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  1. My name is Lee, I’m 36, 5’10”, average build, and I’m told I’m very handsome. I have been a prude sexually most of my life. I was a church kid growing up, then joined the military at 18. I didn’t lose my virginity until my early 20's, being too afraid to get caught under DADT. Even after I started having sex I didn’t sleep around, only having sex with men that I was dating. That being said, despite my prudish past I’d always hated condoms. To me it killed the mood when you had to stop to put a condom on, and I hated the lack of closeness condoms injected into sex. I finally had my first hookup at the age of 26 when I moved across the country to a new city, but the guy developed feelings for me and I swore them off off for years after that. Things were much the same when I met my only true long term boyfriend, Kyle. I knew Kyle from Recon, a site I’m sure many of you are familiar with. We’d chatted off and on for over a year, but he was friends with the guy I’d hooked up with, so I avoided meeting him in person even though we shared a lot of the same fetish interests. He finally asked me out and I relented, and just like so many others I made Kyle wait a long time before we had sex. But sex with Kyle was different. Unlike every other guy I’d been with, he never asked for a condom and I never asked him to put one on. From the first time he fucked me and filled me with his cum I knew I would never go back to condoms. During Kyle and I’s almost 4-year relationship we both remained active in the fetish community, attending events like MAL and IML, maintaining profiles on Recon, and having playtime with other kinky guys (almost always unprotected). Kyle introduced me to his fetishes, which included fisting, and he started stretching my hole to try to fist me. During this time, I met a guy named Ryan on Recon, and he introduced me to the site that would change my life for good: Breeding Zone. At first I only read the General Bareback section, and the stories were enough to get me off. However, I always saw the Bug Chasing and Chem Sex sections staring back at me, though I couldn’t bring myself to read them. Things changed once Ryan sent me a link to a story on Breeding Zone in the Gift Giving section, despite my misgivings on the topic I read the story and I was more turned on than I had been in years. I was hooked. At first I read the Gift Giving stories, but I eventually graduated to the Chem Sex stories which turned me on even more. I had introducted Kyle to Breeding Zone as well, and he knew I was turned on by these stories, but we ended our relationship before we could explore them. After my breakup with Kyle I wasn’t feeling as prudish, but I knew deep down that I had turned into a bug chaser, so I avoided sex for quite a while. Finally, I knew that wasn’t a long term solution, and PrEP was becoming more widely available, so I went to my doctor and got a prescription. I took it dutifully for over 2 years, but deep down I knew I still hungered for a poz guy to own my hole. Separately, I had also been trying to take a fist since I was with Kyle, and since poppers weren’t enough for me to open up, I was convinced I was going to need chemical assistance to take my first fist. Enter Pup, a very sexy, poz, mid-30’s friend of mine. Pup and I started chatting on Scruff right around the same time I began taking PrEP, when I was finally more comfortable chatting with poz guys. Pup was partnered at the time and undetectable, which made me feel safe even though it was just chat, and we developed a good long distance friendship (he lives in a southern state almost 1,000 miles away from me). Last year he told me that he and his partner had split, but the more interesting thing to me was that Pup was into fisting, and he informed me that he had gotten into PNP. I told him about my frustration with not being able to take a fist, and he assured me that PNP would allow my hole to open up once and for all. However, he also informed me that if I played with him he only slammed. Regardless of this fact I knew I had to try it. He also made sure that I knew he was positive, and there was still a small possibility that I could be infected if we played. I assured him I was aware of the risks and I was fine with them. Pup and I chatted for months about meeting, and we finally agreed in January of this year on a date: Easter weekend. I was nervous but I knew that I needed to meet him. I genuinely liked the guy and he was going to help me fulfill my fisting desires. I made sure I was clear with him ahead of time that I only was going to PNP to get fisted, and he agreed. Other than that we didn’t discuss too many particulars of what our weekend together would entail. I got on a plane after work on the Thursday before Easter and flew to his city, and took an Uber to his apartment. He had a friend of his let me into the apartment, and he gave me some instructions to prepare for the weekend. I followed his instructions, but once he got home I think he could tell I was nervous, so we agreed to hold off on PNP until the next day so we could get to know each other better. We went to a sex toy store and picked up some supplies, and then he fucked me before we passed out for the night. The next day we had a short conversation about limits. “How do you feel about having other guys join us? I have another guy that wants to fuck you.”, he told me. “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that just yet. It’s a fantasy of mine, but I’m really just here to take my first fist.”, I replied. “How about we play it by ear?”, he asked. “That works for me.” “What are you most concerned about with slamming, boy?” “I just want to make sure I get sleep, and that I take my PrEP.” “I’ll make sure you get sleep, boy, but your PrEP is your responsibility”, he responded, quickly ending the exchange. After that he told me it was time to slam, and he explained the entire process of what was happening as he fixed our slams. “Get your phone out, boy. You’re going to want this on video.” “Are you sure? I’m not sure I want this on my phone.” “Trust me, in a few minutes you won’t care, and you’re going to want to watch this later.” Though I was hesitant I agreed to record it. I was so nervous I was already tingling all over as he tied the tourniquet around my arm and prepared to insert the needle. “This is just a small slam, .20.”, he explained as he showed me his own slam for comparison, which contained over twice as much. “Get the camera ready, boy.” I started recording. I saw the register, the red tinged liquid disappeared, and he snapped the tourniquet off of my arm. What followed was unlike anything I’d experienced in my life up until that moment. Most people on here describe a warm feeling after a slam, for me it felt opposite. It felt like a chill was spreading throughout my body (but in the best possible way) and Pup took my phone from me to film my reaction. I was euphoric beyond my own comprehension, and had trouble even forming words for a few minutes. Suddenly my inhibitions had melted away. Pup started questioning me. “What do you want, boy?” “I want to take my first fist”, I answered. Pup shut off my phone and kept asking me questions. “You want me to invite some other guys to try out your hole, boy?” “You can invite anyone you want, Sir.” “You haven’t earned the right to call me Sir, call me Pup.”, he growled. I stammered an apology, and he asked a few more questions that are kind of fuzzy to me now. But then he asked a question I didn’t expect, and that I’ll never forget, “You’re a bugchaser, aren’t you, boy? You want to get pozzed this weekend?” To be continued…
    11 points
  2. Chapter 10 “Ave libidinem,” Daddy Scorpio chanted. He was dressed in his black robe and white loincloth again. I wondered how he’d managed to make his way across campus without attracting attention. Halloween was weeks away, after all. “Fratres, in cupiditate,” the Fraternity responded. I was hoping that it would be the last time I had to hear those stupid phrases. If all went according to plan, we’d have these guys by the short hairs. Then I would call my parents, give them the edited version of the story and sic my dad on this university. They wouldn’t know what hit them, and by the time it was over, I’d make sure that Dad made sure every single guy here was taken care of for life. “Prefect, has the Novice been dealt with appropriately?” asked Daddy Scorpio. I wondered if his speech was always this stilted; I couldn’t imagine his using such flowery locution when he was doing drills with the football team or during a pivotal game. “Deal appropriately with the opposing quarterback” wouldn’t have quite the same ring as “knock their QB on his ass!” “Yes, Father,” Mike answered him. I restrained myself from rolling my eyes and smirking with great difficulty. Truth was without him around the gang bang had been fantastically fun. When the guys were not under observation and trying to prove themselves to this stunted, shriveled excuse for a human being, they let it rip and just enjoyed me and themselves. So I had to be disciplined and not give anything away. We needed that film and I was going to make sure that there was no doubt that I was unwilling to be fucked by these old farts. “Then let us proceed to the Chapel of the Scorpion with our special guests,” Daddy Scorpio said. “Lead us there, Prefect. The rest of you may retire for the evening. You have done well.” The amount of pomp that Daddy Scorpio lavished on committing rape was ridiculous. Now it was Aaron and Aiden who helped me off the now cum-stained velvet throw, and arranged the black silk sheet around me. It called to mind a shroud, and I shivered. I couldn’t give way to fear, though I had to make it look as though I was defeated. A difficult balancing act. Mike led us through the kitchen to an unprepossessing doorway, down a narrow flight of stairs in silence (how on earth had they managed to get me down these steps while I was unconscious?) that opened into a spectacularly cluttered basement. A less than luxe location for the entryway to – what did they call it – oh, yeah, the “Chapel of the Scorpion.” I followed Mike to a tool bench against the far wall, and he grasped the handle of what looked like a rusted, disused shovel that no one in their right mind would bother with, and pulled it towards him. The entire wall including the tool bench swiveled open, and there was another long, narrow staircase. Mike turned on a dim light, and down we went until we were at the bottom, facing a black door that had the scorpion superimposed over what I finally recognized as a bio-hazard symbol painted in gold, echoing my sheet. There was a lock on the door that was operated with a keypad. I couldn’t see what code Mike punched in, but once the doors opened and Mike had flicked on the lights I recognized the space. The altar (what else could I call it) was directly in front of us. I continued to follow Mike and he helped me up on the platform and to shed the sheet, surreptitiously giving my arm a squeeze. Like everyone else, he folded the sheet with great reverence. I had plans for the stupid thing, something along the lines of using it to mop up the floors in the locker rooms. Or better yet, waiting for the next thunderstorm and throwing the sheet in a large mud puddle, then trampling it into the mud. I lay down in the same spot – someone had cleaned it up, the velvet was unstained, wondering where they’d hidden the camera. Maybe they’d managed to conceal it behind one of the tapestries, masquerading as a part of the design? Finally, I got my first good look at my quintet of rapists. All were in street clothes that they were rapidly shedding. One guy looked extremely fit – he had reddish-blond hair and a moderately hairy body. The other two were reasonably in shape, not spectacular. One was dark haired with a scattering of hair on his chest and arms, a smooth back and legs a very a nice butt, moderately hung. The other was very slim, with a narrow face framed by a head of salt-and-pepper hair and a surprisingly large dick, which he had emphasized by trimming his pubes. The fourth was gross. No other word for it. He had a belly that made him look as though he were in his ninth month, a sagging chest, and non-existent hips. I shuddered at the thought of having to be touched by him. The upside is it wouldn’t take much acting for me to appear unwilling. “All is ready, Father,” said Mike, his face a perfect mask, revealing nothing. “Thank you Prefect. Gentleman, honorary Brothers of the Scorpion, welcome. The Novice awaits our attentions. He has been well-used and will serve you however you choose. First is our esteemed Dean of Students.” The gross guy walked towards the velvet altar, a leer on his face. I steeled myself for what was probably going to be an ordeal. He knelt beside me, and ran his hands over my body. “Lovely skin,” he said in a low, rumbling bass. He began pinching my nipples roughly, which made me yelp and pull away. “That’s flesh and blood, you idiot,” I snapped before I could stop myself. Daddy Scorpio registered the scene without surprise. In fact, I could swear I saw a malicious smile flicker across his lips. “Now, now, boy. You wouldn’t want your college education to be over before it started,” he snarled. “I can make your time here pleasant or unpleasant it’s up to you.” Fuming, I lay back down. I was going to enjoy exposing this fucker to the light of day. He touched me again, my skin crawled and I let my revulsion show. I wished I knew where the camera was so I could make sure to play to it. Then again, maybe it was better that I didn’t. I endured his invading hands stoically; he went back to manhandling my nipples and I finally gave a little cry of pain. I heard Mike’s sharply in-drawn breath, and tried to telepathically communicate to him that he had to stay out of it. “You’re hurting me,” I said emphatically. “Yes, boy, I am. Because I can and I like it,” growled the Dean of Students. And his pitiful excuse for a dick was hard a dripping. Upside is I wouldn’t have to do much oral with him it looked like. In fact, I had to do none. He grabbed me, turned me on my side and scissored open my legs, taking my right leg over his shoulder, and then rammed his puny cock in my butt. Surprisingly it hurt. He rammed it in at a bad angle, and I shrieked as he started to thrust in and out of my butt. “It hurts, no, no, stop it,” I screamed, trying to move away. All right, it wasn’t as bad as I made it sound. But no one else would know that for sure unless I told them. My struggles and protests seemed to spur him on, and soon he was burying himself in me, and moaning as he ejaculated inside of me. “You were correct, Coach,” he said as he stood up. “One of the best butts I’ve had in years. I’ll see you next week in my office, Novice.” Don’t count on it, I thought to myself. “Next, the head of mathematics.” The slim man with the salt-and-pepper hair approached me. He knelt over my face, his dick pointing at my mouth, but as I opened it, he moved forward and lowered his ass over my nose. “Inhale,” he demanded. “I want to hear it.” This was well-worn territory as far as I was concerned, so I did as he asked. At least he wasn’t pinching or hurting me. “Deeper,” he said, and let more of his weight settle on my nose. Now I could hardly breathe, and he was less than perfectly clean. I tried to move my head to get some air, but he said “No, no, no, no, no, bad boy. You want to fail your first math class?” I stopped, and counted the nanoseconds until he finally moved his butthole over my mouth. “Lick,” he demanded, and I complied. “Yeah, boy, eat that ass.” He was beating himself off, and I wondered if I was going to get by without being fucked. He groaned with pleasure. “Nice mouth you have. I wish my wife would do this to me, and then I’d be able to fuck her.” “Penetrate our Novice, then,” said Daddy Scorpio. “His ass is better than any woman’s cunt.” “But I’m not gay, I just like having my ass licked,” the lead of the math department protested. “You will not be gay if you fuck the Novice,” said Daddy. “He is merely a hole for you to use, all the more so because your wife refuses to do her duty.” The dark-haired guy, who was jacking himself as he watched us said in a cultured British-sounding accent “Larry, don’t be absurd. There is a long and proud history of men fucking boys. In any household in ancient Rome the head of house was master of all, and everyone, including his children, were available for his sexual pleasure.” The man sitting on my face stopped beating himself off, moved off of my face, and said “Roll over, boy. Spread.” “Please don’t,” I begged. “I’m so sore, already.” “Shut up,” he yelled. “Do it, or else you’ll be in first year math for the next four years.” We were getting great footage. I hoped the damn camera was working. I made a great show of my reluctance, and then he was on me. He pressed his now-engorged dick against my ass, and then plunged the entire thing inside me in one stroke. His balls were up against me, and I felt my ass spasm painfully.” “Ow, you’re hurting me,” I screamed. “No, please don’t, please…” Larry, head of the math department, didn’t stop for a moment. If anything, his thrusts got harder. “You’re right, Ron,” he gasped. “I’ve never fucked anything like this. How do you like being fucked by a straight man?” he asked me. “It’s what you fags all dream about, right? Well your dream is going to come true a lot. You’re going to need special tutoring in basic math with me. One boy’s asshole plus his math professor’s dick equals how many shots of cum up your butt? Here it comes!” He rammed against me and pushed his dick as far inside me as he could. He was big enough that I could actually count the pulsations of his dick, nine of them. Then he collapsed on top of, knocking the wind out of my lungs. He kept thrusting in and out for a little longer, then stopped. He pulled out. Two down, three to go. “Roll over,” the man with the cultured accent said. I slowly complied, finally beginning to feel fatigued. He knelt over my face, and brought his dick to my lips. He turned out to be a grower rather than a shower; his dick was considerably larger than I thought at first glance. “Open your mouth,” he ordered. I did as the man asked. “No teeth, boy,” he said, and began to pump in and out of my mouth. I tried to keep breathing, but started choking on his dick. “Too big for you? The let’s try this,” he said, and pulled his dick out of my mouth, then pushed his balls against my lips. “Lick them, lick those goolies,” he said. I’d never heard the word, but worked out from the context what he meant and began to use my tongue on his nuts. “Very nice,” he said. “Lick behind them,” he said in that distinguished sounding British accent. Shakespeare and Milton must be rolling over in their graves. “Don’t stop,” he said, moving his butt forward and settling it on my mouth. His butt was entirely smooth, no hair at all. I licked him, and he settled onto my mouth. “That’s it, boy, that’s it. Lick me, eat my arse. Taste good?” He pulled back, and then took my legs over his shoulders. “Please, no,” I moaned, not having to act much. I felt sore all over. I tried to pull away. “Come now, is this the way to start your college career, being placed in remedial English? Won’t that look wonderful on your academic records, especially if you were to fail.” I stopped struggling, and he entered slowly, prolonging the agony. It burned, my hole felt raw. I whimpered, and felt tears stinging my eyes, then running down my temples onto the velvet underneath me. I started to cry. “My dick will make it feel better. And if it doesn’t?” he said with a malicious smile. “Oh, well. My pleasure is what’s important, and you need to guarantee it if you’re to have a chance at all of ever completing a degree.” He pushed all the way in; I continued to weep, sobbing for the camera. And for real. It was too much, I wanted it to be over, to be back in Mike’s room safely cuddled up with him in bed. I bet Aaron and Aiden would know what to do to ease the pain…maybe a warm bath? Some Advil… My thoughts were wandering, getting disorganized. The only thing that was keeping me from passing out from exhaustion was the pain as he pumped his cock in my ass. “Sweet little bum, you’ve got there boy. One of the best I’ve had in a long time, and I’ve fucked many a student in return for a passing grade, even when they were actually straight-A students. Being head of a department has many advantages, especially the constant supply of sweet little freshman boy bums to fuck.” His breathing was getting ragged, and his thrusts picked up speed, and then he gave an inarticulate cry and froze, his back arched. “There it is, chuffing my muck in your arsehole,” he moaned. “You’ll definitely need weekly tutoring. Perhaps more often,” he said as he pulled out. My legs more or less fell to the floor as he backed away. I turned onto my right side (the side I always sleep on) and curled into a semi-fetal position. The fourth horseman – head of the science department by process of elimination – came up behind me. He touched my shoulder, and I braced myself for the next assault. He planted a kiss where he’d just touched and I shivered. Then he curled up behind me, and started kissing my neck the way Mike and Carlos and Ike had. I began to uncurl and press back against him, and then realized how it would play on camera. I had to make it look as if he was as unwelcome as the three clods that had just finished abusing me. It didn’t matter if he actually knew – and cared about – how to make love. He was one of the enemy! I pulled away, which was harder to do than I wanted to admit, and flopped on my stomach. “Please no more,” I said. “I’m exhausted.” “That’s because they don’t know how to make love to a beautiful boy like you properly,” he said as he lay on top of me, and started to kiss the back of my neck. It took a lot of will power not to melt and welcome him. The physical pain wasn’t anything compared to the complete lack of tenderness that the other three had shown. “Just because you coddle the little sluts doesn’t mean we have to,” said the Dean of Students disdainfully. “Jealous, Gerald?” he inquired. “Some of us take care of ourselves, and know how to take care of a treasure like this one.” He began to kiss my ears, and I couldn’t hold back the little moan. “Your skin is like silk,” he murmured, his lips caressing the sensitive flesh. “And your ears are like delicate seashells, gorgeous and fragile.” Another moan slipped out of my mouth. This guy was going to ruin everything! He turned me over, and covered my mouth with his. He’d taken the trouble to brush his teeth or use mouthwash, his breath was fresh. After licking two assholes – literally and figuratively – I couldn’t imagine that my mouth was exactly a garden of earthly delights. His hands were stroking my chest, soothing the hurts that the Dean of Students had inflicted. He followed that with his mouth, gently and delicately using his tongue. I summoned up the rage that I felt at being used like a toy and on behalf of all my new friends who’d been similarly treated. It was the only way that my legs didn’t part of their own accord so that he could push inside of me. I had to keep saying no, and hope that the moans would look more like protests than surrender. “Which part of ‘no’ is hard to understand?” I gasped. “You might being saying no, but your dick is saying yes,” he said with amusement. Fuck, he was right. I was hard. He kissed his way down my torso, past my navel, nuzzling my hips until his mouth closed over my dick. I began to leak pre-cum as his head bobbed up and down. Even though the last three fucks hadn’t been optimal, they’d been massaging my prostate, and it wasn’t going to take much for me to cum. He pulled his mouth off of me just prior to the point of no return. I couldn’t decide if I was frustrated or relieved. His mouth moved to my balls, then he licked in the crease of my right thigh and my knees started to bend. Then he licked the crease of left thigh and my legs were bent up to my chest as he fastened his mouth on my asshole and began to literally suck the semen from inside of me. My back arched, and my eyes met Mike’s; he gave a slight nod, which I took as permission to let this man make love to me. He took my legs over his shoulders and pressed his erect cock against me, and I realized that he’d effectively removed most of the lube. The creep was going to fuck me dry, that was the point of all this kissing and caressing. He was actually the worst of the bunch. The others were open about it; he was just a liar. He began to push in; at first I gritted my teeth and then thought what am I doing? I screamed with the pain of his unlubed dick being pushed inside of me. There was likely more up inside of me – I’d been fucked for hours before this – but the entry was going to be hell. And I would make sure that was known. “You fucking prick!” I screamed at him, and spat in his face. “I like my boys tight,” he growled, and then rammed himself in past all resistance. I thought I was going to pass out. “Take it, you know you want it. You want to be used by a real man, not these dried-up husks or the little boys in the frat.” “You’re not half the man of any of them,” I shouted at him. “We’ll see about that,” he said, and he began to fuck me, taking long strokes – pulling almost all the way out and then shoving himself back in. Again, and again; screams tore out of my throat until I was hoarse. Just at the moment where I honestly thought I was going to split open for real, his thrusts sped up, and he pushed all the way in and bellowed. He was gasping for breath as if he’d finished running a marathon. Once his breathing had slowed, he pulled himself out none too carefully. “Definitely three sessions a week. Don’t come lubed, or you’ll lose half a grade.” All four had finished with me. Daddy Scorpio was up next…with that horrifying piece of hardware he wore on his cock. Oh, God.
    3 points
  3. A few weeks ago I was fucked by a guy who lives two blocks away from my new apartment. Turns out he cheated on his husband who was away. Didn't hear from him again until yesterday. Early afternoon he asked me if I wanted loads from him and a buddy (not husband). What followed was a 2-hour spitroast with them taking turns on my ass and mouth. Left with four loads. Three hours later he contacted me again. He was up for it again. Went back. Really pounded my hole and dumped another load. My hole was sore walking back home and I know I am the convenient neighborhood cum dump for him (he is usually more into kinky stuff) but I don't care.
    3 points
  4. It was late on a Friday afternoon, the work week was over, and I felt like letting loose and having some fun. While waiting for my dealer to arrive, I got cleaned up and cleaned out, then took half a dozen hits on the glass pipe. For once, my dealer was right on time, fixing me up with a nice fat 8ball, so I was ready for the weekend. After I pulled on a black jockstrap, my bare assed chaps, and my boots, I decided to check out my favorite bar. I like it because it’s a large space, with high ceilings, and it has a patio that’s perfect for cruising. The place draws a very masculine crowd, and it has a well deserved reputation for attracting men into PNP. I tied a long sleeved flannel shirt around my waist, to cover my bare ass, and off to the bar I went. I was leaning back against one of the benches that line the back wall, casually watching a game of pool, when I saw this guy walk in who caught my eye. Even though he was dressed like he just came from the office on casual Friday, wearing Dockers and a Polo shirt, he gave off a strong vibe that he could very likely be a hot prospect. It didn’t take long for me to find out. After he ordered a beer, he stripped off his Polo shirt, then his Dockers, folded them neatly, and laid them on one of the bar stools. He looked to be around 40 years old, had large hands, a broad chest, a great tan, and obviously worked out regularly. Now, he was wearing just a pair of tight black cotton briefs that really showed off the curves of his muscular bubble ass. I could see why he had positioned himself at the end of the bar. It was the perfect location for him to rather discreetly expose his big, thick cock and show it off. As he occasionally took a pull on his bottle of beer, his other hand pulled on his cock, and it quickly swelled to impressive length and extremely impressive thickness. He certainly had my attention. Most of the time, he looked straight ahead, but, once in a while, he would look my way, and flex his cock, making it jump. It certainly looked like an invitation to me. After a few seconds, I got up my courage, walked around the pool table, and stood right next to him, at the bar. He raised his beer, in salute, told me his name was Tony, then he asked me what I was drinking. He bought me a bottle of water and another beer for himself. I couldn’t help but notice how large his pupils were, so I knew that he had been partying, too. Before long Tony said that he really needed to take a piss, and he asked me if that was something I could take care of for him. I knew exactly what he meant, and I said, “Yes, Sir.” He had me follow him out to the patio where he positioned himself in a dark corner. Without saying anything, he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down, so that I was on my knees, in front of him. Immediately, a lot of men gathered around to watch, as he pulled down the front of his briefs and flopped out his still semi-hard thick cock. As soon as I took his big helmet head between my lips, he let loose with a flood of warm chem piss. There was nothing I could do but keep guzzling it down, as fast as I could swallow, until he was completely drained. My stomach felt extremely full, and he voiced his approval, impressed that I was able to take it all. I knew that it wouldn’t be very long before I would be the one who needed to unload. Sure enough, not more than 10 minutes later, I felt like I was going to explode. We went back out to the patio where Tony spotted a Dad and his young boy, both dressed in full leather. He asked the Dad if his boy was into chem piss. Without answering the question, the Dad put the boy on his knees, in front of me, and I blasted what seemed like an endless stream of chem piss down the boy’s throat. When I was finished, the Dad told his boy, “What do you say ?” The boy looked up at me and said, “Thank you.” Walking back inside the bar, Tony asked me if I ever slammed. I said, “Yeh, a few times.” He said, “Good. Let’s get you recharged.” With that, we both went into one of the restrooms that was supposed to be for only one person at a time, and we locked the door. Tony pulled out a small zippered pouch from his pants pocket. He tied off my upper arm, and found a good bulging vein, which he swabbed with an alcohol pad. After pulling off the cap with his teeth, he slowly slid the needle in, pulled back on the plunger, got the flash, then completely depressed the plunger. Very quickly, he removed the tie from my upper arm and pulled out the needle. I pressed 2 fingers against the crook of my elbow, and held my arm over my head, as I coughed loudly, and a tremendous rush began coursing through my body. Tony said, “How you feeling, now ?” Between rapid breaths, all I could say was, “holy fuck !”
    2 points
  5. Hey guys, This is my first post here after finding this this forum and this is the story of the first time I got bred This is a true story about my recent adventure getting a real cock up my arse for the first time. I'm 25, slim blonde kinda twinky looking. I'd been in and out of straight relationships for a while and slowly started watching Tgirl porn and then over a few months started watching gay porn... I can't really say when it was but at some point I stopped imagining being the top and started to image myself as the one getting fucked. I decided the explore this a bit and bought myself a small selection of toys. After a while of playing and training I decided I wanted the real thing but was too shy to try and find anyone, I was worried about meeting someone online in case either they knew someone I know or in case they turned out to be a weirdo. I had resigned myself to the fact that it was probably just going to remain a fantasy and nothing more. Later during the summer I had arranged to visit a friend who had moved away with his girlfriend and kids a couple of years ago. As space was not good at their place I booked myself into a hotel for the two nights. I arrived there the first day and met up with my friend, he is also 25, a little bigger build than me around 6ft (same as me) with light brown short hair. We went round a few pubs started getting a little drunk and had a few games of pool, he is a lot better than me and I messed a couple of shots up, I noticed on a couple of occasions he helped me with my shots by standing behind me and helping me line up the cue... On these occasions his cock and my arse seemed to make contact with each other. On the final of these times I tried to see if it was intentional or not and bent over as if I was ready to take the shot and gently rubbed by bum up against his groin... I could swear I felt him begin to get hard before he quickly backed away and sat down whilst leaning forward, I assumed at this point he was trying to hide a boner. Towards the end of the evening we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, him home and me to my hotel. I laid in bed fantasising over those short moments and hoping I could get something more form him before the end of my visit. The next morning I went out shopping, found a little local sex shop and bought a large tube of lube. I also bought a box of condoms from the local chemist. I spent the morning wondering if anything would happen but aching inside hoping that it would. Early in the afternoon I had a text from him saying that he wanted to have a proper night out tonight as it was Saturday we thought the nearby town would be pretty busy. We made arrangements to meet up a few hours later. After my shopping I decided that whilst in the hotel room I would try and clean up as best as I could... I shaved the tiny amount of hair I had around my hole, rinsed out my sports bottle and filled it with water to try and clean out, after a few flushes with water I knew I was good to go (I hadn't eaten much that day so I should remain clean). Once my friend and I met up again we started hitting the bars in the nearby town, he mentioned to me that he had an argument at home with his girlfriend because she didn't want him going out and getting drunk. He didn't seem to care about this and we slowly necked shot after shot. At around 1 am he had a text from his girlfriend not to bother coming home as she had had enough of him getting drunk every time he goes out with friends. In his drunken state this didn't seem to upset him and he asked if he could sleep on the floor of my hotel room. I told him of course that was fine and we had a couple more drinks before heading back there. Once we got back to my room we both had a drink of water and he said he needed to sleep. He took his clothes off and to my surprise also removed his boxer shorts... he said that as he didn't have a change of clothes with him we didn't want to sleep in them. He then took a pillow off the bed and laid on the floor covering most of his body up with his jacket. I followed his lead and removed all of my clothes including my boxers, neither of the switches near the bed turned the main room light of so I stepped across him and walked naked to the switch by the door. On my way back to the bed I said "look man you don't have to sleep on the floor if you don't want to, the carpet can't be too comfortable so you can share the bed". "Are you sure" he replied and before I could answer he threw his jacket off of himself, picked up the pillow and climbed into bed. I laid on my back and he laid on his side facing away from me. After around 20 minutes of me staring at the ceiling with my heart beating through my chest I felt him roll over towards me, I too rolled onto my side with my back facing him, he seemed to edge forward until we ended up in a spooning position. He continued to breathe deeply as if he was still asleep so I copied him, I laid there with my eyes shut feeling his slowly growing cock nestled up against my naked bum. I was sure he was really awake as I felt his cock getting harder and harder I started gently bucking and rubbing up and down against his meat... I knew he was awake now as he just whispered "mmmmm" into my ear. This was all I needed and I reached behind me and slowly started to wank his rock hard dick. This went on for a few minutes until I plucked up the courage to take further, whispering in the darkness "would you like to fuck me". He let out another "mmmm" As I rolled over to get to my case and grab the lube and condoms. I dripped a massive dollop of lube into my hand and began to massage my little hole with it slowly fingering it into myself. I handed him the condom which he rolled onto his dick, I got some more lube and massaged his cock with a very lubey hand. Once we were both ready I told him to lay back and I moved myself into position ready to sit on his manhood, it hurt more than my toys did... I felt a stinging burning sensation in my arse so I told him to hold still, I took a few deep breaths and gradually relaxed until I was sitting down on his entire dick. It felt amazing, for the first time in my life I had another man's meat shoved deep inside my hole. I started to slowly ride him, he held his hands on my hips and closed his eyes while I rode him. he told me he wanted me on my back so I climbed off him and laid back with my legs in the air and he got up behind me and began to insert his dick... I could feel by now that he was losing some his original hardness, I reached down to try and wank him a little but it didn't seem to help, he reached over and switched the bedside lamp on and said he thought it might help if he could see the hole his dick was fucking. He got slightly harder but still not enough to get back inside me, I reached over and got another handful of lube, I rolled his condom off with my other and hand began massaging the lube into his dick... This seemed to do the job as within a few moments he was rock hard again, now I know at this point we should have got another condom and carried on with the fuck we were having but instead I guided his now bare cock up to my hole and said "fuck me properly man" our eyes locked as he slid balls deep into me in one smooth motion, I could see from his eyes this sensation had changed him he looked like he was on fire and became more animalistic as he fucked me. He kept commenting on how amazing my arse felt and that this was one of the best fucks he'd ever had. This spurred me on and I wrapped my arms and legs around him pulled his head near mine and said "oh man, your dick feels amazing inside me, fuck me harder". This drove him crazy and he fucked me so hard it began to hurt and then finally he pushed into me so hard I thought we would go through the bed, he said he was getting close and I instinctively wrapped my arms and legs around him and said "don't pull out", he plunged his cock inside me hard a couple more times and finally began shooting a hot creamy load as deep into my body as he could it. It felt magical, in that moment I knew this was a postition I loved to be in, knowing my that hole had provided enough pleasure for him to cum inside me made me feel so good. He fell onto me, totally spent, between his body weight on me, his still semi hard dick inside my arse and his spunk that he just shot into me I felt like I was his. Free to do what ever he wanted. He eventually rolled off me once his cock had softened and fallen out of my hole, we fell asleep laying on our backs next to each other for a few hours until I was woken up by a sound outside in the street, he seemed to stir at the same time I instantly reach down and placed my hand around his cock slowly rubbing it until I felt him begin to get hard again. He reached across me to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of lube and generously poured it over the tip of his cock and into my hand, I gave him a sloppy lubey wank for a little while until he told me he wanted me to ride him again. I reached over to grab the condoms but he grabbed my arm and stopped me from reaching them, he said that he'd rather we did it without a condom again, he told me that it felt ok when he had one on but that it was so much better without. He said that the thought of cumming into another mans hole is what drove him over the edge last time and that him cumming inside me was different to cumming into his girlfriend because his cum served no purpose other than the fact that we both wanted it there. I agreed that it did feel amazing to feel his cock shooting inside me and I climbed up on top of him and gently slid down the length of his meat. I rode him slowly with him thrusting upwards into me matching my movements, it felt amazing and his dick was hitting spots inside me that I never knew existed, my own cock was hard as a rock and was slapping down against his stomach every time I dropped myself onto him. I rode him for about 10 mins before getting off and getting on my back again. This time I was laying with my head on the pillows, legs spread as wide as they could go while he positioned himself on top of me. My hole felt weirdly empty after climbing off him so I told him to hurry up and get back inside me. He thrust balls deep into me in one motion as I reached down and pulled my cheeks as far apart as I could so that the he could get as deep as possible, I could feel his dick sliding in and out with the tips of my fingers as I held my hole open for him. He alternated between slow gentle love making and hard passionate fucking like it would be his last, he told me he was getting close and really seemed to step up the piston fuck he was giving me, he said "I'm going to fill your hole with my cum again, do you want it?" "yes" was about all I could reply. "Beg me for it" was his response so I instantly started begging and saying anything that came to mind. "Please fill me up, my hole needs your spunk as deep as you can get it" he started to smile, "my hole belongs to you, give me your fucking babies, please". He grunted as he began to unload, I once again wrapped my arms and legs around him, this time whispering "thank you" repeatedly into his ear. He rolled off me, I rolled away ready to sleep feeling his cum slowly leaking from my now loose and split hole. He promised me he'd have another fuck for me in the morning and we both fell asleep.
    2 points
  6. A new nude bar opened in my area a while ago and I have been going there as often as I can. I am always lucky there as it seems the guys there don't care at all about using condoms. I went there tonight and it was rather quiet, but the few guys who were there were all very hot. Often when I go to the bar I am very drunk, or I get drunk while I'm there, but tonight I was completely sober, and I almost left because it was so quiet, but I decided to take a walk around the back to check-out the dark rooms and the sling. There was nobody there, except one exceptionally hot guy who I had seen on my way in. He was a sporty kind of guy with a perfect body and, (as I prefer them to be), a medium sized cut cock. As I'm generally quite shy (particularly when I'm sober), I wouldn't as a rule even think about approaching a guy like him, but to my surprise he began the conversation, remarking he liked my bum. "Thanks," I replied, which was apparently enough for him. "Do you want to play?" he asked. "That's why I'm here," I responded. "Let's go to a room," he suggested, and once there, I began sucking him. He took a while to get hard, but even so I enjoyed playing with his soft cock. Eventually he made me turn around and he played with my bum, lubed it up and in he went. It felt so good. When you are sober you feel it so much more. He fucked me for a short while only, and then suggested that we should go to a room with a bed, where I could lie down and he could take me from behind. He got even harder as soon as he went in, and he was clearly very horny, because very soon after he came. He pulled out just before he came, but he dropped a huge load all over my bum and my back. I turned around and gave him head, licking every last drop of cum from his cock. He really enjoyed that. Then I scooped his cum off of my back and bum and slurped it down. Again he complimented me on my nice bum, and left for a smoke. I was horny as hell by now and hadn't cum yet, so I hung around near the sling for a while. A couple, who I had seen when I entered, arrived. The one was slender and blonde, with a stubbly beard, the other was stocky and tall. Both had long, uncut cocks. It looked like they wanted to play, but neither made an advance, so I reached-over and began playing with the stocky one's cock, which I found to be slightly bigger and thicker one than that of his mate. His mate was excited by this, so I started playing with his cock as well, and soon enough both were rock hard. They did not want anything more but being sucked off, so that is what I did: I knelt on the floor and sucked them both, alternating between the two. My cock enjoyed that too, cause I could feel it getting hard and I had to control myself not to cum yet. Again it wasn't long before they came, first the slender one, who had a body like a swimmer. Really sexy. Again the kind of guy I would be shy to approach normally. (I will add here, usually I go for the much rougher, bear or leather type guys, they turn me on, but tonight was an exception). So, the slender one came first, shot his load in my mouth, everything, spurting out quite a bit of cum. I haven't had such a good blowjob with such a happy ending in a while. The cum just kept cumming. I could feel his cock contract and spurt again and again. His cum tasted slightly sweet, and I ate it all, until he emptied his balls. Just moments later his mate, the stocky one, also started cumming, so I had to switch cocks and I took his load as well. It was not as much, but it was as good. Warm and salty. I ate it all. And as I did this I shot my load as well, no hands. So tonight no load up the ass, but so much fun. Last week was another story. I arrived quite late at the bar, and was rather tipsy already. I sat at the bar counter first, having a smoke and a drink, and then moved towards the back. It was very busy, there were lots of guys. I went to my favourite spot, the sling, where there was already some action. There was a guy on the sling being fucked, and several guys standing around. I moved past them, touching several hard dicks, and stood up against the wall with my ass stuck out for action. I didn't have to wait long, a guy with a very hard and very thick cock entered me at once. He fucked me long and hard, too long in fact. He never lost his erection, but he also never came. I got a bit bored with that and after giving him a lot of time to cum, I eventually decided to move along. It wasn't going to happen. I explored the dark rooms again, and found a very tall, slightly older guy standing around, rock hard and waiting for action. I knelt down and started sucking, and it wasn't long before he turned me around and started fucking me. His cock was hard and long, but by now I had been lubed up so he entered me easily, and slid up and down inside me quite forcefully. We moved along to a room, where he continued fucking me, and then he went to the room next door and started fucking me through the glory hole. We made so much noise, he was afraid the cubicle would break, so he suggested that we go to a room with a bed. Which we did. I lay down on the bed and he lay down on top of me, entering me from behind. It felt so good. That is my favourite position, because I can really feel a cock inside me when I am lying down. He fucked me good, and I could feel his cock contract and start squirting out cum. My favourite feeling in the world when I can feel someone's cock inside me spurting out cum. He did not pull out after emptying his balls, he just lay on top of me, so I could still feel his cock inside me, I could tighten my ass and let my ass play with his cock while he was still inside. When he eventually pulled out I licked the last few drops of cum from his cock, but he pulled away, he said his cock was too sensitive. I went back to the sling, with his cum still inside me. There were two guys in the room next to the sling, but the one guy was like a fridge, he did not move, he did not touch anyone, he just stood there upright, with his back turned towards the other guy. So I moved past him and started playing with the other guy. He was already hard because I think he was planning to fuck the guy standing there without any emotions. But when he saw me I think he changed his mind. He pushed me down on the bed, on all fours, and stuck his cock in. It slid in easily, because my hole was sloppy from the previous guy's cum. This guy, a much younger guy, had been sitting at the bar all night and I think he was very horny by now. He fucked me hard. Really hard. His cock was not huge but it was hard, and I could feel it thrusting inside me. It felt great. He pushed me down onto the bed, so that I was lying flat again, and once again I was in my favourite position. I could feel every move he was making inside me. He came quickly also, maybe just five minutes and I could feel him contract and shoot. What a feeling. Two loads one after the other. By now I was really longing for more. But when I went walkabout afterwards I realised the bar had almost emptied out. There was barely anyone there. So that was it for the night. But it was a good night.
    2 points
  7. I'm a total bottom and I love ass too! I love eating a hot ass and hole just as much as getting mine eaten or fucked...
    2 points
  8. I love my bottom to be a slut. The sluttier he is the better. The more cocks the better it is. I also love a hole with a huge amount of fresh loads already inside. Makes breeding even better.
    2 points
  9. Bareback Bottom taking LOADS all 4 days, (Thurs-Mon morning) Staying at the Congress hotel, will be taking Anonymous LOADS all weekend. NO CONDOMS, NO PULLING OUT -- ALL LOADS go INSIDE (mouth ok, ASS is BEST!! Taking ALL LOADS -- NO QUESTIONS, NO Rejections, NO Exceptions. ANY HARD COCK WELCOME... Age 21-99, Black/White/Latino ... 5 inches to 11+ Fast PUMP-N-DUMP or slow fuck and slide as you like. Not looking for bottoms as I seldom TOP, but if I do Fuck a guy, he should be HWP, under 35"waist, and willing to take my POZ CUM in your hole. I will only fuck a couple of guys if at all this weekend. If you are a Slut is a big bonus. ANY AGE/RACE/Cock size/Stats/neg is okay if you want your neg seed in my hole. ANY POZ Guy has an OPEN INVITATION to slide your cock up my ass without asking, and fucking as much as you want. I know there will be hundreds of bottoms, I don't mind sharing and group sex is fun, but I have my own room and will take ALL LOADS!!
    2 points
  10. I seem to get hornier, the more I cum. I love my semen - whether it's all over myself when I jerk off or inside a guy's ass or mouth. As soon as it's there to play around with, or to use as lube for round 2, it turns me the fuck on. Most of the times, it's just like foreplay for me before my first load is out and THEN the real session begins. In group situations, I get this really addictive urge to seed every available hole and cumming becomes like a drug, wanting more and more after each breeding, until I collapse or my cock is too sore to use....
    2 points
  11. Yes I love this with bi or 'straight' guys. Actually I love it with gay guys cheating on their partners too. There was a guy on Jack'd who was cheating on his bf with me for a few months recently. Always fucked me bareback, always bred me, always made me lick his feet too (sometimes they were dirrty, yum!!). Always fucked me on the bed he shared with his bf. Then suddenly he disappeared. Guess his bf must've found out but I didn't hear anything more. But that was hot. Had quite a few bi guys from the local area too. So far they've all been outside and one-offs...
    2 points
  12. I had been waiting patiently for my sons 18th birthday. It was finally almost here. Two more days. Two more days till he would finally be of some use to me. Until now the pathetic little emo brat had been nothing but a burden. But in two days he would finally start fufilling some purpose and no longer be a total waste of his daddy's cum. Granted, I had only had to look after him for the last two years, but it was a hassell. I knocked his mother up when were 17. I tried to make her get an abortion, but her parents wouldn't let her. Some religious bullshit reason. When I was 18, I was sent to prison for 15 years for armed robbery trying to get money to take care of the "accident". So yea I blamed him for being incarerated. Prison changes you. I entered as a teenage punk and left a hardened ex-con. The first five years I was a prison bitch, owned by the toughest fucker in the joint. He claimed me the second day I was in there, raping me in the showers. For five years I gave up my pussy to him and anyone he sold me to. Then he got shanked in the yard. Another guy tried to claim me, but I was older, wiser, and stronger. I fought for myself this time, and earned some respect. Soon I had my own prison pussy, a scrawny little bitch. I owned him until I was released. When I got out, I was able to find a shitty job and managed to find a dump of a trailer to live in. That's when the bitch showed up on my steps with our kid and his suitcase. She just dumped him with me and took off with some bikers. I could have just kicked him out on the street, but he was my blood. And like I said, prison changes you. I had developed a taste of hot boy ass, and the power of owning it. So I took him in knowing he'd be legal in two years. Now the wait was almost over. The cumstain had no idea what his future was going to hold for him. I had been planning and preparing for this day. I had saved up and bought a state of the art digital camera, knowing it was an investment for what I was going to make off the boy. The morning of his birthday, he came out to the living room to find me sitting in my chair, smoking, wearing just a pair of dirty boxerbreifs, my chest and arms of prison tatoos on full display. He started to get some cereal in the kitchen, but I called him over. "Its your birthday son," I started. "I have a little present for you." I handed him a glass pipe with some crystals in it. Now, I know he's done drugs. I've smelled pot and alcohol on him many times. But I don't know what else he's done. I knew he knew what I had just handed him. "Go ahead son, you're a man now. Join Daddy in a smoke." He was a little hesitant, but I pushed it up to his lips and lit a lighter, melting the crystals. He took a big bit, coughing out a large white cloud. "Go ahead, take another one son." I encouraged him. He took another big hit, not coughing so much. I kept encouraging him to take more, and the dumb bitch didn't even realize I wasn't hitting it. After his 6th big hit, the pipe was empty and he flopped back on the couch. I knew he was flying, and I knew it was time for his real present. He wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes, so it was really easy to rip his jeans and underwear off of him. "What the fuck Dad?" he started, but a couple hard slaps across his face silenced him. "Shut the fuck up boy!" I ordered him. "The free ride is over. From now on you're going to earn your existence!" His skinny,pale body was no match for my pumped up muscles. I had had him naked and on his stomach before he knew what hit him. Ripping off my shorts I lined up my hard 8 inch cock up to his hole, and spit a couple loogies on my dick for lube. Holding his shoulders down I forced my cock in his virgin hole as hard as I could. He howled as I breached his ass ring, pushing my mushroom head into him and continuing till I was buried to my balls. I felt a warm wetness surround my cock as his cherry was ripped apart. He thrashed and cried beneath me begging for me to stop. I just started fucking him hard and deep, loving the red that covered my dick everytime I pulled out. God damn it was nice to have some hot boy ass again! I was going to make him a great whore. I pulled all the way out, looking at his busted open pussy, red oozing out of it, and rammed back in to the hilt, causing more howling from the cunt. I just kept on pounding his new pussy over and over. Eventually he quieted down and actually started moaning, and soon was pushing his ass back on me. "That's right boy. Ride your daddy's cock. Feel good boy? That's the cock that made your worthless life bitch. But now you have a purpose! You're going to be my whore and make daddy lots of money!" He just moaned beneath me as I talked dirty to him. "That's right bitch, moan for me. I know your faggot ass loves it. This is why you were born! Now take my cum. Take your daddy's cum in your whore cunt!" I pumped my son full of my cum as his pussy milked me dry, sucking my sperm deep in his guts. When I finished breeding his new cunt, I unloaded with a torrent of piss, making him my urinal. "Don't worry about school, I said, pulling out of him as his ravaged hole leaked piss and cum, "you won't be going there anymore. You'll be too busy working for me!" I turned off the camera knowing I had something totally hot to sell on the internet.
    1 point
  13. I’m going to start by stating that what I’m about to reveal is all true. Any inserted pics are real and are of me. I’ve been an avid reader and part-time participant in the hook up section of this site for years, but I’ve never posted a story, even though I’ve unloaded countless times reading those of others. Many of the stories are about a single event that guys focus on as their transformation, their conversion; they use words like being impregnated, bred, seeded. Don’t get me wrong they’re all hot and fuckn sexy words to use, and I relate to the impact of how words impact and enhances our sex. But I’m going to be honest and say that for me, becoming a poz’d cum hungry, cock worshiping fuckn bareback bottom pig that wants the let my animal out, was no single event. It was what I like to think of as an evolution over many years. It started with the first man’s cock I saw at the age of 6 and from there the journey started. It was my oldest brothers, 14 years older than me. We stripped down to put on swimming trunks, and from my vantage point sitting on my bed, him standing in front of me, all I saw at eye level was his masculine, hairy, meaty thick cock and heavy hung balls swinging in front of me. To this day I can still see it. When I saw my brothers cock, I distinctly remember a tightness in my mid-spine, I remember my hands began shaking and I felt flush all over. I was light headed and then I became warm all over. That feeling still strikes me today when I’m presented with a full meaty man cock, the only exception is that now I know that signal is my instinct, my animal, now my mouth drools and my fuck chute starts to expand from the inside and contracting. Through this journey I opened some doors myself, others were opened and I walked through, some I ran through. Sometimes eyes wide open, sometimes eyes wide shut. There wasn’t a single path I took that I was forced down by anyone other than my growing desire for cock and my growing insatiable need for more. More cock, more cum, more sex, more connection, always more. Before I focus on the single event that I know poz’d my fuckhole, you need to know that until 10 years ago I was a total top. I spent 8 years in the military; I’m 5’11” and average 180 lbs. I’m masculine, buzz cut, goatee, nice pecs 46” chest, hard nips, and hung thick about 7 ½. For years I lived just beneath the surface of the gay lifestyle. Yes, closeted. I had a girl friend, her daddy was the mayor of the town my military base was in, but I had my fuck buddies, most were military, some not. Some were the sons and brothers of guys I served with, but I was always the top. Always bare. Every roommate I had in the military, I “had”, except for one. I made a game of seducing the military hotties, getting them stoned, or drunk The scare of the 1980’s didn’t stop me because in my mind I was the one seeding hole. I was the one getting some twink to swing on my lob and swallow my jizz through some greasy glory hole. I picked up tricks in arcades and hitchhikers downtown and used their mouths and holes in my truck or at their places. I wasn’t concerned. By the mid to late 1990’s however, the number of willing cum junkies was diminishing rapidly. I was now out of the military and my source of fresh young and easy inexperienced drinkers and stoners was cut off. It was a new game. I came out to my girlfriend, and she came out to me. A lipstick lesbian.. ah well.. who could ask for anything better when we both needed a “date”, we were set. All these years later, we’re still best friends. It was in the late 90’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Condoms were on the menu and I didn’t want any. I thought I was destined to a life of yanking off or glory hole blowjobs. It was during that time that I acquired a taste for glory holes, and within a year, it was me on my knees sucking some amazing cocks. It was me licking my lips through an open hole in the plywood at arcades in Houston to entice my next load. My appetite grew to where I literally went to the arcade every day for lunch, and after work I was there until nearly 11pm at least 4 nights a week and longer on weekends. I had sucked cock in grade school and high school and ate my share of teen cum loads, but nothing like this. I began using the Internet more and more, and over time I had a steady train of men, gay, bi, and married coming to my place for head. Then I started secretly filming it. I filmed myself giving blowjob after blowjob to these unnamed men. So many that I have two four-hour tapes of myself sucking and swallowing sperm. I’d transfer the film to tape and spend hours watching myself, but more I was focused on the faces of the men I was sucking off. What worked, what was it I was doing that made them go over the edge and feed me their spunk. Over time, I started referring to these tapes as my training aids.. I was learning how to be a better cock sucker, a better provider.. and today, I am still told my mouth is amazing. I simply reversed my role and became the cock sucker I had always wished I had. Sucking cock was and still is a passion, but that too transformed to worship; to using my mouth only without hands ~ licking, tasting, suckling and nursing on a man’s nads until he feeds me. That rapidly became my reward. It was late 1999 when my lust for more grew greater. I was chatting with several guys on line through various sites. One in particular caught my attention. He was a masculine, built hot top man with a massive cock that he would occasionally pump. He got into my head. He was a master at getting what he wanted, and even then I thought I had my shit together. He coached me with his words, asked me pointed questions about my sexuality, made me start questioning why I hadn’t given up my hole. He had me send him pics of myself finger fucking my ass, then over a short period I surprised him with a pic of a plug in my hole. We chatted for about 3 months, and then he informed me that he’d just become single again and wanted to hook up. Knowing he was a full top gave me some hesitation but I wanted to taste his cock and let him get off in my throat. I toyed with the idea for a few days, and then responded that I’d be there on Friday night. I arrived on time and we had some small talk while he offered me a drink. He invited me upstairs to his loft over looking Puget Sound in Seattle. Once in the loft I saw two large king size mattresses raised up off the floor about thigh height, covered in black play sheets. Three of the walls had large mirrors on them with stands of white Christmas tree lights strung all through the rafters in the ceiling. On the far wall was a large 40 some odd inch screen with bareback porn playing on it mixed with some serious hole stretching and toys. On the lower tier of the wall, extending the full length of the room were shelves packed with an arsenal of hole toys, gear, leather, straps, chains, bottles of liquids, jellies and other oils. I was amazed, my spine began its contractions sending my brain the message that this was not going to be a typical night of suck and swallow. As we sat down on one of the mattresses, we began to undress. It took little time for us both to be naked and I was pleasantly impressed by what I saw. I reached out to him and he fell on top of me and began to lick every part of my body. I felt his cock grow rapidly as it pressed into my thigh sending its own heat to my groin. I grabbed his ass and it felt like marble and as hard as his cock. He stuck his tongue down my throat and pinched my nips… “ouch man, take it easy…” He looked me in the eye and said, “hey boy, no problem, let’s relax before I show you a few things.” I sat back on the mattress with my head against a pillow on the wall and admired his body as he walked across the room to flip out the lights leaving only the strands of lights showing in the room. He offered me another drink he’d taken from a small refrigerator and I drank it slowly at first because although it was only a Sprite, the glass must have been dirty. It tasted salty. I figured being a good guest, I’d just swallow it faster and that the liquid would eventually wash off anything on the glass. He sat back down beside me on the bed and began to kiss me gently, making out with me, darting his tongue in and out of my mouth. My eyes were closed. A few moments went by and I opened my eyes and felt nauseous. I told him I thought I was going to puke. He put me on my stomach and began rubbing my back, telling me to take deep breathes, that it was okay, that I was just starting to feel the buzz. “The buzz?” I asked, “yea man, I gave you a little G to settle our nerves. I’d never used anything other than pot in my life. I had no idea what this shit was, but I know I was, as he said, relaxing. That night was spent with him eating my hole, fingering my hole, me swallowing his cock and eating his cum. The entire time he was telling me what a “good boy” I was, and how he loved licking and tasting my “pussy”. He said it so many times that I began to respond to his comments of praise. Telling him how good my pussy felt up against his goatee and tongue. Mentally I went to a different place. I found myself being encouraged to expose a part of me I knew existed but had always repressed and hidden. He cupped my cock and balls as he tongue fucked me, and milked my cock of my load and smeared it all over and into my hole.. and he ate me. It was with this man that I spent every single weekend for the next 3 months. He never put his cock in my ass, but before our time was over, he had introduced me to a sling, to receiving a booty bump of Tina, and most importantly, he transformed my physical and mental being from a top with an asshole, to a curious bottom with a pussy. He ended up getting back with his ex, but on our last visit he told me that he had taken me on a journey that he wouldn’t forget. That he hoped in someway he’d helped me realize that I was meant to take cock in my pussy, and my pussy was meant to be transformed further into a whore’s cunt. In truth I sort of understood what he was saying, but only from what he had been telling me and from the porn he’d been flashing at me in my drugged induced states of mind. It was right about this same time that the man who took me the rest of the way walked in my life. His name was John. I met him about a year prior in the park cruising and I’d had the pleasure of blowing him from time to time. One afternoon John called and told me he wanted to see me and about an hour later he was pulling up in my driveway. We had a drink, smoked a few cigarettes and we caught up on what we’d being up to. I shared with him, at least in parts, my recent adventures and the fact I’d found out I had a pussy after all. He grinned and told me he’d love to try it out for himself sometime but that the real reason he had come over was to ask if he could rent out a room from me. He and his partner were splitting up. We discussed it and came to an agreement. Since we were both in construction, I told him if he’d help me with finishing off my basement, I’d give him a lower rent. The following weekend John moved in. John was four years older than me. He was tall, smooth muscular swimmers build, shaved head and brown eyes and about 8”. He was a top. About 2 weeks after moving in and getting settled, I came home to find that the sling I had ordered arrived UPS. I took it to the basement and told John that my project was beginning. It took about a week before the play space was done, as was the adjoining ‘party room’. The sling was hung and I immediately began the process of buying my own toys. John asked if he was allowed to use the room as well and of course I agreed. He added his own toys and gear to a shelf on the far wall. The weekend approached and as I got home from work a car was leaving my driveway. I didn’t’ recognize the guy but found out later that it was John’s connection. John showed me what he’d purchased. Two eight-balls of Tina, 8 vials of G, some E and something called “Special K”. I was amazed and wanted to know about the K. He put his arms on my shoulders and looked me in the eye and said, “I’ll show you if you want, but it’s your pussy I want this weekend, are you up for it?” There went my spine again.. and he knew I was up for it. He told me to clean out good, that I should use his shower attachment in the guest bath. He asked me if he could freshen up my buzz cut for me and I agreed. He told me that he had laid out some things in my room he’d like me to wear. I felt a feeling of being taken care of, like he was primping me, and I said, “man, no one has ever gotten this into a scene with me before.” He came in my room, me standing there naked, and he said “hey buddy, this isn’t a scene, I want to experience your sex, and I want you to let yourself go for me. You’re always the one in charge at work, you’re in charge at everything all the time, but now I want you to be my pussy boy and I want you to FEEL like my boy.” I blushed and told him I was beginning to get real excited, but was a little nervous too. “We’ll fix that soon enough.” I went down to the basement naked with the gear. He had me go to the restroom and there he proceeded to buzz my head. When he was finished, he asked me if it would all right to take digital pics from time to time of our playing and I agreed. He handed me the gear he wanted me to wear, a leather collar, ankle high black leather work boots with low rise red socks. Then he told me to go to the sling and get in. I went in the new play space, and saw on the black charcoal painted walls where he’d written with a white grease pencil lude comments like “take my pussy” and “seed my cunt”. Over the top of the sling on the wall behind it and the section of chain link fence was an arrow pointing down with the words, “poz my cunt”. I climbed in the sling and waited, music began to fill the room. It was Butt Boy. I’d heard it before but somehow in this space it seemed surreal. A moment later John entered the room and set a large tray down on the stool under the sling out of my line of vision. He had put a towel over the tray so I couldn’t see what was on it. He took my feet, one at a time and put them through the leather stirrups. The toe of the boot made it tough to fit through, but he was able to get them in saying, “you won’t be getting out of these without untying the boot.” Then John leaned forward and, rubbing my pecs gently and making my nips rise, said, “Do you trust me?” From somewhere deep inside I knew I did. Here was a man I hardly knew that I let move into my house. I’d given him a key. He’d been there just over 3 weeks, and I knew somehow I wanted to give myself this experience with him. I said just that, but not quite in those exact words. He smiled and then left the room, returning with a standard kitchen chair and my camera to take a few pictures. After the pics, he sat down in the chair and leaned forward. He told me to scoot down in the sling, to let my ass hang off and just over the edge… “come on boy, show me your pussy for the first time.. let me see how beautiful your boypussy is before I transform it into a cunt.” I did as he asked and he met me with his mouth. He started slowly, tasting me, saying words to me that made me feel like a virgin bitch about to loose her cherry. I squirmed and wiggled my hips and flexed my ass cheeks. From time to time we’d share intimate sexual fantasies. Then John sat back and I saw him focusing on what was under the sling. I saw the towel in his hand as he draped it over the seat of the chair and sat back down. Then he told me he was going to give me a booty bump of T. But before that, he wanted me to do a small shot of G. He handed me a shot glass, the G was mixed with coca-cola. “Go ahead, take it.” I asked him if he was going to do any and he said not to worry, he’d be following me along shortly. I took the shot and swallowed it quickly. I liked this method and used it from then on when doing G. I didn’t have to fight a long ass drink of shit I couldn’t stomach. This was a direct shot. John reached over and began to put some kind of locking device on my cock. “What’s that?” “I don’t want you touching yourself. You need to focus on your pussy and what I am doing to it. You need to listen and respond (laughing) as best you can.”. I was in a chastity device. My cock locked in a metal tube and handcuffed around my ball sac. I couldn’t jack off, but I was able to piss through it which he had me do to use my chem’d piss later. I began feeling Johns fingers on my ass, he spit on his finger and probed my ass. “you are fuckn tight boy! Making my cock throb, fuck!” I grinned and he told me I was going to be bumped. I saw a syringe, not like one you’d get a shot with, a little larger, like one you’d use to give a baby liquid, except longer. I felt the length of the tube enter me, and then he paused, “look in my eyes boy, keep looking in my eyes until I say you don’t have to.” I did as he asked. Then he squeezed the plunger, and I felt a warm rush of liquid. It wasn’t a lot of liquid, just a small amount, but the warmth grew until it was hot and I wiggled around in the sling.. “oh fuck John, is it supposed to burn?” “Relax boy, just sit back a second, let me sooth it for you… and with that he spit on his finger again, and it disappeared under the sling, then back up my hole.. it burned more and I thought it was from him inserting his finger without enough spit. “John, it’s burning all over now.. “, he stuck another finger in and began to massage the inside of my pussy. I kept my eyes locked on his, he on mine.. and I began to spin. “yea fucker, you’re feeling it aren’t you?” All I could do is moan and my eyes began to flutter in my skull. “Your fuckn daddy gave you a big bump of T boy, and I rubbed more in there bare with my finger. You’re already getting real wet and opening up for me boy.” I closed my eyes and he began his magic. My pussy was expanding to his touch, sucking at everything he put near it or in it. Over the next hour he coached me, telling me when to relax, when to clamp down, asking me what I was feeling, praising me, telling me I was a good boy, how much he loved my pussy and asking me if I wanted to be made a poz cunt. I knew I wanted it and told him so. I took a broken deep breath and blurted out, “yes, please, help me be who I am, please.” He smiled and had me open my mouth, he spit more G into my mouth and I swallowed it pure. More pictures, more porn playing but this time it was extreme hole stretching porn. I watched the screen as skilled holes took large and then larger toys and fingers and hands, and feet and cocks. John asked me what I needed, “I need to get fuckn chemed hard and have my pussy taken Sir like that!” pointing at the screen. That’s all he needed to hear. “You want me to turn you out boy? You want a gaping cum dripping cunt don’t you boy?” he asked. “Yes, I want to be a cunt that you’ll be proud of, that men will want to use.” John blindfolded me and strapped one hand to the sling, locking it in the wrist cuff. With the other he drew it out straight to the side and strapped my wrist to the handcuffs bolted to the sidewall. He introduced me to Special K. He took a straw and put it up my nostril, pinching the other, “snort it for your dad boy.. show dad how much you want your pussy taken.” I inhaled thinking it was T. In no time my teeth felt numb like coke does but it spread through my body and beneath the blindfold I was “seeing” an array of swirls and color.. I moaned and smiled and felt suction on my nips. “you need some swollen pig nips to adorn this cunt I’m gonna give you boy. Something for dad to fiddle with and suck on when I fuck you”. He placed nip pump tubes on my nips and pumped them up and then I felt him begin to probe my hole again. Large amounts of lube went in my hole and I heard something pumping it in like a caulking gun sounds, followed by a substantial plug. All the while, he was praising me for being a good boy. Then after a few minutes, I felt him strap my extended bicep down to something, and he asked me to breath real deep and not to move.. I did as he said. He asked me how my hole felt and told me that if I hadn’t noticed, it was actively sucking on the plug all by itself. The image hit my brain and I felt I was where I belonged. Then I felt the prick in my arm.. “deep breath boy”.. and the strap removed from my bicep. I coughed hard, not once or twice but three times.. “what do you say boy?” “what the fuck?” “I just slammed you boy.. now what do you say to your dad?’ All I got out was “thank y….ssrr” I was spinning in no time and yet somehow I was still connected to his voice. John sat back down and removed the plug from my ass and then continued to coach me, talk to me, praise me, and replaced one toy after another, fucking me, opening me, telling me how beautiful my pussy was. He put most of his hand in my pussy and began fucking me that way. He shoved a vibrating fat dildo up my ass and that is when I had my first anal orgasm, followed quickly by my flaccid, caged cock, spewing my load of cum out. John cheered “fuck yea pigboy, you’re doing so great!” and congratulated me on cumming with my “boy cock”. He took my load in his mouth, licking it up and spit it in my mouth and fingered the rest up my warm cunt. He continued working my begging eager cunt until I was in total abandon mumbling, begging and asking him to open me more. “boy… I want to breed you.. do you know what that means?” I could only mumble “more please, more”. He removed my blindfold, wiped my face with a towel and had me drink some water. I want to make your cunt a poz cum dump, are you okay with that? “Yes, please, more I want to learn more and make you happy.” I meant it, I had one moment of contemplation and then I felt him touch my open cunt with his thumb and I pushed down until, as he said, my “rosebud just invited him in”. John spent the entire evening from the time I got in that sling around 7pm until the next morning late hours working my cunt. Spreading my lips, rubbing k on my cunt lips until they drooled and hung free and wrapped around whatever he put in there. He stopped calling it a pussy and referred to it as a cunt. He said it was because it was now holding itself open, was wet and drooling and had a nice set of swollen lips hanging from it. He would “diddle” in my hole and tug on my lips to show me. He sucked and chewed on my open cunt. He took pics and showed me what had become of my “top man asshole”. I was born again, and proud of my cunt. He told me to show it off whenever I was around him. We rested some on Saturday afternoon and were back at it Saturday night. This time however, he had me using mostly K, and within about an hour had me taking the biggest toys he had. It was then that he finally put his cock in me with a toy at the same time and unloaded his poz cum in my cunt. From then on, he loved seeding me in any fashion he could. He kept me naked and squatting or in some fashion that he could have easy access to my exposed swollen cunt. We spent the next 7 days naked and converting. He called into my work and took vacation days claiming I had to go out of town. I was chemed up most of the time. He took me to parks to take cocks in my cunt, to arcades and one night we went to the baths at club Z where he let the door open and any walk ins could fuck me bare. On the 5th day he got on line and invited 9 other guys, versatile and tops over, all poz to share his freshly transformed cum hungry poz cunt. He was as proud as I was, bragging about it in the hallways at the baths. It was about a year later I ended up in the hospital with PCP pneumonia. A viral load of over 380,000 and Tcell count of only 30. I had full blown AIDS and was put on AZT. I recovered in time, am on meds, non-detect now with Tcells about 800, but John was around to see me through that too. He died of AIDS in 2005, his body refusing any cocktail combination. From my first time with John, that experience, my stepping off into the place I knew I belonged, trusting a man, and pleasuring one with my cunt, I began a ritual of nearly every weekend for 2 ½ years of being a cum dump for him and others, spreading my cunt to take cock and seed. I continue that journey now and it has been full of perversions, carried out in bath houses and sex clubs, bars, house parties and alley ways. John took me to Palm Springs, LA, New Orleans, Chicago. We attended large group barebacking parties, one in Laguna where I was the only bottom chemed and strapped in a sling for a group of 17 men for a full day while they enjoyed partying. He whored me out in Palm Springs at resorts, and achieved yet another transformation as my cunt fully excepted full fists for the first time. To this day my hunger continues to be fed by those things I have yet to enjoy, those men I have yet to pleasure with my cunt and those I enjoy repeating. My conversion has been an evolution, and one I would not change.
    1 point
  14. What do you think? Should we start an XTube link collection here with URLs linking to XTube videos featuring internal breeding? Whenever we come across a good video on XTube that fulfills these criteria we could post the link here. What do you think?
    1 point
  15. For my 18th birthday my parents gave me a trip to San Francisco to visit my older brother. It would be a low-cost trip with frequent flyer miles and my brother’s car providing transportation and his couch providing lodging. Perhaps being a good student and respectful son was its own reward. I was psyched! I was also gay and still in the closet…and still negative. My experiences were limited to a few oral explorations with a buzzed buddy and I was dying to do more! The other issue was I was still in high school and that rather limited my options. My spring break birthday trip was going to get me laid I decided. Being from the suburbs of a Midwestern town, going to San Francisco seemed like going to gay Mecca! As it turned out, my pozzing took place the first day of my 4 day trip. My brother Matt picked me up at SFO at 10:30 am on Thursday. He drove me back to his apartment near the Tenderloin and we had a birthday lunch before he went back to work. I was on my own to explore the city so naturally I hopped on the historic “F” line to the Castro. My youth and 5’-10” frame, slim build and short brown hair seemed to catch a few eyes. I am certain that I looked like a tourist with my gawking at the stores and the men, as well. I literally ran into a man who was exiting the Walgreen’s! I immediately apologized and was very flustered before I caught a glimpse of him. Holy Fuck! A muscle daddy!!! “In a hurry to pick someone up?” he laughed. This put me at ease and I introduced myself. “Pleased to meet you, Timmy! My name is John and I am just about to meet my partner Max for coffee—care to join us?” “Heck yes” was my reply. We sat outside sipping our lattes and discussed my birthday trip and which things a tourist should see and do before the conversation turned to sex by way of me asking about their relationship. These bearded, hairy men were in their 40’s, had been together 8 years and were actively involved with the leather scene. I felt so at ease with them that I talked all about my sexual interests and my desire to lose my virginity in San Francisco. Since my brother’s place was out, they suggested bathhouse options although that seemed a bit too anonymous and intimidating to me. Max suggested that I find some leather daddies who could host and John said that was a wonderful idea! I blushed and stammered a bit. John put his hand over mine and said that it would be their honor to take my virginity as I looked him in the eyes. Max touched my arm and said they could teach me many things and I would be free to explore in a safe environment. How could I say no? Their rather nondescript but clean home was only a 10 minute drive from the Castro. Max took me by the hand after they both had kissed me long and deep and lead me to their bathroom. He took out an odd torpedo shaped tube from under the sink and explained that being cleaned out was important so I could be relaxed and confident about getting fucked. He wiped it down with a bleachy cloth and then rinsed it well explaining the importance of keeping sex toy and sex objects disinfected. I appreciated his knowledge on the subject. When I was squeaky clean, I joined them in their bedroom. They made a point of having me undress each one carefully. I was taught to carefully fold their clothes and show the proper respect by kneeling when removing their boots and socks—followed by kissing their feet, of course! I loved it. They were both daddy-like to my young eyes. John was the bigger and beefier of the two—about 220, 6’-2”, hairy and a large uncut dick. Max was closer to my height at 5’-11”, 195, hairy and a smaller cut dick—but still quite nice. I said they both had nice trouser snakes and they both laughed. John said that I was very observant but perhaps I should look at their biceps. John had what looked like a hooded cobra snake tattoo while Max had another type—a viper I was told. The tattoos were fucking hot! Max said the snakes were their dick nicknames and both snakes liked to inject venom just like their dicks. HOT!! Max said before we start, we should talk about safer sex. He asked what I knew about it and what my comfort levels were. I told him that I knew one should wrap it before fucking. Max gave a little speech about risk. “Life is all about risk just as much as sex. Whether one wears a motorcycle helmet or not is much like whether one wore a rubber—it was a matter of personal responsibility. The only 100% safe sex was masturbation by one’s self and from there it was a sliding scale. For example, you can get crabs from hugging a guy naked. You could wrap it up for oral, although most don’t and it isn’t high risk for HIV assuming good oral health and a man doesn’t cum in your mouth. Two negative men can fuck without rubbers all day long and not transmit HIV, but one needs to be certain of one’s status and the other man’s as well—keeping in mind that there is a window between exposure and testing positive.” Max went on a bit more and then asked if I had any questions. I asked who was going to fuck me first. The guys laughed again and John said with a wink that they had played rock-paper-scissors to decide. Max laughed again and said his viper was smaller that John’s cobra so he would do the honors. I was ready! John lay on his back and told me to climb on top chest to chest. His powerful arms surrounded me, holding me, stroking my skin, tussling my hair while he kissed me deep. Max got behind me and started to probe my ass with his very talented tongue. I groaned into John’s mouth. “He has a magic tongue, doesn’t he? John asked. “You are going to love his viper!” All three of us had foreplay over the next 30 minutes. Both of my daddies seemed to want to learn what made me tick and what I responded to. I managed to deep throat Max, but John was a bit more than I could handle. Worshipping his foreskin was new to me and I loved sticking my tongue under his hood and lick up his free flowing precum. When Max had me opened up with his slick fingers it was time to give my cherry to him—I was so ready! Max suggested a spooning position or doggy so I would be able to control it a bit easier. He wrapped up and I got on all 4’s. This allowed me to suck on John who was kneeling at the front of the bed facing my deflowering. It also gave easy access to my nipples and I found that I loved having them worked on. By pushing out while Max pushed in, I was able to get his head in—barely! Despite his best efforts Max was losing his boner. “I need a break” Max sighed. I thought I had done something wrong but when I looked up at John he shook his head and said “we fuck each other bareback and we are so used to it that condoms can be a major headache for us.” Max was jacking his dick next to my hole and it was making this hot smacking sound. John was milking my nipples while Max was nudging against me. John asked “How about Max just slide in a bit so you know how it feels? He won’t shoot in you without your permission.” I wasn’t saying anything but I was super turned on. “Suck me while Max slides his viper in” John urged. “Mmmm-k” I said and the first dick of my life slowly inched its way inside me. I just worked on John’s foreskin while Max filled me up. I was too focused on my ass to do more with John right then. Max had done a good job of stretching me with his fingers so it didn’t hurt too badly. Mostly I felt full. I could feel that Max was in as far as he could go—his nuts felt heavy against my skin. “Fuck you guys look good!” John exclaimed. “Pull out a little so I can see your viper.” Max pulled back but soon pushed back in. The process repeated itself—Max wasn’t just sliding in to let me know what it felt like—he was fucking me! John was still facing me, dick in my mouth and kneeling so he could see my breeding and kiss his partner. “Fuck our boy, Max” John commanded. “That’s it! Give him what he came for. Make your viper angry so it spits!” Max built up the tempo and I just rode the feeling and let him have his way with me. John’s hot talk made it even better. “Fuck is he tight and griping me …shit, his hole is milking me” Max groaned. “I’m not going to be able to hold off much longer.” John pulled out of my mouth and scootched down to deep kiss me. “Timmy, I want to see you take Max—take it all from him. You are so sexy! It would make me so happy to have Max share his seed with you.” John started twisting my nipples in time with the fucking. “That viper wants to spit—deep in you. Tell Max what you want. Do this for us!” I was moaning really loud and wasn’t thinking about the safe sex lecture—I was thinking about the sensations and pleasing Max. “Fuck me, Max!” I begged. “You want my seed? You want my viper to inject its venom inside you?” Max asked. I just moaned and then said “do it.” “Do what?? Max asked again. “Fuck me! Give me your viper’s venom!” I cried. Max grip tightened like a vise and he started rutting for all he was worth. John was back to kneeling and watching my first poz breeding. I could hear them kissing and moaning then Max hissed that he was cumming. “Take my cum! Take my fucking venom! I am breeding you Timmy! Your ass is mine!” I felt Max ram in as far as he could go and then felt this frantic throbbing and heat within me. I could feel his sweat as he hugged my chest and I held us both up while Max made sure I got all of his DNA injected. "Happy birthday, baby" Max whispered. We remained coupled for a few minutes until Max finally shrunk enough that he slid out of me. “Keep my spunk in you, Timmy. John is going to need it.” Matt explained. Maxed kissed me over and over as he thanked me and praised me for my natural talents and beauty. I lapped it up like a puppy. I then lapped up his dick because he explained that is what a good boy did—it was delicious! Max excused himself for a few minutes and John made his move. “Ready for my cobra, Timmy?” “Fuck, yes!” I agreed most enthusiastically. John wanted to bind ourselves in the missionary position. He got between my legs and hoisted them back lifting my ass off the bed and in position. No discussion about condoms were made, John lined up and pushed. I felt my eyes flutter closed as his thickness spread my hole wider than Max could. I concentrated on the sensation until I felt John bottom out. The look on John’s face was so intense! It was like he was concentrating on a complex riddle and seeing right through me at the same time. His tongue found mine while my legs and arms locked around him. It felt so right! “I am so hot for you, baby. Your ass is so tight and slick with Max’s cum—I am going to add my own to his so that you can be bonded to me.” John murmured. I just groaned and whimpered and gave myself wholeheartedly. Max came in to see his partner join in my infection. John was a masterful top. I didn’t have a gauge to compare his talents except Max’s fuck, but looking back, he was a man’s man. John possessed me. It felt like my whole life had been waiting for this moment—the time that may ass would receive a game changing fuck. I felt enveloped by John’s presence and connected to him in the most instinctive way through his fucking. The feeling was so intense that tears leaked out. I called John’s name and sniffled a bit as I was so lost to him. “Shhhhhhhh. You are ok, baby. You are mine.” John comforted. Max rubbed his hands over us and urged John to breed me. The pace then picked up like a jackhammer. There was no way John could last long, and I didn’t know how much longer I could take it. I begged him to give me his seed. I told him I wanted his cobra’s venom and John obliged. “Here it is, boy! Here is your special birthday gift! I am fucking injecting my venom in you! His eyes glazed over and then shut as he screamed out his pleasure. I held him as tight as I could as he jerked and cried out. John again recapped what he had done, what we had done, and spoke sweet nothings that made me so proud! I held John for the longest time and Max snuggled against the both of us. When John finally popped out of me Max told me to lie on top of him face to face. He kissed me—deep soul sucking kisses that left me dizzy and dripping wet. Max asked if I was ready to lose my virginity. I looked at Max with a quizzical expression and Max just laughed and said “your other virginity!” as he started to position me between his legs. “I took the liberty of getting ready to get fucked while you started with John. Since I am the first man to take your ass, I’d love to be the first man YOU fuck!” Max beamed. John lubed my uncovered dick and smeared some against Max. I fumbled trying to get in but Max was patient and he guided me. It was an incredible sensation—a tightness gripping my head followed by an elastic warmth that sent shivers down my spine, I did my best to follow my mentors’ example and I fucked Max as good as I could. My first fuck didn’t last long, but it was mighty fine! Max seemed to genuinely enjoy my fucking and John was husky as he told me to breed his partner. It was so hot to look down on Max’s hairy body and encouraging face. When Max told me how much he wanted my fresh spunk and kissed me again, I just lost it! Spurt after spurt shot out of me and waves of pleasure made me giddy. I collapsed into Max’s arms. After a rest break, each of us got off one more time. I thanked them both for giving me the birthday present I had really wanted. They both said the pleasure was all theirs. John asked me to hold their seed in me as long as I could so I would be reminded that they were in me now. He also said he hoped losing my virginity had been a positive experience for me and I told them again that I couldn’t thank them enough for what they had done for me. “Our snakes thank you, too” chimed Max. We all laughed at that. They both drove me back to the neighborhood I was staying in and kissed me goodbye. Despite their offer to meet up for coffee again any morning around 10:30, I never did. I got so busy with sightseeing and hanging out with my brother that it just wasn’t doable. I left San Francisco feeling a great deal more sex savvy and ready to spread my oats back in my neck of the woods. I came down with a bad case of the flu a few weeks before graduation but was recovered in time to receive my diploma. At a quick test clinic held by my university the following fall, I learned that my cobra and viper lovers had indeed injected me with venom and I now had a venomous snake of my own!
    1 point
  16. I've already booked my room at the congress and want to take as many loads as I can. Also willing to host other bottoms, tops, etc for some hot fucking fun. Anyone else going to IML for some all night, open-door, walk-in fuck fun?
    1 point
  17. I'm a bottom vers, and I think it's more that an ass is easily displayed and checked out. I.e. Men passing in the street is simple, especially with today's trends for skinny jeans etc. Nothing I like more than checking out a nice bubble butt as they walk past in the street. And that top pic you posted - woof!!
    1 point
  18. I used to fantasize about rape ever since I was 9 or 10. That was the age I started to get fucked. However, as they always say, you cannot rape the willing. However, I lived in Kuwait for 8 years and was actually raped 2 times in those eight years. Once, taken to the Iraqi border and used by 28 (not going to say their ages.) Was held at knifepoint when that happened. For eight hours was used over and over again while crying. That was really strange for me, who was getting fucked and sucking 2 to 20 guys a night. It was just because of the age thing that freaked me out. The other time I was in the desert with my ex-husband/Kuwaiti at his desert camp when two guys came to our tent at 6 a.m. in the morning and held us up at gunpoint. Was used and abused for about an hour before they left and didn't find out till a year later that my ex had arranged the entire thing. I was in tears afraid they would kill us the entire time, not knowing he set the whole thing up. So, yes, rape is terrifying but when looking back at it, wish it would happen again.
    1 point
  19. This past weekend a guy from bbrt invited me to come down to indy, we went to his friends house. When we got there, we started smoking the pipe and some green. After about 30m a 4th got there, a big dicked black MtF trans. We smoked some more and then the fun started, i don't remember a lot of the gory details i do remember however i had my ass ate while i was sucking the mtf, then she got behind me and i sucked one of the guys while she used me. Some time later she pulled out and the guy with the biggest dick in the room (easily 9") started to fuck me. I went back to sucking the mtf, while the other guy blew me, and she blew him. It was all hot as fuck.
    1 point
  20. that's how it all started for me. i was 17 and was into wearing gstrings at the beach, then ran across guys having sex in the dunes at jones beach in ny. i started watching and then three guys started wanting to fuck me but i had never been with men so they started giving me hits of special K. but it got really rough, they held me down and fucked me and all came inside me when i was in and out of consciousness. i woke up in an ambulance with a corona bottle inside me and had to have surgery. it was terrible at the time, but ever since i have been a cum dump whore who seeks out rape situations and breath control as i want love to relive being forcefully fucked while have unconscious.
    1 point
  21. Agreed. The second guy to fuck me was a black Marine bud. he came in my ass deep, and must have put a gallon of cum in my hole. tag teamed with him a few times, was always hot to see him fucking the bottom, skin contrast is hot. I am vers, but if a BBC is around, I am on my back, legs up, ass ready
    1 point
  22. Anything that is natural about a man is best. Uncut cock, with a nice foreskin, is so fucking appealing.
    1 point
  23. selling? No chance unless you're a celeb! Post & load everywhere on the web? Lots of chance! Ever heard of exposing? It's a pretty usual fantasy for both exposers, submissives & exhibitionists. See my blogs, I have been exposing both exhibitionists & submissives for years except it is known & wanted. I can't see the fun of outing & hurting the unwilling but many do. Dominance is about respectful relations in between 2 people that choosed for it. There is a lot of role playing but no real Master will ever hurt his slave yet his own property! Not to mention it does take knowledge & humanity when playing with humans. bdsm porn may look as nothing but rough slapping & hard actions but it is very intense, complex & somehow very tender. Not the commercial romantic way but the psychologic way. As in your case it is I guess 50/50. He might want to share his fuck vids or keep them for him to wank on while watching himself! Time will tell. you may wander why exposing exhibitionists! Again, look at my blogs. Those usually are older guys that crave to be seen naked. Nothing about dominance in this case, just a helping hand while most guys will look for young naked guys. you could say it is sort of gay charity towards older men but I like older men, dads/ daddies) Being nice while having fhot un seeing their naked bods. take care.
    1 point
  24. yesterday, sunday morning went to the gym downstairs from my building ( small gym for residents only near the pool) . This guy was at the pool I looked at him and he looked me back. I saw him walking to the pool restroom, his eyes where always looking at me,Ii follow him. when I got there he was naked, He pull me in closed the door. He took my clothes off and he kneel and suck my dick. I was very hard, he turned around and I fuck him, he was laud, screaming like it was the first time he took dick, he didn't care they hear us, in fact I think he was doing it un purpose. I was so horny, had a week load in my balls and I breed him, all in, never pulling out. my cum was dripping all over his ass and legs. i got dress and left, just said thank you, left the door open on purpose, one guy was there in line waiting for us to get out of the restroom he must hear it all and saw him butt naked getting clean in the sink. Got home and my husband ask me how was my wor out, I told him great!!
    1 point
  25. The Thugs From the Library Return 2.0 – Parts 1-4 1. The Thugs From the Library Return – The Brother Joins In 2. Fucking at the Metro Station – Being Pimped Out 3. Party Moves to My Apartment - My First Fisting and Double Dicking 4. Dr Mike Makes a House Call – The Brother Comes Back Part 1 - The Thugs From the Library Return – The Brother Joins In The main library in downtown DC was a place that a lot of homeless guys hung out when the weather got colder. More importantly for Dr Mike’s purposes (see story – Dr Mike Biohazard or Healer?), it was a good place to get AIDs filled cum up my ass and down my throat. Also because many of the guys were homeless, not only was it dirty, sleazy sex, but a good chance of getting other STDs – new ones, or more infection of the ones I already had. Being an AIDs whore and biohazard for Dr Mike was almost a full time job between all the guys he had me service as part of my treatment program, and my Saturdays were often spent at the library with Carl, who was now lining guys up throughout the week to gang me on Saturdays in the basement. This was all great with me as I was constantly horny and so addicted to raw dick and cum now. Even more, I was addicted to pleasing Dr Mike and chasing the bug – any bug – that could be found swimming around in a hot load of cum. I met the two thugs who ‘ran’ the shady business in the library my first trip there and got their big raw dicks and loads (as told in the story Homeless Dick Gangbang in the Library 2.0). They were not homeless, but used the basement reading room as a base for their drug deals in that part of downtown, and assorted other criminal activity as I came to learn the more I hung out there. They looked rough – total street thugs with braids, Tommy Hilfiger coats, tats running up their necks, and both were well over 6”5, and heavy and thick, and young in their early 20s. I had seen them several times since that first Saturday, but they had just nodded, or smiled, and had not tried to fuck me again. I was disappointed as they had great dicks and I thought they were hot and sexy as hell even though they sort of frightened me at the same time and acted like fag-bashers, but Carl always did his best to steer me away from them as he was still pissed about them horning in that first day. The weather was still cool and while that Saturday had been pretty good at the library, and Sunday I took three loads at my apartment, Monday had been a total bust as Hank was supposed to come by my place after I got off work and give me his herpes dick. He didn’t show, so by Tuesday I was horny as hell and needed dick and cum up my ass, so I called into work, told them I was sick, and needed to go get checked – my sickness was a cum and dick craving and the library might be just the place to get it checked out. I got to the library right after they had opened and made my way to the basement. I thought it might be slow, but it was dead, even though it was cold out, no one was around. FUCK! I hit all the usual spots, looking for Carl, Matt the homeless vet who had raped me my first time there, anybody, but no one was around. I finally saw a guy, followed him to the stairwell where all the group action takes place, and while he fucked me, it was quick load and he had a small dick and my ass was hungry for more. I hung out in the stairwell a bit; smelling the mix of cigarette smoke and ashes, piss, cum, sweat, and years of filth. Made me even hornier – damn where was everyone? It was just past 11:00 a.m. and I decided to do one more round and if no luck, was horny enough to go hit the bookstores. As I came out through the main reading room, at their command post were the two thug guys and their crew – the runners who worked the corners dealing drugs. Damn! My cock got hard, my ass twitched, my mouth got dry. I waited until their crew split and there was just one guy left with them who did not appear to be leaving. The third guy was maybe a little younger, and smaller, shorter and skinnier, and he looked like a toddler next to the two thugs. I decided to play it cool, walked past them, said, “Hey guys,” and headed to the bathroom where they had fucked me the first time hoping they would follow. I got into the bathroom, and waited, and waited, and waited. I pulled out a small bottle of vodka from my backpack and took a few gulps to loosen me up just in case they showed. Nothing. Damn! So I walked back through the reading room and this time got a better look at the new guy. Yeah, younger for sure, he had tats like they did, and also one tear drop under his left eye. He had on a Redskins jersey and a close cropped haircut. Not really handsome – yet – but cute. Looked like he was trying to play rough and thug, where the two thugs definitely were! I waited in the stairwell and again, nothing. They did not seem to have followed me. Fuck this, time to go find some dick at the bookstore and as I opened the stairwell door to head back out, about 2 feet away was the thug who I never knew his name. He was ‘the mean thug’ I called him in my mind, had about 9-inches, thick, and Lionel, the other big one, was the one I liked more. I stood there with the door open, not sure what to do and was sort of surprised. The thug stepped up to me and said, “What you doing down here slut? This ain’t your day faggot? We down here doing business, gotta get that lunch crowd hooked up you know? So, now like I asked, what you doing down here?” As he was talking he had kept walking and I had backed into the stairwell. I mumbled something about seeing what’s going on and he snarled, “Faggot bitch.” It was then I noticed the new guy had followed us into the stairwell. Yeah, he was only about 5”7, maybe 150. Oh hell, this was not good. Not that I could have taken the mean thug, but two dudes beating me up was not something I was looking forward to. “Well faggot, what’s going on is you opening that mouth, giving me some head,” the mean thug said. I just stood there looking at him and the guy behind him. The thug turned, saw the little dude and said, “This my brother Brock, fucker should be in school, but he just turned 18, so now it’s time he joined the family business. Show him what you got kid.” Brock stepped forward, hiked up his Redskins jersey, undid his belt, let his pants drop, and was swinging a fat 10 inch dick. He may be little, but dude was packing! I knelt down, hefted his dick, opened my mouth and started to suck his dick. Brock started bucking his hips and trying to jack fuck my throat. I put my hands up to try to ease him off, but he just jabbed jabbed jabbed and I was no longer sucking as he just shoved his dick in and out of my mouth. The mean thug had lit up a smoke and was watching, but now threw his cigarette onto the floor, stamped it out, and said, “B – ease up – let the faggot do his work, if a faggot is good for anything it’s sucking dick – well OK – they got some good pussy too sometimes – he does anyways – now step off and let me show you.” Brock stepped away as the thug undid his pants, and fed me his dick. He let me work it good and I was rewarded with a hot load of cum. A nice load in my ass, one down my throat, the day may turn out OK after all. I did not know if the mean thug had a toxic load or not and right then just wanted more. Little did I know what was in store. I followed the thug and Brock back out to the reading room. When we got to the table the thug rubbed his crotch and laughed as he told Lionel, “Yo man, we told the faggot that there’s a working tax if he’s going to be turning his little pussy out down here didn’t we? What do you think? Time to make him pay up?” Lionel chimed in and said, “Yeah, told him it was going to cost him one way or the other.” Pay up? I just sucked him off, what else did they expect. Part 2- Fucking at the Metro Station – Being Pimped Out They all got their shit together, told me to come with them, and I followed them out of the library, down to 9th Street where we stopped in a liquor store and I paid for a big bottle of vodka and a bottle of Jamaican Rum, which they opened on the street and started taking turns drinking from. I opened my small vodka bottle and polished off what was left. We then walked a couple blocks and down into the Gallery Place Metro Station. I figured they wanted me to follow them to their place on the subway/Metro. “Give me a $20,” Lionel said. I pulled out my wallet, handed him a $20 and when we got by the fare card machines, the mean thug held me back while Lionel went up to the glassed in booth and spoke to the station manager. I could not hear what they said, but Lionel nodded at me and I saw him slip the manager the $20 and the manager then handed him some keys. Lionel came back, we walked towards the fare gates and just before we got to them – off to the right was an unmarked door. We stopped, Lionel looked to the station manager in the booth who held up two fingers, Lionel then took the keys, opened the door, and we went in. We were inside a dark hallway that was dusty, cold, and full of boxes, metal escalator treads, wet floor cones, a couple of buckets with mops, and other stuff. We walked down the hall, turned right into another hall, and at the second door down Lionel used another key and unlocked the door and we all stepped inside. This room had one fluorescent light hanging from the concrete ceiling, a bunch of boxes, piles of what looked like trash, and towards the back on the floor was a dirty mattress from a twin bed. The mattress was stained red and brown and there a couple folding chairs, a box with an ashtray full of cigarette butts, and a big role of paper towels like you would find in a bathroom. We must have been right beside the furnace room as the noise from the heating ducts and pipes was pretty loud. The mean thug spoke up once we were all in the room, “This is where we bring that pussy we’re running you know? Those bitches that make us cash – lots of traffic here from the Metro, in and out – we slip the guys who work here a little cash and give them some free and they are happy to let us in and cover for us. It’s the perfect place to find dudes needing a little strange.” He started undoing his pants as Lionel said, “Time to start paying off that working tax you owe us, so get those pants off, you’re our bitch today.” I was a little nervous about stripping there, but turned on too knowing that just a few feet away there were tons of people coming in and out of the subway station on their way to wherever. I set my backpack down, took a hit from the big bottle of vodka – then another bigger one – and took my pants off, grabbed the poppers and hit them too. When I did Brock lifted the back of my shirt and exposed my big biohazard tattoo. “What’s that?” Brock asked. The two thugs stepped over, pulled my shirt off me, turned me around and all three of them looked at my tat. “Umm, just something a friend of mine had me get a few weeks back, told him I wanted some more tats and thought this was sort of tribal and cool,” I said. I was nervous, not sure how honest to be, and they seemed to accept that as Lionel and the mean thug passed the rum back and forth, then Lionel said, “Bend over, stand on the mattress.” I did, and he then poured some of the rum onto my ass crack and worked it into my hole. The rum burned, sort of slicked up my hole but then made it sort of pucker up tighter. As he poured some more on Lionel handed the bottle to Brock who was now totally naked, and then Lionel bent over, spread my cheeks and began licking the rum out of my ass. He stepped back, the mean thug then stepped forward, pushed me down onto my hands and knees on the dirty mattress, sort of knelt behind me and pushed his dick into my ass. His 9-inch dick went deep, my ass was tense and it hurt from the rum although the poppers helped, but he did not let up. I looked to the side and saw Brock smoking and watching, stroking his dick, and Lionel was biting his lower lip and stroking his cock as he watched his buddy fuck me, his eyes were big and hungry as he watched my ass take dick. I was grunting every time the thug thrust down into my ass and I was soon rewarded with a second load from his dick. I still did not know their status, but was hoping their cum was full of AIDs, or some other nasty shit. My thoughts and fantasy went to some of the other things they could give, and it made my dick hard. Once he had finished breeding my ass, the mean thug then sat in a chair, and lit a smoke with Lionel, as Brock got behind me and using his brother’s hot cum for lube slammed up my wet, hungry, hole. Brock fucked like a rabbit. No skill, no finesse, just jabbed his dick in and out of my ass. The one saving grace was that he had a huge dick, so I was getting off on how sore he was making my hole especially as he went balls deep. Brock did not last long at all and gave me another load. He pulled out and went over and started smoking with Lionel and the other thug, so I laid down on the dirty mattress, watching them, smelling the smoke, their scent, and feeling the first two loads of cum leak out my ass. The mean thug and Brock started to get dressed and Lionel stayed in the chair and finished his cigarette. He did not say a word, but when I went to get up when Brock and his older brother left, Lionel pointed for me to stay where I was, so I got on my knees and waited to see what this BBC thug wanted to get up into next. Lionel then stood up, undid is pants, and when he opened his jacket he pulled a gun from an inside pocket and set it on the other chair. My eyes got wide and I was a little scared. I had seen rifles and shot guns growing up, but not someone carrying a gun in the city. Lionel finished taking his pants off, picked up the gun, and came and stood in front of me. His huge black cock was leaking precum and it was right in front of my face. Lionel then knelt down in front of me, held the gun up and said, “While Brock and his brother may not know what that little tatt of yours means, I do,” Lionel said. I started shake and was scared shitless now. Lionel continued as he waved the gun in front of my face, “You see, I know you are an AIDS infected little slut, fuck, all that dick you have been taking at the library, what else could you be, but you are also one of Dr Mike’s and he don’t keep anyone around unless they are.” Lionel continued to wave the gun as he spoke, “I play Russian Roulette every day on the streets as it’s a dangerous world out there, and now I get to play it with you too. Sticking my dick in that AIDs asshole of yours is a risk isn’t it? I’m risking death, but you know what, that turns me the fuck on!!! Now Brock and his brother don’t know, but I do, I know when you bleed on my dick I may get it to, so let’s knock it up a notch.” Lionel then got on his knees, set the gun on the floor, rubbed the goose bumps on my arms, grabbed my arms, bent in, and bit down hard on the lobe of my ear, drawing blood. I yelped, tried to pull back, but Lionel held me and then whispered in my ear, “You ever say anything to them and you fuck me over faggot, I will hunt you down and shoot you like a dog in the street, but I don’t think you will do that. I think you want this big black dick way too much don’t you?” I just nodded as Lionel then patted the gun on the floor as a clear affirmation he was serious. He then reached over, grabbed the rum, took a big swallow and handed it to me. I shook my head so he handed me the vodka instead. I handed it back, Lionel pushed me onto my back and had me hold my legs back exposing my hole. He then poured some of the rum on my hole, picked up the gun, and started rubbing the end of the barrel around my hole. “Yeah baby, I think we need to make that pussy bleed a bit today, I want to spin that wheel, spin and see what you can give me and maybe what I can give you.” With that Lionel pushed the end of the barrel of the pistol into my ass and started fucking my hole with it. I hit the poppers, but I was shaking in fear, afraid it might go off or something, but I held my legs back and watched as Lionel chewed on his lip, stroked his dick with one hand, and raped my ass with his gun with the other. The cold steel of the barrel digging into my the flesh as he jammed it up my ass as far as it would go, then twisted, trying to dig into the walls. Lionel then pulled the gun all the way out and drive it back it. “Oh YEAH BABY – making you bleed good, I think it’s time to give you some black babies,” Lionel said. I could feel the blood running down my ass as Lionel pulled the gun out, held it up to my mouth so I could lick the blood off, then set it on the floor. Lionel then pushed my legs back and mounted me, tearing my ass further from the damage the gun had done and I cried out as it hurt like hell. Lionel just looked in my eyes as he fucked me and where the first time he had used skill, this time was just raw animal sex, as his dick raped my hole “YOU WANT THEM BABIES? WANT THEM BLACK BABIES?” LIONEL ASKED. “CUM IN ME, BREED ME, PLEASE MAKE ME PREGNANT!” I BEGGED. LIONEL SAID, “I GOTCHA NOW, YOU TAKE MY FUCKING BABIES, YEAH PUSSY – TAKE EM, TAKE EM, TAKE MY BLACK BABIES!!!” LIONEL SHOT HIS NUTT UP MY ASS AND WHEN HE DID HE LEANED DOWN AND BIT INTO THE AREA WHERE MY NECK MEETS MY SHOULDER ON THE LEFT SIDE REALLY HARD. THE HARDER HE BIT, THE MORE HIS DICK TWITCHED AND PULSED UNLOADING INTO ME. I HAD NEVER HAD ANYONE BITE ME LIKE THAT AND COULD NOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH IT HURT. LIONEL FINISHED, PULLED HIS DICK OUT, PICKED UP HIS GUN, LIT A CIGARETTE AND STARTED TO GET DRESSED. We both took a few hits from the liquor bottles when someone knocked twice on the door. Lionel slipped the gun back into his coat, the door opened, and Brock and the mean thug came in with another guy. The guy must have been 65, short, fat, and he was unzipping his overalls before he was barely in the door. Lionel and his friends stepped out and the mean thug looked back in and said to the old guy, “Make it quick pops,” and to me he just nodded. Brock tried to stay to watch but his brother pushed him out and closed the door. I started to suck the old guy’s dick, which was short and stubby. He was moving his hips like he had 10 inches, but was lucky if he had 6, so sucking was not working. I got doggy style and he slid right into my hole, which was wide and open and wet with Lionel’s cum and my blood. He did not last long at all, shot his nutt, got dressed and left, and I laid back onto the dirty mattress that was now stained with my blood and ass juice and the three thugs’ cum. Lionel came back in, hit the rum, lit a cigarette, sat in a folding chair and said, “Get up, bend over here.” I turned my ass towards him and bent over, pushing my ass back towards his face. Lionel shoved a finger up my hole and started digging around with his nails. I winced, and he quickly stuck a second, then a third up my ass working the cum, blood, and a little rum he poured in there. The rum burned bad, and I moaned as he then started to try to put a fourth finger in my hole. Lionel seemed intent on getting his fingers deeper into my ass, but we were interrupted by another knock at the door. This time, the guy that came in was the guy from booth, the station manager. He was about 45, a couple inches taller than me, real short hair, sharply cut and shaped, nice build and dick, about 8 and really thick. Lionel got up and left, I knelt down, the station manager pushed me back on the bed, flipped me, and mounted me missionary style. “You want to take daddy’s dick? How’s daddy’s dick? You like daddy’s dick?” Over and over that’s all he said until he too cummed up my ass. I knew my ass was a little bloody, but he did not say anything, got up, dressed and left. I grabbed the rum by mistake and took a big swig – fuck that shit was awful. Lionel, the other thug and Brock came back in and Brock immediately got on the mattress, pulled me up onto my hands and knees, and started eating out my ass. Lionel and the mean thug just sat in the chairs smoking and drinking as Brock ate me like pussy, cleaning up my hole. “Yeah B eat those Twinkies,” his older brother said laughing, “Eat them tasty white cakes with that creamy white frosting.” He and Lionel both laughed and I remember thinking what is it with ‘straight’ guys wanting to eat a cum filled ass? Brock soon had his dick out and was trying to shove it in, damn that boy had energy! “No B,” his brother said, then looking at me he continued, “Our friend’s shift is over so we need to bounce out. But I know I could use some more faggot pussy, and to make sure you don’t say nothing, we are going to escort you home like real gentlemen.” He and Lionel laughed, then he said “Naw, its so we know where your faggot ass is. We were thinking we could use a slut like you who obeys so well, someone we can fuck when we need a hole, and sometimes we run into guys who are looking for something a little a different and not into our regular bitches we have working out of here, so now you will get to work for us. You will be one of our bitches too, so come on, let’s go.” Part 3 - Party Moves to My Apartment - My First Fisting and Double Dicking The three of them stood back by the entrance to the Metro station as I flagged down a cab. Cabs don’t stop for black guys in DC, especially three rough looking thugs, so I was being their bitch already. They cab stopped, I opened the door and slid in with Lionel and the mean thug right behind me and Brock opening the front door to sit in the front seat. The taxi driver was shocked, looked afraid, and started to say something, when I interrupted, gave him my address, and told him, “Don’t worry man, they’re cool and I tip well – OK?” He mumbled back, put the car in gear and took us to my place, with a stop at another liquor store on the way. When we got to my apartment they walked around, looked at things, Lionel went to the bathroom and when he was done, I went too. I left the door open and could hear them speaking and going through shit, but I had to let all the juice out of my ass and take a piss. I came out and found the two brothers naked, sitting on the couch, and my dick got hard seeing their big black dicks, tats covering their torsos, and watching them light up and start smoking. I went to the kitchen, got a couple ashtrays, some cigarettes I kept on hand for company, and a couple glasses. I was not sure where Lionel was, but then heard him down the hall in my bedroom. He came back, and was naked too, his big heavy dick swinging as he walked, fuck I wanted them in my hole! Lionel sat in the easy chair, “Put on some movies man.” I popped a gangbang straight flick into the VCR and immediately the sound of a girl crying and begging for the black guys to stop filled the apartment. I also turned on the stereo to a local radio station, and placed one of the small speakers by the front door – fucking nosy neighbors, did not need them hearing my business. I am sure there were calls being made already by some old lady looking through her peephole seeing three black guys following me in. The thugs now had hard dicks and their eyes got big as they watched the flick. The mean thug reached into his coat, dug out some private stash, lit up and started passing it between the three of them. The mean thug motioned for me to start sucking, so I got on my hands and knees between his legs, and started sucking his dick as he moaned, smoked, and I reached over with my right hand to stroke Brock’s dick, which was leaking precum like crazy. Lionel spoke up again, “We got us a good white bitch here, but I think we have taken it too easy – think we need to crank this party up and show this bitch what a homie dick can do.” I was not sure what Lionel meant, but grabbed the bottle of poppers. Lionel leaned over, grabbed them from me and said, “No bitch, you are going to feel this.” I continued sucking the mean thug while Lionel got down on the floor behind me, spit into his hand, rubbed it on my ass, and slammed his raw dick up my hole. I tried to scream, but my mouth was full of thug dick, my body tensed, but I was pierced between two thugs. Again, Lionel did not fuck with skill, he just rammed my hole and started pulling all the way out and slamming in. I could tell I was bleeding as I felt the hot, warm, sticky trickle start making its way out my hole and down one leg. The mean thug was getting close, I did not want him cumming in my mouth and wanted it up my ass and tried easing off, but he pushed my head back down and started bucking his hips, and said “Oh faggot – you’re getting my nutt!” and he unloaded a thick shot of cum into my mouth. Wow – his cum tasted wonderful! That’s all Lionel needed to hear and he shot his load in my ass. Hot raw black cum in both holes, nothing better!!! Brock by this time was almost frantic beating his dick, but the two thugs seemed in no hurry to pull out of either hole. Lionel finally slid out, sat back in the chair and said, “Stand up and turn around.” I did, he pried my cheeks apart and I thought he was going to lick my ass but instead, “Yeah bitch, now that’s what I’m talking about – look here yo – look at this pussy now – bleeding and shit.” Lionel turned me to the left so the thug brothers could look at my hole, the mean thug whistled, and when it was Brock’s turn to look he just stood, pushed me forward and slammed his dick up my ass. I could barely stand with him pummeling my hole and had to brace myself against the entertainment center. Lionel and Brock’s brother just laughed and then egged him. “Go B – like fucking a chick on her period – the bloodier it gets the fucking hotter it feels. Go on B.” Brock did not last a minute and his body shuddered, trembled, and he gave me another load. The cum and blood was leaking out my ass pretty good now, I looked at Lionel and he gave me a knowing smile, a smile that said, “Yeah AIDs whore, we’re playing now, spinning the gun chamber, we’re all playing Russian Roulette.” Lionel said, “Come here,” as he put his cigarette between his teeth, so I turned around again but instead of looking at my hole, he shoved two fingers of his right hand up my hole while using his left to open my cheeks. The thug brothers were sharing a smoke on the couch and watching as I winced, moaned, and tried not to run from Lionel who now had four fingers up my ass and was pushing harder. “Now bitch, let’s see where you at,” Lionel said as he adjusted his hand into a wedge shape and tried getting his thumb up my ass along with his fingers. He was spreading my asshole wide, and even after all the fucking, damn that hurt! I started to ask him to stop, but Lionel was now holding onto my ass hard with his left hand and fucking harder with his right. “Shut up,” Lionel said, “Take it like a bitch.” Brock laughed and said, “The faggot likes that – look how his little dick is all hard and bouncing.” Brock was already hard again watching Lionel, and after about 5 minutes, Lionel pulled his hand out of my ass. He had not gotten his whole hand in, no fucking way as he had big hands, but he did force his fingers and most of his hand, but the knuckles just would not go. “You got something to eat? Make us some sandwiches or something,” Lionel said as he held his hand up for me to lick clean. I went to the kitchen, my ass aching with every step, to see what I could find. I could hear the three of them talking, but could not make out what they were saying. I grabbed some paper towels, wet them, and was gently wiping at my hole when Brock came in the kitchen, his big dick standing straight out. “Bend over faggot,” he said. I said, “No man, I umm, need to fix your sandwiches.” Brock was little, but strong too as he pushed me against the counter and said, “Lionel may take it easy on you faggot – not me – or my bother – now do the FUCK WHAT I SAY!” I turned around, grabbed the counter and Brock slammed into me, immediately pulled all the way out, slammed back in, and did that twice more and then left the kitchen. DAMN! What was that about? It hurt, but not as bad as I expected, seemed like Lionel’s hand had really opened up my hole as Brock went balls deep each time. I made some sandwiches, took them to the guys, and sat on the floor by Lionel’s chair as we ate. They finished them quickly, Brock asked for more, and Lionel and the mean thug lit another smoke and finished off one of the bottles of rum. I put a different tape in the VCR, another gangbang one, but this one was even rougher – if these boys wanted to play let’s see how rough they could get. We sat around for a while, Brock was constantly hard and after about 15 minutes so were his brother and Lionel. They finished up their smoke and Lionel hit me on the arm and said, “Go to your bed – here take your poppers.” I anxiously got up, grabbed one of the bottles of vodka, walked down the hall to my dark bedroom, took several swigs and laid on the bed. The vodka made me feel flush and hot, but did not ease the throbbing pain in my ass. The boys knew how to make a hole hurt and I loved it! I also loved that they made me bleed and was excited to know I may be infecting them or them me with more AIDs. I hope Dr Mike would be proud! A few minutes later Lionel came in, closed the door, and took a long drink from the bottle of rum he had with him. I scooted to the end of the bed, waiting, eager to feel his big dick again. Lionel hit the rum bottle again, stood right in front of me and said in almost a whisper, “Now baby, time to play, remember our little chat? Yeah, well I want you to gnaw on my foreskin.” He then tugged on his dick, stretching his foreskin out, I opened my mouth and started nibbling on it. “Harder bitch, come on, bite on it, chew it!” I was afraid I would hurt him, but gnawed harder and Lionel started to moan and his dick started to get hard. Lionel said again, “HARDER!” So I said fuck it, and chomped down as hard as I could catching his foreskin between my fang teeth and heard a pop as my teeth broke his skin and caught his raw flesh. He jerked in reaction and yelled “FUCKING CHRIST BITCH!” making the hole I made in his skin even bigger as he slapped my face and I pulled away. I was afraid now, but Lionel looked at his dick, the trail of blood made from my bite, then at me, smiled and said, “Yeah baby – time for a little roulette.” Lionel sat on the bed, leaned back, with his huge thick dick sticking almost straight up. “Get up here, put a little spit on your hole, hit your poppers, then squat over my dick and stay there,” he said. The first was easy enough, squatting over him a little harder as his dick/ass was close to the end of the bed and I felt like I was going to fall backwards, but by leaning a little forward I was able to balance myself, hit the poppers hard, and placed my hole over the head of Lionel’s dick, making his dick stand straight up and holding it in place with my ass and waited. Lionel’s eyes were intense as he looked at me, he brought his hands up, put them on my shoulders and in one movement pushed me down while he thrust his dick up. I screamed. His dick went part way in, ripping my hole open, then he pulled it out. He reached down, positioned his dick so it was resting against my hole again and repeated his slam. “This what you want pussy bitch?” Lionel asked, “This what you need? Tell me bitch, tell me bitch.” I was whimpering in pain and ecstasy, and said, “Yes, please, please FUCK ME WITH THAT BLACK DICK – MAKE ME BLEED!” Lionel then snarled, and started slamming me harder and deeper as I had all I could do holding myself over his dick. “Sit all the way down,” Lionel said, and as I sat completely down on his dick, I could not believe how amazing he felt as his dick filled my ass and guts. Lionel then started to sit up and I had to grab onto his neck not to fall backwards. He scooted forward and I was surprised at how easy he moved with my weight on him. He then surprised me again as he stood up, holding me onto his dick. He turned so he could see his profile in the mirror over the bedroom dresser and started fucking, bouncing me up and down on his dick as I hung onto him with my arms around his neck. Lionel fucked for a while and every thrust he went balls deep and then some as it felt like his balls were going up my ass too. Lionel then leaned in and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he moved to the spot on my left side where he bit me at the Metro station – where my neck meets my shoulder – and started biting and gnawing. His body was so hot, sweat was poring off him now, and my dick was caught between our slickened chests, the friction of the fucking making it leak precum like a faucet. I was afraid I was hurting his dick, but he was in total control and continued to power fuck me raw. Lionel was now snarling and grunting like a wolf over a fresh kill as he bit into my shoulder. He started fucking harder, faster, and when Lionel bit down this time he broke the skin, I screamed out as the mix of blood and spit poured from the now fresh wound and immediately my cock exploded between us, coating our chests in my cum. That was all Lionel needed as he clamped down tight with his teeth, sinking them deep into my flesh as he cummed in me. This time his whole body shook and his load kept coming and coming and I could feel him shoot as he was so deep in my guts. His knees started to get week and he stumbled back, dropped onto the bed and I had to catch and brace myself not to fall off. He was panting hard now and I repositioned myself and tried to keep riding his dick, but he roughly pushed me off and said, “No NO, it’s too sensitive, get the fuck off!” I sat to the side and Lionel rested only a minute, then he said, “Hit the vodka, grab the lube and the poppers and get on your hands and knees on the end there.” I took several big swigs of the vodka, set the lube by my side, and started hitting the poppers. Lionel got up, went behind me and I felt a cold stream of lotion running down my ass. He then started to work his fingers into my hole, spreading them, twisting them digging at my insides. Lionel pulled his fingers out, I heard the lotion squirt, then felt some more on my ass, and Lionel said, “Do a big hit of poppers and take a deep breath in and breathe out, and you better not run.” I did as the thug ordered, and when I let the breath out Lionel drove his hand like a wedge back into my ass and once again it caught on his knuckles. I gasped, started to ask him to stop because I don’t get fisted, but Lionel just held his hand there. The pain radiating out from my hole was unbelievable. I thought I could take a big dick, but his hand was huge and it hurt like hell. I tried moving my ass and all that did was wedge his knuckles deeper into my ass ring. Lionel laughed, leaned forward and said, “I got you baby, I got you, you have been a good bitch today, but we are not done with you yet, now it is time to bust that pussy wide open you hear me? I am going to rip that pussy open now, get you ready for a special treat, now just relax.” Relax? How could I relax, I had a fucking huge black hand wedged in my ass. I hit the poppers again and now Lionel was gently moving his hand in small back and forth motions and squirting lube around where his hand met my ass. He pushed a little harder and it made me jump and I pulled away hard, which was a mistake as the pain of his hand coming free was worse then when it was in there. “Fuck bitch! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TRYING TO RUN! God damn – get those pillows, put them under you with your ass up in the air.” Lionel said. I did as he asked, but was scared. I did not want his hand up there, yet the pressure had been like nothing I had ever felt. I hit the poppers, Lionel got behind me on the bed and said, “Now bitch, you got no place to run, breathe out.” I let out a long breath and Lionel shoved his hand back into my waiting ass as deep as it would go. It still caught on the knuckles, but seemed to be a little deeper and I hit the poppers again. Lionel squirted more lotion, I kept hitting the poppers and trying to relax as he pushed with a constant pressure and sort of jiggling his hand side to side and back and forth. Lionel then bent down and kissed my ass cheek, licked it, and then bit hard! I was surprised and it hurt like hell and when I cried out, my ass ring contracted and relaxed a little in reflex and his hand went in a little more. FUCK THAT HURT! Lionel laughed, squirted some more lotion, jiggled his hand, and bent down and bit me again, this time harder. Again, when I cried out, my ass ring relaxed a little in reflex and Lionel leaned down and said, “Hold right there bitch, time to get that pussy fully ripped.” I hit the poppers hard, breathed deep as the pressure from his hand increased and felt the right side of his hand go in a little deeper, then the big middle knuckle catch, increased push from Lionel and then his knuckles popped through my ass ring and I was being ripped and stretched by the meat of his hand. “OH FUCK STOP, PLEASE STOP, FUCK!!” I cried out. Lionel said, “You good baby, you good, I got you, now take it BITCH!!!” With that Lionel started fucking my hole with his hand, pulling back through the ring and each time he pushed in I took more and more of his hand. I was sniffing the poppers as much as I could and Lionel alternated between biting my ass hard and moving his hand in an out. He did not go deep, just focused on my outer ring, but I knew my ass was bleeding again, the pain was sharp, and my dick was limp and shriveled up as there was no joy in this for me. Lionel pulled his hand all the way out, told me to hit the vodka, and I took a few big swallows and started choking and coughing. He laughed and said, “They call me the pussy ripper bitch, now you know why, and right now, I bet you are realizing just how good that felt, how much you like this mandingo ripping you up with his hand.” He was right, my ass felt so empty and while the pain was incredible, I also realized my dick was starting to get hard again and that I wanted to feel more. I knelt back over the pillows with my ass up, hit the poppers and tried to relax. Lionel growled a little, poured some lotion on my hole and drove his hand back through my ass ring. I screamed out, but also pushed my ass back a little to meet him. Lionel was now fucking my hole at a pretty good rhythm with his hand, pulling in and out through the ring, forcing it to take him, and every now and then he seemed to spread his hand a little so it was less of a wedge and more of a fucking baseball bat. LIONEL SAID, “TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT BITCH, TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED.” “RAPE IT, PLEASE RAPE IT, RIP MY PUSSY UP, I’LL DO ANYTHING, ANYTHING, JUST PLEASE RAPE ME!” I BEGGED. Lionel paused, “That’s all I needed to hear,” as he slid his hand out of my ass, stood up, and said, “You better hit that vodka hard, you got until I get back,” and he left the bedroom. God my ass felt to empty, I needed to get fucked so bad, remembered what he said and hit the vodka hard. I was now pretty buzzed – ok maybe even a little drunk – but hell, it helped ease the pain, so I drank some more and felt it burn my guts. The bedroom door opened and in walked Lionel, followed by the mean thug and Brock. Lionel said, “Get up.” I stood up, he pushed the pillows away, the mean thug lay on his back with his hips near the end of the bed and his feet flat on the floor. Lionel said, “I told my boys here what you said, that you were willing to do anything to be raped and ripped open and that I got that pussy of yours all ready for what they need, now get up on his dick.” I got up on the bed, straddled the mean thug, hit the poppers, then slid down on his dick that was all slick with some lube that Lionel had squirted on it. That was strange, they always fucked me pretty dry, but the lube felt good as my ass hurt like hell. The mean thug started pushing his hips up into my ass, and my ass was so open there was no resistance and he went balls deep. Now that my hole was open, his dick did not feel as great, and I was sort of disappointed that this was it. Lionel then said, “OK bitch, time for that special treat I told you about, bend forward onto his chest, that’s it, now push your ass back some, yeah good, OK, stay just like that and hit those poppers.” I put my head to my left side, hit the poppers, and wondered what was happening as the mean thug had stopped fucking and had wrapped his big arms completely around me and was holding me tight to his chest. I then felt Lionel squirt more lotion on my hole and he started working his fingers in beside the dick that was already in there. Aahh that felt good! Much better, I was feeling full again and I was moaning with pleasure. Lionel then moved his fingers to the top side of my hole and kind of splayed them out like he was opening my hole more. I was not sure what was going on but then felt him remove his fingers and they were replaced with something bigger and harder – Brock’s dick! BROCK WAS TRYING TO PUSH HIS DICK INTO MY HOLE BESIDE HIS BROTHER’S, well on top of his brothers, in the space where Lionel had just had his fingers. “NO, stop, fuck, NO, please don’t,” I screamed. The mean thug laughed and said, “Faggot bitch, that’s it, cry all you want, but we are tearing that pussy up whether you like it or not until we are done.” Lionel was now working his fingers in my hole again, guiding Brock’s dick and giving Brock instructions on where to stand, how to go slow at first, then when he judged I was ready, Lionel he told Brock to go ahead, rape it hard and make that pussy bloody and raw. I had taken plenty of cum already and was done. I’d had enough. I tried to struggle, but the mean thug held me tight and squeezed the breath out of me as Lionel worked with Brock, and his dick head then was wedged into my open hole. “Fuck the faggot B,” the mean thug said, “Rape that pussy.” Brock obliged and started pushing his dick further into my ass, with Lionel continuing to instruct him and squirt lube on my hole and wipe it around the two dicks now ripping my ass open. The mean thug lay still, holding me close, while Brock pushed in as far as he could. I am not sure how many inches he actually got it, but my hole was on fire and I was begging, crying, and pleading for them to stop. Lionel then crawled onto the bed and said, “He’s in, let him go man, time to fill that mouth so he shuts up – now you two break that shit open.” The two brothers started fucking, Brock had more motion, while his older brother bucked his hips up. Their dicks began working together to fuck me deeper and wider then I had ever been fucked. They were brutal, and Brock was doing his best to go balls deep, my ass resisting the entire time. Lionel was now squatting on the bed, over the mean thugs head, with his dick out, “Open that mouth – let me fuck that throat,” he said as I looked up and he held his dick out, pointing to the spot where I had bit through his foreskin earlier, which was now dark and bruised. I used my arms to push myself up a little off the thug’s chest and opened my mouth. Lionel started throat fucking me, all the while egging on the brothers, “Yeah boys, rape it, rape that white hole, I want to see it bleed, got us a good bitch here, yeah boys, rape it.” As Lionel was talking, what had been nothing but pain changed – I realized I was getting three raw dicks at once! My ass still hurt and I cort of chuckled as I thought this must be how a poodle bitch feels when a pit bull mounts her. I wanted them – wanted their cum and wanted to cover their dicks in my AIDs infected blood. I started to moan when I felt Brock stiffen up and shoot his cum. He didn’t say a word, but I guess Lionel could tell as he said, “FUCK YEAH! Cum in that bitch boy! Cum in the faggot, but don’t pull out until your brother is done.” Brock obeyed and kept fucking, mixing his cum in with the blood, lube and making it nice and sloppy for his brother, who shot next. “Fucking faggot cunt! FAGGOT TAKE MY CUM!” he yelled as he shot. I JUST GOT FUCKED RAW AND BRED BY TWO BROTHERS – TWISTED DNA! I was now trying to push my ass back onto their dicks – I wanted them deeper – wanted it harder – but Brock pulled out, I yelped in pain, Lionel pulled out of my throat, looked at the mean thug and said, “Can you hold up man? I’m close.” The thug shook his head, so Lionel got off the bed, slid up behind us, and guided his dick into my ass where Brock had just been as he placed his hands on my shoulders, digging his nails into the open bite mark he had left on me. “MAKE ME YOUR BITCH – FUCK ME – RAPE IT – FUCK ME HARDER!” I cried out. I just kept repeating that over and over, trying to push my ass back as Lionel stopped, pulled all the way, slide back in, and did that again. “Yeah bitch, we ripped your pussy good, got you nice and bloody, FUCKING WHITE BITCH – TAKE MY BLACK NUTT.” Lionel shot his load, his fingers digging into my shoulders harder. He shook, spasmed, and I felt his cock get thicker as he exploded in me. Lionel leaned over onto me, breathing hard, and the mean thug spoke up, “Get the fuck off man, you’re heavy as shit.” Lionel pulled his dick out of my ass, which was followed by a stream of juice. He stepped back, I slid off the thug’s dick, and laid on the bed. I guess Brock had gone into the living room as he was not there. Lionel sat on the bed, while the thug went to look for his brother. Lionel grabbed the bottle of rum, took a big swig, then said, “You ok? We just made you an OREO cookie,” he laughed. I shook my head and said, “I think so.” Lionel nodded and whispered, “You want me to come back sometime on the DL? I need someone who let’s me fuck like I want, a hole to use and abuse, just you and me.” I shook my head yes, Lionel nodded, stood up and went out to the living room. I grabbed a towel, was a little scared by all the blood I wiped off my ass, threw on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt and went out. They were all getting dressed and I noticed a small pile of stuff on the couch – my portable music player/jam box, my portable TV from the bedroom (when did they take that?), and a couple bottles of liquor. The mean thug saw I noticed and said, “We told you, you had to pay the tax, so this should cover it for today. Now show us your wallet, we need some cash too.” I handed over what cash was left, and he said, “OK give us your number, I think Brock here may be coming back later tonight, fucker is always horny, and like we said earlier, we need another bitch to whore out, and you got some good pussy that is all broken in now, so be ready when we call.” Brock and his older brother went out the door and I handed my number to Lionel, who smiled wide and said, “Take care of them babies now.” Part 4 - Dr Mike’s House Call and Brock Returns It was now almost 7:00 p.m, we had been fucking, drinking, and partying all damn day. Every step I took hurt, my ass burned, I was pretty buzzed, and I was still bleeding a little. I held in all the cum as long as I could like Dr Mike ordered me to always do, but finally had to use the bathroom. I was a little scared seeing all the red colored juice come out of my ass and when I wiped, there was bright red blood showing and I was afraid maybe something was wrong. Damn! I figured I better call Dr Mike just in case. I called Dr Mike’s private line and did not get an answer, so I called his service and they said they would page him. I was getting more nervous as I waited and finally Dr Mike called back. “Hello, yes, this is Dr Mike, you called?” God, just hearing his voice made my dick hard, and believe it or not, my ass twitch thinking about him fucking me. What the hell was wrong with me? I explained to Dr Mike what had happened, was afraid he would be upset, so kept saying I was taking as much raw dick as I could like he told me and had even skipped work, but things maybe got a little out of control and I was scared. Dr Mike said, “Well, first, I am glad to hear that you are following orders and doing exactly what I told you. I know who Lionel is, and will have a little chat with him, but, as he seems to be assisting in your treatment, I am not displeased at all, so do not be concerned about that. Frankly, I find this new twist interesting and will have to make a note in your files, especially as it regards this other fellow that I do not know and his little brother, what was his name again? Brock, yes Brock.” “Back to the pressing item of the continued bleeding. I doubt that anything is wrong, it is just your body reacting to something new and previously never experienced, however, I should check you out just to be sure. Relax, keep the area dry, and try not to irritate it. I will be there shortly,” Dr Mike said and then hung up. About 30 minutes later Dr Mike showed up. His smell seemed to fill the room, and as he walked by and his body brushed my arm, my dick got hard, and chest tightened, and I just wanted to kneel at his feet. Dr Mike took off his coat, looked around the living room and said, “It smells like smoke, liquor, and sex in here.” I was not sure if that was good or bad and did not say anything. “Come on, let’s go into the bathroom and see what is going on,” Dr Mike said as he walked down the hall with a small bag he had brought with him. We stepped in the bathroom, I took my shorts off, bent over with my hands on the tub as Dr Mike sat on the toilet, took out one of those little light things they use to look up your nose and in your ears at the doctor’s office, and spread my cheeks. Dr Mike said, “Reach back with one hand and pull your cheek apart, that’s it, OK, now let me look, hmmm, well yes, they fucked you good for sure, gave you a nice swollen rosebud of an ass today, better even then Charles did,” he chuckled, “Charles sure won’t like that when I tell him he was outdone by a couple kids.” Dr Mike continued probing at my hole, asking where it hurt most, first with one finger, then a couple. I yelped a few times, and tried to pull away once or twice, but he carefully continued his exam, including rubbing his fingers over the bite marks on my ass. “Well, it appears that Lionel knows what he is doing as I do not see any permanent damage that is immediately visible, however I need to do a couple more tests. Stand up,” Dr Mike said. I stood up, Dr Mike stood up and guided me in front of the toilet and said, “Bend over again for me.” As I was bending over I could see in the big mirror on the wall that ran from behind the toilet all the way across in front of the sink that Dr Mike was unbuttoning his pants. He then slipped them off but left his shoes on. What was he planning? I did not ask, as I knew it did not matter, I would do what ever Dr Mike wanted. Dr Mike ran his hands over my ass and pressed and squeezed at the spots where Lionel had bit me. He did not say a word, but kept rubbing my ass. He then spread my cheeks wide with both hands and I felt the head of his dick nestle up next to my swollen and bruised hole. I braced myself for the pain, but he did not push it right in. After what seemed liked a few minutes, I felt a splash of hot liquid at my hole and the sound of liquid hitting the tiled floor, followed by another. I looked up into the mirror and Dr Mike had a look of intense concentration on his face, and then another hot splash hit my hole and this time Dr Mike pushed his dick into my ass balls deep and let loose a hot geyser of piss. I gasped a little as he popped through my bruised ass ring, but it felt great as he went balls deep, and the feeling of his hot piss made me feel full, warm, and wonderful. How much piss did he have? It just kept flowing, and finally Dr Mike finished pissing in my ass, pulled his dick out, trailing piss down my leg and onto the floor as he said, “I’ve been saving that up today, so this is good timing. Clean me up.” I turned around, knelt, and sucked his dick, licking the piss off the shaft, then his balls. “Now the floor,” Dr Mike said, so I then licked up the piss that had splashed on the tile earlier and that had dripped out when he pulled out. I even licked a few stray drops off his shoes. “Get up and let it out in the toilet, but don’t flush it and toss any toilet paper into the trash can, not the toilet, as I need to see what comes out,” Dr Mike said. I turned, sat on the toilet and let the flood of hot liquid come out. Dr Mike had stepped off to the side and was scrounging around in his bag. I finished, wiped, tossed the toilet paper into the trash can and stood up. The toilet was now full of dark golden liquid and Dr Mike stepped over to see, and lifted the seat up as well. “Very good, I do not see any small blood clots or signs of internal trauma, so that is good. Step back here,” Dr Mike said as he had me stand in front of the toilet like before and he got behind me. “Bend over,” he said as I started to put the lid and seat down on the toilet, Dr Mike slapped my ass hard where the bite marks were, “Did I tell you to put that down? No, now bend over, put your hands on the toilet bowl and get your head down there. I want you to smell that, that’s the smell of me in your ass.” I did as Dr Mike said, bent over, and put my head as close down to the toilet full of ass juice and Dr Mike’s piss as far as I could. Dr Mike then spread my cheeks, and with his left hand slid two fingers up my ass and began digging and clawing at my insides. I was already raw and this sent hot fresh pain through my body. I tensed, but did not say anything. He withdrew his fingers and I could see him in the mirror looking at them, he then licked them off, spread my cheeks with both hands and this time there was no warning as his dick ripped through my ass ring and Dr Mike went balls deep. I cried out. “You like how this hurts?” Dr Mike asked, “What do you want? You want some more toxic cum? You want this cum? Fuck yeah, give you my death cum, take my death cum, let me in your hole, nice AIDS HOLE!!!!” Dr Mike was fucking me hard now and I was whimpering as my head banged against the toilet and the smell of his piss filled my nostrils. “GIVE ME THAT ASS, MY GOOD AIDS ASS, OH GOOD, GIVE ME YOUR AIDS ASS!!!” DR MIKE SAID LOUDLY AS HE CUMMED IN ME. He pounded me a couple more times, yanked out in one pull, picked up his little light, turned me around, closed the toilet lid, sat down, and looked at my ass again. He probed at my hole with his fingers and I begged, “Please, I want to taste you, please let me taste you.” Dr Mike paused, continued his exam, shoved three fingers in my hole, worked them around, pulled them out and said, “Here, clean this off.” I sucked his fingers like a calf sucking a cow teat for the first time. He then pushed me down and I licked his dick off, and winced when he grabbed my shoulder. Once clean, he stood up, and told me to take off my shirt. The bite mark from Lionel was swollen, red, and a big black and blue area was forming around it too where he had gnawed and squeezed. Dr Mike shook his head and said, “A bite can be a nasty thing as the human mouth is full of germs. You need to keep this clean, keep this ointment on it, and if it seems to get worse over the next couple of days let me know. If you get a good infection, I may take advantage of that for another treatment, however, we cannot let this go on long if that is the case.” I nodded and Dr Mike walked out to the living room and got dressed. “Continue to do as I instructed,” Dr Mike said, “I am very proud of you and your treatment program. You have advanced farther than I had anticipated, so I think it may be time to up your treatment program, so I will have to think about how best to do that. I also want you to come in for some follow-up blood work in a couple weeks. I want to document your viral load, and other issues as I may need to use you for something special in a few months.” Dr Mike went on, “Your ass is fine, you have a few rips in lining of your ass ring, but nothing to be concerned about and most of the pain you are feeling right now is from having your ass ring stretched. Now listen well, I DO NOT WANT YOU BEING FISTED ON A REGULAR BASIS. While what he did today was not really fisting, even that is not something I want you to do often. Occasionally is fine, and knowing your ass can take two dicks at once, well, wait until I tell Charles, I expect he and Roger will be planning a visit with you soon,” Dr Mike laughed loud and hard with that, put his coat on, and left. I was exhausted, it had been a long day, but I was still horny as hell. I went into the bathroom, smelled the piss again that Dr Mike I had put inside me before I flushed the toilet, then stuck my fingers up my ass, worked them around, and took my time licking off the juice that slicked them up. I fingered myself a little more and realized that was just making it worse, do I decided to grab something to eat and crash as it was almost 9:00 p.m. and I had to get some rest for work. I had not been asleep long when the phone rang. I barely registered what it was and heard the answering machine pick up. No one left a message and I was quickly focusing on going back to sleep when the phone rang again. I was awake enough this time to realize what it was, reached over and answered a groggy, “Hello?” “Yo, hey, can I come up,” someone said. “Who is this?” I asked. “Look faggot, I’ll be there in 5 minutes- walking up from the bus stop now,” and he hung up. It must be Brock, his brother said he would come back, but I did not expect that would be tonight. Shit, I have to work tomorrow. In just about 5 minutes the phone rang and I buzzed him. Brock was wearing the same Redskins jersey under his coat, plopped down on the couch and said, “Put that video back on, the one with the guys roughing up the chicks, I liked that, you like that faggot? I think you do, you liked it when we roughed you up,” Brock laughed and continued, “I also want some more of that rum you got, the Bacardi, not that dark Jamaican shit my brother likes, and some smokes too, I need some smokes.” Damn, I think that was more words in 15 seconds than he had said to me all day. I put the movie in the VCR, turned on the stereo and moved the small speaker back by the door, went to the kitchen and got the rum and smokes for Brock. I came back and Brock was naked and already hard and stroking his dick watching the poor girl on the tape get slapped, her hair pulled, and pillaged by a group of black guys. I smiled and shook my head and said, “Damn man, don’t you ever get soft?” Brock looked at me, laughed, and said, “Naw, I’m always hard, but especially if I have been partying, I can then fuck for hours, and that’s where I just came from, partying with my brothers. Most chicks can’t take me, not only because I got a big dick, but they just cannot keep up and make me stop. But you faggot, you hung in there today and you can’t make me stop can you? No, I don’t think so. You won’t call the cops, fucking pigs in DC won’t help you if you call saying some dick raped you especially when they hear what a slut you are for dick.” He was right, who would I call, and he knew I was a slut and whore for big dick, so fine. He wanted to be the big man in charge, let’s see what he had. “Yeah man, you’re right, but usually a guy your size, who’s alone now, can’t force me to do anything. I am bigger than you and you wouldn’t want your bother to know some faggot beat your ass would you?” Brock set his drink down, put the cigarette between his teeth, reached into his coat, and pulled out a pocket knife that he then opened. “THIS IS WHAT PUTS ME IN CHARGE FAGGOT, YOU GOT THAT? THIS! SO WHO’S IN CHARGE NOW?” BROCK SAID. Good, boy who wanted to prove he’s in charge, but I think he needed some help learning. “Relax man, be cool, I’m just shitting with you, you’re right, you’re in charge, and don’t be afraid to show me. Your brother is not here and whatever we do stays with us.” Brock sat back, put the knife back in his pocket, nodded, and kept smoking. When he was finished I asked him, “Want to go in the bathroom and fuck? I think you will like looking in the mirror.” Brock said, “Yeah,” so we got up and he followed me into the bathroom. I did not stop in the bedroom and get the poppers as I wanted to feel this, and figured my ass was plenty open from earlier as I had taken Dr Mike. Brock was stroking his dick and I told him, “Get as rough and nasty as you want man, I can take it like no chick can, so whatever you want to do.” I bent over and watched Brock as he watched himself and me in the mirror. Brock tried shoving his dick in, but my ass was pretty dry now, so I said, “We can do whatever you want, and if you want to use some lotion that is cool, you will slide right in, but frankly won’t hurt all that much. But, if you want to make it hurt and maybe bleed again like before, just a little spit on your dick or around my hole is enough to get you in.” Brock nodded, spit on his hand, rubbed it on the head of his dick and tried again. It was still pretty dry, but there was enough spit to let him force his dick into my ass and tear me up a little as he did. I told him, “Good man, that was good, now pull it all the way out, spit on it some more, and do that again. Do that a couple times until it gets wet, and to make it really hurt keep pulling all the way out and fuck as deep and hard as you can.” He did exactly as I said, who was in charge here? Made me laugh a little on the inside, but I then focused on taking his big dick. I looked in the mirror and Brock had a cross between a smile and a sneer on his face. “Does that feel good? You like that pussy? Huh? You gonna rape that hole?” I asked. Brock just nodded his head, reached forward, using both hands he grabbed my hair, and even though my hair was not that long, it was enough for him to yank my head backwards as he fucked. “Yeah boy, that’s it, fuck it good, fuck yeah! Man you fuck way better than your brother and your dick is bigger too, yeah make it hurt now, make it hurt, MAKE IT BLEED!!” Brock seemed to like to hear me talk dirty so I kept up and he just keep smiling and fucking rough and deep. Little did he know I wanted his dick covered with my blood for other reasons – I wanted to infect him, POZ him, give him a lifetime of sharing toxic cum with unwilling and unknowing pussies and other faggots. AFTER A WHILE HE STARTED DOING BIG, LONG, DEEP STROKES, “GIVE ME THAT CUM! CUM UP MY PUSSY – FUCK THIS FAGGOT, MAKE THIS FAGGOT YOUR PUSSY, SHOW THIS FAGGOT WHO IS IN CHARGE?” BROCK YANKED MY HAIR HARDER, WENT BALLS DEEP, AND GAVE ME HIS LOAD. He was breathing hard as he pumped in and out of my hole, “Felt so good man, so good, now to make it hurt more, when you are ready, pull out all at once, quick and hard, will feel like you are ripping my guts out.” Brock did as he was told, and I immediately knelt down and looked at his slimy covered dick. He was still pretty hard as I sucked and licked him clean, making Brock moan. He then pulled away and said he had to piss. “Piss in my mouth,” I said, “Or up my ass, let me take it for you like a faggot should.” Brock looked shocked, confused, disgusted, but his dick stayed hard and he took a few seconds to reply so I knew he was thinking out it. “Naw man, I’m not into all that nasty shit,” he said, so I replied, “No problem man,” and went back out to the living room knowing I might not get his piss tonight, but I would get it. Brock came out, sat back on the couch, lit up a smoke, and drank, and I started drinking too. I realized there was no way I was going to be able to work the next morning and went into the bedroom, called the office and left a message saying I had not felt well, had to have the doctor come to my apartment, and would not be in tomorrow either. I went back out and even half hard, Brock’s dick was meaty and impressive and I wanted more, but knew I had to take it easy with him. Brock reached into his coat, grabbed something and went into the bathroom and closed the door. He came back out, stuffed whatever he had back into his coat, sat back and lit up another cigarette. He smoked two more right in a row and with every puff it seemed his dick got a little bigger and harder watching the porn. He asked me what else I had for movies, so I showed him, and he decided he liked the one we were watching so I hit rewind and started the tape again. “Suck my dick faggot,” Brock said, so I got on my knees in front of the couch, looked up at him and said, “Just let me know how you want to do this. You can let me suck you like I sucked your bother in the library or here earlier and let me do the work, or if you want to get really nasty I can lay down with my head over the edge of the couch and you can rape my throat.” Brock set the drink down, put out his cigarette and said, “Get on the couch.” I got up, sat on the couch, swung my legs up and onto the back of the couch and scooted my ass as far back as I could so my head was hanging off the front. I opened my mouth and looked up to see Brock’s balls and dick moving towards me. He pushed his dick down into my throat and I tried to swallow to allow him to go deep like Charles did when he raped my throat. Brock thrust several times, but it was a bad angle, so I pushed him to the side and said, “I think it will work better if you lean forward a bit, then you can angle your dick down my throat. Remember, you’re in charge so rape it man.” Brock shook his head, and did as I told him, angled forward and started fucking my throat. I opened and swallowed and his dick went deep. I started to gag, but Brock kept fucking. Not bad for his first time, but he stopped after a minute and said, “Naw, I don’t like this, I want to fuck.” So I swung my legs around and lay on my stomach flat on the couch. Brock climbed onto me and I told him, “Here, let me spread my cheeks open, and if you want to make it hurt, line up your dick head then punch it deep and hard as you can.” He did as I instructed and soon Brock’s big black dick was fucking me again, pushing his nutt deeper and deeper. Brock was now watching the movie and fucking in almost a mimicked rhythm to the guys on the screen. He fucked for a while and good thing he was not as physically big as his brother or else I would not have been able to breathe. He started to pick up the pace, so I knew he was close, and as he fucked faster I spread my cheeks so he could dig deep. When I did, Brock moaned, adjusted his weight a little and bit down onto my shoulder where Lionel had bit me. I screamed out, he bit harder and shot his cum. He continued to bite down on my shoulder as his dick softened up a little, but he continued pumping and grinding and before long his dick was fully hard again. Brock was watching the movie again and kept pumping and grinding and his dick felt so good in my ass. After a while he stopped, got up, rummaged in his coat pocket and went to the bathroom. “Damn faggot! You got some good pussy,” Brock said when he came back. “You like this dick don’t you? You like being fucked huh?” I smiled, “Yes please, fuck me hard, can you fuck some more? Harder, nastier?” Brock patted his coat pocket, and said, “I plan to fuck you all night, can make sure of that.” I got down onto the floor, laid on my back, lifted my legs and held them back, and said, “Come on then, no spit this time just use the cum you already gave me, I want it to hurt bad, see how rough you can fuck.” Brock took the bait as his dick immediately was back to life. Brock got down on the floor, positioned himself over me and said, “You want it faggot?” I took one hand and guided his dick to my hole, lifted my legs a little further back and said, “Now – rape it with that big black dick!!!” I screamed when he slammed it in and Brock showed no mercy as he pummeled my hole. I begged him to fuck me harder, faster, deeper like the chick being gangbanged on the TV, and Brock obeyed. After a while he said he needed a break and I was disappointed that he stopped and without cumming in me, but understood. I had him follow me into the bathroom so he could see how bruised and bloody my hole was and assured him I liked that, and wanted more. The sight of my bruised hole turned him on as he immediately got down behind me and started tongue fucking me, lapping at my ass, and I knew he was getting the metallic taste of blood along with his cum. THE MORE WAYS I COULD EXPOSE HIM TO MY AIDS, THE BETTER. That was how the rest of the night went and a good part of the next day. Brock visiting the bathroom with the contents of his coat pocket, his dick getting hard and needing attention, and me instructing him on new and different ways in which to fuck me rougher and harder. By the time he left I could barely take a step and called off work the next day too to recover. I saw Brock pretty frequently after that first night and the boy never disappointed. Lionel came to see me alone a number of times and a couple times with some other big dicked DL guys he pimped me out to. I also got to see Lionel, Brock and his brother all together a few times too when they were feeling really freaky and wanted to double dick me down. All stories for another time. (*For a lot more action with Lionel – see the series: The Breeders Market – The Tours and Training Begin: A Sire Chronicles Story)
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  26. Caught up with a couple of mates I've not seen for a while last night, wasn't expecting it, but they both ended up tagging my hole and encouraging each other to breed me. needless to say both loads were planted deep within, making me a very happy slut.
    1 point
  27. I got a 6 a.m. call from a married guy I played with a couple of times last summer. He was on his way to meet up with family in the Hamptons and wanted to make a detour to pound my ass. He's an average built guy on the shorter side with a thick cock and a massive libido. I showered and prepped to bottom, and when the doorbell rang at 7:00, met him in a towel. As we headed upstairs he snatch my towel, grabbed my ass and began to rim me on the steps. After a couple of moments of eating my ass we continued to the bedroom where he continued to eat me out. He finally had me get on my knees and slowly worked his thick tool into my spit-lubed hole. It took a few minutes of slow strokes, but when I finally loosened up enough he started to punish my ass with a hard, fast fuck. It didn't take long for him to really speed up and with a loud moan dump his load. But instead of pulling out he kept fucking until he was up to full steam again. Buy this time I was biting the pillow, moaning and simultaneously begging him to stop and keep pounding. Finally he left out something between a moan and a scream as he filled me with another huge load. When he finished he collapsed on top of me with his cock still in my hole. After his dick popped out we made out and dozed a bit. When he got hard again he wanted me on my back with legs on his shoulders. This time he just shoved it in and started pounding it from the start as I stroked my cock. Before long he asked if I was ready to cum and when I said yes, he sped up his pounding. When I let loose and shot a massive load all over myself, he filled my ass with his seed. He left about an hour ago, and I'm sitting in my bathrobe and sipping coffee in the kitchen, smelling of sex and sweat while his seed oozes from my ravaged hole. It looks like the start of a beautiful day.
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  28. I am really into gettin fucked n loaded in public I will take any/all cocks n loads any/where/time/how ! The bigger the audience the better so there is more to join in especially outdoors ! Luv gettin kidnapped tied up blindfolded rip stripped n gangraped in public (_0_)
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  29. Same goes for me as a top. Im pretty sure I bred some poz guys. Im still neg so they didnt intoxicate me.
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  30. He looked me up and down, and licked his lips. "So, you still looking for some cock, bud?" He dropped himself into the reclining chair in my living room and grinned at me. I was a little shocked. I'd never been faced with a guy bigger than me, never realized that with this one I wasn't going to choose to have what he gave, but that he could take it whether I liked it or not. I nodded, and stammered a bit as I said "Yeah, I dropped a little molly and now 'm feeling like some fun." I laughed a little self consciously, "what can I say, molly makes me slutty". He looked at me silently for a few seconds, and then said, abruptly, "C,mere then, slutty, and show me why I should stick around...", He leaned back in the recliner, reached down and undid his belt, opened his fly, and slipped his jeans down. I gasped as his cock sprang out. It was bigger than it looked in the pics. Thicker too, an upward curving, thick prow of a thing, it was as big as long as my wife's forearm, and thicker than her wrist. It bobbed a bit as he pushed his pants down a little further. I took a step towards him, and dropped to my knees. Leaning forward, I felt his hands on the back of my head as I opened my mouth. He pulled me in as I opened wide, and the head slipped between my lips as he twisted his hands to angle my throat. Expertly rolling his hips, he was at my tonsils before I could blink. I would have gasped, but there was no way air was getting in or out of my lungs until he let go. I blinked, he pushed again. I gagged, he pushed harder, and suddenly he was past and his flat belly was against my nose. Ten inches of cock was literally filling my throat, his hands holding me in position, and I heard him groan distantly as he pulsed. Suddenly I realized what was happening. He had taken my throat in the first ten seconds, and now that pulsing was a load. He was cumming already, straight into my belly. Fuck. So much for my plans. Bitterly I began to pull back from his cock, when his hands clenched and he pulled me back down. His fingers dug into my jaw as I began to struggle, starting to feel the need to breathe. I pulled back harder, to no avail. I grunted, unable to complain, and tried to pull away. My heart was pounding, my lungs aching, I needed air! I began to struggle, to thrash around, but he had me securely. His fingers locked in my jaw, I couldn't even bite down, and as blackness began to close in from the edges my vision I realized two things. First, that I was about to black out, choked out by cock. Secondly, that I was myself as hard as rock...
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  31. 50 yr old married bottom looking to be well-fucked by a 60+ cock, no upper age limit, seed my tight hole Jim
    1 point
  32. So with me being from the midwest and "wet behind my ears," I just have to ask...can you pick up brochures like the one he did in the bathroom? I'm sure parties like this exist. Where do I find them? On the internet? Some site I'm not aware of? Are they only available in big cities? A lot are probably underground. What sort of info or connections would I need for those? Basically, how can a guy like me have opportunities like the main character did?
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  33. Out for a meal with friends in North London last night, feeling horny so couldn't resist driving by Hampstead Heath on the way home. Very muddy so didn't venture to the fuck tree. Turned out I didn't need to - just off one of the paths I found a good looking dark haired young lad bent over against a tree, pants down arse in the air. I stepped up behind him and felt his hole - it was well cummy so I didn't waste any time. I got my cock out, pushed it up him, fucked him bareback and shot a big load right up him. Just what I needed. He didn't look round as I fucked him and as I pulled out a black guy in a beanie hat took my place.
    1 point
  34. I've come to the conclusion people's bodies and functions are different, and what works for one, doesn't work for all. I've got bottom buds that'll text me during the day and ask if I wanna fuck after work and tell me they just want to eat dinner first so come over after around 8. Me - I feel like I'm always "full of shit" lol Other guys take a dump in the morning and are good for the whole day. Another bottom bud turned my on to psyllium (fiber) as others have mentioned and it does work great, but tastes kind of bad so don't really like drinking it every day. Thanks to drscorpio above for that link to those capsules - I'll be ordering those today and hope they work as well as the powder. Even on psyllium, I personally still need to crap about 3-4 times per day, but barely need toilet paper, and when I douche after it's REALLY clean - it all comes out! I top WAY WAY more than I bottom - often due to not feeling "ready", but my goal for 2016 is to get to being more 50/50 vers!!
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  35. Once had a teasing top who made me beg for his cock for several minutes but it is very hot. he teased me by slapping my ass and rubbed my hole with his erect cock and the conversation was like below He : Do you want it boy? Me : Yeah, give it to me He : say like you really want it Me : yes, i really want it. Please fuck my ass. He : Tell me you want it all the way in Me : Please fuck me all the way in. fuck me balls deep. fuck me please. He : Can you take me baby? Your hole seems to be tight. Me : I can take it all the way in. fuck me please. fuck me now. He : oh. oh. wait you stupid slut. once i fuck your hole wont be the same again. are you really sure you want it ? Me : Yes, please fuck me. i want it now. He : Only pussies or cunt can take my big cock. Me : yeah. that is my cunt. fuck it please. He : good pussy boy. i love mancunts especially on young sluts like you. I am going to rip a your cunt such that you can get satisfaction only by fisting after this time you dumb whorey slut. Me : wreck my hole please. come on please fuck me. He : Here it is... take it bitch... That was heaven :-). No one made me feel like a cock slut more than him.
    1 point
  36. I went to Steam Works in Vancouver this morning where I met a guy who wanted to fuck me bare. He also asked if I minded if his friend joined us. I didn't mind. His friend was so fucking hot. The two of them fucked me for just over two hours, and the friend bred me twice, warning he had big loads. He wasn't kidding: his cum has been oozing outta me all day. If he had more time I'm pretty sure he could have gone for round three. The guy kept asking me how it was that his friend was going to breed me, make me pregnant. I found the use of the word 'pregnant' interesting. Of course, the subject of status never came up. Both guys were high on something but I didn't care: they stayed hard and I got what I needed - an ass full of unknown cum. P.S. I'm not sure what this will do to my body but I was just informed one of the guys who recently fucked me is poz, had only recently converted and was not on meds. Guess I got a recharge. Was that why I was feeling so tired, night sweats, etc?
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  37. The first one who now POZ is 23. The second is 28 and hope he turns if not we will just blood slam him.
    1 point
  38. Part 5 The pickup truck drove through the city toward my next unknown destination. My young, sheltered mind could barely fathom what had already happened to me, let alone what lay in store. Mr. Jackson threw a pair of shorts to me and told me to put them on. It felt good to have my nakedness covered, even if only slightly. The truck eventually came to a halt and Mr. Jackson got out and opened the passenger door, pulling me out by my leash. He led me down the sidewalk and into an unmarked door. I could hear the thumping of dance music as he led me down a short hallway to another door with a man behind a counter protected with a glass window. Mr. Jackson slid some money through a gap, and we were buzzed in. Mr. Jackson led me down dark hallways where I caught glimpses of many naked men. Some of them felt me as we passed them on our way to a room. It was small, with only a twin bed and a chair. He pushed me onto the bed and sat down in the chair, pulling out his little case from his coat. "Do you know where you are boy?" he asked me. I just shook my head, honestly having no idea what kind of place I was really in. "This is a bath house. Men come here for sex. Tonight you are going to be a special treat for them. New sluts are always popular!" I didn't have to guess what he meant, even though I couldn't anticipate what I was really in store for. But my ass tingled at the thought of getting fucked again and my dick got hard. "I see that appeals to you!" Mr. Jackson laughed at my arousal. "Drink this." he instructed me, handing me a bottle. I was thirsty as fuck and started to guzzle it down. I had taken a couple big swigs before I realized it was a bottle of piss. I gagged a bit and Mr. Jackson just glared at me. "Drink it all boy! It's got a nice dose of G to really get you ready!" I finished it all and started to feel warm and relaxed. Then he brought out the rubber band and the syringe. I knew not to try to resist, and actually looked forward to another shot. "This will be your biggest one so far. Then you should be ready for anything." I held out my arm as he poked a vein and pushed the plunger. The now familiar rush hit me, and as soon as I stopped coughing he opened the door and led me out. I followed him in a haze down some corridors and into a room that had mirrrors everywhere and what looked like a weird swing hanging in the middle. Mr. Jackson lifted me up and placed me in it, raising my legs and buckling them in. Then he buckled down my arms and leaned into my ear. "Enjoy the next few hours Jesus boy. I know these men will!" With that the first of what would be dozens of cocks slid into my cunt. I moaned at the pleasure of being penetrated. All kinds of men fucked me over the next few hours. Old, young, fat, ugly, it didn't matter, they all used the available cumdump. I floated in a fog as my ass was bred over, and over, and over. At one point a guy planted his lips onto my anus while another guy pushed on my stomach, squeezing the contents of my bowels into his mouth. The man then put his mouth over mine and let a huge mouthful of cum drip into me and down my throat. Time stood still as I was reduced to nothing more than a hole to take cum. And I wanted it all. After many hours Mr. Jackson released my bonds and let me down. I collapsed into his arms, unable to stand. "Do you know how many men fucked you slut?" he asked me. I looked at him with glassy eyes and shook my head no. "I counted 27. 27 different cocks. 27 different loads. All from men you don't even know. You are officially a true cumdump now boy!" I just collapsed as he carried me back to our room and laid me on the bed. "I have one more for you slut." he said as he slid his big, black cock into my wet, sloppy cunt. It made squishy noises as he pounded my cum filled hole. I just wrapped my arms and legs around him as he gave me my last fuck of the night, pumping one last load into my stretched, loose hole. "Oh yea boy. I LOVE a nice juicy cunt. All those strangers loads up in you, making you so wet and slick. Your going to love your new life, whore." With that he shot one final load deep in my bowels.
    1 point
  39. I was pozzed and introduced to chem sex in a similar way , 6 years ago . Though my owner was a white british guy who gave me .5 slam first time and got me barebacked by a group of guys for free. I was kept on high for 4 days with really strong doses of tina and was used by more than a dozen tops whose faces I didnt get to see as I was blindfolded . Just felt raw cocks sliding in n out of my holes all the time . I was hooked on to meth n cum after 4th day .
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  40. This up date is he is running a fever and lets hope it’s the fuck flu.
    1 point
  41. I've been mentoring a young man who, at 18, has decided to strive to be a cumdumpster, and I've decided to share the text of a recent email I sent him because I thought others might find my advice useful as well. Your comments are welcome. My email to the boy: Well, that's good. But remember, to be a true cumdump requires work. I have a lot of guys who fuck me regularly; many are married men. Married guys are the most dependable about showing up for sex. Here's why. Married men and guys with girlfriends often don't have a lot of flexibility with their availability. But, if you really make extra effort to accommodate their schedule and make it as easy as possible for them, they will almost always show up for sex. A lot of my married regulars allow time in the morning, before they get to their job, to stop at my place to start their day off with fucking. Of course, this often means that these end up being quick pump-and-dump sessions. But that is cool with me. There's been more than a few mornings when I've gotten fucked and bred by a six or more guys in the early morning within 1-1/2 to 2 hours. So, keep this in mind: if you work with their schedule to be available when it suits them, are able to host them, and are consistent, they will quickly become regulars. They'll learn fast that you are a throat and ass that they can fuck frequently if you make it as easy as possible for them and to accommodate their routine, not yours. I've given up sleep to make sure my throat and ass are available for married guys when it best suits their schedule. As I said earlier, since they typically don't have a lot of flexibility with the days/time they have to fuck you, by going out of your way to make your holes available on THEIR schedule, they are guaranteed, reliable fuckers who will show up every time to use your holes. This is not theory. This is my personal experience and I've been making myself available for married men for many years. For example, if you have a married guy whose schedule allows him to stop every week only on, say Monday and Tuesday mornings because his driving route to work on those days means he'll be traveling close to where you live, he will absolutely make sure he stops to fuck you both those mornings if you make sure you are ALWAYS available on those mornings. Since those are the only mornings of his weekly schedule when he can fuck you, he will show up, guaranteed. In fact, he will look forward to those mornings and your ass will soon be on his calendar to fuck every Monday and Tuesday morning, week after week. So, a good rule to follow is always try to accommodate a guy's availability to fuck you. The more you make your schedule secondary to his, whether he's straight, bi, married, curious, whatever, the more likely his cock and loads will end up inside you. Make it as easy and as uncomplicated as possible for them and I'm telling you, they will fuck you every week, one or more times every week. If you truly want to be a cumdump, you MUST make the necessary effort required to establish a stable of regulars. Remember, these men are guaranteed breeders. Then, you can supplement your weekly breedings by having a group of fuckbuds that you build up over time who are as interested as you are in getting laid regularly. Additionally, if you're able to find and attend fuck parties in your area regularly/monthly, this is another resource for making sure you get fucked as often as possible by as many different men as possible. Finally, keep in mind that, as a cumdumpster, to many men, you are nothing more than a couple of holes to fuck and unload in. So, accept that and you'll excel at being a cum depository. In my case, even working a full-time job, I still manage to get fucked at least a dozen times every week. At this point, because of the effort I've put in over the long haul, getting fucked by at least a dozen different men every week is quite normal for me. But I've put in the time and effort and consistent focus on what I must do to get the amount of sex I want. Hope you find some of this advice helpful. Always be receptive to learning from what other guys' experience has taught them. One more thing that a lot of Bottoms never consider is this: Don't be a selfish, overly-competitive Bottom. Quite the opposite. Make the effort to network with other local Bottoms in your area. "Why?," you ask. Because you can help each other out and actually be references for each other. For example, there will be times when you just aren't available to get fucked when a potential breeder wants to fuck you. But, if you can recommend one of your Bottom buds for him because your friend is available on a day or time when you aren't, and your Bottom friends reciprocate by also recommending your ass when they aren't available to get fucked, you'll get cock that otherwise may not have bred you. Network with local Bottoms in your area to work as a team so that very few cocks get away from you and your Bottom friends. Throw cock their way that you're unavailable to service and they'll do the same for you. This way, you both win and get cock and loads that otherwise would've gotten away. Sorry for writing a novel-length message, but I always like to share my experience and wisdom with young guys who say they wanna be a cumdumpster. Achieving this takes work, but it's worth it. At least it has been worth it for me. But remember, once becoming a cumdumpster, you still must do the necessary work to maintain your cumdumpster status. So, your efforts never really end if you want to continue being a couple of holes that many men fuck and unload in regularly. I've included a couple pix of the young, wanna-be cumdumpster. Thanxxx for reading!
    1 point
  42. I am always extremely horny here. 30 yr old bttm that has to stay within the city this weekend. Any tops hosting, wanna fill me with your seed, I'll take as much of your load as you can fuck, invite your friends if you want. Help a horny bottom out
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  43. Should I go on with this story or make a post of how I went from a virgin farm boy to a Poz pig. Let me know.
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  44. Great advice all around. I had the good fortune to be trained as a cum dump from an early age. The most important notes were, be available as much as possible. Cum is the first priority. Next, do as you're told. Don't say no unless saying yes would adversely impact your future fucking. Be flexible physically and bend to the top. Have your hole ready at all times. Be grateful. Thank whoever cums in you, and suck them clean unless they stop you. Finally, remember that you area set of fuckholes with built in life support. The people that fuck you are to be serviced, not befriended or loved. I've followed those rules all my life, and I'm lucky to have had the training. The one thing I learned on my own is that the older you get, the more you need to maintain your body, or you won't get fucked as much.
    1 point
  45. agreed. The mandingo shit where porn thinks every black man is 9" and top is a bit old.
    1 point
  46. It's great to see extensive experience shared so generously. I look forward to further instalments. I guess you'll cover the following aspects: 1. Hole training It's important that your hole is trained to accommodate a range of fucking styles. Some tops will want your hole to be tight, while others will prefer it gaping and loose. The good news is that with practice and appropriate exercises the male hole be both.Ensure you have a range of plugs, and wear them when your hole is not in use. This has the dual effect of both tightening and loosening your hole at the same time. 2. Quality photographs It is critical that you have top quality photographs of your hole for advertising purposes. There are plenty of professional photographers or photography students who can help you with this for a modest fee or a gratis exchange. Shots must be well-lit, in high definition and show your hole from several angles and in varying states. For example pre-fuck and post fuck, long shots and close-ups. As a cum dump, obviously you'll need some cream pies. Facials are important too. Too often cum dumps forget to promote their face hole. Open mouth shots as cum receptacles are an obvious way to demonstrate oral capability. 3. Recycling There will be times when there just aren't any cocks available when you need them. In these cases consider recycling options. These can include collecting used condoms from bath houses or saunas (although condoms are becoming harder to find), or licking fresh loads that have been recently deposited on cubicle walls, urinals or mens room floors. A helpful tip is to form a good relationship with sauna attendants who can collect these for you as part of their regular clean-up (although good sauna clean-ups are becoming increasingly rare). The good things about used condoms is that the cum is conveniently packaged, and is easy to insert. Carrying them internally is great way of getting them home and into the freezer.
    1 point
  47. Again not mine I just altered it to fit breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Krzysztof's spunk splashed across Tom's open mouth, coating his lips and tongue in thick creamy cum. "FUCK YEAH" grunted the massive muscle hunk as he stroked out the last few drops into his little boy's mouth. Tom was lying on his bed staring up wide eyed at the builder who was straddling him, his massive legs were either side of the eighteen year olds head. Moments before the thick meaty thighs now framing his face had been pounding Tom for the second time that night. His arse was still raw and open from the merciless fucking. Once the effect of the cocaine wore away Tom was pretty sure he was going to be barely able to walk. At that moment though he didn't care. He was still experiencing the effects of the drugs and he was completely in awe of the man God who had opened up a whole new world of pleasure to him. Krzysztof looked down at him and smiled. "Good little baby?" he asked, wiping his slippery cum covered cock against the teenagers plump lips. "God, yeah, it was good" replied Tom breathlessly. Krzysztof raised an eyebrow and Tom realised immediately that he had forgotten to refer to Krzysztof in the way he preferred. "It was good Daddy" he corrected himself. Krzysztof laughed "You learn baby" and then climbing off Tom and standing up he said "I shower" and with that he walked out of the bedroom. Tom watched the massive Eastern European builder's broad muscular back and powerful arse as he left. He breathed a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling. "Wow" he muttered to himself, but what now? He was completely wired on the cocaine and was not tired at all. He heard the sound of the shower from the bathroom. After a short time Krzysztof returned and pulled on his jeans and vest. "Are you going?" asked Tom disappointedly. "Yes" replied Krzysztof and saw the dejected look on Tom's face. "You come" said Krzysztof. "Oh" said Tom, a smile replacing the frown "Where to?" "You see" came the builder's mysterious reply. - - - - 2 - - - - Tom had showered himself then the big man had led him to his van and they had driven away from his house and into town. Tom's enquiries about where they were going were met with silence and so instead the two of them had made small talk about other stuff. The drugs were wearing off a little bit though and Tom began to worry a bit about what he was getting himself into. Soon enough Krzysztof parked the van next to a row of garages and turned off the engine. "We here" he said, picking up his bag and opening the driver's door. Tom got out the passenger side and walked around. They had arrived at a small block of flats. The building was well lit and looked pretty modern. Still, Tom could not help but feel more than a little apprehensive about what he was walking into. Then again it was night time, he was not too sure what part of town they were in and he had no means of getting home. Following Krzysztof who had begun to walk into the building was his only option. The huge man turned around to look at him as he caught up and must have noted the apprehension on his face. "Don't worry little baby" he said "I sort you out in flat, make feel happy again" and he gave Tom a reassuring smile. Tom assumed he meant more cocaine. It is ok he told himself. He had only sniffed a small amount. The tiny line in the bathroom and the two lines in the bedroom. That was not so much he reasoned. Even if he did a little bit more he would be back home tomorrow and there was plenty of recovery time before his mother returned from her business trip. Krzysztof rung a flat number and the security door buzzed open. The two of them went in and took the lift. "My friend, he has, what do you call it, top floor flat" Krzysztof tried to explain. "Oh" Tom realised what he was saying "You mean the penthouse flat?" "Yeah" smiled Krzysztof "The penthouse" and the way he pronounced the word made Tom laugh. "Hey, no laugh at accent" Krzysztof complained and he took Tom's head in the iron grip of his massive hands, leant down and kissed the teenager forcefully. Tom responded in kind and felt himself getting instantly aroused. Before he could do anything else the lift pinged and the doors opened. Krzysztof pulled away "Come" he beckoned and the two of them left the lift and walked into the corridor. It was obvious to Tom from the single door that the flat they were going to was the only one on this floor. Krzysztof didn't knock the door because it had already been unlocked. Tom could hear that dance music was playing inside. Pushing the door open the two of them walked into the flat. Tom had to admire his surroundings. The entrance led straight into the main living area which was modernly furnished to a high finish. There were two large leather sofas either side of the room. In the middle was a huge matching leather table that was the size of a double bed and Tom assumed could be used to sit on as well as keep magazines and stuff. Double doors led out onto a wooden decked balcony that looked out over town. It was lit up with night lights and the doors were slightly open to allow the breeze in. It was a bit much to take in, especially the massive flat screen television on the wall which was playing a porn movie involving a huge gay orgy. "Hey Krzysztof" shouted a voice and a guy walked in from a room that Tom assumed was the bedroom. He was a little shorter than Krzysztof but was still over six feet. It was what he was wearing that caught Tom's attention first. He had a leather cross belt strapped tight across his defined hairy pecs. On his wrist he wore a leather gauntlet and then a pair of tight leather trousers. That was it. Tom raised his eyebrows. He had seen guys wearing leather on the various porn sites he visited but he had never really thought it was something that would turn him on. It did now though, his cock stiffened a little at the site in front of him. Tom took in the rest of the guy. He had short close cropped dark brown hair, designer stubble and was around forty years old. He was muscled but nowhere near as large as Krzysztof. His face was angular and he had sharp eyes. He was very sexy. "Mateusz" greeted Krzysztof and the two men hugged. They spoke in Polish for a short while making Tom feel a little uncomfortable before Krzysztof turned and introduced him. "Mateusz, this Tom. It his first time" explained Krzysztof. "Hello Tom" greeted Mateusz and before Tom could say hi in return the man grabbed him by the waist band and pulled him against him. "Mmmm" he growled leaning down so his face was against Tom's. He stretched out his tongue and licked up from Tom's chin across his mouth and to his nose in one motion. Much like a lion may lick the face of its mate thought Tom. "We will make your first time a good one" he promised Tom and laughed. Tom was not quite sure what to do so he smiled nervously. Mateusz let him go. "Rack up some stuff Krzysztof" he ordered "then you can get Tom changed and we can have some fun" Krzysztof used a little mirror that was sat on the large sofa table and laid out six lines of cocaine. "Guests first" offered Mateusz and Tom took the rolled up note he was offered. He hesitated slightly. Should he do more drugs? He accepted that he didn't really have much choice given his situation. Fuck it, he thought. He would just do this little bit more, the first lines he had done back at home had made him feel amazing and if he was going to stay with these two guys then he guessed he was going to need that feeling again. He snorted both the lines and allowed the wave of euphoria to begin to take effect as he watched Krzysztof then Mateusz snort up the remainder of the cocaine. "Right" said Krzysztof taking Tom's hand "You change" He led his boy into the bedroom from where Mateusz had emerged. Tom followed not quite sure what was expected of him. The cocaine had made him not particularly bothered. He laughed when he saw the collection of leather gear on the bed. "I never thought I would ever do anything like this" he said picking up some of the kit. "You put these on" said Krzysztof holding up a pair of leather wrist gauntlets. Tom slipped them on and did them up. He noticed that each gauntlet had two clasps and he realised that they could be locked together like handcuffs. Krzysztof held out a leather jock strap. It was studded and the way it was designed meant that Tom's arse would be totally exposed and only his cock would be covered. He realised he was going to get fucked again. His cock twitched at the thought. He quickly got undressed as he chatted and laughed with Krzysztof at what leather kit to wear. The cocaine had done its work again and Tom totally relaxed. He slid into the studded leather jock as Krzysztof reached out and put a studded metal dog collar around his neck. There was a full length mirror standing in the corner of the room and Tom stood and admired himself. He looked hot. Krzysztof pulled off his own clothes and stood completely naked watching him. His cock was fully erect and throbbing. Tom saw him in the reflection of the mirror and turned to look. "Wow" he said admiring the man's muscular body once more. "Just... Wow" Krzysztof laughed and flexed his massive body. "Are you wearing anything?" Tom asked Krzysztof. "I too big" replied the giant and to illustrate his point he held up a leather strap that Tom assumed was meant to go around a bicep. Krzysztof flexed showing of his muscles and Tom realised the strap would not even fit around one half of the hunk's huge arms. "Come on you two" shouted Mateusz from the other room. "We need this" said Krzysztof and he picked up the full length mirror and carried it from the bedroom and into the living room. Tom took a deep breath and then followed. - - - - 3 - - - - He walked in to see Krzysztof positioning the mirror in front of the sofa table that dominated the centre of the room between the two large sofas. "Here's our boy" said Mateusz "Looking good you little leather bitch" he laughed. Tom laughed with him and his cock twitched in the jock. "Looks like your horny" said Mateusz and he came and stood right next to Tom looking down at him. He took Tom's face in one hand. "Are you horny for me baby?" he whispered to him. Tom's cock was rock hard now. "Yeah" he whispered back. Mateusz snogged him deeply. His tongue slid into Tom's mouth. Tom tried to respond but Mateusz's tongue dominated his own and pressed deep into his throat. "Mmmm" growled Mateusz pulling away. "Do you want to feel great Tom" he whispered to him. Krzysztof was stood watching them slowly wanking his massive tool. Tom, at that moment, only had eyes for Mateusz who held his head tight, gazed deeply into his eyes and fixed him with a smouldering stare. "Do you?" he asked again. "Yeah" Tom replied. Transfixed by the gorgeous eyes staring into him. Mateusz reached to a small table on the side and picked up a small clear glass tube that ended in a little ball. It was had trails of smoke coming from a small hole at the end and Tom realised it was a pipe of some sort. "Smoke it baby" ordered Mateusz. "Is it cannabis?" asked Tom. "Not quite, its meth" came the reply. Tom had no idea what that was. He guessed it was some sort of cannabis and because it was only smoking he thought it can't be that bad a thing to do. Mateusz held the pipe to Tom's lips and Tom inhaled. Smoke billowed out his mouth at first and Mateusz told him to breathe deeply and hold the smoke in. Tom tried again and this time he succeeded in smoking it properly. He exhaled and then had another go. "That's enough for the minute mate" said Mateusz and he handed the pipe to Krzysztof who held it to his own lips. Tom was about to ask what he could expect to happen but he didn't need to for just at that minute it hit him. The cocaine was one thing but this was something else entirely. The high was so intense. His eyes rolled back into his head. "Woh" he said. "Good isn't it" laughed Mateusz who had been smoking the meth before Tom and Krzysztof came in from the bedroom. Krzysztof came up behind Tom. He handed the pipe to Mateusz who took a huge drag and held the smoke in his mouth before bending down and snogging Tom. Along with Mateusz's tongue, Tom's mouth was filled with the meth vapours. His cock was raging hard and he opened his lips and let Mateusz dominate his mouth once more. He felt Krzysztof take his hands and pull them behind his back. He heard the clasps of the wrist cuffs lock. His arms were now secure behind his back but he didn't care as he took all of Mateusz's big tongue into his mouth. He moaned and Mateusz pushed harder against him, gripping the back of his head and snogging him hard. Tom flinched slightly as he felt Krzysztof slide a finger into his tight hole. "You so tight baby" growled Krzysztof as he pushed in a second digit and began to finger fuck his little boy's hole. Tom couldn't reply as Mateusz's tongue pushed his own down and pushed deep into the back of his throat. He could only moan with the pleasure flowing over him. Mateusz released him and Krzysztof took his fingers from Tom's tight pussy and put his massive arms around him from behind and held him tight. Mateusz stepped back and took a final drag on the meth pipe. He put it down and then slowly and deliberately undid the zip on his leather trousers. Tom's eyes widened. Mateusz took out in his hand a massive cock. It was well over twelve inches thought Tom. Longer and thicker Krzysztof's and that was the biggest tool Tom had ever seen until now. "Hold him" Mateusz said to Krzysztof and Krzysztof spun Tom around so he was facing him. He gripped the trussed up lad tight in a muscular embrace. Tom's head rested against his powerful pecs. Tom felt that Mateusz had come up behind him and then he felt the huge cock at the entrance to his hole. He squeezed his eyes tight shut. Mateusz took hold of his hips and Tom felt his sphincter begin to rip open as the massive cock head pushed hard into him. His arse muscles gave way under the onslaught and Tom felt the huge shaft follow. It never ended and Tom felt light headed and dizzy as Mateusz grunted and pushed into him further. Krzysztof tightened his hug and held the boy still. "FUCK BITCH" grunted Mateusz "TAKE IT ALL" and he pushed the last few inches into the teenager. Tom cried out and Krzysztof pushed his head against his massive chest muffling the cry. "FUCK YEAAAAAH" laughed Mateusz. "The little bitch has taken it all." He put his mouth next to Tom's ear and whispered "How does it feel to have all my cock in you baby?" Tom let out a muffled cry. "Fuck him" growled Krzysztof and Mateusz took up the idea. He slid the massive shaft out all the way and just as Tom's tight hole began to close he slammed it back into him. Tom's cries were muffled into Krzysztof's huge body. Mateusz began to fuck Tom relentlessly, pounding in and out of him. The meth, mixed with the pleasure and the intense pain caused Tom to black out for a moment. He tried to say something but only animal grunts were coming from his lips. The fucking was intense and Mateusz was moaning loudly as he fed his monster meat into the boy. Tom felt himself blacking out again and the last thing he heard was Mateusz moaning that he was going to breed his hole. - - - - 4 - - - - Tom slowly opened his eyes. He was laying face down on the sofa table in the centre of the room. Jesus, he thought, he must have finally slipped into some drug and sex induced coma. He tried to move his arms but realised that he was still wearing the wrist cuffs and they remained locked behind his back. He was about to get up and ask for someone to take the things of him but before he could do anything his tight boy hole suddenly exploded with pain as it was forced open. "AWWWWWWW FUCK" he cried out as the pain around pleasure rippled out from his sphincter muscle. Tom could not turn to look behind himself but the full length mirror was still positioned in front of where he lay and he looked into it to discover the source of his violation. He expected to see Krzysztof or Mateusz behind him but instead there was an insanely muscular ripped black man stood there, his huge hands clenching Tom's hips tightly. He had obviously just driven what was an enormous thick black cock into Tom's little arse. Tom took in the stranger's appearance. He was very tall and very muscular, every bit the size of Krzysztof. His pec muscles were so ripped they had thick veins appearing at their edges that ran over his shoulders and down his bulging biceps and trunk like arms. His nipples were massive and one of them had a silver metal bar piercing. The defined six pack of his stomach was matched only by his perfect V shaped torso. There was not an ounce of fat on him. Finally Tom was able to look at his face. He had strong afro-Caribbean features, a neatly trimmed goatee beard and from what Tom could see a shaved head. He was wearing a leather police officers cap. Around his arms were tight bicep straps making his muscles bulge even more. He wore a leather harness over his shoulders and chest and leather gauntlets on his wrist. He looked as if he had walked straight out of a fetish porn movie. He must have arrived when Tom was out of it. Tom felt the man's massive shaft push further into him, it kept coming and Tom thought it would never end. "Urrrrrrrrrrrgh" he closed his eyes tight and winced as the cock slid up deep inside him. Just when Tom thought he couldn't take anymore he felt the man's thighs touch his little bubble butt and come to a halt. "I have woken our little slut up" he heard the black man say in a deep voice and there was laughter. Tom lay still with his shut and tried to get used to the monster cock throbbing inside his hole. "Hey Tom, Tom baby, open your eyes" said Mateusz. Tom did as he was told and saw that Mateusz was knelt down next to him. The man cupped Tom's face in his hands. "Ok baby?" he asked "You are going to love Marc fucking you, but you probably need some help" and Tom saw that he had in his hand the little pipe that contained the meth. Mateusz held it to Tom's lips and the boy smoked it. He inhaled deeply. "Hold it in baby" commanded Mateusz and Tom held the smoke at the back of his throat and felt the vapours rushing straight to his brain. He eventually breathed the smoke out. The high came to him almost instantly and it was very strong. Mateusz watched as Tom's pupils dilated and then he gently patted Tom's cheek before standing up. "You're good to go stud" he said to Marc. "Right on" he replied, the sense of anticipation in his voice was clear. Tom breathed deeply as his high swept over his body, loosening his joints and relaxing his inhibitions once more. He looked into the mirror and saw the black hunk keep one hand on his hips and place the other over the wrist cuffs that still bound his hands behind his back. He pulled Tom back towards him so that his cock entered the lad all the way. "Mmmmmm" moaned Tom in pleasure. "We are going to start slow baby boy" promised Marc and Tom felt him begin to withdraw his huge meat. It slid back out of his cunt almost all the way to the huge cock head. Marc let it rest at the entrance to the teenager's hole for the moment before he let his powerful hip muscles move his tool back down inside the boy's cunt. "Yeah baby" he whispered "Nice and slow" "Mmmmm yeah" replied Tom. The gentle sensation of the cock slowly sliding against is prostate and deep into his guts made him shiver with pleasure. "Fuck that's good" he groaned as Marc began a slow but powerful rhythm. Each time making sure he pushed his hard thick cock as far as it would possibly go in, before slowly sliding it back out. Tom laid his head to the side to be more comfortable. He could see that Krzysztof and Mateusz were sat naked on one of the sofas smoking the meth from the pipe. Krzysztof saw him looking and blew him a kiss. "Don't worry, I fuck you more soon" he promised Tom. Marc slowly fucked Tom's hole with powerful muscular strokes. Tom moaned with each long thrust and withdrawal. Marc pulled out of him. "You're going to ride me now baby" he ordered and he undid the clasp to the wrist cuffs and let Tom's hands free. Tom brought his arms round to his front and sat up. He rotated his shoulder and felt the feeling come back into them after having been bound up in one place. "You ok little mate?" asked Mateusz who was still sat on the sofa smoking the meth with Krzysztof and enjoying the show. "Um yeah, I think so" replied Tom but as he tried to get up his legs were weak under him and he stumbled. Krzysztof jumped up from the sofa, the meth pipe still in one hand and caught Tom in the other him before he fell completely. "Easy baby" said the giant man and he cuddled Tom against his strong muscular chest. Tom rested against him, feeling his warmth and also feeling his legs come back to life. Krzysztof had encircled him with his huge arms and he looked down at the boy and Tom looked up. They smiled at each other and Krzysztof put the meth pipe to Tom's lips. The teenager was hooked on the intense high it gave and sucked in a deep lung full. Krzysztof still held the pipe there and so Tom inhaled a few more times whilst clinging to the hunk. Krzysztof passed the pipe back to Mateusz and picked the boy up in his arms. He cuddled him tight. "Now better" he said. Tom looked at him with big eyes. His pupils dilated from the wave of the high now washing over him. They kissed passionately and deeply. After a short time Krzysztof pulled away and moaned deeply. "Baby so horny" he growled then glancing over to the other sofa he smiled and said "Someone wants you" Tom looked over and saw that Marc was sat on the sofa watching them. The huge black man had his legs spread wide. He was still in his full leather gear and he had his massive dick in his hand. He was stroking it slowly. Krzysztof carried Tom over him. "I said you were going to ride me baby" said Marc. Krzysztof lowered the boy down onto the massive black shaft. Tom felt the dick stretch open his sphincter and then slide up inside him. Krzysztof lowered him all the way down so he was sat on Marc's lap facing the dark ripped stud. "That's fucking hot" he heard Mateusz comment and Krzysztof stepped away from the two of them. "Mmmmmm yeah" groaned Marc and he took hold of Tom's hips to make sure every last centimetre of his huge cock was inside the lad. "God that's so deep" moaned Tom, tilting his head back. "Ride it boy" ordered Marc. Tom lifted himself slowly to the top of the black dick and then allowed himself to slide down it to the base. "YEEEEEEAH" growled Marc and as Tom began to repeat the motion Marc thrust his hips upwards causing Tom to moan in pleasure and pain. The meth had hold of the teenager and he placed his hands on Marc's big pecs as he began to bounce harder and faster on the dick. "FUCK BABY" groaned Marc and he gripped Tom's hips tight and pistoned his cock into the boy's tight little cunt. Tom was moaning continually now as the huge shaft tore him into. They were fucking wildly. Tom put his hands around the back of Marc's head and rested his face against his. They looked into each other's eyes. Grunting and moaning, high on the drugs and determined to fuck like animals. "You fucking bitch" whispered Marc into Tom's face as he drove his dick harder and faster into him. He spat into the teenagers mouth. "Fuck me, fuck me hard" begged Tom as he swallowed the spit. Marc began kissing him hard as he gripped his hips tighter and ploughed him. Their tongues frantically exploring the others mouth, their spit mixing together. Marc spat into the boys mouth again and again. Tom loved it and gripped the man's head tighter so that his tongue could be as far into the hunks mouth as it would go. Marc plunged his cock into Tom as hard he could but gripped the boy hard so he stayed impaled on it. Tom leant backwards and moaned loudly. The frantic fucking had suddenly stopped and the contrast of having Marc's huge meat resting all the way inside him sent waves of pleasure from his arse all over his body. He leant back and rested placed his hands on Marc's thick legs to steady himself. "God" he whispered and took deep breaths. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands reach around from behind him and begin to tug his nipples. He moaned and turned his head around. Krzysztof had moved behind him and Tom lent his head back against the man's massive chest and looked up into his face. Krzysztof had seen how much his baby had enjoyed Marc's gob so he spat down into the boy's face. "You like" he said and before getting an answer he bent down and started to snog Tom ferociously. Tom moaned and kissed Krzysztof back, Marc's cock was still throbbing inside his tight hole. Krzysztof pulled away and produced two bottles of poppers. He handed one to Marc who undid the lid and sniffed deeply. "Come here baby" Marc ordered and Tom lent back in towards him. The two of them inhaled the poppers together. Taking long deep sniffs. Tom felt his head get hot and his face flush and let the effects take hold of him. Krzysztof reached around from behind him. Tom had heard him sniffing deeply on the second bottle of poppers but now that bottle was placed under his own nose. Mark held the first bottle up to him allowing Tom to have one bottle under each nostril. The aroma flooded into him and he felt dizzy at the effects. Suddenly next to Marc's huge black dick Tom felt his arse being stretched even more. He realised in a panic that Krzysztof was forcing his own massive dick into the tight boy cunt. Tom went to wriggle away. "Hold him" Krzysztof ordered Marc and with his free hand the black leather hunk gripped Tom around the waist in a vice like hold. "Just breathe deeply" Marc said reassuringly and with the two bottles of poppers under his nose Tom breathed in through his nose then out through his mouth. A continuous circulation of fresh poppers aroma was flooding through him. But even with the help of the poppers relaxing him Tom thought he was going to die. Krzysztof pushed into him slowly. Tom couldn't even cry out. He just squeezed his eyes tight shut and whimpered. All the while the poppers were taking holding of him. The pain was intense but it was mixed with a throbbing pleasurable ache that sent spasms through his arse. Just when he thought he was going to pass out Krzysztof stopped. "I in you now baby" he said. He had pushed his thick cock all the way into the boy and it now rested tight up against Marc's throbbing monster. The two muscle men's meaty spunk filled bollocks rested on each other. Both Marc and Krzysztof took the poppers away. They sniffed them themselves before putting them to one side. "Ready?" asked Krzysztof. Tom had become a bit more accustomed to the two huge cocks inside him. He breathed deeply. The poppers had made him feel like a dirty horny bitch. He wanted this. "Yeah" he said softly. "Tell us baby" said Marc "Tell us how much you want your Daddy's to fuck you yeah?" "I want my Daddy's to fuck me" begged Tom "I want your big Daddy dicks inside me, I want it so much" "Do you want Daddy cum in you?" growled Krzysztof in his ear. "Yeah, I want your cum in me, I want my Daddy's to make me their bitch" "MMMMMmmmm" moaned Krzysztof, turned on by hearing the innocent little boy begging to be treated like a whore. His dick swelled in the lad stretching his hole further still. "You're a lucky boy because you have got three Daddies' here" said Marc and Tom realised that Mateusz had come over to them. He was sniffing from a bottle of poppers and once he had finished he playfully ruffled Tom's hair. "Where do you want your third Daddy to put his dick?" asked Marc. "In my mouth" answered Tom quickly. Marc laughed "What do you say boy? Ask properly?" "Please Daddy" begged Tom "Please feed your big Daddy cock into my mouth" "FUCK" growled Krzysztof "It time for little bitch" and Tom felt him pull his cock out from his hole before smashing it back into him. Tom cried out in pain and Mateusz took the opportunity to stand on the sofa next to where Marc was sitting with the boy on his lap and grab Tom's head in his hands. He shoved his twitching wet cock into the lad's open mouth forcing it right down his throat. "FUCK YEAH" moaned Mateusz and he began to face fuck the little bitch. Tom's own moans and cries were muffled by the massive shaft pistoning in and out of his wet teenage mouth. Krzysztof had his huge hands on Tom's shoulders and was using his might to pull the boy down onto the two huge dicks that were inside him. The muscular builder began to drive upwards into him as hard as he could. Marc held the boy tight against his massive pec muscles. His arms were around the boy's waist and his biceps bulged as he hugged him tight. He began to thrust his hips upwards and he could feel his shaft rubbing against Krzysztof's as they alternatively ploughed in and out of the little cunt's tight pussy hole. "Take those dicks baby" moaned Marc "you take your Daddies big dicks" Krzysztof was wild. He only cared about getting off. The drugs had made it difficult to cum whilst driving him crazy with lust. He rammed his monster meat in and out of the boy as hard as he could. His great thighs smashed mercilessly against the little butt. The rubbing of his dick and smacking of his bollocks against Marc's was loud in the room. The three Daddies' were moaning loudly. Egging each other on as the dicks violated the little teenager. They drove into his arse and his mouth without stopping. Tom was held so firmly he could do nothing except take what his Daddy's were giving to him. The meth and the poppers had driven him crazy with lust and he moaned as the dicks tore into him. He wanted his Daddy's to give it to him so much. "I am going to cum, I am going to cum" cried Mateusz and he pulled his cock from out Tom's throat and began to wank it furiously. He used his other hand to grip the back of Tom's head. Krzysztof and Marc began to pound the boy as hard as they could. Their dicks smashing into him. Tom moaned and cried out his head back and his mouth wide open ready to receive Mateusz spunk. "FUUUUUUUCK" cried Mateusz and his nob head exploded as thick strands of Daddy spunk fired out his slit and coated Tom's mouth. Huge globs of it splashed across the boy's young face and into his hair. "AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH" cried Mateusz as he shoved his cock back into the hot little mouth. He rammed it deep down the boy's throat allowing his spunk to dribble out and into the lad. "GOD" he cried before pulling his dick out and wiping it across Tom's cum coated lips. Krzysztof and Marc were still pounding the tight little pussy with stopping and Tom, the warm cum in his mouth and over his face, moaned loudly. "YEEEEEEES, YEEEEEEES" shouted Marc and Tom felt a great eruption in his guts as Marc drove into him with all his might and unleashed wave after wave of searing hot spunk inside him. "SHIT BITCH" he groaned and spat into Tom's face. His saliva mixed with Mateusz's cum and ran down Tom's chin. Mateusz laughed and Marc moaned in fulfilment. Krzysztof slowly eased off his pounding and Tom felt Marc slide out of him. "Lick his dick" ordered Mateusz as Marc stood up next to him on the sofa leaving Tom on his knees and Krzysztof still behind him with his dick imbedded deep to the hilt. Tom took hold of the huge black rod and put it in his mouth. Mateusz pushed his own dick against Tom's lips and the young lad took hold of it. He cleaned his Daddy's cocks with his tongue making sure to swallow every last drop of their cum. Krzysztof watched from behind him and when he saw that Tom had licked up all the creamy mess he picked up Tom by the hips and stood up being careful to keep his dick firmly plugged in the boy's arse. He carried him over to the sofa table and put him down on it so he was facing the mirror. Tom, on all fours, looked at his own reflection and the sight of the huge muscle stud behind him his giant hands clamped firmly on Tom's hips. "I going to fuck you now" promised Krzysztof and he began to plunge his dick in and out of the tight hole. All the time he fixed his gaze on Tom's in the reflection of the mirror and watched his taut hugely muscular body tense and flex as he pounded the teenager's cunt. Marc and Mateusz came and stood either side of the massive Eastern European builder and ran their hands over his chest and shoulders. Tom took the pounding, moaning and whimpering. He saw that Marc was pulling Krzysztof's nipples driving the huge man on even more. Mateusz had picked up one of the bottles of poppers and undoing the lid he held it under Krzysztof's nose. The hunk sniffed deeply and the poppers drove him wild again. He was a fuck machine. He pounded Tom's hole without any let up. The giant dick smacked into the cunt again and again. Marc's spunk still coated Tom's arse and Krzysztof's dick was lubbed up on it. It allowed the muscle God to drive into Tom without resistance. Tom moaned loudly as he watched the stud behind him high on poppers fuck him like an animal. Krzysztof took another sniff of the poppers then pushed Tom down so he was no longer on all fours and instead was lying on his stomach. The builder climbed onto the sofa table himself and began to pound Tom even harder. He could feel the spunk building and he drove on and on into his baby. "Get the Dildo" said Mateusz and Marc reached back to the sofa and picked up the large plastic object. He handed it to Mateusz who put it against the entrance of Krzysztof's hole. The powerful muscular arse of the builder was pounding up and down as he nailed Tom onto the sofa table. Mateusz pushed the dildo and felt the resistance of Krzysztof's own tight cunt. "YEEEEEEAH" growled the big muscle stud as he felt the dildo enter him and Mateusz pushed it in further. The dildo pushing into his arse sent Krzysztof over the edge and felt his massive bollocks tighten. "FUUUUUCK" he cried and he rammed his cock deep into Tom's cunt as his hot semen poured like a torrent out his nob slit. It flooded Tom's arse with thick Daddy juice. "AHHHHHHHHH" cried Krzysztof as he slowed his thrusting and let his dick empty. He slowly came to a halt and pulled out of the boy. Tom collapsed. "God, God" was all he could mutter over and over. Mateusz took hold of him and rolled him over. He laughed "amazing yeah baby?" "God" was all Tom could say and Mateusz laughed again. Krzysztof strode around to Tom's face. His body was glistening with sweat. He wiped his cock over the boys face. Mateusz still held the dildo that he had used to push into Krzysztof and he put it to the boy's lips. "Lick your Daddy's scent off of it" he told Tom and so the boy opened his lips and began to run his tongue over the plastic. Krzysztof put his own dick into Tom's mouth and the lad tasted his Daddy's arse and his cum at the same time. Suddenly Tom felt a wave of pleasure spreading over him. Marc had knelt down and put Tom's legs over his shoulders. He was deeply licking the cum out of the gaping teenager's arse whilst wanking his cock hard. "MMMMMMMM" moaned Tom over the mouthful of cock and dildo. Suddenly he felt his cock begin to spurt load after load of spunk. "Yeah baby" growled Mateusz as Tom's entire body convulsed as he covered himself in his juice. After every little drop had leaked out Marc stood up and the three men stood around Tom looking down. "Phew, fuck, that was hot. Lets shower" said Marc and led the way from the front room. "I will bring the dildo" said Mateusz. Krzysztof laughed and picked up his little boy. Putting Tom over his shoulder he patted his arse and carried him into the bathroom
    1 point
  48. Just as I started to catch my breath, he leaned in and kissed me gently at first but then more aggressively—forcing his tongue deep into my mouth. At the same time he pulled my hands up over my head and pinned them down. With every action he was reinforcing his control over me—complete control. I was still pretty fuzzy from the overdose of g he had given me, so it was a lot for me to take in and process. But as he kissed me and held me down—his body heavy on top of me—I felt myself let go and give in to him. I started to kiss him back just as deeply. And I started to grind my hips up toward his cock. “That’s a good boy. You are starting to learn what you are and what you need. And daddy can give you what you need and help you become your true self. Do you understand boy?” I nodded my head slowly as he stroked by face and licked my ear. He pushed himself off of me and looked down “You are one hot fucking piece of ass, boy.” With no warning he grabbed my torso and lifted it up off the bed and over his shoulder—just as he had done with my boyfriend earlier—and started to carry me across the penthouse playroom. As he walked, he slapped my ass a few times, telling me how hot it was to fuck. “You have no idea how great that ass is. I’m not going to ever let you leave, boy. I’m just going to keep you up here fucked up getting fucked all the time. You don’t know it yet, but I’m about to change your life forever.” We finally reached wherever he was going, and he very gently set me down so that I was standing in front of him. Before I could look around he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m going to take such good care of you, boy. You have no idea how much pleasure I’m going to bring to your life. Are you ready?” I looked up into his eyes and nodded. “I want to hear you say you’re ready. Tell daddy you want to be his boy.” “Yes, daddy. I want to be your boy.” He leaned in close and cupped my chin with his hand. “Say it again, boy.” “I want to be your boy, daddy.” He started to shift his weight away from me and shake his head. “I don’t know, boy. You don’t seem like you really want it…” I threw my arms around him and buried my face in his hairy pecs, “Please, daddy, I’ll do whatever you want. Please! I need to be your boy.” I was completely overcome with terror as I thought about never being held or kissed or fucked by him again—this man who had drugged and raped me. I knew that part of it was the lingering effects of the g. But it was more than that. “I think you are ready, boy.” He walked me a few steps backward and leaned me back into a sling that was in a semiprivate alcove at the opposite end of the penthouse from the oversized bed. “This is my own little private play area—my husband can only come here when he’s invited. It’s where I like to break in my new fuck boys.” He gently lifted my legs into the sling and fastened them into cuffs and then pulled me all the way back into the sling and did the same for my right arm. The left arm he left free and pushed a rolling cart with a padded rest underneath. He stepped behind me and grabbed something from a shelf, which I realized was a blindfold as he slipped it over me eyes. “Just relax—daddy’s going to take good care of you. The only way to be my boy is to trust me completely and absolutely. There’s nothing you can do and no way to turn back now, little boy, so you need to make the choice to give yourself to me unconditionally.” I nodded as the words “Yes daddy, anything you want.” tumbled out of my mouth. “Good boy.” I could hear him doing something behind me, but my brain couldn’t make sense of what it was he could be doing. I heard and felt a chair being pulled up beside me on the side where my arm was not restrained. “Hold your arm completely still.” I felt him wipe my arm with something cold and wet—and it only then dawned on my that he was about to use a needle to inject me with something. I must have tensed up a bit because he whispered to me, “Don’t you worry boy. Daddy was a fireman for over thirty years—so he’s had extensive medical training. Just relax and learn to love being my chem boy.” As he said the last few words, let out a deep breath and tried to let go of my anxiety. I felt the smallest prick and a few seconds later I started to cough intensely and suddenly I was alive like I’ve never been before. Every nerve in my body was tingling. I started to pant and moan. And that’s when daddy slipped his hard cock back inside of me. The second he buried his thick cock all the way to the hilt I shot a load. “Fuck, yeah, boy. You like getting slammed and having daddy’s cock all the way inside you??” “YES! Please! Don’t ever stop fucking me. Please!”
    1 point
  49. He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Close to my 1st chem'd POZ fucking....... massive cock trashing my chem'd ass.. can't wait to read more of this!!!!!
    1 point
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