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  1. Hey everyone, this is my first attempt at writing here... please let me know what you think and feel free to comment. I plan on updating as often as possible. -- PART 1: Enter the Bear’s Den Taking a deep drag off the large, black cigar in my mouth, I let out a deep moan as the large, hairy bear now presently deep in my formerly tight ass slammed home one last time before announcing to the room he was cumming deep in my hole. I rested my head back, nose-jetting the thick acrid cigar smoke that I had just filled my formerly pick healthy lungs with and proceeded to rub my cock. I winced a little as the fresh PA now piercing the head of my dick moved from my slow jacking, which caused me to clench my hole involuntarily, trapping the thick throbbing member in my hole, milking the bear of his cum. The other men in the room cheered with words like “Poz that neg hole…” and “Fill up that cum dump..” as I took my cigar from my mouth and ran it over the new tattoo inked across my stomach. “Cumdump…” I thought to myself, smiling and thinking of the freshly inked words still throbbing on my skin, “definitely fits who I am now.” My transformation into the inked and pierced slut before these men was something my former self, a young, non-smoker who had barely ever taken a cock, much less barebacked, would never have imagined that he could have become. — It was a nasty breakup. Walking in on your boyfriend of 3 years having sex with a woman was something that I would have imagined seeing. I had just gotten home from my clinical rotation at the nearby hospital as was required by our medical program. Long nights, low pay, and lots of stress- these were all things they warn you of when you get into med school, but it never really sinks in until you are up to your eyes in patients. Matthew, my former boyfriend, was my first and only boyfriend. We had met in the first week of college and hit things off instantly. He had straight black hair, warm brown eyes, built like a brick shit-house, and a British accent that could make you cream your pants. I myself was a polar opposite, blonde hair, blue eyes, shorter with a swimmer’s build. Even though we picked different career paths, he always said he supported me because he knew it would mean a great life for both of us. What’s better than a doctor and lawyer on the checkbook? Every night when I got stuck doing rounds because either it was the proverbial full moon in the ER or an attending called in sick. I suspected things were going on when he stopped wanting to have sex, even though I usually was too tired from work or school to mess around. Things got tenser, as every time we were together he was glued to his phone, always making the excuse that it was someone from work with a question from the nonprofit he worked for. I brushed it off, think it was just stress getting to me. On the fated night, I had gotten the night off since I had too many hours and figured I’d surprise him with dinner, a movie, and a bottle of lube. I walked in and heard grunting coming from the bedroom of the small apartment we shared. Thinking I’d sneak in and surprise him on his workout, I burst the room, and yelled: “Ravish me with your…” Looking down, I saw him, in bed, deep inside the ditzy girl from down the hall. I stood there, staring as he jumped, jaw gaping, surprised at my entry as she squealed in delight. Words left me as he blurted out a rushed “oh shit…” and proceeded to pull out of the vapid blonde. I stormed out of the bedroom and into the living room. He followed, reeking of sex and candy-scented perfume. “Babe… please…. I…” he started, his mild British accent trailing after me. Fuming, I looked at him before slowly growling out my reply through gritted teeth. “How long?” “I…. she…. it’s not what you think…” he stammered, trying to come up with a lie on the spot. “How. Long.” I replied, stepping towards him, punctuating each word with my finger in the center of his sculpted chest. “We…. only a few times….” he replied, looking down, knowing I was quickly getting to that dangerous quiet I got into before truly blowing up at someone. “A few times? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care if it was once. Get your shit and get out. I don’t care where you go, but you no longer live here.” I replied turning my back on him and looking out the windows. “Jake… hon….. you can’t do that… both our names are on the lease,” he replied, his cheeks flushed, reminding me of what was now obviously a stupid move I had made a year ago when we moved to the new apartment. “Fine,” I replied, “I’m going then. I’ll move my shit out when I get a new place. Have a great life asshole.” Grabbing my keys, I went into the bedroom, ignoring the dimwitted blonde slut on our bed, and began collecting things such as my clothes, a few pairs of scrubs, my phone charger, and a few toiletries. Stepping back into the bedroom, I looked down as the pink colored claws of the bimbo touched my arm, stopping me in the doorway. “Jake, honey, look…. I’m sor-“ she started, plastering the fake sad look on her face I’d seen countless people do when trying to apologize for something they aren't really that sorry for. “Bitch,” I growled out, “If you don’t move you hand in the next 5 seconds, I will move it for you. And I will make sure you require surgery.” She stepped away with a gasp, pulling her hand towards her chest, protecting it with the other like she had been physically hurt by my words. I grabbed my phone and proceeded out the door, taking the stairs next the elevator. Fuming, I climbed down the 12 flights of stairs and stepped out into the lobby, coming face to face with Matt for the second time, who had hastily thrown on a pair of jeans. “Sweetheart, please!” he said reaching for my hand and I walked through the lobby. “Let’s talk about this! We can work on this!” “Just like you worked on her pussy for fuck knows how long?!” I screamed out loud, catching the glances of several people in our building, including the sweet little old lady across the hall from us. “You’re making a scene,” Matt hissed, looking at me beseechingly. “And what do you call what I fucking walked in on?!” I screeched, throwing his hand that he had started to place on my shoulder, “What do you fucking call it when you walk on your formerly gay boyfriend shoving his cock up some balloon chest bitch, you asshole?!” Not wanting to hear his reply, I walked out the street, and pulled out my phone, ordering an Uber. — Looking down at my phone, I mostly ignored the admittedly hot Uber drive that had picked me up. I sent out a text to my friend Erika, asking if she would cover for me for a few days in the hospital, giving her a slightly abridged version of the night's events. After getting a solid yes and promising to go in greater details soon with her, I shut off my phone and looked up at my surroundings. “Excuse me…” I asked, getting the attention of the driver. “Yeah?” he replied, never letting his eyes off the road. “Where in the world are we?” I asked, looking around, not really recognizing the area. “Goin’ to where you told the app sir,” he replied with a bored sigh. Looking down at my phone, I realized I had somehow entered a gay bar named “The Bear’s Den” into the address that Matt and I had almost gone to meet friends at before we realized how seedy the place was, instead of the hotel I had picked earlier near work. “Shit… look I…” I started to reply, before realizing that I most definitely needed a drink, even if I never touched the stuff, “Actually, mind if we swing by a hotel first? Extra $20 in it for you.” “Make it $40 and I’ll wait for you at the hotel,” he said, pulling over on the side of the road and waited as I adjusted the address to a closer hotel. Pulling up, I noticed that the hotel wasn’t up to what I had grown accustomed to but definitely would do in a pinch. Then the attendant said that the only rooms they had left were smoking. Shit, I thought to myself. Not wanting to be a bigger delay for the driver, I quickly said fine, telling myself that it was only for a night. I quickly got my key, raced to the room, and threw everything in the closet before closing the door and making my way back to the car. Fifteen mins later, we were at the seedy bar and my Uber was driving away. I stepped into the bar and was immediately hit by a wave of thick cigar smoke, loud gay men chattering and what I could swear was the slight twinge of sex in the air. Looking around, I realized I definitely did not fit in dressed in a v-neck shirt and slightly too tight jeans, while the other men were wearing leather of some sort. Swallowing my pride, I stepped up the bar and ignored all the stares from the other guys. Turning to me, the bartender, a hot 30-something with brown hair, piercing green eyes, a perfect tan, and piercings in his ears and eyebrow looked me up and down before finally asking, “What will it be?” Thinking for a second, I finally blurted out a scotch, not wanting to look like a silly fag ordering something like a green apple martini. Nodding his head, he went to work making my drink before setting the glass and the bottle down in front of me and walking off. Suddenly, I was surprised by the guy who suddenly sat down next to me. 50's, shaved head, stormy gray eyes, tons of piercings including a septum ring, leather chaps, and vest, and definitely a muscle builder, he looked like something you would see in a leather daddy magazine. “Is this seat taken?” he asked in a deep booming bass voice, beer in one hand and an unlit cigar in the other. “Nah… go ahead,” I replied looking down at the already half empty glass in front of me. “Bad night?” he asked, turning towards me. “You don't want to hear it…” I started. “Trust me I do. Whatever it is has you looking like you really could use that drink,” he said, eyeing the glass in my hand as I set it down from taking another swig, “You don't want to talk, I get it. Just figured I’d see if you needed a person to bitch to. That, and you seem kinda out of place here. I’m Jackson.” I took a look around again and swore I felt like everyone was looking at me still. He held out his hand, and I shook it. Then, grabbing my glass again, I downed it and let him fill it back up. Letting out a sigh, I retold him the night’s events, my previous history with Matt, everything. As I finished the story, not realizing that I had now downed 4 glasses of scotch, I let out a small sniff. “Fuck…” I sniffled, “I don’t know… Should I forgive him? Work things out?” Grabbing his cigar, he started lighting it up and I found my self slightly mesmerized by the ritual. Looking up at me, he nodded at the cigar in his hand, “You mind if I light up? I need a smoke after hearing that.” I shook my head, muttering something like ‘what’s one more cigar in here’ and watched as he brought the stick to life, making a bright cherry as he inhaled deeply on it. Blowing it to the side, he looked at the cigar before putting back in his mouth. “If it were me,” he started, “ And I’m just spitballing here, I wouldn’t. He obviously fucked up a good thing, all for a piece of sloppy meat attached to a pair of tits. If he wanted to fuck around, he should have asked you first. Made it your choice.” “Yeah… it’s just… I don’t know what to do. He's all I know...” I replied running my finger around the edge of my glass, watching as he inhaled deeply on the dark stick in his mouth. Watching me watch him as he smoked, he reached into his front pocket and pulled out a second cigar, offering it to me. “Want one?” he asked, “Definitely one of the good ones. Not like those cheap gas station ones.” Starting at it, I drunkenly blurted out “I’ve never had one… I wouldn’t know what to do.” Pulling the cigar in his mouth out, he handed to me before putting the unlit one in his hand and grabbed the lighter on the bar, lighting it up expertly. “No worries guy,” he said, “Take my lit one.” Taking it into my hand, examined it. Looking at the thick smoke floating out of the end, the thick saliva coating the cut end. Sniffing it, I let out a slight ‘woah,’ noticing that it smelled completely different than the smoke. Finally building up my courage I stuck it in my mouth, and immediately breathed in the thick smoke. I knew, even drunkenly, this was a bad idea. I started hacking instantly, and he let out a chuckle. “Dude… I don’t think you’re quite ready for inhaling.” Stubbornly, I looked at him, alcohol slowly ebbing away at my logic before I took another, smaller inhale. Fighting another cough, I held it in before letting it out in the air. “Damn… I stand corrected,” he replied, shock written across his face as it slowly worked into a smile. Something that very few people know about me is that I can become really hard-headed when I drink. Normally I’m rather passive and tend to go with the flow, but with the alcohol, my messy break-up, and the guy laughing, I felt like I had something to prove. So, we continued smoking and drinking in silence, and to my dismay, my cock started getting hard. I tingled all over, and a started getting a bit of a headache. I went to grab another scotch when Jackson finally put his hand over the glass. “I think you’re done drinking there Buddy,” he said smiling and looking down at my bulge now obviously forming in my tight jeans, “No need to get whiskey dick.” Looking down at his pant, I noticed a monster slowing growing in his pants too. I let out a soft ‘holy fuck’ as I saw what easily looked like 10 inches growing in his tight leather pants. Matt had a nice sized 6” uncut cock, but we’d never fucked much since it always hurt a bit going in. We had always just sucked each other off. But for some reason, in my drink-addled mind, I almost wanted to ride this monster. Suddenly, Jackson was kissing the side of my neck, and whispered: “why don’t we go back to your place?” END OF PART 1
    8 points
  2. Note: I write a lot of fictional short stories, but there was a time when I seriously tried to write poetry. I was actually not bad at it, but there was one poem I could never finish. It was about my fondness for shades of green in trees and the contrasts between bright, yellow sunshine, green leaves and deep shadows. I gave up on that poem. And now I'm using it to start a story. We'll see how it goes. mid-70's I grew up in the middle of nowhere. Picture 'nowhere' in your head and then picture a place more isolated than that. I was the only child of a farmer. My dad raised cattle and wheat in a Midwestern state in the middle of the country. Mom worked for a hospital in the nearest town (twenty miles away) and Dad was always busy doing his farm stuff which didn't interest me at all. Once I learned to tide a bike, I was free to go all over the area with no supervision. I rarely even saw a person or even a vehicle on my journeys. The slow, rolling prairie hills and fields were beautiful. My dad also had pastures which had their own treasures. Early on, I used to spend all my Summer days wandering along the pasture's dry creek bed. I especially liked the weeping willow trees that grew near the edges. They were easy to climb and seemed to have personalities. I dreamed up adventures and movie ideas beneath the lazy shade of my favorite willow. I'd sing pop songs I'd heard on the radio. "Love Will Keep Us Together" was my favorite then. I thought I could be a singer back then. (I'm a terrible singer as it turns out) In the fourth grade, our cranky teacher would set aside a half hour a day to read to us from a book -- even though we all knew how to read already. I completely tuned out when she read "Black Beauty", but "The Chronicles of Narnia" was riveting. I don't remember much about it now -- except that some kids had found a magical world in the back of a closet. I didn't believe in Santa at that point, but I still mostly believed in magic and hidden worlds. I wanted to find my own, and what better place to look than the fascinating pasture? Books and movies back then promised kids that there was something fantastic just beyond what we saw normally. I looked and hoped and wished. Magic was hiding too well for me to find it. Fast forward a few years....when I suddenly knew I was not regular. I talked different and acted different than other boys. And I looked at the men's pajama pages in my mom's Sears catalog too often. There were no names or words for what I was. I stayed quiet and waited for answers to come to me. A few years later, another farm boy showed me porn magazines he'd found in his Dad's stash. I tried to be as enamored with the little cuts naked women had between their legs, but couldn't stand to look at them too long. Boobs were okay...I didn't mind breasts as much, but they didn't excite me like they did Mitch. I couldn't even begin to imagine where his dad had bought these magazines. I was about 12 years old when my neighbor buddy showed me a magazine that had a photo story called "Horny Trucker". It was about a truck driver who picks up some hot chick who was hitchhiking in a bikini. The photos showed his long, floppy penis hanging out of his jeans. A real dick! A man dick! The night after I saw that, I masturbated for the first time. I didn't have any body hair at the time, but there must have been some testosterone hidden somewhere because I had an orgasm. It surprised and scared me. My parents never told me about how babies were made, but I figured it all out. My dad had done this inside my mom to make me. That was too bizarre to even think about. Once I got the hang of it, I masturbated constantly, thinking of that horny trucker. What if he did what I was doing now...in my mouth? I was guessing I'd love it. Just as I became a teen, my mom got really sick. Nobody told me any details, but I gathered she had cancer in her uterus. She had some operations...one after another. The minister from our church came to the house to pray with us. And then she was gone. I was so shocked I don't think I even cried until months later. Me and Dad. All on our own. Before long, I was a senior in high school and looking at going to go to college somewhere. I loved the lonely rural life, but there was no future for me there. I had to go somewhere else to become an adult. I went to a community college a little less than hour from my father. I needed to stick close to Dad to take care of him. On breaks, I would stay with him...even though the slightly urban life I was living was an entirely new brand of fascination that the country didn't have. I still looked about twelve years old, but had decided that it was because I'd grown up around poisonous pesticides and herbicides. When you look at a really green crop field, you're looking at a lot of chemicals. It had probably killed my mom and was probably the reason. my dad had been in bad health lately. He was losing weight and not looking too rugged anymore. Chemicals had damaged all of us. This is already going on too long, so I'll speed things up a bit. Dad died of bone cancer. He went fast, and in a comfy hospital bed. I had to quit school so I could handle everything. One of his farmer pals helped me figure out the next steps. He was buried next to my mom. On a farm, you have an auction instead of an 'estate sale'. His trucks and tractors and combines and land and house were all going to go to the highest bidders. Life is a gyp. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. The day before the big auction, I slept in my old bed for probably the last time. I got up and went to the pasture where there used to be cattle grazing. It had been a wet Spring, and the creek was still mostly full. It was so bright and beautiful out here....so how could people be dying? I found my favorite willow and marveled at much bigger it was now. I loved trees. I loved how the greens overlapped and made dark green -- going into black. I remembered coming out here to beat off. I remember hoping to see some magic. Hoping to see the horny trucker with his dick out just for me. I laughed at my kid self who was not all that distant from my 18 year old self. The creek took a crooked turn before the end of the property. And then I saw a naked man. No really. A naked hippie-looking man was sloshing through the water and seemed to be searching for something. What the fuck? I just stood and watched. He was tall and lean and pretty hairy. His dick was soft and not big at all. He wasn't the horny trucker, but I'm fairly certain he was for real. Had I found Narnia? He finally saw me and didn't seem the least bit embarrassed at his nakedness. "Oh Hi. Who are you?" "I'm Todd. This is my dad's land." "Sorry. I wasn't doing anything. My partner and I moved into the old Gilke house..right over there. I come over here and look for fossils...and limestone is full of them. Did you know that a million years ago, this whole state was covered with about four inches of ocean water?" I did know that. So a naked man who knew about fossils was standing before me. "Yeah. Find any good ones?" "Not yet. I been trying to pull up rocks from the bottom and toss them out to look at later.So I guess I'm disturbing things. Sorry. I'll leave." "It's fine. He just died and all of this will belong to somebody else tomorrow." He got all the way out and came over to me, dripping and still naked. "Damn. Marvin? I liked him. He gave us a pumpkin from his garden last year. You look a little like him. I'm so sorry." And then a damp naked hippy was hugging me in my late father's pasture. Life's not always a gyp, I guess. "He went peacefully. It's OK. I'm OK." "Let me find my shoes. Hold on." He sauntered away a few feet and found his sandals. I got a chance to see his hairy ass. I'd never taken time to notice the beauty of a man's butt before -- I was too focused on their dongs. I felt my nipples get hard. Was that normal? It had never happened before. Were guys supposed to get nipple sensation? I had to be thankful I had on a fairly thick shirt. I'd only packed dressy clothes for this trip because of the funeral and the meetings with bankers and morticians. The hippy had only brought sandals. No clothing. "That's what I love about this area...you don't gotta wear clothes when you go outside." "Where are you from?" "Come walk with me. Let's get out of the sun." He gently took my arm. Did I imagine it? I think his dick was getting a little fuller and thicker. Mine was completely hard -- like it always was those days. We wandered on down to the barbed wire fence that separated Dad's property from the lush wheat field next to it. There were a bunch of mulberry trees here. I used to pick them and feed them to the box turtles I kept as pets. So long ago. His penis was getting harder as we found a shady spot under one of the trees. "I remember these trees as being much smaller when I saw them last." "Fucking love trees, man. You guys have some great trees around here. The cottonwoods are my favorite. They're huge. Wanna a smoke with me?" He had a joint in his hand....from where? He had no pockets. "Sure. Thanks." I knew kids at school had got high. I tried smoking it like a cigarette, but the hippy instructed me on how to correctly do it. "There's a mystical quality about this land. My partner and I are originally from San Fran, but it got too hectic. We decided to drive to the Florida and find a beach somewhere. Of course the damn car broke down right up highway 50...gaskets are rings or something. We just ended up staying. Let's sit." "There's berries on the ground." I felt stupid for saying that....he wasn't wearing any clothes. I had on black dress pants, but I guess I had no more funerals to go to -- so fuck it. I plopped down. I was nearly eye level with his engorged dick. Damn! He settled his bare ass down right on the dirt, kicked off his sandals and took a deep toke. Hippies. He looked down at his growing penis like it was the new topic of conversation. He didn't say anything. We just blew our clouds into the wind. For some reason, I wanted the wind to stop so our smoke would go into the bare blue sky and make puffy clouds. I guess this what was "stoned" felt like. Nice. It was Narnia. "How old are you?" "I'll turn 19 in a few months." "Wow. I'm fifteen years older than you. I've seen and done too much. I had some good times. You don't mind if I jerk off do you? Weed always makes me horny," Shit! "No. Go ahead. There's something about this land. I used to beat it here all the time." His dick was suddenly all the way stiff...and getting more red. "Well, stay back a little. My cum is lethal as hell. Don't get it near your eyes." "I bet it's fine." He started jerking faster. "Yeah? You think you'd like it? Maybe you're just stoned." I was fascinated by his masturbation. I wanted to kiss the head of his tool. "Maybe you don't even know about AIDS. Maybe you're just a stoned hick. Stay back from this." I stood up and undressed, threw all my dress clothes into the weeds. And then I knelt between his legs and took his hard dick in my mouth. He didn't protest in the slightest. He let me work my tongue up and down his veiny shaft. I swear I could feel his heartbeat against my lips. This was all new, but it's what I wanted to do. I tasted him...this pasture hippy. I took off my socks and was as naked as he was. "I'm a hick alright! Proudly so. And you're just a hairy bum from California...who trespasses." I said all that and lied down on the ground next to him. He'd stopped stroking, but his wiener was still stiff. So was mine. "OK. Keep sucking me." I did my best, but he was moving around and adjusting our positions. Suddenly I was on my back and looking up at the mulberry tree over us. I never had a word for what I loved about looking up at the leaves of a tree. Green over darker green over even darker green. And then black..black with traces of green. Was there a single word I could use? I thought about it until the hippy's cock hit me in the face as he was kneeling over me. I sucked it eagerly. I knew about AIDS. The thing that scared me the most was my family finding out I had it. Didn't have to worry about that anymore. "Get it good and wet. It's going in your ass next. Yeah, Slobber a little more, kiddo." My ass? His dick? I didn't think it was even possible. Then he lowered himself on top of me. He wasn't so damp any more. And his skin was burning hot. "Relax a little. That was hash we smoked...it's a bit intense. Don't freak out while we do this. I'm here for you." Hash? Like hash browns? I didn't quite.... ahh. He was kissing my neck and my ears. His long tongue was all over me. I felt like the dirt below was sucking me down into it. I was below the soil as he spread my legs and plunged deeply in one thrust. I felt it as pain, serious pain -- but I was down in the ground with the roots and earthworms. That pain was only a tiny part of me. The prairie absorbed me now...I was pure earth and he was planting a seed. I looked into his hairy face as he bucked violently. My butt was entirely full of him, but there was no pain any more. Just the purest pleasure ever. I never wanted this to end. But it ended with him cumming inside of me. Fast, fast, then....the furious chaos of his shot inside of me. Seed had been planted. I wanted to stay here forever. "Shit...you're bleeding like crazy down there. Let as much as you can here. It's good for the grass. I can take you back to my place if you want." I declined. I felt instant guilt and shame. And the ground kept pulling me down. I got dressed and walked in a zigzag pattern towards the only home I'd ever known. I could shower there and sleep there. For one more night. I finally went back to school the next year.I got a few inches taller, my voice got deeper and body hair appeared. And I was HIV+. I was finally an adult. Finally a man.
    6 points
  3. Part 4: Keep quiet So I just woke up with my hot uncle hugging me and with his cock right up against my ass. I honestly did not know what to do, first, I thought I should just sleep this off - I know my uncle is hot but uncles and family are off limits right? second - I thought, I've been searching for cocks the past few days and now' my chance! A cock is a cock. I was torn but thinking how hot uncle Benjamin is, against my better judgment I thought I should go for it. So as uncle benj was hugging me I scooted my ass closer to his crotch to feel his hard on better and god did it feel like a big one! I slowly grinded my ass against his cock and it felt really good! I could not hear any change in his breathing so I was sure he was still fast asleep so I continued, I moved a little farther from his crotch to give my hands access to it and god did his bulge feel big! uncle benj is packing some serious meat! I then (through some serious hand work) unbuttoned his boxers and was able to fish out his hard cock and it felt amazing on my hand, I haven't seen it yet but i must have been thicker than a water bottle. I then slowly slipped off my pajamas and grinded my bare ass against his cock and it felt great to finally feel another cock on my ass. But I wanted more! I want uncle benj inside me! So I spit on my hands and put it all over my hole and spit some more and put some on uncle benj's cock and then I slowly guided his cock into my ass. It took me a while, but finally after a few minutes of maneuvering *plop uncle benj's cock head was now inside me - it felt a little bit painful, I'm new to this after all but I now know better that this will feel better soon. I then backed up slowly on his hard cock and he was half way inside my ass, there was still no change in his breathing - god! Uncle Benjamin is a heavy sleeper. I then slowly pulled and push against his cock and yeah it did start to feel better, I let out soft moans as I was fucking myself into uncle benj's cock. It felt amazing! I still haven't seen his cock but I'm sure he's got one hefty cock that's now inside me. As I was slowly fucking myself into uncle benj's cock, I heard his breathing change and I froze. Is he awake?! I then heard this soft but stern "what do you think you're doing boy?" And i didn't know how to answer, shit I got caught! I was basically raping my uncle in his sleep and now he is awake, shit! I'm done for I thought to myself. And then after a few more seconds of stillness and quiet, uncle benj softly said "you're fucking your uncle without waking him, that's bad boy, how can your uncle enjoy the ride?" So is he okay with this I thought. Then his hands that were still hugging me slowly made there way to my nipples and hard cock, he played with my nipples and fondled my cock as I returned to fucking myself into his cock which he reciprocated by humping against my ass as well. In moments uncle benj was now completely inside me, he then grabbed my hips and started to fuck me harder, and it felt amazing! His cock hit my g spot and it felt like my ass was being tickled from the inside, I couldn't help myself I played with my nipples and body and now uncle benj was kissing and licking my neck from behind and then I started to cum without touching my cock, I let out jets of cum on to my bed and on to the floor and I moaned and moaned, uncle said "quiet boy, your father might hear" I was still cumming and I thought it would never end and the spasms must have clamped down on uncle benj's cock and in seconds he started to softly grunt and I felt his cock throb inside me, I was already finished cumming but now uncle's seemed to never end, I could already feel his cum leak but he was still grunting and moaning as jets of his cum made its way inside my hole. He finished cumming and laid still with his cock still inside me, he then softly and slowly pulled it out, saying "make sure to shut that tight boy, I came a lot" as he slipped off me, I immediately shut my hole and then he went back into hugging me. He then said , "thanks for that boy, it's been weeks since my last fuck, I needed that, now back to sleep." and we did, now all naked with his soft cock against my cummy hole.
    5 points
  4. Predators and prey (Part 9) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Michael didn’t know how long they drove. He lost the track of time. He just knew, it was finally over and he felt the warmth of the guys back in front of him. He felt safe…. Darkness….. “…. raped… almost snuffed… ” someone almost shouted. “What the fuck did you think Steven?” another voice asked. “…. had to fuck this slut….. “ “…. kidnap…..” those words made no sense to Michael at all. “… crazy….. This is just insane…..” Dark voices were whispering above his head. His mind wandered in and out. Michael was too exhausted and he needed to get some rest, after this powerful abuse he endured for so many hours. “…. cops…. you will go to jail, if they find….” Hands were touching him. “I need to give him… stop whining you damn fool…..” Sometimes the voices he heard seemed to come from a distance, sometimes it was like someone shouted out loud. “…. help….. hold his cheeks apart…. Matt – pull his ass-cheeks apart now…. damage already done….. stitches….” Michael sighed. He was scared he would get hurt again. Did someone hurt him at all? He couldn’t remember the last few hours. He only knew his body was aching. His mind was floating back into the security of a deep and dreamless sleep. After another couple of hours Michael came back to consciousness. He heard the bed squeak. His eyes were still closed. He was too weak to even open them, but he felt a dull pain in his body. He was rocking forth and back slowly. He felt like a baby in his mother’s arms. So safe and secure…. and still there was this pain in his ass. He summoned all his strength and opened his eyelids a bit. The light did hurt his eyes and for the first moment he saw a ray of light shimmering golden above his face. His legs were pinned next to his head. This was so tiring. Moaning…. was he moaning? No… this was not his voice. He had to close his eyes, but the noises appeared louder now. It was as if his senses came back to life. Again he heard this heavy breathing. His butt was hurting. Michael forced himself to open his eyes more than he did before. Again he saw something golden swinging over his face back and forth. *grunting* The golden thing was a golden necklace that swung above his head. More squeaking noise reached his ears in a steady slow motion. Then he recognized the face of a guy, who was not even looking back at him. The guy seemed to be in his own world. His eyes were closed and he seemed relaxed. It was him who made the grunting noises. Michael was pretty sure about it. With all of his strength he managed to raise his head and saw the guy was fucking into his ass slowly. The stud didn’t even realize, that Michael was coming back to life, but was still too weak to resist. A loud moan emerged from the guy on top of Michael and he felt something warm entering his asshole. “Oh fuck…. oh…. fucking cunt” the bloke growled. Michael’s arse was aching and he felt every gush that was fired into him even more intensified. The twink hid again in a dark corner of his mind, while his legs were released from the pressure of being manhandled. On the third day he felt a gentle hand stroking his hair. He opened his eyes more easily, than the other day and saw the leather daddy smiling at him. “Hey little one – it is good to have you back. You must be hungry. I got a hot soup for you. Michael nodded insecurely - but when he tried to grab the spoon his hand was trembling so hard, that he was not able to eat. Steven took the spoon out of Michaels hand and started feeding him with a cheeky grin on his face. “Thank you Sir” the boy smiled for the first time and started eating. There was silence between them. Nothing was spoken. Steven fed Michael spoon by spoon. Suddenly the door opened and another guy entered the room. It was a handsome hunk and he greeted Michael, but you recognized at once, it wasn’t a warm welcome. “This is Matt…. and I am Steven, but you can call me Sir” the daddy told Michael. “Thank you, Sir…..” answered Michael with a timid little voice, Matt crossed his arms on his chest and observed the strange scenery. He didn’t approve with Stevens decision, to bring this slut into the house. In Matt’s opinion it would have been better if the guy was out cold or at least somewhere else. Michael looked at Matt and saw a golden necklace around his neck. It reminded the pup of something, but he couldn’t put the pieces together. While Steven kept on feeding him with the hot and tasty soup he looked at Matt and saw a nice bulge in front of his jeans. And he felt a kind of tingling in his ass… or was it just the pain he had endured before? ‘I am such a slut’ Michael thought. Matt looked at the boy contemptuously. In his eyes Michael was nothing but trouble and nothing but a cunt. Funny how both agreed on this term at least…..
    5 points
  5. Have some fun while waiting for the train. Service Station in CUMbria, UK.
    4 points
  6. Went to Lab on Berlin last night. Jesus Christ I've never been so used in my life. Berlin you were amazing
    4 points
  7. There is a college boi who lives very close to me according to both A4A and Grindr, but until last night he never responded. However, if there is a guy I want, I won't give up trying to get him in my bed unless he blocks me or tells me he's not interested. Was having no luck last night, so when he logged on A4A, I hit him up around 1:00AM and he responded. I told him to come over, but I only fuck raw (he says safe only in his profile) and he was here in a couple of minutes. Made out for a little bit on the couch before taking him to the bed and diving face first into his twink ass. After rimming and some cock sucking, bent him over and fucked his ass good and hard. He never mentioned a condom and ended up getting bred, before returning the favor. He left around 3:00 with two loads in his ass, and he left two in me. Since he's close, he wants to play again. Hopefully he's going to be a regular.
    3 points
  8. Past friday I was able to meet up with a supposed other married neg versatile guy from A4A. When I got to his place I completely supsected he was lying about being neg and/or married. Just from his physical makeup he looked pretty sickly. For the first time ever, I deepthroated his nice long/slim uncut cock, felt great to do. After letting him suck on me he said he just wanted to jerk off together. I begged for him to breed me but he seemed squirelly and kept saying he was saving it for the next time, this is the other reason I believe he was not neg. After jerking for a bit longer I went back and deepthroated his cock and got it all good and lubed up with my saliva and before I gave him a chance got on top and positioned my hole right on his cock. Thankfully his cock was slim and lubed because before he could think he was in me all the way. He got really nervous and said he did not want to cum in me so I slowly rode him and promised I would pop off when he announces he is ready to cum. He closed his eyes and nodded approval. I rode him for less than a minute when he made the annoucement and I respectfully pulled my ass all the way off just as he started to spray all over my open hole. Siezing the opportunity I slid one more time down on his cock and got off. He was not pissed but did seem nervous after. As we were cleaning up he said, "No turning back. So sext time you will be on your knees and I will blow deep in you regardless of your wishes." I smiled and kissed him and said, "You bet!"
    3 points
  9. on the hunt for toxic tops, my kunt ass horni for it
    3 points
  10. Rafael Alencar doing bareback in private life: http://www.rafaelworld.com/page82.html
    3 points
  11. INTRO Mitch grabbed the pretentious twink by the neck and shoved him up against the wall next to the door. “That’s it boy, I’ve had enough of your bullshit. Things are going to change around here starting right now. You got that Brandon?” he yelled at the drunken eighteen-year-old blond boy. Brandon tried to say something but was not able to get out more than a groan of pain with Mitch choking him. Mitch spat into the boy’s face, “You are a worthless piece of shit, just like your father said you were when he dumped you on me. I’ve tried to give you a chance to show you could be a decent person and a responsible adult, but you’re just a spoiled brat that uses people. Well punk, your luck has finally run out.” Jackson, an old friend from high school and college, as well as partner in a tech company they had sold a decade ago for a multi-million dollar payday, had called up Mitch a couple weeks ago asking for a huge favor. Jackson’s son, Brandon or Bran for short after the character from the Game of Thrones novel, would be going to college in the San Francisco bay area starting in the fall, but Jackson was worried about the boy. Bran’s mother, who was divorced from Jackson, had spoiled the boy rotten, using just a portion of the generous child support payments Jackson was ordered to pay as part of the divorce settlement. Jackson had no problem with his son being gay since Mitch had been one of his best friends for most of his life. It was obvious from a young age that Bran was queer and Jackson had many conversations with Mitch over the years about the boy. What Jackson could not stand though, was that Brandon had grown up to be a stuck up, spoiled, pretentious asshole. Jackson blamed himself for some of it since he had not fought that hard to retain custody of his son when he divorced his wife. So he had asked Mitch for a favor. He asked Mitch to take the boy in for the summer before college and try to reform the boy before he would move into campus housing for his freshman year. Mitch had met the boy several times previously, including a week before the phone call when he attended the boy’s graduation down in southern California. Mitch had agreed to take the boy in on the one condition that he had total authority to do whatever he felt was needed. To that end he asked Jackson if the boy’s mother was going to continue to spoil the boy after Brandon moved out of her house. Jackson laughed and explained that the only reason she had any money to spend on the boy was because of the generous child support that he was obligated to pay to his ex-wife as long as the boy was a minor. Now that the payments were stopping, his ex-wife had found a new mark to leech off of and was moving to the east coast to live with her new sugar daddy. Brandon was a very pretty young twink, taking after his mother, who had been beautiful enough to be a model, but was not willing to put in the work required to be successful in that career. He was 5’6” and slim. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He had delicate features and a slightly effeminate look. His lips were full and plumb and Mitch had often thought they would look good wrapped around his cock. The boy’s ass was a perfect perky bubble butt that was just begging to be spanked, fucked, and bred. It would look great with a puffy red rosebud leaking multiple loads of toxic cum. Mitch was looking forward to getting the kid flying and turn him into a willing hungry cum dump. Mitch, in contrast, was a man’s man, 6’2” and 225 pounds of muscle with just the right amount of fat to look natural and not like he did nothing but lift weights at the gym all day. He had a naturally fit body that responded well to his daily routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. At 48, his brown hair was just starting to go gray at the temples and his short neatly trimmed beard was streaked with gray. He was classically handsome and never had any trouble finding a willing bottom to get bred by his thick 9” monster cock, which he had used to poz many young twinks over the years during meth fueled marathons of fucking, sm, and fisting. Mitch pulled the boy off the wall and shoved him towards the sofa. The drunk kid stumbled and fell backwards onto the sofa. He sobbed and struggled to make sense of the sudden change in the man that had for the last two weeks let himself be walked all over. Bran had acted towards Mitch the same way he acted towards his mother, just assuming that his clothes would get picked up and washed, and that any money in a wallet left on a counter top was money that Bran could take. The man never seemed to care that Bran never said please or thank you when Mitch did something for him. Brandon was not dumb or oblivious; he could tell that Mitch found him attractive, as many men and women did. This was something which Bran become accustomed to taking advantage of. He figured he could tease Mitch by prancing around the house nearly naked and that was payment enough for Mitch doing all the cooking and cleaning. “You got five minutes to make a decision, you either get your things and get out, or you stay, but if you stay you are agreeing to do everything I say, and I mean everything. Your Dad said you were a worthless piece of trash, spoiled rotten by your mother and has given me permission to do whatever I want to get you to shape up. I gave you a chance to prove him wrong, but you took every opportunity to prove him right,” snarled Mitch. Brandon was in a state of panic. He had never experienced Mitch, nor anyone else, be this forceful and dominate with him. His mother had left to go shack up with some rich guy in Connecticut and had already rented her house out, so Brandon could not go back home. Brandon knew Mitch was right about how his father felt about him, so he could not go to his father’s place. His boyfriend, Aiden, was on a month long post graduation trip to Europe with his family so even if Brandon could get himself back back down to San Diego, he couldn’t crash at Aiden’s house and besides his boyfriend was still under age for another month. The young gay man didn’t have any close friends as he would eventually end up pissing off most people he met as he used them up. He did not have any money saved up as he spent every penny he could get his hands on buying fancy clothes, pot, and booze. He never held down a job to earn any money as he felt working was beneath him, something he had picked up from his mother. So his only options were to agree to Mitch’s demands, or be tossed out into the street. Deep down he knew his usual charms would not work this time, but out of habit he tried anyway, pleading, crying, begging, then throwing a temper tantrum when nothing else worked. Mitch stood stone faced through the boy’s attempted manipulations. He glanced down at his watch. “You just wasted four of your five minutes. You have one minute left to decide,” he said; his voice flat and unemotional. The stress of the situation was starting to sober Brandon up a bit, so he was able to think somewhat more rationally. While his attempts to persuade Mitch had just failed, he figured that in the morning Mitch would probably have calmed down and be more receptive to renegotiating whatever agreement they were in the process of making. He believed he would be able to smooth this all over when he sobered up and things would go back to normal. So he wiped the tears off his face and looked up at Mitch, “Okay, I’ll stay.” “By staying, you agree to do whatever I say. You understand that right?” said Mitch. Brandon rolled his eyes and nodded. Mitch stepped closer to the sofa so he was standing directly over the slim twink. “Then say it. Tell me you agree to do whatever I say,” demanded Mitch. “Fine, I’ll do what you say,” sighed Brandon. Mitch’s hand was lightning fast as he slapped the boy across the face. “Not good enough. Repeat after me, ‘I will stay with you and I will do whatever you say, SIR’” ordered Mitch, saying the words slowly and emphasizing the sir. Brandon grabbed his cheek and fought the urge to start crying again. “Okay fine. I will stay with you and I will do whatever you say, sir,” said Brandon, but even despite his stinging cheek, he reflexively rolled his pretty blue eyes. “Good enough for now. I’ll deal with that attitude of yours tomorrow. Now stay on the couch. If you get up, you’ll get a beating,” said Mitch before turning and walking out of the room and into the bathroom. He returned a moment later with an oblong pink pill and a glass of water. Brandon had at least obeyed this order without any backtalk or attitude. Mitch held the pill and the glass of water out to the boy. “Here, swallow this pill,” he ordered. “What is it?” asked Brandon. “It doesn’t matter what it is. From now on you will swallow any pill I want you to; you will drink anything I tell you to; and you will smoke anything I order you to. What part of ‘you will do everything I say’ are you having trouble with?” asked Mitch. Brandon reach out slowly and took the pill and the glass of water. He put the pill in his mouth and drank a small amount of water. He trapped the pill under his tongue as he swallowed the water, then handed the glass back. Mitch took the glass and set it down on the coffee table. He started to turn, as if he was going to walk away, then quickly sprang on the surprised boy. He landed on top of Brandon, sitting on the boy’s slim waist and pinning him on the sofa. Mitch yanked the boy’s blonde hair, pulling his head back. He grabbed the boy’s jaw with his other hand and forced his mouth open. “DON’T EVER THINK YOU CAN FOOL ME BOY,” he screamed into the boy’s face. He then spit into the boy’s mouth. “Swallow that fucking pill NOW.” Brandon was too terrified to do anything but obey. He swallowed he pill. Once Mitch was satisfied that the pill was down and not coming back up, he got up and left the room. Brandon was too emotionally spent to do anything but curl up into a ball on the sofa and cry until the Ambien kicked in and sent him into a deep sleep. *** Please feel free to leave feedback below or you can also PM me your comments and suggestions. Sex and drugs will be coming soon, I promise. Thank you for reading.
    2 points
  12. I first got fucked as a young teenager and shortly after started getting used by groups of guys. It was exciting to count at first so i know i hit 1000 when i was 19. After that though? Lost count a long time ago but have been a whore everywhere. Was monogamous for about 25 years but the last about 10 years have been back to full whore mode and i will drop my pants for just about anyone with a hard cock.
    2 points
  13. Took first load in 1965 but didn't really become a cum dump until 1974 when I discovered bathhouses in New Orleans. I visited my first bathhouse on my 18th birthday, Club Baths. I spent most weekends at the bathhouses in New Orleans, Club Baths, Camp Baths, Midtown Spa and, Canal Baths. There were others during that period but I don't recall their names. Gay bars had back rooms then and, the drinking age was 18. During the '80s bathhouses began to close leaving only two, Club Baths and Midtown Spa. The '90s introduced computers and BBS, then the internet. AOL and gay.com was very active for hookups. I estimate I reached my 1000th load around the end of the 20th century.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. It's actually somewhat funny: for as much as I love bottoming, I've been doing a hell of a lot of topping lately. Today I helped out with family in the afternoon and visited a friend in hospital around 9 p.m., and decided to drop by the ABS on the way home. Sucked an older gentleman for less than sixty seconds before he nutted in my throat, then a hot, tight-bodied hispanic lad who couldn't have been more than 22-25 asked me to go into a private room with him. I sucked him for a bit, and then he asked me to fuck him. He pulled out a condom and kept talking about how much he was looking forward to getting fucked, as it doesn't happen very often. I lubed up and got in, and switched between grinding and long-dicking him. I started whispering about how much I wanted to be inside him bare -- "I want to breed you, I want to make you my bitch. You're going to be my cumdump whore, aren't you? You want my load." The more I fucked him, the less he objected, and he finally said "take the condom off, but don't come in my ass." I told him if I took it off, I was going to come in his ass, and he was going to say thank you. He gave me a deer in the headlights look and told me to take the condom off. I asked him if he was sure, and he said yes. He was moaning as soon as he felt my cock inside him: I don't know if he was telling the truth -- 'tho I'm pretty sure he was -- but he said I was the first raw cock he'd ever taken, and within a minute of me going inside, the blew his load. I caught it in my hand, slicked up my dick, and slid back in. He kept saying that he wasn't ready to be fucked so soon after coming, but every time I backed away, he pushed himself onto my cock. And yes, after I bred him, he said thank you.
    2 points
  16. NUDE BEACH (Part 3)— On the way back to my driftwood fort, I couldn’t help but notice that a lot more men had arrived, and all the driftwood forts were occupied. All the other men had staked out their territory by spreading out beach towels or bed sheets, and anchoring them with pieces of driftwood or with their tennis shoes and other items. Although I’ve never been mistaken for a bodybuilder, I do go to the gym 4 days a week, and I do get my share of looks. That’s part of the fun of going to the beach. As soon as I got back to my fort, I chugged down another bottle of water, then took a leak into an empty 3 liter plastic water bottle that I had brought along for that very reason. I had read somewhere that about 50% of your T ends up as chem piss, so it’s a good idea not to waste it. Speaking of T, I got out my pipe to take a few hits, all the time watching the men who were watching me. But, this time, I decided to get a really good rush, using an old trick that I’d used many times before. I carefully heated the crack back that coated most of the inside of my pipe, dissolving it back into a puddle in the bottom of my pipe. Rolling the bowl back and forth and carefully applying the flame from my lighter, then moving it away, the clouds started swirling really hard, and I slowly sucked on the pipe until my lungs were completely full. I already had a condom unrolled and ready. Using my thumb and forefinger to hold the condom pressed against my mouth, I quickly exhaled, blowing the clouds into the condom. Then I sucked the clouds out of the condom, again, doing it repeatedly until I had taken about 20 hits, altogether. I was feeling it but I wanted to get really spun, so I repeated the entire process 2 more times. Now, the T whore in me was ready to come out. I put my supplies away, removed my butt plug, and shot some lube into my hole. Then, I just waited to see what would happen. And, I didn’t have to wait long. A man of about 50 appeared at the doorway to my fort. He was an average looking guy, a little overweight. However, he was wearing a chrome cock ring that kept his big dick hanging down heavy as he shifted his weight back and forth from one foot to the other. He told me that I should join him and his friends. He indicated where they were, pointing to a spot that wasn’t more than 15 yards from my doorway, straight out toward the water. I thought, why not ? With a little luck, maybe I would get fucked. He introduced me to each of his 5 20-something friends, and I immediately forgot their names. He told a couple of them to move over to make room for me. I laid down on my stomach, and, to my surprise, he laid down on top of me. Since I didn’t object, he started moving his hips up and back, and I could feel his dick growing. I spread my legs a little farther apart. Wearing a big grin, he said to me, “My friends and I have been watching you smoking and getting fucked up on Tina. Is that right ? Are you fucked up on Tina ?” I nodded my head, yes. “I told my friends that it wouldn’t be very long before you would be begging me to fuck you. Is that right ? Do you want me to fuck you ?” Again, I nodded my head, yes. “Is your hole tweaking, yet ? Is it begging to be fucked by a big Latino dick ?” Before I could respond, I felt the head of his uncut cock pushing out of his foreskin and pressing against my hole. “How does my cock feel against your tweaking hole ? Is it hungry for cock ? Do you need to be fucked ?” I said, “Yes !” He said, “I don’t think my friends heard you. Say it loud enough for all of them to hear. Say, fuck me, and say it loud enough so that all of my friends can hear it. This time, I said, “FUCK ME !” a lot louder, and, at the same time, I bucked my hips against his hard cock. He responded immediately by grabbing my shoulders with both of his hands and shoving his cock about half way into me, making me gasp, first in pain, then in pleasure at the size of his cock stretching my hungry hole. He said something to one of his friends that I didn’t hear. Then, I saw that one of them was holding a syringe, like you would use to administer a booty bump. He pulled his cock out of my hole, and his friend pushed in the syringe as far as it would go, and he very quickly depressed the plunger, emptying it’s contents into my hole, immediately followed by his cock that had just been about half way inside of me. I could feel a very sharp burning sensation as he used his big cock to push the booty bump farther and farther into me. As the burning started to subside, I felt a good rush throughout my lungs and up into my brain. It was, by far, the strongest booty bump I had ever taken, and I was feeling more and more spun from it. “How does that feel, now ?” he asked me. “Are you tweaking, yet ?” I felt a little shaky, I said, “I think so. That was really strong.” He had 2 of his friends pull me up onto my knees, his cock still buried in my hole, and one of the men handed me a bottle of water which I downed in less than a minute. “Another ?” he asked me. I nodded my head, yes, and gladly took the second bottle of water. He must have thought all was well because he pushed me back down onto the beach towel and started fucking me hard and deep. Again, it was a mixture of pain and pleasure, but mostly intense pleasure, until his body started jerking as he groaned loudly and pumped his load deep inside my hole. After he pulled his cock out of me, he told me to roll over and lie on my back. Then, he had 2 of his boys hold my knees back to my chest while one guy held a bottle of poppers under my nose, and each of the others took turns fucking me and dumping their loads in me. Now, there was no doubt that I was tweaking, but I was able to make my way back up to my fort, thankful to see that nothing had been stolen. I drank a lot more water and took a prescription tranquilizer, which slowed my heart from slamming to just beating wildly. Then, I packed up my things and hiked back up the steep trail, to the parking lot. I really would have liked to have worn my butt plug to keep those 7 loads of cum inside me, but my hole was a little too sore for that. So, I had to settle for folding a beach towel into quarters and placing it on the drivers seat to catch any of the loads of cum that would likely be seeping out of my well fucked hole. When I woke up the next day, I had a sore hole, but, all together, it had been a pretty good, though wild, adventure. I got fucked by a large cock. Then, I got to suck off another large cock. Then, I hooked up with the “gang of six” where I got really fucked up and fucked by 5 average size cocks and 1 huge cock. Would I go back to the Nude Beach again ? Sure, but maybe I’d wait a few weeks.
    2 points
  17. Remembering the first time I "felt" a condom break inside me while being fucked, I did but it was really a slight difference. It was smoother and felt better. I didn't know what happened but the great fuck was turning into a wonderful one. My bf doing the fucking stopped in a minute to look and replaced it with another :(. Thinking back to being stealth by a few guys again it was a subtle difference, but if the bottom is paying attention to the dick he's getting up his ass he'll know, but it isn't a remarkable change. When the tops cumming i could tell I was getting wet, but not having bb for years I didn't know just what it was. After the top left quickly I soon realized. I got stealth a few times, and the last time I knew about 3 minutes before the top came. It felt great and knowing he tried to pull it off made it even more exciting. I didn't say anything until after he cleaned up and I asked, then suddenly he slowed down getting dressed (maybe realizing I didn't freak out) and we talked a little. We talked awhile, he got a little defensive but I wasn't arguing with him. As he relaxed and talked more about what he lies fucking a guy and telling him how I liked it he got hard and horny. Soon he was fucking me again with his defenses down and his hard dick up my ass. He et go of his inhibitions and really getting into it. It was beginning to hurt, I think he was enjoying my discomfort how he fucked me, and soon I had two massive loads from his long hairy dick inside.
    2 points
  18. I had chatted with a flight attendant based out of Dallas on another chat site. He indicated that he would be in Orlando, and wanted to play, to which I totally agreed. He's 40 y/o, 5-10, 180# and vers. In looking at his profile he seemed to be more of a bottom, so I suggested that he post a party ad so his ass would be happy also. He agreed, and 13, including myself were invited. He planned the party for 8 pm but asked me to come over early as he anted me solo. I was shocked, as there usually isn't much interested in older bearish bottoms like me, from guys like him. When I arrived, he was having problems doing a group notification to those invited. took a look at the ap, and couldn't figure it out either. We both became frustrated and he said, "Fuck it, lets get naked." He was already down to his jock when I arrived. Nice looking guy with a pierced navel. Now I've never known a top to have a pierced navel, so I was thinking my hunch was right that he was more bottom. Come to find out, he wasn't! We stripped, got on the bed, and started rubbing our bodies and cocks together. Happy to find out that he was a grower. Although his cock looked nice in pictures, it wasn't much to look at when he first took jock off. It wasn't long before he had me on my stomach, eating my hole out. He started spitting on my hole, and knew what was to come. I've been told my ass is pretty tight, and spit alone usually doesn't work too well. This time I took his rock hard 7 with ease. After he dropped his first load in me, I of course sucked his cock clean, and we started grinding and sucking on each other. He abruptly got up and went to the bathroom area, and returned with a HUGE black plug/dildo and a glass of something somewhat milky looking. I immediately asked what that was, and he said J Lube. I had no idea what that was, and didn't want to seem unfamiliar with it. Come to find out later, its a lube that vets use on animals. Its kind of slimy, and used for activities like fisting. I asked to take a pic of the plug, and he agreed. I was unable to add it here, but I will try to crop and add to member gallery later. I told him I have never taken anything that big, and he said, "Oh you will." To be quite honest, I was a bit afraid. He assured me that if he could take it so could I. He slathered it up with the J Lube, and told me to fuck him with it. Amazingly, it went in him pretty easily. After a few minutes he said it was my turn, and that he would take it slow on me, so I agreed. He got about half of it up me took it out and started to fuck me. He didn't cum though. After about 10 minutes, the toy went right back in. This time, I took about 2/3 of it. Once again, he pulled it out, and stuck his cock in me. After pumping briefly, he pulled out again, but this time, it wasn't the toy, it was something different. I have always wanted to try taking a fist and well as of last night, I can say that I have! As I was moaning in pleasure, I reached around, and found that he already had his hand up my ass to mid palm. He asked if I was ok and I told him, I wanted it to his wrist, to which he obliged. My ass was sore, but it was a good sore. He later grabbed my hand, and pulled it down to my ass, where I discovered he was wrist deep in me! After that, out came the plug again, this time I took the entire massive head of it, but it got even better! As he had me on my stomach with the plug in, he reached down to my foot and took 1 of my socks off. I found this a bit strange, but didn't question it. He pulled the plug out, rolled me on my back and slathered my foot with J lube. He then got up on his knees, and slid his ass down on my foot. I wish he was facing me to see the load that I shot, and hit my face with. He didn't ride my foot long, but got off and licked the cum from my body and face, swapping it with me. We again ground our bodies together, and I felt him getting rock hard again. He told me he wanted to drop his final load down my throat while face fucking me. He came relatively quickly, but powerfully and plentiful, especially considering it was his third load in about 3 hours. After taking his load, I told him it was feeding time for him, and opened his mouth and spitting his seed in his mouth. After that we just cuddled some in bed, chatting a bit, nothing sexual. As I had to be in work at 6am, and still had an hour drive, I got dressed and headed home. Even though he was quite the pig in bed he was a gentleman and sent a text asking if I was home safely. We agreed to meet next time he was in Orlando, and add some WS play to our adventures. Thank you Erik for an awesome time, and for what is to cum!
    2 points
  19. Until about 18 months ago I was not into pissing at all but a few experiences over that time really opened my eyes. I am not into drinking or being pissed on but I love watching other blokes pissing and I am really turned on by making blokes piss themselves. It is such a turn-on to control a bloke’s bladder so he just helplessly pisses himself – especially in public. His humiliation, embarrassment and vulnerability are such a turn-on and always make my cock hard. About a year ago I met this sexy chef at a friend’s wedding – he was really sexy and blond and thin and from what I could tell underneath his kitchen white uniform, he had a nice body. His tight uniform trousers showed he had a nice ass and was wearing tight white briefs. Always a good thing. He kept coming out to the party to check on the buffet and we made eye contact. About 15 minutes after that, we were in the alley behind the hotel and I was barebacking his hot ass as we stood up behind the rubbish skip. We only had a few minutes so I pushed him up against the skip and lowered his uniform trousers to just the top of his thighs – and I saw his amazing ass wrapped up in a pair of tight, white cotton briefs and I went mad. I wanted him to leave tose on so I quickly worked my fingernail into the cotton fabric around where his asshole was and tore open a hole to get my cock through to fuck him. “Hey, wait…” he said, realising I was ripping up his underwear. “Shut up. Get ready.” I pushed my hard, un-lubricated cock up inside his and started fucking him hard. I pulled him back against me, holding his arms back behind his back so he couldn’t touch his cock or take off those sexy briefs. After pounding his ass for about 5 minutes I gripped his hips hard and started pulling his ass towards me so I could get all 9 inches of my cock inside of him. His arms went limp behind him as he just gave in to my cock that was destroting his ass and I knew I was giving his prostate a real pounding. Looking back I realise I was also pounding his bladder and after a few minutes he whispered back to me “Hey, wait a minute, okay? Just wait because I gotta….” I hate it when blokes tell me how to fuck so I gave his ass a few hard thrusts and within seconds I could hear liquid splashing onto the pavement below. I looked at his crotch and saw that he had strted pissing himself as I was fucking him. It was so fucking sexy to see him so helpless as he pissed his briefs and trousers and it made me feel so good that my big cock was making him piss himself. His warm urine coursed down his legs, soaking his white trousers and filling up his socks and trainers and he had pissed so much that his drenched crotch was almost completely transparent and I could see his small, soft cock shooting out his dark yellow piss. He didn’t try to get away from my hold on his arms and almost seemed resigned to pissing himself and just getting it over with. I was so turned on from making him him piss himself; I gave his ass a few hard thrusts, trying to punch his bladder with my cock so he would piss even more. He never stopped pissing and I could see he was completely soaked as I gave in - and then shot my load into his ass. He seemed to go limp and didn’t say anything as I pulled out of his tight ass and pulled up his soaking wet briefs and trousers. I didn’t know if he had planned on cumming himself (and I didn’t really care) so I zipped him up and stepped back to check if he had pissed on me at all – and amazingly he had not. I put my cock back in my trousers and patted his shoulder. “Thanks, that was hot. I gotta get back to the wedding.” And I left his there, standing in a pool of urine. I didn’t see him for the rest of the wedding or ever again but it was one of the hottest experiences I have had. Just watching him helplessly piss himself in a semi-public place still gets me hard and I want this experience to happen again. Has anyone else been in a situation like this, or even dreamed about it? Either being the bloke who has pissed himself or the bloke who made another bloke piss himself? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences! TONY
    1 point
  20. I was always going to be a slut. My mum was a prostitute, and doesn't know who my Dad was (he was a client, she was 19). She then married another fairly wealthy client (the man I call "Dad"), who encouraged her to keep working, and introduced her to swinging and cuckolding. She runs a bareback porn website, and is constantly fucking other men (and women). Dad is into the cuckold wifesharing thing, obviously, but is also bisexual and gets around the baths quite a bit. I happen to know that he's versatile. They were always reasonably open about their sexuality with me, so I grew up being pretty comfortable with sex. When I was young, we moved to Germany. Dad's business had an opportunity to expand into Europe, and so we ended up in Hamburg. I think they were partly keen on it because of the more open attitude to sex, and particularly bareback sex. Mum started working in an "alles ohne" sex club as well, and they started running bareback swinger parties. Of course, while they were open with me about what they were doing, they were careful to let me choose how to run my life, and always told me that I had complete control over my body. But I was curious, and horny (my genetics probably explain that). And they certainly encouraged that! Every week, sometimes twice, mum would take me to a naturist health spa - completely non-sexual places, but where everyone was naked. We loved it, so relaxing. But it was also a great way to get me comfortable with nudity, and to feed my natural curiosity about penises. I'd sneak peeks at the men, and ask mum about them later. She'd tell me which ones she had fucked (she used to go more often during the week, and occasionally pick up men), though that was usually obvious from how they'd talk and flirt, and from the subtle stirrings in the men's cocks. As I started developing breasts and pubic hair, I'd occasionally have bouts of self-consciousness, and would stop going. But of course, my curiosity would return. As I became more womanly, I started to notice men paying attention to me, while trying to pretend that they weren't. I enjoyed the rush when I realised a guy was looking at my breasts. Of course, mum and I shared this, and we'd tease each other about who was checking who out. Sometimes I'd go on my own or with a girlfriend, and enjoy the different dynamic when I wasn't obviously being "supervised". Mum also took me to get a prescription for the pill, and ensured I was carrying condoms with me (she never used them unless a guy insisted, but didn't like to turn down opportunities for sex, so always had some with her), just in case I couldn't wait for the pill to take effect. I wasn't ready for sex yet, but she told me that the urge can come on pretty quickly, and it would be better if I was prepared, so I wouldn't have to risk pregnancy, or say no when I wanted to say yes (she was mostly worried about the latter). She also bought me a dildo and a vibrator to experiment with. I got pretty proficient at masturbating myself. She even took me shopping for nice underwear, so I'd want to show it off, and told me to always wear something I'd like to be seen in. At the same time, boys at school were becoming interested - we were in our early teens, and hormones were raging. I'd flirt with guys, and they'd flirt back, but most of them weren't ready to make any moves. I asked mum what to do to encourage them, as I hadn't even kissed a guy at this stage. She gave me a few suggestions, mostly about getting into situations where I was alone with a guy, and being a bit touchy with him, lingering eye contact, that sort of thing. Mum started making sure that I had plenty of opportunity to be alone with the guys, by conspicuously going out for the evening when I brought them home, and so on. It worked pretty quickly, and soon I was regularly making out with three male friends. The best advice mum gave me was to start each time where I left off last time. Guys tend to expect that anyway, but if you start with "now where were we?", you can skip the caution and, and of course, each time, they go a bit further. And, because the guys knew each other, and talked about it, they exchanged tips, and competed to see how far they could get with me. Of course, I'd share this with mum, and we'd giggle together like excited schoolgirls (not surprising, because that's what I was). She'd egg me on, suggest ideas, check I was taking the pill regularly, and occasionally tease me for holding back - of course, by now, she'd have fucked them multiple times over and be looking for more. I loved it, becuase it made me bolder. She also suggested that if I get the chance, I should warm myself up by masturbating before they arrived, get myself really horny, and of course, follow up when they left by getting myself off while fantasising about what else I could do with them. It didn't take long. One night I was kissing Jonas, and he'd feel my boobs over my shirt. Two days later, I'd be with Timo, and he'd get a handful of boobs and arse through my jeans. Mum suggest I wear a skirt next time, and the next day, Tobias was slipping his hand inside my panties to feel my butt cheeks. Back with Jonas the following weeks, wearing jeans, and he told me he was hoping I would wear a skirt, so I took my jeans off with him instead. Timo's hands were on my bra up inside my shirt a few days later. Mum had the idea to wear a one-piece playsuit with Jonas, who took the hint and suggested I remove it. I reciprocated and took his top off. The dry-humping was getting me very wet, and I told mum the next day that I didn't think I would be a virgin for long, but I didn't know which guy I wanted to take my virginity. It didn't take long after that - Timo got my bra off, and I was in panties with him in just briefs. I got Jonas' briefs off and felt my first penis, licking the tip a bit. I gave Tobias a full blowjob (I didn't swallow, but did taste the cum). I told Tobias that I thought next time, we'd fuck for sure. With Jonas the next day, I did the same, but got completely naked and let him touch my clit. With Timo, same again, but he followed up by going down on me, which was amazing. He got hard again, and I straddled him, grinding my bare pussy on his cock until he came again. The following day was Friday, and i had Tobias over. The anticipation was killing me - I knew I was about to fuck for the first time, and was dripping wet the whole day. So much so, I could barely hold myself back as I masturbated while waiting for him to arrive. When he rang the doorbell, I was naked in bed, so threw on a dress and ran to let him in. As soon as we entered my bedroom, I pulled off my dress, and started clawing at his clothes, as we kissed like maniacs. I think he was naked in maybe ten seconds, and I immediately straddled him on the bed and started grinding. He was hard from the start, and said he was going to cum if I didn't stop soon. I lifted up a bit, took his cock in my hand, and guided it towards my hole. He asked if we should wear a condom, and I told him I was on the pill, so it was fine. Inch by inch, he entered me, and I enjoyed every step. It didn't hurt, probably becuase of the dildo practice. It didn't last long - maybe 30 seconds later, I felt his cum filling me. We fucked four more times in the next hour, and a few more before he left that evening. The next day, I was a bit sore, but happily so. Of course, I told Mum, and she took me to the sauna for a celebration, and then out for a nice lunch. In the afternoon, I had arranged to meet Jonas, and fucked him in the same manner. His cock was a bit smaller than Tobias's, and he was more gentle, and lasted a bit longer. He was supposed to leave at about six pm, because I was expecting Timo at seven. But we got carried away fucking, and Timo was early, so I ended up walking Jonas to the door while wrapped in a gown and wet in sweat and with my pussy dripping in cum, and letting Timo in at the same time. That was a little awkward at first, and I told Timo I wanted to shower and then we'd fuck, but he said he was far too horny to wait, and convinced me to fuck him anyway. His cock was noticeably thicker than either Tobias or Jonas. He came in seconds, his jizz mixing with Jonas's, and this set me off for my first orgasm from actual sex. We fucked into the evening. I sent him home about ten, had a bath, and then made myself a warm mug of cocoa as I waited for Mum to come home so I could tell her everything. Mum arrived back, obviously from a sex party herself. We exchanged stories, and giggled until the early hours of the morning. We worked out that in the last 24 hours, I'd had dick in me for about 8 hours, from my first three guys. She was jealous until I made her tell me about her evening - six guys, all taking turns with her and another woman, together. That sounded exciting, but also too much for me. She said that if I keep going how I'm going, it won't be long and I'll be wanting more and more, and would probably out-do her in the slut field - she hadn't really started until she was older, and didn't get really slutty until she met my dad a few years after she had me. Before heading to bed (to masturbate gently, of course), we talked about how I could arrange a threesome or foursome with the guys, or whether there were any other guys I wanted to try to seduce. This gave me lots of material to masturbate to, and by Sunday morning, my pussy was so sore, I could barely touch myself. Seems inevitable now, but that's how my sluthood started.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. In my relationships I tend to TOP, when I'm being slutty with fuck pals I tend to bottom. When bottoming, I too go for older/hung tops, but prefer to breed men my age or younger. A clean hole is preferred (accidents happen), but I enjoy rimming before, during and then felching after I breed when it's clean. I prefer a hole that is smooth and moderately tight but am also fine if it's loose and filled with cum so that I can add sloppy seconds/thirds/fourths. I enjoy controlling the poppers for my bottom and don't use them much when topping as they tend to make me crave cock/cum :-). I'm happy to share bottoms too -- tag team or double penetrate can be hot with the right men. I always want to cum inside the bottom! Not down his throat or across his back, but as deeply as possible in his ass cunt and I want him to keep it inside him until its absorbed if possible.
    1 point
  23. And I thought I was the only one with this fixation. Thanks I feel normal again.
    1 point
  24. The more you get, the more you want, the more you want and get the more you need to get. Your body si adapting into a sex hungry machine. Happens to us all. Embrace the male journey into the breeding stock we are meant to be in Nature.
    1 point
  25. Berlin: 21-25! Please poz my neg ass!
    1 point
  26. FT. LAUDERDALE - A guy I've bred multiple times before (usually at a bathhouse) posted an ad saying he wanted to take loads at a hotel. He picked the sleazy Days Inn that I always whore my bottom cumdumps out at. So I went to nut in him, apparently I was load # 3. He's got a big ass which normally isn't my thing, but his cumdump attitude is what I like. There was a young top there that fucked my load deeper into the slut after me. He was a cutie.... but I knew what I was there for... to breed the slut, so that's what I did.
    1 point
  27. Never had incest, but in a small rural town, I did have the Postmaster who would ask sexually leading questions of me every time I went in for the mail ( I bet you have a big pepperoni , etc) .This was the early 70's, when I was a teenager, and before anyone spoke of sexual predators-offenders; yet I know half the town had to know about him. Finally one day I relented and showed him my cock, behind the door to the back of the mailbox area. Eventually, he was picking me up off a back road and taking me to his place mid afternoon, at the time he was prob 58 or so- he couldn't get hard, always had a shot of brandy, and smoked a cigar, while jacking his soft dick and putting a cigar tube in my ass as a dildo. I guess, maybe, that is why i have been jaded to old men and limp cock, and do not have any sort of a smoke fetish. Anyway- I am sure I was gay even as a 5 year old, nothing he said or did made the least bit of difference to me in my sexuality, tho, it may have filtered who and what I found sexual
    1 point
  28. NUDE BEACH — About an hour south of San Francisco, you’ll find San Gregorio State beach, which is open to the public. Next to it is the San Gregorio nude beach, located on private land. When the big gate is open, you can drive in and pay a small fee to park your car. Then, you hike down a steep trail to the beach. If you turn left, that’s where the straights tend to congregate. If you turn right, you’ll soon discover that you’ve found the gay beach. It’s a very long wide expanse of sand. Especially on the weekends, it’s very popular, with a fare amount of fucking and sucking going on. Near this end of the nude beach, tons of driftwood gets washed up onto the shore, and the gay men gather it up to build driftwood forts to mark their territory. First, I should say that I’m one of those guys who’s into size, whether it’s sucking a cock or getting fucked by one. Plus, if I’m going to play, I want to party, too. On this particular day, I wanted to get fucked, so I lubed my hole then pushed a good size butt plug into place. I built my driftwood fort with the entryway facing the ocean, making it easy for any men who were walking by to see inside. I spread out a plain white bed sheet as the floor of my fort so I could keep the sand off me. With that work out of the way, I pulled out my glass pipe and my lighter and started blowing clouds. The walls of my fort were low enough that it was easy for me to check out my neighbors, nearby, and for them to see me. To my right, there were two men with gym bodies who appeared to be late twenties or early thirties. To my left, there was an older middle aged man, in decent shape, with very short salt and pepper hair. He stroked his cock while he watched me hit the pipe. I guessed that his cock must have been about 8 inches, and very thick, hanging down hard. He smiled and nodded his head. I did the same. I wanted that cock fucking me. After 5 or 6 hits, I put the pipe away, and I pulled the butt plug out of my hole. Then, I got on my knees in the entryway of my driftwood fort, and I waited. In less than a minute, I turned my head to see my neighbor looking my way as he started to walk by. Then, he stopped and watched me, continuously stroking his thick hard cock. Now I knew that he was definitely interested, Still on my knees, I bent over, head down, ass up, poppers at the ready. Almost immediately, I felt his big, rubbery helmet head sliding up and down on my hole. I quickly uncapped the poppers and took several big hits before he forced his way into me, making me let out a short, audible gasp. I could feel my heart slamming from the poppers. As soon as I relaxed my hole, he pushed his cock farther in, then he pulled back a little way. I took several more hits of poppers just before he shoved his beefy thick cock all the way in, and held it there. When I happened to turn my head a little to one side, I noticed a few men standing very near my fort, jacking their cocks and watching me getting fucked. I really get off on being watched, so this really amped up the thrill of having a big cock in my hole. Now, he was alternately giving my hungry hole a good pounding, then slowing down to take long, strokes, making me moan like a porn star. Before long, he started breathing hard and fast, and I knew he was ready to shoot. Sure enough, his whole body started jerking, and he rammed his cock into me, again and again, with every spasm, splattering his load deep inside my hole. When his balls were completely drained, he slowly pulled his cock back, shuddering as he felt my hole gripping his still pulsating helmet head. As soon as he left, the small group of men who had been watching us fuck, broke up and walked away. I lubed up my hole a little more, before pushing my butt plug back into place. Whew. Time for a break, after that good, intense fucking. I applied the flame to my glass pipe, and took a couple good long hits. Then, I chugged down a bottle of water, grabbed my small zippered bag, and headed out for a walk down the beach to see if there were any other good prospects. The zippered bag is just big enough to hold my keys, my wallet, and whatever party supplies I might have brought along. So, of course, I carried that with me.
    1 point
  29. http://barenekkid.tumblr.com
    1 point
  30. That's it. Spread wide open and backed my partied sloppy ass up to the gh to receive the next one
    1 point
  31. Damn I'd like to follow you around and have you whore me out when in vegas
    1 point
  32. Part 3: Unexpected visitor It's been a couple of days since Josh and Adrian popped my cherry and I've been having wet dreams of that night - I'd wake up into a puddle of cum in my bed (I sleep naked hehe) after dreaming of how josh and Adrian fucked my ass that night. Ever since then I've been trying to get my hands on some cock but to no avail - I created several craigslist ads but the guys there were flakes and no one seemed to pay attention to me in Grindr as well... Anyway it was a Saturday morning and my father and I were having breakfast when he told me Uncle Benjamin will be staying with us for a couple of days, uncle Benjamin has been having some problems with his wife and they've decided it's best for uncle Benjamin to stay with me and my dad for a while. Dad asked me if i was okay with sharing my room with uncle Benjamin since our spare room is pretty much unfurnished and I guess, dad wanted the master bedroom to himself (Mom works for an international NGO and is pretty much out of the country most of the time); it was as if I had a choice, so I said yes. But now that I'd have to share my bed with uncle Benjamin, I'd have to sleep with my clothes on, I just hope those wet dreams would stop for now - it would be very awkward if uncle Benjamin and I woke up covered in my cum. Haha. Just as dad and I were preparing the dinner table, we heard a car pull over our drive way and after a few minutes we heard a knock on our door. I opened the door and it was uncle Benjamin with a backpack and small suitcase - I must have forgotten how good looking he was, it's been at least a year since I last saw him, he is 44 years old, around 5'11 and has a fit body - not too fit but in good shape, he has salt and pepper hair and amazing blue eyes the seems to pierce right through me, amazing teeth and a well trimmed beard that high lights his well defined jawline. I could see his pecs slightly through his shirt, I couldn't remember uncle Benjamin looking this good. "Hey Jake!, what's up buddy?", he said as he pulled me into a hug. "I'm fine uncle benj, have you been working out?, you look great" I replied. "Oh, glad you noticed haha, I've had more free time lately so I've been able to jog more and hit the gym a few more times a week, anyway where's Alfred?"... "oh dad's in the kitchen preparing dinner, come on in uncle" As we had dinner dad and uncle benjamin talked about their good old days and how goofy they were when they were kids - we had a few good laughs but I really couldn't concentrate on my food or their jokes that much as uncle benj was seated right across me and damn did he really look good. I was having a hard on the entire time. After dinner, I guided uncle benj into my room, he apologized for the inconvenience and I said "oh, nothing to worry bout uncle Benj, dad and I are glad to finally have some company" and deep in my mind I was like... fuck! I'll sure be having hard ons as we sleep together. Dad and uncle benj had a few beers after dinner while watching a movie. I was already in my room, my eyes glued on my phone, when I heard a knock. It was uncle Benjamin, and he might have had a couple of beers, his face was already red but he didn't seem drunk. He took a quick shower and he got out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, and god! His body was amazing! He had well defined pecs and an amazing 4 pack. He had a smooth chest and he looked just really good! He must have noticed me watching him so I looked back on to my phone as uncle benj wore his boxers. "I hope you don't mind me sleeping like this Jake?" I looked up and it was uncle bench with only his boxers on. I said "sure no prob uncle benj, i usually sleep with less clothes as well and the A/C's hasn't been working as well, so go on right ahead, and make your self comfortable" As uncle Benjamin scooted into my bed, I removed my t-shirt to make myself more comfortable, and I noticed uncle benjamin look at me while I was removing my shirt, he then said "nice body you got their bud, you've really grown up" then I just said "oh, you're not the only one who's been trying to get fit uncle" then we had a good laugh. Uncle benj doze off to sleep almost immediately - must have been the beer. After a few more minutes, I went to sleep as well - turning off then lights and scooting over to bed beside uncle Benjamin. I woke in the middle of the night, must have been 2 or 3 am, uncle Benjamin was fast asleep hugging me, and to my surprise, I could feel his hard cock right up against thin pajamas. I was really surprised but oh this is getting me horny. His hard cock, I could feel his hard cock twitch every now and then as he his hands were wrapped around me, what do I do?
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  33. After leaving the Fickstutenmarkt, I was hungry and grabbed something to eat. Course my ass was hungry too and I wanted more dick and loads up it. I decided to try Mutschmanns. I never been there and knew they had a dark room, which is my favorite place to have sex. I love the semi anonymous feel of dark rooms and the fact that most guys are there to have sex. Got there about 12:30am and surprisingly, the place was dead. As they didn't charge me a cover, I got a beer and decided to at least check out the dark room since I was there. Maybe ten people...an older leather guy in a sling getting fucked with a beer bottle by another guy, One guy passed out on the bed, and another guy on his knees sucking two guys off. Nothing look too promising. However after walking around a bit I did notice this 30 something, scruffy, tatted up guy who sparked my interest. I watched where he went and when he entered one of the cubbies I jumped into the one next to his. I got down on my knees as he thrust his average 6.5 cock through the Gloryhole. Then I noticed the shine of a Prince Albert at the end of his cock. Score! I love getting fucked by Prince Alberts and I've never been fucked through a Gloryhole before so now I was excited to see where this was going to go. I took his dick in my mouth and got him hard and then turned around like I've seen in the porn movies to position my ass so I can get fucked by his Prince Albert through the Gloryhole. He thrust into my cum lubed ass and it felt so good to have that Prince Albert sliding against the sides. I moaned and he thrust harder. After about five minutes, I felt that sweet warm flood my hole and he began to soften. He pulled out and we both went our separate ways. Freshly loaded, I headed over to Bull where something always seems to be happening. Stripped to my jock and headed into the dark. I felt a hand feel my ass and leaned forward so they could access my hole. After the guy felt how lubed my hole was, The guy told me what a cumwhore I was and how I needed to get more loads. He started in German but switch to English when he saw that I didn't understand. Another guy started to feel my hole and was encouraged to use it. I got bent over with my head shoved between the verbal top's legs. The other guy started fucking me and soon a circle guys was around me. The verbal top in control of my head and body kept on spinning me around So that all the tops could use my hole. I think four or five more guys fucked me with a couple more loads but I had no idea who they were as my head was still stuck between legs. Had a few fucks after that but nothing compared to the glory hole and group scene. I left feeling very satisfied that my hole had been so well used.
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  35. Met up with a hot dom daddy that I'd played with a couple times before, though he'd never fucked me in the past. He was a little rougher than last time--harder swats on my ass, pulling on my hair, forcing his cock down my throat and really working my gag reflex. Kissed me harder and deeper too--love when a rough daddy still wants to suck face. After a while of all of that, he pushed me belly down on the bed and started teasing my hole with his cock. He did this before along with lubing up and fucking my thighs, though he never fucked my ass, but this time felt different. He really wanted in my ass, and he could tell I wanted it too. Soon, I heard the bottle of lube open up and knew what was coming. He slowly slid into me raw and said "I'm gonna fuck you good, boy." And boy did he. Daddy fucked me hard and tore my ass up. I rode him for a bit too before he got back on top of me and gave me one last good, hard (and verbal) pounding before he bred my ass deep. Man, I love getting fucked by daddies, especially the take charge ones. Feels extra hot to take the seed of a man that's 30 years my senior.
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  36. i pissed myself when i was in a sling. This guy had had me in it for over an hour, useing different size toys, and was trying to fist me. He started using this large dildo and i suddenly felt like i needed to piss as he pushed it in. i told him i needed to pee and thought he would let me out for a minute, but he just said really and pushed the dildo hard against my bladder and it just spurted out over me, it was the coolest feeling to have no control over my bladder. i do enjoy diaper play, and enjoy being made to wet diapers and wear baby clothes.
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  37. Use your lips, use your tongue, don't use your teeth too much, play with his ass, nipples, taint and balls. Swallow, swallow, swallow! And thank him after.
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  38. I feel the need - the need to breed!
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  39. 1994 I'd never really been a bar guy. I was into harder, grungier music than they played at these places, and I hated spending 2.50 for a single beer. None of it was appealing to me, but a few of my friends went all the time. My buddy Mack begged me to this place called "Eon" because he was going to meet some guy he'd met through a personal ad. He wanted me there for moral support because I guess all of hos other friends were busy I guess. So we went and my whole life was changed within a matter of hours. The place wasn't all that crowded (maybe because they charged a five buck cover charge), but we found a small table near the entrance so he could see his 'blind date' right away. Apparently they had told each other what the other would be wearing. The mystery guy guy walked in and he was pretty dang cute. Mack made his way right up to him and within seconds they headed over to the bar. Alone again. I didn't expect much different and decided to go get a drink myself. Ugh. Four bucks for a vodka tonic? Oh well. It's not like I did this very often. The drink was good and strong, and I craved another to dull the thudding in my head from all the mindless disco music blaring in my ears. I must be lacking that part of the gay chromosome that appreciates that shit. The drinks helped me mellow considerably and I made way over to the dance floor to see if I could spot Mack and his new boyfriend. Pf course they were grinding on each other under the spinning lights. I'd most likely be here for a while so I ordered another drink. Before I could reach for my wallet, the bartender told me it was paid for already. "By who?", I asked, confused. He put a finger to his lips and made a zipping motion. Okay. I glanced around to see if I could spot the kind stranger. The only guy who was looking right at me was some muscle-bound jock type with a super thick neck, blonde hair and the tightest t-shirt ever. Couldn't be him. He was out of my league. No guy like that had ever noticed me before and it was probably only because of the drinks that I considered it possible. I looked around for my friend again and didn't see him or his guy. I hope he didn't leave - he had given me a ride. "These drinks are so small", I thought as I drained another. Well maybe I'd get one more and call a cab. What the hell time was it? As I turned around to head back to the bar, I bumped right into the muscle guy. He smiled broadly and took the empty glass from my hand. "Come over here", he said loudly over the music "and let's do a shot". He found us two empty stools. My mind was a bit muddy as I followed him, and also a little aroused -- he looked like some dude that would be on the cover of "Men's Health" magazine. There were two tiny glasses of brown liquid (whiskey, probably) waiting. I sat next to this Adonis and drank the shot quickly. "You didn't even wait for a toast!" He seemed slightly offended. "Sorry". He ordered two more and I made sure to wait for a toast this time. He didn't make one -- just clinked my glass with his and downed it. I was officially drunk. I knew this because I wanted another. We had another round on me, and I finally spun around on the stool to look him in the face. This had to be a practical joke of some sort. "Do I know you?" He flashed that great smile again. "We met before, but it was a long time, but you probably don't remember". I drunkenly searched my brain files, but couldn't come up with any solid memory of this god. "I'm Jerome. We met once at a New Year's Eve party downtown." It seemed easier to just say "Oh yeah", and act like I remembered than admit the truth. "We kissed at midnight", he added. Wow. I must have been really out of it then. "Of course, I wasn't as pumped-up as I am now." A few more shots were downed and I gazed openly at his body. It was beautiful, perfect, but freakish. He had muscles and veins everywhere. "Like it?". he asked. "Yeah. How often do you work out?" "Four to five times a week. I also shoot up roids...but I don't admit that to just anybody," I was silent. "I strip at a few clubs in the area and might get a few modeling gigs, but I'm too scared to do porn." "I understand", I said trying to be cool, Suddenly the DJ started playing a Blondie song and I was filled with the urge to dance. I tried to get Jerome to the dance floor, but he held me back with his giant, lumpy arms. We just stood there and grinded away to "Heart of Glass". Everybody was watching us now. I felt his muscular pecs and ribbed stomach press into my back. Let them all watch. His crotch was working against my butt. I think felt a hard-on, but wasn't sure. It's a long song and he led me out of the place before it was over. Okay. I was going home with Zeus, and I wondered if I'd remembered to make my bed that morning. Didn't matter because we were at his place within minutes. It was a very neat apartment, but a little small. I guess I expected to see barbells and exercise shit everywhere, but it was all immaculate. Once in his bedroom, he ordered me to strip. I did and he got mad. "Don't just leave your fucking clothes on the floor, Idiot!". "Fold them up neatly and put them on the dresser. Fucking slob!" He was angry all the sudden. Out of nowhere. He gave me a hard punch in the stomach and I crumpled to the floor. Mistake mistake mistake. I tried to think of a way to exit when he apologized. "Sorry. I get angry sometimes -- for no reason. I really, truly apologize". He had a sad face that was on top of the most gorgeous body I'd ever seen. His dick was sort of small compared to the rest of his bulk, but that was somewhat of a relief because I have had no experience with being fucked, and wasn't really ready for a huge porn-sized dick. He was motioning me over to his perfectly made bed, but I had a sudden meed to go pee out the liquor I'd consumed. I found the bathroom to be as clean and perfect as the rest of his place except for a small mess of syringes on top of the toilet seat. One of them had some blood in it. Gross. Before I could even get a stream of piss out, he barged in with more anger on his face. Fuck. "You could have at least asked first to use my bathroom, asshole!" I froze. He grabbed one of the needles and a tiny bottle of something from his medicine cabinet, "One of those has blood in it," I cautioned. "Oh probably. I have to pick all the discarded ones I find at the gym. You can't just go to Walgreens and buy new ones, moron." I gave up on peeing and decided to leave any way I could. He slammed the door behind me and I took the opportunity to go get dressed. Before I even got my shirt on, Jerome stormed out and pushed me to the floor. "Why are you being such a little bitch??!!!" And then the fists came at me. A fury of pounding hit my ribs and cheeks and sides of my head. He was crazy and I was about to die. And then nothing. I guess I blacked-out. I woke up on the bed with the muscle man spreading my legs open. He was actually going to fuck me and I had no idea if he had a condom on. "Are you safe?" I asked with a child's voice. "No. Nothing about this is safe. I've got so much bad shit in my dick that not even a Trojan could hold it back. You're stupid as fuck, but I'm about to make you smarter". He put his modest little hard-on inside of me and pumped away. He kept saying things like "Asshole", "Virgin Bitch", "Motherfucker". And then he was still. I'd been fucked for the first time and it really didn't even hurt that much. I guess I was lucky. He recovered And started inspecting my ass and the sheets beneath me. "Fucking whore... You didn't even bleed". I prepared for another beating, but he hopped away out of sight. I knew better than to try and getup and dressed again. He was back in a flash with a razor blade. "He's going to cut my throat". I figured. But no. He sliced his own middle finger at the tip. Deeply. It was streaming blood everywhere. I was confused again, but then he plunged that finger in my ass. Not only that, he scratched around with his fingernail -- roughly. "There!", he announced. Now you've got what I got, Shit face. He was bleeding all over himself and standing there naked as I got dressed. When he noticed blood drops on his carpet, he started huffing and grunting. I was outside at last. I had to look around a bit to figure out where in the city I was. It took 45 minutes, but I made it back to my apartment. I wanted to sleep but the new bugs inside of me kept chattering all night. I waited almost a year to get tested, and the results were no surprise.
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  41. 1997 I was in college, and loved everything about it except the studying. And the reading, tests and homework. Other than that stuff it was all super. If there'd been a "wasting time" major, I'd be a huge success because every time I was supposed to be studying, I'd find some new way to kill an hour or two. My school had several museums and I'd been to all of them except the natural history one. I'd seen enough taxidermy and dioramas on grade school field trips to last a lifetime. But it was late on a Thursday afternoon and I really didn't feel like going back to my dorm room and cracking open a Russian novel where all the characters had long names that were too hard to keep track of. So I went to that museum. The horse General Custer was riding when he was killed was supposedly in there somewhere. That'd at least be something that might be interesting. Right at the entrance there was a long wall of dioramas. "History of Man" was the theme. It went backward from modern man (a mannequin with a briefcase and suit) all the way to apes. Talk about wasting time. It was all so simple but I did find myself lingering a little at both the Cro Magnon and Neanderthal exhibits. Naked, hairy and primitive men always looked good to me no matter what period of time they came from. I had no experience with men, but I already had a type. It was a little frustrating that they put such small penises on them, but I guess you can't really expect to see porn-sized dongs in a college museum. Oh well. I did mange to find Custer's horse on the 4th floor and it was pretty unimpressive. i worked my way down each floor and grew seriously bored. Maybe something was wrong with my contacts, but I swore I kept seeing something moving in the corner of my eye. I looked around and saw nothing. I didn't clean the lenses as often as I was supposed to. Once I made it to the basement I finally found exhibits I was somewhat interested. Here were displays of venomous snakes and spiders common in this state. I had a serious fear of those brown recluse spiders and was certain that they were everywhere around me as I slept at night. As I tried to memorize what they looked like, a janitor pushing a broom came right up to where I was standing. I quickly moved out of the way and started studying the snakes. 'whisk, whisk, whisk' Here came the broom man and I was slightly annoyed. Were't there four other floors he could go sweep now. I thought of just leaving, but decided to go three rows over and look at all the colorful butterflies -- dead, beautiful and pinned to a board. I'd lived in this area my whole life and had never seen any of these species. Whatever. whisk, whisk, whisk What the fuck? Was I trailing dirt or something? The janitor was back and this time I turned to him to say something. I saw him at last. He was pretty much the guy from the Neanderthal display wearing blue coveralls. Shoulder-length dark hair, a bushy beard and a distinct uni-brow. It was almost comical, but I didn't laugh. I decided to stand still and let him just go around me. But he stopped and stared right at me with dark, dark eyes that were heavily shaded by his thick eyebrows. "You here to have fun, boy?" He could talk -- which surprised me somehow. "Huh?" "They usually come here on Thursdays for some fun", he answered. "They?" "The fags. You a fag?" "Probably", I answered, hardly believing I was having this conversation. "Good. Who told you about me? Was it that Kirk guy? He's got AIDS, ya know?" I stayed quiet. "Yeah, I noticed a lot of you dudes are sickly looking which is why I never touch their dicks. I'll fuck 'em in the ass and mouth, but that's it. I'm completely straight so I can't get nothin'. "Don't be so sure", I thought to myself. I watched as he let the broom drop behind him. He stared me down with that prehistoric stare and started kicking off his work boots. He had no socks on and each of his toes were sprouting great spurts of hair just like the fake cavemen in the display. Once he had his janitor uniform all the way off, I was witness to the most body hair I'd ever seen on one body. His dick was hard and noticeably larger than his cousins in the diorama. "Well...come suck on it", he said with a tone of impatience. I hesitated. "I locked the front door twenty minutes ago. Nobody's here but us". I would not get to the Russian novel on my desk any time soon. I knelt down and took the shiny, fat head in my mouth. It tasted like a man. I pushed forward and his ultra-hairy, ticklish crotch covered my eyes and nose. "Ow, Watch the teeth! What's wrong with you? None of them others ever let me feel their damn teeth". I tried to be more careful but I guess he'd had enough. Caveman pulled away and bent down to fold up his coveralls into a makeshift pillow. "Come lay back, fag. Damn! It's like you ain't never done this before." I hadn't, but I played along. I was supposed to be somebody else I guess. I noticed the top of his 'pillow' had an embroidered name on it. "Judd". Judd. Perfect. He wasted no time in mounting me with my legs in the air. It hurt so much and I tried to scoot away from under him. "Aw Hell -- you're new. You need oil? I don't got none now, but I'll go easy." In my effort to get away I had messed up the pillow and now my head was on the bare floor. He went for it again. His determined caveman dick eventually made it halfway in me before I stared weeping with pure agony. "Relax the butthole, boy. I'll finish soon." 'Soon' could mean anything so I just shut my eyes as tight as possible and let him go at it. He was fast and primitive and started to orgasm right as he let out a caveman growl. I maybe even moaned myself. He pulled out of me (which also hurt), straddled my chest and let a few cum drops hit my lips. "That there is clean sperm", he added. I doubted it, but savored the taste anyway. We dressed and I left. I went back a few times and we did everything all over again. He sometimes brought oil or lotion and sometimes he forgot. It was somewhere around the time finals started that I got seriously sick. I had fevers, a rash and pains in all kinds of embarrassing places. I could barely get out of bed and that's when my buddy Jenny dragged me to the student clinic to get checked out. Big surprise. I had gono, syphilis, crabs, and thrush in my throat. It was too soon to tell if I had HIV, but I'd find out in four months. I spent a lot of time recovering...sleeping, taking pills and dreaming of going back n time to meet my caveman.
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  42. last year You know how people love to gossip and talk shit about other people? I took a psychology class in college and have talked to a few therapists, but I still don't know why we like to repeat negative information about fellow human beings. What desire does it satisfy? Not that I'm innocent; I not only repeat nasty rumors, but also eagerly listen to them. That's how I found out about Randy. Guys at the little tavern I stopped at after work were the most chattering, gossiping bunch of hens you'd ever want to meet. I knew most of them by name after a few months of going there. I was still inexperienced with actual gay sex, but I don't think I came across that way. When I told my friend my friend Joseph that I was a virgin, he didn't believe me at first. I play it cool. After he realized I wasn't lying, he took it upon myself to point out all the men I should stay away from. "He'll rob you blind". "That one has a partner and they both cheat". "He has HIV". Huh? It was 2016 and the disease was very manageable with medication, right? Plus -- I knew how to use a condom if the occasion finally ever arose for me. One evening I got a little too drunk and found myself in a circle of young guys who were dishing about everybody they knew. That's when Randy's name was first mentioned. Apparently he was a guy that once frequented this place but had disappeared from the scene about a year ago. A few guys were sure that he was dying in some hospice and others said he was haunting the one bathhouse. For whatever reason, I wanted to know more. He was known to be HIV+ and didn't have the ability to treat it with even the newest medications. Not only that, but he was supposedly still active sexually. Just not here. I felt my boner rise. As I waited for more information about this guy, a few hot businessmen walked in and all their attention was diverted. They were pretty tasty-looking, but Randy was all I could think about. I finally managed to drag Joseph aside for a few minutes and interrogate him about this infamous man. "Do you know Randy?" "Sort of. He lives in my building and I see him every other week or so. Why?" "I want to meet him. Or see him at least. Where does he hang out?" "Oh no! You heard about the 'super strain' he's got in his balls and now you're wanting to have sex with him! Are you crazy? No. I know what you are: a 'bug chaser'." I should have protested and reassured him that I was just curious, but I just stood in silence. "Well, I'll miss you if that counts for anything. I knew a few guys like you and they're all gone now. Tell you what -- go home and sleep it off and if you're still intent on this, I'll text you his email address tomorrow". Deal. I found my way back to my apartment and slept off and on until dawn. Once the sun was up, I rolled out of bed and called in sick to work. I went back to try and sleep. but just couldn't. Ever notice how you can't force yourself to be tired? It was late in the morning and still no text from Joseph. I should have guessed this. He's not the most reliable guy in the world and has a tendency to bullshit. Then a little "ding" went off and then another. Not a text -- that was the sound I gave to incoming emails. They weren't from Joseph. They were from HIM. Hi. Joe told me a little bit about you and assured me you were cute and cool. I'm 44. Is that too old? LOL My heart was jumping all over my chest. I seldom smoke anymore, but found an old pack and fished one out. There were two more emails from him. OK. Me again. Sorry I forgot my number. It's --- -----. Hope to hear from you soon. The last email was just a photo of him. He looked very normal. He kind of looked like one of those divorced dads I's see on weekends at the grocery store. Medium weight and somewhat shaggy blonde/brown hair that was just a few weeks past 'clean cut'. He needed a shave too. I loved the pic because it wasn't a posed selfie. It was just an honest, candid shot that somebody else must have taken. I was nearly in love at that point. I made myself do some laundry and the dishes and some general tidying up before I called him just at 1:12 pm. "Hello?" "Hi. Is this Randy?" "Yes! Is this Joseph's friend, Tim?" "It is. Got your emails and pic... thanks!" "Sorry. That's the only photo of me I had saved. I had some more 'interesting' ones on my old phone but it died. Maybe we can take some new ones later." Wow. This was moving fast. "I took the day off and was wondering what you were up to". "I am supposed to go feed a friend's dogs, but not until later. Wanna go do something?" "Sure. Like a movie?" " No. Definitely not a movie. You can't talk n a movie, and there's not much out there I'd want to see anyway." "Well YOU decide then". "I'll come pick you up and we'll go find something to do. Just give me your address and I'll be there in thirty minutes." I was dizzy now and had to sit down, but I gave him my address and we said our goodbyes. I rushed to change clothes. I was going to go casual because he struck me as the ultra-relaxed sort. I should have taken longer because it had only been five minutes since I'd hung up the phone. Waiting waiting waiting. Dear Lord. I wasn't religious, but felt the need to pray for some reason. And then there was a knock on my door.I opened it and there he stood -- looking exactly like his photograph. He was a tad taller than me -- wearing a simple t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. He didn't look sick or too thin or give any sign of being "viral". He sized me up a little and then smiled brightly. "Let's go!" he said. I followed and don't even remember if I locked the door behind me. We drove away on that beautiful late-Spring day and sat in silence. "Let's go to Rose Park and take a walk," he suggested. It was called Rose park because it was full of regularly-tended rose bushes, but they wouldn't bloom until later in the Summer. "Sounds good", was all I said. I should be talking more. I should also stop glancing down at his legs. They were mostly hairless but well-formed. Nothing about him suggested bad health. For such a perfect day, there almost no other visitors at the park. It's not the weekend, I reminded myself. We strolled down a path past the pond, the fountains and the not-blooming rose garden. Once were deeper into the park's wilder area, he started talking. "Joseph is a character isn't he? He didn't tell me much about you". I guess this my cue to give him some details about my life, but he wanted to move the conversation forward again. "I'm sure you know all about me, though. Right?" I wondered how in the world I was still walking and breathing. I was dizzy and stumbled a bit over a rock or an acorn or something. He reached over and took my left hand to steady me. "Thanks. I'm fine. It's okay". But he still kept holding my hand. "I heard a little. Just bar talk". "Well -- I'll tell you everything. I'm HIV positive and have multi-resistant strains. I guess it's all mixed to become one, but I don't know enough about stuff to officially classify it. I just know I hate doctors and I hate taking pills and I absolutely hate the big pharmacies that are pushing these little chances of life when you know damn good and well the cure is within their reach. Fuck 'em". I could tell he was getting worked-up because his grip on my hand tightened and he was sweating. At that moment I realized my hands were only a few skin layers away from his mega-toxic veins and bloodstream. Plus his sweat was probably tainted as well. I should be talking more, but I didn't feel entitled to right now. We were under some overgrown willows and the shade was almost cool. I wanted to say something. Anything. "How do you feel?" was all I could come up with. "Powerful", was his simple, calm response. "Good", I said because I was really glad he felt that way. Randy led me off the path and further into the forest of willows and untended grass. He turned around to face me. "I lied", he said out of the blue. "About..?" "Joseph told me all about you. I saw your Facebook and your Instagram. I know more than you think I do. He also told me your goal was to get THIS inside you", he said, grabbing his crotch with the hand that wasn't holding mine. "Why? Wha...What did he say?" "Sshh. Sshh. We'll do this and you'll have a good story to tell at the pub. Watch me get naked and work yourself up. We're alone here". Sure enough -- he pulled down his shorts (no underwear), kicked off his flips, and yanked off his shirt. He was perfect in a way. So very normal. His dick was average-sized but super hard. I briefly looked at his scrotum because I knew that's where the super strain was cooking. Maybe he noticed my glance. Maybe not. I could barely get my shorts and undies down because my dick was so uncontrollably hard. I barely got my loafers off before he engulfed me in a bear hug. It felt nice and I would have been happy if it all ended now. "Work on this dick, little chaser boy". I knew he meant for me to blow him because that was close to a line I'd heard in porn videos. I knelt and had the head of his super weapon on my tongue. Way closer to the bug than my hand had ever been. It wasn't too bad at all. I didn't choke or gag like I'd always suspected I would if this ever happened. This was going well I thought as he started bucking his hips and mumbling non-words. "STOP!", he commanded, "I'm about to cum". Then he turned around and offered his spread ass cheeks to me. This is what I never imagined doing. But I planted my face right in there and then let my tongue take over. He sure loved that. I was starting to like it too, but he stopped me again. Randy grabbed his discarded shirt and made a little mat for me to lie down on. "Get down there now". I was on my back and looking up at him as he jerked his dick. "You don't even want me to pretend I'm putting on a condom, do you?" he asked. I shook my head and he fell on top of me. "Fuck Yeah" was all he said before pushing his crotch down onto mine and grinding. I would have been happy if it all ended now. My brain was in the clouds somewhere when I felt a knife-like pain in my ass. I almost yelled but his mouth was over mine. His tongue was a fat worm rolling around all over my teeth and gums. Our first kiss was not all that romantic. And then he was inside of me completely. The most toxic guy in the city (possibly the state) was fucking me. Raw. "Why?", I asked for whatever reason. Maybe because it felt a little bit like a rape. Of course it wasn't. I'd pursued this and participated fully in everything leading up to it. "What do you mean 'why'?", he asked as his breathing grew heavier. I said nothing. "I have all the power and you have none. You can't escape the consequences at this point....speaking of...." He was thrusting uncontrollably now, He had cum. Deep in me. He kissed me one more time and then rolled off, exhausted. We were both on our backs, looking up at the swaying willow branches and the dying afternoon sun. Dying. What now? He drove me back to my place in almost complete silence. I thought we'd say 'goodnite' at that point, but Randy escorted me up to my door and then invited himself in. We spent the night in my bed, arms wrapped around each other. He was in my life now...as was his virus I supposed. OK. It was somewhat early and we hadn't eaten dinner, but fatigue won over and we slept deeply.
    1 point
  43. Felt horny yesterday and after work went to my usual sauna of choice, Pleasuredrome in Waterloo. Went in, took a towel and stripped off. Firstly headed for the showers and joined another few guys that were already there. Felt good under the warm water, as I washed, I stroked my cock and was feeling very horny and getting semi hard. A couple of guys were checking me out and me them. Dried myself off and headed upstairs to the cruise area and cabins. Was pretty busy with the after work, pre club crowd. Didn't take long before I felt a hand stoking my arm and shoulder. Turned around to find it was a young, muscular, Asian guy. We went into a cabin and he immediately sank to his knees, removed my towel and took my cock into his mouth. He didn't suck for long as before I knew it he had stood up, turned around and was bent over. He had a very muscular back, V shaped, a tight waist and bubble butt. His brown skin was smooth and he was very gym fit. There was no discussion, no condom, my cock went straight into his arse. I liked how straight forward he was, some bottoms like the top to take the lead but this guy was very focused on getting fucked. Virtually no conversation, just action. I pounded him, grabbing his hips and stroked his back. Didn't take long before I had the feeling that I was close to cumming. He sensed it and pushed back onto me harder until I reached the point and exploded. My pace slowed to deeper, longer thrusts as I shot five or six heavy, intense, pulses inside him. Then, as fast as we'd met and fucked, he was gone. Maybe for more cock, who knows? Feeling satisfied after dumping three days worth of cum, I headed for the shower, once again before leaving. Was a good visit, didn't take long to find a hot guy, fuck him and leave. Perfect end to the week.
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  44. First, you can peak on mine & blow it any time. I do though want you to swallow for I can not accept my male cream to be wasted. Sort of the same for my piss when being busy with a man so get ready for both and you will may look at my cock as much as you want. Now about urinals & strangers, let me tell you a little pervy secret. I usually piss standing a bit behind & see if the guy has any interest of seeing more & better. A pleasure I will usually gladly give him. Especially if he's a hot older man. My usual rule is simple; the pervier the guys behave, the more I show & give. It may not be fair but too bad for those extremely shy men. I basically do not like to show off but it does not cost a penny to give a few minutes of fun so why notOn the other side, I do love exhibitionists to show their cock, piss & wanking. Not because I want to see it but because I do love that pervy hot kinkynotaboomensex attitude. No wander, I do love all pervy nice guys & their hot unconventional ways of having fun. I'm so bloody naughty I love it
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  45. after bein on the fence for a while im now actively chasing - anything and everything! PLEASE tear up my hole and give me what u got!!!
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  46. Funny how the bottom says something about getting a "clean load" the top is poz.. Hot video.
    1 point
  47. 2. Greg I turned to Clint. "Head up and start to unpack?" I asked him. "Sure," he said. He led the way, this time taking the stairs rather than waiting for the still-busy elevators. I followed him, staring at his ass. The years he had played soccer had paid off. His ass was perfect, like two firm melons side by side. I wanted to bury my face in there, lick his hole until he was wet and moaning, and then sink my cock deep. But I forced myself to keep my hands off him. I had noticed him checking out a girl earlier, and besides, he was my roommate. Once in the room, I went straight for the fridge. "It's getting hot today. Want a beer?" "Sure," he said. He went to one of the shopping bags, and pulled out the fan he had bought. As we sipped our beers, he started to assemble it. "This should help a bit," he said, "for unpacking." My first target was the small duffle bag. There was a joint in there, and the afternoon was going to be much better if I had a proper buzz. "Share a joint?" I said, offering it to Clint for the first puff. "What is it?" he asked. "A joint. You know, pot." I wondered if he was really that naive. "Oh. Right." He looked a bit sheepish. "It would be my first time," he said. "That kind of stuff is illegal in the Mid-east. Like years in a hell-hole prison or death penalty illegal. But sure, I guess." At least he had a good excuse and wasn't going to be a prude about it. "Cool. It's good stuff, and since this is your first time, maybe just a bit? I'll go first; watch me." I lit the joint, and did a long draw. "Hold it for a bit," I continued, and then exhaled. I handed him the lit joint. He did a decent hit, and tried to hold it. But a few seconds later, he collapsed in a fit of coughing, exhaling it all. "Don't worry," I said. "That's what happens your first time. Even I still cough sometimes as well. Do one more hit," I said. He did another hit, this time he managed to avoid coughing for a few more seconds. He handed it back to me. "It's harsh," he said. "And I'm not feeling anything yet." "Give it a few minutes," I said. I went into my bedroom, and dug through the boxes. I found a small plate to use as an ashtray. Before I went back to the living room, I sent a quick text to Nathan. "He's a weed virgin. Probably virgin, period." Back in the living room, Clint had finished putting together the fan. He stuck it in the window and turned it on. "What do you think about the living room?" he asked me. We discussed various options and occasionally moved the sofa and tables around to see what it would look like. We continued to talk about ourselves. Clint asked me a lot of questions about Nathan, like what kind of photographer he was, how long he and Jason had been together, and how often we hung out. Clint seemed to find Nathan fascinating; I wondered if he had met many gay men as masculine and as comfortable as Nathan in Kuwait. Or even any out gay men at all. Although the fan helped some, soon, in the afternoon heat, we had worked up a bit of a sweat. Between the heat, the beer, and the weed, I wanted to get at least my shirt off. I offered Clint the joint again. "Take two hits, then pass it on. That's the tradition." He took two hits, and then handed it back to me. "Just a sec," he said, heading into the bathroom. While I waited for him, I texted Nathan. "Damn, it's hot. I want to take off my shirt," "If I were there, I'd take off you shirt. And your shorts," he replied back almost immediately "Yeah, whatever. I think you fascinate Clint. He's been asking me about you all afternoon," I texted back. The fan wasn't cutting it in the afternoon sun, so I gave in. I pulled off my shirt and tossed it into the corner. Right as I did, Clint stepped out of the bathroom. "Was getting too hot in here," I said, explaining my shirtless state. "No kidding. Back home, we usually just take a nap now." He pulled off his shirt as well. I tried not to stare at his nearly perfect torso. There was just the right amount of fat to smooth out the muscles, and the lightest dusting of dirty blond hair over his chest. There was a slightly thicker trail leading down from his navel into his shorts, perfectly framed by his cum gutters. He was saying something about another possible arrangement of the room, but I barely heard him. "Think that would work?" he asked. "Sure," I said. I had no idea what he had said, but I had to cover how I had been mentally undressing him. "Help me move this?" he asked, indicating the sofa. "Of course," I said. As he walked by me, he caught his foot on the edge of a rug. He stumbled, and instinctively, I reached out to grab him. I caught him but then immediately wished I had not. To catch him I had wrapped my arms around his chest and now his warm body was pressed against me. We were entangled like that for a moment too long, and I wanted to have never even tried. Then that long moment stretched out into a moment far, far too long. I had no idea how I was going to explain the moment to him that wouldn't end any possible friendship immediately. Clint smiled and his piercing grey-blue eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun. And then there wasn't enough time in the world to hold him properly. Almost simultaneously, we leaned in together to kiss. Both moving in at the same time, we totally missed each other and my cheek rubbed up against his chinstrap beard. It was softer than I expected. I wondered what it would feel like against my hole. Clint wrapped his arms around me and we tried the kiss again. This time our lips met perfectly and our tongues easily pressed into the other's mouth. I ceased to worry and enjoyed it. Slightly buzzed, slightly stoned, in the arms of a hot young man, my roommate, I was making out with him and I didn't want it to end. After our tongues spent long decades exploring each other's mouths, Clint broke off our kiss. In truth, the kiss had been less than a minute, but a minute that had changed everything. Although he had stopped kissing me, he made no move to unwrap his arms from me and I continued to hold him as well. "Hello," he said, finally. "Hello," I said. I leaned in again, and his lips parted for me. My tongue went back into his warm, welcoming mouth. It was another minute that felt like only a quick second. This time I had to break it off in order to breathe. "Yeah," Clint said. Then he kissed me once more. He pressed his firm, hard body against me. I felt his dick straining against his shorts. Mine was just as hard, and was leaking pre-cum into my underwear. This was all so easy. I didn't want any part of it to end. "Let's move the sofa. Then we can get on it?" Clint asked me. "Yeah," I said. Even though we had agreed on a plan of attack, it still took us several more minutes of making out before we were even ready to carry out our plans. Finally, we forced ourselves to separate long enough to move the couch. Once we had done that, Clint checked his phone, and laughed. "What?" I asked. I picked up my own phone, and saw there was a message from Nathan. "Go for it," it said. "Oh. I had texted Nathan that I thought you were hot. He just texted me back, 'Go for it.'" It was my turn to laugh. "I texted him the same thing. And he texted me back the same thing as well." Clint had started to peck away at his phone. "What are you telling Nathan?" "Too Late" "Excellent," I said. I quickly send the same message to Nathan. A few moments later, Clint's phone buzzed, then mine. "Good?" read the message from Nathan. I texted him back, "Very good. My first project." Clint got two more beers out of the fridge. Nathan texted me back, "That's my dark, dirty poz boy. Try 'Raw Love' in the DVDs I gave you" This time, Clint's phone didn't buzz. Clint handed a beer to me. "To college adventures. With a fucking hot man," I said. "Together," I added. "To adventures," Clint echoed. "With my sexy roommate." We clinked bottles, and then each took a sip. "You know Jason has done nude modeling, don't you?" "Yeah. Nathan's done it as well. And they've done stuff together too. Why?" "I lost track the number of times I've jerked off to Jason." "Ha," I said. "I've jerked off to their movies." "Movies?" he asked. "I've never seen those." "Yeah," I said. The black case Nathan had given me was lying on the coffee table. I opened it up; as I expected, there was a bottle of poppers, some lube, and some DVDs. The titles were scribbled in black pen on the plain DVDs. The first one was labeled "Raw Love." "You want to see one?" I asked. "I guess. Although it's only going to make me horny." "You're not already?" I asked. I ran my hand over his crotch. His cock was hard, straining against the shorts. It felt like it was a pretty big. I resisted the urge to pull off his shorts immediately. Instead, I stuck the DVD in my computer, and put the laptop on the coffee table. The screen went black, and then almost immediately, it was a scene of Jason and Nathan. They were sitting on a couch, both of them in jockstraps. They were talking; I turned up the volume a bit. They were talking about how long they had been together. Off screen an unseen cameraman asked them, "And always raw?" Jason nodded, and Nathan answered, "Always." With that, the two of them started to make out, slowly progressing to Jason licking Nathan's cock. Clint was sitting next to me on the couch; we were only half watching the video. Most of the time we were making out and exploring each other's bodies. His hair was amazingly soft and delicate. It wasn't just his beard but also his chest hair. I did my best to pace myself. I didn't want to strip him down too fast. On-screen, the action had progressed. Jason was sitting on Nathan's cock, the familiar thick shaft sliding into his smooth hole. Of course it was bareback; nothing had ever come between them. Clint noticed it. "No condoms?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. "Bareback." "Is that safe?" "Nothing in life is completely safe," I said, hedging my bets. "Does Nathan have HIV?" he asked. "Yeah. He's poz." "Is Jason?" "Yeah." There was a much longer silence. Clint watched the screen. Jason was sliding up and down on Nathan's raw cock and the two men were kissing deeply. Finally, he spoke. "You?" Now it was my turn to be silent. "I don't know," I finally said. He might have been my first project, but I wanted to be honest with him. I had to be honest with him. After all, I was still going to live with him for the rest of the year. Clint ran his hand down my chest, coming to rest on my groin. He traced out the outline of my cock straining against my shorts. "Do you know how they got it? I mean, HIV?" "Yeah, Nathan told me the story on our trip." I pulled Clint closer to me and he pressed his body against mine. "Nathan got it from his first partner. And he gave it to Jason." Clint gave me a kiss on the neck. "They never used condoms." Clint gave me another kiss, this time on the lips. "I want you to fuck me," he said. "I want to fuck you." "It looks so easy. So hot. So..." He stopped talking, but his fingers continued to rub against my erection. "Intimate?" I asked. "Yeah. Intimate." "It is," I said. Yes, I wanted to fuck Clint raw to poz him up, but more than that, I had to fuck Clint raw in order to truly know him. A condom would only be a thin piece of rubber, but it would be the same as a thick stone wall between us. "You think it's going to be ok?" he asked me. "I don't know. But, our first college adventure? Together, like really together?" "Yeah," he said. I pushed him back on the sofa and got on top of him. We kissed again. Now, we were not quite as shy about it, and we enjoyed it to the fullest. Clint reached down and fumbled with the button and zipper on my shorts. Once he got them open, he pushed them down. I was left in just my underwear. I did the same to Clint. I was brave enough, or just horny enough to pull off both his shorts and his underwear at once. His cock was erect, and there was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. I rubbed my finger against it and scooped it up. I tasted it; it was sweet and salty and pure and perfect, all at the same time. Clint moaned as I fondled his shaft, spreading his legs and wiggling his ass in pleasure. I got off the couch just long enough to take off my own underwear. I then kneelt back down on the floor and wrestled Clint into position. His ass was hanging off the side of the sofa and I spread his legs in order to press my face into his crack. It was warm with just the right amount of fur and a little moist from the heat of the day and our exertions. My tongue sought out his tight hole. This immediately elicited a moan of pleasure from Clint. I proceeded to lick it, tease it, and was able to gently open him up. "Oh Greg," he grunted. "That feels amazing. Like nothing else I've ever felt." I took my time. I was pretty sure he was either a virgin or very inexperienced and he had to enjoy it. There was no need to rush either; it was still early in the afternoon, and our first orientation activity wouldn't begin for several hours. We could do this properly, do it slow, do it deep and long, and leave him desperate for more. I rimmed his hole for what seemed like hours, as he opened further up for me. When his hole seemed sufficiently relaxed, I began to play at it with my fingers. He moaned when my index finger first penetrated him. It was hard for me to fight back the urge to go straight for the kill. I was tempted by even just a hint of the warmth of his body around my finger. "This is good, isn't it?" he asked me. His face was a confused mess: simultaneously ecstatic at the new sensations his body was giving him, but also scared and unsure about where these explorations would lead him. "Very good," I said. My own cock was throbbing; a bead of pre-cum had formed at the tip. I scooped it up and pressed the finger into his hole. "Feel ok?" I asked, as the first of my dangerous fluids entered his body. "Fuck yeah," he said. I was still kneeling down in front of his hole. I watched his ass pull on my finger; it disappeared into his muscular butt. I had gone into sex with Nathan with my eyes wide open. I knew all of the dangers and risks of having sex without protection. I knew the dangers of having sex with a positive man. I wanted it. I wanted the Nathan and I wanted the virus he carried. But, I wasn't sure if Clint knew what he was getting himself into. Although I had only known him for a few hours, we already had something complex and wonderful. I didn't want to risk that by not telling him the entire truth. But also, I didn't want to jeopardize my chances to get inside him and feel my cock slide against that perfect muscle hole. I pulled my finger out and poured a bit of lube on his hole. My cock started to slide into his crack. Our eyes locked and then our lips locked together while our tongues explored each other's mouths. "I need to tell you something first," I said, breaking off the kiss. My cock was pressed up against his hole. "I want you inside me," he said. "Fuck, don't stop now." "It's important," I said. However, he was eagerly rubbing his ass against my cock and against my best intentions, I reached down and helped my cockhead just barely enter his hole. "No. This is important," he replied. "Important to me. Important to us." He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled himself against me. I was already hard, I was already wanting inside of him, and I was already perfectly positioned. His latest provocation was more than I could resist and I stopped trying to hold back. I let myself enter him. His hole was hot and tight and there was enough lube to let me slide into him. Any restraint in further penetration would require a serious effort on my part. "I need this so badly," he said, as my raw shaft slid into him ever further. I stopped trying to resist him. I took just enough time to pour some more lube on my shaft, enough to make it easy for him to take. Then, slowly and carefully, I pressed my fat rod into his tender hole. As I pressed further into him, his smile grew larger, deliriously happy to finally be getting what he had dreamt about and jerked off to for so long. When we were both used to my presence inside him, I stopped trying to open him up and began to fuck him properly. "You're so tight. So warm," I said, leaning in for another kiss. He wasn't as good as the other men, Nathan, Jason or Sean, but he was a virgin and still very much a novice in getting fucked. He was doing a great job; what he lacked in talent, he made up for in enthusiasm. Not until I was almost all the way inside him did he even wince. Even that was taken care of with me staying still for a few moments, letting him get used to me. "You're so hard. It feels so powerful inside of me." We continued to make out. All the while my cock dripped pre-cum into his innocent hole. Neither of us knew what my pre-cum was capable of. It was an ambiguous fluid: slippery, smooth, alive, and perhaps deadly as well. "What did you want to tell me?" he asked. By that time, my balls were slapping against his ass. I didn't know how to tell him any more. There were other things that were far more important now. "I'm going to cum soon," I said. "Do you want me to pull out?" "Do you want to pull out?" he responded. "No, I don't." "Then I don't want you pull out either." "But," I began, but before I could finish, he pulled me down for another kiss. For a moment, I stopped worrying; I just enjoyed his warm hole and his tight embrace. But, finally, I had to say something. "I've been having unprotected sex with guys who are positive." He was quiet for a moment, but made no effort to push me off of him, or force me out of his hole. "Nathan?" he asked. But he tightened his hole around my cock and squeezed out another few drops of pre-cum. I nodded. "You?" he continued. "Are you positive?" "I don't know." It was the truth. I wanted three things in my life at that moment. First, more than anything else, I wanted Clint. Second, I wanted to be poz. And third and finally, I wanted to share this precious gift with Clint. I couldn't imagine a world where I couldn't get all three of them. The two of us were still. I stopped thrusting into his body, and beneath me, he was motionless. Time slowed down while he tried to assimilate everything that I had told him and his own desires. Finally, he made another movement. He pulled me close against his body. His breath was hot against my ear "Don't pull out. Don't ever pull out," he said, in a barely audible whisper. "Are you sure?" I asked, whispering into Clint's ear, just as he had whispered into mine. I had talked a good game with Nathan, telling him how I wanted to poz up the hot guys in college. Now, with one naked and impaled on my raw cock, when I actually had the chance, the reality was a lot more difficult. I felt something warm and wet on my cheek. Before could Clint answer, I saw that he had tears in his eyes. "I really don't know. But this, this closeness, is what I always want. From the moment I saw you, I wanted it with you." We kissed again, his tongue entering my mouth. It came as a shock that I wanted this closeness just as badly as Clint did. My cock twitched in pleasure, glad that it had been granted permission to fulfill its evolutionary mission, it was going to get to shoot its hot load into a wet, accepting hole. "I can't hold back much longer," I moaned. Nathan had kept me on edge the entire week, and I had barely exhausted the reserves my balls had built up. Now, Clint was going to be the lucky recipient of these rich resources. I wished I knew for sure if my semen had the same deadly power as Nathan's, but for now, it was more than enough to have blanket permission to breed my roommate's hot hole. "Cum in me," Clint begged, and I did. The first spurt was thick, long spray of sperm that shot hard out of my engorged cock and landed deep into Clint's body. There was an immediate sense of relief, as the pressure that had built up in my balls was released. The next few spurts were longer and even more intense. I was dribbling my spunk all along the depth of Clint's hole, asserting my ownership of this fertile, virgin territory. "Fill me up, Greg," he asked me. I easily recognized that need in his voice. Just a few days ago, I had the same need when I was begging Nathan to fuck me. "Fucking fill me up every fucking day." "Every night and every morning, bro," I said, as I thrust back into him and another spurt shot out of my cock. I had shot a big load, and it was easy for me to feel my semen squishing around inside of him and against my cock. "You've got a fucking amazing ass." "Your cock feels great inside of me," he said. My orgasm was slowly fading. Although my immediate need for release had been satiated, my cock refused to soften. I continued to gently thrust in and out of Clint, working my load into his delicate tissues. I wanted my seed to stay with him and become a part of him forever. We made out, not saying anything, just feeling the naturalness of our skin-on-skin fuck. "First time?" I asked. There was that unique combination of timidity and eagerness to Clint that made me think he was still new at this. It was endearing and sweet: everything would be still new and wonderful for him. I found it easy for me to get caught up in his pleasure. "Yeah," he said, blushing. "It's a very different environment back home." "Don't worry," I said. "I'm glad I was here for it." "Me too," he said. He pulled me in for another kiss. "Really happy it was you. This is going to be a fun year," he continued. "Definitely," I said. "Fun few years." My cock was beginning to soften, and soon, it would fall out. "Have to pull out," I said. "You going to keep my load up there, Bro?" "Hell yeah," he said. I pulled out of Clint, doing my best to leave as much of my sperm inside of him as I could. Only a few drops escaped, and I pressed them back into him. He grunted in pleasure as my finger entered him, obviously glad to have something up his hole again. Clint's cock was still hard and the trail of fuzz running up to his navel was wet with his pre-cum. I took his cockhead into my mouth, running my tongue around and over it. His pre-cum was a perfect combination of sweet and salty, tempered with the innocence of youth. Even though I had licked it all up, I still wanted more. He sighed in pleasure and obliged my desires; his cock continued to drip a steady stream of his fluid. I worked my way down his shaft, swallowing every drop of it. I was nowhere near as good of a cocksucker as Nathan, but I didn't think I was that bad. I had managed to get all of him in my mouth with the head just pressing into my throat. Clint's dick was just the right size and shape to be big enough, but not so big as to be unwieldy. It was easy for me to alternate between long strokes down the length of the shaft and then shift to concentrating on his sensitive head. I kept this up for a few minutes. There was a pleasurable sense of submission in sucking Clint's cock; the school-yard taunt of "cocksucker" was now a badge of pride. I knew how good I was making Clint feel, and it made me happy as well. "I'm going to cum soon," Clint said. "Can I shoot in your mouth?" I couldn't say anything with my mouth full of cock, but I did my best to nod. I kept on sucking his hard shaft. "Oh fuck yeah," he said, thrusting his hips up and his cock into my mouth. In a pattern I was now very familiar with, his cock stiffened, swelled, and then his thick and rich cream erupted into my mouth. I didn't even try to taste the first spurt but swallowed it without thinking. It was an instinctive response; I wanted to always have a part of Clint in me and have something to remember him by. "Oh god," he moaned, as he continued to pump out his hot sperm. These were smaller and thus easier to savor before I swallowed them. He had a tasty load, and I could have swallowed it all night. Unfortunately, I was able to drain his balls far too soon and then he pulled me off his cock. "Too sensitive," he gasped, as one more drop of cum formed at the tip of his cock. I quickly licked it off before he could stop me. "I know the feeling," I said. I kissed him, letting him taste the sperm that was still in my mouth. We stayed lip-locked, catching out breath, and feeling our naked bodies pressed against each other. I think we could have been there all afternoon. Finally the DVD ended, and the music of the main menu started to distract us. "Shower?" I asked Clint, finally breaking off our make-out session. "Yeah," he said. "Now I just need to find a towel," I said, as I got up from kneeling in front of the couch. "I've got an extra," he said. "In the bathroom." "Cool," I said. "I'll find mine sooner or later." I surveyed the boxes and bags I still needed to unpack. This first weekend was already shaping up to be a pleasurable mix of weed, beer, and sex, with unpacking being very low on the list of our priorities. Clint headed into the bathroom, and I heard the water running soon after. I took a moment to quickly text Nathan about my first conquest before I followed him into our bathroom.
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  48. 2. Jason For a few minutes, I lay there in the dim light. There were voices in the other room and then the front door opened and closed as Sean headed out. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. The second guy had arrived. A moment later, there was a knock on the door. "Ready?" Nathan asked me, from behind the closed door. "Yeah, I am," I answered. The door opened, and another guy walked in. Nathan stood behind the door, never even seeing me. "You!" he said, recognizing me. I smiled. It was a guy I knew, Jake. We had done a few scenes together for Thomas. The most recent one was a group with four other tops, him, and myself. I remembered when I was the last to fuck him, how wet his hole was with the accumulated sperm of the four other tops. "Yeah, it's me." "I thought it might be you," he continued, "but I thought you were just a top?" "I'm exploring," I replied. He had taken off his shoes and pulled off his tank top. I had pegged him at around 21 or so, with blond hair, a bit of a goatee, and a spray of light hair on his chest. When I had last fucked him, I remembered that he hadn't been able to get hard, but today, there was a definite bulge in his shorts. "And so far, it's been a hell of a lot of fun," I added. "Well, as long as you're at least staying versatile, I'm happy. Fucking love that cock of yours. Hate to see you turn all bottom." "Thanks, but today, it's going to be all about your cock," I replied. He took off his shorts, letting his cock spring free. His blond pubic hair set off his cock nicely. It was already getting hard. It was about seven, maybe eight inches. Although not as wide as Sean's, it was still going to feel great inside my hole. "And your sperm," I added, "Your poz sperm." "I know," he said. He got on the bed, and quickly was in between my legs and on top of me. His cock was already pressing up against my ass, hard and dripping. He leaned in and gave me a kiss. "How many loads up there already?" he asked. "Just one," I said, "So far." "Ready for more?" "Fuck yeah." "You been partying?" he asked. I must have had a particularly hungry look on my face. "Yeah, a bit," I answered. "That cool?" "Oh yeah. If I'm gonna top you, I can't, but I do it all the time. It definitely helps a bottom out." I had to agree on that. My butt was itching, and the only thing that would scratch it right now was a cock. Jake's cock. "You got that right. And it's making me hungry for cock. And your cock is right here." "You need some lube?" he asked. He was already pushing up against my hole, his cock just as eager to penetrate me as I was for it to punch into my guts. "Yeah, can't hurt." He grabbed the lube from the bed table and poured some on his cock. I grabbed the poppers and did a quick hit. "Give it to me, man. Give me that poz tool." "This is going to be damn fun," Jake said, lining-up his cock with my hole. "A chance to top the famous Derek James. Or should I say Jason Spencer." With a pop, his cock slid into my hole. I hardly gave him a chance to get used to being inside me before I slid down on it. I took him all the way in a single smooth stroke. "You are hungry," he said, surprised at my need, at my speed. "The Tina is definitely helping." "Fuck," I said, "I need it so badly now." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He responded by sticking his tongue in my mouth. We kissed as he started to pump my hole. "I can feel the load up there already," he said, adding "and damn, it was a big one." "Yeah. It took him a while to pump all that into me." "Must have been nice," Jake suggested. "How long has it been for you?" "Since I've fucked a guy?" he asked. "A few weeks." "Cool. But I meant, how long that you've been poz." "Oh, that," he kissed me quickly, "I forget you're still just starting out. I've been poz for about two years now." "How did it happen?" "You want the full story?" he asked, "or the short version?" "Full story, of course." I was enjoying the fuck, and hearing about his background seemed to make it even more intimate. "I want to know you. And all the dirty details." "Yeah, it's nice. Being inside you raw. Getting to talk to you. And not having Thomas tell us what to do." He pushed his cock into me, squishing Sean's load around a bit. "Well, I ran away from home when I was 16," he said. "Oh, I didn't know." "Yeah. I ended up living on the street for a bit. I was hustling a lot, just to get money to eat." "How old are you now?" I asked. I had always pegged him as mid-twenties, but I realized he could be younger. "Twenty," he answered. "Not even legal to drink yet," he said, laughing. "When you were on the street, were you safe? I mean, condoms?" "Mostly, yeah," he said. I must have looked surprised, because he continued, "It's been more recently that I've become the cum guzzler that I am now." He nibbled a bit on my ear. "Been a while since I've really fucked a guy. I forgot how good it can be." I nodded in agreement while he continued his fuck and his story. "Some guys would try to pay me extra if I'd go bareback. I didn't always take it; it really depended on the guy." "When did you start partying?" "My older brother was partying by the time I was fourteen. And he'd let me join him. I actually cut down a lot when I ran away. Money and all. But after a year or so, I started again, finding guys who'd PnP with me. And yeah, of course that was when I started to bareback a bit more." "I figured." "Partying and raw sex. Two great tastes that taste great together," he said, laughing. "And it didn't hurt that johns usually have favors to share." I was enjoying hearing about Jake's life, even as hard as it seemed. The street hustler who discovered partying and bareback sex was a turn-on, and my cock was starting to stir in my jockstrap. "How do you feel about it all now? Looking back?" "Really, no regrets. About anything. From running away, to starting to bareback, to getting into movies, to finding out I was poz. Honest. It's weird, but were all decision that, amazingly, turned out well." Apparently then he noticed my cock, and he chuckled "And you seem to be enjoying my story as well." "I am," I said. "It's a welcome change, you inside of me instead of me always on top, and for that matter, I like hearing about your life." Thanks, he replied, adding "You're making me want to ride your cock, though. It was fucking hot the other week, having you pound me after all those other guys had bred me." "Yeah, it was." I remembered how wet his hole was, and I wondered if my ass would be dripping with cum at the end of the day, as had his. "You give me your load and I'll see about fucking you a bit," I said. "Deal," Jake answered. He took my legs and had me rotate around the axis of his cock. I ended on my side. He leaned in while making sure his cock was still sliding in and out of my hole and nibbled on my ear. "So, how did you get infected?" "Thomas, actually," Jake said. "Well, he didn't do it, but he was the cause." "Really?" I asked. I had no idea if Thomas was poz, although I had always assumed he was. "How did that happen?" "Well, he had seen a few pictures of me online, and thought I was hot. I did a solo scene for him, for which he paid me five hundred bucks," pausing, thinking back to the occasion, and then adding "Back then, that was a lot of money for me." "It is for me too," I said. I usually got about a thousand per scene from Thomas, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the payments. I had to say, the money did come in handy: school, books, gym, even, sometimes, food. "And next? I mean, a solo scene can't get you to where you are now." He laughed, "Yeah, you're right about that. Thomas liked me, and I did a few more scenes for him, all of them safe." I knew that Thomas would occasionally do safer sex scenes. I had just never seen them actually happen. "Then he made me an offer." "What was it?" "I'd get fucked by five guys on camera. All raw. All poz. He said he'd give me five thousand for it." I must have gasped or something because he suddenly slowed down his regular stroking motion. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah. I'm just surprised about that kind of offer." I realized that Thomas had been playing me a bit. He wasn't just "thinking" about his project. He had already done it at least once. I'd just be a repeat. "Yeah, I was too." "And you did it?" I guessed he had, since he was here, fucking me and trying to poz me up. "It took me a month to decide, but yeah, I did it. And it was seven guys, not five, over three days. Going into it, I was terrified. And more excited than I had ever been before." "But, in the end, how was it?" "Fucking amazing. One of the best sexual experiences in my life," he said. He had a far-away look on his face, and a smile. I could feel his cock stiffen inside of me as he was thinking about it. "There's something deeply intimate about swapping sperm. And the most intimate is getting to give poz sperm to a negative man. Or, as a neg guy, taking poz sperm." "I know," I said, adding "I can't seem to get enough of it." Jake gave me a kiss, making sure to get a lot of his spit in me. The thought of getting not just his spit, but also his pre-cum and soon his cum was keeping me hard, despite the Tina flowing in my veins. "Yeah. It's addictive," Jake said. "You know, when we last fucked?" "Yeah? God, that was fun," he said. "Yeah. You know how you were begging me to breed you? It was hot, and I got off on it. But I didn't understand it at all." "And now?" "Now, I understand the need. I feel the need. I want your poz sperm, Jake. I want you to breed me. I need you to breed me." "Fuck yeah man, you know it," Jake said. He was pounding my ass hard now, each stroke finding a new, unexplored area of my hole to rub down with Sean's sperm and his pre-cum. "I'll give you what you need." He reached down and grabbed my cock, now straining against the fabric. "But you're gonna have to beg for it, Jason. Beg for my virus." "Please man, give me your toxic seed. Give me your dirty jizz, Jake." I was feeling great: I had a hot poz man pounding my tender hole. Not only was he working a poz load from another guy into me, he was going to add his own deadly sperm to my growing collection of DNA. "I need it, man. I need you to infect me." "Oh fuck, don't stop. I'm getting close," Jake said. "Don't hold back. Shoot that pozcum deep. Make it take." Our bodies were slamming together in perfect rhythm, my hole opening up and his cock getting deeper with each stroke. "Fucking poz me up," I begged. "Make me sick." "Take it, Jason! Fucking take it!" Jake was pounding my hole hard, and he was clearly right on the edge of shooting his load. "Give it to me, Jake. Breed my hole with your dirty spunk." "Oh, fuck man. I'm cumming!" Jake pushed his cock deep into me and paused. His cock stiffened and pulsed, and there was a sudden warmth in my hole. Staring at him, I could see his eyes roll back and his mouth hang open in the sheer pleasure of cumming. "Shoot it in me. Give me every fucking toxic drop," I moaned. Jake started to pound my hole again. I could feel his cum lubricating his forceful strokes and his cock kept on twitching. Each twitch was another spurt of thick spooge into me. Each twitch was another chance to get infected. He started to kiss me, but held me tight and close. His firm grip was as if he was afraid I would try to evade his fucking. He kept me from squirming away from the certain destiny encoded in the virus he was injecting into me. In an automatic response, I grabbed on to his ass and pulled him deeper into me. I had to re-assure him that I would take every drop of his dirty load. Not until I felt his cock soften a bit, the last drop of poz sperm leaking into me did I dare to let go of him. "Thank-you," I said. There wasn't much else for us to say, as we caught our breath. "My pleasure," Jake said. We made out some more, still linked together by his raw cock buried in my body. Finally, he softened enough that it fell out. "Keep my spooge in you," he said. "Give it a warm place to grow." I just nodded my head. I reached down, and felt my hole. It was hot and wet, a tiny bit of the accumulated sperm now dripping out. I pushed it back in with my fingers. I didn't want to waste any of it. Jake also reached down, and grabbed my cock. Through the jockstrap, I was still hard as a rock. "Fuck man. I need this again," Jake said. "So fucking hard." I glanced quickly at the clock. We still had twenty-five minutes together. "I can't cum right now," I said. "But I'd love to fuck you a bit." "As long as your raw cock is inside me, I'll be happy," Jake replied. He pushed down my jock strap, letting my cock spring free. There was already a drop of pre-cum at the tip. Jake leaned over and licked it off, then proceeded to tug my jock strap the rest of the way off. Now that I was completely naked, his attention returned my dick. He took the head into his warm mouth. The load I had shot that morning seemed like a very long time ago. I had been so entranced over the past week by Nathan, by the two men he had found, by getting fucked deep and by getting bred I had forgotten the simple pleasure of a good blow job. Jake was good at it, taking the entire length of my shaft into his mouth and down his throat. "Damn, that feels good," I said, as Jake's tongue flicked over my cock head and collected a few more drops of my pre-cum. He went back down on my dick, going all the way down, his chin hitting my balls. He licked and teased me for a bit, keeping my cock hard and dripping the entire time. "When did you last cum?" he asked, taking a break from sucking me off. I had to think for a second. "This morning, actually," I said, again surprised at how long ago that felt. "I did a scene for Thomas." "Who was the lucky bottom?" Jake asked. He had found the bottle of lube, and poured some on my cock. "A new guy, at least for me," I remembered, "Cal was his name." "Oh, I know Cal. But I wish it had been me." "Well, I can't cum again today. Nathan's got two more guys planned for me, and if I shoot, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get fucked. But I'll breed you again soon enough." "Promise?" Jake asked. He put a bit of the lube on his hole, and straddled me. My cock was pressing right against him. With the slightest move from either one of us, it would penetrate and slide into his ass. "Promise," I said. Then, I made the first move: I arched my back slightly. There was an audible pop as my dick slid into his tight hole. Jake followed my lead and relaxed enough to let the rest of my cock penetrate his hole. He clearly had far more experience getting fucked than I did, and he was soon riding the full length of my cock. Jake was bouncing up and down on my cock, fucking himself on my stiff shaft. His hole felt a lot smoother than I had expected given the tiny squeeze of lube he had used. "You already have been fucked today?" I asked, realizing the obvious explanation for the situation. "Yeah," he said sheepishly. "A client found me on Rentboy. He fucked me this morning." "Raw?" "Yeah. I had the itch. Badly. I gave him a fifty dollar discount each time he bred me." "Hot?" I asked. I had done porn for long enough to know that the real money was in escorting. But I hadn't yet taken the plunge; escorting still seemed like a step too far for me. "He was older, out of shape. But still had a big cock, and he worked my hole good." I was fucking Jake using this stranger's cum as lube. I wondered if the stranger was poz, or if he had even bothered to ask Jake about his status. Or was he so focused on his own cock, his own pleasure that he didn't care? As long as he was able to fuck a hot young man raw, shoot his load and mark the boy, was that all that he wanted? Jake seemed to read my mind. "I went over to his hotel," he said, explaining what had happened. "I stripped down totally naked, and showed off my ass while he got hard. Then he bent me over, put a bit of lotion on my hole and his cock, and rammed it in. He didn't last long before he shot." "And?" I was interested in the mechanics of it all. "Decent sized load, all of it landed inside of me. When he was done, he pulled out, pointed to some cash on the bed table, and told me to get dressed as he started the shower. Not sure if we spoke ten words the entire time." "Seems a bit impersonal," I said. "Yeah, it can be. Not like this," he commented as he started to kiss me again. I knew exactly what he meant. Sean, Jake and especially Nathan had been a very close and intimate experience. I had learned a lot about these men. I had learned it only by letting them fuck me, by letting them enter me raw, and most importantly, by taking their seed into my body. We had talked, but the act of exchanging fluids had cemented the connection and made it real. Now, I was inside of Jake, doing the same thing that these men had done to me. It wasn't the first time for me to be inside him, but it was definitely the most intimate time. I wished that Nathan had let me fuck him already. I hated thinking that I had to wait until the virus finally took root in my body before being inside of him. I craved the closeness that necessarily would have to come from me breeding his hole, and I wanted to share that closeness with him now, even this very evening. I wanted him to know how happy I was, how thankful I was that he had found these fine specimens of masculinity to seed my hole and how grateful I was that he was fucking me raw so often. Jake finally broke off the kiss. "You're sure you won't come inside me?" he asked. "I am so hungry." "I've got at least three more guys who want to breed me: two unknown guys, and then I'm sure Nathan will want to fuck me a few times after the afternoon is all over." If I shot another load now, I wasn't going to be up for being fucked for too long. I didn't want to interrupt the flow of the afternoon. "I totally understand," Jake said, "But that just means you'll owe me a load or three, with interest - once you get the bug." "Don't worry," I said, "You'll be one of the first men I tag." "Promise?" Jake asked. "Promise," I replied. "Good." We both looked at the clock, and realized we had only a few more minutes together before the next man was supposed to arrive. "I better get dressed. You've got another lucky guy coming to seed your hole." He slowly, reluctantly pulled off my cock. "Fucking bastard," he said, as he rolled onto the bed beside me. I wondered about the next man Nathan had picked out for me, smiling as I ran through numerous fantasies. Jake got dressed, while I stayed on the bed. I watched him, forcing his cock into his underwear, then covering his beautiful ass with his shorts, and finally pulling his t-shirt on. It was a shame for him to cover up that body, but there would be many other times with him. He leaned over me, and gave me a final kiss. "I'm going to hold you to your promise. You owe me a load. Many loads. Poz loads. Deep in my hole." "Of course," I replied, "as soon as my gun is cocked and fully loaded, you'll get it." "Excellent," Jake said as he walked out the door, shutting the door behind himself, leaving me alone again in the dimly lit room. I fished around in the tangle of sheets and found my jockstrap. I pulled it on, forcing my swollen cock into the constraining pouch. The crystal I had done with Sean was still powering me. It was making my ass itch for more cock and more cum. It wouldn't be long before the next guy came. I heard Jake and Nathan's muffled conversation, then the front door close. "You okay in there?" Nathan asked a few seconds later, from behind the bedroom door. "Very good," I said. "Good," he said. "Gonna be a few minutes before the next guy. Just relax, and think about your day so far." As best I could, with the meth I had done and the hunger for more sex, more cum, more breeding, I closed my eyes and relaxed.
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  49. On Friday, I was working on an unoccupied house getting it ready for the owners to sell it. I hear my boss tell me to come over to him, so I walk to the room where he is... he's behind a door with the knob taken off, and he stuck his cock through the makeshift glory hole. I get on my knees and work on him for a good bit and get him pretty close to cumming. Then, he pulled out of the glory hole and joined me in the empty bedroom. We laid down on the carpet and made out for a bit. Then, he got up, lifted my legs up and gave me a good spit lubed fuck. Started slowly, but after a bit, he pounded my hairy hole pretty hard with his 7.5" of daddy meat and shot his load in me. Nice way to end the work day. That night, I hooked up with a hot hairy guy from Scruff. Wasn't planning on getting fucked, but things were getting hot while we made out with him on top of me. He rubbed his cock on my hole a lot, I teased his cock with my hole every time. He fingered me a bit and then continued slowly rubbing his cock on my hole, and eventually his head slipped in. He started fucking me slowly as we continued kissing and exploring each other's bodies. His nipples were so hard wired that even a slight brush on one would have him on the brink of blowing his load. So even though he fucked me slowly, it was very intense--it was hard to avoid grazing his nips while I felt his furry chest. He never did pound me, but it was still great. Him being on the edge the whole time had me worked up too. We ended up cumming at the same time, me on my belly, and him in my hole. It was cool to have such a slow, sensual but very intense fuck after taking a pounding earlier.
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  50. I love the taste of cum! It's my favourite drink and I ALWAYS swallow, but as a submissive bottom I always let the Top decide whether he wants to cum in my throat or my ass.
    1 point
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