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  1. Jason had been flicking through the second hand rubber pages looking for a bargain. The idea was to subtly get a wardrobe together on the quiet, especially as most of the shops had been closed due to the pandemic. He clicked on one seller, who seemed to have all manner of gear for sale. Having messaged the seller a few times, and realising that he lived a few stops away, he’d decided he’d go and pay him a visit himself. When Jason reached the address he was a bit nervous. He knew the seller had an online profile and had always marvelled at how hot the rubber looked on him. As he was let into the block, he made his way to the seller’s flat. He could smell the horny scent of rubber and leather from in the hallway, and his cock started to twitch. “Hi, you must be Jason” “Yes, you’re, um, PigTop yes?” “Hahaha. Yeah, for now you can call me Steve” As Jason ventured inside Steve’s flat, he was overwhelmed by the scent of the gear. He could see a sling set up in one badly lit room, and thought that Steve was obviously a keen pig. “You said I could try some bits on” “Sure mate, can I get you anything? Fancy a beer?” “Bit early for me, but fuck it – we’re all furloughed so it won’t matter” Steve smiled as he went into the kitchen, leaving Jason to take in the surroundings… “Wow, you really do have a lot of gear” “Yes, I do. I’d been running a series of online auctions to clear some of it. A lot of it belonged to my ex who is no longer with us” “Sorry to hear that. How did he go if I may ask” “Health issues mainly, which weren’t helpful when he picked up this bastard covid” “Oh shit. Sorry to hear that” “Well we’d been a couple up until last year, but he left me this place in his will so I thought I’d let my fantasies take over and enjoy the new freedom” “Gosh, sounds really hot. I’d love to be able to live like this” Steve handed Jason the beer, which he took a swig of. It wasn’t a taste he recognized but found it refreshing nonetheless. “Right. What sort of thing were you after? A full suit yeah?” “Yeah. Thought I’d take the plunge and just need to know how it fits and feels” “Well I have a few. Why don’t you strip off and we can see if anything fits” Jason took no time in undressing. A bit flushed and light-headed, he was soon standing naked surrounded by a room of rubber gear. Mostly black, but with bits of yellow, red and brown detail on each outfit. Like a kid in a sweetshop, he didn’t know where to begin and picked up a yellow rubber full suit. “Hehe. Piss pig, yes?” “Well, um, I don’t know. I like what it represents but never tried piss” “Oh Jason, you should. Nothing hornier than pissing on a guy and marking my territory” Jason just nervously smiled at that remark and begun to slide himself into the outfit. Feeling a bit dizzy as the horniness of the moment and his increasing drunkenness(?) How come he was drunk? Steve helped Jason into the suit and soon Jason was looking like a true piss pig. His hard on was now unmissable. “I can see you’re agreeing with the suit judging by your cock” “Um, yes. It’s very horny. I like it” “You ever been pissed on, boy?” Jason was taken aback, and this sudden change to being addressed to as ‘boy’ was starting to affect his mind. “Um, no. What’s it like?” With that, Steve dropped his tracksuit bottoms to reveal he’d been wearing black rubber leggings beneath him. Jason suddenly felt very horny. “I’ll give you a glimpse boy. Kneel” With that, a horny and confused Jason went to his knees and before he realised, Steve had fished his cock out and was aiming it at Jason’s face and let forth a stream in his direction. Jason felt as hard as ever as Steve pissed over him. This wasn’t how he usually behaved, but for some reason the horniness was overriding everything. As Steve finishing pissing, he bent down to Jason and kissed him. “There you go. Wasn’t so hard to turn you into a piss pig was it?” “Um, yeah. I guess not. That was hotter than I expected” “Thought you’d like it boy. What about checking out some more gear for me?” Jason was a little confused. He’d come here to buy some gear. Not a session. Especially not a session of new experiences. “Um, yeah. That was horny. I liked that” “Thought so, boy. Here let me suggest an outfit you might soon never want to take off” Jason smirked. He’d love to be in that situation. Living in gear seemed a hot prospect. Steve held up a black suit. “What about this one – I’m sure you’ll soon love it” Jason looked at the suit – it was black with a bit of yellow detailing. “Yeah, um, sure” Steve lubed up the suit and knelt down to help Jason into it. “You’ll soon feel part of something in this, boy” Again, Jason was finding all this too good to be true. Steve was a true pervert and a gentleman, and yet even when he’d pissed on Jason, it felt good to let this man take care of him. As he slid his arms into the suit and adjusted himself, Jason was feeling hornier than ever.# “Ah yes boy. That looks fantastic. A true pig. Let me show you how you look” Steve pulled out another mirror so Jason could see the whole of the suit. It was then when he noticed the biohazard symbol on the back. His cock instantly got firmer. “Oh yeah, that looks great boy. You were made for that” “Um, yeah. It’s very horny but I’m not sure wearing this out would be wise. I’m not poz. I don’t know if I should…” “Yeah but look how hard your cock is boy” This was true. Jason had never been harder. Something about wearing an outfit like this turned him on so much. Just as Jason was starting to think and feel dirtier thoughts, Steve removed his t-shirt to reveal a rubber vest. It too, had a biohazard symbol on it. It had the effect on Jason. Making him harder than ever. “Looks like boy has an interest in the biohazard symbol, eh?” Steve took Jason into the playroom so the pair of them could look at each other in better light, if anything. Steve had noticed Jason had finished his drink, which seeing as he’d slipped a pill in it, was good news – Jason, the boy was now his. “Oh my boy. You don’t know how horny you look in that suit. I want to jump you” “Thanks Steve. It’s true, I didn’t think I’d feel this horny” “Oh I can get you hornier, boy” And as he said that, Steve began to stroke Jason and the pair of them began to kiss again. Jason, somewhat amazed at his forwardness started to nuzzle at Steve’s body, nibbling his tits and – after Steve had passed him some poppers – was beginning to lick at and worship Steve’s biohazard symbol on his chest. “Good boy. I think it’s about time you learned what joy this suit can give you” Steve pushed an increasingly cooperative Jason towards the sling. Jason, for his part, pulled himself into the sling and got comfortable. “Ever been fucked, boy?” “A couple of times, but nothing special. Not in a sling anyway” “Well it’s turning into a day of firsts for you isn’t it?” Jason obliged and let himself get strapped in. Had he had his wits about him, he’d have got out of that sling and out of the flat sharpish. He’d been pissed on and was about to be fucked while wearing a biohazard symbol on his back. However the idea of it was turning him on far more than the hope of escape did. As Steve secured Jason into the sling, he stuck more poppers up Jason’s nose. Knowing full well he’d got him exactly where he wanted him. Jason was starting to feel hornier than ever. Bucking his arse and now seemingly hungry for whatever Steve had planned. He then felt the zip being undone at his arse. “yes boy, by pissing on you I’d staked my claim on you. Marked my property. Now I’m going to help you earn that suit properly” Jason was whirling in a state of horniness and wonder. Inside he knew that this wasn’t probably his wisest move, but he was in no state or position to change that now. Steve had started fingering an increasingly hungry Jason’s hole… “Nice and tight. Let’s sort that out” As Steve started to push his cock into Jason, he sensed a hesitation – the mix of trepidation and fear that he noticed in all his pigs. If anything, it was turning Steve on more. “Yes boy, let me in. Accept your reward. A gift, even” Jason was in ecstasy at this juncture. All reasonable thoughts and guards were abandoned now. He was getting rawfucked by a guy aka PigTop, and the pair of them were wearing poz rubber gear. He’d have run if he could, quite honestly. Steve worked his cock into Jason, striking up a rhythm almost. “That’s it boy. Enjoy this. Savour every moment. I think you’ll soon realise what you really came here for” Jason was all over the place. He didn’t want, or expect, this. “Please… No… I don’t want… oh God” “Relax boy. Boss knows what’s good for you. Boss is going to open your eyes and mind to a whole new world of pleasure. Tell me what you want” “I… I don’t want to… argh oh god this feels fantastic” “Hehehe. My poz precum is giving you the hunger you crave. Accept yourself. Accept your destiny” “Oh yeah. Oh God. Fuck. Yes. Fuck meeee” “Good boy. Let Boss recycle you into a dirty toxic rubberpig” “Fuck… yes… tox… Oh god…” “Tell me what you want boy” “I want… this. Steve. Help” “I’m afraid Steve can’t be reached at the moment, but your new boss TopPig is available. Boss knows what you want” “Yes… Boss… It’s true. I feel so good” “Good boy. Boss is going to help you become a true pig, boy. You need to beg your boss though” “Please… boss… don’t argh. God I feel so good.” Steve stopped briefly to administer more poppers to Jason. And felt his forthcoming pigboy’s arse muscles clench hard on his cock “Yes boy. That’s the spirit. Now, tell me what you want” “I want your cum, boss. Please. Feed me your cum” “Good boy, it’s toxic cum. It’s what you need. And soon it will take you over, boy” “yes Boss. Give me… toxic cum” “You’re on the road to becoming a pozpig, boy. I’m off meds and have a good hit rate of knocking up boys like you. Boys who need direction. Boys who need recycling into pozpigs” “Fuck yes Boss. Turn me into your pig, boss” “What sort of pig?” “A pozpig, boss. Give it to me” “As you asked so nicely…” Steve was breathing heavily and turned on, lasting a few moments until his toxic brew flooded Jason’s hole… “FUCK YEAH” “Oh fuck. Thank you Boss. Thank you” “Like that did you? I knew you would. Your cock has been straining against that codpiece. We’re all friends here now. How about I let that free for you?” Steve unsnapped the rubber codpiece and Jason’s cock sprung free and still as hard as ever. “What a tasty cock you have boy, why don’t you let boss help you milk out your last neg load as a reward” Before Jason could protest, Steve was seductively making a show of sucking Jason’s cock. Looking up to Jason in throes of ecstasy. He had done the job he’d planned to do. Just as his eyes met Jason’s, Jason erupted inside Steve’s mouth and Steve gobbled every drop. He then moved up to Jason’s face, and fed Jason’s neg load back to him via a long kiss. Pausing for a while afterwards, Jason was left lying in the sling. Acclimatising to his new predicament. Slightly panicking but also accepting what had occurred. Steve, or Boss, had tricked him good. But Boss had also opened his hole and mind and body to a new life. When Boss returned to the room, he began to unstrap Jason from the sling. Not before slipping a plug into Jason’s used hole to “allow the gift to do its work” As Jason got out of the sling, he knew that he’d turned a corner. The poz reprogramming began in earnest. He knew that he could quite possibly be poz now, and his cocked twitched at the thought. But also he was fearful. He was a mess of contradictions. He’d arrived to buy some gear and had now been pissed on, pozfucked and now plugged with a toxic load incubating inside him. “How do you feel pigboy?” “I’m horny but also nervous and well, wasn’t expecting this” “Haha, it’s understandable. I’ve seen many lads like you before. Mentally adjusting to their new desires and forthcoming predicament. If you want, I’ll knock £50 off the suit if you feel you want it. I must say it’s a horny, perfect fit on you” “Yeah, that’s cool. I think I might go for it. I mean, I’ve never felt so horny but also so wrong” “Only to be expected, boy. If you want, you can take it off and you can have a shower and flush yourself out if you’re nervous and you can get some pills to try and stop the inevitable, but I don’t think you really want that, do you boy?” “Um, no Boss. I… don’t” “Good boy. The suit is yours if you want it. You can leave here now with it and wank off about how horny and toxic you look. Or, I think I could probably tempt you into keeping it on a little longer and we can work more on your poz recruitment. I think you secretly want to become a pozbrother, don’t you boy?” Jason sensed that this could all be over and done with, but his new desires were beginning to overwhelm him. He walked over to his new Boss, knelt down and placed his cock into his mouth. After some sucking he pulled away and saw his Boss smiling. “Good boy. I knew you’d see sense. Let your Boss welcome you into the brotherhood”
    13 points
  2. I’m a technical professional and as part of my job I travel to a variety of locations across North America. Staying in hotel rooms can get pretty old, so when I am visiting a location where friends or relatives live I often try to visit since I have all my time free after work. On one visit to LA, I decided to reach out to one of my old friends and see if we could get together. Mark and I had attended school together back in my hometown and always had a blast getting buzzed and picking up girls. It had been years since I spoke to Mark, but we were linked on social media and had several friends in common so was hoping we might get the chance to get together and have a laugh. I finished work and went to my room to get cleaned up and to see if Mark was available to get together that evening. I called the number listed for Mark but another man answered. “Hello, may I speak to Mark?” I inquired. “I’m sorry but Mark isn’t home right now, may I take a message?” replied the voice on the phone. “”Sure, I’m James – Mark and I were old school buddies and I was hoping we could get together while I’m in town to catch up” I responded. “Oh yeah, hi James, I’m Bob – Mark’s roommate. Mark has told me about some of your escapades from the past…we’ve tried to continue the pursuit of debauchery in your absence, maybe even take it to a higher level”. I laughed and said “I should have figured Mark was as cool as ever. Could you let him know I called and give him my number?”. “If you’re free for the evening perhaps you’d like to come over and wait? Mark should be home soon enough and you can chill until he gets here” Bob replied. Since I was already dressed with no plans I thought it might be fun. “Sounds great…I can be there shortly…Oh – do you need me to bring anything?” I inquired. “No, just bring your body on over and we’ll be set for a fun evening” Bill responded with a mischievous tone. “Great then – see you soon” I replied more than a little curious about Bob. I’m a married man but had my share of bisexual experiences so I was pretty sure that Bob might be interested in more than hearing stories about back-in-the-day. I felt my cock growing a little as I imagined the possibilities, but quickly put those thoughts on hold and headed out. I drove my rental car to Mark’s address and found it was an old servant’s house behind a very large place. It seemed nice from the outside so I continued to the door where I found a folded note with my name attached to a clip by the door. I pulled the note and it read: James – come on in and lock the door behind you as you enter. I didn’t think that the note was strange since Mark and I were from a “come on in and make yourself at home” type of small town community. I entered through the door and saw there was a long hall with a room opening to the left at the end. I headed toward the room calling out to Bob so he would know I was there. As I rounded the corner I saw a large TV with gay porno playing and I immediately felt my cock stir in my pants. I looked across from the TV and saw Bob in a large overstuffed chair. He was looking directly into my eyes while a very attractive male kneeled before him; both were naked. As my eyes focused I saw that the young, blonde Adonis was bobbing up and down on Bob’s ample cock and was making very sexy slurping noises in the process. Bob continued to keep direct eye contact with me while he pushed his boy away and quickly stood up and extended his hand to greet, his hard dick pointed directly at me. “Great to meet you Bob. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything” I said while giving him a wink. “Don’t be silly. I had my boy roll a few for us before you arrived…take a seat and fire one up while I get you something to drink” Bob responded. He offered me some iced tea which was a relief since I don’t drink alcohol when I’m traveling on business. After he handed me the drink and returned to his seat, we passed one around. I was starting to feel quite comfortable at that point so I said “please continue what you were doing and I’ll sit here for a bit and enjoy the view”. The eager young man quickly returned to his place between Bob’s legs, this time raising his perfect ass where I would have a great view. His sexy butt-hole was glistening and I was pretty sure he had already had some fun recently. After placing his hands on the young man’s head as encouragement to take him deeper, Bob looked at me and said “Take off your clothes James”. When Bob had stood up I had noticed a few things about him; he was considerably taller than me (I’m a short guy), his body was cover with dark hair that was neatly trimmed, and his cock was about 9” long with a respectable girth. I was immediately impressed by his confidence and his welcoming manner. The fact that I was also majorly turned on by the circumstances upon arrival also influenced my willingness to do whatever Bob instructed at that time. As if his deep, sexy voice telling me to remove my clothes had me in a trance, I immediately stood and began removing my clothes. I took off my shirt, shoes and socks, and then unfastened my pants. When I pulled my pants down my hard cock sprang from my pants, showing the pre-cum that had already begun leaking and was about to drip onto the floor. I heard Bob say “nice!” and then tell his boy to move away and sit on the couch next to the chair. Once his boy was seated he told me to get on all fours in front of his chair. I was all-in at this point and quickly positioned myself on hands and knees before him as requested. In a fluid motion Bob slid down behind me and placed his hands on my ass cheeks, spreading and kneading them so he could get a better look at my hole. I heard him making a guttural growl as he slowly leaned in, moving his face closer and closer to my open bottom. Soon I felt his lips kiss my butt hole as I simultaneously felt the vibrations from his vocal chords as he continued to growl and moan while pushing his tongue inside. I knew then that I would let Bob do whatever he wished with my body, and I began to push my ass back into his probing orifice to let him know I was at his command. -To Be Continued-
    5 points
  3. Met up with a guy on Grindr today. I got to his place and he was immediately all over me kissing and groping me on the way to his bedroom. We strip down and I get to see his beautiful 8.5” cock, pictures didn’t do him justice, it’s thick like a big redbull can and curves slightly up. He throws me on the bed and starts eating my ass making me moan. He spits on his dick and shoved in but the pain was intense so I have him lay down as I straddle his cock. I work my ass down all 8.5” and I’m in bottom heaven. I start riding him as he calls me a slut, whore, just a hole for cock and cum which makes me ride him even harder. He pushes me face down and starts ramming my ass continuing the dirty talk. He flips me over so we’re face to face and spits in my mouth and slaps my face. He spits on me again as he starts choking me and telling me he’s going fill my slut hole with his poz cum. He pulls me back on top of him and tells me to jerk off and cum in his mouth which I do and after I feed him my load he slams balls deep in my hole and breeds me with his hot poz load. He pulls out and shoves a buttplug in my ass and tells me to keep his load in. He said he would be rough and he didn’t disappoint lol. I can’t wait to go back for round two.
    3 points
  4. Sunday afternoon, I went to a local adult store armed with my mask, some lube and a bottle of poppers. Aside from about 75% wearing masks, it was filled with trolls. However, as I made my way by the cubicles, I saw a hot stud with Rasta style hair. Now I like black guys and they usually like me, so I gave him the eye and he gave it back I was about to enter a cube, when one of the trolls cock blocked me. I headed to another cube and the stud followed me in. I locked the door, he pulled down his jeans, and I got on my knees. With no exaggeration, he had at least a 10 inch cock. I sniffed his cock to make sure it didn't smell like shit, then I sucked his head. About a minute later, he was in my throat and he was moaning. I was wearing shorts and managed to get out of them while still giving the stud head. I handed him a small bottle of lube and he squeezed some onto his fingers. "Show me your hole." I stood up to give him better access to my fresh hole while still sucking him off. "I want to feel your hole. " So I knelt on the bench and cracked open my bottle of poppers. I felt his cockhead at my hole and he pushed steadily in until I felt his nuts at my hole. He felt incredible as he started to breed me. About ten minutes after he entered me, he said, "You're gonna make me nut." I told him to knock me up. He pounded me a few more times until he grunted and gripped my tight. I could fill his cock spasming as felt a warm wet flush inside. We exchanged numbers and will hopefully rut again.
    3 points
  5. I had an appointment near downtown today. The freeway traffic was lighter than expected and I arrived in the area of my meeting about 40 minutes early. So, I swung by the adult bookstore nearby. The lot was full and I had to circle the block before a parking stall became available. It was 1pm on a Monday. This is usually a good time for sucking str8 guys. During the lunch break hours, this place tends to fill up with str8, married guys looking for a quick bj before heading back to work. I entered the arcade to see that most of the booths had the red lights on, indicating someone was inside, watching a film. I tried a few doors. Found one unlocked and entered to find a rather nerdy looking guy in his mid 30's. He was wearing dark slacks and a white dress shirt and wearing thick, black glasses. He had his dick out and was jacking off to a str8 flick. I locked the door and dropped to my knees. He let out an audible moan as I closed my lips around his cock and began to suck. His cock was a rock hard, 6 incher. Thick and uncut. I sucked and chewed on his foreskin as he stroked the back of my head. I softly massaged his hairy balls as I sucked. I could tell from his breathing and soft grunts that he was going to be a quick cummer. Sure enough, I moved my finger from his balls and found his asshole. I didn't press in, but just gently rubbed his puckered asshole. That put him over the edge. His groaning turned louder and he let out a yelp. "Oh, FUCK!!!" He grunted as he unloaded his cum into my mouth. In typical str8 guy fashion, the moment he came, he pushed me back, he stood and pulled some tissues from the dispenser on the wall. He wiped his cock and stepped into his pants. Pulling them up. He was out the door before I stood and wiped my mouth with a tissue. I exited the booth and began to try doorknobs again. I found another booth with an unlocked door. Inside I found a guy in his late 60's. He looked a lot like the grandpa that lives next door to me. I wasn't particularly turned on by him, until I saw the big, hard dick he had in his hands. I locked the door and assumed my usual position on my knees, between his legs. His cock was cut and at least 7 inches. Fairly thick with a big mushroom cockhead. This guy was silent as I began to suck. He never did make a sound or a moan. But, his cock was rock hard, so I knew he was enjoying my mouth. About 10 minutes of sucking brought his cum in my mouth. It wasn't a big load, like the earlier guy. But it was sweet and I always enjoy knowing I've gotten a str8 guy off. I thanked him for his load, but got no response as I straightened my hair and left his booth. I checked my watch. I had 10 more minutes before I had to absolutely leave to make it to my appointment on time. As I was debating if I should go or stay for a bit, a short, buff, scruffy looking guy in his late 20's or early 30's came into the arcade. He was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt covered in paint splatters covering them. His messed up dirty blonde hair also had splattered paint all over it. He looked like the blue collar, scruffy, bad boys that I love to get off. We were walking toward each other, but he didn't seem to look at me at all. He quickly found an empty booth with a green light. He went into the booth, closed the door. I didn't hear him flip the door lock, so it probably meant he was up to get sucked off. I waited until he had started a film and the light turned to red. I gave him a few moments to get settled and horny, then tried his door knob. Sure enough, it was unlocked. He was leaning against the wall, rubbing his crotch. He never looked at me, but kept his eyes glued to the fake titted bimbo that was screaming in fake ecstasy as a tall, muscular black guy is pounding her with his bbc. I walked over to him and began to feel his bulge. He moved his hand and let me rub his already hard cock through his dirty jeans. I dropped to my knees and unbuttoned his waistband and fly. I pulled his tight jeans down and put my mouth over his rock hard cock inside his white briefs that had the faint smell of piss. Then I pulled his briefs down and wrapped my lips around his smallish 5 inch, slender, cut cock. I love sucking smallish cocks as much as monster cocks. I love being able to work both my lips and my throat on a guys throbbing cock. He must have been super horny because he literally was cumming down my throat in 3 minutes. I milked his cock with the back of my throat as he unloaded in me. He was silent, but his body was convulsing and shaking as he came in me. By now, I had to get going. I quickly pulled myself together, left the store and drove to my appointment. Arriving right on time. It was so nice to be back in the arcade, taking load after load of str8 cum.
    2 points
  6. I awoke without being able to say how I had lost track of the world. Blurry memories from a nightclub danced through my foggy mind and I tried to get up only to find myself both seated and tied up. "Hnnmmpf" my voice was a muffled moan, something soft covered my eyes. I started to come back to my senses. I remembered being drunk, but then...on my way home, something smelly had suddenly been pressed into my face. And now I was sitting on a chair...it felt like silk held me in place. I struggled, my muscles tensed to fight the gentle bonds, but all I could do was wiggle dangerously with my chair. That was when a hand lay on my chest and held me. I jerked in shock of the sudden touch. The hand felt warm and incredible smooth and slick, like no flesh and blood could. The hand rubbed my bare chest a little, so I could feel the vinyl glove. I trashed in the bonds, fought the mysterious kidnapper, who just kept fondling me. I could feel a second hand join the first. Whoever was this stood behind me and explored my body lovingly. "Gnnfffkkk offgggmmme!" I yelled into the silken ball in my mouth. The only response was a warm, vinyl clad body pressing into my back. My head was pressed against someone´s belly, while the hands twitched my nipples. My angry cries grew louder as I furiously fought against my bonds. And then suddenly the hands were gone. I could hear the other move around me, felt the air of my captor´s move. And then without warning a gloved hand seized my limp cock. "Gnnnh" the sound escaped me before I had a chance to cut it off, the surprised pleasure as the incredibly smooth glove touched my sensitive skin, mixed with the angry shock. And then the hand rubbed, rubbed my cock up and down, no matter how much I fought and kicked. I felt my face get how as the treacherous little guy grew from the fondlling. Once more the mysterious kidnapper stopped. I waited, tried to listen, get a guess what was coming. Warm lips touched the head of my cock, before a warm, wet mouth engulfed my semi erect pride. An unwanted moan from me seemed to encourage my kidnapper to forcibly pleasure me even more. The mouth slid down and a tongue rubbed and tickled my flesh, made me moan and pant, as I grew fully hard. I tried to fight it and lost. Soon I moaned like a whore and pushed my hard prick upwards into the hungry mouth. "Oh yessss" A voice moaned. A man´s voice. I froze. Somehow I had assumed a woman...the vinyl, the fondling and the blowjob. Reality hit me hard in the guts as I bucked up in disgust about the thought of a man...licking me there. And as I struggled with all I had he continued and moaned even louder "Oh god yesss!" and sucked my hard cock completely into his throat. I cried in despair...when a cloth was forced on my face once more. The drugging fumes hit my nose. It was a similar smell like the first time, but I also recognized something different. My body started to feel numb, except for my cock. With each breath I was forced to suck in through the cloth I drifted away, but my cock seemed to get more sensitive from this. A soft, pleasant shiver ran through my drugged body. I was horny...so horny. The feeling of the man licking my cock was the last thing I felt as darkness swallowed me. With a groan I woke up once again. I could see a dim light. I blinked. I felt different. And as I took a deep breath I knew why. Latex sucked against my face as I breathed and a vent opened as I breathed out. I saw a ceiling through the holes of a latex gasmask. "Gnnn?" I moaned and looked down. My body was no langer naked, but bound once more. Red vinyl pants hugged my legs and crotch like a glove and I caught a glimplse of some black and shiny shirt from a different fetish shirt. My whole body was secured with black, soft leather straps. Though as I looked around a young man came into view. He was young, perhaps 20 or so. Blond hair, blue eyes and a slender, yet sporty guy. He smiled at me. "Hey my tasty cock...slept well?" he mocked me and ran a hand over my crotch. He was clad in black vinyl, a full suit, with gloves and boots. I noticed a hard, throbbing bulge in the suit and with a faint cry I struggled and tried to wiggle away from him. I almost fell of the couch as I did that, I obviously lay over the corner of an L shaped leather couch. My kidnapper hurried to catch me and his hands held me securely. "Who...so lively already. Maybe we can get to the next round then." he said and I protested into the gag still in my mouth and shook my head. He just rubbed his crotch bulge and knelt in front of me. I did not see from where the hand came, but someone else was here, as I got a filter attached to the mask. The smell of the knockout drug teased my sensed, this time the scent of the other thing was stronger, though. "Nnmmmmm" I yelled, but a moment later started to feel weak. My limbs felt so heavy in the bonds, while in my belly a warm tickling started. I moaned, while my senses faded slowly. I got aroused, these guys drugged me with some aphrodisiac to rape me while asleep. But I did not loose consciousness...damn them. The invisible second kidnapper rubbed my shoulders and arms, but the blonde rubbed me back into erection. "You taste so good...I want another load from you" he purred, looking deep into my dazed eyes as he pulled the vinyl down and though my legs got freed I was too groggy to fight. Drugged to be totally helpless I watched in hateful bliss how the young man licked my hard cock and closed his eyes with joy. He moaned, his mouth vibrating around my cock, sending dirty pleasure into me. His partner kneaded my shoulders, not willing to interfere with the oral rape. Drugged fumes let my hips raise to meet his lips...or was that just me? I didn´t know and didn´t care anymore. I closed my eyes, too and let him rape me and loved it. I hated myself but it was the hottest blowjob in my life. The climax almost knocked me out as I spurted into his mouth and felt how he lapped everything up. Then a tall, blond woman stepped in front of me. My half closed eyes noticed the curvy figure in a latex catsuit as she kissed the boy and licked my cum from his lips. "Hmmm we keep this one a while?" she asked...and her boyfriend nodded. That was when she took a spray bottle and wet the filter once more, to send me to dreamland again...and I dreamed of two bodies rubbing against me as they made love on my sleeping form.
    2 points
  7. One of my fuck buddies suggested one day that I consider doing a little part time hooking on the side, easy money. He was in the game, and his John’s occasionally asked him to bring in others guys for group scenes. I was already positive and the idea appealed to my inner cum whore fantasy. I could see what it was like. And if I liked it, I could take it up as a hobby or something. The fated evening arrived, and I went through the motions of cleaning out, picking out a cock ring, and leather arm band. It was February and the weather was cold. I dressed in a military trench and leather boots but otherwise Buck naked. Arriving at the John’s upscale apartment, I entered the room where my friend was already waiting. We made small talk, and waited for another guy to join us. And boy, when he entered the room, did my Mood change. Hot, muscular, Latin, swarthy. Colombian. Eduardo. And when the clothes came off, the biggest, thickest cock I had seen, perhaps ever. 9” x 7”. The rest of the evening was a blur, as we went through the motions of pleasing the John, but my arousal was all about this hot hung stud. The attraction was mutual, and he kept brushing that meaty dick up against my ass. I had to have it. The scene came to its conclusion, and us boys dressed and exited the apartment. I told Eduardo to follow me in his car. Moments later we were rolling around in my bed, sixty-nine-ing, and then him rimming my ass. That was it. Time to fuck baby. Time to be bred by this stud. Neither of us reached for a condom (I don’t like em). Eduardo asked if I had poppers, and after loading up, I straddled my stallion. This huge cock eased into my hungry ass, until fully in. He kept saying how tight I was. The perfect fit. I couldn’t believe it, an hour ago we were meeting for the first time, and now here I was plugged with the hottest raw cock I had ever seen. I wanted him to breed and seed me, and make me one of his boys. And Eduardo was happy to oblige. We rutted like wild animals, his dick pumping load after load out of me, whilst he emptied his balls deep in my ass. His DNA mark was now part me, and I would always belong to him. After a while we lay quietly, his semi hard dick still buried up my ass. We were a perfect a match. The raw sex we both had wanted, the breeding and seeding so intense, and primal. I wondered if my positive status would surprise him? Time to come clean. ‘I’m positive’ I whispered. He hugged me tighter, ‘I’m positive too’ he said. I could feel his dick getting harder inside me, and this time the breeding was more urgent, his need to poz his boy, my need for his poz seed reloading my hole. His hole. Eduardo has been my alpha for quite a while now. I’m one of his boys. It turns me on thinking of the other guys out there getting railed by this poz daddy. Sometimes he brings me a playmate, another hung poz top he knows in the biz. He proudly watches me taking their poz loads. Other times we hunt him a hungry bottom, knowing that when they see his huge dick, there lust will drive them to be bred and seeded, just as I had. We’re a perfect match.
    2 points
  8. Also gloves have one benefit. If the tops nail game ain't on point. Gloves can mitigate sharp feeling or tearing.
    2 points
  9. I love getting scull fucked and taking it all the way down my throat so I can lick his balls . If my throat doesn’t hurt after I didn’t do him well enough
    2 points
  10. Definitely 2-3 times a day otherwise I'm not able to focus at work. I just hate throwing away charged cum.
    2 points
  11. I've done it dozen or more times in my lifetime. Many years ago, the rest stops along the interstate road system was a good place to find a trucker in the rest room and then go back to his truck to suck him off or let him fuck me. Rest stops have mostly disappeared these days. And the remaining ones have been redesigned to make hookups not very easy. The big commercial truck stops try to keep the "lot lizards" off the property, to keep the prostitutes from bothering the truckers trying to sleep. But, with phone apps like Grindr and Growlr, I'll occasionally get hit on by a trucker spending the night at a truck stop. My favorite trucker experience was a few years ago when I met a trucker on Grindr that wanted to fuck. He told me where he was parked and told me that I could park my car directly in front of his 18 wheeler. I found his truck, parked and as I got out of my car, he pushed the driver's side door open to his cab. I climbed up into his truck cab and he was now behind the curtain in the sleeper section. He was pulling his shirt and pants off as he told me to lock the door and come back into the sleeper. I stepped in and he pulled the curtain behind me. It was now pretty dark, but I quickly undressed and then climbed onto the sleeping platform where he was stretched out naked. I sucked his cock until he was hard, then he told me to knee with my ass up. He poured some lube on my hole and slapped his big cock on my slick hole. He then slammed up into me in one quick thrust. He was all business and immediately began to slam and pump his cock into me. He fucked me for close to 20 minutes, before he finally unloaded in my ass. Once he came, I climbed off the bed and began to dress. I left through the same door that I came up in and I saw him push the door lock and close the curtain behind him. I'm sure he was heading to sleep for a few hours before he hit the road in the morning. As I began to unlock my car, I saw another trucker flash his parking lights a few times. I looked over in his direction, about 30 feet across the parking lot. I knew what flashing lights meant. So, I got in my car, turned it on and flashed my parking lights at him. He flashed back. So I pulled my car over to his truck and parked it in front of his. As I got out of my car, I could see him turn on a small light in his sleeper. I climbed up and opened his door and climbed all the way into his cab. He was sitting on his matress and kicking off his shoes. I locked the door and climbed back into the sleeper. I could finally see him. He was a nice looking guy in his late 30's. He chuckled as I pulled the drapes closed to his sleeper. "It's so dark out, that I couldn't tell if you were male or female when I saw you climbing out of that other guys cab? But, it was obvious you were there for sex. Hell, at this time of night, it doesn't matter one way or the other", he laughed. He had stripped out of his clothes and was sitting on the edge of the mattress, naked and looking very hot. I quickly stripped and dropped to my knees. He was still soft, but my mouth brought his 7" cock to full hardness in several minutes. Once he was fully hard, I moved down to his balls and sucked on them. Then lifted his knees to his chest and ate his musky tasting, hairy asshole. "Damn! That's what I like about you fags. You're all so nasty!" he chuckled. He groaned as I ate his hairy hole. I sucked his rock hard cock again and he sat up again. This time, leaning over and rubbing my asshole with his finger. Great, he was ready to fuck. I stood up and asked if he had lube. The answer was no. But, I had a small bottle in my pocket. I pulled it out and then knelt on the edge of his mattress as I lubed my ass a bit. I knew my hole should still be slick with the first guys lube and cum. This guy stood behind me and easily slid up into me. He really fucked hard and deep. He finally put one of his legs up on the bed, so he could ram into me from an angle. Giving himself some added friction. Finally, as he again stood directly behind me, he stood behind me and pulled my legs up so I could wrap my ankles around his neck. He grabbed me tightly around my thighs and slammed deep into me. Only about 5 minutes of fucking was all it took before he softly groaned, arched his back and unloaded inside me. He seemed to be coming and coming and coming. He must have had a several day load to unload. I milked his cock with my ass as he filled me. Then I quickly dressed and left him to drift off to sleep. No words were needed or exchanged. We both got what we needed. To me, there's nothing so hot as getting a str8 trucker off. Truckers are getting rarer and rarer to find. But, they're always worth taking the chance.
    2 points
  12. From your description, it sounds like you may have gotten strep throat. If that's the case, the bacteria may have been present before your bathhouse visit and the face fucking allowed the infection to take hold. More likely, the bacteria may have been passed by one of the cocks you had lodged in your throat. (One of the potential dangers of bathhouses is that you never know how many mouths or asses a cock has been in before it enters yours. Bacteria can spread to multiple people without anyone knowing.) If you want to reduce the risk of infections in the future, your could try gargling with a mouthwash that says it kills bacteria after you play. (Other things some people use are salt water rinses, apple cider vinegar, and cask-strength vodka. All those change the Ph of the throat to make it an unfriendly environment for bacteria. The alcohol in vodka also can kill off some of the bacteria if it's in contact long enough.) To soothe a sore throat, gargling with salt water or drinking tea with honey and/or lemon may help. And of course, if you suspect an STI or other infection, going to the doctor for antibiotics is the best option.
    2 points
  13. CHAPTER 14 I went back to my bed and sat down for a few minutes rehashing what I had done so far since arriving here. My head was spinning. Soon enough I snapped out of my trance, straightened my bed, retrieved my towel and key, and went off to take a shower. It was a shower I needed I thought not realizing that by doing so I was also advertising myself. I returned to my room stopping by Ian's room only to hear that he obviously was occupied. From my walk through the hall, I came to realize there were several modes of advertising what one was seeking and on reaching my room I began in earnest to put into multiple practice what I had just learned in the past few hours. I was determined to become an expert. When I was satisfied with my room, I once more made a walk to the shower room, used a urinal, and made a slow walk back through the full length of the hall from one end to the other finally arriving at my room. I unlocked the door pushing it wide open. I snapped off the overhead light and walked to the desk lamp. I covered the shade with a t-shirt which I pinned on the top of it and clicked on the lamp. The room was dimly lit by the desk lamp behind me and the bed was flooded with light coming from the hall. I climbed onto the bed naked and lay face down with my legs spread and flexed. I waited no more than five minutes. A young guy probably in his thirties from what I could tell had stopped on the opposite side of the hall so that he could be seen in the hallway light. He began rubbing the front of his towel causing his cock to rise up. I moved my hips enough on the bed that they could be seen moving. I made a last invitation to him. I rose up leaning on my left arm reaching behind me with my right hand and shoved a finger in my ass pumping my ass with this finger. After fucking myself a few times, I withdrew my finger, sucked it clean, and once again lay down flat. This new man now moved across the hall into my room shutting the door behind him. He walked to the bed in the dim lighting removing his towel as he approached. His now swollen cock bobbed as he made the last few steps to the bed. I was now face down as flat on the bed as I could get. I bent my knees as far as I could spreading my ass wide and finally hooking the tops of my feet at the edge of the bed. I waited. The bed began to move slightly as he climbed up onto it. As he did so, I adjusted myself so that I ended up in doggie position in front of him. He made his final adjustment grasping lightly my hip as I felt the tip of his cock line up to my hole. It was a little high but I figured he'd work that out which he did. We were good to go . . . and we did. I was awake until after seven the next morning when the last of my visitors left me. My first unknown visitor returned twice more during the night filling me with more copious amounts of his cum which I relished. I had also swallowed three cum loads during the night as that was all that those men wanted. Disappointment was what I felt but came to realize later at least I got their cum in me. What really mattered to me were my visitors who stopped by and fucked me leaving their own loads of cum deep in my ass. I collected cum in my ass from seven men that first night not counting Glen and my first visitor. None of the fucks were all that memorably super as Glen's and my first visitor. But they set in motion a string of events that would see me through the rest of my life. I had the seed sown--no pun intended--of becoming a cum addict. My swimming practice in a pool was done but not as extensively as I led my parents to believe. I made reference to swimming but included my ass in the commentary knowing how much swimming had taken place in there by all those billions if not trillions of whip-tailed DNA samples. When I did take to the pool, I forced myself to concentrate on actually swimming for competition. But, by and large the vast majority of the swimming related to all the sperm I took in me. I called Glen again early Saturday afternoon to see if we could have a rematch. We did. He gave me three grand deposits as he had before. He added a fourth unexpected load of cum when he asked about my night and morning which I relayed to him providing him with as much detail as he wanted. I wanted to hold nothing back from him. Glen and I visited and fucked as often as possible through the years given my circumstances. It became easier when I left home for university as I would often return and spend my weekend with him and almost always with his beautiful cock shoved in my ass . . . or mouth on occasion. Glen introduced me to rimming as well as water sports. He told me that in everything I tried with him I definitely excelled and surpassed his expectations. All I know is he was an excellent teacher who never laid claim to exclusivity on me which I knew I could never give. I knew he would never ask for such exclusivity the weekend he mentioned having a three-way with a buddy of his which I easily and readily agreed to do. To say my first 3-way was a total success would be such an understatement. What was supposed to be a one time 3-way thought to last maybe an hour turned into just over three hours. Glen and Bob--his buddy--took turns fucking me while the other rested. The two of them had me spitted between them three times and filled my ass each time. I still have fond memories of that particular weekend. As for my stay at the Y, that first weekend also holds fond memories for me. All toll, I swallowed at least a dozen cum loads during that weekend and sucked at least that many cocks with no cum. From the note hand records that I made weeks later, I got fucked by 21 different men excluding Glen and my first visitor that weekend. Of the 21 men, 9 of them fucked me twice. The word had spread up and down the hall, and I was definitely a hit even with some bottoms who fucked me which I took as a huge compliment. Twice in the shower and three times in the hall I was unceremoniously surrounded by several men, forced to bend over, and was fucked in full view of every man in the shower or hall. I had no inhibitions by the time I left the Y on Sunday. Through the years I returned to the Y meeting up with a few of the men from my first weekend who remembered me and willingly spread the word about my being a cum slut. I was so proud each time I was informed that some man knew all about me. To be fair, I found that the more I got fucked and filled with cum my own cock and balls began to grouse at being left out. Yet, they did nothing on their own but remind me they were still attached. So, to help myself as well as to repay kindnesses shown to me, I would every five or six hours find a willing bottom including Ian to be sure and blow my own ball contents into a willing hole. Willy and the twins were ever so grateful but this only resulted in my ass screaming at me to get it back in the game which I always did.
    2 points
  14. Part 4 As I rolled off of him and collapsed in sweaty satisfaction, Colt grabbed his camera and started snapping pics of me. "Dude." I said. "Come on. I look like shit." "Naw man, you look beautiful. Like the sexy slut you are. Come on baby, pose for me. Roll over and let me see that sexy ass. Oh yea, now stick it up, arch your back, show me that sweet ass. Now spread your cheeks and let me see your pussy. Oh baby, that's so hot!" I was still so high and under Colt's spell, that I did everything he told me to. I posed for him in every slutty position he wanted me in. After about 10 minutes he stopped taking pics and was typing something on his phone. The sun was up by now, but neither one of us could sleep. We were too wired. Instead, we snuggled together on the bed. Colt opened his laptop and we started viewing some of the shows he had done. In everyone he was very obviously fucked up, and I watched him hit the pipe and the brown bottle many times as well as snort lines, including one off the large black dick of Dante. In one of the videos he had a needle stuck in his arm by another guy, a real muscular guy, but I couldn't see his face because he had a spandex hood on with only eye holes visible. I watched as he released the band from Colt's arm, and Colt raised his arm in the air, quickly followed by him coughing and doing some real deep breaths, fully expanding his strong chest. He laid back on the bed and ran his hands all over his body, playing with his nips and squeezing his cock through his jockstrap as he panted, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," over and over again. Then I noticed another man in the video, also very muscular and also with a spandex hood on. The two guys tied off each others arms, stuck the needles into each other and soon had their hands in the air and coughing too. "Are you ready slut?" Asked the first guy. "Oh God yes!" Replied Colt. "Show them your pussy bitch!" The man ordered Colt. He turned his ass to the camera and spread his cheeks, exposing his brown hole. "Now look over your shoulder and look into the camera. Tell them what you want. Tell them you want your faggot jock pussy fucked hard! Beg for it you pathetic cumdump whore!" "Please!" Whined Colt. "I need it so bad. I need my hungry jock pussy to be fucked! PLEASE! Oh God, stick your cock in me. Use my jock hole, use my pathetic faggot cumdump jock hole, PLEASE! I need it!" The guy moved onto the bed and moved Colt so he was sideways to the camera on his hands and knees, his big muscular body on display. He lined up his cock, which was probably a good 8 inches, to Colt's ass. The other guy grabbed Colt's hair and turned his face to the camera, sticking a brown bottle under his nose. Colt took some deep breaths. "What's your name slut?" He demanded. "Colt." The man raised his hand and smacked Colt hard across his face. "Your full name, you stupid jock bitch." " Colton Sawyer Cooper!" He exclaimed as he continued to hit the bottle. "How old are you?" "18!" "And what do you want?" "Cocks! I want cocks in my holes filling me with their cum!" With that, the man at Colt's ass grabbed his hips and slammed himself into Colt's asshole. Colt's face grimaced at first before a pleasurable smile crossed it. "Oh yea, that's it! Gimme that big cock! Fuck my jock pussy!" The man at his head stuck a fat 7" cock into Colts mouth and started fucking his face. The two masked men spit roasted Colt as hard as they could. The fucking continued for at least two hours as the two men would trade places back and forth and use Colt in every position they could. We didn't watch every second of it, we fast forwarded a bit, but we watched most of it. One of my favourite shows of his involved what I learned was called Bukake. Colt was on his knees with his hands cuffed to his ankles behind his back. He also had a leather collar with a leash. 20 men surrounded him ranging in age from young to old with all kinds of different bodies, and every man wore a Zorro like mask. The men would use the leash to yank Colt toward their cocks, and he would eagerly devour each one. A metal spreader was placed in Colt's mouth and stretched wide. Someone took a wrapped up bandana and poured poppers on it, then placed it across Colt's nostrils, tying it behind his head. Then they really started to mouth rape him. They would grab his hair and slam their cocks down his throat. I could see Colt's throat expand every time one of those cocks was rammed down it. Every so often one of the guys would yank Colt's head back and pour some fresh poppers on the bandana before another cock was jammed down his throat. Colt became noticeably disoriented. His half closed eyes looked crossed and he couldn't hold his head up by himself. The men would hold it up by his hair as his throat was raped nonstop. The second they let go, his head would flop down, only to be yanked back up again. This lasted for 45 minutes before the metal stretcher was removed from Colt's mouth. His head was pushed back and he was only being supported by the collar around his neck. He tried to form words, but only gibberish came out. Then, the men started cumming as they jerked off around the helpless jock. Even as fucked up as he was, when the first man started shooting, Colt instinctively opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. The man aimed his first shot right into Colt's mouth before coating his face with the rest. Man after man followed suit, shooting first in Colt's mouth, then all over his face. Soon Colt's entire face was coated in cum. It was all over his hair and ran down his neck and dripped onto his chest. When the last man came all over Colt, the man holding the leash let go and Colt collapsed, falling back onto the floor. The camera then moved in closer and someone had dropped another sign on to the floor giving Colt's full name, his phone number and his age. The camera didn't move as it got a clear shot of his information in the same frame as his fucked up cum covered face. Oh man was my dick hard! Then the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and it was now 2:00. Time flies when your high. I watched as Colt jumped out of the bed and walked to the door, and as his magnificent ass left the room, my brain didn't register that he was still buck naked. He returned a couple minutes later with two equally naked guys, and both equally hot. One was a redhead with whiter than white skin, and the other was a brunette with a deep dark tan. Both were built like a brick shit house. I grabbed the covers and pulled them over myself. The red head laughed. "You said he might be a bit shy." "Austin," said Colt, "these are buddies of mine. Ron (the redhead raised his hand) and Billy (who also gave a little wave). You might recognize them from the show with the two masked guys." I totally recognized their bodies now, and actually looked at their cocks, which were impressive even soft. "And why are they here?" I inquired. Colt sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. "They're here to have some fun with us baby." He whispered in my ear. I saw Billy open a case that he had been carrying and pull out a few syringes. "I told them I had a brand new cock slut, and they wanted to come help break you in." "I, I don't know Colt." I said. "Come on baby." Colt cooed into my ear. "You said you would do anything for me. You said you were my little cock slut. I want this baby. Do it for your brother." As he was saying those words into my ear, I was falling further under his spell. I tried one more time to object as Billy was wrapping a band around my bicep. "Sshhhhh." Colt whispered in my ear as he put a finger up to my lips, silencing me. "Just do it baby. I love you so much, do it for me." He put his hand on my hard cock, and I knew I was lost in him. I felt the cool alcohol rub on my arm as Colt kissed me. Then I felt a slight prick, and a few seconds later, Billy was removing the band. He raised up my arm and then, BAM! It hit me like a bull at the rodeo. I fell back onto the bed as I coughed a few times, my ears ringing. Then I took some deep breaths as I felt a rush like no other fly through my body. "That's a good boy." Colt whispered as he rubbed my chest. "Just do what your brother tells you." My chest burned where he touched me as I watched Ron and Billy remove bands from their arms. Then they too coughed a bit then climbed on the bed. I felt hands all over me as lips touched mine. Lips that were not Colt's. I opened my mouth and a new tongue entered it as I felt like I was floating off into space. After what seemed like forever, the hands and lips pulled off me and I was being rolled over. "Hands and knees, slut!" I heard Ron order me as he pulled my hips up. I moved into position and almost immediately felt a cock sliding into my ass. I groaned as I felt his pubes rub against my tender hole. Then he held onto my hips and started fucking me. I looked over and saw Colt sitting in a chair, stroking his cock as he watched. "Oh yea!" He said. "Fuck that bitch! Pound that little sluts hole. Oh baby, you're gonna get fucked so much today. These guys can fuck for hours. And you're gonna take it all. Come on whore, arch your back. Stick your ass out. Show these guys how much you want their cocks!" I did as he told me and something inside me was unleashed. "Fuck yea!" I hollered. "Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Come on, give me your cock. I want you to fuck me like the bitch I am!" I could see Colt smile and I knew I was pleasing him, and that made me happy. He didn't lie, these guys could fuck for hours. For three hours, non stop, these two guys pounded my hole, in every imaginable position. Colt just watched the whole time, hitting the pipe occasionally and feeding me poppers. Sometimes he would let me take a couple of hits off the pipe as my cunt was drilled mercilessly. "Oh yea you little meth whore." He would say. "Suck on that pipe slut. Suck on it like the whore you are while your pussy gets pounded and filled with cum!" At one point, he held my head in his lap as he covered my nose and mouth with a popper soaked rag. I passed out a couple of different times, only to regain conciousness and see the guys had switched who was fucking me. And boy did I get filled with cum! 4 loads before the guys finally finished with me. After Colt let them out, he came back to where I was laying, too fucked out to even move. Despite still being high as fuck, my ass was sore, and as Colt raised up my legs, I let out a feeble objection. "Shut up slut!" He demanded. "You're gonna take my cock bitch. Your slutty little meth hole isn't done yet!" I moaned as his fat cock stretched my sore hole, but he didn't stop until he was buried in me. "Your sloppy cunt feels so good all loose and wet with 4 loads in it! You were a very good boy today. I'm very proud of you." He praised me. And as he did, what little pain I was feeling in my ass went away, and it was replaced with a hunger for more pounding. Pounding from the man I loved. "Fuck yea Colt!" I cried out. "Fuck my hole! Fuck my slutty little meth hole!" Colt fucked me with all his might as he verbally degraded me and I begged for more of it. He spit on my face and slapped me while he called me a whore, a slut, a worthless cumdump, a little faggot meth bitch. And I loved it! Finally, after another half hour of his hard fucking he finally said, "Oh yea baby, here it comes! Here comes another load in your nasty little fuckhole! Take it bitch! Take your brothers load!" "Fuck yea!" I shouted as he buried himself in me and I felt his enormous cock throb. "Gimmie that load! Fucking breed my faggot meth whore cunt!" As I said those words, my cock also shot off and I grabbed Colt and held him tight as the orgasm rocked my body. He collapsed onto me breathing hard as I held him tight, never wanting to let go. "God damn, I love you, you son of a bitch!" I whispered into his ear. He just laughed as he kissed me deeply.
    2 points
  15. wow - the club was busy tonight and we had to search around a bit before eventually finding Becky with her 3 female friends however it was standing room only. I still felt like i was buzzing from the spliff i had earlier and i felt hot - thank gawd id chosen to wear a cotton short sleeved shirt. Everyone had their drinks in hand already so Brandon asked what i was drinking and offered to buy me a coke,surprised i didn't want something stronger then i sort of whispered to him id had a spliff before i came out - he laughed and off he headed to the bar. And then the crying started again with Becky and saying she felt sick she quickly disappeared off to the toilet with her 2 female friends leaving one with me for company - Brandon was back just as quick as he got preferential treatment getting served by Paul - i told him Becky was off again crying and he just raised his eyes. The female friend left with us said Becky was just upset about splitting up with Brandon but would be fine but of course I already knew that as I'd listened to it most of the week and without sounding insensitive she needed to get it together as we were supposed to be there for a good night. Brandon made conversation and every so often he would wave across to the bar when he saw Paul looking over at us. Paul would give a wave back and each time i smiled and blushed. Time was passing quickly and just over an hour later Becky was still gone with her 2 friends and the female left with us was away chatting to other folk by then. I was starting to feel like I shouldn't have been there and it got to the point where i mentioned this to Brandon. "Don't worry about it Adam," he said, "as Paul will be finished in another 15 minutes or less." As Becky still wasn't back in our company and our first drinks were finished, we decided to head outside for a cigarette as its not like she would notice we were gone anyway . It was good to get out in the fresh cool air but instead of standing out front with all the other smokers Brandon suggested we nip down the lane at side of the club for what he called "a proper smoke." Another spliff would be fine right now i thought. We got down the lane and stood in a dimly lit recessed doorway which had a staff only sign on it. We could see up the lane but it was dark enough for anyone not to see us looking down. Brandon's mobile phone rang and it was Paul saying sorry that he would have to work another 20 minutes. Brandon then asked me what else I'd tried besides weed and I said nothing and had only smoked weed now and again. He grinned ear to ear and asked if I'd tried Tina. Again I replied,"no." As he fished about in his trouser pocket before producing what looked like a small glass pipe and small bag of white stuff that looked like powder. "You can try some now if you want and I'm sure you will like it way more better than weed." Then he laughed. "Cool," I said, "But i need to piss first." Kinda pee shy, I walked out the doorway and about 10 feet further down the lane with my back to him. I proceeded to pee against the wall. It felt great. Getting back to the doorway Brandon had already filled his pipe with some white stuff and was lighting the bulb at the end - he took a big inhale of the white smoke and blew it out in a huge cloud. "Nice," he said, "your turn now" as he heated it up more explaining to me to inhale it deep then hold it before blowing out. I then found the pipe at my lips and done as he had told me. "You're going to love this," he said as i let out a huge cloud which floated off into the night. "Another," he said holding the pipe right back at my mouth. I again inhaled deeply and thought "fuck me this feels good" as my body started to tingle and my heart beat faster. "Hope I don't get sick," I said as weed has done that to me before when I've taken too much. By now i was starting to tingle allover but felt a horniness i couldn't explain. My ass was tingling too and i thought perhaps it was because id douched earlier. I then blurted out to Brandon my ass felt good as I'd douched earlier, and he just said, "another one" as the pipe met my lips again. "Paul will be here very soon and he will want you looking your best," he said before laughing again. I was starting to feel like i wanted fucked as my ass was driving me crazy tingling. Again i blurted it out to Brandon what i was thinking and without a care or any blushing too. I felt great more than I'd ever felt before. This Tina was awesome and i said it out loud "fuck me this feels good." "Does Paul smoke it too," i asked to which Brandon nodded yes and said, "he would also booty bump you with it too." Then laughed out loud. He obviously thought I knew what a booty was but a bump I hadn't a clue so again i blurted out asking "what is a booty bump?" and followed it up with "please show me." He looked at his watch and said, "Paul will be here in 5 minutes, but I can show you if we are quick." "I want shown everything," I said." He looked up the lane then down and got his baggie back out. "Only if you are sure," he said before explaining a little white stuff would be rubbed inside my ass. "The way i felt right now with my tingling ass, I'd have anything up there," I blurted out unashamedly, and even I laughed. I opened my belt up, unzipped and lowered my trousers just enough to expose my ass. I knew this was Becky's ex here with me but he was straight so didn't mind him seeing my ass, and I'd be rubbing it up there myself I thought. Besides i was well douched so my hole would be nice and wet inside still, "Show me," I said. Brandon sucked the tip of one finger and pushed it into the baggie, so I assumed he was going to have that one for himself. But he then told me to bend over and pull my cheeks apart to expose my hole. His finger looked well coated with the white powder. "Fuck me," I though as it was a surreal moment having a straight guy ask to see my hole, but i honestly didn't care as I'd known Brandon a long time now. I bent over, and just as quick his finger was deep inside my ass. He was circling it around and around inside me, and it just kept feeling better and better. A slight burning started so i asked him to keep going and kinda pushed my hole back onto his finger almost begging. He got it deeper inside me and rougher. "Please don't stop," I begged. Then it felt like a second finger was getting inserted into me still circling alongside the other and by this time I'm really wanting fucked as the feeling is driving me crazy like i could climb the wall. He didn't let up and like i thought my hole was really wet as i could hear it. Then his phone rang. "Fuck dont answer it," I thought, and i blurted it out. He said it was Paul so he had to answer which he did after withdrawing his fingers. I'm still standing there half bent over like a slut wanting fucked hard and I hear Brandon saying to Paul "Adam wanted to smoke some tina and have a booty bump. So he is ready for you, and he has the most beautiful ass you've ever seen and a wet hole that is needing fucked badly." He laughed out loud to whatever Paul had replied to him before shutting his phone off . He then said, "You do want fucked don"t you?" I said, "I want fucked really badly!". "Paul will be out in 5 minutes but said its okay for me to fuck you while we wait." I couldn't figure if i was hearing right, but I stayed bent over expecting him to start fingering my hole again. Instead he unzipped and pulled his cock out saying, "Look - this is what you want isn't it?" I looked down towards his cock and he had the most beautiful looking cut cock I had ever seen. I blurted out, "That's beautiful" and followed it up with "Please fuck me Brandon. Please fuck me hard. I need it badly!" By this point I didn't give a fuck who or where Becky or even Paul was. I just needed Brandon's hard 9 inches deep inside me, and that's exactly what I got for the next 5 minutes. No condom either and it never even crossed my mind to ask. Well, it did but i didn't care. just needed fucked. Brandon pushed inside me all in one go balls deep, and I pushed back hard onto him to get it even deeper. It felt so fucking good. I then reached back to hold onto him and pull him closer. "Please fuck me hard," I said, and he did like a jackhammer while reaching across with a hand over my mouth to muffle my moans as he plowed me deep in and out like a piston. I was absolutely loving it and the noises my hole were making as he slid in and out of my guts deep. "Please don't stop. baby," I blurted out and he laughed. "You have a beautiful arse Adam and you are so wet like a pussy. If I'd known before now then I'd have been coming round the past 6 months for you and not Becky." I took that as a compliment. His pounding got rougher, and I knew he was gonna cum. I blurted out, "Please fill me up Brandon. Fill me up with your spunk!" This sent him over the edge, and I felt his pulsating cock start to unload inside me as he let out moans of pleasure. Just then whilst Brandon was still inside me, we heard the door unlock from the inside. Fearing getting caught he pulled out quickly and zipped up leaving me to try manage to get myself half decent looking. It was fine as Paul's head appeared in view. "Having fun with Tina are we," he asked and he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I could see Brandon grinning ear to ear with the side of my eye, and I said, "i Love tina." "Good! Lets get home then. I'm driving," Paul said pointing over at a car parked down the lane. I then caught a glimpse of him winking at Brandon and they both laughed.
    2 points
  16. Daryl was on his back while his boyfriend, Peter, fucked him as they usually did a couple times a week. The only thing different, this time, was Brian, watching from a chair, stroking the biggest cock either of them had ever seen. Peter seemed to ignore the hot guy on the chair just a few feet over stroking, as he plowed into Daryl, while Daryl was trying his hardest not to constantly stare at Brian. By this time, Daryl would usually be faking moans so that his bf would finish. Peter was a nice young man and devoted boyfriend, but a horrible fuck. He even had a decent sized cock, Daryl thought, but Peter just couldn't get Daryl off. The chemistry just wasn't right. This time, however, Daryl was moaning with desire as he imagined Brian in place of Peter fucking him deeply. Peter sped up his pace a little as usual before he came, "I'm going to cum" he said. Peter then pulled out and jacked off onto Daryl's smooth belly like he had done dozens of time before. So well-rehearsed; and so boring to Daryl. Daryl faked another complimentary comment "Oh yeah, that was hot. I'm just too nervous to cum right now, I guess." Peter never seemed to care if Daryl came or not. Each fuck session ended the same way. And despite them having their first guest watch them fuck, Peter had a difficult time breaking his routine. "Uggh .. I need to shower. I'll be out in a few" Peter said, and then slipped away to the bathroom. He almost seemed oblivious to Brian even being there. Moments later, the bathroom door closed and the shower was running. Brian's patience was about to pay off. Daryl remembered the conversation they exchanged over e-mail messages as they arranged this. Peter would only agree to having a third person watch them fuck. Brian knew that's all that would likely happen. And since Brian was just going to watch, Daryl and Peter didn't mind Brian being poz. After all, he was just there to watch, so no harm done there. "Did you cum?" Daryl asked his newly-made athletic and hung poz friend. "No," Brian answered, detecting some interest on Daryl's part, "why don't you suck me off real quick while Peter showers." Daryl nearly jumped out of bed, and quickly made his way to Brian's thick tool. He had hoped this moment might present itself, and took advantage of it as quickly as he could. On his knees, Daryl struggled to go down down Brian's shaft. He was too aroused to even worry about Brian's HIV status. "Rules were meant to be broken," Daryl had thought to himself thinking about his own personal rule of not messing around with poz guys. Brian enjoyed his new twink friend gagging on his cock; and felt confident he would get what he wanted next. "Look, I know you don't play with poz guys. But, I can tell how much you want my cock. How about I just fuck you quickly so that you can enjoy it a little. I won't cum up in your ass or anything." Daryl thought for a moment. He had never had a cock as big as this, and the thought of getting fucked while his boyfriend was just down the hall showering, turned him on even more. It was so scandalous; and too delicious a thought for Daryl to not enjoy. He knew of a friend who let a poz guy fuck him, and he was still HIV neg. Fuck it, Daryl thought to himself, I WANT this cock. Daryl answered by moving back to the bed and laying back down on his back. Brian knew time was against them, and moved quickly into position, forcefully spreading Daryl's legs apart and throwing them over his shoulders while he pushed his thick cock into Daryl's already fucked and lubed hole. "It's gotta be quick .. oh FUCK!" Daryl tried not to shout as Brian's thickness entered and stretch his hole tighter than anything he'd ever felt. Thankfully his hole was very well lubed from his prior fuck. "Don't worry, I'll be quick," Brian said as he slid the rest of his girth inside Daryl, "I love how you stared at my cock while Peter fucked you. How's that feel?" "Fuck .. feels so damn good, oh GOD. Fuck me!" Daryl could barely contain the excitement. He was cheating with the biggest cock he ever seen, and letting a poz guy fuck him raw. The guilt and fear heightened the intense arousal he was already feeling. Brian picked up his pace and soon was all the way in him. "Oh yeah, take that huge cock." Daryl was having a hard time catching his breath, and trying not to moan too loud, "Oh god , don't stop fucking me." "I'm about to cum" Brian warned. "Please don't stop fucking me" Daryl begged. "But, I'm going to cum" Brian insisted. "Feels too good, don't stop," Daryl said. He had heard Brian's warning, but was overwhelmed by the sensations he was feeling and was losing control. Brian picked up his pace and jabbed deeply as his cock started to throb, "I'm cumming!" he said quietly while he continued to pound away." "OH GOD! OH GOD!" Daryl felt his cock about to explode; and he wasn't even jacking it. Brian pushed all the way deep inside Daryl and kept unloading the last of his load while Daryl started to shoot all over his stomach, chest and chin. Brian covered Daryl's mouth to muzzle the noise as Daryl moaned underneath his hand and sprayed his load. Brian slowly pulled his massive cock out of Daryl's hole. Both were relieved to hear the shower was still running as they returned to their senses. Daryl leaned forward and pulled Daryl close to his face, "You better leave before Peter gets out. "I'll tell him you were bored and left. Man, that was amazing. I've never been fucked like that. I want to be your boyfriend." Brian heard this before. One of the consequences of having a big dick is everyone says he wants to date you, but he felt an earnest and sincerity from Daryl he never felt before, "Well, you know how to find me. If you really wanna do it, I'm game. Let's talk again tomorrow." They kissed passionately albeit briefly, and then Brian made his quick escape. All before the shower had ended.
    1 point
  17. Met up with a guy yesterday who put a gas mask on me and used a spray at the other end to help me go out... Was v hot. @GAYBOYI'm NJ919191 on Kik if You want to talk... 😈
    1 point
  18. it feels incredible and I can't wait to get it again....
    1 point
  19. Ignoring my brain and allowing my cock to take over thinking, I went to SN yesterday afternoon. It was a mix but mostly masked. Within the first five minutes I had a young hung stud’s cock in my throat and five minutes after that he was balls deep in me.
    1 point
  20. 02 I arrived at the hotel, and there was the Asian guy waiting for me outside smoking a cigarette. “Hey, I am Peter.” Peter was very tall, about 6’1, mid 30, had a very nice swimmers body. He was wearing a suit but I could tell by his silhouette and posture. I haven’t slept with a hot asian guy for so long, I almost got too excited. He made me feel like a little girl. He had that confidence I love. “My friend is a bit older. But I guess you don’t mind that. You told me you were more into older White men.” He said. “Wait, when did I tell you that?” I asked. “This was my third time messaging you. You declined my last 2 offers.” I did’t remember him because he had no face pics on his Grindr profile and I had deleted his messages. What an idiot was I to miss this hot guy! But it all really worked out in our both favors in the end. We were about to have a 3-some instead, and this was going to be my first time trying Tina as well. I got so hard thinking about it while we were in the elevator. As we got to the room, a tall White daddy greeted me. “Hey, how are you? I am Matt.” Matt was about the same height as Peter, about 6’1, mid 50, salt and pepper hair, green eyes. His face looked a little angry which totally turned me on. He had a broad shoulder, little bit of belly, and fit slender body. “Make yourself comfortable. Would you like some wine?” “Sure.” Matt poured some wine and offered it to me. I was so horny. I was ready to jump in and start sucking their dicks, but they were very relaxed and chill, so I couldn’t really do that in that atmosphere. Matt was visiting from NYC and they actually haven’t seen each other for quite a long time. They had some catching up to do. They chatted about 15 mins while I finished my wine. “So, you said this is your first time? Are you sure you want to do this?” Matt asked me. “Yes. How are we doing it? Smoke? Slam? or bootybump?” I replied. “Haha, you already know a lot about it, I don’t think this is your first time!” Matt laughed. “Peter, can you show this kid how to smoke pipe while I set this up?” Matt pointed to a bag on the desk. “Sure. Come here, kiddo.” He gestured me to follow him. Peter pulled out a small bag filled with white shards, a pipe and a lighter. He dropped a few shards in the pipe and then started to light. “You don’t want the lighter to be too close, you will burn it and ruin it. That’s not good. Watch this.” A white smoke started to form in the pipe, and then he put the pipe between my lips. “Suck on it, very slowly and steady as much as you can, and then hold it as long as you can before you exhale.” I followed his exact instruction. And I had hold it for about a minute. “Oh, wow Kiddo, you can hold it a lot! Good job! Now, do it again, you do it yourself this time” Peter handed me the pipe. I was very careful trying not burn it. And then I started to suck again. Slow and steady. I held even bigger hit this time. I finally understood why they call it ‘Cloud’. That’s when I started to feel something. A sensation, that’s waking up every cell in my body, an energy flow that streams and circles in my body. My body started to feel tingling sensation, it was very warm and calm as well. At the same time, I felt free. I was free from all the conditions that made me conscious about myself. I was free from my own mind. I felt sexy and confident. And then this big wave of extreme horniness, a crave to suck a dick overtook my entire brain and my body. I had never felt that horny in my life. There was only one thing I could ask. “Can I please suck you dick, Peter? Please?” I said as I undressed.
    1 point
  21. CHAPTER 12 I put my key in the lock to my room and heard my name being called. I looked up the hall and through a half dozen men in the hall saw Ian wave from the far end. I smiled and waved him to come join me in my room. Ian was wearing a towel, slippers, and a huge smile. He looked innocent enough but I knew otherwise. Looking back, I have no doubt that most of the other men in the hall and on the floor knew otherwise as well. Ian came in the door as I finished stripping off my clothes. I reeked of sex. Ian quickly shut the door and grinned broadly. I told him of my adventure to the steam room and what I had been doing for the last several hours. I didn't go into absolute details but gave him enough information so that he understood completely. He was excited for me having had such a great time with Glen. I wanted to thank him for having helped me during my last hours of being a male virgin. The best thanks that I could think of would be to once more fuck his ass as good as I could. I did so which made us both happy. It was closing in on twelve-thirty when we finally left my room. We encountered several men with towels wrapped around their waists. They varied in ages. We continued chatting as we cruised our hopefuls. We each gave one more look down the hall before entering the shower room. We went directly to the showers. We pulled the towels from our waists, tossed them on hooks, kicked off our shower shoes, and walked into the shower room proper. The water felt great on my body as I washed off all the sweat and sex from Ian and Glen. I was a bit sad in doing so regarding Glen, but it was an "evil" necessity that had to be done in order for me to prepare myself for the remainder of the night. I couldn't bear the thought of mixing Glen's aromas with the men I planned on meeting now. Ian and I parted at the shower room door. He went to his room, and I returned to mine. I took the time to look over my room straightening a few things. My heart was now pounding wildly knowing full well on what journey I was about to embark. I took several deep breaths talking to myself in an attempt to calm down. I then went to my door opening it wide. I stepped into the frame and leaned up against it adjusting my towel. My eyes wandered up and down the hall seeing half dozen or so men walking as well as all the men standing in their own doorway. I was excited at all the activity and couldn't help but notice that I was given the once or twice over as I stood my ground. As I was looking to my left, I heard a door very nearby open and close. I casually turned my head to the right and focused on the new hallway occupant. He was about my height, burly, natural dark skin tone, large working man's hands, muscles developed from working physically and not from a gym, dark piercing yet at the same time twinkling eyes, dark black hair, and thick black moustache. What struck me most of all was his black thick hairy arms, hands, legs, and chest. I watched him walk toward me. He turned his head and gave me a once over before he smiled like a Cheshire cat and moved on. Twice he looked back at me as he moved on to the showers. I remained in my doorway observing men introducing themselves and chatting before moving inside a room or just stop, stare into a room for a bit, then, go inside closing the door afterward. This was all totally new to me. I flashed a thought through my mind about being sixteen and quickly repeated my new birth date in my head to be sure. The ballet of sex hook ups continued. A short time later I once more saw the dark hairy man exit the shower room and head back toward his room. I made my best effort not to stare at him and to act nonchalant as I witnessed the goings on in the hall. My doorway stance was nothing provocative or suggestive in nature but I did feel much like a hawk choosing which man prey he was going to swoop down on and tear away his towel to feast on his body. I was titillated, excited, and horny all at the same time while trying to remain calm. My eyes once more looked down the hall noticing that the dark hairy man was but a few steps away looking straight at me. I froze with a transfixed look as he continued to near me. Without saying a word, I saw his arm reach out guiding his hand to my left forearm. He grasped me firmly but with no threat of harm intended. He pushed past me into my room pulling me inside with him closing the door gently behind me as I came out of my stupor. He moved swiftly the both of us to the edge of my bed and stopped facing me. Our eyes looked at the other without blinking. I could feel my heart pounding now and was sure he was able to hear it. Ian had not provided me with what was expected at this point, and my visitor continued to look deep into my eyes. I was sure he saw my rising level of panic just as I was sure he undoubtedly heard my now hard pounding heart. My mouth was dry as the Gobi Desert. I felt my towel yank away from my waist and heard it hit the floor joining my guest's towel. He knelt before me and in an instant swallowed my cock whole pushing his nose deep into my pubic hairs. I gasped and jumped in surprise. He began working his tongue on my cock with expert adeptness. My cock began flooding with blood. When my cock was three-quarters filled, my guest pulled his mouth off and rose facing me once more only to briefly look at me. He once more firmly grabbed my left arm with his right turning me toward the edge of my bed. Nothing was said but I climbed onto the mattress kneeling. I lowered my head to the mattress leaving my ass raised in the air at the edge. I felt the two large hands of his grasping my ass cheeks as I heard him kneeling once more on the floor. Instantly, I felt a wetness on my crack and at my hole. I gasped then gave a contented moan at how this tongue of his was working its magic on me. More and more his tongue moved around and pushed itself into my hole spreading my sphincter. I became aware that this man had the ability to produce copious amounts of saliva which he covered my ass with and slicked up the outer lining of my hole. My head was spinning. I felt my visitor rising up from the floor but not before spitting a huge gob of wetness on my hole and all around it. No sooner was he fully upright when I felt him release my cheeks grabbing my wrists and pulling them behind me where one of his mighty hands grabbed both and held tightly. He stepped backwards letting his fully erect cock drop down my crack stopping at my wet hole. He leaned over me slightly and whispered his first words to me, "Keep your mouth closed and no screaming unless you want to be hurt." His words sank into me. I panicked and knew my eyes had popped wide open. My mind dissolved into chaos. Without further warning or fanfare, I felt a huge pressure at my hole which had instantly gaped open slightly allowing entry then instinctively my sphincter reacted. The pressure mounted shaking me out of my alarm. My sexual desire now having been discovered screamed in my mind's ears to open up to this invasion while my body defences told me to defend myself. My extreme feelings battled for control of my mind and body until my visitor took the situation in hand. With no alert, my hole felt an ever so slight decrease in the pressure being applied followed by a guttural grunt from behind me accompanied by a sharp jolt forward once more as if a battering ram had hit dead center of my hole. Electrical impulses immediately raced through my body notifying my brain that I had been entered by a huge foreign object. A natural impulse to scream just as immediate ran back through my body reaching my voice box. My eyes now were as widely open as possible. I grappled with my vocal cords internalizing the intended scream at the same time that my body attempted to launch itself upward off the bed prevented only by my wrists being held tightly behind me and now a calloused working man's hand pushed hard against my back keeping me in place and impaled. My futile attempt at freeing myself was met with another inward piercing thrust causing my hole to stretch wider accepting this no doubt huge cock which I had not seen as yet. Stars danced in front of my now tearing eyes as I ever so barely kept control of my vocal cords which once again were being forcefully restrained by an unknown sheer will power. My body still tried to rebel but lost each bout of rejection. Again and again and again and again this unknown man whom I had seen and had so mentally wanted as a sex partner shoved, drove, stabbed, and invaded my ass. The burning sensation created by his no doubt gargantuan cock was going to brand me from the heat being generated by this forced entry. I continued to rebel trying to free myself but with each propulsion inside me though the pain was constant I was becoming too weak to defy this man's cock. Finally, I felt a block of what turned out to be the thickest mass of black pubic hair smash firmly against my ass cheeks resting there momentarily.
    1 point
  22. Rocco Steele is my #1 pick Antonio Biaggi - love his balls Ryheim Shabazz
    1 point
  23. Yes that confirms what I thought about the preferences of most top cocks
    1 point
  24. I am not sure if it is because we've had warmer than normal weather and it feels like spring, or if I'm just tired of Covid but...I have had a great fuck week. On Monday I met a guy on Grdr and went to his place. He was younger and looking for daddy seed. He left his door open and I came in. He was bent over a bean bag chair naked and ready. My cock sprang to life. I dropped my clothes and started to rub my cock against his ass and hole. He pushed back on me as he was in need of cock and cum. I needed to shoot loads and was hard in a minute. I slid my cock deep inside his hole. I started to pump and fuck his hole. It felt so damn good. Warm and wet. My cock was dripping pre cum inside him because he asked if I had cum. I told him no, but was enjoying his hole and was going to drop my load deep inside. He squeezed his hole milking my cock. I really couldn't hold back. My cock and balls spasm and I started to shoot my load inside. He pushed back on my cock and I pushed deeper inside. He squeezed me and got every drop. We thanked each other and I got dressed and left. On Tuesday I was invite to fuck a "son" with a bear bud of mine. I had initially met the "son" and fucked him 1 on 1 several times. I arranged for the bear and boy to do an initial 3 way some months back. They really hit it off. Kissing sucking fucking. Even when I had to leave they kept going. So now the son goes to see the bear and they do 1 on 1 and sometimes invite me also. (I think I should get a matchmaker fee?) Any way, we both fucked and bred boy over and over and over. He had at least 4 loads in him. Bear is vers and wanted a load from me too. Of course I had to oblige. I fucked and shot a load deep in bear hole. We agreed to do it again in a week or two. Wednesday I had been talking to guy (26yo hottie that loves daddy cock and seed.) and he wanted me to come over and drop a quick load. He said it was his birthday but he had a short amount of time because of work. I walked in and hottie 26yo as naked and ass up. His hole was already lubed and ready for me. I played with his ass and balls. He had a beautiful body and cock too. I slid inside and fucked his hole good. He got on his back and had legs on my shoulders as I pounded him. He looked into my eyes while we were fucking and started jerking off. "pound me hard daddy" he said. "load up your son. I need daddy seed" I pounded his hole hard. My cock spasms began and I exploded deep inside him. His eyes rolled back as he felt my pulsing dick. His cock also started to shoot a huge rope of cum all over his stomach. It felt amazing to be inside his hole as my orgasm was fading and feel his as tighten down on my hard cock when he came. I slowly pulled out missing his hole but he was short on time. I got dressed and left and hope he reaches back out for a replay. Today, I went to a local xxx bookstore because I was horny Again! My cock wouldn't go down. I kept thinking of sex. The more I get the more I want/need. I paid my money and watched a movie. The glory hole was large and a youngish cub came in the the other booth. He motioned for my cock. Immediately, my cock was in his mouth. An amazing, I mean truly amazing mouth and tongue licked and sucked my cock rock hard. I leaned into the hole and let him work on me. It felt so amazing. After a bit I slowly pulled back and asked if he wanted fucked. He said no, he would rather suck. I said ok and back my cock went into that amazing mouth with his tongue swirling around my cock head. Up and down the shaft. I was in heaven. But to be honest I have trouble cumming the way and really wanted to fuck ass. I pulled back and said thanks but I really wanted to fuck. He said ok, lets fuck. He turned around and his ass was up against the hole. My cock was so rock hard. I slid my cock up his crack. I put my cock in his hole. He must have lubed it because I slid right inside. I fucked and pumped. I was loving the feeling. His mouth was amazing but his hole was even better. I fucked and fucked. I couldn't hold back and shot a big load deep inside his hole. He moved back on my dick and pushed me deeper inside as I pushed into him. I stayed inside and neither of us moved. I slowly started to fuck a bit more as my cock softened. I thanked him and thanked me for the load. I got dressed and left. Tomorrow is Friday. I don't know if I'll get any ass or not but, what a week! BH
    1 point
  25. Started to get fucked and got it started two different occasions. The time I got it started was when hanging with a former FB (were still friends today just not FB anymore), we were supposed to be fucking but his gurl kept callin and kept on arguing on the phone and I was getting pissy, and was bout to leave, but thought I would try sumthing. I kept rubbing his pants and eventually pulled out his dyck (he had been pushing my hand away at first), and just started sucking the shit outta his dyck, obliviously the phone call ended shortly after. lol The time It was started on me was when I was on a early morning conference call with work. Top I was seeing was pissed I had to take the call and not happy about it and he was being a asshole and kept calling me back to bed cause he wanted to get his balls drained before work. I kept having to mute the phone, cause he was loud, but I was also answering questions on the call. I even reminded him I was on the phone, and he reminded me he didn't give a fuck. I was talking on the phone, I did notice he was talking anymore but didn't even hear him come in the room. Lucky was listening to a co worker, as he startled when he gripped my hips, pulled down my shorts and slid in wit only spit on his dyck. Made sure I had that shit on mute, Iuckily I only had to give a yes or no and the call ended shortly after, he was already beating my hole up so nothing really changed except I could be louder. A female friend at the time was on the call and asked me later what was wrong with me, I thought I put the phone on mute in time, but I didn't and made a audible moan when daddy slide in me. lol
    1 point
  26. Liam felt strange. He couldn´t move and his head seemed to be filled with cotton. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the ground. Above him, he could see cloth, lighted by a fire outside. But there were no walls and he could see grass on the ground. Slowly he realized that he was lying in a tent. The ground under beneath him was soft and he was covered by a blanket. His head rested on a pillow. Liam wanted to call for help, but only some muffled sounds came out. A cloth was wrapped around his mouth, gagging him. Liam struggled a bit and managed to get the blanket off. His hands were tied together in front of him and he was naked from above his waist. Then he remembered that he had been attacked. He had been kidnapped and now he was lying tied and gagged in a tent somewhere in the woods, completely at his captor's mercy. Liam cried into his gag and struggled in vain. His whole life, he had been in control of the world sourrounding him. He was the heir of the kingdom and only the queen, his mother, had more authority than him. And now he felt as helpless like he had never before in his life. Fear and panic spread in his mind. Liam started to scream and struggled like a maniac to get this bonds of. The leather straps bit in his flesh and blood turned the blanket red. Liam hardly realized how his captors jumped into the tent, his mind was completely captured in his own little world of fear. They grabbed his arms and tried to prevent further wounds; someone spoke, but Liam didn´t hear anything. A cloth was clamped over his face and the strange smell dragged him back to reality. The blonde kidnapper was sitting on Liam´s chest and pressed the cloth on his face. In this moment Liam realized something, that hit him like a punch. He could see the blonde´s ears: He was an elf. Liam stared at the young face with piercing blue eyes. He had never before seen an elf before, but he remembered that thing about their ears and their strength. They were slim and tall, but they had easily overpowered Liam. His own strength faded and Liam closed his eyes. He felt how they untied his hands. Then happened nothing for a while. Nish had used a healing spell on the boy´s hands. Kiaro and Nish were just busy with a meal when they heard noises coming out of their tent. Kiaro felt bad because of this. He had seen the fear in the boy´s eyes. He looked at Nish who was busy whiping the remaining blood away. “We´ll have to retie him.” Nish nodded. ”I´ll wrap some scarves around his wrists.”, Nish answered and left. Kiaro looked down at his captive. He wondered who he was and what would happen when he was going to wake up. Kiaro climbed off the boy and lay next to him, watching his face. He looked so damn sexy. Kiaro put the gag down and placed a kiss on the boy´s lips. “So soft.”, he said to himself and kissed him again, now forcing his tongue into his captive´s mouth, while running his hands through the silky red hair. When he finished the kiss Kiaro couldn´t control himself. He opened his leather pants, pulled down his underwear and lay on top of the sleeping beauty. The silk of their captive´s pants felt so great on his hard manhood. Kiaro started rubbing himself against the boy. Kiaro kissed the boy again and then he climbed a bit up and buried his face in that silky hair, enjoying the nice scent and his throbbing manhood rubbing over the boy´s smooth skin. Kiaro moaned and closed his eyes, then he came with a scream. Sinking back onto the blankets, Kiaro kissed the boy once more, this time very gentle. “Look what mess you've done.” Kiaro almost jumped when he heard Nish´s voice. His face turned red as he faced his friend. “Oh ehm I...” he started, but then he saw that hungry look in Nish´s violet eyes. “Shut up!”, was all Nish said when he pushed Kiaro down on the blanket. Kiaro grasped for air, when he suddenly felt a tongue on his cock. Nish gently ran his tongue over his friend´s manhood, licking every remaining drop of his cum into his hungry mouth. After he finished cleaning Kiaro, he wrapped his lips around the once more hardening cock and sucked him back into full erection. In the meantime, he guided Kiaro´s hand to his leather crotch and let the blonde give a litte back of what he had received. Nish enjoyed Kiaro´s moans of pleasure as he brought him to the edge of climax, then he simply let him go. „That´s for raping our captive...without me.“, Nish said and now turned around to the still sleeping boy and continued his licking on the boys well toned chest, removing every evidence of Kiaro´s little game. Meanwhile, Kiaro stuffed his erect member back into his pants; he would get a chance later. Now he also focused on their slowly awakening captive. He sat back onto the boy´s chest and ran his hands through his hair and over his face. The boy groaned as Nish started to run his hands over his pants. After some seconds of massaging the captive´s crotch formed a large bulge under the silk. Kiaro carefully placed his own bulge on the boy´s face, gently rubbing it on him. As the boy groaned again he was gagged by a leather clad crotch. Kiaro enjoyed some unwanted ball licking of his captive, while Nish continued to caress the boy´s cock through his pants. Kiaro moaned as the boy´s tongue probed that thing between his lips, and then tried to push it out. The boy opened his sexy green eyes and looked up to Kiaro, then down to what he was licking. He screamed...or at least tried to and threw his head away to get that thing off his mouth. Kiaro quickly got off his captive and let himself fall next to him, handgagging him, before he could scream. „Calm down, sweetie. That won´t hurt.“ He said. The boy looked at him with big, scared eyes. Nish had stopped his stroking when their captive started to struggle, but now he grabbed the silken pants and pulled them down in a swift motion. Their captive strted to jell in Kiaros hand and struggled like a madman. Kiaro just kept his hand firmly in place and placed his other hand on the boy´s chest to keep him down. Nish sat on their victims legs and wrapped his hand around the large erection in front of him. The boy moaned deeply and stopped struggling. „Feels nice, hmm?“ Kiaro whispered in his ear and lightly kissed him on the cheek. Devin couldn´t help but enjoy the skillful wanking of his cock. The elf knew exactly what he did and Devin could have come after two minutes, but his captor always stopped a second before and then worked on Devin´s balls for some time, before he returned his attention to the throbbing manhood. The blonde still kept his hand pressed on Devins mouth, but his other one was now pinching Devins nipples, while kissing his neck. Devin had never experienced something like this. Tied up and completely helpless he could not stop them and that turned him on. He was aroused like never before in his life and the cruel teasing of the dark haired elf feeded his need to come. He didn´t know for how long they kept him on the edge of a climax, but it had to be an hour or even more. Devin already begged with his eyes for relief, as the blonde stopped his stroking and licking. For some time they just looked in each others eyes, then the elf smiled. „That felt good I bet. But I know something better.“ He looked at his comrade and nodded. The dark haired alf grinned and suddenly took Devins cock into his mouth. Devin graped for air, as his member diasapeared in the elfs mouth...or at least some part. The elf tried his best, but he couldn´t get more than half of it into his mouth, so he just decided to work on what he could reach and used his hands to stroke the rest. Devin closed his eyes and just let himself fall into the waves of joy his captor send through his body. As he felt himself close to the greatest climax in his life suddenly something strange happened. Something slipped into his mouth. Devin opened his eyes and faced the blod elfes crotch. Unnoticed he had removed his hands and stripped naked and now he had put his own member into Devins mouth. Normally Devin would have beend terrified, but after this long teasing he was too horny to refuse. He licked his kidnappers cock hungriely and it didn´t taste unpleaseant as expected. The other one slowed down his licking to keep Devin aroused, untill he finished the blonde. What he did. Devin didn´t have to work more than five minutes as the elf fired a load of hot and tasty cum into Devins waiting mouth. He swallowed all he could get. Five big loads of that tasty liquid just disappeard and never left Devins mouth. The blonde elf smiled and Devin liked this picture. The blondes took his member out and laid next to Devin again, wrapped his arms around him and whispered a silent „Thank you“. Devin couldn´t answer, because the other elf now licked him with passion and skill. And then the cum that had waited for so long stormed out. Devin screamed loud and half rose from the bed as he fired load after load. The elf tried to swallow, but he just could not take it all. White semen ran down his chin and after the seventh load it just dropped out. Devin fell back into the pillow, still cumming. The blonde stared at the scene and could´t belive how much the prince gave untill he finally finished. „Wow.“ Was everything Kiaro could say. Nish was still busy licking every drop off he had missed. The Kiaro decided it was the best time for some questions. „Who are you?“ he asked the exhaused boy softly. „Devin.“ Was the weak answer. Kiaro looked at his captive in surprise. „The prince?“ he asked and the boy nodded. Kiaro and Nish looked at each other. Now it was Nish who said „Wow“ „Where can we bring you back?“ Kiaro asked and his state Devin just answered. „The castle of Lady Nasira.“ Kiaro nodded and looked at Nish. „Then you´ll send them a ransom note.“ Nish looked angry. „Why don´t you go?“ „I´m gonna have a taste of him too. And you really got enough of him, didn´t you?“ Nish said something Kiaro didn´t understand and left the tent. Kiaro now looked down at Devin and smiled. After some seconds he kissed the sleepy prince on the lips and forced his tongue into his mouth. As the prince kissed him back Kiaro felt a rush of excitement. He kissed the boy long and passionated and when he stopped he saw the prince´s cock already hard again. Kiaro had a closed look. The boy was well build. He was big, maybe one of the biggest he had seen yet and definetely the most beautiful. Nice formed and hard as a rock, with a drop of precum glistening on his head, inviting him to lick it off. The prince had opened his eyes again and looked up to Kiaro with dazed green eyes. „Shall I lick him?“ Kiaro asked and ran his fingertip over the whole lenght of that nice cock. „No, don´t...ugh stop th...aaaah.“ Kiaro just ignored the protests and licked that precum away. It tasted salty, but it was filled with an aroma that immedeatly made Kiaro hungry for more. But first he licked his way up and down the shaft. Devins protests had become a soft moaning. Kiaro carefully licked his captives balls and even took one in his mouth. „Ohhh....please....please...“ The boy begged. „Please what?“ Kiaro asked grining. „Please....make...make me cum.“ Now the boy could no longer stop himself and Kiaro smiled. The prince looked so hot, tied up, with a raging boner and this lust filled eyes. „How could I refuse?“ with that words Kiaro wrapped his lips around the princes cock head and then swallowed as much as he could get. „OOOHH.“ The prince moaned loudly. Kiaro moved his head up and down, licking and sucking the soft skin of this precious manhood. „Ooh god...son´t stop. Please...I´m cumming.“ Devin groaned in pleasure as he felt his next climax comming. Kiaro sucked harder and was rewarded with a load of semen. Devin came, still much more than usually, but less than the first time. Kiaro filled his mouth and let go of the cock. But Devin wans´t finished yet and shot two more loads into Kiaros face. Kiaro didn´t care. He let the liquid run through his mouth and over his tongue, enjoying the aroma, untill he finally let it run through his throat. Then he whiped the rest of his face and licked it from his fingers. Pleased he looked at the prince, who had already fallen asleep. For a moment he just watched the slumbering boy, then he snuggled to him, got the blanket and also went to sleep, his face buried in Devins red hair.
    1 point
  27. I love to see the top nut ball deep in the bottom's hole. Bare of course!
    1 point
  28. I prefer bare but have no issues with gloves can be sexy in right context. Nitrile gloves are the best.
    1 point
  29. Definitely an ick factor for my fetish...cockcheese/smegma
    1 point
  30. Not everyone goes out on weekends drinking. Not everyone who does spends a fortune on drinks when they do. You are speaking from a narrow window of experience. You mentioned that you used to spend half a year in the US and half in the UK at the time. That alone puts you in an economic stratum well above an awful lot of people for whom a transatlantic trip is more of a lifetime-savings event and not something undertaken seasonally. I have a couple of younger gay friends who have entry-level jobs and for them, two nights out a month at the bars and a limit of $25 each time for their drinks is doable but pushing it. Your blithe assumption that "oh well, they can afford $70 a month" may apply to you and your income level but not to everyone else's. And as I said, YOU knew where to find a doctor that would provide a non-approved drug for you. Not everyone does. What I find mind-boggling is the assumption in everything you write on this topic that your personal experience is the do-all, be-all, end-all of what the rest of the world encounters and therefore anyone who points out a flaw in your arguments insofar as they apply to others is just wrong. The difference between me standing by what I'm saying, and you standing by what you're saying, is that I take into account that some people's experiences may be different from mine or yours. You do not.
    1 point
  31. Chapter 3: Broken Chase kissed me more fiercely than any woman. When I parted my lips, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and began to swirl his tongue around mine. He held my head in his big, strong hands, and in that moment I lost myself. And just when it felt like I was going to disappear into this mouth, he grabbed the sides of my face as if to anchor me back to myself. He was directing the moment, and I loved it; I had never experienced power like Chase, he was a power that demanded my submission. And I found myself eagerly wanting to submit. Without pulling away from my lips, Chase moved his hand under my chin so as to to nudge me up from my seat. I stood up, and he wrapped me in his arms pulling me into his warm body. I couldn't get close enough to him. He moved from my lips, and began to probe my ear with his tongue. "Fuck, Lucas. You taste better than I imagined." I tried to form words, but all I could do was push out a moan. Chase's tongue slid down the side of my face and stopped at the crook of my neck. I shuttered, my whole body was vibrating. My breathing was erratic and loud, and all I could think to do was pull Chase closer against my body. As our groins pushed against each other, I could feel the hardness of his cock against my own. The softness of a woman's pussy suddenly seemed so dull. I could not believe I had gone 31 years without feeling another hard cock pushed against my own. I reached beneath the waste band of Chase's Clavin Klein briefs and found my destination. His cock was a reflection of him: 9 inches of uncut cock with a beautiful curve to it. It felt burning hot and weighty in my hand. Suddenly something animalistic took over; all I needed in that moment was smell and taste his cock; to bury my face in his crotch. I pushed him away, looked him directly in the eye, and grinned. Chase smiled back, and then laughed at how quickly I dropped to my knees. "Fuck Lucas, you broke more quickly than any of my other guys." The alcohol combined with the pure lust, prevented me from processing Chase's words. As I kneeled before him, I looked him directly in the eye, opened my mouth and took him into me. The taste was heavenly: first I picked up on the salt from his sweat, and as his pre-cum leaked out of the crevice of his foreskin, the salt combined with the sweet and created what must be ambrosia--the food of the gods. The musk from his sweaty ass was permeating my nostrils giving me a metallic taste at the back of my throat. I craved all of it, but I didn't understand why, nor did I understand how. Chase could sense that I needed more, but didn't yet have the skill. "Lucas." I wasn't listening. I was just focusing on getting more of his meat inside of me. I was laser focused on my need for him to consume me. "Lucas!" He pushed me off of his cock, kneeled down, and grabbed my head. "Look at me. Let me help you get what you need." I came to, and nodded. "Ok. What do I need to do?" "I think it will be easier if I teach you by showing you. Stand up." I stood up while Chase remained on his knees. Chase was now eye-level with my cock. He looked up at me and said, "Now the trick to being a pro cock sucker is to relax your throat. If that's hard to understand, think about pushing out or expanding your throat." He smiled and said, "And if you are still not understanding, let me show you. Feel my throat contracting and expanding." In one motion, Chase took my 8 inches all the way down his throat. I felt it push past his mouth, and down his esophagus. Once my hard cock was lodged in his throat, I felt him expand and contract his throat. No woman had ever done that before. The sensation was incredible, and the moment was surreal. My cock was shoved down the throat of a man--an Adonis--who I had just met hours ago at my place of employment. I grabbed his black hair, and pulled his head further into my crotch. I wanted him to swallow all of me. Like our kiss, I wanted my entire being to be his. Even though he was sucking my cock, I was still the sub in that I needed him to swallow my entire being. Devour me starting with my cock. Chase pushed back on my abs, and I popped out of his throat. I was back to myself, and I felt empty. What was happening to me? Who or what was I becoming? Chase saw me begin to think. He stood up and grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me so that I was an inch from his face. "You don't think, Lucas. You just listen. Let this happen. You're discovering that you like to give up power, so let me turn you into the pig you want to be. Yes?" I nodded. "Good. Now get back on your knees and take what you crave back into your mouth. Show me what you just learned." I dropped on my knees, and all my thoughts went away. This is where I belong. I opened my mouth and Chase slowly pushed himself into me. As his cock slid past my mouth, I did what he instructed and pushed out my esophagus, my eyes rolled back in my head, and I could feel myself disappearing. I wanted to give myself completely over to Chase. As he began to pull back out of my mouth, I grabbed his perfectly round, hard ass, and drew him back into my throat. I wanted to suffocate on his cock. Chase grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me off his cock. "You have to breath through your nose. When I pull back, take a breathe, before I slam back into you. Together, we'll create a rhythm." I took a deep breathe, reached behind him, and pulled him back into me. He pulled out, I took a breathe, and he slammed down my throat again. His 9 inch cock was so big that I could feel him stretch my throat. I fucking loved it. He did it again, and I took in a breathe, and again he slammed deeper down my throat. I felt something tear, and I shuddered with ecstasy. We had found the rhythm, and after 5 minutes of slurping, gasping, and sucking him down, I could feel him so deep that I could swear he was past my Adam's Apple, and the base of my neck. My eyes were so far in the back of my head, that I forgot they existed. In that moment, the world was just my mouth and Chase's cock. He pulled out, and I was back. He pulled me back up on my feet, and looked me in the eye. I was lost again. "Lucas, I'm going to mark you as mine now, okay?" I just nodded in a daze of alcohol and lust. Chase pushed me down to my knees again, and I instinctively opened my mouth. He fucked my face for another five minutes. I could tell he was getting close because his breathing was getting heavier, and thrusts were harder and more violent. He was giving me less time to breath. I began to flex and relax my throat to milk the cum from his cock. In the second before he blew, he pulled his cock out of my mouth, aimed it directly between my eyes, and covered my face in his creamy seed. Rope after rope of cum continued to pump from his slit. The smell of his sweet and salty cum was too much for me to handle and my cock exploded without me touching it. Chase knelt down. "Open your eyes." I opened my eyes and looked directly into his. His cum ran into my green eyes. It stung, but I loved it because I was absorbing him. He was becoming part of me. "Open your mouth." Chase reached out and used his hand to scoop all of his cum across, over, and down my face and into my mouth. After he cleaned my face, he stuck all four of his fingers into my mouth and spread them forcing my jaw wide. "Lick them clean." I moved my tongue around each finger in order to get every last drop of his nectar down my throat. Nearly his entire fist was in my mouth. "Look at you right now. " I stepped back from the moment, and took note of how pathetic I must look, and my discovery right then was that I had never been happier. "You're officially my pig."
    1 point
  32. I’ve been throat fucked whilst unconscious a couple of times and it hurts like hell the day after but I fucking love it
    1 point
  33. PART 17 It ended up taking three days to ge to Ron’s house. They had really worked me over and my hole was just too raw. But by day three, it felt better and i had also had three days to think about it. Three days of lusting for him when i was horny and then guilt when I’m wasn’t. Guilt at knowing i was letting him inside me raw. Guilt that i had pretty much begged him to fuck me, even after he had told me that he was hiv positive and wouldn’t pull out once he was in me. Guilt that i had felt like i just needed his cum inside me, even if he hiv. Maybe even more because he had hiv. And then the guilt would turn to lust and i would relive that moment of him rubbing my hole with his cock head, smearing Precum all over it. Him slowly working his way in until he was sliding in and out, balls deep. Balls deep. Announcing he was ejaculating in my guts, balls deep. Feeling a little stab of pain as his cock punched deep but being so proud to take all of him inside me, to know he gave me all of himself and was as deep as he could be when he shot his cum. When he bred me. I finally understood it. For Ron and Tom and guys like them, i was basically a virgin. And i couldn’t have a baby but i could have hiv. If they give it to me. And every load, every time they let go inside me and pumped their cum into me, they were giving me their cum, the seed that would breed the hiv in my body. And somehow, i seemed to want this baby inside me. But i didn’t. But i kept letting it happen. It only takes one time and i had already taken enough loads to get a room full of guys positive. But i didn’t want it. I kept telling myself that. And this inner battle kept going on for the whole three days. Telling myself this is crazy and stop now and maybe you will be ok. And then obsessing over the feeling of the poppers, of my hole all slick and wet with lube, of the full feeling of a cock inside of me, but mostly of the moment where Tom and Ron were telling me they were cumming. Of that feeling and how powerful it was mentally, how proud i felt for making them cum and for letting their pleasure override the stab of pain when they slid into me. Earning the load mattered. It mattered so much. And even though i felt ashamed when i called him, it didn’t matter. Shame didn’t matter. Ron said he had saved his load knowing i would call. It’s hard to tell just how much those words effected me. How much it made me want to be a good bottom for him. How he had saved it for me and if i pleases him and was good, he would let me have it. And i wanted it. I wanted it more than anything. Ron, who was old enough to be my dad and who had looked me in the eyes and told me had hiv had saved up his load and wanted me to have it again. And i was driving to his house.
    1 point
  34. I keep the loadz in my ass for as long as possible. Usually dont voluntarily eject it til the next day.
    1 point
  35. I have once, a rest stop near Kansas City. Wasn't really planning on it but the man saw me in the rest room and invited me back to his truck. Once he showed me his thick cock there was no way I wasn't going with him. Ended up bent over his rack getting pounded until he flooded my ass with a huge load. After cleaning him up he showed me the door and I went on my way like a good bottom!
    1 point
  36. I still wank off to this post, years later...awesome, reminds me of my trips to Gran Canaria club darkrooms.,
    1 point
  37. As my alpha cock slurped down the runt's weak seed, he collapsed between my huge thighs - each one dwarfing his torso. I gave him a quick squeeze, causing him to cry out before quickly getting up to my knees and shifted the kid so that he was lying face down. "I'm going to work my fat cock into your guts and in the process my body is going to crush and compress yours. I'll squeeze any resistance out of you". I was thinking of the events that had meant that I'd had to slip out of my curfew anklet before coming over to this kid's place. This time, there was no one to stop me and I could go as far as I wanted. While I was distracted by my plans the kid had slowly started to wriggle away. It was the cutest, most pathetic sight, his pearly white arse (a dark, gaping "O" at it's centre) was shuffling from side to side as he inched slowly across the bed. I simply shuffled over to him, my belly raised high and then secured him by letting my gut rest on his back (just my belly, nowhere near my full weight). Suddenly, he was immobilised and with a flex of my cock I was able locate myself in his gape. I thrust forwards, easily placing my whole length in him without any apparent pain on his part. My cock was surrounded by a warm, wet looseness which I was enjoying but not as much as.... ...I let my full weight fall onto the kid. he audibly crumpled, as I compressed him under me. I let myself settle for a few seconds before raising up and crashing back down as i thrust in his runty wetness. This time, I felt rather than heard as his body broke a little more and my fuck squeezed the life out of him. I wasn't rushing this, I wanted to savour every thrust, but I knew he couldn't last very long as there's no way he was breathing with 410lbs on his back, besides I was getting pretty worked up already. Thinking about my climax and the best way to make use of this gift from heaven I decided that I needed some further reaction from Jake if I was to work my toxic load into his ruined body. Reaching under my sweat soaked body, I found his little head, neatly nestled in my cleavage. My forearm tucked up under his chin as I felt my balls tense up a little. There was no reaction from Jake though I thought I heard a noise somewhere in his flat, increasing my urgency. "gonna break your scrawny neck you dumb little fuck".... I squeezed a little tighter "so close now Jake...time to end you". I squeezed tighter still and a part of the kid somehow managed to struggle exciting me greatly with its weakness. My juices began pumping into him as I tensed further, just as I heard another voice in the room....
    1 point
  38. Full blown guy stayed inside Jake as his cock softened but the kid's loose arse couldn't hold onto his meat for very long and he soon slipped out. I could see from his tendons on his arm that he was still working his hand inside Jake though, and he spent a few minutes working his cum into the kid's guts. When he finally retrieved his bloody arm, he indicated to me that it was my turn. I'd momentarily forgotten that I was just next in line in his eyes but my cock was hard and it was too easy to slide back into Jake, whose arse now felt like a warm, wet and soft bag of mush. I could detect no resistance at all as i slipped all the way in. Full blown guy was behind me, on his knees, feeding off my tight manhole and playing with my big soft balls. As I gently pushed in to Jake he would push my balls forwards and up, eventually popping them into Jake's fleshy tunnel alongside my cock. For a while, he would pop them back inside each time they came out and I got off on the feeling of being so deep in the kid. "Fist him". Hmmm...good idea...I pulled out and made my hand as narrow as possible. Not easy with my hands. Four fingers were going in no problem but the width of my palm was something new for Jake's arse. "Just push" I did. And then a bit harder. Harder still....and....yes...entry, Jake squeaked and suddenly my whole hand was in. The feeling my cock had imagined was confirmed by my fingers. I've fisted before but Jake was a little different. The warmness and some of the suction was there (though much less) but the feeling that's like soft seaweed wrapping around you was much more intense. I remembered Nathan's cock from earlier and the damage that it had done, assuming that it was partly responsible for what I was feeling. I remembered too seeing the outline of him inside Jake, as he did his evil work. "Gonna turn him over". I kept my forearm in him, using it to roll the kid over. He was still on the bed but my arm was taking some of his weight. It took a bit of doing, moving myself in him to get the leverage without slipping to some new part of him, but all of a sudden, he rolled on to his back an d Jake was lying there pregnant, the shape of my upturned hand clearly outlined and standing proud of his shrunken midsection.
    1 point
  39. Over the next week, we settled into a nice routine. I'd fuck at least three loads into Jake each day and feed him two more as sustenance. He was responsible for drinking all my piss and cleaning my arse with his tongue, spending whole evenings under there. After that first day, he was nearly always keen for my fuck and I really don't think he was eating much other than my seed, although I did leave him for a few hours each day while I hit the weights in my apartment or went out for a jog. I made him keep on the shredded briefs he'd been wearing for that first fuck. He was losing even more condition, looking thinner than ever and it was no surprise when he became ill. I noticed it as I sunk into him balls deep after waking up hard, as usual. He felt warmer and less responsive than normal but no less pleasing to breed. As it dawned on me that my boy was now struggling in the fight with my DNA, I got hornier than ever and rode the little fuck extra hard,sparking weak protests from his aching body. My enjoyment easily outlasted his energy and he was like the figurative rag-doll beneath me by the time I finally dosed him up with more of my DNA.
    1 point
  40. I was still fully hard in his guts but humping in and out more gently now, gliding through a heady mix of my seed and Jake's cunt juices. I told Jake how my DNA was rushing into his blood stream, seeking out his cells and overpowering them with ease. "You're eating me alive?!!!" "Kinda, kid". "Did you always plan this?" "Yeh. I do it a lot" "oh" "but you are different, I've built up to this and I want to keep breeding you" "Is there anything I can do?" "There's meds, like what you used to take, but I doubt they'd do much for you" "oh". "I think you want this, to be my prey" I fucked him as deep and gentle as I could, relishing his little body under me. I felt his ruined ass twitch and guessed his clit was getting hard under him. Finally, some minutes later, he answered "yes, I want it. I need you to use me, I wanna be your prey" "good boy, you've found your purpose" "but, please, don't leave me" "I won't" Hearing his mind submit to me after so easily dominating his puny body was a major turn on. I rolled us over so that Jake was sprawled on me, my cock lodged in his guts. I could see his hard little cock, which was dripping his milky pre. "I'm close to cumming Jake. Close to dumping a lethal load in you. You can get off me if you want. Drag your maggot body off me, feel my bull cock slide out of you" I felt him tense up, beginning to sit up, survival instinct kicking in maybe? He lifted himself off me a little, dragging me through his shredded insides. Fuck that! I pushed him back down, hand on his shoulder, and scooted my thighs up, wrapping them round his, immobilising him. "no way baby, you are my cum dump now". He was pinned back down on me now. He whimpered as I used his body to milk my cock, pulling it up and down me with my thighs. "Ripping you up, fag, planting my babies". His cocklet was rock hard and I felt a trickle of juice as he climaxed in my tight grip, relishing his role as a sacrificial flesh light and I was soon pumping another load of toxic scum into his recently pure and clearly very fertile guts.
    1 point
  41. I left Jake in the shower as I raided his kitchen for food. The kid didn't have a lot in so I snook back down to my apartment, not bothering to put anything on over the obscenely revealing briefs. I eat a lot and I'd expended a good bit of energy on Jake so far, so it took a little while to devour my meal and top up on protein shakes. By the time I made it back up to Jake's, it was clear something had happened as he was really upset. A little coaxing revealed that he'd had a phone call with very bad news about his parents, he wouldn't say what but it wasn't hard to imagine. I gathered the little guy up in my arms and comforted him. We moved to the sofa and I put his favourite wrestling channel on the TV as I caressed his tussled hair while he laid on my chest. Time passed and he said little but he seemed more at ease. My hand could't help roaming to his pert little ass cheeks as his head rested between my pecs. I flicked the TV over to Pornhub and selected a wrestling porn playlist I knew of. Jakey's little cocklet began to harden and rub against my abs in his briefs and my finger probed against the thin material that covered his hole, pushing a little harder against it, feeling his firmness. On the screen, an Ed Hunter look-a-like was pinning the hell out of a young twink, his cock escaping from his over-packed jock and getting rubbed over the twink's face and arse as he took control. "He's got the same tattoo as you" he said, noticing the biohaz symbol on the guy's shoulder. It was the first thing Jake had said in over an hour. "Oh, yeah...we're in the same club". The twink had now lost his speedos and the top had whipped off his jock, rubbing it in the kids face as he threw him around some more. I pushed a little harder on Jake's briefs where my finger had been caressing for the last 15 minutes and felt the material give and a small hole appear, allowing me access to his pucker. Jake was humping my abs as the top on the screen pinned the twink face down, hands behind his back and rubbed his cock head at his hole. I spat on my finger and began working my way into the boy, letting his humping motion work my finger inside. I let him open himself up on me as the top made short verbal work of the twink on screen "got my dirty cock in ya, boi"......"gonna knock you up".... Jake's hole was lubing itself up nicely as I whispered in his ear "you want that, don't you Jake" "mmmm...yes sir" "What do you want?" "your big cock" "Where?" "in my arse" "In your cunt, fag, runts like you don't have an arse" "in my fag cunt sir" "Good boy". I rolled us both off the sofa, winding him as he ended up beneath me. I scooped him up from under me, one hand on the back of his undies, the other arm round his chest, giving him a good wedgie as I carried him to the bedroom and threw him face down on his bed. My cock had already escaped the tiny briefs as I fell on to him and I was able to poke it through the hole in Jake's underwear, filling in his little trench with my meat, dripping copious pre. "This gonna hurt you, runt, but I kinda enjoy that and it's your only use in life". I gave him the poppers, more to improve things for me than him and pushed forward. The dumb cunt tried to move forward and I felt his hole tense up, which made me smile. I could feel I was on target and my PA had already slipped in so I just decided to go for it, driving my hips forward against the resistance which failed, all at once, as something in Jake broke, allowing me to slide about 6 inches into him. I clamped my hand over his mouth to muffle the screams and enjoyed his almost too tight chute as it feebly tried to expel me. A sticky warmth was surrounding the end of my cock as I pushed slowly deeper, coming up against Jake's inner sphincter. I played with it for a little while, as Jake's chute lubed me up, mixing with my pre, before gradually increasing the pressure. "What are you doing?" Jake whimpered. I responded by pushing a little harder, breaking his resistance and easing even deeper into him. I groaned in ecstasy as the sphincter locked around my cock head and my sweaty balls rested in the stickiness leaking from Jake. "I'm in your guts boy, my killer cock is right in you, dripping my superior DNA into your runty body". "it hurts" "I don't give a shit, runt" and with that I pulled back, feeling Jake's guts fighting to keep me in him and my PA slicing out through his inner ring. The good thing about this is it feels awesome for me and I know what's going on, Jakey felt relatively little apart from being over full and resistance inside him though and even the pain around his cunt lips was beginning to numb a little. He'd stopped squirming as I settled into a nice rhythm, Jakey barely visible under me, as I scythed through him over and over, thinking of all the ways I was going to fuck this innocent piece of meat while I had the chance. His vulnerability was really turning me on and I could feel my balls tightening. "Nearly time fag" I growled in his ear "gonna cum in ya" "please sir!!" he was clearly desperate for this to end so he could recover "you begging for my dirty load, fag?" "yes sir, give me your load" "you want my seed, you want knocking up?" "yes sir, knock me up" "my poz DNA is gonna murder you kid" At this he started to squirm. "no...no...what?" "you're my prey, runt, gonna inject my killer babies in you" "no,....no...." "squirm boy, drive me crazy, my big dick is smashing you up inside, gonna inject my seed straight into your bloodstream" he was literally fighting for his life and it felt amazing. I could have ended the squirming any time but I just loved it more and more. All too soon my balls tightened and I felt the first powerful flex of my cock. Jake felt it too and grew still. It was too late for him and he knew it. I roared in pleasure as I pumped him full, my load being delivered deep inside him.....
    1 point
  42. It didn't take long for me to doze off but I was careful to shift most of my weight from Jake as I did, leaving just my thigh laid across his groin in a clear sign of ownership. He too drifted off and we both slept until morning. As the light woke me, it seemed that some of the intensity from last night seemed to have left but, we were both still naked in Jake's bed and I couldn't help but notice that the skinny little runt was humping my thigh in his half awake state. Cheeky little fuck! I lifted my arm and bent over Jakey, enveloping his face in my hairy pit, letting my scent cover him and fill his lungs. He was soon fully awake and relishing his position so I decided to move things on a little, pushing his head lower, towards my groin. He soon got the message and wasted no time in taking my whole soft cock into his mouth. My hands on the back of his head, I rolled us over, as my cock hardened, unrolling down his previously stretched throat. Slowly at first, a trickle of my rich man piss emerged into his throat, flowing on into his stomach. I piss like a bull in the morning and Jake clocked quickly what was happening despite not really tasting my waste. "You've had my protein, runt, time for a drink". Given our relative sizes it was inevitable that a full bladder would be a challenge for Jake and, indeed, looking behind me, I could see his normally concave tummy swelling up as I piss-impregnated him I kept going until I was done, and then spent a relaxed 30 minutes humping his throat to ease my overnight ball load out, this time dragging my cock head into his mouth to allow him the pleasure of tasting my alpha seed
    1 point
  43. PART 5: CODY UNLEASHES THE BEAST WITHIN ME We had another event about a month later, and Cody was on the card again. This time, I kept my distance and let him enjoy his evening by mingling with other fans and wrestlers – I noticed a lot more gay men were buying his t-shirts and taking photos with him before the show, no doubt the result of his last match’s immediate popularity on YouTube. I also let Cody wear his regular spandex trunks for his match this time, which meant less of a risqué show for the crowd. But just for my own sadistic enjoyment, I secretly instructed his older, beefy “heel” opponent – Joe, a 6-foot-4, 40-something, burly, hairy, muscle god -- to pull out all the stops with real-life low blows and punches to young Cody’s dick and balls. Watching the match from a distance, I could tell that several of Joe’s low blows actually connected and hurt like hell, much to Cody’s surprise, and at times Cody really was struggling to stand upright and continue. The match finally ended after about 15 minutes with his opponent rolling young Cody up on the mat, illegally grabbing a hand full of the kid’s trunks from the back and exposing most of the boy’s tanned, athletic ass for a 1-2-3 count. I hadn’t planned on fucking the kid that night, but after seeing him completely used and abused by Joe in his match, I motioned the 19-year-old to follow me into the same side room where I’d first pumped my poison jizz into the boy. I closed and locked the door and repeated the process from just a month earlier, and Cody obliged sheepishly and very begrudgingly. Giving up his straight ass to a man old enough to be his father had mentally defeated and humiliated him. I almost felt sorry for him until I slid his gear down to reveal his sweaty, musky, bubble ass, and I knew I needed it again. Fucking tease, what did he expect me to do? I spit on my cock -- the spit, my poz precum, and his sweat made for a surprisingly good lube. Still, I could feel immense friction as my thick cock grinded into his small hole. "That jock ass is gonna look good carrying my AIDS next time I see you, son," I muttered as I quickly built up to my climax. Cody grunted quietly. If he heard me, I doubt he understood anything about my desire to give him HIV. I tried to imagine the thoughts running through this straight kid's mind as his trusted elder used his hole again. Seconds later, I was pumping another toxic load into the boy’s jock body. If the first time didn’t knock up Cody, this time would. I never did make the phone call to my scout friends as I’d promised. I got what I needed, so I didn't care as much now, frankly. Cody texted me a couple of weeks later and asked, and I lied when I told him I was waiting to hear back about his potential tryout. In the same text, he said he’d come down with a bad flu and was stuck at home with fever, chills, aches, all the same symptoms I’d felt years earlier when Daddy pozzed me. I had no doubt that Cody had finally come down with the fuck flu, his young, healthy, teen body finally giving itself to the virus that I’d injected into him twice. To this day, I don't think he's been tested, so the kid has no idea. He probably won't for years. Even though he was now part of the brotherhood, it was then I realized that I had no physical use for him anymore, and any desire to fuck him again was gone. I still booked him for my events, because his tanned body, tight ass, and big smile sold tickets and put money in my pocket. But the 19-year-old jock boy had helped unleash a new power within me in this whole process. I now realized exactly how much influence I have over these naïve kids and their big dreams. I began to explore every possibility of booking vulnerable boys who would do anything in exchange for my promise of help getting them on a national stage. These dumb kids needed something, and so did I. Ashton was next on my list.
    1 point
  44. As Cody leaned over a metal folding chair, I imagined how many dirty, gay daddies like me would pay money to be in this position. Maybe others will get a turn at this kid another time. Right now, it’s my time to own this kid, destroy his innocence, and remind him that I hold his dreams and his career in my hands. With Cody leaned over and staring at the floor, I slid one hand inside the back of his tiny white briefs and slid them down to the bottom of his muscular ass. He said nothing, but I thought I heard a slight grunt. I couldn’t help but to snap a couple of photos of this nearly naked country-boy hunk with my phone, using an angle that was sure to show the side of his face with his bare ass on display. That could be valuable down the road. With Cody’s face still faced toward the floor, I pulled a small container of lube from my pocket and greased up my right middle finger – the one with the jagged nail filed into a sharp point for occasions like this. “This might sting a little at first, but you’re going to feel better soon, I promise,” I said. With my left arm across the boy’s muscular back to hold him in place, I wasted no time sliding my finger and its jagged nail against Cody’s virgin neg hole and gently pushed inward. “Holy shit,” Cody mumbled. “Jesus, fuck. What the fuck, man?” Despite his meager vocal protests, he mostly didn’t move, aside from the flinch when my rough fingernail began to scrape the inside of his young, unprotected hole. I reached into my other pocket and brought out a tiny bottle of poppers I had bought just for this occasion. I reached around to Cody’s face with my free hand and ordered him to take a few sniffs from the bottle – he didn’t question me as he inhaled about four whiffs. “Fuck. Fuck. Goddam. Uhhh,” Cody said, his voice trailing off. I could tell that he was flying and under the spell of the poppers. Now was the time to get what I needed. I pulled my finger out of his virgin butt and briefly admired the bright red negative blood that had gathered under my pointed fingernail. Not wasting time, I slid my jeans and underwear down and lubed up my hard poison cock and aimed it toward Cody’s scraped and bloodied hole. My poz precum was already adding a layer of extra lube as I pressed my thick mushroom head into his virgin ass. “Oh my god, fuck, oh my god,” Cody mumbled. “Man, I can’t do this. I’m not gay, no way. Fuck.” Still, he didn’t resist, and aside from another slight flinch, he took my raw cock like the young alpha jock that he is. I don’t think he fully realized what was happening. Within seconds, my toxic dick was all the way inside this 19-year-old country boy god and spurting poison precum into his young unprotected hole with each thrust. “Cody, this is just another level of your training. I know you can handle this. You knew you’d have to make sacrifices,” I said, not sure if he even knew who I was or where he was under the influence of the poppers. “Fuck. But you … you’ll … help me, right?” he said between his low grunts. “I will, Cody. I’m here for you,” I said. “I want what’s best for you. We’re about to change your life.” Under my breath, I whispered, “I’m about to destroy you and give you AIDS, jock boy, but I can’t stop now.” I don’t think he heard me. Maybe he did. As I steadily pumped my dirty cock inside him, I really didn’t care. As he continued to moan quietly with every thrust inside his tight, tanned ass, I leaned down and bit into his smooth neck, determined to leave a mark that would further remind us both of my power and influence over this naïve country bumpkin. After a few seconds of hearing Cody’s heightened moans while I bit into his taut, sweaty flesh, I leaned back and saw that I’d broken the skin and drawn blood. I’m not one to waste an opportunity, so I pulled my cock all the way out of his hole and scooped up the mix of my poison poz precum and the blood from his hole. As I eased my dick back into his muscled body, I smeared my virus into the open wound on his neck, determined that he will leave this locker room with my disease one way or another. (This was a little trick I learned when Daddy pozzed me. When he fucked me, he pulled out a needle and jabbed two of my fingers with it, opening wounds that he immediately covered with his poz precum. Whether that was what got me, we’ll never know.) I knew my time with Cody was limited, and I feared he would come to his senses soon, so I worked quickly to seed his unprotected hole. I built up speed and felt my load brewing fast as I held onto his sweaty, muscled shoulders. “Here you go Cody, this is part of your sacrifice on your way to the big-time,” I said as I felt my thick, dirty jizz begin to shoot into the jock boy’s negative hole. My fingers dug into his firm shoulders as my poison erupted into his bare ass, pumping my killer virus (and Daddy’s) into this young, hunky, healthy straight kid. I’ve seeded a lot of young asses in my poz journey, but the feeling of shooting my deadly toxin into Cody was on a whole new level. It was intense. He moaned a bit but was mostly quiet. “Holy fuck, oh shit. Oh shit. Did you use a condom?” I think Cody was finally realizing what happened. “You have nothing to worry about,” I assured him. “I told you I’ll take care of you.”
    1 point
  45. Can't remember what I wrote here the first time around, so I'll start from scratch. Biden really is not my preferred option among the original Democratic field, not even my second or third. Frankly, I'm appalled that the old white men are doing so well, but it does point up the fact that the current version of party politics we have in the USA is largely concerned with maintaining the power base of the oligarchy. I'll be voting for him anyway, because Trump is not an option (I'll stop right there about Trump in a probably bootless attempt to stick to the subject 😉)
    1 point
  46. Unemployed. In my opinion, one of the most interesting topics I've read on here. We are getting to see a whole new side of guys.
    1 point
  47. Lately, I can't do it enough. I don't even call it rimming anymore. It's "Tongue Fucking". I'll try to open his hole as much as possible then shove my tongue in as deep as I can.
    1 point
  48. "please fuck me" is all i could think of and blurt out verbally and as no tina coated finger was in my arse yet i repeated it again "please fuck me"........then i felt Paul push the head of his cock into my wet hole and that burning sensation started immediately,then he pushed more into my wet hole,then more - god he was so thick...... "fuck me" is all i could get out of my lips as my mind started flying and the burning got hotter and my hole is tingling like fuck with lust......i feel him push deeper and slightly withdraw then again push deeper and "fuck me" he was huge as i felt my hole stretch to accommodate his girth - im by this point repeating over and over "fuck me".....i hadn't even seen his cock at this point but i knew for sure he was way thicker than Brandon and he,s still pushing into me deeper as i feel my sphincters stretch more and open right up - then bam - i thought i felt my hole pop and he was inside me all the way to the balls and his groin pressing against my tail bone....he let out a slight moan and held still until i got used to the feeling - it almost felt like he was way too big for my little ass and i almost wanted him to stop but my racing mind wouldn't allow the words to even utter my thoughts and the burning,slight pain and pleasure was still building up by each second and im starting to sweat heavily - im sure i could also smell Brandons cum fill the air inside the car - i could certainly feel how wet my legs and hole were with it - he must have squirted a huge load of spunk up me to get me pre-lubed. Paul had coated his cock with tina before pushing it inside me and it was very strong.....definitely more than the one finger dab id had earlier and he started gently sliding in and out of my hole which by this point it had opened right up and i begged,infact i demanded he "fuck me hard baby" like a slut - which he did......he became faster and more assertive and every so often i hear Brandon egging him on encouragingly as my arse is doing summersaults and a dance inside against each thrust - my arse is in heaven and i know it - this is what ive always always wanted - i was in love - totally - head over heels.....i haven't been fucked alot but i knew this was the best fuck i,d ever had in my whole life and my arse is on fire and burning with lust,making wet slurpy sloppy sounds as he is ramming and stuffing me without mercy inside my wet hole but im loving every moment and want more and more the sloppier it gets - i dont even care Brandon has a front row seat watching it all happen close up and i dont care what he thinks when he hears me ......"please dont stop" and "fuck me hard" i cried out - it felt so joyous - i was so so happy and reached down between my legs to grab my cock and wank myself off as he is thrusting but couldn't find it in the dark and blurted out "my cock is tiny and i cant get hard" - Brandon laughed and Paul started pounding even harder like a crazed animal - it felt relentless - he was a good fuck - NO he was a great fuck.........the sweat by now is running down my back and down my arms and my forehead and hair is soaking with sweat but Paul keeps pounding away and im pushing my ass and hole out at him to match every thrust like we were working in unison - like it was meant to be......he must have been fucking me like this for at least 20 minutes then through his moans Paul says he is about to cum and asks "where do you want it"........."please fill me with your spunk" and "please fill me up baby" i managed to cry out and with a few final thrusts i could feel Paul go over the edge and empty his balls inside me - he pushed into me all the way as he unloaded and i swear i could almost feel each spurt coating my arse inside as his thick cock twitched like a convulsing snake inside me - he let out a final whimper like moan as he leaned forward and let himself fall onto my soaking wet sweaty back and i felt his cheek rest against my shoulder blades and his cock is still inside me........."now that was good" he said - "i enjoyed that" - "HOW ABOUT YOU? he asked....."i love you" was all my lips could muster and he kissed my back. Paul let himself up and i felt his now soft cock plop out of my hole and i wish he could stay inside as im still rushing and feel empty as the cool air enters my hole......im still on my knees as i am aware of Paul pulling his trousers up,zips up and unlocks the door to get out....."stay right there" Brandon says as he opens the door in front of car and steps outside before closing the door shut....at this point Paul is outside the rear door holding it open and adjusting his clothes to straighten himself up......... i hear them both mutter something then let out a laugh between them but i didnt care as i knew they and i were happy........Paul jumps into the driver seat closing the door behind him and almost instantaneously Brandon gets into the back with me but his trousers are down at his knees and he is sitting there proudly displaying his huge hard cock then the door closes......enjoy the ride Paul says as he turns the key to start the ignition and the car slowly pulls off to drive up the lane with my ass still in the air.
    1 point
  49. This is fiction and did not happen. So I was super horned up one night and went to a bar. I got drunk and ended up going home with this hot guy who was hitting on me all night. He was 6’ 3", black hair, beard, fur all over, muscled and tats and HUNG! I stayed the night and we fucked at least five times. I think we also fucked in the car in the bar parking lot. Of course I asked him if he was neg and he replied yes, so we fucked bare the entire time. He dropped me off at my car the next day. I never got his name but saw a 'Jean' tattooed on his shoulder, so I figured that was his name. Being a one night stand, I never saw him again. A few weeks went by, I got really sick with a flu. A few months after I went to get tested. I had always tested neg so I wasn’t worried. I had done the tests and was asking the questions, when the bell rang on the timer, the girl administering the tests sat done and said "It has come back positive." She took another test and that did as well. She said I would need to speak to a counselor to discuss options and what the next steps were, and with that she took me to another room where I waited. The counselor came in and introduced himself to me as Tim. I was listening to him and he looked familiar. After a few minutes he explained what the steps were and then it clicked: although he had shaved his beard, it was JEAN! So I played it cool, since I knew he was the guy who had pozzed me. I then asked him a few questions and he told me he was poz. I then asked if he went to a certain bar in the next town and lived on a certain street. He replied yes. Then I asked "Do you have the name 'Jean' tattooed on your shoulder?" "Yes" he replied. Then I continued, asking if he remembered a hot night with a guy he had picked-up a month or so earlier. His face turned pale. He asked me to wait outside in my car where we could speak privately. Sure enough, a few minutes later he came to my car, and apologized. I replied "I asked you, not that it would have mattered though. I was super hot for you and would have gone home with you either way." He looked relieved. He then asked me back to his place. This was on a Friday, and didn't leave until Sunday night. He was so turned on that he pozzed me that we are now regular buddies and fuck several times a week. That was the best test I ever had.
    1 point
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