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  1. Part 10 - The Date Angelo pulled up to his house just before his sister Maria and brother-in-law Hunter arrived, they were popping in on their way up to Boston for a long weekend. It was only a quick visit for a coffee and chat but whenever they could they would meet up at least once a week. Being a couple of years older than Angelo she had a close bond with him where they always shared everything and had no secrets. As they stood at the front door Hunter was checking the car over before they set off. Maria grabbed Angelo's arm and looked at him. "You have found someone haven't you?" She said starring in to his eyes. Angelo smiled shaking his head "How do you do that?". "I know you way to well, your eyes give everything away Angelo" Maria responded. Angelo nodded "I think so, but it is early we have our first real date tonight". "Take down your barriers Angelo, let him see the real you if you want it to work" She patted his hand. "Always wise with your words Maria" he replied kissing her on the cheek. Maria held him "He must be quite special if he has got that close to you". She turned and joined her husband in the car, they waved as they pulled out the driveway, Angelo stood watching as the car disappeared, he knew his sister was right about everything. The one thing he didn't really know for sure was how Ethan really felt, being so young and new to gay life weather he would even be in the mindset to have a boyfriend. Angelo went back in to the house he had some work to catch up on and had a busy week coming up as his team would be implementing the software at the company in the city and it had to go well. But first he booked a table at one of the nicer restaurants in Larchmont on the waterfront for 8pm. He sent a text to Ethan telling him trousers and shirt for their date. Ethan stopped doing his coursework and picked up his phone and smiled at the text he received from Angelo and sent a smiley face back to him. He gazed out of his bedroom window musing how different his life was becoming but then thought about his parents and knew that would be a challenge. Looking at his phone it was already 6pm, putting his work away he undressed and went to get ready. He packed his beach gear, shorts, t-shirt and a toothbrush and headed downstairs to wait for Angelo. As usual on the dot Angelo turned up and smiled his heart skipped a beat seeing Ethan dressed smartly, he got out of the car and walked over towards him. "Wow, you look amazing Ethan" Angelo kissed him on the lips. Ethan blushed a little "Thanks and you look as hot as ever and so different Angelo, not to overdressed am I?". Angelo smiled "No, just perfect. Come on". They chatted about tomorrow and spending the day on the beach as they drove back to Larchmont, Ethan suddenly remembered his dreams of Angelo and him on a beach walking in the surf. Angelo glanced at Ethan noticing he had gone quiet for a moment he smiled to himself seeing that Ethan was miles away but with a smile on his face. They pulled up to Angelo's house and deposited his belongings inside. Angelo waited for Ethan to come downstairs "It is a short walk to the restaurant, ready to go?". "Oh are we going out for dinner?" Ethan asked looking surprised. Angelo nodded "Yes, I am taking you out for dinner". They walked the 15 minutes down the lane and around the marina to the restaurant, the waiter showed them to a table on the outside veranda overlooking the marina. They both ordered steak and out of respect Angelo ordered a soft drink for himself as well. Although not a big drinker he did enjoy wine when chilling out or eating, throughout the meal Ethan smiled and just loved the way Angelo's body looked through his white shirt, the muscle definition in his arms accentuated by his choice of shirt. "What's so funny that your smiling about?" Angelo put his fork down as he finished. Ethan put his lemonade down "I love watching you". Angelo laughed "You are a naughty boy Ethan, and in a place like this". "God I want to kiss you Angelo" Ethan rested his head in his hands on the table looking at him. Angelo eyed him carefully "So do it". "Eh, what now, with all these people around?" Ethan looked surprised but amused. Angelo knew this would test if Ethan did have feelings for him "What are you afraid of?". "Not this" Ethan replied and leant over and kissed Angelo for several seconds. Margarite sat with her husband inside the restaurant she had noticed Ethan arriving with the tall hunky Latin man. She was very friendly with Ethan's mother Ellie and lunched with her at least once a week, she was also Ben's mother one of Ethan's best friends. She kept glancing to where they sat outside at one of the best tables. She dropped her fork on the floor seeing Ethan lean over and kiss the man, not just any kiss but a lovers kiss that lingered. Her husband enquired why she was so distracted during dinner, she brushed it off and laughed making the excuse that she kept thinking about the 4th July party she was organising. Angelo smiled at Ethan "Are you not afraid of anything then?". "You, I mean a little, I still tread carefully around you" Ethan sat back down looking at him. Angelo's smile faded "Why Ethan?". "Well it has been a bit rocky and I don't really know how I stand with you sometimes" Ethan looked at his plate. Angelo held Ethan's hand "Nothing can change what happened Ethan, but I don't want you feeling like that". Ethan looked up at Angelo "I am not scared of you just cautious but that is fading the more I know you". Angelo rubbed Ethan's hand "Do you want to get to know me better?". "Yes, I like being with you" Ethan blushed but chose his words carefully. Angelo looked at Ethan smiling at him "You have one of the most disarming smiles Ethan" Ethan giggled "Is that good?". "Melts my heart every time" Angelo leaned over and kissed Ethan. They ordered coffee and Margarite watched as she put her jacket on to leave the restaurant, how strange she thought that Ethan was dining so far out of Harrison, the other side wondered if Ellie even know her son was gay, she couldn't wait for her to return from the Hamptons and have lunch with her. The waiter finished serving coffee to Angelo and Ethan and walked away. "So what business are you in if you know my father" Ethan asked. Angelo smiled and began to unravel "Software, I run my own software company". "Must be nice running your own business" Ethan enthused. Angelo giggled "I like running it and it has proved to be a wise choice for me". "My father has set out my education to take law, but I don't want to do it" Ethan sounded a little down. Angelo looked at him "But it get's you a good education, what about your mother?". Ethan laughed "She keeps setting me up with daughters of some the richer people in Harrison". Angelo laughed "Why is that I wonder?". "Social climbing, that's all she is after" Ethan looked up "she will have a surprise though". They both laughed and continued talking until they got back to Angelo's house, it was already gone 11pm when they finally arrived and clambered up the stairs into the bedroom. Angelo stood in front of Ethan and kissed him gently and began to undress Ethan folding his clothes up as he took them off. Ethan reached up and starred Angelo in the eyes as he unbuttoned the shirt then the trousers and underwear. They stood looking at each other for a moment with no words Angelo picked Ethan up and carried him to the bed, Angelo knew that Ethan was tired he turned the light off and cuddled up to Ethan, both of them were sleeping within minutes. Ethan woke first and carefully slipped out of bed and went downstairs to make coffee, on his return he put the cups down and slipped back in to bed thinking he done it without waking Angelo. He felt Angelo's arm pulling him so he turned over to see Angelo awake, happily he fell into his arms and kissed Angelo deep and lovingly just how he had been discreetly taught. "Thank you for a lovely night Angelo" Ethan smiled stroking Angelo's face. Angelo sniffed "You made coffee?". "Tried to" Ethan giggled a bit before Angelo locked his lips on Ethan's mouth. Angelo rolled on top and looked at Ethan "We should get up". Ethan draw a sad face "Really?". Angelo laughed "I know what you want but you will have to wait for the second date". "You want to take me on a second date then?" Ethan asked smiling. Angelo kissed him "Yes and a third and so on". Ethan pushed Angelo off on his back and climbed on top kissing him with even more passion, Angelo wrapped his arms around Ethan and rolled him back continuing their kiss until Ethan rolled Angelo back over. Eventually stopping as they were kissing and laughing in each others mouth, Angelo flipped Ethan on his stomach and slapped his ass telling him to get in the shower. Angelo followed Ethan in and they washed each other as they kissed, Angelo turned the water off and began to towel Ethan dry. "Angelo I love seeing you like this" Ethan pushed back closer to Angelo. Angelo continued drying Ethan "Like what?". "You know, the fun side of you, but I also kind of like the edgy rough side as well" Ethan replied. Angelo slapped Ethan's ass handing him the towel "Always handy to know". They sat eating a light breakfast and Angelo was cleaning up when they heard the boys car pulling up the drive. Angelo and Ethan sat in the back and after 30 minutes Ethan fell asleep in Angelo's arms. Adam looked back and smiled. They stopped at the first beach at the start of the Hamptons and found a nice spot that was still pretty quiet. Angelo carried the picnic hamper down and set it on the blanket, the four of them stripped to their swim wear and went running down to the sea. Adam decided to taunt Angelo and tried running off as Angelo stormed through the water catching him around his waist and hoisted him in the air before dropping him in the sea. Tony and Ethan laughed as they swam watching how brave Adam was trying to be. Adam laughing wiped the salty water from his face as Angelo picked him up again so he was to face with Angelo, Adam protested saying enough and that he would stop taunting him. Angelo released him to his feet and leant forward and kissed him full on. "Ooops" Tony remarked looking at them. Ethan smiled "Now that's hot". Tony sort of smiled "You don't mind?". Ethan put his arm around Tony and kissed his head "No, after all Adam kisses me and you don't mind". Tony looked at Ethan "No, just very jealous though". Ethan laughed "Why didn't you say so" he moved in front of Tony and kissed him as only Ethan knew. Tony shook his head "Holy fuck Ethan you kiss amazingly, now I know what Adam means". Ethan laughed as he head Adam and Angelo approach "You have Angelo to thank for that". Angelo picked Ethan up and looked at Tony "You kissed my boy Tony". Tony looked unsure if Angelo was joking "Sorry didn't mean to Angelo but you kissed mine". Angelo put Ethan down and moved towards Tony "I guess I have to kiss you as well then". Tony laughed and opened his arms "Bring it on" so Angelo did. The four of them waded to shore as they noticed the beach was getting a little busier. Angelo grabbed Ethan's hand and asked if he wanted to walk along the beach. Adam and Tony went back to their spot to sunbathe. Ethan felt strange but very real walking along a public beach holding hands with another guy, he was loving the gentle surf lapping at his ankles. All of a sudden he had a feeling of deja vous and his dreams came back to him in a flash, he chuckled wondering if he had predicted the future as the similarities were uncanny. Angelo looked at him "What are you giggling about?". "Nothing really, just how much of a good time I am having with you and the others" he replied. Angelo smiled "Ready to walk back?". "I think so, getting hungry" Ethan said as he turned on the spot. Angelo pulled Ethan towards him and looked him in the eye, he leaned forward and kissed him. Ethan placed his hands around Angelo's waist and happily kissed him back for several moments, the final piece of the dream had shown its hand. A young couple coming out of the sea walked within a few meters of where they stood, she turned and called them a beautiful couple before turning to her husband and kissing him. Angelo was oblivious to them but Ethan looked over and smiled at them before they continued their walk back down the beach to join Adam and Tony who were preparing the food Angelo brought. Ethan laid back in the lap of Angelo thinking the day could not be any more perfect, Adam ever the restless one held his hand out to Ethan to come for a swim leaving Angelo and Tony sunning themselves. Tony sat up and looked at Angelo "You really like him don't you?". Angelo looked surprised by his comment "Why would you think that?". "The way you look at him" Tony responded thinking he should have kept quiet. Angelo looked at Ethan in the sea with Adam "More than I wanted to". "Does he know?" Tony asked pouring Angelo a lemonade. Angelo took the cup of lemonade "I don't know, sometimes the way he looks at me I think he does". "You know he talks about you all the time now" Tony laid back down. Angelo looked at Tony "I don't think he understands how much I love him". Tony sat bolt upright "Did you mean that?". "Mean what?" Angelo looked confused. "You just said how much you love him" Tony replied looking at him. Angelo turned to look at Ethan "I trust you won't say anything Tony?". "No I will keep it between us, but... oh, nothing" Tony watched Ethan. Angelo looked at Tony "Come on you can be open with me Tony". "You probably don't need advice from me" Tony ran his hands through the sand. Angelo laughed "Give me your advice and let me see". "Don't let it eat you up or regret not saying anything to Ethan how you feel" Tony told him. Angelo sighed "I don't think he is at a relationship stage in his life". Tony stood up and held his hand out to Angelo "Come on lets swim". Angelo stood "Okay". "Angelo you might be surprised, Ethan is no wild child and he is loves being with you" Tony looked him in the eye. Angelo put his arm around Tony "I don't want to rush him, he has to be certain it is what he wants". Tony stopped "Ethan told Adam about a dream he has nearly every night involving you". "Seriously?" Angelo looked a little taken back. Tony laughed "Yes, funny enough it involved you and him on a beach and a kiss". Angelo smiled and walked down to the sea with Tony, Adam and Ethan were fooling around splashing as they say the other two approaching and decided to turn and splash them. Ethan putting a brave face on started stepping back as Angelo lunged forward and grabbed him lifting him up and kissing him. "Not so brave now are you" Angelo laughed as Ethan still tried to splash him. Ethan struggling called to Adam "I need reinforcement Adam". Adam waded over "Not a chance Ethan" laughing as he moved away with Tony. Angelo held Ethan up in a bearhug refusing to let him go until he finally gave up and kissed him. Angelo still held Ethan and started walking back to shore, Ethan rested his head against Angelo's shoulder and neck, his arms holding firmly around Angelo's neck. "I've had one of the best days ever" Ethan muttered as they reached the shore. Angelo put Ethan down "You brought so much happiness back in to my life Ethan". Ethan grabbed Angelo's hand as they walked to join Tony and Adam who were starting to pack away. Angelo invited Adam and Tony for dinner as they piled in to the car for the trip back to Larchmont.
    8 points
  2. Bookstore today was fairly busy. I focused in on a beefy bearded 30 yr old. He was shy, and not really talkative, so I pulled my cock out and jerked it as I stood beside him. He watched quietly, and finally I turned to him and told him to suck it in a firm voice. He dropped to his knees and began giving a sloppy blowjob. I let him suck me a few minutes, then pulled out and told him to show me his ass. He reached in his pocket, handed me a rubber, then dropped his pants and bent over a bench. His ass was covered in black hair, and I drove my tongue in as deeply as possible. He tasted musty and I loved it. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I stood up and plunged into his hairy hole balls deep. He let out a brief grunt, but I kept fucking him steady. He asked if I was wrapped and I didn't answer him. I kept pounding him until my tingling balls unloaded in his guts. I moaned as I came, and he quickly jerked his cock and came just after me. Sliding off my cock he sat on bench, and I presented my still stiff cock for him to clean. He tongued me clean, and I tucked my cock back in my pants. I handed him back his rubber and thanked him for the raw ride. He half smiled and I nodded and left.
    4 points
  3. Jake slowly started working his boy cunt with his fingers, and gradually his hole opened up. Given how powerful the situation was, I felt that some t was needed and helpful, and Jake agreed. The pipe was loaded, I held the torch to it, and got a nice lung full. As a side note, t gives me t dick from hell, but Jake gets rock hard from the stuff, which works fine for me. Then we passed the pipe to Derek and instructed him on how to use it. " Wait until the bowl is sort of smokey, then start to inhale with your mouth slow and steady." we informed him. It was almost like you could see the tingles go up his spine. We gave him 3 good hits. That opened him up nicely, along with the poppers we had provided. Jake plowed his boy cunt until he nutted hard, then stood back and allowed Mark to nut and dump his baby batter in him as well. I just stood back and watched, hard as a rock despite the T and finally sunk my cock into my nephew and all the baby batter he held. I plowed his cunt for a good few minutes, then we decided to move it to my truck. We went upstairs and then out with all of us dressed. Derek was bent over the passenger seat of my truck and I bred him nice and deep. Then Jake jumped back in, hard as a rock and wanted to breed him again. "You love that toxic baby batter don't ya boy?" Jake asked rhetorically.... Derek just nodded, the t and the cock in his boy cunt just told him to go with it. Little did he know that he was slowly becomming a poz cunt boy who served at our pleasure. Slowly but surely he would change. ( Sorry guys, I really am in the deep south and heading back home tomorrow. Thats all I had time to write tonight after spending the last 3 hours in a speakeasy ( illegal bar... yes they do exist in 2018...) More to cum...
    4 points
  4. I had resolved to rectify my long-held desire by finally fucking the arse of one of the members of the Breeding Zone. He was someone I had from time to time tried to meet up and desired to fuck his great arse bare. Unfortunately, each time work had prohibited the fulfilment of this arrangement. There was a small group of friends I'd gathered from my years on Breeding Zone that had also expressed some interest in joining me at my local sauna. I'd desired to get them all together to make an orgy out of it and give my big bottomed friend an experience to be remembered. I also secretly arranged to have another member attend to finish things off in a special way! The only time we could all make it was Saturday afternoon, I liaised with everyone and to my surprise all turned up bar my surprise special guest. This was going to be a day to remember. My big-bottomed friend had always said my escapades at the sauna sounded really exciting, now was I was going to show him why. Along with him, I'd invited a sexy Spaniard, who had also expressed interest in being bred by me and a hunky handsome hairless man, who I always thought we'd get off with each other well. We all quickly changed and I took them all to the dark room. I dropped my towel and I demanded that my big-bottomed friend suck my dick. I slid my seven inches into his warm mouth. He was greedy for cock and an excellent cock-sucker and soon my cock was standing proud and well-lubricated. Now was the moment of realisation of my desire these last two years. Meanwhile next to me, I noticed my Spanish and hairless companions were getting along well, having settled into a comfortable 69-position. I pushed him back onto the couch and rubbed my erect cock over his crack, which I then lubricated with copious quantities of lube. “Time for me to finally fuck this hole!”, I said as I got ready to plunge my stiff member inside his well-lubricated hole. This is a scene I’ve played in my mind many times, as I gently penetrated his hole, which was open and lubed. He pushed his bum up towards me 'til my bush was in his arse crack and our balls were touching, and I put my hands on his hips to hold him steady as I started to fuck his arse. He told tell me to fuck him harder, for which I needed no encouragement; his hole was mine for the fucking. He had sucked me off very well so that I was close enough to finish him off after a short but strong fuck. I was getting close to exploding deep within him!. As I fucked him harder he was pushing back in response, getting me as deep within him as possible. All of a sudden I could hold it in no longer and my jizz spurted out in great squirts. I couldn't believe how much was pouring into him and how long I squirted my sperm deep within him! After a few minutes, I pulled out exhausted with my efforts and pulled my now wilting cock out of his finally seeded hole. I was no longer in a position to continue topping so I sought out cocks that would satisfy my cravings for seed instead. Meanwhile as I'd hoped my efforts had attracted the attention of other people in the dark room, who now started roaming their hands all over his body and then one after the other they entered his now well-seeded arse with their lustful cocks ready to seed him some more! I now concentrated on my two other companions, who were still sucking one another off. First I took over sucking the hairless hunk, whilst the Spaniard took over reviving my now limp cock. I enjoyed sucking this big thick cock and I sucked him almost to ejaculation. He thrust his cock in and out my mouth as I felt his sweet precum. Then he turned me around and I daubed some lube into my arse. I felt his hands on my arse, pulling my cheeks apart and then the head of his cock pushing against my hole. I spread my legs apart and pushed back as his big cock entered slowly into my arse. I hadn't had anything this big up me for a long time but poppers helped me take it all in. He stopped for a moment after it was fully in and then he began to fuck me. Whilst he thrust his length in and out of me, I noshed on the Spaniard's cock. The time he'd already had been sucked off already paid its toll as I felt him spasm in his mouth, which filled with his hot cum. But I didn't swallow. Instead , I turned round and gave my forceful fucker a passionate open-mouthed kiss passing the Spaniard's cum into his mouth from mine. This turned him on massively and he thrust even harder into my pounded arse. Meanwhile, to my delight, I saw my special invitee had finally arrived and he was honing in on my big-bottomed neighbour. I could tell it was him, even in the relative dark of the room from the light from outside the door which cast a shadow on the impressive tattoo on his arm. His hands carefully explored his body, before sticking his large cock head inside his multiply-loaded arse. He spent little time with preliminaries, but ravaged his arse, pushing his cock in hard and fast with only one aim to shoot his toxic load inside this man. The sight of this was too much for my hairless humper, who now exploded deep within me. My craving for seed now satisfied and my cock now fully back to attention courtesy of my Spanish sucker, I was now able to fulfil another resolution to fill this Spaniard will my sperm. In a wordless exchange he changed from sucking me off to guiding my dick to his eager hole. I began to ease my dick in and out of his hole, pushing in slowly and then pulling out more quickly, trying to establish a good rhythm. He was delighted that he was finally being bred by me! Then I felt some hands on me. First feeling all my body, and then moving onto my nipples and working them as I fucked. Then his hands were on my balls and feeling my cock as it was going in and out of the Spaniard's arse. Just then I felt a cock between my legs. I eagerly pushed forward to receive his cock. It was huge! He was not gentle with me, he went right in hard,.He was back in to me hard and fast and it was constant. I wondered if I could take such a pounding. I was feeling quite sore despite the coating from my previous seeding. I started to get accustomed to his raping my hole,even when he really tore into me. He didn’t say anything; he just kept fucking my arse. His hands were pulling on my balls and fingers managed to force their way around my hole, feeling his shaft pound my hole. Then suddenly he forced himself fully into me and held his cock in for quite a while. I realised he was spunking his load inside me. He pulled out quickly and headed out of the room. I turned round to see the unmistakeable biohazard tattoo of my other invitee, he had not only pozzed my friend, but had shot his toxic load up me too! Any reference to people from the Breeding Zone is purely intentional!
    3 points
  5. Crazy work life, then a change in work schedule meant I haven't been doing much except getting off with some FBs. Finally things have settled down and I am adapting. One big change is that I go to the gym in the morning now, around 10-11 am. Whole new group of guys there! Since I am not cute or really built, I advertise my best asset (a big dick!) by taking my time in the locker room, always showering after a workout, not wrapping a towel around myself, hanging out a little in the sauna. I don't fuck there because it's a hassle to stop and start. Got lots of looks right off the bat from a latin guy, early 40s, plays raquetball so has nice legs and butt. Yesterday after eying me in the sauna again, he was hanging out in the lobby as I left and followed me outside. I stopped to zip up my coat and said, "How far away do you live." He said three blocks and pointed the direction. It's a Sunday morning so the street is pretty empty as we walk. I'm talking quietly saying stuff like, "I bet you like to get fucked,." And he's just answering quietly, "yeah, yeah." As soon as we're in his apartment he's struggling out of his sweats and showing me his ass. It is a fine, round ass, lightly furry and I am so glad I lured this one in. I pull his cheeks apart, squat down and start eating him out and he starts panting. In two minutes he's whispering "fuck me, please." My dick is hard now and I make him suck it, pulling his head back by the hair and watching him love it. We fumble into the bedroom, he finds some lube and I slip it to him from behind, fucking him like a bitch, watching that fine ass. It's been a while for me so I know I am gonna cum soon and as soon as I think I am close I say, "Here's the cum you wanted." He gasps "yes, yes, yes," and I breed him while he keeps saying, "yes, yes, yes."
    3 points
  6. Becoming a member is not being in chastity for nine months, but it's also getting an education in B.D.S.M. being punished seeing how far they can push you into degradation. My first party at the farm had no sex but about me getting punished and for them to see what I'm willing to endure to become a member. They tied to a cross then someone is dragging the leather flogger across my body sensually across my back at first before the flogger starts to impact me harder. They keep asking me if I'm OK as they rub their body against me and I feel their hard dick that want more as just maybe that dick will find its way into one of my holes. I can see from across the room mirror that my back is red, as he shows me a signal whip, then says I hope you don't mind for some red stripes on your back as I won't cut you up too much. He cracks the whip, and I jump even though he did not hit me, the first time he hit me it was it painful as he throws it and cracks without hitting me than a hit and but I tied to the cross and can't move one inch. With my back cut up, I'm brought over to a bench. Then uses a wooden paddle on my butt cheeks until they are both crimson red. I'm asked me if I can do one more thing. He wants to give me six strokes from a cane, the first one is so painful as I know he is breaking the skin, and when I get up, I'm taken to see the marks and it six well define marks on my, ass cheeks that lasted for two months. At Mid Atlantic Leather conferance in Washington D.C., you have to be 21 or older. My first time I went, I was under 21, and I was able to get in by a friend. Over the last six years, they have tightened up security as this will be my brothers who turn 18 in 2018 a problem so this year we are not staying in the host hotel. The first time I was at M.A.L. I was overwhelmed by the amount of Gay Leathermen, even the ones standing outside of the hotel. The eighth floor is where the Nasty Kink Party is; they just took me there to see what was going on, All I can say is its one big party floor. They take me to a room that Thad will be in with two other members of our group. I'm told to strip and put on this jockstrap and leather harness as this the chain with the lock, chastity device is all I will be wearing this weekend. They put me on the bed as I see the syringe and a bag of Tina coming near me. My arm is tied I see the flash of blood and then the rush as soon as I stop coughing they put a dog leash to the chain around my neck, take a magic marker then write NEG on the right side of my shoulder and POZ on the left. Then take me to another room on this floor we are on. The one escorting me is dressed in full leather and does not say a word to me till the very end. He knocked three times the door opens he handed out the dog leash its grab, and I'm brought in to a dark room. Get on your knees BITCH. A dick is by my lips, so I go for it and take as much as I can as he grabs my head and drives his dick further, as he is face fucking me some comes behind me and puts his finger in my hole then I feel a slow burn, and they put a shard in me. On the bed, they are fucking me as hard as they can as I can feel their loads pulsing into to my hole. After I clean their dicks, they take the magic marker and put their mark on me, put a butt plug in me then throw me out of the room as you do with trash. The escort is there to be taken to another room, and it's about the same but different size dicks. After visiting three rooms, we are waiting by the elevator, and it takes forever for it to come. I can hear people talking. It looks like the little bitch is in for a night of raw fun. Maybe they are trying to knock him up. He has taken seven loads 5 POZ, and two neg so far. Someone asks the escort if they can join in and he says. He is already booked up with dates so far. On the elevator, I feel someone putting their hand on the butt plug in my ass as the escort says, Hi Bill what are you up to, just hanging out. The stranger says what you have here? A new FNG for our group do you want to join in? Sure as I'm off meds. In the next room, they have lights on. I see Thad in the sling getting fisted having a wonderful time. They pick me up put me the bed given another slam and some Molly to keep me going. I have dicks all around me in my ass fucking me as hard as they can and being face fuck. I don't know how long this went on as when I woke up in Thad's arms he starts laughing as he says you took 25 loads in your ass and 15 in your mouth.
    3 points
  7. 18. Tony met with Aaron after school and found out about his latest argument with his parents. Aaron's parent's had his hole life planned out for him - study, find a job, meet a girl, get married, have kids. They were also very strict with him. He couldn't even go out. At 19! Aaron had long wanted to move out of the house, but, not having the money, he had remained subservient, also rationalizing remaining in the closet was the best course of action as he surmised if he announced he was gay his parents would likely disown him and kick him out. Tony wanted to help his friend, but didn't know how. He felt really bad for Aaron, particularly as Tony found himself really liking Aaron, and finding himself fucking pissed off by Aaron's old-fashioned, overly-strict parents! It was about 7 o'clock in the evening when Tony's cell phone rang. This was about two months after he had (unfortunately unsuccessfully) stealthed Josh, the blond twink. Tony just came back from the gym, his hot muscles pumped to the max, his arm muscles now actually matching Sam's. There was no doubt, Tony was a major alpha male. Aaron was on the other end of the telephone call, and in an angry, broken, all-but screaming voice, told Tony what had happened: in the midst of yet another argument with his parents, his dad snarled that Aaron, with his bad attitude, would never find a good job and a good young lady. In his frustration and fury, Tony responded by accidentally coming out to his parents. Whereupon his father punched Aaron and expelled him from the house. "Fucking homophobic dickheads!" Tony cursed, telling Aaron to stay by the phone, that he'd call right back. With that he sought out Rick and Danny, filling them in on Aaron's plight, asking if they had any advice. "Aaron? That nice cute Asian kid? Fuck that's so wrong! Bring him here. He can stay with us for now." "Really? Wonderful! He's not too far away. I'll give him a call and have him head on over here. Placing the call, Aaron was majorly relieved for the offer, and he and Tony agreed to meet on the corner. When they met, the two hugged and Aaron sobbed into Tony's shoulder. "It will be okay, don't worry," Tony urged, trying to assuage Aaron's pain as they walked to the house. "Hi Aaron. I'm so sorry to hear what happened," said Danny, who was waiting in the kitchen. "Thank you sir," replied Aaron. "Oh, please! Call me Danny!" Aaron only nodded and sobbed again. Tony hugged him tightly, and when Uncle Rick came downstairs, he likewise greeted Aaron saying "Hi Aaron. I'm so sorry about what happened. Don't worry. You can stay here for now. All the food and water is in the fridge, and I already prepared the guestroom for you. Tony, why don't you get Aaron settled in his room?" "Thank you. You have saved me," murmured Aaron. "Of course! We couldn't let you sleep in the street." "So... this is the guestroom. I know it isn't much, but it's better than a park bench. I'll go get you something to sleep in," Tony offered, mentally drawing up a list of essentials. "Thank you Tony. You're the best friend I could ask for!" "No problem mate! Any time. I'm here for you. Besides, I think this is for the best. You weren't happy with your living situation, and who knows for how much long you would've been able to take it. Now you are free! You can get a job that you actually want. You don't have to study law anymore! You never wanted to! I'm amazed that you made it this far. I would've dropped out from law major months ago. You can go out - get a boyfriend - you're free!" "You're right. It's going to take some time to process, but I guess I am free to re-make myself." "That's the spirit, champ! Don't worry, you'll be just fine here!" laughed Tony as he stepped into his room to raid his closet for clothing for Aaron to sleep in - only to discover he couldn't find anything decent for Aaron in his wardrobe! He mostly slept naked, or only in underwear, so pajamas were out of the picture since he didn't have any, and most of his underwear consisted of merely jock straps - as Tony loved how they made his hot bubble butt look inside his pants. The only three regular briefs he had, were coincidentally in the washer at the moment, leaving the only available clean non-jockstrap underwear he found were a pair of studded leather briefs from Rey's shop, a pair of see-through briefs he had received as a joke from Duke the preceding Christmas, and one pair of old green regular briefs, in which he found a hole in the ball area. "Fuck!" he cursed, and grabbed the best he could find, telling Aaron "Here you go, buddy. Sorry, but I couldn't find any fresh regular briefs. You know I don't have many. So you'll have to take one of my jocks," handing Aaron a red and white jockstrap and a plain white tank top. "Thanks Tony. It's fine. It's warm outside anyway," replied Aaron with heartfelt thanks as he stepped into the bathroom to get cleaned up. 19. Danny, Tony and Rick were having breakfast the next morning, Saturday, when Aaron came down, only wearing the jockstrap and tank top Tony had given him. When the guys saw Aaron, all three stared: as gym time was one of the few activities of which his parents had approved, Aaron had made the most of it, and his physique was excellent. When Aaron saw the guys staring he felt out of place, so he did an about face to get into some additional clothing which, of course, meant they all now had a clear view of his shapely ass. Danny, however, called out "No, no, no, it's all good Aaron! Come get some breakfast," as everyone, Aaron included, burst into laughter. After some discussion, later that morning Tony drove over to Aaron's parents' house where he would pick Aaron's stuff, knowing Aaron couldn't reasonably see his parents again. Not that soon. Knocking at the door, Aaron's little brother appeared asking "Uhmm.... hi?" "Hi, I'm Tony, Aaron's friend. I'm here to get Aaron's stuff for him," said Tony. The teenager admitted Tony, introducing him to his parents. Tony asked to retrieve Aaron's clothing and personal property. Mother and Father agreed, telling their youngest son to accompany Tony, but their cold anger was obvious, Tony went to Aaron's old room, gathered Aaron's clothing, school-related items, his laptop and other potentially useful items into some large plastic bags he had thought to bring. Aaron's parents were clearly eager for him to leave, so Tony left as quickly as he could. The parents stared coldly as he left, although the younger son, who's name was Chase, gave a much warmer farewell smile. Sometime later that day, in fact it was the next day as midnight had come and gone, Tony and Aaron got back home from a night out in town. It was Aaron's very first night out in town. Making it to Aaron's room, the two men laughed with genuine pleasure. "You know... I really enjoyed it. You really saved me!" said Aaron. He came a little closer to Tony and placed his hands on his hips. Tony grabbed him by the ass and pulled him into a hot kiss. They feverishly made out, their cocks at rigid attention. Aaron pulled Tony away, throwing in on the bed, sitting on top of his hard cock, grinding down on it even through his jeans as they continued making out. Tony cupped Aaron's ass and started pulling his jeans down, revealing the jock strap that Tony had given Aaron. "We're gotta get you more of those,." Tony grinned, slapped Aaron's ass, pulled the jock down and revealed Aaron's thick, veiny eight and a half inch cock. Admiringly Tony remarked "Whoever said Asians weren't packing?" Tony shook his head and gestured for Aaron to sit on his chest, leaving Tony to swallow Aaron's cock. Aaron, meanwhile, reached backwards and managed to unbutton Tony's jeans, extracting Tony's monster. "Aaron wait!" "What?" "I... I gotta tell you something," said Tony as he removed shirt, asking "You know what his means?" pointing at his biohazard tattoo. Not waiting for Aaron's reply he continued explaining "It means that I'm HIV positive. In fact I'm toxic, Aaron." Aaron looked at Tony in shock, trying to process this information, but looking down on his hot muscular, tatted, pierced, toxic friend, he realised he couldn't resist. "Shut the fuck up and give me your dick." he groaned as he turned around and started sucking that monster cock. When Aaron felt Tony's tongue at his hole, his thick cock bounced, and Aaron gagged and choked on Tony's pierced cock, and his own cock was dripping hot neg precum on Tony's chest. "Fuck!" he groaned, his mouth full of cock and turned around. They kissed. Aaron tasted his own ass from Tony's lips. His cock bounced again. Without thinking Aaron demanded "Fuck me til I fucking scream!" "Your wish is my command!" grinned Tony, flipping Aaron over onto his stomach so his hot bubble butt, still wearing the jockstrap invited Tony's cock inside. Tony pushed his way in, and Aaron groaned with pain and pleasure. Thrusting deeply into the bubble butt, Tony held onto Aaron's jockstrap, gradually building-up intensity, slapping Aaron's ass, using the hole for its intended purpose. As the first tinglings of Tony's orgasm made themselves known, Tony's pace picked-up, and his dirty talk increased as he grunted "I'm gonna pump your ass full of my toxic poz cum, baby, and trust me, it makes good young innocent boys like you turn into nasty pigs. It turned me, and it's gonna turn you. Soon, you'll get your boy cunt filled with a hot poz load and it's gonna knock you up. And then we will turn you into the biggest fucking hot pig in town!" "Yeah? I fucking hope so!" "You do? You fucking want my charged-up load?" "YEAH! POZ ME UP!" Tony felt his poz cum boiling up in his balls as he all but shouted "Yeah, FUCK!" Tony roared as his balls pumped his tainted seed into his up-until-now innocent friend. "FUCK YEAH! TAKE ALL OF MY HOT POZ CUM! GONNA KNOCK YOU UP REAL GOOD!" "Fuck yeah! Poz me up!" Aaron groaned. The toxic flow from Tony's cock ended, but before the energy dissipated Tony announced "Come on! I want your last neg load inside my ass!" With that Tony withdrew from Aaron's ass, flipped Aaron around and sat on his thick, lengthy cock, riding it for what it was worth. Aaron couldn't believe what was happening. He just got fucked and filled with poz cum by his best friend's monstrous pierced cock, and now his cock was planted in the ass of that hot tatted, pierced poz muscular hunk. Yeah, Aaron's cock was deep inside Tony's ass, and Aaron was on the cusp of blowing possibly his very last neg load into Tony's ass. Aaron felt the pressure building up his his balls, and involuntarily exclaimed "Oh FUCK! I'm cumming!" as he pumped at least ten huge shots of neg cum into Tony's ass. They kissed again and fell asleep a few minutes later, Aaron's cock still inside Tony's hole. More cumming in a few days, pigs. Let me know your thoughts, although I won't be really active for the next few days.
    3 points
  8. The anonymous cock in my arse pulls out and I feel a gush of cum follow it, running down my arse crack. I feel for my hole, it feels wide open and semen is dripping out. I collect some on my fingers and taste it, it's a devine taste of cum and my arse juices. A thought flits through my head, I don't know his status and he filled my hole with his seed, then I think but I know I've taken two HVL loads this evening, it hardly matters if he's poz! Devon is still lying next to me. ‘My mate wants a piece of your arse he tells me, ‘his cock is quite special though…’ Mate of Devon's? ‘Is he Poz?’ I ask. ‘Oh yeah, very’ Devon replies, ‘but the special bit is that his cock has a few piercings. I'm sure you could take them, but they can be too much for some guys….’ Shit, I think, if he's asking me first it must be special. I wonder what the piercings might do to my already abraded hole, and he's sure to dump another ‘very poz’ load of semen inside my body. But I've always enjoyed a bit of pain, and I feel totally out-of-it at the moment with the poppers, adrenaline, and the intensity of what I'm doing. ‘Yeah, mate’ I hear myself whisper, ‘I'll do anything tonight.’ I feel Devon’s mouth cover mine and we kiss. I reach for his wondrous cock and find it hard, I think that I need to have him again later. There's a guy the other side of me, he's been running his hands over my chest, squeezing my nipples, working my cock that is still so hard it feels almost ready to split! He is feeling between my arse cheeks, seeking out my hole. ‘This is Shaun’ Devon tells me, ‘My mate..’ I sit up and reach for Shaun’s cock. Devon’s monster may have made me gasp but Shaun’s almost made me run! His cock was equally as long as Devon’s, and it was thick and veiny. But the metalwork that i encountered was something else! I expected a PA, maybe a ring or a barbell. I could feel that Shaun was circumcised, and I felt three thick bars passing through his cock head, each with a polished ball on each end. These were at different angles, creating a star of stainless steel - I could only guess what this would feel like travelling in and out of my arse. Then, as I explored further, I found a series of rings through the skin along the underside of his cock. Thick rings, each with a ball in it, fuck knows how they were put in. The first is about an inch down his shaft from his cock head and there must have been eight of them finishing just before his balls. And to add to this he had barbell piercings along the top of the shaft, I counted six or seven, all with balls on each end! My head was spinning, I wondered what this cock would feel like inside me. And I couldn't imagine what those piercings on the top and bottom of his shaft would feel like passing through my sphincter. I almost decided I couldn't do it, the cock itself would be a stretch, but the piercings, what would they do to my hole? But before I could say no Shaun grabbed me and turned me onto my front, my bare feet on the sticky floor. He pushed me down onto the bench, I found myself laying on my stomach with my arse exposed. ‘Get some poppers mate,’ he told me, ‘you know you want to try it!’ I got the little brown bottle under my nose, closed one nostril and breathed. Deep. Long. Four or five breaths in through one nostril, then the same through the other. My heart raced, my head spun, my cock raged, stiff, trapped under me, my blood coursed through me in excitement. Shit, I knew I was going to let him! Shaun’s cock head was resting in the cleft of my arse, I could feel the cold steel bars between my buttocks. I pressed back against him, the poppers starting to work. I could feel my hole start to stretch. Then I felt his fingers starting to work the bars that cross his cock head through my muscle. One was inside me, then two, then the third. I realised they were so long that they seemed to trap just inside my inner hole, before his engorged bulbus cock head burst through into me. It wasn't really painful as I had been stretched so much earlier, and the three loads of cum were lubing my passage, but it was a weird feeling of the cold steel and the hot meat forcing my muscle to widen as they enter. And, I thought, the hot meat inside my body was a very poz cock. He then started to press more of his cock into me. First I felt the star of steel pushing, pressing, working through my rectum. Hard smooth bars, round steel balls, opening me up so differently than the cocks that went before. I know there are no pain receptors in the rectum, so if it feels uncomfortable what the fuck is that thing doing inside me? But then the first of the rings underneath his cock starts pressing through my sphincter. His thick cock shaft is stretching my muscle to capacity anyway, so this new intrusion stretches my ring, pulls it inward, before the steel ring drags past the muscle, through into my arse. But before the ring is fully in one of the barbell piercings on the top of his cock starts forcing my hole open, reaming past my stretched hole which is forced to open to allow it's passage. And then the next ring piercing scrapes through into me. And so it continues, one at a time the piercings would pull, stretch skin and muscle, force muscle against its will and then pop through. One by one, top then bottom. All of these sensations are driving me wild, and this is just him entering my arse. Slowly his cock head reams its path through my guts - he is taller than me and his cock is smashed against my prostate, the rings rubbing against the sensitive gland. My arse started to feel full again, familiar feelings, Shaun’s cock is filling me to capacity. He reaches the end, I knew that the steel piercings of his cock head were now pressing against the rear of my rectal void, I wondered if it could push through into my intestines the way Devon’s cock head had, but before I could try to move to allow it Shaun began to withdraw. As his shaft moved through my hole all of his shaft piercings pulled out through my sphincters again. I groaned at this sensation, he pulled outside more quickly than he had entered making the feelings more intense. But then, before I could process this, he was pushing back in again! My hole was pummelled, my prostate pounded as he started to fuck in and out of me, the fucking quickly created sensations that were so extreme, they were painful but so erotic. As I snorted more poppers I felt my arse muscles start to spasm. My body was unable to control the stretching being imposed by Shaun's cock and my muscles were struggling to adjust. This, along with the continual massage that my prostate was receiving, rapidly took me toward another orgasm But the anal stimulation being caused by Shaun's fucking prevented me reaching the point of release, thiis was such an intense feeling. My balls were boiling and I wanted to cum so badly but could only concentrate on Shaun's murderous cock head doing its worst inside my rectum, his piercings sawing in and out through my tortured hole, and my muscles trying but failing to clench his thick cock shaft. I tried to reach my cock to wank it but Shaun took hold of my hand and twisted my arm behind my back. His other hand was on my shoulder pinning me to the bench. ‘Just enjoy the fuck, bitch’ he snarled, ‘you don't cum til I let you.’ My cock was trapped, rubbing between my stomach and the edge of the bench, but the rubbing wasn't enough to make me cum. His fucking was now faster, one second my colon felt so full with his cock head bars ramming into my arse wall, then I was empty and my hole felt like it was being turned inside out. His cock was running the full depth of my arse, his shaft piercings being wrenched in and out of my hole, again and again, my prostate being mashed by his meaty pierced shaft. He drove in and out of me, faster, deeper, shagging my hole, grating my ring. Then he reared up, both hands on my buttocks pulling himself higher, his cock driving deeper into me. I felt the familiar feeling deep inside as his cock head hit the same point that Devon had, but the bars through Shaun’s glans made the passage around into my colon more difficult. The deep intrusion hurt, but when I tried to pull against it this caused his cock to travel even deeper. Then the out stroke pulled the metalwork back out, through my colon, the shaft piercings dragging my sphincter out, the rings under his shaft dragging, one at a time, past my prostate. He fucked into my inner opening again and again. Finally I started to cum, but this made my arse clench against the tortuous cock, doubling the sensations that his piercings were producing, causing me to cry out in ecstasy and pain. I tried to stop my arse clenching but that made it worse. He kept fucking, I kept cumming, an intense orgasm that just seemed to open the passage from my balls, cum pouring out of my cock as my arse tried to clench onto his. My cum seemed to last an eternity, and throughout the unrelenting fucking continued. ‘I'm gonna breed you!’ he finally cried, ramming deep into me again. In my head I saw his thick toxic semen spraying into my hole, I imagined the pressure building behind the star of steel before forcing past as a jet of poison, spraying against the soft, mashed and abraded tissues of my intestines. He rammed deep, four, five, six, more, until he eventually collapsed, falling forward onto my back. Spent. I hoped he'd not caused any damage inside my arse, but then thought about the massive load of ‘very poz’ cum that he had just deposited. I'm definitely damaged I thought to myself. He slowly extracted his cock from my arse. He had softened but was still long and thick, I felt every lump and bulge as they left my hole. Once he was out I moved round and leant over to worship his weapon, taking his cock into my mouth, managing to get the pierced head and part of his shaft past my teeth. As I leant over I felt another pair of legs move up to my arse and a long cock slid up my back. Looking behind me I recognised the shape as being Devon. I shook my head but his fingers were in my hole. I stood up. ‘No more, mate’ I tell him, leaning back to kiss him. ‘I'm fucked.’ ‘Come with me’ he replies. Taking my hand he leads me from the darkroom, along the corridor into one of the private booths. On the bench is Bobby, lying on his back, his cock hard in his hand. He looks worse in the light of the booth, his cheeks are sunken, his stomach distended, lesions on his arms, legs, stomach. But his cock is hard as he slowly slides the foreskin back and forth over the head, precum glistening as it drips onto his bony fist. ‘Do you think you could take us both?’ asked Devon. The idea scared me, I'd never been DPd before. Bobby isn't massive, but Devon is. AIDS cock and high viral POZ cock inside me together? Devon hands me my poppers. ‘Have a few breaths of this before you decide…’
    3 points
  9. 15. About four months passed and the New Year rolled around. Life was good for Tony. There was a great deal of partying, and even more sex with other guys, as well as a great deal of time at the gym, time which was definitely paying off. Tony's physique was catching up with those of the other men. His arms were now almost the size of Sam's, his pecs would left most other men envious, and Tony's six pack was fucking hot! In addition, Ray was still working on his tats. That on Tony's left arm was now full-sleeve, which means the tats extended from Tony's shoulder blade all the way down to his knuckles. Sitting in the classroom, Tony felt multiple eyes on him, but he was used to the attention. There was always someone checking him out - whether he wore regular clothes or tight shirts, showing off his muscles. He looked over the crowd. Most of the boys and girls looking at him looked away, hoping to avoid him noticing. One guy, however, a blonde twink in unremarkable clothing, was clearly infatuated with Tony. When he realized Tony was returning the gaze. the twink blushed and looked away. Tony observed him carefully, noting the twink was about five foot nine inches, and while quite cute, was also quite shy. Tony made his plans, and awaited the end of class. With the dismissal, Tony made it a point to keep his eyes on the twink, and to position himself in front of the twink as the latter was walking in the corridor, approaching the twink from the side, and patting him on the shoulder. The twink was caught blindsided, and all but jumped in the air when he realized Tony had sought him out. "Hi! I saw you eyeing me back in class. What was that all about?" Tony asked with a smile. "Oh... Uhmmm.... I...," "Don't worry. Just say it. I won't get mad. I promise," Tony re-assured the man. "Uhmmm... You know... I just... just think you're really... really...." "Hot?" asked Tony with a charming smile. "Uhmmm... Yeah, pretty much." "That I hoped to hear," said Tony with a wide smile, adding "Listen, Do you have time tonight? I was thinking we could get to know each other better, for instance, you could tell me your name." "Josh, name's Josh. And I definitely do!" "I'm glad to hear that." They exchanged telephone numbers, and Tony texted Josh the address of the club explaining "Wait for me at this club at 9:00 tonight." However, as Tony then saw his buddy Aaron wave at him he and Josh parted with Tony explaining. "Oh sorry, my friend's waiting for me," but adding "Make sure you're there tonight!" "Yeah! Definitely," Josh said as Tony was leaving. Tony was walking home with his pal Aaron. They were talking and laughing all along the way. Aaron was a nice guy, about six feet tall, 19 years old, Asian, fashionable and outgoing with messy hair and quite a nice physique with nice biceps, pecs and a cut six pack. They were talking about his parents. Aaron didn't have the greatest relationship with them and they were constantly in an argument, because they were trying to control his life completely and Aaron wasn't a little kid anymore and wasn't going to let that pass. He wanted to leave, but didn't have the courage or money. Tony and Aaron walked all the way to Uncle Rick's house., exchanged farewells, and Tony entered the house calling out ""Hi, Uncle Rick." "Hey Stud, how was your day?" "Great! I have a 'date' this evening." "You do? And does he know?" "No, I don't think he knows much about sex at all. He seems kinda shy." "Well anyway, enjoy your date. Fuck the shit outta him. Oh, and I just hope your date likes to receive certain gifts," Rick commented with a grin. 16. Tony just arrived in front of the club, finding Josh at the door, awaiting for him. "Hi!" said Tony and gave Josh a hug. "Uhm... Hi" "What? Something wrong?" "No... I just never thought you would be so approachable." "Well... looks like I am." laughed Tony. Stepping inside the bar, Tony took out his fake ID, which Sam had given him, and ordered two beers. Josh carefully asked "So, is this a date?" "Uhmmm... I hope so!" grinned Tony. Josh couldn't believe his ears. "What? Why else would I invite you here?" "I don't know. It's just that... I don't go on many dates." "You gotta start believing in yourself. You're a cute guy. Maybe dress less like you want to hide yourself. And when you like someone, you know - just approach him." Josh went red. Recognizing Josh's discomfort, Tony diverted asking "You like the place?" "Uhmm... Yeah, It's nice. All the shirtless guys are definitely a bonus." Josh smiling, as they began to casually chat and flirt with each other. They drank a few more and talked and laughed. After the forth beer or so Josh announced he needed to take a leak. "I'll go too. Nature's calling as well," laughed Tony and followed Josh into the bathroom. Josh immediately noticed the black door at the far end. "What's there? Behind that door." "Where dirty things are done." answered Tony with a smirk. "Really?" "Yup. Would you like it if I showed you?" "Uhmm... I guess." "Come with me then!" Tony grabbed Josh's hand and led him to the black door and once inside, into the first room to the right. Inside there was a box with all kinds of stuff again and a sex sling instead of a bed. Josh stepped closer to Tony. Tony kissed Josh, and, having removed his shirt, assisted Josh in doing the same. "Nice tats and piercings," said Josh and started playing with Tony's pierced nipples. "Oh... That's it!" said Tony. He picked josh up and threw him into the sling and strapped his arms and legs up. He then took all Josh's clothes off, revealing a thin, but tight body and a hard seven inch cock. He started sucking it as Josh was strapped on the sling, arms and legs up. Tony took Josh's cock out of his mouth. "You want mine inside your ass?" "Yeah. Fuck yeah! You're so hot!" "Okay, but I'm warning you. It's big. And dangerous." He took off his pants and jockstrap to show Josh his thick ten inch pierced monster. "Still want it?" "Yeah, but be gentle." "Not a chance. I don't play nice, or safe." he said as he started pushing it inside. "Wait it's too big! It won't go in dry." "Oh.... You want it wet?" asked Tony with a mischievous grin, as he pushed a finger inside Josh and let out a thick stream of piss, pissing all over Josh's ass and cock. "Open your mouth, pig!" he said. Josh opened his mouth. Tony moved his cock and suddenly all of his piss was raining into Josh's mouth, who had trouble swallowing it in time. The stream ended. "You liked the taste?" "Mhmm... Yeah." "You want me to fuck your cunt?" Josh nodded. Tony pushed his cock in. Josh groaned. Tony started fucking him. No mercy. No slowing down. Like a rabbit. Damn he felt like a man! When he looked down on himself, he saw his bulged out, gorgeous pecs and abs covered in droplets of sweat, his veiny biceps holding onto the sling, his piercings jumping in his hard nipples, his biohazard tattoo shining in the dim light, and his monstrous cock plunging in and out of the young neg twink's ass. This was the first time he had fucked a neg guy as a poz guy. And it felt fucking great! "I ain't gonna last long! You want my cum inside your man cunt?" "Fuck yeah!" "Are you sure?" "Oh fuck! Yeah! Breed me!" Tony felt his orgasm approaching. Slamming in cock into the twink's ass balls-deep, Tony's cock shot what seemed to be a gallon of hot poz cum inside the blonde's hole, grunting as he did so, "Fuck yeah, take my hot poz toxic load! Fuck yeah," remaining full depth until the last drop of cum had oozed into the twink's ass. "What? You're... You're POZ? Why the fuck didn't you tell me? What... What am I going to do now?" "Maybe you'll convert, maybe not. Don't worry. It's gonna be fine. You may sound pissed off and reluctant, but your cock says otherwise babe!" said Tony, pointing at his pulsating cock. And, as if on Tony's command, Josh's cock started shooting a generous load of neg cum. Let me know if you also want pics of what I think Josh and Aaron look like. And tell me what you think of the story? Did it make you hard? Or make you cum? A poz load or a neg load? Let me know for sure.
    3 points
  10. 13. "Where are we going?" asked Tony. "You'll see," replied Rick. After a while they stopped and got out of the car. They stood in front of a shop which was identified simply as 'RAY'S'. Stepping inside, they were immediately greeted by an absolute hunk of a man. He was black, around six foot two inches, very muscular and heavily pierced and tattooed. He was wearing hot leather chaps and boots and a tight black tank top. The tank top was tight enough his nipples, both of which were pierced, sported a large tit ring. "Tony, this is Ray. He owns the place," Rick explained. Ray and Tony shook hands. "So... you know what you're here for?" asked Ray. "In fact. They kept me in the dark." Tony nodded in the other's direction. "Well... come with me then." said Ray with a grin. He led him into the first room, which was filled with leather items. Ray asked Tony a series of questions, and based on Tony's replies, placed a number of items on the counter for Tony's inspection. Tony selected two leather harnesses, some really hot chaps, two leather jackets, leather underwear and two pairs of hot leather boots. Then Ray led Tony to the second room, where everyone else was waiting for them. The second room was a tattoo parlor! "It's time for your first tat, stud," said Duke. "Uhmm... that's amazing! But... I don't know what to get!" "Well I have a catalog with some really good designs," responded Ray, presenting Tony a thick book containing an extensive selection of tattoo designs, many of which Tony found quite cool. After an thorough review of the designs, where all the men felt free to offer his advice, Tony made his selection, but before he could make the announcement, Ray took Tony aside into an another room saying "Remember, whatever you wanna get - you get. Your uncle's an old friend. Everything is free for you today." "Really? Thanks! That's great. I just wanted to ask about how much can I get." "So what have you picked?" "Well I was thinking about starting on my shoulder and then eventually adding over time down my left arm and then maybe something on my back." "That's a great idea - if you want to get tattooed heavily overtime," said Ray with a smile. "I... I also wanted to ask if you are doing piercing as well." asked Tony and went a little red. "Of course!" After about two hours, Tony came out of the piercing parlor and joined the others, the tattoo covered with gauze. Pulling on his shirt, Tony and Rick drove home. When Rick inquired about the tattoo, Tony deflected, so Rick took the hint and changed the subject. Arriving home, however, Sam was not so accommodating, demanding "So... what are you hiding?" "Brace yourselves fuckers, because your jaws are about to drop all the way to the fucking ground!" laughed Tony as he pulled his shirt over his head revealing his new tattoo. It was a combination of waves, flames and tribal designs on his entire left shoulder, and when he turned around, he reveal a beautiful wolf profile with a skull in it's mouth on his shoulder blade. "Wow! That's fucking cool!" "Wait til you see these!" said Tony, removing his shirt completely, revealing his nipples, freshly pierced with silver rings and then, followed by whistles, he dropped his pants and showed of his brand new silver prince albert. "Fuck that's hot," remarked Sam. Tony felt great! It was Wednesday of the next week. Rick, Tony and Danny had just came back from the gym, when suddenly, Tony ran ahead of the other men, ducking into the bathroom. The sounds of Tony vomiting into the basin were unmistakable. After a few minutes he came back and, in a shaky voice explained "Uncle Rick... I think I'm coming down with a FLU or something."
    3 points
  11. 12. Tony woke up in the morning, arose, and dressed only in his underwear, walked down to the kitchen. Everyone was already there, and all were wearing only jockstraps. "Look who's up!" grinned Sam. "Are you ready for it?" laughed Danny, tossing Tony a jockstrap. "Fuck yeah!" exclaimed Tony as he pulled-on the jockstrap. They all led him to one of the guestrooms and threw him on the big bed with fresh sheets and surrounded him. Tony looked-up at the men, each of whom had dropped his jock, and each of whom was now stroking his cock. Uncle Rick, stroking his hard, veiny, eight inch cock, was first to approach Tony. A thick dollop of pre-cum was caught-up in the thick, black prince albert which pierced the head of Rick's cock. This was the first time Tony actually saw his uncle fully naked. He found himself overwhelmed by Rick's hot, muscular, fuckin' manliness. Oh, and the bar piercings in each of Rick's tits was an additional enticement, but the biohazard tattoo centered on Rick's left nipple finished the picture. Just as Tony started sucking his uncle's cock, he felt Sam's tongue on his hole. Somehow Tony managed to focus on servicing his uncle, sucking the tip, licking the entire length, fondling his balls, and eventually swallowing the entire cock, expertly working the cock. Tony was definitely distracted when Sam's cock, also pierced by a prince albert, began sliding into this ass. Soon enough Tony was whimpering, both is mouth and ass filled by two magnificent cocks, all the while his own rock hard cock was straining against his jockstrap as it leaked pre-cum. Sam was wildly fucking him and after a while, he started fucking more furiously. Tony reached back beneath him and grabbed him by the balls. That was it. Sam roared and blew a massive load of his highly viral cum into Tony's neg teen hole, even as Tony's cock bounced in his jockstrap. Tony's adventure wasn't, however, over as suddenly, he felt an another cock at his hole. This time the top was Duke. His six inch cock slid into Tony's ass quite readily as, admittedly, it was somewhat smaller than Sam's. Duke was fucking fast and he was sending Tony to overdrive, while he was sucking his uncle's thick, pierced cock. Duke took his cock out suddenly, only to slam it inside really fast and hard. Although Duke was mostly a bottom, he knew some tricks and decided to use some for this occasion. He didn't last long either: after a few minutes, he whimpered and moaned, feeling his cock shoot gallons of hot toxic cum inside Tony, adding to the mix of cum and blood inside. Next it was Danny's turn. He slammed his cock in right away, fast and furiously. Tony panted, still choking on his uncle's thick cock. Danny had no mercy. The fact, that just two weeks ago, Tony was rather a skinny teen with little experience when it came to sex and now, his boyfriends nephew was on his way to become a hot poz pig just turned him on so fucking much. "Fuck yeah! I'm getting close piggy boy. You want it? You really want my toxic cum?" To reply to Danny's question Tony had to release his uncle's cock, but his reply took the form of an imperative: "Fuck yeah! Fucking give it to me!" "Here it cums! HERE CUMS MY POZ LOAD!" Danny roared as, once again, he pumped Tony's ass full of poz cum. Tony's jock was soaked by precum by now. Danny, Sam and Duke stepped forward, each alternately presenting himself to Tony's tongue. Tony, of course, was eager to lick the cum off of each cock - cum which had coated each cock as it had torn-apart Tony's ass. As Tony did so, he felt his uncle's pierced cock at his hole and involuntarily moaned in bliss as his uncle slowly pushed himself inside him and started fucking his nephew's neg hole. The three men encouraged Rick to make his mark muttering "Oh fuck yeah, poz him up!" and another "Fuck him with that poz cock!" Tony also encouraged his uncle, saying "Fuck yeah, Uncle Rick. Poz me up finally!" "HERE. IT. FUCKING. COMES. Enjoy my poz load," roared Rick as his poz load exploded into his nephew's ass. Fittingly, at that exact moment Tony's big cock exploded inside his jockstrap, leaving it all wet and sticky. Afterwards Rick withdrew his cock from Tony's hole, replacing it with a butt plug, preventing the poz cum from leaking out. Seeing a trace of blood in the cum Rick grinned with perverse pride announcing "Looks like you'll get the flu by next week! Not next month!" That whole weekend, Duke and Sam stayed at Rick and Danny's house, each taking turns on Tony until their balls were completely drained of toxic cum. In addition, on Sunday they all went out again, got absolutely shitfaced and fucked all the way through the night. Tony skipped classes that Monday. The others had other plans with him that day anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what are you thinking? Was it good? I'm really curious to hear your comments.
    3 points
  12. A few years ago I was invited to join some friends on a trip to Munich for a long weekend in December. There were six of us - my friend Michael and his partner, another couple in their mid 30s, Ben and Paul, and another friend of Michael's I hadn't met. For reasons which will become obvious I've changed all the names in this story...... I liked Michael very much - he'd been a good friend for many years and I liked his partner too. The other couple I knew but less well, Paul had been friends with Michael for a long time and I had met him and his partner Ben quite a few times and liked them both. We flew out to Munich on the Friday morning and checked out the Christmas markets in the afternoon. We were all staying until Monday except Paul who had to fly home on Sunday due to work commitments. We had a good time and I enjoyed the company very much. I had been busy at work and was working long hours so I had not had much time for anything else and I was looking forward to having a break. I was also feeling very horny. I knew, however, that this particular group of friends didn't really approve of things like cruising and saunas or sex clubs and also had very strong views on monogamy and on safe sex. I had often heard them talking about it and talking very disapprovingly about the amount of barebacking going on. I had every intention, however, of getting some time to myself and going in search of some horny bareback sex. On the Saturday night we all went out for a meal and later on that night I went off to a large park I had heard was a good cruising ground. I found it easily and had a wander round. It was a beautiful night but it was very cold and there were not many people around. I tried cruising a young lad who looked to be in his late 20s and was dressed in jeans and a puffer jacket but he didn't seem to be interested. A few older guys were cruising but nothing much was happening. Even though I wasn't getting any action, I enjoyed walking around very much. I passed the young lad a few more times with the same result and just as I was on the point of giving up and going back to my hotel, he passed me again and started cruising me. I assumed he had been looking for someone nearer his own age but had concluded that I would have to do. I didn't care and soon his jeans and pants were down and his cock was in my mouth. He had a fair sized cock and I enjoyed sucking it very much. He didn't object when I turned him round and soon my tongue was up his arse. I rimmed him for a while and then stood up and began to rub the head of my cock over his arsehole. Again he didn't object so I began to push the head of my cock into his hole. He groaned and, reaching into his pocket, handed me a small packet. I thought it was going to be a condom but it was a small sachet of lube. I lubed him up and pushed my cock slowly right up his arse. Soon he was leaning against a tree, his puffer jacket hitched up and his jeans and pants at his knees as I fucked him bareback. His arse was really tight and I enjoyed every minute of fucking him. I hadn't cum for several days and before too long I was shooting what felt like a massive load right up his arse. I was feeling much more relaxed and chilled now and we all went out for lunch on Sunday and then Ben went with Paul to the airport for his flight home. The other three were going out for the evening and would not be back until late- they had obtained tickets for some high brow concert outside Munich and were really excited about it. Ben and I arranged to go out for something to eat and found a really good Italian restaurant. I was getting to know Ben a bit better now and I really liked him. A few things he said suggested he was actually more relaxed about some things than the others and he sank quite a few pints of beer in the course of the evening. After we had finished our meal it was still quite early and Ben suggested going for a drink in a nearby gay bar. The bar was nice and modern with good music and friendly bar staff and it was just starting to get busy when we got there. When I went downstairs to the toilet, I discovered there was a darkroom down there too. I took a quick piss and then had a look in the darkroom. Quite a few guys were in there - a young blond twink was down on his knees sucking two older guys and a fit looking black guy was being fucked hard in a corner, I watched for a while and then went back upstairs. A little later Ben went to the toilet. He came back a little while later and said "There's a darkroom down there too." I nodded and Ben grinned. The blond twink was now at the bar and after a while he disappeared again. A little later Ben finished his drink and asked me if I fancied checking out the darkroom. The darkroom was a bit busier now - and there was quite a lot of sucking and fucking going on. The blond twink was bent over being fucked and a few other guys were watching and wanking. As we watched they guy fucking the twink thrust hard up his arse a few times and then pulled out. He took off a condom and threw it on the floor. The twink stayed bent over and a dark haired guy stepped up. He pulled the twink's cheeks apart, lined up his cock and pushed right up him bareback. Ben's eyes lit up and he said "Fuck!" as we moved in closer to watch the action. The dark haired guy was fucking the twink hard up against the wall now and Ben said "Fuck....I'd love to...." I said "Go on, if you want to." He looked at me. "I won't tell anyone." I said. Ben hesitated for a moment and then he moved over to the twink. I watched as Ben pulled his jeans and pants down to his knees and began to wank as he watched the twink being fucked. The twink turned round a little and bent forward, taking Ben's cock into his mouth. Ben and the dark haired guy spit roasted the twink for a while and then the dark haired guy thrust hard up his arse a few times and pushed his cock right up him and held it there and I knew he was cumming deep in the twink's arse. When he pulled out the twink turned round and pushed his arse towards Ben. Ben didn't hesitate - he pushed his bare cock right up the twink's arse and began to fuck him. I hadn't expected that at all and I soon had my cock out wanking as I watched Ben fucking the twink bareback. Ben fucked him for a while and after a while I could tell he was getting close. I watched as Ben threw his head back and pushed right up the twink, obviously blowing his load right up him. When Ben pulled out, I took his place. I was really horny from watching Ben and it wasn't long before I added my cum to the loads the twink already had up him. Ben was a bit quiet when we went back up to the bar but then we got talking to a group of German guys and he livened up again. We got talking to two guys in their mid 30s who were a couple who lived in Munich. One of them was tall and quite thin and the other small and chunky. I went to the toilet and when I came back Ben was chatting to them. I had noticed that Ben was flirting with them, and was clearly enjoying being off the leash for the evening. A little later I went to the bar for some more drinks. The bar was busy and it took me a while to get served. I looked over and saw that Ben was now standing closer to them and chunky guy had his hand on Ben's arse. When I got back the two German guys were just finishing their drinks and shortly after that they left. I couldn't see if they had left the bar or if they had gone downstairs, but I suspected the latter. After a short time Ben put his drink down and said casually "I think I might go check out the darkroom again..." I guessed that he was going to join the other two guys and sensed that he probably would be less inhibited if I wasn't there so I said "No problem, I'll see you later," I waited a while and then made my way back down to the darkroom. It didn't take me long to find Ben and as I had thought, he was with the two German guys. Ben and the taller guy were standing with their trousers and pants down and the chunky guy was down sucking on first one cock and then the other as Ben and the taller guy kissed each other. I watched for a while and then the German guy stood up and Ben got down and started sucking the other two. It was all very horny but it soon got even hornier. Ben was now bent over sucking the chunky guy, his fit arse in the air as the taller guy went round behind him. I saw him taking out a small packet and he began to rub some lube into Ben's arse. This was getting interesting... I didn't think there was any way Ben would get fucked without a condom, but he didn't even look round as the tall guy began to push his bare cock against his arsehole. I watched as the guy pushed his cock right up Ben's arse. He gave Ben a moment to get used to his cock and then began to fuck him. I had my cock out now, wanking as I watched Ben being fucked bareback. I had never thought that Ben would cheat on his boyfriend - and certainly not that he would do it without a condom. The tall guy was fucking him hard now and I could tell that Ben was loving every minute of it. I watched them fuck for a while and then the guy thrust up Ben's arse a few more times and I knew he was cumming in Ben's arse. The chunky guy pulled out of Ben's mouth and moved round behind him. His cock was much bigger than the tall guy's and I watched and wanked as Ben reached round and pulled his cheeks apart to help the guy get his big bare cock up his arse. The chunky guy fucked Ben hard and fast and I could hear Ben groaning as the chunky guy took hold of his hips and began to fuck him even harder. It wasn't long before he too shot his load up Ben's unprotected, cheating arse and I shot my load on to the floor of the darkroom I was back upstairs by the time Ben returned from the darkroom looking flushed. I asked him if he had fun and he grinned and nodded He had no idea I knew just how much fun he actually had.......
    2 points
  13. NOTICE: The first chapter has some part about straight sex. This is not explicit and is only used to set up the story. Chapter 1 - Sun, sea & sex After a long flight the plane landed at around 10am at Miami International Airport. “I hope we don’t have to wait too long getting our luggage”, said Christian. Sven nodded and said “First to our hotel and then straight to the beach”. Christian Smiled. Nearly 2 hours later they stepped out of the airport and in to the burning sun. They quickly got a taxi to their hotel. When they arrived at their room they opened their suitcases. Both boys started to strip. “I will rub sunscreen on you if you do me” Sven said. Christian didn’t answer and started to rub sunscreen on his brothers athletic body. When they where both glistening Sven gave his brother a big hugh and said “Missed doing stuff together, bro”. “Me too!” replied Christian. “When you broke up with your girlfriend you had more time to party again!” he continued. Sven smiled and said “Don’t worry i’ll keep in mind that you can’t party as much as a single dude like me!”. “NO! we’ll go party hard” Christian said. Sven looked confused and said “But you girlfriend?”. “…is no longer my girlfriend. I dumped her a yesterday!” Christian added. Sven didn’t know what to say. “I decide it last month but waited until our vacation so she can’t bother me!”. Both started laughing. They put on their shorts, packed a bag and put on their sunglasses. “Let the party begin!” said Sven while walking out the door. Walking side by side you would swear that you’re seeing double. These two young blond gods made lots of heads turn on their way to the beach. After they arrived on the beach they laid down on their beach towels. After 40 minutes they heard some girls laughing. “You are so damn hot!” a girl said. The boys removed their sunglasses and see 6 hot girls standing besides them. “We can say the same about you” Sven replies with a smile. “We are you from?” another girl asks while sitting down beside Christian. “Sweden” both boys reply. The other girls also sit down around the boys. “Are they all this hot in sweden?” one of the girls ask. Before they can reply another girl says “How do you like my new bikini?”. Both boys take a good look. “No need to answer… you can see the answer in their shorts!”. The boys are completely overwhelmed by the girls. “Can i feel” a girl says while slipping her hand up Sven’s leg. Another girl slips her hand up the Christian’s leg. “WOW” says one girl “We found what we are looking for!”. “Looking for what?!” Sven asks. “We are porn actresses and we have our own website. Every week we go out looking for one or two guys at the beach. Ask them to come with us to party and fuck us. We record it and and put it on our website” a girl explains. “Thank you but NO!” says Sven. Christian gives Sven a nudge and says “BRO! Look at them. We came here to party so let’s do it! I don’t mind being filmed. I already have some homemade movies of me and my ex on XTUBE! And because we look-a-like you could say you’re on there too!”. Sven looks around and asks “We get to fuck you all?”. All girls nod while one says “as long and as often you like”. “We’ll do it!” Christian says enthusiastic. “Follow us” a girl says while standing up. The boys grab their stuff together and follow the girls. Chapter 2 - The party starts They arrive at a big villa and follow the girls in. In the living room there are 4 boys busy setting up everything. “These are the guys that help us with sound and light” says a girl. “Sit down, relax” adds another one. They are handed a bottle with Gatorade not knowing that it is laced with G. After 20 minutes Sven and Christian begin to feel woozy. One of the girls sees this and walks towards one of the boys busy setting up. She walks back to the twins and starts explaining that they want give them something to be sure that they stay hard during filming. Also she tells them that they have to take some blood to do a quick hiv test. When the twins nod two girls remove their shorts and start rubbing the boys chests. Two boys come over with a syringe and while the girls keep them busy both boys slowly enter the needle in the cocks and slowly push the content of the syringe inside. “Now you can stay hard for the rest of the night” a girl says laughing. “Now to get some blood” the girl says. Two boys add a strap around the twins arms. The twins can’t see whats happing because the two girls are keeping them focus on something else. Instead of sliding a empty syringe in to pull blood a syringe with red liquid is slowly injected in the arm. Just before the strap is released the girls whisper in the twins ears “Your fucked!”. Before the boys realize whats happening the strap is released. Both start coughing as their bodies are taken over by an almighty high! They can vaguely see the girls leaving while saying “that there job is done!”. The four boys in the room pick up the boys and drag them into the shower to be cleaned out before bringing them to another room. The room is a bit darker and there are two slings in the middle. They put the twins in the sling and restrain the hands and feet. Then 3 guys enter the room. One of the guys is a tall muscular black guy. He begins to speak “Welcome to my house… To be clear: there’s no pussy fucking in my crib. EXCEPT boy pussy, YOUR PUSSY!”. The twins are to high to completely understand the situation. The big black dude continues “I already converted 16 boys like you that star on my exclusive pornsite and you two will become the big stars”. He gives a sign to one of the boys that presses a button on a keyboard. The guy concludes by saying “in 30 seconds we get broadcasted live to more than 7000 people worldwide that payed 5000 dollar to see you two straight boys get transformed into meth addicted sluts that begs us for our ‘special’ cum loads”. The big black guy drops his pants followed by the two guys (both latinos) behind him. Three massive cocks are revealed. The black cock is nearly 14inches and as thick as a wrist. The other two guys are with 11.2 inches a bit smaller. The four other boys in the room are also naked now and two of them carry a camera. Chapter 3 - Live conversion “WELCOME EVERYBODY THATS WATCHING! You are part of something special. Not just to boys, but brothers: Twin brothers!” says the black man. “The coming days you will see how we turn these two into our willing slaves. You can decide what we going to do with them. And for 50000 dollars you can join us here and for the right price i will sell them to you!” he concludes. The twins feel how a hose is stuffed in there ass. Then they feel a thick fluid filling their ass. Both latinos walk up to them and both jam two fingers up the twins asses. both scream. While the two guys work more fingers up their asses the thick fluid leaks out and is lubricating their hands. When they both have 4 fingers inside they pull them out leaving a gaping and leaking hole. “Shard” yells the black dude. The two boys place a large shard inside the open hole. Both guys place their big dicks against the hole. They lean forward and tell the boys to relax. The pressure is building on the sphincter. Sven begins to resist. “Yeah boy fight it. I love seeing your pain!” the latino guy says. The cock begins working his way inside. Sven starts to scream. The top grabs his throat and starts chocking. Sven has panic in his eyes and his body begins to shake. The top releases his throat and Sven gasps for are relaxing enough to let the dick completly disappear inside. Also Christian’s ass gives way and the big cock shoots forward deep inside. Christian screams in pain. But after few minutes the shards get absorbed by the body and the pain changes in to pleasure. Both tops see the boys changing and pull out completely leaving a open hole. Both boys feel relieved, but after a few seconds the feeling of emptiness kicks in. Both begin to move their asses around moaning. “If you want to get your ass filled… ask… no better yet! BEG!” says the black guy. Sven is the first to break and begins begging “Please.. i want it… give me please… i can’t take it!”. Following his brother Christian also start to beg. For both tops is this the moment they waited for and both ram their cocks deep inside and begin to piston fuck both boys asses. “Beg for their cum… Beg them to breed you… If you don’t they will stop fucking you!”. Both boys start to beg them to give them their load. The guy fucking Christian unties his hands and orders him to start pinching and twisting his nipples. Christian start to play with his nipples harder and harder. “I want you to beg me to covert your ass… to impregnate you with my devil cum!”. Christian now understands what he means. He wants to fight it but the feeling is bigger, he gives in and yells “Give me your devil seed and convert me… please!”. The top starts to roar and plants his dick deep inside before unloading a massive load deep in Christian. Christian get so turned on that his dick explodes with cum. One of the boys runs to him and start sucking on the still exploding dick swallowing it all. “Yes! you get it… Do you want us to spare your brother or let him experience to be a total slut” says the top. Christian knows that he wants never wants to be without his brother share and everything. So he says to his brother “I love you. i want to be with you forever as one”. Sven replies “i want that too”. Hearing that answer he starts to cry and yells “Breed my brothers ass. Spread your DNA. Let him become one with me!”. The tops starts pumping harder and faster. Christian is helped out of the sling and manoeuvred to the other sling. “SUCK YOUR BROTHERS COCK UNTIL HE UNLOADS IN YOUR MOUTH” yells the top. He starts sucking his brothers cock. This makes Sven tighten his muscles milking the big dick until it explodes deep in his ass. Shivers go up Sven spine forcing him to cum inside his brothers mouth. Christian start swallowing his brother’s cum. “I want to taste some too” says Sven. So with a mouth full of cum Christian moves over to Sven and start kissing him deep and intense while feeding him cum. NEXT CHAPTER IS CUMMING SOON!!!
    2 points
  14. He's not a true cocksucker. Just as a true bottom wants every last drop of cum buried in them, a true cocksucker would happily devour any cum, including precum from a cock.
    2 points
  15. I was heading home from getting fucked by a guy on Grindr. I decided to log back on, and noticed a message from a big bear-type top asking if I was free to come get bred. Since I had a fresh load of cum in my hole, I let him know that he'd be getting seconds. He said "good, I love a slutty man whore" and told me to come over anyway. So I brought my freshly cum-filled ass over to the address provided. He opened the door, and I was pleasantly surprised to see his 6'5" frame, and a handsome bearded face looking down at me. He smiled and said "come on in". My mind immediately started imagining what his weight would feel like pressing fown on me. "The bedroom is back this way." I followed him back through his small apartment to his bedroom where he told me to strip down. I did what I was told, and he pulled his clothes off too. "Suck my dick" he said and I dropped to my knees. In a few moments his cock was rock hard and he pulled me upwards and pushed me onto the bed. He laid down on the bed next to me and rolled me onto my side, his chest against my back, as he stroked my hair. He was so cuddly. Then I felt his cock nuzzle up against my ass, the thick head finding its way toward my hole. "You like getting bred, boy?" he asked. "Fuck yeah." He thusted his hips forward and plunged his dick into my waiting hole. After a few strokes, the cum was all over his cock, and I feel the pressure of him up against my prostate. A few minutes later, he pushed me onto my stomach as he rolled with me, his cock still inside me. I was in heaven now, loving the feel of this big cuddly bear on top of me, his dick slowly moving in and out of me. He whispered in my ear.. "you want this cum? You like cum? I love fucking a wet cummy hole." I wanted his cum so bad. Just then I felt his cock swell and he forced his cock all the way inside as he let out a moan of pleasure. He rolled off of me and I lay there enjoying the moment. After cleaning up I left. We fucked around a few more times... Then one day I was browsing through some porn online and saw his face on the cover art for a bb bear flick. "What?! That can NOT be him.." I thought to myself. So I watched it to see him in action. Sure enough, there was the man the left his loads in me breeding a guy on film. I felt so proud.. one of those "hey I know that guy!" moments. I still haven't told him I saw him in a porno or called him by his porn name, but it's enough for me to know I've been fucked by a porn star.
    2 points
  16. Later in the afternoon I was hungry for more cock so tried my luck again, making an excuse to return to the riverside beat. 4. Noticed a ute parked beside the river with door open. I wandered down to the toilet block and was soon joined at the urinal by a thuggish looking mid-40s guy. We quickly went into the cubical and closed the door. He stripped off revealing a cut cock, cock ring and stainless steel ball stretcher. His whole body was very smooth and nice to the touch. I thought he was probably a bottom but began to such his cock anyway, which slowly grew. I stood and sucked his nipples, salty with the summer heat and sweat. His cock rubbed against my thigh and he bent over and sucked my cock, then we swapped over - and he started fingering my arse. Wasn't sure how serious he was - could I be this lucky? I sucked both his tight balls into my mouth and after a bit more play I turned to the wall and once again felt a saliva-slicked cockhead pushing at my pucker. He had some good amyl and after a sniff he was in - man that felt good! He was gentler than the previous guy but after we both took another hit of poppers he was good and hard and deep in. I started to milk his cock, feeling its pressure on my prostate. He quietly moaned "oh fuck" and pumped his seed into me, eased off then pulled out. He quickly dressed and left me in the cubical to finger my spermy arse and try to snap a better selfie for my mate. 5. I heard one then another person enter the urinal area. I waited a minute and realised they were up to something, so I opened the door and walked past an Asian with a Caucasian bloke who had obviously been sucking him. I went outside but soon went back in - the Asian guy was blatantly facing the door with his pants down and a raging erection. I recognised him as a local slut and thought I might get to fuck him, but his urgency to unload meant I was very soon being face-fucked while holding the other guys' cock. Very soon he blew down my throat and we all left shortly afterwards - the other guy was getting a bit nervous. So here it is, 00:20 1/1/2019 and I've still got (most of) two loads from last year swimming in my arse. Happy New Year!
    2 points
  17. I was at a loose end in Brighton, and decided to head into the local sauna as I had a couple of hours to kill and a ball sac full of cum. Once at the sauna I headed to the dark room, and found, to my surprise, the room was so packed it was difficult to get in as there were lots of hot sweaty bodies past which I had to squeeze. I found myself turned on by a bloke who, on his knees, gave me a hot blow job, which got me nicea nd hard. Now erect, I slid through the crowd, looking to find one or more bottoms willing to take daddy cock. A nice willing arse over the bench was already lubed and used. Naturally I rammed my now rock hard cock into the hole. After about five minutes of time in the guy's arse I realised there was somebody else bent over next to the guy I was fucking. I obliged the offer of a second arse by pulling out of the first guy, and sliding into the second guy's arse which, like the first guy I had fucked, was well-lubed. I was really into this guy as he had a meaty arse with a tight hole and was a bit more active as he actively milked my cock with his arse. I was about to blow my load when a third guy lay next to the meaty arse, so again I obliged and slid my cock into him, thrust a few times to edge myself, and when on the cusp, pulled out and slid back into the second arse, blowing my cum into the guy. Afterwards I withdrew and presented my cock to the first guy, getting him to lick me clean. All in all it was a very nice afternoon which left me, one very pleased horny daddy bear, sharing my cum with three willing cum dumps. ????? ?☣️☣️☣️
    2 points
  18. Quality is not always just about looks. There’s hot , there’s photogenic, and there’s personality and background. A veritable smörgasbord, if you will...
    2 points
  19. I was really horny today and really craving raw cock and cum, so this afternoon i drove to Aarows bathhouse, when i got there i parked 8n the carpark and looked around, by the number of cars, it wasnt very busy, so i stayed in my car and hit up grindr and growlr. After a few minutes a got a msg on grindr, the profile had a picture of a glory hole and that the guy was 43 and vers. The message said"do you want to get fucked raw and bred" the second message was a dick pick. I messaged back saying yes and asked for address, he replied back with address and said to make sure i was douched clean, i told him i was and will be there in half an hour. He told me to msg him when i was 10 minutes away. On the was i stopped at a public toilet and douched again to make sure i was clean, i also lubed my hole and fingered it to open up, i took off my underwear and put on my jock strap. I msg him and said i was close, he said he will send me instructions soon, by the time i got to the address he sent me another msg. " Okay fucker I’m ready drive into the property park in front of the black jeep get out strip fucking naked and come into the garage and get on your hands and knees and get your mouth around my cock " My hole was wet and twitching, i did exactly as he said, i sucked his cock and lucked is balls while he stood against a wall, after 10 minutes of this he told me to go to the middle of the garage and get my ass up and face down, he had put some soft covering on the floor, not for me but for him, he gave me amyl and pushed his raw cock in me, it felt so fucking good, he fucked me hard and balls deep, he was moaning and asking me if i liked his german cock, i was on cloud 9, he slowed down as he didn't want to cum yet. He had me duck his cock again and eat his ass. I loved every minute of it. After a while he told me to stand against the window and he fucked me there. He then said he wanted to fuck me outside, he had me bend over my car and he fuck me there, he really was turned on as after a few minutes he said he was gonna cum and i could feel his cock pumping his cum in my ass. After he pulled out he said it was a 7 day load. I got dressed outside and he said i was to go back soon for another session. I left there with a load but still craving for more, I went back to the bathhouse and despite the carpark being emptier still i went inside, as i was changing in the licker room an Asian guy was changing as well but he was leaving, i asked him if it was any good, he said it was slack but there was 2 latino's cruzing, i hurried up to the top floor in search for them, in the big tv room on the second floor was this hot guy with tatts jerking off, there was another guy next to him watching, slowly the second guy reached over and started jerking him off, the hot guy started moaning and curling his toes, i thought he was gonna cum with the handjob but he stopped the guy and started getting up, i was standing at the door and tge second guy walked out, the hot guy got up and was getting his towel when he saw me, i was in my jock strap and a towel which was half way down my ass, he came up behind me and started pushing his cock in, as i was lubed and already had a load in me he went in easily, i pulled him back in to the room and bent over the fuck table behind the couch, without saying a word he started fucking me and i was so turned on, he fucked me for 10 minutes while a few people watched, and then without saying a word (other then his moaning while he fucked me raw) he started breeding my ass, i pushed back as much as i could and pulled him deep into me, after a minute he pulled out, j quickly turned around and sucked his cock clean. After that i was at the bathhouse for another 30 minutes but there was hardly anyone there so i left, i got home and pushed out the 2 loads in my hand and ate them, i have setup another hookup on wednesday and the top said he will fist me as well I will let you know how it goes.
    2 points
  20. The Intern Part 9 It was 9:32 p.m. and Kellen stood naked in front of his mirror. He had spent the better part of the last two hours making sure he was ready for his evening with James Thomas. Despite the borderline abuse he had received in his boss’ office, he kept going back to two moments that made him forgive the physicality: Their first kiss and the way James ran his finger along his naked body, with him eventually gently holding his chin. He felt wanted, desired, something he had never felt with any other sexual partner before. Yeah, James was a little rough with him, but it felt more right than wrong. And here he was, styling his hair for the 9thtime after changing outfits for the 8th. Kellen had no idea what to expect of the evening, but he wanted it, needed it. From the minute he left the Landis Institute it was as if a sexual awakening had occurred and he yearned for more, whatever that meant. Over the next hour Kellen checked and re-checked the estimated time it would take his Lyft to get from his place to DuPont Circle: 14 minutes. So at 10:40 Kellen requested his ride and at just after 10:56 p.m. Kellen stood in front James’ home and waited until it was exactly 11:00 p.m. He debated on whether he should knock or ring the bell and decided on the bell. *Ding - dong* He waited. And waited. And waited. It was now 11:06 p.m. Kellen leaned to his left and tried seeing through the window shades. And although the lights were on, he observed no movement. “Should I ring it again?” he thought. But after considering it for just a moment, he decided against it. Although he didn’t really know too much about James Thomas, he knew he was a man who did things his own way, and not wanting to possibly annoy or bother him, Kellen took a seat on the front steps and waited. Kellen checked his phone. It was 11:12 p.m. He sighed a heavy sigh and thought that maybe this was all too good to be true (a tiny voice in the back of his mind told him this was a good thing; he didn’t need to be here in the first place, especially after being expertly back-handed earlier in the day.) Though it was still hot and slightly humid, Kellen decided he’d walk back to his place and get to know the neighborhood. No sooner than he stood did the front door swing open. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” James barked at the boy. Kellen turned, surprised. “Umm, nowhere, Sir. I was just stretching my legs.” James stood in the door frame, backlit from the foyer lighting wearing only a pair of dark green gym shorts. He was somewhere between wiry and muscly. Every muscle seemed defined, but just so. He had a very light coat of dark hair that tapered down from this chest to a treasure trail. Kellen couldn’t take his eyes of this perfect looking specimen. James observed the effect he was having on Kellen and considered the kid’s answer to his question. “Get up here.” Kellen bounded up the steps and stood directly in front of James, proud of how quick and obedient he had been. James smiled, disarming the kid and went in as if to reward him with a kiss, a kiss the kid so desperately wanted. Kellen was more than pleased and wanted nothing more than to kiss this man in front of him. But instead of kissing him, James leaned into his left ear and at the same time grabbed a handful of the kid’s cock through his pants and squeezed hard and whispered, “If you ever fucking lie to me again, it will be the last thing you ever do.” He squeezed harder. Kellen yelped and tried backing away, but James held tight and continued the menacing whisper, “You’re nothing. You suck dick like a goddamned amateur and then you have the balls to lie to my face all while running up my steps like a fucking retarded puppy. Who. The. Fuck. Do. You. Think. You. Are?” James released the boy and walked into his house, leaving Kellen on the front porch, front door wide open. It was like déjà vu. Kellen felt as if he was reliving his first interaction with James. But although he had felt just and dejected and more worthless than before, he followed James into his house and quietly closed the door behind him. James’ home was nothing like James himself. The inside was bright, warm and welcoming. Hardwood floors colored of deep brown contrasted by bright walls decorated with subtle, yet inviting art. Trying to absorb as much detail as possible. Past the foyer and deeper into the house, Kellen noticed the deep brown of the banister that complimented the stairs that matched the hardwood floors. He took a few steps forward to see where the stairs ended but was brought back to reality. “In here, boy.” Kellen turned to his left and walked into what must have been the living room and quickly became self-conscious. Sitting on the large couch was James, flanked by two other impressive looking men. On the right was a man who looked tall, even when sitting down. Like James, this man was wearing only a pair of shorts. Kellen noticed the brown hair on his arms and legs, not too much, not too little, just right, but his chest and abdomen were completely hairless. Does this dude have an 8-pack, Kellen thought? This man was an Adonis. Where James was lithe, this man was all power and muscle. Kellen looked him over and he could have sworn the Adonis winked at him. On the left was an equally as imposing man, but he was definitely of Latin decent. He was in shorts and tank top, but the only visible hair, other than the shaggy black mop on his head was a neatly trimmed black goatee. While not as solid and built as the Adonis, this Latin God was no slouch and his various tattoos only complimented his physique. The Latin God flicked a torch and brought a long glass pipe, with rounded end up to his sensuous lips and held the flame just below the rounded end of the pipe and gently rolled it back and forth. “This,” James motioning to the Latin God, “is Roland.” Roland released a large plume of white smoke. It seemed quite impossible that such a large cloud was held in a single pair of lungs. “You party, faggot?” Roland asked. James answered for him. “He does. Don’t you, faggot?” Kellen wasn’t sure what to say, but decided it was best to agree with James. “Yes, Sir.” James flashed a smile that made Kellen melt just a little bit more. But despite what he had just said, Kellen had not so much as smoked a cigarette in his entire life. He drank booze, yes, but that was the extent of what he partook in. He’d seen his classmates smoke pot and do lines of coke, but this odd pipe was new to him. “Atta boy. I’m glad we are on the same page,” James said, taking the pipe from Roland, repeating the same motions and producing a cloud as equally as large. “I heard you were late today, boy. Is that true?” the words coming from the Adonis, who had taken the pipe from James and followed suit. Click. Hiss. Inhale. Exhale. With a combination of the three large clouds dissipating in front of him, Kellen considered the question. “Did James tell these guys I was late? What the hell?” he thought to himself, but knew he had to answer, both quickly and truthfully. “Yes, Sir. I was late.” Kellen glanced at James, then at Roland. Both men were staring right back at him. “Come here. Come stand right in front of me. Let me see if what James said was correct.” Kellen took a half-dozen steps forward and stood before the Adonis. Kellen was close enough to him that he was practically between his well-defined legs. He reached forward and ran his hands up the kid’s thighs, over his hands then up the forearms to his slight biceps before he stood up, causing Kellen to step back just a bit. This Adonis was a giant. 6’4” and all muscle, Kellen couldn’t help but inhale deeply. This was a man’s man. The towering figure then held Kellen’s chin with his fingertips. But with James, who was gentle, this man was assertive and firm as he tipped the kid’s head back to make sure their eyes were locked. “Being late is unacceptable,” He stepped closer, running one hand through Kellen’s hair, coming to rest on his shoulder. “But nothing on this earth makes me happier than punishing faggots like you the best way I know how.” Kellen physically shuddered. His touch. His words. His smell. His presence. All this built on the sensations he experienced with James in his office only hours before. But this man, this Man was more than anything Kellen had ever experienced. He knew, then and there, he was heading down a path that would change him forever. “Pipe.” The Adonis demanded. Without looking he extended his hand left, waiting for the pipe to be placed in it. “Open up.” Kellen obliged as the thin, odd pipe was placed to his lips. Inwardly, he began to panic. I can’t be doing this, he said to himself. But yet, the man had a power over him that he was more than happy to submit to, even if that meant ingesting drugs for the first time in his young life. Kellen reached up to hold the pipe but was cut short. “You just stay still, boy. I’ll do most of the work for now. You just do as your told and enjoy it, okay?” Arms to his side, pipe held to his lips, Kellen made eye contact and gave a slight nod. “Good boy. When I say so, you just act like you’re sipping your favorite drink through a new kind of straw,” the Adonis’ voice lowered. “And don’t you fucking dare stop or exhale until I say so.” The kid understood that this man and James were cut from the same cloth, and Roland too, probably. Click. Hiss. Kellen felt the man twist the pipe slightly left, then right. Left, then right. The faintest wisp of smoke began to escape an opening at the rounded end of the pipe. Left, then right. “Go. Slow and easy,” he commanded. Kellen followed this man’s orders as best as he could. He inhaled and inhaled and inhaled until he felt like he was running out of breath. The Adonis studied the boy as he inhaled. He knew he couldn’t push him too hard. Pain and pleasure were inexplicably linked, and no other substance like Tina helped bridge the two in the most perfect way possible. This kid was going to experience the pain, but the pleasure would be his reward. “Stop.” He withdrew the pipe. “Hold it in.” He brought the pipe to his own lips and expertly hit it, exhaling directly in Kellen’s face, which was turning red, eyes slightly bulging. “Exhale, faggot.” Kellen’s plume was nowhere as large as those of the three men he saw before, but he was proud that he was able to follow directions. He looked up at the Man expectantly, but it was Roland who chimed in. “Fucking weak. I hear you can’t even suck dick, and now I see you can’t even hit a pipe. James was right, you’re useless.” Roland stood and removed his tank top, revealing a sculpted body, covered in tattoos, eyes wild. He stepped up to Kellen, and moved behind him, sandwhiching the kid. One hand snaked its way under the front of his shirt and found his left nipple and pinched it. Anticipating some sort of noise from the kid, his left hand covered his mouth, muffling the objection. “Look at him,” Roland said, pinching harder. “You know who that is, right?” Kellen shook his head as best as he could, feeling Roland’s hand release his nipple and move over to the right, repeating the same painful action. James, still on the couch, stood and grabbed Kellen’s right hand, and lifted it toward the Adonis. “Say hello to Montgomery Landis, faggot.” Montgomery met Kellen’s hand with his own and shook his hand. But what started out as a normal handshake, turned into a vice-grip that seemed intent on crushing every bone in his hand. Kellen fell to his knees, hand still being crushed by Montgomery, when it finally clicked. Landis. The Landis Institute. The Adonis before him was THE Montgomery Landis. Both James and Roland laughed as Kellen struggled through the pain, “Argg,” was all the boy could muster before Montgomery finally let go, Twice in one day his hands were the target of intense pain. These Men were definitely cut from the same, sadistic cloth. “Look at me,” Montgomery said. Kellen, left hand massaging the right, looked up and was rewarded with a wad of spit that landed in the crook of his right eye. “Pain and pleasure, faggot,” he squatted down and reached for Kellen’s right hand, “are one in the same.” Even squatting, he towered over Kellen. Although the pain was less than before, it was still very much present as Montgomery gently pulled it forward and kissed the aching palm, kissing down the middle three fingers until he reached the tips. With his lips on the tips, Montgomery looked Kellen in the eye and began to open his mouth and gently sucked and licked them, watching Kellen’s eyes experience the sensation of pain turning to pleasure. There was a slight *clink to Kellen’s right as Montgomery released his hand and all three men made their way back to the couch. “Light up, faggot. You’re going to hit that fucking pipe until you blow a cloud we are all satisfied with." It was James who said this, while tweaking his nipples, wicked grin on display. Kellen fumbled with the lighter due to his aching hand and brought the pipe to his lips as he saw the three men begin to stroke their cocks through the shorts. He was theirs, and he knew it.
    2 points
  21. Starting the Year Off Right ‘What did you just take?! What the fuck are you doing?! This is stupid!’ The voice in my head kept looping, but it got quieter with each loop, especially once I began interacting with other people. The guy who gave me the pill must have broken a seal on me or something - either that or the stroke of midnight was the que for people to stop caring about talking to each other first. Almost as soon as he had disappeared, there were hands and lips on me, as two different guys suddenly took an interest in me. Someone grabbed me from behind by the hips, pulling me back into him, my ass against his crotch, his rock hard dick pressing against my ass. His hand grabbed my dick through my shorts while the other arm wrapped around my stomach and held me against him, and he began kissing and sucking my neck. I could tell from his arms that he was white, and I could see ginger hair out the corner of my eye, but that was pretty much all the details I could work out about him, as a second person came and dominated my attention. A black guy with a shaved head, wearing a white wife beater and boxer briefs, with tattoos in black ink all over his arms - various pieces of text I didn’t have time to read - stepped forward towards us. No words were said before his mouth closed over mine, and his tongue shoved into my mouth, almost as forcefully as the guy who had slipped me the pill a moment ago. His hands crawled up my chest, pushing my hoodie open and slipping inside, where his fingers took hold of them, pinching them sharply. I gasped as well as I could with his mouth in the way. For a few seconds, the pain allowed the negative voice to retake control, and I tried to pull away, but the arms of the man behind me kept me there, pinned between the two of them, and I soon stopped resisting. I grinded against the cock pressing into my ass, and did my best to give as good as I got to the guy practically fucking my mouth with his tongue. The hand of the white guy that had been holding me against him moved, finding one of my hands, and guiding it to the crotch of the guy in front of me, where I instinctively grabbed the massive, fabric-bound cock there. A shudder went through me when I realised just how big it was, and I felt his lips curl into a smile as we kissed. All the while, he kept twisting and tweaking my nipples which had gone from feeling painful to feeling just as good as the hand playing with my bulge. Between the two of them, they pulled my hoodie completely off me, and it disappeared somewhere into the club, never to be worn by me again. I barely even noticed. I did notice the white guys hand slipping into my shorts though, groping one of my ass cheeks, which were left bare by my jockstrap. I moaned into the other guys mouth as fingers found my hole and probed over it, briefly. Far too briefly. Then the hand was withdrawn, and suddenly, the feeling of the two guys against me disappeared. I had no idea why they were both suddenly ditching me - neither of them seemed annoyed, and the white guy winked at me as he disappeared into the crowd, just as the last guy had. He couldn’t have found something ‘unpleasant’ down there - as rubbish as I was at actually getting laid, I could do the pre-sex clean out like some sort of God of douching. What the hell was going on? My body was hot. Too hot. At first I thought it was being caused by being wedged between two hot guys, but the heat didn’t go away after they left. My heart was thumping in my chest, and I put my fingers to my neck and felt my pulse pounding away. I could feel the music thumping through my body. I realised that the pill I’d swallowed must have been kicking in. As I looked around the room, the lights blurred slightly, and seemed to shine more intensely than I remembered them doing before midnight. My cock ached, stretching against the ridiculously tight jock. Why had I worn a jock? That was stupid, and I decided that I needed to fix the mistake. I made my way to the toilets. They were located downstairs, below the main room of the club, and getting to them was a battle. A grope-y, fondly, suggestive glance-y, very distracting battle, but I made it there in one piece. There were three cubicles, and two people were clearly fucking in the first. A man was pissing with the door open in the second, and I slipped into the third, locking it behind me. Immediately, I dropped my shorts and my jock, pulling them straight over my trainers. My cock sprung out of my jock as I took them off, leaking precum, begging for release. It was a decent enough size - nothing to write home about, and Geo could swallow it without flinching, but less slutty guys found it impressive, at least. The door of the cubicle hit me in the back, and I turned around in horror. Apparently the lock on the door was just for show, and didn’t actually latch into anything. The guy pushing the door open was cute, and young. Younger than me, I guessed. He had a mop of brown hair on his head, and he was slim, but with no hint of muscle or anything like that. He just looked like eating was a foreign concept to him. He wore normal shorts and t-shirt, both of which were probably designed to be tight-fitting, but were practically baggy on him. He seemed genuinely surprised to have found me in the cubicle, but apparently he didn’t have the same problem of youthful nerves that I did. He joined me in the cubicle, turning us around so that my back was against the door, holding it closed, then dropped to his knees. A half-word of protest managed to get out of me - the full sentence would have been an explanation that I was only here to readjust my underwear - before the feeling of his hot mouth around my dick cut me off. He definitely didn’t have any problems with nerves, as he swallowed my dick with almost as little struggle as Geo could. He laid his hands on my thighs, then pushed them upwards. One came up to the base of my dick and balls, his finger and thumb curling around it like a cockring. The other went round to my ass and squeezed my cheeks. With that, he went to work, sucking my dick like a pro. All I could do was curl my fingers into his hair and enjoy the ride. Receiving a blowjob was never the biggest thrill for me. I much preferred giving them - as the sexual act that I had the most practice with, I felt that I was pretty damn good at giving them, too. But this guy had skills that put me to shame. His lips sucked and his tongue curled in fashions that blew my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to visualise just what was going on inside his mouth, but it was like he was some inhuman creature with a tongue that defied belief. That formed a twisted mental image in my head, which only grew more distorted as he kept it up. For a few seconds, I genuinely thought I was going to blow my load right down his throat - it would have been the first time I’d ever been made to cum purely from a blow job. But as quickly as he started, he stopped. I whimpered out a noise of protest, but that just made him laugh as he got back to his feet. He pushed himself against me, and we kissed, with him making damn sure I could taste myself in his mouth before he let us pull away from each other. “Don’t worry, babe.” He said. Even his voice was young - absolutely nothing about the way this kid looked would tell you he could probably suck a bowling ball through a hose pipe. “The night is only just beginning.” With that, he twisted us around again, so that he could open the door, and become the fourth man of the evening to randomly abandon me, though at least he gave a vague explanation, unlike the last two. Only after he left, did I realise that there was still a sensation that I thought he had been causing. I looked down and nearly jumped, as I found a black strap of leather, covered in popper buttons, had been wrapped around the base of my cock and balls, where his fingers and thumbs had been. When the hell had he put that on me? Did he just go around the building, sucking dicks and handing out cockstraps? Where could I find a job like that? I picked up my shorts from the floor and pulled them back on, forcing my dick into them against its will. The bulge was very noticeable, but that wasn’t going to bother me at this point. I didn’t even think to find and save my jockstrap, and left it there abandoned on the toilet floor. When I did remember it later in the evening, it was far too late to try and go back for it, so I just had to hope that whoever found it was very happy about it.
    2 points
  22. 17. "So... How was your 'date'? asked Rick after Tony got home. "Good! I took him into the bar and after a few beers, and blew my poz cum into his hot cunt." "Woof! I got something to jerk off to again tonight." said Rick with pride. "How did he take it when you told him?" "Well... he freaked out at first, but then shot his load hands-free! And then, when we talked and danced some after, his dick was rock-hard the whole time!" "Fuck! I corrupted you good, stud.!" Rick shook his head as he started playing with his hard nipples through his tight shirt. "I see you like the story!" "Fuck, yeah. Got some of that toxic cum left for me?" "For you? Always," Tony replied with a grin as he stepped closer to his uncle, massaging the latter's cock through his pants. They kissed passionately and then took their shirts off. Rick played with his nephew's silver nipple rings, gently tugging and twisting them as the two continued making out. Tony, of course, continued massaging his Uncle's dick, but after several minutes of tongue-play, Rick broke-off the kiss and kissed his way down his nephew's body until he reached the prize, Tony's crotch. Kissing and tonguing the denim, Rick unbuttoned Tony's jeans, extracted his nephew's big cock from his jockstrap, expertly kissing, licking and sucking on the pierced ten inch cock. Tony directed Rick's activities by taking his head in his hands, and pushing him further down on the cock. Rick skillfully sucked and worshiped his nephew's monster cock and balls, following Tony's lead so eventually Tony's cock was lodged full depth in Rick's throat, leaving Rick to choke, now fully impaled on the big cock. Showing no mercy, and by no means taking it slowly, Tony face-fucked his uncle with abandon, his pleasure being the only consideration. The scene was unbelievably hot. Rick's face was red, wet and sticky with a variety of juices, and the cock in his throat left him feeling as if he was trying to swallow an anaconda. The the vision above Rick made it worthwhile: the young man above him was the consummate pig - handsome, muscular, hung, dangerous and cocky. One hell of a pig! Unbuttoning his fly, Rick extracted his rock hard cock and edged himself for several minutes, without pausing in servicing Tony. Fortunately Rick's services paid off, for after some time of hard and hot skull-fucking, Tony announced "FUCK YEAH! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!" With this announcement Tony withdrew most of his cock from Rick's throat, leaving only about three inches inside and started cumming. And cumming. And cumming. But, as with all good things, eventually the ropes of cum ended, and Tony pulled his uncle up and started making out with him, tasting and swallowing his own highly viral, charged up cum. After that, he dropped to his knees, took his uncle's cock into his mouth, rammed three fingers into his uncle's man cunt, massaging the elder man's prostate. With that, Rick roared and fired his own load into Tony's mouth. Tony stood up and kissed his uncle again, letting him taste his own tainted cum. With that, Tony had realised what a monster they had created. His own cock bounced with that thought. Made you hard? Share your thoughts!☣???
    2 points
  23. 14. Tony finally got out of bed after eight days and the first thing his Uncle did was recharge his now hopefully poz cunt. The second thing Rick did was to draw a sample of his nephews blood and cum, sending both to an old friend who worked in a HIV clinic. Apart from school, all Tony did was jerking off, thinking that maybe, the cum he was producing was now toxic, and working out almost everyday - which was definitely showing after a month or so. All his muscles were bigger, stronger, sexier. His once thinner arms now sported nice biceps, his pecs bulged out and his six pack had developed, although his muscles weren't nowhere close to those of his Uncle, or those of Danny or Sam. In addition, Ray had been adding to Tony's tattoos, expanding the shoulder tattoo all the way to Tony's elbow. On an otherwise boring Thursday, Rick's friend at the HIV clinic dropped off an envelope at the house, addressed to Tony. He was clearly very nervous, and postponed opening it. Sam tried to assuage Tony's concerns saying "Don't worry stud, if it has come back positive, you'll earn your tattoo and then become the pig you're meant to be!" "But what if it's still neg?" "Then I'll fuck your hot man cunt until it's poz." Tony finally found the courage to open it. "So...?" "I'm officially poz." said Tony, reveling in his status. "Welcome to the club!" laughed Rick and hugged him. "Danny, call Duke - tomorrow, we're going to celebrate." First thing on Friday, after school and gym, Rick took Tony back to Ray's for his biohazard tat. When Tony stepped out of the backroom and showed him his new earned tattoo, his dick got harder than ever before. The tattoo was centered around his left nipple, covering his left pec. It was black, with the center ring of blood red color. It was extremely hot! They drove home and so the celebration began. Again, they fucked through the night, all taking turns to recharge Tony, and then themselves getting fucked by Tony's big cock. And Tony went wild that night. Fucking, cumming, pissing furiously. Rick stood by the wall, looking at his nephew just as he was fucking Duke with no mercy, considering two months earlier Tony was a teenager with an exceptionally big cock ready for his first year of college, and now he was one hot poz pig, with multiple tattoos and piercings, nice growing muscles and a highly viral load. His own dick got hard again and he felt his nephew's hot charged up load dripping from his cunt. He couldn't believe his luck! Again, let me know if it made you hard or even cum. Trust me, I wanna know. More chapters cumming soon
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  24. 11. After their threesome, Tony was led by Duke and Sam into the showers. After their shower, they went back to the bar and ordered an another round. After a few minutes, Danny and Rick came back, all sweaty from the dance floor. The rest of the evening, they all switched between dancing and grinding against all the hot guys on the floor and talking at the bar table over their beers. It was around midnight and they decided to take the party back to Danny and Rick's house, so they took a taxi home where Tony and Sam switched from beer to some whiskey. Tony wasn't drinking that much, but the alcohol was starting to make him dizzy. Sam on the other hand was clearly a bit drunk already. Tony stood up and reached for the bottle, when suddenly Sam slapped his ass hard and loudly exclaim with an approving laugh "Ricky, I have to say, your nephew is one hot fuck!" Rick was visibly a bit surprised. "Hold up! You fucked him too?!" "Yup. And he fucking delivered." "Wait! Is there not one person in this room who didn't fuck my nephew without me knowing about it?" "There is, in fact. You!" laughed Duke. "Fuck me!" said Rick and shook his head. "Wait! Did ya'll tell him about... well your statuses?" "Yup, we did!" said Sam and added: " he couldn't wait to get his ass full of my toxic cum and then pump his hot neg load into Duke!" "And then piss all over us!" added Duke with a grin. Rick looked at Tony. Tony couldn't help it, he spread his legs, bit his lips, grabbed his cock through the jeans and gave his uncle a look full of rebellion, satisfaction and lust all at the same time - the horny, cocky look of a real pig in making. "You... you really want it?" asked Rick and pointed to his cock. "You really want to... get the bug?" asked Rick. "At this point, I think there's no turning back. I don't think I could really enjoy sex with a condom. And the thought of fucking with poz guys - or even converting just makes me so horny!" Rick was so horny at this point he couldn't hold anything back. "Fuck! Okay. Let's do it." he said, massaging his cock through his jeans, adding "Brace yourselves! As of tomorrow morning, real hell breaks loose in this house!" Rick said with an evil grin and a voice full of lust. "And by the end of the month, you won't just look at that hot cock between your legs and be amazed how big it is, but also how dangerous!" added Danny. Tony's cock almost tore his jeans apart. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to hear your thoughts and comments about this story. Don't be shy and cum around. More cumming soon.
    2 points
  25. PART 4 Chris sat on the edge of Kevin’s bed as Kevin rifled thru his drawer selecting a jock for Chris to try. Oh my god, Chris thought to himself, holy shit this is real. I got act cool. Should I try to hide my hardon? What if he thinks I am lame because I am hard? But maybe he will like it? Chris’s thoughts rushed thru his head, his adrenaline surging as the the nerves and excitement hit him. Kevin turned around now and faced him, Chris looked up. Kevin held up a jock in his hand. “This should look amazing on you. It was a little small on me but I bet it fits your frame perfectly. Here, try it on. Let’s see!”, Kevin said as he tossed Chris the jock. Chris was a little shy and tried to cover himself a little as he shed his shorts and put on the jock. As he adjusted it, he was thankful that the pouch stretched enough so even though it wAs obvious he wAs hard, it stayed trapped inside. Chris was almost shaking he was so nervous and turned on at the same time. “Oh fuck!” Kevin blurted, taking in the young man in front of him. “Turn around Chris”, Kevin spoke quietly. Chris slowly turned so his back was facing Kevin. Without being asked, he spread his legs slightly. “What a perfect little boy butt! God it’s so fucking hot Chris.”, Kevin said in a low voice. Chris was instantly more confident and less nervous. Kevin loves his ass. He thought it was perfect. He thinks I am hot, Chris thought to himself. The nerves fading, Chris was just feeling more and more turned on. Without thinking, Chris blurted, “I think you are so hot. Even when I saw you at the store, you are so hot.” Then Chris gestures at Kevin’s cock and added, “ And THAT looks huge!” Kevin grinned. The boy was his. Faster than he had thought, but this boy was so ready. He had just needed someone to light the fuse. Now it was a matter of slowly turning up the heat and making Chris need to take yet another step forward. Time to tease the boy along a little bit, get him talking, Kevin thought to himself. Time to get to him to start telling Kevin what he really wants. That was a big part of it, Kevin thought, getting a guy like Chris to want it so bad he admits it, or even better, begs for it. Most times, once they opened up and admitted it, the young guys can’t wait to tell all their fantasies and desires. Kevin had a feeling Chris was ready to tell him everything. Kevin walked over and sat down On the bed and motioned for Chris to come sit next to him. “Do you like being over here Chris? Being free to express yourself?, Kevin asked. Chris nodded. “Good. I’m happy you are here. Very happy. Nothing is better for me than helping a young man like you find himself. And you are the sexiest young man I have ever had the privilege of helping. And I will tell you a little secret, since you have shared with me, I like it when you stare at my cock. I like it a lot. So don’t be shy ok sexy? You can look at it as much as you want. Remember we can try anything. It’s just us. Two hot gay men together.” The words had a further effect on Chris, as Chris replied “i love being here. I cAnt beleive you think I am sexy. You are like the hottest guy I have ever seen. Fuck that cock looks so big.” Kevin could see the signs of the boy losing control. He could see Chris’s lust was in overdrive. “Want to see my cock Chris?”, Kevin asked quietly. “Please!” Chris blurted immediately. Kevin stood up and slid out of his speedo, exposing his now half hard cock, that would eventually be 8 inches rock hard. Chris had his eyes glued to it, examining every detail. Chris always thought he had a nice dick but Kevin wAs not only longe but much thicker. And what a big cockhead. The way his pubes were shaved short looked sexy as hell, Chris thought. And those smooth shaved balls were fucking massive! What a perfect cock, Chris thought. “Chris.... chris. You here?”, Kevin joked trying to get Chris’s attention. Chris had been so mesmerized by Kevin’s huge cock he had lost all other focus. Embarrassed, Chris looked Kevin in the eyes. “Chris when you would think about guys and having hot man sex, what did you think about? What did you want to do? Actually... let me put it another way, if you had a choice of me sucking you or you sucking me which one would you want?”, Kevin asked. Chris was quiet for a moment. He had kept this answer a secret for so long and now he was about to share it. Before he could lose his nerve, Chris spoke quickly “Its always me getting to suck making the other guy cum. That’s what I like. I.. I’d want to suck you. You wouldn’t have to suck me.” This was going better than Kevin ever hoped for. Chris might really be something truly special. This kid wAs so horny and obviously so fucking gay. The kind of guy that is a natural for becoming a cum dump, Kevin thought. “Chris is there anything else? A lot of guys that love wearing jocks, that feel natural wearing them... it’s because they like showing their asses off. They want guys to notice their sexy young ass, so that they can find a nice a top man to give that ass attention. Chris... does your ass need attention?” Chris’s barriers were just about broken and he immediately nodded and then added “I think about getting fucked. I think about it so much.” Chris couldn’t believe he had just said that but he barely felt like he had any control over himself anyways. This was all happening so fast but he couldn’t stop himself. This was everything he had wanted for as long as he could remember. He was finally in a new town in his own place and had found a mentor that he could be truly himself with. Now here he was finally living his life as a gay man, in a jockstrap with the hottest guy ever naked. Chris was so turned on he knew he had no intention of slowing this down. And as he stared at Kevin’s now hard cock he knew that he was going to do anything Kevin wanted. “All those things you have wanted to do Chris... you have no idea how badly I want to do those things with you. My sexy little bottom. I am going to show you so many things.”, said Kevin in a whisper as he stepped closer to Chris, so close that his cock was inches from Chris’s face. Kevin didn’t have to ask. Chris could t hold back. That massive cock in his face broke his last shred of nerves and he was just hungry now. And as his mouth engulfed the head of Kevin’s cock, Chris thought to himself that he had never felt more complete. With this hot man standing in front of him feeding him his cock, Chris knew this was where he was supposed to be. He had been right all along. As his eyes closed and he settled in trying to take as much cock as he could, he was in heaven finally living his true self serving a hot top man with his mouth.
    2 points
  26. I got a text from a regular buddy. He was headed out of state with his girlfriend but needed ass immediately. She’s been too busy to put out and his balls were aching to unload INSIDE. Jerking off wasn’t enough. I managed to get off work and head over. He met me naked and boned at the door. He didn’t even say hello before pushing me to my knees to throat his cock. I undid my slacks while he fucked my throat, which isn’t an easy task since he didn’t pause his thrusts. I took him deep and held him. He grabbed my head and rocked his hips balls deep in my throat. All he said was I love how you suck me man but I need that ass, get that ass up. I turned and positioned myself on my knees, ass up and head down. He pushed my shoulders to the floor and I could feel his thick cock against my hole. He pushed in with one slow stroke and a “fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about” he’s pretty quiet until he’s pumping my hole which I like. I could feel his nuts slapping as he’s thrusting...pulling almost out and pausing just a second before pounding in. “You going to take my cum? You’re going to get a big load if you can take it” I could only moan at this point. He kept pounding, pulling my hips up to meet his downstrokes, piledriving his cock into me. “Fuck your ass feels good, you going to make me cum, I need to cum bad and your getting it all deep in you slut”. I squeezed my hole around his cock and he responded with a fuck yeah that’ll get it. His pounding got harder and faster. I his nuts that had been loose and slapping my ass tightened. I heard him beginning to moan. He has a deep, animalistic moan as he gets ready to cum. “You want it? You want it deep? I’m going to cum deep in you and you’ll be leaking all day” with that he slammed hard and I felt his cock pulse as he moaned “fuckin take that cum” he filled me and kept pumping then slid his cock out. I caught a few drops of cum that came out with his cock. The only taste I get for a while when he cums so deeply in me. He was all 8.5 inches in when he shot. He told me he made sure he was ALL THE WAY IN and deposited 2days of cum. I got dressed and left. I slowly leaked all night. Still had cum in me the next morning. Hope he fills me after his trip. I’m going to miss his cock and cum while he’s away. Fuck! I need more regular breeders to fill my cumhole.
    1 point
  27. Interesting topic and one that definitely makes my ass tweak. I was luck enough one time to meet a real bruiser of a guy in Olympia London, he had a reputation for being aggressive but he needed a fuck and so did I. Like the young idiot I was we met up at his place and engaged in some very heavy foreplay. After he laid me on his stomach he went bulls deep and wrapped his arm around my neck tight but not enough to put me out. He demanded I say thank you for his cock naturally I did and he loosened his arm and began pounding me hard. I got to the point where I kept looking at his muscled arms and moved my head towards his right arm. He didn’t say any and neither did I but his arm cla,led around my neck and I felt his bicep harden quickly. I remember my right arm grabbing his arm but it was so quick. I woke up with my arse being fucked harder than ever. It still is my most erotic sexual encounter.
    1 point
  28. Poppers eliminate any sense of logic. Combine that with an ABS and BBC and you’re for sure leaving a cumdump.
    1 point
  29. When I feel him breeding me, it's total joy for me!
    1 point
  30. Best morning commute ever! I popped into the washroom at Yonge/Bloor and saw a man at the urinals. Despite the barriers between them, I knew he was looking for action. I pulled away from the urinal so he could see my cock - which was in a cock ring - and getting harder by the second. He pulled away showing off a fully hard uncut cock. He started to feel up my ass - so I know what he wanted. I turned me ass towards him and pulled the thong from between my cheeks. Almost instantly his cock was in me. However, someone came into the washroom. So he motioned me to go to a stall. I picked that last one, pulled down my pants and bent over the toilet. He followed and I soon felt his cock in my ass again. He was really horny and after a few thrusts he pulled his cock out so only the head was in my hole and stated to shoot. He was still shooting when I turned around and took him in my mouth6:45 am and my day if off to a wonderful start!
    1 point
  31. Really? precum is part of the enjoyment of a good blowjob. Strange reaction
    1 point
  32. I’m back, the bf is fast asleep and I woke up from a quick nap, hole is plugged full of cum, I feel so full and actually feel the cum sloshing in me when I move ? this was by far the best experience I ever had and if you follow I’ve had quite a few lately! My hole is sore but in such a good way, stretched by a huge plug cause the smaller ones fell off my sloppy pussy ? gonna take it easy today and recuperate from this experience and later today gonna unplug all over the bf and see all the cum that was deposited in my cunt flow out and have some piggy fun with the bf besides that we’re headed to Amsterdam for the week and I’m planning on going to the Meat Market party at club church (there’s no fickstutenmarkt while I’m there) I’m reading all the stuff the bf wrote here while he took over and i just get horny reliving this amazing experience! Apparently over the weekend I took roughly 150 loads ?? Hunter x
    1 point
  33. Hey pup! Just wanted to tell my soulmate I love you! ?❤️Daddy
    1 point
  34. I go through phases in terms of going for qualities or quanties. When I was younger, I went for quantites, the more the merrier. When I was in my 40’s, I preferred qualities. I would rather stay at home amd watch TV if I couldn‘t find any guy that I found attractive enough to play with. Now I am in my 50’s, I guess I am feeling that my time is running out, so I want to get as many fucks as I could get, especially I am now on preps, I am more relaxed about by whom or how I get fucked. I am off to the fukdto party later this afternoon and intend to find as many dicks as possible. Wish me luck. Something about being a cumdump/slut makes my cock hard these days.
    1 point
  35. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/puerto-rican-survives-take10in-38614731 PUERTO RICAN SURVIVES TAKE10IN. LONGEST VIDEO YET! Hot hole from Puerto Rican boi struggles with TAKE10IN MASSIVE COCK! Watch this boi work SIR's DICK, ASS up and eager to please. Also see RYAN SPADE get turned out as well with his HUNGRY HOLE. Two pigs side by side. (filmed/edited by @RyanSpadexxx)
    1 point
  36. December 27,2018 I needed to get fuck today, my hole needed raw dick and was twitchy for action, so I left work earlier. I cleaned myself out and went to Velvets in Waikiki. It was sad and a lot of posers waiting. There was an 18 yo kid I met the night before on Grindr but didn’t hook up because he was far and didn’t have transportation. I immediately troll him and tried to convince him to fuck me through the glory hole. He was only 1000 ft away! I felt like a dirty old man but the pic of his dick he sent me was huge. I absolutely needed that up my man pussy. He says, “sure I’ll fuck you.” He comes closer to where I am. My heart beating every few feet he gets closer. 500 ft and closer, I’m creaming in my pants... He cums in and we make eye contact. He goes into the booth next to me. He sticks his hard young fuck pole through the hole. I suck his dick and he gets harder. He doesn’t move at all and makes me fuck myself on his raw dick. I go ass to mouth on his dick and back... it’s a long 15 mins and believe me, 15 mins is like hours at the glory hole. I go on and off numerous times, every time I feel dry I suck his cock and fuck myself on the fucking hard young boy’s dick. I’m in heaven... my hole raw but still hungry. I finally ask him to cum in my booth and he does... He fucks me for another 20 mins and eventually breeds me deep. He kisses me after pulling out and I clean his dripping cock. Fuck! How the hell does this 18yo stay hard that long without coming?? Or did he cum numerous times without me knowing. Then I remember one of his questions during our Grindr chat. “Do they ID you when you come in...” I told him no and never thought about it until now, hmmmmm.
    1 point
  37. Part 49   It seemed to take forever to find my flashlight, having forgotten to put it away, and finally finding it under the sink in the bathroom where I had used it to check for a leak a while back. I checked it to make sure it worked and headed back to the kitchen. Getting down on my knees I turned the light on and looked under the fridge. There was the coin, almost clear to the back against the wall. Can nothing be easy lately?   I had to get up to get the broom to see if I could drag it out. I knelt again and gently swept the broom in and over the coin and started to drag it out. As I got it from underneath, the broom was over it and I felt a moment of, what, fear, anxiety, excitement? I lifted the broom carefully and looked at the coin and my decision was made for me. I could not decide whether it was relief or more indecision as I looked again to see that the side showing was tails. I was to go get the PEP and then decide afterward whether to continue with guys or not. I was so nervous, I was almost in tears.   Now, to just stay in and try to rest until tomorrow morning when I would call the clinic and tell them I needed in as quickly as possible. I returned to bed, trying to get some rest, but my mind was still in turmoil and I just laid there staring at the ceiling. My mind was all over the place about what had been happening and it took a long time before I finally dozed off.   The next morning I awoke feeling rested for the first time in several days. I got up, made coffee and got dressed. Then I called the clinic. It was a little hard to tell them what I needed, but I finally got it out and was told they could fit me in in about an hour from now. I found myself shaking as I hung up the phone.   I soon left and went to the clinic where they did a quick test and I was somewhat shocked and relieved to find it came out neg still. They then took blood and told me they still had to check it that way but would start me on the PEP regimen immediately anyway just to be as safe as possible since my time limit to get it was almost over by now.   I picked up my prescription and headed home feeling less worried and much more relieved than I had been for a while. I got home just in time to see about 6 guys leaving Hank's place. I recognized them all and every one of them had fucked me over the weekend.   Hank was on his porch seeing them off and waved to me as I pulled in. I waved back and by the time I had gotten out of my car and headed to my porch, Hank had already went back inside his place. I went into the kitchen to turn my coffee back on and it was almost ready when there was a knock on my door. It was Hank.   I let him in and as he entered, he grabbed me and planted a kiss on me. I could not help myself and returned it. He drove his tongue into my mouth deep and we sucked on each others tongue back and forth for several minutes. Then we broke apart and I got out cups and poured us both coffee.   As we sat and drank our coffee, I was kind of nervous, but finally was able to blurt out what I had done. Hank, again, surprised me by being very supportive of me getting the PEP. He told me not to worry, as he just thought I needed some time to think about it. After all, until about a week ago, I had never even thought about having gay sex and then had let him turn me around about it.   He had started with just bjs and then just over this past weekend had given me my first ever fuck and took my ass cherry and told me he had HIV. I had then, for reasons I still didn't understand, had taken more and more and a lot of his friends fuck me too. He told me to just think it over and he was sure I would make the right decision, which to him was to let go and get pozzed and to enjoy sex then with whoever I felt like without having to worry about it. I had a lot more to think about by the time we got done talking and he had headed back to his place. I sat and started to think about it. I had some time now to decide what I was and what I would do about it.
    1 point
  38. I had spent Christmas Day enjoying family and doing lots of cooking, but the day after, I need to take care of some primal needs -- getting fucked. As I was searching the usual sites, a leather daddy that I have played with several times popped on; after the usual comments about the holidays, he made the comment, "I always like seeing you get naked." I didn't need any more encouragement, and told him I'm horny and ready to play. Once we figured out a good time to meet up, I headed out the door. When I arrived, he said, that another guy he had been chatting with also showed up, and asked if I was up for a three-way. Never to turn down a three-way, I said sure. We immediately got into some piggy play. The leather daddy started to fuck me , while the other guy swallowed my cock. All of a sudden leather daddy slipped a dildo and his raw cock into my hole; man it felt so good. The tree of us continued to play and switch off -- sucking, fucking, rimming and kissing. Leather daddy told me to get in the sling, and started applying elbow grease to my hole -- inserting his greased fingers. Telling me to take a deep hit on my poppers, he started to push his fist into my hole. At first it was a little tight, but then he said, take a another deep hit, and after doing so, his paw pushed its way into my hole. He immediately started to pull out and began punch fisting my hole. My ass lips got swollen as he continued to punch my hole -- it felt so fucking hot. Not to be left out, our play partner started to kiss me and moved to the front my of the sling -- rimming my hole and then fucking my freshly wrecked hole. As he was fucking me, he said I bet you'd love to get DP'd and immediately flooded my hole with his cum. As the three of us rested on the bed, the leather daddy started to chew on my nips, which got my cock hard again, and our play partner swallowed my cock, giving me the most incredible blow job; edging me repeatedly until I shot my load in his mouth which he immediately shared with the both of us. Today was definitely a great holiday treat.
    1 point
  39. Ongoing Stealthy Fuck Buddy (Conclusion) I turned around excited to know that I turn him on that much. It's such an amazing feeling; knowing that there's a sexy hung handsome stud who wants to own your ass, who wants to fuck you, and fill you, and mark you as his property in the most primal way possible. By giving you the very essence of his manhood. At that moment, I had surrendered myself completely and all I wanted was to feel his big dick inside me, impregnating me. And then, I felt it. The synthetic impersonal barrier that is a condom. "What the fuck?!" I thought to myself. I mean, we were just talking about breeding and I laid it out for him that I was willing to take his load. But, I knew that we had already agreed, that that would be our one caveat; to always use a condom. Thankfully, he had lubed up pretty well and even with a condom his dick felt great. Not amazing, but great. When I felt his balls pressing against my taint, and his cock head pressing my prostate, he said, "I want you to know something, I want you to feel my dick rubbered up. Feel how my cock feels stretching your hole, protected." Then he pulled out, and I hastily whispered, "Please put it back!" He slipped back inside me and this time, it was the glorious sensation of just HIM. His bare skin spreading my tight hole, wrapping my anus tight around his circumference; bareback! "Do you feel the difference? Because I sure do! I want to cum inside you so badly, and feel my cum sliding around my cock. But we promised each other that we'd use condoms, so I've been tearing the condoms because we are using them after all, but I want to cum inside you and breed you and make your hole mine but no more pretending. Tell me what you want!" The whole time he'd been picking up speed and been banging on my prostate I was almost at the edge and all I could say was what I'd been thinking of since I met him, "Please cum inside me! I want your cum, I need your cum inside me, make me your hole. Cum inside me please, Adam, I want your cum!" When I said his name, something triggered in him and he hilted himself balls deep inside me. I could feel his thick breeding rod pulsating as he shot volley after volley of cum inside me and that took me over the edge. I cried out loud and shot rope after rope of cum onto the sheets. My asshole spasmed around Adam's cock and milked every last drop of cum out of him. He kept pumping and considering that his sperm was joining his previous load; it squelched around his cock and moisturized my hole. He collapsed on top of me, kissed my cheek and said, "I'm sorry, I should have asked you before sliding into you bare." I laughed and said, "Asked me?! I've been dropping so many hints hoping that you'd figure out how badly I wanted to feel you bare, ha ha." "Ok Good, cause I don't intend on going back to condoms. From here on out, I want to feel your hot hole wrapped around my cock and my cum belongs inside you, got it!" "Yes Sir!" I playfully responded and with a goofy bright smile, he leaned down and kissed me. We lay there for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company and all too soon it was time for him to go. We've been getting together more often, and the sex is exciting and amazing. A couple of times he's put on a broken condom and we pretend that I don't know he's breeding me and those times are the hottest. He seems to get off on making me guess but now, if he uses one, he always pulls out, takes off the condom and slides back in and tells me, "I'm cumming inside you, baby. My sperm is going to try and impregnate you. And you're gonna keep my babies in you after I'm gone." And I do, happily.
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  40. Part 6 - The Birthday Gift A week later and classes finally finished for the academic year, Ethan and Adam sat on the grass relaxing and watching all the other students heading home, Ethan was feeling lethargic and hot so he was glad when they eventually went their separate ways. The June weather being particularly kind with blue skies and humid conditions, but Ethan had already decided to skip the Hamptons in favour of getting his college work done so that he could at least enjoy a few weeks relaxing, his family would be gone for at least a month. He heard his father talking about some business he had to conclude next week in the city for one of his corporate clients and he would drive there from the Hamptons, he knew no one would be home for the month. When he eventually reached home he collapsed on the sofa hot and exhausted, he figured he was coming down with a cold and more annoyed that it was starting right at this point. He didn't feel like eating and wondered upstairs and laid on the bed falling asleep quickly. The morning sunlight streamed in to his bedroom, he had a raging headache and felt very queasy, quickly he jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom where he started heaving in to the toilet, sweat ran down his face as he sat on the floor his head resting against the coolness of the tiled wall for some comfort. He had no idea how long he had been sitting there and slowly rose to his feet heading back to bedroom he undressed and climbed in to bed, as the day wore on he felt worse and suffered alone. He was woken by his phone alerting him to a message, reaching over he picked it up and saw a message from Angelo he was not in the mood and placed the phone back on the bedside cabinet. Besides he was going to heed Adam's advice and cut off ties with him thinking it would be the best course of action. Ethan laid looking up at the ceiling and debating if he should call his mother and tell her he was sick and laid up in bed, he knew that she would probably drive home to be with him, he didn't even get chance to think it through before he dozed off again. His phone pinged again and he reached over to retrieve it seeing another message from Angelo so reluctantly he opened the first message 'Your quiet', he scrolled to the next one 'Don't ignore me'. Ethan not really thinking straight typed a reply 'Sorry, I am not well, in bed' he looked at this response for a moment then tapped the send button. His reply came immediately 'What's wrong, do you have flu?, give me your address and I will bring you back to mine'. Ethan laid back looking at the screen until it switched off, he really didn't know what to do. He had no idea why he did it but Ethan unlocked the phone and typed his address and sent it. Angelo laughed to himself knowing that Ethan lived in Harrison which was only a twenty minute drive from Larchmont, he replied telling Ethan to be ready in thirty minutes. Ethan sat bolt upright shouting 'fuck, fuck, fuck', he realised he had just given Angelo his address, if he could go any whiter than he currently looked he made a very good attempt at it. He had just made the fatal mistake of giving his address to him, and knew that Angelo could now get to him whenever he wanted. Reluctantly Ethan hauled himself out of bed and threw on some joggers and a top and sat on the front door step as the sun started to sink lower in the sky, his head in his hands as the car pulled up, he looked up seeing Angelo's face who called out for him to get in. Ethan sat in the passenger seat and Angelo looked at Ethan's sweat covered face. The car pulled away for the short trip to Larchmont, Ethan paid little attention where they were going until the car stopped and Angelo got out and came round to the passenger side, he picked Ethan up and carried him inside up to his bedroom. Angelo undressed him and laid in in bed, he put the TV on and slipped in to bed beside Ethan cuddling up next to him, within minutes Ethan was fast asleep. Angelo watched Ethan sleeping in his arms he felt a sensation wakening in his body at being happy to able to care for someone, after all it had been a long time, Angelo fell asleep with a smile on his face. Ethan woke at the sound of movement, it was dark outside as Angelo entered the bedroom with some food and water. He helped Ethan sit up and began to feed him. "How are you feeling?" Angelo asked dipping the spoon in the soup. Ethan sighed "Not as bad as this morning, I've never been this ill". "It looks like the fever has broken so it will pass soon enough" Angelo replied. Ethan looked at Angelo "What will?". "I expect it is your body reacting to the hiv virus" Angelo put the bowel on the bedside table. Ethan sobbed and put his head in his hands "You did this to me". "If I hadn't someone else would have, you saw what that place is like" Angelo said with no expression. Ethan wiped the tear from his eye "You have ruined my life". Angelo shook his head "You put yourself in the bathhouse no one else did that". Ethan sobbed "Why did you do it?". "To take your virginity and give you a gift for your birthday" Angelo replied looking at him. Ethan stopped and looked at him "Wait, how did you know it was my birthday?". Angelo laughed "Brad told me, you don't think someone like you doesn't get noticed do you?". Ethan placed his head in his hands again "Is it just a game to you ruining lives". Angelo smirked at Ethan "It's sex whatever way you look at it". "For you maybe it is, but you have just taken my future away" Ethan sobbed in his hands. Angelo looked at him "You need to go to a clinic and get tested that...." Ethan cut him off "I should go this is all wrong". "Go where?" Angelo moved closer to Ethan. "Home, this is all wrong I need to be alone" Ethan moved and sat on the edge of the bed. "I own you, your not going anywhere" Angelo's tone changed as he reached up to stroke Ethan's head. Ethan flinched and pushed him away, his actions provoked a reaction he never expected. Angelo twisted Ethan's body around with force and pushed him flat on bed, his hands held Ethan's shoulders down so he could not move. It happened so quickly Ethan screamed and thrashed about under the weight of Angelo, his ass burning in pain. Angelo gave no warning or indication he just forced his cock deep in to Ethan's ass and began hammering his body in to the mattress. Every time Ethan tried to escape and move Angelo fucked him harder. Ethan pleaded and cried for him stop but the fucking continued and rained down into his ass. His voice grew hoarse and his body to weak to fight he sobbed in to the bed sheet waiting for it to be over. Angelo was focused on the job at hand but couldn't hold back, he just found the young lad sexy and it brought him to orgasm quickly. Angelo pushed his cock in deep and locked his hips up tight against Ethan as he let out a loud grunt releasing a fresh quantity of potent seed in to his boy. Ethan cried as he felt each breeding contraction in his ass from the invading cock releasing more seed in to his body. Angelo panted heavily next to Ethan's face and kissing his neck he whispered 'Never push me away, you belong to me, never forget that I own you!'. He followed with several had thrusts to reinforce his statement to Ethan. In some far off bizarre way and through the pain of what he endured he felt a very strange desire for Angelo, but he knew he had just seen part of Angelo's aggressive side. Slowly Angelo withdrew his cock from Ethan's ass and rolled on to his back and looked at the ceiling, he didn't know what had come over him to behave like this. Yes he had been brutal with other men but never on this scale to someone so young, was he really that afraid that he had pushed the young guy to far and may have scared him off. He turned his head to look at him, Ethan laid on his stomach to exhausted to move. He daren't move, his body ached and his ass was in pain, he now only comprehended Adam's warning and should have trusted him. There was an eerie silence in the room and Ethan closed his eyes as he felt Angelo moving on the bed, he waited but nothing happened. Angelo sat on the edge of the bed looking at himself in the mirror, had he really become that much of a monster, never allowing anyone to get close and always keeping them at a distance to use and abuse when he wanted and on his terms. He saw the young guys reflection in the mirror still laying in the same position, it was the first time he had ever brought anyone back to his home since his previous partner from 5 years ago. He had caught him cheating and sat waiting for him to come home, when he did Angelo tried to fuck his partner who pushed him away saying he was not in the mood. Angelo slapped him and held his partner down before fucking him aggressively telling him that if he wanted to fuck with other men then he would treat him like the cheating whore he is. After he finished he dragged his partner by his legs naked in to the hallway outside their apartment and threw his clothes at him and locked the door. He vowed then never to let anyone get close to him for fear of rejection or deceit. But seeing the reflection of the young guy brought a sadness to him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you" Angelo said watching the reflection in the mirror. Ethan turned on to his back "You hurt me, what did I ever do to you?" his voice shaking. Angelo looked at Ethan through the mirror "I'm so sorry" he said again and lowered his head. "Why would you do that to me?" a tear rolled down Ethan's face. Angelo stood up "I can't do this now, I will drive you home when you are ready" he left and closed the door. Ethan watched Angelo as he left the bedroom he saw deep sadness clearly on his face, Ethan rolled over on to his side going over what had just happened, his body still weak gave out and he fell asleep. The dreams came and went, the same dream of Angelo and him on a beach playing and walking in the surf. Ethan woke and saw the time was 3am and the house was silent the bed apart from him was empty, he needed a drink of water so he quietly got walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. He stopped at the bottom surprised to see Angelo sat in the lounge in darkness looking out in to the garden. He looked lost as he just stared out of the French windows at nothing, Ethan felt sorry for him, yes, what he did to him a few hours ago was unpleasant but his head was telling him it was not aggression against him personally. Ethan walked round the sofa and stood to the side of Angelo who quickly rubbed his eyes seeing the young guy standing there. Ethan had no idea what to do or had any experience of dealing with these things, he mustered up the courage. "Talk to me Angelo?" Ethan spoke softly. Angelo looked up at him "No, you better leave". Ethan stood there "Why did you, you owe me that much of an explanation?". "A complex of fear and emotion, you wouldn't understand" Angelo's gaze returned to the garden. Ethan kneeled down in front of him "Why won't you be open with me?". "Your just a fuck that was in the wrong place at the wrong time" Angelo spoke with sadness in his voice. Ethan touched Angelo's leg "Is that what you do, fuck and shut people out?" Angelo looked at him as he hit the nail on the head "Your very perceptive". "Do you think that people don't care for you despite what you did, I mean do?" Ethan stood up. Angelo's gaze returned to the garden "It makes things less complicated". "For you maybe, you don't even know my name do you?" Ethan looked Angelo in the eye. Angelo looked at him and shook his head "No, as I said it makes things less complicated". Ethan touched Angelo's hand "You are the only person I have had sex with or been so intimate with". "What I did upstairs was not intimate" he replied looking at Ethan's hand. Ethan looked at Angelo "I'm glad you know the difference. I can get a cab if you want me to leave now?". Angelo shrugged his shoulders "Do what you think is best for you, I won't stop you". There was an awkward silence between them for a moment, Ethan knew that he didn't want to leave as he had come to the realisation he found Angelo intriguing and somewhat crazy but liked him, but there was that nagging worry that he could turn and do it again. Ethan pulled his hand away and stood up. Angelo fixed his gaze on the young guy, seeing him standing there lit by moonlight he was undeniably attractive in many ways in his eyes. Angelo was hoping that it wasn't going to end like this, the young guy had in a short few weeks got closer to him than anyone had these past few years. Ethan stepped forward and sat on Angelo's lap looking him in the eye he kissed Angelo on the lips delicately. "At least come and lay in bed with me" Ethan spoke softly to him. Angelo nodded "Are you sure?". Ethan smiled "You told me upstairs that you owned me". Angelo stood picking Ethan up "Is that what you want, me to own you?". "I don't know, I'm so confused at the moment I can't think properly" Ethan replied. Angelo kissed him "I will lay with you until daylight then take you home". "Ethan, my name is Ethan and Ethan needs water" he told Angelo. Angelo broke a smile and carried him to the kitchen nodding towards the refrigerator, Ethan opened the door and retrieved a bottle of water. He clasped his hands around Angelo's neck as he carried him upstairs to the bedroom. Ethan was still feeling weak and exhausted and soon his heavy eyelids closed as he fell asleep. Angelo held Ethan in his arms and gently stroked his back until sleep overtook him as well. The sunlight woke Ethan who found his body enveloped by Angelo's muscled arms wrapped around him, feeling a lot better he laid there not stirring but looking out of the window and began thinking about his decision to explore sex. It had led him down a path he never suspected or wanted, yet he laid in the arms of the person who has destroyed his life and verged on raping him last night. Ethan didn't know what to make of Angelo's motives and if he was just another notch on the bed post, Angelo moved his arms pulling Ethan closer to him. Ethan laid there in bliss with the warmth of Angelo's body next to his, he had never felt so close to another man like he did right now and drifted off in to a comforting sleep. Angelo opened his eyes and glanced at the clock, it was early afternoon, Ethan was still sleeping and huddled up close against him, he gently removed his arms and slipped out of bed heading to the bathroom. Ethan stirred and realised he was alone in bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and took a sip of water. Standing up he walked over to the window looking out at how beautiful the day was and the how pretty the grounds and surrounding area looked. Ethan sensed Angelo had come back in to the bedroom. Angelo stood at the doorway from the bathroom and watched Ethan for a moment, he liked what he saw and loved the sexual naivety about him. Angelo crossed the room and stood behind him, Ethan felt the warm breath on his neck, he moved back a touch until their bodies touched. Angelo wrapped his arms around Ethan gently he did not hesitate and pushed back more to be closer as his ass rubbed against Angelo's semi hard cock. He was beginning to learn how to respond and respect the strange intoxicating power Angelo had over him now. He stroked Angelo's arm as Angelo kissed his neck, gently Angelo turned Ethan around picking him up and carried him to the bed, gently laying him down. There was no sex but what Ethan saw was a loving and tender moment, just the intimacy of them being together in each others arms kissing. At some point things turned in his head and Ethan hit the point where he did not want Angelo to let him go. Was he really falling for Angelo he thought to himself, his erratic dreams always involved Angelo at some point and they always ended with them on a beach walking in the surf. The sun was sinking lower in the sky and Ethan knew he had to get home and try to catch up on his course work, he was somewhat hesitant to bring up the subject not knowing how Angelo would react. Ethan turned to face Angelo "I have to go home Angelo". Angelo looked at him intently "I understand Ethan" he replied a little hesitantly. "Thank you for looking after me" Ethan moved and sat on the edge of the bed. Angelo moved up behind Ethan and kissed his neck "I am sorry about last night Ethan". "Why did you?" Ethan asked turning his head. Angelo stroked his head "You pushed me away, I don't like that and to many bad memories flooded back". "Oh" Ethan struggled to find his words "I should go". Angelo's hands dropped from Ethan's head "Okay" he sounded disheartened. The drive home was a pretty quiet as Ethan's emotions were in turmoil over if should see him again, but on the flip side he didn't know if Angelo would want to see him again. As the car pulled up to the driveway Ethan noticed that Angelo just stared dead ahead. "Thank you Angelo" Ethan said touching Angelo's arm. Angelo glanced at him "I am in the city on Wednesday and will be at the bathhouse at 4pm". Ethan opened the car door "Do you want me to be there?" he asked looking back. "No Ethan, you need to decide if you really want me to own you" Angelo replied. Ethan closed the car door slightly stunned and shocked at his reaction, it was as if Angelo had put his guard up again but it was in no way a demand. Ethan watched him pulling away disappearing down the tree lined road, he had already decided he would be at the bathhouse and knew that this action would mean surrendering himself to Angelo.
    1 point
  41. Absolutely. All of this. Going round in warm weather or over-heated beds, rooms. Unventilated atmospheres with piss drying into my skin. Being loaded with seed and pissed on by tops. Only after days of this play does the stink of sweat and piss really mature on my skin and it drives me more wild and frenzied for nasty cum and poz sex more than any narcotic. I will dry the clothes and fill them up with fresh piss, rank morning piss (after a night of breeding or drinking spirits) - after a few months of being repeatedly dried and rehydrated they really take on an intensely erotic aroma.. And i will get the same clothes pissed on by myself or my tops. But as it soakes down into the dermal layers of your skin over a few unwashed days. It is nasty bliss!
    1 point
  42. I would call it ‘stealth’ for sure. When I went on PreP, my sub boy who I’ve been cumming in for 7 years decided he wasn’t comfortable with my very active phase and asked I use condoms. I had a great time trying to make condoms break, and found some brands are MUCH more delicate. A dab of crisco on the inside lubing my cock worked too. He felt every damn one when it snapped though. (Not that I would have taken advantage.) He misses being cum-filled. It’s only a matter of time. The other thing I love about your story is that moment where the fucking goes from ‘safe’ to satisfying. I have a couple of fuckbuds who I once used to fuck with condoms. Both I just went for it eventually. Get horny. Tease their holes by rubbing my precumming dickhead over it. Instead of stopping to put on a condom, I just kept going with both guys. Ahh push it in bare. Ahh yeah. in and out. Ahh think of how much better the skin on skin is . . .and kept on bare fucking until cummingdeep in each. And with both men, we have never gone back to using condoms. So horny- having a man want my dick that much. So horny - having a man change his limits mid fuck because how much he wants it to happen. And especially so horny when the fuck is so good and so intimate that the little layer of latex gets in the way.
    1 point
  43. I start watching what I eat several days in advance when planning for group breedings. I cut down on sugars and carbs, increase high fiber vegetables and low fat meats. I also take fiber caplets every day. Not the expensive ones they try to sell on the hook up apps. Just the basic fiber supplements from a local shop. I douche a few hours before and use a toy for testing like you.
    1 point
  44. Well guys, I've been keeping my pig self "in heat" lately - can't even tell you the last time I came. That's become unimportant; what is important is listening to 'the voice' and fulfilling my purpose of taking cocks, servicing cocks, and being bred. Yesterday I had posted 'for now' on BBRT. Received the usual number of hits, messages, most of which wash out because it ends up they party, or they're not available at the time, whatever. But then one guy messaged me and simply said "Present your ass to me". Whut? I was fucking hooked already. Cutting through the usual B.S. we texted and arranged for him to come over in 20 minutes. I was ready, left apartment door unlocked, was laying on the bed naked with some bareback porn playing on the tv. When I heard the front door open and close that trepidation and anticipation kicked in. Was he bringing guys to rob me? What had I done? I hadn't even seen his face. Just played more on that he was available and he was Dom. When he walked in the room he was dressed in a perfect 3-piece suit with an attache case. Who shows up to fuck like that? As he undressed we chatted a bit. And then... when he was naked... standing at the end of my bed was a god. Holy shit, was I having a dream or was this for real. Absolutely flawlessly beautiful man - great looks, perfect body, hairy chest, and huge cock. So much so that I immediately feared I wouldn't be able to take it, wouldn't be able to be mounted, but given how magnificent everything was I said that I would die trying. Turns out he understood my fears and totally gentled and calmed this pig down - kept working my tits, roaming my body, bringing all the lust, desire and hunger in me boiling to the top. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and presented to him on all fours. I had collared myself beforehand so figured I should present in doggie position. As I poppered up he gently began pressing the tip at my hole, silently asking for permission to enter but also firmly making it know that he would. I was doubly hooked now and knew that I had to have that glorious cock of Priapus deep inside me. We took our time doing the dance of mounting and mating manimal style, and then, all of a sudden he was beautifully balls deep in me. We locked, knotted and just held together for a minute. And then he started to fuck me. He had asked if I liked to be video'd - "yes!" - so was recording. He continued his constant fucking and the girth and length of that cock touched every point in my body and soul. This pig was truly in hog-heaven. Oink! He'd already told me up front that he didn't have a lot of time, so after about 15 minutes of the most wonderful use of my hole ever, I felt him begin to swell further, pick up the speed of his fucking, start to lay down more on my back and then finally it happened. I knew I was about to fulfill my DNA destiny and yes, he began to breed me, and kept on breeding and seeding long and deep. My ass was serving as the Chalice for the Sacred Seed of Priapus and I was in ecstasy. Oink! After I'd been bred he stayed fully hard and inside me for about 10 minutes, both of us holding on to each other. I'm not sure I've ever had such a hot, sexy, yet beautiful fucking and use in my life before, and I've had many. Anyway, I'm sure I've bored you enough. He's partnered, but "wanders". I don't often hook up with repeat fucks - guess I'm always looking for new, different ones which makes me a pig. But this one I know I'll see again, we've discussed it, and it will happen. I've posted a short vid on Xtube, link below. The next time I'd love to have a third to video us since that's always the best. And if the cameraman wants my hole, well, that's what it's there for. Oink! Thanks guys for reading and if you like this story please "Like" it and "Upvote" me. OINK!! https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/the-best-fuck-and-breeding-ever-38179211
    1 point
  45. our goal is only to submit to men and serve as much cock as possible. its the tops that wanna poz us or get us pozzed and what men say goes for faggots. thats why im on a steady diet of poz cum.high viral loads and unmedicated toxic cum gets dumped in me every day.i beg men with fullblown aids to cum inside me
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  46. Neg top in Williamsburg. poz bf is a bottom here too.
    1 point
  47. I hadn't expected to have an addition to this story so quickly. But I got a text from Walt late this morning. He said he was working this afternoon, but his Army buddy, Ben, had enjoyed fucking me yesterday. Ben would be at Walt's condo, all alone for the afternoon, while Walt was at work. He gave me Ben's cell number and told me to set something up with Ben, if I wanted to service him again. He said, "You'll be doing me a favor to help keep Ben occupied. LOL". "LOL"? Seriously? Studly, straight, masculine, rough, big black dicked, Walt was using "LOL" in a text??? I had to laugh about that one. It seemed so out of character. I immediately sent Ben a text that I could be there anytime this afternoon. Just name the time, and I'd be there. An hour went by, and I hadn't received a reply from Ben. So, I'm not sure if he got the text? If he was still interested? Or had chickened out? Afterall, if they're telling me the truth, I was the first guy that sucked Ben off or that he's fucked. From all I could tell, that seemed to be true. But, I'd douched and showered to be ready if/or when Ben got back to me. Finally, about noon, I got a text from Ben. "That was kind of weird, but kind of fun yesterday. I'd fuck you again if you want? Call me". I called Ben back and we arranged for me to come over. He was going to shower and I'd be there within the hour. Ben answered the door, looking hot as ever. He was wearing baggy basketball shorts and a tee-shirt. Bare feet. He was HOT! I came inside the condo and he led me down the hall to Antone's old bedroom, that was now Ben's guest room. "I thought it might be a bit easier in here than on the couch, like yesterday", he said as we entered the bedroom. It was sort of funny, because I could sense and hear the nervousness in this hulking Army Master Sergeant's voice as he spoke. His body and his facial expressions also exposed his nervousness. We both stood there for a moment, feeling kind of awkward. I finally thought, even though I'm the sub here, I'd better take the lead for a bit to get this started. I began to undress. Then shortly Ben began to lift off his tee-shirt. I had fully undressed, when I looked over at him to just find him standing there with still his basketball shorts on. He was looking a bit apprehensive. So, I walked over to him and dropped to my knees. I pulled his shorts down to expose his cock. It stood there hanging limp, before me. I leaned forward and took his cock head into my mouth and began to suck. I sucked for several minutes and it didn't seem to be growing much at all. I pulled his shorts all the way off of him and he stepped out of them. Then I told him to go sit on the edge of the bed. I crawled over to where he was sitting on the bed and again took his cock into my mouth. After sucking for a few moments, I asked him to lay back. He did, and I lifted his legs. I sucked and licked his massive balls as I stroked his still soft penis. then I licked underneath his balls, lifting his legs as I licked there. He let out a soft moan when I licked under his balls. Then I licked lower and licked up and down between his asshole and balls. His moans got a bit louder. Then I lifted his legs further and licked around his asshole. "Oh, fuck", he said softly. Now I really went to town, licking, kissing and tongue fucking his virgin, black asshole. "God Damn!", "Fuck", he'd say softly, almost under his breath. "Has anyone licked your ass before, dude?", I asked as I came up for a breath. "Fuck, no!", he replied. He was now squirming on my face and I was making love to his asshole. The idea that I was not only just the first guy to blow him and give my ass to him, but I was the first person, ever, to lick and eat his beautiful ass was a huge turn on. I had this handsome, masculine, Army Sergeant, naked, on his back, his legs in the air, grinding his ass on my face, whimpering, moaning and groaning as I tongue fucked his virgin asshole. I was really fuckin' turned on by that idea. All of a sudden he flipped over and got onto his knees on the edge of the bed. I squatted behind him and again buried my face in his ass. Lapping at his hole. Taking stabs inside it with my tongue. Then he climbed off the bed and said, "Ok. I've got to fuck you, now. Get on the bed. My black dick's gonna destroy that white pussy of yours. Show me that cunt". I grabbed the lube and poppers from my pant's pocket that laid on the floor. I climbed on the bed and knelt on the edge of the bed. My ass up for him. I took several deep drags of poppers as he lubed up his 9" BBC and squeezed some lube on my hole. "Take it slow at first, please. I haven't been loosened up, yet". "You'll take it the way I give it to you, Bitch! I'm in charge, here. This is my show, here. You're nothin but a dirty cunt for me to use. Fuckin' whore needs a good pounding from my straight, black dick", he barked as he repeatedly slapped his rock hard 9" black cock against my asshole. I'm still sniffing my poppers. I know he's going to be rough. Sure enough, he put his swollen, mushroomed cockhead to my hole and pushed it inside. Not slow, but in one, quick, stab into me. I let out a loud gasp as my ass was filled with his giant cock. "More lube! More lube!", I'm crying as he immediately began to pound my ass. "More lube, please. It's hurting!". Thankfully, he showed some compassion and squeezed some more lube on his cock as it's sliding in and out of my hole. It helped. Plus, I'm sniffing non-stop on the bottle of poppers. Thank God, it's a new and potent bottle. My ass is thankfully beginning to relax and it's starting to feel good. He's one rough top. And he seems to get some pleasure in knowing that it was hurting me. But now I'm moaning, "Oh, yes! Oh, my God, yes! Fuck me. Fuck my white pussy. I love your black dick in me. Fuck me with your straight, black dick". Ben continues to fuck me fast, hard and deep. Each thrust he takes into me, pushes the breath out of my lungs. The bedframe is squeaking and pounding against the wall. Both he and I are grunting and panting. I'm sure that Walt's neighbors on both sides as well as above and below could hear the fucking going on. Soon, he had pushed me further up onto the bed. He had crawled up behind me and had me tightly held around the waist as he continued to assault my ass with his monster cock. I could feel that I needed more lube. I asked him to put more lube on. But, he just pulled out of me. Spit on my hole a couple of times, then rammed back into me. It helped. I took more drags on the poppers and the pain subsided again. About 10 minutes of intense pounding finally paid off in a huge load being deposited deep in my gut. He growled, grunted and swore as his cock emptied his balls inside me. "FUCK! God Damned Whore! You like this? This what you wanted, Bitch? Fuck!", he yelled as his body shook in orgasm. He was still slamming into me, but the speed was slowing. His orgasm set off mine. I was shuddering myself in multiple orgasm, now. I'm not sure I've had an orgasm this intense in a very long time? Finally, he collapsed on top of me. Pulling me down to the mattress along with him and onto our sides. He was spooned behind me, but his cock still fully buried inside me. I was gently squeezing my hole on his cock as it slowly softened inside me. Milking every last drop from his cock as we were both trying to catch our breaths. He showed just a moment of tenderness as he spooned behind me, his cock still in me and his hot breath hitting the back of my neck. He (unconsciously, I think), softly stroked my arm with his hand as we laid there recovering from that amazing fuck. I think he realized he was being affectionate and quickly pulled out of me in one quick motion. DAMN! I was loving the feel of his hunk of a guy, holding onto me, gently stroking my arm and feeling his chest pressed against my back. But, the "Straight" in him had returned and he quickly pulled his cock from my ass, jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom to clean off. As I dressed I head the shower down the hall being turned on and the shower curtain closing. Ben was still showering as I was ready to leave. "Thanks, Ben!", I shouted. "I'm leaving now. That was fun! Take care". No response. I don't know if he heard me? Or if he was just ignoring me. I left the condo and drove home. Very content to have had another great fuck with this handsome and hung Army guy. As I sit here typing this out, his cum is soaking my shorts and seat cushion. I can tell it was a big load.
    1 point
  48. She shudders and tells me to slurp out every drop, and then we rise and depart the booth. Walking past more booths, all empty, around a corner to the right and a little more light is filtering through from the bathrooms beyond. A door enters into the showers, and we continue around to our right into the urinals and stalls. I show her the stalls, which have locking doors, and I show her the enema taps designed to employ a length of hose (brought by the customer). She nods thoughtfully. 'You should install something like this at my apt for us'. I hadn't really considered it, but it was certainly doable... We exit the stall, to find a man kneeling between the urinals. He sees us, and opens his mouth wide. Alex looks at me, and grins. 'Fun!' She steps forward, remaining a yard from the waiting urinal-boy, and unzips her jock. The penis springs forth, and she aims it and begins to spray her piss at him through the peehole in the prosthetic! The slut-toilet strains to catch as much as possible, as the flow slows to a trickle and stops. He scoops droplets off his chest and into his mouth and thanks her. Unwilling to be upstaged, I walk to him and place my tip in his mouth and begin to give him a drink from the taps. Alex comes beside me, then drops down beside him, and steals my cock away to her mouth for a second. I hear her gulping, then she returns it to the man. I sigh as I finish, all but a few droplets are in the belly of the two slutty 'boys' in front of me. I pull Alex up. 'Come on, young man, we still have more of the tour!' We stride out into the hallway. The piss bottom awaits more piss. If we continue down this hall to our right, we will end up in front of our own room again, so I show Alex this, printing in her mind how to find our room in the dim maze of the basement. Later on she will surely be stumbling around, partied up, and easily lost, so it's important. 'I need to go in the room' 'Sure thing' I unlock the door, and we enter. She rummages through the bag, finds a euro style swimsuit, and a set of neoprene chest harness. She quickly changes into them, and grins at me. 'See? I can pass in the hot tub!' It's true, too. I grope her 'package' which even feels real. Quite the piece of engineering. I check my phone, we have an hour before the other tops arrive. This is the slowest time of day for the baths, and it's when I like to arrive because I am almost certain to get a decent room without having to wait. There are only a few guys wandering around, most of the afternoon bi married daddies from the suburbs have left, and the downtown crowd will start arriving around 10pm, with a big swell at closing time when the bars let out. We wander the basement halls, I show her the glory hole stalls that are out in this better lit area. I show her the one Silver likes to put me in, ass against the hole, for random use. She grins at that. Someone is just going in to the other sling room, an older leatherman, we stop and chat, and Alex tells him about how her 'Daddy lost a bet to me, and tonight he has to take ten loads in the sling in front of me, before he can put my pretty neg ass in it where I belong!', She puts her hand on the mans crotch, 'Maybe you want to come help him pay his debt? Or maybe enjoy me after?' she gives that husky boy-laugh, 'Or maybe both? it feels like you have a lot to go around!' The man, who is a rather handsome bearded fellow in his 50s or more, gathers her into his arms and kisses her deeply. She moans into his mouth, and when he breaks away she says huskily 'Two Daddies at once is a favourite of mine, mister...' 'Well, it's sure a nice offer, but you should know I'm Hiv+...' The man trails off. 'That's okay mister, as long as you're undetectable?' My sweetie is doing a perfect imitation of the kind of cumdump that is surprised to be pozzed after a few dozen nights in the sling playing with 'undetectable guys' and slamming tina. I can actually see this Leatherman's cock straining against his black leather jeans. 'Well in that case', the man smiles broadly, 'I will come visit later, and maybe bring some friends' 'Oh, goody mister!' playing up the jailbait role play fantasy to a T. He slaps her on her perfect round ass, which never looked boyish to me before, but is quite convincing now. She gasps, presents her ass for another, and another. He roughly turns her and presents her ass for me, and I take a few hard swats and spin her again. After a dozen hard ones, her legs give way and she slumps against him. 'Thank you mister, that made me cum a little!' He laughs at her 'Little slut boy, aren't you?' 'Yes mister, I can't help it!' He swats her gently, and we are on our way. She holds my arm for support for a few steps. 'I like that one, Daddy!' The basement has stairs at both ends, and by the one further from our rooms, there are computers available for customer use. I show her, but of course we have our laptops and wifi in the rooms, so it isn't a factor. I walk her up the stairs. Upstairs is the lobby, and there are vending machines with a selection of sex toys and better than usual food and non alcoholic drinks, there is also an actual gym with legitimate weights and equipment. As usual, there is a muscle boy in there working out and posing. It's the tall black man we first met, and we have a seat and watch the show. He is impressively built, and obviously enjoys the attention. Alex plays it up by rubbing her bulge, and I smack her head and loudly say : 'Remember, boy! you don't get to touch yourself, or to get touched, until later' 'Oh daddy, he's so sexy!' Alex pouts convincingly. 'Tough. The only things that get touched are your holes, you know the rules!' I grin at her, enjoying the fact that, in order to keep her cover, all her pleasure, for most of the night will have to come from hard cocks bumping her spot during anal. The very idea makes me harden. The guy has heard this exchange, and walks over. Sweat beads his skin, but he smells fresh and clean. His cock is long and thick, dangling down his leg, still soft. 'Mind if I use your boy's mouth a bit, sir?' He asks me, as the obvious Daddy. I wave assent, and he steps forward to where Alex is sitting beside me on the bench. She leans forward as he grasps her short hair around the nape, and pulls her onto his cock. I watch as she begins to use her skills on him. He hardens quickly, and rather than face fucking, he lets her control pace and depth. With a deep breath, he steps back. 'Man, that's impressive boy! And, this is no insult and quite far from it, did you know you suck cock more like a girl?' Alex takes it in stride 'I know, mister. The man who taught me was bi, and he taught me the way girls do it because he likes it better. But I can suck like a boy too!' She leans forward, lifts her chin for a straight throat angle 'Try it and see!' The man steps forward, and grabs her head. Steering it as he wishes, he begins a thorough facefucking. Soon enough tears are streaming down Alex's face, and snot is bubbling from her nose. She looks so beautiful that way. I clear my throat, 'You are more than welcome to fill her face with cum, but I know she's hoping you will join us later in the sling room...' 'Yeah, me too, but I can usually go a few times.' His moves become even more forceful, and then he stops, balls deep and indifferent to her strangled struggles as his load pulses into her throat. She won't have tasted a drop of it. He lets her go, and she collapses against me, moaning. He laughs, and picks up his dumbbells, returning to his workout as his cock slowly softens and Alex slowly recovers.
    1 point
  49. PART 2 As we walked through my front door, Conrad reached into his backpack and took out a box of rubbers. “Can’t forget condoms,” he said with an awkward laugh. I took them from his hand, managed a vague sort of nod, and threw them on the dining room table. My boys usually insist on condoms—at first. But after a little bit of chemical intervention, they always transform into eager raw cumholes. Only once did I end up with an especially stubborn kid who kept trying to wrap my dick, so I resorted to a backup plan—a stash of broken rubbers with little holes poked in the reservoirs. Didn’t matter in the end. By the time the condom tore apart while I was pounding his negboy hole, he was so high he tore the shreds of rubber away from my cock and ran his finger along the raw shaft as it plunged in and out of his chemmed-up cunt, his eyes glazing over with the deep-buried desire to be a bareback whore. I always get what I want. I told Conrad to take a seat on the couch and help himself to the pot. Meanwhile, I walked to the kitchen. I took a few sodas out of the fridge and poured them into glasses I’d already dosed with a cap of G. I love G because it transforms uptight boys into ragdoll sluts in a matter of 20 minutes. The taste can be tough to hide, but I recently found a dealer who consistently delivers high-potency GHB that doesn’t taste awful. In fact, after diluting the stuff in 12 ounces of Pepsi, it only leaves a subtle aftertaste—perfect for serving to unsuspecting negboys. As I finished my little cocktail, I heard Conrad’s voice from the couch: “Hey, what’s this?” That made me grin, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. On a tray in the middle of the coffee table, I’d left a bong full of pot. And right next to it, I’d left a little glass pipe full of Tina. Every single time, my negboy visitors are deeply fascinated by the glass pipe, so all I need to do is pretend like it’s nothing too special. “What’s what?” I asked. “I’m just wondering what’s in this little glass pipe thing full of white stuff.” “Oh, that,” I replied, walking into the living room with the G-laced Pepsi. “Not sure you’re ready for that. It’s called T. It can be really, really fun. It makes me horny as fuck, and I bet you’d have a blast on it. But maybe we should just take it easy—just stick with the pot, you know? Here’s some soda, by the way. Drink up, little bro.” He took a few gulps of Pepsi while holding the glass pipe, looking at it intently. My dick stiffened. “Actually, I’m curious,” he said. “Would it be cool if I just tried it?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, bud—be my guest. But let me show you how to work it, OK?” I sat down next to him, my hands visibly shaking with excitement. “Alright, now hold that pipe up to your mouth. Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna light this little torch and heat up the stuff in the bowl. Just wait a moment. See that? See the little wisps of smoke forming? Now when I say go, just start inhaling very lightly and steadily. Lightly and steadily. Got it? OK, bud—go ahead. Start inhaling. There you go. Good boy. Just take that swirling smoke into your lungs and hold it until I tell you otherwise. Got it?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “OK, little bro,” I said to him, taking the pipe away from his mouth. “Hold it, just for a sec. Then exhale it through your nose. There you go. Fuck yeah—good boy! Now again.” That first hit was a nice fat one—the cloud emerging from his mouth and nostrils was thick and white, and my cock dripped at the smell of the Tina emanating from his lungs. From that point on, with each cloud of meth that escaped his lips and his nostrils, he was losing a little bit of his innocence. For the second hit, I gave him the torch to operate, and I talked him through it. The result was another giant hit of solid white clouds pouring out of his mouth and nose. “OK, boy—do one more. You’re on your own. I think you got it.” He immediately hit the pipe again, and I turned away to hide my giant, triumphant grin as Conrad smoked away all his defenses. “I’m just gonna put a little entertainment on the TV here, OK? Oh, and don’t forget your soda.” When I turned on the TV, it automatically started playing one of my favorite movies. It’s an amateur video shot by a filthy pig I know from the Midwest—a wrestling coach who likes to chem and poz some of the hot little jockboys on his team. He’d sent me a few videos, but this was my favorite: a sexy, ripped, piggy 18-year-old named Lance was all slammed up and taking loads from a roomful of coaches and former teammates. Behind me, I heard the click of the torch again. Fuck yeah, I thought, this boy is already fuckin’ hooked. As I turned back to face him, I took off my wife-beater. Conrad froze in place, the pipe halfway to his lips, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He just stared at my hairy chest, his eyes dilated pitch-black. “You feelin’ good, little bro?” He gave me a dazed nod, his mouth agape. “Why don’t you take off your shirt, huh? Show off your sweet little body. Do that for your big bro?” He peeled his tank top upward, revealing his flat stomach with its ridges of ab muscles, then his compact little muscular chest. He was just starting to develop a treasure trail down the center of his stomach, leading past the waistband of his shorts to the bulge of his cock that strained against his zipper. His soda was gone; the G would be hitting him soon. I walked over to the couch and took the pipe from his hands. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you’re just about the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen." I ran my hand down his torso, and he sighed a deep, hungry sigh. "Listen, buddy: I have a few more things to show you. You wanna learn from your big bro?” He half-grunted, half-moaned in response. “OK: I’m gonna do a hit. Then I’m gonna blow it into your mouth, and you’re gonna blow it back in mine, then back and forth we go until we can’t go anymore. It’s called a shotgun, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with a sexy little bro like you.” I put the pipe to my lips and took a deep, thick hit of white smoke. Then I put the pipe down, turned to Conrad, sealed my open mouth against his, and exhaled my cloud into his lungs. A moment later, he breathed the Tina smoke back into me. We repeated that three or four times until the mouth-lock became a deep kiss, and we kept making out while the shotgun escaped our mouths and dissolved around us. As I kissed him, I loosened his shorts, pulling them down the length of his lightly hairy legs. His underwear followed. Then I slipped off my gym shorts; my cock bounced free with a gentle “thwack” against my stomach. I maneuvered Conrad so that he was stretched out before me on the couch, and I laid down on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. We continued to kiss. I grabbed the pipe, took another hit, and shared another series of breaths with my boy. Then he spoke, hesitantly. “Hey, big bro? Just in case you’re wondering, I’m all cleaned out and ready to go. My ass, I mean. The last dude who fucked me showed me how to do all that stuff. So…anyway. In case you’re wondering.” I smiled at him and mussed his hair. “What are you trying to tell me, little bro? You want my cock sliding in that sweet little butt?” He blushed and shrugged. I leaned into his ear and whispered: “Don’t you worry, buddy. It won’t be long before I bury my fat cock deep in your hole.” He shivered beneath me, then kissed me again. The G was kicking in. He was almost entirely in my hands. A few more minutes of teasing and prodding, and he’d do anything to get impaled on my raw cock. “Get on the floor, little bro,” I said. “Face the other direction, on all fours. Ass in the air. Back arched. No—back arched, like a fuckin’ fag. Much better. Good boy. Now reach back and spread that hole for your big bro.” His hands grabbed each side of his perfectly round butt, spreading it to reveal a smooth, pink, tight hole that pulsed with every breath he took. I knelt down, placed my hands over his, and wrapped my mouth around that aching little boycunt, pushing my tongue into his body, every one of his nerves quivering as I dove greedily into his wide-open throbbing cock-hungry 18-year-old partied-up fuckhole. He gasped as I kissed that sweet little fag-pussy with the same intensity that I kissed his mouth a few minutes earlier. I spit a few huge gobs of saliva on his cunt and worked them in with my tongue. His hole loosened up, welcomed my mouth and my spit, became noticeably warmer. He really was a fuckin’ hottie: such a tight little body, great definition from his calves to his chest, with the roundest, most perfect little boybutt I’ve ever seen. And the cock! He had the kind of thick, veiny dick that would make any top’s hole twitch. Enough butt-eating, I thought. It's time to fuck. “OK, little bro—one more thing to show you," I said, standing up so that my dick hovered over him. "I want you to take a fat hit off that pipe, then blow it onto your big bro’s cock. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, grabbed the pipe, and got the smoke swirling like a regular chemwhore. “Good boy. You like that smoke, huh?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “Just feed on that smoke, pig. Feed on that smoke. Your big bro wants to see you get fuckin' tweaked." He put down the pipe, knelt directly in front of me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and exhaled a thick cloud of white smoke that enveloped my dick. The smoke traveled up my stomach and chest as he began hungrily slurping on my poz shaft. He wasn’t a bad little cocksucker, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled his head away from my dick and guided him onto his back. “Pull your legs back, little bro.” He did, revealing that sweet little hungry cunt, still dripping with my spit. I began rubbing the length of my cock across his hole, watching his eyes flutter and his mouth drop open as he pulled his legs back a little further and looked at me with a kind of desperate pleading. “You ready for some dick?” He could only manage a whimper in response. “I can’t wait to give it to you, bro. But one thing you gotta know first. If it turns out to be a problem, then we can do something else. We don’t need to fuck, you know.” He nodded again, half-listening, every bit of his energy focused on the cock rubbing against his chemmed-up faggot fuckhole. “So here’s the deal, little bro. I only fuck raw. Natural. Bareback. And if a boy won’t let me fuck him the way I want to fuck him, then he’s not getting fucked. Got it?” Conrad glanced over at the TV, where the bottomboy was spreading his little jockbutt for yet another raw cock. Then he looked back at me. He reached down to spread his boyhole, just like the guy in the video. “Give me your dick, skin-on-skin,” he said, his eyes a solid-black void. “Bareback my fuckin’ hole. Please, bro.” “Fuck yeah, boy. You been fantasizing about raw dick, huh? Watching bareback porn?” “It’s the only kind of porn I watch. It’s the only kind of fucking I really want to do. Please give me your dick, bro. Your raw dick. I need your fucking raw dick. Please.” “You gonna make me pull out?” “No, dude. Please cum in me. Breed me.” “And when we go to the bathhouse after this—you want other dudes to breed you, too? Breed your chemmed-up cunt?” He paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eye, giving himself some time to overcome the shame of his boyhood secrets. “Yes,” he finally said. “I want my hole dripping with cum.” I nudged the head of my raw dick up against his hungry little butt, and his whole body shook. His breath went shallow. Then my cockhead slipped through that first outer barrier, enveloped by the warmth and tightness and innocence of his negboy hole, and I leaned down to kiss him, a sloppy kiss. “I’m dripping precum in my little bro’s hole,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m lubing you up with my seed, faggot.” By this point, Conrad was alternating between “fuck yeah” and “fuck me,” and he wrapped his arms around my back, murmuring “do it” three times. That’s when I began pushing the rest of my raw cock into the radiant warmth of that chemmed-up fuckhole, and he gasped as he surrendered everything to me. “This is how we were meant to fuck,” I whispered in his ear as my dick continued to disappear inside him. “You aren’t a true bottom boy until you’ve let a man split you in half bareback, until you’ve given up your hole for him to eat and pound and breed. I’m so proud of you, little bro.” With that, I directed his attention toward the TV. “But there’s one thing you should look out for,” I said, taking on a serious tone. “Some guys in the bathhouse will have a tattoo like that.” I pointed up at the screen. A young topdude was pounding the bottomboy bareback. Every time he pulled his cock away from that hungry little fuckhole, you could see a biohazard tattoo right next to his dick. “Do you know what that tattoo means, little bro?” He shook his hand. “Danger, I guess?” “Well, sort of. It means he’s poz. Just something to be aware of, because you probably don’t want that.” I glanced back at him, and the look in his eye was pure hunger. “Unless…,” I said, pretending to be confused, “Unless you’re turned on by that?” He shot a devilish glance at me, and I answered with a giant grin. Then he grinned, too. “You want some poz dick at the bathhouse, bro?” “Fuck yeah.” “Yeah? You wanna get knocked up?” He just kept grinning, and his body started shaking again—a kind of shiver, all fear and anticipation and excitement. “Such a good boy. Such a fuckin’ dirty boy. I love it. I’m so proud of my little bro.” And then, with no warning, I pulled my dick out of his hole. Conrad gasped. He suddenly looked lost and empty; the pleading returned to his eyes, and he pulled his legs back and spread his ass and whimpered. Meanwhile, I stared him down. “Sorry, little bro, but something just occurred to me. You didn’t ask about my status. Don’t you want to know my status?” “I don’t fucking care. Please, bro. Please give me your dick.” That made my dick drip: I don’t fucking care. “Good answer, buddy. But I think you deserve to know.” I nudged my dick up against his hole, and he tried desperately to maneuver his ass to get more of my meat lodged up in his guts. “Here’s the deal, bud: I’m fuckin’ poz. This is a poz cock teasing your hole. You like how this poz cock feels inside you?” “Yes, fucker. Please give me more, fucker. I need more. Please, bro.” “What’s that, buddy? I’m not sure I heard you.” “Pound my ass raw with your fat poz cock. Fucking PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE, BRO.” “You wanna get knocked up? Knocked up with your big bro’s virus?” “FUCK YES.” “Say it.” “KNOCK ME UP, YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKER.” “Fuck yeah, you hot little chemmed-up faggotboy.” I shoved my poz dick back inside that boy’s hole, and started pounding. I didn’t last long. I felt the toxic seed gathering up in my balls, brewing, getting ready to shoot. Conrad was staring me down with those giant black pupils, his legs spread wide, his hole peeled back and exposed to allow my dick maximum penetration. He just kept nodding. Nodding. Smiling. Telling me with his eyes that he wanted my gift. As I got closer to shooting my toxic load, he wrapped his arms around me and alternated between little whimpered chants of “poz poz poz” and “fuck fuck fuck.” “Goddammit, you hot little fag,” I whispered. “Goddammit. You’re gonna get my load. My fuckin’ sweet infected load, just for you, fuckin’ sexy little negboy bro.” And then, with pulse after pulse of my raw cock in his wide-open wet fuckhole, I bred him. Pozzed him. Charged that little faggot ass up. Gave him my virus. Then, as my dick stopped shooting volleys of poz sperm, I kept pushing my cock deep inside him, pushing my toxic cum into his guts before collapsing on him, my poz cock still buried deep. Conrad sighed, a long contented sigh. “That was amazing,” he said. “Oh, little bro,” I whispered in his ear. “I have so many fuckin’ plans for you—you have no idea.” I pulled my cock out of him, then guided his mouth to taste the poz seed coating my shaft. He slurped on it greedily, my dick still warm from the hunger of his hole. “Such a good boy,” I said. “Such a hot little pig. So proud of you, little bro. Now, whaddaya say we get your sweet little knocked-up hole to the bathhouse?” MORE SOON…
    1 point
  50. Damn...I can't possibly choose. I've had guys who hit exactly the right note at pretty much every point during sex, from getting undressed to lying next to each other bathed in that warm, happy feeling. Some favorites: a moment like the one rawTOP describes, when I know the top, whoever he is, has recognized me for the pig I am and is turned on by it. One top I used to know was a master at working me to a frenzy, teasing my ass with his cock and leaving me begging for him to put it in. I won't say the rest of the sex was anti-climactic because it wasn't, but that moment really sticks out in my mind with him in particular. Another had the perfect size and shape and curvature and technique to hit me just right and make me cum multiple times without touching my cock. Another guy had the perfect ass...I'm usually pretty damn good at edging and controlling exactly when I cum...this guy's ass took control of my cock and could get a load out of me anytime he wanted to... So I guess the moment where I know I've crossed the line and can't hold back my load any more but right before I cum is a damn good one too. But then, so is the actual moment of release when I first start spurting. But there's also the moment when the other guy shoots, which I love to feel as either a top or a bottom (and don't make me choose between those two either...the experience is really different for me depending on whether I feel it with my cock or my ass). And I do really love lying there basking in that after-sex glow too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need more research with more men before I make up my mind!
    1 point
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