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  1. Luke pulled on his shorts and went back to cleaning. Despite his many lengthy breaks he’d made good progress. Most of the attic had been sorted and he probably only had one more day’s work left. That realization came with several twinges of sadness; it meant that the house would be ready to sell, that connection to his grandfather gone, and because the attic had become firmly part of his erotic imagination. Every word he read lived on in his mind, resurfacing at random and bringing him back to that hot, powerless night in NYC. His hook up the night before had been entirely driven by his wish to feel what the author was describing. Though he would take the journal and the box with him when he was finished, it would never be quite the same as sitting in the attic in a dirty old jock reading about someone else’s sexual awakening – possibly his Uncle Nick’s. That night Luke jerked off again, dreaming of what it would feel like to be fucked by Brett and the author, though now he imagined a young version of his uncle. He shot his load over himself, and fell asleep with it drying in his chest hair. He woke up the next morning and dressed without showering. He put the jock on once more. He knew he’d have to wash it eventually, it was starting to get a little ripe, but it turned him on so much to feel the old fabric against his body he couldn’t help himself. No one else was around when he went downstairs, so he grabbed a couple of waters and left. The oppressive heat was back, just walking to the car made Luke sweat. The attic was going to be like a sauna all day. He groaned when he got into the attic, it was worse than he’d imagined. Yesterday’s rain had only added to the humidity and it was like walking into a dusty sweat lodge climbing the attic ladder. After five minutes of work Luke was dripping in sweat, by the end of the first hour he’d tossed his shirt aside. He hauled box after box across the attic floor, tossing the contents into its respective piles and schlepping the trash downstairs. He’d moved a lifetime of refuse and memories now and was down to the truly forgotten and unwanted. The far back corners of the attic, places where things had been put probably before any of his aunts or uncles were even born. He tossed out moth eaten sweaters, stacks of old cards so faded you couldn’t read them anymore, cheap holiday decorations that had long ago fallen apart. He found ancient baby clothes, and a box full of nothing but socks. By lunchtime however, when he looked around there was nothing left. The only things in the attic were the things waiting for the weekend for his father to help him get down, everything else was gone. It looked so big now without all of the junk, big and empty. Luke slugged back and entire bottle of water at once and stretched his arms high above his head. He stank, and he liked it. He moved over to the old blanket he’d left on the floor and stretched out. No one was expecting him anywhere, and with the attic now as empty as he could get it he had no further responsibilities. He grabbed the journal box. One last wank he thought – and then he’d be done in the attic. We didn’t get power back till late that night. We were still laying in Brett’s bed. We had become so caught up in each other and our lust that I don’t think we would have noticed except the fan in Brett’s window came back on sending a cool breeze over out naked bodies. “There goes our excuse to not wear clothes,” Brett said when we noticed the fan. “I’m not sure we need an excuse anymore.” “You’re hooked now aren’t you? You cant get enough of this.” “I don’t know, maybe,” in truth when he’d asked me I hadn’t been sure. I had thought that maybe the joy and lust I’d been feeling had been isolated to that special time, that when the power came back on I’d come to my senses. I guess guys who come to their senses don’t then get fucked three more times by their roommate or deposit their own load in his ass before going to work. I don’t know if I’m gay – but writing all this down has shown me it’s not a fluke, I enjoyed it and I want more. Really its just made me horny as fuck. I wish Brett was home right now I’d go into his room and just get on my knees. I want to suck him so bad. Its not just him – I want a man’s cock in my mouth so bad. I wanted that guy at work to fuck me. I wanted him to feel the loads Brett had left inside me when he slid in. I suppose that’s the most definitive answer anyone’s ever gotten from a journal. I like having sex with men. I like getting fucked. I want to get fucked more. July 27th, 1977 It’s been two weeks since Brett first fucked me and then spent the two days of the blackout teaching me about gay sex. I’m still not entirely sure I know how to process what happened, but I know that I liked it and that I don’t want to stop. I haven’t stopped. There hasn’t been a day in those two weeks where we haven’t had sex. Most of the time Brett fucks me but I’ve been fucking him too. Honestly, I like fucking him but what I really like is feeling his cock inside me. I like getting fucked. God, it’s gotten so much easier to admit that. This morning, laying in bed after both just getting off, Brett asked me how I was doing, what I was thinking about in respect to all the sex we’d been having. It felt a little silly to be having this sort of conversation when my ass was literally wet from his load, but… “It feels amazing, and I don’t want to stop, if that’s what you’re asking,” I had replied. “That’s not quite what I’m asking but good to know.” “Look, I don’t know what I am really, so don’t ask me that; but I do know this feels fucking incredible, and I want more of it. For the first time in my life I’ve been consciously checking out guys, which is new, but good.” “What do you think about these guys?” “Oh that they’re hot and…” “And what?” “Well, just the things I’d like to do with them.” “Oh? Like what?” “I… Ok… I hope this doesn’t upset you, but I want to get fucked. I see these hot guys on the street and I think about them bending me over. I think about feeling them inside me. I Imagine them shooting their loads into me.” “Fuck! Why would I be mad,” he grabbed me then and kissed me. He pulled me so tight it hurt my ribs. “So you wanna get fucked by more guys than just me.” He was grinning. “Yeah…” I said sheepishly. “Well we can make that happen for sure.” He kissed me again. Obviously, the thought of me getting fucked by more guys turned us both on, because our cocks got hard again. Brett rolled on top of me and spread my legs, sinking his hard cock into my wet hole. It was easy to take him now, and I pulled my legs up to my chest so he could fuck deep inside my hole. He fucked another big load into me and then went to work. July 29th, 1977 That guy came into work again yesterday. The older guy with the mustache. As soon as I saw him I couldn’t help but imagine what that moustache would feel like against my skin. He was dressed in dirty white high tops, a pair of short cut off jean shorts that clung tight to his thick hairy legs, and a white thin tank top. A wild pelt of dark hair burst out from the tank in all directions, and occasionally a pink nipple would slip from the side. It was hard not to stare at him. I’ve been noticing guys more and more but this was the first guy besides Brett I’d understood my attraction to. He sat down at a table with another guy, young with dark skin and short cropped hair. He was cute and thin and just a little effeminate. Until then I hadn’t thought that this hunk of a man might be gay. I took their orders and tried not to linger so long that I was obvious. Still I overheard the younger guy say, “down at the pier… seriously Mac he was huge. I thought I wouldn’t be able to walk home.” Could they be taking about what I thought they were, I wondered. The whole time they ate I kept close to their table, probably being more attentive than was normal. When they had both finished their sandwiches the object of my desire got up to go to the bathroom, and then a short moment later the other guy followed. We have two bathrooms, so it wasn’t that crazy but it was odd for a pair to just leave their table completely. I walked back that way and noticed that only one of the doors was locked. When I leaned close I heard the unmistakable sounds of a stifled fuck. Jesus, they are gay, and they were fucking right there in the restaurant bathroom. I was instantly hard. I had to shift my boner around in my shorts, trying to not make it too obvious that I was hard as a rock when I went back out into the restaurant. It was impossible though not to imagine myself in the bathroom getting fucked. Brett and I had been fucking so often my ass felt permanently ready to take cock. About five minutes later they came back to the table, both a little flushed. They say down, finished their drinks and then my guy asked for the check. I brought the bill over to them, trying to sense who had just been the bottom. I guessed it was the younger guy, but maybe that was my wishful thinking. They paid in cash, and then both were gone. I collected the money – they had tipped well. I was about to crumple up the bill sheet when I noticed something extra written on it. It was a phone number followed by ‘I noticed you looking, call if you want a turn – Mac’. My heart skipped, and my cock throbbed. The guy had left me a note‽ He had noticed me, which scared me; but he also seemed to be into me, which excited me. I looked around making sure no one was paying attention to me and then pocketed the note. It feels so crazy, I know that I want this guy, but I’m also a little terrified. Despite how brazenly I told Brett I wanted to have sex with other men it still felt like a big step. Brett now feels safe, he is known; but this guy is new and sexy and forward. That’s something entirely different. Yet even right now looking at the note laying on my dresser my cock twitches. Baby steps. July 20th, 1977 I woke up this morning so horny I couldn’t stand it. My mind was on sex as soon as my eyes opened. Brett was laying on top of the sheets, naked, on his back. Sun clipped across him from the half-closed curtains and made his blond chest hair shine. His cock had the semi-hardness of a man almost awake, just enough to make it fat and lift slightly from his balls. I slithered down the bed and swallowed the head of his cock. He started to thicken in my mouth, and slowly wake up. I knew he was awake when his hands came to the back of my head, and he started to fuck my throat. His hips bucked up, forcing my nose into his pubes. Soon his moaning turned to panting. Then with a long groan he shot down my throat and I swallowed his load. “Fuck,” he moaned as I crawled up his body and kissed him, “what was that for?” “I woke up with a need for cock,” I replied honestly. “I’m glad I could help then.” “Me too,” another long kiss, and we both laughed. Brett stretched, running his fingers along my back. “God I don’t want to go to work.” “When are you back?” “Not till late. I’m at the store today, and the bar tonight.” “Fuck,” I said, laying my head on his hairy chest. “Yeah, ok… If I don’t get up I won’t.” He rolled to the side, getting up and padding barefoot to the bathroom. “What are you doing today?” He shouted from the other room. I stretched and licked the last of Brett’s load from my lips. The sound of piss hitting the bowl came from the bathroom. “I don’t know,” I shouted back. My own cock was still hard as a rock. “I have the day off. I’ve got a few errands to run and then I’m not sure. Maybe go up to the park and enjoy the sun.” “Damn, I wish I had the day off. Eating your sweaty ass after you’ve been out in the sun all afternoon sounds perfect.” “Don’t offer things you can’t give ass hole! I’m horny enough as it is.” When he was gone, and I was laying naked alone in the bed we shared most nights I was still so horny I couldn’t think about anything else. All those errands I had to run seemed impossible, all I could think about was my cock. I was slowly stroking myself when my thoughts drifted not to Brett but to him – to Mac. For the first time ever a guy had tried to pick me up. He’d left me his phone number, I still had it. ‘I noticed you looking, call if you want a turn – Mac’ written in a sharp straight letters under a phone number. I held that little slip of paper in one hand, my other hand on stroked my cock slowly. I imagined his thick dark mustache, his big pink nipples, his hairy chest, the tight shorts, and the hefty looking bulge. I remembered the hushed sounds of him fucking his friend in the bathroom. My eyes drifted to the phone hanging on the kitchen wall. I could call him. I could call another man and ask him to fuck me. I in theory that was exactly what I wanted, but it took a lot of nerve. I was horny, but some logic still floated around in my brain. Enough logic at least to make me nervous about just calling him. Still, I knew… or I guess I felt, somewhere deep inside that it was honestly only a matter of time. Brett had opened my eyes to a whole new world and I want to explore it. There was no world in which Brett would be the only man I would fuck… it was only a question of when it would happen. I got up, naked, and hard, walked to the phone, and dialed. It rang for what felt like ages. Then a deep, rough voice said, “This is Mac.” My heart thudded in my throat, stopping my voice. I struggled for a beat, and then managed to blurt out, “Hi! Um, you came into my restaurant yesterday. You… um… you left your number.” “Oh the cute waiter who couldn’t keep his eyes off us. How are you?” “Good, I’m good.” I laughed nervously, “how are you?” “I’m alright, listen kid, I was just about to run out.” “Shit, I’m sorry! No worries…” “You free tonight?” “Yeah, yeah I’m free.” “Great, meet me at Julius at like 7ish?” “Juluis.” “Yeah, 10th Street and Waverly.” “Alight, I’ll see you then.” We hung up. I was shaking but my cock was also dripping precum. I was still complete hard but I forced myself to get dressed to run my errands. Nothing wildly interesting. I dropped off a resume and my book at another paper, try and actually get a job in what I moved here to do. I did some laundry at the place around the corner, and I picked up groceries. By the time I was done it was just about five thirty. I’d never been to Julius before tonight, but I knew the area and it was maybe a twenty minute walk from the apartment. I took a long shower, cleaning every part of myself, and then stood naked in my room looking at my dresser with literally no idea what to wear. I was having drinks with another man, a man who I think had already expressed interest in fucking me, a man who I desperately wanted to be fucked by. In the end I modeled myself after Mac. I put on a tight white tank top, a jockstrap, and the tightest shortest jean shorts I owned. When I looked at myself in the mirror I was a little shocked. I’d never looked at myself like this, with this eye, but I looked hot. Or at least that’s my opinion. Hair popped out over the top of the tank, the jock held my cheeks high and the tight shorts showed off my still slightly hard cock. It was perfect. Julius from the outside looks everything you think a gay bar is going to look like. A long blank stucco wall along 10th Street, gives way to a heavy door inset into the corner of the building. There’s a little window in the door for someone to peer out of even. It made me kinda scared just walking up. The big beefy man sitting at the door barely looked at me though when I walked in. The inside was less formidable. I hadn’t noticed a big picture window on the other side of the door with a green neon sign hanging in the middle of it. A long bar in dark colors ran the length of the main room and a dingy mirror hung behind stacks of bottles in the back. There, sitting at the far end of the bar, was Mac. He wore a tight black t-shirt this time, with the sleeves cuffed up showing off his tanned skin. I smiled and walked over. He flashed a dazzling toothy smile from under the bushy mustache back at me and got up. I was immediately enveloped in a tight hug, his arms crossed around my torso. He smelled amazing, just the right amount of man musk wafted off of him. I felt the heat of his body against mine, and the weight of his arms on my shoulders, and felt myself starting to get hard. Embarrassed I pulled away. “Good to see you again,” he said. He seemed genuinely excited. He gestured to the seat next to him, and then ordered us each a beer. Then he just started talking. Maybe he sensed that I was nervous, but without missing a beat he took up the conversation. He asked me about work, and when I came to the city. We talked about his job (he owns a magazine shop), and how we had survived the recent blackout. Soon another round off beers was ordered and I started to relax. He's easy to talk to and radiates a kind of warmth. All of my fears seemed to melt away. He still radiates that sexual energy that drew my eyes in the restaurant but there’s more to him as well. He’s kind. Yet another set of beers were ordered and I realized his hand had drifted to my leg. He was slowly rubbing my thigh. My cock responded instantly, pressing hard against my jock and shorts. Another broad toothy grin burst across Mac’s face when he noticed me adjust myself. It seemed the most natural thing in the world how he shifted the conversation to sex. It just happened, without fan fair or lechery, suddenly I found myself telling him about sitting in my apartment in the heat of the black out with Brett. I told him freely about Brett saying he hadn’t been that interested in girls lately, and then coming out to me; his offer to show me what it was like to be with a guy; the blowjob’s we had shared; him eating me out; and untimely how we had ended up in his bed, with him on top of me as I took my first load. By that point Mac had an obvious bulge too, “So, you’ve only been fucking guy’s for like a week?” “Yeah,” I laughed a little nervously, “but there’s been a lot of it in that week.” It was Mac’s turn to laugh, “Shit. I can’t believe that… one week and here you are meeting a guy in a bar.” “Well when you put it that way…” I felt myself blushing. “Oh no! Cutie, its not a bad thing. I’m impressed. It took me so long to understand myself. I grew up in Iowa. Not really the easiest place for a gay kid, not like anywhere is really easy for a gay kid. I always knew I didn’t fit in, and wasn’t the same. In high school I eventually started to understand what about me was different. I had no interest in girls. I had way more interest in the captain of the football team. Joey Lewis. God he was fucking beautiful. Those think round looking muscles that guys get right as they become men when there is still a little baby fat on them. This sharp brown flat top haircut, and bright green eyes. Fuck. I remember the first time I really understood what was wrong with me – I know… I know… nothing’s wrong with me, but at the time I didn’t understand that – it was after gym class. Joey came round the corner heading to the shower, all swagger and confidence, buck ass naked with his towel over his shoulder. “He was the first guy in our class to really start to look like a man. He had this long strip of dense dark brown hair that spread across his chest from nipple to nipple and then down into the thickest bush you can imagine. Honestly he had ever reason to be confident naked in that locker room. Not only was he built and looked like more of a man than any of the rest of us but his cock was fucking thick. I can see it now. Big pink head swinging back and forth as he walked.” Mac adjusted himself, clearly getting turned on remembering his high school crush. “That night I jerked myself off so many times I was convinced my dick was going to fall off and I was going to go blind. “He walked to the showers like that every day for the first half of senior year, and every day I would turn my head just the tiniest bit so I could catch a glimpse of that cock swinging. I shot so many loads just from those quick flashes of his cock. Then a few weeks before Christmas break, we were assigned to do some stupid project together. I don’t remember what it was, that wasn’t the memorable part. We were working at his house after school one day, down in the basement. I remember that I’d bought over this massive stack of library books. We’d been going threw them for a while when he got up saying he wanted a snack or something. As he stood and stretched his shirt road up and my eyes must have flashed down to his exposed hairy stomach a little too obviously cause he said ‘are you staring again’ or something like that. I thought I was gonna shit my pants. ‘I know you watch me walk to the showers naked every day. You don’t gotta hide it. I like the attention.’ I was hard instantly. I didn’t know what to do. “Without saying anything else he just pulled his shirt off, and came around the table. He asked me if I’d ever done anything with a girl. I told him I’d gone to the make out spot a few times with girls but nothing serious, which was true. He said that his girlfriend was such a tease, and always left him so horny he’d been jerking off four times a day. When I tell you I was shitting bricks I mean it literally. I had no idea what to do. ‘But I’m getting kinda bored jerking off by myself. Why don’t we take a break from this and you can help me out. You like looking at my dick so much, do you want to touch it?” “He got naked right there in the basement, and I had no idea what I was doing. But I jerked him off like I would myself and he got so fucking hard I couldn’t believe it. I’ve seen a good number of cocks now and seriously Joey Lewis is fucking hung. I ended up sucking my first cock that night, and swallowing his load. After that every time he went through a dry spell with his girlfriend he would make up some pretext to see me. By the end of senior year he was sucking me off too and swallowing my loads. “We met up the summer after our first year of college. Turned out that there was some closet case on the football team where he went who he’d started hooking up with. More than that, Joey had learned that he liked to get fucked. I had always jerked off imagining him fucking me, but that summer I found out that I liked being a top. I fucked Joey probably four times a week. He had the most amazing furry ass. Fuck. To this day I can’t resist a furry ass. “Oh, fuck I’ve been talking for ages, I’m sorry.” “No!” I said, “Honestly that was hot as fuck.” “And all true.” “Good to know,” the beer had made me feel brave again, “cause I certainly have a furry ass.” “I don’t know if I believe you.” “Well,” I leaned in close to him, “You’ll just have to take my pants off and find out.” “Is that what you want me to do?” “Yes.” We were both very close and speaking in breathy whispers. “What else do you want me to do?” “I want you to fuck me.” “I live a couple of blocks away, let’s find out if you’re telling the truth about that hairy ass.” He basically ripped my clothes off as soon as we got inside his apartment. My shirt was flung to the side, my shoes kicked into a corner, my socks yanked down, and then my shorts flew off to land on a chair. In less than a minute of entering I was in nothing but a jock, that was wet from my leaking cock. I leapt forward and planted a kiss squarely on his mouth. His moustache tickled more than I had thought it would, but it was an exotic and new feeling. It felt sexy, [banned word], even more forbidden to feel this signifier of manhood against my face. Of course that is absolutely stupid, once you’ve had a guy shoot his load inside you you’ve pretty much crossed the last [banned word] off the list but still. I pulled his shirt off and ran my hands through his thick chest hair. I smelled his pits as I did so, the perfect summer musk. On impulse I bent my head down and licked at his nipple, nibbling at the pink flesh. He groaned and put his hands on the back of my head. He held me there, and then directed me to the other nipple. I flicked my tongue across that one too. All the while my hands explored his hairy body, moving further and further south. I finally got to feel his bulge and not just picture it. No wonder that guy in high school had wanted to get fucked by Mac all summer. It felt long and thick. I couldn’t help myself any more. I undid his shorts and shoved them down. He was commando, and without the shorts pushing it to the side, his cock sprang up and slapped against his stomach. I’m not sure if he pushed me down or I dropped to my knees on my own. My hands slid to his sides and I took in Mac’s complete nakedness for the first time. He has a square frame, not what I would call muscular but powerful. His whole front is covered in hair, it grows in one mass down his chest and onto his stomach. He’s pubes are a dense mound, out of which sprouts this beast of a cock. I know that this is only the second I’ve had but fucking hell. Hes got to be at least an inch longer than Brett and its just so fucking fat. The head is big and broad, like a really flat-topped mushroom. If you asked me to tell you how I wouldn’t be able to tell you in a million years, but I opened my mouth and swallowed half his cock down in one go. Immediately he was groaning, and fucking more of his cock into my mouth. It was hard to breath, and I was sputtering, and spitting, but it was so hot. He pushed so hard that I ended up backed onto the door with nowhere to go. I had to just let Mac fuck my throat. Occasionally he would pull his cock out and smack my face with it, leaving a thick smear of spit and cock juice on my cheeks. I was starting to think I wouldn’t be able to take any more when he said “Goddamn. I could cum right down your throat. That’s not why we’re here though. I’m supposed to be checking to see if you told the truth about having a hairy ass.” He helped me up off the floor and lead me to the bedroom where he got behind me and knocked me face first onto the bed. I was now ass up in front of him. “Well, lets see what we have here,” he said with mock seriousness. He moved my cheeks side to side, pulling them apart, moving them around. He made little noises like he was thinking really hard about a math problem or a riddle. Then he said, “yes, this will do nicely. A bouncy, furry, boy but for me to breed.” His tongue then replaced his hands. I gasped so loudly I shocked myself. His tongue just dove in, he didn’t lap around the edges like Brett did. The warm wet organ just pushed immediately into me. Thank god I’ve been getting fucked by Brett so much or I wouldn’t have been able to deal with what Mac started to do. He punched his tongue in and out, pulling at my hole with it. Then he spat right onto my pink ring and started to slide a finger up and down in my crack. I arched back, and pushed my ass onto his fingers. Brett described me as a hungry bottom the other day, and I think this is what he meant. I wanted Mac’s cock so badly right then. “Fuck this pretty pink hole has opened right up for me. You weren’t kidding, your roommate must be fucking you all the time. Your hole is so ready.” “I told you, twice a day on a slow day.” “You think you can take my fat cock.” “Absolutely, I want you to fuck me till you shoot inside me.” He started to rub his cock against my hole. I felt it catch on the edge a few times before he lined the big mushroom head up and added more spit. He pressed slowly but firmly till my hole gave way. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt myself open up and his thick shaft start to slide inside of me. “Oh, Jesus Christ that’s big!” “Just breath, you’re doing great.” “Fucking give it to me.” He gave me a few deep pumps before saying, “You know what, not like this,” and pulling out. “Flip on your back.” I rolled over and grabbed my legs. He grinned, and lined his cock back up. It was easy to take him this time, he just slipped inside of me. I moaned as his pubes pressed into my taint. He lent forward, pinning my legs to my chest, and kissed me as he started to fuck me. It was a slow, tender kind of fucking. He slid most of the length of his member in and out, with a careful deliberate rhythm. I felt like I was turning to mush under him. My body felt open, and overwhelmed with pleasure. I moaned into his mouth, feeling his moustache tickle my nose, as he kissed me. He kept up that steady pace, as I whimpered and moaned, and he kissed me. His breathing slowly changed, the muscles across his back tightening. Then in almost a whisper he said, “Here comes my first load.” He pushed deep into me, and froze. I felt his balls contract and his cock begin to pulse. He held us there for a very long time as he unloaded inside me. Throb after throb of his erect cock shot yet more semen into my guts. His load must have been massive with how long he held me there. I dropped my head back, beaming, assuming that was the end of it, when he took hold of my ankles and holding them wide began to fuck me again. “I’m usually good for two,” he said by way of explanation, and started to pound me. I was literally putty at this point. I would not be surprised if he told me I had started drooling. Every time he fucked his cock into me I shouted. I was covering in sweat. I had my hands flung back behind my head enjoying the pounding. My cock was leaking so bad that the whole pouch of my jock was soaked now. “Two weeks and you take cock like a champ. God your ass feels so good!” “Fuck me! Give it to me! Fuck yes.” “I can feel my load sloshing around inside you. I’m going to make you fucking leak.” “Fill me up!” “Here it fucking comes!” He let out a load roar and once more slammed inside me. This one didn’t last quite as long but it still felt massive. “Holy fucking shit,” Mac panted. He fell forward and kissed me. His cock slowly deflated inside me hole. “Goddamn that felt good.” “Seriously, fuck.” Mac kissed me again. We stayed like that for a really long time, eventually his cock got soft and slipped out of my hole. When we were both recovered Mac offered me another beer. We drank it in his kitchen, still naked, and chatted about life. He offered to show me around more, take me to some gay bars. In the end I gave him my number and we made plans to meet up the next Friday at Julius again. He kissed me at the door and then I left. I feel kinda guilty about it, now that I’m back home and laying in bed. Like I should have told Brett, but also I don’t know why I feel like that. He even said he would help me meet other guys… I’m sure it’ll be fine. Maybe he’ll enjoy coming home and finding me ass up in this jock with some guys loads in me. July 21, 1977 I guess I really had nothing to be worried about with Brett. He came home after he got cut at the bar around two. I was still up, laying in bed in just my jockstrap. He came into the room, already mostly naked and smacked my ass by way of greeting. “Careful, some loads might leak out.” “There is literally no way my loads for last night are still in you,” he said teasingly. “Who says they’re that old.” “What? Did you…” He dove down and licked my ass. “Fuck, you’re fucking full! Who fucked you.” “This guy Mac,” and as I started to tell him the story, he went back to licking Mac’s cum from my ass. Two things happened in almost perfect synchronization that snapped Luke out of his reading. One: His cock gave a powerful throb, announcing that he had, without intending to, crossed the point of no return, and he started to shoot big ropes of cum all over himself. Two: a voice said from almost right in front of him, “I guess you’ve enjoyed my journal.”
    10 points
  2. This am I was on sniffes I found a 33 year old and 25 year old. Both wanted to fuck me after work. I gave them my cell expecting neither would text, At 5 the 33 year old texted he was on his way sure enough 30 min later he was here He rimmed me for a while then shoved his very nice 7 inch dick in me We fucked fit a while till I heard him breath heavily He shot a huge load in me while he was dressing the 25 year old texted me and said he was on the way. 10 min later was there. He rubbed my ass before he went in. Fucked me for 5 min till I felt him cum when he dressed and left all I could feel was the cum dripping out of me both said they wanted to come.back
    6 points
  3. Man, after a long dry spell, I'm finally getting some regular action. Early this evening I walked over to the community mailbox to pick up my mail and as I got there my neighbor pulled up. I live on a cul-de-sac, and I know all my neighbors well and we have group functions where we all hang out. They all know I'm gay, as it came up years ago when I had first moved in. This particular neighbor is a black man in an interracial marriage with a Latina wife and since he lives on the farther end of the street, I don't see him as regularly as the neighbors that are closer to me. He said hello to me and we had a little small talk and then he asked me what I was up to this evening. I told him I didn't have any plans and was just going to watch some TV and relax. He told me that his wife was out of town visiting family in California and he said he was going to watch the football game tonight and asked me if I'd like to head over to his place and have a few beers. I reminded him I wasn't a big beer drinker and he said he had liquor as well. We've never had a chance to hang out alone so I figured it would be a good idea because I'd get to know him better, so I said sure. He said to give him about a half hour to get out his work clothes and catch up with his wife and then head over. I went home and dropped off my mail and walked over to his place about a half hour later. He had changed from his dress pants into some basketball shorts and I could clearly see an outline of his penis, which I have to admit excited me. He pulled a beer out of the fridge and he asked me if wanted my usual rum drink and I said yes. He made me a drink and we sat down and watched the game, chatting about people on the block and other random things. I knew the drink was strong from the first sip but I didn't want to be rude and say anything and at the same time I didn't want to sip it too slow and make it obvious that there was a problem with the drink. Soon it was starting to hit me, but it became obvious to me that he wanted to get pretty tipsy as well, as he was downing beer after beer during the game. Looking forward toward the TV as we were mostly watching the game, we only occasionally turned toward each other while talking. About half way thru the game I noticed that he appeared to be hard in his shorts, which only gave me more reason to glance over more frequently. As we watched the game, out of the corner of my eye I saw his arm move to scratch his leg. The next time I glanced in his direction, I saw the head of his dick sticking out of the leg of his shorts, which just encouraged me to turn my head more frequently and take a look. I wasn't sure by how much of it was exposed if this was accidental or intentional and didn't want to make any assumptions at that point. I could tell he was pretty well endowed by the way he tented in his shorts and I don't even think he was fully hard yet. I did my best to catch glances every chance I got without it seeming to be obvious. About ten minutes later he scratched his leg again, this time pulling his shorts back farther and my next glance I could see about a third of his dick hanging out of his shorts and now I realized this could only be intentional. A few minutes later he asked me if I'd grab him another beer so I got up and went to the fridge and came back and now most of his dick was hanging out of his short and he was rock hard. He knew I was staring right at it as I handed him the beer and I said "What the fuck man, are you trying to tease a fag or what"? He said "Tease you? What am I doing to tease you?" I said "You're sitting there with your dick hanging out, do you know what that does to a gay man?" and he said "No, what's it do to you? Does it make you hungry? Do you feel like you need to put something in your mouth?" I said "Oh damn, you get right to it" and he said "Why don't you stop talking and get right to it?" As I stood there staring at his big juicy dick, I said "Fuck, we might start something we can't stop" and he said "Now you're teasing me, don't make any promises you can't keep." I wasted no time getting down on my knees between his legs and he pulled his shorts down to his ankles. He put his hand on the back of my head and steered my mouth right to his dick and I took his dick into my mouth and started to suck on it, as he used his hand to maneuver my head up and down on his dick setting the pace and the depth as he pleased. As I was sucking his dick, I heard him say "Damn, I've been waiting for this since I found out you were gay, and fuck its even better than I thought." I kept sucking his dick and he kept giving me directions with his hand on my head. After a considerable amount of time I finally sensed him change the rhythm and pace to deeper and faster strokes and I knew he was getting close. He put his second hand on my head and started pumping my head up and down on his dick in a forceful motion, started to moan and finally he shot, and kept pumping my head up and down on his dick as shot after shot made its way in my mouth. I felt my mouth fill with his hot cum and after the spurting stopped he slowed the pace and finally let go of my head. I swallowed his load and sucked him clean. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief and he said "Man, you've got some mad ass skills, you put the bitches to shame!" I told him it must have been years of practice, and he responded that I had place to practice right between his legs. As he pulled up his shorts, I asked him if he was serious, and if he really wanted to get something started and he said yes. He just told me we'd have to keep it down-low and probably have to sneak around to keep it a secret from his wife. I told him I was down with that and he agreed we need to set up a routine very soon. We went back to watching the last part of the game and as we were walking toward the door for me to leave, he grabbed my hand and put it on his dick and said "say goodbye to your new best friend" and I gave his dick a squeeze and said "until next time" then I headed home.
    6 points
  4. Ok, so I got home from burning man on Friday, I jerked off a big load, then Saturday Fuck a regular, flooded his hole, Sunday morning, tricked one of my regular fuck buddy with a profile I made up, smashed his hole so hard, when he realized it was me, now he won’t stop texting me, then Sunday night got my dick sucked all night long, followed by Monday afternoon session of training a bottom for me and my boy coming up this Wednesday, gave him a fat load, so 5 loads in one weekend and plenty left! My last load in his mouth today.
    6 points
  5. I had the day off and wasted no time having fun. I slept in, but once I got up, I went straight to the shower. I made sure my hole was clean and ready for some serious fucking, as I was on a mission of finding some big cock to fill me up. I used a pretty big dildo to fuck my hole to lube the inside up and make sure nothing was going to mess this day up. I got out and dried off and put on a pair of shorts, no underwear, and a lose t-shirt. I drove to one of our better adult theaters, and since it was Tuesday, they showed only gay movies in the theater area. That meant all the hungry top pigs would be out and playing and I should be able to get a few cocks and loads in my hole. I pulled into the parking lot and saw a few cars in the lot, but that doesn’t mean much, as I have learned in the past. I paid my 7 bucks to enter the theater and noticed the movie playing was from Treasure Island. Hot, that should get guys in the mood. As I walked down the long hallway, I took out my poppers and took a long hit, to get the blood flowing and my cock hard. I walked back to the very back of the theater and went behind the half wall they had, knowing that’s were all the action happened. As I let my eyes adjust the darkness, I could tell there were 5 other guys there. I noticed no one was doing much; no one had their cock out. So I decided to take things into my own hands and pulled my shorts off, and placed them on the ledge of the wall. This got the guys going, as they started to take their cocks out. I just stood there with my ass pointed to them, not even looking back to see how was coming up behind me. I felt hands on my ass, grabbing it, pulling it apart to make my hole visible to all. I looked back and saw two 40 something guys with their cocks out, with both their hands on my ass. I just moaned and pushed my ass back so they knew what I liked. All off a sudden I felt a tongue on my hole and I thought I was going to blow a load right there, as his tongue dug deeper into my cunt, making it wetter and wetter. The older of the two pulled me to his 8” and thick cock and shoved it right into my mouth and fucked me hard. I kept gagging as he forced it down my throat. I pulled off and took a huge hit of poppers and went back to sucking his cock. I could feel the guy behind me forces a few fingers in my ass, as he encouraged me to suck his friend’s dirty cock. I just moaned and enjoyed the mouth fucking I was getting, hoping to get the same fucking my ass. And I didn’t have to wait long, as I could feel the guy fingering my ass pull out and start to rub his cock on my hole. I reached back and felt no rubber, and just pushed back on his cock. “Fuck, this lil fucker wants it raw, well raw is how he gets it”. Yes, a pig top, just like I want. And before I could moan, he just slammed his cock right in my hole and I just let out a big yelp. Fuck he was thicker than his friend. He just kept pounding my hole, hitting my prostate, milking the cum out of me. I could feel it dripping from my cock onto my legs. As he fucked me hard, it made his friends cock go farther down my throat. I didn’t think he could last too long fucking me this hard and fast, but I was wrong. He kept fucking me for over 10 mins, his skin hitting me, making a loud slapping sound. I pulled off his friends cock and noticed two other guys jacking off to the scene and they stepped up and shot their loads all over my face. The guy I was sucking just started to moan louder and louder and then shot his load in my mouth. As I pulled off his cock, he told me thanks for taking his dirty seed. His friend just kept fucking me hard and finally started to tell me how he was going to feed me his seed and fill me up. I took a hit of poppers and told him to fill me full of his hot seed. He picked up his speed, something I didn’t think was possible and started to tell me how he was ready to cum and then he started to shoot his load in my ass. He let me know he was cumming, as he told me he was filling me up with his hot poz seed. I just stopped cold right there. Damn this guy was poz. And his friend was too. That’s what he meant by dirty seed and cock. And he let me and others around me that he was filling me up with poz cum, as he was almost yelling out that he was shooting his poz load into me. Fuck, what was I doing? He finally pulled out and slapped me on the ass. I was about ready to get my shorts and run out of there, but another guy walked up and put his cock in my ass. And I couldn’t leave now, with a hard cock in my ass. This guy pulled me up against him and told how hot it was to fuck me knowing I had a poz load in my ass, and he was working it into my ass. I just moaned and he held a bottle of poppers to my nose. He fucked me only for a few minutes, and just hollered with him cummed a load in me. He stepped back and told me thanks. I was worn out, and just knelt down to catch my breath. I couldn’t believe what had happen. The poz guy walked up and told me get up. I just looked up and did what he said. He slipped his cock back into my hole and told me how wet and loose I was and that he loved a sloppy hole. He started to fuck me hard again and I couldn’t believe he was hard again. He just verbally abused me the whole time telling me how I was dirty pig and I was going to get another poz load in my ass. He didn’t last long this time and blew his second poz load in my ass. I couldn’t believe this at all. As he pulled out I could feel the cum run down my leg. He made me clean his cock off and taste all the cum from my ass. He walked off, and I noticed I was there alone. I pulled my shorts on over my cummy ass and went home. As I walked out of the theater into the store, I could see a few guy look and smile at me. I wonder if one of them had fucked me.
    5 points
  6. Weirdly, I often enjoy my periods of enforced abstinence. It frees me to get on with other things, and reminds me that there is a whole life outside of sex that I also enjoy.
    4 points
  7. To my fans: Sorry I haven't added more to my stories in so long. Had planned on starting to write more again quite some time ago, but seems like every time I get ready something crazy comes up and my time just disappears. UGH! I do have plans to add more to this and a few other stories of mine, it's just been complete hell around here ( so bad that it's now been well over a year since the last time I got fucked and WOW, do I need to be bred and hopefully not very much longer). Please stay tuned and I am really hoping to get back into the swing of things soon. Thank you all for your very kind words.
    3 points
  8. We have a new King, so starts the Carolan Era, go figure. A couple of days ago this guy I have been chatting to, but never getting full commitment from got on touch. He is tall and stocky, my type. We arrange to meet. I do a full douche. He turns up, get naked, start kissing, the works. Has a nice, thick, girthy cock. Not too big, but fat. He also likes arse play (bonus) and is soon playing with my hole with his lubed fingers. That gets me going. He wants me to sit on his cock. I have not been fucked for awhile and have to be careful after an operation on my arse last year. But he is slow and persistent therefore he gets in without too much trouble. Then sets up a rocking motion that soon has him shooting a load in me. Not earth shattering, but still a good fuck. Then this morning a cub I have chatted to on Grindr gets intouch, he has the house free today. Do I want him to fuck me? I know I am still clean from last night, so walk round, straight upstairs, face down on the bed, his tounge up my arse. Felt good after last night's fuck. Then he stands up and furiously fucks a load into me. He wasn't that big, but still got another load into my hole Hell, if this is what my sex life is going to be like now, long may Charles rule.
    3 points
  9. I went to someone house, today and flooded his hole
    3 points
  10. Part 2 I felt a battle going on inside my head as I pedaled closer to the park. Part of my mind was hoping I'd see Drew here again like last week, but part of my mind was hoping he wouldn't be here. That it was just some one-off unexplainable thing and I could forget it and go back to my normal, routine (vanilla?) life. But I couldn't forget it and I knew that was a fact as the memories from last week in Drew's apartment became clearer and sharper and I felt an urgency inside to see him again. My mind gave itself over to the memories flooding in. I was taking a third hit off the pipe and getting hornier and more eager with every cloud I was blowing, feeling the smoke free my mind in a way I never knew it could be freed. I was slouched down a ways on Drew's couch rolling my head back and forth as I felt my cock once more burrow into the deepest part of his throat, loving the way he was making me feel with his wet hungry mouth. My wife was not very good at cocksucking so I had never experienced the sensations Drew was giving me. I was thinking to myself again and again, “What else have I missed and not known about all these years? What other seducing feelings and urges that Drew was making me aware of. I blew out a huge white cloud, feeling the immediate erotic wave roll over me, and thrust my hips up hard into the sweating face of the naked sexy young stud who was kneeling between my wide spread legs forcing my dripping cockhead another centimeter or two deeper into his expert and welcoming throat. “Oh fuck, baby! Hot fucking damn! Yeah baby suck that cock. Use your throat and make love to daddy's dick. Damn boy you're making my cock harder than it's ever been! Holy fuck!! Take it you hot fucker!!” I looked down my sweat-soaked abs and locked eyes with the handsome cock-worshiper impaled on my rigid dick, and saw the smile even with his lips stretched wide around my thickness. There was something else in his eyes and face as well that I couldn't quite name, but it stirred something in my head that made me want this to go on forever and made me want to please him as much as he was pleasing me. I felt another stirring too and realized almost too late that his sucking mouth and throat had brought me to the edge of orgasm. “Oh, sh*t, boy! Damn! I'm close. Your mouth is gonna make daddy cum! So good! Your mouth feels sooooo good!” Suddenly the wet warmth was gone from around my cock and I felt the cool air brushing against it's throbbing wetness. “No! No!” I almost sobbed. “Why'd you stop dude? I was so close. I wanted to feed you my cum so bad!” Drew wrapped one strong hand around spit-slick cock and slowly stroked it, dissolving me into soft moans of sensual pleasure. “I know you wanted to cum down my throat and I want to taste it, but not yet. I have so much more to show you, Justin, and I don't want you cumming too soon then leaving. I want us to have a lot more fun first. Don't you want that too, daddy?” he asked looking at me as his tongue rolled across the piss slit in my cockhead lapping up a thick bead of precum. “Hell yes I do! I fucking love it! Need to keep going, baby!” Still staring intently at me I watched him dip his head just slightly then felt that amazing tongue licking all around and across my cum-filled hairy nuts. “Oh gawwwwwddddd, boy! Your tongue is fucking amazing! Where'd you learn to use it like you do? Mmmmmmmm. Lick 'em, Yeah feel how heavy they are with cum.” Laying my head back and closing my eyes I began playing with my nips and felt Drew nuzzle lower and more firmly into my sweaty blond crotch hairs then felt him take one full bulging ball into his perfect mouth and begin washing it with his spit and tongue. Fuck yeah!, I thought! Keeps feeling better and better. Feeling Drew release my nutsac and sensing his movement I raised my head and opened my eyes as he stood up from the floor and straddled his slim hot tight smooth body over my waist, his knees on the couch on either side of me. A look of complete lust crossed his face as he began slowly stroking his own hard cock and asked me, “Did you like what I did to your cock and balls, daddy? Did it turn you on having your hard married dick inside my mouth and throat, treating it like you said your wife never has?” One hand still stroking his rigid meat, the other hand moved to my furry nips and twisted them making me buck under him and moan. “Yeah, baby! You know how hot it made me. You took it all so eagerly and willingly. I could tell you liked having daddy's cock in your mouth. My wife rarely even tries to give me a blowjob anymore. You are so much better at it than she could ever be!” Drew had moved upwards a bit more and now had his knees right at my hairy armpits and the head of his dripping cock rubbing softly against my chin. I was staring at the clear thick drop of precum covering his cockhead and didn't realize I had licked my lips. But Drew realized it. He ran the fingers of one hand through my hair as he waggled his manhood before me. “Looks like the sexy married daddy from the park whose not into guys likes watching me stroke my hard 7” cock for you. Do you? Do you like seeing it slide in and out of my fist, putting on a show for you?” “Yes!”, I said in a cracked voice. “It looks so good, so.....so.....” I trailed off not sure what I was trying to say. Drew helped find the right word. “So tasty and delicious? Is that what you're saying daddy?” he said with a touch of glee in his soft whisper. “Yes that's it exactly! It looks so tasty!” Drew rose up higher on his knees bringing his oozing cockhead into contact with my lips. “Open up daddy and find out just how tasty your horny boy's cock is.” With no hesitation or resistance I parted my lips and felt the thick flesh of cock enter my mouth for the first time ever! I growled in my throat and raised my head forward taking more of this sexy stud's cock into my mouth. I was addicted right away! (to be continued)
    3 points
  11. Usual bookstore fuck tonight. A 30 yr.old, into my daddy vibe, started sucking my cock like a professional. I really was in the mood for ass, so I took my cock out of his mouth and asked him if I could fuck him now that he got me hard. He was acting like it was a difficult choice, yammering about it being so public, etc. Thankfully, a smaller bearded guy, maybe 40, had been watching us the whole time and he presented his ass asap to me. So I turn away from guy #1 and focus on this new fella. Rubbing his cheeks and crack, I discovered his hole was dry. I rubbed some spit on it, and some of my leaking precum. The guy bends over and allows me to enter his tight hole in one gentle push. His obedience really got me going, and I started fuckin him steady. Guy #1 got up and left. Not that I cared, and I just focused on giving this sexy guy my nut. I told him I was going to shoot as deep into him as I could, and he gripped my cock harder and milked me until I blasted out my load. Once my cock stopped throbbing, he slid off it, sat down in front of me and licked my cock clean. He even pulled my underwear up. I rubbed his face/beard with my hand, and told him I hoped he enjoys that load in his ass. He thanked me, and I headed for the door.
    3 points
  12. Here's a new story I'm just starting on. I hope all you hot horny studs like it! “She Doesn't Need to Know” Part 1 As I peddled my bike faster, bringing me closer to the little park in our community, my mind was going in a number of different directions. What am I doing, I asked myself more than once? My wife is back at home with both of our children. That's where I should be. Yet I was being drawn like a magnet toward the park. The place where my life had changed just a week ago. I've always been athletic and taken care of my body. Standing 6” tall, weighing in at 180 pounds, my body was solid and toned. My hair was blond, with green eyes and a thin covering of blond hair on my pecs and abs. I had been approached by lots of women over the years but had never entertained the thought of cheating on her. I loved her and she was the only one I'd ever been with. We married right out of high school, both of us eighteen, and there were no regrets. Within 4 years of getting married we had a boy and a girl, and they were perfect as far as I was concerned. My family meant everything to me. I was 40 and on top of the world. At least until last week, I thought, as I felt my thick 8” cock begin throbbing inside my bicycle shorts as the memories took over. I had begun taking a weekly bike ride after work and was usually gone an hour to an hour and a half. Last week, for some reason I decided to ride through the park. It was laid out very nice and it was a pleasant place to be while getting exercised. I stopped at a water fountain inside the park and took a good long drink. As I raised my head, I saw him. A lean almost skinny shirtless young man. His chest was smooth, his sweaty bangs hanging across his forehead and his eyes locked on me. Something inside me stirred but I didn't know what it was but couldn't ignore it. He looked to be maybe 21 or 22, just barely older than my son Jeremy. Although he was thin it was obvious his body was hard and toned. Trying to break our stare, without any success, I saw him get off the picnic table he was sitting on and walk in my direction. My heart started beating and I felt a sheen of sweat all over my body. Before I could move he was standing in front of me, smiling at me and running a hand across his smooth chest and hard nips. “Hey man, how's it going? Haven't seen you here before. I'm Drew.” He held out the hand that had just been caressing his slim body and I instinctively shook it and told him my name was Justin. “Nice to meet you, Justin”, he said stepping closer. “Dude you are hot! Your body looks fucking great!” I had never even thought about a guy sexually before but for some reason his words went to my head – or rather heads. I shook my head to clear it and said, “Hey man, thanks, but I'm straight and happily married with 2 kids. I don't go for guys. It's just not my thing.” “That's cool Justin. I was just giving you the compliment you deserve. I'm bi myself and just love hot sex and partying. I bet we'd have some real good fun together. Fun you'll never have with your wife. What do you say, man? Wanna hang out for a while and just see what happens? I promise you'll like it”, he finished with a sly grin as he reached out a hand and ran it over my thighs. I know he felt the shiver run through my body at his touch and his proposition. “Hey man, thanks. You seem like a cool dude, but I...I just can't.” “Is your wife expecting you home soon,” he asked. Without thinking I said no, no particular time. He stepped closer so we were just inches apart. He leaned toward my ear and whispered in a low seductive voice, “C'mon Justin. You know you want to. I promise I won't try anything if you don't want to. But if you've never been with a guy before, how can you know it's not for you?”, he finished licking my ear with the tip of his tongue and rubbing his hand against my now fully hard cock. WTF?! I screamed in my head, but said out loud to him, “Okay. I'm good with just hanging for a bit.” His smile widened making his face the most beautiful thing I'd seen up until then. “Cool! I live just a block away. C'mon. Let's have some fun.” As he started walking off, I followed him, my head in a daze and my cock dripping. Within 10 minutes we were inside his small but tidy 1 bedroom apartment. He told me to make myself comfortable and asked if I wanted something to drink. A water I answered as he headed toward what I figured was the kitchen. When he returned in one hand he had a glass of ice water for me and his other hand held what looked like a glass of coke. He chuckled as if he was reading my mind. “Rum and coke, bro. It relaxes me and sometimes gets me wired up. I can fix you one if you want. Just let me know.” “I'm good with the water” I said taking a big gulp and emptying half the glass. “Cool, man. Drink all you want and whatever you want.” He looked at me intently as I drained the last of the water and grabbed it asking if I wanted a refill. I said yes and in a moment I was taking another deep drink. It tasted so good, but I felt myself getting hot and starting to sweat. But I was feeling a bit more relaxed and asked if he minded if I tool off my shirt. A look I didn't recognize filled his eyes as he smiled and told me to take off whatever I wanted to. “Let me see your hot sweaty dad body.” I didn't know what that meant but still felt a thrill hearing him say the words. I peeled off my tight sweat-soaked shirt and immediately heard Drew say, “Oh fuck dude! What a hot sexy hairy bod! Your wife is one lucky lady.” I chuckled selfconsciously and said I hope she thinks so. Moving so that we were now sitting next to each other on the couch he asked, “Does your wife play with your nips to get you turned on? Most guys I know love having their nips played with and given some attention. Does she do that for you, Justin?” I shook my head “no” before telling him I'd never heard anything about nip play for guys although I loved playing with my wife's tits. Without asking or saying a word Drew reached out his hand and I felt his cool palm rub across both of my nips and back again. “Ah, damn dude! That feels fantastic!” “Yeah, you like me playing with your hard stiff daddy nips doncha Justin? Makes you horny, huh?” “Hornier than I've been in a long time”, I admitted. “What about this?” he asked leaning down and forward and wrapping his wet lips around one of my nips. “Oh gawd! Fuck! I've never felt anything like that before. It feels damn amazing!” “I knew you'd like it daddy,” he said moving his lips and tongue to the other nip. “There's more things I know you'll like if you want me to show you. But only what you want. Tell me to stop anytime and I will.” My cock was harder than I ever remember it being and it and the foggy feeling in my head were both now in control. “Yeah, yeah, sure. That's good. If it's stuff that will feel like this.” “It'll feel even better than this I promise. Hey how about I fix both of us a rum and coke first?” I agreed and as he walked off found myself pulling on my own nips wishing his mouth was on them instead. He was back in a few moments carrying two glasses and a small black leather pouch-like bag in one hand. He handed me my drink and we toasted as we both took big gulps. “I know you're relaxing some man but I can tell you're still uptight. I have something here that will help you relax even more and enjoy yourself.” With that he opened the pouch and pulled out a couple of lighters, a small baggie with chunks of something white in it and a small glass pipe with a rounded bowl on the end and a hole in the top. My head cleared just a little, enough for me to say, “Whoa man! I don't do drugs. No way.” “This isn't like pot or anything like that bro,” he chuckled. “It just helps you to relax and open yourself to the kind of fun we can have together. Let me show you.” He opened the small baggie and transferred some of the white crystal-like pieces into the pipe's bowl then lit a lighter and placed it under the bowl. “See the smoke starting to swirl and grow thicker? It always gets my blood rushing.” I watched as he moved the pipe's stem toward his lips. “Now, when the smoke is going good, you just barely put the stem to your lips and inhale as deep as you can. Hold it in a few seconds then blow it out. It's fucking sweet dude!” And saying that he did exactly what he'd said and I watched strangely turned on as he kept sucking on that smoke filled pipe. Finally he took the pipe from his lips and looking at me blew a thick white cloud of smoke into my face. Instead of being pissed at such a move I strangely found myself excited. He saw it in my face and grinned. “You like seeing me do that?” “Hell yeah”, I said. “I don't know why but it got me hot as hell!” “Wait until you do it yourself. I'll hold the lighter and you just inhale when I tell you, ok?” I nodded, scared but turned on at the same time. Not giving me time to think, Drew placed the loaded pipe at my lips and lit the flame. We watched the smoke build up then he told me to “suck it in daddy. Suck it good”. And I did. I filled my lungs then when he pulled it away I looked at him for direction. “Hold it, hold it. Yeah that's it. Now stud blow a cloud for me!” I exhaled and was enveloped in a cloud even bigger than Drew's. Instantly I felt a rush in my brain, my body and dick. I'd never been this horned in my life! “You want another one daddy?” Drew asked scooting next to me so our legs were touching. “Yes, please,” I panted. “I want more!” Once more he placed the pipe at my lips and lit the flame. While I inhaled this second hit I suddenly felt his fingers pinching and pulling on one of my nips. The sensation made me gasp making me inhale more smoke. Pulling the pipe away he kept his fingers on my nip as I writhed and moaned. At last he told me to exhale and when I did I felt his lips and tongue on my hard nips. Instinctively I grabbed the back of his head to hold his mouth where it felt so good and right. “Oh fuck yeah baby!” I moaned. He looked up at me and smiled. “How you feeling now daddy? You like what we're doing? Am I making you feel good?” “I am feeling awesome! I love it!! Nobody's ever made me feel this good. Please don't stop!” His hand dropped to my bulging crotch and squeezed making me moan louder. “Oh we're not stopping yet, daddy. Not by a fucking long shot!” **Let me know what you think men. Should I continue Justin's tale?**
    2 points
  13. After numerous requests, here is the next fictional account of the in the saga of the Kid. Other Kid stories are Kid got everything he wanted The Kid goes to his first bath house. As usual this is only fiction and not meant to actually be done. Some of this would send a person to the ER ( Or worse ) with an overdose. It is for reading enjoyment only, and of course arousing you if you need help with that. Chapter 1 The Kid has had some great adventures with his first party and then his first trip to a bathhouse here he was given drugs and plowed by some of the craziest guys and perverts in the world. He wanted to get back to the first guys next party but cold never arrange time. Between his work and girlfriend, there never seemed to be any time for his private perverted play. He contacted me several time to see what I was doing. I had to have some minor surgery and couldn’t get to the monthly party, and he wanted to have me there when he went next time. He was frustrated with his relationship because while his girlfriend was nymph when it came to sex she didn’t like sucking him to a finish and never would give up her ass. Sometime after his first party he had gotten a case of the Flue and his Girlfriend caught it from him and came down with it a couple weeks later. Since he had met Tina he had a deep driving need to play with her every chance he could and those were very few and far apart. The recovery after the first party was rough but he was able to get back to normal in a couple days after. The second party his recovery was a lot quicker, even though he had a lot more. His insides yearned to be spun again, his desire to feel stuff roaming in his ass and filing him was undeniable. He had met with a few guys but non seemed to satisfy his needs. One black guy was hung, he remembered it hurting and he took it waiting for it to feel better, but it never felt the way it did when Horse was lodged in his ass and Horse was bigger that this guy. One guy actually helped him some in a park one night, he was bent over a bench taking a guy with a small dick and after the guy shot what felt like a couple drops up his ass another guy came over and asked him if he wanted more with a little extra. The Kid started to get up when the guy pushed him back over the bench and proceeded to push a much larger cock up his ass. The guy felt different when the Kid realized this guy had a PA on his cock. It felt cool when it rubbed his hole before the guy grabbed the Kid’s hips and basically impaled the Kid on his cock. The Kid yelled at the sudden intrusion, the guy said “ Shut the fuck up, you want to bring the cops “ ? as the Kid stared to say no when the guy pulled partially out and rammed back in. all the Kid could do is squeak the word “ No “. The Bushes around the area rustled and a couple guys walked up, both had their cocks out and were jerking them. With the position of the Kid neither could get in front of him to get any service. The guy pumped a couple more times when he stopped. He held still. The Kid stared to back onto the cock when the guy slapped his ass and said “ Hold still you little whore “. The guy hen said “ Here comes the Little extra slut “. The Kid was looking at the two cocks off to the side and wasn’t paying that close attention to the guy in his ass. He wasn’t sure what he meant but then felt a warmth spreading in his bowels, he knew form past experience it was the yellow flood of the guy’s piss. The guy said “ Here is your extra, hope you enjoy it “. The Kid was in heaven, this was the first time since the time at the bath house he got this treatment. It really made him feel like a total slut, the pig whore of all whores. He only hoped he would end up getting the other guys cocks up his ass. When the guy was finished emptying his bladder, he started to slowly fuck the piss in the kids insides. He wanted to make sure the Kid could absorb as much as possible. He couldn’t hold off to long, this kids ass was great and had a natural ability to milk a guys cock. The guy cold tell he hadn’t been fucked much, at least not for a while. The Kid was slowly losing himself into the Acton up his ass. His whole body felt warm and almost to the point of being on fire. All he could think of was that he never wanted this to end. He could hear and feel the squishing of the cock as it slopped around in his guts. There was a pressure when he pushed in and it really felt good. The guy eventually picked up speed and some of the nasty mix started squirting out of the Kids ass. The guy slammed up into the Kid’s ass and said “ Take my spunk you nasty fagot punk “. The Kid said “ Yes, knock me up”. The kid could feel the throbbing cock up his ass, firing shot after shot into his ass. The guy slumped over the Kid for a few minutes and the Kid could feel a second twitching in his ass. The guy said “ Yeah, here comes a little more to help you out “. The Kid knew for sure he was shooting a second load of piss in his guts, pushing his cum into areas that it would never come out before it was absorbed. The guy finally pulled out and some of the nasty mix started dripping out, even with the kid in the head down position and trying to hold it in he couldn’t keep it from spilling out. The guy sat down next to the Kid. Even though he was off to the side he could see the cock that just split his ass. Even soft it looked Big and thick, it had an impressively big PA in the end of it, bigger that be thought. The Guy pulled out a glass pipe and started to heat it up. He could clearly see the white smoke in the bowel. the Guy looked over at the Kid and Smiled.
    2 points
  14. Part I It was about midway through my sophomore year in college. I had started having sex with guys the year before and had a fair amount of experience, but had always been very strict about condoms. At the time I had a boyfriend who I had known since we started college together. We'd been together for about 6 months, and although we weren't officially exclusive, it was somewhat implied. Despite this I still spent time on hookup apps looking for "friends" and occasionally "fun." One particularly warm summer day I was feeling incredible horny and was being a little more aggressive looking for sex on the apps than usual. I hadn't been fucked by my BF in over a week, and really needed some dick. I had texted him earlier, but he was non-committable about being available. Eventually I came across a guy named Jared, we exchanged pics and stats. He was 22, 6', 170lbs, and from the pics he sent had a nice 7.5" uncut dick. He had dark somewhat Italian features. After a few messages he mentioned that he also had a friend, Oscar, who he would JO with, and they were wanting to try fucking a guy together. I had done a three-way once with my BF, but never with two tops. Any part of me which would normally be hesitant was overcome by my libido that day. We talked about his friend and he sent me more pics. His friend was 21, 5'11, 170lbs, and had a 8" dick, also uncut. He looked to be Latin, but we never actually talked about race. After a bit more back and forth, we agreed to meet at Jared's place. It was on the other side of the campus, and would take me about 15 min to walk there. As I was about to leave Jared asked if they could fuck me raw, and I told them I couldn't do that, and would only play safe. I had never been fucked raw before, and certainly wasn't up for it from two guys I'd never met before. I thought that might end the encounter before it happened, but he agreed to use condoms and asked if I would bring them or if they should use his. Being a poor college student I asked if we could use his and that seemed to settle that. After walking across campus, I arrived at Jared's apartment. Oscar was already there sitting on the couch, and I got the impression from the budge in his pants they may have been watching porn and stroking before I got there. They both greeted me with big smiles. The three of use seemed to stammer around about whether we should sit on the couch together or go straight to the bedroom. Trying to cut the sexual tension, Jared pointed to the bedroom, and we all headed there. I laid down in the middle of the bed, with Jared on my left, straddling my leg, and Oscar doing the same on my right. We started making out. As I took turns kissing both of them, slowly clothing started to come off. I was lying in my briefs and they took off their pants together and laid back down on either side. For the first time I clearly felt both of their dicks on my thighs through their boxers. I slowly reached down and starting stroking Oscar's dick as I kissed Jared. After a short time though Oscar gentle pushed my hand away, and I realized he was already getting worked up. I switched, and starting stroking Jared. They were both hard as steal, with Jared's dick feeling slightly thicker, and Oscar's slight longer. My head was swimming at the thought they would soon be inside me. "Fuck you're sexy as hell," moaned Jared as he started to slide his fingers down my leg, inside my briefs, and towards my hole. I moaned a bit as his fingers first grazed it. "Damn you're super tight." He looked at me somewhat mischievously. "I'll have to open you up a bit before you're ready to take us." With that he reach down and slide off my briefs, and gently turned my hips so that I flipped onto my stomach. He pulled me down a bit towards the end of the bed, and Oscar moved from my side to in front of me, with his crotch directly in my face. I felt Jared's mouth go between my butt checks and his tongue found my hole. I had only been rimmed a few times, but never with his level of skill. He started working his tongue into my hole, getting me wet and slowly opening me up. As this was happening I reach up and starting stroking Oscar again through his underwear, slowly cupping his large balls, and working up his shaft. He quickly pull down the waist of the last of his clothing giving me a full view of his rock hard dick. "You like it?" "Fuck yes." I agreed quickly. I started to suck on his dick, prompting him to lean his head back and moan. His dick had a slight downward curve, which made it very easy for me to swallow it down to his pubes. I deep throated him a bit, but this again seemed to get him a little too excited, and he pulled me up, so he could cool down a bit. This repeated itself a few times, as I sucked Oscar, and Jared rimmed me. All of Jared's attention to my hole was starting to pay off as I opened up. "Do you think you're ready for a dick" He asked "Yea, Definitely." I agree. With that he moved up and I felt him laid on my back. At this point he still had his boxers still on, and I felt his dick through them pushing between my check. He quickly removed his boxers and I then felt his dick sliding between my checks. "Ready for it?" He ask again. "Yea, you have the condoms?" I seemed to disappoint him a bit that I was still insisting on condoms. "Yea, I have them right here, ready to go." He reached and I saw him pull out a condom wrapper. I started to turn around and saw him holding the tip with one hand and rolling it down his dick with another. Oscar then turn my head back to his dick and I started sucking him him again, as Jared started lubing up my hold and his dick. Shortly, I felt the head of his dick pushing on my hole, and after meeting some resistant his head slide it. He dick was thicker than I was used to and my head shot up from Oscar's dick, and I tried to relax and take the rest of Jared's. "Its ok, you can handle it". Jared tried to coax me. Slowly he lowered himself down, pushing each thick inch of himself into me. I felt his low hanging balls come to rest against my own, as he held his dick still deep inside. "Fuck you're tight as hell." "Go slow, ok?" "As slow as you like, but don't forget about him." He responded and he guided my head back to Oscar's dick. I started sucking Oscar again, and Jared started taking sort deep thrusts, seeming to test my hole. This continued for a few minutes, and his thrusts became longer, and quicker, until he was nearly pulling out entirely before thrusting back in me deep. He was able to get a few of these deep thrusts in before i felt him thrust in and hold his dick inside me. "Fuck, you're getting me close already." Ah, to be 22. "Time to switch up." Oscar seemed ready to get inside me as well. With that Jared lied back down on my side, and I flipped back over to my back. Oscar got up and took position between my legs, grabbing a condom, and applying it to his dick as Jared had... Holding the tip with one hand. After lubing up he found my hole, and starting to slide in. I took him easier than Jared, who was thicker, and it wasn't long before Oscar was thrusting into me with slow deep strokes. I looked over, and Jared was stroking the head of his dick, with the condom still visible on his shaft. Oscar leaned down and starting to kiss me as he fucked me, slowing his thrusts as he did so. "You're pussy is getting me close." He stopped thrusting for a second, holding his dick inside. "Fuck I'm gonna cum." He immediate started thrusting into me hard, unable to hold back his load. He pushed my legs to my chest and start to deeply thrust into me. After a few more deep thrusts he held his dick deep in my hold, and I felt his dick start to twitch hard inside of me. "I'm cumming." he moaned into my ear as his head was pushed against my shoulder Its my first memory of actually feeling a top's dick twitch inside me as he came. It caught me by surprise and I grabbed his ass pulling him in as deeply as I could. I felt a warm sensation deep in my gut as his dick continued to twitch hard against the walls of my hole. I was surprised how long his orgasm last. He must had been really worked up. Slowly he seemed to relax on top of me and I felt his dick start to soften in my hole. I leaned up, and started to slide his dick out of me. "Fuck the condom broke." He said somewhat sheepishly. I was shocked to look down and see the condom split down the middle like a banana peal, only the ring at the end still firmly on his dick. He slide a finger inside of me as I realized I had just taken his load. "You felt so good." I was trying to process what had just happened. Part of me was scared to have cum from a guy I had just met inside me. At the same time, realizing the warm pressure deep in my hole was his cum made me only hornier. "Are you ok?" Asked Jared, still stroking his dick at the tip. It didn't occur to me at the time, that they had planned this, but in retrospect, everything from asking if I would bring my own condoms, to how they put them on and held the tips so I couldn't see the end of the condom seemed to indicate they had planned to stealth me the whole time. "Yea its cool" was the best I could respond to everything happening. Oscar dropped back to my side, and removed what remained of his condom. Jared then slide his hand between my thighs, and starting fingering my hole. "Damn you have his load inside you, that's so fucking hot." "I've never done that before...." "You've never taken a load of cum in your pussy??" "No never...." "How does it feel?" I hesitated to respond. Conflicted between my long standing preference for safe sex, and the amazing feeling overcoming me. Jared slide his finger deep into me. "Damn, that's a lot of cum." "Yea, I shot a massive fucking load, it was huge." Oscar chimed in. "How does it feel?" Jared asked again "Actually it feels really good." I admitted This seemed to rev up Jared. "Yea, you like having his big load deep in your pussy?" "I fucking love it." I responded without even thinking or quite realizing what I was saying. "Yea, that's so hot, you're knock up now, you got his babies inside of you." My head was swimming. "Can I still fuck you some more?" Jared asked as he continued to stroke his dick. "Yes." I responded quickly. With that Jared turned me on my side. Facing Oscar, I started to make out with him again. He was a very hot guy, and the idea I had his cum inside me drove me crazy. Jared started to line his dick up to enter me, I turned around to see him slip off his condom which looked like it had been cut in half right at the tip. He looked me right in the eye as his slide his now bare dick in my wet hole. "Fuuuck, you feel amazing." He moaned, closing his eyes and starting to thrust in me. Oscar turned my head back to him and started kissing me again. Jared's thrust were deep. He gripped my hip with his left hand and reach his right around my chest to hold me in place. "You like feeling my load in his pussy." Oscar broke our kiss to ask. "Oh my god, it feels amazing." Jared remarked back. With that Jared and Oscar started to make out over me. Oscar reach his hand down to finger my hole and Jared's dick as our fuck continued. Jared's thrusts started to speed up, and get harder and harder. "Fuck I'm getting close." (I could already tell.) "You want my load too?...." I did, badly. But hesitated to respond. "Dude, I'm about to cum, can I shoot in you." "Please." He started to beg. "Yea, cum in me." "Yea, you want my load, my nut in you?" He pressed "Yes." I admitted. "Tell me you want my cum." "I want your cum." "Yea, you do." "Fuck I want it so bad, I want that big load deep in me." I barely understood where the word were coming from. That sent him over the edge, and he thrust deep into me. Oscar reach around and pulled Jared towards him pressing our three bodies tight together. I felt Jared's thick dick start to jump inside me, and his warm cum flooding my hole and mixing with Oscar's cum already in me. "Fuuuuuuuuuuccckkk...." He practically screamed. His orgasm continued as his emptied his load into me. Eventually I felt his body relax against my own, and we lied there together, Jared's dick in me, and Oscar against my body in the front. After I while we started to untangle ourselves. Jared slowly withdrew from inside me, and Oscar started to get dressed. "That was fucking amazing." Jared said as he also started to get dressed. Once he had his t shirt and boxers on he jumped back into bed and slowly opened my legs and started fingering my hole. "Fuck you're not even leaking, so hot you have our loads in you." He reached his finger deep "Fuck that's a lot of cum." "Yea I can feel it." "We'll breed you anytime you want man." Oscar smiled and winked. "Ok, Nice." I stammered. With that I started to get dressed myself. Before I got up though, i reached down in my underwear and slide a finger up my hole, feeling past the initial tightness, there seemed to be a new compartment filled with viscous cum. My head continued to swim as I play with their loads in my pussy. "Damn, I think he likes it." Said one of them. I lifted myself off of the bed and looked around. They led me to the door kissed me and grabbed my ass as I left... I could still feel their loads in me as I walked home. By the time I got home I was even more horny than when I left. As I walked I was surprise to find my BF sitting on my couch. He would often come by, so I tried not to act to surprised. I worried that he would smell cum, lube, and the other guys' on me. Part II "Still need to get fucked?" He asked as I remembered I had texted him earlier. "Yea, just let me use the bathroom first." I rushed to the bathroom and started the shower. I scrubbed up and down quickly, grabbed a towel and dried off. I felt clean on the outside, but still knew I had cum from two guys in my hole. I reached around and my hole felt wet and open despite the shower. I knew I should push it out before I let my BF fuck me, but the cum felt so good I didn't want to loose it. My BF had always fucked me with a condom, so I figured he wouldn't notice if there was cum in my hole... At Least I hoped. I walked out of the bathroom in a towel. He had moved from the couch to my bed and was clearly waiting for me. "All clean and ready for me now?" He beamed from the bed. "Yes, definitely." I replied. I climbed into bed with him and we started making out. He kisses felt familiar and warm, so distinct from what I had done earlier with Oscar and Jared. My towel came off quickly, followed by his pants. He rolled me on my back and we started making out in the missionary position, me completely naked and him in a tee shirt and boxers. My mind kept jumping between him and what I had done earlier in the day. I tried to focus on him, but the warm tight feeling of cum in my hole kept drawing me back to the earlier fucks. Slowly his cloths came off and he kneeled between my legs his 7" cut dick sticking out hard. "This is what you've been waiting for all day?" "Yeah." I worried I didn't express enough enthusiasm. But he seemed satisfied. We again starting making out, now completely naked, his hard dick against by groin and occasionally rubbing down between my legs almost to my hole. It was at that moment that I realized I wanted him to fuck me bare too. It was something we hadn't seriously discussed before and I had never really felt the need to have him in me bare. But, my mind kept flashing back those two moments earlier when I felt Oscar and then Jared cumming inside me, and I wanted more. He reach down to my hole and started to finger me. "Have you been playing with your hole today?" He asked, somewhat curious. "Uh yea." I stammered, a brief flash of fear as I realized he could tell my hole felt different today. "Damn you really have been super horny today." "Yea, I was watching porn, and playing with it." Seeming satisfied he returned to fingering me and making out. I reached down and started stoking him. I back up on the bed just enough to give me enough room to pull his dick down between my butt checks and across my hole. "Damn, you are ready to go! Do you want me to fuck you now?" Usually we'd make out a bit longer and suck each other before getting to the fucking, but he could tell that today i was moving things along. "Yes Please." I grinned. He reached over to the bed stand and pulled out lube and a condoms. Part of me sank knowing that he intended to fuck me with latex covering his dick. I thought about asking if he wanted to try without it, but was also terrified he would feel the loads I already had inside me. This craving for raw dick and cum was so new, I didn't know how to reconcile it with our usual sex. He slide the condom on and proceeded to lube up my hole and his covered dick. Giving me a mischievous smile as he did so. He slide in my hole with easy and began thrusting, working into his usual rhythm and lowering his lips to meet mine as he fucked me. "Wow you're really opened up today." "Yea, I was really playing with it all day, it still feels good, right?" "Of course, you always feel good." He smiled back. He worked my hole, alternating his speed and force. I could tell at times he was starting to edge and backing off. All I could think though was how much I wanted him to take off the condom. He must have sensed that something was off and I wasn't as into it as ussual. "You're enjoying it, right?" He sounded a little worried "Yea of course. Are you? Can we take a little break though?" "Yea, sure. I was starting to get close, but its cool." He slowly pulled his dick out of me. I felt a few drops of cum leak out and down my crack as he did so, but he didn't seem to notice that. His dick was rock hard and his balls were drawn tight against his body. I felt bad because it looks like he really was ready to cum. He lied next to me, and i reached over and pulled off the condom and slowly started to stroke him. "Uh, wait, but you still want me to fuck you more, right." He was confused. "Yea, I just wanted to stroke you a bit first." "Ok..." He seemed worried he wouldn't get to fuck me more. "Everything ok?" He continued. At that point, I wanted his cum so bad, I couldn't hold back. "Would you want to try fucking me without the condom?" I tried ask as casually as I could. "Ugh, well I've never done that before... Is that what you want, have you ever done it?" "No." I replied almost instinctively, not even realizing I was lying. "But I've been thinking about it, and it really sounds hot to me." Looking back, it seems crazy that we had been together for almost 6 months without talking about barebacking. "I guess we can try, but I don't think I'll last very long." He hesitate a beat, almost wanting to ask another question. "That's ok, we can just take it slow." I tried to reassure him. He climbed back between my legs and on top of me, reaching for the lube to apply a new layer to his now bare dick. I could tell he was nervous this time, i remembered back to the first time we fucked. I put my legs around his waist and pulled him a little closer as he lined up his dick again. "Ready?" "Yes." He slipped the head of his dick into my hole, slowly sliding in deeper. I swear I could feel the moment his dick slipped deep enough to meet the chamber of cum I already was carrying around. He continued in until I felt his balls against my wet crack. He took a deep breath. "Wow." "You like it?" "Yea you feel amazing. I just need a second or I'll cum." We started to make out again, him holding he bare dick in me deep. After a few minutes he started with some deep short thrusts as he got used to the new feeling of a bare cum filled hole around his dick. He worked back into a rhythm, unable to get to the same speed and force without pulling back to stop himself from cumming. He was able to control himself well though, and I was absolutely in heaven as he fucked me. He continued to fuck and edge for about another 15 minutes. "I don't know how much longer, I can hold out before I cum." He was clearly on the edge. "Ok, just let me know." I kissed him back. "Um, well, what do you want me to do when I shoot?.." I realized he didn't know how to ask if it was ok to cum in me. "Just keep fucking me." He hesitated again. "Ok, so I'll cum inside you?" "Yea." He hesitated another moment, and instinctively I squeezed his dick with my hole. This elicited a gasp, and he immediately started thrusting into me deep. His thrusts now were less controlled as he was quickly reaching the point of no return. "I'm going to cum." He announced "Yea? Cum in me, shoot that big load." He started fucking harder. Hammering my hole as hard as he could. "I'm cumming." He moaned as he made one last strong thrust into me and held his dick deep. He continued to moan as he started to explode deep inside of me. He dick was spasming hard, and I could feel each jump of his dick flooding me with rope after rope of his warm cum. He collapsed on top of me, my legs still around his waist and his dick still buried in my now flooded pussy. I felt his dick slowly start to soften, giving it a little squeeze here and there, always prompting another small gasp and deep twitch from him. Eventually his dick became soft enough that it slide out of me. He returned to laying next to me. "Did you like it?" I ask "Yea, it felt great." He seemed a little out of place and got up to start getting dressed. I walked him to the door, and we kissed goodbye. It took him a little while to get used to fucking me bareback, but we never used a condom again.
    2 points
  15. Was at work on Monday browsing NKP see a guy with the most beautiful cock. And like any good bottom I imagine how it feels. Well I get a message. I'm surreptitiously responding. Whilst I've new starter with me. We swap numbers he says he's free that afternoon if I needed to be bred. Well it's been a while since I've been fucked nearly 5 months. I tell him this and he says come over I'll remind you what you've been missing. So I've never worked so fast I was done for the day by half one on my way to his. By two I was on my knees sucking and gagging on his huge cock.. it was so big. But you know jsut cause its big doesn't necessarily mean they know how to use it. I've had some great fucks from all sorts of sizes. And equally awful ones from guys with big ones. But after getting him nice and hard.. he ordered on all fours as the hot older skin in full kit proceeds to pound me gradually at first building harder and deeper. Wow jsut wow. I was in absolute heaven as he made me cum as he proceeded to fuck me for the next 30 minutes til he emptied his cum deep inside me. I walked out of there on shaky legs....... am so going back he definitely in no uncertain terms reminded me what I have been missing....... i need more
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  16. I think "maximum immunity" would be better phrase than "full immunity". I think at its best it's only 85% effective. But if enough guys get it, then there's herd immunity… [To be honest, I'm not sure they've tested the vaccine enough to have a definitive percent efficacy. They didn't have an outbreak to test against until now.]
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  17. I love to fuck, but I must admit if I can find a hot mouth that can suck me off, I want it too!
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  18. I love sperm whores, especially when they take several loads up the ass, definitely don’t mind cum swapping with a few chosen cum whores either!
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  19. Yeah, it's really hard to abstain ... but you'll enjoy getting fucked so much more once you're back in action!
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  20. I think you are right and I couldn’t agree more. Barebacking, to me, implies an urgency or drive, an intoxicating sexual high.
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  21. My 30 yo Vietnamese pigson came over yesterday for some hot fun. Besides the kissing, cuddling, licking our bodies, swallowing cocks, eating asses we did, he drove his cock into my ass and blasted in it. He fed me his load from my ass. HOT! He got my cock hard in his mouth and I shot a big load down his throat. I'm so glad he came over!
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  22. Holy hell this town is crawling with sub boy's this year. I have to wonder if word got out on the best collage as well as place to get breed? I will be posting another in a few that is Captain of the baseball team here. He is about to take it for the team and he doesn't even know it yet. 2 of his team mates are coming over to help fill him and suck him dry before he is caged and he thinks it going to be girls sucking him off
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  23. I got hit up by this cute 18 y/o boy named Noah who wanted a quickie after school. I can't host and was a bit freaked out that he was still in HS and insisted he show me his DL before I would do anything at all. He was able to host thankfully as I can't and he was impossibly cute, shaggy curly blonde hair, cut face, blue eyes, smooth body and a nice sized uncut cock. I was kind of taken aback as to why he'd want to get with me, but he admitted he didn't want his buds to know he was "like that". I'm a pretty sympathetic listener and explained that I got it. We had been chatting a while and agreed to meet up today once he got out of school. We had talked about what we wanted sexually, which was to flip fuck, and had talked about barebacking. He said he wanted to talk about it in person once we'd met and that he'd feel more comfortable that way. It could be reductive and say I like a challenge, but I'm open to all kinds of play. We met up outside by his house and started chatting. He admitted he was too scared for me to know where he lived and wanted to talk first, which was cool. I was willing to do whatever to get with this hottie. Once we met up though I was totally charged up and horny as fuck and I got the sense he was too. He kept playing with his cock and it was obviously as big as he had alluded to. He finally agreed to go back to his house and once inside he was all over me, kissing me intensely, groping my cock and telling me how bad he wanted to fuck me. I reminded him I needed to see his ID and he pulled out his wallet and driver's license which, honestly, I barely looked at. Yes, his name was Noah, and I seared his last name in my mind so I could search up on him when I got home and memorized his DOB too. He cautioned me that while he had time to have some fun his parents would be home anywhere from 6 to 7 and we needed to get down to it. I smiled broadly at that and said OK, and we moved to his bedroom, locked the door and stripped down. We were deep into kissing each other and soon were on the bed, me grinding my cock up against his ass and wanting to put it in him in the worst possible way. He's awkwardly stretching for his nightstand and can see and hear him fumbling for something and he winds up handing me lube. Saying nothing I quickly lube up my cock and his ass and quickly force my cock inside him raw. His eyes are wide and his face live with delight as he's calling out "oh yeah" and "fuck yeah" as I enter him raw. He says nothing about wrapping and he clearly doesn't care to talk about in person as he'd mentioned earlier. Clearly, he wants raw, or he'd have said no. I have his legs over my shoulders and am driving deep inside his ass, kissing him deeply, telling him how hot he is and how bad I want to cum in him. He's also telling me how bad he wants my load, how hot my cock is, and not to pull out. I'm totally into him and before long I blast a load deep in his hole. I collapse on him telling him how hot he was and how much I enjoyed it. He's kissing me deeply back saying he loves how I did him and that he wants to do the same to me but wants to be honest. I pull him close in a hug and say I'm cool with whatever he has to say, and he admits to me that he's never been tested, and is that OK? I say it is, knowing full well he's not asked me my status before I bred him, not that I really cared. He's hot and I want his seed regardless. He looks relieved that I want his cum and eagerly roll on my back with him on top me and guiding his cock to my ass. I can reach my hand over to where the lube is lying on the bedspread and hand it to him and can feel him lubing up my ass and his cock. I'm gasping as I take his massive cock balls deep and don't give a shit that he doesn't know his status.... I want that cock and his load. And it doesn't take long until he is pounding me so hard, I can't even think straight. He's one of the biggest cocks I've taken in a while and he's hitting me in all the places I want to get fucked. He's kissing me deeply as I can barely breathe for the deep pounding he's giving me as I beg for him to cum in me. He finally gives me his load...an intense spasm, that I can feel all over me, inside and out. He collapses on me, panting, trying to catch his breath as I pull him in a bear hug, thanking him for giving me what I wanted. I know I should care about his status, but I wanted his load so bad I'm willing to take my chances. I loved that he took me no questions so its not for me to get all butt hurt. He looked at the clock and said we had time for one more quickie and did I want to fuck him or me fuck him again? I told him I wanted to fuck him again and quick shot another load balls deep in his ass. We both collapsed on the bed and again started kissing each other. He asked me why I wasn't dating and I admitted I hated being committed to a guy and liked messing around with other guys and liked having multiple guys fucking me. He laughed and said that sounded a lot like him, and that he liked guys using his ass too. I asked how often he got it, and he admitted it was a mix of buds and guys off apps. I admitted that was cool as I met up with guys off of apps and liked having fun like he did. It was getting late in the day and he was getting nervous about his parents coming home and said I should get going. I thanked him and said I was down to hook up any time he wanted and he said he was as well. He thanked me for being chill about not knowing his status and we had another bear hug before I left. I know I have no problems taking his seed and am guessing there are LOTS of guys that would take his seed as well.
    2 points
  24. Sounds a lot like a time a frat guy wanted to hook up with me. He said he could possibly line up other brothers to fuck me and would I be down. I said I was. I met up with him and got in his car and was sucking him all the way to where we were headed. When we go there, there were other cars parked with lights off and guys standing around. The frat guy I'd met up with, Josh, said for me to get out and come around to the back of the car. It was backed up against a building so people wouldn't see if they drove by. He said he got to fuck me first and then whoever wanted to fuck me got to have it after that. My eyes were scanning the guys and I was amazed at how hot so many of them were. Surely, they'd have no problems finding a guy or a girl to take their loads, but I wasn't about to argue. I bent over the trunk and started taking Josh's cock while the others watched. Some broke out the phones and started videoing, but I didn't mind. I knew Josh was fucking me raw and I didn't care. He was hot and I wanted his seed. Hell, most of these guys were really hot and I was cool to take all of them raw. By my count there were maybe ten guys there. I could turn to watch them watching me get drilled by Josh. It kind of amazed me that they were all cool with being a part of this. Clearly Josh didn't care that his buds knew he fucked guys and did it raw. Josh shot his load in me, slid out, and another one of his buds who had been jacking moved in to fuck me next. I loved that he just entered me raw, and I could see some of the other guys were jerking each other and that now Josh was bent over the trunk of another car taking it up the ass from one of his buds. I'm sure Josh was taking it raw too, and not long after the guy fucking me shot his load in me and another guy moved in to take his place. I noticed another guy was bent over a car and taking a guy's cock too. The guy breeding Josh had finished and now another new guy was breeding Josh now. This kept on for a while and honestly, I lost count on how many guys bred me. I finally said I had to stop, and a guy named Rick asked me who I'd ridden with and where my clothes where. I said I'd come with Josh and could see where he was getting drilled by yet another guy. Rick followed me over to Josh's car where I found my clothes and asked me if I wanted him to take me home. I said I did, dressed, and got in his car. As we drove, Rick admitted I was a hot fuck and asked how I knew Josh. I was kind of embarrassed and said I'd met him online and that he'd offered to line up a group thing. Rick laughed and said Josh had done that a few times and was always surprised at how many guys turned out. He admitted he'd been the bottom one time and was worried it would be scary but was way hotter than he imagined. He loved that all of the other guys knew he could be had and could be fucked whenever they wanted and that a lot of the guys hit him up to hook up. I laughed and said I wished I'd got some of the other guys numbers, but all I got was their loads. Rick laughed and that and said he would give me his number and would try and line up things in case I didn't hear from Josh. I still hear from Josh and Nick and still do some of the group stuff with the frat boys, but it was never like that first time.
    2 points
  25. Part 16 -“Open your mouth, bitch”. I complied and felt him spit onto my tongue. -“Swallow!” -“Good boy! Now open again!” he ordered as he shoved his dick into my mouth. I gagged a bit as it hit the back of my throat but he was holding my head firmly in place so I could not back out. He was fucking my head like a maniac, I could only feel his balls slapping my chin and his sweat drip onto my forehead. The room was unusually hot and I suspected he had turned the heat up. The smell of sweat was almost getting me high and I was trying to catch as much of his manly scent as I could when catching my breath in between his thrusting movements. After a few minutes, he slowed his movements down, and I could hear him pant, trying to catch his breath too. His cock slid out of my mouth, all gooey and covered with my saliva. -“Now, it’s nice and wet, it will slide easily into that slut hole of yours, right boy?” -“Yes, Sir!” -“What do you want, boy?”. I felt a slap on my face before I could even utter a word. -“What do you want, boy?” -“I want whatever Sir wants!” -“Good answer! That’s a good boy!”. I was still on my knees, blindfolded. I was hearing him walking around me while talking to me but could not completely figure out where he was. I suddenly felt his hands grabbing me under the arms, lifting me up and throw me onto the bed. The man was strong! I’m only 5’8 but quite heavy for my height, working out 5 times a week, but he seemed to be able to just swing me around like a feather. I was on my back, a bit surprised and lost, when I felt his hands on my thighs, pulling me closer to the edge of the mattress. -“Look at your hole, with the cum dripping out! It’s gonna make some great lube!” I could feel his cock being rubbed against my hole and around, probably scooping the load that was trying to escape. I felt the head being lined up and pressed slightly. My head was grabbed from behind to raise it and I smelled the bottle of poppers being put under my nose. -“Sniff it, boy! You’ll need it!” His right hand was holding my left nostril shut while I was inhaling deeply. My nose was then pinched shut completely. -“Hold it in!” before he proceeded to my other nostril. I felt the heat and the rush in my body and my head. I grabbed my legs to open them up as much as I could. I was breathing heavily. -“That’s it! Open!” All the sudden, I felt his cock being rammed into me, balls deep. I felt like I was being stabbed in my lower stomach, and my hole was burning. -“FUCK!” I screamed. Another slap came. -“Silence, bitch! My boss is in the next room, you don’t want him to hear you, do you?” -“No, Sir.” I uttered, still in pain. -“Anyway, it won’t be long before I’m done with you! I’ve been jerking for hours and your cum-filled hole feels amazing!”. His movements picked up. I was feeling a mix of pleasure and pain, and was probably moaning too loud for his taste, even if I was biting my tongue not to scream. A third slap came. -“I told you to keep it down, boy!” He was fucking me frantically. -“And anyway, are you hoping someone’s gonna come to save you? It’s too late, you’re gonna get my poz babies soon! No turning back!” It drove me nuts! But I couldn’t even say anything before he added. -“That’s right! I love getting dumb sluts like you to take my poz cum, but you didn’t even care to ask!” -“I want your poz cum, Sir!” -“Oh really, bitch? You’re a willing chaser? Then I’ll gladly oblige!” I was jerking my cock so hard it was starting to hurt, but he slapped my hand away from my dick. -“Nope! You’re here for my pleasure, not yours!” I felt his pace picking up, until he rammed his cock one last time balls deep, throbbing. -“That’s it, boy! Take that fucking poz load!” He kept sliding in and out, slowly. I could feel the cum being churned and leaking out. He slid out, got me onto my feet, and got me dressed. I was still blindfolded. I felt him guiding me firmly till I heard the door being opened. -“Now, get the fuck out, chaser boy! I’ll call you if I need you again!” The blindfold was taken off and I heard the door slam behind me.
    2 points
  26. Chapter 5 The Kid had no idea as to what the guy had planned, but by the end of the night his life would have new meanings. The Kid could hear the guy’s phone blowing up. The guy was busy replying to messages on it. The other guy came back with a black bag. The guy whom the Kid was sitting on pushed the kid forward and said “ Get off me you Cunt “. The Kid attempted to stand up but in the position he was in couldn’t get a good footing. The guys watched as the Kid was trying to get up but looked more like a floundering fish. He was able to finally stand up. Cum and what cum piss that wasn’t absorbed came flooding out and down his legs. One of the guys took the Kid’s shirt and said “ Here, use this to get cleaned up. You got to look presentable for our customers “. The Kid stared wiping his crotch and legs of the mess. He was wondering what the guy meant my ‘ customers ‘. The Guy that was up his ass with what seemed a few minutes ago was busy on his phone replying to all the messages he had. He commented that he was really going to make out tonight. He said for a Thursday it was going to be great. The Kid was Horney as hell and his mid-section had a very familiar yearning for something. Luckly the feeling was starting to subside, and he was able to talk around. He even noticed that he was naked but couldn’t remember taking all his clothes off. All he had on were his shoes. Until that moment the Kid hadn’t noticed that it was getting dark and that he started thinking about heading home. The guy that was on the Phone saw the Kid looking around and figure that the Chem piss was starting to wear off. He told one of the guys to get in his bag and pull out a baggie with the crystal in it. He reached over to the Kid and wiggled a finger in the Kid’s ass. The Kid instinctively started to gyrate on the Finger. The guy asked the Kid if he wanted more up his ass. The Kid thought he meant more fingers or wanted him to continue this great feeling. His mid-section was finally getting what it demanded and he said “ Yes please, I need more “. The guy holding the bag asked what size he wanted. The other guy said “ Get me the Big one, I was planning on breaking it up because of the size but I think the Kid needs it”. The guy with the baggie as holding it and said “ You sure. This looks like over half a gram “. The guy looked at the Kid and asked “ You ready to feel better “? He had been fingering the Kid’s ass and the Kid was in heat with the action and said “ Yes, I need it bad “. The Chems and the Kid’s over heated ass were taking over now. The Guy fingering the Kid told the other two to bend him over spread his cheeks and push this up the Kid’s ass. He also said that if he had a point he would give the Kid a big boost. He had plans for this Kid and wanted him ready for anything, he wanted the Kid Spun and out of control. He had done this before an the bottoms were spun enough that the drugs were controlling the bottom. With this Kid guys would be standing in line to get someone this young. He had seduced twinks before but none hat were hairless and looked this young. One of the guys bent the Kid over and spread his cheeks. The guy with the phone said “ Push it in slow. Let it cut and burn him “. The guy with the shard said “ Here it goes “ He asked the Kid “ Are you ready for this enormous shard punk “ ? The Kid said “ Yes “. The Kid remembered how great this would feel and he desperately needed it. The guy pushed it halfway in and held it there. He knew that all the Lube he had was from the Cum and piss and that would not insulate the tender walls from this piece of hell that was about to change the Kid.
    2 points
  27. I admit never had thought about this question - if there is an ass presented, I'm going to dump my load and when I bend over, I expect to get bred. Anytime I enjoyed to feel my dick pumping inside an anonymous hole as well as having some stranger unloading in mine.
    2 points
  28. I think the Western traditions subsume young boys into feeling they must choose one female, and that's it for they're entire life. That is unnatural, particularly for boys born gay. The fact that our sexual wiring is so compelling that we do whatever we have to to accommodate it, is proof enough that it's completely good and natural.
    2 points
  29. Chapter 2 The guy sat down next to the Kid. Even though he was off to the side he could see the cock that just split his ass. Even soft it looked Big and thick, it had an impressively big PA in the end of it, bigger that be thought. The Guy pulled out a glass pipe and started to heat it up. He could clearly see the white smoke in the bowel. the Guy looked over at the Kid and Smiled. The Kid had forgotten about the other guys until he felt a finger exploring his hole. Another guy stared fondling the Kid’s cock. He thought it had been a long time snice his cock was this sensitive. It was hard and leaking and the guy hadn’t stared pumping it yet. He looked over at the guy with the glass pipe and the guy said “ Yeah, I have been smoking this all day, and it is some strong shit “. The guy went on to say “ That load of cum and piss I gave you should have you feeling really good by now “. It was true, his ass was in heat and really needed it again, he hadn’t felt this for a while and this was exactly what he needed. The guy said he wished he could get to the Kids mouth, he needed to piss again “. The guy fingering him had gotten three really big fingers in his ass and was pounding on his prostate. The guy playing with his cock said “ I wish we had a really big and sharp shard to work in his hole, get this youngster spun and get this hole ready for any gifts he might get “. The one guy playing with the Kid’s cock said that the Kid had a nice hard cock and it was leaking precum. The one guy that first fucked him said some guys can keep their hard-ons even with Tina, not many but a few do. The Kid was really feeling the Chem piss working on him and said “ I need fucked, please wreck my ass “. The guy pulled his fingers out of the hole and put his cock Up to his hole and pushed in. he wasn’t as long as the other guy but was thicker. He stretched the Kid’s hole open and when he was ready shoved his cock to the hilt. The Kid squeaked when he was fully impaled with that cock and said “ Oh yes. I really need my ass abused “. The guy that was playing with the Kid’s cock reached around and slid a finder in the Kids hole along with the fat cock that was stuffing his hole. The Kid said “ that is really stretching me. Feels good “. Between the chem piss and the assault his ass was getting, the Kid was having problems forming cohesive sentences. The Kid was sweating and really loving the action. The guy slid two more fingers up the Kids poor stretched ass. The Kid yelped and said “ Ouch ! That Hurts “. The guy sitting next to him with the glass pipe said “ You asked for it you little fag, now take it, and shut the fuck up“. He took the pipe and put it in the Kids mouth. The Kid knew what to do with it at this point and stared inhaling the white clouds of smoke into his lungs. The First one wasn’t very big, and the guy got annoyed at him and told him to take another hit and make it a big one and hold it. The Kid knew by his tone that he better not get him any more annoyed at him so he took a big hit and held it as long as he thought he could. When he let it out his head was spinning and his has was again the center of his universe. The fingers that were in his ass were dancing in his with that cock and everything felt natural. The guy with the Pipe said that he wish he still had the bag he started with, It had a really big and nasty shard that I would have loved to seen what the Kid would be like when he got spun out of his mind. He put that pipe back at the Kid’s mouth and said “ I think you’re going to need another hit of this, make it even bigger”. The Kid wanted another hit but he didn’t think he cold do more than the last time. The Kid inhaled slower this time and forced his lungs to expand to take more. The Guy pulled the Pipe away from the Kid and set it down. The Kid started to exhale and the Guy put his hand over the Kid’s mouth and nose. The stopped the Kid form getting the white metal tasting smoke out of his lungs. He felt the finger being pulled from his ass and an arm holding his body down. The Kid stared to struggle but in that position, he couldn’t do much plus the cock that was in his ass felt great. He didn’t want to lose the intrusion up his butt but at the same time he needed to let the Tina out of his lungs. The guy in his ass said “ Hold him down boys, this Kid’s ass it trying to bite my cock off at the root. It feels great “. The guy holding his mouth closed finally pulled his hand off the Kid’s mouth. The Kid started coughing and was trying to get fresh air into his lungs. At the same time he felt the guy in his ass pull back a little and ram his cock up the Kid’s fuck chute as far as he could get, he wiggled to make sure the root had plugged the spasming hole wrapped around his cock. He let loose with a torrent of cum into the Kid’s ass
    2 points
  30. We chatted for about three weeks on bbrts before actually meeting for the first time. He had photos on the site and had sent more when I'd asked but, he was much better looking in the flesh. 20 years old, dark brown eyes, olive coloured skin, which looked completely unblemished from the little on show. Almost six feet tall with a slim, fit body. His short dark brown hair was expensively cut and combed away from his very good looking young face. We'd already discussed at length what he wanted but I wanted to meet him in person. Firstly to make sure he was genuine and not just another flake who wanks himself off while fantasising and to make sure he knew what he was really getting into. The coffee shop where we'd made arrangements to meet was fairly large and spacious. It was almost three in the afternoon so the lunch crowd had long gone. There was only an elderly couple and a small group of young mums killing time before the school pick up. Dave was a little nervous I could tell. He kept looking away to make sure no one was approaching or listening in to our conversation. Had we not met for the reason intended he was the sort of young guy I would look at and imagine what he looked like naked, think I'd like to have sex with but, know I wouldn't stand a chance with in normal circumstances. Why would a twenty year old kid even notice a fifty year old greying, bespectacled guy who was past his best physically. But, these weren't normal circumstances. We'd met to discuss me breeding him. His overwhelming desire, so he told me for me to fertilize him, impregnate him, knowingly infect him, poz him. I had known these desires myself. They had been so strong and dominated me for so long, that I to had gone in search of someone to give me their infected seed. I remember my conversion so vividly. My desire, fear, apprehension. The guys face, his eyes, seemingly, staring into my very soul. The sweat dripping off his fat reddened face and his fat stinking body as he plowed my arse with his large cut cock. I remember the pain and how sore my hole was as he rammed himself into me without any lubricant. He fucked me hard for at least forty minutes. His cock tearing at the soft internal flesh and large balls slapping on my arse. As painful as it was I never asked him to stop or slow down as I wanted his toxic sperm so badly. I didn't think he would ever manage to cum but eventually he began grunting, his eyes wild looking and his face even redder. I closed my eyes and had a mental image of his cock sliding inside me back and forth, in and out. Suddenly he shouted 'Yes' and thrust himself into me hard and deep, up to the hilt. I could feel his body convulsing, his cock pumping his seed into me. In my mind's eye I could see his cock, now deeper than before inside me, pumping a large creamy stream of thick positive cum up inside me. I could see individual sperm swimming, looking to fertilize me, make me pregnant. Suddenly my breeder collapsed on top of me. We were both sweating profusely. He stank but I loved the smell. His tongue found my mouth. His breath smelt as well and loved that to. I wanted to remember every detail of this fuck. I knew it had changed my life forever. As I sat at the table looking at this handsome young man, remembering my own conversion, I knew I would change his life forever to. I could feel my cock begining to swell in anticipation. I wanted to take him, fuck him and give him my babies. **To be continued**
    1 point
  31. *AUTHOR NOTE*: inspiration comes from a real event but the development is pure fantasy; it's a one-time story, no second episodes are planned. *AUTHOR NOTE 2*: yeah, I fantasize about pozzing some of those sermonizers, but I'll never do it - first of all because they do not deserve any attention both from me and HIV! My virus is too smart to accept such an offense; but at least I can write a story about this... If someone feels insulted, well, I consider it a coming out as keyboard warrior and they already know my answer. --- He appeared showing a lion as avatar and I considered him an Internet user like any other; his name was a series of letters and numbers with apparently no meaning, nothing that could wake up my interest in knowing him further. Till he mentioned me in a forum post I replied to; I explained how gifting turns me on, despite I would never do it for real: "Let me ask", he quoted me. "If you really don't approve spreading HIV intentionally, why are you turned on by stories about it?" Maybe he felt disturbed by my profile, where I openly talk about my gifting fantasies; he didn't give a damn about the fact I was undetectable and could harm no one, even poz talking with complete strangers. He was too concentrated in sermonizing me and continued like that for the following week, with no answer from me. My plan was to exclude him with the "block/ignore" feature but it suddenly changed as soon as he came up with a private message: "You're a keyboard warrior! As far as I can guess, you're not poz! I don't believe it! Prove it to me!" That was an offense to my pride: me, a keyboard warrior? I could immediately send him my HIV test results in real time buying a self-test and recording it on video. "I won't descend to your level", I told myself and let it go without even looking at his profile. "Prove your poz status", the guy insisted every time he saw me on line; "any way you want!" ANY WAY? Fuck, I was getting hard just at the idea of having him on his back, feet over my shoulder, with my raw poz dick buried in him; without even knowing how he looked like or how his voice was. Just the challenging tone of his written words made me think it was time to teach him a lesson! HIV does not care about a person's physical appearance, why should I? But curiosity hit me: his profile was actually interesting! He claimed to be submissive, loved to be used and abused, in several profile parts he specified to be STD free and looking for "safe" people to be fucked by. Sexting welcome. I used the same approach I have for other contacts I sext with, reading his oldest posts I had quite a perfect idea of what buttons to push to turn him on; in a few days of messaging back and forth, he was virtually mine! I skipped on purpose the poz matter as my plan was taking shape: I had to conquest him during a meds holiday! I took my time, easy and daily sexting till I felt his complete submission. "Next week I'll be there", I announced surprising him. "You challenged me and I accepted it!" "Don't know what you're talking about", was his reply; a further demonstration of his inclination: he was a keyboard warrior! A sex hungry one though, as he gave me his address even without knowing how I looked like too. The week passed and I had scheduled an entire week-end out of town. We exchanged numbers but I did never get a call from him, just texts! I also had some doubts in the meantime: what if he texts because he can't talk or hear, if he's deaf and I poz him without knowledge? He could also be on PrEP, we purposely avoided such topics in plenty of time, sex was the only thing that mattered. "Door unlocked", I texted; "I'm there in 30 minutes. Get ready, naked and clean! Surprise 4 u!" "waiting 4 u, clean OK" he messaged me back. Damn, it was really hard to find a parking place near by, but a short walk was worth it; 20 minutes instead of 10, then finally I found an unlocked door as he described. The house seemed empty so, without knowing his name, I shouted: "where's my lion? Poz talk author is here!" No voice came from anywhere but in the end I reached a small bedroom... with actually a young guy sitting naked on a chair. Headphone over his head, a joystick in hands and a war game on the screen in front of him. What the fuck, which trouble was I getting into! My temptation was to turn around and leave, but rationality hit me: if I accuse this guy to be a keyboard warrior I can't behave as such! His appearance though, was not the experienced, sexually active man he claimed to be in messages! "Sir", I heard his shy voice as soon as I gently touched his arm to get his attention. "Is it... is it you? I did not expect you to show up for real!" I positioned my hands on his naked shoulders and tried to massage him; seduction takes time and this one needs patience and trust from me. "You said 30 minutes, it took an hour! I thought you were a..." "Keyboard warrior?" I interrupted him and gestured him towards the bed: "get your ass in there, I have no time for videogame addicted!" He obeyed and was laying on the bed, on his back; I sat next to him with a bag in my hands, staying there without taking my clothes off. He nodded when I asked if he was 18, "will turn 19 in a couple weeks", he smiled proudly. In time for the gift, I thought to myself but didn't say a word. "Finger fuck me", he was begging. His dick becoming hard while looking at me and my bag. "What do you have in there, sir?" Without answering I sucked and rimmed him for a while, his hole relaxing every time my tongue went in deeper. Damn, he was moaning like a bitch in heat! "Fuck... fuck me", he moaned softly. "Please sir, fuck me..." My smile became soon a mischievous grin: "first day we met you asked me a question. To show you my HIV status. Here I am! Now, if you want me to fuck you, we'll perform these HIV tests together and fuck while waiting for the result. Are you game?" His voice didn't speak, but I saw his body sweating and his dick starting to leak precum; it was obvious what he wanted! We set a timer on my phone and left our waiting tests on his nightstand, it was matter of some minutes. I unzipped my pants and, without even wasting time to strip, I inserted my raw dick in him. "OUCH", he whimpered, but without even caring I was slowly and firmly thrusting into him; fuck, he was tight! I felt his tender insides tearing, his blood and my poz precum acting as lube for his probably virgin hole. "Almost there", I grinned pounding him hard, till I was balls deep. Meanwhile the timer was continuing going down and as soon as it showed one minute, I picked up my rhythm. "Almost there", I repeated staring at the tests. "Look at these results and tell me what you want!" Finally the timer rang; one, two, three times, I wanted to breed him instantly but the sound disturbed this moment so I stopped it; responses were now visible, with two and one line! "Oh, no", he started to cry; "You're really poz and I'm not on PrEP... Please pull out!" "Undetectable", I whispered in his ear, looking into his eyes. "You wanted a safe guy, and here I am! Ready for load number two?" He panicked, but I kept him in place with my strong hands; my phone still on its stand, pointing directly to his face. "Tell me what you want, fucking keyboard warrior! Look into my eyes and tell me you want me to stop!" I enjoyed his warm ass walls around my shaft, knowing I could not last longer; my virus happy to have finally found a worthy host. "Please, I want your load... sir, please..." "Better", I commanded. "You can do better!" "Breed me, seed me, impregnate me..." I squeezed his balls with one hand: "which kind of load do you want? Tell me!" "Your positive load, I want... I want your HIV!" His face turning red, embarrassed and pleased at the same time while I flooded his guts with my second load; "take it, fucking keyboard warrior! Take your birthday gift!" I collapsed on him, completely spent. Our sweaty bodies entwined into an unexpected embrace. "Hold it in", I whispered; "I want you to keep all my poz seed in you." "It's not fair", he told me after a while. "You claim to be poz, fantasize about gifting and then can't transmit." "Time will tell", I replied; a last hug, a kiss on his forehead then I left his house. "Want 2 keep in touch", he texted the following day. "maybe a repeat?" "You MUST keep in touch" was my answer. "Let me know if there are any news." No text came from him for a couple weeks, till his birthday arrived and I sent him a message: "u received my gift?" and he answered "Will check in a while, in bed sick now." "On my way", I typed back; "happy birthday, my poz son!"
    1 point
  32. Difficult to read without formatting
    1 point
  33. We've all been there and you have my sympathy. As I'm sure you know, whatever the treatment is, the cure isn't instantaneous. The period after you've been treated but before you've been cured is the toughest. I find the best option is to jerk off more than usual. Start first thing in the morning!
    1 point
  34. I know I can't and won't stay loyal. I have some regulars who I'd continue to have sex with even if I was dating someone. The sex is just too good!
    1 point
  35. I fucked him a couple of times at M.A.L. about 5, 6 years ago. Was a 1 on 1. Very nice guy; considerate and more interesting than I anticipated. He wanted me to participate in a gangbang movie that he was making that Sunday but I shied off. I should’ve done it. Older I become, less I give a shit. Ryan does have a sweet asshole, nice and smooth and the harder I fucked him, the more he got into it. Had a number counter & scoreboard in his room which I hit off twice. Like to run into him again; nothing like sliding your dick into a smooth hole that appreciates taking cock.
    1 point
  36. Chapter 3 The Kid started coughing and was trying to get fresh air into his lungs. At the same time he felt the guy in his ass pull back a little and ram his cock up the Kid’s fuck chute as far as he could get, he wiggled to make sure the root had plugged the spasming hole wrapped around his cock. He let loose with a torrent of cum into the Kid’s ass The guy pulled his cock out of the Kid and the other guy got behind the Kid. He thought he was going to get fucked again but was surprised when the guy squeezed his cheeks and spread them open, then the guy stared sucking on the Kids gaping hole. The feelings were great to the Kid and he cooed and stated to relax. The heat in his groin was in total control of him now. He remembered this feeling and love letting this part of him go. The Guy stopped and the Kid was disappointed as it felt really great. The Guy took a hit on the Pipe and then went back to the Kid’s ass and Blew that smoke in the Kid’s rectum. He felt it go n and it really felt strange. The guy held the Kid’s cheeks together so it would stay in. The Guy took a second hit and then blew that in the Kids ass. He felt it this time even more, probably because of the Volume. The Guy squeezed the Kid’s cheeks together again and said “ That is really strong stuff ”. The guy opened the Kid’s cheeks and put his mouth on his hole. He stared sucking the white cloud out of the Kid. Between the two hits and the guy had and the heat of the moment he was extremely aggressive with his ass eating. After he got the smoke out he wanted more and began using his teeth to try to open the hole more. The Kid was saying that it hurt and was begging to go easier. The guy didn’t go easy, in fact he bit down on the Kid’s sensitive rectum and the Kid yelled. The pain was intense but in a perverted was it was mixed with extreme pleasure. The totally confused the Kid. He had never felt like pain was the path to pleasure before. He remembered feeling pain when playing in the past but never the intense feeling of satisfaction and pleasure at the same time. The first guy to fuck him was sitting next to him and patted his cock which was now a full staff and ready for another go. The guy looked over and over and said “ Why don’t you come over here and sit on this “ . The Kid got up and turned around and squatted over the cock that was pointing straight up. One of the guys moved it and aimed it at the Kid’s now tender asshole. The Kid started to lower him self down on it when the Guy grabbed his hips and forcefully pulled the Kid down in one swift move. This took the Kid’s breath away at the sudden intrusion. Even though it wasn’t a huge cock he felt as if he was a puppet impaled on a pole. They put the Pipe back to the Kid’s mouth and told him to suck. He did as he was told and before long his head was spinning and he was really enjoying the cock imbedded in his ass. One of the guys there were now watching the Kid get his ass probed deeper than before said “ How old is this Kid. He can’t be legal “. There he was , sitting on this pole grinding his now over heated ass to get more in him, with a nice hard on and no hair from his face down , He looked like a teenager. One of the guys said “ I think we have a really young one to mess up tonight. Little did they know that the Kid was in his early 20s and was out of college already. A guy got om each side and lifted the Kid up and then dropped him back down on the cock. Each time the Kid made a different sound. He also said “ This feels so good. I want more”. It didn’t take long for the guy to say he was about to cum again. He said that this was not normal but this Kid was so hot inside he couldn’t resist giving him more in his sloppy cunt. As he started to cum in this Kid’s ass one of the guys knelt down and started sucking the Kid’s cock. It was long until the Kid erupted into the guy’s mouth. The guy with his cock up the Kids as felt the ring of fire in the kid to start contracting on his cock, it was as if the Kid had a magical cock the could suck like any mouth could. The guy said “ Christ, this kid’s ass is trying to suck my nuts not him “. The two were connected more than most would ever get. About the time the guy was done shooting in the Kid’s ow very sloppy ass the Kid was done shooting his cum down the guy’s throat. There was a very relaxed and feeling between the two of them. He hadn’t felt this connection to anyone for a while. The Guy stared to move, and the Kid started to get off but the guy held him down, he had other ideas. He kept his cock up the Kid’s ass and stood up. This gave the Kid’s ass a strange feeling as he never moved around with anything up his ass. He decided he liked this new feeling
    1 point
  37. I just read this whole story this morning. I'm a bi married guy and wish someone would just fuck me a give me there cum and not listening to me begging them not to cum in me. My cock is hard and leaking pre cum. I'm going to go popper up and jerk off and eat my cum.
    1 point
  38. Hope this story cumtinues real soon !,! it’s so erotic !
    1 point
  39. Good luck I’ve been castrated and don’t regret it at all
    1 point
  40. I wish the author would continue this story. There are so many things he could expound on. Would love to see more of this.
    1 point
  41. Awesome story can’t wait for more
    1 point
  42. 5th chapter is taking a little longer as at the moment we are far from each others. me - the poz half - has the duty of writing HIV's and the poz characters' point of view, while the neg half has neg ones. When we get together again, after doing something better between us... we are going to edit the story and upload next chapter
    1 point
  43. Chapter 14 The Scorpion Guy put his cock into the entrance of the Pigs hole. He pushed the head in and the Pig tried to move to get more in him. He asked the Pig “ Do you want this Toxic , infected snake in your cunt ? “ The Pig responded “ Yes “ The scorpion guy rocked back and forth a little and then stopped. The pig was whimpering, he wanted more action in his cunt. The Scorpion guy said “ Tell everyone you want Pozzed up. You want to get infected with AIDS and anything else you can get “. “ tell them now or it is over for you and the burning will only get worse “. The Pig didn’t hesitate and announced “ I am a pig. I need to get AIDs cum in my ass, fuck the hell out of me. Just make the burning stop. Please! “. With that the Bio-Hazzard guy shoved is cock into the Pigs ripped and swollen cunt. The pig started to yell when someone pushed that nasty dirty Jock back in his mouth. I am sure that he wasn’t expecting what he was getting when he came to the basement. I am never amazed more when I see how the drugs, especially Meth, can break down normal barriers and open a user to all possibilities. That and the way we transform guys into willing chem sluts. At the same time Horse was back up the Kids ass. Someone walked over and showed Horse something. Horse pulled out and the Kid whimpered, he felt an emptiness. The guy took 2 fingers coated with Crystal and stared rubbing them in the Kids ass. I knew from my own experience that this would set the Kids ass on fire and spin him more, if that was possible. The Kids eyes opened wide, he knew that burn but with the rips in is ass it was never that intense. His ass felt alive like never before. Horse pushed his back in the Kids ass and started pumping he full length in and out. The Kid whimpered that it still burnt a lot. Horse said “ Good. It means you’re getting a great bump. You will be here for a while, spinning lake a top. “ In the sling with the Pig the Bio-Hazzard guy was doing his best to destroy the Pig’s ass. He was actually pulling the Pig up out of the sling on some of the inward shoves. The Pig must have been flying pretty high because he made huge grunting sounds but had a silly smile on his face. The Bio-Hazzard guy asked “ Are you ready to get AIDS load in your cunt? “ Someone pulled the dirty jock ot of the pigs mouth. The Pig answered with a weak “ Yes”. The Bio-Hazzard guy said “ Good, Cause here it comes”. He was yelling “ Take my infected load you worthless fag. “. With that he shoved in as deep as he could go. We could see the guys cock pulsing in the Pig’s ass. We knew he was getting loaded with a huge load of cum and who knows what else. After he was done he stood there for a minute fully embedded in the Pig’s ass. Then the Pig’s eyes opened wide. The Bio-hazard guy looked down an asked the Pig “ You can feel that warmth deep in your guts, can’t you Pig?’. The pig said “ Yes “. The Bio-Hazard guy said “ That is my hot piss filling your bowels, It is taking my AIDS cum deep. You will be infected with my babies now and forever.” When he finished he stared to pull out. He mentioned that as loose as his hole was it would probably drip out and it would be a shame to waste let it drip out since this was the first piss since he slammed a couple hours ago and it would be loaded with his Chems not to mention his HEP-C. The guy that had fisted him came over and when the cock came out he put his fist up the guys ass again. Hardly and think dripped out. What did was scooped up and fed the Pig He went to work getting almost elbow deep up the Pigs ass. The Pig was squirming around on the arm that was embedded in his ass. Without the jock you could clearly hear him gasping and grunting with the invasion in his bowels. A guy walked over and put his cock at the Pigs mouth and the Pig stared sucking and tying to nurse on the cock in his mouth. The guy said “ He is really gone. I wonder if he would notice if I pissed in his mouth. “ Someone said to go ahead and try” . He cut loose with a torrent of piss. The Pig stared gulping it down. When the guy finished he pulled his cock from the Pig’s mouth and the pig said “ I was really thirsty”. The guy said “ Now you’re a real piss pig, you will never turn down a drink from the Tap “.. About then Horse was looking over and said “ That is nasty, he truly has become a pig “. He was pumping in the Kids ass. The moving bulge in the Kid’s stomach was very apparent now. Horse said “ I am really getting the root of my man-slayer in the kids bowels”. You could hear the squishing sounds deep in the kid when he worked in and out
    1 point
  44. love this story Thanks for writing it and glad mackyjay you are getting back together. Hope you will write more. This one describes just how I would like to be pozzed. seduced then as he is cumming in me tells me he giving me a toxic load.
    1 point
  45. Part 10 I told the guy up my ass to hold off until he fucked the kid and he said that was the plan, this was only a warm up for him. He said he was parting all day and had a few days worth of toxic cum to deliver. Mean while, The guy fucking the kids ass was shaking and said he was about to cum. I figured the guys cock would grow to it’s hardest and thickest at this point. My friend looked at me with a devilish grin and grabbed the Kids hips and yanked them back and pushed forward. At the same time I reached over and spread the kids cheeks. I could see the size and thickness of is this cock and it was impressive. At this position I could easily see that even that the root of this cock was trying to split the hole open. Both asses were impaled on pulsing cocks. The kid getting a load and the stranger getting a hot toxic load from my friend. The pulled back and the guy with the thick cock put a mark on the NEG side. I wondered if he realized if he was NEG he might not be after this evening. The guy with the skinny cock pulled out and said it was his turn. I pulled out and went to get the phone to Vid this. My friend beat me to it. He guy pushed his skinny cock into the kids mouth. With e video on his face I asked the kid if he could see the TAT next to the cock in his mouth, He mumbled “ Yes “. I asked him if he knew what that meant. The guy pulled out of his moths and the kid said “ I think it means he is toxic and is HIV+ “. The guys said correct. In this case I am very Toxic, to the point I probably have AIDS. I was teasing the kids ass and cock when the guy asked the kid is he wanted to get knocked up tonight. The kid whimpered “ Yes “. With that the guy went to the Kids ass and push into his sloppy stretched ass. The kid whimpered a little as the rough fucking stared, but soon was moaning like a Saturday night crack whore. My Friend got out his pile and started lighting it up. He offered some to and I took a couple hiits off it. I coughed the last one out, it told my friend “ Damn! This is really strong stuff “ , he asked me if the Kid wanted to try some. I told him to ask. The Kid said he could try. My friend told him to wait then inhale and hold it as long as he could. The kid held it for a few seconds then coughed it out. He took a second hit and this time held it for over a minute. I couldn’t believe that the kid could hold it that long. He told me that when he was n school he was on the swim team but I never put that together until now. The Kids eyes we as black as they could get. The guy fucking him said his ass clenched up a couple times and that it felt great. The kid stated repeating “ Fuck me. Stretch my hole. Rape me “. I knew the kid was converted to a chem whore at that point and soon would be a Toxic Chem Whore. The guy fucking him roared and slammed forward and sot in the Kids ass. He pulled out of the Kids ass and put a line on the POZ side of the ass and put what looked like an A in the middle of it. Others Started to take seconds at either the kids ass. About that time Frank cam in, I knew that was going to be epic when I saw the Huge AIDS filled cock
    1 point
  46. Part 8 I wasn’t sure if it was from Pain or Joy. I knew the Kid was feeling no real pain yet. I looked over and saw the 2 guys we expected standing there watching, They were grabbing each others crouches and smiling. The two visitors walked over and stared checking the kid out. Both of them started taking off their cloths. One had a leather harness under his cloths. IT was the kind that went over the shoulders and around the chest and waist and down between the legs and up around the ass. It looked sexy as hell. MY friend recovered enough to pull out of the Kids ass. Some pink cum ripped out. Both guys saw that and the smiled at each other. My friend took the Marker and put a line On the cheek that was marked POZ. The one with Leather walked in front of the Kid and put his cock in front of his face. The kid opened his mouth and the cock went in. His cock was bigger than ours and I knew the guys wanted a dee throat. This would take some training for the Kid. I was surprised he got most of it n on the first try. He started gaging and the guys was talking to him telling him it was alright and that he would learn. Here is a Kid that a couple ours ago didn’t like to suck at all and now was taking at least 7” down his throat and trying for more.. His partner was checking out the other end. He said there was at least one big load in that ass. I told him the kid had a couple in there, plus a load of Chem Piss. The guy said he seemed to be coming down some. I told him he was due to get a it more. The guy said I hoped you would say that. He produced a Point, it looked to be about a .5 , maybe more. He said this will send him into orbit. They released the kids arms and helped him sit up on the bench. I gave the kid some water to drink and they grabbed his arm and tied it off. The kid was watching this and started asking what they were doing. I stopped them for a minute. I asked the Kid if he was having fun, he said “YES”, I asked him if he wanted to stop now. He immediately said “ NO”. I told the kid that this would get him higher, he got a big smile on his face. I told the kid to get ready to see the stars.
    1 point
  47. Part 6 Hunter knew he had Chris now that the top so willingly submitted to the older mans large cock. Chris got on his back after he pulled out of Tyler and lifted his legs for Hunter to push back into him. The boys were so high that Hunter didn't need to suggest anything. They would do whatever he asked. Tyler was still on his back and could feel cum leaking out of him and onto the bed. Hunter loved the sight of that small stream of cum seeping out of a just used virgin hole. He motioned for Tyler to get up on his knees. "Why don't you feed that hot cock to Chris while I fuck him? It deserves to feel the warmth of a hole too doesnt it?" The two boys looked at each other and only then realized that in all the times they had hooked up they still hadn't sucked each other. Tyler grabbed his cock and shifted his body to line it up to Chris' mouth. Chris had always pictured himself as a total top and here he was about to take a cock in his mouth at the same time that he would be getting fucked. He licked the tip of Tylers cock tasting the precum leaking out of the slit. There wasnt anything especially tasty or repulsive about the precum but feeling it on his tongue made him horny for more. He began to lap up more at the tip and then sucked in the head and then even more. Tyler almost fell forward from the shock of how good Chris' mouth felt, a new sensation that he couldnt have imagined. Watching this only turned Hunter on more. Had he known this was the first time they were sucking it might have taken him past the edge. But he had plenty motivation to penetrate Chris again. He pushed his rock hard cock into Chris and heard him moan on Tylers cock. Unlike the first time, Hunter didnt pause until his balls were against Chris' hole. There was no indication of pain or discomfort this time in Chris' response. This kid was a born bottom and Hunter was opening him up to that reality now. Tyler was kneeling at a perfect angle to see Hunters cock fucking in and out of Chris. It was the hottest thing he had seen in his life. Chris was fully hard, his big cock flopping around with precum dripping down onto his stomach. Suddenly, Tyler felt the desire to taste that cock and the precum leaking out. Hunter knew the look on Tylers face. He had seen it on plenty of boys before. "Straddle Chris' face so he can still suck on you. Then bend down and start sucking on him." Tyler understood immediately and pulled his leg over Chris' head and adjusted so he could keep his cock in the mouth that was now taking him deep. Hunter slowed his fucking down so Tyler could grab Chris' cock. Tyler bent down first looking at the thick cock that was partly inside Chris then wrapped his mouth on the warm hard cock in his hand. He didnt tentatively lick the tip first the way Chris did his. He tried to take the cock as far as he could gagging almost immediately but then building to a rhythm that made Chris moan even louder onto Tylers cock. The vibrations of Chris' moan provoked a moan from Tyler. "You boys are so fucking hot. Fuck." Hunter had seen all this go down before but something about the way these boys turned so quickly made it almost like he was seeing this for the first time. Tyler came up for air and looked up at Hunter. "Its so hot seeing your cock going in and out of Chris." Something in their eye contact in that moment made words unnecessary. Tyler just pulled himself up and Hunter used his right hand to pull Tylers head closer to him. The two started a passionate kiss. This was the first person Tyler kissed other than Chris and Hunter knew this. This boy knows how to kiss, Hunter thought. Because of the angle, Tylers cock got pulled out of Chris's mouth. Instead the angle put Tylers newly fucked hole spread the slightest bit right where his cock used to be. Just like the cock that was in his face, Chris took a tentative lick but then began to devour the hole. Tyler moaned loud and deep into Hunters mouth. Hunter pulled away to get a view of what was happening. "Oh my god that feels so good. I think I might....I....I..." Hunter couldnt see exactly what Chris was doing but he could see enough to know and it turned him on knowing that this boy was probably eating his own cum out of Tylers hole. Tyler sat fully up to give Chris deep access to his hole and grabbed his own cock as he moaned and mumbled incoherently clearly about to cum. This was too hot for Hunter and he could feel his poz cum building to his climax. "Boys Im about to cum. Fuck. Take my cum boy. Im about to flood those guts." Those last words that Tyler had never heard before were enough to put him over the edge. The thought of this stranger shooting his cum into Chris and the feeling of Chris' tongue probing deep into his hole had Tyler shooting his own ropes of cum everywhere, all over the bed, on Chris' stomach and raised legs and even Hunters chest. Chris could feel Tylers hole contracting on his tongue. Hunter shook uncontrollably as his own cum shot into Chris like a fire hose. It didnt feel like it was going to stop and he did his best to keep that cock deep in the boy for it all. When they finally untangled themselves and after Hunter slowly pulled his cock out of Chris they lay in different positions spread across the bed exhausted and spent. In the clarity of mind that had always come after shooting their loads the boys went from intense pleasure to something else. Something more worrisome. Something like guilt. Neither boy looked at each other or at Hunter. It would be too much right now while feeling this way that didnt yet have words, especially since they were both still pretty high. But Tyler and Chris knew it was time that they left. They could deal with the rest later.
    1 point
  48. Okay, So I basically posted this in another thread earlier, but it applies here, too. I'll go into more detail here, though. I was 18 when I took my first anonymous load. Also, It was my first time doing anything with anyone. I had just moved into the dorms at college for my freshman year and decided I would explore and see what there was to do around campus. After methodically working my way back and forth, up and down the streets on the north end of campus, I came to a building that looked interesting. It was a club called the Carousel, and was 18 and up. "Great!" I thought, and I paid my $2-3 (or whatever the cover was) and went inside. Turns out, it was a gay bar that was pretty much legendary in town, but I was new and had no idea until I walked inside. I followed a crowd up a double spiral staircase, watched my first drag show, and went back downstairs during intermission to see if I could talk someone into sneaking me a drink. That's when he found me. I got a tap on the shoulder and turned around to find a really hot frat-type guy (probably a junior of senior, not sure). He said he saw the big "X" on my hand and said if I wanted some booze, his apartment was just a couple of blocks away. I didn't even know his name, but I said "Sure!" Honestly, I was so naive and sheltered growing up that I didn't even have thoughts of something like this going down an hour earlier. I was already somewhat confused as to where I was except for knowing the general direction of my dorm, but still, I followed him out the door, down a couple of streets and through an alley to the back door of an old Victorian that had been cut up into apartments. We climbed a flight of stairs and went inside his apartment, then he went to the fridge and he grabbed us a couple of beers. We sat on the sofa and talked about nothing, but he caught me looking at his bulge. He looked at me and asked "you want to see it?" I don't think I made a sound, but I remember nodding. He stood up, unbuckled his belt and dropped his shorts and boxers to the ground. It was the first time I had seen a hard dick other than my own. It was perfect. He sat back down next to me and said I could touch it if I wanted... I didn't even have to think, I just reached over and started slowly jacking him. He wasn't huge, probably about like mine.... 6 1/2 or 7 inches, medium thickness, cut... pretty average, I guess, but I was in heaven. Thats when he slid his hand down the back of my shorts. I knew he was trying to reach my asshole, so I shifted to give him better access. As soon as his finger touched my pucker, I knew what I wanted. As I said earlier, the thought of hooking up that night hadn't even entered my mind. If it had, I probably would have bought some condoms. I think he knew I was unprepared, because he asked me if I had one. When I told him I didn't, he said "Damn. All I have is lube." He just kept fingering my hole for a few minutes while I jacked him, knowing he was turning me on. Eventually, he pulled is fingers out of my ass and looked me right in the eyes. When he asked if he could fuck me raw, I said that was fine. After we had been fucking for a while, he asked if I wanted him to pull out. I told him I wanted his cum in virgin ass. That did the trick. I had told him I was inexperienced because I was too embarrassed to tell him I was a virgin. When he realized what I was saying, that he was taking my virginity bare, he unleashed the biggest load I've ever had. I never knew getting bred could be so hot until that night. Honestly, I had never even considered going bare before, because in every other aspect of my life, I avoid risk. Eventually, I found by way back to my dorm with a huge smile on my face and a leaky ass full of his anonymous load. I never knew his name, I never saw him at the club again, and as hard as I tried, I could never figure out exactly which house was his.
    1 point
  49. Hot damn! Now I want to be fucked by Hank and his buddies. Another classic MackyJay!
    1 point
  50. Oh I think he is going to find out what it means for a man to get pregnant. ?
    1 point
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