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  1. Meth Lab Fuck Down: My phone buzzed. This was the text I had been waiting for. Tonight would be my big break. Had I crossed a few lines to get here? Yeah, sure, but once I made the takedown of the biggest meth cooker in the Mid-Atlantic region, no one would give a shit about that - if they even ever found out. I was careful, wicked careful, and knew how to cover my tracks. Fuck I learned from the best. My dad, one of my uncles and the guy next door were all Drug Enforcement Agents (DEA) and growing up that’s all I ever wanted to be. It was my destiny. Tonight was destiny too and in addition to making my career it would give me the way to get Chris out of the cluster fuck of a life he had made for himself. Chris was the son of the DEA agent who lived next door to us when I was a kid, and my best friend. All my childhood memories involved Chris and because his dad and mine were often gone, Chris was at my house more than he was at his. We were inseparable and when we became teens we learned the ins and outs of life together - always together - that is until he got caught up in drugs. Finding Chris on the back porch lying on his side, drooling, doped out, and a fucking mess broke my heart and no matter what I did or said, Chris would never stay clean for long. After graduation, for our 18th birthdays, we went camping and the tent had barely been set up before Chris had shot up, or snorted up, and was high as shit. Well that just pissed me off so when it came time to crash and time for us to fuck I was not gentle. I fucked him as hard as I could and let out all my anger, frustration, and disappointment into his ass - along with two huge loads of cum. Chris took it all and begged for more and that’s how we spent our camping trip, with him high and me fucking the hell out of him over and over. Not much has changed the past several years. I went to college, got my degree, and followed my dad into the DEA. Chris continued to get deeper and deeper into drugs; his dad kicked him out; but I still looked out for him. I always made sure he had a spot at my place to crash, food, a little cash and in return I fucked him. Hard and rough and raw. I didn’t know if Chris fucked with other guys or not. I didn’t. Never even considered it, but with Chris it was the way things were. Did I ever feel guilty about it when he was fucked up? No. I had dealt with that stupid shit that first night. It just was. We both enjoyed it and in the midst of all the crazy shit it felt normal. Of course Chris was always grateful for the food and place to crash and kept promising he would pay me back, but until then, his ass was mine. My phone buzzed again. It was Chris. “DEAL’S GOING DOWN TONIGHT BY THE OLD PIER. MEET ME THERE AT 11:00.” My heart raced. Chris was my CI - my Confidential Informant. He had admitted one night he had gotten mixed up with a guy named Hawk, who I knew from my DEA briefings was reportedly the biggest meth cooker in the entire region. Every time I had Chris on his stomach and was fucking the shit out of him, I pumped him for info too. What was Hawk’s real name? Where did he hang? Who were his guys? Who did he sell to? And more. Chris seemed to be willing to talk, and even more willing when I would hand over a baggy of powder or a few needles filled with dope. I cared about Chris sure, but knew he was going to get fucked up no matter what, so why not help him out and help me too? He was always chatty when he was high and plus I loved feeling his ass open up for me and milk my cum out. There was nothing better than fucking his ass when he was high out of his God damned mind. His hole was wet, silky, and just sucked my dick and cum. Maybe it was seeing what drugs had done to Chris and his family is why I had never tried them. Yeah I was around the shit all the time, but had never been tempted, not even when Chris would leave shit laying around. Just wasn’t me. At 8:45 p.m. I was down at the old pier, peering between a rusted dumpster and the chimney of an old factory. Chris had told me before that he often did pickups for Hawk where he would deliver Hawk’s meth to someone and then meet Hawk at some out of the way place to give him the cash. During one night when Chris was super high and I had already pumped a load into him, he confessed that he had lied and that he always met Hawk at the place where he cooked the meth. I couldn’t fucking believe it! Instead of being angry I gave Chris a reward - another nut sack full of cum in his punk hole and that’s when he agreed to text me when the next deal went down. A light rain had begun to fall, but that was OK. I had on my DEA windbreaker; my gun was still in my holster, and my phone in my hand so I could quickly call in backup. Chris said it was only ever him and Hawk and no one else. Yet, just in case, I wanted to be prepared. However my plan was take Hawk myself. I needed this. Over the past few hours I had seen only one person go in the door - the man I assumed was Hawk - my prey. My watch showed 11:01. I heard a cough and saw Chris ambling down the alley towards a dimly lit door. He had on the same white shirt he was wearing two days ago when I last fucked him. I had tried to get him to spend the night after I bred him, but he was too wired and bolted as soon as I was done. Chris had flipped up the collar on his shirt I guess in an effort to try to stay dry. Little good that did. It just made him look like some cartoon character - all skin, bones, a head too big for his long limbs. He stopped at the door, knocked, waited, the door opened, Chris said something, then started to walk inside the old factory. My breath caught in my throat. Chris stopped, quickly glanced side to side and behind himself, then bent down like he was tying his shoe. That’s when he was supposed to stuff a wad of paper towel into the door latch hole so that the door would not click shut behind him. I waited until my watch said 11:09. I scanned the alley and confirmed no one was around. My cold, wet fingers found the snap on my holster and with a small click, I released it and eased my gun out. One more check to confirm I was alone and I quickly slid along the brick wall to the factory door Chris had gone in. At the door I paused, waited, listened. I never questioned that Chris would not have done what I had asked. I never even considered the idea that he might have betrayed me. I should have. The factory door eased open on well-oiled hinges. I quickly stepped inside out of the casting of the light. I let my eyes adjust to the darker interior as I tried to calm my breathing and steady my hand. This was it. I replayed in my mind the various scenarios I expected and in each and every one I knew I would have Hawk in handcuffs very soon. I eased my way to the right, following the rough outline of the exterior wall. I heard no voices, saw no movement, but wanted to be sure. The darkness embraced me as I moved, silent, and sure. I continued to edge my way around the outer wall until I came to a cut in - a long, dark hallway with a faint light at the end and the distant echo of voices. I checked around me once more - all was still and silent. I crept down the hall, the light grew brighter. A door was open, an angry voice was saying, “YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU TRY TO STEAL FROM ME?” I quickly peered through the crack and saw Chris on his knees and a big man - Hawk - standing over him. Compared to Chris, Hawk was a fucking monster. A good foot taller, a good 100 pounds heavier, and all the Aryan tattoos on his forehead and arms only added to the sinister monster look. Yeah this asshole was going down and Chris would be forever grateful. I eased my boot onto the edge of the door and gently pulled my foot back, slowly, to give myself enough space to slip into the room and take Hawk by surprise. BAM! MY WORLD WENT DARK. I winced trying to decide which was worse: the splitting pain at the back of my skull or the slicing pain in my wrists. I moaned. I eased my eyes open and turned my head, which caused a new round of nausea and pain. My wrists were handcuffed and a large chain was threaded between them and connected to a pulley that dangled from the ceiling. I had been stripped naked and was hanging from the chain with my feet barely touching the floor. I assumed from the hot wetness still trickling down my neck that I had been hit and hit hard in the back of the head and that’s what had knocked me out. God damn it! My ears then picked up the moans and groans and sounds of carnal pleasure. I leaned back a little and looked to my right. There was a man - Hawk - naked and fucking Chris who was bent over facing my way. Chris raised his head, closed his eyes and smiled in total fucking ecstasy like he would smile when I had my dick up his ass. He opened his eyes, smirked, closed his eyes again as Hawk hit just the right spot up in his ass, and Chris started bouncing his hips up and down like his hole was in full orgasm. My mouth dropped open. Shit! “GET THE FUCK OFF MY DICK!” Hawk spat as he shoved Chris off his still hard dick. Chris tumbled onto his knees and looked up at Hawk with awe, admiration, and adoration - disgusting! Hawk kicked him in the ribs, “WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAITING FOR? YOU GOT DELIVERIES TO MAKE AND DON’T FUCKING SHOW BACK UP HERE UNTIL I TEXT YOU. NOW GET!” A low growl rumbled in my chest. For Hawk or Chris I don’t know. Clearly I had been set up and clearly Chris was Hawk’s lover or whatever too, but it was the way he treated him. I loved Chris - in my own way - and always did right by him so seeing someone treat him like that just fucking pissed me off. I promised myself right then I would kill Hawk. Fuck the take down! Hawk picked up a plate of crystal meth – bright white lines of powder - that was sitting on the couch and sniffed a few lines using a tattered bill. He wiped his nose, licked his lips, casually sauntered over to me with his monster dick swinging back and forth and when he stopped he said, “WELL, WELL, WELL, AGENT. WE FINALLY MEET AT LAST.” This man - this drug dealer - this filth of humanity that stood before me curled my stomach. I wanted to lash out, but held my tongue as my brain worked to figure a way to escape. Hawk smiled, licked his right index finger, rubbed it around in the plate of white then slid it between the flesh of his gums and lips and hummed as the burning kicked in. His blue eyes flashed open, the pupils distant pricks of black as he eyed me up and down, “YES, I CAN SEE WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE IS SO PROTECTIVE OF YOU - ENAMORED IF YOU WILL. BUT TRULY NOW. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW IT IS NOT REAL. EVEN THE GRATITUDE IS FALSE. YOUR LITTLE ONE IS ONLY A BITCH KIPPE - FAG - FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A MEANS TO AN END. I ON THE OTHER HAND AM THE MASTER. THE SUPERIOR SPECIMEN OF MANHOOD. JUST LOOK AT EVEN HOW MY DICK - STILL SOFT - IS FAR BIGGER THAN YOURS. DO YOU WANT TO FEEL IT? I THINK YOU DO - I THINK YOU MUST!” I twisted and jerked as Hawk stepped behind me. The heat from his body like a hot furnace on a cold winter’s afternoon. I heard the wet slurp of his mouth, then the piercing press of a pointed finger and nail at my sphincter. I tried to adjust my footing but the give of the chain snapped back, sending me onto his coated dart, “YES, SEE? YOU WILL LEARN WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE BEGS FOR MY DICK - BEGS FOR THE FEEL OF MY FORESKIN SLIDING BACK AS I POUND HIS ASS - BEGS FOR ME TO POZ HIS HOLE AND FILL HIM UP WITH MY AIDS. FRANKLY I AM SURPRISED YOU HAVE NOT TESTED POZ YET, BUT MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE ON PREP? OR JUST MAYBE BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A TOP? WELL, WE SHALL TAKE CARE OF THAT.” The clear toll of porcelain on concrete, and the pause of his finger assault on my ass, let me know he had set the plate of drugs on the floor. I wanted to beg and plead for him to stop. To tell him I never did drugs. To scream that I was not a bottom and didn’t get fucked. To tell him I was there only for Chris. All plans for trying to talk my way out of it quickly vanished though. My body arched, my veins pumped my blood faster and faster as my heart raced, my skin was scored bloody as Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    12 points
  2. 1. Aiden I first saw Jay on a Friday night, early October. I was out at a club, standing by the side of the dance floor, watching the endless parade of bright young things. Tonight, it seemed a little more college boys, a little less desperate twenty-something actors. I didn't really care that much about the crowd. It was a mixed night, and I was already too busy defending myself against horny drunk girls, much less trying to separate the gay boys from the straight men. But first, I should probably back up and introduce myself. I'm Aiden. I'm fifty years old, and I've been in that other industry since I was twenty. We never call it anything other than "The Industry," if we even call it anything at all. Activists might call it "sex work" in an effort to give it legitimacy or make it seem more glamorous than it really is. But there is nothing glamorous about the life of a boy selling his body. In order to survive, you must become someone not quite human. You must become a creature who just enacts the core human emotions like empathy, love, and care. You can't survive with real emotions. I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up and graduated. I'm no longer one of the boys. I'm a pimp, and now I get to own the boys. It's not an accident that we call it owning; it's about as close to slavery as it gets these days. It sounds cruel, but I believe it is better this way. It's easier on the boys in the long run if they understand that they are possessions, things to be bought and sold, passed around and shared. The entire process is easier for a bottom, of course. They already understand that they are just vessels for another man's pleasure. Yeah, I said man there. It's a straight boy's fantasy to be paid by women for sex. It. Does. Not. Happen. For men, the Industry is only about man on man, and the sooner a so-called straight boy figures that out, the better for him. In the Industry, we call that process "breaking a boy." The best of us pimps can do it in our sleep. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy, and for me, it came naturally. Of course, it's never easy for the boy. It is always a struggle for a boy to accept his position in the Industry. Back to the night at hand. I had a vodka and cranberry in my hand; I had been nursing it slowly enough that the ice had melted, leaving it weak and watery. I was waiting for the boys to start to approach me. It might take a second or third drink, but they always did. They might claim to be straight, but it didn't matter. Straight boys don't approach fifty year old men in a club. Only gay boys do, and those are only the ones with serious daddy issues. Jay approached me right as I was thinking about ditching my drink and getting another one. The first thing I noticed was his glasses. It was unusual to see a guy out at the club with glasses, much less the striking blue frames he had on. The second thing I noticed was that he was holding a drink. I wondered how he had gotten the drink; he barely looked old enough to fuck, much less to be able to get a drink. No doubt he had a fake ID. Before I got him naked, I'd have to see his real ID. "Hi," he said. "Hi," I replied. I smiled, letting him see my teeth. "Having a good night?" "Yeah," he said. "First time here. It's great." "Cool. I'm Aiden," I said. "Jay," he replied. He held out his hand, and I shook it. His skin was soft and warm. He had an easy life and hadn't gained the rough skin and calluses of manual labor. "You here alone? Or are you with friends?" "I was here with friends. But I seem to have lost them." He looked around again, in a feeble effort to find them amidst the crowd. "I was talking to a girl, and I guess they moved on." I tried not to laugh. He may have been talking to a girl, but that wasn't what he really needed. "Cool. What happened to her? She still around?" "Somewhere," he said, looking around the club again. He focused on the dance floor, and pointed someone out. "There she is. The Asian chick." I followed his finger the best I could. There was a cute Asian girl; dressed in a way that screamed money. I looked Jay over again. She wasn't completely out of his league. At about 6'1", he was a few inches taller than me and his tight graphic t-shirt showed off his muscular body well. But, even from the few words we had exchanged, I could tell he was still young, naive and unfamiliar with talking to girls. "She's cute," I said. "You like Asian girls?" "I dunno," he said. "It all depends on the girl." "What do you like?" "Oh. You know. A little shorter than me. Not too big. Not really a breast man." Or, I thought, he likes his girls boyish. It was already clear that he liked his men to be daddies. "I need another drink," I said. "You want one?" "Yeah, that would be great." "This way," I said. He followed me to the bar. "How long have you been in LA?" I asked as we got in line. "A little over a month," he said. "I'm a freshman at USC." I wasn't surprised. He had the good looks of someone who had spent his entire life never worrying about money. He anticipated my next question. "I grew up outside of Denver." He also had the rugged build of someone for whom the outdoors was easy to get to. "What about you?" "Been here for too long," I said. "Moved here when I was eighteen. Grew up in rural Missouri." I didn't want to give too many details. It was my job to know everything about his life; it was just as important that I remain an enigma to Jay. "What do you do?" "I work in the industry." He didn't need to know which industry it was; I knew he would assume it was the entertainment industry. That was not too far from the truth. "Oh cool. I want to be a producer." "A lot of my good friends do that." Despite changes in social mores, Hollywood was still surprisingly old-fashioned. At least once a week, a producer would call me needing a "new friend" for some celebrity needing some play time without the tabloids finding out. Or they wanted something more reliable than what they could find themselves. The line was moving quicker than I expected. It wasn't long before we were nearly there. "What are you drinking?" I asked. "Are you even old enough to be drinking?" "Well. My ID says I am. And it's a vodka and soda." "Good answer," I said. "For both." I'd really have to see his ID before anything happened. I didn't worry about alcohol. No one would prosecute for just giving an under-age kid a drink. But sex, well, that was a totally different story. "Two Grey Goose and soda." "Nice," Jay said. "Been drinking well tonight." This was almost like shooting fish in a barrel. I would show him a little bit of the good life, and get him used to it. "I'm here on a scholarship," he continued. He had pulled it off well. But then I looked him over again. The subtle flaws that I had missed when I had first examined him were obvious now that I knew to look for them. The shirt, although fashionable, had the awkward drape I associated with a knock-off. His glasses were the same: the color wasn't perfect, and there were some hard edges to the design that I associated with a cheap chain store. Call it Lenscrafters chic. The barrel just got smaller, and the fish bigger. It would be easier than I expected. I handed him his drink. "Cheers," I said. He didn't flinch from my gaze as we clinked glasses. "To success," I said, not specifying what success constituted. I was already running through a list of old friends of mine who would want to have first crack at the young man's ass. "Success," he replied. He was smiling; I wondered what success meant for him tonight. In the end, it didn't really matter what he wanted. So much of what I was going to do with him was going to be about teaching him what he wanted. Yeah, there would always be that initial spark of desire from him; he had shown it in spades. But there was a lot I was going to get to teach him, and in turn, mold it into a core part of not just his sexuality, but also his own identity. We took a sip of our drink, and scanned the crowd. It was a busy night, and on the dance floor, beautiful members of both sexes were out having a good time. As the night wore on, more of the boys were shirtless. Not only that, more of them no longer cared who they were grinding against. It could have been a girl, it could have been a boy. "Fun night," Jay continued. I nodded in agreement. My pocket buzzed. The vibration was just enough to set off my dick. I had been keeping my thoughts high and abstract. But the sudden stimulation jerked me back to the present, and I wondered what his green eyes would look like, staring up at me as his lips were wrapped around my cock. "One second," I said, and pulled out my phone. "Crystal ParTy tonight," it began. It was from my friend ****, who was just as his messages. "One am. Intercontinental, Rm 1902. Bring yourself. Bring a good boy. Bring a friend." "Looking forward. I've got both." I texted back. "$ounds good. eVeryThing covered here." My dick throbbed again. Jay was going to get quite the introduction tonight. I turned to the young man, even if it meant looking up at him. "Friend is having a party. Wanna come with me?" "Where?" he asked, but even in the dim light, his pupils dilated enough to be noticed. "Downtown. I'll get us an Uber." "Awesome," he said. He moved a little closer to me and his lips pursed slightly at the end, like he was waiting for a kiss. Unfortunately, the moment passed. I knew what I needed to do. "Follow me," I said, drinking down the rest of my drink quickly. He followed, gulping down the stiff drink. If I had timed it right, we'd be in the car when the alcohol hit him. "First, text your friends where you're going. Party at the intercontinental hotel." I pulled out the phone again, and held it in front of us. "Quick selfie. My friend wants to see you." I'd also use it to run a fast auction of first breeding rights. The first one turned out perfect, and then Jay wanted one as well. He took a few before the deciding on the best one. "Memories of a fun night," he said. "Hopefully, it is just beginning, I said. "You should send it to your friend as well, so they know I'm not a psycho creeper." I could see him blush, but again, he also moved closer to me. He quickly texted someone. I was close enough I could read the text. "New friend I met. Invited me to a party downtown. See you tomorrow." "Thanks," Jay said, as he hit send. "For thinking of me. I wouldn't have even thought about it." I wondered what his friends would think of the picture. A young man and a much older man. My beard, although still thick, was more silver than brown now, and the wrinkles on my face were becoming more prominent. But perhaps they had already figured out what Jay was just discovering. "It's fine," I said. I didn't tell him how this was an important part of the process. He needed to trust me, to think that I put him first and looked out for his best interests. But I only looked out for my interests. "It's fun to party and meet new people. But remember, not everyone is on the up and up. Not everyone has your best interests at heart." Just like me, I thought. I didn't have to worry about his friends knowing I had taken him somewhere. By the time things got really dangerous, he'd be begging me for it. The best times, they begged me to drug them, to breed them, to infect them. "One second," I said, as I sent a quick text attached to the picture of the two of us. "Fresh meat. Tonight only. Bidding starts at two." I sent it to three of my old friends, Rod, Steven, and Alex. Each of them had a fondness for younger boys, and each of them absolutely loved the idea of deflowering a freshly-minted man. "200," Rod texted back. A few seconds later, Steven replied. "250." "Wanna head out?" I asked Jay. "We can get a cab there." "Sure," he said. I walked towards the exit. I made it a point not to turn around for the first few steps. I knew he would follow me, and he did. He kept close enough to me that I could feel his body heat. I turned around at the steps down off the dance floor. "Need some help," I asked and offered him my hand. He nodded, and I helped him down on to the sticky concrete floor. I thought I detected just the hint of a stagger; the alcohol was just beginning to hit. Hopefully the full rush wouldn't be far off. I had taken the side exit, right by the exit no one knew about. It was just a few steps before we were out in the warm night. "I'll get a uber," I said, and pulled out my phone again. I called for a car, then check the many messages I had received. The bidding was going nicely. "300," then "350", and then "400", quickly followed by "500." In just a few messages, it jumped to 750, and it now was at 90. That one had come in just a few minutes ago. As I unlocked the phone a new message came in. It was from Rod. "1300, with pozzing privileges." There were two things Rod loved more than anything. The first was deflowering young men. The second was infecting them with HIV. "Pozzing is on the table? 1500." Steven also loved spreading his virus. "Hell yeah. 1750," Alex sent me. Alex also enjoyed sharing his virus. My old friends were twisted, nasty men. "2000," Steven replied. "2500," Rod answered back. Jay was going to make me a lot of money, and it wasn't even his first official day on the job. "I'm out," Alex texted the four of us. "Me too. Rod's a lucky pervert," Steven wrote back. "You win," I texted Rod. "I'll swing by and pick you up." "Sounds good to me." I checked the app. The car was still about five minutes away. "Five minutes," I said to Jay. We had stepped out onto a side street and it was dark and quiet. Despite being right in the middle of the busy section, we felt quite alone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys and wallet. From my wallet, I extracted a small bag of white powder. "You ever had a skiing trip?" I asked, indicating the bag. "Skiing?" Jay replied, his face showing his confusion. "You know. Cocaine. Coke." I put the wallet away, and used the key to my front door to scoop up a little mound of the white powder. I snorted it quickly. "Fuck, that feels good." I rubbed my nose quickly. "You want to try?" "I...I...I dunno. Never done it before." He hesitated, but kept on watching me. He was interested, I could tell. "I mean. What's it like?" "You smoked pot?" He nodded. "Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, molly sometimes." "That's good. It's like molly. Only you're stronger. You're fearless." "I just," he started, but never completed the thought. "Just one hit," I said. "See if you like it. Don't worry. You won't get addicted from one little bump." "You sure?" he asked. I nodded. I also stuck the key back in the bag and pulled out another bump. It was smaller than the one I had done, but for a beginner, it was still plenty large enough. "I mean, I can just..." "Try it?" I said, finishing his sentence. He nodded. "Yeah. You should." I held out the key with its white payload. "Just snort it up." Jay leaned in, pushed a finger against one nostril, and snorted. He snorted a bit longer than necessary. "Damn," he said, right after. "That burns." He trailed off just as an uncontrollable smile of bliss emerged on his face. "But, fuck." He trailed off again, lost in his little private world of pleasure as the cocaine got absorbed by his blood, and delivered to his brain. "It's nice. Just relax. Cab is almost here. If you want, you can do another bump when we're on our way." "Yeah," Jay said. "That's a good idea. This is nice." Another euphoric moan of contentment. "Thanks. Really nice." "Enjoy it," I said. I pulled out my phone. "The boy need any vitamin G?" Rod had texted me. "Why the fuck not?" I wrote back quickly. I turned my attention back to Jay. "A friend of mine wants to join us. Gonna swing by his place, if that's cool." "Oh, yeah, that's cool." Jay was still spinning a bit from the cocaine. My dick twitched, watching Jay ride the first waves of the high. The ease of convincing him to use cocaine meant that all the next steps would be easy. It would not be long before Rod's thick, infected dick was deep inside of him, dripping toxic pre-cum. A white Prius pulled up. I checked the plates; not that I needed to, it was the epitome of Uber-ness. "Here's our ride," I said. I opened the door for Jay. He got in, but I still had to help him. I crawled in after him, as he scooted over to the far side. "9255 Doheny. The tall one." Rod was only about fifteen minutes away. "Good night?" I asked, as we pulled away and into the warm California night. "Yeah," he said. "Pretty busy." I pulled out the baggie, and Jay scooted a bit closer to me. "You mind?" I asked. "Nah. Have fun." "You want?" I asked. "Damn, I wish. I but I gotta drive." I scooped out a big mound. Jay's naiveté was once more working in my favor. He had no idea about doses, much less what his dose should be. The mound was big, perhaps a little bigger than even I would want to start with. It would be just right for Jay. "For you," I said. "Fuck," Jay said, eyeing the mound. He knew it was larger than his last bump, but he had no measure for how it would affect him. "Yeah," he grunted as he leaned in and snorted the mound. "OH. FUCK," he said out, filling the interior of the small cars with his grunts of pleasure. "Newbie?" the driver asked. "Yeah," I said. I scraped another bump, not quite as big as Jay's, and did it. I took a look at Jay; his eyes were wide, and I knew he was flying. I was just nicely buzzed; I would wait for the party before I got properly high. Besides, Rod had promised a bit of G, and I had to be the responsible adult, taking care of Jay. "Doing ok there, Jay?" I asked him. "Oh yeah," he said. "Feels so good," he said. I smiled, and put my hand on his thigh. He was fidgeting a bit, and I held his leg in place. "Just relax. Enjoy it. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's good." "I know," Jay said. His leg stopped shaking, but I could feel the tension still in his body. "It's just hard," he started. "To let go?" I asked, anticipating his next words. "Yeah," he said. I just nodded in agreement. My own bump was kicking in, and I was floating on waves of pleasure. I wanted to see Jay naked. I wanted to see cock sliding into his hole. I wanted to see him bred. But all that needed to wait. It just needed to wait a few agonizing minutes. The traffic was surprisingly light and we were doing good time towards Rod's place. It gave me an excuse; I pulled out my phone and called him. "Yeah. Almost there. Less than 5 away. We'll be downstairs," I said. "I've got the Vitamin G. Mixed it in some Gatorade," Rod said. That was what Jay couldn't hear. "Yeah, bring that. We need something to drink," I said. That was the part that Jay could hear. "See you soon." "That your friend?" Jay asked. "What's he like? What's his name again?" "Rod. Rod Eisenman," I said. I flicked through my phone, trying to find a picture of Rod suitable to show the young man. Most of them were him fucking some hot young boy's mouth or ass. "He's cool. I think you'll like him." I finally found one, him shirtless at some street fair, a pair of thin black suspenders holding up his pants. Whether it was intentional or not, I noticed the top button of his pants was undone. "He looks like a cool dad. The one you can't quite believe is actually a dad." "Yeah, that's a good way to describe him." We were pulling up to Rod's place. "Just pull in under the awning." There was no one else, so I figured we would wait. I rolled down the window to see out better. It was less than a minute before Rod walked out of the front door, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. In addition to the G-laced Gatorade, it would have some lube, a cockring or two, plus a pipe and a stash of tina. Rod was prepared for everything, except for safer sex. He walked around, and got in on Jay's side of the car. Jay got the middle seat. "Hi," Rod said. "I'm Rod. You must be Jay." Rod put the backpack on the floor in front of him. "Yeah, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." "Good to meet you too. Aiden's been telling me a bit about you." "All set?" I asked Rod and Jay. They both nodded. "W hotel. On the boulevard," I told the driver. "Right on," he said. Rod reached down into the bag, and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. "Ready for your Vitamin G?" "I'm definitely ready," I said. "And I'm sure Jay will want some. How much is in there?" "I put in three doses." "Perfect," I said. I reached over Jay, and took the bottle of Gatorade from Rod. I opened it and began to drink the sweet liquid. I could just barely taste the bitterness of the GHB. "Vitamin G? Doses?" Jay asked. The alcohol was wearing off, but the cocaine was still making his head spin. "What's that." "Oh," Rod said. "Just some G in the Gatorade. You done it before?" Jay shook his head no. It was one more new thing for Jay to explore this weekend. "You'll love it. Makes you feel warm and happy. Takes the edge off of the cocaine." I drank about a third of the bottle and then I passed it back to Rod. He quickly drank his third, before handing it to Jay. "Your turn. Just drink up," Rod said. The young man hesitated for a moment. Like I had earlier, Rod put his hand on Jay's leg. "Come on. We are all in this together. We'll look out for you." It was as much the tone as the content of Rod's words that got Jay to put the bottle back to his lips and gulp down. "Nice," Rod said. I noticed he hadn't taken his hand off of Jay's thigh. I didn't mind. Rod was paying over two thousand dollars for the pleasure of deflowering Jay. It was bad service to deny him the implicit pleasures of holding the boy's hand. Besides, as soon as Jay was done with the bottle he put his hand on top of Rod's. "How are you feeling?" Rod asked Jay. There was a kindness in his voice, one that I recognized well. It was the tone he used when he was trying to convince a boy to do things. Things like have bareback sex with him or to blast his seed into the boy's body. "Good," Jay said. "Really good." "That's what we want to hear," Rod said. "How do you know Aiden?" he asked, making small chat as the car took us to the night's next destination. "Just tonight," Jay said. "But he's been really awesome." "Of course. He's a cool guy. You're lucky to have met him." Jay's hand was still on top of Rod's. "How old are you?" Rod asked. "18," Jay said. "I'm a freshman." "How has the adjustment been?" Rod asked. "Good?" "Yeah. Still trying to meet people." "Aiden's a good one for meeting people. He'll introduce you to a lot of new friends." I smiled. "Friends" was our code for clients. Rod was a "new friend" for Jay. "I know. He's already introduced me to you." "You feeling it yet? The G?" Rod asked. "I think so," Jay said. "How are you feeling?" "Warm," Jay started. We rounded a corner fast than I expected, and not being belted in, Jay was pushed up against Rod. "Horny," I heard him whisper. Rod smiled. Jay leaned in, and their lips met. It was a short kiss, but it was a kiss. It wasn't an accident or the bumpy road. It was a real kiss, two men pressing their lips against each other. But it wasn't a long kiss. As soon as Jay realized what he had started, he pulled back. "Oh god, I'm sorry," he said.
    5 points
  3. ... and now the 8 rear view pics ...
    5 points
  4. On my first night in Berlin was a Friday, and I was very excited to be heading to Lab.Oratory. I had heard a lot of good things about it including some of what I had read here on Bareback. Figuring it would be a fuck fest, I made sure my hole was clean deep and well and headed over. I got my bag to put my clothing in and I was surprised to see that most men were wearing some article of clothing: underwear, or a jock strap, or athletic shorts. In fact very few men were naked. I decided to keep my jockstrap on even though I honestly preferred being totally naked. Sometimes I feel like jock straps get in the way. I checked out the lay of the land, walking from room to room where there was a variety of equipment: fuck benches, slings, cubbies, glory holes, and more. The place was vast with lots of play areas. After walking around, I helped myself to a sling where it seem like there was some action happening nearby. Sometimes proximity helps. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes a hand was on my ass as a finger explored my hole. After having inserted one and then two fingers in my hole, the top, who was stocky and rugged, slid his dick into my ass. I was more than ready for his thick seven inches with the result he had no trouble sliding into my lubed hole quite smoothly. After a nice 15 minutes of fucking, he decided to move on and another top took his place. I didn't get a load out of either of them, but that's typically what happens at the sex parties, particularly early in the evening. Having been fucked by the two men was, however, quite satisfying. I also moved on and quickly learned that there seem to be two areas of the club where most of the raw fucking seem to happen: the first was a dark room area with fuck benches, and the second was a cargo bin in the outside area. I spent most of the evening in these two areas, getting loaded up by several guys and fucked by at least 20. I had several trains in a row where tops continuously pounded my ass. After leaving Lab.Oratory, I just had to check out The Bull before heading back to the hotel. I don't know about you other bottoms, but sometimes I just feel like I just want to get fucked forever and ever. I just want to take dick continuously and the Bull is one of my favorite bars in Berlin because I have known good things happen in The Bull's dark room, and the bar didn't disappoint. After stripping down to my jockstrap, within five minutes of being in the darkroom a husky German voice was whispering in my hair about how loose my hole was and how he wanted to pump another load in there. Of course this was in German at first but then he switch to English when I told him I didn't speak German. He proceeded to bang me with his thick German cock, stretching my hole even wider until he started grunted and holding me even harder and tighter until he pounded his load into me. The crowd at The Bull was not a pretty boy crowd but rather consisted largely of middle aged German men who saw to it that my hole remained in use and loaded. In fact I spent the next hour and a half gripping the bench while another eight guys used my hole. By the end of the night I felt so well used and loved it.
    4 points
  5. Daddy marked his territory...
    4 points
  6. I'm trying to match up some of my pics of 8 guys with beautifully presented buns ... along with 6 pics of cock & balls. See the problem? There's 2 guys who don't seem to belong in the collection of fuckable holes. Which two are they? First ... the front view ...
    4 points
  7. I met this beefy muscled ginger boy at a bar one night. He was early 20's, beautiful bubble butt, tattoo's, the nicest body I've seen in awhile. The boy was driving me crazy all night and kept staring at me. I finally went up and introduced myself and bought him a drink. We got talking, he was very touchy and flirty. A good sign. I put my hand on his lower back and we started making out at the bar. He was aggressive and I liked that. He asked if we could got to the backroom. Inside there he get's down on his knees and starts giving the best blowjob I've had in awhile. Pulling at my dick and rubbing the pre cum all over his. This goes on for about 25 minutes and asks me if we can go back to my place. So we get back to mine and the kid instantly starts taking off his clothes in front of me, gets down on all fours and spreads his ass. His beautiful ginger ass just perfect, and the nicest pink hole. I tell him I'm gonna breed that. He ask's if I'm POZ, I say I am, and the kid kind of get's freaked out. Not in a bad way, but just starts asking me question's. He finally gives me the answer I want, and says "use me as your cum dump" I don't think I've ever been so lucky picking up a guy at a bar. This beautiful ginger let me gag him with my cock till his eyes were watering and he was drooling, slap him around, and finally pound his hole. He moaned like a little bitch when I put it in him, and had to go slow, he told me he was a "top" .... yeah right. Next thing you know for an hour straight I'm fucking this kid every which way I can. And he's taking my dick so good. His hole was so red and stretched open, he held it open as I dripped my entire load down there. After it was all done, he starts fingering his ass and putting my cum all over his lips. I let him blow his load all over my face. He ate it off after. He stayed the night and the next day we went back at it again. He said it got him off fucking poz guys which was hot. He's coming over again this week and said we should film some stuff. Here's hoping he enjoyed his gift! Anyone else got hot stories of gingers?
    4 points
  8. So I finally did it guys...I submitted by pics to Dick Wadd through their site so I could hopefully be in one (or more!) of their vids. Wish me luck!
    3 points
  9. Did you read the tags? I wrote this several years ago. It's... different but I think some of you will get a kick out of it. --- Medical Examiner's report # 8815506-3481136 (Summary) Name: Holland, Martin Age: 92 Height: 191 cm Mass: 78 kg Race: caucasian Intake notes: Subject was discovered at or about 6:15 am Monday in Riverbank Park by a jogger. The jogger thought it odd that someone would be sitting on a park bench at that time dressed in a three piece suit. Jogger approached and noticed subject was not breathing and called 911. Subject was declared dead at the scene. Core temperature and lack of rigor put the time of death between 3:30 and 4:30am that day. External Examination: Head: Subject lacks teeth. Dentures are in and remarkably clean. Odors of urea and feces emanate from the oral and nasal cavities, but not from the dentures themselves. Neck: Signs of strangulation with a belt. Chest: Subject has both nipples pierced with holes large enough to accept 6.5mm rings. Rings are not present. Abdomen: Slightly distended. The stomach and large intestine can both be easily palpitated and are likely quite full. Genitals: Subject still maintains an erection several hours after death. Penis is 19cm long, uncircumcised with a 9.25mm “Prince Albert” piercing. However the scrotum and testicles are absent. In their place is a freshly, and crudely, cauterized wound. Additionally the anus is stretched to an alarming degree, with 3cm of rectum prolapsed out. No sign of tearing. Extremities: Slightly reddened ligature marks approximately 4cm wide can be found at both wrists and both ankles. Recent injection sites observed at the interior of both elbows, Scraping taken of matter under the fingernails and sent to lab for further analysis. Internal exam: Heart: Signs of over exertion. Lungs: Show evidence of mild smoking. Pancreas: Cancerous, stage 2. Stomach: Full to nearly bursting. (Initial incision left quite a mess.) Contents: urine, fecal matter, semen (too much to be from a single source), one Ensure® meal replacement strawberry flavor, and one testicle. Colon: The rectum, sigmoid, and descending colon are all stretched far beyond normal. They could accept objects with a circumference of 25cm without a problem. Stretching can be seen as far as 10 cm into the transverse colon. Additionally a black silicone object was discovered in the colon, 3cm diameter and 115 cm long. One end of it was nearly touching the scar from a years old appendectomy. Additional exam notes: It is unlikely the subject died at the point of discovery. Close examination of the joints, and observation of the skin under UV light points to the body being washed, dressed and moved postmortem. Lab results: Fingernails: Tests show the matter under the fingernails to be fecal with high levels of epithelial cells of the type found in the rectum and colon. DNA: DNA samples were taken from the subject, the cells under the fingernails, the semen in the stomach and the testicle. The DNA of the subject and the testicle are a match. The semen matches the subject, the owner of the epithelial cells, and at least 11 other individuals, two of whom are brothers. Database search provided no identification, but the semen of the subject and John Does 3, 7, and 10 all turn up in case #8951685-4258763 “Tox screen”: Subject had elevated blood levels of acetylsalicylic acid, diltiazem, pantoprazole, trimeterene, nitroglycerin, caffeine, nicotine, ethanol (.215 BAC), methamphetamine and its metabolized byproducts (estimated 2.25 grams over 3 days), and oxycodone. Tissue samples from around the genitals also show the presence of Caverject, lidocaine, and epinephrine. Conclusion: The cause of death is cardiac arrhythmia due to a combination of drugs and over exertion. Professionally I must label this suspicious, but personally it looks like Mr. Holland decided to go out with a bang rather than a whimper.
    3 points
  10. Now you're MINE, son. This cunt is OWNED.
    3 points
  11. I'm just a whore bottom hole so after i had taken several anonymous loads last night i got a text from a top that's fucked me quite a few times in the past and always wants to fuck someplace new ... in the park, on the trail, in a bathhouse, in a bar, in a public restroom ... you get the picture. Last night he texted and said he was coming over and i was to be bent over naked in the street when he came around the corner. So, cum leaking down my leg, i went to the middle of the strert and bent over holding my ankles and blindfolded. I heard a car turn the corner and it impaled me in its headlughts. Door opened and steps approached and then a finger ran down my crack to my hole and inserted into my hole. I heard a zipper then and something bigger and harder than a finger pushed against my hole. He slid into my ass and began pumping for a good while. Picking up the pace he asked me where i wanted his baby juice. "Breed my ass!". You are a whore he called me and i agreed i had a whore pussy that wanted him to use it. Grunting slightly he bred me. Just then another car turned the corner and i heard 2 doors open and close. He asked them if they were here to breed me. We moved to the darker sideyard where all 3 turns on my ass until they all dumped a load in me. One of them said he had to piss so the first guy pushed me down to the ground. Three streams of hot piss covered me head to toe and then they left me naked, laying on the ground full of cum and covered in piss.
    3 points
  12. I'm a staunch atheist, you know... ...but on very rare occasions I can't help thinking that there might be a God indeed...
    3 points
  13. "That's it, son. Let those nice gentlemen see what you got to offer..." "And now for you, guys. I guess you all know the rules: lube is on the nightstand, rubbers are not required. Just get in line and wait your turn..."
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Just another wasted youth (Part 2) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “How old are you bitch?” I asked him, while pulling his nipples through his t-shirt. “18” he moaned. “I turned 18 two days ago” “Aaawwww… and now we seem to be your gift” I smiled. The boy smiles back at me. “Keep yourself dizzy bitch” I encouraged to sniff at the poppers bottle as often as he could. “Enjoy your ride to hell” I stated and my buddies and I laughed loudly while we held this twats body up. “Wouldn’t you enjoy to get fucked by everyone in this darkroom?” I whispered. “Imagine all the cocks getting hard, just because of your cute butt” “They sure would enjoy pounding your sweet loyal cunt” my mate grunted. “I don’t know” the youth replied. “You guys got big dicks…. I am horny for big dicks tonight” he replied. “A true bottom should never refuse a hard cock – not on a night like this” I tried to persuade him. “I love my boyfriend… I don’t want to cheat on him” said the twink who just got his ass fucked by totally strangers. “You are not… tonight your boyfriend isn’t here. You miss him so much, that is why you allowed us to plow your ass….” I talked to him soothingly. “It is your boyfriends fault. He should have been here with you at your birthday party. But don’t worry about it, no one needs to know, that you are a greedy little ass cunt.” The guy behind the twink had his hands on the youths shoulders and fucked him high speed. “Yeah…. it is all *grunts* his fault. He should have been here with me, instead of working for his company…..oooooh - I got needs” he moaned. “Yeah and let the guys here fulfill your needs just for tonight. Tomorrow your boyfriend will get to love you anyway and you love him, but tonight we are here to please your cunt” “Doesn’t it feel good to have a big cock up your ass, jamming your tight entrance…. give us the chance to make you feel good. Let’s make you the star of this night… let all the guys here fuck your ass…. just so, because you can do it…. and you do it so good baby.” I whispered those words into his ear. “Don’t reject anyone… see every cock as a present for you to set a new world record in getting charged up in one night – don’t be a fool to let this chance pass you by….” I continued to talk him into. “You don’t even have to look at the guys. Just stay here, look at the wall and imagine your ass a deposit for cum. Take another whiff….. Yeah….. imagine you are just a hole to us. Help us to get off…. into your sweet little body.” “Oooooh fuck…. your cock feels so good…..and maybe I should let you all fuck my pussy – but only tonight” the lad agreed. “Yeah – only for tonight slut” I answered satisfied. “And only with condoms….” he insisted. This was ridiculous. There he was – a totally drunk teen and buzzed up with poppers and still he had the audacity to demand safe fucks? I sighed deeply and looked at our third mate, who would have been the next to fuck this toad. “Sorry man… then you can’t fuck him with your 12 incher” I winked at him. “Man…. what the fuck….?” he complained. “You know his dick is so huge and thick… he has really problems finding condoms which would fit him.” I explained to our target. He peered at the next cock and seemed to be mesmerized. “Ooooooh *sighs* your cock is fucking beautiful. I have never seen a real dick being so thick and long” he moaned. “And do you see how much he looked forward to demolish your hole? Look at the streams of precum, dripping to the floor already.” I brought his attention to my pals Gono infection. But he was so swept away, that he really didn’t draw the conclusion or maybe it was simply too dark. He asked instead if he could lick his ‘precum’ away. “Of course” my friend said and while still getting fucked up the ass, the lad bent a little to the side and started sucking his fag beater. After only two minutes he got up again and asked my mate ‘Are you okay?’ “I feel great….” my pal replied. “No I mean, are you healthy……?” he mumbled under the influence of the alcohol. “Yeah faggot. Don’t worry I am clean” he lied stealthily. In the meanwhile the second fucker reached his orgasm and ejaculated the second high POZ load flooded the boys’ sewer. “Okay…. then fuck my ass raw.” he whispered. “What?” my mate answered as he was hard of hearing. “FUCK ME RAW” the twink shouted. “Gentlemen…..this twink just turned 18 two days ago and he is willing to accept the gift…. Please…..make sure you make room to those who are willing to share…..” I exclaimed. “You want to get charged up, right?” I asked him loudly. “Yeah man, charge me up with your dicks” he moaned. “I didn’t hear you?” I teased him. “OH FUCK….. GIVE ME YOUR COCKS….. *moans* CHARGE ME UP PLEASE!” he almost cried out. In no time we had a nice crowd of guys gathering around to take part at this spectacle. While our last friend started penetrating the boys’ hole, the twink moaned in pleasure and pain. 12 inch of hard cock meat worked his way up the lads’ ass cunt. “Ooooooh yeah…. this is it….. fuck me…. FUCK….. batter me with your huge dick” he begged. “Don’t worry pups…. I will fuck you hard and give you all I got…..” he snickered.
    3 points
  16. I had been lurking on bbrt, getting hard to bug chasing fiction on here and jerking off to verbal poz porn on tumblr for a couple of years before I finally took my first toxic plunge. It was just before my 30th birthday and I was in my prime, 6ft, boy next door good looks, tight gym body with a round peach of an ass covered in soft fair bum fluff. I was turning heads in the bar and clubs but I was finding safe and vanilla hook ups didn't do it for me anymore. The sight of a condom in person or in porn was an instant boner killer. I started spending more and more time fantasizing about getting knocked up and began chatting to guys on bbrt. I lived in a small city with an even smaller and discreet bareback scene, at the time there weren't many open bug chasers even on bbrt. I'd already been through a couple of profiles and chickened out on few meets and was finding it difficult to find verbal gift givers, most guys were undetectable and looking for the same. It was a Friday night and work had been a bitch that week. I picked up some weed and beers and settled in for a night of cruising for raw cock. I don't know what clicked in my mind that night, whether it was my looming 30th birthday, the shitty week in work or the disappointing sex of late but I knew that night I would finally let my neg hole be flooded with a toxic load. I was getting a nice buzz from the weed and beer and had some filthy porn on in the back round. It was the kind where the guys were all obviously poz and even implied in some scenes that Toxic tops were pozzing neg bottoms without outright saying it, it gave me an idea to take a different approach online. Logging onto BBRT, I edited my profile, taking out any overt references to being a bug chaser and changing my status to "ask me" instead of "don't know, don't care." If tops could stealth then I could be a stealth bottom and steal the strain I craved. Before I saw what I wanted. His profile described a hung top in his 50s, status "poz" not "undetectable" which really got my attention, and seemed to be close by. Perfect! I messaged him and unlocked all my pics. He got back to me straight away, turns out he was a stoner and was at home high and horny too. We got though all the online pleasantries quickly, he could host and was only a short walk from my place, we were sexually compatible and both up for meeting now. Neither of us asked or disclosed our status in the messages. I supposed he assumed I was poz and, like many others on the site, was being discreet. I asked him to unlock his pics, it was a formality on my part I knew I was ready to give up my hole to him from our brief exchange but it would be nice to get a look first. The notification came through and I nearly came there and then. I was greeted by pics of an obviously wasted body and what once would have been a handsome face but was now sunken and had lined cheeks, mouth and eyes that gave him the appearance of cheeky chappy who would rough me up. Hanging between his skin and bone legs was a veiny flaccid monster, there was more meat on his poz cock than any of his other limbs. He didn't have any fully erect pics but I didn't need to see any more. We swapped numbers, he texted his address and we arranged to meet. I hit the shower and while douching had precum dripping from the semi I had since seeing his pics. It was always at this point before where I would text with some lame excuse to cancel and go have a wank thinking about what could have been. This night was different, although my heart was pounding out of my chest it was with pure excitement not anxiety. My cock was hard the whole 15 minute walk to his place, my hole was twitching with anticipation and instead of any conflicted thoughts I was filled with a focused, frenzied desire to take this strangers poz, hopefully unmedicated cum in my neg cunt. I arrived at the address and text to let him know I was outside, minutes later he was opening the door and leading me to his "flat" at the top of the house. It was more of a efficiency, containing little more than a couch facing a TV, a small bed in the corner, and a kitchen alcove, and what at first glance appeared to be a closet was actually an en suite bathroom. As soon as we were in the door we embraced and kissed. He was somewhat shorter than my height, but the kiss we shared ignited something it both of us and we could both tell we were in for a good night. His frail, small body felt so warm in my arms and instantly put me at ease. We moved to the couch were a joint was waiting, from the first kiss we were never not touching one another, a hand on a knee, a stolen kiss, caressing our hard-ons through our jeans. We were obviously from different worlds but had an instant connection. We made some easy small talk and finished the joint while watching some porn which would not be needed to get me going. I moved off the couch onto my knees and unleashed his hard cock from his jeans. The virus might have done a number on his body and his face but his cock was pristine, a good nine inches with a slight upwards curve, a wet purple head covered in the softest foreskin. When I took it in my mouth I could feel the veins pumping, filled with the poison I was here to take home with me. I didn't take long for us to get naked and onto his bed, his skinny smooth body felt amazing on top of my muscled frame. We were wild for each other, I hadn't been this hard since I was a teenager. I knew it wouldn't be long before I had his toxic cum pumping deep in my hole. I lay back and began to finger my hole giving him a little show, the look on his face was priceless. He was the cat who got the cream, I imagined he couldn't believe his luck having a hot young guy ready to be fucked raw. How was he to know I was the one in absolute awe of him and the poz gift he was going to unknowingly give me. Soon I was flipped onto all fours with his tongue in my sweaty hole, I was moaning like a bitch in heat. He pulled me back to him and I kissed him from behind tasting my ass in his mouth. While we were making out he lined up that perfect poz cock with my neg boy pussy. I fell back into doggie style as he pushed into my wet hole. I was in heaven, I finally had a toxic cock inside me. I arched my back and backed up fully onto that monster, wordlessly letting him know there was no need to be gentle and he got the message and went to town on my greedy cunt. We bucked and fucked in perfect unison. I had a raging boner which I never normally had when getting fucked before, I was feeling new levels pleasure in my mind, hole and dick I had never felt before. I begged him to "breed my hole" and "give me his load" and he responded likewise. Amazingly in my state of bug chaser ecstasy I managed not to let out the usual poz buzz words and give away he was knocking me up, I doubt he would have cared at that stage but I wasn't taking any chances he would pull out. I began to feel his cock getting even harder in me and those tell tale pulses, he was about to cum. I started to squeeze my now loosened hole around his beautiful poz prick. I turned my head and met his eyes, gave him a cheeky smile and told him to "give it to me." He didn't need telling twice and started to slam into my neg cunt. I almost couldn't believe it - his more-than-likely toxic poz cum was going to flood my guts! Additionally, for the first time fucking had never before felt so right and free. I reached for my for my fully erect cock and with one stroke let loose the hardest longest orgasm I had ever felt, spurts and spurts of useless neg jizz landing on the bed spread. This set off a chain reaction in my cunt, he seemed to have an equal orgasm to mine. I felt spasm after spasm inside me, the precious gift deposited deep in me that I was going to try and hold onto, hopefully to regift if it took. He pulled out and I turned around to clean off his cock, licking his sweaty balls, taking in the smell of him, moving my tongue up his torso to his lips and fell back onto the bed in a euphoric embrace. We lay there in after glow bliss kissing and caressing each other, running our hands up our spines inducing those after cum shivers I love. I felt reborn anew lying there, a new clarity had come over me, gone was the indecisiveness and the shame. I had made fantasy reality and it was more than I could have imagined. There was no going back. I knew now for certain I was meant to convert, it was my destiny to be free, to be a poz cum dump. The whole hook up had seemed to fly by but I checked my phone and a couple of hours had passed by, we were both spent and called it a night, agreeing to do it again soon. I was overjoyed leaving and now I was grinning like the cat who got the poison cream. I left my unwitting gifter with a passionate kiss on the doorstep and practically skipped home with his dirty load inside my ass. Several weeks later I came down with a nasty flu. I had to take a sick day from work it was so bad. Still being a horny bastard and bored at home I logged into bbrt and saw him online. He must have noticed me online as I got a text message from him looking for a hook up. I told him I was sick and decided to bring up the fact that I was neg, I asked if he thought there might be a change he could have pozzed me. He text back that there could be, he had health complications and wasn't always 100% with his meds, hence his "poz" status on bbrt. He seemed to worry then and responded with apologies, I told him not to worry that it was what I wanted I knew what I was doing. He replied by text that he presumed I was poz because "Poz guys are always amazing in bed." Turns out he was right.
    2 points
  17. My family and I had to move for my last year in high school, and even worse it was an extra year in high school. So I was about to be the 19 year old new kid on the block going in for his super senior year. My old girlfriend and I hadn’t spoken in four months, school started in two weeks. Me and my mom were unpacking the living room together when she remembered, “Oh yeah David, the neighbor mentioned earlier he could use your help on some things around his house. I told him you’d stop by before dinner and see if you’d be able to handle the job. He’s going to pay you” “Ma are you serious?” “Yeah yeah so you should go do that now while we’re remembering, shouldn’t be too long but if you leave now maybe you’ll make dinner.” “Man alright, I’ll be back in a little I guess.” I walked outside thinking about the two neighbors I had, one middle-aged couple and one man. The couple looked like they were gone and so I walked to my neighbor’s house. And I rang his doorbell. He answered it in his jeans and plaid button up. “Hey I’m your new neighbor, I heard you wanted me for a job?” “Yeah you will do fine,” He gruffed. We walked through his doorway and to the living room and there was someone else there. “Oh I didn’t realize you had company.” But his company didn’t waste any time. He stomped toward me, “Faggot you’re the company.” He punched me the wind out of my gut and I leaned over the floor gasping. He grabbed my hair and threw my face towards the ground, “Lick my toes faggot.” He said while smacking the back of my head. The man who answered the door grabbed my neck and the belt of my jeans, yanked me onto my knees. He pushed my neck down and encouraged me aggressively to lick his toes. He pulled out a knife and just rubbed it against my clothes. “Lick them faggot and lick them good.” Obviously I listened. I licked with the tip of my tongue on the top of his toes, and then I proceeded to lick them. “Oh yeah faggot.” He said before he lifted his foot off the ground. “Suck my fucking feet bitch.” I put his toe into my mouth but he made me try to take as much of his foot as I could. “Oh yeah you have a pretty mouth when it’s stretched,” he pulled his foot out, “suck those fucking toes.” I wrapped my tongue around each and every toe never forgetting there was a knife at my ass. He took his foot out and told the guy who answered the door that I was perfect and ready. The guy who answered the door used the knife and made a tiny rip out of my jeans. Then he threw the knife and tore my jeans wide open, exposing what he called my beautiful pink boyhood. "Oh you're so ready for this you wore no briefs." He didn't buy my haven't unpacked excuse. His buddy started getting undressed while he leaned over my ear and whispered to me, “You do realize we’re about to nut you up, right?” I was able to look his direction in a frozen way. “Blink once if you understand.” And I did.
    2 points
  18. Sorry to be a nuisance but can anybody please look after my cousin, Ryan, over the weekend for me? Ryan's very adaptable and will easily satisfy anything you ask of him. Thanks guys
    2 points
  19. poz tox twink can host all tops, breeders pervs few limits. Western NY outside of Rochester. contact me here or wickr bareben.
    2 points
  20. Thanks for the advice about not working the next day...but I am from New Orleans so dealing with next day party exhaustion is built into my DNA! Fortunately, I don't fly out until Wed night so I plan on just kicking it right there for two whole days. Why get a hotel room or airbnb when I can just stay put and keep it going. I'm crossing my fingers and uncrossing my legs to having a great time.
    2 points
  21. As a bottom being gang fucked is an amazing head space to be in. You know you are living the real life version of one of those porn films where 1 guy on the sports team gets topped by all the others. The range of fucking styles i amazing but the deep knowledge that your body and ass are getting these guys off as they openly share you and spray their manseed in the same hole is the mental high that makes the experience for me. I feel the same way every time i get a good long line of guys at a sex club using me. You have to really know that you are a piece of sexual livestock and embrace it and the pleasure rewards are infinite.
    2 points
  22. SON: Daddy, are you down there?...I've heard noises coming from the basement...daddy, is that you?..." SON: "DADDY?!? What are you doing in that...that thing. And what are all those naked strangers doing in our basement? DADDY: "Oh hi, son. Don't worry, everything's fine! And that thing is called a sling by the way. Now why don't you come over here and give your dad a hand? I think I'm leaking a bit. Just scoop it up with a finger or two and push it back inside where it belongs." SON: You mean like that, daddy?...OH MY GOD, your hole is all slimy and squichy...but...but in a nice way...so warm and soft and inviting..." DADDY: "So you like that, son? Now that I think about it, why don't you give it a try and hop into the sling yourself?!? We'll just have to finger all that...uh...lube into your boyslit instead. If you're anything like your old man, you're gonna love this shit! Trust me, Daddy knows best what's good for you. And I'm sure my buddies here would love to show you the ropes..."
    2 points
  23. Come on down pigs - he's gonna collect as many loads as he can while I'm at work 8/10, then I get my turn when he's all sloppy and leaking - my favorite!! Too bad it's not a cumunion week, but I'll check - maybe something else like blackout night at manifest - would be so fucking easy to pimp out that young beefy bubble ass someplace like that
    2 points
  24. Waiting for Daddy to cum home...
    2 points
  25. They're tearing down my old high school. I refer to it as "my high school" even though I only went there two years. I switched schools because I was bullied so bad. Bullied for being girlish, acting weird and finally --for being short. This was in the mid 80's when bullying was just a part of growing up and nobody reported anything and teachers looked the other way. I was called a 'fag' so many times that last year and shoved into lockers so often, it's amazing I didn't kill myself. I considered it often back then. At the center of it all was this guy I'll call 'Matt'. The fact that I'm changing his name to protect him is the ultimate in irony. His parents and my parents were old friends so I'd know him since preschool days. We lived in a farming area and were technically neighbors despite living nearly two mies apart. He was year older than me. My mom always hated him. He was trouble -- even as a little kid. He constantly picked on me and wanted to do tough boy stuff while I wanted to just have imaginary adventures where were explorers or astronauts or something. He liked to initiate fights of any kind and I just went along with it. He'd want us to throw dirt clods at dirt clods at each other or those little white driveway rocks. He was sometimes nice but mostlty mean. But he was like a magnet and I was drawn to him even though he was a cruel, cruel boy. None of this changed over the years. When we were in junior high, he showed me a dirty magazine and told me how to beat off. The year adfter that he taught me how to smoke and then eventually he got me drunk for the first time. And all along, he still wanted to fight. He'd get me in headlocks or twist my arm behind my back. He was also a bragger. His dad more money than mine, his house was nicer than mine, he was taller and stronger and on and on. Then highshcool happened and, Dear God, what a nightmare. Everybody changed. They all turned into adults and I still looked like I was nine years old. Plus. I had to get glasses which made me even more of an oddball. Even though it was a small school, Matt managed to disappear into his own crowd of tough guys who smoked and had learner's permits. I, of course,had flunked Driver's Ed. Driving terrified me -- which meant I was further isolated from kids my age. And like every rural town back then, all the kids were smoking weed which I'd never even seen or smelled in person. During all this, people started noticing my girlish tendencies and my high voice. Boom, I was a target. "Sissy", "Queer", "Queer Bait", "Homo", "Faggot" were among the things I was called. You'd think Matt would feel some tiny bit of kinship or shared history and stick up for me once in a while, but no. Most of my abusers were his pals. The very last time we ever talked he told me not to sit near him during pep rallies or assemblies. High school was going great for him and didn't want my association with him to spoil it. And then I dropped out. I did well at my new school and graduated near the top. I made a few great friends and then went off to college where I was exceptional in every class. I moved to a big city and landed a terrific job. My voice had deepened and my body filled out. Ny height maxed out at only 5'8", but that really doesn't count as "short" to the general poulation. Everything was going swell. Adding to my genral happiness was the reports from hometown I'd get during weekly phone chats with the parents. Mike S. had died in a car crash, Luke B. had killed himself, Mack J. was in prison. Each tidbit of news like that fed my soul. I won! On top of that. the whole town had gone to shit thanks to the sudden appearance of hard drugs. My folks are pretty square so they didn't know which drugs exactly except that5 they could be used with a pipe or a needle. That could have been a few different subtances, but as long is it laid waste to that rotten place I was glad it had arrived. When I asked about Matt my mom was all too eager to repeat rumors she'd heard from her friends. He was unemployed and still living at home. He was also fat and grubby-looking and, according to her, would hang out in a trailer with fellow druggies shooting up the drugs they bought. Ha! He stumbled and went down while I was completely happy and successful. I won! I hit my early 30's and the state had swarmed in and cleaned up that whole county. Lots of people were arrested and drug houses were demolished. The town tried to come back with new sidewalks and landscapes. And then they decided to tear down my old high school and build a new one. Oh how I wanted to witness the demolition in person! I went down that Summer to stay with my parents for a week of vacation. On a sunny, warm Saturday they were having a "walk through" of the school before they started auctioning off the light fixtures, toilets, bricks etc. My dad was excited about it because he loved auctions of any kinf and I was excited because I wanted to piss on the walls or vandalize a classroom or something like that. Yeah, it may seem emtionally unhealthy but that was the place that made me this way. So we went to town that morning. I expected to feel happy to see the boarded-up building, but just thw shape of it caused my chest to tighten up. I didn't breathe the whole time it took Dad to find a parking space. My legs were shaking. I had to man up. I was still a fag, but I was a winning fag. I was also pretty much unrecognizable from the kid I used to be, but that didn't stop me from petting my sunglasses on. I didn't want them to see me coming. We saw a bunch of older guys in overalls and my dad needed to talk to each one of them. The walk through had been going on for half an hour by the time we got to the entrance. It hit me the second we got in. It smelled exactly the same and even though there was no electricity, I could tell the walls were exactly the same stupid pale blue they'd been for decades. I had to take my sunglasses off because there were no lights and more than halfthe windows were boarded up. It was dark but you could still navigate down the halls. Everybody had moved to the second floor already. I guess that's where most of the valuable stuff was (computers, copiers, library books). My dad was in the middle of a bunch of other farmers he knewheading up the stairs and they were busy with their chatter. I found myself alone in the first floor hallway, right in front of the princepal's office. I wanted to go in there and piss on the desk of the man who did nothing to protect me. I would have done just that, but stragglers kept wandering in. I let myself into the gym instead. This had been a place of torture as well. I walked across the basketball court and wished I had to take shit. A couple of turds right on top of the achool logo would hace been a perfect farewell. I went all the way back to where the locker rooms were. It still smelled like dirty balls even though no students had been through there for six or seven months. It's that moment that I realized the structure itself wasn't my tormenter. The stupid kids were, and they had long since gone. The hate and the need for revenge drained out of my body. I just felt tired and bored. Oh well...maybe I'd just pee and go wait outside for Dad. Where the urinals always that small? That's when I heard "Looking for something special?" from somewhere in the shadows behind me. Emerging into a sliver of light was Matt himself. I barely recognized him. He was wearing dirty denim overalls that accentuated his huge gut and had a full, bushy red beard like a bootlegger from "Coal Miner's Daughter" or something. He wa a few inches taller, but didn't exactly tower over me like he used to. He looked completely different but not like how I imagined a drug user to look. Weren't they all skeletal? He sure wasn't. Just dirty and generally unhealthy. "I wouldn't have known who you were if I hadn't saw you walk in with your dad." I could tell from how he talked that he was missing a few teeth. I didn't feel all that scared like you'd think I would. I really didn't feel anything that could be named accurately. He moved closer. "Got nothin' to say to say to yer old buddy?" No. I didn't. I wanted to leave. He stepped even closer and I could smell his B.O. and a hint of alcohol. Then he was just a few inches away. God, his face looked like shit. The drugs hadn't made him thin but they had sure done their damage to his skin. I was searching for something to say when the last thing I ever expected happened. He was hugging me. Huh?! No. I was wrong. He was trying to get me involved in a wrestling match. Seriously? I was bigger and stronger and could fight back now. I pushed him off of me only to have him tackle me again. I landed ghard on the concrete floor and the wind was compltely knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe as he got me in a bear hug again, then lifted me up and carried me back to the shower area. Another fall on my back and this time the back of my head was slammed as well. I saw the edges of my vision blur as the pain overwhelmed me. He stood back a little and leaned against the wall next to the shower nozzles. I collected myself as quick as I could and started to stand up, but I stumbled and Matt actually reached with one of his fat hands to help me up. I was busy trying to fill my lungs with air while he pulled a pint of rum or something from his back pocket and took a swig. He offered me a sip and I shook my head. No. I stood up straight and tall and steeled myself for this. What in the world did I have to be scared of? This fat mess? "You got stronger. Been workin' out?" he said while thumping my chest with his bottle-free hand. "No", I said in a voice that was way deeper than he would have ever imagined,"but that was the very last time you'll ever touch me. Got it?" "No, but I got this," he drawled as he pulled a fat prick head out of the fly of his grimey overalls. I didn't move. I was frozen, and he must have taken my inaction as fascination because he pushed the whole organ out for me to see. A flood of weird memories back to me. His dick looked like a lightbulb. The shaft was short and skinny and the head was perfectly round and oversized. I knew that dick. I remembered right then that he hadn't told me how to beat off...he'd shown me. In flashes I saw us walking alongside a creek in his dad's pasture where he started wrestling me again. He'd sat on my chest and quickly stroked his little member up and down for a few seconds before squirting some stinky cream all over my neck and shirt collar. I also remember him guiding that thing into my underage mouth nearly a dozen times that year. I'd blocked it all out. I felt the hate and anger coming back in waves as he stroked his gross meat. I snatched the bottle out of his free hand and took a long swig of what I guessed to be whiskey, not rum. "Here's what you don't get, asshole. You lost and I won! I got out of this shit town and you didn't move an inch. Still living with ma and pa, are you? I have a career, a sweet car and my own home. What do YOU have?! Nothing! YOU LOST! I WON!" I was yelling with a force that was dug up from somewhere deep down inside me. "My, my, my." he said in a slightly slurred voice as he moved a little ways away before adding "I got something you don't." "What?? A drug habit? DUIs? Needle marks?". I barked. I grew bold and grabbed his left arm to inspect for tracks. There weren't any. Huh? That's when he swung his fist around and caught me squarely in the cheek. I didn't hit the floor this time. Rage was keeping me upright like a steel structure, but it sure fucking hurt. "I never shot in my arm. Cops look for that. Me and my girls always used the veins in our feet. Look..." he stepped out of his size 13 sneakers, peeled off the filthy socks and showed me his gross feet. A couple of toes were swollen and scabby. Infection lived down there for sure. As I gazed at them, he made quick work of unstrapping his overalls and lifting off his shirt. Then he stepped out of the smelly denim and was completely nude. His big fat stomach just bobbed there unashamedly. What the hell?? It would have been a good time to run, but he was still a magnet, keeping me close. It was with a bizarre sense of loyalty or intimacy that I knelt to the floor and wrapped my mouth around the fat head of his dick. I was just noticing how clean it seemed compared to the rest of him when he grabbed the back of my head and started a slow thrusting. It was all so familiar. He groaned and said a few things that I barely heard above the sound of my heartbeat. "Strip", he commanded as he stood there with his shiny, wet dick bobbing beneath his gut. I did so without thinking too much of anything. He sized me up and handed me the bottle. "I..." "Don't talk. Just drain that fucker cuz you're gonna need it in a second." I swallowed it all down and let the bottle fall from my numb hand. It didn't break, just bounced noisily into a corner. And then we had one last wrestling match for old time's sake. He had me pinned after he knew all my fight was gone. Then I was kneeling on the floor and he was on my back with his wet prick aimed exactly where I wanted him to aim it. It hurt like hell when he tried to get that fat head in my hole, but i didn't even have the strength to yell. The worst of the pain didn't last all that long anyway. After a minute, it was just me with my forehead down on the floor, feeling his blubber squooshing around on my spine and his little torpedo pivoting in and out of my guts. He was talking again. "You didn't win nothin' that I'm not taking from you now." Then he roared as he blasted his nasty cum deep inside me. He collapsed on top of me and lied there for about half a minute. He got up. I could hear him shuffling around and thought he was getting dressed. That's when a stream of hot, smelly liquid hit my back. He was pissing on me. Of course. He'd won and deserved his victory, I guess. I lost everything.
    2 points
  26. Just posted a new topic question(s) to the Bug Chasing forum. I'd like y'all feedback if you can.
    2 points
  27. So I have been a long time fan of this site and read many stories. Felt like it was my time to start sharing. This is the story of how I was introduced and became addicted to bb. I went to high school in Florida and vowed that I would move away for college. And that I did. One summer visiting my parents was the summer that changed my life. I decided to spend a good 3 weeks with my parents and after a couple of days I was finding every excuse to get out of the house. One particularly horny say I was on grindr and this older muscle daddy hit me. He wanted to know if I wanted to come over for some fun. Mind you I was pretty inexperienced to the whole gay/sex thing and also normally (no longer the case) not attracted to older guys. However my parents were being particularly annoying, and I was pretty horny so I took him up on the offer. I lied to my parents about how I was meeting some friends from high school borrowed my mom's car and drove to this guys house. Along the way I was super nervous and asked him if he had condoms and lube since I didn't have any. He told me not to worry. Upon reaching his house I walk up to the door and before I even knock this muscular shirtless daddy opens the door in nothing but gym shorts where are very noticeable bulge is showing. Stammering and getting all shy I don't know really what to do and I'm pretty sure he could tell how new I was to everything. This daddy changed my entire perspective of older guys. Salt and pepper hair, white and muscular body. A good 6 inches taller than me (I'm 5'8 average build) is looming over me and I can smell his musk. He grabs my shoulders and brings me in closing the door behind him. Never taking his hands off my shoulders he leads me deeper into his house and guides me to his bedroom. He then proceds to tell me not to worry. Asking me at the same time how old I was (at the time I was very discreet on grindr and has barely anything on it) I proceed to tell him I'm 19 in which he laughs and says his son is close to my age. This amazing specimen of a man was 55 and had a body of a 30 year old. The entire time he is talking to me he keeps his hands on my shoulders almost like he is preventing me from running away. He then asks me how experienced I am in which I told him honestly I've only had sex once and a couple or bjs. He got a twinkle in his eye and asked me if I had ever been rimmed before. My clueless self actually responded with what is rimming in which he laughed and said that he would show. Pushing me onto his bed he proceds to start to make out with me. I feel his tongue lightly push into my mouth and I get a hint of mouth wash. His expert hands are caressing my body and working their way to my ass. He proceds to lay on top of me and I feel my breath leaving me. Somehow he has worked my pants off me and my raging 7 inch cock was straining my boxers. He proceds to pull my boxers down giving my boner its freedom. He starts kissing my neck, then chest working his way down. Licking my nibbles and involuntary moan leaves my mouth. Looking up at me he says oh sensitive nipples I see and proceeds to suck and lick both my nipples causing me to gasp and moan. He wedges his legs between mine spreading my ass wide and I feel something hard pressing against it. This entire time he had kept his shorts in and I had not gotten to see his dick. I reach down to try to grab it in which he grabs his hands and says "no boy not yet" he then spreads my legs with his hands exposing my pink hole and I hear a growl from him. "Mmmm nice boy let me show you what rimming is" In which he puts his head down to my ass and starts to lick my hole. I gasp never before having felt something like it before. One word to describe it, pure ecstasy. He licks and tongue fucks me as I moan and wiggle under his expert skills. "yes boy you like it don't you. You want my dick next" Being in a euphoric haze I just nod at him and finally his gym shorts come off. Out comes a 8 inch dick that had a very noticeable curve to the left. He process to hold my legs and bring his dick to my hole. This snaps me our of my haze and ask him to put on a condom and get lube. He tells me to not to worry he will as he rubs his dick on my wet hole. I moan in which he smiles and asks me if I like it. Nodding my head he continues to rub his dick on my hole. I feel him gently push his dick on my hole in which I stop him again and he said he just wants to rub on it some more and he will get a condom. My naive self said OK and let him keep rubbing it. He does this circular motion on my hole with his dick head that just feels so amazing. Pushing ever so lightly on my hole just continuing the circle motion. Ever time though he pushs just a little more and I'm whimpering under him. What he is doing just feels so amazing. Without any warning he suddenly pushs just a little more and I feel his dick enter me with a small pop. Pain floods my brain and I try to push him off me. "stay still boy, just relax" he told me "breathe" He doesn't move even though I'm pushing on his chest to get off me. His grip on my legs tighten and I feel him push in deeper. Causing me to cry out some more. "please stop, it hurts and you don't have a condom" He just smiles this devilish smile at me and push a deeper and then I feel it. His dick pressing against my prostate causing precum to gush out of my dick. Seeing this he starts a slow rhythmic thrust aiming for that spot. My arms weaken and I longer try to push him off me. Pure ecstasy has taken over and I start to see stars. My body shakes and my ass clenches on his dick. I can no longer resist his dick feels so good, like something I had never felt from the sex with a condom I had before. It is so smooth and I can feel every bit of his cock no friction which surprised me since we didn't use lube. He continues to fuck me going faster and faster "yeah boy. Your hole is mine now. You want my daddy load don't you." "please daddy. Fuck me. Please give it to me" I can't even believe the things coming out of my mouth but I say all of it to him. I just don't want it to stop Suddenly he push a in right on my spot and gives a low growl. I can feel his dick expanding in me and this weird sensation. "its all yours boy fuck yeah" he says as he shoots deep in me more and more. Unloading into me I start to jerk off and cum all over myself. He finally pulls out and throws me a towel just laughing. I end up driving home in a daze but something in me has changed. I wanted it again and that is all I knew
    2 points
  28. Me too. Although if the hole has multiple loads, love to piston fuck.
    2 points
  29. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 5) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Davis was on the floor, trying to avoid the beating. I stood above him, with two of my pals and we were swinging our belts and hit his body in every possible spot. He trashed around, but had no chance to escape the whipping. The scene was filmed by the 4th guy and he switched between close ups of the welts appearing all over Davis’ body and the scenery from afar. So we could enjoy those minutes again and again later on. We showed no mercy. It was like the warming up before the main event. Our cocks stood out proud and hard, just wishing the rape would start right now. Davis was not screaming at the moment. It was more or less just grunting. He clenched his teeth and almost seemed out of this world. And again the lad tried to flee from the pain and the violence. He simply fainted on us. We were so in motion, that we didn’t notice it at first. Out of breath we stopped our attack. “You brought us a nice piece of meat” someone said. “Wake him up” I said coldly. Another bucket of cold water was splashed over his head. He gasped for air and looked around disorientated. “No more…” were his first words. “No more…” he repeated again. “No more… beating” I said. “No more…” I stressed my words and crouched next to him. “Move your body to the bed” I whispered to Davis. “Move your fucking body to the bed and spread your fucking legs so we can start ripping your ass open.” with that I got up again and gave the lad a little nudge with my boots to make him more cooperative. Slowly he crawled to one of the beds, accompanied by our booted feet, showing him the right way. Every muscle in his body was tensed. It was such a great moment, hearing his soft sobbing, realizing he wanted to crawl away from us, but we gave him little kicks, so it would be easier for him to find our love nest. We grinned at each other and jerked our cocks slowly. “Good boy” I teased him Davis looked around scared, when he got onto the bed. “On your back cunt and spread those damn legs” I growled. Davis assumed position, but didn’t look all too happy about it. “Now… Davis… wouldn’t it be nice, if you would repeat the words you used, when you contacted me?” I asked soothingly. “About getting fucked?” he asked timidly. “About everything…” I answered loudly. “Tell us how you wanted to be raped and your cunt busted.” The 18 year old boy shook his head. “You better tell us…” I warned him. “I… I wanted to be raped. I… I wanted my cunt destroyed *sniffs* I needed hard cock….” Davis mumbled. “Exactly and now a little bit louder and say it in a way, that we believe it.” I ordered him to tell us the things a second time. Before that, I told my pals to assemble on the bed, next to our little rape toy and let him stroke our cocks and lick two cockheads, while the 5th fellow would film this great scene. Davis looked around, not knowing how to react. While Davis got a zoom up, jacking us off or lick our dickheads we gave him the opportunity to look straight into the cam and tell us his deepest desires. “I…. *sob* I… want to be raped.” “I am a useless cunt and need to be destroyed” Tears ran down his face while he praised his hole to be torn apart and to be fucked bloodily. “Good cunt…. we will give you, what you were looking for.” and we fist bumped each other, while using insults on the lad. “So let’s get started. You must be delirious already” I laughed cruelly. I went between the guys legs and arranged his legs to be on my shoulder. Davis tried to push me away, but I was a lot stronger than this helpless little twink. “Someone hand me the lube….” I demanded. It was a lot commotion going on now. Davis felt my cock nestling against his tiny hole, already probing to gain entrance. He wasn’t happy about it and tried to push me away. “Lube….” I shouted and tried to get the boy under control. “Erm… nobody brought lube with him apparently.” “We need lube…. oh well, spit and blood will do it also I guess….” I mused. “This will hurt lad, but it will hurt you more, that it will hurt me” I cackled gleefully. “As soon as you bleed, my cock will glide more easily into your twat. Don’t worry….” I added. “Maybe this will help?” someone said. A guy came out of the bathroom, holding a used toothbrush in his hand. He looked at the men… They looked at me… I looked at Davis… “We need to get your hole bloody…” I told him truthfully. Suddenly Davis understood the concept and started wailing…
    2 points
  30. Point Break - Part 2: Hotel Hoe Down : I reached up and eased the plastic off my head, wiped the sweat and grime from my face, rolled over and looked for my shadow man. Once again he was silhouetted against the single light, all shades of darkness, and then he spoke, “Good slut. You want some more breeder dick? Fucking white bitch twitch.” My trip to NYC was going great so far. I had checked in, taken some anonymous dick in my room when this superior BBC master I had chatted with sent his buddy to ‘inspect me’. I got bred and fucked good, then was told to go up to the 17th floor, where, amidst the debris and chaos of the floor renovation, the BBC, or shadow man since I had not seen his face, got me high on a crack pipe then pounded the fucking living daylights out of my ass. I WONDER WHAT ELSE HE HAD PLANNED FOR ME? “You want some more rock?” the shadow man asked. I was relishing the heat radiating from my ass, picturing his AIDS nutt burrowing like the great worms of Dune through my intestinal wall. I got up onto my knees and replied, “Yeah, sure.” Shadow man stepped forward, his POZ dick so close, his face darker than a summer storm when he reached down and cuffed me good, “Try that again hoe - that’s no way to address your superior black master especially after he just gifted you. So, if you trying to be that drugged-up-pussy-slut, how do you think you respond - huh?” I hung my head, “YES SIR - MASTER SIR - ANYTHING YOU SAY - WANT ME TO DO. I’LL DO IT. YES SIR MASTER.” He chuckled, “Fucking dick hungry white cunts. That’s better. You learn quick. Good thing because me and my homies plan to seed that manhole. Show you how big and filthy and nasty the Big Apple sewer rats are. Fill you with gutta-snipe dick, infected jizz, sling that dope in your lungs and veins, and make you O.D. every which way imaginable.” Hell yeah! I was still trying to process each part of what he had just said when shadow man stepped out of my line of vision, went behind me, grabbed the plastic sheeting, then I heard him cut into it with a knife or some other instrument. He walked up behind me, rested his still hard dick on my right shoulder and I about broke my neck trying to twist it so I could touch him with my tongue. He lowered a big slice of plastic construction sheeting down in front of my face, moved his hands in unison towards the back of my head and said, “Reach up and grab it in the back right where my hand is at.” I lifted my left hand and grabbed the stiff, slick, plastic. Shadow man was behind me and I heard RRRRIIIIPPPPP. “Stay fucking still and don’t worry. Won’t have you falling out on me just yet, but if you real good got a buddy who will choke you out just as he slams his monster dick in to breed you - you won’t fucking believe how that feels. Anyways, going to tape this shit up, wrap you up like a bag of medical waste and will then cut a hole flap for your mouth/nose in a minute so you can take the pipe, wet the dick, swallow the piss, and whatever the else I fucking decide to stuff your gullet with. What do you say fag boy?” Even through the plastic now covering my face he could clearly hear my reply, “YES SIR - MASTER SIR - ANYTHING YOU SAY - WANT ME TO DO. I’LL DO IT. YES SIR MASTER.” Having wrapped my head in plastic and duct tape like a mummy, shadow man then stood in front of me and said, “You better not flinch, otherwise you can play the Joker in the next Batman movie.” He gripped the plastic between his fingers and slowly sliced into it making a diagonal line left to right from just about my left nostril down to the right corner of my mouth, then reversed the process so the plastic had a big X cut into it. He shoved two fingers through the hole. I opened my mouth; he scraped up my gums and cheeks a bit as I spread my jaw wider and wider. “Yeah, that’ll do,” he proclaimed. Shadow man stepped away, “Aiight, open that air hole up so you can hit this big rock. You ain’t no baby bird no more so I want to see a true fucking rock star you hear me? Suck that shit up; hold it deep, I want you to tweak the fuck out. You are going to give up control one way or the other - willingly or not - I don’t give a fuck which and before we’re done you’ll be begging to have me slut you to the NYPD mounted patrol so that hoe pussy can get filled with 4-legged horse dick.” CLICK - the lighter caught, the rock hissed as it sparked, the cool glass quickly warmed up between my lips and I almost flinched and pulled away as the flame felt awful close to my face, but I held steady. “Good bitch - good bitch. Take that smoke,” my superior BBC master said. Over and over, back to back, I hit the pipe and was getting fidgety as hell. He then stepped away, I could hear him inhaling, exhaling, could smell the rank particles filling the air. “We all good - come on now. The homies are waiting,” he said. I stood up, let him turn me around, and reached back to try to find his hard shaft and grabbed on. “Dick hungry hoe huh? Tell me faggot hoe how you going to make this superior black man proud tonight?” I spit the words out quicker than Vanilla Ice, “Fuck me master. As much as you want - as many guys as you want - whore me out - drug me up - no limits MASTER - just infect me, POZ me, fill me with dirty dick, seed, dick...of Jesus I’m kinda fucked up. Um...make me take your piss, slap me, choke me, spank me, um...fuck me - oh wait I said that. Use your toothbrush on me MASTER - my mouth and ass - um...pussy cunt. Manhole.” Shadow man laughed, slapped my ass cheeks hard, grabbed my hips then slammed his raw dick back in with no warning as he filled me, “Fuck yeah white bitch twitch. All that and more and that’s just the beginning. I got a whole lotta R&B planned for you. Rob you and beat you - rape you and breed you - rim you and bang you - rip you up and bust you out. I may O.D. you just to watch you shake, sweat, puke, shit, and hallucinate until you think you at fucking Coney Island before I put that pipe back to those lips and set you right just so I can edge you back out all over again with one fucked up trip after another.” My mind reeled as he roughly grabbed my wrists, pulled my arms behind my back and twisted, “And that’s just tonight.” I groaned as he slid his BBC out of my hungry ass, and shook with need for the pleasures that awaited me down the rabbit hole. “Come on” he said as he pushed me forward, “I’m just walking you down the hall. I got you. Don’t worry. You won’t fall or shit. Homies are waiting.” He paused, slammed me face up against the door jam, drove his dick back in me, and snarled, “Nothing gets my POZ nutts churning that boy cunt butter like watching my home boys use a hoe bitch - totally anonymous - on the DL. Big dicks one and all. Rough trade shit - and each and every motha-fuckin one has AIDs or some sketchy shit to breed in that puss puss. They’ll be fighting, drinking, drugging, and whoring - you being the whore. What? Don’t fuckin worry about where we going. Jesus. I can see we need to keep that mouth stuffed. OK - you saw all the construction shit up here? Well a couple years back some folks from China or some shit bought the place. Thought we were going to be the next big thing, so they decided to tear shit up. Make it all high end. Well, what they didn’t realize is folks with that kind of cash don’t come to this part of town. Nothing here. So shit tanked - new owners, whatever. Anyways, things got left as they are with no money or plans in the future to fix it. So, I use it for my needs - to breed and POZ dumb fucks like you, and more. Just down the hall is the only room they done up - a suite - or what would have been a new suite. It was a model of how they thought the whole place would look. Come on now. Enough yapping.” I let the superior BBC master guide me through the debris, down the hall until he stopped, “OK, let’s do another rock real quick like. Huff it up like you having a baby - an AIDs baby - my baby - you about to give birth so suck that smoke good.” This time the smoke scalded my windpipe and lungs going down and coming up - it was like inhaling acid! Satisfied, he rapped on the door - paused - rapped twice real fast - paused, then again. Nothing. I could hear him slide his key card in and the door caught as he opened it, “GOD DAMN IT MUTHA-FUCKAS. WHY THE HELL DID YOU LOCK THE DOOR? COME ON NOW AND LET ME IN - I GOT TONIGHT’S PINK PUSSY TREAT AND THE HOE IS ALL LOOSEY-GOOSEY.” The door lock was flipped back; a wave of voices, smells, and other noises permeated the plastic wrapped around my head. “Where’s that tin foil - don’t fuckin burn it through man - hell! Who got a fresh needle? Man I hope that puta gets here soon - I need to piss something fierce. Yo - who snagged by box of rocks? Motha-fuckas better step up! You dealing or what man? Come on now. The bet is good.” Almost as one all the voices hushed like the Pope had just entered the room. Through the opaque plastic I could make out just general shades of darkness, light, movement and the bright areas in front of me filled into dark voids and multiple men gathered round - how many I had no idea. I was turning my head side to side like a hooded falcon on an Arabian prince’s arm. Shadow man spoke up, “Hey, hey HEY! Jesus it’s like running a God-damn day care sometimes with you all. Listen up. So far, this hoe has done good - real good. But - and you know what I mean when I say but - the faggot gurl still has some proving to do. So, I need to go down to the restaurant and fix some shit real quick. In the meantime - HEY HEY HEY fuckin shut up! In the meantime, just stick to the pipe for now but no limits on the man cunt aiight? I already marked that pussy good so POZ it up, bloody it up, beat it up, what the fuck ever I don’t care.” My BBC master let go of my arm, voices were raised, hands grabbed me, and before I could barely take a breath I was bent over with some uncut, slimy dick fucking my mouth while a toilet paper roll sized one fucked my ass. The voices started again… “Yo, pull off that mouth - let me share this spark - come on now, take the pipe - suck it up, yeah bitch - yeah! Fucking wet pussy right here guys - fucking wet - sloppy - fuck that’s good - already dropped some cum - who’s next? Back off nicca! You and those fucking toys - no way man! We only using this hoe for dick - dick dick dick. Need me to say it again? Why does Carlos always try lifting them ankles up when he sees my big black dick swinging? You going all gurly on us Carlos? Or you going to do some baby momma making? HA! Come open that mouth and lick my fuckin drip! Get ready for this Superman dick! Wait no - Iron Man - yeah my shit’s brick hard - oh fuck - wait - Thor dick - with my war hammer! You dumb ass - Thor’s white! He needs this Black Panther Dick prison fuck down. Let me climb up in that hole and show you what’s what. Skeet skeet - take them babies in that fag cunt! Swallow - don’t fuckin dribble! That’s some good piss right yo! Hey - who can film this shit - look at them ass lips stretch for my monster! Fucking-eh niccas, homie got us a true freak sub! Look at that shim’s cunt pulse after I brushed it good - all bloody and ready for my POZ load - fuck yeah!” On and on it went as one after another of the dudes gave me the smoke, gave me the pipe, gave me their manly juices from spit, to piss, to nutt and more nutt. Like shadow man said, there was plenty of fighting and shit and I was not the only one who was going to leave that room with bruises. I was on my back on the couch; my legs lifted high and up so the top fucking me could dig in deep. His dark image a blur through the plastic homemade hoodie as he pounded and with each thrust he worked to fill my mouth with his spit as he practiced lobbing chunks at my open, eager air hole. Someone sat down on the couch to the right, patted my head, and said, “Well, well, well. I see the hoe’s found what that pussy needed.” It was shadow man. “Remember I said I got a buddy who will choke you out as he breeds you? He just rolled in from the clubs and is horny as shit, so as soon as my boy here gets his nutt, you are going on a new trip.” While shadow man sat with his hand on the couch beside mine, his buddy finished his business and dumped some more cum in my raw ass. “Come on,” shadow man said as he helped me stand up. I was a bit dizzy, my legs cramped, cum and ass juice were running down my legs. He pushed/steered me away from the din of his homies’ voices, into another room, and shut the door, then said, “My boy is a gully gangsta nicca who goes hard. He’s an extreme motha-fucka, but knows his shit; so don’t be tripping over it. Enjoy the fucking ride. Here, sit on the toilet, let your guts release whatever the hell you got stored up in there - you ain’t U-Haul - then we’ll dab you out with some hoe tampons, make you nice and dry so you’ll feel it good when he takes you.” I had my eyes closed behind the plastic hood over my head. Not sure why, maybe just my body’s way of trying to reset, relax, and let flow what needed to flow. Have you ever tried to wipe your ass without being able to see? I had to laugh at my attempts, but shadow man stood me up, dabbed me dry, and inspected me to make sure I was good. He flushed and closed the lid then had me sit back down. “Can I hit the pipe?” I asked. He just laughed, walked away, the door closed, I was alone - or so I thought. CLICK - - - HISS - CLICK - - - HISS - echoed from the far corner. I tilted my head, turned, and for the first time saw the darkness of a large monster hiding in the corner with a long flame spitting up to burn his smoke. I didn’t dare move, or speak. CLICK - - - HISS - CLICK - - - HISS - and then the flame died, the monster moved, and his darkness filled the void. “Stand the fuck up, bend over, and show me that cunt,” the monster growled. His claws dug into my tender, used, flesh hole, then he spun me around and I could imagine his incisors long, and sharp, ready to rend my flesh apart. His face was inches from mine, his breath hot on the bits of skin that showed through the cut in the plastic hood. He reeked of smoke, liquor, and more. My wrists were grabbed hard, my hands raised and set against his bearded, square-jawed head, “Feel my face - run your fingers on my grill - hmmm - make those memories of your executioner - imagine in your mind the roughest thug nicca you can, times that shit by 10, and still you be bowing at my feet as the scrap of worthless hoe flesh you are.” I was turned around and a beast dick pressed at my hole. “This that grown man dick that none these youngins can give you,” the monster promised. Cold steel then pressed against my skin as he slid a knife between the plastic hood and my lower neck. Gently he edged up, got a finger underneath, and made small saw cuts creating a flap in the back. I thought he was going to take the plastic hood off me, but instead, he wound layers of duct tape around my forehead and over my eyes and bridge of my nose, securing the plastic in place on my head and cutting off what little light remained in my world. My chest heaved in and out as my adrenaline kicked in, but I held myself steady against the bath vanity. The knife was laid on the counter as this BBC monster slid his open hands up my spine, parted to the right and left sides of my neck, and then with practiced ease interlocked his muscled hands around my throat. He began tapping his right index finger against the spot on my neck where my carotid artery pulsed and fluttered like he was setting his own body’s clock and rhythm to mine. He pressed his body closer and I could feel his stiff dick at my asshole. He set his head against mine, his face by my left ear - closer still and he was ready. “Usually I got to pay to have a knock out thot delivered cause I’m not going down again on no rape charge, but while you are free, you sure the fuck not willing!” The monster slammed his mutant dick into me dry and I yelped in pain, and his grip tightened, “Feel your god’s hands around that throat squeezing your life out - feel your god’s dick in your ass, filling you with my AIDs death. Prep won’t do you no good. My shit is totally med resistant and toxic and now I can add another tear drop tattoo to my face, and…” I was out. My eyes fluttered. I felt the heavy weight of the ocean on me like I was a sub that had been torpedoed and begun to sink, but slowly started to find my way back to the surface, back to the light, bobbing once more upon the waves. I was still bent over the vanity - well slumped - with the monster’s claws digging into my neck as he ravaged my now, wet hole with his breeding stick. I fought to stand up straight, to feel him go deeper, and he growled his approval. I grabbed his powerful forearms as he mauled me and scratched and slapped and scrabbled as the monster invaded my flesh and secured me in its death grip. “FUCKING CUNT TAKE THIS NICCA DICK - RAPE THE FUCK OUTTA YOU! GOD DAMN PUSSY FAGGOT - FEEL MY 11-INCHES RIP YOU A NEW ASS HOLE - INFECT THE FUCK OUTTA YOU! BEAT YOU TO DEATH FROM THE INSIDE OUT! POZZING YOU FUCKING BITCH - POZZING YOU GOOD - PO….” and I was out again as he squeezed my neck full force. There was an incessant pounding in my head - no on my head and why was it so fucking loud? My eyes took a quick peek, closed, reopened, and then closed again. Quit fucking slapping me! Well that’s what I thought, but not a sound came out of my mouth. I groaned. Shadow man’s voice loomed over me, “Come on back now - there you go - he’s a fucking pro but some bitches take longer to come back around than others and guess you’re one of the slow ones.” I moaned again, someone rolled me onto my right side, my ass was pried apart, “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST LOOK AT THAT - CRAZY NICCA TORE THAT SHIT UP!” someone said, followed by, “LET ME CLIMB ON THAT SHIT - SCOPE IT GOOD.” Shadow man rolled me back over, “Fucking wait a minute bro, fuck. Come on, help me sit him up a sec, here, drink this, it’s just water, drink it all. There you. Feeling better huh? Yeah you are.” I was on a bed, well a mattress as there were no sheets or anything. I turned my head left then right, dark demons shifted in and out of the light and I reached up to touch my sore neck and throat. Appeared shadow man had rebuilt my plastic hood as the duct tape was gone off my eyes, the cut in the back repaired, and once again I was just an anonymous cum dump for whatever dick needed a hole. Shadow man spoke again, “I need you to scoot up a little - you OK - there you go - now get on your hands and knees - now feel my dick - OK back up, back up, fuck yeah that feel good? I know it does. You’re such a fucking cock slut! Now I’m going to lay back and want you to come with me - just roll back, keep my dick in you, and lie on top of me - yeah just like that. Yeah I know that pussy’s hurting, but we’re about to take care of that real good - real fucking good.” My ass was on fire, and my whole abdomen hurt, it hurt to even breath, but shadow man wrapped his arms around my chest, held me tight to his warm body, and continued to monitor my temp with his BBC buried to the hilt in my swollen ass. My superior BBC master provided the commentary to fill me in on what was happening now, “TIME TO GET YOU POINTED OUT. EVER TAKEN CRYSTAL THROUGH A NEEDLE? HEROIN? ANYTHING? OH DAMN - A VIRGIN! SHIT - WELL NOT FOR ANY LONGER. MY HOMIE HERE IS ABOUT TO WRAP A RED CANVAS BELT AROUND YOUR RIGHT BICEP. FEEL THAT TUGGING TIGHT? OK, NOW HE HELD THE SYRINGE UP TO HIS MOUTH, PUT THE ORANGE CAP BETWEEN HIS JACKED UP TEETH - REALLY MAN YOU NEED A GRILL OR SOME SHIT TO COVER THAT FREAKNESS UP. ANYWAYS, HE’S GOT THE CAP IN HIS TEETH AND IS NOW CHECKING THE SYRINGE. THE SYRINGE HAS A BIG METAL RING ON THE END, LIKE A GRENADE PIN YOU KNOW? HE’S GOT HIS FINGER THROUGH THAT AND - WAIT - OK - NOW YOU’LL FEEL HIM TAP YOUR RIGHT ARM. WHAT’S HE DOING? HE’S LOOKING FOR A VEIN. A VEIN HE CAN INJECT YOU IN. THIS AINT’ NO KIDDIE MEDICINE YOU GET SQUIRTED IN YOUR MOUTH. THIS IS TURN-YOU-INTO-A-SEX-SLAVE SHIT COCKTAIL. YOU DON’T THINK I MAKE A LIVING WORKING AT THIS HOTEL DO YOU? FUCK JESUS - THANK GOD FOR NAIVE FAG PUSSY LIKE YOU. OK - CHRIST YOU GOT SOME GOOD VEINS - WE’LL SEE HOW LONG THOSE LAST. OK, HE’S DOUBLE CHECKING THE SYRINGE, LITTLE SQUIRT, NOW JUST BY YOUR ELBOW CREASE YOU WILL FEEL A LITTLE PRICK - JUST A LITTLE - THEN MAYBE SOME COOLNESS. FEEL THAT? HE’S FILLED YOUR VEIN UP GOOD. NOW GET READY - HERE COMES THE FUCKING RUSH - WHEN HE PULLS THE BELT OFF YOU’LL WANT TO COUGH, THAT’S OK, JUST LET IT OUT, I GOT YOU.” Everything then happened so fast. The belt came off my arm, my body went extra dimensional, I got so fucking hot - voices were crashing around inside my head. What the fuck did you give me?” I managed to blurt, “I want to go back to my room. Take me to my room, I…I don’t like this...I…” The next anonymous dick slid into my cum filled hole with ease. I moaned in contentment as I once again felt like a turkey filled with stuffing at a Pilgrim Thanksgiving, dripping with sauce. My intentions were innocent enough when I answered the man’s ad. OK, well maybe not, but even with the empty rigs lying on the floor, the multiple raw dicks that had bred me, and the BBC maintenance man/pimp repeatedly calling me his, “White bitch twitch,” code for drugged-up-cum-chaser, I had yet to admit to myself how far I had fallen. Once again my arm was tapped as one of the anonymous breeders prepared to infect my ass and veins. In a brief moment of clarity I wondered, “This was only my first night. What would day two be like?” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  31. My friend and i are looking to have a bareback breeding party in mid to late July. We are looking for as many hot and hung raw tops to fuck me and seed me. I will be in a sling, and taking as many loads for as long as i can. Guys can play with others, but the only rules are that all loads must go in my hole! I would love to get 30 - 50 guys to show, but im sure thats wishful thinking. Anyways hit me up if your interested. The party will be held in Tampa.
    1 point
  32. "Are you sure you want do to this?" asked the hot Latino, Juan, while his huge rock hard cock teased Bryan's neg hole. "Yeah, it's cool," Bryan replied. Although he was thinking "What the hell am I doing?! He's poz?! I can't do this!" However, the slim toned body and huge cock he felt teasing his ass were too much for him to refuse. "Last chance to say no. Once I enter, I lose control and I won't be able to pull out," Juan warned. He didn't wait for a response though, he just slid his already wet cock into Bryan's hole and slowly pushed in. Even though Bryan gave Juan a sloppy blowjob, there was still quite a bit of resistance as Juan slowly pushed in. Bryan felt a stab of pain as Juan slowly entered him and Bryan whispered "go slow." Juan ignored the remark. He knew the only way to get his big tool into this tight hole was to be persistent. Bryan clenched his teeth as he felt the first inch enter him. His ass felt like it was on fire as Juan continued to shove the rest of his cock into him. Once Juan got half of it in, he gave a forceful jab until he was completely inside Bryan. Bryan grabbed Juan's thighs as he reached behind him to try and push Juan out a bit while he grimaced with pain. Juan, however could not be stopped. With Bryan face down and ass up, Juan was determined to use this twink's smooth ass and not stop until Bryan took his load. In a few moments, Bryan got used to the huge cock inside him as Juan pushed his cock in and out. "Oh fuck yeah!" Bryan exclaimed as waves of pleasure poured through him. Then, he remembered that Juan was poz, and terror crept in once again. "Wait!" Bryan shouted. "I changed my mind! Pull out!" Juan kept fucking Bryan as deep as he could and ignored the comment. Rather Juan picked up his pace and shoved his cock in so hard and fast that Bryan couldn't even form another word. The shock, and mixture of pleasure, pain and fear was too overwhelming that Bryan couldn't even speak. Juan felt his load building and knew he was about to come any moment. "That's right, take my cock. You know you want it," Juan demanded. Bryan couldn't think straight. He couldn't say no because it felt so good, but conflicted by the thought of the big poz cock unloading inside of him. His mouth was again forming the word "No," but his brain betrayed him and all he could say was "Fuck." Despite the fear, his cock remained rock-hard and he felt himself getting close to cumming. On the cusp of unloading in Bryan's ass, Juan answered "Fuck is right!" simultaneously drilling as hard and deep as he could with each thrust, and then muttering "Take my poz load you slut!" as his huge load deep into Bryan's ass. "Oh no!" Bryan wanted to pull himself away, but found himself jacking off and blowing a load moments later when he felt Juan's hot jizz filling him up. Juan pulled out and quickly dressed while Bryan's head was spinning and trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions and sensations that ran a muck through his brain. "I told you. There's no pulling out." Juan dead-panned, and then unceremoniously left the apartment.
    1 point
  33. I posted an ad on Cragislist that read Cumdump hosting. You pick the hole. Door open room dark on knees naked waiting for your cock. Feed it to me until you're hard. You decide which hole to dump in." A 29 year old rough trade hot motherfucker shows up and had me suck his dick, which was buried in my throat balls-deep. I could feel his rod throbbing. Eventually he stepped out of his pants, and I caught a glimpse of a somewhat small tattoo midway up his chest, but as he was still wearing a shirt I couldn't see much of it. After blowing him for a few minutes he slid into my hole. He was not gentle, but instead virtually ripped into my hole. He pounded my love button for about five minutes then withdrew, telling me he wanted me on my back as he wanted to see my eyes as he came inside my ass. I shifted to the position he wanted as I was utterly horny and determined to get his cock back into my hole, so I took a deep hit of poppers as he re-entered my ass, again going balls-deep. About a minute of deep-dicking me, he thrust in his entire length, and leaned back as his cock began shooting cum deep into my ass. Afterwards he looked deep into my eyes, smiling broadly, as he pulled off his shirt to reveal his his hot scorpion tatt.
    1 point
  34. Just an introduction so far. Still working on the filthy parts. Let me know if you want me to continue. --- I had seen them at the bar for a few months now. A Daddy and his boy, always at the same table. I watched from afar, longing for what they had. Daddy Jack, as he was known, was a big bear of a man, at 6 foot 9 inches, over 300 pounds, in his early 60's. Brick shit houses were built like him. His salt and pepper flat top picked up more salt as it blended into his thick beard. More hair could be seen sprouting from his shirt collar and the gap between his cuffs and gloves. He was always in full leathers, just snug enough to show off his body and massive package. He exuded testosterone. Every time he caught me looking he would look back with his piercingly blue eyes. I always looked away first. Once I got up the nerve to follow him into the men's room. He stood at the bar's trough style urinal, a strong golden stream flowing from an absolute snout of a foreskin. I tried my best to act natural, taking only glances at his cock, rather than climbing into the trough and drinking my fill. Mid-way through an epic piss, Daddy Jack cracked his neck twice and then stretched his arms up over his head. I thought I was being subtle with my sniffing, but then I heard Daddy Jack's deep throated chuckle. He roughly grabbed the back of my head, pulling my nose to his pit. Such a wonderful manly mix of musk, leather, and Old Spice. My cock got rock hard fast enough to cut my piss off mid-stream. While boy scott had nearly the same intensity, it was on a different wavelength. A foot shorter, half Jack's age and weight, swimmer's build he was the otter to Daddy Jack's Bear. Well maybe dolphin instead of otter. His head was shaved, and he looked like the razor ran across his scalp more often than his jaw. One night he was even missing his eyebrows, I still wonder what he did to deserve that. He dressed more casually, t-shirt and jeans most nights. This was set off by his chain collar, thick inch long links dipped in orange latex, with a heavy lock. However, scott was no beaten and broken slave, he was his Daddy's boy and proud of it. The pride could be seen in his bearing and the look of quiet satisfaction. Speaking of quiet, I don't think I ever heard him talk at the bar. One hot summer day, I was sitting at the bar bored after work. Not wanting to go home, not wanting to do much of anything. When a massive mitt in a leather glove reached over my shoulder and grabbed my beer. "Hey!" I shouted as I turned around to see Daddy Jack downing the drink in one gulp. He let loose with a massive belch. "Damn carbonation. Come on we're leaving." "But, but," I sputtered trying to make sense of the situation. Putting the bottle back on the bar, he grabbed me by the chin, looked directly into my eyes and growled, "Boy, I said 'we're leaving' now, pop your donkey-clutch get your ass in gear." He confidently strode out of the bar. Not knowing what else to do, I hurried after him and got into the passenger seat of his car. His smell filled the small space; stronger, with hints of cum and smeg. Soon as I buckled up, he took off like he was making a jail break. A couple miles down the road I found my voice again, "Where are we going? ... ... sir?" "We are going home." "Okay?" still not understanding. "Once we get there, scott will poz your boi cunt good, and then we'll kill him." "Wait, WHAT!?"
    1 point
  35. Phukhole, IMHE, I find it gets wilder from about 2 AM onward. Most guys want to draw their balls! Enjoy every cumshot you can get! Remember, it's about enjoying men's bodies and men's fluids!
    1 point
  36. Hey ... thanks for the follow. Good luck in your hunt, Fella xxxx
    1 point
  37. @BiCollegeBtm When are you headed down there in August? I was just talking to @justsexnowatl about how I wanted to get down to ATL sometime for some raw fucking. Would be hot for him and I to whore you out at the hotel, Manifest, Flex, etc...
    1 point
  38. I have decided to stop taking PrEP, I am on my last 14 days worth. I am looking for a hvl black top in the DC metro area, to breed me and do some genital modification.
    1 point
  39. Greetings to Canada shinelover and thanks for your comment. Yes, it is not about likes only and I can see the 'hits' on the stories, but still - if there is something like a voting system, in my mind it should be used to acknowledge the work of the writer. My intention was to give the people a soft kick, to use that system. Oh well.... the way I write the stories is the only way I would and could. I am so uninterestd (irl) in vanilla s.e.x. I can be romantic afterwards, but during the act it might be hurtful to my opposite, but surely is joyful to me. "... barely even penetrated..." made me smirk.
    1 point
  40. I can't wait for Palm Springs Cum Union at CCBC! For my first time it will be a treat.
    1 point
  41. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 2) The lad was giving his best, to satisfy me with his mouth. I was pretty sure, he didn’t have the experience to give a great blow job, but it was alright. He played more with his tongue around my dickhead, than actually swallowing my cock. Probably he was impressed with the length and thickness of my dick. My right hand was resting on the backside of his head and from time to time I pushed him deeper into my crotch. He understood the signal and tried at least for a while to suck me off. “No teeth, baby…. no teeth” I warned him with my low voice, when he scraped me once. We passed the outskirts and I told my rapetoy, that I would fuck him so hard, as soon as we reached the motel. I chose a good one. No questions asked. I reserved a bungalow under the name ‘Smith’ and payed the fees in advance and in cash. No tracks…. The boy tried to answer me in between sucking. “Yeah… force me. Rape my ass hard. Make me bleed out of my hole” He would get that and more. I would make him bleed and gift him with my virus. I was not only positive. I was an AIDS bloke with a deadly poison in my balls and was eager to breed the stupid twat forcefully. “Once we pass that door, you will be nothing more than an object to me. Just a hole… and you will do anything for me, to get my charged up load into your system” I advised him in a calm voice. I slapped him on the back of his head and asked him if he understood. “Hm hum….” he mumbled while trying to cope with the 9 inch meet planted deeply in his throat right now. I pulled him off my cock and asked again: “You got that… punk?” “Yes… yes… reduce me to a thing. Destroy me with your cock” he gasped. “Fuck yeah… I will reduce you to a pulp” and with that I pushed my cock in his mouth again. After another hour drive we reached our destination. We passed the reception bungalow without stopping. A long and winding road led us to a distant corner of the park. There I stopped my car. Although the cute guy had tried his best, to suck my cum out of my balls, he was not successful. He looked up to me with a guilty look in his eyes and said ‘sorry’. “Don’t worry pup. Your body will do now. I will use your hole to pollute you – stupid fuck” The guy was getting up from his squatted position and stretched himself. “My name is Davis by the way” he smiled cheekily at me. “Who cares?” I looked at him sternly. “Just get out of the car and get inside the apartment. We both got off the car. I surveyed the area. No other human being could be seen. It was half past seven already. I opened the door and Davis entered the room and froze in place right then and there. Two guys were sitting on a couch, watching hardcore porn on the television. Another guy fiddled about a cam, which was attached to a tripod – facing one of the two beds. A fourth guy just came out of the bathroom, while we entered the whole scene. All guys were dressed in black. Black boots, black jeans, black t-shirts, black gloves. Davis seemed to be stunned. He was scared, that all of a sudden four other dudes were here in the same room with him, obviously waiting for his arrival. I closed the door behind us and greeted the other tops. Both guys on the couch masturbated slowly their cocks while checking Davis out. The other two guys had also their dicks hauled out of their jeans, but they were only half hard right now. All the guys had their highest button of the jeans closed, but all the other buttons downwards have been opened and so their dicks were hanging freely, waiting for a hole to appear. “What… is…. this…. all…. about” Davis stammered. “Is this the rape hole you promised us?” one of the guys asked me with greedy eyes. “Man…. my dick is already getting fully set” the guy at the camera looked down and Davis saw how the cock slowly extended to its full 8 inches and rising. “Please…. I am not sure if I can stand that. What is the cam for? Don’t do this to me please” the twink started begging me. Without taking notice of this babbling the guys started putting on black ski masks. I disguised my face also, as we could see the horror in the young lads eyes. “Start filming…” I said. The cam turned around to the entrance. I grabbed Davis from behind and pulled my right arm firmly over his neck. Breathing became difficult now. The two guys from the couch moved closer and started pinching the boys’ nipples severely. Davis just screamed. I covered his mouth with my big left hand while the guy from the bathroom squeezed the lads’ balls hardly. I bit into Davis left ear - pulled and tore like a mad dog - growling dangerously. “We will destroy you” I hissed to Davis. “Look at this!” the guy crushing the boys’ balls exclaimed. Davis became rigid and a wet spot appeared in front of his jeans. The poor lad pissed himself out of fear. The cam was recording every second of it. His white jeans changed the color to yellow, while the piss started wetting his fabrics downwards. The two guys next to the pup started jeering and twisted his nipples brutally now. “You know how to make a guy horny” I whispered into Davis ear. Davis couldn’t help but to sob and piss himself. He was scared to death
    1 point
  42. CHAPTER 7 "ROUND 2?!?" I replied, shocked. "Boy, if you didn't think I wasn't gonna get a piece of your ass you're sorely mistaken" Tyler replied. "And soon enough, you're gonna be just plain sore" As both guys laughed, I genuinely wondered how on earth I was gonna take him. His cock wasn't as hard as when I was sucking him (was I a better cocksucker than Brian? Probably, I thought) but Tyler still motioned me over. "Between Brian's spit on my cock & his cum up your ass, that should be more than enough lube for me" He grinned as Brian stopped sucking him. "I got no problems taking sloppy seconds and it's probably best for you that I don't". He got me to straddle him as he sat on the couch, he loved being in this position of power. As Brian held the poppers I reached out for them to take a hit. "Oh no, you're taking this one without any help at all". How in the hell was I gonna do that? I felt a little of Brian's cum dribble out of my hole as I straddled Tyler and Brian took hold of Tyler's cock and rubbed it over the cum, slicking it up more. It felt like a lump of meat hitting my thigh! His cockhead was soon pressing against my hole, I have to admit I was so thankful Brian's load was still in me to help in taking Tyler's cock. I closed my eyes as I felt his head slowly start to push into me and just as before I pictured those girls in pornos taking a black cock - when did I ever think I'd be lucky (lucky?) enough to do the same! Just as I could feel my ass could take no more I heard Tyler groan with pleasure and his head pushed inside me. "Ohhhhhh, fuck man! What an ass you've got!" Part of me was shocked to hear him say that but I also thought I was a better cocksucker than Brian, I was gonna be a better fuck than him too. I opened my eyes to see him staring right at me, "Are you ready to take more?". I had no idea if I was ready but I was willing to die trying! His hands went to my hips as he slowly pushed further into me. Although I was on top and could control things, I wanted him to be in command. "That's it...you're doing so well!" he whispered in my ear as I felt my ass beginning to fill. Fuck, that voice, those eyes, that body & that cock - there was no surprise he had guys throwing themselves at him! As he slowly started to work his way inside me I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself, "You enjoying that baby?" he whispered. I had to nod, it felt so good & the fact that Tyler was loving it too made it feel even better. "Open your eyes baby." Looking into his eyes, I was hypnotised as before. I was so happy I was with this god tonight & he wanted my ass, I had to kiss him. I leant forward and opened my mouth for his tongue and we started to make out. I'd made out with Mike before but this felt different, partly coz I guess coz I knew Mike but also because I really wanted Tyler to enjoy fucking me and I just wanted him so badly. I could see Brian out of the corner of my eye but as far as I was concerned, it was just me & Tyler. As the two of us made out I could feel Tyler's cock gradually inching more & more inside me. I knew he was also making out with me to try & distract me from the pain I'd have been in otherwise, he was so thoughtful. I reached behind me to feel the base of his cock, not to see if he was wearing a condom, I wasn't worried about that, but to see how much was left. To my shock, there was only an inch or two left, I'd taken almost all of him! My fingers brushed his balls as I did so. "Oh fuck, yeah baby. Rub my balls. I love that so much." I didn't care whether the last couple of inches was gonna hurt or not, I was gonna make sure my man was satisfied! Tyler moved forward a little bit & keeping on arm wrapped round him, I wrapped my legs round him and leant back. We both groaned as the last of his shaft entered me, fuck what a connection we had together! I started his rubbing balls and I could tell that he was in heaven. "That feel good baby?" I purred and he moaned in agreement. I'd been wasting myself all these years, what a fuck I was! "You keep that up and I'm gonna shoot REAL quick" he said. Much as I wanted him to fuck me forever (did I just think that?) I knew he needed to release. I started rubbing those big balls that were gonna fill me with the load I need. He started to really pound my ass as a result, even with his massive cock I didn't mind, I had more important thing to worry about - his pleasure. Soon after I heard two massive groans, Brian shot a load on my chest but it was Tyler emptying his balls deep into my ass that I was more concerned with. As I used to enjoy my wife doing, I wiggled myself on Tyler's cock, making sure I milked every last drop of cum from his gorgeous cock. I wanted to make sure I carried him for the rest of my days! The sun had just started to peek in through the blinds as I pulled myself back up on Tyler, had the three of us been fucking that long? I ran my hands down his rock hard chest & leant in to kiss this Adonis but he turned his head away. Had I done something wrong? "I dunno what you're looking for man but I ain't got no need for you any more." He slapped my ass "Now get off me". His tone had totally changed and I couldn't help but feel hurt. Brian helped pull me to my feet as I made my way to my clothes still a bit stunned by it all. "But I thought...." "Man, you white guys are all the same - there's only one white guy that takes my seed who I really love, and that's Brian right here." The two of them made out just to hammer the point home. As I staggered my way back to my room, even though I was upset by the way Tyler treated me at the end I thought about how I'd been totally used by two guys as just something for their pleasure. The thing that confused me more was that I loved the way it felt. Some of Brian's cum was till on my chest & would be seen, I quickly scooped it up & swallowed it before anyone saw. As I got to my room and a little of Tyler's cum leaked into my running shorts, I realised I'd completed my first "walk of shame" and yet, felt none at all. END OF CHAPTER 7
    1 point
  43. This morning...was on A4A cruising for some cock and a guy who has fucked me before was online and looking as well...he hits me up and ask me if I needed poppered ass fucked...my response as always was yes...I haven't been fucked in about 6 weeks and was in need.... so I grabbed my poppers out of my desk and headed to his place. On my way he texts me and says hey you ok with another bi married guy joining us....DUH, of course 2 cocks ....I found myself driving faster...he responds "Great, we'll play safe today cuz I am not sure he is into BB sex".... disappointed I agreed, 2 cocks wrapped is better than none at all. i arrive and the "other" guy was already there and my FB was on his knees suckin his nice uncut cock, nothing huge about 6" but had a nice girth to it and UNCUT....I stripped kneel in front of both, hit my poppers in each nostril, then hard huff through my mouth and dove in on both cocks....both uncut and leaking delicious precum. My FB is 8" uncut and thick, that is what attracted me to him to begin with, multiple times he has made me cum by just stretching my hole and hitting my prostate. I continue sucking as both men pinch my nipples...I am rock hard...I stand and say I need fucked...my FB says " get on all fours and arch that back"... I do as I am told, the other guy gets in front of me and I begin licking his shaft from tip to balls, taking him till my face is buried in his pubes...my FB starts teasing my hole with his cock....lubing my hole with precum and KY....I hit my poppers again and reach back to assist him into me as I am slobbering all over the other guys cock...I notice there is no condom....I am loving it...bare cock in both ends...as I said it has been 6 weeks since I had been fucked and he was having trouble getting it all in...the other guys withdraws from my mouth and gets up to go back and hold my ass cheeks apart and watch "I like seeing his cock stretch your hole" as my hole loosened and I started fucking his cock back...the other guy moved back to my mouth...he gets very verbal talking about my FB breeding my hole, take that cock and cum....I am deep throating him while getting my hole stretched good.....the guy in my mouth swells and rope after rope of thick load shoots down my throat....I swallow it all he quickly hops up , says I gotta get back to work...I look back at my FB with cum running down my chin and said "don't you dare fuckin stop" he picks up his pace as I slam my ass back him...as the other guy walks out of his room, my FB grabs my shoulders and pulls me onto him as far as I can go and unloads deep inside my ass.....he stays there until is softens and plops out...I have cum dripping from my chin and running down my inner thigh.... what a great lunch break....nothing like being stuffed at both ends and getting a load in each.....my FB texts me a little later and says the "other" guy wants my ass first next time!!!!
    1 point
  44. Part 2 So here I stand, naked and so high my pussy is throbbing and dripping wet. I realize that I'm beyond fucked up (which is awesome) so I had to lay down on the bed because my balance was off and my vision was blurry. Daddy then grabs me, pulls me off the bed, and starts to slap me around and tell me what a little light weight bitch I was. He proceeds to turn me around, forces me onto the bed, spreads my legs, and begins to shove booty bump after booty bump into my aching hole. I can feel my pussy getting hot and it's now dripping down my leg. At this point, I'm not in control. I feel so good, so electric, but started getting tunnel vision and I'm writhing on the bed. By this point I've realized I just need to go with it and be a complete whore and give up all control to Daddy because he knows best. So I reach over grab the plate and do another line....ooohhh yeah. Daddy then begins the process of gearing up in his leather, chest harness, arm bands, etc, but the best part was that he pulls on a filthy, yellow stained jock. I sit up as best I can and lean over and push my face into the pouch. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it smelled, it was a mixture of old strong chem piss, dirty cock, and his normal manly musk, all concentrated in a single place and my face was buried it it. I couldn't have been happier, until he pulls out his hard cock and drops a line right on it. I realize holy shit...he owns me, I have no control here. I snort the line off his cock and then stick his dick in my mouth to clean Daddy's fuck stick off, taking it all the way to the base, with my tongue resting under his balls, gently licking them, all the while keeping our eyes locked. I'm so fuzzy right now...I'm scared, exhilarated, confused, but then Daddy took control and made me feel better. That only lasted a minute. He starts to slap my face again hard, spits on me and tells me I'm not yet worthy to be in his Master's presence. Here is where the real fun begins.
    1 point
  45. I have come close to having this happen to me but of course no such luck all talk no action with some guys one of these days HOPEFULLY
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  46. Gangbangs aren't for everyone. You need to really be settled in your mind, as a bottom, that there will be no emotional connection with the tops, that youre a about to be used simply as a warm, wet hole for tops to pleasure themselves on you. Some are sensual, most range from forceful to brutal to down right sadistic. I've seen a bottom fold and emotionally crumble because he wanted to stop after the first top forced himself inside the bottom and slam it balls deep to the point where the bottom couldnt handle it. Four other tops pretty much ass raped the bottom into submission. Last I heard, that bottom went a lil nuts, found Jesus and went to conversion camp to become straight. For bottoms that are prepared, know their body, and have been fucked hard before and enjoy it, GBs are the ultimate form for slut bottoms. Its all about pleasuring as many dicks as possible, extending beyound yourself and turning your ass into a vessle of ecstacy where tops will deposit their essence in you. Its about being the object of desire, perhaps even having a cock buried in your hole while another is using your mouth to keep him hard until its his turn to bust your hole apart and deposit his seed. Im more partial to orgies and sex parties, like Cum Union or CCBC in Palm Springs, than a gangbang. I love the sights, sounds, and smells of other men fucking while my boipussy is busy coaxing the cum out of a hot top. I can take a break when I need to without pissing off the tops wanting to fuck their nut juice into a slut. Plus the nice thing about orgies is that everyone feeds off of everyone elses sexual energy. The more men are fucking, the better chance of pulling in the wall flowers. With GBs, you have a bunch of bored tops waiting their turn. Better to have a threesome with two tops or a train where tops are like sitting in the living room watching the game or drinking while they take turns on you in a bedroom.
    1 point
  47. Tulane University. Man was I ever happy to be here. I was scared and kinda lonely when I first arrived. I met my roommate. Ugh! What a tool he was. A cross between a ROTC guy and a computer nerd with thinning blonde hair (at 18!) and a square face. His name was Erik and he was nice enough. We didn't have much in common from moment one though. I immediately sought out other guys on the floor to introduce myself to. There were some fucking gorgeous guys on my floor. During the first week there were various orientation events happening on campus. We started classes and I got my handle on the campus itself and started to feel comfortable. During one of the orientation seminars, we were in the auditorium for the diversity seminar. During this seminar, a dude came out on stage. He seemed really nervous. He was a senior and I watched him in awe as he told the whole freshman class that he was gay. I later found out that he came out to everyone that night - all his friends, no one knew beforehand except the event coordinator. Afterwards, the guys and I were walking back to the dorm and talking about the diversity seminar. I was quickly becoming friends with three guys: Ben, my neighbor; Paul, who lived down the hall and was loud and quiet all at the same time; and Jason, who was fucking gorgeous, built and I already knew had an impressive cock (thank you showers). Paul was really quiet about the seminar. Ben and I were saying how strange and brave and kinda shocking the "coming out" was. We all expected the racial and gender diversity stuff, but we hadn't expected the gay stuff. Jason just said, "Whatever. The guy looks like a dork. I bet he couldn't get any pussy if he tried." We all laughed. Then we heard there was a liquor store close to campus where we could purchase alcohol - Louisiana is pretty lax with its purchase and consume laws. I could buy at 18, but Ben could not because he was 17. I was surprised, but I took my SoCo and left the store I drank so much SoCo that night sitting outside the dorm and hanging with the boys that when I found myself being led upstairs by Jason later, I was not surprised. Except Jason took me to his room and not my room. Jason told me to take off my clothes and I did. He then dropped his shorts and said, "Give me a blowjob." My drunk ass totally gobbled his cock right there in his room. He moaned softly, leaned back on his bed and said, "I knew you wanted my cock." I sucked his cock for awhile, but I started to choke because it was so big. He told me to stop and said he didn't want me throwing up his cock juice. He told me to lie on the floor and I did. He spread my legs and grabbed some lotion. He lubed up his cock and slid it into my ass. It hurt, but I was drunk and relaxed quickly. He started to hammer my ass with quick strokes. He said, "You have a tight ass slut." He banged away at my ass and came hard inside me. Then he said, "You gotta go now." I left and went to my room. The next morning I work up with a wicked hangover and I couldn't believe how much it hurt. I stayed in bed all day. Paul and Ben came and got me for food and then that night, Jason, Paul, Ben and I all went to another orientation seminar. This one was about sex. Basically the lecture theme was - we know college is a time to experiment, but please play safe. There was a play where people would walk on stage and kiss each other - girls and guys in twosomes, threesomes, same sex, opposite sex - until there were like 40 people on stage. Then one of the last people stepped forward and said, "I was a virgin until tonight. I didn't use a condom with the guy because I assumed he was relatively safe too. I cared for him. What I didn't know was that his sexual history exposed me to diseases from all of these other people on stage." I was stunned. I looked at Jason. Jason and I hung out again that night. I told him how surprised I was at the play we had seen that evening. I said we should have played safe and used a condom. He agreed and was kinda sheepish about what we had done. He never asked for my sexual history, nor I his. We went and got more liquor that night. We drank some, but not as much as the previous evening. He fucked me again that night and most nights until he got a girlfriend about mid-September. We used condoms most times, but not always. We tried to play safe though. Ben and I were taking a Psych 100 class together. It was massive and in the largest lecture hall on campus. Because it was such a large class, the university used it for other lectures and some experiments. I filled out a sexual history once in the class as did 300 other people; experiments like that. One day, we got a lecture on safe sex and promiscuity on campus. The nurse said Tulane had a very high STD rate and it was because people got drunk and didn't use condoms. The person from the health center told us that there were already 4 HIV positive cases on campus in the past year and more syphilis, crabs, gonnorhea, etc. She was trying to shock us. I was kinda shocked. I was scared too. I didn't want HIV or anything else. I was getting fucked by only one guy, but I had no idea how many other people he was having sex with. The next class there was a guy invited to lecture. He seemed like a regular guy, 32 years old, fit, brown hair, attractive, nice body. The professor asked him to talk about gay life in New Orleans. He talked about it and then he focused on the promiscuity. When we talked about sex I felt like he was looking right at me. His eyes bored through me as he talked about sex with men. Then he shocked and scared me more than anything I had heard since I heard Eli beg for Jason's cum. He said, "I have HIV. I fuck guys regularly. I think it is the other guy's responsibility to ask me if I have HIV and to ask me to use a condom. If the guy doesn't ask, I don't tell. If the guy doesn't ask me to use a condom, then I fuck him bareback. It is the other guy's responsibility to ask, not mine to tell or disclose." I must have been staring at him open mouthed. The class was probably staring at him open-mouthed and shocked. I heard a guy say, "Dude that is just fucking wrong." The attractive lecturer said, "Sex is between consenting adults. If you don't ask and don't tell me you want or don't want something, then it's on you." He said there are exceptions, like underage sex and rape. He said in both of those situations the other partner is not consenting. A girl asked, "What if your partner is too drunk or high and doesn't think to ask you about HIV or to use a condom?" The lecturer said, "Getting drunk or high is no excuse for you not taking responsibility for your life. If a guy I meet at a bar is drunk enough to want to go home with me and then doesn't ask me about my status and then we fuck and we don't use condoms, then it is still his fault." I couldn't help it. I was fucking rock hard in my shorts listening to him. I was thinking about all the guys I'd sucked and been fucked by who hadn't used condoms. I had not asked for condoms or told these guys that they didn't need to use a condom - what the lecturer referred to as bareback sex. I knew I was at fault for my actions and I was shocked by them. Basically, this hot 32 year old gay guy was standing in front of the class telling me it was my fault if I got HIV. And my cock was hard. I was so blown away. I think I was in a trance the rest of the day. I beat myself up all day and all night for my choices. I ran and went to the gym for the next few weeks, but I never got that guy or his admonition out of my head. I had knowingly let guys I did not know fuck me without condoms and cum inside me. I was obviously distracted and that is when Jason grabbed me and told me he had been invited to a fraternity party that weekend and he wanted me to go with him. I agreed..........
    1 point
  48. After a long weekend with my parents, brother, aunt, uncle, and cousins all packed into the cabin; I needed some time on my own. I was also crazy horny. My parents and brother waited until Monday morning to leave and I was desperate to get off. When they left, I was dressed in what had become my outfit of choice at the cabin - running shorts and a tank top. After I sent them off, I decided to go for a run and went inside to change shoes. My cock took over and I spent the next 20 minutes jerking my cock thinking about sucking cock. When I blew my load, I was standing up at the bathroom sink and when I looked up in that awesome post-cum haze I realized that I was bent halfway over, my fingers in my ass, and just wearing my running shoes. I thought - fuck that's so hot. I cleaned up and went for my run. 5 miles in and 5 miles back out of Cooperstown on hills. It was still not easy, but I was definitely getting better with the journey. On the way, my mind wandered back to how hot I looked bent over, fingers in my ass, hard cock in my hard, in only my running shoes. Fuck! Every time I thought about it, I would get a chub. Thankfully, the run was so long that when I got back to the cabin I was tired and not horny at all. But then I saw Mr. Rider outside shirtless cutting his grass. That did it, instant boner. Fuck! I waved at him and said hi and went into the cabin. Damn it, I needed to get off again. I thought of the guys I had sucked off and my hand slid inside my shorts to grab my hard cock. I was jerking it and then as if on instinct, by other hand slid down the back of my shorts to feel my hole. I was so horny. Once I realized I hadn't even made it out of the living room before I started feeling myself up; I realized I needed cock. I needed it. Fuck! I grabbed the car keys and left for the Riddell Park. I just got in the pickup and drove. I was determined to get some cock. I got to Riddell and it wasn't too busy being like 11am on a Monday. There were a few cars and I parked and sat in the pickup for few minutes. I was here. Sure. But how the hell do I find a cock to suck. Last time the place was empty and I found 2 cocks from 2 single guys in the bathroom, so I thought I'll try that again. I got out, looked around, saw a couple of families, and wandered over to the bathroom. I walked in and nothing. No one was in the men's room. I searched my mind. How am I supposed to find a cock to suck if no one is her?. How would guys know I was willing to suck their cocks and that I was here? It wasn't something I could advertise - hell it was probably illegal. After realizing I'd been standing alone in the bathroom for a few minutes, I decided to go back outside. I leaned on a wooden fence not far from the bathrooms and waited. I was horny and stumped. My mind was blank. I had no idea what to do. About 10 minutes later, a guy walked passed me and looked at me. He made eye contact and I smiled. He smiled back and he went to the bathroom. I was nervous. I waited a minute and then I followed him inside. He was about 40-45, 5'10, 160, trim, fit, facial hair, blonde. As soon as I got inside and saw him at the urinal, I realized what a "creeper" I must seem and I basically ran all the way back to the pick up. I was totally freaked. I was totally creeping on that guy in order to taste his cock. What was wrong with me? Before I could get worked up about it, I heard a man's voice saying, "Are you okay?" I said I was as I turned around. It was the bathroom guy. He looked me over and stepped closer. He asked if I was alone. I said yes. He said, "Are you looking for something?" I looked at him and realized he was rubbing his crotch as he said it. I stared and said, "yes." He said, "This?" and nodded to his crotch. I nodded my head. He told me to follow him. I did. We walked a bit down a path and then he turned left off the path and onto a not-to-well-worn track where people had obviously walked previously. I asked where we were going. He said, "There is a little wooded area over here where people go to cruise sometimes." I asked him what cruising meant. He said, "You are cruising right now. You are looking for sex. It's called cruising." He asked me a few more questions and the answers he got made him smile. He said, "So you're a newbie. That's great. You look young and built and sexy and hungry for cock." He stopped in a semi-wooded area which wasn't as nature grown as much of the rest of the park. He said, "Strip." Without thinking I took off my tank top and pushed my hands into my shorts, dropped them and stepped out of them. Naked I dropped to my knees. He called me a hot slut and took out his cock. I immediately grabbed for it with my mouth. He was already hard and it was a nice cock, fat and not too big. I sucked it down fast like it was dinner. He immediately went weak kneed and grabbed the tree behind him. Watching me, he guided my head up and down his cock. I worked it and used my tongue to wet it and my lips to suck on the wet cock. I just wanted his load. Within 3 minutes he grabbed my head and blew his load down my throat. I liked off is cock and got all his cum. I dropped none on the ground. He told me what a hot slut I was and that he really was thinking of fucking my "pert ass" but I was such a good cock sucker that he gave me his load in my mouth. I was really horny and was still naked and now standing next to him. He asked me if I liked getting fucked and I said that I did. He said he would love to fuck me, but he was on some medication that kept him from getting off more than once (I know now that it was an anti-depressant medication but thought that was weird at the time). He ran his hands all over my body and said more than once how beautiful I was and what a great ass I had. He asked if I liked getting rimmed and I said I did. He told me to bend over and I did. He got on his knees and spread my ass. He rubbed his hands all over it. He said it was a great ass. He started to rim me. I felt the wetness on my ass and I moaned. That made him stick his tongue in me farther and work it around my hole more. I was rock hard. The man asked if I wanted to get off. I said yes. He said, "Would you have let me fuck you?" I said, yes. He called me a good slut. I asked if he wanted to fuck me. He said he did and that I could see his dick was starting to get chubby again. He ate my ass more as I was bent over and he was making me very wet. He asked when I'd last gotten fucked and I told him it was my ex. He moaned and started on my ass again. I wanted him to fuck me so much. I kept pushing my ass on his tongue. Then, realizing he was stroking his semi-hard cock as he ate my ass I asked him if he had a condom. He said no. He asked if I had one. I said I didn't. I said, "Too bad we can't fuck then." He agreed in a nonchalant way. I noticed his tone because how can you be nonchalant when your stroking your cock in a park while your tongue is wetting the ass of a guy naked and bent over in front of you. It was the last thing I noticed though. He kept eating my hole and then I felt a finger slip inside me. I moaned louder as he slid it all the way in. The man started asking me lots of questions and said dirty things. I was so turned on. He said, "You like coming out here all dressed like a slut and wanting cock don't you?" I moaned in agreement, He called me a teenage slut and a high school whore as a second and then third spit lubed finger invaded my ass. I started stroking my cock. He was jerking his half hard cock as he fingered me standing behind me. His fingers shoved up my ass, he made me tell him how much I liked sucking his cock and swallowing his load. I told him that he was going to make me cum and he said he was going to cum again too. Just as I was about to shoot he bent over me and said, "You want my cock in you now don't you?" I said I did. He said, "You really need to get fucked don't you?" I said I did. He rubbed is semi-hard cock on my ass and said, "Could I slide inside you like this right now?" I said yes. Saying that made me shoot my load with a loud groan and he then jerked his cock furiously and came on my ass. After we recovered, he said thanks and pulled up his pants and left. I wiped his cum off my ass with my shirt and slipped my shorts back on and carried my tank top back to the pickup.
    1 point
  49. I packed fairly lightly in a duffel bag and a backpack. My aunt said there was a washer/dryer at the cabin and some stores in Cooperstown. I took the bus from Queens Village. My parents dropped me off in the morning and I would have about 6 weeks up there with almost no company and then my family would come up for a week and then take me to college in August. After saying goodbye to my family, I climbed on the bus and sat down next to an old lady eating oranges. I remember the smell of the oranges. The rest of the bus smelled like a bus, but she smelled great. To this day I smell oranges and it evokes a feeling of letting go of bad things and setting a new path. The lady and I chatted and all the way to Kingston where I switched buses. At this point, I needed to piss and eat so I used the facilities and by the time I got on the other bus it was packed. There were only a few seats left and I sat in the back near a guy about my age. Turns out that he was headed to Delhi and his name was Steve. Steve was attractive, but small and wiry. He had a kind of skater vibe to him. He was from Albany and we talked about college, etc. Delhi is a SUNY school town. He was going back because he said he couldn't be around his family the rest of the summer and was moving into his apartment early. He got off in Delhi after giving me his number. Delhi is a bit far from Cooperstown, so I doubted I'd call him but it was nice and if I desperately needed a human to chill with I could do a lot worse. The rest of my ride was quiet and there was a super hot guy sitting near me. I got so fucking horny on the bus I wanted to jerk off right there. I started rubbing myself but after I got hard someone got up to go to the bathroom and I realized I'd never get off safely on the bus. After 8 hours on the bus, I got off in Coopertown. I'd been here before. I liked the little down. My uncle was standing next to his beater pickup truck that remained year round at the cabin and we drove out to the cabin, which is about 5 miles out of town. He and my aunt helped me get settled in and at dinner said they would be up most weekends and then definitely for the week my family was coming up. But they would be gone during the week. My uncle said it would be good if I could do some chores while I was there - cut fire wood, seal the driveway, repair the porch screens, etc. He had a list and said he'd definitely be up to help with the bigger things - roof, fence, remove the tree stump from the tree that fell over during the winter. I was definitely working for my keep. The cabin is 3 bedrooms on three floors, but the bottom floor wasn't much then, it was meant to be a nice family room but it only had a fold out bed where my brother and I slept most times we visited. It had it's own couch and some bunkbeds built into the wall. The top floor was two bedrooms and a bathroom and the main floor was a bedroom, dining room, big living room and a large screened in porch that over looked the woods behind the house. It was comfortable, but everything needed some work. Work that I was going to be doing. After a trip to the store my uncle and aunt left and left me to do some chores and on my own for the week. The first thing I did was jerk off all morning. Fuck that felt good. I really needed to get off. That day I realized a few other things - I needed to chop wood if I wanted a fire for warmth, there was no real television reception except grainy network television on a small television in the master bedroom (which was not my room), and that my uncle had left some money, the key to the lock on the beer fridge and a note that said I should replace what I drank with the money he left. He also said that he'd teach me stick shift over the next few weekends so I could drive around and explore. Tuesday morning I woke up and ran into Cooperstown. It's about 5 miles on hills so it's a tough run for a Long Island kid where the land is basically flat. When I got to town there was a convenience store I'd been to a few times, it had one of those old area maps in a glass case by the door. I went over and looked at it. There was a couple that came past as I was there. They recognized me and told me they were the neighbors. I remembered them and said hi. They asked how I was settling in. I said well but still figuring things out. They asked if I was getting around ok and I told them about the truck. Mr. and Mrs. Rider, the neighbors, said they were up here all summer and that Mr. Rider would come over and show me the basics of driving manual transmission. I thanked them and we split up. I walked around town, ate, walked around some more and then popped in my new earbuds and ran back to the cabin. Over the next week, Mr. Rider taught me to drive and he and Mrs. Rider showed me around town some more. When my aunt and uncle came back up that weekend, I told them all the Riders had done and my aunt and uncle took us all over to the Otesaga Hotel for Sunday brunch to say thank you. The brunch was fucking amazing - seriously I'm sure I had never seen so much insane foods. I ate like a pig - 5 plates of food from like 7 or 8 different food stations. At one point, the waiter/busboy came by when no one else was at the table and said, "You really like the food huh?" I looked up and it was this totally hot farm boy in a waiters uniform and I blushed and smiled. I said, "It's really good. There is so much good food here. I'm staying up here by myself and I haven't eaten like this in a week." He smiled and leaned in and said, "I bet I can show you some other good things to eat." I almost choked on my water. I blushed and he winked at me. Fifteen minutes later I was in a back hallway of the hotel in an alcove behind some extra stacked chairs with the busboy's cock in my mouth. I needed that cock. It was the first cock since Eli had broken my heart. I knew this wasn't the best thing to do. I didn't even know the guy and I was gobbling down his cock, but I was so fucking horny. We both had to be quick and he only lasted a few minutes before he blew his load in my mouth and I did what I had always done before, swallowed it. He pulled up his pants, said thanks, see you soon, winked at me and we made our way back out to the dining room. I spent the next few days working on the cabin and then decided to go to Riddell State Park to go hiking. I didn't have much left for clothing, so I started laundry and wore my last pair of running shorts, a tank top, took some sun screen and my hiking boots and off I went. I realized later that I must've looked like a total whore, but I never thought it at the time. I got there, by driving the pickup although I stalled out a few times. I parked near the main parking area, bathrooms, etc. and I went on the longest trail. I got about almost all the way to the other side of the park when the sky darkened and I was like, are you fucking kidding me? I luckily made it to the far south picnic area before I got totally soaked by the rain. I had to wait it out under a partially covered lean to/rain shelter. The rain ended and I made my way back to the parking area which took about an hour or hour and a half. The parking lot was empty except for my uncle's pickup and two other cars. The rain having chased everyone else away. I went into the bathroom to see how I looked and to take a leak and I ran into a mountain man. He was tall and hairy and had big arms and a belly and a beard. I stared at him a bit before I walked over to the urinal to piss. I could feel him watching me. I finished pissing and went to the sinks to wash up. I don't even know what he said to me, but I was so turned on. He pushed me to my knees and for the next 10 minutes I sucked his fat cock until he blew his load down my throat. I swallowed my second load of anonymous cum in a week. He said thanks and left. I was still in shock at having sucked another stranger's cock but then I turned and saw this sexy college age guy stroking his cock and he said, "That was so hot." He walked over to me and put is hard cock on my lips. I licked it and kissed it. I opened my lips and sucked him down and spent another 5-10 minutes sucking his cock too. He said, "I'm going to cum." I guess he was warning me so I could pull off, but I never had previously with Eli or the other guys so it never occurred to me to stop sucking his cock before he shot his load. I kept going. He grabbed my head and thrust his cock into my throat and came and I swallowed it all. He sucked me off because I was totally bursting out of my shorts and then we talked sitting outside on a wet picnic table. He asked if I liked sucking off old guys and I said that was my first time and I was just so horny that I did it. He said, if you want to meet guys our age then try Wilbur Park. It's near SUNY Oneonta and just a little farther away than where I'd told him I was staying. He said there are more college guys over there looking and not many of them come all the way over here unless they are into married middle aged dick. I wondered at him saying that married middle aged cock was different than college dick - I thought it's cock; just cock. It's fleshy and some are bigger and fatter than others? I don't know where that thought came from, but I realized it was true. Cock is cock and cum is cum. I smiled at my thought and at him. He said it was nice meeting me and he said he hoped to see me at Wilbur Park sometime soon. He left and so did I. I went home and jerked off thinking about the three new cocks I'd sucked in one week. How I had swallowed all their cum. I came so hard. I jerked off all week thinking about each cock and how their cum all tasted different from Eli's and I remembered Eli fucking me and I wondered what other cocks would feel like fucking me. I smiled. Wilbur Park next.
    1 point
  50. i would love to have my father fuck me n pimp me out
    1 point
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