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  1. I had been thinking about having some more professional pictures taken of me for a long time, but kept putting it off knowing that the 'self' pics I have always seem to do the trick and did I really need more than that? The answer was always no. One night, on a whim, I posted an ad on CraigsList, in the Men for Men section, inquiring about a local photographer to take some nude and tasteful pictures of me. Of course I have nudes, self taken, but I wanted someone else's view and skills of taking pictures with an artistic mind. As expected I received multiple crude or amateur responses and it took me a while to sift through them, one of the responses caught my eye. His name was Ed and he had a photo studio in town and offered to take some erotic nudes of me with no expectations or cost, but if one was really good I would agree to let him use it in his studio. I would also get all of the digital files and Ed would keep nothing. Pretty easy for me to agree to, since there was no skin off my back to possibly get some great shots. Ed and I connected via email first and it was pretty professional from the get go, which I appreciated, but I wanted to make sure that if the situation arose, he was alright with more soft porn type photos of me enjoying myself. Ed was totally fine with this and offered to walk me through some of his non-public online gallery to give me some ideas of what he has done with other men and clients. I was pretty excited about this and we set a time. Ed said he would email be back from his personal email so there wasn't any 'business' ties to our conversations or thoughts. I said sure and waited for his email. Ed's email came in soon after. I opened the email and read the pleasantries. I saw the time we were to meet online and go through the gallery, but I also noticed a profile link for what appeared to be Ed's Adam4Adam profile. This couldn't be an accident, right? Of course maybe he just has it there with his personal email. I don't know, but I had to click on it. I was led to Ed's profile and read through his words, summary, and then looked at his available public pictures. Ed was very attractive, should length graying hair, seemed to be fit, but my vision was pulled right to his soft cock, hanging naturally it seemed to be at least six to seven inches soft, shaved balls, and well trimmed pubes. First impression? fucking gorgeous. Oh I wanted to see his 'private' pics, but definitely didn't have the nerve to ask for that, not yet anyway. Ed and I were to connect via hangout so we he could lead me through the gallery. When it was time I opened the video chat link and waited for Ed to join. It seemed like I had been waiting for a long time, but in reality it was my excitement that made the wait that much longer. Ed joined rather quickly after our scheduled time and it was great to finally talk to him. We covered some pleasantries and then Ed asked some questions. "So Tim, would you like to see some artful nudes I have and have had hanging in my gallery at one time or another?". Ed asked. "That would be great! I am very interested on those that started kinda where I am, no experience and no idea what I really want", we both laughed. Ed laughed too and said, "you bet, I think I know what you want to see". Ed shared his screen and started going through the gallery quickly looking for someone specific. "Ah, here he is. This is Joe, he came to me with the same thoughts you have. He had plenty of 'selfies' and 'gay web site' pics, but wanted something done a little more tasteful. We met in my studio and all of these were taken in an afternoon. What do you think?" I was looking intimately at every photo. Many were relaxed poses on a bed or lounger, Joe was naked and semi aroused it most of the pictures. The lighting was awesome and the environment was great, Joe seemed to be in a very relaxed environment. "I think these are perfect for what I am looking for. I see Joe in mostly the same poses, can you handle other positions and thoughts?" I asked Ed. "Of course Tim, let me find a few others that might be more what you are thinking". Ed navigated to another client and past his front photos to a 'second' page. "Are these more along what you are thinking?". The new set of pictures I now saw were incredible and exactly what I was thinking in the way of pictures. There were one of this new guy of him hard...holding his cock, up on all fours, a dildo in his ass...they were all very nice. Ed commented, "I can see by your stares and the silence these pictures have grabbed your attention". Ed laughed "Fuck Ed". I caught myself and corrected my reaction, "sorry Ed. I mean yes, these are exactly what I was looking for. Can I ask you about this session?". "Of course Tim, I am very open, you can ask anything you want." Ed said. "Thank you Ed, I really appreciate that. For this session, how did this start? What were his thoughts on what he wanted and the obvious, did it go any further, pictures of him cumming?". "Great questions Tim. This is Robert. Robert wanted some new pictures that might be 'action' type pictures. We started with different poses and soon enough Robert was aroused and it just led from there. To answer your last question, yes Robert came very hard at the end of that session". I was getting hard hearing Ed talk about the photo session, this is exactly what I was looking for. "That is hot" "Yes Tim, it is very fucking hot. So, would you like to schedule a session for yourself?" "Yes Ed, I would love that". We worked out a time to meet up at Ed's studio. Meeting Ed I arrived at Ed's studio as we had discussed. The studio was in an older building down town, more of a loft style studio or apartment. Ed was wearing a loose fitting button up shirt, shorts, and sandals. "Welcome Tim, please come in" he said while letting me in. I almost felt him staring me up and down from behind. I immediately noticed the erotic photography on the walls, men posing in many settings and poses. After closing the door Ed said, "you like my work?". As I continue to go over the different photos I answered, "very much. They are just great, very real, very sexy". Ed chucked, "ha, you should see the ones I keep in my office. those are much more...revealing". I turned to Ed, "I would love to, can we? It might give me some ideas". Ed said 'sure' and led me down one of the hallways to a large open room. The floor was wood but a majority of it was covered with a plush area rug. A desk stood towards the end with some draped windows behind them. "Great office", I said. I then took in the photos on these walls. Fuck! They were all so hot. The artistic nature flowed in these as well, but there were some of men aroused, men masturbating, men hard, men leaking, and men fucking. I just stared, not being able to look away. "These might be a little more than you are looking to do, but maybe they inspire some inspiration", Ed said. I walked in closer to on in particular. The photo was black and white and showed a man on all fours. He was being fucked by a rather large cock with a top down view, as if the viewer is the one doing the fucking. "Amazing" I said. I was looking intently at it, getting aroused, and didn't sense Ed coming up next to me. "Yes, this is a good one". Ed almost startled me. "I remember it well. Do you like it?". "Oh yes, it is very sexy. I don't know how you were able to get that point of view, it is incredible. Well done. They obviously had this in mind when they came here, right?". "Oh it takes some skill, and luck, to be able to capture this in the moment", Ed said while air quoting. He then added, "yes I think he had this in mind when he came over". I thought about that statement, I am sure he meant when one of the men made the arrangements. Ed quietly moaned and I think he adjusted his cock in his shorts. "Let me show you to the studio and changing room", he said. Ed showed me into the studio, which had some different furniture pieces and props for pictures. Off to the left was a small room that had a couch, few chairs and what looked like a makeup desk. "Here you go, you can change in here, or undress in here, depending on how you want to start Did you have something in particular you wanted to wear or are you wanting to go right to naked?", Ed asked. "I am want to start with a thong mesh jock and go from there". "very nice. will give you a few and check on you before I am ready". Ed closed the door behind him. I set my bag down on the couch and started removing my clothes. Under my shorts I wore a jock and my silver cock ring. I took the jock off but decided to leave my cock ring on, I was semi aroused anyway so removing it would take a little while. I stripped off my shirt and dug the mesh jock out of my bag. I slid it on and made sure my cock and balls fit in the front pouch, and then adjusted the thong in my crack. As I admired myself in the mirror, I started to get semi hard. A light knock on the door came and Ed asked, "everything going alright in there? I am ready when you are". I moved to the door and opened it, standing back so Ed could see. "Do you think this will look ok?". Ed looked me up and down then said, "fuck yes, it is hot". Ed reached out and pulled on my thong string by my hip, then "turn around so I can see the fit". I turned my ass towards Ed. I felt his fingers slide under the fabric of my thong string running down my crack. His fingers trace the fabric down over my hole and he paused there before pulling his fingers back. "Yes Tim, this will be great, and you wear it very well". I turned back to Ed and it was now I noticed he had changed his shirt and shorts, to more of a looser tshirt and sports shorts that I could make out the prominent outline of his cock head and a new wet spot. I looked up and smiled at Ed. Ed took my hand and let me to the couch. "Let's start with you sitting here, facing me, one leg up". As I moved into position I couldn't help but stare at Ed's shorts and the growing wet spot. After a couple series in similar, but different positions, Ed saw me staring and said, "sorry for leaking Tim. I don't normally start leaking just by taking pictures". "oh, no need to apologize Ed, it happens to the best of us". We both laughed. Ed had me pull the mesh jock aside, releasing my hard cock. "That is great Tim, just like that, don't play with your cock yet, let me take a few". Then Ed said, "maybe turn over so you are resting on the edge of the couch, on all fours, cock still hanging free, but the fabric covering your hole". I did as Ed instructed and while he was moving behind me taking pictures, I asked, you said don't normally start leaking by taking pictures, so when do you start leaking?". I heard Ed stop moving and he answered, "usually when a hot client is showing me their ass". I turned my head to look at Ed. His cock was very hard now and VERY prominent in his shorts. "Just kidding Tim" and we both laughed. "I normally start leaking when watching porn or checking some websites I like. I stood up from the couch and removed my thong all together and then assumed the same position. "Same here" I said. "That is great Tim, here let me straighten out some of those cushions", Ed said and moved in behind me. As he bent over my ass and back he held on to a cheek with one hand while he pushed the cushions back to where they should be. He leaned over the other way and this time his cock, behind his shorts, touched my hip. "there, that should keep them up". Ed's hand was still on my cheek and hard cock touching my hip. He asked, "would you like a toy and try to take some of those pictures"? His hand moved over my ass cheek to my hole and kept his finger there. "yes please Ed, I would love that". "Great, give me a minute, be right back". Ed squeezed my cheek and headed to a near equipment bench. He opened one of the drawers. He seemed to pull out a dildo and some lube. Ed hurried over and I now saw clearly it seemed to be a six inch dildo, lube, and also poppers. I started to get hornier and hornier the closer he got, and yes is apparent big cock was bouncing all over the place. Ed came close to me on the couch and asked, "can I help you with these?". "I would love that Ed, thank you". I arched my back and next felt some cold lube drip onto my ass and Ed rubbing it all over my hold and around my full balls. He then lubed up the toy and used his off hand to spread my hole open a little...and slowly worked the dildo in to me. I moaned out loud, "fuck that feels good". my cock was now dripping. "I think these will be hot". "Tim, hold this in you I need to capture this". Ed got his camera and then said, "mind if I take off my shirt, a little hot in here now", and he laughed. "of course not, please do". I could tell the hand with lube on it had found his hard cock in his shorts, the evidence was obvious. I watched Ed peel off his shirt. He wasn't hairy at all, just some small graying patches in the middle of his chest. "much better, ok if you want to slowly work that in and out of you...perfect". Ed got closer and started taking pictures. I took the dildo and started sliding it in and out of me, fuck it felt so good. Ed said, "now quickly pull it out and I will get your hole wide open". I did as Ed asked and Ed got closer and closer, taking pictures. "You are beautiful Tim. I hope you let me hang one of these in my office". "I would love that Ed". my hole was aching, but I took the dildo into my mouth and sucked on it to get it wet. "fuck Tim, that is hot. Pretend it is a big wet cock, suck on it", Ed said. "yeah, suck on it. damn great pics Tim". Ed stopped taking pictures and I heard him breathing a little harder. I opened my eyes and saw Ed had pulled his cock out of his shorts and was stroking it, watching me. His cock was so gorgeous, probably nine inches and leaking precum now. "want to get some of you sucking my cock?" Ed didn't really wait for an answer, he got on the couch next to me and started leaning in giving me access to his big cock! I dropped the dildo and started squeezing Ed's big cock. I lowered my head to his cock, licking it clean of any precum and then sucking him into my mouth. "suck that big cock Tim. do you like my cock boy?". Ed asked while holding the back of my head. I just moaned loudly. Ed's hand left the back of my hand and trailed down my back to my exposed, pre lubed hole. I felt his fingers now circling around my hole and in a moment he slid one of his fingers in to me. Then two fingers, I moaned around his thick cock. As Ed finger fucked my ass I took his cock out of my mouth and told him, "please fuck me baby". "oh Tim, I really want to but we shouldn't". I was still holding Ed's big cock in my hand and looking up at him, "why? do you have a boyfriend?" "No", Ed said. I continued, "don't fuck your clients?". "No, it isn't that Tim". "Please Ed, I want you in my ass so bad". "Tim, I am poz and not on meds. I want to fuck you so bad, take pictures of my cock in you, but I want you to know the risk". Here I was, on all fours, in front of a gorgeous man and his gorgeous cock. This is the time to make that decision. "Ed, would you please take pictures of your cock in me, bare?". Ed asked, "are you sure Tim?" I just said, "yes". Ed leaned down and kissed me, got up with his camera and got behind me. I could feel his cock then lay on my crack. Ed then started sliding his cock back and forth across my hole! I knew he was taking pictures now and it just turned me on even more. "Tim, are you ready? Your hole is so wet and ready for my cock. Tell me to fuck you now". "fuck Ed, please...put your big cock in me, I need to feel you deep in my ass". Ed stopped sliding, and I felt him pushing his cock down as the head was right at my hole. That big cock started opening me up, the pressure was intensifying as he slowly pushed past my tight ring, finally I felt a little relieve and Ed stopped pushing! "baby, my cock head is in you, I need to take some pictures...please hold still". I could feel Ed's cock in me, pulsing, as he captured the moment for me. "Fuck Tim, I might have to hang this one in my office. Your ass is nice and tight, just wraps around my cock. Are you ready for more?" To help Ed know how I felt, I pushed back on his cock a little. "Tim, damn....I love it...take my cock as much as you want". I pushed back on Ed's cock a little more, feeling him slide into me more and more! He was stretching my ass more than I had been before and I loved it. If I thought about it, I knew the dangerous position I was now in, this poz top man was leaking in me, and Ed was not on meds. I couldn't help but let him fuck me more and more. Ed put the camera down and grabbed both of my hips to help him get deep in me. "please keep fucking me Ed, don't stop". Ed started really fucking me will full long strokes of his big bare cock. "I love watching my cock slide in and out of you", Ed said. As Ed started sliding in and out of me quicker I thought I could feel him swelling. "Tim I am going to pull out and cum all over your sexy ass". I immediately turned my head over my shoulder, "please don't pull out, I need to feel you cum in me...please". "you want my poz cum baby?", Ed asked I put my head on the pillow in front of me and loudly said, "breed me with your poz load, I want it so bad". Ed picked up the pace, "oh yes boy, you are going to get all of my cum in you". His pace started to pick up and soon Ed said, "get ready baby, here comes my poz load" "fuck me full Ed, poz my neg ass". I couldn't believe I was shouting this to a poz man, but I wanted Ed's load deep in me, changing me! That is when I felt Ed swell and finally shove deep in me and start shooting. my cock erupted underneath me. His girth and depth was all it took for us to orgasm together! After grunting and shooting, Ed finally collapsed on my back...kissing my shoulders. He said, "thank you Tim, that was so fucking hot. I love fucking you." As he slowly fell out of my sore ass, I said to him, "I want more Ed"
    7 points
  2. Wasn't my last load but a hot anon one this morning on my jog. Love taking my shirt off and seeing if I can catch any guys checking me out. Saw a chubby shirtless guy headed towards who also had his shirt off and loved watching him jiggle as he headed my way, pale skin, a little bit of chest hair, inked here and there, redheaded. As he got closer I could see he was probably late 20s or early 30s, what most guys might call an otter. I played with my crotch a little as we approached each other and smiled at him as he passed me and he smiled at me as well. I turned around to see if if he was checking me out and sure enough, caught him looking. I smiled again and he waved at me so I turned around and caught up with him. As I did he said "hey" and got right to the point asking if I was looking. I said I was and we both slowed down to a walk and he asked if I lived nearby. I hadn't seen him before so didn't know what his story was, but said I did but couldn't host. He muttered a damn and said he couldn't either. I told him I knew a fenced in yard at a vacant house we could use if he didn't mind doing it outside. He laughed and said he was already sweaty so why not. He wasn't kidding either, his body was glistening and I could only guess his ass was moist and ready as mine was. I told him to follow me off the path towards the place I've used before. As we walked there he introduced himself as Matt and I introduced myself and we chatted a bit. He was pretty forward that he wanted to fuck me and get fucked, which got me hard and had him laughing teasing me about young guys always getting hard so easy. I teased back that he must like young guys and he admitted he did. We slipped inside the fenced in yard and he was checking things out and pulling me towards him, sticking his hand in my shorts and jerking my cock. He pulled me in and started kissing me saying he loved how thick my cock was and how bad he wanted it in him and my load too. Knowing he wanted it raw got my cock throbbing and he added he wanted to do me the same way and I told him I wanted it like that. He pulled me over towards the back of the house and pulled his shorts off. I loved how hairy his ass was and it was dripping with sweat, easily mixing with my spit allowing me to penetrate his ass as he moaned with delight. Clearly he's done this before and loves taking random loads from guys. He was moaning telling me how hot my cock felt in his ass, how thick it was, and how bad he wanted my load. I wasn't holding back and really pounding him hard and he was taking it like a champ and I blasted my load in him as he begged me not to pull out. I kept stroking, telling him there was more where that came from and he laughed saying that's why he loved young guys. I leaned into that saying I bet he took lots of loads from young guys and he laughed saying he did and he also has bred a lot of young guys and that he was going to breed the shit out of my ass. I loved that he was so piggy and honest about fucking and getting fucked and soon enough blasted a second load inside him. By now we were both drenched in sweat and couldn't wait to take his load. I'd been jerking his cock will pumping my second load in him and was loving how thick his cock was too. I knew it would really strain my ass the way I love. After I slid out of his ass he put me up against the wall and told me he wasn't going to show any mercy and he didn't, spitting on his cock and my ass and then forcing his cock in me roughly and I let out a "fuck" louder than I wanted to. I was hoping no one was walking their dog nearby and didn't hear that but didn't care as he was now balls deep in me and pounding me hard calling me a dirty little slut and that I'd probably been fucked here by other guys. I said I had been and he kept it up saying I probably get fucked all the time by guys I pick up on the trail and I admitted I did. He kept it up saying I probably let them all breed me raw and take their loads and I admitted I did. He laughed and said he loved slutty young guys like me who love getting bred raw all the time. I was now begging for his load, loving that he had me figured out as the slut I am. He let out a loud groan and I could feel his load flood my guts and I begged him to stay inside me and not to pull out. He laughed and said "not a chance" only to slid out once his dick went limp. I told him what a hot fuck he was and he laughed and told me to suck him clean. I did as told, making sure his cock was clean as a whistle. He grabbed his shorts and pulled them back on thanking me but saying he needed to get going. I pulled my shorts back on and we headed back out the gate. It's a short walk back to the trail and I told him it would be hot to hook up again. He laughed and said if he sees me again to say hey and we'd take it from there. I offered my number but he said he couldn't do that offering no more of an explanation. I said that was cool and I could only guess he must have a BF or GF or maybe just prefers random hookups. We split up again and headed our separate ways.
    7 points
  3. Part 7 We stepped inside and were greeted by a thin nude man. He looked about middle aged and gaunt. I could see all his musculature through his skin. He looked generally unhealthy. But he did have a decent sized cock. As I was guided in by grandpa I was wondering why he unzipped my underwear. My dick and ass exposed seemed like a bit of a risky temptation for any shady types. There were a lot of guys in the place. Probably more or less of a dozen. Almost all of them were as thin as the door man. Some of them were chubby bears, some had body types like grandpa. Almost everyone was naked. The majority of them gathered around the center of the room in a circle surrounding something. “Let’s see what the commotion is shall we?” Grandpa guided me to the center towards the men in a circle. As I looked through some of them I could see a guy getting fucked on all fours while sucking another guy. Many others were stroking their cocks watching the scene. Some of them looked at me and I was feeling nervous at there glances. “Now that’s a good bottom, taking all those poz cocks raw. Wouldn’t you say Kenny?” Grandpa was rubbing my exposed ass. “Shouldn’t he be using protection?” Grandpa laughed, some other men near me rolled their eyes. I knew what kind of party this was but still. Grandpa started fingering my hole as more of the men were getting closer around us. The intrusion of his finger made me jump a bit. I tried to act casual while the others stared at the guy in the middle of the room getting relentlessly fucked by several sickly looking men. Grandpa was watching the show as well, his fingering me being only an afterthought. I didn’t want to gain anyone’s attention even though I could feel some eyes were looking at me. I couldn’t help but look around. Observing all the different types of men that were here. The oldest looked like a man in his 80s, he was short and chubby, his dick was thin but long. He had that typical tired grandpa vibe about him. In his case he could be my great grandpa. when I looked at him, his eyes met me and I quickly looked away. I didn’t want to signal to him I was interested or anything. I just stood there and played with my dick a little, while grandpa explored my ass with his finger. The men fucking the guy in the center of the room were grunting, I could see there movements hastening, it didn’t take long for them to reach orgasm and shoot their what I would assume poz loads inside of him. The sex looked pretty hot, but I definitely didn’t want to participate in it. “Hi there Mr. Lewis, who is this young boy you have with you?“ I heard a gravelly voice ask. It was the 80-year-old man from across the room, shit he came over here. “This is my grandson Kenny. I’m just showing him the ropes.“ Grandpa took his finger out of my ass and gave it a slap as he smiled towards the elderly man. “No kidding? Do you play with him?“ He was stroking his very erect thin cock that looked to be about eight or 9 inches long uncut with long saggy foreskin, his balls had a mess of grey and white hair sprinkled on them. “More or less. I’ve been teaching him what it’s like to get fucked. His ass is quite divine.” Grandpa started pushing on my back. “Bending over this chair boy. Let old Harmon here get a look at your beautiful bubble butt.“ I couldn’t help but do as I was told. There was a chair in front of me and I propped my hands on it, my ass up in the air. “Grandpa, are you sure this is OK?“ He used his thumbs to spread my cheeks apart, my ass hole on display. “Of course. Harmon here just wants to take a peek. Isn’t that right Harmon?” “Yes. I’d love to see inside of him. How about you spread his hole open more?“ Harmon walked up behind me. Grandpa stuck two fingers in my ass and started stretching me open. It hurt a little but I could feel myself opening up. “There, isn’t that a lovely wet cave he has?” Grandpa giggled, proud of showing me off like some sort of toy. “Oh yes. I can see inside of him nicely.“ Harmon stepped forward and put a hand on my ass, he was still stroking his cock as he got closer. “I think I’m going to spunk soon. Do you mind if I kiss his cave with my tip?“ “A few little love taps won’t hurt.” Harmon started slapping his dick on my ass, sliding up and down my crack, I could feel his foreskin glide over my hole as he rubbed it up and down. Then he positioned the tip directly at my opening, his foreskin kissing my hole almost like a suction cup. “Grandpa, isn’t this a bit much?“ He was still spreading my ass open for Harmon. “Don’t worry. I’m here. Nothing bad will happen to you. Just be a good boy and keep that ass up so my friend can see.” “Yes, his ass feels hot and slick. It’s going to make my sausage ooze in the moment.” Harmon kept stroking his dick at my entrance. Grandpa studiously holding my ass open. Then somebody else walked up to us. “Mr. Lewis is that you? Long time no see.“ I didn’t know who it was. They were out of my peripheral. Grandpa Lewis turned his head away and started engaging in small talk with the stranger. He was no longer looking at me and Harmon, but he still had his hands on my ass. I could hear Harmon grunting as he rubbed his shaft. Harmons hips started to move in once grandpa Lewis’s gaze was away. I could feel his cock head emerging from out of his foreskin as it dug inside of me. It slipped inside of me easily along with several inches of this shaft. Both of his hands were on my hips as he started to fuck me raw. I was too afraid to say anything. I was waiting for grandpa to look back and stop what Harmon was doing. “Oh yeah, that ass feels better then my own son’s boy.“ He then started slamming into me balls deep. His thrusting hurt, his thin cock felt like it was stabbing me on the inside. His hips smacking my ass, but his hips also smacked grandpa‘s hands as well. “What’s this? Oh Harmon. You silly old goat. Get that dirty thing out of there. You have a higher viral load then I do. He ain’t ready for that. He’s still neg” Harmon continued fucking me. “Just a moment. I’m getting close. I just need to dump my spunk in him and you can have him back.” “Nope. No more let’s get you out of there.” “How about a few more seconds? Just a bit? Maybe 20 or 30 or a minute?” “Ugh, fine you desperate old fart. You get 30 seconds but then pull out.” Harmon went to town drilling into me, moaning the entire time. “Grandpa he can’t!” I protested. “It’s only a little while. Harmon here doesn’t get much action. He’s older then what a lot of the other guys like. Just let him feel ya a few seconds longer.” “Yeah… oof oh fuck. A few seconds is all I’ll need, oh shit.” Harmon was getting really excited. Grandpa was studiously watching Harmon fuck my ass. A few guys in the room were watching us and jacking off. Harmon started to increase his pace. His hips slapping into me as I could feel his dagger jab my guts. His cock felt hard as a rock and my insides could barely take his harsh thrusts. “Oh fuck that’s good! Oh fuck! Oh it’s coming!” “And that’s time! Come on time to pull out.” Grandpa instructed. “A few more seconds! Oh! Oh!” “Perhaps. Are you cuming?” “Yes! Fuck I’m cuming now! AAAGH!!” Harmon arched his back and slammed balls deep. I felt his cock burry deep in me. Deep into the upper parts of my intestines, deeper than what it felt like it should have done. ”OOOOoooooh….. beautiful ass… beautiful hungry ass…” “That’s my queue. Let’s get you out before your tip starts spewing.” Grandpa put his hands on Harmons hips and started guiding him out of me. Harmon resisted a bit. Keeping his cock firmly planted in me. “Come on, I can see your old balls pulsing as we speak. Out you silly old goat.” Grandpa pulled and got his cock to slowly slide out. As his cock slid out of me his foreskin was the last to exit, a trail of clear pre stringing between his cock and my hole. “Oh nuts. Guess I’ll just have to shoot it in one of the others.” Harmon walked off to find another hole to breed. My ass still hurt from his harsh stabbing. “That was a close one there Kenny boy. But at least Harmon there could enjoy your ass a little.” I stood up, as my cheeks closed I could feel Harmons goo sticky between them. “Grandpa he almost came in me!” “But he didn’t. Fallow me, I need to take a piss.” Grandpa led me by the hand weaving between the questionable men, some of them copped a few fields of my dick and ass as we passed. We entered a bathroom together where he positioned me between him and the toilet. “OK Kenny, I want you to get on your knees. This next lesson I want you to drink all of grandpa‘s piss.“ “What!? Why? I don’t think I can do that!” He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees, he pointed his cock in my face. “Do you want to keep learning about gay life don’t you?“ “Well yeah I do, but this?“ He was waving his cock around, one hand on my face, the other on his dick rubbing it against my lips. “Then you need to know what it’s like to be a toilet for other men. You will be drinking plenty of piss from others. Perhaps you’ll drink a few loads from the guys here.” “But I don’t think I want to.“ As I opened my mouth to reply grandpa stuck his cock in my mouth. “Here’s the deal Kenny boy. I’m going to piss in your mouth and you’re going to drink it. Or if you don’t want to drink it I will have you switch places with the guy getting fucked in the middle of the room. What’s it going to be? My piss in your belly or poz cum from a dozen dirty men? I thought about my options. There’s no way I was going to get gangbanged like that. In comparison drinking some piss it didn’t seem so bad. I brought my hands up around grandpa‘s waist and started sucking his cock. “Good boy. Now you just relax and let grandpa fill you up.“ He put his hands on his hips and relaxed his body. He was looking at me and concentrating. There was about a minute of silence between the two of us with nothing happening. I was on my knees with my grandpa‘s cock in my mouth waiting for a torrent of urine to shoot out that I would have to do my best to drink. I knew that any second it was gonna come. The suspense was agonizing. Then I could taste it, grandpa started to squirt a few streams of piss into my mouth. It was salty and tart. I tried my best to swallow it, but then the stream burst fast. “Ahhhhhh… that’s nice.“ I was frantically trying to swallow as much as I could. Grandpa‘s piss was filling my mouth and shooting down my throat at high speed, some of it ran down my chin. I didn’t have a chance to breathe as I kept drinking the yellow flow. “Yeah that’s a good boy. You look so beautiful drinking your grandpa’s piss. I think I should have you do this every day.“ Eventually the stream calmed down and came to a stop. I swallowed the last mouth full and grandpa shook out the last few drops. My stomach felt full and my head was a little dizzy from the lack of air. Grandpa grabbed a towel to wipe off my face a little. I was still on my knees regathering myself. “You did well Kenny boy. I’m so proud of you. Now I need to go have a chat with my friend from earlier, how about you stay in here for a minute. You’ve seen how easy it is for these nasty men to slip up in you. i’ll be back soon.” Grandpa left me in the bathroom. I stood up and got to the sink, looking in the mirror. I looked at myself, half naked, wearing slutty underwear with my dick and ass exposed, just freshly swelled an older man’s piss and earlier had an old guy slipped his cock in me. I started to think about how I got to this point. I had come along way in just a few days. I was learning so much so fast. Being at this party was scary but there was some excitement in it too. I washed my face in the sink. Covering my face with my hands trying to get myself into a good headspace. Then I felt hands on my ass. It must have been grandpa. Was he back already? His dick was poking my ass. “You’re Mr. Lewis’s boy aren’t you?“ I looked in the mirror and behind me was the sickly skeletal man who answered the door from when we first came in. He was behind me holding my hips. “Uh, yes sir. I’m his grandson Kenny.“ I was getting a little freaked out. I tried not to show it. I was alone in the bathroom with this strange man at a poz party. My ass was exposed and he was behind me aiming his cock towards me. “Did I hear that right earlier? From when Harmon was fucking you? You’re neg?” He was rocking his hips back-and-forth, the tip of his cock massaging my slippery hole. “Yes sir. Grandpa wanted to show me what a poz party looked like. I am kind of new to the gay scene.” “That’s nice of him to bring you here. But you can’t be neg anymore, right? After Harmon fucked you and I’m sure Mr. Lewis has already bread your hole multiple times.“ “No, Mr. Herman pulled out and went to fuck somebody else. Grandpa has been inside me but he hasn’t shot inside me yet.“ “Yet? So I have access to a still virgin boy pussy?“ he was starting to push against my ass. “Yes sir, but I don’t want to get fucked here. I’m just observing. Yeah don’t think grandpa would like me doing this in here.” “This can be our little secret. You can’t come to a poz party without some poz come inside you. I’ll just slip in and blow off my load. How about that?“ “I don’t think so. Maybe I should leave.“ “Hmm, how about I just jack off and blow my load all over your ass cheeks? Good compromise?“ “Um… I guess so…” “Good, get on the floor. And bring that ass up.“ I did as instructed. I was on my knees, facedown on the floor of the bathroom, my ass was up in the air and the man squatted above me stroking his cock, and rubbing my ass. “Spread your cheeks apart. Let me see that hole.” I spread my ass cheeks apart. He was cock slapping me. I could heal his tip tapping against my ring. “Stick a couple of fingers in there. Spread it open. I want to see inside of you.“ I stuck my two index fingers in my ass and tried my best to spread my whole open for him. There was resistance but I felt like I was able to get it open some ways. “That’s good, I can see down inside of you. You’re a good little slut aren’t you?“ I didn’t know how to respond to that, I just wanted him to get off and be done with it. He put a hand on my back and slid his shaft up and down my spread open asshole. I could feel his hand bump me as he was jacking off. He then positioned the tip of his cock at my opening, and was applying pressure. “Fuck yeah I’m going to blow my load all over your ass boy.“ “Yes sir please shoot your load.“ Good, he was going to finish up and I couldn’t get out of there and find grandpa. “You’re ready boy? Are you ready for my poz cum?” “Yes sir…” “Fuck here it comes!” I could feel the motions of his hand vigorously stroking his cock as he was getting ready to ejaculate. The tip of his cock still poking my hole as he was winding up to spurt. “Shit! AAH! YEAH!” I felt his cock blast it’s sperm. My ass was getting covered with it. Stream after stream of hot white sticky lava trenching my asshole and running down my taint, covering my balls. “Oh fuck yeah. Look at all of that. It’s all pooling on that slut hole of yours.” The man then grabbed my ass and squished my cheeks together. I could feel the cum gush out from between my cheeks. I stood up and wandered to the door. I wanted to leave. “Thanks. That was fun. Next time you should let me shoot it inside you.“ I left without saying a word. I tried looking for grandpa amongst the party. The lights darkened and few ambient sources gave little visibility. It seemed like they were setting the mood for more intense play. It was hard to find grandpa around. He was shorter than most so wherever he was he wasn’t visible through the crowd. I weaved between body after body wandering around the apartment. I felt a few hands touching me as I wandered. Cum was still dripping down my ass. I felt a couple hands trying to reach between my cheeks and enter my ass, but I walked away and kept the search. I tried fiddling with my zipper to close myself up so I wouldn’t get any more intruders. I zipped myself down covering my dick up and tried reaching behind me to cover up my ass as I was walking but I was interrupted as a bunch of guys on the floor in front of me were fucking one another blocking my path. one of them was a chubby middle-aged bear on his hands and knees sucking another guys cock. I stopped to try to find a way around them. That’s when I felt a pair of hands on my hips. The guy behind me didn’t say a word. I was trying to walk away but the crowd around me was closing in and I was having a hard time looking for an opening. The stranger behind me then took his cock and started slipping it between my ass cheeks. With the forceful thrust he jammed his cock deep up in my ass and started fucking me standing up. The initial intrusion startled me a bit making me freeze up a little. He got seven or eight thrusts in me before I pulled away and got on my hands and knees. I decided that I would try to crawl underneath the chubby bear sucking cock since underneath him seem to be the only way to get through. The bear was caressing me as I was shimmying under his belly. His hands were pulling down my underwear. He stopped sucking the guy in front of him and as I was almost on the other side, the bear swung his leg over and laid his bodyweight down on top of me. I felt him plunge his short but very thick cock in me and grab my shoulders. He began fucking me and I heard the loud slaps of his belly and hips smacking into my body. His large weight pinning me down. He was grunting like an animal as he was hammering away. I couldn’t move. My hole was getting assaulted. His fat cock going in and out of me sounded like wet sloppy plunging. I could feel myself getting stretched by him. He must have been as thick as a soda can. As he was going to work on me I was trying to think about how to get out of the situation. But I couldn’t move. The chubby bear was having his way, thoroughly enjoying my ass. I felt like he fucked me for about 10 or 15 minutes. Then he changed positions. He got up on his knees and pulled my ass up and started jamming his cock in and out of me hard and fast. I tried taking the opportunity of the new position to get away but he was holding me tight at the hips. As he was fucking me he eventually came to a sudden halt and thrusted his hips forward hard and deep. After a few seconds his grip loosened up and I took that as my opportunity to crawl away, his short fat cock popping out of me with a squelching sound. I crawled through the bodies. My underwear were gone at that point. Grunts and moans filled the dark room. The smell of body sweat and sex was everywhere. Another guy grabbed me as I crawled and positioned over me. Before I could get away he plunged his cock in me too. He was longer then the bear but not as thick. He swung his leg over and stepped on my face. Fucking me with his dirty foot smearing me. It stank and was sweaty. He thrusting was frantic and clumsy. His foot rubbing all over my mouth nose and face. With out any other optioned I stuck my tongue out and started licking his foot. Hoping that would turn his attention towards foot play instead of fucking. I think I was right. As I sucked his toes he stopped fucking. He let me lick his foot for a moment then pulled his cock out and walked away. I tried to find some place to go where I could get away from the party. I couldn’t see grandpa but then again I couldn’t see anything very clearly. Just body shapes. At one point I found a door in a hall. It must have been a bedroom or something, I figured I could wait there. The door was locked so I couldn’t get in. But there was a hole in the door a couple feet off the ground. It looked big enough for me to squeeze through. I tried crawling through but it was tight. I made it halfway but my hips were stuck. Inside the bedroom was as dark as the rest of the apartment with only a few dim lights around the room giving vague ambient lighting. Not enough to see anything clearly. There were bodies in here too. It seemed almost as full as the main room. I contemplated wither to try and squeeze all the way in or get out and head for another part of the apartment, but then I felt another cock penetrate me. Someone was fucking me with my ass sticking out of the door hole. I tried pulling myself in the room but another guy shoved his cock in my mouth. I couldn’t see who it was but it was an average sized cock. The guy on the other side of the door kept fucking me as I was getting mouth fucked. I couldn’t concentrate on blowing him since the ass pounding was harsh. The guy in front of me gave up and resorted to just jacking off and blew a load in my hair, I could feel it run down my forehead. The guy fucking me eventually stopped but as soon as he left my ass another cock replaced it. This cock was long and thinner, stabbing my guts. His fucking was slow and steady. Someone else grabbed one of my feet and I felt something warm and wet rubbing on it. As it ran up my sole and over my heel, I could feel his balls with my toes. He was fucking my foot. On the other side I felt some one lift my other foot and started sucking my toes. I had to admit that having my feet worked over by two guys was hot but this situation was not ideal. One guy licking my foot, another fucking my other foot and a cock in my ass. In the room there were two other guys jacking off over me. I guess I had to expect more cum loads to the face. But a third guy who was tall and fat walked over. He turned around and put his ass in my face. A couple of the other guys pushed my face in there and I had no choice but to lick his ass. His hole was big and wet. He was clearly fucked fresh. I stuck my tongue in there and worked his hole around. It was very cummy. I rimmed him for a good bit of time when I felt him start pushing. Among the party noises I could make out him grunting. His hole pushed toward my mouth and a burst of cum filled my mouth. This man was feeding me his cum loads straight from his ass! I did my best to swallow it but then he pushed again and another gush of cum came out. My mouth filled again with strong flavored cum and I swallowed it again. I thought that would be enough but his ass wouldn’t stop. It was gushing another load. Holy shit how many guys fucked this man?! I swallowed the cum and he filled my mouth again. I must have drank five or six mouths full of ass cum from this guy. Eventually he ran out and I licked his as clean. He seemed satisfied and left. The other guys around me shot their loads on my back and face. Meanwhile on the other side of the door there was a different cock in me. I hadn’t even noticed the change. From the long cock to this cock. I couldn’t tell how long he had been fucking me but he pulled out of me and started fingering me. He put two fingers in, then three. Then he tried putting four fingers in. He was pushing in hard and my ass was hurting bad from it. At that point I knew what he was trying to do. I didn’t want to get fisted! I put my hands on the door and pulled my ass through as hard as I could. I was successful and my ass popped through the door hole and the man’s fingers left me. I was all the way in the room now. My feet were wet and slimy with slobber and cum. I had cum dripping down my head and my belly was full of grandpa’s piss and several loads of ass cum. What the hell have I gotten myself into? I looked through the dark and between the bodies I could so someone familiar, it was an older short man. That had to be grandpa. My ass hurt too much to stand so I crawled over to him. I saw his feet and started kissing them hoping that would get his attention. Grandpa raised his foot and let me suck his toes. The flavor was definitely him. ‘That’s right grandpa, it’s me.’ I though to myself. He must have recognized me because he walked behind me and grabbed my hips to help me up. Finally I could get out of here. But then I felt my ass get poked with a familiar giant mushroom cockhead. ‘Oh shit he doesn’t see it’s me!’ Grandpa then slammed his cock in me balls deep. It hurt so bad getting that monster cock so deep so fast. His fucking was different. It was bestial, unrestrained. I could feel my insides getting torn apart by his battering ram. I opened my mouth to say something when another cock went in my mouth. It was long and thin and had sagging forskin. It was Harmon. Harmon was throat fucking me. I was being spit roasted by my grandpa and someone who could possibly be old enough to be his dad as well. The two of them fucked both my holes without mercy. Grandpa slammed away like he was at an Olympic event. Harmon jamming his cock down my throat. Poking it into my esophagus. I didn’t know how long I could take it. But then Harmon pulled out. I coughed, trying to catch my breath. My throat was sore and I wasn’t able to speak in that moment. Harmon walked around and said something to grandpa. Was that it? Did they finally recognize me? No, not yet. Grandpa pulled me onto his lap as he sat on the floor. Harmon got in front of me and sat with his legs wrapped around grandpa. The two of them positioned their cocks together and guided my ass down on the booth of them. I was getting double penetrated! Both their tips pressed against me and my body was being lowered down. My ass opened up and swallowed both of them. I was lowered down and I felt them slip up into me and they moved my body making me ride them up and down. Harmon in front of me stuck his tongue in my mouth and was making out with me, his spit taste like cum and feet. More specifically grandpas feet. I was surprised that I could recognize his flavor on Harmon’s mouth. He must have given grandpa foot service before I came. Harman explored my mouth with his tongue as grandpa bounced me up and down on both of their cocks. Normally two at once would be too much but beer can bear definitely helped loosen me up. Someone came over to grandpa and had his suck their cock. He must have really enjoyed it because his attention was off of me and onto the man he was sucking. Grandpa pulled out of me and started giving robin his head to the stranger. I was left sitting in Harmons lap. He was still kissing me and throwing his tongue in me. Arman positioned me on my back on the floor and lifted my legs over his shoulders. He was now sucking me quickly like he did last time. In this position with my legs spread I could feel his cock sinking deep into me, deeper than last time. It was painful and I don’t think my guts were supposed to get sucked that deep but he plowed away regardless. He was looking me in the eye as he was plapping away. I think he knew who I was. He’s leading close to me as he continued his drilling, nearly fooling me and a half. He licked my ear a little as he whispered to me. “I’m glad I could have your ass again. You are a good boy for spreading your ass for me. I’m going to make you my slave boy. How about you come home with me? I’ll be your grandpa. And I will do things to you that he would never dare try.” His fucking continued. “No, I have a grandpa. I want him to do those things to me.” I could barely think with his harsh assault on my insides. “Well I’m going to sneak you out of this party with me. Tie you up in my bedroom. You would like that wouldn’t you? Being a sex slave to this dirty old man?” I couldn’t say anything. My body felt completely at the mercy of his cock drilling into me. Then his fucking stopped. Harmon got up and took me by the hand. “Come now while he is preoccupied. You’re coming with me.” Arman was guiding me out of the bedroom. Opening the door with the hole in it and then out into the hallway. He was wheezing me between last phone bodies left and right looking for the door. Holy shit I thought to myself, what’s happening? Is he really taking me to his place? What sort of things would he want to do to me? Would grandpa know where I was? we were by the front door of the apartment now, Herman was getting ready to exit with me when he stopped and turn towards me. He grabbed me by the head and pulled me in for another kiss with tongue. I could hear guys around his grunting and moaning still it sounded like some of them were fairly close. As Carmen made out with me he ran his hands down my back and grab my ass cheeks and spread them apart. “Hey you there. Are you blowing a load? Here dump it in this.“ What? Who is he talking to? Then suddenly somebody came up behind me and slammed his cock up my ass to the hilt, he thrust in me three or four times then granted loudly in my ear. He lunged his hips forward pressing me into harming and held that position for a moment then relaxed and let out a sigh. He stepped back and pulled out. “I’m going to be giving you a lot more than that Kenny. I promise you, he won’t be recognizable when I’m finished.“ Armen open the door to the hallway and pointed me in the direction of the exit. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to go back and find grandpa. I felt my body freeze up in fear. Armin went behind me and forcefully jammed his cock up in my ass again and started fucking me standing up. Every thrust of his cause me to take another step forward closer into the darkness of the hallway and away from the party. When we got out in the hall Harmon was still thrusting his cock into my ass as he reached for the door to shut it behind us. That’s when I realized what was happening. I was being taken by this horny elderly predator, going to his apartment to do God knows what. I looked behind me to see back into the party, the dim ambient lighting was barely visible but then went totally black as Harmon shut the door. He kept fucking my ass making me walk towards his place. He opened the door and fucked me in side the threshold and shut it behind him.
    6 points
  4. I'm a free-use cum dump who loves to get a sleazy motel room and host anonymous tops ass-up and blindfolded. Whenever I'm not doing that, I'm looking for a one-on-one hookup through one of the several apps I use - BBRT, Grindr, Sniffies, A4A, the list goes on. I have never been picked up in a random location before - but that changed recently. I was at a housewarming party last weekend in one of those big suburban McMansions where the mortgage payment is so high the owners can't afford furniture to fill all the rooms. As usual most people gathered in the open-concept 'great room', where the kitchen island was buried under a massive assortment of wine and liquor bottles. A couple that I'm friends with knew the owners and invited me to tag along, but besides them I could count only two or three of the twenty-some guests as acquaintances. Some of my friends know that I'm into both men and women - I like to say that I bottom for penises and top for vaginas - but none of them know just how much of a cum- and bug-chasing slut I am. The friends I was with that night had no idea about any of it, and in fact my friend's wife had tried to set me up with her ne'er-do-well sister just the week before. I graciously declined. I don't need any kind of significant other getting in the way of the depraved, uninhibited, raw-is-law life that I love so much. But I digress. It was still early in the evening, and my friends had migrated to the far side of the great room where the homeowners were showing off the screen they had installed instead of a fireplace. Apparently no one told them that Netflix has a selection of fireplace videos, none of which require $5,000 to view. I was hovering near the kitchen island, waiting for a chatty couple to move so I could freshen my drink. I absently scanned the crowd looking for other familiar faces when I locked eyes with a guy standing near my friends and the fake fireplace. He was younger than me, about mid-thirties, with a slender build. He nodded and smiled and I nodded in acknowledgement before my attention was drawn away as the couple finally got out of the way. The homeowners couldn't afford a dining table but there was a pricey premium bourbon on the kitchen island, and it was calling my name. I poured three fingers into my glass - hey, it wasn't my money, and besides, I didn't want to have to wade back through a mass of humanity for a while - and stepped away. I milled around for a bit, slowly gravitating toward my friends, who had finished being awed by the homeowner's lack of financial restraint and were mingling with the few other people I knew. Before I could reach them, however, the stranger from across the room stepped into my path. "Hi," he said, extending his hand. I shook it, noting his firm grip. "Hi," I replied. The introvert in me was in full guise and I was at a loss for what to say next. He hadn't shared his name, and I got the sense that he didn't really want to know mine. He leaned in. "This may sound odd, but we've chatted before." I was surprised. I seldom attended house parties, so I had my doubts as to whether that was in fact the case. Perhaps he had mistaken me for someone else. "We have? Where?" He nodded, still leaning close. "On BBRT." I was momentarily taken aback. I protect my identity on all of the sites and apps because, let's face it, there are some weirdos out there. How, then, could he have recognized me? I was intrigued, but had to be careful since my friends had no idea. "Are you sure it was me?" I asked, neither confirming nor denying that I used the site. He smiled in response. "You shared your face pic once," he said. "You didn't have it on the site, so you sent it to me from your email account." In all the years I've been on that site, I only shared my face pic with a handful of guys. Alas for me, something had always gotten in the way that prevented me from meeting with them, no matter how much I wanted to. Each time that I missed out was a bitter disappointment. Why? Because the one thing that made me throw caution to the wind, the one thing that prompted me to eagerly send a guy my face pic, was a BBRT status of 'Positive' rather than 'Undetectable'. A shiver of excitement coursed down my spine at the realization. "So you're -" I stammered, unable to finish articulating the thought. But he knew what I meant. "Yup," he said with a grin. I stood there awkwardly for a moment. My cock was getting hard in my pants but I was unsure how to proceed. I was used to not seeing the guys who were using me, or showing up at someone's house or hotel room ready to get right down to it. Talking to a real live person felt very different, and to my chagrin it apparently made me bashful. Fortunately, he filled the silence. "Let's get out of here." It was all I could do to keep my feet from walking straight out the front door. But I was there with my friends, and they were my ride. How could I ever explain to them that I was going to leave with a random stranger, and so early in the evening? Embarrassed yet suddenly very horny, I explained my situation. "Okay then," he responded with a sly grin, "let's sneak upstairs. This house does have five bedrooms, after all." Five bedrooms for a childless couple seemed like overkill, but in the moment I was grateful for their avarice. The house had a home office on the main level, so how often would they ever go into any of the other bedrooms? My nerves were on edge with excitement. I finished my drink in one big swig, then nodded. He led the way to the back stairs, out of view of the party hosts and their guests, We tiptoed up the stairs, my pulse pounding in my ears the entire time. At the top of the stairs we passed an open door to what was obviously the couple's bedroom. It seemed to be the only room besides the home office that was fully furnished! The hallway ran the length of the house, terminating at a door to the attic space above the three-car garage that served as the fifth bedroom. A quick check revealed that the couple had installed a billiards table and several old-school arcade games in the massive room, so we backtracked to the smallest of the other rooms. Stepping inside, we discovered to our surprise that it contained a walk-in closet. He closed and locked the bedroom door, then led me inside the closet, which he also closed and locked. The sound of music from the party reverberated reassuringly through the floor. As long as no one walked in, no one would know we were there - or what we were doing. It was at that point that I realized with horror that not only was I not cleaned out, but I had no lube. "I don't care," he declared. "We'll make it work." We shed our clothes quickly, tossing them in two separate piles on the carpeted closet floor. He lowered his boxers slowly, revealing a small biohazard tattoo on his abdomen just above and to the left of his cock. And what a cock! It was cut and smooth, about seven and a half inches long and very girthy. I found myself hoping that my years of being a cum dumpster had stretched my hole enough to take this massive shaft with just spit! I suddenly found myself on my hands and knees as he knelt behind me. His tongue found my hole and began exploring, darting in and out while he sucked and slurped and made me as slick as he could. Once he was satisfied that I was ready he stepped in front of me, grasping my head with both hands and fucking my mouth roughly, forcing that huge sausage down my throat as deep as it would go. I gagged and coughed and covered his shaft with thick, slippery saliva, vaguely aware that some was also dripping from my chin onto the carpet. I didn't care. As his hips thrust back and forth my gaze scarcely strayed from his tattoo. At last he was ready. He pushed me back onto my hands and knees as he got behind me. He paid a little more lingual attention to my back door before I felt the tip of his cock pressing against it. "Uhn," I involuntarily reacted as the tip popped inside me. He didn't stop, instead sliding the entire length of his cock into my guts. My hole spasmed in protest, but the saliva had done the trick; it felt as though we were using lube. Soon he was sliding in and out of me with relative ease, though with each thrust inward it felt as though I was being impaled by an elephant. I forced myself to relax, and soon got into the rhythm. I relished having that big cock in my ass, and I was especially euphoric at the thought that I would finally get the poz load I had been craving. Any nervousness we may have felt at the idea of being caught melted away as we settled into what turned out to be a fantastic fuck. His cock hit my prostate just right with each thrust, causing the precum to flow freely and drip onto the carpet. We tried to be as quiet as we could despite the music downstairs, but the occasional moan and groan escaped our lips and added to the heat of the situation. "You want this poz load?" he snarled through gritted teeth. "Fuck yeah," I replied. "Give it to me!" Only a few seconds passed before his grip on my hips tightened and I felt the first telltale jerks of his cock. He thrust as deeply as he could, making sure that he pumped every toxic drop so deep into my guts that it wouldn't escape. "FUCK yeah!" he said, perhaps a little too loudly. "I knew I had to have that ass." I felt his cock soften in my hole, but he didn't withdraw it. He remained behind me, panting. I felt a drip of sweat from his forehead fall onto my ass. Then, he began fucking me again. "Get ready for load number two," he told me. "The second one comes quicker." Sure enough, after a few more minutes of pounding my hole he unleashed a second wad of cum deep in my bowels. Spent at last, he slowly slid out. "Oops," he said with a slight chuckle. I turned to look. Not only was there a wet patch of my precum on the carpet, a little further back was a small brown stain. "Fuck," I said, clenching my fists. I always pride myself on my internal hygiene for precisely that reason. Yet he didn't seem to care. He used his boxers to wipe off his cock, then pulled on his pants commando-style. I dressed as well, conscious of the wet spot in my underwear that threatened to soak through my pants. Dressed at last, we exited the closet and then the bedroom, sneaking back down the rear stairs. Just before we descended, he stepped into the couple's bedroom. I watched from the hall as he walked over to their laundry basket and stuffed his boxers into it, making sure to hide them under a few other articles of closing. "Do you think she'll wonder how he got shit on his boxers, or will he wonder where another man's underwear came from?" he said with a low, almost sinister laugh. Without another word he crossed to the hallway and went down the stairs ahead of me, checking to make sure the coast was clear before motioning for me to follow him. As I entered the kitchen my friends were standing at the island, pouring themselves another drink. "One more and then we're going to head out," my friend told me. "We have an early tee time tomorrow." He motioned to indicate the male of the host couple. "You also have an early appointment tomorrow," whispered my new friend as he discreetly slipped a card into my back pocket. "My place, nine a.m. We're gonna fuck every day, at least until you test positive. And probably a lot longer." I couldn't help but grin at the prospect of getting bred daily by his toxic cock. "I'll make sure to clean out next time," I replied with a wink. The next afternoon I spoke with my friend on his way home from the golf course. I, of course, had another poz load brewing deep inside me. "Funniest thing," he said as he described his outing. "they just moved in and apparently the upstairs smells like shit. Literally, shit." I feigned surprise. "Seriously?" "Yeah!" he replied. "They looked all through the upstairs and they found a shit stain on the floor in one of their closets. They figure one of the contractor's employees left it after they closed but before they moved in. Can you imagine? They spent all that money, and now she's insisting on replacing the carpet instead of having it cleaned." I didn't care. What I was imagining was another ride on that big cock. I mumbled a response and hung up, eager for another toxic load.
    5 points
  5. Part 8 It had been a week since the poz party. Mr. Lewis was starting to get a little concerned. He had gotten caught up in the excitement of the sex and lost track of his grandson. Since then he had been asking around his usual hook ups if anyone has seen him. No luck though. He figured that the boy would turn up at some point but he was wondering what he was up to. Or what someone was doing with him. He had missed being able to sleep using Kenny’s ass as a place to lodge his cock at night. He always had the most erotic dreams when he was balls deep in his grandsons raw ass. Some explosive erotic dreams. But the boy was still family so he needed to make more efforts to find him. He decided he would ask around a little more. He slipped on his sweats and tank top and went out in the hall. He figured maybe George heard of some thing. He headed down to his place and knocked on it. No answer. ‘I guess he isn’t there’. He wandered through the apartment building knocking on some doors asking some of his tricks and conquests. He knocked on one door, it belonged to a family man that he had pozzed a couple years ago. The guy answered. He was shocked to see Mr. Lewis there. “Oh my God, Um, what are you doing here Mr. Lewis?“ “Hey there, Dennis was it?“ “Daniel.“ “Daniel! That’s right! So Daniel I was wondering if you had seen my grandson around these parts? He has been staying with me for a while and he seems to be gallivanting off somewhere or getting into trouble.“ Daniel was looking back into his apartment and back at Mr. Lewis nervously. “No I haven’t seen him. I don’t think I’ve ever met him. I haven’t even seen you since…” Mr. Lewis pulled his cock out in front of him and swung it around. It was hard and leaking pre. “Since I bred your ass raw with your wife out of the house. he he he. Fun times.” Daniel panicked a bit and grabbed Mr. Lewis’s cock and stuffed it back into his pants. A trail of pre left on his palm. “Put that thing away. My kid is here!” He whispered angry. “Dad? Who is it?“ Daniel looked back at the teen boy in his apartment. He hadn’t seen anything but was curious to know who was at the door. “Just a neighbor Jackson. Go do your homework.” Jackson returned to his room like his dad requested. “Oh? That your son? Cute kid, how old is he?“ “He’s 17. And he doesn’t know about me playing around with other men. So I would appreciate it if you didn’t just show up here.“ Daniel was still looking towards his sons room, his back towards Mr. Lewis. In one foul swoop Mr. Lewis grabbed Daniels pants and ripped them down and swung his hips forward and forcefully jammed his cock into Daniels ass. Daniel put his hands on his mouth to stop himself from yelling. Mr. Lewis put his hands in Daniels shirt and started playing with his nipples as he started fucking him standing up in the doorway. “I understand. Obviously I’ll have to ask around elsewhere. How is your viral status? I am sure you are taking meds to stay undetectable like a good family man you are.“ Daniel‘s hands were still covering his mouth, he was in shock over what was happening. He was trying his best not to make any sounds to alert his son. “Well I can’t stay long, I’m gonna have to make this quick. I’d advise you to stop taking meds. You’ll be happier when you realize you have the power to infect other unsuspecting bottoms. And to motivate you I will recharge you with my toxic load.” The intensity of the nipple play increased and Mr. Lewis’s thrusts quickened. Daniel still couldn’t move over the intrusion in his ass. “Here it’s comes…. Oof! Uggh!” Mr. Lewis slammed forward and planted himself deep in Daniel. His cock throbbed and twitched. His balls pulsing. He shot a pretty decent sized load up inside of Daniel. Once he was satisfied he let go of Daniels nipples and pulled out his cock. As his cock head popped out of his ring a small squirt of cum shot out of Daniels ass and onto the floor. Mr. Lewis got ready to leave and Daniel was just about to close the door. But last second Mr. Lewis stopped him. “Oh yeah. When your boy does turn 18. Send him up to my place. I have a dryer on the fritz that I think he could help me fix.” Mr. Lewis licked his lips and patted his cock at Daniel. Daniel look back at him with a look of horror for just a moment then re-composed himself. He said nothing and just gently closed the door. ’Oh yeah, that boy is next for sure.’ Mr. Lewis thought to him self. He was already concocting the scenario that would lead little Jackson into his spiderweb. But he couldn’t think too much. He was still on mission to find his own kin. Mr. Lewis wandered down the hall more and walked past old Mr. Harmon‘s door. Well sure Harmon sampled his grandson‘s ass but would he have known anything? Mr. Harmon was one of those unsuspecting types. On the surface he seems like a sweet old man living alone. But Mr. Lewis knew the the darker side of him. He wasn’t alone because he was older and other guys weren’t interested. It’s the city, there’s plenty of people who are into all types, even older daddies. No, Harmon was usually alone because he couldn’t make a boyfriend last due to his extreme desires. Many of which were too much for even Mr. Lewis. Regardless he decided to ask Harmon anyway. But before he could knock on the door, it opened. George stepped out. That was interesting, George wasn’t usually into older men. But the two share many of the same kinks so he probably settled for what was available in order to skratch his perverted itch. “Hello there George old pal. Spending time with Harmon are you?” George had a satisfied look on his face. He was rubbing his belly and licking his fingers. “Yeah. I’ve been having some fun in there. Been coming here every day for the past few days now.“ “I didn’t think he was your type. But then again you have very low standards anyway.“ “Well I’ve been able to do quite a lot in here. Absolutely nothing is off-limits in his place. And I mean nothing. I think even you would be a little disgusted at everything that goes on in there.“ “Well then, I’m glad the two of you can get your rocks off. Say George. You haven’t happened to see Kenny around have you? I know I’ve asked you before but I might as well ask again.“ “Nah, haven’t seen him. The only thing in there is Harmon and his ‘toys’. His very fun toys.” George gently tapped his ass to punctuate his last sentence. “I see, well Harmon‘s new toy isn’t gonna last if the both of you are going all out on him.“ “This one will. I think Harmon is actually in love or some shit. It’s crazy how obsessed with it he is.“ “That’s lovely. I hope he can manage to keep this one and not let him getaway.“ “He won’t.” With that George hobbled back to his place waving goodbye to Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis knocked on the door and a moment later Harmon came out. He was wearing a leather harness and his cock was at full mast, dripping pre. “Hello there Harmon old boy. I hear you have a new toy you have been breaking in quite thoroughly.” Mr. Lewis put a finger to Harmons cock tip and wiped up the pre then licked it. “Oh yes Mr. Lewis. I’m just finished blowing my fifth load today. Among other things. This one sure is fun. Albeit not the most willing.“ “Of course, of course. I know how you get with your depravity. Hopefully you’re ruining his ass propper.” “‘It’. I don’t call it ‘he’. It’s an object. Just a toy, and I’ve gotten quite fond of it.” “Well I’m sure ‘it’ will eventually come around and appreciate you and all of your messed up desires. Just keep going at it with no mercy, you hear? Anyway, you remember my grandson Kenny? You fucked his ass a little at the party last week. I was wondering if you had seen him around.“ “Hmm, Kenny? No, there’s no Kenny around here. Just me and my fuck toy.” “One of these days I would like to meet it. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind me taking it for a spin.“ “Eventually. I still need to break it down psychologically. It’s a very stubborn toy. A lot of discipline is needed between play sessions. But I haven’t given it a moments rest. George has been a big help with that. He’s been here almost every day. It ain’t easy for an old man like me to break in new slave toys.“ “All right then Harmon I will leave you to it. I still got to find Kenny.“ “What would you do if you didn’t find him?“ “That would be unfortunate, but if what I had been doing scared him off then I would just make up some story to his dad about him running away or some thing. It would be a recoverable situation. But I will keep up the search for now. You get back in there and you go to town on that toy of yours. I’ll be sure to send George down your way for assistance.“ “Thank you Mr. Lewis that’s mighty kind of you.” As Mr. Lewis wandered the halls looking for Kenny, his thoughts went back to Daniels son. Then an idea came over him. ‘You know what? I think Jackson needs a tutor for his schoolwork…’ End.
    4 points
  6. Part 17 I'm not sure but I think I blacked out but not for long. When I came to Kevin's solid fit body was still laying on top of me and he was still breathing heavy with his face buried against my neck. And his thick cock was still in my cummy asshole and it was still hard. Opening my eyes my vision was blurred and I had trouble focusing. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest and in my temples, causing me to close my eyes again. Two intense fucks back to back, first from Drew then from Kevin, had me exhausted physically. Yet, still, a voice in my head was saying not to stop now. I wanted more. That thought had barely entered my head when I was aware of a wet cockhead pressing against my lips. I opened my mouth and felt hard flesh pushing in. At the same moment, I opened my eyes to see Ryan kneeling by my head sliding more of his dick into my mouth. Our eyes locked in mutual heat and animalistic hunger. Instinctively I grabbed his asscheeks to pull more of his meat toward my throat. Ryan grinned hotly at me and ran one big hand through my sweat-drenched hair. “Oh yeah, Justin. Suck my big cock and get it hard and wet. Get it ready to slide all the way in your guts.” I moaned around his fat rod as my lips seemed stretched wider than ever. But I didn't mind. I wanted to suck him and taste him and make him feel good. His precum was covering my taste buds making me eager for more. I hummed around his cock and tightened the muscles in my mouth squeezing down on his shaft. “Fuck yeah, man!” he moaned loudly. “I can't wait to feel your cheating daddy ass squeeze my cock like that when I fuck you.” His dirty talk was making me hornier. Ryan's big dick came out of my nursing mouth suddenly as he had to change his position when Kevin finally stirred and raised his head from my neck. “Fuck buddy!” Kevin breathed huskily, his face mere inches from mine. “You got one damn sweet ass man. I haven't cum that hard or that much for a long time! Your hole felt so damn good around my bare cock. I'm going to be wanting some more of it,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “You'll get more,” Drew's voice said. “Now that Daddy Justin knows how good it feels to get fucked I'm sure he's going to be wanting more too.” “Damn right!” I croaked eliciting a laugh from all 3 studs. “But,” Drew continued, “it's Ryan's turn now to fill him with more cock and more cum.” “Hell yeah it is! So get your dick out of him Kevin so I can give him mine,” Ryan said in a playful tone but leaving no doubt he was more than ready to fuck me and add his cum to what Drew and Kevin had already spewed in me. “All right, all right. Let me pull out first,” Kevin murmured making all three of them laugh again. I let out a long guttural groan as I felt Kevin's long still-hard cock withdrawing from the depths of my hole. He kept pulling and pulling until finally I felt it tug at my abused asslips as his cockhead came free. Then I heard Kevin saying, “Damn guys look how his hole closed right back up as soon as my dick came out. He's not losing any of the cum in him.” Then I felt Ryan's muscled hairy body stretching over mine as he stood between my legs and pressed forward against my naked flesh. We didn't say a word as we opened our mouths and slid our tongues between each other's lips. I could feel Ryan's precum covered mushroom head pushing against my pucker as we made out. Another hard bare cock seeking entry to my tweaked up cheating married daddy ass as Drew called it. And I wasn't going to deny what we both wanted at that moment. I pulled my mouth from Ryan's and stared into his handsome sweaty face and black pupils. “Fuck me, Ryan. Shove your hard cock all the way in my hole and fucking use it until you cum! Breed me damn it! Breed me!” “Whatever you say, daddy,” Ryan huffed then did exactly that. He shoved every thick hard bare inch of his manhood balls deep into my guts. I tried to scream but the force of his thrust into me knocked the breath out of me so all I could do was gasp. Ryan had not moved his cock any at all once he had it buried in my ass. I was still trying to catch my breath and fight the feeling that I was going to pass out. Then Ryan's face above mine, one hand playing with my hard nips. “Breathe, dude,” he whispered softly, gently pecking my lips. “Just breathe and let your ass adjust to it all. Focus on how good it feels having another dick inside you. You get hot feeling your ass filled with another cock don't you daddy? It turns you on knowing that you're letting three men fuck you and breed you. And you love giving yourself up to the sleazy forbidden sex. And doing it all behind her back makes it so much hotter and better. Right?” Ryan's soft seductive voice, his dirty talk about cocks and getting bred all helped me to regroup. And he was right. It WAS hotter knowing that my wife had no clue. I felt Ryan flex his massive tool inside me and it made me groan. “Yeah, it feels so good, so perfect with a dick in my hole. And knowing she doesn't know...is...even better,” I said in a low voice. Then feeling a sensuous darkness overwhelm me I grabbed his furry hard nips in my hands and told him, “Fuck me, Ryan! Hard and deep! Give it all to me!” Then as if out of nowhere I heard Drew say, “He's going to, Daddy Justin. Don't worry. But first take some more fuck smoke to get you good and ready.” Drew knew I wouldn't turn down more fuck smoke, even with a cock in my guts. I took three long pulls on the glass pipe and felt the buzz run through me. I knew this was going to be another awesome fuck!! (to be continued)
    4 points
  7. I am a gay male the began sex at a really young age .. I was actually 16 before I even heard of condoms .. back in those days the early 80s Gay men sneaked around alot as our lifestyle wasn’t accepted .. so I was already used to bareback.. I met this guy and we made out and everything and he went to put this thing on his penis .. I asked him what it was .. he says it’s a condom .. tells me what it’s for and I was like ok.. he screwed me for a good 20 minutes.. I didn’t like it when first went in but after this amount of time I began to hate it as it was hurting more than I was enjoying it.. I told him take it out and he does.. all over this condom was blood.. I freaked out and got dressed and went home.. had to tell my mom about it.. so sh take me to emergency room …. She already knew I was gay as events occurred that had me come out of the closet couple years prior .. I get there and a washcloth we had put in my underwear was full of blood .. doctor checked me out.. ran finger inside and felt these bumps so far inside .. prob as far as the condom went in which was several inches .. he asked me if I had anal sex I said yes .. he asked if wore a condom I told him the guy did have one on.. he says well put on this glove and e right back.. 15 minutes later I asked him what was he going to do with it.. he says take it off ..so I did .. all over my hand was little bumps/blisters forming all over my hand.. he tells me then I am allergic to latex and at the time that’s what condoms were mostly made of.. he gave me this bag with three tubes.. each tube had a 3 inch tip.. he used one to show me what to do.. slide in.. squeeze. Turn left three times turn right three times.. so work in the ointment and antibiotic into the sores/bumps… two sweets I had to do that after got better went to have sex and guy pulls out a condom I said hell no .. had bad reaction to them.. either without it or won’t get to screw me .. he tossed the condom aside.. since then I don’t trust condoms no matter what made of
    3 points
  8. I wouldn’t call this a peeve, because far be it from me to complain, but of the ten loads that were fucked into my cunt this past night, three of them arrived with no warning, let alone sounds of triumph. The fucks went along well, then, suddenly…ended, cock pulled out dripping and shrinking. The climax took place in silence. This is fully within the Top’s prerogative, naturally, but I would nonetheless suggest that you always make at least a token effort to signal distinctly that the train has pulled into the station. For the bottom, this is an important signal for determining whether the service has been well received, and enjoyed, but it also provides the signal for a shift in technique to follow. Speaking for myself, I find a Top’s unguarded utterance at the moment of ejaculation extremely gratifying, the more explosive, violent and vocal the better. Particularly so, if the sounds carry a sense of triumph, victory or conquest. As it happens, one of the men who fucked me last night has had me before, and elicits one of the most forceful sets of cries at the moment of breeding that I have ever heard from anyone. This put the silence from the Tops that had seeded the very same ass in stark contrast, making them seem somehow disappointing, or at least uninspired. So always do try to at least give us a little grunt to show you’ve finished.
    3 points
  9. Prologue You’d never be able to tell by the way that I look that the cute little twink next door with the perfect boyfriend was a deviant cock whore that craved nothing more then to be filled with cum as much as possible. My cum lust was going to be my downfall. Here I was freshly 19 chained to a sling getting my tight hole pounded by a hung daddy. “Yeah boy take my cock you slutty little faggot” said the daddy. Behind him there was a line of men forming all waiting for a chance to get in my hole and fill me with cum. “Oh god daddy, please fuck me. I’m yours, make me yours please.” I said. “Oh yeah baby keep begging like that and I’m gonna cum.” Growled Daddy. “Please Daddy give me your cum.” I begged. “Mmm. Fuck baby I love your hole I’ve been waiting for this for weeks. What kind of cum am I gonna give you?” Asked Daddy. “Poz cum daddy.” I replied. “Oh you’re gonna get it boy. I’m about to Poz your stupid neg faggot ass. Are you ready for it boy?” Questioned Daddy. “Yes. Please daddy Poz me. Make yours forever, ruin me. Knock my faggot ass up daddy.” I responded.
    3 points
  10. Chapter 64: Who's Your Daddy? Part 2. Dad opened the door and let the stranger in. I could hear him taking his clothes off, and him and dad kissing. Dad told him he just loaded me. The stranger got behind me and removed my plug, rubbing his cock with the cum that was seeping out, before gently pushing his cock in me, taking his time. I totally remembered this guy, as he was pretty much the only one that made love to me at the practice party. My dad started kissing me, and told me to tell him how slutty I was. I told the stranger I was now a poz pig, but I loved how both he and my dad made love to me. My dad said you love my cock don't you son? I of course said yes dad. Dad asked me what I loved most about his cock, and he said that it was the one that converted him, creating a bond that not many other fathers and sons have. My dad then said more fathers should have such a bond, and I agreed. They then put me on my back and the stranger continued to make love to me. As he was about to cum, he spoke for the first time saying I love you. I immediately recognized the voice and ripped off my blindfold to reveal..... To Be Continued!
    3 points
  11. I'm not really all that hairy to begin with... Just a bit of leg hair...I like my hole to stay smooth as I and most of the men that fuck me think it looks better
    3 points
  12. What I found was that if CumUnion is being held on a Wednesday or any weekday night, it’ll never achieve a high number of men nor the same vibe. Additionally I’ll add that if it’s held during week you can count on it being an early night since a large number will be working the following day. I’ll be in Ft. Lauderdale on June 3-6 so I’m going to hit SLAMMERS that Saturday night, June 3 and see how it goes. Thought I’d have something good to drink right before I get there and climb into a sling. Woof !
    3 points
  13. It was a Friday night and I was browsing the hook-up aps looking to get laid. When I spotted a profile with the screen name ‘Doublewide’. Facepic was promising - heavyset, late 30’s, white guy; and a Top (which works for me). I was just about to message him when I get his IM. (Guess he caught me looking). We chat a bit, the usual pleasantries, and I ask if his screen name is because he lives in a trailer. He replies with a laugh emoji and says no. Then he sends a pic and says, “This is why”. It took my mind a few seconds to reconcile what I was seeing. It was his dickpic, yes. Fully erect. But it was the widest cock I had ever seen. Picture the dicks of two well-hung men merged together side-by-side as one shaft. My jaw literally dropped. In that moment I KNEW this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Without thinking, I immediately replied that I want him in me. He expressed reservations as he is all too frequently disappointed with bottoms that talk a good game but can’t deliver. I SWORE to him that I would not tap out. I sent him pix of my fuck-gaped faggot cunt, and one of me sitting on a good sized toy as proof. That seemed to - at least partially - allay his concern and soon enough I was knocking at his hotel room door. Let me skip ahead here. We’re naked. On his bed. He’s reclining against the headboard. Me on my knees face to face with his monster dong. My finger were nowhere close to getting around it. This is the best way I can describe how big & thick he was: Make a fist. Now look at the front of your fist. That’s what I was facing. I could not start to get it in my mouth. And I honestly started to have second thoughts about taking him in my faggot cunt. “You still wanna do this?” He asked warily as I attempted to service him. “Hell, yeah!, I replied. For I was NOT gonna go back on my word. He stood and positioned me kneeling at the corner of the bed. He greased my cunt and fingered me a good while; opening me up. I had brought my own poppers, but he said “No. Use this instead”. I opened it up and took a long drag in each nostril. These were old-school poppers. True amyl nitrate. I took another two long hits as he greased the wrecking bar between his legs. I felt his cockhead kiss my faggot cunt. I felt it pop my outer ring. I took another two deep hits. It was about to happen… He started pressing against my ass. His lubed, raw, doublewide insistently pushing against my back door. I took another deep hit. And then, his rail splitter punched into me. All at once, he was in me. “YES!”, he exclaimed. My pussy spasmed around his massive dong as a stream of precum drooled out of me and onto the bed. Time stopped as my body tried desperately to adjust to him. I felt every fiber of my body shake. I think I was on the edge of panic. He stroked my back. “Shhhh…shhhh…that’s it…”, he whispered. “Shhhh…it’s alight now…shhhh…Daddy’s home”. At hearing this, my mind exploded. A tidal wave of pleasure swept through my body. A profound guttural moan from the deepest recesses of my soul escaped me. My whole body went limp. I had opened myself - given myself to him. And so began one of the most transcendent fucks of my life. He began slowly enough there at the corner of the bed. Then he joined me on the bed and fucked me from behind. His pace steadily increasing. He then moved me effortlessly onto my back, my legs onto his shoulders. He passed me the poppers and told me to take the deepest hit of my life. I did so. I inhaled until my hand lost its grip on the bottle. He took the bottle from me and set it aside. I was on the verge of consciousness while he piled-drived me. It was relentless. It was brutal. It was rapture. Then, as I seemingly felt myself passed into and out of existence, I heard a distant voice say, “Oh fuck! OH FUCK!! I’m gonna cum!!” - I whimpered, “Daddy? Please…breed me Daddy”. A ROAR filled the room as a firehose of cum flooded me. I lay there impaled as torrents of seed jetted into me. That was when my own flood doors opened and a long steady stream of cum flowed out of me and onto my belly. Suddenly, violently, he ripped himself out of me. My whole body shook and spasmed at the loss. Out of nowhere, he straddled my chest. I could hardly breathe. He jacked his dong urgently. He lifted my head with his other hand . I instinctively opened my mouth and he, again, flooded me with another massive load. I swallowed all I could. The rest flowed down my jaw and neck. I think that was when I finally passed out. I’m not sure how long I lay there before I started coming too. I awoke to the sound of the shower shutting off. I reached behind me and ran my fingers around my sore, tired pussy lips. My cunt still gaping and drooling cum. Soon, he walked back into the room in his hotel robe. “You OK?” He asked as he handed me a bottled water. All I could manage was a smile. I sat myself up and I drank the full bottle of water. He instantly handed me another. I drank most of it too before standing up. I wobbled a bit as I staggered to the shower. I was in there awhile. The hot water felt amazing on my skin. He was sitting in one of the two armchairs when I walked back in the bedroom. Sipping whiskey in hand, and one already poured out for me. I joined him and we talked awhile. His name was Dwight. He was in town on business from New Orleans. He’s actually straight, married for 9 years with two kids. He explained that his wife just couldn’t handle him anymore and they agreed he could pursue ‘comfort’ when out of town. I could tell there was more that he didn’t say…there was was an unspoken equity happening at home while he was away. He groused that the few women who he tried fucking would always back out. One even claimed he had tried to assault her but eventually backed off. That was when he decided to start fucking gay men; reasoning they would be more keen to go for big meat and a lot less likely to claim they were assaulted. Smart guy. There was a quiet moment that told me it was time for me to get dressed and get going. As we approached the door, I thanked him for the hottest fuck of my life. He replied, “No. Thank you. That was the most satisfying lay I’ve had…in a VERY long time.” There was a solemn sincerity in that statement that made me pause. I was looking at a man who felt cursed. Tortured, even. There was really nothing more to say. He opened the door. I stepped out. The door closed.
    3 points
  14. Here's a link to the fact sheet from the CDC - it's rather slim. It looks like it's a fairly obscure organism that is frequently asymptomatic in men and has few consequences for them, whereas women (i.e. people with vaginas) can have serious problems from it. It also looks like antibiotic treatments for it aren't all that satisfactory (though they mostly work). It would be polite to let people know they might have been exposed, particularly if you think they are likely to play with vagina owners as well. https://www.cdc.gov/std/mgen/stdfact-Mgen-detailed.htm
    3 points
  15. So, I had some hot adventures, but I was too busy to report it. However, I’m currently in Munich for work and I remembered the CAMP Munich how amazing was almost 6 years ago. Unfortunately, I was dead tired at previous two nights so I had to skip fun. Tonight I also was off but I don’t have to wake up early. So, around midnight, I headed to the CAMP. I was curious if it would be so amazing as I remembered. When I arrived everybody watched the tv because of the final of the Eurovision. Even though a younger guy started to follow me and I immediately turned into a cubicle (there are only cubicles but without door). After a short foreplay he made it obvious that he wanted to fuck me. I bent over to the wall, pushed out my ass and he was in me soon. He fucked me for a while and unloaded his seed. Load 1 is checked. Not much later more and more guys came. I recognised an older guy with huge cock. He was in another cubicle. After he fucked my throat mercilessly, he pulled me up and pushed his finger in my hole. He was satisfied with realising that I already had a dose in me. He started to fuck and an old guy with not too long but extremely thick cock stepped in and pushed my head to his cock. They spit roasted me until the fucker came in me. Load 2 is checked. Later I went to a cubicle on whose wall two glory holes were. As I stepped in, in the right hole a cock appeared. I started to suck. I was sucking for a while when a thicker cock appeared in the left one. The sexiest guy in the place came in, went on his knees beside me and started to suck it. It was extremely sexy as we did it together. Not much later he stood up, turned back and tried to push himself onto this cock. He tried more times but it didn’t succeed, so he left. After that I started to suck the two cocks one after the other. The first cock disappeared , so I continued with the thicker one. I thought that I also gave a try. Or the cock was harder or I was more stretched but I was successful. He started to fuck me even faster until he came. Load 3 is checked. After a short cruising I crashed the old guy with shorter but extremely thick cock. I immediately started to suck him bending over, so he could touch my hole (I wore a jockstrap). As he touched my dull with cum hole, he turned me back, bent me onto the wall and started to fuck. It lasted some minutes and came. Loas 4 is checked. As I continued my cruising I saw this sexiest guy in the place. He was kissing and stroking with a guy but nodded to me to join them. I assumed that he was bottom but he offered me his cock for suck. He didn’t wait for long. He made it obvious without even a word that he wanted to fuck me. And he did it. He fucked me quite long when I could feel that he was close and then with heavy breathing he gave me my next load. load 5 is checked. Finally I found a fully naked guy who started to suck me. Not much later another guy joined us. He sucked both of us but somehow he finished and left. I continued to suck this guy. Then I turned back and he fuck me quickly until he came. load 6 is checked. I felt tired and decided to leave when I found the sexiest guy in the place on his back and with spread legs. Another guy was fucking him and a third fucked the fucker. When they interrupted the session I stepped into the place of the fucker and fucked this guy. Then change the place, the fucker continued the fuck and a newer guy fucked him. This unloaded his cum into the fucker and left. I stepped back and started to fuck the fucker until my first orgasm. Not much later I found them again as they were close. Started to wank and everyone shot his loads onto the sexiest guy’s chest. long story short, I love that place
    3 points
  16. Today I placed an ad on doublelist with the title " When a guy just wants to drop a load - Mexican, Latinos, Persons of Color Appreciated "...and the usual " no load refused" and BB only. Within a half hour 3 guys messaged me. All were Latino. The first one just left. A very wiry hairy Mexican dude with a huge uncut cock. He pulled his jeans down, face fucked me for a while, then bent me over and rammed in my ass right up to the balls. It was painful, I wasn't really lubed up.. he fucked me like a pile driver, slowing down from time to time, plunging in and out, and wiggling his cock from side to side. I hung on to the mattress for dear life. He muttered in Spanish, saying among other things " sweet ass" and big soft cunt. Finally he he went rigid and with a thrust that went in amazingly deep, blew his load.( I noted he had not taken off his jean or work boots. Even his Ray-Bans were perched in too if his head). I licked him clean and he tucked the still half- hard monster into his briefs and pulled up his pants. Then he kissed me on the forehead and sauntered out. Before leaving he asked "Tomorrow afternoon?". I nodded yes. With a wink he said " I text you". I still have his very full load in my guts.
    3 points
  17. Part 6 Now don't misunderstand. My little brother was and is a total sex pig whether one on one or in a group. He's versatile and loves getting fucked and sucked just as much as he loves fucking an ass or sucking a hard cock until he gets a mouthful of cum. No matter how much booze he drinks or how much weed he smokes his dick stays hard and he's ready to get naked and nasty. After all, he's the one who seduced me when he was 18 and turned me from a straight faithful married man to loving cock and cum almost as much as he does. But despite all of that I was pretty sure he'd never done any hard drugs. So, I was excited to see what kind of slut my little brother would be once I got him fucked up on T. Chad was starting on his third hit in a row from the pipe and the two clouds so far had been big and when he looked at me I could see in his eyes the meth was already affecting him. Sitting on the hotel bed facing each other I reached out and started slowly jacking his cock as he did his third hit. “Yeah little brother, that's it. Suck that smoke in. How are you feeling buddy? It's hitting you isn't it?” I asked in a low lusty voice. My hand was almost covered in his thick precum oozing out of his piss slit in a steady stream. He blew another huge cloud then looked straight at me with a hunger in his black eyes I hadn't seen before. “Oh fuck, big bro! Oh damn man I am so horny! I'm loving this bro! Fucking loving it!” I gave a slight laugh and told him, “Yeah I can tell. I've never felt your dick so hard and big! And it almost looks like you're cumming with all the precum you're leaking.” He wrapped his fist around my own throbbing prick and squeezed tight making me moan in pleasure and pain. “Your cock is pretty damn hard and dripping too big bro. Looks like both of us need to cum bad, and soon!” Letting go of my rockhard cock, Chad moved from a sitting position so that he was laying on his back and pulling his strong muscled legs up and back toward his chest. “Fucking beautiful, little bro,” I breathed as he gave me a perfect view of his jock ass and hole. “C'mon, Lance,” he panted. “Slide your big bro hard cock in my hole and fuck me! Fuck your little brother hard and deep until you fill me up with your ropes of incest cum! Fuck me man please! I need you to fucking pound me!” I sat up on my knees and moved forward until my dripping cockhead was pressing just enough to be felt on my little brother's chemmed up anxious hole, making him groan and pull his legs back even more. “You feel that little bro?” I said softly. “You feel that wet cockhead against your asslips? That wet cockhead that belongs to your own big-dicked bro? You want my married fat cock to open up those asslips and push every bare inch inside your jock butt and fuck you until I give you the cum I should be giving my wife?” “YES, damn it! Yes Lance that's what I want. It's what I need. Shove your cheating fucking cock in my ass and pound the hell out of me! Incest fuck your little brother and breed me deep! Do it fucker! Please do it!” Chad was almost sobbing from the need to get fucked by me. A need I knew was heightened by the tina in his body. And the need I had to be inside him was something I couldn't resist any longer. “If that's what you want little brother,” I growled thrusting my hips forward powerfully and slamming all 8.5 inches up inside his tight warm hole at once. His hole clamped down tight on my meat and I knew I wouldn't last long before giving him my seed. I heard what sounded like a gurgling noise and looked at my naked little brother laying under me. His lips were open and the sound was coming from him as his eyes rolled up in his head and his back arched up off the bed. “Fucking...tight...sweet...hole,” I panted, laboring to get the words out. “A hole made for cock,” I grunted as I began withdrawing from the deepest part of his ass. “A hole made for cum,” I yelled as I drove my full length back inside him. “A hole that belongs to me you nasty fuck! I own your ass little brother and your big bro is going to take good care of it!!” I was moving in and out at an increasing pace. I could feel my nuts drawing up already to shoot their load of adulterous cum deeper inside Chad's body than I'd ever shot. Chad was writhing under my weight and the unrelenting powerfuck he was getting. He reached up and grabbed my biceps and practically screamed, “Oh gawwwdddd yes, Lance! Pound me, pound me, pound me. Make that ass yours big bro! Breed me dude! Please bro give me your fucking cum!!” His pleading and loss of all control took me over the edge and I felt my cock throb and begin firing shot after shot and rope after rope of tina cum in my little brother's clutching ass where we both wanted it to be. My most intense orgasm ever. (to be continued)
    3 points
  18. Been a long time since I've posted here... I've had a long dry spell lately, other than sucking some daddy dick occasionally. Chatted with a younger (early 20s) guy a week or two ago, but it didn't go anywhere at the time (of course). Decided to "tap" him on the app a few days later and he messaged me back...went through the whole "what's up" back and forth but pretty much got to him saying "I want to suck your dick". He asked me if I could host and when I told him I could but my housemate would be in another room, he said he was fine with it. He actually showed up (sort of a shocker lately), and he was cute as fuck. Got to my bedroom, made out, clothes came off, told each other how sexy we thought the other one was...I laid on the bed and he went to town sucking me, with occasional trips back up to make out some more. At one point I flipped over on top of him, he spread his legs, and I was sort of dry humping him while we kissed. We hadn't talked about fucking, so I didn't do any more than that...but after he got back on top of me and sucked me some more, he straddled me and (without lube, he must have either taken a load before coming over or pre-lubed before he drove over) lowered himself onto me. Damn his hole felt good. Flipped over into doggy and we both hit the poppers a couple times before I started slamming myself hard into him for a few minutes and exploded. I started heading into the bathroom to rinse off and he came in right behind me and started feeling me up again, sucking me a little, etc...while we chatted for a few minutes. Pretty sure he would've wanted round 2 had I been up for it (and I should've). Said he and his bf were going out of a town for a couple weeks but he wanted more when he came back. Hope he keeps his word.
    2 points
  19. Moderator's Note: I have no knowledge or access to the technical features of this site, nor does viking8x6 to the best of my knowledge. I have reached out to rawTOP. I suspect he is the only one who can tell us what is going on. My impression is that everyone is affected. I suspect the chat room which is a separate piece of software from what runs the forums is having issues. I am sorry I do not have any more information than this.
    2 points
  20. Three favourite bits of getting fucked: 1) When the top puts me in a position to get fucked - face down ass up or on my back with legs pushed back (even hotter if it's done roughly...) 2) The moment he starts to slide his dick in and my sphincter relaxes and he pushes in - fuck that's good 3) When he is about to cum, the verbals and then the cum being bred into me
    2 points
  21. Not necessarily. You only have about a 1 in 70 chance of getting infected. It doubles if you or the other guy has other sti's like gono/chlamydia. That is still a small number. If there are open wounds your odds increase, that is why they tell you not to brush your teeth right before oral sex with someone with HIV. Even that isn't a guarantee. The highest percentage chance of contracting it is from getting his blood into your bloodstream. If you share needles, take a blood slam, ect. your chances of contracting hiv are very high. Like in the mid-90's percent chance high. But if you are worried, you can always get PEP afterwards, or roll the dice. Depends on what you are hoping for really.
    2 points
  22. Laying blindfolded at the bathhouse with my gaping hole there’s not much in the way of foreplay. Reflecting on the things that build the most sexual tension for me, it’s when guys talk about me with other dudes. “look at that dude in the sling”, “Wanna fuck him?”, “I just watched him get fucked by some other dude”, “I’m gonna fuck him raw”, “This slut needs some dick”. “That hole feels amazing. I fucked it earlier. When you’re done I’m gonna put another load in.”
    2 points
  23. loved him. loved how he fucked. so connected, animalistic. intense, yet, intimate.
    2 points
  24. I hate watching porn where I can't tell the top is about to cum or is cumming. I like watching/hearing the build. I like seeing the faces contorted in orgasmic agony. I want to hear him moaning/grunting as he's about to blow his load. When I cum, I'm not screaming, but I'm letting the bottom know. Otherwise, it's boring.
    2 points
  25. Rural Georgia—June, 2022 (This picks up right where the last post left us…) David grabs his cock and strokes along with my fuck. As I speed up, he stops stroking, makes eye contact again and begins to babble about how good he feels, how big I am, how much he loves to get fucked. His words work and I do just what he wants: I fuck him harder. And soon, harder yet. The large man with the talented ass stops by. He works David’s nipples—and occasionally sucks his cock. I never pause in the fucking. David’s ass is getting wetter and wetter from the battering it’s taking. I stop. “I want you on my rimseat.” “Hell, yes…” I get him out of the sling and lead the way. I get under. That magnificent wet ass sits on my face, obliterating the light—and much of the sound of the party. My tongue finds his hole. I enter him, fucking him now with my tongue. I am instantly rewarded with some guy’s cum dripping into my mouth. I make an appreciative noise in the back of my throat. Someone has come over and is feeding David some cock in his mouth. His hole spasms as whoever it is fucks his throat. I get more of the delicious mix of semen and ass jizz dripping down my tongue as I keep eating him out. I have to stop stroking myself, it is so hot. “You gotta feel this,” says David. He stands up. RC is there and has obviously been the one in David’s mouth. His cock is wet and glistening even in the dim light. One hot ass is replaced with another. I have to work much harder to open up RC. He has not been fucked nearly as much tonight. RC groans and tells me he loves my tongue. Someone knocks my hand away from my dick. I expect a mouth—but I get an ass sliding down on me. Is it David? You’d think I’d be able to tell at this point, but I’m not sure. Whoever it is doesn’t ride me for long. RC is making really hot noises deep in his throat. I work my tongue harder. “That is so hot,” says a voice watching us. “You’re a porn star,” RC laughs, “get on that cock.” I feel Reuben kneel between my splayed legs. He starts to suck me. I am in sensory overload. I eat the hot, hard ass with every trick I know. I also twist my balls, I am so damn close to shooting. Finally, I touch RC’s thighs to get him up and off me. I need to stop before my jaw gets sore. Reuben stands and helps me up, before going off to fuck a cute cub. I hug RC. I pull back, looking him in the eyes: “I didn’t give you my best fuck that first day. The sling there was so low. Could I get you in mine?” “Sure!” I help him into the stirrups. I kneel for a quick rim. I have left his hole open and wet and wanting cock. After a few quick licks I give him my drooling dick. A slow entry. I love watching his face as more and more of me slides into his ass. “Yeah…” he moans. I bottom out and hold it in place. I pull out and start a slow thrust. We lock eyes. He strokes himself occasionally. I build the thrust speed. The sling frame groans. I slow down. I build again to a chain rattling fuck. I eat him out one more time. He is now quite wet. I am surprised no one has joined us to watch—but I realize the crowd is thinning. Men have gotten off and are going out to Ray’s midnight buffet. I stand up and fuck him some more—a nice and slow, a full in and out. I now wish I’d brought my mirror so he could see what I see—my cock pulled all the way out of him and plowing back through his puffy ass lips. He is taking my entire length on each stroke. I slow. I lean forward and kiss him, still deep in his ass. I move to pull out. “Keep going, if you want…” The midnight buffet can wait. Instead, I eat his hole again. I come up and suck his cock for a moment—getting some precum to stick inside him. My tongue pokes it deep. I tell him what I’ve done. He groans. I stand up and keep on fucking… * There are still a few stragglers left. A hairy cub finds me. He tells me it was him riding my cock while I was under the rimseat. I get him into my sling and let him feel what my cock is like when I’m in charge of the thrusting. He shoots all over himself as I fuck. He goes out for the food very happy. In the far sling there is tall man fucking. The guy is grunting and obviously ready to shoot. I go over. It’s David about to get the load. The moment the guy sees me, he starts spurting deep inside. David tells him to fill him up. I stand and watch. Stroking. The man doesn’t want to be cleaned up by either of us, but I spend a long time eating David’s sloppy ass. He has taken far more loads than this one—and I savor the taste of the mixed of cum. “Fuck me. Use that cum for lube.” I stand up. I insert. Fuck! His hole is awash. I begin a slow churn of the loads. A young guy taps me on the shoulder. “I really need to get off, can I fuck it into him?” I step aside. He pushes into David and cums almost immediately. He is happy to let me clean his cock. I share it with David in a wet kiss. “It’s my turn,” I tell him. I slide in again—he’s wetter and hotter. I grab the sling frame and pump into him with all I have left. I am there. I shoot. It feels like my dick just won’t stop going off. “Don’t pull out.” I have no intentions to go anywhere. I marinate in his ass as David grabs his cock. He is instantly back to full erection. He looks up at me. We lock eyes. Then he goes somewhere private—his face a mask—as he shoots again and again… Only then do we leave the play area and get some of Ray’s famous chicken vegetable stew. The original, and with pics of the porn guys, is here: From My Side of the Sling: Fornication Weekend Saturday: The Cum Spurts (felchingpisser.blogspot.com) July 30, 2022
    2 points
  26. Found two straight lads crusing. It's was a quiet night, no women around for them. They'd clearly seen me hanging around for a while. After quite a while with no action. One of them approached me and called me fag boy. Asked if I wanted a couple of loads as there was no pussy around they needed to nut inside something badly. They told me to bend over the bonnet of their car, look away and not make any noise as they were going to imagine my ass was a wet pussy. I bent over thinking they'd lower my shorts but they didn't. One of them ripped them open and they both spat on my hole. One threw his jumper over my head. They both bred me 🙂
    2 points
  27. That's hot you're letting him breed you raw, but weird you can't feel the difference. I guess some guys can't feel a difference, but its hot knowing you're carrying his seed inside you once he's done.
    2 points
  28. A top pulling out without so much as a grunt can leave me wondering: "Did you cum?" or "Do you want to change positions?" or "Do you need more lube?" or "Did you suddenly remember it's your mom's birthday and you have to rush home to finish her cake?" I can usually rule out that last one (except for the one guy in the chef uniform) but otherwise, some small sign that you came can help a bottom shift into "cooldown" mode without having to resort to asking, "Was it good for you?"
    2 points
  29. Shot a load after reading each of those last 2 chapters, & still hard now! A twist we didn't see coming. I think we all expected grandpa to breed him. Hope we get to hear what happened in the training in another story.
    2 points
  30. I myself am in mahwah….if looking for any easy bottom… no load refused..let me know….
    2 points
  31. Was at a party last night. Got barebacked twice in the sling. Once by a very well hung black top that fucked me once before but failed to shoot. Last night he came in me. Second guy was was not as hung but was a great lover. Hope I get to have him again.
    2 points
  32. When I top and I'm about to blow, I do what I want as a bottom. First, I pin him down. If it's missionary, I might pin his arms, or hold him down with a forearm. If it's doggy, I might push his head down, or slip my arm around his neck. Then I say something like 'You're getting my load.' From there, I take my time with some big, deliberate thrusts. Afterwards, I'm as gentle as can be - caressing his body, kissing his neck, holding his face. He usually wants to marry me.
    2 points
  33. Chapter 63: Who's Who's Your Daddy? The next afternoon, mom left to go visit her sister and dad told me to come to his room as he had a suprise for me. I immediately went over thinking that he wanted to make love to me, but what kinda of suprise is that. He told me one of his friends who seeded me blindfolded with our practice pozzing party was coming over, and wanted to breed me blindfolded again. Dad said that before that he wanted us to soak in the jacuzzi tub and then make love to me. We got naked and jumped in the bed first, and my dad asked me if I remembered tye first time we had sex. Of course I did as it was the changing point if my life. He suggested that before getting into the tub, we re live it. It was actually a great idea. I remember it vividly. The firstvm time we started fully clothed caressing each other's bodies. My dad tried to kiss me, and I pushed his face away saying but your my dad. He then grabbed my hand and led it to his crotch. I remember rubbing it, and amazed at how big it felt. Dad then started rubbing my now hard cock, and suddenly I kissed him. I remember how nervous I was, as it was so wrong, yet so right. Tonight was different as we made were both already naked, and there was no nervousness. The tub was absolutely amazing. We both got naked, and started kissing while dad started filling the tub with warm water. He then lit several candles around the room. He got in the tub first with me in front of him. Once we were both in, he added some bubble solution, and we turned on the jets. As the bubbles started forming, dad started kissing me and playing with my cock and nipples. I so wanted my dad's cock up my ass, but I was so into the moment. A dad and his now pozzed boy being romantic in a beautiful tub, enjoying each other's bodies,celebrating not just love, but the virus which was growing inside of me. We then got out of the tub and dad dried me off, paying attention to every single part of my body. We got on the bed, with my feet over his shoulders and he began making slow passionate love to me. He told me that he loved me even more now that his virus was growing in me, and that was a bond more dads and sons should have. He made love to me for 20 or 30 minutes before breeding me, and plugging my ass. We then heard a knock at the door, and dad put the blindfold on me, telling me to get on all fours. He explained the visitor was one i probably knew, and once again, he would not be speaking, just fucking. I was confused as to why this guy didn't want me to know who he was, but if it made dad happy, it made me happy.
    2 points
  34. Haven't posted in a while. Took two loads today. First was from a guy in one of the gayborhoods. Was cute, colombian, short (like me) muscular, and had a gorgeous uncut cock he slid in me. Pounded my hole a few minutes before unloading. When I got home a guy I'd been chatting with wanted to drop by. He's a tall, thin black guy with a nice big cock. Added his load to the mix. Wasn't expecting two today so it was a very pleasant surrpise
    2 points
  35. Agree with mblad. It's not the son's business you're fucking the dad, it's not the dad's business you fucked with his son. They're entitled to a degree of privacy.
    2 points
  36. I had just come out of my bedroom, where Judith was lying, filled with my toxic cum in all of her holes, a syringe sticking out of her arm. She was asleep now. Maria barged into my apartment without warning. She had a serious look on her face, and I could tell she was up to something. "Jack, I need your help," she said, taking a seat on the couch without waiting for an invitation. "What do you need help with?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. But I already knew what was up. The next sinner, her next project. "It's about a girl from our church," Maria said, her eyes narrowing as she spoke. "She's been stealing money from her parents and lying to them about it. She needs to see the errors of her ways, she needs some form of godly intervention." "And you want me to do it?" I asked. "Yes, I do," Maria said firmly. "You're good at that. You got the gift of god to so many people already. You can give it ti her, too." "Okay," I said slowly, trying to hide my excitement, "When do you want to set up the meeting?" "Tomorrow evening, I will being her to my place, you will come over" Maria said, a sly smile creeping onto her lips. "And I'll be there with you, of course." "Sounds good," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'll be there tomorrow evening." The next evening, I made my way to Maria's house. When I arrived, Maria greeted me with a smile and led me to the living room where the girl was sitting. The girl was small and delicate looking with long black hair and big brown eyes, probably from the Filipines or Thailand. She was dressed modestly, with a simple dress and a cardigan. She looked nervous and fidgety, her eyes darting around the room. "Jack, this is Ria," Maria said, introducing me to the girl. "She's the one we talked about yesterday." "It's nice to meet you, Ria," I said, smiling warmly at her. "Maria has told me a lot about you." Ria looked up at me, her eyes widening slightly. "Oh, she has?" Maria handed me a glass of red wine and poured one for herself and Ria. I took a sip, feeling the warm liquid flow down my throat. "So, Ria," I said, setting the glass down on the table. "Can you tell me about what's been going on with you and your parents?" Ria hesitated, her eyes flicking towards Maria before she spoke. "I...I've been taking money from them. I know it's wrong, but I just...I don't know what to do." "Well, that's why we're here," Maria said, taking a sip of her wine. "Jack is going to help you see the errors of your ways and find a way to make things right." I noticed Maria was pouring more wine into Ria's glass, and I just listened as Ria opened up more about her struggles with her parents and her guilt about stealing from them. As the conversation went on, I noticed Ria's speech starting to slur a little and her movements becoming more unsteady. I realized that Maria was giving her more and more wine, and she was getting drunk. Then, Maria pulled out a small pill from her pocket and offered it to Ria, saying it would help her calm down even more. Ria hesitated at first, but after Maria assured her it was just a natural supplement, she eventually took it. I watched as Ria's eyes began to droop and she slumped back into the couch. Maria just smiled at me and took Ria's glass from her hand. After Maria had drugged Ria, she turned to me with a sly smile. "Now we can really get to work," she said, pouring more wine for both of us. I took a sip of the wine, feeling the warm buzz spread through my body. But I had to say it ... "Maria, she is unconscious. We can't proceed. We can't force her ..." Maria interrupted me. "We can and we will. Or I will call the police telling them how you raped me and my mother, how you spread willingly HIV to more Women you seduced. You are a monster, like I am, too. You and I are the Monsters god needs to proceed with this work of punishment. We will continue, do you understand?" I gulped. I had no choice. Maria went to Ria and started to undress her. Ria lay there unresistingly, staring vacantly into space. Maria removed her clothes, revealing Ria's tiny frame and tiny round breasts. Her face, if not pretty, was definitely lovely, her skin smooth and flawless. Maria moved her hands over Ria's body and fondled her full breast gently, pulling on her nipple, making Ria gasp softly. Then, she slipped her finger inside her pussy, causing Ria to gasp loudly, tears forming in her eyes. "What...what are you doing?" Ria mumbled in her drunken ddtate. "The time has come," Maria hissed. "The sins have to be paid for." Maria pulled me over and pulled down my pants. My 8 inch Cock was already rock hard. With a wicked smile, she gripped my dick tightly and squeezed until it sprang out. Then, she guided it between Ria's parted thighs. Ria moaned, but did nothing else. Maria wrapped her arms around Ria's neck and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry, Jack is taking care of everything now. It's okay, you feel safe with him, don't you? Don't you trust him?" Ria nodded her head weakly, her eyes flickering open and shut. "And he loves you so much. He will never hurt you, I promise." I pushed my cock into Ria, causing her to cry out in pain. She was tight and dry. But I pushed deeper, against the resistance. I felt something rip and it went easier. I looked down. Blood was flowing out of her pussy, onto my big cock, that looked even bigger in her tiny hole. Ria was crying, her face full of pain. But she didn't move or speak. Maria stood up, guiding me forward, holding Ria's legs apart. I kept pushing, forcing my thick, long cock deep inside Ria's not so virgin anymore pussy. I could feel the walls clench around my big cock. The tears streamed down Ria's cheeks. I had expected her to scream and fight, to try to escape. She didn't. Instead, her mouth hung open, eyes fixed on the ceiling. I could hear her whimpering. And then I heard her moan. A low moan, muffled by the sound of my huge cock penetrating her. I pumped harder, watching the blood trickle down her legs. Maria pressed her lips to Ria's cheek. Ria's cries became louder and more high pitched, echoing throughout the room. I could feel the tightness around my cock increasing. Suddenly, Ria's whole body shook violently, twitching spasmodically as an orgasm overtook her. I was pumping furiously. She screamed out loud. Her whole body arched. I couldn't stop myself from grunting. I let go. I shot load after load of my toxic cum inside her insides. I collapsed on top of her. Ria stopped moving. I rolled off her, falling next to her, panting heavily. I looked down. Ria's wet pussy glistened from the dripping flow of blood and cum leaking out of her hole. The smell of sex and alcohol filled the air. Maria took a photo of ria, then she came closer and sat on Ria's lap, stroking her hair. Ria gazed upwards, dazed. I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "You were magnificent," Maria whispered into Ria's ear. "I never thought you would take it all like this. You must love it, what we do." Ria trembled slightly. Tears rolled down her face. "Yes," she breathed. "It feels wonderful. It hurts so good." Maria kissed her on the lips. "But there is still more work to do," she murmured, smiling wickedly. "First, you need to turn around." Maria moved Ria on her belly. Her Ass up in the air. "Jack, pound her asshole. Make sure she is converted. Make sure she is really one of us." I gasped. I just came. I felt the alcohol in my veins. "I don't know If I can keep it up like this. I already fucked your kom this morning." Maria looked at me, then she smiled. "We will get you up, no worries." She leaned over to me, taking my cock, that was covered in blood and semen in her mouth. Then she began sucking. She gave me head for a while. My cock got a little harder but it wasn't rock hard yet. Age, alcohol, coming three times a day ... it all took a toll. But then, Maria pushed a finger up my butt. She did it fast and without any lube. It hurt a little, but after some seconds, it felt good. She fingered my butthole, stretching my aus. Then, I felt another finger poking my prostate. A shock wave went through my whole body. I gasped loudly. After some minutes, my asshole relaxed and opened a bit more. I moaned and let out a soft groan. Maria continued to finger fuck me, driving me wild with lust. She put two fingers up my ass and shoved them deeply inside me. That felt amazing. She started fucking me roughly. She loved this kind of stuff. Then another finger. Three fingers, working my butthole and stuffing it with meat. Soon, four fingers, five fingers. I was being fisted wildly by Maria, sucking on my cock. That was now rock-hard. "I think you are ready now", she said, pulling her fist out of my ass. With my rock hard cock I moved to Ria and just pushed it in her asshole. I rammed it in. She screamed in pain, trying to push me away. I shoved her back again. I saw a drop of blood oozing from the butthole. I kept shoving. A lot of blood. At first, she resisted, pushing back. I realized how tight it was, getting more used to my cock sliding in and out. She pushed back again and again, her screams loud, words unintelligible. Finally, I reached the bottom. When I was fully in her ass, she stopped resisting. I could feel her anus clamp down tightly around my cock. Slowly, gently, I started to move forward and back, rhythmically, repeating this motion until I was totally buried inside her. Now it was easy, effortless, the feeling of power absolute. Maria took that moment and pushed her fist back into my ass. I gasped and my cock got bigger and bigger inside Ria's asshole. And bigger. The pleasure, the heat. All the pleasure I had ever imagined mixed together in one gigantic mass. It spread outwards, to every inch of my flesh, warming me up, intensifying the pleasure in a dizzying and dazzling way. And when I climaxed, shooting long ropes of toxic cum deep inside her bowels, it was much more intense than ever before. There were no words to describe it. Just blissful sensations, not even the human mind could handle it all. My cock exploded. Ria was shouting and crying. Blood flowed out of her butthole and a small trickle leaked out of the tip of my cock. I collapsed on top of her, exhausted. Maria pulled her fist out of my ass. I felt now empty, so empty. We both panted and groaned for a while. "Wow", I heard Maria say finally. "That was beautiful." She stood up and came closer to me. She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. Then she walked over to Ria. Ria lay still, eyes closed, breathing heavily. "She likes it." Maria said quietly. I nodded. She grabbed Ria's shoulders and turned her onto her back. Ria opened her eyes slowly. Maria took out a small box and opened it. It had a syringe inside, with a needle. It looked used, but was full if a clear brown liquid. I moved aside and watched, as she put the syringe on Ria's vagina. She easily found a vein on the skinny body and pushed the needle in. She injected all the liquid. Ria moaned and closed her eyes. Her body started to shake. It seemed she had a seizure or something. Maria put her hand on Ria's heart, the heartbeat slowed down. Ria relaxed a bit, her trembling subsided. "There", Maria said. "You feel better now?" Ria nodded, her eyes glassy and full of bliss. Maria stood up and went and opened a door. "You can take her away now." Three guys I recognised from church came in. They all had a greedy look on their face. "What is going on?", I asked, while the took Ria and carried her out of the room. "We need more Money to increase our Outreach-Program, so I came up with a great idea to use these sinners for good. For God's work." "How?", I asked. "One of our church members is owning a cheap motel. We will put the sinners there to work. It will makes u money while spreading the gift of god even further." "You are prostituing them", I said, "Thats wr-" "Exactly what these wholesale and sinners deserve! It is their punishment! They wanted to lead a sinful life, so I give it to them. At least this way, they serve a purpose!" While Maria was ranting, she came over to me and put her hand on my butt. "Do you have a problem with that?", she asked and pushed her hand back into my ass. I gasped. "No", I said while she pushed her hand deeper inside me. Deeper and deeper. Filling me more and more. I looked down. She was up to her elbow in my ass now. Her arm slightly bent, fingers squeezing, pulling and poking, stroking me up and down, completely encased in my ass, making my whole butt vibrate. I felt very filled up, like there wasn't enough space left in me to contain any more of her hand. I just stayed silent, letting it happen. It was the most sensual thing I had ever experienced. If this was heaven, then this must be paradise. Every nerve ending and every sense point in my body was flooded with the purest form of pleasure. I was nearly at the point where the only word to describe it would be the transcendent state. I didn't care anymore that she was probably the most deranged and evil person ever. When she did that to me, I was in heaven. Weeks came and went, in which I fucked Sarah, Judith, Silke and Ria over and over, making sure the toxic seed really took hold. All four were now stationed at the shady motel on the outskirts of the city. Like half the guys from church now showed up to take a piece of the action and other guys to, who have heared of this new opportunity. 20 bucks to come inside a pussy. Unprotected. They became very popular. And then flu season began. First Sarah, Judith and Silke got sick, a week later Ria and the guys started to get it and some weeks later all the wives of the guys got the flu. The gift was spreading. And now the wife's were coming for the pastor to ask for advice and Maria was there to greet them ... to turn them all into whores in the name if God.
    1 point
  37. When I was first exploring then coming out - I graduated High School in 1980 and if you will recall, 18 was legal to go to a bar at that time and despite still being 17 well into my first freshman semester at Fordham, going into bars especially gay bars was pretty easy - we had Candlelight in Upper Nyack (later Barz), Reflections in Piermont, and a dance club that had a different name every 6 months or so that was a bit more lesbian than gay men on Rte 9W in Congers beside Swortwout Lake. Along with those there was Cafe Provencal and the Coven Cafe in Nyack that were gay/lesbian owned, welcomed all, but had specific nights for gay men, lesbians, and straight couples, plus Fridays and Saturdays where all were welcomed (not to mention Brunch which welcomed all but was heavily skewed towards gay men). Feathers in Bergen was the place to go for Monday Nights and $1 beer blast (though as designated driver, I didn't drink the beer...). Rockland also had 3 Adult Bookstores with activity in the booth areas and the parking lots, and supposedly things went on at the XXX Porn Cinema in downtown Spring Valley but I never went there because they only played str8 porn films and the sounds and little girl cries so many women in str8 porn do drive me NUTS; Bambergers (became Macy's), Sears and the Nanuet Cinema had active T-rooms as did the Rest Area in Montvale in Bergen County on the Garden State Parkway (met one of my serious early boyfriends there!). Blauvelt State Park, Tallman Mountain State Park and several Rest Areas on the Seven Lakes Drive also boasted regular gay activity, with nude sunbathers in certain remote locations near Lake Tiorati and Lake Sebago off the Seven Lakes Drive. Now, of all of these, Feathers remains the only semi-functioning bar/club, the Spring Valley ABS on Route 59 is all that remains of the book stores, booth stores and porn theaters, and none of the cruisy areas to my knowledge still boast any activity. Very changed place from when I was a teen!
    1 point
  38. Yeah the men inside boxxman, where I would cruise during the morning and afternoon before the bars opened, was always packed with men. And it seems like because its during the day, they all want to bust a load, so by nightfall, theyll be ready to bust another one. A lot of them in there though, id estimate 40% of the guys I fooled around with there, were only into oral. And well, thats kinda one dimensional to a hungry insatiable slut like me. of course I obliged many men and gave them what they wanted, but id rather the load go in my hole. i feel the DNA is better absorbed by the body through your ass rather than your mouth, where by swallowing it you are effectively wiping that seed out, rather than letting it fester in your bowels. but still I swallowed and did my duty.
    1 point
  39. Met up with a construction worker in the woods after work. He pissed on my work boots then told me to suck his cock. Sucked his cock for a few minutes and then he said he needs to fuck. Dropped my jeans and turned around and bent over, he was ready and smeared lube on my hole and then pushed his cock in. Fucked me for a few minutes and said hes gonna cum and kept fuckin in pushed his cock balls deep and unloaded in my hole. Both zipped up and he said we need to fuck again, told him yes definitely we will.
    1 point
  40. I've heard promiscuous men of all sexual persuasions called, and have been called these a few times myself: Horndog Himbo Man ho Salty dog Satyromaniac Scamp Personally I kind of like "salty dog," since I love dogpile group fucks.
    1 point
  41. Have I missed something? Since when is not swallowing an option? You trying to tell me that people spit it out? I mean that's so rude
    1 point
  42. 2. Growing Pains The second clip was more professional, close to studio in the way it was edited. Seated on a couch was Klaus and the boy who was the centre piece of the first clip. His hair was in a bun and spotted hints of facial hair. It took a while for me to recognize him. He really looked like a sweet guy. Definitely my type. Klaus called him Cameron. From the mirror, Ludvig behind the camera. Klaus lit up a pipe, holding his breathe before kissing Cameron, exhaling the smoke. In addition to the clouds formed, Klaus's face was still hidden from the cap he had on. They did this for a while before the clip cut to Cameron in a room, undressing himself to put on a jock. The jock I had worn last night. It was cleaner. He put on knee length socks, a pair of split shorts and a tanktop. The next cut was him walking into an abandoned complex, probably what was once a community gym. He entered the locker and Klaus seated, legs apart on a bench with a tight golf polo on paired with chino shorts that hemmed right up the knee. His thighs were massive. What Ludvig had for arms, Klaus had in legs. I now saw his face. A sharp jaw, thin lips with a chiseled nose. His hazel eyes cradled his symmetrical brows. Overall, he was cleanly shaved with little stubble. If any, it was what defined his jaw. He was younger than Ludvig. Klaus spoke, saying how Cameron's late for his training. It looked like an athletic jock themed porno was about to begin. I had to give props to their dedication. "Sorry, coach. Was nervous to have this private one on ones.." "About that, it's no longer one on one. Some pals of mine from that conference a while back are here to help. Fellas?" On the other side, close to the communal shower, 5 men entered from the hallway. They were more or less around Klaus' age, around early 40s. Like him, they were fit and wore different kinds of athletic attire. Tracksuits, crop tops, polos, baseball caps. Each wore an outfit to show their seniority. They were muscular and definitely more athletic than most men. With only a glance and a nod from Klaus, the men ambushed Cameron, pulling him onto the bench, arms and legs tied to each end in a bright red paracord with barely any resistance. The men were quick and careful in their knots, mounting him to only half of the bench, ass lifted up, and his torso leaning down, faced to the floor. Klaus fingered his hole, slapping it and playing with his jock, pulling and snapping it. Then, one of the men approached with a bag of white shards. He grabbed the boy's mouth apart to have his fingers soak to coat with the substance. Pushing his index finger in Cameron's hole right after, his first moans for the night came out. Cheers from the other man came around mixed with encouragement and praises of how he was a good player. While his hole was brewing and slowly igniting the pig in him, Klaus and the other coaches were making themselves comfortable. One stood right in front Cameron, staring down at him and some leaned onto the wall of lockers, acting only as watchers. Klaus disappeared for a moment and returned with a suitcase that revealed wooden paddles ranging in sizes. By now, Cameron's breathing grew heavier and louder. Animalistic as intended. "Training starts now, boy." The smallest paddle was used first. Then it got bigger. Much to my surprise, Cameron took the first 3 with little difficulty, even with his ass cheeks turning red. Only yeahs that were reciprocating the cheers of the men around him. There were 2 more. The second last one gave him a scream. "Can you take it boy?" Cameron shouted Yes, with full confidence. Klaus continued for another 8 times only seconds in between. Cameron's face got red, tears slowly falling. He persisted. "You're doing well aren't you? Ready to level up?" Again he proudly exclaimed his agreement, even if sounded like he was about to cry. The largest paddle was passed through the crowd, reaching Klaus who thoroughly inspected it. He slowly placed it onto Cameron's cheeks, gauging the distance of the gap in between before telling him to get ready. Cameron adjusted his legs higher as he could through the restraints, hole further exposed for everyone to see. It was blooming in between the cheeks that were red and rosy. Without any warning, Klaus went straight to it. The pitch in his scream increased higher than I expected. It almost sounded like a squeal. The men seemed to enjoy this sound coming out from him. "There's the pig we want. You've done exceptional. We're all proud of you." Cameron could only shiver in the aftermath of those paddles with an excitement of accomplishment. His sweat made the tanktop he had on damp and wet, causing one of the men to turn it over his head, chest now exposed. The same man then opened a locker to pass Klaus a small box. The second act was about to commence. In it were two metal clips that were strung by a chain. There were also steel orbs with hooks. The man who had passed the box was now pinching Cameron's tits, twisting it and pulling it like harp, causing Cameron to moan in a state of both pain and pleasure. Before latching it, Klaus gave the clips a few licks to properly lubricate it. Letting go of the fulcrum, Cameron screamed again. The other men took turns pulling the chain, placing different number of orbs to weigh the clips down. Cameron's lust filled agony continued. When the clips were taken off, Cameron could only beg to have it clipped back. The men laughed. "Looks like we've trained you well huh boy" End clip. *** It was now 9:15 and a tiny spot of precum now formed on my shorts. I should get ready and maybe watch the rest on the way. The weather was not as chilly as I thought it'd be and I didn't want to layer much. Feeling a bit adventurous, I went commando and put on a pair of jeans with a white tee and a heavy hoodie over me. I regret not being able to watch the last clips in one setting. It was hard to not have someone look at your screen in the streetcar. It was also harder to try and keep my boner down during the entire trip. I could only skip parts of the clips as I stood close to the handicap seat where there were less people. 3. Smoke and Mirrors The third clip was the shortest and was perhaps the weirdest. It began with a hypnotic spiral before fading into montages of Cameron's transformation. I now realize how old these videos were. Probably more than a decade which is why it was hard to recognize Ludvig. The phones they used still had buttons. Cameron was probably my age then, fit as one could be and a classic jock. His hair was still short. First photo was him taking a mirror selfie, probably to post on craigslist. Next, him in bed with Klaus. After, them smoking. Ludvig now appeared in between. The montages were photos in black and white filter, played to a sort of trance music. A shot of Cameron now spun out, then spit roasted by both men. The photos repeated in flashes, transitioning to the next scene documenting Cameron's body progressing, muscles increasing with cuts of him taking loads from different men. Finally, different shots of hole was shown, ranging from being barely wet to full on loaded. The video ended with Cameron lying on his back, getting "+VE" tattooed on his back, right above his ass. He was also now spotting a thick guiche piercing. His ass had become rounder and firmer over the years. He still had his bun, but with both sides shaved to a fade. As the video concluded, I wonder whether this is what Ludvig had in mind for me? Before I could watch the final clip, I reached my stop. As much as I was still turned on, I was also confused a little, questioning the possibility that I could be Cameron. If I did, I wanted to leave a bigger impression. I wanted to not just fill his shoes but walk in them as my own. I became less horny to continue watching. Rather, I was excited to find my way to where Ludvig was. Once I got out, I made my way across a row of commercial buildings mixed with newly renovated townhouses, slowly turning into the original area that it was with dilapidated apartment buildings and abandoned industrial lofts. Finally, in front of a brutalist tower, I buzzed Apt 24. I got up and thought maybe I still had time to quickly watch the last clip. 4. To New Bonds Usually, I'm impatient when it comes to elevators but I'm glad that I was in an aged building. I skipped through the video as I ascended, each floor beeping in my overhead. Though I didn't catch much, it was essentially Cameron getting gangbanged, in different places and time. In slings, at a motel, even in public. There was also a part in the middle I skipped where Klaus had his arms around him, cuddling close in the bath tub while Ludvig emptied a bottle of pills into the toilet. I reached my floor before I could finish what I watched. The hallway had only 4 doors and the door with 24 was slightly ajar. I knocked, pushing it open to darkness with little light. Ludvig appeared in a black satin robe, leaning in for a hug while he held two glasses. We made our way into the living room where the only source of light was a projector that played a video of Ludvig fucking some guy in a hotel room. As always, the bottom was spun and Ludvig was a stallion. We sat on the couch and clinked our drinks. It tasted bitter, like metal. Similar to what I had before but more. Ludvig then took out some pipes which by I was now no longer reluctant to take. The smoke was thick and sharp. One had to be careful with the fire if not to burn and ruin the taste. Ludvig instructed me how to smoke and even blew some in my mouth. We started to make out from then. "How did you like the videos?" "Didn't get a chance to see the last one but I loved what I've seen so far" "Good. I knew you would. They'll be here later, after midnight maybe" "Klaus and Cameron" "Yep...and maybe some more" I started to feel the rush I had felt again and became excited at the prospect of having a crowd around me. Eyes now wide and dilated, the night had begun. Ludvig was more accommodating tonight, pulling my pants off, smiling at how I had nothing under. He did as much as he could, slurping my cock in his mouth, though it stayed limp. He didn't mind. Soon, my legs were brought up and my hole was his honey pot. I only gasped before moaning, opening it wider. He reached out for a vial on the coffee table, mounted on top of me and looked at me in the eyes. I knew what was going to happen and nodded in silence. "It's more potent than last night. You'll be able to handle it" We stopped to continue watching the screen. I lied in his arms and he slowly caressed my nipples, pecking my neck at times. "I want you to see the last video" The screen changed to that familiar title screen, To New Bonds, and there he was, Cameron whose blindfolded, no restraints on all fours in a motel room. Same jock I worn, now showing signs of usage. Sharpie hung on the band. The bed sheets were outdated, and the blinds were dusty. Klaus was at the top of the bed, lied down for Cameron to suck him for the rest of the night. All kinds of guys came in to drop their load, marking +ve on the left or -ve on the right. The tally ended up to 6 poz and 14 neg. A jar was put under his hole to release the loads. All which he gulped without a thought. I was fixated on this scene. Next scene was when he was in the bathtub and now I can hear what was being said... "You're done with this aren't you?" Klaus whispered into his ears.. "Yep, no more.." "Bye bye then.." Ludvig uncapped the bottle of Truvada, dropping the pills. Now it was him in the same sling he had been, holding the piss. They were only 6 men now, Klaus and Ludvig included. It had been 6 hours since they left him. "Cameron, you've been nothing short of amazing these past few months. We admire your dedication and your willingness to be a part of us." Ludvig began. "We think that the time's now and we couldn't be more ready to have us be a part of you forever.." Klaus continued "Your check last month came out negative and you've been off prep for 2 weeks now. We've stopped our meds for a year now. If timing's right, it's the perfect time to breed" "Are you ready for your final training?" Cameron, spun and high as he was, replied lucidly. "Yes. Make me a part of the family." For the next 40 minutes, each of the men took their turn to fill Cameron up with their potent seed. When the plug was first pulled out, there was barely any piss leaking. Klaus came in the most, at about 7 times. When the plug was put back on, Cameron was left in the sling again. A time lapse then showed about 4 hours passing before Ludvig came into to unhook him. His legs were shaking, almost impossible to make a step. He had to be supported by another guy who had left 4 loads in him. A towel was also placed around him. In his limps, his hole was still leaking. The final scene was Cameron in bed, sleeping soundly with Klaus spooning him. The end credit showed a web screenshot of a test, labelled positive with Cameron's full name at the bottom. Right as it ended, Ludvig held my head to lean in for a kiss. We embraced and I now heard footsteps coming in. In the flesh, Klaus and Cameron appeared in the room, under the projection lighting they stood watching us. We didn't stop. I caught a glance of Cameron who is now completely different. He had tattoos across his shoulder and arms. Klaus on the other hand looked shorter and was still clean shaved. By now, my high had increased tenfold and I started to spun. I was trying to catch up with my breathing and paused myself from Ludvig. Cameron came down to me, "I know that look. You're ready aren't you?" I only nodded, eyes glossier than before. Klaus then said.. "Let the party begin now, yes?" The next thing I know, I was carried into a room with only a mattress on the floor. My limbs were tied like I had been before, but now tighter. My legs and arms were extended as far as I could, and I remembered the same jock being put on me by Cameron. A ball gag was placed into me and soon, Ludvig was setting up the cameras. A chest was brought in. Klaus took out a toy one by one, placing it in a row in front of me. Buttplugs and dildos to rings. I could only focus on my breaths, trying to process everything while I feel my nerves electrifying more than I could possibly imagine. Anything they did contributed to the pleasure I was experiencing. Klaus then passed a string of anal beads to Ludvig who now inserted in me. Before the first ball, he informed me that more of the T was going in. "I've lubed this with more shards to make this a night you won't forget" I took all 6 beads in. The 3 men stared in amazement. Cameron took the liberty to pull it all out in a single move. It felt amazing. I started to drool in the gag. Then, I felt a strong whip on my back. I screamed. "We're going to oscillate tonight. Let's see if you can handle that" And so in the next couple of hours, my pain and pleasure threshold were put to a test. I felt the whip tearing my skin while I had buttplugs of different sizes inserted in me. I was at their disposal in every way. Things took a turn when a hollow plug was placed in me and Cameron, who was harder on me than the other 2, came behind me to relieve himself. I felt his warm piss in me slowly filling my hole up with him telling how much of a bitch I was and how I'm just another pig like he was. When he finished, all of them took a break. Klaus circled around me with his phone. He then raised to make a call. "Hey Chris, you free to load a bitch tonight? It's like Cameron all over again." I could only stare at Klaus as he ended the call, smiling and crouching down to me to tap my face. "Tonight is going to be an experience like no other. We've learnt some new stuff and are more experimental now.." Ludvig then pulled out the plug from me, plugging it with another metal one to keep Cameron's piss. He too came up to tell me how happy he was to find me and how my life is going to change forever..
    1 point
  43. I’ve actually had more luck with FabGuys in Manchester than BBRT.
    1 point
  44. This reminds me of when I was negative and thought I was playing safe. Back then if a man I was blowing pulled me up and turned me around to fuck me bareback, I wouldn't object, because I wasn't in control of the situation. I surrendered all responsibility to him once he let me suck his cock. I assumed no one would fuck me bareback unless they knew they were negative. Naive, huh? Now I know that many men would assume that I was poz because I let them fuck me without a condom. I probably took a number of poz loads back then before I finally converted. If a man like Mr. Lewis was doing this to me (yes, please) I would have left it up to him. If I knew he was poz, I probably would have assumed he'd pull out before he came in my ass. I wasn't chasing, but I wasn't running away from it, either. You're a great writer, and remembering those days has given me a big boner.
    1 point
  45. Part 3 I woke up a little late in the morning. It wasn’t the best night sleep but it’s something I’d have to get used to. Grandpa was still asleep next to me. I rolled over and faced him. He was fully naked and the blanket was down by our ankles. I couldn’t help but glance down at his penis that was now pressed against my belly because I was curious. It had a huge case of morning wood, and holy crap it was big! It was veiny and long with a fat mushroom head poking out from it’s loose foreskin. That was the monster that was poking me last night? I shuddered at the thought. Yeah I was gay but he was my grandfather. It seemed pretty wrong to be in a position where it was touching me but the bed was small after all and it’s not like I could just grab it and move it away. I scooched over more and at that point I was hanging off the bed a bit. In my movement, grandpa Lewis shifted over and was laying on his back. His erection pointed straight up in the air. It was like a meaty obelisk. The sun pouring through the window illuminated a beed of fluid coming out of his tip. Was that pre? Grandpa started to wake up. He reached is arms up over his head for a stretch and flexed his hips up in the air with a yawn. His penis twitching and the beed of pre dropped down on to his belly maintaining a string of slime connecting to his tip. He brought his arms down and wrapped one around me. “Ahhh, good morning Kenny. Did you sleep well? I had a fantastic night.” He held me in close. My face buried in his arm pit. It stank but he didn’t want to let go so I accepted the embrace. I tried looking up at him and away from the elephant in the room. “Yeah it was fine for me. Should we get up for breakfast? I think we slept in a little.” “Sure sure, but first I need to take care of this.” He grabbed his penis and started stroking it in front of me. “Oh! I should leave while you do that!” Grandpa Lewis kept holding on to me. “You can leave if you want. Or you could stay and watch. You wanted to know about gay stuff right? Would you like to see how a cock can shoot in the morning?” His hand was stroking faster now. “I’ve seen porn. I probably don’t need to see this.” “Have you seen one as big as this?” He gripped his shaft and pointed it at me. It looked angry red and drooled. “No! Yours is huge! It’s bigger then anything I’ve ever seen online.” He continued masterbating with his arm around me looking at me. “Yup I’ve had no complaints. Accept when I go balls deep in a guys ass. It’s quite the destructive beast, he he. But you can stay and watch me get off so you know what another man’s cock looks like ejaculating. It’s quite different then porn. Or leave, makes no difference to me. I gotta say my creature down here between my legs was pretty upset at me last night. It could sense a young ass in front of it but I wouldn’t let it pop in to say hello. Oh he definitely tried throughout the night. Took all my willpower to not let it just plunge in. Like I said it has a mind of its own.” His exaggerations were funny and a little creepy. His stroking increased. I got up out of bed and left the room so grandpa could finish up. I know we’re both gay guys but there were certain boundaries, family ya know? I closed the door and waited for him to finish up. As I walked around the room I had a weird feeling in my underwear. I felt my butt and there was dried crusty stuff down there. It coated my cheeks. I reached in between by butt cheeks and the stuff was moist and thick like a sticky cottage cheese between them. It was globbed on my hole. Oh no I didn’t have an accident last night did I?! I looked at my hand and it was white. Hu? What is this stuff? I couldn’t analyze it too much because I heard a grunt coming from the bedroom and grandpa Lewis came out shortly after. He was still naked and his cock was still semi hard. It was dripping cum out of his tip still and it got on the floor. “That was nice! So, you hungry for breakfast?” He asked while licking his fingers. They had cum on them and he was licking it up as he past me to go to the kitchen. “Uh, yeah. I think so.” Grandpa Lewis being as comfortable as he was around me threw me off guard. I guess this is how he normally does things but was this really appropriate around his own grandson? I was still very new to all this so maybe this was a normal thing? He was making eggs as he addressed me. “Don’t be so bashful Kenny my boy. I normally walk around the place in the nude. I usually throw on something quick to answer the door but I like to let it all hang out natural. So you should start getting accustomed to that. You can be nude too around here. You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before.” He wiggled his hips. His semi hard penis and low hanging balls swayed back and forth. His balls were huge too. Like two large eggs. It was such a disproportionately large package on such a small old man. I knew that some people were nudists and practically everyone beats off in the morning, so I guess that checks out. Maybe I’m over reacting. It was a different house hold and I was introduced to an entirely different lifestyle after all. I wasn’t quite willing to go full nude so I stayed in my sleepwear. We had breakfast together sitting on the couch. Our day went about pretty normal. Well as normal as it could be with him naked. After we put our plates on the floor and grandpa put his arm around me. “How about you get comfy. I’m sure you’d like to cuddle up a bit.” My head was laying on his chest. In my position I could still see his semi hardon resting on his leg. “So Kenny, what do you think of my dick?” “Oh! Um… it’s nice I guess. It’s very big.” He shook it around to show it to me better “Yup I’m proud of it. What about yours? How big are you packing?” “I’m not as big as yours. I’m about 6.” “You sure about that? Drop those drawers. Let’s take a look.” I was embarrassed by the order. Sure it may have been a simple comparison but I was nervous about showing grandpa my penis. “I’m not sure about that.” “Come on. Show your old man your equipment.” He was guiding me to my feet. I was standing in front of him while he was sitting down. I stood there for a moment hesitating a bit, then grandpa Lewis grabbed my boxers and pulled them down revealing my flaccid penis to him. “Oh! Um, how is it? I told you it isn’t as big as yours.” Grandpa leaned in close to inspect it. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me in close. His nose was almost touching it. “Not bad. But I can’t make any judgments with it like this. Get it hard for me. Let me see you at full mast.” “I- I can’t do that!” He looked up at me. “Am I gonna have to do it for you? You sure you want your grandpa to latch his mouth on your little cock and suckle it hard?” “N-No! We can’t do that! And it’s not small!” “Then show me. I’m going to open my mouth and go down on your little dick and suck it hard. If you don’t want that then intercept my mouth and start stroking.” Grandpa did what he said. He grabbed my dick and and pointed it towards him. He opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out and moved forward slowly. My heart was racing and I didn’t know what to do. The head of my dick went in past his lips but no contact with his mouth or tongue yet. Only his fingers holding my soft shaft. It slowly inched it’s way in further when I quickly pulled my hips away and grabbed it. Stroking it like he said. “Good boy. That would have been naughty of you to let that happen wouldn’t it?” “You shouldn’t joke like that grandpa.” I focused on stroking. It was starting to get hard. Grandpa looked at it patiently. Eventually I got it up to full mast like he wanted. “There, how is this?” He grabbed my dick and stroked it a little, keeping it hard. He looked like he was inspecting it. “Well now. I’d say it’s about 6 and a half. Maybe 7. Oh hell why not, I’ll be generous and round it to 7 for you Kenny boy. It’s a decent length. You’ll satisfy plenty of men with it. Not everyone wants a monster cock demolishing their guts into ground beef.” Grandpa Lewis let go and stood up. He was fully hard. Our dicks now pointing towards each other. “This thing has destroyed plenty men. I doubt you could take one this big, wouldn’t you say?” “Yeah that would be too big.” “Try imagining one like that going in you. Actually, for the sake of argument. I want you to imagine me fucking your virgin ass.” “Grandpa that’s messed up!” “Im not gonna do it you silly little [banned word]. What an outrageous idea of yours. I said for the sake of argument.” I tried to imagine being on my knees and grandpa behind me. As the scenario in my mind played out, I envisioned him pressing his head against my ass, pushing in. The thought made me shake my head. “Yeah that’s an intense visual grandpa.” “I’m sure it would be. You would definitely need practice on your ass though. I have plenty of dildos and sex toys in my room. Open any drawer and you’ll find a bunch. If you feel like getting adventurous you can play with any one of them.” Really? He had that many? Even with my clothes packed in there? “Thanks but I’m fine.” I sat down and tried to pull my underwear back up but grandpa stopped me. “Let it all hang out. I’m naked. I don’t see any reason you shouldn’t be.” I kicked my underwear to the side. Grandpa Lewis pulled my T-shirt off too. We were now sitting together naked, both of us with erections. Was this what it was like to be so care free living on your own? Grandpa definitely seems to be very comfortable with his body and wasn’t ashamed to flaunt it. I wish I had his confidence. As we sat there I could still feel that thick gooey paste stuff between my cheeks. Slathering my hole. I thought about what it could be, perhaps I was sweating a lot during the night? Whatever it was I decided to take a shower. I told grandpa that I was going to go get cleaned up. He pointed me towards the bathroom. It felt good being able to let the water cascade over me. Now that I was alone I was able to inspect my butt more. I couldn’t figure out how much was down there. The water from the shower carried it away. I wondered if any of that came from inside me. I shoved a finger up inside me feeling for any of that mysterious white goo. It didn’t feel like there was anything inside. As I felt my hole I was feeling pretty good. So I decided to finger myself in the shower. I was masturbating while playing with my ass when I heard a knock on the door. “Kenny? You done yet? I gotta piss.” I pulled my fingers out of my ass and quickly rinsed off and turned off the water. “Yeah I’m done grandpa. I’m getting out.” “Good.” As I stepped out of the shower the door to the bathroom opened up. Grandpa Louis came in and walked to the toilet and pointed his dick towards it. The toilet was between the shower and the door. Grandpa was blocking my exit. He was just a few inches away from me. “Grandpa I should step out.“ He grabbed me by the shoulder and brought me in close. “Not so fast Kenny boy. How about you get down and watch me drain the lizard?” He was holding his dick in one hand and pressing down on my shoulder with the other. “What? Why?” I was on my knees at that point. Grandpa putting his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me towards his dick. My mouth almost bumped it. I was super close, more close than I wanted to be. “I told you I was going to teach you about gay stuff right? Well some gay men like to watch other men piss. It’s no big deal. Just check out my flow. You may be impressed by how heavy it is.” Grandpa started to piss in the toilet with me next to his dick. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to feel uncomfortable or not. I did want him to teach me about gay life. But this seemed more specific. Do guys really get into this sort of thing? I had to admit it was impressive to see how strong and fast his yellow stream was filling the toilet bowl. “That’s it boy. Nothing like a little morning piss. Come on, get in closer.” Closer? How was I supposed to get closer? I could see it very well from how close I was already. Grandpa pushed me towards the tip of his cock and I was so close to it that at that point the mist spray from his urine torrent was splashing on my lips a little. I didn’t say anything out of fear that it would get in my mouth. Then his stream abruptly stopped. “Had to stop the flow for a bit. Hey Kenny have you heard of water sports?“ “No, what’s that?“ Grandpa then turn to face me. His semi hard dick hanging above my face. “It’s when guys like you and me like too feel the piss on them and in them. It’s a kink play. Some guys even like to drink it.“ He was now caressing my face. “Really? That sounds way too kinky for me. I don’t think I could do that.“ “It’s easy really. Here, let me show you. Open your mouth.“ “What? No! I’m not gonna drink your piss grandpa!” “I never said I was going to make you. I’m just trying to give a demonstration. Do you trust me?” “…yes.” “Good then open your mouth wide for me. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.“ I looked at him and then to his cock there was a yellow drop of piss hanging off his tip. I wasn’t sure what this demonstration was supposed to be, but he did say that he wasn’t going to make me drink anything. At least I think he did. I opened my mouth wide like he asked. Grandpa Lewis then put a hand on the back of my head and another hand on his cock and was pointing it into my mouth. “Now then. If you were to do water sports, and if you were a piss drinker. It would be best to drink it directly from the tap. Some guys like to take it up the ass too. But more commonly they like it straight down their piggy throats.“ Grandpa then inched his cock into my mouth. I could feel the warmth radiating off of it, and I could almost taste his flavor on my breath without touching it. My tongue didn’t touch his head, but it did make contact with that piss drop hanging. I could taste it. It was salty and tangy. I didn’t think I really liked it all that much. But it was just one drop. “Yeah I’ve had quite a few pig boys drink for me. They all love it. I’m not saying you’re a piss pig Kenny boy. Just trying to show you options. And now here comes the fun part.“ Grandpa let his head tilt back and his belly muscles clenching in his bladder relaxed. He let out a sigh. “Ooooooh yeah…. Here it comes.“ His cock twitched as it hovered in my mouth a couple of times as I saw his body relax. At that point I knew exactly what was going to happen. I pulled my head away and then got up to my feet. As I did grandpa let out a stream of piss. It hit me on my belly and got on my legs. “Grandpa gross!“ He then redirected his stream back to the toilet and started laughing. “Relax Kenny boy. It was just a joke.“ “You peed on me!” I grabbed a towel to wipe myself off. “Just a tiny little stream. I knew you would get out of the way. I did say it was coming didn’t I?“ “Yeah… you did.” “Relax. It’s just a little prank. Guys do it all the time.” I squeezed past him and left the bathroom. I guess he was sort of right. I knew some guys do pull weird pranks on each other. Maybe some of them even did pranks like that. Still I wasn’t too happy over getting urine on me. But what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten away in time? Just that one little drop that met my tongue was weird enough of a taste. I seriously doubt I could handle everything that was coming out of him. Plus we shouldn’t actually perform any fetish stuff on each other. Demonstrations and explanations are fine but his dick got surprisingly close to touching the inside of my mouth. Grandpa was definitely a very bold guy. Not the type you’d want to play chicken with. I waited in the living room for him to come out. I wondered what we were going to do today. Perhaps more gay lessons? But preferably less invasive like in the bathroom. Grandpa walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me hugging me. I felt his rock hard dick rubbing against my butt cheek. “Okay Kenny boy. Your grandpa is all boned up and needs some action. This dick of mine needs an ass to drill into and blow a load.“ Grandpa then pointed his dick at my crack and slipped his cock head in past my cheeks. It pressed up against my hole. He moved his hips forward while holding my shoulders and was applying quite a lot of pressure. ”GRANDPAH NO! YOU CANT!” The short man stood up on his tiptoes so his dick could get more reach and applied even more force on me. So much more that my hole started to hurt as it felt like his tip was starting to part my sphincter. Then he let go of me and pulled his dick away, stepping back. “Not yours silly boy. I meant one of my friends I know in a different unit next door.” He giggled. “Had you going there for a second.“ I took a moment to catch my breath. Wow that was pretty scary. Not only was it because it was my grandfather, but he has AIDS. That would have been totally wrong on so many levels. He walked over to the couch and pulled out a pair of underwear and a tank top that was between the cushions and threw them on. “All right then. I’ll be back in a couple hours. You hold down the fort all right? Later I’ll take you someplace fun.“ “Sure, sure.“ I was coming down. Bring my headspace back to normal. He mentioned a fun place? That actually sounded cool. Perhaps somewhere in the city? I’ve never been anywhere in the city before so I got a little excited. I followed him to the door. “You won’t be gone too long will you?“ He raised an eyebrow at me. “I gotta take care of this raging boner sonny boy. If I stay here any longer, who knows what might happen to your virgin ass.” That made me gasp a little. “I’m kidding! Jeez you gotta learn a sense of humor.“ He stood up on his tiptoes again and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Don’t get up to too much trouble now.“ Then shut the door behind him, leaving me on my own.
    1 point
  46. The pain of penetration and the first Few really deep (gut wrenching) thrusts! Being verbally chastised Before, during, and afterwards is a close second.
    1 point
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