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  1. Chapter 1: I had just finished college and after spending a month with one of my friends at her lakehouse I moved out to Colorado for my gap-year job. Growing up in Chicago I knew how to handle myself in a city and never found college in NYC to be an issue. I eventually found my love for the outdoors which lead to getting a job as a temporary park ranger for a year in CO. I had decided to wait on grad-school and "find myself" or whatever that meant. In truth I just wanted some time to feel good after the stress of finishing senior year. My apartment was small but with my savings from working over the summer and gotten myself a semi-decent space. It was in the middle of the small town that was only a short drive to the park and I had gotten lucky enough that I could live in my own space instead of sharing a cabin with another ranger. Grocery store was nearby, a small dive bar that seemed like it had some charm and some local shops dotted around. This set me right at ease... After a few weeks of working I decided to check out the bar, named after the guy I assumed was the owner-Mike's. Sports were on the TV, locals that I had seen in and around dotted the booths. I walked up to the counter and sat next to an empty pint, someone had left and the bartender was just taking it away. She recommended the local IPA and filled up mine up in addition to the empty glass I sat next to. "Oh just one please ma'am" I tried to say before she finished filling it. "It's not for you buddy, it's for Pat" she said, smiling and placing both drinks down, one at my seat and the other right next time to me. "Who's Pat I asked?" my nature getting the best of me and feeling a little silly after trying too turn down what I thought was for me. She gestured to the other end of the bar and as if on cue the bathroom door swung open and Pat walked out. A bulging white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up around the forearms and equally tight pinstripe pants that left me floored. He had a chiseled jawline and a slightly bushy beard with green-blue eyes that seemed kind compared to the rest of his character. As he sat down next to me and patted me on the back with his beefy hands I jumped a bit. "You always find me company Sara, and good company at that" Pat said with a smile, taking a drink and leaving some foam on his upper lip. "What's your name boy?" he asked, swiveling to face me. "Rick" I barely spat out, nervous, intimidated, and incredibly turned on all at the same time. "Well, ya look like a fine kid, what's your story?" I started to tell Pat how I came out West from college on the East Coast over the course of the night, what I wanted to do with my life and where I wanted to go. Sara was nice enough to keep the bar open a bit longer than normal at which point Pat said "You are ever gracious Sara, thank you so much," and then turning to me "What do you say we finish up at my place?" I knew when I was being hit on and obliged, curious as to why he had taken such an interest in me. He motioned to his car, a modern model that I didn't recognize but could tell was expensive. "Hop in boy, I'll show you to my place..."
    12 points
  2. Part 12 - Self-Fulfilling Prophecies A self-fulfilling prophecy is the tendency for our expectations to foster the behaviour that is consistent with our beliefs, a teacher who believes a pupil is far more intelligent than the rest may give extra time and praise to that pupil, thus reinforcing the belief that the pupil is more intelligent. It was the way Tony looked upon and engaged with Luca, he knew he was smart and just needed putting back on the right track to know his full worth. Gio was completely fascinated with Tony over dinner, his outward appearance was the opposite of the educated words coming out of his mouth. Gio and Tony got into some serious thought wrecking topics and got on so well together, it was almost frightening how their heads were on the same wavelength. Luca picked at his food and managed to eat more than the previous day since his nausea had subsided massively, he chatted with his mother about the weekend. His parents were due to go to Italy for the weekend before they went out the following week to the villa. Luca expressed he was fine and had Tony to call upon if needed someone to talk to. Luca even volunteered to do some gardening that weekend almost shocking his mother as he hadn't shown any interest in gardening since going to university. Tony said it was a good way for Luca to relax and keep busy. Luca laughed "Don't sit there making comments or I will drag you in to help you see how big the garden is". Tony shook his head "I am not getting my hands dirty, I will supervise you" he replied laughing. Luca stood up to help his mother with coffee "Supervise or therapise me?" he said walking off. Gio laughed looking at Tony "Seriously would you?" he asked "I will pay you to look after him all weekend?". "Pay me?" Tony asked looking shocked "I am his councillor not therapist" he laughed. Gio nodded "I know but I am worried leaving him alone right now". Tony looked over to Luca in the kitchen "Of course I will see he is okay and you don't need to pay me". Gio smiled "Can you take him out to dinner Saturday night make sure he eats?". Tony nodded "I have to be careful things don't get out of control Gio" he said looking at Gio. "I understand, and well... you are both men" Gio replied stunning Tony with his response. Luca stood on the doorstep waving good bye to his parents Saturday morning and headed back inside, heeding Tony's advice he tore up the card Jason had given him and threw it away. Rifling through his wardrobe he found a pair of dungarees he use to wear when helping his mother in garden, struggling he finally got them on having taken his t-shirt and underwear off. With his baseball cap on he caught sight of himself in the mirror and chuckled, I would definitely do me he thought to himself and walked downstairs and out in to the garden. It was already warm and sunny as he looked around trying to decide where to start. Picking up the garden waste bag he headed over to the herb garden, something he had started years ago that was a little overgrown but wouldn't take long to sort out. Luca found his love of gardening again, working on the rosemary bush he wiped his forehead and face sweating from the heat, doing so he left dirt marks across his face without realising it. Engrossed he didn't hear Tony walk across the lawn to where he was busy working away. Dressed in flip flops, shorts and t-shirt it was the most casual Luca had seen Tony dressed. "Could you get any more country bumpkin" Tony said laughing at Luca who was standing up. Luca smiled "I didn't think gardening was your thing" he replied seeing the tattoos on Tony's legs. "It isn't" he replied "but I promised to keep an eye on you" Tony said completely turned on by Luca. "Here" Tony said moving closer "you have dirt on your face" he wiped the dirt off Luca's cheek. Luca chuckled "Thanks" he said "you going to help or watch?". Tony sat down on the lawn by the herb garden "Watch" he replied. "Why don't you fetch us a drink from the fridge?" Luca suggested "there is soda or beer". He watched Tony head up to the kitchen admiring how different Tony looked out of his work clothes. He was pretty happy having a councillor like Tony that was so casual and sexy. Tony returned with two glasses of lemonade and sat down making small talk as Luca clipped and weeded tidying up the herb garden. Finishing he turned to grab his lemonade and laughed, Tony had taken his flip flops and t-shirt off and was lying on his back sunbathing with his eyes closed. "You missed a bit" he said grinning and pointing without opening his eyes. Luca looked where he was pointing "Oh really" he said flicking a piece to dirt at Tony and laughing. Luca ran screaming and laughing round the garden with Tony giving chase and catching him then wrestling him to the ground and pinning him on the lawn. In a very quick move Tony released Luca fearing he would kiss him and rolled on to his back laughing. Luca sat up catching his breath looking at Tony's chest and the tattoos his eyes drawn lower seeing a scorpion that looked out of place compared the other tattoos. "What are you looking at?" Tony asked noticing how quiet Luca had gone. Luca looked at him "This one" he said touching it fleetingly "the scorpion". Tony smiled "I had it done just after I was diagnosed" he replied "you know sting in the tail". "Right" Luca said running his finger over it lightly and lowering the band of his shorts to look properly. Tony laid his head back down on the lawn "Please don't do that Luca". Luca suddenly stopped "Sorry" he said quietly removing his finger "I didn't realise I was doing that". He opened one eye and looked at Luca who was still staring at it "Is it fascinating to you?". "In what way?" Luca asked slightly confused. Tony smiled "Some people find it a crazy turn on if they are hiv negative" he explained leaning up. Luca squinted looking at Tony "Just the tattoo or you?" he said completely unsure why he even asked it. Laughing Tony looked at Luca "You are such a crazy nice person". "Thanks" Luca replied grinning "I think. Maybe I will get one like that" he said touching the scorpion again. Tony grabbed Luca's hand gently "Luca stop or I won't be able to resist" he said looking serious. "Sorry" Luca apologised again "I know... your professionalism" he said removing his hand. "Exactly" Tony said "what's left of it" he chuckled. Luca smiled at him "Is there much left then?" he asked desperately wanting to kiss Tony. Tony looked at Luca intently then shook his head "No" he quietly replied watching Luca. In his own crazy head Luca was trying to figure out why he found Tony so sexy. The only assumption he came up with was the tattoos and mohican gave him an edgy appeal. He let out a loving heavy sigh seeing Tony's face looming so close to his, the softness of Tony's lips touches his. Using their lips they briefly kissed a couple of times until Tony pulled away. Luca pulled the strap of his dungarees down feeling the effects of the warm sun on his body. "Look what are you doing to me Luca?" Tony said laying back down with a smile on his face. Luca touched the scorpion tattoo again completely fixated by it "Take me to get one?" he asked. He lifted his head up and looked at Luca "A scorpion" Luca said "I want to have one like yours". Tony laughed and laid back down "Your parents will not be happy if you end up with a tattoo". Slowly his finger worked up Tony's body moving over each tattoo "They make you look like a thug". "Is that what you like Luca, a thug?" Tony chuckled enjoying the feeling of Luca touching his body. "God no" Luca replied smiling "I like things simple". Tony looked up him "I can be a very dominating hard thug when having sex" he replied laughing. Luca laid on his stomach looking at Tony "Nah, you look menacing enough but I bet your a soppy lover". He laughed "Sometimes, but I have an aggressive streak when it comes to sowing my seed". Luca chuckled "You would have a fight keeping me down" he said teasingly. Tony smiled and patted Luca's arm "Once I am inside no one escapes me until I plant my DNA in them". Luca sat up hard as a rock "Is this you counselling me?" he asked running his finger along Tony's body. "Seduction through counselling" Luca said leaning down and kissing Tony's nipple and biting it lightly. Tony stroked Luca's head "Not at all, in fact you are the one seducing the councillor". Luca ran his tongue across the tattooed body "Am I a good seducer?" he asked kissing his other nipple. Tony took a sharp deep breath sighing getting turned on even more "More than I gave you credit for". Luca sat up and giggled. He really liked Tony on a personal level, they seemed to get on and enjoy each others company. Luca swung himself around and tidied up the last part of the herb garden. Looking back at Tony several times who had a mischievous grin on his face, one hand was behind his head the other half in his shorts like he was teasing Luca. His eyes were closed, occasionally he would talk in his counselling way then switch to chatting like Luca on a personable lever. Luca couldn't deny his urge to explore the dominating side of Tony, when he looked at him he was certainly not the type of guy you would like to meet in a dark alley. Underneath his exterior there lay quite an extraordinary character who was funny, sexy and seriously attractive. Luca worked and chatted revealing more about the his sexual encounters on the ship hardly leaving any detail out. Somehow it just felt good talking more in depth about it, Tony stopped him when he started talking about Oliver sensing that was a deeper conversation they should have later. Luca wiped his forehead feeling hungry "Coming for lunch?" he asked turning to look at Tony. Tony sat up and smiled stopping Luca from putting his t-shirt back on "No I like seeing your naked body". Luca stood up and hung the t-shirt from his pocket watching Tony Stand up "I only come up to your nose". He chuckled at the random things Luca would say "Vieni qui e baciami, bello" Tony said smirking. Luca surprised Tony walking towards him and kissing him lightly "You know Latin?" Tony asked. "I speak Latin and Italian" Luca replied grabbing Tony's hand taking him to the kitchen. After a quick lunch they both went back to the garden and Luca moved on to one the herbaceous boarders to work on before deciding it was way to hot. He collapsed on his back lying next to Tony who was still rambling on. The flower beds around them hiding them in the bottom of the garden, Luca sat up and leaned over Tony 'Do you ever stop talking?' he asked before kissing Tony's nipple. Tony chuckled and immediately his hand stroked Luca's head moving lower he gripped the back of Luca's neck and pulled him up until they were face to face. There was no hiding the physicality between them, lips touching and brushing gently. The passion rising in Luca with such force that he simply parted his lips and engaged Tony in a very long sensual kiss. His hand running through the soft hair of Tony's mohican, joined at the mouth he felt the straps of his dungarees loosen and fall away. Luca was pulled on top of Tony laying stomach to stomach, groin to groin, he could feel the stiffness of what seemed to be a large cock hidden in the shorts Tony was wearing. His hips responding grinding up to Luca's groin rubbing against his own aroused cock, completely absorbed by his councillor Luca desperately needed a man. Stopping short of ravaging Tony he lightened the intensity of their kissing, one thing he remembered was Tony's words about breeding his men deep and judging by the size of the thing in his shorts he could well achieve it. Tony pushed Luca up moving his face away "Luca are you sure?" he asked resisting the urge to kiss him. "No" Luca replied looking down at Tony "No more counselling" he said "therapise me" he seductively urged. Tony stroked his face "I won't hold back on you" he said "if I start I am going to take you". Their lips met urgently kissing harder, Tony's hands stripping the dungarees off Luca with ease. Totally naked hidden amongst the flower beds in his garden he almost laughed at his predicament. His buttocks warming in the sunshine feeling the hands of Tony pushing him down quickly passing the tattoos on his chest until his head was rubbed against the sheer hardness of Tony's cock. His hand tugging the shorts freeing Tony's cock that flopped and hit him squarely on the jaw, his mouth engulfing the head without hesitation. He moaned holding Luca's head pushing it down around his shaft, his legs wriggled until he kicked his shorts away. Raising his head and looking down at Luca working his cock gently their eyes met in hungry desire for each other. Luca felt his body being pushed over then rolled on to his stomach the grass itching his naked skin. His ass cheeks spread apart before he felt coarseness of Tony's facial hair against his ass, his tongue lapping and probing his hole. He smiled and moaned feeling the experienced tongue and mouth eating away at his hole liberally depositing saliva and preparing him. Luca moaned louder feeling the hands pinching and slapping at his shoulders almost like they were reinforcing Luca's position as his bitch. So aroused and turned on he knew this was going to be a rough ride no matter how intimate they would be, Tony was a man of his word and liked to dominate. He was powerless to resist feeling the kissing moving up his back and shoulders, neck then finding his mouth full of Tony's tongue, his cock rubbing up against his hole. The hands moving up and gripping hold of Luca's arms he pushed his ass up urging Tony to fuck him. Luca wriggled his hands until his fingers entwinned with Tony's that gripped him hard, at the same time Tony raised his hips guiding his cock towards Luca's hole and pushing the head of his cock against the succulent ass lips until it speared through. Luca gasped and raised his head releasing the pain through his fingers by squeezing them against Tony's. His mouth once again filled with Tony's tongue kissing him deeper, lowering his hips slowly he impaled Luca deep on his eight inches until he was balls deep inside him, the tightness of his ass gripping his entire shaft. Luca cried out in an orgasm releasing his load in to the lawn under him, unable to control his sexual need he felt a massive relief 'Did you cum already?' Tony whispered in his ear and watched as Luca nodded. Tony kissed the side of his face 'You better hold on and get ready for it' he said starting to move his hips and grinding away at Luca's ass to make sure his cock was deeply embedded. Luca moaned and his lower legs raised and fell back down 'oh Tony, do it' he rasped through the painful pleasure. His groin remained locked against Luca's ass his hips providing the momentum, Luca gasped and moaned feeling his cock so deep in his ass. Held down and pinned under Tony's body he was loving every minute, it felt like his entire body was being fucked. His vision filled with flowers and a bee moving from flower head to flower head, turning his head he saw the tattooed arm holding his hand, their fingers red from the vice like grip they had on each other. His lips pushed open accepting Tony's tongue kissing him again. Tony moaned feeling his balls tingling at first then the dull ache as they began contracting 'Yeah, good boy' he said biting at Luca's neck then pushing his hips down hard and letting his balls release their load pulsing up through his shaft and firing deep in to Luca's body. Luca pushed his ass up 'fuck' Luca cried out followed by whimpering sounds of love as he felt each pulse from the cock deeply embedded in his ass. To Luca it seemed to go on and on he was so tuned in to Tony like he needed this breeding and his body acted like it was pulling the seed out of Tony's cock. Reality struck when Tony collapsed on top of Luca still keeping him pinned down, both breathing heavily and kissing. Luca smiled 'That was very unprofessional of you' he said catching his breath, Tony kissed him 'shut the fuck up bitch' he replied slipping his tongue back in to Luca's mouth and grinding his hips deep against Luca's ass. Tony slowly pulled his cock out after some fifteen minutes and chuckled "You little bitch" he said. Luca Turned to look at him "What?" he asked sounding worried. Tony slapped his ass "You took it all" he said "no tell tell sign I just bred you". Luca chuckled and laid his head back down on the lawn "Well you did say you like to breed deep". "So cute Luca" Tony said stroking Luca's back "Ready for another?". Luca looked over his shoulder at Tony smiling and wriggled his ass, gasping as Tony entered him full force again.
    11 points
  3. Been meaning to write this story a long time ago. Hope y'all enjoy it, I might continue it ~~~~~~ With the recent rains the night air was cool and refreshing as I walked along the wet sand path in the middle of the night in the dark desert. With only the nearly full moon above with the occasional obscuring cloud and the little blacklight flashlight for spotting scorpions to give me light it might be unnerving to other people but I loved the desert at night. Especially now with the rains the night seemed truly alive with animal and insect noises abundant. Thankfully the wildlife kept to themselves with no glowing scorpions appearing in my path. This patch of desert was about fifteen minutes out of town in a hiking park and not the first time I'd come this far at night. I knew I wasn't alone from how many cars I'd seen at the parking lot at the head of the trail and by the footprints in the wet sand I was following. I could feel my cock start to throb and swell in the basketball shorts I wore with nothing underneath as I thought about the fun I had the last time I had been here late at night. Suddenly I could hear voices ahead of me and I could feel my dick twitch with excitement. With the moon out for the moment I spotted a group of shadows moving under a cluster of mesquite trees around some low boulders. Getting closer I suddenly heard a gasping moan and the slap of flesh against flesh and I knew I had found what I was looking for. Stepping up I clicked off the flashlight and into the darkness of the trees. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the shadows but the sight was enough to make me glad I'd taken the time to come all the way out here. A small group of men were crowded around a wide, low boulder with several bent over it or laying on it with men either behind them or between their legs thrusting away. I could hear the moans of the bottoms and the grunting of the men fucking them and I couldn't wait to join them as my shorts tented fully in front of me by the time I joined them. A few of the guys gathered nodded at my approach and moved aside to make room for me to get a better look. I watched for a few minutes as another somewhat chubby guy was bent over the boulder with is wide ass being pounded by a fat dick as my eyes got further adjusted to the darkness. My cock was tenting my shorts and starting to leak so I tugged the hem down beneath my balls and started to stroke myself as I looked around at the group. No one was talking beyond grunting and moaning out small words of excitement as they fucked in the darkness of the desert. I was wondering what to do next when I felt a hand brush across my chubby ass before reaching over to give my cock a few strokes then back to give a cheek a squeeze. Looking I couldn't really tell what the man looked like but reaching out I felt a somewhat thin but long cock that leaked across my fingers as I started to stroke it in return. Feeling him groping my ass I knew what he wanted and it just happened to be exactly what I wanted too. Moving over to a free spot on the boulder next to the other man I bent over against the cool stone and pushed my shorts down around my knees. The man was right there behind me, his hands groping and kneading my ass and I soon felt the leaking tip of his cock sliding up and down my hole. He grunts in happiness as his dick catches my already lubed hole, my ass prepared from the plug I had worn on my ride out here. We both groan out into the night air as he presses in, my hole loosening enough to let his wide head slip inside as well as a few inches. I reached under me and started to slowly squeeze and stroke my cock as the nameless man fucked his pole deeper into my hole until his hips were eventually bouncing off my cheeks. His grunts were music to my ears as I moaned in reply like a good bottom, squeezing around the cock as it rakes against my prostate making me drip with each throb of my own dick. "Yeah, fuck that faggot good" I heard a voice to my side and realize it came from a man standing close stroking his prick watching me get fucked. My current fucker took the encouragement and started to speed up the pace, his hips starting to clap against my ass with increasing tempo while groaning out as I clenched down around him. His fingers gripped my hips, pulling me back into his thrusts with his eagerness. As I was getting fucked harder and loving every moment of it I heard a gasping moan and looked to my fellow bottom and saw his fucker hilt himself fully into him, the tops ass clenching visibly as he must've been pumping a load into the lucky man. The man fucking me seemed to slow down a moment to watch as the pair grind against each other for a few second before the top slides his cock out of the sloppy hole. There was hardly any time for the bottom to rest before another man takes the tops hole and slides in without any resistance, the bottom gasping out a low "Fuck yeah," as he was filled again as his top starts to fuck him hard right from the bat using the previous mans cum as extra lube. My attention on the others was broken as my fucker suddenly picked up the pace again making me yep with surprise then groan with enjoyment as he pounded my hole. His fingers dug into my hips suddenly and I felt his motions get shaky before he suddenly fell on top of me and hilted himself pinning me against the boulder. I could feel his cock swell before a warmth began to fill me, my voice moaning out as I feel this stranger dump his load into me while growling out in my ear, telling me to take his load. He didn't wait long before he pushed himself up and slowly pulled his softening prick free from my asshole with a pop. Panting softly I barely lifted my head to look back in time to see the man that had been stroking his cock watching me get fucked step up behind me and put his hand on my back. Pushing me down again he slaps his cock against my hole, suddenly realizing it was much larger than it had looked in the darkness. "Oh fuck, fuck me please," I moaned out as my cockhungry side really started to take hold. I had just taken some strangers load in my ass in the middle of the desert at night, completely forgetting the condoms I had in my pocket but once again I couldn't help myself and allowed him to fuck me. And now I was lifting my chubby ass towards another faceless man like some wanton whore while looking over my shoulder. It was by chance that the clouds shifted away from the moon as I felt him start working his fat, uncut head into my already stretched and dripping hole. Already used to the darkness the bit of light that shone through the branches was enough for me to see some of the man's torso. At first the shadows hid it but then as I felt his hips press against my ass, his fingers pulling my cheeks apart in order to hilt his fat dick in my hungry hole, did I finally see it. Across his pec was the unmistakable shape of a tattoo of a scorpion within in a bright red biohazard symbol. My asshole clenches around the cock I now realized was toxic and dripping it's own venom into my unprotected insides. He groans as he flexes his cock inside me, drawing out a moan from me as he started to pull out then slide back in with long, deep strokes that make my own dick throb and drip with excitement as this toxic stranger started to fuck me harder and faster. Glancing around the increased moonlight let me see that several of the other tops fucking their own moaning cumdumps had their own tattoos proudly displaying their POZ status. I had not come here seeking poz loads but as that heavenly toxic cock plowed my eager hole I knew I wasn't leaving without more. I'd always been told to watch out for scorpions in the desert but I had never stopped to consider this kind!
    8 points
  4. So, this is going to take some explaining. I have a FWB, closer to boyfriend, but neither of us is great with labels. He works as an installer for home theater systems, installing these immense actual theaters in client’s homes. Not always an actual theater, but more often than not, yeah, full fledge theaters. What I am trying to say is that my Friend works for some pretty rich people. He has also been whoring me out to some of these clients since we got together. It’s a fetish he and I both have. But that bit is a different story. So one of my Friend’s clients contacts him and tells him that he is gonna have a stay-cation for a couple of weeks and that he was wondering if he could provide some entertainment. Meaning he wanted my Friend to whore me out to him for his two-week vacation. But this time it would be no clothes, full bondage, my hole would be open season for whomever was in the house. And I had to be okay with that. Little different then us meeting up and him fucking me for a few hours, having a beer, and then me going home. And while it was a hot idea, I wasn’t really sold because two-weeks is a long time and that kind of sex means I get to eat jell-o and drink water so my hole stays as ready as possible. But my Friend knows how to convince me to say yes and after fucking me to the tune of four cum loads in my hole he got me to agree. SO the day that he is suppose to take me over there comes but we are waiting for a text from the client. By the time it comes its super late and it had a fun instruction for the drop off. The client wanted me to be naked and hooded in the trunk of my Friend’s car. Hot, but again no go for me cause weird. I have been fucked by this particular guy before, but this was some new territory for us. And I was a little nervous. Again my friend got my clothes off and fucked me, but then wouldn’t let me cum. I make bad decisions when I’m horny and recently fucked without release. Which meant on went the hood, off all my clothes, and me in the trunk of a car. I was never so thankful for a garage as I was in that moment. So we went on a drive to the client’s house, which was still not the weirdest way I have ever been transported naked. We arrived and after being let in to the gate the car was parked and I was let out of the trunk and led to the house naked. I could hear people around, more than just the client and my boyfriend. After we were in the house the hood still was taken off and I was led to an area where my hands were cuffed and secured above my head to something that was hanging from the ceiling. I waited then for the hood to come off, but it didn’t. Instead I heard the client that I had been whored out to announce that some more entertainment had arrived and to “enjoy.” For a minute nothing happened and then I started to feel hands. A lot of hands. Everywhere. Now I know I had agreed to this. It was my fetish, but I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know where my Friend was. I didn’t know anything so I was obviously nervous. And that made some of them even more interested. Maybe a little more forceful. What started out a simple groping turned quickly into pinching, pulling, and greased up fingers stretching my hole. They weren’t quick about prepping me. They took their time. Multiple hands spending time finger fucking me until my nervous squirming turned into writhing like a slut. I may have been nervous but this was still getting me hot. Once my hole was loosened up I felt the first cock slide in me. I was fucked by the first cock for what seemed like forever but was probably more like ten minutes before he left my hole empty and a little gaped. And thus began a parade of cocks that fucked me and filled me. Every now and then one of them would cum in me and when they slid out of me they cum would leak out of my hole and down my leg until the next cock came and used the cum as lube to fuck me some more. Mind you the hood still had not been taken off. In the end if everyone that came in me wasn’t a repeat I took twenty different loads in my hole. By this time my arms were sore and my legs were starting to give out. And that’s when I felt myself being let down and led up some stairs. I was put in a room and the door closed behind me and finally the hood was taken off. It was the client. I asked where my Friend was and he told me that he had left an hour ago. He then petted my head and asked how I was doing. I told him I was a little tired and he made a sympathetic face at me. He then asked if I was going to hold up my end of the deal, he said this while playing with my cock. I was still hard. I hadn’t cum yet. So of course I said yes, because good decisions. He told me he was happy and that I could relax in the room, but he needed to get me in position first. That’s when he led me over to a fuck bench and laid me down on it, strapping my legs and arms down. He told me to go ahead and get some rest, but not to be surprised if one of his guests came in to use my hole some more. With that he left and I was strapped to a fuck bench hard as a rock, but nothing going on. I must have fallen asleep, but was woken up to a massive cock thrusting into me all at once and another cock being shoved in my mouth. And so continued my first night as rented out sex toy.
    7 points
  5. 12. I barely slept. With the plug out I felt so empty it only made me crave cock more. My dick strained against the cage constantly and I felt like a slow trickle of precum was oozing from me at all times. Just when the sun was rising I decided I couldn’t take it anymore and worked the plug back inside of me. As the massive base popped inside of me a sighed. The rest of the day was spent bouncing on the plug and swallowing piss loads I felt like I needed to be doing something slutty. It had become a compulsion. I lay on my bed naked scrolling through Twitter, finding more and more porn sights about boys being used. I focused in on chastity things. I found myself longing to be one of those boys caged for months becoming a total cumslut. I longed to be used, tied down, and ruined. I watched boys getting opened up with toys and taking cock after cock after cock. I wanted to be them. I couldn’t focus and time moved at a painfully slow rate. Then 3pm hit and Sir finally sent me a text. Well you haven’t asked for the key to your cage so I can only assume that you’ve been a good boy or have failed and have been out taking loads all day. I’m so horny I can’t think Sir! All I want is cock and I haven’t had any! Good. Be ready in about an hour. A friend will be at your place then to get you ready for your next task. Thank you Sir. Good luck boy. An hour later I was practically salivating. Naked, cock dripping, and plugged I sat on my couch waiting. When the apartment buzzer finally went off I ran to answer it, praying that whoever was coming up was going to fuck me. Then there was Devin, the guy who had recommended me for the club, standing in my doorway. He smiled, and stepped inside. He took a long minute to take me in, his eyes lingering on the cage around my cock. “You know every time I fucked you I wondered what you would look like with a cock cage.” “Really?” “It looks better than I thought it would. They really change how you think don’t they?” “God yes,” I said reaching out for him, “I’m so fucking horny.” “Not so fast boy,” he pushed me back, “I’m going to inspect you, and then get you ready for your evening plans.” “You’re not going to fuck me?” “Not right now, you’ll have to wait a little while longer.” “God, I need dick!” I felt like I was screaming. “You’ll get lots of dick soon, don’t you worry.” “Yes Sir,” I felt sad. I loved Devin’s cock. It wasn’t super long but fucking hell it was thick. Nestled into a heavy bush with low hanging balls that slapped against my taint while he fucked me, it was perfect. “Don’t look so sad. Seriously, you’re gonna get bred plenty, and you’ll get my cock soon enough.” With that he grabbed his bulge and shook it at me. “Now, turn around and bend over, I’ve got to make sure you’ve stuck to the rules and kept that cunt plugged up and haven’t taken any loads today.” I got on the couch and presented my ass to him. I felt dirty and I liked it. A drop of precum dripped from the end of my cage. Devin walked up behind me and tugged on the plug. “Push out cunt,” he instructed. Closing my eyes I flexed my hole and felt the plug start to slide out. With a final grunt it popped out into Devin’s hands and he groaned. “Fucking hell. You’ve destroyed this hole boy.” He ran his finger along the ring. I felt cold air blowing inside my gape. “You had such a tight little pussy the last time I fucked you and in just a few days they’ve given you this massive fucking cunt.” I could tell he was fingering me but my hole was so loose it didn’t feel like enough. “I’ve got four fingers in your cunt and youre barely even moaning. You fucking pig.” He spanked my ass, and then shoved his face in my hole. He worked his tongue around and dug deep. I groaned as his tongue flicked in and out of my battered hole. It plunged a swirled, sinking deeper and deeper into me. I felt like I was being hollowed out. “Good boy,” Devin said at last as he pulled his face away, his cheeks wet with spit, “It seems that you’ve played by the rules. I didn’t find a single drop of cum in your cunt. Sir will be so proud.” “Thank you! I wanted to get fucked so bad. But I also didn’t want to fail and have all of this end.” “I know what you mean,” his fingers were swirling around in my cunt again, “when I first joined I was less of a bottom than you and within a day I was constantly craving cock. I spent two day caged and horny doing nothing but riding toys and swallowing my own piss after my first two tests before they sent me to Jerry. Knowing that I was vers they had to break me to make sure I was bottom enough to join.” As he was saying all of this he had started to work the plug back into me. “Then it was almost a full two weeks of spending hours in Jerry’s play room getting loose and looser, all the while begging him to breed me. When he finally bred me I was so happy I almost cried, I hadn’t cum in like 15 days and all I wanted was some real cock.” The plug popped into my hole with a wet squelch. “Then the next day… well you’re going to find out about that now.” He locked the harness around the plug again and stood me up. “Ok, get dressed, just like a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. You won’t be dressed long.” I went into the bedroom and pulled on the same clothes I had been wearing for hookups the day before, they smelled slightly of sex and cum still. Back out in the main room Devin smiled at me. “You look like the best kind of mess,” he said. I followed him out the door and down the stairs to the street, there was an uber waiting and we both got in. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going,” I asked. “Nope, this whole thing is gonna be a surprise for you.” The drive was relatively short, but every bump in the road slammed the plug into my hole and made a drop of precum leak from my cage. When we arrived at our destination I felt like I was in heat. It had now been almost a full twenty four hours since I had last been fucked and I was desperate. We had pulled up in front of a nondescript looking modern apartment building, just above the park it was clearly a wealthy spot but without much character. Devin got out and walked confidently to the doors. He waved to the door man as we passed and walked straight to the elevator. Still without saying a word Devin got off the elevator and lead me down the hall to a partly ajar door. Following close behind him, I walked into a brightly lit spacious living room. “Who’s place is this?” “Don’t talk.” I swallowed hard. “Take your clothes off.” I kicked off my shoes towards the wall and dropped my shorts without question. My shirt was tossed on top of my shoes. In just a couple of days I had become totally accustomed to being completely naked and exposed, in fact I was starting to crave it. I like people seeing my caged cock and plugged cunt. “Follow me,” Devin said and gestured to another door. I assumed that he was taking me into a playroom like Jerry’s and I was mostly right. Inside it was dark and lit in all red light. There was no furniture in the room save an odd-looking bench right in the middle and a sling pushed against the far wall. My cages throbbed thinking about what might happen to me in this room. Devin silently took me over to the bench and bent me over. It was the perfect height so that my ass was stuck in the air and my chest was slightly lower. He positioned me so that my cage stuck through a hole towards the top of the bench and put my knees up on the little rests on the side. Then he buckled my wrists and ankles to the bench. Just before he put the blindfold on me he squatted down in front of me and smiled “I’m so proud of you.” Finally he unbuckled the harness and worked the plug out of my hole again. Then he left. He left and I lay there, not able to see anything strapped to the bench, with my cunt exposed to the world. I hadn’t heard the door close so I assumed that anyone walking into the living room could see my loose gaping hole presented to them. Then I felt the first pair of hands. Rough and hungry they explored my hole, and then they disappeared. Very quickly though I heard someone spit and felt the warm wet glob slid into my hole followed very closely by a short fat cock. The broad head opened me up and made me moan. I groaned as the unseen man started to pound me. He clearly didn’t care about how I felt he only cared about getting himself off but I was in heaven. I begged him to fuck me and to breed me. I needed his load. As soon as he exploded in my guts he pulled out, I felt a mark being made on my back, and another cock replaced him. This one long and thin, it pounded against my second hole a few times before breaking in. I grunted as my cunt was deepened and took the man’s pounding like the cum dump I had become. This man lasted longer than the first but not by much. It didn’t seem like the goal was to make the fucks last but to get their loads into me. When he finished he pulled out, made a mark on my back, and then a new cock came. This happened again and again. I had no idea how many men fucked me like that, but when each one finished they marked my back so I assumed I’d find out in the end. My hole felt slack by the time the last man pulled out and marked me. I had long sense lost the ability or will to clamp down I was just a bruised and beaten flesh hole. Sweat covered my whole body, my cage was sticky with precum, and seed had splashed out my hole to cover my taint and balls. I felt disgusting and so turned on all at the same time. Then I heard him again, Sir. “Well, well, well pig. You’ve done a good job.” He undid the restraints and but kept a hand on my back to keep me in place. “You have just taken a load from everyone in the club, well apart from the caged-up cunt bottoms. You have just one more test. One more thing you need to prove you have overcome. We never told you the full name of our little club.” He took the blind fold off and helped me off the bench. My legs shook and I could feel cum dripping down my legs. Sir held a clip board in front of me. “The last thing you have to do is sign this agreement.” I looked at the paper and the heading at the top “Poz Breeding Group – Bottom Contract”. My heart skipped a beat, I looked at Sir questioningly. “Yes boy, you’ve been taking poz loads this whole time. Here is your choice you can try to go to the doctor right now or you can give in and sign on the dotted line and this is what your life can be like all the time.” I thought for about five seconds before saying, “give me the fucking pen.” Sir laughed and handed me a pen. I scrawled my name on there as quickly as I could and then looked at the beautiful man standing in front of me. On an impulse I handed him back the clipboard and fell to my knees. I swallowed his semi hard cock to the base and started sucking. I could taste ass juice and cum and knew he had been one of the men to fuck me. “Fuck, all those poz loads and you’re still fucking hungry?” It was Devin. “I say we get this boy in the sling and let everyone have another go.” “Good idea Devin, go tell the guys and I’ll get him in the sling.” Sir stood me up and started to walk me over to the sling. Just before he got me there I said, “Wait! The guys they made tally marks on me, didn’t they?” “They sure did pig.” “How many? How many guys just fucked me.” “Forty-eight.” “Oh fuck yes!” Sir lifted me into the sling where I stayed for most of the night. I think the whole club fucked me again, some of them twice. At some point Jerry came in and seeing how destroyed I was decided that I was ready for my first fist. I had found my calling. I never asked to take the cage off, I never cared about getting off again. Eventually a few months later I got an even smaller caged, and a tattoo above my ass saying “no loads refused.” I had become a cumdump, and I had never felt happier.
    7 points
  6. Epilogue: The New Decade Almost ten years had passed since the first night I'd met Michael. Tonight was New Years Eve, 2029. i stood at the bar of the rooftop club I was at in Chicago, taking in the people around me. It was a nice event but I was bored and ready to go home. I wasn't even particularly horny. I was just thinking about how ten years ago my life changed so much. Shortly before my 26th birthday I was accepted into a program at MIT, and after two years working for my Masters, I got into Harvard Business (though I think Michael had something to do with that). After my graduation from Harvard, Michael asked me to actually marry him; saying that I had been with him longer than any other men and he wanted our life to stay the same forever. By that point I was almost 31, and he was in his mid-forties. I could tell that as much as he loved his life at this stage it was more important to feel that special connection while still living it. Who would have thought he would be more sentimental than me. Unfortunately it only lasted a couple years: he was on his morning run one day, and someone ran a red light hitting him. He died in the hospital a couple days later from a blood clot that formed during his surgery. He had left everything to me. Eric died before we were married, during one of his many trips for work he came in contact with someone who unknowingly had contracted Ebola and would trigger the worst outbreak since 2014 (the 20's were a bitch for viruses and hurricanes; New Orleans isn't on the map anymore pretty much). I wasn't sure if it was irony or just the universe with a sick sense of humor: two men with a disease that would eventually kill them dying from things completely unrelated. I kept Michaels apartment, and used some of the money to buy a small lake house in my hometown. I spent about six months there, but alone in the world again, I applied for and took a job as a senior VP for a venture capital firm specializing in biotech in LA. Even though I had my condo there now, I still loved to travel and decided to ring in the new decade and my 35th birthday in the Windy City. I'd definitely hit up the bathhouses multiple times over the course of the next few days but tonight all I wanted was sleep. After midnight I exited the building and started walking to my hotel. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something in the alley across the street that caught my eye. I crossed over and saw someone huddled over on the ground. "Hey, do you need help?", I asked. A man stood up. He was a little shorter than me, blonde hair and green eyes with a mustache. If I had to guess I'd say he about 28. He had a cut underneath his eye, and was holding his side. "Yea, I'm fine. Got mugged." "You should report that to the police." "They hit me for making out with a guy. Then again when they realized I didn't have anything of value". He looked like he was on the verge of tears, not that I would blame him. "My hotel isn't far from here, why don't you come with me. Where's the other guy you were with?" He just shook his head. "Ok well lets get you indoors and some medicine on that eye; and make sure those ribs are just bruised." I put my hand out and he took it, but I could feel him recoil at my touch when he looked into my eyes. I smiled to myself a little, finally understanding what Michael saw when he first touched me all those years ago, and also seeing what lied underneath.
    5 points
  7. "Fuckin' awful" Chris said into the phone. Steve reassured him that he would be ok and the flu would be over in a few days or maybe a week. "Andy will be over there in a couple hours to take care of you" Steve said before hanging up. Three hours later, Chris heard a knock on his door and crawled out of bed. He opened the door and Andy looked back at him with a huge grin, carrying a few shopping bags and a small backpack. "Congrats!" Andy said as he walked past Chris into the apartment. He set the bags down in the kitchen and looked back just in time to see Chris slump to the living room floor. Andy helped get him back to his bed and then unpacked the groceries. He checked on Chris every hour, taking his temperature and keeping him hydrated. As the clock hit midnight, Chris looked up and saw Andy standing next to his bed, naked. "Move over, I want to feel that hot body next to mine" Andy said chuckling. "Fuck off and let me sleep" Chris replied. "I'm gonna fuck, all right" Andy said climbing into the bed. Chris was too weak to put up much of a fight and soon felt Andy's cock probing his ass. Andy pushed in and felt the feverish body wrap around his cock. He had Chris's sweating body against his own and rocked his hips, plunging his cock in and out of Chris's hole. Chris moaned and Andy pumped faster until his cock started to pulse, firing volleys of infected cum deep into Chris's guts. Chris and Andy fell asleep and over the next few days Andy kept Chris filled with toxic cum. Chris got used to it and whenever he heard Andy come into the room, he rolled onto his stomach and pushed his bare ass up. Sunday night Chris heard the door open and assumed the position. "Again, Andy? You're one horny fucker" Chris said groggily. "Not Andy" Ken said as he pushed his shorts off. He was already hard and dripping as he climbed on the bed and mounted Chris. "Fuck, that hole feels even better than on the trip" Ken said as he buried his cock into Chris's sloppy hole. It wasnt a long fuck, but Ken got what he wanted - his dick inside a guy that was losing the battle with the bug and some empty balls. "Stay there, we got a few more that want to use that hot ass" Ken said. One by one, PJ, Danny and Eric took their turns, pounding Chris's ass and dropping in their own special seed. Andy came in after ushering the guests out and slid into the bed and pulled Chris next to him. He slipped inside Chris's cum filled hole and wrapped his arm around him before both of them dozed off. By Tuesday, Chris was feeling better and decided he could get back to work the next day. The two sat at the table that night, eating takeout Chinese food. "So, is that how you got pozzed up? On the canoe trip?" Chris asked. Andy let out a loud laugh. He leaned in and said "Nah, but the group thinks it was. I'll tell you, but you gotta keep it between you and me." Chris nodded and Andy continued "I was kind of a slut in college. I wasn't out to my dad at the time, but I was pretty sexually active in both high school and college. A fuckbuddy of mine took me to a bunch of sex parties my junior year in college and at one of them the tops were mostly poz. This one guy asked me if I wanted his poz load. He was fuckin georgous and I said 'yeah, breed me.' A dozen hot guys later, my ass was dripping charged loads and I had all of their numbers. My buddy turned down the poz guys but I kept hooking up with a couple of them. One was a gymnast and could fuck for hours and the other was one of my professors who let his assistants fuck me after he loaded me up." Chris looked back at Andy with his jaw dropped open. "Yeah, a month later and I was where you are right now - just getting over the fuck flu. My prof told me about a doctor that was kinda shady and he tested me. I was so fuckin' toxic and suddenly I was one of the tops at the parties, breeding other college guys and turning them into poz sluts. I even knocked up my fuckbud. He had no clue until he got sick" Andy told Chris with a wicked grin.
    4 points
  8. Chris hung up the phone and flipped through his phonebook. Dialing Sean, he wondered what his response would be. The call went to voicemail and Chris calmly said "Hi, Sean. It's Chris. I think I'm following in your footsteps and got pozzed this week. Gimme a call back, I'd like to talk." An hour later, Chris's phone rang. He answered and before he could say anything he heard Sean say "You fucking did what?" "Hi Sean. Yeah, I wasn't planning on it, but I went on a trip and ended up taking a few poz loads. I didn't find out until later..." Chris replied. Sean interrupted and said "Oh, good. If its one or two you might not get infected. How many was a few?" "Fifty one" Chris replied coldly. "WHAT?!?!? That must have been some crazy night of debauchery. You should have invited me along" Sean replied, laughing. "It was four days and we were camping. Not your scene, not even close" Chris said, chuckling. "Yeah, honey, unless you had a bunch of hung servants waiting on us all day and night, I wouldn't be interested. So... Is it too late for drugs or are you just going to see what happens?" Sean asked. "Too late, I kinda decided to let fate decide what happens, but I'm pretty sure I know what the outcome is going to be" Chris said. "It all depends but with that many loads, I think your're right. Did you just want to tell someone that you were a really bad boy or did you need some advice?" Sean asked. "A bit of both. One of the guys is supposed to check on me if I get sick, but what other stuff should I do?" Chris asked. They chatted a while and Chris got all the info he wanted. "Let me know what happens and when you got something to share, be sure to call me" Sean said before he hung up. Chris went back to work Monday, his body finally rested and mostly recovered. Mid-morning, he went back to the production area to give Steve some paperwork and the crew from the trip all came to check up on him. "Call me as soon as you start feeling sick, ok? Andy will make sure you make it through fine" Steve told him. Daily he got messages, phone calls and in-person checks to make sure he was ok. The second week after they got back, the checks got more often and when Chris didn't show up for work on Thursday, Steve and PJ both called Chris at home.
    4 points
  9. Dillon was a hot jock who always had a girlfriend. He got hit on all the time and could have any woman he wanted and often did. No one would have guessed that he watched gay porn video's of straight guys getting head from another guy. He would jack off often to these when he was alone and imagined that he was a straight guy giving head. He knew he should really want to be the straight guy wanted to get serviced but something about sucking a big dick turned him on. He vowed he would never do it but that did not stop him from watching videos all the time. He had a few of his favorites that always turned him on. One day while he live in girlfriend was at work he was playing online and searching Doublelist and found some post about guys giving head and he though why the fuck not, put up an ad and see if any hot dick presents itself and he created a post and put it up. He just needed more jack off material is how he rationalized it. The post read like this. Straight Jock wants to orally service another straight cock. Nothing more, just sit back and let me suck and service your road till you blow your load. No small talk, just some great head and I will even swallow your cum. 24 5'11 165 blonde blue eyes and muscled with a hot mouth. He loaded a pic of his body no face, showing off his tight body. Dillon went on to watch some new videos, and an hour later he still had not blown his load. He checked his email and there were more than twenty responses. He started looking through them and most were gross. Old men but he came to one where a muscled guy in he 40's that got his attention and another for a traveling guy who would be coming to the city in a few days and needed head. The local guys sent a pic of his hot boy shirtless in his underwear with his dick rock hard and it read. Hung straight guy,wife is out of town and just need some good head. You must be able to deep throat 9" and lick and suck my balls and eat ass. If you can't do all three do not respond. I agree with no talking, not fucking looking for anything but a regular mouth to service me orally. (Dillon was rock hard after reading this and looking at his pic over and over) The second was Married white guy with a pregnant wife. Dude, I will be in town for two nights and need some relief. My wife and I have not had sex and she is a few weeks from giving birth and I need to get off in the worst way. Liked that you just want to suck dick and unlike hooking up with a chick. Having a straight dude suck me off is not cheating as far as I am concerned. I am 29 a ginger 6'3 200 lbs, all muscle and have 8.5 thick uncut dick. I have sent a pic of my meat to make sure you can handle it. ( even harder after reading this one) Dillon fought the urge to respond but thought, fuck there was nothing wrong to responding. He set up a new email and shot off a response to the Ginger. * Hey, thanks for hitting me up. Fuck that is a hot dick, I would love to suck your big dick and give you lots of pleasure while you are visiting. I can tell from your email you have tons of built up cum and I can help you relieve the pressure and your blue balls. Where in the city is your hotel? Can you host? Dillon was proud of himself and somehow even more turned on. He decided to send a message to the guy was local as his dick was rock hard and dripping. * Hey, thanks for responding. I would definitely like to orally service you and make your build up a huge load to feed me. When are you available and what side of town do you live? Can you host? Dillon notice that the responses kept coming in and there had to be another fifteen in his other email. He went back and of the fifteen there were three he liked. 1) Hung Married guy who works out and cums a lot. Just need your hot mouth on my dick and to suck out a load or two. The picture show a really thick dick on a muscled stomach. Very private and just looking for a hot mouth. I walk in and you are blindfolded and you fish my dick out and suck me till I cum down your throat. 2) BBC need a hot mouth and throat to get off. Must be able to service big dick for a long time and lick my balls. If you start you must finish, no fucking leaving this nigger with blue balls. He sent a pic of his huge dick. 3) In a relationship but totally and sexually frustrated. Have not had sex in weeks and need to unload big time. Can not host but know a Glory hole you can suck me off at. It is private let me know. The pic showed a long not to thick cut dick with black pubs. 26 years old, 6" 180 and worked out. Need a cock sucker for anonymous head. Dillon Answered all three of them but he really wanted the first and third with the third being his favorite of the three. He kept checking but after an hour no one had gotten back to him. He went to grab a bite and he too was sexually frustrated. He had been edging all day and now more then ever he wanted to suck one of these guys dicks. He calmed down after he had a bite and knew it was just hot cyber sex and that was all it was really suppose to be. He walked back to the apartment and wondered if anyone had responded. ....
    3 points
  10. I've spent the last three days and nights with my steady FWB's, the same three roommates I've been posting about for the last few months. I've been going home every couple days to check in with my mom and make sure she's okay, but I've pretty much been living with these guys since the quarantine started. They love having a white bottom to dominate and I love having three hung studs to service my ass for me. On Monday I was in a flirty mood so I dared them to fuck me all day. One of them took out the tub of boy butter and told me to stay in bed and I'd get my wish. So all day they took turns fucking me, expecting me to tap out. But I loved every single second. They were taking breaks here and there, but the longest I had to go without a dick in me was 45 minutes when all three of them were sleeping. When they finally stopped coming to see me in the bedroom it was after 9pm and I was ready to go to sleep. One of them took a pic of my bussy for me and it was so swollen and red that I couldn't believe it. It looked like the the lips were filled with water, but it didn't burn or hurt at all. It actually felt really good and I was totally satisfied. I didn't suck any dick all day, either, so no loads were wasted in my mouth. When I went to sleep I snuggled up with my favorite of the three and slept hard all night. When I got up yesterday i got fucked again by all three of them, but we all needed a rest so we just laid around and only had sex a few times. Right before bed I got laid by my favorite stud and we went to sleep. Then at 4 this morning he woke me up and said he wanted to eat my ass. So I rolled over and let him do it, then he pounded me out and we went back to sleep. We've been taking a break all day today but I feel like I'm ready to get my pussy stroked out again.
    3 points
  11. Part 12: The End About three weeks had gone by and I had settled into a routine. I'd wake up every morning and get a load from Michael, then go meet my trainer. If it was a day in the office, I'd go in, then back to meet my trainer before dinner. By this point the steroids and double gym sessions everyday had done their work; I looked like all the other beefy men that had become my family the past few months. After dinner Eric would give me a load. I still wasn't showing any symptoms though, and the weekly antigen tests done by Sean kept coming up negative. We had thought the blood slams and all the loads they used as lube for sure would have made quick work of me. Just as I was getting desperate though, I woke up in the middle of the night and rushed to the bathroom to vomit. The bed was drenched in sweat, and I laid on the cool tile floor shivering, yet felt my skin on fire. Michael must have heard me from the other room, because suddenly he was putting me back in bed. I spent the next several days there. I always had Michael or Eric there with me. Sean came in the morning and night to check up on me, and give me a banana bag. On the fourth day, when my fever was beginning to drop a little, Michael looked him and just said "Go for it". Sean stripped and with some of the cum lube, shoved his dick into my hole. The fever had drained my energy and all I could do was lay there and moan as he added his toxic seed to the vessel that was now my body. The three of them began using me like that for the rest of my conversion, and they allowed other guys to do the same. After about a week I finally was almost back to normal. The antigen tests confirmed what we knew had happened; Michael and Eric had successfully converted me. Sean said all three of us would start meds right away. I was relieved at this; as much as I had wanted this part of them I also wanted to be healthy to live my new life for as long as possible. A few weeks later we went to Erics cottage in Provincetown. They arranged a couple nights for anonymous breeding parties (Eric even went to living his real life as a bottom and joined me taking loads). When we weren't doing that, we were at the beaches during the day or getting fucked in the dark under the pier at night. After we left, Eric announced that his work was done, and he would be moving to his own condo in the city. I went to sleeping in Michaels room with him permanently. At the end of the summer, he took me to have some new tattoos: on my left hip his initials and the date we had met, on my right Erics and the date I had converted. He also had me get two scorpions on either side of my hole and one on my lower back that said Cum Dump, along with a couple piercings on my taint. Later that night, as he was fucking me with some wasted troll I'd invited up, he leaned in and said "I meant what I said, you choose the new life you want and I will always love you" as his venom unleashed in my guts. .....................................
    3 points
  12. Part 3 Nick froze, unsure of what to do. With much reluctance I removed my tongue from his ass. I Stood up and turned him around with his pants still pulled down and kissed him with his ass faced toward the door. With my cum slicked tongue probing every inch of his mouth I cracked the door open to what I assumed would be the busboy or the waiter. I couldnt see who it was at first but I saw the hand going for Nick's ass. I pulled nick in further to let the new guest in. It was the lanky busboy. He was caressing Nick's butt like it was a prize ham. I reach behind nick and spread his cheeks. The boy took the hint and fished out his already hard dick. Spit in his hand, rubbed his dick and went for it. I felt nick gasp as he tried to suck all the air out of my lungs. I loved it and kept kissing him. I was rubbing his body when I found his pierced nips. I groaned. God how i love pierced nipples. I tugged on those nips super hard and he groaned loudly back at me. I had to keep kissing him hard to keep him from moaning out loud. He just kept grunting and groaning and moaning straight into my mouth. Air would rush in and out of his lungs and go through his nose or into my mouth in a weird but so hot way. That busboy was railing his hole hard core and i kept feeling his solid body. He was tensing and doing his best to hold on as that busboy kept pounding away at that hole. Then I felt the chest harness and kissed him harder. God he was one kinky and sexy little slut. I was leaking all in my dress pants. The boy wore a leather chest harness under his shirt when going on a date? He didn’t know what was going to happen but always planned for kinky sex? Fuck this guy was too much. Nick was holding on for dear life as the busboy was railing his ass. I just kept pushing Nick back upon that rod that was thrashing his hole. This youngster wasn't gonna last long but he was definitely giving it to nick hard. The busboy was sweating like he'll and started to flush. He shoved in hard and deep in Nick and leaned forward and bit down on his nicks shoulder to keep from yelling out. I knew he was getting bred. I felt Nick sucking air as he gasped and I was pushing with all my might to as the same time the busboy was pushing to get deeper to leave his load deep in Nick's hole. Nick was being squeezed between us with a hot rod dropping goo in his ass. When the boy finally let the tension go I laid nicks head on my shoulder and continued to pluck at his nipples and rub his harness. The busboy finally pulled free, zipped up his pants and turned to go out the door. Apparently there was a guest right outside the door, because I heard the busboy say, "yes ma'am, just a mild plumbing problem, had to fix a leaking pipe and it took some force. Sorry if the noises disturbed u." I was giggling on the inside. I was on a date with a total slut. He has at least 3 loads in him. He got cum in 2 drinks and on a steak while out at dinner. I couldn't wipe the shit eating grin off my face. I was in heaven. As I'm thinking through all the things I want to do with this guy he started to rub my crotch. Like he felt like he needed to take care of me. I was super hard and I knew I could easily add to that freshly loaded hole but I knew he was going home with me. And i also knew that red head needed to drop his load in my date and hopefully shawn could too. And then when i took that hole home i would have an even better play toy for myself. So I let him pet, but i didn’t let him get my cock out just yet. I kissed him. I leaned down and scooped up the mess that was leaking out his hole and fed it to Nick. He smiled graciously and snacked on the jizz from his hole off my fingers. I then pulled his pants back up. Nick pouted, “your not gonna fuck me?” “Not yet” I replied, “I think we can make your hole just a bit fuller, a bit more swollen, and a bit more abused. Then i will enjoy taking it out for a drive. For now lets go get our dessert” “You know it’s just gonna be a donut filled with jizz right?” “Yep, and i’m just hoping you let me eat some this time.” NIck laughed as we exited the closet and made our way back to the table.
    3 points
  13. Keep strong, we have work to do😷.... now wheres my poppers and buttplug.☺
    3 points
  14. Exactly... same here. Seriously last week, one turned up st my home, known him years, i was not impressed. He is a hot guy, nice thick cock, good fucker married guy. He had his hand in his tight work pants,trying to talk me into letting him in my house, never mind my arse. I stuck to my guns, was tempted admittedly.but said No. Speed up to this week, his mother has died with Covid, his wife is in hospital with complications and he has all the symptons, but is home very unwell, his 10 yr old son is living with neighbour. I was tempted, but still stuck to my guns and declined. Thank God. Just be carefull, my department sees some terrible situations.
    3 points
  15. Not only will bathhouses be strained on their margins by a percentage of their patrons opting to stay away, this will present a golden - if not irresistible - opportunity for moralistic elements to move to have them closed down by authorities as a menace to public health. Pray for a vaccine, if you’re the praying type. Otherwise, just wish really, really hard.
    3 points
  16. I love the subtle way his biohazard tattoo peaks out at us from his jock.
    3 points
  17. Part 2 The Next time I saw him was the next evening. I had decided to go to one of the local clubs to have a few drinks and do some dancing with a few local friends. It was a bigger club that had lots of smaller bars/rooms within that you could hang out in. Even a little leather and cigar pool table room hidden in the back. But because of that odd layout it had a couple different bathrooms. And some were known to be sleazier than the others. But most everybody knew that. So, my friends, Michael and Bruno are having a good time with me. We are dancing after a few drinks and Michael says he has to go to the bathroom. We tell him we will wait for him here on the dancefloor and off he runs. Apparently, Bruno wanted a little alone time with me anyway because he started hard core grinding on me and making out with me as soon as Michael made it to the edge of the dance floor. He had me rock hard and precumming and it just kept going. He was feeling all of my body and holding on to it like he wanted to put it all inside of him. It was enthralling. And it just kept going. I was gonna have rubbed raw dick in my pants if this kept up. I was so caught up in the tongue in my mouth and the ass in my hands I didn’t notice when Michael got back. “Holy Shit!” Michael exclaimed and startled us by grabbing our shoulders. I thought he was upset, but I had thought he and Bruno weren’t together so I couldn’t figure out why. He was shaking and he started to drag us off the dance floor. I wasn’t sure I was up for the drama that I thought this was gonna be, but he finally got us out on the patio where we could talk. And when he finally turned around to face us, he was shaking. “What’s up dude? I was trying to get David here to fuck me on the dancefloor.” Bruno said with a sly grin. “Is that what you were doing?” I asked Bruno. “I wondered what the sudden sexual assault was.” “Michael got you last time, this time I wanted a turn. I had to hear all about it from him last time.” Bruno whined. “So you do kiss and tell, huh Michael?” I said. “Fuck off, that’s not what is important at the moment. I just did something I have never done before. I went to the sleazy bathroom next to the leather bar, just to see what was going on.” Michael said. “And which celebrity did you think was getting a bj this time?” Bruno mused as he rolled his eyes. “No, not that this time. There was this hot little number getting railed. I mean fucked hard right there next to the urinal. Like in order to pee I was going to have to stand next to the ass slapping fucking that was going on. They weren’t even in the stall. They didn’t notice me but before I could catch my breath this tall lean athletic top just shoved in hard and started grunting. Had the guys face pushed up against the wall and was unloading his balls.” “Damn, that sound hot as hell. Like having live porn happen right in front of you.” Bruno said, because I was basically drooling at what Michael had said. “It was almost too much for me, I thought I was gonna shoot in my shorts. The top pulled out and I heard the plop of cum hit the bathroom floor. The top pulled up his pants quickly and turned to me and noticed me and said, “Hot piece of ass, u should try it.” I laughed awkwardly. I thought for sure the bottom would pull up his shorts and leave but he just stayed there, bent over and breathing heavy, facing the wall. Not realizing how long I was standing there or how much I was staring the slut turned to look at me. He nodded at me like he was greeting me or encouraging me. So, I nodded back at him. He then nodded at his ass and asked, “You wanna?” I didn’t know what to do. I had started to unbutton my fly on the way in to pee. So, I was holding my pants and zipper. And I don’t know what came over me, but I did it. I whipped it out, already mostly hard and he just backed up to me. He lined his ass up and just took my cock in his slutty little hole. I was so turned on it took nothing. Maybe 10 strokes and I blew my wad deep in that hole. And the crazy thing is the fucker started shivering when I jizzed. He was so excited to get a load blown in his hole. I pulled out quickly and realized I still had to piss, stepped up to the urinal to empty my bladder and he smiled over at me and said “I can take care of that too if you want.” I just laughed and said “No, thanks. You’ve done more than enough” as I pissed in the urinal. He then smiled at my cum covered cock and then said “at least let me clean it up before you head back out” and before I could stop him he was sucking my dick clean. When he felt it was good, he pulled my underwear up and patted my thigh and said “Thank you, tell your friends” And I thought, this is a story I will be telling my friends for years to come!” “Holy shit, Michael! You just fucked some random slut in the bathroom?!?” Bruno Exclaimed. “It wasn’t planned, some hot dude tells you this ass is great and this cute guy is bent over and totally wanting it, you just take it. I did it without even thinking.” Michael says. “Is he still in there? Which bathroom was it?” I blurt out without thinking. Neither of my friends is terribly prudish but they don’t frequent the baths either. They prefer the regular hook ups with a few mild daring things. Not the super slut, spunk filled, hole stretched cum dumps I tended to seek out. They knew my type and just assumed I like to hook up like they did. “He was in the naughty bathroom in the back.” Michael said “Of course, you went to the naughty bathroom, you hooker.” Burno said “You know I just like to see who is in there, the gossip is just too good to pass up.” Michael sassed. I sat there tying to figure out how I was gonna sneak away when the opportunity jumped into my brain. “That’s freaking awesome Michael, you need a drink after that. I’m gonna run to see Josiah over in the leather bar and get one of his great drinks and get you a good strong drink. Do you want one?” I ask to Bruno. He nods and I’m out of there. I had to see if that slut hole was still there. I weave through the crowd to that small bathroom in the back corner, the good thing is the leather bar is around the corner from that door, so I at least looked like I was going the right way. When I opened the door, I was a little disappointed. There was no one in the front part by the 3 urinals or the sink. And it was quiet. The bathroom had an odd L shape and there was a stall around the back wall of the urinals so I figured I would see what may be going on over there. As I was about to turn the corner this thick football player looking guy came out of the stall and I saw just a peek of him in there. The football guy smiled as he walked by and said, “That slut has been well used, just a warning” I looked in, and saw it was the same slut from the baths the day before. He looked so hot there. He was bent over the toilet, leaking hole facing the door, his head was hanging down as he seemed to be shivering, but not cold, almost like he was high. I got a better look at his body this time. Nice tan skin, tight lithe body, dark hair on his head, but hairless from the neck down. He obviously shaved or waxed. I reached out and had to pet his ass. He pushed into my hand, craving the touch. I used my other hand to spread his cheeks. As I did a big drop of cum fell out and landed on his thong underwear he had pulled down between his legs. I was staring at this cum dripping hole again. I couldn’t believe my luck. I thought for sure last night was the only time I would ever get to enjoy that hole. I was determined to enjoy this hole as much as I could. I bent down to rim that hole and as I got close, I was overcome by the smell of cum that filled my nostrils. That hole was a sloppy mess with some nice swollen lips. I could feel the heat coming off that ass. I stuck out my tongue and instantly tasted that funk that can only be semen. He felt my tongue and dove back on my tongue. This bitch wanted anything he could get in his hole. My tongue was his current victim. And I enjoyed it. I was sucking on his hole enjoying the cum, the heat, and feeling of his ass. It really was a loose sloppy. My tongue was spinning loops looking for every corner I could reach with my tongue enjoying feeling him squirm, moan and enjoy. As I was sucking on his hole with my nose planted in his crack and holding my breath because I didn’t want to come up for air, I heard the door open. It reminded me that I didn’t have endless access to this ass. I reluctantly pulled my mouth away from the sex candy that was his ass and pulled out my cock that had been straining to get out of my pants since I saw that it was the same boy for the night before. I released my cock and he reached back to pull his cheeks apart. I took my cock head and started rubbing it up and down his crack. He wasn’t having that. He grabbed my cock and lined it up with his hole. He knew what he wanted. He got the head in and sat there. I thought he would back onto my cock immediately like he did that day before. But it was like he was contemplating or memorizing or trying to remember my cockhead. Or maybe just wanting me to make the final stroke. So, I did. After letting him just enjoy the head for a good few seconds and then I gave into my urge and slammed all the way in. His hole tightened and squirmed as he screamed from the sudden thrust. It was so wonderful. I let him pant and squirm as he enjoyed getting used to it. Then I started stroking. His hole was making all those wonderful sloppy noises and I was loving it. I heard the squeak of the stall door and looked over my shoulder to see some short thick boy in overalls rubbing his bulge. Knowing he wanted in this ass I fucked it hard and deep. Trying to hit every angle I could to make the cum in his ass keep squishing out and running down our balls. Once I found and started pounding against his prostate his hole would tense with each hit. That was it. I couldn’t take it any longer. I pushed as deep as I could and felt my balls pull up. I unloaded deep in his ass as I gasped to catch my breath. I loved feeling my cock pulse in his ass. I felt like my balls were trying to climb into his ass too. That was the best hole I had felt for a long time. I finally pulled out and saw more cum covering more of that red thong between his legs. I stepped to the side. Assuming the blonde shorty wanted a turn, I moved over. I moved out of the stall as the dude tried to kick the guys feet apart. The shorts and underwear got in the way, so he pulled the shorts and underwear off. That way he could spread the slut’s ass and get to his hole at a better height. I had pulled my pants up and decided in that moment to steal the slut’s thong. I wanted to remember this little bitch and his cunt for a long time to come. I stuffed the thong in my pocket as I was walking out of the bathroom and I heard the thick boy calling him a bitch cunt and heard the unmistakable sound of his cock shoving into a sloppy hole. I walked out of the bathroom and was smiling ear to ear. So happy I had two chances to enjoy this little slut. I spent the rest of the night remembering his hole. So much so I went to try and find his hole again later that night before leaving but I never saw him again. I had wondered if he saw me but assumed, he didn’t know or care. And I kind of liked that, at least for now. He was a total slut hole, and that’s why I liked him. I flew home the next day assuming I would never see him again. But turns out I was wrong.
    3 points
  18. The Dragon Returns When I woke up the next day, I was hornier than ever. My thoughts of "just fuck one guy and I can make it a couple more weeks" were long gone and now I was back to my old pattern of needing some ass every day or two. All of those memories from the last time I was toxic and breeding neg guys were now flooding back. Officially, I only knew of four guys that I pozzed back then. All had begged me for it and I made sure that my bug would haunt them for the rest of their lives. There were countless others that had ghosted on me or just disappeared for a while, only to come back with a more positive status in their profiles. I never knew if it was my loads that did it or if their "no questions asked" attitude had caught up with them. Honestly, I didn't really care since they were just more sluts to fuck. As the morning went by, my brain was confused and battling itself. It was like the cartoon of the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. "Stay home, watch porn and masturbate" my little angel told me, while the demon said "They don't care about the new virus, so giving them the old one won't matter." For an angel, he was pretty accepting of my depraved lifestyle, but the demon really told the truth as far as I was concerned. My dreams the night before had been filled with breeding the Italian otter with my hopefully potent seed, how he milked every drop into his unsuspecting pussy, the rough fuck with the college bug chaser and hearing him beg me to infect him. Stroking my cock in bed, I promised myself that I would be good today and stay at home. It was Friday though, and I really wanted to be the social creature I had been a few months ago. I showered and logged on to see what surprises awaited from work. My phone chirped, buzzed and oinked all morning long and I only looked at the emails and texts from my co-workers. That was until I got an email from one of the hookup sites that said I had 7 new messages waiting. Time for lunch, I told myself as I sipped the last of my coffee. I washed the cup and made myself a sandwich before I grabbed my personal laptop and opened it up. I had a folder of sites that I frequented and it was easy to open them all up at once. I found the one that had emailed me earlier and logged in. Five of the messages were from one guy, another was from a monthly party that said that they were cancelled until further notice and the last was from a younger guy judging by the little profile pic. I deleted the party message and looked at the ones from the chatty guy. One of those was the "unlocked pic" message, another was a nudge message showing me he was interested without wasting his limited messages, so that only left three of his to read. I took a look at his profile and it really wasn't the type of guy I was into. The body, ass and cock shots he had were that of a late 40's white guy and his profile screamed vanilla bottom. I read the messages though, because sometimes the profile is generic to not rule anyone out and the private messages show the true slut that he is... or confirms my original thought. The first one actually surprised me, saying "Hey. I think you live in my building. 1530? gr8 profile." It got me curious enough to open the next message he sent. "Looking to try some kinkier stuff. Think u can blow my mind?" I sighed and realized my first impression was true - he's a vanilla not-quite-daddy who's horny enough to say he'll do anything to get laid. I hit 'next' to see his last message and chuckled as I read it "want my 1st poz load and wud love it from a guy like u." His messages were spaced out over the past two days, so its not like he got horny and flooded me with his messages. He'd been thinking about this. The last message had me thinking and it took me a few seconds before I realized that I had never updated my profile on this site - it still said "undetectable". Even in normal times I wouldn't want to spend the time trying to find what kinks that a guy was into. Let someone more patient deal with that shit. The guys I hooked up with usually fell into two groups - experienced kinksters and naive guys that don't realize what they are getting into until it's too late. Hitting 'next' I got to the last of my unread messages. "Hey, we hooked up a couple times. Hope we can do it again soon since we're only 7 floors away" said the last one. I looked at the profile (cndragonboy) and remembered the guy. He was a few years younger than me, a good fuck, loved to take it rough and even liked some piss play. My mind spun trying to remember what he looked like until I remembered his face. He was Asian, I think... Yeah, Chinese with a cool dragon tattoo on his arm. It had been about a year since we last met up so I thought he might be a good possibility. I sent him a reply "when? could be fun" and then went back to the older guy's message. My thoughts were all over the place and I figured I should at least send a reply since he was so persistent. "Should I or shouldn't I?" I thought as my dick got hard in my sweat pants. The scene from his last message was about the only one I would consider, but the question was how to approach my lack of meds. "Might as well push him into the deep end of the pool" I mused. Hitting the reply button, I typed out "U sure? it leads to really risky things" and hit send. I figured I would ignore the general kink issue and just play the poz fuck one. Clicking on the "my profile" section of the site, I clicked the "ask me" button under status and saved it. Closing the laptop, I headed back to my desk to deal with work. The afternoon seemed to go by quick and when things wound down with work, I looked at my phone. Among the spam messages was an alert that I had another new message on the hookup site. Grabbing my personal laptop again, I logged back in to see who had replied or if it was someone else. Dragonboy had replied only a few minutes after I had closed the laptop earlier. "horny af, but need 2b safe. u got mask?" was his reply. I assumed that he wanted to fuck today or tomorrow, but I really wasn't sure. I had a couple cloth masks but so far hadn't used them. Wanting to clarify what he meant by "safe", I sent back "mask? yes, condoms never." To kill a little time in case he replied right away again, I looked around the site to see who else was on. There was the usual mix of eye candy and psychos, all going crazy without sex. It only took a few minutes and I had a reply. "ok. 2nite? 7? roommate at work until 8. 4C" was all his message said. He must want it bad but the whole mask thing seemed odd. "Don't breathe on me but shoot your poz load inside" seemed pretty contradictory. I replied "ok" and left the laptop open. Heading to the bathroom, I showered again and then dressed in some loose track pants and a tee. Looking at the clock, I sat down on the sofa and surfed a little bit until it was time to head down to his condo. I tried to remember what he liked but he blurred into the hundreds of guys I had fucked in the past year. Checking my phone, I opened up the note I kept that had a list of the better fucks I'd had to see if I had put him in there. "Bingo!" I said to myself as I found his login name. The comment after his name had me hard almost immediately. "btm, on prep, slut. likes: rough, piss, poz talk, breeding. No: A2M" At five minutes to seven, I got up and grabbed my spare door key and the mask. I put the mask on and walked down the hall toward the stairwell, hiding the key in the fake plant decorating the hallway. A few more steps and I opened the stairwell door and took the stairs down to the fourth floor. Right at seven, I knocked on his door and a few seconds later he opened it. The blue mask covered most of his face, but I could see his eyes and they were looking right back at me intensely. Besides the mask, he had a towel wrapped around his waist but nothing else. There was a sheen of moisture on his chest and arms and the dragon tattoo looked as sexy as ever. I could see the beginnings of another large tat on his other arm. He grabbed my hand without saying a word and dragged me back to his bedroom. On the way there I pulled my tee off and once inside the bedroom I tugged on his towel. He stood there almost totally naked and I wished I could see the expression on his face. There was some lube on the table next to the bed which I grabbed with one hand while pushing him on the bed with the other. He whimpered as he hit the bed and then pushed his ass up. "On your back" I told him firmly. "No face to face. I already lost family to this damn virus" he said back to me apologetically. That was one of the few explanations I would accept from a bottom telling me no to such a simple request. "Yeah, I understand. Sorry about your family" I replied as I climbed on the bed. I was about to add some lube to his hole, but the reflection told me he had already taken care of it. "He was probably playing with a dildo to get ready for my dick" I said to myself, cocky as always. Pulling back on my foreskin, I revealed the rest of my flared head, and dragged it over his hole. The tip could feel him winking his sphincter on it and when he relaxed I pushed in. Damn, it felt good. There was the perfect amount of friction between my bare cock and his slick chute. When I got half way in, I looked down and saw some white froth squeeze out around my cock. The lube he gave me was clear, so it wasn't from one of those cum-like lubes. "You already got a load in there?" I asked. Through his moaning I heard a long drawn out "Yeah." I slapped his ass hard and told him "Fuck yeah you little slut!" I grabbed his hips and thrust in the most of the way, feeling the stranger's seed coat my cock. I moaned and ground my hips which were almost touching his ass. It felt like a big load and I was going to make full use of his well lubed hole. "Can't have been long ago" I said, rocking my hips and driving my cock in and out. "He just left" Dragonboy said. I smiled behind my mask and enjoyed knowing he was really being a slut today. A safe slut. The head of my cock was bumping against his inner ring and I was determined to break through. I kept thrusting against the barrier and on the seventh push I broke through. Dragon guy's arms spread out and his face was now planted on the bed. I could hear him scream into the bedding while his body shook. Pulling back, I came back through and then pushed back in. I did this a few times until the battered ring let my cock slip in and out almost like his outer ring. Once I had full access to his ass, I began long stroking him. Pulling almost out and then driving back in balls deep. "Like that poz dick deep inside you?" I asked. "Oh fuck... I forgot you're poz" he said and a few moments later "God that feels good." We fucked like this a little while, churning up the load inside him and adding my precum to the mix. I pounded him harder and his moans got louder. "Oh god yeah, pound my neg pussy" he begged and I drilled faster. It felt so good, but I didn't want to shoot right away, I gave him a few hard thrusts and slowed way down. He whimpered again, obviously wanting me to keep going. I shifted and got up on one foot, digging my cock into his hole in a new direction. He started pushing back, trying to get my cock deeper but I needed to keep it slow and shallow to get back from the edge. I even pulled out and slapped my dick over his hole to make it last longer. A few moments after I calmed down, I crouched behind him and slid back in. He did have a good hole and it was even better with some anonymous load in it. I drilled his ass slowly, not as hard as I was before but with a firm stroke. The slap as our bodies came together filled the room and got louder and then faster. Dragonboy never really complained, but I knew he felt every single thrust. I chuckled when I looked down and saw my trimmed pubes now covered in a froth from the cum I'd fucked out of his hole. Suddenly, I stopped drilling his ass and left just the uncovered head of my cock inside his hole. He whimpered, and I knew he wanted to feel a cock drilling his ass again. I slammed in once, grinding my hips on his smooth, hairless ass. Pulling back slowly I slammed in again and got him to grunt. My hands held firm on his hips and then I slammed in a third time, driving easily past his inner ring. The fourth time, I forced him flat on the bed. We laid there a moment, him spread out against the bed and me on top of him filling his ass with my bare, poz cock. He wiggled his ass a few times, but I made him wait a little longer before the last fucking of the night and his eventual breeding. I pushed myself up and left my left hand between his shoulder blades, pinning him to the bed. My hips started to roll and slowly I built up a good rhythm. Just as I was about to pick up the pace and breed dragonboy, I heard a sound behind me. Glancing back, I saw a guy about the same height as dragonboy, but thinner. A mask covered most of his face but I could see those brown Asian eyes staring at us. He had his pants pulled down with his cock in his hand and was stroking to the same pace as I was fucking. "Fuck" I said and quickly dragonboy looked back. "Oh shit, its my roommate" he said. I guess we had gone longer than planned and he got home and caught us. I really didn't want to stop and it didn't seem that his roommate was bothered by us fucking. I kept up and was kind of excited by having an unexpected audience. After a few more quick thrusts, my cock was spewing several spurts of cum into dragonboy's ass. There wasn't a lot of the previous guy's cum left in there, but I was sure adding a lot of my own. "Take that fuckin' poz load" I grunted as the last few shots of cum pumped into him. With the last shot fired off, I slowly pulled out. I caught my breath and then looked back at his roommate. "Get your clothes off and get on the bed. And show me that ass" I said to the roommate. Dragonboy chuckled and said "My cousin doesn't know a lot of English. He just got here a year ago." He translated and I was surprised how quickly his roommate obeyed. He smiled at me as he hurried over to the bed and climbed on, next to dragonboy. He was now completely naked except for the mask. His skin was smooth with only a small patch of pubic hair and some tufts of hair under his arms. Dragonboy said a few things to his roommate, who nodded and then reached back and spread his ass for me. His skin was about the same shade as dragonboy, but lighter than mine and his hole looked like it was about virgin tight. "He hasn't been fucked much, so go easy. I sold his virginity last summer and he's only had a couple cocks since" dragon boy told me. This wasn't really what I was expecting, but who was I to say no. With my mask in place and it sounded like spit wasn't allowed, so I grabbed the lube bottle. Dripping some above the roommate's hole, I fingered it in. He let out a moan and I added a little more lube. My cock still had a sheen of cum over it so I didn't bother to add any unnatural lube to it. He was still spreading his butt so I moved closer and dragged my cock along his taint up to my fingers that were still in him. Quickly, I swapped fingers for cock and he instantly let me know he felt the difference. He only had the tip inside and I knew he wasn't expecting something quite so thick. I gave him a moment and then worked my dick in deeper. He was obviously uncomfortable but I kept hearing dragonboy tell him something in Chinese which seemed to calm him down. He was tight. Probably one of the tightest that I had ever successfully got my dick into. I worked it deeper inside, only a centimeter at a time, and it took a while before he was nearly impaled on my cock. My hands were on his shoulders and I could feel him quiver beneath them. I started to pump in and out and I could sense him stifling his screams. Dragonboy watched me and his nodding head and the strokes he gave his cock told me everything. He enjoyed watching guys fuck his cousin and I wondered if he ever had the pleasure of being one of the few guys that had fucked him. The longer I plowed, the more my precum filled his hole and the easier it was to drive my cock deeper. I had no delusions of getting my full cock into him, but I was intent on dumping my second load of the night inside him after a good fuck. I knew I wasn't going to last long, I always seemed to shoot my second load shortly after my first. The fact that it was a different guy and almost a virgin didn't help, either. I tried all sorts of tricks to delay my orgasm but still keep my dick hard. I drilled slower than I had with dragonboy but after ten minutes I needed to nut. The harder I fucked, the more dragonboy encouraged me. "Wreck his hole" then "Breed his ass" and "Knock him up good" were only part of his commentary. I grabbed on to his hips and shoved in deep as my cock unleashed its second load of the night. While dragonboy was on prep, the chances his cousin was also were slim and my toxic load was filling him up. His formerly tight ass was now soaking up my viral sperm and the thought helped me shoot a few extra spurts into him. I left my dick inside a few more moments before pulling out and watching his bruised ring slowly close. The cum that dripped out showed just how badly I had wrecked his hole and it made me smile. He was going to feel this fuck for a few days and hopefully for a lifetime. Looking over, I had been there almost two hours. I climbed off the bed and dragonboy tossed me a towel to clean my cock off. The red stains on the white towel let us all know how bad I had wrecked his hole, just like dragonboy wanted. His cousin was now laying on the bed, whimpering in pain. Standing next to the bed, dragonboy looked back at me and said "I wasn't planning on this but it was damn hot." I nodded and grabbed my tee and track pants and pulled them on. My body was sweaty but I knew it was one of the best workouts I'd had this month. I began to walk toward the front door and when we got there, dragonboy said "That was fuckin' great. Thank god you're on meds, though. I stopped prep since I wasn't going to be fucking, but I just couldn't take it any more and needed to feel a cock in me." I chuckled louder than I should have as we got to the front door. I opened it and walked into the hallway and turned back. As the door was almost closed I said "I ran out of meds a month ago."
    3 points
  19. Rye was a tall good looking guy, he had been in the Army and was muscled, tatted with a baby face. He was very popular with the ladies and had not issue getting laid. He like one night stands and women who had been with him described their encounters as physical and rough. There are a few women who called it rape or forced but Rye shrugged it off, he told buds and and even an officer that came to visit him that she wanted it and begged him and now she is fucking saying I raped her. That is fucking bullshit, you know how women are. The older officers agreed and Rye in his charming way got them to not file a report and to tell the woman it was Rye's word against her's and there was nothing they could do. Rye had abducted women before when he was out of the county and used them and released them and he had done it once in the states when he was on vacation in the mountains at a cabin. He was determined to not get another visit from the police and decided that building a safe room in his basement was what he needed to do now that he had his own place and he began to build it out. The basement had the plumbing for a toilet and a sink near an center wall. Rye built a cage floor to ceiling out of Iron rails much like a prison cage. He also welded hooks to the bars and cemented several in the floor to be able to chain a woman once he had one in his home. The basement was sound proofed and the loudest music could not be heard from outside or even upstairs. Rye was growing sexually frustrated and decided to go on a trip to release some pressure. He need to use and control a woman and control her as he used her as his fuck doll with no care for whether she enjoyed it or wanted it. Rye drove two hours to Denver and rented a hotel room for Friday through Monday. He picked up a woman cheating on her husband the first night. He had been talking to her and he was as sweet as he could be when they met downstairs in the lobby but once inside the room he grabbed her by the throat at pinned her against the wall and told her she was nothing but a cheating slut and if she did not want her husband to know she was cheating she would shut the fuck up and get undressed. When he let her go she undressed as Rye watched and tight worked out body and then he grabbed a ball gag and fastened it on her mouth and led her to the bathroom and put her in the shower and gave her an enema to clean her out. She shook her head and protested in her muffled way and he cleaned her up and then led to the bed and pushed her down and put restraints on her wrist and tied her to the bed. Rye told her how hot she looked and the she was going to have the time of her life, she shook her head no but Rye ignored her and went down on her eating her out and soon she came and he stood up and undressed and showed his married slut his muscled body and tats. Taunted her and told her he could tell she wanted to touch him and feel his chest, then he pulled his pants off and revealed a thick 10" dick. He had told her he was hung and a bit more then 8" but not that the was carrying a club that would stretch and wreck her pussy and ass. Rye fucked and loaded her ass and pussy several time and then unfastened her and made her pose for him and he snapped pictures of her ass and pussy with cum in it and his cheating mistress sucking his dick before telling her to get dressed and go home to hubby. If you say anything about this these pictures are going to your husband, I have his cell number from your phone. He called while you were taking it up the ass the first time. I want him to eat my cum out of your pussy and the next time you cheat on your hubby I want you to take some BBC. He feel asleep feeling totally satisfied and went on the hung the next day for his new prey. He spent ever hours trying to locate a suitable subject and finally ran into a young woman who had just moved to town. She had just rented a furnished room at a less desirable pay by the week motel four blocks away. He invited her to dinner and she declined to come up for the night. They talked on the phone for a few hours that night and he found out she did not know anyone in town and she was going to start looking for a job in the city. He asked her to go site seeing and they spent the day together. They had dinner and some wine at the restaurant and Rye told her he would have to go home for the week but would be back next weekend to see her. She told him she would love that, they talked some more and when Tina got up and went to the rest room he put some g in her glass. They talked a bit ore and he asked her to come to the the room to talk and she reluctantly agreed. When they arrived he watched as the more they talked the more she groggy she became. He went over and sat next her her and slowly positioned her on the pillow and started to take off her clothes. She had a beautiful body with big tits, they felt natural and a thin little frame. Hairless pussy and a tight body and she looked very inexperienced sexually. He rubbed her clit and got her wet and then slide his finger in her and she was fucking tight. Jackpot, he decided that she would come home with him instead of just having a night or two of fun. He took lots of pictures and then around 4 AM he slipped on her clothes and went down to grab his bat bag and emptied it and slipped her in it after getting back to the room. Grabbed a luggage dolly and wheeled her out to the SUV. Lifted her in and wheeled the dolly back to the lobby. He did not check out as he planned on driving back to the city and creating an alibi. They drove the two hours and it was still dark when he pulled up and he carried Tina in and again undressed her and took her to the basement and chained her to the cage and fed her a sleeping pill and then locked it. He had a camera he could see on his phone so he could keep an eye on her while he was gone. He raced back to the hotel and pulled up at 9:30 AM and made sure staff saw him as he stumbled in like he had been out drinking and went to bed. Slept and put the do no disturb sign out and woke up at 11 AM and he got dressed and headed to check out. He made a big deal about checking out and flirted with the two check out staff and told them they needed to party when he was back in town. Then he left and drove home, He had checked the video and she had not moved much but he knew she would be waking up naked soon on a blanket chained and he wanted to see her as that all unfolded. He got home and made in the house and he was able to turn the TV on and watch Tina as she started to come out of her sleep and he caught her as she tried to figure out where she was and how she got there. She started to call for help and scream but only Rye could her her. He finally muted the tv and watched as she tried to get out of the chain attached to her angle. It was locked in a metal clasp and would not go anywhere. She finally after six hours gave up and slept. She was worn out. While she was sleeping and in the dark Rye brought her a power bar and water. She did not realize until Rye turned on some music and small light. She looked around to see but he had already left and she ate the bar and drink the water and then pleaded for help. In the morning she found a note. You may need to go to the rest room, there is a five gallon bucket in the corner. If you can hold it to 1 PM; I will unlock the cage and you may find your way to the toilet and shower just outside the cage. Clean up and dry off and then go immediately back into your cage. If you disobey you will be punished. She held it till 1 PM and the cage was unlocked by a man in all black with a ski mask. She cried for help and he turned and walked away and she used the toilet and took a shower and dried off. While she was showering a note along with two toys were placed at the opening where food was slide though. The note read, pleasure yourself, use only one of the toys. You may try each for a short time but only use one! When the national anthem starts you will start to pleasure yourself. You must use the toy till you cum no mater how long it takes. Once you cum, you must immediately put the toy back and stop pleasing yourself. Tina, sat there and began to cry, Rye turned the music on and Tina did not move. The music stopped and he told her in a muffled voice, fucking grab the toy and please yourself or you will regret it. She stopped crying out of fear and grabbed the wand and began to rub her pussy and she was soon wet and moaning. She inserted the toy while it vibrated on her clit and she soon came hard. She lingered a bit but pulled it out and put it on the tray and sat there with her legs wide open touching herself. She soon came again by rubbing her clit. Andre turned the lights off and came and replaced the toys with food and water and a pill. Take the pill, show the camera with your tongue and then swallow it. Then eat baby girl! Tina thought fuck, I am not your baby girl that is sick! She feel asleep and woke up in the morning on a fuck bench with a blindfold on restrained and cold. ....... More to come
    2 points
  20. My boi hole needs some attention once this social distancing is over
    2 points
  21. Thanks. Love to be deep inside your ass. I need to be deep inside an ass dropping loads till my balls are dry.
    2 points
  22. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/young-guys-fucking-in-front-of-webcam-32234812 This is hw bb sex is meant to be by 2 very hot guys!
    2 points
  23. PART 5 “Well, less of a newbie than you,” Rafa laughs while Renan tongues his way down my body to my dick. Obviously, I thought. But then I get distracted because Renan has engulfed me fully again, tongue expertly tickling that sensitive part just below the head that drives me crazy. Jin kisses me, then abruptly perches himself above me. “Come on dude, suck out those pornstar loads!” I happily oblige, immediately gluing my mouth around his ring and sucking as hard as I can. Jin has masterful control of his sphincter, and starts by feeding me a dribble that I eagerly swallow, and then a whole mouthful that he commands me to hold in my mouth. He gets up off me and the guys laugh at my chipmunk cheeks. Aman licks around my lips and my face, teasing the loads inside. “Share some of that cream with me OK?” he whispers before Jin comes back with a bottle of poppers. Aman holds my head up while Jin feeds me the hits. Fuck I really need to stop, I think to myself. If Jin’s crazy eyes and blue lips are any indication, I’m way beyond what I can take. But then the high hits and all I want is more. I open my mouth and forcibly spit some cum at Aman, giving him a cum facial but in a very different way. He looks at me open-mouthed in shock, allowing some of the cum to drip inside. Rafa laughs as he leans forward to lick Aman’s face. “That’s the piggy boy, come out to play,” he says. Aman recovers quickly and begins earnestly rubbing the cum into his face, neck, and chest. “Fuck yeah, wanna be covered in this dirty spunk, wanna be a walking biohazard,” he moans as he works it into lather while Jin feeds him a few hits, too. “That’s it,” Jin coos, as he brings the bottle to his own nose. When he’s done I watch as he leans forward, rubs his face in the creamy mess on Aman’s chest, then starts alternating between licking it up and spitting it back out, sometimes back on Aman’s chest, sometimes into Rafa’s open mouth. He pays particular attention to the nipples, sucking up the cum, letting it dribble out with a good amount of spit, keeping each nipple fully wet as Aman moans. It’s such a turn on that I lean forward and suck on the nipple Jin has just finished with. Tasting the spit and cum all at once. Aman lies fully on his back as Jin and I work on his cum-covered chest. As I turn, Renan stop sucking me and moves to fuck position while Rafa lines up the same behind Jin. The two of them grin at each other, and then in a simultaneous thrust, pump into both of us, causing us to groan and grind against Aman’s chest and sensitive nips. I reach up to make out with Aman—being fucked always makes me want to suck something, so I settle for his tongue—while Jin continues working on his pecs. The room reeks of cum and I taste it all over Aman’s mouth. It’s enough to make someone less piggy retch but for me at my most popper-fogged, it’s heaven. “Yo, let’s trade, I wanna get somewhere more wet,” Renan says to Rafa. Indeed, Jin is still so full that each of Rafa’s pounds draws out the most deliciously wet splat sound. “No problem, I’ll get him wet for you,” Rafa says as he waits for Renan to pull out, pulls our asses close together, then in one fell swoop, pulls out of Jin and right into me, getting all that poz cum and ass juice up my hole. I moan as I feel him sliding about so much easier, with Jordan’s cum inside, and all that lube. “Niiice,” Renan groans as he slides into Jin. “Fuck Jin, how many loads was it?” By this time Aman’s chest is shiny with Jin’s spit, and all the cum is fully lapped up. “You know I wanted it to be like that 1000 Load Fuck, but that’s too much work for them, so just a good ol’ gangbang from the tops. Around 30.” Renan groans hearing that, pulls out, then immediately kneels down to lap at the hole before invading it again with his hard cock. “Such a little slut boy.” “Not really, not tonight, I mean, everyone else here basically had an anon scene and I knew exactly who filled me up.” “Still, I can’t wait to watch the video,” I moan, just thinking about it makes me so hard it’s painful. Aman notices my dick jump, then gets up and moves to get under me. The minute I feel his wet lips around my dick I instinctively open my mouth and take him down too. Not surprisingly, somehow, quick as a flash, Jin has placed a popper bottle at the base of Aman’s cock, so that to throat him, I have to take a hit. He just chuckles, “I’m a pro, remember?” He laps around my lips and Aman’s shaft, cleaning it of my spit, then starts actively fighting me for Aman’s cock. We’re both aggressive cockwhores, and we fight for dominance, using our hands and our mouths to ensure we’re sucking the most. When we’re not sucking, we’re spitting, egging the other on. “Fucking take that cumwhore,” I tell him as this time I unscrew the bottle and force feed him hits. It’s never a single hit anymore. Not this late in the game. I make him do 4 big ones back-to-back, in exchange, I tell him, for allowing him to suck on Aman’s cock without interference. Each hit makes him suck more furiously and when I’m done, he’s like a fucking machine, moving up and down with such speed you’d think he was some kind of jack off machine. Aman is progressively getting louder and louder, his voice vibrating around my dick and giving me the most intense feeling of ecstacy. “Don’t stop,” Rafa says to me. I turn to look at him, he nods to the poppers bottle. “Yeah, Jin, again!” Renan echoes. I unscrew the bottle. Jin isn’t even paying attention as I put it to his nose. I am about to put it away after 2 more hits when Rafa again says, “fuck that, fry him. Time for your revenge right?” Renan just chuckles, “give him 4 more.” I comply with their wishes. I feel it. The dark, demonic part of me that really wants this fucker to fucking fry. I want to wreck him. He might never wake up again and I’d be fine with that. He’d go out in a blaze of glory right? After I feed him the last hit he aggressive spits out Aman’s cock, and I eagerly take it in, tasting his throat juice. “FFFFUCK you fuckers!” he hollers. Rafa laughs as he pulls out of me, pushes Renan off of Jin, then moves over, flips Jin on his back and plows in once more. It gives me even easier access to feed him poppers. But man… I take a good look at his face. Jin is a wreck. His face is very much bluish in hue and he just babbles how much he hates us. Renan looks at me in distaste. “Dude, you don’t stop,” he says, then moves over to Jin’s head and shoves his dick in, forcing him to clean it of my ass juice. Once Jin’s taken his dick all the way, Renan tightly wraps his arm around his head to keep it there, then produces a popper bottle and forces it up his nostril. “Come on fucker,” he says with a sneer, “this will keep you from choking. So really you should be thanking me.” My head is spinning so bad I can’t tell if Jin is actually crying from pain or not. He’s making these retching noises and his face is splotchy purple and red. Renan doesn’t stop and I wonder if anyone’s counting at this point. Clearly not because Rafa just laughs, declaring Jin’s hole to have really opened up. Indeed it has, and the cum stored up there is now a thick frothy ring around Rafa’s cock that Aman has crawled over to dutifully lick. Renan looks at me. “That’s how you fuck him up,” he declares. I nod dumbly. Finally the poppers are put away, Renan releases his hold, allows his cock to slide out of Jin’s mouth. Jin coughs and heaves but doesn’t throw up. I wondered if I would have in that position. There are tears streaming down his face and he’s making moaning, sobbing noises. Aman has now moved on to his cock, smearing the pornstar loads from his ass and everything else that’s been mixed into his cock and teasing it into his urethra. From the poppers intox he’s incredibly soft yet with Aman’s ministrations, that’s not true for very long. “Is he going to OD?” I stammer somewhat laughing somewhat serious. Renan laughs, “who the fuck cares? You? Me? Them?” he says pointing at Aman and Rafa. Aman seems to mumble something but now stretched around Jin’s engorged cock, it doesn’t translate. Rafa meanwhile glares at Jin, who’s still purple and has his eyes squeeze tightly shut. “Don’t be a little bitch you fucking fag, and no,” he says, turning to me and locking eyes, “I told you I want that fucker to fry. To be so fucked up he never thinks straight again.” Renan smiles at his companion, “you think we should muffle him?” Rafa nods, “yeah, Aman, get a new bottle.” Somehow without taking his mouth off of Jin’s cock, Aman blindly reaches around on the ground under the bed and produces a fresh of poppers and a thick cloth. Rafa takes the bottle, opens it, empties the entirety of its contents into the cloth. I’m surprised it doesn’t spill over. “Extra absorbent towels are good for this,” Renan explains, catching my amusement. The smell is so potent, I’m getting another high just being near it. My head is pounding again. “Let’s see if this will kill the fucker,” Rafa says evily as he folds the towel over. Then he tosses it to Renan who slams it over Jin’s face. Whereas the man was previously unresponsive, he’s now flailing. Cries of surprise are effectively muffled by the towel as Renan, Aman, and Rafa all hold him down and prevent him from going anywhere. Aman grunts throatily in a moment and I see fresh white cum pouring out from around his mouth. Jin’s load! Immediately I forget the murder scene I’m otherwise bearing witness to and push at Aman so I can taste for myself as well. It’s bitter and I swear in my hazy mind tastes like poppers. There’s quite a bit of it, we lick and lap at his cock until Rafa pokes me. “He’s so loose now, when I pull out all the cum’s gonna spill, you better get ready for this.” Aman and I immediately hop into position. Rafa pulls out and like a dead man emptying his bowels the remaining river of cum flows out. I push Aman hard to get the first lap, lovingly sealing my lips around the gape of his ass and sucking. But Aman soon forces me off and gets some as well. I actually think he probably got more than me… the fucker! We both dutifully clean Rafa’s cock. The froth is so thick he’s actually whipped up a kind of cream. It’s beyond sweet to me as I kiss and guzzle it. We finally get up and share a three-way kiss with Rafa, very sloppy and full of spit and cum. When we pull away the bottom halves of our faces are glistening. I had forgotten about Jin and now look to see that Renan is grinning at us, but still has the towel over Jin’s face. Jin is completely unmoving, his entire upper body appears to be purple now. “Oh man… Renan, is Jin ok?” I ask. I’m honestly a little terrified of the answer. Rafa slaps me gently, but it’s still a bit of a shock. “Who cares.” “Don’t worry,” Aman says, “we’re not going to fuck you over that hard, but Jin’s a hard ass so it’s easy to do whatever we want with him.” Renan finally lifts the towel to his own face and takes a few deep huffs. In between he mutters, “besides, it’s easy to dump this hoe anywhere.” He tugs at his dick as he huffs and we watch him get progressively harder. To be continued...
    2 points
  24. You are amazing. Your stories are so hot. Is your b/f okay with you getting cumdogged by these 3 blk guys days at a time or does he get jealous?
    2 points
  25. I got loaded by my married daddy neighbor while his wife is stuck down state. I have video of me sucking him if anyone is interested. My first video!!! [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/sucking-my-married-michigan-daddy-43629061
    2 points
  26. This Covid social isolation is making me pretty wild and crazy, and imagine its having similar effect on many here, especially those of us who live alone and rely on hook ups for connecting sexually. i've been talking to a Dom on line who has had me orgasm free for about a week now, and i 'm climbing the walls watching guys get bred online and edging and holding back from cumming. a guy contacted me earlier today wanting to do an aonoymous walk in breeding and i was a good boy and said "i want to, but we can't." now im sitting here dying for it, wishing He was here breeding me. fuck
    2 points
  27. I always say I don't suck cock... I make love to it with my warm silky mouth. There's an internal instinct to suck cock for me. I love it and I do not judge any cock!
    2 points
  28. I love big hanging Balls, i am so turned on when they are slapping against me.
    2 points
  29. You're welcome. I love that nugget of frozen cum melting over my dick as I fuck...
    2 points
  30. I came to this site in my grief a few weeks after my husband suddenly died. I think I was looking for a way out myself, or maybe just a form of escapism. And two years later, I'm still visiting daily. It's no longer out of a need to escape or to get bugged up so I can die and be with him again. I met some good people here, and formed some friendships. Plus the sharing and discussion is interesting to me, and the fiction distracts me from real world issues. I don't think there's anything wrong with you. You don't have to bugchase to be on this site. There are plenty of people here who come back for similar reasons. You can also be here for education. One must know BOTH sides to have an answer for themselves, and each of us is different. So don't beat yourself up over visiting this site. It's obvious you want to be here, so just enjoy it and learn from the other users. There's no shame or judgment except from the occasional troll.
    2 points
  31. Before I cum my cock tends to expand and pulse as I cum. I also scream out. (I'm kinda loud) so most guys know I've cum. I also push in deeper anyway. But most tell me they feel my cock pulse and expand.
    2 points
  32. Same thoughts. I don't intend to be out and about after our community quarantine is over. I will give it around month more before I head out, and I intend to head out with caution still.
    2 points
  33. Unfortunately, I gave my last load to myself and I took it in my ass. social distancing has me a bit desperate for a cock in my hole and cum running out. So, decided if I can’t have someone breed me I’d breed myself. I flipped my cock and slid the head in. Fucked myself popping the head in and out of my desperate hole until I blew my cum. Got the satisfying feeling of hot cum running out of my used hole.
    2 points
  34. Josh and Bobby had been drinking at a club that Josh could get Bobby into. Bobby was only 20 and Josh being 26 knew a few bartenders that would serve his little friend. Bobby stood at 5'6" and weighed 110 pounds and that with his blond hair and blue eyes made him look much younger but he was comfortable being with Josh and knew Josh would protect him. Josh was nearly 6 feet tall and 180 pounds of well built muscle along with his brown hair and brown eyes and he was a total stud. Josh liked Bobby but knew that Bobby only had one sexual experience before and it was bad so he didn't rush his little buddy but knew one day he get that tight ass. The bar was about to close when Josh ran into Stan, a friend of his, and asked Bobby if they could all go to Bobby's place for a few more drinks as his roommates were away and Bobby thought that sounded good but didn't like the look of Stan. Stan looked a few years older than Josh and had a small beer belly and looked like his lost his razor a few days ago making him look like someone Bobby would normally avoid. On the ride to Bobby's he asked Josh about Stan as Stan was following in his own car and Josh told him that Stan was ok he just looked rough but wait until you see what he brought us. Bobby was anxious now but Josh made he wait. After they all settled down in the living room and Bobby got everyone a drink Stan pulled out a pipe and a bag of off-white colored rocks that looks like maybe wax to Bobby. Josh then explained that it was rock cocaine and would be better than that time I shared the white powder crap with him. Bobby watched Stan smoke and then Josh explained to Bobby what to do and helped him. Bobby was nervous and didn't inhale much and blew it out quickly so he didn't feel the rock they way he should have. After about an hour Bobby couldn't figure out what the big deal with this drug was as it didn't do much of anything for him and finally told Josh that he was tired and was going to lie down but they should feel free to stay. Bobby got undressed and laid down on his bed as quietly listened to the guys and a couple of minutes later Stan opened his door. Bobby was quick to tell Stan he didn't want anymore or anything else but Stan knew how to handle a boy like Bobby and asked him one question. "Bobby do you like your ass rimmed?" Bobby's face went red as getting his ass licked was his biggest desire. "Bobby, you do not need to do anything, just lie on your belly and let me lick you hole as you fall asleep. Wouldn't you like to fall asleep having your hole licked?" Bobby nodded and meekly said "Yes" "Good boy, just lie back down and let me give you some great dreams." Bobby lied back down but then turned his head and told Stan not to do anything else and Stan told him other than licking his ass he wasn't going to do anything unless Bobby told him to. Just then Josh entered the room but stood at the door quietly. Bobby wasn't sure this was a good idea until Stan pulled Bobby's cheeks apart a started to lick Bobby. "Oh my god" exclaimed Bobby as he finally felt his hole being licked. "Bobby, are you ok?" asked Josh as he walked towards the bed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Stan came in here, I'll get rid of him." "No, don't." Bobby said but before he could finish speaking Stan starting to lick him again. "Wow, that's so good. Don't stop, please don't stop." Stan continued to lick the tight little hole and Josh sat on the bed and stroked Bobby's back and told him to think only about his boypussy. Bobby lifted his head a little and Josh pushed it down gently and told Bobby to relax and enjoy this. Bobby started to moan loader as he knew he didn't need to be quiet and his mind became flooded with sex thoughts and feelings of pleasure. Josh lifted Bobby's head and softly told him "Bobby, your little boypussy looks so good, could I lick it for awhile?" Bobby nodded as he moaned and Josh leaned into the boy and for the first time kissed him. "Bobby tonight you let me and Stan give you all the pleasure you can handle." Josh kissed him again then moved to the end of the bed and as soon as Stan slid away Josh's tongue touched the hole he wanted and knew was his tonight. Bobby's moaning was so cute and got both men so hot. Stan started to undress and once he was naked he sat on the bed and rubbed Bobby's head. Josh seeing that Stan was ready stabbed his tongue into Bobby as Bobby bucked and moaned louder. "Bobby, Josh has his tongue in you now." Bobby looked over at Stan and moaned as their eyes met. Stan then leaned down and this time Bobby knew what was coming and he leaned into Stan as their tongues met. Stan took control though and held Bobby's head as he tongue fucked Bobby's mouth just as Josh was tongue fucking Bobby's hole. Stan then pulled away but pushed his hard cock towards Bobby's mouth. Bobby watched the cock getting closer to his open mouth and started drooling thinking about sucking his cock. "Stan don't" said Josh, "you told Bobby you wouldn't do anything unless he asked so don't you dare put your cock in his mouth." Bobby sadly closed his mouth but then knew what to do. "Stan could I", was all he got to say before Josh interrupted him saying "Stan why don't you get back down here". The men then switched positions and once Stan started licking Bobby and got him moaning again and watching Josh. "Bobby should I get undressed too?" "Yeah, I wanna see your .." "Bobby, you want to see my cock?" "Yes, is that ok" "Bobby I hope you want to do more than see it" Josh then started to strip as he watching Bobby and once he reached to finally pull off his boxers Bobby was again drooling. "You want this don't you?" asked Josh as he grabbed his boxer covered hardon. "Yeah I want to suck you so bad" "Bobby I can't wait to let you but you need to wait a minute till I get back" Bobby looked confused but Stan knowing that Josh was just going for the pipe and rock started to stab Bobby's hole faster getting the boy to pound his fists into his bed. Josh then returned and told Bobby that before he could suck he needed to do another hit and this time to do it exactly as he was told. Stan stopped rimming the boy and let him sit up. Josh then placed a larger rock and told Bobby to inhale slowly but not to stop inhaling until he pulled the pipe away and then to hold the smoke until he was told to exhale. Bobby nodded and did exactly what he was told to do. Once he finished inhaling Josh took the pipe and did his own hit and handed it to Stan. Bobby looked panicked as Josh hadn't yet told him to exhale and just when he felt like he would pass out Josh nodded to him. Bobby exhaled and immediately his head took off. Josh moved Bobby onto the floor as he himself exhaled and Bobby went to his knees and started to suck Josh as if his life depended on it. Josh held Bobby's head and slowly but forcefully pushed until his pupes met Bobby's face. "Bobby, now that is what rock is suppose to do to you. You need your throat fucked don't you?" Bobby shook his head up and down as he couldn't speak. Stan sat and did a hit as he watched the show and when he put the pipe down Josh pulled Bobby's face off his cock and turned the boy's head toward Stan's cock and pushed Bobby down on it. Josh stepped back and watched for a few minutes and then reloaded the pipe and told Bobby to stand up. "Bobby, do it exactly as you did last time but as soon as you finish inhaling I want you to get on your bed on your belly as you are going to feel your hole being licked will be even better." Bobby didn't say anything just opened his mouth and started to inhale. Then once the pipe was pulled away got on his bed as Josh did his hit. Josh knelt down and when he heard Bobby exhale he exhaled directly into the boy's hole as he started to tongue fuck it hard. Bobby started to think how much better it might feel if Josh used his cock instead of his tongue.
    2 points
  35. Part 11: The Charge Up Needless to say, both Michael and Eric were surprised by my declaration. Eric had asked Michael to poz him after six months together, for me it was only one. After a lengthy and serious discussion, they acquiesced. However it would take time. First, I had to go off PreP. And they had to go off their meds. They promised they had other things that would get the job done, but I wanted it to be them. So a plan was set in motion: for the next couple of months, they wouldn't fuck me. Only toys and their friends. By the time that June rolled around, things had begun to return to normal. Bars and restaurants had started to open back up. People still wore masks, but it felt like summer and some form of normalcy was returning. It was decided that they would do it during Boston Pride. That way they could test me afterwards, and having been informed that we would be spending Bear Week in Provincetown at Eric's cottage, they figured if I didn't have antigen tests come back by then they would arrange a party for me. We spent Pride doing normal things. Of course there was no parade or official events, but the city was still alive with men. Friday night we went to our favorite club, got tipsy. The following day I made sure I looked great. I had gotten some more tattoos, and had packed on a lot of muscle in only a few months (thought the steroids that Michael decided to put me on given and my trainer still coming twice a day as long as he got paid and fucked me helped). After dinner, we went to another club. Eric brought me a drink. I kissed him patiently before downing the shot. Just as we had planned, he put something in there. I had told them I didn't want to know when it would start, and quickly lost my bearings. A couple hours later I woke up in the sling that had become as much a part of me as the tattoos. They both stood there in harnesses, wearing leather pants with no crotch, their massive dicks engorged by Viagra and cock rings. The glass wall was clear, I could see Peter some of their other friends I had come to know standing on the other side naked with giant erections. I laid there naked except my cock cage. I saw movement and realized Sean was there, he pulled a clear surgical mouthpiece over my face and told me to breath deep. It wasn't poppers this time though: laughing gas. He repeated this a couple times until I was just a rag doll in that sling. Michael leaned forward and started kissing me (well he kissed me, I couldn't function from the anesthetic). Eric took a needle from a table, then Michael moved and took one too. "These needles have our blood from the last time we were off med". In the same motion, they both injected me with them in different arms at the same time. By that point I was just laying there numb to the world but loving every minute of what they were doing to help me reach my final goal. Michael moved back between my legs, and picked up a large syringe. "This is filled with my cum from the last time I was off meds", he said emptying it into my hole. Without a word, he shoved his mammoth sized dick into me. The months of practice with my pussy and the laughing gas made sure it went in with no trouble. He must have fucked me for half an hour, sweat dripping on me, spitting in my mouth and torturing my nipples. "Here it comes you stupid cunt! You're getting it. My babies are gonna knock you up and then you'll be mine forever". Despite my state of mind, I think i could actually feel him pulsing in me and adding his load to the one he had pumped into me. Eric took his place, and forced another syringe of cum into me, before shoving his own meaty 7in pierced cock in me. "I love you, you fucking faggot. We both do. But you're still nothing but a pig with a gaping pussy, soon to be toxic." He yelled as he added his load into my pussy. I felt something prick my arm. Sean was injecting me with something. "Now for the real fun", he muttered. I spent the next few hours constantly having poz cum pumped into my hole from syringes. I don't know where it all could have come from. Occasionally they would fuck me to add another load directly themselves. I kept expecting the men on the other side of the glass to join in, or for Sean to at least, but they never did. I took at least 6 more blood slams, two of which were injected into my cock. While this was more intense than anything I expected, I never cried out once. This was what I wanted. Eventually the party was over. After shoving a large butt plug in me, Michael and Eric showered me. Sean made sure my injection sites were bandaged and the swelling was going down. They put me into bed, and I fell asleep with Michael behind me massaging my nipples, and Eric in front fondling my balls. .............................................................
    2 points
  36. Part 10: The New Life After the second day, all sense of self stopped existing. I had no doubt that I would spend a full week in that sling being used for whatever. At times I was conscious, but even then I was in a poppers induced haze, barely aware of what was happening. At some point though, when I was conscious, I began savoring every minute of what was happening to my body. Even though my nipples probably looked like a cows udder from all the suction now, and my hole would never close again probably, I loved every second of it, knowing that Michael and Eric were helping me to become what I'd always dreamt of. At one point, I felt the blinders removed and was blinded by light. I lifted my head up, and saw three or four other men in the room with me, but couldn't make out who they were, since they were wearing hoods too. I also thought I saw several men on the other side of the glass partition in Michael's room, watching them use me while engaged in all sorts of sexual acts. The hood was removed and I lost consciousness again. I woke up in a warm bed naked except for the cock cage. I felt showered and smelled like I hadn't just spent days being used as a sex toy. I sat up and could tell from the sun that it was late afternoon. I took a robe from Michaels closet and looked in the mirror. My nipples weren't as bad as I thought they would be, but still I could tell that they would be swollen and meaty from now on. I had lost weight too, I guess that's what happens when you survive off IV fluids for days. I turned around and inspected my hole, it was red and I could tell it was loose but wasn't gaping. There was some residual lube on it, I slid 4 fingers in like butter. Eric was in the kitchen and when he saw me gave me a big smile before sticking his tongue down my throat. "That was amazing. You did great! Sit down and I'll make you some eggs. We need to ease you back on food after five days of just banana bags." I ate the toast and protein shake he had put in front of me. "What day is it?" "Friday, just a little past noon. Michael had to go into the office. They had a pretty big meeting to discuss this whole coronavirus thing". Friday. That meant it was the end of February. "I gotta hand it to you, you did really well. I wasn't even that popular when Michael was getting me started. There were several guys watching you each night, and I don't know how many on the live stream yet. Damn, at one point Peter had both his forearms in your hole". "There were cameras in there?", I said alarmed. "Yea, but don't worry, none of the stuff that went up had your face." At that moment Michael came through the door, and gave me a long kiss. We talked for a little while. He informed me that they were going to start moving employees who could work remotely to their homes to limit exposure at the office. "I'll make sure your stuff is set up here by Monday." "Here?" "Yes Marcus. You said you wanted to do this. That includes living here with us. Well until Eric finds his own place, but given how things are going that could be awhile. Don't worry about your lease, I've paid that landlord the rest of what you owe him for the rest of the year. But now that you've taken your first steps, I want to hold up my end of this. So what is it that you want to be?" We spent the weekend all over the place. First thing he did that afternoon was take me to his gym to add me to his account and get me a trainer (though after the country shut down we would stick to using the gym for residents of the apartment). We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping for clothes and got me a haircut. He also gave me a credit card to put "whatever you need or want on, within reason". That night we all went to dinner and after a nap, went to a club where they both fucked me in the bathroom. The following day he took me to his tattoo artist. By the afternoon, I had two black studs in each ear, piercings through my now meaty nipples, and a few small pieces of ink, with the beginnings of a large one on my left bicep. We went to another club that night, only this time Michael and Eric let some of their friends fuck me: Bathroom, behind the bar. I met Sean, the doctor friend that had made sure I got the IV's before he stuck his dick in me, and in the bathroom stall after meeting Peter, had one of his bear paw hands in my ass. The following week was fairly uneventful. I worked from my new home office, went to the gym to see my trainer twice a day, and learned more about Michael and Eric. Some nights all three of us slept together, others it was just two of us, but it was always one of them with me. After two weeks, things had started to get really bad in the state from the coronavirus, and before long everything was shut down. I figured the lockdown was the perfect time to tell them another decision I'd made. After dinner one night, as we sat watching a movie, I paused it and said the one thing I'd known that I wanted more than anything at that point: "I want to be like you guys. Really like you. I want to be poz". ...........................................
    2 points
  37. I posted an ad for my homemade gloryhole on craigslist and got a reponse from a 23 year old straight guy who wanted head. He came over, stuck his hard dick in the hole and I started sucking him. The gloryhole was a blanket with a hole in it. He grabbed my head and held it still then started pissing in my mouth. I was shocked and disgusted by had no choice but to start swallowing or make a mess everywhere. He moaned in pleasure while his strong stream filled my mouth and throat and it turned me on.
    2 points
  38. Part 4 The doorbell rang and I went to answer leaving the twins on the couch. They were totally lost in each other, making out, feeling each others hot bodies. I don't even think they noticed when I returned with my best friend Joe. Joe was a sexy dude, 40, blond and blue eyes, just a little shorter than me with a swimmers build, and a nice 7 inch cock. He was my partner in crime when we'd to out. Our goal was usually to pick up some young twink and fuck the shit out of him together. And we usually succeded. But even he wasn't prepared for the hot site of the twins together on the couch. "Fuck dude!" He said, I can't believe you did it!" "Never underestimate the power of ole T!" I laughed. "They're ready to be slammed my friend, in more ways than one!" Joe laughed as he stripped naked while I retrieved the rigs. Brodi looked up at him with a glazed horny look and asked, "whose that?" "My best friend," I answered. "Don't you worry. You boys are in for the time of your life tonight." I told Joe a group of our friends were coming over soon, so lets get them ready. I handed him one rig and we approached the boys. Pulling them apart,we sat next to them on the couch. "I've got a special treat for you guys, this is another way to enjoy what you smoked earlier. And it's going to make you feel real good." The twins didn't say a word as we each took an arm and banded it. We swabbed and inserted the needles, getting a flash, then pushed the plunger. Then we released the band's. Like the mirrors they were, both boys went ridged and coughed hard a few times, then both melted into the couch. "Which one do you want first?" I asked Joe. He just grabbed Brodi and placed him on the floor on his hands and knees. He grabbed the plug and yanked it out, eliciting a low moan from the slut, then rammed his hard dick in the boy with no mercy. Brodi's head flew back in extasy as he cried out, "Oh yea man, Fuck me, FUCK ME!" I went to unlock the front door and left a sign telling my friends to just come on in, the twin cumdumps were waiting. After all I didn't want to be continually pulled away. I returned to see Brodi getting fucked with no mercy, and loving it. Benji sat there looking a little jealouse, but he'd get his turn. "Oh fuck!" cried Joe. "This is some amazing pussy! Best I've had in ages!" Brodi just grunted as he was deep dicked. I couldn't stand just watching so I grabbed Benji and did the same thing to him. Both boys were getting pounded as the guys started showing up. It didn't take long for things to get crazy. The twins were fucked in every conceivable position non stop. Dicks were in their asses and mouths, pounding them and breeding them. They just begged for it. Begged for more cock and more cum. They were insatiable little fuckboys. The guys especially loved it when the twins would make out with each other as their pussies were stuffed with cock. I even had the pleasure of giving Brodi his first double fuck as Joe and I slid our cocks into his sloppy, cum filled cunt. He just bounced on us, his eyes glazed and half closed, his head flopping around, while he begged for more. It felt so good to seed him with my best friend at the same time, two cocks filling him deep. His brother was getting double fucked at the same time by two other guys. When they had dumped their loads in Benji, I grabbed Brodi and shoved his face into his brothers gaping wet hole. "Eat that ass!" I commanded him. " Suck out all that cum! You like that, don't you slut? You like eating you brothers sloppy cunt?" Brodi just moaned in lustfull agreement. I think he was my favourite of the two. Since he was the more dominant of the pair, I took extra pleasure in debasing him more. The Fuck fest continued till the wee hours of the morning, till noone had any cum left in them. It had all been deposited in the twins. It dripped out of their well used asses, and dried onto their faces and chests. But their cocks were still hard. I told Benji to Fuck his brother for the guests, Fuck him like the Slut he now was. Benji grabbed him and threw him on the ground. Grabbing his legs, he rammed his hard cock into his brothers cum filled hole. "Take it faggot! Take my cock!" Benji shouted. "Whose the boss now, bitch? Your bro is fucking you like a whore!" Brodi just moaned and beat his hard dick while he took his brothers abuse. Benji went ridged and dumped his load into Brodi as Brodi shot his own big load, hitting Benji in the face and chest. Without being told, he licked all of his cum off his brother, then cleaned Benji's cock when he pulled out of his cumhole. After the guests left, I sat on the couch and held the boys. "I'm proud of you boys. You were a big hit tonight! You are now officially my fuckboys. And I have more to teach you. We're going to have a great summer!" As they drifted in their post sex haze, I attached chastity cages to their cocks, so they wouldn't be able to fuck without me around. Gotta keep an eye on my boys!
    2 points
  39. Part 4 Bobby’s only prior sexual experience was when the older brother of one of his friends seduced him and it was enjoyable for Bobby until he was rolled over on his belly and held down and was told he was going to get fucked. Bobby wanted to be fucked but didn’t want to be forced and as he was penetrated he fought and instead of getting fucked for the first time he was beat up instead. The guy got dressed and spit at Bobby who was then lying on the floor crying and told him he shouldn’t flirt with guys if he didn’t want to put out. This was different. He wanted it and he wanted them to fuck him, breed him, and do whatever they wanted. This was his choice and while he said “Rape me” he knew you can’t rape the willing but he hoped they tried. Josh pushed Bobby into the couch and slapped his ass a few times and told him that if he wanted it rough he was going to get what he wanted and he slammed his cock in all the way and then pulled it out and slammed it in again. Bobby head was flying even higher than before and his boyhole felt so fucking good and he hoped it never would end. After watching for a minute Stan decided to join them but first grabbed Bobby’s dildo off the floor. He walked around the couch and with one hand lifted Bobby’s head and told him that if he really wanted to be raped or even if he just wanted to be the best little boy whore slut bottom he could he needed to learn to always clean a cock that had pleasured his ass and then Stan pushed the dildo a few inches into Bobby’s mouth knowing that with the size of it there was no way he could get much more into that little mouth. Bobby’s brain didn’t sense any smell or any disgust. Actually he didn’t even know what he was doing except that he heard that if he did what Stan wanted he would be really raped or at least be the best little boy whore slut bottom and he knew he wanted that and he pushed his face further into the dildo until half of it was inside his mouth. Josh seeing that Bobby had gone into full slut mode decided he wasn’t holding back anything and using his entire body strength started to pummel his little friend. Stan removed the now clean dildo and shoved his own cock straight into the willing throat and held his head and fucked his face as hard as Josh was pounding his other hole. Josh told Stan that if they were both going to give it to Bobby as hard and as rough as he wanted it they too should take mega hits like him and then fuck him up good. Josh could reach the pipe without pulling out of Bobby and just stopped fucking to take a hit as big as he gave Bobby and then handed the pipe to Stan and grabbed him a huge rock too. “Bobby you want to get raped, you are going to be raped so hard, I hope you remember you asked for it”, Josh yelled after he exhaled and fucked even harder into the willing boy. Once Stan set the pipe down he picked up the dildo and handed it to Josh and told him to shove it in and wreck that hole. Josh gave it back to Stan and told him let’s switch so he can suck his ass of my cock while you ruin his hole. Bobby could barely keep up with what they were saying but a moment later felt both men pull out of him and he felt so empty and he didn’t remember what they said because he cried out for them not to stop but a moment later he screamed when Stan pushed the big black dildo all the way into Bobby’s ass and Josh then grabbed Bobby’s face and loved seeing the look of lust and terror at the same time and he asked Bobby if he was enjoying himself and Bobby nodded and smiled as Josh said well let’s see if you like my dirty dick and shoved Bobby’s head down on it. Using Bobby’s ears he pulled his head up and down. Stan pulled the dildo out and started fucking the boy as he slapped his ass. The redder his ass got the harder Stan fucked him. Josh and Stan switched places again and this time Stan was slapping Bobby’s face as he fucked it. Josh was building up steam and knew he would soon cum and after all this he knew he would flood Bobby’s bowels with his cum. “Bobby, you are going to be my boy soon, when I breed you I will own your ass forever, you are about to be mine, oh shit, here it comes you fucking bitch boy, god I love your ass Bobby.” Josh’s orgasm felt like it lasted ten minutes but Stan wasn’t going to wait that long and as soon as Josh finished pumping into Bobby Stan told him to switch quick so I can breed his pussy too. Bobby didn’t really notice Stan fucking him and cumming in him as he had Josh’s cock in his mouth and for the first time ever was tasting a cock covered in cum and ass and it was better than everything else. Bobby reached into his jockstrap and found his cock had gone hard and after only three strokes he shot his load as he savored the taste of Josh’s cock. The three guys were all worn out and they decided to crash on Bobby’s bed. Before lying down Josh went to remove Bobby’s cummy jockstrap but Bobby stopped him and told him he wanted to keep it on. Bobby told Josh what he learned that night which was that when a boy is wearing a jockstrap that tells the men he is a bottom and his hole is open and ready and this way if you or Stan wake up in the middle of the night you know it is ok to fuck me again. Bobby knew he was never again going to be raped but he was going to enjoy being used! This is the end of Bobby’s first adventure with rock but I have a few other stories about those experiences to share and while this story is done there will be others about Bobby and his adventures. These adventures are loosely based on actual experiences.
    2 points
  40. Part 1 - Parting Ways There was hardly any wind in the air and the sun shone brightly on the group of graduates. Oxford had never looked so English as it did right now. Many of the graduates started to feel uncomfortable in their academic dress getting sweaty and sticky underneath. The time honoured tradition took all afternoon to complete, but at least it wasn't raining. Luca walked off the podium to applause from his fellow students, cutting a fine figure in his academic dress and striking blend of Mediterranean and English looks. One of a few bright students that entered in to university at 16 he had finally graduated at the age of 20. His parents looked on proudly at their son, he was assured a bright future with his results and was already fielding job offers from prospective companies. Right now though working was the last thing on Luca's mind, education finished all he wanted to do was take some time out and enjoy a bit of life before he had to work. The celebrations went on for several hours before Luca said goodbye to his parents and headed back to the dorm room. His university friend Mark was already packing his belongings half naked when he entered the room. Congratulating Luca and having a quick banter about how funny people looked in the academic dress Mark slumped on to his bed phone in hand and buried his head in social media. Luca took his hat off and yawned loudly exclaiming how tired he was from all of today's activity and began undressing. Mark discreetly watched his favourite time of day when Luca undressed. Luca wasn't tall just an average at five feet eight inches, it was the Mediterranean and English looks that really set him apart. Gio his father being Italian had given him his dark almost black hair and light covering of chest hair that trailed down to his groin in a perfect line. Sarah his mother came from England and gave him the eyes and looks, eyes that contrasted spectacularly being the brightest blue that seemed to change shades in the differing light. Amongst the other students he was also known as 50 Shades of Blue. At his young age Luca was impressionable and easily persuaded, more so when flattering or flirting was involved. In secret it was Luca's downfall, he just couldn't say no when someone paid him attention and they were male, not a slut by any means as he had some will power allowing him to draw the line. Mark loved looking at Luca's chest, so many times he wanted to run his fingers down along the treasure trail. It drove him wild and would often imagine what it would be like to have sex with Luca. The perfect body and tight swimmers build begged to be lapped up. Admired and loved. Mark felt the usual twinge in his groin and turned over on the bed. Luca was no fool seeing Mark turn over on to his stomach, he knew Mark liked to watch him undress or walk around the room nearly naked. They had spent 2 years living together and neither of them discussed sexuality, Luca knew Mark was gay but he never spoke about it for fear of being discovered himself. The last thing he needed was to make things difficult between them, after all he liked Mark and they spent a lot of time hanging out and he liked it just that way. The academic year finished it would be the last night they would be together, Mark still had another year to complete and hated the idea of another room mate moving in to Luca's bed. Luca returned from showering and hurried Mark along to get showered and dressed. He was taking Mark out for dinner as a thank you for being a friend. This time it was Luca's turn to watch the tall figure stand up from the bed. Mark was just under six foot and had a rugby players build, strong muscular legs and ample sized biceps. He was not ripped just very toned and not a bad looker either, his brown eyes were big and seductive, and his neatly kept brown hair showed he took pride in his appearance. Luca's eyes wondered down to his packet and could tell he was still semi hard, certainly he was not lacking in that department. Mark grabbed his towel and headed out of the room, Luca sat on the bed putting socks on then stopped. He couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake by not hitting on Mark. He had admitted to himself some months ago that he was attracted to Mark on many levels, had he just let the love of his life pass by. Standing up he perished the thought as stupid and finished getting dressed. Luca had played his life carefully at university, having a few encounters with some very hot guys off campus. Never giving them his real name of where he was living or studying, always keeping a very low profile and only doing anonymous meets. He could recount all 20 of his encounters, some just blow and go some fuck and go, never anything more and never twice with the same person. Luca was never short of attention from girls around campus and some of the openly gay students, keeping his cards close to his chest and focusing on getting educated. People only ever saw the straight side of Luca, never giving cause for anyone to question him. He was quite happy flirting with the females and enjoying the attention. Mark on the other hand thought he had been discreet around Luca and was banging up two or three regulars on campus, all discreet meetings to avoid unwanted attention. Luca had some idea as he often went out late evening with the lame excuse he was going for a run. Mark returned to the room and quickly dressed in a tight black t-shirt that he liked since it accentuated his arms nicely. Heading in to Oxford city centre they went to Travatina's Italian which had become their favourite eatery in town. "So this is finally happening" Mark said finishing his espresso "our last night at uni". Luca sighed "It has been great fun living with you these last few years" he replied looking at Mark. Mark smiled "I hate to think what I have coming next term" he said looking almost scared. Luca laughed "Hate the idea of someone else being your friend now I won't be there" he replied. "Your still my number one" Mark said sitting up in his chair "just don't forget about me stuck here". Luca felt a little embarrassed feeling that Mark was slightly hinting at something "Friends for life Mark". Mark nodded "Yes" he replied "so you are going on this graduation trip?" he asked. "Yes we fly to New York next Wednesday and sail back to Southampton on the Sunday" Luca replied excitedly. Mark refused to let Luca pay and paid then stood up "I want to see lots of photos" he said waiting for Luca to put his jacket on. "Think about Italy Mark" Luca said as they walked outside "we would love you to come out for a few weeks". Mark nodded "When are you going to Tuscany?" he asked watching a gay couple across the street. "Middle of July" Luca replied "we will be there for five weeks as usual". Mark smiled "Tuscany" he said dreamily "in July, gonna be hot" he said rambling on. Luca nodded "Yes but it is so nice" he said smiling "I have three weeks in the UK after New York". "So lucky" Mark said looking ahead "I mean having a home in Italy and here" he looked at Luca. Luca chuckled "It will be the last time I get to spend 5 weeks in Italy" he replied. The following morning Luca's parents arrived at 10am to take him home. Mark walked outside with them to say goodbye, Luca's mother gave him a kiss on each cheek and said she hoped to see him in July. Gio gave him a hug and Luca embraced Mark hard holding him tight trying to contain his emotion. It was one of the saddest days he ever experienced saying goodbye to Mark. He desperately wanted to kiss him, instead he inhaled deeply taking in his scent. When they broke apart their eyes met in a strange way. The look was enough to question how deep the bond between them really was. Mark helped Luca put his luggage in to the car and hugged him one last time. "I will see you in July" Mark said watching Luca step in to the back seat of the Range Rover. Luca smiled and looked back at Mark "Really?" he asked smiling "it makes it easier saying good bye now". "Send me the details and I will get my flight booked" Mark said more confidently having made the decision. Mark closed the door and watched the car pulling away from the dorm building. Gio watched his son in the back, the sad expression on his face said a lot. Both Luca's parents were beginning to be aware of their son's sexuality even though he didn't like to broach the subject. They invited Mark out to Tuscany having got know him through Luca and how he would talk about him constantly without realising he was doing so. They liked Mark and saw how easily the friendship between Luca and him had happened. It had crossed both of their minds that there may be more to the friendship that ran deeper. One thing was certain Gio could see the hurt in his sons eyes today of all days, maybe it was just Luca feeling sad leaving what had essentially been a home for him for the last four years. Luca looked at his phone and saw a message already from Mark, he opened it up 'Cheer up, will see you in July', smiling he typed a quick reply 'Already looking forward to it'. Luca sat back and chatted to his parents on the drive back to London and their home in Holland Park. It wasn't all happy when they first met two years ago. Mark crashed in to the dormitory room with confidence, he looked at Luca and said hello then dumped his bags and went out returning four hours later looking dishevelled. Luca kept his head in his books and ignored Mark hating how he noisily unpacked and disrupted his studying. By morning Mark was up and out by the time Luca woke up, he never heard him moving about or going out. His previous room mate Dominic had at least been friendly hanging out with him and studying together. Dressed for the day Luca went to the refectory to get breakfast before lectures, walking across the grounds he saw Mark trying out for the rugby team. It sent a shiver down Luca's spine. He hated sports like this and had a love for tennis, he hated even more that he had to partake in rugby at least once a week since it was part of their academic studies. He stopped for a moment watching the power of Mark steam rolling down the field then shaking hands with the team captain. The last thing he needed was a horrific sweaty sporty person living with him, the smelly socks and dirty kit left laying around the dorm room. Luca met up with several of his friends at the door to the refectory all keen to find out about Luca's new dorm mate. By that evening they had at least spoken a little more but in theory they seemed worlds apart. Mark was studying English literature and Business on a three year course and Luca found him to be very well educated and spoken. Something you would never gain from his outward appearance. Luca stood on the field in the pouring rain with his rugby kit stuck to his skin, wishing the ground would swallow him up. Mark was playing for the other side and several times they made eye contact and laughed getting told off for larking around. Being a contact sport where you played to tackle your opponent he could never imagine that Mark would take full advantage of this. Whenever Luca found himself holding the ball and running he knew full well that Mark made a beeline for him and tackled him to the ground purposefully lying on top of him until he let go of the ball. By the third time they played rugby together Mark was tackling Luca for no reason bringing him down and stopping him from even getting the ball. He found it funny at first then he started getting turned on every time he laid on top of him, it was getting weird now and Luca was starting to get pissed off with him without really knowing why. Having had enough he switched to tennis as soon as the weather got better, at least he was good at it unlike rugby. Mark was obviously disgruntled by Luca's change of sport but tried to hide it from him. They had become better acquainted and begun to hang out a couple of times a week and gradually their friendship grew over the next two years. Luca even looked after Mark when he came down with a bad bout of flu during their final year together. Luca checked on him every few hours during the 4 days he was struck down, half expecting to contract it himself. It was like a waiting game over the next few days, Luca was sure he would be struck down with it. Somehow he avoided it despite how close he was to Mark. Luca felt so much closer to Mark during this time, the temptation and want to climb in bed next to him was hard to resist. Thinking better of it, he retained dignity and just admired Mark's body. Mark went back to the dorm to finish packing the last of his belongings. He sat down on the bed feeling alone for the first time in years, Luca was an incredible person and so kind inside. He was now only beginning to fully realise how lucky he was to have had him in his life and how happy he made him. Mark saw a message from his parents saying they were 10 minutes away. He stood up and retrieved his medication from the hiding place putting it in his bag and zipping it up. Why didn't he make a move and tell Luca how he felt, could he even be sure he was gay since he never showed any sign indicating he was. Luca probably would have run a mile and even further knowing he was hiv positive. He might even freak out knowing that he had nursed Mark through his conversion. It wasn't meant to happen but then one to many beers and a dodgy hook up app on his phone spelled disaster and lead him down a path that came back and bit him hard. The weeks he had gone to counselling afterwards he used as discovery sessions trying to figure a lot of things out and clearing his head. Mark was unsure if everything boiled down to his own personal upset having to lie to Luca. He laid on Luca's bed then turned over on to his stomach burying his head in the pillow inhaling deeply, head full of regrets now that their time was over. Turning on to is back and cuddling Luca's pillow. His hand fumbled through the jeans waistband to his hard cock stroking it and inhaling the pillow again, quietly whispering 'Luca, oh god Luca'.
    1 point
  41. I’ve taken so many loads from guys in relationships. Whether they are in denial or not they are making the choice to venture outside of their relationship. For better or for worse. Guys have a primordial nature to spread their seed. And I’m to weak to not afford them the outlet and am enabling them to fulfill their desires satisfy their pleasure seeking lust.
    1 point
  42. I had a young Latin guy fuck and cum in me late one night in a park. We arranged to meet there. He came fairly quick and wile still buried in my ass asked it I wanted some piss. I hesitated and said sure so he let loose. It wasn’t a ton cause I was able to hold it when he pulled out. After he took off I sat on a bench and texted him to thank him when a wave came over me. I asked it he was partying and his reply was yeah are you hi? I said YEAH your piss is fucking me up. He asked if I wanted more and of course I said yes so he came back. He fucked another load in me. I got naked and he pissed in and on my ass before we both took off for the night. I was buzzed all night.
    1 point
  43. Chapter 6: The Morning After As I awoke the next morning something felt different. I knew I still had the butt plug in but my penis felt different. I looked down to discover that my penis had been locked up. As I rolled over in bed there was a note on Daddy's pillow. It read *Dear Slut, as you are now well aware I have locked up your penis. You now are enslaved permanently and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't try calling anyone or escaping because I have the house monitored. I will be home around 5 and I expect you to be waiting for Daddy on your hands and knees." Daddy didn't have to worry about me going anywhere because I was right where I wanted to be. I spent the day tidying up the house. As 5 o'clock neared I got in front of the door and got on my hands and knees. When Daddy walked in HE was very pleased. He asked me what I thought about being enslaved and I told him I desired to be enslaved by HIM. Daddy took his clothes off and sat on the couch. He then had me crawl to him and start by kissing his feet. I thanked Daddy for the honor and proceeded kissing his feet. Once satisfied Daddy then had me crawl into the bedroom. Once inside HE removed the plug and nothing came out. All of HIS cum had absorbed into my body..Daddy then had me get on the bed on my back and just like the night before I kissed his beautiful body. As his cock neared my mouth my penis was straining against my new cage. I kissed every gorgeous inch of his cock before his balls came to rest in my mouth. I slobbered all over Daddy's balls. I got them nice and wet before placing them in my mouth to suck on. Once Daddy was satisfied with my worshipping of his balls he removed them from my mouth and worked his way back down my body allowing me to kiss every inch of his cock again. He then took his cock and this time rammed it down my throat. He showed me no mercy as he abused my mouth. Before long he had forced his cock down my throat. All of this was intentional because my slobber and spit would be all the lube I got today. After abusing my mouth and throat for several minutes Daddy pulled out and put my legs over his shoulders and then rammed his cock up my ass in one quick motion. It hurt like hell but luckily I was somewhat open from the plug. Daddy then leaned forward and started making love to me. After a few minutes Daddy's cock felt really good. My poor penis was leaking precum profusely. Then without warning without getting fully hard I came. All over myself and Daddy. Daddy raised up just a little and had me eat my own cum. This sent Daddy over the edge and he unloaded his cum with force. I felt it deep inside my boipussy. When Daddy finished he pulled out and put the plug back inside my boipussy. We both lay there exhausted. We must have dozed off because the next thing I knew I heard the doorbell ring. Daddy told me to answer it just the way I was. I did as I was told. I got up and answered the door only to be greeted by a woman. I didn't recognize her. She said I must be the bitch of the house and today was the beginning of my training. Daddy came to the door and hugged the lady. Come to find out it was Daddy's sister. But what new training I wondered.
    1 point
  44. 11. After sending the videos Jim sent me of our fuck I lay on my bed naked staring at the ceiling for a while. The smell of sex had drifted into the room with me and I lay there breathing it in deeply. Good job boy!Read Sir’s text reply, It takes most boys almost a week to get to the level of hunger you’re at. But is this from just the rush of finally letting go or do you really have what it takes to be the pig our club is looking for? I’m that pig Sir! I hope that you are. So now we are going to test your commitment. I think your cunt has been through enough today. I am calling off your evening plans. You will refrain from taking any more loads tonight as well. You next appointment will be tomorrow at 4pm. You are allowed to take the plug out to sleep tonight, but you will need to work it back into your hole tomorrow before 4. The cage will stay locked. You will continue to drink all of your own piss. No more cock! Sir! Please! I’m so horny. That’s the point boy. Remember you can tap out at any point but there are no second chances. Yes Sir. I understand. Good. 4pm tomorrow. How the fuck was I going to make it till 4pm the next day. All I could think about was cock. I lay on my bed for a while, then I got up and got my laptop. I opened twitter and just watched porn for ages. I rocked on the plug, I swallowed down another load of piss. After a long while I decided I should bite the bullet and get the plug out. I lay on my floor, on my back in front of a mirror with a towel under me. I grabbed my phone and with my legs in the air aimed it at the massive base of the plug. I undid the straps and took a deep breath, then I pushed. It took a lot to push the plug out and when it finally shot from my hole and landed on the floor with a heavy thud I gasped. My hole was ping as swollen, for a long second it hung open and refused to close. It seemed to take ages for it to wink closed and even then, it never completely shut. A long stream of thick white cum oozed out of me. Still recording I videoed myself fingering my hole and then scooping it up and swallowing some of the cum that had dripped out. It was going to be almost impossible to sleep.
    1 point
  45. My Boyfriend, the POZZING Porn Star Chapter 1. My boy and I loved fucking and getting fucked by new guys. We played together and apart, and always with no secrets or going behind each others’ backs. We were both turned on by sharing our extracurricular activities, so no need to hide them from one another, but we remained discrete in public. None of our non-sex friends knew of our exploits. When we played together, we often took snaps or short videos with our phones so we had a spank bank for when apart, or to send to guys on the apps. We were always careful to not show our faces or those of our playmates so we didn’t give too much away. We have a small circle of men that we play with and share. Most of the guys are on PrEP and regularly tested, but sometimes a new guy shows up, status unclear. That’s when my boy gets especially piggy. My boy and I had been to swap parties with a couple of regulars too, and I made sure to keep my eyes open at the gym for well hung guys we should get to know better. A few weeks ago, I was at the gym showering after a workout. A handsome tall black guy came into the stall opposite mine. Without curtains, I watched as he soaped up and started getting hard. He winked at me as he jerked is massive cock. I fisted my own tool and we maintained eye contact as we both got closer to orgasm. I shot first into my hand, lapping up my seed. He loved watching that and shot a HUGE load against the stall tile. I mean, a huge load. It dripped down the walls. I swear I’ve never seen a bigger or more impressive cumshot. We headed to the locker rom and toweled off. His big semi-hard dick was still floppy and beautiful. I asked if he wanted to fool around sometime with me and my boy, and he nodded. I showed him a few pics of me and my boy sharing raw cock. He told me he was POZ and his meds had been wreaking havoc on his system so he’d stopped them a few months ago. I told him that would be fine with me, and that I loved sharing POZ cum with my boy. He asked if we were on PrEP, and I told him yes, but my boy could likely be convinced to stop for a few weeks for a special occasion. I told him my boy would not believe the size of his load. He suggested we all get together that afternoon, and made sure I would be ok with my boy taking his POZ load. We headed to my place in hopes that he’d soon be balls deep in my boy’s raw hole. My boy wasn't home when we got there, and I messaged him telling there was a BIG surprise waiting for him. He told me he was going to be late at work. Our new POZ gym buddy wouldn’t be able to wait around to meet up, but was horny to blow another load. I sucked his cock until he was good and hard. I thought about sitting on his cock, but knew he was too big for me. I’d much rather watching his big raw cock sliding in and out of my boy. Then, I had a really raunchy idea. I got a condom from the bedside table and the guy looked at me in disgust. I told him there was a way for me to get his cum into my boy. His eyebrows raised. I told him I wanted to collect his big toxic load in the rubber, and squeeze it into my boy’s ass. He told me he would if I’d video it. I wholeheartedly agreed and sucked as much of his cock down my throat as I could. When he was getting close, I opened the Magnum and rolled it over his cockhead. It barely covered a third of his massive dick. He shot another huge load, filling the condom with so much seed that the top of his cock disappeared in white cloudy cum. I carefully pulled the condom off him and tongue bathed him. He got dressed and headed out. An hour or so later, my boy came back exhausted. I made him a drink or three and we had a nice warm shower together. I had him change into his favorite jock and we got into bed. He prefers his cock to be off-limits when he’s getting fucked, so got him on his hands and knees and started eating and fingering his hole. I told him about my new gym buddy, and he got super hard, straining the pouch to its limits. I told him that the guy was well hung, toxic, and shot an epic load. I reached into the drawer and carefully pulled out the condom, telling him it would be so hot to see the stud’s massive toxic load inside his gaping hole. My boy moaned into the pillow as I pressed the rubber to my boy’s ass. I told him the guy’s load was so big it would drip down his thighs. He grunted into the mattress while I pushed the reservoir against his crack, forcing cum into him. I told him I’d love to put POZ cum inside him, and my boy growled. I grabbed my phone and started recording a video. I told him I’d love to fuck POZ seed deep into his guts as I emptied that whole fresh load into him. My boy wiggled his butt as I lined up to fuck him. My dick met the inside-out rubber and molded to my dick. I made sure every drop of cum was inside my boy before I ripped it off an rammed my bare cock inside him. I pounded my boy’s juicy cunt until POZ cum was sloshing out around my balls. I asked my boy if he knew why he was so wet. He shook his head. I told him what I’d done and pressed the empty condom into his hand. He looked confused as we never use rubbers. When he realized I was forcing fresh toxic seed into him, he came without even touching himself. His cum soaked through the jock’s pouch and puddled on the mattress. I was still filming. I filled him up with my own cum and we collapsed into a sticky heap until my softening cock plopped out followed my an impressive flow of cum. I smiled into the phone’s camera and stopped recording. I texted the video to the POZ stud and cradled my used up boy as he fell asleep. What I didn’t know was that my new buddy was going to upload it to his website where strangers would see me willingly putting POZ cum inside my boy. I also didn’t know he’d eventually film himself breeding my boy, and sharing my boy’s holes with his friends. To be continued…
    1 point
  46. BB cumslut Detroit Michigan Beginner cumdump and trying to embrace the cumdump life. Anyone local? Anyone has tips, ideas about how to become a total cumdump ? If you want to be a cumdump in the MICHIGAN cumdump network post a message here with the following info: A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Detroit metro area Age: 35 Height: 5’7 Weight: 150lb Into sexually: Bareback, hardcore, nasty, wild, piggy, oral, anything goes, poppers and more, pictures, videos, parties, verbal, don, aggressive, love to get gangbanged. Quote
    1 point
  47. Love this story - I believe every word - except maybe the part where he says "I don't usually bb" I used to say that all the time too quite a few years ago, but I was barebacking ALL the time lol Kind of reminds me of my own trip to Disney World last fall. Mine was a 23yo there with his family and his older GF (upper 30s). They were at the resort and so was my family - we were both in our resort rooms. He hit me up on grindr just saying "breed me daddy" with his HOT ass pic. Not quite as "innocent" as yours. He told me he was tight, which isn't usually my thing, but options were limited. He came over and didn't need any wine. He was on his knees as soon as the door closed fishing out my cock. He was sexy as fuck, and I could've cum with him blowing me but we moved to the middle of the living room (I had confirmed by text my family was staying at the park!!) and had his big ass in the air - shaved and clean and deep crack and hole! Almost came again eating his hole. He warned me he was tight, but when I stuck my cock to his hole, he was NOT tight - it was more like he had just been bred by someone else!! I told him while i was fucking him that he was NOT tight, but I liked it way better this way. He didn't respond to that, but I came kinda fast in that buttery hole -he never made a move to touch his cock, and he turned around and cleaned my cock off.......clearly not a newbie! No idea how much of his story was true, but couldn't have cared less. Got what I needed and think he did too - that was our last day as well, so good ending to a trip where I seriously expected ZERO opportunity to hookup!
    1 point
  48. Part 3 I left the boys for a moment while I was texting and getting "fresh" sodas. The responses started coming quickly, 18 year old twins are a rate find, and soon I had 12 of my buddies coming over in a little bit. Handing them their new drinks, I also popped a little blue pill in their mouths. A freshly loaded pipe was passed around, and my boys were loaded and hard. I grabbed Brodi and pulled him onto me, sitting him on my cock as I layed on the carpet. Like a good slut he moaned as he slid down my veiny cock, setteling his pink pussy into my pubes. Then I grabbed Benji and pulled his ass to my face. He sat down on my tongue and I licked and sucked the cum out I had deposited in him. Both boys moaned as their cunts were being put to use. I pushed Benji forward into his brother, and the twins started kissing each other deeply. I didn't want to miss seeing that hot show, so I pushed the boys off of me. Benji fell back onto the carpet and I guided Brodi between his legs. "Fuck your brother." I whispered in his ear. Brodi spread his twins legs and lined his hard cock to the waiting hole. Benji let out a deep, guttural moan as his brother slid his cock into him. He wrapped his arms and legs around Brodi, pulling his cock in deep and locking his mouth onto his brother. Brodi went into overdrive, pounding his brother frantically as they made out. Fuck it was so hot watching the incest taking place right in front of me. I couldn't help but think they had been wanting this for a long time, and I had finally freed them up to fufill their desires. Brodi just pounded the shit out of Benji for at least 15 minutes before he pulled his mouth away. "I'm gonna cum bro! Fuck yea! Take my cum!" He shook and twitched as he pumped his load into his brother. Benji just begged him for it. "Oh god Brodi! Do it! Fuckin cum in me bro!" He pulled Brodi as deep into him as he could while he took his brothers load. When Brodi had finished, I pulled him up and laid his chest on the couch. He was still breathing hard from his orgasm. I just grabbed Benji and pushed him up to Brodi's waiting ass. "Fuck your brother man!" I ordered him. "Fuck him like he fucked you!" Dazed in drugs and lust, Benji rammed full force into Brodi, grabbing his hips and riding him hard. "Take my cock bitch!" He yelled at his brother. I was surprised at the dominance coming from him. "Take it bro! TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD YOU BITCH!" He pumped his brother full and collapsed on his back, licking Brodi's ear as he drained his load. Pulling out, he turned Brodi over and the boys started kissing furiously. I just smiled as I watched, knowing what I had awakened in them. As they made out, I pushed a plug into each of them to hold in the cum. The plugs popped in easily. "All right boys, the night has just begun." I told them. "The real party is going to start real soon!"
    1 point
  49. My first chem sex was when a black boy and a white boy raped me in LA. That was also my first sex with a black man. After my first chem sex rape experience in LA, I stayed away from them for few years. But since I started to party sometimes, I find myself looking back to my first experience more and more. Last time I had sex with a black man, I asked him to slap me really hard til he leaves his hand prints on my face as he was fucking me. Immediately my eyes teared up with pain but once the sharp pain passes through my body, I was getting harder even with the chem. And for some reason the tops cock kept on getting harder and bigger as he slapped me hard as well. So he did more beating me up and I loved it. I thanked him for the pain while my eyes were blurred with tears and had few bruises on my body.
    1 point
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