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  1. Part 9 - May 2017 Byron was back home in Malvern for a week before he was flying out with Louise to New York. She had the scripts sent over and Byron spent most of the days getting in as much practice with her. Stefan was out at work in the family business during the day and couldn't wait to get home to see Byron. Sam was on tour with a ballet company in Europe and Byron felt a little alone during the last few months in London. Sam would be free in July for a couple of weeks and was coming over to see him perform. What made things a little easier for Byron was the message he received from Jack who was excited to have Byron in his home city for once, even more so when he said that Marcus was looking forward to his visit. Byron had only flown within Europe before to Spain and Italy for holidays, flying for eight hours was a novelty and he was looking forward to it. Stefan hugged him tightly, almost on the verge of tears and wouldn't let Byron go until his mother told them it was time to go. "I am going to miss you" Byron said letting go of Stefan. Stefan smiled and the way he looked at Byron said it all "Promise you will come back" he said quietly. Now Byron was almost in tears "Stefan stop being silly of course I will" he replied hugging one last time. Stefan sniffed letting him go. Byron walked with Louise through security and in to the airlines lounge. The producers were sparing no expense getting Louise back on stage, she had made it a condition that Byron was to be her co-star and to be treated the same. So here he was sat in the business class lounge waiting for their flight. Byron was still nervous about the singing aspect despite Louise telling him he had nailed the songs every time. During the flight Louise and Byron stretched their legs and sat at the small bar. Chatting away and unsuspecting the direction Louise would take their conversation. "Byron, can I ask you something, just between us?" Louise asked taking a sip of wine. Byron turned on his stool "Of course you can" he replied looking somewhat curious. "Is Stefan being overbearing on you?" she asked putting her glass down. Byron shifted in his seat "No, at least I don't think so" he replied Louise smiled "He finds it hard making friends, I know there is more to you both than friends" she said. "Oh" Byron said and looked down at his glass. "We know you sleep together, I mean in his bed" she said looking at him. "Nothing has ever happened between us though" Byron said blushing "he has an unexplainable hold on me". Louise smiled "Oh he loves you Byron, I would go as far to say incredibly in love with you". Byron nodded "I know, he stupidly said he would marry me" he replied smiling at his glass. Louise laughed "Matt and I wouldn't protest if he did, we like you and know everything about you" she replied. Byron felt the colour drain from his face "Everything?" he asked wondering if she knew. She nodded and quietly told him "Just look after your health Byron" Louise looked him in the eye. Returning to their seats Byron felt a lot closer to Louise, it was like she had consented him and the weird relationship with her son. Undoubtedly it handed opened his mind hearing her say that Stefan was incredibly in love with him. Was it a relationship he thought as the flight attendant began serving him lunch. They settled in to their hotel suites that would be home for the next three months and slept off the jetlag. Feeling refreshed they walked together to the theatre on Broadway a few blocks away from their hotel. The producer, director and choreographer wanted to sound test Byron and put him through his paces with the 4 numbers he had to sing. Louise stood on stage beaming at him then loudly cried 'emote Byron, expression use your arms and face feel the music understand the lyrics'. She screeched overcome when he finished and hugged him, Byron could see the producer and director on their feet clapping and smiling. They sat having a light lunch where the producer praised him over and over about his singing talent. The choreographer chipped in saying she hoped Byron could move as well as he sung, Louise winked at Byron and told him that she doesn't know your a dancer as well. Byron smirked and nodded at Louise and giggled a little. Marlene was one of the top choreographers on Broadway and Hollywood an very much in demand. Byron knew about her and how tough and strict she was on the dancers. The theatre door opened, a man headed towards their table, Byron saw he stood a few inches taller than him. He was shirtless since it was hot outside and guessed he was late 20's when he stood in the light where they all sat. He had a football players build, a solidly built frame with tight bulging biceps, the almost Hollywood actor looks and he caught Byron gawping at him. Marlene looked at him and turned away, he apologised emphatically to Marlene for being late and promised to make it up by staying late. "Next time you won't be staying at all. Byron this is Tyler dance captain for the moment" she said looking at him. Tyler smiled and completely dazzled Byron "Hey great to meet you, can you dance?" Tyler asked. Byron just looked at him "What?, oh yeah I can move my feet" he said playing along. Tyler seemed unconvinced "Marlene what the hell have you given me?" he asked looking shocked. Marlene smiled "You will just have to work with him he comes as part of the deal darling" she replied. Deal Byron thought, remembering he never actually discussed with Louise if he was getting paid, it had been the last thing on his mind. He just wanted to be on stage with her, the legend that she was in musical theatre. The only thing now on Byron's mind was licking Tyler all over, he had a wonderful light covering of hair on his chest, his cropped brown hair and brown eyes just dazzled, and his body was like Kurt's only tanned or roasted to perfection as Tyler called it. He snapped back in to the room taming his slutty instinct, being in the this world and could see why dancers fucked around a lot with each other. Tyler called for Byron to get on stage as Marlene stood up and climbed the stairs up to the stage. Byron felt the nerves kick in and Louise told him to knock them for six. Byron stood next to Tyler "Right this is a simple set of moves I want you to do" he said and began moving. "Sorry Tyler, can you do it again" Byron said watching him "sorry again" he said "sorry again". "Fuck Marlene I haven't got time to teach him to dance" Tyler said exasperated. Marlene shook her head "Byron you do know 42nd Street is a singing and dance musical?" she asked looking cross. Byron went to his bag and picked his tap shoes out and put them on "Play Audition opening number" he asked. Marlene nodded over to the sound technician as the music started playing Tyler smirked and folded his arms looking at Byron who stood there for a moment tapping his foot. He played around a bit getting the feel of the music, Marlene turned to look at the producer almost throwing the towel in. Suddenly the chorus of the soundtrack hit and Byron hit the beat on the nose without thinking. Marlene turned opened mouth, Tyler smiled shaking his head, Byron danced the rest of the number never missing the beat, he could see Marlene's finger moving every time the end of the beat hit. Tyler moved next to Byron and caught the beat finishing off the last few bars with him. "You little shit" Tyler said smiling "sexy one at that" he said quietly not to be overheard. Marlene walked up "Amazing you hit the end of the beat, Tyler you were lagging hitting the middle". Byron was left with Tyler and Marlene working over choreography for the rest of the day whilst Louise went with her agent to negotiate Byron's fee. Tyler laid on the stage as Marlene finished for the day, Byron sat next to him watching his chest moving as he breathed relaxing from the extensive training they did all afternoon. "I hate you for winding me up like that" Tyler finally said eating an apple. Byron laid on his stomach next to him "No you don't" he chuckled looking Tyler in the eye. He smiled "Dam your so sexy" Tyler said to him. Byron giggled "You want to have sex then?" Byron asked cheekily and chuckling. Tyler looked at him "Hmm maybe, just for winding me up" he replied. "Come on lets get at it again" Byron said standing up and rather turned on by Tyler. Tyler put his apple down and stood to face Byron "We have to see if you can cut it on stage" he said winking. "You need to keep up with me, I will try not to dance you off the stage" Byron replied grinning at him. Tyler put the music on "Cocky little English man" he said grinning "I am going to nail you good". Byron smiled then realised Tyler was very close brushing his lips against Byron's catching him off guard. Byron allowed him to linger for a split second before turning his head away smiling. Over the days of rehearsals Tyler and Byron flirted outrageously with each other and got on well. The other cast members were also falling in love with Byron and his accent. Having a British dancer was a novelty and everyone wanted to be his friend. He socialised but was focused on the job at hand and doing well for Louise. It hadn't gone unnoticed that Tyler would usually become a complete mess when Byron was near, something they had never seem happen before when he was around another person. It quickly became known as the Byron effect amongst the cast. Mid way through the four week rehearsals Byron was looking forward to having a day off to relax at the weekend. He was completing the last number rehearsal with Tyler. Byron laid on the stage and Tyler held out his hand to pull him up "Let me take you to dinner" Tyler said. Byron smiled and stood up "Are you dining me before you fuck me" he asked laughing. "Of course" Tyler looked at Byron testing the water. Byron slipped on his trainers "Two courses or I am walking" he said smiling. Tyler pulled Byron up close wrapping his arms around him "Deal" Tyler replied edging his mouth closer. Their lips touched and parted seamlessly entering in to an incredibly sensual kiss the like of which Byron had never encountered. His hands roamed over the solidly built body of Tyler savouring and enjoying every moment. Failing to make it to dinner Byron found himself in Tyler's apartment, he was looking out at the view across to the UN building down the street. He rested his head back against Tyler's neck feeling the arms wrapping around him again, he turned and fell in to another sensual kiss. Tyler lifted Byron up with ease and carried him in to the bedroom, his clothes seem to fall off by themselves as he was laid on the bed. The thought of his hiv ran through his mind knowing he should tell Tyler. He had no time gasping and arching his back at the sheer pleasure feeling Tyler's cock pushing in to his ass. He tried to stop Tyler to tell him but his mouth was full of tongue eagerly kissing him. The thrusts came steady and with solid force, each one delivered with accuracy and perfection pushing deeper, his ass distending around the sheer thickness of Tyler's cock struggled at first to cope. The pleasure running through every fibre of his body seemed to urge Tyler on, his steady slow thrusts appeared to push Byron up the bed before being pulled back. His arms holding Tyler around the back, his head being pushed in to the duvet from the continuous kissing that he didn't want to end. Strangely he felt a wonderful comfort as Tyler made love to him, his changing rhythm's catching Byron off guard almost keeping him guessing as to what was coming next. His ass ached, his tongue and lips tingling from the prolonged fucking and kissing. There was no end in sight. Both enjoying the sensuality of their love making. Byron sensed another change in the rhythm that was quicker and deeper, he could feel Tyler's orgasm approaching. He waited for Tyler to raise his head and fuck harder but it never happened. Instead the pressure of the kissing grew, mouths locked together he felt Tyler push his hips down harder pinning Byron to the bed. He moaned deep in to Byron's mouth and pushed his hips rapidly several times breeding Byron. His arms clasped around Tyler's back feeling the girth of Tyler's cock pulsing against his ass, Tyler broke the kiss and moaned louder as he forced his cock deeper in to Byron. His eyes almost rolling back in to his head from the pleasure and intensity of the sexual pleasure Tyler was giving him. No sooner had Tyler came down from his orgasm their mouths locked together again, the gently caressing inside Byron's ass continued, his cock showing no sign of retreat or that it was finished with him. The sun began to set outside, Byron moaned reaching his climax some fifteen minutes after Tyler's orgasm, his ass muscles twitching around the cock still buried deep. Tyler could feel the gentle contractions around his shaft and began to pick up the momentum again. The light faded outside and darkness prevailed in the bedroom, Byron moaned happily in to Tyler's mouth clasping on to him for life receiving a second load that seemed to be just a big. Tyler rolled on to his back turning the light on and grabbing a bottle of water, taking a long swig he passed it to Byron. His ass was burning and aching as the muscles began to realign themselves back to their natural state. Cum dribbled out freely from his ass after receiving a fifth load. It was gone midnight, they were both exhausted but incredibly still very sexually turned on. Byron dived down and tried to blow Tyler but his mouth also ached from so much kissing that he could only get the head in his mouth and lazily suck on it. Tyler fingered Byron's cum soaked hole and immediately shot another load that Byron eagerly swallowed. Byron woke and slipped in to the bathroom sitting down on the toilet, he hardly seemed to need to push before a wet fart was released followed by a stream of Tyler's cum. Byron giggled at the sound of the wet farts, his insides felt raw and he knew that Tyler had bred him incredibly deep. Tyler chuckled to himself on the bed hearing Byron giggling in the bathroom. He liked the guy a hell of a lot and my god for a Brit he could take a good breeding he mused. As they approached opening night Byron had been sexing Tyler for a several days. Tyler had made it clear he was after no relationship with Byron. He was surprised when Byron just accepted it without question, he figured that Byron must have someone in his life already. Byron and Tyler developed a very close friends with benefits relationship, they physically enjoyed sex with each other, Tyler loved teaching Byron about sex and stimulation. He had given up trolling the hook up app as he was smitten just to bed Byron at every opportunity without any hidden agenda. Unlucky in love he enjoyed the freedom Byron afforded him, plus getting a young sexually virulent guy like this was a bonus. Tyler kept Byron very grounded during their time together, the one thing he did confide in him was around Kurt, the stupidity of what he did in that crazed moment. Byron's anger towards Kurt had somewhat diminished accepting how his life had evolved. Tyler had come clean admitting he was undetectable, and warned Byron not to delay taking medication to long as it might not be as effective. The night before opening Byron laid in bed with Tyler, he had been more gentle making love to Byron this time, after all he didn't want the guilt of Byron performing badly due a sore ass. Tyler had opened a whole new sexual experience for Byron making love to him, a shared experience they both enjoyed.
    8 points
  2. Chapter 18 Brody spent the rest of the day with me and I managed to give him several more loads. I even used my fingernails on his cunt to make sure he was very receptive to my gift, not that he needed it. I was pretty sure our first session together had all ready done the trick. Later that evening he received a text from his ex checking up on him. "Do you believe this fucker, after everything he pulled he says he's worried about me. What an ass," he said. "I have an idea. Give me your phone, get on all fours and spread your ass checks." He did as instructed and I shoved my cock back in his cunt. I moved in and out a few times to churn the cum and get some of it to ooze out around my dick. I took a couple pictures then handed his phone back to him but continued fucking. Hey I was already in, might as well add another load. When I finished, I collapsed next to him and gave him a kiss. "Send him those pics and tell him 'I'm fantastic, just took my fourth toxic poz load of the day. Glad you're not here asshole.'" "Oh my god I love it, that's perfect." He sent the texts and received a reply right away. 'Brody that's not funny! I really care about you. This is just sick and twisted behavior.' 'Yep and I've never felt more alive. I'm going to block you now, wanker.' He rolled over and gave me a deep kiss. "God that felt good. I'm so glad you were still in town." "Me too, you're such a sexy twisted slut. You should transfer out to the east coast, you'd fit right in with my friends." "I'm assuming they're all like you?" "You mean pozzed up sluts who enjoy nothing more than knocking up neg guys? Yep every fucking one of them." "Damn maybe I should. There's nothing keeping me here anymore." We fell asleep with him cuddled up against my chest, my arm wrapped around him keeping him safe. The next day he had a flight in the early afternoon so I made sure to give him one more load before sending him on his way. I couldn't wait for him to join the family and start his own recruitment drive. A few days later I received a text from Brody. 'Success, woke up feeling like shit. I think I'm pregnant.' 'Congratulations! You doing okay?' 'I'm absofucking perfect. Thank you so much for sharing your gift.' 'My pleasure. Now get busy and spread your seed.' My last weekend on the west coast Trevor threw me a going away party. I was excited to get home but I was really going to miss the guys out here. When I arrived my son let me in and I must say he'd come along way in such a short time. His little dick was still locked up but he had a new heavier collar. He also now sported pierced nipples and several tattoos, my favorite was on his right ass cheek and said 'property of Master Trevor'. He gave me a big hug and thanked me profusely for giving him to Trevor. I'd never seen him happier. He had truly come into his own and now knew exactly what he was. We walked out back to the pool where there were already several naked guys busy sharing loads. Trevor noticed us and detached the twink attached to his dick and walked over. We hugged and I spent a little more time than necessary rubbing my fingers over his asshole. "You know I never get fucked Kevin, not even for my favorite co-worker." I removed my fingers and started chuckling, "can't blame a guy for trying." "Believe me, you slut, there's plenty of cunts here for you to bred even a few neg ones. Turns out your son, my new boy, has several friends just itching to become knocked up cunts. Just look for the sluts with their pathic little dicks locked away. They're not allowed to refuse any load, if they do there banned from my parties for life." "Damn I'm going to miss you!" I said as he patted my ass and sent me in search of those neg boys. I stripped down and examined my soundings. There were small groups fucking all over the yard. I noticed this cute young guy over in a corner by himself. He was so busy fingering his pussy he was oblivious to everything else around him. He was moaning so loud he didn't hear me come up next to him. I grabbed his hand and slapped it away, before he could even respond I rammed my dick deep inside his pussy. He let out a loud moan. "Now doesn't that feel better than your fingers up there?" I asked while pounding away. "Oh my god yes! Thank you sir, please breed my cunt hard." I noticed his locked up dick and started fucking even rougher. "You want me to knock up your neg pussy?" "YES! Make me a poz slut. Give me your toxic load." That pushed me over the edge and I started filling his cunt with my special cum. I pulled out and brought my cock to his mouth to clean me off. By his head I noticed what at first glance looked like condom but as I picked it up I realized it was actually a cruel condom. "Damn boy what do we have here?" "Master Trevor gave each of us neg boys one with instructions to have our tops use them on us. I'm sorry I didn't give it to you in time sir but you were in me before I realized it and I was so horny I just needed you to use me." "It's okay boy, I did take you by surprise so I'll cut you a break. Why don't you get back on my cock and see if you can't make me hard again because I'm not leaving until I've had a chance to bred you wearing this condom." He didn't say a word just dove back on my dick. He was a good cock sucker and had me hard in no time. I put the cruel condom on and teased his hole with the spike on top. "You like the feel of that metal on you cunt boy?” "Yes! Stick it in please, work your cum deep into my DNA." I plunged my dick into his ass causing him to scream in pain. "You want me to stop boy?" "Oh dear god no! Wreck my fucking cunt, knock me up." "You got it slut." There was no way this kid was leaving this party still neg. I looked up and realized we'd attracted a crowd of men surrounding us, egging me on to poz the faggot. My load exploded from my cock going deep inside. I pulled out and saw the cruel condom was covered in pink cum with streaks of dark red in spots. Fuck that was hot. A big daddy bear standing next to me reached down and took the metal condom off my dick. He placed it on his own cock and took my place in-between the kids legs. The slut looked up at me with a huge grin on his face. His cunt was never going to be the same.
    8 points
  3. Chapter 23 By now there were about fifteen guys in the room. Josh excused himself from our little group and went up on the small raised stage in the front of the room. "Hey guys, if I can have your attention for a few minutes. There's been a slight change in plans tonight." Several of the guys let out a moan and you could hear someone say 'not again.' "Yep sorry our scheduled neg bottom bailed yet again but I have a special treat for you all," he managed to get out before the group really started to get vocal. "Brandon come on up here." He walked from the back of the room through all the guys, many of who reached out to touch him, several grabbing his ass as he passed. By the time he was standing next to Josh there was no mistaking his hard cock through his tight shorts. "Alright you twisted fuckers, this here is Brandon." He gave a little wave and of course started blushing. "Tell the hungry men how old you are." "I'm nineteen." Several of the men started cat calling and whistling. "And I understand you just took your first poz load earlier today." "Actually it was my first time getting fucked period." Now all the guys were whistling and cheering. "You mean to tell me you were a virgin before today?" Josh asked barely containing his delight. "I mean I've sucked a lot of dick but never been fucked until today." "And the loads you took were poz?" "Yep, both guys are toxic." He had a huge proud smile on his face. "Are you on PrEP?” "Nope." "What do you want from us?" "You men to fill my neg pussy with your toxic cum." With that he turned around, dropped his shorts, bent over and used his hands to spread his ass cheeks giving everyone in the room a perfect view of his beautiful, hungry cunt. That did it for Josh. He had his hard dick out and slammed into Brandon's hole in one go. It didn't take long for Josh to start blasting his load deep inside. He bent over Brandon's back and whispered in his ear, "welcome to the family, whore." He pulled out and turned Brandon back around to face the crowd of very horny men. "Can I get two volunteers to get this slut in the sling?" Two big muscular older daddies who were closest to the stage jumped up and grabbed Brandon. They both had managed to lose their clothes why Josh was breeding him. On guy took his legs while the other took his arms. They secured him in tight then the one by his feet shoved his dick inside and started to pound his pussy. "Dumb fucking faggot chaser, I'm gonna knock you up with my high viral load." The other guy was busy chewing on Brandon's nipples, while a third was fucking his face. Everyone was naked, stroking their hard dicks, patiently waiting their turn. Josh came over to join us. I noticed his cock was still coated in cum and ass juices so I did what any good faggot would do, dropped to my knees and cleaned him off. "Damn, he has an amazing cunt. Thanks for bringing him, I really hope he's okay with getting knocked up." I stood up and just chuckled, "doesn't matter what he wants, he needs to be pozzed. He's right where he's supposed to be." One by one the guys took turns loading him up with poz cum. After every few loads Jimmy would jump in and eat him out trying to make room for more cum. Watching Brandon embrace his sluty side was making my hole itch for a hard cock. I had started fingering myself when I noticed this extremely hot guy enter the room. He was 6' short blonde hair, goatee, with hairy arms. He was wearing a vest with no shirt underneath so you could see his extremely fit body with a beautiful biohaz tat on his right shoulder. God he was hot! He gave Josh a hug and a kiss and said, "looks like the animals are having fun, that kid's not gonna be able to walk for days." Josh turned to us, "hey guys this is Mitchell, he owns the club. Mitch, this is my uncle Scotty and Dr. Manning." He shook our hands and doc said, "you can just call me Pete." "Well Scotty, the way you're fingering your cunt makes me think you wish you were the one up there on that stage," Mitch said. "Can't deny that, watching him get abused up there is making me horny as hell." "Why don't you turn around so I can check out your hole. Damn," he whistled as he ran his fingers around my cunt. "I can tell by the state of your ass you definitely love having a hard cock stuck up there." "Guilty," I moaned. He dropped his pants and shoved his dick all the way in. "I know all the loads are supposed to go in the neg boy tonight but I can't help myself, your ass is begging me to add my strain to yours." He started moving in and out. He grabbed my hips and pounded my cunt good and hard. "Fuck yeah," I moaned, "recharge my pussy." He let loose and flooded my guts with his cum. As he pulled out he turned me around and attacked my mouth with his tongue. Damn I liked this guy! Josh dropped to his knees to clean off his friends dick and doc just kept stroking. After that it was kind of a free for all. I ended up taking a couple more loads and even gave one to Jimmy, with the permission of his daddy of course. Brandon ended up the winner that night with 28 toxic loads. It took a couple of days for his cunt to return to normal but after that it didn't take him long to be begging for more cum. Which he did, of course taking any load offered no questions asked. We even reinstated our Friday fuckfests so Matty and Chris could help impregnate our newest member. A few weeks later Brandon came down with the fuck flu. As I was taking my turn taking care of him he mentioned he was so happy and couldn't wait to get his badge of honor tattoo. "You okay not knowing for sure who your poz daddy is?" "Honestly, it's kinda hot not knowing. I like the fact that I was a total fucking cum slut, no load refused whore, so anyone of a hundred plus guys could be the one." Yep he definitely belonged to our twisted family.
    6 points
  4. Moderator's Note: This story is a spin off from two previous stories that you can find here and here. Chapter 1 Hi guys, name's Brody. I'm a twenty-eight year old fight attendant. I'm 5'7" have a tight lean body with short red hair, lightly dusted six-pack abs, very hair legs and an average 6" cock. Oh yeah, I recently got knocked up, and yes I chased! I thought my ex was chasing too but turns out he's just asshole fucking wanker who's not worthy of the gift. I met my poz daddy Kevin, on one of my flights. He happened to be seroconverting at the time and well let's just say he was more than happy to help me out. A couple of months after I officially joined team poz I put in for a transfer to be based on the east coast. I had a good friend that worked for the same airline who was looking for a new roommate so I jumped at the opportunity. There were three of us, me my friend James and some woman who worked for a different airline. My first weekend there it was just me and James so we spent the time getting drunk and reconnecting. He's a small guy, a little taller than 5'6" totally smooth, very skinny but extremely strong, which I found out first hand when he pinned me down and rode my hard cock. But I'm getting ahead of myself. He's a couple of years older than me and had a boyfriend for awhile until they decided to open their relationship. Turned out his bf, who was pushing to open things up, really didn't want it but James, who was only going along with it to keep him happy discovered he loved having a different cock inside him every night. I finished unpacking my stuff and had just gotten out of the shower when he walked in to tell me dinner had arrived. I only had a towel wrapped around my waist while I was looking for my shorts. "Damn," he whispered, "you've been working out, you look hot. Fuck me! You have tattoos. When did you get that? Holy shit is that a biohaz tat? Fuck Brody are you poz?" Shit! I thought my head was going to explode. He was right next to me and reached out to touch my tat on my bicep. He started tracing the outline with his finger. "God that is so sexy." he said. I looked down and noticed his shorts were tenting. "You like my tat?" "Are you kidding? I think a bio tat on a guy makes him ten times hotter. I always get hard when I see one." "I noticed," I said grabbing his crotch and squeezing. "Maybe you should get one." "Mmm we'll see." "Please tell me you don't make your tops cover up." "Yeah, usually." "Damn and here I thought you'd become a proper slut." "At least tell me your not on PrEP." "No not yet. Keep meaning to talk to my doc about it but haven't yet." "Mmm good!" He was still tracing my tattoo and I could see a wet spot forming on his shorts. "So let me ask you, why do you let some guys fuck you raw?" "Ahh come on man you know why." He looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "That's what I thought you slut. Nothing feels better than skin on skin, having your top shove his raw dick deep inside your hungry pussy. Filling you up with his speacial cum. So tell me, ever had a poz cock inside you?" He shook his head yes. The wet spot on his shorts was growing. I reached inside and took hold of his leaking dick. Did you make them suit up?" He couldn't look at me, just looked at the floor in shame and shook his head no. "Were they on meds?" "I don't know, I didn't ask." He whispered. "Do you want me to stick my poz dick in your neg pussy?" He was shaking, his fingers still tracing my tat. "You know what you have to do to earn your own tat, slut." I put my hand on his chin and moved his face up so I could kiss him. He melted into me. "Brody, this is so wrong. We can't do this." "What are we doing that's wrong James?" "Fucking raw, your poz I'm neg." "I know, but trust me we can easily fix that problem," I said winking at him. "Tell my why you're really not on PrEP." He whined, "Brody please don't make me do this." "Okay," I said turning away and walking out of my room. I could hear him groan behind me. Damn this was fun. I felt like I had so much power over him. I went into the living room, grabbed a piece of pizza from the box he'd placed on the coffee table and sat down on the couch. I made sure to spread my legs which loosened my towel. "Mmm good choice on the pizza." I took another bite and licked my lips. "Fuck Brody, you're killing me." "I'm sorry James. Do you want me to put some clothes on?" I started to get up. "No!" He said a little too quickly. "What do you want me to do?" I undid my towel and let it drop to the floor. "Oops. My cock was rock hard sticking out proud from my red bush with a drop of precum on the tip. Now it was his turn to lick his lips in hunger. He fell to his knees and stuck his tongue out to taste my precum. He let out a sigh then swallowed my cock whole. "You hungry slut, suck my poz dick, that's it get it nice and wet. Mmm, you're good at that." He looked up at me his face covered in slobber but he was grinning from ear to ear. "You look good on your knees worshipping my cock. Doesn't it feel good to give in to yours primal needs you whore?" "Holy fuck yes! I've wanted you to fuck me for years." "Strip." He didn't even hesitate. I love that moment when a guy realizes their only purpose is to become poz. He bent over the couch, nodded at me then faced forward. The time for teasing was over, there was no way I was going to give him an opportunity to change his mind. I rammed my dick in until my balls bounced off his ass. "Damn James, you have a well seasoned cunt. They was no resistance at all." "Oh my god, fuck me hard. Feels so good." "You like this poz dick deep inside your neg cunt?" He did respond just kept moaning. "I asked you a question boy," I said slapping his ass. "Please don't make me say it Brody." "Say what? That you're a bug chasing whore who's finally admitting to the world that he needs to be pozzed." "Yes." I could hear him start to cry. "It's okay James," I said, never once slowing my assult on his pussy. "I totally understand. I was like you too in the beginning. First time I took what I thought was a toxic load I was scared to death." His whimpers were starting to sound more like moans of pleasure. "The load wasn't really poz?" He asked. "The guy was undetectable but I thought he was toxic. Didn't find that out until a couple of months ago. Turned out my ex didn't really want to convert so he lied to me and told me all the loads I took were toxic when they weren't. Anyway, my point here is that after that first load I couldn't stop thinking about poz cum. I became addicted as I have a feeling you will too." He was full on moaning at this point. "How's my poz cock feeling inside your neg pussy now?" "Fucking amazing! Please don't stop, flood me with your toxic cum." "Good boy. Are you ready for your second load?" "Second?" He asked as he let out a deep moan. "The thing is, ever since I got myself knocked up I've been able to cum multiple times without pulling out from a neg hole, so yep I've already given you one toxic dose and I'm very close to number two." "Fuck! Yes, yes, yes give it to me. Set me free. Please!" With that my dick shot rope after rope of my toxic cum deep inside him. He let out a very satisfied sigh. "That was amazing. Fuck I can't believe I did that. Shit that was, just wow." My dick slowly pulled out of his cunt. "God I can't believe your pussy, it's so wet and sloppy." I knelt down and rubbed my fingers around his puffy hole. I couldn't take it wasn't longer and started licking around his cunt tasting my load and his ass juices. "Damn Brody leave that cum inside me so it can do its job." "What happened to the anxious bottom who didn't want my poz cock anywhere near his neg holes?" "Oh that fucker's left the building. How much time do you need to be ready to go again?" I started laughing, "I knew I had you when you couldn't stop touching my tattoo." "So I take it you're really poz and not on meds?" "Yep and yep." "And you really chased?" "I did and it seemed like you are too?" "Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't get rock hard everytime I see a guy with that tattoo or the scorpion one," he said tracing my tat again. "You're definitely going to need to get one as soon as you're one of us. I fucking love mine. I really wanted one on my lower arm but you know the regs..." "No visible tattoos permitted," we both said at the same time, laughing. He grabbed a piece of cold pizza and suddenly went quiet. "You okay over there?" "Yeah, I just can't believe I did that. If I'm honest with you I've put off my doctor's appointment three times this year. I kept telling myself it was because I was too busy but who am I kidding, I just didn't want to go on PrEP." "Yes, but you were still demanding your top suit up right so you were still protected." "Yeah well I may not have been totally honest with you about how often I insisted on condoms. I didn't want you to know how slutty I really was," he said sheepishly. I laughed, "I knew by your permanently puffed out cunt lips that you were no choir boy. You ever top or mostly just bottom?" "Well with this little thing," he said grabbing his tiny dick, "most guys can't feel me inside them at all and let's face it, I'd much rather have a hard cock buried in my cunt anyway. I'm a total bottom whore, I totally own my place." "I think it's safe to change that to total bottom cum whore soon to be poz cum dump." "Hell yeah! So you ready to give me some more of your toxic cum?" "Neither one of us had to work until tomorrow evening so that gives us plenty of time to work over your cunt and make sure you're good and knocked up." "God, I'm so glad we held off and rented the room to you." "You had other interested parties?" "Some woman that works with Amy," our other roommate. He shivered, "I'm so glad we went with you." "Me too." He stood up, looked at me with hungry eyes and said, "I hope you've had enough time to recharge your batteries because I need your poz dick back inside me." With that he'd pushed me on my back, straddled my hips pinned my arms to the floor and sat down on my hard cock. Damn for such a little guy he was strong. By the time we left for work the next evening I'd managed to dump another six loads deep inside his wrecked pussy. So far I was loving my new assignment.
    5 points
  5. Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for all the comments and likes. Knowing I make you hard and a few of you lose your loads to my stories turns me on and keeps me writing. I'm working on a new spin-off with Brody as the main character. I'm about halfway through with chapter 1 and hope to have it posted soon. Hopefully you'll enjoy his journey as he spreads his toxic seed across the friendly skies.
    4 points
  6. If they let you in bare, there should be an expectation of taking the cum. I hate a bottom that wants it bare, but during the fuck asks you "pull out before you cum". Usually in that case I'll shoot one or two spurts before yelling that I'm cumming and pulling out to shoot the rest on them. I did pull out then. Just not right away. Now, there is another case. If you have a bottom who wants to fuck with a condom, but you talk him into letting you in bare. Even "just for a few strokes", then it's more of a fun game to try and convince them to let you shoot in them. Get them turned on enough, tell them how good their bare ass feels, mention how slick they are because of all the precum i'm putting in them. Usually they end up just begging for the final load in them.
    4 points
  7. 8. In the elevator I wondered what I would find upstairs. This club clearly had all sorts of members, who would be waiting for me this time. The answer was a massive beast of a man, probably in his early fifties, shaved head, short beard, and a bulge that seemed inhuman. The black tank top he wore was stretched tight across his bodybuilder body. Tattoos covered his arms and chest, slightly obscured with thick dark hair. His basketball shorts were slung low under his firm stomach, and tented out more than I had ever seen before in my life. He smiled brightly, not rough and hard like the men this morning. He introduced himself as Jerry, brought me into his apartment and offered me a glass of water. As I drank he led me around the apartment showing me the various rooms till we came to the last door of the brightly lit well decorated hall. The room inside was entirely bathed in red light. A mirror covered most of the ceiling and the floor was black rubber. In the center of the room hung a sling. All around the dark red walls were shelves and hooks with all sorts of sex toys. Jerry looked at me probably trying to gauge my reaction. “Wow,” was all I could say. “They only send me boys who have promise,” he said, “I’m excited to see what you can do. Now take off your clothes and get in the sling.” Obediently I stripped off and placed my clothes in a small pile by the door. Jerry had pulled his shirt off, revealing massive pierced nipples, a broad stomach that both stuck out from his body and seemed to be made of muscle at the same time. He pulled me close and shoved my face in his armpit in one fast movement. “Lick my pit boy, get my sent on you.” His smell was intoxicating. He pressed my head in right and I licked at the thick dense hair there. Another [banned word] broken, another kink woken inside of me. My cock throbbed and dripped in the cage and my hole puckered as I smeared the man all over my face. He brought his arms down and caught me under my own pits. Lightly he tossed me into the sling. He lifted my legs and cuffed my ankles to the chains above, then moving to my head he attached his arms. I looked over, now eye level with his crotch and saw a thickening shaft in his shorts. It was so massive that I didn’t really understand how it was possible. “Don’t worry pig you’ll get my silicone filled cock in your cunt when I’m good and ready. First though we have to get your hole ready. Even with a fresh load from my door man in your cunt you won’t be ready for me. He did breed you didn’t he?” “Yes Sir.” “He’s a good one. He’s a switch in our little club and one of my regular cunts.” He had circled back around me and was standing between my legs. Keeping his eyes locked on my face he began to finger me, first with one and then quickly two fingers. “Well, well. You’ve opened up nicely. Most boys take a day or two to break in like this. You may even manage to take my cock today. The last boy they sent me took a week of daily visits to my little playroom before his cunt was stretched out enough to take my cock.” He added another finger, “It’s my job,” he slid his fourth finger in, “to make sure a boy’s cunt is trained as much as his mind. To make sure his hole is as willing to submit to the tops of our club as much as his mind. So, with me you will learn to control the muscles of your hole and to open them up to accommodate anything that comes your way, and to close them tight enough to never lose a drop of cum and make every man happy.” He was now twisting his fingers in and out of me. I whimpered but it felt good. He was working me open. “Such a good hole. But clearly, it’s never been your focus till now, or you’d have become a cumslut long before now. Let’s help you focus.” He pulled his fingers from my hole leaving me feeling empty and lost. I couldn’t see where he went but after a moment or two he appeared next to me with a stainless-steel rolling cart. Dildos and plugs of various sizes ranging from the human to traffic cone were arranged in size order on the top. Before picking up a dildo the man grabbed a blind fold from the bottom of the cart and covered my eyes. “Just for a little while,” he said, “focus on your hole and opening it up. You’ll be surprised how much you can take when you’re just feeling it and can’t be freaked out by the size.” With that he went to work. I felt a cold slick lube slathered over my hole and then worked inside by his thick fingers, then the head of a dildo. I guessed it was one of the fairly normal sized ones, after the cocks I had taken that day it didn’t feel massive but it did push hard against my second hole. He slid it in and out slowly at first and then roughly smashing it into my second ring over and over. Then he pulled it out. Next came one that felt thinner but much longer than the first. This one he seemed intent on getting past my second hole and after a fruitless pounding he stopped, added more lube and then just pressed it against my insides. “Here is your first goal. Take a deep breath and I want you to relax. You can control this hole just like you do your cunt. You can choose to open this one up, and believe me, once you do you’ll find a whole new world of pleasure.” I took a deep breath, closed my eyes beneath the blind fold and pressed against the dildo. It took a few moments and several long slow breaths but I felt it, my hole gave way and the dildo slid inside. I gasped and my whole body tightened up for a minute. “Breath, breath,” he said. I have no idea how much of that dildo he worked into me but if felt like yards. Nothing had ever been so deep inside me. My hole had become my entire world. When he at last pulled that dildo out of me I felt sad. I wanted that incredible feeling back. I didn’t have to wait long though, soon a thicker dildo was being worked into me, pressing again on my second hole. I relaxed and let the man work me open. We did this with several more dildos each getting bigger each time. Occasionally he fingered me, complementing my hole as he did so. Then there was a plug, that made me gasp and shake against my chains when it first popped in but after pushing it out and in several time slid around like nothing. I felt like my hole must have become a cavern and this man was filling it. “I hear you like piss boy.” “I’d never drank it before today Sir, but… well… yes.” “Open up then.” I opened my mouth and felt the warm flesh of what I assumed was a dick press against my lips. It felt massive and heavy. Before I could think about that much though my mouth was flooded with hot warm piss. I swallowed it up as quick as I could, feeling the warm liquid rush down my throat. His piss tasted different than mine, sweeter maybe, but it was still amazing. After a long while the flood of piss slowed to a trickle and then it stopped. He took his fat cock head away and patted me on the head, “Nice work pig, didn’t lose a drop.” After a few more dildos, more coaching to breath, and murmured compliments of how well I was doing, Jerry said, “I think you’re ready to see your progress. Do you want to see what I’ve got stuffed up your cunt right now boy?” “Please Sir!” “Good boy,” he pulled the blind fold off of me and I blinked for a minute. He was smiling and pointed up. In the mirrored ceiling I saw myself, strapped down and helpless. My cock was drooling. I looked like one of the boys I had been jerking off to on twitter earlier. At first, I couldn’t really see what he had inside of me, though I knew it was massive. Jerry then stepped back and pulled some of the dildo out of me. The base of it was huge. I couldn’t believe that that thing had been completely inside of me. It had to be as thick around as a peanut butter jar. Thick and shiny black I could see my ass lips cling to it as he pulled the dildo slowly from me. I was panting, my heart in my chest. I was trying to think about how long it had taken him to work it inside me but I had no idea. I groaned as finally the head popped out and deftly Jerry flopped it onto my stomach. It reached from my balls to my sternum. “Holy fuck!” I exclaimed. “I told you, when you can’t see it to get nervous your body can take an awful lot. Now take a deep breath and hold it in.” He picked up the dildo with both hands, smeared more lube on it from the cart and lined it up with my ruined hole. “and breath out.” As I let the air out of my lungs he slid the massive fucking toy back inside of me. I watched, almost forgetting to breath as my body swallowed it with ease. I gasped as it brushed past my second hole and finally I felt the base of the dildo on my ass. Holding the dildo in one hand he worked his shorts off with the other. I watched him in the mirror waiting to see this silicone cock for the first time. I was in awe. His dick was inhuman. Thick as a big man’s wrist and covered in veins the uncut cock looked like something that had been photoshopped. Below the swollen beast hung a sack I could barely understand. I heard him laugh. “I’ve been working on this for years. First it was pumping and saline, and then I finally made it permanent a few years ago. A real bull cock to destroy cunts like you with.” “Please breed me Sir,” I breathed. He laughed again, “you think you can handle this,” he flopped his cock against my still stuffed ass. “I need it Sir.” “Good answer.” He grabbed some lube from the cart and slathered his cock up jerking it slowly a few times. I still couldn’t believe that thing was actually attached to a real human male. Without a lot of warning he pulled the dildo out of me and had his cock head against my hole. He quickly started to press inside of me before my hole could close up after the dildo. Even with all the stretching I had endured so fat his cock still pushed at my walls. I groaned and whimpered, my legs pulling at their restraints as he sunk deeper and deeper inside of me. By the time he his massive balls were against me my whole body was covered in sweat and I was shaking a little. “You’re doing great boy, it’s a lot the first time. Well and the second and third, but you’ll get used to taking me. Eventually you’ll be able to slide down on my cock and then go meet some random average boy and he’ll never even know that I ruined you. Take a deep breath and let it out.” I did. “And another.” I did. “Good, now I’m going to fuck you, and I’m not pulling out till I cum.” And fuck me he did. He pushed my body away from him, swinging me in the sling. My own body weight impaled me on his cock over and over again I had no way to slow it down or make is easier for me. All that I could do was breath and press my hole open. From somewhere in the room a deep guttural grunting was coming. It took me a long moment to realize that was me. Each time I slammed into his hips a grunt was forced from my body like nothing I’d ever done before. My own cock had gone completely soft but was still leaking a steady stream of precum out of my cage. Most of my upper body had gone numb and my head was spinning, all that I cared about was this man using my hole. We his pace changed and he started to fuck me fast and faster I knew he must be close. He growled like an animal and sweat dripped from him onto my body. His chest hair was matted down and his face glistened. With one last rawr he pulled the chains hard and held me tight against him as roped of cum fired into my body. It took a long time for both of us to catch our breath, and when we did he smiled at me. “Jesus fuck boy, you’re the first one in a long time to be able to take me on the first day. It took Mike down stairs almost a full month before he was open enough for me to breed.” Slowly he pulled out and I watched his cock slide from my hole. My ass lips clung to his shaft the whole way and then when his head fell from my cunt it hung open for a long minute before winking closed a little. “Yeah you’re gonna be gaping for a while after that,” he laughed, “especially when I send you home with this.” He picked up a massive black plug from the cart. “Sir, before you plug my cunt will you take a photo of me like this. I want to see what my cunt looks like from your prospective.” “Pig,” he said with a smile, “your phone in your pocket?” “Yeah.” He walked over to where my clothes were and pulled my phone out. He snapped a few shots of my whole body and then a couple of just my hole. I tried to make it wink wide for him as he did. He growled his approval. “Right, now to keep that hole nice and loose.” He picked the plug up again, lubed it up and pressed it into my hole. Then he connected a strap to my cage that went around my waist to which he connected another strap that ran between my legs and connected to the waist band and my cage. “Now that won’t fall out while you’re walking out” He snapped a few more pics before returning my phone to my pile of clothes. “Alright boy,” he said as he helped me out of the sling, “I’ll let Sir know how well you did and that you deserve a little bit of a rest. Three hours in my sling will take it out of anyone let alone a boy on his first day. There will be a car waiting downstairs, it will take you home. The instructions I am to give you are this,” he grabbed his phone and read them off, “Continue to film yourself drinking all your piss loads today. Do not remove your new plug for anything but cock. Your next official appointment is not until tonight but there maybe surprise tasks thrown in. Rest up. As before if you find that you are too horny and cannot wait use Scruff and find someone to breed your cunt, but you must film it.”
    3 points
  8. Who would be your fantasy porn star? For me it would def be PigBoy Ruben. He's type is so rough and punk, I love his tattoos, big chain, bratty attitude. I'd give a lot to have him breed me, shit his cum must be so good to have inside. The way he fucks with no mercy, just use the hole and rough it up, wow. I'd want him to spit on me and spank me, have him grace me with his mighty dick.
    2 points
  9. I don't have a moral compass - always up for anything. At about 11 pm, I got a message on Grindr asking to come over for cuddles. I go along. Matt - 40, white, runner's build, hairy, black hair, brown eyes, handsome - opens the door, looking all cute in his spex and jumper with yellow geeky socks and cute underwear showing a big bulge. I follow him to the bedroom, a bit surprised that the main room's door is closed. After about half hour of kissing and cuddles, Matt asks if I would like some G and T. We are in our underwear and socks by then, trying to keep warm in November cold. Me: You don't mean Gin and Tonic, do you? Matt: Haha, no. I meant GHB and methamphetamine. They get you high. Me: Sure - sounds fun. Matt: Cool. Let me get some from the kitchen. Oh, and by the way, my roommate is there in the living room with his friends. Don't worry they are just chilling and won't be an issue. Me: Cool. Matt gets the stuff. Matt: Here, drink this. It will taste awful, but will feel good. cheers Matt: This is a waterpipe. I will heat up the T and you need to suck as much as possible Me: Haha, suck as much as I can, eh? (I say brushing his chest) Matt: *chuckles* Here you go I suck in for a while, chest puffed up. I exhale and say, "interesting" Matt: What? Me: I can feel something, not sure what. I am sort of controlling so I usually end up drinking loads for me to be buzzed haha. Matt: Just take a few more, it will be fine. Trust me. I am here He smiles his cute smile. I cannot believe a guy as cute as him is standing next to me, smiling, half naked. I take a deep breath, and do a couple of more puffs. Matt: How do you feel? Me: Good. A bit swirly. Want to get on bed? Matt: Yea. Let me blow a few clouds too. He does a few, and gives me more. I start kissing him deep. Tongues deep in his mouth, sloppy wet kisses, I moan and feel his butt Our cocks getting hard and rubbing each other. I become brave and reach inside his underwear and give his cock a hard squeeze. I let out a moan as he moans, feeling his beercan. He takes my hand out and I look at him questioningly. Me: All ok? I am so fucking horny now man. Look. I point at my boner Matt: yea. Just thinking how to make this better. I think we should slam. Me: eh? Matt: Inject T. Its so much better than smoking. Me: Umm...I don't know. Is it safe? Matt: Yea, just fun man. I know how to do it. We don't have to do it, but I would like it if we do. So, babe? Me: Sure. Matt: Yay! I will get them ready. He takes a few syringes out and opens them. Fills them up with the powdered T. Tells me he will give me a 0.2 and he will do a 0.4. Me: You might as well give me 0.4. I have handled it well so far right? Matt: Sure! He asks me to hold my arm out. Ties a tornique. Asks me to close my eyes. Matt: Sharp Scratch. And its done. He releases my torniquet and asks me to raise my hand up and put pressure on my elbow. Me: wow. I definitely feel something. Matt: No cough? That's impressive. Sure its your first time? I am speaking quickly now, chattery. Me: Told yea...mmmhmm....mmhmm...controlling.... My hands are wanking my cock. Matt: Ok Hold still for just a min. I do as I told. Matt: Haha don't shake your leg and take a deep breath. I do so. Matt slams me on my other arm all of his. Me: FUCK! I start breathing heavily. Body shaking. Sweating. My hearing goes robotic. Vision blurry. Matt: Feels good? Me: yea. I donnow. You want to have sex? I say, playing with my nipples. Matt: Sure - I will be back in a min. I have to do mine. I lay on the bed on my fours. I hear a few coughs from the living room. My brain trying to control and make sense of it. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, reminding myself to enjoy this. I feel energetic waves just travelling all over my body. My cock is leaking prekum. I take my underwear off and spit on my hands and rub it on my crotch. I keep moving - holding still is not an option. We need to do something. Matt comes in and leaves the door open. His expression crazy and eyes wide too. He comes on the bed, slaps my ass, falls on top of me and starts kissing me. Arms around my neck. Matt: I am going to make you a little piggy babe Me: Mmhmmm. MMhmmmm. Yea. MMm ...Fuck. I cannot mmhmmm mhmm hold still mhmm...Is this normal mm hmm mhmmm..? Matt: Yea babe. Once you are busy your mind will shut up. How about you get on your 4s and suck me? Me: Sure I turn around so quick. My ass sticking out in the air facing the door. I start sucking Matt's big beercan cock. I slap it around my face a bit and look at him. He looks back and slaps my face slightly. Then he holds my face and shoves his full 10" in my mouth and holds me there. I try and revolt but his grip is hard. A slap on my ass distracts me. He lets me go and my face is smeared with saliva and his precum. He holds my face again and this time makes me go slowly on his cock. I come up for air. We kiss. Matt: Lets give you another G. Me: Sure. I gulp it down. Matt: You trust me? Me: I smile and say yes. We kiss again. He stands on the other edge of the bed. I go down on him again, ass up in the air facing the door. He keep slapping my ass. Then he holds my face tight and as I struggle, I feel something cold and burning at the same time in my ass. My hands are pinned down and by this time my ass is on fire. He releases me, slaps my face with his cock. Me: Whh...mm..at? Matt just smiles. And a big cock shoves inside my ass. I moan and he shoves his cock up in my face. I moan. He lets his cock out of my mouth. Matt: You don't mind that my friends have sex with us do you? The guy behind me, Aaron, is fucking me super hard at this point. Me: You ...mhmmm. should have...mm.....oh yea....all good....mmm... My hands are released and I put them down and just enjoy and let out moans as I am fucked. Aaron pulls out, and after a few seconds I feel a bigger, thicker cock in. I look up and see Aaron for the first time - 35, jock, smooth, and his 8" smelling of my ass. Aaron: Hi slut Me: Mmhmmm. Hey. Aaron: Suck my cock bitch. Matt has started to fuck me super hard, opening my hole. Laughing and calling me his boi. This goes on for a while. They stop, turn me around. And smile. Matt: Feel good? Me: Yea. Fucking my hole is on fire. My mmhm..head is spinning mmhmm. And I want mmhmmm to be fucked please mmhmm - deep, hard, bad, rough. Fuck. Aaron: Good boy. You will do anything we say won't you boy? Me: Yes please. I start to finger myself. Matt: Haha, little slut. Here, drink some juice. I gulp down a glass. Matt: Let's take him to the living room. Aaron helps me up. Bends me over quickly. Shoves his cock in at once and takes it out. Puts a plug in. And then drags me to the living room. Matt: Gents, this is our slut for tonight. Twice slammed. Once booty bumped. And he would like to be fucked. I look at everyone, and try to smile. Wipe my forehead. Aaron keeps firm at the plug. One of the young boys there, 20, skinhead, throws me a towel. Pete: Name's pete. First time high? Me: Mmhmmm Pete: Like it? Me: mmhmm..Yes Pete: Want my cock? He wacks out his 9" thick cock from his shorts and slaps it in his hand. Me: Yes please. Pete: Get on the sling! I notice at the other end there is a sling. I had only seen it in porn till then. Aaron and Matt help me on the sling and don;t let me take the plug out. The oldest man there, Paul, gets up and takes his shorts off. Paul: Destroy him? *smirking to the other 3* They nod yes. Paul: Boy, you are going to get your ass gaping tonight. My eyes go wide. Trying to make sense and protest. Paul: You know you got fucked bare right? Without a condom? I gasp and try and get off the sling. Aaron and Pete hold me. Me: Oh mmhmm...shit...mhmmm..I am ..mhmm...neg...Are you mhmmm? Paul: Yes, we all are. Me: Mmhmm....oh phew! Mmmhmm...condoms now? Matt: Babe, you want one more slam? Me: I mhmmm...don;t know......you decide mhmmm.... Matt: Aaron, Pete - you slam this slut. Pete and I will lube his ass up. Matt hands me a drink. Here, drink. Pete helps while I gulp it down. Aaron and Pete slam me together. I cough and my eyes roll. All voices become blurry and I my hole feels so warm. I let out a giant moan. Me: Fuck me please. I hear a few laughs. A few coughs. My head is spinning and all I know is that my body is on fire and all I want is to be fucked. Paul, Pete, Aaron and Matt all start to piss on me - Aaron on my head and body, Pete in my mouth, Matt and Paul on my ass. Their piss goes in as the plug has openings on both sides. Me: Oh fuck. In the background, I hear - smile, you are on camera bitch. All I know is my my head is in grips in Aaron's hands and I am sucking his cock. Someone is playing with my nipples - pulling them. And that the plug is out and my ass is being fucked hard. This lasts a while, the cocks in my ass and mouth replaced as they take turn. They pull me off the sling, put me on my hands and knees. I am licking someone's feet and there is more piss. My face is yanked up and down as they like and a cock is shoved in my throat - it all tastes bitter. Matt finally comes beneath me and kisses me. Someone's cock is completely inside me and we stop moving. He looks at me and says: Matt: Good cuddles? Me: *Trying to make sense of it all, body on fire, loving the cocks* Yea ...mhmmm...different....but feels so ....nnhmmm...dirty Matt: Should we stop? Me: No Please. Matt: Good boy. You wanted to be a slut, didn;t you? Me: Yea..mhmm..I guess. Paul slaps my ass. Me: Yes. Matt: I knew it. We are going to take care of you boy. You don't want us to stop right? Me: No. Matt: Even if we want to fuck you without condoms? Me: mmhmm...guess its ok.....mhmm...you are all neg....mhmmm Matt: We can stop. Me: No, mhmm...is ok. Matt: Good slut. You care that we have pissed on you? Me: It...mhmnn...was bitter....and my ass...is burning...mhmmmm.But it made my head spin. Matt: You will do what we say, yes? Me: Yes sir. Matt: You want your hole open? Me: yes sir Matt: You want raw cock, don;t you? Me: mhmmm Matt: You don't? Me: I guess.. Matt: Say it slut. He chokes my throat and Paul slaps my ass hard. Tears come out of my eyes Me: mmmhmmm I .... Pete: Let's make this boy a bitch. Aaron and Pete slam me again and I just start to shake and give in Me: Please let's fuck Matt: You want raw cock? Me: Yes please let's fuck Matt: Good slut Aaron hands me a drink. Pete goes and pisses on my ass and Paul comes and starts to fuck my face. Matt and Pete both put their cocks in my ass. I moan and scream but Paul holds my head and pisses down my throat. Matt;s hands are on my nipples and Aaron is helping stretch my ass. I am double fucked in turns, Matt's cock always in me. Me groaning like a wild animal. Me: MMhmm..Yea..Fuck me...yea.. Paul: Fucking bottom slut Pete: Bareback whore My ass is red Me: Fuck me...mmhmm...yea Matt: What do you want? Me: I want more cocks in me. Fuck me..mhhmm...harder...faster...mmhmmm Matt: There's my slut. Say it into the camera Me: Fuck me..mhmm..please Fuck my hole. Fuck me bareback please Matt: Yea? Bareback slut? Me: Yes please? I start moving but they hold me and pull out. They get me on the sofa on my back. Paul sitting on my face with his cock. Aaron starts to put fingers in while Matt holds my cheeks apart and Pete is filming. Pete: Yea, he is a slut all right. Filthy little fucker. PIggy going to take his first fist I don't even say anything. I keep trying to take more of Paul's cock in my face. He pulls out and slaps my face with his cock. Sits besides me and makes me sniff his pits and lick them. Then he makes me lick his man hole. Then he stops and holds my head in a grip and says Paul: The camera needs to see your twisted face, slut Me: I look at the camera Paul: You like being a bareback slut? Me: Mmhmm..yea...please don't stop. Matt: We are going to fist you boy. With that, Aaron starts to push deep. I moan and writhe. Paul holds me down. Aaron pulls out and pushes back in. Making a swish sound. He does that over and over. I moan and writhe. Pete keeps the cam on my face and asks me to keep looking at it. Aaron goes gentler this time. Paul is holding my legs back and Matt is still holding my cheeks apart. Matt spanks me hard all of a sudden and Aaron's fist goes in. I let out a moan and try and arch my back but Paul holds me down. Aaron keeps still. Matt lets go and starts to piss all over my cock, lifting my ass up slightly so it goes in above Aaron's fist. I lose it and make nonsensical noises. And Aaron takes it out and pushes back in again with force. I keep making noises. Paul: He is flying hard. Look at the boy. He smiles and kisses me. They turn me around. Put me on my fours. Pete sits in front of me. Aaron handles the camera. Matt and Paul behind me - starting to stretch my ass and putting few fingers each. Pete starts to call me a faggot slut and slap my face with his foot. he starts to use my mouth to clean himself - his feet, legs, ass, hole, cock, balls, pits, lips. Paul and Matt keep stretching and have 4 fingers each in me at this point. They take it out and Aaron slides down so his feet are on my face. Matt lies down so his crotch is touching Aaron's crotch and his face between Aaron's. Paul and Pete help me up so I can squat. They push me down and pull my cheeks as they are doing so so both of their cocks are up my ass. I let out a scream and Pete shoves his cock in my face. Pulls me so now I am holding him by the legs. My knees are almost on the sofa. Both cocks in me. And I feel Paul trying to put his in. I shake my head. Me: Mmhmm....no please. Pete slaps my face. Pete: You are a slut boy, you will do as told. Me: Mhmmm...Hurts ...mhmm.please Matt and Aaron push me off them and I fall on my stomach on the sofa. They slap my ass hard and get up. Time for a break!
    2 points
  10. With a big nod to Scottyrim’s story “Steamroom.” ____________________________________________________ When I entered the steam room, the hot moist air billowed around me and then settled down again as I eased the door shut behind me. I looked around me and saw two young guys were sitting on the right side platform and they were jerking each other. On the left side, two guys were sitting towards the back. The two young guys were rather well built,but the the two on the left looked a bit gaunt and wasted. I knew what that meant, although I had to admit that they still looked kind of handsome. I sat near the two guys on the right and attempted to join in their play but they made it plain that my participation was unwelcome, so I sat quietly for a while, enjoying the stress-relieving heat. As I looked around the room, my eyes kept returning to the two guys in the opposite corner. Each time I looked, their eyes were gazing at me steadily. Neither hostile, nor friendly, they just seemed kind of curious as they looked back at me. I smiled nervously and this got their smiles in return. One of them, he was the shorter of the two at about 5’10”, got up and came over to where I was sitting on the wooden platform. He had a very nice cock, somewhat swollen from all the heat. It waggled temptingly back and forth as he crossed the room, making it impossible not to stare at it. “See anything you like?” he asked. I was too tongue-tied to respond. “I do,” he continued, and with that he reached out, put his hands on my bare shoulders and pushed me flat onto my back. My legs were still hanging over the edge, bent at the knees, so that my toes were just brushing the floor. Then he leaned over and started gently manipulating my cock. I was getting charged up and it felt amazingly good. I didn’t know what to think. My mind was racing. This guy was pushing all the right buttons but he was clearly in the grip of the virus. I knew that what we were doing was safe but it somehow seemed to be going awfully fast. I knew we should stop at some point but I could not clearly figure out what that point was going to be. All I knew was that I was getting hotter and hotter and it wasn’t the steam. He kept stroking, squeezing and tugging my dick, rolling it in his hand and gently pinching the head. My eyes closed, and my head began rolling around with my mouth agape. The massage stopped and I felt a hand gently grip my chin. I opened eyes and looked up as he turned my head towards him. I saw that he had moved up along my body, walked around the end of the platform and was now right next to my head. “You like that, don’t you?” With that he leaned over me and his cock swung forward and hovered over my still open mouth. He gazed at me calmly and said, “There’s something you can do for me!” I shook slightly as a thrill or shiver ran through my body. “Relax! Everything’s gonna be okay.” With that, he smiled and lowered his cock into my open mouth. I moaned in surprise and fear as well as sheer lust. He repeated, “It’s gonna be okay.” Now, I’m a born cocksucker so my mouth knew what to do. I suckled on the head, then moved up and down his growing shaft. I felt his hand return to fondling my dick, but when I twisted my neck to look down there I was shocked to see that his friend had taken over that task. I hadn’t even heard him get up and join us. He nudged his way between my knees. When he suddenly widened his stance my legs were spread apart. His cock was fully erect, not too thick, but about eight inches in length. At this moment I knew I was in great danger. Here I was with two men clearly infected by the bug. One was see-sawing his cock in and out of my mouth, and the other was standing between my legs, his hard cock already starting to drip toxic pre-cum. The two young guys opposite had ceased their play and were silently staring at the unfolding scene with a mixture of wonder and horror. They could see that I was in trouble. With the stranger’s dick in my mouth I couldn’t do much more than utter moans which could have meant anything. I gazed at them with mute appeal. Could they possibly save me from this situation? With relief I saw that one of them jumped up and hurriedly left the steam room. Help would be here soon, I thought, until he suddenly returned alone. He had gone to retrieve his phone so that he could capture the events on video. Despite my fears, I was also consumed by sexual need. These two men had seduced me, with hardly a word being spoken, and now I was teetering on the verge of the unthinkable. I looked up. The first guy smiled reassuringly. I could tell from his unwavering expression that there was no chance of stopping them. Some part of me had already surrendered to their will. It was simply understood that I was going to bottom for them. Here and now, with the other two as witnesses. The taller of the two gaunt men began to nudge into me with his cock. “Uh-uh!” said the shorter man. “Today, I go first!” With that, he changed places with his friend. As he entered me, my toes began to flex and curl as the flash from the phone camera lit up the room.
    2 points
  11. I tell them I'm fucking them bare and I'm not pulling out when I cum. If there is an issue, we don't fuck.
    2 points
  12. The only good thing about being a Mall Santa - beyond the extra pay check and the opportunity to take some time off being a bouncer at the bar - was the eye candy. Sure, brats leapt onto my lap (and more than a few managed to kick me in the balls doing so) and sure sometimes there's barf and there's a hell of a lot of crying, but some of the young dads are hot, but this year's prize definitely went to one of the elves. I'd never see him at my other job as there was no way he'd step into something as untrendy as the bear bar, but I got to see him just fine in his tight green elf pants (which were more like shiny spandex or yoga wear than actual 'pants'). And, before he put on his overly long elf jacket, I could see he was slender, sported some sharp little nipples which looked to be perfectly edible. Naturally he was a dirty blond, had soft brown doe eyes and even had dimples. He was the best damn thing I'd ever worked with - except for the attitude. I hated his attitude. See, he was a snob, an effete twink who knew he was cute and liked to drop comments into conversation to make sure we all knew who was looking at him (and that he'd noticed.) Once he found out I was gay, something I let drop casually to see if it would shut him up, it changed in tone, but his remarks were no less obnoxious, if anything, his remarks were even more unpleasant. For example I remember he said "I bet it's nice not having to worry about your gut, y'know, being a bear and all" and “I work really hard to stay this healthy and it’s a lot of work" and "It's gotta be hard to be around all the younger guys, eh? They probably blow right by you" and "I'm sure the bear community is interesting, I guess, but I'd get bored with all that flannel and denim." Stuff like that. Still, as flaws went, it wasn't insurmountable. I liked young fellows with attitude; I liked to put them in their place and drill it out of them, and as for his mouth? Well, I had gags aplenty at home. As for his crack about how hard it was to stay healthy, I had something hard I’d love to introduce him to, and damn the consequences. To him, anyway. Being Santa, I got to give the elves names, and he had no choice but to answer to Twinkie when we worked together, although his name was Parker, and I made sure to make him do any of the lifting - if only because I liked to watch him bend over, as only then would his coat slide up enough to show of his firm round ass. "Shouldn't you do this?" he'd ask, grunting lifting up the boxes of candy canes and little toys we handed out to the kids, trying to goad me on by adding "Aren't you supposed to be a big strong muscle bear under that costume?" It was said with mild contempt, and I could definitely hear it. "Oh I can lift," I replied in a low voice into his ear as he passed by, "...but I prefer to shove." He stumbled, and nearly dropped the box. His eyes widened, as I put my Santa beard on over my actual short beard, and of course I smiled at him. "What?" he asked. I smiled wider. "You heard me. We bears don't mind getting rough. Especially when there's good reason." I let my eyes trail up and down his slender form and then put on my hat and left the little changing area in Santa's village to go to my throne. When Twinkie showed up a few minutes later, he was a little more polite than usual at first, though he was back to his usual self by the end of the shift. The next afternoon, he dropped another obnoxious comment, "It's hard to find guys who care enough about personal grooming. All that hair, ick!" I waited patiently until there were no kids around and nodded at the red and over-sized white striped pole that was near the candy canes were stuffed in an open sack. "Hey Twinkie, give my pole a good rub-down." He blinked at me, obviously not accustomed to being on the defensive, and in a shaken voice asked "What?" I gestured to the North Pole. "It's dusty. Rub it down. I'm sure you know how. It's not complicated." He blushed, but I was the boss, so he grabbed some paper towel and a bottle of cleaner and started to clean it up. "That's right," I said, pitching my voice to him as I walked past on my way to the throne. "Get it just wet enough. You don't want it too slick, or you'll never get it off." I squeezed his shoulder, and felt him shiver beneath me. I watched him work, and he didn't meet my gaze at all, and just before he was done, I saw him put his hand in his pocket and adjust himself. I smiled behind my Santa beard. This was going to be fun. I went in to full gear with him. Anytime Twinkie was alone with Santa, even if it was just a few seconds between kids, I'd find a way to drop a suggestive comment into the mix. "So what would you like Santa to shove through your chimney, Twinkie?" or "You want to suck on something? I got something right here." (And with that I would hand him a candy cane) or "Is your costume okay? You keep tugging at it" and "Santa could definitely use some warm buns - the pole sure is chilly." I'd grab his shoulder and squeeze when I could, and before long he was flustered and clumsy. Here was a boy who'd never had an older daddy bear chasing after him, and he had no idea what to do. His first few attempts at banter fell a little flat, and when I turned his comments into further innuendo, he fell quieter each time, just blushing and going about his day. "I'm pretty sure Santa would bring you any toy you'd like, Twinkie. You want to reach in and see what he's for you?" He blushed redder. "I bet elf-ears make great grips." This made him nearly trip. When we were changing after our shift on the last weekend before Christmas, he kept his back to me, and I admired his firm buns. When he tugged his jeans on over his elf tights I let out a little chuckle, and he flinched. When he put on his jacket and turned to leave, he saw I'd shucked down to my wifebeater and jeans, and I caught him looking at my wide chest and thick arms. "You see something you want for Christmas?" I asked him. He shook his head, blushed again, and said he'd see me Christmas Eve. "Sure thing, Twinkie," I said. "And I've got a present for you, too." He looked up, and I smiled at him in a way that made his whole body shiver. He moved to leave and I stepped in front of him just enough to make him hesitate. "Excuse me," he said. I smiled again. "I thought twinks just blow right by bears like me." He bit his lip, and had to slide by me. I let my hand brush his thigh and the back of his ass, and he let out a little breath as he escaped. I laughed loud enough for him to hear, and then got changed. Christmas Eve there were four of us working, and I brought each of the other elves a present to take home – Twinkie eyed his nervously – and when the long day finally ended, I turned to the other two and said, “You two can go ahead. I’ll give Twinkie a ride.” If they noticed his discomfort, they didn’t care – he’d made no friends of any of the six of us he worked with with his initial attitude – and they left as soon as they could. I watched Parker open up a box to put the last of the toys and candy canes in while the mall announced it was closing. “You make sure that whatever goes in goes in tight, Twinkie,” I said, and he bit his lip, working silently. We pulled down most of the more portable bits, and after a half-hour or so, I nodded. We were still in costume. “Okay,” I said. “The mall maintenance crew will do the rest before opening on Boxing day. Come on,” I said. My little elf followed quietly into the small room behind the throne, and I pulled off my beard and hat, waiting for it. I started to undo the buttons on my Santa jacket before he finally said something. He’d taken off the elf jacket – I could see his slim body trembling a bit in his plain white t-shirt and those tight elf pants and stupid curly-toed shoes. “Where’s my bag?” I feigned looking around. “Maybe one of the other elves took it?” He looked at me. “Please.” I smiled. “Let me look in Santa’s sack.” I made a show of looking in it, then said. “Nope, no clothes in there. Hey – check your present out. I know I said it was for later, but open it now.” He glanced around, then went to the box I’d wrapped and marked for Twinkie. He pulled it open quickly – he was a tearer, I noted – and then opened the lid. “You like it?” I asked, smiling. “You could wear that.” It was a green jock strap – the same colour as his elf costume – and across the waist I’d had “Twinkie” embroidered. He looked up at me. “Look,” he said, but his voice cracked a bit. “I’m sorry about all the stuff I said... You’re a nice guy.” I smirked. “No I’m not. I’m not nice at all, Twinkie. But I think you like that. Or at least, your dick does, if that semi you’re sporting is any indication.” He bit his lip, and I took a step toward him. “Tell you what, Twinkie. Maybe you should get changed, and sit on Santa’s lap, and tell him what you want for Christmas.” “I want my bag,” he said, but his voice had even more of a tremble to it now than before. “Then ask Santa,” I said, and smiled at him, pulling off the jacket and dropping it to the floor. The wifebeater I wore underneath was a bit damp from the work we’d been doing. I turned the only chair in the small room around, and sat on it, spreading my legs a little and crossing my arms. He looked at me for a long time – I imagine he was trying to stare me down – but I just held his gaze and smiled. Finally, shaking even more, he started to walk toward me. “No no no,” I said, raising one hand. I let my arm flex, and I saw his eyes shift to look. Oh, this was too easy. “You need to get dressed up for Santa.” He froze. “I...” “You want to ask Santa for a present, don’t you?” I smiled, and stretched my arms over and behind my head until my back cracked. He winced at the noise. Then he nodded. I watched him shuffle back to the box he’d unwrapped, and then he turned his back to pull his t-shirt over his head. I laughed low in my throat, and he flinched again. The smooth skin at small of his back emphasized his narrow waist. I laughed again when he kicked off his elf shoes and then hurriedly peeled off his elf tights in one quick motion and stumbled a bit trying to put on the jockstrap as quickly as he could. I got a great view of his lean legs and his round ass cheeks, as pert and tight as I imagined, especially when he bent over to step into the strap. I caught a glimpse of his balls, too – he had low-hangers – and was unsurprised to see no hair on him anywhere. He stood there, facing the wall, just breathing. “Come on over, Twinkie,” I said. He took a deep breath, and turned around. The bulge in his jock-strap made it obvious that despite his mild protest, he was definitely reacting to the situation. His stomach was as smooth as I imagined, and his chest was lean and fit. His nipples were as small and as sharp as I’d imagined, and I couldn’t help but leer at him. He approached slowly, and I made a grand show of patting my thighs. He shifted awkwardly in front of me, and then started to sit down across my thighs. I wrapped one thick arm under his and with a quick tug I pulled him into my lap, where – no doubt – he could feel my already obvious hard-on pressed between his wonderful ass cheeks. He shifted, and I wrapped both of my arms around him and squeezed. “Well hello, Twinkie,” I said, and he ducked his head a little, his hands gripping tightly in his lap, obviously trying to cover his arousal. I put my lips to his ear. “Have you been naughty or nice?” He looked up at me, his brown eyes wide. “What?” I raised one eyebrow. “You know how this works, Twinkie. First Santa asks if you’ve been naughty or nice.” I let go of him just long enough to wrap my arms back around him and squeeze, pinning his own arms against his chest. He was sitting across my lap, his legs over the side of my chair, and squeezing him pulled his face more toward my chest. I squeezed again. “Now, Twinkie, have you been naughty or nice?” “I...” He swallowed. “I’ve been nice.” I laughed, and it wasn’t a ho-ho-ho. “Oh, Twinkie. Santa has a list, and he knows you’ve been naughty.” I slid my left hand across his chest, and pinched one of his pert little nipples. He yelped, and squirmed in my lap. It made me growl low in my chest, and my dick grew harder. I looked at his jock, and saw he was definitely squirming in a good way, too. “Naughty or nice?” I repeated, rubbing his nipple again. “Naughty,” he said. I laughed again. “Good boy, Twinkie,” I said. “Now, you know what happens when you’re nice?” He swallowed. “I get a present?” I nodded, and squeezed again. “Very good, Twinkie. Now what do you think happens when you’re naughty?” He closed his eyes for a second, and I shifted just enough to grind my hard-on against his butt. He squirmed again, and it felt just as good. “N-n-no,” he wavered. “Santa gets the present,” I said, and with that I slid my left hand down his back and let one finger slide between those delightfully round ass cheeks just a bit. He let out a yelp, and tried to slide off my lap. I held him long enough to let him know I could have made him stay on my lap, then let go. He slid off, but I moved my hands to his shoulders and pushed hard enough to make him sit down at my feet. He looked up at me. “Time to give my pole a rub-down, Twinkie,” I said, and undid the broad flap on the Santa pants. His eyes locked on my crotch as I unfolded the pants open, and revealed the black jock strap I was wearing underneath. “Then I can have my bag?” he asked. I liked this – he was agreeing already, in his own way. “Then you can ask for your bag,” I agreed. He leaned forward, and lifted a hesitant hand. I reached out and took his wrist and pressed it against my hard dick. He rubbed it, applying a little pressure, and kept his eyes away from mine. I chuckled, and he looked at me. “I’ve seen you do better. You know better. Rub it down, boy.” He bit his lip, but shifted forward between my legs – which I spread a bit wider for him – and then he used both hands to pull my dick free of the jockstrap pouch, tucking it to the side. I’m sure the thick hair bugged him, but he wrapped his hand around my shaft and gave my dick another tug. He watched the foreskin tighten, and then gave it another tug. I got harder, and my cockhead started to peek out on his down strokes. “Now get it just wet enough, Twinkie.” His brown eyes met mine for the briefest of moments before he looked down again. His hand shook on my hard dick, and I exhaled long and loud. “Come on, Twinkie. You want to ask Santa, don’t you?” He leaned forward, moved one hand to my thigh, and then opened his mouth to suck my dick. When his lips wrapped around my cock, I let out a contented rumble, and leaned back in the chair. He was breathing quickly, and I had the urge to grab the back of his head and shove him down until I was in his throat. I resisted. Barely. He bobbed his head down a bit, and I groaned. The elf was a decent cocksucker, it turned out. I shouldn’t be surprised. The loud ones are always the ones gagging for a dick. After he sucked for a few strokes, I couldn’t resist putting a hand on his head, and though he tensed, he didn’t pull away. After a few more strokes, his tongue licking my dick and him getting used to my thick cock, I tightened my hold on his hair and lifted off the chair a bit to meet his sucking with a short thrust. He gagged a bit, but I held him firm as his hands gripped my red cloth pants. “Yeah, Twinkle, that’s not bad. You’re doing good, boy.” He slurped and sucked and sometimes gagged a bit, until finally, when I was good and hard, I pulled him away from my dick with a quick jerk. His brown eyes were watery with tears from when he’d gagged a bit. I looked down at him, and he bit his lip when I tugged his hair tighter. “Please..?” he said. “What’s that, Twinkle?” I asked, amused. “Can I have my bag?” I smiled down at him. “You don’t ask from down there, boy,” I said, shaking my head. “You know better than that, boy. Back onto my lap. And ask properly.” He shivered, and his eyes widened for a moment. “What?” I spread my legs a little wider, and slapped my red-cloth-covered thighs. My cock stood tall and proud – I’d put on a cock-ring before work for just this moment. Parker swallowed, but he rose shakily, and once again tried to sit sideways across my lap. “No no no,” I said, and grabbed his waist, turning him to face me. I slid my legs between his, one at a time, and then pulled at his waist until he slid forward and crouched over my dick. He sat down with a whimper, and I felt my cock pressed between those luscious round cheeks. His face was right in front of mine, flushed and awkward. He stared at my chest. I wrapped my arms around him again, and rocked him back and forth a bit, my cock sliding along his crack. “Now then,” I said, leaning ahead and putting my beard right against his ear. “Do you have a question for Santa, Twinkle?” “Can I have my bag?” he asked. “Hrm,” I said, and shifted my weight under him, rubbing my dick between his ass cheeks again. “Santa will let you reach into his bag, since you’ve admitted to being naughty. Let’s start with that.” Parker tensed, and I leaned over – more wonderful friction between my dick and his sweet cheeks – and I glanced down to see a telltale wet-spot on the front of his green jockstrap. His dick was very hard. I pulled up the bag and held it just a little out of his reach. He leaned over to get it, and I shifted just-so underneath him, rubbing my dickhead across his pucker for a moment. He let out a little whimper, and I smiled and let him reach into the bag. He pulled out a smaller bag, one of a few I’d put in there, and he held it in one hand. I slid my hands back to his waist and pulled him back onto my lap again, grinding my dick up between his cheeks and pulling him even closer to my stomach and chest. He undid the knot on the bag with trembling fingers, holding the small red bag over my stomach and then reaching inside and pulling out the first of the two items – a small bottle of lube. He swallowed. “There’s more, Twinkie,” I said, and took the little bottle from him. He reached in again, and pulled out the ball gag. I could tell at once he had no idea what it was, and I smiled at him. “It’s to stop naughty boys from saying naughty things,” I said, and he bit his lip frowning at the rubber ball and straps. “Please, I... I’ll be nice...” I smiled, and took the ball gag from his fingers with my free hand. I pressed it against his lips, and he whimpered before opening his mouth. I pushed it in, and then put the small bottle of lube in my mouth while I took the straps of the ball gag and tied them around the back of Parker’s head. I took the lube from my mouth and smiled at the young man. His eyes were wide. “That’s much better,” I said. “Can’t say naughty things, can you?” He made a noise, and I smiled even wider. “You know, I think Santa’s pole isn’t as wet as it needs to be. Don’t you agree, Twinkie?” Parker whimpered as I uncapped the lube and squirted some onto my open hand. When I reached behind him with the hand that held the bottle and tugged him up and off my dick, he pressed against my stomach and chest, shaking as he spread his thighs and balanced on his knees in a half-crouch over me – it wasn’t a position he could keep for long. I rubbed my lubed hand against my dick, then started to stroke my fingers up between the young man’s ass cheeks, pouring more of the cool liquid onto my fingers and giving his pucker a little prod with my finger tips. Parker’s hands gripped my shoulders and he was breathing in little puffy breaths, his knees shaking against my thighs, propped up against me. I moved my head a little and found his little pointed left nipple with my mouth and gave him a little bite. Ah, his nipples were sensitive, as was his little twink rosebud. Perfect. I sucked on his nipple. The noise he made into the gag was music to my ears. I pushed a little harder with my fingertip, and he pushed back against me, unable to help himself and still perched half up on his knees. “Oh, Twinkle,” I said, freeing his left nipple and sliding my mouth across his chest to the other side. “I think you want to be nice for Santa, don’t you? Very nice indeed...” He shivered again, but when I gave his right nipple a stronger bite, his whole body shook and the groaned into the ball-gag and my fingertip slipped into his pucker. I rubbed at him for a few moments while I chewed on him, and he groaned and writhed against me, his legs now quaking with the effort to stay upright against me. His hands gripped at my shoulders, now a bit damp with sweat, and I growled as I bit and sucked and licked at his nipple. I slid my finger further into him, prodding a little further, and he groaned again. Enough. I pulled my finger free – he let out a small moan into the rubber ball. I dropped the lube, gripped my dick, and reached up to the back of his neck and pulled him back down, aiming my cock upright between those pert round ass cheeks, right at his pucker. He cried out into the ball-gag, but gravity was against him, not to mention a big bear with a strong arm. He sank onto my dick and I felt that tight bubble butt open for my cock a few inches. He tried to brace himself against my shoulders again, and his head hung, his eyes clenched shut, while he grunted and groaned into the ball-gag. He was crouched, half-buried on my cock, his lean thighs shaking with the effort. “Oh, fuck yes,” I growled, and gave him a little buck. He cried out into the gag again, and squirmed on my dick, which only made my cock go in deeper. He whimpered and I pulled on him again. “Come on, boy,” I said. “You know you want Santa’s dick... that’s a bear dick sliding into you, boy...” I bucked again, and he cried out again, his legs shaking, and another inch of my cock slid inside him. He was so fucking tight. His voice was perfect now that it was silenced by the rubber ball-gag. “Oh, that’s a nice boy,” I growled. “Santa wants you to side down on his lap, and then you can ask him again, like a good boy...” Parker whimpered into the ball-gag, but his legs were shaking from his awkward crouch, and his ass was sending his brain the feedback that all good bottom boys get when there’s a dick half-way up their hole. He sat down on my dick, his cheeks speared on my dick, and his own dick hard and poking out now from the pouch of his green jock. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing in sharp puffs from his nose, still crouched above me, his calves now bearing his weight but his legs still half-bent in a squat. “Look at Santa, boy,” I said. He opened his eyes, and met my gaze. I nodded, and slid my hands down to his waist and gave him a sharp tug towards me. My cock ground around inside him, and his surprised yelp into the ball-gag made it obvious that my cock was rubbing him just right. Typical twink bottom boy – get some meat into him, and he just can’t help himself. “Okay, Twinkie. You want Santa to give you presents, don’t you, boy?” I tugged him toward me again, my cock hard and buried balls-deep up his ass. He groaned wildly, and nodded. I smiled, and ground my cock into him again, then reached over to my bag – not the Santa bag this time, but my own – and pulled out the cuffs I’d put in there. Parker didn’t notice at first, he was enjoying my dick rubbing him as I tilted, but when he saw the cuffs, his eyes widened. “First present, boy. Hands,” I demanded. He was shaking, but he held his hands out in front of him, obeying. I cuffed his wrists together, and then pulled his arms over my head, his cuffed hands now trapped behind my neck. Then, with no further pause, I started to jerk him towards me with rough tugs to his waist. He groaned and grunted, crying out, and I felt his hands twist and writhe behind my head. “Yeah, that’s a good present for you, boy, isn’t it?” I growled, and when he didn’t answer, I slapped his ass with my hand, hard. He yelped into the gag. “Isn’t it?” I asked again. He nodded, making inarticulate noises into the gag as I ground my dick in a slow circle inside him, rocking him to the left and the right. “Hold on, boy... This hairy bear has another present for you...” I gripped under his legs, and rose from the chair. My cock, buried in his tight pucker, must have speared him as I slowly rose to my feet, and he moaned, his arms tight around my neck, his back arching, and his legs wrapped around my waist. He was helpless, hung around my neck, impaled on my cock, and totally at the mercy of his ass, which was definitely clenching around my meat. He groaned and grunted as I managed to grip his ass in one hand to hold him in place while my other shucked the oversized red pants down. I stepped out of them in nothing but the black boots now, and then walked with the young man riding my dick all the way to the one solid wall of the little hut – the one built against the back of the escalators in the mall. I shoved him into the wall, and buried my dick into him hard. He cried out again. “Okay, you little shit,” I growled into his ear. “You’ve been a pain in my ass for weeks, and now I’m going to take it out on your ass in trade.” I slammed him again, burying myself deep. “With interest.” I pressed him against the wall, and used one hand to tug his head to the left, so I could rub my rough beard all over his smooth neck before giving him a rough bite and other three hard thrusts against the wall. Parker whimpered and moaned and cried out into the ball-gag. “Such a fucking whore, aren’t you?” I snarled. “High and mighty, but put a dick up your ass and you’re nothing but a chew-toy for the bear, aren’t you?” I squeezed his ass cheeks so tight it would bruise, and rammed him again. He cried out into the gag again and again. “Aren’t you?” He nodded over and over, agreeing as his skin grew wet with sweat. My wife-beater was getting wet with my own sweat, and I could smell us as I fucked him like the cheap little shit he was. “You ready for your last present, boy?” I snarled at him, reaching up and gripping his chin with one hand, and making him face me. His eyes were wide and they fluttered when I rammed him again and again, the friction magic with the lube and his tight hole. “Boy?” I growled. He nodded. I reached under him, and unsnapped the cockring. My balls ached with the urge to spunk inside him. Then I reached back up gripped the back of his head. I picked up my pace, ramming him ruthlessly. “Here’s your choice, boy,” I said, voice even. “You can let me breed you boy – fill you right up with my dirty bear cum and give you the gift that keeps on giving – or you can have your clothes back. Your choice.” His eyes widened as what I was saying made it to his foggy getting-fucked brain. I laughed when I realized it took him so long because he was so close to coming himself. “I’d say you’ve got about six or seven thrusts from this bear dick before you need to choose...” I undid the snaps on his ball gag and tugged on the ball-snapping it free. I rammed home again. And again. “Please!” he gasped. I rammed him again, grinding him against the wall. “Please what, boy?” “Oh!” he gasped, “Oh, oh fuck! Please! I need... I can’t...” I fucked him again, and his moan seemed to come from deep in his stomach. “What do you need? You need me to fuck you and fill you up, don’t you boy?” I rammed in hard. “Yes! I mean, oh, I mean...” His head slammed against the wall with every thrust, and reached up and gripped his head in both hands, spearing him against the wall with one last rough lunge as my balls unloaded deep into his boy-ass. His eyes never left mine, and he cried out as his own dick spurted between us, slick against his smooth stomach and rubbing into my damp wife-beater. I stayed buried inside him while my cock surged twice more, and then ground myself into him a little bit before I pulled away from the wall. His arms tightened around my neck, and he let out a little choked sob. “You want your clothes now, boy?” I asked him. My cock slid free from his ass, and I felt some of my sperm drip onto my thigh as he shifted to stand on his own feet, his arms still around my neck. I fingered his slick hole, and he whimpered a little. “What’s that?” I asked. “Yes please,” He said. I smiled. “Good boy. And then Santa will give you a ride back to his place. He’s gonna fill your chimney with presents all night long, boy. You like that idea, Twinkie? This bear is gonna tie you down and you’re going to learn how much you like a hairy man who can plow you so hard you’ll be begging to pass out. You want that for Christmas?” Parker looked at me, and swallowed hard. “Yes, sir.” I smiled. “I like your attitude.”
    2 points
  13. Ive been that bottom. Honestly not once did I not want the top to nut in me. I just knew from experience and conversation that he wanted me to protest. All the more hot. TOPS are built to breed. who am I to deny them their purpose?
    2 points
  14. It's just really depressing. I haven't bottomed in 6 months, despite chatting with hundreds of guys and getting nothing out of it. 95% of them vanish mid conversation and if they say they're available another time, I will never hear from them again. I feel like I'm the one who's chasing and trying to make things happen, but no one else does. This city has got to be the most sexually inactive place I've ever lived, which is strange considering how it's #1 in the nation for STD's. I have topped several times over the past 6 months, but it's just not really what I want. Too many damn bottoms chasing me all the time. I do have a nice dick for sure, but topping isn't REALLY what turns me on. I only did it just to do something. But seriously, 6 months is by FAR the longest period of time I have gone without bottoming, so I was really starting to wonder what the hell is going on here. It's just such a painful, depressing lull. I know that might sound weird, but I'm sorry, I have needs. And now I'm just feeling severely deprived because I've never been in this situation this long before. Ironically, this lull began shortly after I turned 35, which is why I wondered if it's age related. But I'm sure it's not, as others have mentioned. As I mentioned earlier though, I don't just fuck with anyone. I have to be attracted to them. If I did, I'd be having sex literally every day with a new guy. But I'm more of a quality over quantity kind of guy I guess. I try to keep my chin up and be optimistic that something will happen soon, but it's difficult.
    2 points
  15. Hi, Marty! It's hard for me to get worked up over a story that hasn't been written yet. How about you write a Part One for us? It doesn't have to be all that long. Just put in some of the key elements that make this idea hot for YOU! You'll find your fans then, I bet! I've always liked the idea of "unwilling" bottoms. Rape is one way to portray that & stealthing is another way. Check out my Activity on my Profile. I've done a bunch of stories. My bottoms either get seduced against their better judgement or their resistance is gently ignored. At the end, they find themselves pozzed.
    2 points
  16. Leatherpunk is coming out to you today. I am a bugchaser. I hope you all can accept me for what I am. Not actively pursuing it, but it's definitely there. And I get hard slowly as I type this. LOL I'm scared and excited at the same time. I don't often GET scared, so this must be big enough that I felt the need to say so. Somebody hold me? Tell me I'm going to be okay? Oh, that sounds needy. And I'm not needy. 😜
    2 points
  17. I like the way you think and would love to be bred by you.
    2 points
  18. Let me respond to you this way: You’re concerned that 35 is too old? I didn’t take a cock until I was 37. I turned 53 last month, and your 24-load annual goal is what I took in in one really good day last year. And I guarantee you that no matter how small you feel like Jacksonville is, it’s a metropolis compared to the one-goat town I’m in - yet I’m still able to travel around and fulfill my sexual purpose. Plus, unlike you, I have a face made for radio. So for you, getting the cock or ass (or the actual relationship) you want sounds as if it will be more a matter of adjusting your own expectations and standards, once you accept that you’re prime material. 1. Don’t be one of those guys who holds out waiting for Mr. Perfect. You’ll have a lot more fun playing with regular, normal guys, who can be surprising in the sack if given half a chance. 2. Travel around a bit if you can, especially to a bigger city, and just tell yourself that since nobody knows you, it doesn’t matter if you get a bit debauched. Permit yourself. 3. Cast a wider net. If Grindr isn’t working for you, why are you still using it? You can run profiles or ads on BBRTS, Growlr, Adam4Adam, Scruff, Manhunt, Doublelist, and others - the more exposure you have, the greater your chances. 4. Searching for an intimate connection with another man in the current environment is like panning for gold. Everybody’s out there trying to strike the mother lode, but the reality is hours and days of swirling gravel (and flakes) and water around in a pan just for the occasional glint of something in the bottom. Sometimes it’s fool’s gold, and sometimes it doesn’t pan out at all, but - there’s gold in them thar hills. I find my share of it, and you can too.
    2 points
  19. This is my last three loads from work. I am an Uber driver. 1) guy gets in my car and asks me to take him to the seedy part of town to score some crack. I waited around the corner and made him go get it himself. After we went to the private booths at an adult bookstore and he smoked it while I blew a load into each of his holes. 2) guy gets into my car super drunk and in almost no time at all he's grabbing my tit from the back seat. I let him kiss me and I get invited into his house. I blew a load in his mouth and he blew 2 and a little piss into my mouth rude. 3) 22 year old kid in my car invites me into the back seat. We kissed and I blew him while he talked about wanting to flip fuck with me bare. After he came he thanked me for "confirming that I'm straight". Yeah right I'm an Uber driver old enough to be your father and I made you curious? As if. Delicious cock though
    2 points
  20. I took my first ever load through the gloryhole and I Have made it a regular feature of my cum collecting duties for 30 years! As much fun as regular sex is, nothing beats the feeling of putting my cunt against the wall and having an anonymous cock unload deep inside. I love everything about the ABS. The smell, the old cum in the walls, seat and screen (which I love to lick off) and the used condoms in the trash can which, when opened, provide the lube I use when I’m in a booth. I learned that trick when I was just a young and hungry pussy boy. On older gentleman came in my booths And was rooting around in the garbage. He pulled out 4 tied off condoms. He took out his Swiss Army knife and cut the tops off. He told me to bend over the chair and then he pushed the condoms into my cunt. Once in, he fucked them deep into my guts until he unloaded and then stayed to watch as I shit them and the loads out onto the seat. He told me to eat and I ate until there was nothing but latex left. Still the best fuck of my life.
    2 points
  21. Just love gloryhole sex! Nothing better than being in the sauna gh cubicles with my fuckbuddy. We suck cocks together - when we find a nice one he gives me the nod and i slide my ass onto it. Most never object and i get a lovely anon fuck and hopefully a nice load. Once i have taken a few loads my m8 takes me to the sling and enjoys my cummy hole. Best times are when he ties me up in the sling before he shoots his load - then leaves me tied up, door open with an ass dripping cum 😉 We are going together just after the new year for the 1st time in ages - hoping to get tied up again for sure!
    2 points
  22. i love taking load after load of anonymous cum in both my holes in them
    2 points
  23. “So,” the man said, looking directly into my eyes, “you want to join our little club.” It wasn’t really a question so much as it was a statment. I nodded slowly, my mouth dry. I tried to return the rugged looking man’s gaze with the same intensity that he gave but just couldn’t muster it. I felt my eyes drifting down to his full lips, his well kept full beard, the mound of chest hair that erupted from the collar of his v neck shit, and to his broad pecs with pert nipples that showed clearly through his shirt. “And do you know what this club is boy?” This was a question, and I answered as honestly as I could, “Mostly sir. My…um… friend, said he thought that I would fit in and arranged this…uh…interview…” I trailed off at the end. The man smiled slightly, “You can say fuck buddy, Sam. I know who Devin is to you.” I blushed. Devin and I had been friends for ages and had started fucking a few months previously when I found out just how thick his cock is. “Why did he say he thought you would fit in?” My cheeks went from pink to scarlet, “I… well…” “Just say it, you’ll feel better.” “I love getting bred.” I spat out the words before I chickened out. “I love taking loads.” “Good boy. You like it when Devin breeds you.” Another statement, “you like feeling his cum inside you boy hole.” “Yes Sir.” “And you want more, isn’t that right?” “Yes.” I was growing a little bolder now. “How many loads have you taken in a day Sam?” “Four.” “Four, all from the same person?” “Yes, Devin.” “Have you ever taken more than one mans load in a day?” Color rose up my neck, “Once, a guy fucked me once in the afternoon and then I met another man in a bar that night and he bred me too.” “Good, very good. Now did Devin explain the what the interview process was like for our club?” “Not really, Sir. Just that there would be an interview, and that it was a good way of meeting people. Though,” I said quickly, “from the way he said it I feel like there’s much more to it than that.” The man laughed, “Just a bit.” He smiled a broad smile that lit up his whole face. “You see Sam, our club is a special one and we have to be sure that you’re the right fit. Its not just a club to meet guys who might fuck you. It is a club to meet guys who will fuck you. If you make it through the entire interview process Sam you will get more cock in your life than you will know what to do with. Does that sound like something that interests you?” “Yes,” my voice cracking just slightly. “Good, now Devin is a full member, he’s one of our switches, but he tells me you’re not much of a top.” “No, uh no, not really.” “So you’ll be interviewing as a bottom.” “Yeah, I guess so.” “Being a bottom is nothing to be ashamed of, bottoms are an important and integral part of our group. Now if you were interviewing as a top or a switch this is the moment where I would bring in one of our bottoms for you to demonstrate your skills with; however, as a bottom you will be demonstrating,” he got up from behind his desk and walked around to stand in front of me, “your talents by taking my fat cock.” He grabbed his growing bulge through his pants and I felt my cock twitch. “Now before we continue there is one thing I must tell you. In this club, until you are a full member every load goes in your hole, and if you become a member it is still strongly encouraged. Do you understand?” “Yes, Sir.” My mouth felt dry. “Good, now strip.” I stood up, my hands shaking a little. The man was very close to me now. I could smell his light but powerful man smell and it made me weak. I pulled my shirt off over my head exposing my lightly haired torso and reasonable body, my friends joked that I had the body of someone who loves the gym but also loves pizza and they weren’t wrong. I kicked off my shoes, and socks, then went to undo my pants. I took a deep breath and pushed them down exposing the white jock I was wearing. “A jock strap, interesting. Not what I was expecting from you boy.” I moved to take it off too and the man stopped me saying, “That you can leave on boy, you won’t be playing with your cock for a while.” With me now standing in just my jock, the man started to take off his clothes. He quickly pulled off his shoes and socks, then with more care he took his shirt off tossing it to the side. I stared at his broad chest, the thick mass of dark hair flecked with grey. His big round pink nipples stood out erect from the fur. He had the solid build of someone who worked out for strength not to look good. My cock was throbbing. He undid his jeans, and then slowly slid them down. I knew at once he wasn’t wearing any underwear and his pubes began to erupt from the fly of his pants right off. Suddenly his cock sprang up as his pants hit the floor and he stepped out of them. I almost didn’t believe my eyes. His cock was as thick as a beer can and probably seven inches long. My mouth watered and my hole twitched, my own six inch cock was throbbing. I had never wanted a man as much as I wanted the man in front of me. “You like what you see boy?” “Yes.” “Good, get on your knees boy and get it nice and wet. The only lube you’re getting is spit.” I fell to my knees and scrambled towards his cock. I licked around the broad flat head of his dick for a moment and then swallowed it deep. His hands grabbed the back of my head and forced his dick down my throat. “That’s it boy, swallow my cock. Get it covered with your throat juice so I can slide deep in you hole.” I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to have his cock inside of me. My nose was pressed deep in his pubes and his balls were bouncing off of my chin. The man growled as he fucked my throat, my cheeks starting to hurt as they stretched around his girth. I kept almost gagging as he forced his cock deep inside me. He didn’t care about that though, all he was focused on was getting his cock as far down my throat as he could. The lack of air getting to my brain made me weak. I felt myself just letting go, giving myself over. I was his. This man owned my body, I had no idea how true that would become. I have no idea how long he fucked my throat but spit and drool dripped from my chin coating his cock and balls completely when he finally pulled his dick from my mouth. I gasped for air, blinking up at him. He grabbed me under my arms and tossed me onto the desk chest first. My ass was now exposed and at the perfect height for fucking. If I had had any illusions of this being a tender fuck they went out the window when he kicked my feet apart and slapped his cock against my exposed hole. With one hand on my shoulder and the other on his cock, he lobbed a big glop of spit on my ass and then rubbed his cock head into it. I took a deep breath knowing what was about to happen and tried to relax into it. “You did great with the cock sucking, full marks. Now let’s see how you do taking my cock. Are you ready boy?” “Yes.” “Then tell me what you want” “I want your cock. I want you inside me! I want your load!” “Good boy.” He pressed his thick, flat cock head against my hole. The bluntness of his tip meant that my hole had to stretch almost to his full girth before he was even inside me an inch. It took a moment, and I was panting, pushing back as best I could, before he suddenly sunk what must have been almost halfway in. I shuddered and gasped, my breath coming in ragged burst. He let me get used to his cock for a moment, then dropped another big blob of spit onto his shaft and pushed further inside. This time he didn’t stop till his pubes were pressed tight against my ass. I was whimpering now. My hole had never had to stretch that fast before. It was exhilarating. “Fuck that’s a nice cunt. Warm and inviting, but it’s a little too tight for my liking, let’s see if we can’t do something about that.” After spitting one more time onto my stuffed hole he pulled his cock back, one hand on my ass the other between my shoulder blades holding me down. He pulled out slowly till it felt like just the tip was inside me and then with more force than the last time pushed his cock back in. He built up the speed pushing harder and harder into me each time. I grunted and whimpered as he worked his way to really pounding me. I pushed my ass back onto him, willing my hole to open up for him. “Good boy,” he said, slamming into me hard, “That hole is opening up into a nice loose pussy. Keep pushing it out just like that. Your cunt is never going to be the same boy.” “Please breed me Sir,” I practically shouted. “Oh I’m going to leave you dripping when I’m done turning this boy hole into a proper pussy. Don’t you worry.” He was hammering me now and I was shouting. The sound of his balls slapping against my taint filled the room. Sweat was pouring off of both of us. I felt like I stunk of sex and I loved it. I had done slutty things but felt like a new chapter. This man was judging me on how good of a bottom I was and I was determined to prove to him what a champion I was. I slammed my ass back against his thrusts making my ass clap even harder. His cock was bottoming out in me with every thrust. I alternated between pushing my hole open and trying to such him deeper and deeper. His breathing was starting to change and his pace become even more frenetic. He was getting close. My own cock, still stuffed in the pouch of my jockstrap was practically dripping with precum, but only half hard, all of my focus had shifted to this man and his cock. He was the only thing that mattered. “Spread your cheeks for me boy, I wanna see that pussy open up for me when I breed it.” I grabbed my cheeks with both hands and spread them as wide as I could. He pulled his cock completely out of my hole with a pop, and then slammed it back in again. His cock broke past my ring like that over and over again wrecking my hole. I was no longer pushing back against him. Apart from holding my cheeks apart my body had gone slack. “Im going to fill you boy.” “Please give me your load.” “Fucking take my load,” he groaned as he slammed his cock as deep as he could into me and kept it there as his balls pulled up and unloaded. His dick spasmed for what felt like ages pumping his load into me. He must have shot a gallon of cum for how long he twitched. Once his dick had stopped, he said “Stay just like that.” He pulled out slowly. I heard him grab something, heard the click of a phone camera, and then felt cold plastic on my hole. A butt plug, I knew that feeling Devin had done this to me before. My well fucked hole quickly accepted the plug inside and then held it firm. “Take a seat boy.” I straightened up and staggered to the chair I had been sitting in at the start of the interview. “You did well. Your hole bloomed into a nice pussy for me in good time. I can’t wait to see what you can do with more training.” He was back to being very businesslike, despite now being fully naked in his chair across the desk he had just bred me on. “You have made it to the next step of the interview. With each step you will learn a little more about what is expected of the bottoms in our group. You will then be tested to see if you can meet those expectations. If at any point you want to drop out you are more than welcome to do so, but know there are no second chances. Once you have said you can’t take it…” he trailed off, “but I cant see that happening with you. You can go home now. Keep the plug in your hole, and my load in your guts. You will receive a call in a few hours about the next part of your interview.” He turned to his computer ignoring me, and I realized it was time to leave. Feeling dirty and incredibly turned on I grabbed my clothes and left the room.
    1 point
  24. I'm absolutely horny to find piss buddies and pervs of all ages for chat and meetups. Versatile nasty perv pig here. Hit me up at wcbbpig@yahoo.com, wickr - eastbaybi. All types welcome.
    1 point
  25. Elsewhere in this forum I have commented on the fact that I have zero luck getting fucked in slings. I don’t know why. It’s not, however, that I don’t get noticed - in fact, it usually doesn’t take long before I feel the hands of some man or other... on my cock. Yesterday, same thing. I get situated in the sling, pull my blindfold down, and within two minutes I hear footsteps enter the room, cross to my side, and a hand starts playing with my cock. This time I just reached down, took hold of the hand and moved it away from my body and shook my head. Another two minutes - and a different guy comes up to my side and starts diddling with my cock (which, I failed to mention, is in a solid steel cock cage to start with). This guy also wanted to tweak my nipples. I firmly seized hiz wrist and moved his hand away from my cock. A minute later I heard him muttering to another guy in the doorway, “...something’s wrong...” Dammit, man! What’s wrong is that you don’t appear to have a grasp of what a sling is for! So, for the less sophisticated among us, just a few key points: 1. The sling is a piece of mobile furniture designed specifically for fucking. Although it can be used in conjunction with bondage in a BDSM setting, it is not primarily a bondage device. 2. If you do not intend to fuck the occupant of the sling, do not approach, and do not loiter in close proximity, especially to the lower end, because you may become that most despised of creatures, the Cock-Blocker. 3. One generally approaches the sling occupant from the position of vulnerability, i.e., between the raised legs, for access to his hole. Only approach from the side to offer your cock for fellatio, and only if the head is easily accessible. 4. Re-read points 1-3. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lastly, 5, If you are anything but a total bottom and you spy a man lying unattended in a sling who is not a) asleep or b) repulsive, give strong consideration to walking over and fucking him. It’s ass going to waste if you don’t, and you’ll be setting a good example if you do.
    1 point
  26. OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER, YOUNG ENOUGH TO DO IT ANYWAY PART I: INVINCIBLE BEGINNING At some point all teenage boys reach a moment in which they are transformed from a normal kid into a super powered, unstoppable force…or at least something deludes them into believe that about themselves. Once it has occurred, these kids will take on daring, and even foolish risks, with no fear that they might face consequences for their actions. Most boys probably couldn’t tell you when that moment was, but Chris could pinpoint exactly when and where and what he was doing (and who) when he lost his sense of self preservation and became a daredevil willing to try anything and always looking for the next adventure to prove he was all he believed himself to be. The night in question was during his sophomore year, only hours after he’d been told he’d be starting pitcher for his varsity baseball team the next season. So excited he could barely see straight, he texted some buds and made plans to meet them behind the diamond that night to celebrate. After three or so beers that had been purchased by someone’s older sister, Chris found himself doing handstands on the top row of the bleachers. This brave and idiotic act of show-off-ery was made possible by his alcohol intake and the appearance of some girls from his English class, but soon he’d feel strong enough to do such things without anything clouding his judgement. As it turned out, the handstand were sufficiently impressive to get one of the girls to come over to him and ask what else he could do. Not even an hour passed before they’d both gotten drunk enough to climb in the back of his dad’s truck and start fucking while all their friends were only a few feet away. Drunk and loud, their moans gave away what they were up to, and drew the other girl and the boys to come over and watch. Pretty soon a chant started encouraging Chris to go faster and harder. Now Chris would remember that this went on for at least a half hour and his girl orgasmed 3 times before he finally whipped his dick out and shot copious streams of jizz across her pussy, stomach and tits. The truth was more like five minutes, one (possibly fake) orgasm, and his cock slipping out at the last second, missing her tits or cunt, and instead coating the insides of her thighs and calves. While she retrieved her panties from his radio antenna, one of his buddies secretly took a photo of the cum covering her legs and showed it to Chris. It was right then that he became a myth to his buddies and any shred of self-preservation was gone. He was convinced he could do anything, having seduced the hottie with his athletic prowess, fucked her royally with an audience cheering him on, and a photo to prove it was all as awesome as he thought it was. That night when he got home and went into his bathroom to shower off the sweat, cum and pussy juice, he stripped nude and admired himself in the mirror. For months he’d been working his ass off to get his biceps bigger, his abs tighter and his legs stronger to help his game. Smirking, he suddenly saw the resulting body in a new light, as if it was imbued with mystical properties. Another foolish teen was born that night, and no one would be able to break him of his delusions of grandeur for quite some time. Over the next year he was cock of the walk, ruling the school as only buff, tall, handsome teen varsity jocks can. He even managed to make honor role first semester, which got him an offer to join an Honors track in the spring. With nothing to fear, he accepted without a second thought, and continued to spend his time perfecting his physique and juggling three girls. Once baseball season started in February, Chris was starting to realize that his honors classes might not have been the best idea. Midterms would be right around the same time as the first game, and so far Chris was barely finding the time to study enough for a ‘C’ average between practice and his workouts. Still he figured it would all work out just fine even when his teachers began pointing out that he was getting dangerously close to dropping below a ‘C’ which would keep him off the list for academic eligibility. Finally his coach pulled him aside after practice one night and mentioned some rumors that Chris might be off the team if he didn’t get his grades back up, and some fear kicked in. The next weekend, Chris cancelled his dates and spent the whole weekend studying and writing papers. During the week he began doing homework at lunch and between classes, and even used study hall for its intended purpose. His grades began to pick up, but now the coach was riding him for not playing as well. Friday’s practice was worst of the week, and Chris found himself barely able to focus with all the stuff he was freaking out about. Too wired to go home, he decided to drive over to his family’s athletic club and get in some time on his arms and try to figure out what he was doing wrong. An hour passed while Chris worked different weight machines to pump up his arms, but he was still distracted by all the work he had to do. So much so he accidentally loaded 20 lbs more than his top weight, and almost killed himself on the first press. Out of nowhere appeared a tall toned white guy covered in tattoos who jumped in to spot him and helped get the weight readjusted. Chris sat up to thank the guy, and found out he was one of the personal trainers at the club, Freddy. They chatted as the lifted and walked into the locker room together as Chris explained that with all he had to get done, there just wasn’t enough time during the week to do it and be well rested and ready for practice. “What if I could make the weekend longer?” Freddy asked, lowering his voice and leaning in closer. Chris asked what he meant and found out that Freddy had some stuff at his house that would allow Chris to stay up all night Friday and Saturday, get his work done for the week, and not make him groggy afterwards. Chris agreed without asking anything about what the stuff was or what it did. He was so excited about the idea of being able to get everything done that he didn’t notice Freddy checking him out as they showered. Inside Freddy’s apartment, Chris was offered a drink, but declined in favor of getting the stuff he needed to help study. He figured on the short drive over that it was probably caffine pills like truckers use, but he wasn’t sure if he could take those since technically the school could check for drugs at any point, even though they always did it Friday after school. He tried to hide his shock when Freddy returned to the living room in nothing but a pair of baggy bball shorts and a cap, with a small glass piper and lighter in one hand and a tiny bag of something resembling the rocks Chris grew in chemistry class the year before. Chris watched as Freddy explained that the stuff in the bag was called ‘Tina’ and was used to fight fatigue, as well as a few other things. Chris inquired as to why he needed the pipe and when Freddy started to show him, Chris objected quickly. “I don’t do drugs man, can’t risk it.” He said, losing some of his posture unconsciously from the disappointment of realizing there was no miracle way to stay up without chancing an ‘f’ on a piss test. “If any of this shit is detectable on a UA, then I would be fucked if it was still in my piss by Friday.” “No sweat man,” Freddy responded while loading some of the rocks into the glass bowl. “This stuff burns clean and is out of your system in 2, 3 days tops. Plus it won’t show on any UA for sports enhancing drugs or opiates.” Assuming that meant that the ‘tina’ wasn’t a drug, Chris spirits rose, but he remained wary, asking if there were any side effects or if it was addictive. “It can be addictive if you aren’t able to handle it properly,” Freddy said as he measured some of his baggie into an even smaller bag. “but you’re a big dude and you don’t look like one of those pussy bitches who can’t drink or smoke without ending up strung out on the side of the road somewhere. As for side effects, it just hypes you up and gets you running on overdrive, which can sometimes make you really thirsty or horny, kinda like a really good work out but with no fatigue after.” Chris’ sense of invulnerability over-rode all the ‘don’t do drugs’ lectures he’d heard over and over again in school and scouts, convincing him he could handle it in small doses. After all, no one was ever hooked after just one hit right? Wrong. Freddy asked him if he wanted to try it out, but Chris hesitated for one more second as he tried to decide if he was really willing to do this to get his stuff done. “Up to you man,” Freddy shrugged and pocketed the baggie and went to take a hit off the pipe himself. “I just need to know if you want this or if I should save it for the college chic I got on her way here. She loves smoking this and riding any cock in the room, so maybe I should save it for her anyway.” The idea that some girl could handle it and he was hesitating made Chris realize that it was time to man up. There was also the image of some co-ed tits bouncing as a girl rode his dick that had him wondering if he could use this as an excuse to hang around take a turn. He stopped Freddy and said he was ready to try it. Since he’d never seen a pipe like this before, Freddy offered to help him by lighting it for his first few hits. Instructing him to wait to inhale until Freddy gave him the signal, Chris sat as close to Freddy as he could. The tattoo’d taller, older guy held the pipe to Chris’ lips and flicked the lighter until it lit under the clear glass bowl. Crackling could be heard as Chris noticed the crystals melting and smoke beginning to billow in the round enclosure. From the weed pipes he’d smoked, Chris assumed the hole on top was a carb, but didn’t say anything since Freddy left it uncovered. Once some whisps of clean white smoke began to seep from the hole, Freddy said “now.” Inhaling deep into his lungs, Chris was surprised that he wasn’t tasting the smoke like he had when he’d smoked pot before. ‘must be due this being a cleaner burning substance or something,’ he thought, until he began to exhale and coughed really hard. Freddy laughed and asked if he was okay and Chris nodded. Taking another hit, Freddy handed Chris the bowl and told him to try it that time while Freddy retrieved water for the two of them. Chris had an easier time on that hit and wondered how long it would take to kick in. Just as Freddy came back with the waters, Chris got his answer in the form of a huge head rush and a wave of heat flowing over him. Now he understood why Freddy had stripped to his shorts. They continued passing back and forth the pipe while Freddy listened to him drone on and on about how amazing he felt. Once the bowl was finished, Freddy told Chris to strip down to his boxers if he was too warm, which Chris went ahead and did, with all the confidence of a boy his age. He didn’t even worry about getting hard when the extremely sexy 22 yr old girl showed up and smoked with them. By the time they’d smoked another bowl, Chris was concerned that he wasn’t getting hard, but kept his mouth shut since he was enjoying the 22yr old fingering her pussy and Sucking Freddy’s large dick. Within minutes of starting, her cunt got slippery, then sloppy and finally she creamed all over the couch cushion when Chris worked up the courage to reach over and stroke her pussy lips. Still, Chris couldn’t get any response from his dick. When the girl left, he asked Freddy, and he explained that it was a common side effect and if he decided to come back for more “study helpers” the next night, that Freddy would toss in a Viagra just in case. Confused, but wired, Chris left the apartment and went home, where he spent the next 6 hours pounding out a term paper, two research papers, and a set of flash cards for his midterms that week. Around 7 am, he was fading and went into his pocket for some more tina. Immediately he realized he had no pipe and no lighter. Whipping out his phone, he texted Freddy and prayed he was awake. By 8, Chris was back at Freddy’s door, and was greeted by the tattoo’d dealer’s naked body, semi-hard cock, and a nasty gangbang video playing on the tv. He was so distracted by his need for a pipe that it took him a minute to realize there was another guy there, around Freddy’s age, but shorter, around Chris’ height, and very muscly. He stammered and tried not to stare as the two men absent mindedly jerked their rods while he told them what he needed. The buff shorter guy laughed and told him to go buy one at the Mexican market on the corner, but Freddy stopped him and said he would give him one as part what he owed for the tina. Chris asked what he meant, and Freddy explained that tina was not free, and told him the bag he’d left with earlier was worth $30, and he’d toss in the Viagra he’d promised, a pipe and a lighter for another $10. All the money from Chris’ wallet added up to $38, and the change from his car got him another $1.57 closer, which Freddy graciously accepted on the condition that “next time you bring the cash before I give you the goods.” All Saturday, through the afternoon and evening, Chris was working at full speed, sneaking into the bathroom and locking the door periodically, in order to be sure he could take a few puffs without his parents catching him. As promised, the tina was life-changing, allowing Chris to stay focus and on task all day so he was done with all his work by midnight. With that, he booted up his laptop and hunted through some porn online so he could celebrate. Try as he might, even his favorite videos did nothing to help him become erect. Frustrated, he fished the little blue pill out of his pocket and gulped it down. He wondered if Freddy and the other guy had taken one, since they seemed to have no issues getting hard when he was there. Suddenly he realized he had no idea why the two of them were stroking together with no sign of a female anywhere and no mention of any coming over. A brief thought that they were fags crossed his mind, but he dismissed it as quickly as it arrived, reminding himself that Freddy fed his dick to the college girl right in front of him the night they met. Perhaps they were jerk off buddies like he and his friend Nick had been in middle school. It seemed weird that they’d continued as adults, but he forgot all about it when he looked down and found his own dick was now fully hard. Assuming it was from the slutty blonde getting a facial on the computer screen, he began to stroke and think of all the girls he’d been blowing off the last few weeks. One hand on his cock, he reached with his other hand for his phone and texted the girl who lived closest and asked if she wanted to come over. Imagining her taking a hit from his pipe before letting him use her slit, he felt his balls tightening already. Pausing to take another hit off his new pipe, he prayed for a pussy. Mere moments passed before the girl he’d texted sent a response saying: just got home from party. Come over and letz fuck. The sex was better than he ever could have imagined, even with a half-asleep drunk girl who didn’t want to do anything other than missionary. When he pulled out and shot his load on her pussy lips, she smiled and rolled over. She was out before his breathing returned to normal, and he was already figuring out how he was going to make $30 bucks that week to get more tina. PART II: UNSTOPPABLE ADDICTION Nine weeks had come and gone since that first night partying, and Chris had spent every weekend high as a kite. His grades were safely in the ‘B’ range and his performance on the team had never been better. He’d even managed to lose the baby fat around his waist with the help of the drugs, giving him an even more enviable form. In that time, he’d run through all his birthday money, he allowance, his gas money, and had even taken to selling some of his comic books from when he was younger, all to support his new habit. What began as a $30 bag and the occasional puff through the day was now $100 a weekend and a constant intake of meth. Days he spent at home locked in his room behind a combo lock he installed himself, nights he snuck over to Freddy’s apartment and smoked and jerked and hung out naked, occasionally enjoying a left over girl from Freddy’s customers. Recently Freddy was kicking him out more and more often, which required Chris to schedule hook ups with girls and friends at bizarre hours. He was loving every drugged minute of it, and had become totally okay with spending hours in the buff with Freddy and random friends and customers he had over now and then. Finals came just in time for the money to run out, and Chris was panicked when he asked Freddy what to do. “You remember the guy you met the first weekend we hung out?” Chris nodded. “Well he has mentioned you a few times since then and I bet he’d be down to spot you some cash if you’d be down to let him suck you off.” “Seriously? He’s a fag? Seemed so…normal. I dunno man. I’m not into gay shit. I just really need this for one more week.” Chris was already aching for a puff when Freddy explained that he could pretend it was a girl and keep his eyes closed the whole time. Glancing over to the coffee table, Chris saw Freddy’s pipe laying out and his eyes glazed at the thought of being high again. He nodded okay. No sooner had Freddy gotten off the phone with the guy and told Chris to use his shower really quickly. Chris was now including some extra cleansing of his balls, ass and hole when he showered, since the tina had a tendency to make him empty his bowels. He’d just finished verifying there was nothing left inside him and getting washed when Freddy knocked and told him the guy was there, stripping nude and eagerly dropping to his knees in front of the chair where Freddy directed Chris to sit. The dude wasted no time and immediately began to suck as best he could, but it was no use since Chris was only thinking about getting high. Freddy suggested they smoke a bowl and gave Chris a Viagra to help him out. Once the smoke hit his lungs, Chris felt the high he needed and was able to turn his attention to the tv screen where an asain girl was taking two black dicks in either end. It turned out that the man was an excellent cock sucker, so good that Chris forgot who was doing it and grabbed his hair and started pounding his dick down the man’s throat and saying things like “take my fucking cock” and “I’m gonna feed you my cum bitch!” Sure enough, the next stroke was all it took for Chris to shoot load after load down the throat of a man he barely knew. As the euphoria wore off, he looked down and was disgusted to see the masculine face as it licked his shaft and balls. He pushed the man off and hurriedly got dressed, only pausing before leaving to get the tina he needed. PART III: INESCAPABLE OUTCOME Finals and the end of the baseball season went off with no problems, and Chris decided he was going to stop smoking now that he no longer needed to do it for his grades. Friday came and he was doing okay until he received a video message on his phone from Freddy. The clip was the college girl he’d met at Freddy’s apartment, and she was taking a hit from Freddy’s pipe totally nude. Never in his life had he wanted something so badly, and he couldn’t figure out if he wanted the pipe or the girl more. Since classes ended with finals, Chris rushed the last half of the last essay on his lit final, before tossing it on the teacher’s desk on his way out the door. On the way to Freddy’s apartment, he called the dealer and explained that he was still broke, but Freddy told him not to worry about it, because he had a friend coming over that was willing to share. When the other guy finally arrived, Chris had the co-ed on her back on the couch, with her legs over his shoulders and his cock ramming her pussy as hard as he could. He told Freddy how impressed he was by his own staying power since he’d been inside her for at least 20 minutes by then with no sign of cumming, and Freddy just laughed. “That’s because the pepsi I gave you to wash down the Viagra had some g in it,” Freddy mentioned like it was nothing. Chris looked concerned. “Don’t sweat it bro. G is ghb, all of us have some in our drinks. It is just like taking a couple shots.” Once the other guy started stripping, the girl declared that she needed a break and they all sat around and smoked a large bowl. Chris was so hard he was practically humming when his female fuck-partner got a text and apologized, explaining that her roommate was locked out and she needed to go give her the keys to their room. Promising to be back soon as she got dressed, she stopped only to stroke Chris’ cock a few times, before slipping on her shoes on her way out the door. “FUCK!” Chris shouted when she left. “I really need to fuck her! I am so fucking horny man!” “Chill Chris,” Freddy advised him, handing him a freshly loaded bowl. “Why don’t we each do another shot of G so we can calm down a little and by the time the bitch gets back, you’ll be ready for round two.” They all agreed and Freddy dashed into the kitchen to get the g. “I’m Steve, by the way,” the other man spoke up, sitting across the sofa from Chris, in only a jockstrap and his sneakers. “Guess I forgot to introduce myself before sucking you off last week.” “No worries,” Chris responded, awkwardly. “I’m Chris.” Freddy returned with three small shot glasses each filled about half full. Chris said they were wimps if that’s all it took, but both guys chuckled and told him to wait and see how he felt once he drank it. Sliding it back, he gagged at the god-awful flavor and almost threw up, eliciting more laughs from the other guys. Assuming they didn’t choke because they were used to it, it didn’t occur to him that it was actually because their glasses had water in them instead. Within minutes Chris’ vision was getting blurry and he felt himself start to fade into a state of semi-awareness. He remembered thinking he should be worried when Freddy moved to Steve’s side and the two of them started whispering back and forth, but he couldn’t seem to find the energy or will power to question them. As the tv became too difficult to make out, Steve got up and went out on the balcony to make a phone call. “How about we move into the guest bedroom so we can watch porn on the big screen?” Freddy suggested once Steve was out of ear shot. The high school boy agreed amicably and stood up too quickly, falling right back on his butt. Luckily the high from the pipe and the g was making him easy going, so he just laughed and let Freddy help him up. Inside the bedroom, he tried to object as Freddy stripped them both naked and placed Chris next to him in bed, but every time he opened his mouth, Freddy would stick the pipe in front of him and feed him another hit off of it. He soon forgot to protest when the tv began playing a very hot porn featuring a girl who looked a lot like the college girl from earlier, getting plowed in her ass by a tall tattoo covered tan guy who Chris swore looked almost identical to Freddy. Reaching for his cock, Chris discovered Freddy was already playing with it. “I’m nat a fig brew.” Chris slurred. “What?” Freddy asked, sliding his other hand between Chris’ legs to stroke and tickle the balls and asshole. “I’m…not a fag. Bro.” Chris struggled to focus, making his word come slower and more clearly. “Who said you were Chris?” Freddy replied before bending down and engulfing his buddies cock with his mouth. Chris moaned and tried to push Freddy away, but once he felt the dealer’s lips against his pelvis, he moaned and relaxed enough that moments later, he was passed out. Looking up at the nude, ripped teen boy in the bed, Freddy let the stiff post-pubescent cock fall from his mouth, which curled into a smile. Hopping up, he leaned out the door and motioned to Steve, who ended his call, came back inside and climbed onto the bed next to Chris’ head. Together they readjusted Chris until his ass was at the foot of the bed and Steve was kneeling over his head, pinning the boy’s arms beneath his muscular thighs. Freddy chuckled quietly as he applied some lube to his fingers and work one, then two and finally a third one into the teen’s tight virgin ass. As the third one slipped in, Chris began to stir and Steve tensed his legs to keep the boy’s arms still. Withdrawing from the boyhole, Freddy was pleasantly surprised to find Chris’ ass as clean inside as it was outside. Showing Steve, the two of them made some quiet jokes about what a good little slut they’d found, doucheing before they used ‘her.’ “Time for a little wake up call,” Freddy whispered, pulling out a syringe with no needle, a small cup of water and some of his tina. He put a large crystal of the drug into the syringe then reinserted the plunger and used it to suck up some water. Not enough to make a mess, but enough to dissolve the rock with a little shaking and swirling. Once neither one could see the crystal, Freddy lubed the syringe and slowly slid it in the ass where he had just had his fingers. As soon as it was in as far as it could go, freddy pushed down on the plunger and emptied the liquid into Chris’ ass. “Baby’s first booty bump,” Steve said, laughing. The two men watched as the drugs took effect, reviving the boy slowly. Five minutes passed before they figured it was in his blood stream, then Freddy pulled out the syringe and leaned down over the teen’s body. Lifting the boy’s legs over his forearms, he moved his erect cock in until the lubed head was pressed against the virgin cunt. “Open your eyes ball boy,” the dealer said softly but in a commanding tone. Chris was dreaming that his math teacher was on her knees sucking his balls while his French teacher ate his ass with her bright red lips, and he wasn’t happy to respond to the male voice demanding he awaken, but he did anyway. Fluttering eyelids gave way to one and then two pupils, followed by some blinking before Chris finally became fully awake and looked up puzzled. For a few seconds, it didn’t register what was happening to him, until he managed to look a little further down his chest and caught sight of a tattooed torso between his thighs. Dawning on the fact that it was a set of male abs and pecs bent over him, his eyes shot wide open and he began to struggle. Steve and Freddy laughed at the feeble attempt to escape, since the boy was still on enough g that all he could really do was shake his head back and forth and wiggle his hips. “Get off of me mother fucker!” Spat the teen trying to gather enough strength to get an arm free. “what the fuck are you doing?” “Nothing much,” Freddy said, beginning to add pressure to the hole with his large, leaking cock. “I just want you to be awake when I make you a man.” “Fuck you queer!” Came the reply from the baseball boy, which did nothing but anger his rapists. Freddy dropped a thigh and smacked the teen’s face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but with enough to force to shut the boy up and make him tremble slightly. “The only queer here,” The dealer said, sneering at his victim and lifting the leg back over his arm. “Is you bitch. I knew from the moment you smoked the very first bowl with me that you were a no-good faggot cock-sucking whore, and now I’m gonna prove it. Hold onto your panties.” Suddenly Freddy reared back and slammed his hips and cock forward, pushing half his engorged dick past the boy’s tight outer sphincter. Chris screamed like an 11yo falling off his bike, and slammed his eyes shut. Freddy motioned to Steve, who reached back on the bed and picked up Freddy’s discarded jockstrap, shoving it in the boy’s mouth. Freddy reared back again, withdrawing until only the head was still in the boy’s butt, and slammed forward a second time, until ¾ of his cock was inside. Another scream, muffled by the jock, came shooting out of the teen’s throat, as well as some sobs and tears. Pulling out again, the third slam saw the huge tattooed man’s meat make it all the way in, pushing past a second sphincter and causing one pitiful cry from the boy before he passed out. Minutes later the boy returned to consciousness, but somehow he was no longer in pain from the dick in his ass. Instead the sharp knife stabbing his insides had transformed into a warm ache and something else, something suspiciously like…pleasure. He heard moaning and grunting as he opened his eyes again and found Freddy ramming his ass full speed. With each driving thrust, the dealer added another guttural sound of pleasure, explaining the grunts he heard, but Steve was no longer kneeling over him, so where were the moans coming from? Shame filled the boy’s head when it dawned on him that he was the one moaning, from the pleasure of having his ass reamed. With no Steve above him, his arms were free to fight. Raising them, Chris expected them to push against his rapist, but as the cock inside him slid in and out of his no-longer virginal asshole, it rubbed something that caused tiny orgasms to shoot through the teen’s body, and made his arms reach out and pull the dealer’s hips against him harder. “Look who’s up,” Freddy said, bending down and kissing the teen. “And it looks like he’s enjoying himself.” Chris kept his mouth shut at first, which frustrated his fucker. Freddy slammed the boy especially hard, making Chris’ mouth pop open in a yelp, allowing the taller man’s tongue to slip inside the boy’s mouth and rape that as well. Once their tongues began wrestling, every last ounce of resistance faded from the youngster, and he became a willing participant as Freddy proceeded to fuck him on his belly, on his side, doggy style and finally on his back again when he was getting close to finishing. “You want me to cum in you bitch?” Freddy asked, his forehead resting against the boy’s. “Please don’t” Chris whimpered, part of him wanting the man to go ahead anyway. “Then I’ll stop fucking you.” Freddy threatened, pulling almost the whole way out of the boy. Chris cried out, hating the empty feeling and throwing his hands out to pull the man back into his ass. “That’s what I thought,” the tattooed top said laughing, resuming his full force fuck into the teen. “So I’ll ask you again. You want me to cum in you bitch? Want me to cum in you now and again tomorrow and again every day from now on until you’re nothing but a used up cunt full of sperm and shame? Tell me what you want!!” “I want…” Chris stopped himself, but Freddy slammed as hard and deep into him as he could, forcing the boy to continue. “I want you to cum in me.” “Good cause here…I…CUM!” Chris felt the cock inside him swell as his rapist slammed a dozen more times harder and deeper than he had yet and suddenly he could just tell that the man was cumming. The tight tattooed abs rubbing his own teen cock and the stiff giant cock in his hole, stimulating him in places he’d never felt before, joined together to make the teen shoot 1, 2, 3,…a dozen shots of thick, ropy boyjizz against the two male chests. Both men breathed hard and fast as they emptied their balls together, until both were finished and Freddy collapsed onto Chris, making out with the teen as their sweat and cum rolled off of them onto the bedspread. “hot damn.” Steve said, stepping out of the shadows with a camera in his hand. Chris’ gut dropped as he realized the two men had just taped, possibly even broadcasted his rape. “This oughta be enough to make sure you come back for more.” Chris felt the shame stream back into his mind as he stood in the shower, washing himself with boiling hot water. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized Steve was right. He had no choice now. If he didn’t want the men to release the tape or show his parents or get him kicked out of school, he’d have to do what they said, when they said. His feeling of being invincible was over, replaced by a mix of fear, resignation and excitement. Drying off, he walked back into the guest room and laid down without a fight. Steve started moving between the boy’s legs and lubed up his own cock for round two, and Chris knew there was nothing he could do but take the man’s cock, and any other cock they wanted him to take. He was theirs now.
    1 point
  27. And if they agree to bare entry with the expectation of being fluid-free afterward, they’re idiots anyway. If it’s an STD/HIV concern, leaking happens, and even precum can be a vector (less so than semen in the case of HIV). But all bets are off regardless if the Top has a hair-trigger and cums the instant he enters. A while back I had a guy with a very nice cock stop by, and I was so ready for him I could feel the heat radiating off my cunt. I was pre-fucked and lubed to creamy perfection. I felt the tip of his cock touch my hole and - “God - sorry - I just came.” He dressed quickly and fled. Well, fuck. He could have at least pushed it in. But my point is that if he had had just a little more momentum on the approach he would have been ejaculating inside me while he was first entering me. A bottom never knows what’s cumming (as it were) and therefore it only makes sense to assume bare entry will result in taking at least a partial load. Any other expectation Is nonsense, and in my view, no Top should be under any obligation to comply with nonsense.
    1 point
  28. thank you, Sir, for being so clear. consequence is what is needed.
    1 point
  29. I'm up front about the fact I don't fuck with rubbers at all and I'll cum inside their arse; if they're not up for that I'll move on. Speaking only for myself, I prefer to give them the option to say no but usually I'll move on.
    1 point
  30. Well goodbye 2019 and helllllo there 2020. Let's do this!! Had some family from out of town this week and love em' to death, but wanted to find something 'interesting' to do on New Year's Eve. I received a message early the previous morning from a regular hot ginger top U poz buddy. He and his partner were vacationing in Mexico for a couple of weeks and returning NYE to Toronto. His parter had opted to stay an extra two weeks, as my buddy was only in town for a few days before he flew to Europe on a two week business trip. I teased him that his other half would be running around half naked in the sun in Mexico while he was sloggin' his ass off at work. He asked me if I had plans for NYE at midnight? Would I like to spend it with him at his place? He is a hearing impaired buddy, and we communicate through an application on his iPad where it records my voice and converts it to text for us to read... and he can type an answer on his bluetooth keyboard. He is a really hot fucker, smart as a whip and has a great attitude. Who wouldn't enjoy being naked with him as the ball dropped!? So I offered to pick him up at the bus station to save him some trouble. Spent the afternoon and early evening hangin' with family on New Year's Eve and headed out around 10:30 to pick my FWB up. Bus was running late and M. was in a panic because he didn't want to miss the countdown. We made it home with three minutes to spare. Stripped. Grabbed the chilled chamagne bottle I had brought with me.... and toasted the end of a decade and the end of 2019. We started to make out on the couch and play with nipples and cocks and holes and such... and got up and headed into his bedroom. He couldn't find any lube, and I told him not to worry, as I would ensure there was PLENTY of natural spit and throat juices to coat my ass.... after I sucked his big cock. Within minutes of hitting the bed, I had pushed him back onto the pillows and crawled up between his legs.... I looked up at him and saw the aniticipation in his eyes as I leaned forward to lick the dripping pre-cum from his pisshole. He made a funny noise and sucked in his breath... while throwing his head back. It was nice to see the reaction. So I leaned deeper and started to swallow his hardening cock. He is naturally smooth, and loves that I have hairy chest and legs to rub against him while I work my throat slowly around his hard dick. He is a good 7 thick inches and he gets hard immediately when we play. I had only really started to tease him with deep, full throat fucks for about 5 minutes when he grabbed me, rolled and flipped me over onto my stomach. He immediately dove into my hole. He loves to eat ass and really does an excellent job of shoving his tongue deep into my hole. He also stretches me with the fore fingers of each hand. I moaned as I felt him gently pull my hole open and lob some spit into the gape. Then his rough tongue sliding into the roundness. Probing and licking. He knows I love to have my ass eaten, but I could sense his urgency and I thought it wise to take the big gooey mess of spit and throat juice I had been storing in my mouth and spit it out onto my hand in a way that he could see what I was doing. He moaned and pulled back when he saw me reach around with my left hand and completely coat my hole with the slick mess. He immediately slid two fingers through the goop and into my slightly loosened ass. His mouth and tongue had opened me up nicely. The juices were going to make for a slick fuck. Sure enough, he pushed my chest down onto the bed and slid his cock right snug against my hole. He held it for a couple of seconds and then just pushed that big dick into my hole in one slow, powerful push. You bottoms know that feeling when you can feel a naturally lubed cock sliding deep into your hole. We both took a couple of huffs of poppers and then he got right into a solid, deep fuck. Right from the start. He clearly was excited about our NYE (as was I) and he really put good hip and cock thrusts into his hard slamming. He wrapped his arms around me from behind as he laid on my back and pumped that big cock in and out of my slick hole. Grunts and groans were audible over the sound of cock slamming a juicy hole and balls slapping balls. It was hot. I still talk to him while we play, as he has the iPAD on the bedside table and it DOES pickup what I say to him. While he is pumping and thrusting and slamming into my hole, I milk his cock with my ass muscles. I know he can feel it because he moans loudly. He doesn't realize how loud he is moaning due to his hearing issues, but it is a real turn on for me. At one point, he had his arm wrapped around my neck with some pressure... just enough to make things sweaty and loud. I looked over at the iPAD and told him to breed my hole with his poz load... I wanted to feel him shoot his hot load deep in my guts. When he looked over to read what I had said, his pace of thrusts tripled and within seconds he was yelling and pumping his cum into my ass. I pushed back hard against him, making sure his cock was as deep as possible so the load would be deep in my guts for sure!! I expected him to stop, but he kept on thrusting nice and slow. Not rushed at all. His chest was completely rubbing on my back as he withdrew to the edge of my hole, stopped, then pushed back right to the second hole with each thrust. He was torturing me. He licked my neck, ears, jaw and continued to pump his hips nice and slow. I realized that his cock had not gotten soft at all and he honestly felt HARDER than he had a few minutes prior. He just kept building up speed. Thrusting slightly faster and faster. Reaching under me to gently pinch my nipples. Slapping and spanking my asscheeks with each thrust into my steaming hole. He suddenly froze for one second and then started to pound my hole hard while moaning and making gutteral noises in his throat. I could feel the warmth of his second load in my guts. He told me later that he had been thinking about eating my ass and seeding my hole from the moment he woke up that day and it being 2020 - he wanted two loads instead of one. We spent the night snuggled up under a comforter until about 8 a.m. Then I could feel his rock hard head gently rocking against my asslips. I smiled and reached back and held his cock dead center on my hole and helped guide him inside of me. He used little baby thrusts to get deeper. His two loads from midnight were still floating around inside as natural lube.... it helped him work that fat 7 inch cock deeper and deeper until he bottomed out. We lay on our sides. My knees tucked up to my chest. My ass totally exposed to M's morning hardon. This is one of his fave positions... he can really leverage the angle to help his cock get into my hole VERY deep. This morning was no different. His thrusts got harder and shorter. I really squeezed his dick with my ass muscles and could hear him starting to chatter away and spank me and tweak my nipples and spank me again. This went on for a few minutes and I felt that familiar hot 'ooze' of his big load start to warm my guts. He smiled and eventually eased his cock out. I turned around and gently took his cummy cock into my mouth and slowly licked him clean, while looking up at him. THREE loads in less than 8 hours. My fuckin' hero!!! Once I had his cock up, I told him I needed to run a couple of errands and had to bolt. We are planning to have a bit of a fuck night on Friday before he leaves town for Europe. I finished my errands by noon and got home, made some coffee and checked online to see if any buddies were around. I saw a profile in the next city over for a top black dude - 6' 4", 200 pounds and an 'average' cock. I sent him a message.... (part two).....
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  31. Today the wife and kids drove a few hrs to see some family so I cleaned out and got on Grindr. I hit up a young Latino who's somewhat of a regular and told him to stop by. I was laying on the floor with my ass propped up and face covered when he walked in. He got to business and slid right in my hole, he's not that big but he's able to last more than just a few minutes and his load is decently big. Every so often hed pull all the way out and finger my hole before lining back up and ramming it in. This went on for about 15 mins before he finally slowed down and bred my hole. He took a few pics for me after so I could see the cum running down my ass. https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/monthly_2020_01/923737574_IMG_20200101_1250201525.thumb.jpg.46efa35ea2925a58e0bb6c198c2ab373.jpg
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  32. That's damn hot. I love going to college wrestling meets just to see the hot asses and singlets down at the waist. Been two times I've gotten to suck one, twice got one to suck me, and one time I fucked an ass after the meet at my hotel.
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  33. Chapter 22 Brandon I can't believe I was still horny with three loads of poz cum insided me, but dear god I was. I needed more and Scotty had a perfect plan for me to get some. I left his apartment and headed home to uncle Pete's. When I opened the door he was sitting on the couch reviewing some papers. "Hey Brandon how was your run?" "Didn't end up going." He looked at me confused. "What happened?" I walked over to the couch, kneeled down in front of him, opened his zipper and pulled out his hardening cock. I looked up at him with his dick in my hand, smiled and said, "uncle Pete, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you letting me stay with you and especially for introducing me to Scotty. I have three loads of his toxic cum deep in my pussy and desperately need more. He thought you might be willing to help me out. With that I dove down on his cock. He rapidly grew to full size. I got up, took my shirt off, turned around so my back was to him and lowered my shorts. As I leaned over I heard him gasp as he saw the butt plug. "You horny slut, prancing around the apartment in your tight running shorts. Making Scotty wait over a month to take your cherry. I'm going to fuck you so hard, add my toxic babies to Scotty's. You want that don't you slut?" "YES! Make me your fucking pozzed up cum whore. Please fuck me hard, slam your cock deep inside, show me no mercy." With that he yanked the plug out of my ass and shoved his dick in so hard it took my breath away. "Fuck me!" I screamed, and man did he ever. He literally fucked the cum right out of me. I was getting really good at cumming hands free. Scotty Later that day I received a call from the doc. "Damn Scotty you destroyed my nephew's cunt. His ass lips are so puffy but damn he's one horny slut." I started laughing, "yeah and I'm sure you didn't dive right in and help with his transformation. How many loads does he have now?" "Okay so I may have add a few but the slut's still horny." "Why'd you think I sent him home to you," I was really laughing now. "Well I have a thought. You know Jimmy, a friend of Josh's?" "Of course one of my patients." "Oh right I forget how many of us twisted motherfuckers have you as our doctor. Anyway, Josh is helping him throw a conversion party for some twink friend of theirs. He's trying to get me to go as their friend has a thing for older guys." "He won't mind if we crash?" "He asked me to invite every old poz guy I know so I think your safe. And you know Josh, all you have to say is neg hole and he'll be so far up Brandon's pussy he won't know what hit him." "Okay text me the info." The party was being held in the basement of a club. I guess Josh was friends with the owner and had even helped poz his ass. This was the owners way of giving back to the community by holding pozzing parties in his basement. I arrived around ten pm thinking I'd be fashionably late as Josh had said to get there around nine. Yep should've known better, there were only about four guys there but at least I knew most of them. "Hey Josh, I thought you said nine?" "Well turns out Jimmy told everyone to get here around ten which means they won't show until eleven." Just then doc and Brandon walked in. "Uncle Pete I thought you said there'd be lots of guys here." "Well that's what Scotty told me." "You must be the Brandon I've been hearing so much about," Josh said coming over to give him a hug. "Don't worry, there'll be plenty of guys here later. I'm sure you'll be very popular being fresh meat, oh wait you're not fucking yet right?" Brandon turned bright red. I put my arm around him and said, "actually, I think it's safe to say the only reason he's here tonight is he's hoping to collect a few more loads." "Seriously, that's great congratulations. Who popped your cherry?" "And I thought you were bad Scotty," Brandon said shyly. "Own it! I love being a slut and don't care who knows it." Josh was grinning like a fool. "Umm, it was Scotty this morning and uncle Pete this afternoon." "Good for you! You're neg right?" "Well I was this morning," he blushed again. "Oh then you're going to love this party and the guys are going to love you. This is a conversion party for our friend, so if he actually shows, you and he will be the only neg guys here." I looked at Brandon and he was adjusting his growing cock inside his shorts. A few more guys were arriving and one of them saw our group and headed for us. Damn, it was Jimmy, I almost didn't recognize him. He was covered in tattoos, had several peircings and appeared to be collared. A large daddy was right behind him. It looked like he'd definitely embraced his new life. "Hey Jimmy, Carlos," Josh greeted the newcomers. "I'm gonna kill him. He promised he would be here, that he was ready to get knocked up and now he just texted me and said he changed his mind. Half of the guys coming only agreed to when I told them it was a conversion party." Well it was nice to see somethings never changed, he was still a drama queen. I cleared my throat, "ahh sorry to interrupt but I think we can help you out. Our friend here just started taking poz loads this morning and he's still horny as fuck for more. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to be your neg bottom for the evening." I looked at Brandon, he was shaking his head yes and smiling from ear to ear. Jimmy's daddy was grinning too, "oh hell yeah boy! My friends are going love a hot little otter like you. How old are you son?" "Nineteen sir." "Fuck yeah, he's perfect Jimmy. No offence but he's a much better fit for this group of poz daddy's than your bratty friend. This is the second time he's done this now." "You're right daddy," he turned to Brandon, "congratulations, there's absolutely no way you're leaving here tonight still neg."
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  34. Gloryholes are, to me, the distillation -- the absolute essence -- of male-on-male sex. Two sex organs, usually the mouth & the cock, but sometimes the mouth & the shithole, & sometimes the cock & the shithole, connecting in the most primal union.
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  35. I met Bihairy at the ABS this week and ended up taking two loads through the gloryhole. My pussy was leaking cum for an hour after. I can't believe he gave me so much cum.
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  36. First raw fuck and he clearly loves it
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  37. You can find more details about what happened before this story begins here. Part 1 Here I am at the downtown Hilton about to knock on the door of room 617 to meet my first ‘client’. Up until just over a week ago I was chasing pussy and the only partying I knew about involved getting drunk. As the starting quarterback for my high school's football team I am a very popular and can pretty much hey any girl to swing on my rod. So, how did I go from a straight jock to a Tina whore? I’m guessing that it started a couple years ago when I was invited over to a teammate house. I arrived to find my older brother, Jason, getting fucked. Every player there took a turn at my brother including me. After that night I regularly used my brother when I couldn’t find a girl. Jason and his friends used me as I had used him. I’m not completely sure why, but I didn't resist what they were doing to me, actually my body seemed to betray me add I recalled I enjoyed every moment as they fucked me and had me sucking dick. They were giving something they called Tina, forcing me to for from a glass pipe, but when they injected it directly into my vein is when I got hooked on cock and cum. It’s when I met Steven on a gay hookup site that my life spun out of control. Unknowingly to me he recorded video of my getting slammed and fucked by multiple men. He sent me a clip of the video forcing me to meet with him where he gave me a slam and fucked me while forcing me to watch the complete video of me doing drugs b and getting fucked by a number of men. If I didn’t want the video getting out to my family and friends I was to go to work for him as a prostitute. He would have me service selected men. I was to do as the men asked and let them fuck me and thank them for the honor of being their cum dump after they either deposited their cum in my ass or had me swallow their load. The guy in room 617 was to be my first ever client. Steven texted me the information along with instructions to was wear gym clothes and pick up a kit before I met the client. The kit contained an adequate amount of Tina for myself as the client, a glass pipe and the necessary items to self administer a slam. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps, the door opened a little and the man inside said, “Who's there?” As instructed I replied, “I’m the workout partner you requested Sir.” The door opened and I quickly entered the room. I recognize the man as a very well known professional athlete. I don’t let on I know his real name as he introduced himself, “I’m John and you must by Tyson.” I shook my head and answered, “Yes sir.” John then said, “Perfect. Why don’t you get out of those clothes and get tweeked for me. I like my boys flying while we fuck. I want you see you blow clouds, better yet if you can I’d love to watch you slam yourself if you can.” I took off my sweats to reveal my well formed jock body as I opened my kit. I pulled out my pipe and a rig and began to make you a slam as I blew clouds for John. As I began to load the rig with Tina, John said, “I want you to make that slam as strong as you can take.” I acknowledge his instructions with a “Yes sir.” I continued to blow clouds as I finished prepping my slam. John took his clothes off and watched as I applied the tourniquet to my upper arm, found a big vein, swabbed it with alcohol and slid the needle in my arm. I pulled back just a little as Jason had taught me to show I was in the vein and emptied the contents. I was glad John asked me to slam, I really needed this bad. I pulled the tourniquet off and began to cough hard as John moved in to kiss me hard. I was really flying when John and I got in the bed where he got on his back and pulled me in top of him so I could suck his cock while he ate my ass. His tongue licked and probed my ass causing me to moan as I took his cock into my throat. He had a great cock that semi hard was a decent 7” It continued to get hard as I held it deep in my throat. I felt my ass getting slick with his spit as he informed me, “Make sure you get as much spit on my cock as you can cause that’s all the lube you're gong to get until I breed your jock ass.” I worked up as much spit as I could and slicked up John’s 8½” cock. When he finally stopped rimming me I felt the wetness he created in my ass. He flipped me around as he pushed my legs back and without fanfare sobbed the full length of his cock balls deep in my ass. The penetration was painful at first but quickly subsided as he made good use of my ass. John pistoned in and out of my ass bringing me to moan. After a good 20 to 30 minutes he began to really pound away at my ass, his breathing began to get faster as I felt his cock thicken and grow harder before he grunted and I felt him throb as he filed me his sperm. With his hard cock still working in and out of my seeded hole John kissed me and said, “That just load number one. I haven’t fucked a jock line you before. It’s nice to have a high school quarterback tweaked out on meth to fucking breed."
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  38. Chapter 15 I’d never been so happy to go back to work when Monday came around. It was a little weird being back in my old office but after awhile it felt like I’d never left. The guy that took my place quit once he found out they had asked me to come back and fix his mess. I don’t think anyone was too sad to see him go. Monday evening I was wrapping things up for the day getting ready to leave when I heard this deep masculine voice that went straight to my dick. “I heard they begged your sorry ass to come back and fix their mess. I warned them not to hire that idiot.” I looked up and found the sexiest man standing in the doorway with the biggest smile plastered across his face. “Well fuck me!” I got up and gave him a big hug. “Nice to see you haven’t jumped ship yet. Trevor, you look good.” Trevor was 6’4” 250lbs of pure muscular sex! Short blond hair, green eyes, nice tan and a well trimmed beard. He always wore his clothes really tight and today was no exception. His shirt looked like it had been painted on and his dress pants, fuck I think if needed to bend over they’d rip, but who cares he looked fucking gorgeous. He was the lead of the other team and while I never worked for him directly, I had helped him out several times over the years on different projects. He was truly a nice guy. Our hug went on a little longer than normal and I could swear I felt his dick getting hard. I knew he was gay but I was pretty sure he didn’t have a clue about me. Yep you guessed it, I was wrong. “So how you like working for Andrew?” He had a smirk on his face. “He’s been great so far.” “Yea I hear he has a big dick and likes to fuck his favorite male employees. Are you his favorite?” What the hell?? I started to get a panicked look on my face. “Oh god, sorry Kevin. I was fucking with you. I thought you knew Andrew was the one who knocked me up. Breathe honey, breathe.” “You scared the shit out of me, you asshole,” I smiled and punched him playfully in the shoulder. “You done for the day? We need to go drinks and catch up.” “Absolutely, let’s get out of here.” My hotel was a block away so we just walked over to the bar there. “I’m guessing this place won’t be quite like the bar by your apartment,” he said with that damn smirk back on his face. “You seem to know an awful lot about what I’ve been up to.” “Let’s just say that Andrew is extremely proud of you. Oh fuck I can’t believe I almost forgot, congratulations you slut, welcome to the club. You know I’m fucking you before the nights over, right?” I started laughing, “I forgot how blunt you could be. I’ve missed you man.” “You know I’ve always had a crush on you. The first time we were introduced, you dropped something on the floor and when you bent down to pick it up, man your ass looked so good I wanted to pull your pants down and breed you right there in front of everyone. So you can imagine my surprise when Andrew tells me about his new employee and what a fucking bug chasing slut he turned out to be and never mind when he sends me a pic of the slut taking Greg’s dick and fuck me if I don’t recognize my former colleague and friend. Gotta tell you man I almost shot a load in my pants. The look of pure bliss on your face. So hot.” I was rock hard at this point. I took his hand and placed it on my crotch. “So you done with your drink?” He knocked it back, grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bar. The minute we were alone in the elevator his tongue was down my throat. I’m not sure how we made it to my room in one piece but the second the door was closed he ripped my shirt off and attacked my nipples. Oh my god this man was in heat. I dropped to my knees and undid his pants letting out his 9” cock. He had a nice PA that was dripping with precum. Man it was tasty. He took off his shirt while I went to town on his dick. I looked up and saw a biohaz tat on his hip. Fuck I really wanted one of those. He pulled me off his cock and lifted me up so we could make out. I ran my hands all over his trimmed chest hair and six-pack abs. He pushed me back on the bed and mounted my ass in one go. I let out a scream but he shoved his tongue down my throat to keep me quiet. He started pumping in and out and pretty soon the pain turned into pure pleasure. “Yes! Bred my cunt, give me your poz cum, recharge my ass.” “You fucking whore, all you want is men to use your faggot ass.” “Yes, use me like the cum dump I am. Fuck me harder.” He slammed all the way in taking my breath away, and unloaded in my ass. After a few minutes he pulled his softening dick out and rolled off of me. “Damn Andrew wasn’t kidding, you’ve got an amazing cunt. I’m sorry I wasn’t part of pozzing team but at least I got to use you now. To bad you don’t live here anymore and were more of a sub, I would have loved turning you into my boy.” Hmm that got me thinking, “you like your guys more on the sub side?” “Oh don’t get me wrong, I love fucking guys like you and other alpha males but yea there’s nothing like a total sub bottom that lives to please his Sir.” He could tell my mind was going a mile a minute. “You got a sub for me Kevin?” “Yea, I might. My oldest son. He needs some assistance in realizing his true purpose. He’s 27 so I don’t know if that’s too old for you?” “No that’s perfect. As long as they’re legal I don’t really have an age preference. Although I do find younger guys are easier to train as they may not be so set in their ways as you older fuckers,” he said smiling at me. “Well my son’s a bit of a drama queen but I think if he found a good daddy or Sir who could help him discover his cunt and the pleasure he can get and give from it, he’d be much happier.” “Is he as cute as you?” I showed him a picture of us at the beach together from a couple years ago. “His hair’s a little longer now but other than that he looks the same.” “Damn, he’s cute. That chest hair would definitely have to go; how big’s his dick?” “From what his brother tells me he’s rather small.” I looked down at Trevor’s dick which was growing again. I grabbed hold, “does talking about fucking my son make your cock hard?” “It fucking does! You think he can handle my 9” monster?” “Nope but something tells me after a few times with you he’ll be begging you to knock him up. You’re not on meds right?” “Hell no! I’m toxic as fuck.” “Good.” I climbed on top of him, sat on his dick and started to fuck myself up and down until he grabbed me, slammed me down, flipped me on my back and fucked me like crazy filling me with a second load. “Why don’t you and your son come over Saturday afternoon. We’ll hangout by the pool and see how things go.” “Sounds prefect. In the meantime you think you can hook me up with your tattoo artist? I think I need some ink.” “Absolutely, you know what you want?” “I have few ideas but I’m not totally sure yet.” “Let me call my guy and see when he can fit you in. Unfortunately he’s straight but he does great work, so I keep going back to him,” he grinned. “Now as much as I’d like to bred you again I really do need to get home.” “It was fun tonight, thanks for your loads.” He got dressed and I walked him to the door, my dick swinging from side to side. I gave him a kiss and opened the door to let him out. Walking past the room at the same time was a couple. The woman turned and made a disgusting sigh and told me to cover up while the guy couldn’t take his eyes off my cock. Trevor noticed and squeezed my cock as he walked out the door. “Thanks for letting me fuck your ass you were amazing.” He winked at the guy and walked off towards the elevator. I heard the woman say, “I’m demanding they move us to another floor, fucking perverts.” I shut the door and burst out laughing. About an hour later there was a knock on my door. I was really becoming quite popular. I opened up and the guy from earlier was standing there looking really nervous. “Hi, uhh, I’m sorry about my girlfriend. Do you, uhh, mind if I, umm, come in?” “Look man, I’m sorry you girlfriend saw my dick. I really wasn’t trying to flash her.” “Umm no, I was really hoping you’d let me suck you off. I’m so fucking horny, ever since I saw you dick I’ve been wondering what it would taste like.” “Where’s she at?” “Out with her mom. She’ll be gone for a little bit.” “Come on in and get on your knees.” He immediately dropped and opened my fly. He pulled out my hardening dick and started sucking. “Hmm seems like you’ve done this before.” “He took his mouth off my cock long enough to answer, “I suck her brother off all the time.” “Damn, you slut!” He was a great sucker, I hadn’t cum with Trevor so it didn’t take long before I was shooting. He was a good slut and ate every drop. As he was getting ready to leave I asked him, “does her brother fuck you too?” “No, he’s afraid that will make him gay.” I started laughing, “well if you want to get fucked you know where to find me.” He smiled, we’ll have to see. It’s been awhile since I’ve bottomed.” “I’m here for a couple weeks, so when you get the itch,” I winked at him and closed the door. Damn this trip was getting better and better. The next morning Trevor stopped by my office to tell me he’d made an appointment with his tattoo guy for 6 pm that evening. That night before bed I looked at myself in the mirror. I raised my arms up and admired my first ink. A line of five biohazard signs went down each side of my body from my armpit to my hip. I fucking loved them!”
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  39. Part 14 - Trophies and Revelations The two photos went viral within hours of them being published and Brad sat there the following morning laughing with Marcus as no one had a clue that Brad was the Mysterious Model. It was this that gave Marcus an idea that would again break the mould at the IMA in a few weeks. I had been worried that something might change in Brad now it was public knowledge that he was gay, indeed it wouldn't take long for us to be known as the hottest gay couple from the media perspective. To his credit he took it in his stride but was desperate to go back home for us to have some alone time. There were a few paparazzi hanging around the gates of Jacob's place but the house afforded us enough privacy. Marcus looked at Brad "Your not overly concerned about this are you?" he asked him. "No" Brad replied and looked over at me "I love Tom more than anything Marcus" he said facing Marcus again. Marcus pulled the first photo of Brad and I out of a folder "This is photo that is going to win" he said. Brad smiled "I remember it well" he replied "how do you know it is going to win?" Brad asked. "We get told before the ceremony" he said "but you must not say anything, only Jacob and I know" he implored. Brad nodded "I have a feeling you want me to go to this award thing?" he said looking up at Marcus. Marcus grinned "Could be the big reveal, I want to recreate it on the stage" he said waiting for Brad's response. "But that will ruin your Mysterious Model thing" Brad replied laughing then stopped seeing Marcus's serious look. "I will pay you handsomely as a severance, you know your retiring from modelling" Marcus explained. Brad looked at him "And if I want to do the occasional ones?" he asked. Marcus smiled at him "That would be the best present you could give and you will still get paid" he replied. Brad leaned back in his chair looking at me "I will do it, but I am doing it for Tom mostly" he said quietly. Marcus nodded "Let's keep this between us, Jacob and Eddie" he replied and Brad nodded. Sean was staying in NY and the rest of us flew back to Medina for a few days. Brad had to work a couple of days back at his fathers business before the weekend and Joshua was preparing his family to give them the news he was moving to NY with Sean, Jacob generously brought them a nice pad just off Central Park he mad sure it had plenty of bedrooms to entertain guests, mostly us as he knew how close our friendship was. Saturday turned in to a blazer with clear blue skies as far as the eye could see, Brad and I headed down to the river to escape for the afternoon. Brad laid a blanket out on the bank of the river and I carried the hamper over and set it down with a couple of books, Brad stripped off and went for a dip in the river to cool off. I stripped down to the jacob strap I was wearing, it was becoming kind of a habit now to wear one, and I laid down on my back catching some sun. "That's so refreshing" Brad said returning and sitting by me. I opened one eye to look at him "I might go in later" I replied as Brad ran a finger up along my chest. I smiled with my eyes shut "I'm going to fuck you Tommy" he said in his Texan accent. I giggled feeling him moving closer, I remained silent as his warm breath flowed over my lips acting like magic they parted slightly inviting him. Taking the cue Brad slipped his tongue in to my mouth and quickly positioned his legs in between mine easing them apart and hooking them around his waist as he moved his legs up higher around my ass. I pushed my head back and moaned feeling his cock opening my hole and jabbing until the head worked it's way inside of me. My eyes opened and looked up in to his, I slipped my hand around the back of his neck pulling him down to kiss me as he pushed the entire length of his cock deep in to me. Placing his arms either side of my head he kissed my cheek and whispered in to my ear 'I want to marry you Tom' he said then pushed his hips up hard giving me the full force of his penetration. I moaned louder and arched my back as my step-brother began to make love to me on the banks of the Medina river. Kissing me harder I could see the sweat glistening on his forehead as I held on to his neck for dear life, the taste of him, the feel of him inside me, his body touching mine felt like life had given me the best lover and friend I could want. My legs rubbing up against his thighs and waist as he continued fucking me slow and soft then deep and hard, my cries of excitement drowned out by the babbling water over the pebbles against the shore. Our eyes locked on each other feeling his body tensing up, a drip of sweat landed on my cheek as he raised his head, grunted and pushed up hard with his hips to get deeper in to me releasing his seed. Collapsing forward Brad kissed me through his orgasm, my legs squeezing around his body pulling him in deeper. I stroked his back as he laid on top of me kissing my neck 'You want to be mine forever' I quietly asked, he raised his head and looked me in the eye 'Yes'. "I thought you two would be here" Joshua said appearing and startling us "Never thought you would be doing that". Brad chuckled and looked up "Take your clothes off and join us" he said. "Hi Joshua" I said pushing Brad off of me on to his back. Joshua stripped quickly and jumped at the chance "I miss Sean" he said getting in the middle of us. I slipped on top of him "We can help with that" I replied as Joshua giggled. "I thought I was going to be the one to fuck you" he said stroking my face. I smiled down at him "Maybe later, but for now I want you" I replied. Brad kneeled up and pushed his cum covered cock in to Joshua's mouth and he seemed to purr in delight. I raised his legs and dived in rimming his ass and coating it with my saliva for a few minutes before resting his legs on my shoulder and leaning forward my cock penetrated him. He cry stifled from his mouth full of Brad's cock. Joshua hand reached up and gripped on to my nipple where he started to tease it delicately, my hips undulated allowing my cock to caress the inside of his ass slowly picking up speed every time he pinched my nipple harder. I was already on the verge of orgasm from Brad fucking me so quickly I gripped Joshua's legs holding them against my body to help control my orgasm. The rush I felt was overwhelming as my cock exploded inside him. Slowly I pulled out feeling light headed from the adrenaline rush, collapsing by the side of Joshua we kissed as Brad slipped in between his legs, Brad's cock was hard and slipped effortlessly in to Joshua. Hot and exhausted the three of us laid there chatting and swimming the rest of the afternoon. Joshua had been quiet for several minutes staring up at the sky as the sun sunk lower behind the trees. "Is something wrong Joshua?" I asked leaning over him. He look up at me "Scared Tom, this whole move to NY and living with Sean" he replied confessing to us. Brad sat up "You love him don't you?" he asked. Joshua nodded "Yes of course but it is a big change". "I felt the same when I went to LA, but with you it is different you have Sean there" I said to him reassuringly. Joshua sat up "But you will both come and stay with us?" he asked looking between Brad and I. Brad laughed "Of course, I don't think we can give up and sleeping with you two" he said. I nodded "Importantly you are friends and Sean well he is family, and you have to come here and stay". Joshua smile and laid back down "Promise me we will remain friends I like you both so much" he asked. "We will, we should head back are you coming to the ranch?" I asked Joshua. "If you don't mind I would like to spend the night, let the family cool down about me moving" he replied. Brad stood up "You never need to ask Joshua, anyway I want to enjoy seeing you fuck Tom" he replied grinning. That evening we facetimed Sean who was having dinner with James since Eddie was out of town. Sean was excited as his workout wear had been picked up by several major retailers already. His biggest news was that Gio wanted to teach him everything about fashion design seeing massive potential in him. The rest of the weekend slipped by quickly and Joshua left to go home Sunday evening as he was flying back to NY on Monday morning. On Wednesday I was surprised that Brad was flying out with me to the IMA, we stayed at Jacob and James's house again, Joshua and Sean were staying in their Central Park apartment, Mike was flying in to meet up with Steve who was now on the verge of leaving Manon International as he wanted to spend more time with Mike, they would be staying with Joshua and Sean. Our parents were flying up Friday morning and staying with us at Rosewood. Wednesday evening Steve gave Patty the slip and joined Mike, Joshua and Sean, Eddie and James as they drove out to Rosewood for dinner. He was still my first real gay friend and one I had come to love in so many ways so seeing Steve was always a big deal for us both. We walked around the grounds of Rosewood chatting. "She keeps asking if you would work again with her" Steve said as we stood looking at the mansion. I smiled "She doesn't give up easy" I replied looking at him "I guess I should as I owe my life to her". Steve chuckled "She is always good at spotting talent" he replied putting his arm around me. "What about you though?" I asked Steve "I mean does she know your leaving?". Steve looked at me "Yeah, she was actually quite sad about me leaving but she understands" he explained. "If Jacob agrees tell her I will do a shoot for her only with Eddie though" I said relenting to her persistence. Jacob did agree and Eddie said he would do it, to say she was pleased was an understatement. I was even more surprised when I found out that she wanted us to fly to Bora Bora to model summer beach wear. Having never done a location shoot except at Medina I was quite pleased and kept sticking it under Jacob's nose until he promised he would do a location shoot with me when things quieten down. Patty said she would meet us the day after the IMA's to talk fees and Jacob reminded me that if I win any awards I should double what she is offering. Thursday morning was a blur as Brad and I spent the morning swimming in the beautiful pool and made love several times having the pool area to ourselves at Rosewood. The Butler came out to find us and advise that the car would be taking us in to JJF's office in thirty minutes. I was happy Brad was coming with me and he explained roughly about Eddie wanting to re-stage a photo, he was pretty evasive when I probed more. Indeed he wasn't wrong when we arrived at the office Marcus had the two exact jock straps we wore, the studio blinds were down and blackout curtains up, just a hint of dappled light pointing in one direction that would illuminate the back of Brad and my face. We recreated the photo and Eddie sat there shaking his head in amazement when he looked at the picture and showed Jacob. "How the hell..." he started saying "they really are in love" he looked over at Eddie. "Tom do you think you can do that tomorrow on stage?" Marcus called over. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders "With Brad yes, but anyone else I don't know" I replied. Friday evening was much like the launch night with the red carpet but one very big difference. Brad was sat in the limo with me as we pulled up, Jacob and Marcus exited first and we waited our cue from the doorman to exit. In many ways being with Brad I now fully understood about how known or famous I had become as he kept pointing out from limo the number of people holding banners and photos of me. Brad started biting his finger as we waited. "You haven't done that for ages" I said taking hold of his hand. I looked at Brad who smiled "Don't run off without me" he said. "Ditto" I replied "I feel sick" I said the nerves kicking in for the first time, Brad leaned over and kissed me. I stepped out to flashes and cheers from the waiting crowd and smiled, I really wanted to throw up from how nervous I was feeling on the inside, I guess it was down to overthinking how awkward this was for Brad. I turned as he stepped out of the limo, he still took my breath away, ignoring the press and crowd he looked and smiled at me. The unimaginable happened when he took my hand and we walked up the red carpet hand in hand with me to the cheers in the crowd. It was his way of reaffirming how committed he was to me. We were ushered to our table near the front and Marcus told me he has found the perfect person to recreate the photo, before I could ask he dashed off again. 15 minutes before I was due to strip down again I was taken away backstage, they waited until I was out of view before Brad went to the dressing room next to mine to change. I stood at the wings of the stage waiting, the single dappled light was pointing down flooding a small area in the centre of the stage, Eddie stood next to me talking quietly and relaxing me. I could hear the build up as location shoot of the year winner was announced, then it suddenly dawned on me why we were recreating this photo. Eddie kissed me 'deep breaths' he said. I could hear the compere talking 'It takes many hours and many photos to capture a living memory that speaks a thousand words in every language around the world. One photo captured that this year, the innocence, the love, the desire. Those are some of the words that have been used to describe how Eddie Morales captured The Model Called Tom in one frame, one moment in time. The other model, well you all know that no one knows' the crowd laughed getting the joke 'Ladies and gentlemen I give you Eddie Morales' a big cheer and standing ovation resounded around the entire room from the two thousand strong crowd. I ran through my directions and cues from Eddie talking on stage running the events of the photo, my whole body felt like it wanted to fold in on itself right now from nerves. The curtain drew back "First you need the lighting, not to bright and not to dark, enough to accentuate". "The model who is your focus" I walked on stage and stood at the centre to cheers and applause. Eddie walked over to me "Direct the model to correct position" I turned slightly to my left. "A second model that the first has a true binding connection with" I almost cried seeing him in the wings. The light went out and he walked over to me 'Only for you' he said as he placed his arms around me and we recreated the exact position quickly. "The click of the camera as you try to get that once in a lifetime shot" Eddie said as the light flashed briefly. "You then have a moment in time that will always be remembered" he finished and the light came back on. I could hear the gasps as everyone in the audience realised it was the Mysterious Model. The audience began taking pictures and clapping loudly, whistling and cheering. So it could be them cheering seeing Brad's ass exposed in the jock strap or that this was the first time a photo had ever been recreated on stage at the awards. "Ladies and gentlemen this is modelling at it's finest" Eddie said and crowd roared. Yeah I was a little aroused and tried to contain it but it was not easy when Brad was pressing his cock up hard against mine and holding me tight. The light went off and it was my queue to step forward 5 paces, a prop hand in the wing ran on and gave Brad his cowboy hat that he put on so that it covered his face. Marcus walked on stage carrying six awards as the compere announced 'Ladies and gentlemen IMA's Prestigious Life Model Capture of the year winner and Photo of the Year'. Marcus handed the awards to Eddie and myself as they crowd continued clapping, 'Ladies and gentlemen' Marcus said holding up the last two awards and the light behind us came on dimly at first but grew brighter 'I give you the third recipient of the award, the Mysterious Model you have seen in many of our shoots, Brad'. Brad took off his cowboy hat to a roaring scream of approval when they realised he was my partner (well they didn't know then he was my step-brother as well). Brad hugged Marcus and Eddie then kissed me on stage. We left the stage after several minutes of continuous applause and standing ovation. Brad leaning up against the wall pleading for water as his body shook from nerves. Changed and back at our table I ended up with a few more awards, best newcomer, international newcomer and the big one male model of the year. The party afterwards was amazing, Brad never left my side and was now being offered modelling work by various agencies. Joshua surprisingly for him was recognised and offered work which he debated about, Jacob realised what was happening offered Steve a job of managing all three of us as a separate branch of JJF as he had enough experience of managing models for Patty. I was a little tipsy by the time the party ended at 3am, not in an outrageous state like my fateful night in LA, just happy and chatty annoying as many people as I could. Champagne was okay but I stuck to orange juice mostly as did Brad. Jacob had invited Patty over to Rosewood for lunch at 2pm, the first time she had ever been invited to his sanctuary and she hoped it would be a thawing in their relationship, Steve was also invited along with Mike, Joshua and Sean. Primarily it was a business lunch where cards would be laid on the table and bargaining take place. She arrived at 2pm on the dot wearing one of JJ's dress suits as she was out to impress. She came over and congratulated me on winning the coveted model of the year, I had a feeling she was waiting for me to say it was all down to her. But I made it clear I only won because of the photographer which didn't go down to well with her. I saw Jacob give a cheeky grin from behind her before I said a thank you to her for giving me the opportunity, this appeased her somewhat. Over lunch Jacob explained that Steve was now managing my diary but carefully he ensured she understood that it would only be possible to hire me if it did not clash with JJF work and that I was happy to take on the assignment. As it was the dates she had in mind were clear and Jacob approved that he could spare me, I know it sounds like Jacob was controlling me, and he was. But I didn't mind or worry as I knew he would look after me as his prize asset. Patty, Steve and I stayed behind at the table as the others disappeared on to the terrace leaving us to talk business, Eddie was not needed as she knew his fees already. Steve went to fetch his notebook and diary that Jacob had provided him leaving Patty and I alone for several minutes. She looked at me "You know Jacob is controlling you more than I did" she said watching my reaction. I smiled "I know. He looked after me in LA" I replied "he took me out for dinner every night he was there". She raised an eyebrow "I thought you were out with Steve" she replied. "I don't hate you or hold anything against you Patty" I said "but you left me vulnerable" I looked at her. Patty nodded "I know that now Tom. Steve told me everything, I can't apologise enough" she replied looking down. "That's all you had to do Patty, apologise" I said smiling at her for the first time in ages. "Sorry, found it" Steve said rushing back in looking flustered. Patty laughed "Unlike you to be disorganised" she said to him. Steve looked at us both "Well you know a lot has happened and I am trying to get my head around it". Patty nodded "How are things with your lover?" she asked Steve. "Oh, great we have got engaged and set a date" Steve replied looking a little shocked by her question. "That is good news" she replied "So 5 days next month in Bora Bora I need two models" she said looking at Steve. Steve wrote down then looked up "What budget have you in mind? I mean Tom's fees have gone up now". Patty nodded "Business class flight and hotel and meals all paid for by client" she said as Steve continued writing. "Good, you know Eddie's fees so I guess you have budgeted that" he asked and she nodded. "Model's fees are $10k for Tom and $3k the second model" she reeled the information off. Steve tapped his pencil against the notebook "Hmmm. You have one of the top models here Patty try again" he said. Patty laughed "You worked for me way to long. I tell you what I can go to $12k as a favour" she said watching him. Steve sat back in his chair "Nice try Patty" he said waving his hand in a higher gesture. Patty looked at me "$15k that's my limit he is still inexperienced and $10k completion fee" she said. Steve glanced at the me and smiled "Okay $15k then, what about the second model who do you have in mind?" he asked. "Someone nice" I replied laughing as Joshua walked in by accident. "Oh Sorry, still get lost around here" he giggled and turned to walk out. "Him" Patty said "he was in a photo with you a while back". "Joshua" Steve called him back "How do you fancy a week in Bora Bora modelling with Tom?" he asked. Joshua turned and shrugged his shoulders "Sure" he said then casually walked out causing Patty to laugh. Steve chuckled "$5k and he is yours as well" he said and Patty nodded shaking hands with him. "Draw the contracts up I will be at the Four Seasons until Saturday" she said walking out. I looked at Steve and smiled "$15k to go Bora Bora" I said and he looked strangely at me. "Err no, $15k per day Tom" Steve replied and I sat there with my mouth open. Joshua nearly fell off his seat when found out he was about to earn $25k for his trip to Bora Bora. Well I don't need to tell you how spectacular it was in Bora Boa, finally we found some alone time having got shot of the other people travelling with us. Joshua and I shared an overwater bungalow and Eddie was next door although he spent most of his time in our room. After our return Patty told us the client was overjoyed with the results and paid us an additional bonus of $5k each. So here we are, a few years later sitting in bed in our overwater bungalow in Bora Boa, having celebrated my 24th birthday yesterday here the island with everyone courtesy of Jacob and Marcus. I never stopped talking about the place from the photo shoot I did for Patty here. Jacob had taken us on location to Europe and the Seychelles which were also amazing. I am still Tom, albeit kind of famous and Brad is sleeping at my side wearing his wedding band and now a very confident sexy man. In 6 months we move in to our own ranch house that has been built 30 meters away from the banks of the Medina river, a present from Seth and my mother to us. A lot smaller than the Medina ranch house but it still has 4 bedrooms and great big open plan family areas ideal for entertaining and a nice a pool deck that leads to a path down to the river. Brad will on occasion model with me although he now has a seat on the board of the company his father owns but only works 4 days a week. Our wedding took place in La Jolle in our beach house that Patty, Jacob and Marcus brought for us as a wedding gift having heard how much I fell in love with the place before I became famous. It was never quiet as usually when we stayed the whole gang at some point showed up, in fact Seth and my mother jetted off there most weekends when no one was there. Usually we spend 1 week a month in NY for modelling and to see Joshua and Sean and stay with them or at Rosewood. I am still cheap for Jacob $10k per day, I know ridiculous right! Once every two months I model for Patty and she now pays me $20k per day. She often ventures out of LA and comes for lunch in La Jolle with us. Ultimately I am still exclusive to JJF, Brad earns quite a bit of royalties as the dead range that he persuaded Jacob to try again still sell to this day. Jacob calls them Brad's range and he gets 80% of the profit as a thank you from Jacob. It was during the summer when I was 23 that reality hit that we had become millionaires, all down to Jacob and therefore as I said at the beginning he was one of the most influential people in my life. Brad and I don't spend much money, we just like the simple things in life and each other, it is comfortable knowing it is there if needed but as I said before I am still just Tom, small town Texan lad. Mike and Steve, well Steve is still managing JJF's models brilliantly and now had 10 to manage, he loves his job especially as he can work from home. Mike is still with his airline and is now VP of Cabin Service, they moved closer to Medina and DFW airport and have a beautiful house on a gated estate. Brad and I are all over the airline as we agreed to take part in the safety demonstration video as the airline was keen to show it's diversity. We see them every week when in Medina and often jet off to La Jolle with them. Sean is still under Gio's wing learning a lot every day, his workout wear was an instant hit and still sells in large quantities today and it has made him and Joshua quite a lot of money as well, Sean has now taken on designing some casual clothes for Man By Jacob under Gio's guidance. He continued working out and has turned out to be an incredibly sexy man with his muscle build and my god he is still amazing to have sex. They tied the knot two months after us, Joshua is now VP of Finance for Man By Jacob, he also models with JJF and Patty when a trip abroad is on the plate. The hardest part last year was Sean's decision to come to Dallas and see his family but on his insistence they had to come to a hotel in Dallas as a neutral ground. I have to admit Sean's brother was a very aggressive and arrogant person, 4 years older than Sean but he looked like Sean and just as sexy, but he has an obvious dislike of gay people. Seth had come with us but overall it had gone okay, a long way to go at patching things up but Sean's mother was upset when she found out he had married Joshua in NY without telling the family. Sean promised that next time he would bring Joshua, a few months later he did exactly that which seemed to help things along as they liked Joshua and started accepting Sean's choices in life. Sean's brother is still a work in progress as he refused to meet Sean and Joshua when they come to town, they are now on speaking terms so tiny steps on that front. Eddie and James, well they are our guilty pleasures in life, Eddie is and will always be the only photographer I will work with. Brad and I love to bottom for them when we get together. James is a self confessed fanatic for Joshua and Sean though. I guess the biggest problem people have is finding us, whenever we all go away together no one knows which room anyone is in. But at least this morning Brad and I are in the right overwater bungalow, well we did want to make love last night, just the two step-brothers totally besotted by each other.
    1 point
  40. PREQUEL to Chapter 13; My cunT was immediately penetrated, and I would now be fucked VERY fasT and exTremely hard for a solid 4.5 hours ... NON stop! And these horny t☢️xic fuckers weren't fucking me for 15 minutes at a time. No, I was a freshly made p☣️z cum-dump faGGot, and each fucker would USE me for what I AM, and pump and dump their load within 2-3 minutes of entering me. After several minutes of being pounded my ball-gag was removed, and I started to scream in a wild meTh'd up frenzy; - S6AT6A6N is in the room, S6AT6A6N is in the room, and he is going to Fuck me. He is going to Fuck me. Not tonight, but very soon. He is going to take compleTe conTrol over me. My blindfold was soon taken off, and the first thing I saw was the 'Silent Stranger' stood in the corner, observing. He was not getting involved. However, his 13" in length, and 9" in girth Dick was no longer flaccid. It was poinTing to the sling-room ceiling. He was staring right at me, and behind the small perforations to the eye pieces of his rubber hood his eyes seemed to be glowing red, just like Todd's were a little earlier. I looked to the guy who was currently fucking me. He was looking right at me with a face of haTe which complimenTed his biohazard tattoo perfecTly which sat below his sternum. - Oh fuck YES, fuck your filTh into me. Give me your HIV sTud. FUCK it into me. FUCK it into me. Go on, spray that nasTy viral load deep into my guts. - You fucking sluT. Bouncing onto the stage with your Virgin-NEG Ass thinking you look pretty and have everything sussed. You wanT it? The you will fucking have it. Take it whore!! He started to unload, and in-between squirts he'd spit at me, punching my chesT, as he would repetitively snarl; - Take it you fucking PiG! The entire time I was getting fucked in the sling I would be pissed on, spat at, slapped, have my chesT punched, my tits pulled hard on the nipples clamps, and be made to lick every single bloodied p☣️z Dick that had just nut it's load deep in my guts. Something about me lying in the sling as opposed to being on my knees on the stage seem to really bring out the wild and natural aggressive nature of these dozens upon dozens of t☢️xic studs! ****** I guess I had until Monday night if I wanted PEP ~ Would a PiG do such a thing? 😈
    1 point
  41. Chapter 12: *bloodbroTher shoTs* 💉💉 As my crix bellied jaundiced stud Todd's hot piss continued to stream into my mouth, most of which I was eagerly gulping down, with some spilling out and over my chin and down my torso I began to see an abrupt change in his face. The whites of his eyes that were Hep C yellow were now glowing red with his expression becoming more and more demonic looking as my confusion intensified. Was my Meth/G cocktail causing me to become confused and hallucinate ~ Or was I actually seeing this? After just a few minutes of fucking me, guy number three blew his t☢️xic load up my NEG-cunT, slapped my ASS, with guy number four lining up to take his turn. But, before he could, Todd bellowed; - PiG ... Get up! With four loads of diseased cum deposited into my cunT, my stomach receiving it's first dose of piss, and my body dripping in Meth/G sweat, and piss too, I stood up from my kneeling position in my what seemed to be a confused and hallucinating state. I was also now a bit wobbly on my legs. I held onto the sides of Todd's torso; - Someone seems to be enjoying themselves. For someone who 'WAS' a NEG-Virgin, say what, 30 minutes ago, you are one hell of a pro of a PiG. I think we should all show our appreciation with an official welcome to the 'group'. How about we treat you to a few fresh broTherhood shoTs? You like the sound of that PiG? I was already unable to reply. He let go of me and placed my hands on the back wall for support and left the stage, where several guys all at once jumped on, and my cunT was immediately penetrated with my mouth being impaled on a Dick. This new small group took it in turns to fuck me from both ends, as this stage-spit-roast kept me supported on my feet. Todd got together his two friends Chad and Ian. - I think you two would be perfect to officially welcome him into our group with our special combined shoTs of broTher blood and tina. - Fuck YEAH. Up for sharing my Syphilis with this cute piece of MeaT *Ian replied* - Upto it Chad? Chad replied without words, just a sinister depraved smirk. Ian had a recent diagnosis of Syphilis which seemed to makes his HIV viral load jump from around the 50k mark which he had been for just over a year, to a new 220k. However, Chad was much more advanced. Like Todd the whites of his eyes were also yellow as a result of a few geno-types of Hep C. However, what set him apart from everybody else, is he was supposed to have been carrying the aggressive CRF19 strain of HIV. With an exceptionally high Viral Load of 33 million, and a CD4 of 47 I would stand no chance of leaving the building tonight NEG if he fucked me. As I continued to get mauled on the stage, Todd oversaw the eventual end product of two syringes full of t☢️xic blood, AND meTh; broTherhood shoTs personalized for me ~ The NEG PiG! Ian who was a strong sports guy got onto the stage, and got everyone to step back and let go. He lifted me up, and carried me out of the bar / stage area, and on to 'Sling Room Number 1'. He lay me in the sling, restrained me by my ankles and wrists, blindfolded me, ball-gagged my mouth, put a tourniquet on each arm, and tightened up my nipple clamps. All the while he was PrEP'ing me, my personalized broTherhood shoTs lay on my chest. If my Lew back home wanted to stop me from becoming p☣️z, well, it was now way too laTe! With a huge swarm of parTy goers hovering around me, waiting to fuck the living deaTh into me, Todd picked up syringe number 1 with Ian's DNA and inserted the needle into my left arm. He picked up syringe number 2 with Chad's fuck off nasTy potenT DNA and in went that needle to my right arm. I received my first broTherhood shoT into my left arm. And right on cue the Techno Music that I was dancing to earlier when I gave my short lived show, and that had been playing since, the volume was cranked up so I couldn't hear any other external stimuli. I started my gradual high ascent to the top of this new high, on top of my old high. I guess you could say that thanks to Chad, I was now well and truly P☣️Z! A new virus in my bloodstream, already replicating, and fasT! ☣️☣️☣️🐷☣️☣️☣️
    1 point
  42. age is just a number, i just want that raw cock and load buried deep in my pussy
    1 point
  43. I would say, "Taboo". I have enjoyed what I found to is called "creeping".... ever since I was a k*d - curiosity got the best of me....and I was sneaking n feeling.... Only (2) in the many years I have been sexually active... had been drinking....but so was I..... hmm. Nope, all but 2 were sleeping...
    1 point
  44. You're my kind of hot guy - except for exchanging the strain, I don't get it, and I don't know how life is easier for you or does everyone want everyone else to be in more pain, have to take more pills than we already do. Allergy pills and Truvada for me.
    1 point
  45. Exactly. This site is way too based in fantasy sometimes. ? Maybe thats what most people are here for, and I'm just the odd one out. However I know ALOT of poz guys having worked in outreach, and have had TONS of open and honest conversations with them. Every single one of them has said they would rather be neg, including some very freaky pervy guys. Somehow on here its the opposite and so many think being poz is awesome. Maybe to the minority of guys on here being poz is exciting, however if hundreds of my clients and friends say otherwise, Id venture its NOT, and this forum is just a poz fantasy world. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy hooking up with poz guys, and its kind of a turn on knowing you are doing something "wrong" But thats why Im on PrEP. Because the reality is that life isn't a forum that fetishizes being poz. Life is hard enough when you are healthy and not med dependent. And if you are poz and not on meds, the reality of what happens to you body is scary. Most people have MAYBE five years before all sorts of wierd and sometimes irreversible stuff happens to their body once their immune system is decimated without medication. Colds and Flu's easily kill you, Pneumonia comes out of nowhere and kills you, or almost kills you. you get cancers that you wouldn't otherwise. For many their dick doesn't even work because of circulatory problems. The list is endless. I had a friend die at 29 from a brain tumor because he never sought treatment for HIV. For the two years prior to him ending up in the hospital, he was always sick, could barely do anything let alone sex. He collapsed and was rushed to the hospital, thats when they found out he had almost no immune system, and a huge brain tumor. It was too late, two months later he was dead. Lets not even get into the rejection many poz guys still face. What if one day you want to settle down and no just fuck randoms? maybe you meet the man of your dreams only to find out he doesn't want to be with a poz guy. Is that exciting? To me whats exciting is that today as long as guys take their meds, be it PrEP or treatment we can all fuck whoever and whenever like its the 70's again. Its exciting that we can fuck raw, and feel our cum in another man or his in you. Its exciting that we can do this without fear, and you dont have to be poz to have that excitement.
    1 point
  46. Part 25 - Jacob's Weekend Jake was worried as his brother and Ben were late. The door opened in to the library as they came rushing in. Ben immediately went over to see Fabian and apologise for being late as they just lost track of time, Jacob shyly walked behind him, Fabian asked Jacob if he wanted to spend the weekend at the house as the weather forecast was good with hot sunny weather. Before Jacob could answer Ben intervened. "Come on Jacob please stay this time, I promise to behave." "Okay Ben, if you are sure Fabian and I wouldn't be in the way." "You can stay with me Jacob. Only if you don't mind sharing the bed." "Well it looks big enough for 4 people so I guess it would be okay, no funny business mind!" Fabian and Paul were laughing at their carrying on like an old married couple. Dinner was alfresco and Jacob steered clear of any alcohol, he was meeting every family member and Fabian even announced that Jacob was an honorary member of the family. After dinner Jake finally was able to get alone with Jacob. "How are you bro?" "Jake, can we talk alone?" "Of course, come on lets go down to the pool." As soon as he was comfortable they were out of earshot he confided in his brother. "Jake how did you know you were gay?" "Hell, I didn't expect that question. I suppose it was finding myself turned on more by men that woman." "So you and Marco, how did you know?" "We had the most amazing connection as soon as we met. Fabian told us he saw it straight away in our eyes." "Okay, only there was a thing that happened whilst I was with Ben." "Thing?" "He got in the shower with me." "Doesn't make you gay Jacob." "Yes, but he kissed me. I freaked and punched him in the stomach, it winded him but I think he is okay." "Oh Jacob. It doesn't make it wrong, but you should have controlled yourself and handled it better." "It was hurting me inside after I did it. When he came out of the shower I kissed him." "Oh I see. Do you think you are gay?" "I am not sure." "But why did you agree to bunk up with Ben for the weekend?" "If I knew that we probably wouldn't behaving this conversation." Jake was blown over by this revelation coming from Jacob. "Give it a little time Jacob you will discover what it is you want. Does anyone else know?" "No. Ben said he would not tell anyone about the incident." "I respect that but I think you should tell Fabian, it is best to be honest with him." "I don't know if I can talk about it yet." "Have faith in Fabian, he will give you privacy if you need it, do you want me to come with you?" "No, when should I do it?" "I would wait until after dinner. Just say you want to talk to him alone." They wandered back up to the pool as Jacob admitted to Jake that he liked Ben but wasn't sure if it was love. Jakes phone rang, he didn't recognise the number but hit the answer button. Jacob overheard the last part of the conversation and was arranging to meet someone at the corner of the road the house was on. Jake had a strange look in his eye. "Well tonight is turning out a bit weird." "What?" "First you and that phone call was cousin Zack, he wants to talk to me. Do you know if he is gay?" "Zack... well he has always been a little distant after he turned 18." They reached the group and sat down to enjoy Fabian and Paul celebratory dinner, Jake was telling Marco about Zack who gave him the told you so look. Everyone was in high spirit and mingling around as the part went on. Jacob caught Fabian's eye and hinted for him to follow, Fabian caught up and guided Jacob to his office for some privacy. "Jacob you look a bit worried." "Can I be honest with you and you not judge me?" "I always respect peoples honesty Jacob. It keeps it real." "Okay, Ben and I had a bit of trouble and I ended up punching him." Fabian looked intently at Jacob. "What caused it Jacob?" "He kissed me in the shower." "Well that's no surprise coming from Ben and I think everything is making sense now." "What do you mean?" "You like Ben a lot don't you, but your feelings are in turmoil?" "I think so. When he came out of the bathroom he wouldn't look at me." "Have you not realised Ben is attracted to you, he gets excited when he knows your coming over?" "I don't know what to do, am I gay?" "All I can say Jacob is look in your heart, follow your desire and the rest will happen, if it is meant to be then you will know." "I just don't understand my body at the moment." "Jacob I can only offer you a piece of advise, talk to Jake or myself don't keep it bottled up as it will destroy any chance of happiness." "Thank you." Fabian stood and Jacob did the same, he held his arms open and Jacob hugged Fabian. "Thank you for being honest Jacob, it earns you so much respect." They walked back to the decking, Fabian had his arm around Jacob and most of the family noticed this. Marco asked Jake what was going on, Jake smiled and said he would tell him later. Jacob felt a weight had been lifted off him and for the first time he saw things with much more clarity and knew he would not be judged by those around him. Ben walked up to them both and Jacob could see that the sparkle in his eye was not there as usual. He knew it was his doing and needed to fix it. Jacob freed himself from Fabian then hugged Ben and kissed him on the lips in front of everyone. Immediately he saw the glint in Ben's eye return, they stuck together for most of the evening. Jacob kept his underwear on as he climbed in to the bed next to a naked Ben. He laid on his back looking up at the ceiling, Jacob leaned over and kissed him on the lips before saying good night to him. Ben kissed him back then turned on his side facing away from him. Jacob laid back thinking, who am I kidding, face up to it idiot. He turned onto his side facing Ben and moved closer, he placed his arm over Ben's chest and felt a hand hold his own pulling him closer. The touch caused his cock to stiffen and smiling to himself he feel asleep next to Ben.
    1 point
  47. Part 24 - Friday Is For Freaking Out Paul pulled in to his car park spot headed up to his office, the company ethos was very gay proud and around 60% of the workforce were gay. Paul's assistant walked in to his office with coffee, he looked up and thanked Tad. "Thank you Tad. Is Jacob at his desk?" "Yes he was in early again this morning, can you fetch him." "Of course." Jacob was completing his first course assignment which he submitted on-line, Tad walked up to his desk greeting him and letting him know that Paul wanted to see him in his office if he was free now. Jacob smiled and got up from his desk, Tad escorted him to the office and Paul kept things formal in front of Tab and pointed to a chair opposite his desk for Jacob. "Well Jacob, how has your first week been?" "Exciting, I have learnt a lot and managed to complete my first assignment this morning." "Great and I am so pleased how you fitted in, everyone has spoke very highly of you." "It was strange at first working with a lot of gay people, it is still very new to me, but I seem to get on with the people I work with." "That's good. But I think I may need to change your path slightly, give you something more challenging." "What do you mean?" "Well Jake was suppose to join us in two weeks as my technical consultant. But Fabian wants him to work with him." "So he is not coming here?" "He will be here, but I also hope you continue coming to the house. It will mean studying for more technical things." "Okay, if you think I can manage that." "I know you can, you learnt so much this week and put it to good use already." "Thank you Paul, you have done so much for me." "One other thing Jacob, the guys are expecting you stay for dinner tonight." "Okay." He smiled and left to go back to his desk, it was halfway through the afternoon and for some reason unknown to him he thought about Ben and their frolicking last weekend. He began to get aroused, thankfully he was firmly under his desk and tried to think of work. At 4 in the afternoon Paul appeared at Jacob's desk, told him to pack up and walk with him back to the house. Excitement ran through his body again as he knew he would get to spend some time with Ben, but only as friends he kept telling himself approaching the house. Jake and Marco walked up behind them, they had spent the afternoon walking in the village and the common. Jacob freely gave Marco and his brother a hug. They agreed to meet in 5 minutes to workout and have a dip before dinner. He anxiously looked around and felt disappointed that Ben was not there. Suddenly he heard his voice as Ben came down the stairs, he was surprised that Jacob was here so early. He dragged Jacob by his arm towards the basement gym. Paul eyed them over as they scampered like two drunk teenagers, he told the guys he was off to find Fabian. He walked in to his office to find him there firing off emails. Fabian looked and told he needed a couple of minutes to finish his last email. Eventually he got up from the desk and walked over to Paul. "Fabian, what do you think is going on with Ben and Jacob?" "Ben has the hots for him big time, but I am not sure that Jacob shows that sort of inclination." Andre had joined Ben and Jacob in the pool and they were making Jacob work harder and push himself, he stopped after 20 minutes panting the words 'Enough'. Ben invited Jacob up to his room to get changed for dinner and they all walked up to the house, Andre disappeared to check on preparations whilst Ben and Jacob headed up stairs. He showed him the bathroom where he could shower, Ben had already stripped naked, Jacob a little slower and he felt a little daunted stripping in front of Ben. He sat on the side of the bath as Jacob came in. "You can shower first Jacob." "Are you going to sit there and watch me?" "I could shower with you if you like, soap your back up." He didn't know why he did it but he just grinned back Ben and shook his head as if telling him off. Jacob was trying to put soap on his back when he saw Ben's hand going to the shower gel, he froze on the spot head lowered and eyes closed. He flinched as Ben messaged the soap on to his back, oh my god he thought, his cock was stimulated as Ben took his time washing his back. He whispered in to Jacob's ear to turnaround so he could wash his front. Jacob turned slowly to face Ben, he massaged over his pecs slowly as Jacob raised his head and looked Ben in the eye. He could have sworn he saw him smiling with his eyes at touching Jacob's body, he was brought back when Ben told him to wash him. He did not hesitate and coated his hand in gel and gently placed his hands on Ben's pecs. There was only mere inches between their faces, Ben was finding it harder and harder to resist wanting to kiss him. Ben raised his hand on to Jacob's shoulder, the result caused him to look up at Ben. His mouth moved towards Ben's and he gently kissed him on the lips quickly, then moved in again this time with his lips slightly parted. Their lips met for slightly longer, Jacob's eyes were closed from the sensation of he touch. Ben pulled his mouth an inch away and moved in again with a touch more pressure, he felt Jacob's lips part as this time their mouths finally met. Ben felt the his body pushed back against the shower wall as pain shot through his stomach, he gasped for breath and bent over falling to his knees, he heard cursing as Jacob rushed out of the shower. He had completely lost it after realising Ben was kissing him, he grabbed a towel and quickly dried himself off in the bedroom. His blood was boiling as he sat on the bed, his head in his hands from the shock and body shaking from his freaking out and lashing at Ben. How dare he kiss him he thought, he could still hear the water running in the shower and thought of Ben kneeling on the floor bent over in pain from being winded. Through all of this he had only just realised how hard his cock was, he was conflicted inside in many ways he could not understand. The noise from the shower stopped but there was no movement in the bathroom. The guilt inside him took over, he shouldn't have hit someone who had shown him so much friendship, or did he just want to lead him down the path to have sex. All he could hear were his dad's words 'Don't fuck it up.'. He looked out of the window as a tear welled up and trickled down the side of his face. Was he that screwed up in reality that no one could get close to him, no, Jacob was just trying protect Jacob from being vulnerable to anyone. He got up off the bed and stood by the bathroom door, there was only silence. Did he really hurt Ben that much, he couldn't bear the thought of it and walked in to the bathroom. Ben was sat in the corner of the shower balled up, his head against his knees. "I'm sorry Ben, are you alright?" "Go away Jacob, I think it's best you stay away from me." "You kissed me, what was I suppose to do?" "It was wrong of me and my fault, just go away." It was the last thing he wanted to do as he was hurting inside himself, seeing Ben retreat in this manner was hard for him to figure out and understand. Jacob walked closer to Ben who showed no movement and kept his head down, he sat down on the floor besides him. "I don't know what to say Ben, I want to make it right." "Leave me alone please." Jacob stood up and walked back in to the bedroom and sat on the bed starring out the window, he made no attempt to get dressed and knew his one reaction had devastated Ben, he could loose the trust and respect of Jake and the others in the house. He rewound the event of Ben kissing him, he felt no anger only a longing that he wasn't sure of. He had no idea how much time had passed but he sensed Ben enter the bedroom silently. He stood up and walked over to towards Ben who was avoiding making eye contact with him. He stood in front of him as Ben looked him straight in the eye. "I really am sorry Ben. But why did you kiss me?" "I... it just seemed to be right, I don't know why Jacob." "Do you like me?" Ben just looked at him in silence, another tear escaped Jacob's eye and rolled down his cheek. Before Ben realised it he was wiping the tear away from Jacob's face. Jacob was no longer fighting himself he had to know one way or the other. He stepped closer to Ben and placed his arm around his body and pulled him close to him so their bodies touched. He felt no malice only the sensation of another man's body against his own. "Please let me go Jacob." Jacob's hand lifted Ben's face up they were only inches apart, he leaned in and kissed Ben on the lips as the and felt the feelings wash away as he kissed him again, Ben showed no resistance as Jacob looked him in the eye. Jacob still slightly hesitant at kissing a man touched his lips to Ben's, their lips parted and Ben tasted Jacob for the first time as his tongue pushed in to his mouth. The kissing continued for several minutes and their arms wrapped around other. Finally Jacob broke the kiss and hugged Ben. "Please give me time Ben, I am still unsure if this is who I am." "I won't utter a word to anyone Jacob, not until you are sure." "Thank you. And I am sorry I punched you, it was killing me inside when I saw you after." "Your lucky it winded me otherwise you would be laying out cold on the bathroom floor." The tension dropped away as they both laughed still hugging each other. Ben realising the time told him they needed to get dressed for dinner as they are nearly late, and that is the one thing Fabian doesn't like.
    1 point
  48. Part 20 Rob was led to a padded fuck bench and pushed down on his stomach across its length. As he was being tightly bound to it, Nick spoke. “It’s like you’ve come full circle in a way isn’t it slut?” “ You began your conversion bound and spread on a fuck bench just like this one; only this time you are fully aware that your ass is about to be used hard.” Once Rob’s legs were fully spread Nick made a couple more comments. “There is sure a lot of cum dribbling out of your ass; you’re going to have to learn to control that better.” “I do have one more thing that will give you a little sense of Déjà vu.” Nick dangled a popper mask in front of Rob’s face. Rob started shaking his head no as Nick continued. “Don’t worry; we will use real poppers this time instead of chloroform.” Nick let out an evil laugh as he placed the mask over Rob’s head. Rob wasn’t sure he believed Nick and tried to hold his breath. That effort ended when he felt a thick cock slam into his ass. He let out a big gasp and in the process started to breath in the poppers heavily. The poppers were putting Rob in a trance-like state as his ass was being pummeled. He could not think clearly at all. Images started flashing through his head of one cock after another pounding his ass in the sling from the beginning of the party. His will was bending; maybe being a complete Top wasn’t what he was meant to be. The cock in his ass was starting to feel wonderful as every stroke in and out sent pleasure signals to his brain. He let the feelings take over and he started to push his ass back on the cock that was invading his ass. 20 minutes later he was brought out of his trance when the poppers mask was suddenly removed. He opened his eyes and saw Roger from his hometown standing there. “I’m back for round number 2.” “You won’t need this anymore; besides I want to clearly hear you moan and beg while I’m fucking you again.” Rob just bowed his head down in submission. Rob felt a burning sensation as Rodger entered his ass. His hunger to have something in his ass increased as the bump of T made its way into his bloodstream. In comparison to when he had fucked Rob on the table, Roger was able to drive his cock in much harder and deeper it seemed. Rob couldn’t help but grunt and moan from the assault. “The guys back home are going to love the video of you getting fucked.” “As soon as it’s available I’ll make sure it gets played regularly both at Renegade and at that twink bar Dreams located down the block from us.” “The whole town is going to know what a cum dump bottom you have become!” Roger loved the feeling of fucking the cum filled ass in front of him. The feeling was fantastic. “I bet there will be several Doms that would love to collar and own this ass if you ever show your face back home again.” “I just hope they are willing to pimp you out, cause I’d love to use this hole on a regular basis.” Roger started to slap Rob’s ass cheeks to get him to clench for those last few strokes as he pumped the latest load into Rob’s sloppy boy cunt. Rob sighed as Roger’s cock exited his ass, but he didn’t have to wait more than 10 seconds before he was refilled and back in pig heaven. This time an additional Top stepped up to his face and started to throat fuck him as well. Rob had gotten to the point that he was so spun he didn’t even look at who was fucking him. If a cock slapped his face or pressed against his lips he would just open his mouth to allow it to enter. When a cock finished fucking his ass he could feel his hole remain open for the next. Although his pleasure centers had long given in to desire, there was still a part of his mind wishing this whole ordeal was over. Rob felt a hand grab him by the jaw and lift his head up. He automatically opened his mouth ready for another cock and cum snack. When nothing entered his mouth he cracked open his eyes and saw Cody squatting down at his eye level. “Hello slut, I see you are starting to learn your place.” “That bottom pussy of yours looks a lot looser than when I took your cherry almost a day ago now.” Cody tilted Rob’s head up a little more and spat into his open mouth. ”This, you little bottom cum dump, is what is known as karma.” He stared deeply into Rob’s eyes and slowly licked his lips. Cody then stood and started slapping his cock hard across Rob’s face. “Open wide, I want you to deep throat my cock with one thrust.” Soon Rob’s nose was buried in Cody’s pubes. Cody only throat fucked Rob a minute or two before pulling out. “As sloppy as your ass is I really don’t need any lubrication, but since your mouth was open and drooling I figured I might as well use it.” “Get used to it whore,” Cody said with a firm voice. “Now let me do a comparison on how your ass feels now compared to earlier; like a before and after fuck.” It was so much easier to thrust his cock into Rob’s ass in a single movement. All the cum in the fuck channel made it so slick, warm and inviting. Cody knew the party was winding down. The crowd had thinned considerably. He was probably Rob’s last fuck for the night so he took his time with slow deep strokes. Each time he would pull his cock back, cum would slide out of Rob’s ass with it. He saw Nick and two other staff members walking toward them so he decided he’d better quicken the pace lest he be kicked out of Rob’s ass without cumming again. When Nick stepped up, Cody lifted one finger to let Nick know he was close and to let him finish. Nick obliged and Cody soon shot his load. After he pulled out he knelt down and licked Rob’s dripping ass and quickly sucked out a mouthful of cum. He didn’t swallow it, but rather he walked back up to Rob’s face and began to kiss him. He let Rob swallow the cum as it flowed from his mouth to Rob’s. “See you later slut,” he said as they both licked the stray droplets of cum off their lips. “OK butt boy, time to close down shop for tonight,” Nick announced. The staff members released Rob from the fuck bench and lifted him to his feet. Rob was still flying and incredibly weak. He couldn’t stand on his own. The staff supported him as Nick stepped up inches from his face. “There is one more thing though.” “There are still a lot of guys here that want to give you one more thing for you to remember and cherish about this special event.” Nick started walking to the other side of the room and motioned for the staff guys to follow with Rob. As they escorted Rob to the other side of the room, Rob was leaking a trail of cum behind him. When they stopped, Rob opened his eyes and saw what looked like some sort of metal high-backed medieval torture chair sitting on a tiled floor. He didn’t know what was in store for him, but did recognize that he was in the wet area that was intended for water sports play at the party. He tried to struggle as they two staff members sat him in the chair and started locking thick metal restraints around his wrists and ankles. His head was pushed against the back of the chair and a wide metal collar was locked in place to keep him from lowering his head. Rob was basically immobilized in a sitting position and forced to look straight ahead. Nick got a huge grin on his face as he walked up to Rob and showed him a spider gag. The gag was placed around Rob’s head forcing him to keep his mouth wide open. “Perfect target,” Nick commented as he stepped back. Rob realized what was next as six guys stepped up with their cocks in hand and surrounded him at close range. Rob had flashbacks to when he was a kid and attended the local carnival. He used to love the game where he would shoot a water pistol into a clown figure’s mouth trying to be the first to fill the balloon and win the prize. The difference here was he was now the “clown”, the players were shooting piss not water and there was no balloon to fill. If anything filled it would be his stomach. He’d either swallow or drown. Nick stepped further back and said, “He is all yours!” The piss started flowing. Rob tried to move his head to avoid a piss stream, but he was surrounded. Any movement only succeeded in him getting drenched without actually stopping his mouth from being filled. The party members had been waiting for this and in fact had been drinking heavily to insure they had full bladders. More and more guys joined the activity. Rob was literally getting a golden shower and was completed drenched. When one guy emptied his bladder another would push their way to the front to replace him. Gradually the group of pissers shrunk and Rob was left sitting in the chair with piss dripping from his hair and face. Nick stepped up and wiped a droplet of piss off the end of Rob’s nose and then removed the gag. He turned to the remaining staff members and said, “Hose him down and get the stench off him, then bring him to his new office.” “He’s going to need some rest before we put him to work.”
    1 point
  49. Part 3 I parked just down the street from my dealers brick apartment building in a sketchy neighborhood and followed my son as we walked to the front door. A telltale wet spot showed in the ass of his skinny jeans as my cum continued to leak out of his pussy. I smiled to myself thinking how much more he'd be getting soon. We climbed the stairs to the third floor and down a dark hallway that smelled of stale piss. I could hear a couple arguing in Spanish, followed by what sounded like a beating. We just continued to apt 3G and I knocked on the door. In a minute the door opened and a huge black man answered, his frame filling the entire entrance. He just looked my son up and down, licking his lips, and moved aside letting us enter. I pushed my new whore over to the couch and told him to sit, going into the bedroom. Sitting on a chair next to a small table sat my dude, Andre, weighing out bags of crank. "Sup man?" he asked. "Got my new whore out there waiting," I replied. "We still good for the deal?" "Fuck yea man." He grinned at me. "Haven't had fresh white boy in a while." He handed me two eight balls and I stuffed them in my jeans. He stood and we went to the other room. Looking at my son sitting there he said "Damn! You sure he's 18? Looks like he's 15!" "Swear to God! He's 18 today. He's ready for his "gifts". He's a little spun already, but I want him fucked up and fucked hard!" My Son looked up with fear in his eyes as I said this. "What's your name boy?" He asked. "Cory." he replied meekly. "Cory, rhymes with whorey," Andre laughed. "Which is what your Daddy says you are now." "Yes Sir." he replied. "All right Whorey, lets get started." Andre turned up the stereo while his gigantic body guard grabbed my son off the couch and carried him into the bedroom, throwing him down on the dirty, stained matress on the floor. They each placed ski masks over their faces as I grabbed my camera and started filming. Andres bodyguard, Jamal, held my son down while Andre tied off his arm, swabbed him, and stuck the point in, quickly injecting him with a .5 slam. Releasing the band, Cory threw his head back and started coughing. Before he had even finished, they had ripped his clothes off him and had his legs over Andre's shoulders with his hard cock lined up at his hole. Andre's cock was about 10 inches with a fat P.A. on the end. Spitting on his cock, he rammed it into my sons pussy, ripping him open even more. Cory wailed at the pain while Andre buried himself all the way in. "Oh fuck that's some tight, wet, white boy pussy!" Andre yelled. "Oh fuck were going to wreck you bitch!" Tears streamed out of Cory's eyes as Jamal held him in a headlock and Andre pummeled his hole. "Fuck yea! Look at that red oozing out. Were gonna rape you good you little whore! Gonna make you beg for more! Fuck yea! You're gonna beg for us to breed you with our toxic cum!" That was my sons birthday present, to get fuckin knocked up. I wanted my whore to take any cock he was sold to without question. I knew these two would get the job done. Andre just kept up the hard fuck on my son and Cory eventually stopped crying. Soon he was moaning and begging for more. Andre gave him all he had while Cory's eyes rolled back in his head and gibberish spewed from his mouth. After 20 minutes Andre was ready to flood the cunt with his dirty seed. "Tell me you want it whore!" He demanded. Tell me you want me to breed you. You want my dirty poz load!" "Please," Cory begged. "Please give it to me! Please!" He gasped. "Give me your poz cum!" That sent Andre over the edge and he filled my son with his dirty load, pumping him so full it seeped out and down his balls. He pulled out and they quickly flipped him over on his stomach. Without missing a beat, Jamal got on top of my son and lined his even larger cock up to Cory's hole. That fucker had to be at least 12 inches, and also had a large P.A. "Tell me what I want to hear bitch!" Jamal bellowed. "Fuck me!" was all he had to say. Jamal rammed his monster right into my sons hole, not pausing, not caring about the further tearing of Cory's cunt. He buried himself to the hilt as Andre held a bottle of poppers under Cory's nose. Cory took several large hits, then just went kind of limp. Jamal pulled all the way out, then slammed himself back in balls deep. Grabbing Cory's black hair he yanked the boys head back as he raped his hole. Andre shoved his cum and blood covered cock down Cory's throat and fucked the boys throat, choking him. Cory just flailed and bucked as the two big, black cocks took control of his body, using it for their pleasure alone, not caring of any discomfort they were causing. After at least 30 minutes of non stop spit roasting, Jamal buried himself deep in my son and filled his brutalized guts with his load of toxic cum. Pulling out, Andre shoved his cock in Cory's cunt and pumped a third load into my son. When he pulled out I got a close up of Cory's wrecked hole, stretched open and puffy, his rosebud oozing pink cum. The men cleaned themselves off in his mouth and everyone just kind of collapsed. "Happy birthday son." I whispered in Cory's ear. "Welcome to your new life."
    1 point
  50. No, No. No, No, No. a boy should NEVER ask the Top to use a condom. Just BECAUSE it feels so good raw. We are in a back-to-nature- going green society. Think of all those stupid condoms clogging up land fills. Taking it RAW is our patriotic duty for a clean planet. Everyone must do his part
    1 point
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