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  1. This is mostly fiction with a little real life experience Growing up in a small agricultural community in the eighties and nineties I had to hide my attraction to other guys. not that there weren't many gay or bi men in the area we all just kept what we did out of site. Growing up that way I learned to be very conservative and low key about my dating life. mostly dating females and only occasionally enjoying time with other men. Looking back I think most of my attraction to women was because society had made me feel that's how I should be. and I just became used to it but there wasn't a relationship I was in that I didn't end up cheating on the woman at some point with another man. After several failed marriages.one of which actually ended when my wife at the time walked in on me with another man actually fucking me. I decided to stop trying to be the way the people I grew up around said I should be. Eventually I found a woman I was compatible with. she was like me was bisexual and our relationship has been an open one. we have sex with each other but can play outside the relationship her with other women me with men . While I was blindly trying to find myself my sister had gone on to have several failed marriages of her own and have kids. her oldest kid Garrett turned out to be gay something we could all tell from a young age. My sister was raised in the same conditions as me and unlike me hadn't moved away so had no idea how to deal with having a gay child. Being a good uncle I did what I could to help the boy come to terms with himself becoming almost a mentor and second father to him after his actual father disowned. him a situation I found funny because I know for a fact the man had had several homosexual encounters when he was younger . Eventually my sister got tired of living in that toxic environment and moved close to me. after that it was easier for me to help my nephew with any issues he was having Almost from the start I could see my nephew was going to have a very different life then I had led. I had always been with men that were very discreet many of them married men who were cheating on their wives. Garrett on the other hand became very outspoken and proud about his sexuality once away from the oppressive atmosphere of our home town. he was gay was proud to be gay and let everyone know it . So it wasn't long before I didn't really have much to teach him anymore. in fact instead of being his mentor or role model like I had been when he was young I began to learn a bit from him . The one thing I had stressed to him from before he lost his virginity was the need for safe sex practices and to always use condoms. even after prep came out I stressed the importance of condoms to him every chance I got. I myself at that point had only ever been with three men without using protection. all three had been men I was absolutely sure I could trust I was almost fanatical about it . Garrett of course started to roll his eyes at me whenever I brought it up. as he got older and would even argue with me about it saying my opinions were outdated and that the world wasn't as dangerous as when I was young for sexual exploration . Then one weekend my life and outlook completely changed . My partner and sister decided that they needed a long weekend in Vegas just the two of them to relax and get away from work and family. Garrett was old enough to watch his younger siblings while they were gone but my sister didn't fully trust him not to throw parties or do anything else that might damage the house or her other kids. so asked me if I would stay there and keep a eye on things. I of course love my nephews and nieces so agreed to stay but because I'm not a masochist. I quickly found a way to pawn the younger kids off for most of the weekend I had though Friday night would be a nice relaxing night the foyr younger kids were all staying the night with friends and I assumed Garrett would be out on date or with friends so I had thought that I would have the house to myself . That evening after dropping off my last niece I browsed grindr for a little while even went to a nearby gay bar but I didn't find anyone that really sparked my interest. so I decided it just wasn't my night so decided to go back to my sisters house and relax the rest of the night maybe look more the next day. I was more than a little surprised to find Garrett was home when I got back to the house and he wasn't alone.there was a trans there that I knew was one of his good friends that I had met before there named Jenny. there were also five guys I didn't know all older than Garrett and his friend I was guessing in their mid twenties. I asked Garrett what the hell was going on but he just told me to relax which of course I didn't or not right away. I admit I didn't want to come across as a asshole old man so didn't try to break up the gathering . With the younger people in the living room I decided to go and sit in the kitchen and play on my phone so as not to disturb them. from there though I was able to hear them talking and was able to learn a lot. It turns out most of the older guys didn't know each other and Garrett actually only knew one of them the rest he had met on grindr it turned out he had been looking there to find tops interested in a orgy with him and jenny I was a bit shocked when I learned that and part of me wanted to go in there and stop it right then. but the part of me that didn't want to be an asshole stopped me. They were all over the age of consent and willing who was I to step in. I admit I also was a bit jealous of the situation. I had fantasized about being in situations like that and had watched porn where that happened. I had never been brave enough to try anything like it. From the kitchen I listened as Garrett assured his new friends his uncle was cool and that they should move on to the fun part. Again I almost got up to put a stop to it but didn't. I couldn't make out much of what I heard after that just the occasional comment from one of the guys about how good a ass looked or a compliment about sucking skills. After about five minutes I couldn't help myself I just had to see what was happening. I had thought by that point they would be really getting into it already. But to my surprise they were taking it slow. As I looked through the door I could see all of them were naked. Three of the tops were on the couch. The other two in recliners. Garrett and Jenny were both on their knees on the floor one in front of each of the men in recliners sucking their cocks. I couldn't move from the door. All five of the tops my nephew had found were fit and attractive. Three seemed to be white one appeared Hispanic while the last seemed to be black or perhaps mixed race. They were also all very well hung The smallest cock there was at least seven inches. The biggest was on the black guy and was probably ten inches and very thick a cock like you see in porn. As I continued to watch from the door the planned orgy really got started. The 2 white guys from the couch got up and one moved behind each of the people sucking and began to lube and loosen them up. Two things shocked me one was seeing that Jenny didn't have any balls hanging under her cock( I found that very hot). The other was there wasn't a condom in sight. Once again I almost stopped it and once again I didn't. I just stood there and watched as Garrett and Jenny started to get fucked raw by guys they had just met online. The guy Jenny was sucking must have been very turned on by the situation because he came quickly and after Jenny finished swallowing the black man took his place. It was to much for me the sights smells and sounds had me more aroused than I had ever been and I so wanted to join the fun. But the conservative side of my nature prevented me from giving in to the desire. Not being able to take it anymore I walked away went into my sisters room and shut the door turning on the TV. But what I had just seen wouldn't leave my head and soon found my cock in my hand. I'm ashamed to admit it took less than two minutes of stroking before I covered my own chest with cum. After I cleaned myself up I tried to just watch TV and pretend there wasn't a sex party in the other room. It only partially worked even with the sound up I could hear the men calling that they were going to cum or things like that. After a couple hours I just had to get a drink so braved the walk to the kitchen and did my best to not look into the living room I did a quick look. From that glance it seemed it was either winding down or most were taking a break. Other than Jenny riding the Hispanic man's cock the rest seemed to be just relaxing sitting around naked. It took me some time to decide what I wanted to drink but eventually settled on a beer and hurried back to the room. To my surprise the room wasn't empty. The black man was standing partially cover by what appeared to be my sisters robe looking at the family photos she kept in there. I just stood frozen in the door not sure what to do. He finally noticed I was standing there he didn't seem bothered buy his nudity or the fact he was caught in my sisters room Before I could think of something to say he beat me to it. " cute family " was all he said as he turned away from the photos "your nephew is particularly sexy little bitch" Not that he was facing me I got a real good look at his cock that was still visible through the open robe. It was only semi hard but still look so big I also noticed he wasn't circumcised I had never seen a uncircumcised cock in person before. I'm sure I looked like a idiot just standing there not saying anything I know I felt like one I was over a decade older then the man in a house owned by my sister but I was nervous and didn't know what to say or do. I finally manged to say " thanks they are a great group and Garrett is a good kid" as I walked the rest of the way into the room. " oh he is good alright. good at sucking and a good tight little cunt to fuck." Was his reply as he continued to look around the room Him saying Garrett had a tight cunt kind of confused me for a second then I remembered I had seen porn where some of the more alpha tops would say that to the guys they were fucking they usually also called the men they fucked fags a term I had always found offensive. " I'm glad you had a good time" was all I could think to say as I watched him walk around the room though mostly watched his cock. " oh I love little white bitches like him and his trans whore friend his little faggot ass was tight. I had a hard time getting all up in him" he said this casually as he sat down on the bed to my surprise I didn't find it offensive that he had just referred to my nephew by a name that had always made me angry before nor did him calling him a little bitch or Jenny a whore. " I hope you don't mind me coming in here? I needed a break younger guys are fun to fuck but sometimes can get on my nerves" he continued the conversation while still trying to get comfortable on the bed though now the bathrobe coverd almost nothing " I still want to nut a few more times tonight but need a break" Feeling even more nervous I sat on the edge of the bed trying to make it look like I was more interested on what was on the TV than him. And took a sip of beer while thinking how to respond. I knew he was older than Garrett and Jenny but though he was around the same age as the other tops that had been invited. Though I admit growing up in a mostly white community I sometimes had a hard time telling the ages of black or Asian people. Just to say something I asked " your not that much older than the other guys Garrett invited are you? I know your older than him and jenny but thought you were about the same age as the others" He laughed at that " fuck bitch I'm 34. But thanks for the compliment. I usually don't fuck with guys as young as your nephew but couldn't pass up a party like this" Again I couldn't think of what to say it blew my mind he was only three years younger than I was As I sat there not knowing what to say he pulled out a joint and lite it taking a big hit I didn't say anything because my sister smoked regularly so wouldn't notice the smell. Silently he offered it to me. Normally I don't smoke weed but with the night I had had I thought fuck it I took to big hits before handing it back to him it was just then I realized I didn't know his name I didn't know any of the names of the men Garrett had incited over Deciding I probably should be polite I introduced myself guessing he would do the same.to my surprise he just laughed and said " you can call me daddy. Maybe big daddy. I was a bit taken a back by that in my life I had only ever called on man daddy in a sexual situation but that's a story for another time I had never just said it to a random man so a bit offended and confused I just muttered " umm ok " He laughed again still spread out on the bed with his body on display " don't act all offended. Every fag needs a daddy. You are a fag ain't ya Again the use of that word didn't set off my temper like it always in the past " yes I'm bi and like to have men fuck me but I'm not a fag or faggot" I replied but not with any real conviction "Don't act all made ain't nothing wrong with being a fag just means you like it when guys like me take your cunt out for a spin" again hearing cunt seemed to be out of place but I found it kind of hot as well About then we heard a load shout from the other room either Garrett or Jenny was about to get another load of cum. I realized I had completely forgotten that the others were still out there. I also realized there was more than just Marijuana in that joint. I had very few experiences with drugs so I didn't know what he might have laced that with but knew it was laced but again didn't care I was feeling good so I gestured for him to pass it to me again As I took a couple more hits he suddenly got up off the bed I just watched confused as he walked to the TV " fuck this stupid shit" he said as he gestured to the episode of ncis on the TV pulling his phone and connecting to to the TV I short order he a porn going on the TV it showed a smaller skinny white guy getting fucked by 2 large black men Getting back onto the bed he took the joint back and took a few hits. As hot as the video was the black man next to held my interest more his body was near perfect he was around six foot tall well built like he spent a lot of time at the gym he also had a great many tattoos I took some time to study his tattoos like most I couldn't tell the meaning of all of them there was one that I thought I should recognize the meaning of but couldn't put my finger on it it was a scorpion on his stomach a few inches up from his cock Ok in my defense because I had always been so discreet and low key I never really fully embraced the gay culture so it's not to surprising I didn't recognize a tattoo that almost every gay man in the western hemisphere would know on site I later remembered that I did hear about tattoos like that in the past but it had been awhile and whatever he had in that joint was really messing with my brain. As I was looking him over he had just been watching the porn saying nothing the suddenly says out of nowhere he tells me " your nephew says your real repressed. Only have boring sex with boring men." I didn't know exactly how to answer that so he went on " don't you ever just want to have some real fun let loose and actually enjoy your life?" At first I was going to tell him why I was how I am my background where I came from all of that to try to justify myself to him. But then I did something I didn't even expect I reached out grabbed his cock and pulled myself closer so I could lower my mouth onto it. He was still only semi hard but within seconds that began to change I could feel getting harder but the second I have always been proud of how well I suck a cock have never had problems fully taking a cock in my mouth and down my throat but I could tell I wouldn't be able to handle all this monster my jaws could barley open wide enough and I knew there was no way my throat could "Oh fuck boy your nephew will be proud of you" came the amused comment as I felt his hand land on the back of my head . As I sucked he kept adding pressure to my head making me take more of his cock Into my mouth. Finally using enough pressure that I was choking on his cock After the first time I choked when he let me up I found him holding a bottle of poppers I took a hit and went back down on his cock that became a game he would close me with his massive dick then give me poppers when I was catching my breath. He didn't say anything as I sucked until I was trying to get my breath back for the fifth time then he admitted " I was hoping this would happen when I seen you walk in. You nephew is cute enough but your more my type I like the more mature fags." Not Knowing the best thing to say I thought going back to sucking him would be the best reply but to my surprise he stopped me. Getting up from the bed he told me to go onto the bathroom and clean myself out and that he would get what we needed I was confused but didn't argue. When I came back in the room I saw he had a foot stool on the bed plus some rope I know my sister used to air dry some of her clothes what looked like some of her nylons and a couple dildos I guessed were also my sisters. I looked at all the items then at him he explained that he felt since I had only been in boring situations he would show me parts of what I missed then he let me take the last few hits fro the joint and some more poppers. I was very buzzed as I followed his directions to get on the bed leaning over the padded footstool he the proceeded to used the rope to tie my hands to the headboard then used the nylons tie my ankles to the foot board Finally he he took some cloth I hadn't seen him with into my mouth then use another stocking to tie it I'm place so I couldn't talk Just so you know those are your sisters panties I put in your mouth didn't want to ruin her clean ones so got those out of the dirt clothes hamper That made me pause for a second thinking I might have misjudged this man and this situation then it occurred to.me it was to late to have those thoughts I felt him move I behind me and begin to rub lube on my ass then felt his finger then two enter me. He explained as he worked he was going to get me ready for what was to happen next. He pulled his finger out and I felt him put the smaller of the 2 dildos in me laughing he told me " I cam tell your cunt hasn't had a cock like mine. I don't want to break you" He switched to the bigger dildo and continued to loosen me up as this happened I lost all reservations I'm not sure if it was the situation the poppers or whatever he had in that joint but I had never been a turned on as I was at that moment As he was finishing with the second dildo he he went on to say " your nephew told me it's been like fifteen years since you had sex raw is that true" gagged as I was I could only nod " well that shit changes tonight daddy don't fuck with no condoms fags take my cock bare. Is that OK with you? A part of my brain was screaming at me to shake my try to spit out the gag and tell him fuck no but I found myself nodding again instead. "Well that's good. Not like you have much choice now" As I felt him move into position behind me I tensed a little and tried to force myself to relax as I felt the head of his cock touch my ass I tensed again having second thoughts about letting a cock that big into me. From the first seconds he got his head in I knew it was going to take all I had not to scream or cry as my ass tried to accommodate a cock almost as thick as a keystone can but I bit down on the gag and just let it happen When it felt he was about halfway in and that I was going to be ripped in half he stopped pushing in in ad just sat there for a second the told me " it's ok daddy knows it's big but daddy will make it fit" I of course could answer even if I had want Ed to Daddy began fucking me then not to hard just long slow thrusts getting deeper each time in less than a few minutes he was balls deep in me and my ass had finally gotten used to his thick cock so I knew the fun was really about to start. Daddy really started then sometimes going hard and fast sometimes long slow strokes others times pulling it almost all the way fast then shoving all ten inches in has hard and fast as he could. I still felt stretched but was loving every second my own cock had never been Harder After about seven to 10 minutes I felt him tense getting ready to cum " you ready for this fag? Ready for daddy to change your life? : I had no idea what he was talking about but wanting to feel him fill my ass with cum something I hadn't had in far to long. "Here it comes daddy is about to knock your ass up " he said as I felt his whole body tense It seemed he came for forever though probably lasted less than 2 seconds but he pumped lots of cum deep into my body. To my surprise he didn't pull out but went right back to fuck me his cock not going even a little soft " don't worry bitch we ain't done yet. I got at least tone more load for you faggot cunt." He told me as began to fuck me hard again. I ki da lost track of time at that point he kept fucking me reaching down to give me the occasional hit of poppers then I heard another voice " hey man whats going on?" I recognized the voice as belonging to one of the other invited tops. "Just wanted to see if the uncle is as good a fuck as his nephew" daddy replied to the man as he walked into the room " well is he ? " the man asked curiously. " fuck even better much tighter henisnt the slut his little fag nephew or that whore trans bitch are." Was his reply " Wow a nephew and uncle that are both chasers. That's fucking hot" the man did sound like he was surprised " naw this one is just a regular fag doesn't even know I'm poz been to sheltered to recognize my tat" was daddies laughing answer to him I was in full panic mode what they said made it through the poppers and weed. Holy shit this guy guy was poz and not only had I let him fuck me raw he had already cum in me once. I didn't know what to do thought about trying to get up to make him stop but I was tied up and tied up well. I had no chance . Then it hit me it was already to late he had already bread me why try to fight it why not just enjoy the rest of the sex? So that's what I did. The new guy came and sat on the bed near my face it was the first close look I got at him it was one of the white guys he also had a tattoo above his cock. His was the biohazard tattoo that I did definitely recognize. After that I didn't pay much attention to him all I could do is enjoy the massive cock that was really really stretching me out. I was starting to get sore by the time I could feel him get ready to cum again to my own surprise I was excited not scared and as I felt his body tense I could feel a orgasm building in me as well as I felt his second poisoned load go deep into my guys I shot my own load all over the bed. As I felt daddy move from behind me I heard my nephews voice " so it worked uncle Jason did get involved in our little party. Mom was right he couldn't resist,. I looked back and saw him and jenny standing by the door with the rest all still nude. I tried to ask him what he meant but was still gagged luckily the man on the bed untied the gag and I spit out the panties. "What do you mean your mom was right? " I asked him now very confused. She said if we had this party here like this you would end up joining in. He said with a smile. "Even arranged the trip to Vegas to help set it up. This was always a poz party but not for me and jenny daddy pozed us months ago you were the guest of honor though only me jenny and daddy knew that until now" I was really confused this made no sense so I just had to ask him why they would do this why they would want to Well for myself I wanted to do it for you to free you. Let you really enjoy this part of your life not live in fear." He told me moving closer to the bed. " mom on the other hand said it was payback. You managed to cause her to get knocked up this is her returning the favor" I was curious that she had shared parts of the past with him and that she still held the grudge but before I could think more about it my nephew spoke again " Don't worry uncle Jason we can talk more later it's getting late and these other guys probably want a turn on you before we get some sleep." As he sat down on the bed watch he went on its a even bigger day tomorrow another 3 poz tops are coming so is a special guest." As he finished talking I felt one of the other men move in behind me and push his cock into my now very loose very wet ass and I knew he was right it was going to be a long night and I would love every minute of i
    10 points
  2. This story is for entertainment purposes. This fictitious story is derived from my imagination. All characters are of legal age and all acts are consensual. I finally got myself composed and got dressed. The drink Cindy brought me definitely helped. I walked out onto the back patio where TJ and Cindy were waiting. They we’re still naked and dinner was on the table, along with a fresh pitcher of margaritas. I took a seat and that’s when TJ break the silence by asking me to pass my plate. I avoided eye contact. I felt ashamed for eating his girlfriend out just moments before. Cindy told me I didn’t have to get dress. She explained they were nudists and rarely wore clothing around the house. TJ suggested I get undressed and get comfortable, so I did. As we were eating dinner, TJ asked if I enjoyed eating Cindy’s pussy? I kinda chocked on my food and whispered “yes.” He said “that’s great, because I’m counting on you to help me keep her satisfied.” TJ had mentioned some time ago he was having a problem keeping up with her sexual appetite, but I never imagined this ever happening. Than TJ asked me if I enjoyed the taste of Cindy’s pussy. I told him I did, but she tasted different. He laughed and told me he wasn’t surprised. He said he had just fucked her and cummed in her about ten minutes before she came to my room and I was also eating his cum. I was simultaneously shocked and excited. One problem with nudism is you can’t hide your excitement! Cindy than asked if my meal was ok. I told her it was delicious. She said hers was a little dry and than she asked TJ if he had any of that special sauce she loves. He said he was sure he could whip some up for her quickly. That’s when he stood up and started playing with his massive cock. I sat there mesmerized by the sheer size of it. I finally got the nerve to ask him how big he was. He replied “13” and almost 9” around.” He started breathing a little heavy and than shot the biggest load of cum I had ever seen; even in porn. He shot his wad onto Cindy’s food. She than took a bite and made the yum sound. “Thanks honey. That’s what my meal needed.” TJ saw I was amazed and dumbfounded by what had just happened. He explained she has a non-stope desire for cock and cum. He than told me he has a condition called Hyperspermia. He explained he produces a lot more cum than the average person. He told me the most he has ever measured was a little over 1/3 cup of sperm. Since everything was out in the open, literally, I asked Cindy how it felt to be fucked by TJ? And what does it feel like when he cums? She placed her hand on mine and said “if you play your cards right, you will know for yourself later babe.” I was somewhat embarrassed and frightened. TJ and I have been friends for over twenty years and I had no idea about any of this. Cindy than told me she couldn’t take his entire cock in her pussy for obvious reasons, but her ass loves every inch. We finished dinner and than decided to get in the pool. I have to admit, I was enjoying this whole nudist thing. It felt quite natural and freeing. I’m not sure if I’d feel the same around strangers. I swam a couple of laps than went to the shallow end to rest. I sat on one of the pool steps and watched my friends splashing and playing. Than Cindy swam up to me and said she was thirsty. I offered to pour her a drink, but she replied that wasn’t what she was thirsty for. She asked me to sit on the edge of the pool. As soon as I was seated, she went down on me. She was able to take my entire cock down her throat. I suppose me only being about 7” long and 6” around , my cock was a piece of cake compared to TJ’s. TJ swam up to get a better look. I leaned back on my elbows and enjoyed her oral skills. Than I herd TJ tell her she was a good cock whore. She continues with her slow rhythmic pace. I was getting close, but didn’t bother to tell her since I knew she wanted my cum in her mouth. When I started to cum, she went all the way down on me and didn’t come up until I had emptied my balls in her gut. After she released my spent dick from her mouth, I told her that was amazing and that I needed a drink. She joked and said TJ would be happy to oblige you. I laughed and said I was referring to a margarita. I had a few some bisexual experiences over the years, but never with any one I was friends with. They basically consisted of having a guy suck me off. I got up and went to the table where the pitcher of drinks were. Soon both of them followed me and poured themselves a drink. I was somewhat shocked at what happened next. TJ gave me a hug and thanked me for helping him out with Cindy. He told me he has wonted me to play with them for quite some time, but didn’t know how to break the ice. Than he kissed me on the lips with tongue and grabbed my dick. At first I didn’t respond. Not sure if it was from shock, or fright, but I realized I was comfortable with the situation and I finally responded by kissing him back and grabbing his dick. Not sure how long we were in that embrace because time seem to stop. After we broke off from the kiss, I released his cock from my grasp. He kept holding mine however. TJ told us to grab the drinks and he led me into the house by pulling me by my dick; Cindy followed close behind. We ended up in their bedroom. TJ pushed me onto the bed and told me the two of them were going to change my life for the better tonight. There I was on my back on their bed with my stiff dick pointing towards the ceiling. Than the two of them knelt down together next to my dick and they both started licking my shaft. Holy fuck I thought to myself. I wanted to lay back and close my eyes to enjoy what was happening, but I didn’t want to miss the show. At one point, Cindy came up to my face and kissed me with so much passion. Than she claimed over my head and sat her pussy down onto my mouth. I eagerly started eating her out. The sensation of eating her beauty pussy while receiving a fabulous blowjob was almost too much. If Cindy hadn’t of sucked me off in the pool a while ago, I know I would have cum already. Cindy started grinding on my face and announce she was going to cum and there it was, the flood of cunt juice splashing everywhere. That’s all it took and I instantly cummed in TJ’s mouth. Cindy climes off my face than began licking her juice off me. I looked up and TJ opened his mouth to show me my cum in his mouth. Than he moved up and gave Cindy a cum kiss. Than both of them took a turn feeding me with a sloppy kiss. I never wanted this night to end! To be continued…….
    4 points
  3. i had just turned 21, and it was given to another virgin... a woman. my story is all over BZ, conservative religious conditioning influenced my decision to marry a woman. Even though i knew i am attracted to males from an early age, i was conditioned to believe/feel that i was "sick, broken," and that hetero was the only acceptable form of sex. So, i lost my virginity with a woman. if she had had any questions about whether i was virgin, our first wedding night experience would have pretty much confirmed my virginity. i missed the first time. Yep, totally missed. I.e., i literally didn't get my penis in her vagina lol. It was dark, we were under covers and i was lying on top of her. Didn't take me long to orgasm, but essentially, i humped her. i remember thinking it didn't feel like i thought it would. She gently explained after that i had not gotten in, and she ended up on top for the first real sex between us. Which was probably a good thing since i was ignorant and didn't realize she needed to be opened, she was virgin and my girth is a bit more than average. Six years later, i had my first sex with a Man... i sucked Him off and swallowed every drop of His seed. After that, there was no putting the proverbial cat back in the bag, though i tried. Enough details to fill a book, and i'll spare BZ that ponderous tome. But i do not think that had i had 'lost my virginity' with a Man first, that i would have gone a different way. my conditioning that being attracted to Men was both "sick and sinful" was so strong and pervasive, i think i would have just felt ashamed and guilty and still tried to be straight. i honestly did not think/feel/believe gay was a real/honest option. After my first experience just sucking cock, which happened while i was married, i went home a told my wife (third time revealing this) that "i am gay and we need to separate." And we did, for 5 months or so, but it didn't stick. Guilt and shame on my part got us back together. It took me half my life to get free of the religious conditioning and accept who and how i am. i was having anonymous sex on the DL the entire time, fighting it the whole time. i was miserable with the lies and deception, but thought i was missing something, the 'key' to being able to resist my desires for a Man, that i was just a failure. Sex with Men didn't alter the conditioned response of guilt and shame. What did, was finally realizing that my beliefs were not in line with reality, that it wasn't me who was 'wrong' but my beliefs. i suspect had i had sex prior, and just made my decision to be with Men based on that, i would never have processed and seen through the religious conditioning... i would have just been sort of rebelling against it without understanding. Even though it seemed to take way to long for me to 'get it,' once i did, it was complete and thorough. It was instant peace after a lifetime of torture, and that has not changed to this day. i don't know if it's better this way, since i didn't go about it the other way, but i tend to feel the cost was worth the understanding i got out of it.
    4 points
  4. Saturday was an amazing day of Lust. Was huffing poppers through it all and one happy pig. I was fisted til 3am in the morning. slept til 9. At 10:30 I was getting fisted again. Then off to give a seminar on the power of promiscuous living, then back to my room to prepare to be a mare at the HorseMarket, where i was anonymously fucked by a pile of guys and bred by at least 4 of them, then more fisting. Fell asleep around midnight, slept deep and hard for 3 hours... and up for some popper and penis worship while i cruise the hookup apps
    4 points
  5. 1. The sound of sex hit my ears as soon as I entered the apartment. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little. My roommate Mike and I had been living together for three years now, and both being young gay guys in NYC were pretty promiscuous, but lately Mike had gone into over drive. It had been common for both of us to bring home guys on the weekend, but now it wasn’t shocking for Mike to get fucked every night of the week. “Fuck boy, I’m gonna breed your pussy deep.” “Yeah! Use my hole. Fill me up!” “Take my load in this loose sloppy cunt.” “Fuck yeah!” “Fucking cum dump, leaking with loads.” “Add yours to my cunt Sir!” “Take my fucking cock slut!” I had stopped walking and was just listening at this point. My cock was hard in my jeans. Had Mike been taking loads all day, or was this just dirty talk? The pounding got louder and rougher, and then with a deep roar it came to a sudden end. My roommate was being flooded with cum. They went silent for a minute, and I moved into my bedroom so they wouldn’t know I had been listening in the hall. I could hear them moving around and presumably getting dressed. I peered out around my door as they came out of Mike’s room. A tall, older, bearded, bear walked out of Mike’s room, flashed him a smiled and left. Mike stood in his doorway for a moment in only a jockstrap. He and I are both around 5’9”, and work out reasonably often, he looked hot standing there. As I looked I noticed his light chest hair was matted down with what was obviously cum. He turned back into his room, and a moment later I got a text message from him. Hey, when are you coming home?” I shouted down the hall from inside my room, pretending I hadn’t just seen what happened, “I’m home.” Mike came into my room after a minute wearing a tank top and a pair of little gym shorts. “Hey,” he said a little sheepishly. “Hey, having fun?” I grinned. He laughed a little, “Yeah… I guess you could hear us.” “You guess? You’re not known for being quiet.” Now he laughed and blushed. “Cum dump,” I said teasingly. “Well…” he blanched for a moment, “If the title fits.” “What?” “I am kinda a cum slut.” I cocked my head to the side, “That was the sixth guy today.” “Fuck!” I was impressed, “How the fuck are you that horny. Like two guys in a day is a lot for me.” Mike laughed. “I don’t get off any more. I just get fucked.” He came and sat on my bed with me. He smelled like sweat and cum. “You don’t get off what do you mean?” “I don’t jerk off. I just get off from toys and cock.” Before I could ask any more questions, the apartment buzzer went off. With another rather embarrassed look Mike said, “I maybe invited one more guy over before I knew you were home.” He ran off to buzz the guy in, “Dinner after?” “Yeah I guess,” I said laying down on my bed to listen to my roommate get bred again.
    3 points
  6. My heart raced when I saw the parking lot full of mostly beater cars with license tags from every county in a 50 mile radius. After paying the $20 entry fee to the cute counterboy who shot me a shit-eating grin, I made my way through the club,wishing my eyes would adjust faster so I could see if where I was going. It did not take long before a multitudeof hands were rubbing my cock hard in the semi-darkness. One of thehands unzipped my jeans and pulled out my cock which was immediately engulfed in some guy's warm deep mouth. I ran my fingers through his crunchy hair while I fucked his throat until he gagged. Not wanting to cum yet I pulled out of him and started making my way to look for some more action. In a corner I saw a hot blonde making-out with a brown haired boy and approached. Locking eyes with the blonde as I pressed my body into the back of the brown haired boy he was kissing. The brown haired boy responded by feeling up my body and then undid his pants and pushed them down a bit while he kept kissing the blonde. I spat on my cock and started to stroke. The brown haired boy turned his head toward me with his tongue out and we started kissing as I pressed into his back. Now that I could see his face I found him shockingly handsome and devoured his mouth which tasted like an ashtray yet I devoured him. He rubbed his hot ass harder against my cock. I figured I would see how far I could get raw and I spat on my hand and smeared his ass then started to press into him with a steady force. With his back still to me he started kissing the blonde again as I went in deeper. I could hear him moaning into the blonde's mouth then the blonde bent down to feel my cock pumping in his friend. Then I picked up the pace and brown haired boy separated a bit from the blonde so he could bend over and thrust his ass out to meet my thrusts in. The blonde leaned forward and put his tongue in my mouth. After touching tongues with him for a while hestarted whispering to me about how hot it was to watch me fuck his boyfriend. He said that his boyfriend was a slut to let a stranger fuck him bareback. He asked if I was poz to pull out before cumming and I smiled and whispered back that his boyfriend should pull off my cock soon if he doesn't want my charged load. The blonde whispered something to his boyfriend, who by that time I felt up enough to know was one of the hottest guys I had ever fucked. I was totally boned to feel two pierced nipples under his shirt and he moaned when I tweaked his bars. Whatever the blonde said made the brown haired boy turn his head to kiss me again. Through the kiss I said "I'm getting close to breeding you" which made him milk my cock harder. By this time a small crowd had gathered, attracted by the moaning and the sound of my hips rebounding off his hot ass. All of us were getting felt-up, including the blonde who was staring into my eyes again as I started to shoot-off deep in his boyfriend's hot hole. Half way though my spurtingthe brown haired by grabbed his hot cock which up until had been ignored by all, and beat off furiously. He came in five strokes, his ass spasming while I was still spurting in him. Some guy caught the brown haired boy's cum and fed some to me. The blonde leaned forward again and licked some of his boyfriend's cum off my lips as he beat off and whispered "I'm next."
    3 points
  7. Last Tuesday I came across a business traveler on Sniffies. He was staying at a hotel around the corner from where I live, but his profile pic, like mine, was of his ass. He was a bottom too, though his profile did say vers bottom. I'm a bottom through and through but those smooth brown cheeks and the little pucker peeking out from between them rearranged by brain chemistry and I found myself messaging him. "Hey, want that ass eaten?" "Yes," came the reply. Fifteen minutes later I was knocking on the door to his room. He unlatched it so I could push it open; by the time I was inside he was back on the bed, ass-up and ready. All the lights were off and the curtains closed, and for the first few minutes all I could make out was a silhouette. But that was all I needed. I dropped to my knees and began to eat his ass with a gusto I don't often have for analingus. As I ate I also stroked his cock, which got hard in my hand. I felt his hole push outward against my tongue a few times and then, suddenly, I could taste cum! Someone had nutted in his ass and he was now feeding that stranger's load to me. My tongue dug deep, probing for every last drop. It was at this point that I heard a soft knock at the door. "Get that," he instructed me. I unlatched the door the way he had for me, and quickly returned to my position on my knees so I could continue my search for stranger cum. With my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see that the newcomer was a black guy, though I couldn't see him well enough to discern his age. He stripped quickly and got on his back on the bed. Our host sucked his cock until it was hard, then slid forward. In no time he was straddling the new guy and sliding his stiff cock into his spit-slicked hole. Not to be left out, I moved up the bed so that I could tongue his hole and the other guy's shaft together. It only took a few minutes before the new guy announced he was going to cum, and I could feel the pulses of his thick black shaft as he unloaded deep into our host. They made out some more as the newcomer's cock slipped out of his ass. I cleaned it off - shaft, balls, and all - before turning my attention back to our host's asshole. It was gaped and dripping cum, and I lapped up every last drop. The other guy got dressed just as quickly as he had stripped and disappeared out the door, leaving the two of us alone again. My host rolled onto his back and wagged his cock at me. Taking the hint, I swallowed his entire seven-inch length in one gulp, causing him to gasp with pleasure. I worked it expertly with my throat until I heard him say, "Ride me." I had douched before leaving the house just in case, so I was more than ready. I dropped my pants on the floor, stepping out of them to free my legs. I climbed atop him and with no lube other than my saliva, I grasped his shaft and guided the tip to my hungry hole. Once the head had popped inside me I sank back, taking his entire length inside me. He bucked his hips up and down, holding me by the waist until in only a few short minutes he gasped again and I felt the telltale pulses as he filled my guts. Once the pulses faded away I climbed off him and took his length in my mouth again, savoring the sweet taste of cum and ass together. Once I had cleaned him off I dressed and headed for the door without another word.
    3 points
  8. I think it's important! So many live a fantasy life. Important to share REAL stories, both good and bad!
    3 points
  9. I'd say overall a net positive. I was a "late bloomer" and never had sex with either a man or a woman even in my college days. I grew up in a small conservative Midwestern town of 600. I was and still am a big guy still conscious of my body. Things changed when I moved to Florida and started to "explore." Back then voice personal ads in the back of "fag rags" were popular. My first gay experience with one was with another "newbie" to the gay scene. We became best of friends, and suck buds. We were both bottoms and had no desire to fuck each other, but inspired each other to get fucked. He was the first to get fucked by someone and said it was amazing. This led me to fond a top. My experience with the first top wasn't as great as his apparently was. I drove over an hour to hook up with someone who had a very nice boat. If you've ever had sex below the deck of a boat, you know it's pretty cramped. Especially as I'm 6-5! My second issue was I didn't know how to properly clean out, and it was a bit messy. He was understanding and we showered on the boat, which again if you haven't done that, its interesting! He bought me a nice dinner, and suggested we go back to his home, and he and his husband would teach me how to properly clean, and try again. I was willing to learn, so agreed. They taught me to properly clean, and my only regret was that his husband fucked me after, and had a huge thick cock, and fucked like an animal. He ended up making my ass bleed, which worried me. All in all a positive experience though. Was just a hell of a way to have my cherry popped.
    3 points
  10. BONUS Holiday Chapter: Son Rise Service Mom was a religious person, but dad and I weren't. Mom got up early and all dressed up with her Easter Dress and bonnet. She told us after services, she would be staying for the children's Easter Egg hunt. Needless to say, as soon as she left, dad and I had our own religious experience! As soon as mom left, we headed to my bedroom and got naked, when dad said we were gonna fuck like rabbits. Yes dad was a pig, but you never knew what he would do. He retrieved 2 set of rabbit ear headbands, and we put them on. He also had me put on a white jack that had a large fluffy ball attached to tye strap. He told me to shake my hole for him, and after I did he got on the bed telling me to nibble on his carrot. Once nice and hard, he told me to face him and ride his cock. Getting into the spirit, I said I'd hop right on it! I was starting to like riding cock, as although primarily a bottom, I was still somewhat in control. As we were fucking like rabbits, I bounced on dads cock hard and fast, making sure he hit the second hole to properly fertilize my eggs. After he unloaded in me, he said he had a new plug for me. It was egg shaped, and had a bluetooth vibrator in in. Funny dad forgot to tell me about the remote vibrator part! After shoving the Golden Egg up my ass, dad excused himself saying he was going to make some coffee, but to stay naked as they weren't done yet. Dad was actually just testing the remote capabilities as I found out when it started vibrating in my ass! When he returned, I said WTF? He laughed and said the Bluetooth was more powerful than he thought it would be! The vibrations felt amazing in my cum filled ass. Dad said Easter was a good time to have Cumunion, and it was my turn to give him my cum. I quickly mounted him with the egg still up my ass. As I was pumping him, he would periodically make it vibrate, sending me over the edge quickly! After that, dad said many get baptized on Easter and said let's head to the shower for that. Dad began to piss on me saying by the power of the father, I baptize thee. I then pissed on dad saying and by the power of the son, I baptize thee. Dad said we had to be careful about mom coming home, and added he had a suprise for her. We showered off and put some clothes on, and dad retrieved a bag of plastic eggs which we hid around the yard for a family Easter Egg hunt when mom came home. I started to take my rabbit jock off, and dad told me to keep it on! Dad pushed the limits by putting sexually suggestive messages in some. He told me not to find the easy ones, as they weren't sexually suggestive. He said the hard to find one's had the suggestive ones in them, and to help me find them before mom did, he said he would buzz me when close to one! All the eggs were hidden by the time mom returned, finding us in our ears, telling her Hoppy Easter! She hugged us, and kissed dad saying what a wonderful suprise. We started the egg hunt, and fortunately mom didn't find the super suggestive ones! The most suggestive one she found was for a free kiss coupon, which she immediately redeemed with dad. She did however find one that said was for a new toothbrush. Now she didn't get it, but I did! She told me she just bought a new toothbrush, so gave it to me, telling me not to tell dad! After the egg hunt, mom finished preparing an Easter feast for us. She thanked us for the suprise egg hunt, and joked about our rabbit ears. If she only knew we were fucking like rabbits while she was at church!
    3 points
  11. I have found that if I am really attracted to a guy my hole will open up and take it with minimal pain and effort. The 2nd guy to ever fuck me was huge, and taught me the joys of flip fucking on our 2nd hookup.
    3 points
  12. Back in 2019, shortly after I started advertising as trans on Grindr, I met a charming guy, white, mid 40s, about 6'4, rather athletic for his age and allegedly packing 8 inches. No mention of HIV. He was quite assertive and no-nonsense while chatting, basically giving me a date and location (his place) and getting me to commit. I committed. His pics weren't embellished, he was an attractive guy and I quickly got horny upon arriving at his place. After he undressed his shirt, I noticed he had a biohazard tattoo on his right upper arm; I knew what that implied, so I asked him if he was poz. He said yes, but not to worry because he was on meds. That startled me a bit, so I further inquired where he got it from. He said, eh, not really sure, probably some ladyboy in Bangkok. I loved how casual he was about it, like, yeah I'm just gonna tell you I bareback random hookers in Thailand and now I have HIV, whatever. Still, I was unsure about the whole thing; we had agreed on anal, but neither of us liked condoms, so he suggested I could also blow him as long as I swallowed. I knew even unmedicated poz loads were fairly safe to swallow, so why not. I could tell he was making me work for it, but eventually a nice warm load hit my throat and I swallowed as instructed. "See, tastes just like the regular stuff", he said. I chuckled while trying to get my own erection under control. He motioned for me to get dressed and leave, and in the process of me doing that asked: "Are you available same time tomorrow?" As if he was booking an escort. I answered in the affirmative and he said, "Great, same location. See you then." He clearly knew how to talk to a tranny bottom. Of course I agreed. This went on for a week or two, sometimes a few days apart from each other; Show up, have a drink, swallow poz cum, leave. Perfect date, right? I kinda stopped worrying about the poz thing, too. One day while I was milking his cock, he instructed me to stop and lie on my back as he wanted to cum on my body. Okay. Well, he hadn't specified exactly where; as it turned out, my genital area was the target location. I was really too horny to protest, but now I had a cock lubed with poz cum and he told me to jerk off onto his sheets. I obliged, feeling his cum covering my glans as I masturbated. It drove me wild and I came in about 10 seconds. Then post nut clarity struck and I felt really awkward. But not completely turned off either. He picked up on that and asked: "So, how do you feel now?" "Kinda stupid, but also sexy?" He chuckled. "That's good to hear. Now get cleaned up before it gets all sticky. Same time on Friday, see you then." On Friday, he wanted another body shot, but this time told me to go into doggy. I could see where this was going and positively anticipated it this time. He came all over my ass, spread my cheeks and rubbed his poz cum all around my pussy, not really venturing inside, but covering the outside area. Then he jerked me off, which again didn't take very long, "Still feeling good about it?" he asked. "My big head tells me to say no, but my little head says yes ..." He laughed. "Alright. Same time tomorrow, and this time you'll be getting bred." I was debating whether to be a no-show for our next date since it was getting a bit out of hand, but he had been quite good about easing me into it and besides, if he really was on meds, even bottoming wasn't a realistic infection risk. Also, I had started getting into poz porn lately for some inexplicable reason and the whole thing turned me on way too much. So I showed up. That date went as clinically as the other ones, except this time he lubed me up and penetrated my pussy instead of my mouth. His size was a little uncomfortable, but that just added to the experience I guess. He took his sweet time and made sure to violate my insides a little before giving me my gift. After about 15 minutes, I could feel his cock contract; seeded by poz cum, in my ass, as a fully willing participant. I was horny out of my mind and enjoying the afterglow while he was already cleaning up. When I came down from my cloud, I was curious though and asked him: "Do you get off on trying to get me pozzed?" He thought for a moment and responded: "Not really, but I do enjoying pushing people's boundaries and you have been most compliant. Why do you ask? Are you craving the poz?" "I don't think so, but the risk clearly turns me on. Though I don't know how much of a risk there really is with you." "What if I told you I'm not actually on meds?" My heart sank for a moment. "I had considered that possibility. So, are you or are you not?" He smirked. "Tell you what. You really have no way of confirming whether I take my meds or not. So I'll leave that up to your imagination. But if you keep coming here to get your fix, you should understand that I might be shooting real loads, not blanks, and I want to hear no crying if you don't like your test result some day. That said, same time Tuesday. And bring those hooker boots you wore on Friday, those look sexy on you." I suppose right then would've been a good time to be responsible and bail, but unfortunately I'm a bit of a reckless degenerate and was really into it at this point, so I came back. About 30 more times. A few times he had a friend with him and I didn't even bother asking about his status. (Un)Fortunately, as it turned out, he spent part of the year in Thailand (go figure) and departed to there at some point, promising to get back to me after his return, but never did. No idea what happened to him. And while he didn't end up literally pozzing me, he definitely pozzed my mind up real good. Those cravings might never go away at this point.
    2 points
  13. Cool people sharing their stories!
    2 points
  14. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_kufJrPucshAZ I'd let drew destroy my ass!
    2 points
  15. I have found a few on Doublelist. One had decent amount of guys. Most had small fees to help pay for the room and supplies. A couple of them had mailing lists so you get an email of events coming up..
    2 points
  16. I wouldn’t call any CumUnion I’ve been to an orgy as such, and what you get is hit-and-miss, but any bathhouse or sex club setting is going to be the best chance for orgy-like opportunities. There’s also the opportunities to be had at events like IML or CLAW, or Pig Week, or even event weekends at some gay campgrounds, but in my experience even in these cases access to the big, organized group fucking that one would technically call an orgy is still by word-of-mouth and invitation. Fickstutenmarkt or Rough Stock Roundup are certainly specialized orgies, but access to those is limited.
    2 points
  17. Organized orgies are most often the result of social networks, and getting invited to them involves making connections with people. Even if someone advertises an open orgy for random walk-in strangers, what we generally find is that such things are generally poorly attended, and even if they do get enough people to have group play, the action is seldom as dynamic as when the group is composed of people with some social linkage. One contact will tend to lead to others (assuming you don’t gain a poor reputation), but how one finds and makes that first contact is more than I know - I don’t do social and have no social network, let alone a network of orgy enthusiasts.
    2 points
  18. This story is for entertainment purposes. This fictitious story is derived from my imagination. All characters are of legal age and all acts are consensual. I just laid on the bed with what had just happened spinning in my mind. I had never done anything like this before, but it felt so natural and right. Than I began to think of what I had missed out on all these years. That’s when TJ told Cindy we should go to the shower and get cleaned up. She grabbed my hand and told me to come with here. She led me to the master bathroom. The walk in shower was huge. There was probably enough room for at least a half dozen people. She turned on the water and water shot out from the three sides and the top. We stepped in together and she started washing me. After I was clean, I returned the favor and washed her up good. Once we were clean, Cindy said we have one more thing to get cleaned. That’s when she pulled a tubular wand from its holder. She instructed me to lean forward with my hand’s against the shower wall. That’s when she inserted the tip of the wand into my ass and flooded my intestines with water. She told me to hold it all in and go sit on the toilet and empty myself. I had never had an enema before. Before today, the only thing I dad ever had in my ass was a tongue. I did as instructed and returned to the shower. I rinsed off and she made me do it again. She said I had to keep going until what I expelled twice was completely clear. I got in for a final rinse off after the second clear enema. Cindy said I should do it one more time, just to be sure, so I did. She told me since it was clean, I didn’t need to get out of the shower this time to empty myself. She had me stay leaning against the wall after she removed the wand. Than she said she was ready. I felt her hands on my legs behind my knees. I looked back and Cindy was on her knees with her head directly behind my ass with her mouth open wide. As I started pushing the water out, I covered her head with the water. Some of it went into her mouth. I found that so fucking hot. After I finished, I rinsed off. Than she had me get out and get dried off while she cleaned herself out. I went into the bedroom to find TJ playing with himself. When he saw me, he told me to get into bed and give him a hand. I got next to him and started playing with his huge cock. He told me I felt good than he grabbed my head and brought my head to his dick. He asked me to open my mouth wide than he put the tip of his cock in my mouth. I had never sucked a cock before and he barely fit. He slowly started humping my head while he held my head still. He was slowly get a little more in me. After some time he was filling my mouth with his monster cock. Although I only got part of him inside me, he told me I felt great and I was doing a great job. Cindy eventually came out of the bathroom and stood there watching us. Than she got on the bed and started sucking on my cock. We continue this for a while. Cindy finally got up and told me she would show me how it’s done. She laid on her back with her head off the end of the bed. TJ got up and stood over her. He gently pushed his cock into her mouth. I could see her throat bulge as he slid deeper into her throat. He managed to get most of his cock inside her. He fucked her throat a few more times than he told me to try. I laid on the bed like she did. As he pushed deeper into my mouth, I started to gag. He said I did a good job for being my first time. Than he had Cindy kneel on the end. He applied some lube to his fingers and greased the inside of her ass. Than he coated his dick with the lube and entered her. He went slow but managed to make his cock disappear inside her ass quickly. He gave her ass some time to adjust, than he started fucking her. He would almost pull completely out than thrust back in her all the way. After several thrusts, he pulled out of her and told me it was my turn. I was scared as hell, but I got into position and he inserted his lubed finger. After I relaxed a bit, he added a second finger. The pain was tremendous, but I wanted to please my friends. Cindy grabbed a bottle from the night stand and took the top off. She placed it under my nose and told me to inhale deeply through my nose. I did and a rush of heat flashed through my body. Than I felt TJ’s cock open up my ass. I can’t lie, it hurt like hell but Cindy kept the bottle under my nose the entire time. I inhaled every time the pain got too intense. The bottle definitely helped. I felt my ass adjusting to the massive pressure of his huge cock. Than TJ told me he was completely inside me. He didn’t move for a while. I don’t know what came over me, but I blurted out “fuck me like a bitch TJ.” Than he slowly started pumping his meat in and out of my virgin ass. It was such a strange sensation. Definitely a mixture of pleasure and pain. I would inhale through my nose when the pain overcame the pleasure. Than TJ handed Cindy his phone. She showed me the screen and it was a short clip of his entire dick sliding in and out of my ass. I was so turned on. My cock was hard and dripping . Cindy kept reaching between my legs and catching my cum with her finger and than she ate my cum. TJ said he was getting close and he grabbed my hips and frantically started pounding my ass. I felt his cock get thicker and than it felt his massive warm load flood my intestines. He unloaded deep inside of me and I felt so special. When TJ finally pulled himself out of my stretched hole, I heard his camera take a photo. He showed me the photo of my ass. It was just a big gapping hole with a little cum dripping out. Cindy quickly placed his cock in her mouth to suck what cum she could off it and sucking to get the last drop of his sperm from his piss hole. She was definitely an amazing nympho! To be continued….
    2 points
  19. It may be a story but, trust me, Trades Hotel in Blackpool is very real. And although nothing like that ever happened to me there, it is - or was - possible to be the good time had by all there. I haven’t been since the pandemic but even before that I felt the hotel had somewhat declined and diminished. What is once had was a sleazy uniqueness which has now been diluted by other hotels in the town. I’ll always have a soft spot (pun intended) for dear old Trades, though. I’ve had some wild nights there in the past.
    2 points
  20. How much time will you have with him? I ask because sometimes the best way to work yourself up to taking a monster cock is to take your time with it and enjoy it in other ways while your ass waits its turn. Make sure you use a good sized dildo and plug, and keep the plug in while you suck that big dick and appreciate everything about the guy you're so into. When it's time to ride him, still take it slow. Have him lay on his back and straddle him, then put the head up to your asshole and gently grind your hips around so you both enjoy it. Let your ass open up naturally and accept as much of him as you can until the helmet pushes past your ring. Then grind your ass around some more until you have all of him inside you. YMMV, but that's the best approach from my experience.
    2 points
  21. Over time, my hole has become more of a slash for fucking/receiving than an asshole for retaining and expelling. Getting to a place where i can take any Cock has been an opening process over the years. But that's just part of it. The anus is made to dilate, i think the problem most have is to much to fast. A lotta Tops know how to open Their bottom as part of the fuck, others are oblivious, and others still don't care. Most of us bottoms want to receive a Man, no matter which of those categories He may fall into. For me, a Man's need and desire to penetrate, fuck and seed me supersedes any skill level He may or may not have. If He doesn't have the knowledge or inclination to open me, i open myself. i had one FB in Virginia Who wasn't particularly long, but His girth was exceptional (to say the least). He also had a passion/lust that pushed all sorts of my buttons and opened me wide psychologically, so He was gonna get me one way or another. After the first fuck, part of me demurred the next time He wanted to breed me. He liked to go right in without any preamble, and it was honestly painful till i could finally open from His fucking and presence inside of me. He had the kind of Cock and demeanor that can make me come hands free. i learned early on, as soon as He would contact me, to plug myself and begin the opening process. That fixed it for me. He still opened me, but He was not too much too soon after that because i was already partly opened to receive Him. We had lots of babies together. 🙂
    2 points
  22. Thank you for asking. I am undetectable and I am compliant to what my doctor tells me to do. That wasn't always the case, but I grew up and decided to take my health seriously.. Just a side note - I was born and raised in Philadelphia, I went to Cardinal Dougherty High School and eventually the University of Pennsylvania. So I am very familiar with West Philly! Feel free to say hello, always nice to talk to someone from my home city.
    2 points
  23. Me: 6’1”, 265lb, 46y, black bear with some hair Him: 5’6” , 50y Latin bear with hair(s&p) Most recently load was dropping off the other night. We played several times before. Those other times were at a pool party play room as I fucked them as they used the sling for support, with all eyes on us. And time was in the bathroom at their complex following sometime in the sauna, while he’s friend keep watched. So the other night, we met up. He had contacted me earlier in the week to let me know his husband was going out of town and he want to fucked by me again. Turns out he’s been thinking about get fucked since our last time 7 months ago. We headed his bedroom as we started with body contact, and his enjoyment of the warmth I gave off. His has feeling me up and down. Stopping briefly applying baby oil to me. Soon he slide my boxer briefs off, to begin to drooling over my cock. Soon he was ready and eager for my cock to be in him. He tried sitting on it, but switched to spooning. Which got in. And much like the last time, he was spouting things in Spanish, and moaning loud enough for his neighbors to hear, as I fucked him. We shifted into a few other positions, till he laying on his belly and pounding with my weight in top. Which got me so much deeper into him, and moans and Spanish increased. As I had him in this place and stated, I leaned into his ear and said, “ I bet you are enjoying this cock inside you?” He nods as moaned, my cock hitting his spot. “I’ll bet you couldn’t wait for his husband to leave to get fucked like this again. You’ve been dreaming about since the last time,” grunted out a yes, and so thick and deep. “ You’re just slut either to get fucked and breed by this cock,” as I shift angles to make sure he really felt it. Then I decided to ask him a question about the first we fuck 10 years. “ I bet you are so much of a slut for barebacking, that you rigged the condom to fail, you could get my load in you?” And which point he answered,” Yes.” This was a surprise, and I had to ask again, since he was lost in a sex haze. He said yes again. I fucked him deep and harder. “So that is how much you wanted my load in your hole that first time.” I made sure that was load deep in him as I finished.
    2 points
  24. Man Up! Plenty of lube! Grunt and bear it! Enjoy the ride!
    2 points
  25. At home I'd briefed Billy on what was going to happen and he waited in the play room quietly as soon as we heard Mr Sparks car bill in the driveway. I greated him with enthusiasm and sat him down in front of the TV... "wanna beer mate" I asked and headed to the kitchen not really letting him reply. Once there I opened two beers and added a little something to his... Heading back with the beers and some chips to keep up the illusion. I handed him his beer and took a swig of mine as I flicked on the sports channel. We made small talk for only a short while before Mr Sparks began to complain of feeling woozy, I suggested he lay down, to which he accepted, and very quickly fell asleep. Testing how deep it was by calling his name, then spanking his face and finally by slapping his ass rather hard, I knew he was out for the count, and got busy pulling off all his clothes. Once naked I took him to the bathroom where I propped him up and douche his hole out as best I could, gave him a decent whores bath, then put him over my shoulder to take him to the play room. Billy had his hood on as instructed and watched as I lay this asshole in my sling, binding him so he could not move and adjusting the height so he was ready. I then put on my mask, and got down between his legs, took a nice big crystal of tina and pushed it roughly in his hole. The mixture of the drug and the burning finally made him stir a little, but I wanted him fully awake, so I added a tight band to his right arm, exposed a vein and gave this good Christian man his first blast... More than I'd give a normal beginner, I wanted him awake and fucked up. While he came to life, coughing and incoherent, Billy and I stood out of his view, taking a puff on the pipe. The gym teacher started to yell for help once he realised his predicament and as I blew out some clouds in his face I let him know the room was sound proof. "and the only way you're getting out of here in one peice is if you do exactly what I say." "I hear you like getting young Gay boys beat up for being faggots and think they deserve it" I accused and he started to deny, then got beligerant saying fuck yes he did. "well only closet cases get this nasty, so fucker I'm gonna turn you into a faggot" As his eyes started to widen, beginning to realise what was happening, I stuck a device in his mouth that forced it open and covered his teeth, I cranked it so his mouth was opened just wider than was comfortable and so he couldnt form words any more. I then strapped my new faggots head back to an extension id added to the sling forcing his open mouth and throat to be right where I wanted it. "I saw you checking out my cock earlier... So now you're gonna get it, I'm gonna fuck your throat and your ass and you're going to beg me for it, faggot". Before he could answer I shoved my cock into his mouth and roughly down his throat. This bitch didn't deserve any kindness, I was gonna make him into the whore he secretly is and relished as he gagged on my big fat shaft. As I pulled out I was glad to see all that spit and a little puke. And I slapped his face. "You loved it didn't you? " He responded negatively so I took my riding crop and slapped his balls. As the pain subsided, I asked again, and he tried again to say no. I again slapped his balls with the crop and growled "tell me you love it or you'll lose those balls tonight faggot" He started to openly cry, but this time when I asked he finally broke and said he liked it. At this point I had Billy come over with the camera and begin filming as I fucked his throat again. This time more roughly and deeply, until as I pulled out he again puked a little and when I asked if he loved it he automatically answered yes emphatically. After signalling Billy to stop the camera, I started to tell them both more. "you see son, now we have video of your faggot gym teacher saying he loves what is happening... Something we can publish online if he ever causes any trouble for us in the future. But that's just the beginning. He is eventually going to thank me for what happens tonight... You'll see. " I then came close to my new faggots face, cleared his eyes and made him look at my poz tattoo..." Tonight you'll take my poz load too faggot... And love it, beg for it, and want more". He was now sobbing, but as I played with his nipples a little, I couldn't help but notice his cock twitching and growing. "you see son, his cock gives away his true faggot nature. He's always secretly wanted this". I then took myself down between his legs knelt down and started to eat his ass. The suddenly pleasure made my new faggot moan, then cry with disgust at it, whilst his cock continued to grow. "royal fucking faggot" I said as I stood up between his legs. "get the lube and lube up daddies fat cock son" I ordered and Billy quickly obeyed. Roughly taking the faggots nipples and twisting them I then told him "I'm about to fuck you, pop your cherry and breed you with my poz seed faggot, and you're going to beg me to do it right now" Billy took the Queue and readied the camera as I used pain and threats and more shards of Tina in his ass to break down the faggots defenses, until finally he was ready. I removed his mouth stretcher repositioned myself and Billy began to film. First showing my big throbbing raw cock near his hole before panning up his body and showing his face as I asked one more time... "do you want me to fuck you with no condom, take your virginity and flood you with my poz seed faggot?" "yes please sir, thank you sir" he answered right into the camera, and Billy filmed his face as I roughly forced my cock into his hole. I had no interest in giving him pleasure, just taking my own, and he screamed as I kept pushing until I was finally balls deep. The fuck didn't take very long, the situation had me so turned on that only 10 or so hard thrusts and I was soon shooting balls deep in the new faggot, watching his own cock now rock hard and drooling. I then stayed in him while Billy watched me jerk him off and make him blow the biggest load of his life, ultimate proof that he loved my daddy poz cock in him. We left him there in the sling and went to clean up, then bed where we made love twice more that night. And as I flooded billy's hot ass for the second time I whispered in his ear... Next we're going to break your father son. In the early hours of the morning I went to the play room and released our new faggot, reminding him of the footage we had of him and getting him cleaned up and dressed. He humbly thanked me for what I'd done... I'm not sure if it was to get out of there, or genuine, but I didn't care. I then put him in the hands of an "uber driver who will take you home" only to discover My sketchy friend took his fresh meat out to his car, gave him some water laced with more fun stuff and took the faggot to his place for more use. By the time he returned to work he'd be a confirmed cum slut and would chase it for the rest of his life.
    2 points
  26. 2. Our dinner ended up turning into drinks, which turned into getting home late. Mike was in a wild mood after his day of getting fucked and I was along for the ride. We crashed back into our apartment around three in the morning both drunker than we meant to be. The next morning, I woke up late. I had the day off, and nowhere to be so I just laid in bed, naked, with my morning wood pressing into my sheets, slightly hung over. As I stroked my cock a little I thought about what Mike had said the day before about not getting off any more. It, well, it intrigued me somehow. How could he keep from coming for long periods of time I wondered? As I edged slowly I started to feel that just my own hand around my cock wasn’t what I needed. Hearing Mike get destroyed yesterday had me in a bottoming mood. I needed a hard, raw cock of my own. I got on Scruff and started looking. I felt picky. I wanted someone I wouldn’t normally chat up. Someone a little older than me, beefy, hairy. I wanted a man, a daddy to come take my hole. Then there he was a hot bald guy with a bare broad chest covered in dark hair. He was 56 said his profile, 6’-1” and 210. He was perfect. I didn’t muck around with being coy. I messaged him and told him I thought he was hot. He responded quickly, saying thank you and telling me I was hot too. He asked what I was doing and in response I sent him a picture of me laying in bed, the sheets barely covering my hard cock. Damn boy, you trying to get me hard. Maybe, I replied, and unlocked my album. He responded with his. I was suddenly confronted with a long fat cock in a nest of salt and pepper hair. My cock twitched. I needed him. Fuck Sir! I messaged back You want that hard cock boy? Yes! When are you free? Right now! You want my load? Yes! Please come breed me. I sent him my address, and then he was on his way. I didn’t bother getting dressed. I just pulled on a Bike jock, and waited. It didn’t take him long to buzz my building and then the hot daddy was in my apartment. I greeted him at the door in my jock, he grinned and started to strip off. I had intended to get him into my bedroom but I knew Mike was gone at work till later that evening, so I didn’t stop him. I wanted him so bad that honestly it didn’t matter. This feeling though, wasn’t really anything new, I had been in a horny cock lust before, what was different was the decision I had come to when I saw the man expose his own slightly yellowed jock… I was not going to get off in this encounter; this was about him and my hole, not my cock. “Fucking sexy horny boy,” he said in a seductive low growl. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close. I he pressed his bearded face against my lips and I opened my mouth to accept him inside. He kissed me passionately, and I happily accepted him. His hands roamed over my body, pulling at me, and pressing me. He walked me slowly back towards the couch, and eventually knocked me back onto it. He broke our kiss, and I was now eye level with his bulging jock. Without prompting I pulled the pouch to the side and allowed his fat cock to spring aside. It was just as it had been in the pictures. Fat, long, with a broad head, sprouting from a thick mass of salt and pepper pubes, it bobbed in front of my face. I swallowed hard, getting my mouth wet and swallowed half of it in one go. He groaned and put his hands on the back of my head. I pushed forward, opening my throat. I was no stranger to swallowing a thick cock, and I put all my skills into this. Spit was dripping from the corners of my mouth and my chin was slick when he finally pulled his cock out of my mouth and smiled. He looked down at me, my mouth still open, and without warning, spat in my mouth. I swallowed. “Now, ass up boy, I’m going to eat that hole before I breed it” He didn’t have to tell me twice. I flipped over so my back was on the back of the couch and my hole was presented to him. He dove right in. His beard was perfectly rough against my furry cheeks and his wide tongue lapped at my hole. I moaned into the couch cushions as I felt him slowly start to open me up. His tongue applied a steady flick that made my pucker twitch and then flutter open. He dove deeper and deeper with each flick till his tongue was flicking in and out of my hole. He was steadily fucking me with his tongue and I was grunting happily into the couch for God knows how long. I felt like putty in his hands. “Fuck, I could eat your ass all day boy, but we both know that’s not what you need is it?” “No, Sir.” “What do you need boy?” He was now rubbing his fingers against my hole. “I need your cock. I need you to breed me.” “Good answer boy.” Then I felt the unmistakable pressure of a cock against my hole. A big drop of spit fell on my hole and he started to press in. I took a deep breath and pressed out, opening my hole for him. We both groaned as he slid deep inside me. I whimpered, and he started to fuck me. It was exactly the fuck I had needed. Deep and hard, his cock head banged against my prostate over and over and my pussy stretched slowly around his cock. I felt myself growing looser and wetter as he used me. He kept his hands on my hips, holding me into place as he fucked me. Over and over again he slide in and out of me, till sweat sprung up on both of our bodies. We were panting, and he was pounding deeper and deeper. I had started grunting and begging for his load. Then finally he grunted, “I’m going to breed your sweet cunt boy. Take my fucking load.” “God! Yes! Breed me!” I breathed out in ecstasy as I felt load after load of cum spurt into my hole. He collapsed forward, resting on my back. “Flip over boy, lets see that cock shoot.” “No, sir,” I said, “Please. I want this to just be about your load.” “Good boy, that’s fucking hot.” He slowly pulled out. “In that case. I’ll go and leave you to enjoy your cummy hole.” I watched him get dressed, and then before leaving say “Hit me up when you want another load.” When the door closed behind him I breathed heavily for a minute. That had been so hot, and unlike my usual hookups I wasn’t satiated. I was still horny as fuck, and possibly starting to understand what Mike had meant.
    2 points
  27. Part 9 We drove to another part of the city, my brother and I sitting naked, holding each other, wondering what could possibly be next. We drove to the part of town where the rich people lived. Big houses behind huge gate's, hiding their secrets from the world. We pulled up to one and the gates opened, ushering us inside. We didn't even have time to look at our new destination when two men grabbed us and dragged us roughly inside with Mr. Jackson following. Once inside we were thrown on the floor in a room off the entrence. The men stood over us, guarding our movements. After a few minutes two more men came into the room, an older, stern looking man and an Asian man. "Which one is the new property?" asked the stern looking man. "The bigger one." replied Mr. Jackson. The other one, his brother, is mine. The request was only for one new one. I haven't had time to properly train him since the date was moved up, but they won't be disappointed." The Asian man grabbed my brother and inspected him all over. "He will do very well Mr. Jackson. Good pick. Give the whore another shot and try him out." The two guard's grabbed Elijah and quickly stuck another needle in his arm. He coughed as one man pulled him onto his hands and knees. He quickly dropped his pants and revealed a large, hard dick which he shoved into my brother. Elijah let out a low, guttural moan as he accepted yet another cock in him. The man fucked fast and hard and was soon pumping his cum into my brother. As soon as he pulled out, the other man replaced him with an equally large cock. Elijah continued to moan and push his ass back onto the man fucking him. Mr. Jackson motioned me to come to where he was sitting, and I crawled over to him. He pulled me up into his lap, turning me to face my brother. He slid his hard cock in my hungry pussy and I let out a small sigh as I sunk down onto it. "Look at your brother Jacob." he said as he ground his pubes into me. "Look at the whore getting fucked. That's what he is now. A whore. His new owner owns a bordello in Thailand that specialises in young, white, American boy's. I've sold him for a nice sum of money." My heart lept into my throat as I listened to Mr. Jackson's words. "He will do any disgusting, perverse thing to him they desire. Thai bordellos are known for providing the most extreme entertainment." The second guard pumped his cum into my brother and pulled out. The Asian man stepped up, balling up his fist, and rammed it hard into Elijah, causing him to scream out. But soon he was pumping his ass back on the arm in him, taking it deep. "He will last there three, maybe four years before he will be of no more use to the owner. At that point he will be sold off to the highest bidder, and used up whores don't end up with "nice" new owners. In fact, once they're auctioned off, they're never heard from again." Tears fell down my cheeks as I watched my brother being dragged away, knowing that was the last time I would ever see him. And he didn't even know what was about to become of him. Mr. Jackson just laughed cruelly as he filled my cunt with his seed. "Would you like a few hours with my slut?" he asked the stern looking man. "Indeed I would." he replied, approaching me with a needle. "I just got a new machine to try out." After another injection I found myself strapped down on my back on a bench with my legs locked into stirrups. An odd looking device that had a long pole with a long, fat dildo on the end was placed in front of me. The tip was placed right against the entrence to my cunt and a switch was flipped. The machine instantly sprang into action, ramming the dildo hard and deep into me. I cried out at this new assault but could do nothing to stop it. It pistoned in and out, over and over relentlessly. I was fucked in a way no cock had ever fucked me. No variation, no mercy. I just took the brutal machine as best I could. Not that I had a choice. "Shall we go have some coffe?" asked the stern man. "The slut won't be going anywhere for a couple of hours. Maybe then we'll replace it with a larger dildo." The men laughed as they left me being pummeled by the machine. I don't know how long they left me. I was too high to comprehend time. Eventually I lost feeling in my ass. I figured I was stretched out permanently. When they did return, the stern man did indeed have an even larger dildo that they replaced the first one with. A new searing pain ripped through my torn cunt as the machine was turned back on. "Almost makes you wish you had been sold to the bordello, doesn't it slut?" hissed Mr. Jackson. "Well rest assured your dear brother will endure years of worse!" My heart dropped into my stomach as I thought of Elijah's fate.
    2 points
  28. Part 2 At dinner that night I sat there, ghostly pale, my stomach in knots. I could barely eat. I was sure the others could tell I had sinned so greatly. I was sure they could see the devil standing over me. "Are you not feeling well Jacob?" was all my mother asked. I just told her I wasn't and wanted to go to bed early. I went upstairs and brushed my teeth extra long, trying to wash away the lingering taste of Mr. Jackson's sperm. That night, as I lay in bed next to my brother, I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were filled with that big black dick, he had called it a dick, in my mouth, ejaculating down my throat. I had liked it, and secretly wanted more. And I had a feeling I would get that and lots more, like those pictures in the magazines. The next day, Mr. Jackson came over to talk to my parents. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation, but my siblings made it impossible. After he left, my father came to tell me about the visit. "Jacob," he began, "Mr. Jackson needs some help for a few weeks on a cabin he's building in the mountains. He's offered to pay a nice sum for your services, and I think the work and time in God's nature will do you good." I secretly shivered when he said "services" because I could only imagine what those would entail. But I could not disagree with my father. So the next day I was packed with a few changes of clothes, my work boots, and a bible and hopped into Mr. Jackson's truck and off we went. I looked back at my family as they waved me off into a future none of them could imagine. "That was easier than I could have ever hoped!" Mr. Jackson laughed as we drove away into the unknown. We didn't talk much on the way, I just sat there trying to imagine what the next few weeks would bring. It was only a couple hours to the cabin, and we arrived mid-afternoon. As I reached for my bag in the back, Mr. Jackson said "leave it boy, you won't need nothing in there except your boots. Grab those other bags and follow me." I did as told and we went into the cabin, the door locking behind me. "Strip boy!" He commanded me. I stood there nervously, not moving. Mr. Jackson raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face. "I SAID STRIP!" I quickly shed my clothes, trembeling as I realized there was no one around to help me. As I pulled my clothing off, Mr. Jackson was pulling items out of the bags. Various strange looking things, most of them in black leather. "Now stand at attention boy! I want to inspect my property." I stood there, arms at my side while Mr. Jackson looked me over. I stood 5'8", a little shorter than his 6ft. I had a pale, thin body from too much time indoors praying instead of playing. My legs were covered in dark hair, and I had a little on my chest which ran down my stomach into dense, bushy pubes. The crack of my buttocks was also quite hairy, as well as my armpits. "Not bad boy," Mr. Jackson sneered. I like my white bitches skinny. We'll take care of the smooth part next." With that he pulled out a bottle of something orange and told me to drink it. It tasted kind of funny, but I was thirsty and drank it all down. Soon I was feeling really warm and mellow. And my dick was rock hard. Mr. Jackson had pulled out some clippers and went to work shaving my body. Soon there was nothing but stubble covering me. He then took a bowl of hot water and a razor and shaved the rest of me totally smooth. The hair on my head was the only thing left. And I have to admit the feelings of his hands all over my body made me tingle everywhere, especially my rock hard penis that stood straight up the whole time. Mr. Jackson stepped back when he was done to look at me. "Very nice boy! Now you look like your about 13, naked and smooth with your little boy cock sticking up. What is it, about 5"? Certainly not a real man's cock." I blushed as he commented on my body, feeling shame at my nakedness. "But now the real fun can begin!" He put leather straps around my wrists and ankles, and a collar around my neck. Then without warning I felt a body wracking jolt around my neck. I screamed and dropped to the floor as I jerked and spasmed. "That's a shock collar boy, to keep you in line. And just know, that was only half voltage! So don't even THINK of escape!" I softly whimpered and prayed to Jesus to save me from my plight. "I told you who you would pray to now boy!" Mr. Jackson said as he kicked me in my stomach. "Jesus can't help you now!" With that, he pulled out a small case and sat down on my chest, pinning me down. He wrapped a rubber tube around my arm and said "hold still boy if you don't want to get hurt! I've learned this is the quickest way to turn bitches like you into nasty chem sluts!" I had no idea what was about to happen when I felt a slight prick in my arm, then he released the band on my arm. WHAM!! A force flew through my body unlike anything I could ever imagine. It was like God himself had entered me. My lungs seized up and I started a coughing fit. Mr. Jackson just stood up and went out side, returning with my bible. As the coughing subsided, he pulled me up and over his knee and started to beat my buttocks as hard as he could with Gods words. Over and over he paddled me, an intense warm feeling increasing all over my body. Then he threw me over the arm of the sofa and moved back between my legs, tossing the bible into my hands. I could hear him spit several times then I felt something pushing against my anus. "I gonna rip you open bitch!" Mr. Jackson yelled. "I'm gonna make you my slut! Your cunt is gonna bleed for me!" With that, he pushed as hard as he could and his penis popped into me. I screamed like I've never screamed before. It was as if the devil himself was raping me. "Scream bitch! I love it! Scream, cry, pray to be saved! There is no one to hear you! Not even your god!" With that he slid his dick all the way into me and I howled as I clutched my bible. "PLEASE GOD! HELP YOUR POOR SERVANT!" I cried as Mr.Jackson started to plow in and out of me. Tears flowed from my eyes onto my bible as I prayed and prayed to be delivered from Sarah Palin. Mr. Jackson just laughed while he continued his rape. Slowly the pain started to subside, and a new feeling replace it. A good feeling. "That's right boy," he said, noticing the change in me."you know what God made you for. To please men. Your my property now boy. That's your cunt I'm fucking. Its going to learn to take lots of Cocks in it! Your going to be my little chem whore!" I just moaned and buried my face into the couch, accepting my fate. Mr. Jackson continued to debase me before finally yelling, "oh yea! Take it boy! I'm breeding you bitch! Take my cum now!" I could feel his cock pulsing deep inside me, and I knew at that moment I would never be the same. God, or the devil, it didn't matter. I would serve Mr. Jackson. He pulled out of my throbbing hole and grabbed my hair. I could see a messy mix of blood, cum, and shit covering his half hard cock. I didn't care. He shoved it in my mouth and like a demented whore I sucked everything off. When it was clean, he pushed me onto the floor and stood over me. "Jerk off whore!" He ordered me as he let loose with a load of piss. I grabbed my cock and furiously beat it, quickly shooting my sperm all over me while he showered me in piss. "I baptize you Jacob. I baptize you into your new life as a piggy chem whore." I just opened my mouth and accepted my new gods gift.
    2 points
  29. My name is Jacob. I grew up in a very strict evangelical Christian family. We attented church twice a week, had bible study every night at home, and believed sex was only in marriage for procreation. That's why we had 9 kids in our family. I was number 5. We lived in a small house with no privacy. All the boy's shared one room, all the girls another. So needless to say not only was masturbation a sin, it was near impossible to find a place to do it. But teenage hormones always find a way. I had mastered the art of silently rubbing myself off late at night, cumming into my hand then licking it clean to leave no telltale sign of my disobedience. Disobedience was a severely punishable crime. After God, Father and Mother reigned supreme, and any fractions were dealt with swiftly and severely. This most often consisted of a switch to the palms, or bare buttocks. I remember once my older brother Elijah was caught touching himself and Father made him strip naked in front of us boys and bend over, grabbing his ankles while his buttocks were administered with 39 lashes, the same number Jesus endured. He had to say "I am a sinner, I deserve this, Thank you Lord Jesus" after every strike on his flesh. All I could focus on was his exposed anus and his testicles and penis hanging down, all covered in light hair, such as I was sprouting at the time. I felt my own penis getting hard as I stared at my naked brothers private parts. But like I said, hormones drive teenage boys to take risks. I was 15 when I discovered I could sneak into my neighbor's garage while he was away at work and have a much more satisfying masturbation session that I could late at night in my room. Here, I had privacy and could strip naked and enjoy my body without fear of getting caught. Or so I thought. I had been enjoying Mr. Jackson's garage for several years, when one day there was a new development. I had snuck in as usual and started dropping my trousers when something caught my eye. On a shelf were some magazines. And not just any magazines, they were sex magazines. GAY sex magazines! Even more sinful than unmarried men and women! My blood ran cold knowing the devil was tempting me beyond my youthful masturbation, but I couldn't look away. I was transfixed at the images. I had of course heard of the evils of homosexual sex, but had never seen it. And here it was staring me in the face. And my penis had never been harder! I had barely touched myself when I ejaculated a mighty load all over Mr. Jackson's magazines and garage floor. I panicked at the thought of leaving evidence of my tresspassing and frantically licked my sperm off the magazines as best I could before replacing them as I found them. I pulled up my trousers and quickly went home, forgetting about what I left on the floor. A couple of days later, I returned to find the magazines again. This time I looked through more of them as I delicately stroked my penis until I orgasmed into my hand and cleaned up the evidence. I was hooked. The devil had his claws in me, and that night I prayed and prayed to God to save my soul. But I was too far gone with my interest in those magazines. Several weeks went by, with me there almost every day, falling deeper into the devil's trap. Then it happened. I was laying naked on Mr. Jackson's garage floor, stroking my penis, and I heard it. The door to the house opened and there I was, caught red handed. I didn't realize Mr. Jackson was home that day and I was caught hook, line, and sinker. I froze in terror, unable to move. Mr. Jackson just looked down at my naked body and smiled an evil smile. "Well, well, well," he snickered. "So it's you Jacob. I was wondering which boy had been sneaking over here. Looks like I caught me a tresspasser." As he said this he aimed his phone at me and snapped a couple pictures. "How old are you now boy?" he asked me. "18 now Sir." I was barely able to get out. "Perfect." he said as he snapped another picture. "Now what would your parents say if I told them about this and showed them these pictures?" "Please Sir!" I begged, tears running down my face. "Please don't tell them. I will be condemned." "You already are boy. Your mine now." He laughed as he stared down at me. Mr. Jackson was an older black man, with a short greying beard and a bit of a pot belly. He started unbuttoning his pants as he said, "I know you're a faggot Jacob. I know you've been looking at those magazines as you jerk off. Well boy, now I own you, and if you want to keep this private, you'll do as I say!" With that he pulled out his big, black dick which was already rock hard. I knew what he wanted me to do. I had now seen dozens of pictures of men sucking each others penises. I was about to do the same. "Meet your new friend, Kahn." he said as he grabbed my hair and pulled me up. "Open up faggot!" My mouth spread apart as the tears ran down my face. Without ceremony he pushed his penis into my open mouth and started ramming it in and out. I struggled and gagged, choking on it as he held my hair, pulling my head back and forth, taking more pictures of my first oral sex. "Suck it you self righteous little whore. You're my whore now! God can't save you. You'll learn to worship and pray at your new god. You'll do anything I tell you, and learn to beg for it!" With that he started ejaculating down my throat, pumping his sperm down into my belly. When he was done he pushed me back down to the ground, smiling at my rock hard teen dick. "Jerk it boy!" He ordered me. I just grabbed it and started to shoot as soon as I had stroked it a couple of times. Mr. Jackson of course took more pictures as I shot all over myself. "Lick it up bitch!" He demanded. Then get dressed and get out. I'll be in contact." With that he went inside the house, leaving me naked and trembling at what had transpired. I knew I was now his property.
    1 point
  30. So after a brief pause in writing fictional stories, I couldn't resist. I've learned my lesson on being more careful in content! Hopefully you enjoy this story. I grew up in a small Midwestern town of 600. People there knew something that happened to you before you knew about it! One thing they never knew was the relationship my dad and I had. As a young child, I was a heavy set guy. I had no interest in girls, neither did they to me. Sports weren't my thing. Sure I played little league, but it wasn't uncommon for me to skip practice to watch Sonny and Cher. In fact little league likely piqued my interest in guys. At that point in my life, I really didn't know what gay was. Apparently I was a slow learner. One of the team members however was mature beyond his age, and was my first "gay " experience. I didn't think it was really gay, just a curiosity. Jacking together. Skinny dipping. Finding our dads magazines and reading the penthouse forums to each other. And yes, admiring the female form. One thing we never did then was have actual sex. What did happen finally started in our Senior year, one hot May day after a playoff game. He invited me to his house and once there, suggested we skinny dip in his pool. We were both hot and sweaty, so why not? His mom was out of town, and his step dad at work. We stripped poolside, and I was in awe with his 8 inch cock. I was your average 6, but he was mean and lean. Before we jumped into the pool, he sniffed his jock, and asked me if I wanted to sniff it? Sure why not. It had an odd odor to it, not just sweat. He later told me he Jack's and shoots his load into it, usually after practice. I asked him if he would do that for me before getting into pool. He said yes, as long as I did the same. We each got on a lounge chair and started jacking our cocks. I came really quickly into my jock, and before he finished, we heard a car door slam, and jumped into the pool. It was his step-dad coming home. I'm pretty sure his dad saw us jumping into the pool naked, but he simply said cooling off after practice boys? We said yes, but my friend said yes Sir. I couldn't help that his dad grabbed his crotch as he said that. Fortunately his dad went back into the house and my friend and I got out of the pool, and sniffed my cummy jock. He then had me sniff it, and said he'd return the favor when his step dad wasn't around. TO BE CONTINUED!
    1 point
  31. I know a guy who's really cute and id like to have sex with him, but he has a really huge and hard dick. in porn the bigger the better, but in reality I find it difficult to take huge dicks sometimes, so I wonder if you have any advice on how to take big dicks ? or any preparation I can do to help me take that dick ?
    1 point
  32. The cellar is dark. It's a large empty void that shares the footprint of the large victorian house above. The only illumination is from four wall mounted bare bulbs that are shielded by frosted glass and security cages but, they are very low wattage and fail to make much impression in the ambient gloom. A single 6" heating pipe, just above ground level, runs around the entire room. It emitts enough heat to sustain the the beings that reside permanently here, without making it too comfortable. At one end space is a metal staircase that leads up to the world they once inhabited and at the other a partician, a stud wall with an entrance to washing facilities, toilets, wash basins and showers. Despite the gloom, the cellar is spotlessly clean and dry. The walls and ceiling are white and the whole floor area is tiled. Various iron fittings, rings and hooks adorn the walls with steel chains with nylon ropes attached randomly at various levels. There is no daylight and no visible attachment to the outside world. A dozen large metal cages each separated from the next by 3ft gaps are located along the centre of the space and parallel to the stud wall and the stairs. Each cage has a basic single bed, a chair and small cabinet. Only seven of the cages are occupied at moment. Whilst, from the outside, this would appear to be place that no one would willingly want to spend a large part of their life here, the occupants would not, at least on the surface (if you pardon the pun) want to be anywhere else. I am one of them. I have been here for what I believe is about two years. Its difficult to judge exactly how long. The are no time pieces or calendars allowed and no communication with the outside world is permitted. I don't miss not knowing whats happening in the outside world. It does not concern me and I am perfectly content with my life here. I knew exactly what I was doing when I voluntarily agreed to come here. The life I would have, what I would be required to do, what was expected of me and have done to me. I'd been searching for a permanent, suitable position for a a number years before seeing the message on an Internet site that's a hub for people with various perverted interests and tastes including, depraved sexual acts, body modifications and introducing like minded people to each other. The add read something like: 'Permanent slave required to join dominant masters stable. Applicants must be willing to forfeit all freedoms and complete devotion to the master and his guests is required. You will relocate to the masters residence permanently. You will be poz or willing to covert and possibly modified. Please note that this is a serious undertaking and once you've given yourself to the master you are completely owned and controlled by him and your position is irreversible. If you wish to apply having given careful consideration to the above email; .............mail.com' As far as I can remember that was the message. I had emailed Master immediately and waited patiently for a reply. I waited a couple of days and was considering sending another message when I received an email asking if, on reflection, I was still interested. My heart was pounding with excitement as I replied that I was. He told me he would need to meet me in person at a neutral location, that he would decide on, a week from today and that I should bring with me proof of identification. He would give me more details of what he was looking for and what would be required of me If I were suitable. If there was a mutual agreement he would impose a cooling off period when I could make my final decision. Once I had done so there was no turning back. If I decided to be his slave I would be committed to him forever. If I decided I didn't, that would be fine, but I could never re-apply. *****To be continued****
    1 point
  33. Not on prep, poz friendly, looking for raw bb sessions can’t host, can travel. I want as many loads as I can in 4 days will flip
    1 point
  34. Around noon today I went and met a guy off Grindr at his place. He left the door open and called me into his bedroom where he was waiting with his massive, beautiful, thick cock, strapped in a very tight cock ring. His ad said it was 8.5” and I believe it. I stripped down to my jockstrap and went straight to it, crouching over him on the bed and taking that swollen cockhead between my lips. It took a minute but I got it all the way down my throat and it felt amazing. When I had covered his cock in my deep throat spit I moved up his body and straddled him. I was already lubed up. He lined it up and I opened my ass to feel him stretching me wide as he got the head inside me. I sat like that for a bit, just impaled by the tip of his cock, gyrating, slowly, letting him inch into me, til he was filling me with his full length. Then I started grinding on him, riding him, then I let him take control and he started thrusting in and out of me hard and fast, telling he’d been edging all day and hadn’t cum in a few days, making me beg for him to spill his seed in me. But first he had me lay down and he spooned me which happened to be the exact position being done in the porn on his TV. He fucked me hard and then gushed his hot load deep inside me. When he pulled out, I licked his cock clean and took it balls deep down my throat one last time. Fucking delicious.
    1 point
  35. It’s been a while since I’ve posted but my husband and I have recently moved. New location , new dick. I have my fair share of regulars here and get cum when I want but we’ve made some friends and play together with one of them. It’s supposed to be exclusive but still… now I have my husband and our buddy to cheat on. The other night I was home alone. Prime opportunity to cheat. The first guy was a bust. Lied on his Grindr profile and wasn’t my type. I went over to his place to swallow his cum but had to leave. I hopped right back on Grindr and found a married guy who happened to be in the area. He needed to hookup quick since he was headed home. I quickly made it back to my place and got ready for him. Unlocked the door and waited naked on my knees, sniffing poppers. His profile didn’t do him justice. He was a little chubby but hot af. I quickly undressed him and started sucking his cock. Now, he know I was cheating on my husband but I didn’t know he was a cheater until we were talking. He told me to get up and show him my ass so I did. He asked what my husband would think if he knew we were having sex and I told him he’d be pissed. He said his wife would be too. My dick got harder instantly, I almost came right there. He started to pound my hole raw and I asked how often he cheats. He replied, “as much as I can” and then asked me to which I said the same thing. Unfortunately, I wasn’t as cleaned out as I thought since I had to rush to get ready. He pulled out and cleaned off his dick but still wanted us both to cum. I ended up sucking him off and was so turned on I bust my nut while blowing him. As soon as he saw that he was super excited. He wanted me to keep sucking and jerking him and when he was about to cum he asked to cum on my dick and in my pubes to which I said fuck yes. He came all over my cock and mixed it with my load. I scooped some up and tasted it while he went to clean up and take a piss (I just wish I coulda tasted his piss). We chatted while he got dressed and damn was he sexy. One of the best hookups I’ve had in a long time. So glad I got to cheat on my husband and our buddy. I hope it happens again real soon.
    1 point
  36. You gotta take it slow. This usually works for me. You gotta het him real horny. I start by sucking his cock - get him real hard. Then I move to his asshole. I eat him out and tongue fuck him until he's dripping. Compliment his ass/asshole. "man you got the hottest asshole I've ever seen"Rub your cock between his ass cheeks and rub your helmet on his hole. Tell him you gotta just feel his hole on the end of your cock. Slide in an inch or 2. Grunt and moan with pleasure "fuck man, your hole feels awesome" Go a bit deeper, "just let me fuck your ass for a few minutes" Go in him up to your balls. NEVER promise not to cum in his ass. Keep fucking him until you hear him moaning. Never tell him "I'm gunna. cum" Just keep fucking him until you shoot your load in his ass. 9 times outta 10 if I get my entire shaft in his asshole it's a safe bet Im gunna seed him. I'd guess most bottoms wanna be bred - they just gotta be led there.
    1 point
  37. Love to eat ass... then pound the hole, shoot a load balls deep in it, and continue to rail that cummy hole raw... then he sucks me clean when I'm done
    1 point
  38. I finally got bred last Friday after an 8 month dry spell. My wife and I moved to a new town and she no longer works, and I work from home, so it's been difficult to get away to hook up. Last Friday, she went to visit a friend for the afternoon, so I cleaned up and got on all the hook-up apps. I found one guy who wasn't a flake and he agreed to a quick pump and dump in my garage. He shows up and parks and walks into the side door to the garage. He was a cute latino chubby guy with a decent sized uncut cock. I drop to my knees and start sucking him hard. I turn around and bend over the work bench. He shoves his cock up my ass and fucks me for a good 10 minutes. It felt so good having a raw cock up my ass as it's been too long. He finally picks up the pace and slams in me hard and unloads. I clean him off and he's on his way out. Right at this time, my wife calls and asks who is at the house? Apparently, my neighbor wasn't sure anyone was home and texted me and my wife about a stranger at the house. My wife was furious when she got home as she knew what the guy was there for. I gave her a lame excuse but she didn't buy it. She has since calmed down. Looks like I won't be hosting again.
    1 point
  39. [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/jizz-in-the-hole-4266594
    1 point
  40. Thanks for that incisive reply, 11bi11guy. That was a great explanation.
    1 point
  41. I headed home with my cim soaked jock in my back pack, eagerly awaiting to bury my face in it as soon as I got home. I headed to my bedroom, striped and got under the covers for a nap. The smell of my cum soaked jock was intoxicating. As I was sniffing it, my cock grew rock hard, making a tent in my sheets. This time, I look it a bit further by putting my jock in my mouth, tasting my cum for the first time. I had jacked off many times before, but always into a cum rag. The salty taste of my dried cum was exciting. Before I could finish myself off, I heard my dad heading towards my bedroom. I quickly hid my jock, and rolled over on my side so he wouldn't see the tent I had created under the sheets. I slept for almost 2 hours. Although it was now evening, I woke up with morning wood. I checked my phone and my friend told me to call, not text him as soon as I read the message so I did. Sadly, this was a wood killer, well at least for a brief time. I called my friend and the first thing he said was that I wouldn't believe what happened after I left. He was as giddy as a school girl and didn't even give me time to ask! He said he went to take a shower and when he got to the bathroom his step dad was already in the shower, and he saw him naked for the first time. He eagerly said he saw his dad soaping up his body, and then soaping up his cock and balls. He continued by saying his step dads cock was getting hard, and then he put 2 of his soapy fingers up his ass, pumping them in and out. He said it wasn't long before his step dad was fully hard, and shot a loaf in the shower without touching his cock. By now, I was rock hard again, and fortunately my friend said his step dad was calling him for dinner, and he had to go. I say fortunately as I could feel the cum churning in my balls, and I was leaking pre cum onto my sheets. I immediately grabbed my jock and buried it under my nose and started jacking. I imagined my friends step dad in the shower. He was a built hunk, in his 40s I guessed. My friend told me earlier that his step dad was like him with 8, or maybe more but definitely thicker. I already knew he had a hairy chest, as I've seen him with his shirt off at the pool. And now that i think about it, I had seen him in a speedo, but never thought much about it before. I'd have to pay more attention next time! My friend also mentioned that his step dads crotch was neatly trimmed. Needless to say, it wasn't long before I shot my creamy wad, and what a load it was! It hit my face and lips, and for the very first time, I had tasted my fresh salty cum, and I loved it. I had jacked many times, but always into a cum rag, and I had never sniffed the rag. I wiped the cum from my body with my jock, and used my finger to push that on my face into my mouth. Just then I heard my step dad calling me for dinner. I threw on a pair of shorts and headed to the kitchen. Next up. Chapter 3: Gooning.
    1 point
  42. Cleansed, yet still smelling faintly of the piss, the boy follows The Daddy from the shower and out of the bathroom, they make their way wordlessly down a hall and into a darkened room that the boy could see was lit by only a dim red glow. Inside was The Daddy's bedroom, but it was much more than that. The boy could see it was the place of his worship, the alter of his sex, and the center for the ritual yet to be preformed. The room was decorated the trappings of a true worshiper of the deities of raw uninhibited sex. Stone and bronze statues devoted to pagan idols of Sex and pleasure. Though the Boy could not identify them, they were statues of Pan, Priapus, Eros, and other Gods of sex. Hanging from the walls of the room were more images of eroticisim, new and old. Posters of pagan sex mixed with posters of Tom of Finland, Hun Magazine and other notable icons of gay erotica. And the bed, the bed itself was a true alter of sex in itself. The head bored was a long wooden surface covered in black candles, dildos, sex toys, more pagan idols, and in the very middle, a large pentacle with a noticeable rams held. The boy beheld all of this bathed in the throbbing red light, and was so taken by its majesty, he had almost forgot the presence of The Daddy until the moment his thin boney fingers clasped around his naked shoulders and his body pressed close. "You see boy the altar of your transformation, from within this room our union shall be made complete, you will be forever changed and become reborn with my offspring, my seed, my legacy." The Daddy said, whispering the words with gentle yet headed breath. The boy for his part could hardly wait and was beside himself with barely contained passion. "Of course Daddy, I know this is what I need, what I was meant for. I want to feel it, feel you transform me, feel your energy impregnate me." he said, and The Daddy was proud, he was not yet sure if the Boy was truly starting to believe in the powers that were about to be unleashed, or simply repeating the words he heard. The Daddy knew that right now it wasn’t that important, all that mattered was the Boy was willing to give up his body and soul to become one with a greater power. "Lay upon the bed boy, make yourself comfortable as you will be in this position for some time. Relax your mind and body, gaze upon the idols before you and think of your future.' The Daddy said as he watched the boy dutifully obey. His perfect young and healthy body lay upon the black satin sheets of the black bedding. His perfect smooth ass was thrust upwards, awaiting anything that would come next. The Daddy smiled and took his place. First he leaned in to sample the clean scent of the boy's unspoiled hole. Breathed in the scent, savored it, and began to lick and taste his purity. Tasting the hole of an unspoiled ass was something The Daddy always savored, but this was special, and something far more. He listened to the boy moan, gasp, and whimper as his long, talented tongue worked its magic, pushing deep inside, relaxing, teasing, and tasting of the boy's untainted body. Knowing it was untainted and pure, made the act that was to come naturally all the more stimulating. The Daddy could feel the instrument of the boy's eventual transformation throbbing with hunger between his legs. All in good time he told himself. After almost twenty minutes of talented teasing, The Daddy slides a finger along the Boys now throbbing anus. "Spread your hole for me boy, more so, it is time to open you up in another way, and prepare your body for the next step." He said as the boy, now deeply in heat, quickly pulled his cheeks apart and closed his eyes tightly waiting for the rough fingers of The Daddy against his tender hole. All of a sudden he feels one, then two fingers gently and slowly puncturing up his hole. The boy whimpers and for the first time tries to struggle away from the Grip of his ebony dominator. "Just relax boy. I know it hurts, but you must be strong for me. You need Daddy to impregnate your hole and transform you.” The Daddy says as they grab the hips of the kid and continue to work a third long bony finger inside. The three fingers move gently back and forth in his once pristine and yet now compromised anus. "Open up that hole for your daddy. Let me stretch it and make it ready to receive my seed, my communion. You will accept my black cock and its seed inside you before I'm done with you. In time others will plant their seed as well. Once you have been transformed you will accept so much cock from all who desire it. But no matter how many men may play into you, know that it'll be my powerful black manhood that you will forever crave, it will be my virus that will be a part of you." The Daddy says as the two relax. After 10 - 15 minutes of slow yet incessant fingering, The Daddy pulls his hand away and spreads the smooth cheeks of the boy to inspect. There's a small trickle of crimson running out of the boy's asshole and The Daddy smiles. "You make me proud boy, now, lay upon your back and raise up your legs, I want you looking upon me as it happens, your eyes upon my eyes as we are united." As he says this, and as the boy turns over, The Daddy feels he can wait no longer. His dick is twitching and throbbing looking at hole before him, it is hungry, like a predator about to claim its prey, about to pounce, about to kill. It is a thing that is now almost demonic, as if possessed by darker forces as the moment of communion is at hand. Now at last it is time, The Daddy leans forward and brings his unholy tainted black cock towards its target. The final act of union between them is about to commence.
    1 point
  43. for me it was a bit later as I was out of college. My best friend and I were hanging out one afternoon at my house and conversation got to talking about sex. I didn't know it at the time but even though we both dated women, he was gay. anyway the topic got to gay sex and I told him the thought had crossed my mind. He said " would you" I said maybe but only with him as I trusted him explicitly. He then went to use the bathroom and returned naked. next thing I was naked and we were in bed. It was then I was fucked for the first time. Plus I sucked him off after he had just pulled out of my ass. So from then until now I knew I loved sucking cock and ass being filled.
    1 point
  44. Best description of fisting I've ever read. I want your hand inside me because you get it. You understand the seduction, the connection, and the sensory thrill without demanding harder/faster/deeper as the only badges of FF achievement. That Sunday-afternoon orgasm description is equally impressive. You describe the timing, the sensations, and the distinctive not-entirely-satisfaction in exactly the right way. You pay attention to how things go, and you have a gift for describing them with nuanced sophistication. Thank you. Did I get off reading this? No, but that's not the only measure of success, and you know it. Do I want to read more of your work? Absolutely. This story was holistically satisfying in a way few stories in this forum manage. You helped us experience a ride, not just peep a freak show. Again, thank you. That was worth the time you put into writing it, and you're not the only one who enjoyed the build-up to the marquee scene. The whole thing is good.
    1 point
  45. Chapter 2: Hungry Whore Friday night finally arrived. My buddy has a nice house with a lot of room in the back for vehicles. Six of us parked out vehicles around back and went inside with our friend to wait for the little punk. My friend had hidden cameras set up to ensure this little bitch didn't try to blackmail us afterwards. We all popped a sex pill because we were planning on turning this punk out. Around 7:30 the little bitch arrived and parked out front. My friend met him at the door while the rest of us hid in another room where the monitors were set up so we could watch. Once the door was shut Jacob, my friend, grabs the punk and starts kissing him. Surprisingly the bitch accepted the kiss and was really getting into it. As they kissed they started undressing each other. We already knew how big of a cock Jacob had but we had to look really close at the bitch's cock. If you could call it that. He was hard but damn he was small. I'm talking pencil thin and it didn't even look like it reached two inches. My pinky was longer and thicker than his penis. Oh this was going to be better than I thought. Jacob is eight inches and fairly thick and Poz as well. Jacob led the bitch to the couch and had him get on his knees to start his training. The bitch must have watched a lot of porn because he knew what to do with a cock. He started kissing up and down on the cock and licking Jacob's balls. He worked his way back up Jacob's cock to the head and started slowly working the head into his mouth. Jacob confirmed our suspicion when he stopped the bitch to ask him if he was truly a virgin at gay sex. He admitted that he was but he watched a lot of gay porn and practiced with dildos. With that Jacob told to get back busy sucking his cock. The bitch obliged and started sucking again. Jacob doesn't hide his status on Grindr and he doesn't use a condom either. The bitch knew that and he was still begging in between sucking Jacob's cock for Jacob to fuck him. We later learned the bitch thought that being a virgin he would be ok. How stupid he was. After having the bitch sucking his cock for about 30 minutes Jacob led him into his fun room. In the fun room was a sling that Jacob loves to use on his lovers. At this time the bitch looks a little nervous so Jacob kisses him and fiddles with the punk's penis. This must have been enough to convince the bitch because he let Jacob put him in the sling. Once he was secured in the sling my friends and I were ready to pounce but the time hadn't arrived yet. Jacob took out a bottle of poppers and had the bitch sniff them while Jacob ate out his hole. For 15 minutes Jacob prepped his hole while the bitch continued to sniff the poppers. He was so high from the poppers that once Jacob slid his cock in the bitch didn't even feel the pain. He was so lost in lust. Jacob started fucking the shit out of his ass while the bitch moaned in pleasure. Jacob started degrading him and the bitch loved it. As Jacob fucked him his little penis squirted the smallest amount of cum I had ever seen. All we could do was laugh at how pathetic this guy really was. Once Jacob announced he was getting ready to cum that was our cue to enter. It wasn't long and Jacob made the announcement. Jacob started fucking the bitch harder than I have ever seen him fuck anyone. My friends left the room we were in to go a few rooms down to the fun room. I stayed back on purpose. When the bitch saw the others enter the room he started panicking. He had no idea what lay in store. Jacob told him with a small penis that he was nothing more than a cumdump for real men. Before he could protest a cock was stuffed in his mouth and another one up his ass.
    1 point
  46. 9. Mike had me get on his bed and stick my used hole in the air. He then opened a drawer in his dresser and pulled out a plug only a little smaller than the one I’d seen go inside him. I groaned as he slid it into my hole, opening me slowly wider than I had ever been before. “How do you feel,” he asked. “Amazing, thank you.” “Don’t thank me yet,” he pressed harder on the plug and I felt myself coming to the widest part. Then it sprang in, my hole clamped around the base and I was full. “Yes.” I moaned into Mikes bedsheets. I sprawled flat on the bed, my now plugged ass still exposed and pointing to the ceiling. Mike lay down next to me, one hand resting on my back. “Now, how do you feel.” “Honestly?” “Yeah.” “Better than I could have ever imagined. I don’t want to ever not feel like this.” “I’m guessing that means you’re still horny?” “God yes.” He laughed, “well lets get you some more raw cock then.” “Thank you,” I said, and kissed him again. “What do you want to do, go trolling on Scruff for someone? I could also just text a couple of fuck buddies and see If they want to come breed you.” “How about, I grab my phone, and you start texting your friends and we see who can gets here first.” “I’ve got a better idea. How about…” he went over to his dresser again, “you give me your phone and I’ll see who I get over here faster, and you” he pulled a big thick black dildo from the drawer, “and you go in your room and start working this in your pretty little cunt while you wait.” “I’ll get my phone.” Five minutes later I was squatting on my bedroom floor, the plug Mike had put in me on the nightstand, shiny with cum from my hole, and the big fat dildo halfway in my cunt. Mike looked in the open door and grinned, he had his phone in his hand, and started to snap pictures as I rode the toy deeper and deeper. “Ok, I’ll give you a choice, I’m going to invite over whoever I want, but do you want to see who they are before they get here or do you just want a couple or raw cocks to are you out for the night.” I took a deep breath and sank a little lower on the dildo. “Mike, if you weren’t caged right now I’d be sucking you hard so you can fuck me. I just need cock.” “Perfect,” he looked at his phone, “Get the last few inches of that dildo in you. You’re gonna need the stretch.” He left me alone for a few minutes, I worked down on the dildo, gasping when it slid past my second ring holding me open. I rode it like it was a real cock, feeling my lips slide up and down its plastic shaft. It felt good, but not enough. Then Mike was back, “Ok, heres what you’re gonna do. Your top is almost here, when you hear the door, bottom out on the dildo and wait on your knees.” “Yes Sir.” “I like this new you,” he laughed. “Me too.” The buzzer to the apartment went, and then Mike was gone. I shifted onto my knees, and sat back. The balls at the base of the dildo rested against my ass, and my breath came short for a moment. I head the door open. Mike exchanged words with the man. Then there was the sound of clothes being shed. My heart was in my chest. I had no idea who was coming in the room but I was completely naked, with my cock in a cage, kneeling on my bedroom floor, with a dildo completely imbedded in my loose cum filled hole. I had never been more exposed and vulnerable. It was perfect. Mike, I realized, had a type. Another bear stood in my doorway naked and hard. His head was bald, but he had a thick short cropped beard, and his body was covered in heavy dark hair. Pink pert nipples stood out from the thicket. A slightly round, but strong looking belly, stuck out under his broad pecs; and below that, pointing straight at me, was another thick solid looking cock already leaking precum. “Damn Mike, you weren’t kidding. Your roommate is quite the cute little pig.” He walked towards me as Mike appeared in the doorway behind him all smiles. “Have fun.” The new bear walked towards me his cock slowly leaking. I leaned forward, keeping the dildo lodged inside me, and took his cock in my mouth. His hands came to the back of my head, and his fingers entwinned in my hair. His cock slid slowly down my throat as I sat back taking the full length of the dildo again. He groaned with appreciation as he started to face fuck me. “Fuck boy, you’ve got a nice mouth.” I sucked harder, drawing him deeper inside my mouth. “Yeah, youre a horny little cock sucker.” I put my hands on his ass pulling his cock in and controlling the thrusts a little. “Fuck boy, I need that cunt though. Get off that dildo and get on your bed. All fours. Show me your pussy.” His cock came sliding out of my mouth, my face covered in spit. I gasped for a moment, and then jumped on my bed, the dildo rocked on the floor covered in cum and ass juice. I was on my hands and knees with my hole presented to him, but he knocked me forward so my chest was on the mattress, my face pressed into the sheets. He let out an appreciative grown, and then without any prep or preamble, pressed his cock into my hole. Now it was my turn to moan. Ecstasy, joy, overwhelmed me. It was my place, my perfect place. His cock slid slowly inside my hole, lubed by all the cum already there. My second hole resisted for a moment and then gave way once more. Then his balls were against my hole and I was his. “Sweet fucking cumdump pussy.” “Please breed me.” He started slower than I would have expected, small strokes in and out, almost grinding his cock into me. As he built speed he also pulled out further and further. After a while he was slamming the full length of his cock in and out of me with each stroke. Then it was back to the slow deep push. He built this rhythm back and forth, pounding for a while and then backing off. Eventually he grabbed my hips hard and knocked me to the side. He pulled my top leg up onto his shoulder as he drilled deep inside me. The new position let his cock in even deeper than before. I heard myself whimpering as if the sound was not coming from my mouth. I was focused on his cock far more than anything happening with my own body. I didn’t hear the other bear come in. I only noticed him when the man inside me shifted my position again, so that I was on my back still impaled deep on his cock, and there was suddenly another cock in my face. I didn’t think. I just opened my mouth and took in another thick veiny cock. I felt helpless, not that I would have wanted to escape if I could. I let these men use my body. I was their toy. Then Mike fell onto the bed next to me, a third bear appeared and slide inside of Mike’s willing hole. The two of us were getting fucked together for the second time that night. The man inside of me started to grown deeply, seemingly more and more turned on by the scene. I didn’t think he would last long now, and I was right. Soon he was growling, and yet more cum was pumped into my hole. My eyes rolled back in pleasure. Then he pulled out, and the man face fucking me took his place. My first top moved to have Mike quickly clean off his cock and then, after thanking Mike left. Now there were two bears and two holes. Mike shifted so our faces were closer and started to kiss me as the bears used our holes. At some point they swapped and Mike’s top punched into my hole. “Thank you Mike, thank you,” I panted as we kissed. “Fuck I’m going to breed your hole boy,” the top inside me roared. “Please breed me. I need your load.” “Fill him up,” Mike added. “I’m fuck…” with a grunt, another load was pumped into my worn out and willing hole. The bear pulled out, and got on the bed for Mike to clean his cock, while the last guy moved from Mike’s hole to mine. He must have been close while he was fucking Mike because he too quickly deposited his load in me. Mike cleaned off his cock too, and then they were both gone. Mike and I lay on my bed, sweaty and stinking of cum, and fell asleep next to each other.
    1 point
  47. 8. My cock strained against the cage as I sat on the subway. It was all I could think about, well that and the warm, wonderful, slick, wet feeling of my freshly bred hole. I was on Scruff the whole way home, looking for more guys and seeing if the ones who had already hit me up were free. I opened the door to my apartment once more to the sounds of Mike being fucked, the very thing that had started this journey of discovery. This time however Mike was not in his room; I stepped into the living room and there he was, bent over the back of the couch, a sloppy grin on his face while a big fur covered bear drove his cock into him. The bear stopped, looking a little embarrassed when he saw me, “Fuck, sorry. I uh, well… we should…” “Don’t stop, he doesn’t give a shit,” Mike said. “I sure don’t,” I said, and started to move to my room. “Wait,” Mike gasped, the bear had clearly just pushed his dick in deep again, “you know the new house rules.” I looked at him a little confused, what did Mike expect me to do in this situation. “Nothing more concealing than a jock.” I laughed, “Of course, how stupid of me.” I took off my jacket and shirt, still standing right by the front door. I undid my pants, and then deciding to give the bear a full show, pushed my pants and underwear down in one go revealing my straining cage. “Fuck, you’re both caged! Two sub boys in one apartment. That’s hot as fuck,” said the bear. “Well,” I replied heading again to my room, “I’ll leave you two to your business.” “Fuck that, I’m about to breed your roommate, and then you’re going to clean off my cock and take his place.” I looked at Mike to make sure he was ok with that. “You heard him, come get on your knees fag.” I smiled, and ran over behind the couch. The bear started to pound Mike again, his hips slamming against Mikes round cheeks. “Fuck I love a wet pussy. I’m going to fill you up and then breed your roommate. Leave you both full of my cum.” “Breed my fucking cunt!” “You want this load boy?” “I need it.” “Good.” As he started to pull out further to long dick Mike I saw that the bear wasn’t just thick up top. His cock was broad and flat on top, it was stretching Mike’s well used ass wide, and his lips were clinging to the shaft as the bear pulled out. My hole twitched in anticipation. “You ready for my load?” “Give it to me.” “Fuck yes!” He punched in hard and help Mike by the hips as his balls contracted firing volleys of cum into my roommate’s hole. They both panted for a moment, and Mike let out a small “thank you Sir,” as the bear shifted to pull out. His cock fell from Mike’s used hole with a soft plop. He was still completely hard, the big blunted mushroom head of his cock glistening with cum and ass juices. I caught a glimpse of Mike’s hole, a small dribble of cum leaked from the pink gaping hope as it tried in vain to wink shut. I opened my mouth and swallowed the man’s cock as far as I could. I savored the mixed taste of sweet salty cum, and deliciously musky ass. “Good boy,” growled the bear, “clean the cum off my cock and then it’s your turn.” I slurped up and down his cock for probably five minutes, cleaning every inch of it. Mike had gotten up and left the room for a minute. When he came back he had a wide butt plug in his hand already smeared with lube. He handed it to the bear and bent back over. With his cock still in my mouth, the bear stuffed the plug slowly into Mike’s willing hole. Mike let out a sigh as the plug popped into place, locked into his hole. “Fucking pigs. Alright, boy, time to bend over and take my cock. I hope your hole is as accommodating as your roommates was.” I let his cock fall from my mouth and bent over the couch next to where Mike who was still panting a little from the plug going in. “Your holes already leaking cum too,” the bear said stepping behind me. “I was too horny,” I said, more to Mike than the bear, who was now rubbing his cock head on my hole, “I stopped by some guys place right after work.” Mike smiled, and then kissed me, I was a little shocked but I liked it and kissed him back. “Oh yeah, make out with your roommate while I breed him too.” Mike kissed me harder, and the bear pushed into my hole. I moaned into Mike’s mouth as my hole was opened up again. The bear was thick but at this point I’d had some many cocks in me the stretch was nothing but please. He seemed to enjoy it too as he let out a groan followed by a string of complimentary obscenities. Mike groaned then too and I could just see that one of the bears hands was tugging at the plug in Mike’s hole as he fucked me. My eyes rolled back. This was so fucking hot, and dirty. I had never thought that Mike and I would be doing something like this. Yet, here we were, bent over the couch in the living room while a man whos name I had never heard was balls deep inside me raw, while playing with a massive plug lodged deep inside Mike’s ass. My cock leaked in its cage as the bear pummeled my hole. The last guy had fucked me hard but the bear was fucking using me. I had to hold onto the couch for support and he bucked deep inside me. My second ring was as loose as my first and he bashed past its defenses over and over without pause. I felt like putty again, sloppily kissing Mike as my hole was destroyed. I was giving in. I was just a hole. In that moment I was in my idea place, and I never wanted it to end. I felt pressure building in my groin, kind of like I had to pee, but that wasn’t it. It wasn’t a feeling I had ever felt before, yet it was familiar. Then very suddenly, as the bear shifted to fuck me harder into the couch, I felt the pressure release and understood. Thick drops of cum were falling from my caged cock onto the floor. The man had fucked the cum out of me. I panicked a little, worrying that with the release of my load the stunning bliss of being so horny would go away; but it didn’t, it intensified. It had felt good but getting the cum fucked out of me didn’t feel the same as jerking off or topping. It increased my feeling of being a bottom, that my pleasure had been derived from a man using my hole. “Fucking pig bottom, leaking cum all over the floor and still pushing your cunt onto my cock. God I fucking love breeding boys like you.” “Fucking use my cunt!” I practically shouted, breaking the kiss with Mike at last. Mike grinned, “Breed him. Fill him up.” “Fuck, here comes my load pig. Take my fucking load!” With a yell he slammed into me like he had done with Mike, knocking me forward so I was trapped bent across the back of the couch with my elbows now on the cushions. He unloaded what felt like a massive load into me and then stayed there for a long time. He panted for a minute, and then when he finally pulled out he said to Mike, “Now you clean off your roommate’s hole from my cock boy.” I saw Mike drop out of view and heard him slobbering on the fat cock that had just bred me. I stayed where I was, panting and momentarily broken. I was just about ready to stand again when Mike had finished cleaning the bear and he was getting dressed. We both said goodbye to him at the door, fully naked, and covered in sweat. As soon as the door closed, Mike kissed me again and said, “Let’s get you a plug for your cunt too.”
    1 point
  48. Um, yeah, I know what Mike meant.
    1 point
  49. I'd say the bigger challenge is that if you become positive, what medications are they thinking of using that wouldn't have Truvada as part?
    1 point
  50. Part 7 I looked at my unconscious brother laying on the floor. "Oh Elijah," I thought to myself. "You have no idea what's in store for you." I didn't even know what was in store for me. Mr. Jackson held our destinies. One on the men bent down and checked his pulse. "He's fine. That dose of chloro will keep him out for a few hours." "Plenty of time to get back to the cabin." Mr. Jackson said, turning to me and popping a pill into my mouth. "This will settle you down and let you sleep. You've had a busy couple of days boy." It wasn't long before It started to kick in and I felt groggy. Soon I was out like a light. I have no idea how long I slept. It felt like a couple of days. But the next thing I remember was waking up on a mattress on the ground in what was some kind of celler. As my head cleared I figured out my collar was chained to the wall and I couldn't move far. There was a jug of water within reach and I grabbed it, frantically trying to quench my enormous thirst. "Jacob!" I heard my brother loudly whisper. "You're awake! What's going on? Where are we?" I looked across the celler and saw a cage that contained my brother. It was about 3 feet by 4 feet, with thick metal bars. He was naked inside with a collar on like mind. His body had been shaved of all hair except for his head, like me. "What's going to happen to us? He was having sex with you, wasn't he?" Elijah grab the bars and shook them, tears starting to flow down his cheeks. "Pray Jacob. Pray with me for God to help us!" I looked at him blankly. "God can't save us brother." Elijah cried harder as he shook his cage. Then a door opened and Mr. Jackson came down the stairs. "I see you are awake now boy. You slept for several days. But now your ready for more." I didn't say anything as Elijah stared at him with rage. "First things first however. Its time for your brother to start his training." Mr. Jackson unlocked the cage and opened the door. Elijah crawled out and stood up, before charging for the stairs. A powerful jolt to his collar brought him to his knees, screaming in pain as he clutched his neck. "Foolish boy, you will learn." Two men descended the stairs and grabbed Elijah, dragging him upstairs. I could hear him yelling at the men as they disappeared from view. Eventually the yelling quieted down and Mr. Jackson unchained me from the wall and led me up the stairs. Elijah was strapped down to the fuckbench, his legs spread wide, his asshole exposed and vulnerable. His mouth was spread open wide with a metal contraption, keeping him unable to close his mouth. Mr. Jackson secured my collar to a ring and turned his attention to my brother. Stroking his bare buttocks, Mr. Jackson elicited a fresh bout of incomprehensible yelling from Elijah. He just smiled as he moved behind his helpless prey. Letting several gobs of spit land on his cock, he lined up the head right against Elijah's unprotected hole. The room grew deathly silent. Not even Elijah made a sound. Then he did it. Mr. Jackson plunged his cock into my brother as hard as he could, sinking it in one, long non stop lunge. I had never heard a scream like I heard from my brother. I thought he was dying. Tears flowed out of his eyes, snot ran out of his nose, and he howeled and bucked, trying to get away from the pole that had him impaled. Mr. Jackson just laughed and started ramming his new fuckhole deep and hard. I stared in amazement and pity as I watched my brother endure the worst pain he had ever experienced. Mr. Jackson's cock was coated in thick, red mucus as he plummeted the tight hole. Elijah just continued to scream. One of the men moved to my brothers head and grabbed his hair, pulling it up. Without pausing, he shoved his hard cock straight into Elijah's mouth and down his throat. My brother choked and gagged, spit and vomit pouring out of his mouth as his face was raped as hard as his ass. Both men relentlessly plugged his holes until they came at the same time, filling him from both ends at once. When they pulled out, Mr. Jackson grabbed me and forced his messy cock into my mouth to clean off my brothers rape juices. Then he looked at my sobbing brother, picking up a rubber tube and a needle. "I wanted the first one to be pure and clean. Now it's time to introduce you to your new medicine."
    1 point
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