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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Well, Biden will be even older when he's sworn in to a second term (if he runs). So, for a thought-exercise: Assuming Biden doesn't run, that would put Kamela Harris as the front-runner for the Democratic nominee. I've noticed that since she became Veep, she has substantially muted her comments, but I well remember that she's got a heavy-duty tongue, and not afraid to unleash it. Remember: The presidential primaries last time around were not kind to President Biden. It was Jim Clybourne of SC who single-handedly gave the nomination to Biden because of his stature within the Southern States. Those of us who supported the current Sec'y of Transportation knew - within a minute - that Biden would get the nomination, once Clybourne started to speak that night. So, if there's to be a fight in the next cycle, and I reckon there will be, if Kamela goes to bat against Cheeto-Head (may heaven forbid, since hopefully he'll be in the clink for good) or Death-Santis, or any of the other hatemongers, I wouldn't bet against her. That lady has bigger balls than almost every one of us.
  2. Well done !!! And please don't forget to report it's inaugural use !!! 😈
  3. AND which second part has been so heavily altered through the centuries by human constructs of repression - such as the R.C. Church - and subsequent to Luther, splintered into dozens of even more fractious belief-systems, of which only the barest handful currently reflect the original Message. There are actually smallish congregations (particularly in the South) that actually believe that the one they claim to follow was - - - wait for it - - - Caucasian !!! White as a sheet of paper !!! This, in an attempt to defend their perverse belief in the depravity of "White Privilege".
  4. I just noticed this question. It's because each Federal judge that's nominated to the SCOTUS must appear before the US Senate for confirmation (to the high court), which is preceded by individual meetings with Senators. Mr. Thomas, during that process, was asked many questions by most Senators in these private meetings whether he concurred that R.v.W. was "Correctly Decided, Standing Law". The asshole lied to each Senator, saying he agreed that it was, just so he could be confirmed to the High Court. So, he knew perfectly well that if he told the truth, he wouldn't be elevated - so he simply lied. Over the years, the tradition of Senate confirmation has become somewhat of a smiling, nodding, not-worth-much type of action. Yes, some Senators took it seriously, grilled the nominee(s) extensively, and voted against confirmation, and those Senators are to be thanked for taking this as seriously as they did. Some others, however - for instance, Susan Collins (R, Maine, since 1997), treated the confirmation process more like having milk & cookies with the nominees. Now, with the Senate so closely divided, and with that old relic of the "Jim Crow" years - the contrivance of the "filibuster" still standing - the minority can prevent the majority from passing any kind of legislation at all. Worse, to overcome a filibuster, 2/3 of the Senate must concur to override a filibuster. That kind of unity simply doesn't exist in the Senate these days. It's become a cesspool of infighting, preserving their fund-raising abilities, and center stage for the battles to come. Hope this helps answer such an excellent question.
  5. While he was still alive, if he started to jerk his Cock I jumped his bones then and there (at home). When he noticed my Cock getting hard in my pants, he hit his knees in an eyeblink. I don't think either of us ever jacked off privately .... often, even while in the office, that mischievous little smile would surface, and that was all it took.
  6. Ditto. 100%. I much prefer an experienced bottom that has learned his craft to some pretty young thing with his head up his ass. This is particularly off-putting, as I see it. There is little respect for what I call Learned-Life-Lessons" that accrue to men (and, sometimes the other gender) that have learned from living their lives. In this country, we seem to almost worship youthfulness, in all it's ignorance. The places I hunt for Hole seldom have many twinks clotting up the works. I don't happen to pine away for the days when I was young - I'm fairly comfortable with having been through all that, learned a lot about living life, and I like men that have made similar accomplishments. I don't respect the assumptions that young men make relative to older men, but I definitely do respect older men that have learned it's all about sharing - not just taking.
  7. Could someone take away that photo of Mr and Mrs Thomas, just after he received the Official Hatemonger's Award? It's burned my eyes several time while scrolling, reading these excellent responses .....
  8. Certainly true. Your guess didn't occur to me (fucker was my guess), which I thought a bit generous, given that I'm one. If your guess is the correct one, and it may well be, it's definitely regrettable.
  9. I think that should apply across the board. I haven't seriously considered it previously, but ......
  10. Well, it's Saturday night - all you guys have a pervectly filthy night of it !!! I'll do my best too !!!
  11. Yes, it IS fun. Very cool how many ways we can intensify the act of Breeding. Thanks for mentioning this one.
  12. Interesting question. I suppose it's relative, so only preferences are germane, but I enjoy when a bottom groans with pleasure. I don't particularly care for loud stuff though. That seems more to attract attention to the bottom personally, rather than reacting to my Cock rutting in his Hole. I might point out though - that from a Top's perspective, groans of pleasure in a backroom or fuckjoint definitely get noticed by other bottoms, which is exactly what I want. Plus, it means I'm doing my job well, and it's always nice to be appreciated.
  13. First, that was a hot video !!! Seems we arrived at a very similar recipe for dd's. Maybe something rubbed off on both of us in that pervectly filthy backroom up on Clark St a few years ago ... btw - remember that trough-pisser on the N end of the backroom? Guess where it is this very moment? It's in my back yard with cosmos growing out of it. I bet if I scraped on it, some of you would still be there 😁
  14. That's not "racist" - not even close ... that's good taste !!! You're not denigrating those guys, you're holding them up as seeeexy guys, and I agree.
  15. I wonder if Jeffery Epstein's former cell is still available .... it might need to be enlarged, especially if Cheeto-Head is relocated there .... Maybe even the rope is still hanging around the cell somewhere too. If a new wing had to be built onto the clink, to hold the whole the crowd of them, I'd gladly pay my fair share of the taxes to build it. At least there wouldn't have to be separate facilities though - no straight man in his right mind would glance at, let alone touch Marjorie Trailer Green-Trash. Gotta be careful though, of that diddler-of-the-wrestling team back in Ohio.
  16. I had no idea you actually are blind ... sorry to know that, bud. I assumed it was a cultural statement. My apologies. Yes, "Ginny" (as in drunk) Thomas is Caucasian, and under investigation herself for meddling in the electoral process. It's hardly likely that Mr.* Thomas will recuse himself either, if the issue comes before the SCOTUS. * I realize he holds a different title, but "Mr" is all I can manage in honoraria just now.
  17. This is so often overlooked by more "casual" voters. The downballot candidates are the ones CheetoHead is trying to use to corrupt the voting system. These local or State-level candidates are particularly important, and it may take some investigative work to determine which deserve our vote and which don't. Local school board members make very important decisions on educational materials. Secretaries of States can pervert the electoral results. YES, onlyraw: EVERY election is crucial. The ravening wolves are running loose, and only an informed and committed electorate can push them back into their dens of shame, misery and hatefulness. You can volunteer to do poll watching on election day. It turns out that across the South, many of the election-day poll workers are/were old Af/Am ladies who are afraid to do it now. Go to your local Registrar's office and volunteer. I would encourage all of you guys to do something. It's in your own best interest to give a little dough, give your time/talents, give whatever you can to hold back the tide of hatred that's forming juuuuust offshore. The first wave of it broke over us yesterday, and there are more destructive waves heading our way, just offshore. Take action, while there's still action to be taken - before it's too late.
  18. Sure: If you have a pony glass, that's best, but a shot glass will do. 1. Collect several loads, shooting into the pony/shot glass. If you're a heavy-cummer, 5,6 loads should do it. Fill the glass at least half-way though. After each time another load gets added, re-cover the glass tightly with plastic wrap, put a thick rubber band on to hold it tight, and store it in the freezer*. Repeat each time you jerk out a load. When the glass is at least half-full and ready to be used (or transferred to a larger container like a pill bottle, as in the above post) hold it in your hands for a moment, to thaw out the glass a bit. You may need a fingernail file, small, thin knife or something like that to get the first bit of air between the frozen loads and the glass. As soon as the cum-sicle is loose and out of the glass, pop it into a condom - smallest (pointiest) side down towards the cumbag on the bottom of the condom. Then, tie it off tightly, so no water vapor (i.e. frost) can form, and put it back in the freezer until it's going to be used. When your friend is going to use it on you, just before he does, tear the condom open, and have him pop it in his mouth. This will take any rough edges off that may have formed in the <polite cough> "manufacturing" process. Then, he just shoves it up your Hole with his tongue, small end first, and the rest will be history. If you enjoy it, there's never any harm to keeping a few pony glasses around, so as to never waste any loads - in the event you have other guys over to Breed your Hole. Sperm should never be wasted, and this is a perfect way to store exactly the right amount for future use. Plus, when some guy asks "who's loads are these", you can say "oh - guys that were over here to Breed me, but couldn't get it into my Hole quick enough" - or any variation that delights you. Depending on how full your freezer is, only your imagination and Lusts can limit the number of devil-dicks you keep at the ready. Good luck, and enjoy !!! *I cut a piece of plastic wrap into maybe 5-inch squares, That's all you'll need to seal a shot/pony glass (plus the rubber band, of course). Once a condom is filled and frozen, you can transfer it to a larger jar that can hold multiple filled condoms, ready for use.
  19. Clearly, it CAN'T. When Federal judges are being considered to elevation to the Supreme Court, it is the job of Congress to interview them, determine their potential fitness in a number of areas, including whether or not a nominee is able to put aside his/her own personal biases and make decisions based purely on the Constitution and Established, Correctly-Decided Law. In the recent past however, Senators have hardly been adequate in their questions, and treated this solemn duty more as a chorus of "getting to know you". This current debacle is as much the fault of the senators for failing in that duty, as it is the political agenda which put the nominee forth in the first place. How else - other than senatorial political bias - could a drunken rapist brat like that pinch-faced bitch Kavanaugh get confirmed? Or that Amy hyphenated-name creature?
  20. Running across condoms in porn advertised as raw.
  21. First, thanks all you guys, for a first-class discussion on an issue of some importance. All of this seems to confirm that - for me - I made the right choice. Having taken the available shots against various bugs, gotten on PReP, seeing the vampires monthly instead of every 3*, and then jumping into the pigpen with both feet, I think I've done everything I can to stay as healthy as possible and maintain a satisfying sexual life as well. Any of you disagree? *which, according to my reasoning, would catch the presence of any bugs at the earliest possible time, and therefore make treatment all the more effective - right? I know the institutions suggest testing every 3 months, but monthly would only be even more effective - right? This line of thinking is geared more to the std's, rather than hiv. Gilding the lily maybe, but .... where's the harm?
  22. Well, some of these "justices"* are old men now, and one or two will be buying the farm one of these days. This Roberts court* seems to like the notion that everybody should run out and buy guns of every kind and description ... I've heard it said that "the Lord works in mysterious ways" ...... Just sayin ..... * small case wholly intentional
  23. This discussion is exactly why I come to read stuff so often. I really appreciate all the input - and since I'm hardly qualified to comment, for once I won't.
  24. Thanks for your reply. In my humble opinion, John Lennon may have been a reincarnation of you-know-who. Maybe in another couple of millennia there will be a religion centered around his message.
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