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  1. 8. Jesse My phone woke me. It was the familiar chime from the booking app. As much as I wanted to turn over and go back to sleep, it was the essential sound of a pay-check. I reluctantly rolled over, grabbed the phone, and tried to focus on the screen. It was a direct message from a client. "Sore. Need some deep relief this morning." He also gave the details of the hotel he was in. It wasn't far, and I needed the money. I had scored a bag of tina the previous night, but it had come dear. Even though it was early, a bit of extra cash wouldn't hurt. "I can be there in 20," I wrote back. "$250 for an hour. I'll take care of any soreness." I had no idea who he was so I was going to be perfectly ambiguous. There was always a risk, but the hotel he was at was not cheap, and there would be plenty of video cameras in the lobby. "Perfect. Room 1620. You can come right up." I always re-packed right when I came home so I could be ready to go, all the way down to re-filling and preparing the pipe. After that, it took only a few short minutes to make sure I was clean and ready for whatever. I pulled on a jockstrap, sweat pants, and a close-fitting tank top. I timed it perfectly with the Uber, and in less than ten minutes total, I was on my way. Once on the freeway, the Uber driver looked back at me in the rear-view mirror. "On your way to a job?" he asked. I nodded to him, silently wishing I had done a hit from the pipe before leaving. "Pretty early, isn't it?" "Yeah," I said. "But some guys like it in the morning." There was no point in pretense any more. "Oh," he said. "I know how that goes." He laughed. "But, lucky for you, it's my evening." He laughed for a second, satisfied with his attempt at a clever joke. "You ready for it? Head screwed on right?" "Fuck, I dunno man. Was just wondering that myself." "Good man. You gotta think about yourself first. What gets you ready? What puts you in the mood? I got it all, just let me know. I just got some great E, dope-ass weed, and just picked up some really clean ice." The day was off to a good start. I was on my way to a client paying nearly double my normal rate, and my Uber driver was offering to get me high. Not to mention I had another client later in the morning, a client who was always up for partying, playing, and pozzing. "PnPnP" he called it. "You have ice? You mean, like tina?" "Fuck yeah," he said. He was smiling, happy to have found a fellow traveler. "You want to try some? This stuff is fucking awesome." He handed me a pipe and a torch. "Don't worry. It's on the house." That explained a lot. He wasn't just an Uber driver; he was also a drug dealer. It was a good idea; he already had an excuse to be driving around, and the drugs let him make plenty extra on the side. Before I lit the torch, I looked around. The streets were sufficiently empty that I lit it. I knew the ritual well, and in just a few seconds, I was huffing down the thick white clouds. It hit me fast and hard, and I coughed out most of the first hit. "Careful there. Do another hit to get the full effect." The pipe was still warm, so it was barely a second before I was filling my lungs again. I knew what to expect this time, so it was easy to get every cloud I needed. "That's right. A good hit." I nodded, and then pulled the pipe from my mouth. I held it for as long as I could, then exhaled. It nearly filled the back of the car, momentarily blocking my view. "Fuck, that's nice," I said. The tina was hitting me. I could feel the pangs of sleaze radiate outwards from my dick, my brain was drenched in a rainbow of depraved thoughts, and my hole could never get enough dick. "Do one more hit," he said. "Gift from me to you." I didn't need to be asked twice. The tina was still warm in the bowl; it took only a second for the thick clouds to form. I inhaled as deep as I could. The next hour would be interesting. I had no idea who the client was, what he looked like, or even what he wanted from me. The first few minutes were always the most difficult; it was my job to put him at ease. My lungs filled with the tina clouds and as the drugs soaked deeper into my mind, I spun out alternative stories of what would happen at the hotel. He could be a younger guy, using his dad's credit card to explore his sexuality. Or an older man, finally breaking free of society's restrictions. Or maybe he knew what he wanted, and his husband couldn't bring himself to give it to him. Finally, I had my fill of the thick smoke. I handed the pipe and torch back to the driver. He took a quick hit from the pipe before it cooled down too much. "Yeah," he said, as he exhaled a thick cloud. "Fucking awesome shit, isn't it?" "Yeah," I said, finally exhaling the hit. "Gets my head spun on right." "Right on," the driver said. He handed a card back to me. "Take this." I read the card. "Tariq A.: Weapons of Mind Destruction" It had a number on it. "Always happy to make a deal with another working stiff." He reached down to his crotch; even from behind it was obvious he was playing with his dick. "Damn. That bitch tina always makes me horny." "Yeah," I said. My dick was hard and my ass was twitching. That was the sign of some really good crystal. Far too often, it would tilt me in one direction or another. "Fuck it does." I handed him my card. "Jesse James. Massage." My phone number and e-mail were on it. "Damn. You busy this afternoon?" "Not yet," I said. "Two appointments in the morning." "Awesome. You can help me with his." He motioned for me to lean forward and look. I hadn't really noticed Tariq until now. The driver was medium height, dark skin, and a thick beard. He was in a dark blue uniform, with a bit of grease smeared on his pants. Before I could even wonder, I saw his dick, a fat shaft that looked like it hung down to his knee. "Yeah," he said, laughing. "It's ten inches." Before I could say anything, he suddenly stuck it back into his coveralls, and buttoned them up. "Almost there," he said, motioning me to look. About 4 blocks away was the hotel. I wanted to taste his cock, almost badly enough to tell him to stop. Luckily, the last vestige of the rational spoke for me. "Cool," I said. "I'll give you a call when I'm done." "I'm gonna look forward to it," he said. "You're fucking hot." "Thanks," I said. I leaned back and gathered up all my stuff. "You too," I said, wondering what his cock would feel like in my throat. Suddenly, Tariq put on the brakes. I looked up, and saw that we were still a block away from the hotel. He pulled into one of the many empty parking spaces on the side. He looked back at me, offering me the pipe. "One last hit?" he asked. "Fuck yeah," I said. The first few hits had hit me and I no longer had the willpower to refuse more crystal. I took the pipe and torch, and stuck the pipe in my mouth. Only after I had heated up the bowl did I think to look around me. Luckily there wasn't another soul in sight. I inhaled deeply. I no longer had any fear of the thick clouds; I wanted to get properly spun up before meeting my next client. "Do a big hit," Tariq said, egging me on as I drained the bowl several more times. "Make it impossible to care anymore." I inhaled once more, and felt my lungs fill with the clouds. "Perfect," he said, as I pulled the pipe out of my mouth. There was a long pause as I held the hit, feeling the chemicals infuse into my blood. "Hold it," he said. I held on for a few seconds more, before exhaling the thick cloud that filled inside of the car. Fuck," I muttered. "That fucked me up." "Good," Tariq replied. "Do another." "Not sure I sho..." I started, but Tariq cut me off. "Do it," he said. The tina was hitting me hard, and I couldn't argue against the animal logic of pleasure. I put the pipe back in my mouth; it was still smoking slightly. "Big one," he said, as I heated up the bowl and sucked down the clouds for what seemed like five minutes. Tariq took the pipe back from me, as I held my hit. He took several deep breaths from the pipe, before putting it in the ashtray. Before I realized it, he was out in the road again, racing down the street and towards the hotel. The sudden burst of speed caught me by surprise, and we were practically pulling into the hotel driveway before I thought to blow of my cloud. I tried to roll down the window, but it didn't work. "Sorry," Tariq said through the thick fog. "It's broken. But I'm sure they already know you're a tweaker." The crystal had already hit me, so I found this funnier than anything else. "Here you go," he said, coming to a stop right in front of the hotel's door. "Thanks," I said. "I'll talk to you soon." As I stepped out of the car, I was glad I had at least worn the jockstrap. I hadn't really been able to hide the cloud that fell out of the car, but at least the jockstrap kept me merely to a visible bulge. I slung the backpack with my supplies over my shoulder, and grabbed the portable massage table out of the trunk. I held the table in front of me, to keep anyone seeing my erection. The hotel was set up so I had to walk right by the reception desk on my way to the elevators. The hotel had a good reputation among the working boys, and this morning was much the same. I recognized the man behind the front desk. I had met him a few years ago at the bath house. Since then, there had been many opportunities to swap clouds swap loads. "Good morning, Mr. James," he said. "Glad to see you again." "Good to see you too, Colin," I said. "Why don't you ask for me on your way out," he said, which was the way he said I was going to get fucked and bred on my way out. "Will do," I replied. and walked on to the elevators. The elevators were totally empty, and I was taken directly to the sixteenth floor. Room 1620 was at the end of one of the corridors. If the tina hadn't totally messed with my sense of direction, it would also have great views. I put down the table to knock on the door. That meant when he opened the door, he'd immediately see my bulge. It took him only a few seconds to come to the door. I heard his footsteps, but then they stopped. There was quiet, which seemed to stretch for hours. But it was just the tina fucking with me. But then he could see how hard I was tweaking. But I could control it, at least for a bit. The paranoid scenarios played out until the door quietly opened, and I got the first look at my newest client. "Hi," he said. "I'm Tim," he continued. He was in his mid-forties, but still had a muscular body. He took care of himself, and his self-care routine clearly included a bit of ink, a lot of time at the gym, and an occasional booster shot of testosterone. His chest was covered in dark hair, mixed with an occasional fleck of grey, but the two-day stubble on his face was much greyer. I allowed myself a quick look down; he was wearing a pair of dark blue gym shorts which did a bad job of hiding an erection. "I'm Jesse," I said. I wondered why a man like that had to pay for sex. I'd even hit him up on Scruff when I was off the clock. "Good to meet you, Tim." "You too," he said. "Can I give you a hand with that?" he asked. He reached down to grab the table and I caught a glimpse of a wedding ring on his left hand. It was surprising to see it. "Yeah," I stammered, "That would be great." I couldn't tell if Tim's spouse would be a man or a woman. I stepped in behind him, and paused to glance around the room. It was a big room; big enough that the king-size bed at one end seemed almost small. The room was dominated by the window: an entire wall was floor-to-ceiling glass, looking out over the ocean and the start of the hills. It was still dark enough that the grid in front of me was demarcated by streetlights and traffic. "Fuck," I said. "Nice room." "Yeah," he said. "Although, I did get upgraded." "Lucky." "I know. I decided to reward myself." "Yeah?" I asked. "Yeah. That's where you come in." Tim pointed to an envelope on a shelf by the door. "That's for you." "Thanks," I said. The exchange of money was always awkward, but Tim seemed to have done it before. Again, it didn't really matter. I'd let Tim do almost anything to me. Or I'd do anything to him; we still hadn't really talked about what he was interested in. My head was spinning from the tina, and it was hard to concentrate. My thoughts were racing, from one sleazy scene to an even more depraved one. I took the table from him, and quickly set it up in front of the window. I knew the windows were reflective enough to keep anyone from seeing in. "You want to get comfortable?" I asked. I pulled a few supplies from my bag: a towel, a bottle of oil, and a small black bag. That was the one that contained the party supplies: pipe, torch, poppers, and extra favors. "Comfortable? Now?" Tim asked. "Well, you know. Strip down," I said. "Well," Tim stammered. "Well, you know. I was kinda jerking off right before you arrived." His hand automatically went for his groin. As he brushed against the shorts, I could see his cock jump and move. It was thicker than I expected. My hole twitched, wondering what his manhood would feel like as it stretched me open. "Hey. That's cool. We all do it." I smiled at him, and pushed down on my dick, letting him see how hard I was. The tina was driving my every action, and it was hard not to start jerking off right then. Still, it did give me an evil thought. "What were you thinking about? You know, when you were jerking off?" He turned bright red. The blush covered most of his torso, and made my dick throb. "Uh, you know. Just watching stuff on the web." The blush had given it away. I could hardly hide the fact that I occasionally did porn. It was my best advertising. It also meant that he was at least open to barebacking, not to mention some of the more inscrutable kinks I had allowed myself to engage in. "Yeah? What of?" "Umm, well, I mean," he stammered. Finally, he said it. "To be honest, you." "Me?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled. "Cool," I said. "Now, let me see you naked." My ass was twitching and my dick was throbbing. I didn't know what I wanted more: his hole or his pole. Tim stuck his hands into his shorts. He started to push them down, going far enough to expose a thick, dark bush of pubic hair. He stopped though, and asked "What about you?" "Don't worry. We'll get there soon enough." That was enough to satisfy him, and he pushed his shorts over his dick allowing it to spring free. It was a proper daddy cock: about 8" long, thick like a can of Red Bull, topped with a thick head. "Nice," I murmured as he stepped out of his shorts. He moved with blunt male force; he relied entirely on his muscle, with little finesse. "Turn around," I said. His ass was like the rest of him: muscle, with just the right amount of hair. I wanted to get down on my knees in order to worship his dick and rim his ass in preparation for fucking. He gave me only a few seconds glimpse of his ass before he turned back around. He was stroking his dick, which was now pointing upwards, a bit of pre-cum at the tip. "Uh," I started. "Um." Now it was my turn to stammer. "Which video were you watching?" I managed to ask. "Some cocksucking movie. You were hanging off a table, getting your throat fucked." A bead of pre-cum leaked from my dick, even as my throat tightened. From the few words he said, I remembered the movie. It was for a series called "Throat Fucking." It was on of the first times I had to stop and hit the pipe in order to continue the scene. "Throat Abuse" I said. "Yeah! That's it! Fucking amazing." "Yeah," I said, a little less enthusiastic than Tim was. The top, Max, was hung, at least two inches longer than Tim, and just as thick. The scene was supposed to take only an hour. Luckily, at the end of the second hour, Max let me stop and take several big hits from the glass pipe. I needed the courage and strength the crystal provided several times over the next few hours of throat abuse. The final video was only ninety minutes long, but it was a compilation of nearly six hours of continuous cocksucking and throatfucking. Afterwards, it took several days before I was no longer hoarse and my throat was no longer sore. "It was intense," I finally said, by way of summary. "I was hoarse for three days." "Fuck, that's hot," Tim said. He was slowly stroking his dick, staring at me. "My wife barely sucks me off, much less let me face-fuck her like that. But fuck, that's hot." He trailed off, like he was about to say something, but instead, he just played with his dick. "I want to see you naked," he finally said. "Yeah?" I asked. He nodded, and I slowly pulled off my tank top. This was important; I was seducing Tim. He had already told me everything that I needed to know about how he wanted the morning to go down. But I still had some power. If I did it right by teasing him just precisely and pleasuring him absolutely perfectly, I would stay in control. If I stayed in control, all I would have to do is suck him off. But if I didn't do it, he would end up face-fucking me. "You like?" I asked as I pushed down my sweat pants enough to show him the waistband of the jockstrap. "Hell yeah," Tim said. "When was the last time you sucked a guy off?" "Uh," I mumbled. "Last night," I said. Now it was my turn to blush. "Hot," Tim said. "You swallow his load?" "Yeah, I swallowed," I said. I licked my lips at the memory of how his salty-sweet load filled my mouth. "I always swallow." "Fuck yes," he said, starting to stroke his dick faster. It was my turn to act; I stepped forward and knelt down right in front of Tim. He stopped jacking off and let his hands fall to his side. I took a few seconds to admire his dick. It was pointing up slightly, a long, thick slab of meat already starting to drip pre-cum. I looked up at him, and he nodded. "Go ahead. I know you want it." He was right. My head was spinning, and all I could think about was licking his cock. Another hit from the glass pipe, and I would even be open to getting throat fucked. I opened my mouth and licked the bead of pre-cum from the tip of his cock. "That's right. Lick it up," he grunted as I ran my tongue over and around his dickhead. His pre-cum was salty, and also a bit bitter. It was a familiar flavor; it was the taste of a man who drank a bit. The tina allowed me not to care. It was pre-cum, and that was a plenty good start for me. Before I realized what I had done, I took the tip of his cock into my mouth. It seemed so small and inconsequential, but it was an act of submission before him. I may not have been prepared for him to throat fuck me, but I no longer believed that I had a say in the issue. If he asked for anything, it was now my job to make his request happen. Tim picked up on the change in the power dynamic. "Fuck yeah, cocksucker," he grunted. "Make my cock feel good," he continued, as he insistently forced his shaft deeper into my mouth. It wasn't long before the tip was pressing against the back of my throat. "Come on, man. Take my cock. Take it all the way." It was a strange mix of ordering me to do it, and pleading with me to do it, like he hadn't fully internalized his position as either the dominant man or my client. "Yaaaa," I said, doing the best I could with his fat cock in my mouth. I kept my vocal cords relaxed, and swallowed slightly. For most guys, that was all I had to do for them to slip into my throat. But, of course, Tim was a lot thicker than most guys and I was thrust into the discomforting experience of forcing myself onto his cock. "Ohhhh yeah," Tim grunted. "Swallow my whole fucking shaft," he continued. He rested his hand on the back of my head. He gently pushed down on my head. It was barely enough to even move my head, but the psychological impact was intense. Tim had paid for me; I was only his plaything now. Even worse, all I could think about were ways to please Tim. I wanted to be his toy. I quickly swallowed another inch of Tim's shaft. "Mmmmmmmmmph," I grunted, getting one last gasp of air before Tim's shaft blocked my throat. At least then, I would be able to swallow the last few inches of his fat manhood. "Mmmmmmph," I grunted again and then pushed myself forward. An inch of his cock slid past my lips, and his dickhead pushed deeper into my throat. "Almost there, faggot," he said. He put his other hand on my head, and applied real pressure. The last two inches of dick disappeared into my mouth. I was humiliated: naked, on my knees, impaled on another man's cock, and yet, thanks to the tina, I was loving every minute of it. I wrapped my hands around his muscular ass, and used it to leverage another precious few millimeters of his dick into my body. "That's what I want," he said. "Hungry for every damn inch of it cocksucker?" he asked. I nodded my head but kept my eyes locked on his. I wanted him to know how much of an honor it was to be sucking on his dick. Some part of my head knew that I was spun out on tina, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was Tim's cock, and it was my sublime duty to ensure its pleasure. "That's right," Tim said. "Keep your eyes on me. And keep my dick in your throat." I swallowed, trying not to gag as the muscles down my throat constricted around his shaft. "Oh hell yeah," he moaned. "Massage my dick." I grunted, and swallowed again. I was simultaneously trying not to pass out from lack of oxygen or gag from the massive dick in my throat, but the swallowing pushed me over the edge. My body contorted as I gagged, trying to get the invading shaft out of my throat. But Tim tightened his grip on my head. "Come on, Faggot. I know you can take it." I closed my eyes. It didn't matter. Due to the position of my head, I couldn't see Tim any longer. With my throat utterly filled, I just imagined learning to breathe through his cock, and slowly inhaling: in and out, in and out. "That's what I meant faggot," Tim finally said. I was still on my knees, worshipping his cock. He was forcing his cock in and out of my throat in the same rhythm that I had been mediating with his cock. It was a deep, pure connection we had developed in those short few minutes, powered by the tina I had done, and the load Tim had stored in his balls. "You're taking all of it. No chick's ever done that before, cocksucker." I could do little but slightly nod in agreement. It was enough to demonstrate on Tim's manhood, and let him feel just how good his cock could feel. "You know what I want?" Tim asked. I nodded my head. I was still sober enough to know exactly what it would be like, but spun enough that I thought I wanted it. "Yeah," he said, smiling as I nodded. "You know it. You want it too, don't you?" He pushed his dick all the way into my throat. "I'm gonna fucking rape that throat of yours." "Nnnnssth," I managed to barely grunt. It was the sound a man made when he broke, and became completely a cocksucker. It was a sound only a tweaked-out faggot could make. It was the sound of a "no" turning into a "yes." I pulled off his cock; this time he let me. When his cock fell out of my mouth, he stepped back, and I stood up. Behind me, against the window, there was the massage table. I walked over, and got on the bench. I was on my back, and it took a few seconds to adjust myself. But I quickly found the deep notch at the head of the table, and let my neck slide into it. "Fuck yeah," Tim said. I opened my eyes, and saw his thighs right in front of me. I looked up slightly, and saw his cock hanging down, thick and heavy. Without even thinking I opened my mouth and craned my neck, eager to resume my worship of dick. "Hungry, aren't you, cocksucker?" he continued, as he pressed his dickhead into my mouth. "Mmmmm," I moaned as Tim jammed his dick further into my mouth. "Oh god," Tim grunted. He was impatient, and within a few seconds, his dickhead was pressed against my tonsils. "Oh fuck. There's nothing," he started. He pressed his hips, and his dickhead pushed right into my throat. "Oh, fuck yeah," he said. The first time, the last few inches had been a struggle. But since I was flat on my back and my throat was stretched out and aligned properly, it was at least physically easy to swallow his entire dick. On the other hand, mentally, it was never easy to get throat-fucked, especially in this position. Cocksucking always involved a bit of submission; getting down on my knees and letting another man put his dick in my mouth always seemed a bit demasculinizing. Being on my back, my head held in place by the very design of the table, and my mouth already filled with a stranger's cock was the ultimate expression of my cocksucking obsessions. But these considerations were not Tim's concerns. He pushed his cock all the way into my throat, and held it. I reached back to grab his hips but before I barely moved them, Tim used both hands to pin my wrists back to my chest. "Just take it, faggot. Don't fight." He wagged his hips side to side which only pressed his cock against new parts of my throat. As much as I was already struggling against his facial assault, these new pressures were too much. My body was jerking and twitching as it fought against the thick shaft invading my airways. "No, faggot," Tim murmured as he pinned me down against the table, his hips ramming his cock into my throat, and both hands holding me down by my chest. "You're gonna let me fuck your throat. I've seen how hungry you get. You know you need it." I nodded as best I could, but my movement was limited by the design of the table and the depths of Tim's penetration. But even that small bit of movement was enough to set off another round of gagging. "Fuck yeah," Tim grunted, as he stroked his dick in and out of my throat, "Fucking massage that dick. Fucking hot cocksucker gagging on my goddamn hard cock." He pulled his cock out, leaving only his cockhead in my mouth. For a brief moment, all I felt was emptiness. His cock had seemed like an integral part of my existence, and now, it was suddenly gone. But I quickly realized that I needed to breath. I inhaled great gulps of air; it was warm from our exertions, and I could smell the sweat dripping off of Tim's body. "Oh yeah," Tim grunted, and slammed his cock back into me. All my muscles stiffened as I tried to fight off the intrusion, but Tim held me in place as he forced the whole length of his penis back into my mouth and throat. "Just take it," he continued. Thanks to the tina, my mind was racing, but I forced myself to focus. Having Tim's cock back in my throat helped; it was a single truth that I could build off of. It also reminded me that Tim was paying me to make him feel good; I was his fucktoy for the morning. "That's what I wanted, cocksucker. Getting to fucking rape your throat." He pulled out a bit, just enough for me to gasp some air, before he slammed it back in. "Fucking." He pulled out and slammed back in again. "Rape." Another slam, this one was harder. "It." One more slam, this one hard enough that he grunted with the exertion. I could feel the subtle synchrony of his heart and his cock; the massive shifts of his shaft were mind-blowing and overwhelming. "This is your fucking god," Tim said. "Worship it" Tim's cock seemed near perfect. It was the brutal triad of thick, long, and hard. There was only one way I could show my love and devotion to his dick and that was to worship it with my mouth and throat. Mostly my throat. In the moment, I found the openness and willingness to donate my throat completely to Tim. The urge to gag disappeared; instead I was hungry for every thrust of Tim's cock, and feared each parry when his dick disappeared from my throat. It had taken time and drugs, but I had entered the cocksucking zone. "Fuck this is good," Tim said, pushing his dick all the way back into my throat. I just nodded. Besides, nodding was all I could do because my head remained impaled on his cock. Each stroke of his dick reminded me of my submission to his manhood, but the strokes also reminded me how badly I had needed another man's cock raping me. My tina dick had disappeared, and it was replaced by an impressive boner. Tim noticed my boner. "Seems like you're enjoying it as well," he said. "And the harder I fuck you, the harder your dick gets." He slammed his dick into me; it felt like he was ripping my throat in two. But despite the agony, my dick was throbbing. I was a cocksucker, doing what cocksuckers were born to do. The connection between Tim and I was perfect; his thick, hard cock in my throat, my warm, wet throat massaging him to certain orgasm. Time ceased to matter; all that mattered was Tim's cock. Tim was an expert face-fucker; he knew exactly when I needed to breath, and when I needed to struggle against blacking out. I hoped my instinct about when to kiss his cock and when to suck it were as good for him. Over the course of the next hour, we combined our efforts and worked together to bring Tim to the edge of orgasm. By that point, I was coated in sweat, and my eyes were red and teary from the efforts. "Fuck, cocksucker. You ready for my load?" Despite it being a rhetorical question, I still did my best to nod my head. I'd do almost anything to get cum, much less a load from a man like Tim. "Hell yeah, faggot. You're gonna get a big one." He slammed his cock back into my throat, rubbing the base of dickhead across the raw, inflamed surface. "Uuuugh," I grunted, wishing he had not been quite so forceful. But it was a brief thought because Tim slammed into me even harder. My nose was pressed up against his balls; they were pulling up tight to his body in preparation for unloading their prized fluids. He was close to cumming and despite my own agony, I couldn't deny him the last pleasure of my throat. I swallowed, forcing myself to ignore the soreness. "Oh fuck," he grunted, another slam into my throat. One hand was on my chest, holding me down. The other hand had slid to my throat, and it was now wrapped around me. "I can feel my dick in your throat." He slowly pulled out, and I felt the pressure from both his cock and his hand on my throat. "Fuck I'm getting close," he grunted, pushing his cock all the way into my throat. "Fuck," he moaned, and held his position. I was already struggling not to gag. But the sudden jet of sperm into my throat was too much. My body twisted, as I tried to escape Tim's dick. "No, faggot," Tim said. He was holding me down with ease, even though I was fighting him with all my tina-addled might. "You're gonna take my load. All of it, faggot" Tim had filled my throat and stomach with his cum. It was good for me to have his seed in me; the warm fluid calmed me down, and helped to suppress some of my baser instincts. Having coasted my throat with his spooge, he pulled out so that his dickhead was all that remained in my mouth. "I want you to taste my seed," he said. His cock obliged, and deposited a thick wad of sperm across my tongue. It was salty and bitter. It was the kind of taste that would be hard to get out of my mouth. "I want you to walk out of here with my cum on your breath," he said; he knew just how bad his cum tasted. Nevertheless, I savored each precious drop. He indulged my debased need by giving me three more spurts of cum. By then, I was getting the dirty dregs of his balls. Just from the thick texture and bitter taste, I could tell that the spooge dripping down my throat was a sickly shade of yellow. I wasn't surprised that his wife didn't want to go down on him; only the crystal was allowing me literally prostitute myself like this. "Fuck, faggot," he grunted. "You're a goddamn champion cocksucker." He gave one more thrust into my throat, and it was just enough to inflame my already-raw lining. "Drained my fucking balls." His cock throbbed, but only a small dribble of cum leaked out. "Damn, that was what I needed." He pulled his cock out of my mouth, pausing just long enough for me to lick his dickhead clean. "You good?" he asked, but with the tone that made it clear it was time for me to leave. Perhaps he was embarrassed in the unpleasant, brutal clarity that may follow an orgasm. I nodded, swallowed, then raised myself up from the table. Despite the brilliant sun of the morning, the room was hazy, and I had to wipe my eyes to see clearly. My cock was still hard, but it was unlikely I was going to get off here. I quickly put on my clothes and took down the massage table. As I packed away the supplies, I noticed the black case. My pipe was in there, and I longed for its thick clouds. But it wasn't yet the time. "Thank-you," I said, as I stepped into the hall. I grabbed the envelope by the door. "It was a pleasure." With the door closed, I took a quick peek at the time. I had been with Tim over an hour and half. Suddenly, I had become paranoid that people could tell I had spent most of that gagging on another man's cock. I looked around quickly. But the hallway was empty; and far from being ashamed of what I had allowed to be done to me, instead, my dick was rock-hard. I adjusted my backpack, and carried the folded massage table down the hallway to the where the elevators were. As I was waiting, my phone vibrated with a text message. The message was from the husband of my next client. "You and me. We're gonna help Seth get his first booty bump."
    7 points
  2. NOTICE: The first chapter has some part about straight sex. This is not explicit and is only used to set up the story. Chapter 1 - Sun, sea & sex After a long flight the plane landed at around 10am at Miami International Airport. “I hope we don’t have to wait too long getting our luggage”, said Christian. Sven nodded and said “First to our hotel and then straight to the beach”. Christian Smiled. Nearly 2 hours later they stepped out of the airport and in to the burning sun. They quickly got a taxi to their hotel. When they arrived at their room they opened their suitcases. Both boys started to strip. “I will rub sunscreen on you if you do me” Sven said. Christian didn’t answer and started to rub sunscreen on his brothers athletic body. When they where both glistening Sven gave his brother a big hugh and said “Missed doing stuff together, bro”. “Me too!” replied Christian. “When you broke up with your girlfriend you had more time to party again!” he continued. Sven smiled and said “Don’t worry i’ll keep in mind that you can’t party as much as a single dude like me!”. “NO! we’ll go party hard” Christian said. Sven looked confused and said “But you girlfriend?”. “…is no longer my girlfriend. I dumped her a yesterday!” Christian added. Sven didn’t know what to say. “I decide it last month but waited until our vacation so she can’t bother me!”. Both started laughing. They put on their shorts, packed a bag and put on their sunglasses. “Let the party begin!” said Sven while walking out the door. Walking side by side you would swear that you’re seeing double. These two young blond gods made lots of heads turn on their way to the beach. After they arrived on the beach they laid down on their beach towels. After 40 minutes they heard some girls laughing. “You are so damn hot!” a girl said. The boys removed their sunglasses and see 6 hot girls standing besides them. “We can say the same about you” Sven replies with a smile. “We are you from?” another girl asks while sitting down beside Christian. “Sweden” both boys reply. The other girls also sit down around the boys. “Are they all this hot in sweden?” one of the girls ask. Before they can reply another girl says “How do you like my new bikini?”. Both boys take a good look. “No need to answer… you can see the answer in their shorts!”. The boys are completely overwhelmed by the girls. “Can i feel” a girl says while slipping her hand up Sven’s leg. Another girl slips her hand up the Christian’s leg. “WOW” says one girl “We found what we are looking for!”. “Looking for what?!” Sven asks. “We are porn actresses and we have our own website. Every week we go out looking for one or two guys at the beach. Ask them to come with us to party and fuck us. We record it and and put it on our website” a girl explains. “Thank you but NO!” says Sven. Christian gives Sven a nudge and says “BRO! Look at them. We came here to party so let’s do it! I don’t mind being filmed. I already have some homemade movies of me and my ex on XTUBE! And because we look-a-like you could say you’re on there too!”. Sven looks around and asks “We get to fuck you all?”. All girls nod while one says “as long and as often you like”. “We’ll do it!” Christian says enthusiastic. “Follow us” a girl says while standing up. The boys grab their stuff together and follow the girls. Chapter 2 - The party starts They arrive at a big villa and follow the girls in. In the living room there are 4 boys busy setting up everything. “These are the guys that help us with sound and light” says a girl. “Sit down, relax” adds another one. They are handed a bottle with Gatorade not knowing that it is laced with G. After 20 minutes Sven and Christian begin to feel woozy. One of the girls sees this and walks towards one of the boys busy setting up. She walks back to the twins and starts explaining that they want give them something to be sure that they stay hard during filming. Also she tells them that they have to take some blood to do a quick hiv test. When the twins nod two girls remove their shorts and start rubbing the boys chests. Two boys come over with a syringe and while the girls keep them busy both boys slowly enter the needle in the cocks and slowly push the content of the syringe inside. “Now you can stay hard for the rest of the night” a girl says laughing. “Now to get some blood” the girl says. Two boys add a strap around the twins arms. The twins can’t see whats happing because the two girls are keeping them focus on something else. Instead of sliding a empty syringe in to pull blood a syringe with red liquid is slowly injected in the arm. Just before the strap is released the girls whisper in the twins ears “Your fucked!”. Before the boys realize whats happening the strap is released. Both start coughing as their bodies are taken over by an almighty high! They can vaguely see the girls leaving while saying “that there job is done!”. The four boys in the room pick up the boys and drag them into the shower to be cleaned out before bringing them to another room. The room is a bit darker and there are two slings in the middle. They put the twins in the sling and restrain the hands and feet. Then 3 guys enter the room. One of the guys is a tall muscular black guy. He begins to speak “Welcome to my house… To be clear: there’s no pussy fucking in my crib. EXCEPT boy pussy, YOUR PUSSY!”. The twins are to high to completely understand the situation. The big black dude continues “I already converted 16 boys like you that star on my exclusive pornsite and you two will become the big stars”. He gives a sign to one of the boys that presses a button on a keyboard. The guy concludes by saying “in 30 seconds we get broadcasted live to more than 7000 people worldwide that payed 5000 dollar to see you two straight boys get transformed into meth addicted sluts that begs us for our ‘special’ cum loads”. The big black guy drops his pants followed by the two guys (both latinos) behind him. Three massive cocks are revealed. The black cock is nearly 14inches and as thick as a wrist. The other two guys are with 11.2 inches a bit smaller. The four other boys in the room are also naked now and two of them carry a camera. Chapter 3 - Live conversion “WELCOME EVERYBODY THATS WATCHING! You are part of something special. Not just to boys, but brothers: Twin brothers!” says the black man. “The coming days you will see how we turn these two into our willing slaves. You can decide what we going to do with them. And for 50000 dollars you can join us here and for the right price i will sell them to you!” he concludes. The twins feel how a hose is stuffed in there ass. Then they feel a thick fluid filling their ass. Both latinos walk up to them and both jam two fingers up the twins asses. both scream. While the two guys work more fingers up their asses the thick fluid leaks out and is lubricating their hands. When they both have 4 fingers inside they pull them out leaving a gaping and leaking hole. “Shard” yells the black dude. The two boys place a large shard inside the open hole. Both guys place their big dicks against the hole. They lean forward and tell the boys to relax. The pressure is building on the sphincter. Sven begins to resist. “Yeah boy fight it. I love seeing your pain!” the latino guy says. The cock begins working his way inside. Sven starts to scream. The top grabs his throat and starts chocking. Sven has panic in his eyes and his body begins to shake. The top releases his throat and Sven gasps for are relaxing enough to let the dick completly disappear inside. Also Christian’s ass gives way and the big cock shoots forward deep inside. Christian screams in pain. But after few minutes the shards get absorbed by the body and the pain changes in to pleasure. Both tops see the boys changing and pull out completely leaving a open hole. Both boys feel relieved, but after a few seconds the feeling of emptiness kicks in. Both begin to move their asses around moaning. “If you want to get your ass filled… ask… no better yet! BEG!” says the black guy. Sven is the first to break and begins begging “Please.. i want it… give me please… i can’t take it!”. Following his brother Christian also start to beg. For both tops is this the moment they waited for and both ram their cocks deep inside and begin to piston fuck both boys asses. “Beg for their cum… Beg them to breed you… If you don’t they will stop fucking you!”. Both boys start to beg them to give them their load. The guy fucking Christian unties his hands and orders him to start pinching and twisting his nipples. Christian start to play with his nipples harder and harder. “I want you to beg me to covert your ass… to impregnate you with my devil cum!”. Christian now understands what he means. He wants to fight it but the feeling is bigger, he gives in and yells “Give me your devil seed and convert me… please!”. The top starts to roar and plants his dick deep inside before unloading a massive load deep in Christian. Christian get so turned on that his dick explodes with cum. One of the boys runs to him and start sucking on the still exploding dick swallowing it all. “Yes! you get it… Do you want us to spare your brother or let him experience to be a total slut” says the top. Christian knows that he wants never wants to be without his brother share and everything. So he says to his brother “I love you. i want to be with you forever as one”. Sven replies “i want that too”. Hearing that answer he starts to cry and yells “Breed my brothers ass. Spread your DNA. Let him become one with me!”. The tops starts pumping harder and faster. Christian is helped out of the sling and manoeuvred to the other sling. “SUCK YOUR BROTHERS COCK UNTIL HE UNLOADS IN YOUR MOUTH” yells the top. He starts sucking his brothers cock. This makes Sven tighten his muscles milking the big dick until it explodes deep in his ass. Shivers go up Sven spine forcing him to cum inside his brothers mouth. Christian start swallowing his brother’s cum. “I want to taste some too” says Sven. So with a mouth full of cum Christian moves over to Sven and start kissing him deep and intense while feeding him cum. NEXT CHAPTER IS CUMMING SOON!!!
    6 points
  3. 24. "Uhm.... Danny?" asked Aaron one afternoon. "Yeah? What is it?" "Uhmm... it was my brother's birthday yesterday, and... my parent's are out of town for the next few days, they are leaving tommorow, so I was thinking if he could stay here through the weekend, cuz I wanna take him out on Friday." "And how old is he?" "18 as of yesterday. Why?" "Uhmm... just curious. Yeah, sure, he can stay." "Thanks!" Friday afternoon came. Aaron and Tony decided to take Chase to DEIMOS. It was what they called "a regular weekend", since there was no big event - fuck-fest that weekend. They took a taxi and picked Chase up at his parent's house. When they arrived at DEIMOS, Chase was really impressed. "Wow, this is amazing! All this just for the money from our grandparents?" "Well, pretty much half of it was already here, plus Tony spent a lot of his savings as well,but yeah!" Aaron laughed. They walked in "So... this is a what?" "Uhmm... this is the tattoo and piercing parlor." answered Tony as they walked through the room. Only one guy was getting a tattoo - it was 9 o'clock on a Friday and most clients got their tatts in the afternoon, since it could take a few hours. Ray just finished his design - a nautical star on his forearm. "Chase, this is Ray - our partner and tattoo artist. Ray, this is Chase, my little bro." said Aaron as Chase and Ray shook hands. "Uhmm... cool tatts." said Chase a little nervously. "Thanks man!" Ray laughed. They decided to skip the rooms with leather gear, porn and toys - in order to not make Chase more nervous. Then they walked downstairs, to the club. There were around 30 guys in there, sitting by the tables, some dancing and some drinking at the bar. They sat by the bar and Kevin immediately came over to ask them what they wanted. "Well... I think we'll have three beers and you can keep 'em coming. Thanks Kev!" said Aaron. "You got it!" said Kevin and left to get their beers. "Wait, one of the beers is for me?" asked Chase surprised. "Yeah. Why? Your parents aren't here. Plus you're sleeping at ours tonight remember?" The beers kept coming and they all were catching up, laughing and just having fun. They danced for a bit and drank a lot of beer. Chase left for the bathroom at one point and came back saying, all confused: "There was some guy in one of the stalls and when I walked past he shouted something about sucking my cock and I just panicked and ran out of there." "Oh... that's fine. Next time just say you're not interested and he should leave you be after that." Tony laughed. At around half past one, they decided to go home. They called a taxi and drove back to uncle Rick's house. Chase was going to sleep in Aaron's room for the night and Aaron was gonna sleep with Tony (they did most nights anyway in either of their rooms). They talked for a bit longer and then they went off to the shower one by one - Aaron first, Tony second, Chase third. Chase was in the shower, the hot water pouring on his slender body, his 7.5 inch dick hard from thoughts. He was just showering in the same shower the two hot young hunks just finished their showering. Chase couldn't believe how hot his brother got in just those four short months since he left home. He looked a lot buffer, more confident and happier! Plus he only wore a tanktop on their night out and the tattoo on his arm looked so hot as well! And Tony... the hot, handsome, muscular, tatted hunk made his dick even stiffer. Oh how he wished he could be with them, instead of studying most evenings because of his parents. Hopefully the things are gonna get better. He'll ve leaving for an another city to go to college next September. He couldn't wait! Once he's there, he's gonna do whatever he wants to. Fuck his parents, they already got two kids that turned out just the way they wanted - with their college degrees, fancy jobs and perfect little families before 30! He realised he had been in the shower for too long. He stepped out and realised he forgot to ask for a towell. Maybe he could find some in his room. He opened the door and quietly walked to his room, when... 25. "Chase?" He spun around. It was Tony, only wearing a jockstrap. Chase went really red when he realised that his cock was still at full attention. "I... I... I'm sorry... I forgot to ask for a towell and..." "No problem! Come with me, I'll give you one!" laughed Tony and led him to his room. They came in to the room. Aaron was laying on the bed, naked as well. As soon as he saw Chase, he quickly tried to cover his cock, but as soon as he saw his brother's hard cock, he uncovered his soft meat and said with a smirk: "Tony, what's Chase doing here. At full attention?" "Oh he just forgot his towell. But now that he's here, I'm actually really curious about what got his so... aroused in the shower." "Yeah... me to! What was is lil bro? What got you so hard?" "Uhmmm.... uhmmm." Chase whimpered, while his eyes were glued on his brother as he realised, he had his nipples pierced with black bars. "No shame, we won't laugh! Just say the truth." "Uhmmm... Uhmmm...Uhmmmm." Chase whimpered again, his eyes now glued on Tony. He saw his tattoos and his nipples pierced with silver rings. "Just say it! Don't be shy about it!" "It... it was.... you." Chase finally said, clearly very nervous. "Oh... is that so?" asked Tony seductively and stepped closer to Chase. Chase nodded. "Well then why just fantasize about us when we're right here... ready to play?" he smirked and started stroking Chase's hard cock. Aaron stood up from the bed, his cock stiffening, moved closer, and pulled his lil bro in for a kiss, while Tony was stroking his cock. When the kiss was broken off, Tony slapped Chase's ass, dropped his jock and slapped his hard, thick, pierced and veiny 10 inch cock on his hand. "You want that?" Aaron asked as he dropped to his knees and pushed Chase down with him. Aaron started licking Tony's cockhead and then putting it inside his mouth. He started sucking. Inch by inch he got deeper and deeper, until he swallowed the whole cock, as his jaws were opened like the jaws of a snake - swallowing Tony's whole monstercock was something he had been practising for the last few months. He popped the monster out of his mouth and slapped it on his tongue, looking at his little brother. He said: "Try it!" Chase repeated after him. He stopped halfway through on the cokecan-thick cock and started gagging. He couldn't go further, so he took it out and slapped it on his tongue a few times "Suck it!" Tony ordered. Chase started sucking his monster with such passion, Tony was moaning within a second. Chase felt something at his hole. He realised it was his big brother's tongue. Chase whimpered with his mouth full of cock as he felt Aaron's tongue enter his boicunt. Aaron took it out after a while. He stood up in front of Chase, while Tony's cock was still in his hot mouth. "You know what this is?" He pointed at Tony's tatted pec. "You don't?" he asked and then turned around, showing Chase a similar big tattoo on his upper back. "This is a biohazard symbol. It means, that we are both poz - we have HIV. Now. Do you still want this lil bro?" he asked seductively, massaging his own hard, veiny 8.5 - inch cock and added: "Because we only fuck raw and if we cum, we cum inside!" Chase couldn't think clearly. He couldn't stop. He took Tony's monster cock out of his mouth, slapped it on his face and said: " Yeah. Fuck me. Fuck me hard big bro!" Aaron pulled Chase up, then threw him on the bed and told him to push his ass up. He did. Aaron pushed his thick 8.5 inches right into his tight hole. Chase let out a sound of pain and pleasure. Aaron started fucking. Really fast. Chase was moaning and whimpering like the biggest slut. "Yeah. Fuck me! Fill me with your load!' "Yeah? You want it? Who'd say my little bro would turn out to be such a little slut?" "Oh fuck yeah! Fuck me!" Aaron was fucking him senseless, slamming his face into the mattress. "I'm gonna fill your ass with my poz cum! You want it?" "Oh fuck yeah! Fill me up!" "HERE IT CUMS!" Aaron yelled as he pumped his brother full of poz cum. He pulled his cock out and slapped Chase's ass. "Lubed it up for you babe!" he grinned at Tony as he pushed his monster in. Chase whimpered once again. "All warm and wet inside. You like my cock?" "Yeah!" "Then take it with all the toxic cum inside!" he said loudly as he slammed it in all the way and started fucking furiously. He drilled Chase's virgin hole. Moaning, snorting and whimpering. After a while, he snorted extra loudly, slammed it all the way in again and started cumming. "Yeah, fucking take all of my toxic cum!" Chase moaned loudly. He pulled his cock out, spun Chase around, grabbed him by the balls - pulling and squeezing them a little, as Aaron licked the whole 7.5 inches of Chase's cock. Chase started shooting. He shot at least 8 shots of neg cum all over his stomach, chest and face. The next day, Tony and Aaron took Chase to DEIMOS again and gave him a bunch of stuff for his birthday. Three dildos in different shapes and sizes, a vibrator, a fleshlight, 6 sounding poles in different sizes (which he picked), three bottles of poppers, some good tips for websites with really piggy porn, a hot leather jacket, a permanent member card for their gym - to go work out with them for a few times a week, and a promise to give him any tattoo or piercing he wanted, right before he's gonna leave town for college. Chase jerked off five times that day, huffing on poppers, playing with his balls and nipples, watching some really piggy porn, using his new toys, then cleaning them of the remains of his brother's and Tony's poz cum with his tongue. The first jerk-out session of the day, he just checked out the porn sites and didn't last long looking at all that extreme porn! The second session, he tried his new dildos and vibrator - it felt so fucking amazing, fucking himsfelf - stretching out his no longer virgin boicunt. The third session, he checked out some of the other websites, while huffing on poppers, wearing only his new leather jacket and using his new fleshlight. The fourth jerk-out session, he tried his sounding poles - stretching out his piss slit with all the different sizes. The last session of the day, he really went far. After thirty minutes of watching the piggiest porn he could find on the websites, a vibrator up his cunt, playing with his nipples, he thought of Tony and Aaron's pierced nipples. He found a needle, cleaned it, took a hit of poppers and pierced his left nipple with it. As he felt his virgin nipple pierced, he blew his neg load all over himself. He was never to be the same, innocent boy. What do you think????☣
    6 points
  4. Last Saturday, after an evening out with friends, I felt horny as hell. I decided to go online, but Saturday nights are always a bit of a bore in my town. I remembered all the hot times during my weekend trips to bigger cities - Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid - and wished I had flown out, but this time I had to work early on Monday. I'm 24 and just got my first serious job after finishing university, so the wild days seemed kind of over anyway. I settled for some porn and music at home, smoked some weed and logged in on a gay dating app - usually there's not much going on in my area anyway, but you never know. After checking some guys' profile I came to the conclusion that it was just the same old boring profiles. I almost felt like sending a message to one guy I always suck off, since I know he's always looking for a quicky, very reliable and hot. Then I suddenly remembered a chat page where i sometimes log in and where things get a little more exciting sometimes. People from nearby towns into bareback, BDSM, PNP who are willing to travel etc. So I log in to this very basic, text-based chat and pour myself a drink. Not much is going on there either - most guys are far away and nobody reacted to my opening line yet. Then suddenly a guy with the mysterious nickname DarkNetFucker666 logs in without any info other than that he lives in a nearby town. I get some associations with a couple of porn movies I got from a friend the year before, with Satanist plots, neonazis, strangling and a whole lot of other extreme things. Is this a guy who is into that sort of thing? I always wondered what kind of people would watch such extreme stuff. Besides, he might be some older guy and I'm definitely not into that. A bit doubtful, I decide to send him a message and we start a chat. He says he is 30 and has 'dark fantasies', and I tell him I'm into barebacking and poz since two years ago. I send him a facepic and ask him if he wants to meet. He gives me a place and time, and by this time I'm feeling curious as hell, and intuitively agree to meeting him at a petrol station around 30 miles from where I live for 'and outdoor date and we can see about continuing somewhere else'. When I get there I look for the van he described. He's parked in a bushy area by the petrol station and I park the car next to his. I send him a message saying I'm there and he answers asking me to take a walk with him in the bushes. Reluctantly I agree - even though I feel really excited and horny as hell, it does seem like a very scary and potentially dangerous scenario - I definitely don't feel all that safe. Luckily the weed I smoked helps a bit, and I determinedly walk into the bush past his car. I see him getting out. The moonlight reflects from his face and he actually looks pretty hot. He walks over to me and asks me if I feel like 'playing around a bit before we take it further'. I guess he wants to try me out before taking me 'somewhere else', to his home or wherever. So we lower our pants and I stand closer to him. He looks like he's not very used to this - he doesn't attempt to approach me or touch me. He has a huge uncut boner and I ask if he wants me to suck him, and I get on my knees. I smell his balls and it really turns me on, I lick them all over and suck his big cock. I start jerking off and he reaches down to feel my cock and balls with a firm grip. He suddenly stops and says "Shall we go to my place?" I nodd. He sounds foreign and I ask him where he is from. "Germany", he says. We get into our cars and I follow him. When we get to his place, which is really in the middle of nowhere in a very forested area, I notice he has a really great looking house. This guy must have done really well for himself. There's a big fence around the property and a huge pool. We go in and he asks if I want to do some drugs. It has been at least four years since I had taken anything other than weed - at university I had tried some things, like coke, ecstasy and speed - and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by obsessive thoughts about not being able to get to work on Monday. He is obviously noticing that I'm worried and tells me not to, saying we won't take too much. I agree to smoke some meth with him, it can't be that bad. While he prepares the stuff I get a better look at him in the kitchen light. There is something eminently hot about him. He has a good body and his face looks smooth and young. His eyes are dark and his gaze is somehow cold, there is not really much warmth in his appearance and his demeanor is very masculine and serious, but his eyes and occasional smile when we talk about sex add a sexual overtone to the situation. I ask him what he does and he tells me he's a psychiatrist, which strikes me as odd since he doesn't make a very empathic impression. He introduces himself as Jake. We sit down in the living room and smoke some. He puts on some trancy music and wants to know more about 'the bareback thing'. I tell him about bareback dating sites, about bug chasing and gift giving and about some of my experiences at bareback parties and in fetish club darkrooms. He asked if I'm on meds, I tell him that I haven't been needing medication yet. He smiles. "We could fuck someone bareback," he says. The drug feels good and I notice it starting to kick in even more because I kind of feel more disinhibited. "And how do you want to find someone?" I ask. -"I can get some guys that come here sometimes", he says. "Sometimes I invite guys in and give them some money, I often call them and we fuck a bottom together". -"That sounds good", I say. He shows me a pic of a big, dark skinned guy who looks very handsome, I scroll on and his tablet reveals some dick pics. "This one looks hot", I said. He asks me what kind of type I really fantasize about fucking. -"Maybe one of those white power kids, like a young skinhead or something." He shows me another pic of a young blonde guy who is not a skinhead as such but very handsome and muscular, with neonazi-type outfit and boots. He has this really grim, bad look on his face. "This is a very violent one who is very much into this neonazi stuff", he says. "He is a sadist and just wants to fuck on coke, he was also in trouble with the police for sexual assault." This really makes me hot and I ask him what he wants to do. "We let him fuck you on coke and give him some drinks and maybe some drugs, then we can see if we can maybe fuck him." -"But I thought you said he doesn't want to get fucked." -"We'll see", he says with an evil grin on his face. I get some alarm bells - this guy really seems very perverted, I'm getting worried about things going too far. But he seems really controlled and calm, and I suppose he knows what he's doing. So I agree. He calls the guy and agrees on meeting. He's drunk but he's driving over anyway. "We have half an hour", he says. So I have a shower while Jake prepares whatever he has got to prepare. In the shower I feel kind of nervous about what is about to happen, but I feel a odd tingling in my lower body. I clean up thoroughly and go back to the living room while the white power guy is ringing the doorbell. Jake goes to open the door and brings the guy in. "This is Frank." We shake hands and I look at Frank, he looks really nasty with a superior look in his eyes full of despise. But he looks damn hot. He hardly looks at me and talks more to Jake, whom he obviously has some kind of bond with. He brags about how he burned down the car of a family who lives in his neighbourhood, foreigners. This guy is really an asshole, I think. Still, I feel an amazing and almost surreal attraction to him. "So what are you waiting for, get your clothes off", Jake, who is obviously taking the lead, snarls at me. I undress quickly and we sit down on the couch. Jake puts on a porn with a girl surrounded by a group of men, and says he will pour some drinks and prepare the coke. I go for a piss, and while I walk past the kitchen, Jake whistles at me. I approach and he whispers "these two lines on the right are for us. When I offer don't take the ones on the left." -"Why, what have you put in those?" I ask, worried. -"Just something more for him to relax, he usually prefers to fuck girls". When I return to the couch Jake already has his hard cock in his hands and Frank is touching his crotch, staring engagedly at the Czech porn movie, where the men are cumming one by one into the girl's holes. Jake tells me to bring around the plate with the coke and sniffs a line. He then passes it to me and I sniff the other line on the right, then give it to Frank. He sniffs one of the lines on the left. "Let's get down to action. What are you waiting for?" Jake says. I kneel down in front of Frank. I put my nose into his crotch and take in the smell. I unzip him and get his hard throbbing tool out and start licking it. Ending the foreplay, he grabs my ears and puts my mouth over his cock, snarling "no teeth". He fucks my mouth for a while and then grabs me and puts me on the couch in front of it facing Jake, who is seemingly enjoying the situation masturbating and smiling. He lubes up and pushes me flat on the stomach, then rams his piece in raw, I'm in pain and cry out but he doesn't show any consideration. Staring at the porn movie he goes on and gets in the flow in a regular and relentless rhythm. Jake passes him poppers and he sniffs. He slaps me hard and rams on. Seemingly, Jake is afraid that Frank is getting too close to cumming and he gets up. "Now it's my turn", he says. Jake's cock is even bigger than Frank's and I feel him going in. He does it hard like Frank but differently, he is less distant and comes closer, grabbing me by the shoulders and thrusting it in hard. "Sit on all fours", he says. I obey and Frank sits down on his knees before me and pushes his cock into my mouth. I feel ecstatic, the pain has passed and I feel their big cocks ravaging my holes, I just ride on the wave, unable to think of anything else. After a while Jake exchanges again with Frank and they both take a hit of the poppers. I feel Frank thrusting in harder and harder, and the sounds he makes indicate he is in his own world right now. Jake doesn't stop him, and Frank fucks until he comes. "Yeah, take it, bitch", he yells. Jake screams "yeahhhh" and masturbates in front of my mouth. Frank has just finished and breathes heavily. He asks for a beer, and Jake sends me to get him one. I walk into the kitchen but don't find the beer, and I call out to Jake. He comes in and grabs a beer without saying a word. He takes a little vial out of a drawer and quickly drips in a large number of drops while keeping his eye on the door. I'm a bit confused but I understand and walk back into the living room and try talking to Frank. His answers are short and it seems like he is extremely averse to talking with me. Luckily, Jake comes back into the room and gives Frank his beer. "Now let's just relax for a while", Jake says. After a while, Frank dozes off and Jake says "Now let's get to the real action." At this point I'm horny as fuck but I still get alarm bells and say "Will he be alright?" Jake says: "Off course he will. Maybe let's have a smoke first." We smoked some more meth and I notice I'm not getting a hard on. I tell Jake and he tells me to follow him to the bedroom. He takes out a little syringe and says: "I'm going to inject you, just stand still." He grabs my penis and rubs it with a bit of alcohol and I close my eyes. I feel a short sting and react shocked, but after a few moments I feel all relaxed again. "What is it?" I ask him. -"Just something to get you up and running again so we can complete the program." I feel this sounds odd, since I don't know what "the program" is supposed to be, but Jake seems all too confident and in a way I think that's hot. We walk back into the living room and Frank looks like he has passed out on the couch. "Is he sleeping?" I ask. -"Sit down on your knees before him and suck his cock." I sit down and pull his boxer short down. I lick his balls and take his limp cock into my mouth. Before long, it's hard as rock and Frank moans. Jake passes me the poppers and I sniff. "Now lick his ass." I go down and lick his hole. Jake gets up and rubs his cock against Frank's face. Frank moves his head but doesn't otherwise react. He says: "Help me here". We carry Frank onto a mattress. Jake switches off the lights and puts on a different porn. He cuts some more of the coke and gives me some. He puts on music at a very loud volume. From my eye winkle I see the porn. It shows a man dressed in a devil's mask with horns. He is dragging a young blonde boy dressed in sports clothes over a field in some forest with a rope. I look at the screen and see how he throws down the boy on the field, undoes his jeans and starts raping him. This looks like really hardcore, probably illegal stuff and I glance at over at Jake who seems to be enjoying watching me watching the movie and gives me another one of his evil grins, but I don't think about it and look at Frank. Jake is touching his balls and ass and he twitches, moaning. I get excited and go over to Frank. I feel my limits dropping to zero and my boner throbbing, I just want to fuck the shit out of this arrogant little neonazi fucker. It seems as though Jake senses this, masturbating hard and moaning "yeahhh", staring at me with a fixed gaze like Frank did before with the porn. He says "come on, fuck him". I get on top of Frank and lube him, fingering his tight hole. I enter it with a thrust. This is amazing, I want more. I thrust in several times and then grab him by his lower back, thrust in deep. Jake comes closer to me and I touch his hard, throbbing cock while pounding Frank's hole. I feel like I could go on like this for hours. Jake whispers in my ear "rape him". I keep fucking until Jake claims his turn. I watch Jake fucking him and matching the thrusts in the porn movie. He whispers "I'm gonna seed his ass and then you can do the same." He cums into Frank. Even though I feel very horny I still feel worried. Frank hasn't consented to this so this is actually really rape. Jake notices and tells me to follow him into the bedroom where we watch some porn. These are also very violent porns, it's a jail setting in the shower where several inmates rape a guy with a nazi tattoo. He asks me whether I want something to relax and he brings me a glass half full with coca cola. He says "this is going to relax you even more". I drink it and we watch porn for a little while. He asks if it's okay to set up a camera in the living room so he can film it, and I agree. We return to where Frank is. He looks like he is sleeping and Jake touches his crotch again. Frank moans and makes hip movements as if he is fucking the mattress. I feel like fucking and seeding him. I get on top and I grab him by the hips, thrusting my cock in. Jake passes me the poppers and I start fucking him. Jake changes the music and I think of nothing else but putting my seed into his tight hole. "Put your poz seed into him, poz him up", Jake whispered with a mean smile. He masturbates on Frank and I thrust into him, I really feel like I could do this for hours. I sniff some more poppers and fuck him hard until I feel like I'm going to come. "I'm cumming", I tell Jake. "Yeah, poz his little nazi hole", Jake says. I shoot all my cum into him. We sit down on the couch. "This is really hot", I said. "It's a pity we haven't used him as a condom for me to fuck you." I wondered what that meant. We sat silent for a while. "What do you mean, use him as a condom?" I asked Jake. "You'll see next time", he said. To be continued
    5 points
  5. 26. Tony's birthday was coming up. The boys all decided to celebrate at yet an another fuck-fest at DEIMOS. Everything was prepared once again. A guy only 18+ gay party. A pig's heaven! Tony, Aaron, Rick, Danny, Sam and Duke crashed at the bar. They ordered beers, danced a bit, drank more beers, danced again, drank more beers, lauged and drank again. The batroom stalls were full of gloryhole sluts - eager to drink any cum or piss availabe, the rooms were full of guys that wanted a little privacy, the showers were full of guys that needed no privacy. The hornyness spreaded across the dancefloor, hot sweaty bodies touching and grinding against each other. "Let's start the party!" said Tony as he whipped out his cock. "Kev, give me an empty beerglass!" Kev gave it to him. Tony stood up, put his cock inside and let out so much hot piss, that he filled the glass entirely. Sam spun around. "Hey guys, we have a fresh pint of hot piss here! Right from the poz 10-inch monster of our birthday boy!" Almost immediately, four guys came to them, wanting to drink it all. Tony smirked. "You want this? Then you gotta make me cum first!" he said as he took two chugs of his own warm piss. All of them dropped to their knees and started sucking and licking his cock and balls. He looked around, while feeling four hot mouths around his monster. All the eyes were on them. Most of the guys that were watching were already touching their bodies and gripping their crotches. He looked at his friends. Duke was already sitting on Sam, grinding on his cock through his leather pants. Aaron was massaging his cock through the jockstrap he was wearing. Rick and Danny were making out, touching their bodies eagerly. Tony put his head back, kissed the bartender, then Aaron and took an another chug of his own hot piss. He snorted like a pig once again with four sluts worshipping his cock. 27. "You want this?" he asked, holding the glass full of his piss in the air. The four sluts, sucking his cock nodded and whimpered. "Here, have it." he stood up, gave them the glass and watched them eagerly drink it down. He walked to one of the guys watching the scene. He was massaging his smaller 5-inch cock, watching Tony get sucked. Tony grabbed him by the balls, bent him over the next table and started fucking him sensless. He heard encouragements from all the others as he was plowing the moaning guy's hole. He didn't last long. He slapped his ass a few times. Grabbed his throat, pulled him back and pumped his hole full of toxic cum. He popped his cock out with a pig's snort. "Who's next?" An another guy came in and bent over the table. Tony stretched his ass out with his cock, leaving his hot charged up load inside. He slapped his ass, as more guys came to fuck the stretched-out cunt. The real fuck-fest has started. Six guys were bent over the tables, Duke of course one of them, getting their mancunts stretched out by all the cocks. The others in line couldn't wait, so they started doing each other! Tony's cock was hard again. He walked back to the bar. "Kev?" he started. "Yeah? Tony?" the bartender answered. "You like this job?" "Fuck yeah! My cock is hard all the time in here!" "But don't you wanna join the fun sometimes?" "Of course I do!" Tony smiled. "One more question. Are you poz or neg?" "Neg... but not for long hopefully." "Oh... So you're chasing?" "Yeah. You could say so!" "And would you like my poz load deep in your ass torn by my pierced monster cock?" "FUCK YEAH!" Kevin aswered without a shadow of doubt. "Come get it then, stud." 28. Kev climbed over the bar table. He was only wearing leather boots and a jockstrap. Kev bent over on one of the bar stools. Tony slapped his cock on Kevin's asscheek. "You want this meat?" "Yeah! I fucking want that toxic monstercock!" Tony rammed his cock inside at full speed - all the way to the root, tearing Kevin's ass apart. Kevin roared. Tony started fucking him, hoping that he made Kev's cunt bleed from the inside - making it easier for the virus to get into his bloodstream. He pulled his cock halfway out, and when he saw blood on it, he started fucking like an animal until he felt his orgasm building up. "I'm gonna knock your ass up with my poz cum! You really want it?" "FUCK YEAH! KNOCK ME UP!" "HERE IT COMES!" Tony roared, rammed his cock inside one more time and started planting his toxic seed inside Kev's cunt. He slapped his ass and let out his piggish snort. The rest of the night was as usual - full of cum, piss and sweat. Tony fucked many more guys that night, although he demanded that Kevin's cunt was his only for the night. He fucked the bartender three more times until the night was over. He fucked and fucked and fucked until his balls were empty. The other guys got their fair share of fun as well. Duke got fucked at least 30 times until the night was over - bent over one of the tables - leaving his stretched out cunt dripping loads of cum. Sam spent the whole night in the showers - pissing on everyone who came close - he was so horny, that at one point he came up to two guys making out - bodies squished together in the corner of the showers and started pissing gallons of hot piss on them. They ended up not minding - as all three ended up fucking in three - Sam in the middle! Ray spent the night in one of the rooms - teaching a pair of young, unexperienced 20-year olds the art of fisting! Aaron, Rick and Danny ended up in the sauna room - taking and giving their poz cocks and cunts to anyone who came close. This was the best fuck-fest DEIMOS has ever had! Tony's 19th birthday was his best yet! It was next friday. Tony came down to the bar - just to check things out. He looked behind the bar table. Kev wasn't there. Instead there was Manny - the other bartender, who refused to work during the fuck-fests and was usually working on regular weekends. But tonight Kev was supposed to work. "Hey Manny!" "Hey boss! What's the deal?" "Uhm... where's Kev? I thought it was his shift tonight!" "Oh yeah! Ray called me here last-minute! He said Kev called him. Apparently he got really SICK this afternoon." What dou you think???☣ Let me know???
    5 points
  6. 3. Cum was dripping down the inside of my leg. My hole felt wet and slick, stuffed fill still with the plug. I turned around and sat down hard on the plug, pushing it deeper into my hole. I felt used. My cock was soft but still dripping precum. All I could thing about was how good my hole felt getting fucked, I wanted more. I needed more. I looked at my phone. Sir wouldn’t be free for another hour yet. Could I make it for another hour without even jerking off? A hunger had been awoken inside of me and it felt almost impossible to resist. Without realizing it I had started to bounce slowly on my couch, rocking my plug back and forth in my hole. A small moan slipped out of my mouth and I opened Scruff again. I messaged the daddy who just left to say thank you for breeding me, and then as I started to scroll Sir texted me. “How’s that pussy? I bet you just got it filled again, didn’t you boy?” How did he know! “I did Sir,” I texted back, “how did you know?” “A hungry cunt like yours can’t stay empty for long. Who bred you?” “A hung daddy from Scruff… honestly I didn’t ask his name.” “Good pig.” “Thank you, Sir.” “Are you still plugged?” “Yes Sir.” “Excellent. I’m done with work early. You ready to for Sir to work that pussy open more boy?” “Fuck yes, Sir!” “Come over now.” I grabbed the same clothes I had on earlier and pulled them on as quickly as I could. I practically ran out of the door. Quickly as I could, keeping the plug tight in my hole, I basically jogged to Sir’s apartment. I buzzed his door and the door clicked open. When I got to his apartment door it opened before I could knock, and there he stood again, completely naked, his magnificent cock half hard already. He grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me inside. Still holding my shirt, he shoved his tongue in my mouth, his other hand drifting to my ass quickly finding the plug in my hole and pushing on it. I moaned into his mouth as he worked the plug in my hole. He broke the kiss just as suddenly as he had started it and practically ripped my shirt off over my head. I shoved my pants down, and kicked my shoes off without pulling away from his grasp and Sir growled his approval. “I could tell you were going to be a good pig. You’re going to make an excellent cunt.” He spun me around and shoved me against the wall. “Stick that ass out for me boy.” I obeyed, shoving my ass towards him and arching my back, my arms braced against the wall. I had expected him to play with the plug, maybe eat me out again. What he did however was like nothing I had ever felt. He pulled the plug part way out of my hole, lobbed a big glob of spit onto my open hole and then shoved two fingers in next to the plug. Slowly he worked his fingers in and out of my hole, forcing more and more of the plug back into me till finally I had both the fully knotted plug and two of Sir’s thick fingers stretching my hole. I was like putty in his hands, whimpering and moaning as he ruined my hole. “Look at those nice pussy lips starting to form. This is going to be an amazing cunt. I’m going to ruin you boy. You’re going to be nothing but a wet loose hole for men to breed. Is that what you want boy?” “Yes Sir! Ruin me please." “Good boy. You couldn’t help yourself this afternoon, could you? You needed more cock.” “I did Sir.” “I bet your cock hasn’t stopped dripping precum since you left here.” “It hasn’t Sir! I'm so horny.” “Perfect, and I know just the way to keep you like that. Come with me boy.” Holding the plug in place, Sir pulled his fingers from my hole and led me into the kitchen. “Stand right there boy.” Sir went to the freezer and pulled a handful of ice out, along with a small clear plastic object I couldn’t quite make out. With a wicked smile on his face Sir walked back to me and grabbed hold of my cock with his hand full of ice. It was so cold I gasped and tried to pull away but Sir held firm. “Stay still boy, I’m not going to hurt you. I just need to get your boy dick to go down a little.” I tried to steady my breathing and relax. Slowly I felt my dick going soft in his freezing hand. After what seemed like forever he took his hand away and then, tossing the ice into the sink, started to pull my cock and balls through what looked like a clear cock ring. Then he pushed a small clear shaft over my cock, it too was cold and I my cock shrunk a little bit more. Sir pushed the sheath over my cock and then connected it to the cock ring. He produced a small cylinder on a key from somewhere and locked the two together. I now had a small clear cock cage locked over my cock. “Now you can only cum when I want you to.”
    5 points
  7. This is the hottest chapter yet! At least I think it is!???☣ 22. The day came. Tony went to gym after school and right after, he got dressed and went to the shop. Almost everything was prepared when he got there. The lightning, the drinks... everything. Even the new bartender! His name was Ken and he was a hot 30 year old hunk. Aaron and Ray hat already gotten Ken dressed in leather chaps with a zip-down crotch a leather vest and a leather hat. Ray himself was dressed in a full leather get-up. Aaron wore leather pants and boots with a fishnet shirt. Tony got dressed in his own leather get-up - leather chaps, boots, harness and jacket. At ten o'clock - the party started. The two guys who worked part-time in the workshop were standing at the entraces and were taking the entrance-fee. In about an hour, the room filled with so many guys. The drinks poured, the shirts went off, the dancefloor filled and so did the other rooms. Aaron was dancing, drinking and having fun on the dancefloor. Tony just greeted uncle Rick, Danny, Sam and Duke as they made it to the party and then walked into the bathroom. What he saw got his cock hard as rock. There was at least one guy in each stall. Most of them got naked and awaited by the gloryholes in the stalls to get the next available cock in their mouth. The others were waiting in a line to fuck two guys, who were bent by the wall, getting every cock they could inside their now sloppy cunts - most of them raw. Some of the guys waiting in the line were so horny, that they couldn't wait and started to suck and jerk each other off. Everytime someone new came in to the bathroom, they screamed at him to join. Tony used one of the gloryhole whores and blew his hot poz load all over his face. Then he moved onto the shower room. He got undressed and walked inside. What he saw got him ready to shoot again! A group of at least ten guys were in the room, and instead of using the actual showers, they were getting a golden shower, pissing on each other, drinking each other's piss, or even fucking each other's asses full of piss and cum. This was no doubt the hottest and sleaziest gay party ever! He then entered the sauna. Four guys were inside. One was already riding the other's dick as the other one sat down and the other two were jerking each other off. Right after Tony sat down and closed the door, both of the guys that weren't busy fucking came towards him, seeing his monster cock. When they saw his tattoo, they stood in their place. One of them turned around and left. The other one shook his shoulders, dropped to his knees and started sucking him off. Then he realised who the guy riding the other one's cock on the other side of the sauna was. "Josh?!" 23. "Tony? Hi man!" said Josh, stopping his riding, but still grinding on the other guy's cock inside his ass. "What are you doing here?" "Uhm... I own this place actually!" "Really? Well done then. This is the best party I've ever been to!" "Thanks!" Tony lauged and added, while whimpering, feeling the hot mouth wrapped around his cock: "I see you've gotten out of your shell!" "Fuck yeah! Right after you fucked my hole full of your poz cum, I started craving more! God! I feel like I fucked half of the gay guys in town." Josh laughed. "Then I met this stud." he continued and squeezed the hard pec of the guy he was riding. The thought that he had turned Josh to barebacking was really hot. He stood up, pushed the guy who was sucking him down and started skullfucking him. "He... must... be one... lucky... fucker!" Tony whimpered as he raped the guy's throat mercilessly, even popping his cock out ouf his throat and slapping it on his face a few times, before sticking it back in and continuing his skullfuck. "Fuck yeah I am!" moaned Josh's boyfriend in response to Tony and slapped his ass. At that moment Tony noticed it. Josh's left asscheek now sported a big biohazard tattoo. At that moment, he blew his poz load into the deepthroated slut's throat. He groaned loudly and snorted as a pig once again. With that, Josh's boyfriend came inside Josh with a loud moan as well. On his way out of the sauna, Tony said bye to Josh by slapping his biahazard tat on his ass and sticking two fingers inside his ass, taking out a bit of his bf's hot poz cum and licked his fingers. He winked at Josh and left. When he made it back into the main room, the party was at full swing there as well. Some people were still dancing, although most of them only in shoes and underwear. The others were busy fucking, jerking and sucking each other. Some guys were by the bar fighting over who's gonna get a very special drink - a glass full of the bartender's warm piss, when he needs to release it again. He saw Sam, sitting on one of the stools, his big, pierced, toxic cock worshipped by three hungry sluts. He saw Duke, bent over one of the tables, getting his mancunt filled with all cum available. He found Ray, who was sitting by one of the tables, drinking a beer, while his heavily pierced cock was being sucked off by one hungy slut under the table. At the entrance, he saw his uncle and his boyfriend making out, while filling the asses of two boys - the part-time workers at their shop with poz cum, while they too were kissing, with read faces, moaning. He felt Aaron's hand on his bare ass and he realised he was only wearing his leather boots. He laughed, gave Aaron a hot wet kiss and they went in to join the fuck-fest hand in hand. The party went on until 6 in the morning and til the night over, everyone who stayed past midnight gave in to the lust and joined the fun. Not one cock stayed soft or dry and not one pair of balls stayed full. Tony was in heaven!
    5 points
  8. How the owners and members use an FNG, so what does an FNG stand for Fucking New Guy. You are new meat to be used in the limits you signed up for. If you had too many boundaries, they would not accept you into the group. I said I'm willing to be degraded and ready to go to events. Growing up on a farm this is a way for me to do some traveling, and see other people. Folsom Street East held in New York City was on 27th st. Before it, they moved to 28th st. Between 10th & 11th Ave. When I went the first attended. Being only one block long it gets crowded fast, and the temperature makes it hot. As I was an FNG all I wore were boots my chastity device and the chain with a lock around my neck. One of the group members had a dog leash attached to the chain and paraded me around. Their many people giving away free condoms and advice on safe sex like 90% of the people that attend are Gay Males. They introduced to a few people as a new FNG, and some put their hands on my butt cheeks and give me a squeeze and a compliment and ask my status and age. That night the members of the farm throw a party where they were using me as a urinal for thous who had Tina in their system, so not to wasted, as the bottoms they had were cum dumps. As much I want to get my hole used it was not and seeing the cum dumps getting fuck was driving me crazy, and it was painful as my dick strained against the cage it was locked up in. The piss Tina I ingested was the only good thing that happened, on the way home I smelled like piss, and I like it. Folsom Street San Franciso. This event takes over many blocks of streets with about 300,000 people attending. Again I' locked up in chastity with just boots with a lock chain around my neck. Sam takes me over to Master Taino for a flogging; we talk its all about consent and Master/slave dynamic. He tells me my back will have some marks and if I ok with them, I'm ok with them as it's like a badge of honor walking around with them here. Master Tiano ties me to a Saint Andrews cross and takes his hand across my body before the flogger is drag sensually across me. The first few hits are light as he is warming me up and stops every so often to checks in with me before he starts to hit me harder. My back and ass are getting a workout as some of the hits are so hard I think he is going to knock over the cross with me attached to it. I look around and see we have attracted a large crowd and some are taking pictures. Sam is laughing as Master Tiano is taking me down and hugging me and as my back is raw with a red ass. We walk around, and I'm getting a hardon with the way people are looking at me. Sam says bends over, pulls out his dick I know what that means as someone he knows starts to talk to him and ask if he can have a taste. I feel his tongue on my sweaty hot hole, and his finger go in my hole as he withdraws he says to Sam nice hole and shoves his dick in balls deep and starts to fuck me hard. As he fucks me, I see people gathering around, and a few are asking Sam if they can use my hole. After the first one drops his load in my ass, I feel his cum running down my leg. The second person with a P.A. drives right in, as he is thick as he fucks my ass. I see next to me is someone who is cleaning off the dicks after they fuck me. I think 5 or 6 people fuck me as when I stood up people were cheering as Sam handed me a butt plug so I won't be leaking on the streets. I'm walking with flogging marks on my back and a butt plug in my ass as I see others getting fuck, doing blow jobs, getting fisted, pissed on, whipped, suspended. On stage, people are flagging, and I like doing that at the Gay Pride parade in New York so I ask Sam if I can go up there. They have extra flags for me to use, so the 3 of us are waving the rainbow-colored flag to the music, and we are having a great time. I might post about going down the rabbit hole not sure right now.
    4 points
  9. Part 1 Continued... Parker responded with a cocky shit eating grin then stuffed the baggie into his jeans pocket. Then I noticed it. It was something about his eyes, it was as if they were trying to emulate the reflection of a cocky and confidant at athlete but hid something deeper. If eyes are the windows in to one’s soul, beneath the portrayal of a popular high school athlete it seemed like they were the eyes of a captain commanding a stricken sailing vessel during a hurricane. The eyes just lacked hope… It was then I heard the slamming of the door as the volleyball player, had slammed to close as he left. I walked to the security monitors and watched him walk to a Mercedes GT AMG and peel off into the night. What could explain those eyes, I thought to myself. Why would a seemingly popular, rich, athlete have those eyes. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Hunters voice. “See something you like?” I turned to Hunter by instinct and I saw his eyes gaze down and chuckle. “Seems, so” stated Hunter as he glazed down to my crotch. I glanced down and saw that precum had soaked through the pants on my slate colored business pants. I could feel my cheeked turning red from embarrassment. Hunter had known that I was gay for a long time and did not give a fuck. The delivery of 90% of his profits back in the form of clean currency over four years ago took care of any prejudices about who I fucked. “So…”, I asked Hunter. “That was Volleyball. I call him that because he always wears some type of his volleyball gear when we do deals. It was a jersey here, jacket there, hoodie, or a full set of his high school warmup, I think it makes him feel confidant and he is a hot piece of shit. After my first few deals, I asked him about it and he told me that it helped bring in a bunch of pussy. I looked him up too and I think he is damned good at his sport. Hell, I was the one that taught him how to fake the drug tests, so he could play. Anyways, don’t think he will be sucking you off or anything. As far as I know his cock goes into about three different pussies a month on average. The only time volleyball did something with another guy was at a party I was supplying.” I motioned Hunter to continue. “It was some CIF regional playoff party. Apparently, they had won a big game and all the rich kids on the team threw a large party. Parker had scored the winning kill and was hosting. Until then, he was a kid that bought Adderall to keep up with school. That evening he came in with damp with sweat in his all white volleyball uniform and drops 2K on this table and asked for the “hard and good shit”. Later I get a text from him that he needed more supply and the cash was in his room. I drove over the mansion where Volleyball lived, went to drop off the goods and collect the cash. In his room was Volleyball and another guy jerked each other off both drugged out of their minds on the pot laced with Tina I gave them. Hell, I doubt he remembers that night based on the booze on his breath and all the goods that I supplied.” With that Hunter walked to the closet door and opened it grabbing a coat. “If you’re done, scooping out my customers and looking for a boyfriend you’re going to do it tomorrow. I gotta hit up the club.” As I stood up, I buttoned my jacket to cover the stain on my crotch and walked to the door. The cool Pacific breeze hit me as I walked out. Parker, #1, Volleyball stud…my mind and cock raced filled with lust as I entered my car.
    4 points
  10. I was at a loose end in Brighton, and decided to head into the local sauna as I had a couple of hours to kill and a ball sac full of cum. Once at the sauna I headed to the dark room, and found, to my surprise, the room was so packed it was difficult to get in as there were lots of hot sweaty bodies past which I had to squeeze. I found myself turned on by a bloke who, on his knees, gave me a hot blow job, which got me nicea nd hard. Now erect, I slid through the crowd, looking to find one or more bottoms willing to take daddy cock. A nice willing arse over the bench was already lubed and used. Naturally I rammed my now rock hard cock into the hole. After about five minutes of time in the guy's arse I realised there was somebody else bent over next to the guy I was fucking. I obliged the offer of a second arse by pulling out of the first guy, and sliding into the second guy's arse which, like the first guy I had fucked, was well-lubed. I was really into this guy as he had a meaty arse with a tight hole and was a bit more active as he actively milked my cock with his arse. I was about to blow my load when a third guy lay next to the meaty arse, so again I obliged and slid my cock into him, thrust a few times to edge myself, and when on the cusp, pulled out and slid back into the second arse, blowing my cum into the guy. Afterwards I withdrew and presented my cock to the first guy, getting him to lick me clean. All in all it was a very nice afternoon which left me, one very pleased horny daddy bear, sharing my cum with three willing cum dumps. ????? ?☣️☣️☣️
    4 points
  11. I decided to hit the Club as I was in St Louis. As I had never before been there, it took some time to find my way around, but on my first Round I found the booths where I also found a nice cock and after some convincing, a load in my ass from another nice cock. It was a nice back and forth with him reaching and playing with my larger guiche which I had gotten that same day. That was really nice. Realizing the Club, unlike some baths, stored all the additional 'amenities' at the front, I headed back to the front where I grabbed some poppers and had some alone time. Round 2. I headed back out, this time through the steam room. Now keep in mind, not a lot of guys were there, but those that were looked promising, including a well-hung guy sitting in the steam room. I chose a nice corner in which I could have been readily fucked, but all too quickly the heat caught-up with me, so I headed out, still up on poppers. Returning to the booths for another round, I heard the click of the latch on the door of the middle booth. Apparently the occupant had just left. So I entered that booth and found a cock, mmmm, nice, about eight inches, was sticking through the glory hole on the right side of the booth. I opened by sucking on it, and after some time turned around and presented my ass, the ultimate pleasure. He was quite willing to fuck me. Aligning my ass just right, and, fuck, oh yes. He pounded deeeep. About someone entered the booth on the left side of my booth, and a second cock presented itself for my services. Well, the only bad thing I’ll say about the booths is, perhaps, they're too wide. I had to struggle to get keep my ass in the position to get deep-dicked, yet to stroke myself, and finally to suck the other man's dock. The set-up really wasn't working very well for me to service the two cocks simultaneously. Still, I did my best to suck the one guy, pleasure myself, and still concentrate on satisfying the cock in my ass, but the guy fucking me was not going for the quick load, but the long haul. About then another cock slid through a second glory hole in the booth to my right, so now I was stroking myself, trying to suck two cocks, and to get reamed by a third guy, (or in this case, technically the first, since his cock was in my ass before I began playing with either of the other two guys). There were a couple of ins and outs on the side booths and as much as I’d have love another couple of loads in my mouth, the cock and the spacing just wasn't good. Finally the guy fucking me said "I wanna fuck you in the sling." So, as I had never been in a sling, but had been enticed by the prospects of doing so, I was sure up for that. The two of us made our way to the sling, I got into position, and, with my legs back, his cock was deep in my hole. I loved the experience. A couple of guys peered over, watching, some smoking. I found myself thinking of each voyeur 'I bet you wanna be next', and sure enough, one guy came over and began playing my ringed cock and balls. The top in my ass was pounding along, which meant this was probably the longest, most frustrating fuck I’ve had. He continually teased me, seemingly without intent of actually cumming, but to my pleasure his rhythm picked-up, his breath became increasingly ragged, and his increased sweat told me he was close, so with each deep thrust I milked his cock with my ass muscles. His moans drove me nuts. Suddenly he stopped. I continued trying to milk his cock, and could feel his cock swelling as I clamped down. Oh, fuck, what a sensation. I couldn't have been happier. Then he withdrew. I automatically said 'thanks', but the sensation of having no cock in my ass was frustrating. Needing a rest I headed back to my room to watch some porn, take some poppers and stroke myself for a bit.
    3 points
  12. Slammed and being fucked bareback right now. I love it.
    3 points
  13. Part I Meeting the Star I first saw him, on the security feed, when I was providing "financial services" for a local dealer. He was about 6'1 and 200lb of sculpted muscle along with turquoise eyes and buzzed brown hair. As he approached I saw he was wearing a blue jersey with the #1 on it, a jacket that said KINGS Volleyball, and a pair of jeans. With every step he took closer to the door, the harder my dick became. The finally, I heard a knock. Hunter, the dealer I was working for, went to the door and opened it, "Yo, Parker how is going. Whatcha need?" So Parker was his name...lustful thoughts filled my head as I wondered what Parker's pussy would be like. As the Adonis on the screen stepped into the light, my semi rigid cock raised to full mast, The kid was drop dead gorgeous and apparently a jock too given what he was wearing. The faint outline of the jeans indicated a tight but round ass probably from being on the volleyball team. "Just the usual" replied Parker. Hunter went to his desk and opened his drawer withdrawing a ziplock bag with some weed in it. Looking a the volleyball jock, I saw his eyes examine the other stock available. Perhaps he has used some more heavy duty shit and with this a fantasy of a drugged out Parker having his volleyball sculpted ass being ploughed by me entered my brain. Apparently, Hunter saw the same gaze towards the stronger stuff. "Sure? I got some speed or Tina that you got last time for that part." said Hunter "Nah, dude. I got a game tomorrow. I can't be drugged out for that one. Coach told me that a ESPN reporter and a few college scouts are going to be at it." stated Parker. As Parker reached into his jacket pocket, he noticed me. "He cool man?" as Parker motioned his head towards me. "Dude, if he wasn't cool he won't be in here, K" responding to Parker. As volleyball jock withdrew his wallet and started getting out the cash, my glances revealed that he was a senior and was 18 per his drivers license. Parker, fished out the cash and laid it on the table. With that exchange, Hunter threw the baggie to Parker, who agilely grabbed it out of the air. As the baggie was being stuffed in the the back of his jeans, the definition in his arms was not hidden by his high school volleyball jacket, "Thanks, dude" replied Parker "No problem, P. If you need some more or anything else it's all here for you." Hunter said as he gathered the cash. To be continued...
    3 points
  14. Went for something different last night. Hooked up with someone hung, muscular (young bear type), and horny - but who was also a really sweet guy. We started off in missionary before he manhandled me onto my side and finally on my stomach. Loved feeling his thick eight inches bottoming out in me. After he shot a load in me, I stroked one out, and we chatted. Like I said, a sweet guy with a sense of humor. Chatting led to making out, and making out led to me sucking his half-hard dick into a full-fledged hardon. This time we skipped missionary and he went straight to him plowing me doggie/flat on my stomach. We made out as we fucked, with me alternately turning around to suck his tongue, sucking on his fingers, kissing his (big) biceps, and whimpering with my eyes rolling back like a mindless whore. Felt good getting load number two from my stud.
    3 points
  15. PART 10 I backed up towards the bench, as the new stranger in my booth turned his back to me and fed a few tokens into the booth’s machine til a gay porn appeared on the screen. Now, he turned and faced me. He was taller than me and thin, with a mustache. It was hard to tell in the dark, but he was 35, maybe 40? After looking to the door to make sure it was locked, he slid off his shoes and then his pants and underwear, so he was naked for the waist down. He walked over to me and grabbed at my shirt and pulled it up and over my head, tossing it on the bench. Next my shorts were pulled down and thrown on the bench. I was naked in the booth. I looked down to see an already hard cock, long with a big mushroom head and low hanging balls that swung freely. “You like getting fucked don’t you” he whispered. I just nodded. “How many guys have fucked you so far?” He asked. “Two” i whispered back. “Turn around and show me your hole.” He whispered. I immediately spun around and spread my legs wide and bent over, using the bench to brace my knees and the wall to lean into. I felt his hands grip my cheeks and spread me wider. Then the roughness of his beard as it grazed the inside of my ass cheeks. Then his tongue as it licked and stabbed and swirled around my asshole. I gasped and moaned and bucked my hips as he teased my sensitive hole with his mouth. Finally coming up for air I felt hi leaning over me as he whispered “they came inside you.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact. I felt hi lining up his cock as he pushed and I felt that pressure and then the sharp pain as it gave and three inches of cock slid into me. I focused on relaxing as he worked into me. He was aggressive but not trying to hurt me. I clenched my jaw as my hole began to relax and take his cock. He wasn’t the thickest but he was long and soon he was fucking me deep and giving me long strokes. My hard cock would hit my belly once in a while as he fucked me harder and harder. I didn’t need to touch it. The feelings in my hole were completely satisfying. I could hear his breathing getting quicker and his pumping get erratic and focused on pushing back. With a deep thrust and a grunt, he pumped load number three into me, as he collapsed over me. I felt his cock throb as he worked to make sure he had pumped out all of his sperm into my guts. I ground back into him greedily, wanting to make sure he gave me every drop. “Hungry little slut” he whispered laughing. Without a word, he slid out and quckly dressed. I was so weak kneed, I just slid into the bench and managed to get my T-shirt on. As I caught my breath, he straightened up, slid open the lock and with a quick open and shut was out the door. The porn played on, as some guy got his giant cock sucked by another hot guy. I sat, still naked from the wAist down, in my T-shirt with my shorts draped over my lap. My cock was still hard, my hole was tender, but the sounds and that smell... that smell of cum and sex, just wouldn’t let go of me. I told myself to get up and lock he door, to give myself a moment to collect myself and then get going. I had gotten fucked three times in the last thirty minutes or so. I am definitely going to get up and lock the door. In one minute. I had two reasons for that. One to give my legs a chance to stop shaking from being bent over like that over and over. And two, and I didn’t want to admit it, but I thought maybe I will give it one minute and if nobody comes in, then I really can lock the door and leave. The gay porn was playing loud and clear, so anyone outside it knew what I was watching. I was still naked from the waist down. And I was about to get up and lock the door. I had almost begun to stand up when I heard it. It was definitely getting louder and closer, the sound of a person walking, shoes sliding on the hallway floor, then pausing outside my door. I could see the shadow of someone from the edge under the door. That almost nauseating bundle of nerves and fear and excitement hit me, as I watched the door knob slowly start to turn. He didn’t hesitate. He just slid in and closed the door, quickly locking it behind him, before turning to face me. And as I looked at him, I decided immediately not to be shy. Not for this guy. And I quickly pulled my shorts off my lap and stood up to offer myself for his inspection. And even though I’d already been there and my hole was well used, this guy had relit my fire. He was hot. And please I thought to myself, please want to fuck me.
    3 points
  16. 21. Someone banged on the door. It was Saturday morning. Tony opened the door and saw Aaron's brother Chase. "Hi! Is... Aaron home?" "Yeah sure" answered Tony and called for Aaron. When the two brothers saw each other, they laughed and hugged. "What are you doing here?" "I came to give this to you." said Chase and gave Tony a rather big stash of money and added: "that's the money grandpa and grandma saved for you over the years before they died. Mum told me, that they wished all of their money went to us after they die. I convinced Mum and Dad to take it out of the bank, so that I could give it to you. You need it more than me anyway!" "That's a lot of money Chase! Thank you!" Aaron hugged his brother. "Uhmm.... one more thing! I was wondering if... if we could see each other sometimes? I mean it's not like you're gonna come home for Christmas or something" said Chase on his way out and laughed nervously. Aaron hugged him again and said: "Of course! Call me anytime you want! Anytime!" "Hello! Is this Mr. Bensen?" "Yeah... I am, who are you and why are you calling?" "I'm Aaron Zhan. I work with Ray in the tattoo salon next to your building. Ray told me you wanted to sell it?" Could we meet up sometime?" Aaron and Tony both met up with Mr. Bensen the next day. Aaron got to know about him from Ray when he was getting his biohazard tat, which now proudly rested across his upper back.. He was a short man in his fifties. "Ya know, I wanted to make a bar out of this place, but both of my partners for the thing backed out and the whole plan just crashed." He showed them around. It was a single floor building, right next to RAY'S. The above ground space consisted out of 5 rooms - two smaller ones, two big ones, and the final one was a bathroom with multiple urinals and toilets. The real deal was underground! The underground consisted out of one big ass room with an amazing, huge dancefloor. Some things were already in place - for example a big black bar with stools and shelves and everything! Behind the bar was a storage room. There were four doors leading from the big room - one back to the stairs up, one on the further end with a long corridor with six doors on each side - similar to the one in the bar Tony liked to go to, one to the bathroom, again with multiple stalls and urinals, and the final one led to two more medium sized rooms. "Is the original price still up?" asked Aaron towards Mr. Bensen. "It is." "We'll take it then." "Great! You won't be disapointed!" "We know we won't." Tony and Aaron grinned at each other. The preparations started on Tuesday. They bought lights, a red retro jukebox, a lot of alcohol (thank god the licence came with the building). They closed a deal with Ray and his shop and became partners. They brought one of their common walls down so that the two buildings were connected, made a website. Then they bought two more tattoo chairs, an a lot of gear for tattoos and piercings and the first of the two big rooms, now connected to Ray's tattoo room was made into an even bigger and better tattoo room! The second big room was divided in two by a wall. The first one with the entrance to the building was the "reception room" and the waiting room. The second one was filled with other stuff - poppers, dildos, porn, some clothing and all kinds of other stuff. The two smaller rooms were made into simple "offices". One for Aaron and Tony, one for future employees. The corridor with six doors was painted red and black, illuminated with dim lightning and each room got either a bed or a sex sling. The second corridor with two rooms got other kind of special treatment. The first bigger room was made into showers - like the ones at Tony's gym and they even built in a sauna in the back of the big room. The other room stayed for now empty. All of this was payed by the money Aaron's grandparents saved for him, plus most of Tony's savings. It wasn't cheap at all! Uncle Rick also donated some money to the cause. They got a few calls from multiple porn companies which saw their website and were interested in renting out some of their rooms for a few hours during the week for shooting their scenes, and Aaron and Tony figured out, they paid rather generously! Then they hired two young guys to help out in the as a part-time job (they switched every other day and only for a few hours in the afternoon) The shop, tattoo parlor, bar and sex club all in one was now no longer called RAY'S. The new neon sign above the entrance now read: DEIMOS in red neon lights and beneath it: the best and hottest gay club in town! Then it was only time to plan the first event! They naturally came up with a steamy fuck-fest!
    3 points
  17. 20. The following Monday Tony and Aaron made the trip to Ray's tattoo parlor as Tony had an appointment scheduled with Ray to figure out his next ink, and Aaron was thinking about getting some ink work done. When they stepped through the door Ray called-out "Lock the door and put the 'closed' sign in the window. Once done, and turning into the shop, Ray stepped forward, greeted Tony like an old friend, and Tony introduced Aaron saying "This is Aaron. He's my friend and, well... let's just say he just finally got away from something that was holding him away from living his life. And we thought be could get a few exciting things here." "Sure. Always glad to help turning a good boy into a bad one!" Ray grinned, showing them around the shop, where, after Ray said the visit was free for Tony, and if Aaron was with Tony, well, the same followed. Aaron ended up getting 10 different jockstraps a full leather get-up - only slightly different than Tony's, a fishnet shirt and one see-through shirt. Then it was time for the ink. Tony had been thinking about it all week but hadn't settled on a specific design. He did know, however, he didn't want to have both of his arms or pecs tattooed just yet. And he didn't want to cover his abs with a tattoo either. "So... Aaron. You wanna get something done as well?" asked Ray. "Uhm... I'm not really sure. I would but I don't know what to get." "Well I could show you some nice designs or you could get something pierced or just anything." "Where's Buck and Ronny?" asked Tony. "You know, the other tattoo artist and the cashier?" "Oh, they both left last week, Buck apparently got a better offer in one of the big tattoo parlors in town - a place that is busy with women and straight guys. As I'm sure you're aware, this shop is patronized almost exclusively by gay guys. And as for Ronnie, I don't even know what was the reason." "Wow, that sucks, man!" said Tony. "Yeah. That's why you had to turn the sign to closed when you came in. It's nearly impossible to do the ink, handle the piercings and also help guys looking at the clothing. I gotta find someone quick 'cause It's Monday afternoon and I'm already worn out as shit!" "Uhmm... Aaron could do it!" Tony offered. "What? Wait!" said Aaron quickly. "Oh c'mon. You yourself said you're officially filing in the papers for dropping out of your law major! This is the perfect opportunity to find a nice job! Plus I've seen your drawing and they were so fucking good!" "Really? Do you have any in your phone?" asked Rey all excited. Aaron took out his phone and showed him a few of his drawings. "Are those really yours? They're fucking great!" said Ray, who suggested "If you're interested, you could work the clothing section for the start. The salary is around $700.00 per week. And then I could maybe start teaching you how to tattoo and pierce some designs and eventually you'd do tatts and piercings full time. Then you'd earn much more. And since I'm short of employees and partner right now you'd have the title as vice-manager!" "I don't think you'll get a better offer. He's offering you a nice job and quite a nice starting salary!" said Tony. "Uhmm... Yeah! Why not! I think I'd really like it here! Yeah sure, why the fuck not! I'm taking the offer!" said Aaron with excitement. "Fuck yeah! That's amazing! When can you start?" "Uhm... so I'll file the papers tomorrow. And then I'll go in to finish it up and pay for everything that's left unpaid after my parents threw me out and stopped paying for it the day after... that'll be Wednesday. So...Thursday! I can start on Thursday!" "Fucking great!" replied Ray who added "Work starts at 9:00 A.M., and the store opens at 10:00. I'm looking forward to it!" "Yeah! Thanks Ray, me too!" "I think I got it!" said Tony as he picked his next ink. After around four hours it was done. Tony's new tattoo was a beautiful set of natural and elemental images all inside what looked like a beautiful ornament that would hang on a native shaman's wall or something. It was placed on the side of his torso, under his already tatted left arm. "Fucking cool," Aaron remarked admiringly, giving a small whistle, adding "I think, by the way, I've chosen a design for myself." This time, Tony went into the tattoo room with Ray and Aaron, to see Aaron chosen small black tunnel ear piercings, with which he looked really good. The tattoo Aaron picked was a tribal design which he wanted to place around his left arm, right under the shoulder, explaining it reminded him of a painting in his late Grandpa's house. Not only it was a beautiful design, it also made him a thousand times hotter. So how, in fact, Tony's cock stiffened up inside his pants a bit! The third and final thing Aaron picked were black bar piercings through his nips! Tony couldn't help it. When Ray was piercing Aaron's virgin nipples and inserting the two black instruments of pleasure and hotness, he started massaging his hard cock inside his jeans. "Someone's all horned up." said Ray as he finished Aaron's seconds nipple. "Fuck, yeah! I mean... just three days ago, he was a good boy - out of necessity really 'cause of his parents - and in those three days, I got him drunk for the first time, took him to get his first piercing and tattoo and fucked his hole full of poz cum." "Really?" said Ray with a grin, grabbed his cock through his black jean, and asked "You think he's ready for a recharge?" "I don't know. That's up to him I guess." Tony grinned and looked at Aaron. "Fuck yeah I'm ready!" Aaron grinned, stood up and grabbed both of their crotches. Ray and Tony both took their clothes off and Tony saw Ray naked for the first time. His skin was almost fully covered in tattoos - his arms, his chest, his back, even most of his legs. Apart from the multiple piercings on his face, he had piercings liberally placed over his body. His nipples sported big chunky silver rings, his belly button was pierced with a long curved silver bar and when he took off his underwear, his big black cock, thick and a full nine inches was revealed, sporting a big chunky PA piercing and also a set of bar piercings that ran in a straight line through his cock's underside and his ballsack, starting beneath his cockhead and ending behind his balls. Aaron got on his knees and started sucking Ray off, feeling the cold metal on his tongue and throat. Ray moaned and groaned as Tony grabbed his thick nipple rings and started twisting them. Ray was in heaven! Aaron took the cock out of his mouth, slapped himself with it across his mouth, and asked "Who's fucking me?" Tony winked at him in response, slapping his monster cock on his hand. Aaron bent over the tattoo chair and Tony pushed his cock inside his manhole again, welcomed with a wild grunt. Ray stood on the other side of the table, his cock inside Aaron's mouth, the unmistakable look of lust on his face. Tony started fucking Aaron's ass for the second time, again really hard and with no mercy, accompanied with wild grunts from all three men. Before long Tony felt his hot poz load building up. He slammed his cock in harder and harder, until he let out a wild shout and once again pumped Aaron's man cunt full of his toxic seed. He realised he snorted! Snorted like an actual pig! Reaching forward, Tony's cock still inside Aaron's hoke, he twisted Ray's pierced nipple's with such strength Ray immediately blew his huge cum load inside Aaron's mouth. Of course Aaron gulped down the load. Of course all good things had to come to an end, and as the men were cleaning themselves up Tony thought to ask "Hey Ray, you got a buttplug somewhere here?" "Yeah, sure,' Ray answered, reached into one of the drawers in the table beside the tattoo chair and locating a small black buttplug which he handed to Tony. "Thanks." said Tony as he took it from Ray's hand, popped his cock out of Aaron's hole and plugged it with the buttplug, commenting with a grin "Just heightening the chances." After Aaron successfully dropped out of college and finished his first two days working with Ray, which he rather enjoyed, he came down sick. morning he got sick. First thing Tony did was cook warm chicken soup. The second thing he did was jerking out and blowing his toxic seed into the soup, thinking that if Aaron was converting, it would've officially the first time he had pozzed a guy. The third thing he did was to text Ray: - Tony: - aaron's sick - - i think it's the FLU☣?? - - i don't think he can go to work next week - - idk when he's gonna get better??? - - Ray: - fucking hot!☣?? - - it's ok. i should be able to handle it alone for a few days. Hopefully. - i got a shipment of some brand new HIV home testing kits. you want one for aaron? the test is done in 20 mins. - Tony: - yeah thx. Pick it up on monday? - Ray: - sure - When Tony saw Aaron was feeling fine again on Thursday of that week, he was eager to find out Aaron's new status as soon as possible. Tony took a sample of his blood first and then he told Aaron to jerk off into the small cup from the testing kit. Aaron lay back on Tony's legs and jerked off as Tony played with Aaron's pierced nipples and kissed his neck. Then he took the samples back to the kitchen and left the chemistry to do it's thing. After about 20 minutes of playing with his cock overflowing with thoughts of how he propably pozzed Aaron, he came back and checked the result. POSITIVE Right then, right there, his big toxic cock exploded with poz cum inside his pants.
    3 points
  18. 2. I sat at home an hour, naked, my cock dripping, the butt plug still deep in my hole. I couldn’t focus. I kept rocking on my couch moving the butt plug around in my hole, feeling it stretch in different directions and pull at my well used ring. It felt good, but not as good as Sir’s cock had felt, and a little voice inside my head started to wonder if I could wait till Sir was done with work. Maybe Sir was right, maybe I did need fucked again right now. Some part of me still couldn’t really believe I was doing it, but I pulled up Scruff and started looking for someone who looked like he had a big cock and would use me like Sir had. I started to scroll, and looked anew at some of the guys who had said they weren’t into “just a blow job.” With my new need to be fucked a whole new set of guys were available to me. I had one in mind really from the start if I am honest. A 45 year old Daddy, a little on the heavier side, with hard furry pecs. He also sent me pictures of his monstrously thick cock. Every time he messaged me he said he wanted to pound my hole and I’d always put him off. But not today. I sent him a quick hello and scrolled through more guys while I waited. It didn’t take long for him to rely. “Hey! How are you today?” “I’m good. Kinda horny,” I lied. I was dying I was so horny. “Same. Although I’ve told you before I’m not into the blow job only scene.” “Well that’s good,” I replied, “'cause I want you to fuck me.” “Oh yeah? What changed your mind?” I thought for a long moment and then decided to answer truthfully, “I just too my first raw cock and honestly I’m horny as fuck for more.” “Fuck! How long ago?” “Like a few hours ago.” “Oh shit! His load still in you?” “Yeah. It's being held in by a butt plug.” “Fuck yes! You want me to add to that cummy hole?” “Yes Sir! Come over and breed me.” I sent him my address. “Be there in 15. Leave the plug in but be naked. I don’t have a lot of time today so I want that hole ready.” “I’m already naked. Come and get it,” was my response. He said nothing else, and my heart was pounding for the eleven minutes it took him to get to my place. I buzzed up the Daddy and then waited by the door for him, my hole clenched tight around the plug wedged in me. When he knocked I flung the door open, forgetting for a second that I was naked. “Good boy,” he said pushing inside. He closed the door behind him and pulled off his shirt. My cock dripped with anticipation as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants. He hadn’t bothered to wear underwear and his cock was already half hard. Without having to be told what to do I dropped to my knees and swallowed his thick mushroom head. His cock wasn’t as big as Sir’s but it was thick and I knew it would feel amazing slamming in and out of my wet hole. The Daddy was clearly only interested in having me suck him just long enough to get him completely hard, because as soon as his cock was at full attention he pushed me off and said “Bend over the couch kid.” I jumped up off my knees and rushed over to the couch in my living room. I knelt on the seats and bent over the back, exposing my plugged hole to him. “Fuck you weren’t kidding. That’s fucking hot boy. Be even hotter if that hard little prick of yours was locked up in a cage. Show everyone what a good bottom slut you are.” He started to pull on the plug, first tugging it back against my ring and then pushing it back inside. I groaned, and he laughed. “You love feeling this plug in your cunt boy?” “Yes,” I whimpered. “I bet you’ll love my cock even more then,” and suddenly he pulled the plug from my hole with a wet pop. I gasped, I felt cold air hit my hole and knew that I was gaping open from being stretched for so long. Then warm spit hit my hole followed by the unmistakable head of a cock. I pushed back against his cock, willing it inside of me. I was in no mood to be teased. I wanted that dick and I wanted it right now. The Daddy quickly obliged and grabbing my hips, slammed his cock all the way inside me. With a grunt he began to slam into me. A wet squishing sound seemed to echo around me as he drilled my wet hole. I knew this wasn’t going to be a long fuck. This man intended to rut my hole, this man who’s name I also did not know, was going to breed me. His right hand left my hip and entwined itself in my hair, pulling me up and forcing my back to arch deeper. He slammed harder and harder. Finally, with something like a roar he pushed my face down into the couch and rutted his cock balls deep in my ass, his seed pumping deep into my guts. He held me down until he was finished. He stayed there for a minute till his breath returned to normal. Then he withdrew, roughly shoving the plug back into my hole. I whimpered. “Stay just like that boy. I want to look at that well bred cunt as I leave.” I obeyed and stayed on the couch with my ass in the air until I heard the front door close. It was then that I noticed the puddle of precum on the couch from where my cock had dripped and quickly lapped it up. I was still so fucking horny.
    3 points
  19. This is not the story of some straight muscle jock suddenly becoming gay, or the story of a “top only” homo learning to bottom. No, I came out when I was 15, I’ve always thought of myself as vers, though mainly in theory. I’ve topped boys, and I’ve been topped, but in the end, I found that anal just wasn’t really my thing. I loved giving head. It was my passion. This though is the story of how I found a new passion, of how I learned that I actually do enjoy anal, and more than that I need it. This is the story of how I learned that my ass hole is not a hole but a pussy, more over a cunt that needs filled with seed. This is the story of how I became a cumpig to a rough, bear, with a fat cock. This is the story of the man who changed my life. This is the story of how I become a bottom for raw cock. First a little about me. I’ve never thought that I was exceptionally attractive, though I think I’m pretty cute and at the time of this story was 27. I’m about 5 foot nine, with light brown hair; I’ve never loved my natural hair so usually I dye it blonde in the summer leaving me with blonde streaks for most of the year. I work out fairly regularly, though I still eat whatever I want so I’m not terribly thin and I certainly don’t have a six pack. What I do have is a narrow waist, a nice chest, arms with a strong vein running down the bicep, and a thick bouncy ass from lots of running. I’m not what you’d call super hairy by any means but I’ve got a nice covering across my chest and down my stomach, and a nice hairy ass. At the time I met Sir I think I’d been fucked maybe half a dozen times in my life, though I’d certainly sucked more than my share of cocks. On this particular day that’s what I was aiming to do. Having just gotten home from the gym, I lay on my bed in just my still sweaty shorts scrolling through my porn Tumblr (I miss porn Tumbler so much) my cock getting harder as I scrolled. I’m always super horny when I get back from the gym and today was no exception. I started to think that more than jerking off I wanted to swallow a thick cock. It was maybe 1 P.M. on a Saturday and in Harlem there is almost always someone around. Opening up Scruff I started to scroll. I sent out some woofs and some messages to regulars when he messaged me. His profile photo was of a solidly built torso with beautiful pink nipples, thick dark hair, and a strong treasure trail leading out of the frame, what it didn’t have was a head. Still I read though his stats. He was 41, lived with in a half mile of me, six feet tall, muscular. I opened his message. Directly following his quick greeting was a photo of a thick fat cock. It had a broad flat head, several thick veins running down the toilet paper roll thick shaft, thick dark pubes at the base, and two heavy looking low hanging balls hanging below. Without even seeing his face I was taken in. I wanted to swallow that cock. I loved feeling my jaw stretched to its maximum around a dick. I wanted to feel that man’s cum hit the back of my throat. “Damn, that’s a beautiful cock” I responded. “Thanks, boy,” he replied a few seconds later, asking "what are you looking for?” “Honestly I just got home from the gym and I’m horny as fuck. I really want to suck some cock today.” “Well, what a surprise. I’m looking for someone to come suck my fat cock for me.” “Perfect!” I responded, and then before I could ask him for a face pic or anything else he sent me his address. “Come get this fat cock now if you want it boy. Don’t bother showering from the gym or anything. Just come get my dick in your mouth.” My cock throbbed. I don’t know why but there was something about him, the way he talked, or maybe just the sight of his absolutely perfect cock. Whatever it was that something overruled the rest of my brain. I pulled a shirt on, slipped into some shoes, and grabbed my keys. He only lived ten blocks downtown from me and I had walked half way there before I remembered I didn’t know what he looked like. In another half-block I decided I didn’t care. I had no idea how much things were going to change for me over the next few hours and days. I got to his apartment as quickly as I could. I buzzed the door. A somewhat gruff if tinny voice came across the speaker saying only "Third floor,” as the door lock clicked open. The stairs were at the back of the building. As I walked down the typical narrow New York apartment building hallway I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Then, there I was, right in front of his door. Taking a deep breath, I knocked. There was a brief pause and then the door opened. There he stood, the most perfect man I had ever seen. I had been prepared for some troll with a good body, but the man who stood before me was stunning. He had a broad, strong, handsome face, and a thick black mustache across his whole top lip. His tight black t-shirt was stretched thin across his wide muscular chest and a thick tuft of chest hair stuck up from the collar. He clearly wasn’t wearing underwear, and through his thin basketball shorts I could see the outline of his semi-hard cock. “Get in here boy,” his resonant baritone voice rumbling in my chest. “And strip.” I stepped inside and he closed the door behind me. Without thought or hesitation I stripped off my clothes, even though I was a little surprised. My experience had been that a guy who just wanted his dick sucked would simply whip it out, and neither of us would actually get undressed. This man however, clearly had different ideas. “Good boy. I’m Michael,” he said, and I blushed a little realizing along with not asking what he looked like I also hadn’t asked his name. For a split second I asked myself what kind of spell had he placed over me. “Stephen,” I replied. “That’s great, but from now on you will address me as 'Sir' and I will address you 'Boy'. Is that clear?” I nodded. “When I ask you a question you respond with ‘Yes Sir’, boy.” “Yes Sir” I replied immediately replied. I had no idea why I was saying it but it made my cock hard to do so. I think I was harder than I had ever been before. My mouth was watering I wanted so badly to get my lips around that cock. “Now, let’s get you what you came here for.” With that he pulled his shirt off revealing the torso from his profile photo. His thick chest hair swirled over strong muscular pecs, his middle was thick with muscles without ever really manifesting into a six pack. He looked like the sort of man who gained his bulk from physical work not the gym. He walked over to the couch, and just before he sat down he pushed his gym sorts off revealing his perfect cock. I stared at it, half hard, sticking up slightly from his crotch but still too soft to fully lift its own weight. “Well,” he said shaking his cock at me, “come wrap those pretty dick sucking lips around my cock, boy.” I basically sprinted the few feet between us and fell to my knees between his legs. His crotch smelled musty, of sweat and testosterone. I loved it. Hungrily I licked around his head, pulling the still mostly soft cock into my mouth. I felt it start to harden as I swallowed the shaft down. It grew thicker and thicker in my mouth with each bob of my head. I was in heaven. My own cock was hard as a rock, and I moved to jerk it slowly as I sucked him but Sir had other ideas. “Get your fucking hand off your cock. Did I say you could jerk off? No, you get off when I say you can boy.” He shoved my head down hard, pushing more of his cock into my mouth. I gagged a little but just kept swallowing. I wanted his load down my throat more than anything in the world and I was willing to work for it. I swallowed him to the balls, my nose nestled deep in his pubes breathing in his scent. His hands drifted from the back of my head down my body as he leaned forward. His cock thrust forward, shoving more than I thought possible down my throat, my eyes were watering, and I was so focused on what I was doing that I barely noticed his hand reach my ass. My body however responded for me. I felt my back arch, and my ass stick out more as I stuck my tongue out and licked at his balls. I was light headed and it was as if there was no more air left in my body but I didn’t care: I needed his load in my stomach. One of his fingers rubbed against my hole, and to my own surprise I moaned around his cock. The more I sucked him, and the more he teased my hole the more I started to think that I might want him to fuck me. It seemed crazy at the time, I probably hadn’t bottomed in over a year, but now I was starting to think I wanted this massive cock inside me. He must have read my mind, “I think you want more than to just swallow my cock don’t you boy. I should have known, boys like you always end up begging me to fuck them.” I pulled off of his cock, “Honestly, Sir, I really did just come here to swallow your load.” “Hmmmm, you might be telling the truth, but now that I’ve seen that nice furry ass I have some other ideas of my own.” My heart thudded hard in my chest, was I ready to be fucked by this cock, could I take it, did I want to? “Follow me.” He pushed me back and got up off the couch, his cock sticking straight out from his body. I followed him into the bedroom where he lay down on the bed. “Sit on my face boy, I’m gonna eat that pussy while you blow me.” I’d never had my hole called a pussy before and my heart skipped a beat. Quickly I climbed up on the bed and pushed my ass back onto his face, and then bent forward to swallow his cock again. “Mmmmmm,” he growled, “still nice and ripe from the gym. Good boy.” His tongue brushed against my hole and I gasped. I had only been rimmed once before and I don’t think the guy was very into it. Sir, however, was very into it. His tongue first lapped across my hole, flicking against my tight pucker, then started to swirl around the outside of it coating my hole in lots and lots of spit. I moaned and panted as I went back to swallowing his cock. Sir’s hands were on either side of my hips pulling my ass back onto his face, pushing his nose tight into my crack. I felt his tongue start to push against my hole lightly and my whole body seemed to start to go slack. It was as if he was pushing some button inside of me that I hadn’t known existed until then. My body was turning to putty in his hands. I sloppily swallowed his cock while steadily pushing my hips back against his face. He pushed his tongue harder against my tight hole as I shoved back into him and I felt myself start to open for him. My tight pucker started slowly to part, and give way to his slow but steady onslaught. I groaned and pulled myself up off his cock and rocked back, putting most of my weight on him. His tongue pushed into me, opening me up, and I felt my hole bloom open. I had never felt anything like this before. My whole body was electrified, his mustache rubbed against my hole as he moved his tongue around. I felt myself getting more and more loose and the little voice in the back of my mind that had started to think I might want to get fucked was steadily growing to a yell. I bounced a little on his tongue and felt him growl his satisfaction into my hole. Sir gave me a hard shove and pushed my ass off of his face. "Get on your back pig,” he ordered. I flipped off of him and lay flat on my back. Sir stood-up, moving between my legs. My cock was rock hard, harder than I think it had ever been. A steady stream of precum oozed down my shaft. “You’ve got a tight pussy boy,” he said putting my legs on his shoulders. "Maybe you told the truth in your profile and you are more of an oral boy. But by the way you were pushing that hole back onto my tongue tells me you’re ready to change that.” “Change that, Sir?” “I’m going to do you a favor today. I’m going to make you my boy. I was just going to send you home with one of my loads in your stomach but I think instead I’m going to show you what you’ve been missing and fill your gut with my cum.” “I… um… I…” I stammered, then I felt his cock head brush against my wet hole. Initially I froze, my whole body tensed, but then, as if on command, my body seemed to relax and slid down closer to him. My jaw unclenched, my shoulders relaxed, I let out a breath, the knots came out of my stomach, and my hole seemed for a moment to loosen and twitch allowing just the very tip of his blunt cock head to press inside. “Good boy,” he said and carefully dropped a big glob of spit onto his cock and my hole. He leaned forward, his face an inch from mine and said in a deep rough whisper, “deep breath in, count to three and the let it out slowly.” I did as he said, breath in, one, two, three, and then out slowly. The rest of the tension went out of my body and as it did he pressed his cock into my hole. “Mmmmm, feel that pussy opening up for me. Deep breath in again, boy. A lot more cock still needs to slip into that boy hole.” We repeated the deep breath process three more times before he said, “There we go.” I felt him push the last part of his cock into me and his balls come to rest on my ass. My head was sipping. My hole had never been so full, all of the other times I had been fucked I had felt stuffed, or pushed, but this was different. This was a glorious feeling of being opened up, my whole body was on fire with excitement and lust. My cock was pouring out precum, and my hole seemed desperate for more. “How does that feel, boy?” “Amazing, Sir,” I panted. “I knew you’d like Sir’s big cock in that sweet pussy. You want Sir to fuck you, don’t you boy?” “Yes, please, Sir.” “You want Sir to give you his load, don’t you, boy?” “Yes Sir,” and as I answered I knew what was different. I understood what had changed. I had never been fucked bare before, this was the first raw cock I had ever taken. Removing that thin piece of latex had changed the world for me. “Good boy. I’m going to fill you up good.” He slowly withdrew his cock out of my hole commenting "I’m going to teach you how to be a real pussy boy. A hole this good shouldn’t be wasted on some cock sucker.” Just the tip of his cock was inside me now, and as he continued to speak he pushed back inside me. I let out a long low moan. “This is the kind of ass that begs men like me to breed it. When I’m done with you, boy, you’ll be begging the next guy to hit you up on Scruff to fuck your cunt, not your throat.” Again his balls slammed against my ass, and as he again made a slow withdraw Sir commented "I’m gonna train this pussy good, loosen you up, get you ready to just bend over and take whatever comes to you.” I felt my hole flex a little as the tip of his cock pulled against my ring from the inside. “You want that boy, don’t you? Now that you’ve felt Sir’s cock deep inside that pussy of yours, you know you want to feel like this all the time.” “Yes Sir,” I breathed. “Good boy. Push that pussy out for me, push it out against my cock.” I pushed out for him. I felt my hole open wider around his cock. Then he slammed back into me. The whole length of his cock in one quick thrust was thrust in its entirety into my hole. I yelled out but as his cock bottomed out in me the head struck something deep within me and my yell became a deep guttural moan. It was too perfect. Something inside of me had just broken. Some final barrier within my body was gone and my ass became his fuck hole. It was as if the rest of me didn’t exist, I was just a hole. My cock was completely forgotten, and all I could think about was wanting to feel like this more. “That was your second hole opening up for me boy. That was your hole taking its first step to being the pussy its destined to be.” With that he pulled his cock all the way out and slammed it back in again. I grunted, like an animal in heat. My entire focus was on my hole and his cock. "Keep pushing it out for my boy. I want that cunt nice and sloppy when I’m done.” For ten minutes, probably, he pummeled my hole while I kept pushing out, keeping it open for him. I felt my hole changing. I felt myself getting looser. It was easier each time to take him, and he seemed to be getting deeper like he was rearranging my guts. I was in heaven. With each thrust I let out a deep low grunt and each time he pulled out completely I felt a sinking emptiness inside me. I needed this. Sweat started to build on both of us and the room started to smell of sex. It was intoxicating. You never got this just blowing a guy. Suddenly he grabbed me by my hips and in one swift motion flipped us so that he was now on his back and I was sitting on his lap completely impaled on his cock. “Ride me boy,” he instructed. So I did. I started to bounce hard, almost completely pulling-off his cock, only then to slam my ass back down, my balls bounding off of his stomach. There was a massive wet spot in the pelt of hair that covered his stomach from my drooling cock. I was yelling and moaning, I couldn’t help myself. I had never loved anything so much. I could feel every vein and ripple in his cock as it slid in and out of my slick hole. His head kept hitting new places inside of me sending fresh waves of ecstasy through me. My second hole was now as loose and my first and his cock had free reign over my hole. I have no idea how long I rode him but I could have done it forever. Sweat ran off of me and I could smell my own musk growing. Finally, after what was a beautiful lifetime he again grabbed me and tossed me onto my back. His cock came out of my hole as we rolled and once I was on my back he slammed back into me. This time was different though, there was a new energy to his fucking a roughness, a need that had to be fulfilled. I guessed at what was coming. “You ready for my load boy?” “Oh my God! Yes, Sir! Please, give me your load!” I practically shouted. “Good answer boy.” He pounded even harder, his rhythm becoming erratic, his breathing getting rough. The with a deep roar he slammed the full length of his cock into my body as I felt it swell and then being to pulse inside of me. For the first time ever I was taking a man’s load inside of me. I was being bred, and I loved it. I could feel every pulse of his cock, I felt warmth spread through my body. I was lost in euphoria. We stayed like that for a long minute. Both panting as we came down from the fuck. I still hadn’t cum but I felt a different kind of satisfaction. Slowly he pulled his softening cock out of my hole, and as he did so I began to feel a deep emptiness taking its place. Now empty and full of longing I looked at the man who had just bred me. A smile spread across his handsome face. He lent down and kissed me for the first time. His tongue pushed into my mouth and I felt his moustache against my lips. Then he sat up. “Good boy. You did well. So, here’s what happens next.” His fingers brushed my loose wet hole, “Think of it like a test.” He slid two fingers inside of me. “I’ve got some work to do so you’re going to go home,” a third finger was added, “You are not to shower,” the fingers started twisting around inside of me, “you are not to cum, you are not to let any of my load out of your hole.” Reaching over to the night stand, Sir pulled something out that I didn’t see. He spat on the object and then, removing his fingers from my hole, pressed it inside of me. It started out narrow and then flared so that it stretched my hole for a moment before popping inside. “You are not to remove this butt plug unless you are going to get fucked. Now this is the part where you get some choice in your test. Along with denying yourself the joy of cumming and staying the sweaty fucked out mess you are now, you will take at least two more loads today. When I am done with work at 7.30 tonight I will text you, and I will breed you again tonight and give you those two loads. But if you cannot wait that long, and something tells me that you won’t be able to, you are to get on Scruff and find another cock of no less than seven inches to breed this sweet little cunt in training.” He pushed hard against the butt plug. Involuntarily I moaned. "Do you understand?” “Yes Sir.” “Good boy. Now get out”
    2 points
  20. Here's another hot story from the old bugshare site for my bareback blog. http://fuckworker.blogspot.com/2012/05/stealth-pozzing-19yo-newbie.html ........................... When I got home I got a big surprise—a phone call from a 19 year old I’d POZZED 3 months ago. I‘d been only the second one to TOP him, and never thought I’d hear from him again. We met last June. I couldn’t wait to caress his youthful, tender Ass. He, in turn, went down on me, and sucked me close to Cumming. I stopped him cause I had better use for my POZ Cum than that. He’d find that out. I led him to the bedroom. He tried to escape my engorged Cock, but I trapped him to the mattress. He began to whimper, so I kissed him and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. I fucked him slowly, with powerful deep thrusts. I hit his Prostate, and he felt it. I couldn't hold back—filled his Virgin Hole with hot POZ Jizm, paused to allow my Toxic Seed to settle, then began to fuck him hard and fast. He bellowed in shear pleasure. After 15 minutes he reached down and felt my Dick. His eyes went wide. "No Rubber? Don’t Cum in me, OK? Shoot on my Chest and Stomach.” I acquiesced. He hadn’t counted on my Special Gift—that I can Cum a half dozen times, depending on the NEG-AND-SEX-APPEAL of the Dude I’m GIFTING. And Joey boy was VERY NEG and VERY SEXY. I fucked him harder. God, the Kid appealed to me—so young and vibrant and voluptuous! I felt It tingle in my Balls, rising toward my Piss Slit! I shot again, inundating his Guts with my POZ Jism. And kept on screwin’ for half an hour longer. “I’M CUMMIN!” That was him; not me. He hadn’t even touched himself. I was fucking the NEG Shit out of him. How I wanted to swallow his last NEG Load. I slowed my pace and licked up what I could, without stopping. "Man are you going to Cum or what?" he asked, almost exasperated. I had a duty to perform, and didn’t want to shirk my obligation. I responded I’d shoot soon. I wanted my first Loads to fester for as long as possible, so I intentionally held off and fucked him for another quarter-hour. "Please Cum! I can't take this any longer!" I spooged all over him. He got so excited at the sight of my raw Seed. He said he was afraid that I would Cum in him. He wanted to play Safe. I only smiled—I may have POZZED another one. ***************************************************************************************************************************** “Hello.” "It’s me, Joey, remember? Three months ago. I’ve tested POZ. You didn’t….?" “Wasn’t me, Joey. I never came in you. Have you played with someone else?” “A couple—but they all wore Condoms.” “Then it must have been a friggin’ accident. A broken Rubber or something. Tell you what. Cum over and we’ll talk about it.” “Are you POZ?” I hesitated. To continue the charade or tell the truth. “Yes, I am.” “I’ll be over in 30 minutes.” Talk we never did—at least not that evening. Talk is cheap, and not what I was in the mood for. He arrived visibly upset, wearing Tank Top and Cutoffs, and, for the record, no underwear. I asked if he wanted anything to drink. “Ginger Ale would be fine.” He’d drunk Ginger Ale the first night, too. Silently we sat on the couch. I massaged his inner thigh, worked up his pant leg, brushed his past his Balls, and stroked his soft Cock with nimble, practiced fingers. Magnificent! My POZ Child’s Shaft was hardening. I unbuttoned his cutoffs. The well-worn zipper glided easily, exposing his infected tumid Shaft. I couldn’t wait to taste his POZ Precum, knowing one so recently knocked up must be rife with the Virus. Yeah, I was responsible; and proud of it! I shoved my unlubed index finger up his Pussy. He jerked reflexively, then relaxed. I led him to the bedroom leaving his Cutoffs on the couch, pulled off his Tank Top, lubed up with Vaseline, and fucked him for an hour. I came 4 times, and with each climax acknowledged how good it felt to have my POZ Jizm flowing up his Pussy. By my 4th ejaculation, I think he knew exactly how he’d been POZZED. I began to masturbate him mercilessly. I worked his fat Cock faster, my hand but a blur upon his Tool. “Shoot your Toxic Jism, Joey. Shoot It down my throat. And promise me, you’ll remember— ’Tis better to give than to receive.’”
    2 points
  21. I had resolved to rectify my long-held desire by finally fucking the arse of one of the members of the Breeding Zone. He was someone I had from time to time tried to meet up and desired to fuck his great arse bare. Unfortunately, each time work had prohibited the fulfilment of this arrangement. There was a small group of friends I'd gathered from my years on Breeding Zone that had also expressed some interest in joining me at my local sauna. I'd desired to get them all together to make an orgy out of it and give my big bottomed friend an experience to be remembered. I also secretly arranged to have another member attend to finish things off in a special way! The only time we could all make it was Saturday afternoon, I liaised with everyone and to my surprise all turned up bar my surprise special guest. This was going to be a day to remember. My big-bottomed friend had always said my escapades at the sauna sounded really exciting, now was I was going to show him why. Along with him, I'd invited a sexy Spaniard, who had also expressed interest in being bred by me and a hunky handsome hairless man, who I always thought we'd get off with each other well. We all quickly changed and I took them all to the dark room. I dropped my towel and I demanded that my big-bottomed friend suck my dick. I slid my seven inches into his warm mouth. He was greedy for cock and an excellent cock-sucker and soon my cock was standing proud and well-lubricated. Now was the moment of realisation of my desire these last two years. Meanwhile next to me, I noticed my Spanish and hairless companions were getting along well, having settled into a comfortable 69-position. I pushed him back onto the couch and rubbed my erect cock over his crack, which I then lubricated with copious quantities of lube. “Time for me to finally fuck this hole!”, I said as I got ready to plunge my stiff member inside his well-lubricated hole. This is a scene I’ve played in my mind many times, as I gently penetrated his hole, which was open and lubed. He pushed his bum up towards me 'til my bush was in his arse crack and our balls were touching, and I put my hands on his hips to hold him steady as I started to fuck his arse. He told tell me to fuck him harder, for which I needed no encouragement; his hole was mine for the fucking. He had sucked me off very well so that I was close enough to finish him off after a short but strong fuck. I was getting close to exploding deep within him!. As I fucked him harder he was pushing back in response, getting me as deep within him as possible. All of a sudden I could hold it in no longer and my jizz spurted out in great squirts. I couldn't believe how much was pouring into him and how long I squirted my sperm deep within him! After a few minutes, I pulled out exhausted with my efforts and pulled my now wilting cock out of his finally seeded hole. I was no longer in a position to continue topping so I sought out cocks that would satisfy my cravings for seed instead. Meanwhile as I'd hoped my efforts had attracted the attention of other people in the dark room, who now started roaming their hands all over his body and then one after the other they entered his now well-seeded arse with their lustful cocks ready to seed him some more! I now concentrated on my two other companions, who were still sucking one another off. First I took over sucking the hairless hunk, whilst the Spaniard took over reviving my now limp cock. I enjoyed sucking this big thick cock and I sucked him almost to ejaculation. He thrust his cock in and out my mouth as I felt his sweet precum. Then he turned me around and I daubed some lube into my arse. I felt his hands on my arse, pulling my cheeks apart and then the head of his cock pushing against my hole. I spread my legs apart and pushed back as his big cock entered slowly into my arse. I hadn't had anything this big up me for a long time but poppers helped me take it all in. He stopped for a moment after it was fully in and then he began to fuck me. Whilst he thrust his length in and out of me, I noshed on the Spaniard's cock. The time he'd already had been sucked off already paid its toll as I felt him spasm in his mouth, which filled with his hot cum. But I didn't swallow. Instead , I turned round and gave my forceful fucker a passionate open-mouthed kiss passing the Spaniard's cum into his mouth from mine. This turned him on massively and he thrust even harder into my pounded arse. Meanwhile, to my delight, I saw my special invitee had finally arrived and he was honing in on my big-bottomed neighbour. I could tell it was him, even in the relative dark of the room from the light from outside the door which cast a shadow on the impressive tattoo on his arm. His hands carefully explored his body, before sticking his large cock head inside his multiply-loaded arse. He spent little time with preliminaries, but ravaged his arse, pushing his cock in hard and fast with only one aim to shoot his toxic load inside this man. The sight of this was too much for my hairless humper, who now exploded deep within me. My craving for seed now satisfied and my cock now fully back to attention courtesy of my Spanish sucker, I was now able to fulfil another resolution to fill this Spaniard will my sperm. In a wordless exchange he changed from sucking me off to guiding my dick to his eager hole. I began to ease my dick in and out of his hole, pushing in slowly and then pulling out more quickly, trying to establish a good rhythm. He was delighted that he was finally being bred by me! Then I felt some hands on me. First feeling all my body, and then moving onto my nipples and working them as I fucked. Then his hands were on my balls and feeling my cock as it was going in and out of the Spaniard's arse. Just then I felt a cock between my legs. I eagerly pushed forward to receive his cock. It was huge! He was not gentle with me, he went right in hard,.He was back in to me hard and fast and it was constant. I wondered if I could take such a pounding. I was feeling quite sore despite the coating from my previous seeding. I started to get accustomed to his raping my hole,even when he really tore into me. He didn’t say anything; he just kept fucking my arse. His hands were pulling on my balls and fingers managed to force their way around my hole, feeling his shaft pound my hole. Then suddenly he forced himself fully into me and held his cock in for quite a while. I realised he was spunking his load inside me. He pulled out quickly and headed out of the room. I turned round to see the unmistakeable biohazard tattoo of my other invitee, he had not only pozzed my friend, but had shot his toxic load up me too! Any reference to people from the Breeding Zone is purely intentional!
    2 points
  22. I was back in El Paso on business for a few days, I and remembered having a really fun time at a very seedy off the road adult booth and sex shop. The place was always full of mostly Latino dick of every age, size and type. The first time I was there, I was in heaven sucking every type cock being fed to me; cut, uncut, large, small, beefy, you name the cock and I sucked it! This time I decided to totally fem out and give the guys a look at a little cock-teasing whore. Cute wig, earrings, painted nails, purple top, short-short skirt and white laced stockings with matching heels. I arrived late in the evening and to my surprise the parking lot was moderately full. After parking, I took in the looks I received entering the doorway. I joyed the stares and sounds I heard as my heels slowly clacked on the tiled floor while making my way through the toy aisle to the video booths. As I worked my way back, there were more that I few guys that “accidentally” brushed against my plump ass with more than their hands. There about 12 rooms in total. Most were small rooms one-person booths, but a couple rooms were a bit large with ratty cum stained chairs. All the rooms had a pungent, musty odor that rushed out whenever a door was opened. The room I slinked into smelled like unwashed crotch and had several splotches of still sticky cum on the floor. It was quite dark, but before I closed the door, I looked back to see a few guys making their way the back booths. One I got in and close to door, before I even popped in coins to start the videos, the first cock flopped in my gloryhole. I took little time getting comfortable, then started blowing that first cock to completion. It was only a few moments before that spent and slimy dick was replace by a hard dark tool, after a hearing him moan “Oh Shit!” he unload in my mouth in less than a minute. The next cock was uncut and already leaking precum. I sat so I was on over the back of the disgusting chair. I pulled down my panties, so I could suck off the guy that stuffed his cock and balls through the gloryhole while the guy in the opposite booth was able to put his arm through the passage and fondle my ass and butthole. I lost time as I sucked well over a dozen cocks. A couple pulled out before they came, another two wore condoms (I hate that taste), but the rest came down my throat, zipped up and left. The turn on, was sucking a strange, faceless cock and hearing him behind the wall, each guy had a different sound as they blew their nut. Some were aggressive, vocal and vile, others had an almost silent release before they zipped up. 40 minutes later as I thought I was sucking and stroking the last strange cock of the night, my heart jumped as the door to my booth was yanked open! And there stood a tall, muscular guy who appeared to be half Black, half Latino walked right in my booth rubbing his bulge in front of his pants. He had to be at least 6' 3" or taller and was a no-nonsense brute of a bull. Looking at his forearms, there was no way one of his big hairy arms could fit through the opening of the gloryhole, no damn way! Anyhow, we made eye contact as he looked at me, cum drooling down my chin, on the char with my panties halfway down my thick thighs. With one move, he picked me up by the waist and stood me upright. In my heels I was still tiny in front of him. This guy was in no mood for gloryhole only service. Unzipping his pants, he finally pulled out his beefy member then sat down on the filthy chair. “Suck it bitch.” Looking over my shoulder, with only the light of the flickering video screens, I immediately saw the booth door was blocked by shadowy figures and thought this had gone further than I ever expected. I no longer owned the situation, and my control had been taken away. The odd feelings of panic and fear made me unconsciously pull my panties back up like a woman trying to regain her dignity. The faint light showed his grim face. Over the moans of the videos that were playing, his deep voice repeated “SUCK IT NOW BITCH!” Getting down on my knees, between his legs, I began taking him in my mouth. I sucked and tongued his salty swollen head; then slid my tongue up and down his piss. "Good faggot" he said, as he pressed my head further down onto his cock. The thickness made it difficult to take him too far down my throat, but I did the best I could before gagging and coming up for air. While I was sucking on him, he kicked off his shoes and removed his pants. Then he lifted his legs, exposing his huge, low hanging nappy balls "Suck my balls, queer." I did as I was told. His balls were also salty and smelled of sweat. The smell was intoxicating. I licked both his balls, then took each of them into my mouth. "Lick my ass" he grunted, as he lifted his knees to his chest. I licked under his balls and down to his dark, puckered asshole. "Nice job, fag, clean my asshole” Then I felt him stiffen up as he let loose the loudest and most disgusting blast of gas in my face. I squirmed to get away, but he held my head tight. “Keep licking that asshole queer" as he let another one rip. As I was eating his hole, it seemed like the number of shadowy figures doubled. Men watching, some stroking as I serviced this brute. Hands pulled up my skirt, rubbed my ass and creeped under my panties, it was like several fingers were trying to invade my gurl pussy, all at once. I even felt shots of jizz leak on my butt cheeks. Taking his cue from the shadows, he bent over, sliding his hand around my skirt, under my panties finding my asshole. He rubbed my button, obviously wanting to fuck me. At this time, I was petrified of the bad thing he had in mind for my pussy. He kept fingering and massaging my hole. While sitting down he reached in the pocket of his Levi’s. Without saying a word, he stood up, turned me around and planted me over the back of the fowl smelling chair. "No", I said as I struggled to get away, but two figures came out the shadows to firmly hold me in place. My chunky feminine body squirmed but it was absolutely no use. My heart was beating like a jackhammer; I was totally helpless. In the dark, having my big butt forced over the chair with a knee in my back and my shoulders pinned down. "No” "It’s not supposed to be like this!” I begged. When my skirt went up, I pleaded again, but the only other sounds were the videos playing and cocks flapping. My spine chilled when my cotton panties were ripped off me with a one quick yank "Please don't", I begged again. "Shut up, faggot. You know you want this cock, so shut…it fuck…. up". I felt cold lube being drizzled down the crack of my exposed ass. When I tried to turn around a hand grabbed me by the back of the neck restraining me further. Next, I felt him squirt the cool lube up my hole and I instantly puckered. I could hear him squeeze more onto his meaty weapon, then the assault began. With a piercing shock, I felt his unprotected cock head forcing its way in my sissy cunt. "NO…. STOP!", I begged. He paid no attention as he continued popping open my pussy. It was overwhelming, intense and degrading; and I was I was powerless to get away from him or the others. Once he had gotten most of his cock inside me, he began to pump. Over and over I begged him to pull out but then I felt him grab me around the waist and really began to pump. Slamming his cock deep into me, then pulling nearly out of me, before slamming back into me again. The shadowy figures in the dark hallways got more and more excited the more I screamed and begged to be let go. "Ple…please put a condom on", I pleaded. "Shut the fuck up, Fag," he growled as he continued to pound my no longer tiny hole. Knowing I had loss any shreds of control, I moaned "Please, please don’t cum in me" I whimpered under my tears. He paid no attention to me as he continued his assault on my hole. My asshole was burning and lost the strength to keep fighting back. I told myself to take it, it all would be over soon. He rocked me so hard as he pumped me, I knew my ass would take days to recover and I promised myself NEVER to go in another adult store again! Without any warning he slammed even deeper into me and held it there. “NO, NO, NO he’s cumming in me!!!” ran through my head. I could feel his cock throbbing as he let out a loud groan. "AHHHGGG...!!! FUCKKK...!!!" he grunted as he filled my ass with his load, I thought he would never stop cumming. He pulled his cock from me and it made a farting sound and I felt him drizzle a trail of his cum and my guts out my sissy cunt. My limp body just laid over the chair as his disgusting jizz continued to pour out of my gaping asshole. As he pulled on his pants and slipped on his shoes, my head continues to grasp what had happened and I still didn’t move off the chair. I was too sore, scared and exhausted to move. When the two other brutes released their grip, I wiped my tears. Before he left, I felt a hard smack on my sticky fat ass, then I heard him finally exited the booth. Just as I was attempting to get off the chair, a heavy-set Mexican guy walked in the booth. He said something in Spanish then two more guys walked in and held me down again, but this time they locked the door. After laughing a few more words in Spanish, I only understood “black bitch” and “pussy” by this time I was too tired to put up a fight. Without any hesitation or lube, the Mexican slammed into me in one swift move. He talked in Spanish the entire time he fucked me, then with a few grunts, I felt another deposit emptied in my asshole. "Gracias," he joked as he pulled out, quickly pulled up his pants and exited my booth. This continued over and over until every man either jacked off or came in me, then they let me go. I drove back into town and did the walk of shame back to my hotel room using my key to sneak in through the back entrance. I didn't even have the energy to shower, I removed my heels, skirt, top and stained lace stockings and laid across the bed. To my surprise, my little dick was rock hard and I even jacked off thinking about my ordeal.
    2 points
  23. I guess the lure of the gym was fading. I love booths with glory holes. even better if they have small stools with wheels, so you can move about, as I have experienced in a couple of places.
    2 points
  24. They replaced the the old gym area about two years ago. Now there are booths with glory holes, the sling, a slurp ramp and a two screen porn viewing area there. The old sling area, last Feb, was becoming deluxe sized rooms.
    2 points
  25. Hi Everyone, Those in and plan to be in our great big Eunuch & Nullo family Im sure at least know of me, Ive become a bit of a recluse lately do to a mountain of personal shit but am working on getting back out there, if anyone has any questions on being eunuch or nullo please don't hesitate to ask. Trent
    2 points
  26. So the story is about to take a turn to it. Let me know what you think after reading it! BROTHER AUSTIN: The celebration continued as a wild cluster of men breeding each other. As it wound down, members went to the heaping pile of clothes in the corner, found theirs and departed. Austin however put on his clothes, and remained. After the room was empty, Austin came up to both Zack and I and thanked us for the time that we spent with him. He was a totally different person, dressed in fresh new clothes, showered, shaved and a new haircut. It was really hard to believe that this was the same person. We both told him that he looked wonderful, and he told us we had the church to thank for his transformation. He asked if we would mind going over to the corner, and he would tell us more about him, and we agreed. As we sat on a sofa, with him between us, he explained that his life totally changed. His then wife found out that he was gay. He knew that she likely had suspicions, but once he became positive, he had to tell her. He didn’t think it would be a big deal, as the two of them had not really been sexually active in some time. He told us that he ended up losing everything in a divorce. His home, his two beautiful teen children, a son and a daughter, and basically his life. He then went to the streets, where he became addicted to drugs. He sold his body for drugs just to survive. His new “wife” was Tina, and he was in love with her. He said, “I’m sure you both have noticed my scorpion tattoo.“ He continued by saying It wasn’t long before he became positive, and turned to the church, not fully knowing what its mission was. The church gladly took him in, and tried to help with his addiction to Tina, and it had worked for awhile, but the desire was still there. He continued by saying that he had remained sober for some time, before deciding he could once again make it on his own. He told father Joseph that although he had appreciated all the church had done for him, it was time for him to move on again with his life. Trying to find a job, and a place of his own. The church provided him with a small studio apartment to which he would pay a minimal rent for. Before he left the church, father Joseph made sure that he was marked with the scorpion. For about six months, he was doing well on his own. He found a very part time job, which provided him more than enough money to pay the rent, but enough that he and Tina would once again become good friends. He ended up losing the apartment, and was back on the streets. He did not blame the church, but himself. As he was talking, we could see tears welling up in his eyes, but we also noticed his cock growing harder and harder by the moment. Zack felt compelled to reach down, and rub his cock through his pants, and I followed his lead. Austin quickly planted a deep kiss upon Zack, and then to me. Zacks kiss however seemed more intimate than mine. After unlocking lips, he asked if he could spend more time with us in our room. We were rather unsure of what father Joseph might say, and Zack responded that we would need to ask father Joseph before doing so. With that Zack got up to seek father Joseph. When he found him, he asked the father if it was acceptable to bring Austin back to our room. The father said, that was our call, but we had his permission. Father Joseph continued by saying that he did not know how much Austin had told us, but that he was indeed infected with Aids. He continued by telling Zack that Austin did have a problem with drugs, and that the church did supply him with some from time to time. Father Joseph explained that he would supply us with Tina, as a test for Austin, as long as we let him know if Austin would partake in them or not. Father Joseph continued by saying that he felt it would be best if the two of us decided to partake in the drugs though. Zack agreed, and the father told him that he would leave supplies in our room, but not to go there for 15 minutes or so. Zack returned to the sofa, and I was caressing Austin’s cock through his pants. He informed us that the father had agreed, but we needed to wait 15 minutes or so. Austin replied that he could not hold out that long, and I immediately removed my hand from his crotch. The 15 minutes seemed like an eternity, but we then retreated to our room. Upon the nightstand there was a bag of rock, and a single syringe.
    2 points
  27. 18. Tony met with Aaron after school and found out about his latest argument with his parents. Aaron's parent's had his hole life planned out for him - study, find a job, meet a girl, get married, have kids. They were also very strict with him. He couldn't even go out. At 19! Aaron had long wanted to move out of the house, but, not having the money, he had remained subservient, also rationalizing remaining in the closet was the best course of action as he surmised if he announced he was gay his parents would likely disown him and kick him out. Tony wanted to help his friend, but didn't know how. He felt really bad for Aaron, particularly as Tony found himself really liking Aaron, and finding himself fucking pissed off by Aaron's old-fashioned, overly-strict parents! It was about 7 o'clock in the evening when Tony's cell phone rang. This was about two months after he had (unfortunately unsuccessfully) stealthed Josh, the blond twink. Tony just came back from the gym, his hot muscles pumped to the max, his arm muscles now actually matching Sam's. There was no doubt, Tony was a major alpha male. Aaron was on the other end of the telephone call, and in an angry, broken, all-but screaming voice, told Tony what had happened: in the midst of yet another argument with his parents, his dad snarled that Aaron, with his bad attitude, would never find a good job and a good young lady. In his frustration and fury, Tony responded by accidentally coming out to his parents. Whereupon his father punched Aaron and expelled him from the house. "Fucking homophobic dickheads!" Tony cursed, telling Aaron to stay by the phone, that he'd call right back. With that he sought out Rick and Danny, filling them in on Aaron's plight, asking if they had any advice. "Aaron? That nice cute Asian kid? Fuck that's so wrong! Bring him here. He can stay with us for now." "Really? Wonderful! He's not too far away. I'll give him a call and have him head on over here. Placing the call, Aaron was majorly relieved for the offer, and he and Tony agreed to meet on the corner. When they met, the two hugged and Aaron sobbed into Tony's shoulder. "It will be okay, don't worry," Tony urged, trying to assuage Aaron's pain as they walked to the house. "Hi Aaron. I'm so sorry to hear what happened," said Danny, who was waiting in the kitchen. "Thank you sir," replied Aaron. "Oh, please! Call me Danny!" Aaron only nodded and sobbed again. Tony hugged him tightly, and when Uncle Rick came downstairs, he likewise greeted Aaron saying "Hi Aaron. I'm so sorry about what happened. Don't worry. You can stay here for now. All the food and water is in the fridge, and I already prepared the guestroom for you. Tony, why don't you get Aaron settled in his room?" "Thank you. You have saved me," murmured Aaron. "Of course! We couldn't let you sleep in the street." "So... this is the guestroom. I know it isn't much, but it's better than a park bench. I'll go get you something to sleep in," Tony offered, mentally drawing up a list of essentials. "Thank you Tony. You're the best friend I could ask for!" "No problem mate! Any time. I'm here for you. Besides, I think this is for the best. You weren't happy with your living situation, and who knows for how much long you would've been able to take it. Now you are free! You can get a job that you actually want. You don't have to study law anymore! You never wanted to! I'm amazed that you made it this far. I would've dropped out from law major months ago. You can go out - get a boyfriend - you're free!" "You're right. It's going to take some time to process, but I guess I am free to re-make myself." "That's the spirit, champ! Don't worry, you'll be just fine here!" laughed Tony as he stepped into his room to raid his closet for clothing for Aaron to sleep in - only to discover he couldn't find anything decent for Aaron in his wardrobe! He mostly slept naked, or only in underwear, so pajamas were out of the picture since he didn't have any, and most of his underwear consisted of merely jock straps - as Tony loved how they made his hot bubble butt look inside his pants. The only three regular briefs he had, were coincidentally in the washer at the moment, leaving the only available clean non-jockstrap underwear he found were a pair of studded leather briefs from Rey's shop, a pair of see-through briefs he had received as a joke from Duke the preceding Christmas, and one pair of old green regular briefs, in which he found a hole in the ball area. "Fuck!" he cursed, and grabbed the best he could find, telling Aaron "Here you go, buddy. Sorry, but I couldn't find any fresh regular briefs. You know I don't have many. So you'll have to take one of my jocks," handing Aaron a red and white jockstrap and a plain white tank top. "Thanks Tony. It's fine. It's warm outside anyway," replied Aaron with heartfelt thanks as he stepped into the bathroom to get cleaned up. 19. Danny, Tony and Rick were having breakfast the next morning, Saturday, when Aaron came down, only wearing the jockstrap and tank top Tony had given him. When the guys saw Aaron, all three stared: as gym time was one of the few activities of which his parents had approved, Aaron had made the most of it, and his physique was excellent. When Aaron saw the guys staring he felt out of place, so he did an about face to get into some additional clothing which, of course, meant they all now had a clear view of his shapely ass. Danny, however, called out "No, no, no, it's all good Aaron! Come get some breakfast," as everyone, Aaron included, burst into laughter. After some discussion, later that morning Tony drove over to Aaron's parents' house where he would pick Aaron's stuff, knowing Aaron couldn't reasonably see his parents again. Not that soon. Knocking at the door, Aaron's little brother appeared asking "Uhmm.... hi?" "Hi, I'm Tony, Aaron's friend. I'm here to get Aaron's stuff for him," said Tony. The teenager admitted Tony, introducing him to his parents. Tony asked to retrieve Aaron's clothing and personal property. Mother and Father agreed, telling their youngest son to accompany Tony, but their cold anger was obvious, Tony went to Aaron's old room, gathered Aaron's clothing, school-related items, his laptop and other potentially useful items into some large plastic bags he had thought to bring. Aaron's parents were clearly eager for him to leave, so Tony left as quickly as he could. The parents stared coldly as he left, although the younger son, who's name was Chase, gave a much warmer farewell smile. Sometime later that day, in fact it was the next day as midnight had come and gone, Tony and Aaron got back home from a night out in town. It was Aaron's very first night out in town. Making it to Aaron's room, the two men laughed with genuine pleasure. "You know... I really enjoyed it. You really saved me!" said Aaron. He came a little closer to Tony and placed his hands on his hips. Tony grabbed him by the ass and pulled him into a hot kiss. They feverishly made out, their cocks at rigid attention. Aaron pulled Tony away, throwing in on the bed, sitting on top of his hard cock, grinding down on it even through his jeans as they continued making out. Tony cupped Aaron's ass and started pulling his jeans down, revealing the jock strap that Tony had given Aaron. "We're gotta get you more of those,." Tony grinned, slapped Aaron's ass, pulled the jock down and revealed Aaron's thick, veiny eight and a half inch cock. Admiringly Tony remarked "Whoever said Asians weren't packing?" Tony shook his head and gestured for Aaron to sit on his chest, leaving Tony to swallow Aaron's cock. Aaron, meanwhile, reached backwards and managed to unbutton Tony's jeans, extracting Tony's monster. "Aaron wait!" "What?" "I... I gotta tell you something," said Tony as he removed shirt, asking "You know what his means?" pointing at his biohazard tattoo. Not waiting for Aaron's reply he continued explaining "It means that I'm HIV positive. In fact I'm toxic, Aaron." Aaron looked at Tony in shock, trying to process this information, but looking down on his hot muscular, tatted, pierced, toxic friend, he realised he couldn't resist. "Shut the fuck up and give me your dick." he groaned as he turned around and started sucking that monster cock. When Aaron felt Tony's tongue at his hole, his thick cock bounced, and Aaron gagged and choked on Tony's pierced cock, and his own cock was dripping hot neg precum on Tony's chest. "Fuck!" he groaned, his mouth full of cock and turned around. They kissed. Aaron tasted his own ass from Tony's lips. His cock bounced again. Without thinking Aaron demanded "Fuck me til I fucking scream!" "Your wish is my command!" grinned Tony, flipping Aaron over onto his stomach so his hot bubble butt, still wearing the jockstrap invited Tony's cock inside. Tony pushed his way in, and Aaron groaned with pain and pleasure. Thrusting deeply into the bubble butt, Tony held onto Aaron's jockstrap, gradually building-up intensity, slapping Aaron's ass, using the hole for its intended purpose. As the first tinglings of Tony's orgasm made themselves known, Tony's pace picked-up, and his dirty talk increased as he grunted "I'm gonna pump your ass full of my toxic poz cum, baby, and trust me, it makes good young innocent boys like you turn into nasty pigs. It turned me, and it's gonna turn you. Soon, you'll get your boy cunt filled with a hot poz load and it's gonna knock you up. And then we will turn you into the biggest fucking hot pig in town!" "Yeah? I fucking hope so!" "You do? You fucking want my charged-up load?" "YEAH! POZ ME UP!" Tony felt his poz cum boiling up in his balls as he all but shouted "Yeah, FUCK!" Tony roared as his balls pumped his tainted seed into his up-until-now innocent friend. "FUCK YEAH! TAKE ALL OF MY HOT POZ CUM! GONNA KNOCK YOU UP REAL GOOD!" "Fuck yeah! Poz me up!" Aaron groaned. The toxic flow from Tony's cock ended, but before the energy dissipated Tony announced "Come on! I want your last neg load inside my ass!" With that Tony withdrew from Aaron's ass, flipped Aaron around and sat on his thick, lengthy cock, riding it for what it was worth. Aaron couldn't believe what was happening. He just got fucked and filled with poz cum by his best friend's monstrous pierced cock, and now his cock was planted in the ass of that hot tatted, pierced poz muscular hunk. Yeah, Aaron's cock was deep inside Tony's ass, and Aaron was on the cusp of blowing possibly his very last neg load into Tony's ass. Aaron felt the pressure building up his his balls, and involuntarily exclaimed "Oh FUCK! I'm cumming!" as he pumped at least ten huge shots of neg cum into Tony's ass. They kissed again and fell asleep a few minutes later, Aaron's cock still inside Tony's hole. More cumming in a few days, pigs. Let me know your thoughts, although I won't be really active for the next few days.
    2 points
  28. Part 8 Fucked, fisted and left bleeding... My legs ache as does my hole and yet I feel the need for more and as if reading my mind Martin asks, Does your pussy feel empty?” and I quickly respond, “Yes it needs to be filled, I can’t stand the empty feeling! I need it filled. I need more cum!” Martin then starts to tease my ass with his fingers, inserting one, then two, before I knew it he had four scratching fingers in my ass stretching my hole. He starts sliding all his fingers and a thumb into my ass. I instantly lost that empty feeling, now feeling very full but wanting more, my ass was fucking hungry to be filled wide and deep! I push back to meet his fist with full acceptance and my ass ring willingly opens fully sucking his thick fist in, in one go. Martin notices saying, “Fuck bossman! Your cunt is sucking my fist right in!” Martin pushes in to the wrist and all I can do is make primal moans of pleasure as I start to uncontrollably try my best to ride his fist. God knows what damage is being done as he punches in deeper but each time he pulls out of my ass I whimper like a baby and each time he pushes his fist back in I’m moaning in pleasure like the cumdump whore I’ve turned in to. “More?” asks Martin “Yeah, more!” I enthusiastically shake my head up and down. With that for an answer Martin is pushing his fist the deepest into my now gaping hole. “Pushing that dirty load in as deep as possible making sure it will never come out, making sure Aaron’s med resistant strain gets you first, although by the end of the night you’ll get every strain possible dumped into this worthless hole!” He then fully withdraws, pulling his arm up to my face showing me the cum and streaks of both shit and blood, “Here smell and taste yourself Pig!” as he wipes it off across my nose and mouth, I inhale the tangy aromas that immediately makes my hard cock twitch and drool more pre-cum. I watch goggle eyed as Aaron takes one of the large butt plugs off the shelf passes it to Martin who unceremoniously shoves it up my cum oozing gaping ass. “Now lay there quietly while we answer the ads advertising your Neg hole for a Pozzing fiesta here and at Sailors Sauna Club tonight.” In the excitement I’d missed the pinging text responses but Martin had control of my mobile and was answering message after message, telling me, “I’m giving the address and, ”the door will be open, follow the chain rattling sound of the sling. Before our guests arrive, you’ll get one more load from both of us and then we’ll leave you to the dogs.” The but plug is pulled out and a small drip of cum that was escaping my hole is roughly forced back in. Martin blows on my hole which in turn puckers and winks at him. His beer can thick blunt cock advances slowly, I squeeze as best I can on the invading shaft to feel every vein held in his velvety skin as he pushes forwards stretching my sphincter around his massive girth, until his balls came to rest on my ass. I opened my eyes and looked up into his, they sparkled wickedly as he pulls out slowly from my sore hole again….my stretched and battered ring still struggles to cling to his shaft as he withdrew, the tugging sending waves of tingling pleasure through me making my eyes roll back as my hole spreads wide around his cockhead. ‘Your sloppy hole feels so good wrapped around my cock. I’m gonna make sure we well and truly knock you up before the other guys come over and use your hole.” His eyes pierce mine, he nods slightly closes his eyes and slams into my ass. His cock punches into my hole over and over again, hammering away at my guts and I cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain with each penetrating thrust. “Fuck me harder. It hurts so good, do it…Poz my hole” “Demanding bossman aren’t you?” I cannot reply as I try to keep up with his animalistic fucking as my hole begins to make wet sloppy sounds as he batters it loose. He grunts with each stroke as he continues to wreck my hole, sweat spring up all over my body and drips from his. his breathing short and ragged. I watch enthralled as his muscles dance on his torso and his arms flex as he forces his cock forward on each in stroke, his arms twitch with the effort on withdrawal with each powerful jackhammer like thrust. I know that my hole is totally being destroyed and never going to be tight again. I don’t care; it feels good punishment for what I have done. I have found a place of peace and contentment, doing what I was meant to do all along: taking any man’s cock up my ass raw whether it be clean or diseased it does not matter to me now. All that matters is the load. All too soon his rhythm changes from the hole destroying jackhammer to random quick thrusts in every direction as he ravishes my hole and I realise he is getting close. “YES! Give me that charged load!” I howl nearly out of my mind from the fucking. “OK Bossman let me hear you beg for me TO…POZ…YOUR…HOLE,” commanded Martin as he kicked into a higher gear completely pulling out, before slamming back inside. “BEG…SLUT!...TELL…ME…TO…POZ…YOUR…NEG…CUNT!” He demands punctuating each and every word with a powerful thrust back inside my ragdoll like body pinned beneath him. I can feel his sweaty balls crushed up against my ass drawing up tight as they fire off their toxic death seed. Letting out a sound like the roar of a lion he slams into me and held his pulsing cock deep inside as his load empties into my ripped-up guts. I feel a sense of euphoria wash over me. Job done. “Yes, yes, yes POZ my neg pussy!!!!” I squeal in my slippery piss and sweat drenched euphoric state, I’m so turned on that I feel the last of my Neg cum boiling in my balls and then blast a huge load in two, three, four and now five powerful spurts, pumping so much cum out that they feel as if they are going to turn inside out. It takes so much energy ejecting benign sperm to make room for the dangerous stuff that I slump back into the sling totally exhausted, a fog swirls in my mind and all I want to do is sleep. As I come to Aaron is taking legs back and has lined his cock up at my fuly exposed opening. As he shoves his thick nine inch cock in deep with a single thrust he announces to the gathered in the room, “Now it’s time to really knock this slut’s ass up with some poz loads.” Where did these guys come from? Yet before I think about them I yelp as Aaron’s cock punches my hole as deep as before and although his girth does not really hurt, only stinging slightly as the freshly deposited cum froths’ around his balls and drips on to mine. Despite the sting I cannot believe how good it feels to have another cock inside my incredibly hungry hole. Aaron groans in pleasure as his thick nine-inches drives into my spooge lubed hot chute as his balls slap repeatedly against my ass cheeks and I love the feeling and sound of them smacking me hard. “Yo folks we’ve got a bleeder here come look at all the pink froth." The looking directly at me says, “You're bleeding a bit, bossman, but that's OK it'll just add more lube."” Aaron announces, before demanding “Someone pinch my nips, I need to blow.” I see several men gather round hands roam over Aaron’s muscled body and I feel a hand at my hole I guess wrapping fingers around his dick adding pressure to help his quest to cum. And then I hear growled loudly “FUCK BITCH! YOU WANT THIS POZ LOAD DON’T YOU?” As Aaron switches from rapid pummeling to forceful long-dicking making sure I feel every inch of his fuck-tool as he slams back inside his newly corrupted cumdump. He gazes deeply into my eyes, “Remember this moment forever cumslut.” The chains jangle above the slap of skin on skin and the grunts of horny men filled the room until splats of cum cover me pushing Aaron over the edge as he droves in hard and grabs my legs tightly. His cock pulses and throbs spewing his venomous Poz cum into my cunt and amid cheers and chants of "Poz the cunt" simply says, "Job done" then slumps forwards covering me in his exhausted sweaty body. I am completely fucked both actual and metaphorically, "I can't take any more" is all I can utter as I am unshackled from the sling and in a blur carried into a bedroom to be left to the dogs...
    2 points
  29. Part 7. FUCKED well and truly I scream an almost unintelligible “NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” But in what must be a well-rehearsed double act Aaron violently jabs his massive meat in my now sore hole, eliciting an immediate “Ooouch!” from me just in time for Martin to plug my mouth with his equally impressive cock thrusting the huge shaft all the way into my open mouth until I choke, gag and gasp for air. My senses went into overdrive being sadistically spit roast, “Unn, ungg, nnn, n-n-n” was the only sound I can make, my mind racing, clink, clank, clink, clank rings around my ears from the Sling chains. I try to relax and breathe from the throat-fuck pounding but Martin is getting off on making me drool and choke as my eyes tear up. "Damn it Bossman chaser.” He pants, “I'm gonna shoot today’s first Poz load down your bugchasing throat and you'd better swallow every drop, then keep sucking to keep me hard ready for the second load that’s going in your tight arse." Then it suddenly happens....his cock vein’s pulse, the shaft swelled yet further and harder as he cut off my air supply and then torrents of red hot dirty Poz cum is hitting the back of my throat while he pushes in as far as he could go while screaming, "Swallow every drop bitch." I all but blacked out only coming to as he eases his still gushing cock from my throat and yet somehow there was more cum pumping out than I can swallow so it’s only escape was up and out through my nose! Momentarily amid gurgling sounds I feel as if I’m going to drown in cum. At that same moment Aaron picks up his fucking pace pulling almost all the way out until only the huge cockhead is pulling against my ass lips then ramming in deep, penetrating me painfully so that I feel a sharp dagger like pain deep inside my guts followed by a muffled pop as his mushroom head smashes through my second sphincter time and time again. I deserve this pain, welcome it for playing with fire and getting burnt. This pain is for cheating and I embrace it by pushing myself onto this hard-invading piece of flesh as I squeeze my ass muscles down around his cock trying to give Aaron a good feeling. My phone rings…of course it will be Steve, he always immediately answers my calls and it’s a running joke between us that I take ages to get back to him, Martin picks up the call and hits the speaker button. “Aaaaawwwwwwaaaaallllllllllllllllllllll” A screech like that of a wounded animal pierces the air followed by expletives, It’s over, we’re through, your things will be on the front lawn, I don’t ever want to see you ever again.” I can’t respond, just repeat “ehhr, ehhr, ehrr together with the recurring jangling of the sling chains is all Steve could hear if he is listening as Aaron’s cock viciously hammers my bruised colon damaging the sensitive membrane of skin within giving his toxic pre-cum swimmers plenty of opportunity to change my life forever as he changes tempo and directions. My prostate is stimulated by the constant rubbing and poking of his shaft across it and as the discomfort lessens, endorphins kick in, and as pleasure begins to flood my senses I start to enthusiastically thrust back to meet his. Martin whispers in my ear, “let Steve know what it is you need.” I mumble “Get fucked raw!” “Get fucked how Jack?” “I need my Poz Daddies, their buddies and anyone else to rape me! Fuck me bareback with their toxic cocks and fill my boy pussy up with AIDS cum!” The phone is clicked OFF No going back now, my life with Steve has ended. I relax, breathe deep and from nowhere the pressure building up in my gut is released as I begin to piss, an arc of yellow steaming stinky piss hits me in the face, eyes, mouth and dribbles down to my chest. “Arrrhhh we’ve got ourselves a real pig here now” says Aaron as he starts to breath heavy…. “I’m gonna spray my Poz load into you real soon” then pants and groans, I know the tell tale signs of impending climax. “Oh fuck…. oh yes please…..God I love it…. fuck me harder…” I shout, head back in pleasure knowing that the any minute now he’s going to shoot a big load into my body to knock me up. Aaron spits out “Come on…. milk my cock..... Suck the Poz load out of my balls with your once Neg greedy cunt” The fucking gets more aggressive as Aaron grabs hold of the leather bed of the Sling, shoves his diseased dick in me and roars, “FUCK! I’m shooting my virus into you, you whore… Do you feel my dirty cum, bitch?” I know it he’s flooding my ass with his toxic cum and I can’t believe how many spurts he’s unloading, reminding me after each one “Bossman. Take my Poz cum you fucking whore!” Then his sweaty body collapses on me and I guess what’s going to happen next as he continues to now gently rocks in and out pushing as much dirty cum in as deep as possible until he comes to a stop. At this same time Martin whispers in my ear, “You’ve done great, now thank Aaron for giving you his medically immune Poz cum.” I just yell out as asked, “Oh yeah! Thank you, Sir, for giving me your gift, your med resistant gift!” Then it hits me….med resistant….fuck what have I done and yet despite being exhausted I’m elated too. He goes on to tell me, “you’ve found your calling; born to please your Daddies, their friends, and anyone that wants to fuck my cunt bareback! That I was born to be an AIDS cock and cum whore!” And as Aaron yanks out I’m left lying in my own now cold piss, my cock twitching wanting release all I can say is “bring it on!.”
    2 points
  30. Part 6. Careless talk costs.... Our weekend dragged, I couldn’t find the words or right time to tell Steve what I’d been doing, knowingly taking anonymous loads and now known Poz cum up my ass, risking not only my health but his too and had to admit that I just cannot get enough Poz juice in my hole! We did talk about work however, probably the only time I was animated the whole weekend, how I was to mentor and train the bosses nephew and yet he has this huge personality and persona making me feel the lesser, subservient being. Steve tells me, “Well you’re dominant during sex, imagine you’re in bed with him, tell him he’s to do as you want, when you want. Conjure that image up and you’ll be fine.” If only he really knew! Come Monday morning I avoided Steve at breakfast and jumped from bed straight in the shower only to be surprised when he snuck up behind me wrapped his arms around my torso and ground his stiff dick in my ass crack. He giggled, “Marking my territory.” I couldn’t respond so remained still, which he took as a sign of acceptance by lovingly kissing my neck, tweaking my nipples and easing his cock to my hole. “Oh yeah baby, that feels so good when you open up to let slide right in.” I think to myself wishing I could say out loud, ‘Baby? I’m not your baby anymore and I’m not relaxing my sphincter and ass muscles to ‘let you in’ I’ve been fucked senseless leaving my abused hole gaping and an easy opening for your dick.’ I was silent as he tried to get off gently and lovingly fucking my slack love(less) canal, ten minutes of fucking went by and still no nut, the hot water ran out so I had to switch the shower off and still Steve persisted. One of his hands lowered to play with my cock which remained limp and uninterested. “Sorry still stressing about work, I just can’t do this” (Thinking to myself this is just too ordinary, no risk, no thrill of the chase and in no way of potential for getting knocked up) …he continued to pummel my ass as his strokes built up speed to finally reach his climax. “Arrrgh, ummmph, ahhh! There keep it in all day and you’ll have a part of me for support when you start training this Martin fellah. I’m out of the house in double quick time getting to work early only to be confronted by an even earlier Martin….. “Hi, Good weekend?” he enquired “Nah and before you ask no I didn’t tell Steve what I’ve been doing” I grumpily replied. “No worries, grab your laptop, Uncle wants us to trail his new ‘Agile Working’ project, you know working from home, I’ll drive, we’ll go to mine as I have a working space all set up ready and waiting.” En-route Martin got into fucking with my head saying stuff like, “Mate and We can get stuck in, together we are a slick operation, working towards a ‘Positive’ outcome”, it tripped off his tongue so easily I wasn’t sure if he was telling me about sex or work so, I sat there in silence. His/their house was a modernist all glass and white wash affair and minimal inside. Martin slung the car keys on the only table in the lounge and told me set up my laptop right there, then adding, “Aaron’s preparing our workspace, I’ll go check, in the meantime STRIP, I’m horny.” SOOOO sex was on his mind as I fire up my computer and lay my phone next to it then piece by piece step out of my cloths and I watch in awe as my cock begins lengthening, thickening and arcing upwards with each banging heartbeat, thump, thump, thump it goes that I fear my heart will burst through my chest and I tingle all over in anticipation. I jump as a fully clothed Aaron breaks my spell saying, “Your work station is ready for you now.” I’m led to a back room set up with a sling in the centre surrounded by glaringly bright lights that in contrast to the rest of the blacken out room blinds me sufficiently that I do not see the blinking red light of a camera already recording… “Jump in and get comfortable, you’re in for a bumpy ride mate!” I readily hop up and roll on to my back feeling the coolness of the leather sling instantly begin the warm against my naked skin, then both Martin and Aaron walk over and locked my wrists and ankles into the stirrups. As Aaron locks the last stirrup in place he flashes a mobile phone at me, I notice and blurt out “Wow, we have the same phone” A big goofy grin spreads across his face, replying “Oh really….” as he turns to a now naked Martin to avoid me seeing him wink as they swop positions and an already hard cock is pushed to my lips. It’s then that I see a freshly inked Biohazard tattoo between the root of his cock and navel with the skin still angry and red making the sign appear glowing and all the more dangerous and inviting. “Time to get to work, take it all, NOW, and get me harder with the back of your throat and nice sloppy blow job to get my toxic pre-cum flowing freely boy." As my eyes fix on the tattoo out of the corner I see Aaron zoom in with ‘his’ phone on me and what I’m looking at, automatically I eagerly open my mouth wide as Martin’s hard flesh disappears all the way down with my throat muscles dancing around his huge near 10 inch pole and without any chance to get used to his size he begins to rape my mouth. In a panic I try to remember to breathe as he pulls back then trying to relax my throat as he smashes back in with spit, phlegm and snot getting pumped out of my nose and mouth with each piston like thrust until he is balls deep with his heavy Poz cum laden balls resting on my chin. He momentarily rests as we both savor the satisfaction of our achievements. I can no longer see Aaron but do feel first his breath and then his fingers run around my freshly fucked hole, “Oh my we must have done a good job Friday coz his cunt is still open and puffy as I feel one sharp finger drill deep into my hole and then twists around in Steve’s cum, then another thicker finger enters me and together they work going in and out alternately. They then start a scissor like movement to open my rectum yet further until he’s satisfied with four fingers sucked in to stretch my sphincter in all directions. I truly feel like I’m in piggy heaven. “Ummm all slippery and wet” comment Aaron, “You been fucked before you got here?” Aaron yanks his fingers out and I gasp at the emptiness, “Yeah, it’s my husband’s cum” I admit. “Is it POZ cum?” “No I’m afraid not.” “Slut, that is all the lube you’re getting. Marty are you ready?” “YES!” is the reply as he fully pulls out of my mouth and takes the phone. “Jack, as Martin videos you just answer my questions, OK?” “Yes” escapes my lips before I even thought about a reply. “Who are you?” “My name is Jack” “Why are you here?” “To get converted by 2 sexy Poz tops” “Do you willingly wish to get Pozzed?” “Oh YES SIR, I really get off having risky sex” “I can see just by talking about getting knocked-up that cock of yours is pointing up rock hard and leaking. Is it always like this?” “No vanilla sex doesn’t do it for me anymore. I like it hard, rough and dangerous.” I admit looking up directly to the phone. One last question, “You are Negative?” I feel the hot heavy bluntness of his massive cock at the entrance of my exposed hole and in my heightened sexual state feel the sticky wetness of his toxic pre-cum ouze over my hole which puckers and twitch in expectation of what’s to come. “Yeah I’m Neg, but not for much longer!” BANG! The sling chains rattle as he pushes in balls deep, “Mmmmmmmm sloppy seconds in this cunt, ripe and ready for my radioactive recently checked 1 million viral load cum.” “Did you say you hadn’t told, err, Steven isn’t it that you’re a POZ cum hungry slut whose been going to the bus station toilet glory holes taking anonymous loads in both ends?” “Umm, yeah that’s err, right…..” panic now kicking in. “Why?” “You’re telling him NOW. Martin please hit send.” I watch in disbelief as it dawns on me that IT WAS MY PHONE as he scrolls down my contacts list….. “Yep, got it” I helplessly watch Martin’s finger tap the screen knowing in that instant my World has just imploded.
    2 points
  31. Part 5. Positively getting down to IT, enjoy guys! I slept badly, was in a bad mood at breakfast that just got blacker once in work from just thinking what Martin would say or do about our public toilet encounter. I was apoplectic come late morning as I watched him in deep conversation with our MD, my direct boss and Martin’s uncle it later turned out! During mid-talks they kept looking at me and I feared the worst when they both appeared at my desk, directly in front of me. “Jack, this here is my nephew, I know it was kept quiet, but I hear only good things of you from Martin. He says you have been most friendly and accommodating which is nothing more than I expect, so I want you to mentor him to integrate Martin in to the business. Now why don’t you two take an early extended lunch break and get better acquainted as in future you will be working closely together. Good. I expect an update on progress.” Martin, grinning like a Cheshire cat only had six words to say, “I know a place to go” En-route he calls Aaron to meet us at the Bus Station… I felt like such a slut as once inside I’m instructed by Aaron to kneel on the dirty cubicle floor while a man I did not know or likely to see again, used my mouth or ass for his pleasure. Martin watched me through the huge gloryhole in the adjoining trap. Excitedly I couldn’t wait for a hard cock to be pushed through the hole. I began to stroke my own cock whilst waiting and I didn't have to wait long before a guy came in saw my open mouth at the hole and once I had his attention I liked my lips inviting his cock in. He wasted no time in dropping his trousers fished his cock out, tugged on it a few times until it began to grow in his hand and pushes forwards. It was only when it was standing proud through the hole that the cheesy smell hit me. Aaron bent down to my ear to say, “Lick it clean, scoop up all of that smegma until that cock is squeaky clean.” I tried my best between gagging to swirl my tongue under his foreskin to lift away the crusty white pieces of cock cheese then swallowing them before my taste buds knew what hit them. Now he had a hard cock I could enjoy and in no time he was fucking my mouth, ramming in deep down my throat causing it to squeeze and pulse around the hard flesh. His strokes began to speed up and I knew it would not be long until he’d be cumming in my mouth. I could not wait, hell I wanted his cum, no needed his cum to be shooting into my slutty mouth. As quickly as he shot he was outta there. “Good boy, a decent start, now spread your legs, bitch, backup to the hole and wait for your next cum load to lube your chute in readiness for our cocks.” Aaron wagged his monster cock under my nose and then as if the musky sex smell wasn’t enough a poppers bottle is held to my nose and some really deep hits readily makes me comply. Aaron pulls my ass cheeks wide as I press up to the glory hole…shocked as I was unaware anyone was there, I feel a warm wet tongue run up and then down my crack before it runs around the rim of my hole making me instinctively push out, as I would readily do for my husband. Now I feel a tongue and finger, then fingers slip in to stretch and open me up. Next…nothing, I’m open and gaping until something warm and blunt nudges my hole. The anonymous cock tries to bury itself inside me. It’s a bit of a strain, but not too much, a grunt, more pressure and in one stroke he was balls deep. No time to adjust to this super hard cock. In my mind he was a young guy, always steel like hard, full of raging hormones fueled by testosterone and the need to breed, you know the type, he fucks me mercilessly for no more than 5 minutes before emptying his hot load inside me. At the point of climax he drove in deep, smashed into my prostate and I could actually feel his cock pulse as wave after wave of cum erupt in my now well used hole. And without realizing I was cumming too. A couple of thrusts and he pulled out and as I spin around to clean his cock, he faces me, winks, tells me thanks, pulls his pants up and was out the door. Aaron runs a finger across my crack to scoop up and back in a dribble of cum that has escaped; appreciatively I twitch my hole for him. That does it. His cock already out, standing menacingly up straight… Aaron lowers himself on to the toilet and instructs me to straddle him, face-to-face. I instinctively sit astride his hips having to move his cock away from his body as I did so letting it rest on my backside. My mind was racing in anticipation I knew how massive his manhood was, I knew I wanted it but had no idea how my ass could ever stretch enough to take his cock, but take it I had to. In a flash he has his dick at my hole, “Get ready to take all my dna, whore.” I can’t be thinking properly ‘coz I'm just saying... “fuck my brains out!” I lean forward, arms around Aaron’s neck, lean down and kiss him on the lips, our tongues met and twirl around each other’s mouth as Aaron’s hands rub all over my body, sending goosebumps over every piece of skin. I’ve never felt more alive than at this moment, cheating on my husband having sex in a public toilet. His hand adjusts his dick head. I stop kissing him, drag up big globs of spit on my fingers which I move to my ass wetting it as best as I can. Aaron’s cock is straining from being kept waiting as a steady flow of precum soaks my hole and the sticky fluid coated head nudges my hole impatiently. I hold his slick cock firmly as I position and when I am sure I’m on target, I focus, take a deep breath and slam down. POP! His hand flies up to stifle my “Ffffuuuuccck!” Immediately, I need to move upwards to pull his cock out of my ass, but he had other plans. He knew exactly what I was trying to do and was prepared to stop me. Aaron grabbed my hips firmly and pulls me downwards as he trusts up ramming his excited blood-engorged penis balls deep. The searing and burning pain raced through my body as his hot rod ripped through my delicate love canal to leave me fully impaled on his weapon. Hyperventilating, covered in a sheen of sweat I was both in agony and pleasure. His hands slid away from my mouth and came to rest on my chest as he gently at first tweaked my nipples before decided to get my attention and did so by pulling on them hard. My ass was screaming and on fire and now my nipples was too, I could not compute what was happening or being said to me as he soothingly whispers in my ear, “Martin and me are off to the tattoo shop later…not sure whether to get a scorpion or biohazard tatt, what d’ya think?” Think? I could not think, my temples thumped and I struggled for breath but something came to my forethought. Poz cock Aaron flexed his diseased cock pumping precum deep in my battered bowels pumping his DNA into me, his HIV+ DNA. My head jerks upright as the enormity of my situation kicks in… My mind racing at what I am doing yet I cannot stop myself. I could have, should have struggled free but Aaron’s commanding hands keep me firmly impaled as he soothingly talks to me. I hear his words of encouragement, "See? It’s not so bad and all you have to do now is work my cock, ride it, learn to love being fucked by Martin and me.” Another tweak on my nipples commands me to get my ass moving up and down on that big slab of 10 inch meat, tentatively at first then building up speed until all of a sudden my brain computes that the fire and pain in my ass has eased as simultaneously the first moan of pleasure escapes my lips… “Ah! Now I know you’re hooked on my big cock and, when I blow my dirty load in your ass, you’re going to want more with Martin right here to supply your next pozzing load. Cum Dump. Once you start taking Poz loads you’ll realise how much you love that feeling and you’ll want more raw Poz loads — lot’s more! What the hell was happening to me? I am being coached into being a bug chaser…or did I intend to make this happen? My eyes return to gaze at Aaron as I began to raise my ass upwards allowing his gargantuan cock to slide almost out of my ass in a slick free-flowing movement lubed by someone else’s cum until just the head was pulling on my ass lips. Our hands clasped together tightly as an audible gasp escapes my lips as I slam fully back down. I quickly get into the rhythm of this and my entire body twitches and shakes at the sensations my hole is giving me. "Hell yeah, now that’s the way to do it! Start bouncing harder and faster, that’ll make it feel even better." Aaron excitedly whispers. "Good boy, I told you you’d soon enjoy it! Pull your ass all the way off my cock this time. I lift and feel his slick bulbous mushroom head squeeze out of my sphincter as at the same time I sit back down quickly picking up this up and down pace , my thighs beginning to burn as I ride his rod of steel. Just a couple of more full-lengths and I’ll be there!" His rigid tool starting to really feel good as my ass opens more and more on his cock which now regularly bangs my prostate harder and harder and I am noisily moaning in ecstasy now. My own cock is right now harder than I think it had ever been spraying clear liquid all over our bodies and clothing with each bounce. I could literally feel every vein in his cock pumping blood, getting harder and harder now he’s telling me, "Take it Jack. Feel how good it is. I just knew you would love this Poz cock. I'm getting closer to filling your ass full of my hot dirty cum." My aching legs did their best to increase my speed even more, rising and falling, rising and falling. Impaling myself deeper as on my downwards motion Aaron is thrusting up getting every one of those glorious 10 inches in deep. Fuck this is intense. His hands grab me hard as just another few final strokes and he jams upwards as I came down in one final ass wrecking blow…Oh my God, I feel his cock expand and start to pulse and throb in my guts. I feel his red-hot HIV laden cum filling me up and searing my insides with its potency, my ass muscles throb to the beat of my heart squeezing Aaron’s shaft milking every last drop of cum from his cock… and then I erupt, spewing my neg cum all over both our shirts! As if in an out-of-body I hear myself moan loudly with my heart thumping in my chest, my brain is in overload swimming in sensations of lust, desire and the need for more Poz cock and cum. I’m brought back to reality as Aaron continues to grind into me, holding me close and keeping his still throbbing cock in me until it shrinks a little and begins to slip out of my gaping hole. Once it has all left my body his strong arms pick my near lifeless body up backs me on to Martin’s waiting rock hard 9 inches of manhood ominously already poking through the glory hole in expectation. He too impales me so deep that I feel so full I’m convinced his dick will burst out of my stomach at any minute, yet I was in heaven from the pleasure I am receiving by it being there. “Oh yes pig! I love it that my cock is marinating in Aaron’s warm, slick Poz load that is coating your ass, you can’t beat sloppy seconds…or thirds! Aaron moves in front so I can slurp on his limp cock, licking off the residue of his climax, tasting my own ass juices and streaks of red. Martin grinds in me hard, momentarily holds it there for a bit and then pulls all the way out then slams in hard, so hard I feel the partition judder, then pounds my hole harder still, destroying my hole hammering hard and fast, deep and changing directions creating more tares where he can in my colon. "I'm not going to last, getting close now” A flurry of long, then short deliberate strokes punctuated by his legs smashing into the partition that separates us. If anyone is out side in the main toilet block then they would be in no doubt as to what is happening here, right now. “Get ready. Here comes my nice Poz gift up your ass." He’s definitely not worrying if anyone can hear us outside our little closed world. Despite brutalizing my flesh I feel each pulsation of his cum tube as thousands more Poz swimmers are sprayed into my fertile body, burrowing into my bloodstream, changing me and my life forever. "I hope you enjoy the fact that your hole will feel us for days to come? Now go home pretty boy, tell your boyfriend what you’ve done and when he throws you out, as he surely will…move in with us, uncle Richard will love to watch his favourite employee getting DP’d by his big dicked nephew and his boyfriend” I stood there stunned, but my ‘little’ 7 inch cock was rigid, my hole contracted then quivered so I knew what I had to do.
    2 points
  32. As a teenager I would cruise public bathrooms to find random strangers to suck and swallow his hot thick load of cum. The only thing better than sucking cock was that mouthful of cum to swallow. I was still in middle school and was already a cumhungry faggot. On slow days. I would sit back and jerk my cock to all the dirty storys on the bathroom walls. So many times Iyou see loads of cum on the floors. I would lay my hand on that cum. And use the cum as lube for my cock and jerkoff. I would lick my fingers just to get a taste of the load. I would think to myself. What would my friends or family think of me if they only knew what I was doing. I mean what kind of nasty pig would do such a thing. You know nothing about that cum on the floors. Who's cum was it? How long has it been on the floor? 5 minutes or all day. I didn't care. I was there to jerkoff and swallow cum. With my cock lubed up with a random load on the bathroom floor. I wanted cum in my mouth. I would get down on the floor, and start to sip and lick all the loads of cum on the bathroom floor. Just before I blew my load I would swallow the cum in my mouth. After I shot my load. I wanted nothing to do with cock or cum. I would rethink about what I just did. What a nasty boy I was. What would people think of me if they found out. But every time after that I found myself back down on my knees licking up someone's cum. When I was in high school I had a girlfriend. However I still wanted to swallow cum. When I turned 18 I could get into the porn store. When my girlfriend was working. I would head to the back video booths in the local porn shops. I would spend hours sucking all the cocks in the place. Just before closing time the place was slow. I would walk around and see loads of cum on the floor. Cum was everywhere. I still needed to jerkoff before my girlfriend got done work. I would find all the cum that guy's left behind and fill my mouth full of all that cum spit some on my cock and start jerking my cock off. Swallowing all that cum. Sometimes when I got home. My girlfriend would give me some head. She would ask me if I jerkoff already. I would ask why. She would say that my cock tasted like cum. I would tell herthat I jerkoff earlier. I can't tell her that my cock was covered in loads of cum I found on the floors and lubed my cock with it.
    1 point
  33. I'd been on PrEP over a year. At first genuinely looking to prevent, but lately it became out of wanting to control if/when "it" happened. My mind had raced for months, pondering what it would be like taking that first positive load. Not the run of the mill undetectable load, but the real potent deal. Many jerk off fantasies reading stories, watching videos where some boy was verbally filled with a poz load and imagining myself at that moment of no return. Without much thought, I forgot the PrEP for a day. The second day, I thought "Oh shit, I missed a dose, that's not like me." A voice in my head debated what harm was missing a second? Well, the doctor did say two was acceptable, but certainly not three. Day Three comes. Why am I wasting it? I'm not even having sex, beyond sucking someone off occasionally? I can always take it for a week and get back on track. A week with out sex is nothing for me. I don't classify myself as a real catch, early 40's decent looks, a bit boyish for my age in mannerism and depending on my style of dress. Very orally inclined, mentally a bottom though not really been used enough to really get accustomed to it, though that itch does need scratched. Day ten, post PrEP, arrives. Searching websites and apps for anything that catches my eye; however, pretty shy to initiate the contact. Time wasted, staring blankly, getting no responses. Maybe I'm too standoffish? But wait... what was that? A message! I was in shock, having not gotten one previously, I'd never heard the notification. MasterDaddy4u: "Hey boy. Just lurking or willing to go through with it?" Me: "Hello. I do want to go through with it, just hesitant and depends on what I find I guess." MasterDaddy4u: "Very dom 62 yr old Master, if you come over, you belong to me. And when you speak to me, you should say Sir or Daddy, boy!" Me: "Wow, that is pretty blunt." MasterDaddy4u: "What boy? I did not hear you." Me: "Wow,that is pretty blunt, Sir." *what made me obey so quickly?* MasterDaddy4u: "I am sending you my address. When you arrive, enter at door to the garage. Instructions will be there. If you object to anything in that list, go home to your Mama. We wont talk again until you comply." Me: "I need a moment to think on this, Sir." MasterDaddy4u: "That time is past. Bye, Boy. See you in compliance, or this is the last I have to say." >>MasterDaddy4u is offline. My mind raced like crazy. I had a private shared file waiting to be opened. Staring at my screen, my mouse making circles around the icon.... >>click<< "Boy, be at this address in one hour and follow all instructions on site. If you do not, you will be sent away. No second chances." It ended with the exact address. I recall I've stopped PrEP. What if? I don't even know his status. Or what he intends. As my mind raced, I realize I've undressed without realizing it. I get a shower to ensure I was presentable...just in case. IF... *mind still races* When... In a flash, I find myself in my car, heading toward the unknown. Am I foolish for just showing up without much conversation, no exchanged pix, nothing at all? Time seemed to fly and yet creep at the same time. Looking at my watch, after the relatively short drive over, I had 15 minutes left of the hour allotted. Looking at the darkened house from the street, butterflies churned in my stomach. Halfway up the drive...when did I get out of the car? Hand on the knob. Still time to turn back. My cock and hole both twitch as my stomach does back-flips. Inside the dimly lit garage, a solitary lamp shines on a piece of paper. Leaning down, I begin to read what is expected of me. *** Boy, welcome to your possible future. You can still turn back, but once you start on this list, you are bound by your choice. I know you are here. I've seen you on camera. You have 30 minutes to comply or leave. 1. The boy acknowledges that he freely and willingly accepts being the property of his Master, with the understanding he will, upon showing his submission by beginning this list, be taking his Master's HIV poz load and piss to be properly marked, and will accept any and all demands/orders made by his Master without question, subject to punishment for failure to comply. 2. The boy is to strip and place all belongings into the lock-box provided. Once the lock is in place, it will not be opened. 3. Once naked, the boy will find the collar next to the lockbox. Affix the collar, as well as its lock. Again, once locked, only the Master may choose to remove it. 4. The boy shall kneel, eyes down, palms down on knees, and wait quietly for his Master to retrieve him. Final chance to leave, boy. Once any step has started, your consent is no longer required for those after it. Punishment will be delivered once any lock is in place and you try to withdraw. *** Oh my God! He's positive! FUCK! What about my PrEP? My mind flies through the options of fleeing or giving in. My cock soaks my underwear with precum. Subconsciously, my shoes are kicked off as my shirt goes over my head. My undies getting more uncomfortable by the moment, I rip at my shorts praying for some relief. I'm naked! In a strange place, about to surrender myself to someone, sight unseen. I have to think this through a bit more! I look at my watch. SHIT! I've only got 10 minutes to dress and leave, or accept my fate. Accept my fate? What an odd choice of words! My brain seems to be working on two levels. One fighting it, one having already given in. I need more time! What do I really want to do? >>click<< What was that? A sound snaps me out of my mental debate with logic. FUCK! The lock-box! I locked it! Panic sets in. I can still flee, granted I'd naked and with nothing I came with. DAMN IT! On foot too, as my keys are in the box! How much time do I have? SHIT! No watch! I have to decide. It's now or never! ***** ((I am very new to attempting to write stories. I welcome any feedback. I've been pondering this one a long time, but after reading so many great stories on here, I find it hard to put into words what in my mind plays out like a flawless movie. Thanks for reading this first part. I'll try to continue it as time permits, hopefully sooner rather than later.))
    1 point
  34. My last loads were also the first of the new year. Jan3 and I stayed home to work while my wife went to work. I cleaned up started trolling the usual sites. I hit up a black guy who has fucked me a few times over the years and he was up for a quick pump and dump. He has a very thick cock but not very long, maybe 7in. I stretched out my ass with one of my bigger dildoes so I’d be better able to accolade him. It had been a few months since I got fucked so I had tightened up a bit. I brought him into the spare bedroom and sucked him hard. I lubed him up and got on all fours on the bed. He was able to slowly push in my ass in one stroke. After a few slow strokes he started to fuck my ass like an animal for about 4 minutes until he unloaded deep. He always shoots big loads. While he was on his way over, another black guy wanted a quick pump and dump. I had him come over and wait in his car until the first guy left. I’ve only done blindfolded anon scenes a couple of times with this guy. I wasn’t sure when my wife would be home so I had him come to the tool shed outside. I lowered my pants and bent over waiting for him. He came into the shed and wasted no time getting hard and shoving his cock up my cum lubed hole. He lasted about 2 minutes and blasted his load. Not a bad start for a married guy for 2019
    1 point
  35. Being fisted a sling and a bench for fucking as it’s easier to suck dick on a bench and get fuck.
    1 point
  36. You are quite correct, TIM does not do any testing. Or serosorting. I interviewed with them five years ago, and that last part was the most disconcerting part of the interview. The guy flat out told me this was so. From communicating with others in the biz, I've concluded that if you go into TIM porn, you are either already poz or looking to convert. You are not likely to go in neg and come out neg.
    1 point
  37. My first cum dump experience: I visited Denver in April 2018, got a cheap hotel room, and started looking for fun. First guy was really hot, looking for some dom sub fun. Love that kind of play. He force fed me his cock, and fucked me, going back and forth on this. Tied me up a little as he fucked me too. After playing for a couple hours we sat and shared a smoke and chatted in between me sucking his cock. After he left I started looking for more. Found a little bit older guy that came over. We shared a quick smoke, and then I sucked his cock for a little while. Then he fucked me hard until cumming in my slutty hole. The third guy I found was a hot black guy, not much for conversation, but had a big cock. I sucked his cock to get him hard, then he bent me over the bed and fucked me hard. It was so hot, and my hole was really open at that point. As he got close to cumming he asked if I wanted it in me, or on me. I was so high and horny I moaned to cum in me. He picked up the pass saying he was going to breed me. It was so hot feeling his cum fill my hole. At this point it was about 4am, and I was getting tired. I did find a pair of guys that wanted to play in their hotel room. One a hot thin black guy, and the other a older white guy. We played for a little while with me sucking their cocks and them playing some with my hole. I finally decided to head back to my room and get some sleep. That was the end of my first cum dump experience, but it made me so hungry for more.
    1 point
  38. The driver comes to pick me up, and I'm in bad shape, so it's off to the Doctor. There the Doctor puts an IV in me as I'm dehydrated and he tells me I should be well hydrated before partying so hard. He inspects my hole and is laughing. It looks like a few big dicks had a lot of fun wrecking as it is swollen and has changed its shape from a virgin looking hole to the beginning of a future man cunt. I will not be taking any dick for a few weeks, and I'm ok with that as I need a vacation anyway as there are a few things I want to do. I live in a shit hole and its a one-hour commute to and from school, and with the money I made I can afford a place closer to school. I'm looking online, and I find a place — a large bedroom for rent can use the kitchen and living room this is for MALES ONLY. If this place turns out it will be only a block from most of my classes. I speak to Thad on the phone, and he sounds nice as he owns the place. I get to the building, and the doorman buzzes me in I get to the door, and when Thad opened the door I am met with this Asian twink he is in just a thong, and his dick is bulging, he has a nose and both nipples pierced. Thad asked me in, and this one picture on the wall catches my attention of this Man in leather in a chair and next to him is a naked Asian boy on his knees looking at him. Thad shower the room it has a king size bed and plenty of room it has a walk-in closet that has some things in it, but its almost as big as the place I'm living at now. The bathroom is your typical Gay Male bathroom with a sure shot handing in the shower when Thad tells me the price it's less than what I'm paying now. I tell Thad it will take me a few days to move in as I don't have a vehicle to get my things in, Thad says he has some friends who have a van and will be more than willing to help me move. Tom & Jerry are both hunks blond hair blue eyes 6ft swimmer bodies, and like the slut, I am they are both showing how they are hung in their tight-fitting jeans. Thad was right about doing it with the van as all it took was one trip to move me in. The next week was quiet, but I could feel the sexual energy from Thad as he is always walking around in either a tong or jockey bikini briefs showing he has a nice dick. We are both in the living, as we were both headed to the kitchen, and he just put his arms around me, and I put my arms around him as we started kissing and feeling each other bodies.
    1 point
  39. Thats how I felt. Very nasty and dirty. What would my girlfriend. family or friends say or think about what I did. What kinda person would do that? I'll tell you what kind of person. Someone just like me. A so called str8 acting guy who is in the closet who lives a str8 life but loves to suck cock and swallow loads of cum. BecauseI don't want anyone to find out about my dirty secret. I cruise around public bathrooms, local parks and porn shops to find any random strangers to use my cumhungry mouth and wants a cock to fuck my throat infront of other strangers watching me. A person who will suck anyones cock then swallow his load is not gay . He is a faggot.
    1 point
  40. All part of the lure & bait, chase & hunt that goes on in baths. We the prey 'coyly' display ourselves, leaving our scent until Dom males pick up on it and corner us to breed. Hate ones with tiny cubicle booths; love ones with slightly larger rooms and bed. When the first cock comes in I tell them to leave the door ajar. That always attracts attention from passerbys and then more cocks in the room. Insures the survival of the species by multiple fuckings and breedings that day. We have served our function then. Oink!
    1 point
  41. Dinner is served I could eat his hole all day
    1 point
  42. I was perusing through the Craigslist offerings when I came across one that was interesting. An Asian offering a free massage. I emailed some dick and body pics and asked if I could slip it in his hole as well. He responded that would be most welcome, if safe. I brought along lube and a special condom, just in case. The massage was nice and turned into me getting a blow job. Not wanting to cum in his mouth, I started playing with his thick dick and smooth hole. Eventually he got naked and as I ate his hole he bent over his massage table. After getting him sufficiently wet, I started entering him raw. When he got up to get poppers, I pulled out my lube and condom. He asked what I had and I showed him. When he came back with his poppers, I was stroking. We kissed, I got him turned around and on his haunches on the massage table. Thinking he knew I was condomless, I fucked and bred his very tight ass. He then noticed I didn't have on a condom and asked if I came in him. I said I had. He then wanted to know if I was clean. As I had showered, I answered affirmatively. Now I'm getting upset emails from him. Oh well. I got what I wanted: stealth breeding a safe sex bottom. Another notch!
    1 point
  43. I used to run a cellphone store in a mall in Cleveland. Sunday’s were absolutely dead for us. I had a homeless guy come in and start chatting me up. He stood just far enough away from my counter so that I could see his crotch. He was starting to get a bulge. He started talking about sex. I start getting hard. He asks if I’m into men and I say yes. I tell him to go around to the back door as I close the front. I let him in the back door of the store. We start feeling each other up through our jeans. I pull his cock out and he does the same for me. He has a nice cock. He tells me he needs fucked. I say sure. He drops his pants as he turns around grabs me by the cock and line my cock head up against his hole. His hole is already wet. I push in, and my cock just slides right in. His wet hole felt so good on my aching cock as I fucked him. I knew I wasnt gonna last long. I reach around and tug on his hard cock as I’m pounding in and out of him. I shoot my load balls deep inside of him. As I pull out he pulls his pants up and leaves. He came back an hour later. This time I jerk him off and have him cum on my cock before I give him a second load. Been looking for a homeless guy willing to take a load up his ass ever since.
    1 point
  44. Part 2 I had been taking loads from Trucker Daddy for a few months.. Still was testing neg, damn it.. On our last visit he let me know that his route had been changed and we would not be fucking anymore, or at least for a few months. I though all was lost when , I got a text from this this guy who said he and his friend were both poz and were heading out on trip to St. Louis and would be coming through my area and staying at the super 8, which by chance was just a mile from my house. I text and let them know to keep my posted when. The time was here. They were coming this way and be here, on a Tuesday. I was all ready for the visit. They arrived at the motel and text to let me know what room. When I arrived , wearing my shorts, t-shirt and had on my sexiest ass less jock strap. I knocked on door and first guy answered the door, and OMG.. He was about 6 feet tall , 195 and had a bio tatt on his arm. I went in and met the other guy, he was shorter , and stocky build with a mustache . He was so HOT. They were both in nothing but shorts. They both were already high and told me to strip and get on the bed for this night was all about them fucking my nasty cunt , whore ass and they were going to make good on it. As I took off my clothes the shorter guy was saying , OH YEAH ,, FUCKING NICE ASS. started rubbing his cock and walked over to me and said here bitch SUCK. I did as told , while the other guy was taking something out of a small bag and said he had just what my hole needed.. He took out a small shard and shoved it up my hole and pushed it in deep and hard. It hurt like hell but I being the submissive hungry whore I am , kept sucking the huge cock in my mouth and weakened for more cock. The larger guy now was lubing up my hole, and kept saying YEAH THIS BITCH IS HOT AND READY FOR BREEDING. The guys whose cock was in my mouth just saying yeah FUCK THAT ASS. When all of sudden with out any more prepping the larger guy shoved his uncut meat deep into me in one full force move. I gagged on the meat in my mouth as he continued to plow my hole as hard as he could. I was in pig slut heaven. The guy in my hole continued his pounding on my hole and kept saying how great it felt and he could not wait to fill my hole with his nasty dirty load. As he fucked my hole harder and harder I could feel his cock swelling bigger inside my tight hole, but my hole was enjoying it more than ever before. He fucked me for a solid 20 mins when he finally said oh yeah bitch ,,, POZZING THAT FUCKING CUNT ........... NOW. He blew his load in my hole and just kept on pushing it , to ensure his load was as deep in me as possible. The guy in my mouth was shoving his cock deeper in my throat and pulling my head closer into his pubic , so that I could barely breath. He then pulled his cock from my mouth and said , OK BITCH,,, my turn to poz up that hole. He flipped me onto my back and in one force move he shoved into me balls deep. Even though my hole had just been fucked this guy was much thicker, so it stretched the fuck out of me. But again I lay there and took the pounding fighting back the tears. As my top continued pounding and pounding , he kept telling me that his load would do the deed. He fucked longer and harder than anyone has ever fucked me before. While he was pounding my hole the other top got on top of me and forced me to eat his ass. This was so fucking hot, and only made my hole open up more. After I had eaten his ass for a few mins and then shoved his cock in my mouth, covered with cum and the juice from my ass, it was so good. He pulled my legs back and held them so the other guy could really get into my hole and do his deed. He started moaning and his cock was throbbing harder and harder, and then in one swift force and shoved in balls deep and erupted into me and it kept shooting rounds and rounds of hot toxic seed deep into my once neg hole. He soon pulled out and pushed his friend aside and replace that cock with his. I could taste the cum and that sweet poz load. Both men had now filled my hole with poz seed and were sitting beside me getting higher , when the first guy said , don't worry my little slut, we are here all night and so are you. I told them that I had to get home or boy friend would get worried.. They both laughed and said who cares, you are here and we are going to fuck this hole all night and when you leave in the morning , you WILL BE POZ.
    1 point
  45. Surely the bottom should’ve said something before the final strokes?! If not that’s just really selfish. If you want someone to fuck you BB as a minimum they have to be allowed to cum in your arse and as a courtesy the bottom should clean off the dick afterwards to show their appreciation.
    1 point
  46. PART 2 As I started to cAtch my breath, the knowledge that an HIV positive guy had just cum inside me hit me more. I was still riding the waves of pleasure from getting fucked though and looked down at my still rock hard cock and realized I had completely ignored it. It hadn’t mattered to me. All of my pleasure had come from my hole. And that pleasure had been more amazing than anything I had ever felt. I knew I couldn’t not have more, whatever the risk was gonna be. He had lit a fire in me. His hard cock had. And his cum. His hot cum that was hiv positive and currently soaking into me, my body absorbing it. As his softening cock slowly slid out of me, I immediately instinctively clamped my hole shut. It seemed important to keep it all in me. “Chris, that was the hottest hole I have fucked in years. I swear, your hole gripped my cock like you literally needed it in you. And i’m So happy you decided to let me breed you and give you my cum. It’s a special bond we have now. You have my seed inside you, my essence.” I was so happy. I was a good bottom. He had loved fucking me. “I couldn’t help it. Once you were inside me, it felt so good. And I didn’t want it to stop. And... I don’t know why, but all of a sudden it just seemed like I needed your cum.” I was embarrassed saying the last part. I couldn’t understand it really, I just knew what it felt like. And at the time, something clicked and I needed it. I would have begged if I had had to, but didn’t say that. He looked down at me and smiled. “My boy found his inner cum slut. I knew when I saw you that you would be special. Some guys get fucked and some guys are bottoms Chris. You are a bottom. Bottoms need cock in their holes. They don't use condoms. Taking cum becomes an addiction. A need. I have a feeling my cute young friend, that your hole is going to need lots of hot cum to be happy.” As I lay on the thin mattress with a near strangers cum flooded in my hole, my cock still hard, what he had just said ran in my head over and over. I had been fucked before and it had been just ok. Not great at all. The fucking I had just taken in this tiny little room had been the exact opposite. It had been the hottest sex I had ever had or even thought of. I had never felt so alive, had never wanted a cock so badly. And it had occurred to me more than once, a guy with HIV had shot a huge load in my ass and I wasn’t scared or freaking out. I was grateful. It was like.... it was like he had showed me the secret. “I don’t even know what’s happening, but I can’t help it. Nothing ever felt that good before.” Now he rose off the bed and looked at me intently. “My boy has a look that is telling me his hole is still hungry.” I nodded, a little embarrassed to admit it, even to him. It was all so new. “Let’s go find you a nice big cock to fill you up again. Do you want that? To feel another man’s cock throbbing as he shoots his sperm into your willing little ass?” My eyes big, my cock like steel, I rose off the bed too and took his hand as he opened the door and began to lead me down the narrow hall towards whatever or whoever was next. I was scared and nervous, but most of all excited and horny. And I knew I wanted more.
    1 point
  47. Part 3. Aaron's face lit up into a beaming smile, “Hi…you can’t go out looking like that with cum splats in your hair” as he manhandles me into the cubicle I had just left and followed me inside... I wanted to say “No” but somehow the word just could not come out and as I bent down to get some toilet paper to wipe my hair Aaron trapped me in a bearhug from behind and rubbed his drain-pipe like cock in my arse crease and I melted into him. He continued rubbing there marking his territory until I began thrusting back against him in submission. “Spin round and face me and sit on the john” I eagerly comply, “Get it out and start sucking” Aaron commands, uncaring if anyone outside can hear us as I fumble with his belt – all fingers and thumbs, nervous, excited and so horny I could cum right there and then! Eventually I free the monster, so easy as he has come commando this time, slide his jeans down to the floor I let my thumb and index finger close around his shaft, just about halfway down. I move my grip towards the head of his cock. His precum already flowing freely as it spilled out and over my hand, running down his shaft toward his pubes on the one side and his balls on the other. My tongue caught the tasty slippery liquid before it got to his scrotum. My mouth quickly sucked in his head, my tongue feverishly exploring his frenulum, then circling around that lovely pronounced, rubbery edge of his corona. My taste buds alive to the mixed flavours of piss, sweat and the beginnings of cock cheese. I let some saliva and precum drool flow out of my mouth and down his shaft, my fist spreading down all 10 hot velvety inches. I moved forward so that the head of his cock was pressing against the back of my mouth. With my free hand I encircled his balls lightly pulling him toward me, I swallowed another two inches of his cock and then held on for the ride as my gag reflex kicked in hard. As soon as my gagging became manageable, I breathed deeply and swallowed the rest of his slippery pole. I gave him about three or four full throat strokes where I pulled back still keeping him in my throat before pushing forward again, then pulling off so that I could breathe. I pulled my mouth all the way back on him, letting his cock go past my lips, and slowly bob forwards until my nose was pressed in to his pubes and his balls pressed in to my chin, then letting him slide back until just before his cock head left my mouth before repeating the process again and again. I heard someone enter the toilet next to us but we were so into the assault on my throat that neither of us had any intention of stopping, or so I thought…until Aaron abruptly pulled out and said, "look through the hole." I notice a big black hand in front of the hole making a motion like he was wanking and as I sat back he looked back, doing a double take seeing two of us…“Put your cock through the hole” Aaron directed, so without hesitation I unzipped and stuck my dick through the hole for him. The black guy immediately took my dick in his hand and began stroking it. It felt good to have his big hand stroking my so far neglected dick. After a minute of stoking he started digging his hand in my pants like he wanted access to my balls so I unbuckled my belt, unsnapped my trousers letting them fall to my ankles and he immediately started rubbing my balls and exploring my freshly shaved pubic area. All the while Aaron had his dick pressed in my crack easing me forwards until my pelvis could go no further allowing the black man easy access as he now went from massaging my balls to stroking my dick and I was really getting into this masterful hand job he was giving. Not content with playing with my balls he started slipping a finger back towards my asshole only to find Aaron’s cock resting there dribbling copious amounts of precum over the skin. Aaron pulled back so the man could finger my ass for a minute or two until oh so gently Aaron eased me to turn around and expose my ass to the glory hole. This was not what I wanted but for some reason I am putty in Aaron’s hands willing obeying his every command. How is it such a young lad with his big dick has such command over me? What happened next was totally unexpected. I figured he would finger me some but no he was playing with my asshole with his tongue. It felt great I love being rimmed by James my husband so I pushed my ass harder up against the hole to give him complete access to me. After a couple of minutes of his tongue I felt him stick one, then two spit lubed fingers in my ass and start working them in and out. My dick was super hard and I was stroking it for all I was worth as he continued to finger me. He pulled his finger out and I knew what to expect next… In his rush to fuck me his dick missed my hole poking sharply at skin between my legs. This was not what I had bargained for when I stopped by this lunchtime but I was way too worked up to stop it now. He pulled back, changed angle and pushed hard, hit bullseye and I could feel the head start in my hole but he could not get it in me. He tried again a couple of times and still could not get his head to pop into my hole. I decided that maybe a little more lubrication would help so I turned around and dropped to my knees and stared at his dick. It was big! I now understood why it wouldn't fit...his cock was super thick and I could wrap both of my hands around it and the head still stuck out. He had to be a to a good 8 inches round as well as in length. I started licking the head and took him into my mouth and I started giving him the wettest, sloppiest blowjob I could. After a couple of minutes of wetting his dick I stood back up and backed my ass up to the hole again. Only to have someone outside bang on all the doors, “Come on open up, there’s a queue out here.” The black man hoisted his trousers and was out of there like a shot. Aaron pulled off some toilet paper and stuffed in the glory hole, pulled the chain and was gone too, leaving a very surprised old guy as he walked in to find me still in the cubicle! I was late getting back to work and could not understand why I kept getting odd looks from my co-workers as it took a while for the penny to drop, I still had cum in my hair. Oops! another episode to follow shortly guys.
    1 point
  48. That is so hot. Just put two bands on and cut in between. OK, this entire discussion is fascinating and I seem to be more interested in it than I ever thought.
    1 point
  49. Time to ram it home. After several repeated sessions of coating Ram's chest, abs and even neck with my raw unmedicated poz cum, it was again time push his limits. When he asked to come over the workout, I told him I already had. The next day he asked again and this time I told him I was busy and would have to skip out. After a third rejection, he was getting antsy and asked "Did I do something wrong?" "Why would you think that?" "You haven't worked out with me for a while." "Rambo, it's been three days. Hardly 'a while'. "Yeah, you're right, I'm ...I'm just checking." "No, you're just horny for my dick, aren't you?" "Yeah, well, I can't lie. It's definitely fun." "You like me covering you in poz cum, right?" "It's fucking hot, man. You and your cock are amazing." "Come over tonight." "I can't. Joseph is here." "Make an excuse. I've been dying to lick that pretty ass of yours." "Fuck, okay. I'll be there." The cheating mode was already in him: the need to go even further. Tonight was going to be the night I had my way with him - completely. The hours rolled around, and 1:00 AM arrived faster than I expected - and as it did, Ram appeared at my door, clearly nervous. "How'd you get out?" "I waited till he fell asleep. He's kinda a heavy sleeper," he replied, adding "but I probably can't stay long." "Then what are your pants still doing on?" I asked as I pulled him into my arms, pushing my tongue behind his lips. He let out an almost girlish moan. I grabbed the small of his back and with my free hand explored his pants, only to discover Ram wasn't wearing underwear. His determination to cheat made me instantly hard so I kissed him harder, practically tongue-fucking his throat. He continued to moan while my mouth covered his and he dropped his pants and kicked them away. My finger sought-out his lightly fuzzed crack and rubbed his tight stud hole. "You want daddy to eat this hole boy?" I asked finally coming up for air. "Fuck yeah" he replied, mesmerized by the prospects. "Fuck yes daddy." I repeated "Fuck yes daddy" he said twice more while I growled and rewarded him with another deep kiss and he moaned into my mouth. "Get on the fucking couch boy and show Daddy your stud hole." He practically jumped on the couch on his knees wrapping his arms on the head rest and pushing his ass back. I took a moment to enjoy the view Then I dove in, grabbing each of his tight stud ass cheeks, pulling them apart to reveal that lightly furry hole. I ran my tongue from bottom to top around and repeat. "OHHHHHHFUUUUUCKKK," Ram moaned. I licked then sucked then chewed then licked again in rhythm, over and over, playing Ram like the instrument he was, using his moans and whimpers and words to create a masterpiece of sound that was his slow descend into betrayal - and soon after every inch of my deathly poz cock. I continued to suck chew and lick and slowly pull back on his hips until finally I was carrying him by his hips tongue fucking his tight hole, still so tight from lack of use, (stupid Joseph for not paying more attention to the fuckhole), leaving Ram face to face with my swinging dick while he did a handstand on the couch. Then I felt it: his warm mouth wrapped itself around the head of my dripping poz cock. He moaned as he sucked on the dirty precum, even knowing full well the danger, knowing full well that he was betraying the boy he loved. Not, of course, knowing my viral load was much higher than it would generally be after a two week lapse in meds. We 69'd for a few more minutes until I let him down and escorted him to the bed room. He jumped on all fours on the bed as I fed him my dripping cock, watching him choke until I pressed a small bottle of poppers under his nose and ordered him to sniff. I could feet the high run through his body as the warm of this mouth increased and he slobbered ever so much more. I let my hands run over his back, and slid a single finger into his wet hole. Slowly but steadily his hole opened, up, so I pressed him to take a few more hits of poppers, and sure enough his hole was then able to accommodate not one, but three fingers fucking his hole Pulling him up from his knees I embraced him and kissed him roughly. Then I rolled him on his back while biting his chest abs shoulders nipples all the while spitting on my rock hard nine incher, rubbing it on Ram's hole, murmuring "I want you so bad, Rambo." "I want you too." "I want to fuck you so good." "Fuck...." "I want to make you moan." "Yeah...." "I want to feel you cum with my dick all inside you." "Fuck, Daddy." "Fuck yeah. Daddy wants to fuck his boy." "Fuck, Daddy." "You want Daddy to fuck you, boy?" "Fuck, yeah, " he replied, his eyes locked on mine, even as he knew his next decision would be a milestone. I kissed him hard and deep, and urged him "Let Daddy fuck his boy good." "Fuck yes, Daddy." "Say it." "Fuck me, Daddy." "Say it, boy!" "FUCK ME DADDY!" I rubbed my hard precum covered cock over his hole and started to apply pressure. Ram went rigid and I bit him and licked his neck and body rubbing his back while my slimy death stick pressed in on him. He squirmed and growled and exclaimed in pain, but I continued applying pressure, and finally my cock head popped into his hole. His entire body arched and spasmed, but I held tight, sliding in inch by inch, diving ever deeper into his body. Ram looked up, his eyes and mouth wide open, staring at me, staring at the ceiling, willing me to tear into him. He tried to yell, but could only manage a high pitched grunt, and then his head would fly back and then he began shaking from side to side. Thrashing slightly until finally my balls rested on the curve of his ass, my full poz filled cock buried in him. He looked at me, pulled me close and kissed me and I returned the kiss with equal ardor. "I'm gonna fuck your brains out boy." "Yes, Daddy." "I'm gonna give you the fuck of your life," I stated as I flexed my cock inside his body, enjoying the sight of his his eyes widen and head shake Again he grunted "Fuck me, Daddy!" "This is poz dick inside you, Rambo." "Fuck!!!!" He ran his fingers over my back, striving to pull me in even deeper. I leaned close to his face and reminded him "I'm full of poz cum Rambo" "Fuck I know, I know I know." "You like me to fill you with my poz load?" "Fuck yes...fuck yes, Dadddddddyyy." "Daddy wants to fill your ass full of poz cum tonight," I again reminded him as I pushed forward and began slowly and softly pumping his hole. "Fuck Daddy." He was staring back at me looking at me and holding me. "You gonna let Daddy fill your hole up?" "Fuck me, yes, Daddy." "You gonna let Daddy fuck you full of poz cum?" At this point I began the rhythm that would lead to my orgasm. "Yes, Daddy fuck yes fuck yes fuck yessssuhhhhh." "You love poz Daddy fucking you, don't you?" "Yessssssssssssssssssss." "Say it." "I love poz Daddy fucking me." "I...Love....It...Fuck...Me...Uh....Fu...ck...Me...Fu...uh..ck...Meh.....Fu...ck. Meeeeeeeee...." I began to pile-drive his ass. It opened up quite nicely, which enabled me to fuck ever deeper, ever harder, especially as his juices (and my pre-cum) rendered his hole wetter and sloppier opening and opening to accept the full length and girth of my cock. "Joseph never fucks you this way, right?" He looked at me, suddenly remembering the man he had until now blocked. So I repeated myself, determined to drive home the message: "Joseph never fucks you like Daddy, does he?" "No." "So, you like Daddy's dick more than Joseph's dick, don't you?" "Yes, Daddy." "Say it, boy." "I love Daddy's dick more! I love your daddy dick more. Dadddddyyyyyfuck I love your dick more." "You're a cheating little cum whore, Rambo." "Yes I am "Your hole is for poz cum," I declared as I reached-over, grabbed his cell phone and positioned it right over him so I could record my raw dick sliding in and out of his hole, revealing the red and white a pink of his freshly fucked up hole as well as his writhing body and expressive face as he moaned in delight as I fucked him. Having him fully in my control, I demanded he "Say it for the camera, Rambo." "I'm a cheating whore. I love poz cock." "Joseph never fucks you like this." "Noone ever fucks me like this." "You love it, don't you, cumslut." "Yes, I fuckin' love it, Daddy!" "I'm gonna cum Rambo. I'm gonna cum in your hole." "Please, cum in me, Daddy!" I placed the camera right in front of both of us to see both our faces leaning in kissing as i shot cum string after cum string into him. He moaned and groaned as the fucking continued. I stayed rock hard holding his hands so he couldn't jack off fucking his cum filled hole. I flipped him to his back, I fucked him against the wall, I fucked him with him laying on top of me. Finally I fucked him again, this time his legs in the air. His eyes were so far in the back of his head he was nearly foaming at the mouth. For good measure I spat on him a few times, even as I withdrew my dirty cock, wiping myself on his lips and face. When we finally stopped I had blown three loads in his hole and I could fit four fingers in with virtually no resistance. He slept for a good five hours. When he woke up we briefly made out, and then he hobbled back to his car. His phone had died from the recording but we both knew Joseph would be losing his mind. He left while still trying to come up with a viable excuse to give to Joseph, but I was already working on the second phase of my effort: Joseph. God knows hes gonna need some TLC.
    1 point
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