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  1. **** Part 2 **** The sleet and snow was pattering against the bedroom window now. The outside world was cold, hard and uninviting. Inside was warm, cosy and the bed comfortable. Peter lay on his side propping his head on his arm still spent from breeding me and watching us. I was now face down, Paul behind me prising my arse cheeks apart greedily felching his lovers seed from my hole. It felt so good, so intimate. I was able to move over slightly, without disturbing him, and took Peters now semi hard cock in my mouth. It tasted of his poz sperm, my arse and slightly of the lube he'd used on me. At the root of his cock and on his scrotum there were traces of my blood. As eagerly as Paul was cleaning my hole I was cleaning Peters cock. I was in heaven. Paul began rubbing his hands along the crack of my arse and then inserted a couple of fingers inside me. With his fingers covered in the mix of fluids he offered them to Peter who took his hand and greedily sucked his fingers clean. Paul began to move up onto my back and Peter gave us both a cheeky lustful grin. He knew his lover well and I suspected the whole scenario we were playing out this afternoon had be planned and acted on before. I could now feel Paul's cock head on the entrance of my hole. Then he slowly pushed himself inside me. He was slightly bigger than Peter and even that slight difference was noticeable in my tortured hole. My sphincter felt as if stretched to its limit and his length seemed to reach a part of me deeper than any man had reached before. Peter moved around so his head was now at the same end of the bed as ours. He said "The initial purpose of your visit has been achieved. You have our babies inside you. They'll grow and occupy you body forever. Now it's time to celebrate the conception and and fuck for pleasure" He leaned forward and we began to kiss passionately as Paul began to fuck me. He moved himself in and out of me, slowly at first before picking up speed. I felt totally under the spell of these two men. Completely and willingly dominated by them. Paul fucked me for around ten minutes. The sensations I was getting from his cock inside me were glorious. Peters sperm was the perfect lube. Then he couldn't hold off any longer. I felt his body tense and he pushed his cock as hard and deep as he could before he cried out and injected a huge wad of his poz sperm into me, mixing his own seed with Peters ejaculate. He seemed to orgasm for a few minutes before collapsing beside me the bed. Peter leaned over and cleaned his lovers cock. I joined Peter and licked the mix of juices from Pauls balls. Then Peter and I kissed sharing the succulent combination and mixing it in each others mouths with ours tongues. Peter caressed my cock and then began to stroke it gently. "We want to milk you of your negative seed, so your balls can start making seed with our DNA" This got me as hard as I have ever been. Paul shuffled over on the bed and took my cock in his mouth. "Just let it go, your last neg load" It didn't take long. Both men took turns in sucking my cock before I couldn't hold off any longer. Peter was recipient of the first of the sperm I ejaculated then Paul got the rest. There was quite alot so, more than enough for both of them. By now it was early evening. The light outside had gone and weather deteriorated further. The mixture of sleet and snow anywhehad turned purely to snow and was accumulating on the road and pavement. Thankfully I wasn't going anywhere. I was very happy to stay right here.
    7 points
  2. The weather that afternoon was miserable. Sleet, snow and an ice cold wind blowing down the narrow streets as I made my way from Earls Court tube station to the address I'd been given. Although well wrapped against the cold I was shivering from the cold, or the anticipation I couldn't decide. Probably a little of both. I was a nervous as I could possibly be. I still could change my mind and go home but I'd come this far, not in distance, but in my determination and desire. As I got closer to the address both seemed to be disappearing and the shivering and nervousness increasing dramatically. I turned into King Street and now shacking visibly. If anyone had seen me they would have thought I was going through serious drug withdrawal. I was outside number 72 now, my intended destination. It was a large Edwardian terraced house with half a dozen steps leading up to an imposing front door with peeling green paint and a large brass door knocker. I was here to meet, we'll call them Peter and Paul as to give their real names would be inappropriate. A middle aged married couple who were HIV positive, not on meds and detectable. I had been corresponding over a few weeks after contacting them on NKP. They said they wanted to pass on their genes while they could to men who would be sure to then intern pass it onto to other willing participants. I had been contemplating being converted for a very long time. At first just as fantasy, a fetish, then as time went by a real desire which became stronger and stronger. I started having risky bareback with random guys occasionally then regularly. It had still been a fantasy and afterward felt guilty and regretted I taken the risk. However the more I took the chance the more the desire grew. I was convinced that each time I was tested at the clinic I would be positive. The relief I wasn't was real and yet still the desire was there. The last two times I attended the clinic I was actually disappointed I was still negative. It was after the last test that I decided I wanted to chase properly. Now, outside the address, it wasn't a fantasy anymore. If I used the old brass door knocker and went inside the tatty green door there was no turning back. I used the knocker. The man who answered the door was about my height and incredibly thin. His blue/grey eyes were slightly cloudy, his grey hair was thinning and as he shook my hands I could feel the bones in his fingers. He wore a dark silk dressing gown and I noticed that the front was beginning to tent where his cock would be. "So you really came. Not many do you know. I'm Peter, Paul is upstairs come on up" He was incredibly well spoken with a sleazy twang to his voice. The house inside did not bear any resemblance to how it appeared outside. The interior was very tastefully decorated, although a little dated, with plush carpets, light expensive looking, wooden furniture and as we entered the lounge, a huge black leather sofa and two chairs. Paul was reclining on the sofa and was completely naked. He had a larger built than Peter but was of a similar age. I later leaned Peter was 68 and Paul 66. He was completely shaved and hairless and his cock which was semi hard was about 8". "So, you really came" said Paul, with a similar sleazy upper class accent. "Not many do" At which point Peter laughed and said he'd uttered exactly the same words at the door. Paul said "So, you know there's no going back after this" a his cock jumped a little all the time stiffening. I was still shacking a little with apprehension but the heat of the room was comforting. "I know what I want, I'm desperate to be converted, I've never wanted anything so badly" Peter had moved to the arm of the sofa and sat on it. As he did so, his dressing gown fell to one side and his now fully erect cock was visible. For such a slight man his phallus looked out if proportion with his body. He was at least 9" and thick. "You'd better take your clothes off then" said Paul. "Yes, let's see what we're dealing with" said Peter. I could feel my face reddening but I wanted their cocks badly. My own was stiffening in my tight jeans, so much so it was getting painful. I knew I was a little chubby and purposely removed my jeans first as so as not to have to bend over with my coat and top off as my belly would look worse. They made no comment as I removed my sweater and stood in my briefs. Then Paul said "Come on don't be shy we're going to see alot more of you soon" I dropped my briefs. I was fully hard now as I stood in the middle of the room. Peter stood and walked towards me. "I'll ask you once more and I won't ask again. You want us to poz you, your sure" I felt hot and was sweating and very turned on. I knew it was my destiny and looking at these two waisted men, I knew I wanted them more than anything I have ever wanted. "Yes, I'm positive" Peter laughed "Well hopefully you will be after today" Paul gave a giggle as well. I could see the humour and it made me feel a little more at ease. Peter stroked my cock very lightly underneath and it jerked from the attention. Then moved his hand and slid his finger between my buttocks, leant forward and kissed me on the lips pushing his tongue into mouth. I actually felt a little weak at the knees and completely submissive. Paul came over and took my right hand in his and began leading me out of the lounge and into a bedroom with a super king-size bed in the centre of the room. Both men were fully erect now and clearly ready to breed me. Peter pushed me onto the bed face down. He knelt behind me pulled my legs and my buttocks apart a immediately stuck his tongue in my hole. Paul knelt in front of me and presented his cock to my mouth. It really was beautiful. I eagerly took it into my mouth tasting the salty pre cum. Because I knew it was poz it tasted wonderful. Peter roughly pushed a couple of fingers deep into my hole without any warning. His nails tearing at the soft tissue inside me. I let out a small gasp at the inevitable pain. "No pain, mo gain" said Peter as he repeated the procedure then reached into a bedside cabinet and produced a bottle brush. Paul removed his cock from my mouth and Peter roughly inserted the round brush into me. He quickly pushed it in and out causing a burning pain inside me and bringing tears to my eyes. He did this about a dozen times then removed it. He then held it so Paul and I could see it. The bristles were mostly pink with a few dots of bright red blood on them. "That should be sufficient " said Paul. Peter then grabbed my legs and pulled me downward to the edge of the bed so my knees were on the floor and my body prone on the bed. I was so turned on now. God this is it, this really happening, I'm going to impregnated, bred, pozzed, given the gift. I was surprised to feel a squirt of lube on my hole. I thought they would fuck me dry. It felt cold and wonderful as Peter pushed it inside me with two fingers then three, adding a little more lube as he did so. Then he mounted me. I felt the head of his poz cock push past and stretch my sphincter. He pushed in right up to the hilt as deep as he could, then began fucking me in earnest. Hard and fast. In my minds eye I could see his cock inside me, thrusting into soft, bloody tissue. Paul was encouraging him "That's it give it to him make him ours. Give his our babies" I could sense the excitement in his voice as he watched his partner ruining me. Peter stopped and both of them turned me over so I was now now on my back. Paul pulled me further up the bed by my arms and Peter got between my legs, lifted them onto his shoulders and mounted me again. Sweat was glistening on his AIDS emaciated body as fucked me. He was beautiful. He fucked me like this for at least another ten minutes before it was obvious he was about to ejaculate his sperm, his poz sperm inside me. His face screwed up and he gave one more hard thrust as his sperm impregnated me. In my minds eye I could see individual sperm swimming inside me and finding the small cuts and abrasions. Their tiny tails forcing themselves into my bloodstream, the virus inside them eventually inhabiting every cell in my being. Peter lay on me completely spent. His mouth found mine and we kissed passionately. Paul joined us and the three of us kissed. I felt satisfied, free, complete. *****To be continued**** *****
    6 points
  3. Daryl was on his back while his boyfriend, Peter, fucked him as they usually did a couple times a week. The only thing different, this time, was Brian, watching from a chair, stroking the biggest cock either of them had ever seen. Peter seemed to ignore the hot guy on the chair just a few feet over stroking, as he plowed into Daryl, while Daryl was trying his hardest not to constantly stare at Brian. By this time, Daryl would usually be faking moans so that his bf would finish. Peter was a nice young man and devoted boyfriend, but a horrible fuck. He even had a decent sized cock, Daryl thought, but Peter just couldn't get Daryl off. The chemistry just wasn't right. This time, however, Daryl was moaning with desire as he imagined Brian in place of Peter fucking him deeply. Peter sped up his pace a little as usual before he came, "I'm going to cum" he said. Peter then pulled out and jacked off onto Daryl's smooth belly like he had done dozens of time before. So well-rehearsed; and so boring to Daryl. Daryl faked another complimentary comment "Oh yeah, that was hot. I'm just too nervous to cum right now, I guess." Peter never seemed to care if Daryl came or not. Each fuck session ended the same way. And despite them having their first guest watch them fuck, Peter had a difficult time breaking his routine. "Uggh .. I need to shower. I'll be out in a few" Peter said, and then slipped away to the bathroom. He almost seemed oblivious to Brian even being there. Moments later, the bathroom door closed and the shower was running. Brian's patience was about to pay off. Daryl remembered the conversation they exchanged over e-mail messages as they arranged this. Peter would only agree to having a third person watch them fuck. Brian knew that's all that would likely happen. And since Brian was just going to watch, Daryl and Peter didn't mind Brian being poz. After all, he was just there to watch, so no harm done there. "Did you cum?" Daryl asked his newly-made athletic and hung poz friend. "No," Brian answered, detecting some interest on Daryl's part, "why don't you suck me off real quick while Peter showers." Daryl nearly jumped out of bed, and quickly made his way to Brian's thick tool. He had hoped this moment might present itself, and took advantage of it as quickly as he could. On his knees, Daryl struggled to go down down Brian's shaft. He was too aroused to even worry about Brian's HIV status. "Rules were meant to be broken," Daryl had thought to himself thinking about his own personal rule of not messing around with poz guys. Brian enjoyed his new twink friend gagging on his cock; and felt confident he would get what he wanted next. "Look, I know you don't play with poz guys. But, I can tell how much you want my cock. How about I just fuck you quickly so that you can enjoy it a little. I won't cum up in your ass or anything." Daryl thought for a moment. He had never had a cock as big as this, and the thought of getting fucked while his boyfriend was just down the hall showering, turned him on even more. It was so scandalous; and too delicious a thought for Daryl to not enjoy. He knew of a friend who let a poz guy fuck him, and he was still HIV neg. Fuck it, Daryl thought to himself, I WANT this cock. Daryl answered by moving back to the bed and laying back down on his back. Brian knew time was against them, and moved quickly into position, forcefully spreading Daryl's legs apart and throwing them over his shoulders while he pushed his thick cock into Daryl's already fucked and lubed hole. "It's gotta be quick .. oh FUCK!" Daryl tried not to shout as Brian's thickness entered and stretch his hole tighter than anything he'd ever felt. Thankfully his hole was very well lubed from his prior fuck. "Don't worry, I'll be quick," Brian said as he slid the rest of his girth inside Daryl, "I love how you stared at my cock while Peter fucked you. How's that feel?" "Fuck .. feels so damn good, oh GOD. Fuck me!" Daryl could barely contain the excitement. He was cheating with the biggest cock he ever seen, and letting a poz guy fuck him raw. The guilt and fear heightened the intense arousal he was already feeling. Brian picked up his pace and soon was all the way in him. "Oh yeah, take that huge cock." Daryl was having a hard time catching his breath, and trying not to moan too loud, "Oh god , don't stop fucking me." "I'm about to cum" Brian warned. "Please don't stop fucking me" Daryl begged. "But, I'm going to cum" Brian insisted. "Feels too good, don't stop," Daryl said. He had heard Brian's warning, but was overwhelmed by the sensations he was feeling and was losing control. Brian picked up his pace and jabbed deeply as his cock started to throb, "I'm cumming!" he said quietly while he continued to pound away." "OH GOD! OH GOD!" Daryl felt his cock about to explode; and he wasn't even jacking it. Brian pushed all the way deep inside Daryl and kept unloading the last of his load while Daryl started to shoot all over his stomach, chest and chin. Brian covered Daryl's mouth to muzzle the noise as Daryl moaned underneath his hand and sprayed his load. Brian slowly pulled his massive cock out of Daryl's hole. Both were relieved to hear the shower was still running as they returned to their senses. Daryl leaned forward and pulled Daryl close to his face, "You better leave before Peter gets out. "I'll tell him you were bored and left. Man, that was amazing. I've never been fucked like that. I want to be your boyfriend." Brian heard this before. One of the consequences of having a big dick is everyone says he wants to date you, but he felt an earnest and sincerity from Daryl he never felt before, "Well, you know how to find me. If you really wanna do it, I'm game. Let's talk again tomorrow." They kissed passionately albeit briefly, and then Brian made his quick escape. All before the shower had ended.
    4 points
  4. I shoot regular loads but I can precum a lot, especially if it’s been a few days between blowing loads. Is hyperprecumia a thing? lol Some guys love it, some guys don’t though, but it makes barebacking so much better. I love rimming a guy while I finger him with my precum - and nothing is better then eating ass after a fuck and not tasting lube, just his body and my fluids.
    4 points
  5. I cheat. It’s my absolute biggest turn on ever. I love knowing some other guys raw dick is in my hole about to shoot a huge load in me. Or I love breeding a guy raw. Then going home and having my husband use my wet hole or suck my dick clean without knowing where it’s been. Recently, I’ve been getting my husband involved in some side play. Don’t get me wrong. He doesn’t cheat. I know he doesn’t for a fact since I’ve gone through his phone and he makes it very clear if we play, it’s always and only together. So some of my side buddies and I have been talking. We love fucking and wanted to get my husband involved. I’ve never been hornier knowing I’ve been bred by these guys and now my husband is getting bred or breeding them without ever knowing I’ve given or taken loads with them multiple times in the past. It’s so hot watching my husband get filled. I love fucking him with someone else’s cum in his hole. if you’re in the Orlando area and want to join sometime DM me.
    3 points
  6. Near Home—January, 2023 Another day (mid-month). Another day at the bookstore. It is just after lunchtime as I park. There are more cars than usual filling the lot. A good sign? Who knows? I go in, exchange pleasantries with the clerk, go off to piss and finally walk into the straight theatre. A few men are scattered around the room. All attention is on the video, not each other. I sit to the side and unbutton. The porn is good. DP anal here on the straight side. I stroke. The men are restless. The five men in the room are soon replaced with others. I stroke. I think I hear a blow job happening behind me. I hear steps behind me. I turn. An older Black man is there, his cock filling his fist. He is likely in his 50’s. You can tell he once was heavy, but he’s lost a lot of weight, with layers of belly skin that has not yet re-sized. But his cock is a beauty. It is darker than his over all skin tone. He’s as long and as thick as I am. The flared cock head juts up, at a different angle from the thick column of flesh behind it. “They said you suck cock,” he whispers, jerking his head towards the man in the cocksucker’s seat (who is busy on someone else.) I don’t answer, I just take his dick into my mouth. Fuck, I’m full. I fear my teeth are in the way, as I can’t possibly cover them correctly with the stretch to take him. The man sighs. Then tells me in another whisper that he loves my tongue action. I’m glad for the feedback as I am feeling I can’t do any of my usual tricks with the amount of cock flesh in my mouth. I pause for a second with just his drooling cock head on my tongue. He decides to fuck my face. I just stay still and let him pummel my mouth and throat until my eyes begin to water. I pull off him and use all the spit he’s created on his hairy balls. They are big and covered in kinky black hair. He strokes his cock and groans as I lick, leaving them wet and sticky. “You swallow?” he whispers. I nod. He pushes into my mouth. His cock gets even girthier as he begins to fire. He’s so deep I can’t taste it at all. His load goes straight down my throat. I get the merest hint of his tasty load on my tongue when he pulls out. He squeezes my shoulder in thanks and disappears… * I watch a little porn and stroke. I move next door. A white bear with a shaved head is sitting in the room alone. His jeans are around his ankles. He is stroking a thick cock. I sit along the back wall. We eye each other as I unbutton and haul out my cock. “That’s a beauty. Let me suck it.” He slumps down in the chair. I stand and feed him my dick. He begins doing to me all the things I have just been doing to that huge dick. Lots of tongue, deep throating and ball licking. I sigh with pleasure. The door opens. Neither of us move. A young Black man enters. He stops, transfixed, that live sex is happening right in front of him. He moves around so he can see better. We both like an audience. The Bear strokes himself as he takes me to the root, showing off. The young man has pulled out a bigger than average cock. He strokes as he watches me grab the Bear by the ears and fuck his face. “Hot!” he hisses, his hand moving rapidly over his dick. “You should try his mouth.” The young man steps back, then takes a breath and walks towards me. I pull out of the Bear and let the newcomer get sucked. I watch the look of appreciation cross the kid’s face as the bear start his tongue work. I go to my knees and begin sucking the Bear. Things escalate fast. The Bear is groaning—with a dick in his mouth and a mouth on his cock. I can feel his pre-cum become a river. The young man is now pumping into the Bear’s mouth. Faster and faster. “Oh, fuck!” The kid starts to spurt. He makes a move to pull out, but the Bear holds him in place. The Bear groans, taking the load—and suddenly spurting one into my mouth at the same time. I lick him clean as he does the same to the young man in his mouth. I stand, stroking. The young guy looks at my cock. “Shoot that thing,” he says. “In my mouth,” the Bear grunts out. I stroke my cock about five times before I shove it into the Bear’s wet mouth, mixing my jizz with the remnants of the load already on his tongue… The original is here (with 1500+ others): From My Side of the Sling: The Bear In the Middle (felchingpisser.blogspot.com) February 23, 2023
    3 points
  7. This is absolutely true. Not only was it the first time I was fucked it also the first time I had any real homosexual feelings or physical contact. Ive never actually l told this anyone. Needless to it changed my life. When I was 17 I was really into motorcycle (I still am) A friend came over to see me on his bike and said he was going to see his cousin in Chiswick West London and asked if I fancied a spin over to see him. It was only a short ride, about 30 minutes so, I accepted the invitation. We arrived at his flat and I was immediately struck how his cousin looked like Anthony Andews, an English actor who had been in a TV drama based on the Evelyn Waugh book 'Brideshead Revisited' I had always thought I was completely straight until I'd watched that series but his character was obviously gay and I was surprised to have a bit of a crush on him. Any how my friends cousin looked alot like him. We went out for a drink in a local pub then returned to his flat where we had a few glasses of wine. I'm not and never have been much of a drinker. My mate said he had to go but, his cousin seeing I was very slightly inebriated said I could stay if I didn't want to ride my bike. Drink and motorcycles don't mix and even at that age I was fairly sensible. After my friend left his cousin poured more wine and the left the room returning a short time later wearing a dressing gown. I was sitting in an armchair and he sat on the floor infront of me. I was very taken with him and kept glancing under his dressing gown to see if was wearing anything underneath. We chatted and due to the alcohol I lost some of my inhibitions. We were both smiling and chatting, about what I can't remember and I continued trying to see under his dressing gown. He obviously noticed me looking several times and eventually said he thought I had enough to drink and he'd show me the bedroom. I quickly discovered there was only one bedroom in the flat. He told me to put my clothes on a chair. I turned round to do so, keeping my underwear on. When I turned round he was naked on the bed. I remember turning as red as a beetroot and was very embarrassed. He just smiled and told me to come to him. I told him I'd never done anything with another man and he told me I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to. Of course once we held each other and kissed we did everything. It was painful the first time I was penetrated but he was the gentlest of lovers and the whole experience was absolutely wonderful. I fell for him big time but, he was a little older than me with different interests but, I will always have a huge soft spot for him, his gentleness and consideration.
    3 points
  8. I can relate bud, I usually shoot 3 to 4 long thick ropes of poz seed. Need it daily but dont get it daily.
    3 points
  9. Only a quick one from last night before I'm off to work. After the other day when Daddy and his friend visited, I was quite happy and content. Last night at about 11pm had a message from a number I didnt recognise saying; "Got your number from *Daddy* so I could visit again, you awake and free?" I replied I was, but had work early in the morning, so wouldn't be up for long. Then heard nothing for a reply, and though 'time to head to bed' Midnight my phone rings, stirring me. I answer "let me in, I'm outside." I let the guy in, yawning as I walk back to bed, but he has other ideas. Kissing me against the wall, he spits in my mouth again before another deep kiss, Pulling my nipples as I melt into his arms. "Your mine now boy" he moans as I stroke his cock through his joggers "now suck your new Daddies filthy cock clean." "Yes Daddy" I moan, letting him push me onto the bed. I slide his joggers down and My mouth finds his dirty cock. I let my pig side out as I lick up and swallow all his cock cheese. He holds some poppers to my nose and I take 2 deep hits, holding them while i'm licking and sucking his gorgeous cock...... I lie back, my hole throbbing as he lubes his cock up. He thrusts into my arse in one thrust, I moan loudly, beg him to be more gentle to begin, but he's not listening. Another couple of his of poppers. I don't care, I beg him to fuck me, fill me, use me.... And he does. Hard, fast fucking, he doesn't last too long, he tells me he's going to cum in my hole, and I beg for it. He buries it deep, and I feel a HUGE load of cum pumping into me. He pulls out, and brings his filthy cock to my mouth where I happily lick every inch clean from my hole. He kisses me after, telling me the fuck is "our little secret, and *Daddy* doesn't need to know." I promise him I won't tell, and that I'll gladly have more "secrets with my new Daddy." He leaves and I lie in bed, feeling nicely fucked before I get a text from him "Thanks for being a cheating slut, that was a nice 3 day load I blew. Next time, I'm staying the night."
    3 points
  10. Hot Desert Knights of course. Bareback Masters, Dick Wadd, Lucas Entertainment, Raw Fuck Club. So many good ones
    3 points
  11. I swear to god its this feeling that separates tops from real breeders. There are days when I just can't stop. Even if I've flooded someone's hole yesterday or this morning I can still feel it at the base of my cock. My root, the center of my sex. It's like a pulse that sends electric waves to my cock and makes my mouth water and my brain switch off. I'll have a hard on all day long and my thoughts become clouded by the idea of pussy. I get moodier, angrier and every minute spent not touching my hard on feels like a minute wasted. This usually will happen to me in the middle of a work day when the urge just comes and when I clock out my cock leads me to the first or sometimes second or third available pussy. I become insatiable. All I want is to fuck, and I like to fuck hard and long and deep. I can feel my balls aching, getting ready to fucking bust and shoot my seed deep. It's moments like these where I can just fuck anything, don't care what, so long as I get to plant my seed in its hot cunt. And when I finally do get to cum its explosive, and my cock is able to jet out 4, 5, 6 squirts of cum. Its like my body knows that I was put on this earth for one purpose alone... to impregnate.
    2 points
  12. Love to be your long lost/lust uncle. Very hot bod you have
    2 points
  13. You don’t say what kind of lube you’re using. The function of the colon is to absorb water, so I would avoid water-based lubes for a start. I would suggest trying oil-based, and start with natural oil, like vegetable oil based. I use a mixture of crisco and coconut oil, which is forms fore of a cream than a liquid. Petroleum-based lubes like Vaseline do prevent absorption by sealing the pores, but they also prevent the skin from naturally transitioning fluids, which ultimately leads to drying out. Silicone-based lubes are another option, though some people like myself have a reaction to some of them. One water-based solution that might work for you is K-Lube (similar to J-Lube) which is incredibly slick and a tiny bit of the powder goes a long way. It can be prepared in as thick or thin a concentration as you like. When I’m going to do a long night of hosting, I’ll usually inject a quantity of that up my cunt to lube the interior, and use my oil-based to prime the hole and keep it wet when it dries out.
    2 points
  14. This was salvaged from bugshare.net, from the "Strictly Stories" section. The original posting promised the story would be continued. If I find the continuation, I'll add it to this file. ********************************************************************* I was spending New Years Eve in a little town somewhere in Georgia. Definitely boring. Well, it was a grey Sunday and, of course, no gas-station was selling liquor. I was staying at some (straight) friends I hardly knew. Could it get any worse? Sure. No fireworks. What�s New Year�s Eve without fireworks and alcohol? Okay, okay back to the story. So this was my all-time favourite celebration: no alcohol, no close friends, no fireworks, no car, stranded in a small town somewhere in Georgia. After a very short party we all said good-bye and went back to our rooms. I was so pissed off but I managed getting even a little drunk (finally I found some). I went online and checked my messages on my favourite gay site, and ended-up talking with a guy from Atlanta with whom I previously exchanged IMs. He also was at a very boring party and asked me if I wanted to hang out with him. Sure, I said, but that he had to come down to my place, 'cause I didn't have a car. To my surprise, he responded he was enroute. An hour later he made it to my apartment complex, and jeez, he was black. Turns out he never told me 'cause he didn't want to disappoint me. C'mon whatï's going on with gay people in Georgia? So many prejudices out there to be ashamed of your skin color? He came up to my apartment and we sat down on my bed. I had no furniture in this room except my bed, which encouraged us to sit close to each other. He had brought a six-pack which we finished quickly. We were talkin' about this and that, and differences in gay culture, favourite sex positions, etc. when he suddenly came closer and kissed me. Five minutes later we were all naked and kissing, touching and exploring our bodies. After a lot of kissing (I love foreplay), we finally moved to the more interesting parts. I started to suck his huge black dick. It tasted so nice...pre-cum was oozing out of it but who cares? It tasted so good. I had to get more of it. But shit! No lube, no condoms - forgotten at home. Damnit. But his beautiful dark cock, this sweet taste and it was obvious he wanted to fuck me bare. I was sitting on his waist. His dick throbbing with pre-cum, moisturizing my crack. He was trying to get the head of his pole inside my ass and I was trying to relax and making myself comfortable with my decision of a bareback fuck with an unknown black dude. An unknown athletic black guy in his early 20s with a hot and smooth body and a beautiful 8 or 8.5 inch dick. The situation was scary but also made me rock hard and leaking pre-cum. I was so fucking horny! Riding his big black dick bareback was all my brain was able to think about. About him fucking my ass bare and pumping his hot semen in my ass. Eventually I loosened up and he finally produced enough pre-cum to lube my hole up good. The dark and nice sized head slide in to my ass. Slowly, his dick entered my hole inch by inch. It felt so damn good. When his shaft was fully inside my sweet neg white ass, he pulled out and flipped me over, lying on my stomach he plunged back in. I was shivering with anticipation and ready to get fucked by him when he asked me "Aren't you afraid about a stranger fuckin' you bare?" I froze in my motion. Excuse me? "Aren't you afraid of getting stds?" "Sure, I am! But do I have to?" He started to fuck me slowly. I don't know why but I started to moan. I couldn't help myself but his dick slowly thrusting in & out of my ass felt so incredibly good. Damn, I was horny as hell and still a little drunk. "I could stop if you want me to" he said in a soft and calm voice while kissing my neck. "Jeez, please stop" I moaned like a bitch in heat. "Should I really stop grinding your ass?" "Please stop" I was still moaning from the sensation of his pre-cum oozing pole inside my now sticky ass. "Do you really want me to pull my poz death stick out of your with my pre-cum dripping hole? Do you really want me to stop fucking you bare? My toxic black dick and balls slappin' against your ass? Don't you want this load in your hole?" he asked while tweaking my tits. What should I do? I mean, he was drilling my hole bareback with lots and lots of his pre-cum as lube. Should I really stop him? But why, I might already have it and he was a damn good top. Why should I stop him from fucking me? And the thought of changing my whole life within seconds and giving up my secure and boring college student career turned me on. Yeah, it turned me on and I wanted him to decide on my life. "Damn it! Yes, fuck me bare! Please, I want your come in my hole" That was what he was waiting for: his thrusts became more and more intense. I could feel how his orgasm was building up inside his balls. "You ready for my babies, you fuckin' slut?" "Yeah, breed me, man" I cried. "I'm making you my bitch - now!!!" he groaned as his dick erupted deep inside my ass and spurts of hot toxic semen flooded my hole. My body was still shivering when he wrapped his arms around me, still keeping his dick inside my hole. "Welcome" he said in a warm voice. "What have I done?" was my response. "Your first step to the darker site of hot gay sex. Now, you can have man to man sex as much as you want and always skin on skin without hesitating or thinking about status. It's real sex as it was meant to be, now. This pure and intense feeling only a good old bareback fuck can give you. And Now it's my turn to get your last negative load."
    2 points
  15. The following story is a true recollection of events which actually happened 2 weeks ago. If I’m honest, it’s taken a couple of weeks to sort everything out in my head. It was an epic session and it pushed me way beyond what limits I thought I had. To set the scene, it was 2 days after my 44th birthday. I’m a slightly chubby(ish) middle aged bottom, with dreams of being used as a cumdump. I live in a sleepy little town somewhere on continental Europe, where there is no action for miles and miles around me. I’m in a long term relationship with a woman, but we stopped having sex 4 years ago when she hit the menopause. I’m on prep, but given that I’m in a dead bedroom, there’s zero chance of passing anything on to her. I’ve always been bi, and have always found getting fucked by guys way more fun that sex with women. I was visiting friends in London, and a fuck bud hit me up. He knows about my situation, knew it was my birthday, and wanted to know if I fancied a birthday gangbang. Who was I to say no? He’s also the only guy I’ve ever done chems with, having been the first guy to ever offer me G&T. As long as I pulled out my phone every now and again to check MS Teams, work would think I’m online but in meetings, so the next day (Friday), I rocked up to his around lunchtime. He welcomed me into his place, and we went through to the living room to have a drink and a chill before everything started. As I entered the room I was greeted by the site of another slim, hairless guy in just his pants (we’ll call him A) but with a massive bulge in his pants. I could immediately tell that this was going to be a strenuous day for me. A was on the phone arranging some business, but we waved at me to say hi as my friend took me out to the balcony for a smoke. Turns out that A was a dealer and had brought a crap ton of party supplies for us. My mate and I sparked up some cigarettes, and he apologised to me, that somethings had come up, and whilst there would be a procession of guys to dump loads in me, some of them couldn’t get out of work at the same time, so it would be a staggered experience. I was just grateful that my friend had managed to put together anything at all. A finished his call and we went to the sofa. I stripped down to my jock strap and we all sat on the sofa. We all had a shot of G, and then the pipe came out. We started blowing clouds and catching up/got to know each other. I told A that this only my 3rd time on chems, and to be honest whilst it was fun, I never really the experiences that I’ve read about on here. Yeah I was relaxed, and there was a strong desire to get fucked, but it had always been less than I’d expected. My friend hates needles, and had asked that we don’t slam in his flat, but everything else was fair game. A asked if I’d ever had a booty bump, and I said yes, but as my friend is top, and only really smokes it, we didn’t really know what we were doing, and we’re probably far more conservative with the stuff that necessary. A’s eyes lit up and he started smiling. He said that he had to pop out for an hour, but when he got back he’d mix some bumps for me that I should appreciate. A headed out and my friend and I went to the bedroom. He put some porn on and I devoured his 8 inch cock. Turns out he was the smallest cock of the day. We alternated between blowing clouds and then sucking his dick. Eventually he laid me on my back with my legs in the air. I braced myself for the initial pain/discomfort that normally comes when the first dick goes in, only this time he just slipped in. The G&T clearly helped. Over the next hour my mate had me in multiple positions. He really went to town on me and I was loving just being his fuckhole. In the distance I heard the front door open and A calling out that he was back, then my friend asked me if I was ready for my first load of the day. I was on my knees and started squeezing was what left of my anal muscles on his cock as unleashed the contents of his balls into me. We laid back on the bed recovering for a moment, then he handed me the pipe and said he was going to see what A was up to. I just laid on the bed for a while, toking on the pipe and watching porn whilst feeling then cum slowly drip out of me. My mate reappeared carrying a small tray with 3 syringes filled with liquid. The booty bumps had finally appeared. He administered the first one and asked me if I was ready for round 2. We went into the living room to see A back in his pants, and that he’d brought another guy with him (who we shall call B, because I’m imaginative). B was naked and stroking a massive cock which at half mast was already getting on for 9 inches. As it was the only exposed cock, I quickly got on my knees in from of B and started giving him a friendly “hello” blowjob. As his cock grew in my mouth I began to really hope that the chems would kick in soon, as otherwise I was in serious trouble. I sat up on the sofa as we did another round of hellos. It was over an hour since the last G so we did another shot with B. A asked me if I was having fun before pulling his own cock out. It was a thick beast, and I couldn’t help myself. I got on my knees and started sucking it for a good 5 minutes. They then told me to get on my knees on the corner of the L shaped sofa. A and B started pushing their fingers inside me, commenting on how wet I was and that my friend must have shot a huge load in me. A leans over the sofa and puts the pipe in my mouth. B is standing behind me, slapping his dick over my hole. Then he slides himself in. I thought he was going to be gentle after the first couple of strokes, but he then started testing if I could take a pounding of not, alternating between hard and fast, deep strokes, and slower stokes going the full length of his cock. For anybody keeping count of time, it’s about 20/25 minutes since the booty bump. My first proper booty bump with what I later found out was 0.2g of T. A wave just washed over me. A rush that I’d never had before. Concentration on anything other than the cock inside me was impossible. I also began sweating like I was in a sauna. Getting words out was impossible. A and B knew exactly what was going on, as they were watching the physical change in me. I then started pushing my arse back into B’s cock. The harder he fucked, the more I slammed myself into him. I started clenching my ring around his cock, trying to milk it for that creamy goodness. A offered me the pipe, but I was so damn high I began to worry about having had too much. I just buried my head into the cushions and let whatever was going to happen to me take place. B pulled out and A slammed his cock into me. This wasn’t just a forceful entry, this was a full on slam fuck. He was brutal. No mercy, just slamming into my hole as hard and as fast as he could. It didn’t hurt. The small part of my brain that wasn’t high and was just watching me with curiosity was amazed that whilst I was moaning, groaning and begging for more cock, my body was registering the feeling as just an extreme fuck, but it was not painful at all. Or at least, the sensations were not registering the feelings as pain. I do not know how long he was fucking me for. Time was an abstract concept. I do remember that A called out he was going to cum. He pulled out for moments and then slammed it in to the hilt. I just laid there panting and being a generally sloppy mess. He slapped me on my arse and said “don’t worry, I can cum several times”. A pulled out, and was immediately replaced by B who wasn’t going to be outdone by A. This next slam fuck actually left me with a slightly bruised arse. It was insane what he was doing. This isn’t hyperbole, I’ve seen the video they made. I honestly can’t believe that not only was I taking it in my stride, but I was asking for more. Again, after an unknown amount of time B let out a roar and thrust all the way into me. He then pulled out and flopped down on the sofa next to me, still stroking his cock. I just laid there for a moment, panting and trying to make sense of what just happened, but then I leaned over to my left and sucked B clean. I too then flopped down on the sofa (after asking for a towel to catch the cum dripping out of me). A was laughing his head off, asking me how my first “proper” booty bump was. We then all had a bit of a hydration break, smoking cigarettes and chatting. All of a sudden my friend gets a message on his phone. The last 2 guys are on their way. He then showed me a picture of a huge black cock. This was one of the guys on their way. A told me to lift my legs in the air and after fingering my cummy hole for a bit, he pushed the next syringe in and emptied it. I’ll be honest, I was terrified about how I would react to it, but I was also horned up, it passed very quickly. Suddenly, my friend bends me over a stool he has and A quickly slides in. He’s not pounding as hard as before (seeing as it’s been at least an hour now since my last pounding), but it doesn’t take him long to get up to speed. This fuck is just another warm up apparently, and he blows another load inside me working 10 or so minutes (4th load of the day if anybody is counting). B then is right back there again, and he’s still in punishment fuck mode. The T hits hard again, and B blows his load once more. Making good on his promise, A calls out “me again” and dives in. I’m moaning like a bitch, and I’m sweating so much the fabric cover on the stool is soaked. Despite my focus on the cock inside me, I look up at some point to see 2 mountains of black men, naked and both stroking cocks that would normally scare the crap out of me. A blows a load again and the black guys start feeling the cum in my hole as I clean A’s cock. My friend asks if we should move to the bedroom. At this point I’m so spun I just do as I’m told. A and B both say goodbye as they have to go. And I’m then just roughly thrown on the bed and told to get on my knees. At this point, things are becoming a bit of a blur. I couldn’t tell you exactly what order things happened in, but I do know that the next hour or 2 included DP, several loads and one more booty bump. I was asked to put on a mask at one point, and it turns out that half of the fuck with the two bbcs was streamed on a Zoom room (hence the mask). At the end of it, I remember that we all went into the living room and had some food delivered. I was still coming down but I was at least making sense by then. It was remarked upon just how much of a cummy mess I was. All in all, I apparently got 11 loads that evening. I left around midnight, and got an Uber back to where I was staying. The next day was spent with the Godson and his family, trying my very best to hide just how hard the cum down was. Around lunchtime, I got a text from my friend, asking if I would potentially be up for it again that evening. I was….. however that will be another story
    2 points
  16. Understood. Right you are hearing that the Covid crisis is over but we still have small percentage of people dying from Covid. Obviously we can never say never.
    2 points
  17. When you said "it is no longer a death sentence" I thought you meant that when people get HIV and take the medication, they don't die from AIDS anymore. I had the same interpretation when you said, "if you get hiv you can get on meds and never have to worry. " So I apologize I misinterpreted your statement. All I wanted to clarify is that some people still die from AIDS even if they take the medication. True, it is nothing like it was before the medication (not even close). But people still die from it even if they do everything they can to stay alive. Yes, it is still best to take the medication as instructed if someone is infected and they have an excellent chance of survival. But it is not 100% and saying "never have to worry" is a negligent overstatement. There are a lot of HIV-negative people on this forum that are considering becoming infected and they need to know the truth about ALL possibilities. Yes, they should take their meds and live their lives. But, even though most of us can find ways to cover the $36,000.00 cost per year for those meds, we should still be aware it is not a full panacea. That is all my response was meant to be.
    2 points
  18. Instead of a specific place to retire, I chose to be a full time RV'er and stay at gay campgrounds. I winter at Sawmill campground north of Tampa and summer at Camp Buckwood south of Indianapolis. Not only is there plenty of sex, but after the original investment in a truck and trailer, it wides up being reasonably priced. One of the biggest joys for me is that I got rid of a massive amount of stuff that I had moved around the country multiple times. I'm now down to just things I actually use. Truly a liberating thing.
    2 points
  19. Was visiting Sydney this week and had a good run last night. 5 loads from different guys over a couple of hours, mostly via Grindr. 4 bred my ass and one sweet load in my mouth. I had such a great time, and they were all really good nice guys, the kind you feel happy to meet. Ranged from mid twenties to mid fifties. Went to sleep with their cum all mixed in my hole. It was so beautiful to see it all flood out this morning, and my ass still feels awesome 😎🍑💦💦💦💦💦
    2 points
  20. Well, I have been training my boyfriend to be the best cumdump possible, and he has now completed his training. Now of course, is the best bit, time to put all he has learned into practice, and do it all for my enjoyment, and the pleasure of strangers. So I thought as his career starts today, I'd blog the cocks and cum he takes, every day from now on, so I can keep track of how good a load collector he is. Picture below of his tight cunt dropping, is from his training sessions, and fuck knows who's cum is running out of his pussy. Best get those legs open lad, I expect a lot to lick out!
    2 points
  21. As I did what Jack asked me to dump loads into two under 25 maybe he won’t mind if I have some fun. As so as I say sure he picks me up like a rag doll Puts me over his shoulder then takes me to the back room. In the back room there are other older Daddies as the one who pics me up. Look at what I found one of these twinks who did not run away let's tune him up. They tell me to get into the sex sling as others put leather cuffs on my wrist & ankles. I see more in the room, and now I'm scared, and they see this I also see many of them have the same Bio Hazard & Scorpion tattoos as Jack has. They are also hung one comes over grabs my arm put a strap around I say I don't do drugs they laugh as the needle goes in they push the plunger and this is a heavy slam and WOW it feels good as a dick is put my mouth and someone is fingering my hole Daddy: We are going to fuck this faggot until he is bleeding so don't give him a break. I see them lined up stroking their dicks as it seems they are not a fan of a fem twink like me as they are just want to treat me like fuck meat. A few of them put their hands around my neck a choke me. They think they are treating me rough and mean but in fact, I'm enjoying being a cumdump as they are slamming me and booty bumps. I thought they were 5 in the room but more keep coming in as the more loads I get the better it feels as the squishy noise lets me know what a pig I've become. and being treated like this is a dream. Over there is this guy chained to the wall on his hands & knee. They come over to him and make him drink their piss. I hear a familiar voice I think it is Jack and it is as he asks me did do what he asked me if I knock up two of the under-25 group. Yes Jack I did. Jack said to the group. Jack: just to let you know this is my boy and is already POZ and while you fuckers are fucking each other my boy is out there Pozzing negative twinks and they will poz others. Jack looks into my face and asks if I'm having a good time YES I AM. So he starts to fuck me hard and blast his load in my hole. Then Jack goes over to the pig that is chained against the wall and drags him over to clean my hole out. I feel his tongue slurping. Out of all the cum that has been deposited in me.
    2 points
  22. I go to the locker room and see a bunch of guys who are my age and a few who are older. I'm to find someone around my age and fuck them raw. In the shower, I have a hard-on that I can't hide, and I have a big dick at 8 inches compared to the guys around my age. They have good-looking bodies, as I'm just a skinny twink. I go to the social area as it has a few beds with a couch and a few small rooms on the side. I see this hot-looking hunk eyeing me, so I sit beside him. We start to kiss. I put my hand on his dick. He pushed his hand away and then said I want you to fuck me as he went down on my dick, I put my finger in his ass (Jack showed me how to sharpen my nails in put minor cuts inside a hole). His teeth are tearing my dick. I push him off and get him on the couch with his ass high in the air, spit on his hole. He pulls out poppers. He is telling me he is ready. I get the head of my dick in and keep pushing in as he is giving me some resistance, so I slap him on the ass and say take it bitch. I'm fucking, and now he is moaning, and I'm ready to give him my toxic load. I feel my dick pumping as I pull out. My nails did their job, LOL Maybe I changed his life as Jack changed mine. When I pulled out, I saw a few older men looking at me, smiling with their thumbs up. I found the second one in the shower as I'm finding out that most under-25 groups are mostly bottom. For the second one, I just raped him shoving my dick in and fuck him as hard and fast as I could. My dick is sore as this is my first time fucking. I really like fucking but I feel weak so I take a shower and find a room to rest in. I feel someone massaging my butt cheeks as I look it's one of the old Daddies as they like to be called. Boy, you want to have some real fun?
    2 points
  23. When Jack said my days are numbered I have no idea what he is talking about. This morning I'm not feeling well as I feel fatigued muscle aches and a sore throat. Jack put his hand on my forehead and then said you are hot. Jack gives his friend Doc a call. Doc comes by and starts to inspect. Doc: temperature 103 I am sure this boy is going through seroconversion. Doc is laughing as he turns me over and spreads my ass cheeks to look at my hole and says Jack you did a beautiful job of wrecking this boy hole. Jack & Doc take me upstairs as they shut down the live stream. Jack says we must get you healthy for the next part of my plan. I have not seen myself in a mirror in weeks, but I do now, and I'm shocked as I'm all skin & bones. Jack since I've been here he has had me on the Porn Star diet. Nothing but clear liquids. Jack told me the next few days are going to be hard for me, and in a month, I will take a blood test to make Jack's toxic babies are my bloodstream. Jack is right the next 4 days were hard with fever and chills while sweating. Today I got out of bed the fever broke and I'm feeling better. I do notice I have a raging hard-on so I take a shower as I stick a few fingers in my hole and wish something was fucking me. Jack is feeding me real food now and I'm feeling much better as Jack is looking at my dick and is laughing as I need to take you shopping and that hard-on took care of at one of the clubs or bathhouses. Jack is not fucking me or giving me any drugs, as he wants me to return to usual looking. Doc: a month later boy I did a blood test, on me and you tested positive for Hiv. Now Jack does not want you on meds as he will explain it to you later. ,Jack: Im dropping you off at the local bathhouse you will spend the day there. Today those under, 25 get in free so I want you to Top 2 of those under 25 and deposit your load in their ass after you finger their hole like showed you. I'm scared shit as Jack drops me off at the bathhouse. I enter the guy behind the desk asks to see my I. D. hands me a condom with a packet of lube
    2 points
  24. Welp here we go, the next chapter. It might be a while before I can work on Another sequences. So I hope everyone enjoys this one. ============================================================ Palm Springs tends to be known for being a wide flat area out in the desert heat. While much of it is flat, there is a ridge of rock hills along one side that numerous houses have been built into over the years. One such house was built of red brick baked in the sun for close to 50 years. It was large and jutted out from the rocky hills much like a castle. It was here that Max, Cameron and Keith had just pulled up to in the Bears big pickup truck. Looking at it, you’d think no one was home as most of the lights in the house seemed turned off, but the dozen or so cars parked out front showed a different story. As the truck parked, Max leaned over from the drivers seat toward Kieth. “Ok Kiddo, here’s what you need to know, this place has some of the wildest most depraved sex parties all year, and Pride Week tends to be the best of those. You’re young and horny and still finding things out, and that’s fine Kiddo. You’ve already crossed a couple of boundaries today I’m sure you never thought about before, and this here, this is one more. Going into that house, you going to be in a for a hot mess of guys all wanting to fuck and get fucked in the kinkiest ways possible, and before you ask, yeah, most of them are going to be POZ. If you want to back out, now is the time to do it.” Max said, his voice stern and serious, wanting to get the point across without scaring Keith. Keith looked at the house, he could feel the thump thump of music blasting even from the car. “You got two Toxic loads in you sexy, but me and Max have been off our meds for about a month or so. You come in with us, there’s going to be guys who have been off meds for years, or never been on them at all.” Cameron said as he reached out to stroke Keith though his sweat soaked shorts. Cameron grinned as he felt the kids cock throb at his last comment. “Yeah I know, Im scared, but I think I need this.” Keith said before giving a moan as Cameron stroked him. “Well, sounds good to me, let’s get going.” Max said as the three exited and walked toward the house. Coming up to a small enclosed patio, they stopped as a huge black bear of a man sitting by the door stood up. “Keith, i’d like you to meet the owner and host of this sex fest, Sigmund.” Cameron said as the enormous ebony man looked down at the three. He wasn’t wearing much, just a black leather biker jacket and a pair of jeans that were mostly unzipped and could barely contain what had to be an enormous black baby maker. Sigmund looked at the three and made a show of grabbing his crotch. “Yeah thats me, but everyone around here calls me ‘Big Sig’ and with good reason.” He said, fishing out a massive foreskin covered phallus and waving it around just long enough to get a gasp from Keith before stuffing it back into his pants. “Good to see you two here again, Max, Cameron, looks like you brought along some fresh meat for the fun. He Poz?” Sig asked as his gaze bore down into Keith. “Not yet, but thats probably going to change by tonight.” Max said, and Big Sig chuckled. “It will if I have anything to say about it. I’m watching the door for the next hour and after that, well, keep an eye out for me.” He said, fishing out his massive member again, the foreskin so wrinkled that even looking half hard, it seemed there was still an inch or so of skin covering the tip. Less than a foot away form it, Keith could catch a heavy musky scent coming from the hooded cock. He watched it hypnotically before Max and Cameron began to push him towards the door. Just before the went to open it, Sig reached out again. “Hey you guys hold up, I know you two won’t care much, but I should still let you know, Angel is at the party tonight, visiting from San Fran.” He said and Max turned around. “Angels here? Shit, I thought he died last year.” Max said, and Sig grinned. “Well, if you see him, jury is out on wether that might be true or not. Either way, if the kid is on the fence about getting knocked up, meeting Angel might be, educational for the pup.” He said as he turned back around. For Keith, who was about to ask what the deal was, the question was lost as the door opened and the three entered inside. On the other side, the first thing Keith noticed was the music, loud electronic dance music that boomed through the house. The second thing of course were the men. Just in the front part of the house, Kieth saw about a half dozen beefy men in various states of undress. The third thing was the interior. As much as Keith was their for perky sexy, he couldn’t help but notice that the inside of house seemed to have been frozen in time from the 1970s. Everything from a sunken couch area around a metal fire pit, to shag carpets to various hanging decorations. It was jarring enough to briefly district him from the riot of sex and debauchery going on around him. A firm swat to his ass by Cameron of course got his attention. “Ok kiddo, we both fucked you good earlier today, and I know how are seed has already made you hungry for more. But you’re young and got a good thick cock on you boy. Theres plenty of time for fun here, but we want to see what you can do.” Cameron said. “What do you mean?” “He means, before we find more guys to pump your guts full of toxic spooge, we want to see you fuck some holes on your own.” Max said and then leaned in close “If you end up carrying our Poz Babies, we want to make sure your going to be a good boy and spread our strain around to the next generation” He said, almost whispering it into Keiths ear as he heard the boy moan as Cameron chuckled. “You didn’t think we were coming here just to fuck you all night? We could do that at home Kiddo. Now, go out and find some nice ass to knock up and get your rocks off. It is just as good to give as to receive after all” Cameron said. Keith looked to the two hot Daddies, thinking how much he’d been corrupted in such a short amount of town. This morning he’d come to Palm Springs hoping to get a little action, and now here he was being seduced into possibly being infected with a serious disease, and then, spreading it to others. Keith turned to ask Max what they were planning on doing, turned, and suddenly found himself alone. The sounds of sex were everywhere, grunting, moaning, the sounds of wet skin slapping against skin. Keith felt overwhelmed, not sure where to start as everyone already seemed engaged. A sudden cry caught his attention from a darkened room he was passing. “FUCK I’M CUMMING! TAKE IT! TAKE MY CHARGED UP LOAD!” Keith stopped, though his heart started racing as he looked into the darkened room. Figures moved in the darkness and he could make out someone hunched over a body, the bottoms legs slung over the tops shoulders. The two were going at it on an old dirty mattress that was slung on an even older looking box spring that lay in the middle of the room. The guy on top made a loud grunt and began to shiver wildly as he unloaded. Keith entered in, his hand unconsciously moving to grip his own cock and started stroking it as the two in front of him were clearly gripped in orgasm. Stupefied by the sight before him, Keith find himself asking the obvious. “Fuck, are you cumming in him?” He said, immediately feeling like an idiot as his eyes got used to the almost pitch darkness. “Piss off kid, I’ve been waiting all day to Re-Charge this bugged up hole, don’t need a smart ass interrupting.” Said the man on top, occasionally grunting as he flexed his cock, clearly intent on getting every drop of cum into the bottoms ass. With his eyes adjusting, Keith could see them both a bit better. Both seemed much older then himself. The top had a husky but firm looking ‘dad bod’ with a bushy salt and pepper beard. The bottom, from what Keith could see, looked to be a skinny tattooed Latino guy. “Now now, don't be so horrible. He's clearly a newcomer, I’ll be he’s not been fucked himself yet,” The bottom said before turning to look at Keith, his face a dark red and sweaty. “Come on over here, this is all a bit new to you isn’t it, first Party like this?” The bottom said as he ground his ass a bit against the top, getting another moan. Keith watched, his own cock fully erect now. “Um yeah, kinda, I came here with two other guys that I met earlier today.” He said, now fairly close to the others, now sniffing the mix of sweat and cum and other juices that filled the small room. “AH, that makes more sense, you’re not a smartass, you’re just new aint you.” The top said , his voice speaking with a wheezing tone as pulled his dick out with a wet juicy slurping sound. Keith looked at it as it was still mostly hard, the cock slick with cum and juices. The top began to stroke it slowly, seeing Keith eyeing it, he squeezed out a few drops of cum from the tip. “Well new comer, the slut needing some fresh toxic loads over here is Joaquin, and I’m Traivs.” The older of the two said as they helped Joaquin up from the cum encrusted mattress. As soon as Joaquin was up, Travis wrapped his big thick arms around him, pressing his still drooling dick into their dripping ass. “I’m Keith,” he said lamely as he watched Travis run their big hands up and down the tattooed but smooth skinned body of Joaquin. “Well Keith, if you are at a party like this, You’re either Poz, or you’re looking to get Poz. And judging by how shy you still seem, I’m guessing your are still shooting blanks as it were.” Travis said, his voice still wheezing slightly, yet gruff and speaking in a tone of dominance that went down Keiths Spine. “Yeah not yet, I never thought about it before today, but, I’m kinda thinking about it now.” He said, looking at Travis molest and play with Joaquins body, twisting a nipple, or squeezing what Keith saw was a slender, yet very long foreskin covered cock. “If thats the case, why don’t you lay back and ride my Toxic Poz Pistol, my balls got plenty more lethal bullets to fire off for a young buck like you.” Travis said with a lewd grin. Keith swallowed nervously, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do, something about the bear made disagreeing almost impossible. Luckily, it was the latin who came to his rescue. “Ease off, you’ve promised all those toxic babies to me tonight remember? Besides, I think our boy is needing something else, aren’t you” He said, swishing over to Keith who realized, despite the tattoos, scares, and deeply tanned body, Joaquin was probably more of a queen than anyone else he’d met so far. Keith felt smooth fingers slid down to his cock and cup his balls. “How about you come over here and give my hole a try as well. I can promise it will be something you’ll never forget.” He said as he pulled Keith forward with one hand, and continued to stroke Keiths now drooling dick with the other. “Guessing you’ve not fucked anyone tonight? “ “Not yet, actually, not shot a load since this afternoon” Keith said as he gave a small moan as his sock was stroked. “Well you are in luck, this big gruff Poz Daddy loves to watch others fuck me up. So how about you get ready to add you own cum to my hungry poz pussy.” Joaquin said as Travis, almost, interrupted him but got a swift swat to the ass. “So tell you what, how about you come over here, and slide that nice young cock of yours up my drooling sex pit” he said as he once more laid back on the stained mattress, pulling his legs back to show off a slick ass. The ass looked tight, smooth, but knowing it was most likely full of infected POZ seed made Keith hesitate. “Thats, hot, but I’m not sure…” Keith started, but before he could say anything else, Travis had come up behind him and wrapped his big bear like arms around his body, pulling on a nipple. “Look just relax, if you are at a party like this, you shouldn’t be worrying about who you fuck or how. Your cock knows what it wants, so just be a good horn dog, and fuck this ass while it’s good and juicy.” Travis said as he worked on Keiths tits, seeing how much the boy moaned and shuddered from them. In Keiths mind he was having another crisis of hesitation. The ass in front of him was clearly Poz, and the cum dripping out was also infected, and yet, as he moaned and felt his cock twitch, a voice told him he’d already done this once before when he Fucked Daddy Max. What was one more fuck. With a grunt he slumped forward, and easily sunk balls deep into Joaquins sloppy ass. Joaquin moaned as he pulled his ass forward and then back, and back again, fucking himself onto Keith's erection. "Fuck that feels good!!” Keith moan, grunting under his breath but certainly loud enough for the others to hear, as he began to thrust his hips, slowly and gently at first, fucking Joaquin. Each thrust making a wet, sloppy sucking sound from the ass he was fucking. “See how good it feels? Poz Cock, Poz Ass, it all feels better than being Neg. You’re going to find this out.” Travis said, sliding his hand onto Keiths well toned ass, the top third of which was bare as his boxers were sliding down a bit by now. Watching the kid fucking, Travis slid his fingers down and started exploring his ass crack, pushing his boxers down even further as Travis pushed a fat finger into Keith tight yet yielding ass. "Oh Fuck! I think I'm gonna…UNGH! I’m going cum!” Keith exclaimed, as his body started to jerk suddenly, his asshole spasmed tight around Travis beefy finger. Keith gave another deep moan and grabbed Joaquin's hips, and began to fuck deeply and erratically, jerking into the sloppy poz hole as he unloaded his negative seed. “Oh yeah there you go. Just let it go neg boy - cum inside him. Good boy. Shoot out all your neg seed.“ Travis said, as he continued to work his finger deeper up Keiths throbbing ass. His cheeks clenching as he continued to cum, Keiths hips hammering hard into Joaquin, unloading his cum into Joaquin's poz infected sex pit. "Oh, fuck, yeah, fuck, fuck...' Keith grunted as he came, grinding his cock into Joaquin's guts. "Good boy," Travis praised again, letting Keith slowly come down off his orgasm as he started to stroke his own cock again, now quite firm after watching the fun. “Shit boy, you done make me good and horny again.” He said as he watched Keith give a final grunt and pull out. Cum dripping off his cock, which was still rock hard and pulsing. Travis whistled at the sight, admiring the young stud. Joaquin meanwhile reached for a plug that was behind the bed and, with a well practiced motion, slipped it in his hole with a wet juicy pop. “Mmmmmm Only thing better than a hot load up my guts, is two hot loads.” He said as he stroked his belly with one hand, while sucking the cum off his fingers from the other. “Too right, of course, there is something else just as good as getting two loads, it’s giving two loads.” Travis said as Keith suddenly felt the heat of a large, pointed, and dripping dick at his ass. “How about it boy? You just had your dick deep up a Poz ass flooded with infected seed. The bug is probably already up inside you, why not just let Uncle Travis take it one step further.” Keith gasped and leaned forward, he wanted to say no, but as he felt the cock push against his ass, he realized it felt too good to stop. This was it, he was going to get Poz Fucked.
    2 points
  25. PART TWO What was Daryl supposed to do next? He tried to stop thinking of Brian, but the sexual attraction was constantly there. Peter was a good guy; Daryl liked him and did not want to hurt him. The first few times he'd called Brian, he felt guilty. He and Brian would talk over the phone, after work, or when Peter was out, and both would find pleasure in these nightly chats. Not only intellectual pleasure, but also a hot jack off session foreshadowing the fun they would have again and again. Without Peter. Daryl had been negative all his life. He desperately wanted it to stay that way. He got scared merely thinking about HIV. It made his heart beat and his adrenaline rush. But when he was with Brian, he stopped caring. He cold no longer help himself from becoming a whore or his bottom bitch. Even cheating on Peter had turned him on. He could no longer think rationally. Peter had continued plowing Daryl's ass before bed time, but Daryl just could not get off. No matter what - it seemed the chemistry just was not there. Unlike when the sexy Brian had been inside him. And now that Peter was away on business for a few days, Daryl sat wondering if he had made the wrong decision to invite Brian over. A "date" consisting of a few beers and a movie, he had explained. But he knew they would fuck. So Brian came over and, after some chit chat and a few beers, they started kissing. Brian wanted to put his thick cock inside Daryl again. And Daryl was horny for it, too. Brian asked him if he loved his partner, but Daryl could not bring himself to say yes. Again, he explained that Peter was a nice guy. "So you prefer a real man who knows how to fuck you and make you moan and roll your eyes. I'll do just that for you. And more." That as basically the reason why Daryl got on his hands and knees and let the top penetrate him. And, like the first time, Brian started to bang Daryl's tight hole. Slowly at first, but faster and faster by the second. Only this time, there was no need to rush. He watched and drooled as he admired Brian's reflection in the mirror. The stud was holding his ass and fucking it hard and deep. "Tell me you want me to stop. Tell me Peter means enough to you and I will stop," Brian proposed. But Daryl said nothing. The choice was made. He loved Brian. When Peter called to wish Daryl a good night, Brian did not stop fucking. Brian enjoyed watching Daryl pretend to be groggy and taking from a nap as his cock invaded Daryl's pussy. Peter's former partner. He whispered to Brian that he was getting close. Daryl didn't know how to respond. He knew he wanted to be with Brian, but he couldn't just end things with Peter like this. Sensing Daryl needed help, Brian leaned in and whispered in his ear: "When you tell him that you love him, I won't hesitate. Ill fuck you fast and furious. I'll make you beg for my cum. Then I'll breed you." Daryl felt a wave of desire wash over him. The conversation between him and his boyfriend (or was it former boyfriend now?) was winding down toward the traditional evening greeting. "Anyhow I should get back to work," Peter was saying. "See you tomorrow, Daryl." Now was the moment to decide: stay forever stuck in a deteriorating relationship and feeling unsatisfied in bed, or let loose and take the POZ stud up the ass raw. "I love you, baby." Daryl was looking straight into Brian's eyes. He repeated it again just as Peter was hanging up on his end. He continued moaning... "I love you, Brian! Cum in me. Knock me up." Brian's sexy face contorted into an animal's rage as he unloaded several spurts of cum into his new boy's unprotected yet willing hole. "Fuck yeah, bitch! I know you want it. Get ready, baby... Here's my toxic load for you." And he came inside Daryl. Again.
    2 points
  26. [think before following links] https://truckersucker.com/uploads/videos/thumb/9864/9261fc340f590cf5ee21b63793e8f6e0.mp4 Austin Wolf is one of the hottest breeders in the porn industry.....had to share this of him breeding a military dude....
    1 point
  27. I know it's bad form to cruise online when you are waiting for test results, but I guess that's the kind of whore I am. Besides, I was bored and nervous and needed to kill some time, so naturally I found myself on Scruff. Interestingly, there was this hot Latino guy who showed-up as nearby. Quite nearby, in fact. Less than 250 feet away. So I started a chat with him. Me: Wow! woof, you're cute Him: Thanks! you too. Me: Can I see your locked pics? Him: *unlocks* I look at his pics. His cock was uncut, about eight inches, and had a wicked down-curve. Me: Holy. Fuck. Nice cock! I know JUST where to put that! Him: It looks like you are close by. You at the clinic? Me: Yeah, I'm waiting for HIV test results. It's that time Him: Cool. glad you are getting tested. I'm a counselor here. Me: It must be hard to deliver the news and stuff Him: It's ok. It's important to be informed Me: Yeah, I guess it is. Actually, I can't believe I'm actually cruising while waiting for my results Him: It's understandable. We can't stop being sexual just because of HIV Me: Is it sick that I'm totally horny and want your cock right now? Him: Is it sick that I'm an HIV counselor and I want to fuck your ass right now? Just then the nurse came in and I had to put my phone away. She very perfunctorily informed me that I was negative, but would need to be tested again in six months due to recent sexual activity, adding that she would take me to the counselor to chat briefly about safe sex. With that she led me down the hallway to a private office where she introduced me to Michael. Michael, of course, was the counselor with whom I had just been chatting on Scruff! Oh, and Michael was HOT. He was probably about six inches shorter than me, had a slight, muscular build, but damn did he get the Enrique Eglesias looks! Plus he had a beautiful smile complete with dimples! I walked in and sat down as Michael closed the door. He shook my hand warmly and told me it was nice to meet me. We talked about my recent negative result and the fact that I could still be positive if the antibodies hadn't yet developed. We also talked about having safer sex and other diseases. Blah blah blah. Honestly, the standard preventive fare. When I got up to go we shook hands again and he said, "I get off in an hour... and would like to get off after that." What a line! He then rubbed his crotch suggestively while giving me an inviting smile. I grabbed one of his post-it notes and scribbled down my address and phone number, handing the slip of paper to him saying "I'm heading home right now and will be ready. And waiting." Sure enough he showed-up about an hour later, and I buzzed him up. Once in the apartment he wasted no time taking control by pushing me against the wall and making out. Then he broke off the kiss saying "Let's get naked. I don't have tons of time. I've gotta get home to my partner." "You have a partner?" "Yeah, does it matter?" "Well, no, not to me, but does he know?" "No, he thinks I'm a good boy, but I need sex. Lots and lots of sex." "Yeah, I believe you," I replied. Although his frankness was slightly unnerving, I was nevertheless turned on by the thought of his big cock fucking me, so I led him to my bedroom where we stripped. He pushed me down to my knees and I worked his cock. It wasn't super thick, but it was quite long. And the downward curve added a whole new dimension. Ordinarily I'm not much good at deepthroating, but fuck, Michael's cock was angling in exactly the right way as to slide down my throat, right past my esophagus. It felt incredible, especially as his foreskin provided dome extra smooth motion. After a couple of minutes he withdrew and gestured me up onto the bed, asking "You ready to get fucked? Where's your lube?" "In there," I replied, pointing to the night table, but adding "Umm, what about a condom?" "Do you really want to use one?" "Well, we just spent 15 minutes talking about safe sex, didn't we?" "Yeah, but bareback feels so much better, doesn't it?" "But you're an HIV counselor!" "So?" "And I just got tested AT YOUR CLINIC!" "And you were there getting tested because you are no angel, right? I bet you have been taking bare cock and enjoyed it but had a little scare which made you go get tested. Right?" "Umm...." "Okay, so some guys really get off on taking raw cock. I get that. I can't stop that. I can educate, but it really isn't going to change behavior. I mean, look at me? I know the risks and everything, and yet I love bareback sex." As he made these remarks he rubbed his cock head up and down my ass crack, teasing my ass lips. "You want me to bareback you, don't you?" he then asked, adding "It's okay to say 'yes'." "Yeah, kinda...." "So pass me the lube." "Are you neg?" "Nope, I'm poz." "Whoa, time out. You're poz and you want to bareback me?" Michael leans back from me and looks at me for a minute. He strokes his cock slowly, seductively, and doesn't say anything. Just stares at me. "Hell, yeah. Yeah, I do. I want to fuck that bubble butt of yours and leave my seed deep inside it. I want you to feel the throb of my cock as I cum inside you. I want to leave my DNA in your hole." "Maybe we shouldn't....." "Look. We both know you're taking raw cock. You've probably taken poz loads before, without even knowing. And I can see that you aren't turned off by the idea, because your cock is rock hard and drooling precum. You might as well just give in to your desires and let me give you a good fuck." "I'm just nervous...." "How about I warn you before I cum, and I can pull out if you want me to." "Um...." Then my body made its decision. I rolled over and got on all fours again, took a hit of poppers as he lubed his cock. And before I knew it, Michael was sheathing his eight-incher inside my ass. It was obvious that Michael had had a LOT of practice at fucking. He slowly, methodically fucked his whole dick into me from tip to hilt. Agonizingly slowly and pushing up inside my second ring. And the down curve was creating new sensations inside me. It was heaven! He picked up tempo and really started throwing all the meat to me. Hard. His curve kept popping up inside my colon, making me wince in pain every single thrust. He didn't care though. He told me to take it - to take his raw cock in my neg ass. "You know, I knew you were a cock pig if only 'cause you were on Scruff at the fucking clinic. I had a strong suspicion my cock would end-up being buried in your ass," Michael remarked. I chuckled in reply. Eventually his breath quickened and he told me he was getting close. I was actually getting close myself, because his cock was stroking the hell out of my prostate. I just moaned as he thrust away. "I'm gonna cum, man! Where you want it?" Michael asked. "Just keep fucking me!" "You fucking PIG! Here it cums! Gonna knock up this neg hole!!" "DO IT! Don't stop fucking me!" And then he flooded me. And when I say flooded, I mean FLOODED. I could actually feel the warmth and wetness fill my ass. He kept thrusting wildly and my ass just felt wet beyond anything I'd ever experienced. He was still fucking me hard and it started to run out of my hole and down my balls. I actually came about 15 seconds later, just from his fuck motion. My hole started puckering and grabbing his dick, making him go wild as I shot my load all over my bedspread. He parked his cock in me and waiting politely for my orgasm to subside, before eventually pulling out. As he did so, his curved cock dragged some of his spunk out and a big blob landed on my bed. Which he scooped up and fingered back into my hole. Moments later I came back to my senses and started mildly panicking, blabbering "Oh my god! What did we just do?" "We fucked. I bred you. You came no-handed." "We shouldn't have... I shouldn't have...." "Relax. Breathe. You just took a big step." "A big step to what?" "A big step toward coming to grips with your piggy side. You are a cum pig bottom. And that's ok. Better than ok, actually. It's hot." "I don't know if I want to be a cum pig!" "Dude, I've worked at the clinic for several years. I can spot a bottom pig a mile away. And you, my friend, are a bottom pig. Embrace it.' "No I'm not... I'm ...." "You picked up a partnered poz HIV Counselor at the free clinic, invited him over, and let him breed you," Michael replied with a laugh. "Oh god. I am a pig." "And it turned you on so much you came from it. And thinking about it right now is making you hard again." And it was. Michael had to get home to his husband, but he promised me that this wouldn't be the last time we fucked. And it wasn't. As he left, he said, "Now remember to get tested again in 6 months. We may have more to talk about after that one...."
    1 point
  28. I walk home thinking about my good time in the park, sucking dick. As soon as I walked into my home, my father started yelling at me, calling me a dick-sucking faggot, as I guess I had some cum on my clothes or face. Then my father started hitting me with his fist, saying he would not have a sissy faggot living in this family. I have a brother & sister, and my mother is trying to stop my father, who is drunk again. My mother tells me I should get it before he kills me. I get out the door and start walking, and my father is right about one thing I'm Gay and do like sucking dick, but I'm still an anal virgin. Fuck it's cold, and I only have $3 on me, so I'm walking. I think about what I will do as I have no skills. I go to this underpass as it's starting to rain. Cars are passing. I see this one car pass by three times the fourth time the car stops the driver opens the side window. Do you want to get out of this weather? I get into the car he introduces himself as Jack and asks where I'm going I say no place special just want to get out of this place. Jack ask how old I am 18 last month. Jack says it's 4 hours to his home if I want to go. He tells me there is some hot CoCo in the back seat if I want. I'm cold. The coco is hot, warming me up. It tastes funny. As we drive, Jack starts asking me questions. Why was I out by the underpass? I was thrown out of the house and I tell you why. Jack asks if I'm Gay yes I am. Jack: So am I so you like sucking dick? Yes Jack: Have you been fuck in the ass? No Jack: have you done any drugs? I have done weed. We get to Jack's home it's a nice place and tells me to take a shower Jack has a robe for me as Jack looks at me like a hungry Wolf Jack has a robe also as we sit in the living room and ask if I want to weed to smoke. This weed is stronger than the thing I have ever smoked Jack says it's spiked with Tina. I have heard of Tina. Jack opens his robe and I see the biggest dick I've ever seen l get on my knees and start to like it as Jack's hand is on my head telling me how to work his dick. Jack is about to cum but pushes me off. Let's see what we have here as Jack stands up and takes my robe off. What Jack sees is a 5 for 7 inches 110 lbs skinny fem twink the only thing I have is a bubble butt with an 8-inch dick Jack takes my dick in his mouth and does things to me that are driving me crazy with his hands spreading my butt cheeks as I can't stop from shooting my load in Jack's mouth. Jack gets up grabs me opens my mouth and spits my load in my mouth. Bend over the table boy as I want to see that hole.
    1 point
  29. You can Thank you an injector. Inject a small amount of lube. That stays there until the tip goes in.
    1 point
  30. Have you tried Vaseline? It was my go to lube for years when I was younger, and it's still what I use when I leave a plug in all day.
    1 point
  31. I am the same if I get pozzed I want it from multiple tops NSA can travel for that
    1 point
  32. I was sucking cocks by the age of 15 (and being paid for doing it) but I must have been 17 or 18 when I was fucked first. I know it was very painful. How things have changed.
    1 point
  33. As someone who was raised by a total [banned word] single dad, I can confirm that it's the hottest and best thing in the world
    1 point
  34. Had 6 visitors last night, including a gay couple. My arse is still leaking cum. Working until 10pm tonight.
    1 point
  35. I was in the status-not-known category, and my CD4 count tanked to 49. Normal minimum is 500. The threshold for an AIDS diagnosis is 200. I’ve spent the last nine years trying mightily to reach 400 again. The closest I’ve ever gotten was 439 back in 2019. Since then I’ve hovered in the lower 300s, and in 2021 watched it fall to 201 (!) before clawing its way back up. In nine years, I have missed exactly two (2) doses of my daily meds. I am essthe poster boy for meds compliance, and I still can’t recover what I lost. I will likely never see 500 again. My HIV specialist isn’t worried. She says I have enough immune response that I don’t need to worry about diseases lying in wait for the weak because I’m over 200. She said viral load id the thing to watch, because as long as it’s suppressed, the body has a chance to rebuild.
    1 point
  36. I was sucking and being fucked by many in high school from freshman year… including a few dads on friends who knew I was getting fucked at home…
    1 point
  37. I was out and about on an adventure/mini hike/cruising when i stumbled upon some underwear. Whenever i see underwear while out and about or sexy slutty outfits i will pick them up for inspection if i want to add them to my collection or not. Well this particular pair of underwear, grey boxer briefs, had a load blown on it.. So the pig in me took them into the port-a-potty and creamed myself with them! The boxers got left behind, but not the load. I have to say thank you Mister Mystery Man!!
    1 point
  38. Part 3: The Volunteer Session 1: Alec dropped his head back against his pillow and sighed. As his orgasm subsided his guilt and stress returned. Now a Junior in college, and approaching his twenty second birthday, Alec was still in the closet and was becoming increasingly anxious about it. He’d never even been with a man. He’d never been with anyone. The other guys on his rugby team teased him. They didn’t understand why he never showed interest in girls when they went out. Truthfully Alec wasn’t even sure why he wasn’t out to them. They’d never said anything particularly homophobic or problematic. In fact, they’d probably be supportive of him. Despite that something still kept him in the closet. One specific fear kept him from acting on his attractions. He looked over at his computer which was still playing porn. On the screen was a guy not unlike himself. He was young, with bright red hair, a broad chest, big round pink nipples, and a solid muscular thick middle. The guy was lying flat on his back with his legs pressed into his chest, while a big fat raw dick pounded in and out of his hole. The guy was moaning, covered in sweat, his face glowing in rapturous ecstasy. Alec looked at the guys face again and felt a pang of jealousy. That was what he wanted, he wanted to be like that guy, laid out taking an absolute pounding; but it terrified him. That was what had kept him in the closet, what made him keep his distance from people. It was why he never hooked up, and why he’d never admitted out loud he was gay. As much as he wanted it, gay sex terrified him. He closed his laptop and got up to get a towel. Alec normally kept his masturbatory practices to a minimum. It saved him from confronting his fears too much if he just ignored his hormonal urges all together. He got his energy out though going to the gym and playing rugby normally. However, being the very start of the school year rugby hadn’t started up yet, none of his classed were giving too much work, and he’d already been to the gym on the particular Saturday when Alec made a life altering series of choices. After wiping the cum from the dark blonde fur on his chest, he pulled on a pair of shorts and tried to watch TV, but his mind kept wandering. He should take a shower, he thought, he smelled like sweat and cum. But he didn’t, he sat on his couch, not paying attention to the show in front of him, his mind drifting to sex. His dick was getting hard again. Then he did something he usually regretted for doing because it indulged an interest that made his time in the locker room hard. He lifted on burly arm and took a deep sniff of his musky pit. His dick was instantly throbbing. Fuck it he thought, and moved back to his bed. He kicked off his shorts and grabbed his computer. His doppelgänger reappeared on the screen, the scene restarting right as the top unloaded inside Alec’s proxy’s hole. God, he wanted that. He wanted to know what it felt like to feel a man inside him. He wanted to know what it would be like to feel him orgasm. But that required him to actually have sex. What if it wasn’t what he’d imagined? What if it hurt? What if it didn’t feel good? What if he was bad at it? He’d been through this thought pattern hundreds of times. It was truly nothing new. What he did next however, that was very new. For the first time since he’d moved out of his small hometown and come to college, Alec thought it was time he did something about his fear. Something small. Here in the time of the internet, he thought, surely there was someone else who had gone through what he was experiencing, and had figured out a solve. Some guide to bottoming, some blog someone had written, there had to be something out there. He clicked away from the porn site and pulled up the search bar. “Gay bottom training,” he typed in. Then he sighed, rolling his eyes at himself, and the very predictable search results. The first three were just porn, videos on random sites of guys being fucked and used. Not that that wasn’t hot, but it wasn’t actually going to help. Then there were articles from the Advocate “Bottoming 101” full of well-meaning tips for prepping and caring for one’s hole. Nothing about overcoming a fear of the whole business. Then, halfway down the first results page, a website caught his eye. “Learn to be a bottom in 4 easy lessons.” Alec clicked. Learn to bottom in 4 easy video lessons from your home. Our researched method will have you confident and ready to take on any top in just two weeks. First video is free. Click the link below. First video is free Alec thought, sure… probably he’d learn nothing but maybe. Plus, if it didn’t work it’s not like he’d lost anything other than some time he’d have spent just jerking off anyway. He read on. Our method was developed based on the psychological research of Dr. Jonathan Marks. Dr. Marks has studied gay and queer sex and sexuality for more than a decade through multiple studies which have been published in the American Medical Journal and other respected medical texts. Our paid subscription service not only comes with the videos but offers a connection to a remote counselor to help you through your journey. Each subscribed member will have access to two video counseling sessions during the program, and unlimited emails with their counselor. Alec paused, was a psychologist what he needed? A counselor might not be a bad idea. Even if the videos didn’t do anything talking to someone might. He’d never had that before. He’d never had a single gay friend. He’d never known anyone who’d actually experienced what his fantasies might be like. Oh fuck it, he said, there was literally nothing to lose here. If it helped it helped, if it didn’t, he was no worse off. He scrolled back up to the link to the free first video, and after a moment’s hesitation clicked on it. A new window opened on his screen, and the video buffering wheel appeared. Then after a moment of blackness a handsome man in a white lab coat appeared on the screen. “Hello,” he said, dazzling white teeth flashing as he smiled, “I’m Dr. Jonathan Marks, and welcome to our bottom training videos. There are lots and lots of places that claim they will teach you how to bottom or give you the hottest tips on how to ‘take a man’s dick,’ however, none of them hold a candle to our researched back methodology. For some guys bottoming is both scary and difficult. We are going to help you through that. Over the course of the next four sessions you we will talk you through letting go of that fear, and overcoming whatever obstacles lay between you and becoming the bottom you want to be. “Once you’ve subscribed to our program, and I hope you do, you’ll be prompted to schedule a video counseling session with one of our specialists. We recommend doing that within two days of watching this first video. After that session you next video will be unlocked. Four days after that you will receive your third video and a prompt to schedule a second remote counseling session. Then in about two weeks from today, you’ll receive the link to your last video, and after that… the world is your oyster. “Now, it’s very important that you do watch these videos in a private space. Even if you are alone it is best to used headphones. If you don’t have your headphones in just yet, pause the video now and swap.” What on earth am I watching Alec thought, but then again thought, fuck it. He got up and got his headphones from his backpack and, still naked, lay back down on his bed with his laptop propped up on his legs. “Good. Some of what you’re going to be asked to do in this first video may feel silly or strange, but it is very important to the process that you keep an open mind and just relax. Now, take a deep breath, and let’s begin.” “Let’s begin,” another voice echoed and overlapped Dr. Marks. This voice was warm and deep. Like honey personified it seemed to ooze with a natural sweetness. It was disarming, but also commanding. “Take a deep breath,” the voice said into Alec’s ears. Alec did as he was told and took a deep breath, his broad chest rising and falling slowly. “One more deep breath. Take the air deep into your lungs, feel it filling your chest. See your rips expand, your diaphragm relax. Hold the air inside of you. Now let it out from between your lips. Slowly empty yourself. Let your body sink into itself.” A little dot of light appeared in the black screen. “Focus your eyes on the dot in front of you. Let your vision shrink to that dot. Block out the outside world. Block out everything else around you.” The dot seemed be growing and then shrinking very slowly and almost imperceptibly. A low thrum started to fill Alec’s mind. He couldn’t pinpoint if it was some his mind playing tricks on him or if it actually existed in the soundtrack playing in his ears. It felt overwhelming, but at the same time soothing. It had the same slow pulse as the dot in front of him, and soon, without trying to make it happen his breath had matched that pulse. Alec settled back a little deeper into his pillow with both hands tucked behind his head, his eyes fixed on the screen. “Let the world drop away. All your focus in on the dot, and my voice. They are the only two things in the world. Your whole world is that dot, and my voice. As the dot begins to expand let it expand around you. Let it envelope you in its warm glow. It is safe in the bright white light of the dot. There is no fear in that light. There is only pleasure. Everything feels good as that light washes across yours skin. Feel it now, you feel its warmth, like the sun on your skin on a warm summer’s day. It is hot but not unpleasant.” On the screen the little white dot had begun to grow, still pulsing slowly with the thrum but soon the whole screen was bright white. “Relaxing is the first step to reaching your goals. You already understand your place. You just need to learn to accept it. You will find that your body had been prepared this whole time in ways that your mind had not. Your body is ready, your mind must get out of your way. You want to be a bottom.” A new voice came in to Alec’s mind, it was small and quiet as if it were far away, a little more than an overheard whisper on the breeze, “Yes, it feels so good. Keep going. Give it to me. It feels so good.” The phrase repeated over and over like a mantra, drifting in and out of Alec’s perception. “You want to be fucked. You need to be fucked. You want to give in. You need to give in.” --- Forty minutes later Alec lay on his bed, staring at his computer screen. It had gone dark but he hadn’t noticed yet. His breathing was still slow and steady. His eyes locked on the screen but slightly out of focus. He still had both hands behind his head. His cock lay, soft between his legs, leaking a steady stream of precum onto his sheets. Session 2: Alec had felt dazed when he came around after the first video. He wasn’t positive what had happened, had he fallen asleep? He wasn’t sure. Still he immediately followed the link to pay for the next three sessions, he felt an overwhelming certainty that he had to do the next three sessions. He’d spent the rest of the day in a fog, and had ended up jerking off two more times before falling asleep early. Then next day he felt restless and agitated. He had this nagging feeling that something had happened that he didn’t understand. Yet, at the same time, he felt good. He felt good in his body. There was a warmth to his skin. Touching himself felt electric. Before he’d even got out of bed his hands had drifted down his body and he lay back stroking his morning wood, his eyes closed imagining a man on top of him thrusting into his hole. Soon warm ribbons of cum shot from his cock and landed all over his chest. He trailed his finger through the puddles of cum and sucked it down. He felt a heat radiating through his body. It seemed to pulse slowly, like waves lapping the shore. The heat bloomed and centralized drawing his attention to his hole, which for the first time in his life felt like it was winking open. Though his lust so often focused on his hole, he’d never felt this heat before. It came with a sudden burst of confidence. As lost in the feeling as he was, however, it slowly began to fade, leaving a gnawing feeling of something lost in its wake. That was how it went for the next four days till Alec’s counseling session. He was horny. Horny enough to jerk off a couple times a day. Each time he came he’d feel that heat would sweep through him, focusing more and more on his hole. His muscles would relax, he could feel the tension leaving his body, and his hole would blossom for a brief moment. Then the wave would pass, and the feeling of having lost something magical would appear. He started to crave that feeling of warmth, that openness. He was struggling against that feeling of loss when he sat down at his computer to do his first counseling session. He’d tidied up his room, and pulled on a clean shirt but hadn’t bothering to wipe all the cum off his chest from his last orgasm. Sitting down at his desk his heart was pounding as he clicked the video conference link. Alec suddenly found himself linked with a shaggy haired blonde twink sitting in an unassuming office. He had bright eyes and big grin on his face. Over his button up shirt he wore a white lab coat that gave him an air of officialness. “Hi there, I’m Toby,” he said in a lilting voice, “I’ll be doing your video counseling sessions, I work for Dr. Marks.” “Hi, I’m Alec.” Alec felt awkward. When signing up for this just meant filling out a survey and sending it out into the either without having to think about who was on the other end it had seemed easy. Now that he was confronted with a human being it felt entirely different. “I understand that this can be a little odd,” Toby continued, “But don’t be nervous. I promise you there’s basically nothing you could say that would shock me. Now, I’ve found it easier with this program for me to just be a little blunt up top. It seems to break the ice. So allow me. You’re here because you want to be a better bottom, or you want to become comfortable with bottoming. Is that right?” “Yeah… I…” “Perfect. We can help you with that,” he flashed another dazzling smile. “I just need to know a few things about you which will help me tailor your next video session to your needs.” “Alright.” “Have you ever bottomed?” “No.” Alec felt sheepish but answered as steadily as he could. “Have you ever been with a man?” “No.” “Have you ever had penetrative sex of any kind?” “No.” “Have you ever played with your own ass?” “No.” “So you’re a virgin, but you want to bottom?” “Yeah.” “If you want it why have you never bottomed?” “I’m… well… I’m scared. I’m just.” He took a deep breath and pressed on. “I’ve tried touching myself, but I’m just really really tight. I watch porn of guys getting fucked and it looks so hot, and like it feels so good, but I’m terrified. I think it makes me even tighter.” “I’m sure it does. Alright Alec, that’s all really good information. Now, you watched the first video I’m assuming?” “Yeah. A few days ago.” “Great… great. How have you felt sense then? Has anything changed or felt different?” “Well.” “Anything at all.” “I’ve… um… I’ve been jerking off a lot.” “Alright.” “And when I cum… there’s this moment, like right after I cum, there’s this moment where my whole body feels hot.” “Interesting.” “And in that moment, in the couple of seconds before the heat goes away… my hole… it feels like my hole relaxes. I’ve never felt anything like that before.” “That’s great. That’s really good. After your next sessions lean into that. Relax into that feeling. Don’t try to hold onto it too tight. Just let the waves crash over you. That’s still really good progress though. “Alright. That’s all great information Alec, I think I have enough for this session. I am sending over the link to your next video right now. Please watch it as soon after this meeting as you can. As was outlined in the first video, you’ll get the link to your next one in four day’s time, then we’ll schedule your second session. Things are a little slower here than they sometimes are, and I see from your information that you are local. If you like we can schedule your second counseling session to be person at our offices. I will send you that information too, just in case that interests you. Many of our local subscribers enjoy the more hands on approach we can offer at an in person session.” “Yeah… thank you… I’ll think about it.” “Great! I’ve sent you the link. It’s been wonderful talking with you Alec, and I’ll see you in about a week!” “Thank you! Bye.” “Bye, bye.” Toby closed the meeting, and Alec was left looking at a blank screen. He felt his cheeks flush. He looked at the time. He had nowhere to be for the next couple of hours. Why not watch the video now? He moved over to the bed with his laptop and got his headphones out. On an impulse he pulled of his shirt and lay back onto his bed. Propping the computer up on his knees he clicked the link Toby had just emailed over and opened the video. The screen of his computer went black, then the dot came back, followed by the low drone, and lastly the voice. “Welcome back boy. Take a deep breath and relax. Let the world drift away. Feel yourself floating towards the white dot in front of you. It surrounds you. It fills you. You feel its warmth on your skin. The warm feels familiar now. Feel that warms seep into your body. It spreads through your limbs, opening you up, penetrating you. It relaxes you. Your whole body feels more relaxed. “You’ve felt this heat before. You’ve felt it every time you’ve cum lately. Its been fleeting, but intoxicating. You want to feel it more. The heat is pleasure.” The screen, which had gone completely white as the dot grew, faded to show a man’s hole. It winked and puckered. The skin around it glistened with what could only be cum. “Feel the heat gather in your body. Its become a ball of warmth in your chest. Now it drifts downward, slowly. It travels through your body, taking away fear and nervousness as it moves. In its wake it leaves only peace. Feel it as it moves downward from your chest. Very, very slowly, that heat lands in your ass. It envelops your ass. It causes you to lose the last of the tension in your body. You feel your hole relax. It feels good. You feel yourself blossoming. You feel yourself opening. Its easy. “The heat you are feeling is arousal. The same heat that can make your dick hard can make your hole open. The heat is lust. It’s the lust you’ve felt for men before.” The video changed to a close up of a large thick cock sliding easily in and out of a slick well used ass. “You’ve seen men you want to be fucked by before. You’ve felt this lust, but it’s been squashed by your conscious mind. Now with your mind silenced you feel this lust in its pure state. Let go of your mine. Leave those inhibitions behind. Let the lust take you over.” Session 3: Alec was hornier then he’d ever been in his entire life. No matter what he did he felt this nagging need to be naked and touching himself. It pervaded every moment of his conscious mind. Sitting in class he’d feel his dick get had for no reason at all. More than that, he’d feel the now treasured heat start to rise in his body at random. It would course through him. Like tension building in a spring, it would increase. It made his cock leak, and his hole twitch. He’d never felt those little spasms till before but now he longed to feel them constantly. He knew the video sessions had something to do with is, and couldn’t wait to get to the next one. If things kept increasing like this… he let his mind wander. Thoughts of being fucked had filled his imagination. Before, he’d had wistful musings in the abstract, never anything specific. Now, his day dreams were full of brutal fucking from men of all sorts. Tall men, hairy, smooth, buff, slim, thick, all of them were on top of him pumping his hole. The only consistent thing about his imaginings was that all of these men had thick dripping cocks, that stretched him wide before they filled him with their cum. Alec dumped his gym bag by the door, and pulled his shirt off. His dick was already throbbing. The gym, rugby practice, really any physical activity made his condition worse now. He had left practice with begging his cock to stay soft till he at least made it out of the locker room. He’d only been party successful, but he didn’t think any of his teammates noticed the thickening bulge in his briefs before he could get his jeans back on. Now alone in his room he stripped down to his briefs, grabbed his laptop and felt back onto his bed. He took a long sniff of his pits, basking in the thick musky scent, and rubbed at his hard dick. He opened his porn Twitter and scrolled. A week ago, his porn had been fairly tame, it had really only consisted of guys getting fucked. Now he pulled up the thread of a thick hairy guy with video after video of him ruining his hole. Alec watched, his own hands playing across his sweaty body, as the guy sat slowly down on a wide thick black dildo. The look of ecstasy on the man’s face made Alec’s stomach flutter. He took of his briefs, allowing his dick to spring free. He shifted down his bed and propped his legs up. Still watching the guy bounce up and down on the dildo, Alec’s hands drifted to his own hole. He pulled his legs out of the way and ran his fingers around his pucker. This was now a semi routine part of his masturbatory habits. The first time he’d felt himself shaking as his fingers dragged across his virginal hole. He’d felt the hair that grew in his crack, playing with it, swirling his fingers around before landing lightly on his sphincter. It was tight, and puckered. It seemed impossible that anything could ever enter it. Yet as he watched guys on his computer stretch their holes wide, the warmth had risen inside him till it burst out and his hole relaxed. He’d actually felt the tension go out of his pucker. It has winked open for a moment, and it had been glorious. From that moment on little by little he’d pushed himself. It became easier to find that first moment of warmth, to get his body to relax. Soon he was spitting on his fingers and pressing them against his winking hole. The slickness felt good, it produced yet more warmth. Wave after wave of heat crashed over him, till after three days of toying with himself it finally felt right and he pressed his fingers into himself. It had been as if the sun itself had exploded inside his chest. Sweat sprung up all over his body. Electricity zapped across every nerve ending his mind. Fireworks erupted in front of his eyes. He was fingering himself. Not a trace of fear, or trepidation, lingered in his mine, the pleasure was too great. Now, a full twenty-four hours after Mt Vesuvius itself had erupted in his soul, sending the most powerful orgasm of his life rocketing from his body, it was easy to get his fingers back inside himself. As the man on the screen wrecked his hole with the massive dildo, Alec fingered himself. He twisted his digits in and out, working first one, then another into his body. When he pressed the fourth finger into his ass, now twisting himself like a pretzel on his bed for more leverage, he came without ever touching his dick. He lay there painting, he slipped his fingers from his quivering hole and scooped up his load from his stomach. He licked a little off first, and then scooped up the rest and worked his cummy fingers back into his hole. His head crashed back onto his pillow, his eyes rolling up into his skull, as he felt the warm slickness of his load dripping into his guts. He felt giddy. The warmth he’d discovered relaxed his hole yes, but it had also released him from his own mind. He found his fear of his desires slipping way. Like a voice fading as its origin got farther and farther away. He could barely hear it now. Now, that he’d gotten his fingers inside his own hole. Now that he’d felt the warmth of his own load. He could almost imagine himself actually going through with it. Finally giving in and losing his virginity felt possible. Embracing who he was felt within his grasp. The fear of having to act on his desires was but a whisper that crept up on occasion, but lacked the power it had once held over him. His phone chimed and he looked down at the notification. It was an email from Toby. After their video session he and Alec had been exchanging emails a couple of times a day. The first few had been stiff and formal. It had taken a day of emails back and forth for Alec to get over his nerves at putting his journey down in an email. Once he typed “and I came all over myself with my finger shoved in my ass,” the first time however, the damn had broken. From then on, his messages had been unencumbered by nerves and completely unfiltered. He’d told Toby each time he’d managed to take another finger, of how good it felt to cum with his fingers in his hole. He detailed his fantasies, and confessed to Toby before anyone else in the world how much his rugby teammates turned him on. “After practice, they all smell so good. Sweaty and hot. Its like the air is thick with it. It makes me so horny. I want to lick the sweat off their bodies. I want to feel them against me. I want them to fuck me.” “That’s good,” Toby had responded. “Its good that you’re embracing these fantasies. Let your mind go. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Pressure what feels good. If having a group of guys pound your hole feels good, do it.” “I don’t know if I’m ready for a group of guys to pound my hole,” Alec’s next email had begun, “but it does sound hot. I’m still nervous about getting fucked. I know that playing with my hole feels good. Not just good, fucking amazing. It’s the other stuff. It’s the actually getting with a man. I’m just worried… I don’t know. Its hard to let go of that much anxiety. Its getting easier though. Truly, before the videos I would never have been able to admit that the idea of getting gang banged turned me on. I was too scared to admit that I wanted to get fucked by one guy let alone a whole room of them.” “Honestly you’re making amazing progress,” read Toby’s latest message, “I’m really impressed Alec. Keep going, and give in to what feels good. If a gang bang feels like too much pressure to start, find one guy. Start easy. Here’s the link to your third video session. Given everything you’ve told me I think it would be a good idea for us to do your second counseling session in person. We can really talk. I can probably help you get over any last nerves you might have and you can do your last session here. If that goes well there are some other programs we run here that I think you’d really enjoy. Think about it. Four days from today would be Friday. I have spots open all afternoon. Let me know. Talk soon, Toby.” Alec’s heart was thudding in his chest. He told himself that it was out of excitement for his next video session, which was partly true. The other part, however, the part that he was trying not to think about was his fantasy that Toby would be the one to fuck him in the end. In among all the other mystery men he’d imagined using his hole over the past few days Toby had started to appear. More and more frequently when Alec imagined himself being opened by a fat cock for the first time it was Toby spreading his legs. Toby was a professional, he worked for a doctor, Alec was being invited to their clinic, Toby wasn’t going to fuck him. Still he dreamed. After staring at Toby’s email for long moment, he clicked reply and responded, “Does 3pm work?” Feeling like he’d just done something dangerous he grabbed his headphones from his bedside table, lay back on his bed again, and clicked the video link. The trance came quickly now. The white dot appeared on the screen, the drone filled Alec’s earbuds, and his mind went blank. A soft serene look spread over his face, and his eyes went slightly glassy as if he was very far away. He lay, attention fixed on the screen, with one hand behind his head, as the next step in his transformation began. “Good boy, welcome back. Your progress has been remarkable,” the voice said. “Every day you become more and more the bottom you are meant to be. Embrace it. Let the last shreds of fear drift away. Watch now as the white dot in front of you grows. Feel its heat surrounding you. It envelops you, warms your skin. The heat sinks inside of you. It’s a heat you know. It’s a heat you long for. It relaxes you. It opens you. This heat travels inside you, it swirls around your body. Slowly it centers itself in your hole. You know this feeling now. It is familiar to you. It is lust. It is joy. It is pleasure. Feel the heat open up your hole. Give into it. Feel the pleasure that can come from your hole. It is blissful and overwhelming. Its becoming a need, an itch you must scratch. As good as playing with yourself feels you know you need more. You know that soon you must give in. “Soon, you must release yourself. You must let go of your feel. Your curiosity is too much. The heat is too much. You long to feel a man inside you and soon you must give in. It is the only way. You want to be fucked. You need to be fucked. You need to be used. “You are a bottom. Bottoms are made to be fucked. Bottoms are made to be used. You are a pig. You are a slut. You are a cock whore. You are a cum dump. You need to be used. You need to be bred. Give in. Release yourself. Become who you are meant to be.” Session 4: Alec felt like he was in heat. His libido was in overdrive. He’d never thought it possible to be this horny. Immediately after his last video session he’d felt the heat building within himself and had an uncontrollable urge to play with his hole. Without thinking he’d wet four fingers with his spit and pushed them into his hole. He sat on his hand, his wrist bent at an awkward angle just to get a little bit more of his fingers inside himself. It wasn’t enough. An image floated up from his mind, maybe it was from a porn video he’d watched he wasn’t sure. A massive dildo sliding in and out of a man abused hole. Alec slid his fingers from his hole and grabbed his phone. His hands shook a little in his excitement as he googled where the nearest sex shop might be. Twenty minutes after the third video session he was dressed and heading to the bus. He’d been in a hurry when he’d pulled on his shorts and hadn’t bothered with underpants. He felt exposed now that he was out in public and his dick refused to go completely soft. Still he was on a mission and nothing was going to derail him. Sitting on the bus it seemed like everywhere he looked was a hot guy. He normally tried to stop himself from checking guys out. It only led to thoughts he hadn’t been comfortable with. Now, there was no stopping his eyes from wandering. The burly bus driver’s bulge drew Alec’s eyes, then a guy in loose fitting basketball shorts. A man in trousers with an obvious dick print off to one side stood in front of Alec. His cock twitched at the tantalizing sight. He felt insatiable. Every man he looked at was a potential top. He felt sweaty and overwhelmed when he got off the bus a half hour later in a part of the city he’d never been to. He walked up a block and around the corner. Just off the main drag of the Gay Neighborhood was a little hole in the wall shop, and his destination. He was nervous but his resolve never faltered. He had finally broken through his fear and he knew what he wanted. “Can I help you?” A man asked from behind the counter as Alec walked in. Alec turned to see a big bald man with a heavy beard. He had a thick ring through his septum and was dressed all in leather. Alec felt his mouth go dry taking in the man’s appetence. Thick muscular arms covered in fur rested on the counter in front of him. “I,” Alec pause for a second, swallowed and then said in a confident voice, “I want to buy a dildo.” The man grinned and said, “Right this way.” He led Alec to the back of the store to a wall entirely filled with sex toys. There were dildos of every shape and size, butt plugs, cock sleeves, everything Alec had seen on the internet laid out before him. He scanned the wall, he knew what he was looking for. He could see it perfectly in his mind. There it was. A big, monstrous looking black silicone cock. Without a moment’s hesitation he reached out and grabbed it. “Damn kid, that is not what I was expecting.” “Gotta start somewhere, and my fingers aren’t cutting it any more,” Alec said, with a wicked glint in his eye. “That’s your first…” The door to the shop jangled and the man turned to look towards the entrance. “Wow, alright, anything else kid?” “Nope just this, well and I guess some lube.” “I like a guy who knows what he wants.” The man lead the way back up to the front of the store. Standing next to the counter was a cute jock, probably round Alec’s age. He looked vaguely familiar, maybe from the university guy Alec wondered. “Hey kid,” the store clerk said. “Back for more?” “If you’ve got time.” They guy responded with a sly smile. “For your pussy I’ve always got time.” The clerk gave the jock a lecherous grin and smacked him on the ass as he walked by. Alec was instantly hard. Was the clerk going to fuck this guy here in the store? Suddenly he felt jealous. He wished he was the one about to get railed. “Ok, the dildo, and the lube, sure you don’t need anything else kid,” the clerk said, now back behind the till? “No, uh no,” Alec said, snapping back. “That’s all. Wait!” Alec said, suddenly seeing the jockstraps hanging behind the counter. “That Bike Jock please, medium.” “That’s how you boys all start,” the clerk said with a grin. “Have fun, and come back when you’re ready for something rougher.” He grabbed at his crotch. Alec almost said he was ready right then, but he felt a little self-conscious after already hearing the clerks plans to fuck the jock who was now hovering towards the back of the store. “I’ll remember that,” Alec said, and left. Alec’s heart was pounding the whole ride home, and his cock was throbbing. By the time he was back in his apartment there was a wet spot in the front of his shorts and he was covered in sweat. The arousal he felt at being propositioned by the sex shop clerk had him in heat. He tore off his clothes, and naked ripped the packaging off his new toy. Before slathering it with lube he noticed the new jock he’d dropped on the floor in his haste. He quickly unpacked that too, jumping into it, and then raced to his room. He opened his computer, pulled up a video he’d seen earlier of a guy being gang banged, and got to work. He rubbed lube all over his new toy. His heart thudded so hard he thought he could hear it as he lowered himself down. Shaking he pushed himself against the broad rubber head. For a long moment he felt only pressure, then in a burst of all-encompassing heat, the head slipped in. Alec groaned, it was better than he could have ever imagined. He sank down, resting first on his heels and then just sitting down. He impaled himself of the silicone cock, and let out a long breath. Bliss overtook him. Without realizing it he shot a load into the pouch of his new jock. He felt sexier than he’d ever felt in his life. He felt complete. He felt full. It was perfect. Why had he ever been afraid. Being penetrated was the greatest feeling on earth. His mind was empty, every critical thought overwhelmed by the pure pleasure of finally feeling his ass stretch open. Slowly he started to ride the fake cock. He bounced up and down making the head press into his prostate. He was moaning and whimpering. He was in heaven. For three days every moment he wasn’t otherwise occupied Alec was either bouncing on that dildo or twisting his fingers in and out of his now open hole. The morning of his appointment at Dr. Marks office with Toby he woke up early, already feeling the hunger. He skipped the gym and instead immediately turned on porn and started playing with his hole. The dildo slid in easily. He was use to its broad head by now, his hole opened and welcomed it in. The glorious burst of white-hot heat pulsing through his body as he steadily lowered himself down. He bounced as he scrolled for porn. It felt good to be full. It felt like he had finally unleashed a part of himself. He ran a finger around his hole, feeling his lips stretched around the thick shaft of his dildo. He played at his ring, poking and prodding. It wasn’t easy, but his hole was hungry, slowly he worked a finger in along the plastic shaft. He moaned, and whimpered, now stretched wider than he’d ever been. Slowly he pulled himself off of the dildo, pushing in more fingers as he went. He slicked himself with the lube from his toy as he pressed hungrily into his open hole. Two fingers, then three, twisting and pushing with in him. He pushed back against himself, will his hole to open wider. His pinky made it inside his hole, his hand now shaped like spear. He lent back into it. With his eyes closed he felt his knuckles against his ring. He knew what was next. He’d seen it in porn. He’d watched other guys do this. He just, until this moment, had never envisioned himself doing it. He pushed in with his hand, and out with his hole. There was a long agonizing moment and then… his hand was inside his ass. He was fisting himself. Stars burst in front of his eyes. His head was buzzing. All the air seemed to have been knocked out of him. A thick load of cum had dribbled out of his semi hard dick onto the floor. He fell forward, his chest on his bedframe, his knees still on the floor, with his hand lodged inside his ass. He was shaking. It was the most intense thing he had ever felt. This was what he’d needed all along. He needed to be stretched to the max. His hole still felt loose and used as he sat in the waiting room of Dr. Marks’ office a few hours later. Alec liked the feeling. It was a constant reminder of what he’d done. Every time he moved, even a little, his hole reminded him that it was made to be stretched. There was more though. He’d also found a new resolution he’d never had before. A determination to make something happen that was all together alien and exciting. He was not leaving this office without getting Toby to fuck him. He didn’t know how, but he knew that he needed it to happen. Suddenly there he was, Toby. Tall and slight he came through a door off to the side of the reception desk. “Sorry to have kept you waiting Alec, come on through.” Alec followed him through the door and into a nondescript corridor. It looked like any other doctor’s office, doors opening off of one side of the hall. Toby led him down to the last room at the end of the hall, and then closed the door behind them. “Have a seat,” Toby said, gesturing to a couch along one wall. Alec sat, his heart pounding in his chest. “How have you been?” “Great!” “The sessions have been working?” “More than I could have imagined,” Alec looked down at his hands, and smiled to himself before continuing. “I told you in an email that I bought a dildo.” “You did…” “Well. This morning I went even further.” “Did you have sex with someone?” “No. I was riding my dildo and then I started fingering myself too. I was riding it and pushing my fingers in. Eventually I got off the dildo and worked my whole fist inside myself.” “Wow. I’m impressed. How did it feel?” “Fucking amazing. Oh my god. I never thought… it was glorious. Now I feel so loose and open, and,” he made eye contact with Toby hoping he was getting his point across, “ready for anything.” “Ready for anything? That’s an interesting way to phrase that. Now, Alec, you’re here in person today because last time we talked I mentioned that I thought you might be right for some of our other programs here. Before we go too much further with your counseling session, I want to talk to you a little about those.” “Alright, sure! If they are anything like what I’ve been doing I’m in.” “The one I’m thinking of is much more rigorous but in the same vein. The fact that you’ve already fisted yourself just from the basic bottom training hypnosis makes you a perfect candidate. Being part of this program would mean twice weekly session here at the office, possibly moving up to three times a week. You’ll also need to be comfortable around our staff, this program requires regular physical exams, that will necessitate you being nude.” “I’ll take my clothes off right now if you like,” Alec was on the edge of his seat. His determination to get Toby to fuck him becoming a desperate clawing need. “Oh really?” said Toby, his eyes glinting. “You want to show off your new-found skills?” “Possibly, maybe something else…” “What is the something else? Its important that you ask for what you want Alec.” “I want to get fucked.” He paused, “I want you to fuck me. I’ve been thinking about it since we first talked. I want you inside me.” “Perfect. You’ve done so well Alec. Here,” he handed him a clip board with a sheet of paper on it. At the top it read ‘Bottom Boy Training.’ “Sign here at the bottom of the page, this is the consent form for the next program.” Without reading a single word on the page Alec took the paper and scribbled his name. “Good boy,” Alec continued. “Take off your clothes.” “Really?” “Really. I’m going to give you what you want. Then Dr. Marks, and his assistant are going to come in and take their turns on you. And when they’re done we’ll start your next session. A whole new world awaits you, all you have to do is strip.” Alec tore his clothes off. He didn’t hesitate. He tossed his shirt off to the side, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his pants. Then, dressed in only his jock he looked, panting with excitement at Toby. The twink smiled, and undid his button-down shirt. He was thin and smooth with little round nipples. The only hair on his torso besides his pleasantly bushy pits was a wide and wild treasure trail that disappeared into his slacks. Alec’s mouth was dry as he watched Toby unbuttoned his pants. Toby kicked his shoes into a corner before pushing his pants to the ground. For a moment they both stood there in straining jocks, Alec’s white and Toby’s bright pink, before Alec made a move. He dropped to his kneed and grabbed Toby’s narrow waisted. Unprompted he pressed his face into Toby’s crotch and for the first time in his life came into contact with another man’s penis. A thin piece of fabric was now all that separated him from his quarry. He pulled the pouch of Toby’s jock aside and was almost smacked in the face as Toby’s dick sprung up. Alec wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he imagined Toby’s dick but it wasn’t the monster in front of him. Thick and wrapped with veins the throbbing purple head pointed straight at Alec’s mouth. He opened his jaw as wide as he could and swallowed. He gulped and panted, as he worked more and more of the beast into his mouth. Toby made little sounds of encouragement, and put his hands on the back of Alec’s head. “Good boy,” Toby cooed as Alec coughed and spluttered. “Get my dick nice and wet. Show me what a good bottom you’ve become. Show me what a good drone you’ll be.” Alec would have happily choked himself into unconsciousness on Toby’s cock. After a lifetime of wondering and fear the release of finally getting what he’d wanted was euphoric. Toby, in the end, took control of the situation and hauled Alec to his feet. He looked at the big desperate rugby jock in front of him. If only his teammates could see him now, Toby thought. Alec’s face was red, his eyes watering, and his cheeks and chin were smeared with spit and cock juice. He looked ravenous. His big furry pecs were heaving with his quick panting breaths, and though his cock seemed to be soft in the pouch of his jock the fabric was soaked through with precum. “Bend over the table,” Toby instructed. Alec did as he was told and bent over, presenting his hole to Toby. The twink got behind Alec and spread his big hair covered cheeks. His hole was pink and tender. Alec had clearly been telling the truth, his hole had been through worked out recently. Slowly he knelt down, and still spreading Alec’s ass wide, he dove in with his tongue. Alec practically screamed the first time Toby’s warm wet tongue flicked across his hole. He’d thought that playing with himself had been blissful but this was otherworldly. He felt the heat again. It flowed through him like lava. It set his nerves on fire. At the same time, however, it made him open and pliable. His eyes glazed over just a little, and in the back of his mind he heard a voice say “you must release yourself. You must let go of your feel. Your curiosity is too much. The heat is too much. You long to feel a man inside you and soon you must give in. It is the only way. You want to be fucked. You need to be fucked. You need to be used. You are a bottom. Bottoms are made to be fucked. Bottoms are made to be used. You are a pig. You are a slut. You are a cock whore. You are a cum dump. You need to be used. You need to be bred. Give in. Release yourself. Become who you are meant to be.” “Fuck me,” Alec groaned, “Please! Toby! Fuck me! I need it. I need to feel you inside me. I need to be bred! I need to be used.” “Good boy. Listen to the voice, let the training wash over you. Give in to pleasure.” Alec heard Toby spit, then felt something new against his hole. It could only be one thing. Though he’d never felt it before he understood instantly what it was. Toby’s cock was pushing against his hole. Alec pressed back, and Toby’s cock sunk a few inches inside him. They both moaned. “Good boy,” Toby said pushing more and more of his dick inside of Alec. It was bliss. It was everything Alec had ever wanted it to be and nothing he had feared. Being fucked was the greatest thing he had every felt. He was overwhelmed by it. His body was on fire and he never wanted it to end. He bucked back on Toby’s dick desperate for more. He lost himself in Toby’s pounding, giving himself over. Toby grabbed Alec’s big muscular hips and hammered himself into the jock’s hungry hole. Dr. Marks had trained Toby well. He knew what he had to do. Even though Alec was an easy subject, already willing and interested, you still had to really pound them the first time to make the training stick. If Alec was to join the other two in the next stage he had to breed him hard and fast. Sweat dripped down Toby’s narrow frame and he ravaged Alec. Alec moaned and whimpered, his hole his only focus. He grabbed his own ass cheeks pulling them apart for Toby trying to get him deeper. “Please fuck me, please, please, please,” he said over and over again. “I’m going to breed you boy. Are you ready to take your first load?” “Yes! Please breed me! I I’m a cum dump! I need to be bred! I’m a pig! Give me your load!” “Good boy. Take my fucking load!” “Yes!” Alec shouted as for the first time ever he felt a man unload inside him. His guts suddenly full of warm spunk. He felt every pulse and thrust of Toby’s cock. A thick load pulsed from his own forgotten dick, filling the pouch of his jock. He let out a satisfied sigh, and collapsed forward onto the table. “How do you feel Alec,” Toby asked. “Amazing.” Alec sounded hazy and blissed out. “Are you ready for more or do you need a minute?” “More!” “Good boy.” --- “Welcome to Week One of Bottom Boy Training. You’ve done so well. We are so proud of you. You’ve come so far. You’ve given in. You got over your fear and now you understand how good that feels. You’ve let yourself be who you are. You’ve become the bottom you’re meant to be. You’ve become the piggy, cock hungry bottom, cum whore you’re meant to be. You’ve experienced the joy of being bred and now you know how much you need to be bred. Taking loads is what gets you off. Wrecking your hole, your cunt, is what gets you off. You long to be stretched out and pumped full of sperm. Its who you are. Relax. Let your hole open. Let your lust grow. Let your depravity grow. Give in. Become the insatiable cum dump pig cunt you’re meant to be. You know how good it feels, why fight it?”
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  39. CHAPTER 5: Diving into the deep end The wait wasn’t long and the instructions were direct. I was told to take one of the pills and shower. “Get a deep clean man”. I was so nervous. Things had escalated so much more quickly than I had intended. I had told him that I was free all day. He knew where I was staying. Like, he delivered a bag of strange drugs to my door. He must have connections in this town. I felt my phone vibrate. “You take the pill yet? You have 60 minutes to get ready, then you are turning over control.” Fuck. I stood there for a few minutes. My dick was throbbing and I kept making gestures towards one direction or another, all the while standing near the small table in the room where I had thrown the contents of the brown bag. Another notification. “Don’t hesitate. You want this. Strip off and take a hit of poppers, that will help. ”. It was like he was here in the room watching me. I checked the time, it was still really early in the day. I could theoretically get fucked up (and fucked) and still come down and have time to rest before going to work tomorrow morning. I wasn’t likely to make a good first impression, but here I was. I grabbed a bottle of poppers, opened them up, and took a hit. We all know what that first hit of poppers feels like, especially after a really long time without. I took a deep hit and they bowled me over. I started to moan and had to sit down at the table. I felt my hard cock bouncing for attention, but I was told to not touch it so I went for my nipples. I felt my tongue starting to come out of my mouth, in a wide open position. I was gooning. I was horny. I was giving up and giving myself over to temptation. I grabbed a pill and swallowed it. I didnt even know what it was. From my position of tweaking my nipples and feeling the popper haze, I saw another message come in. “You now have 50 minutes. Better be getting ready bitch. Update me” I wrote back. “Yes sir. I took a hit of poppers, im naked, and I swallowed a pill. Im going to go get ready now.” He told me I was a good boy, but I knew better. I wasn’t good. I was bad and it was going to get worse. I showered as quickly as I could and did my best to get a deep clean and prep for whatever was going to come next. The heat of the shower, the excitement of the moment, and the pill were having an impact on me. I started feeling fuzzy, warm, and tingly. I figured this was some form of molly or ecstasy, it felt familiar. I have been here before. Cleaned up and feeling eager, I took another hit of poppers, did my best to avoid my rock hard cock, and checked my phone. “You are going to submit. You are now under my control until 10pm tonight. You will be able to rest and recover and I will make sure you can get to work tomorrow, but you understand, you are now going to do whatever I ask? Once you say yes, you wont be able to say no. Do you understand?” I didnt hesitate. “Yes, sir”. “Good. There is a van outside waiting for you. Take it. Wear a pair of shorts, no underwear, a tshirt, and nothing else. Bring the brown bag and treats. Text me when you get to the car. Be quick. We dont have all day. ” Walking was beginning to be a bit tricky. I threw on sunglasses, my swim trunks, and a loose tshirt and headed out the door with the brown bag through into my messenger bag with a phone charger, a change of clothes, and a bottle of water. The van was out front, all windows tinted black, I couldn’t see the driver. I opened up and saw there was a barrier between the front seats and back, the centre of the van was completely empty, and there was only a far back seat. I went back, sat, down, buckled up, and texted.” “Here sir.” Instantly he replied. “Good boy. How ya feeling?” I felt the car start to move. Texting was beginning to get hard. I replied I was good, starting to feel fuzzy, and that I was a bit nervous. “Thank you boy, for telling me. We will take care of you. Take a look under your seat. Ive got a surprise for you.” Inside was a blindfold. There were many fuzzy thoughts going through my mind. Given any other circumstance, I think I would have resisted, not gotten in the van, not even answered the original text message. But this wasn’t any other circumstance. I was now high, horny, and in the back of a van being driven by a stranger, to an unknown location. I didnt even let anyone know. I didnt have much time to think any more about it. “We wont be long till you get where you are going. I have a friend coming to meet you. Take off your clothes, put your phone in the bag, put on the blindfold, and wait. Hold onto the poppers, use as much as you’d like and do as instructed.” No thinking. No hesitating. Just giving in. I did what he asked. The rest of the drive was uneventful except for the thoughts running through my mind. My cock was rock hard and it was nearly impossible to not touch it, but I suspected I was being watched, so I tried to follow instructions as given. I could feel the terrain change and the van slow down. Just as the van was coming to a stop, I took a few huge hits of poppers. I knew I was going to need them. I heard a voice. “Get out”. A rough hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the van. I landed hard, but on soft ground. I also wasn’t feeling any pain. I felt light and free, even though I couldn’t see. I felt cool air running over my body. Everything felt hypnotic and I was feeling great. I must have looked ridiculous, a tweaked out and moaning blindfolded fag, on the ground, naked, with a with a leaking hard on. I was grabbed by two separate sets of hands and arms, and told to get up and to go with these people. The voices were deep and the commands were direct, but in my state of mind, everything felt pleasant. I felt a huge slap to my ass and I almost fell over. “Come with us, we will take care of you”. The deep voice sent shivers through me. Who were these people? How did they know the guy I was texting. What have I done? I was being pulled forward. I walked as best as I could, but that pill and my nerves were getting to me. “We have taken you to a private spa. You are going to have some fun with our friends. Your master has given us strict instructions to take care of you.” My master? They must have meant the guy I was texting. The stranger from the phone. I was definitely out of my comfort zone, but I also didn’t care. I could hear doors being opened, locks being undone, and the sounds of us moving through a space that sounded tight and long, like a hallway. There was a deep pulsing soundtrack playing, plus sounds of sex, maybe porn? Another lock, another door. I was pushed down onto a soft but firm surface. I could smell poppers being placed under my nose. “Take three deep hits fag”. I did as I was told while I was coached through it. I felt warm and silky, sexy and ravenous. I wanted to be ravished. The poppers were left in my hand. “Take these whenever you want, but especially when we tell you.” I had enough range of motion that I could move my hands to my head, but not much else. My hands were fastened apart and in front of me, it felt like I was being tied to a bed. My feed were fastened as well. I was ass up, face down, blindfolded, and high. I was living my fantasy, the one I so often looked up in porn back in the day, before trying to clean my life up. But I was feeling so out of it and high that I wasn’t sure all of this was real. The slap on my ass and the rough hands spreading my cheeks though? That felt real. “What a fine and tender ass you have here slut. We are going to use you good.” I felt a liquid being applied to my ass with a thick finger. It tingled, then stung, then felt warm and hot. I could feel myself loosening, even though Im typically too tight to get fucked. One finger became two, then eventually three. I could feel myself being prepped. This was going to be an adventure. “Suck it”. A heavy and thick dick was placed at my lips. All I could do was open up. A thick drip of precum fell right on my tongue before a semi hard uncut dick was thrust into my mouth. “Yeh fag, you are going to take so much dick.” I felt the fingers being removed from my loose hole as the dick in my mouth grew to a full erection, hard, leaking, and wet with precum and my saliva. I took a hit of poppers. I could suspect what was coming next. I felt the head of a dick being placed at my hole, followed by a quick and deep entry. I tensed up, even with the poppers and the high, I was still feeling some nervousness. But it didnt hurt, it just felt like pure raw pleasure. I let out a deep moan around the dick in my mouth. “Fuck ya slut, you love this dont you?” I could only moan again in response. I could feel things escalating. My high was changing. I wasn’t just fuzzy anymore, there was a harder and more intense edge. The guy inside my ass started deepfucking me. “Gotta get you ready for more dick.” This unknown man fucked me for a few minutes while the other man fucked my mouth. All I could do was take it. They switched places and I got a taste of the dick that was in my ass. It was smaller than the dick I was sucking, but rock hard, cut, and with a thick mushroom head. He throbbed as he moved around my mouth and throat. I felt the other dick being placed at my hole, with my cheeks being spread apart. He teased me a bit, and somehow I could rationally know I should be a bit apprehensive, or worried, especially given his size, but I didn’t feel any worry. I started to push back on his dick. “Oh you want it don’t you?” I slid back as far as I could given the restraints and the dick in my mouth. I had never felt so full before in my life. But also complete. Like there was no other place I should be but right here and right now. He picked up the pace and started deep fucking me. I was being thrust in rhythm between the guy in my ass and the guy in my mouth. Few words were spoken, mostly just moans between those in this moment. I was beginning to wonder if there were people watching. I had no idea what kind of room I was in, but I couldn’t care. I just wanted to focus on the cocks and the experience. Both of them were grunting now. I was being tossed around, making it difficult to hit the poppers so I avoided them. That was about to change. The guy in my ass stopped fucking, holding himself deep, while the guy in my mouth pulled out just enough to have his head resting on my lips and tongue in an open mouth. “Take four deep hits of poppers.” It was a command. Breathed out in a growl. The poppers were taken out of my hands and put up to my nose, with a hand closing off one of my nostrils. “We will tell you when to stop.” The poppers were held up for four, deep, and intense hits. I had never huffed so hard. I was flying and existing in outer space. I could barely hold myself together. I became just two holes. A mouth for swallowing and an ass for breeding. I had a brief thought about condoms, safe sex, and the risks of everything involved, but it was washed away in euphoria and pulsing through and outside of my body. I was getting used. The guy in my ass planted himself deep and let loose with a loud grunt. I felt him tense up and shudder, when the guy in my mouth grunted, pumping a load in my mouth, then pulling out to my tongue and open mouth, and painting my face in jizz. The guy in my ass shuddered a few more times, pulled out slightly, shuddered again, then fully pulled out. He slapped my wet hole a few times with a loud slap, then backed up and away from me. The guy in front of me rubbed his still hard dick over the cummy spots of my face, rubbing more of it into my mouth with the head of his dick. “Yeh man, good start. We are just getting started though. You ready for more?” I just whimpered. They both got off the mattress or bed, or whatever I was on, and moved away from me. I heard them chatting slightly as it sounded like they were putting on clothes. I was warm and sticky in multiple places. I could feel my rock hard dick leaking below me. I was slightly gyrating on the mattress, rubbing my dick against the surface, slick in precum. I felt a hard slap on my ass and then my hair being pulled back. “I dont think so faggot. You don’t cum unless we want you to, you got it? We are going to send these pics to your master, then we are moving you to the maze.” I forgot about the text guy. This was all his doing. Just a day ago I was living a life that felt purposeful and like I was on the right track. Now I was back to where I was a year ago, but even worse. I loved it. I needed it. “Yeh, he is gonna love these shots. Alright boy, come with us.” I was unlocked and picked up at the arms again. I couldn’t walk, so I was stumbled and dragged forward. After a few moments I was pushed through a door, and I stumbled forward and fell down. I felt like I was going to pass out. While I started to reposition myself, I felt an arm come around my neck and hot breath behind one of my ears. “Have fun in here. Be a good slut and do as you are told. You are going to need to be able to see for this next part.” He pulled off my blindfold and I struggled to adjust to the light. I couldn’t see well, but I could start to see when I felt fingers going in my hole again. This time I felt the tingling sensation, or something like it, but no pain, just pleasure. “See you later fag”. He pulled out, pushing me down again, and I heard a door close and lock behind me. I rolled around a bit, trying to push myself up. I felt more energized and eager than I did when I was last getting fucked. I looked around. I was in a dark hallway, lit only by ambient lighting from some unknown source in the ceiling above. Above me was a metal mesh, with dark ceilings beyond the screen just out of my sight. I could hear sounds of sex, coming from all around me, but just soft and barely noticeable. The music was still playing a steady electronic beat, with sounds of fucking coming from the music as well. As I pushed myself up I looked down the hall and could vaguely make out a figure. It was a man, wearing a leather harness, a heavy leather cock ring, and a hooded mask. Being as high as I was, I wasn’t sure if what I was seeing was real, when he beckoned me towards him with a gesture. I guess I was really in the deep end of it now.
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  40. At a sex=party I typically join the smirking DISBELIEF crowd when an old-school, nervous 'safe sex' player mumbles something about 'oh fun, let me find a condom'. That shit won't get me. I want me sex RAW, bb, BAREBACK, skin-on-skin as in DEVOUTLY UNSAFE and anxious to accept or share random DNA. Won't know his name, his 'status' or possibly what he 'looked like' in a police line-up... but if I see or hear anything about CONDOMS I hop up and out like it's KRYPTONITE! OOPS look at the time! I politely decline!
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  41. That's a good next part... and it would still leave it open to what happens after he does go home... But follow your muse... it is OK to surprise us.
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  42. At 16 by my brother's best friend. I was a sophomore, he was a senior and we were both on the football team and he was an asshole but hot as hell. He coerced me into sucking him which eventually led up to him fucking me. I kept letting him do it for fear of him outing me. Can't say I didn't enjoy it though.
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  43. Cheating after my first 3some The first time my bf and I decided to try being open was during a bear event in Dallas. This was my first bf and my first bear event so super inexperienced. Most of the week, passed without anything crazy. Couple of flirtations here and there but nothing concrete. Our second to last day there I met this guy on GROWLr who was a “chaser” and was into both me and the bf. After a couple hours of hanging out and flirting etc we decided hey let’s try this. After some conversation, the guy let’s us know he’s positive but since my BF and I only play safe with others this wasn’t a big issue. After the bars we came back to our hotel room and everything passed pretty hotly, the guy fucked me and so did my bf, the guy safe and my BF raw. The guy came inside me, inside a condom and right afterwards my BF came inside me raw. We bid the guy goodbye and were settling down for bed. After a few minutes we notice that the hookup left his phone in our room. I happened to know which room he was in (one floor above ours) so I really quickly got dressed in shorts and a shirt (no underwear) and ran the phone up to the guy. He answered the door very quickly, said his roommate was asleep but thankfully my knock did not wake him up. We got to chatting at the door and I was letting him know what a good time I had and that I wish I was able to take his load the same way I did my BF. The guy asked if I ever played raw but I told him that going into this weekend the bf and I agreed that safe play was the only way to go. After a few minutes of chatting at the door, the guy asks if I want to come inside. I ask him about his roommate that is sleeping and how we can keep talking inside? He tells me he has no plans to chat anymore if I come inside the room. Instant boner and without even thinking, I’m taking his hand and following him into the dark room. He pulls me immediately into the bathroom and starts making out super hotly. Arms and hands are everywhere and I can feel his Dick pressing against my stomach. He asks if I emptied out since taking my BFs load and I tell him that I haven’t had the opportunity yet. That seemed to really turn him on and he immediately starts eating me ass. I am in ecstasy as his expert mouth works my hole back to being lubed and ready for dick. After a few minutes he stands up and without asking me, just starts pushing himself into me. I immediately remember he’s poz but before I can even say anything he’s balls deep in me, thanks for the BFs load inside me. He feels so so good that I just lose control. He turns off the lights in the bathroom, turns on the shower and just starts going balls deep in me, withdrawing all the way to the tip and back in me again. I can’t even object as he pounds his raw dick into me. I feel his pace increasing and hear his breath and suddenly he’s holding my arms down, almost to the point of pain and starts slamming into me, hard. I’ve never felt myself be so open and receptive to someone as much as I am now. He whispers in my ear that my ass is his and he’s going to give me his special gift. It wasn’t until afterwards that I realized my begging for every drop of his gift was inviting him to blow his toxic load deep into me. I left the bar leaking out his load and only hungry for more.
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  44. Chapter 6. On the drive to the sex club, Sam kept working my boy’s cummy hole with his buttplug. We parked and pulled his shorts up, an obscene stain of wet seed oozing out around the plug. We went in the backdoor of a bar and down a steep flight of steps. Sam said to me, ‘I figured he’d like it anonymous, knowing how he feels about blindfolds and strangers’ cum.’ There was an attendant there checking names off a list. Sam confirmed that the cops had reserved a spot for my boy to take ten loads. They’d set up an ad with pics and told multiple men that they should save their loads for the guy in the red jockstrap. Sam led us down a dark hallway to a room with wooden partitions, waist high shelves and circular openings. He told me to wait there and took my boy around a corner. My boy’s legs came through the opening as he shimmied towards the opening, leaving his jockstrapped ass cheeks right at the edge and his legs hanging there. Sam strapped him into place on their side of the wall. I could hear Sam kissing my boy through the wall as I worked that buttplug in and out. I noticed a marker hanging on a cord right by my boy’s ass and shuddered when I realized guys might use it to tally up his load count. Sam appeared and I helped him hoist my boy’s legs into place, exposing his hungry hole. Sam pulled the plug out and pushed my face into the sloppy spillage oozing out. Several POZ loads mixed with ass juice. It tasted delicious. As I feasted on his ruined pussy, Sam smeared some seed on his fingers and forced them into my ass crack. I moaned as Sam tapped my shoulder, and I noticed several men milling about in the darkness. Sam took the cummy buttplug and lined it up with my ass. Already lubed with frothy cum, it slipped in, my boy’s assjuice and cum lube seeping into my own guts. One after another, the men walked up to my boy, worked their hands and cocks into him, leaving him more gaped and more cum-filled than he’d ever been, the whole while Sam teased my ass with that cummy plug. Ten men did indeed breed him that night, and Sam assured me that they were all toxic. He hung around and took photos of the raw dicks sliding into my boy’s greedy pussy. After every other guy, I lapped up what was pouring out of my boy’s ruined cunt. Man #1 – Short and just-this-side of heavy, olive skin, short fat uncut cock with hairy balls. Came deep inside as I massaged his furry sack. He left the first tick mark on my boy’s ass. Man #2 & 3 – They seemed like a couple, one older, one younger. The older guy was nearly bald, saggy pecs and butt, but a big, long slender dick. His partner slid into his ass while the older man rocked back and forth. He pulled out to shoot on my boy’s ass. It was runny and wet. The younger guy smeared his partner’s cum onto his dick and fucked it into my boy. Two more ticks. Man #4 – A really worked out guy with pumped up muscles, sweaty from head to toe. His dick was pretty small and spongey soft. With my boy’s hole so opened up, he mashed it into the cummy mess and my boy’s hole just engulfed it. He had a big biohazard tattoo between his shoulder blades. I was actively helping a man with a biohazard tattoo raw fuck my boy. He held still while my boy ground his ass onto it and then leaked his load out. Another tick mark. Man #5 – He was beefy, maybe mid-40s, shaved head, wearing a harness. Sam kissed him and guided his dick into my boy. He held the man’s harness and rammed him back and forth into my boy. As he filled my boy up, Sam kissed him hard, then whispered to me, ‘this is the cock that converted me. He’s still unmedicated…’ He was so sexy. As he made a stroke mark on my boy’s ass, bringing the load count to five, ‘Sam tells me you’re getting you boy POZ fucked and stretched out.’ I nodded. ‘Bring him over to my play den sometime. I’ll really stretch him out for you.’ I nodded, hoping Sam would make those arrangements. He added, ‘Your ass is begging for toxic seed too. When can I breed you?’ Sam told him we were still working up to that. Man #6 – Maybe a skater, slender tall guy with tight jeans. He shuffled them down just far enough to slide into my boy’s ass. When he finished, he pulled back. His whole crotch was soaked with seed. I only noticed the scorpion tattoo near his pubes as he started to pull his pants up. He made a new tick for my boy’s sixth load. Man #7 and #8 – The cops showed up, but they’d already bred my boy tonight, so they don’t count, even though they did slide in again, stirring up and churning all of that seed in my boy. They had brought along two friends. These guys were big and covered in tattoos. Sam told me later that they were on parole and the cops kept a close eye on them. They each filled my boy to the brim and each left a tick mark. The cops hung around, lapping at my boy’s pussy then tonguing my hole, lubing my plug up with strangers’ cum. Man #9 – A guy in his 20s, maybe still in college. He looked pretty geeky with floppy hair and glasses, but between his legs, he sported a huge cock. With my boy so stretched it, it slid right in. The guy smiled at me and brought my hands to his dangling low-hanging balls. The guy told me to put them in. I didn’t understand what he was asking, then realized he wanted me to put both his balls inside my boy. That was hot. With both his balls in my boy’s puffy cunt, the guy hammered away and lost his load. He hefted his balls out then wrapped his cock with his hand and put them both inside. He left another tick mark, pulled out with a torrent of seed, and walked away. Man #10 – This guy was hot, sunken cheeks. Big hairy saggy ass. He smiled at Sam, then looked at me. ‘Did you hear this pig’s story? Got himself a boyfriend. The boyfriend helped him become a real slut, even taking POZ loads. So nasty. Sounds like that boyfriend deserves to be filled with POZ cum too!’ My dick drooled at the thought. The man grunted and came deep inside my boy, leaving his load and a tenth tick mark. With ten loads churning in his hole, Sam helped me unlatch my boy’s legs. He suggested I offer the buttplug to my boy. I had forgotten it was even in me, alongside many POZ loads. I pulled it out and eased it into my boy. Sam went around and helped pull my boy back through the hole. I heard them kissing and whispering, something like, ‘Yeah, it’s time…’ The three of us kissed when they reappeared around the corner. Sam led us to a dark room with a double height fuckbench in the middle. Sam guided me to the lower level and had me lay on my shoulder with my ass up, exposing my stretched-out hole. Having been plugged all evening, I felt the cool air inside my own cunt. Sam helped my boy to the upper level, squatting over my open hole. Sam pulled the plug out of his pussy, and my boy released over ten toxic loads in a gush, directly into my own hungry ass. With my own hole fully loaded, Sam worked the plug into my ass and then produced an even bigger one and rammed it inside my boy. ‘There you go, boys. Now, both of you are filled with POZ cum. This is what you both wanted, yeah?’ Sam drove my car back to our place and spent the night. In fact, he spent the next several nights. He now comes by whenever he wants to. With both of our holes ready to accept all cummers, Sam regularly breeds both of us and often brings his friends. I love when a stranger lays down, my boy squatted over his cock, and I get to insert it right into his ruined hole. We still keep a jar of gloryhole seed; it makes the best lube. When I’m harvesting cum, I sometimes let guys cum inside me so I can squeeze it into the jar while my boy watches. I’m glad I was able to open my boy up to his darker fantasies, and that we now share them. The End.
    1 point
  45. This is a re-write of an earlier story a few months back as I felt I didn't do it justice. Hope you like this one. Part 1 - Legal & Ready That Saturday afternoon he sat naked with just the towel covering his modesty, the silence in the steam room was frequently interrupted by the vent of lightly scented steam being released, a few seconds later it shrouded his young body in a mythical mist as droplets of sweat ran from his neck and across his chest. Ethan placed the palm of his hands on his smooth chest and rubbed it in, he guessed that was what you was suppose to do after all it was his first time in a bathhouse. Deep within the mist shuffling could be heard which signalled that he was not alone, but the dense mist made it impossible to make anything out, he rested his head back and closed his eyes savouring the light floral scent in the steam, his thoughts on what to do if someone made a move on him. He had never had a sexual encounter with a man before and he desperately needed something to happen, but for now he relaxed and enjoyed the heat in the steam room. Ethan would be celebrating his 18th birthday on Saturday and as a present to himself decided that he would finally venture out of his conservative family surroundings and in to the gay world. He lived with his parents in Sterling Ridge part of Harrison in Westchester County. His father Jack was a successful business lawyer and his mother Ellie, well if they had a series called Housewives of Westchester then she would be the starring role. His sister was the apple in the eye and could do nothing wrong. Ethan though was ruled over like an iron fist, throughout his child hood his movements and actions were carefully planned maximising his education, his father had already decided that Ethan would be taking the legal route. To be fair he was actually pretty good at it, smart and passing all his exams with flying colours. Albeit he was a frustrated closeted teenager, he was only allowed to attend specific parties with other families who lived in Sterling Ridge, but as he hit 16 he had a little more freedom but still kept by the rules, he was able meet up with his small circle of college friends. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Ethan was a catch and his mother was lining up local girls that he should become acquainted with, mostly to elevate the families social standing in the community. Ethan stood an average five feet eight inches, perfectly built with a natural muscle tone for his age, his blond hair and blue eyes gave an almost Hollywood appeal. The best part was that he looked much younger for his age and packed a nifty seven and half inches in his underwear. It had been a long week at college and finally Friday was here, he sat in the sunshine with his two closest friends Ben and Javier who were all planning their weekend activities and keen to find out what Ethan was doing to celebrate his birthday. He told them they would celebrate the following week as he had plans with his family already. Three older guys walked past and said hello, one of the guys Adam was in many of Ethan's classes and he only knew him to say hello to and nothing else. Ethan made eye contact with Adam who smiled and walked off quickly chatting to the two other lads. Adam turned to his friends commenting "I do wonder about Ethan and if he is sitting on the fence." Tony glanced back at Ethan and then to Adam "Dude I could so trash his ass" the three laughed. "Not until I have had him" Adam lightly punched Tony as they continued on their way. Tony ruffled Adam's hair remarking "I don't think he is even legal yet." The three laughed out loud and Adam glanced back at Ethan which didn't go unnoticed by him and his friends. Ben shook his head "What was that all about?" "My brother has told me some stories about those three" Javier replied. Ethan looked at Javier "What do you mean?" looking curiously at him. Javier laughed "Better watch your back Ethan don't bend over in the shower or you might get a surprise." Ben laughed loudly "Seriously, I heard the same thing" he said looking at Javier who nodded. "How come I never find out these things? Anyway Adam is on the baseball team he is to straight to be gay," Ethan replied. Javier laughed "It's not baseball balls he likes to play with." Ethan sat there and wondered if they knew, no how could they, was he giving off some invisible gaydar signal. He brushed it off thinking that there was no way Adam would know, but then he wouldn't mind if he did as Adam was one of his fantasy encounters. Classes over for the week Ethan said his farewells to Ben and Javier and walked the 20 minutes home, he wanted to get his assignments done as they were due Monday morning so he headed to the study to make a start. He was halfway through when his mother walked in. "Ethan have you decided what you want to do this weekend?" she sat opposite him. He looked up "If you don't mind I would like to go out with my college friends." putting his pencil down. She looked at him and smiled "Well if your sure, we are going to beach house at the Hamptons if you want to join us." Ethan smiled, he did love it there but he replied "I'd love to, Mom, but I have too many assignments I need to get finished." She stood up "Of course, dinner will be ready in an hour" she replied standing up and turning to leave the study. Ethan went to his room early and got his laptop out, he had already done some research on the web and found a bathhouse that was easy to reach from Harrison and just on the outskirts of the Bronx, best part was that it was reachable by train. Ethan would watch a lot of gay sex clips on pornhub, usually whilst enjoying a little masturbation at the same time, he would pay particular attention to the act of penetration and how they seemed to enjoy it. Ethan was lulled in to a false sense of understanding that taking a cock would glide seamlessly in, something he would later find out to be untrue in many ways. He was looking at the bathhouse website, the place looked pretty clean and welcoming and he now knew the route to the building from the train station off by heart and that it would only take 10 minutes to walk. His anticipation and excitement was growing, he would be far enough away from Harrison but still close enough for regular visits if it goes well. He hit the back button on his browser and scrolled down the search engine results and found a page that had reviews for the bathhouse so he clicked on the link to see what people said about the place. The first few reviews were pretty standard 'Great place to chill out, clean and friendly' and 'Busy place and notorious breeding ground', he thought for a moment before realising it must mean plenty of sex going on. He continued reading some other reviews until he hit a rather peculiar one 'Nailed by the Angel of Death, holy fuck was it good, tried for a second round but refused access to the cock', he read it again thinking it was a rather strange review but then read the next one 'Great mix of hot guys but way to many tops vying for bottoms to breed'. He sat there looking at the screen, hindsight would have been a great thing at the time but when sensibility, adrenaline and lust clash, sensibility had no chance of winning and so it was with Ethan as his cock was pointing up ready to hoist a flag on. Above all his naivety he had learnt a bit about men and the dangers of the gay community, more specifically around biohazard and scorpion tattoos and what they signified. Angelo closed the lid of his laptop and headed out of Manhattan back to Larchmont after the business meeting. At 25 he was a successful software designer who put himself through education and developed one of the most sought after business to business software products, so much so that he only licensed it to companies he liked in order to keep it relatively exclusive so the could leverage a premium on licensing. Companies paid top dollar for it making Angelo a little money so he had moved himself out of the Bronx to the exclusive Larchmont coastal suburb. An extremely attractive guy who stood six foot and of Puerto Rican descent, on the outside he was professional, pleasant and simply looked like sex on legs. Underneath he was powerfully built with amazing biceps and six pack you could grate carrots on, he worked out in his home gym every day. Both arms adorned with tattoo sleeves and across his back a fallen Angelo holding two biohazard signs. Angelo had been poz since he was 17, at first he bottomed for many Latino men in the Bronx but by 19 he was topping and breeding unsuspecting guys, he found he liked nothing more than sharing his gift. He kept a close eye on his viral load which was bordering just under 700k, for some strange reason his CD4 count had only lowered by 100 keeping him pretty healthy. His eight inch cock was quite thick and of ample proportion, his balls hung low enough to get a good slapping sound going when fucking hard and deep, plus they were built to deliver copious amounts of toxic seed, some guys referred to him as the 'Tap' due to the amount that would fire repeatedly from his cock. For him his life was almost complete but the one thing that alluded him was a lover, men just wanted him for his reputation and could not see past the outside to the real Angelo. As he walked in the front door his mobile phone rang, the company he just met with wanted to sign the contracts tomorrow and asked if he could make it in to town for 10am, of course he was going to as this would be his biggest customer yet and would make sure he was set up for life. He placed his mobile down on the dining room table and smiled thinking that as a celebration he would head to the Bronx bathhouse in the afternoon on the way back to see if there was any new ass to breed. Saturday morning was awash with bright sunshine and the early June temperatures were set to rise to 25c, Ethan seriously considered changing his mind and going to their house in the Hamptons for some beach time. As he wandered downstairs the rest of the family were all set to leave but they were waiting for Ethan so that they could give him his birthday cards and presents. He stood outside the house waving the family off as they drove along the tree lined driveway on to the main road, Ethan turned and walked back inside closing the door behind him. He smiled to himself thinking that not only am I 18 today but I am also officially gay. He quickly finished the last of his assignments and headed out for the short 20 minute walk to Harrison station, it was a hot walk so he was glad to be in the air-conditioned carriage of the train as it rattled out of Harrison towards NYC and the Bronx. The short 25 minute journey gave Ethan time to think over how he play this afternoon out, he had read one of the reviews which advised if you don't want sex then keep your towel over your cock. He also remembered to look out for biohazard and scorpion symbols which were to be avoided at all cost, believing he was well prepared for his adventure he sat back and enjoyed the train ride. Before long the sprawling Bronx suburb was passing the windows as the train began to slow down coming to the station. Angelo shook hands with the CIO of the company as the memorandum of understanding was signed, he had done his due diligence by making sure that the company supported the community in specific areas so was happy with his decision. Angelo was a very complex character, on his business side he would only work with companies who gave back to the community and they had diversity policy especially with LGBT and racial equality. As he parted the CIO informed Angelo that he would get all the legal documents in place in a few weeks to be officially signed with legal representatives from both sides. Angelo walked towards the metro his mind on sex, his sexual side may be notorious, but his personal level was never shown to anyone outside of his own family or close friends. Angelo slipped beneath the streets of Manhattan to the subway and boarded the train towards the Bronx, he sat down smiling to himself about the deal, he chuckled every time he thought about the money involved but also shook his head in disbelief, one thing for certain he was going to buy his family a new house and move them to Larchmont as he had promised many times to his mother and father. Ethan turned the corner of the block and stood outside the front door of the bathhouse, he got a little jittery and watched for several minutes as a hot guy walked past and went inside consumed by the dark window less door. He told himself now or never Ethan, gingerly he took a few steps forward and reached his arm out to open the door. The warm air hit his face as he stepped inside only to be faced by a second door with a camera over the top and a button to the left. He tried the door but it was shut solid, he pushed the button and heard the lock on the door click. It was a heavy door that required some effort to push it open, as he stepped inside he found himself to be in a small reception room with a clerk standing behind the counter his name badge showing him as Brad, he was in his late 20's, tattooed and buffed with a blond pony tail and dazzling green eyes. "What can I do for you bud?" Brad asked looking Ethan up and down. Ethan had no idea what to say "Urrmm, bathhouse." Brad laughed "I need to see two forms of ID buddy to make sure your old enough." Ethan fumbled around and handed over his student and drivers cards "Here, actually I turn 18 today." Brad took the ID and was silent for a moment "Are you sure you want to be here?" Ethan looked stunned "Oh, what do you mean?" he asked. "Do you think you can handle yourself with all the men down there?" Brad asked looking Ethan in the eye. Ethan nervously laughed "I don't know, but I can keep my towel around my waist." Brad laughed again "Okay, I hope you know what your doing, here you need to sign this disclaimer." Ethan looked down "What does it mean?" "It just waivers our responsibility for anything you may get down there" Brad replied handing the pen to Ethan who sighed "Lawyers," as he signed the release, returning it and the pen back to Brad, asking "Do I pay now?" Brad smiled "$20 bud, then I let you in." "Here you go," Ethan handed over the bill and the door to his left clicked open. "Come through" Brad told Ethan. Ethan pushed open another heavy door and found himself inside a bar lounge area that was warm and pretty cosy. In the corner drinking sat a group of five men who gave Ethan furtive glances and watched as Brad handed Ethan two towels and a locker key and escorted him to the changing room. Brad pointed out the steam, sauna and private rooms on the lower floor along with the showers. Brad patted Ethan on the ass and told him to enjoy himself before turning to resume his duty at the bar and reception. Ethan looked around at the empty locker room and very shyly got undressed and placed his possessions in the locker along with the spare towel, carefully he secured the other towel around his waist and walked back in to the lounge area and handed Brad his locker key. "You all set bud?" Brad asked checking out Ethan. Ethan noticing this blushed "Yes" he looked Brad in the eye who gave him a smile and a wink. Brad watched Ethan make his way to the steps leading to the lower floor, his gaze utterly fixed on Ethan's ass through the towel, only to be interrupted by the door buzzer going off. Brad turned and headed back to attend to the new visitor. Brad grinned at seeing Angelo standing there "Angelo nice to see you, how are you?" Brad enquired smiling at him. "Good man, just closed some business and thought I would stop off on the way home" Angelo replied. "Just had a cute 18 year old arrive Angelo, first time and I think a virgin" Brad winked at Angelo. Angelo smirked and handed over his $20 bill and Brad let him through, he still had the biggest crush on Angelo and usually fumbled around whenever he was in the bathhouse. Brad leaned over the counter top and his thoughts floating away at the thought of being fucked by Angelo in a sweaty long passionate love making scene with him. He snapped back to reality, like most he knew Angelo was a one time fuck only, he never really could understand why he was like that. Brad smiled to himself thinking he was probably to scared of commitment or getting hurt. Angelo returned and handed Brad his locker key as he began to fumble around seeing this nearly naked fine specimen of a body stood in front of him. Angelo winked and smiled at Brad as he headed off towards to the steam room.
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  46. Here’s Armond reeling in a big catch.
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  47. Right there with ya.. Right now, I'm definitely in heat..
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  48. It's not seasonal for me but I definitely have these "in heat" moments, such as when I would invite guys one after the other to breed me, hop from one threesome/orgy to another throughout the day, or when I can easily take in my buddy's big black dick with just spit as lube. I call these "hongry" --- hungry plus horny --- moments.
    1 point
  49. Will be there on 13.09. to take toxic loads. Any AIDS fuckers going to be there?
    1 point
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