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  1. Part 39 - Where Life Takes You Callum rubbed his tired eyes sitting on the toilet his ass still quite sore from the pounding Tony gave him the night before, he pulled a couple of sheets of toilet paper and standing up he tenderly wiped his ass. Looking down in to the toilet bowl he saw the unmistakable string of discoloured bodily fluids, pressing the flush he wandered back in to the coolness of the air conditioned bedroom, he slipped in to bed and settled back down. He movements disturbed Adam's sleep who rolled on to his side facing Callum his arm automatically laying over Callum's chest, his eyes were still shut as he was somewhere between sleep and consciousness. Adam gave a purring moan slowly running his hand across Callum's very smooth baby like skin, watching Adam he saw the corners of his mouth move producing a sleepy smile, he moved his hand and laid it on top of Adam's arm. He could hear Tony and Steve were still in a deep sleep and smiled to himself remembering last night when their desire to have sex had pushed all boundaries out of the way and what a fitting way to finish their trip to LA. Steve and Callum had always retained an open policy but never overnight stays and last night was the first time they had sex together in a group, they loved each other without doubt but sex had become routine with them which is why they kept their relationship open as it made their love stronger for each other. Callum giggled quietly as Adam's hand and moved up to his neck and quite by accident he found himself with one of Adam's fingers in his ear. He tried to contain himself but his ear was one of his erogenous zones and he was now biting his lip to keep quiet, he felt Adam move slightly then the feeling of his moist lips kissing his neck lightly. Callum could sense Adam was awake but he tried to remain quiet but Adam was no fool, he moved his head until his lips and tongue penetrated in to Callum's mouth. Quietly and with deadly stealthiest Adam slipped on top of Callum and between his legs, his hand yanking Callum's leg around his hips and kissing him deeper his hand guided his cock towards Callum's hole. Adam's kiss smothered Callum's mouth preventing him making any noise, slipping his cock inside causing Callum to arch his back slightly as he tried to push more in but was already at base, Callum kissed Adam back passionately as he began pushing Callum's ass down hard against the mattress, closing his eyes at the delight of Callum's tight hole gripping hard on his cock. His insides felt the friction and he wanted to moan loudly partly in protest but also desire, the precum began oozing and his back lowered as a new sensuality of slickness and comfort in the fucking took hold. Callum moaned and grabbed hold of Adam as his eyes opened wide then half lowered his neck now arching up as the sensation of Adam's fucking brought him over the edge, his fingers dug in to Adam's back as he felt the signs of ejaculation beginning in his cock, his legs wriggled his cock struggling against the tightness of Adam's body against it preventing any jerking movement, it was almost as if he was being prevented from releasing his seed. As much as it wanted to fire in orgasmic spasms it could only pulse and release coating Adam's stomach. With all his might he tried to remained quiet through his orgasm, with Adam's mouth locked deep on to his it was the quietest orgasm he had experienced, thinking he could last longer at fucking this time he was surprised to feel Callum's clench hard around his cock. Adam's hand rested over Callum's head holding him in place as he pushed his hips up hard, the vice like grip Callum had on his cock was almost pulling the seed from his balls. He kissed Callum frantically and harder as he pumped the young British boy full of his wholesome American seed, deeper and deeper he pushed until he finally laid on top of Callum 'Morning' he said quietly with a big smile on his face. Callum finally catching his breath looking at him 'Morning' he stroked Adam's face as he leaned towards his now flushed face to kiss him. They both giggled looking over at Tony and Steve who hadn't stirred at all whilst Adam was doing Callum inches away from them. Adam pulled a pillow up next to Callum's head so he could lay his head down, his cock still buried in Callum's ass as he laid on top of him, they kissed and petted for nearly an hour before they fell asleep with their mouths touching each others as if frozen in position. Tony woke up with Steve in his arms and spooning up against him, he had a semi but honestly he was so fucked out from last night after he finished fucking Callum for the seventh time. "I think someone already got fucked this morning" Steve said stroking Tony's arm. Tony kissed Steve's neck "Is that a hint?" he asked rubbing his semi hard cock against Steve's ass. Steve patted his leg "I'm to sore at the moment, later definitely" he said tugging the hairs on Tony's leg. Tony chuckled "Thank god, I am running on empty at the moment" he replied. Steve turned still held in Tony's arms to face him "It was an amazing night". "What the hotel opening or me opening you?" Tony replied with a smirk on his face. Steve smiled and kissed him "Both but you opening me was the highlight". Adam stirred and looked over "What are two talking about?" he asked grinning. Steve looked over his shoulder "Are you inside my boyfriend?". Adam nodded then licked the side of Callum's face "eeww" Callum squeaked from somewhere underneath. Adam managed to ease his cock out of Callum's ass and climbed off the bed announcing he was going to have a shower before they went down, Steve rolled out of Tony's arms, good idea he commented jumping out of bed and grabbing Adam's hand. Tony looked over at Callum who giggled and moved into his arms kissing him deeply. That afternoon Callum and Steve stood outside of security hugging with Adam and Tony one final time before they boarded their flight back to London, Daniel and Jordan had already flown back to Barbados earlier. Callum was very teary as they said one final good bye. Steve turned to Tony "We are going to miss you both" he strained trying to stop himself from watering up. Tony hugged him harder "You are both amazing guys and really happy your in our lives" he replied. "Promise you will come to Barbados in April when we start our 3 months?" Steve asked looking seriously at Tony. Tony kissed his head "You try and stop us, plus you have to come to our wedding". "You try and stop us" Steve replied laughing "Nothing will stop us being there". They waved as Steve and Callum turned to wave at them after clearing security and they watched them disappear from view. Three weeks on and Adam stood in arrivals at JFK on a chilly Saturday afternoon, Tony walked up to Adam having parked the car. Since returning from LA they had several skype calls with Steve and Callum who were just starting a couple of months holiday before taking over in Barbados from Daniel and Jordan. But their urge and desire to see each other brought them here this Saturday afternoon waiting for Steve and Callum to arrive and spend a month in New York state with them before flying down to Barbados. A week after they returned home to the UK Callum had been the first to show signs of getting infected, he was in bed for a couple of days and Adam would skype him 3 or 4 times every day to chat, Steve fell the following week but surprisingly he had only minor headaches and a temperature for 24 hours but it was enough to know for them to get tested. Tony spotted them first wheeling their trolley full of luggage through the doors as they entered in to the arrival concourse. Callum ran over in to the arms of Tony "Oh god it's so good to see you again". Steve kissed and hugged Adam "Were a little different from the last time" Steve said some what pleased. Adam looked at him "We did wonder if it would change how you both felt" he said questioningly. Callum hugged and kissed Adam "No, but I think it was inevitable" Callum said holding on to Adam. "Inevitable?" Tony asked looking a little surprised. Steve nodded "Ever since we first met we knew we would have sex with you at some time" he giggled. They walked out of the airport in to the chilly and biting wind that was blowing across from the lakes, they packed in to the SUV and Tony put the heating on full blast as they drove along the coast up to Larchmont. "I didn't know it could get so cold here" Callum said still feeling the cold. Adam put his arm around him "Yes we are expecting what they call lake effect snow later". "Snow! will it be enough to build a snowman" Callum asked excitedly. Steve laughed "When we get snow it is about half an inch if that". "These snow storms can easily bring a couple of feet within hours" Steve replied hugging Callum closer. As they drove northwards to Larchmont flurries of snow were filling the air slowly but jet lag had taken Callum as it's victim. Steve chuckled looking behind him seeing Callum asleep in Adam's arms, he joked that Callum was awake most of the night with excitement to see you both. Tony turned the SUV on to the drive way and Steve muttered wow and how old England the house looked. Walking in to the house Steve looked around the lower floor "This is a lovely place". Tony smiled as Steve joined him in the kitchen "It was Mark and Ben's house". Steve looked over "Was? Did you buy it from them?" he asked sitting down. "No, it was embarrassing, but after Ben decided to move to LA Mark gave it to us" Tony handed Steve a coffee. Steve nodded "You guys really do have a close friendship" he said thanking Tony for the coffee. Tony smiled "We do but it also includes you and Callum as well as Danny and Jordan". Steve sipped his coffee and put it down looking at Tony "Do you think things are awkward between us now?" he asked. Tony stopped and looked at him "Why would you think that?" he replied. "Don't know, I just thought it may have been you know because of what happened" Steve said looking at his cup. Tony walked around and hugged him "I did wonder but seeing you both today confirmed it". Steve looked up "Confirmed what exactly?" he asked. Tony smiled and kissed his head "Adam and I are both kind of in to you and Callum in a big way". Steve looked like a weight had been lifted "We think the same way, don't know why". "I think all the flirting was a precursor to something bigger underneath" Tony suggested smiling at him. Adam walked in "What are you two gossiping about?" he asked heading to the coffee machine. Tony chuckled "Steve and Callum might be in love with us" he said as Steve shot an embarrassed look. Adam casually walked past "I told you so" he remarked taking Callum a coffee. Steve looked confusingly at Tony "What did he mean?" he asked. "Adam was convinced the night we slept together" Tony replied "he just didn't want to say anything". Steve smiled "And what about you and Adam?" he ventured. Tony laughed "Oh god very much so" he said without hesitation. "I guess it will change after the wedding though?" Steve said finishing his coffee. Tony refilled his cup "I don't know, I guess it depends on how you both feel" he spoke with sincerity. The rest of Saturday Callum spent napping and when awake he would sit at the bay window in the lounge watching the snow falling heavier and heavier as the afternoon turned in to evening. By Sunday afternoon the worst of the snowfall was over and as promised almost two feet had fallen, Callum and Adam were outside building the biggest snowman they could manage. Tony and Steve wee snuggled up on the sofa watching a movie with their friend Nicky in the starring role, occasionally glimpsing out the window chuckling at the big kids outside who were now engaged in a snowball fight with the kids across the road. Tony's facetime went off and picking his phone up he saw it was Ben calling. "What's up Ben?" Tony said after the connection was made. "Hi Tony, wanted to let you know Ethan and I are coming home on Wednesday" Ben said dragging Ethan in view. "Hey Tony, where is Adam?" Ethan asked trying to peer as if he could see the room. Tony held his phone up to the window "Outside playing in the snow like a kid" he chuckled. "You got snow! and since when does Adam play in the snow?" Ethan and Ben both shouted down the phone. "Wait a minute" Ben suddenly said "If Adam is outside who is sat next to you?" he asked. Tony laughed and moved the phone round to Steve "Hi boys" he said. Their excitement was plain to see "Are you going to be there on Wednesday?" Ethan asked pushing Ben. "Yes we are here for a month" Steve replied smiling at them. "Mark, come see who were talking to" Ben called across the pool terrace. Ethan twisted the phone towards him "Don't plan anything for Saturday let's have a day out" he said. Steve nodded "That would be great Ethan". "Who is it?" Mark asked approaching and Ethan turned the phone "Steve hi, how are you both?" he asked knowingly. Steve chuckled "We are both fine, Callum is outside with Adam in the snow" he moved the phone to the window. "Wait a minute are you in NY?" Mark asked sounding surprised hearing Steve and Tony laugh. Steve placed the phone back to him "Yes with Tony and Adam for a month, is Angelo there?". Mark called and Angelo came over "What is it?" Angelo asked "Hey Steve" he said seeing him. Steve clearly rubbed his cock making Angelo laugh "God you are sexy Angelo" he laughed. Angelo burst out laughing "Shame your not here and where is the cutie?" he asked. Steve showed Angelo "Where is Josh I can't see him?" Steve asked. "Oh Maddy and Nicky have taken him out shopping, he spends more time with them than us" Ben said laughing. The call had lasted way longer than Ben had thought it would and he never had expected Steve and Callum to be in NY, Mark and Ethan on the other hand guessed something was going on as there was definitely sparks flying between them whilst they were in LA. Angelo was still annoyed with Mark as he had found out that he was paying for the new swimming pool at Ethan and his ranch style house. Angelo knew Mark well enough not to argue the point any further so reluctantly he had agreed. Angelo and Ethan were in the process of hiring a housekeeper come cook who would come in daily or live in since they had ample bedrooms in their new home. Stefan had come highly recommended by Nicky, he had worked a few months as a relief housekeeper for one of her movie star friends and they were desperate to keep him on, but Nicky had arranged for him to meet the couple looking for a housekeeper. Angelo and Ethan were meeting Stefan at their house in an hour so they had quickly put on their shorts and t-shirt and headed off, Nicky had also warned them not to be disappointed if Stefan didn't accept any job offer they made as it was a cut neck business recruiting housekeepers. Stefan arrived at the address and was somewhat surprised to see it was a gay couple, he immediately recognised Angelo since his photo with Nicky was big news in LA spearing lots of rumours. Stefan had formed an immediate connection at the interview with Angelo and Ethan, at 25 years old Stefan was a undeniably a hot blond bombshell from Canada who knew his stuff. He was not backward and coming forward and explained that his 4 year relationship with his previous partner had fallen apart badly, it had left him penniless and without a home as he would have to move out in a couple of weeks. His partners wandering eye and cock was the final straw for him so he was looking to get in to employment quickly. Angelo had sat there listening to him intently and going over his references in scrupulous detail. Ethan on the other hand just sat there watching him, he was the shorter than Angelo but taller than him and he could easily see that Stefan worked out a bit as he had a very finely tuned definition under his shirt. His blond hair was kept neatly trimmed and his deep blue eyes were abnormally seductive. Angelo liked what he saw and knew he was more than capable and up to the task, Ethan had already given Angelo a nod indicating that he liked him. "Do you have any questions for us Stefan?" Angelo asked him. Stefan nodded "I guess I need to know what the terms are and what your expectation is?" he replied. Angelo looked stumped "Oh, cook and keep the house clean, is that what you mean?" Stefan chuckled "Yes that is what I mean. It is a big house to keep orderly" he commented. Ethan was amused by how Angelo faltered "I expect we will get a cleaner a few days a week as well". "Phew that's a relief" Stefan relaxed and laughed feeling comfortable being around them. "We are not fancy people we like normal healthy food" Ethan said as Angelo held his hand under the table. Stefan smiled "Well I think that is all I need to know for now". Angelo and Stefan stood up "We shall let you know our decision" he said but Stefan looked at him. "Ah" Stefan paused "actually it is me that will let you know if I want to work for you" he said. Ethan looked confused "What do you mean?" he asked. Stefan looked at him "Well housekeepers are hard to come by and we decide who we work for". Angelo looked at Ethan "I see, do you have other interviews lined up?" he asked him. Stefan nodded "Yes I have six this week". "So what do we have to do to get you?" Ethan asked not sure what he would get in response. Stefan smiled "Nothing I like you both already but I need to see what else is being offered". "We are offering a live in position" Angelo said causing Stefan to turn to him. Stefan sat back down "Are you offering me the position?" he asked. Angelo nodded "Yes, we both like you and would love it you worked here". Stefan paused for a moment "Just work here like no other stuff" he asked out of concern. Ethan giggled "None of that if that's what you mean, we only have eyes for each other". Stefan smiled "That was obvious from when I first met you both, but yes it is what I meant". "I can't promise about our friends though" Angelo said smiling. Stefan laughed "I am sure I will be able to handle them anyway most..." he began saying but broke off quickly. Ethan looked at him "You were going to say something?" he asked him Stefan shifted in his seat "I hope it's not a problem, I am hiv positive" he looked vulnerable as he spoke. Angelo smiled "That's not a problem Stefan we are as well". Stefan couldn't believe his luck "So can I be your housekeeper?" he asked looking at them both. "When do you want to move in?" Angelo asked smiling. Angelo and Ethan couldn't believe their own luck at finding Stefan and him agreeing to work for them. It was only after they had a call with Nicky to tell her the news that she said they must have really impressed him if he choose them that quickly, he giggled then said how annoyed some of the other families are going to be knowing he is no longer looking. As the weeks went on Ethan and Angelo had moved out of Liongate and settled in to their own home with Stefan as their housekeeper and a great friendship blossomed between them, Stefan had also taken to Mark and Ben who were always coming round for dinner, he was initially gobsmacked when Mark Davenport walked in to the house with his husband and staying over. Angelo had already briefed Stefan that Franco would be coming to live with them after their friends wedding in April. After lunching one Sunday Ben and Ethan were dangling their feet in the new large pool when Ben got a text from Heike saying she was finished and at the house now. Ben jumped to his feet shouting "Heike has finished Mark she is at the house waiting". Mark jumped up "Come on guys lets go" he turned seeing Stefan cleaning the table "Stefan come on". Stefan looked up "No please I have work to do" he replied. Ethan ran over and dragged Stefan "Come on were going to 321 St Pierre" Stefan gave up and joined them. Angelo put his arm around Stefan "Sorry if we are being pushy or treating you differently than a housekeeper" he said. Stefan smiled "I quite like it, it does take some adjustment being treated this way it is unusual". Angelo laughed "I told you we were normal, we both like having you in the house". Stefan looked up at 321 St Pierre "Wow" he said then turned to Angelo "Oh and I do love working for you both Angelo". Heike came out to greet them with a kind of nervous look as she didn't expect Ben to be bringing a group down. they all stepped inside and Heike gave them tour around the elegant and informal interiors she had created for Mark and Ben. In essence she had captured their vision perfectly, it was not showy but yet it oozed modern elegance, Mark hugged and kissed Heike telling her it was totally perfect. Ben was still going around the various rooms with Ethan and Stefan when Angelo caught up with Mark and Heike. "This is amazing Heike, seeing how it was to how it is now, wow" Angelo said and gave her a hug. Heike smiled "Well I'm just glad everyone likes it" she said. Angelo turned to her "Will you do ours?" he said "You know redesign it?". "Of course I will Angelo, this could be a new avenue of business for me" She replied smiling. Angelo looked a little confused "I thought you are an interior designer?" he said chuckling. Heike laughed "Yes, but I mean doing mansions in Bel Air, all my work is in Orange County" she replied. Ben had walked outside and took some initiative for once and called Bobby, explaining what he wanted to Bobby who got right on the case. Bobby knew he only had to make one phone call to the right magazine and it was instantly snapped up at $500k for the article. Ben had re-joined the others hugging and kissing Heike excitedly at how amazing their new home was. Ben's phone rang and seeing it was Bobby calling he answered it and had a quick conversation before hanging up and walking over to Heike, she looked stunned that her work was not only going to be featured in a magazine but her step-son had also insisted they do an article on the designer. Mark kissed and hugged Heike telling her how much he loved what she had done with the place. Ethan and Ben's trip back east had been busy and Ethan was now studying his final part of business law having been coerced by Angelo and his father to go down the route. Secretly he was quite happy to as he would be able to work with Angelo, Ben and Franco when he eventually moved to LA. Over on the east coast Steve and Callum's were enjoying their last week with Adam and Tony before flying back to Barbados. Unlike their friends in LA Adam and Tony had to work to survive but since Tony had been given the job of East Coast director of sales, which he was pretty good at, it paid a really good salary and was making their life easier. Due to Mark's status with the airline he had managed to wrangle Concierge Club membership which made flying to LA cheaper and easier. Their last night in NY Steve and Callum sat talking with Tony and Adam over dinner bringing many things to the surface and Tony was surprised to hear about their life in the UK and how small their apartment was. But Tony and Adam had already been persuaded by Steve and Callum to accept a two week stay at the Salinger Barbados Retreat for their honeymoon, Lucy and Daniel's present to them for the wedding. The weeks that followed saw Angelo, Ethan and Stefan move in to Mark and Ben's place whilst Heike performed her magic on Angelo and Ethan's home. Since the article Heike as getting more requests for doing Bel Air mansions and it also meant that Ben saw more of his father since he would often pop by to see Heike and him. Heike did a amazing job on Angelo and Ethan's place and they moved back in a few days before they were due to fly off to NY for Adam and Tony's wedding, Stefan was invited to join them but he declined and said he would be just fine getting the house in order for their return. Angelo showed him the annexe and said this is where Franco will be living and asked if he could give it a once over to make sure it was okay for their return, Stefan laughed and told him not to worry about thing.
    6 points
  2. Saturday night in Chicago (Pride weekend) went to bar called Touche. Heavy fucking and sucking in the back room. Lost count of the number of guys that fucked me (probably 10+) and how many loads I took (probably 6+). I am here until next weekend and am planning to go back for more. My partner fucked me twice the next day. He didn’t know I had been loaded until he pulled out and cum poured out of my hole. Time to wash the sheets lol.
    4 points
  3. In the summer of 2010 I flew to Spain for a week in the sun. After a couple of days of debauchery in Barcelona, my boyfriend and I took a train to the seaside town of Sitges, which several of my friends had recommended to us. So I found myself on a train filled with many hot, sexy men. I'm 35, 5' 11", with short, buzzed, brown hair, a youthful face some facial hair that I've allowed to grow into a closely trimmed goatee. I have blue eyes and a solid build. I'm not particularly hairy, but my chest and stomach are covered with fur, which I keep it trimmed and neat, not shaved. My cock is cut, above average in size, and seems to be always hard. I would describe myself mostly as a vers bottom. I only bareback with my boyfriend, but will sometimes blow other guys outside of our relationship and even then I insist the guys wear a condom. My boyfriend of three years and I had the talk; the talk that gave each of us approval to play outside the relationship without any guilt. We also talked about how if we fucked or got fucked by anyone, we would always wear a condom. The afternoon we arrived at Sitges, I stopped at a sex shop and picked up some single-use lubes, a couple of condoms, and a bottle of poppers. That evening, around 12:00 AM, my boyfriend and I went to XXL. While it wasn't all that busy, the music was amazing, so we danced for a while and the place gradually filled up. There were muscle bears, bears, otters, twinks, the 'guy next door' type, in short, there were men of all shapes, ages, and sizes. After about an hour on the dance floor, my boyfriend disappeared, seemingly for ages. I figured he must be upstairs in the dark room. I've been to the odd dark room in my time, but mostly it's always been a lot of groping and a few blow jobs that haven't turned into anyone cumming, at least in me. Anyhow, I decided to see if I could find him, so off to the dark room I went. The narrow dark room was pitch black, and, as it turned-out, so packed with men that I found it difficult to navigate. While I could see some shadows, that was about it, so hands proved to be the only way of exploring. Not surprisingly most of the guys were wearing t-shirts, and I took the time to explore some well-developed, hairy chests. I also encountered several cocks, so while most of the guys seemed to be fully clothed, a fair number of the guys were nearly naked. One of the nice experiences was that I could pretty much feel anywhere and no-one pushed my hand away, whether I was exploring some guy's chest, his neck, the small of his back, or slide my hand into the waistband of a guy's pants. Many a guy would even wiggle a little so I could reach further in his underwear and feel his ass and crack. I was feeling a little drunk and guys were grabbing my ass. I walked along and this one particular guy grabbed the back of my belt and pulled me backwards towards himself. I let him pull me to him until I was standing directly in front of him, my ass pushed up against his crotch. His hands started roaming my chest, under my t-shirt, rubbing my nipples and rubbing my entire front and cock through my jeans. I was hard and he could feel it. He began to lick my neck, and almost involuntarily I reached behind my ass, the palms of my hands rubbing the front of his shorts. To my pleasure I found the top button of his shorts was already undone and the zipper was half down. He massaged my shoulders a little and whispered something Spanish in my ear. He was rock hard. I was able to lower the zipper a little lower and I reached into the front of his shorts. This seemed to be a invitation for him to reach down, unfasten my belt and fly and lower my jeans. I leaned forward away from him a little and he slowly pulled my jeans down and then my underwear, only pausing for a moment to grab my hard cock that sprang forward when he yanked down my pants. Other guys were still passing in front of me in this dark room that was more of corridor than a room, but other than the odd grab-and-rub of my cock, all the action was coming from the guy behind me. And let me say, he knew exactly what he was doing. I reached inside his underwear and felt a large, fat, uncut, dripping cock. Fuck, was he horny. I moved my hands so that my palms were facing and rubbing his furry belly. With one hand firmly and slowly jerking my cock, he pulled his shorts and underwear down, and they fell to his feet, so I kept exploring his body. With his free hand he began rubbing the crack of my ass, his firm fingers going right for my hole. They were rough and he was intent on trying to push a finger inside me. My pants were only partially lowered, certainly not quite at my feet, but I still had to lean forward to grab the small tube of silicone lube I had in my pocket. Retrieving it, I handed it to him. He flipped open the bottle and I thought he was going to rub some on his finger to lube my ass, but instead, he pushed me forward a little and he began lubing his cock. Obviously he thought I was giving him the green light to fuck me, but I wasn't. I didn't want him to fuck me without a condom. Not here, and not with a guy I didn't know or couldn't even see, but I was a little drunk and it was all happening pretty quickly and before I realized it, he was pulling me back towards him and his cock was lodged between my cheeks. His cock was really solid and his hands on my waist were strong and pulling me back on his cock, the head of his cock was pushing right for my hole now and I knew he was going to push it in. Raw. I thought for a second he was going to miss my hole but he didn't. I didn't want him to miss so I leaned just a little forward and then I felt him enter me. Slowly and firmly, my ass was stretching as he kept a firm hold on my hips. It felt fucking amazing. My mind was racing. I thought I either pull away now completely, or enjoy our session. I decided on the latter. I reached into my other pocket and fished out my poppers, but found I had to lean forward to reach down enough into my pockets because my jeans were now halfway down my legs. When I made this move, he pushed right in. All the way in. I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. His cock was inside me and he was holding me there, still for a couple of seconds, but not for long. His hands were on my waist and his cock was completely inside my ass. I opened the poppers and took a hit - a deep hit. He took the bottle from me, and I heard him take four deep hits, then he handed the bottle back to me, so I took another hit. Although I was now flying,and everything was a little out of focus, I could still feel the thump of the music and I could feel bodies pushing past us in the dark room. I was sweating and flying. He held onto my waist and pulled me on and off his cock, steadily, not fast, but with the serious intention to fuck me deeply. He straighten me upright with a few gestures, and then he began licking and sucking my neck, whispering in my ear, licking my ear. I tried to turn my neck and head so he cold kiss my lips. He took the hint and we kissed a little. I could feel stubble on his face. He was sweating, breathing heavily, and his tongue pushed into the corner of my mouth. As the position was very difficult on both of us, we stopped kissing and he placed his hands on my hips. I took the hint and began to rock forward and backward, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy my ass, so in my mind I was imagining that I was jerking him off with my ass, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles so he would not be able to stop fucking me before pulling out. He started a regular steady rhythm of fucking. I opened the bottle of poppers and took another hit, and he followed suit, taking several strong hits. The entire time I moved forward and backward on his cock. He was fucking me more deeply and I was completely enjoying the sensation of his cock inside my ass. As his fucking intensified, my mind was flying. All I could think about was what we looked like. What he looked like and what is cock looked liked pounding in and out of my ass. His fucking was taking on an animal like quality. I could hear him grunting. I reached down and grabbed my cock and started to jerk. He was pounding my ass so fiercely I thought I might bounce right off of it but he kept amazing control. I could hear the music of the club and I was loving every minute of the experience: the beat the music and the hot raw cock in my ass. I reached between my legs and I could feel his cock fucking my ass. I felt it with my fingers as it was pounding in and out of my ass. This must have driven him a little crazy because his fucking began to get harder and I could hear him grunting and his body started to spasm a little. He was cumming in me. I could feel him cumming inside me. He slowed down a little and then his cock popped out. Cum immediately ran down my leg. He turned me around and pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately. For the first time our cocks rubbed together. His was gradually going soft, even if it was sticky with his cum, but my cock was hard and pressed up against his. His hands grabbed my ass and he pulled me very tightly towards him. That was enough for me, and I came, shooting between our bodies and stomachs. He knelt down and licked my cum, taking my cock inside his mouth for a couple of seconds, sucking out the last couple of drops of cum from out of my cock. Then he stood up, pulled up his pants and said 'ciao' and disappeared. He was done, I was done, so I pulled up my pants and went off in the opposite direction, wondering if my boyfriend was also getting into some trouble. Anyone have any stories from some fun they've had in Sitges?
    3 points
  4. a family member unloaded a huge load into my hole before he left the house.
    3 points
  5. In the 80's A few years back, I lived in large cosmopolitan city in the Deep South. Just before I left, I saved up some money, and bought myself one of the quintessential used white vans that could be seen everywhere in the city. I padded and carpeted the back floor, sides, and roof, and put in a small cabinet and extra-heavy curtains behind the cab and on the windows ... the usual stuff for then. I also added something special: a padded sawhorse with restrains on the legs and cross piece. As soon as I had finished, I need to test it. As I lived only a few blocks from downtown, I walked to a local bar, I cruised a number of guys, and settling on a hot looking victim: early-20's, auburn hair, dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes. (Yeah, I'm a sucker for blue eyes.) He said his name was Jim. After chatting a bit, I invited him back to my place for sex. When we got to my place, he said that he didn't get fucked ... that he never had, and never would be, because he was afraid of AIDS, and even a condom might break. I said that I was okay with that. We stripped naked, fooled around a bit, and smoked some weed in my bedroom. I suggested that I show him my van. We both threw on clothes, and went back down to where I parked it. I told him we had to take off our shoes before getting in the back. I grinned when he told me he liked the back, but wasn't sure what the sawhorse was for. I told him I'd demonstrate it. I lay down prone on it first, and let him restrain me. After he let me up, I coaxed my intended victim to lie prone on it, and I secured his wrists, ankles, thighs and chest. I then put a gag in his mouth, and asked what he thought of my contraption. All I heard form behind the gag was a muffled response. I took a knife, and cut off his belt, t-shirt, and jeans. He kept pulling at the restraints and trying to yell while I was doing it, but the restraints were firm and the gag was very effective. I was sure with the padding that no one outside the van could hear him. I got a jar of Vaseline from the cabinet, shucked my clothes, and greased up his asshole. I then spread his ass-cheeks, and pressed my dick head against his hole. He he kept trying to writhe and twist to get away while yelling into the gag. Grabbing his hips, I forced my entire thick rock-hard naked seven inch dick deep inside my victim in one shove. For a second his body froze before he screamed into the gag and fought like mad to get free. I took my time plowing his ass, enjoying how it convulsed around the cock that had destroyed his virginity. He continued to gurgle behind the gag and writhe, still pulling in vane at the restraints. Eventually, I decided I'd had enough, so I fucked him faster until I felt my balls start to draw up. Yelling "Take it, bitch," I rammed in balls-deep and splattered a huge load in him. He was crying as I withdrew my cock from his violated asshole. I cleaned-up myself, cleaned-up his ass, and dressed myself. As I stepped out of the van he resumed yelling into the gag. Perfect: I could barely hear him with the door open; with it shut, I couldn't hear anything at all. I drove the van to a leather bar, and parked it at the far end of the lot before I went inside. One by one, I began approaching men to see if they were interested in what I had to offer. It wasn't long before I found my first taker: an average biker type in boots and jeans. We walked out to my van, and climbed in back. He ran his hands over Jim's ass, murmuring "Nice." Jim pulled desperately at the restraints and yelled into the gag. "He okay with this?" the biker asked. I smiled "Why wouldn't he be?" The biker smirked, "Got it. Besides, I don't fuckin' care." By the time he had his clothes off, his dick was already hard. He stepped between Jim's secured legs, rammed it in and started fucking. In short order he blew a juicy load into Jim's ass. He dressed and we left. "Hot hole. Thanks," he said as he split. Over the next hours, I found eight different guys similar to the biker, all ages and races and sizes, each of whom eagerly mounted, plowed, and shot his load in the restrained victim's rectum. After the second guy, Jim stopped yelling, and began to uselessly blubber pleas behind the gag. His ass filled with more and more cum, some of which dribbled down the insides of his thighs as each new cock displaced some to make room for another guy's load. The last guy was the topper: a old biker, in his late 50's or early 60's, hairy, balding, salt & pepper beard, beer belly, smoking a fat cigar. I took him to the van like all the others, he fingered the cum dripping from Jim's hole, and grinned at me lopsided as he commented "Guess Ah'm not the first tonight, eh? That's okay. Ah like sloppy seconds." He unbuttoned his jeans, and brought out a very large cock and balls that were the size of goose eggs. It only took a few strokes for his cock to become a tool the size of a tall beer can with a huge steel PA. "Holy shit!" I muttered. Grinning lewdly, he asked "Think he can take this?" "He has a choice?" I answered. The biker laughed "Shit, no!" Still smoking his stogie, he stepped in and pressed the head against Jim's hole. "Hold on, fucker. This's gonna be a bumpy ride." He then began pushing himself inside Jim who renewed his whimpering and writhing. He slapped his ass. "Ah'm horny as hell, an' it's my turn at yer butthole." He then forced the entirely of his monster cock up the defenceless asshole, and Jim resumed screaming into the gag. "Take it slut!" Pausing a second, his huge dick buried balls deep in Jim's asshole, he glanced at me and commented "Hot hole... still sorta tight," adding the wry remark "for now." He then vigorously ploughed Jim who turned his face to me, tears streaking his face. I bent down and pretended to listen to him. I told the biker "He said he doesn't get fucked." Demonic lust contorted the biker's face. "That so? Lyin' slut. My dick too big for ya? Too bad." He rammed into Jim, who whimpered and quivered as the biker's trusts became brutal. "Ah'll just teach yer hole to open up an' like it. Ah'll fuckin' make it open up." I got hard watching him assault my victim's hole and my victim's fingers and toes reflexively curling and flexing. The old biker's stamina was incredible. He'd brutally plow Jim non-stop for ten minutes, slow down or stop for a few, his cock still lodged in Jim's ass, only to resume brutally plowing him. Some 45 minutes later he was still at it. He looked over at me and commented "Ah could do this all night, but Ah gotta be at work in a few hours." Grasping Jim's hips tighter, he launched into an assault far more rapid and brutal than the prior ones, his huge balls slapping loudly against Jim's butt. "Gettin' there, slut. Yer hole's wide open an' Ah'm about to blow. Ah yeah. Ah yeah, TAKE IT SLUT!" He threw his head back and bellowed, his monster cock buried to the hilt in Jim's ass. Wave after wave of orgasm wracked the biker as he came and came in Jim. Finally spent, he pulled back abruptly from Jim. "Fuck!" He looked at me. Damned good fuck." He began stuffing his softening cock and balls back in his jeans, the front of which were dark and damp with sweat, ass juices and various loads of cum in Jim's ass. He slapped Jim on the ass. "Hope ya liked that ... Ah sure did! Felt like Ah shot a gallon of cum up yer butthole." He opened the door, stepped out, then turned back with a really evil grin on his face. "By the way, all that hot seed Ah just shot in yer ass? t's dirty ... radioactive ... POZ." He laughed, slammed the door, and walked away. Jim began sobbing. My cock was once more rock hard.
    2 points
  6. San Francisco Cumunion and Maze. Message me or reply if you fucked me--it'd be hot to know you've fucked me and even hotter if there's a list of guys on display for everyone to see what a piggy slut I am. Who knows if anyone is on breeding zone. I was wearing a white harness, jockstrap, and have an apadravya (penis piercing that goes vertically all the way through the head). I visited San Francisco for pride. Friday I took loads in my hotel room for a while. Then walked around the city for a while, exploring and sightseeing. Stayed on Grindr to make myself available for tops along the way. All in all, took 10+ loads. Went to the Maze at Atlas still cum filled. Took a lot of cock. No idea how many 😈. I think I only took one load there (people usually reserve cumming at sex parties). One guy liked me so much, he told me he'd give me his load at the end of the night. He had a nice fat cock and probably 8 inches. He fucked me, we made out in the sling, and he finally filled me up. Saturday, went to Steamworks. May have taken the biggest cocks I've ever had (and I've had some big ones)--but it was mostly a bust 😒. Lots of looking, but so many guys not engaging. Sunday, went to the cumunion party. That was the best event of the weekend. Took cock most of the night, with a few short breaks. Took several loads. I got pretty sloppy and dripping. Just when I'd get to the point that most of the cum had been fucked out of me, I'd get the next load. I know lots of boys were REALLY enjoying my soppy hole. I feel all 😈😈😈 after this weekend. Don't know how to say that in words--but like that emoji. Content. Smirky. Dirty. Used. 😈😈😈 I met lots of cool people this weekend. Several potential future husbands--if only I lived here. It was a good weekend. 🐷😌
    2 points
  7. Have been advertising on apps all AM. Got a hot mixed otter to come with his 6 inch, thick cock to open me up and cum in me. Now into load number two.
    2 points
  8. My son... caught me being fucked by his friends dad.... he called me a cunt, dropped his shorts and fucked my mouth while Ed fucked my ass, then took his turn... we are very close....
    2 points
  9. WONDERFUL ~ A vocal Top with the base of his shaft visibly twitching as he ejaculated. A well trained bottom pushing out his cunt lips. And a well controlled Piss-Fuck ending with a partial bloom getting a good watering ~ A JOY to watch! 💦🌹
    2 points
  10. Got caught by my older brother. Was face down with a guy I met online, didn't know my brother walked in until he cleared his throat. We jumped up, he just said. "Play safe. " and walked out. It was over at that point.
    2 points
  11. Part 5 I left Blake tied on the bed and plugged while he softly sobbed from the pain and the realization of his predicament. I'll bet he was sorry he ever went to the bookstore. It was only a couple of hours before the party started, and I had lots of calls to make. At 9:30 I went back upstairs. Blake looked quite uncomfortable tied in that position with the long, fat plug in his cunt. "Good," I thought to myself, "a scared white boy in pain is one of my favorite things!" And it would only get worse for him. "Please untie me!" he begged. THWACK, THWACK, THWACK! Three hard slaps across his brought tears to his eyes. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" I yelled. "You will learn, the only begging you will do is to have your holes raped and filled with cum. Do I make myself clear?" Three more hard slaps and Blake was in agreement. "Yes Sir." he sobbed. I untied him and he put up no resistance. I put a leather collar with rings around his neck, and wrist and ankle restraints. I then put a cock and ball harness on his little dick, making it as tight as I could. "Drink this," I said holding a bottle up to his mouth. He made a face, but didn't dare disobey me. It was now almost 10:00, and I could hear our guests arriving. I told them to be prompt as they didn't want to miss anything. I attached a leash to Blake's collar and led him downstairs. I was pleased to see all 15 of the guests were already there. "Welcome gentlemen! Here is my new slut and tonights party favour! Short of killing him, anything goes. I want him wrecked like a white slut should be! Lets not waste any time." With that, I grabbed Blake and threw him to the ground,pinning him down with a foot on his chest. One of the guys tied a band around his arm and another stuck the needle in. "Are you sure Jesse?" he asked. It's a 2.0 hit." "Fuckin do it! This little whore needs to be fucked up royally!" With that, the plunger was pushed down and the band released. Blake went instantly rigid and coughed hard. "I want you to go first." I told my friend Buck. He had a 13 inch cock with a P.A. "And show no mercy! Rape that cunt good and hard!" Buck just rolled the teenage boy over and ripped the plug out of his pussy. Blake howeled. Then Buck just spread his cheeks apart and plunged his huge, hard, black pole deep into the puffy, pink hole beneath him. Blake screamed at the top of his lungs while the guys cheered. Tears flowed from his eyes as his cunt was ripped even further apart. Buck just pushed down on the boys shoulders and power fucked his cunt, drilling as deep and as hard as he could. Blood covered his dick as he pulled out before plunging back in balls deep. He fucked Blake mercilessly for a solid 10 minutes, never letting up until he buried himself to the hilt and dumped his load far up into the teenage cumdump. After he pulled out, he spread Blake's cheeks apart so everyone could see his bleeding rosebud. It was puffy and inflamed, oozing red cum. "Who's next?" I asked.
    2 points
  12. Part 4 As my new property lay on the bed in a daze, I grabbed some ties out of Daddy's closet and found a a nicely used jockstrap in the laundry hamper. Grabbing a wrist, I quickly tied it tightly to the headboard, and followed suit with the other. Then I shoved the jockstrap into his mouth and tied it into place. Lastly I tied his ankles in the air, spreading them apart, leaving his oozing hole exposed and vulnerable. "Don't go anywhere boy." I laughed as I left the room, as if he could! He pleaded with his eyes for me not to leave him, but I had some shopping to do. And besides, he wouldn't be alone for too long. A buddy was already on the way over to graciously keep my bitch occupied. I jumped in the Escalade and went on my way. I was gone for about two hours, returning with all kinds of toys and party supplies, courtesy of Daddy's credit cards. I approached the bedroom to sounds of moans and grunts. Enetering the room I saw my buddy Dante standing by the bed, stroking his hard cock while a guy I didn't know was between my whores open legs, sawing his big cock in and out of Blake's newfound pussy. The teenage sluts eyes were rolled back into his head as he moaned non stop. My own snake started to rise while I watched my boy take it again from a total stranger, unable to refuse even if he wanted to. "Sup man!" Dante greeted me. "That's a damn hot new cunt you found! He's gonna be popular! Oh, that's my new friend Kenny currently using him. I figured you be cool with it." "Fuck yea brother," I said, "that little white bitch needs to be totally broken in! And after tonight, he should be!" Kenny just howled as he buried himself as deep as he could into the helpless boy underneath him, grinding his wirey pubes into the tender ass flesh. I knew he was pumping a big load deep inside Blake, adding his load to the several already up in there. As he pulled out, a light pink liquid oozed out of the gaping hole. "Damn that pussy felt good! I never had me a white boy before. They sure are sweet!" Kenny said as he wiped his slimey cock off on Blake's smooth ass crack. Dante wasted no time shoving his hard, black cock up the hungry, pink hole. Blake just let out a long, low moan as he was filled again. Dante grabbed his thighs and pounded the boy as hard as he could, pulling out til just the tip of his cock remained in the cunt, then slammed back in all the way, forcing Blake to grunt from the force. Eventually Dante went rigid and shot his hot load with the others. "Take it cunt!" he shouted as he spit on Blake's face. "Take another load of niggah cum, you filthy white slut! Your new master is gonna make good and sure you get lots!" After he pulled out, we all stood back admiring Blake's growing rosebud. Soon his sweet little pussy will truley look like a blooming flower. I took a buttplug out the bag of toys I bought, and placed the tip of at the stretched out enterence of Blake's new pussy. And it was a fat plug, long and black, with a wide base, wider than even my cock. "Look at me boy!" I ordered him as I started to slide it into him. "Look into your Masters eyes as I plug up the hole I now own!" Blake looked at me with his glazed over eyes as the plug slid in further. Eventually it reached the point where it was meeting resistance, and I stopped, pulling it out. I pulled out a pair of nipple clamps and the poppers. I untied his gay and pulled the jockstrap out. I wanted to hear him scream as the fat plug ripped his cumhole open even further. I poured some poppers onto the jockstrap and placed it over his nose, then attached the clamps to his little, pink titties. He hissed in pain as they dug into his tender flesh. Then I placed the plug in his wed hole again, pushing in to the point of resistance. "Look at me boy, and tell me you want it! Tell me you are my property now. Beg for that little pussy to be plugged!" "Yes Sir," he meekley croaked, unable to deny what he truely wanted. "You own me now Sir," his voice trembled, admitting out loud his new position in life. "Please put your plug in my ass." SMACK!! My palm slapped him hard across his smooth face, instantly leaving a bright, red mark on his creamy, white skin. Blake's eyes flew wide open in shock. "That is not an ass boy!" I spat at him. "That will never be an ass again! That's a pussy, a cunt, a cumdump, a fuckhole! That's what you will call it from now on! That's what it is! Now tell me what you want! BEG ME SLUT!" "Please Sir," he started, his eyes tearing up, "please plug my pussy!" SMACK!! Another hard slap to add to the first. "Whose pussy is it bitch? It ain't your pussy no more! It's mine! Tell me that!" "Please Sir!" he begged. "Please plug your pussy!" With an evil grin I grabbed the chain connecting those sweet, pink, teenage boy titties and pulled hard and fast, ripping them off as I rammed the rest of the fat buttplug all the way into his dripping cunt. "AAAAAAARRRRRRHHHHH!" Blake screamed at the top of his voice as he jerked in his bonds, unable to escape the pain in his burning tits and inflamed cumhole. His head thrashed back and forth as he howled in agony. "Damn bro!" Dante laughed. "You are one mean niggah!" I just smiled as I watched my new slave start to calm down. "You know I am! And he'll get MORE tonight." I laughed back. "Party starts at 10, will probably go all night. Come on back." "Wouldn't miss it for the world!"
    2 points
  13. Part 1 It was the middle of the night and I awoke to the sounds of my son Matthew fumbling in the dark trying to find his flip-flops in our dark rv. "Sorry, Dad. I gotta go take a shit," he remarked as he slid his feet into his sandals, heading out the door. This was not unusual, as the campground where we were staying didn't have hookups, so we used the camp toilets which were really just outhouses. It was also not unusual for him to run off shirtless. He hardly ever wore a shirt unless absolutely necessary, but I certainly understood his aversion to shirts: at just one month shy of 20, he was in his prime. He had just finished his freshman year at university where he was on the football team. Not that he had actually played any games yet, but he still had to train hard, and keep fit. And boy did he. At 6'2", he was a tight 190 lbs of head-turning perfection. All the ladies drooled over his curly brown hair, which he kept a respectable shaggy length. His profile showed a strong nose, a stronger jawline, and plump lips that were absolutely enticing. In addition his broad he sported tan, wide shoulders, chiseled, smooth pecs, a narrow waist, perfectly formed, round ass, oh, and his strong legs were lightly covered in dark hair. The only other hair on his body was a light treasure trail, and his dark, bushy pits. His facial hair hadn't really started coming in very heavy, and he still had rosy cheeks which suggested a boyish glow to his face. Then his eyes. Oh my gosh, his big blue eyes framed in thick dark lashes. His mother's eyes. That's what drew me to her first, so many years ago. But how times change. She's still a wonderful person, we just are more like friends now. Still married, just cause it's easier financially, but that's it. The sex ended years ago, and we've had separate bedrooms for quite a while. She says I snore too loud. Of course it doesn't help that she put on a hundred pounds since our wedding. But I do have my sexual releases. Unkown to my wife, I've always been bisexual, and have had a long time fling with my best friend Brian down the street. We keep each other satisfied. Me? Well, I'm not too bad for 43. I'm six feet, and weigh in at 195 pounds. I work out, usually with Matthew, but still am treading the dad bod territory a bit. My salt and pepper hair and distinguished beard certainly help me. I was in the army for 20 years stationed right here, so I receive a pension, and in addition I sell cars. So all in all, things are pretty good. Matthew still lives at home, which I like, if only as it saves money. Matthew was never much of a party kid, instead he was a genuinely pleasant kid, which meant we gave him all the freedom he wants. Living in our basement bedroom, Matthew uses a private entrance to the basement, and we don't frown on his friends staying over. My wife never joins us on our camping trips, she hates it, so it's always been something special my son and I do. I have always treasured our trips, especially now he's almost a grown man. "Dammit," I mumbled to myself. "The fucking power of suggestion. Now I gotta shit!" I grumbled as I put my own flip-flops on and headed into the night, but not before I pulling on a shirt. Walking down the gravel path toward the shitters, I enjoyed the pure peace of a mountain night, however as the outhouses came into sight, I could hear whispering. Specifically, I heard two male voices. Now, at first glance that wouldn't be unusual, although the hour was very late, but when I realized the conversation was occurring within the outhouses, and further realized I wasn't really hearing a dialogue, but rather I was hearing grunting, and panting. You know: sex sounds. When I reached the toilets, I definitely heard a man ask "Yeah, you like that you little slut? You like taking that cock like a bitch?" And I heard another man say, "Yeah, fuck me. I AM a nasty slut! I want your cum in my ass!" IT WAS MATTHEW!! Oh my fucking God! My son was getting dicked in a dirty, smelly outhouse! I froze, not knowing what to do. Should I bang on the door? Should I slip away? My heart pounded as I tried to quickly digest what was happening. My little boy, my Matthew, was getting fucked by a total stranger. And he was liking it. No, he was LOVING it!! He was begging for it. The man fucking him was calling him nasty, degrading things, and my son was pleading for more! I couldn't move, I was transfixed. It was like a car wreck, I couldn't turn away. Then I realized, I didn't WANT to turn away. My cock was rock hard in my shorts. What the fuck? Listening to my son get used turned me on? I had never thought of my son like that! Sure, I could recognize his physical beauty, but I never thought of him sexually. Now that's ALL I could think about. Imagining what he looked like right now, taking a cock up his ass made my own cock ache. Listening to their filthy talk and animal noises made me want to join them. I wanted to be the one fucking Matthew right now! I could hear the man say, "I'm gonna cum slut. Gonna fill you up with a huge load!" Then Matthew begging for it. "Oh fuck yeah! Breed me! I'm a fucking cumdump. That's what I'm for!" That's when I high-tailed it back to our rv, shit or no shit. But before I was out of hearing range I heard the top grunt as he shot his load into my son's hole, to which Matthew moaned in appreciation as his guts were filled with sperm. Now out of breath and my heart racing, I jumped into our rv, kicked-off my sandals as I decided how I would respond to what I had learned. Should I confront him? Should I pretend nothing had happened? While I recognized ignoring what I learned would be the course most parents would take, a voice in my mind suggested 'This could be a golden opportunity. You have the power over him right now'. I had to ask myself, however, if that was what I wanted, recognizing Matthew could freak-out, permanently damaging our relationship, but I also considered Matthew had begged that strange man to use him. "Fuck it!" I thought, as I ripped off my shorts and climbed under my covers, "my son is obviously a cock hungry slut!" Some ten minutes passed before Matthew finally returned, long enough for my breathing and heart rate to return to normal, but not long enough to lose my hardon, or my nerve. "Everything come out okay, son?" I asked as he climbed inside. "Huh, oh, yeah. Just a little constipated, you know," he replied kicking off his flip-flops and crawling under his blankets on our bed. I could smell the sex on him and my cock ached more. "Good night, Dad," he murmured as he lay facing away from me. I waited a few seconds, then inched closer to him. I could feel him tense up as I pulled his blanket up and pulled mine off. The smell of fresh sperm hit me like a mac truck, making my dick pulse. I slid my body next to his as he froze in fear, not sure what to expect. I leaned into his ear as I touched the wet spot where cum had leaked out and whispered, "I know." "Dad......"he started to say. "Shh shh shh," I silenced him, as I pulled the elastic waist band of his shorts down. "It's okay, Matty. Daddy's not mad that you're a little cockwhore." I lightly rubbed his freshly fucked assring, feeling the slimy goo. Matthew moaned a little bit. "Daddy's just disappointed he didn't get it first," slipping two fingers into my son. He moaned a tad louder, so I let him know "But it's okay. Daddy loves sloppy seconds." I slid my fingers into his mouth so he could taste his ass. Then I instructed "Now, pull down your shorts." Matthew complied, removing his shorts, revealing his own throbbing erection. He may have his mother's eyes, but he has his daddy's dick. Before now, I had never seen it erect, but it was a carbon copy of mine. Not thick, but about eight inches long, uncircumcised, and with a wicked curve that could hit all the places inside. "Did you cum?" He shook his head yes, unable to speak. "And you're rock hard again? I guess you truly are a slut." He just shook his head again. I pulled back my foreskin and placed the head of my cock against his wet hole. "Good," I said as I slid my cock slowly into my son. "Daddy wants his little boy to be a good slut for him." Matthew moaned in approval as I buried my bone all the way in his warm, wet, hungry fuck chute, pressing it hard into his prostate. I just held it there as I whispered, "no more secrets." "No more secrets," Matthew returned. I began to saw my cock in and out of my boy's hungry pussy, pushing hard into his prostate as he let out little grunts and moans, obviously loving that his Dad was finally fucking his slutty hole. He reached to jerk his erect cock, but I slapped his hands away, growling into his ear, "No, don't touch your cock, boy until I tell you to." "I'm sorry Sir." He whispered. His natural submissiveness only made my cock swell more in his ass. I wrapped my arms around him, grabbing his hands and squeezed him tight against my body. He squeezed my hands back as he squeezed his glorious asslips around my cock, eliciting a throaty growl from deep inside me. My son definitely had a talented cunt. I knew I wasn't going to last long with his man pussy milking my cock, as I slid in and out of his cum slick chute. Knowing another man's cock had just been in my son, fucking him, using him, cumming in him was too much for my brain to handle. I knew I was close. "Tell me what you want son," I whispered in his ear, "tell your Dad what his nasty, slutty, cumdump of a son wants. Tell me what you are, boy." "I want your cum, Daddy," he whispered back in short gasps as I pounded his prostate hard. "I want you to use me as a cum receptacle. I was born to be fucked and used. I'm a slut, Dad, I'm just a cumdump. Shoot your load in my ass, Dad. Do it. I want your seed in me." That did it. Hearing my son begging for my load pushed me over the edge. I buried my cock as deep as I could in my boy and let out a long, deep moan as my dick throbbed and flexed, pumping what I knew was a huge load into my slut's guts, mixing with the load the other man dumped in him not even a half hour earlier. "Oh Matty," I moaned as his ass muscles milked all the cum out of me. "Daddy's going to be using this hole a lot from now on." "Yessssss," he softly hissed in reply.
    1 point
  14. Part 1 David was a 27 year old gay male. At 6’2”, 185 pounds of pure muscle, brown hair and been eyes he could easily get any guy to willing follow him into depravity. He was part of a group of guys that held monthly bareback parties where drugs were plenty available and the bottoms would be dripping cum. The group was started by one John Edward Rutherford, a 30 something trust fund baby so had nothing to do but spend money. He purchased a secluded 4bedroom house converting it into a party house. He had added a 12’ wall around the property with a pool and a retractable canvas cover. The group was always on the lookout for new bottoms. Most of the guys they brought in to bottom never really knew what they were getting themselves into when they were taken to a ‘party’. All that new was that they were going to a kick ass party. The group would show each new bottom of several factors and the member who brought the bottom with the highest score would win $500. David was pretty good at bringing a bottom that typically scored very well. He used take profile on Facebook where he played an 18 year old high school senior. The profile was set up as he was questioning his sexuality. He had ways of luring others into chats where they would open up. His latest target was Benjamin (he liked to be called Benji). Benji was a high school senior, barely turned 18. He professed to being a virgin. After a few days of chatting David knew it was time to push the line and work on Benji's thought process in order to get him in a position where he’ll be open to suggestions. Through the fake profile David told Benji how he had played around with his older brother and that they had sucked each other’s cocks. David waited to see Benji's response. They had chatted about sex already, or actually the lack of sex they were getting. Benji and how it felt sucking his brother’s dick. David made up the answer replying that at first it felt weird, but after he got into a good rhythm it strangely felt good, and when his brother finally came in his mouth he swallowed on instinct. Benji seemed to be getting into the chat more and opened up admitting to sucking his cousins cock a few years back and he too swallowed when his cousin shot his load into his mouth. David then asked if Benji ever thought about sucking cock again or if he thought he might be gay. Benji admitted he wasn’t sure if he’d try it again. He recalls that it sight feel all that weird, but he really wanted to fuck a chick. David figured he had him right where he wanted him and suggested they meet up at this 24 and under club this Friday night. They were always girls there to get and fuck. Benji agreed and David was going to be there to pounce. Although the club was 24 and under, David was able to get I the club. The bouncer was a member of the party group. He arrived early and watched intently when Benji arrived. Her sized up the teen noticing he looks a lot like his Facebook pictures. He was about 5’10”, 140 slight muscular build with dark hair and brown eyes (that were going to look great love his pupils were dilated as big as quarters. He could tell the 18 year old was prime to have some fun. Getting him to go to the party with him was going to be easy. Benji was getting him a soda from the bar when David approached him saying, “Kind of boring here tonight.” Benji nodded in agreement. David distracted Benji from his drink by pointing out, “Not enough pussy for you or is that not your thing?” David was able to drop in some GHB into his drink. As Benji looked over the club seeing mostly guys present he shrugged his shoulders. David introduced himself holding out his hand to shake. Benji responded shaking his hand in response and introducing himself. The two began a conversation in which Benji told David how he was meeting a new friend who had to cancel. He didn’t want the night to go to waste so he hung around the club. Benji drank down his G laced soda prompting David to offer to get him another drink. David stepped over to the bar ordering another soda for the two as Benji stood there waiting. This time it was easier to do the G into the kids drink. After he finished this one he should be well on his way to being “G'ed” out. As they began to drink David acted like he just received a text. He pulled his phone out and told Benji, “A buddy of mine is throwing a party. Let’s go, it’ll be a lot of fun. I promise you’ll have the time of your life.” Benji was a little worried, “I’ve only gone to a couple high school parties.” David could see a change begining in Benji’s eyes as he assured him, “Don’t worry, I’ll look out for you. My friend’s parties are always a blast. Let’s go, I’ll drive us to the party, and at anytime you want to leave, I’ll pay for an Uber to take you home.” Benji had finished his second G laced drink as he was agreeing to go with David to the party. David led the way as the two slipped out of the club’s side door. Once outside, David pulled out a little canister containing Tina. As David did a bump from the canister, Benji curiously asked, “What’s that?” David told him, “Oh this, is just a little pick me up, you want some? Come on, there’s no harm in trying a little.” Benji was feeling the effects of the G as he nodded and David gave him a good sized bump to try. Benji complained about the burn but once the Tina hit his brain he was ready for more as they got into David's car. Once inside the car David took a second bump before giving Benji his second. As they pulled out of the club’s parking lotppl for the 20 minute ride to the party house, David was quick to make sure that the air was on low in his small car. With the low air he’d hoped to get the teen to remove his shirt suggestion as the Tina and G made him feel warmer. After their third bump David placed his hand in Benji’s knee. Benji made no attempt to stop this advancement as David began to massage the teens thigh. The drugs were working on his 18 year old brain causing his body to begin to scream for attention. The attention he was about to get might not have been the type of attention he might have been looking for, but it was the type of attention he was getting to get and wound crave from this the forward. David wasn’t surprised when Benji asked for another bump of Tina, he knew he’d get him hooked on the stuff and after this weekend the twink would seek the party-n-play from now on. After Benji did his bump David moved his hand higher on his thigh and leaned in giving the twink his first kiss ever. David wasn’t sure how Benji would respond but while stopped at a red light he leaned into the kiss accepting David tongue entering his mouth he moved his hand to the boy's teen cock. He felt that the twink was boned out with a 7-7.5” cock. David thought to himself, ‘he's got a nice cock, too bad hell probably never use it, and after he gets smoked out later and Tina dick gets him, it’ll be shriveled to 2” if that.’ Benji’s senses were on over load. The thoughts that raced through his mind had brought him to accept the advancement of this good looking man he was now kissing. He also felt very warm as the drugs were in full effect. Benji commented, “I’m starting to feel very warm.” David’s response was to remove his own shirt while agreeing with, “Yeah, my A/C isn’t that great, just get comfortable like me.” Benji pulled his shirts off as he looked at David’s well developed chest with a nice patch of hair between he pics pecs. Benji felt a little embarrassed thinking he was no what as developed as David. The light changed to green and David sped away looking ahead at the road as he occasionally glanced at Benji's defined, smooth chest. David knew he had to build this kid’s confidence, “Benji, you’re holding out in me. You’re a stud. You’ve got a great chest.” David reached over feeling the teen's muscular chest. Benji admitted, “Thanks, but it’s no where near as muscular as your chest.” David helped by grabbing Benji’s hand and placing it on his own chest. Another red light and this time Benji leaned in to initiate a kiss between the two shirtless men. When they finally pulled up to the party they remained in Davis car making out for a good 15-20 minutes before David suggested they you inside. Both were still very warm from the drive and the make session that they left their shirts in the car as they headed up to the house.
    1 point
  15. I parked my bike, got out my torch and headed over in the direction of the infamous fuck tree. I'd been there in the daytime so I knew how to get there. It was 9.00pm at night, maybe too early for some, but I was eager to visit this alleged barebacking prime site. After about 5 minutes I arrived at the site and was disappointed to find only two men there, one guy was, however, fucking the other bareback over a large concrete rubbish bin, obviously built with us in mind. As I watched I leant against the uprooted tree that gave the area its name: “The fuck tree”. I was turned on by watching the bareback action and so got out my cock and started wanking to the action. This caught the attention of the guy, who was currently fucking the other over the bin. He stopped fucking him and came over to me. Before I knew what was happening he had turned me round, lubed his cock and plunged it bare into my hole. I was being fucked for the first time on the fuck tree. He was obviously turned on by this new meat and thrust in and out energetically. As he screwed me bare, I noticed around the area a few clusters of people looking on at what was going on. With a loud and satisfied grunt he unloaded himself into me and then left the area hurriedly. With no one else actually coming forward and feeling awkward about having interrupted the other guy's fun, I now turned my attention to him. I got my cock back to full erection and entered the guy from behind. He welcomed the attention. He seemed to struggle with the size of my cock and asked me if I had any poppers, I duly handed over my fresh new bottle, which he gratefully inhaled, complimenting on its strength and asking where I'd purchased it. Whilst I was banging away, many of those who had been standing at a distance now came close. Not just to see things up close, but clearly they wanted their turn with this piece of meat. As soon, as I had erupted inside the guy, another member of the group took his turn in fucking the man. Others eagerly prepared their cocks in anticipation of their turn. Another man arrived, dressed up in suspenders and wearing eyeshadow and lipstick. He stood over the fuck tree and prepared to be taken. He attracted many of those waiting their turns with the bin man. He was soon receiving his first bare cock. I thought I'd get in on the action by going round the other side of the tree and seeing if this new guy could suck my cock back into action. So I wiped out my cock and got him to suck it, which he munched on enthusiastically. He certainly did the trick and before not too long, I was fully erect and feeling the sap rising in my balls. The sight of this spit-roasting, with one guy pounding away and then releasing his spunk inside him, followed immediately by another, was too much for me and for the second time of the night I released my jizz. This time into the willing mouth of the transvestite whore. But I was envious of both men being taken in turn mostly bare, receiving cum load after cum load inside them. I too wanted to be a cum slut that evening and feel my hole being filled with strangers' sperm. Yet I was frightened of the consequences. It was make or break for me. Should I stay or should I go? I took the plunge as my lust got the better of me and walked back round the tree. Then I dropped my trousers and leant against the tree for all cummers to take me. This certainly drew many of the assembled crowd over to me and I was almost immediately shafted by an older guy ready to blow his load inside me. He took next to no time finishing himself off by blowing his load inside me, the second of the evening for me. Another well-endowed black man took his turn and forced his very large member inside me. I was struggling to cope with a cock that big and had to resort to the poppers I'd brought along to facilitate his entering me. Although painful, I was really enjoying the large cock being pushed fully inside me, stretching me. I was beginning to realise my dreams of being a cum slut. Suddenly he held his cock thrust fully inside me for a good minute as gallons of his sperm soaked my insides. I was now craving as much bare dick as I could get and happily took any dicks offered to me. I could feel the squelching from load after load being poured into me. Then another guy came forward, quite beefy with an obvious biohazard tattoo on his chest. After all the loads I had already taken, I was in no position to refuse him entry. He shoved his cock firmly up me bare and started pushing in and out roughly. As he thrust in and out, he kept saying to me, I'm going to breed you and soon you'll get my toxic load inside you. With one final thrust he jerked violently and I knew his toxic spunk was now flowing inside. As I left the heath, I could feel all the loads beginning to trickle down my legs. I wondered what I had done, yet felt very satisfied with so much cum inside me that evening.
    1 point
  16. I have a couple of businessmen dads who let me know when they are in town . I get texted a hotel and room number for me to come round that evening or the following morning. Had a couple times when one of them would suprise me with one of his colleagues room numbers. Those were always fun, having to be a good enough lad to earn dad's room number!
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  17. Honestly, whether I cum once, twice, seven times or none, it honestly doesnt matter to me. I finish when a masculine dominant hairy older top empties his superior virile sperm into my cunt (which is why I prefer straight or married men who have had kids in the past so I know their baby juice is good).
    1 point
  18. Not a whole helluva lot to report. Last night I did go to Steamworks Toronto on a regular Saturday night. Every night has a different vibe, if you know what I mean. I douched completely and brought my little black over-the-shoulder bb sex bag filled with 2 buttplugs, silicone lube and Vaseline. At this time I can take all 3 COLT buttplugs that came as a pack. I had my room for 8 hours. Now on to the bb forest... LOADS #1 and #2 came down my throat in the back narrow darkroom. It's really cool that the staff totally dims the lights after 1 AM. All you see is the lights outside at both ends and a thin green fluorescent strip along the wall. The first cock I crouched down to suck off. More than pencil thin, around 6-7". Juicy. About 2 mins of sucking, him moaning, his body trembling and he was ready to blast in my mouth. Good-sized hot load. The second cock I had my back against the wall and crouched down. About 5" thicker. Pre-cum. Several times he tried to pull his cock out of my mouth. (WFT! I don't get this! Why don't you want to cum?) But I brought his ass cheeks and cock closer to me. He ready ready to cum. I caught the first few spurts in my mouth. He didn't have a huge load to give. But enjoyable to suck him off. My load of a few days went into another guy's mouth who was sucking me and a few other guys in that same darkroom. I didn't want just to jerk off on my bed in my room. My load HAD to go in someone's mouth or ass. An o.k. night! I wish it was more piggier. I'm looking at attending a Wednesday (6PM-12 midnight) FukdTo bb sex party @ Club120. FukdTo is expanding from a Saturday/Sunday now to include Wednesdays. It'd be interesting to see who shows up to play on any given Wednesday. If it's anything like a Saturday/Sunday, it's sure to be HOT and piggy!
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  19. Fuck Yeah!! And make sure to share the cum you lap out of the bottom's hole back with a deep sloppy kiss!!
    1 point
  20. When I was on my chem and sex ban my consultant put me on, it involved intensive therapy sessions to try to "fix me" Of course I never told my therapist the real me or what gets me off and brings me pleasure otherwise I would be locked up. It was why I also been so quiet and went off here to avoid temptation. The truth is I fucking love being free to share my inner thoughts with fellow pigs and not only am I not judged I am encouraged to explore my darkest urges more. To everyone who thinks I need to be fixed because I am broken or I am evil I have this to say: I am a fucking million broken shards that I hope cut you and infect you. I am the embodiment of your darkest urges and thoughts come to life. I will turn you into your most depraved pig and what's worst is that you will fucking love it. I am the part of yourself you judge and are shamed of, I know you fear me because it's easier to fear than it is to admit that deep down there's a part of you that is just like me.
    1 point
  21. If i knew how, I'd do it myself, but if anyone in Atlanta is good with Wickr, start an atlanta group. Anyone familiar with a "takeover" night (when you plan a night to decend on a straight bar so it winds up packed with gay men and it becomes a gay bar for a night)... Tokyo and Flex don't normally have the CumUnion crowd but their facilities are adequate to have a night like that. Just gotta make sure enough of us know about the party. Wickr- lthrcubcumpig
    1 point
  22. Just spent 4 days in Berlin and can confirm its claim to be a great place for barebacking. On the first two nights I went to the legendary Lab.oratory cruise club which I’d read about before on this forum. It’s a huge place, a former factory I’d guess, with a different theme each night - it opens 4 nights per week centred on the weekend. It opens at 10 pm and closes its doors at midnight but the action continues until 6am I’m told (I was back in my hotel tucked up in bed well before closing time I’m ashamed to say). Theme on the first night was 2 drinks for price of one, and I got 2 red bulls to keep me alert. I topped 8 times that night and dropped my load into the 8th lucky guy. Theme on second night, which I had really been looking forward to, was masks. So I wore my hood with two eye holes and a mouth hole (I have another with no eye holes but thought the risk of tripping and falling down a hole was a bit too high) and a leather harness. It was such a blast to have this added air of anonymity amongst all these hundreds of guys, a kind of leveller. I also topped 8 times that night and the last was an absolute highlight: a young guy I could hardly see in the semi-darkness on a bench in a shipping container outside the back of the club. He was smooth, hard, on his back, moaning, and I was at least the third guy to cum in him during the 15 minutes waiting my turn, I wonder how man6 loads he’d taken before I turned up. In the following days I cruised a Park, which I’ll post separately on, and a video arcade back room. Interestingly I had a long raw fuck of a guy in the backroom who was in a sling, but after 10 minutes, and when I was close to cumming, he asked me to pull out as he was negative. I was taken aback given he was in the sling and we’d been barebacking for quite some time but I respected his wishes. It did seem a bit perverse though and I reckon taking all guys on a sling, and taking bareback, should have equated to an invitation to cum dump. Frustrating.
    1 point
  23. I've been beaten by dom bf's and owners, and would again. That's there perogative
    1 point
  24. CHAPTER FIVE Through the eyes of Scotty: Dad, Dad, Dad I say for the third time while gently nudging my father to wake up. He’s slept in, finally I get his attention, through his sleepy eyes he looks at me and smiles. Dad you slept in, we have an appointment at the clinic in 45 minutes. The smile grows on his face as he peels the sheets back revealing his massive hard tool, now bouncing as he walks to the bathroom to get ready to take me. While in the car on the way dad asks if I’m nervous, my reply came so easily to me, absolutely not I said to my Dad. I’m so excited for a positive result dad, you have no idea. Dad I’ve been watching Treasure Island Media porn and other kinky bareback porn for many years now, I want nothing more than to be an absolutely perverted, dirty, kinky little poz hole for random seed and Dad you and I will make an amazing raw poz power couple, well that’s what I’m hopeful of Dad. I glanced over at my Dad while he was driving to try and gauge his reaction to what I said. He didn’t reply, but looked to have drifted off for a moment and a delicious smirk started to creep across his face. I knew that was a positive reaction and wondered in that moment what was going through his devious mind. With a little luck it wouldn't take long to find out. I decided to up the ante and asked dad if we would go to a sex club to celebrate tonight if I tested positive. He didn’t hesitate and replied fuck yes son, I’d love to take you, BUT we’d better have a positive outcome, here we go son, we’re here. I jumped out of the car, all excited, ran to dad and cuddled and kissed him in the carpark, saying let’s do this. We walked into the Men’s Sexual Health clinic and waited to be called. I glanced around the room and there were some really hot guys there, Dad noticed me and smiled, tweaking one of my nipples right there in the waiting room. We both laughed so hard. Finally I was called in for my appointment, with Dad waiting in the waiting room. I entered the Doctors room to be greeted by Simon, the Doctor, perhaps in his late 20’s, really handsome, athletic and a real wicked smile. He asked why I was there and after explaining I wanted a HIV test he started to get the testing materials ready. While doing that he asked about my sexual history and said that I should be honest with him, knowing this was my first appointment at the clinic and perhaps not aware that I could be completely upfront in this environment. I explained that I’d had one sexual partner and had recently started to have receptive anal sex with him, bareback and that he’d informed me of his HIV positive status after I’d already taken his cum inside me. Simon asked if I was upset that my Top hadn’t told me about his status before we engaged in sexual intercourse and I said hell no. I explained I love watching bareback porn and knew the risks, but was too turned on by raw fucking and cum that I’d already decided to have sex without condoms and accept that eventually I’d become infected. I noticed Simon’s pants tent as he was preparing the test for me. Sharp sting was the next thing I heard as Simon stated to draw some blood. Walking back to the desk, doing what he needed to do then saying he should have my result shortly and asked if I arrived with anyone for support. I told him my Dad had driven me here and that he knew the purpose of my visit to the clinic. Oh, that’s amazing Simon said. With a smirk on his face, then he looked me directly in the eye and asked if the person that fucked HIV positive cum into me was my father. I froze, I didn’t know how to respond, knowing he’d already told me to be brutally honest I simply said yes, but asked how he knew. He laughed saying look out the window, I have a perfect view of the carpark and saw you kiss and embrace the guy you arrived with and you just said you’re here with your Dad. It was easy to piece that together Scotty. Simon then started to ask some probing questions to ensure I’m being raised in a healthy environment and wasn’t being taken advantage of. He asked when I started having sex with my father and I said on my 18th birthday, so I was already an adult and participated willingly, telling Simon I’d been raised in a loving environment and was never taken advantage of. Simon then said he had the result ready and asked if I wanted my father to be in the room when I was given the result. I didn’t hesitate and said yes please, if that’s okay with you. Through the eyes of Dean: Sir could you head to room 4, I heard the receptionist say. I knocked on the door, then entered seeing Scotty sitting there with an adorable looking doctor. Hi I’m Simon the Dr said extending his had to shake mine. Scotty here has asked that you be in the room for support when he receives his test result. Okay I said, with butterflies in my stomach. Simon went on to say that regardless of the outcome of this test that I should be supportive of Scotty, having not known what they had been talking about this all seemed like normal conversation to me. That was until the Doctor swivelled around on his chair, with the front of his pants open and a delicious 8 inch hard cock drooling precum. Scotty looked at me with excitement, as the Dr stood up removing his overcoat as he walked to the door, locking it. As Simon turned around and now with his overcoat removed we had a perfect view of his biohazard tattoo just above his drooling cock. Scotty, Simon said, it’s with great pleasure I tell you that you’ve tested positive for HIV and given that you only started taking poz cum a little under three weeks ago your Dad here has done an excellent job. I sat there, rock hard listening to Simon talk while realising exactly how much they had been talking about before I entered the exam room. I took the Doctors lead and stated getting undressed, quickly followed by Scotty. All three of us naked now, Simon walked towards me and roughly pushed me on the exam table, bent over with my ass ripe for the taking. Scotty got behind me and started to eat my ass, then while rubbing his drooling cock against my wet hole he said this is it dad, I’m allowed to fuck you now that I’m poz, that’s what you said. I didn’t hesitate and told Scotty to ram his cock in me and breed my tight hole. To my surprise Scotty fucked me so hard, he was an amazing top, at one point I hear Simon moaning, egging Scotty on to fuck me harder, and adding there was a decent amount of blood on Scotty’s cock as he was sliding in and out of my wet hole. Scotty’s thrusting started to slow and I thought he had cum inside me, but no, he slowed to allow Simon to slide his cock inside him. Here I was, my bleeding poz hole wrapped around my sons poz cock while he was getting fucked by his poz Doctor. It was fucking amazing and I started to cum without even touching my cock, shooting my poisonous cum on the exam bed. My ass muscles clamped down on Scotty’s cock as I came, triggering Scotty’s orgasm. He it goes Dad, take my Poz load, take my dirty devil seed. Get used to it Dad he said as I felt his cock expand in my hole, pumping his toxic load deep in my guts. Simon was now pounding Scotty’s hole pretty hard, I pulled myself of Scotty’s cock and allowed him to steady himself on the exam table as Simon pounded his hole. I started to scoop my poz cum off the exam table and moved behind Simon and started fingering my charged load in to his ass as he fucked by boy, it wasn’t long before he grabbed Scotty’s hips, pulling him closer so he was fully impaled on his cock and grunting as he shot his toxic load into my son. It was so fucking hot. We started to gather ourselves and while getting dressed discussed meeting up again and exchanging numbers. Simon informed us that he holds monthly orgies, with all guys either being poz or chasing. Without hesitating for a second Scotty said we’re in, we’re coming to all of them. Before leaving Simon asked what we had planned for the rest of the day and I said we’re heading to see a mate of mine that owns a tattoo parlour to get Scotty his first tattoo, a biohazard symbol of course and then heading to Club 80 tonight to give and take heaps of loads. I told Simon he’s welcome to join us and he said he might just do that.
    1 point
  25. NOTICE: The first chapter has some part about straight sex. This is not explicit and is only used to set up the story. Chapter 1 - Sun, sea & sex After a long flight the plane landed at around 10am at Miami International Airport. “I hope we don’t have to wait too long getting our luggage”, said Christian. Sven nodded and said “First to our hotel and then straight to the beach”. Christian Smiled. Nearly 2 hours later they stepped out of the airport and in to the burning sun. They quickly got a taxi to their hotel. When they arrived at their room they opened their suitcases. Both boys started to strip. “I will rub sunscreen on you if you do me” Sven said. Christian didn’t answer and started to rub sunscreen on his brothers athletic body. When they where both glistening Sven gave his brother a big hugh and said “Missed doing stuff together, bro”. “Me too!” replied Christian. “When you broke up with your girlfriend you had more time to party again!” he continued. Sven smiled and said “Don’t worry i’ll keep in mind that you can’t party as much as a single dude like me!”. “NO! we’ll go party hard” Christian said. Sven looked confused and said “But you girlfriend?”. “…is no longer my girlfriend. I dumped her a yesterday!” Christian added. Sven didn’t know what to say. “I decide it last month but waited until our vacation so she can’t bother me!”. Both started laughing. They put on their shorts, packed a bag and put on their sunglasses. “Let the party begin!” said Sven while walking out the door. Walking side by side you would swear that you’re seeing double. These two young blond gods made lots of heads turn on their way to the beach. After they arrived on the beach they laid down on their beach towels. After 40 minutes they heard some girls laughing. “You are so damn hot!” a girl said. The boys removed their sunglasses and see 6 hot girls standing besides them. “We can say the same about you” Sven replies with a smile. “We are you from?” another girl asks while sitting down beside Christian. “Sweden” both boys reply. The other girls also sit down around the boys. “Are they all this hot in sweden?” one of the girls ask. Before they can reply another girl says “How do you like my new bikini?”. Both boys take a good look. “No need to answer… you can see the answer in their shorts!”. The boys are completely overwhelmed by the girls. “Can i feel” a girl says while slipping her hand up Sven’s leg. Another girl slips her hand up the Christian’s leg. “WOW” says one girl “We found what we are looking for!”. “Looking for what?!” Sven asks. “We are porn actresses and we have our own website. Every week we go out looking for one or two guys at the beach. Ask them to come with us to party and fuck us. We record it and and put it on our website” a girl explains. “Thank you but NO!” says Sven. Christian gives Sven a nudge and says “BRO! Look at them. We came here to party so let’s do it! I don’t mind being filmed. I already have some homemade movies of me and my ex on XTUBE! And because we look-a-like you could say you’re on there too!”. Sven looks around and asks “We get to fuck you all?”. All girls nod while one says “as long and as often you like”. “We’ll do it!” Christian says enthusiastic. “Follow us” a girl says while standing up. The boys grab their stuff together and follow the girls. Chapter 2 - The party starts They arrive at a big villa and follow the girls in. In the living room there are 4 boys busy setting up everything. “These are the guys that help us with sound and light” says a girl. “Sit down, relax” adds another one. They are handed a bottle with Gatorade not knowing that it is laced with G. After 20 minutes Sven and Christian begin to feel woozy. One of the girls sees this and walks towards one of the boys busy setting up. She walks back to the twins and starts explaining that they want give them something to be sure that they stay hard during filming. Also she tells them that they have to take some blood to do a quick hiv test. When the twins nod two girls remove their shorts and start rubbing the boys chests. Two boys come over with a syringe and while the girls keep them busy both boys slowly enter the needle in the cocks and slowly push the content of the syringe inside. “Now you can stay hard for the rest of the night” a girl says laughing. “Now to get some blood” the girl says. Two boys add a strap around the twins arms. The twins can’t see whats happing because the two girls are keeping them focus on something else. Instead of sliding a empty syringe in to pull blood a syringe with red liquid is slowly injected in the arm. Just before the strap is released the girls whisper in the twins ears “Your fucked!”. Before the boys realize whats happening the strap is released. Both start coughing as their bodies are taken over by an almighty high! They can vaguely see the girls leaving while saying “that there job is done!”. The four boys in the room pick up the boys and drag them into the shower to be cleaned out before bringing them to another room. The room is a bit darker and there are two slings in the middle. They put the twins in the sling and restrain the hands and feet. Then 3 guys enter the room. One of the guys is a tall muscular black guy. He begins to speak “Welcome to my house… To be clear: there’s no pussy fucking in my crib. EXCEPT boy pussy, YOUR PUSSY!”. The twins are to high to completely understand the situation. The big black dude continues “I already converted 16 boys like you that star on my exclusive pornsite and you two will become the big stars”. He gives a sign to one of the boys that presses a button on a keyboard. The guy concludes by saying “in 30 seconds we get broadcasted live to more than 7000 people worldwide that payed 5000 dollar to see you two straight boys get transformed into meth addicted sluts that begs us for our ‘special’ cum loads”. The big black guy drops his pants followed by the two guys (both latinos) behind him. Three massive cocks are revealed. The black cock is nearly 14inches and as thick as a wrist. The other two guys are with 11.2 inches a bit smaller. The four other boys in the room are also naked now and two of them carry a camera. Chapter 3 - Live conversion “WELCOME EVERYBODY THATS WATCHING! You are part of something special. Not just to boys, but brothers: Twin brothers!” says the black man. “The coming days you will see how we turn these two into our willing slaves. You can decide what we going to do with them. And for 50000 dollars you can join us here and for the right price i will sell them to you!” he concludes. The twins feel how a hose is stuffed in there ass. Then they feel a thick fluid filling their ass. Both latinos walk up to them and both jam two fingers up the twins asses. both scream. While the two guys work more fingers up their asses the thick fluid leaks out and is lubricating their hands. When they both have 4 fingers inside they pull them out leaving a gaping and leaking hole. “Shard” yells the black dude. The two boys place a large shard inside the open hole. Both guys place their big dicks against the hole. They lean forward and tell the boys to relax. The pressure is building on the sphincter. Sven begins to resist. “Yeah boy fight it. I love seeing your pain!” the latino guy says. The cock begins working his way inside. Sven starts to scream. The top grabs his throat and starts chocking. Sven has panic in his eyes and his body begins to shake. The top releases his throat and Sven gasps for are relaxing enough to let the dick completly disappear inside. Also Christian’s ass gives way and the big cock shoots forward deep inside. Christian screams in pain. But after few minutes the shards get absorbed by the body and the pain changes in to pleasure. Both tops see the boys changing and pull out completely leaving a open hole. Both boys feel relieved, but after a few seconds the feeling of emptiness kicks in. Both begin to move their asses around moaning. “If you want to get your ass filled… ask… no better yet! BEG!” says the black guy. Sven is the first to break and begins begging “Please.. i want it… give me please… i can’t take it!”. Following his brother Christian also start to beg. For both tops is this the moment they waited for and both ram their cocks deep inside and begin to piston fuck both boys asses. “Beg for their cum… Beg them to breed you… If you don’t they will stop fucking you!”. Both boys start to beg them to give them their load. The guy fucking Christian unties his hands and orders him to start pinching and twisting his nipples. Christian start to play with his nipples harder and harder. “I want you to beg me to covert your ass… to impregnate you with my devil cum!”. Christian now understands what he means. He wants to fight it but the feeling is bigger, he gives in and yells “Give me your devil seed and convert me… please!”. The top starts to roar and plants his dick deep inside before unloading a massive load deep in Christian. Christian get so turned on that his dick explodes with cum. One of the boys runs to him and start sucking on the still exploding dick swallowing it all. “Yes! you get it… Do you want us to spare your brother or let him experience to be a total slut” says the top. Christian knows that he wants never wants to be without his brother share and everything. So he says to his brother “I love you. i want to be with you forever as one”. Sven replies “i want that too”. Hearing that answer he starts to cry and yells “Breed my brothers ass. Spread your DNA. Let him become one with me!”. The tops starts pumping harder and faster. Christian is helped out of the sling and manoeuvred to the other sling. “SUCK YOUR BROTHERS COCK UNTIL HE UNLOADS IN YOUR MOUTH” yells the top. He starts sucking his brothers cock. This makes Sven tighten his muscles milking the big dick until it explodes deep in his ass. Shivers go up Sven spine forcing him to cum inside his brothers mouth. Christian start swallowing his brother’s cum. “I want to taste some too” says Sven. So with a mouth full of cum Christian moves over to Sven and start kissing him deep and intense while feeding him cum. NEXT CHAPTER IS CUMMING SOON!!!
    1 point
  26. GREAT story! Looking to be pozzed, but want to know the gifter. Would Really LOVE a LTR, with my gifter, but hard enough to find a SERIOUS gifter!
    1 point
  27. PART 5 So getting over the shock of seeing dad’s sites he visits and jerks off too, it was a shock seeing him wearing my jockstrap with scenes of various groups of men around him and in his arse in the photos on his sex profiles I wondered who and where this was. I noticed a sauna details open with sex rooms etc and it was a fetish leather night, I just had an instinct Dad was going. I had to go, just needed to know, sneak a peek of what he does, I was rock hard thinking of him and the memories of them pics earlier. Had dinner, Dad was shifty, but excitable in a funny way, said he was out later meeting a few clients. No worries I said, I have plans and made some shite up.. Dad out later, followed by me on bike, I was nervous, but excited. I got down to the place and discovered there was no parking, it was packed, Dad’s car was there, on a side street. I had to park a couple of blocks away and walk, I also remembered I had a black Jockstrap on as Dad must have taken my Ribbed Bike one!! . I got to the place and I opened the front door which led to small room with a counter. There was already several guys packed into the room waiting in line to get in, I got really nervous because I did not know how things were and also if my dad would see me. By the time I got to the front of the line, I noticed that it was a "masked night" The attendant was presenting each man with a black leather mask with the towel. He gave me just black leather eye mask that clipped at the back covering over my eye frames only, I asked why? He said because you are cute??? Anyway, when I entered the full place it was packed. I never seen anything like before . The lockers next to the door were all in use and I had to take a locker in the basement room. I stripped down to my jockie and put my towel round me and put my mask on. I locked my locker and moved into the male crowd. Most of the guys were wearing towels and all wearing masks. I found my dad, he was in a sling getting fucked by a leather man and sucking a dick lying on his back feet up in the sling, arse wide open forball to see. He's being fucked by the man in leather standing next to a line of men, were they all going to fuck my Dad? His cock is rock hard and so is the line of men, what was scarey was, so was my cock. I moved up next to him for a closer look. I noticed that I am being felt up by guys, hands etc and then joined by a skinny man with a raging rock hard dick, wanking me as we watch the cock sliding in and out of my Dads arse in front of us. Another bloke reaches down and feels my arse up in my backless jockstrap, I move his hand away, not interested mate I said. The guy next to me bent over and went down on my stiff cock. I noticed that the leather man who was fucking my dad had gone and another man from the line had taken his place between Dad’s legs and filling his hole deep. Very horny place, but in this setting, I was a complete novice, entering into a seedy different world which I had previously only been in the realm of fantasy with women of course, an orgy of women and me, but here I was with Men, getting sucked by a man in a mask whilst watching my dad get fucked by various Men and feeling so horny with a real ugly man now fucking my dad and dad was sniffing from a brown bottle, what is that??? I knew dad was going to be here a while, so I went to look around the place; the whole place was packed with Men, but the downstairs which is a maze of corridors with gloryholes and was full of more men. There's a main room which is so packed full of men it's hard to move around. There's cocksuckers down on their knees and several couples fucking. Many blokes watching and wanking everybody wearing masks, Some using brown bottles again, I asked a hairy stocky man what is it, he gave it me and told me to breath deep and inhale and then gave me a hankiechief and told to sniff it good. OMG!!! I felt a hot rush of horniness and floating, he put my head towards his cock,nI bent over and went down on him. The only cock I ever sucked was my Dads, but his cock tasted good and I took him in deep as he held my head and pushed himself inside my mouth, I gagged . This left me bent over and exposed to a room full of horny cocked Men. I felt hands grab hold of my hips and a dick slide up and down my hole, I said NO... his cock changed to his mouth, his long tongue licking my arse , providing pleasure that I never knew I could get, I only ever shit out of it, I wouldn't, couldn't, resist his tongue, his saliva, his beard, his opening more of my cheeks Jesus, wgst is this feeling? My Cock man I was sucking, gave me more poppers, I was opening up more, my hole exposed,each lick against my skin a gently wanted wave of pleasure , pulling me back into the depths of his beautiful hot mouth and tongue, I never wanted him to stop licking my arse and for some reason I thought that being eaten in a public place was even more seductively irresistible than my lame visits to ABS. I had become completely unable to do anything but let myself get lost again in a haze of pure animal lust of being rimmed and sucking a cock , He held me in place and tried to drive his dick into my wet hole and began to fuck me slowly, He had opened me up and pain kicked in, What was I doing??????, I came to my senses and I pulled off him and he moved on he patted my ass as he left. My arse was sore but comfortable, I vowed never again. I found dad still taking loads in the sling, soon as the guy cum and left, I slid up my father’s silky cummy arse an immediately my empty hole was replaced by a warm and welcome tongue; now some horny ass licker was eating my arse and a wet tongue explored my hole, It drove me over the edge. I started bucking and quaking as I shot my load up into my Dads ass, I shivered as the orgasm hit me and I collapsed on top of my Dads sweaty body. The guy eating my ass moved up to my cock as it slid out. There was cum all over it, my balls, until he'd licked it all up and flitted between my Dads arse and mine licking both our arse and the cum more or less together, I was boning again.. I left Dad with another cock entering him, I had taken his poppers, I approached the top of the stairs, there was a largish landing, with two corridors leading in different directions. Here, it felt seedier, felt more explicit, raw, a variety of men with hard cocks. Wandering around, there were several men also walking or standing, all with towels and masks on. On the one side there were rooms off on each side, with monitors offering porn, a larger porn theatre space at the end, and on the other side, dim openings leading into darker rooms that had a rubber doorway, I decided if nothing was happening there, then it would be time to leave, getting home before Dad, after enjoying an interesting visit to a place very different from what I had previously expected. I jumped nervously, I felt a hand reaching for my thigh, undoing my towel, pulling my cock out of my jockstrap and in a hot mouth with that touch and mouth, made me gasp, I sniffed poppers deeply and felt naked men, hairy smooth, hard dicked men push me through the Rubbery door. I was in complete darkness what was this room? Hands, mouths on me, men trying to kiss me, my nipples being pulled, I could not see anyone or anything, it was DARK..I felt my Jockstrap being pulled off me, i tried to resist, I had had too much poppers, what was happening, I floated into this darkened pit, as I kissed the mouth back who had invaded my mouth.......
    1 point
  28. i just like getting a hot guy off... if that means getting beaten, then i want it - even better when he appreciated me for it - makes me want it even more. i've really only been choked and slapped, but it still made me hard. one time, things got a bit serious, but i was still hard and begging him for it.
    1 point
  29. Here, my view is sex is not sex with out pain. I don't much get into spanking but slaps/punches/kicking/pulling and squeezing are all good. Also fucking should always be done to give pain.
    1 point
  30. Yes hence the nickname of Barelin .. usually pigs tits get worked hard hard by pigs there to match sore gaping loaded hole
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  31. Sensory overload! last night was pretty amazing, my boy prepped me up all day and right before the guys showed up, I was put in the sling, locked in chastity, blindfolded and with the noise cancelation headphones with loud music playing, making sure I wouldn’t be able to see , hear or touch my cock. Then I waited. I had no idea how many are coming or how long this session will take. must have been a solid 20min or so but I couldn’t really tell before I felt a someone touch me I was soon having a cock presented for me to suck and before I knew it someone began pounding my pussy too. I was prelubed with 3 loads of my bf cum and loosened by a plug but still, a massive cock was balls deep in me and started pounding me HARD. this went on for hours (found our later it was almost 6 hours) and my boy told me he initially invited 6 guys but 9 showed up (some brought their partner or friends) but he refused to tell me which of our friends used me They did an amazing job rough fucking my pussy, including DP which is one of my favorite position, drank loads of piss (my boy instructed them that all cum must be deposited up my hole) and thrown around our play room like a rag doll to be fucked when they all left I was left on the mattress for a while, still blindfolded and with the headphones while my boy prepared the jacuzzi for us and cleaned a bit I was exhausted and when he finally released me we made out a bit and he kept telling me what a good boy I was and how well I took it and when he finally took of the chastity I was shocked to see how much cum I was oozing during the session while I was having intense anal orgasms The my boy gently lifted my legs and began eating my ruined pussy, it was red, swollen and full of cum but what really surprised me was seeing some pink cum when I pushed some it out squatting over my bf’s face, haven’t seen blood for years, evidently this session was really rough ? when we finally finished cleaning up and my BF deposited the last load of the night in me we both collapsed and slept like babies such an incredible night!
    1 point
  32. Part 4 I shortly woke up a few hours waking up before my parents got home. I needed to go on my daily run since I had not worked out at all let week. I don’t regret anything I did it had done to be lay week. Jason helped me discover my true self. I finally admitted to myself I had buried thoughts I had about guys after seeing what Jason why through. Now I was free in more ways then one. Free to enjoy sex another man and free from the fear of HIV since I was exposed to the big multiple times since my older brother first fucked me over a week ago. The only freedom I didn’t have was in my service to Steven as my pimp. The idea of serving as a fuck toy for the wealthy men Steven had looked up was rather exciting. I had a steady supply of Tina, already made $600 I tips and received a great blow job from the twink Steven was fucking. The only restriction was to be available evenings when Steven needed me to meet with whomever he had for me too meet. I was on my run I came across Bruce who was our student trainer a couple years back. This past year he was a freshman at a major college in the state. His father told me he was working with the athletic department's sports medicine department. I heard rumors that he was gay so when I saw him out undying of his house I stopped to say hello. I could tell he was surprised I stopped to talk to him as we chatted about this and that, you know, the usual bull shit about classmates. I asked him how the girls were at college and could tell by his answer that he was embellishing his experiences. Bruce asked me how the high school tail was. I didn’t lie, although I left out some details, when I told him “Lately I’ve discovered an older crowd.” He smiled as I spoke and I could see this cock twitch. I invited him to hang out at my place. I knew his house was one of the new that didn’t have a backyard pool. He happily accepted my invitation and said “I'll come by tomorrow, say 10?” I told him, “Right on, That’ll be great.” When I got back to my house after my run I sent a text to Steven telling him about Bruce and my wanting to corrupt him tomorrow. Steven replied, ‘sounds investing, what does Bruce look like?’ I sent him Bruce’s description, 19, 5’10”, 135 pounds, slim buddy, and promised to send a picture when he comes over tomorrow. Steven texted back, ‘he sounds cute….tell you what, been meaning to tell you to shave your pubes off. with how young you look I know a few guys that would get off on the illusion of you being younger teen your real age’ His text about me shaving my pubes had me stunned. I remember most of the boys who were at the party Friday night along with most of the guys that fucked me last week had little or no pubic hair. I figured why not if he was going to let me work on Bruce. I texted back, ‘i'll shave my pubes’ I then received a video call from Steven. He wanted to watch me shaving my pubes. I shaved my cock and what little hair I had around my ass. Steven commented, “Nice, I like the look. Don’t forget under your arms too.” I followed his direction and shaved under my arms listening to Steven telling me what a hot jock ass I had and what a great fucking my ass gave. My pubes were all gone and Steven gave me the all clear to make a move I Bruce with one more condition, but wanted me to live stream the action for him to watch. I had no problem with that, in fact the thought of Steven watching us turned me on. I woke the next morning excited at Bruce coming over to hangout. I threw on a pair of maternal shorts and went downstairs . I saw my parents who didn’t say a word about the other night and ate breakfast. I took a quick shower and went out by the pool. I had my tablet set up so that it wound capture all the action by the pool. Like clockwork Bruce showed up at 10 am. He had on a pair of board shorts and a tank top. I asked if he’d like something drink. He just nodded his head. I told him, “Have a seat and relax while I go grab drinks.” I fixed a couple Cokes with GHB, putting a larger dose in Bruce’s drink and added a splash of rum and some Tina. I took the drinks out and handed Bruce his spiked cola. I you a could good hefty swigs from my drink and sad down. We chatted some as Bruce nervously gulped his drink. Before he knew it, he had finished off his drink and asked for another one. I finished mine off and headed inside to fix a could more. This time I fixed Bruce the same as I did with his first drink although I put in more Tina. I could see the sweat start to form on his forehead and knew the Tina was working. I took a gulp of my drink and commented, “It’s starting to get pretty hot. I think I’m going to get in the pool.” I quickly dropped my shorts and jumped into the cold water buck ass naked. When I came back to the surface and looked up at Bruce who had a semi shocked look on his face. I wasn’t stud if his shocked look beats he couldn't believing I was skinny dipping or the fact that he caught a glimpse of my hard cock when I dropped my shorts. I watched him take a couple big sips of his drink like he was trying to get courage from the alcohol in his drink. The courage that came from his drink was in the form of G and T. Seeing the glassy looks I his eyes, his pupils growing larger with the increase in the sweat I knew the drugs were flowing and would cloud his judgement. Looking up at him with a big smile I asked him, “Are you going to stand there or join me?” I think he was trying to decide if he should take his board shorts off. I knew what I said too him next would help me get him where I wanted him to be of I was to corrupt him further. “Dude it’s just us. I skinny dip all the time when my parents aren’t around. It’s cool with me either way. You can swim with your board shorts on or you can take them off. That’s up to you as long as you get your ass in the pool.” Without hesitation Bruce pulled the tie in his board shorts and dropped them to the pool deck and jumped in the water. When he finally came back up I smile at him and said, “Nice choice.” Bruce smiled at me and I could see the wheels spinning as he tried to think of what to say to me. I caught his eyes drift down trying to make it my still hard cock. When his eyes came back up to meet my gaze and the shit rang grin on my face. He quickly matched my grin as I silently moved closer to him. I knew he was turned on when the tips of our hard cocks touched right before we leaned in towards each other and kissed. He was great kisser as our tongues dualed in and out of each other’s mouths. I knew we were both on the same wave length when we almost simultaneously reached for each other’s hard cocks. After we stopped kissing I suggested, “Why don’t we take this to my bedroom.” I had a camera hidden in my bedroom to capture the action there as well. Wet picked up some new double I the way to my bedroom (Bruce's was pre spiked with G and T). Bruce had already finished his drink when we got to my bedroom and dropped to his knees taking him cock down to the root. Damn, he was a good cock sucker, I was hoping he’d turn out to be a good bottom. After Bruce had been bobbing up and when in my cock for about 5 minutes I figured it was time to take things up a notch. I reached for my pipe that I had already loaded with an ample amount of Tina, lit my torch and heated the bowl. Bruce let my hard cock slip from his mouth as looked up at me and asked, “You smoking weed?” As I blew out the white smoke from my lungs I replied, “No something better.” He stood up with a curious look in his eye. I knew his inhibitions were definitely lowered by the glassy look I his eyes from the G and T he had consumed I his drink. His pupils were very dilated and glassy. I knew he was G'ed out. So I want surprised when he asked, “Can I try it?” The burn was still warm as I heated it for another hit when he asked me if he could try the pipe. I shook my head yes as I took a second hit completely filling my lungs. Bruce the reached for the pipe, but instead I leaned in to kiss him. He seemed to understand what I was thinking as he emptied the air from his. Lungs in time to take the sole from my lungs. He room as much as he sounds as only a little bit escaped or lip lock. The shotgun turned into a passionate kiss as I let him edge my north with his tongue. When we finally stopped kissing Bruce blew out an impressive cloud and I asked him, “How about another one, but this time you hit the pipe and shotgun it to me.” I explained how to heat the bowl so not to burn what’s I the bowl and to slowly inhale. Bruce did exactly as I instructed. He leaned: and we locked lips as before and I inhaled the smoke from his lungs. This time when we kissed my tongue probed his mouth. I had Bruce sit down on my bed. It was my turn to suck cock while Bruce hit the pipe. He let out a site moan as I began to guide him a good job. While I worked his cock with my oral skills he hit the pipe 5 times. In between his hits he softly moaned letting me know he was ready for more. I lifted his legs and moved down to his taint licking my way towards his hole. I paused to admire the hairless, pink pucker I was ready to introduce to the joy of bareback sex. I waited until he blew out his latest hit of Tina. By my count he had just sucked in his sixth lung full of Tina to go with what he had in hits 3 drinks. I was kissing the areas around the hole, taint, inner thighs and his butt crack. Once be exhaled a huge cloud I dove my tongue into his pink pucker. Three soft moans changed into deeper and louder moans as I probed his hole with my tongue. Bruce's hole opened up altering my tongue you penetrate in further. It was easy to tell that his hole was hungry and eager to be filled ass I felt it trying to suck my tongue inside. I tongued as deep as possible while Bruce ran both of his hand through my hair. Anytime I would slightly pull back to get the air Bruce used the hands on my head to pull me back into his ass. I knew he was you’re duty the pickings and flashed a pre arranged signal for Steven to know that soon Bruce was going to get fucked. I pulled out a bottle of Tina laced lube Steven provided and a good size rock of Tina. I began to alternate between fingering and licking his hungry hole. All this stimulation was driving Bruce crazy as his moaning few louder and he sees moving his ass around. As I worked more of the Tina laced lube into Bruce’s hole he complained, “They burns a little.” I took the opportunity of this distraction to slip the rock of Tina into his ass and answered him, “Yeah I’m using a warning lube. You every had your hope played with before like this?” As I pushed the rock as deep as I possibly could into his ass I also kissed and listed his home and the areas around his home to keep him distracted from the new burn he was about to feel. Bruce’s complaint continued as he says, “Ouch! Now that’s really burning.” Quickly his complaints turned it is soft moans which turned hungry loud moans as he began to buck back against my hand as I continued to finger fuck. I stood up from where I had been on my knees feasting on his hairless ass, looked down at Bruce. He was ready to be fucked. I pulled my fingers out of his hungry hole to hear a whimper of disappointment from Bruce. I picked up his legs and rotated him still his head was on the pillow. I put his calves on my shoulders and teased him with the tip of my rock hard 8”cock. Every time I would brush the trip up against his hole Bruce would try and push back I an attempt to get me inside him. I leaned down, gave him a deep passionate kiss before I told him, “I am going to fuck you so good and breed that cute trainer ass.” Bruce looked at me as I got my cock ready to penetrate him and said, “I only play safe.” I answered him, “You used to play safe.” The pushed ¾ of my cock in one thrust. He looked as if he was trying too process what I had just said to him as I pulled back and half way thrusted all of my cock into his ass.
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  33. Part 2 John had just unloaded inside me. I felt his cock throb as his sperm fleet me up. I felt his jizz as it hit the walls of my ass. For a briefs moment I forgot how much I enjoyed the feeling of getting fucked and bred, or maybe it was the slam. Most likely both I missed. John’s cock remained hard as he continued to fuck me letting me know the dominance he held overt me. He paid Steven for the right to use me as his fuck toy to breed for a couple hours. He kept fucking me, this time he slowed down and made it apparent that he was enjoying his time with my ass. He kissed me several times as he slowly worked his cock pig and out of my ass. I couldn’t believe how long John lasted as he spoke for the first time since he unloaded inside my ass, “You have a very fine ass jock boy. I could fuck your ass all week long.” I could tell John was getting close to cumming a second time. His breathing changed and I felt his cock thicken. I was hungry for a second load as I tightened my ass around his cock. The expression on John’s face along with the change in the way he we fucking me told me that it was pure pleasure for him as he thrusted into me hard and deep. With a grunt John said, “For a quarterback you certainly know how to play a tight end.” I felt the familiar warmth deep inside me as his cock painted my ass with his cum. His second load was even better than the first load he gave me. I killed his cock for every drop n as he slowly withdrew his cock from my hungry hole. He kissed me one last time before saying, “Damn jock boy, you have one hungry hole. I how you use to travel, cause I’m going to arrange to fly you in to spend a few days with me. I have a couple friends that would love to meet you.” I wasn’t sure what to say except to tell him, “I guess you’ll have to talk to Steven about that.” I really wasn’t sure if Steven would send me in a trip to see John. After he had fired 2 loads into my ass I wouldn’t mind seeing him again and meeting him fuck my ‘tweaked up, jock ass’ again. John got up of the bed and as I got dressed in just my shorts and t-shirt I was able to able his athletic body as I knew he admired mine. I had just finished putting in my shoes when he handed me a $100 bill telling me, “I paid Steven for your services, this is a tip for you.” I wasn’t sure if I should accept this or not, but knew not to insult then client by refusing the offer and said, “Thank you for this and than you for your cum.” John kissed me one last time, “I can’t wait to fuck you again. I promise a lot more cum the next time we meet. You are better teen Steven told me you would be.” I left the hotel and sat in my car as I texted Steven that I was done with my work at the Hilton. I also told him about the $100 tip I received from John. Steven’s reply kind of surprised me when he texted back, ‘for a jock you’re showing some smarts by taking me about your tip. All his need to be reported till me and I’ll know how much you get so don’t ever try to hide it. that’s nice John gave you a tip, you can keep that one’ I knew to rely ‘thank you’ Steven then texted me ‘I know you did good by him when he texted me asking if he can fly you in to spend a few days with him and a few of his friends. I’ll work out the details with him and will let you know the dates. I have another client for you to visit you'll be going to his home to spend the rest of the move with him” Steven texted me the address and I drove over to his home. This guy lived in a upscale part of town. It was a gated community where I knew the homes to go for a over a million dollars. I pulled up to the gate and the guard approached my car, looked at me, quickly opened the gate and waved me through. It didn't take long after I drove through the gate to find the house I Steven gave me where the client lives. I was told to park in the driveway and go to the gate to the back yard. I found a note for me on the gate telling me I was to strip leaving my clothes neatly folded outside before entering the gate and then I was to make my way to the pool where I would find a blindfold along with 4 leather wrist and ankle cuffs on one of the lounge chairs. I was to put the blindfold fold on (until the client removed the blindfold) along with the wrist and ankle cuffs and wait. I was a little nervous about doing as the note instructed, but then I remembered the Steven told me to always do exactly follow the client instructions. The client will not harm me for far of what Steven will do to them if they did. Steven assured that he will protect me from the client. So there I sat there naked waiting for someone to approach me. I didn’t have to wait long when I sensed someone approach me. I felt them secure my wrists above my head and my ankle were secured to the foot of the chair. I was immobilized which in some way turned me on causing my limp, Tina dick to twitch. I then felt a tourniquet applied to my upper arm and then the coolness of alcohol on my son. There was a pause that had me wishing I could see this mysterious person administering the slam. Then I felt the familiar needle stick and began to wonder how big is a slam was this guy giving me when he removed the needle, applied pressure to the injection site, raised my arm over head and removed the tourniquet. I coughed so hard as the rush hit me hard. I’m sure this was the strongest slam I'd ever done as I heard a ringing in my ears. The guy push my head into his from where I quickly opened my mouth and took his considerable sized cock deep into my throat. I guess he then administered his own slam as I heard him cough and felt his cock begin to leak a steady stream of pre cum. The guy grabbed my head between his hands and began to face fuck me and every so often he’d bury his cock deep in my throat and hold it there and I would feel it pulse as he dripped his pre cum directly into my stomach. This went on for a good 15-20 min until I heard his breathing change asking with his deep thrusts. He finally spoke to me asking, “I’m gong to shoot most of this load directly in your stomach” as he thrusted one last time pushing his cock far into my throat. I felt his cock expand and pulse as he delivered his load directly to my stomach. He pulled out as he fired off his last could spurts of cum onto my tongue giving me a taste of his seed. I had become just as hungry to eat sperm as I was to have it shot directly into my ass. With the Tina flowing through my body gave me a strong craving for cock and cum. After he finished giving me his load and I swallowed everything he had fed me he removed my blindfold. I recognized him from Friday night's party. He released my arms and legs been helped me to my feet. I was then led over near the edge of the pool. I noticed something in the pool deck. In the concrete opt the pool deck were a couple fasteners which my ankle restraints were attached too sharing my legs wide. This was a spot close to the house that allowed him to suspend a rope from it that he arched to my wrists. This forced me to lean slightly forward giving him total access to my ass. He left me exposed like this for what felt like an eternity. I sensed him behind me which increased my desire, my need to be touched. After what felt like hours (but I reality was only minutes) I felt him grab my ass as he moved in to eat my already cum filled ass. He stopped for a brief moment to say, “Nice, just how I like my boys, full of cum.” He went back to licking my ass for a couple more minutes before stopping again. This time when he stopped I felt him push a small rough object into my ass and said, “Not only does cum make the best lube it’s great for dissolving a nice shard of Tina.” I suddenly felt a burn in my ass as he pushed the piece of Tina as deep as he could into my ass. I felt my high grow as the Tina dissolved as I experienced my first booty bump. I felt my client stand up behind me in this restrained positron position as my hole screamed out to be filled. He teased me with the tip of his cock causing me to try and push back in a attempt to get him inside me, but the position he had me in made that impossible. He had total control over my getting fucked. His teasing me drove me crazy to point I begged him, “Please fuck me. Fuck me hard. Breed me, I need your cum.” I repeated this several this several times and when I thought I wasn’t going to get fucked I felt him grab me by my hips and gave me exactly what I needed when he thrusted his cock balls deep. I then got the fucking I asked for as he pounded me hard. He fucked me for a good hour I felt his cock thicken as his place quickened and his breathing changed and he pushed I deep. As his cock throbbed inside me delivering a fresh load of cum he spoke, “What a great ass you have. I knew the first time I fucked you that if I had you to myself you’d get fucked all night long.” He wasn’t lying as he fucked another 2 loads into my ass before he pulled out and put a butt plug in my ass. He then left me I this precarious position. I want sure how long I was left like this when he returned. He gave me either slam just as strong as the first one me gave me. I coughed out hard as I felt him pull the butt plug from my ass, grab my hips and penetrate my hungry ass. It felt like he was fucking me harder then he had before. He gave me 4 more loads before he was done fucking me. He released my ankles followed by my wrists, and in the position I was in when he released my wrists I couldn’t help from falling into the pool. The water felt great as I heard him say, “Great ass you have Jock Boy.”
    1 point
  34. Scotty, his dad, and his brother will make an amazing trio. Please keep the updates coming!
    1 point
  35. 9 years old with a 10 year old boy! We got naked and tried fucking each other! An experience I enjoyed very much at that age!
    1 point
  36. I don't like it... i ENJOY it !!! I'm poz by choice... no i'm glad i found someone willing to gave it to me... Sadly, i found here that many PROUD poz guys... are drugs addicted ? It seems to be a request to be proud to be poz... ?
    1 point
  37. Let's try the opposite of "what's the hottest" Stupidest, most moronic, on apps or during sex, or porn, assholes say On Recon, the fukn "no limit, want to get raped violently. SAFE ONLY"... how the hell does that work? I m beaten u, pissing on u, and i should all of a sudden get down from my rapy mind and pause to put on a condom... Worst is, there are a lot of those arrogant fuks on Recon. I got tones of "the fukin stupidest" but wanna hear from you
    1 point
  38. Yeah, I've got to agree with you about some of the wording. Especially on Recon, where I'll automatically click on profiles with words like 'extreme' and 'no limits' only to be disappointed when they list themselves as safe sex only and make a point of saying they only play safe.
    1 point
  39. When someone responds to my "bottom only" profile with "I want you to fuck me". Or when someone starts asking questions when the info is clearly in my profile.
    1 point
  40. Fit jock blindfolded cumdump in NYC hosting anon pump n dumps txt to unload 914-222-3867 kik cuntarmo
    1 point
  41. There's nothing better than being surrounded by a group of throbbing hot cocks each waiting to take their turn fucking and breeding our hungry holes. Love it best when some of them are working my tits - that pushes me over the edge needing cocks. Oink!
    1 point
  42. Part 6 David stood there watching Sam breeding the newbie and commenting, “Now what’s what I like to see, the birth of a new cum slut.” Benji smiled at the statement, be knew he was letting guys he just and barely knew cum inside him. There was something in the back of his head that said he shouldn’t be doing this, this was something risky, dangerous that he needed to be afraid of, but the cock in his ass felt so good distracting him from those thoughts as Sam pulled his softening cock out. Now empty again and in need of his cock, David helped Benji up off the table he’d been laying against as he got fucked by the let two guys. David put his arms around the green and told him, “I’ve got a few more guys I want you to meet, then what do you say we go back to my place?” Benji smiled at the two embraced and kissed before he answered, “That sounds good to me, I really want you to fuck me again.” David was ready to breed this tweaked out twink again and share his ass with some of his other friends that were not part of this party group. Benji was so fucked up my the drugs he had no real idea of what he was doing. David knew eventually the naïve twink would figure it out, it would be too late to do anything about it. With all the poz cum he already has inside his well fucked the virus was already in his blood stream, infiltrating every part of his body. As David directed Benji to his next cock he was getting hard thinking about how Benji was going to react when he realized what had really happened when he was drugged up and getting fucked. He knew once the twink was over the initial shock of his pozzing, his needs would consume him and he’d be back for more, the boys this group converts like this can’t resist their needs, the need for the drugs, the need to be fucked and the need to be bred. David introduced Benji to Andre. Andre was black, in his mid 40's, much taller than the twink at 6’4” and a solid build. Benji we immediately memorized by Andre’s stature. He immediately knew his place with this more dominant man. Andre looked down at the twink he was about to breed. This was going to be all ‘business’, just a quick ‘pump-n-dump’. Andrew spun Benji around, grabbed him by the waist, lined up his hard cock and rammed all 11” of his big black cock inside the teen's ass. Benji wasn’t prepared for the type of fucking Andre liked, but he needed to know that some men are going to just use him for a quick fuck. David could see the look of pain adpnd pleasure as Andre pounded away. David asked, “How’s that hole feel Andre?” Andre answered as he approached his impending orgasm, “Nice, just right. I needed a slut like this to top of my night. You know how I like my white boys.” David then leaned when and asked Benji, “And how does the tweaked up twink like that big black cock?” Benji couldn't keep from moaning with every thrust as he struggled to answer, “It feels like I’m being split in two.” When Andre heard that from the twink he couldn’t hold back, “Fuck yeah, that’s what I like to hear was I breed my white boy slut.” He slammed in one last time so deep his cock went deeper that Benji had been fucked that night as he deposited his dirty cum inside the twink. Andre was a huge cummer and this load was no exception. Even after he was done cumming Andre kept pumping his cock inside Benji churning the seed that was still inside him. As fast Andre had rammed his cock inside and fucked Benji his cock was pulled out. Being satisfied with having another load inside him Benji managed a smile. Not giving him anytime David ushered him off up his next fuck. As they walked David told Benji, “You’ve only have two more of the members you’ve got to meet. I’m sure you went disappoint them and will do as your told.” They walked up to a 50’ish man with some grey in his hair. David said, “Robert, this is Benji.” Robert looked Benji up and down, before addressing David and all but ignoring the teen standing before him, “You think he can take all of me?” David answered him, “I confident he’ll try hard to accommodate you as your want.” Robert placed his hands on Benji’s shoulders telling him as he pushed the teen down, “Get me hard, show me how much you want my cock and load inside your ass.” Once Benji was in his knee he swallowed Robert’s semi hard cock and began suck on it the best way he knew how. It quickly grew bigger and was more than what could fit I his mouth. As it reached the entrance to his throat he knew that cock was going into his throat one way or another. Robert had already made the decision for his cock sucker when he placed a have on the back of Benji’s head as he began to take more of the cock into his mouth. He vaguely heard Robert tell him to take a deep breath as it was nearing the back of his mouth. He quickly sucked in as much air as the could through his nose as his head was forced down. Robert's cock now filling his throat as his air way was cut off. Robert looked down the teen kneeling before him saying, “Damn, his throat feels great and he’s not gagging. That’s it, massage my cock with your throat.” Robert’s cock had reached it’s full 8” hardness as it snaked down Benji’s throat as the cock remained in his throat leaking his pre cum directly into his stomach. Robert was ready to fuck. He looked upon his cock sucker knowing he was getting desperate for air, “Oh, fuck! If your ass is as good as you’re throat, we’re going to have to party just the two of us.” Robert pulled his cock from Benji’s throat, pulled him to his feet, turned him so that he had access to his ass and lined his cock up with he twink’s hole. Benji felt the hard fuck rod against his and before Robert could push into the teen, he pushed back impaling himself on Robert's cock. Robert took this advantage of the newbie’s hunger and began to fuck him slow and steady. He wanted to enjoy this fuck and he was enjoying the newbie’s ass. David for another good piece of ass for the group. David said to Benji as he watched them fuck, “Robert is going to give you a gift. He going to fill your ass with his cum. He’s going to give you the gift of his cum. You want him to breed you don’t you.” His thoughts were automatic as he began to beg, “Give me your gift, the gift of your cum, breed me.” He repeated this over and over as Robert continued to piston in and out of the twink. Robert was so turned on so much from Benji's begging he 7 uldn’t hold back as he began to fill Benji’s hole.
    1 point
  43. Done it with several medical professionals bareback. One particular doctor really sticks out in my mind. Older 50-ish guy, Top, slim in-shape, nice sized cock. He was very verbal, overtly aggressive, super dom. He loved spanking me, spitting on me, gagging me with his dick, fucking me with huge dildos, and busting his nuts deep in me after fucking the shit outta me for hours. I almost believe he was taking V or Cialis (or something stronger) as his dick stayed rock hard even after cumming a few times. He even arranged sex parties with a bunch of his older Top friends and Asian or twink bottoms. These two to three day parties were an alcohol fueled (as well as other stuff) festival of raw cocks and ass in every square foot of the property.
    1 point
  44. Part 3 Looking up at the really bred twink, David was ready to correct Benji that he actually gave him 3 loads, but wanted to wait until he had pulled out of the well fucked hole. As hid his cock began to soften he said to the newbie bottom, “You have a great ass. You’re going to be very popular tonight, we really need to join the party.” Benji seemed a little disappointed hoping that David would keep fucking him. The feeling of David’s cock sliding in and out of his ass and then throbbing inside him felt amazing. David knew exactly what Benji was thinking, all the inexperienced guys that were lured to the parties had the sane thought, I need cock inside me. David planted the seeds that would lead the newbie to becoming the slut he was destined to be when he told Benji, “I know that look. Not to worry, there are plenty of guys that are going to want to fuck that great ass you have there, we just need to join the party.” David was right, the news of Benji being ‘fresh meat’ and betting negative had already spread through the group. All those who attended the party knew to keep the kid obvious poz talk down. The ambiguous poz talk that were not directly clear was encouraged hoping to get Benji to repeat what he hears. David’s cock had slipped out of Benji’s ass by this point. David helped the newbie up and as he walked towards where his clothes were piled he felt the vast amount of cum that David deposited saying, “You really loaded me up. I can feel you cum squishing inside me.” David let the twink know, “You're feeling all that cum cause I gave you 3 loads.” David kissed him passionately before going on, “And there’s nothing more hotter to me then sharing those loads with you. It is a connection like that that makes what we did so special. It’s a bond that cannot be broken. Think of it as my special gift to you.” Benji was smiling at David comments as he felt the cum inside him and he didn’t know why, but he had to say “Thank you for your gift.” At that moment the only thought in his mind was that he knew he needed more cock inside him, but he also was thinking that he needed more cum. He was about to grab his clothes when David stopped him, giving him another kiss telling him, “You’re not going to be needing those, this is a clothing optional party and you look terrific naked. I told you, you’re going to be very popular.” David led the unsuspecting teen through the gate from the private patio you the main pool patio. Benji looked and to see about 2 dozen men ranging in age from his 18 years to 50’s. Most the young his close to his age were naked. They were either on their knees sucking dick, getting fucked or smoking something from a glass pipe. David led him over to where three naked guys were standing and smoking on the glass pipe he noticed as they walked into the pool area. David introduced him to Kyle and Keith, twin brothers in their 30’s and Tyler who was about his age, a little taller then he was, but about the sane build. “This is Benji. I just met him tonight and thought he’d enjoy the party. Why don’t you guys get to know each other.” David knew that they would get him blowing clouds and in no time he’d be tweaked out of his mind. It didn’t take long when Benji asked, “What’s with the glass pipe?” Tyler answered as he heated the bowl with a torch, “Just a little something that helps you relax and enjoy the fun we’re all having tonight.” Then he put the pipe up to his mouth and sucked in the smoke that was building up in the bowl. One of the twins, Kyle, standing close to Benji said, “Ty, shotgun the cloud to Benji.” Benji had smoked pot before and knew what a shotgun was and made sure his lungs were effort when Tyler leaned in to deliver the smoke. He inhaled all that Tyler gave him when the shotgun turned into a deep kiss as Tyler’s tongue probed into Benji’s mouth. The kiss has the newbie forgetting to exhale. As the two kissed the twins moved in behind the kissing twinks. Kyle snuggled in behind Benji as Keith moved in behind Tyler. Tyler broke of the kiss as he felt Keith’s growing cock nestle between his ass cheeks as he then leaned back for a kiss. Benji was finally able up let the smoke that he had held in his lungs out. He felt the drug radiate through his body as our seemed to center in his ass. Kyle pulled him back for a kiss as his rock hard cock slid in between his own butt cheeks. As the kiss broke Kyle commented, “Oh nice, I see you’ve already been fucked.” Feeling a little embarrassed that Kyle knew he had been fucked, but part of him wanted to feel the cock that was now rubbing up and down his crack siding inside him. He grinded his ass back against the stud begins him as Tyler asked him, “You want another hit bro?” Benji didn’t take to think through his answer as Tyler handed him the pipe instructing him on how to heat the bowl. Once the smoke began to swirl in the bowl he told Benji, “Keep the torch under the bowl and breathe in slowly until you can’t take in any more.” They watched as Benji took his first direct hit of Tina from a pipe emptying the smoke into his lungs. Once h his lungs were filled to capacity Kyle whispered “Now hold that smoke inside as long as you can. The longer the better.” Kyle took the pipe from Benji as Tyler grabbed the torch saying, “Allow me to hold the torch for you Sir.” Benji felt the heat from the torch as Tyler lit it and held it under the bowl for Kyle. The twin took a big hit as Benji was nearing his ability it how his breath. Once he was done Tyler you the pipe and handed it to the twins standing behind him. Benji finally let our a massive cloud and before he could catch a clean breath of air like turned his head, placing his mouth over the twink and blowing the smoke from his lungs into Benji's lungs. The shotgun caught Benji of guard as it turned into a kiss. Although being a surprise, Benji welcomed the smoke. Benji held the smoke as long as he could when he finally blew out a nice cloud he looked over to see Keith and Tyler sharing a shotgun. As he was finally getting a fresh breath of air Kyle told him, “Take the shotgun from Ty.” Without any normal thought Benji knew he needed to get more of this smoke. The feelings he was getting throughout his body traveling from his ass to his cock up his spine him his brain back to his ass that was from very empty. Kyle could feel the change in his body as the drugs began to flow through his body. Benji looked at Tyler and could see a change in him, one that he was happening inside his own mind and body. Tyler handed the pipe to Benji as he looked over his shoulder saying to Keith, “Oh yeah, fuck me! Fuck your cock feels great.” Benji it the torch as Kyle said, “That’s it, blow some more clouds and I’ll give what you want, what your be need.” As suggested Benji took 3 connective hits as Kyle continued to tease the twink rubbing cock in the crack of his ass. He could feel the change within the teen’s body as he blew the third cloud saying, “That’s it, I can tell you’re ready for my dick now. You ready to get fucked? You ready for me to breed you?.” At first Benji could only shake his head, then finally said, “Yes! Please fuck me. Give me your load. Breed me.” Kyle lined his cock up when Benji’s cum filled hole and pressed inside. With David’s cum already inside, Kyle's cock breached the twink's outer ring easily. Once Benji felt the initial penetration he pushed back to get more of the older man’s cock inside his ass. The twins actions at first surprised Kyle, but with the drugs flowing through the newbie’s body, it was the hunger he was feeling. Once the cock penetrating him as balls deep Benji let out a deep moan before saying, “Oh fuck, your cock is inside me, it’s so hard inside me.” Kyle replied, “Yes it is, and not I’m going to give you a good fucking before I breed you.” With that said Kyle began to slowly withdraw his cock before pushing back inside the bottom before him. Benji pushed back to meet the thrust. He was transfixed at the sight of Tyler getting fucked by the other twin. He could hear Tyler saying, “Fuck yeah. Fuck that ass. Load me up with you cum. Give me the cum, the gift of your cum.” Benji recognized the a look of pleasure and bliss on Tyler’s face and without know the true meaning behind what he was hearing he just parroted for Kyle to hear by slightly turning his head to say, “Fuck me. Fuck my ass. Breed me. I want the gift of your cum. Load me up.” The two kissed before hearing Kyle say, “Fuck yeah faggot, you want want to be fucked? You want me to load you up with my cum, my gift? I'm going to fuck you so good you’ll be begging for more and when I breed you I expect you to thank me for breeding you, thank me for the gift of my cum.” Benji nodded his head at first, then finally said “Yes, yes fuck me.” By now both twinks were taking a pounding. Tyler looked over at Benji and commented, “I can tell the feeling as good as I am feeling. Isn’t it great to have your head in the clouds?” Benji noticed that Tyler reached when to his own crotch and began to play with his soft cock. Seeing Tyler’s actions sent the thought into his own mid as he then reached down for his own cock only to discover he to was soft. Like that he began to play with himself to hear the twins say, “That’s it faggots, play with your useless cocks.” Tyler knew it was useless to stroke himself, there was no way he was going to get hard but he knew the twins like seeing the bottom they are fucking try. This usually let the animal inside each twin out. Tyler knew he was finally going to get the hard, animalistic fuck me wanted. The question was, could Benji handle the onslaught Kyle was about to give him. Kyle grabbed his hips and began to pound into the newbie causing his moans to increase in volume. They couldn’t tell if the moans were form pain of pleasure, nor did they care. The only thing Kyle cared about was the warmth and tight ass he was fucking. As he was taking the pounding from Kyle, Keith was about to breed Tyler. Tyler could tell that his top was getting close, he felt the cock inside him grow thicker and harder as he began to beg, “FUCK YEAH, BREED ME. GIVE ME YOUR DNA. I WANT YOUR HOT CUM. I WANT YOUR GIFT.” When Keith heard Tyler beg, he slammed his cock in hard and deep steaming out, “OH FUCK! TAKE MY CUM. TAKE MY GIFT, MY DNA!” Benji wasn’t sure how much more of Kyle's pounding he thought his own begging might help, “FUCK YEAH! BREED THAT ASS! GIVE ME YOUR HOT LOAD! I WANT YOUR GIFT, YOUR DNA!” That begging seemed to push Kyle over the edge as he took a couple more strokes before he slammed in so deep he penetrated the deep ring depositing his load while saying, “FUCKING TAKE THEY LOAD, TAKE THE GIFT OF MY CUM.”
    1 point
  45. Part 7; A few hours had passed, and my son had not returned. At 2am there was still no sign of him. His Whatsapp last seen was time stamped for 6.15pm. He had abruptly gone eerily quiet, which was very unlike him. I knew in my gut he was with my Doctor, his new found Uncle Dick. I now soon fell asleep. I awoke at 9am to the nurse doing my obs, which meant breakfast would soon be on its way. I checked my phone. No messages. And the time stamp on my son's Whatsapp remained at the same time. I found myself suddenly craving to have him lying next to me, and left wondering what was happening. After breakfast I got bored, so, took myself to the day room. A room full of fully blown AIDS Men, watching the TV, playing cards, and general chit chat. There was a guy who I had not seen before sat alone by the window, watching the TV, as the glare of the sun enhanced the deep yellow colour of his skin. I sat with him, and in the ad break to the programme he was watching we got chatting. His name was Stan, and had apparently stayed in this wing several times over the past few years. We soon both went to my room, continued chatting and playing cards. Chat turned to our Doctor, and it transpired he had taken my boy to his room as soon as they left me, ordered him to strip, then straddle over Stan in his bed, facing away so his sloppy puffy loose cunt was in Stan's face. Our Doctor ordered him as he lay upright in bed to finger my son's cunt. 'You wanna fuck this newly charged up toxic piece of fuck-meat?' Stan speechless at the intensity of the situation could only nod ... 'Then, I'll collect you at 8pm Sunday evening, here, from your room'. Stan couldn't believe that that was my boy he had fingered. I explained the entire situation as we swapped various stories during the day. We got a nurse to inform kitchen staff that we would both be eating together in my room for the next few days. Late evening, after dinner, during cards, talk came to my son ... 'Apparently you will be fucking my son tomorrow night. I wonder where the hell he is. Since we met there hasn't been a day where we haven't seen one another, and he hasn't been online'. 'I reckon our Doctor has your boy in his sadistic grasp. He is well known here on this wing as being an exceptionally caring Doctor, yet, a real twisted fuck outside of work' Stan went to his room at around 10pm, and I was now alone with my thoughts. I resisted the urge to check my phone again, and soon fell asleep. 9am came, obs and breakfast, with Stan making his appearance in my room at 11am. He was a really friendly cheerful bloke, despite what was happening to his body. His sunken yellow face and glazed eyes said it all. 'Hey Stan buddy, good to see you. Sleep well?' 'Yes, I was out like a light, easy these days. You hear from your boy yet?' 'No. Nothing. He still hasn't been online either. I guess all will become clear this evening'. After the kitchen staff took away the lunch gear, I asked Stan to see what he would be using to assault my son's cunt with tonight. He stood up, lifted his gown up above his waist, then sat down again. His Dick was thick, and curled up snug in his crotch. I leaned over and took his soft thick shaft between my thumb and two fingers, and began to stroke. For someone who was very sick, he grew fast, and he grew big. I let go, and his filthy diseased weapon sprang upright, bouncing off of his belly. He had a KS lesion mid shaft, and he sported a spiked Prince Albert (PA). 'That's HUGE Stan. My son will love you'. 'Yeah, 6" girth, 8" length ... Let's go to your bathroom'. We all had our own bathrooms, so, off we went. He locked the door behind us. He undone my gown, and bent me over the bath, spitting on my cunt... 'Look at that wonderful AIDS wasted ASS. Not as emaciated as mine, but still, a sweet fucking sight'. With no warning he slammed deep inside my cunt, his PA tearing my rectum to pieces, causing me to yelp. He fucked me slowly ... 'Shut up faggot ... Look at us, fucking like wild animals the way we should do, our physiques drastically changed for being what we are meant to be' ... He leaned over my back, still rocking his hips, forcing his fully blown death weapon deeper each time he rocked forwards. He came towards my ear ... 'I got hard yesterday when you told me your boy sought our way of life and how it happened, and tonight I am gonna make sure he really does become a real Man by giving him some essential extras' 'Cum inside my cunt, Stan' 'Oh no, oh NO, my ultra filthy toxic virulent cum is for your Beautiful boy' With that he took his Gorgeous death-tool out of my fully blown AIDS cunt, and left. I gathered myself, went into my room, and saw that he had completely left. I ended up having dinner alone. It was 8.30pm. I lay in my bed wondering what on earth was going on. I STILL had not heard from my son, it had been two days now, and still no sign of him online. THEN, Doctor Richard came in ....
    1 point
  46. I've stumbled across this thread and had a lot of feelings about it. First, a little about me. I'm 60 and I have taken thousands of loads since before anyone even knew there was such a thing as HIV or AIDS. I go back to the real bathhouses, dark rooms and porn theaters, like the Adonis, in NYC. My feelings have changed over the years. There were periods I refused to get tested. There were periods I ask about status and periods where I didn't and periods where I actively took poz guys loads because it was hot. At this point in my life I have very many thoughts that I think came to me as a result of age. I am fortunate I guess to still be negative. I also have a bit of survivors guilt because by all rights I should have died of AIDS back in the early 80s. I don't really know why me, but I guess I feel whatever the reason I was meant not to convert. About two years ago I went on prep after wavering. There is apparently a small group of people from Eastern European descent that are supposedly immune. I wondered whether I was one of them and whether going on prep would affect that, but I decided to go ahead. I no longer get the quantity of loads I used to. It has become less important although I still crave them and don't turn them down. I know barebackinf was my way of searching for intimacy. I'm glad that over time I have discovered emotional intimacy as well. Maybe im jaded by feeling I should be poz, but it breaks my heart when I hear that neg guys shy away from dating poz guys. I find poz guys as open if not more so than neg guys. In some ways I'd rather date or sleep with a poz guy. They seem to be able to be more intimate in some ways. I feel worse for the neg guys who don't date or play with poz guys because they miss out on some very special men.
    1 point
  47. I fuckin love being a member of the poz brotherhood - sharing my DNA and taking the DNA of thousands of men who've used me as a cum receptacle - I'm proud to be a no load refused toxic cumdump...
    1 point
  48. Part 3 As we drove I reached over and pulled his underwear down, exposing his still hard cock. I admit I was impressed he didn't have Tina dick, at least not yet. I looked at his nakedness in the bright light. He was completely smooth except for his pubes. His face was flushed from the drugs, but it too was baby smooth, making him look younger than 18. He still had some baby fat on him which made me smile. He wouldn't have that too much longer after I turned him into my personal Tina slut. "Play with yourself," I ordered him. "I wanna watch you, but don't cum!" He obediently stroked his little dick, oblivious to the vehicles around us that could see him. I liked how obedient he was! This boy was a prize! In about 20 minutes we pulled into the driveway of his house, a big one that even had pillars in front. It made me think of a plantation house in the south, and I laughed to myself thinking that this time, I was the master! I pulled the Escalade into the garage and we went into the house. Yea these people had money. There was even a pool in the back, with a high privacy fence all around it. Perfect. I noticed a very well stocked bar and helped myself to some very nice scotch. "So why didn't you go on vacation with your family?" I asked. "Fuck them!" He said, flopping on the couch. "They don't give a shit about me. They were happy to leave me behind. Mom's a drunk, and dad's a lawyer. I'm just in the way." Awww, a poor little rich white boy with family issues. Fuckin putty in my hands! "Don't worry baby boy," I said, laying my body on top of his, "Jesse's gonna take care of you." I started kissing him again and he sucked my tongue into his mouth like a hungry pig. My little pig. I took out my pipe and a baggie and loaded a big load. I gave Blake the pipe and told him to hit it. He eagerly sucked in a big hit, exhaling a large, white cloud. "Again." I told him. He hit it two more times before I took it away. "You like that, don't you?" I asked. "Mmmmmm yea." "I got something else you'll like even more." "What's that?" he asked eagerly. "Lets go upstairs and I'll show you." We went up and I found his parents bedroom. I guided him in and pushed him on their bed. He didn't even object. I pulled off my shirt and pulled down my jeans, freeing my semi hard cock. Blake's eyes got real big as he looked at my monster. What really caught his eye was my big P.A. "You ever see one of those?" I asked. He just shook his head no. "They feel extra good." I lied, knowing it was going to tear his sweet hole to shreds. But I was about to get him so fucked up he would be begging for the sweet torture he was about to get. I took my little case out of my pants and pulled out a rubber tube and wrapped it around his arm. "What's that for?" he asked. "Shhhh." I said placing a finger on his lips. "This is the extra special treat. Just trust me." He didn't say another word as I swabbed his arm, he just watched my dick get bigger. Fucking up white boy's made my dick hard. As I stuck the needle into his vein, my cock reached full hardness. I slowly pushed the plunger as my full, fat 11 inches throbbed, ready to forever change Blake's life. I pulled out the needle and released the band. Blake fell back on the bed coughing and I moved like a lion attacking. I grabbed his legs and pushed them back, and before he could comprehend what was happening, I slammed my big, black monster into his cum filled hole, forcing all 11, fat inches into him, balls deep in one thrust. Blake howeled as he was ripped open like never before, and I didn't give the kid a chance to adjust before I was pounding him mercilessly. Over and over I slammed him as hard and deep as I could, digging my P.A. into his guts. Frothy pink cum oozed out of his hole as I shredded his insides, making him forever my bitch. Soon he was moaning instead of screaming as I deep dicked his ruined hole. His head rolled from side to side as he babbled incoherently. "Fuck yea you stupid punk!" I yelled at him as I raped him. "You fuckin take that nigger cock! You're my fuckin whore now! I'll fuckin use you and sell your cunt! You fucking worthless piece of shit! Stupid fuckin white kid pickin up niggahs! Yous a niggah whore now faggot! Say goodbye to your old life!" I kept up the verbal asault as I broke him, physically and mentally. I called him every filthy name I could think of as I told him his new position in life. Soon I was ready to fill him with my seed. "Here you go slut! Take my fuckin load! You fucking niggah cumdump!" I yelled as I pumped my cum into his ripped insides. "This is what you are now bitch. I own you! You gonna make me some money!" I pulled my spent cock out of his bloody cunt as he softly cried to himself. "Shut up bitch and clean off your Masters cock, you worthless pig!" He opened his mouth and took my messy cock into it, cleaning off the mess like a good bitch. When he was done I grabbed my phone and started making some calls.
    1 point
  49. Jeff and I have been friends for over a decade now, I met him when he was barely 18, looking for cock on a gay web site. I chatted him up and soon he was at my front door, looking cute and innocent. We made out and before long he was sucking my cock, getting me rock hard, I couldn’t believe this cute cub was wanting to have me, a 40 something year old guy breed his ass. I soon led him to the bedroom and had him naked on my bed, ass up wanting my cock to plow into his fertile fields. I sank into his ass slowly, not wanting to hurt the boy, then picked up my pace till I was fucking him into the mattress. After about ten minutes I pumped my undetectable Poz load deep into his guts, status was never discussed and he didn’t seem to care. We met off and on for a few months, with me always ending up breeding him, occasionally we would flip fuck and we both would end up filled with cream. As he progressed in his life, finishing up school and landing a few good jobs we drifted apart, though lines of communication were kept open and we would chat on social media when it was convenient. Now I’d like to say Jeff was a bit gullible and sometimes it appeared a little paranoid, he would find a subject that interested him and research the hell out of it. He’d take the good information and somehow always interlaced it with the bad, he saw the conspiracy in many things , especially government related things, even so far as commenting that he was thinking of going to Canada or some other foreign country where he believed things were different, before realizing that he really didn’t have it so bad right here. After living many years apart, where we each procured partners, he got a job close by and was soon connecting back up with me and my partner, we spent several nights out on the town having dinner and finding things which entertained us. Jeff had only managed to increase his level of perversion, and we soon found out he was even kinkier than when I first met him. We had been chatting one night on-line and he happened to mention that a friend of my partner and I , whom he met while out with us, had been keeping Jeff and his partner company several times Me: “So you have entertained Fred a few times, eh” Jeff: “Yeah, and he’s a damn good bottom, and has a nice cock to ride too” Me: “So you still liking it raw?” Jeff: “it’s the only way, Fred seems to like it when we fill his ass with our cum, begs for more as Ty, and I tag team him” Me: “damn that’s hot, so has he filled you up as well?” Jeff: “fuck yeah, slammed my ass down on his tool and kept it there as he shot his big load in me” Now I knew Fred was Undetectable, but wasn’t real sure about if he was compliant with his meds all the time, as he was sometime very ADHD and childlike, Fred was closer to Jeff’s age but had been Poz since he was a teen. Me: “Kool, glad that we could introduce you guys” Jeff: “so you guys want to do dinner at our place on Saturday? Ty is cooking “ Me: “great, I’ll bring some wine, what time?” We set up a time and finished chatting, with me getting more and more suggestive with my innuendo, and finally asking if he and Ty were on PReP, since it sounded like they were hooking up with a lot of guys and taking loads. Jeff started on some tangent on how PReP was just some Government ploy to help out pharmaceutical companies make bigger profits, I did my usual and just let it pass as I steered the conversation back to sex. Saturday arrived and my Partner and I went to Jeff and Ty’s house, where we enjoyed a great dinner and conversed with Jeff and Ty. At one point Jeff and I were in the living room together watching some bareback porn, and the subject of HIV and AIDS came up and Jeff went back into his rant that HIV is just another virus like the flu and that AIDS is just a large scale media hype to scare people into using condoms, and it’s the drugs that are forced upon people who test positive for the antibodies to HIV is what is really making them sick. You get the point, but it was beginning to anger me a bit to think this well-educated young man would be so disillusioned about what I had been dealing with for almost three decades. So if HIV is just another virus and AIDS doesn’t really exist, I figured so I should get him bred properly, test his theories. I knew we had been invited over for dinner and sex, so I soon had Jeff heated up and wanting to plow my ass, I figured slowly lure him into my web, soon we were in the shower, allowing him to help me clean out, for a second time that day, just a refresher, I fingered his hole and roughed him up as I helped him clean out as well, knowing my well hung Partner would love to plow his ass, just as I did when I first met Jeff. Soon we were in the living room in just our towels kissing and fondling each other as Ty and my partner were doing the same, while critiquing the porn on the television. Soon Jeff had his cock in my hole and my partner was balls deep in Jeff, while I sucked on Ty’s impressive tool. After about 5 minutes my partner began pounding Jeff in earnest, forcing his cock deeper into me, I tightened my muscle grasp on his cock milking Jeff and sending him into overdrive blowing his load into my colon, triggering Luke to blast into Jeff’s gut. Luke pulled out and Jeff followed suit as Ty dropped down to the couch and slipped his cock into my hole, as I had been giving him a stellar blow job he lasted a couple minutes and blew his load up inside me. After having my prostate battered first by Jeff then by Ty, I was rock hard and in need of release so as Jeff lay there recovering from his orgasm I slipped my cock into his slimy hole and began fucking him with my toxic cock. I had had a medical emergency a couple months back and was in the process of switching meds and had been on a drug holiday for two months before starting the new pills so I was carrying a high viral load, which now resided in my conspiracy activist sweet hole. I have plans for Jeff to either prove or disprove his theories but that is for future chapters
    1 point
  50. Actually the darkroom at Bear's Bar is pretty big. I already have a hard-on as soon as I walk in there. Not much light but enough to see what is going on. Several sections for private and public use. Love the public! Had many times when I got fucked there with guys looking on. And, as mentioned on other threads as well, Spanish guys don't use condoms in general. They are just out there to give loads to tourists. Got many loads with a "ciao amigo" afterwards. And they just look after themselves, get in, fuck like hell, shoot their load and leave. Perfect ;-) I love that darkroom. Went to XXL as well, but bear's Bar beat them! XXL is more for the guys that love to dance. I no longer dance ;-) but I do like the hairy bears in BB. Too bad the darkroom at El Horno was closed when I was there last time. Loads of horny guys there too, and all a few meters away from each other (El Horno is opposite XXL)
    1 point
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