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  1. Part: 6 It sort of went like this for the next few months. I would cruise for a load whenever I could sneak it in. During lunch breaks, on my way home, sometimes in the mornings, or at the gym. I got bred in many locations I would have never thought. Alleys, offices, parks, bathroom stalls. And I kept racking up those 5 star reviews. The guys were always a mix too. Sometimes it would be some 18-year-old kid that would jack hammer my hole and other times it was an older daddy. The convenience of the app made it so easy to keep from my wife she never suspected a thing. A few months in the wife was out of town again for the weekend, she was just making a quick trip to check on her mom and would be back the next day. She had taken our son with her. I made an excuse about staying behind to catch up on some work but I was really hoping to get some loads in me. Sat morning, I woke up to a message on the app: “Congratulations, you have received enough 5 star reviews to qualify you to upgrade to gold status. Please be aware that gold status comes with a Gift. We pozitively think you will enjoy the upgrade. If you are ready to be charged, hit accept!” Oh man, I didn’t even know what the gold membership really was but it sounded hot. I hit accept. I immediately got another message. “Welcome to Gold status. We have a new member event being held tonight to welcome you. Please show up at 8 p.m. to the address noted below. You will be the guest of honor where you will be receiving your Gift as a gold member. Show up wearing a jockstrap. Please RSVP ASAP if you are going to attend.” It was an address downtown, and the wife was out of town so what the heck. I hit yes. All day I was nervous and excited at the same time. What was the gift? Who will be there? What other cool things will come with being a gold member? I had never been in a group setting, let alone the center of attention. 7:30 came and I made my way over. The address was to a non-marked building at the end of a dead end street. It was downtown so it was a bit shady, a lot of homeless people about. The building did have parking next to it so I left my car there and walked up to the building. I knocked on the door and waited. Nothing happened. I knocked again and again nothing happened. Then out of nowhere a door to the left I had not seen before opens up and a guy motions me in. There are these stairs that went down into what seemed a basement. “you here for the gift?” “ummm…yeah, I just upgraded this morning.” “cool, I’ll think you are going to have a good time, strip down to your jock, you can leave your shit in that locker over there. I’ll be back for you in a sec.” He stepped through another door and left me in the empty room. It literally only had that one locker. I stripped to my jock and put my stuff away and waited. I could hear voiced but could not tell how many. The guy came back: “you ready?” “Yeah” “Good….im going to place this blindfold on you, take you into the center of the room, and then remove the blindfold there.” I nodded and everything went dark. The guy snapped a collar on me too and a leash. He started to lead me with the leash into the room. Once I stepped through the door I could feel the air change. I heard a lot of voices. Guys were grabbing and slapping my ass. A few slipped fingers into my hole. “yeah man, fresh meat!” “Gonna wreck that pussy” “can’t wait to charge him up!” Everyone seemed excited. I reached the center of the room and was pushed on all fours. The blind fold came out. I looked around, it was really bright and I could not see, I was in the center of a room with bright lights on me, some sort of spotlight. “We welcome our newest gold member, fresh meat for you to pozitively enjoy! Let the fun begin!”
    6 points
  2. PART 1 Wayne had saved me from mental blow out because of my divorce. He went well beyond his job as my boss. He was single and as far as I knew had never become involved in an underling’s private life as he did mine. He got me out of my sullen and angry mood. He got to be a very good friend who just happened to be my boss. I trusted him totally. I now believe and understand that Wayne did what he did for selfish reasons which were unclear over the months that he spent working on me. First, he didn’t want to have to fire an excellent employee such as I was. I was always at work early and left late. I wasn’t a brown noser; I believed in committing totally to my employer. Second, Wayne had decided to move my life in a different direction after my divorce. He told me later that it was seemingly small innocuous remarks that I made that made up his mind. So, that’s a digest version of background about how I got started on my metamorphosis. But, when the real change took place was just over a year later. There was a national holiday on Monday. Late on Thursday, Wayne called a total staff meeting. We crowded into the multipurpose room. Wayne rushed in at the last minute and told everyone that they had exactly fifteen minutes to re-record their voice mail to reflect the office was closed as of today and would re-open on Tuesday. He then shouted for everyone to scatter and get the hell out. That was typical Wayne. Always giving his staff such super presents. Of course, he stopped by my office and told me that the two of us were going out to drink the night away. And, we did. I ended up crashing at his condo waking up at ten o’clock in his spare bedroom to a hangover. Wayne seemed to be fine. He fixed me an old family recipe to recoup my steadiness. It was nasty. I still had some residual feeling which wouldn’t do. Wayne fixed a second brew for me and with much protest I drank it. This stuff was so nasty tasting. And, the worst side effect was that I ended up with diarrhoea. Something that I found out later was that Wayne had given me a preparation used for people who are going to get a colonoscopy. This was only the beginning of my new experiences and life. Wayne insisted I stay with him until I felt better. He refused to let me leave. So, stay I did and gradually began to feel better. About four, Wayne said he had a surprise for me. He had planned an excellent easy night for us, but he wanted to be sure that I was ready. He told me that he had a vitamin supplement shot that worked wonders for him and thought it would help me now. I consented and watched as he got his supplement and prepared for injecting me. I was in awe with the process. He carefully mixed the white powder with sterile water and made sure it was dissolved. Then, he wrapped a tourniquet around my arm, inserted the point, and plunged. When he had finished the plunge, Wayne released the tourniquet. BAM! A tsunami of warmth and a rush sped through my body. I know my eyes popped out. I coughed about a half dozen times. My head spun. My heart beat wildly. Wayne helped me to get to the guest bed where I lay down. I felt as if I could leap the tallest building and run a marathon. I forgot all about my hangover and diarrhoea. This was when Wayne began talking to me about our evening. He told me that he was taking me to a very special place tonight where I would be very popular if not the star attraction for the night. He would tell me that he knew I wanted to go with him and to do whatever he told me to do. Then, he would ask me if I wanted to go with him and do as he said to do. I said that I would go and follow his directions. Over and over and over Wayne kept up this line of telling me and then asking me. I didn’t realize the significance of the repetition. He finally told me that I had to convince him that I was serious. To convince him, I had to beg him to let me go with him. At first, I didn’t. Then, I began half-heartedly begging soon upping the ante I began begging him almost to a hysterical level. Wayne then began the same process of moulding my mind into taking his vitamin supplement. Without hesitation, I agreed eventually. Wayne stood in front of me as I lay on the bed. He smiled as he calmed me. Then, he reached up and pulled his wife beater over his head tossing it behind him. He unsnapped his shorts and slid the zipper down on his shorts. He slid his shorts down to the floor and stepped out of them straightening up when he finished. His actions were so surreal. I saw Wayne clearly but my fog-bound brain didn’t quite process what was happening. Here was my boss totally naked in front of me. I saw his 6-foot 4-inch body that was covered with dark hair everywhere. The two dark pink areolae peeked out of the thick dark nest of hair. He probably weighed 200 pounds but not an ounce of fat on him. He was muscled but not overly done. My eyes finally lowered down and saw his immense uncut cock gently wavering in front of him. There was a huge wetness seeping out of his foreskin. I stared at his cock as if hypnotized. Minutes passed as I stared at his cock as it continued to gently sway and began to grow thicker and reach itself outward and upward. There was a huge vein that travelled down the top of his cock. I was spell bound by the size. Larger and larger his cock grew stretching the foreskin and peeling it backwards allowing the seeping pre-cum to more freely ooze out of his piss slit. My body began to move up from the bed. I stood on the floor making sure to steady myself. My hands reached down grasping my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. I dropped it on the floor. I then removed my shorts as Wayne had done. Now, I stood totally naked as Wayne. I looked at him and then back down at his bloated cock. I knelt on the floor and stared at the fat cock in front of me. My hand reached out and gently grasped his cock. It felt like fire. I stared at it as pre-cum flowed easily out of his piss slit. It formed a huge globule at the tip. My head moved forward to closely look at the slit. As I neared this behemoth, my mouth opened swallowing with difficulty the head of Wayne’s warm cock. I’ve always been straight. I’ve never had a thought of being gay. Never. But, here I was now with another man’s cock in my mouth. I had not been coerced or threatened into doing this. I had done it on my own and without encouragement. I suckled the cock in my mouth and began licking and swallowing the pre-cum. More and more I moved Wayne’s cock deeper into my mouth where I learned how to worship such a gift. As much as I tried, I never succeeded in getting the entire 9 ½ inches in my mouth. I settled on taking as much as I could and began exploring this new sensation. Wayne let me feast on his cock and pre-cum for a very long time. He at long last put his hands on either side of my head and began to slowly face fuck me. As much as I had enjoyed sucking Wayne’s cock, I found that I also enjoyed him face fucking me. He was good at doing it. I looked upward into his face that looked down at me. He smiled. I moaned a long signal of pleasure and contentment. I suddenly realized at the end of my moan that I was enjoying myself immensely. I reached for my cock finding it shrivelled to almost nothing and no matter what I did it refused to get hard. I returned my focus to Wayne’s cock. I feasted more on Wayne’s cock as he face fucked me. There was no hurry in what he did. I let him feed me as I tasted his nectar now draining into my mouth in abundance. Then, without a warning, Wayne stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. I tried to protest, but Wayne was firm. He told me to follow him. We walked to his bed room. He threw all the covers off the bed. He told me to lay on the bed on my back and at the edge. I did so. He grabbed behind my knees and pulled my legs up. He told me to grab them and hold them. I did. Wayne then opened a drawer on his nightstand and took out a medium-size looking syringe that didn’t have a point. He gently coaxed the full length of it inside my ass. “I’m going to inject you with some lube. You’re going to enjoy this almost as much as I am,” Wayne said as he began to fill my ass with lube. I felt the container gently easing out of my ass. Wayne looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back not knowing what was going to happen. I just knew in my muddled mind I believed Wayne when he told me that I was going to enjoy myself. Wayne set the empty syringe on the nightstand. He reached up grabbing my right leg with his left hand. He moved his cock with his right hand so that his gooey piss slit was pressing against my ass hole. He pressed in to secure his position as his right hand now grabbed my left leg. He looked down at my face and smiled whereupon I smiled back at him. “It’s show time,” Wayne quietly said grasping my legs with a vise-like grip. In three fast and swift strokes, he plunged his hard cock balls deep inside my ass which now raged on fire. My eyes bugged out as a huge gasp of air was sucked into my lungs. My body tensed from the shock of the entry of his massive cock. My sphincter was ripped open as was my lining. Wayne held my legs as I began to struggle to get away from him letting loose a primal scream of agony at which Wayne shoved a pillow over my face. The intolerable pain sped through my body like lightning firing off every nerve ending. He held his fully buried engorged pipe in my ass for a couple of minutes but what seemed like hours until at some point he slowly began to pull his staff of manhood out of my ass easing my pain sort of. I took the time to inhale great quantities of air while I whined and yelped. Then, as the head of his colossus reached my sphincter, he stopped and began slowly edging his powerful shaft back inside me. Pain returned again but not as badly as the first time. The pain was different in many ways, and I coped with this new entry. My head thrashed back and forth as once more Wayne began to fill me. I could sense every inch that invaded me. I reached up and grabbed onto his forearms holding them tightly for some unspoken assurance. My whines morphed into whimpers. I turned to face him when I felt his crotch hair began to mash into my ass cheek. Five more times Wayne slowly withdrew his leviathan from my ass and returned it fully inside me. Each time my whimpering lessened. On the fifth inward stroke, my eyes rolled backward into my head as I moaned the pleasure that I felt. “Look at me,” Wayne commanded which I did. “Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to fill your ass with my cock. Beg me to fuck your no longer virgin ass and fill you with my cum load. BEG ME TO MAKE YOU CRAVE CUM FROM ANY COCK!” My head was spinning as I heard his commands. Several minutes later I began to beg without any spirit. Wayne and I looked at each other knowing that my words meant nothing. I continued to beg as Wayne slowly eased his mammoth cock in and out of my ass which burned less and had no pain. The more I felt his cock now gliding in and out of my hole the hungrier I became to feel his blockbuster causing my words to become sincerer and then desperately earnest. I felt the power of Wayne’s major leaguer going in and out of my ass demanding my attention and obedience. Wayne began a faster pace of in and out of my ass. As I looked at him through my drug-glazed eyes, my body began screaming for more. His vitamin supplement now ordered me to join in this race to the finish. I gripped Wayne’s forearm now tighter as he began to shake and jar my body with each inward slam. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me. Fuck me harder. Give me your cock deeper,” I heard come out of my mouth. “Fuck me harder! Make my ass yours! Shove that cock deep in me! Please, fuck me harder! I NEED YOUR CUM IN ME! FUCK ME, WAYNE, FUCK ME!” My teeth were rattling from how hard Wayne was now drilling me. The pain was different this time: It was all beautiful, and I couldn’t hurt enough. The sound of Wayne’s body slapping into mine filled my ears as did the sloshing sound that he had created from this memorable fuck. Sweat dripped off him now and onto me. I loved the feeling and knew I had to have more. My throat let loose a guttural moan from my primeval ancestors, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Wayne shoved his blood engorged gargantuan fuck stick deep in my ass unleashing a torrent of cum that raced through his urethra flooding my ass. My senses were so acute and on high alert that I actually felt at the moment that I could taste his gooey deposit. I felt his cock throbbing again and again and again as more of his slippery swimmers gushed into my ass spreading themselves out and coating everything in sight. Wayne was holding me so tight now it almost hurt . . . and I didn’t want him to let go. But, in the end, we both finally began to edge down from our high. Never had I ever experienced such a feeling. I knew I wanted more; I had to have more. Even if it meant I had to beg to get it. Wayne relaxed his grip on me letting my legs lower down as he pulled his now spongy and near deflated cum delivery pipe from my ass. I set my legs down on the floor as he took a step back. He motioned me to scoot up onto the bed, then, to flip over. I obeyed. He climbed up on the bed with me pushing his breeding stick back into my ass and laid on top of me settling himself. The night had just begun. What a boss.
    5 points
  3. I was half asleep when I felt the weight on me. His hard cock slid up my ass crack until his knob caught on my lubed hole. I was awake now and pushed back with my ass until the head popped in. He had a decent size cock so I grabbed the poppers and took a big hit. He leaned in to take a sniff to. We both moaned as he sank in all the way. That's when I noticed he was fully dressed, his cock sticking out of his fly. "You got me so hard when you walked in," he said in my ear, "I never thought I would have a chance at getting my dick in you." I realized it was the guy at the counter when I checked in to the bathhouse. He was pretty old and not particularly attractive but his cock sure felt great and I told him so. The last part I mean. "I got a big load for ya but it feels like you have already been bred. You got some loads in you boy?" I admitted that I did. He wanted details while he fucked me. I had few details for load number one since he took me from behind and I neither saw or spoke to him. Just plain old doggy style raw fucking. He had a fat cock though and stretched me good. Load number two was from a young Latino guy. He liked to make out while he dicked me so I got on my back and wrapped my legs around him. He was very energetic and whispered a lot of things in Spanish that I could not translate. I enjoyed his whispers and moans. He got really loud as he was cumming in my hole. So hot. "Yeah that is really hot," agreed my lover. "That guy is here a lot and I often hear him getting his nut. We both chuckle and then he settles down to some serious fucking. One more deep hit of the poppers for both of us and then he is a goner shooting his seed deep inside my willing hole. After he is done he lays across my back to catch his breath. "I hope that was as good for you as it was for me," he says. "It was great," I answered, and meant it. Continuing, I told him that I loved raw raw cock and getting boned by strange men. "Well, by the end of my shift I should be ready to go again, so I can take another go at your ass," he replied. "Hell, yeah," I answered, adding "if my door is closed to just let yourself in with your master key." Giving me a grin of approval, he left, leaving my door wide open. Before I can decide if I want to leave it open or sleep or go up to the glory holes a figure appeared in the doorway. My latest visitor was a light skinned black man, probably about fifty years old. Pulling my legs up to my chest, I presented my cummy ass. A big toothy smile crossed his face as he tossed his towel on to the bed. His cock was half hard but after rubbing it across my crack a couple of times he was ready to go. His dick was quite big, in any event it was certainly the biggest of the evening. Asking him to pause for a moment, I took a deep his of my poppers, offering them to him afterwards. "No, thanks," he answered, suggesting "you might want to take another hit. You're gonna need 'em 'cuz I'm gonna pound you good." And he did just that. Hanging on for dear life, he rutted like he was starving. I hadn't had any black dick in a while and I found myself absolutely getting off on being fucked by bbc. He got a little mean and rough at the end, calling me names, spitting in my face and choking me. "Take my load you fucking faggot cum whore," he wheezed, hand still around my throat. I was so turned I didn't care if he was choking me, seemingly to death. I loved it. My cock was rock hard, trapped between our bellies. Fortunately he ignored my cock 'cause had he touched me I would have blown my load. After he shot his load he seemed sheepish about being so aggressive. "Oh my god," I gush, "that was fucking amazing. Holy shit man that was intense!" I thanked him whole heartedly for both the fuck and the load. I decided to go for a stint in the sling stopping first for a piss break. The place seemed empty but I am a patient man. I settled in and waited. Didn't take long though. Someone appeared. He looked at me then started looking around. I think he was shy so the next time he looked my way I gestured him over. He was a short, stocky middle aged guy that was probably really hairy but he was trimmed all over. He was going to have to fuck me on his toes. As soon as he was close enough I grabbed his rod and pulled him into my mouth. It was a pain in the ass since the head end of the sling was too high and I had to really bend and twist to get my lips on it. It was worth it though since he was leaking a lot, and I am crazy for pre-cum. Before long he pulled off and went for my ass. Oh yeah! Back to the poppers. I did not bother offering him any as had a death grip on my legs and was pounding away furiously. I knew it would not take him long at the rate he was going. Sure enough a couple minutes into our breeding session he was emptying his sack up my ass. Bliss. Then he was gone. Laying back in the sling I felt pretty good. Still I wrapped the towel around my head hoping for some anonymous action. ************************************************************************* Okay enough for tonight. I have got to wack it. I will tell you about the rest of my evening tomorrow. Happy jerking boys.
    4 points
  4. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 6) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** I slapped Davis hard to calm him down. “Shut up and stop squirming around” I told my mate to hand me the tooth brush and held it closely to Davis’ face. He watched hypnotized at the instrument, which should make him bleed and give all the others the comfort of raping him. It was an old and used brush. Another guest forgot it probably in the bath room, or just didn’t want to take the tooth brush with him anymore, since it looked quite shabby. I touched Davis face with the brush. It didn’t hurt him, but still he tried to avoid contact. I drew a line over his cheek and smiled at him. “What do you think? We will use this to rip your cunt open” “Will it hurt me very much?” he was obviously frightened. “I won’t lie to you… it is pretty painful, but this way we can enjoy your wet cunt much more later on, do you get it?” I asked him calmly. “It is necessary for you to get the full impact of our cum into your system” I explained to him. “Believe me, once we’ve finished with you, you will drool for every cock in town to give you another shot of charged up cum and with your looks you will be prime meat…. and we give you enough experience to know your future role as a faggot cum dump for dirty loads…..” I spoke to him soothingly. “So…. we will push you down now and I want you to relax your sphincter. We want to enjoy this moment, so don’t trash around or scream out loud…. you don’t want to make me angry again… do you? I asked him sternly. Davis looked around in panic. “Of course…. if you would use the tooth brush on yourself….” I thought out loudly. “You know your body best. If you put up a good show for us, we might not even fuck your hole” I continued my thinking talking more or less to me. I saw a gleam of hope in the boys’ eyes. “Are you nuts?” one of the guys complained. “I want to drench his cunt with my lethal injection” he laughed out loudly. I turned around and winked to my companions, then turned back to the lad again. “Believe me. If you use this tooth brush and fuck yourself with it for a while, we will shoot our loads without even touching you.” I smiled. “You must be good though. Just entering with the tip and then hoping for good is not enough. We will instruct you probably, while you are having fun with yourself, but I promise we won’t interact in any other way” “And you won’t rape me after all? You promise?” Davis asked cutely. “If all of us shoot a load within an hour into your mouth, you will be free to go….. I promise” I vowed. I held the tooth brush still in front of Davis’ eyes. His hand raised up slowly and with a promising wink he accepted the torture instrument. The guys moved closer to the bed stroking their cocks slowly. The video-cam was stationed on the tripod again. We pulled the tripod a bit to the side, so that the bed was in good view. One of the guys stood behind the cam to zoom in from time to time. Davis was still looking at us with fear in his eyes. He tried to sit up and while staring at us the brush vanished under his body eventually. “This way you won’t be successful in avoiding your rape and the time is ticking” someone advised him. “We could shackle his feet to the bedpost” a buddy suggested. “This way he would be on his back, with his legs spread widely and chained up to those posts.” “No! I don’t want to be tied up!” the youth exclaimed at once. “Listen…. just comply. I am a man to my word. Make love with this tooth brush and accept our loads in your mouth, then you won’t be harmed any further.” I tried to convince the lad. “Get on your back now…“ I continued. He looked me into my eyes and slowly moved into a horizontal position. “Get the handcuffs” I hissed. While we helped him to pull up his legs, we tied him up finally. We were able to see his ass crack slightly open for us. “Now try to find the hot spot – use your other hand to spread your ass cheeks. We need to see what’s going on in order to cum…. just trying to help you lad.” I encouraged him. Davis moved his left hand to get a good grip of one ass cheek. While he pulled it away, we could see his asshole finally. “Good boy…. now use the brush and slowly enter your hole with it…. Don’t pull back…. never pull back until I tell you…..” He sobbed silently while pushing the tip of the tooth brush into his body. He stopped suddenly. I promised him, we wouldn’t interfere but I saw the danger in him pulling out immediately. So I rested my hand calmly on his hand and told him in a comforting voice not to pull out now, but to keep the pressure and push deeper into his cunt. He nodded understandingly and while he pushed the brush deeper into his asshole, I withdrew my helping hand and continued stroking my hard dick. All the guys were slowly jacking off, while they heard the youth whimper and watched him cooperate to our advices. “This is so fucking beautiful” I whispered. “Good job boy, just a little bit deeper… stop now” I ordered him. “How do you feel?” I asked the heavy breathing lad. “I’m scared…” Davis lamented. “No need to baby…. now listen to me…… look onto my eyes cutie… look at me…. Keep the eye contact… now…. *moaned* Yank the tooth brush out of your fuck hole you son of a bitch…. yank it out!” I shouted out loud. Davis pulled the tooth brush out of his arse in one fast motion and immediately started screaming on top of his lungs. “Aiieeeeeee… AAAIIIIEEEEEE … *sobbed*” Two guys covered the youth’s mouth to mute his alarming sounds. Davis trashed around, but since he was not able to move his legs, he had no choice but to scream about the horrible pain he just endured. He dropped the tooth brush next to his ass but I picked it up for him. Two other pals on both sides used the situation already and grabbed both hands of the cub and made him stroke their dicks, which he actually did. That was so hot. In the moment of his biggest pain he still functioned as the goddamn faggot he was. I let the guys fool around a bit, but after the first wave of pain faded away, I handed Davis the tooth brush back and praised the lads guts, to fuck himself with this device. “That was a great beginning, but if you want us to cum into your mouth, you better continue to fuck yourself with this!” I exclaimed. I helped Davis, who didn’t seem to be so brave anymore, and led his hand back to his hole. We wanted to see blood sipping out of his ass cunt profusely. The pub tried to find some sympathy in our eyes. That was the only thing he could see – the slits in our masks revealed how much we enjoyed this despair and pain. “Push now!” I demanded and with a cry of help he entered his tiny hole a second time, knowing it wouldn’t be the last…
    4 points
  5. As I stand here in my giant bathroom, inspecting my naked body in the massive mirror, I find myself thinking about the road that led me here. I trace my fingers over the outlines of the amazing designs on my arms, and then reach up and touch the forbidding symbol on my left pec. I then turn, first left and then right, craning my neck back to see the words imprinted on my buttocks. If my former teammates could see me now. If my ex-girlfriend could see me now. That always makes me smile. My name’s Jake, and I’ve just turned 30. I live on my own in this huge house, bought two years ago when my numbers came up. But while I’m single, rarely a day goes by when there isn’t someone else here. Whether it’s a guy or two I have in the house as a guest, or a whole group of them in the playroom I had built in the garage after I moved in, there’s nearly always someone on hand to keep me entertained. But it wasn’t always this way. Over the next few chapters I will tell you how I became what I became, the things I did that I never thought I would, and how I ultimately emerged as a thirty year-old bearing the words that would forever mark me as what I am now: CUM DUMP. ------- My story starts when I was 26. I had recently changed jobs, finally getting my break as a proper consultant after being stuck in a seemingly never-ending graduate cycle at my previous firm. The rounds of interviews and assessments had been rigorous and taxing, but in the end it all paid off and I found myself finally getting somewhere with my career. The extra money meant Rachel and I could move out of her parents’ place in Hertfordshire and rent a decent flat in Camden, gaining our independence as well as about two hours extra a day with the shorter commute. The new job was hard going, but I loved being thrown in at the deep end and getting to show what I was capable of. Over time I earned praise from my managers and the colleagues around me, and was eventually assigned to a new project that I had been hoping to get on since I found out about it. I was going to be working as part of a team with some great guys, getting to travel to various European offices of the client who had commissioned the introduction of the new system we had developed. Lisbon, Barcelona, Milan, Munich, Stockholm, and many more, all paid for by the firm. I was so excited, although my mood was dampened by Rachel somewhat when she got in a huff about me travelling to all these places without her. She could be hard work sometimes. The first trip was to Lyon in France, and I excelled by being able to surprise the others with my competent grasp of French, a gift from the long hours I had spent being taught French by my maternal grandmother, a native to France. The trip went really well, and by the end of it my more senior colleagues in the team were no longer treating me like the new boy. Then came Barcelona, and that’s when everything changed. The job in Barca was a bit smaller as the client only had a small outpost there. As such, only four of us went this time, comprising me, Ben, Mitchell and Rob. Ben was the senior on the trip, whilst Mitch and Rob had been at the company for only a year or so longer than had I, so we were pretty much equals. To save a bit of money, (and as it was only for three nights), we were sharing two twin rooms in the hotel. Whereas normally at least the senior would get his own room and then the rest of us either sharing or also getting singles. As Mitch and Rob were good friends, it was only natural they took one of the two rooms, whilst Ben and I took the other. On the first night two guys and one of the women from the client’s office took us out for dinner, before leaving us to explore some of the bars in the old town. However, we were all a bit tired from the journey so didn’t stay out late. The next day was a busy one, but by late afternoon we were done with what we could do, pending some overnight process work the client’s IT people needed to do. As such, we headed back to the hotel to change, and then went out for the early evening. The drink and tapas flowed, and dinner never really happened. Mitch and Rob were then up for going to a club, but I could see Ben was enthused as the prospect of a late night, so I suggested that the two of us just call it a night and maybe have a nightcap in the hotel bar. I was actually quite keen to go clubbing, but I didn’t want to be crashing into the room and waking my senior colleague at whatever time in the night, especially as I was making such a good impression with everyone at the firm. So, sure enough, Ben and I found ourselves back at the hotel. We both got a drink, G&T for Ben, a rum and coke for me, and then sat in the comfy surroundings to chat. Ben was 34 and single, which I found surprising as he was a very handsome man. Tall, well-built, well-dressed, charming and funny, he seemed like the sort of guy who would have his choice of women. Or men. I didn’t actually know which team he played for, but didn’t want to pry too much and it really didn’t matter anyway. We finished our drinks and headed upstairs, both of us declaring that we wanted a shower before bed as it had been a clammy night in the city. Ben went first, and then when he came out of the bathroom wearing a towel I headed in to get myself clean. When I’d finished showering the bathroom was so full of steam that I concluded I’d never get dry in there, so did as Ben had done and went out into the room with just a towel on. To my surprise, Ben was still just wearing his towel, and he looked up at me and smiled as I padded past his bed to my own. “Wow, you’re built” he said to me as I passed. I blushed. “Er, yeah, I work out” I said. I was actually pretty proud of my body, all 6’1” of it. I worked out several times a week, jogged regularly, ate healthily, and kept my chest shaved and smooth the way Rachel liked it. “You should show it off more” Ben said, his eyes on me. “Your shirts are way too loose.” Oh man, he had been noticing what I wore. Well, that answered that question I guessed: Ben must be gay. Strangely enough, I felt a stirring in my own loins as his gaze rested on me. “Oh, 'er, you think?” I mumbled. “Hell yeah” he said, “don’t put in all that work just to waste it on your girlfriend!” He laughed, and after a moment I laughed too, although I think it was more nervous laughter than anything. “Thanks” I said, blushing harder. “I didn’t realise, 'er, you were, 'er, noticing.” Ben gave me a warm smile. “I’m not the only one who’s noticed” he said. “You’re pretty popular in the office.” I blushed again, and awkwardly shifted position on the bed. As I did so, my towel loosened and slipped, basically leaving me sitting there naked. I hurriedly tried to sort it out, but only got it into more of a tangle. “Don’t” Ben said softly. I stopped wrestling with the towel and looked up at him. “Let me see.” I don’t know why, perhaps it was the buzz from the rum, but I slowly released my grip on the towel and let it fall beside me. I then swung my legs off the mattress and slowly stood up in the gap between our beds, locking my stare on Ben as he gazed back at me. His eyes were making their way up and down my body in the most lustful way anyone had ever looked at me, and I saw him give his lips a small lick. He wanted me so badly, and something about this situation had my heart racing. My dick started to swell and rise, until I was standing before him with a massive boner, almost starting to pant. What the fuck was happening to me? Wasn’t I straight? Ben looked for a bit longer, and then started to scoot across his own bed towards me. He deliberately removed his own towel on the way so that he too was naked, and then he was sitting there in front of me, staring straight ahead at my dick. Instinctively I shuffled forward a bit, and he leaned in, opened his mouth and swallowed me whole. “Fuuuuuuck” I groaned, having never felt a blowjob like this. He then reached both his hands behind and roughly gripped my arse, pulling me in towards him even more. His head started going back and forth on my cock like a jackhammer, the suction on my dick like an industrial hoover. I put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself, and gradually gripped him tighter as he brought me towards orgasm. Then, rather abruptly, he let go of my arse and pulled his mouth off my dick, causing me to stagger back slightly. I snapped out of my reverie and looked down at him. “Turn around” he said, turning his head up to face mine. “What?” I asked, a little all over the place. “Just do it” he said, suddenly sounding rather stern. I just did as instructed and turned around, not sure what was coming next. Then he grabbed my hips and pulled me backwards towards him, reaching up to push the small of my back so that I would bend forwards. I put my hands on my thighs to steady myself, and then the next thing I knew his face was in my arse. His tongue was lapping at my hole, and the room seemed to be exploding with fireworks. I had never felt anything like this in my life. It was fucking amazing! I’m not sure, but I think I must have been moaning and groaning for England as he gave me my first ever rimjob. He kept this up for a while, actually getting his tongue into my hole, and then he pulled his face out. Before I could turn or straighten up I felt his fingers in there instead, gently prodding and poking at me. I then understood that I was going to be fucked. Ben must have planned something like this, or maybe he was just in the Scouts once and was thus always prepared, but he had stashed a tube of lube in the drawer of the bedside table. He briefly paused the fingering to open the drawer, grab his supply and lube up his fingers. He then started to apply much more pressure with them, pushing one, then two, and then I think three fingers into me. All the while I just continued to stand there, bent over in front of him seemingly inviting him to carry on doing what he was doing. I could say I was paralysed with fear or something, but in truth I was loving it and was suddenly really excited to see what this was going to be like. I’d never really thought about it before, but that didn’t seem to matter. The drink must have been a factor, or at least that’s what I tell myself these days. His fingers started to hit something inside of me, and my silence turned to moans. This only spurred him on, until he was really going to town on me with his fingers. Then, as before, it all stopped abruptly. “Get on the bed” he commanded, “on your hands and knees.” I didn’t even pause. I just moved forward, crawled on to the bed and waited. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me back a bit, and then I heard the splooging sound of some more lube being squeezed out of the tube. The pressure returned on my hole, but it was spongier and fatter than any of the fingers had been. “Let me in” he said gruffly. I didn’t know what that meant, but I instinctively pushed back and must have done whatever it was that was needed as he popped inside. It startled me and gave me a brief flash of pain, but that soon subsided. He then pushed steadily in to me, making me feel fuller than I ever had before. As he got deeper it started to hurt a little more, particularly as he was going into territory his fingers had not reached, but I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes and forced myself not to pull off him. Then the pushing stopped, I felt the roughness of his pubes on my buttocks, and I knew I had his whole cock inside. He didn’t give me any time to adjust, instead starting a steady rhythm on my whole, thrusting his cock in and out in substantial strokes. A dull pain was radiating from my arse, but something else was there as well and it felt amazing. As the pain started to subside, my whole body started to tingle as he fucked me. The feelings were incredible, and I couldn’t stop myself from pushing back against him, trying to get more of his cock in me, trying to make him fuck me harder. And fuck me harder he did. If I thought he was like a jackhammer when sucking me earlier, it was as nothing compared to what he could do with his cock. Pneumatic drills are gentler on tarmac than the treatment I was getting, but it was pure ecstasy. He fucked me for 20 minutes, and then started groaning. “I’m cumming” he grunted, suddenly accelerating his pace even more. Then he stopped, yelled out and held in position as a curious warm feeling filled my rear end. “Fucking take it” he grunted as he unloaded in me, breeding me like the bitch he was turning me into. I just knelt there on my hands and knees as I was filled with cum for the first time, loving the sensation as his cock pulsed inside me. Then, and again rather abruptly, he pulled out and collapsed backwards on to his bed. I felt some cum running down my leg, and began to crawl backwards off the bed with the intention of going to the bathroom to clean up. But as I turned round I saw Ben lying on his back panting, I noticed his cock was still erect and covered in juice. Perhaps it was a case of being in for the penny, in for the pound, but I just couldn’t help myself from dropping to my knees, leaning forward and taking it into my mouth. The taste of his juices, the lube and, I guess, my own arse was intoxicating. As I sucked and licked him clean I started furiously wanking my own cock, getting off on the feeling of more of him leaking from my rear end as I did so. In no time I blew on to my torso, the bedspread and the carpet. I then collapsed back on to the floor, panting and exhausted. Neither of us said anything for a while, but then I got up and started making my way to the bathroom. I got in there, and turned to face the mirror so I could look at myself. I was glistening with sweat, but otherwise looked like me. I felt different, but the man staring back at me was still me, at least outwardly. Then Ben came into the bathroom as well, and turned to face the mirror too. We looked into each other’s eyes via the reflection, until I noticed his cock starting to rise again. I stared at it coming back up to full mast, and then looked back up to his face. He was smirking at me, and then moved to step behind me. I leaned forward a little, and he just planted his cock between my cheeks and pushed into me again. This time he fucked me more tenderly, with none of the jackhammering of before. Throughout, I kept my eyes either focused on my own face, or looking back at his has he slightly grimaced from the exertion of reaming me. My own cock also came back to life so I started stroking myself, adding that to the things I watched in the reflection. After about 15 minutes Ben accelerated, and I focused on watching the reflection of my own face as I felt him shooting a second load into my sloppy hole. Again, it was still me, but this was a me with a cock shooting cum into his arse. When he was done spurting his load into me, Ben caught my gaze in the reflection. Smiling, he gave me a wink, withdrew his cock and swiftly left the bathroom. I just stood there, once again with cum dripping out of me, gazing at myself in the mirror. I felt awesome. I got myself cleaned up a bit, and then went back out in the bedroom. Ben was in bed properly, and was clearly asleep. I headed for my own bed, but then turned to look back at him. The temptation was too great, and I just climbed in. He stirred as I did so, wrapping his arm around me. I briefly lay there facing him, but then turned so he was spooning me. He pulled me in a bit tighter, and then we were both still. I reached out and switched off the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Inside, I knew that I would wake up with a right clusterfuck going on in my mind, but for now I was exhausted, a little sore and in the comforting arms of a man who had just shown me a whole new side of myself. Sleep came quickly.
    3 points
  6. This is my first time writing and although this is fiction, it is very heavily influenced by my own experiences. I hope that you guys give me yer honest feedback, thanks. Colt was the typical redneck white trash kind of kid growing up in a rural state in a small town along a major interstate hiway. He knew he was white trash because everyone told him so. It was just him and his mother Brenda for as long as he knew. They lived in a dumpy trailer house on the edge of town and his mom worked at the local truck stop. Colt didn't have any friends but his mom sure did. Every night after she got off work she always had a " guest" over. Usually it was some truck driver or biker who had come through. Occasionally it was a local like the banker, one of his teachers, or even one of the older high school guys from his school. It certainly made making friends at school very hard for Colt especially when the older boys would tell him how good his mom was in bed. Colt was a loner. Colt had grown up tough and strong. He was 5'11 inches 150 pounds of pure muscle. He had dark hair, dark eyes and he prided himself that he grew a beard, sort of in the 9th grade. He was considered attractive but no girl would dare talk to him because of his mom's reputation. Colt never talked to anyone at school. He lived his life invisible to everyone around him. He only saw his mom briefly when she came home from work and always had a guest with her. They would walk in, his mom would say a quick hello and they would disappear down the hall to the bedroom. There were several times when Colt would fall asleep on the sofa one of the guests would come out and watch tv. The guy would often be friendly with Colt, and he enjoyed the attention. A few times they would drink beer with Colt or even share a joint. It made Colt feel grown up when this would happen and he enjoyed the buzz or high he got with these men. A few had even asked him to suck their cocks but Colt never did. The other thing Colt enjoyed was hanging out at the park that was behind the truck stop his mom worked at. It was secluded, along the river, and had space for camping and truck parking. There was also a nice brick restroom in the center. Colt would watch the cars and big rigs traveling the roads and long to leave this hell hole. He did notice that more guys than anything stopped and used the restrooms but never thought much about it. They would often glance at him as they entered or talk to him as they came out but he never figured it out, until on day in August. He knew it was August because the bikers had been coming through town in their way to Sturgis for the big bike rally. He enjoyed the sounds of the big bikes, how the guys were dressed in black leather, and how rugged they seemed. He needed to take a piss and headed to the restroom. He walked it and it smelled like all outdoor toilets, the smell of piss and disinfectant was strong. He had just started pissing when he heard two bikes stop outside and two bikers walked in. He had chosen the urinal in the center and soon he had one biker on each side of him. He got nervous when anyone was around and he froze up. He couldn't piss. He just stood there while the two bikers were pissing on either side of him. He stared straight ahead at the brick wall and tried to focus. He wasn't listening to the two bikers and was startled when one put his hand on his shoulder and said shy huh? Colt jumped a little and turned beet red. He looked down again and noticed the biker had a big hard cock hanging out of his pants. Colt just stared at it. The biker said you must like what you see there boy and Colt just turned more red. The biker on the other side of him said well mine is just as nice and Colt turned and saw he too was hard and slowly stroking his fat uncut cock. Colt wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to run out of there and yet his feet didn't move. The bikers kept saying things but he wasn't really comprehending. The dark haired biker who had his hand on his shoulder turned Colt to face the other biker with the uncut cock. He was blond, bearded about 35 and about the same height as Colt but much bigger. The blond biker then kneeled on the floor and unbuckled Colts wranglers, pushing them down and that's when the biker realized Colt didn't have any underwear on. Truth was Colt didn't have any as his mom never got around to buying him any. Colt stood there in shock and fear as the biker started stroking Colt's cock and it started to grow. Nobody had ever touched Colt before and he blushed deeply again. The biker said there is nothing better than boy cock and opened his mouth and started sucking Colt's 7 inch cock. He couldn't believe the incredible feelings he was receiving. He just closed his eyes and he could feel the other biker behind him start to kiss his neck and rub his growing bulge against Colt's exposed ass. The biker said to his buddy that there is one thing better than boy cock and that's boy ass and both bikers laughed. All Colt knew at that point was he was feeling real good right now. The biker behind him also kneeled behind him and felt him spread his ass cheeks apart and he pushed his face into the boys crack. Colt was not sure what was going to happen but the beard felt good on his crack and then he held something warm and wet on his virgin hole. Holy fuck Colt thought to himself, this feels awesome. The guy went from licking his hole to probing it. He would git it real wet and then he felt one of the bikers fingers invade his hole. Before Colt could protest, he suddenly felt his cock erupt into the blond bikers mouth and he blasted ever drop of boy cum he had in his balls. He felt his ass spasm and buck against the other biker's finger. Colt literally felt like his legs would collapse and he would fall down but the two bikers kept him upright. The three guys could hear a couple a cars pull up to the restroom and the two bikers quickly tucked their cocks back in and the dark haired biker quickly said meet us outside and they walked out. Colt was still standing at the urinal, his wranglers down to his boots when he heard the door open again. He quickly pulled his jeans back up and washed his hands as he processed what just happened. He wasn't sure how he felt and if he should go talk to them or not. He pulled the door open and walked out......
    3 points
  7. any horni fukkers wana pump mi full aids...sleazy kunt need fukin up gud
    3 points
  8. So began my new work routine. Someone would find a way to have me leave for a longer lunch than normal, usually dressed up either as a working lunch or an offsite meeting. I would then find myself in the disabled loo three floors up, getting my arse and throat reamed out by a whole host of men who would all dump their sticky goo inside my holes. I never asked who anyone was, nor acknowledged what we’d been up to with any of them that I knew when we were dealing with the firm’s business later on. In time, I was having sessions at which none of the gang from the Barcelona trip were present, even though that prospect had initially unnerved me. Things started to go up a gear when additional sessions before or after the working day started to be added to the equation. Ben always initiated those, especially after another project he was working on began to eat away at his ability to join us for the lunchtime gangbangs. He would use the online communicator to tell me to stay behind a bit late of an evening, or I would get texts while at home with Rachel telling me to be in an hour before normal. Gavin, too, started using these routes to get more time from me, such that I would regularly find myself in at 7.30am for one of them and still hanging around past 7pm for the other. Saturdays even started to come into play, with phantom meetings or working group sessions being set up for me in the office when in fact I would just be getting reamed out again. On those occasions, as the only people in for the day, I would usually get bred on our own floor to up the ante somewhat. Whoever it was and whenever it was that I was summoned for a breeding, I always complied. All of this began to take its toll at home, as the amount of time I spent there with Rachel gradually diminished. I felt for her, I really did, but I just wasn’t in it any more. I knew I had morphed into a true office cumdump bitch, and was increasingly comfortable and happy about that, so trying to act out as someone I wasn’t any longer at home was getting harder and harder. Eventually the inevitable happened and she left, moving to Clapham to take up the spare room of a friend of hers who had recently also split from her boyfriend. I was sad about the way things had ended between us as I did really like her as a person, but truthfully I was just glad to be free of one more potential barrier to my true slutty nature. With Rachel gone, I started to get home visits from guys at the office who lived within reach, most of whom would cover the excursion from their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends or whoever as being a trip to the gym. I suppose there was an element of truth in that, given they gave themselves a decent workout when fucking me senseless. What it meant was that the whole weekend was now open for me to get bred by my colleagues, and with eleven of them now taking advantage of what I had to offer, not a day went by without me taking at least three loads. ------- The next big change came six weeks after Rachel and I broke up. It was a Saturday morning, and I woke up quite early with plans to go for a jog before Ben came over. I was quite excited about the visit this morning, as he’d finally decided to bring one of his own fuckbuddies over to have a go with my arse and as such I was going to get a breeding from someone who I didn’t work with for the first time. I’d done my teeth and got dressed into my jogging gear, but then picked up my phone to check my messages. That’s when I noticed I had texts and emails from the National Lottery, which peaked my interest. Whenever I’d won two pounds before I would just get an email telling me to log in to my account for some news about my ticket, but this time there were many more messages and I saw the word ‘jackpot’ for the first time. I didn’t go jogging. Instead I spent the morning staring blankly at my emails and the lottery website, trying to take in what I was being told. EuroMillions. One hundred and forty million pounds. Sole winner. Even when I phoned in and went through dozens of questions to confirm things, I still couldn’t take it in when the lady confirmed I would be getting that much money in to my bank account in the next few days. Ben and his friend Frank arrived late morning, and I calmly allowed them to fuck me for a few hours without really engaging. Ben could probably tell something was up, but he didn’t let on and just enjoyed spitroasting me with Frank. They even double-fucked me without breaking me out of my near trance-like state, which Frank interpreted to mean I was just such a slut I had gone in to a cum-driven high. I was happy to let him believe that, as it just seemed to spur him on to fuck me harder and thus cum faster. When they eventually left they had each dumped four loads in my throat or arse. I was a bit more with it on the Sunday, so was able to engage a bit more effectively when Lucas from HR came round in the morning to breed me, and also when Vikesh from Ben’s other project stopped by in the afternoon to fill me with seed. The following week I went through the motions at work and in the toilets, still a bit disbelieving that I was suddenly that wealthy. However, when Thursday evening came round and I got home at 9pm after a particularly heavy session with Gavin and his assistant James, I finally got the nerve to log in to my HSBC account. Sure enough, the money was there. I was fucking loaded, in every sense of the word. ------- I started dealing with what had happened by calling Rachel. It was nice to speak to her actually, and she agreed to meet me for a coffee. When I told her that I was giving her seventy million pounds she assumed I was telling some kind of weird joke she didn’t understand, but eventually she started to believe when I explained my reasoning. We had been together when I had bought my rolling EuroMillions ticket, it had kind of been her idea but I had been the one to actually register the account and make the purchase, I had picked her birthday as some of the numbers, and all in all I wanted to make sure she got what I felt she deserved. I then apologised to her for the way things had gone between us, and told her I hoped that we could still be friends. Unsurprisingly, with me having volunteered up a share of an absolute fortune that she would not otherwise have known about and certainly wasn’t entitled to, she forgave me for all that had gone before and we have remained quite close ever since. My next step was to quit my job. As much as I enjoyed working there, I didn’t need the money and, to be honest, having to do 40 hours of actual work a week was starting to cramp my style as a true cumslut. The guys would still be welcome to breed me whenever they wished, and I would be happy to stop by the office for trips to the disabled loos if they wanted me to at lunchtimes, but I didn’t want the hassle of having to pretend like I was this high-flying ambitious guy who wanted to climb the career ladder. I worked some of my notice period, and then took my outstanding annual leave for the rest of it so that I could bring my time in the office to an end. I was thrown a leaving party by my team and the others on the floor, and we all went out for drinks at a nearby pub afterwards. As it was a Friday night it was really busy in there, so there weren’t any trips to the loos with Ben, Mitch or any of the others to get my arse the seeing to it needed. However, at the end of the night Ben took me back to my flat, and for the first he stayed over in my bed, fucking me several times before we both got up mid-morning on the Saturday. “So, Mr Wealthy Slutbags” he said as he sat down at the kitchen table, “what do you have planned now?” “Househunting” I replied, as I poured us both a coffee. “Well, that sounds like a daytime activity” he said. “Does that mean you’re free tonight?” “I am indeed” I said, smiling. “Good boy” he said. “In that case, a few of us guys want to give you the send-off you deserve.” “Oh?” I said, cocking an eyebrow as I walked over with our coffees. “It’s a surprise” he said, taking the cup out of my hand and then having a sip. “I’ll be back later to pick you up.” “What time?” “Whenever I feel like it” he replied, giving me a bit of a glare. “Oh, er, yes, sir, of course” I stammered, surprised at how we had switched from pleasant chatting to our normal dominant-submissive relationship. He winked at me. “Just kidding boy” he said. “But seriously, be ready and cleaned out from 5 o’clock and I’ll be here at some point after that.” I breathed out in relief at his warmer tone. “OK, I will be” I replied, “sir”. He smiled at me as I added the last word after a short pause. “What should I wear?” I asked. “Jockstrap” he said. “I’ll bring the rest.” “Oh” I said, suddenly understanding that this was not going to be night out drinking or clubbing with the guys. “OK sir.” With that, the conversation switched back to what I was now going to do with my life. We talked about where I would look to live, where I wanted to travel, the things I would buy, and the people in my life I would take care of. He never once made even the remotest suggestion that I should include him in any of that, and actually gave me some really good advice about how to dish out my winnings to my loved ones without causing offence or creating rifts between everyone. It was then that I decided he would be a beneficiary, once I’d figured out the perfect gift to give him. Ben left later that morning, and I spent the day registering with various high-end property consultants so that I could arrange some meetings the following week and start my search. I spoke to my parents, read a heartwarming and unexpected email from Rachel’s mum, and also got on to a few other websites to begin splashing out on things I’d always wanted to own. Then, later on, I headed for the bathroom and began a really deep clean, getting myself all washed out inside, shaving my chest, having a good shower, and then sorting out my hair. I then selected my favourite black jockstrap and put it on, doused myself in the Armani fragrance I loved, and then made my way downstairs to wait for Ben. Whatever the night held in store, I was ready and eager to find out.
    3 points
  9. Amazed at how fast my body adapts. My weekly fisting training continue to achieve new skill levels. Was fisted for a solid hour tonight, including one 15 or so minutes stretch where his hand never left my hole. Plus he's now all the way to his knuckles in getting through my second sphincter and into the colon with his paw. Drove home with a throbbing trashed Canyon of an ass. Slept good deep and hard for three solid hours and now a wake, somewhat sore and a wishing for more.
    3 points
  10. I've played with a decent number of guys who are not on meds since I got on PrEP including several CumUnion events and bath houses and I'm still neg. I currently have a regular fuck buddy (20yo college guy) who I play with almost every week and sometimes more who is not on meds and has a HVL. He pretty much lives to poz other college bois and has converted a good number since he came here for school. (We joke he is responsible for Texas A&M's student health services issuing a HIV notice last year due to an increase in cases.) Despite his toxic seed, he hasn't knocked me up. There is of course a slight risk since nothing is 100% certain and effective, but I have much greater chance of being hit by a car on the way to his apartment than getting pozzed by him while on PrEP.
    3 points
  11. I liked reconnecting with Jason, the high school quarterback I caught fucking my first boyfriend. I had seen him a few more times at bars, clubs, parties, bathhouses. He was always getting fucked. I mean, so was I, but it seemed like he never stopped fucking. As the months wore on, I got busier at work and then spent the summer teaching remedial courses for extra cash. I wasn't going out much then, but I was on the apps and adam4adam. I was getting fucked regularly. When I saw Jason again, the gorgeous football player was gaunt and haggard. I ran into him at a bathhouse and was just stunned when he stopped me to say hi. We got fucked and bred next to each other in the hallway by two frat boys. I was looking at Jason as we got fucked bareback and bred. He was still incredibly attractive, but that was all covered over by a layer of "worn out." I went home that night and told myself that I had to slow down. I'd ruin my chances of getting a boyfriend if everyone could have me so easily. I'd also end up looking so tired and "worn out." That was not my path. I decided. Then Grindr hit in 2009. I was hooked. I was on it regularly and my ass was getting pumped full of a lot of guys' cum. Condoms were almost cliche with my hookups, only some of them even mentioned using one. I didn't even really need to go to Manhattan to hit the bars. I liked to go to Manhattan though and turn on Grindr. I'd be getting nailed pretty quickly. This app was amazing. So many horny hot guys. I started in a new school in Queens during the Fall 2009. It was really difficult. I was making progress with the class over time though. It just took so much effort that I didn't really have time for anything else - including Grindr. I got fucked maybe once a month all during the school year and summer(taught remedial again). That was not enough. My hole was twitchy. It needed cock. And, I knew deep down, it needed cum. When I looked up from work in Fall 2010, it seemed like the world had changed. Marriage Equality was coming! It hadn't happened in NY yet, but we all knew it would. It seemed like guys couldn't wait though and were going to other states to get hitched. I saw Facebook photos, received wedding invitations, and generally thought I was so disconnected from it all. Guys I met in college. Couples I fucked around with. Guys I'd seen for years in the bathhouses and at parties. Guys that just met for the first time. All getting married. That's when it hit me. I hadn't even been asked on a date in 6 years. 6 years! I was stunned. I'd had hundreds of sex partners in that time, but no dates. My depression worsened and I was starting to have trouble leaving the house. Sara, my previous roommate now dating my brother, got me to see a doctor and get on drugs. It took a few months, but I was starting to feel better again. It helped to walk the city at night and take the train. Not sure why, but being in the lively city helped me feel more alive. On one of my walks, I ran into Steve. It was so good to see him. We hugged in the middle of the street and talked for an hour without moving. Steve is great! He has a good job, is well adjusted, dating a guy (not seriously). We decided to grab a drink. One drink turned into a full night of dancing shirtless. It was so much fun. Steve texted me the next day and asked if I want to go to a party he heard about - Under 35 Only, Exclusive Party. It was held in an unfinished loft style building on the West Side. The place is fitted out for the party, rooms separated by curtains and sheer drapery, couches, tables, bars. It was dimly lit. Guys had to strip to their underwear to gain entrance. There was a flat $100 fee, but liquor was free inside. I looked around and all the guys were young and gorgeous. I was hesitant at first because I felt really fat compared to these guys. Steve stepped in and said, "Fuck man. You are as hot as I remember. When did you start wearing jockstraps?" He winked at me and we went for drinks. He made me feel more confident. We were in line for drinks and I saw my old roommate John. I was happy to see him. He looked great and twinky as ever. So cute. I introduced John and Steve. We all hung out for our first round and then split up to look for guys to fuck. The crowd was starting to make out and fuck around. My hole was ready. I needed to get fucked tonight. A muscle guy stopped me and we chatted for a bit. I leaned in and felt his chest and he felt my ass. He kissed me. We made out for awhile. Then he turned me around. He felt my ass. He said, "Are you a bottom?" I said I was. He said, "Good." He rubbed against my back and pulled my hand back to rub his cock. It was a good cock. I stroked him and pushed his briefs down to get his cock out. He said, "Get it wet." I turned around and got on my knees. I looked around briefly and guys were having sex all over the place. I took his cock in my mouth. He was trimmed and freshly showered. He tasted really good. I sucked on him for about 5 minutes before he pulled me up and turned me around. He rubbed up on my back and lowered himself to his knees. He spread my ass and jammed his tongue in my hole. He tongue fucked me for a bit and ate my ass. He slid up my body again, feeling me the entire time. His cock resting on my ass. He spit in his hand a few times and wet his cock. He pointed it at my hole and pushed. I pushed back and his head popped in. As he slipped inside me further he whispered, "I'm in you raw. Do you want me to use a condom?" I moaned and pushed back some more. I said, "No. It feels good like this." That's when he slid all the way in. We didn't say anything else to each other until the end when he was fucking me with short strokes really quickly. He whispered, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I softly replied, "Do it. Cum in me." He did. His cum felt good and warm. I smiled. He turned me around again, pulled my jockstrap down and sucked my cock. That felt really good too. I was on edge and going to cum in his mouth soon. I looked around and saw bottom boy John getting nailed hard by a short redhead. He was going to town on John's ass and John was clearly loving it. He had his hands pressed against the wall and was moving his ass in rhythm with the redhead's cock. As I watched, I got a bit distracted and realized I wasn't going to cum so quickly anymore. I put my hand on my top's head and turned my attention back to him. I was getting close again when I heard John say, "Yeah, fill me up." Safe-sex only John. Always condoms John. Good boy John. Going to study AIDS John. Always warning me about unprotected sex John. There was a guy pulling his cock out of John's ass and his cock was bare. No condom. I had just seen John take a load from a dude he didn't know. Fuck that was so hot! I came in my top's mouth and he swallowed my load. My top and I hung for a bit, but then parted ways. I couldn't find John, but did find Steve. Steve had just fucked a cute black guy. Steve said, "Let's go to my place and fuck. I want your ass." We went to Steve's place. We hung out, he fucked me bareback, bred me, made me beg for his cum, and we slept. We woke up in the morning, fucked again and again and again. I really liked Steve. Steve and I started dating that day. We were pretty inseparable. It was really a good time being with him. I didn't feel the same way about Steve that I felt about Eli, Justin or Connor. It wasn't a burning passion. It was more comfortable and easier. I liked Steve.
    3 points
  12. The next morning I was awoken by Ben pushing his rod into me. It was dry and hurt, so I reached out and grabbed the tube of lube from the bedside table in front of me. Applying some to my hands I quickly reached back and rubbed some on his dick, before sticking my fingers in to my hole to try to relax and lube them. Ben allowed this for a few seconds, before swatting my hand away and pushing his dick in. This time he managed to sink it fully inside me, and although it hurt I put up no further protest. I lay on my side and he fucked me until he blew a third load into my hole, before he pulled out, got off the bed and headed into the shower. I heard him lock the bathroom door, so I guess he didn’t want company. We didn’t say anything to each other until we were standing waiting for the lift, both washed and dressed for the day. “You sore?” he asked, a little gruffly. “Yes” I said, continuing to stare up at the LED display to see the lift approaching our floor, “but I’ll live.” We met Mitch and Rob down at breakfast, where they had already been for a while. Ben sat down and waited for a coffee to arrive, but I was hungry so asked Rob to order a cappuccino for me while I went to the buffet. Coming back with a plate of food I saw Rob and Mitch looking at me quizzically, slightly smiling. I tried to avoid their gaze, wondering why the sudden attention my way, but when I was seated, had put my napkin on my lap and picked up my cutlery, the two of them were still staring at me. Ben, meanwhile, was checking his phone but had a smirk on his face. “So” I said, blushing a bit, “how was your night?” “It was good” said Mitch, still smirking. “Er, great” I said, forcing a smile at him. At this point he looked away, but the smile didn’t go. I was now convinced that Ben had told them what had happened last night. “So” said Ben, breaking an uncomfortable silence that had then ensued. “We all know what the plan is for today?” With that, and to my relief, conversation turned to work. There was a lot to do, and I was able to focus on the job at hand for most of the day, only really being brought back to reality when I sat down without care and realised how tender my thrice-fucked arse was. We worked all through the day, eating lunch during a meeting so as not to waste time, and it wasn’t until gone 7pm that we finished. A few of the people we had been working with took us to a nearby bar for some drinks, and we once again ended up having tapas for dinner rather than staying out to go to a restaurant at the late hour the locals tended to eat. We then walked back to the hotel, taking in the vibrancy of the city after dark. No-one suggested stopping for a drink anywhere as I thought they would, and indeed no-one was really talking. I was feeling pretty self-conscious after the weirdness at breakfast, so kept my trap shut too. Back at the hotel we piled into the lift in silence, and then Rob and Mitch got off at the third floor without even a ‘goodnight’. Ben and I then continued on up to level five, and headed to our room. “Bathroom” Ben said gruffly as I closed the bedroom door. “Sorry?” “Get in the bathroom” he commanded. I stood and stared at him for a moment, and then found myself complying. I walked into the bathroom, with him following close behind. Once inside, he pushed me towards the sink and bent me over, my silk tie resting on the taps. He then reached around my front and undid my trousers, pushing them and my trunks down to my knees. I watched in the mirror as he then undid his own trousers and pushed them down a bit, reached into one of the pockets and pulled out a sachet of lube, ripped it open with his teeth and then I felt it squirting between my arsecheeks. Seconds later his cock was against my tightened hole, and I did the best I could to allow him access as he pushed in. However, he had not rimmed or fingered me at all, and it hurt like a bitch. I yelled out as he popped in. “Shut up!” he said, pushing himself the rest of the way in. Then, without any pausing to let me get used to the invasion, he started fucking me deep and hard. I know I had my eyes squeezed shut at first, but in time I opened them again and looked in the mirror. As much as it hurt, it was a hell of a turn-on to see both Ben and I fully dressed in business suits, but with him fucking the daylight out of me. He didn’t last long before he bred me, and then ripped his cock from my hole. “Get undressed and get on the bed” he commanded, as he pulled me up and pushed me out the door. He then shut and locked the door to do, well, I don’t know what. I stood in shocked amazement for a bit, and then started to get my jacket, tie and shirt off. I removed my watch and chucked it on my bed, then sat on the end of his to get fully naked. I paused again, and then climbed up on to the bed and positioned myself on all fours. While I waited I remembered the tube of lube from this morning, so crawled over and retrieved it from the drawer. I applied some to my fingers and then reached back to work it into my hole, trying to stretch myself a bit. Ben’s dick had already done a number on me back there, but it had hurt throughout so I wanted to get a bit more relaxed if he was going to fuck me again. Ben came back out of the bathroom, and our eyes met as I looked back over my shoulder at him. “On all fours” he said, before going towards the bedroom door. I heard him open it, not knowing what the fuck was going on, but when I then heard the clear sounds of more than Ben walking into the room everything fell into place for me. “Fuck” I heard Mitch say, “you weren’t joking!” “Is he ready?” asked Rob. “Slut’s all yours” replied Ben. “Just bred him, so he’s good to go.” Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. That’s pretty much where my head was at. I looked back at them as they stripped out of their clothes, not quite believing what was about to happen to me. But I didn’t protest. I don’t know why, but I didn’t protest. Rob went first, stepping up to my rear end and slapping me with his cock a few times. He saw the tube of lube next to me and grabbed it, applying some to his cock for which I was grateful. He then pushed against my hole and slipped inside, and I was pleased to find that he didn’t have the girth of Ben. He was much longer though, and as he went deeper inside I found myself moaning as new parts of me were opened up. “He loves it” said Mitch, who then came round to the other end of the bed. He kneeled on the mattress and shuffled forward, presenting his erect dick to my face. Without a great deal of choice in the matter, I opened my mouth and allowed him to push inside. And so it was that my first spitroasting began. Rob got himself fully buried, and then began to piston in and out of my recently-virgin hole, while Mitch set up a rhythm in my mouth. Somehow I managed to swallow his cock without gagging, and so my throat got deflowered by Mitch as Ben had done to my arse the day before. The two of them started thrusting in sync, so that I was getting reamed at both ends in tandem. I have to admit, even though my mind was screaming, it felt amazing. I relaxed into it, letting the two guys use my holes. In time, they swapped places, and I got to savour the various tastes now coating Rob’s cock as he thrust it in and out of my throat, while Mitch took over the reins at the back end. They swapped back once more before Rob blew his load in my arse, and then Mitch went back there and hammered me for a bit longer until he too had bred me. Ben took over at this point, ramming into me and dumping another load. By that point Rob was back in gear so he gave me another fucking, and then Mitch added his second load of goop to my overflowing hole. They rested for a while on my bed, cracking open some beers it appeared the other guys had brought with them, and I turned over an lay on my back trying to recover. None of them spoke to me at all, just chatting between them about what a good hole I was, how I compared to the girls or guys they fucked back home, and how many loads they thought they could get up me before we went back to London. They were clearly trying to themselves aroused again while my holes lay unused, and it worked. Still lying on my back, I then took one more load from each of them with my legs up on their shoulders, before they called it a night. Rob and Mitch threw on their trousers and shirts and headed off, while Ben climbed in to my bed. I lay on his for a bit longer, and then sat up and looked over at him. “Should I get in with you?” I asked softly, the first time I had spoken in a long while. He didn’t respond, but just threw back the covers. I climbed in turned around and rested back against him on my side. I could feel his cock was hardening again, so reached back and took hold of it. I briefly rubbed it, and then guided it back into my gaping hole. Ben let out a moan of appreciation, and threw his arm over me to hug me in. Sleep then took us both, with him buried to the hilt inside me.
    3 points
  13. If you uptown New York City Come through and flood this Latino fat ass. Come through ,dump walk out. Text dump to 646 547 9120 Or email hcrotq5@yahoo for addresd
    2 points
  14. I live in Las Vegas and for a town called Sin City, it can really be hit or miss if you're a bottom. But I'll never forget the time that I was essentially raped at Entourage, one of the two remaining bathhouses here in town. I'd been out with a couple of friends and we'd gone to Badlands, a somewhat old style saloon in the same commercial center where Entourage is located. I was feeling buzzed and was in no condition to drive home so as we said our goodbyes, my buddies went their way and I walked over to Entourage. As it was roughly 2:00 AM on a Friday night, all the rooms were taken up and I had to settle for a locker. I figured I'd just wait til a room was available and get some sleep then. In the meantime, I figured I'd check out the action. I undressed and walked around with the towel over one shoulder, which, for the most part, covered my cock, but which left my ass visible. The hallways and TV room were nearly empty and, as I made my way around, I could see that most doors were closed. I silently regretted those last two Jack and cokes I'd had because they were beginning to hit me and all I wanted was to lay down somewhere quiet and get some rest. That's when I saw Him walking towards me: good looking, muscular, 20 something year old dark haired stud with a USMC tattoo on his right pec and a beer can thick cock hanging between his legs. He walked past me without acknowledgement, but as I turned to look over my shoulder, I caught him doing the same, apparently staring at my ass. For the next few minutes, as I looked for a place to lay down, I would occasionally see him in my peripheral vision, stalking me as if I were his prey. I finally made my slightly disoriented way into the empty dark room and lay face down on a waist high platform, ready to get some shut eye and oblivious to the fact that the stud had followed behind me and was standing a mere few feet from me, fisting his thick cock and making plans for my hole. As I lay there on the verge of sleep, I suddenly felt him straddle my ass, spread my cheeks with both hands, and what felt like a baseball bat pressing against my asshole, trying to stretch it against its obvious resistance. The shock and pain woke me the fuck up and in a drunken slur I said "Please don't, you're really big." Without saying a word he backed off and I could hear him pop open some lube and begin to jack his cock. I naively thought that that was the end of it when he suddenly lay his full weight on my back, clamped one hand around my mouth, and used his other hand to maneuver his now slick cock between my cheeks and started using that big mushroom head as a battering ram. The slippery lube and his insistence gradually spread my hole and with an almost audible pop, his cock head forced its way through my sphincter and I heard him groan savagely as I lay there and saw stars from the pain of the sudden invasion. I tried getting up from under him but he used his body weight to hold me down and as he shoved the remaining length of his hole wrecker in me, he hissed into my ear, "I'm fucking balls deep in you now, just fucking take it." I felt helpless as I lay there and felt him bucking his hips and sliding his thick fucker in and out of me, feeling his huge cock head drag and push my insides as he shoved in and out of my guts. In the back of my mind, I was worried and scared because I knew I was essentially getting raped by a big dicked stud who hadn't even contemplated putting a condom on before spearing my guts with his huge cock. But in the forefront, I was beginning to really enjoy the fuck as I he would slam balls deep and ram directly onto my prostate. I couldn't help it and I started moaning uncontrollably against his hand on every down stroke. He soon noticed and that seemed to turn him on. He started getting more vocal, whispering encouragements into my ear, "That's right, fuck yeah, I knew you'd love my cock.....yeah, take my fucking cock all in you..... Yeah, your tight little pussy is gonna make me cum..... Yeah, I'm gonna fill you up with my load." The rhythm of the cock pistoning in and out of my ass began to become more frantic, even as I recognized a complete stranger was about to shoot his cum into my unprotected hole. His breathing became more ragged as he suddenly pushed himself as deep into me as he could and froze in place as I could feel his cock twitching and throbbing balls deep in me as he flooded my guts with his cum and groaned, "Fuck yeah, knocking your ass up with my seed! Yeah, take it all bitch, take my babies in you, fucking take my load!" My hole spasmed around his cock, responding to the stimulus as he lay on top of me, his heart beating like a jack rabbit and his cock still throbbing with the last jets of his orgasm. He pulled his cock out of me and I felt empty as the cool air hit my now puffed up ass lips. He smacked my left ass cheek and said, "Keep my cum in you and let it do its job, cumdump." With that advice he got off of me and walked back into the darkness. I lay there confused and conflicted as my military rapist's cum slowly trickled out of my hole and ran down my balls to join the load I'd unexpectedly shot as he took my ass and made it his cumdump.
    2 points
  15. Bbbtmdoc posted on Thursday May 20, 2010 - 10:14 am It was the first night I had ever been away from home. I had just gotten settled in my dorm and David, my roommate and I, were watching a little TV when he want to take a shower before bed. I sat there and watched as he stripped down and grab his shit for his shower. I couldn't help but notice how nice David's 6'1” body was, how nice his chest was. As I followed his body down to he beautiful 6-pack abs and the treasure trail that made its way to a gorgeous set of cock and balls. He looked like he was seven inches soft, which lead me to speculate what his length was when erect. Just as quickly, however, I realized the whole line of thoughts was a bit strange as I had never had a gay thought before today, but for some reason David made me think these things. I just thought something must have come over me when David showed me his body. Any how, as David took his shower I decided to hit the rack, so I striped down to my boxers. I normally slept in the nude, but didn't think David would be hip on the thought of a naked roommate in the bed next to his. I started to drift off to sleep when David came back in our room. Although the only light on in the room was the light from the closet, I could still see David's bod and I thought for a second his cock was no longer hanging between his legs, but was actually jutting out somewhat. Then David turned-off the light and headed for his bed. I recall that he never put anything on when he was in his closet. I floated off to sleep and was half in and out of sleep when I felt it, maybe around midnight, maybe a little later: it was David's hand. He had climbed into the bed with me and was laying behind me, his hand on my stomach, and moving downwards towards my belly button, down to the waist band of my boxers, touching and rubbing me through the fabric. It was getting in his way, and I knew he was going to move it, I knew he was going to try and put his hand in there. "Please..." I whispered, "Please, don't." David stopped rubbing, but he held his hand there, right at the waistband of the boxers. He moved his body really close to me, I could feel the bed move as his body touched mine through the only thing between me and his hand, my boxers. His mouth moved almost up to my ear, his warm breath touched my ear lobe. "It's ok Chad, no one's gonna know. I just want you to feel good," and after a tiny pause, continuing to say "I want to make you feel better - I want to make everything okay. I want to MAKE you......" a pause and then I felt his tongue and mouth touch the inside of my ear, then he sucked in my ear lobe, and I moaned deeply never feeling something like that before, my body starting to shake, my entire insides responding. "Besides," he whispered again, "I know you want this. I saw how you looked at me when I took off my underwear. Just let me do this you...please let me take you, I know you want it," and again his tongue went in my ear and his hand traveled into my boxers. I was almost immediately hard, my whole body shaking from the heat, from the images of David, and from David's tongue in my ear. "Please," I pleaded, "please don't!" David responded by kissing down my ear to the side of my neck.. He suckled there for a second. The sensation of his lips sucking me just got me more and more excited. He tossed-away the sheet and kissed the middle of my neck, rubbing my stomach and kissed his way from my neck line to my chin, and from to my lips. They were full and hot, almost on fire, as his body moved completely up against me, his naked, hard body pressing into mine. Electricity shot through us as he grabbed me through my boxers and the kiss turned into one I accepted as I just started losing control to his strength. I let him in as his lips tasted me, then opened my mouth, without any thoughts on my part. I felt his tongue enter me, and I groaned really loudly, completely lost in whatever was happening. "Shhhh," David said quietly his hands tugging at my boxers, "we don't want anyone to hear." I just kind of nodded as he looked into my eyes. His blue eyes were so intense - so bright in the soft moonlight. I knew I didn't want this, but I knew it was going to happen. My boxers came down over my hard cock, and his full lips were on me sucking mine then probing me with his tongue, feeling my own tongue and sucking at it deep. Again, I moaned, and David kissed down my neck line again to the area between my pecs. "It's so smooth, and your little body is so hot" he whispered as his tongue started touching each pec, each nipple, bathing them as I squirmed and moved against his briefs as he ground himself against me. He touched my abs and then kissed them too. "It's gonna feel so good, these tanned abs moving when you feel me inside," he said as his tongue moved to my belly button, and he lightly sucked down my stomach my hard, throbbing cock. I moaned again, and got completely lost in him, not even really understanding what he was saying. "Oh God, you're so fuckin' hot," he moaned as we kissed. I came back to myself for a second, and half tried to extract myself from his hold - shit was just so fucked up, half-whimpering "Please, David.... please...." He just smiled at me. He came up again this time his lips were on mine in less than a second, and I could feel his strength, his whole body, full of athleticism and stamina pushing against me as his mouth forced against mine. The kiss was so deep, and so full, our bodies tight against each other. I felt it for what again seemed like forever, our mouths quickly moving, tongues touching and swirling, my body crying and moaning as David tasted all of me, both of us starting to really sweat. David broke the kiss and smiled at me, his teeth so white in the light from the moon. "I'm going to suck you, the way only a man can." He kissed me again hungrily, his tongue touching deep in my mouth. I moaned as I felt his hard tongue, his hard pecs against mine, his strong hands feeling my abs, rubbing my torso and my chest, trying to press himself harder and harder against my body. I just closed my eyes, and felt his strength as my head moved back while David broke-off the kiss again, licked down my neck and sucked, sucking so hard noise reverberated in my head, like the sound of someone quickly sucking on noodles. I knew the hickey was going to be there long afterwards. I knew it, but by then I just didn't care. I was so overwhelmed by David, by his strength, by his kisses. He kept sucking his way down, licking my sweaty chest, tongue kissing my stomach, my heaving abs, the area below my belly button. He licked down from there to my pubes, and stopped. I passively lay there, my eyes closed, but registering his pause, I looked-up to see he was staring at me, and as our eyes met, an amazing electrical charge shot between us. After a second, he smiled and I felt my rock hard cock getting ready to spurt on my crotch. He smiled again, and went back to licking my black pubes, then tongue-kissing the head of my cock, which was now leaking pre-cum like a faucet. "Oh, you taste so sweet" David whispered as his mouth and lips plunged down my six inch cock, which, of course, was at full staff. "Uhhhh... Ohhhh.. Fuck..." I cried as I felt David licking and tasting. His mouth was so hot, and he knew how to pleasure me. He knew how to use his tongue, and knew how much pressure to apply as he went down and came back up. He moved faster and faster, and I felt myself really leaking, little moans were escaping my mouth as David sucked my cock. "Uh, uh uh, ehhhh ehhhhhh uhhhhhhh" I moaned as his eyes looked-up at me. His lips were so perfect and my cock was rock hard solid. I totally stopped worrying, and just let it happen, my cock and balls so tight, so ready to blow. I wanted to push his head all the way down on my shaft when he stopped at the end, but he did it for me, moving so quickly, swallowing all of me, his nose in my pubes. "Shitt..." I moaned, as I looked down at him again, holding it there, and I trying to fuck into his mouth, trying to give him what he wanted. My balls welled-up, but David quickly stopped sucking me, grabbed my balls, and held them still, whispering "You can't cum yet. I have more lined-up for you." "Ohhhh Fuckkkk," I cried, trying to turn my cock towards his mouth, and frustrated that he didn't finish me. He just kept hold of my balls and inspected them, slowly touching my hairless sac with his tongue. Then he took my nuts into his mouth, alternating between them, first one, then the other. "Uhhh, owww..." I moaned again, this time in a mix of pleasure and pain. David moved down my sac, and this time used his tongue kisses in the place below my balls, before my asshole. Nudging my legs apart with his strong hands, his tongue touched me in a place I had never been touched. "Ohhh," I whimpered, feeling his tongue go lower and lower wetting me, giving my hairless skin a bath as he was going towards my ass. "What are you fucking doing?" I blurted out, never having felt anything like this before. "Just lay back, I know you're gonna like this" David said as he lifted my legs, leaned over, and inserted his tongue into my asshole. "Ohhh" I cried. His tongue scraped along it while David's muscles kept me propped up. His tongue touched my outer hole, and then swirled around the inside, tasting me, giving me a warm and hot feeling, something I had never felt there before. "Ohhh dude, you don't have any hair here.... It's so hot..." he whispered, as his tongue darted around the lips of my asshole. "Ahhhhhh, fuck dude," I cried as David darted it in and tried to stick his tongue completely in my ass. I was still rock solid hard this feeling only made me hornier; I whimpered in pleasure, and David, of course, knew I was in ecstasy, and as such, was totally vulnerable, he knew I was his for the taking. Coming up for air, David looked down at me, and I felt his hard cock prodding my asshole, and, having made his intensions clear, he positioned my legs against my chest, and lay directly on top of me, face-to-face, kissing me really hard, and coincidentally giving me a taste of my cock and ass. "Ehhhh, ahhh.. nooooo... MMMmmm, ohhhhh" we both moaned. The kiss was hot and deep, and our bodies, all muscular and strong, prepared for the next level of pleasure as his hard cock rubbed against my ass. David continued to kiss me, probing the back of my mouth, his tongue trying to reach down my throat. I returned his passion, and he held me with his arms, even as he reached under the pillow to locate a bottle which he flicked-open in one deft motion. Now sitting on top of me, his knees controlled my torso. I remember thinking the moonlight made his pecs and stomach look extraordinarily white, as I admired his heaving muscles and his treasure trail, which glistened with sweat and pre-cum. I felt his hands move down me again as he shifted his weight to my right side. His hands were slick with something now, something that smelled of coconuts and he touched my abs with it, rubbing them slick with some sort of..... oil. "MMmmm" he moaned as his lips met mine, the kiss turned directions, and sped up as his hand moved to my belly button again, then down to my pubes and then my cock. "Ohhhh... Ohhhhh... uuhhhhhh...Shit" I groaned as his hand slicked it all up mixing my sweat with the oil. My balls reared up again, and the kiss went deeper. "Uh Uhhh...." David moaned into our kiss as he quickly moved his hands to my balls. touching them with the lube. I wanted to cum so bad that I tried to move my hand to my cock, trying my best to jerk off. David grabbed me though, and gave me look that told me no. He placed them on his sides just above his slim waist. His fingers moved lower then and touched the smooth area under my balls, and slicked it moving his hand even lower. I broke the kiss, not understanding what he was doing... "Dude fuckin stop, what the fuck are you doing? Don't touch me there." I said out of breath, as his hand kept moving lower. "It's ok," he said, "I'm just touching you, just feeling you. I want to touch you with this lube the way I touched you with my tongue." He smiled, and his teeth were so white, so beautiful to me at that moment, and I knew then that I was attracted to David, that I wanted him, that I wanted this. David was moving his body down again spreading my legs with his knees. He kissed down my chest, he licked my abs to taste the lube, and settled on his knees in between my legs. His face and body were turning me on now, and I was completely hard. I needed him to get me off. His hand started lubing underneath my balls again, and immediately, he took my cock in his mouth, bobbing slowly as he used his lips up and down, looking up into my face. "Shit... Ohhhhhh" I groaned as I squirmed feeling his mouth on me. His fingers were moving lower at the same time, and before I knew it, one was touching my asshole. David moved it around the ring and pressed at it, wetting me with lube while trying to push in. It as obvious that it was hard for him, and I moved back, trying to push it away with my hole. David just held me tight, and kept up the pressure. He started rubbing my slick tummy with his other hand, and licking my cock with his tongue. "Üh... Owwww ... Please stop!" I cried as David's finger kept putting pressure at my hole, his mouth completely down on my shaft. I groaned again when he used his mouth to suck me, and almost came as bucked into him. He grabbed at me again with his free hand, and held me in place, immobilizing my hips and stomach. He just had me deep throated when the finger finally penetrated, and he slowly pushed it inside me. "Fuck!!!" I cried out as David held me in place with his hand on my stomach, his finger in my hole. "Shhhhh... Dude, you gotta be quiet." David whispered as he brought his mouth from my dick, then went straight back down again, sucking me all the way deep. Ühhhh..." I moaned, as his lips moved up and down, his finger prodded and pushed, filling me, pushing something, putting pressure in me that I had never felt before. The finger pushed harder, and this time it went further inside me. I groaned really loud as he touched something inside there, my most private place. "Owww Ohhhhh." I cried as David's touch sent a shock through me, his finger deliberately playing with something he knew. He held me there deep throated with his hand still rubbing my tummy, I felt his other fingers tracing outside my hole and groaned again as David was pushing harder to slip another one inside me. "Ohhhhh, owwwww, sttttoppppp" I groaned as his middle finger met his index finger inside my asshole. They moved in unison, in and out of my ass making a soft noise with the lube as Kyle mouth slurped at my cock, his saliva making noises as he moved. Uhhhhh.... take it out David, please take it out"...." I whispered as David looked up at me, his mouth still slurping and full of my cock. I felt him remove his fingers, and this time his tongue moved down my dick. I felt relieved, having those fingers out, but there was this weirdness.... this empty feeling as he pulled out. My cock was still so rock solid, and David just kept playing with it, sucking me, then holding me in place. "Ohhhhhh Shiiit! Shitttttt..... Fuckin finish me David, pleaaaase!" My balls started to well, and I could feel the cum building. Again though David came off me, and grabbed my balls with his hand, squeezing them hard. I winced. "Not yet, bro... You're gonna cum, and I want you to feel it... The way I know you want to." I moaned out in confusion and lust, and knew I was being loud, but the sweat, the sex, the muscles, and the stud made me stop caring. His mouth took my balls again, and put each in his mouth slowly bathing them with his tongue. "Ahhhhh..." I moaned louder, stopping David in his tracks. He came off my balls, and used his strong arms to back his knees up a little bit. Then he moved his power under my legs, his veins straining in his biceps as he got under them, lifting each of them on his tight shoulders, using his power to move forward. Instantly, I felt his athleticism and strength, felt his ability pushing up against me, holding me. His strong body reared forward, moving my legs to my chest and forcing our faces together, going in for the deepest kiss we had shared. "Uhhhhh ohhhhh" I moaned as his tongue touched me all the way deep, probing me, pushing up and back against my tonsils and my throat as his throbbing dick pushing against my naked ass. Ähhhhhhhh Ahhhh... Uhhhhhhhhh" I moaned as David passionately kissed me, and, after breaking-off the kiss, looking deeply into my face. He was now covered in sweat, his face was red, but the rest of him was pure white in the moonlight. His chest was so hard, and the light made him look so strong and powerful, as his veins were moving in his arms, his six pack breathing quickly and his veins leading down his tapered waist, to his still throbbing cock. In the light, I could still see his treasure trail was glistening with sweat. My eyes wandered back to his, and David smiled, his teeth so white and so beautiful to me in the moonlight. I never would have thought something like that about a guy... not until this. "Chad," he said lightly, "now you gotta be quiet, I don't want anyone on the floor to hear us, I don't want anyone to find out...." he said, moving his body back hard against mine, pressing into me, pressing his six pack into my cock. I was still so hard. "Now I'm going to take you. I'm going to give it to you and I am going to make you cum. It's gonna hurt at first, but you're gonna cum while we fuck, I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU..." he whispered hard. His mouth met mine again and he was on me, our bodies completely hard against each other, my legs anchored against his shoulders. I was utterly lost in my connection with him. The lube and the sweat was making it slick between us, and he rubbed his cock against me, his tongue battling mine in my mouth, trying to push even farther, even deeper than he ever had. His chest raised a little and I felt him rub my nipples as we groaned lightly together as he pinched and moved. His body went further back as we kissed, and I watched in the moonlight that shone through our dorm room window as his hands moved down. And that's when I realized what was going to happen.... it came to me literally as David's hard sweaty cock came rubbed against my lubed asshole. He was going to put it inside me, and I immediately groaned a "noooooooo" into our kiss. David just took control and used his body weight against me as I wrestled and started to fight, using my muscles to push. Again he held me with his tightness, his slick and strong body keeping me in place. I felt his cock starting to touch my ass. The heat from it was fire as it moved against my ass as I struggled, my hole dripping wet from the sweat and lube that David had given me, that he used to loosen me with. He started to bear down, using his weight against me, his leverage keeping my legs up against me, keeping me in place and up against his body. He held me there as the kiss continued still, even as I tried to push him away. I felt his cock touch the lips of my hole, and I looked back to the mirror, helpless, watching as David''s tight bubble ass moved his cock up and down my lubed hole. Ähhhh fuck" I said into our kiss again, trying to turn my mouth away. I turned toward the mirror over my dresser and saw David taking his free hand and moving back to his cock; he was trying to change angles now.. he was no longer moving it up and down the lubed lips of my hole, he was pointing it straight at my hole trying to push. "Nooooo, plreleeeeaaase.... I don't want this..." I cried into David's mouth as he finally broke our kiss. "Shhhhhishhhhhhhhh... it's ok..... You're really tight bro,but Im going to take you, and you will like it...... I promise.." he whispered as his mouth went to my ear. Ï'm going to make you take it, I'm going to make you cum." He gasped as his tongue went into my ear, he groaned and it went deeper. Then we both groaned as his cock was pressing against, then starting to go into my asshole. "Ahhhhhhhh.... fuck....."I cried out as David's tongue went all the way into my ear, and his cock started passing my ass ring, slowly pushing and burning as David held it in place, pushing his heat into my hole. "Breathe out.... fuckin' breathe out Chad.... I'm pushing, you need to take it!" he growled. I just cried out as he pushed, and David put his free hand over my mouth to muffle the scream. "Oh you're so fuckin hot Chad, you're so tight dude. I knew you would be this tight when I first saw your ass in those shorts you wore today." He gasped as he sucked on my neck, holding me in place with his strength while the pressure intensified. It was like I was being filled with something so deep inside me, the pain was hard, and it was pressure, but it also sent shudders and waves through my body, waves that made my cock fuckin hard. "I need you to be quiet or everyone on the floor will know." he said, as he held me there for a second, his cock half way in. I could feel his heat inside me and my ass muscles clenched.. We both moaned. "Unhhhhhh" David sighed, as he started rocking his hips just a little bit, he was poking and prodding my insides, trying to get me more used to his warmth. I cried in pain, and could feel the sweat drippin off of us. It was falling and swirling around my hole, I could feel it. I looked in the mirrror helplessly again, and saw David's tight ass moving, rocking around as he sent waves of pain through my body. I was really grunting then with every movement, feeling the pressure, the strength of David's body, his ass, and his cock. He was so athletic and so strong, I could feel it in his cock as he pressed in me. David moved again, and brought his mouth to mine. He kissed me as I just laid there with my lips open, breathing heavy from the pressure, the pain, and the waves in his movements. I wasn't kissing back I was just laying there breathing as I felt him move again. This time he stuck his tongue in my mouth, and moaned, as his hips pushed all the way forward and into me, burying his cock into my ass. "FUCK.." I cried out as David topped out, his pubes touching my hairless asshole, the pain moving ten fold. "Please take it out David, please..." I moaned. David just held me there and never broke the kiss. He was not moving his hips anymore, but his pelvis was just pressed all the way against my ass, his mouth was kissing me, his hands running over my lubed abs, as he held me tightly. He moaned into our next kiss, moved his hands up and down, and started slowly rocking his hips again lightly moving his cock around my insides. "uhh... uhhh... uhhhhnnnn" I moaned from the pain and the exertion, the sweat pouring down our bodies, down my back and all over my body. He kept lightly rocking, and it felt like my insides were moving with him. "Please... please... don't..." He didn't listen, and just started lightly pushing. A little to the left, then to the right and downwards then upwards. And that's when it hit me... that upswing that made my whole body shake, as we both groaned so loud. It felt like lightning struck my body, my whole head spun. David stopped kissing my open lips. "I'm hittin' it now, bro. I'm touching it. I knew you were a bottom, and now you're gonna feel it. Now, you're gonna take it." David pushed his lips against me deep then, and pressed on the upswing one more time, deep up in to me. "Ahhh, ahhhh ahh." I moaned and breathed quickly into the kiss as David pushed HARD... My whole insides shook again as the lightning turned to something. It was like that wave when I came during orgasm, my whole body +going tense as I would cum. It was that upswing, that feeling that gave me the lightning, that got me rock solid hard. "Ahhhhh.... ooooooh" I cooed as pain mixed with the feeling, and David started to pull out really slow. I was completely in the moment now, the room smelling of the coconut lube, our sweat, and our sex. I felt his cock move outwards and leave that place inside me, the pain feeling harsh again, as I groaned. "Mmmm, Uhhhhh," David grunted as his cock pushed hard back in to me, and I whimpered. "Owwww ahhhhhh, no, no" I moaned again into the kiss, but David didn't break. He pushed upwards again and the lightning hit, both of us letting out a grunt. "Take it," David growled into our kiss as this time he pulled out almost all the way of my hole. I felt empty and strange until he pushed back, long dicking me into an upward movement. "Ohhhhhhh Fuuuuck" I cried into our open mouths, as my cock went totally hard. I just completely turned now from complete pain and fear, and was so turned on now from the pain and the pleasure. I fought using my muscles as David pushed against my special place, his tongue mirroring the movement of his cock in my ass. "Ahhhh..." He started rearing again this time pulling almost totally out, leaving the head at my entrance, then jamming upwards, shaking my tight body as he fucked. He moved faster again, this time keeping the strokes closer together, fucking me in a rhythm as my bed started to shake with it. The room getting even hotter as he pulled out and pushed, fucking me..."uh, uh uh," I cried repetitively with each fuck. After about two minutes, each thrust started getting me harder, the pressure was becoming heat, and the heat was becoming sex, really fucking hard sex as David forced his athletic body deep into mine. His tongue staying in my mouth the whole time. Our bodies grunting with each stroke, with each fuck. "Uhhh Uhhh Uhh" he grunted as his strokes were moving so fast now --- all I could feel was the lightning and David's tongue as he fucked me hard, the sound of our moans and my ass squishing from his cock and lube making the only noises in the room. Our bodies were moving so hard, the exertion so tight. My abs rippled with every stroke, David's muscles strained as he shoved in to me, fucking me so deep. In between kisses, David started whispering to me periodically, telling me I was tough, that my body was so tight, and that my fuck was so hot. I looked in the mirror again, and it was David's bubble butt that was fucking into my hole this time, the force and the athleticism completely overpowering me, his muscular back moving so fast now, dripping with sweat. He moved his mouth to my ear again, and sucked my earlobe, as we both grunted. "I'm gonna make you cum now," he said as his hands grabbed mine, and he pushed all the way inside me, holding -- then starting – the fastest, hardest fuck he could. "Oh, Ohhhhhh" I cried as each stroke was so fast and so hard, the feeling just multiplied over and over and over again. We hit this rhythm that moved in milliseconds as I cried out, my abs contracting with each deep stroke. His body moving like a frickin stud, his muscles sweating and moving as he fucked. "Ow, oh oh oh ahhhhhh" I grabbed David's tight ass, feeling his strength as he plowed in to me, the bed shaking and our grunting getting louder. "Uh Uh Uh Uh" he repeated as he fucked, his ass flexing under my hands. My balls tightened without me even touching them..... "FUUUCKKK" I cried, as he reared up again, this time shoving so deep, to that perfect spot... My whole body stopping and shuddering, my balls welling all the way, as David shoved one more time, slamming our bodies against the bed, moaning as we met as one, the sweat, the smells, the breathing, the muscles. Our shaking was so intense. My balls just released, and I started to climax, my cum shooting everywhere, all over David's chest, in my face, and in my hair, my asshole squeezing David as I shot. "Oh, Oh, Ohhhhhhhh," I cried as David pressed all the way against me, his cock so hot and deep. "Fuckin' take it!" He moaned as he put his forehead against mine and shot load after load into me, filling my insides, mixing with the lube. "Ohh fuck" I cried as David held me tight still, his dick still deep inside. He moved his mouth down to mine, and we kissed fast at first, then slowing, tasting each other, as our lips moved and pressed, touched and parted, allowing our tongues to push in to the others' mouth. I felt him putting his hands on me then, slowly caressing me, my abs, my sides, then my smooth ass, as he moved me to my side, keeping his cock still firmly inside my asshole, still hard as his cum seeped deeper into my hole. He spooned with me with his strong arm, and we laid there as he kissed my neck, whispering to me, telling me how hot I was, how I was tight and small and strong, how good he could make me feel, how good we could fuck and that he impregnated me with his seed, his dirty, charged up seed. I stared forward blankly, still feeling his heat --- his cum in my ass, trying to comprehend what he meant by 'his dirty, charged seed?' “You are now mine, I own your ass. Soon you will get the fuck flu and when I take you for your first HIV test and it comes back poz I we will celebrate. I was shocked. David made me his poz bottom fuck bitch. The feelings became so strange as he kissed my neck and stroked my abs, then my pecs, then my pubes, and back again. I just started drifting off ... so tired and exhausted, as I stared into the dresser mirror. There were two naked, muscular boys laying together in the moonlight, the smell of sweat, sex, and something else moved through the air until I felt David slid his cock back into my ass again. “We need to make sure the seeding takes Chad.” I took four loads that night and every night after that until I got sick with the flu. David took care of me through my sickness and three months later I tested poz. David is the best guy I could have ever been paired with as a roommate.
    2 points
  16. I discovered public toilets during my first year at university. I had been brought up in a very religious community in the north of Scotland and when I came down to Glasgow to start university I had just turned 18. I loved everything about living in the city. I had very little sexual experience and in many ways I was quite innocent but I masturbated frequently, thinking about fit lads and their cocks and balls and arses. I suppose I knew that things sometimes went on in public toilets but I had never really thought about it. Then one afternoon I didn't feel like studying so I went for a walk. I walked right through Kelvingrove Park and out the other end and after a while I came to another park which had a public toilet near the entrance. Genuinely needing to pee, I went in.... I knew as soon as I went in that something was going on. A cubicle door was shut quickly and I saw someone disappearing round the side to the sink area. An older guy was standing at the urinal and as I began to piss I sensed he was looking at me. I finished pissing but didn't put my cock away. Nothing happened for a minute or two and then the older guy turned towards me, showing me his hard cock I was shitting myself, but I turned towards him and showed him my cock and before long we were both wanking. He moved towards me and took hold of my cock. It was all I could do to stop myself shooting my load there and then but as he started to wank me, a cubicle door opened behind us. I turned round and saw a blond lad about my own age sitting on the toilet, his pants and trousers at his ankles and just then another guy came round from the sink area and went and stood in front of him. The older guy stopped wanking and went and stood in front of the cubicle, motioning to me to follow him. I really wanted to see what was happening so I followed him and soon I was watching the young lad suck the other guy's cock. I was more turned on than I had ever been and soon I had my cock out again, wanking as I watched the guy come in the young lad's mouth. When he had finished coming, he zipped himself out and left. I thought the show was over but the young lad motioned to me to come and stand in front of him. I hesitated for a moment but the older guy pushed me gently towards the young lad and soon my cock was in his mouth and I was being sucked off for the very first time. I cant tell you how good it felt and I knew I wouldn't last very long. The older guy was standing right behind me and I didn't stop him when he pulled my pants down to my knees and began to play with my arse, pulling my cheeks apart and fingering my arse hole. When he wet his finger and pushed it right up my hole I lost it and blew my load right into the young lad's mouth. I was out of there in seconds, mortified by what I had done but also more turned on than I had ever been. I remembered my upbringing and vowed to myself that I would never to anything like that again. That vow lasted about a week and then I was back there. I got sucked off again and enjoyed every minute of it. I started going there regularly and sucked my first cock in there. One afternoon the blond lad who had sucked me off was in there again. This time he was bent over the toilet being fucked by an older guy. I watched and wanked as the guy came up his arse and, though I had the chance to take my turn fucking him, I just wasn't quite ready to do that yet so I watched and wanked as another guy fucked him and shot my load down the tiles of the cubicle wall as he too shot his load up the young blond lad. A few weeks later I was in a toilet I had discovered near the university and I was sucking off a tall dark haired guy. He told me he lived nearby and asked me if I wanted to come back to his flat and fuck him. I liked him - he was tall and geeky looking, early to mid 30s and I liked his smile so I said yes and followed him to his flat. Soon I was sucking his cock again and then he pulled me up and we both stripped off (my first time naked with another guy!) and carried on sucking each other. Then he asked me to fuck him and laid back on the bed with his legs in the air. I was very horny but also quite nervous and somehow I just couldn't quite get my cock up him. I thought he would laugh at me but he was very patient with my fumbling attempts to get my cock up his arse. Smiling, he suggested "Let me make it easier for you." With that he turned round and knelt on the bed, pushing his arse towards me and pulling his cheeks apart. I stood behind him and pushed. This time my cock went right up him and I began to fuck. I wanted the feeling to last forever but I knew it wouldn't be too long before I blew my load. He sensed I was getting close and told me to fuck him harder and cum in his arse. Shooting my cum up him was the best feeling ever and as I walked back to my Halls of Residence I was on top of the world - I had finally done it!! I was growing in confidence now and a week or so later I slipped my cock up another lad in a toilet and fucked him. I knew I was ready to be fucked but so far, despite quite a few offers, I hadn't let anyone fuck my virgin 18 year old arse hole. One day I was in a toilet cubicle with another student and I was lubed and bent over the toilet. He was just about to push his cock up me when there was a disturbance outside - some drunk guy was shouting so we thought it better to zip up and get out of there before he came in. I was a bit disappointed, but I knew now it wouldn't be too long before I took a cock in my arse. A week or so later I was in a toilet in a park in the north of Glasgow. I had discovered it a few weeks before and had had some really horny experiences in there. It was dirty, with cobwebs and boarded up windows and smelt of piss but it was rapidly becoming one of my favourite haunts. Most of the action took place round the corner in the sink area and one afternoon I was in there sucking off an older guy. We were joined by another lad - a fit builder lad in a sweatshirt and trackie bottoms which were splashed with paint and plaster. He pulled out his cock so I began to suck him, moving between him and the older guy. I really fancied the builder lad and enjoyed every minute of sucking his fat cock. As I sucked him, the older guy pulled me up and unzipped my trousers, pulling them down along with my pants. I was so turned on sucking the builder lad that I didn't stop him when he started wanking me and fingering my arse hole, even when I felt him rubbing some lube into my hole. I felt the head of his cock pushing against my hole and instinctively I spread my legs further and pushed back. After a couple of failed attempts, his cock slid up my virgin bum hole - I was being fucked! It hurt at first, of course, but after a fairly short time I began to really enjoy it. I didn't really fancy the guy who was fucking me but I loved the fact that he was doing it as I sucked off the fit builder lad. I wondered what my family would say if they could see me, pants down in dirty public toilet being fucked by a total stranger. Somehow this thought made me even hornier and when the older guy shot his cum into me and pulled out I turned round and offered my arse to the builder lad. He didn't hesitate and soon I was being fucked for the second time. His cock was bigger but I managed to take it. He fucked me hard and fast and soon I was taking a second load of cum up my no longer virgin hole. As I walked back through the park I felt as if my hole was gaping and I wasn't sure I could stop the cum sliding out. Then I thought "why not?" and pushed. Two loads of cum slid out my arse into my underpants and when I got back to my room in the Halls of Residence my pants were sopping wet with spunk and again I felt on top of the world. The next time I went back to that toilet I noticed a breakdown truck parked near the park entrance. When I went into the toilet a young, dark haired guy in mechanic's overalls was standing at the urinal. Soon we were wanking together and before too long we were in a cubicle and I was bent over the toilet being fucked again. He was a very fit lad and I enjoyed every minute of him fucking me. When he had cum in my arse he asked if I wanted to fuck him and soon he was bent over the toilet, his overalls at his ankles and his white pants stretched across his knees as I fucked his tight, hairy arse and shot my load up him. It didn't get much better than this! The following week I was back in the first toilet I had visited and the young blond lad was in there again. I watched as two older guys fucked him. This time I took my turn and shot a load up him myself before pulling out and letting another guy take over. I didn't hold back now - and have had many horny experiences in public toilets over the years. Of course I can't remember most of them, but I can remember some of my best experiences like it was yesterday. I'll share some of those in Part 2.
    2 points
  17. Thanks for the feedback guys. Here's the next chapter. Jay ------- The next morning I woke up to the pressure of Ben fucking me from behind, and knew that his cock had probably been buried inside all night as we were still in the same position. It felt really good to start the day like this, and I was quite happy that he was taking his time. Still, all good things must come to an end, and he eventually filled me with his load. What surprised me this time though was that he nuzzled his face into my neck afterwards, letting his cock soften inside me before he eventually pulled out and got up. The guys were actually quite cool at breakfast, treating me like normal with none of the weirdness from the day before. I guess with the cat out of the bag and their cum up my arse, there didn’t need to be any pretences. We all chatted about the final day of the project and what we needed to achieve, before setting off for the client’s offices to get started. It was another heck of a day, and by the evening none of us really felt like going out drinking again. Instead we went back to the hotel and had some bar food with a drink, before heading upstairs. This time Mitch and Rob just came straight to our room, and it wasn’t long before I was filled with cock again. No-one had as much energy as the night before so I only got two loads from each of them, and then of course Ben’s cock up my hole for the night once again. In the morning he chose to breed me in the shower before we packed up our things, went down for breakfast and then checked out. We did a few more hours at the client’s offices, and then headed to the airport. Rob and Mitch were both going to Gatwick and departed an hour the Heathrow flight Ben and I were on, so the two of us had a bit of time to kill. In the past that would have meant some shopping, maybe a coffee, probably a bit of watching the planes through the window, but it may not come as a surprise that on this occasion I instead found myself kneeling on the seat of a toilet, trousers hung on the door, and Ben’s cock up inside my hole again. It was quite a turn-on to be getting fucked while other guys used the urinals and lavatories around us, even if it did mean that Ben had to keep stopping his deep thrusting and instead switch to very gentle movements in and out so that we would not be heard. On the flight home I tried to relax a bit, not moving too much so as not to dislodge the wad of tissues shoved in my hole to keep Ben’s cum inside. He had made it clear he wanted to bookend the flight by using me again in the loos at Heathrow, and it would be a lot easier to get inside me without any unwanted squeals of pain if I was already lubed with his load. Hoping that no-one could smell what was inside me I did my best to act normal on the plane, but my levels of paranoia were raised somewhat as one of the male flight attendants kept glancing at me as he passed. I think I even saw him smirk at one point. Sure enough, the toilets at the far end of the baggage hall saw what may have been their first male-on-male breeding after we landed, with Ben thrusting me up against the wall in one of the wider disabled-access cubicles and ramming me senseless. Once he’d bred me for the umpteenth time he cleaned himself up, stuffed the tissues back into my crevice, and then made for the door. “See you in the office” he said with a wink, before ducking out. I dived for the door and re-locked it, then got myself sorted out. With a combination of tissues, spit and some water from the bottle I’d bought at Barcelona Airport, I managed to get my rear end cleaned out so that I had the best chance of not accidentally revealing to Rachel what had happened to me when I got home. Satisfied that both my body and my clothes were clear of any evidence, I then made my own way out of the bathroom, through customs and onwards to the tube. ------- To say things had been awkward at home is putting it mildly. I thought I’d be fine, but in truth I could barely make eye contact with Rachel all evening and she eventually went off to bed without me in a huff. Maybe she suspected I had been up to something while away in Barcelona, but I would bet my life that she would never have guessed just what that something actually was. I knew she was awake when I finally joined her in bed later on, as no-one who is asleep can turn their back on their partner so angrily. I tried my best the next morning and I think managed to make up for the night before, coming up with some cock-and-bull story about things not going so well in Barcelona and being a bit stressed about what that may mean for me back at the firm. Not sure she bought it, but it was enough to enable her to say ‘goodbye’ as she set off for work. I then tried to gather my shit before heading out the door too. Things seemed normal in the office, and my scrutiny of everything that was said to me, how people looked at me, jokes I heard being told elsewhere etc. gave me some solace as it would appear the other three hadn’t said anything to anyone else. Ben and Mitch were both wrapped up in meetings most of the morning so I didn’t see them, whilst Rob gave up nothing when he talked to me briefly. It was almost like it had never happened, until he gave a quick wink before walking off when we had met at the coffee station. I was just starting to think of going for lunch when I saw a group of men and women come out of the biggest conference room at the other end of the office. Ben and Mitch were amongst them, and I watched as everyone chatted for a bit before dispersing. Eventually Ben was striding down the office towards me, and I looked down to avoid eye contact. However, when he stopped next to my desk I had no choice but to look up at him. “Jake, come have lunch with me” he said, smiling. “I want to catch up on where we left things with Barcelona.” I stared up at him for a moment and then nodded. I locked my computer, grabbed my bag from under the table and then stood up and followed him as he walked towards the lift lobby. As we went through the doors to the lifts I finally spoke. “Are we really going to lunch?” He smiled and turned his head. “Of course not.” With that, he walked past the lifts and opened the door into the stairwell. He then started bounding up the stairs, and I hurried after him. We went up three floors, well into the unoccupied part of the building. “This should do” he said, going through one of the doors to where the toilets were. He then opened the door to the disabled toilet, holding it open for me to go in. He then followed me in, closing the door and putting the latch down to lock it. “There” he said, smiling, “now the only people who should disturb us are the ones I’ve invited to come and join us.” “H-h-how many?” I stammered. “We’ll see” he replied. “Mitch and Rob, obviously. Plus my boss.” “Gavin’s going to fuck me?!” I squealed. “Probably” he said, smirking, “or he might just want a blowjob.” I gaped at him, then looked down at the floor suddenly realising what my life was going to become. “Let’s get started” Ben eventually said. “Get your clothes off and hang them on the door. You’ve got a meeting at three and I don’t want you covered in cum.” I complied, realising that he’d planned this out to the extent of even checking when I needed to be back at my desk. Lunch was normally only 45 minutes, but as he’d made a show of saying we were going to be discussing the Barcelona project he could basically keep me here as long as he wanted. Once I was down to my underpants, I waited for my next instruction. “Good” he said, eyeing me up and down. “Now, tell me what you want.” “I’m sorry?” “Tell me what you want.” “Oh” I said. “Oh, right. Er, well, sir, I want you to fuck me.” “Good boy” he said, now smiling. “But first I think you should get me ready.” He then held his dick and looked down at it. Knowing what was required, I dropped to my knees, shuffled forward on the cold tiles and started to lick and suck his cock. I kept this up until he was breathing deeply, and then I decided to take a bit of control of the situation. I stood up, and looked up at him. “You’re ready” I said. “Please fuck me.” He smirked, and then spun me round. I bent over the toilet, rested my hands on the closed lid, and waited. He then suddenly appeared next to me, and bent over to retrieve a bottle that was hidden down the side of the toilet. Oh my god, he had planned this out so much he’d even stashed some lube here earlier. He disappeared from view, and I heard the squirting sound as he applied some to his fingers. A second later I flinched as I felt the coldness against my arse, and he then pushed a lubed finger in. Initially I was pleased that he was going to open me up, but then the finger was suddenly removed and he took up position behind me. Oh well, this was going to be a bit of a rough entry. He firmly pushed himself inside of me, and then slid the entire length in. It hurt, there’s no denying that, but I also felt a wave of euphoria sweep over me as I was penetrated again. “There you go boy” he said rather gruffly, holding still once fully buried, “now you’re back where you should be.” He then started to fuck, thrusting in and out of my hole as I relaxed into it and loosened up. His pounding was steady and felt fucking awesome, but after a while we were interrupted by what seemed to be a coded knock on the door. He swiftly yanked his cock from me, stepped back and flipped the latch on the door, and then returned to his position and rammed back inside of me as the door was opened. With my back to the door I couldn’t see who had come in, but from the steps and shuffling it was definitely more than one person. For some reason I chose not to look around, continuing to stare in front of me as Ben’s cock sawed away inside my guts. He eventually sped up, grunted loudly and blew his load, filling me with a huge quantity of his seed. He got his breath back and then withdrew, and in a matter of seconds I felt another cock being pushed in. Once again I was fucked, but this time I didn’t know who by even though it probably had to be Mitch, Rob or our department’s head, Gavin. I tried to decide if I thought the rock hard cock barrelling away inside me was familiar or not, but wasn’t sure. In just a few minutes the guy inside me blew his load and bred me, and then another stepped up. During that fuck there was another coded knock at the door, but this time I couldn’t tell if just one person had come in or more than that. It occurred to me that Ben had left it rather open as to whether it was just going to be him and the three others he mentioned breeding me that day, so it was quite possible some other guys were there. Despite my curiosity peaking, I still didn’t look round. In all, I was fucked seven times and took all of their loads up my arse. Then, when I sensed it was over, I straightened up and breathed deeply, feeling the cum running down my legs. I then slowly turned around to see who else was in the rather crowded disabled loo with me. Ben. Mitch. Rob. Yep, Gavin was there. Fuck. But who the hell were the other three? “Thanks mate” one of the strangers said, smiling at me. Whoever he was, he was cute. Man, I was thinking a guy was cute. “He doesn’t need to be thanked” said Ben, rather sternly. “Isn’t that right boy?” I blinked at him, before nodding. “Yes sir” I said, before looking round the room. “Thank you for breeding me.” “Good boy” said Ben. With that, the others all started to file out of the toilet and make their way back downstairs. When they were gone, Ben locked the door again and turned back to me. “Get yourself cleaned up” he said, with a much gentler tone than before, “and then you can go.” “Thank you” I said, before adding “sir.” He smiled at me, and then started to grab some paper towels from the dispenser. I set about getting the loads wiped out of my arse, and also cleaned up my legs given the stream of sticky cum that had run down them. Once washed and dried I got dressed again, and then hoisted my bag off the floor. “Right” Ben said, opening up the door, “let’s eat.” I was a bit dumbfounded, until he made his way through the door on to the dark, unoccupied office floor rather than heading back down the stairs. He walked to the kitchen area, where I was surprised to see some M&S sandwiches, crisps and drinks sitting out. Man, he had really planned this well. We hurriedly ate the food he had dropped off this morning, not saying anything to each other but exchanging occasional looks and smiles. Ben started wandering around the floor as he ate, taking in the view from three storeys further up the tower, and I eventually did the same. When we were done with our food Ben carefully gathered up the packaging and put it into the plastic bag he’d brought it in, and then we made our way back downstairs to resume our work for the afternoon.
    2 points
  18. was molested as young teen by a middle aged guy, he had a wonderfull 9 ins and very thick and rock hard, he rubbed me hard then rubbed our erect glans against each others, then I was told to masturbate him, never forgot his throbbing massive gleaming tool and the force of his ejaculation, we met 7 times overall until caught by my mum. ever since addicted to satisfying guys and giving pleasure adore making guys rock hard,teasing them and encouraging them to fuck me raw
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  19. Fuck, sounds a lot like my teens there !
    2 points
  20. Time to start preparing for an evening of fisting for my hungry jock hole... (contented sigh)
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  21. 2 points
  22. I still have so many great memories of my sexual awakening. Still several years prior to getting my driver's license, I was "recruited" and eventually tutored by a wonderful man about 25 years older than I was. I was in that "phase" of trying to figure out why my own thoughts and feelings about sex seemed to be at odds with all my friends. This man helped me sort out my thoughts and accept my homosexuality. But more than that, he helped me develop as a sexually confident bottom. The skills and attitude he helped me develop have allowed me to live a very happy and very out and very very queer life. I suppose in the growing politically correct/nanny state we seem to live in I was molested, probably raped, certainly sexually abused. I consider it the finest thing another person (other than a relative) has ever done for me. When my younger brother came to me with questions (at about the same age as when I was recruited) I tried to do for him what was done for me. In this day and age, I am guessing few men would take the risk to help someone successfully develop as a queer. Perhaps all the internet and porn and hook up sites have made that adjustment easier for guys. But, when you read some posts you see that many young guys really have no clue about being queer other than liking M4M sex. And, as a society we must protect those who are unable to protect themselves. But, elders mentoring the more junior guys still has some validity.
    2 points
  23. This is the longest story I have written to date and I do have more planned. If any of you have suggestions please send me a private message and I will see what I can do to write them into the story.
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  24. Part 7 (Corruption in the Basement) Luke had just been fucked raw and bred by Matt as they were now ready to take him into the basement play room. Matt quickly pulled his cock out of Luke's well seeded hole only to be quickly replaced by a butt plug to make sure that nothing would leak out as they moved the action to the play room. Steve went on a head as Luke was helped to his feet and guided inside and down the dark basement stairs. When they hit the bottom of the stair case as their eyes adjusted to the low light provided by a couple black light bulbs and two 42" flat panel TV's. In the middle of the room was Luke's 'home' (so to speak) for the remainder of his corruption. Steve looked at Luke and simply said "GET YOUR NEG ASS IN THAT SLING BITCH!". Matt assisted him in getting situated in the sling just how he knew Steve wanted him with his ass slightly hanging over the edge, his legs spread wide, ankles and wrists restrained to the chains that supported the sling from the basement ceiling. Once Luke was situated his ass was raised slightly to allow for gravity to do its work in not only keeping what ever cum was deposited inside him but to let it move deeper into his colon. Luke never spoke a word as one of the screens began to play Steve's collection of home made porn of previous corruption of innocent, straight kids like Luke Luke was surprised as the video on the second screen began to play as he recognized the room as his studio apartment. There he was on the bed smoking the pipe Matt had given him the night before and stoking his dick. As he watched the scene change to when Matt joined him and began sucking his dick for the first time Steve again spoke to him, "IF YOU DON'T DO AS I SAY THIS VIDEO WILL BE SENT TO EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY AND YOU WILL DISAPPEAR FOR EVER. I HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS TO PAY ME A LOT OF MONEY FOR YOU. BUT I KNOW I CAN MAKE 10 TIMES AS MUCH WITH YOU WORKING FOR ME. BUT IF YOU DON'T LISTEN, I WILL ACCEPT HIS OFFER, CRATE YOU UP AND SHIP YOU TO HIM NEVER TO BE HEARD FROM AGAIN. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR BITCH?" While Steve was telling this to Luke Matt had tied a rubber tube tightly on Luke's bicep and had another slam ready to administer. Although this one was only half the size of Luke's first slam that he had only be given less than 30 minutes earlier, it was enough to fuck the boy up royally. Matt slid the point into Luke's vein as Steve finished his little speech to (their soon to be) whore. They wasted no time in removing the tight tubbing bring Luke into a new euphoric rush as he coughed out and attempted to focus his eyes on his surrounding. Luke could now hear a definite ringing in his ears as he was lost in what he was going to need daily, a nice slam of Tina. It was now Steve's turn to breed the former virgin. He immediately got between Luke's legs, pulled the butt plug out and and slammed his cock in balls deep. Luke was so fucking high by this point the new hard cock entering his seeded ass caused him to begin to moan like a cheap whore. Compared to Matt's cock, Steve had almost a full inch on length but definitely over an inch on girth. Steve was impressed at how nice, tight and warm Luke's as felt. While Steve fucked away at Luke's former virgin ass Matt was able to move to the bound boy's head. The way the sling was configured it was in a way that allowed access to Luke's mouth. It was time to teach the boy to suck cock (and hopefully get him to loose his gag reflex). Matt was still semi-hard (with help from Viagra) and able to give Luke's mouth and throat a good workout as Steve continued to pound away at his ass when suddenly there was a buzz heard. Matt knew it was their guests for the evening and hurried up stairs to let them inside. Steve had invited just about every gay boy on campus he knew to join in the final phase of Luke's corruption, a gang bang of his (soon to be no longer) neg ass. Steve's guests all knew to be on time since no once else would be let inside the house once they were all down in the play room. Matt was pleasantly surprised to see 'Nerd Boy' walking through the door. He remembered how much he enjoyed fucking the kid and now that he knew the joys of getting fucked along with the size of 'Nerd Boy's' cock, he was secretly hoping to be on the receiving end of what he gave a few weeks back. While Matt was taking care of the guests upstairs Steve leaned in and after a nice hard slap to get the moaning Luke's attention he said "FOCUS FAG! I WANT TO BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU NEXT. WE WILL SOON BE JOINED BY A GROUP OF MY GOOD FRIENDS. THEY ARE HERE TO ASSIST IN YOUR BECOMING MY PROPERTY. THAT'S RIGHT I NOW OWN YOUR ASS AS I DEMONSTRATED WITH THE VIDEO I HAVE. WHAT THAT MEANS IS YOUR ASS WORKS FOR ME AND I WILL RENT IT OUR TO ANYONE WHO HAS THE CASH TO PAY THE PRICE TO HAVE IT FOR THEIR USE." Steve paused to slap Luke once more before continuing, "THE IMPORTANT FACT I WANT TO GET THROUGH THAT DRUGGED UP BRAIN OF YOURS RIGHT NOW IS THAT EVERYONE STANDING AROUND YOU IS HIV+. YOUR PITIFUL PLEA TO MATT WHEN HE FUCKED YOU BY THE POOL TO PUT ON A CONDOM THEN BEGGING HIM NOT TO CUM INSIDE YOU WAS USELESS. HE FILLED YOUR NEG ASS WITH A WEEKS WORTH OF HIS UNMEDICATED POZ CUM THAT I'M SURE HAS ALREADY TAKEN ROOT. TO INSURE YOUR CONVERSION MY FRIENDS HERE WILL ALL ADD THEIR OWN POZ CUM. EACH ONE WILL ASK YOU TO BEG FOR THEIR DIRTY SEED, THEIR CHARGED LOAD, IF YOU WANT TO GET PREGNANT, KNOCKED UP. I EXPECT YOU TO NOT JUST ASK THEM FOR THEIR CUM, BUT TO BEG FOR IT. I WANT TO HEAR YOU START BEGGING ME FOR MY LOAD, BEG ME TO KNOCK YOU UP RIGHT NOW. IF YOU DON'T DO THIS I SWEAR I WILL CUT OFF YOUR BALLS RIGHT HERE AND NOW!" Which Steve accentuated by roughly grabbing Luke's balls with a firm hand and pulled on them hard. Back up on the main floor Matt reminded their guests that although the bound kid in the sling may have looked under age, it was a fact that he was 18 years old as ever one stripped down and stored their clothes in numbers bag which Matt secured inside a locked closet before making their way into the basement playroom. As the group of a men descended the stairs they could already hear Luke saying, "Please Sir, give me your poz seed, I want to get knocked up, I need the gift of your charged load." Steve always made of show of this as all of the guests were now gathered around to watch as he began to long dick the helpless, restrained Luke. Steve was pulling his 8" thick cock completely out of Luke's ass before slamming back in as he was getting ready to breed the bound boy. Luke kept asking to be pozzed as Steve had told him to do. Steve looked down at his brand new whore and yelled out, "READY OR NOT TAKE MY AIDS CUM YOU WORTHLESS BITCH!", as he slammed balls deep inside depositing his own weeks worth of poz cum as his entire body shook from his orgasm. As soon as Steve pulled out one of his friends who were there to join in on Luke's corruption quickly took his place as those in the group began to get high. Some began to hit the numerous pipes laying around as others found fresh points, Tina and sterile water. Matt wanted to get to know 'Nerd Boy' better and when he saw him grab a point, fill it with some Tina he did the same making sure to find the object of his current obsession (besides corrupting Luke). Steve helped Matt learn his tollerance when it came to slamming Tina and still being able to fucntion as a top. He had his prepared point as he found a space next to 'Nerd Boy'. The two made eye contact as they both were getting ready to slam themselves. They paused for the moment so that Matt could learn that 'Nerd Boy's' real name was James and he wasn't the total bottom that Matt was led to believe. Matt let James know that he had been shown the joys of bottoming and was no longer a total top eliciting a smile from his new friend. They shared a quick smile as they tightened rubber tubbing on their bicep and mutually slammed at the same time pulling the tubbing off their arms together. They then enjoyed their mutual rush while hearing Luke continue to ask to be pozzed. The only rule Steve had was that all cum was to go inside Luke's ass. Other then that, everyone was free to explore each other which Matt and James began to do. The only thing James asked was that if he was to fuck and cum inside Luke he couldn't be fucked. That gave Matt an idea and he invited James back to his apartment after the gang bang. James agreed as the guy who had replaced Steve inside Luke howled as he unloaded his cum deep inside the corrupted boy. Luke spent the next day and a half getting seeded multiple times by every guy that was there while Matt made sure to keep him plenty high with repeated slams. He even took a double penetration from Matt and James as they fucked him together. Steve could tell that his friends were ready to head their own way he knew it was time to take his new piece of property on a test run at the rest stop just outside of town. He knew it would be filled with truckers and married men needing a place to unload and he planned to get $20 for each one who wanted to fuck his new whore.
    2 points
  25. Part: 5 The rest of the week went about the same, I would flip open the app on my lunch, end up in an alley, storage room floor, random places just taking dick. My star rating had gone up to 4.9. I wanted a perfect 5! But was still working towards it. The wife came back home Thursday night. I feared the fun might have to end now that she was back. Save it only for when she wasn’t around. By that weekend though all I could think of was the app. I wanted to log on and take some dick. Saturday morning I had to take my son to his baseball game. The wife stayed behind to get some stuff done since she had been out of town all week. We got to the field and my son ran off to join his team. He was a cute kid, he was 17 and developing into a solid stud. I had put on some shorts and a jock again, I figured I might be able to get away while my son was playing. The game started and towards the end of the first inning I popped open the app and hit search: “field #5” That was the baseball field way in the back, it was being redone and not in use right now. I hit accept and got the next set of instructions “head over to the home team dugout.” I jogged over, my dick already hard, bouncing as I jogged. I walked in from behind so I could not see into the dugout, I walked up and stepped in. There was my sons assistant coach! I got nervous, didn’t know if he was from the app or if he was there for something else. “it’s cool, I ordered you. get over here, suck on this dick” I dropped to my knees and pulled his cock out, I was in heaven. The assistant coach was a college kid. Tall 6ft and fit with a six pack for days. His cock was also amazing, a nice 9 inches with a bulbous head. A swallowed it to the hilt till I felt his pubes on my nose, he held my head down and face fucked me. tears started streaming from my face, I tried to pull off and breath but he just held me there. Finally, he let me up and I gasped for breath. “get on all 4s bitch, the coach expects me back soon.” I bent over the fence and held on, he spit on his cock and just slammed it in. He started pistol fucking me. I thought I was going to go through the fence. I could swear people could hear the chain link fence rattling but I didn’t care, I just wanted that load. He buried his cock deep in my ass and started busting. He pumped about 7 ropes of cum into me. He pulled out his dick to the tip and then slid it right back in, working the load into my hole. “thanks man, gotta run” he tucked his monster back into his baseball pants and ran off. I gave him a few before I rejoined the game. I felt the app notification, I popped it open and saw the 5-star rating. Another well satisfied top.
    2 points
  26. I am glad you guys are liking the story. I enjoy reading your comments, keep them coming. I mocked up what maybe the app can look like if it actually existed. pics attached. Part: 4 The rest of the weekend went uneventful. I was so busy with the house I lost track. Monday came and I had not had a chance to get back on the app. I was back at work and the wife would be back on Thursday. I was sitting at work, running reports and putting graphs together. I was about to head out to lunch in a bit so I popped open the app. I work in downtown so there were a lot of people. Almost instantly I got a notification. “4th St back alley.” I hit accept and was given further directions “Head down the alley, half way down on the left.” It was only a couple blocks away from work. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door….my coworker stopped me. “hey, a group of us are having lunch together, why don’t you join us?” The bulge in my pants was growing by the second and I was sure she could see it or perhaps it was my paranoia. “I am going to have to take a rain check, I have an important errand to run” and I slipped out. I hustled down the block, 8th, 7th, 6th, 5th, and finally 4th street, I passed it and headed towards the alley. I was just what an alley would look like, trash cans, graffiti, smelled. I walked half way down and there was a guy standing by the door way to my left, tall skinny white guy. He signaled me over. I got closer and was about to follow him through the door but he didn’t budge. “can’t bring you inside slut, you are going to take my dick here.” and he pushed me up against the trash bin. I quickly unbuckled my slacks and pulled them down. I was wearing a jock so it was easy access. I could smell the stench of piss and trash as he pushed his cock into my ass with no lube. I wanted to yelp but bit my tongue. He started a steady quick pace and then picked up speed. I kept looking around, worried someone would see it, there was not much really blocking up from view other than the trash bin, anyone could look out the window or step out of the building and see a guy in a suit bent over a trash bin getting railed by a guy. “I’m gonna bust bitch, take my load.” And just like that he busted inside me. I pushed my ass back, opened my hole, trying to get as much of him in me as possible. He slipped out and slapped my ass. “nice pussy.” And walked back into the building. I pulled up my slacks, straightened my hair and went back to the office. Spent the rest of the day working with a load up my ass, wondering if people could smell it on me…
    2 points
  27. 2. Jay "I'm sorry," I said again. "I mean. You're not gay. I'm not gay." I had kissed this guy that I barely knew. I was terrified of what I had done. "Uh," I stammered for a moment, trying to read Rod's face in the dark back seat of the car. "It's cool," Rod said. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine again. This time I tried to relax. It was him initiating it, not me. And it didn't mean I was gay. We were just playing around. But it was hard to deny the way his kiss affected me. My dick was rock hard and leaking, and I wanted him to never stop kissing me. "Is that good?" he asked. I nodded, not able to think about anything other than this man who had started to make out with me. He reminded me a bit of some of my friend's dads. The ones I was a bit wary of, because I didn't want to know them too well. Like as well as I was starting to know Rod. Before I could say anything more, Rod continued. "You're not the first guy I've kissed. And besides, you're super cute." It was the permission I needed to exhale. It had felt like hours, but it was probably less than a minute. In that time, I had kissed another man and then he had kissed me back. It had felt amazing. In my drug-fueled state, I didn't care so much that it was with another man. I just liked the feeling of connection with another human. Rod leaned back in. "You're fun to kiss as well." Our lips met again. This time, Rod pushed his tongue into my mouth and explored, before pulling back away from me. "What do you want to do, Jay?" Rod asked. He was naturally stern, but there was a genuine concern that was still present. "You need to be honest. With me, but also yourself." "I know," I said. I understood what he was asking. I also knew what I wanted to say; what I wanted to do. "I wanna make out with you. I want to feel your hands on me." There was no reaction from Rod, but I was scared again. I decided the smartest thing was to be quiet, so I shut up. "Good answer," Rod said. He wrapped an arm around me, and pulled him close to him. Our bodies pressed together, almost as tightly as our lips were pressed against each other. But it felt totally natural, like this was how two men were supposed to get to know each other. "Very good answer indeed," he continued, as his tongue explored my mouth again. Mercifully trapped in my shorts, my dick was hard. I knew there was a wet spot where the head strained against the fabric of my underwear. I didn't want to have to explain that to either Aiden or Rod. "You want to join us?" Rod asked Aiden. I had forgotten about Aiden. Now I felt bad; I had been making out with Rod, not even knowing how Aiden would react. I had no idea if it was revulsion or interest. I broke off the kiss long enough to turn my head. Aiden was watching us, but the smile was of genuine pleasure. "Not yet. You guys are having fun, and I'm enjoying watching you. Besides, we're almost there." I looked out the window. All I knew was that we were in the busy Hollywood downtown area. Even at nearly two AM in the morning, the streets were still busy with cars, and people were standing around the doors to restaurants and clubs. I tried my best to sit back up, and adjust my shirt. Rod had run his hand over my chest and down my stomach, messing up my t-shirt. He had gotten down to my crotch, and rubbed my dick just enough to feel how hard I was. "You're like me," he said, but didn't elaborate. In the dim light of the back seat, it was hard to tell if he also had a boner. We pulled into a hotel entrance. I was glad I had taken care of my t-shirt, because quickly a doorman and a valet came up. "Mr. Aiden," the valet said. "Good to see you again." Aiden handed him the keys, and stuck the ticket carefully into his wallet. It was already fat with cash; I tried not to stare as I exited the car. Rod was right behind me. Rod was almost too close behind me. Two hours ago, his closeness would have bothered me a lot. But after the past few minutes, I wasn't sure what it meant to me. It felt good to have a man like him so close to me, and it made me feel simultaneously safe and excited at the same time. I just wondered what the valet thought, but then realized he probably didn't even notice his clients. "This way," Aiden said, leading us through the front doors and directly to the elevators. He knew his way around the hotel, as evidenced both by the familiarity the valet had with him and his own familiarity with the floor plan. It was not long before all three of us were in an elevator, heading upwards. As soon as the doors closed, Rod pushed me against the wall, and started to kiss me again. He pressed his body against me. He was a little shorter than me, maybe about four inches shorter. He craned his head, and I bent over. It felt a bit strange to tower over him, even as he was being the dominant one. But, at the same time, his small stature only accentuated the seeming power he had over me. As his tongue pressed into me, I felt the sensation of his dick pressing against my thigh. Like me, he was stiff and hard. He had said I wasn't the first man he had kissed. I realized that he had probably made out with a lot of men. And he had fucked many of them. It was a disquieting realization, and I hesitated for a moment. But then his tongue ran against my teeth, and the insistent pleasurable sensations overwhelmed my head again. "Glad to see you like each other," Aiden said. "Bet you want some time to explore, don't you?" "Oh yeah," Rod said. "There's a lot for us to explore." "As long as you leave some for all of us," Aiden said. I had hoped he would explain what he meant, but the elevator dinged and the door slid open. We were on the 12th floor, not the top, but a respectable height. "Almost there, men," Aiden said. To our left was only one suite, and that was the direction Aiden turned. "Ready?" Rod asked. "I think I am," I said. "Not sure what to expect." "Pleasure," Rod said. "Expect pleasure. And fun. Lots of fun." "I hope so," I said. I gave Rod one last peck on the forehead, then he and I grabbed hands and walked out of the elevator. There was a tall black man at the door to the suite. From behind the door, there was some laughing and deep house music." "Here for Edward's party," Aiden said. "Oh, don't worry. I know you, Aiden Wolfe. You're welcome any time." He opened the door. The music was louder, but not by much. Most of it was a thumping base, enough to shake my body. Inside, I saw a number of men, ranging from guys just about my age to older dad types. I didn't see any women, but that didn't seem like a problem. All of the men were uniformly in-shape and good looking. Aiden had already disappeared into the crowd, but Rod was pulling me deeper into the tangle of men. Once we were in the thick of it, he turned around. "What do you think of it?" he asked me. "It's," I searched for the right word. "Interesting. I'm not as hot as these guys though." He leaned in and kissed me again. No one seemed to notice. "No. You are," he said, as he broke off the kiss. "Let's go to the balcony. It's a bit quieter." He took my hand, and guided me through the crowd of men. The room wasn't as big as I first thought, and although I originally thought it was a crowd, by the time we got to the balcony doors, I realized it was only about thirty or forty people. "This way," he continued. Out on the patio, we were alone. We faced downtown with the city laid out before us. It was like a scene from a movie, and if I looked down, I could see the busy street, while further away, all I could see were the street lights. Above us, airplanes made lazy circles on final approach to the airport. "Looks like it's just the two of us out here," I said. "Yeah," Rod said. "How are you feeling?" "Good," I said. "Really good." "Still horny?" Rod asked. He ran his hand over my chest again, dropping down to my stomach, and then to my crotch. I knew he could feel my erection. There was no point in lying to him. "Yeah. I am," I said. "I need to get off or something." I had turned to face him. He was smiling, and chuckled a bit. "Or something," he continued. There was a knowing smile on his face. He leaned in, and craned his neck up to meet my lips again. I didn't resist his approach. I didn't want to resist it. Even in the dim light of the balcony, it was clear just how handsome he was. Not only that, he also had years of experience on me. He would know what to do. He broke off the kiss. "Tell me when to stop," he said. "Don't stop," I said, as he put his hands under my t-shirt again, running his fingers through the light fuzz on my chest, and easily finding my nipples. I gasped in pleasure. "Please," I continued. "Don't stop." "Of course not, my boy," Rod said. Carefully, he lifted my shirt up and over my head, taking care not to disturb my glasses. He made it seem so casual and easy that I almost didn't realize he was starting to work on my belt. Another kiss, and I was distracted long enough for him to unfasten it and release the button on my jeans. They fell around my ankles, leaving me wearing only a pair of white briefs, now far too small to contain my erect penis and heavy balls. "What about the others," I asked. Even though it was a warm night, I shivered slightly under Rod's touch. I had never been naked like this before, and felt utterly exposed. "Don't worry about them," Rod said. He ran his hand over the bulge in my underwear. I was afraid I was going to cum just from his slight touch. "Just enjoy yourself." "Ok," I said, the goosebumps still covering my body. It was hard to tell which emotion was stronger: fear or excitement. "You're shivering," Rod said. He pulled off his own shirt, and added it to the small pile accumulating next to us. "Here," he said, pulling me against his body. His skin was warm, almost hot, against my skin. There was little more muscle and bone on his body. It was a totally different feeling from the girls I had played with; they had been soft and delicate and Rod was hard and strong. "So warm," I said. Sex with Rod was going to be rough, intense, and demanding. "Fuck," I muttered, as I pressed my body up against him. Less than two hours ago, I was flirting with a hot Asian girl, not even thinking about men. Now I was contemplating sex with a man I barely knew, and my dick was hard at the suggestion. "Yeah?" Rod asked. He ran his hands over my bare back, working his way down. His target was my ass; it seemed like the most natural thing for him to do. "You doing ok?" "Yeah," I said. "Just," I stammered. "This is all new to me." "It's new to everyone once. Just relax. And enjoy it." He slipped his hand under the waistband, and grabbed one of my ass cheeks. "I'm enjoying it." He pressed his crotch against my leg, and I could feel his hardness. He ran his free hand back over my bulge. "I think you are enjoying it as well." I was silent for a second, wondering what to say. I finally went with the complete and difficult truth. "Yeah," I said, "I am enjoying it." Before I could say anything more, he leaned in and kissed me, pushing his tongue back into my mouth. I let myself relax and enjoy it. It wasn't hard; Rod was a skilled kisser. He knew when to be tender and slow, and when to be more forceful and take what he deserved. This was one of the latter, as he pushed my tongue out of the way and explored my mouth. "I know. Not to first boy I've broken in." I was momentarily grateful for Rod's experience. He knew what to do, how to make it feel good for both of us. It was going to be hard to refuse him anything. I was feeling warm and tingly from his touch, feeling generous with my body and wanting to use it to please him. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but strangely familiar. It was a part of myself I had never experienced, but still very much me. If I was honest with myself, everything I was doing that day was easy to understand. It was the part of me that took furtive glances in the locker room. It was the part of me that wanted to feel Rod's shaft in my hands. It was the part of me that wanted Rod inside me. But, I didn't want to understand. Understanding meant that I had to think about it and work through all the possible options. I didn't want to have to use my brain at all. My cock knew what it wanted, and it was far simpler to follow its simple, infinitely pleasurable commands than to create elaborate yet ultimately unsatisfactory self-delusions against the perpetual pleasures of getting off. I reached down and undid Rod's belt. I looked down. He was wearing elegant, trim-cut dark grey dress pants. The belt caught my eye. The leather was thick. Far thicker than necessary for thin and elegant dress belt. Rod smiled at me, as we both realized that the belt signified so much more than just fashion or function. I wondered how much it would hurt if Rod used it against me. It was a heavy leather suitable for a fat, heavy daddy's belt. It deserved to be used against a young man's butt than to be stuck in a boardroom. I wondered how much pain it could cause if I ever made Rod use it in disappointment and shame for my actions. At the time, I only knew its uses instinctively. It would be much later that I would learn all of the details of the leather community. I remembered a picture I had on my computer, a woman on her knees, naked except for a belt securing her wrists together. In the picture, a man stood above her, with his thick shaft buried deep in her throat. I paused, realizing that tonight, I was playing the role of that woman. "Go ahead, boy," Rod said. "Finish what you started." "Yes," I said. "I understand." "Good boy," Rod said. The way he said it along with the smile he had made my dick jump. I looked down long enough to figure out how to unthread the thick leather strap from the buckle. The pants hid some of his arousal, but it was impossible for it to hide all of it. "Yeah, it's a bit stiff," Rod continued as I fumbled with the belt. I wasn't sure if he meant the leather or his dick. It didn't matter. I managed to undo his belt, unfasten his pants, and push them down, over the bulge in his light blue underwear. My own dick ached in sympathy with his. Both of our tools needed release; release from the confines of our clothing, and release from the pent-up sexual energy. I looked back up at Rod. He was still smiling at me. It was clear where this was going, and it was exactly what he wanted. He made the next move. He reached down and pushed down his underwear. His dick sprung free, sticking out from his body. It was one of the largest cocks I had seen outside of porn. Of course, I had only seen a few other erect penises in real life, most years ago as I had explored with middle school friends. Even by porn standards, Rod's dick was admirable in length and girth. Where my erection arched upwards, his hung down slightly. "Go ahead," he said. "Touch it." I hesitated for a second, then decided to take a risk. I reached out for Rod's shaft. I thought it was going to feel weird, reaching for another man's dick. But one I had made the decision, it seemed like the most natural thing I could do. "That's it," Rod moaned as my fingertips brushed against the warm and supple flesh. Like my dick, the outer layer of skin was soft, and moved easily over the much harder core. Finally touching it made me realize that looks could be deceiving. Rod's endowment was more than just admirable; it was actually quite big. I had never felt short-changed in the dick department, but compared to him, I just did not measure up. It was both the length and girth of the shaft; his cock hung down slightly because it had to. The simple physics between gravity and the flesh and blood that made up his manhood required the slope. "Have you ever touched another man's dick?" I nodded. I had, but it was so many years ago, and I was so young. "Yeah." I said. "In middle school. My friend Jack." "Did you just touch it?" I shook my head. "No," I said. "What else did you boys do?" "I," I started. "I. I sucked his dick as well." "Nice. So, you're an experienced cocksucker?" "Well. It was only once." "Only once?" Rod asked. I had only just met Rod. We had known each other for less than an hour, and he was pulling out some of my deepest memories. I hadn't told anyone what had happened that night. How we had explored each other’s bodies. How I had sucked on Jack's dick. How he had cum in my mouth. How I had swallowed it, and how, afterwards, he had called me a disgusting cocksucker. "Yeah, he moved away a few weeks later." "That was convenient," Rod said. "But still. I bet that means you've still sucked more dick than your roommate." Rod had an arm wrapped around me. I felt safe in his arms, safe enough to be telling him all of these things and still be playing with his dick. Even with the noises of the party coming out from the open doors, and the lights of the city spread out in front of us, it felt like it was just the two of us, sharing an intimate moment. Yes, it was an intimate moment between two men, but it felt so natural to me. This moment would be our secret. I didn't have to worry about anyone finding out, and it would just be this one evening. I wouldn't have to do it ever again. "I suppose you are right," I said. "Damn, your dick is big." At its core, it was a simple tube, evolved over millions of years to inject his semen deep into his partner. But that masked the complexity that even the slightest touch revealed. There was the soft, warm skin over the hard shaft. The beauty of his cockhead, and the drip of pre-cum forming at the tip. I didn't want to stop fondling it and playing with it. His massive cock was our toy, something we could share and use it to bring pleasure to him. "You like it?" he asked me. I nodded in agreement, scared at what I might say if I opened my mouth. "Look at how hard you've gotten in," Rod continued. With his free hand, he held it up, showing it off to me. "Bigger than mine," I finally said. "Don't worry about that," Rod said. He pushed down my white underwear, finally freeing my dick from its fabric prison. He stroked the length of it, pushing me to a full, hard erection. "It's more than big enough for me." He leaned in and kissed me. "It's a beautiful cock." "Thanks," I said, blushing a bit. We were now almost completely naked, our pants around our ankles, and our erect dicks sticking out in front of us. If Rod's cock curved up and mine curved down, they would have touched. But instead, they just barely missed each other. "Come on," Rod said. "Let's get out of these clothes." He took off his shoes and socks and stepped out of his pants in a smooth, practiced motion. On the other hand, I felt like an ungainly teenager again, fumbling with my shoes, then my socks, and finally nearly falling over as I tried to dis-entangle myself from my pants and underwear. If Rod had any thoughts at my awkward movements, he mercifully did not say anything. "That's much better," Rod said, pulling me back against him. We were naked now, and our touch was no longer accidental contact between two men. This wasn't the fumbling exploration with Jack, but the expert guidance of an experienced man. I wanted more; it seemed impossible, but my dick got harder. Rod felt it grow. "Much better," he continued. "How are you doing?" "Good," I said. "Really good." "You really haven't done this before, have you?" he asked me. There was no judgment in his voice. "No," I said. "Never." "Just let me know if you want to stop." "I will. But don't stop. So far, it's all good." This time, I took the initiative. I leaned in and kissed him. He opened his mouth and let my tongue enter. If I were honest with myself, I had occasionally stared at guys in the locker room, or wondered what a particularly handsome man looked like naked. But I had always told myself I wasn't like that. I had always dated girls, and enjoyed that. But now there was this. It was just as fun as fooling around with a girl. It was almost more fun. Plus, it didn't feel weird at all. It felt perfectly natural to have another man's erect penis pressed against me, and to be making out with him. "Good," Rod said. "I'm having fun too." We continued to kiss, oblivious to everything around us. If anyone from the party looked out on the patio, they would have seen us, naked, making out. But somehow, it seemed unlikely that someone would look at us, and even more remote that they would care. Aiden hadn't been bothered at all when Rod and I made out in the car, and I didn't think any of the other men at the party would be concerned either. "You've never had sex with another man, have you?" "No," I said. "As I said. Just sucking cock." "Still a lot of fun," Rod said. "And there's a lot we can do without even having sex." "Oh?" I asked. There was a devilish grin on Rod's face. "You need to show me." "Of course," he said. He was enjoying this, showing me all these new ways to enjoy a man's body. "Have you ever been rimmed before?" "Rimmed?" I asked. "What's that?" "I guess I know the answer now. Grab the railing. Bend over. Don't worry. I know what I am doing." I turned around, grabbed the railing, and did as Rod told me. In front of me, I could see the lights of the city, spread out like a twinkling beacon of a brilliant future.
    2 points
  28. I was in Vegas about a month ago and finally hooked with a Dom top guy I have been wanting to be with for a couple of years. We both live in Oregon, about 60 miles apart, and I figured he had lost interest, so I didn't want to stalk him, so I just let it go. Then then when I was in Vegas, he contacted me and asked me if I wanted his cock. I have no idea what he was doing in Vegas or whether he may live there and that's why we never hooked, but I gave him my hotel room number and left the door ajar for him. He's pretty muscled and I'm kinda tall and skinny. He was pretty rough with me, did a lot of face fucking, sort of pulling my hair to direct my mouth and head on his cock. I really wanted him to breed me, but he decided to ram his cock down my throat until I felt him shoot his sweet load at the back of my throat, which of course made me happy. After a few, he got up to leave and started to walk to his clothes and turned and told me to "get up and spread your pussy" (I was on the floor on all fours from face fucking him while he say in a chair. He was still semi erect and I was pretty excited at the prospect of getting bred, so I stood up and bent over the bed, reaching behind to spread my hole open for him. he pushed his semi erect cock balls deep into me and just held my hips, his big balls bouncing against my taint and just held me that way and announced: "you're not getting another load, but I will fill your pussy with piss" and I felt it streaming into my gut. He asked: "you like being a urinal, don't you?" and though kind of embarrassed, I answered "yes" because I really did love it. When he was done he pulled out and then gave my ass a couple of sharp spanks saying: "don't lose a drop of this if you want me happy, I don't give just any cunt my piss" and he shoved me face down onto the bed, dressed and left. I pushed a couple of pillows under my pelvis to elevate my ass so I could keep his piss in my gut and fell asleep. I woke up some time later having to piss myself and went into the bathroom, my pee had a really strong smell and I knew it was because I had absorbed a lot of what he gave me, it was so fucking hot. I put my finger over my hole just incase there was still some in my ass, i didn't want to lose it.
    2 points
  29. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 5) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Davis was on the floor, trying to avoid the beating. I stood above him, with two of my pals and we were swinging our belts and hit his body in every possible spot. He trashed around, but had no chance to escape the whipping. The scene was filmed by the 4th guy and he switched between close ups of the welts appearing all over Davis’ body and the scenery from afar. So we could enjoy those minutes again and again later on. We showed no mercy. It was like the warming up before the main event. Our cocks stood out proud and hard, just wishing the rape would start right now. Davis was not screaming at the moment. It was more or less just grunting. He clenched his teeth and almost seemed out of this world. And again the lad tried to flee from the pain and the violence. He simply fainted on us. We were so in motion, that we didn’t notice it at first. Out of breath we stopped our attack. “You brought us a nice piece of meat” someone said. “Wake him up” I said coldly. Another bucket of cold water was splashed over his head. He gasped for air and looked around disorientated. “No more…” were his first words. “No more…” he repeated again. “No more… beating” I said. “No more…” I stressed my words and crouched next to him. “Move your body to the bed” I whispered to Davis. “Move your fucking body to the bed and spread your fucking legs so we can start ripping your ass open.” with that I got up again and gave the lad a little nudge with my boots to make him more cooperative. Slowly he crawled to one of the beds, accompanied by our booted feet, showing him the right way. Every muscle in his body was tensed. It was such a great moment, hearing his soft sobbing, realizing he wanted to crawl away from us, but we gave him little kicks, so it would be easier for him to find our love nest. We grinned at each other and jerked our cocks slowly. “Good boy” I teased him Davis looked around scared, when he got onto the bed. “On your back cunt and spread those damn legs” I growled. Davis assumed position, but didn’t look all too happy about it. “Now… Davis… wouldn’t it be nice, if you would repeat the words you used, when you contacted me?” I asked soothingly. “About getting fucked?” he asked timidly. “About everything…” I answered loudly. “Tell us how you wanted to be raped and your cunt busted.” The 18 year old boy shook his head. “You better tell us…” I warned him. “I… I wanted to be raped. I… I wanted my cunt destroyed *sniffs* I needed hard cock….” Davis mumbled. “Exactly and now a little bit louder and say it in a way, that we believe it.” I ordered him to tell us the things a second time. Before that, I told my pals to assemble on the bed, next to our little rape toy and let him stroke our cocks and lick two cockheads, while the 5th fellow would film this great scene. Davis looked around, not knowing how to react. While Davis got a zoom up, jacking us off or lick our dickheads we gave him the opportunity to look straight into the cam and tell us his deepest desires. “I…. *sob* I… want to be raped.” “I am a useless cunt and need to be destroyed” Tears ran down his face while he praised his hole to be torn apart and to be fucked bloodily. “Good cunt…. we will give you, what you were looking for.” and we fist bumped each other, while using insults on the lad. “So let’s get started. You must be delirious already” I laughed cruelly. I went between the guys legs and arranged his legs to be on my shoulder. Davis tried to push me away, but I was a lot stronger than this helpless little twink. “Someone hand me the lube….” I demanded. It was a lot commotion going on now. Davis felt my cock nestling against his tiny hole, already probing to gain entrance. He wasn’t happy about it and tried to push me away. “Lube….” I shouted and tried to get the boy under control. “Erm… nobody brought lube with him apparently.” “We need lube…. oh well, spit and blood will do it also I guess….” I mused. “This will hurt lad, but it will hurt you more, that it will hurt me” I cackled gleefully. “As soon as you bleed, my cock will glide more easily into your twat. Don’t worry….” I added. “Maybe this will help?” someone said. A guy came out of the bathroom, holding a used toothbrush in his hand. He looked at the men… They looked at me… I looked at Davis… “We need to get your hole bloody…” I told him truthfully. Suddenly Davis understood the concept and started wailing…
    2 points
  30. Moderator's Note: If you do not want to deal with the red text, there is a copy of this story in the normal color in the first response below. (This is a semi-true account of my recent bathhouse excursion. Yes, I am 23. The inner struggle described is real. If you want to help bring out my inner slut, DM me. I lurk on here way too much, and want to live out some of my fantasies with a truly dom top.) Finals were over. Fuck was I glad. This past semester was super hard. All my classes were so boring and a lot of my friends were graduating, so everyone was on edge the entire time. Whatever, at least it’s over. To reward myself, I planned on getting high and going to the bathhouse to get fucked. You’d think that being 23, smooth with a tight body and well defined 6-pack would get you a lot of dick in college, but a lot of guys on campus usually chicken out. So I waited until classes were done to make up for all the dick I should have gotten. It was Friday night and most of my friends were out getting drunk to celebrate summer. Boring! Instead I shaved my hole, douched, and got ready to go to the bathhouse. I saved a couple pills of E from a rave I went to, and I was determined to get high and get my ass destroyed. “But...no bareback,” I repeated over and over again. “Promise me you’ll make guys use condoms,” I repeated. I was determined to minimize the after-fuck guilt and scare. I love feeling raw dick slide into my hole. I love having the shaft rub my Gspot and make me moan. And I especially love feeling the cock spasm as the top shoots his warm cum in my ass. I love all these things! BUT, I always work myself into a frenzy afterwards. I would do myself a favor and use condoms, so I won’t freak out the day after. “Condoms only!” I committed I finally got to the bathhouse. I timed the pills so they would kick in by the time I got the bathhouse. I got a locker, undressed and wrapped a towel around my tight, jock body. I was shivering from nervousness. As much as I love sex, doing it with random strangers still scares me a bit. Being a hypochondriac and cum slut isn’t the best combination. Oh well, that’s why I took the E. I got in the hot tub to relax a bit. There were a lot of guys here tonight I noted. After a few minutes, I got out to walk around. In the first hallway, I walked past a room with an open door. Inside was a pretty well-built daddy, probably in his late 40’s. He motioned me in. I acquiesced. “You are really sexy,” he told me. “Thanks. So are you,” I responded. I got on my knees and sucked his nice 7-inch cock. After several minutes, I got his cock rock hard. By now, the E had fully kicked in. In fact, I think I took too much, because I was getting a bit disoriented. My body was tingly all over, and my thoughts raced. My vision was going in and out, but I was still focused on his cock. The fit daddy pointed to the bed, and my inner submissive whore hastily obeyed. I got on my back and lifted my legs up, exposing my smooth hole. He grabbed the bottle of lube, squirted some on his cock, and rubbed some on my hole. He walked closer and lined his cockhead to my hole. “Um, can you please use a condom,” I weakly asked. The top frowned, but he nodded his head. He went to his bag and grabbed a condom. “Suck my dick some more, baby,” the daddy commanded. I quickly gobbled up his cock. Good job I thought to myself. Way to stick to our agreement of no BB. Within a few minutes, his cock was hard again, getting past the fact that he had to wrap it up. He ripped the wrapper and rolled on the condom, lubed up his cock, and approached my hole. I was on my back again and saw his face. The face of intent. His body glistened with manliness. I could never get this back at my college campus. This much man. This much experience and dominance. I was in bliss. He slowly pushed in. My hole wasn’t used to condoms, so it really hurt. The daddy was slow though. He added more lube and kept pushing. After about 5 minutes, he still hadn’t made much progress. “You’re really tight,” he whispered in my ear with his cock still pressed against my hole. “Yeah, sorry. It’s been a while...are you neg?” I asked “Why does it matter” he retorted with annoyance, “I’m wearing a condom.” Don’t even think about asking him to fuck you raw! I screamed at myself. Come on slut! You know you want it. You play coy, but you and I know you’re going to let him fuck you raw, I urged myself. What’s another night of bareback. You’ve earned it. You got a 4.0 this quarter. Reward yourself with raw cock. “Hey, maybe you can just tease my hole without a condom for a bit.,” I meekly said. The daddy stood back up and his face brightened up. In his smile, there was a tinge of darkness. He was going to fuck me raw and load me up. He knew this, and I knew this. “Ok, baby,” he responded. He quickly threw off the condom. Then he spit on my hole and rubbed his cock up and down. It felt so good. I closed my eyes and threw my head back. The hot daddy saw this and pushed his cock into my hold. “We really shouldn’t. Please don’t fuck me raw,” I unconvincingly pleaded. My voice was so soft and weak that both of us knew I didn’t mean it. He kept pushing. I moaned. Skin on skin feels so good. A few moments later, he was inside. I felt his warm cock pulsating. I looked at him. Any bit of care and tenderness was wiped from his face. In their place was pure lust. He looked at me with animal eyes. Even his breathing changed. His breaths were now grunts. He slid his cock halfway out and then rammed it back in. His slow rhythm was in perfect sync with his grunts. His cock was rubbing my hole in all the right places. I was moaning so loudly. I knew the whole bathhouse could hear me, but I was too high and in too much pleasure to fucking care. “Fuck yeah, bitch! Take my cock” he said to me. “Ugh yeah, please fuck me! Your cock feels so good!” I moaned. He pulled his cock all the way out, slapped my hole, and then shoved it back in. His sweat dripped on me. His odor flooded my senses. I was enveloped in this god’s aura. He varied his pace for a few more minutes before flipping me over. I backed myself up furiously on his raw cock. My body felt like electricity from the E. He slapped my ass and then grabbed my hips to gain control. He pounded my ass for what felt like hours. I was in slut heaven. Then without warning, he pulled out and stepped away. I turned around, showing him desperate, pleading eyes. Even with my impaired vision, I could see the sweat that glistened on his body. His masculine stance with huge arms flexed on either side. He was breathing heavily, sign of the work he’s been putting in. “Please fuck me, sir. Your cock feels so good. I really need it,” my depraved self pleaded. “I’m getting close, boy. I’m about to bust my load, “ he responded,“If I keep fucking you, I’m going to breed you. I’m not wasting my load on your bac.,” I didn’t say anything. I was paralyzed by conflict. I was paralyzed by how good his cock felt. I was paralyzed by how much I wanted his load inside my hole. Not waiting for my response, he flipped me on my back and shoved his cock inside me. “Ohhhhhh fuckkk yes,” my mouth finally vocalized. He took my ankles and pushed them way back. He had a perfect view of my hole. But instead, he fixed his gazed on my face. As he pounded my hole, he said to me, “I’m going to breed your hole boy. Fill your guts with my warm seed. My hot seed.” The room was filled with guttural noises and animal instincts. Cock in and out. Sweat dripped. In. And out. Grunting. Bam. Bam. Bam. In. And Out. Grunt. Moan. “Please spit on me. Make me your bitch,” I pleaded as I sniffed in more of his scent. He scoffed at me. His eyes were filled with disgust. Here is a dumb bitch asking to be spit on taking raw cock. The same dumb bitch that pretended to want condoms. The same bitch that is high out of his mind. Disgust swirled in his mouth and he quickly spat on my face. Then BAMMM he smacked my face with all his might and I lost my breath due to the shock and pain. He grabbed my face and turned me to face him. “Beg me for my seed, you dumb bitch,” he demanded. “Beg me to breed your cunt.” FUCKING BEG HIM, YOU WHORE. I screamed to myself. “Please, sir. Please breed me,” I managed. “Yeah? You want it? Say it, bitch. Tell me what you want,” he urged. “Your hot load. Please fill me up. I want your cum,” I said with more strength. “Oh fuck yeah, boy! I’m going to fill you up with my load,” he continued. “Yes!! Fuck me. Fuck your poz load into me,” I moaned. He stopped fucking me and said, “Poz load? Who said I was poz?” I came out of my haze and sheepishly smiled at him. “Sorry.” “Oh so you’re a fucking chaser aren’t you? You sick, dirty fuck. I bet you want poz loads, huh? I bet you want my dick to flood you with venom.” I could tell this was really turning him on. He picked up his paced. He was really railing me now. “You’re going to get my poz load. I’m going to fill you up with my sick dick,” he yelled. “Yes, fill me with your poz load! I need it! PLEASE!” I exclaimed. My inner slut was out. “Fuck yeah, boy!” the hot daddy exclaimed. And with that, he thrusted into me hard. His whole body was shuddering as he half collapsed on top of me. “Ohhhh fuckkk,” he grunted. I felt his cock pulsate in my hole. Moving up and down slightly. Then I felt warmness inside my hole. With each pulse, my hole felt warmer and slicker. I had milked this hot daddy for his man juices, and I felt so proud. Despite all the inner turmoil, I loved the feeling of being bred. The danger and risk. The weight as the top presses down from pleasure and exhaustion. I loved everything about it. After a few minutes, the top composed himself. He slowly slid out of my hole, and just gave me a smirk. “Thank you, sir,” I offered. “You’re welcome, slut,” he returned. He pushed me over to make room for him on the dirty mattress. I rested in his arms for some mandatory post-coital cuddling. He said that was hot and asked how old I was. “23,” I said. “Fuck, such a slut at such a young age.” “Hahah, yeah I watch a lot of porn and read some pretty angular erotica,” I said. “Angular erotica...hah!” After a few minutes, I got restless. I was still rolling hard from the E and now that I have fully abandoned safety, I was intent on getting more dick. I got up and wrapped my towel around my waist. I thank him again, and made my way for the door. I paused and turned to face him one last time. “Are you actually poz?” I asked . “Maybe,” he said coldly. I just smiled and exited the room. My body still pulsating from the E. If only my professors and friends could see me right now; I thought to myself, the control freak that asks smartass questions in class is taking anonymous cum up his ass. With that thought, I made walked into the dimly lit, red-tinged hallway. The night had just begun.
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  31. 1. Aiden I first saw Jay on a Friday night, early October. I was out at a club, standing by the side of the dance floor, watching the endless parade of bright young things. Tonight, it seemed a little more college boys, a little less desperate twenty-something actors. I didn't really care that much about the crowd. It was a mixed night, and I was already too busy defending myself against horny drunk girls, much less trying to separate the gay boys from the straight men. But first, I should probably back up and introduce myself. I'm Aiden. I'm fifty years old, and I've been in that other industry since I was twenty. We never call it anything other than "The Industry," if we even call it anything at all. Activists might call it "sex work" in an effort to give it legitimacy or make it seem more glamorous than it really is. But there is nothing glamorous about the life of a boy selling his body. In order to survive, you must become someone not quite human. You must become a creature who just enacts the core human emotions like empathy, love, and care. You can't survive with real emotions. I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up and graduated. I'm no longer one of the boys. I'm a pimp, and now I get to own the boys. It's not an accident that we call it owning; it's about as close to slavery as it gets these days. It sounds cruel, but I believe it is better this way. It's easier on the boys in the long run if they understand that they are possessions, things to be bought and sold, passed around and shared. The entire process is easier for a bottom, of course. They already understand that they are just vessels for another man's pleasure. Yeah, I said man there. It's a straight boy's fantasy to be paid by women for sex. It. Does. Not. Happen. For men, the Industry is only about man on man, and the sooner a so-called straight boy figures that out, the better for him. In the Industry, we call that process "breaking a boy." The best of us pimps can do it in our sleep. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy, and for me, it came naturally. Of course, it's never easy for the boy. It is always a struggle for a boy to accept his position in the Industry. Back to the night at hand. I had a vodka and cranberry in my hand; I had been nursing it slowly enough that the ice had melted, leaving it weak and watery. I was waiting for the boys to start to approach me. It might take a second or third drink, but they always did. They might claim to be straight, but it didn't matter. Straight boys don't approach fifty year old men in a club. Only gay boys do, and those are only the ones with serious daddy issues. Jay approached me right as I was thinking about ditching my drink and getting another one. The first thing I noticed was his glasses. It was unusual to see a guy out at the club with glasses, much less the striking blue frames he had on. The second thing I noticed was that he was holding a drink. I wondered how he had gotten the drink; he barely looked old enough to fuck, much less to be able to get a drink. No doubt he had a fake ID. Before I got him naked, I'd have to see his real ID. "Hi," he said. "Hi," I replied. I smiled, letting him see my teeth. "Having a good night?" "Yeah," he said. "First time here. It's great." "Cool. I'm Aiden," I said. "Jay," he replied. He held out his hand, and I shook it. His skin was soft and warm. He had an easy life and hadn't gained the rough skin and calluses of manual labor. "You here alone? Or are you with friends?" "I was here with friends. But I seem to have lost them." He looked around again, in a feeble effort to find them amidst the crowd. "I was talking to a girl, and I guess they moved on." I tried not to laugh. He may have been talking to a girl, but that wasn't what he really needed. "Cool. What happened to her? She still around?" "Somewhere," he said, looking around the club again. He focused on the dance floor, and pointed someone out. "There she is. The Asian chick." I followed his finger the best I could. There was a cute Asian girl; dressed in a way that screamed money. I looked Jay over again. She wasn't completely out of his league. At about 6'1", he was a few inches taller than me and his tight graphic t-shirt showed off his muscular body well. But, even from the few words we had exchanged, I could tell he was still young, naive and unfamiliar with talking to girls. "She's cute," I said. "You like Asian girls?" "I dunno," he said. "It all depends on the girl." "What do you like?" "Oh. You know. A little shorter than me. Not too big. Not really a breast man." Or, I thought, he likes his girls boyish. It was already clear that he liked his men to be daddies. "I need another drink," I said. "You want one?" "Yeah, that would be great." "This way," I said. He followed me to the bar. "How long have you been in LA?" I asked as we got in line. "A little over a month," he said. "I'm a freshman at USC." I wasn't surprised. He had the good looks of someone who had spent his entire life never worrying about money. He anticipated my next question. "I grew up outside of Denver." He also had the rugged build of someone for whom the outdoors was easy to get to. "What about you?" "Been here for too long," I said. "Moved here when I was eighteen. Grew up in rural Missouri." I didn't want to give too many details. It was my job to know everything about his life; it was just as important that I remain an enigma to Jay. "What do you do?" "I work in the industry." He didn't need to know which industry it was; I knew he would assume it was the entertainment industry. That was not too far from the truth. "Oh cool. I want to be a producer." "A lot of my good friends do that." Despite changes in social mores, Hollywood was still surprisingly old-fashioned. At least once a week, a producer would call me needing a "new friend" for some celebrity needing some play time without the tabloids finding out. Or they wanted something more reliable than what they could find themselves. The line was moving quicker than I expected. It wasn't long before we were nearly there. "What are you drinking?" I asked. "Are you even old enough to be drinking?" "Well. My ID says I am. And it's a vodka and soda." "Good answer," I said. "For both." I'd really have to see his ID before anything happened. I didn't worry about alcohol. No one would prosecute for just giving an under-age kid a drink. But sex, well, that was a totally different story. "Two Grey Goose and soda." "Nice," Jay said. "Been drinking well tonight." This was almost like shooting fish in a barrel. I would show him a little bit of the good life, and get him used to it. "I'm here on a scholarship," he continued. He had pulled it off well. But then I looked him over again. The subtle flaws that I had missed when I had first examined him were obvious now that I knew to look for them. The shirt, although fashionable, had the awkward drape I associated with a knock-off. His glasses were the same: the color wasn't perfect, and there were some hard edges to the design that I associated with a cheap chain store. Call it Lenscrafters chic. The barrel just got smaller, and the fish bigger. It would be easier than I expected. I handed him his drink. "Cheers," I said. He didn't flinch from my gaze as we clinked glasses. "To success," I said, not specifying what success constituted. I was already running through a list of old friends of mine who would want to have first crack at the young man's ass. "Success," he replied. He was smiling; I wondered what success meant for him tonight. In the end, it didn't really matter what he wanted. So much of what I was going to do with him was going to be about teaching him what he wanted. Yeah, there would always be that initial spark of desire from him; he had shown it in spades. But there was a lot I was going to get to teach him, and in turn, mold it into a core part of not just his sexuality, but also his own identity. We took a sip of our drink, and scanned the crowd. It was a busy night, and on the dance floor, beautiful members of both sexes were out having a good time. As the night wore on, more of the boys were shirtless. Not only that, more of them no longer cared who they were grinding against. It could have been a girl, it could have been a boy. "Fun night," Jay continued. I nodded in agreement. My pocket buzzed. The vibration was just enough to set off my dick. I had been keeping my thoughts high and abstract. But the sudden stimulation jerked me back to the present, and I wondered what his green eyes would look like, staring up at me as his lips were wrapped around my cock. "One second," I said, and pulled out my phone. "Crystal ParTy tonight," it began. It was from my friend ****, who was just as his messages. "One am. Intercontinental, Rm 1902. Bring yourself. Bring a good boy. Bring a friend." "Looking forward. I've got both." I texted back. "$ounds good. eVeryThing covered here." My dick throbbed again. Jay was going to get quite the introduction tonight. I turned to the young man, even if it meant looking up at him. "Friend is having a party. Wanna come with me?" "Where?" he asked, but even in the dim light, his pupils dilated enough to be noticed. "Downtown. I'll get us an Uber." "Awesome," he said. He moved a little closer to me and his lips pursed slightly at the end, like he was waiting for a kiss. Unfortunately, the moment passed. I knew what I needed to do. "Follow me," I said, drinking down the rest of my drink quickly. He followed, gulping down the stiff drink. If I had timed it right, we'd be in the car when the alcohol hit him. "First, text your friends where you're going. Party at the intercontinental hotel." I pulled out the phone again, and held it in front of us. "Quick selfie. My friend wants to see you." I'd also use it to run a fast auction of first breeding rights. The first one turned out perfect, and then Jay wanted one as well. He took a few before the deciding on the best one. "Memories of a fun night," he said. "Hopefully, it is just beginning, I said. "You should send it to your friend as well, so they know I'm not a psycho creeper." I could see him blush, but again, he also moved closer to me. He quickly texted someone. I was close enough I could read the text. "New friend I met. Invited me to a party downtown. See you tomorrow." "Thanks," Jay said, as he hit send. "For thinking of me. I wouldn't have even thought about it." I wondered what his friends would think of the picture. A young man and a much older man. My beard, although still thick, was more silver than brown now, and the wrinkles on my face were becoming more prominent. But perhaps they had already figured out what Jay was just discovering. "It's fine," I said. I didn't tell him how this was an important part of the process. He needed to trust me, to think that I put him first and looked out for his best interests. But I only looked out for my interests. "It's fun to party and meet new people. But remember, not everyone is on the up and up. Not everyone has your best interests at heart." Just like me, I thought. I didn't have to worry about his friends knowing I had taken him somewhere. By the time things got really dangerous, he'd be begging me for it. The best times, they begged me to drug them, to breed them, to infect them. "One second," I said, as I sent a quick text attached to the picture of the two of us. "Fresh meat. Tonight only. Bidding starts at two." I sent it to three of my old friends, Rod, Steven, and Alex. Each of them had a fondness for younger boys, and each of them absolutely loved the idea of deflowering a freshly-minted man. "200," Rod texted back. A few seconds later, Steven replied. "250." "Wanna head out?" I asked Jay. "We can get a cab there." "Sure," he said. I walked towards the exit. I made it a point not to turn around for the first few steps. I knew he would follow me, and he did. He kept close enough to me that I could feel his body heat. I turned around at the steps down off the dance floor. "Need some help," I asked and offered him my hand. He nodded, and I helped him down on to the sticky concrete floor. I thought I detected just the hint of a stagger; the alcohol was just beginning to hit. Hopefully the full rush wouldn't be far off. I had taken the side exit, right by the exit no one knew about. It was just a few steps before we were out in the warm night. "I'll get a uber," I said, and pulled out my phone again. I called for a car, then check the many messages I had received. The bidding was going nicely. "300," then "350", and then "400", quickly followed by "500." In just a few messages, it jumped to 750, and it now was at 90. That one had come in just a few minutes ago. As I unlocked the phone a new message came in. It was from Rod. "1300, with pozzing privileges." There were two things Rod loved more than anything. The first was deflowering young men. The second was infecting them with HIV. "Pozzing is on the table? 1500." Steven also loved spreading his virus. "Hell yeah. 1750," Alex sent me. Alex also enjoyed sharing his virus. My old friends were twisted, nasty men. "2000," Steven replied. "2500," Rod answered back. Jay was going to make me a lot of money, and it wasn't even his first official day on the job. "I'm out," Alex texted the four of us. "Me too. Rod's a lucky pervert," Steven wrote back. "You win," I texted Rod. "I'll swing by and pick you up." "Sounds good to me." I checked the app. The car was still about five minutes away. "Five minutes," I said to Jay. We had stepped out onto a side street and it was dark and quiet. Despite being right in the middle of the busy section, we felt quite alone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys and wallet. From my wallet, I extracted a small bag of white powder. "You ever had a skiing trip?" I asked, indicating the bag. "Skiing?" Jay replied, his face showing his confusion. "You know. Cocaine. Coke." I put the wallet away, and used the key to my front door to scoop up a little mound of the white powder. I snorted it quickly. "Fuck, that feels good." I rubbed my nose quickly. "You want to try?" "I...I...I dunno. Never done it before." He hesitated, but kept on watching me. He was interested, I could tell. "I mean. What's it like?" "You smoked pot?" He nodded. "Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, molly sometimes." "That's good. It's like molly. Only you're stronger. You're fearless." "I just," he started, but never completed the thought. "Just one hit," I said. "See if you like it. Don't worry. You won't get addicted from one little bump." "You sure?" he asked. I nodded. I also stuck the key back in the bag and pulled out another bump. It was smaller than the one I had done, but for a beginner, it was still plenty large enough. "I mean, I can just..." "Try it?" I said, finishing his sentence. He nodded. "Yeah. You should." I held out the key with its white payload. "Just snort it up." Jay leaned in, pushed a finger against one nostril, and snorted. He snorted a bit longer than necessary. "Damn," he said, right after. "That burns." He trailed off just as an uncontrollable smile of bliss emerged on his face. "But, fuck." He trailed off again, lost in his little private world of pleasure as the cocaine got absorbed by his blood, and delivered to his brain. "It's nice. Just relax. Cab is almost here. If you want, you can do another bump when we're on our way." "Yeah," Jay said. "That's a good idea. This is nice." Another euphoric moan of contentment. "Thanks. Really nice." "Enjoy it," I said. I pulled out my phone. "The boy need any vitamin G?" Rod had texted me. "Why the fuck not?" I wrote back quickly. I turned my attention back to Jay. "A friend of mine wants to join us. Gonna swing by his place, if that's cool." "Oh, yeah, that's cool." Jay was still spinning a bit from the cocaine. My dick twitched, watching Jay ride the first waves of the high. The ease of convincing him to use cocaine meant that all the next steps would be easy. It would not be long before Rod's thick, infected dick was deep inside of him, dripping toxic pre-cum. A white Prius pulled up. I checked the plates; not that I needed to, it was the epitome of Uber-ness. "Here's our ride," I said. I opened the door for Jay. He got in, but I still had to help him. I crawled in after him, as he scooted over to the far side. "9255 Doheny. The tall one." Rod was only about fifteen minutes away. "Good night?" I asked, as we pulled away and into the warm California night. "Yeah," he said. "Pretty busy." I pulled out the baggie, and Jay scooted a bit closer to me. "You mind?" I asked. "Nah. Have fun." "You want?" I asked. "Damn, I wish. I but I gotta drive." I scooped out a big mound. Jay's naiveté was once more working in my favor. He had no idea about doses, much less what his dose should be. The mound was big, perhaps a little bigger than even I would want to start with. It would be just right for Jay. "For you," I said. "Fuck," Jay said, eyeing the mound. He knew it was larger than his last bump, but he had no measure for how it would affect him. "Yeah," he grunted as he leaned in and snorted the mound. "OH. FUCK," he said out, filling the interior of the small cars with his grunts of pleasure. "Newbie?" the driver asked. "Yeah," I said. I scraped another bump, not quite as big as Jay's, and did it. I took a look at Jay; his eyes were wide, and I knew he was flying. I was just nicely buzzed; I would wait for the party before I got properly high. Besides, Rod had promised a bit of G, and I had to be the responsible adult, taking care of Jay. "Doing ok there, Jay?" I asked him. "Oh yeah," he said. "Feels so good," he said. I smiled, and put my hand on his thigh. He was fidgeting a bit, and I held his leg in place. "Just relax. Enjoy it. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's good." "I know," Jay said. His leg stopped shaking, but I could feel the tension still in his body. "It's just hard," he started. "To let go?" I asked, anticipating his next words. "Yeah," he said. I just nodded in agreement. My own bump was kicking in, and I was floating on waves of pleasure. I wanted to see Jay naked. I wanted to see cock sliding into his hole. I wanted to see him bred. But all that needed to wait. It just needed to wait a few agonizing minutes. The traffic was surprisingly light and we were doing good time towards Rod's place. It gave me an excuse; I pulled out my phone and called him. "Yeah. Almost there. Less than 5 away. We'll be downstairs," I said. "I've got the Vitamin G. Mixed it in some Gatorade," Rod said. That was what Jay couldn't hear. "Yeah, bring that. We need something to drink," I said. That was the part that Jay could hear. "See you soon." "That your friend?" Jay asked. "What's he like? What's his name again?" "Rod. Rod Eisenman," I said. I flicked through my phone, trying to find a picture of Rod suitable to show the young man. Most of them were him fucking some hot young boy's mouth or ass. "He's cool. I think you'll like him." I finally found one, him shirtless at some street fair, a pair of thin black suspenders holding up his pants. Whether it was intentional or not, I noticed the top button of his pants was undone. "He looks like a cool dad. The one you can't quite believe is actually a dad." "Yeah, that's a good way to describe him." We were pulling up to Rod's place. "Just pull in under the awning." There was no one else, so I figured we would wait. I rolled down the window to see out better. It was less than a minute before Rod walked out of the front door, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. In addition to the G-laced Gatorade, it would have some lube, a cockring or two, plus a pipe and a stash of tina. Rod was prepared for everything, except for safer sex. He walked around, and got in on Jay's side of the car. Jay got the middle seat. "Hi," Rod said. "I'm Rod. You must be Jay." Rod put the backpack on the floor in front of him. "Yeah, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." "Good to meet you too. Aiden's been telling me a bit about you." "All set?" I asked Rod and Jay. They both nodded. "W hotel. On the boulevard," I told the driver. "Right on," he said. Rod reached down into the bag, and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. "Ready for your Vitamin G?" "I'm definitely ready," I said. "And I'm sure Jay will want some. How much is in there?" "I put in three doses." "Perfect," I said. I reached over Jay, and took the bottle of Gatorade from Rod. I opened it and began to drink the sweet liquid. I could just barely taste the bitterness of the GHB. "Vitamin G? Doses?" Jay asked. The alcohol was wearing off, but the cocaine was still making his head spin. "What's that." "Oh," Rod said. "Just some G in the Gatorade. You done it before?" Jay shook his head no. It was one more new thing for Jay to explore this weekend. "You'll love it. Makes you feel warm and happy. Takes the edge off of the cocaine." I drank about a third of the bottle and then I passed it back to Rod. He quickly drank his third, before handing it to Jay. "Your turn. Just drink up," Rod said. The young man hesitated for a moment. Like I had earlier, Rod put his hand on Jay's leg. "Come on. We are all in this together. We'll look out for you." It was as much the tone as the content of Rod's words that got Jay to put the bottle back to his lips and gulp down. "Nice," Rod said. I noticed he hadn't taken his hand off of Jay's thigh. I didn't mind. Rod was paying over two thousand dollars for the pleasure of deflowering Jay. It was bad service to deny him the implicit pleasures of holding the boy's hand. Besides, as soon as Jay was done with the bottle he put his hand on top of Rod's. "How are you feeling?" Rod asked Jay. There was a kindness in his voice, one that I recognized well. It was the tone he used when he was trying to convince a boy to do things. Things like have bareback sex with him or to blast his seed into the boy's body. "Good," Jay said. "Really good." "That's what we want to hear," Rod said. "How do you know Aiden?" he asked, making small chat as the car took us to the night's next destination. "Just tonight," Jay said. "But he's been really awesome." "Of course. He's a cool guy. You're lucky to have met him." Jay's hand was still on top of Rod's. "How old are you?" Rod asked. "18," Jay said. "I'm a freshman." "How has the adjustment been?" Rod asked. "Good?" "Yeah. Still trying to meet people." "Aiden's a good one for meeting people. He'll introduce you to a lot of new friends." I smiled. "Friends" was our code for clients. Rod was a "new friend" for Jay. "I know. He's already introduced me to you." "You feeling it yet? The G?" Rod asked. "I think so," Jay said. "How are you feeling?" "Warm," Jay started. We rounded a corner fast than I expected, and not being belted in, Jay was pushed up against Rod. "Horny," I heard him whisper. Rod smiled. Jay leaned in, and their lips met. It was a short kiss, but it was a kiss. It wasn't an accident or the bumpy road. It was a real kiss, two men pressing their lips against each other. But it wasn't a long kiss. As soon as Jay realized what he had started, he pulled back. "Oh god, I'm sorry," he said.
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  32. SPEED BREEDING: Garrett was a self-proclaimed ‘ugly old troll’ but he had a fucking killer dick. His dick was long, thicker than a beer can - I know, I measured it several times and every time I stood in awe –his dick had numerous weird bumps and humps on it like some Medieval fairy tale, and spewed unmedicated POZ cum like an Arabian Stallion. I first met Garrett about 20 years ago at my very first “Sunday Funday” at one of the local gay bars. I don’t really do the whole gay scene, but the friends I was living with after just moving to town the day before took me with them as they were regulars and it was the place to see and be seen on a Sunday afternoon after all the queens had left church. We had not been on the patio of the bar for 5 minutes before my friend tapped me on the arm and held his drink forth like a royal scepter to point at a man sitting just in the shadows of the patio roof, “See him? That one? DON’T EVER talk to him. We NEVER speak with him.” He then proceeded to give the financial review and resume summary of all the ‘DC power queens’ in attendance - those he expected me to bow to, kiss their fucking hand, and pretend like I gave a fuck about their Martha Stewart Living chintz condo. I was at the bar, trying to get drink refills for my two friends and I to no avail. I had moved further and further down the bar trying to get the bartender’s attention and was literally leaning up on the bar on my forearms practically yelling at the jerk and was about to give up when someone squeezed my right arm, “Let me,” he said. It was Garrett. I shrugged, he said one word, “THOMAS!” and the bartender could not turn and pay attention to him fast enough. I was in awe. As Thomas was busy preparing my order I gave Garrett my thanks, “It’s nothing,” he said, “Thomas shows up at my door about four nights a week after the bar closes begging for my dick and load up his ass so the boy knows what’s at stake.” I blanched a bit at his bluntness, turned to see who else might have heard, then Garrett set his hand on my arm again, “I know what your friends over there say and think about me. I know what they all say and think about me. Ask me if I give a flying fuck! Half these fucking queens are ankles up on my bed at least once during the week as I fuck the shit out of them so here’s to you!” Wow - and I instinctively glanced down at his crotch and saw a fucking GIANT bulge straining his summer whites. Garrett’s hand was back on my arm, “You trying to get fucked?” I didn’t know what to say to that either. He spoke up again, “THOMAS! Double shots - Tequila - NOW!” The bartender bobbed his head, stopped the drink he was mixing, and poured four shots of Tequila in front of us. I’m more of a beer guy, but figured what the hell. I matched Garrett shot for shot and was soon stumbling through the crowd as I followed him to a door at the back marked NO ENTRY. He turned the lock, we stepped in, “YOU’RE NEW IN TOWN RIGHT?” GARRETT ASKED, “ I KNOW I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED THAT ASS. PULL THOSE FUCKING SHORTS DOWN.” I obeyed without question, but once the pain of his raw cock ripping my hole open took the edge off the liquor I begged him to pull out and put a condom on. He just laughed, stuck a bottle under my nose and said, “Sniff this powder,” then kept fucking me. Before I knew it Garrett was rubbing my head like I was a pound puppy, “That’s some good ass boy. Just loaded you up. Here’s my number. Any time you need some good dick you just call.” The door opened and closed and I was alone. I tried to pull myself together, but felt pretty fucked up so when I left the stock room we had been in. I stumbled down the stairs, out to the curb, and caught a cab back to my friends’ place. I was together enough to call the bar from a pay phone, to have them paged, and to let them know I had come home and crashed and was not feeling well. I deflected their questions the next day and really did not think much about what had happened until I found the crumpled up paper in my pocket with the number. I called it. Garrett picked up on the second ring. There was no preamble, “Yeah I remember you. You need some more dick huh? Stop at the liquor store on your way. I need a bottle of Vodka.” Just over an hour and two shots of vodka later I was bent over in Garrett's hallway as he bred me with his massive, deformed, raw dick. With my pants still down around my ankles and his cum dripping from my hole, he led me to his bedroom pushed me onto the bed, undressed me, shoved some coke in front of my nose for me to snort, then handed me a bottle of poppers as he eased back up my cummy ass and started exploring. The coke made me high as fuck and one load was not enough. Two was not enough. Unlike my friends - and their friends - who I knew were prudes and would have had some snide comment, Garrett just smiled, patted me on the arm and said, “No worries. I know just who to call.” Less than 20 minutes later there was a horse dick sized BBC plowing my ass raw as Garrett sat quietly in the living room watching his TV. Once done, with BBC cum odor still filling the air, Garrett smiled, “Feel better? I’m sure you do. I always do after he fucks me. Yes, yes, I know I have a big dick, but as you know, sometimes there’s just nothing that feels better than a big black man fucking the hell out of you. OK. What are you doing Friday night?” I was fucked silly right then and could barely form two words, but Garrett went on, “Look. I throw a party one Friday a month at a parking garage over on P Street. It’s a sex party. Everyone thinks it’s Dean’s, which it is, but he’s the front man really. I own the garage, but that is neither here nor there.” (Not until a couple years later at the reading of his will would I come to realize yes he owned that property, which was bought by Whole Foods, as well as a majority of the club where I first met him, and a bunch of other shit in town that no one ever knew about). “The party attracts several hundred people over the course of the night, but a select bunch are invited into the VIP area. You can make some good cash if you help me. All I need is for you to offer that thick white ass to whoever wants to fuck and breed it - no questions asked. I will give you all the coke you need, it will be totally anonymous - your queenie friends and the fucking royal court will never know you are there let alone part of my Speed Breeding set up. You like? Speed Breeding? One of my guys manages it, but it’s my idea. There are two, maybe three bottoms - total cum dumps - who will have their ass up in a curtained off area. For $20, any top gets 5 minutes to fuck and cum if he can. The more cum you take, the more tips you get, the more money you make. You got a fucking hungry ass and you can still call me anytime you need some raw dick, but I’d really love to set you up for the Speed Breeding. I think you would be fucking perfect - what do you say?” HELL - I WAS DRUGGED UP, MY HOLE WAS FUCKED OUT, AND MY GUTS FILLED WITH CUM - WHAT DID HE THINK I WOULD SAY? Stay tuned for part 2. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  33. I haven't posted for quite a while on this thread but I need to.... So yesterday I went in to my local STD clinic for my routine check up. I waited a while as they had forgotten about me. Then a guy came out to say Have you been seen yet? Nope, not yet, I replied. He took my file to a room and in less than a minute another guy came out and called my name. I went in to his little office, noticed he was sort of checking me out. He got me to go get the blood tests and to do the swabs and said he would do the questionnaire after I came back which I thought was odd and opposite. Did all that, came back and we chatted. He asked the usual questions and when I said oh I only gutted fucked BB, he asked where. I said at parties or grindr or sex clubs or living where I do I really only have to open my door, to which he replied, I hope I'll be invited in when I walk down your street..... He was so cute too, so I said so, he leaned over and started to kiss me. I kissed back and I presume when he got up he locked his door but to be honest I didn't notice. One thing led to another and all of a sudden I was on my knees sucking his pretty impressive thick dick. I thought, OK, he'll blow down my throat so I said, I hope you breed me sometime to which he replied, I'm gonna breed you now.... I was like, I'm not sure I'm "ready" for that and he told me to shut up, got me up and pulled my pants down and had me lean over his desk. He lapped up at my hole for a while and jacked himself off and I made note not to make a sound as I really wanted to moan. He tried then to fuck me but because of being nervous I was too tight and told him to get some lube. He used spit instead and still I couldn't take him so he then grabbed some lube a from his bowl of lube and condoms and he pushed in and filled me up to the hilt. He fucked a little too hard since I wasn't relaxed (and didn't have my poppers) and kept ramming onto my second hole, so I kept raising up to make it easier and he kept pushing me down so he could get further in (bad bottom I know). I could feel cold sweats on my back and my heart was racing. I kept thinking I hope the door is locked. After about 10 minutes I relaxed into his fucking a little more and he kept ramming into my second hole and finally pushed in and then he unloaded. First a little as I felt him tense up and throb. Then he fucked me for another minute and he then came hard. As he withdrew, I looked to make sure I was clean, thankfully all was ok, lol. I told him I should see him when I go back for more tests and should come more frequently to which he replied, you can always request me and it never hurts to check all the time since you like getting loaded.... I'll be back for sure, took his card.... That was a total surprise for the day and I was trying not to smile completely like a cheshire cat walking out of the clinic...... Kept those puppies in me all day too.
    1 point
  34. Brian: I was at my buddy Todd's place having a beer and watching the game when his girl Sam came in, carrying some bags. "Hey babe, you done shopping?" Todd asked her. "Yeah, I got some really cute tops and a few other things. You guys watching the game?" "Yep," Todd answered. Todd's place was just a studio, so Sam put the bags down by the door, to find room for them later, I figured. After a second, I could see out of the corner of my eye that they were still looking at each other but not saying anything, so I looked over at them to see what was up. Sam quickly said, "It's so hot out there, I think I'm gonna take a shower," and disappeared into the bathroom, with a meaningful look at Todd. What was that all about? I shrugged it off and went back to watching the game. A while later, Sam came out wearing just a towel. I tried not to stare. "I forgot all my clothes are out here," she said, walking in front of the TV to get to the chest of drawers next to where I was sitting on the couch. She was so close I could smell the scented soap or whatever she just used in the shower. I took another sip of beer and pretended to ignore her. "I'm gonna grab a shower too," Todd said, and got up. I thought that was strange, since we weren't going out later and since we were right in the middle of the game, but I just said, "Okay." As soon as Todd was gone, Sam took off her towel and set it down on the couch right next to me. After I'd already looked at her completely naked by accident, she said, "Don't look," as she went through one of the drawers. She was smokin' hot and it took me a second to look away, but she didn't seem to notice. I went back to the game as she slipped some panties on, and I heard Todd turning on the shower. I was still trying not to look at her when she said, "Ugh, can you help me with this? It's new and I can't get it." She was standing with her back to me, trying to put a bra on but not getting it. "Um, I don't know, maybe Todd should…." "Oh stop being stupid, you're like family. Can you just do this for me please? Or do you want me to walk around without a bra on?" I didn't know what to say, but I figured it wasn't really a big deal, so I got up and took the clasp from her hands and tried to put the two parts together. But I was thinking more about how good she smelled and how she was practically naked right in front of me, and after a couple seconds she reached back and said, "No, they have to go together like this." Our hands fumbled together for a second and I accidentally let go of the straps, and the bra fell down. Before I could really think, she bent down to pick it up and her ass was right there in front of me, just barely covered in lacy panties. I popped wood immediately. "Uh, sorry," I said, and sat back down to hide my stiffy. "That's okay," she said, standing back up with the bra. "I got this set 'cause I thought Todd would like them, but he didn't even notice. He hasn't touched me in weeks. Do you think they look alright?" she asked, holding the bra up. She looked fucking incredible, and I had to force myself not to throw her down and tear those lace panties off her right now. "Fuck yeah! I mean, yeah, they look great, you know." "Well I don't know what it is then, maybe he's just bored with me. I hope you don't mind if I talk to you, I never talk to my girlfriends about this sort of stuff, and you're a guy, so I thought you might know what the deal with him was. I feel like I can talk to you." I just listened to her and tried not to stare at her tits as she went on. "Sometimes I just miss a rock hard cock so much I think I'll go crazy, like I'll just sit on the next fucking hard prick I see!" I was definitely not looking at her face when she looked back at me, and I pretended to look somewhere else and muttered a feeble, "Uh, sorry." My cock was so hard it was aching, and without even thinking I adjusted it very obviously. She must have noticed. "What's going on down there, Brian?" she asked, looking right at my junk, which was now tenting my pants. "Uh, nothing, sorry about that, I was just—nothing." I hoped she would just finish getting dressed already and not say anything to Todd. "That looks like more than nothing," she said, walking over and reaching down to undo my pants. "What the fuck?" I said, trying to stop her, even though I wanted to bury my prick inside her and make her pregnant immediately. "Todd's right in the shower," was the only thing I could think to say. "He takes forever," she said, grabbing my hard-on through my pants and trying to undo my belt. "I, I don't—" I started, still trying to stop her but loving her hand rubbing on my cock, which was started to leak precum like crazy. Between the beer and her stroking my woody through my pants, I wasn't really thinking straight. "You better take your fucking pants off, or I'm gonna tell Todd you checked me out and grabbed my ass!" What the fuck? This bitch really was crazy for cock, but Todd was still in the shower, and I just couldn't fucking hold back anymore. I grabbed Sam and threw her hard down onto the couch, and the look on her face said that was exactly what she wanted. I tore my belt off and shoved my pants down, finally freeing my leaking 7-inch stiffy, which pointed straight toward her. Then I yanked her panties out of the way, and with the other hand, slammed my hard 7 inches inside her before she could ask about a fucking condom. "Fuck yes!" she whispered loudly, "Pound me! Give it to me! I need it so bad!" She didn't need to tell me twice, and I fucked that crazy blackmailing bitch so hard I thought I was going to break her. For a second I looked over at the bathroom door and thought how fucked up it was that I was banging my buddy's girl on his own fucking couch, not 5 minutes after he'd gotten in the shower. But dammit this girl's pussy felt so fucking amazing and she needed it bad, whispering nasty things to me and pulling me in deeper as I pounded her into the couch like an animal. "Fuck, I'm getting so close," I whispered into her hair after a few minutes. I still couldn't believe I was buried balls deep inside Todd's girl with him right there in the bathroom. He could come out at any second. What the hell was I doing?? "Oh yeah, I want it," she whispered back, driving me crazy. I really gave her all I had, getting closer and closer to the edge. I was gonna give this cheating whore exactly what she wanted. Then out of nowhere, she said, "Just don't cum inside me!" Are you kidding me? There was no way I could pull out, she just felt way too good to waste my boys on her chest. I didn't say anything and just kept fucking her. "Please, I'm not on birth control and I don't wanna get pregnant!" But she was still pulling me deep inside her instead of pushing me off, not that she could have pushed me off if she'd tried, there was no way I wasn't going to give this blackmailing whore my seed, whether she wanted it or not. She was still pulling me in, but right as I got to the edge she whispered, "No, stop! You're gonna make me pregnant with your babies!" That set me off, and I wrapped both my hands around her throat and slammed all the way inside her as I shot volley after volley of my boys deep into her cheating twat. I came so hard I thought I was going to black out, I didn't even care if she could breathe or not, all I cared about was how incredible my cock felt totally buried inside her velvety snatch, shooting a gallon of hot cum in her, painting her fucking walls white. After I came down from that massive explosion inside her, I collapsed on top of her, pushing her into the couch, and feeling like a stud. I had given this unfaithful slut the rock hard cock she'd said she'd wanted, and the grade-A spunk she'd said she didn't. I hoped I did get this bitch pregnant, and that Todd would have to raise my fucking kid. Just then I heard the water turn off, and I knew Todd would be coming back out any second. I pulled my cock out of his girl's cummy snatch, and started to pull my pants back up. I glanced down at Sam, and she had a satisfied look on her face. I guess she wasn't mad at me for shooting my boys inside her after all. But her neck was still bright red from where I'd wrapped my hands around her throat. Fuck, how would Todd not see that?? Sam put some clothes on and sat down on the couch just as Todd came out of the bathroom, wearing just a towel. "All my clothes are out here," he said, crossing in front of the TV to get to the chest of drawers, and dropping his towel to get dressed right next to me. What was the deal with these two? I didn't care, just as long as Todd didn't notice the smell of sex in the air.
    1 point
  35. I`d had a busy day on the road and was looking forward to checking into my hotel, having a shower and a couple of drinks. My day got worse when I pulled up outside to see there was a sign saying it was closed due to a gas leak in the kitchen. I saw one of the reception staff and she told me there was a hotel on the same street that I could go to. Things were bad but, they went even further downhill very quickly when I saw the hotel. The place I was supposed to be staying in was 5star with reception staff in uniforms. This place had a stroppy black kid who demanded £50 cash for a room. I could here him telling his mate in the back room that he`d just" fleeced some white cunt" which pissed me off no end. he was obviously keeping the cash for himself. Anyway I was in no mood to argue and trundled off to my room. It was suprisingly not a bad room so I opened a beer and settled down. I decided that I would have a shower then try to find somewhere for food. I felt a lot better after a nice shower and went to get another beer from my bag. I was naked when I came out the bathroom and got a shock when that fucking black kid was raking through my bag. I shouted at him to get the fuck out of my room but he just laughed and told me to fuck off. What I didnt know was his mate was standing behind me. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me to the floor. Then he kicked me full in the stomach, he then jumped on me and punched me a few times in the head. He laughed at me and told me" not so hard are you now you white cunt". His mate said" he`ll be hard if you stick that big cock of yours up him Delroy " I realised I was in serious trouble now as the stroppy kid came over and knelt on my arms and pulled my legs right back exposing my arse to Delroy. The kid was called Kenny and he unzipped his trousers and smacked me in the face with his big black cock. " fancy this white boy?" he said wiping his cock over my face. I couldnt move. I was on my back with Kenny kneeling on my arms and my legs up against my chest. I could feel something at my arse, and then real pain as Delroy pushed his huge cock up me." you want some black jizz up you white boy? he said There was nothing I could do. I was overpowered by them and they were `nt going to let me go till they`d had their fill of fucking me. Delroy was pounding me hard and the pain was unreal. His cock was massive and it felt like it had torn my hole. When he came he pushed the full length in and filled my arse with his black seed. "you fucking like that white boy?. you fucking like a load of black spunk up your white arse do you?" He withdrew his cock and wiped it over my face and changed places with Kenny. Kenny slipped up me easily. he wasnt as big as Delroy plus there was a heavy load of spunk to lubricate him. He started to fuck me really hard and I felt his spunk gush out of his cock and mix in with Delroys load. Delroy was laughing " thats a nice loaded white arse you have there boy". I thought it was over but realised that Kenny was still hard, and still up my arse. He just kept thrusting in me and after about 5 mins shot another load up me. My hole was leaking spunk and blood all over the carpet but it didnt stop them. Delroy was wanking himself in my face and Kenny had 2 fingers up my arse pushing all their black seed up me. Delroy was about to shoot and he took great pleasure in blowing all over my face and pushing his big black cock in my mouth making me swallow some of his spunk. Then it was over. They got dressed,still laughing at me. Delroy said he was coming back later with some more friends to " give your pretty white arse a good ganging". Then they left. I quickly got dressed and legged it to my car. I could hear them laughing as i ran past reception still with their spunk running out of my ruined hole .
    1 point
  36. The older man looked to be in his mid-forties, with a brush-cut, and thick, strong build, big white teeth; a high school football coach straight from central casting. His stride is confident, walking into the bath house like he doesn't give a shit who sees him. He walks up to the thick-glassed window and says he needs a deluxe room. He presents his driver's license and smiles as he shoves a wad of 20's through the slot. The boy he brought with him ... hot as fuck. He's athletically built, his short hair was peroxided blond with more than a hint of brass. He's a little shorter than the older man, but his muscles were well-defined, built in a weight room, sculpted on practice fields; it's all lean muscle, so there's no extra bulk to carry around the field with him. But his eyes... his eyes are distant and blank... like he was drugged or hypnotized before he was brought here. And he never says a word. He just fumbles in his black and red lacrosse shorts and eventually produces an ID that says he's old enough to enter; and it looks legit. The coach winks and puts his arm around the boy as they are buzzed through the big heavy door. As they disappear into the darkly lit chambers beyond, there's still no certainty what their relationship is. Were they actually coach and athlete? Or were they role playing? Was the boy on some sort of drug, or had he been completely conditioned to accept the will of his master? And if it was the latter, what regimen of discipline, deprivation, and punishment had led him to that state of submission? They've taken a room in the back and left the door ajar. A small group of men have gathered to watch and ... to wait. Beyond the door, a beefy man with a goatee is just finishing. His cock is buried in the boy's muscled ass and the overhang of his hairy belly smacks the small of the boy's back as he thrusts into him. The thick fingers of his hands are braced on the boy's muscled shoulders for leverage as he pumps his cock in the boy's tailpipe. He finishes with a loud grunt and shoves his cock as deep as it will go, then holds it there as he pumps his semen into the boy's waiting guts. He grunts again then pulls out, he picks up his towel from the floor and wipes off his crank with it, avoiding eye contact as he slips out the door. The older man ... coach, master, father... looks out into the hall and makes a selection. "You!" The boy is on a fuck bench, his wrists secured to the post in front of him. He is naked, of course, his shorts and mesh jersey tossed onto the floor, his skin is tanned and smooth. His well-muscled shoulders taper to his trim waist and the nice, round convex ass that was presenting itself, his pink rosebud posed invitingly above his long, smooth legs. It is almost as though a young god has been captured, bound, and laid out for the use of filthy mortal men. The blindfold serves more to hide his identity, to make him an anonymous object-of-fuck, then it does to hide the identities of his sires from him. A few sweat-streaked curls of badly dyed hair protrude around its edges. He is awake, conscious but unseeing, his expression remains fixed; he either does not care who is breeding him or is not allowed to raise an objection, and so it makes no difference if he can see them or not. The boy's ass-cheeks are muscle-hard and hairlessly smooth, the crevasse between them already slick to the touch with a mix of slick, warm lubricant and a few leftover drips of seed left behind by the bear who had used his ass already. When touched, he neither flinches, nor moans, nor tenses... he betrays no reaction at all. The coach puts his hands on either cheek and spreads them apart, displaying his hole was not quite closed, but gapes, just a little bit, as though crying out to be filled. Coach says, with sleazy, debauched pride, "Ain't that the sweetest ass you've ever seen? Popping his cherry was the fuck of a lifetime." He runs his rough white hand on the inside of the boy's muscular thigh, then back again to his ass, displaying his prize like a cut of prime beef. When he gets to the ass, he draws the cheeks apart again and shoves two fingers inside to grind the bear's load into the walls of the boy's intestines. The boy twitches as he does this, little flicks of the muscles in his back and arms. He feels what is happening to him, but makes no effort to resist or even acknowledge it. The coach shows his fingertips, glistening with moistness. "What are you waiting for, buddy?" coach asks with a wink. "Fuck that bitch." His ass has been opened up by the previous fuck, but still it resists the cock sliding into it. It takes hard pressing and concentration to get it inside, but once in, the sensation is amazing, like slipping into a warm, velvet pocket. His fuck tunnel grips the cock, but it is slick and warm and begs the cock to naturally go into motion. Each thrust is welcomed by warmth and meets just enough resistance to make for a perfect fit. As the cock continues thrusting in and out, the humanity of the body it is penetrating fades, and the boy becomes but a receptacle for lust and gratification. It's as though this muscular buck has been conquered, and his strength and power are being harvested by the man on top of him; this is what topping is all about, pumping hard cock into an ass begging to be seeded. It's as though this ass was designed to be fucked, and any other purpose would be a waste. The load builds fast because the ass just feels so fucking good, slowing down is impossible; the load demands to be put in the ass of this Adonis. It builds the balls and cockhead grow heavy and full, and when it shoots, there is recoil like firing a shotgun. Pulling out, the ass gives up the cock and it pops out, this will be a fuck to be remembered and replayed. The coach seems pleased. He rubs the boys ass vigorous, and than smacks it hard, leaving a pink mark. The boy flinches, but otherwise does not react. A black man is selected next. Not a hot black man, an older man in his late fifties. In pretty good shape for his age, but still in his late fifties. His cock was pink and purple, almost no difference in girth between the head and the shaft, like a cucumber. He slid it into the boy's pink hole and the boy uttered an almost inaudible grunt/gasp as he entered. The black man slides his cock all the way in, groaning as he pressed. The black man seems to have more trouble and keeps adjusting the boy's angle, pausing in his fuck-motions, moving the boy's ass higher, then struggling to regain his rhythm. He makes some thrusts then has to adjust again. "Hold up your ass, bitch," the coach orders. The boy arches his back. The black man grunts hard and quickly finishes up. Coach dabs his boy's ass with a towel and looks out to choose the next. He smiles like a demon, "You." The coup de grace is a tall, lean, dark young man with black hair, coppery skin, and a biohazard tattoo on his thigh. He runs his brown fingers on the round muscular ass of the boy on the fuck bench; no one can resist touching that ass. He spares a quick glance at the coach, as though asking permission. "Fuck him!" the coach orders. "Good and hard. Make sure he takes your load and don't wate a drop." The kid with the biohazard tat drops his towel and reveals a long, rigid and uncut cock with atight foreskin that almost covers the whole of the head, and drools with precum. He positions its hooded bullethead against the hole and thrusts it in with one fast smooth movement. "Shit," the brown-skinned youth says, feeling the warm grip of the boy's warm, tight tunnel around his cock. With no warm-up, he goes straight to ramming his long dark cock in-and-out, fucking the boy hard and deep, his hips becomeing a blur, his tight balls smacking at the cleft in the boy's cheeks. Concentrating, biting his lower lip, he piston-whips his nine-incher in and out of the whole. "Fuck," says the coach, observing the action with wide-eyed pleasure. He begins stroking his own uncut, beer-can cock while he watches his star player get violated well and good. For the first time, the boy shows a glimmer of awareness. the length of the cock must be too much for him, must be spearing through his sphincter and assaulting his prostate. Maybe he is subconsciously aware of the poisonous load about to be shot into him, the virus about to take over his perfect body and begin tearing it apart from the inside. Tied down, there's nothing he can do, he's at the mercy of the brown cock. It must be hurting him, his eyes, which have kept closed this whole time, become most with the tears he is holding back. Suddenly, the biohazard kid grunts and makes a final deep thrust into the boy's ass. He shudders as he cums, eyes tight shut and mouth open. "Fuck,' he says as his seed shoots into deep into the young athlete's guts. "Oh, fuck yeah," says the coach. The lean, brown boy with the biohazard tat leaves, avoiding eye contact or even looking at the coach, who moves in behind the boy and guides his big fat cock to the boy's fuckhole, pushing it in and pumping it inside to churn the loads and strains deposited in the warm, fertile receptacle of the boy's fucktube. After a few minutes, coach pulls out again and permits another entry into the room, a scruffy looking, thin and hairy thirty-something whose piercings glint in the dim light. The new man bares his cock and takes his place behind the boy. It is still early in the morning, and the boy is only four loads in, and the line outside is long.
    1 point
  37. It's a wonder gay men have any sex at all, especially if the hook-up originates online. First, the pics have to be acceptable. (Show me face with no sunglasses, body, dick, ass, left thigh, right thigh. I once had a guy say we have to do live cam before we meet. That's actually NOT a bad idea.) Second, the guy has to be sexually compatible with you. (I'm always puzzled when I as a versatile bottom get hit up by bottoms. Are the pickings that slim out here??? To me versatile bottom means I fuck only on the third Tuesday of every odd month from 5:02 to 6:13 pm or if I see somebody in person and they push all the right buttons.) Third, the guy must say the right things, or at least not say the wrong things. (I had a guy block me recently because I wouldn't accept to be injected with saline. Bitch, I barely let NURSES stick needles in me.) Fourth, the guy has to be willing to travel to you or you to him. (Who has found the perfect guy before but can't negotiate this?) Fifth, both actually have to be free and horny at the same time. (You'd be surprised at the number of people who will get you worked up only to say, can we meet day after tomorrow? NOPE, this coochie coupon expires in 15 minutes.) If you don't want to do the online mating dance, I guess the other options are: go to a bar with a darkroom, go to a sauna, go to a park/rest stop/cruising area, go to a sex cinema, go to a sex party, find a few regular fuck buds or find an escort. Traveling helps considerably because fresh meat is always welcome. So there you have it. We are spoiled with choice. We play too many games. Our standards are ridiculously high. We want it our way or it's the highway. If you want to get off, you better get offline. I ain't never lied and my invoice is in the mail. Thank you and have a good evening.
    1 point
  38. Part 13 We froze as we realized we left the door unlocked and now our professor just caught us fucking in the classroom. We really did not know what to do. However, to our relief Professor Karlsson broke the ice and said "No need to worry, you can carry on, I just left my phone here" he said with a smile and face that had some hint of disbelief of what he's just witnessed. As professor Karlssom rummaged through his desk looking for his phone, Jacob and David didn't bother to pull out of me but both were still frozen but still hard inside me. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Prof Karlsson found his phone and was just about to leave the room but before he did, he gave us one last look and smirked at us. God did he look hot. Before closing the door he said "next time you may want to lock the doors and keep it down a little bit, i could hear your moans from the parking lot" and then he was gone. After Professor Karlsson left, the 3 of us looked at each other and started laughing. Then Jacob started grinding into me again then David followed suit. The 3 of us started to moan and while fucking me David remarked "I bet you'd have wanted Professor Karlsson to join us, didn't you?" And replied "God, yes!, I want his cum in me, I want all your cum in me!" David and Jacob must have really gotten off on the idea of having the professor join us and the thrill of getting caught earlier was still fresh, both guys started to plow me harder, and then Jacob started to grunt heavily a sign that he was cumming and then David followed suit, grunting and panting and he came inside me as well. They must have cum a lot as I immediately started leaking cum after they pulled out. We all got dressed and left the room leaving it with the scent of sex, sweat, and cum. We then parted ways with both David and Jacob deciding to head to their dormitories while I stayed back in the building as I had to freshen up my self in the washroom. As I got myself into the washroom, I realized I wasn't alone and that there was a janitor inside. He smiled at me and I smiled back. As I was fixing my hair and make up I couldn't help but notice that the janitor kept looking at me. And then I realized he must have heard all the moaning and grunting earlier. I can't help but smile, I looked back at the janitor and I realized he is kind of hot.he looked young maybe around my age, bronze skin, clean shaven face, toned body maybe 5'6 or so. I really don't mind having him fuck me I thought to myself. As I continued to fix myself I the janitor talk to me and say "you the one fucking earlier?" I looked right back at him and said "yes" and winked. He then went closer to me and whispered "can I try?" I smiled and said "sure thing" he then went over to the door and locked it and he started to undress. I also undressed myself showing him my breasts which I think he liked and then exposing to him my freshly fucked pussy. As he removed his pants and underwear I saw that he had an averaged sized dick maybe 6 inches and not so thick. I immediately started sucking it and he must have really liked it as all I can here from him were moans of pleasure. After a few more minutes I got myself into the sinks and presented to him my pussy. He followed suit and without warning plowed his cock right into me into the hilt. He didn't have any difficulty entering, the loads from earlier made sure of that. The janitor sttted humping and he played with my breasts as well and after a few more minutes of fucking I heard him say "I cum in you" and then he grunted and moaned as he released his cum inside me. He then pulled out his now cum covered cock from my pussy and he was just about to wipe it with some tissue but I stopped him. He gave me this confused look but I just went down and started sucking his now softening cum covered cock. In seconds he was hard again and he must have really liked it as he started pumping into my mouth with his hands behind my head - face fucking me. Then again he started to grunt and I tasted his salty/bitter cum and swallowed it. He thanked me as he got dressed and I just smiled back. He unlocked the doors and left. I looked back at myself on the mirror and thought "God, I'm such a slut, what was his name again?"
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  39. 1 point
  40. The water is fine.... cum on in
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  41. 1 point
  42. By: strokes24 https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Slut-blows-me-then-gets-gangfucked-at-arcade-31388782 Slut blows me then gets gangfucked at arcade First he started off sucking me.. then I fucked his ass. This big sexy dude walked in and took a turn, then another guy finished inside him. Crazy scene
    1 point
  43. I'm sitting here, glowing and beaming with TWO big loads up the ass. Not to brag but I put on a star performance and the dude (whose name I still don't know - big turn-on, the no-name' -for now- anon scene) was the giver of these definitely poz loads! So JUST ONE DUDE, but two loads. He was open to 'keep going' but two hours of RUTTING my latter-day-slut-hole has left me with an adequately violated and used, thoroughly SPERMED sensation. I intend to keep that jizz until it is absorbed, the way total champs like to do. I'm getting more bold and daring, with 'coaching' by my peers on here... So I joined this site just a few months ago and I realized (after reading how WILD other guys are) I could afford to PUMP UP THE VOLUME and pursue sex a lot more aggressively than I have over the years. Being a 'serial monogamist' didn't help but my man and I signing a peace treaty after I caught him cheating (with hardcore fuckers in cyber-space, and I assume... IN THE FLESH) was a first step. Until 3 years ago 'grindr' and 'scruff' were 'no-go' for me, during what had become a quasi asexual BORING routine of traditional bliss. But after I saw his lurid exchanges with random strangers I made him INSTALL THE SEX APPS for me. Told him: "we will both hunt for dick and don't get pissed if I do better than you!" So let's say: we treat fucking as a sport! No safety nets, no saddles, no 'protection', no rubbers, no shame, no inhibitions and no more fear! Being 'on stage' taking random raw cock at a local sex-party venue this last Friday was thoroughly and honestly condoned and encouraged by my man. This weekend he just wanted to go to bed early (while his man was getting RAW DICK from anon strangers) He is cool with that! What good sport he is! I always give him 'blow-by-blow' descriptions of the actions, the players, the scores and the tallies. I expect the same from him! Well I can't lie: I only had two thick cocks in me (on Friday) to bust their nuts. But for that half hour with blind-folds on, brand-new ADIDAS-sneakers and ass up in the air and the ass-open but fashionable leather harness on, open with NO PROTECTION to the anon elements was a super-thrill! I felt some of the less timid guys who were milling about trying to reach into my candy-jar!!! Licking their chops and feeling the jizz I guess. But I'm still way too tight for such loose conduct and anything bigger than a huge cock to go in. My pussy clams up with a prehensile gripper! And few of those unseen, anon players wanted to be in the lime-light like my stripper buddy and me. Just a quick grope at the wild boys and back to the darkness they went! Really kinda a let-down... too many fucking lurkers at this particular venue. So I'm in chat here earlier talking to muscledhorse I guess and a few others who are shamelessly exhibitionist and promiscuous, the way I aspire to be... and a few of my new followers got me fired up with private messages to basically "GO GET'EM TIGER!" So I was firing on all guns that have worked for me in the past: grindr. Barebackrt and Facebook even. The latter has a substantial proportion of my friends who I have played with raw or who by 'association' I know are part of 'team BBBH'. There are several who I had an appetite for, but once again couldn't close the deal. Dammit! BBRT was kinda lame today but my 'raw-sex' hinting new profile on Grindr brought a few risk-loving boys to the yard, eager to share RAW MILK shakes. So a sexy black guy came through, lanky, very smooth with scruffy facial hair, very well-spoken and SMOOTH all over. A delicacy for me. I got excited enough to promptly stick my cock in him and he was a natural. But no... I WANT HIS GORGEOUS COCK!!! "OKAY, he said and went to town... let's see, about 5 now... he got here at 2.30 and we hit it off, right off the bat. We must have fucked for almost two solid hours! And my ass feels like I could take more!!! (late convert, you know?!) Him fucking and me talking about 'skin-on-skin' 'fucking raw' and wanting his poz cum. Yeah, that far we went even before in our lurid chat on grindr. So he fucked me from the back, in the living-room. Then flipped me over, hell yeah he went to town. OH I almost forgot: neither one of us required any lube. Not even sure if he used a bit of spit to prime the pumping, but off we were in the zone. He nutted like a bull as he announced: "READY? Ready for my load!!" Hell yeah and my slut-gripper pussy milked him like a satyr from the x-rated ancient stories. Oh and I have never had a black guy, a really black one, just a couple sexy Yamocha dudes over the years. I had him take pictures of him fucking me, close-ups, but really only two came up later. He was too anxious to fuck; in the bed now backwards, frontwards, side ways... he rutted my hole and he was worried! 'Does it hurt you? Should I stop??" Hell no keep going... nipple-play, dirty talking and fucking and nipple-play! Told him I'll take him to sex-parties and have him breed my man! Told him we need to out 'other barebackers' to each other when we see each other 'at the bars' with our prospective friends;. Bring up the numbers in our circle of bb-bros! He was all up for it. Then we took a short break from fucking. I love looking at a sexy long, cut dick slung lazily against a dude's legs. I told him about bbrt and he had never heard. I helped him install his new profile and I looked earlier and his pic is waiting for approval... I said there is another site (breedingzone) you might want to check out... but let's GET BACK TO FUCKING. Sucked his nipples to get the sexy-slung boner back up to assault weapon status. He is hard-wired nipples-to-dick like me. All that lascivious, promiscuous talk excited him too! "Okay, sit on my dick!" he said as he laid back with a devilish smirk. Oh that is my favorite and I impaled myself like only a raw-riding satyr would on a Minotaur's cock. I promptly broke into a steady pace until I slowed down, worried I might bend his cock or overdue it the way one of my man's stud-muffins acted last time I rode his cock, apparently too painfully hard for him, evil and aggressive like a thief... I was fine then but that dude was 'ouch' - he had me get off and lay back like a bitch instead and performed to full conclusion without a hitch. But TODAY, the newbie and I had the rhythm down from the get-go. I apparently hit his FAVORITE stride, my ass hungrily clenching his cock, my fingers playing with his nipples and riding raw with no sense of shame or flinching! Ten second tops and that second load of his was balls-deep up my aspiring cum-dumpster man-cunt! I put on a damn good show! He was a satisfied customer (as I like to call it) TWO LOADS!!! In me now! My hands are sweating and I'm tingling at another once-forbidden, lascivious, raw fantasy cum true!!!! Hell yeah!
    1 point
  44. Nothing better than waking up - next to the guy that's seeded you a few times the night before - with a hard knob sliding in and fucking using the congealed stale cum still in your arse. Basically, whilst you're asleep, it's rape. And damn fucking good too. The first breeding of the day...
    1 point
  45. Part 6 I was now doing quite well at work and had a circle of good friends - life was good. As far as I knew, all my friends practiced safe sex and assumed that I did too. They had no idea that I was continuing to fuck and be fucked without a condom whenever I got the chance and the thought of what they would think if they knew turned me on even more. More and more I was getting off on taking risks - both in terms of cruising for sex in public toilets and in deliberately having risky, unprotected sex. One summer afternoon I was in central London, bored and horny. I had been in a relationship for about six months and the guy I was seeing was very much into safe sex so we always used condoms. I was now off the leash and horny as fuck. My first port of call was the toilets at Marble Arch. It was about half past five in the evening and to my delight I found that it was busy with guys cruising after work. At that time there was a row of cubicles along the back of the toilet and smaller rows of cubicles down the sides. This meant that there were quite a few blind spots where guys would cruise and wait until a cubicle became free. I headed down there and saw a smartly dressed young black guy who looked mid to late 20s standing outside the cubicles. I cruised him and he responded. I moved in closer and put my hand over the bulge in his smart black trousers. His cock was hard and he pushed against my hand. We were completely hidden from view and had now been joined by an older guy who was keeping watch as I unzipped the black guy's trousers. He made as if to stop me and then relaxed as he realised that we couldn't be seen and let me pull his trousers and pants down a bit. I had thought his cock was hard when I felt it through his trousers but as I played with it, it kept growing and growing - it was huge! I bent over and started to suck him and he groaned. I sucked him for a while and then a cubicle came free. Seconds later we were in the cubicle together, his pants and trousers were down at his ankles and I was sitting on the toilet sucking on his big black cock. I sucked him for a while and then asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He nodded. I stood up, rubbed some lube into my arse, turned around and bent over the toilet - neither of us mentioned condoms. As I bent over I noticed that the older guy who had been keeping watch for us was now watching over the top of the neighbouring cubicle. Being watched turned me on even more and I made sure he could see that the black guy wasn't wearing a condom as I spread my legs and pulled my cheeks apart to help him get his big cock up my arse. I can still remember how good it felt as he pushed that big black cock right up me and began to fuck. I hadn't been fucked by anything that big in a long time and I enjoyed every minute of it. He was fucking me harder now and it was all I could do not to cry out. I knew he was getting close and he was not showing any signs of wanting to pull out. Not only did he have a big cock - he had the biggest pair of balls I had ever seen and I knew he was about to empty them right up me. I pushed back hard against him as he moaned "Oh fuck....fuck....FUCK!" and shot his load right up my arse. When he pulled out he leaned against the wall of the cubicle, panting. I felt as if my arse was gaping and I could feel some cum running down my legs. I bent over and took his cock into my mouth as he fingered my arse and I shot my load on the floor of the cubicle. That night I was still horny. I drove up Hampstead Heath and ended up taking another two loads up my arse. I had enjoyed being in a relationship, but I was now making up for lost time. My next experience was totally unexpected. I had been up in Scotland visiting family and was returning to London on the first flight of the day from Glasgow Airport. I hadn't cum for several days as I had been stuck with family and I had woken up feeling very horny but I didn't have time to do anything about that as I had to leave to be at the airport. It was very early in the morning and the airport was quiet. I had plenty of time before my flight so had some coffee and then, needing a piss, went in search of the toilet, which seemed to be miles from anywhere. I found it eventually and took a much needed piss. As I did so, a tall ginger lad in a suit came in and took a piss a little bit away from me. I sensed he was checking me out and I looked over at him. He looked about the same age as me - late 20s early 30s, just my type. He seemed a bit nervous but cruised me back and soon we were standing wanking together. I motioned to a cubicle and he hesitated for a moment before nodding and following me in to the cubicle. He sat down on the toilet and I got my cock out. He started sucking me off and soon I was enjoying one of the best blowjobs I ever had. I could easily have let him suck me until I blew my load in his mouth but I was horny and wanted to see if he was willing to go any further. I pulled him up and turned him round. I unzipped his trousers and pulled them down along with his white Tommy Hilfiger pants. I went down on his cock and then licked his balls. I asked if I could lick his arse and he hesitated. There was still no one about though so after a moment he bent over the toilet. I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue right into his hairy ginger hole. I rimmed him for a while and then stood up and began to rub my cock against his wet hole. "I want to fuck you," I whispered. He stood up. "Have you got a condom?" I shook my head. He hesitated again. "We can't do it without a condom," he muttered. Actually, I did have condom and I would probably have produced it if he had really insisted but I had already learnt that a lot of "safe only" guys would fuck without a condom rather than miss out on a fuck if they were really horny and sure enough it was not long before ginger lad was bent over the toilet and I was pushing my bare cock up his now lubed hole. I was really horny and knew I wouldn't last very long as I began to fuck him. After about ten or twelve thrusts I felt myself getting ready to cum. I thought he might ask me to pull out but he stayed bent over as I groaned and began to shoot what felt like a massive load right up his unprotected arse. As soon as I pulled out he stood up and pulled his pants and trousers up - he couldn't get out the cubicle quickly enough and was gone within seconds. I cleaned myself up and went to find my flight. When I went through the gate the first person I saw was the ginger lad. He was with two other guys in suits, obviously colleagues and must have been going to London for a business meeting. I don't think he noticed me, and if he did he never acknowledged me as we all got in the plane. I had a great view of his arse as he reached up to put his briefcase in the over head locker and the thought that his colleagues would have no idea he had a big load of cum in his arse really turned me on. I was now starting to initiate unprotected sex and I was surprised how many guys were willing to go bare. Of course not everyone was willing and sometimes I lost out on a fuck hut I didn't really care. I found a lot of guys would fuck bare and others would just say no if they didn't want to - but one or two reacted really badly. One afternoon I was in a toilet I had discovered in West London near Kensal Rise. I was meeting some friends for a meal and had some time to kill. The toilet was quite dirty and smelt strongly of piss but I was horny and it was nearby. I had not been in there long when I was joined by two other guys. I didn't really fancy either of them so I was happy just to wank at the urinal with them for a while. Then another guy came in. I liked the look of him and soon we were in a cubicle together. After some sucking I asked if he wanted to fuck me. I lubed myself up and he produced a condom. I said he could fuck me without a condom if he wanted and he went mad and started shouting at me. He shouted that there was no way he was going to fuck me without a condom and then stormed out of the cubicle, banging the door behind him. I was a bit shaken and also more than a bit embarrassed but I decided that I couldn't stay in there forever so I pulled up my pants and stepped out of the cubicle. About four guys were standing outside the cubicle - the two I had been wanking with, an older guy and a guy about my age with dark, curly hair. They were all looking at me. I was about to leave when the young dark haired guy said "I'll fuck you without a condom!" I looked at him and he grinned. He was nice looking and had a sexy Irish accent - I grinned back and nodded. I went back into the cubicle and he followed me. To my surprise he didn't shut the cubicle door, he just motioned me to sit down on the toilet, unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out. I knew the other guys were watching but I didn't care. I sucked him for a while and then he pulled me up. I pulled my trousers and pants down, turned round and bent over. I was still lubed and he had no difficulty in sliding his cock right up my arse. I was really turned on by the fact that I was being fucked with the cubicle door open in full view of the other guys. I heard a couple of the guys telling him to fuck me and one guy said "load him up, cum in his arse!" which turned me on even more. The dark haired guy fucked me hard and fast and shot his load right up my arse. When he pulled out I stood up and discovered that about six guys were crowded round the cubicle and had watched me get fucked without a condom and take a load of cum in my arse. I joined my friends for dinner and during the evening the talk turned to the importance of safe sex. I nodded seriously and agreed how important it was that everyone played safe on every occasion. As I said this I let a little bit of cum slide out into my underpants. A couple of weeks later I was back in the toilets at Marble Arch. As I approached the toilets I saw my ex boyfriend, Liam, the guy I had split with about two months previously, entering the toilets. Liam was always very disapproving of casual sex and of cruising of any sort so I didn't think for a minute that he was there for the same reason I was. I didn't want to bump into him though so I thought I would wait outside until he came back out again. I had assumed that this would not be long as he had probably only gone in there for a piss. I waited quite a while and Liam did not come back out the toilet so I decided to go in and see what was happening. There was no sign of him at the urinals so I went up the back of the toilet to the cubicles, just in time to see Liam disappearing in to one. I was almost certain I had caught a glimpse of someone entering the cubicle with him - this was getting interesting! All the cubicles were taken and I waited for while until I got lucky and someone came out of the cubicle next to the one Liam had gone into. I went in and quietly climbed on to the toilet and looked over the wall. Liam was in there with another guy, a small, stocky skin head guy that I knew would be just his type. They both had their pants down and Liam was sucking the other guy's cock. I watched as he sucked for a while and then stood up. They kissed and wanked each other for a while and then Liam said something to the skin head, who nodded. Liam reached into his pocket and passed something to the skin head. I assumed it was a condom but it was actually a small pack of lube. The guy opened it and I watched as Liam took the pack from him, lubed up his arse and bent over the toilet. I was really turned on as I watched Liam pull his cheeks apart so that he skinhead could push his big thick cock slowly but surely right up his arse. The skinhead waited a minute to let Liam get used to his cock and then began to fuck. I couldn't believe that Liam was letting someone fuck him without a condom in a public toilet. Not only had he always disapproved of cruising, he had always insisted on condoms and one night when I had suggested we fuck without one he gave me quite a lecture. Now he was bent over, pants down, being fucked hard up the arse without a condom and clearly enjoying every minute of it. I had my cock out now, wanking as I watched them fuck and I shot my load down the wall at the exact moment that the skinhead pumped a load up Liam's arse. I left the cubicle before they did and waited outside the toilet at a discreet distance. A few minutes later Liam came out and walked through the underpass to the underground, looking exactly as usual. I couldn't believe I had just watched him take a load of cum up his arse. I began to wonder about Liam - we had split up less than two months ago and I found it hard to believe he had suddenly turned overnight into someone who fucked bareback in public toilets - I suspected that the there had been another side to Liam all the time..... One afternoon I was in a toilet in West London when I got cruised by a guy who looked in his mid 40s. He wasn't exactly my type but he had a nice thick cock and I was horny. I had been in the toilet for a while with no action so I let him suck me for a while. Then he asked me if I wanted to come back to his place and fuck with him and his boyfriend. I decided to go with him and was really glad I did when I saw the boyfriend. He was about 19 or 20 with blond, longish hair and a very cute smile. The guy introduced himself as Andy and his boyfriend as Dominic and soon Andy and I had our pants down and Dominic was taking it in turns to suck us as Andy and I kissed. It was turning out to be a really good experience - that boy could certainly suck cock! After a while, Dominic stood up, pulled his pants and trousers off and knelt up on the bed. I watched as Andy lubed him up and pushed his thick cock up him and began to fuck. It had been made clear that I would have to use a condom though, so I was rubbered up for my turn. Dominic's hole was tight and I enjoyed the fuck even with a condom, though I would much have preferred to fuck him without one. After a while we both came - me in the condom and Andy up Dominic's arse. A week or so later I visited the same toilet and this time Dominic was in there. He smiled at me and soon we both had our cocks out. He sucked me at the urinal for a while and then we went into a cubicle. Dominic pulled his pants down and bent over and I fucked him hard and fast. This time condoms weren't mentioned and I fucked him bareback, blowing a big load right up his tight young arse. Later that summer I was over in Germany staying with friends and we spent a couple of days in the former East Germany where my friends had family. The Wall had been down for 5 or 6 years by this time and, although there had been some regeneration in Berlin, the town we were staying in was largely unchanged and was quite bleak. It was a very interesting experience as I had never been to East Germany and I enjoyed walking around the city and exploring it. On the second day I was walking past a bleak eastern European tower block when a young couple came out. They looked to be in their late 20s, early 30s and had two young kids with them. The guy was quite fit looking, dark haired, a bit stocky, wearing trackie bottoms and a T shirt. I particularly noticed his fit arse, which really filled out his trackies as be bent over to pick up something the child had dropped. They said hello as they passed and I walked on. A bit later I was walking over a bridge near an industrial estate when I noticed a public toilet down below on a towpath near a canal. I had to walk quite a long way round to get down on to the towpath but soon I was standing in a really old fashioned pubic toilet - graffiti on the walls and a hole between the two cubicles. Almost immediately someone came in to the toilet and I got my cock out and took a much needed piss. I couldn't really see the other guy without looking but I could tell he was quite young. He had appeared very quickly and I suspected he had been watching the toilet and seen me enter. Nothing happened for a while and then I looked over at him. I saw a lad of around 18 or 19, dark hair with a streak of blond in it. He flashed his cock and I did the same. I was hard now and soon he bent over and took it in his mouth. He sucked me for a while and then stopped and motioned me to follow him as he went out of the toilet. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea but I thought what the hell and followed him out of the toilet. He walked down the towpath in front of me, checking now and then to make sure I was following and then disappeared through a gap in the bushes and up over the embankment and into a wooded area. He stopped in a little clearing with a wall area and smiled at me. He reached out for my cock and soon he was down on his knees sucking my cock. He sucked me for a while and then stood up, pulled his pants down and bent over, leaning against the wall. I fingered his slim, young arse. It was surprisingly hairy but not only that, it was lubed with what I was fairly sure was cum. It looked like I wasn't his first that day and I wondered how many other guys he had brought to this spot. It was obvious what he wanted so I didn't waste any time - I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed. His hole was tight, but I slid up him easily and began to fuck. Suddenly I realised with a shock that we weren't alone. I hadn't heard anyone approaching but when I turned round I saw the guy I had seen earlier coming out the tower block with his girlfriend and kids. I wasn't sure what to do at first but the guy I was fucking said something to him and he laughed - they obviously knew each other. I had pulled my cock out the lad's arse but he motioned to me to put it back in and said something I didn't understand to the young lad, who laughed. The other guy pulled his cock out his trackies and went round and pushed it into the young lad's mouth. He had a nice big cock and it turned me on to see the lad sucking on it as I fucked him up the arse. I was getting close now but didn't want to cum just yet so I pulled out and indicated to trackie lad to take my place. He grinned and came round to join me. He lined up his cock and pushed it up the lad's arse. He fucked for a while and then pulled out and I took his place. We took turns on the young lad for a while and I noticed the wedding ring on trackie lad's left hand. Soon trackie lad was groaning and obviously shooting his cum up the young lad. When trackie lad had finished coming he pulled out and I saw his big cock wet with cum. I pushed up the young lad and began to fuck. I was close to cumming now and as I fucked, trackie lad stood behind me and began to rub his spunky cock against my arse. I stopped fucking for a moment and spread my legs, pulling my cheeks apart as he rubbed his spunky cock over my hole. He was still hard and as I pushed back his cock went right up my arse. I groaned and began to fuck the young lad again as trackie lad fucked me. We fucked hard and fast for a while and soon I couldn't hold back - I groaned and began to shoot my cum right up the young lad's arse. Trackie lad pushed up my arse hard and held his cock there as I loaded up the young lad. It was one of the horniest experiences I had ever had and I knew I had cum very hard up the young lad. We went our separate ways and as I walked back through the town I felt a familiar wet sensation in my arse. I was passing a disused factory and I slipped round behind it, pulled my pants down, squatted, and pushed - a big load of cum spurted out my arse. I hadn't realised that trackie boy had shot a second load up me as I was loading up the young lad. The fact that I had taken a big load of East German cum up my arse from a married guy just made the experience even hornier.... It was not long after this that I met the guy who was to become my partner for the next ten years or so. That, coupled with the fact that so many public toilets were being closed would mean that there would not be many more bareback fucks in dirty public toilets. But there would be a few more...... Part 7 to follow
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  46. Friday in the woods Another guys cock slid in my whole, so stretched from the buttplug I couldn’t fight him off. The guy I was sucking grab my head and held his cock all the way down my throat cutting off my air. I began to panic when he pulled out, a bottle off poppers appeared under my nose and without meaning to I inhale deeply. My head was spinning as the latest cock throbbed in my how. “Fuck yeah slut take those poz babies. Fuck boy get him over the trunk” I was manhandled around and pushed of the trunk of a fallen trunk of a fallen tree. During the brief time I was upright I saw at least 6 men, all of them older and with their cock out and grinning, looking like you stereotypical to catch a predator. Poppers were shoved under my nose while another cock slammed in my making me gasp, my head was held and I breathed in, my mind spinning. Another troll moved around front and a cock was in my mouth and tasted so good. The flavors of piss and sweat ran over my tongue as precum oozed out of it. Looking I saw a wiry grey bush, raising my eyes up a guy that could be my grandfather leered down. His thin hand held the popper bottle to my nose again. Making eye contact he nodded slowly and I knew my role. Breathing hits I bobbed on his cock as he chuckled. “Cunt is open for all cummers now, lets make sure he gets every drop of our poz cum” Tears formed at my eyes as another troll easily slid in my wrecked hole the cum dripping down my balls I fell into a state of bliss and sensation as the filthy men used me from both ends, and the poppers made my head swim. I barely had the thought of how I got to this point before it was chased away as the next cock throbbed in my mouth and I swallow his bitter sperm, looking eagerly to the next guy not caring about anything but getting more cock and cum in me.
    1 point
  47. Click here to see original blog post on Diary of a Cumslut... As I was bent over a tree letting the sixth anonymous stranger unload his balls up my sloppy asshole, I realized my ass is much better than a pussy and here's why: My ass is always wet and ready: I always pre-lube my ass with either lube, or by injecting my own cum up my butt. When I'm out cruising for cocks, my hole is always wet and ready to accept any cock. This is not always true with a pussy. No condoms required: I'm not worried about getting pregnant, nor am I stuck up. I'll never require a condom, allowing the men inside me maximum pleasure and maximum connivence. No pulling out required: As your body is shaking and you're about to cum, I'll never tell you to pull out. I want you to hold me tight and fuck your load deep inside me. You never have to pull out. Fuck my ass anywhere: My ass is free to be fucked wherever a man wants. I don't require a comfortable bed or couch, you can fuck my ass whenever and wherever you want. Bathrooms, gloryholes, parks, porn theaters, dark rooms, etc. are all fair game. Looks are unimportant: Most men who fuck me I never see anyway. I don't care what you look like or how old you are, everyone has the same access to my hole. I won't tell you "no" because you're fat or ugly, in fact, I'll probably want your cock and load even more. Share me with your friends: All your friends can fuck me. No reason to keep this amazing ass all to yourself, share me with all your friends, or just share me with strangers. I never have a headache: I'll never say no and my ass is always here for the taking. If you have a hard cock and want to fuck, this ass is available. There you have it, the 7 reasons why my ass it better than a pussy. Now come breed me. More...
    1 point
  48. Tim walked along the corridor at the end of the college day, he’d had to stay late with his year head for a ticking off after being late for class yet again that afternoon after soccer practice (in fact he was still wearing his kit) but he did care, the fuck he’d got from a daddy at lunchtime had been well worth it, in fact his boy hole puckered at the thought! Yes it was true that Tim was a bit of a whore, a nerdy whore that the older men seemed to like, but Tim was very picky of who he went with and he had one cardinal rule, safe sex only! He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly he felt his arm being grabbed and then a big smelly hand covering his mouth, he struggled but whoever had him was very big and very strong. He felt himself being half carried and half dragged, his feet stumbling as he heard a deep voice “I’ve been waiting for a chance to get hold of you ever since I saw a video of you been fucked online”, Tim’s heart pounded and he felt very scared as he instantly recognised the voice belong to Mr Tibb’s the mean janitor. Mr Tibb’s had always terrified Tim, he was a big ugly brute of a man, bald with a big handle bar moustache, he had a big deep scar that ran up one side of his face and his face was badly acne scarred, the braver lads called him ‘crater face’ or ‘Frankenstein’ though this was something Tim never dared. While being dragged being into Mr Tibb’s office at the far end of the building Tim stumbled causing Mr Tibb’s to loose his grip on him and he fell to the floor, Tim shrieked in pain as he was roughly yanked back up and hit his head hard on the doorframe as he was pulled through the office to the storeroom at the back. The knock on the head was a godsend to Mr Tibb’s as it dazed Tim and it enabled the much older man to quickly strip the helpless boy naked. Now Tim had been spanked before, in fact he liked to be spanked as he found it very horny, but what he had endured some twenty minutes later was nothing like what he had received before, in fact it was like he had got every spanking in his life in that small portion of time, his arse cheeks were bright red and already starting to bruise, sweat, snot and tears were smeared over his face, the thing he could not fathom was why his little boy cock was rock hard! Not that his torment was over , he knelt with his little butt high in the air sobbing but sniffing poppers on an old gym matt in the store room as Mr Tibb’s cruelly abused his little boy hole, it had started with one thick finger covered with his own spit , that had been bad enough but it quickly progressed to two being jammed inside him and twisted around, Mr Tibb’s had snorted and sneered “you may have been fucked a lot Timmy boy but your boy cunt ain’t had the exercise it really needs”, now a groaning Tim was being fucked with a 7” black dildo, when Mr Tibb’s had put it in his mouth earlier he was sternly told “get it good and wet”. Tim, was still so confused why was his little cock so hard when Mr Tibb’s was abusing his hole so much, the feelings he was feeling perplexed him, his abused hole hurt so badly but with the pain was a strange sort of pleasure. Mr Tibb’s twisted the dildo in his bum hole making him yelp but then he settled back into moaning with pleasure as the fucking started again and that’s when he realised ‘oh my god I’m enjoying being raped!’, the dildo fucking continued with Mr Tibb’s sneering “your loving this isn’t you boy? I’ve got lots of toys for your pussy, plugs, dildo’s, anal balls, and of course cock!!” Tim could only groan as Mr Tibb’s assault on his bum hole carried on, his boi pussy that so many men had called sweet and pretty was now swollen red raw, When Mr Tibb’s quickly pulled the dildo out of his hole, Tim felt empty, he missed the rough use and that not only surprised and confused his racing brain but it amazed him too. Tim was lifted and spun onto his back as if he weighed nothing at all, Tim just laid there breathing heavily as Mr Tibb’s undid the dirty overalls shrugging them off his shoulders, Tim gasped “Oh my God!” Tim stared wide eyed as lay on his back as he saw Mr Tibb’s kneeling between his spread legs stroking the biggest cock he’d ever seen in the flesh, his body felt like it had no power to resist as Mr Tibb’s pushed one of his legs up and back before rubbing the cock tip over his young hole, it was then that his eyes also focused on the big black and red biohazard sign tattooed on Mr Tibb’s chest, now Tim may have been a bit of a boy slut for sure but he’d always been a ‘safe sex only’ bottom boy, but as the tip of the cock nudged up against his hole Tim could feel the leaking precum being spread over his rim he cried ‘no please Mr Tibb’s, please put a condom on”, Mr Tibb’s snarled “never wear em boy”, Tim instantly put his hands up against Mr Tibb’s broad chest trying to stop the inevitable but the much older, bigger and stronger man was to much for him to hold back and he wailed as his already stretched out hole could not stop the invasion of Mr Tibb’s big cock into his pussy, he struggled and cried as Mr Tibb’s chuckled and penetrated him violently forcing Tim’s puffy little hole to spread and accept the big mushroom head, not that it stopped there without giving the boy a chance to grow accustomed the man continued to push in firmly, defiling the young mans cunt with a steady deep penetration until he was buried to the hilt, Tim’s eyes were clenched shut and he sobbed with the pain that was like white searing heat. Mr Tibb’s started fucking the boy with deep powerful thrusts, the boys body shook but he could not deny the wonder he felt at having someone so big inside him and soon the all familiar feeling of pain turning to pleasure started to slowly appear, he could hear Mr Tibb’s grunting and he strangely hear someone saying, “Oh yes fuck me, fuck me please” before actually realising it was his own voice! Without even thinking he was soon holding back his own legs crying out “fuck me daddy”, Mr Tibb’s grinned down at the boy “yeah you love that big bare daddy dick up your arse don’t ya boy“, Tim could only make little yelps of pleasure and kept saying “oh god fuck me”, the sweat was dripping down from Mr Tibb’s head onto Tim’s face, “gonna cum soon boy” and though Tim was lost in the pleasure of the fuck that comment brought about a moment clarity “NO!! don’t cum up me please!!!” but Mr Tibb’s just carried on pumping his cock in and out of the helpless boys hole, the sounds of wet squelchy fucking filled the room, Tim had let go of his legs and was pushing his hands up against Mr Tibb’s chest vainly trying to push the much bigger heavier man off him to no avail as Mr Tibb’s grunted and bellowed “oh fuck yes Timmy boy here it comes” Tim cried “NNNOOOO!!!” as Mr Tibb’s cock engorged and pulsed inside him as 5 or 6 spurts of his nasty daddy spunk shot deep into his unprotected boy pussy, Mr Tibb’s rested for a moment his cock still pulsing inside Tim’s ravaged boy twat before he slowly pulled his cock out and squeezed the last dribbles of cum onto the boys hole before pushing that last bit of his seed back into Timmy’s ruined cunt, thrusting in and out ensuring the boys torn insides were coated with his sperm thus ensuring the incubation of his poz babies, when he finally pulled his softening dick out of the boys cunt Mr Tibb’s grinned down at the boy “well it seems you enjoyed that as much as I did”, it was only then that Tim looked down at his toned stomach and realised that he had cum all over himself.
    1 point
  49. Had a FB who'd get me in the sling and start the fuck by pissing a bladderful up me. If I managed to hold on to his piss for long enough I'd end up pissing over myself before either of us came.
    1 point
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