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  1. Chapter 1 I’d recently graduated from college and had landed my first real job in a new city far far away from my family. I'd thought I'd have freedom in college but I ended up going to the same place that both my parents worked, a small religious college so I had to be really careful so nothing got back to then about their only son. A little about me. I'm about 5'5" pretty toned from all the swimming I do. I was naturally smooth which I hated because I wished I was hairy. I thought the hottest thing ever was a hairy older guy. I have light brown hair which I keep cut pretty short, bright blue eyes. Oh yeah and my penis was on the small side only about 3 inches when hard. So here I was finally on my own a 23 year old horny as fuck virgin with no clue how to change that. I'd been in the city for about a week and was settling in. My apartment, as sparse as it was, felt like home and so far I really liked my job. It was Saturday morning and I decided to go for a jog since I hadn't had time to find a pool yet. It was a warm day but I was wearing long shorts and a loose t-shirt. I was proud of my body but I'd always been taught to be modest and that showing to much skin was a bad thing. I had a good run and was sweating pretty good by the time I got back to my apartment building. It seemed like most of the residents of building were polite but kept to themselves, which worked for me I was definitely more on the shy side. The elevator doors were closing as I passed heading towards the stairs. I noticed there was someone inside but I didn't get a good look. Once I reached the third floor a turned to head to my apartment when this small dog came running up to me. "Hey boy, what are you doing out here by yourself?" I was on my knees petting the cute dog when I noticed a pair of shoes attached to some very hairy legs. My eyes scanned up to see the hottest man standing in front of me grinning from ear to ear. "Damn Buddy, I leave you alone for one minute and you find a cute guy to pet you." “Oh I don’t mind he’s adorable," I said as I was scratching him behind his ears. "Ahh yes you are." Wait what? "He likes you, son." I blushed as I looked up at him. "You here visiting someone? I know I haven't seen you around before." "Umm no sir, I just moved in last week. I'm in 3C." "Well 3C I'm Brad and you've met Buddy. We're in 3H just behind you," he said motioning just over my shoulder. I stood up and offered him my hand. "Nice to you meet you I'm Cody ." He firmly grasped my hand and holy fuck if my cock didn't start to grow. "Well Cody it's very nice to meet you. It'll be great having some young blood on this floor. All of your neighbors are old fucks like me." "It's alright, sir, I kind of like older men." Oh shit did I just say that out loud. He smiled and let go of my hand. "Hmm that's good to know, son. Well I should get Buddy his treat. Now remember if you need anything, son, I'm in 3H." "Thank you sir." He moved past me and patted me on the shoulder. I couldn't get to my apartment fast enough. The second I closed the door I dropped my shorts and started rubbing my hole. My little cock immediately began to shoot rope after rope of cum. Damn what the hell was wrong with me, the man barely touched me and I lost control. This was so wrong. A few hours later I was busy unpacking boxes when there was a knock at the door. I opened up and there stood my neighbor with biggest smile on his face. Okay so let me take a second here and discribe this man for you. He was 6'3" 200 lbs of muscle. Hazel eyes, dark brown hair, short on the sides and a little longer on top with a nice trimmed beard. He was wearing a tight tank top so I could see his perky nipples that appeared to be pierced. He had a big tattoo on his right shoulder that went partially down his arm. It was times like this I was really grateful for my small penis. I could feel it starting to get hard but thankfully it was hidden in my baggy shorts. "Hi Cody, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you might help me out for a few minutes." His voice was so deep it made my chubby totally hard. What was happening to me? Why was this man making me so excited. "I'm rearranging some furniture and could use another pair of hands." My parents had always taught me to be respectful of my elders and help out where I could so I immediately agreed. As I followed him down the hall to his apartment, I couldn't take my eyes off his muscular back which lead to an amazing butt. I wondered what he'd look like naked. Oh man, what was wrong with me. One week away from home and I was having such wicked thoughts. Then again wasn't this why I moved so far away so that I could try to figure out who I was. I was so distracted in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Brad had stopped in front of his door and I ran right into him. "Oh man, I so sorry sir. I wasn't paying attention." He started chuckling, "it's okay son, I'm just wondering what's got you so distracted." I started blushing a deep red. "Damn son, you are so fucking cute." He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze, wow he smelled good. "Come on, let's get inside.” "Wow, your apartment is nice. It's so big." He chuckled, "so you like them big?" "Umm, sorry I mean I'm just in a studio so I wasn't expecting the one bedrooms to be so much larger." I was turning even redder now. He must think I was such an idiot, of course the one bed rooms would be larger. Okay stop talking, move furniture, go back to my apartment and die of embarrassment. He flashed me his sexy smile that just seemed to melt me even more. "Seriously kid you are so damn cute. Okay so I just had my new TV mounted on the wall and I want to move the couch over there to the opposite wall. We each got on one side of the couch and presided to move it to the wall. "Wow that was surprisingly heavier than it looks," I said. "It's a hide-a-bed which makes it a lot heavier, but it's a really comfy couch so I can't bear to part with it." He sat down on the couch and patted next to him. "Have a seat and see for yourself." I cautiously sat down on the far side of the couch and sunk into the most comfortable couch I'd ever sat on. "Oh wow you weren't kidding." He smiled again. Damn him and those smiles. "So where'd you move from?" "Umm, a small town in Kansas." "So I imagine the city must be quite the change for you." "Yeah its amazing. There's so many guys here." He chuckled again. "So did you leave a girlfriend," he paused for a second before adding, "or boyfriend behind?" "Uhh, umm, no, no girlfriend." I looked up at him and then stuttered, "and umm no boyfriend either." His smile for even bigger. "A cute thing liked you won't be single for long here in the city." "You think I'm cute?" Oh my god I can't believe I just asked a man if he thought I was cute. This guy was seriously going to be the death of me. "Son, I think you're fucking adorable. Can I ask you a question, no judgment I promise." "Okay sure," I answered nervously. "Are you a virgin son?" Yep that's it, dying of embarrassment. "It's okay, I promise no judgment son." I looked up at him and saw his kind smile. "I've never been with anyone. My parents are very religious and don't believe in sex outside of marriage." "That's okay. Some people believe that and that's perfectly alright," he paused then added, "for them, but other people need sex, lots of sex and that's okay too." "Umm yeah well I've lived a pretty sheltered life." He smiled really big. "Well son, you're not in Kansas any more. You're free to be whatever you want to be. Did you date much back home?" "No sir. I wasn't really interested in dating any of the girls around me. I just concentrated on school." "Can I ask you another question son?" "Of course. Not sure I can embarrass myself much more now." He started laughing. "You're fine, everyone has to start somewhere. So Cody, are you gay?" I went bright red. "I umm, I umm, umm, think so sir." "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm gay. Would you like to kiss me son?" He placed his hand on my leg and I froze. I looked him in his eyes and my little penis was rock hard. I swallowed and shook my head yes. He leaned in and very gently started kissing me. Oh man I was in trouble.
    12 points
  2. Part 10 - Day 7 At Sea Andre leaned over, it was 5.30am and placing his phone back on the bedside table Luca ground his ass back on Andre's cock. He had remained inside Luca most of the night and seized the opportunity shuffling his body closer and pushing Luca over on his stomach he was back on top of him. Instantly their mouths met and kissed, both Andre's arms went under Luca's neck and head holding him there. Andre's face was buried against Luca's, the warmth of his breath and kisses, the feeling of his hips riding his ass, everything about Andre was perfect. Luca could not keep the smile off his face, despite his ass being sore he kept the smile and kisses going until Andre pushed in harder than ever delivering more love in to Luca in a succession of deep thrusts. Andre just couldn't hold back, he knew it was born out of love for the sweet cute guy under him who in turn seemed to be totally in to him. But just how deep did his feelings go for him? Only time would tell and show itself if indeed it was meant to be. Andre kissed Luca and slowly extracted his cock. Luca laid on his stomach a big smile on his face, the thought suddenly occurred to him that someone had made love to him under the duvet and it happened so naturally. He knew that this would be one night he would remember, he turned his head watching Andre getting off the bed who gently slapped his ass. Andre left just before 6.30am and Luca padded around the suite like a lost puppy, despite the lack of sleep he felt amazing like the whole world had opened up before his eyes. He wandered back up to the bedroom and put on his swimming trunks and headed to the pool for a morning dip and exercise. Tomorrow would see them back in Southampton then a few weeks at home before going to Tuscany, he was looking forward to seeing Mark and catching up with him. Admitting to himself that he liked and missed the fun and company of the person who knew him, well most of him. It took a moment to realise that his thinking of Mark had stirred his cock, giggling he put his head down and swam. Luca joined his parents at 9am for breakfast, the thought of the four Americans far from his mind until he saw the entire group sat at their table laughing and joking. Wondering if he was still the butt of their joviality but they soon looked serious when Luca sat down. His parents ever the social people straight away engaged in conversation, Luca glanced at Oliver who was looking at him. Having to glance again at Oliver he was sure there was a sadness in his eyes directed at him, in fact Oliver seemed to be the only one who refrained from conversation. Luca couldn't fathom Oliver out, was he just after bedding him or was he being totally honest about his feelings for him? Confused and feeling he couldn't trust any of them, he was plain angry over the way they played and wagered his ass. In a twist of fate and a sick game Luca made a decision to play them at their own game in front of his parents, waiting and listening to their conversation about last night and the show they went to see in the theatre. "I thought you all would have been in the casino?" Luca made a point of asking watching their faces. James chucked at the irony before replying "No, we are not big on gambling" he fell in to Luca's trap. Oliver shot James a look before he realised "The show was really good last night" James said backtracking. Luca looked at his parents "They like to play big stakes" he said then looked at Oliver "Don't you?". "Luca what is with this attitude this morning?" Gio asked looking a little cross with him. Luca looked at his father and smiled "They made a wager and they promised me 50% of the winnings". Gio laughed "Was it a big wager then?" he now asked looking over at the Americans. James smiled "Well you could say that but he is right we owe him half" he replied and looked at Luca. "Well aren't you going to tell us what it was about?" Sarah asked looking between Luca and the guys. Oliver looked at Sarah "It is a little embarrassing" he said "we wagered if Luca was gay". Sarah laughed "Is that all, so who won?" she asked "and how much was the bet?". "James won the bet" Luca replied "I think it was $500k so that makes it $250k they owe me". "Luca!" Gio remarked "I am sure the guys don't need to pay up, that is a rather large amount of money". Luca played along and laughed "They made the wager and agreed to pay me half, I had nothing to do with it". Oliver smiled looking at Luca "He is right we have to pay up, we can sort it out this morning". Luca couldn't believe how easy extorting the money for his silence "Okay" he replied. "Good" Oliver replied "Meet me in the Balmoral lounge at 11am" he said and turned his conversation to Gio. His parents found it amusing on the part that Luca had been open, something he very rarely did with his low self confidence. Luca was a little perturbed both at his parents reaction and seeing his plan almost backfiring with Oliver giving in so easy. Worst of all he now had to face Oliver this morning. Both James and Liam gave Luca several mischievous grins whilst eating their eggs benedict, Brad on the other hand kept a low profile unsure what to make of the events going on. Luca settled down and enjoyed his breakfast taking the occasional glance at Oliver who smiled when ever he saw Luca looking at him. The relief on their faces that Luca had not told his parents everything was evident to see, he was also unsure what to make of himself playing such a risky game with them. It still felt strange why Oliver behaved the way he did and he couldn't figure out if there was something else he wasn't being told. The guys stood to leave and Oliver reminded Luca to meet him at 11am. Gio waited until they left and looked at Luca "Did something else go on we don't know about?". Luca coughed and put down his coffee "I think Oliver is interested in me" he replied. "Right, he is certainly very nice" Gio nodded unconvinced by Luca's response "and you Luca?" he asked "are you interested in him?". Luca shrugged his shoulders "To early to say father, he seems nice but I am just unsure". Sarah shook her head "Luca" she said "he is very likeable and a decent man, you will find someone soon enough don't rush it". Luca chuckled "Who have you in mind?" he replied knowing his mother only to well. "Oh I don't know" Sarah replied "I am sure the right person will come along Luca". "May I be excused" Luca asked looking at his parents and they both nodded. Luca stood up to leave "Are you really going to take that money?" Gio asked looking at his son. "Maybe" Luca replied "I mean it was a bet so what is the harm. I will see you for lunch" he said leaving. Luca had half an hour to kill so we wandered around the ship, the atrium was busy with people shopping. The casino had a handful or hardy gamblers in trying to win back some of their losses. Stepping in to the lift Luca pushed the button for deck 7 where the spa and gym were located. Debating weather to have a massage he walked in to the reception area where Andre was saying goodbye to his client then sanitising his hands. He looked up and smiled seeing Luca standing there. Andre leaned over the counter then turned and walked towards Luca. "Hey, I am on a break now come and have coffee with me" Andre said looking as sexy as ever Luca thought. "Sure, I have 15 minutes to kill" Luca replied walking with Andre to the buffet area. Coffee in hand they sat at the same table where they dined the evening before "You look happier" Andre remarked. Luca chuckled "Did I look miserable yesterday then?" he asked sitting down. "A little" Andre replied "something was bothering you I think" he said slipping in to his Lithuanian accent. Luca smiled "I was upset but you certainly cheered me up" he replied sipping his coffee. Andre moved his leg and touched Luca's under the table "You made me very happy last night". Luca contemplated him for a moment before Andre spoke again "Will I see you after you leave?". Luca sighed "I live in London Andre, doesn't it make things difficult?" he said with his sensible head on. "I guess" Andre replied sadly "you have really captured me" he said looking down at his cup. Brad walked past with James on the outside deck and spotted Luca sat at the table in the window deep in conversation with the muscular blond guy. They could tell this was no ordinary conversation going on and looked very involved. Brad wanted to go inside but James held him back and said it was none of their business what Luca was doing. Luca looked at the stranger across the table intently, James turned to Brad and dragged him off 'definitely something went on there' James remarked then telling Brad the uniform indicated he worked in the spa. Luca watched Andre in a loving way for a while "You have been the only person to make love to me Andre". Andre looked up and smiled "At the moment I do not know where my life is taking me" Luca said being honest. Andre nodded "Different time different place things might have worked?" he asked looking up at Luca. "Stay in touch and come visit me" Luca said leaning forward "that way we can see if we feel the same". Andre smiled "Yes lets" he said "my contract finishes in 2 months and I usually stay in the UK for a week". "So we can meet then?" Luca asked looking at the time "sorry I have to go Andre" Luca stood up. He looked at Andre "Do you want to come to my suite tonight?" he asked trying to play it cool. Andre chuckled staring at Luca in silence for a moment "Yes" he eventually replied watching Luca smile. They exchanged mobile numbers and email addresses before Luca left. He was already five minutes late and saw Oliver sat in one of the alcoves talking to James and Brad who left when Luca appeared. Oliver watched Luca walk over and sit down, he couldn't help but smile. "You were very brave at breakfast" Oliver remarked "maybe too brave". Luca studied him for a moment "I have nothing to loose Oliver, you played me so I am playing you all now". Oliver laughed "Do you really think we are going to pay up?" he asked sitting back in sofa. Luca leaned forward "If you don't I will happily tell my parents what the bet was really about". Oliver smirked "Are you a street whore Luca?" he asked casually looking Luca in the eye and waiting. Luca sat there stunned at the insult "Pay up, you have had your fun" he replied looking angry. Oliver chuckled "I never got my fun so no I won't pay up until you sleep with me, then I will". Luca stood up "Fuck you" he said angrily to Oliver seeing a different side of Oliver that was disrespecting. Oliver sat and laughed "Who are you sleeping with tonight Luca, the butler or the blond guy from the spa?". Luca stood opened mouthed "You see, your street trash Luca" Oliver said calmly shrugging his shoulders. Luca sat down again "What does that make you four then?" he retorted stumping Oliver for a moment. "Was it your plan all along?" Luca asked "all four of you to fuck me?" he watched Oliver who remained quiet. Luca smirked "Well guess what, you won't get to fuck me" he said defiantly. Oliver looked on quietly for a moment then pushed a cheque over towards Luca "I think you are the opposite". Luca looked at the cheque for $250k then pushed it back "I am not a street whore you can buy". Oliver pushed the cheque back to Luca "I got you all wrong Luca and I don't think you will ever forgive me". "You can't buy me Oliver, I don't want your dirty money" Luca replied getting frustrated with him. "I want you Luca, not for a night or a week" Oliver said sounding serious "I think you know that though". Luca held his head in his hands "God Oliver, stop playing games. I just don't know what to make of you". Oliver nodded slowly "Get to know the real me Luca, I know this whole trip has been a cock up between us". Luca looked up and sighed "What do you want from me Oliver?" he asked needing real clarity on the situation. "You Luca" Oliver replied "I want to go on a date with you and see where it goes". Luca was torn thinking of Andre "I need time to think Oliver" he said "my life got complicated this morning". "The blond guy from the spa?" Oliver suggested looking at Luca "you two seem very close". Luca looked at him "How do you know this?" he asked looking confused. "Brad and James saw you talking over coffee and the way you looked at each other" Oliver remarked kindly. Luca nodded "There maybe something there, I don't know yet that's what we are exploring". Oliver chuckled "Is there anyone else I am competing with?" he asked smiling. Luca smirked and stood up "Give it your best shot that is all I am saying". Oliver stood "Can I take you on a date this evening?" he asked "your parents already like me". Luca shook his head "My parents don't dictate who I date, and I already have plans" he said leaving. Oliver shook his head "Luca!" he called out waiting for him to turn "I like a challenge remember that!". Luca couldn't help but laugh at the way Oliver made his point "Well take me to lunch then". Oliver smiled and walked over "Later" he replied "let's go sit outside and talk". No matter how much Luca had hated Oliver over the last few days he was still not immune to his charm or flattery and it crumbled the wall he had put up between them. Oliver on the other hand was not about to let Luca get away if there was any hope of something happening between them. The more Luca hated him the more interest he had and wanted to pursue him until he relented. They sat on the promenade deck chatting in the sunshine and by the time they headed in to lunch they both exchanged numbers and knew where each other lived, it was strange for Oliver revealing so much detail and he was conflicted about the one thing he still kept hidden. Knowing he would have to eventually come clean about his status if things progressed with Luca, and then there was the possibility Luca could be in the same boat but at least he would not have been the one who did it. Keeping their conversation light hearted they bonded building a friendship, Oliver loved the youthful charm and maturity Luca showed with his feet firmly planted on the ground. Lunch evolved in to the afternoon and they both joined Luca's parents for afternoon tea. His parents got on so well with Oliver they extended an invitation for him to join them for a week in Tuscany, Luca was unsure of this move knowing it would bring Oliver and him together for a week with no chance of escape. Returning to his suite early evening he couldn't deny that today had been very nice spending time with Oliver where the conversation flowed effortlessly. Lying on the bed naked after his shower he thought of Andre and Oliver, who were both keen on him. He had no idea what to do or how to play this having never been in such a position before. Girls had chased him but having two men after him was something he never imagined would happen. Andre though incredibly hot he didn't really know, Oliver was sexy in his own way and very attractive but much older. He cried out finding it hard to distinguish from them both and jumped off the bed getting dressed for cocktails and dinner. Always one to shy away from large gatherings like this, he would surprise his parents by turning up at the Duchess lounge at 7pm, well it was the last night so he had to make an effort. Oliver walked out of the treatment room stretching and smiling, the half an hour neck and back massage was all he needed. He turned and looked at the therapist one last time then disappeared back to his suite. Oliver was a person who liked to get his way and he was clearing obstacles. Luca finished getting dressed and was walking down the staircase when Ramon appeared to turn the bed down. He handed Luca an envelope then nodding his head down to his cock Luca chuckled moving towards the door explaining he was late. Ramon went upstairs and Luca opened the envelope addressed to him, pulling the piece of paper out he opened it and read 'Luca, sorry I cannot make this evening, A'. It was brief and to the point, Andre had brushed him off this evening. Standing there reading it again he was questioning if he had done something to upset him, or if Andre was not all he seemed. He threw the note and envelope in the bin. Putting a brave face on he walked in to Duchess lounge his eyes and heart captivated by the smile that broadened on Oliver's face as soon as he clapped eyes on Luca. Seeing Oliver he quickly forgot about the note from Andre. His mother noticed the look on Oliver's face walking past to greet her son, she approved and liked Oliver and made sure Luca knew this in their brief conversation walking with him to the bar. Oliver walked over to Luca and Sarah "Vodka and coke lots of ice?" he asked looking at Luca. Shaking his head Luca smiled "Champagne" he replied noticing Oliver was drinking the same. Oliver ordered a glass for Luca "I'm glad you came to cocktail hour" he said a little too excited. Luca smiled and picked up his glass of champagne "Salud" he said clinking glasses with Oliver. Oliver smiled "To us and getting to know you" Oliver replied flashing his best seductive smile. He was still cautious of each and everyone of the Americans, thankfully dinner with his parents was just them and very little talking with the guys on the next table. That was until desert finished, the guys stood up to leave and his mother invited Oliver to join them for coffee. They chatted away for ages with Luca mostly taking a back seat listening. Gio reminded Oliver about Tuscany giving him the dates and telling him Luca would pick him up from Pisa airport. Oliver could tell that Luca was a little uneasy from the way he looked at his father during the conversation. Luca and Oliver went for a walk on deck after leaving his parents. Luca was looking out to sea "Does it upset you that I will be coming to Tuscany?" Oliver asked. He stopped and faced Oliver "No" he replied and carried on walking "just don't get any ideas". Oliver smiled "I have never been to Italy so I hope you will show me around". "I may do" Luca said with a little grin on his face "our villa is in a quiet place there is no nightlife". Oliver chuckled "That's okay, I will have you to keep me entertained". Luca laughed "Is that so!" he remarked. They reached the aft end of the ship and Oliver grabbed Luca and held him in his arms looking at him. Luca made no attempt to escape instead he was again captivated by his eyes and looks. Their faces moved closer allowing Oliver to kiss him gently on the mouth and then letting him go. The subtleness of his charm and mannerism was gradually drawing Luca in and having the desired effect. Oliver placed his arm around Luca's shoulder and they carried on walking, after a few meters Luca slipped his arm around Oliver's waist and they smiled at each other. Luca couldn't deny there was a spark between them but he was cautious not to run head first. Arriving at the bank of lifts up to Luca's suite they kissed again briefly and Luca said good night. Oliver watched him enter the lift and the doors close, a smile on his face knowing that Luca was going to be alone this evening. His chat with Andre during his massage earlier made it clear that Luca was out of bounds and he was not to go anywhere near him. Luca locked the door to his suite and headed to bed completely oblivious that Oliver had already started clearing the path by removing Andre. It never occurred to him to question why Andre had cancelled their evening together, instead he decided to try to catch him tomorrow before disembarking the ship. Walking in to the dressing room he found that Ramon had already packed most of his evening suits. It dawned on him that it was his last night and back to normality tomorrow feeling a little sad, thoughts around Andre but also Oliver ran through his head. He needed to figure a lot of things out and whilst he tried to sleep it turned out to be one restless night.
    8 points
  3. I FINALLY got to nut earlier today. I found an old number from a fella I met at bookstore, and texted him. Couldn't remember what he looked like, but figured if I saved his number I must have liked him. I texted him a shot of my cock and asked if he wanted to bottom. An hour later I was fucking him raw in my living room. I gotta say I had no memory of meeting him before, but he was a fat little bearded man about 30, and his ass was hairy as fuck and tight. I nutted fast the first time, and only lasted about 5 minutes the second. And then, like a good pig, he left.
    5 points
  4. Marc and I had fooled around together when we were in college. He had a tight muscular body from being on the wrestling team, and I used to get hard watching his matches. He filled out that singlet well leaving nothing to the imagination. Marc was of French descent, but had some North African blood in him somewhere, so he had a nice tan and dark hair and eyes. He was bi, I guess, and I often jerked off outside of the bedroom door, listening to him plow some pussy. After the girl would leave, I would clean off his cock with my tongue and if he was good for another round, I'd let him fuck me raw and give me his second load. After college, we parted ways and stayed in touch at first, but lost contact after he moved to LA. We exchanged Christmas cards and through them, I followed his life. He got married and had two kids. Then, went through a messy divorce. I had moved to the city and was moving upwards in my business. I had also continued to fuck around with guys, and eventually started dating a really cute guy, Patrick, who was both taller and more limber than I as he he had no body fat and a tight torso. He also had beautiful buzzed blond hair and blue eyes. I met him working out at the gym and we hit it off. He was a romantic at heart and was my first real relationship. After fooling around together and seeing other people on the side for about a year or so, we decided to become monogamous. We had always worn condoms before that, and after being tested, decided to give them up. After a few Christmases together with Patrick, the cards from Marc stopped. By this point, Patrick and I had been together for about five years. We still had a very satisfying sex life and I didn't think either one of us was looking for anything else. Out of the blue, I got a letter from Marc. In it, he explained that his divorce had been terribly painful. His wife had discovered him fucking the brains out of her brother, left him, and took everything. Marc spiraled out of control and had had slept around with a bunch of guys and girls. Someone had given him HIV along the way. In his letter, he gave me a new phone number to call if I wanted to catch up. Of course I called him. He was planning on coming back East to start again and wanted to know if he could crash on our couch until he got his life back together. How could I say no? Patrick and I met Marc at the airport, and I hardly recognized him. Although he still had an amazing chest and abs, otherwise he showed-up looking like a ghost of his former butch self as he had lost a lot of weight. We went out for dinner and drinks and headed home to get him settled in. We were all a bit drunk as we made up the sofa bed and showed him where he could stash his clothes. Our tiny one bedroom apartment meant that we would be seeing a lot of each other, and Marc promised to respect our privacy as much as possible. That night, Patrick crawled up next to me in bed and asked me all about Marc, what our friendship had been like in school and what the sex had been like. He was getting worked up as I told him about taking Marc's loads and other risky things that I would never do any more. Patrick was getting turned on and started fingering his ass. I was getting turned on myself, but reminded Patrick to keep it quiet so we wouldn't disturb or embarrass Marc. Patrick pushed me onto my back and climbed up onto my dick, sitting down on it without lube. At first, he managed to keep his moans low and quiet, but as his rocking got more and more intense, the headboard started banging into the wall. I'm sure Marc knew exactly what was going on. I wondered if Marc was jerking off at the door like I used to do when he was fucking some chick. I gasped, as quietly as I could, filling my lover's ass with my load. Patrick pulled off my dick and lurched forward filling my mouth with his cock, driving it into my throat as he came hard. The next night, Patrick asked me more questions as we were climbing into bed. What was Marc's cock like? How big were his balls? Was his ass hairy? We both got turned on again and it ended about the same way, only this time, Patrick didn't even try to keep his voice down. He did wind up with a cummy hole and I wound up with his load in my stomach. This went on for a few nights, until about a week later, when I noticed that Patrick had not fully closed the bedroom door. I could see the light from the living room through the crack. Our foreplay continued with Patrick asking how hard Marc would fuck. What did his cum taste like? Did his balls slap my ass as he fucked me? From his angle, I knew that Patrick couldn't see the door. Had he left it cracked open on purpose? As I was fucking Patrick, I noticed a shadow in the doorway and I knew it was Marc. I knew he was hearing the filthy questions Patrick was asking about him. 'Did Marc ever rim you? Did he pull on your balls?' Knowing that this POZ stud was listening and may be jerking off to our lovemaking made me so hot. I blew my wad deep into Patrick's hole as he shot all over my chest. The next day at breakfast, I asked how Marc how he slept. He said he had a hard time getting to sleep, but drifted off after watching some great porn. I wondered if the porn he mentioned had been me and Patrick. Marc winked at Patrick, and I saw Patrick shudder. When Patrick got up from the table I could tell that he was hard. It got me hard to know that Patrick was turned on, but my stomach twisted a little thinking that Patrick was playing with fire. Flirting with a POZ stud was one thing, but leaving the door open, practically inviting him to witness our lovemaking was quite another. That night, I made sure the door was closed as we climbed into bed. Patrick climbed up next to me and started nibbling my ear. He then sat up and said that he was thirsty and was going to get a sip of water from the kitchen. He pulled on his robe, leaving it untied in the front, and left the room. I knew he was already naked and that Marc would see his body if he was still awake. I wanted to say something, but it was too late. I waited a few minutes for him and then got out of bed to see what was keeping him. Marc was on the sofa bed, propped up on his shoulders as Patrick was casually talking to him with his robe hanging open. I could tell he was hard as his cock pressed against the folds of open fabric with a bit of his pubes showing. They were whispering. Patrick looked as me and grinned like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I nodded at him and he said good night to Marc, following me into the bedroom. I lay down and realized immediately that Patrick had barely bothered to close the door. He dropped the robe and practically leapt onto me, pawing the sheets away from my body. Patrick bit my nipples hard and jerked my cock as he cupped my balls. He blew me for a few minutes and then mounted my cock. Usually, he faced me as he rode my dick, but this time, he faced away, watching the open doorway as he bounced up and down. It was only a few seconds before Marc's silhouette was visible in the doorway. He grinned at us and walked through the open door. I saw for the first time how much weight Marc had really lost. If anything, it made his uncut thick 7” dick look even bigger. I could not believe this POZ man from my past was standing naked in my bedroom as I fucked my partner. “You like to watch?” Patrick asked him. “Yeah. I like to watch. I like to do other things too...” Marc grunted in reply as he begin jerking his dick. I was about to say something, reminding Patrick that Marc was POZ, but just then, Patrick slid off my cock, swung his hips around so we were in a '69' position, whereupon Patrick shoved his drooling cock in my mouth. I protested as much as I could, but to no avail. From my position, I could only see Patrick's groin. I couldn't see what Marc was doing, but I had a good idea when I heard Marc say “Yeah man. Fuck yeah. Suck that cock!” I managed to pull myself out from under Patrick's body and saw him tongue-bathing Marc's POZ cock. I was so hard watching my allegedly monogamous partner swallowing another man's dick and loving it. Marc pulled his cock out of Patrick's mouth and spun him around so his ass was hanging off of the bed. He crouched down and ate Patrick's sweaty ass. I had been fucking Patrick already, so his hole was loose enough to swallow all of Marc's tongue. I stammered out, “If we're gonna do this guys, we should find some protection.” They continued as if I hadn't said anything. Patrick buried his head in the sheets, muffling his ears from my protests. Marc stood up and worked his drooling POZ cock over my boyfriend's bare, vulnerable hole. I crouched down beside them, trying to push Marc's torso away from Patrick's quivering ass. I placed my hand beside Marc's slippery cock and he placed his hand over mine, wrapping my fingers around the base of his cock. He kept his hand there as he directed the head of his dick into Patrick's winking crack. I watched in horror as the tip of his cock disappeared between Patrick's cheeks. Within seconds, my hand was sandwiched between ass and groin. Marc held my hand there as he gradually picked up his pace until he was really fucking Patrick hard. I looked up at him and saw Marc's eyes glazed over with lust. He jackrabbited away at Patrick's ass as Patrick moaned into the pillows. As their rhythm quickened, Patrick started pushing back onto Marc's dick. “I'm gonna do it man. Gonna shoot my load up your hole. Gonna fill your pussy with my seed.” “Pull out, Marc! Don't cum in him!,” I urged, but Marc released my hand and pushed it aside. He drove in a few more times and held his hips there, shaking all over as he filled my boy's bare hole with his POZ seed. Even though I was mortified, I shot my own load all over myself. As Marc withdrew, a long string of cum stayed attached to his cock, only snapping when Patrick twisted himself onto his back, jerking is own cock until he sprayed his load all over his heaving chest. We all sat there panting. “What the hell just happened?” I asked. “The beginning of something wonderful,” said Patrick. He reached up and pulled Marc's sweaty body down on top of him. “Can he sleep with us tonight?” Patrick asked as he smothered Marc with kisses. What the hell had I gotten us into?
    4 points
  5. Thanks for all the comments on the first chapter hope you enjoy this one .The force of the cock in my ass shocked me and caused the searing pain that woke me up and then I could feel the warmness of what was being pumped into my arm made that go away real quick turning the pain into pleasure real quickly. I looked up and was met with the smiling face of my roommate looking down at me. I turned my head at the guy that was pumping into my ass and was awed at the addonis that was pumping real hard at my cunt and making me moan like a bitch in heat. I looked around my room and saw 4 other guys all with strong looking bodies stroking some pretty hard and impressive looking cocks. I could feel the one in my ass start to thicken and with one final slam Mr addonis unloaded such a massive load of cum in my ass. I could feel each volley of his load coat every part of my insides and it was very warm if not blazing hot and I loved it. He pulled out quickly causing a nice loud pop noise to come from my ass which was quickly replaced with another cock quickly. The second guy plunged straight in down to the root causing me to lose my breath for a moment and he stayed still for a moment to let me adjust before starting his own hammering. The first guy walked to my front and presented me with his wet cummy cock for me to clean and I instantly accepted the invitation. With these two gods at each end of me I couldn't do much but look again at my roommate and saw him smiling again. Do you like your surprise? I couldn't give him a direct answer but grunted in approval. What you didn't know Jacob was that you thought we were at 2 separate parties but we were at the same and I saw you strike out a few times at getting laid so once I saw you leave for home I hopped on Grindr real quick and got ahold with all these guys and talked to all of them into fucking you crazy with no stops. Once everyone agreed we waited until I figured you were sleeping and we went into the house to find you. I knew Jeremy was crafty and I was so happy he was because I was so loving the attention I was getting. My mind went back to feeling the large cock buried in my cunt and the other buried in my throat and felt amazingly full. These two men matched each others thrusts so they pulled out and buried in again at the same time. I am lucky I have no gag reflex and was able to feel this long rod make its way down my throat. The man fucking me was picking up the pace and so did the guy in my throat and I knew what was about to happen. They both slammed in me hard at the same time and I could feel both loads gushing into my holes as well as another slam in my arm where my roommate injecting a nice slam of Tina in me making me soar off the bed. They both pulled out of me and I knew it wouldn't be long before I was full again and sure enough another cock in my cunt and other in my throat. It went like this for a while and I lost track of time until everyone in the room had a turn at my holes. Once everyone got their turn I was untied and sat up and given something to drink. I figured I knew what it was and when I felt the tart taste of the piss I gulped it all down. I came down on my high a bit and could feel the soreness in my ass and my throat but what I felt most of all was happy and full. I stood up and felt all the loads in my ass start to trickle out and walked to each of the guys standing in my room and gave them each a big hug and shoved my tounge down their throats. I got to my roommate last and told him I was very grateful for him doing this and that we made our agreement he was smiling at me and hugged me and I whispered in his ear that the night isn't over yet. I stuck a needle in Jeremy's ass and pushed the plunger down and in a split second Jeremy started to go to sleep. Jeremy didn't see that one of the guys handed me a syringe while we were hugging and kissing and that he had whispered to me that it was a sleeping drug and to stick Jeremy's ass with it so we could all set up some more fun before the night was over.
    4 points
  6. CTI-3 Meeting the Doctor I stood there for a moment trying to process what they fuck just happened, but I that was interrupted by a man in a white jacket coming in. He was a hot looking muscle daddy, grey hair at the temples, salt and pepper goatee and a hot muscled body. I looked at his crotch and he had a thick tube heading down his left leg. “Good afternoon young man. I’m Dr. Hazzard and I will be in charge of your treatment. I have read your case file and I see some very promising things in there” I just stood there silent. “I observed your first treatment and I have to say I am impressed with your quick response” “I though I was here to get rid of these urges?” “Young man, we use unconventional treatments to help with the urges. You will never get rid of them, but will be treated to be free when those urges happen” Again I was silent. “I noticed you checking me out when I came into your room. Your eyes gave you away. Your focus was at my crotch almost instantly” I swallowed. “You are a cock whore, I can tell, yes?” I felt my face flush with embarrassment. “Yes?” He asked again “Yes” I replied. “Good. Now get on the bed, on your back and lift your legs up in the air. Expose your hole to me” As if almost hypnotized I did as the doctor instructed. He stepped closer and reached out, running his fingers around my hole. “I know you have had cucumbers up there as well as our fuck machine’s smooth rocket but have you had a real cock in there” “No sir” “That will change, soon!” “Orderlies” The two musclemen entered the rooms and without any other instructions, each grabbed an ankle and pulled my legs apart, wide apart. I watched between my legs as he unzipped his pants. His hand reached into the open zipper and pulled out his massive cock. It was already growing, it was thickening as it got longer. I could see the Doctor stroking it, pulling back the skin covering the head. “It’s time for both your cherries to be taken, your virgin hole and taking his first poz load” I could feel the doctor rubbing his cock up and down my crack. Teasing my hole. The orderlies were watching intently. Without warning the doctor pushed his thick cock into my hole, which resisted at first but quickly opened and allowed it to penetrate deep. The pain was intense. I started to breathe heavily and sweat. “Take the pain!” the doctor said. His cock stretched my hole, as the pain slowly subsided and pleasure replaced it. He pushed all the way in and slowly began to fuck me. I went to grab my hard cock and tried to stroke it by the doctor pushed it way. “You’re a bottom, your pleasure comes from your hole, not your cock. It is useless” His cock was pumping my hole at a steady pace. The pleasure was something I had never experienced, rippling through my body. “Squeeze your hole around my cock” the doctor said, “use your hole to pleasure the man in you, enhance his pleasure” I tightened my hole, squeezing then releasing over and over. I looked into his eyes as I did, trying to see if he liked it but his expression did not change, but I didn’t stop. “What do you want” he asked “I want your poz load, your disease” I replied repeating what I had heard from the video. He quickened his fucking of my hole. I could feel his pants rubbing against me as he thrusted all the way in. His cock was getting harder as he did it. “You must be sure this is the path you want to take,” “It is, I want to be free” He pumped harder and faster. His breathing had increased as he fucked me. “I’m going to inject you with your first exposure to HIV. This will be repeated multiple times a day until you convert” He pulled his cock out and rammed it all the way in. I felt his cock pulse and my inside was flooded by a hot fluid. His cock jumped hard as his cum shot out of his cock and into my hole. “Milk my cock” he said I squeezed as he pulled out, leaving me feeling empty and my hole gaping. Something inside me wanted to be filled up again. The orderlies released my legs and left my room. “Rest up” the doctor said, “Tomorrow you have your first group therapy session” As he said this, his cock was slowly sliding out of my hole. I could feel it fall free and I reached down and ran my fingers around my opened, wet hole. I moaned as I felt it. I watched as the doctor tucked his cock back into his pants and zip up. “No jacking your cock tonight or pleasuring your hole” he said, “sleep” As he was shutting the door he said: “We will be watching”
    4 points
  7. So my roommate and I had always had an agreement that throughout the day that we were together in the 2 bedroom house we shared whoever fell asleep before the other would get tied up and slammed and get fucked while sleeping and that there was no way out of it. But it wasn't just going to be the roommate doing the fucking we agreed that the other had to hit up anyone on Grindr or any other gay hookup website or app and get as many guys as we could over to breed the sleeper. We were both Poz so we didn't care about anyone's status and if they partied it would make it better. Jeremy and I were both 19 and since we were always together in school and both on the swim team we both had similar builds. We both stood at 6ft and both had a nice swimmers six pack. I had nice thick 7 inch cock and Jeremy had a similar thick but 6 inch cock and we loved sucking on them when we were together. This night we were both out seperatly at different parties and I was the first to make it home. I walked in and went straight to the bathroom to wash off all the funky odores I got on me with all the girls that kept rubbing all over me. I was upset that I wasn't bringing home any of the guys to fuck me and really wasn't in the mood to jack off so as soon as I was out of the shower I just decided to turn in for the night and sleep all this day away. Jeremy It was three am and I stumbled in the door with the six guys that wanted to come home with me to fuck and I could see my roommates shoes by the front door so I knew he was home. I smiled and whispered for the other guys to be quite as I tip toed to my roommates room where I found him sound asleep on his belly with his as showing and slightly snoring. As per our agreed rules I went to the guys and told them all to strip their clothes at the door and explained to them what out agreement was. They all grinned ear to ear when they heard that and they all quickly got out of their clothes. I took mine off as well and made sure to grab the syringe full of Tina and the Tina laced lube I had brought with me and we all crept to my roommates room to get ready. Once in his room I quietly got the ropes from under his bed and started tying his wrist and ankles to his bed posts. Once they were secure I checked on him and he was still snoring soundly so I knew we could move on to the next part. I grabbed the syringe and the tourniquet and started to wrap it around his arm and passed the Tina laced lube to the guy with the biggest cock and whispered to him to plunge right into his ass as I plunged down on the needle. He nodded and got himself ready as I inserted the needle with no problem into his arm. I pulled back on the plunger and it filled nicely with blood signaling it was ready. I looked over at the big guy ready to fuck my roomy and he was aimed right at his hole with the other guys spreading his ass to help. I gave him the thumbs up and whispered if they were both lubed and ready and he smiled and gave a thumbs up as well. Ok I whispered and said on the count of there, 3 2 1. Right after one I plunged down on the needle and the guy slammed down into my roommates hole causing him to jolt up and scream in pain and surprise. More to cum little piggies
    3 points
  8. Im a total bottom and I wish my dick and balls were even smaller
    3 points
  9. I was in college the first time I experienced POZ cock, or rather I saw a guy, my boyfriend, taking POZ cock. I was more of a top, and my boyfriend Bobby was more of a bottom, but we changed it up every so often to keep things exciting. We tried flipping, but it got boring after a while. He had a hard time keeping it hard enough to top me. Ugh... And of course, we fucked bare. We talked about adding a third guy to our relationship, but didn't want to complicate things. I didn't want him to start to stray, secretly, however, the thought of seeing another guy fuck him got me hard. Anyhow, we needed some sort of an outlet to get our rocks off. I was in the campus library one night, and yes, maybe I was looking for the rumored glory hole in the basement, you know, out of curiosity more than anything. Anyway, I stood at the urinal, stroking my cock a bit, and waited. After a few minutes, I gave up. I let my stiffy go down enough to piss and headed out. Across the hall from the bathroom was a bulletin board. I gazed at a few postings absent-mindedly and one jumped out at me: GET OFF ON PHOTOGRAPHING HOT GUYS WITH EACH OTHER? JOIN OUR NAUGHTY GAY FUCK PHOTO CLUB EMAIL YOUR PICS TO ******@******.COM FOR AN INVITE Sweet. I snapped a photo of the address with my phone and headed home with a smile on my face and a semi-hard dick in my pants. Bobby and I thought it would be just what we needed. We didn't need to cheat to get off on watching other guys mess around. We set up my phone on my desk with an auto-timer and took some playful photos of us on my bed, with undies pulled down to show pubes but no dick, and some that sort of showed our faces, but not really. We got so hot “posing” that he was able to get it hard enough to fuck me senseless! It wasn't until he pulled out of my cummy hole that I realized that we had left the auto-timer running, and it was all captured in pics! We sent some of the more playful photos and one or two nude fuck pics, that didn't show our faces, to the email address. Within minutes, we had an invite for a photo session that weekend. We arrived at the address on Saturday night, right on time. The building looked like a frat house. We rang the bell, holding hands and grinning ear to ear. A cute guy in his mid-20s opened the door and invited us in. He showed us where to stow our clothes, if we wanted, and then led us into the living room, which had been converted into a photo studio, complete with professional lighting equipment. There was a platform in the middle of the room about waist high and a mattress. Our host told us that the group met every other weekend and usually two of the members would have pose in front of everyone and the other members would take photos, sometimes close-ups, sometimes showing faces, but only if the guys “posing” were comfortable with that. Some of the couples would simulate penetration, and some would really have sex. There were condoms available, but some of the guys preferred it bare. Bobby made a joke that he was SURE everyone preferred it bare. Our host mentioned most of the couples “posing” were boyfriends, but a few were single guys who were interested in the “art” of it, or just getting their rocks off. He also mentioned everything that happened would be fun and consensual. No one would pressure us to do anything we weren't comfortable with, and we had to do the same. No pressure. Period. Finally he said we were welcome to take as many photos as we liked, and even strip down and jerk off if we wanted, but no group action, again, unless everyone was comfortable with that. I could tell by the way his cargo shorts were swelling, he was getting hard just describing the rules to us. We relaxed and shared a beer. The doorbell rang, and he excused himself to answer the door. Most of the rest of the group had arrived at once. Our “models” for the evening would be a cute couple, Ryan and Kevin, who liked to “pose” as much as they liked to take photos. There were six other guys there, all with really nice-looking digital cameras hanging around their necks. As hot as they were, I was a bit surprised at how chill everyone was. The “models” were both sort of twinky with smooth relatively-hairless tight bodies. Ryan and Kevin undressed each other, pausing every few seconds for the guys to snap a few pics. They stripped down to matching black jockstraps. Two guys had unzipped and started to jerk off as Ryan and Kevin sucked each other's dick. Kevin ate out Ryan's hole as guys leaned in to take photos. I was totally hard as Kevin lined-up his bare cock and edged it into Ryan's slippery hole. Bobby was fascinated. He leaned in very close and Kevin pulled out so just the head of his cock was in Kevin's ass. Kevin moaned as Bobby leaned in so close for a photo that his hands brushed Kevin's sticky cock. The guys rearranged into a few more positions as the rest of the group snapped away. The sexual energy in the room was palpable, but everyone really did stay calm. I found myself so mesmerized that I was forgetting to take photos. I knew Kevin was close. He pulled out and spread Ryan's asscheeks apart, then flipped him over onto his back and slid his bare cock all the way in. Bobby and I were so close as we snapped photos that we could see the cum pulsing through Kevin's dick. He eventually slid his softening cock out of Ryan's ass. Ryan pulled apart his cheeks to show Kevin's load oozing out. The frat boy host, who had been “professional” the whole time, leaned in for some creampie close-ups. He got closer and closer. “May I?” he asked. “Be my guest” said Ryan as his hole winked. The frat boy stuck out his tongue and took a swipe at Ryan's ass, covering his tongue with Kevin's load. He swallowed it down. Then, like nothing had happened, the guys toweled off and we all went into another room where there was a computer bank set up. All of the guys uploaded their photos into a folder and the frat boy emailed a link to us all so we could download them. We shook hands and left. On the way home Bobby went on and on about how sexy it was to fuck in front of strangers, and to have the whole thing captured on film! He was seemed as impressed by the models fucking raw as he was by the two guys who were comfortable enough to jerk off, noting that one of them had a massive cock! When we got home, we were both so horny. We downloaded the photos immediately and started to fool around. We fucked each other twice that night as the photos cycled through on the screen. He asked if I wanted to “pose” and I said, “HELL YES!!!” We emailed the frat boy and told him we would like to model for the group. He said they had models scheduled already for the next few sessions, but we would be able to pose at the end of the next month. Score! Two weeks later came around and we were promptly on time back at the house. The models this week were two single guys, the two guys who had jerked off at the last session. Joe was tall and beefy, like a football player. The other guy, Tom, was skinnier, but still solidly built, looking sort of like he had lost weight recently. He was the one who had the huge dick, frankly one of the biggest I'd ever seen. His skinniness made his cock look even bigger. They started stripping each other down down, pausing here and there for photos. The rest of the guys were clearly turned on, but remained “professional.” The frat guy whispered to me and Bobby that they had been flirting for a while and this was their first time together. Joe and Tom got down to their underwear and they started pulling it down to reveal each other's pubes, again pausing for shots. Eventually, they were 69ing, still going at it, but slowly, no doubt for our benefit, I'm sure. Tom was sucking Joe for real, but Joe never put Tom's dick in his mouth, only pretending to blow him as the guys snapped away. Tom started working his fingers into Joe's hole and Joe started squirming. “I know we talked about this, but maybe it would be okay, if we fuck safe.” Tom looked uncomfortable when he realized that Joe wanted to get fucked. “Dude. I'm not into latex. Can I bareback you?” Joe said that he wasn't into that and sort of freaked out. They decided to continue with the sessions, but only posing like they were fucking each other. Joe bent over and grabbed his ankles as Tom rimmed his hole and then lined up his bare cock like he was going to put it in. Tom was so turned on that his hard cock was drooling precum. He worked his wet cock over Joe's crack, pausing every so often for photos. Joe seemed to be struggling. It was obvious that he wanted Tom's cock, but he wouldn't allow himself to go for it. Tom worked a few fingers into Joe's ass as the rest of the guys kept shooting. He aligned his cock with Joe's ass again, this time putting the purple head of his bare dick right on Joe's ass, working it up and down. From the right angle, it would have totally looked like they were fucking. Globs of Tom's precum poured down onto Joe's ass and into his open hole. “You okay with me dripping in you?” “NO! That's not what we talked about. You're POZ man. I'm fine with a condom, but I don't want your cum in me!” He grabbed his clothes and stormed off in a huff. Everyone stood around for a few seconds and then started to pack up his stuff. The frat guy calmed the situation down as Tom sat there with his erection going down. He approached us as asked, since we were the last ones to be so excited about posing. I had assumed that he meant for me and Bobby to pose instead, but Bobby must have thought differently. He winked at me and leapt onto the mattress, next to Tom. Bobby started tearing his clothes off, eyes locked with Tom. He was reaching out for his massive cock. The frat guy leaned in and spoke lowly about the rules. Only consensual stuff. No pressure, and simulated sex was okay. Bobby was staring at Tom, and his massive POZ cock that I'm not sure he heard anything at all. Bobby leaned forward and locked mouths with Tom in an intense kiss as they reached for each other's cock.... To be continued
    2 points
  10. My decision to BB, i didn’t take lightly. Like many of you i desired it so badly but was scared. But Watching more porn and using sex toys more it’s almost like i became obsessed with wanted to go bareback let someone breed me. After a long time i started asking guys in i met online if they played safe or bb. I met this one guy who said he played either way, so i just said we will decide later. I was traveling and at a hotel so i had set some condoms out on the night stand with the lube. After a lot of four play he was laying in his back and asked me if i wanted to hop on, so i just grabbed the lube no condom. I lived my hole and his cock. I hesitated for minute waiting for him to say get a condom but he didn’t. So i proceeded to sit down on top of him. He fed me his dick when we changed positions, it was so erotic to taste my ass on his cock..... After a while he said he was about to cum and i just said cum inside me, i want you to shoot it deep in me. When finished i laid there and couldn’t believe what just happened. I was spent and it was so fucking amazing.
    2 points
  11. Yesterday I with the COVID lockdown and bad weather I could not stand sitting on the couch watching Netflix anymore so I cleaned the house. Moving from room to room cleaning and scrubbing, in shorts and a tight T-shirt I could tell my man I was working up a sweat so I finally ditched the T-shirt. My man, the constant workaholic spent the day working from the couch. I caught him checking out my ass every time I walked by; and could tell that he was getting horny. After I had finished the whole house, and my other half’s laptop was put away, I rinsed off in a hot shower and put on his favorite jock, grabbed two beers, the brown bottle; and started on my favorite chore of all: working the most thick and beautiful dick in the world. He was waiting for this too, he was naked and hard when I got back to the living room. His legs were spread and he was striating his 7”x 6” cock. I gave him his beer and dropped to kn knees where I belong. I give his throbbing cock so head, he snaps a few pics to send off to his top buddies. He always loves showing off his eager houseboy. The oral invasion does not last long, soon he is carrying me into the bed room and bending me over the freshly made bed. In no time I’m lube up, poppers up, and have a thick cock buried to the hilt. More pics are snapped, then the fucking really begins. We nut at the same time, him deep in my jockstrap clad ass; and mine across the clean sheets that I just changed. He pulls out and a glob of his seed drops out of my hole and I feel it dripping down my inner thigh. I’m still trying to catch my breath, and he smacks my ass as he walks out of the room, leaving me there panting like a used whore.
    2 points
  12. Legal age. I prefer experienced btms but had a 19 year old approach me on A4A for his first BB. Tested my patience a bit, but I knew every other fuck he gets will be compared to it.😈
    2 points
  13. The first time I knowingly took a poz load was from a young bloke who I first met as a street prostitute at Shakespeare Grove in the old days when it was a “thing”. Good kid; apparently straight but seemed to enjoy gay sex. He and I got along pretty well; unlike most I suppose, I was always very respectful and generous. We caught up regularly and then he disappeared for a while. Months later, I got a call from him asking if we could catch up. It turned out that he’d been in jail and needed money and somewhere to stay for a while. I was happy to let him crash in my spare room and gave him some cash but tried to make it clear that he wasn’t expected to give me anything in return. He told me that he’d been the prison bitch pretty much every day inside and was now HIV. During the night, he came into my bed and started making out with me. I couldn’t resist and eased him on top of me but he literally insisted he put on a condom. I let him but as we were fucking he became upset at the idea that my dick was soft and that I wasn’t enjoying myself. As much as I kept telling him that wasn’t the case, he wouldn’t believe me. Eventually I told him that, if he wanted to see my cock go rock hard, he could take the condom off and fuck me the way I wanted him to fuck me. Like the kid who wanted to please, he did exactly that and loved the instant reaction from my cock. While he tried to pull out when he was about to cum, I kept him inside with my legs and, after that, we had no problems whatsoever on the subject. He’s one of three blokes I know well and care for greatly who’ve been prison bitches, including my boyfriend. He was also the bitch in juvenile detention. When I know them and can see the hurt it’s caused them, yeah it makes me angry. It seems to be common and the “there’s nothing we can do about it” attitude just shits me no end.
    2 points
  14. My first time actually getting fucked was with an escort and his boyfriend. Ironically I’d booked him the night before and, for at least the third time, gave up on being penetrated because of the pain. But the need to try it was getting worse and, when I rang him the next night, I just said “don’t listen to me. Just do it”. He brought his boyfriend because he thought I might chicken out again, I suppose, and he wanted to put on a ‘show’ since I obviously earned a decent wage and was ok with spending it on sex... Long story short, I couldn’t protest if my mouth was full of his boyfriend’s cock and, even though it was the heights of the AIDS epidemic, I was so desperate to get fucked, the subject of condoms just never arose. I had them; I’m pretty sure he had them; it just didn’t come up. After him, my next sexual partner was an old guy in a public toilet a few days later. I was going to insist upon a condom but, again, by the time said “I’m going to fuck you now” and turned me around, bent me over and inserted his cock into me, the last thing I could think about was asking him to pause to put on a condom. After he fucked me, I went back to his place (in a caravan) and he fucked me all night. I had post-coital regret the next morning and did the whole “are you negative?” line. That discussion didn’t end well for safe sex; his answer was to start kissing me deeply and push my legs open and enter me again. I was just overcome with the fucking and, at some point, agreed that he could fuck me any time and that I needed him to fuck me and cum inside me. He fucked me often for at least a decade; many times I went to his caravan determined to keep getting fucked but only if it was safe and every time he’d just start kissing me, telling me how much he wanted me and how much he knew I wanted him to fuck me. And he made it clear while he was kissing me and undressing me, that I had two choices. Either he fucked me raw or we’d stop fucking. And every single time, he’d ease me onto my back, push open my legs and enter me. Once his dick was balls deep, he’d pause from the kissing and licking and remind me that he fucked raw, would fuck me raw and that I could leave any time I liked. Every. Single. Time. Honestly, I couldn’t control myself around him. He wasn’t remotely good looking but he was an extraordinary, passionate fucker who, as much as I tried to stay away, I just couldn’t. It was because of his “talent” that I would argue I didn’t really make a “decision” to bareback; at least not until a decade later. Even then, I decided to play safe for probably another decade but was a pushover if a guy preferred barebacking. Five years ago or so, I finally made an actual “decision” to bareback and accept the logical consequences if they arose.
    2 points
  15. With 20-20 hindsight, I now realise how many hang ups I had about sex when I was younger. It wasn’t so much while I was having sex but afterwards and I’m sure it must’ve seemed weird to a lot of guys I was with. I suspect that is why I much preferred guys to tell me what they wanted to do and lead me in the session. The worst hang up I had was why’s a guy like this interested in a guy like me, etc, etc. How’d I overcome that? I don’t really know tbh. I just grew up I suspect. Certainly I became more comfortable with my gay side but also my tendency to overanalyse everything probably eventually wore itself out in a way. At some point, I just stopped cluttering my head and focused on the only two things that really seemed to matter right then and there: what felt good and what seemed to make him feel good. It’s just “living in the moment” I suppose and it sounds obvious but actually doing it; being adventurous and open to any suggestions; trying them; and accepting that some things work and some don’t. If they don’t, so what? Try the next thing. It’s a little odd in some ways; I’m confident in my professional life and confident and happy with who I am as a person and always have been. The one area where that wasn’t the case was....yep...sexually. I know this probably isn’t helping much but I suspect sexual anxieties afflict a lot of us in some ways. Ironically, I see some of the younger members in here and view them with a mix of admiration, awe and even some envy solely because they seem to “get” their sexuality at such a young age. The common thread seems to be that they’re just “sexual beings” intuitively. All I can say is: trust me, if you keep trying to shut out the voices in your head that keep cluttering your mind and focus on that feels good/that doesn’t/he’s reacting well to that etc, you’ll train yourself to do it. Watch the guy’s eyes. Ask him if he likes this or that. And immediately add anything another guy does to you that blows your mind. Oh, and immediately forgive yourself if you slip back into doubt.
    2 points
  16. Submission is Pleasure - Faggot Hypnosis: [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c1b162e21685
    2 points
  17. I don't think I aim to abandon them. I aim to end a story with a possible future. But I never guarantee it unless there's a 'To be continued...' at the end. I do that when I've outlined multiple chapters from the beginning... Thanks for your kind words. Stay home, and jerk off!
    2 points
  18. Horny as fuck and hungry for some raw cock and toxic bug filled loads planted deep in my cunt!
    2 points
  19. Sort of a loaded, especially on this site. i guess it would depend on your standards of what constitutes "irresponsible." i take care of critically ill people for a living (critical care nurse), and i don't like to see anyone sick and suffering. my vote is to get regularly tested if one is sexually active and take meds if you are poz or have another STI. i also advocate for PrEP and am against the fetishization of disease (though not against the people who fetishize disease, i want to find a different fetish for them that is not destructive). Personally, i wish our society was less puritanical about sex and the stigma of testing and treatment was not such a factor as it is. Imagine the dent we could make in STI's if we had a social agreement that all sexually active people get tested for STI's every three months?
    2 points
  20. CTI THE FIRST TREATMENT We left the room with me hiding my naked, hard cock and in between the two muscle men. The each grabbed my upper arms, pulling my hand away from my crotch allowing my cock to voice free. As we moved down the hall, I could hear moans and grunts coming from behind the shut doors and at one door I heard “Oh fuck yeah, infect me! Give it to me” We arrived at an open door and went into the room. On one wall was a huge tv and in the center was a line wooden chair. Some sort of machine was under it, but I didn’t know what it was. I was moved to the front of the chair and I saw that in the seat was a hole about six inches in diameter. The muscle men turned me and pushed me down in the chair. One secured my ankles to the leg of the chair behind them, the other secured my wrists to the arms of the chair. Then one got down behind the chair and did something unknown to me as the other man reach down between my hips and the chair and pulls my ass checks apart. I felt something cold touched my hole The last thing they did was put when looked like an oxygen tube, like the ones from a hospital under my nose. As they left one said: “Breath deep through your nose abs enjoy the show” The tv came on and a blue screen was illuminating the dark room. A voice from nowhere echoed the room: “When you see the word ‘Hit’ breath deeply through your nose. When you see the word ‘hold’ then hold your breath. When you see the word ‘release’ you exhale” “Are you ready to begin” “Yes” I replied The screen lit up with an image of a naked man with a huge hard cock, then switched to the words “you crave cock” As the screen switched to another imagine I felt something pushing to get up my hole. As the images of nude men continued to change on the screen, the object pushed into my hole, sliding in deep. The word HIT popped on the screen so I breathed deeply through my nose, then the picture of a hard cock flash then back to hit - I did a hit again as the rush of poppers flowed through my body. Then a cock again then Hit. I followed the directions. The the word Hold flashed and I held my breath until the word release flashed The images changed to short videos of men sucking cock, licking nuts sacs and then sucking again. The object in my hole was sliding in and out of my hole at a steady pace, bring me pleasure. My cock was hard and leaking. The would Hit last again and I followed the instructions, hit again and again until I had hit five times then held for about fifteen seconds and then released At this point the sucking videos had been replaced my fucking, bareback fucking. The object picked up a little speed and my leaking increased as my cock bounced. Plus pleasure. The videos changed showing up close fucking with raw cocks sliding in and out of holes, to far away, then back close up. The instructions to hit again popped up again between the videos over and over until I had hit ten times and held and released. The rush was intense. I felt my inhibitions slid away. My mouth watered, my cock throbbed and my hole relaxed as the object again sped up. The raw fucking videos now showed men getting bred and I would hear sayings. “You want raw cock” “Your hole was made for cum” “All loads should be taken none refused” Then more instructions on hitting appeared. I did as instructed. As the videos of fucking and breeding continued. “You crave infected cum” “You want the virus” “Sexual Suicide is what you want” “You want HIV” “You crave toxic loads” “You want poz loads” “You want AIDS” In the videos I saw biohazard tattoos and tattoos of scorpions on the men getting fucked. Then more popper instructions. The rush flowed through me. The machine was fucking my hole quickly, hitting my g-spot and causing more leaking from my cock. “Tell me what you want!” “Poz loads” I replied “Where do you want them” “Up my hole” More popper instructions, that I followed. My head was swimming Fromm the rush and I could feel my heart beat in my temples and my cock. My hole relaxed even more as the machine fucked me quickly. “You want infected seed in you” “Yes” I screamed My balls were so pulled up tightly that they ached. I could feel the warm pre-cum puddling between my legs. I know I would not last long. The machine was fucking me faster. I screamed in pleasure and my load shot out my cock and flew high in the air. It was a massive load. As I shot the machine stopped and the object was pulled out. The video also went dark. I sat there breathing heavy coming down from the rush. I head the door open behind me and soon saw the two musclemen. “Damn never seen someone turn that quickly” one said They released me and half dragged me back to my room.
    2 points
  21. While I identify as a radical progressive all these people shouting socialist should remember that the orange moron is Putin's pussy!
    2 points
  22. Awesome..... Not sure what the problem is here, unless i am Fick?? I've had Dad, Cousins x 4 different times, uncle once when he was drunk, he was never interested again, but both his sons were.😈 Just enjoy urself, no big deal or just chalk it to experience and move on...
    2 points
  23. Ive been fucked by husbands (hundreds), dads and sons (four different), brothers (seven different), cousins (dozens), nephews and uncles (three different) and friends (hundreds). Its AWESOME!
    2 points
  24. Yup, I agree with everyone here. If your that horny a dark room is the perfect place. I just wait around for mouths, cocks or hands reaching out and touching me. Usually all three happen at the same time. Usually a nice cock shows up, I bend over to suck it, more guys jump in and fingers or a tongue are in my hole. Then someone starts sucking on my cock or I feel a hard cock entering my wet hole. At this point I'm surrendering my whole body to whatever happens hoping it's one after another for the next hour or until my knees become weak from all the pounding!!
    2 points
  25. Kevin was browsing through profiles on adam4adam and once again found himself staring at the hottest guy he had ever seen. The guy was six one, 145 pounds, 26 years old, white, with a smooth nine and a half inch cut cock. And he was poz. "Damn," Kevin thought, "why does he have to have HIV?" As he had done many times before, Kevin couldn't help but to click through each picture of the guy's photographs, hoping to see more of the man's gorgeous body and enormous cock, but the most memorable image was the outline of guy's huge dick underneath the guy's bathing suit. The text on his profile always caught his eye, and Kevin found himself inexplicably turned on as he read it again "I'm poz. I fuck bare. Don't message me unless you want poz jizz in your hole." The first few times Kevin had read the man's profile, the message scared and repulsed him, but increasingly he found himself somewhat aroused as he found himself wondering what it would feel like to have the huge cock filling his ass with jizz. His thoughts were interrupted when the a4a alert noise cracked through his speakers and startled him. He checked the messages. 'Oh shit', he thought, 'it's from *him*'. The following conversation followed: hungpozfucker: hey, you always look at my profile. so i thought id say hello. dont worry, you can't get pozzed just chatting with me. kevinboi22: oh. um sorry. ur hott and all, but i dont fuck guys with hiv. hungpozfucker: no worries. it's not like i would let you fuck me. i would, however, attack your ass with my huge cock, if u were willing. Kevin found that his half-way hard cock was suddenly at it's full seven inches. kevinboi22: like i said ur hott. it's just the hiv thing. ya know? i wish i could see more pics of your cock though. hungpozfucker: i don't have any more pics here. look, let's meet up, and i'll show you in real life. don't worry, i'm not gonnarape your little boi hole or anything. i'll just come over, we can chat, i'll give you a glimpse, and then i'll leave. it doesn't hurt to make new friends does it? Kevin's cock was now throbbing as he imagined this huge cock being forced into him. "uggh," he thought "i wanna see it. i want him to fuck me, but not with hiv." kevinboi22: well, i guess that's cool. i'm a little shy, just so you know. and i only want to take a look, okay? hungpozfucker: deal About an hour later, Kevin heard a knock on his door. His heart was pounding, and his cock immediately resumed it's rock-hard status as he imagined what was on the other side of the door. Kevin let his new poz 'friend' into his living room. An awkward pause followed, but then the visitor took over. "I'm Bret. I guess I'll just break the ice," he introduced himself; and then casually pulled his shorts down revealing the longest and thickest soft cock Kevin had ever seen. "Oh my God," Kevin said as his mouth dropped. "Go ahead and touch it, it's okay. You can't get nothing by just feeling it." That was all the permission Kevin needed. He quickly got on his knees and inspected the beautiful cock as he slowly caressed it and felt it harden in his hands. "How big is it?" Kevin asked. "About 9.5 inches. Probably too big to fit in your hole anyway," Bret said half-smiling to himself. Kevin's cock was throbbing again. He continued to stroke Bret's enormous piece as it got fully hard. "Why don't you give it a little kiss since you like it so much?" Bret said while smirking. Kevin was scared, but too aroused to care at this point. He starting softly kissing the massive cock in front of him from the tip to the base, and back up to the tip. "Good, now give it a french kiss," Bret instructed. Kevin hesitated for a moment, but gave in to the urge and licked his tongue around the thick headed mushroom tip. After just a couple of seconds, he decided to just give up on the "kissing" and starting to go down on Bret's cock. "That's it," Bret assured him "suck that cock you've been wanting for soo long." Kevin tried desperately to fit the entire cock in his mouth, but could barely get past half. He kept trying with all earnest. After a few minutes, he stood up to take his shirt, jeans and underwear off, while Bret finished taking the rest of his clothes off. "Get back on that cock," Bret urged him. Kevin quickly obliged and sucked as hard and far down as he could. "Oh fuck yeah, use lots of spit. Make my dick as wet as you can like you want me to fuck your ass using your spit for lube," Bret insisted. Somewhere in the back of his head, Kevin was afraid; but the fear was somehow feeding the intense arousal he felt as well. He imagined this big tool being forced into him; and all he could do was continue to suck and apply as much spit onto the cock in his mouth as possible with each lick and suck, while he slowly tugged on his own cock. "Yeah, I knew you would surrender to my cock, that's it," Bret was smiling to himself knowing that he had won his prize. "Mmmmmmm" was all Kevin could muster to say as he gobbled and slobbered all over the cock he was worshiping. "Get on all fours now," Bret demanded. Kevin was both nervous and ecstatic to hear this. He was finally gonna get the cock he wanted; and any thoughts of Bret's HIV status were completely forgotten now. "Oh god, fuck me, please!" Kevin begged. "First things first," and then Bret licked at the tight little boi hole in front of him, "I need to make sure you're nice and wet to take this." Kevin already felt an orgasm building, and nearly came just from the wonderful tongue-fuck his ass was receiving. "Are you sure you want this now?" Bret asked, confident of the answer to follow. "Yeah!" Kevin said nearly interrupting the question, " fuck my ass with your big cock!" "You're ready for your first poz cock to attack your ass?" Bret clarified. Kevin didn't care anymore. All he knew was that he needed to get fucked by this cock. "Fuck yeah! Give it to me!" Bret forced his thick headed tip into Kevin's tight hole, and with some effort had the first few inches inside. "OH MY GOD!" Kevin yelled, "it's so fucking big. Oh, fuck!" Bret continued to press until he was mostly inside. Kevin felt a pleasure unlike any he had felt before, even as his ass was stretched ever more open, and Bret's magnificent cock slid deeper into Kevin, certainly more deeply than any other cock had done so before. Kevin nearly fainted from the simultaneous pleasure and pain his ass was feeling, but after a few glides in and out, he got used to it; and then the pleasure took over and sent Kevin into pure ecstasy. "You like that huh?" Bret asked. "Oh fuck yeah" Kevin panted out. "Tell me you want me to poz your ass." Bret said as he thrust all the way into Kevin. "OH FUCK! Yeah man, poz my ass!" Kevin could barely mutter as his ass was assaulted with deep punishing thrusts. "Do what?" Bret asked. "POZ MY ASS!" Kevin answered. Bret smiled to himself. He had his new cocklover right where he wanted him. "Do what?" he asked again, smiling to himself. "POZ MY ASS" Kevin blurted even louder. Kevin was completely under Bret's control; and was trying not to cum as he felt the big cock owning him. "POZ MY ASS!" Kevin again yelled. "Okay," Bret answered, "get ready for my poz cum to explode in your ass!" Brett quickened his pace as Kevin started stroking. Brett started to unload; and Kevin felt his ass getting slippery and started shooting his cum onto the floor. Brett grabbed Kevin's waste tighter and fucked as hard and deep as he could as he unloaded into Kevin's hole. Kevin suddenly remembered Bret was poz and found himself panicked as he realized he was getting a poz load blasted into him. The panic turned into excitement; and Kevin continued to cum, shooting a huge load onto the floor as Bret continued to cum deep inside Kevin. It was the most intense orgasm Kevin ever felt, and he could not believe how much cum was being shot into him. "Oh fuck!" Kevin yelped as he felt one final jab of Bret's huge dick shove into him. "There ya go," Bret whispered. "Finally got what you wanted." Kevin felt a strange sense of relief and satisfaction. "That was fucking amazing. I never came so hard," Kevin confided. "Be careful what you wish for," Bret thought to himself. They both managed to stumble to Kevin's bed, where they then passed out from exhaustion.
    1 point
  26. One of the precepts of social protocol at the Baths is that it’s best NOT ask about Status. Yes, you may be asked to put on a Condom, but rarely will you be asked if you're POZ or NEG. It's generally assumed, erroneously so, that POZ guys will either seek out other POZ guys or do without. Case in point: I invited two hot Latino Boys to my room. They were Lovers, and had never done a three-way before. We started off sixty-nining, and the older one whispered that he'd love to see me fuck his BF. The BF in question was maybe five years younger, early twenties, slender, and really cute. I was all about tagging his Ass, so I mounted the Cunt. Just as I was about to slide in, he said, "Wait! Put on a Condom!" I tried to hide my vexation, and thought I could start with a Condom and slip it off later. But once I had the Rubber in place, the Kid changed his mind, and wouldn't let me fuck him at all. Frustrated, I made myself clear. "OK. I'm gonna to lie back and close my eyes. Either one of you climbs on my Dick, or there’s the door." The Older One eased his Cunt down on my rubber-coated Shaft. Though the Latex cut the sensation, he made a valiant effort, rocking back and forth on my Rod, as his nervous Lover looked on. While the Kid was distracted unscrewing his Poppers, the Boyfriend slipped off the Condom and pressed it into my palm. NOW THAT WAS MORE LIKE IT! I could feel his slimey Pussy milkin' my Death Stick. He whispered in my ear, "Bareback is Better!" and he didn’t know how right he was. We switched positions so that I was on Top fucking him Doggy style, and he leaned forward and whispered to his young Paramour that it was cool cause we were doing safe sex. The Youngster was getting fucked up on his Poppers, so he was slow to react when I pulled out of his Lover and plunged into him. Between his high from the Poppers and the exhortations of his Lover, he was more amenable to getting fucked than before. He made a few futile attempts to see if I was still sheathed; but his quick-witted Lover arrested his hand, assuring him I was okay. It didn't take long for the older Dude to shoot all over us, and my own Balls were tingling. I didn't let on as I began to spasm and spurt, so the Youth didn't have a clue I was breeding his Ass. To top it all off, I made a great show of toying with the discarded Rubber, like I was rolling it off. As they left, the Senior blew me a kiss. In response I ran my hand over his departing Butt. My lone regret was that I had only one LOAD to share between the two of them, and I hadn't bred the Elder, too.
    1 point
  27. Another great story from a great writer
    1 point
  28. You write the hottest stories. Not a one has left me without a boner.
    1 point
  29. I don't consider myself to have any choice or control when a man wants to use me. If a guy tells me to get on my knees, I get on my knees. I was trained to be instantly obedient by the first man that used me, and it's been burned into me over and over. When a man needs a spittoon, urinal or cum dump, I consider it my job to give him what he needs.
    1 point
  30. Another one of my favourite stories. When Bobby pushed back against Tommy's POZ dick, Tommy should have just let loose and bred that boycunt in front of Bobby's boyfriend. A pozzing in the making. Love this story!
    1 point
  31. Fuck that's hot. I had a buddy with a big dick go in me dry. I was having a bit of a struggle but he kept at it, whispering "come on let me in" and finally without me even feeling my hole relax he said "there we go" and slid beautifully into my hole. It felt amazing.
    1 point
  32. Friday evening I ended up in my bed face down with my roommate on top of me and fucking my ass like there is no tomorrow with his 9 inch dick. Don’t get me wrong, I like a deep and hard fuck but after an hour of non stop fucking I had to stop him and he pulled out and forced his dick down my throat to keep on going. After an other 15 minutes he started to cum all the way down my throat. But that wasn’t it. I eventually fell asleep and woke up again the next morning and feeling someone playing with my ass. My roommate was back and said: i wanted to bred your hole and not your throat so I have to finish what I started yesterday. And with that he rammed his rock hard dick in my ass and started pounding me again. He must have been really horny cause dumped a load deep inside me just a few minutes later. That must have turned him on so much that he kept fucking and dump three more loads in me. What a way to start the weekend.
    1 point
  33. I'd say I'd have to be near the 100 mark for loads taken. About 50 loads given.
    1 point
  34. Since lockdown started I've been using Uber to get to work which they cover cos we star our shifts at 5am, an hour earlier than before. Since Monday I've had the same driver taking me in, nice looking guy, mousy blonde hair & a nice big build. From the minute I got in the car & we locked eyes I hoped it wasn't just me imagining him to be interested. We said little if anything the first 2 mornings, Wednesday was different, he was very early & txt to say he was ready for me whenever i wanted to go. I got dressed as quick as possible and got in In the car. We locked eye on each other & I decided to flirt, I told him he had gorgeous eyes and very sexy big legs. He thanked me and said I had gorgeous eyes too and was hoping to find out. I sat forward and reached out to feel his big legs, I was rubbing his bulging dick as it got hard & asked his name. " Viktor " I asked him to get his dick out which he did. It was massive, uncut & juicy. Stroking it hard I asked if he'd like to fuck his load in my arse which I now had out. He was up for a fuck & we had plenty of time. He drove and parked behind an old pub Hampstead heath. We went a little way in then I dropped my pants and lent against a tree. He fingered spit & lube up my then shoved his big fat veiny uncut Albanian cock up my arse & plowed me hard for 20 minutes then blew his big thick load in me! Feeling his dick pulsating inside made me shoot my load. I booked Viktor to come back and get me after my shift. When I got in he wasn't wearing the heavy coat from the morning, just a t shirt that showed me his well built body was totally very muscular. I asked if he wanted to carry on breeding at my place. He did & he spend 8 hours fucking & breeding me with his endless Big thick babybabbter
    1 point
  35. I got a message on fab one day from a young guy in his early 20s asking if I wanted to suck him off in his Dads garage. He sent me a pic of his cock and it looked good so I headed over. When I got there the boy waved me in and told me to come up to the office. He was sitting in a chair naked, wanking himself. His cock was huge so I started to strip off and then started to suck him. After a bit he bent me over the desk and shoved his cock up me and started to fuck me. I`d already shot a load all over the floor when the boy started to pump his seen into me when we heard someone coming up the stairs to the office It was his Dad. I was pulling up my trousers with spunk seeping out my hole and his son was pretending to be on the phone with no clothes on. He must have known what was happening but didnt say anything.
    1 point
  36. I just decided yesterday to stop my Descovy for the duration, despite the fact that I'm becoming desperately horned to be fucked and bred. So I find myself watching more porn that usual, as well as FTing and texting with some buds while we work tits together and they jack off and cum. If we survive this I'm gonna have an "Open House - Block Party" in my ass!
    1 point
  37. Exactly. i respond to the internal, psychological Top that a Guy is. He can have a 3 inch physical cock, but if He is all Top and secure in who He is, He can own me with His 3 inch physical cock because He can penetrate and inseminate me with a lot more than His cock.
    1 point
  38. My Boyfriend, the POZZING Porn Star Chapter 1. My boy and I loved fucking and getting fucked by new guys. We played together and apart, and always with no secrets or going behind each others’ backs. We were both turned on by sharing our extracurricular activities, so no need to hide them from one another, but we remained discrete in public. None of our non-sex friends knew of our exploits. When we played together, we often took snaps or short videos with our phones so we had a spank bank for when apart, or to send to guys on the apps. We were always careful to not show our faces or those of our playmates so we didn’t give too much away. We have a small circle of men that we play with and share. Most of the guys are on PrEP and regularly tested, but sometimes a new guy shows up, status unclear. That’s when my boy gets especially piggy. My boy and I had been to swap parties with a couple of regulars too, and I made sure to keep my eyes open at the gym for well hung guys we should get to know better. A few weeks ago, I was at the gym showering after a workout. A handsome tall black guy came into the stall opposite mine. Without curtains, I watched as he soaped up and started getting hard. He winked at me as he jerked is massive cock. I fisted my own tool and we maintained eye contact as we both got closer to orgasm. I shot first into my hand, lapping up my seed. He loved watching that and shot a HUGE load against the stall tile. I mean, a huge load. It dripped down the walls. I swear I’ve never seen a bigger or more impressive cumshot. We headed to the locker rom and toweled off. His big semi-hard dick was still floppy and beautiful. I asked if he wanted to fool around sometime with me and my boy, and he nodded. I showed him a few pics of me and my boy sharing raw cock. He told me he was POZ and his meds had been wreaking havoc on his system so he’d stopped them a few months ago. I told him that would be fine with me, and that I loved sharing POZ cum with my boy. He asked if we were on PrEP, and I told him yes, but my boy could likely be convinced to stop for a few weeks for a special occasion. I told him my boy would not believe the size of his load. He suggested we all get together that afternoon, and made sure I would be ok with my boy taking his POZ load. We headed to my place in hopes that he’d soon be balls deep in my boy’s raw hole. My boy wasn't home when we got there, and I messaged him telling there was a BIG surprise waiting for him. He told me he was going to be late at work. Our new POZ gym buddy wouldn’t be able to wait around to meet up, but was horny to blow another load. I sucked his cock until he was good and hard. I thought about sitting on his cock, but knew he was too big for me. I’d much rather watching his big raw cock sliding in and out of my boy. Then, I had a really raunchy idea. I got a condom from the bedside table and the guy looked at me in disgust. I told him there was a way for me to get his cum into my boy. His eyebrows raised. I told him I wanted to collect his big toxic load in the rubber, and squeeze it into my boy’s ass. He told me he would if I’d video it. I wholeheartedly agreed and sucked as much of his cock down my throat as I could. When he was getting close, I opened the Magnum and rolled it over his cockhead. It barely covered a third of his massive dick. He shot another huge load, filling the condom with so much seed that the top of his cock disappeared in white cloudy cum. I carefully pulled the condom off him and tongue bathed him. He got dressed and headed out. An hour or so later, my boy came back exhausted. I made him a drink or three and we had a nice warm shower together. I had him change into his favorite jock and we got into bed. He prefers his cock to be off-limits when he’s getting fucked, so got him on his hands and knees and started eating and fingering his hole. I told him about my new gym buddy, and he got super hard, straining the pouch to its limits. I told him that the guy was well hung, toxic, and shot an epic load. I reached into the drawer and carefully pulled out the condom, telling him it would be so hot to see the stud’s massive toxic load inside his gaping hole. My boy moaned into the pillow as I pressed the rubber to my boy’s ass. I told him the guy’s load was so big it would drip down his thighs. He grunted into the mattress while I pushed the reservoir against his crack, forcing cum into him. I told him I’d love to put POZ cum inside him, and my boy growled. I grabbed my phone and started recording a video. I told him I’d love to fuck POZ seed deep into his guts as I emptied that whole fresh load into him. My boy wiggled his butt as I lined up to fuck him. My dick met the inside-out rubber and molded to my dick. I made sure every drop of cum was inside my boy before I ripped it off an rammed my bare cock inside him. I pounded my boy’s juicy cunt until POZ cum was sloshing out around my balls. I asked my boy if he knew why he was so wet. He shook his head. I told him what I’d done and pressed the empty condom into his hand. He looked confused as we never use rubbers. When he realized I was forcing fresh toxic seed into him, he came without even touching himself. His cum soaked through the jock’s pouch and puddled on the mattress. I was still filming. I filled him up with my own cum and we collapsed into a sticky heap until my softening cock plopped out followed my an impressive flow of cum. I smiled into the phone’s camera and stopped recording. I texted the video to the POZ stud and cradled my used up boy as he fell asleep. What I didn’t know was that my new buddy was going to upload it to his website where strangers would see me willingly putting POZ cum inside my boy. I also didn’t know he’d eventually film himself breeding my boy, and sharing my boy’s holes with his friends. To be continued…
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  39. Fucking hot story. As you can see, i enjoyed it 😈
    1 point
  40. I spent a weekend with a friend in Florida, hit up an adult book store. Spent most of a day there. Let's with 17 loads in my belly, 7 in my gut.
    1 point
  41. Sounds hot to me. I’ve been fucked by my cousin and his husband many times. And had a dad his husband and his son too. Step brothers but no brothers or twins!! Yet.
    1 point
  42. Part 3 As he pushed it in I felt nothing- That surprised me. In the videos there always seemed to be such a strong- And then it hit me. The Rush. It was like everything I'd heard and seen and like nothing I've ever felt. I was someone new. Free. I felt myself coughing as it hit me and then felt a tsunami of horniness envelop my being. "Good, huh?" he said. "Fuck yes. I...Holy fuck..." "Lay back baby and enjoy the rush. I'll be there in a minute" he said strapping his arm and bringing his point out. "Can I..." "You wanna watch?" "Yes, please. Yes, sir" "Oh wow. we're gonna have fun. You are a little piggy boy. I had a feeling about you- I knew that freak was in there. You just needed a little encouragement. Yes, pig. come over here and watch me." I came next to him and watched as he prepped. Once the needle was in his arm he looked at me. and then the flash. I let out an involuntary groan as his blood filled the syringe. and then it disappeared into his arm. As the rush hit him I lay back unable to control the heat taking over my body. I had to get naked now. I peeled off my pants so I was just in my briefs. I had chosen this outfit for work, not sex. Blue briefs were economic for working, not as sexy as a jockstrap would have been. So i pulled them off right away and started to touch myself. "I'm so fucking horny. This feels so amazing. Thank you, thank you for introducing me to this." He leaned in and kissed me. Then got up and stripped as well. While he stripped I touched myself all over, never satisfied, always needing more. always so turned on. He dimmed the lights and put porn on a laptop. He was wearing black bikini briefs. Much sexier. Without taking them off he lay next to me and we made out. I felt his tongue begging for entrance into my mouth and I let him in. We made out for what felt like seconds but also years. Time was different as a concept now. "One last thing- I only fuck bareback." "perfect" "and I'm poz. is that going to be an issue" A dull red flag raised in the back of my mind every sex ed class and every moment of my life till now screamed in the back of my head "yes, it's an issue. that's not alright" but I wanted him. needed him. That dull voice was drown out by my guttural instant response of "No, I want you. all of you" End part 3
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  43. If this continues... I will simply announce next chapters.... and everyone who 'likes' this announcement will get it in a private message.... This is really annoying me.
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  44. To a guy who is a big wig in the HIV prevention Dept for the City of Chicago.
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  45. This is PART TWO about the first time I had fun with KL KL sat back on the bed and spread his legs... for an 18yr old he knew exactly what buttons to press and what he was doing to me.... he reached down with his finger, just after taking out of his mouth, and slid it into his tight pink hole "come and join me" At this stage I was rock hard, I grabbed my poppers and took a decent huff, crawled over to him and started working his hairless body, kissing him all over until I reached his treasure trail and to his manhood; he was rock solid and I dived right onto his cock, sucking slowly up and down, using my tongue to play with his cock head. Uncut cock like myself and I knew how much he liked it by the moans coming from him. I pushed him further onto his back and rolled him up, pushed his legs back and reached my prize... there at my face was his beautiful teen hole. I wasted no time, licked his crack and went deep with my tongue. KL reached forward and pushed my head so I went deeper into his hole, I licked like life depended on it and he called out "Oh fuck yeah.... that's so hot" I came up for air and moved my knees forward and under him so my cock was teasing his hole now... rock solid and the tip of my cock head was resting against his hole and had started to leak pre-cum onto the sheets "You ready for my cock boy" I said to him "Only if you fuck me raw" was his response - I needed to no more encouragement than that Grabbing his ankles I lifted him up and teased my cock head against his hole some more, I grabbed the lube and he took it from me "allow me... daddy" That was it, I was hooked, he used the word Daddy and I knew I was going to breed this 18 yr old on my bed I sat back and watched as he lubed up his hole, keeping his eyes fixed on me while he applied it and shoved two/three fingers right up so he was wet, he beckoned me closer and I moved in and his hand rubbed my rock hard cock with the last of the lube
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  46. *** His lack of movement, him just staring at me, melted into an abstraction. I was enraptured by what he'd just done to me, like a deer bewitched by radiant lights on the horizon. It was impossible to process what had happened. All I knew was that my dick tingled; I wanted it again, or, if not that, something other that I knew only he was capable of. If I had just shot my wad with someone else, my mind would be searching for the nearest exit. With Mr. X. I felt the opposite. I wanted more of him, to know more, to discover more, to belong more to him. He was a flame for my thoughts. My mind imagined him practicing taboo and foreign arts. I pictured him overseas, entering exotic ports, each stop adding another souvenir to his body; sucking off a shipmate in some dark alley, both denying the next day anything had happened on shore; an unrepentant mercenary; a defrocked priest; he might have been a wrestler, holding high a championship belt, chest heaving, taunting Spanish at his beaten opponent, shaved, in tights, wearing a black mask. Spinning mind spun tale after tale drinking him in. Mind is a razor blade. He opened my legs, moved in to examine. In the calm of an afterglow, his snake hand ran between my thighs, pushed four fingers into my hole. “Tight,” he murmured in the direction of Riggs who’d long ago collapsed into his own reverie. I looked over at Riggs. I felt a bit of pity. He was shoving the balls that had fallen out of me, now burying the fourth ball into his ass. Mr. X pulled out his fingers and felt the welt Duncan had given me, which seemed like lifetimes ago. “He likes beating?” he asked Riggs in a detached voice. It took a while for Riggs to answer. “Ask him? I think he’s a horny little slut that would do anything for a big cock.” Standing between my legs Mr. X stared at me. “You like to be beat?” It was the first time I clearly saw how formidable he was. His cock had gone down to an impressive swaying eight inches, soft. A tremendous amount of foreskin now hung over his cockhead. There was nothing accidental in how he used his body. I know he had asked a question. I had no idea what it was. His tool's soft foreskin, rolled over my withered dick. “You like to take beatings? I don’t like to ask twice.” “Uh, I uh…” I trailed off unable to figure out how to answer his simple question. No, I did not; yes, if he wished it. “How much did you give him his first time?” Riggs, irritated to have to answer again, lolled his head on the bed, spouted, “Point three, maybe four. Can’t remember. Hard to find a vein. Boy squealed before I stuck him, but’s been loving it ever since, haven't you, pig boy?” I was mesmerized by the sensation of Mr. X's foreskin rocking over my balls. There was a tattoo of a screaming mask right above his dick camouflaged in his thick bush. Where the mask’s tongue would be instead was his swaying dick. “Were you in the navy?” I asked Mr. X. “Was I what?” He stared, puzzled. He called to Riggs, “He’s asking me if I was in the navy.” I shook again in a cold fever, my teeth chatter. For a moment I mistook him for my father's older brother, Uncle Glenn. I shivered in a forgotten memory. I felt I was living through a dream with Mr. X, or a flashback with my uncle in his pool, alone, up close in a tub with me, tepid water washing over us, he brushing up against me obscenely. Me having inappropriate thoughts of my uncle. I was lost in the memory, whether it was even true, but I was also here, wanting more of this man's touch. I tipped my torso up to feel the heavy weight of his cock brush up against my shaved crotch. “You fucked up little fucker. You want to come work for me, feel like this all the time?” “Aw, fuck yeah. I want you to feel me all the time.” The words just floated out of me. No meaning, just sounds that I hoped he would like. “I think you’d make a lot more money than working for Rigg Pig, isn’t that right, Mr. Pig?” “Most likely. But I want a finder’s fee for that sweet cunt of his.” “I need a test drive. You okay if I give him another spin?” asked Mr. X. “And what this tat on his ass?” “What?” Riggs asked, now fully coming out of his reverie. He pulled the final ball out of his ass and got off the bed. He took up inspection next to Mr. X. I liked both men checking out my ass, pulling my leg to the side to get a better light. “Oh, that’s his dreamcatcher tattoo.” “I think we cover it up with a black boot. How ‘bout that, kid? Nice big Mr. X boot on your ass, size thirteen stomping you?” “Yeah, and piercing, like yours. And nipples. Big ones,” I blurted. “Maybe eventually. But yours are small yet." He reached up to pull off the tit tubes. "Let me see.” He popped one off. The tit was blue and blistered, but for me pretty massive. He pulled the second tit pump off. I was shocked how enlarged they'd gotten. Each of the men pulled at them. “Maybe small piercings. Maybe a P.A. What do think, Riggs? A little P.A. on this pretty prick?” Mr. X picked up my dick, pinched it to open the piss slit, rubbed a finger over the soft interior skin. He reached over to a leather case on the table, unzipped it and took out one of several steel rods. He licked the rod and spit on my soft dick, slid one of the rods in only slightly and let it fall into my slit on its own weight. The sensation felt close to what his tongue had done to me, and produced in me a low growl. I began to rock in Mr. X's hand. “Hang on. Let’s get you slutted up. Another slam and see what surprises we can get out of you." He pulled out the rod and released my cock. "Wait, what?" The last sentence tugged on an alarm. "Wait. No, no, no, no" I stammered realizing what he had in mind. "I'm so fucked up. I can't even." Riggs completely ignored me. "He's a fast learning, you'll see." To me, Riggs said, "You’re not ready for home yet, are you? Don't you want to stay and play with Rigg Pig and Mr. X?” “I do. Fucking A,” I said, “just...but I don't need to slam again.” He and Riggs went over to the table with hushed voices. “I want to bond with him. Now,” Mr. X whispered to Riggs. “I’m in a sharing mood.” He showed Riggs the needle in his pocket. "This is the Czech shit I brought back. There is nothing purer." "I hear you guys," I said, trying to imagine getting even higher than I was. "Please, I'm shitfaced." “If I can’t finish," Mr. X continued, "you’ll need to do him.” All I could see was Mr. X's ass. As distressed as I was, my attention span was that of a flea. Mr. X removed his vest now stood naked with his back to me. The tail that began at his hand I could now see the detail of how it slid over his shoulder, slithered down his back, undulated with his breath and ended between his cheeks. I admired Mr. X’s broad back, a giant V that ended in a surprising small waist. I loved the dimples on his butt. The tail of the striped snake disappearing. While they quietly bartered, I obsessed how far the snake tail went if I were to spread his cheeks apart. That's all I thought about, spreading his muscular butt apart. “That means we finalize the contract then," whispered Riggs. "You've had three weeks to read through his background.” Their words were distractions I wanted to bat away. I only wanted to dig in to Mr. X’s ass, find out how the snake tail ended. “Contract," however, echoed in the air, buzzing like a fly, raising a modicum of interest. A quiet siren launched, however far back it was in my lizard brain, buried beneath a heavy blanket of static. I remembered I was cuffed. I rattled my arms to see how secured I was. The answer was very secured. “Fine,” Mr. X said, coming toward me wiping his arm with a wet pad. “The paperwork later. I want him now, just in this state. Have him sign it at some point.” Seeing that I was now quietly watching him, he addressed me directly. “Okay, this is what happens. You might remember some of it, probably not all of it, doesn't matter. No, I was never in the navy but I was a medic a long time ago. So, you put yourself in my hands. Okay?” He said over his shoulder, “Secure his head.” I saw Riggs carrying over a belt, which he strapped over my forehead, turned my head, smashing my left ear down into the pillow before I had time to think. When I caught up with what was happening, Riggs secured the belt under the sling and trapped my head sideways looking at Mr. X’s torso. I struggled, but realized escape wasn’t an option. Mr. X bent down, talking into my face. “Like I said, I think you can make a lot of money. In my bar, I have video studio and dungeon in basement. Much more equipped than this," he said indicating Riggs' playroom. "Many friends, too, and financiers and customers. Some not so nice but I protect my property. I specialize in a very select product. My talent also entertains for me, some very powerful clients. Some in government, some in police, some we don't talk about. Riggs convinced me you are a good investment. We are above board, totally legal, legally binding once you sign. And yet to see if we work out together, we need to...bonding,” he said, holding out the needle. He used a wet pad to clean my neck. Then he lay he cheek next to my ear. “Just you and me, Boy Scout. What you say?” he asked. “Riggs can slam if he wants, watch us, film us, hell, join if he wants. But this is our party, and how we know if we have chemistry.” He rose and displayed the needle, gazed at it lovingly, brought it straight to my face. “Exactly one gram of finest crystal. Pure, like you. You won't believe it.” Riggs circled to the other side of the sling, a video camera in hand. He pushed my greasy hair out of my face to make sure none got on my neck or in the way of his shot. “A full gram,” Mr. X continued. “Half of this point is mine, the other half yours. I want us have the best slam of your life, bring you into my world on beautiful magic carpet.” He ran his snake hand over my neck. “Why the neck? Not the neck.” I was as coherent as was possible and trying to be lucid and calm. "Do the arm. Arm's good." “You’re starting to make me think Riggs had it wrong, Boy Scout. Shake no if this is not what you want. I will respect your decision.” I tried, but of course, he knew it was impossible. I snorted and heaved resigned. Snot ran down the pillow. Mr. X came in close, licked the snot. He flickered his forked tongue up my nostrils. His eyes lusted vulgarly. “Your body tastes good, damn good. Mine tastes good to you, too. I see this. We will have good chemistry. I'm sure. We’re going to have the most fun you’ve ever had this side of dead. I promise you.” Directly in my line of sight, all I saw was Mr. X testing his veins. He chose one that was the least bruised, held his needle against it at an angle, stuck it in, drew in some blood causing the clear liquid to turn red. He slowly pushed the plunger down to the .5 marking, then quickly withdrew it and raised his arm in the air. His large torso swayed for a second, then he grabbed the chain violently rattling the it. I thought for a second he was about to bring the whole apparatus down. He let out a roar. "FUCK!" He held tight to the bars, rocking me in the sling. His body quaked. Breathing rapidly, his head bent, he shook again. “Fuck yes!” he hollered. "Fuck boy, come here." My line of sight was now directly facing his rising cock as he bent over me. I steeled myself for what was about to happen. He held the needle, though his hand shook as he felt around on my neck. I tried impotently to plead again, but he bent down and looked into my eyes. He whispered, “You’re not going to fucking believe this sh....” He couldn’t finish the sentence. His eyes rolled up in this head and he steadied himself with a hand on my chest. "Fucking hell! Yes!" he yelled, almost a death rattle. He still held onto my neck. He focused intensely on me. “Not a muscle.” He found a pronounced vein, and emptied the remaining contents into my neck. "Now you with Mr. X." Though when he withdrew the point, I felt something cold press against my neck, my eyesight went blind. I heard severe pounding in my ears, but made out nothing in front of me. I heard myself in my mind repeatedly saying "Fuck" as before, but couldn't hear myself speaking. A tongue entered my mouth, his tongue. It was the last thing I could remember. His tongue. I don't know how long I remained suspended, but someone had release my hands. I reached up blindly and felt his nipples. I crushed them and as I did so I felt fiery hands do the same to mine. The sensations of flicking tongue and fleshy tits drew me out of absolute blindness. I coughed several times. At one point, between coughs, I wasn't able to gasp in air. I heard a voice like a dark demon taunting in my ear, “Ride the fucker!” Hearing voices in dark corners, hoots and hollers, cackles and cries, indistinct, unrecognizable words, crazed in lust and mad laughter. As much as I tried to adjust to an unnatural amount of electricity coursing through my body, all I could feel was the rush of pounding in my ears, now in my heart, now in my groin, now in my asshole. My head was released from the belt, someone lowered my legs one at a time. I was falling forward, trying to stand upright, but unable. A moment of weightlessness, then giant arms caught me. Hairy arms. I stroked the hair. Some sort of animal's arms, a beast, strong and powerful, lifted me up, cradled me. A warm chest with a heart beating wildly, my heart beating wildly. I stroked the chest. Warm breasts, strong shoulders. Movement, moving through whiteness, fluorescent lights blinding overhead. Then a switch and darkness fell. Darkness clung to everything. Then falling, descending, lowering much lower than the room I remembered. Now red, burning my skin, feeling electric. The room was black and red. Unable to focus on anything but feeling I was more powerful than I'd ever been in my past life. A back that held me. Running my hand down a back, my other hand running down an abdomen. A hand sliding between my legs. No images, but a sense that the descent had stopped, replaced with being laid out on something soft, fetid, crusted, smelling. Someone moving an arm out and a leg. Another hand coursing over my body, through my legs again, diving into my anus. The room was not coming into focus, though something familiar was. My body felt everything at once: it was a rag doll under someone’s control. Definitely not my control. Whatever took control I knew I wanted. My brain started to form around the words: fuck, fuck, fuck, until I found my voice mouthing it, then vocalizing it. Words in ecstasy. I felt someone lift up my prone torso. Coming into consciousness I saw in double vision Mr. X propping me up on the piss-stained bed. I threw my arms around his neck, frantically feeling up his body, pulling his tits, stroking his hardened cock, felt under his enormous balls, through his legs to his wet, creamy, moist hole. “Stay with me, boy,” he whispered. He slithered his tongue into my ear, then lay me down again and rolled onto me. His erection slid on my stomach as he maneuvered my legs apart. He spread and lifted them, and with one stab, popped the piece of metal on his cockhead into me. His length of shaft felt infinite. The pain I’d anticipated from the bars on his shaft instead created the fiercest pleasure I ever felt. I felt my anus rip apart in heat. Every metal bar rolled over my sphincter elicited another rush of pleasure. I was enjoying each notch as small destructions to my hole. There was no end to him driving ever deeper into me. His girth flayed me open farther than I thought possible, more than the balls that Riggs shoved in me. My hole only wanted to swallow him up. I repeated over and over in his ear to fuck me. My eyes were out of focus but there was a moving light above me. Riggs was up there, somewhere, moving with a camera. I forgot him in an instance. All that mattered was what Mr. X wanted and he wanted to descend into my hole. A voice behind the light prodded me to say what I was feeling. I found words to whimper, beg, demand Mr. X to rip me open, fist my hole, own me, take me, pull me into hell with him. Floodgates opened. A watershed of repression, tabooed yearnings, came flooding out. His massive size hit new depth inside my body. If not for the purple rush coursing through my veins it would not be possible to accept such a demon cock. Ring after ring he penetrated. At the point when I thought I couldn’t take anymore of Mr. X’s metal or flesh inside me, I started urinated uncontrollably. I heard Riggs call out, “Fuck, yes, boy. Look at him fuck the piss out of you! Be a pig I know you are.” I rubbed my hands over my belly, thinking I could feel Mr. X’s cock pound away like a creature ready to break out through my heart. I sucked my piss-covered hands, offered them to Mr. X, but got no response. He was in a delirium of his own, sightlessly fucking. I bucked up against him, pound for pound sharing his fevered pitch. The rhythm of his fuck intensified. He slammed my ass in every way possible. He twisted my body at an angle and fucked away. He growled in my ear frenzied foreign words of lust. I returned the intensity licking inside his ear, licking each nostril. I was facing him, legs in the air. He pounded even harder, slamming deeper, pulling fully out, cum shooting everywhere, plunging right back in, not ebbing a bit as he came. He quivered at his furthest point of penetration, but kept bucking, pulling out then stabbing forcefully back in. His frenzy caused me to gasp in tormented pleasure. He reacted by finally looking at me, ordering me to keep my hole open. I felt the heat of Riggs' camera between my legs. “Hold your ankles,” Riggs directed me. I complied. Repeatedly, Mr. X pushed up his torso, revealing his full eleven-inch torpedo, before driving it back down, balls deep into my gaping hole. Not only had he found a more than will receptacle for his massive tool, but Riggs filming the act inspired me to beg for him to destroy it, to breed me and make me one of his boys. “Convert me,” I pleaded. “I want your toxic cum. Take every swimmer you have. Knock me up, Master X.” “Yes, yes,” hissed Riggs. “That’s it, boy. Invite him to own you!” Mr. X, at his peak arousal, quickened his pace. No longer fully pulling out, but only fucking me with the top few inches of weapon, then without warning, drove the entire fuckshaft deep into me. He repeated this pattern, first a few inches until he felt my hole relax, then punishing me with everything he had. I hollered in pain, and then begged him to fuck me again. This went on until he fell back into a less spastic, more steady rhythm. The intensity was still there in our fucking, but the regularity of it, the hours it felt like we were driving away, lulled me into a fugue state where all I was aware of being was a fuck object. All I knew of the past and what I could see into the future was being fucked by him. I was delirious. More hours passed in this state. I was fucked and rocked until I was sitting up fucking myself on his huge shaft. He ordered me to count down from ten and thank him every time I impaled myself. I forgot the order of things. I tried to remember numbers, gave up and, crazed in desire, I jacked him off with my stretched out colon. Riggs told Mr. X to spread my legs and show him my cunt. I was on all four over Mr. X. Riggs gasped. Mr. X turned me on my side, resumed pounding me, holding one leg in the air. I started bucking against him. I said I wanted to milk his monster, for him to plant his seed in me. I was ripe for him, ready for him to sew in fertile ground. Where these words came from I didn’t know, possibly Riggs whispering in my ear, but they kept spewing from me. Became my words, my intentions. It remained a dark red room, a room of hellish pleasure. Hallucinations of being in a meet market, of being a puppet whose strings had broken, of men sitting in the dark watching me and Mr. X consummate our bonding, blended together. I came back to a semi-consciousness, not knowing how long it had been or what had transpired. I was flattened on my belly, unable to get out from under the enormous weight of someone relentless humping of my ass. I enjoyed the sense of futility and pleasure I was receiving by not being able to resist the cock forced in me. I found the pleasure of giving it up for my Top pushing up against Him, telling Him I was His. I forgot who was in the room. The fucker who was in me, flattening me out, a large figure who pulled out at once, bathed me in cum and returned inside me to pump out what remaining orgasm he had. He didn’t stop but continued to hump, first a dry hump between my butt cheeks, and then with my prodding and maneuvering him to reenter, and again I felt his tip spewing warm ejaculate at my entrance, warming my crack, and then stabbing me once again to make sure all his cum was received in my bowels. He paused, my guts warming up to a now familiar afterbirth of urine, feeling my entire tract fill with liquid waste, until finally I leaked and wet the bed beneath me, dripping with another man’s piss. This latest chem piss, I knew I was going to black me out, ramping up, in my unconsciousness, an even greater lust that nothing could slake. The figure rolled off. It was day, maybe afternoon I saw from the window. Time was only a vague changing of light. I saw a hazy figure of hanging nipples, piercings I tried to reach up and tug. Another cock was offered and I greedily sucked it. As I sucked, I said with my mouth full, it tasted of shit and cum. “It’s good,” I murmured. There was some deep laughter, and then I felt another stiff dick enter me. Arched to suck the one man in from of me, I felt the second man twist my pelvis so I was upright on all fours. My ass was slapped and fucked, and I moaned and thanked whoever was in me. I was told to turn around, and the man I sucked was now fucking me, someone larger and almost painful, but it provided me with such infinite bliss to have my hole used by this nameless satyr. I reached back and felt his fur-covered legs, reached under and felt his heavy, slapping balls. I pushed my genitals back in order to have my Satyr spew some of his leakage on me. I felt a bit of ass juice running down. I caught some and rubbed it over my puny nub. It felt incredible yet I knew I was infinitely years away from cumming. The Satyr pushed my face into the crotch of the other to suck his cock. The cock was large but only semi-erect. I did my best to provide him pleasure, but suddenly my mouth was flooded with piss. He instructed me to drink it, to suck it all down. I drank, but his piss was endless. My head down, he pissed his remains over my head, which ran down my back. A puddle formed on the bed with my face in the middle of it. My Satyr yanked my legs up so I fell into the puddle. The man in front rubbed his piss into my scalp. My Satyr lay on top of me, now humping slowly, his mouth next to my ear. “Suck the piss out of the mattress. This is where I'll keep you.” With slop in my mouth, he flipped me around so we could taste the mixture of piss, cum and ass slime together. I wrapped my legs around my Satyr, pulling him into me. Feeling my inner thigh slide along his hairy legs, my feet gliding down his legs to his feet. Only they weren’t feet, they were hooves, cloven hooves where his feet should have been. “Let me take you,” he growled. “Let me have your body. Surrender to me.” I wrapped my legs against him again, not letting my ass separate from him as I felt his cockhead bulge. He slowed only for a moment to pop one of his huge balls into my canal, then the other. “You take my knot. You need your reward!” A lava of cum scorched out of him. My matted hair, his sagging breasts, his gap tooth gums chewed on my tits. I reach down and felt his dried rutting mat of hair between my legs scrubbing against me like sandpaper over my useless nub. As he flooded me to the point I gushed out between and around his mountainous member, I came with him, limp dick but shaking in orgasmic delight. The scorch of his cum oozed out of my hole, burning its way down my legs. He lay inside me for minutes or maybe it was hours. I couldn’t say. I didn't want him to leave my ass. It was quiet. Everything was bathed in red light. Every so often he would spasm within me. Always hard, always leaking down my leg, I was so filled with him inside me. It would take a long while for us to unwind.
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  47. The following is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind and any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. I arrived home to find my house a bit dusty and very quiet, I decided that cleaning the house was kind of ridiculous since it would all be packed up soon and I had left it mostly cleaned before I had left. After having almost 2 week where I had a sex partner(s) every day and night made my home feel lonely so I hopped on-line and pulled up A4A and scanned the guys on line. I clicked on near me and two profiles over from me was a hot 19 year old torso shot, I clicked on the profile and found the description rather fascinating. 19 6’3 170# white blond hair blue eyes, all his pics were locked so all I got to see was his body shot with pair of skimpy briefs covering the cock and ass and only 4320 feet away, Damn I had a hunk in my neighborhood and had no clue, I smiled at him and wrote a brief message saying only in town a few days as was moving soon would he like to play around and hang out. A few minutes later he wrote back that he couldn’t host but would love to come over and meet me. I told him I’d have to take a shower and change clothes, and he replied don’t bother he had just been working out in his garage and he was hot and sweaty himself and really enjoyed manly smells. A hunk and a pig and so close, have I been blind, His last message was sent from his smart phone so I hit refresh on my screen and suddenly he was like 500 feet away I had just enough time to walk to my front door when I heard the knock. I opened the door to find one of the former wrestlers from the school I taught at standing on my doorstep in his wrestling singlet with basketball shorts thrown on to hide what was sure to be a nice bulge. I invited him in and he exclaimed gee Mr. Parrot you have a nice home, told him to call me Frank as I was no longer his teacher or at least not in the scholastic way. He chuckled an told me he had a crush on me since freshman year , and here he was standing in my entry hall with a massive hard on leaking precum on my tile I looked down and sure enough he had a large wet spot on his shorts and I imagined an even larger one on his singlet. He stepped forward and planted a hot kiss on my lips and I cupped his cock and balls with my free hand. I took him into the living room and we grouped each other on the couch his shorts falling on the way over and my pants and shirt somehow coming off as well. I lay there under this hot boy with just my boxers on his singlet rubbing my naked chest and torso. We made out for a good half hour and I realized I hadn’t eaten since breakfast as my stomach grumbled between us. We both laughed and I said I really should eat something but there wasn’t anything in the house except dry or frozen food, would he like to go to dinner with me. He said it was ok but he would have to run home to get some clothes, he was about my size although thinner but was all muscle. So I said I could loan him some clothes to wear to dinner, he smiled and said ok, but we stunk of perspiration and man sex. I got up reached down and pulled him up and stripped off his singlet we both stood there naked other than socks and I pulled him into me and hugged him our cocks battling for supremacy. I lead Lenny into the bathroom and reached in to turn on the shower as he bent down and sucked in my cock. I grabbed his head and skull fucked him while the water warmed up then pulled him up again to deep kiss his tender lips. I took his hand and moved into the shower his body pressing into mine as we hugged again under the cascade of water, I soaped him up and he did me as well. I shampooed his golden locks and he washed my close cropped brown fuzz. His cock was unrelenting and worked itself into my soapy crack then started probing my inner workings. Lenny fucked me in the shower and shot his load deep up my ass. He then bent over and let me enter his love canal. I told him I was poz and he said it didn’t matter. I screwed his ass till I saw specks of blood flowing down his legs and into the drain. It had been a while since I last fucked dry (I know it was in the shower but all the soap had been rinsed away and his ass), so I really ripped up Lenny’s ass, and eventually I shot a huge load into him. At that point we both collapsed against the tile seat. I turned the water off and handed him a towel, I apologized for such a savage fuck but he said he enjoyed every moment. We got dressed and were about to leave when I asked him why my status didn’t matter to him. He replied he already was poz, and that he got it from a former 18 year old swimmer (who, as it turned-out, I had fucked after his graduation from high school a year earlier). They had been best buds and have been passing the bug back and forth for the last six months - as well as breeding anyone who answered their ads on A4A and BBRT and CumHunt. So I had created two gifters from my stable of boys I had bred since getting the bug. We went to dinner and he asked if he could spend the night since his Dad would have locked him out it being so late. I said sure and we went back to my house and played around for another hour or two before falling asleep in each other’s arms. The next morning he had fixed me breakfast and had it waiting when I came into the kitchen. "Good morning, Frank just wanted to thank you for last night." With that he pulled on his singlet and shorts and departed, adding that if I needed any help moving give him a call and he and the swimmer friend would come help me. (wink) I used the next couple of days to pack into boxes those items of my clothing and other items around the house I wouldn’t be needing any time soon, labeling them for shipment. I made quite a few phone calls to have services disconnected and arrangements for final bills to be sent. I almost had everything packed up and was ready to get to packing my personal stuff into the car when I got a case of the hornies. I sat down at the laptop again and started scanning and came across Lenny again. I picked up my phone and dialed his number, he answered on the third ring. “Hey Frank was wondering if you were going to call.” I chuckled and said I needed some relief from all this packing and he replied "Oh wow, Dude. Wish you had called me sooner, but I have plans to go to a CumUnion party up at the Steamworks with Billy." This sounded like a hot plan so told him don’t worry about it I’d see him around as I still had a few days before I left town. Hanging-up the phone, I went into the bedroom and looked in the drawer of my dresser. Darn - I had already packed my 'hunting' clothing. I scanned the pile of boxes, only to realize for the one marked with 'XX' wasn’t in the bedroom. Then I remembered I had left it in the den, and, upon finding it, was pleased to note I hadn’t sealed it. I dug through until I found my Nasty Pig jock strap and my cock strap along with my stash of Viagra. I stripped down and slid the jock onto my torso and then found my tank top that read 'Catcher' on the chest and 'Pitcher' on the back. Changing into that tank top I looked at myself in the mirror and thought "Damn I am a hot fuck." I threw some street clothing on, grabbed the car keys and was out the door. Steamworks it was. I drove the hour or so to get to the Steamworks for their Fourth of July Cumhunt party and parked the car. I entered the building about 15 minutes after the scheduled start and received some Spunk lube and a video. I got a room and they buzzed me through the door and I slowly walked down the rows of lockers and surveyed the guys stripping down to their party gear or just the towel provided. I strolled past open doors and looked in to find guys sleeping, stroking and being inviting. I continued to my room and went inside, stripped off my outer clothes and stood there for a second, slipped on my sandals and exited my room. I roamed to the back where I knew the action would be going on and sure enough I was lipped locked with a hot daddy type and another was feeling up my ass and getting ready to push his cock into me. I felt a mouth on my cock and another on my ear I was being assaulted from all angles. I let my body dictate what it needed and soon found myself the object of a mass orgy. I was used for the first hour as a cumdump and loved every minute of it. I needed a break so I pulled up the next time my cock and ass weren’t in use and wandered out to the showers where I ran into Lenny and my former swimmer who were making out in the shower. I came up behind the swimmer and slid my cock in his sloppy hole. He jumped at first, but as Lenny began kissing me over his shoulder he realized it was me. Our lips parted and I whispered in my swimmer's ear "Surprise." It wasn’t the first time I had seen him here as this is where I had knocked him up and bred his ass after graduation. We went around the rest of the night together breeding and being bred by dozens of guys the awesome trio we were being called by the end of the night. I had taken at least a dozen loads or more and had shoot out another half dozen into willing if not knowing holes. And quite a few mouths as well. I went home sated to be sure. The following days I arraigned for my furniture and boxes to be picked up by a moving company and my cable and phone went dead I called Lenny and Billy over to help move some stuff into a trailer and my SUV for the journey out to my new home. When we had everything packed up other that a sleeping bag and an air mattress I took the boys out for dinner. It was at dinner that the boys sprung their situation on me. Billy’s Parents found out he was poz and wanted him out of the house. He had already packed up his few treasured possessions and was storing them over at Lenny’s but his parents wanted the two of them out as soon as possible, unless Lenny went to college but the local colleges suck for what he wanted to study. He had checked out my new college and they had an awesome program for his field of study. They wanted to come with me to the Midwest and were both willing to go to school there. I thought about it and told them I’d let them know in the morning. We finished our dinner and they threw stuff like they could help drive out and stuff and they already were packed and wouldn’t be too much of a bother, I was thinking distraction, and Lenny was already driving Billy’s car and had just gotten it tuned up. About half way home I said enough I said I’d think about it and let you know in the morning. They both became quiet and kind of pouty I thought it was real cute. At the house they helped empty out the freezer by scooping up three large bowls of ice cream and bringing me one they sat on the floor across from me and ate silently poking each other every now and then. The Ice cream finished they popped up and took the bowls into the kitchen and washed them then they came back and started caressing me and I soon had cock in my mouth. They pulled me up and lead me to the bedroom and lowered me to the bed where they took turns sucking my cock and rimming my ass. Then they both got on all fours and presented their sweet holes to me and said at least breed us one last time before I leave them forever. I slid my cock into them alternating between the two back and forth until I blew a load into Billy’s hot hole. I then laid down and pulled Lenny on top of me and slid my still hard cock into his ass and invited Billy to enter him as well. Billy slid his cock in next to mine in Lenny’s hole and started rocking back and forth giving Lenny a good ride. Billy shot first and filled him with his demon seed then I added to the mixture. We all fell asleep shortly after. I was awakened the next morning by clanking and clunking in the kitchen, I wandered out to find the boys packing up the remaining table ware and kitchen stuff in boxes. They offered me some cereal and what little milk there was left and a plastic spoon to eat it with. Now I had been contemplating taking them with me and last night while pumping my seed in them what Ed had said kept cumming back to me that they needed more demon seed in the bible belt. Andy had texted me a couple days earlier that he had the flu and was anticipating my return. I figured my seed had finally taken hold in Andy and he had the fuck flu for sure this time. Billy’s Camaro was parked alongside my SUV and trailer and the backseat was full of his stuff and it looked Like Lenny’s as well. I smiled If I was going to tell them yes they were ready. I called the boys over and looked them in the eyes and told them although I Was technically only a little older than them I was in charge and they were to follow my lead. They nodded and swore by the bug flowing through their veins I was their daddy and forever more I would be. I smiled and said Ok you can come along, they hugged me and each other. They threw the Ice chest in Billy’s car and tucked the sleeping bag and air mattress in the trailer. Billy wanted to ride with me and Lenny was to drive his car the first leg of our journey together. I told Lenny to meet me at the Rest stop just outside of town and I would meet up with him shortly. He drove off towards the outskirts of town and Billy and I went to drop the keys off at the title company. As we were leaving the Electric company technician came and shut the power off. Good timing on our part. To be Continued – Long trip halfway across country
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