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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. All good, don't mind the slow build at all, keeps us hanging for a lot more 👍
  2. Hot last chapter when the penny dropped LOL. Hopefully the story continues mmmm
  3. shit hot
  4. hot hot hot
  5. Mmmm do we get to see a bit of flipping here?
  6. hot, next please
  7. That was soooooo good, thank you. I look forward to your next opus @losolent
  8. Going to be interesting to see how your story develops. Great beginning
  9. Just reread this one, still hot as fuck
  10. Well that was a hot story, was hoping for more. Perhaps if you get the urge to continue sometime I am sure it would be appreciated
  11. Wow have I just cum back to this story, read it ages ago. Still fucking hot the 2nd time around. Would have been great to see it continue a bit further, Mark's conversion and acceptance and journey. Maybe even a spin off into the hunting for more neg holes by Jamie and Hector.
  12. Another great chapter in the making
  13. Yes I realised that after I had posted comment. 🙏
  14. Now that was fucking hot - doing the Devil's deed in a church mmmmmmm
  15. You thinking of continuing this hot story sometime? Love to hear your cub's journey.
  16. And the next target is!
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