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  1. Part 6: Will Converts Two Sundays later I was meant to preach, but when my alarm went off, I found myself waking up to the worst feeling I had ever felt. I felt so sick, as if the worst flu of my life had taken hold. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, calling Pastor Kline. “Hey, Will. What’s up?” “I’m really not feeling well,” I told him. “I don’t think I’ll be able to be in for the service. I’m sorry.” “Don’t worry,” he said. “Just rest, and we’ll see you when you’re better.” “Thanks,” I said. I fell back to sleep for what felt like hours. My phone eventually woke me up, Dominic’s name on the screen. “Hey, Will,” he said. “Hi,” I groaned. “Is everything okay?” “I’m really sick,” I told him. “I’ve never felt this bad before.” “How long have you felt like this?” “Since this morning.” “Look, I’m on my way back. I’ll come over. Just text me your address and where you keep a spare key.” I did as he said and fell back to sleep. When I woke up next, I felt something pressing against my back, something warm and big. “You’re awake,” Dominic said, whispering into my ear. “You made it,” I said. “Wait. You should go. I don’t want you to get sick.” “I won’t,” he said. “What do you mean?” “I’ve already been sick.” “What? When?” “Twenty years ago,” he said. I didn’t understand. “Dom, you can get sick again.” “Not with this,” he said. “What are you talking about?” “You’ve got the fuck flu,” he said. “You can only get it once.” “What, like when you lose your virginity?” “No,” he told me. “Only when you’ve been pozzed.” I waited quietly, trying to understand him. “What are you talking about?” “When someone who is poz fucks someone who isn’t, that other person, hopefully, becomes poz too.” “But, what does poz mean?” “It means positive,” Dominic said. “Positive with HIV.” I was silent as the reality set it. “You mean, you’re HIV positive?” “Sure am,” he whispered into my ear, kissing my neck. “And now, so are you?” “What?” “That’s why I fucked you four times,” he said. “I needed to make sure that my strain infected you.” I felt my stomach turn, my skin growing cold. “You knew this would happen?” “I was hoping it would,” he said. “That’s why I opened the cut in your hole again. That’s why I dug my nails into your hole, making sure my cum could get to your blood.” “You did this on purpose?” “Of course, I did,” he said. “But why?” “To make you mine,” he said, holding me tight. “I’ve converted forty-nine men in my life.” He looked down at his arm, running a hand over the tally marks. “I remember each of them. But with you, you’re different.” “Why am I different?” “You’re the forbidden fruit,” he told me. “You’re the man of God, the incorruptible. From the moment I saw you at the gym, I knew I wanted you.” “At the gym? We met at my church.” “That’s where you saw me,” he said. “I saw you at the gym weeks before. From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to meet you. When one of the workers told me who you were, I knew I had to fuck you, to convert you. That’s all I’ve been able to think about for weeks now. Honestly, I wasn’t sure it was going to work. It wasn’t until last Sunday when we were talking after your sermon that I knew you wanted me. All I had to do was get you to my place.” “This was a trap?” I cried, my chest heaving as I tried to hold back tears. “You did all of this to infect me? Why would you do that?” “To be with you,” he said. “I didn’t just do it to stealth you. I did it because I want to be with you. I want you to be mine. I want my strain to be a part of your body forever. I want you to carry a part of me until you die. That’s why I did it. I wanted you. And I know, deep down, you want me.” “No,” I cried, trying to push him away. My arms were too weak. “You may not feel it now, but you’ll realize it soon.” “No. I’ve got to do something. I’ve got to go to the hospital.” “It’s too late,” he told me. “You’re already converting.” I closed my eyes tight and cried. “I know it’s scary now, but soon you’ll understand how much I want you. I’m not leaving. I’ll stay until you feel better. If you still feel the same, I’ll leave, and you’ll never see me again. But, if you change your mind, which I think you will, I promise to make you mine and show you a life you’ve never even imagined.” I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. I was reeling. How could someone do something like this? I thought back to that night, going over everything he said. I remembered him saying that he wanted to make me his. I remember him saying that he wanted to convert me. I just didn’t understand what any of that meant. I did now, and I was scared. I fell asleep for several more hours. My mind was still filtering through everything I had just learned. I was now HIV positive. A lead pastor, a straight virgin, was now poz from having been fucked four times by a gay man. What had I done? Moments from the night played in my head, the way I sucked his dick, the way he inserted his fingers inside me. I could still feel his cock inside me. I could taste the cum. I could feel his warm body against mine, holding me close. It all felt amazing. It all felt like exactly what I wanted. Why can’t you have it, my mind asked? If Dominic can have it and he’s poz, why can’t you? You loved being with him. You loved having him inside you. You loved tasting him and smelling him. You never imagined sex with a woman being that good. Why run away from something that can feel so right? Maybe your life isn’t ending. Maybe it’s just beginning. I woke up, my eyes glancing over to my alarm clock where I could see it was early morning Tuesday. I’d missed Monday entirely. I turned over and searched the room, finding Dominic standing in the corner, his phone to his ear. “I won’t be in today,” he said. “I’ll be out for a few days. Reschedule my appointments if you have to. Thanks, Chris.” He turned back to me and caught my eye. “Hey,” he said. “How do you feel?” “Bad,” I told him. “But not as bad.” He nodded. “Still hate me?” I thought about this seriously. Yes, there was a part of me that was furious, but there was an even greater part of me that found the whole idea exciting. “No,” I said. He smiled. “Good.” “I feel warm,” I moaned, pushing at the covers. “Here,” he said, pulling them off me. As he did, my naked body was revealed. Both of us took notice of my hard cock. “You know,” he said, “Sometimes, while you’re converting is when you’re the most horny.” “Really?” I asked. My hand moved down to my cock and took hold. “You’re right,” I groaned. Dominic pulled his shirt off and removed his pants, revealing no underwear underneath. “You look ready to go,” I said. “Well, call me hopeful,” he said. “I was almost sure you weren’t going to kick me out. I wanted to be ready.” I smiled. “Hold on,” he said, running out of my bedroom. He came back in with a water bottle. “Remember this” he asked, shaking the contents. “These were some of your last negative loads,” he said. “I wanted to save them to use as lube for when we fucked again.” “How romantic,” I said. I was too weak to lift my legs, so Dominic did it for me, resting my legs over his shoulders. He opened the bottle and poured out my cum into his hand, rubbing it on my asshole and then rubbing it on his dick. What remained he poured on my cock. “Use your neg loads to shoot our your first poz load,” he said, rubbing his own dick. “Fuck yeah,” I said, jerking my cock. He lined up his dick and pushed inside, my ass resisting the intrusion. I winced at the pain. “Here’s some poppers,” he said, holding out the vial. He pressed down on my nostril as I breathed in. Then he moved to the other one. Once I was high enough, he closed the vial and threw it to the side. He started pumping into me, his rhythm quick and sharp. “Are you ready for another dose of poz cum?” “Yes, Daddy,” I said, jerking my cock. “You want my dirty load?” “Yes.” “You want me to infect you again?” “Yes.” “Don’t shoot without warning me,” he said. “I want to collect it in the bottle he said. You understand?” I nodded. He kept fucking me, my ass tearing open again. “There’s a lot of blood on my dick,” he said, smearing it on his fingers. He slipped his fingers into my hole along with is cock, resulting in a cry of pain from me. “That feel good?” “Yes, Daddy.” He pulled out his fingers and reached them out to me. “Taste your hole.” I stuck out my tongue as he reached his fingers inside my mouth. I could taste my cum, my ass juices, and my blood. All together, it tasted amazing. “I’m going to cum, Daddy,” I moaned, my hand picking up its pace on my cock. Dominic grabbed the water bottle and did his best to hold the opening to my piss slit. “I’m cumming,” I cried. “I’m cumming.” “Do it. Shoot your first poz load.” I cried as my cock shot out ropes of cum into the bottle, hitting the back and pooling inside. After nearly twelve pulses from my cock, my orgasm subsided, leaving me panting for breath. “Fucking hot,” Dominic said, holding the bottle up to his eyes. “Now, I want you to drink it the moment I start coming. Do you understand?” “Yes, Daddy,” I said, taking the bottle and holding it close. Dominic continued to fuck my ass, his pace speeding up as his breathing became shallow. “Here it comes,” he said, his eyes locked on mine as I lifted the bottle to my mouth. “Are you ready? I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” I poured my poz load into my mouth, holding it over my tongue, savoring the flavor of what I would soon taste every time I came. Dominic’s body shook until his orgasm subsided. His chest was heaving. I watched the hairy beast of a man who had pozzed me with wonder. Never had I imagined wanting to be with anyone as much as I wanted to be with Dominic. He was everything a man should be. He was perfect. For a brief moment, I realized something that both scared me and filled me with the greatest happiness. I believed Dominic was the one person I could truly love. The fuck flu lasted several more days. Once I was feeling good enough to move around on my own, I insisted that Dominic return to work. “You’ve got bills to pay,” I told him. “I’ll be back tonight,” he said. “Have your jock on, ready to fuck.” “I will.” “Do you think you’ll feel better in time?” he asked. “To fuck?” “No,” he said, smiling. “For your job? Remember, you’re a man of God.” “Oh,” I said, admittedly forgetting all about the church. “I don’t know. Maybe.” “Could be hot,” he said. “I’d love seeing you up there preaching, knowing that I converted your ass but no one else knows.” “There’s no way anyone can know, right?” “You don’t have the biohazard symbol on your forehead,” he said. “Speaking of which, once we get you tested, do you want a biohazard tattoo?” “I never thought about getting a tattoo,” I told him. “Show me yours.” Dominic smiled. “You just want me to undo my pants and lift my shirt.” “I like seeing your body,” I told him. He undid his pants and lifted his shirt, revealing his tattoo. Admittedly, it did look hot. Knowing what it meant, knowing that it was proof of him being poz, being dangerous, it intensified his sexiness hundredfold. I reached out and pressed my hand against the tattoo, feeling his warm skin. “You’re getting me hard,” he said. “And you know I don’t have time to fuck.” “I’ll think about the tattoo,” I said. “If I say yes, will you do it?” “I wouldn’t have anyone else,” he said, kissing me. “What about a Prince Albert?” “You know I don’t know what that is.” “If I don’t tell you, it’ll be easier to get you to do it.” “Like when you converted me?” “Exactly.” “What is it?” “It’s a piercing,” he said. “It’s a metal ring through the head of your dick.” Just the idea made me wince. “I don’t think so.” “Could be hot.” “Keep thinking that.” “Fine,” he said. “I’ll see you later.”
    22 points
  2. connor marched confidently down the sidewalk, his shoulder length black hair in the breeze, counting the houses along the way as he imagined his perfect first date. "abby" he nodded, fondly remembering the profile online. as he climbed the steps to the wood clad shotgun house he no sooner rapped against the door as it suddenly opened. "hey." remarked a sandy redheded guy in baggy jeans and a sleeveless shirt. "is...abby here?" the boy smiled in response. "oh yeah! come on in my dude." Connor followed the young man down the narrow hall and into a living room as the television blared. "she literally just got into the shower. takes fucking forever...girls right?" connor nodded with a smile. "feel free to hang out and wait." Connor sat back on the futon and opened his phone. "Beer? its the end of the week, i always go for a cold one." The redhead thrust a can toward him. "sure" connor smiled as he sent a quick message to abby, letting her know he was waiting patiently, and settled back to watch the nonchalant redhead pick up his controller and dive back into whatever game was on the flatscreen. the minutes seemed to crawl slowly by as his once passing interest in the game gave way to struggling to even keep his head up. "Hey what did you say your name was again?" the boy remarked coldly as he stood up flipped the TV off. Connor struggled to dumbly squeeze out the first syllable of his name and as he slowly tried to rise from the couch, the red headed boy suddenly appeared before him face to face. "doesnt matter..." he muttered as he gently pressed a finger into the dazed boys chest, sending him crashing back onto the couch. Connor roused wide-eyed and with a sore head at the distant tintinabulation of oldies music. squinting in what appeared to be...another room? his heart began to pound as pieces of his situation came at him full speed. his eyes darting around, he appeared to be shackled to a..sling? stripped of his clothes. "someone fucking help me!!" he wailed, panic setting in as he rattled in futility against his padded restraints. but there came no response, only a low humming from the dark corner hall. "I'm as corny as Kansas in August.." Connors head darted about to try to locate the source of the oration. "High as a flag on...the Fourth of July..." came a slow refrain once again from the alto voice. "Hello?!?! who are you!?" Connor again strained his wrists as the trod of footsteps grew nearer. "No more a smart..." peeked from the darkness a 6'4 blonde boy with piercing green eyes and a shoulder bag, making his way closer. "little girl with no heart..." he strut forward theatrically a few steps, paused, and standing tall at the side of the sling leaned in to whisper, "I have found me a wonderful guy." Connor once again bellowed a cry for help, which was mockingly roared back with a smile, silencing his protest in shock. "It wouldnt be much of a dungeon, if people could hear you. Please try to calm down." the shapely boy stepped back to open his bag, sorting through various objects. "who are you? what is this? where is Abby." connor asked pensively. "Oh Im Corbin," the boy smiled a cheshire grin back to him once again, his pierced lips and nose glinting in the light. "Is that what we called her this time? how basic. Tiffany, now thats a name. I guess we didnt want to scare you off with too much formality." Corbin set his bag on the stand next to the captive young man and continued. "so...there never was one. My friends and I post these heartfelt little profiles online, and nice young men like yourself jump at them like flies to a bugzapper..." Corbin idly tugged at one of the chains as he continued. "See this weekend youre what we call the fuckstick. a free cock anyone can jump on and a hot little hole they can fill, no questions asked, and drain their balls all over you. I mean compared to online dating its perfect. no awkward hookups or small talk or status, just strrrrraddle the fuckstick and make it happen." Corbin beamed as he began unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his toned alabaster abs, firm chest, and little black scorpion tattoo nestled just below his bellybutton. "im not gay." Connor protested obstinately. "I dont care mr..." Corbin fished out a wallet and peered into it, "connor. it doesnt matter." Corbin tossed the leather bifold aside and slid off his pants, picking up a large black marker. "I dont fuck dudes." connor roared once again in protest as the boy smirked, looming over his writhing form with ease and gripping a fistful of the boys long hair. "You fuck what i tell you to fuck, fuckstick." Corbin quickly sneered into his ear. "my name is Connor" the boy spat back as he was greeted with a slap across the face. "wrong. Connors not here this weekend, what is your name?" Corbin paused to watch the boy spit on him. "yummo..but not the right answer. what is your name?" Corbin wiped the spit from his face and into his mouth before winding up and slapping the boy again. As anger gave way to frustration, Connor shouted one last time in desparation, only to be rewarded once again with the sting of the boys hand across his face. "Baby, all you need to do, is just tell me your name..." Connors hopelessness momentarily gave way to blubbering as the dominant man gently brushed his cheek. "Fuck...stick." Connor whispered through clenched teeth. "Thats right such a pretty little fuckstick, now lie still.." Corbin brushed aside an errant tear from the boys face and ran his hand through his hair one last time before uncapping the marker and slowly stenciling his new name across his chest. "there we go. wouldnt be a very good fuckstick if people didnt know you were one." Corbin lectured at the defeated boy, gently pulling his long clear piece of plastic tubing nearer, "we're all hooked up and ready fuckstick, so this will only take a second." Connors heart began to race as he took immediate notice of the IV line in his arm. "what is this please dont do this.." he blurted one last time as Corbin began administering the needle into his line, "nice deep breaths for me fuckstick, the medicine is good for you..." Corbin slowly stroked the boys chest as a dim expression washed over his face. "see im really what you call more of a compliance officer or a coach i guess?" Corbin smiled as he felt the boys pulse slow and the struggling end "it doesnt matter. I help you get nice and ready." the ringing in connors ears was distraction enough as he felt the soft warm hand on his chest, Why was he here again? he sighed as the lights in the room seemed to dance about, only eventually gazing down to see corbins tattooed fist pump away at his uncut cock. "there we are fuckstick nice and high. nine whole inches! just like your profile said isnt it? im so glad you werent a fibber. does it feel good in my hand? lie back and let it leak a little for me slut im just getting to know you. we have all night." Had it been minutes? days? connor could barely keep track of what was happening in the room as his dick seemed to throb and ache all on its own, rock hard. "never shaved here?" Connor came back to earth just long enough to notice his dick had been marinating in a pool of its own precum. "whah?" he slurred curiously. He couldnt remember why he had to be here anymore, but Corbin seemed oddly familiar. "im not surprised, most straight guys dont..." Corbin remarked as he draped a warm wet towel over the young mans cock. "First rule of being a good fuckstick, people need to see your big pretty tool" filling his palm with shaving gel he idly remarked, "my daddy mostly taught me to keep shaved, see?" Corbin pulled his jock open to reveal his six inch pierced and tattooed uncut cock. "not a hair anywhere. now you..." Corbin pulled back the towel and began lathering the squirming boy up. "are you ticklish?" Corbin asked amusedly as he held the boys hips in place. "I remember my first time too, a little conscious, a little not, like a nice dream you cant wake up from. but! i was a good boy just like you fuckstick." Corbin smiled and Connor couldnt help but return his expression. "Sit still now." Corbin whispered and carefully razored the boy as he hummed along, removing his once full bush to expose the soft bare flesh below and as he wiped the last of the shaving cream he gave one final inspection before nodding to himself proudly. "now for the jewelery. not that youll need it since you were a very good boy and took your medicine. its just nice to see around a cock." Corbin reached back into his shoulder bag and produced a steel cockring. "this might be just a little cold at first, but it keeps that big greasy fuckmeat where people can appreciate it." Connor barely registered as he felt his prick, followed by each nut slowly slide into the ring which was pushed firmly against him. he briefly felt exposed as the metal seemed to do just what was advertised and push his genitals lewdly from his body. "I never know what our party guests prefer, fuzzy wuzzy or shaved...its so hard to really get it right you know?" Corbin tugged the boys hips closer, exposing him further as he pulled his cheeks apart, "not like your dosage. your weights right on your profile! it makes it so easy to keep you flying first class." Corbin looked up at the boy as he ran an index finger across his virgin asshole, eliciting a soft gasp. "thats right. feels so naughty doesnt it? am i the first boy to touch it for you? i suppose a little hair is okay fuckstick. youve got a very pretty little hole." popping the top off a tub of vaseline he held his greased fingers just at the precipice of the boys soft, forbidden entrance. "I know you probably dont trust me right now, but i promise, in just a few minutes youre going to open up like you never thought you could.
    9 points
  3. PART SEVEN "Let's go then," Jerome said and I unsteadily got to my feet to walk with him. "No need to lead the way," he said. "I've been over more than a few times before!" As we walked side by side, he burrowed a couple of fingers into my well-used hole. "Gosh, if you really were a virgin before David got a hold of you, that's well & truly over now!" I leant forward a little bit as we walked to give him easier access to my hole. "You're an instinctual bottom, the guys at the party are gonna love you". I was so excited to meet them! "I think it's only a queen, of course, but we'll make do" Jerome laughed as he lay on the bed, looking up at me. I knew where we wanted me, and I gently lay on top of him, my head on his chest. I was still so fucking horny, but I wanted to learn more about him. "Did you go to Mardi Gras with your friends?" "No, they all did but I didn't. I don't really like going to the Mardi Gras." "I'm sorry to hear that, I had a great time!" I replied, as I kissed his chest. "I'm sure you did! It's a wonderful time of year, and you'll go to some more perhaps." "I certainly plan to!" smiling up at him, as I kissed around his belly. "Why didn't you go?" "Just brings back too many memories for me of people that aren't here any more." "Oh, is that why you have the survivors party?" his hardening cock was under my chin now as my kisses went lower & lower. "That's exactly right, to remember the friends we've lost but also to bring some joy back into the group." Even though I could see some sadness in his eyes, his dick was rock hard. "Well I certainly hope I can do that" as I started to straddle him, looking into his eyes as I began to guide his cock into my hole. "Given what an insatiable slut you are, they're going to love you!" he laughed and he pulled me into a deep kiss as his cock started to fill up my eager hole. God, I remembered the times when I used to say someone was a slut in a derogatory way, now I took it as the greatest compliment! The thought of pleasing a whole bunch of guys like Jerome made me feel like I was on heat. I'd lost track of time while Jerome & I were kissing but I could feel someone move onto the end of the bed. I guess David was coming into say goodnight to us both. Jerome gently pulled me up a little further & I could feel two pairs of hands on my arse, both sets pulling hard on my cheeks. Not long after, I felt something pressing both against my hole, and Jerome's cock. Looking back, I could see David slowly trying to inch his dick inside me. "I don't think I can...I need the amyl!" I moaned, looking back. David slapped me across the face, "Shut the fuck up, if you want to go to Jerome's party you need to be able to do this without them." Jerome stroked my reddening cheek, "I know you can do it my boy, just open up for the two of us..." Looking into his eyes, it was like I was hypnotised. While I enjoyed David's roughness I did enjoy Jerome's tenderness as well. "I can feel him...he's almost there..." he whispered in my ears while I was almost blacking out from pain. I let out a scream as David gave one final thrust. "THERE he is! What a good boy...." The feeling was an incredible mix of pain & pleasure as I rocked between the two men. I knew my hole was being totally wrecked but I didn't really care now. I knew my role was to bring joy to men, as Jerome said, and that would be my purpose in life from now on. David grabbed my throat hard with one hand, and my arse clenched instinctively with the pain. Both men groaned in the pleasure my tightened arse gave them, while I passed out between them as David choked me. END OF PART SEVEN
    5 points
  4. This guy comes into town every other weekend or so, sometimes to visit family, but usually to visit the ABS. He's in his 40s and in pretty good shape, always has some scruff, and has a monster dick. He's a bi guy with a few kids (we even talked about what they did for him for Father's Day, just before we hooked up) which makes him so much hotter in my books, since he loves taking dick up the ass. We've played together several times when he's in town and he happens to love public sex like I do. We normally find a very out of the way place somewhere, usually in the back of his car, where absolutely nobody is ever going to see us. We also usually use condoms. This time, I was lying in bed around 1:30 am, up way later then I wanted to be. I was way too horny to sleep - all I could think about was someone sliding inside of me but I wasn't getting any hits on the apps. Finally, I see this guy on. I had seen him on earlier and messaged him, but he was probably balls-deep in some other guy, but I asked if he wanted to fuck me. He had just gotten off in someone unfortunately, so I went with my fallback plan: "Can I fuck you?" He was down for that. He happened to be on his way home so we quickly came up with a spot nearby where he'd wait for me to find him. Before, we usually chose spots nobody would even see our vehicles. This time we chose a park and ride. Several of the cars still had people in them. I got into the backseat of his car, where he'd laid the seats down and he was already naked. I joined him and he immediately started lubing up his ass. This time he didn't mention a condom. Neither did I. He laid down on his back and spread his legs for me and I plunged my raw cock inside his cheating hole and fucked him until he got hard, came, and finally made me cum inside of him. We cleaned up and then I left, passing a car with its headlights on and the guy inside just staring at me. I don't think this guy and I are going to be using condoms anymore.
    4 points
  5. Note: I got the idea for this after seeing a bunch of video clips of a guy called Timothy Champagne. He’s tall and muscled with shaggy blonde hair and tops a bunch of guys in videos. A total stud with a handsome face, a great smile and in all the clips he looks like he’s having a blast. Not generally my my type (a little lean and hairless) but something about him is supremely sexy. Matt is basically that guy as I imagine him. Adam is like a young Atlas Grant. Matt: It was early on a weekday afternoon at the beach. Matt had spent the whole morning surfing in the rough waves, and was done. He knew the guy sitting on the bench was staring at him. The fags always wanted to suck his cock when he came to the beach to surf. Why not? Matt is 25, 6’2”, 180 lbs of lean muscle, furry blonde chest and beard and a nice fat cock with a super furry blonde ass. He basically fucked anything with a hole, no matter what gender. He liked fags because they were always more direct about hitting on him and he rarely turned them down. Plus fags didn’t mind when he fucked them hard and slapped them around a bit. Didn’t matter their age, younger ones were hot, older ones often wanted to pay him. He never turned down money for a fuck. It kept him in weed and T. Matt had rolled down the top of his wet suit, opened the back of his van and started to put his gear away. As soon as it was all stowed, he looked over at the fag trying to be inconspicuous but doing a piss poor job of it. The guy couldn’t stop touching his dick while watching Matt. So Matt decided to put on a little show. The beach was mostly deserted, just a a few other people were out surfing and only a few cars were in the parking lot with no people visible. The only other person was the fag who couldn’t stop staring. He rolled the rest of his wet suit down and took it off, standing behind the van, completely naked. Matt loved the sun on his naked body and it was a gorgeous sunny California day in the 80s. Matt shook his wet suit a little bit to get some more of the water out and leaned over to lay it out in the back of the van, making sure to show off his furry ass so the fag could see it. Matt stole a glance and noticed that the guy was playing with his dick even more obviously through his shorts. This little cat and mouse game was about to get Matt a nice cunt to breed. He stood up and stretched out completely, letting the warm air dry his skin off, then he grabbed his fat uncut dick and started to play with it, looking directly at the kid sitting on the bench. He quickly got hard and the kid’s eyes got bigger and bigger, like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Matt crooked his finger and called the kid over. At first he didn’t move but after a few seconds, the kid got up and walked to Matt’s van quickly. He didn’t say a word, he just stared at Matt’s cock. Fags were so easy to use. “Get in the van, dude.” The kid just stood there, staring at Matt. “Come on man, get in. NOW.” Suddenly the kid looked up, startled and said “Oh. Sure.” He climbed in the back of Matt’s van and crouched there. Matt just laughed and thought “this is gonna be fun.” He climbed in after the kid, still completely naked and pulled the rear doors shut. There were a couple of pillows and a sleeping bag in the back for emergencies. Matt grabbed the sleeping bag and unzipped it while the kid just sat there, mesmerized. “Come on, man, get naked. Gonna fuck your ass. But first, have a taste.” The kid hesitated again and again, Matt just said “NOW.” The kid quickly shucked his clothes and Matt liked what he saw. The kid was short, thick and furry. About 5’5” and a muscled torso covered in black hair. Matt told him to turn around and he did without saying a word. “Nice little furry hole there. You like getting fucked dude?” “Um. Sometimes. I’m not very experienced, to be honest.” The kid blushed which was really cute, and Matt just laughed. “Don’t worry man, I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m a nice guy who’s horny all the fucking time. What’s your name? How old are you?” “Adam. I’m 20.” “Good, now get over here and suck my cock.” This time Matt didn’t have to tell the kid twice. He sat down on the floor on the sleeping bag, and propped the pillows behind his back so he could lean against the wall of the van while the fag got busy. Adam took most of Matt’s fat dick in his mouth and started sucking it immediately. It was a little toothy at first, so Matt pulled his mouth up by Adam’s curly hair and said “watch your fucking teeth, fag.” Adam immediately responded “Yes, sir!” and shoved the fat surfer cock down his entire throat. He was getting a good rhythm going, taking all of Matt’s cock on every stroke and Matt grabbed him by the ears and started to regulate the depth and speed of the blow job. “That’s better, faggot.” Matt slowed down and sped up, taking as much pleasure as he could from the cute kid’s mouth. But he was ready for more so after a few minutes, he slowed the kid’s mouth down and held him in place as Matt’s cock throbbed, lodged all the way down Adam’s throat. He started to push back, clearly having a hard time breathing and Matt held onto his head. Finally he released Adam and the fag came up for air, gasping with his face covered in spit. After he caught his breath, Adam moved to go back down on Matt’s cock but Matt pulled his face up and started kissing him hard on the mouth. The kid responded immediately with a moan and melted into Matt’s arms. Matt reached down behind the kid and started touching his hole. He pulled Adam away from a deep kiss and stuck his fingers in Adam’s mouth to lube them up, then reached down and started playing with Adam’s furry cunt. The kid moaned again, deeper and more desperate. Matt could tell this was going to be fun. After he spent some time playing with Adam’s hole, Matt pulled him in close again and started teasing Adam’s newly lubed up hole with his fat hard cock. “Do you have any rubbers?” Adam asked. “No. Gonna fuck you anyway.” “Um. I. Um.” Matt laughed since he knew just how to fix this problem. He grabbed the back of Adam’s head and pulled him in close for another deep kiss, all the while playing with his butthole. The hole was relaxed and clean, so Matt knew it was a matter of time before Adam let him in his hole raw. After a couple of minutes of making out and ass play, Adam pulled away from Matt, out of breath and said “fuck it man. I can’t wait to have your cock in me. Just don’t cum inside, OK?” “Sure, kid. Whatever you say.” Matt smiled his big goofy surfer boy smile, kissed the kid again and slowly maneuvered Adam’s butt onto his cock. Considering Matt’s long, fat cock, he was impressed that Adam took it all the way down the root in one continuous, slow push. He continued to kiss Adam as the kid impaled himself on the huge cock. Once Adam was at the root of his cock, he reached over and opened a zippered pouch, pulling out a glass pipe and a baggie. “Sit still for a second, kid. We’re gonna have some fun. You got anywhere you need to be?” Adam just moaned and said “fuck no. I was bored so I decided to come watch guys surf and walk on the beach.” Matt laughed and said “never thought you’d end up with a surfer dude’s cock in your cunt, did you.” Adam moaned again and said “fuck, no. But I fucking love it.” Matt laughed again and said “OK, sit still for a second, so I can load the pipe.” “I don’t do drugs,” Adam said. “You do now,” Matt replied, quickly loaded the pipe and lit it, melting the large shards in the bottom of the bowl while expertly maneuvering the bowl so nothing burned. He took a huge hit off the pipe, and then pulled a still reluctant Adam in for a shotgun and a kiss. He looked surprised when Matt started to exhale the smoke into his lungs, but quickly realized what he was supposed to do and breathed in. They shared the first hit back and forth until it was gone, and then Matt turned the pipe around and explained to Adam how to smoke it. They traded shotguns for a few minutes while Matt’s rock hard cock was still lodged up his hole. Finally, Matt set the pipe down in a safe spot, pulled Adam in to make out with him again and started moving his hips to fuck Adam’s hole. The kid moaned loudly as his ass started to quickly adjust to accept the cock that was invading it. Matt started to move the kid up and down on his dick, which caused Adam to moan even more. “How’s that feel?” “Fuck, Matt. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so fucking horny in my life!” He was panting loudly as Matt picked up speed, fucking his furry little cunt. Matt laughed and said “it’s the T. Makes everyone horny. Most guys can’t get hard with it, but it just makes my dick harder." Matt reached down and touched Adam’s cock which was completely soft. “See? You can’t get hard, just proves you’re a fagdump for loads.” Adam just moaned more loudly and said “I don’t fucking care what I am, just never stop fucking my hole!” Matt laughed and said “That’s the reaction I usually get. Now let’s get the first load in your cunt and then head back to my place. I think we can probably have some fun all day.” Matt turned Adam around and laid him on his back on the pillows so he could pound the kid’s cunt. “Let’s get this first load out of the way so we can spend more time fucking your pussy in my apartment.” Matt picked up the pace and started really pounding the kid’s hole, which just caused him to moan louder and beg to be fucked harder. All fags are the same. They all wanted his big cock, and they all wanted it hard and rough. After a couple minutes of pounding Adam’s big ass, Matt leaned down to him, grinned and whispered “Are you sure you want me to pull out? Are you SURE?” Adam just grabbed onto Matt’s ass and pulled him as deep as possible inside. “FUUUUUCK man! No! Don’t pull out! Please! I gotta have your load in my hole! No one ever fucked me like this before. I need it!” Matt leaned down again and kissed the kid while he pounded Adam’s hole mercilessly. “Gonna breed ya. Gonna breed ya. Gonna breed ya…..take it you fucking faggot! NOW.” Finally, he buried himself as deeply as possible in Adam’s hole and let loose with a huge load of cum. Adam could feel Matt’s cock throbbing inside his cunt and reached back to, once again, pull Matt as deeply as possible inside. They both caught their breath and Matt’s cock started to soften. He immediately rolled Adam over onto his shoulders so his ass was sticking straight up in the air. Matt reached over and opened another bag and pulled out a nice sized butt plug. He grinned at Adam and said “don’t want lose that load when we’re going to my house.” Adam smiled and let the plug slip inside of his raw ass lips. He moaned again when the plug hit home and laid down flat for a minute. Matt started to get ready to leave, putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top, commando of course. Adam started to get dressed as well, when Matt said “nope. No clothes for you. You’re gonna give me road head while we go back to my apartment. Keep the plug in and clean off my dick. It’s not far.” Adam was completely smitten and obeyed without thinking. His brain was partially addled by the drugs and partly by the fuck he’d just taken but he couldn’t think of saying no, and didn’t even think about his car parked down the row. He just crouched down next to Matt sitting in the driver’s seat. Matt started the van and pulled his cock out through the fly of his shorts. “OK, fag. Suck it while I drive.” Adam started sucking Matt’s hard cock immediately and didn’t even look up. A few minutes later they drove up in front of a small house and pulled into the driveway. Matt pulled Adam’s head off his cock and said “OK. Take a break. Let’s go inside.” Adam started to get dressed again, but Matt just grabbed his clothes and said “follow me.” Adam didn’t even think of refusing. He just got out of the van and followed Matt to the front door and went inside not caring who saw his naked, plugged ass.
    4 points
  6. There’s a lot to unpack here. You are conflicted on multiple levels because: 1. You’re uncertain how to approach accepting a homosexual or at least bisexual orientation given that your circle of people - and therefore we assume your upbringing - is largely conservative; 2. You have discovered not only that you like sex with men and feel strongly drawn to continue doing it, but you also find yourself drawn to relatively abusive and potentially dangerous couplings; 3. You had experiences involving substances and you credit those substances with greatly enhancing your sexual experience, but at the same time recognize the danger they represent and the physical harm they likely caused you; 4. You went into it with a fear of disease which was then borne out by your catching STDs, though not specifically HIV; 5. You fear an inability to control your own impulses; and 6. You come at this with a self-esteem issue that tells you that you aren’t worthy to be healthy and that you should do self-destructive things. Let’s start with No. 6. Many of the previous issues likely have their root in the last one. I would strongly recommend that you seek counseling not about your orientation, sexual proclivity, or drug use specifically, but to try to determine what drives down your self-worth, and work on building it up. A positive self-realization is necessary for a healthy acceptance of one’s own orientation and sexuality, and essential in being open about it with the people you know. Positive self-assessment provides the basis of confidence that allows one to sensibly judge risk versus reward, and to reject outside influences that are not in one’s interests. It allows you to place a realistic value on yourself and your health, and therefore be able to realistically determine whether having sex a certain way, or with a certain person, or using a certain substance, is in fact a good idea. Intentionally self-destructive acts are irrational, and point to maladaptive thought processes. You say that the primary feelings causing you distress are fear, shame, and unworthiness. Some of this appears to be based in internal conflict between your awakening desires and self-awareness, and the particularly and unfortunately negative consequences of your initial attempts. Had you not fallen prey to the types of men who used you in that way, your outlook might be different. It may be, therefore, that any determinative decision you make about your future along these lines will require further experience of a more representative range of possible partners. Other issues are clearly based in misinformation or incorrect assumptions. For instance, you seem to have bought into the notion that acquiring HIV is a benefit because you can then stop worrying about catching it. This is utterly misleading. Catching HIV only means you get to start worrying about having it, and you never get to stop thinking about it, not for a single day for the rest of your life. Forget that bullshit immediately and get on PrEP if you’re going to bareback. Don’t be a fool. No, this lifestyle isn’t an absolute guarantee of HIV, nor is HIV a death sentence if you get it (unless you refuse treatment), but you will face a significantly increased risk if you choose to fuck bareback. You buy your ticket and you take your chances. That’s it. Parachuting out of an airplane isn’t a guaranteed death either, but you’re much more likely to die doing it than if you stay on the ground. You’re afraid to try because you’re afraid you can’t resist your impulses? Nonsense. You just told us that you’ve resisted your own impulses so thoroughly that you haven’t let yourself have sex in over a year. Your impulse control is fine. What you lack is confidence in yourself. As to the drugs: Contrary to what any number of men on this site may say, Methamphetamine is bad shit and can damage your brain at the level of its ability to process neurotransmitters, among other things, quite aside from being horribly addicting and having a tendency to leave users with mouths full of rotten teeth. Sound attractive? No? I didn’t think so. Before you make the decision to devote yourself to a sex life marinated in chems, I strongly suggest that you give it a solid try without any of them and see how it works for you. You may find that not only do you not need them to have a good time, you’ll be better off for not having to take a week off work recovering from drug withdrawal. You sound like you’ve been doing a lot of diving in the deep end of the pool before you’ve really learned to swim. I’d spend some time in the shallow end if I were you.
    4 points
  7. While it's sometimes challenging to remain polite, if I can, you can too. Here's the list of House members who voted, and how they voted on the protection of marriage bill, which passed the House. If your Representative failed to vote yes, sent them emails, send them texts, and express your complete and total dissatisfaction with their vote. Mine have already heard from me via electronic means several times, but the actual written letters - which I blush to say are my particularly delightful specialty - won't arrive at their offices for a couple of days. There is a way to politely suggest they go perform a physically impossible sexual act upon themselves. [think before following links] https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022373 As always, be careful of cutting/copying, all of that. If you're not confident, merely type the preceding into your search engine. And, VOTE !!!!!
    3 points
  8. Given the risk of STIs when we fuck raw, and the fact that there are already drug-resistant strains of common STIs - we'd be kinda fucked if one of those strains to become common. (One of the reasons why I've banned STD fetish on this site.) Were that to happen, getting gonorrhea or chlamydia could require hospitalization. There are 20 million STI infections in the US each year - so this is a BIG problem. And given how poorly a Democratic-led administration is handling Monkeypox, if a Republican is in the White House even less will probably be done since they'll see it as "the wages of sin". BUT THERE'S GOOD NEWS! Rockefeller University is this weird little university here in Manhattan - squeezed into a campus along the East River. No one talks about it all that much, but I keep seeing their name pop up in relation to scientific advances - so they're doing something right… Put into easier terms - antibiotics come from bacteria (since bacteria fight each other). But many bacteria can't be grown in the lab which severely limits the antibiotics that can be studied and deployed. Rockefeller scientists figured out how to create synthetic versions of the bacteria so we can study and deploy a much wider range of antibiotics. They seem to already have one that works on some rather nasty bugs, but many more could from the process they've come up with. Here's the full article with more detail… https://apple.news/Aud-NfBU3R7Sh1kOugUiOfw
    3 points
  9. I hate to sound selfish, I don't like to see others become ill or not have the opportunity to protect themselves. So if I appear to be gloating I apologize. I really hope BZ members take this subject seriously. Less than 24 hours ago it was reported that the state of Florida had received 25,000 doses of the vaccine and they would be distributed based on the number of cases in each county. So for those in Florida I would advise you to ack quickly. Call your doctor or if you are involved with any Ryan White program contact your case manager as they may be able to tell you where you can schedule an appointment. I am very happy for my fellow BZ members who have either gotten the vaccine or have scheduled appointments. That is fantastic news and I have really happy for you guys. I hope everyone will take this seriously and act as quickly as possible to protect themselves.
    3 points
  10. Remember, this was only a fiction story, none of this should be done in real life. Of course jerking off to it isn't that bad, lol I will be working on the next installment of the kid soon
    3 points
  11. Fictional story Well it was a Friday night and me and my boyfriend are out with his friend Alessandro. We found a nice chill place, a small booth across from the long bar. I'm not a big fan of Alessandro. He makes me feel a little awkward. He's super cute. Totally my type. I'm obviously sexually attracted to him but I have to do everything possible to make sure nobody is aware of that. So I end up being awkward. I try not to even look his way. I've done it a couple of times and I caught his eye. I know one time my boyfriend saw it. Never mentioned it once. But I could tell he saw it and I was never sure if Alessandro was giving me the look or if it was just an awkward situation. But I knew I made it worse. My boyfriend had to run to the bathroom and then was gonna go to the bar, wait in the super long line and grab us more drinks. My boyfriend gets up, and we look at each other. "So." He says, hoping to jumpstart a conversation. "So." I responded, trying to come up with a topic. "I've seen you online..." He said, laughing a little. "What do you mean??" My first thought was maybe he saw my profile on Facebook and maybe wanted to add me or something. "You mean like Facebook," I asked. "Lol. No. I mean, uhmm. Something like "Raw dick 4 cumdump holes, lol". He responding, alluding to my profile on a bareback hookup site. "What the fuck are you talking about??" I responded. "Lol. Don't play dumb. I know you're a sleazeball." He said, in an accusatory tone, but still laughing a little. "So what??? Are you gonna say something??" I asked, now getting a little nervous. "I'm trying to stop." I pleaded. "Dude, relax! It will be our little secret." He stopped for a second and took the last sip of his drink. "You're a bad boy" he continued, laughing a little but giving me seductive looks. "You're a really bad boy." "What?? What are you talking about??" I responded back, a little more relaxed but still a little nervous. "I know you like it nasty. " He said in an accusatory tone. "What, what do you mean? What do you know?" "You fucked my friend Mark. White guy, cumdump on the north side." He responding laughing back at me. "What? I don't know what you are talking about." My mind started scanning for Mark who lived on the Northside. I couldn't think of anyone and then it hit me. Fuck yeah. He was a big slut. He pulled in closer to me, seductively looking into my eyes "You wanna fuck me? You wanna show me how nasty you get? Let me see how you handle the biggest slut in town." I looked up and I could see my boyfriend coming, distracted a little with our drinks and and his other friend Scott who was carrying the third drink and his own. "He's coming" I whispered and we moved back into our seats. "Omg that took forever. That muscle-y bartender with the beard??? That guy is so slow." "I was wondering where you were. You're boyfriend is boring me" Alessandro said rolling his eyes up. "Is he talking about football again?? Nobody fucking cares about it babe." My boyfriend said making fun of me for talking about football in the past. I was still in shock. My blood was rushing all over my body. I was trying to calm down so as to not draw attention to my boyfriend. "Babe, we're joking! You're so sensitive!" "Yeah, you're are too sensitive! But it's sexy. He's still a cutie" Alessandro responded looking at my boyfriend. "Yeah he's still a cutie" my boyfriend responded as he wrestled me playfully. My boyfriend turned to kiss me, then grabbed my arm and made out with me. As we pulled away for a split second I saw Alessandro locking into my eyes, and then signalling to look down as he exposed his jock. My cock jumped in my pants. It was harder than ever. It was pounding. "Damn baby, he gets horny when we kiss. He's always horny." My boyfriend says while holding my cock over my shorts. "I bet he does" Alessandro says and he laughs a little. We ended up leaving the bar and heading back to Allessandro's place, which was only a few blocks away. He lived 5 stories up a mid-rise building. I feel like this was all starting to be set up this way. We get up to his apartment and me, my boyfriend, Scott and Scott's friend Juan and Alessandro enter the apartment with all of the guests looking around. Everyone makes their way to the living room and sits on the couch and an arm chair. My boyfriend sits on me on top of the arm chair. We kiss back and forth and he'll look back at his friends and respond to their questions. "Just sit here and look pretty" he said to me in a joking manner. "Oh shit, there's no beer. Or Wine. I thought I had at least a bottle of wine." Alessandro couldn't find any alcohol. "Oh, well we can go get some." My boyfriend asked as he looked up at Alessandro. "Yeah that's no problem, it's just around the corner. Someone wanna come with me?" I didn't want to respond so fast. I wanted to go, but I didn't want to make obvious so I didn't say anything. "Yeah, no problem I can go." My boyfriend's friend responded. "NO! Lol. Baby go up and help him. " My boyfriend said. "No, no it's no problem, I can do it." His friend responded again. "NO! Babe, get up!". "Fine, fine" as I got out of the chair. We headed out of the apartment and started walking in the hallway and Alessandro said "Fuck, you almost blew that." "What??" "This whole thing, coming back here, no beer in the apartment - It's all so I could get you to fuck me in the stairwell." He stopped for a second before we reach the stairwell door. "Kiss me, I'm yours." He guided my hand towards his ass and I started to rub it while I kissed him passionately. "Stop stop" he said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the stairwell. He walked up to the wall and pulled his shorts down exposing his ass in a green jock. "Mark your territory babe, make me your slut." He pulled a small bottle of lube out of his pocket and rubbed it all over my dick. I stuck my ass slowly in his ass, and he turned his head and kissed me, stroking my head a little. "fuck me hard baby!" hard and harder my dick got and the harder i fucked. "You like when I call you baby" he asked and I continued to fuck. "fuck yeah I do" as I fucked harder. "Oh baby, am I you're baby?" "Fuck yeah baby, yeah I want to cum up your ass so bad." "Baby I want it so bad. I want your cum up my ass. Give it to me baby!" I couldn't hold it any longer. "UHHH OOOOOH' FUCK!" I started to cum and pulled him closer with my cum spraying up his ass for 10 seconds, then weakens. A few seconds later, another load sprays up his ass. He goes to pull up his shorts and turns around and kisses me passtionately again. "This will be our little secret" We went to the store, came back to the apartment with a six pack of beer and two bottles of wine. "Fuck where were you two?? We want some booze!" My boyfriend asked as we started to open the wine and some of the beers in the kitchen. While they are talking loud in the living room, Alessandro looks at me and says "I'm serious. I'll be your whore if you want to. You can use my ass anytime you want." And then walked away with a couple glasses of wine and left me in the kitchen, where I had to adjust my underwear again as he just made my cock so hard. We walked into the living room and I repositioned myself back next to my boyfriend. He got back on my lap and he laid his head on my shoulder in order show a little effection. Then looked back up at me and gave me a dirty look. I'm not sure if he was joking around or he suspects something happen. Or maybe he was testing me. The conversation continued on as we moved from topic to topic. Then we got to Alessandro's sex life. My boyfriend started off "Well, Alessandro has a very interesting sex life. He's the self described "nastiest cumdump in the area". "WHAT??" Scott responded in shock. "Like, you let men fuck you without a condom?" Juan seemed intrigued and ask "How many loads have you had in one day?" "10, 11," Alessandro said looking at Juan in a seductive look. "You like fucking cumdumps like me?" "If you're as nasty as you say you are" he looked back. A little awkward silence then everyone started laughing. Juan looked up to him and ask "you looking to get fucked now?" "I'm already ready." "ARE YOU GUYS GONNA FUCK WHILE WE ARE HERE??" Scott asked. "Well, we are gonna fuck in the bedroom. Hope that's no problem. We'll be quick." Alessandro responded. Scott insisted on leaving "Okay I think it's too late anyways, I'm heading out." Now it was just the 4 of us left. "No, no. Don't do it in the room. I wanna watch you guys get fucked while my baby fucks me" my boyfriend asked. He was super horny and started to kiss all over me. "Babe, I want your cock inside of me while I watch them fuck." We started to kiss even more passionately. The other two were now standing. Alessandro's shorts down on the ground, while Alessandro pulled out Juan's dick and rubbed it. My boyfriend turned around and pulled down his pants and sat on my face. I licked his ass while he moaned loudly like a slut. "Wait wait" My boyfriend stopped and came up with an idea. "We go into the room and get ready, and we'll let you know when we are ready for you two." Both bottoms walked into the bed room. You could hear some house music, and then the light changed to sort of a bluish color. They tell us to come in and there they both are ass up, wearing jocks. Alessandro has marked a single line on his ass, to indicate how many loads he took tonight. It was so hot. Both bottoms were making out with each other. Both of us tops were naked and then we both started to fuck. I squeezed my dick into my boyfriend and so did Juan to Alessandro. "OH FUCK!" As Juan squeezed into Alessandro. I was so turned on watching his dick get covered in my cum. "Oh babe you're cock is so hard inisde me" my boyfriend said to me as he moaned from me fucking him. "Cum in me baby, I want your cum so bad." "You can use my ass anytime you want to" Alessandro said to Juan as he fucked him harder and hard "I never say no to any man" "FUCK" Juan said as he fucked harder and harder. "Cmon, use me like a whore" Alessandro said and Juan fucked any harder "OH FUCK YEAH I AM GONNA CUM." And then I started feel my balls drain "FUCK BABY, I AM CUMMING IN YOU BABE!!" We started to clean up and then my boyfriend asked Alessandro "When did you get the first load?" "Uhhh when we were at the bar." "Really? When? When I got drinks and went to the bathroom?" "Oh maybe it was before we met." I couldn't tell if my boyfriend suspected anything or if it was all in my head. As we headed out for the night, started to leave. And then he said "No wait!" "Grab this. Take your dish please! You keep forgetting to get it." Alessandro telling me to grab my boyfriend's dish he brought over for a pot luck. The other two wait in the hallway and I walked back to the kitchen. He pretended to go through the kitchen cupboards to buy time "Am I still your baby?" he asked quiet enough nobody else could hear "well I mean" "No, I wannabe your baby. Treat me like a whore. I'm your slut - OH HERE it is" as he hands me the dish. "You can fuck my ass anytime you want to." "Okay, thanks for the dish, have a good night" I said horned as fuck again as I walked out of the apartment. The next few days, I tried hard to forget it. I was hoping Alessandro was too. I felt it was all too risky. Especially the way he would signal to me when my boyfriend was around. And what's up with him insisting that I call him baby? I couldn't help it though. I was so turned on. I get a text message "I want to see you." It was from an unrecognized contact. "It's me. Alessandro" followed by a picture of his ass bent over filled with cum. "Oh, it's you?" I responded back, worried about him texting me. If my boyfriend finds this, I will get caught. "What are you doing texting me here?" "I'm coming over. My ass is filled with cum. I want you to fuck me on your guy's bed." "What the fuck??? No." "Babe, let me up. I'm downstairs." followed by another text "I know he's not home. We got time. He just texted me." "Fuck, you shouldn't be here!" "Let me up babe, my ass is leaking. I buzzed him in and my cock was so hard. He got up to me place and I open the door for him. He walked into the apartment and we kissed each other as the door closed. "I missed you so bad baby" "I miss you too!" "Yeah, you miss me baby??""Yeah I did." "Call me baby!" He demanded as he started to pull my cock out. "Call me baby and I'll be the best slut you will ever use. Don't you want all this cum in my ass all over your dick??" "Ok baby" I relectently agreed. He lead me into the bedroom where he lead me on the bed. We kissed some more while we got naked. He was now naked wearing a jock and we repositioned some pillows while he laid on his back with his legs spread open. "I wanna show you what a slut you are." We got closer to him and kissed him while i positioned my dick up his ass. It was so loose and filled with cum. His legs up in the air as I kept fucking him. It was so easy to enter him. "Oh baby, I am a slut for you. Give me your cum. I am your side pussy baby" "You're such a whore" "Can I be your whore baby" "Yes baby you're now my whore" "Oh baby!" as he grabbed my face and started kissing more. I fucked harder and harder. Harder and harder. It was so wet. And then "FUCK I'M GONNA CUM!!". Shot, shot, and one more shot. "Aww baby you fuck me so good!" As he got his clothes together, he mentioned "He's suspicious by the way." "WHAT???" "Yeah, I can tell. He keeps asking questions." "Like what kind of questions." "Like when I screwed up and said I got the first load in the bar." "Well, how does that affect me??" "I dunno, but I think he figured it out." I was panicking. Ahh I knew this would blow up in my face. "It's okay baby. I don't care, I wanna see you more," he pleaded. "I wanna be the biggest whore ever for you. I'm serious. I take loads all the time. My ass is always loaded for you." After Alessandro left the apartment, I realized his smell had been lingering in the apartment. "Fuck." I tried to fan it away, did everything possible to mask the smell. Another thing I was either too paranoid about, or he could smell him. A couple days later after coming home from work, I was welcomed with a big surprise. I walked into the bedroom to see the boyfriend bent over, wearing a jock and a mask. "Damn baby, this is hot!" I started to pull down my pants "Yeah fuck I love this!". "I knew it! I knew you were into this!" "Wh what do you mean?" "I know you're cheating on me!!" "No, baby, I'm not." "LIES!" and he took off his mask. "What do you like about those guys?" he asked as he turned around on the bed. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Dude, just be upfront. I know what you do!" Silence. Blood pumping. Shame. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I thought in my head. Then he got on his back and lifted his legs up in the air. Then he starts to push. Push a little more, and then cum flowed out of his ass. 'I'm gonna start cum dumping for men. If being a cumdump will keep this relationship together. Plus I wanna take more loads." More silence. "Now, if you don't mind. I have a guy coming up." I could hear someone walking up the stairs and then a knock on the door. A short, stocky guy was at the door. "Uhmm" he looked awkward when I opened the door. "He's in the the room." My boyfriend was bent over waiting to take some loads. The man walked into the bedroom and then closed the door.
    2 points
  12. I love hot humid Southern Ontario summer nights. Especially when my hubby is away like this particular one. I had tossed back three generous gin and tonics with my rare barbecued steak for dinner and it was getting dark. I decided to head out for a walk wearing only sandals and red flimsy gym shorts. They did little to conceal my semi erect cock and if I wasn't careful it could grow and peek out through the leg. This knottiness mixed well with the booze in my system and the sensual humid air. I walked the railtrail beside our bay hoping this might be one of those rare nights I came upon someone interested in an anonymous encounter. Other than the voices of some teens likely skinny dipping I didn't meet or hear anyone. That is until I got to the high end condo under construction next to the trail. A security company vehicle sat by the side of the fenced work site and a young guy in his uniform sat in the driver's seat, window rolled down. The closer I got I could make out he was a turbaned East Indian. Probably 20 years old, small stature and warm inviting smile. I approached his open window and we chatted about the weather, sports and some sporty cars that drove by. He was a sexy little bugger and I had to sheild my crotch with my hand. He noticed and grinned. I asked if he was alone at this site all night. "Yes " "It must get boaring?" I added. "Yeah, a bit. Don't tell anyone but sometimes my girlfriend drops by to help with that. " "Oh. Is she coming tonight?" "No, she's also at work." I was disappointed to hear she existed but decided to go for broke. "Does she suck your cock to help pass the time?" "No! Are you kidding? She's very religious. " "Have you ever had your cock sucked?" "No." "Do you want to change that tonight?" "I don't want to get in trouble. Besides who would do it? You?" "It would be my pleasure. We could slip inside out of sight. " "No I don't think so. " My erection was now poking out the leg of my shorts and I could see his trousers tenting. "Could we be quick? I don't want to loose my job." He opened the gate and we scrambled into the middle of the unfinished building. I slipped out of my shorts, crouched and opened his trousers. To my delight I was facing a ten inch long straight pole of an erection. I knew immediately which hole I needed this beautiful cock in. I proceeded to give him a very well practiced blowjob and from his moans I didn't need to ask if he was enjoying it. When I figured I'd edged him close to shooting I stopped and told him I wanted him to fuck me. "I don't have a condom, do you?" he asked. "Let's go to the roof I responded ignoring his question. I didn't bother gathering my shorts and had him equally as naked by the time the elevator cage reached the roof. I led him by the hand to the bay side of the building. I leaned against the railing and directed him to move in behind me. When he was in place I grabbed his magnificent cock and teased it against my hole. I pushed back and as his head penetrated I gasped. He asked; " Are you sure?" "Never more so was my enthusiastic response. Slowly but surely I pushed back 'til he was balls deep. This was all too much for his virgin cock and he blasted away deep into my guts. Immediately he apologized and I assured him there was nothing to apologize for. "But I came in your ass." "Exactly what I was hoping for, Thanks. ... You're not getting soft. Why don't you keep going?" He needed no encouragement and was pounding away at my sloppy hole. He fucked two more loads into me before we heard the elevator gate slam shut. We hadn't heard it move being so engrossed in our fucking. "My supervisor! Shit, my clothes are on that elevator. What are we going to do?" "I suggest you keep fucking." Came the deep voice of the handsome bear that was already slipping out of his clothes. The young Indian was to frightened and backed away. The supervisor now naked and sporting a beer can thick six inches dove into my ass with his bearded mouth. When he pulled off licking his lips he said. "Fuck, better than I thought. How many loads have you pumped into this trespasser?" "Three" "Well time for me to catch up!" And he plunged balls deep into me proceeding to rail me for the next hour and blast me full of three loads. "You ready to go again. " he asked the young Indian. The 10 inch cock was back up my ass and the supervisor was backing his ass hole onto my raw cock. We found the perfect train rythm and 20 minutes later when the guard emptied again into my flooded ass I shoot my load into supervisor. None of us got dressed until we got back to the ground floor where the supervisor's deminor became very officious. "Don't ever let me catch you trespassing here again or you'll get more than 'security deposits.' I wondered what he meant as I walked home not even trying to keep the cum from leaking onto the ass of my gym shorts.
    2 points
  13. Hi! So recently I've become 18 and was wondering how to start pigging out. I'm still a virgin but I know I'm an absolutely bottom especially around heavier men. Being on this site and going through all the post always makes me to reenact half your guy's stories. But to cut to the chase I've been wondering where to start maybe nothing too rough for a first time but still enough to get hooked up on dick for the rest of my life. All advise I'll take into consideration thanks!!!
    2 points
  14. <looks around for sign up sheet>
    2 points
  15. Gentlemen, I’m happy to remind you that I have won a gold medal 🥇 at every Wolrdwide International 7-continents Rimming Contest during the last 23 years. Many competitors have tried to unseat me … and seed me … but no one has come close. Seriously, it’s my favorite thing to do - and I’m damned good at it. I don’t just lick the crack and hole. That’s only the start. My duty when I eat your ass is to slowly open you up and get you to relax. Whether it’s with my tongue, my fingers, my dick, toys or a speculum, I want your hole to open up and relax. I want your lips to get swollen and puffy. I want to snake my my tongue into your hole, I want to reach the pink inside of your ass. I want to be able to flick the tip of my tongue and reach nerve endings you never realized you had. I don’t want to just simply make your eyes roll back in your head; I want your eyes to spin while I am servicing your ass. And then … I’ll climb on top and fuck you!
    2 points
  16. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jlwed6uTIFTe damn that looks like it felt amazing!
    2 points
  17. I think it's true that gay men deepen and refine their Lusts as they age. What used to be fantastic sex 20 years ago is still ok, but more like a transmission stuck in 1st gear. Once hiv became treatable, i.e. guys could survive it, I noticed a more finely-honed sense of abandon in the fuckjoints. Sort of like 'we made it through, we're still alive, so let's fuck like there's no tomorrow' kind of mindset. Prior to that, there weren't anywhere near as many men acting out truly wanton behavior on such a broad scale as before hiv. Add to that the inclination to seek ever-deeper depravities to bring the same thrill we used to achieve through less demonstrative acts, and those of us of a certain age find ourselves drawn more and more to bluntly, overtly, sexual practices. Thirty years ago, if I ran into myself today in some fuckjoint, I'd think "what a dirrrrrty Pig that guy is", and move on. Sucking off a couple of Cocks in the steamroom just doesn't carry the same thrill it did years ago. Fucking one guy, or maybe two just doesn't ring the bell like it used to. But I'm happy with who and what I've become. I don't mind if some guy sees me in action, and thinks to himself, geez - what a filthy dirty perverted pig that guy is. I kinda like it. It only encourages guys that share my Lusts, and discourages the more vanilla guys I don't want to waste time with anyway. This hasn't happened, but if some more vanilla guy (particularly a little younger) actually asked me why I do what I do, I'd be happy to buy him some lunch somewhere and explain it in every sodden detail. I like who and what I've matured into.
    2 points
  18. CHAPTER 2 I had never understood young people who won’t fuck old men. If I absolutely had to get fucked, I’d rather be with an experienced adult than a sweaty, closeted college frat boy who’s never heard of lube and hits like a jackrabbit with Tourette’s. Pull up the Myers-Briggs of gay boys who DO sleep with mature men, however, and there are three types of twinks. The first are the twinks who only fuck older men for money but would never hang out with or date them. Obviously an acceptable profession in my book, but a poor, one-dimensional way of looking at the men who were our best and most fulfilling customers. Next are the twinks who want to be hunted by a confident, silver wolf daddy. They want a sleazy, sexy, horny old man to separate them from the herd and bring them to a back alley where they can submit to the cumdump fantasies they dream about at night. They want to be demeaned and used by someone with infinitely more experience than a child like them could ever hope to achieve. Lastly, there are the twinks with low self-esteem and daddy issues. No way to sugar coat it, these are the twinks who had cystic acne in high school and considered themselves worthless, but as puberty waned and their skin turned smooth they discovered hair dye, liquor, and bars full of old men just waiting to give them the unconditional love and appreciation that no parent or classmate ever did. Jessie did fuck older men on the right day, and she was the poster child for type three. I returned to my bedroom and shut the door behind me. My new friend was sitting on my bed stroking his hard cock to a picture he had pulled off the wall. I went to lie down next to him. The picture was one of my favorites of us posing in tight, tiny catholic school jumpers I had stolen from my sisters. In a fit of blind insanity last year we had found a creepy trucker to bring us to the Pride festival in Chicago, and had worn the tiny skirts at the parade. It was good memory, and it made me feel a little bad about what I was doing. I pushed it aside. “He good? How are we doing this?” I heard the shower thud on outside and pushed my doubts out of my head. “When she gets out of the shower, she’ll be ready to go. Now stop calling her ‘he’ and maybe you’ll actually get to fuck her.” I explained Jessie’s special brand of low self-esteem and dysphoria until we heard the shower turn off. **** Jessie opened the bathroom door, still dripping a bit. Thanks to the tina her shower had taken a longer than usual, but she’d made it through eventually despite her increasing horniness and her fuzzy brain not focusing on simple tasks. She’d put a couple fingers in her ass part way through, making the shower take even longer and doing nothing besides making her even more horny. Maybe Cam would fuck her. He didn’t want to very often and never when he was sober, but once in a blue moon she could catch him in a sweet spot between starting to smoke and arriving in Loo Loo Land. She padded down the hallway to her bedroom, toweling off her hair. As she did, Cameron’s door opened and a gentleman no older than 50 stepped out, tucking in a fitted white button up and carrying his jacket, tie, and belt. They both stopped short, and Jessie quickly pulled her towel from her head to cover her small, naked cock. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I was just in the shower.” She expected the man to be awkward at being caught, the way closet cases usually were, but he smiled and started forward again. “Wow, are you the roommate? You’re beautiful…. you look like a princess.” Caught off guard, Jessie giggled and blushed. “Oh wow, thanks so much!” The man circled her. “You have such a beautiful body, I’ve never seen a girl like you before.” As he reached her his hand wrapped around to her bare ass. “Oh my god, and this ass…. Its so round and sexy. You’re so hot, I would do anything to make you my girlfriend…” His hand felt warm, almost hot, as it grabbed a handful of her cheek and squeezed. She felt the horniness rising again as he complimented her and instinctively pushed back into his hand. His other hand wrapped around her to grab her waist and she was pulled to face him, still holding the towel. “That’s all so nice to say, but I was about to go get dressed…” “Oh, I don’t mean to keep you, I can let you go…” The man said, reaching around to squeeze her ass with both hands. “Please, can I just play with it for a second before you go, just for a minute… You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, I would be crazy not to look at you for a second.” He felt so warm and she was getting so horny, Jessie didn’t quite know what to say. Her head was fuzzy and she tingled as he touched her. He was so nice, and she didn’t want to be rude… She smiled and turned around, walking backwards a few feet to the edge of their living room and sticking her ass out as she walked to give him a show. “Oh baby, you’re so beautiful…” The man was following close behind, unbuttoning his pants. He pushed her forward to bend over the back of the couch and she felt him grab her ass and give each side a gentle shake. He groaned softly and dove in with his tongue, pushing past her cheeks to lick her tight hole. The sensation was incredible, her head was swimming and she felt like her entire body was wired to his tongue. He licked her softly at first, then pushed deeper inwards. Her hole, still relaxed from her fingers in the shower, opened for his tongue. She tried to pull back to reality as he pushed a finger inside. “I really should go, but thanks for all the things you said, you’re really nice…” He didn’t stop. “This is the best pussy I’ve ever seen… I can’t believe how tight and pink it is, and this beautiful little clit.” He reached between her legs and began to rub her soft cock as he attacked her ass with a second gentle finger and shook her cheeks more, causing her to moan. Her brain melted again as he stood up, letting his pants fall down and revealing a large, rock hard cock. He rubbed it on her hole as she moaned in pleasure, and her horniness took over entirely as she crawled over the back of the couch and turned around to suck his cock. It was an amazing cock, she decided. How could anyone with a cock like this and such nice things to say be paying for sex, even if Cam was hot. It made no sense. “Ugh baby, you’re so good at this…” The man said, making her blush. She worked even harder as he reached back and squeezed her ass again, reminding her what she really needed. She spread her legs as far as she could while kneeling on the couch, revealing her small, pink asshole and rubbing her small cock on the couch beneath her. He came around the side of the couch and stood behind her, stroking his slick cock as she pushed her ass back towards him. They both moaned as he rubbed his cock on her hole again, then he pushed forward, burying his cock to the hilt and making her cry out. “Yeah, baby, you like that…?” He pulled out and pushed all the way in again, making her moan as her fuzzy brain begged for more. “You love when I fuck your pussy, don’t you?” “Oh god, yeah… fuck my pussy….” She gasped as he began to fuck her harder, slamming his cock into her hole and driving her into the couch. Pinned between her body and the fabric, her own cock tingled. There’s no way Cam wouldn’t have heard them by now… maybe he was smoking more of the tina he had given her and had headphones in... The man behind her grabbed her hips as he drove his hard cock into her, making her moan and cry. She felt his grip tighten and his pace quicken and knew what was coming. With a groan, he released a load of thick cum into Jessie’s hole. His cry of pleasure and the warmth and pressure of being filled with his cum made her own cock begin spilling cum onto the couch beneath her. The man fucked her for a bit longer, releasing more spurts of cum into her and then slowly pulling out. As he pulled his head from her hole, she pushed her butt up to try to keep his cum in her until her hole closed. A slut’s habit. “Good girl.” He said, reaching down and giving her ass one last shake. He pulled his pants up, grabbed his things and left, running to his car like he was worried a satellite would catch him fucking the two little twinks inside the apartment. I snuck out from where I had been hiding in the hallway. Jessie was still spread out on the couch with her head resting on the back of the couch. I could tell her brain was mush from the combinations of drugs and dick she hadn’t been expecting to get. I tiptoed around the edge of the couch to stand behind her and started taking pictures of the load leaking from her asshole. Jessie heard the *click* of the digital shutter and snapped up. “Jesus Christ, Cam, get out of here!” I grinned, “Bitch, I’m not the one fucking random closet cases as they leave the apartment! Now get that ass up, you can post these. Fucking slut.” She groaned and reached back to place her hands on her cheeks, pulling them apart gently. “Oh my god, what is wrong with me? This is because you made me smoke!” I laughed. “Excuse me for not wanting to die of a bad batch, Jessie. Don’t blame me for your slutty choices!” She crawled off the couch and pointed at her cum stain on the fabric. “Fuck me, I got it on the couch.” I pushed her towards the hallway, taking her curse out of context. “You want fucked, go get on Sniffies. I’ll clean this up, then you and I are going to smoke more tonight.” I went to the kitchen and almost laughed out loud thinking about it. I had made $400 bucks and I hadn’t even had to get fucked. Jessie had a blast and nothing bad had happened. I even took pictures for her to put on OnlyFans, so she could make money too. No matter which way I thought about it there was no downside, and I knew I wasn’t even getting started.
    2 points
  19. Here's a fun idea: let's make a bot watch 100 hours of quality gay porn, and then write a script based on what it watched. We'll either get a laughable abomination of gay porn, or the best film ever made.
    2 points
  20. And another article about how Chinese researchers have made progress as well, though along more traditional research lines… https://apple.news/AZMD6UHDKQwyqqYbi1NcFpg
    2 points
  21. Me too. Have fucked and been blown in front of audiences, often.
    2 points
  22. Thanks for that! I have never been one to be political, but this has an effect on every gay American. It doesn't matter if you are married now or not, or if you think you will get married in the future, everyone should have the opportunity to do so. Voting is crucial, and the Supreme Court is not our friend. However , it is good to know who is your friend in the House. So please, take the time, and plan your vote. It may not matter to you now, but it may in the future.
    2 points
  23. (To the mods: I hope this stays in the public area and is not moved to the Backroom Chem sex forum, since the whole point is this guy does NOT want to become, in his words, "a drug addicted cumslut". To that end, I think responses urging him to give into this should be removed because that kind of discussion DOES belong in the Chem sex forum.) Tough love time. If you do not want to end up a drug addict, stop with the meth and get rehab, whether it's outpatient or inpatient. The fact that you haven't used in a long time means zero if you are not dealing with the underlying urges. I know there is a significant number of guys who use all sorts of party drugs in conjunction with sex, but frankly, most of the ones I've met have been lousy fucks. That may mean avoiding certain environments where drug use is common. Given that you're already aware of the seductive nature of the drugs, if you don't want to get hooked, it's easier to just keep it out of your life rather than try to be around it without partaking. Stay on PrEP. You don't have to switch to condom sex in order to prevent HIV. You do have to take PrEP according to the directions - either daily, or in advance of AND after planned sex. If you go for the non-daily schedule, you can't find yourself ready to get fucked and suddenly remember you haven't taken a PrEP dose, swallow it quickly, and get to fucking. It takes some time to spread through your system and HIV, if the top is infectious, may beat PrEP to the punch. Otherwise, yes, PrEP is as close to foolproof as it gets. Not perfect - there are rare, occasional cases where it fails - but those are very, very rare. Accept that if you do continue BB sex, you are going to have other STIs from time to time. My experience is that drug addicts have more of them (partly because so many of them stop caring about treating them) and if you stick to sober sex with sober partners, that alone may reduce your risk somewhat. But nothing is foolproof.
    2 points
  24. Lots of good points on here, but remember the days of making money (on studio) porn is coming to an end. Most guys have their own OF or JFF sites and cut out the middle man. Unfortunately, they also cut out knowledge about edits and continuity and lighting. This is, of course, a generalization, but a lot of amateur porn is bad. As is a lot of studio porn. The sweet spot for me is managing to capture an “amateur” scene and all of the energy and fervor and raw desire while balancing things like getting a good angle and showing the action and lingering on the sweat dripping off of them so you can almost smell the sex…
    2 points
  25. If I am fucking a bottom, they have been told I don't pull out to cum.
    2 points
  26. Couldn’t sleep in the heat Ended up going for a walk bout 0130 just to be outdoors …still well hot and sweaty …took a path round the local reservoir …thought it might be a bit cooler round the water (and its a bit of a cruising spot if you’re not picky) all I had on was my shoes shorts and a t-shirt There’s trees all the way round ..handy bushes etc ..passed a bloke walking a dog …bit bulky had tracky bottoms and a vest (tank top ? For the Americans?) could see he was hairy as fuck …grey short beard and bald …I said evening as we passed and he must have seen me check his package coz and few steps on he stops and starts to follow me. I wander over to a bench and sit and he stands in-front of me …chatting bout the heat and playing pocket billiards…I just stare at his crotch …can see he’s getting hard …so rub my own cock n my shorts …he steps up cock out and I swallow it …don’t look much bout a 5” thickish uncut job …but like with a lot of chubby blokes when you push your face on it you end up with a couple more inches that were under the fat 😛 He was fucking sweaty and hairy smelled good though …he fucked my mouth a bit then pulled me over to a clump of bushes …tied his dog to a stump and we got to it ..it was like getting off with a wet rug …loads of snogging wanking …then he’s turning me round and gobbing on hand rubbing his spit on my hole before lining up and giving me his bare cock till his belly was resting on my back and he was balls deep. Both of us dripping sweat. He fucks slow for a few trusts then he’s going for it ..calling me a dirty fuck all the while …till he starts to get there I push back getting him deep as I can and he cums …his sweat dripping on me. Still in me he’s wanking me off till I say im close then he’s fucking me some more and cums again as I shoot …this bloke put so much cum in me its running down my legs. Must have been all of 15 min lol Then we chat a bit swap numbers and off
    2 points
  27. Hope everyone likes it 😈
    2 points
  28. After the absolute punishment my ass just received, I need a minute to recollect myself, but that was met with marginal success. I went out to the porch smoking area and lit up a cigarette. There was an older guy there. If I'm being honest, no one you'd look at twice. He asked me how my night was going. I said spectacular so far. He said he figured, because I had my legs sorta spread leaning against the wall smoking, he said he saw some drops of cum dripping from between my legs. We both kinda chuckled and my face reddened. He said he wouldn't mind cleaning that up. I figured what he meant but it really could have meant a number of things. So I took a drag of my cigarette, blew it out and walked across to the bench where he was sitting just outside the bar area across from the office. I walked a few feet in front and to the side of him and just simply bent over. He got up, walked behind me and began to lick and tongue my ass. After a few minutes he tried to really suck it outta there and I let him. He wasn't much to look at but that felt amazing. Just then two guys, obviously independent of each other came out to sit on the bench across from the outside rooms. I finished my cigarette and pulled the guy furiously tonguing my hole and walked over to the guy closest to me. I was pretty brazen by then. I felt like I was getting cock as easily as I wanted it by then. (I know. Tough to do there right? Lol) I just stood in front of the guy and looked him straight in the eyes. He seemed a little unsure. Maybe a little nervous. I made sure he was meeting my state and then I looked straight at his crotch. He was wearing jeans and a tank top. He got the hint and pulled his cock out and started to stroke it. That's better I said. Then I looked at the next guy and he knew right away what I wanted. He took his cock out and started jerking it as well. I told him, pointing at the first guy. "He's first. Your next.". Not sure if they knew what I meant but I do know they wanted to find out. The first guys wasn't completely hard yet so I dropped to my knees and sucked him off until he was. Then I got up, pulled my lube out, coated his cock with it and stepped up with my boots on either side of his hips, I held on to the bench and lowered myself until I felt his hard cock between my legs. I went down a little further and told him to guide his cock into me. He did so and I bounced on it for several minutes until he told me I was gonna cum. He kinda tried to guide my hips so I didn't take his load, I believe trying to be polite. I was having it! I plopped all my weight on his lap and his cock exploded inside me. I looked at the other guy and said 'your turn!' He smiled and widened his stance. I don't know if he was expecting some head but he wasn't gonna get it. Lifted myself off the other guys cock and proceeded to fuck that guy the same way I did the first. The first guy got up and left and so did the second when blasted inside me. I looked to my left and saw the older guy and two others jerking their hard cocks. When I saw them they split. So I asked the guy if he wanted some fresh cum outta my ass and he eagerly made his way over and repeated his machinations from earlier leaving me basically cumless in my ass that wouldn't do. I needed a refill. And I was gonna get it! <To be comtinued>
    2 points
  29. I could always tell when it was my turn when the nurse came to the waiting room with a one-inch thick file
    2 points
  30. As an alpha top I like to leave you with something to remember... I love to hear pain in my bottom's voice. Any others like to hurt bottoms or any Bottom's love the pain?
    1 point
  31. Part 1: Will meets Dominic I’ve been one of the lead pastors at East Nondenominational Church for two years. I graduated from the seminary at 26, but I found it difficult to find a job at first. I was seen as too young by many. I finally found a church interested, one a few states away, and was possibly too eager when we scheduled a Skype call. “We’re very impressed, Will” Pastor Kline, the head pastor told me. He was in his fifties, short white hair. He reminded me of my father who was a pastor himself. “All your references speak highly of your orator skills. I believe you’d be a great addition to our church.” “Really? That’s great. Thank you.” Pastor Kline’s smile faded somewhat. “There is one thing that myself and Pastor Matthews are concerned about, however.” “What’s that?” “We all know that you’re young. And I’ve already assured you that this isn’t a problem. Our concern is that you aren’t married. Now, we know that not everyone gets married, but, seeing as you are a young man, and, may I say, good looking, it is sometimes awkward for members.” “Why?” “Young women in the congregation often seek out single pastors or they feel as if they’re prey to them. We just like to make this issue known beforehand.” “I understand, Pastor Kline,” I told him, feeling a bit awkward hearing him say that I was good looking. I was fit, spending a few hours at the gym each week, making sure I was healthy but not overly muscular. My brown hair and green eyes were often complimented by those I dated, but I never thought much about my appearance. “I’ve dated before,” I told him. “I had a long-term girlfriend in college. It just didn’t work out.” “I understand. We just want to keep everyone safe. We’d hate to lead anyone into sin.” “I agree,” I told him. “I’d never do anything to cause anyone to stumble.” Pastor Kline turned out to be correct. It didn’t take long before I spent every Sunday morning surrounded by women, dropping hints that they were single and interested in going on a date. Whether it was the clear desperation or not, I didn’t find myself interested. It wasn’t for a lack of trying. Sure, I wanted to find someone and get married, have kids, but there was something in the back of my mind that kept me from pursuing this life fully. What it was, I didn’t know. Not yet, at least. A Sunday morning came when I stood out in the lobby greeting our members as they came in. I flashed my smile, shaking hands, avoiding the stares from the women who wanted me to propose. As I shook hands, I noticed a man enter the front doors that I had never seen before. He was a large guy, bald, around forty if I had to guess. He was wearing a short sleeve black shirt which showed off large muscles and hairy forearms, tattoos around his biceps. His black jeans were tight, showing strong legs. It wasn’t like we had never had anyone like him here before, but there was something in the way this man carried himself, something in his essence, that captivated me, causing me to take notice. Without realizing, I found myself drawn to him, seeking him out so that I could shake his hand. “Hello,” I said. “I’m Pastor Ryder. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” “First time,” he said, his voice low, a bit of a rasp. He took my hand and shook it. He had a firm grip. “I’ve driven past here for years. Decided to step inside for a change.” “I’m glad that you did,” I said. He raised an eyebrow, his eyes looking from my face and moving down my suited body to my shoes. The corner of his mouth turned into a grin. “Same here,” he said. “I’m not much of a God person.” “That’s alright,” I told him. “God finds us wherever we are.” “Does he?” I could tell that the man was playing a game, taunting me. I wasn’t easily aggravated, so I knew I could take whatever he gave out. “I don’t think I caught your name,” I said. “Dominic Moore,” he said. “Well, Mr. Moore, we’re glad to have you here. The service is about to start. Pastor Kline is preaching today. I think you’ll love to hear his message. If you have any questions for me, let me know. I’ll be here after the service.” “Is that a promise?” he asked. He passed me and entered the sanctuary, glancing back once and catching my eye. I stood frozen until I lost sight of him. I shook off whatever caused this momentary confusion and darted to my office. I had to sit down for a second, alone. I caught my breath, unable to understand why I was feeling so flustered. I had never felt like this before. I felt as if I had just worked out. My heart was pounding quickly, sweat collecting around my hairline. I checked my armpits and found that I had started to sweat through my dress shirt. While no one would notice, I felt uncomfortable. I had a change of shirt in one of my drawers just in case. I took it out and started to change. As I tucked in the new shirt, my hand grazing my crotch and I nearly collapsed from the sensation. It had been several days since I last jerked off, making me sensitive, but I’d never felt like this before. I tried to push down the need to touch myself, but found it difficult. I closed my eyes and started to breathe deep, calming myself. In my mind, the image of Dominic Moore standing in front of me was clear as day. I could see his chiseled face, his strong, tatted, hairy arms. I could feel his hand in mine. My eyes opened and I found my hand firmly grasping my cock. Shocked and a bit disgusted, I quickly finished dressing myself and returned to the lobby. I was going to pretend that nothing had happened, because nothing had. Everything was fine. Wasn’t it? Dominic was on top of me. His strong body, muscles rippling under sweaty skin, weighed down on me. His chest was covered in hair, his musk collected within the follicles. I could smell him, my head dizzy from the natural smell of man. His eyes were focused on mine. “How does that feel?” “Incredible,” I said. I glanced down and saw my legs wrapped around his waist, my cock and balls rubbing against his abs as he buried his enormous, veiny cock into my butt. I felt myself tearing open, as if every part of myself was opening up to him, allowing him inside me in every way possible. I felt full. I felt as if I couldn’t imagine existing in any other way. His rhythm increased as he started grunting, sweat covering our bodies. His cock brushed against my prostate, sending my cock into overdrive. I wasn’t even touching myself and I could still feel a powerful orgasm surging forward. “Ready, baby?” “Do it. Cum in me. Take me, Dom.” “Here it comes.” My eyes shot open as I started cumming. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My chest was heaving, my heart racing. I fumbled in the dark and turned on the lamp next to my bed. The light hurt my eyes at first until they grew accustomed. Searching the room, I found I was alone. Why was that a surprise? Of course I was alone. Why would someone be there with me? Who would be there with me? I checked the time. 4 a.m. I sat up, finding my sheets sticking to my body. I was sweating profusely. I threw off my covers and looked down, my boxers tented and soaked through. The smell of cum hit me, my head spinning from the sweet smell and the pungent odor of my sweating body. I was getting high off myself, something I had never done before. What was happening? I lifted the waistband and found globs of cum intermixed in my pubes, soaking into the boxer fabric. It had been a while since I had had a wet dream. I tried to climb out of bed to change, but I felt too weak. Collapsing back into bed, I closed my eyes and tried to remember what I had been dreaming about. “Here it comes.” Dominic Moore. I’d dreamt about Dominic Moore. I could see his face. I could feel the weight of his body on mine. I could smell his sweat. I could feel his hairy chest pressed against mine. I could feel his huge cock pumping into— I stopped, looking down at my hand. Without realizing, I’d scooped up some of my cum and brought it to my mouth, a few stray pubic hairs mixed in. I stared down at the mess, the smell of the fresh cum filling my nose. I’d never tasted my cum before. I’d never wanted to. It seemed gross to eat something that came out of your body. Still, something about the smell was intoxicating, sweet and inviting. My mouth slowly opened as I inserted my hand, running my tongue along my cum-soaked fingers. It was a taste unlike anything I had ever had. It was salty but also sweet. The warmth was inviting, as if I was returning it to where it belonged. I swallowed and savored the feeling, licking my lips. Then I realized what I’d done. My hand was shaking, the cum residue sticking to my skin. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, washing my hand and stripping off my boxers. I cleaned myself up as well as I could, but I couldn’t erase the image of Dominic Moore on top of me, inside of me. I couldn’t escape the feeling I had felt, wanting him there, wanting him to take me. I wasn’t gay. I’d never thought of another man like this. Why was I now? What was going on? After my dream about Dominic, I couldn’t get back to sleep. All I could do was see his face. I wandered into my office the next day in a daze. I sat at my computer trying to plan out my next sermon, but instead of God, all I could think about was Dominic. I tried to push past the dream, but my recurring erection kept me returning to the moment when I could see in Dominic’s eyes a sinister lusting unlike anything I’d ever seen before. I was mesmerized. “Will,” Pastor Kline said, knocking on my door. “Is everything alright?” “Yeah, fine,” I said, trying to supply a convincing smile. “Are you sure? I said hello when you walked by my office and you looked like you were in a trance or something.” “Nothing like that,” I told him. “I didn’t sleep well last night.” “You’re too young to be having sleeping problems.” “Nothing like that. It’s just… can I talk to you Mark?” “Sure,” he said, closing the door and sitting down. “What’s up?” “I’ve been feeling… guilty, I guess.” “About what?” “Well, um.” There’s no way I can tell Pastor Kline about my dream. What would he think? How would I even begin to explain? “I’m feeling guilty over a dream I had last night.” “A dream?” he said, staring at me until his eyes grew wide. “Oh, I see. A dream.” “I’ve felt guilty all day. I feel like I did something I shouldn’t have.” “Did you?” “Well, I guess not. Not really. I just had a dream.” “Listen, Will, you’re a young guy. That kind of thing happens to young guys. It still happens to me on occasion. Dreams are outside of our control. I’m guessing you…” I nodded. “Think of it as a freebee,” he said. “You didn’t do it to yourself. Sometimes, our bodies need to release and create a scenario in which it’s possible. You didn’t do anything wrong. Trust me.” “Alright. If you’re sure.” “I’m positive.” He stood up and started toward the door, stopping just out in the hall. “By the way, there was a new visitor on Sunday who sent me an email, saying he wanted to stop by sometime this week and meet with you. He said you greeted him at the door and found you personable. He says he’d like to talk with you.” “Did you get a name?” “Dominic Moore, I believe,” Pastor Kline said. “Dominic Moore,” I said, my voice catching. “He wants to meet with me?” Pastor Kline nodded. “He said he enjoyed talking with you. I’ll forward you the email so you can respond.” “Are you sure you wouldn’t want to meet with him instead?” I asked, trying to restrain the worry in my voice. At the same time, I scooted closer to my desk, hiding the boner which was starting to form. “You are the head pastor after all.” “Will, you need to have confidence in yourself. This is a part of our job. When God sends us someone asking for our help, we need to welcome him in. Don’t you agree?” “Of course,” I said, faking a smile. “I’ll email him before I leave.” “I’ll send you his email.” Once Pastor Kline was gone, I slumped down in my chair, reeling as my hard cock smashed against the underside of my desk. How am I supposed to meet with Dominic when I can’t get through a conversation without getting a hard-on? Nothing made sense. I wasn’t gay, and yet here I was unable to think about anyone other than this man who’d I’d met once. I met guys at the gym all the time and never had issues like this before. Why now? And why did Dominic want to talk with me? There was no way I made that good of an impression. My computer alerted me to a new email. I opened it and found the forwarded email from Dominic. Everything Pastor Kline had told me was true. Dominic wanted to meet with me. I started a new email accepting the meeting, telling him to come to my office whenever it suited him best. Before I hit send, I looked at his email name and found “Hazard4U” on the screen. I guess we’ll see, I thought. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I've got a lot of the story written, though it's not done yet. Not sure where it will end, but there is plenty more to come.
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  32. Do any Las Vegas guys know of extremely gay friendly and open minded tattoo shops in town? I’d like a place that would have no problem with any gay or possibly BB symbols. Any names and contact info is very appreciated.
    1 point
  33. I was only there once - an extended business trip to London several years ago - but it was a great place. Sorry to hear that it's gone.
    1 point
  34. If you want a vaccine shot and can’t get one and have some money to burn or frequent flyer miles… Go to Canada. Toronto doesn’t require an appointment, ID or a health card - you just get in line and they give you a shot (It’s what I did - I happened to be there). Be prepared to give a Canadian address and phone number - though you could probably give the address of a hotel and a US phone number and they’d be fine. Montréal requires an appointment but I saw something on Twitter saying they will vaccinate tourists. It’s sad that folks in the US have to resort to this. But when it came to COVID the situation was reversed. I know NYC was giving shots to tourists and Canadians were coming here to get them. So it’s not like you have to be ashamed of using their health system when we let them use ours not so long ago. And again - if you’re in the US - please refuse your 2nd shot until all your gay brothers have had a chance to get their 1st shot. You can get your 2nd shot any time in the next 2 years and have the same level of protection.
    1 point
  35. I LOVE getting rimmed. My hole opens up and gets So HUNGRY! It like poppers for me. …and if you eat my cummy hole after, I go from cumdump to ravenous, insatiable cumdump on a quest to replace the loads you just ate out of me!
    1 point
  36. Went to Construction last night, got about 15 bare Cocks and a few nice loads in my (now not so tight) ass🤤 Might go again soon!
    1 point
  37. The nurse who gave me my monkeypox vaccine said the smallpox vaccine protection for monkeypox starts dropping off after 3 years. I think there are very few on bz that got a smallpox vaccine in the last 3 years. Get your shots, boys and girlz!
    1 point
  38. Hehehe sounds like the metra hookups I had when I lived in Chicago…. those train bathrooms were amazing in a chance hookup.
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  39. Met a guy on the train. He was sleeping a few seats down and across from me. I’m not sure what he was dreaming about but It had definitely been good cause it had him bulging in his sweats and had me staring. After some time he woke up and readjusted his package while we happen to catch eyecontact. I glanced at his dick and back at him. He grinned back at me. Next stop he got up to get off and waved me to follow him. I contemplated if it’s worth having to wait for the next train but said fuck it let’s see where this goes. I got off at his stop and followed him to the nearest restroom. He asked me what I was trying to get into. Told him I’m open minded but definitely trying to get his tick dick balls deep in me. He laughed out loud and pulled me into the handicap stall. Without hesitation he pulled his dick out and told me to suck it. I got on my oneees grabbed his dick with my left hand and began to stroke and suck it. I felt his dick grow and get harder. Soon it was sliding in and out of my throat. He pulled me up and told me to show him my hole. I got up dropped my jeans and bent over. He pushed his dick against my hole grabbed the back of my neck with his feet hand and my shoulder with his right and shoved his dick all the way in me. I let out a loud moan. His thick 8.5 latino dick stretched my hole around it. He began to pump my hole faster. His raw dick digging my ass out deep and hard. He began to breath heavy and I knew he was gonna bust soon. He moan out he was gonna cum. I pushed back on his dick and pushed him against the wall behind him and worked his dick. Soon enough he began to shoot multiple ropes inside me. Once his dick stopped throbbing he pulled out. Told him thanks for the load and I went back to wait for the next train.
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  40. For me it's not cumming for a few days (or longer), lots of horny online chatting/activity (including checking out threads on here!), during the day thinking about horny situations when you can't do anything about it, then a slow build up when it eventually comes time to unload. These days I rarely wank. I just wait until I can load another nice hole (even after I've been bottoming a fair bit).
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  41. Part 4: Dominic takes Will “Take of your pants.” He said. I backed away and unbuttoned my jeans, kicking off my shoes. With my pants to the side, I ran my fingers along the waistband of my boxers, hesitating for a moment. I watched as Dominic removed his pants, revealing a jockstrap underneath. We stood almost naked taking each other in. I slipped of my boxers, revealing my cock and balls. Dominic smiled. “How big are you?” he asked. “I’m six foot,” I said. “No,” he said. “How big is your dick?” “I don’t know.” Dominic turned and moved to his desk, opening a drawer and taking out a tape measurer. “Get hard,” he said, walking to me. I reached down and started jerking my cock, though seeing Dominic in his jockstrap was doing enough on its own. With him standing so close to me, I could feel his warmth. It was intoxicating. “There,” I said, pushing out my pelvis for him to see. He kneeled down, holding the measuring tape out along my shaft. “Eight inches,” he said. “Big boy.” “Is that good?” He smiled up at me. “That’s perfect. Just think, this cock was almost wasted on an ungrateful woman. Good thing I got to you first. Still, it also means that I’m still king.” He removed his jockstrap, revealing a semi-erect cock that took my breath away. “Ten inches and thick.” “I don’t think I can take that,” I told him. Feeling once again worried about my choice. “Don’t worry,” he said, kissing me again. “We’ll go slow… at first. Here, wear this.” He handed me his jockstrap. I looked inside and found some stains. I assumed they were cum and piss stains. Normally, I would recoil, but now, taking it from Dominic, I wanted nothing more than to wear it. As I lifted a leg, he reached out and stopped me. “Smell it first,” he said. Slowly, I raised it to my nose and breathed in, my head spinning from the smell of sweat, piss, and cum. I wanted more. I breathed in deeper, pressing the fabric to my face. My tongue slipped out and ran along the fabric, tasting him. “What do you think?” he asked. All I could do was moan. “Put it on.” I hated that I wasn’t going to smell or taste him, but he wanted me to do what he said. I slipped it on, finding the pouch a bit larger than needed. He really was a big guy. Now with his jockstrap off, I could see the tattoo his towel had been hiding. It was a biohazard symbol, the type you see near fallout shelters. It meant to stay away. For me, I wanted to get closer. “Kneel down,” Dominic said. I did as I was told. He stepped closer, his cock in my face, hard as a rock. “Taste it,” he said. I opened my mouth and took in his mushroom head. I’d never tasted someone else. Not like this. Already my jaw was straining to take him in. On my tongue I could taste his precum. It was sweet. “That’s it, baby,” he said, running his hand through my hair, holding on to the back of my head. “Take in a bit more.” He pushed his cock further into my mouth, invading my throat. I started gagging. “Don’t worry,” Dominic said. “You’ll learn to fight that. You’ll have to. How’s it taste?” His cock fell out of my mouth, saliva dripping down my chin. “It tastes amazing.” He slipped his cock back into my mouth, his hand guiding me further down. I gagged again. There was no way I could take him all. I wanted to, but I knew my limits. I bobbed on his cock, trying to keep my teeth away. I knew little about blowjobs, but I knew you weren’t supposed to use your teeth. I looked up and saw Dominic’s head tilted back. “Is it alright?” I asked him. He looked down at me, a wide grin on his face. “You’re a natural,” he said. “We’ll have my whole cock down your throat in no time.” “How?” “Practice,” he said. My cock was throbbing against Dominic’s jockstrap. I reached down and started rubbing, moaning with pleasure. “A born cocksucker,” Dominic said, watching as I pleasured myself, trying to shove more of his cock into my throat. I was halfway. “Time for something new. Get on the bed.” I stood up and followed him to the bed, crawling to the middle. He went to his desk again and pulled out a tube and small vial. “These will make everything easier,” he said, turning to the bed and climbing up next to me. “Spread your legs. Let me see your hole.” I did as I was told. Several men had seen me naked at the gym when I went in to shower. That experience wasn’t new. Having someone else see my butthole was a new experience. I had yet to have a prostate exam, and other than the fooling around I had done days before, it had been an area unexplored. Dominic looked down and then at me. “You’ll need to open wide for me,” he said. “Pull your knees up to your chest. Show me.” I pulled my knees up to my chest, stretching in ways I’d never done before. “Beautiful,” he said, reaching down and running his hand over my hole. I flinched. “Sensitive,” he said. “Let me see what I can do.” He slipped off the bed and leaned down, bringing his face to my hole. “You’ll enjoy this.” My body seized and I gasped. I looked down and saw only the top of his head as his mouth was open around my hole. I could feel his tongue licking. Is this sanitary, I wondered? Do I care? I’d never felt anything like it. My body shuddered, his tongue probing even deeper. I could feel him enter me. I looked down again and saw his eyes watching me. The same ferocity was in his eyes. He was eating me, devouring me. After minutes of this passion, he moved back and took a deep breath in through his nose. “You smell good,” he said, licking his lips. “You taste even better.” “Really?” He smiled. “It’s time to open you up,” he said. “Here, open his bottle. Close your one nostril and breathe in deep. Try to hold as long as you can.” “What is it?” I asked him. “It’s called a popper.” “Is it a drug?” I asked him. “I don’t do drugs.” “Don’t worry,” he said. “It’s an aid. It’ll help you open up.” I nodded and unscrewed the lid. I held it to my nose, held one nostril closed, and breathed in deep. I almost dropped the bottle as my head continued to spin. I felt light, a warmth rushing through me. At the same moment, I felt something push against my hole, forcing itself inside. I looked down and saw Dominic’s hand out of sight. His eyes met mine. “One finger in,” he said, starting to move in and out. He took the bottle and squirted something on his hand. “Take another hit, and we’ll try for two.” I did as I was told. “Good boy. How about three?” I was in another world. I took two more hits. “Four.” Another two hits. He smiles at me. “That’s five, baby.” His hand pumped in and out of me, my hole open. “Looks like you cut yourself,” he says. “What happened there?” “My finger,” I told him. “It… slipped.” “Sure it did,” he said. “It might open up a bit. That’s not abnormal. Trust me. Sometimes there’s blood.” “Blood?” “Don’t worry,” he says. “Don’t you trust me?” My breath caught. “Of course.” “I think you’re ready,” he said. “Wait,” I said, arresting his attention. “Do you… I mean… do you have a condom?” His face falls. “I don’t use condoms,” he says. “But, don’t you have to?” “If you’re afraid of knocking a woman up, sure,” he said. “But between men, never. There’s nothing like feeling skin against skin. That’s where the true connection exists, feeling your partner’s body, their most sensitive points and places. That’s what it’s about.” “I’m just, I’m not sure,” I told him, my legs dropping from my chest. “I don’t fuck with condoms,” he told me. “I can’t stay hard with one on. Real men don’t use condoms. If you don’t agree, you can leave. That’s up to you.” I saw him leave the bed, standing at full height, his cock curving up, fully hard. Never had I seen anything as beautiful as the man in front of me. I wanted him. I wanted him more than anything. I thought of my dream and how much I had wanted it to be real. Now it was. Why would I lose this chance willingly? I grabbed my legs and pulled my knees back to my chest. He smiled. “Alright then,” he said. “Time to take your virginity.” Dominic crawled onto the bed and returned his hand to my hole, massaging it. “I’ll go slow at first,” he said, “but once I’m in, I won’t be able to stop. Understand?” I nodded. “Then here we go.” He lined up his cock to my hole. “Take another hit,” he said, nodding to the vial. As I breathed deep, I felt what must have been his entire hand pressing against my hole. “Almost in,” he said, smirking. There was a searing pain, my body willing me to move away from this unexpected intruder. “Don’t back away,” he said as if he could read my mind. “There,” he said. “The heads in.” “Just the head?” I asked. He laughed. “Let’s keep going.” The pain increased as he pushed more in. “Keep breathing,” he told me. My hands were shaking, losing the hold of my legs. Dominic grabbed my ankles and held them steady, spreading my cheeks even more. His eyes closed as he continued to surge forward. “Fuck,” he groaned. “You feel so tight. It’s been years since I had a virgin ass to myself. Tell me, baby. Tell me your ass is mine.” “My ass is yours,” I whimpered, still trying to push through the pain. I felt like I was being torn in half. My heart was pounding. How much more of this man existed that was still outside of me? “Almost there,” he said, biting his bottom lip. “Just a bit more.” For a brief moment, I thought I was going to die. A ten-inch cock was entering my body. How was anyone able to handle anything so big? I thought of my own cock, knowing it was only two inches shorter. Would someone feel this way if I fucked them, I wondered? A new sensation met me as I felt hair press against my ass. I looked down and saw Dominic’s pelvis pressed against me, his pubic hair mixing with the hairs on my balls. “You did it,” he said, smiling. “All ten inches. You’re not a virgin anymore.” I’m no longer a virgin, I thought. There’s no going back now. “I’m going to wait and let your ass grow accustomed to my size,” Dominic said. “Alright,” I said. “Daddy,” he said. “What?” “Call me Daddy,” Dominic said. “Say it. Call me Daddy, Son.” “Daddy,” I repeated, the word hanging in the air. Dominic smiled. “What do you want your Daddy to do, Son?” “I want you to fuck me,” I said. He raised a brow. “I want you to fuck me, Daddy,” I corrected. He slid out of my ass and then slowly pushed himself back in, causing me to wince. “Who does your ass belong to?” “You, Daddy.” He pulled out again, pushing back in, this time with more force. “Who does your body belong to?” “You, Daddy.” Out and in. “Who does your soul belong to?” “You, Daddy.” “And who will you listen to and do whatever he tells you to do?” “You, Daddy.” “Who’s your master?” “You, Daddy.” “Who do you want to convert you?” “You, Daddy.” “That’s fucking right,” he growled, his pace quickening. I could feel his cock all the way up in my chest, reaching for my heart. With every thrust, he hit a spot in my body that I’d never felt before, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. “You feel that, Son? That’s your prostate I’m hitting. Only the biggest dicks can make you feel that way, obliterating the spot that makes men quake.” My hand was down to my crotch, reaching beneath the jockstrap, grabbing my cock and balls. I was the hardest I’d ever been. Precum was oozing out of my piss slit, collecting in my pubic hair in puddles. “Let me see that cock,” Dominic said. I pushed the jock’s pouch down beneath my balls, my cock springing to life. A drop of precum flew through the air and stuck to his treasure trail. Without missing a beat, he left go of my ankle and collected the precum on his finger, bringing it to his mouth. He moaned. “You taste so sweet,” he said. “So pure. So clean. Let’s see if we can change that.” His pace quickened, the bed shaking beneath us. He started grunting as I moaned, my body unable to contain the waves of ecstasy flowing over me. I took hold of my cock again and started pumping, stopping as Dominic’s hand grabbed my wrist. “Don’t jerk off,” he said. “I want to see you cum hands free.” “Can I do that?” I asked. “Only when a big cock is inside you,” he said. “You’ll see.” He pounded harder. His breathing started to quicken. “I’ve got a huge load for you,” he said. “I can feel it boiling in my balls. Tell me where you want it, Son? You don’t want me to waste it on your stomach, do you?” “No, Daddy,” I said. “You only want it in your ass, right?” “Yes, Daddy.” “Tell me that’s where you want it.” “I want your cum in my ass, Daddy.” “You want me to convert you?” “Yes, Daddy.” “You want me to knock you up?” “Yes, Daddy.” “You want me to make you mine forever?” “Yes, Daddy. Make me yours forever. Cum in my ass.” “You’ve got it,” he growled, pushing as far into my ass as he could, his head thrown back as he cried out. “Fuck. I’m cumming. I’m cumming in your ass, Son. Can you feel it?” “Yes, Daddy. I can feel it.” I could feel his cock throbbing, a warmth spreading inside of me. At that very second, my own cock came to life, shooting ropes of cum into the air, splattering down on my face, chest, and stomach. Taken over by the pleasure, I scooped up my cum and started shoveling it into my mouth, relishing the taste of my first hands free cum. “I’m still cumming,” Dominic cried, looking down at his cock. His body was shaking with each pulse. “Fuck. It’s like it won’t stop.” “Don’t stop, Daddy,” I said, still bringing my cum to my mouth.
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  42. PART SIX I'd been sucking them for about 10 or so minutes, and it was a weird thing to say, but my arse was so hungry. It needed to be fucked. "Can one of you fuck me please? My arse needs it so bad...." I pleaded. The two of them shared a knowing smile "Damn you're right, it is good stuff. You want a piece of this beautiful arse Jerome?" David asked, as I was sucking the pair of them. "Of course I do, but I wanna make sure you tear it up first," he replied. I wasn't sure what he meant but God, I needed it so much, it felt like my arse was on fire. The two of them both moved behind me and I could soon feel the metal from David's PA pressing against my hole. I moved back towards him eagerly and I could feel his cock slowly opening me up. "Mmmmm...not much I love seeing more than a bumped-up arse wanting a cock in it..." (Bumped-up? I wondered to myself) "Now do what that cock does best David." Jerome said. Within seconds, David started fucking my arse harder than he had before. It was such a mix of pleasure & pain as he was fucking me I wasn't sure if I was enjoying it...no, who am I kidding...I was being fucked, of course I was loving it! All I could do was moan as he worked my arse over, David pushing my cheeks wide as he fucked me. It felt incredible to be used in this way, I knew I was being used but I didn't mind, it was what I was made for. "That should be plenty" Jerome said, and David pulled out of me. David kept hold of my cheeks wide, and I could feel the air going into the gape of my arse. "Oh, looks like our little poof had his cherry popped again...let me get that" and Jerome scooped something (I guess David's precum?) that'd trickled out of my arse. I was gaping so much, it was probably bound to happen! "Now clean yourself up and take a seat, while I take this pussy." Jerome said to David. David grabbed a beer and started drinking and looking at his phone as he sat next to us. I was a bit surprised that he didn't seem to really care that his new boyfriend was about to be fucked by someone else but oh well. "Wow, what a beautiful gape" Jerome said and he started fucking me with some (three maybe?) fingers. "Nothing better than feeling a nice fresh hole before it's totally wrecked." His fingers did feel amazing but it wasn't what I needed. "Jerome, can you please fuck me?" I begged. My hole was feeling a bit sore & stretched but I wanted him in me anyway. "Of course my boy, I was just getting you & myself nice and ready." he replied, God his voice was so soothing. "You really love Daddy cock don't you boy?" I guessed I did, I hadn't really put it together but the thought of cocks of older guys older inside me was much more of a turnon. While I was thinking about that, Jerome pushed his cock deep inside me and it felt so good. "Oh yesssss...what a beautiful pussy you have" he groaned as he entered me. My groans matched his, it felt incredible. "Pussy......don't you mean arse?" I replied. "Sorry my boy, I forgot you're so new to this!" He laughed as he slowly began thrusting. "Poofs like us sometimes refer to our arseholes as our pussies, it's the only way we'll get knocked up after all!" I'd never thought of it that way, and the thought of getting knocked up by guys was such an appealing one. It was like he read my mind because shortly after he said, "In fact there's a few friends of mine that would love using a pussy like yours..." That sounded amazing! But I wanted to keep my cool, "Um...yeah...I'd love that....I can give you my number if you want to pass onto them if you want..." "Well, you can meet them all at once if you'd like. We're having a survivors party at my place later next week & you could be the guest of honour if you wanted. David's got my details anyway so he can let you know....." I looked over at my new boyfriend for his approval but he was still checking his phone & drinking what must've been his third beer while Jerome was fucking me. Time flies while you're having fun! "I'll do it!" I said, "It sounds like it'll be a blast." "If it all goes well, there'll be a few blasts!" Jerome laughed, .."And if all goes well, all of them knocking up that beautiful pussy of yours. Did you hear that David? Are you OK if my young friend here comes to my survivors party?" David looked up from his phone, "Not at all, I'm positive. And with any luck..." and the two of them started laughing. "Anyway, I gotta go & take a piss." "Don't be silly," Jerome replied. "If our guest of honour here's coming to my party, he'll need a taste of what he'll be getting up to. Why use a toilet when there's a perfectly good mouth here to piss into?" David smiled and moved over towards me. I was feeling a bit nervous having never tasted piss before (aside from the head of cocks when I was about to suck them) so I was worried how it'd go. "Don't you spill a drop mate," David said. "The dry-cleaning at Jerome's place is a bitch for the carpets so you'll be needing to swallow the lot." He rested his cock between my lips & within seconds, my mouth started to fill with warm piss. It was pretty watery thankfully after the beer and I was surprised to find it tasted kinda familiar. I've no idea how though. "Oh fuck, I love watching young piss sluts" Jerome moaned behind me as I was swallowing. He started pounding me harder and pushed against my arse as he came hard. I kept licking David's cock as Jerome pushed a couple of fingers into my arse, muttering something about "making sure it takes". I was hoping it took too, the idea of carrying part of Jerome inside me sounded great. Looking around, it was dark now! "Time's gotten away from us!" Jerome laughed, "Guess I'd better head home." "Nah, stay in the spare bedroom with Josh, he won't mind." "Only if it's OK with him," Jerome replied, rubbing my belly that'd been filled with cum from one end and piss from the other. I leant back, searching for his mouth with mine. I found it & started making out with this old guy, giving him his answer. END OF PART SIX
    1 point
  43. Hands down FT Lauderdale is the place to go to retire or live. Wilton Manors being the best gay Mecca in the world. I traveled the world trying to find the best gay mecca to live in and Ft Lauderdale won. There are many more bars and clubs in Ft Lauderdale than in Palm Springs. Most of the gay bars are on Wilton Drive so you can park and walk to any of them. Unlike Palm springs where you have to drive long distances to get to one bar from another. Ft Lauderdale is by the Sea and everything is green with palm trees and tropical weather. You can be in shorts all year round. There is 321 which is a super hot sex club with a BYOB bar. 2 Bathhouses and many private sex parties all year long not just on the circuit party days like most places - including palm springs. The community is mostly made up of men in their late 40's on up. It is very Bear oriented and super friendly. If your an older gentleman then there is tropics a bar specifically for older men and their admirers. I like going there and im not that old. There are all kinds of gays in Ft Lauderdale. From Professionals to retired people. If you flash that you have a lot of money or you think that you are gods gift to the world then you will definitely be disliked and nobody will talk to you. Ft Lauderdale likes its down to earth people. Unfortunately Palm springs has the weekend crowd that comes from all parts of California with a lot of money and have their noses up in the air and their butts. Yes if you drive during rush hour or busy times of the day there is traffic especially in the winter when all the snowbirds come down. But since everyone wants to live in paradise you have to pay some kind of price. Palm Springs is wonderful don't get me wrong. I dont mean to sound negative about it. There are many wonderful people there and the events that go on are amazing. The problem for me with Palm springs is that realestate is super expensive and living there is expensive. But the part that bothered me is that there is not a full time community there that mixes professionals and common folk. You are either retired or y ou are working some kind of service industry. It is beautiful and if you like the desert you will love palm springs.
    1 point
  44. Yes, all diseases have to start somewhere and it’s stupid to be xenophobic regarding on that.
    1 point
  45. Sex with an audience is why I go to a bookstore.
    1 point
  46. Megan came again after five minutes of deep pounding, Mike was not even jealous of how she seemed to love Andre's Dick. Megan kept telling Andre how much she loved his dick and how she wanted him to cum in side her. Andre had positioned Megan so he could watch Mike touch his man hole and finger it. Megan and come a second time and he old Mike to come over and he pulled out of Megan and positioned him and Megan with their asses facing him and told them to make out as he fucked Megan and lubed up his finger and worked it in Mikes hole. Mike and Megan were both moaning while they kissed and Andre went ahead and pulled out and lubed up a second finger and worked two up his tight little hole. Mike pulled his ass forward to signal to top but Andre kept his digits in the boy and started to fuck his hole and soon Mike was pushing back on two thick fingers. Andre started fingering Mike deep and his moans where getting louder. He told Mike it was time to fuck Megan and give her his cum. Mike did not move till Andre pulled his fingers from the boys hole and then he took Andre's place while Andre played with Mike;s hole and it did not take long and Mike shot in Megan. Andre took Mike's place in her cummy cunt and fucked her while Mike let her clean his dick off. Ten minutes later Andre shot his first load in Megan. Andre grabbed Mike;s phone while they were making out and Mike went to eat the cum out of her pussy and called his phone. It made a buzz and Andre grabbed the phone and told both of them he had to run but he would let them know when he could come back. He told them it would be an hour so they should play until he returns. He gave Mike a pill and a drink to wash it down, Mike did not ask any questions and then he gave Megan one and he took one. His and Mikes were sugar pills and Megan;s a sleeping pill. He left for 45 min and hit Mike up from the lobby. Boy, I am heading back up to the room. Have you been touching your hole? I watched you finger your boy hole and show off for me. Go unlock the door and be in the chair with your legs up showing off that boy hole when I walk in. Mike gave no response other than Megan is asleep. Don't worry about that boy go get ready for me. Andre got off the elevator and headed to the room and just as instructed Mike had put the door ajar and when Andre walked in and saw Mike with his legs on the arms of the chair and his fingers playing with his hole. Andre smiled and went to sit on the bed and watch Mike show off his tight little boy pussy. Andre watched for a couple minutes and said boy, you love that hole don't you. Mike said Yes, oh god yes. Hot Andre said, ever done this before? Mike no, I have not. but somehow I can not stop. Yea, I have bet guys like you before. Once you realize you have a boy pussy you can't stop touching it. Mike shook his head no but kept touching his hole. Boy get dressed I want to show you something. Mike fingered himself for another minute and then got dressed and followed Andre out into the hall, he did not say anything all the way to the elevator and up two floors. They walked to Room 908 and Andre grabbed his key and opened the door and had they both walked in. Andre told Mike to get undressed but this time he wanted him to show off his hole in the chair with his ass facing the door. Mike had to think about it and got on his knees on the chair with his chest on the back of the chair. Andre told him to spread his legs, Mike moved them and Andre said more put them against the arms of the chair. Mike moved them and his crack opened showing off this hairless rosebud. Andre, said dude that is one pretty hole. No wonder you keep touching it, fucking amazing. Andre, told Mike to tighten his hole. Mike flexed his cunt, winking at Andre in the process. Fucking beautiful boy, do it again as Andre's voice was coming closer to Mike, Mike flexed and then he felt Andre breath on his hole and blow. Mike's cunt flexed without effort and then he felt Andre place his tongue on his boy cunt and Mike moaned. Oh fuck, Mike said as Andre ate his boy pussy. Mike pressed his ass back into Andre's tongue and moaned and his body shook he was loving it so much. Andre pulled off and said boy that taste amazing, you know you have the hottest pussy on you! Andre spit on his hole and then started to rub his tongue on the boys hole. Andre kissed Mike's bubble checks while his thumb pressed against Mikes tight little hole and sent sensations all over Mike's body. Andre grabbed a large shared and lubed up his finger and the started to finger fuck the boy. Mike moaned and pressed his hips back as Andre pressed deeper and then Andre grabbed the rock and slide in deep in Mike. Mike recoiled at first and then as Andre's finger pressed deeper in Mike, Mike pushed back and soon was fucking himself with Andre's thick finger. Mike was really getting hungry, Andre pulled his finger out and lubed up a second and pressed both against that thick hole and Mike pressed back wanting it but Andre had to settle for one for now and then he pulled out and used the other and then tried both again and after pressing them in an upward motion his fingers popped in Mike. Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Mike said as he tried to pull off Andre's fingers but Andre grabbed Mikes hops and held him in place while his digits stretched the boys hole. Mike began to adjust and push back on Andre's thick fingers. Andre grabbed some poppers while Mike pleased his hole with Andre's fingers and told the boy to take the cap off and hit the poppers. Mike fumbled with them and Andre had to instruct him to do each nostril separately, inhale deep and then move to the other. Do that twice, Mike followed the instructions and his hole began to relax. And Andre knew it was time to lube his dick and press it against the boys cunt. Mike pressed back as Andre grabbed his hips and told the boy to huff the poppers again and this time do four on each side. Andre kept the force up on Mikes cunt with his big dick and after two Andre felt his dick press a little and then the third round a bit more and on the fourth that hole was begging to get fucked. Andre pulled back a little and spit on the hole and his cock head and pressed up against that tight little hole and after another minute Mike's hole gave way and Andre pressed the head of his dick inside Mike who was making a squealing noise so Andre wrapped his hand around the boys mouth to muffle him as he let Mikes hole adjust. Andre decided Mike was not ready for his big dick even though he was almost there. He pulled off and let loose of Mike's hips and told him to get on all four in the middle of the bed and he grabbed the bag he had brought up earlier from the car and pulled out some toys, some more lube and a ball gag should he need it. Andre grabbed a pillow and told Mike to put his head down on it, and spread his legs. Mike did and then Andre stuck the lube bottle head against Mike's hole and pressed it in and then shot some lube inside Mike. Andre grabbed the vibrator and starting rubbing it on Mike's hole and Mike started to moan and then when Andre turned it on Mike got louder, but the pillow muffled most of it. Andre pointed the head right at the boys hole and let the vibration work his ass lips and he watched as that hole started to open around the vibrator and soon Mike's hole was swallowing half of it and he was moaning and shaking. Andre rubbed Mike's lower back with his other hand and told him what a good boy he was. Andre pressed the vibrator deeper in Mike's dick was getting hard. Andre slowly worked the vibrator out of Mike's hole and then grabbed a medium sized dildo. Andre pressed the dildo against Mike's hole and it took some pressure but soon the dildo pressed past his ass lips and into the boys pussy and Mike began to moan and press back. Andre held the dildo and let Mike press back and get into fucking his pussy on that dildo. Pressing it closer Andre forced more of the dildo into Mike until it was deep in his boy cunt. Mike was really getting into it and even after Andre pulled the dildo out he was still rocking back and forth with his hungry hole. Andre got into place and pressed his big dick up against that well lubed hole after lubing up his dick and Mike hit his dick head and bounced back and fourth and finally pressed hard enough for Andre to feel that sweet little hole wrap around his dick head. He quickly grabbed Mike's hips and held him there as he pressed in a little deeper. Mike was trying to pull off the dick but he was no match for Andre who slowly fucked Mike back and fourth with the slightest movement inching a little more inside Mike each time. Andre reminded Mike to hit the poppers and handed them to Mike and after hitting them four times like before his hole opened enough for Andre to sink his dick deep into Mike. Mike the pain took Mike's breath away and once he started breathing again Andre starting slowly fucking his boy cunt and Mike started moaning and pressing his ass back into Andre's huge man meat. Andre did not last long and after ten minutes of fucking that tight pussy Andre came hard in Mike. Andre pulled out and told Mike to stay right there and grabbed his phone and snapped pics of his gaping cummy boy cunt and then went back to fingering and playing with Mike and before Andre was finished he fucked Mike two more times and loaded his hole. Then it was like a switch came over Andre, he smacked the boys ass and slipped a butt plug in him and told him to get dressed It was time to go fuck Megan.
    1 point
  47. japanese have a stereotype that most stds comes from foreigners, so they will probably use a condom with foreigners, personally i'm non hairy oriental asian (meaty, muscled), and they might guessed im a foreigner as well, but i do speak intermediate jap and i've played at that specific 24 kaikan, so actually because of that i managed to play raw with them (ur chances of fucking raw increases if u speak jap, sounds ridiculous but true). If you are westerner, you might want to consider the 24 kaikan at shinjuku instead, they are more friendly towards westerners there, whether they would do raw, i'm not too sure as im oriental asian,
    1 point
  48. This would be a dream come true.
    1 point
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