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I was apprehensive about this trip to the small town where I used to play with the other kids instead of party with the adults. I had just turned 19 a couple of months ago and even though I was now legally an adult, I was a bit chubby and not very confident in my body at this point in my life. It felt awkward going to a new year’s party that my parents usually attended. I was normally left at my parents friend’s house to play with the other kids around the small town or just relax and hang out, do whatever I wanted within reason of course. They were mostly my dad’s friend’s but mom still spent time with them as well, and Harold and Vivian were very nice hosts, and very kind to me when I came to visit with them. Vivian was very motherly, and like a grandmother to me. Harold was very butch, stern but very kind. The burly bear kind of guy who didn’t take shit from anyone: he was stocky, and very hairy as salt and pepper hair busted from the top of his shirt near his neck, and he had a big beard and mustache as well, also grey but it gave him a very dignified look. I remember looking at the chest hair flowing out of the top of his shirt before and thinking it was kind of hot when I started to get older. I can almost hear my dad now: “ come on boy, it will be fun! For a change you can drink and enjoy the music at the shed party with all of us!” I told him I didn’t want to, truthfully I wasn’t big on drinking but I DID want to get away from home and hopefully find someone to have some fun with. Mostly a virgin, I only had a dildo I bought online up my ass before, besides one guy I had the pleasure of getting fucked by with a condom on but his cock wasn’t that big. My dildo was bigger, and I was really in the mood to try and meet someone with a cock maybe my size, perhaps a little bigger to see how it would feel having the REAL thing fuck me when it wasn’t 4 inches long. My own dildo was about 7 inches, just an inch bigger then my own cock and not too thick so I was able to slowly, over time get used to taking it comfortably. I didn’t expect to find someone at the shed party we would be going to… instead I had installed grindr on my phone, and took a few minutes to setup a profile in hopes I could meet a guy, hit it off with him and go over to his place. I am an adult now after all, I can take care of myself! We were just pulling up to Harold’s house when we saw Vivian was out on the front porch having her smoke. As soon as we stepped out she greeted us enthusiastically: “oh you are here already? I just got supper on now and Harold is up to the guys shed just up the road getting things in order for tonight! They are hanging Christmas lights all around the inside and outside of the shed, putting in speakers from the club…” As she talked to my parents, I dismissed myself to go in and shower, I planned to prep good so I could be all clean in case I managed to get a chance at having some fun later! I opened up grindr when I had finished my shower and was surprised to see quite a few profiles in the area, not a lot in the small community I was in, but it seemed like at least 5 or 6 men were online now and 3 of them were somewhat close! I checked a few of them out but one profile stood out to me: he had no picture posted but his profile read “looking for a guy interested in taking my cock since it is too big for the missus. Discreet and in need of someone to drain my balls, they are heavy and I cum big loads” Right away, I messaged him intrigued, his profile was unlike the others here and I wasn’t into the twinks around here, I wanted an older experienced man and I had hoped I found him. When I heard my phone go off almost immediately after I set it down I thought I hit the jackpot, he messaged me and said: “Hey. I checked out your profile… I like em a bit thick. You don’t seem like you are from around here huh? That works out good for me since I am married to a woman and have a daughter as well but we have not had sex in years. I need someone to discreetly take my cock and make me feel good… do you have any pictures to share?” My heart jumped but I was so excited I didn’t even think about who it might be or the consequences of sending a picture of myself to a man I had just started speaking with. I immediately took a selfie of me with my back to the mirror and my ass in plain view as well while I was slightly bent over so he had a nice view but it wasn’t revealing my asshole. As soon as I sent it he replied almost instantly “wow!” but nothing else. Despite me asking if he liked it, he didn’t say anything for a few minutes, so I got dressed and went out to meet everyone and chat with the family and friends before the big get together. I had chalked it up to this man wasn’t serious or interested in me, so I put it out of my head and thought to myself ill check the app later but just try and enjoy the night… My parents had told me before leaving that they were invited to another shed party to entertain for a while, my father played guitar and a lot of folks here enjoyed his music so he and my mother opted to go over on the other side of the community, before telling me to have a good time and not to drink too much. Harold and Vivian were more then happy to “keep and eye on me” over the course of the night and said that if I was tired or wanted to call it a night, to just go down into the house later and I thanked them profusely for this as I had planned to have some fun hopefully later, and as long as my parents were not around I could smoke as well as have some drinks without any judgments! I enjoyed smoking weed when I could get my hands on some, and I knew someone would have weed on them at the shed party, every year even when I was younger I could smell it off the older men coming in and out of the shed when they went for “smoke breaks”. After arriving, talking to a few guys and getting into the swing of things I stared to feel out of place a bit. Most guys and girls were enjoying the music and dancing and drinking but it wasn’t really my scene I enjoyed. The party was in full swing, people were still showing up and you could hear some snowmobiles coming up by the shed as well. Some people here didn’t care about drinking and driving… I didn’t really like that they did it but you can’t tell them anything or they get mad with you, so I kept my mouth shut and decided I would head out for a smoke break and check grindr without prying eyes. Maybe someone had gotten back to me and I could try having some fun. I went outside and a couple guys I knew were having a joint and passing it around the skidoo they were chatting around so I maneuvered myself over to them and eventually got a few puffs off the joint, as well as them asking me a few prying questions but letting me smoke with them. Once they left and went back inside I was left alone, and I pulled my phone out only to find a couple messages by the guy who had previously messaged me. The first one said: “might be busy later, let me know what you want to do? Then the second one jarred me, he said: “are you zack?” That was my name. I know I sent him a picture of me with my face and ass in the shot while I was naked in the bathroom but who could possibly know me here on grindr?! I looked at his profile again. His profile read 7 feet away. He was at the same shed party I was. For a minute I was frozen in the cold winter night outside, not from the temperature but from the message I had received and what my brain was trying to process. Who could possibly be here that knew me on grindr? I didn’t know any of these people were gay or bisexual, they all acted straight as an arrow and most seemed even a bit homophobic to be honest. I was more then scared now after getting high and felt like going back inside wasn’t an option… then I thought about what he had said before: the man was discreet and had a wife and a kid. He most likely didn’t want to be outed, so I should be safe going back in for another drink. Who knows, it might calm my nerves and maybe ill send him a message back and see where it goes? For now I just wanted to clear my head so I went back in and spoke to a few guys and spoke to Harold as well, he asked me about how I was enjoying the party so far and I said something nice while trying not to let on how nervous I felt. While idly chatting I couldn’t help but feel eyes on me. Someone was watching me but I didn’t know who or where, I just felt it and after another drink I felt like I needed some fresh air. That man from grindr was still in my head and I wanted some answers so I went outside, only to find 2 guys having a drink on their newer looking snowmobiles, they shouted out to me but I ignored them and wandered away from them and checked my phone. Grindr guy was gone! His profile disappeared, as if he had blocked me. I felt even more uneasy and noticed 4 more guys exit the shed, and then light a joint and start passing it around. One of those men in his forties who i had seen before over the years was just STARRING at me. If looks could ignite a fire, he was starting a blaze. I stopped looking at them and decided not to go and join them and ask for a hit, something about that group made me nervous so I stuck by myself. As I put my phone away, the two men on their snowmobiles passed me by, saying happy new year and other nice things on their way past me back into the shed, so I was now left alone outside with the group of men. The guy staring at me earlier called out to me: “eh, you want any of this bud?” I was shy but responded: “Umm, no thank you.” Him: come on over, I seen you looking. Have some of this, that will loosen ya up and help you relax. You seem like ya need it bud! My brain was firing off warning signs and red flags but I felt like if I said no now they would think I am weird or something Me: if it’s ok with you guys? Yeah ill have a hit. Him: come here, you having a drink too? Me: no, I had a few earlier but I haven’t opened another one yet. Him: BRETT! GO GET THE YOUNG MAN A FUCKIN BEER! I made it over to the group, as as the guy named brett resurfaced and handed me a budweiser, I was trying to figure out why this guy was familiar. He seemed like a guy my dad may have been friends with, and I seen a handful of times over the years but never had any real interaction with him until now. The man who spoke to me passed me the joint for a couple hits and then spoke up again: Him: name is frank. Think I may have seen ya before, you are jamie’s kid right? All grown up now if you are here drinking with us hey big guy? A couple if the others chuckled at that remark but I confidently responded: Me: yeah, that’s my dad. My name is zack. Nice to meet you guys, thanks for the puff. I don’t get to enjoy it much. Frank: nice! Yeah it’s good stuff, john grows it himself. Brett: be careful, it might knock your socks off if you ain’t careful hahaha! John: ah let him finish it. I got more where that came from. Enjoy it zack, see ya around later? I got a nice broad here who wants to dance with me heheh… With that, john and brett walked inside, leaving me frank and another guy outside while I finished the joint. I was really starting to mellow out and forget about the grindr guy, the weed was helping me relax and feel good and I was starting to like the party more if some guys had some good weed they wanted to share with me. While I was finishing my beer with the last few hits, unknown guy spoke up: “Hey I’m going to head inside for a while. Its fuckin cold out here haha you guys coming in a minute?” Frank: yeah man in a little bit. Might just have a cigarette and go use the washroom down the hill at the house before I pop back in. “Alright cool. Catch you later” With that he disappeared inside as well and almost immediately I felt the vibe shift as frank looked at me intently. I could swear I seen him before… was he one of my dad’s friends? I was starting to feel very buzzed and most my thoughts were not sober ones anymore, I found myself wondering what grindr guy meant when he said “wow” and if he blocked me BECAUSE he knew me after asking me my name and I did not respond to him immediately… I also wondered what his cock looked like, he had asked me for a picture of myself but never reciprocated. I felt slighted that some man whose identity I was unsure of had seemed to know who I was, they even had a very revealing picture of me while I had nothing of them and had no idea who they were. Frank broke my thoughts and the short silence: Frank: so what kind of snowmobile do ya got? Or did you walk here or get a ride? Me: I uh, don’t have anything special or fancy like some of the guys that pulled up here… I walked up. Frank: you walked up eh? Are you staying very far from here? Me: I’m staying at Harold and Vivian’s, they are pretty nice to me. I realized he was asking me a lot of questions and was wondering what he was getting at, so before he had time to probe me further I asked him the first thing that I could think of while I was high and a bit tipsy that could direct the conversation away from me. Me: So what kind of snowmobile do you have? Nice. Real smooth, I thought to myself. You couldn’t think of an original question to ask him? Frank: A 700 mxz, want to see it? I parked it just around the back, there’s not enough room out front for all the skidoo’s that are here tonight… Me: I’m surprised so many people will drink and drive on snowmobile… Frank: Yeah they do what they like here. Cops don’t seem to bother with it, too many people do it so they don’t fuckin care. Come on. With that, he started walking around the corner of the shed and I found myself following him, around the side where there was tracks for the sleds parked back here, and then to the back of the shed, there was a small clearing for a bunch more snowmobiles that were parked in a row here, but the rest of the area was enclosed by trees. Nobody would see us here unless they came around the back themselves… Frank: there she is. Purrs like a kitten too. Want to go for a ride on it? Me: ummm… not right now. Maybe later? I felt like leaving the party and going somewhere with him wasn’t a great idea right now. I didn’t feel like I knew him well enough at this point although I was sure I had seen him around scarcely when I was younger, and I was starting to sense some tension in the air. The skidoo itself was nice though, it seemed in very well kept condition and I always liked the style of those mxz’s they looked cool I thought. Frank: *grumble* ah suit yourself. I think I need to take a piss. Before I could respond to what he had said, he had his fly down from his snowsuit and dug his cock out of his jeans to show off what looked like a BIG uncut cock that must have been 5 inches soft, followed by 2 nicely shaved balls that looked plump and very full. I was buzzed and more then horny for cock at this point, but was shocked and unable to form words right away from what was happening, he started to piss and I started to think about how it would look fully hard, but both frank and myself noticed I was staring as he was mid-stream and he spoke up: Frank: Can’t take your eyes off it eh? Most of the bitches here are like that too. Hardly any of em can take it though. I even gave up on the wife when she complained and I wasn’t even halfway in yet! Hahahaha! You like what ya see boy? Being called “boy” seemed to do something to me the way he said it, almost as if it was endearing. I felt myself blush hard but I didn’t respond right away, so he continued while pissing like a racehorse: Frank: You seem like you like my cock, and from what I can tell from that picture you sent me earlier I like what you have going on yourself. Didn’t think you were gay but you got a cute ass, makes all the men crazy and the women jealous I bet hahaha! So HE was grindr guy! He was the guy who disappeared after I sent a picture to him and he asked for my name! seemed to be getting off on my squirming and could see I was conflicted but horny. Me: u-uhm, don’t you have a wife and a daughter? I stammered out a sentence while he was finishing and I noticed his cock twitch and throb a bit, growing a little even on the cold outside air. Frank: Ya, the missus never puts out anymore. And I can’t get you pregnant so I don’t have to worry about another kid! Although trying to knock you up sounds like a lot of fun heheh. You like my dick? He was asking me if I liked his cock while I was at a shed party with a bunch of straight people who didn’t know I was gay. I could hear the music thumping and people laughing and having fun just inside, but out here nobody seemed to know what was going on just out back of the shed. He started playing with it and jiggling it towards me, as if trying to entice me. Me: I…. Really like your dick frank. It looks really nice… My voice trailed off when I realized I had betrayed myself and told him I liked what I was seeing! Then again he seemed to be into me too, so what was the harm in that? Frank: Ya want to suck it? Me: What?! Here??? Frank: Hell yeah, right here. Why not? Me: What if someone comes looking for us? Or what if someone comes out to their snowmobile… Frank: Nah, nobody is leaving the party this early, it’s only around midnight… besides the washroom is what most people use to take a leak haha! They don’t come behind here. If anyone leaves the shed we will hear them opening the doors out in front. Frank stepped over to his skidoo and sat on the seat of his MXZ, cock still hanging out and now growing harder by the second, he must really be horny! Frank: Now I know you want this, so why don’t you get over here and make use of your mouth and get me fully hard? It’s going to need a warm place to slide into after being out in the chilly air like this heheh… ------- I didn't want to make a post that was too long, but let me know if you guys want to hear more!
Justin had just broken up with another girlfriend. This is the third one in a year and a half. Struggling and fighting his urge to be with a guy, he had played with a few guys on vacation and in between girlfriends. Sucked a dick here and there and jacked off with buds while they watched porn and even fucked two guys. He had secretly hoped a couple of the jerk off buds had been interested in fucking him and often jacked off to it. Most of the time Justin searched for guys online to talk to and jack off about and with. One guy he was talking to Mark in California asked him if he had ever been on BBRT, just asked what that was and Mark told him he needed to check it out. He sent him a user name and password, Mark used this account when he was whoring out a bottom and told Justin to use it for now it's paid for and check out all the hot guys there! Let me know what you think? Just spend the next three days searching profiles and he found lots of hot guys and really huge dicks on the site, he started reading the profiles and not just looking at the pictures and he found that a lot of the guys were POZ. Just started to quickly close the profile once he realized a guy was POZ. For the next three day he enjoyed BBRT and jacked off several times a day. Mark hit him up while on BBRT from his profile. The exchange is below: Mark : Hey little slut, how is it going? See anyone you want to fuck or get fucked by? Justin: Yes, Justin had written down the names of several guys who he wanted to fuck him, he gave him three names! Mark: Nice, I see you want to get fucked. You only sent me tops. Good pics bud! Too bad they are are so far away. Justin: Yea, I have never been fucked but really want to try it. Mark: Too bad I am not there, I would def help you out. Justin: I have you on my list, your pics are amazing and that huge uncut dick makes me want to suck you till till you cum. Mark: You would be on your knees in second of me walking into you place and I would be using your throat deep before I fuck and load you. Justin : OMG that would be so hot, If you are ever here I want to do just that. Mark: Be careful what you wish for! Justin: I am so horny know, I really need to jack off but I have to go to work. TTYL Mark: Yes you will! Mark starting searching form some guys to start breaking in little Justin. The first guy Mark lined up was a young white guy with a thin 8 inch dick. Mark sent him a message and a few others guys. It was not long till his first choice hit him back saying, we are both tops not sure this will work.
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English is not my mother tongue so please excuse my typos etc. Part I It was a normal day for Daniel. Boring work in the office, small talk with his co-workers during coffee break and couch and Netflix afterwards. The only thing that seemed somewhat exciting was his online activity. He had several profiles on all the gay dating websites and apps. Most of them were anonymous, showing no pictures of his face but maybe one or two of his body. After all he was proud of his muscles and liked to show them off a bit. Most of the time he only tried to get some dick pics from other users online, to wank too, or exchange some hot videos. At 25 Daniel was somewhat afraid of real sex. He came from a very catholic family and was always told, that sex without being married or even worse gay sex, would lead to STIs which would then lead to certain death. Even though growing up he realised that this was non-sense, the fear of him catching anything remained. The few times Daniel had sex; he was very cautious of being safe. Condoms were used basically for everything, even wanking and he only got penetrated once by a friend in college. He did like it, but his friend was too annoyed of always covering up for the smallest bit of interaction so that they eventually stopped their intimate relationship. For the last year or so Daniel didn’t meet up with anyone for sex, and even though he was horny basically all the time he only ever wanked to videos people sent him. He preferred bareback videos, they seemed forbidden and hot at the same time. He loved stroking his dick while he watched “Assbreeder82” fuck yet another twink. “Assbreader82” was an online user on one of the dating websites Daniel was using. One of the only ones that didn’t stop writing after they realised, that Daniel would probably never meet up for actual sex but was only hunting for more videos and pictures to wank too. Quite the opposite was the case, he called Daniel his little fan boy, and whenever he fucked another guy and filmed it, he sent it to Daniel. They had been doing this for quite a while now, and Daniel watched “Assbreeder82” fuck quite a number of guys, always bare and always cumming inside their unprotected holes. “Assbreeder82” was a daddy-type kind of guy. He was quite hairy with a well-defined torso and a beautiful cock that must have been about 19 cm long and quite wide. He certainly always stretched the bottoms hole and a number of them complained that it was to thick. He however didn’t seem to be bothered by that and simply held poppers under their noses and told them they knew what they were getting themselves into. While Daniel was laying on his couch, checking his messages and settling in for yet another evening at home, he got a message from “Assbreeder82”: Hey fanboy, what are u up to tonight? Daniel got excited, Assbreeder82 only contacted him when he got new content to watch and Daniel could really use some excitement today. Nothing much, just chilling on my couch. Got any new vids for me ? He didn’t have to wait long for a reply. Not quite, but I do have something more exciting for you! Interested fanboy? Daniel was curious what his chat partner was up to. It was unusual for him to be so mysterious, their chat was usually rather flat. Him sending him a new video and Daniel replying with praise and horniness how amazing it looked. Nethertheless he answered. Oh a surprise for me ? You bet I am interested coming from you. The familiar sound of him receiving a message followed shortly after. You’re in luck, I am fucking a twink today and would like some audience. So you will join us today. I know you do not want to get involved and I am fine with that. I respect your boundaries… at least to some extent. But unless you show up today and prove to me you are a real fanboy; you will stop getting videos from me. You can film or just watch, that’ll be up to you but there are no clothes allowed. Here is the address, and that is the boy I will be inseminating today. Be ready for some nice pig action, and don’t bail on fanboy or should I rather say …. Daniel- While reading Daniel had been getting quite horny, but after reading the last sentence he was in shock. Daniel never told Assbreeder82 his real name, nor did he give up any information that would clue anyone who he was in real life. Yet this man new his firstname, and if so who knew what else. He was in a state of excitement and horror and surely horny as fuck. He realised, that he loved the power Assbreeder82 seemed to have over him. He liked the demanding tone the message had and most importantly, he couldn’t wait to see the main character of all his wanking fantasies, fuck right in front of him. Daniel got ready. This would be an exciting day after all, he thought. Then he left his apartment. More to cum 😃
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When I was in college, I was still mostly closeted and only hooking up with guys from a few discreet websites like a4a. I had one top guy convince me to get fucked, despite my "total top" attitude and desires. Pictured: me and Phil, the top The first few times we fucked the condom broke and he flooded my ass with cum, always making sure to point out how much better it felt for both of us. That is probably why I didn't give it much thought when he stopped using the condoms after that. He also helped me get into drugs and sex as a perfect pairing, and with his help I slowly worked from poppers to lines of coke and even some tina booby bumps that he called "butt blasts" and told me they were totally safe and organic suppliments meant to make my butt have (and receive) a blast! He even convinced me to bring in other guys on our play sessions, despite my fear that someone I knew might end up at the door. It never dawned on me that anyone who showed up would have also agreed to take part in gay sex with a relative stranger. To put me at ease he often sent me the photos and stats of other guys before inviting them to join us and that kept me from freaking out when I recognized a few from around campus. Usually I automatically told him no way when it was someone I knew, but after seeing the conversations some of the guys had with him online, I often found myself agreeing to meet and play. I knew there was a risk of being outed but the reward seemed far more tempting when he got them to describe their wildest fantasies, especially when they sent photos of themselves with fingers or dildos up their asses and even the occassional shot of their faces covered in cum or with some dude fucking them. This made me feel bolder about my own ability to get away with illicit sex behind my girlfriend's back, so I joined a few more sites my top friend had recommended to me, and one in particular that I had been too freaked out by before that time, a site known as bareback real time sex or Most of you probably know that site to be a more perverted hook up site than a4a or the others of the time, which is precisely what excited me but also what kept me from joining until then. Once I was on there, I often saw a profile for a self described straight but curious jock guy who, like me, was a sophomore at my school and, according to the site, he lived close enough to me to have his location show up within 300 ft of my dorm room. I checked out the guy's photos every chance I could and got hard enough that I used his profile to jerk off nightly or whenever possible. It turned me on to read about his experiences which were limited to one night of anal play with a married older couple that started with the wife eating his ass while her husband sucked his dick and ended with the wife fucking him with a strap on while he sucked the husband to orgasm. He had no other frame of reference for sex with men but wanted desperately to try anal play again, only this time he hoped to get to fuck a guy's ass. The most surprising part of his profile was his insistance that he use a condom when playing since he had a girlfriend, and I am guessing that was what had kept most guys from contacting him since he was on a site with bareback in the name. I had tried contacting him a dozen times, but he always disappeared right when I messaged him, and I figured he was either all talk or a straight guy and his friends who were using the profile to look for queers in the dorms, so I gave up. Imagine my delight and surprise when my top buddy sent me the profile info and chat transcript for a guy he was trying to hook up with and it was the same straight guy! Their emails revealed that the kid was terrified of being outed due to his gf as he had mentioned but also due to fear he might lose his baseball scholarship. The more they corresponded the more I came to see that it was his status on campus as a jock stud that he was desperate to maintain and why he only talked with guys who didn't have anything to do with the university. In some of the emails they exchanged, my top friend Phil told him about his "nephew" (aka me) who he described as a straight guy who dropped out of college and was curious too. He made the guy horny with details of how I came over regularly, slowly progressing from jerking off and smoking pot to recent sessions where I had sex with a few bottoms, then getting fucked by him and another hot top. He had then sent the guy pictures of me fucking a few guys but my face was cropped out or blurred in all of them. School guy responded with pics of himself from the neck down in his jockstrap or jerking off. Then Phil sent photos of me taking his cock, again with no face, and school guy sent a video of himself jerking off onto his computer screen, specifically my photos. The guy from my school, who told Phil his name was "Dick Butz" lol, was really interested in meeting and fucking me, especially when Phil offered him some drugs to help get us in the mood and promised "Dick" I would even be too out of it to remember his face. Dick thought that was the best plan ever and was practically begging to do it after hearing that. Phil said he would set it up but only if he could be sure "Dick" was for real, so even as reluctant as he was, he finally sent some photos of his face in their most recent chats. I was filled with shock and desire when the photos revealed him to be my good friend and poker buddy Tyler, star of our school baseball team and notorious pussy hound. I'd had a crush on him since the first time we met freshman year and my crush had grown everytime we saw each other, making it almost an obsession. When he hosted poker nights, I always found an excuse to use the bathroom at the same time as someone else which meant I would have to use the one off his bedroom, allowing me to grab his underwear or cup and jerk a load into them. As I looked at photos of his nude form that he'd taken using his cheap ass phone and cheaper webcam, I was drooling and amazed that he still looked awesome in each pic. I went back and zoomed in on every shot featuring his rock hard ass, cut abs, hefty circumsized hard on, massive balls, and then stopped to drool more over his face with his dimples and goofy jock grin. Just as he always did in life, he wore a cheap watch in each photo and a cubs cap that was so worn we used to say it would disintegrate if he ever removed it, and I kicked myself for not seeing the watch before. Phil was still reluctant to get the guy to join us because no matter how much Phil objected and tried to talk "Dick" aka Tyler into going raw, Tyler was dead set against it and finished their last correspondence with a sentence detailing how desperately he wanted to spend a night brutalizing phil's nephew's butthole, even offering to pay for the opportunity, but his only firm rule was if he had to go without protection then he wasn't interested and they might as well stop talking about it altogether. I was not about to let that happen, and immediately told Phil that I knew the guy and begged him to get Tyler to join us. Once he knew about Tyler's sports skills and reputation as a ladies man he told me he would overlook Tyler's obsession with condoms and went to work to set it all up. Since Tyler was still nervous about meeting a guy his age, Phil suggested that all three of us could wear hats and sunglasses to keep our identities secret. Still Tyler was wishy washy about setting up a date to do it until after a poker game one night that we had at a mutual friend's house the day before halloween. When the host came out wearing a cheesy brown Mullett wig with a bandana attached that he planned to wear to a costume party the next night, Tyler seemed to have a sudden need to cash out and go home. Phil texted me on halloween and told me Tyler had emailed him and agreed to meet up the following weekend with an attached photo of himself that he took that night in a similar mullet wig (this one blondish yellow), wife beater and sweats. Apparently he bought his costume that day, and thought he would be unrecognizable enough that he even sent a photo in the get up but left his obscenely large stiff cock pulled out to make the image complete. Originally Phil and I had thought we would have to use the surprise tactic and some of Tyler's photos to coerce/blackmail him into going through with fucking me once he saw me at Phil's house, but now that Ty planned to wear the mullet and a pair of sunglasses, I decided to follow suit, pulling out a wig I wore when I was Superman at a costume party years earlier, and a mardy gras mask that covered from the top of my forehead to the tip of my nose, leaving my nostrils and the mouth fully uncovered. Even the eyes had a see through mesh fabric covering them, so I felt sure I would be completely unrecognizable too. Phil told Tyler to come around 10pm that Friday night and asked me to show up around 9, while he told Ty I wasn't going to be there until 1030 since I wasn't off work til ten, that way Tyler could meet Phil and the two of them could get high and drink before I arrived, which sounded good to Tyler. He also told Tyler that I was really shy and wouldn't talk much because of my self consciousness about a stutter that I suffered from. I couldn't have him recognizing my voice and ruining the plan. The night before we planned to meet Tyler, Phil had me come over and wear the wig and mask and made some vids on his phone of he and I fucking around, taking a lot of photos too, especially of his bare cock inside my tight hole. Thank goodness he had because, just as phil expected from a straight scared newbie, Tyler tried to text and cancel about two hours before he was scheduled to show. Phil acted like it was no biggie but told Tyler that "Mark" (my fake name) would be disappointed and sent Tyler some photos of me sucking Phil's 8.5 inch dick and when Tyler still waivered he sent a couple of Phil fucking me, and finally he sent a video of his big dick sliding out of my bubble butt and spewing jizz all over my naked body. By the time I got to Phil's house, Tyler was back on board and was hoping to have me there even sooner so we could fuck ASAP! Phil and I spent 45 mins hiding two cameras of his plus my camcorder in the bedroom, then we set up his webcam to record in the living room in case we played in there. Just as Ty texted he was on his way we did some lines of coke and I moved my car around the corner from the house so Tyler wouldn't see and possibly recognize the green Buick that wad famous with my friends due to the metalic gold trim that included gold hubcaps bumpers and door handles (you take what you can get when buying a used car). When Tyler arrived, I went into Phil's office and donned my wig and mask and watched the webcam feed on his laptop. Phil invited him in, took his coat and made him a drink while they chatted and watched some bisexual porn on phil's huge tv, all before Tyler even thought to put on the wig or sunglasses I couldn't help jerking as Tyler admitted to Phil that he was watching gay porn occasionally since they'd begun chatting online and I almost shot my wad when Ty stripped to his bball shorts and fondled himself while they shared stories of guys they wanted to screw. He even mentioned a friend he played poker with who lived in the same dorm as him but he was pretty sure would never do stuff with another guy, and despite the possibility that he meant one of our mutual poker friends, I was 99% sure he meant me. Phil told Tyler he might be surprised and said he should try to get the poker friend alone some night and feel him out but Tyler assured him that the guy was totally straight and was seriously involved with my girlfriend, but finished with adding he wished Phil was right because he lusted over the guy's "juicy bubble ass." I knew it was me when he described my rear and my girl since the other guy from our poker games was skinny as fuck and had no ass and no girlfriend. He teased me more by adding "I've lost some hands after seeing him bent over in front of me. lucky for me that gives me a chance to go jerk one out in the bathroom before going on." That admission made my ass quiver and I decided to "arrive" despite there being 8 mins early. I warned Phil by texting him that I was just parking and would be inside shortly, which was a code we decided on in advance, giving Tyler time to put on the wig and shades before I snuck out onto the back deck, went down the steps, came around in front, checked my wig and mask were on straight and rang the bell. As I expected, Phil answered the door in just a pair of tight briefs and talked to me about how work went. I kept my answers to one or two words and he went on and told me he had a friend joining us so I should put on my mask in the entry and take off my work clothes while he got me a drink. I practically ripped my coat, shirt and pants off, leaving me in a white tee shirt and tighty whiteys with my white crew socks to finish my innocent shy boy get up. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and went around the corner. Phil handed me my drink, then turned around and introduced "Mark" aka me to "Dick" aka Tyler, who stood up and shook my hand enthusiastically while the semi in his shorts got longer and harder. "Dick" motioned for me to sit next to him on the loveseat and made sure his leg and mine were in full contact, then he put his arm around my shoulders when we were seated. As he asked me questions about what I did for work and how I'd come to try sex with my uncle, etc. I replied with mumbled one word responses that were somewhat due to my need to stay unrecognized but we're also caused by my real nerves, which now had me shaking. When Tyler began running his other hand up and down my thigh, my cock was hard as steel and I found my eyes sinking into my lap. Maybe it was because I wanted it so badly or perhaps I was unprepared for how much he turned me on, sitting there plying me with his million watt smile and his well practiced moves. It was easy to see what it was about him that had convinced hundreds of busty young co-eds to let their gaurd down and allow Tyler to plow them. Whatever it was he was asking, I was glad that Phil took most questions and answered for me, thus Tyler seemed none the wiser about my real identity. To help us relax Phil suggested some weed, cialis and coke, & 20 minutes later we were all high, hard and horny. I was barely able to pull my mind off Tyler's hands, which were working up my shirt and down my briefs now. But I realized Phil was waving to me from the kitchen, which was code for me to ask if I could use the bathroom while Phil and Tyler moved to the bedroom. Listening from the hallway I could hear Tyler thanking Phil for this, commenting on how how I was and how nice an ass I had. I almost laughed when Phil asked if it was as nice as his poker buddy's and Tyler responded that it wasn't quite as nice but added that he might have been biased since he'd been coveting his buddy's ass for nearly two years. Phil showed Tyler all the supplies and Ty wasted no time, making sure they had plenty of lube and condoms so he could fuck me as many times as Phil thought I could handle. I quickly peed and double checked that my hole was cleaned out and well lubed before returning to the two tops, my shirt and socks remaining in the bathroom. Tyler was now nude except for the mullet wig with his hard dick in Phil's mouth. he smiled and motioned for me to join him on the edge of the bed, and I licked my lips. As I went to sit next to him, I felt my briefs fly down my hips and Tyler's warm inexperienced mouth begin awkwardly slurping on my 6.5 inch meat. It hadn't occured to me he would want to suck my cock, but boy did he seem eager. Phil stood up and removed his own underwear and pulled me back on the bed while Tyler continued to suck me, now adding his dry fingers to the mix, working their way past my peach fuzz covered cheeks, beginning to force themselves unceremoniously up my hole. When he felt it was moist, he whipped back and investigated, probably afraid he was feeling something gross, but when he realized it was lube, he smiled and returned to his fingering, figuring I must be wanting this as bad as he did. Minutes seemed to stretch longer as I ached for him to fuck me, remembering countless nights hearing him brag during poker tournaments that lasted til dawn. My body vibrated at the promises he'd hinted at, telling us he was known far and wide for his huge loads of cum and his superhuman ability to get hard over and over. A few girls i knew confirmed his bravado and told me how he could cum and minutes later be right back fucking, with load after load and fuck after fuck, all night long. His hands and mouth were not satisfying my need to verify this myself tho. Finally I couldn't take the bad head anymore and pulled him up on top of me, whispering to him that I wanted him to fuck me, probably more words than he heard from me yet that night. "Not so shy now, huh marky?" He said as he rolled me onto my side and reached over to grab a condom from the night stand. Iwas usually a safe sex guy myself but not when I played with Phil, and now I was disappointed that he still seemed to insist on the rubber. Phil, who lay next to me, as if reading my mind, leaned in and whispered in my ear "not to worry." He had doctored the condoms so they would all break as soon as Tyler tried to fuck me. I realized for the first time that it was his doctoring that made us have such bad luck the first few times we had screwed around, and I decided I would be angry at him later. In the moment, I was happy to hear that I was going to be fucked raw by Tyler, my Poker playboy crush, one way or another. I looked back towards Tyler as he rolled the rubber down his dick and applied a generous amount of lube, before squirting some onto his hand and rubbing it into my ass crack. Phil rolled over and knelt on the edge of the bed when Tyler moved in to mount me, and it hit me that he was doing it so he could take Tyler's cock and insert it for him, while he instructed Tyler to lift my leg with one arm and brace himself on the headboard with the other. My thigh wasn't used to such a massive stretch right off the bat but it didn't break me so I just tried to relax as Tyler precariously pushed forward and began entering my ass with Phil driving his joystick. Tyler was not balancing well so it was no surprise to Phil or I that his first few thrusts missed my asshole and required a wiggle or scoot before the next. Finally he managed to push the first inch through my ring and the sharp pain and rough material coating his rod made me yelp which Tyler responded to with some enthusiasm, as if my displeasure was because of his massive cock. In a way, I guess it was, but I didn't like the fact that he was eager to hurt me so I said in my most convincing fake voice "go slow man. I need time to adjust before u rip me up." Tyler's brow broke out in sweat and he tried to pull back slightly, which resulted in his dick popping out altogether. As he pushed back in, the condom broke, and to my shagrin, Tyler immediately pulled his cock out and applied another from the pile. Phil seemed obviously disappointed at the young man's quick response so before Tyler could try again he had us each do a line of something that I assumed to be coke but burned more, and once Tyler let the stuff get to his brain, he asked if he could so some more, and Phil happily agreed, letting him do two more lines while telling me to try hitting the poppers. I took a few long hits and felt my body sinking away from the tension my ass had been feeling, and just as I released the second hit, Tyler rolled me onto my back and threw both my legs over his biceps and began pressing into my hole again. This time he got most of the way in before we felt the rubber break, and even kept pumping for a moment until he was almost completely inside of me, but his cock was not in charge yet. He removed his dick once more and reapplied a condom, but this time he did a much more haphazard job, not taking the time to squeeze the tip or apply more lube. Still the condom lasted while he slowly worked his way back in, inch by inch creeping up my ass, but the moment he was about to thrust for real, I felt something that may have been his cockhead opening the end of the condom and sliding further in than his previous attempts. My ass jumped as I pictured his bare boner engorged to such a thickness that it refused to stay encased in latex and with its jump, it also tightened and pulled him further in. Up until that moment my ass had yet to feel his dick anywhere near the second sphincter, but with the forward motion and the added benefit of his bare skin pushing beyond the torn latex, it popped firmly past my inner grip. With simultaneous moans of pleasure, we seemed to work our bodies around each other, as his hips drove his meat balls deep in me and my ass vacuumed his cock until it was sealed in the heat of my raw tunnel. "F-f-fuck, I think the condom broke, " Tyler said, reaching back to feel around the shaft while he slowly began fucking my hole. Phil insisted he could see the condom was still intact around the shaft, and pressed his cock to Tyler's lips, grabbing hold of his head, tearing the mullet wig off before brutally punching his hard cock down Tyler's receptive throat. Without any other way to keep his balance, Tyler had to return his hand to where it had been, and hooked my leg back over his shoulder, and for the first time since we began, he forgot about replacing the destroyed prophilactic and focused on destroying my ass instead. I worked my hands over Tyler's muscular shoulders and chest before reaching back and fondeling his balls as they swung against my cheeks with a rapidly increasing rhythm. Taking another hit from the poppers, I handed them up to Phil who took one himself before instructing Tyler to do a hit on either side of his nose. Once the second nostril was filled with the scent, Phil pinched Tyler's nose shut and shouted "Hold your breath in til I say so boy!" Tyler gagged a little around Phil's cock while he tried to hold his breath. His humping decreased in power for a minute until Phil released his nose and said "exhale!" Tyler let out a huge breath as Phil pulled his hard on from Tyler's mouth and moved to wear it was fucking my mouth instead, and to my delight, Tyler began really pounding my ass. True it was as much pain as it was pleasure but I didn't say a word or try to push Tyler off. My mind was made up that I was gonna take his cock no matter what. Tyler began saying dirty stuff like "yeah suck his cock" and "fucking take my monster meat you hot mother fucker" and I just moaned and grunted in agreement. Phil produced some kind of pipe that I couldn't really make out through the mask, and took a few hits before instructing Tyler to do the same. Tyler seemed reticent at first but Phil just told him it was a little late to be asking now, and Tyler must have decided he was right because he took the hits when Phil lit the pipe and then shot gunned each of them to me. The taste was acrid and nasty although not nearly as polluted feeling as smoking weed or tobacco. I figured it was something akin to coke and let myself go along for the ride, and by the fifth shotgun, I was exhaling huge clouds of white smoke. My brain was aware on a whole new level suddenly and without any warning Tyler turned the final shot gun into a make out session which I was happy to go along with. While Phil watched he also manuevered us until finally he gave up and told Tyler to pull out and move me to the edge of the bed. I freaked when Tyler did as Phil said, only to pull out, see he was inside me bare and ask for another condom. Phil told him he would get it in just a second, but first "I want you to put that wig and sunglasses back on so I can take a couple pics and a video of u fucking my nephew's ass bareback." You would think Tyler would be against such an idea but he just smiled and said fuck thats hot, grabbed the wig and glasses from Phil and slapped them on, topped them with his trade mark ball cap and told me to hang on. While he was distracted Phil produced his camera from behind a pile of clothes in the corner and acted like he was just turning it on. I could tell he got a really good shot of Tyler before he was masked in his disguise, but Tyler just asked if he looked good, and without much thought I said "you are the hottest fuck I've ever seen." This seemed to be the same as saying action, and suddenly without any pretense, Tyler pulled my ass to the side of the bed and entered me in one quick motion. For the next few minutes he humped and talked dirty, making sure to turn so he could show off his muscles to where ever Phil was at with the camera. I could barely see straight as he banged and rammed me. Soon Phil told Tyler how the "audience" wanted to see Tyler shoot his baby batter up my butthole and Tyler turned right to me and said "Well let's give the people what they want" and began taking me faster and deeper than before, only now he was screaming for me to jerk off as he did. While my cock throbbed in my hand and his cock throbbed harder up my hole, I began to see stars and told them I was getting close. Tyler told me how hot that was and how much he wanted me and then leaned into kiss me before putting his arms under my shoulders and lifting me off the bed and bouncing me on his cock for a minute while we both screamed. Dropping me as his arms began to shake he pumped me deep and hard a few times then rippped his cock from my ass and began spraying cum from my hole up over my cock and stomach, across my chest and neck and into the black wig and all over my mask. He then shoved it back inside me and told me it was my turn. I didn't need a second invitation, instead I began blasting my cum over the both of us, shooting 4 or 5 times before Tyler doubled over and managed to catch my cock head in his mouth for the remaining shots while keeping most of his dick buried inside me. Once my last cumshot subsided, he popped up and began french kissing me, letting me taste my own cum. Phil was hard as a rock and told Tyler to move, which he did reluctantly, before whipping me onto my belly, pulling me up to my knees and stuffing his own raw cock into my ass. It must have been lubed like mad because, as he handed the camera to Tyler to continue filming, he asked how it could be so hot and wet inside at which point Tyler admitted that the load Phil filmed was his third load of the night. He apologized to me as Phil began going to town on my hole, and admitted he had cum once right after he thought he felt the condom break and once more right as Phil started filming us but he didn't want to break his rhythm and figured the condom might not have been broken after all. I just moaned and gritted my teeth while phil worked his cock into my cum filled ass, and Tyler climbed up and stood over me, feeding his still stiff cock to Phil while Phil raped me. Phil took the camera from Tyler while they switched off taking hits from the pipe that I still couldn't see, and Tyler bent down to make me take a few hits just as Phil announced his first load up my ass. Unlike Tyler, Phil needed a few minutes to regain his strength so he disappeared into the bathroom at which point Tyler got me to bend over back to doggy style and began fucking me again, telling me within the first minute that he was adding another load to my ass. Now I knew Tyler had taken a strap on and from his emails and photos it looked like he used a variety of objects on his own hole, but it surprised the hell out of me when Tyler pulled his cock from my ass after another load and scooted up to my face as I rolled over and asked me to eat his hole. Everything Tyler had said about my ass earlier in the evening was exactly how I felt about his, so I had no trouble doing as he requested, using my tongue and fingers to play with his sweet clean butt while Tyler spun around and sucked on my rehardening cock. My whole body was on another plain of existance known as bliss when he rose off my dick and said "You're clean right?" Too which I moaned yes while tonguing his tight smooth baseball butt. For those of you who have never seen a baseball player squating to catch the ball or pushing off the ground to the jump for a pop fly, you are missing the ass and thighs of the gods doing their most holy work, which is why having him squating over my mouth was as much as I could have hoped to have experienced, until the moment he lifted off, turned around and squated down over my waist, and with one hand holding my cock up into the air, plunged his bare athletic hole over the tip. His eyes slammed shut and he sucked air in through gritted teeth, while pushing his butt til about 4 inches of my 6.5 were inside him. Then he began confiding in me that he had kept a cock with a suction cup on it that he stole from an ex-girlfriend's collection the year before, and had spent hours in the time since riding that dick on the floor of his dorm room or suctioned to the seat of his desk chair while watching porn featuring trannies and guys getting pegged. He even said he had done it in the showers at the university rec center and in the steam room at the athletic center with the hope he might get caught but had chickened out after taking it inside him and shooting his load right away each time. He stopped his tale just long enough to tell me I had better not to cum inside him or he would beat my ass. Ironic since he had shot at least 4 loads in me since we "met" that night. This was too much for me to resist, and without his permission, I reached up and grabbed his hips and thrust myself fully inside him, which caused him to yelp and call me a son of a bitch and pound his fist into the bed while he tried to push off me, but I just told him to jerk his cock and kept rising up and down into him as my load got closer and closer to exploding. He began jerking his cock but immediately told me he was too close not to cum at which point I said "then cum goddammit" and he did. Once his first shot blasted into my mask, my own balls began emptying up his hole, but I made sure to be as still and quiet as possible as I shot, choosing to hold myself as deep in his hole as I could get without my balls being sucked in too. Lucky for me, I was also pretty good at being able to stay hard after I shot my load, and with the cialis and the knowledge I had just bred him secretly, it was no problem. When his balls finally finished spewing he asked me if I could keep from shooting long enough to let him keep riding me for awhile and I said yes and watched as he worked himself back to full staff. To my surprise, I found my own balls were also ready to shoot again, but this time I warned him. "Good, then you'll like this," He said, grinning. He began bouncing on my meat while repeatedly telling me to warn him when I was getting close, and in about 2 minutes I did just that. With a smirk on his face he handed me the camera and told me to record then bounced a few times more on my dick before leaning forward, pushing his hands into the bed beside me and suddenly flipping backwards, landing with his feet next to the bed. He then spread my legs and slid inside me raw balls deep which was too much for me to take. I shot my biggest load of the night, all over both of us, while trying not to pass out. He applauded my immense load and told me I was the only guy he'd ever seen who could shoot as much as he could, before pulling his own cock from my ass and adding an even bigger load to our bodies. I wondered how it was possible til I realized Phil had been standing at the door when he saw the flip and snuck over and shoved half of his cock into Tyler's cum lubed ass just in time to make him shoot. Phil was not allowed to add his own babies to the butt though, and had to settle for taking video of Tyler and I on our knees eating his thick white cream as it oozed from his red pipe. After that Tyler made sure the camera was off (without knowing the other two were rolling) and stripped the wig and sunglasses off again, and went to take a shower. Phil gave me a hit from the weird pipe as he went and turned off the other two cameras, and quietly got me to admit I had shot a load in Tyler's butt. He turned the camera back on for a minute while he asked me if I enjoyed getting bred by straight stud "Dick." Somehow my character had become the same as what Phil had told Tyler it was, and I began stammering and quietly admitting I had enjoyed it a lot. Phil found this very very hot and told me to stay put while he checked on Tyler. I did another line of coke and drank some water before Tyler peeked his head back in and said he had to run because he was supposed to be at a workout at 7am and it was nearly 4. He reached over to the desk and wrote down his email address before telling me we should get together just the two of us sometime, then came over and did a line of coke, planted a kiss on me and disappeared. Phil returned a second later as I was trying to get up and get dressed, but he was having none of it and pushed me back onto the bed and turned the camera on and told me to tell him what had just happened. I thought I was out of gas for the night, but he had me take some more hits from the weird pipe while he loaded the videos from the cameras onto his tv in his bedroom. We watched the video while he fucked me and I decided to stay the rest of the night since he had handcuffed me to the bed and was cumming in me again already. stay tuned for chapter 2
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Part 1 Mr. Magoo was my neighbor in the block apartment where I live. Magoo was a nickname because he really look like the old man cartoon: pretty short (5 ft), bald, round nose and myopic. I guess he was in his mid-seventy. He had a cock to die for, but his blowjobs were outstanding. I can witness for them. It was well-known that every day, right after lunch, he would walk down to the bathhouse and come back in the early morning next day. Anyone trying to reach him had better chance to find him there instead at his place. Once the landlord told me he was wondering why the old guy still kept an apartment. At the bathhouse, Mr. Magoo would appear as an old troll lurking fresh meat in the dark corridors. Like I said, Mr. Magoo gave me unforgettable blowjobs and even if I was tempted for him to fuck me with his magnificent steel-hard cock (it gives me hope to see that, at this age, a man can still have a solid erection!), I always resist: he was poz. Me, well, I am 23, completing a degree at the local university in Montreal and still looking for prince charming. Don’t get me wrong, I am no virgin (lost it when I was… well… lets say way younger but this is another story), but I ain’t no slut either. I always play safe, don’t get fuck or fuck often. The most adventurous sex I had would be qualified as vanilla sex. I’d chicken out every time it might be “dangerous”. So, bathhouse was definitely out of the list for me. In fact, I never been in one. Grindr was just a fantasy, I wouldn’t never agrees to meet anyone I didn’t know. You can picture me. With covid confinement restrictions and school courses remotely, I almost never got out of the apartment like everyone else. So I thought. Except, Mr. Magoo would still go out and returning as usual as if nothing happened. One morning, horny as shit and web porn not providing any relief, I heard the old man coming back from his night. I thought why not? The man gives a mean blowjob and it is kind of a thrill for me to have sex with older men, even if Magoo looks like he could be my grandad. “Hey Max” “Hi, everything’s alright?” “Oh yeah, just back from the bathhouse”, he said smiling. He was squinting his eyes like he was trying to locate me in the corridor. “I still have a warm load deep in my ass from the front desk punk. The one with purple hair” he told me like I would know who the guy was. I started laughing. Mr. Magoo was more depraved that I would ever be. “Wait! What? Aren’t they supposed to be close?” “Yeah, they are…” “But how…” “The front door sign says they are closed, but the back door is unlocked… so…” “Lot of guys?” “Yeah, it’s business as usual. Monday, it was packed, though. You want to come with me tonight?” “Euh… no… I mean… you know… I don’t go there…” “A shame. You would get a lot of action. You horny now?” “Kind of…” “Come with me, I’ll suck you dry.” It was the first time I got in his apartment. It was almost empty beside a dirty mattress on the floor that look as old as Magoo, a chair and a small round table. The carpet had various dark stains and a strong and very unpleasant smell assailed my nose, like a stench of rancid piss. If I didn’t know better, I would have said that Magoo was squatting the place. The door wasn’t even closed that Magoo pulled my shorts down, drop to his knees and engulf my semi-hard cock, pulling out his tongue and lick underneath my balls. He was like starved-animal, sucking me like he would run out of time and die before he finished me. Well, he did reach the finish line! I had to pull him off my cock as it becomes hypersensitive after I cum. In the few minutes of his cocksucking race, he found the time to unzip his pants, jerked (his awesome cock, did I mention it?) and sprayed his load on my Vans shoes. The look on his face (surely mine as well) showed a satisfied man. “Gawd…! I needed that. Thanks!” As I pulled back my shorts. “It was delicious as always. Your welcome…” then his face expressed hesitation, “I… Max… I need your help with something…" What do you want me to do? The man just got me off, definitely lives alone, who else can he asked? I might not be the most outcoming guy, but I was not a selfish prick. And the man has been always nice to me, never refusing to dive on my cock without having to reciprocate. "Would you help me?” So without thinking about what he needed help, I just answered “Yes, sure”. I got back to my apartment, still trying to figure out how could have said yes to help Mr. Magoo? I should have told him “no, I can’t”, “please find someone else”. Instead, I saw an old devious man grinning at me like a 14-year-old teenager can do, his eyes twinkling with irrepressible mischief. “It’s simple. I need you to come with me at the bathhouse tonight”
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I had been at the local gay pub here in Brisbane in wickham terrace, if you know you know. I had been heavily drinking due to a recent breakup, was feeling very unloved and needy at the time. I was living with a good mate, we had an amazing apartment, cheap, in the heart of the city and close to the SOP and gay drinking spot. So hookups was easily arranged, my housemate and I were pretty open and never stopped each other from having fun. This particular weekend however he had family and friends staying over and having a party. Not wanting to be a burdon I took myself to the watering hole and got my self stupidly drunk. Half way through the drinking fest I decided to head back home and grab my other pack of ciggeretes rather than wasting money on another pack. Walking up the street more so stumbling I stop to catch my breath. At 29 years old I was a stocky guy, medium hairy, small cut cock big nuts, was more a bottom and generally wearing a jockstrap 99.99 % of the time these days. Stopping near a empty car parking lot I hear someone say “come over” standing still as I try to determine if I actually heard someone or it was my imagination. “Yeah you mate, come here” the gruff voice spoke again. Without any concern for my own safety I walk into the not so well lit carpark and as I turn I see a scruffy hairy guy on the concrete garden wall staring at me. Looking at him I instantly could tell he was homeless, had his bag beside him, dirty clothes, scruffy beard and I could smell piss, stale cum and booze on him. “Got a smoke mate?” He looks at me as I fumble and go to get my last cig for him, I move closer and as I am about to hand it to him, he reaches out and starts rubbing my crotch as he grins at me. Smiling at him, he goes for my zipper and pulls it down as he unbuttons me and drops my jeans, he moves forward and pulls my jockstrap to the side as he places his mouth around my soft cock as it starts to hardon. Moaning I let him suck me as I rub my hand through his greasy hair as I start humping his mouth as he sucks harder. Grunting as I feel him tug at my nuts almost blowing my load I can feel my precum leaking hard. Looking down he is unzipping himself and pulls out this thick hard at least 8 inches uncut and very hairy prick. He stops sucking as he leans back and strokes his cock. Without thinking I get down on my knees and can smell his ripe cheesy cock right away. I get my mouth on his cock and start licking under his foreskin as he grunts as he takes the cigerette I dropped beside him and lights up. Sucking on his overhang of skin as I clean his greasy cock, grunting as I feel him swell and thicken. I start bobbing up and down getting him harder. I don’t know how long I was sucking him for but I was starting to feel my drunk buzz wear off and became more aware of what I was doing and could be begging for trouble. As if he was aware he produced a bottle of cheap vodka and told me to drink, pulling off his meaty cock I took the bottle and took a swig grimicing at the harsh cheap sting the alcohol hitting back of my throat. “Take another hit” he grins as he strokes my hard little cock. Taking another swig, followed by another as he takes the bottle from me, I feel that buzz kicking back in as he moves me into a position on my knees over the brick wall. Feeling him behind me I giggle as I feel his thick cock between my chubby arse cheeks. “Do you have a rubber” I moan, he grunts and says sure, I hear him behind me as he opens a package and hear that familiar rubbber snap as he moves his cock back between my cheeks, I reach behind me to check and feel the rubber over his cock “I got it on pig fucking hell” he grunts, I place my hand back on the wall for stablity. I hear him spit on his cock as it hits my tight hole. He pushes as I grunt “Shuttup or we will get caught, stupid fuck” he harshly whispers at me as I put my hand over my mouth as he forces himself in me, straining I can feel the pop as his engorged head slides inside my tight hole. Not been fucked for a few months really bought tears to my eyes as he pushed in more, forcing his cock inch by inch as I start to shake. “Fuckkkk stop please your too big” I whimper softly. Knowing he heard me but chose to ignore my pitiful plea as he grabbed my hips and shoved in harder slamming deep in me as his nuts hit mine. He grunt and starts fucking, not getting any chance to accept his thickness, he pounds away at my hole. The grunting turning me on. He fucks harder and faster, biting down on my hand as I whine and grunt with each thrust that he gives me. I feel him slam deep and shudder as he is cumming, sweat dripping off him onto me all I can smell is his sweaty scent. He pulls out and rips the rubber off and throws it into the darkness. He sits back breathing heavily as he clicks his fingers and points to his cock I get down and take him back in my mouth, tasting his strong thick cum as I feel his cock head throb and more cum leaks out as I greedily suck it from his cock and swallow it… Tasting metalic too but definite can taste myself on his cock thinking it strange as he was rubbered up. Tapping me on the head telling me to stop he sighs as I release his cock. “Thanks needed that” he grins at me. “Anytime” I stay there on my knees still half naked hoping his was gunna finish me off, but he grabbed his pants and pulled on the cord and did himself up as he finished the smoke, asking me if I had any more and told him I was on my way back to get another pack and go back to drinking. Telling me he was spending the night here and to go get him some and he would see about fucking me again if I was interested. Thinking about it, and it cudda been the alcohol or just the sheer need of wanting to be wanted even if just my hole to get off. I said he could crash in my secure parking, I had my own car park space that was secure from the rest of parking with its own pull down door so was private. Without a response he grabbed his back and said lead the way, pulling my pants up I take him up the road and lead him down the car park entrance as I put my code in as the door opens he follows me closly. Walking down the concrete hallway I get to my door and open the roller door as he walks inside and I mention I have a cot set up at the back I usually come down here to get away from the housemate and have my own space, toys and lube my laptop is there with porn on it. Grinning at me he drops his bag and starts to get naked as he gets to his underwear and looks at me and asks if I want another fucking, grinning I start to strip and get down on all fours over the cot as I feel him behind me rubbing my hole. He mentions he hasn’t any more rubbers and I don’t have any he says “I could just fuck you raw, I promise I wont cum in you” my head in two places as I simply nod and confirm “you wont cum in me??” Nodding he spits on his cock and I notice it slides in easier this time, I feel very wet all of a sudden, grunting as he slides in deep hearing him sigh as he starts fucking me in a steady rythem, “Once I cum it takes me a while to cum again” hr groans as he keeps fucking, I push back as I enjoy the senstion of letting him fuck me raw, the thought of him raw turning me on. He continually spits on his cock and keeps me lubed up. We mustve been fucking for at least 30 mins and at about that mark I feel him shudder as he slides in deep and takes a minute. “Are you ok?” I mention as I feel his cock throb in me as he moans softly. “Yeah pig just catching my breath” he starts fucking again, I feel very wet and can feel something dripping down my hole down my legs, putting it down to spit and sweat I push back, another 15 mins later he stops and sighs again as he calls me a dirty pig as his cock throbs, telling me to be still or he will cum… few minutes later he starts fucking again this time harder and rougher making me whimper as he snarls at me. “Dirty fucking faggot taking my nasty homeless cock, I wanna blow my load in ya guts pigs, where do you want my nasty fucking homeless load you faggot?” He growls. Thinking he is roleplaying I push back and beg him to cum, “fuck me harder, fuck this faggot, blow your load all over my hole or my face” grunting as I feel his speed pick up. “Beg me to dump it in you pig” hr grunts as he spits on my face. Confused and starting to feel my hole tense up shooting pains down my legs “please, don’t cum in me… cum on my face or down my throat” whimpering “Yeah you want my load in ya don’t ya faggot” he grunts as he slams deeper “No, not in me please” I whimper as I try to pull forward Hearing him growl as he slams forward and strains as I feel his cock throb in me yet again as he growls “yeahhhhh take my nasty homeless load faggot fuckkk yeahhhhhhhh” he cooes. He lets go of me as he pulls out, I turn around shocked he looks at me and says “fuck that was hot” he grins. “You said you wouldn’t cum in me” I say shakily as I go to stand up. “Sorry I couldn’t help myself, you felt so good and I just lost control, how about you go up grab the smokes and come back and have a drink and get more aqauntied with my cock pig” he smiles Looking at him, he looked ok, so I grabbed my jeans and pulled them up, leaving him in the garage I go up the elevator to my floor, opening up to loud music and a few people I didn’t know. There were a few of the bears from the bar I had been drinking at. Smiling at me as I return the smiles and nod my head as I beeline it towards my room, grabbing a drink along the way and quenching my parched throat to the sweet nector of the drink. Pushing my way into my room as I close the door halfway as I go searching for my stash. Looking around I don’t notice as one of the guys come in. He coughs slightly and says eveing to me as I turn around shocked and startled. Grinning at me I ease as I return the evening and ask him if he is having fun. “I was having fun shame as I was looking for you at the bar but you had disappeared that was over an hour ago, where did you wonder off too, givin ive just seen you come back here now and been here for a while myself” he mentions as he steps closer. “I stopped and got some air and kinda hooked up” I grin as I blush at him. “Hooked up hey…… wouldn’t have been with that homeless guy in the parking lot on the way here would it” he smirks at me, shocked as I blushed harder as he steps up to me and pushes his hand down the back of jeans as he touches my wet arse. “Ohhh and he loaded ya too did he” he grunts as he slips his finger inside me as I reach out and grab his furry arm to steady myself as I whimper “He did, he fucked me a few times but came in me once…. By accident” I whimper as he undoes my belt and button and pulls my zipper down. “Accident… sure…. He probably blew in you more than the once, he is known for that” he grins as he fingers my sloppy hole harder as he manuvures me over the bed on all fours as I hear him unzip himself. “No need for a rubber then if he has already bred ya is there pig? He looks down at me as I look behind and see a fat uncut 7 inch thicker than the homeless cock protruding out his fly. Rubbing his cock over my arse I whimper as he pushes forward he reaches down and places his hand over my mouth as he thrusts his hips forward hard as his cock lodges and splits me open. Muffled screaming into his hand it didn’t take long for my arse to stretch and the pain gave way to pleasure as he started fucking me. Grunting and gruffing as he sweated over me pushing his cock deeper inside me. The door opened and in walked another guy I remembered from the bar, he closed the door and locked it behind me as he sauntered over to the bed and unzipped himself as he crawled up onto the bed and presented me with his 6 inch fat thick cock cock hairy half way up his cock a thick bush at the base and so sweaty he pushes his cock on my lips as I open and he rams his cock in me. They start talking to each other so casual as if I werent there being dicked by em on my bed with a group of people right outside the door. “You heading out after this to the next party Chav?” The guy behind me fucking me spoke to the one down my throat. “Yeah, gunna see Dave and the others and decide what to do from there, prob head to the Den and loose another load if I feel up for it, by the way your doing him raw? The guy down my throat spoke back. “Yeah doing him raw, you know Baz the homeless guy he has already dumped a load, well prob a few knowing him, so no need for rubbers now who knows what he has right” the guy fucking me replies as he picks up and starts fucking hard, feeling his heavy nuts slap mine as I listen to the conversation and break out in a cold sweat worrying myself. “Awwww yeah im gunna nut in him, you can fuck him after im done bud” as he grabs my hips and digs his fingers into my hips and pulls me back on his cock as he lodges himself in me, feeling his throbbing cock at my 2nd entrance pumping his batter inside me. My muffled groans as I gag on the guys cock as I feel the guys load pump inside my guts. He withdraws as he walks around to the side of the bed as the guy pulls out my mouth and moves behind me. I get the cum coated cock shoved in my mouth as he tells me to clean him up as his mate slides easily into my cum coated arse. “Fuck he is wet, I bet the guy blew a few loads in him now your load fuck it feels good. Not gunna last long will add my nasty load and we can bail” the guy who had just face fucked me and now pumping away at my arse. I suck the guys cock cleaning his greasy cum covered prick as he sneers at me. “Yeah you dirty fuck, guess there really isnt a need to wear rubbers anymore, you let a homeless guy fuck you you pig who knows what the fuck he has” he leers at me as I shudder as I feel his mate grinding harder at my arse as he starts groaning feeling him push harder into me as he unloads. The cock slides out my mouth and my arse at the same time, groaning as I collapse on the bed panting. Watching them pull their pants up and ignore me as they leave the room talking about their next plans for the night. The door quietly half closes. Its only a few minutes and this fat chubby older guy would have been about 55 yrs old comes in and closes and locks the door as he looks at me, im half dozing so I smile and mumble something not even trying to cover up. He grabs a cup that was on my night table something alcoholic as he passes it to me and tells me to drink it all. Happily gulping down the mixture as I feel him move behind me. “They did you raw?” He asks as his thick finger slightly grazes my cummy tender hole, shuddering as I nod. “Its been so long since ive fucked raw, not many let me these days” he almost whispers as I watch him with his other hand move his zipper down as he slides his fingers inside his zipper and starts playing with himself. Without speaking I spread my legs and stay face down, the alcohol kicking back in as my head spins. I hear him drop his pants as he gets on top and I feel his thick cock force inside me as I gasp. “Fuck yeah you pig, let daddy inside you. Naughty faggot son letting those men breed you, you know they aint clean right. Your chute filled with nasty dirty seed and now letting daddy knock you up with his bugged cock” he growls as he grinds his hips and starts hitting that spot as I grown and push my arse back to meet his thrusts. Grunting on top of me, he gives me a good few minutes of solid fucking. Suddenly he moans a really deep gutteral groan and I can feel his cock throbbing as he unloads. Once done he pulls out and pulls his pants back on as he walks around my side I see the tattoo just above his pubic bone as he tucks his shirt in of a bio hazard symbol with a scorpian over the symbol. He pats my head and tells me Im a good pig for letting him nut in me but I shouldve gotten him to rubber up, however he is grateful I didn’t. Smiling at me he takes his leave. Looking at the clock, I realise ive been up here for almost an hour and taken 3 raw loads and almost forgot about the homelss guy. I reach for my clothes as I dress myself groaning as I feel the cum leak out of me. I grab the smokes and slip out of my unit to the elevators and back down to the garage. I walk into my unit and I hear talking and walk in on the homeless guy who fucked me and two other hairy scruffy older blocks, sitting there in their sweaty jocks obviosly waiting for me.. One of them speaks “Finally he is here. I get to go first” he states as he looks at me. What Have I gotten myself into? I start trembling……
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I dont post very often but ive been so damn horny as of late and keep having the same fantasy so i figures id try my hand at writing a story This is just a story but damn do I wish I could make it true. So me and my husband are pretty open sexually. We often bring people into the bedroom (both tops and bottoms). About a year ago I've been in a very strong bottom mood and have been wanting to do more and more, and with our Thanksgiving trip coming up we decided to have some out of town fun and push my limits as a bottom. Fast forward to our trip, my husband asks me if I'm still wanting to push my limits, I agree. So we decide to look for tops to gangbang me in our hotel room. We make a post on sniffies for a pump and dump he adds pictures of my hole dripping his load to get attention, but he gets a little nervous about me taking so many anon loads so he makes sure to say that condoms are a must. We both look around for guys to add making sure they know they can't fuck raw. We get to our hotel room and I go to shower and prep for the night, I still keep checking to see if there's any new requests. Thats when I see a message from "rawdaddytop". He sends over some pics of a beautiful thick cock with a big PA piercing. Tells me he loves to breed sloppy holes. This makes me rock hard, I respond back saying how hot he is and that I never took a PA before. I also tell him the hubby doesn't want anyone breeding me but him. It took him a few minutes to respond and I thought I may have scared him off, but he responds with "I normally only fuck raw but I'll bring a condom special for that ass" this makes me so horny and I send him a request to join. He says "I'll join but since I have to use a condom I want your hole sloppy, I'll only fuck you after your hubby breeds you but I wanna watch, and fuck you right after. I also want your hands cuffed and for you to wear a ball gag" I don't see the harm in this so I agree and finishing prepping. Later that night I set up a bowl of condoms on the nightstand with a bottle of lube. We set up the event so that guys will come one at a time. I posted the room number and got in position. The hubby starting me off getting me lubed and open by fucking me while we wait, telling me how much of a whore I am for doing this. Then we had out first knock on the door, the hubby let him in I just lay there waiting I hear him unbuckle and feel him add lube to my hole, and quickly enter me before the hubby even finished propping the door open. He starts fucking me fast and hard, calling me a whore telling me to take his dick. He keeps Jack hammering me until he shoves himself balls deep. "Fuck you feel amazing, trying not to blow into you too soon". The hubby must of heard that because he got up to watch the fuck and saw he never put on a rubber. My hubby quickly told him he needs to put on a rubber. He pulls out and a swear I can feel something running down my balls, i hear him tear open the rubber and put it on and tell my husband "sorry I saw that pic of his sloppy hole and thought he wanted it raw". He enters me again and started to really pound my hole. He goes on for another 5 min or so before another guy walks in, he gives me a few deep thrusts and I hear him grunting before he pull out, slaps my ass pulls off the condom and throws it next to me, and leaves. The second guy already wrapped and lubing himself. I take what must have been 8-10 guys before the room was finally empty again, I lay there exhausted but also still wanting to get fucked. The hubby slides into me easy telling my how slick and open my ass is, how much lube was in my ass. We both must have been really enjoying the fuck because neither of us heard my last fucker walk in. The hubby starts long dicking my hole getting really into it. "Yeah fucking breed his hole, get him nice and ready for me" the hubby clearly startled just responded by fucking me harder "fuckkkk here it comes, take my load baby" he shoves into me deep breeding me hard, I feel rope after rope shooting into me. "Fuck I needed that" he said as he rolls off of me laying exhausted next to me. "Fucking hot, now it's my turn, hands behind your back boy." I realized then it was "rawdaddytop" I put my hands behind my back he reaches over to cuff me and I can feel his PA touching my hole. "Alright next is the ball gag" he reaches over to gag me and I feel his head pop in my hole and let out a little moan. The hubby who now regained his breath was getting hard again at the sight of me restrained and gagged. "You wanna watch me fuck your bitch or would you wanna fuck one of mine?" Me and the hubby both confused, but with me not being able to question anything with the ball gag in my mouth. "Your bitch? What do you mean" "I had my bottom bitch drive me here, gave him a fat load since I can't fuck this one raw" "Fuckkkk you don't care if I breed him?" "No he's nothing but a fuck hole, breed him deep so he's nice and lubed for me and the boys later" "Fuck that's hot well I don't see the harm in it, besides you'll be using my boy so it's only fair. But you still have to use a condom." "Thats fine by me besides I'm already wrapped and lubed see?" After a pause I hear my hubby say to send him up, that they could get fucked together on the bed. "Rawdaddytop" was on his phone texting and said "He's on his way up now, but doesn't like seeing another bottom getting fucked, you down to fuck him in the bathroom?" The hubby was quite for a second "Don't worry I'll take good care of your boy here, you can come back and join us when you finish up" "Okay fine but condoms are a must" "You won't get any complaints from me" I hear the door open and shut and hear "rawdaddytop" tell say "Be a good boy and take care of him, make sure to take your time and make him feel good and you'll get a nice reward" With that they dissapeared into the bathroom. I was in complete shock, is he really going to leave me alone with this guy? We always play together and I'm laying here ass up hands bound, ball gagged with this big thick daddy behind me with a raging hard on and PA piercing. "Mmm good now I have this ass all to myself, have you been a good boy? How many loads have you taken?" I couldn't answer due to the gag but shook my head no. "Aww come on don't lie to daddy, I know you took at least one load." I was very confused thinking back on each guy that fucked me, then it clicked the very first guy. Did he breed me in that short amount of time he was raw? Before I could even finish the thought I felt daddy start pushing into my hole. "Mmmm and here's load #2 boi, open up for daddy" I start fighting the restraints confused, I thought he was using a rubber what does he mean "Your dumb ass husband was too busy thinking about the twink I brought him he didn't even notice the condom I put on was from the used pile you had here, I just flipped it inside out, lubing your ass up with some more anon cum" I started really fighting against him and managed to break free, but he just got mad held me down and said that I need to learn to be a good hole. He grabbed another rubber and I felt him shuving it up my hole "Your gonna learn to be a good little cum hole tonight, we're gonna start by teaching you not to waste cum, we're gonna fuck each one of these condoms into you" We? What does he mean? My husband won't agree to that. I heard the door open and close again "Alright we gotta be fast his husband's in the bathroom fucking that twink we found" Part 2 coming . . .
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My older brother dealt drugs when we were teenagers and he made me smoke pot with him a couple times but I didn’t like it. After I came out when I was 16 in 1979, I dated guys monogamously and never did drugs. One time when I went with a friend to Austin for a lake party, someone slipped a molly into my sandwich. It freaked me out, not knowing what had happened and I didn’t like it. Anything that was speedy, even caffeine trigger my anxiety, and that sure did it. After that I specifically avoided doing anything and rarely drank. Many years later when my husband of 20 years and I visited Palm Springs for the second time, we rented a house and made plans to hang out with guys we found on apps. We had been open for about ten years and it worked for us. We didn’t hook up much with other people where we lived for discretion. We were both executives in visible positions and needed to be discreet. But when we were out of town it was easier. My husband is an ex-model, very hung and had no problem finding willing younger guys (his type) to fuck. I liked all kinds of guys and had become pretty adventurous with sex, exploring a lot of kinks over the years. I found a really sexy, tall all-American looking guy in his 40s on an app. He had a humongous dick, which was my kryptonite, seemed kinky, and kind of nasty. He was interested in hanging out and was free that night. He said he had a friend who was on his way from San Francisco and would be in town within the hours. He sent me pics of the guy. His friend was in his 30’s, shorter than his friend and also really handsome, in that swarthy Italian way. Oh, and he also had a huge cock, almost as big as his tall friend. I got the impression they liked tag teaming bottoms and I’d trained my hole to be flexible and strong, so I could take big cocks and even a fist a couple times, and still be able to get tight pretty quickly afterwards. But, it had been awhile since I’d been fucked because work was crazy busy during COVID, so I would have to really get warmed up to take either of these guys. We met at CCBC where I had rented a room. The tall guy was there in the lobby when I arrived and introduced himself as “Rob” (not his real name). We got settled into the room when the shorter Italian guy arrived, and introduced himself as “Gino” (also not his real name). Gino and I sort of hit it off right away. He made a couple trips to the four to bring in four suitcases. Rob explained that Gino was a dealer and was moving to Palm Springs and was setting up shop as soon as he moved into his rental house. Gino opened up the suitcases. While I couldn’t see everything from my chair across the room, I could see they were full of pill bottles, plastic baggies, many different colors of pills and powders, along with pipes, bongs and other stuff I couldn’t see very clearly. Gino asked me if I partied and I said I didn’t but told them I had brought a joint and didn’t mind if they did. I’d heard how addictive, dangerous and intense meth was and that never appealed to me, especially because it was speedy. In fact it scared the hell out of me. I had a really great life and I didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. However, something surprised me in that moment he asked me. I got scared about the idea and weirdly it also turned me on. I kind of laughed to myself because it seemed I’d found another kink I didn’t want to actually engage in, but fantasize about, like pozzing. They started smoking from a bong and blowing big clouds. The clouds seemed really seductive to me. Gino asked me if I wanted to try a hit. I paused for just a couple seconds, feeling my cock get raging hard. I told him no. He raised an eyebrow like he didn’t believe me. I think he’d noticed my hesitation and curiosity. So he said, “How about this?” He took a big hit and then came over to about a foot from me and started blowing it towards my face. I wasn’t expecting it but for some reason my reflexive reaction was to breathe some in. I quickly exhaled, worried what might happen. Gino smiled a little and the two guys took some more hits. I was feeling my favorite sex pot and laid down on the bed. Gino came over next to me on the bed, took a huge hit and leaned over me, holding it and raising his eyebrows. My cock instantly got even harder, I think because of the risk and danger. I’d learned that risk and a little danger was a turn-on for me when being blindfolded at my first dungeon party a couple months ago. I just looked into his eyes and he must have taken that as a green light because he leaned down and blew the big hit into my mouth. I only breathed in a little but just the idea of someone getting me high on something dangerous without my explicit consent made almost cum. We talked for quite a while and I found that I really liked both of them, especially Gino. He was surprisingly down to earth and friendly, easy to talk to. He seemed surprisingly trustworthy for a dealer. Rob definitely did not seem trustworthy, but something about his shadiness was sexy. I’d taken another hit off the indica joint and was feeling good. We all made out for awhile, and it was hot. They paused, got up and shot up their dicks with what they called trimix. The guy with the monster dick said he had to have an extra strong formula to get his big beautiful cock hard after partying. Watching them inject their dicks was unexpectedly crazy hot. I laughed at myself, at how much I’d changed since my sort of puritan 20’s and 30’s. As they shot their dicks up, I began to feel the meth I’d inhaled. It was speedy, but nice, very euphoric and it made me even hornier. I began to want to be fucked pretty bad. After the trimix, they said they were going to slam. I didn’t know what that meant but when they started filling two syringes I figured it out. I noticed I started precumming watching them, and I think they noticed it too. As I watched and wondered what it would be like, I realized how dark my kinks had gotten. It was kind of scary, and alluring too. I could see it hit them and how much they enjoyed it, but it still scared the hell out of me. After they slammed we really started making out hardcore. Rob started playing with my hole and said, “Gino, you’ve got to check out his hole. It is magnificent.” Gino moved around to between my legs and said, “fuuuuuuck” and started eating me out. Rob gave me his dick to suck. While I was doing that, Rob leaned over to Gino and whispered something. Gino shook his head while his tongue was deep in me. I asked what they were talking about because this was a pretty risky situation. Gino took his mouth off of my hole and said, “Rob thought we should stealth booty bump you, you know, but some Tina up your hole and get you higher. I told him no, that wasn’t cool.” My reaction to hearing this was gratitude for Gino protecting me, and getting really turned on my Rob's sleazy underhandedness and desire to corrupt me. I just said, “fuuuuuck” and closed my eyes. Gino began to fuck me as I was sucking Rob’s enormous head. I couldn't’ get it in any further. My hole was amazingly loose and took Gino’s big rod pretty easily. He kept saying how much he loved my hole, and then came in me hard. I could feel it - it was a lot. He kept fucking me, like fucking the cum into my hole with a little half smile. Then Rob moved around and turned me over on my knees and fucked the living hell out of me. I couldn’t believe I could take his whole cock. Gino was kissing me and sliding fingers in beside Rob’s cock, stretching me beyond even when I had been fisted. Rob also came hard and shoved in me deeper than I’d had any cock, hand or toy, and he just held it there while he came. He started at me, watching my eyes. After a couple minutes, I could feel it. There was meth in their cum. I could feel the euphoric speed hitting me. “Oh jeezus!” I said. “You guys did stealth me after all, with your cum!” Gino said that it wasn’t much and assured me I’d be fine. With hardly a poz, Gino slid underneath me and then began to slide in, with Rob still inside. “Oh shit. Oh shit. I don’t think I can take it.” I said. Gino told me to just breathe and I’d be fine. Suprisingly, it hurt and stretched hard for a few minutes but after that I just felt amazingly full and tight and fantastic. Then both they started fucking me, moving in and out with different cadences and depth. I started to scream in complete ecstacy, and then came. They kept fucking me until they both came again. After that I was spent, and just turned over on my back. I was really spinning now, part pot, part meth, part dopamine from the sensation of being double fucked, but I felt great. We chatted for a bit and then they slammed again and took another couple hits. Gino blew another hit in my face. I definitely didn’t need it. The cum was doing the trick. But I wasn’t too high. Several concerns registered in my mind: the first was, I liked it and I was thinking about when I would do it again. The second was, how high I was still going to get, and lastly, how long would I be high? Would I need to stay overnight? Would my husband be able to tell when I got home? I texted my husband that I was having a great time, we were hanging out with some guys at CCBC and not to wait up. After I put my phone down, Gino pulled my knees up and pulled my ass to his cock, which was still hard. He slid in me and said, “What do you want?” “Are you poz?” I asked, registering this was my other dangerous fantasy. “No, but Rob is and he’s not on meds. Are you on PreP?” He asked. I realized I had forgotten my prep at home and had not taken it in two days, which wasn’t a big deal. Gino said I’d be fine. Gino shoved his beautiful, big uncut cock inside me and began fucking me slowly, all the way in and all the way out. Then he shoved it deep inside, leaned over me and said, “Clench your hole on my cock.” I couldn’’t figure out why but I did it. He held still, his big hard cock all the way inside me. I suddenly began to feel fuller, like his cock was expanding. He smiled and said, “You’ve never been piss fucked before, have you.?” “Oh fucking hell!” I replied It was the hottest thing I’d never heard about. After he finished filling me far beyond any capacity I’d previously reached, he started fucking me. He told me to stay clenched as he fucked me slowly, and I did. My daily Kegel exercises were paying off. He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out slowly and told me to hold it in. He raised my knees and then ass up so that my hole was like a piss chalice and it would stay in. “How does that feel?” He asked with a grin. “It is blowing my mind.” I replied, ”Hold it in for five minutes.” He said, giving me a knowing look. And then it hit me, their piss had probably more meth in it than their cum. A lot more. They had slammed twice and smoked a lot. Then I started feeling the big wave of high hit me hard. It was amazing, not at all like I expected. Both of the guys were getting off on doing this to me and we all kissed together as I held it inside me. The high kept getting bigger and bigger. Gino told me to go to the bathroom and let it out. When I got back to the bed, Rob said, “My turn.” Rob’s piss fucking me was even wilder; his bigger cock, and much more piss did a lot more damage to my hole and really ratchet up my high. After I let it out, I was really spinning but feeling great. We messed around some more, made out and the double fucked me again for a bit. Then Rob jumped up and said with a big surprised grin. “Come with me. Grab a towel and follow me.”
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Browsing through the display cabinets of pleasure toys there was nothing that caught my interest. The shop was in a seedier part of town, the owner, was late 40's a type of leather biker that you wouldn't want to meet in an alley on a dark night. He approached me and asked if I was looking for anything in particular. I looked at him and noticed the biohazard tattoo on both his arms before replying that I wanted something different. I lifted up my t-shirt sleeve to reveal my scorpion tattoo, he reached up and inspected it then looked at me again and asked what kind of something different was I expecting. I moved over to the display of PA's as he followed me and told him I was looking for a special PA. He motioned me to follow him, putting the closed sign up and locking the door we disappeared in to the back. He pulled went to the safe and pulled out a small tray of unusual types of PA. They all had the same experience except the gauges were different as were the size of the balls. I looked in amazement, after all,the tip I got to try this place had paid off. I picked one up and felt the smooth glide of the ring up to the 3 balls, 2 small ones that were part of the ring and the bigger, middle one, I rubbed the tip of my finger over it and immediately felt this was not the same, it had a very fine grating sensation. I looked at my finger and noticed the skin showed abrasion marks. The shop owner was smiling and said "It does the job, guaranteed 100%, one of a kind nowhere else makes them.". I handed over the cash and pulled down my pants and underwear, the shop owner picked up the plyers and removed my existing PA and inserted the new one. Tonight I would take it for a test drive. I decided to hit the sauna this evening so had a quick freshen up, I completely removed the temporary scorpion tattoo from my arm, I was not stupid enough to get a permanent one just yet. I stood in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom. At 24 years old I had been poz for 4 years, deciding against meds I had a pretty hefty viral load and knew it wouldn't be long before I had to start down the route of getting it under control. Contemplating my image I was okay, I could never score hot guys off the web but once they saw me in person I was like a dreamboat and magnet. At just under six foot, I had a very average build, dirty blond hair and blue eyes, a little muscle definition but I never worked out. My low hangers and 8 inch uncut cock was my crowning glory. In a country where mostly everyone was cut this is what set me out as a special find guys. I glanced closer in the mirror and smiled as I could just make out the three balls on my PA under the foreskin. Thinking to myself how one lucky guy was going to get to test drive this and get a ride they would never forget. The sauna was known as a place for safe sex was ideal for catching prey and converting them, plus I had age on my side. I moved between the sauna and steam room eyeing up the prey, I would pay particular attention to guys who demanded condoms. One caught my attention big time, he must have been 19 or 20, totally average and small build. Deliberately I bumped in to him after his minor scrap with a much older guy who wanted to fuck him. He swung round as I apologised for bumping him, he looked at me and said it was no problem and gave me smile. I noticed his eyes were darting up and down my body, contact made, I apologised and left the steam room. Over the next half an hour I stalked and made eye contact with him several times. The last time this happened I saw his reflection and noticed that he couldn't keep his eyes off me, the young lad had taken the bait and all I had to do was bide my time. I was very careful not to touch anyone, I moved quickly if someone attempted to touch me, this displayed to my prey that I was picky and not an easy slut. I did one last swoop by my prey without looking at him and headed to one of the private rest cubicles. Very low lighting and an acrid smell of poppers lingered in the air. I kept my towel tight around my waist. I couldn't have been in there for more than 3 minutes when my prey walked past, his eyes peering at me, but I made no move or acknowledgment. He walked by again, stopping as he did so, he looked at me and began to cross the threshold towards me. He asked if he could come in, again I made no impulse reaction and just replied "Sure.". He closed the door and put the latch down, my prey was now in my lair and there would be no going back for this cute little guy now. He approached me and started to kiss me on my neck and shoulders then looked up at me and told me didn't kiss guys on the mouth, suck cock or fuck without protection. His hand now stroking my cock, I laid back on the bench. Carefully every time he went towards the PA I would wriggle and move his hand away so that he never got to touch it and feel the middle balls destructive texture. He continued to kiss my body and nipples, I played my part to perfection and feigning very little interest, I could tell he was seeing this as a challenge. He pulled a condom out from his towel which I took and unravelled over my cock. His mouth slid down over my wrapped penis, he made no comment about the PA so I took this as good sign that the condom had masked the middle ball. I sat up as he dropped his towel and turned around rubbing his ass against my cock. Standing up I pushed the slut face down on the bench. I slowly moved my face towards his arse as he looked back over his should and began moaning. My tongue darted and flickered around his hole, I spat numerous times on his hole and tongued fucked it in to his arse. All the time he was letting out moans of pure pleasure, my tongue working up along his back I was ready to test drive how effective this PA would be. I leaned over his body my cock now rubbing his ass I asked him to be honest and tell me if he had any STD's or was poz, he shook his head as told me reassuringly he was absolutely clean. The head of my cock and PA prised his hole open as the spit made the entry slightly easier. His backed arched and head rose as he let out a moan, I pushed a couple of inches in to his slutty ass. "Oh fuck," he cried. I backed off and apologised, making it look like I was pulling out and ending it he looked over his shoulder "Don't stop." he pleaded. I pushed him hard up to edge of the bench so that there would be no give when I penetrated him this time. He bucked wildly and moaned in pleasure and agony as I gave him my entire cock. Balls deep in my prey I grabbed his neck with my arm and with my other hand I placed it firmly over his mouth to stifle any cries. His hands grabbed at my arms as his eyes opened wide at the force of my invasion. I began to slowly grind my hips against his ass, slowly his hands moved down my body and grasped my ass cheeks. I started thrusting my hips deeper in to him, his moans of pleasure escaping his covered mouth. I gave a couple of long thrust and felt the unmistakable sensation of the condom rolling down to the base of my cock. The middle ball had worked through the condom ripping it to shreds, now it was starting to do the same to the inside of the my preys ass lining. My movements became more rapid, he moaned louder as the abrading was giving him some discomfort causing his head to push up, I could tell he was feeling something he hadn't reckoned. I started to pant heavily next to his ear as I began fucking him harder to mask the pain he originally felt. His body relaxed again I moved my hand from his mouth and grabbed his forehead to secure him in position. "Oh shit, fuck me." he cried, I made several moans of pleasure, all the time I alternated between a grinding and thrusting motion for maximum effect. The intense pleasure I was feeling was making it difficult to hold back. I edged and abruptly stopped. Until the desire to orgasm dissipated, gradually replacing with gentle deep thrusts which he started to really enjoy. My hips locked deep against his ass I had him where I wanted him. His moans and pleasure for my cock caused an uncontrollable urge to take my prey. I felt my cock starting to swell, I used my legs to pin and lock his legs apart as the final moments began. He let out a shriek of excited pain as my hips gave a powerful crushing against his ass pinning him harder to the bench. Jolting I released my first load to toxic seed deep in his body as I moaned loudly. The second jolt was even deeper, the pain of my hips crushing his pelvis causing another cry from my prey as I ground the seed in to his now torn ass lining. I held him securely over the bench as my breeding contractions continued until the last remnants my toxic seed oozed in to his ass. He was shaking and panting heavily as I pulled my dick from his ass. The torn condom was as the base of my shaft, I inspected my PA which was coated in blood and cum. "Oh man, that was amazing." he said, I agreed and told him I needed to go and get rid of the condom. I grabbed my towel and left him sprawled across the bench. This new PA certainly did the trick and was also an excellent stealthing tool, no trickery was required and I was about to set on one hell of a stealthing spree.
(Fiction) Till a few weeks ago, I hardly knew what how a man arms felt, let alone sex. I had been lretty closeted and felt that I was straight for 20 years until i found out that i got attracted to men more and more. I finally realised that i was bisexual but more gay than straight. My road to being attracted to cocks started from fascinating how a woman suck a dick and how she loves eating that slimy nectar from the juicy meat that spews it. With each new video and story i began to be spellbounded to cocks until one day i realised i was getting off on full blown gay pornos but hardly on straight. My desire for cock grew more and more until one day i watch a monster with a scorpion tattoo spew poison inside a hole. That got me off a lot. I kept re-watching it again and again fantasizing myself in that position. Being a 20 year old i full well knew the repercussions of being fucked by a hot rod with poison nectar. Then one day stumbled across this website and i found how people relish in the thought of getting infected which kind of made me horny. I kept continuing reading each story and each day i longed for poz cock, so much more that I couldn't have a hard on if it was not a poz cock story. So I finally decided to start of myself getting fucked by a cock as my curiousity got the better of me. I downloaded Grindr and Planet Romeo and searching for people. It was scary at what would happen if my relatives were to find out accidentally while i chatted with guys and had phone sex randomly. One day as i was filtering through an app, i got a message with a usual hi, i replied back similarly. He asked "How are you?" Me: Fine, u?? He: I m fine. So whats the plan for the weekend? Me: U know, the same boring staying home. He: If u don't mind, how about a drink at XYZ bar, Friday night?? We can chat up. Me: I m not sure. I hardly know u. He: I m not going to bite. Tell u what, dinner and drinks on me. We will just have a nice conversation. *Sends a semi naked photo of himself with jeans on* "Damn!!" I thought "This guy is hot. Wouldn't hurt to meet him". So to which I said yes and made the arrrangements. Come weekend, we met at the bar and this guy was hot at a height of 5 ft 10 inch, probably at mid thirties while i m a slim short guy at 5ft 5 inch whom guys called pretty cute. We had a pretty nice convo on what we do and where we r from and after a few many drinks the alcohol hits me, i get horny and started checking him out. To which he takes perfect advantage by saying the most sleaziest line "Buddy, u seem hammered. Why don't we take u home. U can sit on my lap there, and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?" To which i said "I m curious enough to talk about anything". We hurriedly go over to his house and as soon as his door closes, he pulls me in his powerful arms and french kisses me deep. His tongue ravishing through my mouth deep into my throat, his saliva running down my lips as i embrace his . His short stubble carresing and pleasantly tingling my baby face. I definitely knew i had to have him. His hands carresses through my clothes removing my shirt as he keeps on kissing my lips and sucking my neck, loosening my belt. I felt my stomach flutter as he rush his hands though my underwear to my 5 inch raging hard cock. He breaks away and removes his shirt and i gaze at hus physique. He was definitely hot, not hairy but sculpted. He starts sucking my nipples as i moan at the touch of his hand slowing jacking my cock. He then suggests to move into the bedroom. When we do, he loses his belt and asks me to uncage his monster. I unbuckle his pants and u derwear and drop em. What i gaze upon was a beautiful 8 inch cock as thick as a rod fully raging hard an unmasted. I begin to drool at this piece of art. He pushes down on my shoulders to my knees where i face his majesty hair breadth away from my wet lips.I noticed a small scorpion tattoo nearhis dick. He lightly pushes on the back of my head and i give way with my tongue first savouring the hot meat. It tasted amazing. I slowly sucked on enjoying the feeling of his cock humiliating my face as i looked up deep into his eyes. He slowly started moaning. "Damn!! Where did u learn to suck cock like that?? U r a real true faggot. I love it how u cute lips look on my dick. Keep sucking like that." And he pushed my head a little more and i started gasping for air. He laughed."Don't worry, u will get used to it, here are some poppers as he whips out a small bottle that smelled odd under my nose and yold me to breathe deeply. Once i inhaled deeply, i felt really horny and sucking on his manhood vigorously trying to get the best of it with each suck, he then pushes my head onto his pubes and his cock deep in my throat and shot a ropes and ropes of thick cum i to my unsuspecting mouth. It was a mouthful. "Sorry bitch, i filled u with so cum more than u cud swallow", as cum leaked down my mouth and dripped from my chin. "Don't worry, i m a multi cummer". With that he pulls me up and kisses me and we snowball he cum. He then pushes me with my back on his bed as he keeps on kissing me and he slowly went down. I though he would suck me off back but i was surprised when he lifted my legs revealing my asshole and started reaaming me with his tongue full of his cum. I was in heaven. His tongue was amazing. He continued for a few minutes and i was in heaven. I moaned back and pushed my hips down to his face. He stopped reaming and i felt a bit sad at his tongue moving away. But it was not for long as i felt his cock slowly moving up and down my asscrack slowly teasing my cunt.I asked for a condom and he said, he ran out of it and if i wanted him to fuck it would have to be bare. I was too horny by that point to reject him. He said "Bitch, today i make u mine." And he with that he forcefully pushed his dick inside my asshole. He dick ripped apart my spinchter and i felt a sharp pain to his cock through my ass. I cried. He just with one powerful hand muffled my mouth and proceeded to fuck me rough. It was painful at the start but it started carrying out its magic immediately after. I was aggast at how can a cock perform such a miracle. I loved it and started pushing my ass on his cock more and more. "Bitch I knew u would like it faggot". I knew from the moment i saw u in the bar that u were a horny whore." It was awesome. He steamrolled my i sides and hit my prostate with each stroke. I pulled his face and we get into a deep kisses. I wanted to be his. I wanted his babies. "Bitch u seem to be having the time of ur life." "YES, FUCK ME MORE.I DON'T WANT IT TO STOP". "I ain't stopping until i get u pregnant" "I dnt care if u make me urs. I don't care if u make me pregnant.I don't even fucking care if i die now.JUST DON'T STOP FUCKING ME". "YEA!!WHORE. I WILL KILL U ALRIGHT. U WILL DIE AS I MAKE U PREGNANT WITH MY POZ BABIES". With that he started cumming inside my hole. The stream of cum seemed endless. I could feel my hole slick and wet. I shuddered at his words. "Yo.... You're Poz??". "Yeah bitch. I thought u knew when u saw my scorpion tattoo. But its too late now, my babies are already swimming side ur gut and it will incubate inside u." I was stunned, but he pulled me into a deep kiss and said "You said u didn't care if u die, I am only giving u ur wish. Ur free now." I realised its too late and knew his babies were already working inside of me slowly eating at me and making me his. Although I was shocked, a part of me felt weirdly happy that such a hot guy made me his. I would be his bitch and I would carry his DNA inside me. I pulled him for another kiss and said "I haven't cum yet. U gonna leave me like this??" "Haha...u filthy whore. I knew u would not be satisfied with that, so while we coming down here i called a few of my poz buddies saying that a whore needed breeding. They r probably here and watching". I then look around to see 5 guys with huge dicks stroking their cocks waiting for their turn to fill me in. Looks like this weekend i would not only get pregnant from this hot guys but will have other's babies too. I had the hootest weekend with the 5 guys fucking me day and night and feesing me cum at both ends. I felt fulfilled. A couole of weeks later, i got down with a very bad fever. I got myself tested and found out that i an HIV +. I called up the guy and give him the news. He said " U lucky guy. Looks like ur wish is coming true. U r going to die slowly. Get ur ass over here so that i can help u with that." I rush over to hus place and he fucked me straight for 2 hours. A few days later I moved into him and ever since, he and his friends come over and keep fucking me, keep me on a leash with a collar written faggot on it.I am loving every moment of it and m sure I will let him fuck me and whore me out till i breath my last.
I never fooled myself thinking it was love. It was what it was. An older man supporting a needy kid. I knew all I had to offer him was money, and a big dick. These kids are easy to find. They're everywhere on the internet. Bad families, broken homes, parents kicking them out because they're gay. All of them desperate to find someone to take care of them. That's how I met Brad. His parents kicked him out at 18 for being gay. I happened to run across him online one day while he was at the library using their computers. We chatted and he told me he was looking for a "houseboy" position. Well I was in need of a "houseboy". I didn't get laid too much, seeing that I was 55, pudgy, and honestly, ugly. Oh, and hiv+. I had a couple guys my age and older that I'd fuck around with, mostly because of the nice 10 inch cock I had been blessed with. Otherwise, it was the baths or the bookstores, but they got tedious at times. Brad seemed like a perfect find. He didn't mind my age, or my looks, or my status as long as we were safe. He wanted my money and my big cock, and a place to live. And I wanted a young fuckboy. We met downtown at a coffee shop downtown near the shelter he was staying at. He was exactly what he described. 5' 8", skinny, dark, skater boy hair and clothes. I got hard as soon as I saw him. We talked for a while and he seemed really down to earth and real. I told him everything I expected from him. A clean house and yard, and sex whenever, and however I wanted, I was pretty kinky. I agreed to keep it safe, and he agreed to being my "property." In exchange he would have room and board, and an allowance. I would even help him get his GED since his parents kicked him out before his senior year started. Pretty easy rules I thought. I took him and his only backpack home with me to start our "relationship." I think he was in shock the first night when he saw my cock, I told him it was 10 inches, but not that it was thick too. I have to admit I loved his cries and whimpers as I forcefully raped his sweet little hole for the first time. But hey, if I have to be safe, then I'll make up for it! We quickly settled into our new life. It was nice not to have to worry about cleaning and yardwork. And it was especially nice to have a nice young boy to use daily. Life was ideal for the next 8 months, then things changed. I had to travel a lot, usually 2 to three days at a time. I never worried about Brad when I was gone. I figured he just chilled during those days, maybe letting things like his rope burns heal. Until that one fateful day when I unexpectedly returned 2 days early from a trip. I was supposed to be back Sunday, but things changed and I found myself coming home Friday night instead. I entered the house and started up the stairs when I heard sounds from the bedroom. Sex sounds. I peeked through my cracked bedroom door, and from the mirror I could see Brad, face down on MY bed getting plowed by a man while another man watched. And even worse, that fucking slut was taking it raw! I stood in the hallway listening to Brad's cries of ecstasy as he begged the man fucking him to dump another load in him. I turned red in anger at this betrayal, but didn't interrupt the action. Instead I snuck back out and waited for the men to leave. After they had gone, I returned to the house and went upstairs. I saw Brad on my bed fingering his freshly fucked cummy hole. He would stick his fingers in, then lick off the cum he could dig out. He was quite startled when I walked in. "Dan what are you doing here?" He asked in a panic. "I got home early, slut!" I shouted. He looked genuinely scared of my obvious anger. "Is this what you do when I'm gone? Let men bareback you?" "Please!" He pleaded. "It's not what you think, I swear! I've never done that before!" I backhanded him. "Don't fucking lie to me! And in MY bed? You can't even be a whore in your own room? You disrespectful piece of trash! I took you in, gave you everything, and this is how you repay me? You're going to pay now, bitch!" With that I grabbed one of his skinny wrists while he cried and pleaded, but I quickly had him restrained face down on the bed. I stripped and lined my rock hard cock up to his already cum lubed fuck chute. "Please don't do this!" he begged through tears. I stopped. "You're right." I said calmly. "This is not the way I should be doing this." Brad breathed a sigh of relief as I climbed off the bed, and left the room, only to return with his toothbrush. "THIS is how I should do it!" I shouted as I rammed his toothbrush up his cunt, digging in as hard as I could, rubbing, scraping, until pink cum ran out. All the while Brad thrashed and screamed and begged me to stop. I finally pulled it out, only to ram my thick monster right in. Brad screamed more as I savagely fucked his bleeding cunt. I rammed his filthy, bloody toothbrush in his mouth, making him taste his bloody ass as I continued my assault. I fucked him more viciously than I have ever fucked someone, and squeezed his throat until he almost passed out as I pumped my toxic cum into his ravaged hole. After I pulled out and he lay sobbing, I spit on his face saying, "It ain't over yet, bitch!"
Repurposing and updating an older story I wrote for back in the early 00's under a different pen name. ---- It was a Saturday night and Thomas was browsing the internet looking for a potential hookup. Being a Bi 25 male in a live-in mf relationship made hard for him to capitalize on his carnal desires for male to male action. So when opportunities arose he wanted to take advantage of it. His girlfriend was visiting her parents for the weekend, and Thomas found himself immediately logging into his favorite hookup app and began searching for dick as she left. He had wasted most of his afternoon browsing. Sending messages to "active" users he found interesting, but he wasn't getting any responses back. Thomas was the definition of an otter. Average looks with an average body that carried a little weight to on a slim frame. He was pretty proud of his cock sitting in at 7" in length with a nice thick 5" girth. A cock that was too much for most women, and always caught male bottoms off guard. Thomas was skilled top and regularly pushed bottom past the second sphincter. His ass wasn't large but he kept it in shape with regular squats and lunges at the gym. As Thomas reloaded the active user page. He was starting to think that the night would end up unsuccessful, but wanted to give it one last try. Who knows, maybe something changed in the last 15 minutes? That's when he came across a pair of profiles that caught his attention. Both online, and both seemingly in the same place. Their profile descriptions states they were a couple who looking to play with a potential third. Thomas had only experienced a mmm threesome once before, and the thought of getting spit roasted caused his cock to tingle with excitement. Thomas eagerly sent out a messages to both profiles and unlocked his private pics. He asked if they felt up for some fun and that he was more than excited by the idea of playing with both. It wasn’t long before Thomas heard the familiar chime of a new message coming to his inbox and he was greeted with a message from Fred. Fred was in his late thirties, with a caramel skinned dad bod, goatee, and shaved head. Fred carried with him a thick curved uncut cock with a plump sack hanging low. Curiously, above his crotch was the tattoo of a scorpion. Thomas had never seen that before. "Probably a horoscope thing." he thought. Fred's partner Mitch was a bearish white man in his mid forties. Clean shaven, parted brown hair, and a stout and thick cock. Mitch seemed to be the bottom in the relationship as he also had his big bear ass on display in his photos. Based on the position he took, Mitch was very flexible. Thomas loved that in a man. Both had their status listed as "Ask Me" in their profile. In reading that, Thomas thought it was great they wanted to have a conversation about status. Thomas opened the message from Fred. "Hi there, thanks for the message. I'm Fred. My husband Mitch I are definitely looking for a third to join us for some fun tonight. Interested?" Thomas' cock tented in the loose jersey shorts he wore around his apartment. He had been looking all night, and he finally hooked a big one. He quickly replied. "I'm Thomas, nice to meet ya. That sounds awesome. I'm actually ready to meet up when you are. So let me know when and where." He couldn't hit send fast enough. He then waited, what felt like hours in the mere moment it took for Fred to reply. "That's great. This is our address. Let us know your eta?" Thomas copied the address and looked up a route in a hurry. Fred and Matt were a little under thirty minutes south of where Thomas lived. "Be there in the next hour?" Thomas replied. "See you then." was Fred swift response. Thomas was flushed with blood. Heart pumping. The overwhelming excitement about what he was going to experience made him shake a little. It had been three years since Thomas was with another man let alone two, and his desire for cock has been going crazy as of late. He was finally going to get some cock, and he couldn't think of better circumstances. Thomas put on a T-shirt, some shorts, his best pair of boxers, and jumped into his Honda Civic. As he put the keys into the ignition his cock swelled. He rubbed his crotch as he drove to edge himself. Thomas arrived at the house 20 minutes later and approach the door. After ringing the door bell, he looked down to see his dick still straining against his shorts. The edging he had done during on the ride over created a familiar damp spot as his cock oozed precrum. As the door opened, Thomas was greeted by the handsome olive skinned man, Fred. Fred warmly invited Thomas into his home and introduced me to his lover Mitch. Whatever nerves Thomas felt about coming quickly faded. The three talked for a little bit in Fred & Mitch's impressive home to learn a bit about each other. Fred was an Optometrist, and Mitch was finishing up his time as a Major in the Air Force. As the three continued the conversation into the living room. They sat down on the couch, with Fred and Mitch sitting closely on each side of Thomas. As they got comfortable, Fred asked a little bit more about Thomas. "So you're Bi and currently living with your girlfriend?" Fred asked. "Yeah we moved in together after college. It's helped a lot with expenses." Thomas replied adding "She's out for the weekend." "I use to be Bi as well." Mitch said adding, "went through a few divorces until I realized how much more I liked dick and was only staying married cause of my job in the military. Turns out, there's plenty of closeted men looking for their nut on base." As Mitch spoke he placed his hand across Thomas and began rubbing Fred's crotch. As he got to the note about other closeted men, his grasp moved from Fred's crotch to Thomas'. "Your profile also says 'neg.' Is that right?" Fred asked, there was a twinkle in his eye that Thomas didnt quite catch. He was too distracted by Mitch's playing with his cock through his sorts. "Y-yeah." Thomas stammered out. "Excellent. We only play bare. I hope that isn't a problem?" Fred asked. Thomas was in heat, and didn't really process the question with the same level of scrutiny he would behind a screen. He remembered that the Status listed on Frank's and Mitch's profile listed "Ask Me." So this was them broaching the topic, cause they were also neg, right? These men were handsome, obviously took care of themselves, and had a very nice home. What was the worse that could happen? "No problem at all." Thomas said. As he confirmed his willingness, Fred leaned in for a kiss. Thomas moaned a little as their lips met, and Mitch gave his crotch a little squeeze. Thomas' lips parted, and Fred took his cue to thrust his tongue inside. They kissed deeply, and when they separated Fred turned to Mitch and kissed him just as passionately. Mitch then kissed Thomas and soon all three men were face to face crossing swords with their tongues. Thomas reached out to each of their dicks as they made out. He felt up Fred's long cock and Mitch's thick tool. Thomas own cock was being loosened from his shorts as the men slowly peeled away Thomas' clothes. Mitch worked his hands under Thomas' shirt and began tweaking Thomas' nipples. As Thomas' shirt went over his head, Fred got up from the couch and suggested Mitch and he escort their naked prize to their bedroom. As Thomas climbed onto the bed, the other two stripped down bare and joined him on the king size mattress that dominated the room. Thomas made a comment about his luck being between the pair and soon Fred was back to making out with the 25 year old. Thomas felt Mitch moving down his body and began sucking and slurping on Thomas' cock. As Mitch sucked, Fred played with Thomas' nipples. Flicking, squeezing, biting, and licking between sloppy kiss after sloppy kiss. Thomas' passion ascended at the skilled work the pair was doing. He let out a soft moan as Mitch continued to run the length of Thomas' dick with his expert tongue, taking care to lap it across the velvet texture of Thomas' scrotum. They continued like that for a while, Fred and Thomas exploring each other’s mouths and caressing their bodies while Mitch continued to service their cocks. Mitch didn't want to stop sucking Thomas' cock, but he also wanted some attention on his own. So he moved onto his back and asked Thomas to tend to his thick hard dick too. Thomas obliged and moved on top of Mitch into the 69 position and quickly swooped in to take Mitch's fat cock in his mouth. As Thomas moved his head into position, he noticed Mitch also had the same scorpion tattoo Frank had. "Must be a couple thing." Thomas thought has he brought his mouth down onto Mitch's thick tool. The taste of dick was something Thomas had been missing for a while, and he forgot just how smoothly a cock can glide itself in and out of a wet hole. Whatever previous worries Thomas may have had about “getting rusty” were quickly thrown out the window as he feverishly sucked Mitch off. Mitch responded in kind shoving Thomas' cock deeper into his mouth. He accomplished this by grabbing Thomas' ass and pushing his face deeper into Thomas' crotch. As Mitch sucked Thomas' cock and massaged his ass, Frank had come from behind and began rimming Thomas' exposed hole. Thomas loudly with Mitch's thick member in his mouth. The pleasure Thomas was feeling from Franks expert tongue was sending him whirling. Thomas took Mitch's dick deeper and deeper down his throat until he chocked on it in his excitement. This almost pushed Mitch past the breaking point and he quickly popped his dick out of Thomas' mouth to cool it down. Mitch's load was destined for Thomas' naive hole, and Mitch knew better than to waste a drop of his tainted seed. Frank loved fucking a sloppy hole, and the couple planned to spend the night filling Thomas up with their charged loads until it seeped from every orifice. Fred had been doing work on Thomas' hole all the while, probbing his tongue in and out. Lightly biting the rim of Thomas' sphincter. Probing the loosening hole with his fingers. Even giving the insides a little scratch here and there. Thomas loved all of it, and Frank was more than happy to continue priming his hole for total saturation. Once Thomas' hole started to hold its gape, Frank decided it was time to tease Thomas' hole with his leaking rod. Frank wanted Thomas begging for his cock, and he started with some light taps on Thomas' ass checks with his member. Thomas felt the thudding against his rear, his hole puckering with each hit. Frank continued rubbing the tip of his head around, and would give Thomas the occasion slap on the ass. "I think he's ready." Frank declared. Mitch got out from under Thomas. His thick cock covered in spit and throbbing. He came around to Thomas' hole and Frank moved to Thomas' front presenting his uncut cock. Thomas needed no encouragement and began sucking Frank's dick like a natural. Mitch watched as Thomas' head bobbed up and down on Franks cock making lewd slurping and sucking sounds. The motion of the blowjob made Thomas ass move back and forth as well enticing Mitch to shove his dick into the wanting hole. Mitch stuck a finger in, and soon Thomas was fucking himself on that finger as he sucked off Frank. With his free hand Mitch grabbed his PA and fastened it onto his member. He pulled his finger out of Thomas so he could finish fastening the thread of the piercing, and was happy to see the hole wasn't closing quickly. It was loose enough for the fucking to come. Thomas continued to messily suck Franks cock, spit dribbling down the sides of his mouth. He was becoming a cock pig, and soon the couple was going to turn him into a pregnant cum pig. Even if he didn't quite understand the true extent of the phrase. Thomas noticed Mitch's finger was no longer in this hole, but it wasn’t long before he could feel the pressure of Mitch's cock at the entrance. The tip felt colder, but he didn't put much thought into it. It was probably a dollop of lube, after all. Mitch gave Thomas' hole a few slaps with his cock. The PA glistening in the light of the bedroom. Slowly, he began pressing the head of his cock into Thomas hole. Mitch hadn't lubbed yet, and that was all part of the plan. As his cock started to snag on the anal walls of Thomas' sphincter, Mitch spit into the hole and on his cock to help guide his thick tool in. Thomas felt the mass pushing into his body, and paused sucking Franks cock in reaction. Pausing, however, was not an option as Frank grabbed the back of Thomas' head and held his jaw to being face fucking him. Thomas felt a bit of pain as Mitch's thick tool expanded his hole, and there was this extra sensation at the front of the push that Thomas couldn't describe. It felt amazing though. Mitch wanted to mess up that hole, but he also didn't want to kill the mood by inflicting too much pain on someone with so little experience. So he took his time expanding and priming Thomas' tight ass. Once he bottomed out, he held his cock in place, flexing it inside of Thomas hole. Thomas was now being spit roasted by the two men and his own cock was fully erect and leaking. He could barely think, the sheer ecstasy of the moment clouded his thoughts. His vision blurred. He only existed as a sex sleeve for Frank and Mitch in this moment. Having sensed Thomas will and hole could accommodate the fucking to come, Mitch withdrew his cock a moment to apply more lube. As he withdrew he saw a bit of blood on the shaft of his cock. Mitch smiled and looked up and Frank who met Mitch's smile with his own. They were going to knock Thomas up tonight. The feeling of Mitch's dick exiting was relieving, but Thomas was beginning to miss the sense of being filled up from inside. Sensing this longing, Mitch finished applying his lube applied he dived back in, this time reaching deeper with more ease. Mitch's cock wasn't long enough to push past the sigmoid colon, but he sure as hell could hit its seal to weaken the barrier for when Franks cock was ready for a turn. Thomas let out a low moan as he continued to get face fucked by Fred’s cock and his ass battered by Mitch. The fucking Mitch was giving Thomas was getting harder and faster. Thomas' hole hugged the girth of Mitch's cock like a vice. Each thrust dragged Mitch's PA stud along the inner walls of Thomas asshole. When the PA hit his prostate, Thomas' cock would spasm emitting another globule of precum from the tip. Thomas' body was on fire. This was becoming the best sex he has had in his life. Why was he repressing himself from experiencing total sexual satisfaction by denying his true nature? Mitch grabbed Thomas by the hips and lifted his upper body while keeping his ass in position. As Thomas reclined into the embrace of Mitch, Frank saw the trail of precum stretching from the small pool in the bed up to the tip of Thomas now exposed and displayed cock. The cock bounced and wiggled in the air as Mitch continued to plow Thomas' ass. Frank instinctively licked his lips imaging the taste he'll soon have of Thomas' leaking cock. Frank moved to a nearby nightstand and opened a drawer, pulling out a small brown bottle with a red cap. He moved in front of Thomas and locked eyes with him. Frank took the bottle, opening the lid and placing it under his nose. He inhaled deeply, switched nostrils and inhaled again. Frank then help the bottle under Thomas' nose. "Breathe it into each of your nostrils and hold it until you can't no more." Mitch whispered behind him. Mitch slowed his fucking to just the smallest thrusts so that Thomas could sniff the bottle. Thomas did as instructed. He wasn't sure what the bottle was, and it smelled like Isopropyl Alcohol. When he finished he held is breath and Frank helped Mitch take some hits as well. Frank exhaled and capped the bottle, tossing it aside on the bed. He knealed, lowering his head, raising his ass, and extending his tongue out to lick under Thomas seeping cock. Frank's eyes looked up at Thomas' reddening face, and Frank began slowly teasing and sucking Thomas cock his. Thomas exhaled and so did Mitch, who never stopped pumping his meat into Thomas' hole. The rooms filled with the smells of warmed Amyl Nitrate. Mitch began playing with Thomas nipples, and licking the nape of his neck. Frank's eyes glazed over as he deep throated Thomas cock. Mitch's fucking became focused and purposeful as Thomas' hole warmed and slacked, losing all of its resistance. The three men moan and groaned like dogs in heat as the rush hit. Thomas was drooling. Vision hazed. Ears Ringing. His nipples, cock, and hole felt as if they were a single entity. Each tweak of his nipple made his cock twitch in Frank's mouth. Mitch's groin was flush against Thomas's widening hole. Thier bodies only separating as Mitch thrust his hips rhythmically in and out of Thomas' ass. Each thrust from Mitch pushed Thomas' cock deeper into Franks mouth. Three bodies melded into one sexual unit. Mitch licked up and down Thomas' neck and ears. Biting and tugging on his lobes. "How's that cock feel, boy?" Mitch growled. Thomas could only moan in response. "Yeah I bet. You cant wait to become a cumdump for your Daddies." Mitch replied. The mention"Daddies" made Thomas' cock and hole twitch. Mitch continued, "Your Daddies are carrying a special gift in our loads. A special gift for our special, boy. Do you want your gift?" "Gift?" Thomas thought, but the haze made it hard to think clearly. "Gift = cum. I want cum." Was the extent he could put together. "Cum in me!" Thomas found himself shouting. "Give me your load, Daddy!" Mitch squeeze Thomas' nips and pulled Thomas body into his. He began to buck and spasm, grunting loudly as he began to shoot his load deep inside the now cock crazed Thomas. Thomas could feel Mitch's cock expand and contract as it impregnated him. Mitch kept his cock in and slowly milked it using Thomas ass. Mitch would make sure every last drop was going into the hole. Frank had moved to Mitch's side and watched as his lover slowly extracted his cock from Thomas hole. In exit, some of Mitch's cum dribble out but Frank used his cock to catch it as he switched places with Mitch. Thomas moved to his back lifting his legs and exposing his hole. Frank wasted no time and thrusted his curved cock into Thomas' freshly fucked and seeded hole. Thomas had to adjust to the curve, but once he did Frank entered fully. Frank didn't have Mitch's girth, but his length pushed even deeper shoving Mitch's spunk deeper into Thomas. Frank grabbed Thomas legs to use as a counter brace and began fucking. Frank's thrusts were different from Mitch as he took long strokes in and out of Thomas. The head would often come fully out and Frank would plunge himself back in. Thomas was thankful in hindsight that Mitch went first. It would have been harder to withstand Frank's anal assault if his ass wasn't already widened and loosened. As Frank fucked Thomas' brains out. Mitch moved to Thomas' exposed cock, balls, nips, and belly. Mitch moved his hands across Thomas body as Frank railed away. Occasionally Mitch would stop and give a suck or lick of each part he was massaging. The pair made an excellent team as one ran interference while the other went on offense, so to speak. Frank placed Thomas' legs on his shoulders. Hands firmly on each of Thomas' cheeks. He looked directly into Thomas eyes. "Ready for your second load, slut?" Frank asked without exactly asking. Thomas nodded, not breaking eye contact. Frank hammered away reaching even deeper inside Thomas than before. Waves of pleasure coursed through Thomas' body as his hole gave way to Frank's pleasures. Mitch laid next to them watching his lover went to town. With a few extra thrusts, Thomas felt Franks cock explode. As if they had planned it Mitch then began feverishly sucking on Thomas' cock. The expansion of Fred’s dick was overwhelming as he began to cum shooting streams of cum inside Thomas whose dick also swelled climaxed inside Mitch's skilled mouth. Mitch never lifted his head and sucked down each burst of Thomas neg cum. The post orgasm pleasure subsided and Frank withdrew from Thomas. He moved back to the nightstand and produced a but plug from the drawer. He put it inside Thomas and smiled saying "We don't want to waste your gift now do we?" Thomas just nodded, trying to catch his breath and bearings. Frank and Mitch wiped up the sweat they built up with a towel, and helped Thomas with some light drying as well. They then rejoined him on the bed. "So..." Frank began. "You said your partner is gone for the weekend, right?" (to be continued)
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This was the result of his own behavior. Neil messed with someone with magical powers. He begged me to come over and fill his ass with cum. He was cute and I was happy to do it and excited for it. But I got there and he said I had to use a condom. I was disappointed but agreed and did it. But then as soon as we were done he took the condom and played with my load and ate some of it and jacked himself off with my load. So I knew he was a [banned word] who loved cum. So the next time he asked for me to come fuck him I turned him down. He kept asking day after day till he was begging to be filled. He told me he wanted to feel his stomach swollen from so much cum. So I finally agreed to it and made him promise that I could fill his gut with sperm. He agreed. So i got there and we start going and right as I am about to fuck him he tells me I have to wear a condom. I told him fine. But I told him if I have to do that he has to make out with a box of condoms, licking each and ever wrapper like it was a cock giving him life. He looked at me weird but he was so horny he didn't care. He did it. Completing the spell I put on the economy box of condoms. I angry fucked that boy so hard with that condom I hoped it would break but yet again it didn't. Again he took the condom and tasted the cum. Rubbed it all around his puffy sore hole and then jacked off with the cum. He wanted it but wouldn't let himself enjoy it. Luckily enough for me I now had 32 magical condoms. The next day I went and fucked one of me regulars that always makes me use condoms. I wore one of the magical condoms and fucked the shit out of the dude. I was way too turned on. I felt the tingling that told me I was about to blast and I did. But the condom never filled. Jet after jet just disappeared, but I knew it was appearing in Neil's ass. No matter where he was he would suddenly feel a cock in his ass and then be filled with my jizz. I wondered if he would text me. About an hour later I got a text, asking to fuck. I told him no, I had already blown my load and wasn't looking at the moment. He told me he was super horny and felt like he could take a load now. And I just giggled because I knew he had. I did this for a few more days and each time he would message me. Finally I told him if he wanted me to fuck him he would have to prove he would take my load in his ass by showing me a load in his ass already. He said he wasn't that much of a slut. But he was horny. So I decided to try something and gave out another 5 of the condoms to some friends. Turns out we all got laid that weekend. Neil messaged me and said it felt like he got fucked all weekend and his ass was lubing itself and ready to be fucked. I just smirked and told him when he shows me dripping cum out his slut hole I will fuck him again. Apparently he let a few guys blow in him that weekend because he tried to Send me pics of his hole leaking but either they shot deep or he lost the loads before he got video or pics. So I gave out the rest of the condoms and told the people that got them that I need then to be fucking or jacking off into the condoms between 7 and 8 that night and I agreed to hook up with Neil between 730 and 830. Talk about a full gut and a well fucked boy with sex on the brain. I got the video of the 1st few loads leaking out when i arrived, and i fucked it. But it got stuffed full by the 20 something loads of other men as I was finally fucking bare in this hole. It was amazing to feel his hole keep getting more sloppy. He was groaning in uncomfortable ecstasy as I made sloppy strokes till I blasted in the newest cum-slut in town. Now to figure out if i should tell him, or just enjoy his need for cum in his hole without it magically appearing.
For a long time I have had a fantasy, and with this I decide to make it public. Maybe you will find it a horny fantasy too, and who knows, maybe it will become reality? First I will introduce myself: I am a young man from the Netherlands, have a slim figure, dark blond, blue-gray eyes and little body hair. I also - due to a disability - use a wheelchair. This brings some challenges, but that doesn't stop me from having a horny fantasy. 😉 --------- On a hot summer afternoon, I am waiting for a delivery. Because of the hot weather, I am not wearing much and have actually been quite excited all day. Therefore, I have a huge desire to play with myself. I try to do some things, but each time my thoughts wander. Without realizing it, I sit down at my laptop and go to a Tumblr version that does show porn. Immediately after logging in, horny photos and videos pop up. Mmm... I feel my little cock twitch.... It wants to be touched.... I scroll some more and click on a video. As it plays, I move my hand towards my little cock and start massaging it. I feel myself getting hornier and hornier and I unbutton my shirt so I can pinch my nipples with the other hand. Tringgg! There goes the bell. Finally the mail carrier is here. Quickly I open the door and hope for a handsome delivery man. I open the door and.... alas, it's a female delivery person. Well, that doesn't do much for me. Oh well, at least I got the package. Still extremely horny, I decide to make a bold move. Back at the computer I log on to the apps under the profile name 'wheelchairSlut'. 'Horny wheelchair slut seeks top. Who cums? Door is open and everyone is welcome! Send a message with stats, and I'll respond.” can be read in my bio. I'm on the apps quite often, but it hasn't gotten me much action yet. Unfortunately. Still, it doesn't stop me from trying again and again. But, since it so often doesn't take a storm - probably the wheelchair puts men off - I had a full shave from below. I like that. Like a real slut, completely bald, offering myself to horny men. While I'm jerking off a bit, I hear another message coming in to Bull. Hopefully with success. 'Give me your address and I'll fill you up, slut' I read. Oh my! This immediately gets my full attention. This will get me horny, for sure! I click on his name (barebacktop)and read that it is a 45yr old man, actually a daddy. Not too fat, but not thin either. Nice cock of 19cm and, what I like: chest hair. My cock immediately gets a little harder again. With clammy hands I send my address and in no time I have a response: 'I'll be there within +10 minutes. B ready 4 me'. Will he really come, or is it another fake? - I ask myself. But I can't go back: he has my address. And, of course, I have become increasingly horny. I undress completely, which was not difficult: I already had little on because of the hot weather. While undressing I look at myself in the mirror. Always very horny to be shaved completely naked and to see this in the reflection. Also, my cock stands proudly erect. Okay, it may not be a big one, but I think it suits me. A small cock does suit a slut like me. Quickly I continue that and before I realize it, time is almost up. I unlock the door, close the curtains and lie down on the bed. So, just a little more patience. My heart is pounding in my throat. Do I actually dare to do this? “Hello?” I hear as the front door opens. In a trembling voice I answer: come in! I'm in the room to your left!"" I hear some noises and can make out that he is getting closer. He opens the door to the bedroom, and there he stands. Because there is a lot of light in the hall, I can see only a silhouette. He looks like a very handsome man. As he steps through the doorway, he takes off his shirt. A magnificent chest emerges. One with dark chest hair and a treasure trail down. He is also wearing sweatpants, and by the looks of it, going commando: his penis is clearly visible. And by the looks of it a bigger size than I'd imagined! I'd like to feel that one inside me, I think! 'Are you ready for it slut? I want to fuck you! Bravely I answer, “Yes, sir". I notice how his heavy male voice makes me feel extremely horny and submissive. Because I am lying on my back, I can see that he is pulling down his pants and I reach for his big dick with my hand. This one is already completely stiff, I feel. The man comes closer to me and pushes his cock against my ass. Going between my cheeks, up and down. Mmmm, I moan. That feels so horny. It made me horny as hell. I think he noticed, because suddenly he thrust his big penis hard into me. The tears jumped into my eyes. While I still had to get used to his delicious cock in my ass, I pointed to the condoms next to the bed. 'Daddy, the condom...!' 'Don't fuss, slut! I'm going to fuck you without one. That's what you wanted...! He was right about that. This was what I actually wanted. I wanted to be overwhelmed. I wanted to be taken roughly. To be filled. With seed. I just never had the guts to admit to this carnal desire. The man pushed through. “Ouch,” I groaned. I didn't want to let him down, so I bit my tongue. Still, my moans escaped my mouth. The man bent down and put his hand on my mouth so I couldn't make a sound. I felt his penis going further and further inside me. I felt like I was being torn in two. The man moved in and out of my ass and suddenly pushed it completely inside me. It felt like lightning went through me: I was being piston fucked by this horny man. Fuck! How much it hurt! But what a wonderful feeling it was to be filled, too. The man pulled out again and rammed his big pole in rock hard again. He repeated this at a different pace each time: from rough and hard to slow and soft. Oh my, how horny I was getting! I began to enjoy it more and more and even gave counter motions to feel his hard cock inside me better. Apparently he found this horny because I heard him moan as well. Suddenly it seemed like he lost control over himself, sweat drops falling on me. He started fucking me faster and faster and harder. I heard his breathing quicken. 'I'm going to fill up your boy cunt, slut!” the man said. 'You want that, don't you? My seed in your ass'. I looked into his eyes, and hesitated a little.... Still, I nodded. It just felt so good. And I knew this was what I was made for.... I'm a bttm who has to take men's seed. That's my job. 'Say it out loud, slut. Say you want my seed'. 'Yes, daddy! I want your seed! Give me your seed!!!! Fuck it into me' With all the strength I had in me, I tightened my sphincter muscle. The man started panting harder and harder and suddenly he popped his penis so far inside me. I felt this was it. He pumped my ass full of his cum. My ass got all hot inside. It must have been many waves of seed - how much I didn't know. I was in a kind of trance of horniness. How good it felt! As if someone was giving me a warm gift inside. Delicious! He pulled out of my ass, and I watched him get dressed again. Then my eye fell on his hip, where there was a tattoo of a scorpion. 'What a nice tattoo,' I said, 'I'm a scorpion too! November 17 is my birthday' The man let out a laugh and looked at me 'If you want a present you'll have to wait a little longer.... Maybe you'll get the same tattoo from me then.' I looked at him unsure of what he meant, but he didn't seem to care. The man bent down again and gave a kiss. 'Send a message if you want another load' And before I knew it, the man was gone again. Naked I lay there, with my ass full of seed and a small cock that was still hard.
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** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** ************************************************************************************************************************* He was seated at the bar, drinking with a couple of guys. From his loud laughter, and the silly things he was blurting out, as well as his overall behavior, it was clear to me he was quite drunk. But on the other hand, he was quite sexy. He was, of course, young, no doubt just over 18. The guys recognized him being intoxicated and touched him inappropriately all the time. They grabbed his ass or rubbed his junk while passing him by. He never complained about it. He just grinned like a fool, feeling probably flattered to be the center of the attention. So I tried my luck and ordered a drink at the bar and while standing close to the drunk twink I let my hand slip into his low hip jeans on his backside and my middle finger moved downwards between his ass cheeks, just to find his hole. I pressed my finger against his hole and he relaxed it and let me pass his sphincter. What a slut, I thought to myself. I gave him a cheeky grin and then went back to the two fellows I was with that night. We were all biohazard stallions and we were, let’s put it this way, interested in the youthful guy. He blinked at me and then moved to the back area, where the darkroom was. My mates fist bumped me and cheered, while I got up from my chair I told them to be nearby, in case…. Getting into the backroom my eyes had to adjust to the dimmed light. I saw him wandering about, but I doubted he would actually be notice all the guys lurking about. The risk was too high, that another dick would grab him first and so I hurried up and greeted him with my low voice. He tried to focus me and then showed a foolish smile asking me, if I was the guy fingering outside. I laughed and nodded to that. “You know… I think I had a drink too much and all the jocks look the same to me. Just a big bulge…..” he claimed. “Oh that’s okay…. you are nothing more than a hole to me.” I replied and although my answer was quite reducing him he flashed another smile. “How about three big cocks?” I asked him referring to my two friends. “I guess it would be okay, but we have to play safe. Okay? My boyfriend is out of town and we are faithful to each other. FAITHFUL (in a loud voice). That’s why you can’t fuck me, but it is okay to fuck me now….” he babbled. Such a wasted guy… I signaled my friends to attend me and so they appeared out of the darkness and greeted the teen. “Hey guys – can I touch your bulges to see if you are well endowed?” he asked us. He massaged each of our bulges and seemed to be satisfied to feel 9+ inches of hard cock meat. We looked for a dark corner and there we turned him around, so that he faced the wall. I opened his jeans and lowered them. They fell to the ground and revealed a beautiful round ass. “Don’t forget the condom” he whispered. “Of course not, but let me first finger you. Get you ready for my fat dick.” I suggested and used a bit lube on my fingers and entered his hole with three fingers at once. I crouched behind him, to get a good angle to finger fuck him roughly. He was moaning and enjoyed it obviously. After a while I used only my index finger and my middle finger to actually scratch him from the inside, while pulling my fingers out. I repeated it over and over again and he complained about the growing pain. I told him that I had to prepare him for the hard fuck, but that I would soon been done. I had to rely on my handy work and so I got up and started lubing up my dick. “Sorry guys… but I can’t get hard. Too much alcohol I guess” he giggled. “Never mind, just let us charge your cunt up and we are gone anyway” I replied. “Give him some poppers” I told one of my friends. He handed the boy the brown bottle and told him to use it. “How?” he asked seriously. “I don’t do drugs” he added. “That’s not a drug baby, it is something to inhale to make you feel horny for cocks” I explained. You can keep the bottle afterwards, in case you want to enjoy some other gentlemen dicks in here. “The condom on your cock already?” he asked while he opened the bottle with a ‘plop’ and then sniffed at the bottle opening, while a pal pressed against his other nose opening. ‘Whoooosh’ “Oh my…. oh fuck…. what is this…..” he stuttered. My friends helped him stay on his feet. I parted his ass cheeks in the meanwhile and entered his soft asshole raw. “Oh fuck, this is it…. oh it feels so good. man…. fuck me hard…. fuck me hard into my pussy” he moaned. We made him inhale more of the poppers and every time he was almost freaking out and begging me to fuck deeper into his body. Of course I rammed my whole cock hard into him. This wasn’t supposed to be a romantic affair. This was hardcore POZ fucking. I fucked my dick hard into his hole, trying to inflict even more damage with every thrust I could muster. “You want to get your slut ass charged?” I whispered into his ears, while he experienced one rush after another. He nodded only “Tell me loud, that I can charge your cunt up” I advised him with my low and calm voice. “Fuck me hard into my ass…. (and then louder) Charge my slut ass up” he exclaimed. I grunted and held him by the shoulders, while I was speed-fucking him now. This put me over the edge and my toxic semen erupted inside his ass. My cock gushed five times and I kept on fucking him, to make sure my seed would infiltrate his body soon. After I pulled my cock out, I pretended I would get rid of the condom and stuffed my dick back into my jeans. My pal was next and I told him, while taking his place, to think about the condom. “Yes…. safety first please…. I don’t want to get sick by these…. sick…. bastards….” he repeated himself and took another good whiff. “I think there is enough lube left in there” my friend said with a smirking face. Without hesitance he entered the twink’s ass, who had one POZ load already inside his body…
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While I was a sophomore in college, I was really fucking horny. My boyfriend Chad couldn't satisfy my desire to be plowed almost every night. He was 25 at the time and was a Ph.D student in applied physics, so he didn't have much free time, an was tired when he did. I was 20, 6'1, 190 pounds of muscle with brown hair and blue eyes with a 6.5inch cut cock. Despite my masculine appearance, I was a power bottom. He didn't want me cheating on him, so to satisfy my desire to be fucked, he would let other men fuck me as long as he set up the encounter, watched, and they wore a condom. Unbeknownst to him though, I poked holes in almost all of the condoms. We always fucked raw, and I hated condoms and LOVED taking a load in my ass. One fateful day, I was horny as fuck and Chad just wasn't feeling up to the task of fucking me, so he went to craigslist and set up an advert looking for an anon top. About 30 minutes later we got a response requesting that the bottom (me) be blindfolded. I'm always into kinky shit, so I figured why not, a blindfold is no problem. I went into our bedroom and set up a small camera behind the tv near the bed so as to relive the moment later. I then put the faulty condoms out, got naked, and put on the blindfold with my ass in the air. About 15 minutes later there was a knock at the door and Chad answered. "Come on in. Hot tats man" said Chad. "Thanks. I have a bunch all over. " replied the man in a deep gruff voice. He must have been an older man, 40's minimum. I heard some clothes being taken off. "Damn, that one must have hurt, it's so close to your dick. That eagle tattoo on you chest looks sweet!" Chad exclaimed. "Heh, yeah. The eagle was my first one. The one near my dick was my third one. The second one..." There was a slap as if he had smacked his own ass. "Was this one. I got then at the same time after an incredible week." He laughed "I just can't remember too much from all the partying. So. Who am I fucking?" "He's this way" said Chad as he lead the stranger to the bedroom. My cock got hard thinking that this older tatted man was going to fuck my brains out. I felt a slap of a large hand on my ass. "You're in for a treat today boy." Said the man. He started rimming my ass with his tongue. I moaned as he licked and moaned even more as he started sticking a finger in my hole. I heard a rip, and the unrolling of a condom on a dick. I've heard this many a time, but he was going to cum in me, he just didn't know it. He thrusted hard in my ass and I yelped. He must have been at least 8 inches!! I felt a pop inside me and I knew the condom break due to inadequate living and the holes. He smacked my ass hard, "You be quiet" he said forcefully and proceeded to stuff something cloth in my mouth. I judging from the taste and smell it must have been one of his socks. He smacked my ass again and I made sure to not make a sound. "That's better bitch." I wasn't sure if he felt the condom break or not, but if he had, he wasn't mentioning it. He pushed me completely down on the bed, pinning me with his body. His ass to the camera, he started fucking me like a rabbit with short but forceful thrusts. It was all I could do to not scream or moan as waves of pain and ecstasy washed over me. I could hear Chad sitting down somewhere in front of me jerking off. The man pulled me up and then started to fuck me doggie style. This time he pulled out almost all the way and slammed his dick deep into my ass. I let out a moan of pleasure as I felt his massive dick squeeze in my ass. He then grabbed my hair in one hand and slapped my ass harder than ever with the other and said "Bitch, I told you not to make a noise!" I was so turned on that I couldn't help but moan again, and again his hand slapped my ass, all the while pulling my head back by my hair. He kept thrusting his long dick in and out of me, faster and faster. "I'm gonna cum bitch." He said. I moaned through his sock on purpose. He yanked my hair back and then smacked my ass again as he moaned loudly. "Fuck yeah bitch. Make me cum!" He yelled at me. I squeezed my ass as tight as I could as he kept thrusting his cock deep in my ass. I felt his dick throb deep in my ass for what felt like ages. Finally he stopped and pulled out. It felt like my ass was uncorked. He slapped my ass and took out his sock and then walked out. I heard some shuffling and then a door closing. "That was hot!" Said Chad. "I think he took the condom with him. Odd." I heard some shuffling around and I pulled off the blindfold. Chad was putting his clothes on. "I have to head into the lab, I'm running late already." He gave me a kiss and then left. Sore and still hard, I took out the camera and put the memory card in my computer and started watching the film. I fast forwarded to when the man walked in. He was about 6' tall and was maybe 60 years old, based on his bald head and grey goatee. I saw the eagle tattoo on his chest first. It took up almost his entire chest, from nipple to nipple of a bald eagle. I then saw his massive dick. He was easily 9 inches long and really girthy, surrounded by lightly trimmed grey pubes. My mouth watered and I almost came from the sight. I couldn't make out the tattoo above his dick though. His front was in front of the camera for such a brief time. He turned around and I saw the tattoo on his ass cheeks. On one side there was a black biohazard symbol and the words "Cum in" underneath. I had never seen anything like it before, but I loved how it was shaped and perfectly fit on his ass. I started fast forwarding and saw where he started fucking me. He paused for a moment and I knew that was where the condom broke. My ass started leaking and I paused the recording. I stuck my hand near my ass and pushed it all back in. Lifting up my fingers I saw residue of cum and blood. Licking my fingers, I got a butt plug and put it in and continued watching the video. I saw the man cum in me and pull out. The condom was definitely broken and wrapped around the base of his long shaft, which was tinged red. Chad couldn't see it as he was sitting in front of my blindfolded face. The man quickly took off the condom and held it in his hand as he exited the room. I moved to the bed and started jerking my raging hard boner. All I could think about was that man filling my ass and fucking me mercilessly. I started playing with the butt plug and shot my load. I was in heaven as it cascaded all over my chest and face. I lay there in ecstasy, covered in my own cum with that strangers cum deep inside me, held in place by the plug
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I decided to attend the Gay Pride Parade this past month in my local town to show support for my gay friends with whom I work. There are about five of them. At sixty, I am much older. I'm also 6', and about 185 pounds. I've been married to my wife for 30 years, we had four children, and now have eight grandchildren. I guess I'm about as straight they come, but have always thought there was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. It just wasn't for me and I had never even thought about doing anything with another guy. It was going to be a hot day, so I decided to dress for the heat and wear what I usually wore to my track meets: a jock strap, shorts, a tee shirt, sport socks and sneakers. One of my friends rode with me there and he was dressed fairly similarly. We found a place to park fairly close to the start, which surprised me, but then I thought, oh hell, when the parade is over I will be about 2-3 miles from here. Oh, well, can't have everything. We got out and walked over to the starting area and found the other guys. I was kind of rubber necking somewhat as I had never seen such an array of, well, somewhat crazy looking people before. There were all kinds of attire from just plain like I and my friends to wild costumes and back down to what looked to be a few guys with little or nothing on at all. It was a kaleidoscope of colors everywhere and I was like a kid in a candy store wanting to just see what all was going on. It was very festive scene and then there were the floats which were magnificent to look at. I started walking around to look at everything I could and soon lost track of where my friends were at. I looked for a bit but there were just too many people around to really look good. I soon decided the heck with it, I would see them later for a couple of drinks before going home tonight. I went looking for something to drink then. Soon found a nice little stand that sold my drink of choice, an ice cold CocaCola. I bought one and then wondered around some more but still did not see my buddies and the parade was lining up to start. I found myself by a float I liked the looks of, so decided to just walk along with it. Soon we were starting up and I found several guys walking around that float and on it all dressed alike, so figured they were all friends or at least had al worked on the float together. A few blocks later, one of the guys from the float turned and said hi to me. I returned his greeting and soon we were talking while we walked along. About a mile and a half into the parade I was starting to feel the heat and the long walk. The guy I was walking with told me I could take a break and ride on the float for a bit if I wanted, but he said I would probably have to take off the shorts and shirt as all on the float only had on jockstraps. I looked and was surprised as I had not noticed them stripping most of their clothes off on there till then. Only the guys walking were still in their shorts and shirts. I was kind of in a turmoil about that when I stepped on a rock in the road and twisted the heck out of my ankle. My new friend grabbed me or I would have went down. That pretty much settled it for a bit as he basically tossed me up onto the float. I decided, what the hell and soon had my shirt, shorts and shoes and socks off and was only in my jockstrap. My new friend then told me I looked to be in pretty decent shape for my age as I had told him that earlier. I thanked him and returned the compliment. I had not really paid much attention to his looks until he tossed me like a sack of sugar onto the float. Now, I noticed, he was definitely in good shape and although not a build of a weightlifter did have quite the muscles showing. I then rode the float for the rest of the parade. Looking around I noticed the other guys on the float all seemed to be in pretty good shape. Must all work out a lot I thought. I also noticed that they all, that I could see from where I was at, seemed to have the same tattoos. One, a tramp stamp on their backs and another on their stomach when they would turn and I could see it, of a figure that looked familiar, but I couldn't place it at first. Then as we passed a hospital on the way I noticed the design on one of the dumpsters I could see off to the side and it dawned on me they all, for some reason, had a biohazard symbol. I asked my new buddy about it and he said they had all decided to get one when they joined the club. I thought that sounded nice for them to do.
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- gay sex
- straight bred
(and 2 more)
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“Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It’s been a month since my last confession” “To be forgive my son, you must confess all your sins to me” the Priest said from behind the screen. “Father, I have engaged in sins of the flesh” “Please continue” “I had sexual relations with a man, Father” “Was there penetration” “Yes Father, both oral and anal” “My son, sodomy is going against God, but is forgivable” “Father, there is more” “Please go on,” the unknown Priest said, “tell me it all” “Father, I also told false witness to this man” “What did you lie about my son” “He asked if I was ‘clean’ and I lied and said I was” “Clean? Hygienic clean?” “No Father, clean as in disease free” “My son, no one is completely clean” “He was asking if I had any STDs” “My son, are you saying you are not free from God’s punishment from sin” “No I'm not Father” “Why would you bare false witness to this stranger” he asked, “I assume he was a stranger” “Yes, Father he was a stranger. I lied because I hate when people use the term clean that way” “My son, do you feel guilt from your deception” “Not from my deception, Father but from the act that followed” “Sodomy is forgivable” “It wasn't just the sodomy, Father.” “Explain” “When I met the man, he was naked, with his ass up” “Ready for penetration?” “Yes, Father. My erection was throbbing in my shorts” “I see” the Priest said, as I heard a belt buckle rattling. “I dropped my shorts, freeing my erection.” “Was he still in the same position” “Yes Father, ass up” There was more movement from the Priest side of the confessional. “Are you okay Father” “Yes my son, needed to stretch a little,” he said, “please continue” “I took a condom from my short’s pocket” “Condoms are against the Church’s teaching, my Son” “I know Father, but he wanted protection used” “I see” the Priest said as he breathed a little faster. “But, I had doctored the condom” “How my son” “I poked many holes in the condom, thru the wrapper, with a pin” “Why would you do that my son” “To make sure that the condom broke as I penetrated him” I heard more heavy breathing from the other side. “Are you still with me Father” “Yes my son, continue” “After carefully putting the condom on, I slide my erection into his willing rectum” “Was it smooth or hairy” “What, Father?” “His behind?” “It was smooth Father, cheeks and crack” “Beautiful” whispered the Priest “Sorry Father?” “Nothing of importance, my son. Please continue” “His ass was so warm and tight around my erection” “Oh my” “And as planned, Father, the condom broke” “You are inside this man in the flesh” “Yes my erection was exposed inside his flesh, from the tip to the base, where the condom had moved to” There was a soft, steady knocking on the wall between us, as well as a heavy breathing. “You still with me Father” “Yes, my son. You have my full attention up” “I pumped my erection in and out of his rectum” “Did he know the condom broke as you penetrated him over and over” “No Father, but he reached back once and I was fully in him, so he only felt the condom around my erection base” “He was satisfied you were wearing the condom” “Yes Father” “Are you erect as you confess” “Yes Father” “Please continue” “When I climaxed Father, I did not pull out” “You spilled your seed inside his rectum” “Yes Father” I said, “deep inside” “And what of the condom when you removed your spent erection from his rectum” “I quickly removed it and discarded it” “Was the man still deceived” “Yes Father” “My son, what was so bad about that” “Father, I carry HIV” “My son, your guilt must be a large weight on your shoulders” “Not really Father” “My son, your deliberate act makes the Angels weep” “Father, if I am to be truthful with you, I must confess more” “Is this not the first time you did this” “No Father I have done this with at least a dozen men” “You have penetrated a dozen men with your erection” “Yes Father” The knocking was becoming more steady and his breathing a bit heavier” “Do you take more pleasure from the penetration or the passing of your disease” “If I answer honestly Father, would you answer a question from me honestly” “Of course my son” “I get more pleasure from passing the disease” “Oh my son!” “Father, are you self pleasuring as I confess” “My son, God’s holy shaft is in hand” “Father, before I left this man,” I said, “I penetrated his mouth with my penis” “Did this get you erect again” “Yes Father, fully erect” “Did he oral stimulate you until you spilled your seed again” “He did, Father. His mouth was very warm” “Oh my” “Father are you close to spilling your seed” “Yes my son, I am on the edge” “I want you to bless me with your Holy Seed” “My son, exit the confessional and head to the restroom on the second floor.” “Yes Father” I stood and adjusted my erection in my shorts. Before opening the door, I heard the Priest say: “Kneel in prayer” I silently moved through the Church and up the stairs to the men's room on the second floor. My footsteps echoed through the empty Church hall. The door to the men's room creaked as I pushed it open. I quickly dropped my shorts and knelt on the cold hard tile floor. My cock was sticking straight up. I heard footsteps approaching as I folded my hand in prayer I front of me, lowered my head and closed my eyes. The door slowly creaked open. “My son, God has forgiven you for your transgressions, but you must resist the temptation to sin in the future” “Yes Father” I heard the rustling of his garments and the distinct sound of a zipper being lowered. “I must wash away your sins” There was more movement and rustling. “Look up my son, look in my eyes” I opened my eyes and moved my stare up his body. His erected penis and testicles were sticking out of his zipper. His cock was massive, a good eight and a half inches long, thick and veiny. I looked directly into his eyes as he started stroking again. His hand moved quickly up and down his shaft. “Your penance is to take my Holy seed, allow its goodness to consume you” He was quickly stroking his cock, pre-cum oozed out of his piss slit, which was picked up by his hand and coated his shaft. “Open your mouth” I opened wide, he moved the head of his cock to just inside my mouth. I kept my mouth opened as wide as I could, his pre-cum dripped on my tongue. His breathing was heavy again. Without warning the first shot of cum hit the back of my throat, each volley of cum shot into my mouth. Some was running down my throat, causing a tickle. He squeezed his shaft hard, milking the last of his cum out onto my tongue. As he put his cock back into his black pants he said: “Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more, my son” He left me kneel there on the bathroom floor.
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Hi everyone, my very very first time writing here. I actually still don’t know how it works, so apologies in advance if I make some mistakes about topics or locations of my writing. I come from a very conservative religious family, and especially lately, after a bumpy sexuality growth ( I’m in my early thirties), I’ve developed a need for sex which is sort of non consensual. It’s like a fantasy where I’m not able to decide what to do with my body and it’s entirely up to the other men to use me and do what they want with me, (I’m a total bottom). I try to recreate as much as I can about this scenario getting a bit drunk and high on poppers, like I’m not in control at all and the top just does what he wants to get off. Just wondering if there is anyone out there into this kind of intercourses and how you manage to achieve that level of satisfaction. Thank you for now.
A couple of weeks ago, someone asked in the HIV Fetish forum if anyone had ever been approached with a line about joining The Club. I told my story there. As I thought about it, I decided to expand it into a story. I hope you like it. This is the first time I have written one. Back in the mid 1990s, I had been playing safe-only for a long time. I had taken bare cock from a couple of boyfriends and one really long-term fuck buddy, but I had never taken a stranger's cock bare. Even so, I wanted more cum in me badly. Those little tastes of bare cock just made me crave more. I was in my early 30s, and I started going to the video arcade at the adult bookstore. One day I was stroking to an older bareback porno in the ABS. I had my shirt pulled up so I could play with my nips, and I had my shorts down around my ankles. The city had made them take the doors off the booths and replace them with curtains which made it really easy to slip into a booth without the guy inside noticing. I head a voice say "hey." I looked up and saw a hot guy watching me stroke. I smiled appreciatively at the young, fit brown-haired stud. "You a bottom?" he asked. I stammered out some non-committal response, but my face was red and hot with embarrassment. "That's what I thought," he said. He stepped closer and began pinching my nips. What little resistance I might have had went out the door with that. He fished a hard 7 inches out of his pants. He let me suck it while he worked my nups. "Let me fuck you." I was turned on but a little scared about sex in a public place. "Um, I don't have any condoms," I said trying to be good. "Neither do I. I never use them." This surprised me. "Don't you worry about HIV?" He smiled reassuringly. "I belong to a special Club. Guys in this Club never have to worry about catching it because we only have sex with each other and special new guys we recruit like you. I know I won't catch it from you. Right?" "Oh no. I am negative for sure." I was intrigued and incredibly turned on at this point. "I would love to join. What do I have to do?" He smiled and said, "You have to let me fuck you now. Then I will go tell all the other members who are here, and they will come fuck you, too. I know I have seen several here already today. You just wait here and take their cocks and their cum. When enough club members have fucked you, you will get the formal invitation." That sounded too good to be true. Without much more consideration, I went for it. He knelt and lifted my legs spreading them apart. He gave me a quick rimming to loosen me up. Then he slid his spit-slick cock inside me. I groaned a little but did my best to take it well. I really wanted to be in this Club that would keep me safe always. I could tell he was really excited, too, but he did his best to make sure I enjoyed the fuck. In just a few minutes, he groaned and shot his load inside me. "That's a great start man. You just sit tight, and I will send the next guy from The Club in." Then he kissed me and left. I thanked him profusely. After just a few minutes, another man entered my booth. I couldn't believe my luck. I knew this hot daddy from around town. He was a short, muscular redhead who was rumored to have a huge cock. "I hear you are ready to join, " he said. "Yes, sir. Please fuck me, " I said as a leaned back on the seat and spread my legs. "He told me you were full of spunk, so we aren't wasting time on the preliminaries, " he said as he dropped his pants. A thick 9 inches of uncut meat popped up when he did. He pushed right into me with no lube not even spit. Even with my hole sloppy I felt his huge piece stretching and tearing into me. I took it gladly remembering how I had beat off fantasizing about this guy before. He fucked me long and hard. He shifted his angle to stretch me out and rub hard against my prostate. "This needs to hurt a bit, but I want you to enjoy it, too. Every day can be like this one once you join." I moned my agreement. Eventually he finished off in my hole, too. It felt like a huge load. "That's a fine piece of ass. You keep at it like this, and you will be in The Club in no time." I replied, "That's what I want." He pulled up his shorts and left. Over the course of the next few hours, seven more guys fucked and bred me. They weren't all as hot as the first two guys. One of them had a really small cock, and a couple of them looked a little sickly. But they were all eager to get me into the club. They each fucked me hard and bred me. I hoped I was doing a good job. I did my best to milk a load from each guy, and I thanked them for their help. Finally, the first guy came back in the booth. "Man, you did an excellent job tonight. I think you are well on your way to joining, but you have to take loads from more Clubmembers to be sure." I was disappointed. "When can I take more? What if you aren't here the next time I come in?" He smiled. "Well, you are about to get one more from me. Here's what you are going to do next time. Tell any guy who wants to fuck you that you are trying to join The Club. He will know what to do, and he will spread the word around. That way all the guys in The Club who are there that night will fuck you." That sounded good to me. He dropped his pants and slid back inside my puffy, used hole running with cum. As he pumped my ass he said, "I am so proud of how far you have come in one night. You were so shy the first time I came in here. I am going to give you my number. But I don't want you to call me until you have taken at least 50 loads from Club members. Will you promise?" I smiled and nodded. He pounded hard into me until he shot another load inside me. The next time I went to the ABS, I didn't see the guy who told me about The Club, but he was totally right. When I would tell any guy who was about to fuck me that I was looking to join The Club, he always knew just what I wanted. He would unload inside me and then tell all the other Club members there that night what I wanted. After just a few visits, I made it to 50 Clubmember loads. I still hadn't seen my buddy started me on my quest to join. I decided to call the number he gave me. When the local HIV hotline answered, I suddenly understood what Club I had been trying to join. But the hot guy who recruited me told the truth about one thing; after I got my "membership certificate" from the health clinic, I never had to worry about catching the bug again.
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I’m Rick, 5ft 7, with a small waist and an edible bubble butt. I had just turned 30 and was still single. I’d spent most of my 20’s hooking up and having meaningless relationships, that never went anywhere. I was on all the usual sites and ignored most of the cruises and oinks I had gotten, that is until I received a message from ‘Daddy’; “I’ve had my eye on you for a while boy” There was no picture or any details on the profile so I ignored the message, throwing my phone on to my bed, it lit up again. He had sent his location, it was a hotel in the centre of town. Too much effort, I thought. I spent my evening tidying up and was about to jump into a shower when I got another message. This guy can’t take a hint. “Daddy is waiting.” My cock stirred, I hadn’t been fucked by a Daddy in a while. I decided to seize the moment. After having a quick shower and cleaning out, I soon found myself trying to find a parking spot in the city centre. I approached the hotel and sent a message. “I’m here. Daddy” “Room 602” I made my way to the elevator and hit the 6, noticing it was the top floor. My pulse began to quicken. I didn’t know what this guy looked like or anything about him. Only that he was ‘Daddy’ and waiting. I made my way along the corridor, there weren’t many doors. I raised my hand to knock the door when it flung open. Before me stood one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. He towered over me at at least 6ft. He had a full head of silver hair, neatly combed back and piercing blue eyes. He must have been in his 50’s. He was wearing a full 3 piece suit and had a noticeable bulge was growing at his crotch. Lucky me, or so I thought. I had barely a seconds warning, before he reached out grabbed me and I was pinned up against the closed door. It didn’t take much for him to overpower me, he had his arm against my neck and was forcing his had into my shorts. I wasn’t wearing any underwear. He smiled and his piercing blue eyes locked onto mine. “Such a good boy.” His hand found my hardening cock, and he was wanking me off quickly. I couldn’t move, and could feel myself getting closer to cumming. I looked into his eyes pleadingly and when I went to speak he kissed me. My cock erupted, cum shot all over the both of us, even reaching up and marking his tie. “My boy should be focused on me, now you don’t have any distractions. Follow me” What the fuck had just happened, I was seeing stars. I slipped my shorts off and kicked them to the side in the hallway, along with my shoes. I followed him with my own cum running down my legs. This wasn’t a hotel room, it was a suite. He took me through a sitting room and dining room before I seen the bed, which was huge. This guy was rich. “I’m Rick” I said nervously as he turned to look at me, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “I know who you are Rick. I’ve seen you online, you’re not always on but enough to know you’re not in a relationship.” I shook me head, unable to find me words, he was down to his shirt and tie now, my eyes glanced at his tie, he undid the knot and handed it to me. “You see, I’ve been looking for that special boy. Daddy has an appetite and that ass of yours has been calling out to me.” His shirt was now resting gently on the back of a chair and his mature hands were unbuckling his belt. My cock gave a small jerk. His body was solid tattoos ran across his chest down his arms and on his abdomen, grey hair ran from his sculpted pecs down his abs to his crotch. I was mesmerised. As he walked towards me his smile faded. “Come closer boy, you’re here for Daddy to enjoy.” I stepped towards him and that’s when he dropped his trousers. I audibly gasped. “Most boys don’t think it’s real, or are too scared. You never even asked me for a pic.” His cock was huge, not just long but thick, beer can thick. It was pierced too. My ass clenched in fear. I’d never seen a cock that big in person, and rarely in porn. I took a deep breath. Daddy was now completely naked and took my hand as he lay me on the bed. He kissed me deeply for a long time, holding me tightly to him as we did. After some time I noticed the wall was completely mirrored, I could see this large muscle man dwarfing my slender pale body on the bed. I was on my back with legs pushed back, my freshly shaved hole was completely exposed. Crack! Daddy had smacked my ass cheek with his hand and whistled. “Such a fucking beautiful hole boy, Daddy is going to claim this and no one will ever fill you the way I do.” I jerked my body from him slightly, “Are you neg, or on treatment?” I blurted out, I felt proud that I had found some sensibility in amongst all the lust. “Trust me boy” His blue eyes where burning down at me, I fumbled to find words and just as I went to speak he thrust my legs up and apart and buried his tongue into my hole. “Yes Daddy” I moaned in pleasure as he devoured me. He ate my ass for so long and in so many different positions I was desperate for his cock, I hadn’t even touched it yet. He made sure to keep it away from me, purely working on my ass. A drawer next to the bed was slid open. I was handed a bottle of poppers, and the tie I had once came on. It was wrapped around my eyes, blindfolding me. My legs were on his shoulders, I could feel the cold of the piercing tickling my hole. The poppers were under my nose and I took several deep hits. Daddy’s body was pressed into mine, I couldn’t move under his weight. Then he spoke in a husky whisper into my ear. “Daddy is going to put a rag of poppers over your nose and mouth. It will help you relax, once I start I won’t stop until I cum. No breaks son, this is how Daddy shares his love” I was high off the poppers already and so horny from all the ass eating that I nodded in agreement, unaware of what I was saying yes to. He gently worked the tip of his massive cock into my ass, making sure the cold piercing was inside me. I moaned and struggled to adjust to the girth. I felt so stretched, but wanting it. “Lube please” I groaned as he tried to push deeper into me. His cock was dry and my hole felt like it was burning. He leaned back and spat on his cock, or at least made the sound of spitting, I couldn’t see. Then as my moaning increased he placed the rag over my face, pressing it into me as he pushed harder and deeper into my raw hole. “Oooh fuck boy, Daddy has got a big load for you tonight. Now open that hole for me. That’s it, you’re taking it all, one way or another.” The pressure kept increasing and my body felt like it was being split in two, I was beginning to moan and struggle with the pain. He didn’t stop, or slow down. My cries seemed to make him harder, he took what he had of his cock out of my hole with a pop. He flipped me over and had my nose over a bottle of poppers and the tip of his cock at my hole again. I heard him take a deep huff and then, without warning, the rag was forced onto my face and his hand was pulling my body backwards arching my back. In the same motion he slammed his cock into me. I moaned and screamed into his hand, but it only made my hole feel more open every time I took a breath. I was spun and my ass was on fire; “Good boy, you’ve nearly taken half of it. Now tell Daddy you want more” I couldn’t talk, I could barely think. A hard slap fell on my ass and an inch more of his cock slid into me. “Oh so I have to get rough with my boy for him to take all of my Daddy meat. Have it your way” I tried to express that my answer was no, slow down, stop, anything other than the word more. I thought I was an experienced bottom but nothing had ever felt like this. My body was completely drenched in sweat and my ass cheeks were stinging after being brutally slapped, when Daddy said. “About 2 thirds in, you’re such a good boy. Now that was the easy part. I want you to feel my balls against your hole as they empty inside you” I was on my back and the poppers had been doing the trick, I felt comfortable, albeit very full, but did enjoy the fuck. Once I had adjusted to it. Daddy was building up pace but I knew he wasn’t fully inside me yet, I was hoping my hole would naturally stretch to accommodate him, but he was just too big. I felt him lean forward and reposition himself. He leaned forward and kissed me deeply, holding my body as he started to fuck his cock into my hole with just force. I broke the kiss to scream and blacked out. “Hey boy, come back to Daddy. Time to wake up. I have a load of cum for you” It took my eyes a moment to adjust, he had removed the tie. “Third time you’ve came to, don’t pass out on me again, that’s it. Look at you, you’re so open. Feel that, my balls are right next to that hole. I’m going to flood you boy. You want Daddy to claim you? Make you his piggy?” I was so disorientated, my ass was being plowed by this man and all I could think was “Yes Daddy, cum in me. I want to be your boy” We kissed, hard. The pain was brutal and as his cock swelled to cum I nearly blacked out again. “Oh no you don’t. Look at Daddy. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.” His hand was holding my face and we locked eyes as he continued the assault on my ass, my eyes glanced down and that was the first I’d seen it. A biohazard tattoo, my insides ran cold, at that same moment he started to really slam into me. “SUCH. A. GOOD. FUCKING. BOY. TAKE. DADDYS. TOXIC. SEED. ARGHHH.” He roared. I could feel it, all of it. He worked his cock half way out my hole and began to churn his load inside me, while he took my cock and worked me to another quick and very intense orgasm. I was catching my breath, my ass still being worked on, when I blurted; “You’re poz. You never said. You should have told me” He rammed his cock full force back into me, I screamed as he lowered his face inches from mine, his eyes burning into me. “You never asked me boy, you were too greedy to ask. You knew that Daddy was waiting and that you were here for my pleasure. And I think, by the amount of blood on the sheets you’re probably poz now too, but Daddy will make sure it takes before you leave.” He withdrew from my ass and my legs fell to the bed with a thud, but he quickly worked a but plug into me before I dared to object. “Best get some rest, I’ve meetings from 9am tomorrow. I’m not as gentle, if I’m grumpy.” I looked over at him, taking him all in. Fuck he was hot and those eyes were hypnotising but I pleaded my case, “I should go, I drove earlier, my car is…” but he cut me off, his eyes glinting “Boy it is now 5am, you’ve been here for 7 hours, you can’t drive without rest. And anyway, you’re mine now.”
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I'm gonna tell you my story here , It's happened not long ago About 3 months ago I traveled to Japan with my family , At that time I'm already curious about my sexuality and never meet any guys before and I'm still in the closet , So i made up my mind that I'll definitely meet some guy there in Japan. I'm open BBRT to find to guy to meet then i found one , His profile is already catching my eye 40yr Salt and Pappers hairy chest with those thick muscle, His is Top for sure and on the status it's said "Ask me" , We chat a little I told him that "It's my first time to meet up a guy and I'm quite nervous" , he said like "There is nothing to worry about , we can try jerking each other off or maybe just some blowjob if I would like to try , I can step out anytime if I don't feel like it" in the end We decided to meet at park nearby my hotel and his hotel at around midnight so it'll be less people , At first i have two things in my mind to go and meet him or to go to bed and let my curiosity go on in my life , But then I decided there is nothing bad here he seem sincere enough if I don't feel like it, I can get out like he said so I accept his offer , When i meet him at the park there are two feelings in my mind exciting and nervous they are fighting each others like dog and cat , And i know he can feel it too , So he try to calm me down by a little chat to get me out of my thought and it work , We sat on a bench and talk about a random thing, When he sure that i was calm so he's try to get thing going at first it just some tab on my thigh , his arm wrap on my shoulder, then a kiss on my cheek to a kiss on my lip , He's a very good kisser that made my mind went crazy and arouse at the same time then he putting his hand in to my pant, I didn't know before that i was already hard and wet with precum down there , When he's touched me, he's smirking to me and said to me "I'm so proud that a got a curious straight guy so hard and wet down here" then he continues to kiss me and undress me at the same time, Within minutes we are naked and his hand continues to groping me around then me pinching my nipple i was pain at first and then the pressure is crushing to my body , my dick keep twitching and leaking every time that he pinch my nipple , all i can do is moaning and drown in pressure , then i feel his fingers circling around my hole again the pressure is so unbearable i moan even more , All of this behavior never happens to me before , It's like he turning some switch inside me , and that's moments i know that he knows, he got me in his hand , he split on his hand and rubs into my ass hole then he started to push his finger inside my ass , It's so painful that i'm clenching so hard that me can't pass into my hole , Suddenly he got out a little brown bottle and tell me to inhale deeply , normally i will question him first that what is this , is it a drug but right now am willing to do everything that he told me to do , I took an long inhale and he tell me to hold it and exhale when he told me to , When i exhale that was the first time i get to know popper rush , Everything is hot and i can hear my own heartbeat and i feel so horny , He then try to push his finger into my hole which is very easy this time due to a popper rash that i'm in , He started to move his finger in and out my hole and his finger tip rubbing something inside my ass (which I later know it's my prostate) I feel like i was in heaven it never happened before in my sex life , Then he try to and more and more finger till there are three of his fingers inside my ass , but then there are someone walking near the park so we stop what we doing and got dress , He ask me "Do you want to some where else or Do you want to get back to your hotel" , The second choice is not gonna happen for sure , I told him like i still want to try more , So we start to looking for a place that can have fun together then i saw a public toilet in the park , as we get inside it's not a very clean toilet the smell of piss is everywhere but to my surprise again it didn't disgust me at all , we get inside the last stall and continue doing what we left off but instead of putting his finger inside my ass , he get his dick out and started to rubbing and smearing his precum onto my hole , i was shocked at first so i ask him about condom and he said he didn't have one and me neither , so i ask him what is his status he said that he not sure but last time he checked he was negative but he always bareback and never you condom so he not sure about his status right now (at the time didn't know what PREP is and didn't take it before) , He ask me again " Do you want me to stop? , We can give each other a blowjob and go back to sleep" , But the horniness always win I answer him "Do whatever you like as long and you don't cum i me" , He smirked at me again and continued to rub his dick around my hole , He shove popper under my nose again and told to inhale 4 big deep breaths when i got popper rush he started to push his dick inside me , It's hard to describe the feeling it's pain at first and then it felt so full so right , He start slow then increase his pace by the time gone by , Then he's breathing heavily and he's ask me again "Do you really want me to pull out?" At that time i was in heaven , It's all about pressure but in conner of my mind is also concerned of what i'm gonna get if i let him cum in me. I just moan and try to choose what to do , Then he said "Too late now" that when i feel his dick twitching and feel something warm in my gut and that my pressure is also on the skyrocket then i feel my own dick twitching i was orgasm hand free for the first time , Then he pull his dick out and all i can see is pale pink cum oozing onto my thigh and to toilet floor , He said "I'm sorry, I'm try to wait for you to answer but I can't hold back" , I told him that "It's Ok , You're given me the experience i never have before" then we get dress and got back to each others hotel, About a week later he messaged to me , to ask how i'm doing? , i said " i'm great and i'm sure i'm not straight anymore after that night lol" and he the said to me "Good and maybe you're not negative anymore too , Actually i'm Poz and not on any medication , On the day that we meet , I have very high viral load I'm sure it knock you up", Instead of fear and worry , I suddenly feel so horny that is start to jerk my self off and taste what maybe my negative last load , I answered him "I hope it take , so you can be my Poz Daddy" he then answered "Good boy , Tell me when your have any symptoms". Too bad I didn't catch anything , all my blood results come back all negative for HIV and STDs I didn't talk to him again after i got my blood results.
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- straight to gay
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(and 3 more)
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Be advised that my stories often involve some element on nonconsensual sex by some of my characters. Regardless, my stories are 100% fiction/fantasy only. Any resemblance to persons or places are merely coincidental. How to Get Your Poz Cock into Lyle Cranston's Speedos A few year’s back, I was the janitor at the local high school in a school district where the only sex education the kids got was for abstinence. Well, this left the entire student body vulnerable to their own imaginations, learning whatever they could about sex from actual experience, or by doing some reading on the Internet or at the public library like I used to. The rate of pregnancies were up, and STD rates, too. Anyway, this lack of sex education made these students susceptible to perverts like me. One senior I was able to corrupt, Lyle, was the number one swimmer in the county. He was 18, had a compact and muscular body at 5’6”, blonde, chlorine-bleached hair, blue eyes, and an ass that filled out his light blue Speedos to perfection. All season, I’d catch him practicing at the pool in the early morning. Sometimes he’d linger in the locker room and shower area while I cleaned in there. He would do things for me, like acting as if he were checking his phone while bending over in his tight-fitting swimsuit. Did he know that he was getting my poz cock rock hard when he did that? So many times I’ve wanted to take my finger and press it against that stretched out blue lycra material; to press in, making a guess of where that boy’s hole was; feeling it, to hear him gasp or moan when I hit my mark. This show (offering?) went on all season. Instead of raping him right then and there, I’d ask him about things. How is school going? Are you going to prom? Stuff that allowed me to find out more about the kid. I found out that he was accepted at state university and will be living in the dorms in the fall. He got a swimming scholarship, too. He said that he and his girlfriend broke up in March, so he might go to prom stag, or not at all. He said that since he was leaving soon, it didn’t make sense to have a girlfriend here anyway. His parents were well-respected in town as ministers at one of the many churches here. I offered to answer any questions he had about sex if he wouldn’t tell anyone about it. He nodded, told me he was abstaining, but he had lots of questions. After that, he showed up at my janitor’s closet, always in his blue Speedo with questions for me. I’d close the door and he’d sit in my chair while he listed off questions about masterbation and was porn really evil. He never asked about condoms or STDs, but he did want to know how babies were made. I showed him diagrams and explained what sperm was and how it fertilizes the egg in a female, and so on. As he sat there with his legs spread, I was given full view of his taint and package just hidden beneath the blue lycra fabric of his Speedo. My perverted mind wanted more of this teen. I knew there had to be men online who would want to distract Lyle with poppers and a blowjob while I pressed my precum-dripping, cut cock head into the boy’s tight cherry hole. On the last week of school, I knew I had to get into that boy’s Speedos any way I could. And I enlisted the help of another barebacker I found online. His user name was Poz9In and he said he had ways of making sure I could get my raw cock inside a virgin’s butt, especially into a naive, under-sex educated Wildcat jock like Lyle. We arranged a time, graduation day. He agreed to the plan to help me stealth breed Lyle with a poz load. I told Lyle to meet me at my closet right after his morning swim, a good half hour before class. ________________ Poz9In was maybe around mid-50s, dark cropped hair and brown eyes. He arrived just before 7:30 a.m. He wore a track suit and his schlong was huge and evident down his right leg. With a scarred and stubbled face, he looked rough. He was not the hottest looking man. But I was immensely turned on from the contrast between the vision of a toughened older, experienced poz man making use of the body of a gorgeous, athletic teen. Lyle knocked on my closet door and I let him in. He was still wet from his swim. “Hi, Mr. Daines,” he said. “Hey Lyle. This is my friend, Dale, here. He wanted to meet the star swimming athlete for the Wildcats,” I stammered giving my Internet contact a fake name. I was a little nervous, but I was determined to fuck Lyle this morning. “Hey, Dale. Nice to meet you.” Lyle held his hand out in the cramped janitor’s closet and Poz9In took it and pulled Lyle to him. He used his other hand to grab Lyle’s cock and balls through the teen’s wet Speedo. Lyle barely had time to react when I got behind Lyle and pressed by uniformed bulge against his blue Speedoed bubble butt. “Hey! That’s my personal…” Lyle made a nervous swallow. “Yeah boy? Would you like to give your personal spot over to us men, or would you rather we take it?” Poz9In asked while the two of us, men older than his father, continued manhandling Lyle into submission. “I never…” Lyle stopped what he was saying and relented to Poz9In by closing his eyes and dropping his hands to his side. Poz9In worked Lyle’s dick to an erection while I took aim at my prized target: Lyle’s hole. “That’s it, kid. We’ll take good care of you, just relax,” Poz9In said. Now with Lyle’s submission, I finally got to press my finger in and feel for the boy’s hole. He let out a breath when I began rubbing it roughly through the smooth material. Fresh from the pool. Poz9in opened a new bottle of poppers and told the kid to breath in and hold his breath. Lyle did as he was instructed. I continued probing the covered hole while with my other hand, I reached around his waist. Poz9In moved my hand over to so I Lyle’s cock incased in the smooth, still damp lycra. He smelled deliciously of chlorine. “Good boy. Take another hit just like the first,” I heard Poz9In say. “Fuck yeah. You’re a hot one.” “I’ve been wanting this ass for four months!” I exclaimed. “Let’s do what we planned, but I want to keep these Speedos on him.” “Aahh, fuuuck!” Lyle was flying. “Nice! That’s a deal, mister,” Poz9In replied to me. “Let’s knock up this cute pollywog.” With that, Poz9in bent down and went to work sucking Lyle’s cock through the Speedos. A few moments later, he pushed the front of the swimsuit down. Then I saw Poz9In dive in and suck on the virgin’s swimmer’s exposed dick. “Aaah!” Lyle moaned in pleasure. With Poz9In’s help, I bent Lyle forward and spread his legs. Poz9In kept sucking Lyle’s dick like the pro he was, doing his damnedest to coax sweet semen out from a neg horny teen. I unzipped my pants and pushed them down to release my leaking cock. With my hard cock in hand, I rubbed the head of it on Lyle’s bubble butt. I relished the sight of his light blue swimsuit soiled with smudges of my precum. Poz9In gave Lyle more poppers as I pulled down the back of the Speedos to expose the tightest, pinkest hole I’ve ever seen. “Do it. Bareback that neg hole, man. He fucking wants it,” Poz9In encouraged. Realizing that Lyle doesn’t know what neg hole means, I stared at the pink hole in front of me and greased up my cock with lube and listened as Poz9In spoke. “This is the hottest piece of ass. Take it. Take that fine young, firm ass.” With that, I stood up and lined my drooling poz cock against Lyle’s hole. Hotter still, I could feel the kid’s ever-taunting blue Speedo tickling under my cock. I pumped some precum onto the ring of pink his hole and heard Lyle gasp as I pressed in. Lyle yelled as my cock head popped into him, and Poz9In used his hands to spread Lyle’s ass open for me. I fucked in more. As I did, I leaked more precum into Lyle as I thought about pozzing up a virgin, seeing him graduate tonight with my toxic load inside him, sending him off to college with HIV. Then, hopefully, more men will get to use this young butt. I was all the way in when Poz9In gave Lyle more poppers, about 6 full hits. “Breed that neg butt or I will!” I started to fuck Lyle’s hole, in and out. It got easier with my precum lubing the walls of his rectum. I wasn’t going to last long, though. Fucking Lyle full of my poz cum was a dream coming true. I started pistoning the tight swimmer’s hole imagining how my shaft must look penetrating that pink ring. His hole gripped my cock. I was urgent to impregnate my Lyle, star Wildcat swimmer. It was my absolute goal now was to poz Lyle up. “Fuck! I’m coming.” “Fucking do it! Fucking sperm up that clean hole.” Poz9In coached. “Aaaaagh!” I felt my shaft pulse and my cock slit open as hot poz sperm coated the walls of Lyle’s unprotected rectum. I was still shooting loads into Lyle’s hole when I started fucking him hard again. “Fuck!” Lyle yelled. “Fuuuuuck! Ah, I’m coming.” Poz9In went back to sucking Lyle’s dick. “Yeah, Lyle. Feed the nice man your load while I hammer mine into your butt” I said. Lyle didn’t say anything but convulsed as he orgasmed. I held him steady so that Poz9in could have what his profile said was his favorite part of sex: the taste of sweet, young neg sperm. “Fuckin’ A!” Poz9In said with his mouth full of hard teen dick and fresh sperm. When Lyle finished cumming, I put the poppers bottle under his nose again. Lyle took the hits as ordered. When Lyle was completely flying, I put the bottle down. With my eyes I looked down to Poz9In and I invited him to bareback this amazing hole. He stood up, stepped around Lyle, and started jacking his massive cock and told me to move out of the way. He got behind Lyle, who was still recovering from cumming, and he rubbed his big mushroom head against the boy’s now reddened entrance. He looked over and got the petroleum jelly and jacked his cock some more with it until it shined under the fluorescent lighting of the janitor’s closet. As Poz9In lodged his enormous highly experienced HVL poz cock into the teen’s no-longer-virgin hole, we heard Lyle say, “Ah! Fuck!” I watched as Poz9In pushed all the way into Lyle; his silver cock ring embedding red marks into the teen’s butt cheeks. Then he fucked Lyle’s ass hard. He clamped his large hand over Lyle’s mouth to keep him quiet while he fucked him so hard that they had to keep repositioning themselves around the closet. Amazingly, Lyle’s blue Speedos remained in place, pulled down just far enough to give us men access to his now fully fuckable butthole. At times I was able to get up close and I watched as Poz9In’s cock pulled out, his shaft covered in lube and poz sperm, and pushed all the way back into the boy’s hole, stretching out that beautiful pink ring, no longer hidden away from me behind light blue lycra. I started jacking off watching them. When Poz9In saw me, he repositioned Lyle again in front of me. Still lodged in Lyle’s ass, Poz9In pushed his head down and ordered him to suck my cock. Lyle eagerly sucked me until I was so turned on, I gripped onto his blonde hair started face-fucking the teen. An amazing perv achievement: Poz9In and I were fucking Lyle Cranston: The star swimmer for the Wildcats swim team and minister’s son was now taking raw poz cock at both ends in a janitor's closet. I unloaded in Lyle’s mouth with a sharp explosion and watched him swallow my load. At the same time, Poz9In announced that he was “knocking up the twink! Fuuuuuck! That’s right. Let us charge that hole, son! Take it deep in there.” He continued convulsing and cussing as more of his jizz flowed into naive Lyle’s neg hole. When he finished, he tussled Lyle’s now dry hair as he lewdly complimented the kid, and pulled out. Poz9In pulled up his track pants, nodded at me and left. Lyle was half in a daze as he pulled up his trunks and said that he had to get to class. “Thanks, Mr. Daines.” He left the janitor’s closet quickly with a towel around his waist. "Congrats! Have a good time tonight!" I called out. Good kid. Come fall, though, college physicals could reveal a surprise for young Lyle, and just before his first-ever actual sex education class.
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Dad’s Basement Part One OFF LIMITS !!!! That’s how it always was, no one had access to the basement except Dad. Growing up I used to imagine that he was a mad scientist and it was his laboratory where he conducted hair raising experiments. As I got older, my thoughts changed - was it his private gym - he was built, but I knew he went to a gym early in the morning - hell I even went with him quite a few times. My mind always wondered, but I never had the chance to go down —— until now. Here it was my eighteenth birthday, I was home alone, which was the norm since Mom ran off with some man she met on the internet when I was starting my teen years and has not been heard from since. It was when I was heading to the kitchen to get my breakfast, that I saw it. The basement door was open, not wide open, but just enough to know someone could go down there. Stomach be damned, my curiosity was strong than my hunger at this point. I had to see what was down there. “Dad, are you home?” I yelled. No response. I made my way to the laundry room, which accessed the garage and saw that his truck was gone. My stomach groaned - not from hunger, but nerves. I made my way through the house, looking for my Dad. I wanted to make sure I was home alone. I was still scared of getting caught in the “forbidden basement.” He was no where to be found in the house, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t hiding some where. Fuck I can’t believe I would think that my own Dad would set me up. I had to make sure. Grabbing my cell, I dialed Dad’s number, he quickly answered after one ring, was he waiting for this call. Was this a set up? “Morning Squirt, what’s up?” he said. Squirt - the nickname he knew I hated, yet called me that when it was just the two of us. “Dad, do you want me to do the yard today?” I asked “It’s your birthday and you want to do yard work? We can do it this weekend, together. Any more silly questions or can I get back to my work so I can be home on time?” he replied. “Yeah, are you coming home early or what, like you said it is my birthday.” “Right now, Squirt, it looks like normal time. Got any other pressing questions?” “Nah, I’m good” I replied. "Bye, Dad.” I hung up and quickly made my way to the basement door. In my mind I expected it to be closed and locked, thinking it was all a trick of my mind. Without knowing it I held my breathe as I made my way to the door, only to slowly release it seeing that the door was still a jar. Nervously, I slowly pushed the door open, exposing the darkened stairs which lead to the mysterious basement below. I squinted my eyes to see if I could see anything in the darkness below. Nothing! That first step was the hardest, I had always known I was not allowed down here, but with finding the door opened I could not help but break the rule. I felt the way to see if I could find a switch to illuminate the mystery, nothing. Another what the fuck? I slowly descended the stairs until I was at the bottom. The nerves in my stomach were twitching so bad that I thought I was going to throw up. I was frozen to the floor, as my hands explored the walls, searching for a light switch. It wasn't long until I found one. I closed my eyes and flipped it, as I thought “let there be light.” At that moment, I wondered if this is really what I wanted. Did I want to know my Dad’s secret? I slowly opened my eyes, finding the room flooded with a red light. The walls were darkly painted and if I were to guess they were black. There was symbols painted on they walls with phrases under them. The one that was the biggest and stood out the most was a circle like symbol, that I had seen somewhere before, but did not know where, and had the phrase under it that said “TOXIC FOR LIFE” Else where there were sayings like “no load refused,” “Seed belongs in holes,” and “gifting is the way” - and more. I didn’t under stand. I slowly moved inwards, noticing a leather pad hanging from chains in one corner, two padded “saw horses” in the middle of the room. What the fuck is this place, I thought. It’s not a gym, because I have never seen equipment like this. As I made my way back, I saw that tucked under the stairs was an open shower area, with white tiles and three heads and two drains. I still didn’t understand. I passed out of that room and into another. The room was painted just like the other, with more phrases. The only different was the symbol, this time there was a huge scorpion on the wall, freaky as shit and ugly as hell. Under the big scorpion was shelves with little brown bottles on them, as well as what looked like plastic bottles filled with a clear liquid. I racked my mind trying to figure out what this shit was and what it was used for. From where I was standing there was a darkened opening to my left and one to my right, leading off to who knows where and what. Being adventurous, I went to the left, it was dark inside so I felt my way. I bumped into the a wall in front of me, but felt an opening to my right, so I turned and continued. I bumped and turned many times again. Shit this was some kind of maze. I panicked, I tried to remember which way I turned and went. What if I get trapped in here and Dad finds me here. I turned and moved, finding relief when I found the opening to get out. I have to be more careful. I discovered nothing with that adventure, so I decided to head to the other opening I went across the room and into through the other opening to find a wall blocking me, but with openings on the left and right. I went left only to find that this lead me to a room with another wall that went completely across the room. I walked to my right keeping a distance from the new wall with my hand on the wall that I first came to. I saw that there was three holes in the wall, which allowed light to come through. I gathered my courage and crossed the room to the middle hole, to discover that the hole came up to about my crotch. I slowly squatted down and looked through the hole - only to see the outside door to the left, which was letting in the light from out side through the frosted windows. I didn’t understand any of this. I went back out and look around the big room again, I failed to notice more shelves holding more brown bottles and plastic squeeze bottles. In each corner was a TV, hung high near the ceiling. As I got back to the stairs, I realized there was another opening on the wall with the light switch. It was still dark inside, so I reached around inside trying to find the new room’s light switch. A musty smell invaded my nostrils, rousing my curiosity, as well as my cock. Why was I turned on by this smell. Moments later I found the switch and found this room was a locker room. The lockers formed a square in the center, yet none were on the outer walls. Entering I found why. There were hundreds of used jocks nailed to the wall with pictures under them. The jocks were stained, some a bright yellow, some creamy, some very dark yellow. I lifted one of the jocks to look at the picture. It was of a naked man who’s cock was hard as a rock, my guess the owner of the jock. I lifted the picture up, to find a name, date, and what looked like a code - numbers mixed with three letters in the middle. Looking around I could see that three walls were almost covered with jocks. The fourth was bare. At this point I wanted out of the basement. I had so many questions, yet I found that I didn’t want to seek the answers to them. Switching off the lights I made my way I back upstairs, climbed them and put the basement door like I found it. My mind was racing - what the fuck was that shit downstairs and what did it all mean. Confused, I wanted answers, but again I didn’t. Was I really suppose to see this? Did Dad make a mistake? I went to my room, grabbed my laptop, determined to find out what all this was, even if it took all day. I logged in and had an email from my Dad pop up on my desk top. It’s subject line was “BASEMENT” - I forgo my searching to read this. It read: Squirt, I left the basement open for you today. It is time you found out what the secret is. It was after your call that I knew you were going to head down there. So here is what I do down there. I SUCK DICK, GET MY DICK SUCKED, FUCK ASS AND GET MY ASS FUCKED. I can only put it bluntly. Yes, son I am a faggot, cocksucker, or if you want me to be pc - I am gay. I built the basement as a sex club for men like me. We get together as much as possible to have sex. There is a sling hanging from the ceiling, fuck benches, a maze with glory holes, and a glory hole wall to suck cock from people not in our “Club.” I have well stocked it will lube and poppers (you snort to get a rush - not drugs), the TV’s are for porn. I am sure you are wondering what are on the walls. Son, we are a Poz Fuck Club, each of the members is HIV positive and each man enjoys passing his strain to others. We do not let loads of cum go to waste - we swallow and we breed. The jocks and pictures are of men who had been converted by our club members. I know this may shock you, that your Dad is a toxic cock slut, but after discovering what you were watching on line, I thought it was time for you to know, learn and maybe join in (this part makes my cock hard) Don’t be embarrassed - I want you to be open about sex even with me. I will be open with you. We will talk more when I get home. Happy Birthday Son Love ya, Dad I read the email over and over. He knew what I watched on line. I was so scared that if he ever discovered my secret, it would either scare him or anger him, not turn him on. I needed to talk my mind off him and the basement until he got home. So I headed to the living room to watch movies until he got home.
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This is a true story of my favorite fuck. It started over twenty years ago before the internet for hook ups. I was on a phone line and started chatting with a top who asked me if I was into watersports. I was 20 he was 40ish. I hadn't done watersports but I was hot for this guy so I tried it. About 30 minuets later he was at my door. MD was about 5'10 very attractive with a dominant approach. He put me on my knees on my bed, stood over me, put his cock in my mouth and said, 'drink or the piss is all over your bed.' He let go full flow and I drank it down as fast as I could not missing much. I surprised him and me. He smiled and that was all I needed for approval, I was his. He stayed for hours, late into the night. I was surprised how long I was able to go and never lose interest. He kept me on his cock at all time. I nursed on it, hard or soft. His cock became everything to me, it was true worship. When I did a good job MD would kiss me. His kiss is no ordinary kiss, it is the kiss of an alpha, a man of confidence. First is always spit, then he forces his tongue into my mouth fucking it, raping it. I'm not allowed to put my tongue in his mouth, he won't have it. I tried once and he bit it hard, drawing blood. When he felt pleasure he was very vocal. I asked him to be more quiet because my neighbors can hear everything . . he just smiled and told me to get on his cock. The next day, my neighbor complained about the noise, I was humiliated. After this first night I was hooked on MD. He was all I wanted. As the years went on I'd see him whenever I could, cheating on boyfriends and traveling by train or bus to his home. I asked him if he drank or did drugs and he said no and said he was neg. I wasn't interested in chems then, they weren't for me. I was so hungry for his piss and cum. I felt it make me healthier, stronger. It wasn't until years later I realized I could go for such long session because MD was feeding chem piss. I was getting high and didn't even know it! I worshiped him many times over the years. My favorite place was sitting in a pool of cold piss in front of his toilet nursing his cock, getting skull fucked, drinking gallons of piss (chem piss), being drenched and wearing his scent. Everything about him made me feel weak, he was strong and took what he wanted. It was strange, I felt lust and love for MD. He taught me much when I was younger. How to drink heavy piss, rim for hours (I love kissing his hole), take spit and clean his nose with my tongue. He gave me many STI's which I ended up passing to boyfriends. When I look back, I think he enjoyed infecting me with his bugs. For a long time, there was this sore on the bottom of the head of his cock. It hid in the fold. I wanted to service so bad, I always over looked it. He gave me syph, gono, Hep A . . all of which I unknowingly passed on. We didn't fuck often. Looking back, I wish we fucked more. His cock is perfect for fucking. The head is smaller than the shaft. When fucking he can enter easily with his head, then make his sub feel his power as he shoves the huge girth of his shaft into his pig. I know he likes his subs to feel pain from his cock. He makes them suffer for the privilege. He also did this one thing with his foot that I know understand better. While his cock is worshiped, he pushes his big toe into your hole letting his nail scratch it up. As the years went on, MD brought out the chems and introduced them to me. He fucked me and my boyfriend up a couple times on T . . . made us fly and service Him for hours. It's been years since I've seen him. I still beat off a couple times a week thinking about him. Looking back, I can see he is a master stealth chemmer/breeder. There were two things I never got to do with him that I often fantasize about. I wish I could have serviced his cock while he took a dump and then wiped his beautiful hole for him. Not being into scat, I wish I could have been pushed there by him. He also never hurt my hole with that cock. I wish I could be under him looking him in the eyes while he enters my hole too fast. His smile would be payment enough for the pain.
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