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  1. Part 9: Will discovers something BIG Arriving home brought about anxiety. For some reason, I believed my parents were going to be able to smell the gay on me, as if my breath would smell like the dick I’d been sucking. As I pulled into their driveway, I saw that my brothers had already arrived. I rang the bell, my mother greeting me. “You’re here!” she exclaimed. “Hi, Mom.” “How are you? You look good.” “I feel good,” I told her. There was no need to tell her that I was HIV positive and fucking a man almost twice a day. “Where is everyone?” “Your father is at church,” she said. “Naturally.” “Now, Zack and Bridget are in his old room. Uncle Michael is in your old room. You and Jay will have to share.” “For a week?” “Just until Sunday. Uncle Michael leaves then.” “This is ridiculous.” “When you’re married, you can have a room all to yourself and your wife. Until then, you share with your brother.” “Fine,” I said. I went and got my bags, hiking them up to Jay’s old room. Posters of bands we hadn’t been allowed to listen to covered the walls. Though Zack and I had remained in our faith, Jay decided early on to live his own life by his own rules. He got flack about it from our parents, but he didn’t care. I guess I’m the black sheep now, I thought, dropping my bags on the floor. “I get the bed,” a voice said from behind. I turned and saw Jay standing in the doorway. While I shared a resemblance to our mother, Jay had our father’s features. He was a bit shorter than me, but his muscles were more pronounced. In many ways, he reminded me of Doctor Wade. Just the thought caused my dick to jump in my pants. “Why do you get the bed?” I asked. “Because it’s my bed,” he said. I already knew this was going to be a long week. I called Dominic every chance I got. “I feel so anxious here,” I told him. “I feel like I’m about to jump out a window.” “Do something to get your mind off of it,” he told me. “Jerk off a few times. That should help.” “The bathroom door doesn’t lock,” I told him. “And I’m sharing a room with Jay.” “Jay’s the one with the six inch dick, right? Shorter but ticker?” “Are you really going to talk about my brother’s dick right now?” “I’m trying to make you laugh. I know this is a stretch, but are there any adult video stores nearby?” “What?” “Adult video stores. You know, where you go to buy porn instead of looking it up on the internet. Go to one of those and jerk off.” “In what, their parking lot?” “They’ve got private rooms in the back,” he said. “Trust me. You’ll feel better after. Besides, sometimes there are gloryholes you can suck a dick through. Maybe sucking someone’s dick will help you calm down.” I hated to admit it, but the idea was growing on me, and not just because my dick was growing at the thought of sucking someone’s dick. I told my parents that I was going to drive around a bit, see some of my old stomping grounds, and that I would be back before dinner. I knew of one adult video store outside of town, far enough that if anyone saw me, they wouldn’t know who I was. When I got there, I went inside and looked around. There were aisles of porn DVDs and magazines. A sign in the back advertised private viewing booths. I went back and found one that was open, stepping inside and locking the door. There was a tiny tv and a slot for quarters, telling me I had to pay to watch. I guess that made sense, but Dominic hadn’t told me to bring quarters. Realizing I had wasted my time, I turned around and was about to leave when I saw the hole in the wall. I had seen enough porn to know a glory hole when I saw one. I knelt down and looked through, seeing a shadow pass the wall in the room next door. I moved my face closer, trying to see if it was a man or woman, when my answer was given to me. Immediately, a dick came popping through the hole, a bead of precum handing from the tip. Without hesitation, I grabbed the dick and licked the precum off the head, hearing a groan from the other side. Instantly the dick started to grow. It wasn’t huge. It was smaller than mine, but it looked beautiful as it pulsed in front of me, wishing for my mouth to return. I sucked the head and took the balls in my hands, massaging them, feeling their weight. They were hairy, a musky odor clinging to the skin. I breathed it in deep, relishing the smell. It wasn’t nearly as good as Dominic’s, but it was still incredible. I opened my mouth and took in as much of the dick as I could. Since sucking Dominic off, I had gotten better at holding off my gag reflex. Now, I could take a dick down my throat without a problem. I sucked slowly, allowing the intensity of the feeling to build. I could feel the heat radiating off the dick, more precum oozing out. It tasted so good. I started to move my mouth along the shaft, my hand replacing my mouth to keep the pressure going. After a few minutes, I could hear the man on the other side of the wall groan, his body pressing harder against the wall. “I’m… gonna… cum…” he moaned. As I opened my mouth, the voice of the man replayed in my head. That voice, it sounded familiar. I looked at the cock in my hand and did a quick calculation of its measurements. It was six inches. It was a thick cock, thicker than normal. The taste of the precum reminded me of the first time I had tasted my own. Can cum taste the same if it’s from the same family. As I realized who was standing on the opposite side of the wall, his cock throbbed and ropes of cum shot out, filling my mouth and covering my face. “Fuck, man,” the voice said, the spurts of cum subsiding, leaving me drenched. He pulled his dick back through the hole. “Thanks, dude. That felt fucking great.” I remained on my knees, listening as the door of the other room opened and closed. I wanted to look out and see his face, but there was no need. I knew it had been him. I sat in the chair in my booth, my face reflected in the television screen. Cum was dripping down my face, collected in my facial hair. Most of it was in my mouth. I tasted it, knowing it tasted like my own. Not knowing what to do, I swallowed Jay’s cum and sat in silence, wondering what I was going to do. “You’re sure it was him?” Dominic asked. “I’m positive,” I told him. After I left the adult video store, I called Dominic, telling him what had happened. “It was Jay. It was Jay’s dick. Oh my God. I just sucked my brother’s dick. I just swallowed my brother’s cum.” I waited for Dominic to say something. “Dom?” “I mean, it’s kinda hot,” he said. “Are you serious?” “I’m sorry, but it is. I grew up wanting to suck my brother’s dick. Then, when I realized I was bigger than him, I wanted him to suck my dick. I know you’re weirded out, but I can’t even begin to explain to you how turned on I am right now. Honestly, my dick is in my hand and I’m ready to blow.” “I have to share a room with him,” I said. “How am I supposed to look him in the eye after that?” “Look him in the eye, just don’t look directly at his dick.” “Be serious.” “Listen. You’re not going to get what you want from me. I’m jealous. I know a ton of guys who would love to suck their brother’s dick. And besides, didn’t you say he called you dude? That means he knew it was a guy on the other side. That means he likes guys sucking his dick. Maybe your brother is gay.” “And if he is,” I said, “he’ll see my tattoo and figure out that I’m poz.” “So what if he finds out?” “He’s not good at keeping secrets.” “He must be pretty good if you never knew he was getting his dick sucked by guys. I’m just saying don’t freak out. Up to the point that you discovered it was Jay, were you enjoying it?” I sighed. “Yes.” “Alright. Hold on to that. If I were you, I would be getting into his pants the second I could again. But, if that’s not an option, you’re just going to have to lay low. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Also, wear a t-shirt when you sleep so he doesn’t see your tattoo. Problem solved.” “I guess,” I said. When I returned home, everyone was back. We joined together for dinner, my mother placing Jay on the other side of the table from me. I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but I knew he saw me looking over a few times with a shameful glance. “How’s your church, Will?” my father asked. “Good,” I told him. “We’ve had several new members. I’ve actually become friends with one of them.” “A woman?” Zack asked. “A man,” I said. “Are you dating anyone?” my mother asked. “Not at the moment,” I told her. “You should really be trying to find someone,” my father told me. “People want to see their pastors married. You must be their example.” “If he doesn’t want to get married, he doesn’t have to get married,” Jay said. “I never want to get married.” “That’s because you're a dirty heathen,” Uncle Michael said. “That’s me,” Jay said, smiling. “Hell, table for one.” “If you don’t believe in God anymore, why are you here?” Zack asked. “Are you planning on making a spectacle of yourself?” “That’s an idea,” Jay said. “No. Regardless of what you think of me, I still love Dad even if I don’t love God. I’m here for him.” “How about we change the subject,” my mother said. Once dinner was over and a bit of television was watched, I went to Jay’s room and started getting ready for bed. I blew up an inflatable mattress and searched through my bags for clothes to sleep in. “What are those?” Jay asked. “Pajamas,” I said. “You’re a grown man,” he said. “Sleep in your underwear or sleep naked. That’s what I do. Besides, the central air is broken, and it’s almost eighty degrees in here. Maybe more.” “I’m fine,” I said. I went to the bathroom and changed, checking my white shirt to see if the tattoo was visible. It wasn’t. As I reentered Jay’s room, I found him standing by his bed completely naked. My eyes were drawn to his dick, the same dick which had been in my mouth only hours before. “See something you like?” he asked. I ignored him. “I don’t need to tell you just how much the ladies just love a thick cock. Oh, that’s right. You don’t know. You’re the last virgin in the house. Maybe on the planet. Well, let me tell you, they love it.” “I don’t care, Jay.” “They love it when I shove my tick dick into their tight pussies. I’m too much of a man for most of them. When it comes to their mouths, forget it. I break jaws.” “I said, that’s enough.” “Fine,” he said. “Jealousy is an ugly thing.” “Why would I be jealous of a dick that’s smaller than mine?” I said. There was silence. “First of all,” Jay said, “congrats on using the word ‘dick.’ Second, your dick is not bigger than mine.” “Yes, it is,” I said. “Really?” “Yes.” “How big?” I turned to him. Jay was now standing next to my mattress, his dick waving above me, almost completely hard. For a moment, I wanted to reach out and touch it, to lick the head, to taste his precum. “You really want to know?” “I’m a little over six inches,” he said. “Over six inches around too. Seven even.” “Eight,” I told him. “No, I’m not eight around.” “No,” I said. “Eight inches. I’m eight inches.” Jay laughed. “No, you’re not.” “Yes, I am.” “Prove it.” “What?” “Prove it,” Jay said. He turned and went to his desk, opening a drawer where he dug inside before pulling out a measuring tape. What was with Dominic and Jay keeping measuring tape at the ready? “You kept Mom’s measuring tape in your room so you could measure yourself?” I asked. “So?” he said. He threw me the measuring tape. “Prove it.” I stared at him for several seconds before taking the measuring tape and pulling it beneath the covers. “No,” he said. “Out and proud. I want to see what you’re working with.” “Are you serious?” “If you’re going to tell me that you’re bigger than me, I want proof. I want to see it with my own eyes.” “I’m not hard.” “Then get hard,” he said. “You want me to pull up some porn on my phone? Is porn too extreme for you, Pastor Ryder?” My temper had reached its limit. I threw off my covers and stood up, standing in front of Jay. I pulled down my shorts and boxers, revealing my dick. For a brief moment, I saw a look of uncertainty on Jay’s face. “Jerk it,” he said. I reached down and started pulling at my cock. Seeing Jay standing in front of me naked helped the blood flow. Images of Dominic fucking me pushed me even further, my dick springing to life. “Fuck,” Jay said as I ran the measuring tape along my dick. “See. Eight inches. Actually, Eight and some change. I’m not as thick as you. Still only five inches. Congrats on girth. Are you happy now?” I threw the measuring tape at him and leaned down to pull up my boxers and shorts but stopped as Jay spoke. “Why were you at the adult video store today?” I froze. “What are you talking about?” “Your car. I saw it at the adult video store. Why?” “That wasn’t… I wasn’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I showed the guy at the counter a picture of you on my phone,” Jay said. “He said he saw you go back to one of the booths. He also said he saw you looking at the gay porn.” “I wasn’t looking at gay porn.” “But you were there?” I was silent. Jay stepped closer. “It was you, wasn’t it? In the other booth? You were the one that… that sucked my dick.” I couldn’t breathe. My heart was racing. He had known it was me. He had put his dick through the hole knowing it was me on the other side. He had wanted me to blow him. Why?
    22 points
  2. PART 7 I could feel Benicio’s soft chest hair rubbing against my smoother skin. His muscles tensing against mine as we pulled one another even closer. He was a passionate kisser. I ran my hands through his hair, pulling him deeper into the lip lock. He didn’t resist — in fact, he relished it. His hands moved across my body, exploring my athletic build. He cupped my ass in his hands, massaging it. I reached down and did the same. He tilted his head back and grinned at it — damn, he had a devilish grin. He ran one finger along my hole, gently exploring the soft skin. “Like that?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.” Then I slipped my finger I between his ass cheeks and gently probed his hole. It felt so hot — the heat radiating from his hole. I knew I wanted to have my tongue in there. Benicio moaned quietly, burying his head into my chest. I think he whimpered a little as I dug into his hole. He slid his head to the left and bit down on my nipple — it was my turn to yelp. He didn’t let go, but instead swirled his tongue across my nipple. Jared had never done anything like this, so I was totally surprised by the electric shocks it sent through my body. He started kissing my abs, working his way down my body until he reached my stiff cock. It was raging at this point — in fact it was so swollen it almost hurt. Benicio looked up at me as he silently slid his mouth along my shaft for the first time. I groaned again. ”Fuck! That feels amazing.” Benecio responded by taking my whole cock into his mouth and easing it into his throat. How did he do that without gagging? He nuzzled his nose right into my short hairs. Then his finger found my hole again and began caressing it. Pleasure overwhelmed my body and I actually stepped back, instinctively pulling my cock out of his mouth. I gasped and laughed at the same time. Benecio grinned at me, still kneeling in front of me as I awkwardly tried to balance myself while my head was rushing with the intense feelings. “Liked that, huh?” “Oh my gawd that was amazing,” I gasped. “There’s more to come. Lots more cum.” He suddenly stood up, wrapped his arms around me, and started making out again. I was still breathing heavy but still managed to wrestle with his tongue back and forth in our mouths. I was running my hands through his hair again, then let one hand drop to his ass. It was so firm and smooth, with just a trace of soft hairs between the cheeks. My finger found his hole again and began to probe it. Benecio growled, breaking our break and turning his head to gently bite my neck. “Oh baby,” he whispered in my ear as my finger dug a little deeper, his hole opening slightly. “Oh baby, please. Please.” I dug a little deeper and he winced. “Lube,” he whispered. “Do you want to come back to my room? I have supplies there.” Benecio raised his head and looked into my eyes. “No.” My heart sank. Benicio leaned away from me and pumped a couple loads out of the dispenser on the wall. Using the soap, he slicked up my cock then turned around, pushing his ass against my body. He didn’t have to ask twice. I put a hand between his shoulders and bent him forward. He placed his hands against the tiled wall and widened his stance, his ass pressed back. This was not his first time offering his ass in the showers. I lined my slicked dick up with his hole and pressed forward. There was a moment of resistance at his hole, the muscles tightening at the pressure coming from the outside. But Benacio relaxed and I felt his sphincter open up, welcoming me inside. I felt the ring of muscle slide down my cock. Beyond it was amazing warmth that engulfed by cock. I moaned and Ben sighed. I knew what he was experiencing — that first penetration was both exhilarating and a bit painful. For me, burying my cock inside him was pure bliss. I haven’t fucked anyone in weeks — not since Jared left school for the summer. I looked down as my shaft slid in and out, my pale skin disappearing into his caramel ass. It felt like his ass molded around my cock, massaging the entire length as I moved it inside him. “Fuck me, baby,” he said softly. He pushed his ass back to meet my thrusts. Water slapped between our bodies, and the sound was even louder here in the small shower room. I started thrusting faster, the slapping sound echoing off the tiles. I grabbed Benecio’s hair and pulled his head back — Jared had always asked me to do that. Benecio seemed to like it just as much. “Oh! Oh! Fuck me, baby! Oh fuck!” I was even more turned on by his reaction and was giving his ass my all. My cock was raw inside him. I hadn’t fucked raw much before — just that time Jared had pulled the condom off of me mid-fuck. To just fuck raw was hotter than anything else.I could feel how soft it was inside of Benecio, and the heat of his body temperature radiating around my shaft. My cock was so swollen from the intensity. I watched it glide in and out of his hole. “Sorry,” I said. “I’m not gonna last long.” “Give me that load,” Ben said, looking over his shoulder at me. His eyes were so intent. I knew he wanted me to breed him. I knew that feeling now. I could feel the pressure building inside me. I’d cum inside Jared that night he pulled the rubber off of me. I could feel the irresistible urge to plant my seed inside Benecio. He wanted it, too. But another voice in my head was quietly screaming. I’d taken two loads in my ass this summer, and I knew for a fact that Henry was poz. I didn’t know anything about the security guard except that his cock was amazing, but was he poz, too? Was I poz now? Am I about to poz someone? I knew I should pull out and shoot across his back — Benecio would still be happy. We’d both still cum after a hot fuck. But I couldn’t pull out. I didn’t want to pull out, and he didn’t want me to. We both wanted this to happen. I felt my cock throb and then explode, my cum starting to pulse into his hungry ass. “AHHH! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh hhhhh ahhh hhhh!!!” “Oh fuck yeah! Give me that load!” Ben started fucking himself on my hard cock even as it was spewing inside him. He was trying to get every drop. I stood there, my head swimming with the intense release and my body quaking. It was all inside him now. There was no stepping back from it; I had bred his ass with my raw load. We stood there for a long moment, both relishing the connection. I didn’t want to pull out, not yet. I slowly stroked his hole with my cock, the sensation actually really intense on my dick. My body spasmed. Benecio moaned softly, letting me slowly stroke inside his hole. “That was amazing,” he said. He leaned forward and began to stand, my cock sliding free of his ass. We both stumbled, trying to catch our independent balance. My heart was still pounding. Benecio turned around and we started making out in middle of the shower room again. I let my body relax into his arms. It was so comfortable and easy with him. Then that voice in the back of my head started getting louder again. What had I just done? I’d taken a couple toxic loads from guys. Do I even know what my status is now? Ben had been fucked by the security guard, too. In fact, that’s who he’d been waiting for tonight. Was he looking for charged loads? Had I just given him one? [Let me know if you’re enjoying Jeremy’s unexpected evolution. Piggies are always appreciated. I foresee something BIG happening in Jeremy’s near future…..]
    17 points
  3. Part 3 Matt and Ben kept trading off between the two bottom boys, dark hairy Adam and blonde hairy Josh, using the loads that were already in their pussies as lube. They kept making out while their cunts got used, and after a long pounding, they each took a load, Adam from Matt and Josh from Ben. They all collapsed in a heap and were lying on the bed, fondling each others cocks and chilling out, passing the pipe back and forth, getting more and more spun and horny. Adam had never felt this slutty and his hole was hungrier than he’d ever known. He wanted every man in the world to fuck him and couldn’t stop playing with his cumlogged hole. Matt reached over to fill the pipe again, loading it up with some big shards, and shoved it in Adam’s mouth, carefully holding the lighter underneath the glass bowl. He inhaled a huge cloud and started to blow it out when Josh put his mouth over Adam’s and sucked the cloud into his lungs. Adam was startled but so turned on when he realized what was happening. Ben laughed and said “don’t waste good drugs, fag boy.” They were all laughing when the door opened and several voices came from the other room. “Anybody home?” Adam looked at the others slightly alarmed, and Matt rubbed Adam’s furry chest and said “don’t worry, fag. It’s just our Dad. He’s gay too, and the biggest pig of all of us. He has a key to our place and we fuck around all the time.” “Wait. Your Dad is gay?” Josh laughed and said “You have NO idea.” Just then a short, muscular man walked into the room, wearing a tank top, shorts and a cap. He looked to be about 45, 5’6” and with Matt and Josh’s blonde hair covering his whole body. The apples did not fall far from this hot as fuck tree. He laughed. “You motherfuckers started without me. I came over as soon as Matt texted me, and I brought Dan and Brian too. Who’s the sexy little pig who can’t stop playing with his cumdump?” Adam blushed since he knew the older man was talking about him and he realized that his fingers were as far up his ass as he could get them, playing with the loads inside. “Um, I’m Adam, sir." The man laughed and said “You don’t have to call me Sir unless you want to, son. I’m Mike. And these filthy pigs are Dan and Brian.” Mike walked further into the room and started to quickly undress, accepting a shotgun from his son Matt. Dan and Brian were both in their 30s, tall and bearded. Dan was dark with curly black hair all over his body and Brian was smooth with a brown buzz cut and a treasure trail leading into his shorts, which quickly hit the floor. The three older men pulled up chairs and sat by the bed so they could begin to catch up on the T. They all had sizable dicks, particularly Mike. Josh was shorter than his father and brother, but somehow had come out with the biggest cock. “You got any points, son?” Matt reached over to the table and pulled out a small box full of loaded points. He handed one to each of the newcomers and then turned to Adam saying “you get another one, whore. We’re all gonna breed your cunt. Even Josh.” This wasn’t a request, it was an order and Adam knew that he wanted as much cock as he could possibly get. Josh laughed too, even though he also knew this was an order from Matt. He never turned down Matt’s orders. Mike took the point from Matt and said “Get on your knees boy. Suck my cock while I slam this point. I love having a dirty little fag like you suck my cock while I’m slamming.” Adam quickly hopped down onto the floor and took Mike’s fat uncut cock in mouth. It was completely hard but the foreskin still hooded the tip. “Get your tongue down in under the hood, faggot,” Mike growled. Adam quickly complied and was rewarded with a foreskin full of precum. Mike quickly tied off his arm, slipped the needle in the vein and shoved the plunger down. Mike snapped the band off his arm and coughed twice, then he handed the syringe to Matt and grabbed Adam’s ears, shoving his mouth deep on his cock, and holding it there while Adam started to gag. “That’s my boy. You a good little cocksucking faggot?” Mike didn’t wait for an answer since Adam obviously had his mouth full. He just slapped Adam to get him to stop gagging. “Where’d you find this one, Matt?” Mike knew that his boys were both complete sex pigs. He’d been fooling around with them since they were legal. “The beach, where else do I find faggots to breed? They can’t stop looking at me in my wet suit. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination.” They both laughed while Mike continued to fuck Adam’s mouth with his rock hard cock. Ben and Josh were servicing Dan and Brian while they slammed their points. Two more coughs later and everyone was spun out of their heads. After a few more minutes of making Adam gag on his cock, Mike pulled his mouth up and Adam gasped for breath, while he face was covered in precum and spit from deep throating. Mike smiled and spit in Adam’s helpless face. Mike scooped up the spit from Adam’s face and pushed it back into his mouth. Then he reached down and kissed the boy deeply, making out with him until he caught his breath again and started to moan like the cheap whore he was. “OK, boy. Get back up on the bed, time for another slam for my little whore. Adam hopped up on the bed and laid down, holding out his arm for what was coming. Matt tied off Adam’s arm, and the others watched while Mike took the point from Matt, slid it in the vein, got a register and expertly slid the payload home. “OK, faggot. Breathe. You’re going to blast off now and when you leave here you probably won’t be able to walk.” Adam just nodded and waited for Mike to remove the strap from his arm. As soon as he did, he felt the slam all over his body. He got really warm and started to cough uncontrollably. Mike just smiled and said “I think this faggot is ready to gang rape, boys. What do you think?” Adam laughed and said “I sure as hell am, Daddy. You gonna breed my pussy first?” Adam had no idea where these words were coming from. Clearly the drugs were doing the talking. He’d never fantasized about being raped before. OK, maybe a few times. He’d always fantasized about his four brothers and Dad, they were all hot jocks, but nothing had ever happened, other than jerking off with his younger brother a few times when they were kids. He desperately wanted to be part of this family of sex pigs. Adam just let the drugs do the talking, and rolled over on his stomach and shoved his big furry ass in the air. “Come on Daddy. You wanna rape your boy?” The rest of them all laughed and Matt said “well, I guess we got a live one this time. He told me when I picked him up that he was inexperienced. Guess he won’t be after we’re done with him, right?” Adam laughed with them and said “I don’t wanna be inexperienced anymore. I wanna be a whore. Make me into a whore, guys. Use my cunt. Breed me full of cum." “Well shit guys, sounds like this whore wants whatever we can give him,” Mike said. “Let me in that pussy, boy. You’re already loaded up, right?” “Yes, sir. But it’s not nearly enough.” Mike laughed and said “is it ever enough for fags like you?” and rammed his long, fat, uncut dick into Adam’s hairy cunt so fast that it made Adam gasp and then moan like the whore he was fast becoming. The rest of them crowded around the bed where Adam and Mike were fucking doggie style, playing with each other’s cocks waiting their turn to knock the faggot up. They all knew they couldn’t get him pregnant but they were sure gonna do their best to try.
    13 points
  4. Billy, or William as he was named on insurance documents, lived in a trailer park down near the railroad tracks. He was a dirty, always ripe pig of a man and a handyman in and around town. His trailer got hit pretty bad in a storm and he was lucky enough to have insurance and I was lucky to be assigned the claim on behalf of his insurance company. I decided to see other losses in his area and drove overnight, staying at a local motel in the town where Billy lived. After getting myself settled I drove out to the trailer park and it was pretty well wrecked, with a couple people picking over their belongings. When I drove up to Billys place, he was standing there kicking around at the wreckage. I walked up to him and introduced myself, and immediately got a big hit of his body odor, chem sweat and overall musk, and my cock got hard. Billy was 60 but looked older. About 5’7 and 120 pounds maybe, lean, grey oily hair n beard, with old faded tats. It was hot, and he was wearing a dirty, sweaty, t-shirt, overalls boots. As I took him all in, I can’t believe how turned on I was. Expressing my sorrow for his loss, i explained the process of getting him back in his home, but Billy didn’t seem to care very much except for the money that he was being paid to live, as it turns out in the local motel where I was staying, and what he was going to get for a new, furnished trailer. I continued to tell him that I needed to take some notes and walk around and look at the debris, to figure out how much we were going to pay him. As we walked around, and picked through the loss I quickly realized that $15,000 would be more than enough to replace all of the worthless junky shit strewn about. I have a practiced eye for loss and when I was looking through the mud and debris I noticed an assortment of broken glass pipes and assorted party goods. I also spotted an overturned dresser drawer with dildos lubes, and the remains of a sling, partially buried under the mud, wood and siding. At first I wasn’t going to mention anything to Billy, but deal with it later in my report as something or other, but he surprise me when he brought it up casually. “guess whatever you’re going to give me will be enough for me to replace my playthings, huh“ “Good that I made sure to grab my stash.“ Sure, I responded startled,” it looks like you have a nice collection of things that’s been damaged or lost.” Billy just smiled at me, where I noticed his shitty dental work, and that he was eating chew. As we walked through the rest of the mess, he spit a great big gob on the pile, I guess as an act of goodby and good riddance. With total perversion on my mind, and billy’s stink in the air, I knew that I was going to turn this into a very good, easy insurance loss, and a personal must have for me. It was hot and steamy outside and I was really sweating a lot, so I suggested to Billy that I was going to go back to the hotel to write up my notes, and maybe I’d see him there, later. he was good with that, and only wanted to know if he could pick through some things for personal belongings. Sure I said and left. A couple hours later I was ready to go out to the waffle house and grab something to eat, and as I was walking out of my room, there was Billy taking things into his room down the way. I walked up to him and immediately got turned on again, and asked him if he had found things that he can salvage. Yeah sure he said, “just bringing in a couple of boxes. I also grabbed a six pack of beer and they’re still cold if you want to have one.” Absolutely I replied and Billy carried the final box into his motel room, and I followed him through the door for what would turn out to be hours of chem-fuled pig sex of unimaginable proportions. There on the floor of his room where two boxes of salvaged dildos, plugs and a salvaged pipe or two, and on the night table was a torch, a new bowl and other works. Billy was absolutely 100% unashamed of the display, and he could care less it seemed. His only concern was that I wasn’t the law, when he said to me, “hey you insurance guys aren’t like police or attorneys or investigators are you?“ “Nah,” I replied, “ feel free to do what you enjoy man. As a matter of fact I like a lot of what you are into,” I found myself saying. “No shit” Billy said, “that’s excellent. I did take a little bit of the insurance money that you paid me to stay here, and I have some fresh party supplies, so let’s go for it.!” That’s exactly what we did. Billy pointed to the small refrigerator and told me to help myself to beer, and he quickly loaded the pipe, torched it and took a huge hit, coughing. “Fuck man that’s so good,“ he wheezed, and said here man let me give you a hit. He got up close to me and me the pipe fired up and I took a deep blast, which quickly resonated throughout my body. I made sure to stand near him and in hell the stench thinking about how absolutely perverted we were going to get. He took the pipe again and took a big hit, and as he was right near me I put my mouth up to his and he shotgunned it into my throat, followed by a stream of chewjuice. “Oh that was good” Billy declared. “ I’ve been hitting it a lot today, but this one was just as good as the last.”. “Are you really into the other thing?” said Billy as he looked over at the box of dirty toys. Grinning I said “getting dirty and filthy with you is what my dreams are made of, pig.” we quickly got naked, savoring the moment, and when Billy suggested that he needed to piss, I told him to do so in the ice bucket…
    6 points
  5. Rising from the table, Matt said, "I'm gonna get lunch started." MJ squeezed TJ's hand. "Sam, you've been awfully quiet" He said. "Did we say or do anything to intimidate you?" "Not at all!" Sam said. "I've been absorbing the conversation and it actually taught me something about myself. Given my history, I mistakenly thought I needed a daddy's love since I never had a real daddy, but I see you and TJ with your dads and I know what it should be like. Reggie, elevating you to dad status put you in an awkward situation. I don't love you any less, but now, I love you as my man and I hope this doesn't change things between us." A tear in his eye, Reggie kissed Sam on the cheek, "It changes the dynamic, but not my love for you. To be honest, I fell in love with you as a man, but since you seemed to need a daddy's love, I wasn't about to refuse you. Now, it seems we have something to celebrate too and next time we make love it'll be as lovers." "Lunch is ready!" Matt exclaimed, passing plates around. To be continued
    4 points
  6. *shudder* 🤖 DANGER, WILL ROBINSON This is a red flag 🚩 if I ever saw one. If you speak to such a person, try asking “Do you spoon?” I’m willing to bet the reply will be, “Yes! Yes I do! I could spoon with you all night long and fall asleep in your arms.” I have visions of myself pinned for an entire night under the weight of a 250 lb. Man who falls asleep halfway on top of me, sleeps like the dead, and snores like a hive of bees.
    3 points
  7. It’s because kissing is a lot more personal. And some people don’t really have that kind of chemistry with many people but still are horny and want to have sex. Kissing to some isn’t just another move, it’s a connection, it’s communication and most people are stupid. I’d rather not know you’re dumb if I am horny.
    3 points
  8. @losolent This story has been an absolutely amazing ride from the get-go, and is well worth returning to and rereading. To continue or not? Yes, I would love to read more about these wonderful characters but on the other hand, you've reached a near-perfect spot to wave goodbye to them. Hard to think what else you might say if you were to go on. Since everyone else has now paired off, the only loose end left to pursue is what happens to Liam. Whatever you decide, it's all good -- look how many people's hearts you've won with this novel. Thank you for all the time and effort you've put into writing it!
    3 points
  9. Whatever it’s intended to mean, its immediate effect on me is a spontaneous Nope. Cuddling is generally defined in terms of holding someone closely, a long , affectionate hug, nestling, spooning, extended close contact for purposes of comfort. Therefore ‘power cuddling’ sounds basically like a trap to me.
    3 points
  10. I don’t mind which party initiates, but passionate kissing is for me a fundamental requirement for any successful activity. Doubtless controversially, I would have to state a strong preference for smoke kissing or swopping at the same time 😈
    3 points
  11. Kissing is an essential part of a good fuck for me. Poor kisser or a non kisser really kills the mood.
    3 points
  12. I have a top who loves to kiss. When I meet him at the door he kisses with an open mouth. Tongue in my mouth. When we get to the bed he strips and starts kissing again. After sucking both ways he puts a pillow under my ass. He starts kissing again. He still kisses as he unloads his huge load deep in my ass. This happened Thursday I have to admit. It was hot. Any other bottoms like this
    2 points
  13. Went in for a massage as my back was was quite tight. Started the massage like with no inclination of anything extra being offerer. About half way through he places his uncut cock on my hand, and then whispers in my ear, do you bottom? When i said yes, he replied he'd be back as he needs to get a condom. Back in the room, condom on, he starts sliding between my crack and adds more oil, he tries entering but im quite tight so he ends up loosing his hardon. He pulls back and starts fingering my tight hole during which i heard the distinction noise of the condom coming off. He then quickly slides into me raw and starts to fuck me deep. I knew he was in raw but decided to just ask if he has a condom on, he said yes and proceed to fuck me harder. He started to moan and then blew his load in me. He pulls out and and grabs the condom and acts like he was taking it off. Off to the shower and confirmed his load was leaking out my tight hole. Definitely going back for a repeat
    2 points
  14. As I sit here I am so fucking satiated it's wild. I am still high so forgive any typos. I am a handsome fit man in my early 60's and often pass for late 40's. I married my hot handsome husband 4 years ago and he is Asian American and HOT. I am 6'2 190 salt and pepper hair and beard with a nice fat 8 inches. My husband is 50 5'10 170 smooth dark skin and a hot bubble butt and 7.5 thick. I am a versatile top when I am not partying but look out when I do! I can go from zero to slutty pig in less than 60 seconds. Because of my job and high security and random drug testing I choose to limit my partying to a couple times a year. My husband on the other hand has less restrictions and honestly I love fucking him when he's a little high! I have a sling and lots of toys in various sizes and leather restrains and a collar and leash! I only use it when I am high and feeling submissive and I think it's hot because I look totally top! Covid took it's tool on my body and staying inside and like many I added a few pounds and haven't felt that sexual. This summer I stopped whining and hit the gym again and was back down to my regular size and fitness. I had a bet/deal with my husband that once I reached my goal I wanted a night of debauchery which included hiring an escort which he was totally down for. He loves watching me get fucked! last night I told him I wanted to kick back while he was at work and have some solo play time and pnp, since it has been months! My ass hasn't been opened in over 6 months! He asked me if I wanted the sling put up and I said say and he helped me. Once I got all cleaned up and ready I put my leather on which consisted of wrist and ankle restraints, collar and leash and a leather harness. We have a big screen TV in the bedroom which gives great view to watching porn and kicking back! Husband just started a new job working 3rd shift so he had to go to work. I had been smoking and the shit was strong. He asked me if I wanted help getting settled in the sling. I had drawn up a rig with .25 and had it on the table next to me with toys lube and the pipe. Once I was in the sling he attached the restraints and i noticed they were tighter than usual. I said, " how and I supposed to get out?" He said I can watch you from the security camera and if you have any problems I can run home! With that he reached over and tied off my arm and took the rig that I wasn't quite ready for and inserted the needle into my arm, registered and slammed me. I haven't slammed in over a year and I felt the liquid race up through my veins into my chest and I was in heaven. I let out a cough and I felt the heat run through me right to my hot wet asshole. He grabbed one of my toys lubed it up and slid it right up my hole and I let out a huge moan! It felt fucking amazing. He kissed me on the lips and said have fun love! Once of my Fantasies and likes are men of color! mediterranean, latino, dark asian and black cook. We had searched through rent men and I had saved some favorites. I barely heard him leave because my ass was on fire. The interracial gangbang on the TV screen and the 10 inch fat black dildo in my man cunt had me flying! a half an hour or so must have passed when I heard the chimes go off on the front door security system. Fuck had he forgotten to lock the door?? My ass didn't care I was was fucking myself with gusto when I looked up and say a figure standing in the door to my bedroom! I let out a gasp. It was once of my neighbors, but not just a neighbor it was one of my good friends and co-workers! He said your husband called and asked me to look in on the cats but this is much more fun! My friend is sort of my supervisor and he's gay/bi whatever. He's hot, 6'2 brown hair and beard built very well and I have often lusted after him but I have a hard and fast rule that I don't eat where I shit. he's in his mid 40's! He walked over to me and was watching me fuck myself and said wow I never thought you'd be this kinky! I stopped and he said no please don't and when I didn't he said in a stronger voice I said don't stop and they way he said it got me hot and I couldn't resist. He then came closer and said, in all honestly, I fucked your husband the other night and he said he had this plan and asked for me help. He pinched my nipple and I let out a moan and he started talking very sexually and then walked over and picked up the bong and to my shock took a hit! He blew the smoke on my dick and said, " you aren't the only one with secrets"! he took his phone out and I said NO! He started filming me and said this is my security to take control! You're going to be my bitch tonight! He took 3 more hits and started to take off his clothes. I had never seen him naked and I wasn't disappointed! His cock was 8.5 soft. He sat on a big chair in front of me and started to stroke his cock and tell me to fuck myself harder and moan! His cock was swelling at a rapid rate and it was thick! He looked up at the video playing and said fucking hot! You like getting fucked by BBC! I shook my head and he said louder and I said YES! He watched me fuck myself for some time and I was flying! He would walk around me and tell me to fuck myself hard and take hold of my leash and tell me I am his tonight! Some time had passed and I heard the doorbell! Who the fuck was ringing my bell at midnight! I'll call me boos Jake, he smirked at me and said I'll be right back, don't go anywhere! I couldn't make out who is was but after about 5 minutes he walked in with this drop dead gorgeous hunk of a black man in a leather harness! 10 inch cock or bigger! My husband chimed in from the security camera and said, "here's your fantasy babe" enjoy . I am watching! He was 6'2 200 lbs ripped and handsome! at first he was soft and gentle as he stroked my check and cock and then told me he was going to use my hole and throat for his delight and shoved his cock into my mouth and commanded me to suck him. Jake took a seat on the chair in front of me and started to stroke his cock! The escort took my hand away from my dildo and started to fuck me with it. Jake would let out moans and comments like fuck yeah fuck his pussy ass! The escort was hot and sensual but had a command of his voice! Loosen up that hole slut I am going to fuck you as many times as I have to to cum at least 3 times in your hole! Your husband told me what a slut you can be and to use you hard! He sped up his throat fucking and his verbal intensified. Having Jake there watching me descend into my piggy state was both hot and humiliating. No one at my work knows anything about my dark side! With a speed of light the escort pulll his cock out of my mouth and the dildo out of my ass and moved around the front of me and put the huge head of his cock in my hole! he took the bong and took a deep hit and then shot gunned me and held my nose and mouth and he slid his massive cock into me! Jake shouted holy fuck that's huge and you can take it! The escort took another hit off the bong and shot gunned me again and i was now flying. His cock was pulsing harder! I hate guys that can smoke and stay hard! He must have heard my thoughts because he said not to worry I took a huge viagra to stay strong to fuck the shit out of you! With that he started to pump back and forth and it felt so fucking hot I couldn't control myself! I started to moan and beg him to fuck me! He increased his verbal talk and was now calling me his pussy boy and whore! I love that kind of talk and he was slapping my ass and it made my dick twitch. He said to Jake look at that he gets hard when I slap his ass! So he kept doing it! Telling me he was going to shoot a huge load into my man cunt! By now I was lost in my fantasy and I was telling him to use me. Jake was rock hard and watching this next to me! He would tweak my nipple and tell me how hot I looked! After about 15 minutes the escort started to breathe heavy and let out a scream and I could feel his cum shooting into my asshole! He must have had some tina before he came over because I was getting a rush from the cum in my ass! He remained hard and pulled out and it was covered with cum. Jake grabbed a butt plug and shoved it into my hole! The escort came over and shoved this cum covered cock into my mouth and commanded me to suck and clean it off! I thought Jake was going to lose it. Fucking nasty man! HOT FUCKING nasty! The escort kept up with verbal and pushing on the butt plug telling me he was resting up for the next round. Jake was rummaging through my toy bag and pulled out a leather paddle and the escort grabbed it and said YES! And softly as first started paddling my ass! His verbal was big tall hot man is a hot nasty pig bottom boy! This made my cock stir and he did it even more! Let's make that ass red for the next fucking! my cock was rock hard and Jake took a picture of it along with my bright red ASS! The escort pulled out the butt plug and fucked me again hard this time! It took him almost 20 minutes and wham he dropped another load! He pulled out had me suck him off and grabbed a bigger dildo and commanded me to fuck myself! He tiled my head back and put his beautiful round tight ass over my face and had me eat his ass! One of my favorite things. Jakes response was DAMN! He fucked me a third time and shoved a butt plug in that doubles as a vibrator! He got dressed kissed me and told me I was hot! As he was leaving i hear another voice and I thought I recognized it and Jake walks in with once of our maintenance guys who I have lusted after for a year! He's straight and married but a tall handsome light skinned black guy in his 20's! He said your husband told me you had an emergency! His cock was stirring as he say me tied up and the video! He also say the bong and said, ok this could be a problem if someone said anything about it! and shot me a sly grin! He then took the torch and took a hit! Blew it on my cock and took another! Jake said that I had just gotten fucked and used 3 times by the guy that left! Tom I'll call him said fuck I love to fuck ass and my wife is a no! Guess your not in a position to say no! and I muttered fuck me please! He said' What was that? I can't hear you! All the sudden his quiet soft demeanor I knew him to alway be became stern! He took another hit of the pipe and said, this is to keep me quiet! He pulled off his shirt and dropped his pants revealing a big 10 inch fat cock! He grabbed my head and hair and put his cock to my lips and said suck it boy! I let out a moan and he pushed it in and he wasn't gentle! He looked around and commented on all the toys. He took another hit of the pipe and he was getting high and aggressive! It was hot. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and cum immediately came gushing out! Fuck boy... you a sloppy bitch! I am going to plow that hole hard! His cock was so hard and thick that I could only get the head in! He pulled it out and took his phone and started to film his cock going into my ass! Beg for it bitch! and I started to beg him to fuck me. He turned off his phone and laughed, now I have evidence to use against you! He said my hole was fucking hot and wet and tight and he pushed it alway the way in and I let out a scream! Yeah scream bitch and he took hold of my hips and started to rape my man cunt! His cock was thicker than the escort and it was stretching my hole! He fucked me like that for about 15 minutes and then let out a big grunt and unloaded a big load! He was panting and sweating! he said I own this ass from now on and my cock jumped! He pulled it out and cum was dripping all over. Jake said stick it in his mouth he likes that! Tom said, FUCK! and grabbed my head and shoved it in and said clean it off bitch! He said fuck I had no idea you could be this nasty! Now I have an ass to fuck when my wife won't put out! Jake showed him out and came back in stroking his cock! My ass was empty and he stuck his finger in there and I moaned! Then he stuck two in there! He pulled them out and stuck them in my mouth! Suck off my fingers! he looked at me and said that ass is empty and we can't have that! He found my night stick which is also a vibrator and asked out loud how it worked! he turned it on and it's one 10 inches long. He put it in me and I started to rock on it and swing on the sling! He was stroking his cock and working it all the way in and turned up the power! I was moaning and losing my mind telling him to fuck me harder! He was getting verbal with me and telling me he was going to fuck the shit out of me multiple times but not yet! That's when he told me he fucked my husband the other night several times! He said that's when they worked out this scheme! He said he's always wanted my ass but never thought I went this way! He took out his phone and videos me getting fucked and moaning . You'll do what I want from now on or these videos go public! Do you understand??? I said yes and he said yes what? I looked at him and said Yes, Sir! he grabbed my leash and said, that's right boy! Your ass belongs to me! I can protect you at work but you'l do as I say! From now on once a month your ass is mine! I'll protect you from drug screenings as long as you do as I say! I am going to whore you out to some people you know and some you don't! And I get to fuck your husband whenever I want! With that he pulled my hair back and said open your mouth faggot and shoved his fat hard cock all the way down my through causing me to gag! With his right hand he was hold my head and fucking my throat and with his other hand he started slapping my ass! I am going to fuck you with dildos faggot and wait until your husband gets home to fuck you in front of him! He took me out of the sling and made me crawl on all fours towards him with my ass in the air! He grabbed a but plug and shoved it in! I yelled out and he said take it bitch! I was in heaven! I lusted after him for a long time! He made me sit up on my ass and push on the plug while he took the pipe and lit it and made me take 3 strong hits! Holding my nose in between ! He shoved his cock into my mouth and fucked my face! My throat was totally open by now as he fucked me deep! He pulled out and sat on the chair and pulled me over towards him and pulled me over his knee! I was hot and humiliated at the same time! he used his hand first and then switched to the paddle! he must have given me 30 wacks and I was hard when he pulled me up! He teased me about it and hit my balls lightly with the paddle! He scooted forward on the chair and spread his ass and made me eat his hairy hole! he put his feet on my back and I ate him out for at least 10 minutes! It was at this point that my husband came home and walk in on that scene! FUCKING HOT! Jake said, I own your husband's ass and mouth! My husband took his clothes off and came down to hold me! I watched it all on the video! you are so fucking hot as a bottom! My husband took my head and pushed it onto his cock and he turned and started sucking Jake! Husband got up and said let's put him back in the sling! They got me tied up and Jake and my husband started making out and it was HOT! My husband walked over and took another rig out of a box I didn't know about and I said, NO! I have had enough. My husband slapped my ass and said not your call! He slammed me and took a big 12 inch dildo out and shoved it into my hole! I went crazy fucking myself! My husband did a slam for himself and then went over to Jake and said fuck me! Jake sat on the chair with his almost 9 inches rock hard and my husband mounted him! they were kissing and making out in front of me while Jake fucked my husbands ass hard! I was lost in fucking myself when I heard the door chime go off! I didn't hear anyone and then all the sudden standing in front of us totally naked was Max, our security manager from work! 6'5 220 pounds of solid black meat! he's in his 20's and he's starring at me fucking myself and Jake fucking my husband! Jake said" welcome buddy"! I told you he was a total pig slut! He's all yours. Fuck the shit out of him! Jake pulled my husband off of his cock and spun him around so he could watch me get my mancunt raped! Max pulled my head back and put his lips on mine and kissed me deep with a hot tongue! he tried to put his cock into my mouth but the head was just too big! He took the bong and took a big hit and pulled out the dildo from my ass and shoved the head in to my hole and I let out a scream. He put his big hand over my mouth and said, Take it bitch"! and he shoved it all the way in! I almost passed out! He held it deep for me to stretch out and then he pulled out and drove it into me with all his weight! He fucked me deep and hard and was forcedful with his voice! He said he was going to fuck me for a long time! He fucked me for 10 minutes and shot his load but kept fucking me! His huge load was leaking out of my hole! My husband and Jake were egging him on to wreck my hole! He fucked me for almost an hour! Cumming 3 times! When he was done he pulled out, slapped my ass and said, that was only the first time! He put his clothes on and left! Jake came over and started fingering my hole and I was babbling. I was begging him to fuck me! He was taunting me to beg for it to make sure I really wanted it! He kept saying are you giving me your hole to own and I said yes! he told my husband to untie me and take me to the bed! He laid me on my back and told me to spread my legs and show him my abused hole! He lit the pipe and took 3 big hits all the time telling me to finger my man cunt! He said if he fucked me it won't be the last time and he will use me on the weekends! I said please fuck me! With that he crawled in between my legs and shove his fat cock into my sloppy used cunt and started to fuck me! The head was fat and hit the right spot. He pounded me mercilessly while my husband stroke his cock and watched! Jake took his time and fucked slow and fast for at least 30 minutes and pounded his first load into me and kept fucking me! 20 minutes later a second load was dumped into me! He pulled out made me suck him off clean and put in one of my inflatable remote control butt plugs! I still have it in! Several times while writing this he has zapped my ravaged hole! He has my husband in the sling right now! The time isn't over yet! Im told more dick is coming!
    2 points
  15. You need to determine your boundaries which, it sounds like, you're actively working on. As someone considerably older than you, I'M at the point where I'm throwing caution to the wind more and more, to actually enjoy many of the things I haven't been game to in the past. For example, for years I hated darkrooms and always needed to see who was getting anywhere near me. This year, I started using darkrooms and enjoying every minute of being used, without knowing who the other guy was. I just decided it was time to really enjoy myself. In terms of risks that concern you, maybe make a list and then for each note down how to deal with them. You're mentioned PrEP, so that's one. STIs? They can generally, easily be treated. MP - there's the vaccine but of course there's a supply issue. It's not fatal, but of course it's a genuine concern. As you mention it, the Monkeypox situation is definitely very different to the 80s period. In another way it's not, because the "community" is in essence trying to be responsible, but government doesn't exactly appear to be busting a gut to deal with it.
    2 points
  16. Also, a good detergent ("grease cutting" dish soap, for example) can itself be a germicide, because it can destroy the integrity of bacterial cell membranes.
    2 points
  17. Just ran across a fairly thorough article on Monkeypox. Has a lot about transmission modes, including prevalence of different modes and the status of research on transmission to date. Definitely worth a read. https://www.statnews.com/2022/08/10/what-scientists-know-and-dont-know-about-how-monkeypox-spreads/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
    2 points
  18. Not so "silly" me thinks. Pulling from my nursing/science knowledge/experience. If the idea is to get rid of pathogens, there are two things that can be done. Killing and/or removing them. Soap and water is more in the direction of removing pathogens. It's a standard for wound care. Using "disinfectant" on a wound can also 'kill' the bodies own defense mechanisms, so antibiotics and disinfectants are reserved for infection when the bodies defense/repair mechanisms may be overwhelmed. Dish soap and water are very effective for lifting and removing pathogens away from a surface. Chemicals like alcohol or bleach kill some pathogens, but not others. Peroxide is a great surface disinfectant, our bodies actually make peroxide. Of course, chemicals can also damage some toys. Heat does not kill everything, nor does cold. Alcohol doesn't kill everything, bleach is pretty broad spectrum, as is a quatricide, but again, runs the risk of damaging toys, and also want to make sure they are completely rinsed as you don't want those chemicals inside your body. Personally, i go the direction of removing pathogens (soap and water) vs killing bacteria or destroying virus.
    2 points
  19. I agree about the connection. I love kissing, it's the strongest and fastest path to establishing a connection and complete arousal for me. Great kissing and making out can make my hole open fast and really pumps up my need to be fucked and impregnated by them. I'm horny and receptive without it, but with it there's an extra dimension.
    2 points
  20. It might help with Santorum, in all other cases: no, just no.
    2 points
  21. I find prayer works, personally.
    2 points
  22. I still can't quite get over guys who want me to put my bare dick inside them and shoot my load up their arse but literally flinch if you try and kiss them. But hey, I'll work around it.
    2 points
  23. This is FICTION. It didn't happen. ? I couldn't believe it was about to happen. It took weeks of exchanging texts full of egg plant emojis, and then our coffee meet up, and then that risky step of telling Lucas of my secret pent up desire. I was worried he was going to get upset or weirded out when I confessed to him why I started messaging him on adam4adam those weeks ago. Much to my pleasant surprise, he was just as excited about making me poz as I was about taking a load from his giant aidsmaker . I told him of my fixation with one particular story that I wanted to experience for myself. It was a powerful and intoxicating story that brought me to the edge of insanity that began with four simple words: Five Minutes to AIDS. I can't remember how many times I read that story and the strength of the grasp that narrative held on me. I tried to forget about it often, but I was fixated to say the least. And it was about to be my turn. I felt Lucas's hot breath as he whispered into my ear that which we had rehearsed through text messages nights before this night, "Are you sure you want this poz dick in your boyhole? You want my HVL pumped into you?" I didn't hesitate. I knew that once I told him the "go" with the right phrase, he would strive to infect me with his HVL in under five seconds. "Fuck yeah, I want your aidsmaker! Give it to me. Give me your AIDS!" Lucas played along just as we scripted, "You want to be another bug chaser getting infected by AIDS?" "Yes!" I immediately affirmed, "I want your dangerous deathdick to destroy me!" "This is your last chance. You're about to be one more faggot dying from AIDs.." Lucas both warned and teased. I felt the tip of his thick long cock lightly press against my pre-lubed hole. I gave him the go phrase, "I want death cum in my butt. I want to die from your AIDS!" I barely finished the last word as I felt him jab in his deathcock deep inside me. He pounded me at an unimaginable rate like a jackhammer and informed me in no uncertain terms ""Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my AIDS! Three guys already died from my AIDS! You're next!" I immediately felt his cock twitching and pulsing. Oh fuck, I'm getting AIDS now!!! My cock erupted a moment later as the though of his HVL making its way inside me nearly made me scream in both horror and delight. He quickly pulled out as I gasped for breath and completed our plan, "That was a hot fuck. I loved hearing you say you wanted my deathdick." In between pants, I replied "I did. I wanted your deathcum in my butt. Thank you for your AIDS cum." Exhausted, I began to drift off to sleep thinking to myself "I'm going to be number four."
    2 points
  24. I got into piss by accident...pun intended. Met a hot Latino at NYC Pride and wound up back at his place, where we smoked lots of weed and consumed 2 6-packs of beer. Standing side by side at the toilet, I got the urge to touch his pissing cock and it felt wonderful. We swapped fucks to the point of exhaustion. The next morning I was up first and thought I'd wake him with a blowjob. Scooting down on the bed, I took his cock in my mouth and his bladder opened a split second before his eyes. I was instantly hooked on the taste and when he realized what was happening, he freaked a bit and tried pulling out. I sealed my lips around his cock and only released it when I'd consumed every last drop. Because it was the first piss of the morning, it was quite strong. Belching with delight, I told him I'd never done it before, but I'd be doing it as often as I could. He admitted to liking it too. So much that he fed me 2 more times before I left.
    2 points
  25. Time to play tourist and ask. "I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the customs of your region. Can you explain this term "Power Cuddling?"
    2 points
  26. Was contacted by a guy on recon last night, I gave him my address within 10 minutes he was knocking on my door, We sat down and had a beer or two, he didn't have a big bulge, but when he pulled his pant off, and I was on my knees sucking his limp cock it started growing, and wow did it grow, 7 inches at least but it had a huge bend that pointed upwards like a banana. I striped off and led him to my bedroom, where he had me lay on my back, him rimmed my fuck hole to get it nice a wet with his saliva, then he started to fuck me, within about 2 minutes I my first orgasm as his cock repeated hit my p-spot, he continued to fuck me like this and within another minute I was having another orgasm, my little cock was just oozing, he pulled his cock out and put my cum all over it and had me suck his cock, he face fucked me for about 10 minutes, them shoved his cock back in my ass, once again he was hitting my p-spot and had me having another orgasm, I lost count of the number of times I orgasm'ed, my whole body was sore and I felt completely wasted, that is when he emptied his ball deep inside me, slapped my little cock, went into the living room put his clothes on and left. I was so wrecked by the amount of orgasms that I fell asleep with cum leaking out of my ass, and my cum and fluids drying on me.
    2 points
  27. A full cycle in the dishwasher
    2 points
  28. My most recent hookup buddy and I got together the other night, and I only just started actually bottoming for him. I would previously just stick to teasing my hole on his cock, but we never really went full on fucking until the last few times. Now since we’ve started actually fucking, I’ve been trying to get him to breed my ass. The previous time he fucked my ass for a good while, but had never (to my knowledge) actually came in me. This time I was determined for him to cum inside me, and we really got into a good rhythm. After a couple positions, I ended up pinned underneath him, with him pumping his cock in and out my ass. We don’t use any lube, so it was just our spit and his cock sliding in and out my hole. At some point he said he would be cumming soon, and asked where I wanted it. I told him I wanted his load in my ass, but he seemed unsure and wouldn’t tell me he was going to drop his load in me. He just kept fucking me, and at some point started winding down. When his cock came out my hole it was pretty slippery and wet, but I had just assumed it had been because of the spit. I asked him if he came in me, and he had only said he did “a little bit.” It wasn’t til a little bit later (when cum kept leaking out of my hole) that he admitted he had actually came in me two separate times while we were fucking, and that he had shot a pretty large load while doing so. He said he didn’t tell me because he wasn’t sure how I’d react, so he just kept quiet about cumming in my hole. This definitely turned me on, and I got to thinking if he was cumming in my hole the past few times and I just never knew. Not sure why he would be nervous about telling me when I told him I wanted his load in my ass, but I’m also turned on by it nonetheless.
    2 points
  29. Woke up to a message on grindr asking if I wanted to play tonight, of course I said yes and asked where he was as I don't host. Before he told me he opened up and said he was living under the train tracks 20min away and if I still was interested in sucking his cock! Not only did i say yes i told him I'd be there ASAP!!! When I eventually got there late in the night you could tell he has been living there for a long time and smelled of stagnant piss near by which only made me more horny. I told him to wake up and feed me his cock, he asked if I wanted him to wipe down with a wet rag and i declined and took his exposed cock in my mouth before I could get all the words out lol. He explained that he has not had sex in years and had not blew a load in months so that his load may be thick which was ok by me all he wanted was a blow job so I spit his cock out and without asking I bent over and leaned on the supporting beam and told him to fuck me. The homeless guy wasted no time as I was lubing up my hole I told him to lube up and boom he had his cock deep in my dirty man cunt. He was slowly fucking me for a long time after 30 min or so he said he was going to cum and that he was going to cum on my back and I told him to cum deep in my ass which he did. He stayed in me until he went limp. When he said he was going to piss i told him I'd take his piss too so he put me on my knees and pissed down my throat. By the time he was done he got hard again so I began to suck him and he fucked me again. He didn't last long second go around but he fucked me good. We are going to meet up tomorrow and he's going to bring a guy from a nearby homeless camp that he has played with so they could tag team me. This has been my first homeless cock and certainly will not be my last!
    2 points
  30. PART 2 It wasn’t a long walk to his place. The sweat was dripping off me in the heat, and I was feeling a bit light headed between the heat and beers. I was relieved when we got to his place, climbing the steps to the third floor apartment in the old house. “I hope you have A/C,” I said. “I hope you like fans.” It was a small, older apartment. We walked in through the small kitchen. There was an old stove, and a table with two chairs. I noted there were some medication bottles sitting on the table. I could see part of the couch through the doorway into the living room. The air was pretty thick and stuffy. Henry went and turned on a couple fans while I just stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living rooms. Henry disappeared into the bedroom; I could hear a fan click on and some rustling. He came back out naked, his hefty cock semi-hard and swinging as he walked. “It’s a lot cooler without clothes.” I still only had my shorts on, and he got those off of me quickly. My eyes were fixed on his cock, which was getting harder by the second. I wrapped my hand beneath it, feeling the weight. It was growing longer, moderately thick at the base and tapering to a narrower head. “It’s good for working its way into tight spaces,” he grinned. I thought he would start playing with my cock, which had become totally hard on its own; instead, he reached back and ran his hand down the small of my back and between my ass cheeks. The sweat rolling down my back had slicked the route he followed down to my hole. I gasped as he pressed a finger right into my hole. It was rough and shocking, but sent this electrical jolt up into my body. “Seems college boys like their holes played with,” he grinned, then leaned in and started making out with me. His fingers kept massaging around my hole while one slipped in and out. The sweat wasn’t enough to make it slippery inside, but there was something hot about being roughly fingered — standing naked in this guy’s darkened living room. I groaned as he manhandled my ass for a couple minutes. Finally he reached up, wrapped his other hand around my head, and pushed me down toward his cock. “You have work to do before you earn my cock in that ass of yours.” I dropped to my knees in front of him, wearing only my flip flops. I love sucking dick, and I couldn’t resist getting to work on it. The shaft was already long and stiff, and it took me several attempts to ease it into the back of my throat. I gagged a bit as I tried to negotiate it deeper. Henry moaned softly. “That’s it, college boy. Deep throat that cock.” He rested on hand on the back of my head, coaxing me but not forcing. He was letting me do the work while he reaped the rewards of my cock worshipping. I was getting more turned on as I worked his cock, feeling the semi-hardon become rock solid in my mouth. It was hard to swallow the entire length, but I took a couple breaths, relaxed my throat, and slowly engulfed the whole shaft. Henry still didn’t push me.. I nuzzled my nose into his pubic hair, inhaling the scent of sweat and musk. My cock flexed with excitement. “Talented boy,” he said softly, almost reverently. He stroked my hair, still not pushing. I slowly backed off his engorged cock and looked up. There was pride on my face followed by a bit of a goofy grin as he sighed in pleasure. Without being asked, I descended onto his cock again, letting it slide past my tonsils and into my throat. Holding it there a moment, unable to do anything more. I felt saliva pooling and started to choke, so I pulled off quickly. “Get up on the couch, turn around so your ass is facing me. I want to eat that ass.” I knelt on the couch, my legs spread and chest against the back cushions. It felt hot offering up my ass that way, him kneeling behind me on the floor at the edge of the couch. I felt his hands massaging my ass; despite the heat in the apartment, his hands felt cool against my skin, and he started to gently blow on my hole. The sensation sent tingles through me again. I whimpered softly as he tantalized my hole. No one had ever played with it like this. Suddenly I felt a hot, wet sensation glazing my hole. I moaned, “ Fuck … that’s amazing….” “Like your ass eaten, do you?” He returned his tongue to my hungry hole. My body squirmed a little, the sensations coursing through me were so intense. He slapped my ass, shocking me and I yelped. “Look at this college boy!” He spread my ass apart and dove deeper into my hole with his tongue. His thumbs massaging the muscle surrounding my hole while his tongue probed me. “Oh fuck….” I whispered, overcome with the sensations. I’d never had my ass played with like this before. “Look at that…” he said as my ass convulsed, my hole naturally pulsing for him to see. “Someone’s ass is begging to be bred. Is that what it wants, college boy?” The word ‘bred’ struck me as odd on some level. I expected to hear ‘you wanna get fucked’ since my other hookups had said it. But he seemed to mean something else. A voice inside me wanted to ask about it, but it was last in intense sensations the assplay was bringing. “This ass is beautiful. Your hole is so pink. And so fucking tight, It doesn’t get used much, does it, college boy?” “No,” I said, suddenly feeling embarrassed and inexperienced. Did he think I was bad at this? Was Jared better at bottoming. I hadn’t bottomed much, and it had usually felt very clunky. Henry was doing it very different, and my ass felt amazing. Suddenly I was afraid he would stop. I turned to try and look behind me. He was still kneeling at the edge of the couch. His cock was standing straight up, even without him touching it. Deep down I felt a primal urge — a desperate need for that cock. “I want to get bred,” I said quickly, mimicking the word he’d used earlier. His face split with an intense grin, and his cock bounced up and down, twitching with excitement. “Do you now? I’m gonna make that happen for you. But first we need to loosen up that hole. He stood up, his long cock pointing straight out toward my ass. I thought he was going to start fucking me then, which made me tense with anxiety. “Stay right there,” he said, and instead of fucking me he disappeared into the bedroom. I felt awkward and strange, kneeling on the couch with my ass sticking out. I’d been fucked on all fours a couple times, but this felt very different. Kneeling here, my ass exposed, waiting ….. I couldn’t hear much over the whirring fans in both rooms. A minute later he returned with some small objects in each hand, but I didn’t recognize them right away. “FUCK!” He growled, “That is one hot ass!” His comment made me feel even more awkward; no one had ever talked like this before …. Talking at me, rather than with me. I felt more like an object than a partner. He knelt down behind me again, setting the objects down out of my eye sight. There heard a series of quick, short squeaks, then a smooth, cool liquid was being spread on pink my hole. His other hand reached under me and began glazing my hardon with the same liquid. My head snapped backward and I moaned. “That’s it, college boy. Just enjoy it. I’m gonna make you feel sooooo good. You’re gonna give me this ass, and I’m gonna give you something special in return.” His fingers began to probe my hole again. It was different than the rough fingering before; the lube he was spreading inside me made the prowling smooth. He worked his fingers deeper into me than he’d been so far. I felt the sharp pain of my hole being stretched, and I think I grimaced. “You’re fine,” he said calmly into my ear. “Just relax. Relax those muscles, college boy. It’s time to give in to the gift.” “Yes, sir” I moaned, suddenly thinking of the line I’d heard in a few porn videos. I’d never said it before during sex, but it seemed somehow right in the moment. The intense feelings were overwhelming, and I pushed my own face into the rough fabric of the couch. I couldn’t help but groan and his fingers probed me deeper, stretching my hole, all while he massaged my cock. “You’re gonna make me cum,” I begged. “Oh, that’s a long ways off, college boy. You have to satisfy my cock before you get to cum.” His fingers left my hole and I gasped at the relief. My heart was pounding and I was breathing heavy. The mix of the beers, muggy heat, and intense pleasure left my muscles feeling drained and weak all of a sudden. I kind of slumped over on the couch, needing to stretch my leg muscles. He grinned at me as I rolled onto my back. He pulled me forward a bit, so my ass what at the edge of the cushion. It was an awkward position because my upper body was half folded on itself, my lower back against the seat cushion, while my shoulders were pressed upright against the back of the couch. He was doing something out of sight beneath me, his eyes toward the floor. Then he looked up at my hole and pressed something cool and firm inside me. I winced, but he didn’t stop. There was a wired buzzing sound, and a vibration starting pulsing through my ass and up into my body. It was such a foreign feeling and I didn’t know what to make of it. “This’ll finish loosening you up, college boy.” He stood up, hovering over me. My body was oddly splayed on the couch, and I felt both awkward and powerless in the moment. My face was contorted with the mix of pleasure of weirdness pulsing inside me, my warms out to the sides, and my legs half holding themselves in the air. “You’re fucking hot,” he said. “I love seeing a college boy like this.” He reached down, grabbed my arm, and pulled me to a standing position.My legs felt wobbly, and my balance was off. He pulled me tight against him for stability, then kissed me deeply. He looked me in the eye. “I can see how confused you are. You want this so badly, but part of you is afraid because you’ve never let go like this. And you aren’t sure what is coming next, but deep down you know what is coming next and you really, REALLY want it. You’ve been told all these years you’re not supposed to want this. You’re supposed to play safe like a good, clean college boy. But the fact is you are a dirty slut and desperately want what you’re not supposed to have.” He looked at me intensely. “Isn’t that right, college boy? You want this?” I was silent. Conflicted. Everything he’d said was true. I wasn’t supposed to want this. I should grab my clothes and go. I was afraid because this guy was going to break all the rules. That’s what Jared had tried to tell me but couldn’t — Henry broke all the rules. He’d used Jared, broken his rules, and now he was going to do the same to me. The good boy in me wanted to run, but I was powerless to because I desperately wanted this. “Let’s get you into the bedroom where we have more room.” [If you’re enjoying the story, let me know. You can simply click the blue heart to keep inspiring the story.]
    2 points
  31. Part 1 — Seduction This was our third summer as a couple, and we decided to rent a house with friends in Ptown to celebrate James’ 28th birthday. He’d been to Ptown several times in the past, and loved the energy of the town during high season. Days spent on the beach, biking, carousing at Tea Dance, and clubbing at night. Rinse and repeat. We started our week in Ptown with a beach day. Our group trudged across the hot dunes to Boys Beach where we could shuck our clothes and lay out naked. Despite his superior looks and body, James wasn’t one to go naked in public often, preferring to keep a certain level of mystery. He stripped down to a black speedo. His speedo followed the contours of his firm ass, and hinted at the large cock tucked into the ample pouch. James was charismatic, athletic, and stood at 5’11” with black hair and a caramel tan. He had been a triathlete in college, and retained that physique. Tall with strong shoulders, well developed pecs, and solid legs built by years of running, biking, and swimming. He had competed right through college, but decided upon a different career. He was confident in his body, but not cocky. I had been drawn to his looks the moment we met through a mutual friend, and still relished seeing him naked any chance I got. His previous boyfriend had kept him under lock and key, chastising him if he appeared shirtless in public, and never allowed him to wear a speedo or dance shirtless. All that changed with me. He’d found the liberation he didn’t even know he was seeking. James laid out beside me in the full sun, enjoying the heat on his skin and the feel of the sand around his feet. There was a steady parade of men streaming onto the beach, and we shared some discreet comments among ourselves from our spot at the base of the dune. The buffet was tantalizing, sporting a wide range of body types and ages. People were spread out across the beach with plenty of space between enclaves of blankets and umbrellas. After about an hour, one brave soul set down his towel about 10 yards from us. He was nicely built with a deep tan and thick hair. He stripped down and sat on his towel, settling into the routine of people watching. After he’d settled in, a couple of our friends went over to meet him and make small talk. James followed a few minutes later, joining the conversation. I watched his body language, and that of the new guy on the beach. The new guy stood and shook hands with James, then stood chatting for awhile. When our friends came back to the blankets, James lingered, both men crouching down in the sand. The stranger rested a hand on James’ shoulder just before James came back to our blanket. He was very animated as he started talking. “His name is Martin. He lives in the US, but is originally from Britain.” James loves an accent on a sexy man. “And guess what? He’s in the entertainment industry!” James went on in some detail – more than I was honestly interested in – about Martin’s accomplishments and notoriety. As I half-listened, more interested in my card game with friends on their adjoining blanket, I recognized a couple of the titles he rattled off. James went on for about an hour, even as we all went down to the water for a swim. Martin wandered down and swam with us. We had a pleasant group conversation, lot of laughter, and spontaneous flirting. I was entertained by a playful competition among James and a couple of our friends for Martin’s attention. Martin was very handsome, and his body was nicely defined. Not over developed, but he was someone who clearly ate healthy and had a long-term exercise regimen. He was closer to my height, shorter than James by a few inches. His black hair was thick on top with shaved sides for the summer, with some flecks of gray adding character. His accent was admittedly sexy, and he spoke with an assured confidence from years of public life. I noted he avoided the sexualized banter a few friends introduced, and preferred to keep the conversation more neutral. He shared he had rented a house for the season, and his long-term partner was in and out for the summer – away currently. We were back and forth to the water a few times, and Martin often came to join us. He and James were sharing stories of their respective professional backgrounds. Martin was probably in his late 40s, given his accomplishments and the timeline he was painting. James was clearly star struck. His hand found its way to resting on Martin’s shoulder more frequently, and his body language brought them closer together in the water. By mid-afternoon we packed up to get ready for our first Tea Dance of the week – the official presentation of contestants in the week’s competition to find love – either temporary or longer term. At the house showered and picked out our “coming out” outfits for Tea. Tea Dance is always busy on a Saturday, and today was no exception. We ran into unexpected friends from prior trips and even a friend from college. After a few cocktails, our group migrated to the dance floor for the final hour. Shirts were off and the bodies were packed in against one another. Put a lot of barely dressed gay men together on a dance floor and you’ll always gets sexualized energy. I noticed that Martin had arrived and made his way onto the dance floor. He and James were dancing together, the crowd pushing them closer together. After a few minutes, hands were tentatively exploring one another, and finally arms were around them as they danced together. James felt the hard muscles of Martin’s abs pressing against his own, and felt his cock stirring as Martin ran his hand down his lower back and squeezed James’ ass. “Ohhhhh,” James breathed, barely audible with the music playing overhead; but Martin heard it, and smiled in response. “Someone likes that,” this time squeezing James tight ass with both hands. Martin leaned his face into James’ and kissed him briefly, then followed with a longer, deeper kiss. The two wrapped themselves around one another amid the throng of men dancing, immersed in a private moment of exploration. They then separated and began dancing again, their eyes holding one another, hands casually exploring one another’s upper body. As Tea wrapped up, the two walked up the driveway together, hand in hand. I wondered if James and Martin might not slip away together, but they only talked a moment and then Martin left. James was giddy the rest of the evening. At dinner he often brought up Martin. We all headed out for drinks that night before finally landing at A-House for more dancing. James was dressed casually, with shorts, sneakers and a tight fitting T-shirt. The place was muggy with the summer heat, despite some air conditioning. Everyone was quickly shirtless, dancing, and covered in a sheen of sweat. I eventually wandered outside for a drink and some slightly cooler air. When I came back, Martin had found James on the dance floor. He was also shirtless, wearing a tight pair of black shorts and matching shoes. There was clearly chemistry between them that was simmering. Martin had his hands on James’ bare waist, and James was running his hands up and down Martin’s fuzzy chest. Their movements had a stronger sexual connection, and at times Martin turned James around to grind against his ass. James’ closed his eyes, caught up in the intense sexual energy of Martin grinding his pelvis against his ass. Each knew what the other was saying through their movements. James took a break once around midnight, stopping by our group gathered on the back deck having drinks. He was covered in sweat and smiling from ear-to-ear, looking positively radiant. There were some thinly veiled jealous remarks from one of our friends, to which James just winked before returning to his sexually charged tease on the dance floor. Martin and James kissed more frequently that last hour, their hands never leaving the other’s body. The DJ announced last call to the crowded club. Martin slipped a hand down the back of James shorts; James face was lost in ecstasy, and he stopped dancing altogether as the intense sensations of Martin tenderly probing his hole took him. His breathing was suddenly more intense; he half opened his eyes and stared into Martin’s face. Martin was very deliberate in his motion, tenderly massaging the sphincter. James’ hole felt very smooth, and Martin used the trickles of sweat rolling off James’ back to lubricate his finger and gingerly penetrate him. It wasn’t deep, but it was enough to make James’ head explode. He reached down and kissed Martin furiously. “I think it’s time to go,” Martin said into James’ ear. “I have something I want to give you.” James nodded silently. Martin withdrew his hand from James’ shorts, took the younger man’s hand, and lead him out of the bar. They walked hand-in-hand down Commercial Street, passing the growing throng in front of Spiritus without stopping or even making eye contact with anyone else. They were focused on one another. I followed along a short distance behind, totally turned on by seeing my boyfriend being lead away by this other man, witnessing the sexual energy developing between them. They walked into the West End of town, zig-zagging a couple blocks until reaching what seemed to be Martin’s rental for the summer. It was a nice house, somewhat private, with a wrap-around porch. Martin lead James inside, closing the screen door behind them, but leaving the wooden door open for circulation. He and James kissed, long and deep, finally free of the watchful eyes of others (well, except mine). They were still in only their shorts and sneakers, which were quickly peeled away and discarded on the living room floor. I kicked off my shoes and padded silently across the porch – it seemed to circle the entire house. I could hear Martin and my boyfriend inside, still standing in the living room, now completely naked. Martin’s hands were firmly on James’ ass, massaging it slowly. James had draped his arms over Martin’s shoulders, reveling in their kiss and Martin’s tender massaging. After many long minutes, Martin broke their embrace and lead James toward the back of the house. The back of the house was dark, until a single light appeared in a tiny window. James appeared to be using the bathroom, while Martin moved to the bedroom in the far corner of the house. One by one, a series of candles were lit around the room, spreading a warm light across a large bed with light linens. Martin stepped closer to the window I was now standing outside, and I could see his naked body illuminated in the expanding candlelight. His cock was pointing straight ahead, at least 7 inches with a hefty girth. Martin felt the cool night air blowing in through the windows in the room, and stepped up to each to open them all the way. I stood frozen in the porch shadows, holding my breath. There wasn’t much room between the bed and the windows, just enough to get out of the bed. After opening the bedroom windows, Martin turned around just as James stepped into the room. James was naked, his own thick cock that I knew so intimately was standing fully erect at 7 ½ inches. His muscular body was also glazed in the warm candlelight. Martin felt desire rising in him again, examining James’ body as it moved across the room. James’ toned legs and torso were youthful and finely sculpted. He had noticed James right away on the beach. James had shared he was traveling with his boyfriend, but Martin was pleasantly surprised to find that didn’t seem to be a barrier to his plans. James had responded to his careful ministrations on both dance floors, and now he was here offering himself to Martin. Martin wrapped his arms around James’ waist, pulling him in. He tilted his head upward and kissed him, feeling James’ muscles tighten and then relax, almost melting in his embrace. James was taller than him, beautifully toned and athletically sculpted, masculine with a hot face, and much younger – a bit more than 20 years. Martin’s favorite combination. James was star struck – Martin recognized it – and knew what it offered him tonight. James was held captive by the intense sexual energy between them, his body quivering each time Martin tenderly traced his finger tips along the sides of his body. Martin reached back, warming James’ ass cheeks with the palms of his hands, and then slowly introduced a finger to begin probing again. James groaned quietly, his body weight leaning more heavily on Martin. “You’re the hottest guy in town this week,” he said quietly in the gently moving night air. James just looked at him. “I could say the same thing.” He added pressure against James’ soft hole, making the young man groan with pleasure, his eyes closing and head rolling back slightly as he pressed his body against Martin’s. He’s already surrendered, Martin thought to himself with a smile. His cock felt even harder now, relishing James’ slow submission and anticipating what he was going to do to this incredibly beautiful young man. “Let’s move to the bed,” he suggested, taking James’ hand and leading him to the silky linens. He unexpectedly spun James around and tossed him onto the bed. James slid across the silky sheets, grinning wildly at the sudden domination, his body somewhat awkwardly half-spinning on the slick surface, his legs in the air until he found his equilibrium again. Martin moved like a tiger, crawling onto the bed and over James’ naked body. He settled his weight on top of James, pushing him into the mattress, and kissed him again. James groaned in bliss. Martin was grinding his body against James, and James’ body was wrapping itself around Martin’s. Their bodies were silhouetted against the white linens, and they moved in the tight grip of desire. James felt the weight of Martin’s body pressed into him, the heat of his skin was tantalizing, and he desperately wanted more. James wasn’t touching his ass at the moment, and James was aware of how intensely it wanted to be touched. Martin sat up and rolled to James side. James stared at the magnificent body glowing in the candlelight. He couldn’t put words to it in his head, but Martin was the sexiest man he’d ever encountered – but even more than sexy. Martin rolled to the side of the bed, opening a draw in the nightstand, and pulling out some items. Then he picked up one of the glasses he’d set down when he first came into the room to light the candles. He took a sip, then another. He rolled back toward James, and tenderly caressed his face. “You are just beautiful,” he said softly. “Not as beautiful as you,” James responded. His eyes were locked in Martin’s. He’s mine, Martin thought. Martin’s hand slowly moved down the length of James’ torso, eliciting a soft moan. “I love your body. I loved watching you today. Every thing you did was so captivating.” He leaned in closer and kissed James again. “Before we go further, I just want to be sure you know I am positive.” James didn’t know what to say in that moment. His head was immersed in the intense sexual energy. His body felt completely supple and was craving more of Martin’s touch. “Okay,” was all he could muster to say in that moment. He knew he should say something more, but couldn’t. Martin rolled on top of him. James surrendered to the feeling of Martin’s amazing body against his own. Martin pinned his wrists above his head and began kissing his neck. James gasped, the thrill of being restrained made his heart pound faster, and he instinctively wrapped his powerful legs around Martin’s. James started to grind his rock hard cock against the older Brit’s. Martin immediately returned the grinding. James started to writhe beneath him. “Oh fuck!” James exclaimed, so loudly I could clearly hear him on the porch, and wondered about the neighbors. “That’s it,” Martin said tenderly. “That’s it, James. Give yourself to me. Just let go. Can you do that? Are you giving yourself to me?” James was panting heavily now. “Yes!” He breathed hard. “Take me! I want you to take my ass, Martin!”
    1 point
  32. I do, I was a naughty boy who molested my big bro and dad into popping my cheery and breeding me.
    1 point
  33. Got my hole and arse waxed this week. Also waxed my balls and round my cock and up the sharft. Looks good if I say so myself
    1 point
  34. I’m strictly a bottom but I was never known for shooting a big load. I shoot bigger loads if I’m extremely horny. But I love guys that shoot big loads in me. Sometimes I don’t care if he cums in 2 strokes as long as the load is big. I love feeling lots of cum leak or drip out of me.
    1 point
  35. Always wanted to be a mare at one of these, had no idea they had them in the UK. Gonna have to make a special trip 🙂
    1 point
  36. I had been on PrEP for several months but decided to stop because I wasn't planning on having sex, but one day I was horny and stopped at the local ABS. Started by only sucking cock but eventually I got fucked a few times and took 4 loads by the time I left. It was on a Friday at 4pm when I knew I poz, but instead of feeling shocked, I was very horny. I decided to drive 2 hours to the closet big city with decent gay saunas, but before leaving I stopped at the same ABS to try my luck again. I was there for an hour and a half and was bred twice. Most guys wanted oral so I swallowed a few loads. With my hole loaded with two loads and still savouring those other loads I swallowed, I drove the two hours feeling very horny knowing that I had two loads in my hole. By the time I went into the sauna it was 8pm and the place was pretty crowed. As I looked for my room I saw a lot of guys with their doors open, some nice asses. I've been a bottom all my sex life but now, with the news that I'm newly poz and very detectable, I'm feeling the urge to fuck a hole and cream it with my toxic load. I wanted to fuck several holes and then carefully choose the hole where I was going to deposit my load. I wanted a young negative hole and to get one I played the top guy who always plays safe. There were two asses that interested me as I walked by their rooms, both with nice buttocks. I had taken a Viagra so I was hard as a rock. As soon as I walked into the first guy's room he asked me to close the door and immediately wanted me to fuck him bareback. I thought he was wither already poz or on PrEP, so I walked out the room. I found another nice ass, mid 20's who invited me into his room. When he tried to suck my cock, I stopped him and told him that I was always concerned about STDs to give him the idea that I was pretty safe. He told that he only sucked without a condom by always fucked safe. He was thinking of going on PrEP but that haven't yet. We started kissing and both of us getting really horny. As we rolled in bed my hard-on touched his hole and I noticed he liked it. I started to rim his hole and that made both even hornier. I told him that I would like to feel my cock in his moist hole but that I wouldn't cum but I when I started to fuck him I went over the edge and without saying a word, completely silent, I emptied my balls deep inside, grabbed my towel and keys and left. I went to my room, and took a long break before I was rested to be a cumhole myself at around midnight.
    1 point
  37. Good! My virus is suggesting me those two guys are poz brothers -converted by the same gifter- and they don't know it yet.
    1 point
  38. My hot young boyfriend moved in with me two weeks ago. He has been fucking me everyday - sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. He usually blows two loads in me each time we fuck. I am a very happy camper. Friday night we had gotten a little high and retired to the bedroom. He had me on my back and was throwing one of the best fucks I have ever had into me. I was watching his face as he started reaching the point of no return when he suddenly made a horrified and disgusted face and cried out. "Shadow (our dog) just licked my butthole." We both collapsed into laughter. A few minutes later with the dogs out of the bedroom, we got back to business, and he blew a huge load in me. 😉
    1 point
  39. HOT younger neighbor sneaks over every night pretty much. Got him addicted to my cum and lets me Breed him raw now. Hesitated at first but he came around. He’s so fucking hot too. Lucky lucky.
    1 point
  40. Part 11 It wasn’t even a question. I was a bit panicked, I was out with my colleagues, who had made dinner plans for Monday evening. We weren’t supposed to meet before next Saturday. I was tempted to say that I couldn’t, that it was too short of a notice. I had to get ready, I wanted to be prepared, but before I could reply anything, he sent a follow up message. -“Don’t even think about saying no, boy. I told you your ass would be mine and that we would meet more than once this week.” -“Okay. But I won’t be ready before 10pm, I need to prepare.” -“No rush, I’m on vacation this week, take as long as you need. I saved my loads for you, haven’t fucked or jerked off in a week and I plan on breeding you and you only this week!” The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. I was very distracted, and my colleagues probably noticed I wasn’t all there with them. All I could think about was that guy I had fantasized so much over the years, that guy who had planted the idea of chasing deep in my brain and was probably about to plant his dirty seed deep in me. What was I about to do? I had vowed to not do anything stupid again after my Paris scare and I had to stop myself several times from messaging him to cancel everything. But despite the anxiety, I was turned on like never before. And I thought about the fact that I was still on PrEp, despite him not knowing. Right after dinner, the jet lag started to hit me hard and I left my colleagues to go back to my room. It was also mostly an excuse to go jerk off. My cock had been hard for a good part of the day and I needed to unload. I started stroking my dick under the hot shower, thinking about that man who would be inside me in about 24 hours. I was imagining his poz dick slowly sliding inside my hole. He had promised to give me several loads and I was craving that cum like a whore. I knew I would be begging for as much cum as possible. I decided to finish myself with poppers so I turned the water off, quickly grabbed a towel and jumped onto the bed. The mirror was right in front of it and I could watch myself playing with my dick and my ass at the same time. I had been working hard at the gym after the end of the last lockdown and I was proud of the results, hoping it would please my guy and encourage him even more to take charge of me. I’m average at 5’8 and 165lbs with an athletic build inherited from years of gymnastics training as a teenager and young adult. With the poppers hitting hard, and replaying what I thought -and hoped - the guy would say as he would push his toxic loads deep inside my hole, I ended up shooting a big load onto my chest and fell asleep almost instantly, without even turning the lights off or cleaning my mess.
    1 point
  41. My hotel frenzy: So Saturday night my friend set up a group meet was supposed to be two groups but only one group worked out. He got a room and a lot of T and G for me to get me primed and spun for the night. He got 3 tops to come he said he knows them well. So it started he drove me over to the motel and on the way he had me smoke a little take a bunch of dick pills. When we got to the room he wanted to get me ready before the tops get there. He had me smoke a bit more i was feeling good then not nervous about tonight. He had me stand by the bed and I had to strip for him while he sat on a chair and watched. Then he told me to get on the bed. I saw he was getting hard. He sucked me some then flipped me over and he rimmed my ass a bit and fingered my hole. Then he said I want to be the 1st to fuck you. I felt a bit of lube and he started to fuck me. While he was fucking me he said your my whore tonight! It was hot to hear that. He was so hot he didnt last to long and felt him explode. At that point he put in a buttplug and he said your keeping this for my guests. We had about 15 minutes before they were coming. He got a call and he said 2 were here and the other is on his way. He told them the room # and told me to lay down facedown as he strapped my arms and leggs spread. He put a big pillow from the couch under me so my ass was up high. He put on a choker on me with a leash and put a rag around my head tied tight as a blindfold. He took the buttplug out and he gave me a booty bump of G. He then put the buttplug back in. I was getting hot. He said he will slam me when they get here. Laying there waiting i heard a knock on the door. I couldn't see but heard a couple different voice's. They talked a bit while I was laying there. Then I felt someone sit next to me and felt him rub my ass and reached under and grabbing my balls and cock and played a bit. I felt some else sit on the bed and was touching my back and moved by my head and felt his dick by my mouth so i started to suck it. I heard a knock on the door and some talking. Must have been another top. My ass was still being rubbed then i felt the plug come out as someone was licking my hole. I heard my friend say he left a deposit there already as that chuckled then I heard my friend say lets get him started. I felt a cold wipe on my arm then the pinch. In about a few seconds I felt a hugh rush hit me and wow!! I was so spun out I remember saying I need to be fucked now! Then I felt some lube and a bunch of fingers enter me he or they was thrusting fingers in and out then i felt more fingers stretching my hole. The fingers pulled out and felt a nice cock enter. I was so spun at this point and told him to fuck me hard. He lasted some time and heard him moaned and felt his dick throbbing. He pulled out and moved to my head and he said suck it clean. As I was sucking i felt someone else entered. I heard my friend say to someone join in! I felt another body get on the bed i felt him grab the choker and pulled it while i was still sucking i was getting choked well as i was getting fucked and sucking.. I felt the dick throbbing and he pulled out and I had to suck that.. My friend said he needs to smoke I heard the lighter and he stuck the pipe in my mouth to take hits.. took a few big hits and got more spun then ever. I felt the straps come off and got flipped over. One guy grabbed my leggs pulled me to the end of the bed. Felt someone hold my arms and felt someone start sucking me while this was going on i felt my leggs get pulled up and started to get fucked. Again i heard the lighter and was given another big hit. What ever the dick pills i was given they worked well. So someone sat on my chest and i felt him lay on me and I heard him say "put his dick in me" someone did it once in him he must have sat up I felt him move around. Had my leggs push on his back while still getting fucked . I felt a guy hold my arms and tied them together to the bed he had me take a hit of poppers then i felt him pull on my choker real tight i couldn't breathe for a bit but when he released it the rush made me harder and i can feel the guy on top move around more and fast. The guy fucking me pulled out I heard the lighter but he must've taken a hit he started to fuck me again but really hard and heard him make a loud noise and felt hit shoot a load. I heard my friend say someone is at the motel to join. He said he wants the bottom to be all spun out and dripping. I heard the door knock and some talking. I still had my dick in the guy sitting on me. So he kept moving faster and my friend said got to hit him again. I felt the cold swab and then the pinch. As the rush hit me again the guy sitting on me moved up and down fast i exploded in his ass. He moved to my face sat on it and made me suck my cum.. I think at that point i blacked out for a bit because I realize I was flipped over at the end of the bed leggs to the floor getting fucked again. Someone was holding my head and shoulders down hard while getting fucked. He exploded i felt a lot dripping as he pulled out. One of them pulled me up and I was laying there for a while as everyone was talking. Don't know what they were saying i was so spun out. My friend came over to me and asked if I was ok. I said yea. It was fun. Then I asked anyone else? I heard him say something to the group and felt someone get on top of me he was heavy and felt his dick go in me. He thrusted a few times and heard him moan. Got pushed back onto the bed flipped over and was told to stay don't move. I was laying there for some time. I started to finger my hole and play with the drippings. I guess they were watching me i heard someone say grab some cum and eat it. So i use my fingers scoop up whatever was dripping and sucked my fingers. They must of liked that someone came over stuck a bunch of fingers in me for a while i think I had my 1st fist. It hurt a bit but good then pulled out i think i came again and he made me suck his fingers and lick his hand as he put it over my face. Again i laid there for a bit while they were talking heard the door and then room got quiet for some time. I was going to take the blindfold off and my friend said No! He said he likes to see me all spun out leggs spread and cum dripping. I asked if anyone recorded this and he said no. Most of them are married and they dont want the chance to get caught.. I was starting to come down and asked can i take off the blindfold. He said wait I have someone coming here right now got on grindr from an hour ago. He is in the parking lot. I heard the door and heard talking then I felt someone touching me. Then i guess he dropped his paints as he pulled me over i felt him touch my hole and i felt his dick rubbing on my dripping hole. He entered me real fast I heard heavy breathing he pulled on the choker chain as he pushed hard and felt him explode.. he laid on top of me for a bit while his dick was throbbing. He pulled out and i just laid there exhausted now. My hole was so sore.. I heard him leave and my friend took off the blindfold. He asked did you have fun? I said it was the most intense ever..! I ask what did you do during? He said sat in the chair watch you get fucked made sure you were ok but also you were as stoned as possible. He said he jerked off watching a few times! This is his fantasy to watch a gangbang and be the guy in charge. I must have cum at least 3 times. I normally dont cum when slammed. I also notice the sun was up I saw it was 11 am. We started the fun about 7 pm. Time flies he said. I got up with his help walked me to the shower to clean up. I couldn't walk to well. Showered up and noticed my hole was bleeding a bit and dripping still. Got dressed and my friend was already dressed cleaned the room a bit. And he drove me home i slept on the way. He helped me to my house but at this time i was fine. It was a great time. Slept all day sunday and I called in sick today to recover.. lol
    1 point
  42. Hey I was talking about you to my friend and what fun you are having. I had a blast on my "frenzy" last time. Sore as hell but so much fun! He asked me if he can set me up like that again. He said he will have two groups setup for me. He will have the toys with a lot of T and G to keep me twisted for the night. He loves to just sit there and watch me get fucked while all stoned out and he said he will keep me twisted all night. Can't wait for the fun..
    1 point
  43. Part 5 Unknown territory is entered Jack took hold of the pipe and stuck some shards of Tina in it. He brought the pipe to Brad's mouth let the shards melt and he told Brad he knew what to do. Brad knew he had no choice. He knew if he resisted or refused he would get knocked around or a power surge and by now he was also beginning to crave another boost of chems, his body was beginning to need the effects it was producing. Seeing that the pipe was filling up nicely with white smoke, he pulled in deeply and held the smoke as long as he could. Nice slut said Jack you are already doing it like a real pro. When he couldn't hold it in any longer he blew out a big fat cloud. He felt himself getting warmer and hornier. Brad blew 2 more clouds before Jack said now it's my turn and he moved in and held the smoke. He took hold of Brad's head and placed his lips on Brad's and blew the smoke into his mouth. Brad's heart began to beat faster with excitement. He held the smoke and in turn blew out big cloud. This was your first shotgun slut, I'm sure many more will follow. Jack repeated this again but this time as he blew out he started sticking his tongue into Brad's mouth with it. Brad who by now was flying back in eagerly tongued along with Jack. Jack broke the horny kiss and put the pipe away and took the bottle of chem piss from Brad. Open your mouth slut he said to Brad, Brad was high and opened his mouth. Jack poured the rest of the bottle into his mouth and Brad who swallowed the piss, this time he drank it without a problem. Jack loosened the chains and he began to play on Brad's nipples with his mouth. Brad came in seventh heaven. Oh yeah oh yeah he was moaning. With his hands Jack pulled the plug out of Brad's already loosening pussy and pushed it back in. Brad squirmed in the bed in pleasure. Jack teased Brad all over his body for a while longer and then he stopped abruptly. He looked at Brad and said. How are you going to thank me now for the pleasure you were allowed to experience. Brad's eyes were full of horniness and he opened his mouth and said I will suck you sir, I will suck you nice. Nice one slut said Jack, that's a nice start but it won't be enough. You may start by sucking my cock stiff, then when it is stiff you may push it as deep as you can into your throat and thus hone your deep troath technique. While you're at it, think about how you can thank me further. Because with just a blow job will not be enough for the pleasure I have given you. Jack once again pulled the plug out of Brad's ass and took a Tina shard from the cabinet and pushed it deep into Brad's pussy. He groaned and once again felt the burning sensation come on. Jack lay down on the bed and Brad positioned himself opposite Jack's limp cock. This time he needed no encouragement and he opened his mouth and he sucked the cock into his mouth. Jack's cock got stiffer in Brad's warm mouth and in no time he was filling the his full mouth. Brad's mouth went up and down the thick shaft. He felt his master's cock get stiff and pushed it deeper into his throat. This time he hit further before he started gagging. The burning sensation in Brad's ass had by now given way to a warm and horny glow over his entire body and his cunt which was opening by itself was crying out to be filled. He began to suck like he had never done anything else. For Jack, this was the moment to stop him for a moment and make him turn so that he was in a 69 position. This way he could prepare Brad's pussy. Have you thought about how you will thank me further said Jack. Brad who could not answer because his mouth was filled with his master's cock moaned. Jack teased Brad's sphincter by circling his fingers and moving his finger a tiny bit pushing in. The Booty bump, the chem piss and the teasing were doing their job because out of nowhere Brad said, fill my ass, fill my ass with your fat cock. My ass needs to get your fat dick sir. Please fill my ass. This is what Jack had hoped for. That the former stud himself would ask to be fucked. Brad was startled by his own words. His body was screaming to be fucked, but his mind wasn't there yet. In his mind, he was still straight. As much as Jack wanted to shove his cock into Brad's virgin pussy without mercy, he knew he couldn't do it without damaging his toy. Jack's cock was twice as thick and long as the biggest plug Brad had already had and if he fucked Brad now he wouldn't be able to work on his transformation for the next few days. My cock in your cunt you will have to earn first he said. He pushed Brad off him and he went to the wall with the dildos. He took one from the wall that was still a bit narrower than his pole and stepped back to the bed and pulled Brad by his hair to the wall. He pushed Brad forward and turned him with his ass to the wall. He placed the dildo with the suction cup on his ass height and lubed it up with lube. Start by getting this one in your pussy he said. Brad who by now had had some more time to think was no longer so sure of what he had just said and blocked. He knew if he went any further with this it would be the end of him as a straight man. Once there would have been a cock in his ass then there was no going back. Jack pulled Brad's hair and said are you going to get into it slut or should I help you. Brad knew if Jack had to help that there would be pain involved and he wanted to avoid that. His cunt was screaming to let the cock pushing against his sphincter in but his mind was still working against it. But against his wits he pushed his ass towards the wall and let the tip of the dildo in. His sphincter was pulled open and felt like it would tear. Ahhhhhh he exclaimed and pulled his ass back. Rome wasn't built in a day Jack said, push your ass back slut and he pushed Brad back towards the wall and the tip pushed open the sphincter again. The dildo shot inside Brad and he moaned in pain. It's way too big he moaned. If you can't handle this yet, how would you like my pole in your pussy slut. Jack held Brad's ass against the wall with his firm hands, allowing the tiny shards of Tina that were on the dildo to melt into Brad's pussy. It's burning inside cried Brad who thought he was tearing open. Jack laughed and said wait a minute, you'll be sliding on this dildo like you've never done anything else. He placed himself in front of Brad's mouth and said instead of moaning about your cunt slut you should spoil your master's cock open your mouth and start sucking. Brad opened his mouth and took the fat black glans into his mouth and then the entire pole. Brad felt that his pussy had gotten used to the dildo and the burning sensation was gone and had given way to horniness and a call for more stimulation. He began to make a small fucking motion with his ass. He opened his mouth and began to breathe deeply. Oh yeah, oh yeah thats it yeah. Brad was in seventh heaven and the last bit of straight left in him was gone for a moment. Jack patted him on the head. Don't think only of your own pleasure slut. You're lucky I'm letting you do this. If you want to ride the dildo you will have to keep sucking my cock or something will follow for you. Brad began to ride harder against the dildo and sucked on his master's cock. The deeper he pushed the dildo the looser his pussy became and the more his prostate was stimulated. The pre-cum was running out of his cock and Jack saw this. To arm your new self he said to Brad, push that dildo as deep as you can into that slut pussy of yours. Accept your new status as a slut and then tomorrow I will make you feel what it is like to be fucked by a real man. Brad who was getting hornier by Jack's words sucked as best he could and he felt Jack's cock fill with seed and flow into his mouth. It was only the second time he had seed in his mouth, but like an accomplished slut he swallowed the seed. Jack jerked after and then pulled his cock back out of Brad's mouth and pulled his ass off the dildo. Enough for today he said and pushed Brad hard onto the bed. This time Jack didn't attach the wristbands to the bed. He gave a pill to Brad and he put it in his mouth and swallowed it eagerly. Go to sleep he said to Brad when I come in tomorrow I want your pussy clean like I showed you this morning. Understood slut. If it's not clean something will follow. Brad replied with yes sir it will be clean. Brad's eyes grew heavier and he began to doze off. He still wondered why he wasn't secured and if he would be able to escape but he fell asleep. His dream was intense, reliving what he had been through so far and he had conflicting feelings. He had horror for his actions and a kind of release for what he was becoming. Brad woke up with his half hard cock in his hand. The last thing he remembered from his dream was the moment Jack would stick his cock in his pussy. He opened his eyes and the dimmed light was back on in the room. His arms were not tied to the bed and if he wanted to he could walk away. But he felt around his neck here. He looked in the mirror and saw that he had a collar on, but this did not look like a normal collar. This one was fastened with a lock and he certainly wouldn't get it off. It was also fairly heavy and Brad immediately realized what was special about this collar. It would give a shock if he did anything that was not allowed. Like for example trying to escape from the room. On the bed he also saw 2 dildos, one was the one he had had in his ass yesterday, the other was thicker and longer. He looked at it and now fully realized what he had done yesterday. His feelings were in knots and he needed Tina, his body was yearning for another trip. He looked at the cabinet where Jack's chems were and he saw the pipe filled with Tina. His heart began to pound and he looked at it and hesitated what to do. Would he give in to his body's call for another trip or would he try to stay sober and find a solution to his situation. His thoughts went back and forth and without realizing it he took the pipe and put it in his mouth and made fire so that the Tina began to melt and the smoke began to form. This is it he thought, he hesitated for a moment but the call of his body was greater than the resistance of his mind and he inhaled the smoke holding it as long as he could and blew out a fat cloud. His body began to grow warmer his heart beat more quietly. But his body asked for more and he did it again. Still his body asked for more and he repeated it 3 more times until his eyes were back spinning in his eye sockets like flying saucers. He had a blissful feeling and he wanted to feel his pussy. As he pressed his finger against his pussy it occurred to him that he needed to rinse first. He got off the bed and went to the toilet and did what his master had shown him the day before. After rinsing a few times he crawled back on the bed and took hold of the pipe again he let the last of the Tina melt and took 1 last hit. He saw the dildo lying there from the day before and took it in his hands and tried to push it into his pussy. To his own surprise, the dildo slid in smoothly. He began to fuck his ass with the dildo and moaned softly. He looked at the other dildo and wondered if he would fit that one in his pussy as well, he removed the first dildo from his pussy which had now become an open hole and took the bottle of lube that was on the cabinet and smeared a layer on the dildo and smeared the rest with his finger in his open gaping pussy. He felt the lube burn in his hole and took hold of the thickest dildo and pushed it against his sphincter. The muscle worked against him and he had to bite his teeth but still he got the tip of the dildo to inside. He pulled and back and took a breath and then pushed it back in. He felt his muscle being pulled open again and his cunt gave way to let the dildo in. His head dropped to the bed and he let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. Shit, yeah that feels so fucking good came out of his mouth. He pushed the dildo even deeper and at that moment Jack came in who had been following everything on the screens in the room next door. Brad's entire room was fitted with cameras and everything was recorded in case it was needed. Look at that, said Jack look what you have become. I'm proud of you slut, I'm really proud. Brad's eyes turned with horniness in his head. You have become a true slut, slut who craves Tina and is ready to be fucked. It's about time you got a real pole in your pussy don't you think. Brad turned his eyes to Jack and let out a clear hell yeah. With a horny slut look he looked at Jack and called out. Fuck me sir, I want to feel your pole in my pussy. You sure will said Jack. He took hold of the dildo and increased the rhythm with which the dildo fucked Brad's pussy. Brad moaned loudly and Jack asked if his pussy was clean. Brad exclaimed YES YES YES. Good girl and he pulled the dildo out of Brad's pussy. Brad's pussy was wide open and opening and closing like it was looking for a cock to suck inside. Jack pushed 4 fingers against Brad's sphincter and pushed his fingers inside and violently fingered his pussy. With his long nails he scraped the inside of Brad's hole and when he took his fingers out of Brad's pussy they were coated in blood. Jack grinned and Brad who was moaning. If you want your master to stick his cock in your pussy you will have to suck it stiff first. Brad was on his knees as fast as he could and opened his mouth to suck his master's cock. Look how eager my slut has become. Jack pulled out his cock and he didn't even get time to offer it to his slut. Brad took hold of his cock and put it in his mouth. He sucked like his life depended on it and Jack had to rein him in a bit. Calm down slut if you keep going like this there won't be anything left to fuck you with. Brad calmed down and sucked at a more leisurely pace and allowed Jack to enjoy himself more. Jack took hold of Brad's head and enjoyed. Oh slut you are already sucking very well, a few more practice and you will be a pro. Jack removed his stiff cock from Brad's mouth. He stepped over to the cabinet and pulled out a point he took a strap and then turned around. Give your arm he said to Brad. Brad gave his arm, he hadn't seen the syringe yet but the strap was already around upper arm and tightened. Jack looked for a vein and with a cloth rubbed the place where he would spray. Then he took the syringe and Brad saw the syringe and knew what would happen he had heard of this. No he said I don't want to become a heroin whore he said, anything but this. Jack laughed a whore you will become a slut whether you want to or not but you will not become a heroin whore you will become a Tina whore. Now lie still he said or this will end badly. Brad wanted to protest but kept his arm still and saw the needle disappear in his arm. He saw some blood get into the syringe and heard Jack say ready for your first real trip slut because here it comes. Brad saw Jack push the plunger in and he saw the contents of the syringe disappear into his arm. Oh shit and now Brad thought. He felt a tingling sensation in his throat a pressure on his chest and he had to cough, he coughed heavily a few times and then a surge of heat and tremendous horniness came over him. His pussy needed to be filled he didn't care with what. FUCK, FUCK he exclaimed. Oh my fucking god rape me, fuck me, but do something. He lay writhing on the bed and his hands searched his pussy and he inserted 4 fingers at a time into his gaping hole. Jack enjoyed what he saw and pulled Brad's hands out of his pussy and pushed them to his head. Jack left Brad begging to be fucked for a while longer and then said are you ready slut are you ready to discover your true self, are you ready to be fucked by a real man. He pushed Brad's legs up and put them against his shoulders, took his stiff pole and pushed his glans against Brad's sphincter he looked deep into Brad's eyes and Brad into his. Brad who was flying on the Tina wave screamed to fuck him and Jack said, you're asking for it slut here it comes, once my cock has been inside you you are mine forever. I am yours shouted Brad I am totally yours. I like that Jack said and he pushed his rigid cock in 1 push inside Brad. Brad's cunt opened like a flower and felt his sphincter being stretched even more but because of the slam he felt no pain all he felt was supreme happiness. Oh yes master fuck me, fuck me as hard and deep as you can he cried. Jack sat balls deep and began to thrust quietly into Brad's pussy. Harder Brad cried out and he tried to set the rhythm himself with his ass. Jack stopped him and said he would set the pace. So Jack fucked on for a while and then quickened the pace. He pulled his cock back out of Brad's hole which had now become a gaping hole and pushed it back in hard. Brad moaned in delight, he was in slut heaven. Then Jack told him to sit on all fours. Brad did as asked of him and Jack sat down behind Brad and pushed his pole back in. Jack was fucking heavily and Brad was moaning heavily, this feeling was blissful. This was what he wanted to feel for the rest of his life, from his limp pole his own pre-cum was dripping and Jack wiped it off with his fingers and put his fingers in Brad's mouth. Lick your own cum he said Brad licked the fingers clean and he cried out wanting Jack's seed in his pussy and wanting nothing more than to be fucked by him every day. Jack increased the pace and thrust hard into Brad's pussy. He slapped Brad's ass only times. Brad moaned and could only utter yes yes harder deeper. Brad's words turned Jack on immensely. Jack couldn't hold on any longer he pulled on his slut's hair and Brad's head came back. Jack spurted in Brad's face and yelled here comes my gift for you slut here comes my dirty seed. From now on you are mine forever. He pushed his pole deep into Brad's hole one last time and Brad felt his hole being filled with Jack's seed. Jack let his cock sit for a few more breaths and pulled his limp cock out of Brad's open hole. He saw that his cock was coated in his cum and blood. Jack grinned and knew that very soon Brad would be completely transformed there was no turning back now. But just to be sure he took out a butt plug took one more look at what he had just created and pushed the plug into Brad's gaping hole which until a few days ago was a tight asshole. With his fingers he took the cum running out of Brad's hole and offered his finger to Brad. Here is part of your reward slut. You must not let anything go to waste of what you get from your master. Brad licked the fingers clean and bit his lower lip and let out a that tastes so good understanding. Jack let his limp pole hang in front of Brad's mouth and told him to lick it clean. Brad eagerly opened his mouth and took the cock into his mouth. He tasted his master's delicious cum and also tasted blood. But the chems were still coursing through his body and he was far too horny to pay too much attention to this. As he was licking his master's cock clean he heard. Oh baby, how proud I am of you, you have already become a real slut. I'm so proud of you, I knew it that you would become a natural. Hearing that you want to get a fat cock in your ass every day makes me happy. We will train you even more and then you can indulge in a fat cock every day. That voice clocked him in familiarity. Angel stood next to him and looked at him smiling. Brad looked deep into Angel's eyes and he tried to get a grip on the situation. The woman he had called his girlfriend until a few days ago and whom he himself fucked almost every day. Had stood by watching him enjoy being fucked and how he had begged to have seed in his pussy and how he was now licking a cock clean. He was embarrassed because Angel had seen that he had enjoyed being fucked. Angel rubbed through Brad's hair and gave him a kiss on his cheeks. I came to see how far along your training was and I am amazed at how fast you are going. You are well on your way to becoming our new addition to the club. I think you were always a dirty bottom slut. Brad was embarrassed to death. I have to get back out there Angel said. I'll stop by again soon to check on the progress. Angel left the room and Brad was back to full sobriety. What had just happened, am I gay now? Did I really enjoy this now and did I really beg for seed. All sorts of things were going through him. Until he thought back to Jack's last words before he finished. Dirty seed. What did he mean by this. Brad lay on the bed panting and Jack stood up and walked to the door. Enjoy this for a while he said I will be back later. You're not tied up anymore he said but I guess you realize that the collar around your neck will make sure you can't run away. Brad looked dejectedly at Jack and nodded. The door closed and the light dimmed back. Brad tried to organize his thoughts and get everything in order.
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  44. I’ve been fucked many times as a kid, but I’ve always seduced older men and other boys. I made them fuck me, to use my body, to fill me with cum. I loved it and offered myself to everyone, mostly successfully. There were other times and no one was afraid to use me to satisfy their sexual need, if I would make it clear that I wanted to. In the summer, I would always walk around in a very short shorts, with no underwear. They were so short that my dick and balls were visible as I sat and spread my legs. Sometimes I would go out without shorts, just in a long T-shirt. I often used hitchhiking to go to the beach because I always bathed naked on remote beaches. If the driver noticed that my dick and ass were naked under the shirt, everyone would get horny, and with a little encouragement from me he would fuck me in the first convenient place along the road.
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  45. I love watching cute, sexy, attractive bottoms take loads from fat, ugly, crackheads, meth heads, homeless men and wasted trolls. The kind of men that would be beneath their standards if they actually had any standards. lt really shows what a cockhungry faggot they are
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  46. I was Bored so I drove over to Hank's around Midnight Thursday. I walked in and then walked out back to see who was happening. I dropped my pants and sucked a couple good dicks and suddenly I felt a dick sliding into my hole. Then I felt him nut and my hole became very wet. I continues sucking his dick and I felt another dick sliding into my really wet hole and I then was still bent over and I felt him nut too, By that time my hole was quite loose and dripping with cum. then I left and drove home and took a shower and went to bed. I took 2 loads from 2 really hung Blk men and I felt great!
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  47. Part 32 - Not So Straight Dennis had been manning the front desk at the hotel. It was the last home football game of the season and it didn’t look to be a winning day. It didn’t matter, the alums were in town by the carload and the hotel was booked solid. Even the party room, #152 was booked by an older gay couple who had invited Dennis to stop by later that evening to help break the couple’s new houseboy in. As game time grew near, the crowd had slowed and he finally got time for a quick break. He came back to the front desk and looked over and saw someone he recognized. The guy got up off the lobby chair and nervously walked over to the front desk and said to Dennis “Hi, I don’t know if you remember me, but my name is Chris and we met in the sauna here a month or so ago.” It had been a busy month, but Dennis smiled and said “Yeah, I was the second guy to have some fun with you. Weren’t you here with your wife and kids that weekend?” Chris nodded and Dennis asked “What can I help you with?” Chris stammered bit before saying “I had a really good time that weekend and was wondering if you knew where I could do that again?” Dennis chuckled before asking “What part of it did you like best or want to repeat? That was pretty spontaneous, so its kind of hard to just run into things like that again. I know that the other guy isn’t in town anymore, so some part of it would have to be different.” “Yeah, I know. But the whole damn thing was so hot. I never felt so alive and scared at the same time” Chris told Dennis. Dennis suddenly changed the conversation and said “I’m sorry sir, but we are all booked for this weekend. Maybe next weekend might work for you?” as one of the other customers walked by toward the breakfast area. Once the other customer was out of hearing range, Dennis went back to the original conversation, saying “Can I ask how you’ve been feeling since that weekend? If you remember, the other guest may have given you something.” Chris’s face turned pale and he said “Nothing out of the ordinary. I get a lot of colds with the kids around. Why?” Dennis smiled before saying “Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if that was one of the things you liked. You should probably get tested anyway, especially if you’re having sex with your wife.” Chris looked embarrassed and told Dennis “Yeah, that was part of it. Do you really think I caught something? I’ve fucked her several times since then but I know she’s been cheating on me too.” An evil smirk came over Dennis’s face. With any luck, not only was Chris poz, but his wife and the guys she was doing were too. “You should go over to the Jones clinic and get tested to find out. If you want to make sure you got something, though, I think I know a few guys that can help you” Dennis said . “Fuck, that would be great!” Chris said excitedly. Dennis chuckled and motioned with his head and Chris followed him down the hall. Dennis unlocked a door and they walked through the back door of the Men’s locker room. “Let’s do this quick, I gotta get back to work” Dennis said as he unzipped his pants. Chris got on his knees and pulled Dennis’s hardening cock out of his underwear and began to suck it. Dennis was typing away on his phone “have bi slut in hotel locker rm. he needs loads”. He copied the text and sent it off to a few people. He set his phone down on the bench and then started to face fuck Chris. He shoved hard, forcing his thick cock into Chris’s throat, making him gag. After repeating that a few times, Dennis pulled his cock out and said “Get your clothes off and bend over the bench.” He laughed to himself as Chris was so eager to get fucked he almost fell over he stripped so fast. Dennis bent over and rimmed Chris’s hole a minute before standing up and pressing his cock against Chris’s tight pucker and watched his precum start to ooze out and cover the hole. Chris relaxed and Dennis’s cock sunk into the warm, soft tunnel. Dennis loved a pump and dump and knew he had to get back to the front desk quickly. He thrust his cock in all the way and heard Chris stifle his scream. “Yeah, that’s a good slut. Take my cock nice and deep. Let’s get you lubed up for the other guys I invited over to fuck you. I hope you weren’t planning on getting home soon” Dennis said softly as he picked up the pace and was fucking Chris harder. The door creaked open and Dennis looked over as Tony and Derrick walked around the corner. They started to rub their crotches as Dennis fucked. Dennis slammed his cock into Chris’s hole and felt his balls release their charged up seed. The shots of cum coated the walls of Chris’s fuck chute and Dennis pistoned his cock several times, pushing it in deeper. He slowly pulled his cock out and pushed any cum that tried to escape back into the greedy hole. As soon as they saw Dennis start to pull out, Tony and Derrick moved in. Derrick pressed his large cock to Chris’s lips and Tony just shoved his cock deep into Chris’s pussy. Dennis grabbed a towel and cleaned his cock, pulled his pants up and said “Have fun!” before walking out the side door and back to work. Tony kept drilling his cock in and out of Chris’s fuck hole enjoying the sloppy cunt, knowing it was going to be even sloppier when they were done. Few words were spoken as Tony fucked and Derrick stuffed Chris’s mouth with his long, fat cock. Chris figured there was no point in protesting his treatment, either one of the guys could easily take him by themselves, besides he was really enjoying being a piece of meat for strange guys to fuck. He had little clue as to who was fucking him now, he knew the guy fucking his face was tall, muscular and black, but that was all he could tell from the brief glimpse he got before his throat was filled with cock. Tony started hammering Chris’s hole and then pushed in hard and held it there as his cock twitched and pumped more toxic cum inside. Tony and Derrick swapped positions and Chris was tasting the cum from his ass as he cleaned and sucked Tony’s cock. Derrick forced his cock into the cum slick hole, hearing Chris scream out until his cock finally popped inside. Derrick let Chris get used to the thickness of his cock for a minute before he began driving his cock in and out. Derrick assumed that Chris hadn’t had any cocks as thick as his, but he really didn’t care. Guys like this were made to be cumdumps and they would learn to take all cocks eventually. He didn’t have an even fuck motion like many guys, Derrick liked to pull out slowly and then shove his cock in hard. Each time he thrust in, he forced Tony’s cock down Chris’s throat, muffling the screams Chris was trying in vain to make. Grabbing Chris’s hips, he shoved in hard, ripping past his second ring and held there for a while until he felt the ring stop spasming from the sudden invasion. He pulled back, past the second ring, then the first, looking at the tortured hole filled with cum and blood. Derrick slammed back in, Tony holding his cock deep inside Chris’s throat and grinning as Derrick did his best to wreck Chris’s pussy. You could see the sweat pour off Chris’s back and face. Derrick slowly pulled all the way out and with one more hard shove, buried his cock into Chris and felt his cock start to pulse, pumping more tainted seed into the father of two. “Aww, man. That holes gonna be all stretched out before I get to it” said a voice nearby. Tony laughed and said “Don’t worry Luis, I’m sure it will close up a bit before you fuck him.” Derrick’s body gave one more big shake as the orgasm ended, adding one more spurt of diseased spunk deep inside Chris. Derrick pushed Tony aside and let Chris concentrate on the cum covered shaft in front of him. Luis waited and watched Chris clean the cock that had just wrecked him and then began eating Chris’s hole. His tongue lapped and poked, tasting the coppery tasting cum. When he felt the hole gripping his tongue, he knew it would be tight enough to feel good around his cock. Luis stood up and without any warning, drove his cock all the way into Chris’s cunt. There was only a quiet yell from Chris this time and Luis pounded Chris’s hole without any warmup. Only five minutes of hard fucking and Luis screamed out himself and forced his cock in as deep as he could and shot several volleys of poz cum into Chris’s sloppy cumhole. “I heard you’re going to have a couple more guys stop by to use that sweet hole, papi, so don’t go nowhere” Luis said as he pulled his cock out and slapped Chris’s ass. Chris laid on the bench with his ass up and waited. He ran his finger over his fuck hole and felt the cum. He pushed it in and then sniffed his finger, smelling the cum before licking his finger clean. He was almost ready to give up when he heard the door creak open again. He raised his ass up like before, one knee on the bench and the other foot on the floor. He glanced back and saw another hispanic guy walking up rubbing his crotch. “Mmmm, thats a nice hole, papi. I hope it loves my special seed. It took 23 guys to make it and today’s the first day I feel good enough so I can share it.” Juan had been wanting to get pozzed for a couple years and finally it happened on his terms. The club gangbang a week after Joe, Kyle, Dennis, Steven and Aaron’s induction was the one that finally did it. There were only two bottoms that week but both of them got toxic loads that ended their neg days forever. Juan quickly had his pants down and was thrusting into Chris’s cum filled hole. He fucked hard and brutal, wanting to make sure that his seed helped charge this guy up. Chris wasn’t sure he could take much more pounding. Juan had been driving his cock into Chris for almost 20 minutes before he grabbed his shoulders and planted his cock and pumped seven volleys of viral cum into his ex-jock ass. Juan leaned over and whispered in his ear “I hear your wife likes to cheat. I want to give her the same gift I just gave you. Where can I find her?” Chris was in a daze and told him a few places she liked to go to and his home address without even thinking. “Thanks papi” Juan said as he pulled his cock out and pulled up his basketball shorts and walked out. Chris laid back down, his heart racing and his breathing was heavy. He was finally being the gay slut that he had always wanted to be. He slowly got up and walked back towards the sauna, the place where his current adventure had started. He grabbed a towel and went in, sitting down on the towel and trying to keep his hole closed to hold in all of the precious cum. He was relaxed and yet excited. The door to the sauna opened and in walked a tall, muscular guy about ten years older than him. He had a tanned furry body with several weathered tattoos and one fresh biohazard tattoo. His face had a full dark beard with some bits of gray in it and a determined look on his face. His muscles were those of a guy that did hard labor for a living, probably construction of some sort, not from steroids and gym workouts. “You the guy looking for some hot loads?” asked Carl. Chris grinned and said “yup”. “Then turn around and show me that ass” Carl said. Chris turned around and bent over the upper bench. Carl stood on the lower bench and rammed his cock all the way into Chris’s pussy. Normally that would have sent Chris screaming for the door, but his hole was so ravaged by the previous guys it was just a mild stinging that he felt. Carl started his slow, firm thrusts into Chris and continued for almost a half an hour. “Ya know, I used to be a total bottom slut like you that couldn’t get enough cock. Now, I can’t wait to breed another guy and knock his ass up.” Chris had never had a conversation while having sex, but kind of enjoyed hearing Carl talk to him while stroking his cock into Chris. Finally, Carl started to fuck faster and faster until he started to grunt loudly and his cock started spurting his newly charged cum into Chris’s doomed hole. “Nice, its like deja vu” Dennis said from the doorway to the sauna. Carl pulled his cock out of Chris and jabbed his fingers into the stretched out hole. He pulled his fingers out and sucked the cum off of them and walked back to the showers. Dennis walked up and said “Sit on the top bench, lets do it like the first time.” Chris turned around and slid on to the top bench with his ass hanging off. Dennis got on the lower bench and poked his cock into Chris’s swollen hole. Chris gritted his teeth as he felt Dennis’s cock bottom out inside him. It was a quick fuck, just like the one several weeks earlier. Quick, hard and purposeful. The only difference this time was that Dennis wasn’t shooting blanks, but now a very toxic potion of cum. Dennis had Chris folded up and his hands interlocked behind Chris’s neck. He stared deep into his eyes as he pounded and mixed up the collection of poz strains in Chris’s cunt. The strokes started getting ragged and Dennis began dumping another load of bug filled cum into Chris. He pulled out and looked at Chris. “Thats all the guys I could get today, but that should fuck you up. I left the address of the clinic and who to ask for with your clothes. They’re waiting for you today. They’ll test you and let you know what your current status is. If its neg, then get tested again in a month or so. Good luck!” Dennis left the sauna and quickly showered before going back to work. Chris just stayed in the sauna for several minutes contemplating what his future was going to be. He went over to the clinic and asked for an STD test by Tyler. Chris went back a few days later and was told that the test showed negative for all the standard STDs that they screen for. As he pulled up to his house after getting the results, he saw a strange car in the driveway. He waited in his car in front of the neighbor's house and soon watched Juan walk out the front door after kissing Chris’s wife.
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  48. Part XI I decided not to tell my friends anything that I had done earlier. I just told them the guy must have gotten me mixed up with someone else. Seemed to appease them. I then got the subject back to them to see what they all felt now that they knew they had all got filled with poz cum. I thought they would all be upset and worried and who knows what else about that. They all seemed to be fine though. The main theme was that apparently every one of them had been barebacking anyway and felt they would probably get it sooner or later from someone, so it seemed ok now and probably be over and done with now. They all seemed really turned on about it too. I soon noticed, as we kept talking, that every once in a while one or the other of them would take off for a bit. I looked around once and found one back in the sling getting fucked again and another time one was on one of the tables getting loaded some more. We all hung around for a couple more hours before everyone seemed to finally be getting tired and we all decided it was very late now and we all needed to get home. It has now been about 3 1/2 months since that parade. All my buds got tested and they are all now confirmed poz except for one. He was the one that got the most loads that night, not counting me of course, we were all surprised he was still neg. Guess some get lucky or not lucky, depending on how you look at it. LOL I had taken my PEP and when I got tested, snuck off to do it alone so buddies wouldn't know, I came back neg too. In my case probably lucky since I was supposed to be straight and married. It seems to be the main theme of conversation when we all go out to have a drink on how to get the one guy pozzed too, to join the rest. He seems up for it but not sure who to do or when. Then one night, one of the guys said he had heard about a bar and went to check it out and would bet if we took our neg buddy there he would get poz loads galore before he left. He said he had went and checked it out already and it was a nice place but had a, what he called, a 'wild' room there. He said they got guys in the room and it was dark and they locked the door and nobody got in or out for the next hour. Then they opened the door again for 5 minutes only to let anyone out or in again and then locked it up again for an hour and kept this up till closing time. He told us he had been informed that basically anyone who went in the room came out poz and nobody knew who or anything as there was barely any light at all in there. One tiny light way up in one corner next to the ceiling and he bet it was only about a 20w bulb as he went in there and could basically see nothing except shadowy figures. He thought he probably got about 8 loads in him and planted a couple of his own loads in someone while in there. They made plans to go on the next Friday night and were really getting into talking about it and getting our bud filled full of toxic cum. I was invited to go along and watch their things while they were in the room. I thought this might me wild to watch, so I told them I would. We met up at our usual bar first and all had a couple of drinks before heading across town to the other place. We arrived and I found the place wasn't really half bad, nice décor for a bar even. We got a table in a corner near that, infamous door, and proceeded to have another couple of drinks. Our neg buddy, although excited about what was to come, was also kind of nervous, so he drank probably 5 drinks and was getting pretty loaded and I actually ended up having 4 more and was also starting to feel them. One buddy got the attention of one of our waiters and asked him about the 'room'. He proceeded to tell us the 'rules', what there were of them. He said they opened the door for 5 minutes only and then it was shut and anyone in the room had no choice but to stay in there for the next hour, no matter what and they would not open the door unless there was a dire emergency. One of the guys who worked there always stayed just inside the door for that. Nobody else could go in or out until the hour was up and about anything went while in there including basically some rape almost. You were in there to be fucked or fuck someone and while in there you were fair game for all. End of rules, except no fighting or trying to injure someone. Fuck or be fucked was the rule. He then told us he had been in there on a night off too and loved it and wasn't sure but thought he had taken about 10 loads in that hour. Felt great he said.
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  49. Part II The parade had been a hoot and getting to ride in it after hurting my ankle was kind of cool too. Wearing nothing but my jockstrap made me a little uneasy but hey, when you hurt to try things sometimes to get a lift. LOL As we crossed the finish line my new buddy told me to just hang on a bit as we were going to head back towards the start a ways to where they had set up a small camp for sales of gay pride items. That way I wouldn't have so far to walk to my car. My ankle was still hurting somewhat, so that sounded pretty good to me. We probably went back a good half of the distance to the start then. My buddy had hopped on the float too and stripped his other clothes off too, down to his jock too. I noticed he did have the same tat as the others and seemed to look to be in better shape than I had thought. Should have known from the way he had basically tossed me up onto the float when I first hurt my ankle, but now I could actually see. We both hung onto the same support bar and were again just passing the time talking about basically nothing. A couple of times we hit bumps or had to brake for other traffic. My buddy, being somewhat behind me, bumped up against me those times. I didn't pay attention until much until some jerk pulled out from a stop sign right in front of us and our driver had to hit the brakes pretty hard. I and my buddy were somewhat thrown on each other, and with laying on my back. I then noticed that I registered his hard which was rubbing up against my ass, which was essentially naked, as the jock strap I was wearing was open in the rear. We gathered ourselves back up and I turned slightly and glanced down. Yep, he was definitely hard as a rock and from what I could see through his jockstrap bulge, he was also very very big. He saw me look and seemed to be somewhat embarrassed. He told me he was sorry about that, but his busy schedule for a while now, had not let him have time for any sex and he was afraid the bumping against me had done him and he couldn't seem to control it rubbing up against my butt. I laughed and responded "No problem. Sorry, I turned you on for nothing though." "It wasn't for nothing as I enjoyed it, even if that's all that happened," he remarked, adding that my ass was really nice and firm. A few minutes later he remarked he would find a way to put his tool to use. We both kind of laughed, at which point he remarked "My boyfriend has been somewhat ill and is at the encampment awaiting my return." He also went on to explain his boyfriend just felt a little out of it, and in any event, and had felt neither up to the walk nor to the ride. He had probably helped set up their stuff though. He told me it would be about 16 tables in somewhat of a circle and they then set up poles in the center with tarps to make a place they could get into and rest or whatever without being seen from outside. We soon arrived at their camp and it did look nice. Away from most traffic but close enough to not be out of the way at all too. It had the tables in a circle, signs about almost anything gay and tops of tables full of things and customers and in the middle a circle of tarps just like he described it to me. He helped me down from the float but putting weight on my ankle still hurt like hell. "Why don't you come in and rest a bit longer and have a drink before walking to my car?" 'What the hell', I thought, I might as well, especially as I had no idea where my friends had gone. He led me in and introduced me to some of the others, and gestured for me to be seated, and asked what I wanted to drink. "Coke would be nice," I replied. "Be right back," he remarked as he disappeared into the kitchen. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes he returned, a Coke in hand, along with a towel in which he had packed some ice for my ankle. He pulled another chair up and had me put my foot up and placed the towel on my ankle. He sat down and we drank our Cokes and talked some more, then he excused himself and said he better help sell a little. He went and another of the guys he had introduced me too came and sat down and we talked a while too. After about an hour my bud came back carrying another Coke for me and asked how I was doing. I stood up and tried a few steps and had to admit it was feeling a lot better but still a little tender. He told me I should just walk around a bit and get used to it before heading out. I started to walk around the center tarps then as he went to wait on another customer. I walked somewhat slowly around looking at their wares as I went. I came to the opening they had made in the tarps to get into them. They were pretty well hidden from view from the tables and they had also taken the precaution, I noticed to not have any goods for sale for about a four or five foot section of the tables there. As I was just starting to go by, I came to an abrupt stop, as I could see from this point behind the tarps. What I saw stopped me dead in my tracks. There was some sort of swing hung from a frame, and a guy was laying on his back in the swing as another guy stood between his legs. Obviously the one man was fucking the other. I stood there, my mouth agape, I'm sure, for a minute or so. 'Wow', was all I could think. I had never seen two guys having sex before, and it had never occurred to me they would go about it in public. From their moans, however, it sounded like they were both having a good time. I turned to leave, and almost ran my new buddy down. He quietly remarked he was checking to see if I was or wasn't still around, and then he grinned and asked if I was enjoying the show. Then he chuckled, remarking the look on my face was precious. "That's the first first time I've ever seen two guys fucking," I explained. Taking me by the arm he answered "Come here, a sec," leading me right into the middle of the tarps. I have no idea why I let him lead me in there, but I stopped dead once there: not only were there the two guys at the swing but there were two wooden tables nearby on which four more guys fucking, two on a table. I stopped and stared with mouth open. 'What the hell?' was all I could think. "We don't just only come in here for rest but for fun, also," my buddy remarked with obvious satisfaction. Again he laughed again at my look, adding it must be quite a shock to a straight guy like me who had never even seen gay sex before. I had the presence of mind to reply "Sure, it's a shock, but go ahead if you want." I turned to leave, only to step on something with my bad ankle and all but fell almost on top of one of the tables, almost tipping it and the two guys off of on the ground. My bud grabbed me from behind to steady me, as I made my excuses to the two guys I had all but knocked to the ground. A few second passed before I realized my buddy cock was pressed-up against my ass, and that he was about as hard as he had been earlier on the float. "Are you okay," he asked, although I noticed he didn't move away from my body. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just stepped on something," which, as it turned out, was one of the guy's shoes. My buddy had pretty much picked me up off the ground again and then turned to set me down away from the table a little and his huge cock was against my ass the whole time till he set me down. Again, as I turned I looked down he again laughed, and remarked "Sorry about that. Guess that ass of yours just turns me on!" I returned his laugh, and added "It sure must!" Changing the subject, he asked "You want another Coke?" "Sure," I replied. As he turned to get it he then asked if I drank any alcohol. "Sure, Rum and Code is my favorite. The 151 proof stuff that, although strong, seems to me to be smoother." "I think we actually have some of it" he remarked as he began searching through a small cabinet. "Hey, yeah, we do have some," and with that he brought me an ice-cold can of Coke and the rum. I opened the Coke, took a big swig, just to make some room for the rum, and then poured a healthy quantity of rum into the can. He also made himself a drink, and we stood there drinking and chatting, although I couldn't ignore the reality of what was happening a scant few feet from where we were standing. After a minute or so the sounds from the table demanded my attention, and I turned to see the one man was apparently cumming inside the other man. Both men were moaning in pleasure and I could even see that the bottom guy's cock seemed to jump and he started to cum all over himself and he hadn't even touched his cock. 'Amazing', I thought, 'the two guys seem to be in another world'. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. My buddy put his hand on my shoulder and whispered to me, that he thought they were making more noise than normal and probably just showing off for the new guy, me. I looked at him and we both started laughing.
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