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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I'm pretty sure he didn't give you meds for Hep C. Those are ridiculously expensive. Get checked for that next time. That's the one that is running rampant in the barebacking community. 1 in 4 HIV+ men are Hep C positive. And the scary part is they have no clue. If you engaged in any group sex (and it sounds like you did), you could very well have gotten it. And it's not cured with antibiotics. It's 12 weeks of antivirals if your insurance will pay for it. Some insurers only pay once your liver is damaged. http://www.healthline.com/health/hepatitis-c-treatment-cost#4 So if you had 83 cocks, who foots the $84,000 bill now? I'm all for guys having their bare fun, but far too often little discussion happens here about the costs, clinic/doctor visits and aggravation that picking up these diseases causes. One of these days insurance companies are going to start offering personalized pricing. This is one way to pass on the cost of barebacking and other high risk behaviours to the person who engages in them. That's really scary. Have your fun in moderation. Get tested. Stay healthy man.
  2. Prove that you didn't pick up or spread: 1) Hep C 2) Syphilis 3) Gonorrhea 4) Chlamydia 5) HIV and we'll present you with your very own ho trophy. LOL
  3. As SuccessfulChaser said, STIs come with raw fucking. There is no way to avoid them. You can fuck 1 guy and catch something or you can take 20 loads and get nothing. There is no rhyme or reason to it. There are things you can do to minimize your risk. For one, don't get on an assembly line with other bottoms (e.g. sex parties) where tops are going from hole to hole. That is just asking for trouble - especially if the top is not wiping his dick off. Make sure you are well lubed and take it slow with the hung tops. A roughed up, wrecked bloody hole is a sponge for the nasties. If you do find out you got something, tell your bf and go get treated at the same time. Otherwise, you are just passing infections back and forth to each other. Thanks for starting the thread. Too many guys are focused on getting laid, but bareback sex requires having a health strategy. PrEP is just protecting you from one of the big 5 (i.e. HIV). You are still at risk for syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and Hepatitis C. Most people don't get checked for Hep C as part of their routine panels. But chances are if you engage in any type of group sex or rough sex, you are at high risk. That one can't be cleared up with a shot. It's 12 weeks of antivirals that cost tens of thousands of dollars (but prices are coming down.) Good luck man.
  4. You all are being so kind and considerate. I think I feel a tear forming in my eye. Can someone pass me a Kleenex? While I am waiting, creativedude86, girl you is G A Y. It's alright. We still love you.
  5. It's not about slut shaming. It's about being a decent human being. If a person tells you at the start of a relationship that he expects monogamy, then it's on you to say that's not what you are looking for. If you want to be a hoe, be the biggest and best hoe you can be. But people you are intimately involved with should be able to decide for themselves if they want a hoe as a boyfriend/life partner. It's always interesting to see how men rationalize cheating. A great litmus test for how you should approach life is to answer the following question: if I opened up the front page of the newspaper (or for you millennials that would be social media), how would I feel reading about what I've been doing? If the answer is "I don't give a fuck". Then great, no need to be secretive. Live your life out loud. But if you don't want others to know who you are and what you are about, then maybe you want to have a closer look at who you are. You're probably ashamed of yourself and your behavior - or at the very least don't want to be judged. If that's the case, maybe an option would be to surround yourself with like-minded individuals so you're not reminded of your shortcomings. In my next relationship, if I can't do spot checks of my boyfriend's phone, then our relationship is over. LOL.
  6. You clearly want that dick and that load again. This isn't a relationship so why does he need to show respect? I can understand that you don't like to be talked to that way...but you can't cherry pick here. The dick and the potty mouth are a package deal. Also wondering if race isn't playing into this in an interesting kind of way...you are being dominated by this black guy physically and abused verbally and that could be what's got you in your feelings as a white guy. And to top it off, you have to pick him up and drop him off. I've heard women say you can't let men hit the bottom of your vagina. Big long thick dick that is administered properly will fuck up an otherwise normal thinking person. I can attest to that. I got some dick on Sunday like that.
  7. I laughed out loud when I read that because it captures perfectly just how much times have changed. There was a time when guys had so few options that they would savor the opportunity to have sex in a bathhouse. Now it's just a place where you go when you're not even that horny and turn your nose up at what's there if it's not to your liking. I am starting to believe those articles I read that millennials are having less sex than previous generations. I guess there is something inherently distasteful about putting your "candy" out there and having people walk by, look at it and tell you it's not good enough.
  8. I think PrEP was a brilliant move on big pharma's part. You've got neg guys taking (what is in most cases) the SAME PILL as positive guys. So they make more money off of the neg's guys fear of becoming poz - which is a jedi mind trick in itself since pretty much everyone knows being poz is no longer a death sentence. So neg guys are acting like poz guys to stay neg. Perfect. I wish I had bought big pharma stock 10 years ago. The PrEP guys are still at risk for catching all the other STIs - especially Hep C. I've read statistics that say there are 5 times more Hep C positive people than HIV+ people. And 1 in 4 HIV+ people have Hep C and don't even know it. There is no vaccine for Hep C but it can be cured (if you've got tens of thousands of dollars or health insurance that will cover it). Again, big pharma is cashing in on diseases that they can CURE. To the question about where does PrEP leave poz guys? Well, I think poz guys should just start lying and say they are on PrEP. There are always going to be guys that don't want to stick their raw dick in your hole. Being a cumbucket on PrEP does not make you any more attractive to them. It actually hurts your case. It's like presenting a guy a form with the disclaimer "I can transmit all these other nasties in the next few minutes but at least HIV isn't one of them. Ready to fuck?" My philosophy is 1) Fuck. 2) Get tested. 3) If you catch something, get treated. But all this "partial" prevention and trying to classify whores into poz and PrEP subcategories is actually quite humorous to me.
  9. To be honest, the sites I pay for pay off when I travel (which I do often). Why? Because the fresh meat in town gets a lot of attention. I'm guilty myself of looking at the guys right around where I live and thinking "meh". And it's all because we have become spoiled. If those apps disappeared tomorrow, we'd probably all be LESS picky and get laid MORE. My favorite thing to do - even if traveling - is to go out where men actually are. There is no endless exchange of pics in a bar. If it has a darkroom, somebody is probably willing to fuck. I'm happy to buy a few beers to support the bar instead of wasting time online. And the other thing I am finding is that it changes things considerably when you can swallow your pride and pay for sex. How much is an hour of your time worth? Let's say it's $25. You spend 4 hours online and you get no sex. For a $100, you could probably get laid. So what's a better use of time? I'm still attractive enough that I don't have to pay for sex (most people think I'm 10 years younger than I am), but even at that, I am not above paying. Meanwhile, these dating websites and apps have guys thinking they are going to get a free steak dinner, but most of the time, they end up with stale bread or nothing at all. But yet many of us log on daily and think we should be able to snag a hot guy who 1) desires us sexually 2) is willing to do what we want in bed, 3) will fuck when we want to 4) will leave when we're satisfied and 5) will become a regular if WE want. What the fuck is wrong with us???? LOL.
  10. Ding ding ding *winner here* Be upfront about who and what you are. You can still find love and happiness. I'm all for having a zone of privacy....BUT....if the thought of your mate going through your phone, online chat accounts etc TERRIFIES you, you ain't living right..
  11. I know your hormones are going crazy....but....you do have your girlfriend's health to think about (and yours too) before you start taking loads from strangers. Any thoughts about what you would do if he gives you the package (HIV)?
  12. Mine would be getting fucked and bred in near darkness where each cock is slightly larger than the last cock that fucked me. By the end, I would be full of cum and my hole would be gaping. I would be fed poppers the entire time and I couldn't refuse any of the tops. If I had a video of this, I would have jack-off material forever.
  13. If you're being quiet and a cop catches you, he might let you go with a warning. If you are being loud and get caught by a (homophobic) cop, you're probably going to get arrested because not only are you having sex in a public place, you are not even trying to be discreet about it.
  14. Now you've got me thinking about successful fuck buddy relationships and what made some of mine "click". Hmmm. Here are my unofficial criteria: 1) you both have to be open to seeing each other again and be reasonably available 2) you both have to have similar attitudes towards casual sex and figure out what your hookup rhythm is (weekly, monthly etc) 3) neither party should want more out of the hook-up or it creates tension (even wanting friendship can be a deal breaker) 4) there has to be no pressure to hook up again (i.e. one of you can just end it as there is no real commitment to start with) Did I miss anything? Nothing gets me in my feelings quicker than hitting up a guy for a repeat and it doesn't happen. So I just wait until he asks. I might check in and say hi, but I don't ask for another date. I assume he knows why I'm saying hi. Now if we've fucking for a while, I'm more direct! It always seems there are some guys I want to see more often than others but I've accepted that part of the fuck-buddy arrangement. One of my fuckbuds has been around since 2003. What's often not said about the fuck buddy arrangement is that it's risky trying to date a guy who you were fuck buddies with (I've tried it and FAILED). There are immediate trust issues. Anonymous sex (i.e. pump and dump) is perhaps emotionally easier on all involved. Kissing and sleep-overs can complicate the fuck-buddy situation. I've evolved to the vacation fuck buddy stage with one guy who lives far away. We get together twice a year on vacation and fuck each other to death. Have nice dinners. Hang out at the beach. But rarely speak after we part - until it's time to go on vacation again! My friends tease me about him. It's a win-win-win-win for me. Big dick. Good sex. Big creamy loads. No drama.
  15. Sometimes when I'm direct, it's taken as rude. No rudeness intended. But I'd bet my next paycheck that points 2-4 are spot on as well as some of the other things I said. To be honest, those "contracts" when a guy has emptied his balls are worthless. What else is he supposed to say? You'll be fine. It's not that serious. He's just not that into you. You got caught up. It happens to all of us.
  16. Sorry to hear about the Hep C. This is what stopped me from doing bb orgy parties where unwashed dicks are going from hole to hole. There is a decent chance you got it when a hung top rough-fucked another Hep C positive bottom and then slid into your hole with blood on his cock from the other bottom and rough-fucked you. Do get yourself looked after. If HIV is the sprinter in this race, Hep C is the marathon runner. Both will kill if left untreated. For some reason, everyone is more focused on HIV and PrEP as if Hep C doesn't exist or is a threat. There's no vaccine for it yet.
  17. A few things come to mind reading this thread... 1) he didn't like you at all 2) he didn't like you enough 3) he didn't want to hurt your feelings 4) he's hoping you will take the hint 5) he doesn't like repeats or might have an agreement with a bf not to do repeats No matter how much sex is being offered online - if you know that you could have another fuck with a guy who's laying the ass/dick out in front of you, and you turn it down, then there's a REASON for it. I've ghosted guys for not getting/staying hard, being too rough, bad hygiene, being too hung, not being hung enough etc. That may sound bitchy but there are guys in my rotation that have a 100% hit rate, meaning they ask for the ass, they get the ass. Unless my ass is out of town giving out ass there.
  18. Isn't this like a straight guy who says he is not gay, but gets fucked by a guy occasionally, yet wants for the sake of his ego to be labelled/viewed as straight? Just know that some of us bottoms out here are petty enough to call headquarters to get your "top" card revoked if it comes to light that you are biting pillows for construction guys. #closetbottom #stayinyourlane LOL
  19. Maybe I'm looking at this through the wrong prism, but I've just always assumed that if an escort is willing to take a raw dick (and is open about it), then he probably has things he doesn't even know he's spreading around. Maybe the top bb escorts feel the same way and want to minimise their risk by not getting barebacked even if the customer is willing to pay. (I agree with the above sentiment that there is so much "free" bb ass out here, that there is essentially no market for a bb bottom escort. When I want to top, I can find a raw hole whenever I feel like it.) I think there are also some macho escorts out there who think as long as they don't take dick, then they are not gay. I'm of the opinion that in the gay world, we focus too much on what we can't have (and get upset about it) instead of focusing on what we can have - because somehow that's just not as exciting. And while money can buy us most things, it won't buy us everything. (Some days I'd be willing to pay to be negative again, but that's another story for another time). I've said it on other threads, but all of these apps and chat lines actually make it HARDER for many of us to get what we're after because there's so much "noise" to cut through. When you had much less choice, you were probably happier. And you could probably "negotiate" a bit better. Nowadays, we're all treated like we're part of a meat catalogue and if you're too direct or say the wrong thing, all it takes is a swipe, delete or a block and you're "dead". So I say enjoy the two muscle stud beef escorts who will take your cock raw. That's better than zero.
  20. I took the train from Hamburg down to Mannheim earlier today. I hopped on gayromeo and it wasn't long before the pigs started putting in bids to get at my hole. One guy had safe only in his profile and I said we weren't a good fit because I take loads. He said show me your ass pic. I did. He immediately said I am coming to breed you but you have to follow these instructions: 1) the door must be left open 2) your face must be covered the entire time (no looking at my face) 3) you must wear socks and nothing else 4) you must wait doggy style on the bed with your ass out ready to be mounted I had a request of my own: announce it just before you breed me It was hot as fuck hearing him enter the room and undress. I totally misjudged the size of his cock from the pics he sent. His dick was long and THICK. I was whining like a bitch when he was fucking me and when I finally opened up, he plowed my hole like it was the last hole he was ever going to fuck. When he was ready to cum, he made me get in the most submissive position I've ever been in. I was almost flat on the bed. He held my hands out to the sides. And then he said (in German) that I was to take his thick creamy cum. He didn't thrust at that point but just held me down and bred me slowly. I laid there and received his gift. As he was getting up to leave, he said I was to get back on my knees so his cum wouldn't leak out. I was also instructed to keep the shirt over my head and not look at him. I obeyed. After all, he had just planted his DNA in me. I was his. When the door had closed, I checked to see if he had really bred me. Yes he did and deeply. I pushed a little bit out and smelled it. It was a lot of cum and I am holding it in now as I type this. Tomorrow is my birthday and my bud here has already agreed to breed me at noon. I have taken at least one anal load since Friday. With tomorrow, that should make 5 days in a row getting bred. Happy birthday to me.
  21. For the longest, I have considered Berlin my sex capital but I may have to change this to Hamburg. I'm here for my birthday weekend and it hasn't disappointed. Friday night, I went to the S.L.U.T club here and had lots of fun. I had taken a Cialis before going (even though I'm mostly bottom) and ended up fucking a couple of hot guys. The best was when this hot guy bent me over in the darkroom and just flooded my guts. Yesterday (Saturday), I went to the gay cinema located at Talstrasse 8 (some of the guys on this site have written about it). I'm a pig, but that place was a little too run down and dark for my tastes. You can see nothing in the darkroom which I don't like (in fact I think that's dangerous). But any rate, I decided to make the best of it. I took an anal load in the bathroom and fed my load to this hot dude who was on his knees and begging for it. I sucked so many dicks I lost count. So far today (Sunday), I have been getting fucked like crazy. A hot muscle guy stopped by the hotel and fucked a nice load into me at 10:30 am. He was rather loud when he came so my neighbors got an earful. I didn't even push his load out before I took a taxi to meet this 59 year old nearby. As soon as he said he was a multiple shooter, I knew that we were going to fuck. I even told him I had a load in me but he didn't care. He fucked and shot 3 times without pulling out. After a 10 minute break, I got load number 4 from him. And just when I thought he was done, he put number 5 in me. So between 10:30 and noon, I had taken 6 loads! When I finally pushed those loads out, it was crazy how much cum was in me. Load number 7 came from a 66 year old top here in my hotel. His dick was awesome. He gave me one of the best fucks I've had in a while. I'm still holding his load in. I'm sitting here thinking do I want to go for 10 loads today or do I just want to call it a day? One thing I know for sure, I will be back in Hamburg soon! And nothing is nicer than when a guy cums in your hole but takes the time to write you afterward to thank you for being his cumslut.
  22. I'm in Hamburg for a long weekend. This morning, I met a 59 year old who was a multiple shooter. He shot 5 loads in my ass. Then I came back to the hotel and a 66 year old 3 floors up found me online and invited me to his room. While he was not a looker, his dick was beautiful. I poppered up and he threw me one of the best fucks I've gotten in a while. He left my hole all squishy. Guys just don't know how much good sex they are passing up in this quest for the perfect guy.
  23. I once met an Australian guy in a sauna in Switzerland (Geneva). We didn't get into anything heavy at the sauna, but I was very attracted to him. As the sauna was closing, he asked me if I wanted to go for a walk around the city. I was a little hesitant but my horniness made me say yes. Then all of a sudden, at around 2 am, we were in this public park and he said he wanted to fuck. We found a place that was not that well hidden, although there were a few trees. There were still a few people in the park, but he fucked me right there and shot his load. It would have been impossible to get away with this during daylight hours as we fucked across the street from a luxury, high traffic hotel. I never heard from this guy again. Oh what raging hormones will make you do if the guy is hot! I still laugh because we were in the SAUNA and didn't fuck, but in the park, we were humping like dogs in heat.
  24. My greedy ass would probably try to coax the hunk back into the darkroom. I'm not down for that endless fucking like some bottoms are. 10 minutes is usually all I'll allow. Gotta keep that puss tight for the next guy. LOL.
  25. One of my favorite fuckbuds, Kurt, lives out of town but has an adult daughter he visits who lives just a few minutes walk from my house. Because he doesn't like her to know that he's a sex pig, he often texts me during the day and I leave work early to get plowed by him. Well today was our lucky day. I had no meetings so I said I'd be home and ready for his load at 4:30 pm. Shortly thereafter, he arrived and we got straight down to it. He loves to play with my tits while I suck him. I've learned that it drives him crazy when I lick under his balls and eat his ass out. He's normally not that loud when we are playing, but my tongue was hitting the right spots today. When he couldn't take it anymore, he said "I need to fuck you". I got on all fours, poppered up, and offered him my big round bubble ass. His cock is not that long but it's thick. It wasn't long before my ass was wide open. I told him and he knows that means he can pound my hole mercilessly. I started moaning and throwing my ass back to him all while using my ass muscles to grip and release his cock. It wasn't too long before he started grunting and the pace of his thrusting quickened. Kurt never pulls out. After he had pumped me full, I resumed milking his cock with my ass muscles to make sure I had gotten every drop. After he washed up, I told him, "you have the perfect cock". You should have seen how wide he smiled. We hugged goodbye. I'm laying across my bed now. The workday is over and I've got a nice creamy load resting in my manpussy. I'll sleep good tonight. My friends call me a hoe to my face, and while I do have ho-ish tendencies, I send men home with a smile on their faces.
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