anyone there. I was so wrong, it seems I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t stand it any more. Pulling up and parking in a dark part of the car park I didn’t have to wait long until a shadow passed the rear of my car and then at my driver’s window a silhouette. I slowly started gripping and rubbing my cock through the loose trousers I had slipped on before leaving and likewise the guy stood next to my car slowly started to squeeze his bulge. Our mutual interest was obvious and as I reached for my door handle and opened up my car he slipped his cock out into the half light we were in. A good eight inched long, not too thick but with a solid mushroom head on it. I was lost as soon as I saw it. After this period of forced abstinence that cock looked fucking perfect to me. I slipped out of my car and as I pushed my trousers down I dropped to my knees on the tarmac. I leaned in and started licking that fat cockhead before slipping my lips around him and swallowing his length. His moans and hands on my head showed me that although I haven’t had anything lately I was clearly not out of practice. Before too long he was fucking my face and I was happily slobbering all over that beautiful shaft with my own hands stroking on my solid cock in a total delirium of dick lust. He pulled out from between my lips and pushed my back onto my car seat. Half laying in the car my, now naked, lower half out in the night air. He leaned in and sucked my cock for a bit making me moan in obvious pleasure and I spread my legs wide so he could easily get closer too me. In a brief moment of clarity I saw a couple of cars pass by and their lights shone on us both leaving zero doubt what we were doing. His fingers found my hole as he sucked me however and that thought disappeared as I moaned out “Oh fuck!” He knew he had hit upon my real need with that and wasted no time arranging himself so his cock was pointed right at me. That fat head slowly edging into my hole as I pressed down to open up for him. Fuck I am glad I have spent so much time with my dildos lately because otherwise that dick would have hurt like hell on the in stroke. As I was I just gripped whatever I could as he started pumping into me. Me half naked hanging out my car and him stood between my legs with his jeans around his knees cock buried up my arsehole. Both of us moaning and grunting as the fucking picked up pace. We were obviously both horny as fuck and in desperate need. It was never going to last long but I know I yelled out a couple of times as he rammed my hole and that spurred him to pound me harder. My cock was leaking the whole time and I was on edge as he grunted and pushed all the way into me. His breathing heavy and his movements slowed as his spunk was delivered deep inside me. As he pulled out of me and started to right his clothes I practically slid from my car seat, once again on my knees on the tarmac. I gripped my cock and with two or three hard strokes my own cum was jetting from me and I didn’t care who saw me now. He looked down at me. Naked, spunk dripping from me and panting in my post orgasm bliss. He smiled and said, “Thanks.” I think that was the only time he even spoke to me. As he returned to his car I collected myself and climbed back into the driving seat. Content for a little while at least. I’m not going to lie. I know it won’t be long before the temptation is too much to resist again.
    5 points
  3. I had a 30 year old white trailer park guy who is naturally hairless, nice dick and ass,fucks okay however cums a lot and often. He gave me 2 loads and passed out,so while he was upstairs swirled out I went downstairs and got a BBC to cum by. I was Ass Up Face Down hooded lubed up (2 loads) he came in the door and there I was. He wasted no time and gave me #3. I was so full of cum it was leaking out. I squeezed my ass and got upstairs and put in my ft troft rotating vibrating butt plug in my ass and it is a tight fit. I hate to waste cum.
    5 points
  4. Daddy’s Cuntboy Part 19 – A continuation “Fuck yeah, CUNT”!” boy cried out. “Mother fucker! Yes!” My hungry cunt mouth enveloped the thick wet, swollen cockhead and it slid in. Closing my lips, I began to suck, to worship the cock on what I realized was to be another member of Daddy’s stable. “Take my cock, fucking cunt freak!” he continued. Reaching down and taking hold of my hard tits, he worked them... pinching and pulling them. “Fucking tits!” Feeling the pain intensify, I began moaning... the vibrations increasing the sensations on boy’s cock. “You fucking like my creation boy?” Daddy chuckled, offering boy another hit. Blowing the thick white chem cloud down on me, “FUUUCCCCK YYEEEAAAHHH!” boy exhaled and took another hit. Daddy took boy’s right tit in his hand and smiled. “Yes!” puppy growled, acknowledging what I thought... boy would be joining us! I continued sucking boy... wondering what Daddy had in mind for boy as puppy crawled to Daddy’s cock and took it into his hungry mouth. I heard the sound of the torch being lit. Daddy laughed as he nudged boy and held the pipe, motioning him to take another hit off the repacked pipe. My cunt lips pulsed... knowing I’d be whored out to keep boy spun. “MMMMM” boy inhaled and held his breath for a bit and then released it. Feeling the cloud surround my face, I instinctively tried take it in, but boy wouldn’t have it. His hands reached out, holding the back of my head tightly, and pulled me until his thick cut shaft was deep down my throat. “Fucking keep that cunt mouth on my cock, cunt!” he yelled, pushing my face deeper into his smooth crotch. I obeyed and continued to service boy’s shaft. My hands moved to his low hanging ball sac and felt the egg-sized balls held within it and increased the pressure on his cock. Grabbing his sac with my fist, I pulled down on it, wanting to see if he matched my pre-transformation sac. “Cunt!” he repeatedly growled, feeling the pressure on his sac stretch as I continued pulling on it. “Fucking twisted cunt!” Daddy laughed with an evil grin, “you like that boy?” Moaning loudly, boy responded. “Fuck yeah, Daddy! Stretch my sac, cunt! Fucking pull it!” I went crazy... I had found someone whose ball sac could stretch further than mine ever did! I continued working his sac as my mouth serviced his cock. Suddenly, I felt a hand slap my fist away. “Fucking tweaked cunt! You’re fucking gonna rip that sac off boy. Plenty of time for that later!” and I released it. After exploring boy’s sac and imagining loads to come, my hands reached out and settled on his smooth, muscled thighs. My fingers moved slowly over boy’s pale flawless skin, examining the way his skin surrounded his powerful thighs... this was a boy in a man’s body. I continued to service his cock as a torrent of pre-cum continued to escape from boy’s massive piss slit, fueling my hunger even more. “Fuck yeah!” Take it cunt!” boy urged me on... I felt his cock begin to stiffen even more inside my mouth as I kept up the pace and intensity of my cock sucking. “FUCK YEAH! FUCKING CUNT MOUTH!” boy let out, releasing a torrent of cum from his piss slit into the back of my mouth and filling my throat. I began to swallow, feeling boy’s first load being deposited inside me. Wanting to take every drop of cum, I closed my lips around his cock as he pulled out. “Fucking chemwhore,” boy growled. I licked the last drops from his piss slit and he pushed me off... He was taking control... my engorged cunt lips throbbed. I was the fucking omega chemwhore cunt. We separated, the last drops of cum dribbling from my panting open mouth. My body craved the chems. I looked up at Daddy. “Please.” Daddy smiled, handing boy the pipe and torch. “He’s yours now. The alpha is puppy, you are beta.” Growling, boy nodded and lit the torch. Taking a long hit, he motioned me to approach and he passed them back to Daddy. I quickly crawled back between boy’s legs and moved my mouth to his. Smiling, he grasped my head and pulled me to him and released a thick cloud. I quickly took it in. Exhaling the thick cloud, I sighed, and thanked him. Holding my nametag, he stressed my new name and offered me a hit off the pipe. “You’re welcome... CUNT.” “My boy, you’re going to a perfect addition,” Daddy grunted, releasing a load of cum into puppy’s mouth. “Now puppy, I think cunt needs a slam,” he said, seeing the deep hunger emanating from my dilated eyes. “Yessss, please Daddy,” the rush from the clouds running through my body. Immediately, puppy released Daddy’s softening cock and prepared a rig for me. “This cunt is a true chemwhore, boy,” puppy laughed, holding the syringe up to show boy the large amount contained within it. “This is all paid for by cunt’s services. We have a deal with Mike and Eric, don’t we, cunt?” Nodding, I began to moan, wishing he would hurry. I needed that slam. “Watch boy,” Daddy commanded, “and see cunt’s reactions. We’ve talked about slamming.” Boy let out a guttural moan... moving closer to watch the process for the first time... My beta was being trained to slam. “Fucking chemwhore,” puppy growled, holding the syringe and walking towards me, the rubber strap wrapped around his wrist. “Let’s do it!” I fell back on my haunches and presented my arm to my alpha, “Fucking do it, puppy! Slam your cunt!” I begged. “Hold it!” puppy ordered. Taking the chem-filled syringe between my teeth, puppy wrapped the strap around my bicep. “Fucking cunt,” puppy snarled, pulling the syringe out of my mouth, leaving me holding the orange tip. He plunged the needle into my vein and drew the register. “Fuck yeah!” boy cried out as puppy plunged the crimson filled meth into my vein. “Fuck yes!” I cried... The needle slid out and puppy unstrapped my bicep, running his tongue over the injection site. Seeing this, boy went crazy. “Fuck yes! Daddy!” Boy had just sealed his fate... he would be Daddy’s. The chems began to flow through my body. “Shit! Yes!” I moaned, feeling my cunt take over my body. I was cunt... I crawled to the mirror. My body was on fire... my hands moved across my body. It was like I was feeling and seeing my new body for the first time... Daddy nodded in silence, he had what he wanted... a cunt to whore out for his supply. My body had permanently been modified into Daddy’s ideal cunt. I had been kept shaven from the first night that I met Daddy, my buzzed head and eyebrows being the only hair permitted now. The red marks crisscrossing my torso reflected the ecstatic pleasure I had learned to derive from the pain inflicted on me. Hard, now ever-erect tits emerged from the muscular pecs I had worked on daily. I grabbed my tits and pulled... feeling the hard, thick flesh they had become by the hours of pumping. Releasing them, they retracted slightly and resumed their position. They pointed down towards my bloated ball sac that hung below my crystal dick like a ripe melon ready to burst from the bag it was carried home in. My cunt lips, ah my cunt lips, were the envy of my alpha... erupting and surrounding my cunt, begging to be invaded by cock or fist. I was a vessel for the pleasure of men. Despite the first reaction from boy at seeing me like this, I was happy. Daddy, somehow, had been able to manifest all my desires and deepest fantasies and put them out for all to see. The slam rush continued flowing through me and I looked to boy. Boy’s reflection in the mirror satisfied my doubts... my beta was turned on by what Daddy had created. I glanced as his stiffening cock and growled, happy that his youth allowed such quick refractory periods. Slowly, I bent over, spread my now chemmed-up cunt lips with both hands and showed him my wet dripping cunt. "Please fuck my cunt, boy," I said, looking directly into his green eyes reflected in the mirror. I wanted his load inside my cunt, marking me as his property. Moaning, boy looked up at Daddy. “Go on, boy” Daddy smiled, “take him.” “Cunt,” boy sighed and began to crawl to me. “NO!” Daddy roared. “You are his beta, you must take your position in the stable. Get up! Show this cunt you are beta!” He rose... “Good boy,” I continued watching boy in the mirror as he walked to me... a bit unsteady from the chems... his cock ready to fuck. Reaching me, he leaned in to study my wrecked cunt. “You like that boy,” Daddy asked, motioning puppy to his side. “Fucking cunt,” boy responded in a chem-filled daze and began to explore my bloated cunt lips. “Fucking freak,” he said under his breath, his fingers moving around my erupted cunt lips... I moaned, willing my cunt to release and produce a rosebud. “Concentrate, cunt.” I heard puppy encourage me. “Release that cunt.” I continued concentrating, the large slam now taking its full effect. I steadied myself and pushed. Taking a deep breath, I felt my cunt lips expand and my cunt escaped. “Fuck yeah!” I sighed, feeling my cunt lips surround my now exposed rosebud, holding it in place. “You did it!” puppy yelled. “Fucking rosebud on demand!” I looked at puppy and smiled. I had done it. I mouthed, “Thank you” at my alpha and he nodded, taking Daddy’s cock back in his mouth. Suddenly, I felt boy’s hands surround my rosebud and hold it. “Shit!” he groaned, his fingers exploring the moist wet folds of my deep crimson cunt. Pushing back, I encouraged him. “Fucking cunt.” I moaned. I pulled my rosebud back inside my body. “Yeah...” boy sighed, moving closer to me as my plump meaty cunt lips attempted to pull his fingers into my body. He leaned into me... his thick wet lips grazed my ass cheeks, his hand moved down to my mesh covered ball sac and held it tight. “Go on, feel it.” Daddy urged, wanting to see boy’s reaction. Sliding his hands under the tight sweat soaked yellow mesh, he felt the tightness of my skin surrounding the immenseness of its size. “Yeah fucker,” Daddy growled, “his ball sac hung lower than yours before I had that done. That is, when your sac isn’t stretched.” he laughed. Boy squeezed the bloated sac tighter and moved up to my cock, and stopped. He began to manipulated it... “MMMM,” I moaned. “Fucking crystal dick now. I’m your fucking omega... I service with my cunt and cunt mouth.” Daddy added, “You will service not only your Daddy’s cock but your alpha’s uncut cock.” Releasing my cock with dismissive flick of the wrist, boy moaned and moved to concentrate on my cunt. Feeling his tongue lapping at cunt lips, I let out a cry. His tongue continued probing me until I felt him drilling into my cunt. As boy’s tongue continued deeper into my cunt, I could hear puppy’s moans at the sight of boy at my cunt. I knew what was on his mind... even while boy was eating me out, his back was arched... presenting cunt. He would be taking boy’s cunt to secure his alpha status. Boy exhaled a deep breath into my now open gape and then let loose with a large ball of spit into my cunt. “Gotta fuck that cunt!” boy babbled. “Fuck yeah!” I begged. “Fuck this cunt.” Grabbing hold of my harness with both hands, he shoved his cock past my cunt lips and pushed his cock deep into me. “AH fuck!” boy moaned in pleasure, my cunt walls surrounding his shaft, holding it tight. Slowly, boy began to pump my cunt with his hard cock. My body began to shiver at the thought of servicing the cock that was deep inside me. I felt boy’s cock move across my prostate and I forcefully moved back onto his cock. His fucking began to quicken and I moaned, wanting his cum. Then, it stopped... The fucking ceased. I looked up into the mirror and saw the reason. Daddy held boy by the shoulders, forcing him to stop while his cock still in me. I groaned, “please,” and began milking boy’s cock with my cunt. My pleading was ignored. Daddy then motioned to puppy. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my alpha crawling to our Daddy with a now familiar orange-tipped syringe in his teeth and the rubber strap held by his harness. My cunt pulsed and held boy’s cock tight, knowing this was to be boy’s first slam. “Continue cunt.” Daddy ordered. Grabbing a hold of boy’s right arm, he held it up. I studied the look on boy’s face while milking his cock... wanting the pleasure of his cock in my cunt to be associated with the feeling of his first slam. Grabbing the rubber strap, Daddy wrapped boy’s bicep and proceeded to prep his vein. Taking the syringe from puppy’s mouth, he held it. Nodding, puppy grabbed hold of the orange tip with his teeth and pulled, exposing the needle that would deliver boy’s first slam. Boy moaned at the sight of the silver glimmer of the needle against his now bulging vein. “Yes! Please slam me, Daddy.” Daddy nodded. Smiling, he inserted the needle and pulled, allowing my beta’s blood to mix with the chems. “Your fucking first register, boy.” Daddy chuckled and pushed the plunger down, releasing the contents back into boy’s body. Still holding boy’s arm, Daddy motioned to puppy to release the tourniquet. Happily, puppy moved forward and released the strap. The chems began to rush through boy’s body and a round of coughing now hit boy. “Fuck yeah,” puppy growled as he began to work on boy’s tits, sending him into a chem-filled daze. “Fuck!” boy coughed... his body reeling from the slam. “Ya feel that, boy?” puppy chuckled as his fingers moved to boy’s cunt. “Fuck yeah, puppy!” boy moaned. “Fucking boy cunt.” puppy laughed and inserted one finger into boy. Feeling the effects of the slam, boy repeated automatically, “boy cunt.” Taking hold of the outer wall of boy’s cunt, puppy held the section between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed... “boy cunt lips.” puppy growled. Immediately, boy reacted with a hunger from the slam. “Fuck yeah! Fucking boy cunt lips!” Feeling his cunt being worked, boy began to fuck me again as he and puppy began to devour each other in an intense kiss. “Shit yeah!” I pushed back, wanting every inch of my beta’s cock inside me. Sitting down in his chair to watch the scene in front of him, Daddy laughed, “Fucking animals.” He spread his legs and he took a hit from the pipe. Boy’s thrusting continued, deeper and deeper. The sounds of my alpha and beta increased and I could feel boy’s cock begin to twitch in my cunt. “Feed my cunt!” I begged, pushing backwards just as his cock released a stream of hot cum inside me. “Cunt!” boy yelled into puppy’s mouth as the hot torrent of his chemmed up cum flowed over my prostate, producing an intense anal orgasm in me that spasmed around boy’s cock. “Shit!” boy exclaimed, reeling from his first slam orgasm. “Fucking freak cunt! Fucking chomping on my cock!” Taking deep breaths, he remained inside of me... enjoying the heat of my cunt walls around his shaft. “Gotta fucking piss, cunt.” boy said after a bit and began pulling out. “NO!” Daddy roared and puppy held him tight. “What the fuck do you think that yellow gear he’s wearing means?!” Boy stared at my yellow jock, taking in the yellow piping on my harness and collar. A sudden realization kicked in. “Yeah,” puppy nodded, motioning to boy to take in his own red gear. “Aw fuck!” boy growled, and let loose the best piss of his life deep inside my cunt. I pushed back and moaned... his first load of slam piss filled my body. “Take my fucking piss, cunt.” boy growled, releasing what must have been a gallon of chem piss into my expanding cunt. “Fuck yeah!” puppy groaned, moving to my side and held my expanding abdomen. Satisfied, boy pulled out as my cunt lips engulfed his shaft, trying to take in the remaining droplets escaping from his piss slit. “Fucking piss,” I murmured, holding the slam piss inside me. Seeing my distended belly, boy moved to my side and held it. “That all my piss?” he asked, incredulously. “Yeah,” I smiled, straining to hold it in. Coming to boy’s side, puppy hinted at what was next. “You ever taste piss?” Hearing this, Daddy sat up. “Naw,” boy answered dismissively. “Hmmm,” puppy answered, studying’s boy current body posture... the fact that he got off on pissing in my cunt. Seeming to drop the subject, puppy glanced at Daddy and winked. “Ok,” puppy shrugged and moved behind me. “Do it, cunt... give me a taste.” he ordered and placed his lips against my cunt lips. “Fuck yes!” I growled and released the flow of boy’s slam piss, feeling puppy’s lips hungrily drinking from my cunt. “Aww fuck!” boy gasped as he watched puppy’s throat spasm from the piss flowing down his throat. “Fuck yeah!” I growled. “Taste my cunt juices mixed with boy’s cum and slam piss.” That did it! He took the bait... “Shit yeah, puppy!” boy growled, saliva drooling from the corner of his now open mouth. “I want some piss!” "You ready to take your slam piss, boy?" puppy growled. "Fuck yeah! Please, puppy!" boy begged as he dropped to all fours and crawled to him. "Fucking thirsty, piss boy!” puppy yelled and shoved boy’s face into my ass, his lips smashing against my wet slimy cunt lips. “Ok, boy now drink your fucking chem piss!” puppy yelled, “fucking taste your cum mixed in with those cunt juices.” Boy moaned... I let out a dribble of hot piss into his mouth. “Yeah, drink up, boy!” Daddy snarled, acknowledging the teamwork that had brought boy to this point. Lapping up the slow stream, he began to chew on my cunt lips. “AWWW FUCK!” I groaned, not being able to hold it back any longer and released the contents of my bowels. “AWWWW FUCK!” boy yelled as he continued at my cunt, the flow of piss washing over his face onto his body and pooling around him. My cunt continued emptying its content until a slow trickle dripped out. I took a deep breath and pushed... “Fuck!” boy moaned as my rosebud emerged, pushing out the final remnants of his piss. Now empty, I turned around to see what would happen next. I smiled... “Fucking piss!” boy growled as he wallowed in the pool of his slam piss on the rubber floor. I let out a moan and crawled to boy. “Fucking cunt,” boy moaned as he took hold of me and forced my face onto his cock... “Shit! I got your fucking cunt juices all over me.” He laughed, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. “Fucking slammed-up pig boy,” puppy snarled and moved in, scooping a handful of piss in his hand and putting it to boy’s mouth. “Fucking drink, boy.” Greedily, boy began slurping his piss from puppy’s cupped hands... “Yeah boy!” puppy encouraged... his fingers now inside boy’s mouth... “Get on your fucking hands and knees boy!” puppy ordered, “Time to give your cunt up to your alpha.” Obediently, boy released me and turned over, his back arched. “Fucking good boy, arch that back more.... good boy.” puppy moaned and began to explore boy’s cunt. “I told you he had a nice fresh cunt.” Daddy chimed in. “MMMMM,” puppy smiled and nudged boy’s knees further apart, exposing his cunt. “Shit yeah!” boy growled, feeling his slammed-up cunt opened up by puppy’s probing finger, and pushed back. Pressing further, puppy inserted a second finger. “Ah shit!” yeah! Fuck my cunt!” boy cried. Hearing boy beg to have his cunt fucked, puppy laughed. “Say that again... tell your alpha what you want.” Pushing back, boy begged again, “Please! Fuck my cunt, puppy! I need your cock!” Satisfied, puppy leaned in and slowly began to lick boy’s tight shaved cunt, then gently began to move lower. “Fuck!” boy squealed when puppy’s tongue reached his balls. Taking the both balls into his mouth, puppy again began to play with boy’s cunt. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” boy babbled... “Please!” Easing off his balls, puppy slowly worked his way back to boy’s now throbbing cunt. With boy’s cunt ready, puppy released his uncut cock from its red mesh confinement. Feeling the pressure of our alpha’s cockhead against his cunt lips, boy increased his arch to open himself to the veined shaft. “AWWW FUCK!” boy exclaimed, feeling puppy sink into his body. He stopped for a minute, letting boy adjust to his cock. “Shit yeah!” I growled at the sight of my alpha taking boy’s cunt from behind. I crawled forward and moved under boy’s body. I wanted to see puppy’s cock take his cunt. “Fucking cuntpig!” puppy sneered at the sight of me under boy, wallowing in a pool of piss. Pulling back, puppy began to thrust. His arms went around boy’s waist and he began to pound into boy’s cunt. I moaned, seeing puppy’s cock sliding in and out of boy’s cunt, his now stretched cunt lips sliding along the thick shaft. I could hear boy’s groans of pleasure as he clamped his cunt each time puppy pulled out, releasing as his thrusts repeated. My senses went into overdrive as the smell of piss mixed with the smell of sex and sweat. The sweat off their bodies trickled down on me and I struggled to take it in my mouth as kept my eyes firmly on puppy’s cock. The fucking became more urgent... “Fuck me!” boy begged puppy, “Harder!” He took it all... every hard thrust was a moment his cunt welcomed. Their gasping grew louder and faster... puppy began to breath harder. “Take... my...cuummm,” puppy grunted and gave one final thrust, forcing his cock deep within boy. “Yes!” boy yelled out, feeling puppy’s cock swell and explode deep within his cunt. “MMMM,” puppy sighed and fell atop boy’s back, his cock still buried inside. Gently, puppy eased out of boy. I grew excited... this was what I was waiting for... As puppy’s cockhead completely withdrew, a trail of cum escaped from boy’s cunt. I immediately moved to feed off of that beautiful cunt. “Mother....” boy gasped as he felt my mouth latch onto his cunt lips and take in my alpha’s cum... I moaned... tasting the familiar saltiness of puppy’s cum now mixed with a new flavor... boy’s cunt juices. Finishing my feeding, the three of us collapsed together and onto the slimed pool of piss... happy. Seeing the sight of us covered in slimy piss, Daddy stood and nodded to puppy. He had been watching us closely. Without a word, he walked to the shelves, took down a box and returned to his chair. I sat there, drenched in piss, watching as puppy turned to boy and removed the plain black collar that had been placed on him by Daddy at the start of the night. “What?” boy, nervously asked. “Shhh,” puppy tried to calm my beta. “Go on,” puppy urged boy. Taking a long look at puppy and me, he smiled and crawled to Daddy. Sitting on his haunches, boy lowered his head at Daddy’s feet. “I’ve been studying you, boy.” Daddy coldly announced as he grabbed a set of wrist restraints from box. Holding the restraints up to puppy, he ordered boy to turn around and face us. Taking hold of boy’s right wrist, puppy secured the restraint tightly. Repeating the process on the left, he fastened them together behind his back. Behind boy’s back, Daddy handed puppy a pair of clippers. Grinning, puppy took the clippers. Not knowing what was happening, boy looked to me as a buzzing sound filled the dungeon. I nodded, my eyes staring directly into his dilated green eyes to keep him steady as the clippers approached his head. “Steady... don’t move!” puppy commanded as he made contact and his already short red hairs began to fall. The feeling of the cold metal vibrations against his scalp, boy began to moan loudly. The buzzing continued until the last of remnants of boy’s red hair were gone. Feeling the air now surround his buzzed head, boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the feeling of warm shaving cream was applied. “Fuck!” I growled as I saw puppy begin to move a razor across boy’s skull. I looked back at boy, his eyes still closed... I smiled, seeing his throbbing cock again jutting from his shaved crotch... this boy was willing... Finishing, puppy grabbed a wet towel and wiped the residue off boy’s now shaved scalp. Releasing his restraints, puppy turned boy to face Daddy who reached into the box. “This gear will reflect your beta position in this stable. This is your collar.” Looking up, boy saw the yellow piping surrounding the rubber collar. He smiled and looked back at me. Both puppy and I gasped at the significance of the shiny rubber collar, not readily noticing the color of the accent. Holding the tag, Daddy read the inscription, “boy.” Bowing his head, Daddy tightly secured the collar. Next, Daddy produced a rubber bull-dog harness, again with the yellow piping. I let out a low growl at the sight of the piping... it suddenly hit me. Raising his arms, boy let out a deep growl and Daddy secured it tightly. Grabbing hold of his pecs, he pulled them up and felt their heft. He continued, examining boy’s tits... the way they were positioned. “Hmmm,” Daddy chuckled. My cunt lips began to throb at the last item Daddy held. “Aww fuck!” boy growled at the sight of the double striped yellow rubber jock before him. “Get up,” Daddy ordered boy and he quickly obeyed. “Puppy,” Daddy sternly called and my alpha quickly crawled to him and took the rubber jock. Moving to boy, puppy held the jock and motioned boy to step into it. Slowly, puppy easily pulled the rubber jock up boy’s sweat covered muscular calves and moved effortlessly past his thick thighs. On reaching his cock and balls, puppy pulled the rubber pouch out. Chuckling, boy grabbed his sac and placed it in the pouch. “MMMM,” puppy moaned as boy tried to adjust his rigid cock... Releasing the waistband, boy looked down and grinned at the purple leaking cockhead sticking completely out of the top of the yellow edged rubber strip. “Go on, take a look.” Daddy pointed to the mirror. Slowly, boy turned, walked past me and moved to the mirror. “Fuck yes!” he let out, feeling his freshly shaved scalp. He continued... taking in the reflection of the yellow-accented rubber tightly hugging his body, highlighting every contour of his muscled pecs. His balls produced a prominent bulge highlighted by the double yellow stripes running up and down the rubber pouch. Taking hold of it, he traced the shaft’s impression up past the waistband and began to finger his open piss slit. He moaned and inhaled deeply, taking in the acrid chem piss scent filling the room. “Fuck...” he sighed... I watched a look a doubt appeared... “Shit,” I mumbled, wondering if all this was a result of the slam. I then knew the slam was losing its effects. He began studying the figure in the mirror, moving side to side and observing every aspect of the geared-up boy before him. He glanced at my reflection... seeing nothing but a piss-soaked cunt looking back at him. With a look of resignation, he nodded, turned and fell to his knees. Crawling, he looked for Daddy’s and puppy’s reaction. Slowly he moved... with a slight hesitation in his movements, until he reached me with a questioning gaze coming from his eyes. We remained there... face-to-face... I understood. “It’s ok...” I simply said. My cravings heightened, I moved down to feed on the chem-piss pooled around us. He growled... watching me suck the piss... wet slurping sounds emanating from my cunt mouth. “FFFF...UUU...CCCC...KKK!” boy moaned, trying to control his desire, and he joined me in feeding from the pool of his first load of slam piss. “Damn fucking piss pigs!” puppy roared. “Fucking drink!” Hearing our alpha’s order, boy and I took a mouthful of the slimy piss from the floor and began to sloppily feed each other... the piss spilling out and running down our chins. Still hungry, our tongues began to explore each other’s bodies... Greedily, we lapped at the ridges of our muscled flesh and moved on to the sweaty crevices, familiarizing ourselves with the piss musk now escaping from our pores. “Fucking piss beta,” I groaned, and boy’s wet face began to chew on my cunt lips.... Daddy rose from his chair and stood over us... “Fucking rubber skin piss boy,” and he let loose a torrent of piss on his piss beta and cunt.
    5 points
  5. I guess you could say that Steve and I are dating - though we've not formalized anything at all. We meet a few months ago on BBRT. He came over and we spent the weekend getting high on tina and fucking. I hadn't partied in nearly 4 years and welcomed the chance to let my inner slut out and be a nasty little cum dump for the weekend. Drugs really let me come alive. Steve is 27, tall and skinny with a fat uncut dick and shaved pubes. Except for his broad shoulders, you might mistake him for a bottom twink, which he is not. He's well worked-out and has tight defined muscles. And he's quite aggressive. When he came over that first weekend he was wearing a scooped muscle shirt which came off immediately as he entered my apartment. Under the sweat shorts was a sexy jockstrap that contained his 9" dick. Waisting little time he brought out the pipe and we started blowing clouds and making out. He started getting all verbal. "What do you want," he asked? "I need to be used," I said almost desperately. "I need to be a cumdump." Steve happily obliged and proceeded to dominate and pound me throughout our cloudy night. I got two thick loads pumped deep in my hole, and plenty of spit on my face and in my throat. This boy knew how to take charge and he liked being a power top pig. Now here's the weird part. The following weekend Steve texted to see if I wanted to hang out. Of course I did! He invited me to dinner. I think it was a date! Can you believe that? Me either. Afterwards we went back to my place and fucked. We didn't party again, but that doesn't mean that the sex was watered down. Steve resumed his powerful role over me and pounded my hole raw with his massive uncut dick all the while calling me a nasty cumdump slut -- which got me off so hard. We continued hooking up. Not every weekend but enough. And we started talking about what sorta stuff we were into and wanted to do. I had never really opened up about my desires for slutty and raunchy sex with anyone while being sober. But Steve easily got it all out of me. I explained how I wanted to be in a gangbang with a bunch of guys. He told me how he always wanted a regular hook-up who he could pass back-and-forth with his friends. I even mentioned my fascination with taking piss up my hole. He really liked that idea! One night we were lying in bed, my ass dripping with his cum -- he always made me sleep with his load in me -- we were talking about sex and fantasies we wanted to do. And then he got kinda serious. "So you're, like, really open to some [banned word] situations then, hu?" he asked. "Well, yea," I admitted. "Especially when I'm high - I'm down for quite a lot." "Well that might happen again soon," he said. I was excited. "So I'm going to share something with you. Don't let it bother you." I was really intrigued. So far Steve has been totally confident and unabashed in bed. Nothing that I've said has thrown him, and he's allowed me to tap into my raunch pig side so easily. "My younger brother is coming into town for a visit and will be around for just under a week," he said. I was, like - OK. No biggie. I figured that meant Steve would be busy playing host and not around much - which was no big deal. "He's 24 and straight," he said. "He'll be out here looking for work." Steve sat up on his arm and looked directly at me. "I came out in high school," he said. "It wasn't a big deal for anyone in my family. But my brother and I had been sorta messing around a little, like boys do." "And when I went off to college Travis would come up and stay with me in the dorm sometimes. Anyway, he's been fucking me for years." I was turned on and really curious. I'm sure my face had lit up some hearing this. "He's totally straight," I asked? "Yea. He dates women. Always has. But he's always take advantage of the fact that I'm gay to get off by, basically using me the way I fuck you. He's really dominant and aggressive, the way I am with you." "I can't imagine you with your legs in the air bottoming," I admit. At this point I'm stroking Steves uncut cock which is rock hard and leaking pre-cum. "He's the only one who I've let top me. And he doesn't give me much choice. When he visits he sleeps in my bed and has his way with me. I know he loves me as a brother, but when we're together he calls me his faggot fuck hole and uses me like a cheap whore." At this point I roll Steve onto his back and sit my cum-filled ass down on his rock hard dick and start riding him hard. The sounds of his last load slosh in my guts as his raw dick slides in and out of me. "Fuck! Did that turn you on," he asked? "Hell yea it did!" Steve then flips us around, throws my legs over his broad shoulders and slides his dick in my sloppy hole but just leaves it there. Then, looking deep into my eyes, which are practically in the back of my head he says in a deep and seductive tone, "you like the idea of my straight brother using this faggot to get off, hu you nasty little slut?" And with that he spit in my mouth and began fucking me like the slutty faggot that I am!
    4 points
  6. This is my first post. I am a young, healthy, muscular, blond athlete jock boy living in South Florida. White collar pro by day, but a secret need and a want to take anonymous loads all the time. For my birthday this year i decided to go to NYC. I had posted on BBRT beforehand (blondjockboi) to find a host to whore me out while I was going to be there. I had been whored out once before in LA by the famous Master Jerry the previous summer for LA Pride as his "pride cumdump" where I was blindfolded, ass up taking every load he sent to me at the Dunes Inn motel. I didn't know if I would meet Master Jerry, just that my role was to be ass up taking loads. I ended up with 38, but kind of lost count half way through. Master Jerry surprised me by showing up at the end with a young friend, and giving me my very last load. 38 was the number on my back at the end of the night. Within a few hours of posting on BBRT for NYC I got a message from a man called Dmitiri in NYC. He claimed to be the Master Jerry of NYC, so I thought great - I will definitely get a lot of loads. I was instantly attracted to Dmitiri because he was so pervy. He was only interested in getting me as many loads as possible. He had also been coordinating with another boy coming to NYC from Albany (a super cute twink EMT), and set up a hotel room for us in Midtown. The plan was that the twink EMT would take loads the night before, and I would come in the morning and replace him, taking loads all day. Sort of a marathon of cumdumps available for all these horny men on Dmitri's list. When I walked into the hotel room, it was about 8am and the smell of cum was overwhelming. The boy was laying on his stomach the bed, with cum just drizzling out of his boy pussy all over the sheets. I stripped down and hopped in bed with him, we were making out for a bit and I was fingering his cummy hole - about that time a super hot daddy walked in. I told the boy you take it, and I'll take over after. He said it was his 41st load. The boy played on top of me, and as we were making out the daddy climbed on top of him and shoved his massive hairy cock in. I could hear the cum splooge out of his hole with this massive cock penetrating this pussy. All three of us were making out, and the daddy bit my lip and came inside of him. As he pulled out, I could see a long stream of cum falling from his dick, I rolled over and gobbled it off. As the daddy cleaned up, the boy hopped in the shower, and before you knew it I was alone. I tied my blindfold on, and waited. Within 5 or 10 min the door opened and I could hear 3 or 4 voices coming in. I knew I was going to be used, and filled up with all of this hot anonymous cum. One thing I like when getting fucked is reach underneath and feel the balls of the guy who is breeding me. Every guy was different. One was shaved smooth, one was stubbly, and one was fully hairy. To my surprise the hairy balls slapping my ass turned me on so much, I came hands-free when getting fucked by guy 3. Everything after that is a blur. It was guy after guy, grunting, sweating, whispering in my ear, cumming in my ass. Tongue after tongue, finger after finger, cock after cock. I was taking so many loads, I wondered how long I had been going. I got a quick break, and checked my phone. I had been going 4 hours, and Dmitri had texted me. "You doing okay?" "I'm not going to stop sending guys". I told him to keep going. The next time I took off my blindfold the sun was going down. I had taken 61 loads in 9 hours. I was a cummy mess. Dried cum all over my face, my back, cum oozing out of my pussy. I checked my phone and told Dmitri that I was happy, and had to get ready to meet friends for my Birthday Dinner. 10 minutes later, another twink came in the room, and said he was replacing me. Dmitri had set up a 3rd boy to take loads that evening/night. The twink was super cute, and told me he played Peter Pan on Broadway. I knew I needed to cum again after being fucked all day, so i bent him over, and gave him his first load. As I was finishing the trail of guys started coming in to breed him. I kissed him on the lips as I was leaving - and told him to have fun. 🙂 Dmitri was awesome, and said the feed back from the men was great! He would happily whore me out again when I get to NYC. In the meantime, I would love to find a super pervy partner who would be interested in traveling around and whoring me out to every dick of his choosing. I'm even up for moving to you if the situation is right. 🙂
    4 points
  7. Allister Needed to do something so deviant that it could be called an abomination. He knew just what to do. When he embraced his new life he left his old one behind. He never spoke to his old family. He stopped caring about them. He has a mom, dad and brother. His brother's 18th birthday was yesterday. He decided to pay them a visit. Using the new power he was blessed with he created the illusion that he had his normal body and was fully clothed. He stepped outside of the compound for the first time in months. A car was waiting for him. He told his new MASTER what was going to happen and MASTER was pleased. So pleased that he made sure he had the power needed to finish the task. Allister knew he had a demonic strain of HIV in him and it had a HVL beyond anything science and medicine had scene. It was about to happen. He arrived at the house of his old life. When he got out of the car he simply went up to the door and walked in. His mom saw him first, she was excited to see him. Allister then dropped the cover and revealed his new body. Red, scaly skin, yellow eyes, snake like tongue. She was stunned. "Go away." he said to her. She grabbed her coat, went out the door and drove away. She would be back in a few hours and by then the deed would be finished. He saw his father and brother in the next room. They were also shocked to see him back and his new look. "Come with me, NOW!" They obeyed. They were in a trance. He led them to his parents bedroom. His dad and brother started to strip in front of him. They both had nice bodies. "Kiss each other like lovers." They complied. "You two are now going to be in lust with each other so much that after we are done the only ones you will fuck is you two. Unless I command it. Now on your knees and worship me." They did as commanded. They could not resist. "Good. You two are now mine forever." "Yes Master." They replied in unison. Allister waved his hands and the clothes the two were wearing burned off of them. "It is time." Allister had his brother lie naked on his dads bed. Allister had full control over them now. "Fuck your son's asshole." His dad smiled and crawled behind his son and forced his hard dick into that ass. The brother screamed in pain and pleasure. There was no lube but it still happened. Allister came behind his dad and fucked him hard. Allister was forcing himself onto his dad and was loving it. "I am infected with a demonic HIV strand. Each time I cum, and I will be cumming multiple times, the infection will go through me into you dad then it will enter your other son." Allister smiled revealing sharp teeth. "You two will both live for this from now on. In the short time you both will have left." Allister fucked his dad hard. Soon they were in perfect rhythm. "Here comes the first load." Allister shot a hot toxic load into his dad. He could see it going through him and infecting him until it went into his brother via his dad's load. This continued for hours. Allister did not stop and he made sure that these two were infected beyond return. No treatment would work, ever. When he was done he saw that his dad and brother, now his slaves, were still kissing. His work here done he left. The car was waiting for him and was driven to a new place. MASTER was waiting. "Here is your new compound. Soon I am going to send you your own servants to infect and to worship you." With that MASTER disappeared and Allister entered the home where he would start his own abominations.
    4 points
  8. Part 7 I was so happy that he wanted to spend more time with me. I didn't want to leave this bed with him inside me. "I like that idea I said...uh...my phone is in my pants." He laughed. "Ok. We have to do this slow. Just raise yourself up slowly." He held my hips and helped guide me off his still hard cock. I looked down as I lifted myself up and could see his cum leaking from my hole. I had never seen anything so hot before. Finally his head popped out and what looked like a flood of cum came out with it. "Woah I knew you must have shot a huge load but you could have drowned me with that." "That's what you did to me son." I couldn't help but feel proud. Which got me hornier. Whenever I came before this time I was relieved and would need at least half an hour or so before I felt like I wanted to cum again. This time even though I came a ton I didnt lose any of that feeling. I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled out my phone. I sent a message in the group chat between me and my parents and was set. I never needed their permission really. They just always wanted to know where I was. "Ok, we're set" I said and crawled back to Mr. Kelly, my teacher, my dad, my first. "How are you feeling son? You ok with what we did? How it happened?" "Yeah that was amazing. I wanna do that all the time. Like...now?" He laughed. "Someone's feeling less shy." I blushed. He was right and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing. I suddenly worried that I would lose control. "I love it. I want you to keep sharing what you want and I want to keep teaching you those things and more." "Well...we've pretty much covered everything and more so everything else would be amazing." "I've got some ideas. If you think of anything else tell me and we can make it happen. It's best to explore new things with someone you trust. You trust me right son?" I nodded. I did. "Dad you just took my virginity and shot a huge load into me. I better trust you." We both laughed. "That's true son. The reality is that a lot of guys don't have their first times with someone they really trust so I'm glad you feel that way with me. So how about we shower and then we can turn on another movie and see what happens?" "Ok. Do you want to go first or should I?" "Oh uh ok why don't you go first. I'll get you a towel. Follow me and I'll show you where the bathroom is." We walked to the bathroom and he handed me a towel. "Oh I love those showers. I was at a hotel that had one once." "Yeah I had that rainfall showerhead put in just a couple weeks ago. It's amazing. I'll just be back in bed when you get out." He kissed my forehead and then walked out. My shower relaxed me again as I washed the cum and sweat off me. I was getting worked up again thinking about how I was getting clean for this man so he could fuck me again and get me dirty all over again. My hole was a little raw and it did feel a little sore when I ran my fingers and soap over it. But that didn't make me want it any less. When I came back to his room, he was sitting on his bed with shorts on and his laptop on his lap. I jumped up and sat with him with just the towel around me. "You smell good son. I'll take my turn now. Why don't you pick a movie this time?" "Ok. What site should I go to?" "You can go to any site you want but I do have a whole collection of stuff here in this folder. Up to you. Just know that I only have a certain type of video. I only have videos with bareback fucking and where the top cums inside the bottom. It's such a turn off for me if the top is wearing a condom or if the top pulls out and cums outside of the bottoms hole. What a waste." I never thought of it that way but I knew that after that day I would only watch bareback porn with the top cumming in the bottom. No wasted cum. He left to go take his shower while I looked around his folder. He had his folder divided into studio porn and amateur porn. He was so organized which made me laugh. I guess he really is a teacher. I looked to see if I recognized any of the studio porn that he had and turned a couple on. I was still in the habit of fast forwarding to the fucking and for these videos the part where the top came inside the bottom. He was right. It was really hot. I kept going back to the folder every couple minutes and then ended up in the amateur folder. There were a lot more videos in this folder and some folders inside it. I noticed that all of the folders in the amateur category had names on them. I randomly clicked on one called Justin. There were a few videos in the folder and I clicked on one. As it started I immediately recognized the room. It was Mr. Kelly's bedroom. Where I was sitting at that moment. There was another guy maybe a little older than me sitting right where I was. Right on the bed in shorts and a tshirt. And then I heard the familiar click. Mr. Kelly came into view with pipe in hand and brought it to the boy's mouth. He took a hit and blew a big cloud. I was fascinated and didn't hear Mr. Kelly walk in wearing just a towel. "I thought you might find one of my personal videos."
    4 points
  9. It's 7PM when I get to my older brother's condo in L.A. Steve has made dinner, which is cool. I'll say this for my big brother, he's got his shit together! He's got this great job in entertainment and a really sweet place. I'm out here trying to see if I can use his connections to find a gig. We spend the evening catching up. Steve has always been there for me and it's nice to chat with him again in-person. After dinner we hang out and share a joint. He's all fancy with his weed. Me, I hit the bong at home. I've known Steve was gay ever since we were kids. It never bothered me. He's always been just a cool older brother who would sneak me beers and shit. We're getting pretty high and I ask if he's seeing anyone. He tells me about this dude named Sam. They've been fucking, apparently for a few months and Steve is kinda into him. My boy is quite the aggressive top, it seems. We talk pretty freely about our conquests to each other. I wish I could get away with some of the stuff the gays can get away with. Sometimes you just want rough fuck. I hit the head. Damn, even Steve's bathroom is fancy. When I get back my brother is just in his jockstrap on the couch taking a hit off the weed. Guess I know what he wants. We started fooling around back in his college days. I figured if he liked sucking cock, why not let him. I'd go up there and stay with him some weekends. I told you, he's always been there for me. The thing was, there was just the one bed always. I made him blow me a few times and then we'd have to sleep together in his bed. I sleep naked. One night after a lot of beers and a BJ, we're laying there together. Out of nowhere he starts stroking my cock again. It feels amazing. He's got his back to me and starts rubbing his ass on my dick. That was the first time I fucked my brother raw in his ass. The sensation was amazing! Better than any pussy. And no rubber. Over time it became a regular thing with us and I felt safe experimenting. So did he. It's kinda' our thing now. Don't get me wrong -- I date women and love pussy. I've never been attracted to guys at all. But my brother and I get to fuck together and he lets me really get into it. He likes it when I pin him down, slap him around and call him my faggot fuck hole. That really gets him off. Walking into the living room now and seeing him in nothing but a jockstrap, I know we're in for a little fun.
    3 points
  10. I dump my second load of the night into Sam. I honestly didn't think I had two full loads in me, especially after that first round I loaded him with with not even an hour before. But he just sat on my dick, with my last load still in his guts, and went to town. I've been fucking this guy pretty regularly for a few months now. He's a little bit older by a couple of years, but really submissive and into being worked over by my dick pretty well. I think I'm starting to like this guy. But I can't believe I just told him about my brother! We never speak of that to anyone - ever. But it looks like it turned him on. The little pig. "Do you have any pics of him," Sam asks as we're lying there catching our breath. I grab my phone and start swiping. We couldn't be more different, Travis and I. At 5'9" I'm 165lbs with a swimmers build. My straight brother is worked out with bigger muscles that he likes to wrestle me to the ground with. Sam is quite taken by the photos. It really started between my brother and I when I was in college. He was up visiting one weekend. I had grabbed us some beers and we were hanging out in my dorm getting drunk. He was going on about how horny he was and how he wanted to find some college girls to use. I was saying how difficult it must be with women because of all the drama and courting you've got to do just to get laid. He agreed and said how much easer it must be to be with guys. Before I knew it he had his dick out next to me and was stroking it. I was confused but, whatever. He then said something I'll never forget. My younger brother said, "suck me off queer." We were completely drunk but I was like, "no way!" It was then that he grabbed my head and pulled it down onto his hard dick and said, "suck." I don't know what possessed me, but I obeyed and completely started blowing my straight brother there in my dorm. He leaned back and watched me go to work on his uncut dick, slurping around it. It didn't take long for him to erupt. His hand came down on the top of my head to keep it on his dick, forcing me to swallow his cum -- which I was going to do anyway, happily. When the last of his jizz was in my throat I sat up - completely hard myself. And then, in my drunken haze I did something almost on instinct but completely unexpected. I kissed my brother on the mouth. He didn't flinch. And when I pulled back he licked the side of his mouth where some of his come had come off from my lips. He didn't say anything but stood up to grab another beer. I was laying there, drunk, confused, hard and horny.
    3 points
  11. Hi. I love bareback sex. I'm young and I love young guys around my age. Before I moved to the Middle East I was a top...now I'm a total bottom. Guys here are fucking horny and no one will say the word condom. They don't even think of them. They cum fast and they shoot huge loads, the good thing is that most boys here cum multiple times in a session. I love it. I used to hate eating cum and now I probably swallow the cum of 5 guys a week. It's amazing and my cock is throbbing just thinking of it. I'm an attractive guy but nothing turns me on more than finding a hot straight boy who is so poor and convincing them to fuck for a few dollars and the disgust on their faces after they realise they just shot their first wad into some dudes asshole. My last session was yesterday - A cute 20 year old guy with a nice, smooth, circumcised dick. He had never been with a guy before so I started sucking him till he was close which only took a few minutes. Then I lubed up his dick and told him to shoot his cum inside me. He slammed into me hard and there's a little tear now, I can feel it. After I asked him could I cum on his ass cheeks and eventually he let my rub his hole with my finger. He didn't know but I managed to open him up just enough to make sure my entire load emptied into him when I shot. After he left I went to tidy up and a torrent of cum poured out of my ass. I love it here.
    3 points
  12. Part 6 "Fuck!" Both of us said it at the same time. Mine was more a scream of pain. He warned me about the burning before he gave me that booty bump but this felt like a pain that started at my hole and then spread everywhere. I could feel my whole body buckle and if he hadn't grabbed my hips at the moment he popped inside me I don't know what would have happened. His "Fuck" sounded more like pleasure. More like "Fuuuuuuck". My eyes were closed tight as I tried to work through the pain. I thought about getting off him and stopping entirely. He read my mind. "You're good son. It's ok. Just hold where you are. I got you. I won't let you take anymore until you say youre ready ok? Open your eyes. Look at me." I was breathing short breaths. The pain was still so sharp. I opened my eyes but I didn't want him to see me cry. He was smiling again. "I know it hurts. We're going to take it slow. Try to take deep breaths and give it a minute." He was being so gentle with me. I know he wanted it to feel good to me but there was no way this thick cock wasn't going to be painful for my virgin hole. I tried to take deep breaths and he could see I was getting calmer. The pain was becoming dull. He took one hand off my hips and reached into his cloth bag. It was small but it seemed to have so much inside it. He pulled out a small bottle. "I want you to try something that will help. They're called poppers. You sniff them. I'll show you." It was a new bottle so he looked at me and asked if he could take both hands off. I was feeling secure with my hands and a lot of my weight resting on his shoulders still hovering over him with just the head of his cock inside me. He broke the seal and unscrewed the cap. The chemical smell hit me immediately. It did not strike me as a pleasant smell. He put the bottle up to his nose and inhaled deeply. He put the cap back and closed his eyes for a second before he exhaled and opened his eyes. "See that? Easy right?" He was going flush. His face turning red quickly. "Dad are you ok? You're getting red. Is that normal?" "Yes son. It means it's working. Ready to try? It will make it easier to take more of me. I took one hit but I want you to take two. I'll put it up to one nostril and then the other and I want you to breathe in as deep as possible. Then after the second nostril I want you to hold your breath as long as you can. Ok?" I nodded but all of the instructions were hard to follow with the drugs already in my system and a thick cock head inside me. He unscrewed the cap again and pressed the bottle against my right nostril and pushed my left nostril closed. "Really deep son." I tried to do what I saw him do but the chemical smell stung hard and I pulled away coughing. It seemed to be a pattern. "Sorry. It stings." Even though I didn't do what he told me to, I felt a rush and warmth that felt...good. "Youre good son. First times are always the hardest. Let's try the other nostril. This time try to hold it ok?" I nodded and he pushed the bottle up to my left nostril and held my right nostril closed. I inhaled deep again knowing to expect the chemical smell this time. I kept inhaling longer then he did for his hit. "Damn son. That swimming gave you great lung capacity. Ok now hold it in as long as you can. Even when you want to let it go, hold it for just a little longer ok?" I nodded. He put the cap back on and set the bottle aside. The warmth I felt with the first hit was much stronger this time and I was being hit by a wave of pleasure. I don't know how long I held my breath but the longer I did the better it felt. "Good boy! It's hitting you isn't it? Hold it just a little longer....a little longer...a little longer...You wanna let it go?" I was feeling like I was gonna burst. I was nodding fast. He quickly placed a hand over my mouth and nose. My eyes shot open in panic. "I got you son. Just a little longer. You got this. You're a swimmer. Show me what you got son." Slowly he pulled his hand away and I exhaled like I had been underwater for an entire 500 race. But the wave of warmth I felt when I was holding my breath turned out to be nothing compared to this. My whole body melted my head fell back and without his hands on my hips I started sinking down on his cock slowly. This time both of us moaned. I could feel him stretching me from the inside. The pain was still dull but it never got worse. There was something else now. It wasn't even pleasure. It was like a realization. Like I didn't know that I had spent my life partly empty until that space was being filled. "Oh my god dad. Your....your....cock is so....thick." He moaned. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. I stopped myself from sinking further. I wasnt sitting in his lap. I couldnt believe there was more. I needed a break. He opened his eyes. "You're almost there son. You're doing great. How does it feel?" I struggled to find a word. "Good dad." "Just good? Because it feels amazing inside you son. Youre so tight and warm around your dads cock." Hearing that got me so worked up. I dont know how but almost as a reflex to hearing those words I squeezed my hole around his cock. He moaned loud and long and his eyes rolled back. It was so hot to see the pleasure I was giving this man. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as I could. And that was enough to make me decide to just hope that the worst was behind me and I sat all the way down taking the rest of his cock inside me. His moan went from loud to completely silent like he was screaming but nothing was coming out. His eyes opened the way mine did when he forced me to hold my breath and he looked at me in shock. The pain was sharp. I couldn't believe how deep he was inside me. My eyes watered and a couple tears were falling down my cheeks. He brought his hands to my face and wiped the tears with his thumbs. "We're just going to sit here so you can get used to me inside you son. This is what we both needed. Look at me. Your dad's raw cock is inside you son." I moaned and my hole squeezed on his cock again. He pulled me into him and kissed me. We put our arms around each other his grip tight as he moaned into my mouth. We made out for what felt like the longest we had to that point just exploring each others mouths and tongues pushing further into the other. He pulled me away to break the kiss. "You are so beautiful son. Perfectly smooth like a good boy should be and so tight around my fat bare cock. You know I havent cum in a couple weeks. When you told me your birthday I decided I would hold a load so that the first load that shoots into you is so big that you never forget it." Talking about cumming in me brought me a little out of the haze and made me a little nervous again. This wasn't safe. But that's all I wanted from this man. I wanted to feel a man shooting his seed into me deep. Either I show everything on my face or he can read minds. I think he could detect that my mood was beginning to change. He grabbed the pipe and torch. "How about a couple hits?" I nodded. I was nervous but I didn't want to stop what was happening. If the hits could cloud it again then I was going to do them. He gave me three hits before he took one. For good measure he gave me one more after his one. I was flying high again as the clouds hit me hard. "Ok we're going to do something now. We're going to stay in this position. I'm going to teach you a couple things that will make every top fall in love with you." At the moment there was only this man who I wanted to fall in love with me. I would do anything he told me to. "Eventually you'll learn how to bounce up and down on a cock but you just feel so good that I don't want you pulling off me even an inch. You're gonna grind into me and you're gonna find a spot inside you that is gonna make you cum." I looked down at my cock. It was still just semi-hard. There was no way he was gonna make me cum with my cock only half hard. He pushed my chest back so I was leaning back. He kept pushing until I had to use my arms to brace myself behind me. "That's good son. Now just make slow small circular motions with your hips with my entire cock inside you." I began trying to do what he said while being sure not to pull away from the feeling of the hair of his crotch brushing against me. Dad was using his hands to rub my chest my abs my legs and then used one hand to stroke my cock as he rubbed my body. Not even a minute of doing this he said "Let's do another hit of poppers. I think it will help and I also want to see how they mix with the T for you." I pulled myself back upright and in that motion his cock hit something inside me that caused me to shiver and moan. "There you go son. I think we found it. Let's do these hits and get you feeling even better. He gave me two hits letting me take a quick breath after the first but making me hold the second one. Before he took his hits he said "I'm going to take my hit now and I'm going to hold it in too. I don't want you to let go of yours until I let go of mine. Ok son?" I nodded but I was already starting to feel like I was going to need to breathe out soon. The warmth was working its way into me like a wave and I was trying to hold on. Dad took his hit and held it. He closed the bottle and put one hand on the back of my head. He pulled me in so we were forehead to forehead both holding our breaths. Finally he nodded and we both exhaled. What I felt was incredible. It was so much more intense than the first time. He pulled me into a kiss and we were both animals. But he shortened this kiss and pushed my chest back again. He put one hand behind my back to steady me. I knew what he was doing. "We're gonna find that spot again son. I want you to feel even better. Go ahead and try that motion again." I started making circles with my hips again still riding the wave. And then it hit. I actually screeched. Dad held me in that position. He was like a surgeon with incredible precision. One hand on my abs and the other on my back he held me at an angle that was not as far back as before but not upright. We sat still for a moment and he looked deep into me. I could barely focus I was so high. "Are you ready son?" I didn't really know what he was talking about but I nodded anyway. "Clench your hole for me son." He closed his eyes and moaned through his smile as I held his cock tighter inside me. "Try to match my rhythm with that move ok son?" Rhythm? I had no idea what he was talking about. We weren't moving. And then suddenly I felt his body buck slightly and inside me his cock pressed against that spot again making me shiver and sending my head back behind me. Then he did it again. And again. And again. And then over and over until I was screaming out. "Fuck...dad... your... cock....oh...my....god." So this is what it meant to be fucked. This is what it meant when all those guys in the videos who were getting fucked moaned like crazy. I was seeing stars in my drug and poppers fueled high on top of this feeling of his huge thick cock stretching me and introducing me to a pleasure I never wanted to lose. "Don't....stop...dad...please...." He started moaning too as I clenched down on his cock over and over. "Son fuck yes. You love your dads raw cock inside you dont you? This thick cock is going to breed you so deep with a two week load of ropes and ropes of thick dad cum. You want that son? You want your dad's load to breed you son?" I didn't say anything in response. Something was bubbling in me. The tingling that I had been feeling since those first hits were suddenly turning into something else and I was starting to shake uncontrollably moaning and gasping for breath at the same time and even though I hadnt been touching my only half hard cock I could feel this wave of pleasure make its way to my balls and through my cock as I came like never before. Dad pulled me against his chest as I was still shaking and with his mouth at my ear said "I'm cumming son. Oh fuuuu......" I could tell that he was moaning that silent moan again. His body against mine was shaking bucking over and over and after at least 10 spasms he moaned deep and long. The spasms kept coming but there was a longer period between them. He held me tight against him and when he thought they were over he pulled me back and kissed me. He bucked a couple more times and said "Oh fuck I'm still cumming. Oh...m--" I put my tongue in his mouth. If each time he bucked into me was a shot he must have cum almost 20 ropes into me. Our kiss got slowly and more sensual as our breathing steadied. I pulled back this time. I had shot a massive load. There was cum all over our chests. "How are you feeling son?" I didn't know what to say. I felt amazing like everything in my life had changed. I put my head on his shoulder. "Dad. That was incredible." I could hear him chuckle. He was still inside me and I could feel that he was still hard. "That was just the beginning son. I have an idea. How do you feel about calling home and telling your folks youre staying over your friends place tonight?"
    3 points
  13. Part 3 I had only kissed one other person like this before and I was drunk at the time so it was mostly a blur. But the T made me more aware of the feeling of Mr. Kelly....dad....kissing me and wrapping both of his arms around me his hairy chest pressed against me. Our making out was so heated like we were trying to devour each other. I just took his lead and tried to do what he was doing and it was so hot. He broke the kiss but didn't pull away more than a couple inches. He looked into my eyes. "I want to show you everything you want and more. But we will take this at your pace. I promise. Just tell me if I am pushing you too far and we will stop. Is that ok son?" He said the magic word. When he called me son I felt myself melt into him. It made me want him, dad, even more. "Yes dad" was all I could say. I was so horny and my cock was aching to be touched. I reached down to my crotch and noticed that I wasn't hard at all. I didn't understand it but I figured by the time my pants came off it would be hard again. "Why don't we go into the bedroom? I have a TV in there too." He got up off the couch and took my hand and lifted me off it. He grabbed the pipe and the torch and led me into his bedroom. Against one wall was a king size bed. I had never seen one so big before. It was bigger than my parents bed. On the opposite wall was another TV mounted to the wall. "Go ahead and sit up on the bed. I think there's a movie I have that youre gonna like." He was at a small desk with his laptop on it. I sat up in the bed on one side against the headboard to get a good TV watching position. In a minute the TV was on and a video started. Two guys sitting on a couch fully clothed and staring into the camera. It was obvious right off the bat that these two were related. The older guy looked around my dad and Mr. Kelly's age and the younger guy looked around my age and he looked like he would be what the older guy looked like 20 years before. Mr. Kelly...dad...it was hard to get out of the habit of thinking of him as my teacher...before he came to the bed he went into his closet and pulled out a small cloth bag. He got onto the bed and told me to get closer to him. "We'll make use of every inch of this bed eventually, but let's sit close now." I pulled myself over more to the center of the bed so that our arms were touching. "What do you say you take off the shirt son?" I did as he asked and soon dad and son were both topless. He rubbed my chest and brought his hand down to my stomach and crotch. That first feeling of another man's hands on my body was like electricity. I was shivering. The dad and son on the screen were starting to rub each other's legs. Dad pulled out of his cloth bag another small bag of what looked like chunks of crystals. "I'm going to reload the pipe so we can smoke a little more. You liked it right? Do you want to do more son?" That word again. "Yeah dad. I like it a lot. It's weird I got so horny after those hits but I'm not hard at all." "That happens to some people son. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you're feeling good that's all that matters." He dropped some of the crystal pieces into the bulb and I heard the now familiar sound of the click of the torch. He took the first hit and then began to pass the pipe back and forth between the two of us. Each time he would hold the pipe to my mouth telling me to suck in as long as it was there and then he would tell me to hold it in until he did his next hit. The tingling continued and spread throughout my body but I also felt something else happening. It's hard to explain. It felt like something in my mind was being opened. Like the hits were the key that would release what was inside. And I was feeling that what was inside was all the dirty thoughts I had that I didn't want to tell anyone and that I didn't want to tell myself. "How are you feeling son?" dad asked. "Oh dad" was all I could say in response. My head was being flooded with thoughts I always thought were so dirty about gay sex and gay incest. I think he could tell that I was changing. He smiled and chuckled again. "Feeling good huh? How would you feel if I suggested we get naked?" I didn't wait to respond. I just stripped of my clothes. I wanted to be naked with this man. With my dad. And I wanted to feel our bodies pressed together. I swept the rest of my clothes off the bed and onto the floor and turned back to him. He was naked too and I think I gasped at the sight of him. I was with a hot man who looked better naked then clothed. And what I could not miss was the biggest cock I had ever seen. From stealing glances in the locker room, most of us were pretty much the same size. But dad was long and thicker than anything I could compare it to. Nothing came to mind. He noticed me staring. "Are you ok son?" "You're so huge dad." He smiled again. "Yes. I am pretty big compared to most guys. Do you like that it's big?" I didn't know how to respond. "I think so...but I just never thought they got that thick before." He grabbed his hard cock. "It is very thick. Probably not too much bigger than average lengthwise." I could see that his fingers did not touch when he wrapped his hand around his cock. "Come back over here and sit with me. We can watch more of the movie." I climbed back into the center of the bed and he put his arm back around me and pulled me close. He had the pipe in the hand that was around me and he lit it again so that I could take another big hit. We both took two or three more. By that point I had lost count. I was just flying and thinking the thoughts that I had kept inside for so long. Dad told me to keep my eye on the screen and to keep stroking. I didn't even realize I was stroking my soft cock. Even though I couldn't get hard, it felt good to touch it. The dad and son on screen were fully naked and the dad was on top of the son as they made out. "I love making out with you son." The dad confirmed that he was with his son. The only difference was they were definitely the real thing. It was making me hornier every time they started talking dirty like that. Dad put his mouth up to my ear. "You like when they talk like that to each other son?" I shivered again and just nodded. "We're going to have so much fun together son." My mind was swimming. Somehow all the things I was raised thinking were wrong were the things I wanted to do most in the moment. "Why don't you grab my cock son." Without taking my eyes off the screen, I reached over and put my hand around dad's cock. It was hot and throbbing and felt even thicker in my hand. His mouth was still at my ear. "Yes son. That feels good. I want you so bad. And so does this cock. Stroke it for me son." I began stroking his cock up and down. It was harder than I think I ever felt with my cock. Like a weapon. The son was sucking on his dad's cock. In the same way that they looked alike everywhere else on their bodies they had similar cocks. The dad was moaning and at one point said "Look at me while you suck that cock that made you son." That's when I felt dad touch my cock for the first time. I started shaking immediately. It was so unexpected and felt amazing. Another person's hand on my cock. It was still soft but I could feel it getting a little thicker in dad's hand. "You like that son?" I was gasping and nodding. "Yeah dad. That's amazing." "Should we try to do a little more? You decide. It's up to you son." I nodded. "Son. Look me in the eye and tell me." He pulled away from my ear and I turned to look at him. He was no longer smiling. He looked dead serious. "Yes dad. I wanna do more dad. Please."
    3 points
  14. Part 2 Mr. Kelly walked me into his living room and sat down on his couch. "Sit down. Make yourself comfortable" he said. I was still in shock not knowing whether I should leave now or if I should just go with it as he seemed to be. "Mr. Kelly, I..." "Jake, relax. It's ok. You won't get in trouble for this. We're just two adults hanging out at my house. It's ok." "But how are you so chill about this? What if we see each other around school?" "Jake you know that picture on your profile? In your speedo? Did you forget our school name and logo is on your team speedo?" Fuck. I forgot about that. I remembered thinking about it when I posted the pic but I thought it would be too small to notice. Someone would have to know that it was there. Like someone who worked at the school. "Didn't you notice me at a couple of your home meets this year? I was trying to figure out who I was talking to. That and a couple questions about the things you do at school and I put it all together. I've known for about a month now." I couldn't believe it. The guy I had been talking to this whole time was watching me. We were at school together. That actually somehow got me hornier. I sat down on the other end of the couch. "I guess I feel kinda dumb Mr. Kelly. If you want me to go or if you don't wanna do anything it's fine really. I can just go home now." "It's ok it's ok. I promise. Let's just sit together and if you still want to leave after we talk a bit then you can go but I would like you to stay so we can get to know each other better." This was a teacher I had trusted when I had him in 10th grade and he was also the man I trusted with some of my secret desires. I nodded. "How would you feel if we just turned on a movie and if we feel like it we can do a little smoking. What do you think?" I was starting to feel more comfortable knowing that he was into this and was initiating doing some of what we planned for our first time hanging out. I nodded and began taking off my hoodie. He turned on his huge TV mounted on the wall and a movie was already playing. Two guys were together in bed wearing only shorts and making out. One looked around my age and the other was older like Mr. Kelly. They were really passionate like you couldn't tear them apart if you tried. Sometimes one of them moaned but mostly it was the sound of two men kissing and breathing heavy. "Is this ok?" Mr. Kelly asked. I said yes and he stood up from the couch and said, "Let me go get some stuff for us to smoke." He walked down a hall into another room and came out with a couple things in his hands but while he was in there he also took off his shirt. I couldn't believe I was looking at my teacher half naked. He looked better than his picture. He looked more fit then I remembered and I could see the hair across his chest and down the center of his stomach. I was starting to get hard. He sat down next to me. "You said you smoked pot before right? You ever smoke anything else?" I shook my head. I told him I didn't even know what else there was besides pot and cigarettes. "I have some weed but I thought this might be fun especially since you're so nervous. Do you want to give it a try?" "Sure" I said "What is it?" "It's called T. You might like it." He showed me a small water pipe with a bulb at the end of a glass tube that came out of the base with water in it. "I'm going to light this and you'll see some smoke come out of the hole here. That's when I know to take my hit. I'll do it first so you can see." Mr. Kelly lit the bulb and like he said soon wisps of white smoke started coming from the top. He took a long hit and when he pulled away he blew out a massive cloud. I didn't know what it was but seeing him do that was hot. He turned to me. "You want to give it a try?" I said ok and he moved closer and then put his arm around me. I could feel the heat coming off of his body. I had never been close to someone like this before. He lit the bulb again and put the end of the pipe up to my mouth with the arm that was around me. "Ok, now. Go ahead and take your hit." I started to suck on the pipe very lightly. Mr. Kelly chuckled. I pulled away. "No it's ok. You're just gonna have to suck harder. Make sure you can hear the water when you take your hit. Don't be afraid. I got you." He put the pipe back up to my mouth. I tried again and this time sucked much harder. Suddenly I felt my lungs fill quicker than I thought and I pulled away coughing. A big cloud burst from my mouth. "You ok?" "Yeah sorry." I looked up and for the first time looked Mr. Kelly in the eyes. Something in his look made me feel protected like I could do or say anything with him and feel safe. He put the pipe up to my mouth and told me to try again. I did this time knowing what to expect. I felt the smoke fill my lungs. He told me to keep sucking until he pulled the pipe away. It felt like a longer hit than my first and longer than his too. Finally he pulled the pipe away and said, "Now hold your breath. Don't let it out yet. I'll countdown from 5 and when I say let it out." He counted down slowly. Being a swimmer I had no trouble holding my breath but somewhere around 3 I started feeling a tingling. First in my chest and then somewhere in my head there was buzzing. Then he told me to let it go and I blew out a huge cloud of smoke. "Good boy" he said and patted me on my chest with his hand that held the torch. Do one more. We did the same thing and the tingling got more intense in my chest in my head and down to my cock. "Feeling ok Jake" Mr. Kelly asked. "Yeah. I'm tingling. Is that normal?" "Yes. That means it's working." He took another hit himself and then turned to me. "Feels good doesn't it?" It did. I could feel the arm around me pull me in closer. "So...this whole time we were chatting I was calling you Mike but you're Mr. Kelly. What do you want me to call you?" Mr. Kelly chucked again. I was looking down at my sweatpants to see if my boner was showing. The hits made me feel like I had to touch my cock. I was doing everything I could to restrain myself. Mr. Kelly put the pipe and the torch down on the coffee table. The couple in the movie were naked now the older man on top of the boy still making out. Mr. Kelly put his arm back around me and pulled me tight. "I actually was thinking about that. You told me that you thought incest was hot." Just hearing Mr. Kelly say the word make my cock throb. "So how would you feel about calling me dad? Only when we're in private of course not at school." This was amazing. Imagining Mr. Kelly was my dad was enough that hand acted on its own and started rubbing my crotch. "I'll take that as a yes, son." Fuck. Hearing him call me son like that made me gasp and moan. He got closer and put his mouth to my ear. "Can I kiss you son?" "Yes dad" I whispered. He pulled me in for our first kiss. The first kiss between dad and son.
    3 points
  15. Hey guys I've been reading hot stories for longer than I should say so I finally decided to try writing one myself. Let me know what you think! I woke up on the morning of my birthday to find a bunch of texts from friends and family. I read Mike's first. "happy birthday boy maybe now we can meet :)" I was already hard when I woke up but that got me stroking. I met Mike on Grindr a few months before when I downloaded the app on my phone and said I was 18. I was curious and I couldn't wait. I had to see it for myself. I put up a pic of my smooth chest. I also cropped one of my swim team pics so you could only see me and just from my neck down. I was wearing my speedo. Mike messaged me and we started to chat about what I was interested in doing. I think he could tell that I wasn't 18 pretty quick so during that first conversation he said "so when do you really turn 18 🙂?" I came clean and let him know that I was 17 and a total virgin. I had made out with a guy on the team at a party once and I loved that but we were both drunk and never talked about it after. Mike didn't ask to meet that first time the way some of the other guys who messaged me did. He took things really slow and I really liked him. When he did mention meeting he said that we had to wait until I was 18 but if I still wanted to meet when my birthday came around he would be willing to show me everything I wanted to experience and some things I probably didn't know about yet. He let me ask him about anything I wanted even stuff that I was scared of. He said he wouldn't judge because he wished he had someone to ask when he was younger. Over the months that we chatted he basically knew all of my fantasies. Most people would say they were pretty vanilla but I didn't really know what was out there. But the one thing that I found so hot that I was scared to share was how much the idea of incest got me off. I don't know what it was because I actually was not attracted to anyone in my family but thinking about a father and son messing around always put me over the edge. Mike said it was normal and there were ways to explore that without messing around with actual members of my family. Mike was 42 the same age as my dad. He lived alone and was never married or had kids. He had two pics on his profile. One was a body pic. He looked fit like he took care of himself but not like a big muscled guy who goes to the gym all the time. The second pic was of his entire body but fully clothed in what looked like an outfit my dad would wear when he went to work. Button down shirt and pants. But in the pic he was also wearing a baseball cap and was looking down so you still couldn't see his face. All these months he never asked me for a pic of my face. I think he knew I was scared to do that. I wasn't out yet to anyone and I didn't want anyone to find out. So I didn't ask to see his face either. After I thanked him for the birthday text he asked me what I thought about meeting IRL. Was I ready? I said I think I was as long as we go really slow and maybe not do everything the first time. Could we just meet and hang out and maybe just watch some porn and leave it at that? I developed a lot of trust in Mike those months and knew that he would be the kind of guy that I would want to be my first. He said of course we could take it slow. That's the best way because there's no rush. We made plans to hang out at his place that weekend. The anticipation over the next few days made me the horniest I had ever been. We actually didn't even message each other until that Saturday. "You still up for coming over and hanging out a bit?" I told him I was as the anticipation turned to nervousness. He sent me his address. He was really close. I knew from Grindr that he was not too far but I didn't calculate what that might mean. I could bike there and be there fast. We decided to meet at 3 so I could finish this one lab that I had to turn in that was already late. He told me to text him when I was about to leave my house so when I did I told him that I was really nervous. He texted me back immediately like he knew I would say that. "I understand. Everyone's first time doing anything can make people nervous. We are just going to hang out. No pressure. You told me you smoked pot before and like it right? We can just kick back and smoke a little to relax us." He was right. Nothing was going to happen this time. We were just going to meet and put a face to the last few months. What if one of us thought the other was ugly? Maybe he wouldn't be attracted to me and I had to be ready for that. I texted back that I was heading over. That was the longest bike ride I ever took. Now that I was on my way, I just wanted to get there. But I got to his house and started shaking. I couldn't control it. He told me to bring my bike into the back so that it would be safe left alone. I parked my bike right by his back door and then knocked. He didn't answer right away and while I waited I thought there was still time to get back on my bike and go home. But I couldn't move. And then I heard the chain on the door and then it opened. Mr. Kelly, my 10th grade math teacher stood in front of me. "Hi Jake." I couldn't speak. My only thought was that I was in trouble. Now everyone would know. But Mr. Kelly is gay? He was one of the chill teachers at school that everyone loved. I never thought he could be gay but I guess I never really thought about my teachers actually having lives. He was smiling as though he was not surprised that the person who was at his door was a student he had just a couple years ago, who was still a few months away from graduating. "uhhh Mr. Kelly? I'm so sorry...I...this is a mistake...I won't tell..." He reached out and held my arm. "It's ok. Come inside and let's talk." He pulled me gently and I followed him into his house.
    2 points
  16. We kinda have a don’t tell policy about out little playtime he doesn’t tell my boyfriend and I don’t tell Anyone else, like my sister-in-law, this last Friday he changed the game he showed up at the same time as always but this time he showed up with three of his friends from work, he said they wanted to checkout my new PS4, they had beer and Tequila chips and dip , a little after work party, his friends were pretty cool and not bad looking either I sat on the side while they ran around the virtual world shooting up stuff drinking beer and taking Tequila shots, I’m really into the game at this point, not paying a lot of attention to what’s going on, my brother says “back in a min. gotta go drain the python!” one of his friends Mark says “that Shit’s not a python it’s another fucking leg!” he says laughing, now I’m watching two of the guys play so I don’t see my brother when he comes out of the bathroom, all the guys look over at the same time “oh Shit” my brother comes walking over and stands in front of the T.V. with his Pants & underwear down around his ankles , both of his hands are wrapped around his cock and still 5 inches are showing, he starts walking toward me and says “Open your mouth!” I say “No, get outta here” I act like he’s kidding around and we’ve never fooled around before, “I Said suck my fucking dick!” and he pushes it into my face, I said “no stop playing”, I feel someone grab my head and he keeps it in place, now I can’t move my head and my brother’s massive cock forces it’s way thru my lips, so give in and start sucking, I hear the whole room say different things “holly Shit” “fuck how is he taking that shit?” my brother pulls out so I think he done, I’m thinking he’s just showing off in front of his friends, but right as he pulls out one of his buddy’s shove his cock in my mouth it’s not as long as my brother’s dick but it’s getting fatter around in my mouth, I hear my brother say “Next!” and another dick gets put in my mouth this one is big and uncut leaking precum like crazy into my mouth, he grabs my head and rams his semi-soft dick down my throat and leaves it there holding my nose, I feel it growing hard down my esophagus, filling my throat so I can’t breath then pulling out just when I think I won’t get any air, they somehow pick me up and flip my on my back so my ass is up and the back of my head is down on the couch, then the fourth guy kneels in front me, he’s a black guy with a huge dick he starts fucking my mouth, it goes in easier now that I’m on my back I can take the length a lot easier but it’s still to fat for my mouth, he pulls it out of my mouth and slaps my face saying “watch the teeth!” then back in it goes, the blood is rushing to my head, I’m really dizzy it so surreal, the black guy pulls out and now the Uncut German guy is fucking my throat, That's when I realize my pants and underwear are coming off, I hear the Latin guy say while playing with my big hairy balls “man he has a pretty big dick!” jacking it my precum starts flowing like a bottle of lube I can feel his hand roughly slapping my dick “he got this hard from sucking dick?” the German guy says “watch this” he pulls his dick out of my mouth and puts his ass in my face, so I start licking it , his hole is kind of Hairy and smells really musty an sweaty but I lick his hole from ball sack to drilling deep in his hole, he gets off and now mark starts pumping my mouth with his 7 inch cock, not as big as the other guys but still choking me, I start feeling fingers playing with my hole using my pre-cum to wet it, then someone spits, and then I feel what feels like a hand go in, I hear my brother say “see this is what I did to his ass on vacation” my brother is opening my hole he’s fucking me slow and deep, “turn him over” some one says, they flip my over so my ass is hanging over the back of the couch, “wait wait” I say but they don’t hear me the uncut German guy goes in my hole his pre-cum seems to make great lube, he fucks my ass slapping my dick which gets harder with every thrust! He black guy is back in my mouth, I’m sucking his cock and it taste so good now that I’m use to the size, the guy pumping my ass starts shooting his load I can feel him pulse each shot deep in my hole, he pulls out and another dick goes in, he’s fucking me so hard our balls are slapping together, “oh Fuck Oh Fuck!” I hear him say, then I feel him pulse and shake pounding his load deep in my ass, he pulls his softening dick out and then I’m pulled down on the floor onto my back! I feel a huge pain in my ass but the next cock is so big it push the cum deeper into my hole, it really hurt at first but with each thrust it feels better, feels so good now ,I know he’s my brother but his massive cock feels so good, the black guy and my brother are fucking me from both ends, my brother’s cock in my ass has me so full my dick is super hard now from the Pounding my hole is getting, the black guy is holding my hands down as he pumps my throat , my hole I now a loose open wet mess now my brother is banging me to the hilt I’m taking his full fat 9 inches I’m so hard, my hole is so open my brother Pulls all the way out then plows into me balls deep fuck his cock is so hard he screams out “Holy Fuck!” and starts pump my ass full of cum! He’s so deep in my ass the pulse of him fucking me triggers me cumming I start shooting a fountain of cum all over my face and chest, the black guy pulls out of my mouth runs over to my ass and plunges is fat dick in my hole unloading another huge load! The guys all get dressed and out in minutes, my brother says “that was fun, see you next week!” and I’m by myself, I stand up and as I make my way to the bathroom cum just pours out of my ass, I’m not sure how I feel about what happened, I think I could have stopped it but I kinda didn’t want to, it got a little rough but I guess no pain , no gain, and my wild open ass is still sore after 3 days, I hope they each come back one day so I can have my turn at fucking them!
    2 points
  17. I’ve so wanted to piss inside a fella. Still on my list 😉. Can piss rock hard so that’s a plus right? 😉. Any takers?
    2 points
  18. I didn’t know the part of town where this place was. Of course I knew where it was. It was near the university and my sexual appetites sometimes lured me to the campus to bottom for straight jocks, hairy coaches and dirty, horny professors. When I got home, I showered and looked at the key. It was a single Yale which gave nothing away. I googled the address and street mapped it. A modern block of loft style apartments with front windows that spanned the length of each apartment. I shuddered as I remembered that disastrous night at Jacques. It had to be him. I showered again, but this time I focused. I shaved my balls and trimmed my bush. But I left my arse hairy. I went into the bedroom and squeezed my balls through a rubber cock ring, pulled on a jock, jeans and a tee. I pulled a bag from under the bed and checked the contents - harness, speedos, a sweaty pissed stained jock, a couple of bottles of poppers. I reached into the draw and packed the bag with supplies of chems, needles and rubber ties. I paused. What the fuck was I doing. I wasn’t into anonymous sex. Well not like this. I was presuming it was Jacques. But what if it wasn’t? I sat on the bed. My cock stirred. Well if it wasn’t I could walk away. I left the apartment after writing a note to my boyfriend. He was spending the day at his black-only club. He wouldn’t mind coming home full of black seed and finding the place empty. He’d just order take out. And if it wasn’t Jacques, I’d come back in such a mood I’d need serious bruising ... I drove to the address and drove a few blocks further on and parked on a side street. As I walked back, I spied preppy guys from the university. Some of them eyed me directly. Either directly or furtively. I met all their looks and smiled. I knew I looked good and I also knew my semi was being pushed forward giving my crotch a nice bulge. I arrived at the block. It was modern. Steel and glass. I pushed the buzzer. And waited. “Come on up,” said Jacques over the beat of a music track. The door clicked and I decided to walk up the stairs. When I reached the sixth floor I wasn’t out of breath, but I was lightly perspiring and my crack was lightly moist. I slid my hand down the back of my jeans and through my sweaty crack. I rang the doorbell and almost instantly Jacques opened it. “Hey, dude.” He opened the door fully and turned back into the apartment. I followed and closed the door. I stopped and looked at the apartment. It was spartan but beautiful. A single couch faced a tv on the wall, the same round wooden coffee table, a heavy wooden table and four chairs, a kitchen to the left, doors to the right and then I gasped. A magnificent view of the entire city. Dusk was falling and Jacques was framed in the fading light against the vista of the city. He was wearing a t shirt and slightly baggy jeans. His feet were bare. I dropped my bag and went to stand by him. “You came. I wasn’t sure you would.” “Why not. Great view.” He turned to look at me and smiled. He grabbed my hand, the hand that I had earlier slipped between the cracks of my sweaty arse cheeks, and as I watched he drew my finger into his mouth and sucked. I moaned. “Tasty.”l He dropped my hand and walked away from the window. I followed him to the couch. As he walked he pulled off his tee and turned to look at me as he dropped it. I pulled mine over my head and also kicked off my shoes and socks as he reached the sofa and sat at the end. I joined him, sitting across the other side, one leg resting on the sofa, exposing my crotch encasing a cock that had been hard since he had opened the door. I look at him as he reached for the table and rolled a spliff. He was magnificent. Hairy, tattoo’d, ripped. As he rolled the paper his forearms flexed and my cunt ached to feel them flex inside my chute. He locked eyes with me as he licked the paper and sealed the contents. He picked up the lighter and handed it to me along with the spliff. Our fingers touched as I took it. He leaned back and raised an eyebrow as he looked at my crotch. I lit the spliff and put the lighter down handed him the spliff. As he took it, I stood up, undid the buckle of my jeans and slid them to the floor. As Jacques blew the smoke out I took the spliff back, and sitting down spread my legs and took a drag, forcing myself not to exhale. He looked at me and smiled. Standing up he hooked his fingers through the belt loops of his own jeans and dropped them. Fuck! Standing there in a black jock, he looked magnificent. I blew out the smoke. It left me tingling slightly. And he made no effort hiding his erect cock, straining against the pouch fabric. He sat down next to me and took the spliff from my fingers and dropped it into the ashtray. Staring into my eyes, his hands wandered up the inside of my leg and cupped my balls. “Sexy fucker”. He leaned in and kissed me. I opened my mouth to feel his tongue slide between my teeth as his hand slid up my body, teasing my nipples and making me moan. I reached out and searched his body hungrily, teasing, tweaking his own nipples before sliding my hands down to his crotch. I squeezed his balls and shaft through the fabric which was soaked with precum. He pulled away and reached for a bottle of poppers on the table. He held the bottle under my nose four times. Then repeated it himself. Leaning back he raised his hands above his head and I dove into his left pit. My mind was in overdrive and I was slightly sweaty as my tongue licked deep into the groove of his armpit. He tasted clean yet salty, the muskiness of a previous workout still latent on his hairs. I heard his take a drag from the spliff before he offered me one. I held in them breathed it into his pit, licking the fumes off his hairs. I tingled again. I pulled back and looked at him. He smile. “A little bit of Tina. Hope you don’t object.” I grabbed his chin and forced my tongue into his mouth. We snogged for what seemed an eternity. When we did break away, to take a breath, we were both getting sweatier. Jacque picked up the poppers, stood up and walked deeper into the apartment. I picked up my bag and followed him down a dimly lit corridor and into the bedroom. Music was pulsing from speakers, a low hum riven with sexual impulses; in a side table in full view, a pipe, rubber bands and syringes. On the TV screen, porn. He was already on the bed, proposed up by pillows. His jock was gone. He was stroking his hard, engorged cock, and squeezing his balls. I dropped my bag and pulled off my jock. No niceties tonight. Why bother? I mused. I stood at the end of the bed, stroking my cock. I caught the poppers he lobbed at me and took deep huffs before lobbing them back. Sliding between his legs, in one swift movement I took the full length of his cock to the back of my throat. Jacques swore in shock as he felt my lips, tongue and throat welcome his cock like an old friend. His hand automatically went to the back of my head and his head thrust up appreciatively with a welcome spurt of salty precum. His hands searched out my nipples and gently began to tease them, making me moan. I arched by arse into the air so he could see the rounds of my buttocks hiding the hole I wanted him so desperately to fuck. He smelled amazing. Clean yet sweaty; musky here fresh. Buried in his pubes, I inhaled his scent as I ran my tongue along his shaft, eliciting moans and more precum each time. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled up and swung round. His mouth found my cock and he growled as he swallowed it up. His hands grabbed my arse cheeks and squeezed them. Locked, lips to cock, we feasted on eachother’s meats.
    2 points
  19. Allister served his master with great devotion. He worshipped His better then all his other followers. The master was pleased. In fact he was about to give him the highest honor. He was going to introduce Allister to his own MASTER. MASTER is the High God and he is over even Allister's master. Master announced that they will soon receive a visitor who will be treated with the utmost respect. Allister worked hard to make sure everything was ready while being available to get fucked by whenever Master wanted it. The night before the arrival Master took Allister aside and told him what was really going on. "My servant, I am going to confess something to you. First, starting now, you will no longer call me Master. You may call me brother. You see I am no longer going to be over you. I am giving you to the real MASTER. Because you served me so well he will make you a special warlock like myself. He will give you power. You must be tested first. He is going to take you and breed you. Then you need to commit an act of sexual abomination that pleases HIM. If you fail this then you will be killed and your soul under torment. If you succeed then your reward in the pit will be great. I know you are ready. Go to your chambers and rest until tomorrow. Stay there until HE comes for you." Allister did as he was commanded. The next day Allister was in his mediation when his door opened. A man, no that is not right, a being entered that was so perfect in his body that Allister knew he needed to worship at once. He spoke, not in a voice but in spirit. "You are Allister." It was not a question." Stand up." He did as commanded. "You are going to have a chance of becoming a warlock in my service today. You have received the virus I created from your former master which you have shared. Now I heal you." With a wave of his hand Allister felt a change happen to him. His body had changed back to before he had his first poz load inside him. "I healed you so I could bless you myself. I have the original virus in me and when I give it it overtakes you like nothing else. What you had was severely diluted compared to what you are about to receive. Now lie on the bed NOW!" Allister could not believe it. Not only had his body been cleared of the virus but his hole was like it had never been fucked before. What clothes he had on seemed to burn away without his skin being harmed. The MASTER used some kind of magic to elevate his newly revirgined ass into the air. MASTER took out his own dick. It was massive. Longer and thicker than he thought was possible. Master rubbed a little spit on his dick and then forced it into Allister's ass. It tore Allister open. Like someone was pulling his legs apart. The pain was both unbearable and welcomed. His insides felt like there was iron being forced into him. After a few seconds his body seemed to conform to the invasion. He was in the perfect state of ecstasy. MASTER fucked him for hours. Allister's skim was becoming red. His nails were growing into claws and his tongue became snakelike. "My Virus filled dick is about to fill you and forever corrupt you. Do you accept?" "YES MASTER!" " Good." Allister felt a fire enter his body. He was burning from within. His whole being was now changed. MASTER finished with him and said, "You now have access to the power I will grant you for a brief period of time. You have three days to commit an act that is considered an abomination sexually." If not then this awaits." MASTER seemed to slice through the fabric of reality and opened a window into another world. There the ones who failed him were being rapped by demonic creatures among fire. While they were getting some pleasure from it they were never going to get away from it, and they wanted to. "What do you plan to do?" "MASTER, I have the perfect idea."
    2 points
  20. I've been on both sides of thissituation... When I was in hs I met a man from a chat site 2 see him screw another student but the guy "flaked out." And I ended up drunk and stoned while he kept trhint 2 fuck me. I was 2 tight and he came b4 he could getit all the way in, didn't realize there was probably never another guy coming that night until it happened again a week later... I recently had the chance to invite a "straight" guy i play ball with at the rec center over when a bttm buddy was willing to let him watch us fuck and with a Lil pot and booze he soon joined in and wanted 2 fuck me 2. I haven't been fucked in awhile and did a booty bump and blew a few clouds to help, which made the str8 guy ask what it was and eventually join in on smoking it. While I was ducking his dock to get him hard I tentatively played with his hole. He said no at first but kept pushing back on my tongue and fingers until I was able to get 3 all the way in with only a few screams if I did it too fast. He was so high he didn't realize I switched them out for my raw cock until I told him I was ready 2 cum, which made him suddenly try to push himself off or tighten his thighs to squeeze me out. We all know what that did, kaboom I went off like a qeyser while he told me he didn't want my fag cum in his hole. I did my best to pretend I wasn't cumming and he believed my excuse that I was concentrating to keep from cumming. I shot 4 loads in him b4 he went home, and when he realized I'd stealthed him he flipped me over and bred me on the floor, then told me to get him clean underwear to wear home cause his girlfriend does his laundry!
    2 points
  21. Part 5 "Lay back down on your back son." He got between my legs and lifted my ass up and spread my cheeks apart. I felt his tongue again and my head fell to the pillow as my back arched my eyes rolling into the back of my head. I never knew that this kind of pleasure was possible. Seemingly out of my control my hands moved down to his head and pushed him as deep as I could into my hole. Both of us moaned at the same time. He pulled his head up and reached for the pipe and torch again. He got back up on his knees and fed me another hit. Then he took one but before he let it out he put the pipe down and reached back for his cloth bag and went back to my hole. I felt him blow into my hole with some of the cloud escaping around my crotch. "How does that feel son?" I didn't have the words to describe it. I gasped and tried. "So good da--oh my god!" He was rubbing something wet onto my hole and began to push his finger into me. "Just breathe. Take a deep breath in son. Now let it out." When I let it out I could feel him pushing in deeper. I had rubbed my hole before when I jerked off but I never pushed anything in. This was the first time anything was being pushed into me. I saw him fumbling a little with his cloth bag. "This is going to burn just a little bit but its going to feel good in a couple minutes." I nodded having no idea what new sensation was going to come next. I felt his finger again push into my hole and then I felt that burning. Not painful but noticeable. He worked his finger deeper into me and i felt his palm against my hole. His entire finger was in. Suddenly the tingling I had felt in my hole became something else. Hunger. And he could see it in my face. "It's working now isnt it?" I looked down at him smiling with that smile that said mischief. "Yeah dad. I think so. What is it?" "It's called a booty bump son. I want you to feel as good as you can so youll be ready to take your dad's cock." I was feeling great. This was so much better than I ever imagined it would be. He moved up to kiss me and rested the weight of his body on top of me. Our making out was even more passionate than before. I wanted to be as close and connected to this man as possible. Our hands exploring each others body and our cocks rubbing against each other. His huge thick cock pressed against my smaller softer cock. I could feel our pre cum getting slick between us. I didn't want this to end. I could make out with this man forever. But he broke the kiss. "I'm going to give you a little bit of the control." He rolled off of me and onto his back. He pulled me onto him and held my face with his hands. "Son it's time. I want you to sit on my cock. Take as much time as you want. We are in no rush ok?" I nodded and he pushed me up into a sitting position. He sat up also and told me to press my hands into his shoulders for balance as I hovered my hole over his cock. He poured some lube into his hand and I could hear him coating his cock with it. Then I pulled away and sat on his knees. In my drug fueled state I was the horniest I had ever been but something in my head was terrified. "What's wrong?" I didnt know what to say. I didn't want to make him mad. "Shouldn't we be using a condom? Just to be safe?" He tilted his head and smiled. "Dads and sons don't need condoms. That's why its the best kind of sex." Something was sobering me up. Like years of conditioning about the shame I should feel about what we were doing combined with always wanting to be safe about everything were bubbling back up at the worst possible time. "Mr. Kelly I mean we're just playing around but we're not actu--" "Stop son." I saw in his face that he was serious. The smile was gone and he was looking deep into me now. "Do you trust me? Do you trust your dad? Look at me. Do you trust me?" I just nodded too scared to speak. Something in his face was completely different. "I told you that I was going to show you everything you always wanted to experience but also some things you never knew. Isnt that right? Isnt that one of the reasons you wanted to come over here in the first place? You wanted to be brought into a new world?" I nodded. "One thing I want you to experience is raw sex son. I want you to feel the sensation of slick skin entering you and touching you deep inside and the feeling of rope after rope of cum shooting so hard into you. And I want you to experience that with your dad the first time so you never forget who introduced you to the greatest pleasure." I noticed then that he had never taken his hand off his cock. He was stroking his cock slowly. The image was mesmerizing. "Climb back up here son. Dads ready." That was all I needed to shut that voice down. I got back up into position and lowered myself slightly. I felt the slick head of his cock spread its wetness into my taint and up my crack grazing my hole back and forth. I could feel how big it was. There was no way it would be able to fit. "I'm just going to rest my cock against your hole but I'm not going to push. Look at me son. Press yourself down real slow. Its going to hurt a little at first but Im right here. Youre safe with me." I felt the pressure on my hole. This was it. I lowered myself and pressed down. My hole was resisting. It was too big. I tried a lttle harder but my hole had become a wall. I started to get frustrated feeling like I was never going to get this to happen and I would let him down. I sighed in annoyance but with that exaggerated exhale it happened. My hole opened and suddenly I felt that wet thick head pop inside me.
    2 points
  22. My steady FB of 8 years has gone quiet on me. This isn't unprecedented, but I haven't had sex in a month+. I've been looking at BBRTS a lot, but haven't had a good match yet. During the pandemic, I've been trying to keep somewhat fit. Yesterday I went out for a run in pretty warm and humid conditions. I returned home after a 3 mile jog and a guy on Scruff hit me up. His profile showed him as negative, versatile and into raw sex. His pictures didn't show his face clearly, which is usually a no-go for me. But he kept up with me like a cum-hungry pig. And he was a five minute drive from me. I told him I was stinky and sweaty from my run, but he said he likes man smells. So I found myself driving over to his place. I walked up the stairs and knocked on his door. Twenty seconds later, my tongue was digging into his jockstrapped hole and he was begging for my cock. So I slid into a really nice tight hole. His sphincter was a tight and distinct ring as my cock head penetrated it. Once inside him, his ring hugged the shaft of my cock. I wrapped the crook of my arm around his neck in a mock strangle hold as I went balls deep into him. After a few minutes of this, I flipped him on his back and slid back into him. I pounded him hard and told him I was about to knock him up. He replied, "Breed me" and I emptied my load into him. Maybe we'll fuck again. If I don't get the plague.
    2 points
  23. Thanks for all the kind comments! Part 4 "I'm so glad you want that son. I do too. Do you like what you see on the screen?" I turned back to the movie and the dad and son were still making out with the dad on top of the son. But the dad was fucking the son! When the dad pulled away from their kiss I heard him say, "You like the feel of your dad's raw cock inside you?" The son was moaning and getting louder with each thrust. Dad was cupping my balls and stroked by cock his mouth back to my ear. "We don't have to do that right now or even tonight but I know you want to feel your dad's thick raw cock inside you don't you?" I moaned softly excited and scared all at once. I had never even thought about getting fucked raw. Bareback was always fantasy to me. It was too risky to do for real. But the door to the secret room in my mind was wide open now and in that moment condoms seemed like the worst possible idea. I turned to look at him again and this time I was dead serious. "No dad. I want that tonight. I want that now. Please dad. Fuck your son." As soon as I heard myself say it I pulled back away from the center of the bed and dad's arm around me. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry I don't know what I'm saying. I...I ....I'm not like that." Dad reached for my arm and held it pulling me back to him. "Hey hey it's ok its ok. You're fine. I want to know your deepest desires. I'm here to make them all come true. You're not scaring me. I like that you can trust me with those thoughts." I was leaning against him again and heard the click of the torch. "Here let's do another couple hits. I think we could probably use something to help us relax." He put the pipe up to my mouth and I took another big hit. Back and forth we went until that urge returned. I grabbed my semi hard cock and I stared at dad's thick cock. Without saying anything I leaned down and licked the tip my tongue moving along his slit. I tasted the sweetness of his pre cum. "Oh fuck son." I felt dad's hand against the back of my head as he put the slightest bit of pressure so that I would take more of his cock. I wrapped my lips around the head and got the loudest moan of the night as dad's reaction. It was just the head but my mouth already felt so full. I tried to go deeper on his cock but my mouth just couldn't handle it. "God you're so huge dad. I can't fit you in my mouth." I was looking up into his eyes with his cock on my tongue. "That is such a gorgeous site. Why don't you just lick up and down the shaft. I don't want to cum this way anyway." He gave me what looked like a conniving smirk. I knew what he meant and I felt my cock pulse. I started licking up and down his cock trying to taste every part of it. It was hairy but it looked like he probably trimmed so it wouldnt get out of control and so nothing hid how big it was. "Come back up here." I felt like I wasn't doing a good job. I didn't really know what I was doing so this was probably not the best blow job he had ever gotten before. He pulled me into another kiss and laid me on my back his hands moving up and down my chest and abs. Then he kissed his way down my neck down my chest and down my abs and then he put my cock into his mouth. "Fuck oh my god" I screamed. His mouth felt amazing. He was able to get all of it in his mouth which was probably easier because I was still only half hard. After a couple minutes he pulled up from it and used his hand to stroke me while he licked my balls. He looked up at me as the tip of his tongue teased each ball and made me jump from the sensation. "I love how smooth you are son. Does everyone on the swim team shave their cock and balls too?" I was feeling a little embarrassed. I never talked to anyone about this. I just liked the way it looked in porn so I figured I would try it too. "Nah not really. I just wanted to see how it looked and felt." He kept teasing my balls but with each touch he moved further down. "Well they look amazing. How do they feel?" I could see that he was smiling as he gave me a small spasm each time his tongue hit my balls. "It feels amaaaaaazing." "If you think that feels amazing you're gonna love this." He surprised me and pushed my legs up and pulled my cheeks apart. He kissed each ass cheek and then all of a sudden i felt that tip of his tongue again brush against my hole. I lifted my head up with a gasp. This time he used more of his tongue to lick around and on my hole. "Wha- what are you doing? Oh my god." He pulled his head up. "You haven't seen this in porn? Rimming?" I shook my head. "Oh are you one of those guys who turns on a video and fast forwards to the fucking?" He got me. I started laughing and as my head fell back against the pillow his tongue pushed into my hole for the first time. My laugh became a long moan. "Dad oh fuck that feels amazing." For the next few minutes it felt like he was trying to use his tongue to get deeper and deeper into me. I was in ecstasy. I never even knew this was something that existed and it was the best thing I had ever felt before. I reached for my cock and felt that it was getting more than semi-hard. He raised himself up and lowered my legs back to the bed. He came back up to a sitting position and grabbed the pipe and torch again. "How about a couple more hits?" I didn't say anything. I just pulled myself up to sit up again with him. He put the pipe up to my mouth first again. I took a long hit and as I let it out he put the pipe back to my mouth. "Don't you wanna take your turn before I take my second?" He smiled and just said "You are so sweet Jake. It's ok. There's plenty for both of us. Go ahead take another hit." He made me take a few more hits in a row. All big clouds. It felt amazing and for the first time I felt the tingling at my hole. I needed him to take my virginity. Now. As if he could sense what I was thinking he put his mouth back up to my ear and whispered, "I think it's time dad takes his son's cherry." I shuddered and nodded. On the screen the dad was screaming "Take your dad's load son! I'm breeding you with the cum that made you son!" All my brain was saying to me now was I want to feel that too. I was ready.
    2 points
  24. Back in my room Mateo told me to suck his dick and get it hard again. It didn't take long for that big cock to start gagging me as it slowly inched its way down my throat. I could see JJ standing behind Mateo with his hand roaming all over Mateo's body and Mateo had his head turned around kissing JJ. Mateo was moaning and pulling on the back of my head shoving his dick deeper as I gagged and slobbered all over it. I hear JJ whisper to Mateo I want to fucking rail your ass. and Mateo was like Im read fucking bread me faggot. JJ reached for lub and Mateo said I don't need lub just spit and shove it in, I'm man enough to take a small dick like yours. JJ started laughing and I hear Mateo start moaning even loader as JJ did just what he was told. He spit on his dick and started shoving it in. At one point I hear Mateo say god damn how much more dick you got? JJ just said what this small thing then he shoved it in the rest of the way as Mateo cried out in pain. I hear Mateo say of fuck I can't hold it. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! and then he started shooting. He let me pull back enough to fill my mouth with about half of his load. I hear JJ say don't swallow bitch bring that fag mouth up and give us both a taste. As I slowly backed off of Mateo's big dick I held as much in my mouth as I could. I stood up and kissed JJ and shared some of Mateo's cum then he turned to Mateo and shared. Then I got to kiss Mateo. Passing his cum back to him was so fucking hot. JJ then started to moan, saying it was so fucking hot to watch Mateo eat his own cum. He thrust 2 or 3 more times and then let out a really load and long fuuuucccckkkk as he cam in Mateo's ass. A few seconds later and Mateo and I both are on our knees cleaning JJ's dick Mateo raised up as JJ bent down and they kissed sharing JJ's cum and Mateo's ass juice. We all climbed in my King size bed and dozed for a while. I was dreaming of getting fucked again by either boy and knowing I would enjoy the hell out of it.
    2 points
  25. So fell off the social distancing wagon. I haven’t been fucked in months and my hungry hole is desperate for cum. I periodically pull up apps but have had restraint and not met anyone. Well, I got pinged by a Latino top starting a job in town who sent a pic of his 8 inch uncut cock. I replied with my ass. That was it, I was on my way. Sucked his cock and worshipped his foreskin for about 15 minutes then he told me he was taking my ass. He put me on all fours and handed me poppers as he teased my hole with his cock and started to try sliding in. I was super tight from no sex so once I was poppers up he had to push hard to force into my hole. He was thick but being uncut helps a big dick slide in. He fucked me pressing down on my neck like a little bitch. I can’t remember the last time a top pounded me that hard without a hint of busting his nut. He positioned me multiple ways until he had me on my back, legs pinned Uber my head and pile driving his dick into my hole. His low hanging nuts slapping my ass. I am not usually vocal or a moaner but damn! This guy had me moaning and gasping and talking dirty. It was the perfect blend of dirty raw sex and sexy make out. He kept me pinned as he leaned in kissing me still not missing a beat in his thrusts. Sweat dripping like crazy. He came in close looking right into my eyes as he said I’m going to cum, your going to get my cum. I immediately begged for it and that sent him over the edge. I could feel his cock pulse and his load being deposited which isn’t always the case, he shot tons. Never stopped thrusting into me except brief pauses balls deep when a rope of cum was being injected. When he stopped he leaned down and kissed me deeply leaving his cock in my now very wet ass. We kissed for a while then he began sliding his still hard cock in and out of my hole and told me he was going to fuck me for hours next time and should meet up his days off. He texted me later that he will be fucking me hard and often and will bust like a beast. I hope he fucks me every day off
    2 points
  26. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
    1 point
  27. I sat sipping whisky, my ass sore, and with a deep feeling of sick satisfaction while a fine load of AIDS cum seeped out of my ass into my shorts. The guy that made the deposit sat across the bar sipping his drink, a smug look on his face. It's not every day an AIDS troll gets to pass his disease to a neg bottom. The geolocator on BBRT showed a top in the area that looked hot, a possible source of dirty, sick, deadly sex. The guy looked to be fucking hot, dirty, sick, literally. He called himself AIDSgftr. He was in his fifties, had been poz for twenty plus years, never on meds, and was highly infectious. I wanted his evil load. His pics clearly showed his sickness, wasted face and body, swollen belly, a few Kaposi's spots, but his cock was magnificent: long, hard, thick, uncut and drooling, a large PA that was sure to rip my ass open. I'd been a bugchaser for years, had taken several poz loads but none had taken, I was still neg. The sick thrill I got when some faggot pumped high VL HIV positive cum pumped into my guts had worn off quite a lot as the loads never had taken. It seemed I couldn't get infected. But as I knew that full blown guys had very high viral loads, soaring to astronomical as they neared death, taking a highly infectious AIDS load from a disease-riddled troll like AIDSgftr would be the ultimate in death bound bugchasing. I tracked him to a sleazy dive in a deserted block, all vacant lots or boarded up rattraps. The place was a magnificent example of a bottom feeder's dream, Not that old for the area, maybe from the fifties, cheaply built to start and gone downhill for 60 years. There were a half dozen old derelicts sitting at the bar. I took a seat and got a shot of bourbon. Now the AIDSgftr was very near me. BBRT showed him within 30 feet. An email popped. It had a couple of pics attached. "I'd love to fuck your neg ass and infect you with HIV, give you my AIDS. I'm full blown AIDS, and if I fuck you, I'll infect you. You know you want it. I will infect you with HIV. I will give you my AIDS." One of the pics showed him grinning toothlessly into camera while he fucked a bent over bottom. The caption above his head said, 'This can be you, tonight!' Another pic showed him fucking a really wasted, obviously diseased bottom. His grin was broader, evil, the caption chilled and excited me 'He died of my AIDS last week. You're next!' I looked over at the diseased fuck, he grinned at me, toothless mouth gaping exactly like the pic. If he could get it up long enough to ejaculate in my ass and fill my guts with billions of deadly AIDS bugs, I would get the disease I'd been seeking. He jerked his head towards the back of the bar as an email pinged on my phone, then got up and walked that way. "Bathroom, now. It's your turn to get bugged." My legs were shaky as I walked back to the bathroom, every man in the place looking at me. I wondered if they all knew I was a queer who was about to take another queer's load. That was scary. And hot. I was going to return to the bar with a load of AIDS cum in my guts. He was leaning against the sink, coat and pants open at the front, a large belly sticking out above his drooling cock. Figuring he needed help to get his diseased dick hard, I dropped to my knees and got to work. His cock was large, half hard, foreskin lapped over a large PA. I sucked eagerly as I pulled him to me, hands on his withered ass. He was soon fully erect, more than a mouthful of long, thick dick oozing lots of precum, mmm, AIDS precum, yum! A hand grabbed my hair and pulled, that was all the hint I needed. My eyes had adjusted to the light and as I rose I could see his legs, also withered and spotted with Kaposi's. The gaunt body, the belly and the spots made me queasy. I'd never seen a man as obviously diseased, but, he was plenty strong enough to push me around and his cock was big, hard and dripping. He pushed me up against the sink, grabbed my hips and humped. I bleated as the PA ripped into my hole and he pushed eight inches of meat into my ass and then started fucking hard, dropping me into bottom bitch heaven. This was the hottest sex I'd had in months! I grunted as he fucked me hard, ramming his cock into me. His hands left my hips and circled my chest, I looked at his arms and saw Kaposi's lesions, I was finally getting fucked by a guy with full blown AIDS! My dick had been hard, now it throbbed and almost shot. I had an AIDS cock fucking me! He'd ripped me when he shoved in, I felt the burn as my asshole tore. Now he was tearing me more, making me bleed, giving his bugs a clear shot at my bloodstream. I moaned and sobbed as he tore open my ass. This was the best sex I had ever had, and he was going to infect me! In fact, he probably already had. He was breathing hard, almost panting, ramming me urgently, starting to grunt softly. Fuck yeah. I knew I was about to get a gut full of AIDS cum! "Yeah bitch, fuck yeah, gonna give it to you, gonna give you my AIDS. You're gonna die from my AIDS. I'm gonna give you my AIDS, right fucking now!" I squealed and my dick squirted as he rammed in and held it still. I felt his cock swell and twitch, my ass went warm as a flood of his infected cum filled my ass. I had just taken my first load of AIDS cum! He lay on me for a few seconds, then his cock softened and slipped out. His AIDS cum ran down my leg. He pushed off me and slapped my ass. "You're a good piece of ass, bitch. We'll do this again."
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  28. *****The following is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.***** Enjoy, I sincerely hope you cum while reading this. Eat your cum. Smear it all over you. Take a picture of your load and share it in the comments. Be my guest. If I made you cum, I'd be honored. ❤ And now, gentlemen, without further ado... Let the "show" begin...... The most true statement any sexually active gay male can make in regard to their sexual health status, if they're not already testing positive, that they're not necessarily negative, but rather unknown. Especially true, if in your sexual repertoire you often practice bareback sex with multiple partners. There's good reason why, considering that HIV has a window period, where you can be infected, but still pass a blood test. Took me a little while to learn, but I eventually started to accept that as the norm, especially as I have been ditching condoms more and more as the years carry on. And I was such a sweet and innocent boy, once upon a time..... Let me tell you a little bit about myself. The name's Daniel. I'm a swimmer, and I was on my high school swim team. Most guys would probably consider me to be an otter, as I'm pretty lean, a tad athletic, and since puberty struck, I've grown a nice manly mane of chest hair. It's one of my favourite features, and I think it makes me look sexy. I'm 26, Capricorn, and I am a Ginger. I have Hazel eyes, and a face full of freckles, that track down my neck and spread over my shoulders. Going by the compliments I've been given, apparently what you've heard about us Gingers/Redheads is true. Fuck modesty eh, haha. I'm a passionate guy in bed and I love cock. And cum. I'd bathe in a man's piss, cum, spit and sweat if I could. All the scents drive me wild. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. Heh. When I left high school, I started cruising public toilets. There were a lot of chance encounters over the years that followed. Mostly making out with guys in the cubicles, often the big ones that were designed for use by disabled people in wheelchairs. Fortunately, I don't think these shenanigans disadvantaged anyone who was wheelchair bound and needed the facilities, at least not while I was there. Anyway, it became an addictive behaviour, really. The rush of possibly being caught, the scents of stale piss, the "dirt" factor of being sexual in a toilet, getting naked in the cubicle with other guys and being a slut, letting one guy after another in, and sucking their cocks and kissing them, caressing their bodies and drinking their cum. I always wanted more. And the more encounters I had, the more piggy I got, until I was fucking guys who were total strangers bareback and cumming up their asses, and bending over for other guys to rim, finger and fuck me. I loved the feeling of a guy's tongue hornily worshipping my ass. The warmth, the silky fleshy massaging effect. The moisture of his saliva on my sensitive hole. Sheer bliss. This is what I was born for. The faggot I was destined to be came alive when another man drove between my legs and made love to my tight little pucker with his sweet wet mouth. It felt dirty and piggy, I felt like a slutty whore, and I fucking loved it. All of it. I also tried a couple of online dating sites, as High School hadn't really taught me much about how to find other gay guys or how to be a part of the "scene" as it was. Part of me wanted a romantic life, not just sex, so I gave it a whirl, but I still enjoyed the fun I was having cruising while I was doing it. It satisfied my urges, so I was relatively happy with that. That's how I met Sam..... (to be continued)
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  29. Hi guys, Three of my scenes which i did for Crunchboy have been released! Super excited and was really nice to record ! I'm the bottom in these pics All my scenes are here: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.crunchboy.com/en/modeles/detail/35243-charlie-sanders Let me know what you think. Hope you guys enjoy it! xxx Charlie
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  30. No load refused here. And ugly guys are fucking hot. Old and fat guys I love to suck and take their load in my cunt or throat.
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  31. The first part is pretty normal. There's a whole thread about it. The second part means you need to change or validate your email in the system powering chat (which is different but semi-connected to the forums). There's no error there. I started working on syncing the two systems, but got distracted by other things. I'll get back to it in the near future.
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  32. April 29th, I will have been a member on this site for 8 years. I have learned so much, grown with my sexuality and had some great times on here with posts, messages, meets. Made some good contacts and pals too. Thanks RT and drScorpio for managing the site and thank you the community for all Tips, Pics, stories, PMs and for getting me off, moreso now I am a Monk through Covid. 8 years have flown by, all the cocks that have entered me during this time lol. Take care All.
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  34. I would urge a top to breed me if they were close, but I do not associate the act of breeding with taking a poz load at all. A load is a load.
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  35. Next time should involve a deep breeding.
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  36. Similar to most others here. I’m a bottom and I prefer not to cum. I have sex with my ass, not my dick. I prefer to keep it “locked in a jock” as someone said. That way I can keep going and servicing lots more tops. If a top wants me to cum I’ll cum for him, but I find most don’t care either way. I do like a top to load me, of course. But I understand that sometimes they want to save it so they can keep going and fucking more bottoms too, especially at a sauna. The best is a top who can cum multiple times and doesn’t give a fuck about me cumming, he just wants to dump! Yum! I enjoy cumming, but it’s more a private activity when I’m wanking on my own.
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  37. I think, now the STDs are definitely less dicey things then earlier. When in early March the acting doctor (an almost 70 lady) investigated me, she said that getting any STDs is better then being ill with COVID. I am neg on prep and I fuck with poz guys without hesitation. Taking prep has become the part of my daily routine (before COVID celibacy). I take every morning my multivitamins and Prep. I think, furthermore, I know that living with HIV (I mean being poz on meds) today is not so dangerous like smoking dozen of cigarettes, drinking alcohol and eating fat foods every day. Will you ever be stigmatised on the future because of your status? Yes, of course. Some of the people always stigmatise others. You are gay, you’re single, you don’t have any child, you are divorced, because of your gender, your origin and the list is endless. But never mind. There are more and more people, who aren’t stupid. However, it is important to highlight the responsibility of others. If I have sex, I have to be clear with the risks of it. If I have bareback sex, I must know I can get all kind of STDs (except the ones I have immunity). Independently of the label on the profile or the answer to my question if the other is clean. Anyway, this is the stupidest question and I get it many times, even though the guy is the third behind my cumfilled ass. To sum up, being proud openly poz gay can be sometimes, many times hard, but wot or without it you are a valuable person and kick the hypocrites’ ass.
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  38. The door bell rang at 9:00 AM and when I opened it it was Jay and JJ. I invited them in and Jay said he had a favor to ask although he didn't think I would mind. He said he had to fly home for work but JJ wanted to stay a little longer and Jay wanted to know if he could stay with me since they had his parents house on the market and he was afraid his son would not maintain it. I looked over at JJ, he had on black basketball shorts and a t-shirt that had the sleeves, sides and most of the front and back cut off. He smiled and said I wont be any trouble I promise. Jay said you may not be trouble but I know you will cause some, he winked at me and I said sure he can stay. Jay gave JJ a hug thanked me and was gone in no time. As I was closing the front door JJ slipped up behind me and said I didn't think he would ever leave. I felt his hand go down the back of my shorts and then his finger started pushing into my ass. I was moaning as the little discomfort of a non lubed finger in my ass felt so good. He started steering be with his other hand and pushing me to the bedroom. Once in my room he pulled his fingers from my ass and shoved them in my mouth and said clean my fingers bitch. After a second or two he started taking off his shirt and turned and told me to strip. His phone buzzed with a message, he smiled and said strip take my t-shirt and go to the bathroom, get in the sower and tie this around your head covering your eyes and wait for me. I did as instructed. I heard him come back in the room but it did not sound like he was alone. Then I heard him say, see I told you man and he gives good head. Next thing I knew I was being pissed on by two steams of piss. I felt so dirty but happy at the same time. One of the dicks was shoved in my mouth still pissing. I knew it was not JJ, It was almost as long but defiantly bigger around. I heard a moan and then he whispered god damn this is one nasty bitch. JJ said told you, I can't wait to plow his ass. The other voice said me too. Think the bitch can handle both of us at the same time. They started laughing at that and before long I was told to stand and was turned to and pushed up against the wall. JJ leaned in and said I met a friend last night, he was the waiter at the restaurant and he's got a nice big dick. I told him how much of a whore you are for dick and how you took care of my dad back in the day. He couldn't wait to get his hands on your ass but I get first shoot. Take a deep breath because he and I agreed just spit no lube. I heard both of them spit and felt spit hitting my ass and then JJ whispered ready or not and before he could finish saying hear I come he was balls deep in my ass. I screamed in agony. I heard the other guy saying things like fuck yea man fuck that faggot, shove it in that ass, harder man he wants it. I also heard them kissing and talking dirty to each other. I head JJ say so you gonna shove that big dick up my faggot ass? The other guy said god damn right I am I heard him spit a couple times and then heard JJ moan in my ear. JJ was telling him to fuck him and a couple times he said fuck me harder man, I can take it I'm a man fuck me. I could feel the other guy trust in to JJ causing him to trust in to me. I was used to him now and it felt amazing, his big long dick ripping me apart. This must have went on for 20 or thirty minutes. I heard the other guy say you want me to bread you bitch and JJ and I both said fuck yes at the same time. JJ said I want that fucking cum in my ass, I need it in my ass. Then JJ said I'm cumming I felt him shoot in my ass 8 or nine shoots of cum. I also head the other guy cumming telling JJ to take it and JJ just moaning. After a few minutes JJ dick started to slip from my ass and I could feel his cum running down my legs. I was exhausted. JJ removed the t-shirt from my eyes and I turned around to see this sexy Latin kid. He had beautiful dark eyes and he was build like JJ maybe a little better. His 6 pack was more defined for sure and his smile. Well needles to say he was just like JJ, perfect. He said his name was Mateo and that he was working at the new Mexican restaurant in town. I smiled and said I can't wait to try it out, if it tastes as good as you look I will be there all the time. JJ said I hate to interrupt this moment but I'm hungry got anything to eat? Mateo said me too. I started to grab my shorts but Mateo asked why? He grabbed my dick and said we may need some special sauce and I think JJ and I are fresh out. So naked we walked to the kitchen and I cooked for both boys while the played and edged me till at the very end couldn't hold it anymore and shoot my load. Mateo caught it in a glass and added OJ to it and he and JJ split the drink. JJ looked at Mateo and said this weekend is going to be fucking amazing, I can't wait to fuck you and then dp his ass. Before long we started making out with each other and then headed back to my room to start round two.
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  39. Must say I love it without lube. The slight pain feels amazing
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  40. Grinder hook up. Guy in his 50s, bear, 7in dick that was thick. Fucked me on my back, doggie, had me ride him. It lasted for over an hour before I was on my belly, him pumping. Here started growling and was holding me down at my elbows. Bouncing with each thrust. Finally here pushed in and I literally felt his dick throb and hit my prostate over and over. I moaned and shot my load hands free into his sheets.
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  41. Chapter two - Sam's backstory I guess you could describe me as a sex addict, although I've always found the term to be a bit weird. It feels good. Why wouldn't you want to do it at pretty much any time you could? An orgasm triggers chemicals in you that help support your immune system and reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men. It's not just the biological aspects either, but also the intimacy. I can argue quite happily that some hookups I've had have been just as satisfying as sex I've had during romantic relationships. I fail to see a negative. I mean, I'm not fucking some guy butt naked in the middle of the road, on the busiest street in the middle of the city, for fuck's sake. Although, that is tempting..... I'm a 30 y/o, 6 ft, Caucasian guy, brown hair and eyes. Medium build. A little bit of a belly. Basically, your typical "guy next door". Not a supermodel, but not a troll, either. I clean up ok and look pretty good with a clean shave and a nice dress shirt. And I get my fair share of attention, when I want it. I've had a few r/ships, hookups and some group encounters over the years. I'm not adverse to the occasional trip to the bars and clubs, but I'm not that big on being a part of any scene as such. Saunas and cruise clubs can be fun sometimes though. I got an interesting message from a guy online a few months ago, a sweet ginger guy a couple of years younger than me, and although I usually prefer older guys, hunky daddy types, mostly, something just seemed to click right with this one. Even more so as we started going on dates, doing the "getting to know you" stuff, and playing around a bit. Usually spend time together on the weekends, and have been exploring each other's turn ons, kinks and fetishes when feeling horny. We've fucked a couple of times, but each time he insists on a rubber, and I oblige, because, well.... I'm poz. He doesn't know yet. I'm planning on breaking the news to him soon, as we do like each other, a lot. I'm a bit scared, though. I want the relationship to develop to the point where I know for sure we can trust each other and he won't run a mile screaming if I tell him. And, to be honest, I'm enjoying the romantic stuff we've been doing. From going to places together, even just lunch in the park, to the movies, out to dinner, typical date type stuff, even just the odd night cuddling on the couch, watching a movie. I've had a r/ship dry spell for a couple of years before meeting him, so it's kind of refreshing. A change from hanging around saunas looking for sexual thrills to fill the gap and only sometimes being satisfied. Some killer fucks, but also some depressing nights that had me thinking that maybe it was time to settle down. I'd lived a pretty rock 'n' roll style life throughout most of my 20s anyway. So, things are going well. His name is Daniel. Like the Elton John song. That song usually reminds me of him when I hear it on the radio, and it often makes me smile. So, we've played around with a few things. I'm pretty big on things like bondage, and being dominant, whereas he's more a bit of a raunchy guy. Likes scents and body fluids. Big on sweaty armpits, he says it's like natural poppers to him. He loves nudging his head into my armpits for a good whiff when we're cuddling in bed. It's soooooo cute, and pretty sexy. He's also a fan of watersports, which I could take it or leave it, but he gets right into it, so I'm happy to indulge him. We're both major cumsluts, though. Through and through. Usually snowball each other. I hope to ditch the condoms one day soon so that we can breed and felch each other. Sex just feels more right without a barrier. More natural. Better too, when there's fluid exchanged. It's all about the cum. That's something that an old fuckbuddy of mine says. I kind of agree with him, at least for when it comes down to just plain old fuckin'. It's the end goal. I like the way it smells, I like the way it tastes. I like it when a guy blasts his load all over my chest or face. Or when he cums on my hole and pushes it back in with his cock. Even better, when he breeds me nice and deep, and I can feel his cock twitching orgasmically while inside me. "It's all about the cum." - Roger Branson. Good ol Rog. Power top. Multi orgasmic. Could fuck like a piston for hours. Fit as fuck and built to show it. Not weightlifter huge, but more like a Rugby player type build. Muscular and athletic. What a fuckin GOD. Made my hole sore on many occasions, and it was an ache that I became addicted to, even though I also like topping most of the time, myself. He was the one that infected me with HIV.....
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  42. Soon enough my kids turned up near their 18th birthday. They wanted to learn how to be an adult and to know about all the adult things their adoptive parents were too shy to explain. "In this house we sleep naked and we can sleep in each others beds as well" I told them as I let them in. They wanted to stay for the summer holidays. Soon it was nighttime and my 18 year old son wanted to sleep in my room. He was shy about showing his cock to me. So I told him he could get in bed with his boxers or we could take each others undies off. "I wanna put my hand in your pants first mum" he said. "Sure and I put my hand in your pants" I replied. We stripped to our undies and put our hands in each others undies. "Mum why are you wet" my son asked naively. "That's because I'm excited to see you and feel your cock" I replied. My son took off my pants and I took off his boxers. The door was now locked so no one else could disturb us. We kissed passionately and he felt my boobs which had hard nipples. "That's because I want to make you into a man" I told him. "How mum I'm already a man?" He replied. I explained that it was my job to teach him about lovemaking and pleasuring each other. "Mum why have I got a cock and you've got a pussy?" Asked my son. "You're cock has cum in it which have special tadpoles which look for eggs to make babies" I said pulling him closer. I lay down and asked him to kiss my pussy. I told him when his cock felt stuff we could make love. "I'm ready now mum" he told me. "Here put your cock in between these lips nice and gently until you're in all the way. Be gentle and you won't hurt me. Go back where I gave birth to you show me how much you love me" I said to him. My son's cock felt great inside me. I felt my pussy clamp down on him as tightly as I could. "I've got a camcorder mum can I use it" asked my son as he got in. "Sure but keep it within the family" I told him. "This is me loosing my virginity to my hot mum. She feels so good wrapped around my cock. Moan for me mum, moan so loudly others will want to join in. Show me how much you love taking my virginity" he said as he caressed me gently with his cock. His baby batter felt so good as he grunted loudly as he came in my pussy. "Mum I wanna do this a lot with you. I'm so horny this is great exercise" said my son. "Please do son mummy will miss you otherwise. Dad doesn't get jealous we're a poly family" I said to him. He carried on pumping more cum into my pussy making me orgasm so my womb could swallow all his hot sticky fertile cum.
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  43. I'd just had my fourth baby and was feeling broody but dad seemed to have gotten off me. He had been working late. I woke up and could hear some shouting coming from the bathroom. I put on my dressing gown. "You ok in there?" I asked concerned. "I need a hand my love" said my dad. I walked in to find my dad playing with himself. "How can I help?" I asked. "Play with my cock" he replied. "I can't reach" I said. "Get in the bath with me naked" he replied. He didn't need to ask twice. I got in and dad had a packet of pills with him "these help you to be relaxed" he said offering me one. "I'm already relaxed dad" I said playing with my pussy. "Just try one for me" he said. I took the blue pill and swallowed it. Within a couple of minutes I was very relaxed and horny. "Let's find somewhere more comfortable" I said. We got out the bath and got into dad's double bed. "I missed your pussy" dad said playing with it. "I missed your cock" I replied. We made love for the rest of the weekend like it was yesterday. "What was in those pills dad?" I asked. "An aphrodisiac and a secret ingredient" he replied. A few months later when I had trebled in size I realised what he meant. .. .. I was expecting triplets. "I want our children to breed each other when they're adult" I said to dad. "Me too but we need to show them how to pleasure each other and us" he replied. "Agreed" I said
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  44. Recently having been diagnosed with HIV, the health department contacted me just yesterday and asked me all kinds of questions: "What was your ex-partners name? Have you had sex since being diagnosed? With whom?" Like... fuck off with these questions. Didnt realize having HIV would be like living in Stalin's Soviet Union.
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  45. Part 8 - December 2016 Sam and Byron parted company both of them now 20 years old a milestone they celebrated to themselves in London, both earning respectable money now from their dancing. Byron had been persuaded to sing in a couple of musicals and was beginning to get noticed on the west end stage. Sam was taking classes at the London Ballet school and was himself becoming a renowned dancer both in ballet and modern contemporary. December this year would turn to be one of the months Byron wished he could forget about and brush over. Stefan stood on the platform as the train pulled up at the beginning of December, Byron had a month off and needed the rest. Stefan wrapped his arms around Byron hugging him tightly. Stefan was home alone as his parents were in New York, Louise had been asked to guest appear in the musical for a month that made her a star, the money being offered was to good to turn down. They would be returning on the 20th December in time for Christmas. Byron spent the first few days with his parents, Stefan had asked Byron to come and stay with him. He was cautious and said he would come over on the Friday and stay the weekend. Stefan was working part time with his grandfather who owned a travel company run as a family business where Stefan's father worked. It was the families way of getting Stefan interested to take over the reigns eventually. They spent the day catching up but Stefan was no fool and could read everything about Byron, well he had know him 12 years nearly. Stefan made Byron a cup of tea "Your a lot more confident Byron" Stefan said assessing Byron. "In what way?" he asked looking at him "have I changed that much?" he asked. "You seem to have let the curtain drop, are you having sex with Sam?" Stefan asked straight to the point. Byron looked down at his cup "I have something to tell you. I will understand if you want me to leave" he said. Stefan sat on the stool next to him "You have a boyfriend, is it Sam?" he asked. Byron shook his head "I had sex with an American dancer" he said in a sombre voice. Stefan looked at him "What's happened Byron?" he asked knowing him to well. "I got HIV from him" Byron said without looking at Stefan waiting for the reaction. Stefan looked ahead "Oh" was all he could say trying to take in the enormity of Byron's admission. "I'm sorry Stefan I will go if you want me to" Byron said breaking inside he stood up to leave. Stefan looked at him "Is that it, your just going to walk out?" he asked. Byron wanted Stefan to hug him and tell him it was alright "I'm sorry" he lowered his head and turned. "So you mean you won't sleep with me tonight?" Stefan asked standing up. Byron stopped and turned "I'm broken Stefan, not the same person anymore" a tear trickled down his face. Stefan shook his head "Oh no, your not getting out of this relationship so easily" he said. "Don't be silly Stefan" Byron said "this is serious". Stefan walked towards him "No Byron, your the one person I can trust and love". He continued "You don't and will never walk away from me" Stefan put his arms around Byron and hugged him. They stood in the kitchen embracing, Stefan allowed Byron to release all his emotions and cry on his shoulder. Eventually Byron stopped crying still held tightly and safely in Stefan's arms. "Your never going to let me go are you?" Byron eventually said calming down. Stefan rubbed Byron's back "Never, I can't give you what you need sexually but I can still love you". Byron shook his head "I don't know why you do" he said feeling Stefan's arms. Byron lifted his head "You have been working out, your muscles are bigger" he said smiling at Stefan. "I keep telling you I can't have you being sexier than me" Stefan laughed and kissed him on the head. It had started out a nice enough day but by the time he was heading home from his run it was overcast and drizzling very fine rain, the sort that doesn't look bad but gets you soaked through. The light was beginning to fade as he ran along the Malvern hills overlooking the town. Byron had refrained from sex being busy with work, he was though unquestionably sexy and frustrated. He sported a very fine dancers physique with strong muscles, they weren't bulging muscles but fitted him perfectly for his five foot ten physique. He was blessed on the looks side and was contemplating getting a tattoo or two as it seemed to be the in thing at that time and most of the male dancers were sporting them. His seven inch cock was thick and the foreskin rolled back neatly revealing a most enticing head that begged to be sucked. On the downside whenever he got aroused he would leak precum like it was going out of fashion. The old adage of young hung and full of cum really did apply to him. Listening to his favourite music on his phone as he ran gently he was getting close to the patch of trees where Stefan and he would normally stop for a few minutes. He got a faint waft of what smelt like weed being smoked somewhere, he couldn't get the direction where it was coming from. Instantly he knew it must be guys from the Flowers estate hiding out discreetly smoking drugs. The patch of trees grew larger and he could make out the figure of a person sat on the bench smoking as another waft of the smell hit his nostrils. The person hearing Byron approaching looked and continued looking, he tried not to make eye contact as he ran closer. He almost stopped dead in his tracks realising who it was, older but still the same face it was Darren although he had somewhere along the line got very handsome. He watched the runner and thought he recognised the face looming nearer. Fuck me he said and stood up cutting the runners path and making him stop. Byron took his headphones out of his ears "Excuse me" he said politely hoping Darren hadn't recognised him. "Well well well if it ain't the dancing poof" he said walking towards Byron. Byron was about to turn and run the other way but stopped "Leave it Darren" he said. Darren gave his menacing smirk "Nice phone, why don't you give to me like a good little girl" he laughed. "This ain't school Darren, so do yourself a favour and get a fucking life" Byron said standing up to him. Something in Byron flipped and the anger boiled beneath his skin, he couldn't go on living with Darren over his shoulder whenever they met. Suddenly all the years of teasing and abuse broke to the surface. Darren threw a punch catching Byron on the cheek, and stunning him. Byron rubbed his cheek and put his phone down on the bench as Darren laughed hard before realising that Byron was going to stand up to him. "What ya gonna do bitch, I'm going to fucking take you for getting my arm broken" Darren said scared and lunging forward. Byron pushed Darren away using his strength nearly knocking him over "No more Darren I warned you. This ends now!". Darren persisted and came forward again stoned off his head "Nah how about I show you what a real man does to queer boys". Darren rubbed his cock and no sooner had the words escaped his lips he jumped at Byron dragging him down and grabbing his arms holding them forcing his way on top of Byron 'Yeah, fuck you like the bitch you are' he said angrily. His arm appeared from nowhere securing it around Byron's neck hard, he coughed and gasped feeling the arm constricting tightly around his neck reducing his air intake. Byron's rage and years of hatred coursed through his body, he could feel Darren fumbling with his trousers, he really was going to try and fuck him he thought. The arm around his neck closed tighter and he could feel Darren's bicep extending out quickly and hard cutting his air flow off completely. Byron grabbed Darren's arm and pulled it away with ease away from his neck, twisting the arm Darren let out a cry, it was enough to allow Byron to push him off his body. The adrenaline in his body took over as he over powered Darren forcing him face down in the mud and landing on top of him with such force knocking the wind out of Darren. He yanked Darren's unzipped trousers and underwear down over his ass 'Your the one that's going to get fucked' he said pushing Darren's head down and rubbing it in the mud. Byron pulled his cock out hoping that Darren might relent but the verbal abuse continued. It was like an alien had taken over his body that was hell bent on getting revenge and putting an end to it once and for all. Byron looked down at the pathetic person, he didn't think twice and rammed his cock hard in to Darren's ass. The scream gurgling from his mouth being held down in the mud was drowned out. Holding Darren's head down and grabbing one arm to stop him trying to escape he began fucking him without mercy. The body under him tensed every time he thrusted down, he could hear the whimpering but he was going to finish the job. His balls tingling knowing he was about to cum and he pushed in hard and called him a cunt as he released his toxic seed into Darren, his body moving back and forward in the mud every time Byron pushed his hips harder against the ass to breed and hurt him. The anger still coursing through his body finding release through the end of his cock. He pulled his cock out fast and saw it streaked in Darren's blood. He pulled his leggings up and picked up his phone looking at the sorry state laying on the floor. Byron leant over him "Pathetic prat, you will remember this for the rest of your life' he said. His anger venting at the sorry state laying on the ground "Don't fucking mess with me any more" Byron shouted. He stood up straight looking down "It ends today Darren, your atonement for my years of misery" he said "now you can suffer". He put his headphones back in and jogged on for a mile as if nothing had happened, he began to run hard trying to get the anger out of his body, by the time he reached Stefan's house he was crying in a relieved way but also ashamed at the realisation of what he had done. Darren kneeled up and pulled his jeans and underwear up, he was caked in mud and stunned in his half stoned state. He was unsure what had just happened and he looked around. It was silent, not a person in sight, he felt cold and damp wiping the mud from his face with a clean part of his sleeve. His ass was burning. He stayed kneeling in the mud for a several minutes unable to move. Byron couldn't bring himself to go in, he crashed on the porch step sobbing hard. Stefan looked out of the window wondering where Byron had got to, it only took him an hour to do this run and it was well past that. Picking his phone up he dialled Byron's phone and heard it ringing outside the front door, he ran over and opened it seeing the bruise on Byron's face and covered in mud. Byron looked up 'I did something really bad' he cried, Stefan unwavering in his love for Byron picked him up and took him upstairs into the bathroom to get him cleaned up. "What happened Byron, can I not leave you alone for 5 minutes" Stefan said joking. Byron shook his head "Darren, he caught me on the hills, he was stoned" he said. "Tell me what happened?" Stefan said feeling hatred to Darren as he sponged Byron's body laying in the bath. Byron rested his head back "He was going to rape me Stefan" he said looking at him. Stefan nodded "I am guessing it might have been the other way round?" he replied with knowing look. "I don't know what came over me. I was like a monster and didn't care" Byron looked frightened as he spoke. He sniffed "I raped him hard and didn't care" Byron said wiping his eyes. Stefan ran his finger over the bruise on Byron's face "My battered and bruised baby" he said. Byron looked at Stefan "I came in his ass, I may have infected him" he said looking concerned. Stefan shrugged his shoulders "His fault" he said "maybe he will think twice now". "You don't think he will come after me again" Byron asked watching Stefan run the sponge over his body. "No" Stefan replied looking at Byron "Anyway I will break his legs if he touches you again". Byron knew that was not just words, he looked at Stefan "I am in so much debt with you" he smiled. Stefan laughed "Guess you have to sleep with me tonight then" he said grinning and leaning on the bath. "I don't get you sometimes, even after all these years" Byron said looking at Stefan intently. Stefan briefly smiled "How many times do I have to tell you how much I love you". Byron giggled "But how can you love me I am a mess" he said washing his face. Stefan smiled and ran his hand up Byron's body "I told you I would marry you even without sex" he said lifting his hand off. "Only when you propose properly" Byron laughed and Stefan kissed him on the forehead smiling. Byron stepped out of the bath cleaned and refreshed he looked in the mirror at the bruise on his face. He still couldn't believe what he had done to Darren. One thing he did feel was the dark shadow cast from all those years had been lifted, he no longer feared him and for once he felt in control. They had a bite to eat and chatted until late evening. Byron stood up and held out his hand to Stefan who smiled and stood as they walked hand in hand upstairs in to Stefan's bedroom. Stefan cuddled up to Byron resting his arm over Byron's chest. "This is still so weird you and me in bed together" Byron said "you know you being straight". Byron looked at Stefan who was smiling "Not to me it isn't" he replied turning the light off. The Flowers estate was quiet at this time of night as Darren crossed to his families flat. Still covered in mud he had sat there on the bench and smoked two joints. He ran the rant of his mother coming home stoned and covered in mud and slammed the door to the bathroom behind him. He stripped off and ran a bath, his ass was still sore but he couldn't bring himself to sit on the toilet. Getting in the bath the hot water aggravated the pain around his ass, grimacing he lowered himself fully. Bathed and sitting in his room staring at the wall he knew that was his second worse judgement trying to take Byron down, if he hadn't tried to rape him he wouldn't have ended up getting raped instead. The worst part that he now felt disgusted about was the thought he actually enjoyed it. His friends had been questioning Darren behind his back as he never seemed to get on with girls after hitting puberty. He never expected Byron to turn like that or even be able to overpower him, he thought he was quite muscular himself and could take anyone down. My god Byron had some muscle now he thought absent minded he was stroking his cock that was rock hard. Things had gone quiet on the Darren front, Byron couldn't help wondering if he would have gone to the police. Stefan would laugh trying to hear him explain that to the police, it still didn't stop the niggling that would bring him down when he thought about it. Stefan's parents returned early morning on the 20th, Matthew very proud of his wife telling the boys she got standing ovations after every number and at the end, night after night. Byron and Stefan went out in to town to shop for Christmas presents allowing his parents to catch up on some sleep. They walked out of the department store and saw Darren across the street. He looked over at Byron strangely and dived out of sight quickly. They both looked at each other and laughed. Back home Louise had finished cooking dinner, Stefan had persuaded Byron to stay despite him protesting that it was his parents first night back at home. What happened was the last thing Byron would expect, some things happen for a reason Stefan's father Matthew would tell him this a few months later. Byron sat down at the table "So how was Broadway Louise, was it good being back on the boards?" he asked Louise smiled "Yes, I had the most incredible time" she replied. Matthew laughed "She was amazing, they loved seeing her back on stage so much" he said. "Byron" Louise looked at him "Come with me and do two months on Broadway as my co-star" she said. "What?" Byron said looking surprised "me, on stage with you?" he now began to get excited. Louise laughed "One thing though Byron, there are 4 numbers you need to sing" she finished off. "Oh, you know I am not good enough" Byron started saying before Louise cut him off. "Byron you are a dam good singer" She said "and I would be honoured if you performed with me". Stefan looked at his mother "Your taking him away for two months?" he asked. "3 including rehearsal time" Louise replied looking at Stefan then Byron "What is going on here?" she asked. Byron wasn't quite sure what to say as Stefan looked at him "You know how much I love Byron" he said. "Oh right" Louise replied looking at Byron "So will you?" she asked and Byron looked confused. "Well yes of course I will" Byron replied smiling. Byron was unsure of how the sleeping arrangements until Stefan took his hand and guided him in to his bedroom and closed the door. Byron was nervous to say the least knowing Stefan's parents were in the house, there was no disapproval of them sleeping together. Keeping his underwear on he got under the duvet next to Stefan, he waited until Byron was settled before turning the light off and slipping his arms around him cuddling next to each other. Stefan chuckled 'What is with the underwear tonight?' he asked. Without waiting for a response Stefan grabbed them and started pulling them off. Byron giggled and rested his head against Stefan's neck.
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  46. Part 6 - December 2015 Boxing day was cold and frosty, the temperature outside didn't get above zero but the sky was clear and the sun hung low in the sky. Byron and Stefan stopped at the top of the Malvern hills overlooking the town for a breather at their favourite rest spot amongst the trees and muddy puddles, lots of people were out walking in the late afternoon sunshine working off the excessive of the festive season. Byron took a sip of water "So how serious is this with Julie?" he asked Stefan. Stefan sat on the bench "Quite serious she is coming tomorrow for a few days" he said looking up at Byron. "Oh" Byron replied trying not to look disappointed "Do I get to meet her?" he asked sitting next to Stefan. "Yes of course you will" Stefan said adamantly "Anyway I only have you a short time" he reminded Byron. Byron chuckled "Is that so" he punched Stefan lightly on the arm and stood up. Stefan watched Byron standing up, everything about him was perfect he thought to himself. He had such affection and love for him on all levels except sexually. Looking at him now at 19 he couldn't imagine his life without Byron being involved somehow. They set off to finish their run, Byron was staying over with Stefan tonight so the route was longer than usual. By the time the had returned Stefan's parents had left as they were away for a couple nights with friends taking in a few shows in London. Byron went to the guest bedroom and showered, he stood under the water he knew that part of their relationship would change now with his girlfriend on the scene. He did feel happy for Stefan having found someone, although he never actually said he was in love with her, so how serious was quite serious. All he did know was that she was 21 and stole his 19 year old best friend. Byron shook his head, stop thinking like that he told himself turning the shower off. He turned almost jumping out of his skin seeing Stefan standing there holding a towel for him. Byron quickly grabbed the towel a little embarrassed as this was a new low even for Stefan. "What are you so ashamed of?" Stefan asked looking at Byron curiously. "Nothing" Byron said "I mean you freaked me out finding you standing there". Stefan smiled "Don't you ever wank in the shower or bath?" he asked picking Byron's clothes up. Byron looked shocked "No, are we really having this conversation?" he asked almost to afraid to look. "How is it going with Sam?" Stefan asked changing the subject. Byron dried his hair "It's not. He has been a... don't know sort of distant the last few months" he said. Stefan sat on the toilet "Maybe he has found someone" he casually said. "You seem to think he definitely is gay" Byron said hanging the towel on the radiator. Stefan laughed "I see the way he looks at you every now and then, tiny noticeable things" he said. Byron turn his head "Are you jealous?" he asked laughing. Stefan stood up "Of course I am" he said walking out of the bathroom "Jealous and in love with you". Byron stood there shocked for a moment contemplating Stefan's response, he could make no sense, did he really mean his was in love with him. Byron had doted on Stefan from the beginning but always to afraid to show any emotion, after all it was a friendship but it did seem to stem quite deep. Stefan made a dinner of cold meats and pickles and produced a bottle of wine, they sat on the floor in the lounge talking and eating with the TV playing a Bond movie. Their similarities didn't end with friendship and what they like or dislisked, neither of them were big drinkers, just wine when at family dinners. Dinner finished they both sat back leaning against the sofa close to each other watching the movie and sipping their wine. So engrossed with chatting and enjoying each others company without family around, Stefan brought another bottle of wine. By 11pm Byron was feeling tipsy, his head flopped back on the sofa giggling, Stefan just laughed at himself when trying to stand up falling back to his knees. "Your a mess" Byron said giggling at Stefan's feeble attempt to stand up finally managing to sit on the sofa. Stefan turned the TV off "Your no better" he replied managing to stand up. "Help me up" Byron called to Stefan waving his hand around in the air. Finally managing to get upstairs Byron helped Stefan to his bedroom. Byron wavered and asked Stefan to help him to his room. Stefan stood and helped Byron. He looked at Byron who fell flat on the bed and asked him to escort him to his bedroom. Byron sat up on the bed and Stefan helped him up and they walked back to Stefan's room. Both boys crashed on the bed. Stefan laughed "This is no good we are not getting anywhere, you better sleep here tonight" he slurred at Byron. Byron crawled up on the bed and undressed "Okay I can't walk anymore" he said without thinking as Stefan lifted the duvet. Byron crawled in to bed next to Stefan laying on his back unable to keep his eyes open. Stefan rolled on to his side moving closer and laid his arm across Byron's chest and fell asleep. Stefan was beginning to wake up and already he knew he was going to have a headache from the wine. He felt so warm and comfortable he didn't want to move. Byron mumbled and stroked the arm laying across his chest. Byron snapped his eyes open 'Oh god no' he said panicking and trying to sit up, Stefan held him down. "Don't worry we didn't do anything" Stefan said with his eyes closed "we were both drunk". "I'm sorry" Byron said feeling anxious "I shouldn't drink I can't handle it". Stefan smiled "Carry on stroking my arm, I like it" he said nudging in closer. They laid in bed together a further hour, as weird as this was Byron felt so turned on but also safe having Stefan naked and close to him in this way. Stefan leaned over and kissed Byron on the head and slipped out of bed to shower realising the time as Julie would be arriving in an hour. Byron laid there looking at the ceiling unable to believe they had shared a bed, he climbed out and walked to his room and showered, when he came out Stefan stood there with a coffee and shaking some headache tablets at him. Byron laughed and told him he didn't have a headache just felt a little rough. Stefan disappeared downstairs leaving Byron to get changed, he picked up the cup and headed down to the kitchen. His biggest worry was if last night would change anything between them and Stefan would become more distant, especially now he had a girl on the go. Julie arrived at 2pm and she wasn't what Byron expected, in fact she was pretty ordinary and appeared nice to Byron when meeting him. She was all over Stefan and telling him to do this and do that and rolling her eyes when he did something she disapproved of, she was fast getting under Byron's skin treating his best friend like this. They had lunch and Byron could tell that Stefan was still a little hungover, he thought it best to keep quiet about last night and where they ended up. It turned out to be a fairly sociable afternoon, Byron though felt a jealous streak rising in him, he really didn't like the way Julie ordered Stefan around, it wasn't done in a harsh way more a carefully controlled manner. When Byron looked at her it was as if she knew his family were well off and she had found her meal ticket in life. Stefan disappeared to use the bathroom leaving Byron alone with Julie. "You seem to hang around a lot" Julie said watching Byron and suddenly changing for attitude towards him. Byron looked up at her "Does it bother you me being here?" he asked. "Maybe you should go and spend the holiday with your family" she replied. Byron felt her change in attitude "What and leave you alone with him?" he replied wanting to wind her up. Julie stared with no emotion "Yes with my Stef" she said making herself clear. "Stefan" Byron corrected her "his name is Stefan not Stef" he said standing up and really disliking her. Julie smiled "Good at least we understand each other and where you fit in now" she said quite abruptly. Byron took another swipe at her "He can't see through, but I can" he replied firing a warning shot at her before walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" Stefan asked walking back in to the lounge. Byron smiled "I should go home let you have some time together" he said hugging Stefan and heading upstairs. "Byron" Stefan called following him in to the hallway. "Stef come and sit with me" Julie called from the lounge. "Let me drive you home at least" Stefan called up to Byron without any response. Julie stood at the door impatiently "Leave him Stef he wants to go home" she said softly to him. Stefan looked up the stairs "What did you say to him?" he asked her without turning around. Julie touched his arm "Nothing, he said he needed to go home and spend it with his family". The anger rose in Stefan he knew dam well that Byron would never say that, anyway he had spent the last 3 days with his family. They had dropped him off at Stefan's to spend a few days. She pawed at his arm coercing him back into the lounge and it began to annoy Stefan. "You don't like him do you?" Stefan asked turning to face her. Julie pulled his arm motioning for him to follow her "He is nice but I came here to be with you not him" she said. "Don't ever come between Byron and me" Stefan said turning to look back up the stairs. Julie pulled on his arm again "I am your girlfriend" she said. Stefan turned to face her "No one comes between Byron and me, he is big part of my life" he said. Julie saw Byron as the top of the stairs "He wants to give you some space" she said calmly "there is nothing wrong with that". Byron walked down the stairs "I'm sorry, I will call you Stefan" he said walking towards the door. Stefan walked over and grabbed his arm "Byron you are not leaving like this" he said. Byron smiled "I am not going to get in the way of your happiness" he replied looking at Julie. "You walking out will get in the way of any happiness I have in life" Stefan said grabbing Byron's bag. Byron looked at him "Seriously" he said holding his hand out for his bag looking Stefan in the eyes. Stefan grinned at him "Don't you dare walk out of this house" he said staring back at Byron. "Or what you will hunt me down like a hound" Byron said and barked causing Stefan to laugh. Stefan shook his head "You know I will, hunt you until I find you." he said smiling taking his back bag upstairs, he turned "Your mine". Julie looked at Byron "You disgusting pervert" she said with daggers in her eyes. Byron looked at her "Are you threatened by my friendship with Stefan?" he asked curiously. Julie looked up stairs then back at Byron "I will have you out of his life before long" she said in a very bitchy tone. Byron had never felt such hatred for one person "You think so? You can't compete against me" Byron said folding his arms. "He is in love with you Stefan, it is disgusting" Julie said looking at Stefan coming down the stairs. Stefan casually smiled "Of course he is, he has been since school" he replied taking her by surprise. "I'm your girlfriend Stef, I should mean more to you" Julie said tugging Stefan's arm. "The last few minutes you have upset me more than Byron he has ever done in the years we have known each other" Stefan said to her. "Don't tell me you would choose him over me?" Julie said looking astounded. Stefan's response was fast and definite "Yes I would" he emphasised making sure she understood. Julie stood there mouth open "But I thought we were in love?" she said all lovingly. Julie looked at Byron "There is nothing sexual we just have a very close bond" Byron said. "Don't you speak to me" Julie spat out looking at Byron "Nothing sexual, your a freak". Stefan stood in front of Bryon looking at Julie "Byron no, you don't need to explain yourself to anyone" Stefan said looking angry. Julie looked between Stefan and Byron "I won't ever be able to compete with this will I?" she finally said. Julie picked up her bag and coat "No one will love you Stefan with this baggage" she said sarcastically. "Well at least you got his name right" Byron said sitting on he stairs shocked at how Stefan was behaving protecting him. "Well?" she said waiting for Stefan to stop her leaving. Stefan walked over to the door and opened it "Fucking weirdos" she screamed storming out of the house. Byron looked at the door "Shit, I am so sorry Stefan maybe this is all wrong" he said. "I told you Byron no one will come between us and I meant it, I love you too much" Stefan said watching him. Byron turned to look at him "Sometimes you scare me a little" he said. Stefan walked up to him "Anyone will have to accept you as part of my life" he said hugging Byron. They day had turned out to be very strange as far as Byron was concerned. He truly never expected Stefan to choose him over his girlfriend, maybe was there was more behind the words with Stefan. Byron helped Stefan making coffee and then went in to the lounge and resumed their positions sitting on the floor leaning against the sofa rather than sitting on it. "When did you dislike her?" Stefan asked putting his cup down on the table. Byron handed Stefan his cup "When she called you Stef, it wound me up" he said. Stefan laughed "Fucking hated her calling me that" he replied, he sat in silence a moment "You know I would marry you" he said out of the blue. Byron laughed "Fuck off" he said laughing and punching Stefan "what kind of marriage would it be without sex?" he said thinking how ridiculous it sounded. Stefan chuckled "One where you would be mine, we could laugh every day and be together" he said. Byron held his hands up "No way, and let you sit there making me eat chocolate fattening me up so you could look better than me" he laughed. Stefan moved swiftly and sat across Byron's legs "Speaking of which" he grabbed a chocolate and tried forcing it in Byron's mouth. "No, no" Byron cried with laughter trying to keep his lips closed. He thought Stefan had given up until he put the chocolate in his mouth and grabbed Byron's arms pinning them down. Byron began to panic a little as Stefan lunged forward pushing his lips up against Byron's trying to prise them apart. Realising he was stuck Byron parted his lips and allowed Stefan to push the chocolate in with his tongue lingering for a moment then pulling away laughing. "I know chocolate is the way to your heart" Stefan said smiling down looking him in the eyes in a very different way now. Byron looked up at him and noticed the incredibly intent look "That was devious" he said feeling a little uneasy but turned on. Stefan sat back down "Sorry I didn't mean anything by it" he said looking a little embarrassed. "You know how you can make it up to me?" Byron said straddling Stefan's lap making him laugh. Byron picked up a chocolate "No nuts" Stefan said smiling as Byron put the chocolate in his mouth. Stefan looked at him "Come one then what you waiting for?" he asked. Byron dived in but didn't linger quite as long as Stefan did, still it was enough to sense Stefan's lips and touch his tongue briefly. They rolled around on the floor wrestling with each other laughing. Both flat on their backs laughing hard slapping each others arms trying to calm down. Byron sat up, come on we need to run work off that chocolate he said laughing and helping Stefan to his feet. The rest of the day they sat in the lounge chatting until 10pm when Stefan said he was still a little hungover and needed to go to bed. Stefan watch Byron head off to the guest room "Where are you going?" he asked. Byron was surprised when Stefan grabbed his hand and guided him in to his bedroom "Is this wise, I mean we were drunk last night" he said. "Don't you want to sleep with me again?" Stefan asked turning to look at him. Byron almost hesitated at the door but Stefan held his hand tightly "Yes" he quietly said. It seemed to put Byron in an awkward position at first until he climbed under the duvet settling down next to Stefan, he looked at Byron 'you want to cuddle?' he asked but didn't wait for Byron's response. Turning the light off he put his arm under Byron's neck and pulled him on his side so he rested up against Stefan's body. They chatted for a while and Byron placed his arm tentatively across Stefan's chest. Stefan yawned and kissed Byron on the head 'night' he said and within minutes Stefan was asleep and Byron laid there watching him until his eyes closed. Byron slept so peacefully that night with the person he really did absolutely adore and loved as a friend for many years. Strangely any awkwardness seemed to float away. Sam walked out of the clinic devastated but at the same time relieved by the news he had received, one time he thought, the one time he had sex and Kurt had given him hiv. The whole of Christmas had been a wash out for him ever since the doctor hinted that it could be the underlying cause of his recent bout of sickness the week before the holiday season. He was put straight on to medication to keep things under control, his main concern was when Byron moved back to London, he would no doubt see the drugs and know something was wrong. He had to be careful and keep them out of sight. Something niggled at him the weeks after Kurt fucked him the toilet cubicle the words 'I'm going to breed you' kept ringing back, understanding now what those words meant. Inside at least he was happy that he knew what the cause of his sickness was down to. The one thing he never counted on was finding a gay hook up site where so many people practiced bareback sex who were poz but mostly undetectable. At least his sex life wouldn't die before it started, he shivered in the cold air and walked back to the flat having come back to London early.
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  47. Time seemed to stand still. I was conscious that my breathing was in sync with his hard abs. Through the thin fabric of his yellow lycra I could also see the slightly thickened outline of his cock. It might have been the light but I couldn’t see the normal jagged appearance of a piercing that I noticed when I wore my own speedos. My own cock was in shock and has shrivelled down. Still deep in my subconscious I knew my package still looked impressive. I took a toke and inhaled deeply, holding on to the spliff. My mind was still in two places. There, in the apartment working through various scenarios simultaneously. The other half thinking about my boyfriend. No, not like that. We both fucked around but rather, where was he that night. Then I remembered. He was at an all-black night at the most popular gay sauna. It happened once every couple of months and only black guys were allowed in. That might offend the more politically correct amongst you but I figure if you breed man cunt and take loads in your own then you’ve not got a principle to stand on. Plus he always came back wanting to fuck like an animal so I didn’t mind that he went. He went because he loved taking black cock deep in his own cunt. It was something we had in commons and we’d only discovered when for our fifth anniversary he surprised me with a black porn star I always fantasised about for a day of Chem induced fucking. Half way through when my own arse needed a rest I couldn’t believe it when my partner offered his arse up to the 12” of the porn star to be ripped open. Since then he partied every other month like a whore bottom. Then came home and took out his pent up top-ness out of my, my arse and my body. I fucking loved it. Jacque chuckled and reached into the table and grabbed the piercing. Holding it to the light he unscrewed the ball and put it back on the table. As I watched, almost as if I wasn’t there, he pulled out his cock, picked up the piercing and, staring right at me, slid it into place and rotated it to make sure. My mouth was dry. “Hand me the spliff.” I did as I was told. Jacque too a deep hit and make no effort to put his cock back into his speedos. Not that it would fit. As he took a drag it filled with blood and as he held the smoke he lazily wrapped one hand around his ever hardening cock. My own cock snapped to attention in my speedos. My balls tightening at the same time. He chuckled. “Doesn’t that hurt?” I looked at him quizzically until he nodded at my crotch. I chuckled nervously and lowered the speedos to release my cock but keeping them tight against my balls. My own hand gripped the shaft of my cock as I gave it a slow, deliberate stroke. Jacques took another toke and mouth “wow” as he exhaled smoke in my direction. He put the spliff in the ashtray. He closed his eyes and stretched his arms above his head. A spurt of precum leaked from the head of my cock. Normally, the minute a guy takes his cock out in front of me I’m either on my knees or on my back wanting it in either hole. Right now I was confused. If I’m honest I still couldn’t work this all out. Not even if he was gay, or if it was the spliff or if he was simply a straight boy fucking with my mind. Suddenly Jacques was on his feet. He walked around the table and sat next to me. Smiling he offered me the spliff. As I took a drag he leaned down and took the whole of my cock in his mouth. And I mean the whole of it. In one motion like a seasoned pro. I moaned as his warm mouth engulfed my hard cock. With one hand at the base of my cock, he used the other the knead my balls. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to show he knew what he was doing. My head rolled back as the spliff and his warm wet mouth and tongue worked their magic and he kneaded and tugged my balls insistently. Then, suddenly and out of nowhere I felt my balls tighten as spunk started to leap down my shaft. Before I knew it I was spewing a wad of creamy spunk into his mouth. Without hesitation, Jacques swallowed my load. I couldn’t believe it. I’d never cum that quick. Ever. Normally I needed a cock deep in my cunt to even get hard. Now I was spunking like an adolescent. As I shuddered from the orgasm, Jacques stood up and looked down at me. Picking up the red speedos he turned away. “Shame dude. Close the door behind you.” Stunned, I watched as he walked away, not looking back once. In a daze I got dressed and left. Fuck.
    1 point
  48. what a great ass wreckiing pozfucker tool...I try to knock up slutholes as well...maybe once we can join in wrecking neg ass?
    1 point
  49. I love being fucked by a guy wearing a PA - if a guy offers to take it out I insist he keep it in x
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