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  1. At long, long, long last … Part 4. (First: Sincere apologies for the delay). The story has not developed exactly the way I had planned out, but I think will still reach the original ending (more or less). The next part is almost done (just some proofreading) and I hope to have the final chapter up by Monday. I hope you enjoy. ————— PART 4: LEARNING TO SERVE Ryan thought about calling Jared again but, well, what was the point? It had been four days since the night at the sauna and Jared had not responded to calls, voicemails, or texts. He knew his friend was ok — a mutual acquaintance reported seeing him in class — but Jared was being an asshole and giving him the silent treatment. Fine. Fuck it He had wanted Jared to stop being so clingy for years. Now he had his wish. Who cares? So why did he feel so shit about it? The club was dead tonight, but it was a weeknight so he wasn’t sure what he had expected. Well… What he expected, of course, was getting fucked. Or… hoped for it at least. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since the night in the sauna. The problem was that he was hanging out in a club that attracted people who looked like him. And who, if they were looking for sex at all, were not looking to top. He had heard some guys referring to it as a “twink” bar. And it was true. It was brightly lit, house music blaring, and, if he had to put a word on it, “safe”. And boring. The few guys here were all slim, pretty, and raging queens. Definitely not his type. Not at all. Again he thought back to the night at the sauna, to the three chavs who had taken turns on his ass. He tried, not quite successfully, to block out the memory of the fourth man. The man who had found him sleeping. Not for the first time he asked himself how he felt about it. Had he enjoyed the sex? Did it matter that the guy wasn’t really attractive? Best not to think about it. Enough. He needed to try somewhere new or end up wanking alone in the dorm. Again. He finished his drink and headed to the door. It was only a short walk to the bar he was looking for: “The Bird of Prey”. And the men here were much more his type: at least a couple years older than himself (most significantly older), less obsessed with being “pretty”, more confident, and definitely more “dangerous”. He had been here before. Well, he had been outside. Like now. Wanting to go in…but nervous as well. This bar seemed more real. Grittier. Sexier. It made the club he had just left feel like training wheels for gays. “They would eat you alive, boy.” A voice said behind him. Ryan jumped. Literally. Jumped. He was glad the street was dark so the stranger couldn’t see him blush. “Sorry… didn’t mean to scare you.” Ryan turned to face the man behind him. The man didn’t quite tower above him, but something about his presence made Ryan feel small. But he was stunning: the chocolate colour skin, the well trimmed beard, the close cropped black hair, the muscled body not even remotely hidden by the leather jacket. “You didn’t scare me.” Ryan lied. Trying to sound confident although his voice betrayed him. “And I was just about to go in.” “Well, if you’re sure… let’s go in together. Let me buy you a drink... and I’ll protect you from these vultures.” The man put his arm around Ryan’s shoulder and guided him toward to the door to the bar. “I’m Carl by the way.” “I’m Ryan. Nice to meet you.” Ryan hoped his smile wasn’t too goofy. This guy was hot and he loved the feel of that hard body against his. The bar was packed with men of all types and ages: from lean builds, to muscle, to heavyset. From Ryan’s age to pensioners. But even the guys his own age seemed older. There was nothing “twinkish” about them. Nothing remotely innocent in those eyes. Hot! Some men were in leather, others in rubber, some in street clothes, and some in gear that Ryan didn’t have a name for. Some were covered head to toe, others bare chested. The room was steamy from all the men and Carl slid his jacket off. His body was every bit as fit as Ryan had expected. And more so. His pecs pulled the shirt tight at his chest before his body tapered down to a lean and tight waist. Tattoo’s covered both arms... very toned and muscular arms. Carl led Ryan to the bar and ordered a beer for himself and, without asking, a whisky and coke for Ryan. And two shots of something… strong. Ryan could barely choke it down but he wanted to look cool so he forced himself to do it. The whisky and coke went down much easier, however, and before Ryan knew it he was already on his second. And feeling very warm and buzzed. When Carl’s hand slipped down to cup his ass, Ryan happily allowed himself to be pulled into an embrace. A kiss. And the demanding tongue into his mouth. — MEANWHILE — Jared leaned into Hal as they approached Hal’s apartment. At times Hal could be so… controlling. The arm around Jared’s shoulders sometimes seemed as much like a way to restrain him as it was a sign of affection. And yet, while he might not admit it, Jared liked the feeling. The feeling of being protected, guided, controlled. Surrendering just a bit to the dominant man. So he didn’t argue or complain. It was something else that had him feeling nervous. Their date this evening had been wonderful and the restaurant had been so romantic. But then at times Hal would turn cruel with a vicious comment or correcting something Jared said or did. He didn’t know what to expect from minute to minute. When they reached the apartment, Hal gave Jared a little pat on the butt. “Go grab me a beer out of the fridge. And make yourself a drink the way I taught you.” Jared grimaced. He still felt guilty every time he drank alcohol. It was a sin... but Hal would get upset if he didn’t. And he wanted to make Hal happy. If Hal was happy he might make love to him again. It had been painful but he had felt so... empty... since he had given his virginity. He wanted to feel his lover inside again. When he brought back the beer, Hal had his shoes off and his feet on the sofa. Jared handed over the beer and wondered where he should sit. “Here, sit down next to the sofa for now. My feet are aching and I need to put them up for a bit.” Jared sat on the floor where Hal had indicated, near Hal’s uncovered feet. He dutifully sipped at his drink. “Why don’t you rub my feet a bit. Maybe that’ll make them feel better.” “Um... ok.” Jared ran his hand along the big feet, unsure what to do. He had never been asked to rub someone’s feet before. “Not like that, damn it. Use your fucking thumbs on the arches like this.” He demonstrated what he expected in the air. “Sorry, Hal.” Jared tried to replicate the motion. “Is that better?” “Yeah. That’s nice. You keep doing that and you are going to get me hard.” Jared redoubled his efforts. “Now your getting into it. So... you like my feet?” “They are so big. Just like all of you.” Jared replied, blushing. “Why don’t you give them a kiss? Show me how much you really like them.” Jared was hesitant but shifted in his position on the floor and placed his lips on the top of Hal’s foot. The feet didn’t smell bad, he decided, perhaps just a bit sweaty. In fact, they smelled so “Hal-like” that Jared found himself enjoying it. “Good boy.” Hal purred. “Look what you are doing to me.” Jared turned and his eyes settled on Hal’s fingers caressing a growing bulge in his jeans. That almost ever-present emptiness in Jared’s butt seemed to quiver in anticipation. “Why don’t you give my foot a little lick. Show me what you want to do for my cock.” There was something sharp in Hal’s voice that Jared couldn’t understand. And something in himself that was so excited by it. He was turning a corner. He knew it. He was finding something new about himself. Something that he couldn’t understand. Or maybe just wasn’t ready or willing to understand yet. His tongue slowly flicked out and caressed the sole of Hal’s big foot. It tasted so good! He licked again. And again. “Fuck yeah. Do my other foot, boy.” Hal had his cock out now, slowly stroking. “You look so good on your knees like that.” Jared just moaned in reply. Unwilling to remove his mouth long enough to actually talk. — MEANWHILE — Ryan gagged. Snot and mucous flowed from his nose and mouth. He was barely aware of the crowd gathered around the two of them in the dark corner of The Bird of Prey’s back room. Carl’s strong hands held his head firmly in place while driving his cock into Ryan’s throat. Ryan had jacked off to “skullfuck” videos but he was finding the reality a lot more traumatic. And he wasn’t sure if all the alcohol was helping or making it worse. The grip on his head tightened. Ryan felt, rather than heard, Carl’s moans and groans. The big cock expanded and spasmed. And Carl unleashed his load deep in Ryan’s throat. After a moment, Carl pulled back, freeing Ryan to breathe but leaving the tip of his dick in Ryan’s mouth. His hands still firmly holding Ryan’s head in place. Ryan stayed on his knees, looking up at Carl. He must look a mess. Hair disheveled, eyes red, still gasping for air, face and shirt covered with the mucous the skull fuck had brought up. The crowd around them laughed and cheered, reminding Ryan they were there. He saw more than one mobile phone out recording. Oh fuck. He wanted to tell people to delete those videos! But he forgot about the crowd again when Carl’s dick flexed again at his lips. And he felt his mouth fill with liquid. Warm, salty liquid. Piss! Carl was pissing in his mouth. He wanted to spit it out but Carl’s cock in his mouth and firm grip on his head kept him from doing so. It was so disgusting, he told himself. So gross! So why was his cock rock hard? “Drink it.” Carl ordered. Ryan had no choice but to swallow as much of the piss as he could. Quite a bit leaked out around his lips and flowed to join the mucous soaking his shirt but still his stomach quickly filled with the hot liquid. Carl finally released his head. Ryan pulled back and the big black cock slipped out of his mouth. He struggled to regain his breath. Carl’s strong arms picked him up and spun him around. Hands unfastened his belt and his jeans and underwear were slid down. Carl’s lips and tongue found his hole. Teasing. Tormenting. Arousing. Invading. Ryan surrendered again to the dominant man’s will. It felt much too good to resist. NEXT: RYAN ACCEPTS, JARED DESCENDS
    13 points
  2. Part 1 Chris felt lucky to have found his new apartment. After a last minute decision to switch schools, he had missed out of guaranteed housing and had scrambled with some other kids to find a place together near campus. Chris was happy he had switched schools. It felt like a better fit here and he was also closer to home, not that he was gonna miss high school. It had been ok and he had friends and stuff, but Chris had a secret his friends and family didn’t know about: Chris was gay. Sure, he kept up appearances and his friends all thought he was straight, but Chris knew what he loved, and hoped now that he was on his own and in a new city, he could maybe explore a little. At 5 10” and 165, with an athlete’s build and still with his summer tan, he looked good. His two new roomies that he was still getting to know told him he was “gonna get tons of pussy” this year and Chris had gone along with it. No way did Chris want them to know he liked guys. He was gonna have to make sure he was careful. Not that he had much experience to begin with, just a few hurried mutual blowjobs. And really, hadn’t it been him really being the one giving more than getting? Not that he minded that, it was more the person he had sucked, a boy from his school. Chris didn’t want a boy. Chris wanted a man, a hot older guy. The apartment building was small and each unit had a courtyard that attached to it in the back. They were fenced but it wasn’t hard to see through,. Chris and his roommates had met the neighbors on the left., a group of girls in their second and third years. They had just giggled when Chris and the guys asked about their other neighbor, answering it was a guy who apparently lived alone. The girls also added the strange comment that the guy would also almost certainly like having college guys as neighbors, with whom he could hang-out. Chris was amazed at how many things a new apartment required. He made it to the store and quickly went through the list of item he had compiled as being essential. Walking through the store, his eyes focused on his list, and and not paying attention to his situation, Chris bumped right in to somebody. Flustered, Chris immediately looked up and began to apologize profusely. He immediately became tongue tied as he looked at just who he has bumped into. Kevin was 44 and proudly gay. And proudly hot. His 6 3” frame was that of a perfect swimmers build. His dark greying hair was close cropped and he had the sexiest mustache. His tank top clung to his body and his jeans cut offs were cut to show off the hottest legs and biggest looking bulge Chris had ever seen.. “I’m.... i’m so sorry. I totally wasn’t looking at all...” Chris blurted out. Kevin took the young man in, looking up and down, noticing that Chris was staring at his crotch, and smiled. “Well, you look so busy! And don’t you worry about it.” Kevin said, adding in a whisper, “a cute boy like you can bump into me anytime.” Chris went bright red. This guy was like perfect, Chris thought to himself, and he just basically said I am cute. Chris laughed nervously and again nervously blurted, “ I AM really sorry. I just moved here and getting ready to start school and my first apartment and it’s just a lot of stuff." The guy gave a chuckle remarking “Well, welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Kevin. It’s very nice to meet you. We needed a cute guy to move in to the neighborhood, so thanks!” Kevin joked. “Thanks, i’m Chris. It’s great here so far. I really like it,” Chris replied, his eyes again falling to those jean cutoffs. “Well Chris, I really hope I see you around., “ said Kevin as his eyes again swept up and down. Kevin was tempted to just ask the boy to come home with him, but his senses told him this boy wasn’t ready for an aggressive push. But Kevin also knew when a boy wanted cock and he knew that Chris was one of those boys. He made a note to do his shopping at this store more often and continued down the aisle. Chris couldn’t wait to get out of the store. He thought everybody knew and had been watching him lust after Kevin. Not to mention, he wa rock hard. He had never had a reaction like that and didn’t trust himself... it was like he was about to lose control being around Kevin. He wanted him that bad. Driving back to the apartment, all he could think about was Kevin and being Kevin’s boy, as Kevin had referred to him.
    10 points
  3. Part 2 - Shadows In The Mist Ethan's confidence was growing so he loosened the grip on his towel and lowered it slightly daring to be adventurous. Another wave of steam hit him as he began to really enjoy the heat of dampness of the steam room, the thought of sex diminished as drifted in to his own world soaking up the heat. He knew there was a couple of guys lurking in the dim denseness of the mist but so far they appeared to be keeping their distance. A blast of cold air hit Ethan signalling the door has been opened again as he watched a tall silhouette take a seat on the same bench he was on. It was the strangest feeling Ethan had ever had, he could not feel or see but sensed the presence of another body very close to him. The silence broken by the hissing of the steam vent added to the strangeness of the environment. Another cool blast of air and another body took position to the right of him on the bench, he felt a little uneasy and moved his towel over his groin area again. The reality of why he had come here was all to real with the two bodies sat either side of him, his cock twitched with an anticipated excitement but he was more than happy to just be here next to the naked bodies. The vague outlines of various men moved in and out of his limited field of vision followed by the swirling dense mist in their wake, some paused to look but soon disappeared from view. Ethan sat still he had no idea what he was suppose to do, for him it was a hidden embarrassment, he thought this was a stupid idea and maybe he should try it on with Adam first, but no, that was to close to home for comfort and he could get found out. The last thing he wanted was this being all round college and getting back to his parents. Ethan relaxed and rested his head back closing his eyes. Angelo stepped in to the steam room and stood for a moment allowing his eyes to adjust to the low light and mist, he wandered through and spied the blond hair and pretty handsomeness of the young boy as he sat down a couple of meters away from him. Close but far enough away to be shielded by the mist from his view. He had never seen him here before and knew this must be the guy Brad had spoken about when he arrived. Angelo shuffled a little closer and could make out some of his looks, he looked younger than 18 quite the reverse of some who looked older for their age. Closer he moved, noticing the young guy had his eyes closed Angelo raised his hand and touched the young body. Ethan let out a short gasp as a felt the strange hand running down his chest in a carefully low choreographed movement. He opened his eyes to see the shape of the man was now visible, he snatched a sideways glance and noticed he was of Latin descent. Ethan could see that the arm was heavily tattooed and very well defined with hard biceps covered by soft looking skin, he daren't move as the hand continued to caress his chest and abdomen, this was the first time a man had touched his body in such an erotic way. Initially he thought at best he would end up with a much older man or a guy his age, but judging by the muscled arm he thought this was aiming high. His cock was hard as rock as a whole new feeling of sensations rippled through every part of his body, he didn't know if he should return the stroking of the man's chest or kiss him. For the moment his body was in an encapsulated desire with every nerve ending tingling from the man touching his body. Angelo ran his hand up and down the chest of the guy sat next to him, he did not look at him but stared straight ahead with a slightly rigid pose, Angelo smiled to himself as he could sense the young guy was obviously very inexperienced and this would make for an easy picking. Today is turning out better than he ever hoped Angelo thought to himself continuing the caressing of the young chest, he admired how naturally defined he felt and looked, this was a guy he had not fucked before and a new experience beckoned. Angelo moved his hand upwards caressing Ethan's neck and place his hand around the back of his neck as he shuffled closer. Angelo pulled Ethan's head towards his, there was a little resistance at first. Ethan's pulled back slightly at his head being guided towards the man but the gentle coaxing was having the desired affect as he slowly allowed the stranger to pull him close until he came face to face with Angelo. Ethan gulped at the stunning face before him, the striking chiselled features and sexy Latin look was more than he ever dreamed of, he judged that he must be in his mid twenties. He exuded an air of confidence, Ethan had to blink several times to ensure he was not imaging him. Angelo's hand pulled him closer and closer, Ethan could now feel the breath of the guy on his face. Angelo admired him for a moment and realised that the young lad was looking back at him clearly captivated. Angelo leaned forward until his mouth was within touching distance of Ethan's, the soft touch of Angelo's lips landed on Ethan's in a very tender kiss. Ethan still had his mouth closed and Angelo suspecting the naivete slowly ran the tip of his tongue along the young guys lips, moistening them with his saliva. Ethan parted his lips slowly and he felt the tongue probing deeper between his lips, becoming more receptive to the advances Ethan's mouth opened allowing Angelo's tongue to slip inside and his lips to close in and lock against his own. The tongue savoured and gently explored his mouth as Ethan moaned and delighted in his first kiss. It was the most intimate 30 seconds Ethan had ever encountered, Angelo pulled away leaving a trail of saliva connecting their mouths. Ethan looked him in the eye with abandonment, Angelo smiled as he looked in to the striking blue eyes and stroked the side of his face before his mouth sought Ethan's again, this time with more purpose and intensity. A natural instinct took over Ethan who now licked at the foreign tongue in his mouth as he began to kiss Angelo back. Ethan moaned again and raised his hand stroking Angelo's arm, deliberately feeling the muscled biceps and soft smooth skin that coated them. Angelo only to aware of how responsive the young lad had become enjoyed kissing him for several minutes. Ethan's body felt strange through the new sensations he was feeling. Angelo moved closer and his left hand reached around Ethan's waist pulling and gesturing for him to sit across his lap, Ethan only to happy to oblige the direction he was being given, his body twisted and right leg moved over Angelo's powerful legs until he sat straddled across his lap. His towel had fallen away as he sat on the lap of this man both of them naked, their cocks jostling for position but Ethan could feel his own cock was smaller in girth and length and was loosing the battle. Angelo forced his tongue deeper in to Ethan's mouth and then pulled away leaving the young guy deserted. Ethan looked directly in to the eyes of Angelo, he really could not believe his luck. They did not speak a word between them, Angelo now had both his arms around the back of Ethan, his slowly and gently caressing and stroking his back. Ethan leaned back enjoying the touch of this man but also to look at those strong tattooed arms enveloping his body. Angelo pulled Ethan forward and their lips locked together again quickly followed by Angelo's tongue as he resumed exploring Ethan's mouth. Angelo pulled Ethan up and as he sat back down his felt sheer hardness of the cock being forced between his ass cheeks. Ethan's ass began rubbing up against this man's sex, he had no idea where that came from, it just seemed to him to be the right thing to do. The shuffling caught Ethan's ear as he saw bodies moving in to view getting a closer look at the action that was happening. Angelo's rock hard erection nestled between Ethan's ass cheeks, his back held firmly by Angelo's arm was now pressing his own chest hard up against Angelo's. His other hand began caressing Ethan's buttocks and moving gently across until he slipped one finger down between the cheeks seeking the young tight hole where it circled gently around the edge. Ethan nearly giggled but for the mouth full of tongue he was dealing with as well. The finger made concentric circles with more and more pressure being applied the circles got gradually smaller until it coaxed Ethan's hole open and it slipped inside. Ethan's eyes snapped open startled at the pain of the intrusion, he tried to protest but Angelo only kissed him deeper holding his finger inside until the pain started to subside and he relaxed. Ethan didn't know if he was fond of this movement, but he found that his body was literally immobilised being held tightly against this muscled chest and abdomen, he clasped his hands around Angelo's neck and responded to the kissing as his hole was being explored. A new arm began to caress Ethan's neck and shoulder, Angelo pulled his finger out quickly causing Ethan's body to tense, he abruptly grabbed the arm painfully as he heard the man wince in pain as it was pushed away only to disappear back in to the dense steam. With his free arm Angelo rubbed his hand around Ethan's back causing a pool of sweat that he guided towards his boys ass, Ethan gasped and moaned as this time he felt two fingers pushing in to his ass and manipulating the sweat in to his hole. He arched his back at the discomfort, the sweat from their bodies mingled and mixed together covering them both, in a vain attempt Ethan tried to moderate the invasion by gripping Angelo's arm. The sweat made it impossible to get a firm enough grip, he gasped as the fingers dived deeper in his hole, Ethan flung his arms around the back of Angelo's neck and he moaned in pain. At some point he began to kiss and lightly bite the neck of Angelo, Ethan moved his head upwards towards Angelo's chin until their mouth's sought each other, the passion between them building in their bodies. Ethan was seduced and sealing his own fate, he wasn't sure if it was the attractiveness of the guy or the fact he couldn't break free from the strong grip Angelo had on his body but he was loving it. Angelo had control over him and sporadically he would tighten the bicep of his arm holding Ethan's back in position, it was a controlling but comforting and sometimes slightly painful feeling, Ethan being drawn ever more in knew he was in the safe hands of a very experienced man who understood positive and negative reinforcement. Angelo would withdraw his fingers from the tight hole giving Ethan an immense sensation release, but which also left him yearning for the moment they would slip back inside him. His body slowly adjusting and beginning to enjoy the experience until Angelo pulled his fingers out sharply, breaking the kiss he spat in to his hand, resumed kissing and began to mix the saliva with the precum on his cock that was now poised for action. It was like an out of body experience as Ethan felt himself rising and looking in to the eyes of Angelo. Suddenly he gasped and let you a puppy like yelp as the searing pain shot through his arse and lower back, Angelo pushed the head of his cock hard in to his boy, Ethan wriggled to escape from the pain but the arm around his back remained firmly clamped down preventing him from forcing a withdrawal. The tears from the corner of Ethan's eyes mixed with the sweat, his body in agony from the burning pain. Ethan realised that there was only one way his body was going and that was down on this cock, he was forced to bury his head in to Angelo's neck as his moans mixed with cries and whimpering. Ethan had no concept of how much cock with now in his ass, all he did know was that his virginity and body where forever parting company. Angelo reached behind Ethan's neck with his free arm forcing Ethan's body downwards to take more of his cock, Ethan overwhelmed by pain tried to forcibly raise himself off Angelo's cock exclaiming 'No' loudly, but the look in his eyes told a different story. Angelo looked him in eye and continued pushing Ethan's body down as more of his cock tore it's way in to his young body, Ethan gasped loudly several times in pain but did not protest, there was no getting out of this predicament so easily. The cries from his pain brought the lurking bodies out of the steam as they stood and watched, many of them not realising they were seeing the virgin boy being transformed right in front of their eyes. Ethan let out one last hoarse cry as his ass came to rest on Angelo's lap, he was now holding 8 inches of pure sex inside his body. The pain remained as a reminder and Ethan raised his head and without any second thought he kissed Angelo, they shared an incredibly sensual kiss and Ethan's body began to slowly rock back and forth with small gesturing rise and fall. Every down motion still fired off sharp spasms of pain through his ass, but he was being overtaken by a more intense pleasure of joy and happiness. They kissed until Ethan felt Angelo's free arm wrap around his body, a sudden jerk of the arms as they tightened forced him to expel what air he had in his lungs in to Angelo's mouth, the biceps flexed hard and squeezed Ethan's back tight up against Angelo's chest. Angelo had fucked many a man, some to overly responsive who just wanted to push down hard on his cock whilst the others grimaced in pain through the experience. But he watched Ethan carefully as he pushed and forced him down on his cock. At Ethan's last cry his head rolled forward and Angelo was unprepared for Ethan to kiss him, it wasn't like any other kiss, this was a deep and meaningful kiss which Angelo felt. As Ethan rocked on his cock gently Angelo began to feel his orgasm building, no one had ever made him rise to orgasm within minutes. Angelo jerked and tightened his arms around the young lad's body crushing his chest tight up against his own to stop his movements, Ethan let out a small cry as the air was forced out of his lungs. Ethan's movement on Angelo's cock became tiny and not very noticeable, those arms crushing his body sent pure waves of delight around his body, something he remembered when wrestling at school. Ethan felt the cock inside him harden even more and swell and he buried his head in Angelo's neck. Angelo pushed his hips up hard as if he was trying to split Ethan in half. Ethan groaned as suddenly he felt a torrent of warmth flowing in to his ass as the first wave of Angelo's orgasm fired it's toxic load deep inside coating every surface as though it was on a mission. Ethan tried to catch his breath but the powerful arms squeezing him tight prevented him from pulling much needed air in to his lungs, he could feel the rapid succession of pulses in the cock releasing stream after stream of seed flooding his body. Ethan could only gasp as he buried his head harder in to Angelo's neck, still striving to gulp air in but he could only manage the short gasps as the arms held firm around his body. Ethan felt the twitching cock inside his body as it delivered the last few drops of seed, he was light headed from lack of air and heat in the steam room. The arms eased from around his back at last he was able to fill his lungs with much needed air, as he regained his posture Ethan looked down to find that he had also ejaculated without touching or realising that he had. His head still buzzing from the mixture of the heat and excitement of what just happened Ethan closed his eyes, he felt Angelo close in and kiss him lovingly as a reward for a job well done, his ass remained firmly impaled on Angelo's cock providing no escape route for the toxic seed forcing Ethan to hold it in his body. Ethan became aware of the several grunts and groans of the audience as they finished masturbating watching the show before them. Slowly the crowd dispersed, the cool air hitting their bodies indicating the door had been opened as they left the steam room, Angelo noticed some of the men still optimistically lurking in the dense mist, they were waiting for him to release his victim. Angelo was not done with this boy yet, he broke away from the kiss wrapping his arms tightly around the young body again forcing Ethan's head to bury in his neck again as he pushed his hips up. Ethan involuntarily winced as the pain ran through his arse, Angelo was clearly indicating he was ready to fuck him again. Ethan clasped his hands around the neck and shoulders responding to Angelo, his ass was sore, if not completely on fire with pain but he knew trying to stop it would be futile. Ethan quickly learnt to rock his hips in a mix of movements as Angelo's cock speared deeper in to his ass. Sweat ran down both of their bodies making it difficult for them to keep hold of each other, Ethan moved his face towards Angelo's waiting mouth, their lips parted as they kissed like lovers. Every downward motion Ethan made was greeted by an upward thrust from Angelo, each time he hit bottom he moaned loudly in to Angelo's mouth. He felt the arms tighten sharply around his body, he knew what was coming. Their kiss broke and Ethan found himself staring deep in to Angelo's eyes as he prepared to breed the boy again. His muscles flexed fully and the grip tightened around Ethan's body again, the air escaping from his lungs, his chest being crushed harder than before up against Angelo's own. Ethan attempted to arch his back to relieve the pressure but the arms simply constricted harder bringing him back to Angelo. Ethan found he could no longer expand his chest to draw breath as his arse was forced down harder on his cock. Angelo let out a low long moan and his cock pulsed against Ethan's anal wall, Ethan grasped around Angelo's neck as he muttered 'Fuck' before another torrent of seed began entering his body. His body collapsed against Angelo whilst he was held tightly, for a moment time seemed to slow down as he could feel every pulse from the cock in his ass, he felt his own heart beating as it pounded against Angelo's chest. The grip around his body loosened and Ethan coughed as he drew breath shaking off the grogginess from lack of oxygen, he panted heavily against Angelo's neck. Ethan regained some composure and sat confused and dazed for a moment, never in his imagination did he think his first time would be so painful and yet a powerful force took over his body to want this more than anything. His senses gradually returning to normal and Ethan knew his body had taken enough. He leant forward looking at the striking face of the young man and kissed him on the lips. Slowly he tried to stand and lift his ass of the cock, emitting a slight cry of discomfort at the now softening cock beginning it's exit. One thing they didn't show in the porn videos was how challenging it was getting off the cock as it was going in. Angelo released his hold from around Ethan's back as he stood, his legs visibly unsteady so Angelo stood with him holding him up, he escorted him out of the steam room towards the showers to cool off. Angelo stood behind Ethan propping him up as he enjoyed the cool water pouring over his head and body, feeling refreshed and sort of back to normal Angelo went under the shower head next to him and began to clean himself up. Ethan turned and looked over at him, this was the first time he had the opportunity to really see the young man. The body sculptured to within an inch of perfection and those beautifully muscled and tattooed arms really did it for Ethan. But it was the face and those eyes that dazzled a sparkling light brown in a very captivating way. Angelo stared back at the young attractive guy pondering if he was actually old enough to be there but he knew Brad would have done his job properly. It took a moment for Ethan to realise that he was staring back him and he blushed slightly, Angelo cupped his face and brushed his lips against Ethan's before kissing him deeply. Amazingly they still had not spoken a word, Angelo guided him out of the showers and retrieved their towels, Ethan wrapped his around his waist and sat down on a nearby bench to relax. Ethan opened his eyes realising he must have dozed off and looked around but the young man was no where to be seen. A few older men were walking up and down obviously assessing the situation and rubbing their cocks under their towels as they passed by Ethan smiling. He felt uneasy at the attention he was drawing and made a beeline to the stairs to get out of their way, the last thing he needed now was sex since his ass was sore beyond belief. Ethan walked through the lounge area to the bar where Brad stood smiling. "Hello pretty boy, did you have fun?" he asked with a wide smile. Ethan looked with some annoyance at Brad and somewhat sharply asked "What's so funny?" Brad patted Ethan's hand "Nothing just asking if you had fun down there." Ethan turned to look around to see if the young man was there "Not sure I should have come here" Brad almost felt sorry for him. "Need your key?" "Yes please" Ethan answered. Brad handed him his key "Take your time baby." Ethan found Brad to be a little overbearing but kind of nice "Thank you" he replied as he turned to leave. Ethan entered the locker room and saw one other guy busy in his locker, he opened his own and pulled out his underwear and pushed the door slightly closed just as the other man moved in to his field of vision revealing his back. Ethan gulped at the tattoo painted dead square in the middle, it was an Angel with it's head bowed looking down, the hands were held open in the offering position, his eyes opened wider as each hand was offering a biohazard symbol. He was not so stupid and knew what the biohazard represented, he was so fixed on the tattoo he never thought to look at who it actually was. The man turned around and he opened his mouth coming face to face with the young Latin guy who just took his virginity, Angelo looked at him and smiled. Fear froze Ethan to the spot when he realised what had just happened, a poz guy had just cum in his ass twice and it was still inside him. Ethan darted in to the toilet cubicle locking the door behind him, he banged his head against the tiled wall quietly repeating the word fuck several times. Removing the towel he sat down on the toilet and did his best to expel the cum, every time he tried his arse burned in pain but nothing was coming out, he grabbed some toilet tissue and gently wiped his ass. On inspecting he saw only patches of red, he stayed sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands for several more minutes. He was beside himself with anger at how someone could do such a thing, but maybe he was to blame for not insisting on safe sex and just allowed him to fuck without any protest. Angelo shook his head as he finished dressing, he went to bar and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note. The toilet door was still locked so Angelo slipped the note in the locker, he wasn't totally sure why he did it as it was a long shot but something in his heart told him to break with his own rules.
    5 points
  4. The NYC Black Party I will be with Mr. X for the Black Party weekend. It is a huge dance party with some dark areas you can go to Youtube to see some of what goes on and the music with some of the performance, but it's the dark areas where all the fun is. Mr. X calls me the week before to go over to the Leatherman on Christopher St. and get fitted for some leather he wants to have. Omar tells me this is going to either a lot of fun or harrowing experience with Mr.X. I have no idea whats Mr.X wants me to get, but the clerk behind the desk does know what I'm to get. He leads me by the hand down these winding stairs to the basement. I have never seen so many things and don't know what they are for, but in time I think I will. He fits me for a harness to go over my chest and under my arms, then some leather pants with a zipper in the back that has to be made smaller because of my small body and the same go with some chaps that feel great. While I'm being fitted, the tailor has his hands all over my body, and he sees my dick is rock hard and is smiling then says you are going to the Black Party as someone boy, I say YES. Friday I go over to Mr.X hotel, and I'm not even in the door he is taking my clothes off and expecting my body. Boy, you look so young in your pictures but legal, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you and might fun also. Mr.X is 6ft 185 with a nice muscular build in his leather. He puts a chain around my neck and locks it up. Your name is now boy, and you are my property as the contract you signed so get face down and let me inspect your hole. Boy, you have a nice hole, and it still looks like a virgins hole. I feel his finger prodding me with no lube, and I know I need it Boy, I think you are one of thous lube whores let me get you started. Boy, you are going to like this. I'm sitting on the side of the bed as Mr.X has a syringe in his mouth a rope in one hand and a sealed alcohol pad in the other. He ties off my arm real tight wipes a spot. I feel the prick of the needle. Boy, watch this as I'm going to educate you on a slam. He pulls back a little and stops as blood enters the syringe an says. Look into my eyes, and as he does he pushes the plunger in and takes off the rope off, as I am coughing he flips me over on my stomach spreads my ass cheeks with his lubed up fingers work there way in my hole. He pulls out and inserts a butt plug in and says relax boy. Mr.X so this is the first time see him naked, and I'm in big trouble now. He has a baseball bat between his legs as a dick with a large P.A. Boy, I'm not going to shove it in, but it's going to be very slow as I want you to enjoy this weekend. So put the harness on so I have something to grab onto, so you don't try to run away on me. The slam was a good one, and the lube is warming up the inside of my hole as I put the harness on and get onto the bed on my stomach. Mr.X spreads my legs as I feel his weight pressing down on my body as he is teasing my hole with his P.A. Mr.X is pushing slow and I feel the pressure but no pain. The girth of his dick is spreading me open as he goes in deeper. Boy, my dick is now in you, but we have a lot more to go you just let me know if its too much for you. Mr.X is patient with me as he goes deeper but, I love the feeling, so I want to show him how much I love the size of his dick, so I back up on his dick, and he smacks my ass cheek. Boy, you want more so here it goes as I'm now balls deep well past your second ring. He starts to slow fuck as I feel him pour more lube as its running down the crack of my ass. Mr.X allmost pulls out of my hole and then drives back in, he turns me over onto my back with my legs up in the air as I can see his face and how happy he is and how much I'm enjoying getting fuck. Boy' you ready for my load as I have been waiting a month to breed your hole. He is balls deep as I feel his dick pulsing out a massive load into me and lays on top of me with his dick impaled in my hole. When he pulls out, I turn around and clean his dick as he puts a plug in my hole so I will be ready for round two. Friday night we went three more rounds before I crashed. Saturday at the Black Party.
    5 points
  5. First time post, but many stories to share. On business to Seattle, staying at a low-end AirBnB in Pioneer square, I was horny as fuck and wanted to take some loads. Hopped on Grindr and changed my profile to indicate I'd take any load coming my way in the uber on the way to my place. Checked in, jumped in the shower, got cleaned up and checked my phone. Holy cow, 10 replies, all within a short distance. I replied to one with the place's info, quickly copied that to the other 9 and got lubed ass up, lights dim, me blindfolded. First dude to crack the door was 5 minutes later. As he's walking in, I hear zippers and fabric hitting the floor - and feel his cock against my ass crack. Fuck, he's hard already. I reach back and feel him - 7 or so, uncut, veiny, stiff already - perfect!. A brief second later, and his drool hits my ass and I feel that familiar pressure of a hard cock and smooth head pushing at my hole. One quick thrust and he's in me. He apparently has a huge foreskin, and keeps pushing, and this initial thrust has him 6 inches deep with little resistance. He pauses his thrust and I feel his cock get even harder and grow in me. He's delightfully sighing...and pushes again, to bottom out balls deep in me, and begins to spray his load. His load pumps 5 or six times, and he goes soft...and he pulls out with a plop, and flood of cum that I can't keep in. Quickly he dresses, and is out the door. Total elapsed time: one minute fifteen seconds and I'm dripping. He must have passed the next guy in the hall as the door nearly immediately opens and he's on his way in. A sniff and swipe at my ass, and a grunt of pleasure, and the guy strips so fast, and presents his cock to play with my hole. He's thick. and hairy...and doesn't smell great - but he pushes in and pumps away at me for some time when the door opens again and another dude walks in. He stops, glances in the dim light and lets go with a low whistle...and hustles over to this guy and reaches for his cock while in my ass. #2 keeps pumping away, while #3 massages his and my balls, as he one-handed pulls his pants to his knees. #2 is getting close, and #3 lines up behind #2 and rubs his now hard cock in #2's hairy crack. This sets #2 over the edge and he lets his load go with a grunt in my ass. He quickly pulls out and pushes #3 aside to get his clothes - bl saying "great ass man - get in there! I can still feel the last guy's cum". He started getting dressed, but I lost track of him, as #3 did just as #2 told him to do. Seconds after #2 left, #3's big cock pokes at my hole. Its got a big head, and he pushes, sliding easily into me...and keeps pushing. He's thick, and he spreads my legs a bit to accommodate his girth. He keeps pushing, and thats when I realize hes not just thick, but long. He finally stops pushing in my sloppy hole and has to have had 9 beefy inches deep in me. The door clicks closed and #3 and I are alone. He stays there, not moving in me, but grabs a brown bottle and uses that, and puts it up to me. I breathe in, but he doesn't move it and he holds it there for several breaths...and I turn into a bigger slut and grind back onto him. He siffens further, lets go with a chuckle and starts sliding back and forth. I can't count the time he spent in me...we kept coming back to get a breath...and finally he starts to pound hard, his lithe athletic body pumping above me, his thick cock puling against my insides so deliciously. He speeds up and soon he's a blur...and all my feelings are in my ass, feeling him hit my prostate again and again. With a final thrust, he punches deeply into me and I can feel his hardness twitch again and again...and my ass is full, and I feel his cum start to ooze out of my hole. He pulls out, and I clamp my ass tight. I'm still ass up, so its dripping down my balls, and sliding down my hard cock, which he grabs and starts milking me, using his cum as lube. He pulls on me furiously, and more cum seeps from my hole, and its getting really slippery. My cock can't take it any more and i blow a huge load on the covers. I whisper "thank you". He grunts a reply, grabs his clothes and dashes out the door. I laid there for a few, no other guys immediately on the way, so I locked the door and laid back down - and fell asleep in a puddle of mixed cum. What a night!
    5 points
  6. I don't know where to start, but here it goes. Before my 18th birthday, I had only suck one dick but once I started college things changed. My father used to tell me the best part of me ran down the crack of my mother's ass and he is right, with me being 5ft. 5 & 100 LBS I was always the runt of any class I was in, except for one thing I have a thick 8-inch dick. The best part of High school was taking showers in the locker room and looking at all the hot looking boys and seeing they might have great bodies, but I had the big dick. I left home with no real money and moved into a shady part of town. Going to school during the day and waiting on tables at night. My sex life was a big blank until I saw a post about a bathhouse around the corner. I went to the front door and knocked and the one opening the door says you have to be 18 to get in so come back in 4 years when you turn 18. Again I knock on the door and say I have I.D. so come on in and he looks at my I.D. for a long time, then says its real, so the fee is $10 for students and gives a towel a condom and lube. I go to the locker room, and the place is empty, but for Jerry who is in the late 40s. He comes over and says place raided last night, so they are staying away till it blows over. Jerry asks how new am I the truth is I'm a virgin, and he smiles then tells me to lie down on the table. Jerry says he won't do anything I don't feel comfortable doing as he pours warm oil on my body, this feels great as he works it into my body. He is near my hole and says I'm going to see how tight you are. One finger in my ass with a feeling I have never felt before as my dick is rock hard. Jerrk whispers in my ear we have to go to his place a few blocks away as he has supplies that will help enjoy it a lot more. I have seen porn, so I know he wants to stick his dick in me, but I have a feeling Jerry wants to spend more than just a slam-bang and leave. Jerry lives across the street from me, and he has a nice place here with two bedrooms, one is where he sleeps, and the other is his party room. Jerry ask me if I have ever smoked weed, and I say just a few times, so Jerry laughs and says he has weed spike with T. I never heard of T and as I smoke it I find out why as he lays me on my stomach in his playroom. Jerry shows me his special lube that also has T in it and that it will burn and for me to take some poppers first. He is instructing me how to do poppers first inhale three times on one side of my nose now do the other and back. After a few times, I feel his fingers working my hole and the slite burn he talks about as he has two fingers in me. Jerry is kissing on the back of my neck and says he is POZ, but I don't have to worry as he is on med. I have no idea what he is talking about as the fingers in my ass that is all I care about as Jerry ask me if I can take more as he puts his third finger in me. I see Jerry for the first time naked as he takes out his Prince Albert as he does not want to rip me up. He puts me on the edge of the bed hands me some poppers and says that any pain to let him know. I take a few big hits from the poppers as the head of his dick is against my hole. I'm feeling pressure, but no pain as Jerry is going very slow with his 7-inch dick and the burn from the T lube I can't help my self as I back up onto Jerry dick till I'm balls deep and he is laughing and telling me to fuck my self on his dick. I feel Jerry dick swelling up with his heaving breathing as he forces me to lay flat on the bed as he goes nuts fucking me as fast as he can. Then he stops, then puts all his weight on me as his dick is pulsing out his medicated POZ cum into my virgin hole. I spent two days with Jerry went in a virgin and left as his cum dump. Over the next few weeks, I see Jerry when I can, but I have to make money for school and between school and work its hard. Jerry asked me if I would like to make some real money as he has a friend who might have some work for me. I say sure, and he needs some pictures of me naked which I do. Jerry says they all should be with me having an erection, so he gives me some viagra.
    4 points
  7. I new family moved in last week Dad older son and two daughters and wife. They invited me over and we had just a nice time Food and drinks and good conversation The dad got talking to me and confussed he was bi. Did I know any bi guys around. Well I said I am a gay bottom and would play if he wanted. we left it at that and then yesterday morning he texted me. Girls were out and coul he come over Sure and in a few minutes the doorbell rang. there was the dad and his 19 year old son I was surprised but he said he wanted to introduce his son to man sex we all went into the bedroom and got naked I was sucking the dad went he told his son to try my ass He told him real men bareback With one swipe the son entered me and started pounding It do not take him long before he unloaded deep in me At that the dad went in me and added his load After a while of rest they both put another load I me they asked is they could come over another yimr and I said sure. The son said his cousin may want to join them
    4 points
  8. I ask Omar if I can go to a party at school that is for thous who are under 21. He is laughing and says yes you can as he has heard about these parties. Jerry is twice my age and has fucked with his dick in me for 45minutes to an hour and is exhausted when he is finished and cums in my ass. I figure these guys are young and can fuck for hours. I get to the party with a clean hole ready for a night of hot young boys to pound my hole into oblivion. Well, they were young 18-21 great looking bodies with hard dicks, and that was about it. The rules are bull shit sucking a dick with a condom on getting fuck with a condom. Ok, it gets worse when they fuck its stick it in and cum in less than a minute as these boys have no idea how to control themselves. I left these so disgusted and will never go again. I go over to Paul home for the week to get an education. It will be about drugs and the effect and what kind of sex I might want to do as Omar will have that on my profile. Paul wants to take pictures of me. I pose with my legs spread on my knees wide showing my hole and a baseball cap on backward; I never know why people love that picture? Legs over my shoulders showing my hole and many others all with me having a hardon. Drugs I will be given different drugs and see how it affects me. We start with poppers and as I have done them before its put on the list of things I do. GHB Paul explains to me what this is and gives me a taste in different drinks. In 15 minutes I'm feeling the effects as he is filming and ask me questions, but I'm feeling so relaxed and sleepy. Later he tells me that whenever out to watch my drinks as someone might slip it into your glass. Its also used if you are going to do some heavy play where you want to be out of it. Ecstasy/Molly After the GHB I try this, and I'm up for 6 hours and its good for a long session as either a Top or bottom. Coke I like to do lines and the effect. Meth/Tina Smoking I'm ok with but not interested in doing. Booty Bump YES YES YES as my hole becomes so hungry for something in it and just more. Slamming After the coughing, its something I love doing and the rush. Paul shows me videos of different sex acts, BDSM, Medical play, Fisting but I'm not ready for, Watersports, Puppy play, and others. Paul says I'm to get somebody piercings that some customers will like. Paul takes me to a body piercer who is hot looking with his tribal tattoos. The piercer first does my right ear. Then a stud for my tongue and I'm told to wash my mouth out with Listerine three times a day for two weeks. Then the Guiche but it took him a long time to find the right spot as with his finger and pushed every area between my ass hole and scrotum till I almost jump off the table as that is the area that will give me the most pleasure. Prince Albert lets say inhale a deep breath and then exhale, and the first part is done. I'm to drink a lot of water as the first time I piss there will be some pain and blood. Well, I did piss some blood, but the pain was not as terrible as I thought it would be.
    4 points
  9. After a week Jerry hears back from his friend Omar, and he does not believe I'm 18 so he wants to meet me in a public place. The first thing Omar ask if I'm Law Enforcement I say no then ask for my ID and makes a few phone calls. Comes back that I was 18 five weeks ago. Omar ask do I know what I will be doing to make some big money. I say NO. He says you will be providing a service of a sexual nature for men and do I have a problem with that? I say NO. He asks what I did with Jerry did I like doing, but there are other things I will be doing that I might not like would I have a problem? I told Omar I'm new, and I have not done anything but with Jerry, but I would like to learn. Omar asks what I'm doing at Christmas break. I say nothing. Omar says his partner Paul would give me an education on services I would be asked to provide. I have no problem with this.
    4 points
  10. I just turned 20, but having a crazy work and school schedule, I didn’t get to celebrate my birthday, but I made up for it last night. I have class Monday-Thursday, and as I had the day off I decided I'd try to set something up. Now, I commute to school and still live at home, but I recently started working at a hotel which has the fringe benefit of affording the employees a discount on rooms as long as the reservation is within the same hotel group, meaning the hotel is owned by the same parent company. I also decided to take advantage of the discount and to make the reservation in the city where I attend college, which is an hour away from my home. Telephoning ahead I made a reservation and got the discount, which was great as I was afraid they wouldn't honor the discount given I'm less than 21, a threshold at some hotels, but everything worked-out. I had the reservation. In thinking about my plans, I can't honestly say I specifically planned an anonymous session as I didn't see myself as all that much of a cumslut. I couldn't have been more wrong. Anyway I checked-in, pulled on my jockstrap, and scrolled through Grindr. While I was hit-up by a few fuck buds who bred me here and there, none were readily available. Then I received a message from a profile which was blank, conveying absolutely no information. No age, no height, weight, status. Nothing. Just a dick pic of a cock which was easily nine inches. And it was as thick as a beer can. My hole twitched and my cock swelled hard at the sight of the cock. I needed it inside my ass. I replied providing with my hotel and the room number. The guy responded letting me know he was enroute, and would arrive shortly. He also instructed me to be ready, so that when he walked through the door I was on all fours and blindfolded. My initial reaction was trepidation, but my cock was so hard that I agreed to his terms. I unlocked the door, left it slightly ajar, placed a blindfold over my eyes and, stripped and ready, knelt on all fours on my bed. Upon hearing the door creak on its hinges my heart sank a bit. A stranger was in my room, and I was vulnerable as all hell. Fortunatelty before I could dwell on what might happen, a tongue licked my hole. My worries melted away as I pushed back on his tongue. My cunt was soon dripping from his spit. I heard him spit on his rod. His cock head slid into my hole with remarkable ease. My ass was pleased with the circumference of his cock. My slutty little heart was happy. His full cock is inside my hole and my cunt lips are gripping him for dear life. He’s a quiet fucker too. I feel his pace pick up and his cock is shooting his seed in my pussy. He rests on my back for a bit with his cock growing soft. I feel his shirt and his zipper against my naked body and realize this horny fucker didn’t even bother to strip down. Just unzipped and planted his seed. I hear the door close and get a message from him. He thanks me for letting him use my “sweet boy pussy.” And I thank him for his cum. I’m totally turned on by the anon scene at this point. I throw on a hoody and pull it up over my face. Just in my jock and a hoodie and waiting for my tops to come over. I get some messages from tops with profile pictures. And don’t get me wrong i won’t ever so no to cum in my ass. But the blank profiles sparked my interest more. It’s probably stupid and dangerous. But I just sent every blank profile “need more loads in my ass” followed by my room number. I ended up getting 8 more loads within an hour. I guess people love anon cumsloppy bottoms I have a total of 9 loads in my hole. (Some leaking out of course despite my efforts.) I’m still on Grindr with my ass in the air and I hear the door being pushed open. I put my phone face down and arch my back even more than it already was. I hear a belt unbuckle and pants drop to the floor. Soon after there’s a cock inside my well used hole churning a mess of loads in my asshole he’s the most verbal of the night. Calling me a pig ? and smacking my ass. He tells me repeatedly that I’m a good whore and he loves my cunt. He’s fucking me so hard and fast you can hear the cum sloshing around in my hole. He gives me a 10th load. Zips up. Says “thanks fucking slut.” And is out the door. I start playing with my cunt and fingering all the loads in my ass. I’m on my back and I hear the door open again. I quickly cover my face with a pillow and prop my legs up so this man can use my pussy. I recognize the thickness. It’s the guy who started this. He confirms this by saying “I needed more of your pussy man. Especially now that it’s used. He’s making an absolute mess and a lot of noise. (Actually it’s the cum in my hole making the noise.) and he gives me another load. This time he tells me he seeded my pussy he’s almost out the door when he turns around says “I was only quiet when I came the first time cause I wasn’t sure you wanted to be bred. But I know what I wanted. By the smile on your face I can tell you’re happy with yourself, whore. “ boy was he right.
    3 points
  11. Hi guys. So yesterday I finally downloaded Scruff onto my phone, after a buddy was showing me how it worked. It’s my first phone app – all my other sites are online. I really didn’t have any expectations, put up usual profile and pix. Then in the afternoon I started getting messages from two guys. At first I didn’t even know how to reply! But I’m a quick learner, so we went on. One was 25 and the other 29, which immediately aroused my suspicions. Why would they be interested in a 60+ year old someone who doesn’t really consider himself a “Daddy”. The 29 year old and messaged back and forth and either this was gonna happen, or I was just being set up as a joke. Finally we agreed to meet at my place, he ran home to shower, and then came over. I buzzed him in and told him the apartment door was open. I was lying on the bed in just open shorts, pumped tits, popper bottles around (he’d told me he’d only done poppers twice), porn on TV. When he walked in the bedroom door he was cute, t-shirt, baseball cap. He quickly stripped and got onto the bed, started sucking my tit – they’re my Achilles heel. He kept saying things like, “How am I doing Daddy? Am I doing it right?” I’m always so suspicious that I’m thinking, “Is this a joke? What is going on?” Well what was going on I found out is that he learned exactly what my tits are meant for and spent a lot of time working them. Then he asked if he could try poppers – of course you can! And from thereon the magic began. He was so horned and kept jacking his cock, but holding off. His entire focus was on pleasing me. While still working my tits he went down and started sucking my cock. Damn, his mouth was surely made in heaven and delivered by angels – or devils. I haven’t felt like this in ages, and kept wondering “Is he really here?” Being tit-worked, poppered, and sucked to the edge, the pig in me was so totally in heat, lust, need for cock. I got up on all fours and told him to stand by the side of the bed. He wanted to know how many fingers I could take, which I wasn’t sure how to answer since I prefer cocks. Well let me tell you, once he started working my hole with his fingers he took me to places that I have never been to before. It was extraordinary, unbelievable how I could be in hog heaven and hadn’t even been fucked yet. I was afraid he wasn’t going to. We’d take a couple of breaks, roll over, tightly embrace, kiss, and just hold each other tight. Then back to my hole – he was relentless pounding it with 3-4 fingers, hitting my prostate like it’s never been hit before. I swore I was gonna cum just from that, but held back. Then I felt that big velvety head on that hard thick cock of his at my hole. Oh hell yeah! He took all the time in the world mounting me, as I’m always tight at first, and then finally was in to the hilt. He fucked me so royally, so endlessly as we kept poppering that I was just in places I had never been before. It was ecstasy! We took some breaks and after sucking his cock for a while I told him that I wanted to look in his eyes when he bred me. So onto my back, legs up on his shoulders, and in again he went. We poppered again and he went back to work, pounding me mercilessly (not that I wanted any mercy), until I finally heard those telltale grunts, that unmistakable tensing, and said to him, “Breed me baby, breed me”, and he started to shoot. He seeded my hole so fucking good and deep and stayed in me. Once we separated it was like we both transformed from pigs in heat to Clark Kents. He told me he has a husband of 4 years, they’re exploring an “open relationship”, etc. I have no idea if we’ll ever meet again but damn, he sure got on the top of my 5 Star ***** list immediately! I guess I need to embrace more this daddy concept instead of fighting it. He opened my eyes to a whole new world and my hole to completely new magic. Oink!!
    3 points
  12. Yesterday night at the hotel i was staying. The cute guyvat teception desk at the end of his shift came to my room. Had the chance to dump 2 toxic loads in his neg hole.
    3 points
  13. I'm to see Omar about what my profile will say and the services I will offer at this time. The pictures Paul took are fantastic and make me look so inviting for you to want. Omar says to think of what you like to do the drugs you are willing to take and services you want to do. Sex Status: Negative on PrEP Take POZ: Yes Looking to become POZ: Maybe Do a Conversion Party: Maybe Take Loads: Yes Anal: Yes Mouth: Yes Give Loads Anal: Yes Mouth: Yes ATM: Yes Fisting: Not yet but want to Gang Bangs: Yes Drugs Poppers: Yes Meth/Tina Smoke: No Booty Bump: Yes Slam: Yes Coke: Yes GHB: Yes Molly: Yes BDSM: Yes when I know more about it. Medical Play: I have questions about this. Time Minimum is session 3 hours. Over Night: Yes Multiple Days: Yes Omar like I'm willing to be a Top and bottom but with my body and that I look like jail bate, but I'm of legal age. A lot of the session I do are as a bottom for three hours in their home or hotel room, where I suck their dick, and they fuck me only a small group like to PNP, but thous who do is a lot more fun, and they seam fuck better. When I Top, they think the pictures are photoshopped because of the size of my thick 8-inch dick. Being a Top, you have only a few minutes to decide if they want and nice slow fuck, a rough fuck where you pound them as hard and as fast as you can. Sometimes they want it kinky where they are tied up, and you rape them. Everyone is different even if you see them a few times. Omar asks for a review of that client to make sure they do not take advantage of the other boys who work here or me. The ones you see for overnight or a few days are the most fun but its the 3-hour session that is the bread and butter. Let me hear from you where you want this to go as I have some ideas from my real life.
    3 points
  14. For some reason, getting breed by a poz top has always made a explosion go off inside me. Well 6 months ago I was looking on Grindr and this hot guy kept at me to hook up. I finally gave in and we met in the woods that you can drive into with your truck and it's around the corner from my house. Well he ended up being 11 inches long and fat. He refused to wear a rubber even though I never told him he had to. It had been around 4 years since anyone had opened me up so I was extremely tight. All he used was the precum leaking from his anaconda to work just the head in. He had me laying on my back with my knees draped over his shoulder's, as soon as he covered my mouth he put all of his weight into my tight puckered hole and I must've passed out for close to a minute because when I came to he was all the way deep inside me. Can I tell you how fucking awesome it felt. He fucked me for about 10 minutes and in that time I came twice without having to touch myself. He was all the way in, up to his orange size nuts. I knew he close because his cock started getting rock hard and swelling up then he collapsed dead weight on top of me. It was jerking and I felt every drop shoot inside me like a fire hose. That made me cum once again but I was empty. Well 2 weeks later I get a message on Grindr and him telling me that I was his creation and to go out and spread the gospel.
    3 points
  15. Clean, tight and smooth ass hungry for a construction worker's dick. Looking to meet at a construction site (when workday is over) and meet inside of a non-finished home to bend over for a good fuck, cum and go. No questions asked, no talk, just a anonymous fuck, cum and go. me at gmail. tp4u52@gmail.com
    2 points
  16. Not a D and Daddy update (although I am staying the night again very soon.) but nonetheless I find myself in a very hot situation again. I’ve recently started working at a hotel and I work from midnight to about noonish. There’s only 2 of us from midnight until 8. It being so late, there’s never anything to do or guests to attend to so the two of us get pretty bored. They generally only hire guys at night. (It’s a corporate thing.) so it’s always me or 1 of 2 other guys there. I talk to them both regularly being that we get so bored. Anyway, one guy, let’s call him E, is married and in his 30s. He’s tall and bearish with a mustache and a beard. We get to talking yesterday night. And he confides that he sometimes goes to one of the storage rooms and jacks off sometimes. There’s no cameras in this room, nor is there any when you take the employee entrance to get there. I tell him that’s cool, and continue working. This got me pretty hard, thinking about him jacking off and even harder hoping that he empties inside me one of these days. About an hour after that, he gets up and goes somewhere and is gone for a while. It’s about 1:45am at this point and I’m rock hard thinking about him being in the storage room with his hand in his cock. I head straight there and find him working himself. He greets me warmly with a “hey bud.” And a smile. I smile back without saying anything and I walk over and start sucking him. (Totally took a shot in the dark cause I was sure he was straight.) he pulled his slacks to his ankles cause I was being pretty sloppy. He’s moaning like crazy and I want his cock to shoot in me. I spit on my fingers and work it into my hole and back up on to his dick. I was expecting him to pull away but instead he grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. He fits in pretty easily due to him not being very big, and me taking a big cock (with a condom ?) the night before. “I cum in buckets so I have to cum inside you or it’ll be a mess.” He says. I reply very sarcastically with a “darn.” He gives me a few more pumps, buries his head on my neck and whispers, “I’m cumming inside you.” Soon after, he shoots what felt like 9 jets of cum in my hole, and tells me to take my slacks off. So I do. And he does too. He slowly pulls his cock out and he wasn’t kidding. He drained his cock in my hole and a bucket of cum plopped on the floor before I held the rest in. He takes the cum on the floor and rubs it on his cock and gets hard again. He doesn’t say anything, just push my head down, bends me over, and starts to fuck me again. He cums another load in my ass. This time about 7 cock spasms worth. I’m sure to keep clenched this time even though he flooded me. We went back to our desks. And he says “it’ll be fun working with you all next week. “ I agree. Though that was hot, and I’m definitely looking forward to it, we didn’t work together this morning. (I wanted his cum still in me so I haven’t let it go since then.) I worked with the other guy, let’s call him A. A is closer to my age, I’d say about 24. Slim build, tan, and over all pretty cute. I don’t work with him very often cause he mainly does the afternoon shift, but he is there to give one of us a day off. We get to talking some and he reveals that he’s gay. (Which I knew. ) I’m out at work so we start talking about being gay basically, and he asks if I’m a top or bottom. I tell him I’m a bottom and he tells me he’s a top. His mind must’ve raced somewhere cause I see his cock growing through his chinos. I get up and tell him to meet me in the storage room and he does. I tell him that I have 2 loads in me. To which he responds: “E told me about last night, and I was hoping you still had them.” He pulls out a massive 7.5 thick cock and before I could suck on it his tongue is in my hole. He felches a load out of me and this is my first time experiencing that. I love getting my ass ate and it was hot but I like to keep loads in my ass as long as I can. He stands up and shoves into me, between his spit and E’s loads, my boihole is wet as hell. You can hear how wet I am. A doesn’t last long but he gives me a load. He pulls out and we hear the service bell ring. He pulls up his slacks and goes to see what’s up. I jack myself off, lick my cum off the table, pull up my pants and head back to my desk. I think I’ll like my new job.
    2 points
  17. HAHA! I CAN'T BELIEVE ANYONE ACTUALLY THINKS YOU MIGHT BE CLEAN!! you're clearly bugged up trash
    2 points
  18. you dont see the face of most of the men who fuck you but most of them see your face. you're a wellknown public cumhole. nobody wants to bring a dirty whore like you home to momma. most respectable guys don't even wanna be seen with a cumdump like you.hell, most neg guys think you're too trashy to even fuck. i dont date trash. but i do use it. cause thats what you are. an IT.
    2 points
  19. My ass insisted that I let you and my fellow BZ'rs know that it's available and open to act as your understudy or as desired by fellow BZ'rs. New expansion = wide open gaps to fill in schedule. Chanukah Special: let me be your bbbtmslamslut pro Bono solution for your private or corporate gang bang needs.
    2 points
  20. And the good news is ..... There's Plenty Of 'Em ! ?
    2 points
  21. yes i figure anyone who sees me laying blindfolded in a bathhouse sling taking load after load or bent over the darkroom fuckbench getting barebacked by a lineup of strangers should just assume im a toxic poz whore
    2 points
  22. THE FATHER The father congratulated the brethren on a successful welcoming. As the father, he explained that he would always be the first and last to give me his blessings. As such, he mounted my ass and told me I would receive his final blessing. After he gave me his blessing, he told the parishioners that the services had ended, but he wanted to spend additional time with me. Two of the three responded, “thank you father.” After the others had left, the father gave me some water to drink, saying that it was important to remain hydrated. Before doing so, he once again placed a butt plug in my ass. This one was similar to the first one, yet larger. The father then led me over to the confessional. Once he was inside, he asked me to confess my thoughts. Although the drugs were wearing off, my mind was still buzzing. I simply didn’t know how to respond, and indicated as much. An older Aids wasting guy? A beefy rough bear, with an apparent record of success? A young passionate red headed buck? The father explained that it was time for him to confess. He explained that todays experience was to help all parties involved in making a choice. He explained that the Wednesday service was just to be between him and his brethren at first, however I was to arrive after the service. He explained that tonight was a selection process, to decide who would lead me to the path of salvation, and make me the man that I desired to become. He advised me that he would ask both the brethren, and myself about our thoughts on Wednesday. He advised me to think long and hard about my experiences tonight, and decide who I would like to lead me down the path to my salvation. He told me to be ready on Sunday afternoon, and with that he said he would message me with the service time on Sunday. With that, he made the sign of the cross upon my forehead, and said, “depart in peace.”
    2 points
  23. I guess the short answer to your question would be no, not all tops have the right to bottoms' asses, simply because absolutely nobody can deny each person's individuality and free will. That's where consent takes a major role, whether consciously or unconsciously, explicit or not. Maybe we can get confused with bottoms who identify themselves as objects (garbage, either) for the mere pleasure of all men, but in this case I believe that the original free will was taken from them by a man, men, or someone else at an early developing stage, and that morphed their individuality into something else. Having said that, I've read all the replies in this thread and haven't seen one person make the distinction between alpha an beta males, and that's extremely important in this scenario. Assuming there's consent from both ways (even Dom tops make a decision at some point in their lives to be dominant fuckers), only alphas will take the initiative and claim asses for themselves. If a man doesn't hunt for holes and take them for himself, then he's half a man, he's a beta. So don't confuse them and speak as if all tops were the same. We alphas can almost smell sluts from far away, so we can identify cumdumps when we see one; and if we want them, we take them. Also, another important difference is, well, we're at a bareback website: cum. Willingly and vehemently injecting an ass (not a mouth) with our seed is how we OWN a bottom, how we acquire the right to them as holes for our needs. So basically we could say that, if there's consent, alphas (and not any regular guy claiming to be a top) will choose the cumdumps they want to own, but will only have the right to these holes once they breed them. Once an ass is bred, the alpha can claim it whenever he wants, and here there's no consent valid anymore. Now the problem comes when a bottom is bred by many alphas, because his rightful owners could claim him at the same time, and that would be inconvenient to say the least, but that's another topic.
    2 points
  24. Last night... So yesterday about mid-day, one of the tops that has bred me a couple times with his BBC hit me up and asked if I was available later, which I said I would be hopefully. As the back and forth went along, we determined that he and another guy on Grindr were talking about breeding my hole. The new group chat feature comes in handy sometimes... ? Anywho, by the time 6pm (the appointed time) rolled around, they had managed to round up two more tops for a total of 4. I got back to my hotel room, cleaned out, and got ready in my "fuck me" gear - leather harness, jock strap, and blindfold hood (with mouth hole only). For the next hour and a half, I sucked and was pounded relentlessly. At one point while they were taking turns, one of the tops commented I didn't have a hole left - they'd destroyed it. That's my kind of pussy - fucked into a loose, sloppy mess. I got a pic of my gaped, cum filled and covered pussy a little later. My pussy was sore for a few minutes right as the last top finished, but felt fantastic just a little later. That brings up an interesting point - do any other slutty bottoms out there get sore pussies? How long can you take it before needing a break? My hole was being fucked good and hard for about an hour. LOVE being a slutty bareback cumwhore!
    2 points
  25. when random strangers fuck me(which is all the time lol) i assume they are just using me for a cumhole and nothing more. i know that even most guys who use whores like me think i'm way too trashy to date.i'm just some hot slut thats willing to take their load and i'm easy to use. most men who fuck me dont even tell me their name and many dont even let me see their face. im literally just a fucktoy they use to get themselves off
    2 points
  26. MEETING THE ELDERS When I arrived at the temple, Father promptly greeted me wearing nothing but his scarf and a wide smile. The temple looked somewhat different this time. I was completely dark, with the exception of the red candles on the alter, and other similar candles around the room. Behind the alter there were three chairs with three red hooded and robed figures in them. Behind them was a St Andrews cross with a red scarf draped across it. Father instructed me to disrobe, and be inspected by the Elders. Upon disrobing, the father coverer my eyes with a blindfold and led me to the kneeling bench next to the alter to first receive his blessings. I felt his familiar cock enter my mouth for a brief period, before he removed in, and a different one was in its place. It was hard to believe, but it was longer and thicker than the fathers. As he throat fucked me, he groaned quite a bit. Judging by his very bushy crotch, and the sound of grunts, I was thinking he was an older guy. After 5-10 minutes, his cock was removed, and yet another entered my mouth. Although he was not as thick as the other two, his cock was pierced, and the longest yet. He showed no mercy in ramming his cock down my throat gagging me, and bringing tear to my eyes. Luckily he didn’t throat fuck me for very long, and slapped my face after his cock was withdrawn, and the final cock put in my mouth. This one was quite different. He was quite compassionate patting my head, and kissing what I am sure was a beet red cheek from the slap that I had received. He gently put his cock into my mouth and started thrusting bit by bit, until he reached a feverous pace. As he went balls deep, I could tell that he had a closely trimmed bush. Combined with that and his furious thrusting, I had the feeling that he was rather young. As I sucked his cock, I could feel his cock pre cumming very heavily. As he withdrew his cock, the father said it was now time to receive his blessing and celebrate the fellowship service. He once again led me closer to the alter, and grabbed the all familiar chalice, and said, “drink ye all of it.” By now I was used to the effects of it, but this time, it seemed much more powerful than ever. My mind was flying, and my engorged cock was straining in its chastity device. I had not shot a load in quite some time, and felt the need for release. The father could tell I was in pain, and just said your time will come soon enough son. He led me to the kneeling bench and instructed me to take the proper position. Once again, I felt those familiar shards entering my ass, once again they had a stronger effect on me than ever before. He removed my blindfold, but the three robed individuals must have been behind me, as I was not able to see them. After about 15 minutes, I felt his seed spurting deep in my ass. I was sweating profusely, and the father offered me another drink from the chalice. Everything became very hazy to me. I do remember him telling me it was now time to meet the Elders. He explained that I had just worshiped their cocks to prepared them for entry, however there would not be any blessing that I would receive from them. I begged him to allow their blessings inside me, but as the father explained, this was designed to choose an elder to take me down my chosen path. I pleaded with the father to let me enjoy their blessings, and he just said in time my son. The first to welcome me to the flock was Brother Jay followed by Brothers Stephen and Zack.
    2 points
  27. Well, there have been instances where I've been at a bathhouse or sex party and been fucked by nine to ten guys in one visit, but the most memorable gang bang I've experienced was some six years ago, the first time I agreed to be an anon cum dump for a voyeur. The voyeur in question was a cute Russian guy in Brooklyn, New York, in whose apartment I was staying at via Airbnb. He realised that I was predominantly a shy guy and took time to open up, so he suggested that I let him arrange a gang bang with the choicest of his horny top friends who he would invite over on a Saturday evening, letting me know I wouldn't have to be a part of any awkward introductory conversations or chit chat. All I had to do was to clean up, take a shower, blindfold myself and be on all fours inside the bedroom. As I don't drink nor smoke he suggested I sniff on poppers, suggesting they would help me relax. I took a whiff one night before the gangbang and felt a warm rush taking me over for a few minutes which I quite enjoyed. So ... the evening was planned. He didn't tell me who was coming, how many guys, let alone what the guys looked like. Nothing. He simply asked that I trust him, and I did. At 6:30 P.M. on the designated Saturday evening, I took a shower, and afterwards moved into the bedroom where I lay on the bed. I purposely left the bedroom door slightly ajar. Around 6:40 I heard the doorbell ring and the voyeur buzzed someone into the building, stepping into the bedroom to tell me to be ready. I put on the blindfold and got on all fours. My heart was beating fast as I was super excited and extremely nervous. I heard a couple of voices including that of the voyeur. The wooden floor boards creaked as an unknown number of guys entered the bedroom. A couple of hands started feeling up my body, one exploring my ass and teasing my rosebud hole. One of the men exclaimed "Ooooooh. so tight." Another voice advised "Don't be afraid, boy. You'll have a good time." As I heard the quiet rustle of clothing being removed and the muffled clang of belt buckles, the voyeur whispered into my ear "Don't worry, but unclench when the guys enter your ass." He even assisted me in taking a huff of poppers by shutting one nostril of mine and offered my a whiff of poppers. Again I felt that (now familiar) warm rush. "Good boy, open up and take in these meaty monsters. I'll keep making you sniff on poppers and sip on water every now and then," he recommended. I nodded in agreement as several fingers lubed my hole, and for better or worse, before I could totally take in the sensation of my hole being caressed by those thick fingers, I felt a salty thick sausage-like cock rubbing on my lips. I took it in. The cock was, I think, a nice seven incher. In any event I could easily deep-throat it, although when he began ramming his cock into my mouth I braced myself against the guy's beefy thighs. Meanwhile, as all of this was happening, I felt a big cock enter my ass - slowly and patiently. While the poppers were wearing off, still I fully enjoyed the sensation of being stuffed simultaneously from both ends. About that same time, while I am not sure I heard the doorbell ring again, but I was definitely aware when I heard a couple of new voices. The guy who was fucking me took this opportunity to announce "I don't wanna come so soon," withdrawing his cock from my ass. However the cock in my mouth blew a nice warm load into my throat. As I swallowed the load, enjoying the taste, the guy I had just blown patted my head saying "You are so good boy." Undoubtedly as intended, I felt confident and appreciated. I was also excited at the prospects of what was to come. The voyeur/host came around to provide me with poppers and just as I inhaled a HUGE cock plunged into my hole. I screamed and in the upset the bottle of poppers was accidentally dumped on the bed, so we were surrounded in a cloud of popper vapors. "Don't worry, man, just relax and enjoy the new cock inside your hole," my host advised, with several other voices offering similar suggestions. A hand on my head slowly positioned my face so I was immersed in the popper-soaked mattress. I took a huge sniff. Fuck, I didn't realise how strong and hard that big sniff would hit me. After that the whole evening was somewhat of a blur. Cock after cock entered and pounded my ass and / or my mouth. One after the next. An hour into the session the voyeur asked me if I wanted a break. I replyed saying I needed to piss. One of the guys in the room remarked "You don't actually need to piss, it's just a phantom sensation because so many of our cocks have been hitting onto your bladder." Still I asked for a break and one of the guys held my hand, walking me (blindfolded) to the bathroom, telling me to knock on the door when I was ready to rejoin them, and one of the guys would guide me back. He also recommended I drink more water. As soon as he shut the door, I took off the blindfold. The light made my head spin a bit. I sat down on the toilet, feeling cum dripping down my leg. I cleaned up a bit, took in a few deep breaths and looked at myself in the mirror. I had hickies all over my neck and chest and arms although I honestly didn't recall any of the guys sucking and chewing on my nipples. Speaking of my tits, they looked like a sexy sea of red marks. A broad smile born of being very pleased with myself crossed my face. Getting to the task at hand, I quickly washed my face, re-doned the blindfold, and gave the signal I was ready. In the few seconds that passed before the door opened the doorbell sounded. A new group of guys had presumably arrived, ready to stretch my hole. When the door opened the voyeur asked "You ready?" as he took my hand and led me back into the bedroom. A new voice spoke-up, apparently that of the new arrival, who also apparently needed to use the loo. "Whoa! This boy is cute. I need to fuck him up." He pinched my nipples which caused me to squeal. He laughed in his sexy deep base voice and kissed me. In that quick kiss I could taste the cigarettes and alcohol on his breath. The voyeur host snickered as he pulled me away towards the bed. The new guy smacked my ass as I stepped away from him, apparently his mark of approval. Once back to the bed I got on all fours. Someone's cock promptly entered my mouth, but after a few strokes withdrew, as if it had been asked to take a pause. I realised the host wanted me to sniff a new bottle of poppers one of the guys had provided. A few sniffs, and I was back to sucking the latest cock. The deep voiced new guy came to the bedroom and greeted the other fellows. I am not sure how many guys were in the room at this point but I heard at least five voices, one of which was the host. The new guy was an Alpha Male who openly declared he wanted me all to himself for a few minutes, although he graciously invited the other guys to watch. The guy I was sucking withdrew from my mouth, whereupon the Alpha Male turned me around, instructing me to lay on my back. To my surprise the Alpha Male opened by sucking on my nipples like he was milking them. This drove me insane. He followed-up by passionately kissing me. Again I tasted more of the cigerette / alcohol combination. Now the Alpha Male was on top of me, his big, hairy, bulky body holding me in position. I loved being submissive to him. Placing my legs on his shoulders his cock violently and without any foreplay entered me violently. Now, I'd cleaned up the lube and loads from earlier, so my ass might have been a bit dry, and to be sure, my ass was sore, so although the Alpha Male had a cock was probably a seven incher, it stung like a nine incher. As I screamed and instinctively tried to push him out, but the Alpha Male snapped an instruction to another guy to control my arms. Now my arms were being held immobile above my head. Mercifully the Alpha Male considerately paused in pounding my ass, instead licking my nipples, his cock still lodged in my hole, effectively calming me down as my ass adjusted to his cock. Within a minute or two my ass muscles had relaxed, and, his cock still deep in my hole, the Alpha Male invited the other guys to join in. My arms were released and we got back to business. Once again, I sniffed on the poppers like my life depended on it. I felt both a major rush and an incipient headache. My mouth was also quite worn-out as I had been deep-throating almost non-stop since the first guy. At some point I found myself back in doggie position, having taken load after load from at least four guys. Approaching complete exhaustion I announced "Hey, guys, I'm really out steam. Can we stop?" The deep-voiced Alpha Male, however, wasn't having it, and enticed me by caressing my whole body and suggesting "Let's do one last thing. How about a DP?" I was too tired and honestly intimidated by the prospects of trying to take two cocks in my ass simultaneously, so I took a deep breath and answered "Would you mind if we tried that another time?" The guys were super sweet about it, and recommended I rest while they all cleaned up. The voyeur offered to escort me to the bathroom, but I declined, and lay back, promptly falling asleep. Sometime later I awoke and, removing the blindfold, saw I was alone. I could, however, hear voices in the hallway. A glance at my phone told me it was 11:00 P.M. Texting the voyeur I asked if I could come out. "No, I'm coming in," he replied, adding "please put on the blindfold if you're not wearing it." I complied, and seconds later he entered the room explaining they had checked on me a couple of times, and as I was sleeping peacefully they thought they would let me rest a bit. "How long was I out?" "About half an hour," he answered. That meant the gang bang had been going on for four hours. "Hey, look, all but three of the guys have left, but we've ordered pizzas. Why not get a shower and afterwards join us for a bit?" Pizza sounded really good. I showered, dried-off and stepped out to the hallway. Three burly black Brooklyn guys were seated with the rather puny-looking Russian voyeur host. All four guys gave me a comfortable smile, and welcomed me. One of the guys asked "How's that ass feeling, boy?" I recognised the deep voice of the Alpha Male. I smiled, and may well have actually blushed. We enjoyed the pizza and, as I washed my face and hands one of the two Brooklyn guys left, leaving the Alpha Male, another black guy, and the Russian, all of whom were sipping on a beer. The Russian then asked the question for which, I think, everyone was waiting: "Would you like to go for another round with these two?" My only question was "Do we have more poppers?" All three guys smiled. "Give me two minutes and I'll see you in the bedroom. No, I'll feel you in the bedroom. P. S. - According to my host, the total number of guys who opened my hole that evening: 11 .
    2 points
  28. PART 1 My name’s Sloan. I’m 35, white, hairy, and hung. My dick is a fat, veiny hole-wrecker, and I love to show it off in public. I keep my body in the best shape possible—rock-hard six-pack, muscular chest, beefy legs. I’m really good at luring younger guys into giving up their holes. There’s something about my look, about my square jaw and intense brown eyes and high-and-tight crew cut. Something that makes me look trustworthy, wholesome. The good guy. The older brother. The mentor. But see, I’m not the good guy. In fact, I’m one evil motherfucker. My favorite hobby is seducing, chemming, and corrupting college dudes, pushing their limits, taking their fantasies to the dark side, and pozzing their sweet smooth hungry holes—pounding them raw and leaving them dripping with multiple loads of unmedicated virus. And the funny thing is this: no matter how much they protest at one time or another, no matter how much they claim that they don’t want to be barebacked and gang-bred and pimped out, they always end up hungry and begging for more of that sweet seed deep in their guts. So yeah: I guess you could say that I’ve pozzed a lot of boys, destroyed a lot of unsuspecting holes, initiated a lot of slampigs. But last weekend—well, last weekend was the hottest transformation I’ve seen yet. My favorite place to hunt for victims is about a block away from a bathhouse here in Berkeley. I watch for a certain kind of guy: 18 or 19, an undergrad just getting his first taste of freedom away from the parents, well-built, preppy. He might walk hesitantly toward the entrance, then stop to reconsider, then start walking back to his car, then decide to go into the bathhouse after all. That’s when I intercept him. I emerge from the shadows to strike up a conversation—and with any luck, change his life forever. Last weekend, I was in my usual spot. It was a warm August night, and I was wearing a pair of mesh gym shorts with no underwear, a tight wife beater to show off my hairy chest, and a ballcap. I’d taken a dick pill about 30 minutes earlier, so my cock was forming a huge tent in my shorts as I anticipated my next conquest. That’s when the boy got out of his car. He looked both ways down the street—a little lost, I guess—then spotted the bathhouse entrance. Clearly a first-timer, I thought. As he walked closer to me, I began to make out his features: short dark-brown hair, a handsomely boyish face with a nice strong jawline, a fucking adorable nose, and a pair of big, dark, expressive eyes that revealed both his anxiety and his excitement. He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a tight black tank top, so I got a pretty good look at his sweet little jock body, his muscular calves, and his deeply tanned, sinewy arms that showed evidence of some serious time at the gym. He stopped in the middle of the street. He wavered. He almost turned around and went back to his car. But he kept walking toward the entrance—and that’s when I spoke up. “Hey, buddy,” I said, stepping onto the sidewalk, my dick still at attention. That startled him. But as he squinted to look at me in the semi-darkness, his fear turned to relief. I was obviously the kind of guy he was hoping to find here. His eyes widened as they traveled the length of my body, from my face to my torso to the outline of my cock. “Hey there,” he answered in a surprisingly deep voice. “Whatcha doin’?” I looked down at my dick. “Oh, just hanging,” I said with an evil grin, giving my cock a giant twitch. He almost gasped to see it jump like that -- and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stepped back into the shadows and beckoned him to follow me. He obeyed as if in a trance, his whole body shivering as he approached. “What’s your name, buddy?” “Conrad,” he said, but he didn’t look at me. He was still staring at my dick. I made it twitch again, and this time he almost laughed in total fascination. “I’m Sloan,” I said. “How old are you, Conrad?” “I just turned 18 last week,” he replied. “I’m starting at Berkeley this fall. Most people in my class are about a year older—I skipped a grade.” “18 is a good age,” I managed to say, my mind suddenly filled with images of chemming and pozzing this perfect 18-year-old boy. My cock grew harder, and I took a tiny step closer to him. “By the way, Conrad, it’s OK to look at my dick. Really. This cock likes attention. In fact, you can even touch it if you want.” He gave me a funny look, as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. I smiled back, gripping my dick in my hand, then released it by slapping it against my thigh. Another gasp from Conrad. After a moment of hesitation, he reached down to touch the outline of my dick, his hands visibly shaking as he grabbed a handful of mesh and cock. After a moment or two of running his hand along the length of my poz shaft, he looked up at me with a dazed kind of desire. “No, no, Conrad,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s not what I meant.” I took his hand in one of my hands. With my other hand, I pulled the elastic of my shorts away from my waistline. Then I slowly guided him down my treasure trail until he could feel the touch and girth and weight of my cock. It was throbbing with heat, its surface slightly sticky from the steady stream of precum dripping from my mushroom head—as if my poz dick were drooling at the thought of devouring this beautiful, trusting boy. He grabbed onto the dick that would break him in half and poz him deep—and his eyes fluttered in total bliss. I laughed and said: “You like that dick, huh?” He nodded eagerly. I placed my hand on the small of his back and drew him closer to me. He smelled like all good 18-year-old boys should: a combination of cheap cologne, sweat, and chewing gum. I imagined what his crotch might smell like, all musky with dried cum and piss and hormones. As our faces hovered just a few inches apart, I reached my hand down the back of his shorts to feel a perfectly round jockbutt. He trembled again. I whispered in his ear: “Are you looking for a big bro tonight?” He nodded, and I drew him closer, letting him feel the heat radiating off my body. He sighed in contentment as he nuzzled my furry chest. Then I whispered in his ear again: “Do you want your big bro to fuck you, Conrad?” “Yes, please,” he said, lifting up his head to look me directly in the eyes. I smiled and mussed his hair. “Oh, poor lil’ bro,” I said. “Didn’t anybody ever fuck you before?” He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah,” he said. “Two different guys. But they were my age, and didn’t really know what they were doing. I was kinda hoping that I’d find somebody here at the bathhouse who could—um—” “Break you in?” He buried his face in my chest again, mumbling “yes,” and I ran my hands gently up and down his spine, feeling the strength of his back muscles, imagining what he would look like on all fours, back arched, ass in the air, begging for loads. My hands returned to massaging his beefy little jockbutt, and he let out a deep, shaky moan. “I would be so honored to break you in, little bro. I want to show you how a man should fuck a boy, and how a boy should surrender his hole to a man. Would you like that?” “Yes,” he said again. His arms wrapped a little tighter around my torso, and I gently pushed my cock against his body. My throbbing poz shaft thrummed next to the firm muscles of his stomach. He exhaled a long, slow breath, as if melting into me. And at that moment, I smiled to myself and thought: This boy is fucking mine. I pointed down the street. “I live about two blocks that way,” I said. “Wanna come back to my place, maybe smoke some pot, fool around a little? We can go to the bathhouse later, if you decide you’re ready for it.” “Sure,” he said, giving me the cutest fucking grin. And right at that moment, seeing his innocence and sweetness and eagerness to please, my dick twitched even harder than before, and the head of my cock released a small geyser of toxic precum. With any luck, I thought to myself, I’ll get to see that same giant grin on his face in just a few hours—right about the time he’s spreading his slammed-up jockboy hole to get pounded and knocked up by poz cock. I pointed him in the direction of my house. He walked about a half-step ahead of me, his sweet bubble butt bouncing beneath those gym shorts as my cock followed just a few inches behind. The poor kid didn’t know it yet, but he was as good as poz. I knew exactly what to do. Everything was prepared for my victim’s arrival. And within the next hour, I planned to be blasting my potent strain deep inside this sweet 18-year-old fagboy’s chemmed-up cumhole. MORE SOON…
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  29. DOUBLE CONVERSION Part 1 Rob was excited as he boarded his flight to New Orleans. He had really been looking forward to his week vacation and it was finally here. It was time for some non-stop drinking and sex. He knew of the cities’ reputation, and was ready to find some holes to sink his fat 8”cock into. It’s not that he had trouble getting serviced at home; after all he was a 6’2” masculine and muscular 32 year old stud. His dark hair, bright blue eyes and well defined muscles got him attention no matter where he went. Every day in the gym there were always guys staring as he worked out and afterwards in the showers of course He was sure it was no coincidence that whenever he showered at the gym that the locker room just happened to be full. He’d play the cock tease and put on a show as he soaped up his defined smooth body, careful to pay special attention to his big cock and balls and well defined ass. However, Rob was all top and he loved to dominate guys. The only thing that got near his ass was the tongue of the bottom that was servicing him at the time. At least in his mind it was degrading for the bottom to eat his ass so that made it hotter. He did have to admit that being rimmed felt great though and made him even harder when he ultimately slammed the bottom’s ass. Although his hometown was pretty good in size, the options to meet guys was somewhat limited. There were only two gay bars in town, one of which was populated mainly by older guys that weren’t his type. He liked younger guys with tight asses. That bar, Renegade, did however attract a lot of guys into leather which was a fetish of his. So he’d go occasionally find someone acceptable for a quick fuck and leave. He had been there enough that the regulars recognized his cocky attitude so it was getting harder to find a hole there. The other bar, Dreams, was more of a twink bar. Of course he got lots of attention there because of his looks but the guys there also recognized him and his reputation. It didn’t help that Rob was fond of taking pictures of guys taking his cock for his collection and those pics occasionally had been used as blackmail when Rob was horny and didn’t want to spend a lot of time finding a hole to fuck. Although he didn’t do drugs himself other than poppers, he did find that a little G and/or X slipped into the bottoms drink made them more willing to do what he wanted. It was especially useful in getting the bottoms to take his cock raw. Raw was the only way he’d fuck, condoms were too restrictive and the felling of his raw cock pounding a tight ass was just so exhilarating. Most of Rob’s conquests lately had been thru apps. There seemed to be a lot of guys looking for cock on the side. He also learned that pretending to be versatile got him more hookups. He never gave his ass up but it did get him the connection in the door and once the guy was zoned out on the drugs and fucked he could leave with his own ass intact. The problem with the apps was all the back and forth messaging that was usually required, Rob didn’t have the patience. A drive to the a nearby college town always resulted in him finding a hole to fuck but that 90 minute drive one way kept him from doing it too often. As Rob settled into his seat on the plane he realized he was hard. Damn he was horny, that asshole last night from Grindr stood him up and he needed to fuck someone. Even though it was a Thursday he was confident from what he had read he’d still get some action tonight in the French Quarter. He was so ready. The male flight attendant noticed his bulge and gave him a smile. Rob thought, “Another gay flight attendant what a surprise”. He had met his share of them that were on an overnight layover in town and were looking for cock on the internet. Most of the ones he had fucked seemed to have well used holes so he thought that probably was why they took the job in the first place.. He did like the NSA attitude they had though and it was always an easy fuck and go since they had to catch flights in the mornings. Although, there may have been a couple of times where they missed the flights because they got a bit too fucked up when Rob was using them. Rob’s attitude was “Oh well if they lost their jobs it’s their problem for being such cum dump whores”. Fortunately the flight had no delays and Rob quickly caught a cab from the airport to his hotel in the French Quarter. Once at the hotel he checked in and immediately changed into a pair of tight worn jeans some black boots and a leather vest. He was ready, his cock was ready! He looked in the mirror, damn he looked hot. That coupled with the fact that he was fresh meat here in New Orleans meant in his mind that he’d get his rocks off soon. He was out the door and on his way to Rawhide. He made a couple of stops along the way to at the bars serving alcohol to the street. By the time he reached Rawhide he had already had 3 beers and was feeling slightly buzzed and very horny. The bar wasn’t packed but it being only 10 p.m. he was sure it would pick up. All eyes were on him, the “fresh meat” theory was certainly true here. His ass was grabbed a couple of times, guess it was time to assert himself as a TOP. Rob made a conscious effort to focus on assess, pat them, grope them, stare at them – surely people would notice what he was interested in. He also casually mentioned to a couple guys standing next to him t at the bar that he was hoping to find a raw bottom to take his load tonight. As the crowd grew he figured it was time to head to the back, he knew from what he read on the internet, that there was likely some action going on back there. Besides he had to piss like a racehorse as he was now on his 6th beer. Here’s where all the people went Rob thought as he pushed his way thru the sweaty bodies and made his way to the urinal. He unfastened his jeans, unzipped and pulled out his cock to let it flow. There were a lot of eyes watching so he thought he’d put on a little show so he stroked his cock a few times to harden it up and shook the last drops of piss off it. Almost immediately, a hand grabbed his cock and started slowly stroking it, someone behind him started nibbling on his neck and another pair of hands played with his nipples. Soon a bottle of poppers appeared under his nose and Rob took a couple of deep huffs. The hand on his cock had been replaced by a mouth which soon began to deep throat his full 8 inches. He was in heaven, but because he was so horny he shot his load deep down the unknown cocksucker’s throat within 15 minutes. He tried to fasten his jeans but he was led to another room cramped with guys and another mouth began to massage his cock. Over in the corner he saw a guy bent over a sink being fucked. The whole room was full of the scent of sweat, poppers and sex. OMG he was ready to cum again. “This place is amazing!!!” After he came the second time someone else was ready to suck his cock. Yeah that would be nice, Rob thought but the site of the guy in the corner getting fucked gave him other ideas. He glanced down slightly and saw a nice plump lily white ass pointed at him, he reached out and fingered the hole . It was wet and lubed so Rob pulled his cock out of the sucker’s mouth and plunged it into the hole in front of him.. The guy in front was caught by surprise to be impaled so suddenly by such a big fat cock and started to call out but Rob soon muffled his mouth with this hand. There were so many people in the room and there was nowhere to go. The guy was soon whimpering.as Rob aggressively pounded his ass while other fed him poppers and groped him all over. Rob’s third load was shot deep in up the assaulted ass and as Rob pulled out another stepped up to fuck the bottom using Rob’s cum as lube. Rob turned and his cock was cleaned by yet another awaiting cocksucker. After all this action Rob needed to piss again but there was nowhere to go. He couldn’t hold it so just started pissing down the throat of his current cocksucker. Wow, Rob thought this was hot, he’d never tried WS. “I’ll have to add that to my repertoire” he thought to himself. Rob eventually go out of the backroom and feeling exhausted left the bar and made his way back home. As he lay on the bed in his room he was grinning ear-to-ear. New Orleans was just as he had hoped and it was only the first day of his trip. He’d have to stop by one of the leather shops he had read about in the morning and check out some new gear and maybe some equipment for his basement. This was going to be a fantastic trip.
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  30. Does anyone else use condoms at first, but with the intention of going bare later? Lately I've gotten a kick out of asking a top to use a rubber at first, but then halfway through breaking the tip or rolling it off. It's a little bit pretentious I know, but I like looking a guy in the eyes and watching his reaction as I do it. I find the imagery of broken condoms kinda hot. Last load I got was from a hung guy who managed to burst through the rubber. To be fair, it was an expired condom and I'd lubed up with vaseline, but still hot though . He rolled down the latex and wore it like an impromptu cock ring. Would love to hear if others have similar experiences.
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  31. Sometimes I just want to fuck. Anonymous, raw, primal no strings attached plowings. Anonymous doesn't always stay Anonymous. After sex, while you're introducing yourself (sometimes I don't learn a guy's name until after....trashy, I know right?) guys always ask for your number so that they can hook up and fuck again and even if I just want it to be a one time thing, I still have to give them my number, it's not the 90s anymore when you could give out bunk numbers. Nowadays guys immediately text you on your phone and so you have to show them that you received their text....so they get my number, and they inevitably text me sweet shit the next day, and I respond back, sometimes I hook up again, sometimes, I just chat with them....but every time without fail it seems like all of these guys quickly transition over to the wanting to date me mode and they start having feelings immediately that they have to start expressing. And it's not like I'm picking up a certain type through a certain venue or social media source, this is everything from bbrt to bars. Do you guys have this problem where your hookups start making things weird with wanting to date you? I wouldn't be opposed to dating but I'm also not looking for it nor do I try to give out signals of wanting that. How do you guys keep things anonymous or otherwise detached?
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  32. Part 1: Ryan and the Scally Lads "Are you sure you want to do this?" Jared asked, absentmindedly brushing his blond hair out of his face. "Yes. Definitely.” Ryan tried to not roll his eyes. “Come on... aren't you even a little bit curious?" Jared looked at the the building in front of them. They were in a part of Manchester he hadn’t been to before. It was dark, and the object of their interest was in the basement of an old building that hadn’t served its original purpose (probably some kind of industrial space) in decades. There was a sign but the name was generic enough that neither he nor Ryan would have known what it was — a gay “sauna” — except for the ad they had seen in a magazine in one of the bars on Canal Street. "No. I've got a pretty good idea what goes on in there. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I have to be a slag. Don't you want to save yourself for someone special?" Ryan knew exactly who that "special" person for him was in Jared's mind: Jared. He and his friend were both Mormon, had been raised in the same ward (congregation), and — around the time they hit puberty — had felt drawn together. For Ryan, it was simply because they had something in common... they were both gay in a church that didn't look on that very favourably. For Jared, it was more. He believed they were "destined" to be together. Ryan had tried to let his friend down easy. Jared just wasn't his type. Even now when they had been bar hopping on Canal Street, Jared dressed like he was on a church outing. He wouldn't even drink alcohol. With his thin and hairless body he was the picture of a typical twink. He was cute but didn’t do anything for Ryan sexually. Ryan had always been attracted to rougher guys. Council estate lads who would shock his middle class Tory parents back home in Essex (if he ever told them he was gay). Crass, tough, and a bit scary. That's what got him hard. But, no matter what Ryan did or said, Jared didn't want to hear it. "I stopped believing in soulmates around the same time that I stopped calling myself a Mormon.". Ryan said. It wasn’t the first time he had said that (or something similar) to Jared but his friend still looked hurt at his words. "I'm going in. You coming?" "No. I don't think so. I'll wait for you over on Canal Street for awhile... in case you change your mind." "I won't." "Just... just be careful. Ok? Be safe. I've heard guys don't always wear condoms in places like this." It was good advice, Ryan decided. He didn't want to get sick. He was on the rowing team for the university and knew his tight body was his best feature. Well... tight body, dark hair, blue eyes... and a butt to die for. He had not yet done anything other than sucking a cock or getting sucked... but he had watched enough porn to know that he was a bottom. Which was, of course, another reason he knew there was no future for him and Jared... what were two bottoms supposed to do together? But no. He had not yet surrendered his ass. Tonight, however, he was determined to change that. Tonight, he would lose his virginity. "I’ll be safe. And thanks." He gave Jared a friendly hug, walked down the steps, and into the building. Jared waited where he stood for a couple minutes, ignoring the leering look some drunk gave him, before turning around and walking back to Canal Street and the bars. Inside, Ryan paid his admission and passed through a turnstile. He wasn’t sure what to expect... but the somewhat generic locker room wasn’t it. Still, he guessed it made sense. He knew guys walked around with nothing on but a towel ... so they needed to secure their clothes somewhere. He was pleased when he saw a couple other guys checking him out as he got undressed. They weren't his type ... but it made him hopeful he wouldn’t just be ignored. He wrapped the towel he had been given around his waist and set off to explore. Despite his bravado with Jared, and his sincere desire to have "real sex", he was nervous. How would he know a guy was interested? How would they know he wanted to get fucked? Should he tell them he was a virgin? He started with a walkthrough of the bathhouse to see what it was like... and to give himself time to calm down. There was a jacuzzi and a steam room, then showers, then a TV room. Steps led down to a short tunnel and then back up to several areas with different types of booths. Then another tunnel that led back over to the entrance from the locker room. Then, as he was turning a corner, he ran face first into a man coming in from the lockers. The man smelled like he had been working hard all day and hadn’t showered before coming to the sauna. Not dirty, just a little sweaty. He was about Ryan's age — maybe a year or two older. About 6 feet tall and lean. He had close cropped ginger hair and a nose that looked like it had been broken sometime. There was a tattoo on his hip but the towel covered almost all it it so it wasn’t clear what it was. Not a “pretty boy”... but incredibly sexy in Ryan's eyes. Ryan's dick was hard instantly. "Oi! Watch where you going, boy." "I'm so sorry. My fault. I wasn’t looking where i was going.". Ryan stammered. Two other men stepped out of the locker room, glancing at Ryan before turning to the man he had run into. "What's all this noise, you ginger cunt?" It was more banter than an actual insult. The man who spoke had 'dirty blond' hair and blue eyes. Unlike every other man Ryan had seen so far, he was wearing a pair of shiny black trackies instead of a towel and expensive looking trainers on his feet. His upper body, however, was bare. He wasn’t fat, not even remotely, but he had just a hint of a belly. Still muscled though. Just the kind of muscles you get from hard work not working out. The ginger man sneered at his two friends. "This little bitch ran into me. I think he wanted to see what a real man feels like." Ryan blushed and tried to stammer out another apology. "I think you're onto something there Scotty. Look how hard his little dick is." Ryan didn’t think his dick was "little" (it was about 5 1/2 inches) but he was hard as a rock. "Yeah. What fag boi wouldn’t be hard at the thought of this?" Scotty groped himself through the towel. Fuck! He was hung. Ryan couldn't take his eyes off what looked to be eight inches... and not yet fully hard. He just stood and stared. "You know what we have here lads?" The third man spoke for the first time. He was a bit shorter than the other two, maybe 5’ 10”, but was the most muscular of them. His hair was dark like Ryan's but his eyes were brown. "I think you've found a virgin." The ginger smiled and seemed, suddenly, to be friendly. He put his arm around Ryan's shoulder.. Ryan couldn’t stop himself from inhaling a deep breath of the man's musk and sweat. He smelled soooo good. "Is that true, boi? Are you hiding a cherry under that towel?" "Well... kinda. I mean I've sucked a guy off before." "Thats just foreplay." The guy in the trackies laughed. "If you've never had a dick in your ass, you're a virgin." Unsure what to say, Ryan just nodded. "That's shameful!". The ginger man said with mock seriousness. "I can't believe some guy hasn't claimed that prize yet. A fine piece of ass like you.” He turned to his friends and winked. “I think we should help him out lads." The other two nodded and agreed. Not even trying to hide their smiles. "You want that, boi? You want me to fix that ‘cherry problem’ of yours?" Ryan looked at the three studs who now had circled him. Like sharks. Hungry sharks. Hungry — and very sexy — sharks. He took another whiff of the ginger man’s musk... he smelled like walking sex. A wet dream come true. "Please...?" was the only word he could form. "Good boi.". The third man, the muscular one with dark hair, smiled. "I'm Troy. This... " he gestured vaguely at the guy in track pants. "... is Connor. And you probably figured out that this ginger fucker’s name is Scotty." "I'm ... I'm Ryan." He couldn’t believe his luck at meeting up with these three chavs. Or scallies as they called them here in Manchester. "Where you from, Ryan?". Connor asked as the three lads led him deep into the sauna... back to one of the areas with booths he had walked by earlier. "Essex." "Oh. We've got a posh boi here lads. Best be on good behaviour." "No. No. Really... just be yourselves. I ... um... I like it." "Just yanking your chain, boi. Relax. You here at Uni then?" Ryan nodded, delighted as they seemed to ease him into their little group. "I never had much use for school myself.” Connor said. “Too many bullshit rules.” "Enough chatter.” Scotty interrupted. “The only thing Ryan here needs to worry about right now is my popping his cherry and setting him free." Ryan blushed but his cock strained even harder under his towel. Troy opened a booth door and gestured for Ryan to enter. The booth was filled wall to wall with a large mattress (if that was the right word.... more of a big cushion or pad) which was elevated enough that they had to climb in. It was large but still a little cramped when the four of them were all in and the door closed. It hadn’t occurred to Ryan until that moment that there would be witnesses to his deflowering. He wasn't entirely comfortable with the thought but didn’t want to look like a pussy in front of these guys and ruin his chance. Troy surprised him by pulling him in for a kiss. His mouth tasted of cigarettes and beer. Ryan wasn’t crazy about smoking ... but was too turned on to care. Troy lay down to the mattress, pulling Ryan down on top of him... which served to raise his ass up a bit. Scotty pulled the university student's towel off. The ginger man leaned over on top of Ryan so he could whisper in his ear. "You've got a lovely arse here, Ry. I'm gonna love WRECKING it." Ryan looked up nervously. "Ignore him. He just likes messing with you." Connor assured him. "But... well... he IS big. Especially for your first time. I do have something that can help though..." He pulled out a small brown bottle from a pocket on his trackies. "I don’t think I want to do any drugs..." "Oh its not like that. Just poppers. They just help you relax." "I'm not sure..." "Connor is right.". Troy said beneath him. "They really will help. Just give them a quick try. If you don't like them, no harm done... right?" Ryan nodded reluctantly. He reached for the bottle but Connor shook his head. "You’d better let me hold them. The last thing you want to do is spill them down your nose. Here, just take a big sniff..." A moment later and Ryan felt warm. Like he was blushing. And then just a little woozy. But he barely noticed as Scotty buried his face in his crack and started licking his hole. "Oh. My. Fuck!". Ryan moaned. The bottle was back under his nose. "Sniff." Connor said. Ryan didn't argue. ---- Jared looked out the window of the bar. He didn't really expect Ryan to give up or come to his senses so quickly, but he hoped he would. They were perfect for each other. It was so obvious to him. He couldn't understand why Ryan didn't see it. He hoped that, by letting Ryan "sow his wild oats", he would get this nonsense out of his system and be ready to settle down as boyfriends. He took another sip of his diet cola and decided to give Ryan a bit longer to come find him. ---- Ryan was in heaven. Scotty’s tongue, and the occasional finger, was still buried in his ass and Troy’s lips were still locked with his. The poppers had left him so horny he could scream. Connor lifted his head up. “I’m feeling left out, Essex boy. Why don’t you use your mouth on this?” He pulled his trackies down with one hand, just far enough to free his dick, and with the other hand pulled Ryan’s face into his crotch. Ryan opened his mouth and swallowed the cock. It wasn’t quite as long or thick as Scotty’s but it was still the biggest he had ever had in his mouth. He couldn’t help but gag a bit. Troy had the poppers now and placed them next to his nose. “Sniff, Ryan.” Ryan obeyed. Scotty had gotten a bit more aggressive with his fingers now... but the poppers helped him handle that as well. Troy had told him that Scotty needed to stretch his hole so he could enjoy his first fuck more. Ryan just wished the ginger was more careful with his fingernails... he was feeling a bit scraped up. Then... the tongue and fingers were withdrawn. “You ready? You ready for me to pop that cherry and make you the slut you were born to be?” Ryan pulled his mouth off of Connor’s cock but Troy held him tightly enough from below that he couldn’t really turn around to look at Scotty. “Fuck me!” “Bossy little bitch, aren’t ya.” Scotty sneered. He started running his cock up and down along Ryan’s ass. “Um. You’re going to use a condom, right?” Ryan pointed to the container on the wall that held condoms and lube. “Of course, boy. The lads and I always play safe.” Ryan couldn’t tell if Scotty was being sarcastic or if that was just the way he always talked. “You shouldn’t use those condoms though.” Troy told him. “There are guys who will tamper with them. We always bring our own...so we know what condition they are in.” “Oh cool. Thank you guys.” Ryan still couldn’t turn around but he could hear the condom being opened and rolled on Scotty’s cock. “Here. Give me your hand.” Scotty ordered. Ryan reached his hand back and Scotty placed his fingers around the big — no, massive — cock that was about to penetrate him. He could feel the johnny firmly in place. He felt some cold gel applied to his hole and pushed in with a couple fingers. There was a slight tingling sensation. “Lube with a numbing effect.” Scotty told him. “Will make your first time easier.” Ryan smiled nervously. “I’m really glad my first time is with you. You making this so perfect. Thank you.” “No worries.” Connor replied. “Maybe a boy like you knows, deep down, that he needs what we have to give him.” Ryan didn’t understand but didn’t have time to think about it as he felt the invader pressing against his hole. Scotty slapped his ass. “Don’t tighten up.” “Just relax and push down on his cock.” Troy said below him. “Better fill his mouth with that dick of yours, Connor.” Scott ordered. “I think he’s going to be a loud one.” Ryan didn’t resist as Connor’s cock filled his mouth again. And he tried to push back as Troy had suggested. But it hurt. Oh fuck! It hurt. Troy held the poppers under his nose again. He sniffed deep. Scotty slapped his ass again. Harder. Much harder. Startling him. But, apparently, it was enough to make his hole spasm open... as he found Scotty had managed to push the thick head of his uncut cock in. It felt like someone had shoved a cricket bat up his ass. He tried to cry out... but with Connor’s dick in his mouth it just sounded like moans. “Oh, fuck yeah.” Scotty grunted. “Your cherry will always be mine.” “You’re doing good.” Troy assured him. “Now push back and let him get more inside.” Ryan’s eyes were watering with the pain but he did as instructed. He had done it. He had a cock in his ass. And now, despite the pain, he wanted more. Scotty was not patient but it still took several minutes before that big cock bottomed out inside him. Before he finally felt Scotty’s heavy balls slapping his ass. Scotty slowly pulled back until just the head was inside. Then back again balls deep. Out. And in. After a few minutes of this action, Scotty pulled all the way out. Ryan could feel Scotty’s hands behind him, doing something. He had a moment of panic... was Scotty taking the condom off? He reached back but could still feel the condom there. “Don’t worry, slut. The condom was just sliding a bit... so I’m pulling it on me tighter. “ And then the cock was back in. Thrusting in. And sliding out. A few minutes later and Scotty pulled out again. He rubbed some more lube in Ryan’s hole. Connor leaned over Ryan, looking at his friend’s cock with a smile. “You’d better pull the condom REALLY tight. Make sure it stays on.” Ryan could feel Scotty’s hands stretching the condom tight behind him. After a moment Scotty groaned slightly. “Fuck yeah. Just like that.” Connor said with a smile. As the cock went in, Ryan decided the extra lube was really helping. This felt amazing. Better than it had just a moment or two earlier. Still, he reached back, trying to be subtle. The cock was deep in his hole but he could still feel the base of the condom so he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m starting to think you don’t trust me, boi.” “I’m sorry, I’m just nervous.” “Shhh.” Connor said. “Just get that mouth back on my cock.” Ryan did but couldn’t really focus on it. Connor, however, seemed content to just let it sit there for now. Scotty’s thrusts were getting stronger. More erratic. The cock seeming to swell up even more inside him. Every man knows what that means. Instinctively, Ryan started pushing back harder. Into the fuck. And was rewarded. “Yeah. You’re pushing me over the edge! Here it cums, you slut.” Scotty kept thrusting as he came before finally collapsing on Ryan’s back. His breath escaping in ragged bursts. After a few moments he pulled himself out of the hole and sat up. Connor withdrew his cock from Ryan’s mouth and Troy released his hold, allowing the student to sit up slightly and look around. Scotty had already wrapped his towel around his waist and was throwing the used condom in a small trash can in the corner. Ryan could just see the tip of the tattoo under the towel and again wondered what it was. Scotty smirked. “Looks like I may have used too much lube. It’s dripping out of you.” Connor moved behind him. “Yeah, man. That is a lot of ‘lube’. It would be a shame to let that go to waste.” He started rubbing his cock against Ryan’s hole. It took the student a moment to realise what Connor wanted. “Um. I don’t know. I’m a little sore.” “Oh come on.” Troy frowned. “We’ve helped you lose your cherry. Surely you wouldn’t hold out on us, would you? Besides, neither of our cocks is as big as what you’ve already taken. You’ll be fine.” “You both want to fuck me?” “Well not at the same time. I don’t think you’re ready for that. Yet.” Troy winked up at him. Ryan had to admit the cock rubbing against his hole was feeling good. “You have more condoms, right?” “Oh, yeah. Lots more. Just like the last one.” “Let’s do it.” Ryan thought Connor’s grunt as he slipped into his no-longer-virgin ass was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. Connor’s style was so different than Scotty’s had been. Where Scotty had thrust deliberately in and out, Connor’s were more like a rabbit fuck. Short but very fast thrusts. He didn’t want to insult the guys again, so he didn’t let himself reach around to feel for the condom. He had heard Connor opening it and say he had put it on. Why would he lie? Meanwhile, Troy kept kissing him, rubbing his nipples and dick, and giving him the poppers. Scotty was sitting in the corner watching them all while playing with his now soft cock. Connor reached the point of no return much quicker than Scotty had. “Fuck yeah. You little slut. Your fucking tight hole is going make me shoot.” Ryan realised he liked when they talked dirty to him. It was like he was in one of the pornos he watched online. “Yeah. Do it. Fuck me like a slut.” “Damn. That was so fucking hot to watch.” Scotty said a couple minutes later as Connor pulled out of Ryan. “Yeah, you dirty fucker.” Connor bantered with the redhead. “I know you get off on watching me fuck. You just wish it was your ass I was pegging.” “In your dreams.” Scotty sneered. “Looks like I used too much lube as well. Look at it flowing out of him now.” It was strange, Ryan couldn’t remember Connor adding more lube. He didn’t worry too much about it though. It was Troy’s turn. Troy’s style was completely different from the other two fucks. If Ryan had to describe it, he would say it was gentle. Almost romantic. It took Troy much longer to cum that the first two but he did eventually collapse on Ryan’s back after his cock spasmed deep inside him. “Damn.” He said as he pulled out. “It looks like we all used a little much ‘lube’. Your hole is a mess. Looks like you might have bled a little as well.” Ryan sat up and felt his ass. “Really?” “Don’t worry, it sometimes happens. Especially your first time. It will heal up in a day or two. Nothing to worry about.” Ryan nodded. His ass really was a mess. Whatever lube they had used was running out of his (now far less tight) hole and down his ballsack. “That was fun, slut.” Scotty said. “Welcome to the club.” “The club?” “Yeah. The former virgin club I mean.” Scotty sneered at him. It was a bit scary. But very sexy. “I doubt this will be the last time you get fucked. Will it?” “No. I liked it. I really liked it.” “Fuck yeah you did.” Connor added, pulling his trackies up. “You’ve worn the three of us out.” He opened the door. There were a few men outside listening to the action who looked in the opening door. Their hungry looks made Ryan blush. “Hope to catch you soon for a repeat.” Troy smiled. “We need to make sure that hole is well and truly broken in.” After they left, Ryan pulled the door closed but there was no latch. He should go, he told himself. If he knew Jared, he was still in a bar waiting for him. But he was so drained. He needed to rest for a few minutes first. He flipped the light switch off, laid down on his belly (his butthole was pretty sore now), and closed his eyes. Just for a minute he told himself... right before he fell asleep. He woke with a start as he felt someone move on top of him. “What the fu...” “Shhh, boy.” A stranger’s voice said to him. “I saw you in here with your juicy ass in the air and I could see what you want.” A hard cock pressed against his hole. He was so sore... but it felt so good. He pushed back and let it enter him. The stranger didn’t feel very fit or toned but, in the darkness, Ryan could ignore that. The stranger used him hard. Both of them grunting in exertion, thrusting together. Until the stranger came and pulled out. “Thanks.” Was all the stranger said as he got off Ryan and climbed out of the booth. In the light from the corridor, Ryan had saw him for the first time. The stranger looked to be about 60 with a flabby belly and a saggy ass. That was the moment he realised that had never seen the stranger put on, or take off, a condom. Had the old man just fucked him bare? Ryan was ashamed. He felt... dirty. Truly slutty. And not in a good way. He hurried out of the booth himself. He didn’t even stop to shower on the way to the lockers. Five minutes later he was out the door and back on the street. He didn’t think he could face Jared right now. He headed home telling himself he would talk to his friend tomorrow. He hurried into his apartment and to the toilet. Trying to push out anything inside him. But he didn’t see anything but more lube like Scotty, Connor, and Troy left behind. He breathed a sigh of relief. His phone rang. Jared. Not tonight he decided. He would talk to Jared tomorrow. He turned his phone off and took a shower. —— It was past closing time. Jared shivered in the cold night air outside the bars as he slipped his phone back in his pocket. He never should have let Ryan go into that place. He had been gone for hours and now wasn’t answering his phone. There was only one thing to do. He would have to go in and find his friend and get him out of there. NEXT: Jared and the jock
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  33. it's good that you know what you are. i hate cumdumps that wanna be treated like a human being with worth. cumdumps like you are worthless trash and need to be treated that way or they get confused and think guys respect them. i make sure faggots like you know they are worthless whores that only exist to service cocks and take loads
    1 point
  34. thats exactly what you are faggot. thats why i never even considered dating you. all i ever wanted to do with you is fuck you, get you pozzed and whore your slutty little ass out. turning you into a pozzed up tranny whore was just a bonus.
    1 point
  35. I often ask a guy's name while fucking him, and sometimes after, and whether we exchange numbers depends on the situation. At the sauna / bathhouse, we usually don't, even if we do exchange numbers, though some guys I fuck recognize me from bbrt or somewhere else. I'm really just looking for as much casual sex as possible and getting it
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  36. Fantastic night, bud. Great for you, the way all we hungry pigs want to get it. Oink!
    1 point
  37. lol yeah i love that too.so many times a guy has told me he has fucked me a few times and i have no idea who he is. some guys tell me theyve bred me more than 20 times and i have never seen them. makes me wonder how many men on the streets recognize me as a bathhouse cumdumpster that takes loads blindfolded in the public sling.love it when guys approach me on the street or in a mall cause they know i take loads easy
    1 point
  38. Went to a local gay theatre only wanting to jerk off a few times since I figured it wouldn't be busy. Boy was I wrong! Walked in and immediately saw a guy naked on a couch jerking off for all to see. I sat down and whipped my dick out, we caught eyes, he then moved and motioned me around a wall for more privacy. We jerk together and he lifts his legs, showing his hole to me then gets on his knees and starts giving me a handjob. That's when another guy comes around with his hard dick poking out if his pants. The guy giving me a handjob sticks his ass out for this new guy and gets fucked and loaded by him and the other guy leaves. He then turns around and presents his hole to me. By this point I'm so horned I bust all over his ass and hole in a second. He then backs his hole into my dick and starts rubbing his hole up and down my shaft, using all of the cum to help him glide and slick me up. Then before I knew it, his hole is wrapped around my dick head and I'm slowly sliding deeper into him. His hole is so warm and wet, I can't help but to grab his hips and plow his ass some more before shooting a second load deep up inside him. Pulled out and heard some cum drip out onto the floor. He turned and cleaned me off some and then pulled his clothes on and walked around and out the door, leaving me hot, hard, and wanting more. Hope to see him again soon!
    1 point
  39. Loved to get fucked, but the ultimate is being spit-roasted and tag-teamed. Oink!
    1 point
  40. Last load taken? WOW, Just got it today at an ABS in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Went in and wondered around a long time with no hits at all. Was about ready to give up when I went into one of the large rooms. Only a stool in there. Leaned over it, dropped my pants quite a ways, until my ass was hanging out through my jock strap I had on. In just a few minutes and guy walked in, dropped his pants and wham, out popped very nice cock at least 8" long and definitely big around. Beautiful. I turned around a little and sucked him all the way hard and slobbered all over that monster. Then turned around, bent over the stool, and he rammed it home. Didn't last as long at I wanted it but damn that big cock felt amazing in me. He filled me very full of cum. There was no discussion of status nor condom use. All bare and my ass full of cum. Been quite a while so it was fantastic.
    1 point
  41. I was at a party last Saturday night. It was a fuck party with about 40 guys. There was one really hot young guy around 20 Swimmers built with a huge dick. Any way I played and sucked and was fucked by a number of guys. When it was time to go the host asked if I wanted to crash there for the night I said sure and found a bedroom to crash in . I fell asleep and next I looked it was about 6 am. It was then I felt someone playing with my ass. It was the hot guy with the swimmers build. He said he liked to get off early in the am and would I mind. Hell no. He played with hole for a while and then I saw him lubing up. He asked if he could fuck me. I said sure He also said he did not like rubbers so would I take it bare I said sure and in one motion he shoved he huge dick deep in my hole.He fucked me for a while and I could hear him breathing harder He said he close and did I want him to pull out to cum I grabbed his hips to pull him deeper and then he have out a groan. I felt his cum flooding me. He stayed in until he went soft. He pulled out and said thanks I felt the sheet under me and it was full of his cum. Hope he comes to the next party
    1 point
  42. The Confessional: I was led to the confessional by hand, and as I came to find out, it was a closet, with a glory hole cut into the door. I heard the door open, and close, and then was instructed to remove my hood. After removed, the priest asked me what my confession was. I told him that I was looking to become poz, and that I was recently seeded by several toxic tops. The Father asked me why I thought it was a sin, as I was chasing, and took several anonymous poz loads. I explained to the Father that although I was looking to become positive, I wanted to know who my gifter was. The Father told me that although I could have already become positive it would be considered an “Immaculate Conception” and that I was not to worry about it, and that although it was not a sin in his eyes, immediately told me that I must repent and then there was total silence. A cock then poked through the glory hole, and he instructed to take his holy post for his forgiveness. Its was hard to tell through the glory hole, but he seemed to have 8+ inches of dripping uncut meat. As I continued to devour his holy post, he said “good alter boy.” Through his voice, I could tell that a massive load was building, and it wouldn’t be long before I received my gift. His cock suddenly withdrew from the glory hole, and he instructed me to turn around and put my ass up to the glory hole to receive my repentance. I quickly obliged, and within 5 minutes, his pace quickened and I felt his cock pulsing inside me as he told me to prepare for his blessing. After remaining in me for a few minutes, he instructed me to turn around and clean his holy post. As I did, I could taste the salty taste of cum, mixed in with the coppery taste of blood. With that, he told me it was time to meet my new pastor.
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  43. No we bottoms are here for the use and pleasure of all tops, no questions asked no refusal allowed. I know multiple tops who come to mt my place for head and my ass. They fuck to please themselves. AS IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE !
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  44. PART 6 I spent the whole drive over shaking I was so nervous. Over and over i told myself to just turn around and what what was I thinking risking so much? The first time I didn’t know til it was too late , but this was different. And I couldn’t pretend to myself it wasn’t. My hard cock and hungry ass were leading me, overpowering every thought I had to just get away! There was no hiding it, Tim had told me flat out. He was hiv positive, poz as he called it. And he didn’t use condoms. And he had no intention of pulling out. And I had seen that huge cock and knew how deep it could be when he came. And I had seen those giant cum producing balls. He had to shoot a massive load. He will fill me up with it, his sperm. His HIV positive sperm. Spurt after spurt, his cock all the way inside me erupting. And fear took more of a backseat. I was a horny as hell 18 year old that had just discovered bottoming and had done it with a hot experienced hung top. And he had fucked me bareback and cum in me my first time. I couldn’t help wanting more. And I knew how amazing Tim was, how he had made it feel so good, had made me so hungry for cock and so wanting to be a proud gay bottom. A bareback bottom now, on my way to see him again. Still shaking, I rang his bell and he answered obviously nude and obviously knowing it would be me knocking. “I’m so glad you are here. I have thought about that hot ass so many time these last few days. And the way that mouth felt on my cock. And the taste of your asshole. Wanna go straight up?” He welcomed me shutting the door. Nodding eagerlly at home he responded by leading me up to the room I had been in before. This time, I was tearing at my clothes, my cock like steel already and eyes focused on Tim’s already hard meat. Naked, I fell to my knees and licked the shaft from the base to the head, before swirling my tongue around the big mushroom head. Tasting precum, I lost my self and opened wide and took as much as I could. Concentrating on relaxing my throat, I tried to take more and more burn woukd gag occasionally and have to back off. I was trying my best to please him, to be a good cocksucker. “Fuck yeah”, he growled, “that’s so good. Suck that fucking dick. Get it ready. I’m gonna fuck you with it in about 30 seconds.” I grew every more eAger in my sucking, wanting to show my enthusiasm for what he said. “Get up, get on the bed on your back and pull your legs up,” he ordered as he reached for his lube and applied some to my hole and to his cock. Standing over me, his cock head an inch from my starving hole, he looked down and asked me, “what’s my boy want? Does my boy want me to put my cock inside him right now?” “Yes! Fuck yes”, I cried out. “There’s no condom on this cock”, he whispered as he began to tease my hole by rubbing the tip against it. “No condom. No condom.”, I repeated in an almost begging tone. He was driving me to the edge, making me want him so badly. “Should I pump all of my cum Into your hole when I shoot? Should I give you my sperm when we both know I am hiv positive? What do you want?”, he whispered as the pressure on my hole gradually increased. “I want you to cum in me, fill me up with it! All of it! PleAse just please fuck me til you cum!” I whimpered. With that, he pushed in and i I felt that piercing pain followed by a dull ache as my almost virgin hole tried to relax. He gently worked his big meat into me, slowly rocking his hips pushing deeper and deeper. Then starting to take longer strokes as my breath became gasps and I started losing myself to the sensations of pleasure in my hole. It wasn’t long til I was lost. The only thing on earth that mattered was Tim and his huge cock and me and my tight little hole. We were connected. Eyes locked, him grunting and huffing as I began to feel my breAth knocked out with every deep stroke. His ball were now slapping against me when he drove home and I reveled in knowing he was in me ball deep. I was taking all of him. Raw. He was pumping hArd and his thrusts began to pick up speed, his ups bucking erratically. I recognized this from last time and concentrated on trying to take every single bit of that cock inside me while squeezing and miliking it. “Fuck yes, squeeze that fucking cock Chris. Earn that load. Tell me you want it. Tell me you want my sperm in you.” He grunted. “Fucking please cum in me. Please cum in me. I want it in me. I want your cum all inside me. I won’t let it leak at all. Please!” I begged him. “Big poz load. Gonna give it to you. Fucking dump that cum deep inside you.!” He muttered between clenched teeth as he was slamming into me. “Yeah. Big load. Big poz load. Inside me. All of it. Poz load inside me. Poz load inside Me.” I just kept saying it. Then I felt it his pace grew ever faster and then he drove deep and collapsed onto me and i felt that huge rod pulse and throb as his sperm entered me and splattered into my guts. I squeezed and milked it and wrapped my arms around him to hold him insode me. The throbs slowly ebbed and he pulled back up and looked down at me. My stomach was covered in my own cum? I had shot without touching myself. He made no move to pull out and I made no attempt to back off it. Instead I looked up with a guilty grin and knew inside there was no way I could stop doing this. Getting fucked without condoms and taking Tim’s cum. It was like a drug. I was already hooked. What was I gonna do now? This is crazy! But fuck his cum is in me and that thought still scared me but it was turning me on more. A lot more.
    1 point
  45. PART 5 I spent the next day feeling guilty and certain that I had HIV, when I wasn’t busy jerking of relving the whole scene. Then I would feel guilty again. How could I break all the rules my first time out? I had let a guy with HIV fuck me raw and I had even let him cum inside me. It was only when I jerked off that I let myself admit I hadn’t let him cum in me, I had made him cum in me. Why had I done that? The next day after that my horniness got the better of me and I logged on, just to look at his profile I told myself. Before I could get there though, I noticed I had a message. I clicked and it was from him and he had sent it late last night. “Chris, First of all, I had an amazing time with you and really felt a special connection. And i am really happy that I got to be your first Top. You left pretty quickly and I think I know why... the fact I am hiv positive. I normally wouldn’t have even met a guy quite As young as you, but you were just so sexy in your pictures and so eager to be with an older guy like me, i gave in. And then you had such a pretty hole and it smelled so good. And then it tasted so good. And you got my cock so hard with your mouth. I couldn’t help needing to be inside you and I gave in. And you needed it. You needed my cock inside of you. And you knew I wouldn’t use a condom. Or maybe you just didn’t think. You just gave in. And when I was fucking you and you couldn’t have it stop. It just couldn’t stop. You had to have my cock pistoning in and out of you. Even when you knew it would make me cum and I told you I was close. You gave in. You pulled me in and squeezed my cock with your hole and accepted my load. A poz guy was shooting spurt after spurt of his cum into your guts and you gave in. You wanted it. At first when you left, I felt a little guilty and thought maybe I shouldn’t have let it go so far. Here you are, 18 and now you have my hiv cum inside you. And you’ve taken it bareback. You are going to want to get fucked bare again. It’s too addicting. You will give in. You will need it. Cock and cum. Deep in your hole. You will just have to... give in. And I will be waiting to take care of your needs again. When you are hungry and can’t hold off anymore, come over. But there’s no condoms allowed here. And no pulling out. And you will leave full of my cum. Signed, Tim.” I wasn’t just hard when i finished reading that, I was sure i would cum if I even touched my cock. And then I noticed he was actually online. And without hesitation, I gave in. I messaged him, knowing that I was agreeing thAt I did want what he wanted too, to fill my ass with his cum. “Tim, I can’t stop thinking about it. Can I come over again?,” I wrote and hit send. It was maybe a minute later that I got my reply. It was one word,Now. My reply was just as quick, “On my way.” And after a few minutes cleaning myself up, I was out the door. And for the second time in 3 days, was on my way to be a hot older Top man’s bottom toy. The hiv thing definitely went thru my mind, but not nearly as much as the thought of how it felt like he had cum a quart of jizz inside me when he had shot last time. It was the cum I kept thinking about, taking cum.
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  46. PART 3 Finally, Tim backed off and that slick wet tongue that had been giving my ass so much pleasure was gone. I arched my back and moaned, I just wanted more so bad. “Don’t worry Chris, I haven’t even started pleasuring your little boyhole. I just wanted you to see what your ass does to me,” Tim said rising up. His cock was rock hard. A bead of precum was dripping off the tip. I practically dove up to get to it, that massive man cock. My teachers man cock. And my mouth opened greedily to savor it. I wanted that big dick in my mouth so badly. But first I had to lap that precum up, as my tongue flicked out and licked and swirled on his big mushroom head. Lips already wet with spit, I slid my mouth down on his shaft. I lost myself in sucking him. I worshiped it with my mouth. I pulled off and licked and sucked on his balls and then returned to sucking the head. I tried my best to please him. I wanted to be a good cocksucker for him. With him standing just next to the edge of the bed, I was on my hands and knees to reach him and so when he leaned over me, it wasn’t hard for his hands to reach my ass. His very wet fingers felt cold for just a moment when they touched my hole, but quickly grew warm. It was my first time having my ass lubed, but I knew it wasn’t spit. His hand pulled away and then returned, and my hole and as crack grew slick, so slick his finger just eased into me. The pressure and fullness felt incredible and i arched my back. I sucked with even more desire, as his finger slowly opened me up. It wasn’t spoken when he pulled away and then guided me around. He spread my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed. My slick and shiny hole was presented to him, my cheeks spread wide. He slowly stroked his rock hard cock. He knew he was about to fuck me and I knew he was about to fuck me. I was still nervous but I wanted it so bad. He had driven me to the point where I just needed hot gay man sex. Nothing else mattered except this hot older guy and his giant beautiful penis. Finally, I felt it. The head of his cock. Only instead of pushing in, he was slowly rubbing the head against my hole. The slight slight pressure and the gentle tiny circles drove me crazy. It felt SO good. He had one hand on his cock and one hand keeping me in place. I knew he didn’t have a condom on. I was really aware of that and it kept running through my head, but it felt so good. And I was 18 and with a guy more than twice my age. And I knew I wasn’t gonna say anything if he didn’t. The rubbing and pressure kept making me just want him more and more. So much that when he finally leaned in and whispered “I’m going to fuck you now,” I just whimpered “Please!”. And the circles stopped and the pressure got stronger. I tried to relax. He pushed and then I felt a sharp stab in my hole and I gasped and threw inches of bare cock was inside me and I was no longer a virgin. He paused and stroked my back gently. “Relax, just relax and open up. Let that hole open up for me,” he whispered, adding “let me show you how good my cock can make you feel.”
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  47. Part 10 About 2 minutes later two burly leather men with executioner’s masks emerged from a side door and started leading a handcuffed and shackled stud toward the sling. They had to hold him up and half carry him as he shuffled toward the stage. It appeared he was very stoned on something. The stud was a sight to behold; he had a slim muscular body with absolutely stunningly developed legs and ass. He was obviously of Latin descent with black hair and olive skin. His chest, legs and ass had a nice covering of black fur. “Who is that and what is going on,” asked Rob. “I heard his name is Pablo, he’s a college student originally from Spain here in the US on a soccer scholarship and is here in town for a little fun; I heard he is basically straight but has a lot of bi fantasies and wanted to live some of them out,” replied Dolf. When they reached the sling, the two leather men removed the handcuffs and shackles and lifted Pablo into the sling and proceeded to tightly strap him in. Dolf then continued his commentary with, “I think we should help him out and convert him to the true bottom that he wants to become.” There was some truth to Dolf’s description of Pablo. He was a college soccer player from Spain who was on a full soccer scholarship at a big university in Texas. He had come to New Orleans with a couple of team mates for a few days of drinking and wild fun. That was the basic info that had been posted to the club’s website in order to promote the party this evening. However, the bi fantasy part stretched the truth a little. Pablo was one of those athletic guys who were constantly horny and he loved to have his cock sucked. It was actually one of his team mates that had introduced him to the idea that a mouth was a mouth and that gay guys would gladly suck his cock if he let them. He had found that gays seemed to be so much better at sucking cock and so he frequently sought them out. He was particularly prone to connect with a gay cock sucker when he had been drinking; it was so much easier to find a blow and go with gay men. As far as anything else though, he was strictly hetero. The last couple of days Pablo and six of his team mates had been partying in New Orleans. They had settled into a routine of sleeping all day, drinking all night and looking to get laid. Pablo found it quite easy to barhop with his buddies and then sneak off to one of the gay bars and quickly find a guy to suck his cock in a back alley or other secluded spot. He’d then zip up, rejoin his friends, have a few more drinks and then sneak off again to get his cock sucked by another willing mouth. Pablo’s plans backfired on him last night. It may have been the derogatory names he called the guys who serviced his cock or perhaps it was the jealous boyfriend who found out about Pablo’s use of his partner’s mouth. Whatever the reason, the last guy he intended to use was ready for him. So when they headed outside the bar to have some fun, the ”target” secretly drugged Pablo’s drink in his to go cup. The two walked a block or so down the street and ducked in between two houses; Pablo downed the drink while his intended cock sucker was on his knees and unzipping his fly. Pablo didn’t know what hit him and suddenly could barely stand. He was then helped into a car. He awoke the next day naked and bound to a bed. His friends had texted him in the afternoon when they had finally rolled out of bed wondering where he was. They did receive a text back from Pablo’s phone saying he was fine. The text also said that he had just hooked up and would catch up with them later, so they thought nothing of his mysterious absence. After all, that was goal they all had when they planned this trip. The pic sent from Pablo’s phone showing a pair of lips wrapped around his cock just reassured them that their friend was having a good time. So they left him alone and hit the streets to resume their partying and try to get lucky themselves. Pablo had spent most of the day hopped up on X and learning to suck cock. Other than an occasional finger pushing in some Tina crystals, his ass was still intact. He was edged and primed for hours until it came time for the main event at the party, at which time he was administered a heavy slam and led into the party to the sling. Dolf leaned into Rob and starting telling him how hot it was going to be to fuck the tight soccer jock. “Tell you what, why don’t you go first and get him opened up for me; sharing this bottom and putting on a show will be just like we talked about!” Dolf patted Rob’s ass and they ascended the stairs to put on a show. Pablo’s was softly moaning “I’m so horny, please somebody help me, please…. please… please.” “You hear that Rob, he’s begging for our cocks; look at that tight hairy hole it’s just quivering to be filled.” Dolf stuck his index finger up the jock’s hole and rubbed Pablo’s prostrate. Pablo squirmed at the intrusion, but in his drugged state all he could do was moan in pleasure. “This hole is nice and tight, feels like it could be cherry; you ready to bust the cherry?” “Hell yeah,” Rob chanted. “Let me in there!” Rob then stuck his finger in Pablo’s ass alongside Dolf’s finger. “You’re right; this hole does feel like we have a virgin here.” Dolf winked then leaned in and started deep kissing Rob while grabbing his ass with his other hand. After a couple of minutes of making out, he broke away from the kiss and said “Let me go to the front and feed him while you pluck that cherry.” As he was leaving, someone handed them a small baggie with some Tina shards and a couple of bottles of poppers. “Take a nice big shard and put it on the end of your cock when you get ready to enter that ass.” “Make sure to drive that shard deep!” When Dolf got to the front of the sling he took a big hit of the poppers then forced Pablo to do the same. With that he stuck the head of his monster cock into Pablo’s awaiting mouth, gave thumbs up to Rob and announced to the gathered crowd, “Time to convert this bi-boy to the true bottom he is really meant to be.” The crowd started chanting “Fuck him!” “Fuck him!” “Bust that cherry jock ass!” “Convert him to a bottom!” “Fuck him!” ”Fuck him!” With that encouragement from the crowd, Rob lined up and drove his fat 8” and the Tina shard deep up Pablo’s ass in a single thrust. Pablo started to yelp when Rob’s cock suddenly impaled him, but not much sound escaped his mouth since it was filled with Dolf’s cock. What the sudden cock thrust did succeed in doing was to cause Pablo to open is mouth wider because of the shock of the sudden intrusion. That gave Dolf the opportunity to push a few more inches of his cock down Pablo’s throat. Rob decided to let the sling do the work for him. He grabbed Pablo’s muscular calves and pulled him onto his hard cock like a Flesh Jack, then pushed him away forcing Rolf’s cock deeper into his mouth as his cock exited the ass. It was a beautiful example of spit roasting a bottom – back and forth, back and forth. Eventually Pablo just let the feeling of being fucked and fed take over and just moaned in pure pleasure. The crowd was going wild and chanting for them to pick up the pace, so Rob started moving the sling back a forth harder and faster. Rob yelled over to Dolf, “I think I am getting close I can’t keep this up much longer.” In response, Dolf pulled his cock out of Pablo’s mouth and stepped up behind Rob. He fed Rob some poppers and started making out with him. He pinched and tweaked Rob’s nipples with one hand and groped his ass and pushed him forward into the fuck with the other. Rob was on such sensory overload he didn’t even mind his ass being groped; he just interpreted it as a way to encourage him to fuck harder. Dolf started licking his ear and was whispering for Rob to fuck that hole harder and really open up the jock pussy for him. Fifteen minutes later Rob could not hold it back any longer and he shot a massive load up Pablo’s ass. The feeling of the orgasm made his knees buckle. Dolf held him up by the ass while he looked back over Rob’s shoulder toward one of the cameras and winked.
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  48. Wrestling Party turned Orgy – Aftermath The next morning, many of the guys were hung over and still naked on the floor, couch, or for the lucky few, a bed. As each guy stirred, I wondered how much of the previous night they might remember. Those on the floor had snuggled up to each other over the course of the night, and as the sun shone through the curtains, there were a few stifled grunts and groans, some from the light but others were clearly the sounds of sex beginning again. I was wrapped around Gus, and he was grinding his ass back against my growing erection. “Keep that up and I am going to fuck you again.” I whispered in his ear, to which he ground back harder. I reached down and positioned the head of my cock at his entrance, and with a slight pop, was soon back in him again. I slowly thrust into his velvet hole, still slick from the loads he had taken last night. “Yea.” he moaned softly as I bottomed out in his chute. I made it a gentle fuck, wanting him to enjoy this next round, hoping it would lead to more till he joined us in the brotherhood. As I slowly fucked his well-used hole, I reached over and felt his rock hard cock. I jerked him off to the tempo I was using on his ass, and soon he moaned and coated my fingers with his morning load of jizz, hopefully one of the last neg ones he would ever shoot. I was not too far behind him and soon was blasting my morning load into his ass, well past the second ring. I rode the fuck through the end of my orgasm, and rested inside him as I kissed his neck. “Thanks, I needed that again. I hope Rob will let you do it again.” “We can do it as often as you like Gus, Rob and I are not exclusive.” I replied. “Sweet! I want both of you guys actually.” “That can be taken care of any time. Just message me and we can set it up. Since we live together, we have no problems of finding a room.” I slowly pulled out and Gus rolled over to give me a kiss before getting to his feet and trying to find his singlet in the mess. ‘I gotta get packing, headed home in a few hours. See you after break.” He said as he quickly pulled on the singlet and headed towards the door. Other guys were now getting up and looking for clothes and shoes and heading out. A couple of the guys slunk out looking guilty at what they had enjoyed the night before, but others shared mutual kisses and gropes as they dressed and left to head out for whatever they needed to do on the first official day of Thanksgiving break. Rob, Chris, James and I stayed behind at Jon and Seth’s to help clean up and discuss how the night had gone. It had been hard to keep track of everyone, but between us 5 Vers guys, we had shot loads into about 15 of the rest of the 20 wrestlers on the team; and the other five had each taken a turn fucking Jon’s hole; no guarantee of them converting, but at least they had been exposed to the virus. We all said our goodbyes, and would wait to see how our team mates fared after Thanksgiving break.
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  49. His name is Ethan Wolfe, and he is still listed as a T.I.M. man. Here's his bio: http://men.treasureislandmedia.com/men/6725
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  50. PART 5 We walked into the sling room, and Grant closed the door. His uncut cock looked to be about 9.5” by 7”, dripping like a broken faucet and sporting a mean hole-wrecker of a P.A. “I’m Sloan,” I said, shaking Grant’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Sloan. And who’s the boy?” “He’s my lil’ bro, a slampig-in-training. One week past his 18th birthday, practically a virgin, and all partied up for the first time. He’s your fuckhole for the night, so call him whatever you want. His name’s not important.” Grant growled approval, then turned to Conrad. “Hey, son. Sounds like your big bro's been taking good care of you, huh?” “Yes, sir,” Conrad replied. “Yeah, boy? Tell me what your bro’s been doing for you.” “Well, sir—he’s making a man out of me,” said Conrad. “Before this, I’d only fucked around with other boys. Tonight is the first time I’ve surrendered my body, my hole—everything—to the control of a man who wants to mark me, own me, use me. And best of all, I can still feel his thick cumload dripping out of my hole.” “Is that so, boy?” Grant reached around to Conrad’s ass, pulling the boy closer to him. I heard his fingers dip into the warmth and wetness of that slopped-up boyhole. He gave another growl of appreciation. “Admit it, boy: you were looking for somebody to pin you down and fill your hungry little musclebutt with raw dick.” “That’s right, sir,” said Conrad. “My big bro knew what to do. He fed me white smoke from a little glass pipe. He just kept feeding me that smoke, and every time I exhaled a big breath full of clouds, I got hungrier. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that hungry, but that’s what I was—so fucking hungry for my big bro’s dick. I couldn't believe how amazing it felt when his bareback cock shoved into my fuckhole.” “Good boy,” said Grant, his hands slowly kneading the muscles of Conrad’s bubble butt. “And now that you’ve got a thick load of your big bro’s poz cum oozing of out your partied-up hole, are you still hungry?” “Even hungrier. Please give me more. Please poz me, Daddy.” Grant growled, pointing at the sling. “Climb up, boy.” As Conrad walked to the sling, Grant turned to me. “Nice work, son.” “Thanks, Dad.” I opened up my playkit, revealing a row of prepared points. “Would you like to do the honors? I think it’s time we got our boy slammed out of his fuckin’ mind.” “Fuck yeah -- but I've got an idea,” said Grant. “Whenever I slam, I shoot a big load of cum as soon as the tourniquet comes off my arm. Why let that load go to waste? I’ll push my dick up inside our boy’s hole, then slam myself at the same time you’re slamming him. That way, he’ll be riding his very first rush at the exact same moment my cock is shooting thick ropes of unmedicated poz cum deep inside his little fuckhole. Got it?” “Fuck, Dad—that’s fuckin’ perfect. And then what?” “And then I use my seed as lube. You know—fuck my slutty son for awhile, just working that toxic load up inside him, getting him good and pregnant. Watching his sweet little face as he takes my fat poz dick into his slammed-up hole. I usually shoot my second load after 10 or 15 minutes of massaging that first round of cum into a boy’s fuckin’ pussy. I like to leave their insides torn-up and painted thick with my fuckin’ virus by the time I pull out.” “Fuckin’ A, you evil fucker. Let's fuck this boy into the dark side.” With that, we turned toward Conrad. His feet were firmly in the stirrups, his muscular legs spread wide, his 18-year-old boyhole proudly exposed for breeding. Jason was already applying a tourniquet. I took a syringe out of my playkit and handed it to Grant, then grabbed another for Conrad. Jason cocked his head and pointed at the playkit. “How big are those hits, anyway?” “Oh—big enough,” I said with a smirk. Jason flashed an evil grin. “Fuck yeah, dude. You startin’ him with—what? A .35?” “More like a 0.4,” I said. “But before that happens, this particular needle needs to make a little detour.” I immediately found a vein in my forearm, inserted the tip, and pulled back the plunger. A scarlet swirl of my blood began filling the rig. Removing the needle from my arm, I aimed it at Conrad’s bulging veins. “You see this, boy?” I said to him, tapping the side of the needle, its contents now contaminated with red streaks of my toxic blood. “This is how we guarantee that you go home tomorrow with my virus growing inside you. Got it?” Conrad smiled and nodded, holding out his arm eagerly. “Fuck yeah—we’ll be blood brothers,” he said. “Make me your blood brother. Please.” “Of course, bro. I’m so fuckin’ proud to bring you into the brotherhood.” Needle in hand, I leaned over to admire his beautiful veins. I picked one almost at random; his time at the gym had given him a forearm full of perfect admin sites. “See bro—the tip of this needle has my poz DNA all over it,” I said. "Want it?" "Fuck yeah. Please. Stick that poz needle in me." I gave him a quick smile, then gently slid the contaminated point into his arm. “Are you ready to watch my virus invade your fuckin’ bloodstream?” He nodded as if in a trance. I drew back the plunger, and Conrad’s blood rushed into the syringe to mix with mine. I looked behind me to see that Grant, too, had a register, and that his Daddy dick was already firmly lodged in my lil' bro's hole. Turning back to Conrad, I loosened his tourniquet and flashed a wolfish little grin. “You ready, baby boy? You ready for this fat fuckin’ blood-slam?” “Yes. Do it, bro. Please.” “You’re gonna be so goddamn fucked up. I can’t wait, lil’ bro.” With that, Daddy and I looked at each other and nodded. Then we counted down: 3, 2, 1... Push. The contents of the syringe began disappearing into Conrad’s vein, slowly and steadily, while the crimson mixture of our poz and neg blood gradually merged with his bloodstream. I felt his body begin to tense as the first wave of the drug started to hit. And as I pulled the needle out of his vein, his eyes grew wide and his lungs made a scratching noise as he prepared to cough. Grant finished his slam just as Conrad’s coughing fit began. Each cough caused my lil' bro's ass to spasm around Grant's dick, and that took our Daddy over the edge: as he yelled "Fuckin' take my virus" over and over again, his fat cock pulsed repeatedly inside my lil’ bro’s stretched-out cunt, each pulse sending waves of poz cum deep inside my boy's newly slammed-up fuckhole. A moment later, Grant pulled his cock from Conrad’s hungry butt, giving both of us a glimpse of the thick spout of cum erupting from his fat mushroom head. “You wanna get pregnant, son? ‘Cuz I wanna knock your ass up.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy. I wanna give your fuckin’ poz sperm a place to grow.” Grant shoved back in. As his raw dick re-entered Conrad's hole, I watched my lil' bro undergo my favorite transformation: No longer struggling to catch his breath, no longer freaked out by the intensity of the slam, his eyes gradually lost their focus, overwhelmed by the pleasure radiating from his fuckhole. His mouth dropped open, and he let out a low, slow moan. As I watched, his body seemed to become an extension of his wrecked and dripping fuckhole—open and hungry and obsessed. “Feel that cum dripping out of your hole?” Grant said to him as he continued to nail Conrad's butt. “I’m filling you up with the fuckin’ sperm that made you, boy.” By that point, Conrad’s hole was leaking a steady stream of cum mixed with streaks of blood from Grant’s assault on his torn-up cunt. “Dad’s drawing blood,” I said, pointing to the evidence of internal damage. Grant let out a cocky little laugh. “Looks like you’re starting to bleed from your wrecked little cunt, boy. Want me to stop?” My lil’ bro shook his head fiercely, his eyes insane with desire. “Please don’t stop tearing me up, Daddy,” he said. “More poz cum, please.” “Good boy,” replied Grant. “Good fuckin’ slampig. You make your Daddy so fuckin’ proud. And you know what’s gonna happen a little later?” “What’s that, Daddy?” “We’re gonna slam you up again, and your hole’s gonna stretch like you wouldn’t believe. That’s right, boy—it’s gonna stretch until it’s a gaping, bloody punch-hole dripping cum and piss and Crisco. You want that?” “I want everything you want to give me, Daddy.” “Good boy. The next slam will reduce you to nothing but a hole. You won’t even know your fuckin’ name, boy. But that’s OK. When your sweet boyhole is stretched around my fuckin’ forearm, nobody will be calling you Conrad. They’ll give you a new name. My favorite name.” “What’s that, Daddy? What’s your favorite name?” “Slampig,” Grant replied, driving his dick deep. “And you know what, Slampig? I’m here to make sure that my son will never shoot a neg load again.” MORE SOON…
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