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  1. The whole essence of manhood comes down to a bare male penis going in and out of a bare male anus, breeding and mating.
    6 points
  2. Part 39 - Where Life Takes You Callum rubbed his tired eyes sitting on the toilet his ass still quite sore from the pounding Tony gave him the night before, he pulled a couple of sheets of toilet paper and standing up he tenderly wiped his ass. Looking down in to the toilet bowl he saw the unmistakable string of discoloured bodily fluids, pressing the flush he wandered back in to the coolness of the air conditioned bedroom, he slipped in to bed and settled back down. He movements disturbed Adam's sleep who rolled on to his side facing Callum his arm automatically laying over Callum's chest, his eyes were still shut as he was somewhere between sleep and consciousness. Adam gave a purring moan slowly running his hand across Callum's very smooth baby like skin, watching Adam he saw the corners of his mouth move producing a sleepy smile, he moved his hand and laid it on top of Adam's arm. He could hear Tony and Steve were still in a deep sleep and smiled to himself remembering last night when their desire to have sex had pushed all boundaries out of the way and what a fitting way to finish their trip to LA. Steve and Callum had always retained an open policy but never overnight stays and last night was the first time they had sex together in a group, they loved each other without doubt but sex had become routine with them which is why they kept their relationship open as it made their love stronger for each other. Callum giggled quietly as Adam's hand and moved up to his neck and quite by accident he found himself with one of Adam's fingers in his ear. He tried to contain himself but his ear was one of his erogenous zones and he was now biting his lip to keep quiet, he felt Adam move slightly then the feeling of his moist lips kissing his neck lightly. Callum could sense Adam was awake but he tried to remain quiet but Adam was no fool, he moved his head until his lips and tongue penetrated in to Callum's mouth. Quietly and with deadly stealthiest Adam slipped on top of Callum and between his legs, his hand yanking Callum's leg around his hips and kissing him deeper his hand guided his cock towards Callum's hole. Adam's kiss smothered Callum's mouth preventing him making any noise, slipping his cock inside causing Callum to arch his back slightly as he tried to push more in but was already at base, Callum kissed Adam back passionately as he began pushing Callum's ass down hard against the mattress, closing his eyes at the delight of Callum's tight hole gripping hard on his cock. His insides felt the friction and he wanted to moan loudly partly in protest but also desire, the precum began oozing and his back lowered as a new sensuality of slickness and comfort in the fucking took hold. Callum moaned and grabbed hold of Adam as his eyes opened wide then half lowered his neck now arching up as the sensation of Adam's fucking brought him over the edge, his fingers dug in to Adam's back as he felt the signs of ejaculation beginning in his cock, his legs wriggled his cock struggling against the tightness of Adam's body against it preventing any jerking movement, it was almost as if he was being prevented from releasing his seed. As much as it wanted to fire in orgasmic spasms it could only pulse and release coating Adam's stomach. With all his might he tried to remained quiet through his orgasm, with Adam's mouth locked deep on to his it was the quietest orgasm he had experienced, thinking he could last longer at fucking this time he was surprised to feel Callum's clench hard around his cock. Adam's hand rested over Callum's head holding him in place as he pushed his hips up hard, the vice like grip Callum had on his cock was almost pulling the seed from his balls. He kissed Callum frantically and harder as he pumped the young British boy full of his wholesome American seed, deeper and deeper he pushed until he finally laid on top of Callum 'Morning' he said quietly with a big smile on his face. Callum finally catching his breath looking at him 'Morning' he stroked Adam's face as he leaned towards his now flushed face to kiss him. They both giggled looking over at Tony and Steve who hadn't stirred at all whilst Adam was doing Callum inches away from them. Adam pulled a pillow up next to Callum's head so he could lay his head down, his cock still buried in Callum's ass as he laid on top of him, they kissed and petted for nearly an hour before they fell asleep with their mouths touching each others as if frozen in position. Tony woke up with Steve in his arms and spooning up against him, he had a semi but honestly he was so fucked out from last night after he finished fucking Callum for the seventh time. "I think someone already got fucked this morning" Steve said stroking Tony's arm. Tony kissed Steve's neck "Is that a hint?" he asked rubbing his semi hard cock against Steve's ass. Steve patted his leg "I'm to sore at the moment, later definitely" he said tugging the hairs on Tony's leg. Tony chuckled "Thank god, I am running on empty at the moment" he replied. Steve turned still held in Tony's arms to face him "It was an amazing night". "What the hotel opening or me opening you?" Tony replied with a smirk on his face. Steve smiled and kissed him "Both but you opening me was the highlight". Adam stirred and looked over "What are two talking about?" he asked grinning. Steve looked over his shoulder "Are you inside my boyfriend?". Adam nodded then licked the side of Callum's face "eeww" Callum squeaked from somewhere underneath. Adam managed to ease his cock out of Callum's ass and climbed off the bed announcing he was going to have a shower before they went down, Steve rolled out of Tony's arms, good idea he commented jumping out of bed and grabbing Adam's hand. Tony looked over at Callum who giggled and moved into his arms kissing him deeply. That afternoon Callum and Steve stood outside of security hugging with Adam and Tony one final time before they boarded their flight back to London, Daniel and Jordan had already flown back to Barbados earlier. Callum was very teary as they said one final good bye. Steve turned to Tony "We are going to miss you both" he strained trying to stop himself from watering up. Tony hugged him harder "You are both amazing guys and really happy your in our lives" he replied. "Promise you will come to Barbados in April when we start our 3 months?" Steve asked looking seriously at Tony. Tony kissed his head "You try and stop us, plus you have to come to our wedding". "You try and stop us" Steve replied laughing "Nothing will stop us being there". They waved as Steve and Callum turned to wave at them after clearing security and they watched them disappear from view. Three weeks on and Adam stood in arrivals at JFK on a chilly Saturday afternoon, Tony walked up to Adam having parked the car. Since returning from LA they had several skype calls with Steve and Callum who were just starting a couple of months holiday before taking over in Barbados from Daniel and Jordan. But their urge and desire to see each other brought them here this Saturday afternoon waiting for Steve and Callum to arrive and spend a month in New York state with them before flying down to Barbados. A week after they returned home to the UK Callum had been the first to show signs of getting infected, he was in bed for a couple of days and Adam would skype him 3 or 4 times every day to chat, Steve fell the following week but surprisingly he had only minor headaches and a temperature for 24 hours but it was enough to know for them to get tested. Tony spotted them first wheeling their trolley full of luggage through the doors as they entered in to the arrival concourse. Callum ran over in to the arms of Tony "Oh god it's so good to see you again". Steve kissed and hugged Adam "Were a little different from the last time" Steve said some what pleased. Adam looked at him "We did wonder if it would change how you both felt" he said questioningly. Callum hugged and kissed Adam "No, but I think it was inevitable" Callum said holding on to Adam. "Inevitable?" Tony asked looking a little surprised. Steve nodded "Ever since we first met we knew we would have sex with you at some time" he giggled. They walked out of the airport in to the chilly and biting wind that was blowing across from the lakes, they packed in to the SUV and Tony put the heating on full blast as they drove along the coast up to Larchmont. "I didn't know it could get so cold here" Callum said still feeling the cold. Adam put his arm around him "Yes we are expecting what they call lake effect snow later". "Snow! will it be enough to build a snowman" Callum asked excitedly. Steve laughed "When we get snow it is about half an inch if that". "These snow storms can easily bring a couple of feet within hours" Steve replied hugging Callum closer. As they drove northwards to Larchmont flurries of snow were filling the air slowly but jet lag had taken Callum as it's victim. Steve chuckled looking behind him seeing Callum asleep in Adam's arms, he joked that Callum was awake most of the night with excitement to see you both. Tony turned the SUV on to the drive way and Steve muttered wow and how old England the house looked. Walking in to the house Steve looked around the lower floor "This is a lovely place". Tony smiled as Steve joined him in the kitchen "It was Mark and Ben's house". Steve looked over "Was? Did you buy it from them?" he asked sitting down. "No, it was embarrassing, but after Ben decided to move to LA Mark gave it to us" Tony handed Steve a coffee. Steve nodded "You guys really do have a close friendship" he said thanking Tony for the coffee. Tony smiled "We do but it also includes you and Callum as well as Danny and Jordan". Steve sipped his coffee and put it down looking at Tony "Do you think things are awkward between us now?" he asked. Tony stopped and looked at him "Why would you think that?" he replied. "Don't know, I just thought it may have been you know because of what happened" Steve said looking at his cup. Tony walked around and hugged him "I did wonder but seeing you both today confirmed it". Steve looked up "Confirmed what exactly?" he asked. Tony smiled and kissed his head "Adam and I are both kind of in to you and Callum in a big way". Steve looked like a weight had been lifted "We think the same way, don't know why". "I think all the flirting was a precursor to something bigger underneath" Tony suggested smiling at him. Adam walked in "What are you two gossiping about?" he asked heading to the coffee machine. Tony chuckled "Steve and Callum might be in love with us" he said as Steve shot an embarrassed look. Adam casually walked past "I told you so" he remarked taking Callum a coffee. Steve looked confusingly at Tony "What did he mean?" he asked. "Adam was convinced the night we slept together" Tony replied "he just didn't want to say anything". Steve smiled "And what about you and Adam?" he ventured. Tony laughed "Oh god very much so" he said without hesitation. "I guess it will change after the wedding though?" Steve said finishing his coffee. Tony refilled his cup "I don't know, I guess it depends on how you both feel" he spoke with sincerity. The rest of Saturday Callum spent napping and when awake he would sit at the bay window in the lounge watching the snow falling heavier and heavier as the afternoon turned in to evening. By Sunday afternoon the worst of the snowfall was over and as promised almost two feet had fallen, Callum and Adam were outside building the biggest snowman they could manage. Tony and Steve wee snuggled up on the sofa watching a movie with their friend Nicky in the starring role, occasionally glimpsing out the window chuckling at the big kids outside who were now engaged in a snowball fight with the kids across the road. Tony's facetime went off and picking his phone up he saw it was Ben calling. "What's up Ben?" Tony said after the connection was made. "Hi Tony, wanted to let you know Ethan and I are coming home on Wednesday" Ben said dragging Ethan in view. "Hey Tony, where is Adam?" Ethan asked trying to peer as if he could see the room. Tony held his phone up to the window "Outside playing in the snow like a kid" he chuckled. "You got snow! and since when does Adam play in the snow?" Ethan and Ben both shouted down the phone. "Wait a minute" Ben suddenly said "If Adam is outside who is sat next to you?" he asked. Tony laughed and moved the phone round to Steve "Hi boys" he said. Their excitement was plain to see "Are you going to be there on Wednesday?" Ethan asked pushing Ben. "Yes we are here for a month" Steve replied smiling at them. "Mark, come see who were talking to" Ben called across the pool terrace. Ethan twisted the phone towards him "Don't plan anything for Saturday let's have a day out" he said. Steve nodded "That would be great Ethan". "Who is it?" Mark asked approaching and Ethan turned the phone "Steve hi, how are you both?" he asked knowingly. Steve chuckled "We are both fine, Callum is outside with Adam in the snow" he moved the phone to the window. "Wait a minute are you in NY?" Mark asked sounding surprised hearing Steve and Tony laugh. Steve placed the phone back to him "Yes with Tony and Adam for a month, is Angelo there?". Mark called and Angelo came over "What is it?" Angelo asked "Hey Steve" he said seeing him. Steve clearly rubbed his cock making Angelo laugh "God you are sexy Angelo" he laughed. Angelo burst out laughing "Shame your not here and where is the cutie?" he asked. Steve showed Angelo "Where is Josh I can't see him?" Steve asked. "Oh Maddy and Nicky have taken him out shopping, he spends more time with them than us" Ben said laughing. The call had lasted way longer than Ben had thought it would and he never had expected Steve and Callum to be in NY, Mark and Ethan on the other hand guessed something was going on as there was definitely sparks flying between them whilst they were in LA. Angelo was still annoyed with Mark as he had found out that he was paying for the new swimming pool at Ethan and his ranch style house. Angelo knew Mark well enough not to argue the point any further so reluctantly he had agreed. Angelo and Ethan were in the process of hiring a housekeeper come cook who would come in daily or live in since they had ample bedrooms in their new home. Stefan had come highly recommended by Nicky, he had worked a few months as a relief housekeeper for one of her movie star friends and they were desperate to keep him on, but Nicky had arranged for him to meet the couple looking for a housekeeper. Angelo and Ethan were meeting Stefan at their house in an hour so they had quickly put on their shorts and t-shirt and headed off, Nicky had also warned them not to be disappointed if Stefan didn't accept any job offer they made as it was a cut neck business recruiting housekeepers. Stefan arrived at the address and was somewhat surprised to see it was a gay couple, he immediately recognised Angelo since his photo with Nicky was big news in LA spearing lots of rumours. Stefan had formed an immediate connection at the interview with Angelo and Ethan, at 25 years old Stefan was a undeniably a hot blond bombshell from Canada who knew his stuff. He was not backward and coming forward and explained that his 4 year relationship with his previous partner had fallen apart badly, it had left him penniless and without a home as he would have to move out in a couple of weeks. His partners wandering eye and cock was the final straw for him so he was looking to get in to employment quickly. Angelo had sat there listening to him intently and going over his references in scrupulous detail. Ethan on the other hand just sat there watching him, he was the shorter than Angelo but taller than him and he could easily see that Stefan worked out a bit as he had a very finely tuned definition under his shirt. His blond hair was kept neatly trimmed and his deep blue eyes were abnormally seductive. Angelo liked what he saw and knew he was more than capable and up to the task, Ethan had already given Angelo a nod indicating that he liked him. "Do you have any questions for us Stefan?" Angelo asked him. Stefan nodded "I guess I need to know what the terms are and what your expectation is?" he replied. Angelo looked stumped "Oh, cook and keep the house clean, is that what you mean?" Stefan chuckled "Yes that is what I mean. It is a big house to keep orderly" he commented. Ethan was amused by how Angelo faltered "I expect we will get a cleaner a few days a week as well". "Phew that's a relief" Stefan relaxed and laughed feeling comfortable being around them. "We are not fancy people we like normal healthy food" Ethan said as Angelo held his hand under the table. Stefan smiled "Well I think that is all I need to know for now". Angelo and Stefan stood up "We shall let you know our decision" he said but Stefan looked at him. "Ah" Stefan paused "actually it is me that will let you know if I want to work for you" he said. Ethan looked confused "What do you mean?" he asked. Stefan looked at him "Well housekeepers are hard to come by and we decide who we work for". Angelo looked at Ethan "I see, do you have other interviews lined up?" he asked him. Stefan nodded "Yes I have six this week". "So what do we have to do to get you?" Ethan asked not sure what he would get in response. Stefan smiled "Nothing I like you both already but I need to see what else is being offered". "We are offering a live in position" Angelo said causing Stefan to turn to him. Stefan sat back down "Are you offering me the position?" he asked. Angelo nodded "Yes, we both like you and would love it you worked here". Stefan paused for a moment "Just work here like no other stuff" he asked out of concern. Ethan giggled "None of that if that's what you mean, we only have eyes for each other". Stefan smiled "That was obvious from when I first met you both, but yes it is what I meant". "I can't promise about our friends though" Angelo said smiling. Stefan laughed "I am sure I will be able to handle them anyway most..." he began saying but broke off quickly. Ethan looked at him "You were going to say something?" he asked him Stefan shifted in his seat "I hope it's not a problem, I am hiv positive" he looked vulnerable as he spoke. Angelo smiled "That's not a problem Stefan we are as well". Stefan couldn't believe his luck "So can I be your housekeeper?" he asked looking at them both. "When do you want to move in?" Angelo asked smiling. Angelo and Ethan couldn't believe their own luck at finding Stefan and him agreeing to work for them. It was only after they had a call with Nicky to tell her the news that she said they must have really impressed him if he choose them that quickly, he giggled then said how annoyed some of the other families are going to be knowing he is no longer looking. As the weeks went on Ethan and Angelo had moved out of Liongate and settled in to their own home with Stefan as their housekeeper and a great friendship blossomed between them, Stefan had also taken to Mark and Ben who were always coming round for dinner, he was initially gobsmacked when Mark Davenport walked in to the house with his husband and staying over. Angelo had already briefed Stefan that Franco would be coming to live with them after their friends wedding in April. After lunching one Sunday Ben and Ethan were dangling their feet in the new large pool when Ben got a text from Heike saying she was finished and at the house now. Ben jumped to his feet shouting "Heike has finished Mark she is at the house waiting". Mark jumped up "Come on guys lets go" he turned seeing Stefan cleaning the table "Stefan come on". Stefan looked up "No please I have work to do" he replied. Ethan ran over and dragged Stefan "Come on were going to 321 St Pierre" Stefan gave up and joined them. Angelo put his arm around Stefan "Sorry if we are being pushy or treating you differently than a housekeeper" he said. Stefan smiled "I quite like it, it does take some adjustment being treated this way it is unusual". Angelo laughed "I told you we were normal, we both like having you in the house". Stefan looked up at 321 St Pierre "Wow" he said then turned to Angelo "Oh and I do love working for you both Angelo". Heike came out to greet them with a kind of nervous look as she didn't expect Ben to be bringing a group down. they all stepped inside and Heike gave them tour around the elegant and informal interiors she had created for Mark and Ben. In essence she had captured their vision perfectly, it was not showy but yet it oozed modern elegance, Mark hugged and kissed Heike telling her it was totally perfect. Ben was still going around the various rooms with Ethan and Stefan when Angelo caught up with Mark and Heike. "This is amazing Heike, seeing how it was to how it is now, wow" Angelo said and gave her a hug. Heike smiled "Well I'm just glad everyone likes it" she said. Angelo turned to her "Will you do ours?" he said "You know redesign it?". "Of course I will Angelo, this could be a new avenue of business for me" She replied smiling. Angelo looked a little confused "I thought you are an interior designer?" he said chuckling. Heike laughed "Yes, but I mean doing mansions in Bel Air, all my work is in Orange County" she replied. Ben had walked outside and took some initiative for once and called Bobby, explaining what he wanted to Bobby who got right on the case. Bobby knew he only had to make one phone call to the right magazine and it was instantly snapped up at $500k for the article. Ben had re-joined the others hugging and kissing Heike excitedly at how amazing their new home was. Ben's phone rang and seeing it was Bobby calling he answered it and had a quick conversation before hanging up and walking over to Heike, she looked stunned that her work was not only going to be featured in a magazine but her step-son had also insisted they do an article on the designer. Mark kissed and hugged Heike telling her how much he loved what she had done with the place. Ethan and Ben's trip back east had been busy and Ethan was now studying his final part of business law having been coerced by Angelo and his father to go down the route. Secretly he was quite happy to as he would be able to work with Angelo, Ben and Franco when he eventually moved to LA. Over on the east coast Steve and Callum's were enjoying their last week with Adam and Tony before flying back to Barbados. Unlike their friends in LA Adam and Tony had to work to survive but since Tony had been given the job of East Coast director of sales, which he was pretty good at, it paid a really good salary and was making their life easier. Due to Mark's status with the airline he had managed to wrangle Concierge Club membership which made flying to LA cheaper and easier. Their last night in NY Steve and Callum sat talking with Tony and Adam over dinner bringing many things to the surface and Tony was surprised to hear about their life in the UK and how small their apartment was. But Tony and Adam had already been persuaded by Steve and Callum to accept a two week stay at the Salinger Barbados Retreat for their honeymoon, Lucy and Daniel's present to them for the wedding. The weeks that followed saw Angelo, Ethan and Stefan move in to Mark and Ben's place whilst Heike performed her magic on Angelo and Ethan's home. Since the article Heike as getting more requests for doing Bel Air mansions and it also meant that Ben saw more of his father since he would often pop by to see Heike and him. Heike did a amazing job on Angelo and Ethan's place and they moved back in a few days before they were due to fly off to NY for Adam and Tony's wedding, Stefan was invited to join them but he declined and said he would be just fine getting the house in order for their return. Angelo showed him the annexe and said this is where Franco will be living and asked if he could give it a once over to make sure it was okay for their return, Stefan laughed and told him not to worry about thing.
    5 points
  3. At work on Friday a guy form out of town messaged me on scruff, he got off work at 2 or 3, and seemed to be busting, he said he really needed to eat some ass, so when he was finished he dropped by, hes literally working around the corner. Hes a hot guy, we kissed and he came downstairs and I fished his hard cock out of his shorts, and sucked him rock solid, then he sucked me and man he can really give a great blowjob. I turned around and he stuck his tongue up my hole, the stood up and pushed his cock inside raw. He felt really good, but didnt last long, as I think he was frankly bursting and before long I felt his cock pulse and she shot a huge load into my ass. Hes working around the corner for a month, I wonder if I can get a few more loads out of him.
    5 points
  4. Late last night I got a text from a buddy that said he was 10 min away and had just gotten bred by a big dick with 2 huge loads! I asked if he was still horny and wanted to come by for a quick breeding. I said since it was a nice night, come over and we can fuck outside. It was around 2am. About 10 minutes later he was in my back yard. We stepped to a wooded area that is next to my house and both dropped our pants. It was a perfectly calm warm night and the lightning bugs were flashing all around us. He wrapped his mouth on my cock and started licking and getting me hard as I fingered his wet hole. That's really all it took for me to turn him around and push him against a tree. I slid my cock inside his hole. I felt the other load inside. It was so wet and warm in there. I fucked and pumped my cock in and out. I tried to hold back as much as possible because it felt so fucking good. We were both softly moaning but trying to keep it quiet. I started to pound his hole as my balls began to tingle. I shot a nice big load to mingle with the others inside his ass. He said he was going back towards his house (about 45 min away) and was going to meet another guy for 4th load. We put our clothes back on and promised to do it again soon. It felt so good pumping my load inside him and mixing it with the other unknown cum.
    5 points
  5. Gangbang Sunday is on in a bit 😈 getting my pussy cleaned and ready for a thorough workout my bf organized for me. Love the process 😉
    4 points
  6. Back on new years eve 2017-2018, I was at a party that turned into a fuck fest. There was a hot Daddy Bear fucking my neg hole raw and he said he was going to blast his load in me and give me his special gift to start 2018 off right. I said fuck yea, shoot your POZ cum into my neg hole, I'm on prep. Instantly he pulled his cock out and said my hole wasn't worthy of his cum and to get off the birth control. I felt so humiliated and defeated. Never once did a guy stop fucking me mid-fuck, and he did that just because I was on prep. It took me 9 months of his words working my mind and convincing me to dump prep. At that moment I became a real bug chaser. And my hole got impregnated and successfully converted about 50 days later. Now I am a proud POZ not on meds pig.
    4 points
  7. What a great weekend World Pride is in NYC. I’m glad my brother is seeing this that he is not alone and is part of a big community. Sunday he will see millions lining the parade.
    4 points
  8. In the summer of 2010 I flew to Spain for a week in the sun. After a couple of days of debauchery in Barcelona, my boyfriend and I took a train to the seaside town of Sitges, which several of my friends had recommended to us. So I found myself on a train filled with many hot, sexy men. I'm 35, 5' 11", with short, buzzed, brown hair, a youthful face some facial hair that I've allowed to grow into a closely trimmed goatee. I have blue eyes and a solid build. I'm not particularly hairy, but my chest and stomach are covered with fur, which I keep it trimmed and neat, not shaved. My cock is cut, above average in size, and seems to be always hard. I would describe myself mostly as a vers bottom. I only bareback with my boyfriend, but will sometimes blow other guys outside of our relationship and even then I insist the guys wear a condom. My boyfriend of three years and I had the talk; the talk that gave each of us approval to play outside the relationship without any guilt. We also talked about how if we fucked or got fucked by anyone, we would always wear a condom. The afternoon we arrived at Sitges, I stopped at a sex shop and picked up some single-use lubes, a couple of condoms, and a bottle of poppers. That evening, around 12:00 AM, my boyfriend and I went to XXL. While it wasn't all that busy, the music was amazing, so we danced for a while and the place gradually filled up. There were muscle bears, bears, otters, twinks, the 'guy next door' type, in short, there were men of all shapes, ages, and sizes. After about an hour on the dance floor, my boyfriend disappeared, seemingly for ages. I figured he must be upstairs in the dark room. I've been to the odd dark room in my time, but mostly it's always been a lot of groping and a few blow jobs that haven't turned into anyone cumming, at least in me. Anyhow, I decided to see if I could find him, so off to the dark room I went. The narrow dark room was pitch black, and, as it turned-out, so packed with men that I found it difficult to navigate. While I could see some shadows, that was about it, so hands proved to be the only way of exploring. Not surprisingly most of the guys were wearing t-shirts, and I took the time to explore some well-developed, hairy chests. I also encountered several cocks, so while most of the guys seemed to be fully clothed, a fair number of the guys were nearly naked. One of the nice experiences was that I could pretty much feel anywhere and no-one pushed my hand away, whether I was exploring some guy's chest, his neck, the small of his back, or slide my hand into the waistband of a guy's pants. Many a guy would even wiggle a little so I could reach further in his underwear and feel his ass and crack. I was feeling a little drunk and guys were grabbing my ass. I walked along and this one particular guy grabbed the back of my belt and pulled me backwards towards himself. I let him pull me to him until I was standing directly in front of him, my ass pushed up against his crotch. His hands started roaming my chest, under my t-shirt, rubbing my nipples and rubbing my entire front and cock through my jeans. I was hard and he could feel it. He began to lick my neck, and almost involuntarily I reached behind my ass, the palms of my hands rubbing the front of his shorts. To my pleasure I found the top button of his shorts was already undone and the zipper was half down. He massaged my shoulders a little and whispered something Spanish in my ear. He was rock hard. I was able to lower the zipper a little lower and I reached into the front of his shorts. This seemed to be a invitation for him to reach down, unfasten my belt and fly and lower my jeans. I leaned forward away from him a little and he slowly pulled my jeans down and then my underwear, only pausing for a moment to grab my hard cock that sprang forward when he yanked down my pants. Other guys were still passing in front of me in this dark room that was more of corridor than a room, but other than the odd grab-and-rub of my cock, all the action was coming from the guy behind me. And let me say, he knew exactly what he was doing. I reached inside his underwear and felt a large, fat, uncut, dripping cock. Fuck, was he horny. I moved my hands so that my palms were facing and rubbing his furry belly. With one hand firmly and slowly jerking my cock, he pulled his shorts and underwear down, and they fell to his feet, so I kept exploring his body. With his free hand he began rubbing the crack of my ass, his firm fingers going right for my hole. They were rough and he was intent on trying to push a finger inside me. My pants were only partially lowered, certainly not quite at my feet, but I still had to lean forward to grab the small tube of silicone lube I had in my pocket. Retrieving it, I handed it to him. He flipped open the bottle and I thought he was going to rub some on his finger to lube my ass, but instead, he pushed me forward a little and he began lubing his cock. Obviously he thought I was giving him the green light to fuck me, but I wasn't. I didn't want him to fuck me without a condom. Not here, and not with a guy I didn't know or couldn't even see, but I was a little drunk and it was all happening pretty quickly and before I realized it, he was pulling me back towards him and his cock was lodged between my cheeks. His cock was really solid and his hands on my waist were strong and pulling me back on his cock, the head of his cock was pushing right for my hole now and I knew he was going to push it in. Raw. I thought for a second he was going to miss my hole but he didn't. I didn't want him to miss so I leaned just a little forward and then I felt him enter me. Slowly and firmly, my ass was stretching as he kept a firm hold on my hips. It felt fucking amazing. My mind was racing. I thought I either pull away now completely, or enjoy our session. I decided on the latter. I reached into my other pocket and fished out my poppers, but found I had to lean forward to reach down enough into my pockets because my jeans were now halfway down my legs. When I made this move, he pushed right in. All the way in. I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. His cock was inside me and he was holding me there, still for a couple of seconds, but not for long. His hands were on my waist and his cock was completely inside my ass. I opened the poppers and took a hit - a deep hit. He took the bottle from me, and I heard him take four deep hits, then he handed the bottle back to me, so I took another hit. Although I was now flying,and everything was a little out of focus, I could still feel the thump of the music and I could feel bodies pushing past us in the dark room. I was sweating and flying. He held onto my waist and pulled me on and off his cock, steadily, not fast, but with the serious intention to fuck me deeply. He straighten me upright with a few gestures, and then he began licking and sucking my neck, whispering in my ear, licking my ear. I tried to turn my neck and head so he cold kiss my lips. He took the hint and we kissed a little. I could feel stubble on his face. He was sweating, breathing heavily, and his tongue pushed into the corner of my mouth. As the position was very difficult on both of us, we stopped kissing and he placed his hands on my hips. I took the hint and began to rock forward and backward, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy my ass, so in my mind I was imagining that I was jerking him off with my ass, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles so he would not be able to stop fucking me before pulling out. He started a regular steady rhythm of fucking. I opened the bottle of poppers and took another hit, and he followed suit, taking several strong hits. The entire time I moved forward and backward on his cock. He was fucking me more deeply and I was completely enjoying the sensation of his cock inside my ass. As his fucking intensified, my mind was flying. All I could think about was what we looked like. What he looked like and what is cock looked liked pounding in and out of my ass. His fucking was taking on an animal like quality. I could hear him grunting. I reached down and grabbed my cock and started to jerk. He was pounding my ass so fiercely I thought I might bounce right off of it but he kept amazing control. I could hear the music of the club and I was loving every minute of the experience: the beat the music and the hot raw cock in my ass. I reached between my legs and I could feel his cock fucking my ass. I felt it with my fingers as it was pounding in and out of my ass. This must have driven him a little crazy because his fucking began to get harder and I could hear him grunting and his body started to spasm a little. He was cumming in me. I could feel him cumming inside me. He slowed down a little and then his cock popped out. Cum immediately ran down my leg. He turned me around and pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately. For the first time our cocks rubbed together. His was gradually going soft, even if it was sticky with his cum, but my cock was hard and pressed up against his. His hands grabbed my ass and he pulled me very tightly towards him. That was enough for me, and I came, shooting between our bodies and stomachs. He knelt down and licked my cum, taking my cock inside his mouth for a couple of seconds, sucking out the last couple of drops of cum from out of my cock. Then he stood up, pulled up his pants and said 'ciao' and disappeared. He was done, I was done, so I pulled up my pants and went off in the opposite direction, wondering if my boyfriend was also getting into some trouble. Anyone have any stories from some fun they've had in Sitges?
    3 points
  9. Was driving around town this afternoon and checking squirt regularly for any tops that wanted to breed me. A guy asked me to meet him at his office. I was there in 10 minutes and as soon as he closed his blinds I was naked and on my knees, sucking him. He was an older man but his cock got nice and hard. When I deepthroated him he warned me to go slow or he might cum too fast. So I tried to slow it down a bit. He was rock hard and I wanted his load in my ass so I turned around and backed up onto him. He went in balls deep on the first thrust and started moaning. I barely moved on him and he said he was already cumming. He fucked me for a couple of minutes while he was still hard and apologized but I said it was fine. I wanted his cum in my ass and I got every drop of it so that was a win.
    3 points
  10. Love this story losolent...keep it cumming!!!😍
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. I hadn’t seen my mate Jon for some time. The last time we saw each other in the flesh was three years ago. We’d been texting on and off since, and had made plans to meet when I was next in his area, but nothing seemed to happen. I’d known that he’d become poz, and while that was a slight turn on, and I admit I’d jacked off to the idea of him pozzing me, I knew it was ultimately irresponsible thoughts. We’d finally got around to having some free time, and arranged a weekend when we were both about. We used to gear up and fuck in his sling back in the day. I knew that it would be cheeky to assume this would happen regardless whenever we met. I liked him too much as a friend and known him too long to take the piss and expect sex every time we saw each other. He’d told me that it would be a mellow weekend and, he’d welcome the company. He’d been having the occasional mojo loss apparently. One of those side effects of becoming poz which I fully respected. I told him that it would be fine, but would he mind if I wore a little something, as we’d always felt free and comfortable hanging out in some rubber. He was cool about that, and so I popped a couple of bits in my bag to change into when I got there. So we met up, was good to see him after all this time. He’d been completely freaked out by becoming poz. His messages to be were initially all of concern and worry, and then he seemed to relax back into his old self once he started meds. We’d even text filthily about brotherhood and pozzing once he got into his groove. I knew he wouldn’t want to hurt me, and we were too close. I was surprised at how he looked – no major changes, but a certain look about him that I’d discovered poz men have. Whether through meds or how severe things were. He still looked good, but I knew that he had had a few issues about it all over time. As the afternoon wore on, he said to make myself at home and slip into something more comfortable if I fancied. It felt a bit awkward, but he said he was totally fine about it. So I thought I’d pop a rubber vest and shorts on, and then came back into the room and joined him on the sofa. “Ooh nice” he said and smiled. “I might have to join you after all”. I thought that would be great. It had been ages and just feeling comfortable around each other in gear was great. He came back into the room with similar gear on. His chap shorts with the yellow stripe and jock looked as hot as ever, as was the zip up vest. I’ll admit my cock was stirring when I saw him like that. However we were behaving and you know, it’s not just all about sex, yeah? He went and got us a couple of drinks and we laid back and stared bored towards the TV. Some quiz show or other. I wasn’t really sure. However I started feeling a bit weird. Headachey, and also like I’d taken some Nytol or sleep aid. Admittedly it had been a long day and so wasn’t that bothered at first. “He put his hand on my stomach and gentled rubbed my nipples. Oh man, it was fantastic. “You’re looking good mate”, he said. “You too fella. Have missed this, just hanging out” Staring into his eyes as he grinned. I thought nothing of how I was feeling otherwise, just fully in the moment enjoying time with my mate in gear. He leaned in to kiss me and it was just like the old days. I assumed kissing would be fine. People would still kiss if they weren’t feeling sexual. Or at least I assumed. I was starting to get hard in my shorts increasingly lost in the moment, not feeling like I was in a hurry to get up or move out of his way. His hand moved down to my crotch and he gently stroked to hardening rubber bulge “Hmmm, nice”. I had missed this, and so was lost in the moment. He began to unzip my crotch and I just let him do it. Thinking that if this was a loss of mojo, then lord knows what he’d be like when his mojo was back. Just mates. Enjoying each other. He knew how to work me, after all these years, and I was letting him. I hadn’t thought where this was heading. Just loved and was living the moment. We came up for air and I reached to finish off my drink. I drained the bottle and thought it tasted a little sediment-y at the bottom. I just assumed it was the beer. I’d not heard of the brand before, as I’m not a craft beer drinker, so just believed that this was craft beers tasted like. Then I stood up, almost as if to halt what might be happening between us. I felt quite dizzy and asked for some water. That was the last thing I remembered then anyway. Waking up a little later, I groggily looked at my surroundings. The heat of the day had made the sheets sticky and, oh… this was his rubber playsheet. I recognised it from many times. How did I get here? I also felt a weight on my neck. A chain and padlock. I sure as hell wasn’t wearing that earlier. I started to feel a bit concerned and tried to focus. It was his playroom. I’d been here many times before but just wasn’t expecting to be in it on this occasion. I tried to look around and spot where he was. I could see him in the chair across the room. “Hello mate. You’re back with us then?” He was grinning. I just felt like I’d embarrassed myself and passed out. “I just needed to get you a bit more on my wavelength mate. You see, yes it’s technically true the meds are playing with my head and libido. What I didn’t mention was that I decided to bin them. I’m ‘between meds’ so to speak. Well, that’s if I decide to restart them again that is”. Now I was a tad concerned. This seemed a bit of a set-up. “You always seemed to get off on the idea of me being poz, and that’s horny. However I’ve been getting off on the idea of you being poz too. But as you say, ‘it’s all horny chat’” Oh shit, where was this heading? I thought. “But you know, I get the feeling that you want to join us. And I want you to join us too” Shit. He’s gone into gifter mode. Fuck. I tried to pull myself up, only to realise the chain around my neck was tugging on something else. Oh fuck. He’s secured me like some animal. I looked over and he was grinning. He stood up and came towards me, and put me in a headlock and stuff a bottle of poppers under my nose. Jesus fuck they were strong. My cock seemed to strain harder than ever. Chemical lust fled through my head into my brain. He uzipped his cock and jerked it into my face, it’s a hot cock, and at that moment it looked like a work of art and the tastiest thing ever. “Feed” I was both terrified but horny as fuck. Maybe this was some scene or something. Maybe he was horny and wanted to do a bit of role play. I filled my mouth with that cock. A brief flash reminded me that it was slightly different now. Not necessarily in form, but, you know, it was now poz. “Nice mate. You see, I know that you want this. And I want this too. I want to free you. I want you to be my pozbrother. That’s why I decided to arrange this recruitment session” I was too far gone to recognise logic or sense by this point. Just devouring that beautiful poz cock. He looked magnificent. It was somehow what I imagined but never genuinely thought it would be like. Someone who I’ve known and loved all these years now wanting me to become like him. It was fucked up, but increasingly I was loving it. It was all making perfect sense. He pulled out of my mouth and told me to turn around. As much as I could with the limited movement, I was now obeying his every word. My hole was seemingly asking for it, suddenly hungry. “This ain’t gonna take long pig. I’ve been edging watching you and didn’t want to allow for any time to elapse before you realised what I was doing” Shit. This was it. He was off meds and about to fire toxic cum into me. I would have applauded his enterprise had it not circled around him infecting me. Yet my cock was reacting well enough and he was being pretty rough regardless. We’d had some hardcore sessions in the past but this was something else. Like he had drive and purpose. “You and I have a great future ahead of us now. Let me make you a convert, let me make you into a brother like… Aaaaargh!” Hang on. He’s… he’s just flooded my hole with cum. No, no, no, no, no. This must be a trick. Some set up. He lowers his weight upon me and whispers in my ear “Welcome to the brotherhood” There it was. The moment I’d wanked about. The moment I genuinely feared, but secretly wanted. It was a strange feeling. We were both there. Intimate, yet still brutal. I was his prey, or that’s how it felt anyway. Yet his determination and poz worldview saw me as a target for assimilation. I was both terrified and turned on. Honoured, even. “Why didn’t you just say you wanted to do this?” I panted. “Because I knew you’d chicken out. I knew that the reality of the situation would scare you off. I had to make sure that didn’t happen, otherwise I’d never have claimed you” I was half dumbstruck but also touched at his words. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the flu starts kicking off within a fortnight. I’ve been off meds a while, and the last guy I bred a month ago has already come back to thank me for bringing him into the brotherhood. You have one load in you now anyway. I will happily fuck you a couple more times just to make sure” There’s no rational response to that. All I could look at the tenderness, and the hunger of him. This was brand new territory. One of my best mates wanted me to be poz like him so I could enjoy that life, and I knew that I would come around to thanking him eventually. All I could do now was to look him in the eye and say “Yes brother. Make me like you. Let us become one.”
    2 points
  13. It was my first trip to a bathhouse and it is where I learned how much I needed raw cock and to take loads from whatever top wanted to use my ass. I'm a twinkish looking guy and a smaller build 140 lbs, 5'7", toned, and a perky bubble butt. I got invited to go with a super hot couple and a random guy I met out at the bars and it turned out to be a CumUnion night. After checking in and heading up the ramp to the lockers, I could feel the raw sexual energy all around me. I put all my belongings in the locker and put on my towel and walked around for a couple minutes to take it all in, and that is where I found a tucked away corner with wrap around seating facing a small table in the center. I don't know what came over me (never even fucked bare before let alone in this kind of setting), but I dropped towel and got on all fours on the table and just waited. After what felt like ages, several men who knew what was going to happen started sitting around the table and jerking off. Then I felt a hand run down the middle of my back, and then a warm tongue start licking the edges of my hole. After a stellar rim job I could feel his thick head start pressing at my hole and then slowly start sliding in. It took a second or too to loosen up my always tight ass. While he was plowing away at my hole, a cock is placed in front of my face and with hands on my head and I start worshipping the cock in front of me. All the while I can hear grunts, and comments about being a good boy and taking those cocks like a slut. The first guy fucking me finishes up (doesn't breed me) and the next guy steps up without delay. I have no idea how much time goes by, but I got fucked by 4 guys and sucked at least 4 more before I couldn't contain myself any more and blew a huge load. I found out that having an audience of horny guys watch me suck cock and get bred excited the hell out of me. After wiping up and composing myself, I walked around some more to get back in the mood to take more raw cock. I got cruised hard by a sexy older guy who had a room, and the two of us went at it hard, and in the middle of it my exhibitionist self came out and I leaned over to open the door to the room. We got back at it and almost immedietely we had a couple guys watching from the door way. I motioned toward them to come in and they joined. I sucked all three and took all three raw. After the two invitees left, the guy who had the room rimmed me and stated that the cum coming out of my ass tasted amazing and it was then I realized my role in life, being a cumdump for whoever wants/needs to blow a load.
    2 points
  14. About 2 weeks ago I posted about a trip my man and I took to Vegas and DP’ing a porn star. Just by timing, I just made another Vegas trip for work. It was a mid-week trip (Monday through Thursday), so I knew the two bathhouses would be empty. Having the room to myself, I figured Grindr/Scruff/BBRT would be better platforms to occupy my evenings. Obviously I took a few loads and deposited several of my own. But by fate, luck, or excellent selection, both my Monday and Tuesday guests also happened to be porn stars in Vegas for shoots. I didn’t know either was a porn star until that awkward chatting phase when all loads are blown and it is time to GTFO - I refuse to cuddle/sleep with random dudes. I did porn-stalk both guys and haven’t seen either before as I had in my last posting. My man back home kept reminding me that this isn’t the normal. He and I have both been offered good jobs in Vegas before and suggested considering moving - I told him a move to Vegas would result in a guaranteed sex addiction 😂. However, I’ve decided the following: Vegas is definitely an awesome place to find and fuck insanity hot guys. Porn stars are amazing in bed. Their hot bodies are second only to their assfuck’n skills. I have lots to learn to improve my own techniques. I’m clearly hotter that I thought, and I need to be willing to flirt with hotter guys while out as I’m landing some seriously fine ass! Talk about a self esteem boost. My dick really is big enough for porn.
    2 points
  15. fuck me my hole is going crazy now! 😆
    2 points
  16. Another amazing chapter @Iosolent! I love it so much and just seeing the love between all the couples including Adam, Tony, Steve and Callum
    2 points
  17. Brett is a sexy, sexy man. My dick has been throbbing for him for years. If he was my son, I’d make sure he never used condoms 😎
    2 points
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  19. You are what I aim to be like in 20 years time bro
    2 points
  20. I’ve used other hook up apps before, such as Grindr and Scruff, as well as websites like BBRTs, But has never ventured into Tinder. That was until Tuesday of last week, and wow! I’ve just had the opportunity to meet up with heaps of guys since, which has been awesome! On Tuesday I met up with the first guy from Tinder. He was a student from Colombia, lived a few suburbs over from me, so I picked him up in my car, and we came back to mine (I live alone), where almost immediately he started kissing me, and quickly moved on to fucking. He had a huge cock, at least 8”, probably more like 9”, and thick as well, such that it was a bit painful to take him in certain positions, even with plenty of lube. Anyway, we ended up fucking for an hour and half before he came inside me, then I got him on his back and rode him until I came on his chest. We hung out for another hour, kissing and chatting until I drove him home. The second guy I met on Wednesday, was an incredibly good looking Filipino guy (born there, raised in Australia where I live) and way out of my league. We had dinner first, at a pizza place he recommended, and since it was raining and I didn’t have an umbrella, he walked me back to my car, and I gave him a lift back to his. I thought that would be it, but he made the first move and started kissing me in the car. So I jumped at the opportunity and asked if he wanted to come back to mine, and he said yes. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other as we got in, and were quickly naked, I was sucking his dick to get it hard, and playing with his nipples, which he loved, and got him on his back and started to let him enter me. He was the only one to ask if I was negative before we fucked raw. He had a smaller dick than the last guy, but I was actually quite glad of that, and he was hitting me in all the right spots anyway. He came close a few times, before he eventually came after about half an hour. He had to leave early, but we’re planning to catch up again sometime soon. The guy on Thursday was also Filipino, a doctor at the hospital I work at. He came over pretty much purely for a booty call. We immediately got to it, fucked raw and he ended up cumming on my ass and pushing it inside of me. Friday was a nurse from Hong Kong (I really like Asian guys!) who I met for a drink first, then he came back to mine where we eventually started kissing. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure whether it was going to happen with this guy, but we both moved in to kiss at the same time, and it wasn’t long before we were naked and fucking raw in my bed. He came inside me and planned to spend the night, but he couldn’t sleep so left at 3am (which i was actually kind of glad about - I hate sleeping in the same bed as other people!). Saturday started with a pure hookup, a white guy from Brisbane, a member of the air crew who was doing the red eye flight home that evening. He asked me to bring condoms, which I didn’t want to use, but I wanted a fuck so was happy enough to do. Anyway, once we started kissing and sucking each other, we got so caught up that the condoms never even got mentioned despite sitting within easy reach on the bedside table. He couldn’t last long and came within a few minutes on my back and pushed it in. And finally, last night was a guy from Singapore. He came round to my house for drinks, but we hadn’t even got through half of our first drink before he moved in and started making out with me! Again, this guy was hot and way out of my league! We kissed and sucked a lot before he started eating my ass out, which he did amazingly, then just used spit as lube to push himself in raw into my hole. He fucked hard and long before he came in my ass, and then I jerked myself off, coming a huge load over both of our chests. Hopefully we’ll catch up again as well! So I’m taking a break today, after such a busy week, but planning to get back on it again on Monday! I honestly hadn’t expected such a good response from Tinder - I genuinely thought nobody would swipe right on me, so it’s been a boost to my self-confidence having so much fun from it in my first week!
    2 points
  21. Sweat cummy mess yesterday. Temperatures here are skyrocketing all week. Not used to this muggy heat in this area. It was 33C (91F) which is unusual. Was contacted by a young guy with a delicious dick who sometimes 'uses me' if he needs a blowjob. Hadn't seen him in months. Sometimes he continues to fucking so I cleaned out just in case. He likes to edge and pushes me away when he feels like cumming until it is safe to continue. Same now. He comes over in the afternoon and I start blowing him. Pushes my head away and then tells me when I can continue. This went on for almost an hour (my jaws started to ached tbh) until he started shaking and blew a massive load in my mouth. I wished he had switched to fucking like he sometimes does but alas not this time. Then I got a text from one of my regulars suggesting a repeat of a week ago in the evening. He and another regular tagteamed me then. That was only the 2nd time they had done that (1st time being months ago). This one has a very thick dick (think Red Bull can) which stretches my ass to the limit. The other one horny as fuck 24/7 (a younger guy with a thing for daddies) and he breeds me at least 2 times a week if not more and we had a lot of fun last time so he agreed. It was so hot inside the house we were sweating like pigs before we even started. They took turns and/or spitroasted me. Due to the heat we took plenty of breaks, or rather they took breaks while the other one was busy fucking me or me blowing him (I did get a few breaks too 😉 ) We played for over 3 hours and I was rewarded with 5 loads. I shot my load when the thick one was bottoming out in me first time he went in and again later on when the other one was pounding me balls deep giving me his 3rd load. Must have been the sound of his balls slapping my ass hehe! By the time we finished we were all exhausted but agreed it was a hot session even though it had been almost to hot to fuck and we needed to do this again. Lucky me 😉
    2 points
  22. Yes. I finger my cunt after getting bred. I usually begin by running my index finger around my wet, distended pussy lips before pushing in and churning the freshly deposited man-cream. Moaning and whimpering all the while. And yes, I’ve been known to bring some of that sweet nectar to my lips. OH, HELL YEAH!
    2 points
  23. I was a typical country bumpkin, knowing very little about sex when my older, hairy, handsome cousin initiated me into man/man sex. He had been fucking his sister, anally and between her large boobs, for years before we moved to their neighborhood. I did not know that my attraction to him was anything unusual, but I found him very pleasant to look at. One day we were alone, his family had all gone to some function. He was horny and started asking me about sex. I had little experience, just having jacked off with another cousin a few times. I got a boner and he had a huge one showing in his pants. We began stroking each other and soon our clothing was gone and he was sucking my cock. Damn, it was wonderful. I filled his mouth with a large creamy load. It was my turn. Nervous, I looked at his much bigger cock. It was pulsing and dripping precum and he was stroking and making motions for me to suck him. Taking just the tip in my mouth, I found the taste not to be unpleasant. I liked the slick feel of his precum. So I went further, licking and twirling my tongue to get all of his load. He was very vocal, encouraging me. He asked me if I had ever played with my ass before. Truthfully, I had done some carrots and cucumber play and found it really turned me on big time. I told him so. He turned me around and dropped down behind me. I thought what is he doing?! Then his warm wet mouth went to my hole and I melted. So wonderful, I was putty in his hands. After eating my ass for a while, he stood and I felt his throbbing pole pushing at the entrance. DAMN. That hurt and I begged him to stop. He said it would only hurt at first and then feel great, so I gritted my teeth and he began to slowly feed his cock into my aching abused hole. Eventually, after what seemed like a long time, I felt his hairy pubes against my ass. Letting me adjust, he kissed my neck and stroked my cock which was getting hard again. He began a pumping motion, slow and shallow. It began to feel pretty damn good and I told him so. He sped up and his strokes became longer, more forceful. Hitting my prostate, which I didn't know even existed, he was causing my cock to spit our precum. It was dripping onto my hand, his hand, and the floor. All I knew was that it felt fucking fantastic. He was panting and breathing hard when I felt him push hard into me, holding himself there and his thick tool got even bigger and pulsed. He shot and shot me full of his young man spunk cream. Afterwards he was very kind and loving. We repeated this scene over and over through several years before he eventually moved out of state, married, and began his family. I missed it terribly but was much too shy to seek out man sex with anyone. Just looked at pics of sexy men at every opportunity and dreamed of being fucked again. An interesting development after years of being out of state was that he moved his family back to the area. We would go fishing with his family and his sons. He never acted like we had done anything together. I often wondered if he was tempted to fuck my willing ass again.
    2 points
  24. When I was on my chem and sex ban my consultant put me on, it involved intensive therapy sessions to try to "fix me" Of course I never told my therapist the real me or what gets me off and brings me pleasure otherwise I would be locked up. It was why I also been so quiet and went off here to avoid temptation. The truth is I fucking love being free to share my inner thoughts with fellow pigs and not only am I not judged I am encouraged to explore my darkest urges more. To everyone who thinks I need to be fixed because I am broken or I am evil I have this to say: I am a fucking million broken shards that I hope cut you and infect you. I am the embodiment of your darkest urges and thoughts come to life. I will turn you into your most depraved pig and what's worst is that you will fucking love it. I am the part of yourself you judge and are shamed of, I know you fear me because it's easier to fear than it is to admit that deep down there's a part of you that is just like me.
    2 points
  25. Another warm summers evening in London, decided to go check out my local cruising woods to see what talent was about. I parked up & took my joggers off, when there was a break in the passing traffic I made a dash for the woods wearing just my jock, t-shirt & trainers. I was a little bit away from the main play area getting myself hard & pre lubing my hole. I was about to head to the pay area when I was intercepted by a sexy black guy & his very sexy mixed race mate. Both were muscular, Shay, the black guy is smooth & his mate is Tony is very hairy. Both have thick veiny uncut 9”+ dicks & they waste no time in going for my arse, taking turns rimming my hole while i sucked on the other. Shay was the first to get his dick in my cunt hole, he rammed it in making me gasp & gag on Tony’s cock. They took turns in me for about half an hour till Shay dumped his big load deep in me, Tony did the same shorty after. They left me there with my cunthole dripping their big load. There was a chubby lad who I’d spotted watching us, when the clouds passed the moon lit up the woods, he was still there as they left & I beckoned him over. He’s a cute lad with the thickest cock I’ve ever seen. It took a few minutes bit i got his mega fat 7” uncut cock in my cunt. He plowed me hard, so hard he gave me a massive orgasm making me cum hands free. I milked his dick as he carried on fucking & made him flood my cunthole with his cum.
    2 points
  26. Yesterday my Asian fuckbuddy told me he had been fucked by a BBC, the guy came in him 3 times. And my buddy returned then fuck and dumped in him. He had me come over and he had me eat his smooth well fucked Asian hole. He also flipped me over and fucked me. We kissed for a while, as I played with his cummy hole. He eventually dropped a load in me as well.
    2 points
  27. On almost the last day of a 6 week European holiday I had a memorable fuck in a famous German Park. The day before I had visited Berlin’s Tiergarten, a large park with lakes, paths , memorials, busy roads and, most importantly, bushes and patches of wilderness. I visited the park to sunbathe naked in a part of the park near the Siegessaule where nudism is enjoyed by many Berliners. I tried to take a shortcut through an unofficial track through some scrub and almost ran into a guy being given a blowjob. I wasn’t looking to cruise that day but kept it in mind the following day when I came back to do some more nude sunbathing and to visit the nearby gay museum. Although cruising wasn’t really the plan this day I did a quick douche before leaving the hotel in the afternoon and carried a small tub of oil based lube. After visiting the museum I walked back through the park at about 5pm and crossed a busy road to a part of the park I’d not visited before. Almost immediately I sensed I was being cruised by this good looking middle aged guy. It was rush hour and he had just gotten out of a parked car in the centre of a ceremonial avenue bisecting the park where few cars remained - it’s funny how gaydar can pick up these small details. He looked me in the eye as I passed and was still looking as I glanced back over my shoulder. On a second glance a couple of steps later he brushed his crotch. The game was afoot! I love this old style real world cruising much more than the online stuff, it provides a bit of an adrenaline rush. i was on the footpath next to the about 15 metres away from the guy and the park was separated by a hedge. I walked on a few steps and cut through a gap in the hedge to the park. It emerged at the top of a slope that ran down to a wide paved path but there were patches of bushes. He ducked through a different gap. I casually headed down to the path and circled around to his approximate position and he signalled to a particular patch of bush with a tree that I shoulD join him in. I had a feeling he’d used it before! Probably the reason for the placement of his parked car. Once in place he rubbed my crotch and then motioned for me to release my cock. Clearly pleased with what he saw he proceeded to a long and skilled suck. He continued for so long I feared sucking was all he was into but eventually he drew out his own cock and I was able to reciprocate. His cock was quite big, bigger than mine, and I was keen that he fuck me. He initially entered me roughly with no lube but I was able to add some lube to his cock which eased things along and reduced the likelihood that I would cry out. We were, after all, less than 5m from either the footpath or the park path. I need we had to stop several times as groups of women passed by quite close. He insisted that I also fuck him so we kept flipping around although I was keener to get his big cock in me that to take my turn fucking him. From his complexion and the odd word he spoke I took the guy to be Italian. After quite a while he started a different rhythm in his fucking; slower and drawing his cock out almost entirely and then thrusting back in. I though this might mean he was close to cumming but a glance over my shoulder revealed he was filming our fucking on his phone. I scrambled to draw out my phone without stopping his fucking with the intention of asking him to record something for me. However, by the time I got ready he was to my dismay already cumming. While he had deposited his first spurt up my ass he had pulled out at that point and was wasting his seed on the ground. I frantically tried to get him to renter my ass to no avail. I tried to film his last few spurts but I mucked up the shots. I did manage to salvage one near focused #hot of his cock which I’ll upload to the gallery. All in all a great fuck made better by the fun of the cruise and the frisson at the 4i#k of discovery.
    2 points
  28. SORRY for my english that a REAL story !!! 4 days before my birthday in 2015, i was looking for sex on Internet in Montréal... nothing special in my mind exceped, fucking and getting fucked. We chatted a bit until we recognised each other and he invited me at his place. I left my husband (we're in an open relationship since the beginning) So i left around 23h and i got to his place at 23h30... He's really my kind of men... the kind of men that breaks all the barrier you put... We talked a bit, we undressed and we start to kiss... For a reason that i ignore why, i asked him he was still using chems and he said yes. I asked him if he would like me to take some (i trust him) so we could have a long night together. (i stopped seeing him in the past because he was too much addict to chems). He gave me GHB, MDMA and just a bit of K... and then we started to play, slowly. After 45 minutes, i started to feel my fingers wierd... so i understood that the chems started to act... I was off meds for the first time and he says that he was off too... so still contagious. I got rock hard the moment he said that... I have NO idea what he took for chems... and he but his dick against my ass and start to push a bit... mu ass opened and "absorb" his dick almost instantly... Since he was deep inside, he stopped... and he started to piss in me... The feeling with XTC was unbeleivable. I kept all his piss inside... so i got nother kick with the chems that was in his piss. I absorbed it completly! Then he started to explain why he wanted to piss in my ass... to irritare inside and make my rectum more vulnerable to his viruses... and... to his syphilis! He's a big precummer, so i got sure to have a lot of toxic fluid from his ! When he started to fuck in his piss, he and I were very verbal for infectious fuck... He felt active more than passive... and i could say that he was feeling RADIOactive !!! Thanks for the chems, my ass NEVER burn. he fucked me slowly, to make sure that the skin of his cockhead was correctly connected and against every part of my rectum! After a couple of hours with some breaks to breath, I surrender completly to him... then he talks showed me twisted things... like a documentary of a Parasyte Wasp who sting his prey to inject larvea eggs that's gonna eat the prey by inside and "reprogram" the mind of the prey to protect the larvea until the larvea eat all inside the prey... and like a Komodo dragon who bites an anumal and wait for the bacterias in the saliva takes effect to slowly destroy the nervous system of the animal bitten and come eat it alive... That turns me on at a level you can not imagin ! I was demanding more! With him, i had NO limit. I would be fucked by a DOG, a DONKEY ,ANYBODY or ANYHTING if he asked. Just to please him ! I learned that night a lot of thing. I learned to accept that i was STILL chasing... for something MORE... We continued to fuck, he pissed in my ass 2 other times. We played for 14 hours (including several breaks) and he came just one time in my ass... at 13h00 and we stopped to fuck at 14h00 after i came in his ass. Now, i would like to do something similar... but no more with him but with someone else... I'm not using chems normally... but for things like that, i would certainly use ! Sick, infectious, toxic and proud of it!
    1 point
  29. Not a whole helluva lot to report. Last night I did go to Steamworks Toronto on a regular Saturday night. Every night has a different vibe, if you know what I mean. I douched completely and brought my little black over-the-shoulder bb sex bag filled with 2 buttplugs, silicone lube and Vaseline. At this time I can take all 3 COLT buttplugs that came as a pack. I had my room for 8 hours. Now on to the bb forest... LOADS #1 and #2 came down my throat in the back narrow darkroom. It's really cool that the staff totally dims the lights after 1 AM. All you see is the lights outside at both ends and a thin green fluorescent strip along the wall. The first cock I crouched down to suck off. More than pencil thin, around 6-7". Juicy. About 2 mins of sucking, him moaning, his body trembling and he was ready to blast in my mouth. Good-sized hot load. The second cock I had my back against the wall and crouched down. About 5" thicker. Pre-cum. Several times he tried to pull his cock out of my mouth. (WFT! I don't get this! Why don't you want to cum?) But I brought his ass cheeks and cock closer to me. He ready ready to cum. I caught the first few spurts in my mouth. He didn't have a huge load to give. But enjoyable to suck him off. My load of a few days went into another guy's mouth who was sucking me and a few other guys in that same darkroom. I didn't want just to jerk off on my bed in my room. My load HAD to go in someone's mouth or ass. An o.k. night! I wish it was more piggier. I'm looking at attending a Wednesday (6PM-12 midnight) FukdTo bb sex party @ Club120. FukdTo is expanding from a Saturday/Sunday now to include Wednesdays. It'd be interesting to see who shows up to play on any given Wednesday. If it's anything like a Saturday/Sunday, it's sure to be HOT and piggy!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I love dark room. Having my cock in glory hole while a stranger put poppers under my nose and push is raw cock in my ass love it so much
    1 point
  32. suggestion for submissives: shall you suck cocks & lift up your ass for us to pound you? I bet you will love being a useful, used slut
    1 point
  33. Spent the night in Downtown Tulsa Wednesday. Ended up with three facials and getting fucked by 5 raw cocks who each came up my ass. In all 8 guys came to my room that night.
    1 point
  34. yesterday afternoon, 5 loads in pretty rapid succession at an Adult Shop through a glory hole. GH sex is awesome, but can also be a little restrictive. Even with thin plywood walls, there is thet slight barrier keeping me from getting the whole cock. One of the guys had about 4 inches, but it was probably one of the thickest cocks i have ever seen, which is saying a lot... i;ve had a lot of cock. It may have been perspective, i.e. the shortness made the thickness seem just the much thicker? In my opinion thee is no such thing as a cock that isn't beautiful though. Something else i was struck by is the growers. i've noticed that a lot of guys won't take a soft, small cock. i love the feeling of sucking a small, soft cock and feeling it grow hard and down my throat before i present my ass for breeding. After taking the loads, there was a cute guy who was only sucking cock, so i offered mine. Wow, he was getting a lot of attention, but then guys would leave before cumming and i found out why. He had no idea how to suck cock. That, or he was really good and just trying to tease and frustrate guys. He pretty much applied no friction or pressure with his mouth, it was like he didn't want cum. weird. He didn't get mine.
    1 point
  35. Just spent 4 days in Berlin and can confirm its claim to be a great place for barebacking. On the first two nights I went to the legendary Lab.oratory cruise club which I’d read about before on this forum. It’s a huge place, a former factory I’d guess, with a different theme each night - it opens 4 nights per week centred on the weekend. It opens at 10 pm and closes its doors at midnight but the action continues until 6am I’m told (I was back in my hotel tucked up in bed well before closing time I’m ashamed to say). Theme on the first night was 2 drinks for price of one, and I got 2 red bulls to keep me alert. I topped 8 times that night and dropped my load into the 8th lucky guy. Theme on second night, which I had really been looking forward to, was masks. So I wore my hood with two eye holes and a mouth hole (I have another with no eye holes but thought the risk of tripping and falling down a hole was a bit too high) and a leather harness. It was such a blast to have this added air of anonymity amongst all these hundreds of guys, a kind of leveller. I also topped 8 times that night and the last was an absolute highlight: a young guy I could hardly see in the semi-darkness on a bench in a shipping container outside the back of the club. He was smooth, hard, on his back, moaning, and I was at least the third guy to cum in him during the 15 minutes waiting my turn, I wonder how man6 loads he’d taken before I turned up. In the following days I cruised a Park, which I’ll post separately on, and a video arcade back room. Interestingly I had a long raw fuck of a guy in the backroom who was in a sling, but after 10 minutes, and when I was close to cumming, he asked me to pull out as he was negative. I was taken aback given he was in the sling and we’d been barebacking for quite some time but I respected his wishes. It did seem a bit perverse though and I reckon taking all guys on a sling, and taking bareback, should have equated to an invitation to cum dump. Frustrating.
    1 point
  36. There have been a few threads in here asking about your first time barebacking. Mine first bareback experience – indeed my first fuck - came in 1981 at the Club Bath on West Ninth Street in Cleveland – long since closed for public pressure, urban renewal or name the reason. Club Bath was a great place. Three stories. Rooms on each level. A small playroom on the top floor. A huge orgy room in the basement. I went almost every Friday night after I got off work at 11 p.m. The place started hopping around midnight. Bath houses were happening places in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. One night in particular, I paid my fee, got a locker, stripped, grabbed a towel and headed for the steam bath. I loved the steam bath. A couple of minutes after I entered, a guy came in and stripped his towel off. He was in great shape, sandy blond hair and between his legs was a soft baseball bat. He sat on the level just above me. I looked over my shoulder. His cock started to twitch as he grabbed it a few times. It was at least 8 inches, with the greatest mushroom head I had ever seen, attached to big swinging balls. It was the most perfectly shaped cock I had ever laid eyes on – and truthfully, the best since. I was a bit shy but pretty soon my hand moved to his leg and his balls, then his cock. He got hard. Really hard. My hand could wrap about two-thirds around the girth. I moved my lips to engulf the head. It was spongy on top of that rock-hard cock. I started to move down the shaft, though I did not get far. I came up for air, and he got up, put his towel in and moved elsewhere in the club to have his cock worshipped. After that, I repeated the session almost weekly. Each time i got a little more in my mouth and enjoyed his cock longer. Finally, one night, he shot a huge load down my throat. He patted me on the head, smiled and left. At the same time, I had imagined getting fucked. I practiced with dildos and vibrators, and often thought about it but did not muster the desire into action. Then came the day that I decided to go on the hunt. I chose a quiet Sunday afternoon as I did not want to wall-to-wall people of a Friday night. I went into the narrow entranceway, paid for a room, purchased lube and locked my valuables away. Once in room, I stripped, applied some lube, wrapped my midsection with a towel and made my way through the club. Of course, I ended up heading for my favorite place. I hung my towel and opened the steam room door, and there he was, Mr. Perfect Cock (I would later learn he was Wes). He was in his usual perch in the upper bench so I walked I over, got on the bench in front and went immediately for his cock. He moaned and I was happy. After a few minutes, I looked up and invited him to my room. Once we got to the room, we dropped our towels and started to explore each other. He kissed diwn my body and took my much smaller cock in his mouth. He grabbed my ass and as his hands moved around, he felt the lube. I almost froze at the thought that I turned him off. Instead, he began to slowly move his fingers toward my hole and began to move one, then two fingers slowly in and out, taking time to ritate them. We moved to the bed (a thin mattress on a wooden block frame), and continued exploring. I looked hom in the eye and said, “I want to try fucking.” His reaction was to smile and begin massaging me, paying particular attention to my ass as I fondled his cock, which was a hard as a baseball bat. He lubed his cock and added more lube to my ass. He then rubbed his cock all over my chest and stomach before turning me over. He climbed atop me and rubbed his cock gently on my ass. He stopped to re-lube me and he started to rub again. He was driving me wild. It was erotic. Finally, his cock pressed against my opening. He slowly inserted the head into me before backing out. How he stayed so hard was amazing. But he continued to work into me. Then, with no warning, he started to slowly insert more of his cock. There was resistance but then I felt him pass that second spincter – an amazing thing. Each time he pulled out, more went back in until his balls were against my ass. I was in agony and excited as hell. I felt like expelling him from my ass but I started to crave more. The pain was searing but the excitement was even greater. He asked softly if I was OK. “Yes,” was my simple reply. Each time he pulled out, I felt empty and pushed back to grab his cock with me ass. “Oh, you are tight,” he said. Then, just as suddenly as it hurt, a save of intense pleasure took over my body. Finally, I said in a intense voice that sounded like another person, “Fuck me. Fuck me.” He started to increase the pace, pulling back and then aiming for the bottom of my ass as he plunged his cock to his balls. (I later figured that he was perfectly hitting my prostate.) With each plunge, I could feel the urge to cum. He then pulled out had me flip over to my back. “I want you to see me cumming,” he hissed. With my legs pushed back, he started to fuck even harder. From that angle, his cock seemed six inches longer. This time, with upward thrusts he hit prostate. Oh, I remember how much I loved what was happening. Suddenly, he plunged hard and held still. He was cumming. And I mean cumming. His cock was twitching as he pumped me full of his load. After the finished, he grabbed my cock and I came almost immediately. There was no doubt that I was a confirmed bottom. Foe the next several months, we fucked weekly baths. By about the third fuck, I actually shot hands free from just being fucked. Did not happen all the time but enough that it was intense and over-the-top great. Later in the year, I was transferred to Atlanta, I think about Wes often.
    1 point
  37. Been “caught” getting fucked many times. Used to do it so I could get caught, bedroom door open, etc, having sex when I knew my dad or brother would be coming home soon. Part of me wanted to see if dad would say anything about how much sex I was having, found out later from my brother that dad was the one sending his friends over. Thinking back, even though I was a slut, I was pretty naive.
    1 point
  38. ...as many as are offered by Alpha tops!
    1 point
  39. My tops' cocks is always for my pleasure just as my holes are there for his
    1 point
  40. no good sex is always a 2 way thing and more so if with a partner
    1 point
  41. Part 3.5 I apologize - this is a short interlude section. I wrote this at the end of one of my own benders, where I was utterly exhausted from partying and fucking. I practically passed out writing this with my dick in my hand lol. I promise I will write Part 4 and I haven't forgotten about this story. Henry didn't come until nighttime. A classic junkie, he operated on T time and would go in and out of responsiveness. I knew Henry to be like this, but I wasn't about to let Faggot rest. By the time I was done using Marino's sloppy seconds, Faggot looked like he survived a bomb blast. Drool dripped down his pretty, dick-sucking lips. His eyes were glazed from the drugs and intense fucking, weathered by his own sweat and my spit. Tears and snot trickled down his sweet face, a product of gagging His blond hair was a complete mess from being pulled and thrown around on the mattress. What I loved most was the splatter of deep hickies on his shiny smooth tan neck and chest. On top of that, he had a few light bruises on his legs and torso. His skin was as smooth and tender as a baby's - of course it would bruise easily from such rough use. He was still a sexy piece of meat, but his innocence was far gone and the fresh boyish handsomeness on his face when we first met had been permanently replaced by the used, stained look of a meth whore. After I nut into the boy, I let him rest for a bit. I pulled out of him and started searching for clients and had a few customers come over for some quick deals while he laid passed out on the mattress in the Cave. He snored loudly as he fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion, finally coming down from the drugs and the adrenaline of being pummeled like a fleshlight. Still no sign of Henry after 2 hours. At this point, I really had to piss, which means Faggot had to wake up. I unzipped my fly and crawled onto the mattress beside his naked body, caressing him. My dick almost got so hard so fast I worried if I would still be able to piss. Whatever. That's what a whore is for - if he gets my dick hard, then I'm gonna put it him and fuck him. He was still asleep when i gently spread his legs apart and nestled myself in between. He still had cum in there, so all I needed was a good wad of spit on my dick and on his little pink cunt. Faggot bucked gently and stirred as my dick pushed into those tight pussy lips. Before he could wake up and even think about resisting, I was in and I was going deeper and deeper. His lazy waking moan crescendoed into a scared whine and climaxed into a loud whimper. Even still, he didn't try to push me away. I let my dick rest in him, knowing that his cunt would quickly welcome my manhood. I was surprised that he actually clung to me as tight as he could, wrapping his arms around my neck and holding me against him. "Daddy...," he whimpered softly, his eyes barely open. "I'm gonna piss in you Faggot," I whispered to him. And with that, I began to unload. A slow, soft low-pressure stream that would last a long time as my bladder slowly overcame the pressure of my hard-on and his tight hole. I groaned, suddenly horny as the fucking devil when I thought about how my dirty chem piss was going to make a nice little cocktail of my DNA and drug waste with the loads still buried in there. "Don't worry, Faggot," I told him. "You'll be nice and woke in a few minutes. Daddy's gonna fill you up with his second-hand Tina and keep it inside you until it fully dissolves into your bloodstream." "Is Daddy's chem piss strong?" he asked. His blue eyes flashed a dull sparkle, slowly getting excited by the idea of getting high again. "Oh yeah, Daddy smoked a lot while you were sleeping with his customers. This is why I need having a Faggot around. I don't need to worry about getting you pregnant. But fuck, I know the hormones in my sperm and the drugs in my piss are a part of you when I do bad things to you. And you're going to take so much of my piss and cum every damn day. Mine and whoever else wants to fuck your cheap, dirty pussy." Faggot's eyes opened wide. The chem piss was starting to take its wiry, gradual effect, but my words also touched the boy's heart. "I love you, Daddy," he whispered softly, and he looked into my dilated eyes as if I was the only man left in the world. "Good Faggot," I said affectionately. "Now I'm gonna hurt you." I started pumping and piston-fucking the boy, and he gasped so hard the air caught in his throat. He moaned and yelped weakly with his head rolled back while I held him to me in an iron grip as I slammed into him. A few minutes into our fuck, I heard the door swing open in the other room. "Dude, why didn't you answer your - holy fuck that's hot!" Henry exclaimed as he approached the entrance to the Cave and saw me fucking the piss-cum cocktail out of Faggot. The concoction splashed out of him in small spurts every time I pulled my dick out. I looked over at him and grinned. "Took you long enough. Get over here and get a taste of this."
    1 point
  42. sorry guys that this has stagnated for so long but i had some crap in my life to deal with...so we're back Meanwhile Duke was giving the oriental a kid a lesson in taking a big black cock down his throat, even though the chinks eyes were bulging Duke knew that the boy had done it before, he pulled his dick out leaving the lad gasping, a quick slap across the face brought Hiro round as Duke spat in his face “stop pretending you fucking slut”, Hiro looked up in genuine fear knowing he’d been found out “please Sir, please don’t tell Carlos”, Duke appraised the small Chinese boy and the bruises over his body “you’ve obviously fucked up before, I know Carlos he don’t mess up the merchandise unless they deserve it”, the boy lowered his head “please Boss, please don’t tell I’ll do anything”, Duke smirked “anything?”, the oriental nodded tears in his eyes “yes Boss”. Hiro bounced up and down on Dukes cock his hands tied behind his back, trying to keep his cunt tight round Dukes big dick as Duke’s big hands held him round the throat, as the Oriental boy rode Duke applied pressure bit by bit, the oriental boy was scared, he could feel it starting to get difficult to breathe as he rode the big mans cock. Duke relished the fear on the chinks face as he applied more pressure, his thumbs were pushing harder now, hard enough for bruising to start to form. Up and down Hiro went, his brain was struggling now, he felt light headed, his movements were slowing, Duke noticed and spat in the boy’s face “keep fucking riding slag!!”. Hiro was riding limply now, he could hardly breathe as Duke used the hands round to boy’s throat to keep him bouncing, the kids face was bright red, his lips with a slight bluish haze, and then he blacked out. Duke chuckled as he let Hiro fall to the floor, he stood up and looked at the bruised oriental lad whose neck was slowly turning a pretty purple, he checked the boy was still breathing, not that he gave a shit he knew to Carlos that boys were just merchandise. Duke fisted the unconscious boy, his big rings still on, literally ruining the sluts cunt for good, then with great pleasure he held his dick and pissed a nice long stream of acrid piss over the out of it boy, he tucked his dick into his shorts before giving Hiro a kick with elicited a moan. Satisfied he lit a cigar wandering out of the room to find Carlos and Ted. Duke was still horny and in a need of a good fix, as he walked into the viewing room, I turned to him “what you been up to?”, Duke sat down taking a mirror from Carlos and snorting a few lines “well Ted I’ve just had a bit of dull time with that useless oriental slut”, I roared in laughter as Carlos’s face turned red, he put my hand on Carlos’s arm “hey chill, you said he was crap”, Carlos laughed “true enough” Duke finally took a look at what was going on behind the two way mirror, Brutus was still getting his massive knob licked by Ryan, he took a brandy from Carlos “friggin A!!”, just as I pulled out Bobby’s phone laughing “now let’s see who else we can get once Bobby makes his debut here”
    1 point
  43. Im one for sure! i can get fucked by 100 guys... but sitting down and sharing a beer with one man is akward as fuck for me. fucked up i guess...
    1 point
  44. traindriver68: This story is written by the guy I fucked recently, and describes our most recent scene. You can see my response below. Hot chaser: This is a true account of a recent meet I had with a guy from BZ who I have met previously. We’d chatted online and met once at Scratchwood open space, where we had some safe fun with a bit of poz talk. I had opened up to him online about how much poz/neg play turned me on and how the talk got me hot and hard, but how I was scared of the consequences of actually carrying the fantasy into reality. For his part he had fed those fantasies, helped me open up to them more and more, encouraged me and also tempted me with the promise of pushing my limits, but not breaking them. If we met again, he wouldn’t do anything to harm me, but would make sure I had all the poz/neg talk I wanted. He told me he was undetectable, but enjoyed making out he wasn’t for the purpose of fulfilling my fantasies. I told him that if we met, I would likely chicken out unless he kept me poppered up and was somewhat dominant with me. Poppers always make me feel slutty and I usually respond with a slightly submissive attitude to a guy who takes charge. Td68: I'd been looking forward to this for ever. Everything was set. Chaser: So skip forward and I find myself outside his place in a nearby town, ready to take that plunge into all the dirty fantasies I had. I messaged him that I was outside and he quickly opened the door and let me in. He was already naked, and as we’d agreed, he told me to strip, which I did, right inside his front door. He pushed me down to my knees and told me to suck his hardening cock. I took it in my mouth, not allowing myself to think too much about the fact that this cock could be toxic. He could be lying about his undetectable status to stealth me. I didn’t think about it too much, but the little thoughts that crossed my mind caused my cock to stir. As I sucked him, he produced a bottle of poppers and held it under my nose, telling me to take big hits. I later found out that these were old formula poppers, strong and pure and they soon made me start deep-throating his big, thick, poz cock with no concern for my wellbeing. Td68: he was a neg hole who wanted poz cock. I was gonna make sure he got it. And those old style poppers did their magic and turned him into a virus seeking animal. Chaser: When he was hard he pulled me up and took me to his lounge, where bareback porn was playing on the big TV. A lucky guy was getting his hole filled at one end, and his mouth filled at the other. I wished I was that guy, and soon I was back on my knees, sucking and sniffing poppers. He kept telling me to suck his poz cock, how he was going to fuck me with it, asking if I wanted to be fucked like the twink on the screen, all of which had me moaning in anticipation of what was to come. I noticed lube and a condom on the table. I had brought condoms with me, but they were in my pocket, and that was by the front door. I could still use his though, if I wanted. Td68: yeah I had condoms, but no way did he want them. And i kept him poppered up and horned up so he kept wanting it. Chaser : We moved through into a bedroom, obviously not his as there were no sheets on the mattress, but lube and poppers available, but no condoms here. I knew that if he fucked me, he intended to do it bareback. He wanted to use my hole, and in my aroused state and flying high on the poppers, I wanted him to. I knew the risks, I knew what could happen, and at that moment I didn’t care. He sucked me. I was hard and horny, but I didn’t want this to be about me getting off. I knew I wouldn’t want to do as much if I came first, so I flipped over onto my front, allowing me easy access to the poppers and him easy access to my hole, which he began to eat. His beard scratched against the sensitive skin around my pre-loosened and cleaned out hole, but his tongue opened me up, teased me and made me wetter, looser and ready for his cock. By the time he finished eating me, I was ready to be fucked. I needed his cock in me and I was telling him that. I told him to fuck me with his poz cock, to stretch me and fill me up. Td68: I love rimming a hole deep before I fuck it. And I knew this guy was horned up by it. He was ready for poz cock, and wouldn't say no. Chaser: He wanted me on my back to start with, but I resisted, staying on my front. I didn’t want access to my cock and I wanted to feel trapped, to feel his weight on me. I guess I wanted to feel that he was in some way raping me, removing my responsibility for the irresponsible action I was about to enter into. Anyway, he obliged and I felt his cock at my hole, probing, searching, ready to fill me. I should mention that I have been preparing myself for this for weeks now. Cleaning out my hole regularly, fingering, using a small toy and using a large toy to open it and make it easy for somebody to get inside while causing me the minimum amount of pain. I’m not into pain and I don’t want to feel that agony of the first penetration when I’m not completely ready. It kills my mood and doesn’t do much for the top. I have now got to the point where I can take a D-Cell Maglite in my hole to a depth of about 6”. It’s not the depth that counts as much as the girth in this case. I know if I can take that, there are few cocks out there that will challenge me when I’m ready! Anyway, back to the bed, and his cock found its mark and he pushed into me, sinking all the way in on the first thrust! No pain for me, but joy for both of us as we realised my fantasy of his raw, poz cock being bare inside me for the first time! When he was sure I was taking it ok, he began to fuck me hole, telling me how he was filling me up, opening me, that he was bareback inside me, toxic, dangerous. I played my role perfectly, taking it like the submissive bottom I am, and even begging him to fuck me. Well nearly. To begin with I asked him to wait, not to fuck me, not to cum in me, not to do it. I told him I was scared. I wanted it but I didn’t want to be poz, I needed it but couldn’t do it… He reassured me and eventually I became that submissive bottom, begging to be fucked, begging to be pozzed, even begging for his load. I could feel my hard cock rubbing against the bare mattress. The sensation was making me even more horny, teasing me, heightening my arousal, but not bringing me closer to getting off my own load! Td68: I loved the feeling of being on top of him but I wanted to see his face, to kiss him deep so we were connected physically at both ends of the opening into his sweet, vulnerable and neg insides. I didn't want him coming too soon because I wanted to sit on that monster fucking meat of his. Chaser: He flipped me over, putting me on my back and lifting my legs onto his shoulders. His cock found its mark again and he was now able to fuck me and look into my eyes, seeing the equal amounts of terror and desire on my face, knowing I was his bitch, there to be bred and take his seed! On my back I was able to touch my cock. I knew what would happen, but I was so aroused I needed to cum badly. I began to play with myself. He encouraged me, seeing how horny I was and knowing, I think, that it would distract me from what he was doing – fucking my raw, vulnerable hole with his hard, toxic cock! I so needed to cum, but he pulled out and lay back on the bed. I knew he wanted me to fuck him, we had discussed it online before meeting. He knew that I don’t normally top, that it doesn’t do it for me for a number of reasons, but today I couldn’t help myself! I slid into his soft, velvety hole, and he took me without a murmur of pain! Clearly he has been preparing too! And so I fucked him, deep and hard, with a primal urge to unload my seed, to cum, to reproduce. The most basic urge of any man, and it had a hold of me like never before, and when I came it was one of the most intense experiences of my entire adult life! Td68: I knew his cock was so big that it would rough up my insides and I'd bleed a little. It didn't hurt, I was amazed, I was so turned on. I took every fucking inch and his face got redder and redder. He was actually begging and crying to cum and eventually I let him unload what felt like a bucket of cum in me. Then I flipped him over, pinned him down and fucked him some more before he could say no. He kissed me deeply as I plowed that neg hole. Chaser : I don’t think he came in me. Honestly, this is a true account, but some of it is now a little hazy. The poppers and the intensity of the emotions and physical sensations I felt have blurred some detail. Everything I have put is true, but there are details missed, such as what happened to his cum. I honestly can’t tell you. But I’m mailing this to him and I want him to fill in the blanks. To add his perspective, to correct my mistakes and to tell you all what a dirty slut I was! There is another reason I’m sending this to him. I want to do it again. I keep revisiting that evening in my head and I want to revisit it for real. I want to get naked for him inside his front door. I want to be high on those amazing poppers again, and I want to be fucked by him again. I’m scared still. I still don’t want to be poz, but I need that feeling again. Please? Traindriver68: Oh yes baby, we will do it again. And again. You can see this hot slut bugchaser and I had a great time. Not only did I get my raw poz cock in him, dripping my poz pre-cum into him, I turned him on so much he was almost insatiable for poz cock. I wanted to get my poz arse juices into his piss slit too, so I sat on his dick. This guy is so conflcited. He wants the bug, he wants the poz juice. He loves the mindgame and when he blew his load inside me it was after telling him how much he was getting my poz arse juices into his big pisslit and cock head, and how tops could pick it up too. Was I undetectable? Well I could have been lying and might be toxic. Did I cum in him? Well, not this time. Am I undetectable? Well, lets just say I was that time but I'm thinking there will be enough of a meds holiday for next time for me to be toxic. He's taken the first step, fucking raw with an undetectable guy. He thinks its safe now, wants the bug but wants me undetectable too. Some mates of mine who are poz and highly toxic will load my hole just before he arrives so this horny fucker plunges into my manhole next time with the risk of three toxic strains, not just one. And I know when I tell him that as I enter him it will drive him fucking crazy! After all, its only a matter of time before chasing gets you that bug, right? Thats how it was with me.
    1 point
  45. Found yet another story on my ancient hard drive, as far as I can tell this was first posted sometime in the late 90's. ======================== Douglas was a walking, talking wet dream. He was 5-11, 160, had short brown hair, and the sexiest brown eyes you've ever seen. He was all toned muscle. No fat on that boy. His shoulders, chest, and abs were the envy of many dudes. He had been on the basketball, swimming, and wrestling teams all four years in high school, and had lettered in all three. He was every girl's dream date and more than one guy's fuck dream. Doug had no idea how sexy he was. He was completely na?ve and oblivious. He had dated only a few girls and never had a serious relationship. He rarely went to parties, and, except for the communion wine, avoided alcohol. His Dad was the pastor of a large nondenominational church in Albuquerque; and ever since he could remember, Doug had wanted to follow him into the ministry. He was 19, and had just finished his freshman year at Liberty University, a Christian college in Virginia. On the long trek back to New Mexico, just this side of Amarillo, his Explorer started acting up. He pulled off the highway onto a deserted service road. Poor Doug had one other deficiency?he knew nothing about cars. He was staring vacuously at the steaming engine when a van pulled along side. Horny Chris stared at the Boy for a few moments. Doug was wearing a white tee and tight, faded Levis that highlighted his perfect Bubble Butt. Chris saw the bumper sticker: Liberty University. 'Mmmmmm. Oh my God! A good Christian boy!' Chris was somewhat of a Twink himself. He was 24, and about Doug's height and build, but had blonde hair. Oh, yeah, and Chris was opportunistic, unscrupulous, Gay and POZ. He'd been infected during a night of wild whoring at the Midtown Spa in Dallas, and felt duty bound to induct whomever into the Gay STD Hall of Shame. And he had a special weakness for pretty, young, religious boys like Doug. He glanced in the back of the Explorer and saw that it was filled with luggage. Looked like the Kid was headed home for the summer. "Car trouble?" Chris inquired. "Yeah," Doug acknowledged. "It's stallin' out and overheatin'. I tried to call the Triple-A, but my cell phone doesn't work out here." "Mind if I take a look?" "Sure," Doug said. "Help yourself." "Name's Chris," the newcomer introduced himself. "I'm Doug. Glad to meet you." Chris gave the engine a once-over. "Looks like your radiator fluid's low. It's overheated. You need to let her cool down a bit?then fill her up. I've got some water in the van." "Good," said Doug, reaching for the radiator cap. "No!" cried Chris, pulling Doug's arm back. "You could burn yourself! Give it time to cool down." Doug nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, but I don't want to inconvenience you." "I'm sure you'd do the same for me." A broad grin crossed Dougie's face. "So, you go to Liberty University?" "Yeah, you heard of it?" "My cousin went there a few years ago." The so-called cousin had flunked out. "I'm studying to be a minister. My dad has a church in Albuquerque." Doug was clearly excited about his calling, while Chris's mind was already in the gutter. "Wanna join me in the van while we're waitin? Cooler in there." "Love to!" the Boy agreed. Chris smiled at the Kid's enthusiasm and wondered if the Punk would still "love to" later on. He rummaged in the back and returned with a couple open Cokes. "Thanks," Doug said, gulping down the brew. "Oh man, that tastes good. I didn't realize how thirsty I was." He took one swig and then another. Within a minute the soft drink was gone. "Whoa!" Doug exclaimed. "I think I got too much sun out there. My head is spinning." "You all right?" Chris sounded concerned. "Wanna lie back? The seat reclines." "Yeah, thanks." Doug pressed a button that eased back the seat. His eyes were drooping, and his speech was slurred. He had no clue that Chris had spiked his Coke with GHB. "Hey man, you okay?" Chris sounded far away. Doug's head was swimming. He felt dizzy. His eyes were heavy, and he had no inclination to reply. "Here, let me help you into the back so you can lie down," Chris offered, dragging the drugged young man out of his seat. Overtaxed from all the dead weight, Chris positioned the insensate Youth on an air mattress with pillows to prop him up. He busied himself setting up a video cam while Douglas flaked in cuckoo land. With preparations well in hand, Chris turned to court the oblivious Young Man. He unzipped his fly and hauled out his 8 inches. "Hey, buddy, wanna protein shake?" He ran his Dick back and forth across Doug's handsome face and over his lips, leaving a trail of Precum glistening on his new Boyfriend?s face. "Nnnnnn... " Doug moaned, barely cognizant of what was up. Chris slipped his index finger in the Young Man?s mouth, prying his jaw open, and slid his fat, dripping Cock into the dazed Stud's mouth. With one hand on the back of Dougie's head, he began to fuck his Playmate's face. The Kid had no conception what was going down. Chris pulled his Dick from Dougie's throat, reached in his gym bag, and pulled out his Poppers. He held the bottle to the Youth's nose. "Come on," Chris coaxed. "Take a nice deep breath." The Teen inhaled, and his body shuddered. Bingo! Chris quickly switched the bottle to the other nostril and instructed Doug to sniff again. The high-as-a-kite Youngster did as he was told, and was soon floating on Cloud Nine. A low guttural moan escaped his lips. For good measure, Chris administered a couple more hits. Then he took his own half-empty can of Coke, and topped it off with whisky. He placed it to the Young Man's lips and made the young Teetotaler imbibe. Doug reflexively tried to spit it out, but Chris forced him to swallow. Having rarely consumed alcohol before, in congress with the Poppers and GHB, the Boy was totally fucked up. Chris shoved his Cock back down Dougie's throat, grabbed his ears, and began to fuck his face in earnest. When he felt his Balls begin to boil, he pulled out, jerked a few more times, and spewed his Noxious Load right onto Dougie's pretty face. Seven spurts hit Doug dead on. There was Jizz in his hair, his eyes, and on his lips and chin. Some dribbled down his tee. Chris scooped up some of the Toxic Spooge, and, with his nails, dug it into Dougie's inner cheeks and gums. "Be a good boy and take your medicine. Daddy wants so to give you AIDS." Chris slid Doug down till he lay prone and quickly re-aimed the video cam. He pulled off the Young Hunk's tee and marveled at the smooth chest, pointy Nips, and chiseled Abs. He leaned down and sucked and bit the manly Tits, nibbling at them real good. "Unhhhhh... Ooooohhh... Mmmmmm..." the inebriated Freshman moaned. Chris watched the Stud's Cock-Bulge balloon. "Oh yeah, I bet you're still a Virgin." Tweaking and twisting his Victim's Nips, he blew in his ear and licked his lobes. "Oooooh.......Noooooo...." Doug moaned, half conscious of the stimuli and how his body was responding. He may have been thinking no, but his tumescent Shaft sure as hell was nodding yes! Chris frenched him and kept up the titty torture. Within seconds Doug began to kiss him back. Oh yeah...a guy's a guy and a mouth's a mouth?Gay or Straight?it doesn't matter. Chris played tonsil-hockey with his Drugged-Up Play Thing a few more minutes. He traced his finger across the Student's lips, down to the waistband of his jeans. He tongued Doug's belly button and once again nibbled on those perky, pouty Nips. "Ahhhhhh!" Doug gasped, trying to push Chris away; but the besotted Youth was too far gone, and Chris had no trouble pinning him. He grabbed a rope from his gym bag, tied Doug's wrists above his head, then continued torturing the Cunt. He unbuttoned the Boy's jeans and slid the zipper down. Poor Dougie?s Cock was well-endowed but under-nourished, and the Kid's hard Rod jumped appreciatively as Chris slobbered on his Cock and Balls. Chris lifted Dougie's Ass and stripped his jeans completely off. Doug's legs were tanned and muscular, with a light smattering of hair. He fingered the Boy's quivering Pussy and felt it spasm beneath his touch. The Youth was totally at his mercy, his body screaming FUCK ME!?or so it seemed. With the video cam already catching every nuance of the Boy's enthrallment, Chris grabbed a digital camera and began to shoot pic after pic of the naked, aroused Nymph. Besides the carnal pleasure, Chris stood to make a few bucks off the Kid. He'd knew exactly which web sites to post the Teasers on. And the video?wow! He could make a mint off of that?once guys realized it wasn't fake. After taking several Polaroids specifically meant for DEO?Doug's Eyes Only (for Chris was fond of acronyms), he ran his hands over the dazed Teen's chiseled Bod, twisting his Nips and engulfing the Young Twink's out-of-control Joystick in the warm, wet recesses of his mouth and throat. Shit! The Kid's Precum was so saccharin and crystal clear. He couldn't wait to contaminate it with his own POZ Spooge. For on more than one occasion Chris had used the BUG to bond with another man, and Doug was just the latest to fall victim to his wiles. He placed Doug's legs on his broad shoulders and lifted his sweet, tight Target off the mattress. He slid his index finger up the Virgin Pussy and wiggled it against his Prostate. The Man Child began to buck and moan. He gave the Kid another hit of Poppers and another shot of booze. It was time to teach the Preacher's Son a lesson. Shucking off his own jeans and briefs, Chris lubed up his Demon Dick with some of his poz Jizm from the Christian's Cummy Face AND RAMMED IT UP THE VIRGIN'S ASS. Doug screamed in pain as Chris plunged his poz cock up the unlubricated Chute. Chris fed the Youth more Poppers, which he readily accepted perhaps because, subconsciously, he knew they helped. Chris continued to fuck Doug for the next half hour, grinding the POZ SPOOGE from his first orgasm into the Innocent's Ass. The Kid got fucked till his abraded Sphincter was caked with Cum and Blood. Chris pulled his death dick out and looked at the bleeding hole was pleasure. The once pure ass had been utterly defied, now it was time to corrupt what was left! Chris slipped it into overdrive as he felt his Diseased balls start to boil, his muscled body slamming harder and faster into the helpless and once innocent ass until finally he felt his balls draw up for another orgasm. He yelled out a thanks to his Master as he started shooting wave after wave of toxic demon cum into his newest slave. Fourteen enormous loads of poz spunk flooded the boy's ass, and Doug could feel every hot spurt. In a single afternoon the straight-laced Christian Fundamentalist had been transformed into a wretched Faggot Cum Dump. The sun was setting, and Chris dragged the Youth, clad only in his birthday suit, over to his SUV, and dumped him in. He stashed two plastic gallon jugs beside the wheel well, along with an envelope containing a few choice Polaroids and a note warning that if he discussed their little affaire de coeur with anyone, he'd be the next Gay Poster Boy. Yeah?like Chris wasn't already intending to cash in; but he figured Doug would be so ashamed, he'd never tell a soul. Chris looked down at the somnolent, defiled Youth stretched across the bench seat of the SUV. It gets cool in the desert after dark, and the falling temp would wake the Young Man up for sure. He wondered, now that Doug had had his first exposure to Gay Sex, the only sex he'd ever known, if he'd cum back for more. And then there was the matter of his Special Seed. Had Chris succeeded in converting the Boy? Alas, he'd never know. The fading roar of Chris's engine caused the inebriated Youth to stir. His eyes fluttered, blinded by the brilliant oranges of the setting desert sun. His head ached so bad. So did his Ass. He fell back asleep and dreamt erotic fantasies about some guy named Chris.
    1 point
  46. Part 7 Benji had just swallowed John's cum and as he savored the remnants of the taste in his mouth he thought how he’d never imagined that he could have so much fun with another man as he had had over the past few hours. Growing up with the indoctrination of the ‘norm' to be with a woman, that he’d not only allowed strange men to fuck him, but to fuck him raw and cum inside his ass. The thought of it all felt so natural and right to him. Although there was still something nagging at him that said this was also dangerous and risky, but the pleasure of the moment was winning out as he continued to give into the pleasure and the sleazy thoughts he was having. Now that John was time with him he sat on the bed not sure what was next. John opened the door letting a David come into the room. David was dressed and had Benji’s clothes I his hand. He tossed then to the teen on the bed telling him, “Get dressed and we can go to my place so we can continue to fuck.” While Benji put his clothes on he could hear John and David talking, but want able to have everything they said out clearly. John: “You found another good piece of ass my friend. Here's the $500 prize money. The kid did earn a few tips, totaling $135.” John handed David two envelopes. David: “Thanks. I sure he’ll appreciate the cash. It’ll be a consolation prize after he learns his fate.” John: “You’re going to tell him?” David: “I’ve got 3 friends that want to fuck and breed him. They are slammers and will only fuck a bottom that slams. They're into dirty, perverted talk andwon’t be so secretive about what he’s really getting.” John: “You are you making a video of this right?” David: “Absolutely. I’ll should have it available by Monday.” John: “Make sure he knows about our members, I’m sir he’ll be needing more cock during the week. Does he have an appointment with Arthur?” David: “Yes on Wednesday.” John: “Excellent, once he's working at b Arthur’s club he’ll fall deeper into the PnP scene. I should let you get going, I’m sure he’s going to want more cock and cum soon.” Benji really didn’t understand what the two talked about as he got dressed. David looked at him saying, “OK cum slut, let’s go back to my place. I want to get into that ass of yours as breed it over as over again.” David walked out of the bedroom when Benji quickly following. He didn’t realize it yet, but John was right, he was starting to get the need for a cock inside his ass delivering a nice, creamy load of cum. The two got into David’s car and off they drove. David looked at Benji and recognized the need in his eyes as he let the newbie cock hound know, “I know you need more cock, it should only take about 20 minute to get to my place.” Benji nodded that he understood. The hunger he felt making it a little difficult for him to process words. Twenty minutes later they were pulling up to a nice down town high rise where David owned a condo. After parking his car, they got out and Benji followed like a puppy to the elevators where they went up to David’s condo. Once inside David told Benji, “Why don’t you get comfortable while I grab us something to drink.” Benji looked around the condo seeing a nice big screen TV across from a spacious couch. He kicked off his shoes, sat down on the couch and waited for David to return. David came back into the room buck, ass naked holding a couple GHB spiked Gatorades. Looking at Benji he said in a commanding voice, “I told you to get more comfortable.” Benji got the message looking at a naked David, stood up and quickly stripped. He was then handed a bottle of Gatorade and told to drink. David quickly cash the entire 12 ounce bottle and like a good boy, Benji followed his lead getting a healthy dose of G a long with it. David was already heating up a bowl of Tinasas Benji was putting the empty bottle down. David took a hit from the smoking pipe before handing it to Benji. His desire for a cock in his ass was only matched by his need for the drug he was smoking. Little did he know how much that need for Tina was going to grow after he would get slammed for the first time. After David was satisfied with the 3 clouds the new Tina whore blew, he moved closer telling sure tweaking teen, “Of you want this fuck stick inside your ass you better get it hard.” Benji got right on his knees and took David’s soft cock into his mouth. As it grew the cock sucker quickly took the length into his throat not gagging one bit as it snaked further into the box gullet. David was impressed at the improvement and skill the teen had acquired over one night, but then again, he was a natural at all he had been experiencing the past several hours. Once David was at full mast he decide to choke the cum slut before giving him the fucking be deserved but being a good cum slut at the party. He put his hand on the back of Benji’s head and forced his cock deeper into his cock sucker's throat. After holding it there, lodged inside and cutting off his ability to breathe further established his dominance and control over the newbie. Benji began to fight for the ability to breathe as the cock forced deeper in his throat blocked his airway. As his lack of oxygen stared to affect him after a couple minutes and David could feel his strength beginning to fade, he withdrew his rock hard cock from Benji’s throat. Turning and walking away from the teen as he gasped for air he told his beaten down boy, “If you want to get fucked you better get your ass in the bedroom.” Benji quickly moved to follow his dominant stud as he scrambled to follow him into the bedroom. He was barely inside the door when he David commanded, “Get your ass in the bed on all fours and face the TV.” Without any hesitation Benji got on the bed as he was told. As he faced the TV, David fiddled with his laptop, then turning on the TV and saying, “Here’s side porn to keep you in the mood.” With the Tina and G flowing through his body he didn’t need anything else to keep him in the mood, but the porn would fuel the fire more as the home made porn showed a narrator 18 year old twink getting hang banged by three jocks. As Benji watched the action on the TV, he was wishing he was the kid I the video. I a coupe of hours he was going to be the star of his own porno. The three jocks he was watching would be at David’s soon enough. David had the volume at a level where it could barely be heard. As Benji tried to listen to what was being said in the video David slammed his cock inside his ass. What he was able hear, or recognize, were similar to what he had said to the guys that fucked him at the party. Then he thought he heard one of the jocks say something about pozzing or poz cum, but that thought quickly left his brain as he was repeatedly slam fucked. David fucked him in every position imaginable cumming inside his ass 5 times when he figure the twink would be a bit of a break, some more G before the jocks showed up. Pulling his cock out of Benji without any warning was just where tactic to establish control over the new born cum slut. David headed for the kitchen telling Benji, “Take a seat back on the couch.” Benji dutifully complied with the instructions. It didn’t take long until David returned with G laced Gatorade for the twink. David told him, “Drink all of your Gatorade, my guests well be here any minute.” Benji wanted to ask about the guests David was taking about, but before he could ask David went on, “I know you will like them, give been watching some of their handy work with the twink in the video I was playing.” Benji’s mind began to race thinking he was going to get fucked like the twink I in the video as he began to drink his Gatorade. He noticed a strange taste when he began to drink the bottle. A hard knock on the door followed by David saying, “There here, you better finish that Gatorade quick.” As a naked David open the door letting the 20 something jocks into the condo, Benji was putting the empty bottle down. The jocks knew that the ample amount of G would take effect soon enough and with the slam of Tina that they intend to give him shortly he was gong to be their fuck toy for the next few hours. David introduce Benji to the three never really telling him their names telling Benji that there banners weren’t important. Each jock walked up to the drugged up teen, pulled his hardening cock out to test the twink’s cock sucking ability. Benji did not disappoint taking each jock’s cock down to the root. After each jock was done trying his throat, they each went directly into the bedroom and got naked when Benji following the last one into David’s bedroom. Once Benji was in the bedroom one of the jocks told him, “Get on your back on the bed.” Thec was starting to hit him as he tried to quickly do as he was told. The jocks recognized this as 2 of the jocks helped him into the bed, the third was getting the prepare slams out. While all that was going on, David had his video camera in hand, a long with a couple he had mounted in the room, was ready to record Benji’s final corruption. Benji was kind of out of it when one of the jocks said to him, “The three of us are going to slam, will you slam with us?” Not really knowing what they asked him he agreed. Once jock moved right in with point in hand, placed the tourniquet on his right arm and slid the needle into a fat vein. After getting the red flash the contents were emptied into Benji’s vein. David had a close up of all the action of the slam before concentrating on the newbie face as he was about to ride the waves of his first slam. The tourniquet was removed and as the drugs began to flow Benji's eyes opened wide as he coughed out hard 4, 5 times before saying, “OH FUCK!” The jock who had administered his slam asked him, “Are you enjoying you first slam?” Benji answered and asked, “Fuck, I feel great, what did you to me?” The one jock told him, “I just gave you a slam, I injected Tina directly into your vein. Just as they are doing to themselves.” He pointed to the other two jocks at they administered their own slams with Benji watching intently. The jock who gave Benji his slam then did his own as the other two jocks coughed out then moved in on Benji. The teen unknowingly was playing with his soft Tina dick and throbbing hole. One jock hit between the teen's legs, pushing his legs back exposing his hole and diving in face first to get a taste of the twink’s ass. The other two moved towards his head (one on each side) to feed him their cocks to suck. The jock eating his ass was working on getting him nice and wet, but after discovering that his ass was filled with cum he changed it up and lined his cock up with the kids cum filled ass. As he was pushing the full length of his 9” cock inside the still rushing teen he said, “His slut already has a lot of cum in his ass. It’s time to add my charged load to the mix.” Then looking down at Benji asking, “You ready to get knocked up?” While switching off suckling the two cocks he nodded his head ‘Yes’. The jock fucking him began to long dick him from the start. As he tried to suck the cocks in font of his face each jock began to force the full length of his cock into the teen's throat. His moans were from both the pleasure and pain of being fucked at both ends. When the jock in his ass was ready to deliver his toxic payload be began to thrust in deeper then Benji thought possible as the cocks he was sucking were taken away. They wanted him concentrating on the imminent breeding. After the first jock filled Benji’s ass with his poz cum one of the other jocks took his turn breeding the newbie slut. This went on for a coupe hours. After each jock dumped at least 3 loads each inside the well fucked ass of the newly born cum slut. It was imprinted permanently on his brain that he’d bed cock breeding him from now on. As Benji was about to be inoculated with the last load he was going to receive, the jock fucking him said, “Look at me bitch. You’ve really become a cum slut letting everyone dump their cum inside your ass. Do you know what you’ve been getting from everyone who dump their spooge into you? You know that your fate is pretty much sealed and there’s no turning back. Take my gift slut, I know you’re going to eventual accept your new status.”
    1 point
  47. Part 4 Benji and Tyler were face to face as he was bred by Kyle. Tyler leaned closer so that the two twinks could kiss. Tyler broke the kiss to say, “Kyle filled you with his cum. How did it feel?” Benji replied, “Yeah, he did cum inside me. It feels amazing.” As Kyle continued to work his cock in his hole while Benji worked his ass trying to milk more of Kyle’s cum for his semi hard cock remembering to say, “Thank you for your cum, thank you for your gift.” As both twins pulled out of their respective bottom, Kyle said to his twin, “Bro, you’ve got to tap this ass. His ass is so hungry that it milked my cock through the entire fuck.” The two twinks looked at each other, both now empty and in need of more cock. As Tyler lit the torch and began heating the pipe he said, “Let’s take a couple hits then we can each search for our next cock.” Tyler’s main responsible responsibility for the moment wasn’t get fucked, although he was in need of a cock filing his ass. He was doing exactly what David and John wanted, letting Benji blowing clouds. They passed the pipe back and forth between them each taking 4 hits before they were interrupted by this 50’ish, very fit and in shape daddy type. He headed directly for Benji. He introduced himself, “You must be Benji. David had told me so much about you. My name is Arthur.” Arthur pulled the high twink in for a hug that quickly became a kiss as Arthur’s semi hard cock rested against Benji’s groin. Once they stopped kissing Benji noticed that Tyler had walked away, most likely in search of me cock. Benji noticed the semi hard cock at his waist and instinctively wrapped his hand around the man’s rod. Enjoying the teens hand on his fuck stick he asked the tweaking twink, “You like that cock? I bet you’d like it inside your ass.” Benji could only nod in agreement as Arthur pushed him down to his knees telling him, “if you want my fuck stick inside you ass then you better get me hard.” Benji now had Arthur’s cock right at his lips. Without any hesitation he opened his mouth and took in as much of his cock as he could. What he had was a semi hard cock that was probably 7.5”, what he didn’t know was that Arthur’s cock was going to grow to is full 10.5” right down his throat. As the semi hard fuck stick reached the back of his throat, Benji knew that he was going to have to take it into his throat of he was going to do a good job of giving Arthur a good blow job. Arthur pulled back, told his cock sucker, “Take a deep breath in when I start to push back into you mouth.” He then grabbed Benji’s head between his two hands, and pushed his cock back into the kid’s mouth asking, “Are you ready to deep throat my cock?” Arthur didn’t really care for an answer from Benji, his cock was going into the teen's throat. As Arthur pushed his cock deeper in Benji’s mouth, he took in a deep breath and when the cock got to the entrance of his throat Arthur kept a steady force as the cock slid early into Benji’s throat. As the growing rod entered his throat all that was heard was a “OOMPH” from his plugged up throat. Benji’s eyes speed to almost pop out of his skull as he was slightly startled at the length of the cock he was teaching then his throat. Thinking he had taken it all in, he was surprised to hear Arthur say, “Almost there Benji my boy, about another inch or so”, as he felt the cock go deeper as he felt his nose nestle into the hair able his growing cock. Arthur slightly rocked his hips to get a little movement instructing the twink whose head was impaled on his hardening fuck stick asking him, “Swallow boy, just swallow my cock.” Benji attempted get comply with the instructions he was given and on the third try he got his throat to move on Arthur’s cock. Knowing the boy was going to need air he pulled back just enough allowing Benji to exhale and fill his lungs with fresh air before pushing all the way back in the teen’s throat. This time he was prepared as his nose quickly met Arthur’s pubic hair. This time Benji needed no instruction as he got to working his throat on the cock lodged in his throat. As he massaged it with his throat muscle he could feel out growing longer down his throat. Thankfully Arthur didn’t have the girth of the cock that had fucked him so far that night. Arthur was in heaven as he felt his pre cum dripping directly from his cock into his cock sucker's stomach as his cock reached it’s full length and hardness. He looked down at the teen with a big smile and said, “God damn boy, you took all 10 plus inches and didn’t gag. You ready to get fucked deep, really deep?” With the 10.5” cock still lodged in his throat, Benji did his best to nod ‘Yes’ as he began to find the net to breath. Slowly Arthur pulled his hard, dripping cock from Benji’s throat. Barely giving him anytime to catch his breath he pulled his soon to be fuck hole up to his feet, spun him around and pushed him face down on a table in front of the twink. Without wasting a second he quickly lined his cock up with Benji's hole balls deep in one thrust. Benji had no time to be prepared for the deep penetration as n Arthur held steady, grinding his dick into the newbie bottom before pulling back and thrusting back in deep again. Benji though being fucked by a thick cock was something, the depth Arthur was going for surprised him. Benji would moan with each deep thrust, each moan was a mixture of pressure and pain. As the two fucked they were joined by Sam who said, “Fuck that ass Arthur, fuck it deep! Sam was one of the local dealers and, at David’s suggestion, brought over a well packed pipe for Benji to smoke. He looked down at Benji and said, “You like life you could need to blue role clouds.” Benji looked up at the new figure week joined them as he introduced himself, “I’m Sam. I’m the guy who can get you what you want, Tina, GHB, MDMA, you name it. I saw Arthur slam his long cock inside you and knew you be needing to smoke.” Sam pulled out a well packed pipe as Benji carefully propped up on his elbows, carefully to keep Arthur’s cock inside him and allowing him to smoke. Sam hated the bowl telling Benji, “I think it’ll be easier if I shotgun this to you.” He then took a big hit then lend didn’t playing his lips on nthe teen’s lips feeding him the drug. Sam kept his mouth on Benji's turning the shotgun into a kiss. The kiss has Benji holding his breath allowing more of the drug to get into his body. Arthur could feel the effects of this long is as the twink’s up more began to vibrate. When the kiss broke Benji blew out a massive white cloud while Sam prepared to take another hit. With the cock working his ass Benji began to milk Arthur’s cock trying to get him to cum. Sam asked, “Can I fuck you next?” before he fed Benji another hit and then another before Arthur stared to pick up his pace. Benji continued to work his ass as Sam kept feeding him now meth. When Arthur’s breathing began to change and Benji could feel his cock get harder he began to ask, “Fuck that cum into me. Give me your baby juice. Breed me.” Arthur slammed in one more time and filled the teen with his poz load. This was the fifth load he’d deposited in one of the bottoms at the party, so it wasn’t that big, but all decent. He worked his cock his a little while after trying to work what cum was still inside into the walls of his ass.
    1 point
  48. Being blind-folded and maybe tied down and having a friend bring over bunch of guys whose stats I don't know and one by one they breed me and after they're all done and gone my friend shows me pics of them and tells me if they're neg/undetecable/hvl/full-blown. Going to a bathhouse and being booty bumped and climbing in a sling for anyone to use until I come down. Being rich enough to take a year off of work and travel and do nothing but let guys all over the world breed me. Having a birthday where I spend the day taking loads from all the guys I had protected sex with, and then after all of them getting loads from as many people as possible.
    1 point
  49. I do not fear excessively. I am not a full-time hedonist. I have been willing to experiment, a lot. ***The Fantasy Chemtrail*** I took perv sex straight up, last March, with a guy who is notorious in New York. I know that, because everytime I drop his name, I get some reaction: "Oh, her." "I've been there." I had no idea how popular the edge of the precipice has become. So I was on a website, something very piggy, with lots of would-be fisters. I am not one of those, but I like the ambience. My perv was there, hunting, as he often does. And he IM'd me: Do you accept xxxxxxx's request to chat? Hmmmm. Quick check to the profile: he parties. I am in recovery. I get really messed up for 2 weeks after partying. What'll I do? And I am chatting. I knew this guy from years ago, more than he would ever remember me. I knew what might happen. Embarrassed, I reveal that I am poor - so I cannot party. The topic already passed by... "I did not ask you if you wanted to buy anything." And I was faced with what seemed a life-altering decision. I was being invited to a private sex party, with slamming, and maybe reconstituted cum. Fresh from the frozen section of the ice-box. I emptied my bowels. Nothing is a better colon cleanser than the thought of doing something really dangerous. That's why I don't bother with enemas. And this guy was into unclean, natural guys. I was in. I had to do something. Flowers would be trite. Wine might make us puke. So I bought some porn, expensive stuff, across the street. I spent about 100 dollars, on credit. I do not carry cash. My recovery is fragile... I walk the 3 short blocks, and the two long ones. My tummy's in a panic. Another trip to the john upon arrival. That, because on the table were two ladylike syringes, filled very far with a clear liquid. Damn well might be bleach. I was gonna risk it, since he was, too. He slammed me first, because I really don't know how; but I am not at all squeamish. The blood rushing into the barrel is a thrill: as is the cough. I feel it now - months later. [i cough.] Then, he was having a time doing himself. The hazard of a regular user: veins don't wanna co-operate. But he found one, in his hand. That seemed rough. No matter. I was zinging, and I crept to my satchel, next to my clothes, dropped carelessly on purpose on the floor. I wore my camouflage pants to look fatter for later. After the party was over... I just had to get lube on my dick. I knew it was going to be a long session: I was glad to be high. No more worries about friends let-down, blah, blah. He as an evil fuck. But I can get into the fantasy. I am crazy, really, crazy (I take pills for that), but I know evil is a fantasy. Even as I tweak and jerk and REALLY get into the porn (which usually bores me silly), I knew God was there... I'd have to deal with spirit, in any case. He was a good, obnoxious kisser. Chem-mouth is really fun, when it is two. Odious when one. He did not share my penchant for jerking CONSTANTLY. Of course, my dick was only 1/2 hard for most of the night. But it felt good that way. We did the usual sex. He didn't really like my bush on his ass. Too bad. I love to rim a guy deeply, when I am "horned up" as they say on the web. You know, dip that tongue in for the juice, and suck - lick like a dog. I did enough that my beard stank, and I made him kiss me. It was his stink. He thought that was hot. Pig done good. I failed, when I asked for a dildo. He had a great dick, but really wasn't into fucking. Or fucking me. I think he would have liked another man to fuck us both. In any case, I became dsitracted: I needed to get this gigantic black dildo inside me. All the way to the ballsy base. I had to show that I could take ANYTHING. I like to believe I can. And I got very close. Something told me not to push the limit to red blood. I mean, it was well over 12". Quite enough. Who can match that? Well, my dildoing turned him off: because I failed to be focused on him. And he was right. I really would have been happy enough alone in his apartment, with the porn, and his dildo. But I did love to watch him walk around: what a great ass. A handsome man of some years. I like that. We did play, and for a good 12 hours. And then, he changed. Lots of guys do. They shift gears. I don't. I stay horny for days. I was thrown out at 3pm. In Midtown. With the biggest bug-eyes you ever saw. I was greatful that it was a stiff-wind day. I made for a pier, to sit out the daylight. My intended pier was closed. I had to walk past tourists, and other normal people. My paranoia was outrageous. I expected a cop to pick me up for intoxication at any time. And I thought about Rikers: the back of a pen. A dirty toilet. My ass being fucked by a dozen rough, straight men who cover me up because the cell is overcrowed. The pen fantasy. I walked 30 blocks, looking at the pavement, walking as if I had to be somewhere. I sat on a lonely pier, facing the wind, contemplating the Hudson River. I really wanted to contemplate dick, but I could not start jerking there. No, I had to wait for dusk. And so I did. I walked crosstown, downtown, in the Financial District, somehow to Grand Street, or somehow making it to the East River. That big park. That is where I would spend the entire night. Now, when you tweak, you THINK everything wants to fuck you. Everything is a cop. Black is everywhere, shadows. [dilated pupils will do this]. I would walk to an abandoned area, the best being under the Williamsburg Bridge: a construction site. It was off-limits, but the fence-gates were left open. I saw homeless men in every bay. Tons of men. So I walked through the mud, intrepid slut. All the men disappeared: perhaps I was a fright to see. Maybe my AIDS-look was off-putting. But surely, when I tucked my coat into hands, into my pockets, and stuck my still somewhat shapely ass out - the guys would be so horny - they wouldn't care. At least that was my real-life experience, when I was a novelty cruiser. But no. No man approached. The cops, they were down by the water. The did not bother with me. I was scum. I sat down, real butch like. With legs apart, ass always taught: at the ready. I would take any man who wanted a fuck. That's what's really great about chemsex: all dicks are wonderful: all men are stupendous. And night passed into late-late-night. I walked more. From the bottom to the top of that park. Stopping, gazing, glaring, leaning against posts, ass-out. I took risks: walking into well-closed areas. I wanted men who were filthy. I really wanted to take all my clothes off... would I? I was cruised by one real man. I mean, fleshy, hot, and he knew I was fucked up. He followed: and then I sort of focused on something else. I lost him to another, darker area in the park. After 3 AM, I began to flag a notch. I was tweaked, but thirsty, and tired. I still had to walk really far to the subway, or all the way home. I loved subway sex, in the old days, but I knew that it was not going to happen tonight. I did leave the park, after 3 or 4 re-entries. I visited pocket parks, walked salaciously past tenements, hoping for a bldg. super. Or a cigarette smoker, late in the night. Behind a dumpster, in a basement hole. Hungry ass. Willing mouth. How I craved cum: like ichor - passoinate drink of the gods. Spirit was still with me. Next, I am on a Broadway train, going home. Embarrassed: 5 AM. A woman looked at me strangely. I felt like a loser. ... I make it past security, looking the other way, & up the elevator. Getting home was now necessary. I kept 1 porn DVD for myself. Took a piss enema, or two, and got high all over again. That lasted a good 8 hours more. A 1/2 jar of Vaseline would be spent on the self-exploration. Carrots would be sacrificed. My neighbors across the air-shaft, with the red curtains would see my ass for a few minutes. Gleaming light, bright, hairless globes. Hot from a distance. It was all so chemsexy, that I had a bad crash. I had never been given so many shots in my life. The guy was generous, but each shot was not that strong. I had a gash in my arm, from the last hit. I tried to do it myself: made a mess, a bump. The shot I got in my clit was pretty cool, though, if not stupid & risky. No worse than the mixing up of the needles: the infection injection scene. When he said it, I saw Hell. That was negotiated in advance. "I have Hep B/C and HIV." "mmm." I knew he had as much, and maybe more. "I am undetectable for all three." "mmm." Evil shit-eating grin. [a clue] And then, I did not know, in that moment, whether I would be undetectable for all three viruses any longer. And death occurred to me. And his crazy ass tasted so good. His pig tongue: nasty mouth. Open the door, just a little. My stories of blood-shares and near-rapes, escapades in parks with bums & guys with wedding rings. All those memories came back to me, as they do still, today. I swore no other man will ever inject an illegal drug into my arm: especially the street shit they cut up, today. But when I see that guy on a pig website, I sweat. My bowels move. I shake. I force myself to turn off the computer: shut down. Take my bipolar meds. The wooziness calms the storm: my evil genius is penned up for another evening. But for how long?
    1 point
  50. Reese had just seeded his new fuck boy Christopher with three loads of his toxic seed after introducing Christopher to G and T. He laid on top of Christopher with his- softening prick still buried deep in the boys ass when he heard a noise from the living room. His roommate and the guy who had done to him (almost 2 years earlier) as he did to Christopher introducing Reese to G and T came in the apartment that they shared. His name was Brad. Brad was a tall, muscular leather type who loved to use and abuse a hole. Although Reese was one of his conquests, he was not the only one that Brad used this way. Brad often visited the baths and college johns where he could easily prey on unsuspecting college boys willing and unwilling holes that he would poz up any chance he could get. Reese informed Brad of his consequence and Brad wasted no time in fixing himself a slam to share with Christopher. While Reese began to smoke some T from a pipe he kept handy, Brad prepared to slam himself then used the same needle to slam Christopher for the second time that night. When Brad was ready to give Christopher the slam, Reese took a big hit off the pipe and kissed Christopher, exhaling the smoke into the boys lungs and Brad stuck the needle in his arm and shot in the young bucks second slam of his life. Reese felt the cough from Christopher as they kissed and moved out of the way so that Brad could get between Christopher's legs and take his well seeded ass. All Christopher could say was fuck, fuck, fuck! Brad looked down on him and rammed the entire length of his 9 and a half inch cock deep in the boys hungry ass. Christopher could only moan as Brad fucked him hard and deep. Pushing Reese's cum deeper into his ass. Reese went out and got water and Viagra's for all. Upon returning he slipped 2 little blue pills along with some X in Christopher's mouth and gave him some G laced water and told him to swallow. Reese then gave Brad the same just before taking his own similar dose. Reese knew that with T it would take two 100 mg Viagra's to get Christopher and himself hard and help Brad keep his death stick rock hard for hours. Christopher was feeling really good. He was getting into being fucked and looked over to Reese who was still sucking on the pipe. He reached up and Reese leaned in to kiss him as they again shared the smoke as Reese exhaled. Reese broke off the kiss and moved down to take Christopher's dripping cock into his mouth. As he did this, Christopher turned his head and pulled Reese over him so that he could get at Reese's cock. As the Viagra took effect, both Reese's and Christopher's cocks began to respond and grow. Reese was impressed with the sucking skills of the young buck. He wanted to give Christopher his first taste of cum and hopefully Christopher will be addicted to it and be the cock and cum whore that Brad had turned him into a couple years before. Brad began to breath heavier and asked what Christopher wanted. Christopher paused his cock sucking to simply say he wanted more of what he's been getting all along that night. Brad took that as a sign and hammered home his seed deep into the former virgin hole. Brad was a heavy cummer and knew that he shot a lot of his charged sperm into the teen. At that moment Christopher resumed sucking on Reese's cock and felt his own balls churning. It didn't take long for Reese to begin swallowing the young buck's neg load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed into the willing mouth of the teen. Brad did not slow down. He kept up a good pace, and whispered into Reese's ear as he rose up from his position sucking Christopher's dick. Reese disappeared as Brad continued to fuck he seed deeper into the young studs hole. Without missing a stroke, Brad picked up Christopher and flip over so that Christopher was now riding his dick. Reese came back with a large, needle-less syringe. When Brad saw that Reese was back he stopped fucking into the boy. Reese came in behind Christopher and massage his shoulders, slowly moving his hands down his back till he reached just above his eager hole when he inserted the syringe around Brad's dick and shot a good booty bump into Christopher. Christopher could feel the burn as the T took its effect directly on his already hungry ass. As Brad waited as the T soaked into Christopher's well fucked ass, Reese resumed massage Christopher's back and as he moved back up to his shoulders and then down to his low back Brad nodded, giving Reese the signal to make his move. Reese pushed down on Christopher's back as Brad pulled him in to his chest. Christopher was really tweaked now and was not really aware what was about to happen until he felt Reese push his cock in along side Brad's. Christopher looked back over his shoulder at Reese as he moaned out more from the pain then the pleasure he was experiencing earlier. The two wasted no time in fucking into the well stretched hole as Christopher began to moan and simply said that this felt great. Brad was a lot close to cumming then Reese was since Reese had shot 4 loads already and Brad had only deposited 2 loads. Now they were going to give Christopher multiple loads at the same time. After 2 good slams a booty bump, smoking some T and an X, Christopher could barely hold himself up. That's when Reese grabbed him from behind and held him close as the 2 fucked his ass without mercy. Load by load was shot into the studs ass as he floated through his chemical and sexual high. After almost 2 hours of constant fucking, both Brad and Reese needed a break and a shower. They pulled out and carried Christopher to their large shower and turned the water on. Brad and Christopher entered the shower and after they rinsed off, Brad placed his hands on his shower mate's shoulders, pushing Christopher to his knees. Christopher wasted no time in taking Brad's soft cock into his mouth to suck. As he was sucking on Brad's dick, Brad slowly let Tina piss slip from himself into Christopher's mouth. The unsuspecting new cock whore swallowed the Tina piss without even realizing what he was doing. The Tina piss found its way into his system giving him more of a high. As Christopher sucked the piss from Brad's dick, he also was bringing life back to his cock. Brad then pulled his new cock whore to his feet, turned him around to resume fucking him, but before he slid his now erect cock into the boys ass, he slid his fingers in to massage the already plentiful cum into Christopher's ass. Brad had 4 fingers easily in his hungry ass then he went for broke and placed his thumb along side and tried to gain entry with his fist. It was almost in when he gave up, knowing another slam would get his fist deep in the boys rectum. He positioned the boy and slid is dick in as Reese climbed in the shower to rinse off. Brad fucked another load into Christopher before the water started to get cold. They climbed out, dried off and went the living room where they sat and chatted for a while. Reese asked what Christopher thought of Gina and Tina. Christopher told the two studs that he loved it and wanted more. Brad asked if Christopher wanted some more right then, he replied that he did. Brad and Reese looked at each other and knew that hey had a knew cock whore for the coming fall. Another slam was prepared for all to share, but Brad had a plan for this slam. He discussed his idea with Reese and then they had Christopher get on his back as Brad began to finger his hole. It was very easy for Brad to get 4 fingers in Christopher and as he went for the fist he nodded and Reese gave Christopher a very strong slam. As the slam hit Christopher hard Brad slipped his fist inside the very hungry and willing ass. Christopher moaned in pure pleasure, pleasure he had never felt before. Reese began to stroke Christopher's leaking cock as Brad proceeded to move his fist deeper. As Reese was laying next to Christopher, Christopher reached over and took Reese's hardening prick into his had and pulled it towards his eager mouth. Reese took this signal and once again the 2 were in a 69 position. As The two mutually sucked the others cock into their hungry throat, Brad worked more of his fist and forearm into the hungry ass of the new cock whore. Brad suddenly felt Christoper's ass spasm and knew Reese was swallowing another load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed deep in the willing and eager mouth of their newly educated cum hound. Slowly Brad pulled his forearm and fist from Christopher's ass. Once Brad was all the way out, Christopher looked up and simply asked, who was going to fuck him next? Brad and Reese definitely knew then that a cock whore was born!
    1 point
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