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  1. Chapter 1: Seduction I finally make it home at the end of a relentless week. I plan to do absolutely nothing for a few hours to recover. I set down my bag and collapse into one of the plush recliners in the living room. I intend not to move from that spot for a very long time. My little brother comes in from the hallway. “Hey bro. How was work?” “I’m fucking exhausted. Thank god it’s Friday.” “Amen to that! Hey, you look wiped out. Can I get you anything?” “Yeah, a beer would be great.” “What kind?” “I don’t care. It’s not gonna last long.” He chuckles. “Gotcha. I’ll be right back.” Glad to see my brother and even more glad to know a drink to take the edge off will arrive soon, I kick off my shoes and lean back in the chair, sinking into the cushions. I don't even bother to turn the TV on; the momentary quiet feels too good. I guess I nearly fell asleep right there because my brother kind of startles me when he came back in. “Here ya go!” he says. He is almost annoyingly perky for some reason. But I forgive him because he’s just so fucking cute. “Thanks. I’ve needed this since about 2pm.” “That bad, huh?” “You have no idea.” “Well can you just relax this weekend, or do you have any plans?” “Nothing at all, buddy. I might just sit right here until Monday morning rolls around.” He smiles. I can’t help but smile back at the sight of his dimples. Did I mention he’s fucking cute? Yeah. “Well, there’s your beer. Might as well get your weekend started, bro.” I raise my glass toward him and take a swig. He lets me have my moment before testing the waters to see whether he can bend the rules and join me for his own moment. “Hey, mind if I have one, too?” I finish swallowing my first huge gulps before answering, which no doubt encouraged my magnanimous response. “Sure, go for it. I want you to enjoy the weekend, too, ya know.” Like some sort of little puppy dog, he gets really excited and jumps up to head back to the kitchen. “Would you grab me another one, too? I’ll have this finished before you get back.” “Sure thing, bro. Be right back.” I pound back the rest of my beer, take a few deep breaths, and let the calm wash over me. This week sure took a lot out of me. “Here ya go,” he says as he hands me the replacement bottle. “Cheers!” I indulge him in the clink of a bottle because it makes him feel all grown-up and shit. We each take a sip of our drinks. He tries so hard to act cool and normal about it, but his excitement shines through no matter what he does. Have I mentioned he’s…? Okay, okay. Maybe I have. I check the label on my bottle real quick because I thought for a second that he swapped it out for a different brand. Nope, same swill as last time. I don’t really care. I just need the buzz, and fast. To take my mind off things, I try conversation. “So what do you have planned this weekend?” “Nothing, really. I figured since you were off this weekend, I’d just stay home with you.” His adoration aaaaalmost gets to be too much, but I forgive him. I have that whole older-brother thing going for me. I get it. He doesn’t mean anything by swooning. “Oh, you’re so sweet,“ I say, and I lean forward and tousle his hair a bit. He smirks sheepishly and tries to put his hair back in place. “Oh for fuck’s sake. There’s no one here to impress, dude. Calm down.” At that, he looks even more sheepish and starts to blush. “But… there’s… you…,” he mumbles. My face brightens, and I chuckle. “Alright, buddy, that’s it. C’mere, you.” I grab him and pull him toward me and really mess up his hair this time, making sure to stop when it’s all sorts of crazy. “There,” I say. “Perfect.” He makes a little defeated whimpering sound. (Yes, it’s cute. Gimme a break.) I pull him toward me a bit, giving him a good squeeze. Dang, I’m being affectionate and snuggly. I’m not usually… Wait. I sniff my beer bottle. I take another swig. I realize now why I thought he switched brands. I chuckle and look down at him with a wicked smirk. “You little shit. Did you spike my drink?” I swear his cheeks reddened before I finished the question. A little mousey voice came back: “Maybe?” That makes me laugh a little harder, and I playfully pull him closer toward me. I repeat, just to drive it home: “You. Little. Shit. Well, you’d better be ready cuz you’re about to awaken the snuggle monster, and he’s had a rough week.” “Perfect. I’m ready.” Apparently he’s been planning this. The little stinker. Oh, well. He knows me well enough to know what he can get away with. And in his defense, he did ask me what I had planned this weekend. I squeeze him tight and enjoy the close contact. “How much G did you put in that beer, buddy?” “Not too much. I think you need another one.” I chuckle, roll my eyes, and decide to play along. “You have this all planned out, don’t you? Well, fine. If you’re gonna force me into it like this, I might as well enjoy the ride. I’ll take one more beer, please.” This kid is lucky I love him, I swear. He climbs out of my arms and nearly runs back to the kitchen. I holler after him. “And bring another for you, too. Don’t let me be the only one fucked up around here.” He yells back with an almost ominous tone. “Oh, you won’t be. Don’t worry.” A minute later, he’s back with two beers in hand. He hands me one and quickly polishes off what’s left of his first. We each take our new bottles in hand and reach the necks toward each other’s bottles. “To the weekend!” he says. I shake my head and smile. “The weekend,” I agree. I take a huge swig and immediately regret it. I mean, I knew the kid wasn’t gonna hold back, but damn, that’s strong. “Fuck! Don’t put me in a hole, dude. Whoa.” “Oh, I won’t. I know what you can take.” “Oh do you, now? Well you should know I skipped lunch today.” His eyes bug out a bit. “You see? That would be why I’m fucking exhausted.” He grabs the bottle from my hand and replaces it with his. Smart kid. At least he’s looking out for me. He has limits. He likes pushing them, but he still has them. “Here. You can have mine. I’ll finish that for you.” “You sure, little bro? That’s a man’s drink.” I love fucking with his ego. “Fuck you. I’ll be fine. Besides, this saves me from having to make my own later. Here we go!” And without wasting another second, he chugs half of what’s left. And then he burps to wake the dead. “Jesus christ, little buddy. Are you okay, or do you need an exorcism?” He laughs a little too much at my awful joke, so I know the alcohol’s already hitting him. Looks like we’ll both be cut off after this round. “Alright. Let’s both chug these so we can settle in and pay attention to each other, not our drinks. Okay?” “Sounds good.” We raise our bottles toward each other. We chug. We both finish at about the same time. I look back at him and raise an expectant eyebrow.I start smirking as he realizes what I’m thinking. His face gets red, and he gets a look of frustration and concentration that turns into near-laughter when suddenly another enormous belch escapes his chest. He takes a quick breath, looks back at me, and laughs. “Fuck you, bro.” I can’t help but laugh back. Told you he’s cute. “Alright, c’mere,” I say. “You need to relax and get more comfortable.” I scoot over a bit to make room for him, and he climbs up onto the recliner next to me, nuzzling up to my side and being as adorable as a puppy. I pet his head a bit, and he curls into me some more. He puts his arm across my torso, and I know that won’t stay put very long. I reach over and squeeze him tight. That’s the permission he was looking for. His arm starts moving across my stomach and chest. A moment later, and he slides his hand under my shirt and runs his fingers through the fur he always finds so fascinating. It warms my heart knowing a boy I love — a boy I grew up with — takes comfort in running his hands across my body. We don’t share these moments often enough. No matter what else the little bastard has planned, I’m already content just cuddling with him. I give him another squeeze. He snuggles even closer now, wrapping one of his legs around mine and pressing his thigh into my crotch. This kid’s leaving nothing to suggestion. “Mmm,” I say. “Someone wants to play, huh?” He nods, mutters some kind of mm-hmm, and moves his hand down my torso past my belt, and down to my growing cock. He gives it a squeeze. “Definitely,” he says. “Mmm. Good answer. Here, take off your shirt so we can get comfy.” I help him sit up for a second and watch the reveal that always gets me rock-hard in an instant. I love this boy’s beautiful body. He knows it, too. I notice him make quick eye contact with me to make sure I’m watching. He’d wait for me if I’d been distracted. But right now he has my undivided attention. My brother grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls upward, slowly. He’s taking his time and watching my eyes. He loves seeing the thirst. He knows I won’t interrupt and will let him do what he wants. He knows it’s a little bit of self-torture I offer him by giving him control of this ritual. His hand is now halfway up his stomach, and I can tell he’s running his hand across his skin, enjoying the sense of touch as much as I enjoy the sight. A few more inches, and I get a clear view of what’s hiding under that shirt. That smooth, lean, toned skin I have lusted after since the kid first hit puberty. My body filled out a little wider, a little pudgier, and a lot furrier. His genes made him rail-thin, naturally lithe, and smooth as a baby’s bottom. And fuck, that combo turns me on. His hand keeps creeping upward, revealing his flat, toned stomach. He’s all skin, bones, and muscle, and he has just the perfect amount of definition. I swear, that V line down his hips gets more pronounced every time I see it. I soooo love running my hand down those crevices, heading toward his little dicklet. But that will have to wait. For now, I need to keep watching. I don’t want to miss this strip-tease. Maybe he doesn’t want me to miss it either. I’d swear he must have stopped moving until he saw my eyes snap back to attention. Damn him. He’s milking this for all it’s worth. He lifts his shirt further, exposing the tiniest of nipples, pierced and ready for attention. He brings his other hand up to grab the bunched up bottom of his shirt from both sides, and in one quick movement, he tucks the bottom behind his neck, keeping the sleeves on as normal. He looks like he’s wearing a sort of harness, and the cotton frames his entire torso beautifully. The sleeves roll up a bit, too, exposing the shape and sinew of his lanky, vascular arms. The sight takes my breath away. I lean forward, wrap my arms around the half-naked body of my beautiful brother, and pull him down toward me. We meet face-to-face, but that lasts merely a second as the G takes control of us. We start making out, using our tongues to explore each other’s mouths and to express our passionate interest in one another. His hand slides under my shirt, exploring more assertively. I run my hands all over the smooth, tight skin of his exposed back while I feel our erections growing harder as they rub together. He pulls off my shirt and runs his hands through my fur with full intensity now. I can tell he likes the feeling — he presses his crotch a little harder into mine as he grabs my chest. This sexy boy leans down and gets his face inches from mine. He stares right into my eyes, and I can see the hunger in his. “I love you, bro.” I melt. I call him the same thing I’ve called him since we were kids. “I love you too, little buddy.” That used to be merely an affectionate name; now it’s an intimate one. While we continue making out, our hands reach down to unbutton pants and slide off shorts. He takes his shirt-harness off, too, exposing the tattoo on his left shoulder. There’s a story there, but that’s for another time. Our G-fueled hunger intensifies as our fully naked bodies finally press against each other. He reaches down and grabs my thick, hard cock and gives it a good squeeze. I let out a groan in appreciation. He slowly slides his way down my body, finally ending up with his knees on the floor, his head between my thighs, and his eyes peering up into mine over the tip of my dick, which he has grabbed and lifted up away from my stomach. He has a pleading look on his face. He knows he can suck my dick any time he wants, but sometimes he likes hearing me say it. He’s clearly in an affectionate mood today. He wants me to really play up the role of big brother, and I’m more than happy to oblige. “Looks like someone really wants to taste his big bro’s dick, huh?” He nods. Hell, I’d swear he looks like he’s trying to wag a tail he doesn’t have. Maybe the big-brother role isn’t the one he wants me to play right now. I raise an eyebrow, smirk, and try something. “Does puppy want a bone?” “Arf!” “Hehe. Good boy.” I tousle his hair a bit, and damn if his hips don’t wag even more. Huh. This is something new. We’ll have to explore it more later. For right now, though, I really need to get my dick sucked. “Okay, boy. You can suck your big bro’s dick. You’ve earned it. Now help your brother feel good. That’s all the encouragement he needed, because he’s off to the races now. This kid can suck, too. He must have been practicing with friends from school because I know he didn’t learn all these skills from me, and we haven’t spent enough time practicing recently for him to suddenly be this good. “Damn, little buddy. You’re getting good at this. Where’d you learn to suck dick so well? Have you been practicing on your friends?” He keeps his mouth on my cock and raises a hand to hold up four fingers. “Four of your friends?” He nods. “Lemme guess. Your teammates?” My little brother is on his school’s swim team. That’s how he stays so incredibly lean. “Mm-hmm,” he mutters. He takes my dick out of his mouth just long enough to add, “And coach.” I chuckle. “You fucking slut. You’re the team cocksucker, and your coach is even in on it?” He nods, while continuing to give my dick the attention it needs. “Goddamn, dude. I’m so proud of you.” And to drive the point home, I grab both sides of his head and pull him firmly down into my crotch, getting my cock to press against the entrance to his throat. He’ll open up in a minute. He always makes sure I’m good and wet first. When he comes up for a breath, he adds to his story. “I’m always the last one out of the locker room. I won’t go home until I know everyone gets their needs met.” “You’re such a good cocksucker. I’m sure they love having you around.” “And sometimes… when we lose a meet…” He’s getting shy. That doesn’t happen often. This must be good. I egg him on. “Yeah? What happens when you lose?” “Sometimes they’ll send me to the other team to reward them.” “Holy fuck, dude. They get to use you as a victory prize?” He’s already back on my dick, so all I hear is a muffled “mm-hmm” as he nods his head. “That’s amazing. You’re awesome, little buddy.” He goes back to sucking like he means it, and my mind drifts a bit. That comfort of having a warm mouth wrapped around my hard cock while my head swirls with a hint of G and booze can be a perfect way to end the week. Wait a second. Weekend. It’s Friday. “Hang on, it’s Friday. Did you have a swim meet today?” He nods again. I see his butt start wagging a bit, and I can tell he’s starting to smile around my cock. This kid’s got a secret he wants to tell. The little fucker. No wonder he’s so eager. “And did your team lose today’s meet?” He nods once more. “You fucking slut. You went to the other team, didn’t you?” Another nod. “And how many of their swimmers did you take?” He comes up for a breath. “All of them.” He grins from ear to ear. “I took all the swimmers’ swimmers.” My eyes get bigger and beam with pride. “Wait, they bred you?” Nods and a full smile. “The whole team?” More nods, and he starts to chuckle. “Holy fuck, dude. You’re incredible. Wait…did they…are they… Do you still have their baby batter up your hole?” When I asked that, my little brother looks up at me with more pride than I’ve ever seen on his face before. He licks the underside of my cock, just to show he’s hot shit, before beaming with confidence as he adds, “And their coach’s.” I bust out in amazed laughter. “By the way, the coach’s son is one of their team members.” My eyes double in size. “Holy fuck, bro. You really are the best goddamn slut at your school, aren’t you?” “Well, they said in the whole county.” He smiles, pretending to be bashful. But I can tell he’s really, seriously, legitimately proud of himself here. And so he should be. To have such a glowing reputation at such a young age is more than an accomplishment. It’s an honor. I try and boost that confidence. “Little buddy, I am so proud of you. Goddamn, you’re amazing. You’ve really become the most amazing little slut, just like we’ve been working toward all these years, haven’t you?” He nods with pride. And wags a little again. “Come here, buddy.” I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight to show my support. But the feeling of his skin against mine immediately distracts me, and my other head starts doing all the thinking. I start groping his body, in love with the lean form in front of me. I run a hand down his back, down his crack, and almost to his hole. Except there’s a butt plug in the way. I look up at him. He instantly beams a smile. “See? I listen to what you teach me.” “Oh fuck, buddy. You plugged yourself to keep all the jizz inside?” “Yep. I keep a plug in my locker at school just in case. Totally came in handy today.” “Holy shit. So it’s all still in you? All of it? It’s all fresh.” “Pretty much, yeah.” “Oh, fucking hell, buddy. I have got to sink my dick into your worn-out hole. I need to feel that swim team’s cum coating my cock.” “I hoped you’d say that. Do me a favor first?” “For you, buddy? Anything. I’m so proud of you, and I’m so hungry to get at that boy hole.” “Hang on a second.” He hops up and scampers off to the other room, leaving me a bit confused and way more than a bit horny. When he comes back, he’s carrying a familiar tray, and I finally understand his aspirations for the weekend. For this little cumslut, taking an entire swim team — and their coach! — isn’t enough. The tray contains four swabs and two points. My cock throbs. “Oh, shit. You’re really ready.” “Mm-hmm” is all he says. I play along, eager to see what this kid has in mind. “Alright. How do you want to do this?” “I wanna ride you cowboy for a bit, then bottom out balls-deep on you while you slam me. After I go nuts fucking myself on your cock for a bit, we switch to missionary. You go balls-deep again, then self-administer and let the monster out to really pound my hole like you know you want to.” Damn. Not only does this kid have it all planned out, but he knows how to make a sales pitch. How could I say no to that? “You got it, buddy. That sounds awesome. Anything else you want me to do to help make this your perfect weekend?” “Not yet.” He smirks. “Gotta save some surprises for later.” I chuckle. “You’re trying to take control this weekend, aren’t you?” He giggles a bit because I saw through him. “Yeah, kinda. How am I doing so far?” “I’m totally following your lead. Let’s do this.” “Awesome.” “Here, gimme those points, then suck my dick for a minute. Get me as hard as I can get and get yourself so desperate for cock you can’t resist sitting on it.” He hands me the tray, and I set it on the end table beside me, within easy reach, as he goes to town on my cock. It doesn’t take long before I’m hard as steel and halfway down his throat. He comes up for breath, gasping for a second. “Can I sit on it now?” “Fuck, dude. You can do whatever you want to me.” He smiles with a bit more naughtiness than I expected. Plans within plans, I suppose. But I trust him implicitly and look forward to whatever he’s concocted. “Well, you have a job to do before I can do what I want to do to you.” I’m confused. “Oh? What’s that?” Then my brother does the single most erotic thing I’ve ever seen him do. He smiles, turns around, and bends all the way over. Once he presents his ass to me, he grabs his cheeks and spreads them wide. As though the sight of his plugged hole being offered right in front of my face wasn’t enough, he pushes out a bit, making the plug look like it’s throbbing. Goddamn, this kid is fucking hot. I regain a little composure and tease him right back. “I see,” is all I say. We both chuckle a bit. I put one hand on his ass cheek and wrap the fingers of my other hand around the base of the plug. “Make sure you squeeze once this is out. I don’t want you wasting any of those loads unless they’re gushing out around my dick.” I hear a deep moan, and I know he’s understood. Slowly, I draw out the plug. It’s bigger than I expected, which makes me proud again. I should have known he’d need the big one, after getting pounded by the whole team. The plug slowly exits his hole, and he does a real good job sealing tight once it’s out. Only a single droplet leaks out, and I quickly take a finger and spread the boy juice around his beautiful ass lips. Much as I want to taste his hole right now, I know he’s holding a lot in, and I want to feel the cum surround my dick more than I need it covering my face. One thing at a time. “There ya go, buddy. Good job. Now, you ready to ride your big bro’s fuck stick?” The crude name makes him go a little weak for a second. He glances up at me with that pleading look back on his face. “Fuck yeah. I need that inside me so badly.” “Then go right ahead. You’ve earned it, you little slut.” Without another word, my brother climbs up and puts one foot on either side of my thighs, straddling me as my rock-hard cock stands up and aims for its target: that sweet, tight, cum-filled boy hole is on its way to engulf my cock. He closes his eyes as the head of my dick makes contact with his sphincter. I can tell he’s concentrating on staying tight to keep the cum in but loosening up enough to allow my dick to enter. I’m pretty thick, too, so it takes work. I’m patient. He gets all the time he needs. Hell, he’s earned it already today. Eventually, slowly, the head of my dick, coated with his throat slime, slides past his entrance. We each take in a sharp breath, surprised by the sudden pleasure. “Oh, yeah,” he moans. “That’s nothing. Wait til you get the whole thing inside you.” He moans again as his head rolls back a bit in ecstasy. “And wait til I slam you and turn you into a depraved hole.” He smiles while he moans this time. He keeps pressing down on my dick, making slow and steady progress toward the base. He’s taken half of me already, with serious concentration on his face, but no sign of pain or hesitation. Well, we are in cowboy position, after all. And this ain’t his first time at the rodeo. When his hole hits my crotch, and every last inch of my penis has disappeared inside his ass, he sighs. It might have been the first time he exhaled since I first penetrated him, for all I know. He opens his eyes, looks right into mine, and gets a cock-eyed smirk as he starts grinding his hips into my pelvis. This time, my eyes roll back in my head, and I let out an involuntary grunt. Like I said — it’s not his first time at the rodeo. This kid knows what he’s doing. I love fucking this boy. His hole is so tight, his body is so perfect, his face is so cute, it sends my libido off the charts every time. And tonight, I feel the warm wetness gushing all around my dick — the sperm of the opposing team collected in my brother’s guts and offered as a gift to me. Goddamn, he’s a filthy slut. And I love him for it. He’s eager tonight, too. He starts bucking and writhing, experimenting with the angle and seeing how deep he can get my cock inside him. Each of us makes regular grunts and gasps as the sensations border on overwhelming. Eventually, he leans forward a little and puts his hands on either side of my rib cage. He gets up onto his feet instead of his knees, giving him more freedom of movement. He uses that to his advantage and starts impaling himself hard on my dick, going almost the full length of my shaft with every stroke. It’s almost an anger fuck for the intensity. And damn, it feels good. The added motion makes his balance a bit more precarious, and I grab his arms to add stability. As I do, I feel the solid meat of his well-developed biceps. I start admiring the definition he’s gaining from working out and swimming so much. I also admire the veins he has kris-crossing his forearms, making him look more powerful than his thin frame suggests. His veins are gorgeous, and they really kick my lust into overdrive. They also remind me: I have a job to do. While my little brother keeps grinding himself onto my cock, I reach over and grab an alcohol wipe. I tear open the packet, which gets his attention. He opens his eyes, sees what I’m doing, smiles, and slows his pace. He bottoms out on the base of my dick and starts playing with the angle to see just how deep he can get me. That way, he’s still having fun, but the extra motion has calmed down. Once more, I admire the gorgeous, vascular forearms in front of me. I look from one to the other, look up at his face, and lift my eyebrows in unspoken question. He understands immediately and nods ever so slightly down to his left. I wipe the inside of his left elbow crease, removing any traces of things that could ruin his day. I set down the pad and pick up the needle. Most guys use a strap to make it easier to find a target, but this kid’s arms read like a road map. It’s like his body is offering his circulatory system to me, inviting me to penetrate it. And that’s exactly what I do. The little slut watches, entranced, as I find a thick, obvious vein and gently insert the needle into it. His face flinches ever so slightly, but his right hand immediately finds his meaty cock and starts jerking it. The kid is turned on by watching me administer his slam. He is so fucking hot. I get the needle tip right where it needs to be, and I pull back on the plunger. A flash of deep red shocks the syringe to life. He makes a quick gasp; I let out a low moan. We both know that’s the all-clear sign. We both know he’s about to take off, and our party’s about to start. We look into each other’s eyes for a moment. “You ready?” I ask. “Please…” is all he says. “Good boy.” I press the plunger in.
    12 points
  2. My boy and I were finally getting back into shape. We were spending an hour at the gym together nearly every day. We ran to the gym every day, and walked home. My boy was always horned up after a workout. We had been known to put on a bit of a show in the lockerroom showers on occasion after working up a sweat. I’m sure one or two guys stuck around when they saw us finishing up to watch our escapades. One day last week, we were fooling around in the showers when we saw a guy across the stalls from us. We’d never seen him before, and he made quite an impression. Over 6’-0” tall with a buzz cut and stubble, bulging wide shoulders and furry chest. As my boy knelt down to blow me, I watched as he started fisting his big cock. I maintained eye contact with him as my boy gobbled my dick. When he had me close, I pulled my boy up and swiveled him around so he could see our new friend. I knelt down and swallowed my boy’s cock. Our new friend blew his load as my boy came in my mouth. We winked at each other as we rinsed off and headed back to the lockers to get dressed. My boy was clearly flirting with this guy as we all got dressed and introduced ourselves. The guy told us his name was Dave, and shook hands with us. We all headed out together and walked in the same direction. Along the way, he asked if we wanted to stop for a beer, so we did. Three or four beers later, my boy and I were lit, but Dave didn’t seem to be feeling a thing. He was getting touchy-feely with us both, and I’m pretty sure he managed to slip his hand down the back of my boy’s shorts at least twice. Small talk led to racy sex talk, and he asked if he could come home with us and fool around. My boy looked at me with puppy dog eyes, silently pleading to let us keep him. It wasn’t difficult for me to agree, and we were on our way. The flirting continued as we approached our building. Once in our elevator, Dave grabbed my boy by the ass and lifted him off the floor as he hardcore shoved his tongue in his mouth. My boy was putty and melted into him. I let Dave carry by boy down the hallway as I unlocked our apartment door and led them in. My boy was in heat as he stripped Dave’s clothes off, and knelt before him, taking his thick cock deep down his throat. “You boys play raw,” he asked me as my boy gobbled his dick. “We do,” I replied as I stripped my own clothes off. I was honest. My boy and I did play raw, together, but we hadn’t screwed around with someone else in quite some time, and when we had, we had played safe. “Where’s the bedroom?,” he asked, as he stood my boy up and scooped him into his arms. My boy was making out with Dave as I led them to the bedroom. Once there, my boy bent over the edge of the mattress, arching his back and sticking his ass out. Dave started munching his hole as I dove into the bedside table looking for lube and condoms. I knew this guy was going to fuck one or both of us. I found some lube, even though my boy and I usually just used spit, but couldn’t find any condoms; after all, it had been a while since we needed them. When my boy yelped, I knew I hadn’t been fast enough. Dave reared back and had shoved his raw cock into my boy’s ass. I gasped with surprise as Dave looked as me and smirked. “What? You said you played raw.” He was right, but I hadn’t meant that we played raw with strangers. My boy moaned with pleasure as he felt Dave’s hairy balls press against his ass, filling him full of raw thick dick. “Don’t make him stop fucking me! It feels SO good to have a big dick in me!” My boy was right; Dave must have been at least two inches longer than me, and much thicker. He kept moaning and whimpering as Dave jackhammered his pussy. Dave motioned to me to shut my boy up, so I got onto the mattress and stuck my dick in his mouth. Just as my boy gagged on my dick, Dave slowed his pistoning and jammed balls deep. I figured it was to let my boy get used to blowing while getting fucked. I realized later that he was breeding my boy. As I held my boy’s head and skull-fucked his mouth, Dave pulled out of his ass. “You want some of this raw dick, boy?” I shuddered when he called me boy. I couldn’t help but pull out of my boy’s mouth and assume the position. Dave had two fingers shoved in my boy’s well-fucked ass as he guided his dick into mine. Nothing to lube me up, just my boy’s ass juices, and what I later realized was Dave’s seed. Dave shoved his cock all the way into me as my boy started kissing me. He was still whimpering from the deep fingering he was taking. I groaned as Dave bottomed out and began to tear up my hole. “This boy is loose, can barely feel a thing” Dave chuckled. I knew I wasn’t that loose, especially taking his thick tool, but he took his sticky fingers out of my boy’s hole and wedged them into mine, alongside his meat. My boy climbed up on the bed and shoved his ass against my mouth. I lapped up a sticky mess leaking out of his ass, and realized that they hadn’t used lube. The taste was intoxicating as I swallowed it down. Dave picked up his fuck-pace and then held tight against me. I felt so opened up as he moved his fingers around his dick inside my hole. “You want a go now,” Dave asked my boy. He squealed with delight as Dave tossed me onto the bed on my side. My boy lay down beside me and slid into my slackened hole. He began to fuck me, and I could tell how much Dave’s dick and fingers had loosened me up. As he found his pace, Dave slid into him again and the three of us rocked back and forth. Dave talked dirty, muttering about what cumsluts we both were and how we deserved whatever came our way. The dirty talk was sending my boy over the moon and he bred me as deeply as he ever had. When he was done, I wiggled away from them and squatted over my boy’s mouth. He ate his seed, and what we later learned was Dave’s, from my ass. Dave made no pretense this time, and wailed, “I’m gonna breed you, cumdump! Gonna fill you with my load!” He fired off as he shuddered at least six times, seeding my boy’s bare hole. He pulled out and had my boy sit on my face. I lapped that cum up and knew it tasted the same as the last time I had lapped my boy’s hole. I was still busy eating my boy’s hole when Dave got off the bed and left the room. We caught our breath and made it back to the living room just as Dave was finishing pulling on his clothes. My boy was in lust with this guy and pleaded, “Will we see you again?” Dave snickered and reached for his wallet. He pulled out a black business card with red writing on it. “You want me, my dick, and my loads again, you know where to find me.” He flicked the card at my boy and left. We read it together. “POZ PIGS FOR POZ PLAY. EVERY FRIDAY. MIDNIGHT UNTIL SUNRISE” followed by and address and a phone number. I was shocked as I realized that Dave was POZ and had seeded us both. My boy on the other hand ran down the hallway after Dave shouting, “But we can’t go. We’re both NEG!” My boy caught up with Dave as the elevator door opened. I heard Dave reply as they stepped in the elevator, “You USED to be NEG…” My boy got in the elevator with him, half-naked and the door closed behind them. I stood still for what seemed like minutes, and collected my thoughts. Then, I wondered where my boy had gone. Nearly twenty minutes later he returned. I asked him where he had gone. “Dave was still horny. He pushed the emergency button and bred me again in the elevator. Want to eat his POZ seed out of me again?” I laid down on the floor as my boy squatted over my face and pushed out Dave’s most-recent load. I guess I knew where we would be headed on Friday nights from now on…
    8 points
  3. Made friends online with another top. Turns out he and I use the same local cumdump. So we went over to the dump’s house together and put 4 loads in that pussy. 2 each. Was super fun. I love the physical sensation of churning loads in a slutty hole. I also love the camaraderie and friendship among tops when we are using pussy together. Super fun. Can’t wait to do it again.
    5 points
  4. I went back to the bathhouse recently and ended up spending a lot more time there than I had originally planned to. But there's something addictive about it. I arrived early evening and it was reasonably busy already. I just wore a jockstrap and left my towel in my locker. I did a quick walkthrough to scope out the crowd, and it didn't take long for a guy to grab my ass as I walked by. I nodded, and he wordlessly pushed me up against the wall, spit on his dick, and fucked me right there. It didn't take long for him to cum in me - "Thanks," was all he said as he walked away. Next was a bearded daddy-type who invited me back to his room. We started by making out, and he asked if I'd let him fuck me. I told him I wanted to be a good boy for him and do whatever he wanted, which made his dick jump. He ate my ass out, and when he tasted the cum that had been fucked into me from the previous guy, it drove him wild. He fucked me hard and animalistic, and me saying "please daddy, please cum in me" sent him over the edge. He didn't stop after cumming, though, and kept fucking me for a second load. After he was spent, we lay there chatting for a bit. I told him about my master and my ongoing training, and how I felt at my best when serving other men. Before leaving, we exchanged numbers, and he said he'd be hearing from me for sure. I went back to the public play area, and another guy grabbed my ass - I didn't turn around and just bent forward, presenting my ass, and he didn't waste any time and started fucking me. We amassed a small crowd, including one enthusiastic verbal guy who was very into the fact that I was being raw fucked by a stranger, saying things like 'yeah fuck his ass raw', 'take that raw cock, boy', etc. When the guy fucking me announced that he was close, I loudly begged him to cum in me, which elicited an enthusiastic "yeah! seed his ass!" from the verbal guy. Verbal guy quickly got down and felched me after the guy fucking me pulled out, before himself ramming his cock into my hole. He went all of a few thrusts before shooting in me and then quickly walking away. I left the play area to take a break at this point, and after getting some water, a guy approached and asked if I'd like to come back to his sling room with him. I agreed, and he had me up in the sling in no time. There was a lot of dirty talk which was seriously turning me on and getting me into a slutty headspace. Things like "You're just a slutty faggot jock boy aren't you?" and "You just want to get loaded up, don't you, faggot?". He gave me a bottle of poppers and told me to take a few big hits. My head was spinning at this point, and he poured some lube on his cock and said "You're going to take what I give you, faggot," and slammed into me in one thrust. I just threw my head back and moaned. My ass burned as he fucked me, his cock was thick but it felt right and my head was still spinning from the poppers. He fucked me with the door open, and given his enthusiastic fucking and how noisy we were being, we quickly amassed a small group of people watching, waiting for a turn on my ass. His thrusts accelerated, and he yelled "Take it all, faggot!" as he flooded my hole. He winked at me and said "enjoy yourself, faggot", and as quickly as he pulled out, another guy was there to take his place. Cock after cock fucked me, and I lost track of how many. Each new cock that entered my hole reaffirmed what I felt inside - that I am a faggot, born to please men. Everything about the situation just felt so right - being ass up in a sling, available for anyone to use as they saw fit. At some point, I was pulled off the sling onto the bed, and was double penetrated. Having two cocks in my ass for the very first time, by total strangers, no less, made me see stars. As it was happening, I just started chanting softly over and over "I'm a faggot" while getting doublefucked. The whole experience was a headspace and high like nothing I'd ever experienced before, being DP'd was the cherry on top. When things finally quieted down, the guy who had initially put me in the sling was nowhere to be found, and a quick time check showed I'd been at the bathhouse for almost 8 hours - it was time to leave. Exhausted, I collected my things from my locker and went home, thoroughly used, and incredibly satisfied.
    4 points
  5. Installment number Seven of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown , with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - along with blond Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the Ranch guesthouse with his supposedly more vanilla husband Charlie), German student Karl the Houseboy and the skinhead Manager Zar. Then an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – shows up in time for the party. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story on that stormy Friday night after the guesthouse doors were locked and as Charlie was getting his “revenge” that his hubby was loving, the orgy commences. Once again, apologies for the delay. ANOTHER REAL EXPERIENCE - P'TOWN PARTY WEEKEND PART 7 “Hey,” little Seth pointed out, the big guy is getting left out – indicating Tom’s partner Ed, who as bears go was a real grizzly. “Easily solved,” I joked. Having Miles wrap his legs around my back, I stood up while still full in that tight ass (I was still in the shape to do this back then) turned and said to Ed “would you position that please?” Ed held his hard nice sized piece straight up while Karl held poppers under my nose, and I sat down on the big bear’s cock and huge thighs, all while lean lanky Miles was still impaled on my tool. “Are we crushing you?” I asked Ed over my shoulder. His cock pulsed twice in my ass as his deep voice rumbled “Only in the best way man.” More pipe and more clouds ensued while we began the sex in a relaxed casual way. The evening was just getting started. FRIDAY NIGHT: FUCK STORM This grouping in my room lasted about 20 minutes as we all blew clouds and fucked. Miles, after about 10 minutes, asked to switch so he could top, I agreed and he stood up, followed by me, and then Ed stood as well: I looked back at him in surprise. “You don’t want Miles to sit on that?’ I asked. “No offense Miles, you’re a hot little fucker,” Ed replied. “But I am always the top at home – how about you fuck our host, and he fucks me?” “Hell, yeah!” I responded, turning Ed around and pushing his chest onto the bed, leaving his plump hairy butt exposed. Still standing myself, I bent at the waist to dive face first into his crack. Ed had a beautiful hole, and that beefy manly ass was just what I was wanting after a bit of twink overload! I indicated to Tom to pass me the lube and Max Impact, and I felt him slip a crystal into my hand along with the lube. Leaning forward but not letting Lou’s cock out of his hole, Tom held a cloth with the Max at his husband’s nose and mouth and Ed began to suck on the cloth, then moan once I slipped that rock into his manhole with the lube. “Help him have a good time I can’t give him,” Tom whispered in my ear, then sprayed more on the cloth and had me huff. Moving forward, I slipped my cock pretty easily into that daddy-ass and tossed “Come on in Miles, the water’s fine” to the young southern jock twink behind me. I barely said the words when I felt the kid slowly push his pud into my own hole. The three of us started to moan and and throw a wild, rough, hard bumpy standing fuck between the three of us. The rest of the houseboys were actually cheering Miles on and commenting that they had no idea he was such a good top – in the midst of my pleasure, I chuckled a bit thinking things down in the houseboy bunkroom might be a bit different from now on, and that Miles might be really exhausted by the time the season was over. Meantime, Ed’s hole was a delight – big muscular and hairy, plus he was tight from not being topped often but did have some muscle control he used on me quite well. I was really pleased with this start to the evening. Activity continued while this was going on, and little Seth was now riding Vice’s cock while Karl took a spin with Father Frank. That was fun to watch out of the corner of my eye because Karl was actually bigger than the good priest but Frank seemed like even if he were crushed to death, he'd enjoy every second. Seth paused and stood up, saying “Mister J, it’s really stuffy in here and I can’t breathe, can I open…” As he moved toward my window to perhaps crack it or something, a bright white flash followed immediately by a roll of deafening thunder shook us all, and Seth nearly jumped out of his skin, letting out a fightened squeak the rest of us couldn’t help laughing at. Lou piped up, “Leave the window be. Let’s join the others outside, and let me and J-man lock up this room for a bit to air it out.” Amazingly, they all acted right away, getting up, using some wetwipes on various holes and asses, and started to head out. Tom and Ed made me promise to hit their room later, which I was all in favor of. Karl and Seth pulled Vice along with them while Lou and I promised Vice we’d catch up with him shortly. Father Frank had Miles in tow, and from the way Miles was sizing up Franks ass, the kinky padre might have been in for a real surprise… I thanked Lou for getting the guys moving, as I really wanted to indulge in the variety offered out in the rest of the guesthouse. He agreed as we took a couple of puffs before locking away the pipes, and putting caps and tops on lube and such. Lou suddenly said, “You know my man, you’ve done an amazing job with our boy Vice, I can’t believe he’s here doing this and seems totally comfortable with it…”. “It is pretty hot.” I replied. “He’s a sexy guy whose never had any of his girlfriends compliment or appreciate him, and he seems to be open enough to allow himself to try something that most guys like him would consider off limits. He’s a nice guy and he’s been great company today, in all ways.” “I just wish you’d gotten him just a bit further, I gotta tell you the amount of time I’ve dreamt of tapping that fine Portuguese ass of his… so close, but still so far.” I told him I did not want to make Vice do anything he really didn’t want to and that he might just decide to give bottoming a shot if HE was allowed to make the decision after seeing so many guys take it and enjoy it and even crave it. “Just don’t push him, or he might never try it,” I concluded. “I will leave that in your capable hands,” Lou said as we both chugged some Gatorade and locked the door behind us. Both of us needed a piss, hit the bathroom quickly then went off in opposite directions, him up the stairs to the third floor while I wandered down to the first. The two front guest rooms had their doors open, and a fisting scene was going on in one of them, I was beckoned in by a guy I could barely see, and found myself side-by-side with Zar the manager as we sat on a bench working two beautifully open holes in front of us on their knees on the bed. I alternated hands and used all the twisting, slow turning, expanding and internal stroking in my repertoire and it looked like Zar had some damn good skills too. After about 15 minutes or so, the couple on the bed called for a break and Zar told me to follow him down to the staff area to wash the elbow grease and j-lube off. That’s where we found the houseboys Lorenzo and Noah had joined Karl and Seth in keeping our boy Vice entertained, and I chuckled as he mouthed “SAVE ME” while the boys were swarming all over his hot body. Zar and I got some Dawn dish soap and after a few minutes our hands and arms were dry and free of excess lubricants. Zar and the boys and Vice and I were taking a few puffs off of Zar’s monster water bong when the storm outside reasserted itself in rather dramatic fashion. Another huge boom of thunder was followed by a loud crackling sound from outside the building and then another loud BANG as we were siddemly plunged into complete darkness. “That had to be a transformer blowing out on Commercial Street,” one voice said, only to be followed by a muttered “No shit, Sherlock…” Zar was feeling around for his flashlight which he found quickly. And ran to the top of the stairs shouting at the top of his lungs “It’s just a blackout. We get them a lot. Stay where you are for a minute until the emergency lighting comes on, then continue with what you were doing. I repeat, continue with what you were doing once the emergency lights come on!” (It's true, by the way, Provincetown does get blackouts a lot (or it did in the 90s when I lived there and still did in 2006 when this party happened.) Zar came back down the stairs to the rest of us and asked us all to come upstairs so the houseboys could circulate and keep people calm. Personally, I thought most would barely notice the blackout, but better safe than sorry I suppose. Besides I was hatching an idea as I looked up the staircase to the main floor and saw an emergency light on at the landing. I asked Zar if there was one of those on each landing and he replied “of course”. “Then it’s time for our little show, isn’t it?” I smirked at him. “The third floor landing might as well be a stage in this lighting. Let’s take advantage of it…” Zar looked positively wolfish and nodded. I reminded Vice that he was going to help us put on a show, and he was all in except to remind Zar that he wasn’t getting fucked. Zar was fine with that so long as Vice fucked him! We grabbed a few necessary items before leaving the cellar and headed all the way up to the third floor. The landing there was visible from all the doors on the third floor, plus most of the doors on the second floor due to an open area for the stairwell and the fact that the landing was a good sized 5’x5’ or so, with a perpendicular step up on either side to the third floor hallway that was split with two narrow pathways along the stairwell opening until joining again into one wider hall past the floor opening. It was perfect. “Fake them out,” Zar whispered, “you fuck me first then I’ll flip to fuck you. And you,” he squeezed Vice’s cock, “you can fuck whomever is topping or have the bottom suck you or rim you. Yes?” We both nodded affirmatively in reply! Throwing down a thick towel on the landing, Zar got on his knees in the “spotlight” and started growling “Come on Daddy, you and your pet Straight Boy do me right…”. Now down on my knees, I rimmed him for a bit then slapped his butt a few tmes and got him to turn facing one of the single steps so that Vice and I could spit-roast him and everyone could see all three of us, all while Zar continued a loud twisty monologue about Daddy and the Straight Boy. Finally after a few minutes of me munching down on that pale skinny but tasty butt, I was ready, moving up closer behind him and with a touch of the lube we brought, sank my cock into him to the hilt in one maneuver. “Fuck yeah, Daddy, that’s the way, wreck this hole!” By this time, Vice had come around to Zar’s face, knelt, and pushed his cock into the skinhead’s mouth with it’s tongue piercing, saying “That’s MY Daddy, not yours, pig, now shut your trap, start sucking and take that fuck like a man!” If that wasn’t so hot coming out of Vice I probably would have laughed my ass off and lost my stride, but the scene was smoking enough that it just added. I will admit I raised an eyebrow at Vice while Zar hoovered that cock into his mount. Vice whispered “Just sayin the shit they say on all those pornos we watched…”. I covered the bark of laughter I wsnted to let loose by playing up the RP we’d fallen into, nodding and saying out loud. “yeah cocksucker, if you ever want to join my boy and me as another son and brother, you’d best listen to him and me, and be the best whore ever… cause this is exactly where you want to be, am I right? AM I RIGHT??” He briefly pulled off of Vice and said “Fuck yes! Fuck I want to join your family of boys!”. Soon, Vice pulled his cock from Zar’s mouth and standing offered it to me, so I sucked him while I continued pounding hole. I switched Zar onto his back and we shared Vice’s tool between our mouths, then Vice sat on Zar’s face while I commanded him to “Rim that straight ass…” before sucking Vice down my throat. Then Vice pulled away, turned around and got on his knees facing away from me, dropping his hard tool into Zar’s panting mouth and offering me his beautiful ass to eat. “That’s my good boy, giving me his hairy straight ass to eat… That straight ass is mine, isn’t it boy?” “Yes, Daddy! Its yours! Tongue my hole!” While I was super turned on, I have to admit the professional actor in me was thinking, “Damn, the kid’s good, he should consider the Stage…” After a few minutes of this Vice stood (having whispered something to Zar) and came around behind me, dropped and started eating my hole with gusto. “Do it bro,” Zar hissed. “Get Daddy’s hole ready for me!” I thought I heard a bit of a stir from the crowd we had watching, they were totally caught up in our Role Play. Vice tongued me violently as I continued to slam my cock into Zar, until with a roar, I blew a load up his incredibly talented hole. After a minute or so of me catching my breath, I said “Okay, Daddy’s ready boy, prove you are worthy!” I sucked his long thin white cock with the really big P.A. for a minute or two, then stood, grabbed the railings on either side of the stair I was facing and bent my self over while standing. I could see through my legs that Zar was lubing that cock of his up while he tongued my ass a bit. Vice moved around toward my head, and once Zar had inserted the metal piercing and he head of his cock and began sliding into me, Vice got under me and sucked my cock into his mouth getting me hard again! Those watching were groaning and murmuring almost as much as we three were. Vice then got up again and moved back around Zar while lubing his big tool and then pushing it hard into Zar starting us into a threeway standing fuck. Zar was nearly screaming “Yeah, fuck me straight bro, fuck me!” We eventually all sank to our knees where we continued the fuck and Vice’s wrapping his arms around Zar and yanking and tugging at the skinhead’s pierced nipples sent Zar over the edge and unloading into me while a minute or two later, with a “FUCK YEAH”, Vice unloaded in Zar. While panting like dogs on a hundred degree day, we all rolled into a sitting position on the towel while the guys watching hooted and clapped. “Thank you, thank you” I proclaimed in my “traimed theater voice. “Our show is now over. Please go fuck yourselves – in only the best ways possible!” That triggered an actual group laugh and those watching scattered back to their own sexual adventures. “So, guys,” I said. “That was one for the books. Well, Zar, does that make up for a couple of years of us NOT hooking up?” “Damn straight it does,” Zar replied, while Vice snarked “Watch who you’re calling a damn straight…” which just made Zar and I bust out laughing. “Gotta say that was wickie hawt.” Vice continued. “Never thought I’d been part of something like that – you two had me on fire!” “Pleased to be of service,” I replied, holding my hand out to Lou – who appeared out of the shadows somewhere – so that he could help me up. “My goodness,” Lou gushed while bro hugging Vice. “Untapped depths, Yo, untapped depths. Impressed.” Vice just smiled back while we all went to clean up a bit before starting up more adventures – it was barely past midnight, so much more to do!!!
    3 points
  6. Holy shit thats hot! 🔥🔥
    3 points
  7. So, I think I got addicted to junkie pussy. I'm really itching to get more after the last time. So, this was yesterday when I finished work late: It had been a long and tiring day at the office, and all I wanted was to go home, have a drink, and forget about work. As I walked down the dimly lit street, my eyes caught sight of a young woman standing alone on the corner. She looked lost and desperate, and I could see the fear in her eyes. She clung to her small purse, as if it was her only lifeline in a world that had turned its back on her. At first, I thought nothing of it, assuming she was just waiting for someone. But as I got closer, I noticed her tattered clothes, the bruises on her arms, and the way she nervously scanned the passing cars. Her face was sunken, and her skin was pale, making her look almost ghostly. Her eyes, which once might have been bright and full of life, were now dull and lifeless, and they were sunken deep into their sockets. Her hair was matted and unkempt, and she wore a ragged and torn dress that barely covered her body. Despite her emaciated appearance, there was still something strikingly beautiful about her. It was like seeing a diamond in the rough, and I felt a strange pull towards her. It was obvious what she was doing there. She approached me, her voice barely above a whisper. "Hey, mister. Want some company?" I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of guilt and arousal. It had been a while since I had been with a woman, and the idea of a quick and anonymous encounter was tempting. Especially with such a desperate girl. I saw the pain in her eyes, the scars on her arms, and the way her voice shook with fear. And I just knew how to make her more desperate. I took a deep breath and said, "No, thanks. I'm good." As I walked away, I could hear her mumble something under her breath. I didn't catch what she said, but I knew that she was disappointed. I turned around and walked back to her. "Hey, wait. Are you okay?" She looked up at me, her eyes shining with a mix of desperation and hope. "I...I need money," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "For what?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "For drugs. I...I need to get high. It's the only thing that helps me forget." She is honest. She knows where she stands. At the bottom. Reduced to do what man want from her. Perfection. "Come on," I said, taking her hand. "Let's go somewhere more private." We walked to a cheap motel I knew a few blocks away. As Grace entered the dimly lit motel room, I got a closer look at her. Her movements were slow and hesitant, like she was afraid of breaking something. She removed her jacket, revealing her thin, bony arms. Her skin was marked with bruises and needle marks, and she had scars on her wrists. As she started to unbutton her shirt, I could see the outline of her ribs and the hollow of her stomach. She had small breasts, but they were still perky and youthful. Her hips were narrow, and her legs were thin and shaky. She seemed fragile, like she could shatter into a million pieces at any moment. As she turned around to face me, I could see the desperation and sadness in her eyes. She was like a wounded animal, and I felt so aroused. My cock was rock hard. . I took my pants off and her eyes widend when she saw my 8 inch uncut dick. "On your knees", I said and she obeys. I press my Cock onto her mouth and she begins to suck. Buy she has trouble getting it all in. And her spirit wasn't in it. If she had any spirit left at all. After 5 minutes of her half-assed blowjob attempt I had enough. "You are bad at this. I hope your pussy is better." She flinched when I grabbed her by the arms and threw her onto the bed. I moved onto her, while she lay still. She looked so skinny and frail, I was worried, that I would crush her with my big hairy belly and my body weight. But only a little. And I had needs. I positioned my Cock at her pussy. I could feel she was dry. But that didn't matter. She would become wet. They all did. I pressed. She flinched, but couldn't move away under my weight. She was so dry and tight, it hurt my dick. But that just made it more exciting. A little pain was like aphrodisiac for me. I pushed deeper, a little out to just go back deeper. She squealed and skirmed, but I hold her tight with my weight and my strong arms. I could feel her get a little wet while I continued to push in and out. Her pussy was so tight ... After some minutes of slowly getting her ready she was now wet enough. I continued to fuck her. Pushing in and out, with every stroke going deeper into her. She whimpered with every push and when I pushed all my 8 inches completely in her, she screamed out. Which turned me on even more. I started pounding her like a jackhammer. Making her scream more. The pressure in my balls got bigger. I could feel my dick swelled more, got even harder. A tension built up in my whole body ... I grunted when I felt the release, pumping her junkie pussy full with my cum. I collapsed onto her, feeling her sobbing under me while my cum was dripping out of her pussy. I sat up. She lay there, some tears running down her cheeks. Her pussy was red and swollen, dripping with my cum, that slowly run down to her tiny ass. Just looking at her got my dick hard again. "Time for round 2", I said. She didn't say anything, when I turned her around, prodding up her ass. With my fingers I lubed her butt with my cum and started stretching her. She didn't seem to care. So I continued. 2 Fingers, 3 fingers. I think she was ready. I pushed my hard dick in her and this time it went in easily enough. With one strong push I was balls deep in and she squirmed under me, but I hold her tight, while I stretched her asshole with my big dick. I started pounding her little butt while she screamed into the pillow. It turned me so on, that I came in like a minute. My balls hut a little after I released myself in her again and fell panting on the bed. I hadn't cum twice in such a short time in a long time. "You did well", I said. She looked at me with red eyes and nodded weakly. Her ass and pussy were full of come and other jucies. I put on my clothes and put 200€ on the side table. Her eyes widened when she the money. She grabbed it quickly. "We should do that again", I said. With the money in her hand she nodded eagerly, my cum dripping out her holes, messing up the bed. "For that money you can do anything to me, with me." "Like I said, good girl." We exchanged numbers and I went home, where my girlfriend was waiting. And she was horny. Oh, what a turn on it is, fucking her, while my dick was still full of the juices of the junkie chick. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction.
    3 points
  8. I have fucked countless 'STRAIGHT TOPS' Put another way - today's straight top is tomorrow's gay bottom.
    3 points
  9. Get down to Florida and you can really show your thanks….
    3 points
  10. Oop. I usually try to avoid that combo even in fantasy; thanks for the public-service announcement and reminder!
    3 points
  11. Jeezus F. Crisco… if this story was any hotter, my computer would be a heap of molten metal and plastic. (A cautionary note: G and alcohol do NOT go together. In real life, these 2 would be lucky to be alive. The story is still hot as hell…)
    3 points
  12. If I were to respond to such a situation and then discover that his ‘car’ was a hearse, I’m not sure I could go through with it. [opens car door, finds Lurch waiting naked] You rang…? (Actually, with my luck, the occupant would be Thing the disembodied hand, who just wanted to give handjobs.)
    3 points
  13. My name is Jacob, I am 27 6'3 195 white, Blonde VGL (model type) 10" thick uncut rod that women love and men love even more. My favorite thing to do is to turn a straight guy into a cock loving whore. Does not always work but that does not stop me from trying. I am 70% successful at a full conversion from all straight to mostly gay. I seek out couples mostly white or Latin couples to focus on turning the over sexed straight guy into a cum loving whore. I found this kid online who was looking for a guy to share his gf, his ad read like this: Soccer Jock Latin 24 5'11 170 hung and GF 23 5'3 125 white, blonde looking for a third - a guy to share her. 100% straight both of us and you should be too. Looking for a regular on call buddy to share her with. She can take DP, DVP and loves to suck dick. We would prefer natural sex but okay with you wearing a condom but you must be completely clean condom or not. She also tea bags, eats ass and is a dirty little slut behind closed doors. She does not play well with other women so no couples. Hit me up with your age, stats and a pic. We will get back to you! I responded with my stats, age, and a picture of me in shorts with my dick half hard. Mentioned I was hung, clean and had a GF who traveled a lot and needed some pussy to fuck and breed. Totally clean here. Would like a regular pussy on the side. Lucas responded right away, dude when are you free? I totally want to see you fuck and breed my gf. That dick looks huge, even bigger then me. Let me know, we can host and looking for tonight or this weekend if you can get here. He gave me his number and his kik to get in touch with him. I got him, I knew he was totally into it and me even if he did not realize it. I answered him back and told him my GF was out of town this weekend so I was free all weekend. I would be for one time or a couple this weekend if his girl was up for it. I asked, can she take bwc? You said you were hung so she probably can and how often has she been DVP? I love that, my girl will not do it. I did not give him my digits, this made him email back. Text or kik me, we want you to come over tonight at 8PM and if all works stay as long as you want. I sent him a text: Hey, this is your blonde buddy, hope she knows hot to take big dick. Give me your address and I will be there at 8 PM and will bring a bag with me with some toys and a change of clothes if all goes well and we fuck into the night. He text me right back with the address and Great! Shot me two more pics, one with him fucking her and damn that ass of his was amazing I could not wait to get that tight little hole on my big dick.
    2 points
  14. Although my story makes a small reference to RJB56’s “Graduation Night”, the latter cannot be associated or be held responsible for what follows, nor that I pretend to write stories as hot as RJB’s. Part 1 I deal drugs. You’re offended? Sue me. I’m also a motherfucker. If I’m horny, I will fuck you up onto next Sunday more ways than your brain can think. Skin, ass, balls, cock, fingers, ears, nose, hair, tongue, they are all leverages for me to bend you over and breed you with my toxic cum. I grew up in a trailer trash park community made of ex-convicts, drug dealers, drug addicts, biker gang members. With a hard ass father (not my real one, but the most steady figure in my life) and multitude of fly-by-night mothers; sex, violence and drugs were the normality. I still live in the same park, but in my own trailer with the previous owner all tied up and gagged, nicely stow away in the narrow cupboard that the trailer offers. The wimpy old man, (he’s 42 and I am 24!) knew better to make any sounds when he is in “his room”. We are at this period of the year where graduation parties pop up 3 or 4 times a week. So yeah, I am busy. My sex and social life almost plummet to none during that period, and to be honest, my roomie was lacking some freshness, and motivation. Hence, the bondage. With nothing else to do while I am away making my deliveries, he was tasked to think his 5 top reasons for me to keep him. I had just dropped off earlier a nice delivery at Jordan and James mansion. They were hosting a graduation night party for a bunch of freshly legal Christian highschoolers, and if possible, to positively convert them to a new religion. I was at the Black Eagle, a friendly chaps and leather bar, nursing a second beer when I got a text from their nephew asking for G&T supplies. With a nod to the bartender, I grabbed my keys and drove back to the mansion. - Don’t tell my uncles. - Not my business to tell, as I collected my money. It’s on my way out that I saw a small frame in the grass near the entry bushes, face down ass up, puking his guts. Normally, I wouldn’t have blink on this scenery, but the clad-ass pants were appealing. As I got nearer, my hope to score almost vanished as I looked at the frail body. Underaged, I thought. - Are you okay? You shouldn’t be here. You are too young for this party. The kid raised his head, unveiling a thin moustache all over his upper lip. - Fuck you asshole! I’m nineteen and… He never finished his sentence as his wretched stomach was still upset and tried to expulse what ever was left. And he never had the chance to raise his head again as I grabbed him by the neck and force his face down to a fraction distance of the vomit. - You little punk! You think you can mouth me off? He tried to wiggle his ass out, but fuck, he was no match. - I will teach you respect and humility. Stick your tongue out! I have to give him credit, he was resisting. I increase the pressure on his neck at each word so he can see I meant business. - STICK. YOUR. TONGUE. OUT! It took only few seconds before seeing the light pink tip of his tongue touch lightly the soiled grass. - LICK IT. Nothing could have described better his position than the soft grizzling coming from his throat. With my other hand, I strongly slapped his ass. And lick he did. - You look like a filthy pig, I laughed. He was heaving deeply. - I suggest that you refrain yourself to puke again, little punk, because if you do, you will have to lick it up all over again. Not sit back on your heels and chin up. His face was covered in slime and smell like it. - Let me clean you up a bit. And with that I start pissing on his face and on his hair. In his drunk state, it took him few seconds to register the warm beer-recycled piss soaking his shirt and preppy pants. Maybe it was a cause-and-effect thing, or maybe just the fact that he to go, nevertheless he started to piss himself! I grabbed a large handful of his black mop. - You’re coming with me, piggy boy. Without any option, he had to follow my hand wherever it went. He was bent at belt level, and despite the piss smell, I kept him close to me. If he looked down, he would see my 11-1/2” size boots; if he looked up, it would see my semi-hard 7” cock trapped in what was coming to be an indecent bulge. My car wasn’t really that far but I took my time, walking slowly. - You’re coming with me. I will fuck you. Hard. A few times. I might beat you. For fun. Make you beg to suck my cock and lick my armpits, or anything else. - I will never suck you. I like guys that has guts. This one has still some fight in him. It would be fun to strip his mind, one step at the time; to ply the straight boy as I wish until he would ask for more. Never say never. - Challenge accepted. I let him rise his head and he got a good look at me. His eyes went down briefly at my crotch and back. I just smile. - Unh uhn. You are not getting in the car with your clothes. He just stood there with a dumbfounded look. - You should think before letting a stranger piss on you. Now, strip. Slowly. He looked around. It was past midnight, and the street was deserted. You were able to hear distant noises from the party. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing dime-sized virgin nipples. Then he removed what were once new shoes, probably bought for the event. Then came the fancy pants. Size 24. - Underwear. He brought his hands to the waistband, and with a defiant look, he removed the blue and grey stripped fashion-style boxer brief. I pop up the trunk and threw the dirty clothes in after retrieving his wallet. - Get in. - I’m not gay, he said with a shiver in his voice, hands clasp to his crotch. I look with satisfaction at his body. Probably 5-foot, 110 lbs. Average in the cock department. He wasn’t bony or skinny. He was a young man on a small frame with a nice dark olive complexion. - Doesn’t matter. I am. And I closed the trunk.
    2 points
  15. Boxers briefs are by far the most comfortable for every day use. Undies/jocks/and thongs Ill wear when I go out dancing or with shorts.
    2 points
  16. People are more concerned about their taxes going to help people than they are with our government wasting it on the military industrial complex. SMH.
    2 points
  17. Name: Bjorn (SluttyBBFFist Sub) number: +31641518359 Ethnicity; white Position: bttm Zip: 3013AK Netherlands
    2 points
  18. So I got texted by my older daddy asking if im able to come over. I told him Im still bit sore from our last meet. He said he needs me to help put together a new sling he got. Damit it so I was aroused. I went there. Got to his house expecting its a trick but nope there was a long box in the garage. He sat on the sex bench and watched me build the sling. 2 hours later i finished it. He did help a couple of times. He said lets try it. I was a bit tired but agreed. He said strip and I did and got on it. It was too hight for him got off and adjusted it a few timea and finally at his hight. Got back on it and it was comfortable good adjustable head rest and the the arms and hand restraints were good. I laid on it spread eagle as he looked at my hole. He said this will get good use as he laughed. He started to rub my hole then turned around and said be back. He left me laying there for a few minutes and came back naked and carrying some things. He put some lube on me and I said take it easy im sore. He said shut up as he was rubbing lube on my hole and i saw his cock was like a rock. He lubed his cock as he stroked his cock. He put his cock against my hole and i slipped in easy. He said this is great as he started to pump. He grabbed the support bars and pumped hard and then exploded. He walked over to my head and lowered the head rest and made me clean his cock. He pulled me off and he said he will get the group together and use you on this all night.. I got excited and hard hearing that he push me on my back on the bench next to the sling and sucked me off. Got up and dressed and left
    2 points
  19. That would be me and most of us on this site. Had to reread this fuckin fantastic story!
    2 points
  20. “Have fun with my toxic load tonight slut. You’re going to regret begging for it.”
    2 points
  21. Agreed. And though I don’t rim, I don’t refuse ATM, so I’ll be adding a dose of Pepto to my pre-service prep going forward.
    2 points
  22. I DO play raw with strangers... every opportunity I get!
    2 points
  23. Just can’t say no to a dude who explicitly says he “wants to pound me out”. Last night after work went to the place of this hung, charismatically dominant black stud I first met last Dec. and have been craving him since. He started out catching up and having a smoke. When I came back from taking a piss, he had me stand in front of him while he sat on his couch and took time to feel and take in my ass before reaching inward to peel my 3-inch seam shorts down just enough to expose my butt and told me to bend over the couch backrest while he spread my cheeks and dove in to taste me. Then went to the bed where he order me on fours and began pushing into me. His dick is one of the most perfect I’ve ever had the privilege and honor to suck and get put into me. He is thick but “soft” at the same time so it’s a combination of two sensations that I can’t really describe. He’s also like 8.5-9” so I felt him make his way deeper. Soon my head was spinning and could only focus on his manhood owning mine reaching my guts that I eventually got wet enough to cum from my hole. That sent him into a frenzy and began fucking me harder as I became catatonic til he said he was about to nut. I asked him if I earned his nut and said hell yeah you’ve earned it. I felt him become more engorged and I knew he was close to nutting but quickly pulled out to jerk and put more force into swelling his balls then shoved it right back in me and let out a loud deep moan of pleasure as he convulsed and seeded me. I stuck two fingers in my sloppy pussy (as he likes to call it) to taste what he did to me. Then got on my knees to thoroughly suck him clean and please him some more. My guts were hurting from the assault with occasional deep, stabbing pains and I thanked him cuz this is how it’s supposed to feel once a man has used me thoroughly. Said he will always make time to use me. But got a buddy from last weekend joining me at the gym tonight after he’s outa work then you can just imagine what he plans to do to me afterwards and where. Shower. Sauna. Industrial park again? Another day, another load.
    2 points
  24. https://twitter.com/nineinchtop/status/1647330796624310272 You have to be logged into Twitter to see this age-restricted video. Otherwise, you will just see an ad for his OF.
    2 points
  25. After I said "Fuck, you're thicker than my husband." He replied: "No wonder why you're tighter than my wife..." Context: His wife and my husband are good college friends. She was visiting town (with her hubby) and my husband and she went to a show together after we all had dinner. Hubby and I decided to "hung out" at a local bar nearby waiting for their show to end... After a few shots, we hooked up in the bathroom.
    2 points
  26. So the last time I used a condom was with a young man I'd been chatting with online, we hadn't discussed it before hand so when he showed up he brought a condom and asked me to use it, which I did. We fucked for a while and eventually I stopped and let him know I wouldn't be able to come with it on. He ended up finishing me with his hand that time. Next time he hit me up, he let me know I could fuck him raw. I think for him it was a trust issue, in that he didn't trust someone he was meeting for the first time, but after getting to know me longer he trusted me enough to let me breed him.
    2 points
  27. @BootmanLA has some valid points. I also want to offer a perspective from the reluctant bottom. The guy who first got me to bareback 30 years ago tried all the techniques you are advocating above. He eventually slipped his big, uncut cock inside me bare. After a few strokes, I freaked out and told him to quit. He did, and we finished with a rubber on. We fucked again a couple of weeks later with a rubber again. Then his patience paid off the third time because the memory of how good that brief bare fuck felt led me to ask him to fuck me raw. He was my first bareback fuckbuddy; he probably got to put 100 loads or more in me over the years. So being persuasive and demanding can work, but planting the seed and then backing off might lead to a longer term thing.
    2 points
  28. Actions always have consequences, sometimes minor and sometimes not. If someone isn't prepared to be judged for what he's said, maybe he shouldn't say it. Because free speech (as a concept, not tied to a particular legal implementation like the inapplicable-here First Amendment) necessarily means others can speak too, including judging what the first person said or wrote. And as for "if not here, then where?" I would point out that even this site has rules, so it's not a case of "anything goes". There's a huge difference between (A) providing a site where people can discuss behavior that may be frowned upon by society at large, but which isn't harmful to anyone else and (B) providing a place for people to brag about doing truly malicious things. Celebrate being a shit person if you want, but don't demand that no one else call you out for being a shit person.
    2 points
  29. Thanks for that well thought out comment. Too many people are too reactive. I have this take on the issue as a white 58 year old American: The bottom line is contrary to popular belief, accidentally dropping out of your mom’s pussy on a particular patch of the earth’s soil does not make someone superior to others. People seem to think being born here makes them better than “others” but the fact is we have millions of fat stupid lazy useless uneducated sloppy idiot “real” Americans laying around taking up space, who contribute nothing of value to the United States. They breed and eat. That’s it. id gladly trade them for these desperate but industrious hard working ambitious persistent folks who come to our border wanting work and freedom. I’m so sick to death of fat stupid obese flabby assed lazy whiney hetero Americans. they make me sick. I’m tired of their shit after early 6 decades of hearing it. All of it. All their fucking useless bullshit opinions on everything.
    2 points
  30. I hopped in the car on the way over and told Lukas that I wanted his beautiful girl on her knees when I walked and him right beside her so he could coach her on slowly pulled my cock out and have her nurse my dick fully clothed. Then slowly pull my dick out and suck and lick my head and see how much she could take. If he really wanted to score points he would put a blindfold on her and tell her what he sees to get her excited. She should be in bra and panties and Lucas a jock . He text back Hot!! Text me when you get her and I will text you back that we are ready and the door will be open just walk in and we will be in the living room ready for you. I shot back Great! See you soon! I pulled up and text him and he text back two minutes later that they were ready, I opened the door and there she was in her bra and panties and blindfolded and he was right beside her in a jock, I could see the side of his ass and fuck he had a beautiful ass. His head was turned to me and he smiled and stared at me I could tell he liked what he say and he had a hot little body and face too. He would be easy to pimp out once I turned him. I told him to start telling her what he saw and I could hear the excitement in his voice as he told her. You are so lucky, he is a tall Nordic good and even better looking then I told he he would be. He is wearing jean and a belt and he has a huge bulge in his pants for you. I came up and stood in front of them. He continued to tell her I was wearing a tight t-shirt that showed my pecks and big shoulders and arms and I had a sleeve on one arm that he had not seen in the pictures. I told Lukas to take her left hand in his and to guide it to my bulge and show her. He grabbed her hand and guided it to my bulge and rubbed her hand on it, he could have let it go but he kept his hand right here holding hers and part of his hand was rubbing me. I told him to have her hold part of my belt while he unfastened it and once it was loose to have her go back to rubbing my bulge while he unbuckled my button and unzipped my pants. He paused but did 30 second later, He had my pants unbuckled and he started to unzip me taking his time, he licked his lips, not sure if her realized that he did that but I said nice, He looked up and I smiled. I told him hot hot this was, tell your girl how hot this is having her feel my big dick and make it grow. He whispered in her ear, you like his big dick don't you? She said yes softly you want to feel it, taste it don't you? Feel it inside you? She got louder and said yes. I told Lucks to work my pants down but leave my underwear on. He did while she rubbed and I grabbed her hand while Lukas struggled to keep my underwear on and pull my pants down to my knees. I placed her hand on my rod and let her feel it push against the fabric and I instructed Lucas to untie my shoes and pull them off, He untied them both and then I lifted one and then the other while she kept rubbing my dick. Now that my shoes were off I lifted on leg and told him to pull and he did and I was free and then l Lifted my foot and had him pull off my cock. Then the other side. I thought fuck my little str8 boy was really great at following instructions. He had done far more than most the first time and I had only been there 30 minutes. I told him to hold her hand and show her hot to cup my balls while you two kiss. While they were kissing I told him to move her hand to my dick and rub and while he did his hand hit my dick first and he rubbed my cock and she rubbed another part and when he came up he realized he had hold of my dick and he stopped. I told him to pull my briefs down enough but do not pull my cock out, He did and she rubbed my head still trapped in my briefs. I told him to hiss her again and he did and he touched my skin and kept his hand there while she rubbed my head. Bring her closer while you kiss her, I want her to suck the head of my cock through my underwear. He did and they were kissing right next to it and I pressed my head into his face and he pulled away and stared at my head and the wet spot with precum. She did not wait as she started to suck my dick through the material and he moved her head over to my wet spot. She moaned as she tasted my precum. She had only been there 30 sec and I told them to kiss. He made out with her, I knew he was tasting me on her tongue. Then she went back to sucking my head and I told Lukas to pulled my briefs further down so my dick was about to pop out while she licked it and she worked out my head and my entire dick slapped her in the face. I was leaking and precum was running down her face toward her lips and i told him to lick her lips and as he did the precum was right there and I watched him rest his tongue so he could catch it and he did not kiss her after he pulled back and swallowed it and then kissed her so she could taste it. He then guided her back to my dick and she started to suck it. She was licking my head and sucking on my foreskin and being a good little hungry cock sucker. He looked like he was jealous, I told him to tell her what a good job she was doing. How great her mouth felt on my dick. She worked my dick for five minutes and I said now it is your turn and he started to get up and I told him no don't go anywhere. Pull out your dick and he pulled out a nice 8" dick uncut like mine and I told him to hold my dick while he moved her hand to his dick, he slowly put his hand around my dick to hold it while she sucked and licked and then I told him with his right hand take her off my dick and guide her to yours. I thought he would let go of my dick but he did not. She started to suck him and he instinctively started to jack my cock a little. I continued to precum and he could not help but watch as my dick was leaking and a line of precum dripped off and hit his leg. He leaned in and licked my head, I thought fuck dude that works for me. He seemed to be upset with himself for doing it as he never looked at me and tried to not look at my dick but kept jacking it and when the next drop was about to fall he licked it again and stayed there a little longer and then again would not look at me. I said fuck she is going down on you like she is hungry. He did not say anything and then this time as I was leaking he sucked my head for about a 30 second and then stayed there and licked my head. I knew this was going to be a fucking while night!
    2 points
  31. My partner caught me off guard last night saying he had a 'surprise' for me last night. I was fraught with work and wasn't really in the mood at the time. But he persisted. I decided to fuck work and prepare for this adventure. The next thing I know this guy about half our age shows up at our house in a jock strap and I swear his BBC was at LEAST 7 inches...soft...and it filled up a jock strap all the way down. My bf (a total top) asked him where he even hides that in his pants lol. We then proceed to do all the 3some things and then our partner asks me to ride our friends' cock. Now this got me scared! He was exceptionally thick AND long! It took me about 5 minutes to get him about 70% inside my ass. Once I did, it was PURE heaven! Until...he pressed the last inch or so of his 9.5 rock hard cock to that LAST spot inside! It honestly hurt...I later realized he was hitting my second hole inside. I've never felt that before! But both of them absolutely LOVED watching me struggle! After I felt his ROCK hard cock spasm inside me and shoot his load, I said I have GOT to get back to work! About 10 minutes later, he walked into my office and said...I need to show you something...come back to the bedroom...where he proceeded to fuck the HELL out of me another time! Yet again...I decided work could wait so the 3 of us decided to sleep naked in bed together. In the morning, I thought his ARM was caressing my cheeks but it was his ROCK hard, THICK cock, ready for more! It just so happened that the bf went to the bathroom to pee at this time and then our friend proceeded to press his HUGE cock into my ass again! This took another few minutes of me struggling and then the bf walked in on us with half our friend inside me 😎....he came a 3rd time inside me....and then there was this morning, about 5 hours later. I got up to get ready for the day and, all of the sudden, I control myself and...I swear about a half cup of cum came running down my legs inside my jeans! I have NEVER experiences that sort of opening, cum inside experience ever before but can't WAIT for it to happen again! 😁 What are your stories? 🐖
    1 point
  32. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_lsy2dxwG4ejd He takes good directions!
    1 point
  33. This seems to be the prevailing line of thought. Even when there was gay bars in my area play really didn't happen on premise, you had to click and then go get a hotel. Didnt have much luck at Feathers in River Edge
    1 point
  34. terrific story.......i'd play raw w strangers
    1 point
  35. No. Charlotte NC. Just got. Load dumped in me. Still horny and high in my hotel room looking for more
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Last night, went to nude day at subway sauna in Melbourne. Really busy and got a lot of raw cock! Not even a minute in the dark room I got my first raw cock ! Decent size daddy mounting me right away , he did took awhile to cum as soon as he bred me, another cock took over , I was non stop taking 5 cock in a row. Then nothing, crowd seems gone after that. Took the time to go toilet, saw a hairy daddy about to take a piss, I asked if I can drink his piss, he said yes so kneel down sucks his cock a bit then piss down my throat:) after that I get his cock hard and he bred me in the toilet:) walk around the sauna a bit , no action, went back to dark room, and positioned my ass up on all4, not long after had another 3 guys fuckng me , the last guy was rough, he flip me on my back , leg up , hand on my throat chocking me spitting on my face , after he bred me, I was pretty much done, 9 guys in less than 2 hours time. I was leaking cums on the way home.
    1 point
  38. I’ve gone a few times. The hottest experience was when I went into one and there were no doors on booths. I walked in and immediately a guy pulled his cock out and said “this what you hear for?” I dropped to my knees and started sucking him. I could feel the eyes on me as I sucked until he blasted in my mouth. When I turned there were 3 more cocks waiting in line. My quick lunch break ran over an hour.
    1 point
  39. Not all that uncommon. For them any hole's the goal and I'm down to be that hole. They don't want the drama and strings of fucking a girl, worrying they're gonna knock her up, etc. I'm down for them to fuck me and rawdog me which most love that I'm down for. I don't just them for it, not for me to say whether they're straight or not or put a label on them.
    1 point
  40. I'm poz, all my medical diagnoses say AIDS. No idea who infected me, and honestly, don't care. I've been taking cocks and loads bare, for over 45 years (59 yrs old now. do the math lol!), Diagnosed about 5 yrs ago, but doc thinks I've been poz for many years before that. Never any sign of the "Fuck Flu", so no real way to know... Got right on meds, and was declared undetectable within the year. But if I hazard to guess, it would have been probably 15-18 yrs ago, while in an adult bookstore video booth area, in Atlantic City, NJ. Guy had just got done giving me wonderful fucking, came in me, of course, and as he was getting ready to leave, he started to say something like "I've got to tell you something, that you might not want to hear". I remember stiffening up, as suddenly thought he was going to say "I've got aids".. he must have noticed my reaction, as he finished with "You're too cute to be straight.." I relaxed a little then, said thank you, as he opened the booth and left, with me still bent over, naked, in the booth, his cum sliding from my hole, as I was hoping for someone else to come in... Of course, I've also taken quite a few Homeless men in my ass and mouth, all bare, and I know my hole has been torn, more than a few times, by really long cocks, and quite a few really thick ones. I've had guys just ram their fingers up my ass, DRY, and while painful, I admit that I enjoyed the treatment. I've never had a guy come right out and tell me he was poz, but there have been more than a few, that I knew were poz, at least two, that I knew had full-blown aids, and who passed away months later. ***Correction*** There was a tranny hooker who had been breeding me almost every time we met, which ranged from once a week, to a couple years, we hooked up for years, and then lost track of each other. When we finally ran into each other, she was in her final stages of AIDS... she lost a LOT of weight, and it showed. She told me that she was dying of aids, but we had been friends for so long, I just hugged her and held her for a while. I went up to her apartment a month or so later, and begged her to fuck me, bare. She started off refusing, but finally gave in, and bred me a couple times over the next week. I didn't see her after that, and was told by her roommate, that Angie had passed from complication from AIDS a month before... I miss that old Queen, and not just for the sex (she was blessed with a THCK cock!), but for the personality, and the love... I'd like to think that I got her last load(s)...
    1 point
  41. For me it was always the rush I got from the unknown. Taking raw cock anonymously and not knowing what you may get.
    1 point
  42. I've done a few. I'm not into underwear so I've never stolen any, I've also never left my jizz for someone to unknowingly eat or drink, took advantage of someone who was an addict or passed out, or tampered with a condom. What I have done is have sex in wildly inappropriate places (including a church sanctuary), jacked off and left my cum in numerous places that it shouldn't have been, often while watching someone who didn't know I was watching, and stealthily turned a sucking session into a fucking session (which often doesn't work and makes guys mad).
    1 point
  43. gloryholes are where I really learned what a dirty, sluttty whore I am. I spent so much time kneeling in front of gloryholes, fully naked, sucking each and every cock that came through the hole until stranger after stranger blew his load down my throat, for at least an hour or two almost every day in high school and university, once or twice a day, even when I had to sneak in. thats when I realized I didnt care what the guys looked like or their name or age or looks or height or weight. I just wanted to suck the cock of every single male who was willing to let me and swallow their cum. and I just got sluttier and sluttier. sucking more and more cocks, leaving my porn booth door unlocked or even open where I was on my knees, naked, sucking cocks through gloryholes, on both sides. sometimes just putting my mouth up to the hole to suck any cock that came through, without even seeing the cock. then gradually starting to get fucked bareback and bred through the gloryhole with no idea what the men cumming in my pussy looked like. plus unlike taking anon loads in a bathhouse sling or darkroom fuckbench or blindfold on some guys couch, the men who bareback me through gloryholes often have no idea what I look like so its not even like they think I’m hot. to them I am literally nothing more than a fuckhole they use to jerk themselves off and they likely think I’m pure trash. I honestly thought I had standards (low standards) before I started taking loads in both ends through gloryholes and loving it.(specially both at the same time)
    1 point
  44. Looking forward to the next chapter - and Jeremy!
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  45. I’ll be there ass up Wednesday July 20th- Saturday 23rd. DM if you’re a hung top and need to dump a load. No loads refused regardless of status. 🐽
    1 point
  46. Pete and I had scored some favors for this weekend, so we packed up our duffle bags and headed for the baths on Friday night. We got there around 9, so we had plenty of time to get our parTy on before the bar crowd started arriving. We had both done a thorough, deep cleanout before leaving home (plus we hadn't eaten for 24 hours!), so we were ready for some heavy duty assplay! We dropped some X and smoked some T, and then started playin' with each other's holes. The "club music" pounding through the halls of the bathhouse, and the occasional sounds of rough sex from the surrounding rooms helped us to get into our favorite sleaze mood! After several rounds of the glass cock, we were definitely in need of some hard cock - and believe it or not, it was already 2 am!!! (Time flies when you're havin' FFun - and high!) We could hear the door buzzer downstairs letting new people in, so we were eagerly anticipating getting our fuckholes filled. I went out to the chalkboard by the 3rd floor bathroom and printed "2 PNPigs - BB Only! #312." Then I went back to our room, where we gave each other a hefty booty bump. We opened the door - and waited. It wasn't long before we had two young, muscle twinks fucking us and shooting thick loads of cum deep in our hungry holes. When they were done, they got up, wrapped their towels around their waists, and left. Next up were two Latino studs with big, thick, uncut cocks. "You guys fuck raw?" one of them asked. "Bareback only!" Pete insisted, as he pushed some of his previous fucker's cum out of his hole. The two guys smiled, came in, and sank their fat pieces of meat in our well-lubed holes. When they were done shooting, Pete and I eagerly cleaned off their tools with our mouths, including the loose foreskin covering the fat heads. (Damn, I love the taste of my ass on a fat cock!) Smoke! Booty bump! Open door! Next were two leather, muscle bears in harnesses, boots, chaps and leather codpieces. They walked in, shut the door, and snapped off their codpieces to reveal perfectly matched, pierced, beercan thick, cocks!!! Pete and I sat up and each took one in our mouths. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the one that Pete was sucking pull out a glass pipe from his leather vest. He heated up the bowl with his torch and took a deep drag of the thick, white smoke. I took my mouth off the fat cock that I was sucking, long enough to say, "Fuck yeah, Daddy!!!" He lit it again and handed it to his younger buddy, who filled his lungs with chemsmoke. Pete pulled on his leather Daddy's balls, while he shoved the fat, pierced meat down his throat. "Fuuuccckkkkk!" the leather stud growled. "On your knees, boy," he ordered. Pete and I both got on our hands and knees, exposing our hungry fuckholes for some serious fucking. The two leather studs took turns fucking our asses and mouths for a good 30 minutes (along with a few more tokes on the glass cock...) The feel of those 00 gauge PAs slidin' across our prostates, and the nice stretch from their thick meat (combined with the X and T!) was fuckin' incredible! They finally shot nice, thick loads in our holes, and continued to fuck their cum deep inside us!!! Then, to our surprise, they both got down and greedily sucked the cum out of our fuckslots!!! When they were satisfied, they stood up and traded cum in a deep, sloppy, bear kiss. While they were stuffing their slimy cocks back into their codpieces, I noticed the older stud eyeing our assortment of XXXLarge dildos. "Looks like you guys are into some serious assplay?" he grinned. "You got that right," I said, lubing up our Ty Fox dildo and easily sliding it in Pete's sloppy hole. "Us, too!" he smiled, bending his buddy over and sliding 3-4 fingers in his hairy, muscle hole. "We're gonna go parTy some more, but we'll be back to get our holes stretched! You guys are FFun!!!" he said while licking his buddy's butt juice off his fingers. Smoke! Booty bump! Open door! "Man, I love playin' with versatile guys like us," Pete said, greasing up our Kris Lord dildo and ramming it in my chemhungry pighole. "Fuck yeah!" I moaned, as I leaned over and chewed on his pierced nipples. The next few loads became a blur, as the parTy favors really kicked in. All we knew was that we needed more and more cock! At some point, we looked up, and there were two "wide receiver-sized" Black studs standing in the doorway. A little goofy from the chems, Pete piped up and said, "Hope you guys have some big, fat cocks, 'cause we sure need to get fucked!" The door closed and the towels dropped to reveal two enormously thick, veiny, pierced cocks. Pete and I grabbed our ankles, pulled them back to our heads, and pushed our battered holes open for our two new fuckers. "Damn! Your message wasn't kiddin' about you bein' a coupla pigs!" one of the guys said, referring to my message on the chalkboard. They wasted no time in sinking their thick, fucktools into our slutty jizzholes. "Damn! I never had my cock slide in so easy!" the one with the pierced nipples said. "You must get fucked a lot." "Every chance I get," I panted, as he ground his monstercock as deep as it would go. "Hey, James - how's that dude's ass?" my fucker casually asked his buddy. "Sweet, man. Most guys scream when I deep dick 'em like this. But this dude just keeps on grinnin'," James said, as he through his entire bodyweight into fucking Pete. "Oh -- Fuck -- Oh -- Fuck -- Oh -- Fuck!" I heard Pete chanting in rhythm with James' deep thrusts. Between their muscular legs, big muscular bodies and huge cocks, these RAMstuds powerfucked our greedy holes into ecstasy!!! When they finally came, it seemed like they were unloading a quart of cum in each of us - and they just kept pumping - and pumping - and pumping! When they finally pulled their cocks out with a loud "ploplplplpllp," my ass felt full and empty at the same time... "Give us a while to recharge, and we'll be back for more!" the guy with the nipple rings grinned, as he wrapped his towel around his muscular waist. "Yeah, that's some of the best ass I've ever fucked!" his buddy winked. When they opened the door to leave, our two leather buddies were standing outside. They stared, open mouthed, as the two hung, black athletes squeezed out into the hallway. "You lucky fuckers!" the younger leather bear smiled. "Everybody in the place has been after those two studs since they walked in." The leather guys walked in and closed the door. "Looks like you guys could use a "pick-me-up," the leather Daddy said, as he loaded a good-sized rock in his glass pipe, and fired it up for us. "Thanks, man," I said after I had inhaled a huge white cloud deep into my lungs. "That was one incredible fuck," I said dreamily, noticing that his goateed face was between my legs, sucking out the cumpilation of loads since we'd last seen them. "Mmmmm-Hmmmmm!" he managed to acknowledge as his tongue dug deep into my spunkhole. His buddy/son/slave was between Pete's legs doing the same. More smoke! More booty bump! Lots of assplay between the four of us. These guys weren't kidding when they said they were into heavy assplay. Pete and I put on the leathers we'd brought with us, partied some more, and then got down to the business of workin' our new buddies' holes. Fortunately, they were as much in to catching as they were pitching. Four hungry pigholes definitely got a workout! And with a little Viagra, I think each of us got a turn at fucking the other three's fuckholes! "Damn, I'm glad you boys like to fuck," leather Daddy said, as Pete drilled him with his chem-assisted hardon. "I get tired of bein' the only top around, and I sure love a big dick in my hole after I've been parTyin'," he grinned. "Hey babe, let 'im have some of your cock for awhile," Pete winked, as I pulled my wet 8 incher outta slaveboi's hungry ass. I have to admit, when I'm fucked up, turned on and full of Viagra, I do have a damn thick cock - with a 00 guage PA!!! "How's this feel, fucker?!?!" I growled, sinking my fat cock into his gaping rosebud. "Fuuuuccckkkkk! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Fuck my hungry pighole, stud!" he yelled. When I looked over, Pete was on top of slaveboi's stiff cock, ridin' like a buckin' bronco. "Pigs fuckin' rule!!!" he yelled, waving his fist in the air. Eventually, hungry for more cock, we opened the door, and our Black studs were waiting outside for another fuck - only now there were four pigs to service!!! One of them left, but came back in about five minutes with two other, equally hot and thickly hung fuckers! Each of us was rewarded with a mindblowing asspounding, ending with a buttload of thick, hot cummmm! Boy, am I glad I put that message on the chalkboard! It definitely paid off this weekend!!!
    1 point
  47. Part 5 I looked Markus in the eyes and it was clear our sensual, almost romantic moment was over. After getting higher and higher, pushing ourselves to new limits I saw that familiar, sadistic chemmed up piggy look he’d had before, but more intense this time. I look over into the mirror as the morning sun started to shine through, and I saw someone with the same look as Markus staring back, it was me 😈 We we’re now ready for the next step but a glimpse of reality hit as I look over at the clock and see it’s 06:30am. “Fuck” I said starting to panic while trying to fight this new level of chemmed up pigginess I loved so very much! “I’m supposed to be downstairs for a work conference in 30 minutes Markus, what am I going to do?!?!? There’s going to be lots of medical personnel there who will easily spot the fact that I’m spun TF out!” I start to almost hyperventilate, getting very light headed and Markus leaps over and wraps his arms tightly around me. He says “don’t worry boy, you’re NOT going anywhere. We’re not even close to being done. Let’s take a moment and figure out how we can get you out of this conference all together so no one will come by to bug you. Think, what can you do that’s convincing?” Having him hold me tightly helped a lot, I was able to climb back to a slight sense of reality, and started to think. I opened my personal and work laptop and said “a family emergency suddenly came up and I have fly out to Germany right away! Markus, log into your personal email on my laptop and send me saying my aunt was in a bad accident and likely wouldn’t make it! Let me log into my VPN so it can’t be traced back here! Would you do that for me daddy?” With this evil grin on his face, he looks over and says “of course boy, that’s genius! You really are a smart, efficient thinker! Just like a real German!” He sends it to me, but now I need to call my boss and get this meeting rescheduled. I’m not someone who can cry on command but had another idea… “Markus, this will sound crazy, but I need you to choke me until I start gasping for air so I will get congested and sound convincing… can you do that to me daddy?” Without missing a beat, he grabs me by the throat, throws me down on the bed and starts chocking me out. Because we’re both high as FUCKKKKK, we both find this a turn on and get rock hard! After about a minute of him squeezing so tight I can’t breathe, he sees tears start to fun down my face and let’s go. I start coughing uncontrollably and get congested, now sounding totally convincing. For good measure (and probably his own sexual thrill) he gives me a rather hard slap across the face. Fuck that turned me on, only a few more moments of having to focus on reality then I’d suddenly have the whole week to fuck around! I call my boss who is surprisingly sympathetic and says “no worries, I’ll book you for the next meeting in a month but don’t worry about that now, go be with your family.”I told her that my regular cellphone wouldn’t work in Germany, so if she needed to get ahold of me for whatever reason to use WhatsApp or email since I’d still have access to WiFi. And with that everything was set, except I’d need to be out of this room by noon. Markus said with an a still evil looking grin, “boy you’re gonna come stay with me. Don’t you worry, daddy will take care of you. I own a house here in town and have a very special room I think you’ll love.” I thought to myself that sounds amazing! “So if you have your own place in town, why did you book a room here?” He said “after we landed I could see what hotel you were staying at as part of your travel arrangements… how else was I supposed to know what room you were in? After we both turned in for the night, I went home, dropped off my luggage, got my stash and came back. Tell you what, go get yourself cleaned up, pack your bags, and we’ll head over that way in about 20 minutes?” After our experience earlier, I knew that wasn’t a question and that 20 minutes meant 20 minutes, not 21, 25, 30 etc… Germans are very punctual people 😂 I take a quick shower, throw on some shorts and a T-shirt, drink an entire bottle of water to avoid being super dehydrated, get everything packed and making sure to check at least 5 different times no paraphernalia was left behind. I sit on the end of the bed and try to gain my composure, I hope to god I don’t pass anyone I knew on my way out! 20 minutes on the dot, I hear a knock at the door. I cautiously make my way to the door and thankfully it’s Markus. He comes in, grabs my bags for me (such a gentleman) and says “we’re going down the back stairs and out the side door so we don’t have to go through the lobby and risk being seen”. Such a genius I thought! “Here, you’re gonna need these. It’s already bright out and your pupils are pretty much He hands me a pair of sunglasses “here, you’re gonna need these.” We get down stairs and head out the back door into the bright California sun. Felt so good to feel that, and what felt even better was seeing all these men and imagining what they’d feel like inside me! I’m still horny as fuck and wanna ride every man I see practically! Markus leads me to his car, a shiny new Black Audi with tinted windows. “Nice ride” I say! “German car, German driver” he says as we winks at me and motions me to get in. As soon as the doors close he grabs me by the hair and pulls me in for a deep, passionate kiss! He looks down and sees my cock is still rich hard, throbbing, and dripping a ton of pre cum. He reaches his hand into my shorts, rubs my uncut head which is visibly driving me wild, then pulls his fingers out and licks the pre cum off and says “fuck that tastes good! Can’t wait to get you home!” My cock was sitting straight up and when I put my seatbelt on, the part across the lap was pressing on my cock which felt so good. He leans over a little, gives the belt a quick, yet forceful tug and my head leans back while I let out a lustful moan. He looks me up and down and says “enjoy the ride, won’t take long. 5 minutes probably so enjoy that tight feeling on your cock😈” Then he started up the car and we were off. He wasn’t kidding, within 5 minutes we were rolling up to his house and as we were going down the street, he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me down far enough to where I was hidden from view. He says “don’t want my neighbors seeing me bring home such a skanky slut” as he patted the back of my head. Fuck that turned me on, although at this point what didn’t? We pull into his garage and only after the door shuts, he releases the firm grip he had on the back of my neck and says “welcome boy, now we can truly do what we want.” He led me into the house and my jaw dropped! This place was a huge, 2 story house and the back door led to a pool then a small lake beyond that. I am taken aback by everything and as I turn around, he’s already pulling out his bong. “Ready for more? Now that we don’t have to worry about a thing! Oh, and I have a surprise for you later on 😈”
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  48. Part 3 The ride back to the hotel seemed to last forever, but in reality it was only 10 minutes. It was late, but I enjoyed seeing the sparkle of the downtown skyline. I pulled out my phone and had a few texts. First was from my boyfriend saying “Love you and have a good night, going to bed now because I have to be at work earlier than normal.” I texted back “Love you too”… don’t get me wrong, I did love him but he could never be what I truly desired… Next one was from Martin. He said “Hey babe, hope you landed safely and can’t wait for your return! I need that hole milking my cock ASAP!” I wrote back “Yep, on my way to the hotel and I can’t wait to feel you shoot your precious seed in me again 🤤” Last one was from Scott. He said “Hope you made iT here fine and I canT waiT To see you!” I replied with “Yep, On my way to the hotel. Can’t wait to meet you too sexy man!” Meanwhile Markus was busy on his phone, but I didn’t pay him much attention because I was too focused on how much had just happened in the past few hours, and what would be happening in the next few days! We finally pull up to the Holiday Inn off Del Paso RD just past 11pm. Markus and I both get checked in and head off to our rooms. They were pretty close by, maybe 5 doors down from each other. As we head to our rooms, he give me that slight nod and says “good night” in his German accent. I say the same and head into my room, kinda disappointed because I really wanted him to show an interest in me but just didn’t get the feeling he wanted me in that way. “Oh well, can’t have them all I said out loud to myself.” I get into bed, thinking to myself was this a dream? Did I really get fucked in an airport bathroom by Martin? Did Evangelos the Captain really find me attractive? And Scott, was he really interested in me? Felt like sensory overload because I have NEVER been this lucky in my entire life. What was I going to do once I got back home and saw Martin again? Man, he was so hot! I couldn’t help myself, I got up and slipped out of my boxer briefs, put on my red NP jock, and started fingering my hole which was still wet and swollen from Martin practically rapeing me! With my other hand I start jacking my cock, which is about 7in, not too thick, but uncut. In my mind I’m just replaying everything that happened earlier, I go from one finger, to two, to three, then to four. Feels so good I shoot my load and explode in a burst of hot cum! I shoot so hard it goes past my face and hits the headboard behind me! I am spent, but like a good little cumdump no load is ever truly wasted, not even my own. I scoop up as much as possible and finger it into my hole and lick the rest off. Shortly afterwards I pass out and fall into a deep sleep, again thinking of Martin and what could be. *Knock Knock Knock* is what I woke up to at about 5am. Still in that foggy, sleepy brain fog I stumble out of bed, still wearing nothing but my re NP jock and answer the door without even bothering to look through the peephole. “Guten Morgen” I hear. After taking a few moment to rub my eyes I focus and see Markus standing there, looking me up and down! Speechless, I freeze and it suddenly dawns on me I’m wearing nothing but a jock and have a full hardon bulge. He just gives me a quick look up and down, whispers “Das wird einfach” (I speak German and knew he was saying “this will be easy”) and let’s himself in. I take a few steps back and he closes the door, locking it behind him. Now that my morning brain fog has lifted, I noticed him wearing a wife beater and basketball shorts. He also had a throbbing hardon easily visible. “This has to be the most vivid wet dream I’ve ever had” I though to myself. He continues to state me up and down and just gives me the most evil, lustful, aggressive look. I stare into his eyes and wonder if his pupils are huge because it’s dark, or because he’s spun… then he grabs me by the shoulders and aggressively throws me on the bed and chuckles… “I have my answer” I thought to myself 😈
    1 point
  49. Lucas text me an hour after I left and told me that was fucking hot, he wanted to do it again. I text him back and told him I agreed it was hot and the three of us should play soon. He immediately text back when? I text him that I am out of town the next five days but how is Friday. We set a time and I told him I wanted to same set up but this time I wanted him in a jock naked and her naked and blindfolded. When I went over I made Lucas unbuckle my pants and pull them down, pulled his head into my underwear and he started to suck my dick thru the fabric while I fondled her breast and then I let his head loose and he pulled down my underwear and my big dick flopped out and hit him in the face and he stated sucking it and I caught him looking up at me this time. Those sweet brown eyes on that boy he was so hungry for my dick he almost forgot about his girl right beside him. I pulled him off my dick and told him to stand up and grabbed his girls head and pushed it into his jock and she sucked his dick which was already leaking. While she did I rubbed his chest and pecks and pinched his nipple and he moaned. I told her she was doing a great job. I reached down and grabbed the fabric of his jock so his boy could get loose and she started to suck his dick. He looked at me as I went back to rubbing his chest and pec and then I leaned in and he did not move and I kissed him. He did not move, we made out for a few minutes and then I pulled off and he started to moan loaded. I put my other hand on his ass and rubbed it and then slipped my hand down and slide it in between those two fat cakes and when I hit his hole and rubbed it and said omg I am getting so close. She seemed to back off and moved my hand to her head and held her on his dick while I rubbed his hole in a circular motion and then without much more movement he came in her mouth. I told her not to swallow as he came and told her to stand up and kiss and share her prize with Lucas. She did I leaned into Lucas and whispered in his ear good boy. I watched as they kissed and cum spilled on Lucas's face. She shared it with him and as they made out and then I told them both to swallow. She was the first to swallow, I could see Lucas was having trouble so I leaned in and rubbed his chest and said swallow boy, He reluctantly did and I immediately went to his girl and make out and I could taste his cum in her mouth. Then I told her to suck my dick and she got down and started to suck my hard leaking dick and I leaned in and kissed Lucas and made out with him and then pushed him down when I was finished so he could watch her suck the dick I knew he wanted in his mouth. He looked pathetic, she was enjoying sucking my big dick and he was being ignored. I waited another five minutes and then told her to get up and guided her to my side and started kissing her and before my tongue was deep inside her he was sucking my dick and working me like he wanted me to cum. I was not even close yet, after he worked my for three to four minutes I picked her up and ate her pussy while he tried to deep throat my dick. I let him work at it for ten minutes before I took her to the bedroom and he follows and I took her first. He stood beside the bed as I lifted his girls legs and slide into her and she started to moan, He walked behind me and watched me slide deep in his girl and stretch her pussy. I asked him if he liked how that looked and he said fuck yea, I asked him if he watched to lick her pussy and he said yes, hell yea. I then asked him what he was waiting for and he did not hesitate to get down under me and lick my dick and her cunt while I fucked away. I pulled out and he caught my dick and sucked me clean and then I slide back in and we did that five or six time and then I shot deep in her pussy. I told him to clean her up and he went after he pussy and started to eat her deep. I got dressed but before I left I came up behind him and as he ass checks were spread and he was on all fours with his face deep in her pussy I licked his little cunt and ate him for three to four minutes and then slapped his ass and as I headed for the door. Once I got to my car I licked my lips and thought fuck that is one hot little cunt on that boy. Can't wait to split that cunt in two.
    1 point
  50. Carl – The Homeless Dick Gangbang in the Library and Matt the War Hero Apparently the main library in downtown DC was a place that a lot of homeless guys hung out when the weather got colder. More importantly for Dr Mike’s purposes (see story – Dr Mike Biohazard or healer?), there was a cruisy bathroom in the basement and a stairwell where guys fucked. When Dr Mike told me this he said, “You have agreed to do as I say, and Saturday, I want you to go down to the library and visit the reading room in the basement. I have a patient, he is homeless, a vet, who will be there as well and I have told him about you and what I expect. His name is Carl, he will meet you in front of the library at 9:00 a.m., and always wears a raggedy, long, blue trench coat. He also has an incentive as I promised him you will pay him $5 for every load of cum in your ass or mouth, but they better be mostly in your ass, so take a roll of bills with you, say $100. Anything more than that and you can make it up to him how you wish. I expect you to chase the infected cum as since these guys spend a lot of time on the streets, many hustle, many share needles, they almost all AIDs fuckers. You will serve him as you serve me. No questions, understand? Good. I will call you Monday once Carl reports in to me.” I had never really fucked with guys at bookstores and stuff, so was really nervous and did not know what to expect. I put some supplies into my backpack, a couple hand towels, small bottle of lube, my poppers, hopped a cab from Logan Circle and got dropped off at 9th and G Streets. The Martin Luther King Library is a long, low building, modern design and one that people seem to hate or love. I was not worried about its architectural integrity, just needed to satisfy doctor’s orders, so I climbed out of the cab and walked towards the main entrance. I did not see anyone fitting Carl’s description until I was almost at the front door. Carl stepped out from behind one of the columns, and he did have the long, blue and ratty trench coat on. Yes, it was cool out, but the coat was beyond disgusting. So was Carl. He was of mixed race, about 6”2, dark hair that was curly and fairly long, dark eyes, but clearly dirty and homeless and I could smell him 10 feet away. About 30 I guess and he was smoking a cigarette like he was sucking a drink through a straw. However, when he spoke I was taken aback, “Hello, my name is Carl. Dr Mike has asked me to ‘direct’ you so to speak today so here is the plan. A lot of guys use the library for a place to hang out and get warm during the day. Homelessness in America is a terrible sin, and makes God cry, but what can we do? That is neither here nor ether. You will serve me as you serve Dr Mike, do you understand? Yes? Fine – here is what I expect. I like ass, plain and simple, so I want to fuck you. You got a nice white ass on you so I want to cum. Also got friends, lots of friends in here and you brought the money right? Yes? OK, - well $5 for every load of cum. Come on, I am horny and want you to suck my dick.” Carl led me across the first floor to the bank of elevators at the back. There were a couple other people standing there too, women, who looked like they worked there, but paid Carl and me no mind and when the up elevator came, they got on. Carl and I waited and soon got on the down elevator. When the doors opened and I stepped out of the elevator bank I saw a long hallway to the left and right with hanging fluorescent lights up and down the middle of each hall. Even with all the light you could tell you were in the basement. It was still dark, damp, and cold. Carl walked down the hall to the right, and entered a small hallway to the right and a bathroom marked Women. What? I started to ask Carl and he said, “No women come down here, they know better, this is our place, now suck my cock.” I got on my knees and started to suck the nice cock Carl pulled out between the buttons in his trench coat. It was about 8, nice and fat, cut, and thick. His dick was two-toned. Light at the top, darker at the back, and I sucked and licked as best I could. Even though he was uncut his dick head had lots of cheese around it and funk, mix of sweat, old cum and probably someone’s ass. I just kept telling myself I needed his AIDs cum, so Dr Mike would be happy, so I sucked him as best as I could. Carl was hard but it did not seem to do anything for him. I stood up and bent over the dual sinks in front of the mirror and pulled my pants down. “Oh yes, that’s what I need, nice white ass, oh yes,” Carl said as he started stroking my ass cheeks. I reached into my backpack, pulled out the little bottle of lube and poppers and tried to handle the lube to Carl. He laughed, “Dr Mike said you may try that, no, the only lube you will get today is man juice, thick, infected, AIDs puss juice. So please put the back in your back and don’t bring it out again. The poppers are cool, let me do a hit.” I handed the poppers to Carl, who opened them, took a big hit, passed them back to me and returned to stroking my ass as he stroked his dick. I was worried as poppers make some tops soft, but not Carl, seemed to horn him up even more. If this was going to be a long day, I was glad the poppers were fresh. I then felt a nudge at my ass as Carl spit, and worked a finger in my hole. I guess Dr Mike taught him well as Carl started scraping my ass with his nails, which were really long, thick, and dirty. My ass was already sore, so I flinched, arched my back a bit forward, but Carl kept digging. He paused, pulled his fingers out, seemed to be inspecting them, then pushed them back in and dug harder. This time it really hurt and I cried out a little. Carl laughed, “So that’s your spot huh?” Pulled his fingers back out, looked at them again and I could see in the mirror as he smiled, licked his fingers clean, then bent forward, spit into my ass crack a few times, stood up, and eased his dick into my ass. “We’re going to get you good an infected today. Dirty up that nice white ass with AIDs snot and puss. You like that? Guess you must, or you will, doesn’t really matter either way. I’ve been fucking white ass since Boot Camp – can’t get enough of it and thanks to Dr Mike I will get plenty today. So you ready?” I nodded and said, “Yes please, I want your infected cum – please give it to me, please. I NEED YOUR AIDs.” Carl just pushed his dick into my ass, my hole opened up, welcoming his charged dick like long lost relative. Carl started moaning, and petting and rubbing my ass as he fucked, slow and steady. He had not been fucking me long when another guy, homeless from the smell and look of him walked in. I was scared, but guess Carl knew him as he stopped, stepped back, stroking his dick, and said, “Go on man, fuck him, he’s my slut today, so let the boys know. Got some good ass here.” With that the other guy unbuckled his belt, dropped his pants, and pulled out a nice black 9 or 10-inch dick. He spit on it twice, jerked the spit with his palm, then pressed it against my hole. I took a big hit of poppers, pushed my ass back and said, “Give me your black cum man!” The black guy grabbed my hips and started fucking me, while I could see Carl in the mirror stroking his cock as he watched me get some dick. The guy in my ass did not last long and before I new it he shot his load, pulled out, and left. I thought Carl would want me to suck him now, so I started to turn, but he pushed me back over the sink, dug two fingers up my ass, pulled them out, then lunged forward with his dick. Carl still had on his long blue coat with his dick pushed through the space between the buttons. He grabbed me tight around my chest, laid his head on my back, and fucked. Carl did not say a word as he fucked, just moaned and groaned as I kept us steady by leaning on the sinks. As Carl fucked me two other guys walked in. They looked rough – total street thugs with braids, Tommy Hilfiger coats, tats running up their necks, and both were well over 6”5, 6”6 and heavy and thick, and young in their late teens, or early 20s. I tried to push back afraid they would be upset by what they were seeing, but Carl leaned forward and kept right on fucking, seemingly oblivious to our new visitors. So I just looked at them in the mirror as they watched Carl fuck my ass. I hoped Dr Mike was happy. My ass hurt and this was degrading as fuck. Carl squeezed me tight and unloaded, pulled his dick out my ass, looked at our visitors and as he tucked his dick inside his coat said, “Sup fellas?” “We hear there’s fucking going on. This is our turf asshole – you know that. No fucking down here unless we get in on the action. Whatchu playin with? Whatcha deal? Who this boy?” Carl seemed hesitant, “He’s a friend of Dr Mike’s, you know Dr Mike, so don’t FUCK WIT ME!” They both laughed, and the guy closest to the door opened the door up as the other guy grabbed Carl by the shoulder of his coat and shoved him out of the bathroom. There I stood with my pants down around my ankles, in a bathroom at a library, cum dripping out my ass, as two thugs looked like they were going to beat me down. The thug closest to me said, “You like dick faggot? Betcha you do since you were all up on that nigga. He’s a fuckin bitch. I think you need to feel a real black dick, we need to get some of that and fuck Dr Mike – that asshole ain’t here, so time for us to get some good, sweet ass. Get over here, suck my dick!” I stumbled forward, bent down, and watched as the first thug unbuckled his pants and let out a big, black and thick dick. He was uncut, 9 inches at least, and smelled like Irish Spring soap. I almost laughed as he smelled sort of fruity compared to his persona, but held it in, opened my mouth and started sucking on his dick. As I started I heard Carl outside banging on the door and hollering, “You boys don’t know who you fucking with. That’s Dr Mike’s boy yo – let me in. I’m in charge of that ass. Come on mans, let me in.” Carl was sounding more street the more upset he got. The two thugs just laughed as one continued to lean against the door and hold it close while the other fucked my throat. The thug fucking my throat said, “Hmm yeah, got us a nice white bitch here I think, what do you think Lionel? I think he needs to pay our working tax if he’s going to be turning his little pussy out down here, what do you think? Turn around, I want some white pussy.” He pushed me off his dick, bent me over the sink and slammed his big black dick inside me with just the spit I had left on it and the cum already up there. I arched my back and said “OH fuck, that hurts!” The thug laughed and said, “Damn right white boy, now take this dick!” Carl had given up pounding on the door and the other thug took a wedge of wood from the corner, jammed it under the door, and then stepped closer to watch. His dick was out, and was longer and fatter than the guy fucking me. I was bracing myself against the sink, watching the thug fucking as he slammed in and out and while his mouth was moving, I could not hear what he was saying. Guess he was talking dirty, don’t know, so I looked at the other thug, the one called Lionel, with the bigger dick. He was biting his lower lip and stroking his cock as he watched his buddy fuck me, his eyes were big and hungry as he watch my ass take dick. Soon the thug fucking me started to pick up his pace. “Come on, gimme that white ass. Come on now, hmmmm. Yeah BITCHHH – come on…” and he shot his load. As he pulled out Lionel pushed him to the side and slammed his dick balls deep. I gasped as he was bigger and thicker, so I hit the poppers and braced myself again. The first guy zipped up, moved the edge of wood, opened the bathroom door and as he did I could see Carl try to step in. “Back the fuck up mother-fucka!” the thug said as he pushed Carl away and closed the door. Lionel then adjusted his footing, bent back a little, bent his knees, and angled his dick straight up into my ass walls. I gasped a little with the pain, saw him smile in the mirror, he bit his lip harder and started to pound. Lionel had skill. He did not just slam fuck, he scraped the gutz going in and coming out, angling to hit the walls hard and deep with every stroke and using his hips to leverage his motion. All the while he was biting his lower lip like he was concentrating really hard. I just hung onto the sink as my ass opened up. My ass hurt, but the pain was mixed with horniness as I started to push my ass back. “Yeah baby, that’s it – hungry for this big black dick aint ya?” Lionel said, “You need that pussy fucked good huh? I gotcha baby, got that dick to make that hole talk back – let me hear it now – talk back to me pussy – yeah that’s it now, yeah….” Lionel had hiked his shirt up and his torso had several big tats on it, and every time he slammed against my ass the skin to skin contact smacked and talked back, and my ass gasped as he pulled his dick out before shoving it back in, making juicy sounds from the cum left by his friend. “You want them babies? Want them black babies? I gotcha now, you take my fucking babies, yeah pussy – take em, take em, TAKE MY BLACK BABIES!!!” Lionel shot his nutt up my ass, pulled his dick out, wiped it off on my shirt, buttoned up, and said, “We got you here, hear me? This one was on the house, but nothins free around here. Next times gonna cost you one way or the other.” He then opened the bathroom door. The first thug was standing guard, let Lionel out, smiled and waved off at me, then closed the door. I was standing there when Carl opened the door and came back in. “Those boys don’t know who they fuckin with yo, you hear me? No they don’t. You are Dr Mike’s and I am going to tell him, going to tell him what they did.” “Carl,” I said. “Look, relax man, Dr Mike told me to take as much cum as I could up my ass and you would set me up. As far as I can see you have done just that, right? No need to get worked up.” “Yeah man, but they should not have done that. This is my scene, my play, you hear?” Carl was all worked up and stressing. “Don’t worry Carl, here let me give this to you now,” as I fished $20 out of pocket, “This will set things right, OK? Dr Mike told me to give you $5 a load, and those guys gave me two, so hear is what I owe you. So what about those two? Are they infected with the bug? What do they have?” Carl counted the money once, twice, a third time, looked at me, said, “Yeah, we’re good now. OK. OK. So here’s the deal. Dr Mike said to make sure you saw the guys who got around the most – you know? The ones who may have a little something something, and I know who they are. Some of the guys are really fucked up sick. That first guy, I don’t really know him, but those two,” Carl said with a sneer, “They are bad news. You just stay away from them and they are not ones to be asked about the bug. They will cut you for talking shit like that and just because they fucked you without a rubber, means nothing. They are dawgs – they fuck holes – period – so do not read anything into it.” I laughed, as I had their cum in my ass and frankly wanted some more, but I just shook my head, pulled up my pants, and followed Carl out the bathroom. We walked down to the right into a reading room. Carl wandered around, I followed him, and the place was dead. We went back down the hallway past the bathrooms to the other end. This reading room was larger, had a desk with a librarian, several tables, and the two thugs who just fucked me were at one of them. The first thug punched Lionel’s arm, laughed, pointed at me and said something. Lionel just nodded his head, smirked, said something and they both laughed like they had said, ‘were going to get you again”. Right then I wanted nothing more than to ditch Carl and get on my knees for these two, but Dr Mike was more important, so I kept following Carl. God damn! I wanted Dr Mike. I should not be here. I was a little pissed and angry We saw a few guys sleeping, one guy actually pissing in one of the aisles between books, and made our way to the far back. There were a several smaller tables that each had at least one person at them. Carl told me to stay by the book stacks, so I lingered as he started walking table to table and whispering to some of the men there. I tried not to be obvious, but did look as I could, causally. They were definitely all homeless. Dirty, disheveled, and I was sure they stunk. I did not see the first guy who fucked me, but as I watched Carl, the other men there started to watch me, so I turned back to the books. I was looking at a magazine that was two years old when Carl tugged at my sleeve, “Come on man, got some boys who are down.” I turned, followed Carl, and we headed back to the corner behind the tables, turned around the last stack of books, and opened a door into a stairwell. It had a big red sign on it, EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY – ALARM WILL SOUND – but nothing happened when we opened the door and stepped through. Someone had busted the latch in the door jam, so the door would not close shut. The stairs went up to the right and then there was a landing straight in front, and then the stairs went over our heads on the left. To the left in front of was a space that went back about 20 feet and created a big empty space under the stairwell that was pretty dark. I could see several small lights, apparently this was the place to go smoke, and not just cigarettes. Carl walked forward and I followed. As my eyes adjusted I could see several guys standing around in the stairwell hall, mix of races, age, sizes and looks. Some looked clearly homeless, others looked like normal guys. Here I saw the first black guy who fucked me who just nodded and smiled as we walked by and he reached out and grabbed my ass. Carl led me to a short guy standing in the corner. From the dim light he looked Latin, short, dark hair, beard and as we approached he pulled of his coat, set it on the floor, unbuckled his pants, and pulled out his dick and started stroking it. It was about 7, average thickness, uncut, and no one seemed to mind, They just kept smoking, so I knelt down, set my coat and backpack on the floor, and started sucking him. He grabbed my head, said “Si, Si, suck my pinga”, so I did. I then felt a hand rubbing my ass, so I opened my pants, slid them over my ass, and felt the cooler air in the stairwell raise goose bumps on my ass cheeks. The hand on my ass found my hole and I soon had one, then two fingers fucking me. I was bucking my ass back and then stood up. “Back that ass up!” someone said, so I did and felt pretty small dick pop in my hole. It must have been really small as that was about as far as it went, just inside my hole. It felt strange – I often did not feel real small dicks, so it was weird. Bigger than a finger but not? Hard to explain. Anyways, I focused on sucking the Latin guy and was soon rewarded with a throat full of hot cum. He pulled away and stepped out of my line of sight. I could not really turn as the little dick guy was still fucking me, but soon there was someone new in front of me. “I ah need ah some some – I ah …” This guy was clearly drunk or high so I unbuckled his belt, opened his jeans and dug for his dick. I was rewarded with a nice long dick but holy fuck it smelled. I gagged as this man was rank, but he moved his hips and pushed his dick towards my mouth. Thank God I had poppers. I took two big hits then sucked him and gagged again. God damn! He had a big dick, but the foreskin completely covered the head even when he was hard and sticking my tongue in the hole was like licking a pig’s ass. It was foul, but my goal was to get cum, so I opened my mouth wide and let him fuck my throat. In the meantime the little dicked guy had finished – I guessed – and was soon replaced by a nice size dick. This guy was a talker, “Oh honey, ain’t that pussy sweet, oh yes Sirree – that is a honey of a hole – whoo heee- ahh – yeah – that is sweet pussy – oh sweet pussy – let me in that pussy – oh pussy - - -“ The guy in my ass shot his load, loudly as he exclaimed “CUMMING IN YOUR PUSSY...” for everyone and their fucking brother to hear. When he pulled out the nasty dicked guy in my mouth pulled out, went behind me, and stuck his dick in my ass. I was nice and wet, but he was long, so I felt it when he plunged in. I lost track of which fucking nasty dick I sucked and which one fucked me. My mouth was coated with cum, ass juice, dirty dick head cheese and more. I got several loads down my throat and several in ass. When my legs got tired I knelt on my hands and knees on the floor and the guys did the same as they fucked me doggy style in the ass and filled my mouth and ass with homeless dick. I saw Carl several times standing off to the side, sucking on his cigarettes, stroking his dick as he watched me get gang banged by the homeless guys in the stairwell. I don’t know how long I was in the stairwell, but Carl tugged at my arm, “Come on man, we’re done in here.” So I got up, went to take some paper towels out of my backpack to wipe my ass, but a black hand reached out and stopped me and guided my hand to his dick. I looked and in the dim light saw it was the first guy who had cummed in me in the bathroom. “I got another load of cum for you if you want it,” he said. I did not say a word, just turned my ass around and backed up onto his dick. I was so sloppy with cum he slid right in all the way without a hitch. He wedged me into the corner under the stairs and fucked me rough. He was fighting to get that load out and grunted and was breathing hard as he fucked. I was rewarded with another hot shot of cum and this time he turned me around and made me lick him clean. DELICIOUS! His black dick was shiny and slick with juice and cum from all the guys who had fucked me. I was so horny thinking about all the infected poz cum I had hopefully taken, I sucked him deep and licked him clean. He was still sort of hard so I stood up and asked, “Can you please stick it in me again? You got a great dick and I want to taste it and lick you off some more.” He laughed a big, hearty laugh, “Yeah slut, yeah.” He fed me that shiny slimy black lollipop a couple more times – sticking it up my ass, working it around so it was nice and slick, pulling it out, then me dropping to my knees and licking it clean. I still wanted more, but the guy pulled up his pants and left, and Carl grabbed me again, “Get dressed.” As we walked back into the reading room, the fluorescent light hurt my eyes and several of the guys at the tables looked at me and smiled – oh God – please don’t tell me they fucked me! I asked Carl if I could use the bathroom and followed him back out into the hall. This time he took me into the Mens room that had two stalls, one with no door. The other one was occupied so I asked Carl, “Hey man, can you stand in front of the door for me? Watch out? Give me some privacy?” Carl nodded and stood in front of the door as I sat on the toilet, pissed, and let a flood of cum and ass juice out of my ass. Of course there was no toilet paper, but Carl grabbed a few sheets of towels from by the sink and handed them to me. I wiped off, and then headed to the smaller reading room. There was still hardly anyone there and those that were also seemed homeless. I guess the basement was where they all came. I had packed a bottled water and some snack bars, and sat at a table and offered a bar to Carl. He waved me off and looked around all anxious and jittery. “I need to run out a minute, OK, please sit here until I return.” I grabbed an old picture book off a shelf, and started flipping through it as I finished my snack. My ass felt so empty after all that dick, and I was so horny and worked up. Being ganged on by those guys was actually pretty hot and my dick was hard thinking about. I then started thinking about Lionel and his thug friend and started shifting in my chair, wishing I had their dicks in me again. A while later Carl came back, sat down, ran his hands through his hair a few times and let out a big breath. “Alright, I got someone else I want you to meet. His dick is radioactive, and bet he will infect you good.” Carl led me thought the book stacks into a section of the basement that seemed older, darker, and dirtier than the rest where we ran into a white guy between the stacks. This guy had long greasy hair, long beard, bushy eyebrows, and several coats on. Even from several feet away I could smell him. Carl motioned me over, “This is Mathew man, I knew Matt at Boot Camp and we were buds. Got shipped out at the same time and he was one of the first grunts into Kuwait, right Matt? Good man here – hero – Matt’s a hero (and then in a whisper) – but not all quite there any more.” Matt had not said a word and had sort of a blank look on his face. Carl leaned in and whispered to him, Matt looked at me, Carl looked at me, and then motioned for to follow them. We wandered down a few aisles, towards the end where there was a little dead end between book stacks. Matt started to take off his coats and Carl said, “Ok, now get undressed.” “No way man, we’re in the middle of the fucking library,” I said in an angry whisper. Carl walked up close to me, and said “Your ass is mine, just like Dr Mike said. Don’t worry, no one comes back here and I will watch out. Matt doesn’t leave the stacks, but he has a nice dick and I know he’s got the bug – you know AIDS. Fucker is sick, so now drop your pants.” I was still unsure, but set my coat and backpack on the floor and thought maybe Carl was right. I had not seen anyone down here, so what the hell. I undid my pants and pulled them down, turned around and backed up towards Matt. I felt a pair of rough, calloused hands rubbing my ass cheeks. He then stuck a couple fingers in my ass and began working them around. My hole was pretty juicy, so there was not resistance. Matt then pulled his fingers out and I felt a something larger pressing against my hole. Was he trying to fist me? No, I did not do that. I pulled way and turned and was stunned. Matt had the biggest dick I had ever seen on a white guy. Holy fucking Christ! He was even bigger than Charles, the leather master, and there was no fucking way I could take him. I started to back away and pull my pants up. Charles walked up to me, anger flashing in his eyes, he grabbed my shirt and said, “Look here now. Like I told you. Your ass is mine today because Dr Mike said so. So you need to do this, alright? Your hole is nice and open after all that dick you took. You just have to relax and not think about it. I know my man Matt is big, but he’s a fucking hero and you WILL give him your ass.” I nodded yes, turned around and bent back over and took several big hits of the poppers. I felt the pressure against my ass again as Matt tried to get his dick up my ass. I was so nervous, my hole was clenched tighter than a virgin, and it just was not happening. “I’m sorry man, I just can’t, you are so fucking huge! I just can’t – not here, not like this.” Carl waved me away and went over and chatted with Mike. I got dressed and stood and waited. Carl came over to me. “Ok, here’s what’s going to happen. Unless you want me to tell Dr Mike you disobeyed me, you will drop your pants NOW. Now get on your hands and knees on Matt’s coats there. I will let you use some of that lube you brought, but only a little, just enough to get him in.” I dropped my head, knowing I could not say no, and unbuttoned my pants again, and knelt on Matt’s coats and waited to see what would happen. Matt got up behind me and said, “I want some ass.” Carl opened the bottle of lube, I felt the cold liquid run down my crack and Carl’s fingers work it into my hole. He dug at my insides at the same time, making me moan. I then heard the bottle spit some lube out and Carl slide some up and down Matt’s dick. Matt said, “I want to fuck now.” Matt got behind me and tried slamming his dick in my ass. It would not go. I was trying to push him away as Carl pried my hand off Matt. Matt pulled me back and then slammed into me as I lost balance and dropped the poppers. I cried out, gasped, and started begging, “Please stop, no, don’t fuck me, don’t fuck me!” Carl was in front of me now, wide eyed, watching Matt fuck me and seeing me cry, and scooted behind me so he could better see Matt’s dick go in my ass. Matt was ripping me wide, but not saying a word or making a noise. I was crying out for him to stop, but he ignored me as he kept a steady pace fucking my hole. Matt was stronger than he looked and I felt impaled as his dick inched deeper and deeper into my guts. I was now blubbering, begging him to stop, but he didn’t. Even with all the pain, my dick was hard, and soon Carl scooted back around and fed me his dick. “Take that AIDs dick bitch. You’re a bitch for that AIDs dick. That AIDs dick ripping your ass! Yeah man – ripping it! Want that AIDs cum? Want that fucked up shit! Nasty ass – come on Matt – fuck him Matt – FUCK HIM!!!! Carl shot his load in my mouth and after several more tortuous minutes, Matt unloaded in me too. He did not say a word, just spasmed and pulled out, trailing blood, cum, and ass juice as he did. Carl put his hand on my shoulder, “Are you OK? Fuck that was hot man. You just got infected a true hero, ain’t that right Matt? I know it hurt, but you got to bleed to do this right, just like Dr Mike said.” That was my first visit to the library with Carl, but not my last, as Dr Mike made the library part of my regular treatment program. I saw Matt a few more times at the library, but he never fucked me again there. I did bring him home with me once though and he literally fucked me non-stop for hours in every position I could image. I did see the two thugs again, and the next time, they ram fucked me in the stairwell, and it was Lionel’s turn to leave me bruised and bloody and my way to becoming a biohazard.
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