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  1. SPEED BREEDING: Garrett was a self-proclaimed ‘ugly old troll’ but he had a fucking killer dick. His dick was long, thicker than a beer can - I know, I measured it several times and every time I stood in awe –his dick had numerous weird bumps and humps on it like some Medieval fairy tale, and spewed unmedicated POZ cum like an Arabian Stallion. I first met Garrett about 20 years ago at my very first “Sunday Funday” at one of the local gay bars. I don’t really do the whole gay scene, but the friends I was living with after just moving to town the day before took me with them as they were regulars and it was the place to see and be seen on a Sunday afternoon after all the queens had left church. We had not been on the patio of the bar for 5 minutes before my friend tapped me on the arm and held his drink forth like a royal scepter to point at a man sitting just in the shadows of the patio roof, “See him? That one? DON’T EVER talk to him. We NEVER speak with him.” He then proceeded to give the financial review and resume summary of all the ‘DC power queens’ in attendance - those he expected me to bow to, kiss their fucking hand, and pretend like I gave a fuck about their Martha Stewart Living chintz condo. I was at the bar, trying to get drink refills for my two friends and I to no avail. I had moved further and further down the bar trying to get the bartender’s attention and was literally leaning up on the bar on my forearms practically yelling at the jerk and was about to give up when someone squeezed my right arm, “Let me,” he said. It was Garrett. I shrugged, he said one word, “THOMAS!” and the bartender could not turn and pay attention to him fast enough. I was in awe. As Thomas was busy preparing my order I gave Garrett my thanks, “It’s nothing,” he said, “Thomas shows up at my door about four nights a week after the bar closes begging for my dick and load up his ass so the boy knows what’s at stake.” I blanched a bit at his bluntness, turned to see who else might have heard, then Garrett set his hand on my arm again, “I know what your friends over there say and think about me. I know what they all say and think about me. Ask me if I give a flying fuck! Half these fucking queens are ankles up on my bed at least once during the week as I fuck the shit out of them so here’s to you!” Wow - and I instinctively glanced down at his crotch and saw a fucking GIANT bulge straining his summer whites. Garrett’s hand was back on my arm, “You trying to get fucked?” I didn’t know what to say to that either. He spoke up again, “THOMAS! Double shots - Tequila - NOW!” The bartender bobbed his head, stopped the drink he was mixing, and poured four shots of Tequila in front of us. I’m more of a beer guy, but figured what the hell. I matched Garrett shot for shot and was soon stumbling through the crowd as I followed him to a door at the back marked NO ENTRY. He turned the lock, we stepped in, “YOU’RE NEW IN TOWN RIGHT?” GARRETT ASKED, “ I KNOW I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED THAT ASS. PULL THOSE FUCKING SHORTS DOWN.” I obeyed without question, but once the pain of his raw cock ripping my hole open took the edge off the liquor I begged him to pull out and put a condom on. He just laughed, stuck a bottle under my nose and said, “Sniff this powder,” then kept fucking me. Before I knew it Garrett was rubbing my head like I was a pound puppy, “That’s some good ass boy. Just loaded you up. Here’s my number. Any time you need some good dick you just call.” The door opened and closed and I was alone. I tried to pull myself together, but felt pretty fucked up so when I left the stock room we had been in. I stumbled down the stairs, out to the curb, and caught a cab back to my friends’ place. I was together enough to call the bar from a pay phone, to have them paged, and to let them know I had come home and crashed and was not feeling well. I deflected their questions the next day and really did not think much about what had happened until I found the crumpled up paper in my pocket with the number. I called it. Garrett picked up on the second ring. There was no preamble, “Yeah I remember you. You need some more dick huh? Stop at the liquor store on your way. I need a bottle of Vodka.” Just over an hour and two shots of vodka later I was bent over in Garrett's hallway as he bred me with his massive, deformed, raw dick. With my pants still down around my ankles and his cum dripping from my hole, he led me to his bedroom pushed me onto the bed, undressed me, shoved some coke in front of my nose for me to snort, then handed me a bottle of poppers as he eased back up my cummy ass and started exploring. The coke made me high as fuck and one load was not enough. Two was not enough. Unlike my friends - and their friends - who I knew were prudes and would have had some snide comment, Garrett just smiled, patted me on the arm and said, “No worries. I know just who to call.” Less than 20 minutes later there was a horse dick sized BBC plowing my ass raw as Garrett sat quietly in the living room watching his TV. Once done, with BBC cum odor still filling the air, Garrett smiled, “Feel better? I’m sure you do. I always do after he fucks me. Yes, yes, I know I have a big dick, but as you know, sometimes there’s just nothing that feels better than a big black man fucking the hell out of you. OK. What are you doing Friday night?” I was fucked silly right then and could barely form two words, but Garrett went on, “Look. I throw a party one Friday a month at a parking garage over on P Street. It’s a sex party. Everyone thinks it’s Dean’s, which it is, but he’s the front man really. I own the garage, but that is neither here nor there.” (Not until a couple years later at the reading of his will would I come to realize yes he owned that property, which was bought by Whole Foods, as well as a majority of the club where I first met him, and a bunch of other shit in town that no one ever knew about). “The party attracts several hundred people over the course of the night, but a select bunch are invited into the VIP area. You can make some good cash if you help me. All I need is for you to offer that thick white ass to whoever wants to fuck and breed it - no questions asked. I will give you all the coke you need, it will be totally anonymous - your queenie friends and the fucking royal court will never know you are there let alone part of my Speed Breeding set up. You like? Speed Breeding? One of my guys manages it, but it’s my idea. There are two, maybe three bottoms - total cum dumps - who will have their ass up in a curtained off area. For $20, any top gets 5 minutes to fuck and cum if he can. The more cum you take, the more tips you get, the more money you make. You got a fucking hungry ass and you can still call me anytime you need some raw dick, but I’d really love to set you up for the Speed Breeding. I think you would be fucking perfect - what do you say?” HELL - I WAS DRUGGED UP, MY HOLE WAS FUCKED OUT, AND MY GUTS FILLED WITH CUM - WHAT DID HE THINK I WOULD SAY? Stay tuned for part 2. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    17 points
  2. Part 3: I watched as Hawk - the biggest meth cook in the region - walked past me towards a door that was guarded by two more men with guns. He paused, pulled an industrial apron off a wall hook, slipped it over his head, then gave me a wave and said, “KEEP THAT ASS FILLED AND WET FOR ME MR. DEA AGENT. I’LL BE BACK AS SOON AS I COMPLETE THIS COOK AND THEN YOU AND I SHALL DISCUSS OUR FUTURE.” I yanked on the chain that was looped between my wrists, attaching me to the steel column. As I watched Hawk leave - his Aryan dick making a large tent in the front of the industrial apron - I heard voices behind me and twisted my neck to see that a couple of his workers from the packing room had come out. They were standing by a metal table as they took off the masks they were wearing and leered at me with twisted smiles. One of them grabbed a mirror off the table, spilled a bunch of meth onto it, cut it in course lines with a razor, then the three of them walked my way. The largest man in the group, who looked like he could be a twin for Hawk down to the Aryan styled tatts, coated two fingers and started to roughly paint my broken hole with them. Tears filled the corners of my eyes as his buddies urged him to show me how a DEA bitch got fucked. First, he decided to tongue me and taste the mix of Hawk’s cum, popped cherry, and the new batch of meth. I let him get his tongue good and deep, then jerked, twisted, and brought up my right heel - BAM! I caught him square in the jaw! He fell back, swearing. One of the other guys stepped in to body press me against the column - BAM! I snapped my head back, caught him right on the bridge of the nose - it cracked like a chicken wing bone, blood gushed - and he let go. The third guy was much wiser and just punched me in the left kidney. My turn to drop, but the pain was worth it. My victory was short lived of course since I was still chained up and the little scuffle drew the attention of the guards and the other men from the packing room. I tried to kick, punch, and use my head and body; all to no avail as I was quickly overpowered, held down, and my ass stuffed with big meth shards. It was like the guy had on a metal cock sheath when he slammed into my ass as all the meth shards cut, scraped, and gouged my guts. All I could see was a sliver of light underneath the black boot that was stepping on the side of my face, pinning my head to the floor as the men now took turns raw dogging me. I thought back to the times I had fucked Chris rough, raw, and hard and had the briefest moment of regret. Fuck that! The little shit had sold me out. He would get his too. Maybe there was nothing I could do right now, but there was always a way. The meth began to dissolve, my blood stream boiled and roiled, and my fuck hole was flooded with more Aryan cum. All other thoughts of anything besides that exact second slipped through my fingers like a greased pig. They could take my body, use my flesh as they wanted, but there was still a part of me no matter how fucked up I got that was mine alone. “AH, LOOK AT THAT,” Hawk admired as he stood over me, the shadow of his hard dick acting like a sun dial on my torso, “I AM DISAPOINTED AGENT THAT YOU WOULD TRY SOMETHING SO STUPID. YOU ARE A SMART MAN, VERY SMART, AND THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS I HAVE CHOSEN YOU. SO, LET’S JUST CALL IT A MOMENTARY LAPSE IN JUDGMENT SHALL WE? YES? NOW BOYS, IF YOU CAN SIT HIM UP IN THE CHAIR PLEASE AND MAKE SURE THE CHAINS ARE TIGHT. I WOULD HATE TO HAVE TO END THIS DISCUSSION BEFORE IT EVEN BEGAN.” I was hauled up onto my feet, dragged off to the side and plopped down into a metal chair. Chains were wrapped around my ankles and the chair legs as my arms were pulled behind me and chained through the back of the chair. Hawk was standing right in front of me, his dick wet, slick, and forming drops of dew on the tip. I licked my lips and Hawk laughed, “OH YES AGENT. THE SEED HAD BEEN PLANTED SO TO SPEAK. I WILL CONTINUE TO TRAIN YOU IN ALL THE WAYS A GOOD AIDS PIG SHOULD PLEASE HIS BRUDER MASTER. NOW AGENT - REMEMBER I ASKED IF YOU HAD SOMETHING TO OFFER ME? I KNOW YOU HAVE THOUGHT ON THIS LONG AND HARD OF COURSE, BUT I SHALL TELL YOU ANYWAYS. I WILL SPARE YOUR LITTLE ONE, YOUR LITTLE FRIEND FOR NOW. HE HAS HIS USES FOR THE MOMENT AS I BELIEVE YOU HAVE YOUR USES AS WELL.” I snarled, sneered, and did my best to heave a wad of spit at him, but all that happened was a large dribble running down my chin and onto my chest. Hawk laughed. “AGENT, AGENT, AGENT. I LIKE THAT FIRE. THAT SPUNK. BUT LET ME WARN YOU. DO SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT AGAIN AND YOU WILL PAY DEARLY. NOT DIRECTLY OF COURSE. LET ME RECALL. I BELIEVE YOUR FATHER IS ENJOYING HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE DEA AND PLAYS GOLF EVERY TUESDAY MORNING? YOUR MOTHER MEETS HER FRIENDS FOR CARDS ON THURSDAY NIGHTS? IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO THEM BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDITY WOULD IT NOT?” Hawk then bent down and grabbed my chin hard with his right hand and squeezed as he looked me in the eye, “YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AGENT. MY MEN WATCH THEM. THEY WATCH YOU. I HAVE PEOPLE INSIDE YOUR LIFE, YOUR WORK, YOUR WORLD YOU CANNOT IMAGINE. YOU TRY ANYTHING - ANYTHING AT FUCKING ALL BESIDES WHAT I TELL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY PAYS THE PRICE - AS WILL YOU AND EVERYONE YOU FUCKING KNOW. HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR? I CANNOT HEAR YOU - ANSWER ME - HAVE I? GOOD AGENT. GOOD. NOW TO THE BUSINESS AT HAND. Hawk laid out his initial demands for me. This would be a test of my ability to do what he needed, when he said, and of keeping my mouth shut. He warned me again of what would happen if I thought of trying to report this shakedown or what he was asking me to do and I agreed I would do what he said. Inside I still knew I was going to kill the mother fucker some day. Just not today. Once he was assured of my compliancy I was dragged to another room, Hawk wound a length of chain around my neck and pulled tight as he mounted me again like some filthy barnyard animal. The meth high was still going, but the pain was sharp, and his words stung as deep as his dick did. He told me over and over what a fag whore I was, how he was going to kill me one way or the other from his AIDs, and that I might as well embrace my new life and embrace being a POZ cum dump for him and his crew and that who knew - if I played my cards right I could move up in his organization. Oh I would move up all right, higher than he would imagine only so I could tear the whole fucking thing down! Before Hawk left the room he handed me a plastic bottle full of golden brown liquid. It was warm and he said, “I TOLD YOU I WOULD FILL YOU WITH MY PISS. NOW DRINK UP AGENT. I CAN’T HAVE YOU GETTING THE SHAKES AT MORNING ROLL CALL. THIS WILL GET YOU THROUGH THE FIRST COUPLE OF HOURS AS A BOTTLE OF MY CHEM PISS IS LIKE A FEW GOOD LINES OF MY COOK. BUT, IF YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ARE BEHAVING, THERE WILL BE SOMETHING ELSE LEFT IN YOUR LOCKER.” I gagged, sputtered, and fought to keep from puking it all back up as Hawk videoed me with his phone. I licked my lips; he smiled, and left the room. With Hawk’s Aryan cum leaking out of my ass and his warm piss filling my stomach I was left alone. The door opened, Chris walked in, looked at me, looked away, mumbled, “I’m sorry dude….I…” then looked at me again as tears cascaded down his cheeks. He stepped closer, pleading like the traitorous bitch that he was. I wanted nothing more right then than to kick the living shit out of him. To ask him why, to tell him he could have come to me, to remind him of how I was the only one who had ever been there for him, to say to him that I loved….No. Too late. I would use Chris too when the time came. Hawk was right. Chris had his uses and he would pay - they would all pay - but for now I just smiled and said, “It’s OK buddy. I get it. I do. As long as hey don’t hurt you I will do anything.” Fucking little shit hole! My clothes were brought in, I was uncuffed, unchained, and followed a big, masked guard back out through a maze of halls. We came to a locked door with a digital keypad and I tried to focus on the numbers he punched, but my mind would not cooperate. The morning air felt heavy, oppressive, the world had changed. My hand shook as I inserted the key into my car and was amazed I made it home without wrecking. I was wired, but had to focus. Roll call was in 2 hours. I quickly showered, downed some coffee, ate some toast even though I was not hungry, and poured about a half a bottle of Visine in my eyes. I got to my desk at 7:50, logged in, hunched over to try to make myself look small and punched in Hawk’s first request. He wanted me to pull the latest intel that the DEA had on one of his competitors - safe houses, likely meth lab locations, dealer names, everything. I hit PRINT, walked overly fast to the business center and hovered over the printer as page after page of DEA intel spit out. I was tapping my fingers on the edge of the printer like a drummer in a metal band. FUCK! Once the final page cleared the paper tray, I scooped them up, looked around, rolled them into a small tube and stuffed them in the back of my pants under my windbreaker. I hustled to my locker, avoiding a few of the chatty folks on the way, hid the papers inside a pile of dirty cloths at the bottom, slammed the door, and was the next to the last person in the briefing room for roll call. I was the first out the door once the briefing was over and went right back to my locker. I flung the door open and it banged. I eased it semi-closed and there taped to the top shelf was a small brown envelope stamped with an Aryan eagle symbol. I opened the tab and inside was a plastic bag stuffed with meth. Shit! Someone not only brought drugs in, they had the key to my locker. I stuffed the baggie in my pocket and went to the handicap restroom. I tried to figure out how to crush and snort the shards and realized I was not at all prepared for this shit. I thought about stomping on it then just said fuck it, licked my finger, and started jamming them up my ass. The first few hurt like hell, but I figured this was the best way to be rid of any evidence and I knew from the night before it would work. The last thing I needed was falling out in the middle of the DEA from crashing off a meth high. My mind and body were racing as I sat back at my desk. Fuck if I was going to pull this off I had to learn how to manage this shit. I was lost in thought, tapping my desk with a pen living in my drummer dream when one of my co-workers stopped, “You OK man? You look wired? Is everything alright?” I stammered, “Yeah, yeah, thanks, just a buddy of mine. He’s um going through a rough breakup, late night, WAY too much fucking coffee this morning.” In sympathy my co-worker raised his coffee cup in salute and kept on going. Jesus. Time for the hard part. I slipped my DEA windbreaker back on, grabbed the papers from my locker, and took the stairs down three floors to the basement to the Evidence Locker. You might think that in today’s world, evidence we collect is all locked up, catalogued, tracked, and safe and sound. The reality is that pretty much anyone in the building can fucking walk into the evidence room, that there are boxes of drugs, money, guns and other shit that have been set on a bunch of old shelves and forgotten about for years, and that our ‘catalogue’ system is still a manual process of forms, triplicate forms, and more forms, which are then stacked in a box and collected once every couple of weeks before they are mailed - yes mailed - off to a regional office where they get entered into a computer system. That creates a window and while once in a blue moon you would hear a rumor about something going missing, generally it was just misplaced. Yet, Hawk knew all this and more and my next task was very specific. I glanced down the hall and paused to listen over the thumping cadence of my heartbeat. I didn’t have to worry about cameras down here. Budget cuts and IT cluster fuck and all so none of them worked. Now that I was actually doing this I wondered why more shit didn’t go missing? Fuck. I hustled over to the counter where the box of intake forms was and fingered through the pile. I found the one Hawk had told me to get, ran around the corner to a shelf and started scanning for the evidence with the correlating number, no..no...no..no..there is - fuck someone is coming! I eased back into the aisle and quickly stuffed the slip in my pants pocket. Two of my fellow agents were laughing, chatting, and taking their sweet old time. One was dropping something off and mentioned, he would come back later after lunch to box the shit. I peeked around the shelf. Coast was clear. Back to the box. I opened the lid, reached inside and pulled out the plastic evidence bag. It contained several dozen bags of meth all stamped with the Aryan eagle symbol and a small caliber handgun. I unbuttoned my shirt, put the bag of evidence next to my chest, buttoned back up, zipped my coat and put the lid back on the box. I started to step away, then paused, looked at the label on the end of the box, stepped back, and using my fingernail teased the label corner up and SLOWLY peeled the label off. There. No ticket. No label. Just an empty box. Back upstairs I headed towards the back door and almost made it when Paulie grabbed my arm, “Where you going in such a rush man? Got that BIG BREAK? HA! You crack me up. Just like your old man. But seriously. Me and Patty are planning a barbecue on Sunday and….what... yeah sure, will email you the info. AND HEY - ASK YOUR MOM TO MAKE SOME OF THAT MACARONI SALAD OF HERS. YOU CAN’T COOK FOR SHIT BUT HER STUFF IS GOOD. SEE YOU SUNDAY!” Fuck. Luckily I had my shades on and Paulie was not the brightest crayon in the box so I got lucky. I knew now though luck would not get me through this. I had to get smarter, but right now I had to get to my place. I pulled into the space behind my building, took the back steps two at a time, tossed my shades onto the kitchen counter, locked the door, and slumped against the wall. Fuck Christ I did it. I actually did it. I stole from the DEA. “CONGRATULATIONS AGENT,” Hawk said as he filled the doorway between my kitchen and living room. He stepped in followed by two masked men both holding guns. “I SEE YOU DIDN’T GET YOURSELF SHOT OR CAUGHT. THAT’S ALWAYS A GOOD THING, BUT YOU DO NEED TO WORK ON YOUR NERVOUSNESS. IF ANYONE AT YOUR OFFICE WAS ACTUALLY COMPETENT THEY MIGHT HAVE NOTICED. NOW, I BELIEVE YOU HAVE SOMETHING FOR ME?” My mind raced - fuck he had people watching me at the office? He said he did but I figured that was bullshit. Guess better to learn it for sure now and not later. I unzipped my jacket, pulled out the roll of papers, unbuttoned my shirt and hefted out the evidence bag and set it on the counter. Hawk walked over, inspected the bag and smiled when I handed him the evidence form with the box label stuck to the back of it. Hawk opened the bag, dumped a baggy onto the counter, grabbed a spoon out of a drawer, crushed it up, then sorted it into lines. He pulled a bill out of his pocket, handed it to me and said, “SNORT UP AGENT. YOU WILL FIND THAT SNORTING IT PROVIDES A - SHALL WE SAY DIFFERENT RUSH - THAN STICKING IT UP YOUR ASS. GO ON NOW. MY TURN. AH FUCK YES THAT’S GOOD. VERY GOOD. THIS WAS A TEST BATCH OF A NEW STRAIN OF COOK FOR A SPECIAL CLIENT. I REALLY HATED TO SEE IT LOST BECAUSE SOME DUMB JUNKIE WAS TOO STUPID NOT TO GET CAUGHT. SO HARD TO FIND GOOD HELP THESE DAYS. NOW AGENT, IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO GET OUT OF THOSE CLOTHES. I NEED SOME MORE OF THAT ASS AND YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED OF YOUR ROLE - WHICH IS TO BE MY CUM DUMP - ME AND MY GUY’S THAT IS. THEY MISSED OUT ON THE FUN LAST NIGHT SO I TOLD THEM THEY COULD EACH FUCK YOU TODAY. THEY WILL HELP ME TEACH YOU WELL HOW TO SERVE YOUR ARYAN MASTERS AS WE FILL YOU WITH RAW DICK AND POZ CUM.” I gritted my teeth as Hawk’s dick punctured my rectum and a moan escaped my lips. Fucking drugs! I had to focus. He clearly liked knowing he was inflicting pain. Fine. I would let him think I was suffering as much as he wanted while I still figured out a way to kill the prick. Until then, it was time to take one of the pieces off the board. I just so happened to know a dumb junkie and having him removed from the equation would ease some of the pressure on me. The challenge now was how to get Chris arrested by the local police and locked up for more than a few days without the DEA becoming involved or without it being traced back to me. Hawk grunted as he deposited his cum in my ass and when he did, the seeds of a plan took root. STAY TUNED FOR PART 4 (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    9 points
  3. A/N : Hey, guys. I know it's been a while, but life has a way of taking over. I was pretty busy lately, but I found some time to write you another chapter. This one got long, so I'm posting only half first. I really appreciate all your feedback, keep your comments coming, pull your cocks out and enjoy reading ! ——————————————————————————————————— My whole body felt warm and pliable, the way it does after a good hard fuck, and my mind was still pleasantly buzzed. I felt so high, higher than if I'd actually smoked pot. How could one man experience such sweet ecstasy just from sex, I wondered? I felt Brandon's heavy form land on top of me, smooth and sweaty, smelling so heavenly. "Fuck, son," I exhaled, catching my breath as I reveled in the feel of his warm sperm inside me. I tightened my hole, trying to keep his precious load in me as I fought the guilt threatening to invade me again. I felt too good to care, with Brandon in my arms, begging me to hold him tight. "You're amazing, Daddy," Brandon said, his hands caressing my chest, his face buried in the crook of my neck, his legs tangled in mine. "I love you." "I love you, too, son," I replied, shortly before I succumbed to sleep. ----------- Bright daylight woke me up, and I found that I wasn't in my room, but in Brandon's. I was thankfully alone, with Brandon nowhere to be seen. I realized that Brandon had at least had the decency to put some underwear on me—and I ignored the imagery my filthy mind conjured. I got out of his bed, fully alert as many thoughts rushed to my mind. If it was already morning, it meant Kate was probably home already, and I’d have to go to work soon. Fuck. "Relax, Dad, Mom's passed out on your bed," Brandon's voice startled me, almost giving me a hard attack. I spun around to see him leaning back against his bedroom door, closing it and locking it behind him. My heart started racing as I watched my son take his tank top off, followed by his boxers, leaving him fully naked. He was insane, I thought, but I couldn't bring myself to look away, my cock already achingly hard against the fabric of my own boxers. Was he really crazy enough to try anything while his own mother was sleeping in the room down the corridor? "Brandon, what are you doing?" I asked carefully, fighting my lustful thoughts. What happened last night was a drunken mistake—admittedly, a scorching hot one, but a mistake still. I was overwhelmed with guilt once again, and I was getting tired of feeling so shitty. I wanted Brandon, but I didn't want to be such a depraved human being, who enjoyed having sex with his son so much he couldn't stop thinking about anything else. What had I become? "I'm here to get my morning dose of protein," he answered with a shit-eating grin, going as far as licking his lips slowly. It shouldn't have been as hot as it looked. I went for the door, but Brandon stopped me, tackling me instead against the door. He wrapped his arms around my torso and buried his nose in my neck, breathing in slow and deep. "Fuck, you smell so good, Daddy," Brandon whispered, his hands roaming all over my back before settling on my ass cheeks. My cock twitched and met Brandon's, both our cocks happily rubbing together, and Brandon started thrusting his hips against mine. I was paralyzed by my own desire, and couldn't stop the moans that escaped my mouth. "Careful, Daddy, we wouldn't want Mom to hear us, now, would we?" Brandon said, and then captured my mouth before I could respond. His tongue assaulted mine, and I was putty in his hand. We humped each other like two horny teenagers, my larger body pressed against Brandon’s bedroom door while our cocks grinded together, my briefs long gone down my legs. I had no excuse, this time, for giving in my incestuous desires again, and so easily, but how was I supposed to resist Brandon? Especially when he looked like an Adonis, body and face sculpted like that of a God. Brandon didn’t even give me time to process things, he just forced his way and seized my urges, bringing them to the forefront until they were the only thing that mattered in my head. “Tell me when you’re close, I don’t want to waste a single drop of your cum, Daddy,” Brandon muttered in my ear, his hand cupping the back of my head as I kissed his neck. “I’m cumming,” I said, and that’s when Brandon dropped to his knees, swallowing my cock to its base, and I lost it. I came so hard, unloading so much seed I was impressed to see Brandon trying to hold it all in his mouth. I looked down on Brandon, admiring his gorgeous face, his plush lips smeared with my paternal cum as he came as well, hand cupped below his cock to retrieve his own load. He opened his mouth, showing me a pool of my thick and creamy cum, his tongue sticking out. Fuck, it was so hot, watching him play with my load like that. Brandon was a cum pig, and fuck did I love him more for that. He swallowed once, but kept some of my cum in his mouth before he rose and kissed me. “Here’s your breakfast, Daddy,” he said, giving me his hand. I slurped his cum, my taste buds happy to come in contact with Brandon’s sweet sperm. I took all I could before I grabbed his hand and proceeded to lick it clean, swallowing each and every one of his fingers as we held eye contact the whole time. He watched me with such fire and hunger it was almost enough to make me come a second time. “Has anyone told you you’re hottest man on earth, Daddy?” Brandon said, to which I shook my head no. We swapped cum between our tongues, and it turned me on even more, the salty and bitter taste of my load so potent from in Brandon’s breath. I loved the thought of him smelling like my cum, like a paternal brand for everyone to smell. “Mmhh, think I swallowed a brother or two in there, Daddy,” Brandon said with a smirk, making a show of swallowing in front of me, and it was all I could do to refrain myself from taking him right then and there, plunging my cock in his sweet hole. “Fuck, baby boy,” I groaned, taking his lips again, kissing him sloppily. “Such a cumpig, aren’t you?” “Your little pig, Daddy,” Brandon said in between kisses. “You never gave me a brother, so I’m the only son you get to play with.” Fuck, Brandon’s mind was even more perverted than I thought. Again, I wondered how I had gone from a respectable father with a perfect son, to a father who hungrily fucked said perfect son. How could I stop now? I still felt bad, and a voice in my head still raged that I’d let this happen again, that I’d let the animal in me takeover. “Let’s hit the shower, you’re going to be late for work,” Brandon said, and I looked at the time. I had a half hour before I indeed had to leave for work. I told myself I’d take advantage of work to clear my head, away from Brandon. I insisted on taking a shower alone, back in my own bathroom, and was relieved to see my wife fast asleep on our bed. My heart clenched in my chest at the sight of her, asleep and unaware of what was going on between our son and I. I prepared as fast as I could, brushing my teeth to mask Brandon’s cum from my breath—it just wouldn’t do at work. I dropped a kiss on Kate’s forehead, her peaceful face fueling my guilt. Brandon saw me off, in nothing but his underwear, giving me one last kiss that I tried to resist at the door before I took off. My head was a mess. I didn’t know what to do, and even the 20-minute drive to my office wasn’t helping. No affair could stay secret forever, I was certain of that. I didn’t want to keep cheating on Kate. It wasn’t fair to her, and she deserved better than a cheating husband. Better than a cheating, incestuous husband. How was I going to get myself out of this? I would never be able to go back to the way things were before. Brandon had made me get a taste of heaven—or hell, which fits better­—and I fucking loved it, much as it pained for me to admit it. My co-workers were a nice distraction, and the workload today was light enough that I could allow myself to drift off in my thoughts. I had to end things with Brandon. I had to. We couldn’t go on like this anymore—we should not. He was still so young, he had a whole future ahead of him, I repeated to myself. I was still wracking my head about how to handle things when a knock on my office door brought me out of my thoughts. “Hey, Dad,” Brandon greeted me with a gorgeous smile, a paper bag in hand. “I brought you lunch.” “Thanks, son,” I said, nervous to see him here, not quite ready to face him so soon. Damn it, and to think I’d fucked my son just a few hours earlier. He looked so hot, wearing a superman t-shirt so tight I could see his nipples perking up. He came over and sat opposite me, pulling out a couple of sandwiches and salads. I was weary of this impromptu visit, considering his mother was home and he could very well spend time with her. Guys his age didn’t drop by their father’s place to have lunch. To my surprise, nothing happened. We just ate, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was nice, to be able to spend time with my son, doing normal things fathers and sons do. I still didn’t know how to break it to Brandon, how to make him understand for good that we had to stop having sex. The way I handled things yesterday didn’t work, as last night and this morning’s events can attest. I excused myself to go take a piss, needing a moment away from Brandon to think. I entered the men’s restroom, and relieved myself, knowing well that I wasn’t going to find a solution here. I just needed to take a break from my son, from fighting my perverted desires. As I unlocked the door to get out, it opened and I was pushed further inside, eyes wide when I saw Brandon making his way in. He locked the door back behind him, trapping us in the restroom. There’s only one individual restroom on my office floor, which is large considering it only accommodates one person, and has a sink and a toilet, but trapped I still was, alone in this confined space with Brandon. “Brandon—” I was cut off by my son’s lips crushing mine, his body pushing me up against the wall beside the sink. His hands were quick and efficient at unbuttoning my shirt, leaving my tie on, before moving on to my pants which were quickly drooped to my ankles. “Brandon, stop,” I said, freeing my mouth from his, only to have my son’s mouth latching on to my neck. Fuck, he was going to leave marks, I thought. I tried to push at this strong shoulders, but my hard cock once again took control of my actions when Brandon seized it in his hand, giving it long and slow strokes. “Do you know how hot you look, like this, with your shirt open?” Brandon said, smirking as he pulled his phone up and started recording. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot, Daddy.” “Brandon, you’re insane, stop this,” I said, and pushed him away from me, bending to pull my pants up. Brandon took me by surprise as I was bending, turning me around with my ass up. I almost lost my balance, and had to lean on the sink for support, leaving me vulnerable. Before I knew it, Brandon was shoving his fingers in my hole, pulling a moan out of me. “Fuck, Brandon,” I grunted, and heard him squeezing lube onto his fingers, easing their entry into me. He was teasing my prostate just right, and my cock was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum, which astounded me. I had cum so much in the past 24 hours, I was surprised that my body could keep up. “Like that, Daddy? You like having your son fingering your hole?” Brandon said, and I turned around to face him, exposing my face to his phone camera. Fuck, fuck, fuck. My perverted self actually loved being filmed. It was just fucking perfect. Not only was I a cheater, a cum whore, an incest perpetrator, but I was also an exhibitionist. “Fuuuuck,” I moaned as Brandon added more fingers inside me. I kept my eyes locked on his, and I was panting like a dog in heat. What a sight I must have been right there. “You look so good, begging for me like this, Daddy,” Brandon said as he bent over, holding his phone to the side to capture our kiss. “But know this, you never have to beg with me, Daddy. I’ll always give you my raw cock.” Brandon entered me easily and slowly, and all thoughts left me. All that was left was this moment, my son and his perfect cock inside me, in this restroom at my workplace, where anyone could try to come in—especially considering it was the only men’s restroom for the entire floor. One ear to the door would give away what was going on. The risk of getting caught added such a thrill to this already outrageous and forbidden sex encounter. “God, you feel so good, so tight, Daddy.” “Fuck me, son, yeah, fuck your Daddy’s hole,” I said, moaning even more when I felt Brandon playing with my tit, alternating between kneading my pec and twisting my nub. “Yeah? You like getting fucked by your own son?” “Fuck yeah, fuck me, son,” I grunted, completely lost in the moment, entranced by Brandon’s filthy voice. I was just baffled by how easily he’d learned how to control me, how to get past any defense before I could even pull them up now. He just went right in there and got me so horned up I had no choice but to do anything in order to get off. He had me literally by the balls. “I love you, Daddy, love your raw hairy hole,” he said, giving my ass a slap. I held onto the sink as he pounded me, watching our reflections in the mirror, seeing Brandon’s phone directed at it. This was it, I thought. I had reached rock bottom as far as depravity went. My son was fucking me at work, in the restroom, and he was filming the whole thing. And I was loving it. “Hold on, I have a better idea,” Brandon said as he pulled out of me, leaving my hole feeling empty. He zipped himself back up and pocketed his phone, looking impeccable as he came over and helped button my shirt. My heartbeat was resonating in my ears, and I let my son do all the work trying to make me look presentable. He treated me with so much care, it almost made me tear up. He was still every bit the kind boy I had raised, but somewhere along the way, he had also developed a dirty side. He went to unlock the door once he was done, and that’s when my brain decided to come back online. “Wait, we can’t leave together,” I said. “Come on, Dad, who’s going to suspect anything? We just came by to wash our hands after our lunch,” Brandon said, shocking me into silence by his devious mind. It was a good thing that most of my colleagues had deserted the place for their lunch break, I realized as we made our way back to my office. No one would know what had just happened between my son and I. “Brandon, I think it’s best you go,” I said once we stepped in my office and I had time to cool down, with as convincing a tone as I could muster up, which was hard when my own erection betrayed me. He looked at the clock on the wall, and looked pensive. “Right, your lunch break’s almost over,” Brandon said. “So we’ll have to be quick.” “No, we have to stop this, Brandon, it’s getting out of control—” “Are you really going down that road again? I thought we’d been over this yesterday,” Brandon said as he approached me, trying to corrupt my thoughts before I could protest. I saw him coming this time though, and pushed him back. “And clearly, we need to go over it again,” I said, finally finding the courage and sanity to do this. “I can’t do this anymore, Brandon. This isn’t what a father and his son should be doing, damn it.” I scrubbed my face with a hand, loosening the knot of my tie to breathe properly. It was harder than anything I had done in the past, resisting the urge to just say fuck it and give into my son just like I’d done before. It would be so easy too, he was right there, ready to fuck me into oblivion with not a care in the world. How could he be so carefree about this whole thing? “You weren’t complaining just a few seconds ago when I had my cock up your ass,” Brandon retorted, taking his phone out again and stepping closer to me, to show me the footage he’d recorded just mere moments ago. I watched, mesmerized, what Brandon had captured. “Do you know how hot you look, like this, with your shirt open?” Brandon’s voice came through his phone speakers, the sight of my taut belly on his screen, sweeping up my exposed chest with my tie thrown to the side, until it rested on my flushed face. I looked dazed in the video, pupils dilated and eyes filled with lust. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot, Daddy.” He skipped to the part where he filmed his raw cock entering my hole, my muscled ass on full display, until I saw both our reflections in the bathroom mirror, with me panting while Brandon pounded my ass. He held the phone with one hand, the other pulling his Superman tee shirt up to show his sculpted abs and big pecs as he fucked me. I could still feel his big cock inside me, my hole yearned to be filled again, and my cock was tenting my pants again. Part of me was appalled by what I was seeing, visual proof of our incest, which hit me hard. Another part of me, the part that had recently grown into this monster taking over me, was turned on beyond belief. I was scared shitless, realizing how my psyche had split into two waging selves. “Is this working you up as much as it is me, Daddy?” Brandon whispered in my ear, his hand fiddling with the buttons of my shirt. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths, as I tried to think of something to say, but focus didn’t come easy with my moans and the sound of Brandon’s balls slapping my ass coming from his phone, combined with Brandon groping my chest and licking my neck. Loud knocks interrupted us then, prompting me to shake my head and take the phone from him, stepping away. I proceeded to delete the video, not taking any chances. I could not let anyone see it, both of our faces were clearly visible. Brandon snatched his phone back, but not before I succeeded to delete the video. “Come in,” I called, ignoring Brandon’s glare, hoping my face didn’t betray anything. “Hey, Nate, ready for the meeting?” Henry, one of my oldest colleagues and friend, asked as he opened the door. It was already 2 pm, and I was thankful for Henry’s perfect timing, stopping Brandon before things could spiral out of control. “Is that your son? Wow, almost didn’t recognize you.” “Hi, Mr. Benton,” Brandon said, shaking Henry’s hand. “I was just having lunch with my old man.” “Which we just finished,” I added quickly, glad for the excuse to part ways with Brandon. “Thanks for lunch, son,” I said, leading Brandon out of my office with a pressing hand on his back. “I’ll see you later.” “Sure, Dad,” Brandon replied, giving me a sweet smile as he squeezed my ass, forcing me to swallow a yelp. Thankfully, Henry was none the wiser. “Have a good afternoon.” I heaved a sigh of relief on our way to the meeting room, half listening to Henry talking about our current project. I needed help dealing with Brandon, but didn’t know where to even begin. I couldn’t talk about this with just anyone. I pushed thoughts of my son to the back of my mind, and focused on work for the rest of the day.
    6 points
  4. Ever since I started cheating on my boyfriend a year ago, I haven't been able to stop. The first time I did it was in the basement of a building a few blocks away with some guy I met on A4A. I was nervous as hell, knowing that this was something that I could never undo. I was a bit disappointed when I saw him, because he wasn't as hot as his picture. But when he pushed me onto my knees and pushed his 8 inch cock into my mouth and called me a little "faggot boy," I knew that this was what I had to do. Then he turned me around and fucked me, coming in about a minute. It was both exhilarating and dissatisfying; the itch, scratched, was stronger than ever. I promised myself I wouldn't do it again. At least, if I did it again, I would still use a condom. But the lure was too strong. I needed to do something dirty, to get fucked in the dirtiest, most anonymous way possible, with a stranger whose business with me was entirely sex. A few nights ago, I got a message from a guy that I'd fucked with once, several years ago, before my boyfriend and I got serious. My boyfriend wasn't in town, and the guy asked me if I wanted to hang out. I remembered how this guy had fucked me for an hour doggy style, his hot 7 inch cock punishing my ass. So I said yes. Because I had work, I only got to his place at midnight. We started off drinking some beer and watching some television show, sitting about a foot apart on the couch. Then he moved closer and put his arm around me. I knew I could stop him by acting cold, but I didn't even feel a shred of ambivalence: this was what I wanted, to get fucked tonight. Soon he was massaging my nipple through my shirt. Soon our shirts were off and we were kissing on the couch. A few minutes later, we moved to the bedroom. I sucked him a bit, and he returned the favor, but it was pretty clear - both from the moves we were making and the memory of our last encounter - just what he and I wanted: fucking. He asked me what position I wanted, and since I'm a bit intimidated by his cock, I asked if I could ride him. He said okay. So he lubed up, slipped on a condom, and I put his cock at the lips of my asshole. Now this guy had one of those penises that, when hard, were so hard you could feel every ridge and vein up and down his shaft. When his cockhead popped past my ring, I could feel the ridge of his manhood jutting against the edge of my flesh. I sank down him with a groan, and he slowly began to fuck me. I had expect it to hurt, but it didn't, not at all. Usually I try to keep the moans to myself, but within a few seconds, after I'd just fucked myself up and down maybe twice, I'd felt the head pressing hard against my prostate, and I started sounding like a bitch in heat. I guess he knew exactly what that entailed, because he sat up and, without pulling out, lowered me onto my back. There's a world of difference between the fuck that happens when the bottom is in control, lowering himself or raising himself as he wishes, and when the top has taken over and is using that ass for his own pleasure. The first few strokes made my mouth drop out in pain. But then I felt my inner ring unfurl. Those veins were rubbing my asswalls like nothing else. I moaned and moaned, and he soon he was fucking me with a storm of thrusts. And this guy knew exactly how to play a bottom boy's ass. He alternated rabbit-hard thrusts with long, slow all-the-way-in, all-the-way-out strokes. At times he fucked me only with his cockhead, making sure my assring was stretching over the crown of his weapon. At times he would kiss me while humping into my ass, and at other times he would sit back - and I would see those hard pecs, the muscled abs - and watch his cock stroke in and out of my boy hole. I got more and more into it, moaning and groaning, pulling my legs back with my arms to give him deeper and deeper access, or linking my calves behind his waist, feeling his body between my legs. Then, after fucking me for an hour, he pulled out. I asked him why, and he said he couldn't cum with a condom on. "Can you cum without one?" "Yeah," he said. "Want to give it a try?" He gave me a small smile then, and pulled the condom off his cock. In that moment, as he slid his thick, hot cock back into me, I felt more like a whore than I ever had in my life. I didn't take him long to cum. He worked himself up into a storm of thrusts. At one point, the sensation was so incredible that I couldn't make a single sound. That was when I looked down at my cock and realized that my ass was clenching at his penis uncontrollably: I was having an anal orgasm. And when he unloaded in me, I could feel every pulse of cum breeding me with his seed. We showered, and then I left. We didn't mention my boyfriend before I went. "Take care," he said, but I think he knew just as well as I knew, that there was no way I was going to abstain from his cock in the future.
    5 points
  5. Just wrapping up an incredible sexual encounter. I had begun talking to a guy on Bbrt. Although an older guy, he was a porn star. We texted and arranged to meet up. So he shows up, and of course looks nothing like his pictures. He was about 20 years older than the photographs, and his body shape was also very different. He gets me to set up a pipe and make him really high. He suggests that I call him 'Dad', and that I slam. I flew into the stratosphere, and I asked him about his HIV status. Him: "Positive" Me: "Detectable? " Him: "Viral" Me: "How Viral?" Him: "Very." Me: "Then breed me with your charged up loads!" Over the course of the next few hours, he breeds me twice, stealth booty bumps me with his blood, gets me to slam again, and makes me cum harder than I ever have in my life. After he left I just laid on my bed in post-ejaculatory bliss.
    5 points
  6. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 6) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** I slapped Davis hard to calm him down. “Shut up and stop squirming around” I told my mate to hand me the tooth brush and held it closely to Davis’ face. He watched hypnotized at the instrument, which should make him bleed and give all the others the comfort of raping him. It was an old and used brush. Another guest forgot it probably in the bath room, or just didn’t want to take the tooth brush with him anymore, since it looked quite shabby. I touched Davis face with the brush. It didn’t hurt him, but still he tried to avoid contact. I drew a line over his cheek and smiled at him. “What do you think? We will use this to rip your cunt open” “Will it hurt me very much?” he was obviously frightened. “I won’t lie to you… it is pretty painful, but this way we can enjoy your wet cunt much more later on, do you get it?” I asked him calmly. “It is necessary for you to get the full impact of our cum into your system” I explained to him. “Believe me, once we’ve finished with you, you will drool for every cock in town to give you another shot of charged up cum and with your looks you will be prime meat…. and we give you enough experience to know your future role as a faggot cum dump for dirty loads…..” I spoke to him soothingly. “So…. we will push you down now and I want you to relax your sphincter. We want to enjoy this moment, so don’t trash around or scream out loud…. you don’t want to make me angry again… do you? I asked him sternly. Davis looked around in panic. “Of course…. if you would use the tooth brush on yourself….” I thought out loudly. “You know your body best. If you put up a good show for us, we might not even fuck your hole” I continued my thinking talking more or less to me. I saw a gleam of hope in the boys’ eyes. “Are you nuts?” one of the guys complained. “I want to drench his cunt with my lethal injection” he laughed out loudly. I turned around and winked to my companions, then turned back to the lad again. “Believe me. If you use this tooth brush and fuck yourself with it for a while, we will shoot our loads without even touching you.” I smiled. “You must be good though. Just entering with the tip and then hoping for good is not enough. We will instruct you probably, while you are having fun with yourself, but I promise we won’t interact in any other way” “And you won’t rape me after all? You promise?” Davis asked cutely. “If all of us shoot a load within an hour into your mouth, you will be free to go….. I promise” I vowed. I held the tooth brush still in front of Davis’ eyes. His hand raised up slowly and with a promising wink he accepted the torture instrument. The guys moved closer to the bed stroking their cocks slowly. The video-cam was stationed on the tripod again. We pulled the tripod a bit to the side, so that the bed was in good view. One of the guys stood behind the cam to zoom in from time to time. Davis was still looking at us with fear in his eyes. He tried to sit up and while staring at us the brush vanished under his body eventually. “This way you won’t be successful in avoiding your rape and the time is ticking” someone advised him. “We could shackle his feet to the bedpost” a buddy suggested. “This way he would be on his back, with his legs spread widely and chained up to those posts.” “No! I don’t want to be tied up!” the youth exclaimed at once. “Listen…. just comply. I am a man to my word. Make love with this tooth brush and accept our loads in your mouth, then you won’t be harmed any further.” I tried to convince the lad. “Get on your back now…“ I continued. He looked me into my eyes and slowly moved into a horizontal position. “Get the handcuffs” I hissed. While we helped him to pull up his legs, we tied him up finally. We were able to see his ass crack slightly open for us. “Now try to find the hot spot – use your other hand to spread your ass cheeks. We need to see what’s going on in order to cum…. just trying to help you lad.” I encouraged him. Davis moved his left hand to get a good grip of one ass cheek. While he pulled it away, we could see his asshole finally. “Good boy…. now use the brush and slowly enter your hole with it…. Don’t pull back…. never pull back until I tell you…..” He sobbed silently while pushing the tip of the tooth brush into his body. He stopped suddenly. I promised him, we wouldn’t interfere but I saw the danger in him pulling out immediately. So I rested my hand calmly on his hand and told him in a comforting voice not to pull out now, but to keep the pressure and push deeper into his cunt. He nodded understandingly and while he pushed the brush deeper into his asshole, I withdrew my helping hand and continued stroking my hard dick. All the guys were slowly jacking off, while they heard the youth whimper and watched him cooperate to our advices. “This is so fucking beautiful” I whispered. “Good job boy, just a little bit deeper… stop now” I ordered him. “How do you feel?” I asked the heavy breathing lad. “I’m scared…” Davis lamented. “No need to baby…. now listen to me…… look onto my eyes cutie… look at me…. Keep the eye contact… now…. *moaned* Yank the tooth brush out of your fuck hole you son of a bitch…. yank it out!” I shouted out loud. Davis pulled the tooth brush out of his arse in one fast motion and immediately started screaming on top of his lungs. “Aiieeeeeee… AAAIIIIEEEEEE … *sobbed*” Two guys covered the youth’s mouth to mute his alarming sounds. Davis trashed around, but since he was not able to move his legs, he had no choice but to scream about the horrible pain he just endured. He dropped the tooth brush next to his ass but I picked it up for him. Two other pals on both sides used the situation already and grabbed both hands of the cub and made him stroke their dicks, which he actually did. That was so hot. In the moment of his biggest pain he still functioned as the goddamn faggot he was. I let the guys fool around a bit, but after the first wave of pain faded away, I handed Davis the tooth brush back and praised the lads guts, to fuck himself with this device. “That was a great beginning, but if you want us to cum into your mouth, you better continue to fuck yourself with this!” I exclaimed. I helped Davis, who didn’t seem to be so brave anymore, and led his hand back to his hole. We wanted to see blood sipping out of his ass cunt profusely. The pub tried to find some sympathy in our eyes. That was the only thing he could see – the slits in our masks revealed how much we enjoyed this despair and pain. “Push now!” I demanded and with a cry of help he entered his tiny hole a second time, knowing it wouldn’t be the last…
    4 points
  7. I discovered a sauna in a run-down part of town in walking distance from my office. The reviews said it was a bit sleazy and was a sauna for “men not twinks” which I found intriguing. So I headed off there one afternoon. The guy who let me in through the nondescript door in a side street was probably in his fifties, pudgy and wearing tee-shirt and shorts. He smiled as he charged me the entrance fee. “New here, aren’t you?” he asked. I nodded as he handed me my key. “Well, enjoy,” he remarked with a grin. It was pretty run-down and smelled a bit of damp. As I was getting undressed, a nude man appeared beside me. He was old and skinny with a paunch and he had a big cock hanging down with some foam around it where he had shaved his pubes. “That’s better,” he commented in a thick, phlegmy voice. adding "I like it smooth.” I said something neutral and stripped off my pants. “Nice tatts” he remarked, looking at the designs on my bottom and arms. “Thanks,” I answered. I wasn’t used to this kind of direct talk, and felt excited as I headed to the sauna. After a while, he came in and sat beside me. He wasn’t wearing a towel and his cock was semi-hard against his thigh. “Least it’s a bit warmer in here, eh? Bit cold outside. First time?” “Yes,” I replied. Nodding, he asked my name and followed-up with some general questions, his hand resting idly on my thigh as his fingers caressed my cock. I gasped, but he was quite nonchalant and talking about the weather as he stroked me to full erection. “Nice cock," he remarked, adding “You bottom or top?” His blunt question somewhat embarrassed me, but still I was able to answer "Well, bottom mostly.” His cock was erect now, thick and covered in veins. I also notice he had apparently at some point slid a cock ring around his tool. “Want to fuck?” I didn’t know what to say, but not wanting to appear naïve or nervous, I just shrugged and answered “Sure.” He levered himself off the bench and I followed his flaccid, wrinkled buttocks along the corridor (he hadn’t bothered with a towel) until we reached a room with a large, oval bed in the middle. Tossing a small bottle on the mattress he muttered “Poppers, if you want em.” There were some packets of lube on the side. He tore one open and rubbed it on his cock, then pushed me onto my knees commanding "Bend forward and rest your head on your arms.” When I was in position he asked rather incongruously, “So what do you think of the place, then?” “Not bad...”I started to reply, feeling this was a weird time to be starting a conversation, but then I felt his bare cock pushing into my arsehole. I gasped as I opened for him and after a brief struggle, the big head slid up me in a rush. "Don’t - don’t you want a …condom?” I asked. He was deep in me now and starting to thrust slowly in and out, making me sigh with pleasure, answering “Nah, I hate the things and haven’t used them since I was diagnosed. Here, take some poppers," handing me the bottle, even as my mind took in what he’d said: I was being fucked raw by a poz cock. I took a sniff and felt myself relax into it. He was sliding rhythmically in and out, all the time talking to me as if we were waiting for a bus or something. It was bizarre, and yet it seemed to distract me from worrying about what I was doing. Suddenly, the door opened and the pudgy guy from the front desk came in with a black bin-liner. “Don’t mind me!” he commented, adding “Seen it all before. Just emptying the bins.” He bustled around clearing up, when all the time I was kneeling there being fucked. “Nice bum,” he remarked, stroking his crotch. “Many in today, Bill?” asked the man fucking me, although in truth he was beginning to pant and his movements were getting more urgent. “Yeah, a few now, Sid. Mostly regulars." Sid gasped and said “Hang…hang on. I think I’m going to cum. Yep…here it cums!” With that his cock swelled and throbbed and I realised to my horror that he was filling me with spunk. “Nice,” he commented contentedly, stepping back one or two steps so his cock flopped out and a dollop of slimy cum slid down my balls. The other man, Bill, dropped his shorts and a stubby erection sprang up stiffly under his flabby belly. Before I even had time to react, he got behind me, steadied my bottom with one hand and thrust his cock into me with the other. It was so matter of fact, so nonchalant without even asking I just sagged in shock as he began to thrust eagerly in and out. “Put..put the kettle on….Sid," he gasped, explaining “I’ll make a cuppa when I’m done.” Bill nodded and left as Sid worked his way to orgasm. “Gah!” He gasped at last “ Fucking beautiful!” He pushed hard against me and came in me, stroking my thighs and panting happily as he spurted. “Phew! Nice one!” he remarked as he withdrew, giving my bottom a playful slap. “Want some tea?” He pulled some tissue from the dispenser on the wall and wiped his dripping cock before stepping into his shorts. I just nodded and followed him downstairs, numb with what had happened. There was a small patio with a table and two plastic chairs. Sid sat on one reading a paper. On the other was a pool of what looked like sperm. Sid saw me looking and said “Some dirty bastards in here, alright.” I suddenly felt helpless with the filthiness of it all, and yet the pure animal pleasure excited me. Slowly I lowered myself into the seat, feeling the anonymous spunk oozing between my buttocks and coating my hole. Sid looked up and said “You’re not poz, are you?” I shook my head. “How did you know?” He shrugged. “Something about your face upstairs, the shock when I said I had been diagnosed.” He turned back to his paper and lit a cigarette. “Anyway, better get used to it. Neither Bill nor I are on meds, so you’re probably pregnant already.”
    3 points
  8. It was a slow Tuesday night at the Hollywood adult theater in Lake City. Just a handful of guys, none of whom wanted to stick their dick in my mouth. That was unfortunate. I really wanted to take a lovely prick in my mouth, nurse to a full erection and enjoy the taste of semen filling my mouth. I love sucking dick and I'm good at it. Too bad the closet cases and "straight" guys infesting the theater wouldn't let me show them a good time. I was sitting in the gay room alone, idly stroking my cock and watching a pretty boy take a rough raw fucking from a big dicked black guy. I envied the kid. I didn't have the guts to bareback and take loads like I really wanted to. I'd only had two raw cocks cream my ass, and that was only because I was really drunk. Both times I'd been anxious for months afterwards, until I tested negative. That didn't stop me from jerking off remembering the feel of a bare cock in me, the intensely arousing knowledge that the cock was spewing cum in my ass, the feel of it oozing out of my butt and the taste of it when I wiped it off with my fingers and licked them clean. Ah well, I hadn't been drinking that Tuesday night and would content myself to sucking and swallowing. Now, if some faggot would just allow me do that. The door to the theater slammed and few minutes later a middle-aged white guy walked in the room and looked around a bit and left. Figures, goes directly to the gay room, sees a queer with his cock out and leaves. Oh, well. Not long after that the guy came back and looked at me. He stepped directly in front of me, unzipped and took his cock out. I took my glasses off and licked my lips and he stepped forward and stuck his very nice uncut, soft dick in my mouth. At last, a fag who knows what he wants! I lovingly worshipped his prick. I love uncut cocks, especially when they're soft as they slide in my mouth. I love slipping my tongue under the foreskin and licking the head, enjoying the distinct tastes uncut guys get when they aren't too scrupulous about washing. Before long I had him fully hard, a lovely seven inches of moderately thick meat. Unfortunately he pulled out and walked away, stroking his length. Ah, shit! Tease me and walk off. Just my luck. I had just about just about decided to jerk off to the video when the guy came back and stuck his dick in my mouth again. I nursed him again and was starting to taste precum when he pulled out and sat down next to me. He turned his head to me and leaned forward. I did the same and he kissed me aggressively. I returned the kiss eagerly. I love making out with tops when they're as good at it as this guy was. He murmured in my ear "I want fuck you your ass." "Mmm, that would fun. What's your HIV status?" "I'm negative, tested last week." "Great. Use a condom." "Absolutely." He stood up, took a condom out of his pocket and rolled it on his cock. I checked and it was lubed. I stood up and assumed the position, bent over a chair back. "Let me open you up a little." A lubed finger slid in me and worked my ass, then another. He was a little rough and it hurt a little. He rubbed a thick lube in me and got me ready. Fingers pulled out, I felt the condom covered dick rub my asshole and shoved in hard. He was a hard, fast fuck, pounding my ass relentlessly. I was in heaven. He must have screwed me for 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, he humped in hard and held. "Breeding you, bitch! Knocking you up!" Those words puzzled me, no man had ever said that when he fucked me. Whatever, it was a great fuck. My ass was thoroughly reamed out. He pulled out of me and I sat down. He had pulled tissues out and was pulling the condom off his cock. I motioned to him and he stuck his wet cock in my mouth. I carefully licked and sucked him clean, enjoying the taste. Odd though, there was a tangy, greasy edge to it that I'd never tasted before. He leaned down and kissed me, smiling. "Thanks for a great fuck. Welcome to the club." He wrapped the condom with a tissue, dropped them in a nearby trash can and left. I sat with a pleasantly sore ass, puzzling over his last remark. Surely he could tell I had had dicks in my ass before. One of the guys who had watched me get fucked sat down and took my dick in his hands. Mmm, good. I'd love a blowjob or handjob while enjoying that freshly fucked feeling. We made out while we played with each other's cock. He was was large and hard and oozing precum. After a few minutes he broke off and whispered to me. "Do you know that guy?" "No, never saw him before. Why?" Do you know your HIV status? He's poz." The bottom dropped out of my stomach. He had lied to me. Never the less I responded "I'm neg, but that's ok, he used a condom." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I saw him put it on, felt it when he was in my ass and saw him take it off and throw it in that trash can" pointing to the receptacle in which I had seen the top drop the condom and tissues. The guy reached over and gingerly fished out the tissues and condom, handed the wad of crumpled tissues to me saying simply "Check it." I unwrapped the tissues and looked. The condom was broken and bunched up. I felt the condom and felt what I thought was vaseline, then stood up and looked at the seat of the chair. There was a puddle there. I wiped some up and sniffed. Semen. The guy had doctored the rubber and shot a poz load in my ass. "Fuck. He shot in my ass." "Yeah. I thought as much. He's famous for stealthing guys." "How do you know he's poz?" "He told me. I'm poz too. He's fucked me before. I wish I'd had a chance to tell you. When he fingered your ass did it hurt?" "Yeah, it did. Usually I open really easy, with no pain. His nails were probably a little too long." "That was no accident. He was prepping you for his load. Scratching your asshole and rectum so you'd bleed and be more likely to get infected. I'm sorry, but my guess is that the virus is already in your bloodstream." "What can I do?" "Not much. Stock up on soup and electrolyte drinks. If you get the flu in the next few weeks it means you're infected. Go get tested later." I was sick to my stomach. I'd just been infected with HIV. My dick, however, was rock hard for the first time that evening. The guy next to me stroked my cock. "Odd reaction to getting stealthed." I was breathing hard. I realized that taking a poz load and almost surely getting infected had turned me on more than I'd been in ages. The hand on my cock felt great and I was about to shoot. I kissed the guy next to me and whispered to him "Fuck me and shoot another load of poz cum in me." My cock erupted when I said that. I really meant it. I was free. N o need to use condoms ever again or refuse any man's cock and cum. I was infected with HIV and didn't care if I got other diseases. "I'm really turned on watching you getting fucked and infected. I'd love to fuck your sloppy hole and make it a sure thing. Are you sure?" He held his hand to my mouth and I licked my last neg load from his fingers. I stood up, bent down, and licked the puddle of cum off the seat and tasted semen, assjuice and the coppery taste of blood. Infected, for sure. "Yes, do it. Make sure I'm knocked up." I bent over the back of the chair, reached back and spread my ass cheeks. The oozing head of his infected cock rubbed my asshole and he shoved in hard. My cock was rigid again, although usually it took a while to recover. I was so turned on knowing I had a dirty cock in me and was about to knowingly take dirty cum. He rammed his dick in me, fucking me as hard as the other guy had done earlier. I was in heaven, free at last to glory in pure faggot sex with no worries about anything but pleasing the cock in my ass. He hammered in and shuddered. I could feel his cock jerk and twitch and felt warm wetness in my guts. He moaned in my ear. "Pozzing your ass faggot! Fuckin' infecting you!" My cock twitched and I squirted my soon-to-be dirty cum onto the floor. One of the guys watching bent down and licked it up. My cock stayed hard. The guy rose from the floor, pulled a chair in front of me and bent over it. I stepped up and slid my newly infected cock in his ass. I wonder if he'd heard what the second poz guy had said to me and wondered if he cared. The guy was wet and I'd seen cum oozing out of him. I reveled in the feel of his slick asshole and the knowledge that my cock was bathed in strange cum. In spite of having shot two loads in a few minutes I emptied my balls in him quickly. I stayed in, enjoying the feel of his tight butt on my hard cock. Something nuzzled my well used asshole. I looked around and saw the first guy who'd fucked poz cum into me. He slid into my ass and whispered in my ear "How does it feel to be Another Infected Dicksucker, Son?"
    3 points
  9. NUDE BEACH — About an hour south of San Francisco, you’ll find San Gregorio State beach, which is open to the public. Next to it is the San Gregorio nude beach, located on private land. When the big gate is open, you can drive in and pay a small fee to park your car. Then, you hike down a steep trail to the beach. If you turn left, that’s where the straights tend to congregate. If you turn right, you’ll soon discover that you’ve found the gay beach. It’s a very long wide expanse of sand. Especially on the weekends, it’s very popular, with a fare amount of fucking and sucking going on. Near this end of the nude beach, tons of driftwood gets washed up onto the shore, and the gay men gather it up to build driftwood forts to mark their territory. First, I should say that I’m one of those guys who’s into size, whether it’s sucking a cock or getting fucked by one. Plus, if I’m going to play, I want to party, too. On this particular day, I wanted to get fucked, so I lubed my hole then pushed a good size butt plug into place. I built my driftwood fort with the entryway facing the ocean, making it easy for any men who were walking by to see inside. I spread out a plain white bed sheet as the floor of my fort so I could keep the sand off me. With that work out of the way, I pulled out my glass pipe and my lighter and started blowing clouds. The walls of my fort were low enough that it was easy for me to check out my neighbors, nearby, and for them to see me. To my right, there were two men with gym bodies who appeared to be late twenties or early thirties. To my left, there was an older middle aged man, in decent shape, with very short salt and pepper hair. He stroked his cock while he watched me hit the pipe. I guessed that his cock must have been about 8 inches, and very thick, hanging down hard. He smiled and nodded his head. I did the same. I wanted that cock fucking me. After 5 or 6 hits, I put the pipe away, and I pulled the butt plug out of my hole. Then, I got on my knees in the entryway of my driftwood fort, and I waited. In less than a minute, I turned my head to see my neighbor looking my way as he started to walk by. Then, he stopped and watched me, continuously stroking his thick hard cock. Now I knew that he was definitely interested, Still on my knees, I bent over, head down, ass up, poppers at the ready. Almost immediately, I felt his big, rubbery helmet head sliding up and down on my hole. I quickly uncapped the poppers and took several big hits before he forced his way into me, making me let out a short, audible gasp. I could feel my heart slamming from the poppers. As soon as I relaxed my hole, he pushed his cock farther in, then he pulled back a little way. I took several more hits of poppers just before he shoved his beefy thick cock all the way in, and held it there. When I happened to turn my head a little to one side, I noticed a few men standing very near my fort, jacking their cocks and watching me getting fucked. I really get off on being watched, so this really amped up the thrill of having a big cock in my hole. Now, he was alternately giving my hungry hole a good pounding, then slowing down to take long, strokes, making me moan like a porn star. Before long, he started breathing hard and fast, and I knew he was ready to shoot. Sure enough, his whole body started jerking, and he rammed his cock into me, again and again, with every spasm, splattering his load deep inside my hole. When his balls were completely drained, he slowly pulled his cock back, shuddering as he felt my hole gripping his still pulsating helmet head. As soon as he left, the small group of men who had been watching us fuck, broke up and walked away. I lubed up my hole a little more, before pushing my butt plug back into place. Whew. Time for a break, after that good, intense fucking. I applied the flame to my glass pipe, and took a couple good long hits. Then, I chugged down a bottle of water, grabbed my small zippered bag, and headed out for a walk down the beach to see if there were any other good prospects. The zippered bag is just big enough to hold my keys, my wallet, and whatever party supplies I might have brought along. So, of course, I carried that with me.
    3 points
  10. Part 2 - Speed Breeding: Garrett’s troll dick was angled to the right, stretching my ass for what he called part of my ‘training’ for the Speed Breeding that was going to happen Friday night at the big sex party. He had already filled me with two loads, and called in a BBC buddy of his to give me a third, so my ass was good and wet. I had only recently tested POZ and while safe sex was the norm those days, it was awesome just fucking without having to talk about all that. Garrett never mentioned his status or asked mine, and I didn’t either. He wanted some ass, I needed some dick, and so we were good. “Lift that right leg back now - that’s it - feel that bit of resistance? That’s your second hole ring. You got a deep ass boy and it took me a minute to find the right spot. There will be some guys there Friday night who are bigger than me and will fuck you with no mercy as hard, deep, and fast as they can. You think you can take that? Once the Speed Breeding starts I can’t have you bowing out or complaining. You trust me? Willing to do what I need to make sure you are trained and ready?” I nodded yes; then looked in Garrett’s eyes as he picked up speed and SLAM! tore through that fleshy barrier. I screamed then immediately started to apologize as it felt like my hole was bleeding a bit. Garrett just kept fucking and smiled, “It’s OK, it’s OK. Feeling better now? See no matter how much your ass may hurt in that second, soon your it starts getting all warm, the hormones flow, and whatever little sting you felt becomes just fucking bliss. Ready for it again?” After Garrett had pumped another load in me, he lit a cigarette, laid back on the messed up bed beside me, and we started to talk. The conversation wasn’t about sex or anything major really, just life, stories of guys he knew, things he had experienced, asses he had fucked, his outlook on life in DC. His townhouse was modest and located at the edge of the ‘gay hood’ and next to a sketchy part of town. Nothing about his life screamed money or flashiness - just a normal guy. Garrett was in his early 40s and I was about 12 years younger. He said he liked the ‘old troll’ label as it was freeing. He had learned long ago not to give a fuck about what anybody thought or said and there was something wild and wicked about all those pretty boy queens bending over to let him fuck them like he wanted. “You’re different though,” Garrett observed as he tapped out his cigarette and handed me the bottle of coke – high grade cocaine. “Quiet and fresh sure, but you don’t seem like that crowd suits you.” I snorted, wiped my nose, shrugged, and admitted, “Yeah. I guess I lived that way far too long - caring what everyone else thought - and have started to realize I was missing out on a lot. You know I had never done anything like what we did at the bar before. I fucking loved it though!” Garrett laughed, took the bottle, snorted, “Yeah that was obvious too. Let me think on what else we can do today to help you along with seeing what you been missing.” Garrett had gone out, but had left me with a few bottles of cocaine and told me to get good and high. He also said I should make myself at home and he would be back shortly and that I was welcome to spend the evening. Then he had added cryptically, “You will really enjoy it if you do.” I couldn’t believe how trusting he was and so just sat in the living room, flipping through a stack of magazines he had on his coffee table. I heard the back door open, Garrett’s voice, and the voices of at least two others. “Pour us a drink will you,” Garrett said to his new guests as he started to walk my way, “Add an extra one for my new friend.” I stood up. Garrett set a few more bottles of coke on the coffee table, “Snort up. Tonight’s my usual card night with a couple buddies. I know you like black dick and they are a couple of white ass killers and tag team destroyers who each have humongous dicks and can fuck round after round. Is that ass still hungry? Fuck your hole is dripping wet and Jesus - look what you did to my dick. But I’ll wait. I need you to take my buddies first. Couple things to know. They are rough, rowdy, rude, and will hold you down and rape fuck you hard. You ever been truly rape fucked? They’re straight - mostly - but a pussy is a pussy and when we drink and get high they get horny as shit, so on occasion I line up a little side action for them. They are not pretty boys - these are real men who take what they want and need when they want and need it. Unlike that young guy I had come fuck you earlier, these two are the real deal. Finally, they are both homeless and for Speed Breeding you have to be willing to take ANY dick. You trust me? Will you do this? I can assure you that you will fucking love it!” And then it began: “TAKE THAT DICK… “YEAH YOU TRAINING THIS ONE RIGHT MAN - TRAINING HIM RIGHT... “THAT SECOND HOLE BROKE ALREADY - DAMN! TIME TO DIG OUT THAT THIRD… “HOW’S THAT CRUSTY DICK FEELING IN THAT PUSSY? PULL THEM CHEEKS APART, LET MY MAN HERE GET A GOOD LOOK AT MY DICK STRETCHING THAT CUNT OUT…” “MAN YOU AIN’T TAUGHT HIM HOW TO DEEPTHROAT YET? FUCK NAW MAN - STRAIGHT ON TO THE ADVANCE COURSE OF GAG-THE-FAG…” “TIME FOR SOME A.T.M. - ASS TO MOUTH - HOW’S THAT DICK TASTE?…” “YEAH HOW’S THAT HORSE DICK FEEL? YOU MY FILLY NOW - FILL YOU UP WITH SOME BABIES, LET YOU SHIT THAT NUTT OUT - FILL YOU AGAIN…” “YOU LIKE HOW THIS NICCA DICK CURVES UP AND HIT’S THAT CLIT? OH YOU WANT IT HARDER? FUCK YEAH!...” “YO GARRETT, WE CRASHING HERE TONIGHT BRO - THINK WE NEED TO KEEP THIS CUNT COKED UP AND KNOCKED UP...” “NO WE AIN’T GENTLE. BITCHES IN HEAT NEED TO GET KNOCKED UP ROUGH BY THE PREDATOR DICK…” “WE SHOULD TAKE YOU DOWN TO THE BOOKSTORES AND LET ALL THE NICCAS GANG RAPE THAT ASS. YOU LETTIN US PIMP YOU OUT? FUCK YEAH!...” “I AIN’T TIED A BITCH UP IN A LONG MINUTE. YO GARRETT? YOU STILL GOT YOUR BAG OF TRICKY SHIT?...” Garrett and his friends never did get to their card game as they said breeding me was all the spades they needed. Of course my friends were suspicious when I called to let them know I was crashing someplace else that night and were not happy when I just told them I was staying with a friend and that it was no one they knew. They believed I didn’t know anyone else in DC - how could I? I had just gotten here Saturday. Well the stress I felt after the call was immediately relieved as one BBC slammed back up my ass, another slammed down my throat, and Garrett stood to the side so I could stroke his troll dick. As the three men spent the night training me to be a sub slut for dirty, raw, dick, and exploring my body, I took in every lesson they taught me on how to take dick, suck dick, and please a true top who just wanted to fuck. None of this lovey dovey gay shit. This was just balls-to-the-wall hardcore sex with no strings. The more they fucked me, the more they talked about what crazy shit they wanted me to do and the more they laughed when without hesitation I said, “I’M IN. WHEN CAN WE DO IT?” Tuesday morning arrived with a tangle of man flesh and an insistent hard dick pushing through the caked cum in my hole to open me back up. The fuck fest had moved from the main floor of Garrett’s townhouse downstairs to a basement apartment, which he said he had rented out when he first bought the place, but now used it for the occasional guest, party, or storage needs. As soon as the morning load was dropped in my hole I scampered to the bathroom and let out a stream of rank piss then some cum farts and a tire’s worth of air. I came out as the two BBC were stretching and looking for a smoke or coke and their sweaty bodies, man funk, masculine ‘fuck-it-if-it-moves’ approach made my dick stiff and my ass hungry for more. That’s how Garrett found us when he came down the stairs carrying a tray of cups and a pot of warm coffee. While the two homeless guys helped themselves, Garrett slid into my raw ass and asked, “Which one of you two has already been digging around up in here this morning? Jesus - it’s my house. You could have at least offered me dibs.” They all laughed. As much as I wanted to just hang out and fuck, I was supposed to help my friend with some stuff at his place. Garrett walked me upstairs, helped me find my clothes, then handed me a small pill, “Here. Take this and drink plenty of water and juice and stuff today. It’ll ease the come down.” I wanted to thank him and to ask when I could see him again, but he was way ahead of me. “I’m planning to cook something up on the grill for dinner tonight. Maybe if you are not doing anything, you are welcome to come back by. Who knows, maybe your other new friends downstairs will be here, or maybe somebody else if you want that too.” I smiled, reached out and stroked his monster troll dick and replied, “I enjoy just hanging with you and talking and, well of course letting you fuck me. But am cool with whatever. Yeah I had a great time with them too so like I said, anything you want. I want to make sure I am ready for the Speed Breeding on Friday.” Garrett nodded, smiled, gave my ass a slap, and let me out the front door. I didn’t realize what assholes my ‘friends’ were until I got back to their house and received a lecture that included the word ‘ungrateful’ just because I was trying to have a life that did not include them after my own had gone to total hell. I bit my tongue, did the cleaning and other shit I had said I would do, and then showered, changed, and left before I said something I would regret. On the walk back to Garrett’s I was mumbling to myself, pissed at my ‘friends’, pissed at the world. “Hey buddy, got some change? Any change?” someone pleaded. The voice brought me out of my stupor and I stopped. There sitting on the curb of the sidewalk was a guy, tall and lanky and sort of hunched over. He was dressed in layers that were far too warm for the time of year and had a dusty, dark colored backpack beside him bulging with stuff. “Any change?” he asked again. My ass quivered. I flashed back to the night before to the two homeless BBC that had fucked me and I needed more. This guy was sexy, masculine, and looked like a good, hard fuck, but what do I say? I just shrugged and said, “Sorry man, but maybe later when I come back by if you’re around.” The guy gave me a ‘yeah I’ve heard that before’ look, but smiled and said, “Any change at all. I appreciate it,” and hunched back over. “What’s wrong?” Garrett asked when he answered the door. I just shook my head while he dried his hands on a dishtowel. I just met the guy. Last thing he needed was to hear my problems. Garrett smiled, “Come on into the kitchen. You can help me cut up stuff and prep. You cook much? Oh and there’s some coke on the counter there if you want some. That’ll make you feel better.” He was right. The cocaine and the pleasant company made me feel better in nothing flat. A little more coke, some more, and my ass was raring to go. While Garrett did say he could not fuck me until he got the ribs and stuff cooking, he did let me kneel on the floor and suckle on his big troll dick while he finished the prep. As I did, I imagined I was sucking the guy I saw on the street so I paused and asked, “How do you pick up guys off the street or in a park?” Garrett stepped back, “Damn! You had me right on the fucking edge. Was going to blast your throat. Turn the fuck around so I can spit fuck that ass.” I grunted as Garrett worked his dry, raw dick into my hole and fumbled with the bottle to snort more coke as he did. The burn in my nose, the drip in my throat, was matched by the burn and drip happening on my backside as Garrett started to fuck me hard and school me in the ways of picking up street trade. “Street dick is all about the nutt and the hustle. No street dude is looking for a love connection. Like my friends last night. It’s all about fucking rough, quick, raw, and making a little something for the hustle if they can. These guys rarely know where the next meal is coming from, where they will crash that night, if the cops are going to hassle them, or if anyone is going to show a little kindness and mercy and help them out. Yeah, cash is necessary, but so to is a warm smile, a human touch. Most of these guys aren’t out there by choice really. Sure, some are fucked up on drugs and shit, but they would choose having a home and family and being high rather than not having a home. You understand? Some guys you can just come right out and ask because they will be upfront about it. Usually they are the gay ones. The ones who might have been street sex workers when they were younger but now that they’re older, that shit’s harder to do cause everyone wants young trade. The straight ones, most will fuck ass just as quick as pussy. They got needs and wants too so if there is a chance to blow some cum in a warm hole, they’ll take it. Just start a conversation and ask what they’re up to or what’s going on. But, you need to offer them a little something. A few bucks, a couple of smokes, a sandwich, whatever. Then they’ll push you against a wall like this or bend you over in the alley - UGH - stick their dick in you like this - UGH - then fucking breed that ass deep like this! UGH UGH!!” With his dick still pumping spurts of hot man juice in my ass I asked, “OK, makes sense, but what if they get pissed or want to fight or something?” Garrett pumped his hips a few more times and told me, “Push your ass back and bend forward - fuck yeah like that - scraping that upper gut wall good. Fuck boy that is good ass.” Garrett pulled out of my ass, I quickly knelt down and licked him clean, then looked up, “I saw this guy a few blocks over on my way here. I really wanted to see if he wanted to fuck. But….” Garrett asked where, I told him, “Yeah he’s got a big old dick and he hustles. I know him from back in the day. Have not done anything with him in ages, but he’s got a little spot around the corner from where he asks for change that he takes men and women. So my buddies last night turned you onto the freak shit huh? Can’t be taught man, you are or you aren’t and you definitely ARE. That’s what I was talking about living. If you want to fuck - fuck. What’s the worst that can happen really? The guy says no. Just be smart about it. Have a plan in mind if you need to run and also never ask a street dude if he wants to fuck when other folks are around. Even the old street trade guys keep their shit on the DL - you know Down Low.” The ribs were on the grill for a slow smoke that Garrett said would take a few hours. “I need to go to the Fire Place bar down on P Street to work out some final plans for Friday’s party with one of the guys who’s in charge of setting shit up. Want to come along?” I declined. My friends had mentioned that place for cheap happy hours so I knew they might be there and I really didn’t want to see them. Garret nodded in understanding, handed me a $10, a bottle of coke, and a few paper towels. “Here, go back up to the corner. He’ll still be there and when I get back, I expect to find your ass full of his cum. Just show him the bill and ask him if he’s got a few minutes. He’ll know what you mean. I’ll leave the back door unlocked so just come in that way when you get back and oh, I may bring some folks back with me too. There’s a couple of fresh, young guys there who just started working the streets. I know their pimp and he owes me and may bring him along too. I think he would like you.” OK, all that just fucking blew my mind I had to laugh wondering what my friends would say if they had just heard that conversation or knew what I was planning to do next. I held the bottle up to the light and eyed the shadow line of cocaine inside. I twisted the black cap, tapped a line out onto the edge of my hand and snorted - and repeated. Garrett was right. Walking up the sidewalk I was nervous as hell, but as I looked, I could see the guy on the corner was not just slumped over. He was scanning the folks on the street, both sides, coming and going, far more aware of what was going on than I suspect anyone else was. I palmed the brown bottle in my pocket and eased out the $10. I paused then paced my approach to try to ensure I timed it when I saw no one else coming the opposite way. I stopped to his right, asked if he remembered me, and before he could answer I flashed the $10 and asked if he had a minute. Well it was barely a minute later before I found myself pressed into a corner between an overgrown part of a yard and high, brick wall and the corners of an old carriage house and run down apartment building. The homeless guy had dropped his pants, grabbed my shoulders, and rape fucked my ass dry, rough, and exactly how I needed it. The only thing he said was, “Shhh,” when I grunted a little loud. His dick was nice and long and not as thick as Garrett’s. I could literally feel it when he shot in me and then he pulled out, stepped back, wiped his dribbling dick head on the inside of his pants, and walked back out of the alley. I pulled my shorts up and looked left and right as I came out. At the corner a now familiar voice asked, “Hey buddy, got some change? Any change?” I smiled and replied, “Not today Sir, but maybe tomorrow.” Back at Garrett’s house I could not help but jack my dick, thinking about the homeless dick that had just nutted in me. I was leaning back on the couch, jacking hard, my eyes closed when I heard the back door and voices. I quit what I was doing, yanked my shorts up, and went to the kitchen, all the while willing my still hard dick to soften. Garrett eyed me, smiled, nodded clearly knowing I had been successful, then introduced me to his guests. “Guys. This is my new friend I was telling you about. He just moved to DC and who will be one of the featured bottoms in the Speed Breeding area at Friday’s party.” The younger guy looked to be about 19 or 20, clean shaven, very preppy looking. The older guy was much taller, with twisted braids and a part in the middle, mustache, with an extra large white/tan plaid shirt on and looked totally like the tall dude from the group Bone Thugs N Harmony. “You two go into the living room and give us a minute. We’ve got a few things to discuss,” Garrett said. In the living room the younger guy pointed at one of the bottles of cocaine on the table, “May I?” he asked. A big snort later and he held out his hand, “Call me Kip. My mom was a fan of Rudyard Kipling - you know the author?” That was the extent of our conversation. We just didn’t click - at all. The tall man walked in, looked at Kip, “Ain’t you got someplace to be youngin?” he asked. Kip scrambled like Godzilla was on the loose. The tall man walked over, sat down on the couch beside me, his arms across the top, his legs splayed wide like he fucking owned the place. “Yo, set me up for some of the powder. My man’s always got the primo shit.” I opened the brown bottle and flinched as he set his hand between my shoulder blades then, “HMMMed,” as he ran his fingers down my spine to where my crack was peeking out the top of my shorts. He leaned forward, cleared 4 lines, then motioned for me to lay out more. I did, then he motioned for me to snort them. I did. “Suck my motha-fuckin dick!” the tall man ordered. I looked towards the kitchen to see where Garrett was. SMACK! The tall man cuffed my head. “Why you not doing what I say? Huh? I said suck it.” I got on the floor between his knees, unzipped his pants, he raised his hips off the couch and let me slide his pants down around his ankles, then I inhaled the sweat from his balls and started to spit up his shaft. He didn’t say a word. Didn’t moan. Nothing. I was afraid to stop. “Bend the fuck over!” he said. I stood up. There was really no place to bend over so I edged a bit further down the couch. He stood up, kicking the coffee table back, making room for his massive mandingo dick. He ran his fingers down my spine again, found my hole, jammed three in deep as he could, scratched it up, pulled them out, grabbed my hips and slammed his dick home. Even full of homeless cum it hurt. “I ONLY FUCK WHORES - YOU A WHORE? YEAH YOU MUST BE. I SMELL THAT SOME DIRTY NICCA’S BEEN UP ON YOU. SMELL THAT PUSSY FULL OF DIRTY NICCA NUTT. YEAH MY MAN WAS RIGHT. THAT PUSSY MADE FOR A DICK LIKE MINE. YOU JUST LET ANY NICCA THAT WANTS CLIMB UP IN THAT SHIT AND NUTT? EVEN WITH AIDS AND ALL THAT? YOU EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TOMORROW THEN. A TOTAL BUSSY WITH NO SELF RESPECT WHO WILL LET A WHOLE GROUP OF DIRTY NICCA USE THAT TWEAKER ASS. BUT DON’T WORRY. C.O.’S GOT YOU.” I was using some of the paper towels from my short’s pocket to wipe the chunks of spooge off the back my thigh when Garrett walked in smiling. “See - I knew you two would get along.” Turning to me he said, “Look. I know you didn’t say it, but clearly things are fucked up where you’re staying at. Look around. I got space. You’re welcome to stay here. Really. You’d even be doing me a favor as I would appreciate someone who could help run errands and clean and stuff. No. No. I’m not asking for rent. I know you don’t have a job yet. That’s what I’m saying. You can work for me. Hell you should see my office upstairs. Trust me I need the help. Even better, you can have the basement apartment. Come and go as you please, but of course I hope you know I do enjoy fucking that ass so while not required for this to work…” The tall man coughed, swallowed the cocaine drip, “Fuck he’ll take it. Can we get on now?” Garrett laughed, “You have not been formally introduced, but this is C.O. - he grew up in Cleveland, Ohio - so C.O.” Another snort and swallow from the tall man. “C.O. will drive you to your friends’ house right now. You can pick up your things and by the time you get back the ribs should be ready and then we can get you set up. How’s that sound?” I looked at Garret with total appreciation, thanks, and a silent promise to let him breed my ass all fucking night long. “How’s that bussy feel?” C.O. asked as we drove the dozen blocks or so to my friends’ house. I looked at C.O as he flicked the ash from his cigarette out the cracked window on the driver’s side. I eyed his tall, rugged form, leaning back in the driver’s seat and imagined him fucking me again as I stared at his crotch area. “Eyes up here whore - eyes up here! He chuckled. “Now which fucking place is it?” Cars behind us were honking as C.O. slowly made his way down the one-way street and double parked close to the townhouse I pointed too. He flipped off the car behind us when he got out, sauntered over to the sidewalk, tossed his still lit cigarette into the bushes, ambled down the steps and banged on the door to the basement unit. Yeah my friends lived in a fucking basement unit. It was nice, really nice, in a huge townhouse in one of the best neighborhoods, but it was still the God damn basement. Fucking uppity queens! They acted like they lived in Buckingham Palace for Christ’s sake! We could hear someone on the other side of the door and C.O. yelled, “OPEN THE FUCK UP! YO BOY’S HERE TO GET HIS SHIT!” He then turned to me with an utter look of confusion like he couldn’t understand why two uptight white dudes would not open their door for him. I stepped up, looked at the peephole and said, “It’s me. I just came to get some things.” The chain eased back, the deadbolt turned, the door opened just a crack so my friends could see it was me. C.O. pushed past me and in a few hectic, loud, chaotic minutes I explained I was moving out, that this was a friend, no I was not being robbed, no they were not being robbed, that yes I was OK, thanks for all they had done, OK see you later. Bye. The car was set into park as C.O. pulled up in front of Garrett’s house. He looked at me and said, “Yo. My man’s good people. He helps folks out. I don’t know you, but trust - if you fuck him over I will hunt you the fuck down. We clear?” I nodded. C.O. smiled, “Aiight, you’re on loan to me tomorrow. Be ready at 3:00. I’ll pick you up. I need a gangbang bitch for a group of brothas who’ll be watching the game tomorrow night. They get off on raping a faggot. They know you can’t call the cops cause they won’t give a shit and they know there’s no risk of baby mama drama. My man says you can handle it. That’s why he’s got you - and Kip - booked for Speed Breeding on Friday. You know you’re taking one of my boy’s slots right? It’s cool yo - business is business, but you got to prove to me - and Garrett - that bussy can handle ANYTHING we fucking throw at it and from what I hear, you still green and fresh to the scene.” I gave C.O. a dismissive grunt, pulled my suitcase out of the trunk and slammed it. I walked up the steps, turned, and saw the rough thug glaring at me from the driver’s side window. I forked my fingers on my right hand, pointed at my face and said, “EYES UP HERE FUCKER. AND DON’T BE LATE TOMORROW. IF YOU WANT THIS BUSSY, YOU BEST BE ON TIME.” C.O.’s chuckle echoed between the brick walls as I made my way inside my new home. Tomorrow would be another day of training, preparing me for the Speed Breeding that would happen Friday. I couldn’t fucking wait! Stay tuned for part 3. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    3 points
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  12. PART10 It's been a couple of days and I haven't had the chance to fuck around - I've been trying to catch up with my notes from college and also do some advance reading in the library - I know that some of my classmates would be professionals and have years of experience so I have to keep up, going directly to grad school after college was starting to look less appealing as the days went by - though all the cock I've gotten here in Cairo reminded me of how amazing the past 2 weeks has been. And finally tomorrow would be the first day of class and I can finally start my first steps into having that graduate degree. My first class was pretty much uneventful. I had a middle aged lady as my professor with a dozen or so middle aged guys - none of which caught my attention - All seemed to be happily married and were just taking this class to get a promotion at work. Sigh. I was more excited going into my second class as I knew Professor Ahmed would be handling it - gosh it's been days since I last saw him and I'm aching to have his cock in me. As I got into class, the professor still wasn't there but what caught my attention was ... there sitting on the 3rd row side by side are Jacob and David! My fuck from more than a week ago. Shit I knew these gorgeous guys were foreign students but they never told me that we were going to the same school. Agh what jerks! As I walked to sit beside David... all I can see from both of them were these devlish grin and smile. I was really quite upset but I also felt my pussy tingle at the same time - the thought of being in the same classroom as with 3 guys I've fucked really turned me on - it also didn't hurt that all are amazingly hot and great fuckers. Moments later Professor Ahmed got into the room and started discussing the class syllabus... I really couldn't concentrate to what he was saying as my eyes focused on his bulge and his fit shirt which pretty much highlighted his amazing body and pecs and when I looked to my side David and Jacob may seem ordinary from the rest but god they were hot as hell too! I might fail this class for being too horny for my professor and classmates. And then my day dream was broken as David spoke to me "so wanna be group mates?" All I could muster was "what?", David then replied "Well the professor said we should work in groups of 3 for a research paper, want to join me and Jacob?" I was still quite confused with everything and I just responded "yeah, sure thing." God I really have to get my act together, I was in a complete daze but then I started to regain my composure as we started to move on further into discussing class requirements and such. Then as the class was dismissed, before Professor Ahmed left, I pretty sure he gave me a wink and smile as he exited the room. It was already getting dark then as this was a 7pm class after all and the building was almost deserted... as I walked through the corridor, a familiar touch made its way to my shoulder and it was David with a smile on face. He then grabbed my hand and just said "come with me" we made our way to the PWD toilet down the hall and Jacob was already there inside waiting for us. Ugh these fuckers are really cunning and horny I thought. In seconds Davids lips found its way to my neck as he started to kiss and lick me... Jacob then started to undress and I was reminded of how nice his hairy toned body was. David then started to make his way through my body as he removed my g string while keeping the rest of my dress. His hands made its way to my pussy and his fingers were amazing! I then bent down as I started to suck the thick cock of Jacob. And god how I miss te feeling of cock in my mouth... his thick cock was stretching my mouth and I slobbered all over it as he moans started to escape his mouth. Then David yanked me as his mouth made its way to my pussy and his tongue teasing the hell out of it. He then positioned his dick and then slowly entered me with just his spit and whatever fluid I produced as lube... he bottomed out as I continued sucking Jacob, my hands made there way to Jacob's chest as David fucked me slowly and said "we've missed this pussy" I could only moan as he gathered pace and started to fuck me harder... then he started to withdraw and left my pussy empty. I was sad but then Jacob sat on the toilet and I took it as a sign. I climbed over him and then started to ride his thick cock ... I moaned in pure pleasure as his thick cock made its way through my pussy... I was wet and horny. I grabbed on to David's cock and put it in my mouth.. I sucked him as I rode Jacob's piece of thick cock. We were all moaning and grunting - not caring if our moans of pure lust echoed through the empty corridors. Then David pulled out his cock from my mouth and gave me a wink... he started to go lower and positioned his dick near my pussy as well and then he slowly pushed against my pussy which was already full with Jacob's cock... then *plop as his cock head entered me and then slowly he bottomed out and both of them kept stil for a while as I got used to the extra feeling of fullness. And shit it was amazing... my pussy was now wetter and slicker as both found their rhythm and fucked me in sync and their cocks rubbed against each other's inside my pussy - gosh these guys are kinky as hell. Then without warning I felt one dick throbbing in me... then followed by another... no moans or grunt just complete silence as both emptied their loads into my pussy. David was the first one to pull out and then I pulled myself from jacob's now softening cock as globs of cum dripped on to the floor... I felt so horny being the slut that I am and I made my way to both their cocks and cleaned it with my mouth and tongue. I then looked at myself at the mirror and there looking back at me was this cum covered slut with messed up hair to complete the "look". Both guys thanked me and said we would be having more of this as we were "groupmates" after all. They exited the toilet at the same time as I was there left cleaning off te cum on my face.
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  13. Part 2: Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” My plan to take down the biggest meth cook in the region had failed miserably. My career in the DEA was over! Not only was I chained, naked, in some warehouse but my best friend and fuck buddy Chris had betrayed me and set me up. All future regret and assessment of what had gone wrong were pushed aside as a fresh wave of drug high crashed over me and a new round of searing pain tore through me as Hawk pushed his raw, Aryan dick inside my previously unfucked hole. “YOUR LITTLE ONE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING AGENT,” Hawk said, “HE SAID YOU NEVER GOT FUCKED. OF COURSE I DIDN’T BELIEVE HIM, BUT LOOK - HERE IS THE PROOF - I HAVE POPPED YOUR CHERRY GOOD. PERFECT! I LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN CONVERTING A NEG BOTTOM AND FILLING THEM WITH MY MUTANT AIDS CUM. YOU KNOW METH DOES THAT RIGHT? IT MUTATES THE VIRUS AND METH AND LIQUOR ARE MY TWO MAIN FOOD GROUPS - ALONG WITH RAW ASS - OK SO THREE FOOD GROUPS. MY POINT AGENT IS THAT IT IS OK TO SCREAM, TO EMBRACE THE PAIN AND FRUSTRATION YOU ARE FEELING, TO FIGHT BACK. IT WON’T DO YOU ANY GOOD OF COURSE. IT’S FAR TOO LATE AGENT - OH YES FAR TOO LATE. YOU FEEL THAT AGENT? THAT’S MY DICK PUMPING YOUR ASS FULL OF MY SPERM. PUSHING IT INTO EVERY RIP IN YOUR ANAL WALL - CREATING MY OWN 4TH REICH OF CUM DUMP FAGGOTS WHO I BRAND WITH MY SUPERIOR DNA. YES - TAKE IT AGENT - TAKE IT ALL!!” I looked down to see Hawk’s fingernails embedded deep into the flesh around my waist, small trickles of red creating meandering streams down my thighs as he dug as hard as he could while cumming inside me. I had to bite my tongue in order not to scream from the burning pain in my ass as he fucked me and bred my hole. I would not give this filth the satisfaction. The brutal pummeling paused like the final throes of battle before an armistice and I heaved a sigh of relief. The meth lord just laughed, “WHAT? YOU THINK I AM DONE? FUCK NO! WE HAVE JUST GOTTEN STARTED. I’M A POZ FUCK BREEDER AND CAN SEED THAT ASS OVER AND OVER. THERE IS NO END AGENT. NO SOLUTION TO YOUR CURRENT PREDICAMENT EXCEPT DOING WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY, HOW I SAY. RIGHT NOW, WHAT I SAY IS THAT I AM PACKING THAT SHIT CHUTE LIKE A COLOMBIAN MULE THEN RIDING YOU HARD AND PUTTING YOU AWAY WET. YOU READY TO GET SO FUCKING HIGH YOU CANNOT SAY YOUR A,B,Cs? I MIGHT CONSIDER STOPPING IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO OFFER ME AGENT? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER? MAYBE THE LIFE OF YOUR LITTLE ONE? YOUR FRIEND? YOUR LOVER? OH YOU WANT TO SAVE HIM? REALLY? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID AGENT? YOU KNOW THIS WAS ALL HIS DOING. HE HAD A SIMPLE CHOICE. I’D CUT HIS HANDS OFF FOR STEALING FROM ME OR HE COULD OFFER ME SOMETHING BETTER. SO HERE WE ARE AGENT - YOU ARE THE SOMETHING BETTER AND HE GETS TO KEEP HIS LITTLE FAG HANDS ATTACHED - FOR NOW.” My body shook as Hawk finger fucked me rough, hard, and burrowed trails of meth into my anal lining. I was gasping and drooling like some tweaked out idiot and wanted to just grab my head to try to slow down my thoughts. The handcuffs and chain made that impossible and when the meth cooker shoved his raw dick back up my dry, scabbed hole I barely flinched. Another Aryan load up my ass later and the chain was loosened from the ceiling and I crumpled to the floor. My legs burned, my body was on fire. Was that his AIDs virus of the drugs? The skin on my knees was ripped off entirely as Hawk looped the long chain around his forearm and dragged me behind him like a Sultan’s concubine. I managed to get my feet under me enough to stumble along after him. The hallway swayed back and forth with every step. Hawk stopped, my head was hit hard, I crumpled to the old factory floor as toxic rain poured from the heavens. “FEEL THAT? SMELL THAT? THAT IS GOOD CHEM PISS RIGHT THERE. THAT’S HOW WORTHLESS YOU ARE AGENT - JUST A FUCK PUPPET FOR MY DICK, POZ LOAD, AND A URINAL FOR MY BODILY WASTE. OPEN THAT MOUTH - I SAID FUCKING OPEN IT! GAG ON THAT PISS AGENT - SWALLOW MY SALTY FLUID. YOU ARE MINE NOW - BODY, SOUL, LIFE. ALL MINE. DON’T WORRY. I BOTTLE MY PISS. CHEM MICRO-BREW. EVERY OUNCE I PISS OUT WILL GO INSIDE YOU FROM NOW ON ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.” The pores on my skin opened to allow his Periodic Table of bodily fluids to seep inside me. Hawk was still naked as he dragged me onward. We approached a large, steel door that was guarded by two men in ski masks both dressed in black and holding automatic weapons. Fuck! What had I been thinking? There was no way I could have taken these guys on alone. The door was pulled back, bright fluorescent lights burned my retinas as Hawk dragged me inside, pushed me face first against a steel column, and casually wound the chain between wrists and around the steel. The meth cooker walked over to a large, plexiglass clean room that took up most of the interior of the warehouse space we were in. He hit the intercom, the light turned orange, and as he casually began to put on latex gloves he addressed the dozen or so workers inside - all of whom were men, and all of whom were naked except for their white underwear and face masks. “LISTEN UP FOLKS!” Hawk yelled, “THIS HERE IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND. MR. DEA AGENT. NOW YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHY I BROUGHT HIM IN HERE - RIGHT IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY COOK - RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FUCKING PACKING AND SHIPPING LINE. WELL, MR. DEA AGENT HERE NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND JUST HOW FUCKING TINY AND HELPLESS HE IS. NOW SOME OF YOU KNOW I HAVE A DICK THAT CAN BUST YOUR ASS WIDE OPEN. WELL I JUST PLANTED TWO HOT LOADS - HEAR ME - TWO FUCKING LOADS UP THIS DEA AGENT’S ASS. I POPPED HIS CHERRY GOOD. NOW AS A TOKEN OF MY APPRECIATION I WILL LEAVE HIM HERE FOR A WHILE. LET HIM STEW IN MY JUICES AND OF COURSE, LET HIM TAKE WHATEVER DICK ANY OF YOU FUCKERS WANT TO STICK UP HIS ASS. YOU HEAR ME? WHEN I COME BACK I EXPECT TO SEE HIS CHEEKS COVERED WITH SO MUCH POWDER I’LL THINK WE’RE IN THE ALPS AND I ALSO EXPECT - NOW PAY FUCKING CLOSE ATTENTION - I WILL ALSO EXPECT TO SEE PROOF THAT HIS ASS HAS BEEN FUCKED AND BRED BY YOUR RAW DICKS.” I watched as Hawk walked past me towards another door that was guarded by two more men with guns. He paused, pulled an industrial apron off a wall hook, slipped it over his head, then gave me wave and said, “KEEP THAT ASS FILLED AND WET FOR ME MR. DEA AGENT. I’LL BE BACK AS SOON AS I COMPLETE THIS COOK AND THEN YOU AND I SHALL DISCUSS OUR FUTURE.” Stay Tuned for Part 3 (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    3 points
  14. 1. Aiden I first saw Jay on a Friday night, early October. I was out at a club, standing by the side of the dance floor, watching the endless parade of bright young things. Tonight, it seemed a little more college boys, a little less desperate twenty-something actors. I didn't really care that much about the crowd. It was a mixed night, and I was already too busy defending myself against horny drunk girls, much less trying to separate the gay boys from the straight men. But first, I should probably back up and introduce myself. I'm Aiden. I'm fifty years old, and I've been in that other industry since I was twenty. We never call it anything other than "The Industry," if we even call it anything at all. Activists might call it "sex work" in an effort to give it legitimacy or make it seem more glamorous than it really is. But there is nothing glamorous about the life of a boy selling his body. In order to survive, you must become someone not quite human. You must become a creature who just enacts the core human emotions like empathy, love, and care. You can't survive with real emotions. I was one of the lucky ones. I grew up and graduated. I'm no longer one of the boys. I'm a pimp, and now I get to own the boys. It's not an accident that we call it owning; it's about as close to slavery as it gets these days. It sounds cruel, but I believe it is better this way. It's easier on the boys in the long run if they understand that they are possessions, things to be bought and sold, passed around and shared. The entire process is easier for a bottom, of course. They already understand that they are just vessels for another man's pleasure. Yeah, I said man there. It's a straight boy's fantasy to be paid by women for sex. It. Does. Not. Happen. For men, the Industry is only about man on man, and the sooner a so-called straight boy figures that out, the better for him. In the Industry, we call that process "breaking a boy." The best of us pimps can do it in our sleep. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy, and for me, it came naturally. Of course, it's never easy for the boy. It is always a struggle for a boy to accept his position in the Industry. Back to the night at hand. I had a vodka and cranberry in my hand; I had been nursing it slowly enough that the ice had melted, leaving it weak and watery. I was waiting for the boys to start to approach me. It might take a second or third drink, but they always did. They might claim to be straight, but it didn't matter. Straight boys don't approach fifty year old men in a club. Only gay boys do, and those are only the ones with serious daddy issues. Jay approached me right as I was thinking about ditching my drink and getting another one. The first thing I noticed was his glasses. It was unusual to see a guy out at the club with glasses, much less the striking blue frames he had on. The second thing I noticed was that he was holding a drink. I wondered how he had gotten the drink; he barely looked old enough to fuck, much less to be able to get a drink. No doubt he had a fake ID. Before I got him naked, I'd have to see his real ID. "Hi," he said. "Hi," I replied. I smiled, letting him see my teeth. "Having a good night?" "Yeah," he said. "First time here. It's great." "Cool. I'm Aiden," I said. "Jay," he replied. He held out his hand, and I shook it. His skin was soft and warm. He had an easy life and hadn't gained the rough skin and calluses of manual labor. "You here alone? Or are you with friends?" "I was here with friends. But I seem to have lost them." He looked around again, in a feeble effort to find them amidst the crowd. "I was talking to a girl, and I guess they moved on." I tried not to laugh. He may have been talking to a girl, but that wasn't what he really needed. "Cool. What happened to her? She still around?" "Somewhere," he said, looking around the club again. He focused on the dance floor, and pointed someone out. "There she is. The Asian chick." I followed his finger the best I could. There was a cute Asian girl; dressed in a way that screamed money. I looked Jay over again. She wasn't completely out of his league. At about 6'1", he was a few inches taller than me and his tight graphic t-shirt showed off his muscular body well. But, even from the few words we had exchanged, I could tell he was still young, naive and unfamiliar with talking to girls. "She's cute," I said. "You like Asian girls?" "I dunno," he said. "It all depends on the girl." "What do you like?" "Oh. You know. A little shorter than me. Not too big. Not really a breast man." Or, I thought, he likes his girls boyish. It was already clear that he liked his men to be daddies. "I need another drink," I said. "You want one?" "Yeah, that would be great." "This way," I said. He followed me to the bar. "How long have you been in LA?" I asked as we got in line. "A little over a month," he said. "I'm a freshman at USC." I wasn't surprised. He had the good looks of someone who had spent his entire life never worrying about money. He anticipated my next question. "I grew up outside of Denver." He also had the rugged build of someone for whom the outdoors was easy to get to. "What about you?" "Been here for too long," I said. "Moved here when I was eighteen. Grew up in rural Missouri." I didn't want to give too many details. It was my job to know everything about his life; it was just as important that I remain an enigma to Jay. "What do you do?" "I work in the industry." He didn't need to know which industry it was; I knew he would assume it was the entertainment industry. That was not too far from the truth. "Oh cool. I want to be a producer." "A lot of my good friends do that." Despite changes in social mores, Hollywood was still surprisingly old-fashioned. At least once a week, a producer would call me needing a "new friend" for some celebrity needing some play time without the tabloids finding out. Or they wanted something more reliable than what they could find themselves. The line was moving quicker than I expected. It wasn't long before we were nearly there. "What are you drinking?" I asked. "Are you even old enough to be drinking?" "Well. My ID says I am. And it's a vodka and soda." "Good answer," I said. "For both." I'd really have to see his ID before anything happened. I didn't worry about alcohol. No one would prosecute for just giving an under-age kid a drink. But sex, well, that was a totally different story. "Two Grey Goose and soda." "Nice," Jay said. "Been drinking well tonight." This was almost like shooting fish in a barrel. I would show him a little bit of the good life, and get him used to it. "I'm here on a scholarship," he continued. He had pulled it off well. But then I looked him over again. The subtle flaws that I had missed when I had first examined him were obvious now that I knew to look for them. The shirt, although fashionable, had the awkward drape I associated with a knock-off. His glasses were the same: the color wasn't perfect, and there were some hard edges to the design that I associated with a cheap chain store. Call it Lenscrafters chic. The barrel just got smaller, and the fish bigger. It would be easier than I expected. I handed him his drink. "Cheers," I said. He didn't flinch from my gaze as we clinked glasses. "To success," I said, not specifying what success constituted. I was already running through a list of old friends of mine who would want to have first crack at the young man's ass. "Success," he replied. He was smiling; I wondered what success meant for him tonight. In the end, it didn't really matter what he wanted. So much of what I was going to do with him was going to be about teaching him what he wanted. Yeah, there would always be that initial spark of desire from him; he had shown it in spades. But there was a lot I was going to get to teach him, and in turn, mold it into a core part of not just his sexuality, but also his own identity. We took a sip of our drink, and scanned the crowd. It was a busy night, and on the dance floor, beautiful members of both sexes were out having a good time. As the night wore on, more of the boys were shirtless. Not only that, more of them no longer cared who they were grinding against. It could have been a girl, it could have been a boy. "Fun night," Jay continued. I nodded in agreement. My pocket buzzed. The vibration was just enough to set off my dick. I had been keeping my thoughts high and abstract. But the sudden stimulation jerked me back to the present, and I wondered what his green eyes would look like, staring up at me as his lips were wrapped around my cock. "One second," I said, and pulled out my phone. "Crystal ParTy tonight," it began. It was from my friend ****, who was just as his messages. "One am. Intercontinental, Rm 1902. Bring yourself. Bring a good boy. Bring a friend." "Looking forward. I've got both." I texted back. "$ounds good. eVeryThing covered here." My dick throbbed again. Jay was going to get quite the introduction tonight. I turned to the young man, even if it meant looking up at him. "Friend is having a party. Wanna come with me?" "Where?" he asked, but even in the dim light, his pupils dilated enough to be noticed. "Downtown. I'll get us an Uber." "Awesome," he said. He moved a little closer to me and his lips pursed slightly at the end, like he was waiting for a kiss. Unfortunately, the moment passed. I knew what I needed to do. "Follow me," I said, drinking down the rest of my drink quickly. He followed, gulping down the stiff drink. If I had timed it right, we'd be in the car when the alcohol hit him. "First, text your friends where you're going. Party at the intercontinental hotel." I pulled out the phone again, and held it in front of us. "Quick selfie. My friend wants to see you." I'd also use it to run a fast auction of first breeding rights. The first one turned out perfect, and then Jay wanted one as well. He took a few before the deciding on the best one. "Memories of a fun night," he said. "Hopefully, it is just beginning, I said. "You should send it to your friend as well, so they know I'm not a psycho creeper." I could see him blush, but again, he also moved closer to me. He quickly texted someone. I was close enough I could read the text. "New friend I met. Invited me to a party downtown. See you tomorrow." "Thanks," Jay said, as he hit send. "For thinking of me. I wouldn't have even thought about it." I wondered what his friends would think of the picture. A young man and a much older man. My beard, although still thick, was more silver than brown now, and the wrinkles on my face were becoming more prominent. But perhaps they had already figured out what Jay was just discovering. "It's fine," I said. I didn't tell him how this was an important part of the process. He needed to trust me, to think that I put him first and looked out for his best interests. But I only looked out for my interests. "It's fun to party and meet new people. But remember, not everyone is on the up and up. Not everyone has your best interests at heart." Just like me, I thought. I didn't have to worry about his friends knowing I had taken him somewhere. By the time things got really dangerous, he'd be begging me for it. The best times, they begged me to drug them, to breed them, to infect them. "One second," I said, as I sent a quick text attached to the picture of the two of us. "Fresh meat. Tonight only. Bidding starts at two." I sent it to three of my old friends, Rod, Steven, and Alex. Each of them had a fondness for younger boys, and each of them absolutely loved the idea of deflowering a freshly-minted man. "200," Rod texted back. A few seconds later, Steven replied. "250." "Wanna head out?" I asked Jay. "We can get a cab there." "Sure," he said. I walked towards the exit. I made it a point not to turn around for the first few steps. I knew he would follow me, and he did. He kept close enough to me that I could feel his body heat. I turned around at the steps down off the dance floor. "Need some help," I asked and offered him my hand. He nodded, and I helped him down on to the sticky concrete floor. I thought I detected just the hint of a stagger; the alcohol was just beginning to hit. Hopefully the full rush wouldn't be far off. I had taken the side exit, right by the exit no one knew about. It was just a few steps before we were out in the warm night. "I'll get a uber," I said, and pulled out my phone again. I called for a car, then check the many messages I had received. The bidding was going nicely. "300," then "350", and then "400", quickly followed by "500." In just a few messages, it jumped to 750, and it now was at 90. That one had come in just a few minutes ago. As I unlocked the phone a new message came in. It was from Rod. "1300, with pozzing privileges." There were two things Rod loved more than anything. The first was deflowering young men. The second was infecting them with HIV. "Pozzing is on the table? 1500." Steven also loved spreading his virus. "Hell yeah. 1750," Alex sent me. Alex also enjoyed sharing his virus. My old friends were twisted, nasty men. "2000," Steven replied. "2500," Rod answered back. Jay was going to make me a lot of money, and it wasn't even his first official day on the job. "I'm out," Alex texted the four of us. "Me too. Rod's a lucky pervert," Steven wrote back. "You win," I texted Rod. "I'll swing by and pick you up." "Sounds good to me." I checked the app. The car was still about five minutes away. "Five minutes," I said to Jay. We had stepped out onto a side street and it was dark and quiet. Despite being right in the middle of the busy section, we felt quite alone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys and wallet. From my wallet, I extracted a small bag of white powder. "You ever had a skiing trip?" I asked, indicating the bag. "Skiing?" Jay replied, his face showing his confusion. "You know. Cocaine. Coke." I put the wallet away, and used the key to my front door to scoop up a little mound of the white powder. I snorted it quickly. "Fuck, that feels good." I rubbed my nose quickly. "You want to try?" "I...I...I dunno. Never done it before." He hesitated, but kept on watching me. He was interested, I could tell. "I mean. What's it like?" "You smoked pot?" He nodded. "Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, molly sometimes." "That's good. It's like molly. Only you're stronger. You're fearless." "I just," he started, but never completed the thought. "Just one hit," I said. "See if you like it. Don't worry. You won't get addicted from one little bump." "You sure?" he asked. I nodded. I also stuck the key back in the bag and pulled out another bump. It was smaller than the one I had done, but for a beginner, it was still plenty large enough. "I mean, I can just..." "Try it?" I said, finishing his sentence. He nodded. "Yeah. You should." I held out the key with its white payload. "Just snort it up." Jay leaned in, pushed a finger against one nostril, and snorted. He snorted a bit longer than necessary. "Damn," he said, right after. "That burns." He trailed off just as an uncontrollable smile of bliss emerged on his face. "But, fuck." He trailed off again, lost in his little private world of pleasure as the cocaine got absorbed by his blood, and delivered to his brain. "It's nice. Just relax. Cab is almost here. If you want, you can do another bump when we're on our way." "Yeah," Jay said. "That's a good idea. This is nice." Another euphoric moan of contentment. "Thanks. Really nice." "Enjoy it," I said. I pulled out my phone. "The boy need any vitamin G?" Rod had texted me. "Why the fuck not?" I wrote back quickly. I turned my attention back to Jay. "A friend of mine wants to join us. Gonna swing by his place, if that's cool." "Oh, yeah, that's cool." Jay was still spinning a bit from the cocaine. My dick twitched, watching Jay ride the first waves of the high. The ease of convincing him to use cocaine meant that all the next steps would be easy. It would not be long before Rod's thick, infected dick was deep inside of him, dripping toxic pre-cum. A white Prius pulled up. I checked the plates; not that I needed to, it was the epitome of Uber-ness. "Here's our ride," I said. I opened the door for Jay. He got in, but I still had to help him. I crawled in after him, as he scooted over to the far side. "9255 Doheny. The tall one." Rod was only about fifteen minutes away. "Good night?" I asked, as we pulled away and into the warm California night. "Yeah," he said. "Pretty busy." I pulled out the baggie, and Jay scooted a bit closer to me. "You mind?" I asked. "Nah. Have fun." "You want?" I asked. "Damn, I wish. I but I gotta drive." I scooped out a big mound. Jay's naiveté was once more working in my favor. He had no idea about doses, much less what his dose should be. The mound was big, perhaps a little bigger than even I would want to start with. It would be just right for Jay. "For you," I said. "Fuck," Jay said, eyeing the mound. He knew it was larger than his last bump, but he had no measure for how it would affect him. "Yeah," he grunted as he leaned in and snorted the mound. "OH. FUCK," he said out, filling the interior of the small cars with his grunts of pleasure. "Newbie?" the driver asked. "Yeah," I said. I scraped another bump, not quite as big as Jay's, and did it. I took a look at Jay; his eyes were wide, and I knew he was flying. I was just nicely buzzed; I would wait for the party before I got properly high. Besides, Rod had promised a bit of G, and I had to be the responsible adult, taking care of Jay. "Doing ok there, Jay?" I asked him. "Oh yeah," he said. "Feels so good," he said. I smiled, and put my hand on his thigh. He was fidgeting a bit, and I held his leg in place. "Just relax. Enjoy it. Don't worry, I'll make sure it's good." "I know," Jay said. His leg stopped shaking, but I could feel the tension still in his body. "It's just hard," he started. "To let go?" I asked, anticipating his next words. "Yeah," he said. I just nodded in agreement. My own bump was kicking in, and I was floating on waves of pleasure. I wanted to see Jay naked. I wanted to see cock sliding into his hole. I wanted to see him bred. But all that needed to wait. It just needed to wait a few agonizing minutes. The traffic was surprisingly light and we were doing good time towards Rod's place. It gave me an excuse; I pulled out my phone and called him. "Yeah. Almost there. Less than 5 away. We'll be downstairs," I said. "I've got the Vitamin G. Mixed it in some Gatorade," Rod said. That was what Jay couldn't hear. "Yeah, bring that. We need something to drink," I said. That was the part that Jay could hear. "See you soon." "That your friend?" Jay asked. "What's he like? What's his name again?" "Rod. Rod Eisenman," I said. I flicked through my phone, trying to find a picture of Rod suitable to show the young man. Most of them were him fucking some hot young boy's mouth or ass. "He's cool. I think you'll like him." I finally found one, him shirtless at some street fair, a pair of thin black suspenders holding up his pants. Whether it was intentional or not, I noticed the top button of his pants was undone. "He looks like a cool dad. The one you can't quite believe is actually a dad." "Yeah, that's a good way to describe him." We were pulling up to Rod's place. "Just pull in under the awning." There was no one else, so I figured we would wait. I rolled down the window to see out better. It was less than a minute before Rod walked out of the front door, a small backpack slung over his shoulder. In addition to the G-laced Gatorade, it would have some lube, a cockring or two, plus a pipe and a stash of tina. Rod was prepared for everything, except for safer sex. He walked around, and got in on Jay's side of the car. Jay got the middle seat. "Hi," Rod said. "I'm Rod. You must be Jay." Rod put the backpack on the floor in front of him. "Yeah, I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." "Good to meet you too. Aiden's been telling me a bit about you." "All set?" I asked Rod and Jay. They both nodded. "W hotel. On the boulevard," I told the driver. "Right on," he said. Rod reached down into the bag, and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. "Ready for your Vitamin G?" "I'm definitely ready," I said. "And I'm sure Jay will want some. How much is in there?" "I put in three doses." "Perfect," I said. I reached over Jay, and took the bottle of Gatorade from Rod. I opened it and began to drink the sweet liquid. I could just barely taste the bitterness of the GHB. "Vitamin G? Doses?" Jay asked. The alcohol was wearing off, but the cocaine was still making his head spin. "What's that." "Oh," Rod said. "Just some G in the Gatorade. You done it before?" Jay shook his head no. It was one more new thing for Jay to explore this weekend. "You'll love it. Makes you feel warm and happy. Takes the edge off of the cocaine." I drank about a third of the bottle and then I passed it back to Rod. He quickly drank his third, before handing it to Jay. "Your turn. Just drink up," Rod said. The young man hesitated for a moment. Like I had earlier, Rod put his hand on Jay's leg. "Come on. We are all in this together. We'll look out for you." It was as much the tone as the content of Rod's words that got Jay to put the bottle back to his lips and gulp down. "Nice," Rod said. I noticed he hadn't taken his hand off of Jay's thigh. I didn't mind. Rod was paying over two thousand dollars for the pleasure of deflowering Jay. It was bad service to deny him the implicit pleasures of holding the boy's hand. Besides, as soon as Jay was done with the bottle he put his hand on top of Rod's. "How are you feeling?" Rod asked Jay. There was a kindness in his voice, one that I recognized well. It was the tone he used when he was trying to convince a boy to do things. Things like have bareback sex with him or to blast his seed into the boy's body. "Good," Jay said. "Really good." "That's what we want to hear," Rod said. "How do you know Aiden?" he asked, making small chat as the car took us to the night's next destination. "Just tonight," Jay said. "But he's been really awesome." "Of course. He's a cool guy. You're lucky to have met him." Jay's hand was still on top of Rod's. "How old are you?" Rod asked. "18," Jay said. "I'm a freshman." "How has the adjustment been?" Rod asked. "Good?" "Yeah. Still trying to meet people." "Aiden's a good one for meeting people. He'll introduce you to a lot of new friends." I smiled. "Friends" was our code for clients. Rod was a "new friend" for Jay. "I know. He's already introduced me to you." "You feeling it yet? The G?" Rod asked. "I think so," Jay said. "How are you feeling?" "Warm," Jay started. We rounded a corner fast than I expected, and not being belted in, Jay was pushed up against Rod. "Horny," I heard him whisper. Rod smiled. Jay leaned in, and their lips met. It was a short kiss, but it was a kiss. It wasn't an accident or the bumpy road. It was a real kiss, two men pressing their lips against each other. But it wasn't a long kiss. As soon as Jay realized what he had started, he pulled back. "Oh god, I'm sorry," he said.
    2 points
  15. Since converting a short time ago, I've been suspended for posting in the wrong place. So here is an update. I met to young black guys, in my local area. They Are both poz. I invited them to fuck me, while I was converting. But ended in hospital with pneumonia. When I got back home, they came over to help me get back on my feet. I wanted them to fuck me. But told me to wait until I got better. I met them last weekend at the pride parade. They had a cute white boys with them. He's 18 but looks like 14. He told me the to black guys had agreed to poz him. I invited them to my place to do the deed.
    2 points
  16. I finally got to play out one of my fantasies yesterday afternoon. I've always wanted to pick up one of the illegal Latinos who hang out in front of the local nursery, Home Depot and Loews, looking to get hired to undertake work in one's yard or home. As I drove into my local nursery yesterday, the usual group of nearly a dozen Latinos hanging near the entrance to the parking lot. A cute, buff, dark-skinned Mexican guy in his early 20's caught my eye. Not only was he naturally dark skinned, it was obvious the hours he had spent out in the hot Las Vegas sun had given him a very dark tan. Apparently he realized I was checking him out, as he motioned to me and smiled as I drove past him en route to the parking lot. Still I drove past him, parked and went into the nursery where I selected a Mediterranean Fan Palm that I wanted to plant in my yard. It was in a large 10 gallon container. Two nursery workers lifted it into my SUV, but I realized once I arrived home I wouldn't be able to lift it out, let alone maneuver it to the location where I wanted to plant it. In addition, it occurred to me the record breaking heat here in the desert was so severe that I really wasn't looking forward to digging a hole and planting the bugger, so, just as I drove out of the parking lot, I stopped at the curb in front the guy who had flashed me a smile, and, rolling down my passenger side window I hollered "Hey! You looking for work?" He walked over to my car and stuck his head in my window asking "Si. What you need me to do?" "I need help planting this palm. Can you do that?" "Si." "Would you do it for $40?" "For $50 I will have my cousin, Eduardo help me. We will get it done quick for you. I'm Jessie. My cousin and I work good for you." He motioned for his cousin to come over to my car. Eduardo looked to be close to the same age, a little taller, perhaps 5'9", 150 pounds. He, like his cousin, was wearing a long sleeved shirt over a black wife beater tee-shirt, jeans and heavy boots. With a floppy flannel cowboy hat on to protect from the brutal Vegas sun. Eduardo didn't say anything, but flashed me a handsome smile as he peered into my car window. "Deal. Hop in," I said. Both guys jumped into my back seat and we took off for my home a few miles away. I was a bit nervous, having two strangers climb into my car. But, it was also exciting. I was entering the 'unknown'. We reached my home in about 15 minutes. I let them both out on my driveway, then I pulled all the way into my shaded garage and unlocked the back of my SUV. I jumped out and pulled open the back of the car and they both pulled the palm out of the car. "Where you want it?" Jessie asked. I walked over to the area I wanted the palm planted and pushed some of the landscape rock away to mark the spot. Jessie and Eduardo lifted the palm and brought it to where I wanted it planted. "I'll show you where my shovels and other garden tools are in my garage. Follow me." Leading the two guys into my garage, I pulled out two shovels, showed them where my potting soil and palm food was, explaining I wanted mixed with the dirt that they dug up when planting. I pulled the hose out for them and then told them I'd be in the house if they needed me. DAMN! The temp was 113 degrees. I felt bad for them out there in that heat. But I made a big jug of ice water. Took that and some cups out to them. By now, both had taken off their long sleeve shirts and were in their wife beater tee shirts. These cousins looked more like brothers. Similar in size, build and muscles. Eduardo was definitely the taller of the two, perhaps by two inches, but other than that, they could almost be twins. They even dressed alike. It took about 35 minutes for them to dig the hole and plant the tree. I'd looked out my front window a few times to check on their progress and to check out their hot bodies. Once they were done I could hear them putting the shovels and other planting tools back where I got them in my garage. Then Jessie knocked on my door from the garage. "We're done, Senor. You want to look?" he asked. I followed them back to the palm. They had done a great job and had put all the ground cover rock back around the tree. "Nice job, guys. Thanks. Would you like a beer?" I asked as I opened my door from the garage and invited them in. "Gracias, but we're really dirty, Senor. We shouldn't come in," Jessie replied. "Nonsense. Take off your boots. You'll be fine. Come in." I held the door open and both guys hesitantly came into my cool home. "Gracias, Senor. It feel nice and cool in here." I motioned for them to take a seat at my table as I pulled a couple of beers from the fridge. I handed them the cold beers and they downed them instantly. The heat had gotten to them. Who knows how many hours they had been standing out in front of the store before they came to work for me. Reaching back into the fridge I grabbed two more beers which I gave to Eduardo and Jessie. They gladly accepted the offer. Then I pulled out a bottle of Patron from my pantry and poured each of us a shot of Patron. "Oh, no, Senor. I have to work," Eduardo laughed. Up until now, Jessie had been the only one to talk. "Nonsense. Drink up," I replied as I downed the Patron. Both guys did the same and we downed the second beers a bit more slowly. "Thank you so much, guys. I appreciate your help. Good job. Would you both like to rinse off in my shower before I take you back? You'll feel so much better to get that dirt off you and cool down in a cool shower," I suggested. "Oh, no, Senor. We're good," Jessie protested. "No. Really. Take a quick rinse in the shower. You'll feel more like going back to work in that hot sun." I urged. Both guys looked at each other, puzzled at least at first, but then Eduardo looked up at me, smiled, saying "Gracias, Senor. I like that." I got up and told them to follow me to the master bedroom. I have a large master with a big king sized bed. And an overstuffed leather love seat and ottoman in front of the large screen TV at the opposite side of the room. I walked into the master bathroom and pulled out a couple of bath towels and washcloths from the cabinet. And put them on the edge of the tub, next to the shower. Then I came back into the bedroom and told them to go ahead and shower. Eduardo wasn't shy. He quickly stripped his clothes off. He was sporting a nice uncut dick of about six inches, sporting an ample foreskin which was draped over his cock head. Stepping into my shower he turned on the water as I took a seat on the loveseat, which gave me a direct view of the bathroom mirror in which I could see Eduardo soaping up his beautiful, brown, naked body. "Have a seat, Jessie," I said as I patted the cushion next to me on the loveseat. "I'm too dirty to sit on your couch," Jessie protested. "Well, take your clothes off, then. You're going to need to to shower, anyway," I suggested, flashing him a friendly smile. Jessie began to undress. He seemed very nervous and awkward, but he stripped to his boxers and came over to sit next to me on the sofa. His body was also nicely toned from all his hard labor. I flipped on the TV in front of us, immediately punching in the channel number for one of the straight softcore porn channel which I could get on cable tv. A beautiful, blonde, busty woman was on the screen sucking off a black guy. "Oh, shit!", I laughed. "Got the fuck channel on here. Want me to change the channel? Or do you want to watch?'' I asked him with a smile on my face. "It okay," Jessie replied, his eyes glued to the TV. Eduardo, meanwhile, finished showering and stepped out of the shower to towel off. Standing in the doorway to the bathroom he could clearly see the TV screen, and his eyes were also glued to the TV, even as he toweled himself dry. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him wrap the towel around his waist as he stepped back into the bedroom to retrieve his clothing. A very visible rise under his towel was very evident: he was getting a hard on. I turned and patted Jessie's thigh suggesting "Your turn for the shower," as I viewed the bulge which, like his cousin's, was quite evident. He stood and pulled his boxers down as a nearly full on erection bounced up in front of him. He quickly went into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. Eduardo took his towel off and continued to dry off with the towel. His cock now standing straight out in front of him. He blushed a bit as he saw me staring at his cock. I stood and walked over to Eduardo. He stopped toweling off and stood there naked and hard in front of me. I reached over and took his hard cock into my hand. He didn't move. Nor move to push me away. So, I dropped to my knees and began to suck on his foreskin. His cock tasted sweet and clean from the shower. I pushed him back so that he then sat on the edge of the bed and again began to suck on his cock. He was fully hard and my lips pushed his foreskin back from his cockhead. I sucked on his cock, taking it to the back of my throat. Then I lifted his legs and sucked his balls. He moaned. Then I licked down to his asshole and licked it. He moaned louder. Just then, I heard the shower turn off. Jessie stepped out of the shower and began to dry off. He could see back into the bedroom and saw his cousin, still naked, laying on his back, his legs to his chest, with my face buried in his cousin's ass. Jessie said something to his cousin in Spanish. His cousin answered back in Spanish. They conversed for a moment, then Jessie walked over to us. His cock also growing to full hardness. I motioned for Jessie to sit next to his cousin on the bed. I then took turns sucking on each man's cock and balls. Finally I stood up. "Eduardo. Get on my bed and kneel on it. I wanna eat your ass." Eduardo got onto the bed and knelt on it. His ass to my face. I knelt on the edge of the bed and put my face to Eduardo's ass and began to eat his hole. I then spit on my fingers and smeared my asshole with the spit. I did that several times. Then went back to eating Eduardo's brown, puckered hole. I felt Jessie feeling my ass and fingering my hole. Then I heard and felt him spit on my hole. Before putting his cock up to it and push in. He quickly plopped into my hole and began to fuck. I ate Eduardo for several minutes. Then he turned and laid back on the bed as I sucked his cock. Jessie fucked me hard and deep for about 10 minutes, before he groaned and slammed deep into me, filling my ass with his load. Like a well rehearsed team, as soon as Jessie pulled his cock from me, Eduardo climbed off the bed and rammed his cock into my hole, requiring only about five of pounding before he deposited a his load, my second of the day, into my hole. As soon as Eduardo came in me, he pulled out and quickly began to dress. Jessie was already dressed. When we were all presentable, we silently walked to the door leading to my garage where they pulled on their work boots as I locked-up the house. Then we all climbed into the car and I drove them back to the nursery where I had picked them up. As we got there, I pulled the cash from my pocket. We had agreed on $50 for both. But I handed each of them $50 saying "Gracias." "Gracias, Senor," Jessie said. "We be here if you need more work," Eduardo said, a smile on his face. "We work for you again." "Gladly", I replied, as I pulled away and they walked back to their group of buddies. I wonder if they would tell the other guys what had happened. I got my tree planted and my ass filled with two Latino loads. Quite a productive afternoon.
    2 points
  17. Nicely lubed and ready to go - just hop on it, lil bro, and see where it takes you...
    2 points
  18. ...my lil bro is a really shy, introverted guy... ...hopefully, one day my pozitive attitude will rub off on him...
    2 points
  19. ...brotherly love...hottest thing in the world...
    2 points
  20. ...now be a good boy... ...and do what cums naturally...
    2 points
  21. I'm still looking for that adventurous bottom guy who loves to drive all over the country and take long road-trips and bring me along as his passenger around the USA and after each day of sight-seeing we check into a motel 6 where he vigorously sucks the cum out of my cock with his slobbering wet mouth or jumps ontop of me and slams his wet ass down on my cock until my balls and taint throb and pump loads deep inside of him every night. Anyone interested? Live in Wisconsin right now. Moving to Florida in October. 21/male 6'3 155lbs. on PrEp. strict top. LOVES being sucked :} ♥
    2 points
  22. Busy day today. Must be the sun! Had 3 cocks already, today, and another due at 6pm.
    2 points
  23. Letting my boy's eat outside today while it isn't raining.
    2 points
  24. Hello, As a blind, gay man, I always find it strange when people ask how did I know I was gay. The simple answer is, "I just knew." I love the sound of certain male voices. The scent of a man is intoxicating. And, of course, the body parts are fun to play with. He may not be gay or straight. He could be asexual. Continue being his friend. As you begin to know him better, you may pick up on little signals. As he begins to know you better, he may feel more comfortable with you and open up about his sexuality. Eitherway, he needs a friend. Be that friend. Be happy with that friendship if that's all it may be. I'm in the opposite boat. I'm a blind guy in love with a straight, sighted guy. He knows I'm gay, but I'm not going to tell him how I feel about him. The friendship and his support is very much enough. He may even know how I feel, but is also too worried about ruining our friendship Again, if nothing else, just be his friend. We all need friends.
    2 points
  25. I'm in my mid-30's - which is what guys usually say when they're 37. So be it. I came of age in during the height of AIDS paranoia. I never complained because I didn't know a different time...a time when men fucked each other without worrying about condoms or disease. My biggest fear since childhood was embarrassing myself. It became what most people considered a "shyness", but really I was just being phobic about making a fool of myself. There was this bar not far from where I lived called "1861" for no other reason than that was the street address. It really had no identity which is maybe why I liked it. They played loud music but there was no dance floor. There were leather dudes but not many. Retired guys, Latin guys, black guys, weirdos and a drag queen or two made up the crowd. I usually never saw the same people twice until I started going more frequently. That's when I got to be familiar with the bartenders and the regulars. I even managed to make some small talk here and there. There was one guy I kept noticing -- he was an older mixed-race male who usually sat alone at the bar and drank boilermakers. He was bulky and had a short beard and dark, dark eyes. I thought the bartender and a few passers-by were calling him "Vermin" but that's because the music was so loud. It was actually "Venom". Oh. OK. That's not much better than Vermin. One Sunday afternoon I went to 1861 for their regular Beer Bust. You pay five bucks and drink as much beer as you want from plastic cups. It's a cheap way to get really drunk which is why I usually never went. My younger brother had accumulated three DUIs over the past few years and I knew all about the headaches that shit caused. I mostly behaved, but that particular day I decided to loosen up a little. Monday was a holiday and I felt freed to get a little wild. I even downed a shot somebody at the bar had bought for us. When I asked the barkeep who had paid for it, he motioned his pretty head toward the pool table. It was Venom. Oh. He was standing there with a pool cue in his hand, looking fairly bored with the game. I moved down to a stool closer to him and watched him lazily pay pool and sip his boilermaker. He was a pretty big guy --more than I first thought. Big gut, thick arms & legs and huge shoes. Not a looker by any means, but also not a troll. He was just interesting. After the game ended, he wandered off. I sat and had more cups of lukewarm beer and was pretty content until the bartender plopped a boiler maker in front of me. I knew it was from Venom. I looked around to see him but he was already right there behind me. He grabbed the stool, spun me around to face him and said "Hi". Venom. For whatever reason, I couldn't look at anything but his mouth and beard. There were spots of gray there. "Th-thanks for the drinks, man." "You don't move around much. Are you scared or have a handicap?" Huh? "I just came for the cheap beer." Shit. I was dangerously close to embarrassing myself. "I been coming here forever. Let me show you around", he said with a smile as he hoisted me up off the bar stool. Possibly it was my imagination, but everybody at the bar was suddenly started whispering to each other. I followed him as he headed for the far North side of the bar where there was a glass door I'd never noticed before. He swung it open and there was a whole other bar there! Seriously? What was this? "This side is for dykes. The music sucks and don't you dare try to play pool or darts there". I made a mental note. Then he took me towards a staircase which I'd also never noticed before. He led me up to a platform that was almost completely dark. It was crowded with younger guys - many shirtless - and they seemed to be forming a circle. "Oh, Lucky You - you get to see a Daisy Chain. That;s where you fuck the guy in front of you as whoever's directly behind fucks you". Wow. This place was more complicated than I ever knew. We went back down to the bar and sat next to each other. The crowd was thinning pretty rapidly. Holiday weekend. The young guys wanted to go where there was more action, and before long, the daisies from upstairs filed out too. It was down to just me, Venom, the handsome bartender and a few seriously drunk guys who were close to passing out. Venom kept trying to offer me shots, but I declined. It was almost dark outside and I had already had pretty much all the fun I needed to have for one day. Venom and the bartender talked to each other in Spanish for a bit as I finished one last cup of beer. And then it was just the two of us. Sitting there. "I'm Rob. What's your name?" I'd never given my name to some guy in a bar. He shifted a bit and said "I'm Miguel -- but you probably already heard them call me 'Venom'". "Why do they do that?" "They're just hateful bitches who love to spread gossip". We sat in silence for a bit longer when he reached down and fished in his pockets. I thought he was searching for his car keys to go home. But no. He was undoing his zipper. In the blue light of the neon Budweiser sign, he pulled out his hard dick. It didn't look real. It was like a sculpture of a curved, granite python that he was holding in his lap. It didn't even seem like it could be part of a human. I was hypnotized by this amazing member. He glanced around briefly before asking me to kiss it. I didn't just kiss it, I took the magnificent head in my mouth and sucked on it for a bit. I had been shy for far too long. I reached down and felt his hairy balls. "Come on", he said as he grabbed me off the chair and led me toward the staircase, What? Were we going to have a two man daisy chain or something? I was really drunk. He helped me up the stairs until we were on that dark landing again. I tried to let my eyes get adjusted to the low light, but I could really make out were shadows here and there. I could hear him shuffling, but that was actually the sound of him undressing. I sensed and smelled his nakedness. Well, I guess I should strip too, but he had already started to pry off my clothes. Within less than twenty seconds, we were embracing each others' nude bodies. He was big and slightly rough, but I loved his big belly flesh press against my slight frame. And the feel of that hard, superhuman penis! Too much. He guided me down to the filthy floor and let me stretch out on my back. My head was swimming in alcohol and whirring and stars. Venom. "Just don't scream. If you scream or cry out, the bartender will come and we'll have to go". I wanted to ask him why in the world I'd want to scream when he lowered himself down on top of me. Man, he was a heavy guy. Then we were kissing. Seriously passionate kissing like in a movie. Then his enormous penis made an appearance between my ass cheeks. No condom. Just a bare monster. OK. I could do this. He pushed. It hurt so much that I scrambled away and whimpered in pain. I guess this was over. Where were my clothes? He quickly produced a boilermaker from who knows where and demanded I drink it FAST. I obeyed. It did the trick I suppose. I lied back again and let the world wobble by. Then his big, bearded face was in mine again and we resumed kissing deeply. I felt him go into me and it wasn't pleasant, but it also didn't hurt so severely. He groaned with pleasure and asked if this was my first time. I searched my muddy brain for a reply but he was beyond hearing it. He kept pumping like a maniac and I only briefly thought about his nickname. Venom. His breathing was heavy and sweat was pouring off of his whole body. It was wet and smelly and harsh. And then he slowed up a bit. "Ready for the venom?" "Yeah". He thrust one last time and stayed still. I kneaded his large buttocks and kissed him again. We stayed like that for nearly a minute before we were sitting up. He traced a fat finger over my lips. "Are you bleeding?" "Yeah. Or something." I didn't know what what was leaking down, but I suspected that blood was part of it. That and venom. By morning I was home with Miguel in bed next to me. We now live together. It's still new and weird at times, but he's been a good resource for HIV treatment and medical & prescription help. He knows everything and has been so good to me. I really regret nothing.
    2 points
  26. i don't suck cock at all, but i LOVE getting sucked. but sometimes it can take me a long time to orgasm. i always hope the guy never gets bored while sucking me. i do react to him a lot though (i moan, and rub my hands on his shoulders and tell him it feels good and ask if he tasted any of my precum yet)
    2 points
  27. That's sweet. First you need to find out if he's gay or straight. Easy enough to find out during lunch or dinner. Just ask him if he has a girlfriend. No? Boyfriend then maybe? Reaction should tell you something. If he's straight you may have to settle for just becoming friends. Don't burden a straight guy with the fact that you are in love with him. If he's lonely he can use all the friends he can get. Straight or gay. If he's gay thread carefully and become friends first. Just my few cents.
    2 points
  28. Cody: Sunlight streaming in the bedroom window caused a bit of haze as I very slowly awoke. The two day drive from Seattle to Dad’s house in the suburbs of Chicago had really taken a lot out of me, but after a couple of very groggy minutes I realized I was in his bed, alone. I figured he had likely gone for a run. I really love sleeping in Dad's bed. Although I would have preferred to find him sleeping next to me, at least I could still smell him. My Dad and I started having sex several years before I left for college. It wasn’t an affair as much as it was pure hormones. Being a horny teen, I was eager to learn about sex, and Dad was more than willing to be my guide. I never complained, especially since I had long since adjusted to the reality I was gay, and, as my relationship with Dad expanded to include sex, I was more than ready and receptive, especially since then as now, Dad maintained had a nicely toned body. As I lay there in his bed, it occurred to me my morning wood was in complete agreement. After high school I was accepted at an out-of-state university. Fast forward several years of fun and hard work, and now, post graduation, I had a degree in finance and was back at my Dad’s house. I was horny and wanted his body more now than ever before. I couldn’t get enough cum. In college I had been a real pig, and sucked off more than one roommate. I’m surprised I came away from college without coming down with one STD or another. Anyhow, Dad was now 43 to my 22 years, but as he exercises religiously, he is still really young in my eyes. I was always slim and had been on my high school’s swim team, which helped get me a scholarship and to tryouts for the college swim team. I was trim, and I definitely like my body, but my 'little Cody' was doing all the thinking. I imagined if Dad were here right now I’d be sucking his cock and swallowing his cum. I wondered why we hadn't fucked the night before. I know I wanted him, and he had been very happy to see me, but as I had been exhausted by the drive, I guess I just passed out. The thought of Dad fucking me got me rock hard and horny to the point of distraction. Something needed to happen soon; I wanted, no, I needed Dad's cum inside my hole, especially when I thought back to my experiences in years past with Dad. I really liked it when, as we fucked, Dad would get verbal and nasty, calling me his cum hole. My cock started to leak. I got up to piss, and afterwards checked my phone. There was a text from Dad that read, “Getting an early run in, back soon Cod.” My name is Cody, but as long back as I could remember Dad has used the nickname 'Cod'. The kinky part of me wanted him to call me his “cum hole,” and tell me how he was breeding my ass. Fuck, I wanted to taste his cum. I decided to shower and get myself together before Dad got back. I was horned as fuck and thought about jacking off but decided to wait until Dad got back. I was determined to get his load. Dad: It was nice watching Cod sleep was nice, and knowing he needed the rest, I decided to let him sleep in and use the opportunity to hook-up with one of my regulars, Sam, I guy I met on Grindr. Sam and I have been fucking a couple of times a week or so for nearly a year now; with Cod away at college I had to have relief, and Sam satisfied my needs quite nicely. I have always barebacked, and had always topped with Cod but after he went away to school I decided to explore the role of a bottom and started taking bare cock from several guys, Tom, Alan, Nick, and Sam - just a few of the guys I had fuck me at one point or another over the last few years. I loved taking it bareback. I initially asked about the top's status but when Alan answered "I don't know," I decided to still take his load. After taking Alan's load I stopped asking the guy's status. I just wanted to be fucked hard and to take big loads of cum in my ass. I really had no idea if I’d ever taken a poz load of cum until I met Sam. He’s now 28, 6’ tall and lean. He reminds me somewhat of Cod, even if he is a couple of years older. He told me upfront that he was HIV positive. I replied I was HIV negative, but didn’t care either way; the truth is my cock had never been harder. What I didn’t know is that Sam did care about my status: he only wanted to fuck guys who were negative, and since he and I had hooked-up and I made switch to being a cum pig, one who had no trouble that an HIV positive guy was regularly fucking me, Sam had decided me wanted me to convert. Meanwhile I couldn’t get enough of Sam, and was flattered Sam couldn’t seem to get enough of me. He asked if I was still negative, but as I hadn't been tested for quite some time, more than a year or so, even if I had taken many of Sam's loads, still I had to answer that I didn't know. Sam frequently commented "I hope you convert," and "I'm gonna make it happen," but as far as I was concerned it was more of a matter that maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't, but as he was on meds I knew the chances were slim. Whatever the case, however, I definitely wanted him to fuck me - either way. I took a very short run and made my way to his place for sex. I was horny and given the thought of Cod laying naked in my bed, I needed poz cum right now. Sam and I had a fairly regularly routine: I would let myself in, strip naked and climb into his bed, and then we fucked hard and heavy while he told me how he was going to knock me up. “Hey sexy, fuck I’m so horny,” I called out. “Get on your back. I want to see your face while I breed you,” he replied as he entered the room. I flipped over, legs up and he thrust in roughly with no lube. He had fucked me so often that his cock goes in easily, and honestly it didn't really hurt, although I was surprised he was balls-deep on the first thrust. “Gonna’ really breed you deep this time, Mark. You want my poz cum?” “Fuck yeah, give it to me" was all I could mumble as he road my ass. Sam looked down at me, smiled, and leaned over, giving me a deep kiss. I could feel his sweaty nuts resting against my ass. I love that sensation. Somehow it really makes me feel like the top is in complete sexual control of me. “Sam, I’m so fuckin' horny. I want you to blow your poz cum into my hole. I want you to give IT to me.” “Oh yeah, you twisted fuck," he grunted, asking “You want me to poz .. uhhh... maybe both of you?” Sam knew Cod was back at my house. I knew what he meant. I was conflicted, but grunted approval. Sam knew we’d be fucking and if I was, or converted, I might pass it to Cod. “Yeah, you do want that. So fucking hot." He kept banging me, keeping-up a good rhythm, grunting and banging my ass. And, as he did so he remarked “I stopped taking my meds. I want you to be HIV positive." “Uhhhhhh… uhhhh… fuck me”, was all I could manage, “Fuck, it into me.” Sam was in full stride now, kissing me, he was looking me right in the eyes with a very devious grin and he knew that I wanted this as bad as he did. “Fuck… fuck… fuck… close”, he was kissing me hard now and “Uhhhhhhhhh…. FUCK… cummmm… ” and like that, he unloaded in my ass. It seemed like a really intense orgasm for him. As he lay on me, his hard cock plugging my ass, french kissing me, he sweated profusely. “I’ve been wanting to do that since we met,” he eventually commented. “Stop meds?” “Yeah. I wanted to convert you before we were really open about it and I knew I’d probably have to take a break from the meds to do it for real." “That’s so hot that you told me the way you told me just as you were about to blow. How long have you been off them?” "About a month or so, now, so I'm sure I'm toxic." We kept making out, Sam was so hot and his cock was still hard and still inside me. I knew I was a horny pig and I liked it bareback but I never thought of myself as chasing. Right now I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more than another load of his poz cum, so I murmured “I want more.” He, on the other hand, was still out of breath, and replied “Let me rest. Maybe you’ll get something you can’t get rid of.” I was hard and leaking. I hadn’t cum, I rarely did when Sam fucked me, but I started thinking about Cod and my cock started to leak. I felt an odd pang thinking I was going to give Cody cum, knowing I might seroconvert from my sex with Sam. Cody: I finished my shower, ate something and started to think about Dad. I was about to text him when I heard the door open, and in walked Dad, looking a bit sweaty and worn-out. "That must have been a good run," I commented. “Good run? Uh… yeah, good, wore me out. I think I’m going to get a shower." I could smell his arm pits as he walked by and it made my cock hard as he walked past me. “Dad?” “Yeah, Cod?” I walked up close to him and looked him in the eye the way a lover does, “I’m glad I’m home.” “Me too, Cod.” He smiled, kissed me, and then entered his bathroom, I nearly passed out in anticipation of the pleasures in store.
    1 point
  29. This story is a fantasy of mine. It is also only the second story I've posted. I apologize in advance to the grammar police! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been growing more and more bold with my sexual urges and what porn at which I look, which means I've been pushing my boundaries further and further. I've even been hooking up with random guys, however, not until the first time I was stealthed did I realize I wanted it bare. That realization led me to BBRT and Breeding Zone, where I chatted with a few guys, even getting to the point of planning a hook-up, but each time I backed out, afraid of the risks. After a handful of such failed hook-ups, I found myself chatting with a guy who was my approximate age, who seemed to be a nice guy. We got to know each other, and in the process he mentioned he was poz, which led me to tell him of the several instances where I had backed-out of hook-ups as my fear of being pozzed held me back. At that time we both went onto BBRT and looked at the guys with whom I had earlier been chatting. We discussed how hot the various guys were, and speculated what it would be like to get fucked by one or all of them. After some time of this we agreed to meet up have a few drinks and, if possible, to jack off together. That was something to which I could commit myself. On the day we had agreed to get together, he contacted me, asking if he could fuck me, assuring me, however, we would use protection. I agreed, but reiterated I was serious about playing safe. I showered and headed to his place. Arriving at his door, I rang the bell, only to wait a surprising amount of time, but when he opened the door he was clearly damp, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "Hi, sorry for the delay," he commented as he gestured me into his apartment, adding "I was still showering when you rang. Let me make you a drink before I get dressed. Make yourself comfortable, where ever," he finished, gesturing vaguely at his Murphy bed, which was still open. As he stepped away, I stripped off my clothing, stripping down to my jock strap, in the process noticing the restraints which were fastened to the headboard of his bed frame. As I knew he liked bondage, I didn't think much of them, instead I focused on the bareback porn that was playing on his flat screen, jerking myself a bit just to get into the mood. About then he came back into the room, this time carrying two drinks - oh, and his towel had disappeared, and his rock hard, thick, cut eight inch cock was sporting a condom. Handing me a drink, he took a sip of his. "Already wrapped up?" I asked. "Yeah, thought it would put you at ease. I want you to understand I'm a man of my word." Honestly, his tone was so honest and relaxed I was quite relieved, and took a deep chug of my drink, which naturally went straight to my head, or so it seemed as I immediately felt the impact of the alcohol. Setting his drink down, and likewise relieving me of mine, he opened our session by kissing me as he also found a tube of lube and prepped my ass and his cock. "No foreplay, I take it?" "No, I just want to get right to it. I haven't had a good fuck in a while. In fact I've been holding myself back since we decided to get together." He then flipped me over slid into my hole. Fuck, his cock was amazing thick. It honestly felt like he was tearing me a new hole, almost as he was tearing me in half. Fortunately the drink, which was apparently even stronger than I had realized, dulled my response to a loud grunt as he hit bottom. Then he started to pick up his pace, pulling all the way out and slamming back in repeatedly. The pain gradually transitioned into pleasure, especially as my hole seemed to be getting progressively slicker. I was definitely enjoying myself, even as I seemed to be getting increasingly light-headed, but I do recall his comment "Ooops, looks like the condom broke. Want me to stop? I can't hear you. Maybe it's what I put in the drink. Oh, well. You're gonna love this!" When I came to the room was pitch black, so while I couldn't see anything, I could tell I was a bit groggy, and my crotch and ass felt wet and sticky. I also realized my hands and feet were restrained, and somehow it felt like a gag was wrapped over my mouth. He had apparently bound me face-down sometime after I passed out. Then his cock rammed into my ass. Not only was he still fucking me, but I could tell from the head of his cock on my cheeks that he wasn't wearing a condom. The condom broke? Was that was he said? He's poz! I thrashed about a bit, but to little avail. Not only was I bound, the gag was effectively muffling me. My helplessness must of turned him on more because he pounding even deeper and harder, tearing my hole apart. Then I heard a different voice remark "Ah, looks like he's awake! Just in time to take my gift too!" I panicked at the realization a completely unknown guy was fucking me, especially his use of the word 'gift'. I might not have known exactly what he meant, but I had good reason to distrust this situation. "I told you I'm a man of my word," the familiar voice said as he rubbed his cummy cock all over my face. "You lead all those guys on, telling each guy he could tear your hole apart and give you his load, but you always backed out. Well, now you can't, and you've already taken eight poz loads while you were sleeping. What's another ten (or twenty)?" I really started to buck, trying to get free, but the guy fucking me put me in a choke hold, slamming harder than I had ever before felt. "Oh, boy, you're not going anywhere. You said you wanted this ten incher to tear you apart, and that's what you're gonna get!. Fuck, I'm about to cum!" I burst into tears which soaked into the blind fold as I felt him give one last slam into my ass, deeper than anything I had ever before felt, his cock pulsating as he filled me with his cum, his poz cum. "That's it, boy. I saved that load for a few days - just for you." With that he withdrew, but before I even felt the fresh air on my ass, another cock had slid in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all I have time for now. If you want me to finish the story, just let me know. Thanks!
    1 point
  30. This started just over 3 weeks ago. While walking my dog after work one afternoon in my usual outfit of denim shorts and a white wife-beater...met Mauro, maybe 50, Blatino, 6", a little heavier than me, maybe 195, dressed in snug blue jeans and ratty pullover, friendly guy, says he lives a few blocks from me. Mauro walks up to me and asks about my dog. Says he's seen me several times and wants to know if I'm married. Married? Hell no. I have enough trouble with the dog. We head back toward my place and he asks about my apt and the bldg. 96 yrs old and needs some work. He asks to see my apt. We go in, talk a while when he finally gets to the point ... he asks if I'm gay, says its hard to tell, Yes. Asks if I party .. Sometimes. More questions then I send him on his way, I get up at 4a for work and have too much to do. He says he'll drop-by sometime ... Just after 9:00 that night, someone is knocking at the back door. Late eve uninvited guests are rare and I would usually know when someone was dropping by anyway. I answer and it's Mauro from earlier. He's still in jeans but now also wearing a white wife-beater. He says he has some supplies. Okay, come on in for a minute... He drops his backpack on the living room floor. Pulls out a water bottle and a small towel. In the towel he has a loaded pipe and a small red torch. Have a seat. He says he borrowed some shit (his words!) from his friend and wanted to see if I liked it. We talk for a few minutes then he gives me the pipe and torch. Yeah, I'll try one hit then I'll try to direct him out. I light up and see that the pipe bowl has a couple large rocks in it. The torch melts the T in just seconds, massive clouds form. I take my hit and get filled very quick... massive cloud ... massive head rush ... gawd ... I try to hand it back to Manny but he asks if it's good and says to do one more hit. Damn T is very good, my head is already filling and I feel it really well ... I take another big hit ..., he sits in front of me rubbing his crotch .. is it good? Hell yeah. He just sits back and I take two more deep hits ... he asks if I have any plans tonight .. I pull off my shirt, shoes, then my shorts, no underwear ... he says to stand up. I stand.. he asks where the bedroom is. I say to stand up and drop the futon ... seem to be moving very slow ... he opens his jeans and his 7"dick flops out ... long thick uncut meat ... a lot of foreskin ... I drop and slowly take his dick full down my throat ... he grabs my head .. I bury my face in his pubes and swallow his meat.. still getting harder .... the damn thing reaches full size down my throat ... he groans and grinds into my face .... He pulls out, strips, gets on the bed and lies back. I lean over him and suck on his hard dick ... full sized and hard as a damn steel rod .. close to 1.5" of foreskin still hanging off the end. He reaches back behind me and begins to tease my ass ... just light probing and rubbing my hole ... I deep throat his meat as he humps up into me ... he's groaning and slowly getting more aggressive on my hole ... licking his fingers and working one deeper into me. Half hour of this .. sucking and ass tease .. He says to straddle his face ....I climb over him, he reaches up and he pulls me down to his face .. eats my ass slow .. just light tongue at first while I bury my face back into his crotch .. he slowly gets deeper into it and me ... tongue fucking my hole .. working a finger in then deep tongue again ... I sit up and move down onto his face .. he begins to feast on my ass... chewing and sucking on my now soggy hole .. he'spulling my hips down to get in deeper . I lean back down and get his rod full buried down my throat .. at least 8" of dark uncut meat .. sucking and chewing on his foreskin ... sucking on and licking his massive hairy balls and sack ... he's got a rubber cockring around his balls .. damn things must hang a good 6-7 inches from his crotch ... Another half hour ... he says he needs to get up .. I move off and stay down on my knees .. try to get my head clear a bit ... he moves behind me, pulls my ass up a little higher and drives his tongue back in ... he's grinding my ass ... chewing on my ass lips ... shoving his tongue in deep, running around my hole ... he spits on my asshole then drives his tongue back in several times .... I'm moaning like a fucking pig ... giving him as much access as I can... He pulls away, pulls my hips back and then I feel his foreskin at my now very wet sloppy hole. I reach under and push his foreskin back off the head, line up his dick on my asslips and back my ass onto his meat.... Pull my legs forward to get him as deep as I can ... I can feel every inch .. FUCK .... He gets into a rhythm and fucks me steady ... I grind back on his pubes ... his big balls swinging and slapping my balls and now T-dick. ... he gets me on my side, leg up .. deeper fuck ... I feel him hitting and the head passing through my 2nd ring .. he's groaning loud .... we're both are soaked with sweat ... his fucking feels so damn good .... he gets the pipe .. two more hits ... not me, buried in his fucking ... he pulls out, says leg cramp ... I roll on my back, he pushes my legs back ... he lines up and slides/slams in ... hard deep fuck now ... slamming into my ass .. I reach back and grab his ass, pulling him in deeper with each thrust ... he's groaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear outside ... I'm telling him to fuck me .... he groans "FUCK" once and slows down .. I feel his dick throbbing, pumping his load into me ... 7-8-9-10... shots... fuck ... Both soaked in sweat, he's raining sweat on me ... he leans down and bites my nipples hard .. he saw that I had been twisting and pulling on my tits ... ... long pause ... he pulls out slow ... I reach back and feel his dick and my hole soaked with cum .... I finger myself ... damn... filled with his seed ... he asks if I want to shit it out .. hell no .. no way in hell .. I'm keeping in me all damn night I ask, he says he's okay ... wiped out but feeling good. We get up, I walk him to the bathroom to shower. I go back to the living room, drop back on the floor and work my cum soaked hole, his massive cum load.. damn ... get up and grab a butt plug from the toy box. .. drop back onto the floor and work the plug in ..... don't want to lose any of the load ... I lie there with the plug in, notice he's come back from the bathroom, watching me ... says he'd fuck me again if he could ... likes the plug, says he has a couple toys I might like .. He dresses .. I get us some water ... he says that if I want, he can get a ball of the shit for me .. just text him ... says he wants to fuck my ass again .... says he'll be waiting for my text... says he can get anything I want ... I'm barely tuned-in .... loaded with T and cum ... flying... he lights again, hands pipe and torch to me, can barely hold steady, he holds and lights for me .. another big hit .... fucking good ..... Mauro gets his pack, I very slowly get to my feet and follow him out .. still naked ... too dark for anyone to notice though ... Very slowly managed to calm down ... breathing very rough and heart-rate very high but did get better. Damn potent stuff . Damn good shit!! Plug stayed in all night and most of the next day.... felt damn good ....
    1 point
  31. When people ask "How old was the oldest person you've ever had sex with" I usually win the prize when I say "82." Yeah, I let an 82 year old man fuck his load into me, and I was 28 at the time. This was several years back-- back in the day before manhunt and bbrt, etc. This was when everything was done by AOL chat rooms. Well, I was chatting in a local gay chatroom, and started talking with a guy who lived a couple miles from me. He had terrible spelling and syntax, but I forgave that because he talked very dirty about things he wanted to do. He didn't have any pics to share, but said he had tons of porn on VHS and that he liked to fuck boys raw with his thick, 8.5" uncut cock. He said I wouldn't be disappointed and that I should cum over. Well, the man had me at uncut and 8.5, but this was back when safe sex was a real focus, so I wasn't so sure about the raw part. But I agreed to head over to his place, regardless. With no picture-- AND I'd forgotten to ask about his age and other physical stats. Well, needless to say I was a bit shocked when he answered the door. Standing in front of me was a thin, slightly stooped, white haired old man with liver spots, standing in boxers and a t-shirt. Instantly I wondered if I had the wrong house by accident, but I didn't. He invited me in. I thought about turning around and saying no, but I didn't. I stepped inside, thinking I could be nice for a few minutes then back out. Boy am I glad I decided to go in! The house was a time capsule-- shag carpet and panelling, knickknacks and pictures everywhere, pictures of his kids... and grand kids. And, as it turns out, his late wife. He saw me studying all the photos while I was stalling for time. "Yup, this is my family. I was married for 51 years, but the whole time I knew I liked men. I played around a bit when I was in the Navy, back in the day, but getting married and having a family was just something that you did," he explained. He also told me his computer was a gift from his eldest son, and that he had some younger friends show him how to use it and find chat rooms, etc. "Boy, it's really been a godsend. It has helped me get laid without having to drive anywhere!" I asked him then how old he was. "I'm 81, actually. Is that a problem?" He looked concerned. "Because it has been for some guys, but trust me, everything still functions like I was 18." I was in the spider's parlor; how could I say no at this point? Then he led me to the family room, where the tv was playing raunchy, hardcore bareback porn. We're talking twink boys getting fisted and gang banged. Definitely a shocker. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable," he suggested. "You want anything to drink?" I told him I was fine, and sat down on the scratchy, plaid furniture. He sat down in a chair, and pulled out his cock through the fly of his boxers. Sure enough, he'd told the truth about his cock. It was meaty, and thick, with foreskin that spilled completely over his head. I found myself getting aroused in spite of myself. He starts stroking his cock and it slowly started getting hard. "You like what you see, boy? Maybe you should come over here and suck it for me." I do love me some foreskin, so I obliged by sucking his thick meat and playing with all that luscious foreskin, chewing and nibbling it, running my tongue between it and the head of his cock. He moaned in appreciation while his gnarled fingers gripped the back of my head. In no time he was hard and oozing a bit of precum. And FUCK it was a nice cock-- it really was at least 8, with a big purple helmet. "You ready to have that ass fucked, boy? I haven't cum in two weeks and I need to empty my balls inside a hole!" He'd obviously been watching a LOT of porn, or just always had a filthy mouth from his sailor days. I told him to go easy on my ass with his big ol' cock, but I did want his load in my ass. I stripped, lubed up my ass with his KY and assumed the position on all fours in front of the porn. "Shouldn't we use a condom?" I asked. "Heck, boy... what you think I got? I was married for 51 years... and celibate for about 40 of 'em! I'm looking to fuck you like the boy on the video." The twink on the video (maybe he was 18... but he looked MUCH younger) was getting spit roasted by two, mustachioed, hairy daddy types. I had to admit it was pretty damn hot. Unfortunately, this was back in the day before I knew about poppers. Which was extra unfortunate because Gramps evidently still thought assholes were as easy to fuck as pussies. He positioned his shiny, purple head at my hole... and shoved inside. I'm pretty sure I screamed. He didn't seem to care much. "C'mon, boy-- your pussy-hole can take my cock. I'm already inside, so just relax. And don't worry-- It won't take me long to cum, either." Then he fucked me. Thank GOD he was uncut, because all that skin helped with the sliding action in and out of my butthole. I never could relax enough to where it felt good, but I sure as hell felt FULL. He had one of the biggest cocks I'd taken at that time in my life, and I was just amazed that it was inside me... and without a condom! I'd only ever allowed boyfriends fuck me uncovered before. His bony hands clawed at my hips as he pounded and thrust into my ass. He probably kept this up for a solid ten minutes, then he sped up and his thrusts got real short. "Here I cum, boy! Aaaahhh! Aaaaaahhhh! AAAAAHHHHHHH!" he yelled. I knew if the windows had been open his neighbors would have heard him blow his load in my ass. I must admit I was fairly turned on by the thought that this granddad was pumping me full of his sperm. I could feel his thick cock jerking in my guts and I knew I was getting quite a two-week supply. He collapsed, panting and wheezing onto my back, while his thick meat still shuddered deep in my butt. Eventually he pulled slowly out of my still clenched asshole. "Thanks for helping an old man out, I really needed that!" He then asked if I would cum for him. He sat in his chair and had me stand up and jack off in front of his face. When I got close, he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue toward my dick... so I let him have it. My first shot hit is forehead and dripped down his nose, the rest went into his mouth and on his tongue. He swallowed it all. I ended up going back to his place several more times. The last time we fucked was to celebrate his 82nd birthday. I moved away shortly after that and never saw him again, but to this day, he's still the oldest guy to breed my hole.
    1 point
  32. ...fluffing it up... ...would love to be his fluffer btw...
    1 point
  33. God NO I never get bored of sucking cock!!!! I LOVE the pleasure it gives a man, thus, giving me pleasure in return!! Love to take him to the point of no return and then get my mouth and throat filled with his load!
    1 point
  34. This all starts in the mid-70's sometime before that whole ghastly bicentennial mess. I was eight or nine years old and I was on a vacation of sorts with my parents. We'd been to some super-boring place in Oklahoma to see dumb old antique cars (my dad's passion) and I remember almost nothing about it. What I DO remember is stopping at those those highway rest areas for the first time. I had no idea such things existed. Concrete bathrooms in the middle of long stretches of highway that people just went in to and did their stuff. We stopped at almost all of them because I had a nervous little bladder that always had to empty itself. Most of the time, my dad accompanied me if only to make sure I was safe. Safe? It was a bathroom, and what could happen in a bathroom? Each of those places smelled like pee and they all were defaced with magic marker drawings of really long penises and plenty of words. I wanted to look, read and study every thing. Of course my dad wanted to make good highway time and wouldn't let me dawdle. Fast forward to the mid-80's and I was about to turn 21. I was home from college and working the night shift as a dishwasher at a 24-hour truck stop. I hated it. I always had burns on my hands from that huge industrial machine that I shoved dirty dishes and silverware through. It was exhausting, but the one little, tingling thought that kept me somewhat alert was that there was one of those rest areas only 15 minutes away up the highway. Of course I'd never go there alone, but my memories of the graffiti I'd seen long ago were still vivid and exciting. I could go there, and that knowledge alone was thrilling. I really hated this minimum-wage job and it was only a relief when I got fired on the spot for dropping a whole stack of clean, hot plates. It was only 3 am and I was free to go. Fine. I walked out to my junker car . I was a bit depressed because I really needed to earn more money for school, but the Summer was over in a month and now I could just rest and let my burns heal. What to do now? If I went home this early, I'd wake the whole house up -- including my little sister who had been suffering from a bout of migraines for weeks. So I drove out of the parking lot and made my way to the highway. I'd just drive by the rest stop to only look at it. Within a few minutes I saw the sign for its entrance. Was it my perv brain or some outside force that made me slow down and pull into the place? My legs were shaking for some reason as I turned off the ignition. The car lot was empty but here were a few 18-wheelers parked in the place where I guess trucks were delegated. So I imagined them all sitting up suddenly, noticing my car and stroking their big trucker dicks. My brain was getting more and more pornographic these days. And gayer. I just put it all aside and unsteadily walked into the men's side of the little concrete building because I really did have to pee. I decided to go into one of the toilet stalls instead of standing at the urinals. I really wanted to look at the graffiti more than anything. Each of the stalls had crude holes in the partitions for reasons and I wouldn't know until later. I sat and looked at all the drawings and words. "SUCK MY COCK" "LET ME SUCK YOUR DICK" That was the gist of most of the messages. It made me wonder who took a pen with them to the bathroom until I remembered that I had one in my back pocket. I'd swiped it from one of the waitresses on my way out if only because I wasn't daring enough to vandalize anything. Well a bit of bravery returned as I stood up and made my own graffiti. "I want to give you a blow job. Be here 7/8 at 11: 30 am. Stay in this stall and signal me." I left right away, feeling like I'd already done something filthy. I I had two whole days to get ready for something I was pretty sure wouldn't even happen. I spent the next 36 hours wondering and fantasizing and worrying. I left the house a little too early that day and killed a few minutes at the discount store near me. I bought a little travel-sized bottle of Listerine. if I ended up taking a naked dick in my mouth, I'd probably need some antiseptic to kill any diseases that might be on it. I got there early anyway. Well, this was good because I could look at and judge anybody who got out to go to the bathroom. If he looked gross, dangerous or sick, I could just drive away and try again some other time. So I sat with the engine running, cooling in the A.C. and listening to my heart beating super loud. Not even a minute later, a snazzy new black pickup truck sped in and parked right in front of me. It had a personalized license plate that said "TAINTED". I mulled that over for half a second before a man stepped out. He looked right at me. I sunk a little in my seat. He was tall with short brown, curly hair, a very trim beard...and obviously gay. Don't ask me how I could tell. I just could. There was just something familiar about his snooty scowl and walk. He went into the men's room and I studied every step. He was wearing tan shorts and had a pretty nice build. Okay. I was determined to go through with this. I counted to twenty and got out of my car. The entrance was only fifteen feet away, but it felt like a country mile. I made it inside and noticed he was in one of the toilet stalls -- most likely the one I'd left my graffiti in. I couldn't remember for sure right now. I couldn't go right into the stall and say "hi", so I stood at one of the urinals for what felt like a good five minutes. I flushed and went to the sinks to carefully wash my hands for another long set of minutes. Nothing. It had to be just a guy who needed to just poop or something. Okay. This would not happen today I guess. I went back to my car and started the ignition right as the dude walked out of the bathroom. He was looking at me again. I turned off the car again and wondered what to do next as he sat on the little concrete bench right outside. It was the right guy alright. TAINTED I played with that word in my head as I fumbled out of the car and headed my way back into the bathroom. I went slowly because I didn't trust my knees completely. I was literally shaking. I passed right by him, nodded and said "hi". That was all it took because he made with a bunch of small talk. What was I name? Where did I live? How old was I? Did I work somewhere? I gave lies in return. He was "Steve" and he was a hairdresser. We stood in silence for a bit before he finally said "It's hot out here". He made his way toward the entrance and held the door for me. On autopilot, I went straight for the designated stall and sat down but didn't latch the door. This was going too fast, but what did I expect after leaving that message? In a flash he was right there, rubbing the crotch of his shorts and glaring down at me. While I wondering if I should open his fly, he did it for me. And then I was staring at a big purple dick in person. I wasted no time in leaning over and tasting the pointed tip. "Take off your pants, man." I couldn't. No way. I didn't know too much about any of the other gay stuff and this was all I was ready to do. I moved up and down his hard shaft and tried to use plenty of spit. TAINTED i wasn't able to the whole thing in my mouth but still thought I was doing a pretty good job, Not good enough I suppose because he pulled off my face and started jacking off. Oh. Okay. I sat there stupidly for a half a minute while he growled and huffed and masturbated just inches from my face. Then he bucked a little, put his meat back in my mouth and started to spasm. I waited for the taste that didn't seem to be on its way. But then it hit my tongue. It was so alien and strong. I was tasting something made inside another man's body. It's almost the same as if I were tasting his lungs, heart, blood or phlegm. It was all HIM. A car door slammed somewhere outside before we could say any good-byes or anything. He left and I stayed put. Thinking. I locked the latch wondered if my life was over. Did I have AIDS now? I really should have thought this through a little. Too late. The whole incident lasted less than three minute, but I mentally replayed it for the rest of the Summer. Sometimes I jerked off and sometimes I just worried. Was my future 'tainted'? Once I go back to school, I fretted so much that I finally went to student health center to get tested for any and all STDs out there. The doctor came back after the results were back and cautioned me that I needed to come back in another three months for a second blood test. I didn't have HIV yet, but I did have syphilis. That's the first price I'd pay for leaving graffiti in a pubic place, but it wouldn't be the last.
    1 point
  35. When we got to my place. The young boy waisted no time stripping, and at the same time begging to be fucked. The rest of us stripped. The boy got to his knees and took our cocks in his hot mouth to get us hard. While he took turns on the two black guys, I noticed how hot he was. Bigger muscular pecs, arms, and absorb. His dick was as big as the two black guys, and has nice fat low hanging balls. One of the black guys got behind him and began to rim his ass. While he hungrily sucked the other. He moaned in lust. I got on my knees and began to suck his dick.
    1 point
  36. Possibly, there is some true stuff in this story. Possibly, there is not. Winter of 1991, somewhere in the Midwest I had just finshed my first semester at an unremarkable state college where I'd made grades that were anything but great. I've always been called "smart", but never really did well in achool. Is there a name for nerds who suck at academics? I really had no pride left. I mean, I'm just slightly below average in every way with barely any social skills and maybe two people on the planet I could call "friends". Look at my avatar and subtract 25 years and add some glasses along with some unsexy facial scruff. That was me in this story. The opposite of hot. I was due to go home for Christmas with my parents. It was a three hour trip due South on the turnpike. My mom had called the night before and told me to keep an eye on the weather because a possible blizzard could hit. Is it bad that I secretly hoped it would? No offence to my family, but they are as boring and deflated as I was. Staying at school would only mean I'd have to temporarily bunk in the dorm for international students. How bad could that be? Well I payed the price for my wishes because the sky was only a tad gray when I woke up on the morning I was due to leave. Of course. It was a short drive to the turnpike where I got my ticket to enter this joyride through a boring, flat landscape that was dead for the Winter. Radio reception was iffy in this region. Even FM. I fiddled around with the dial and eventually found some odd sort of talk show where two old guys were talking about how the moon landing was all fake, and the government always lied to us about everything. Is it bad that I really didn't care? I mean, one way or the other, there was nothing I could do about it. I barely noticed that I didn't see any other travelers on the road. As the radio crackpots blathered on, it started to snow. It wasn't too bad -- it was just cemetary snow. Well, "Cemetary Snow" is what I called it because they were just tiny flakes. They looked like the kind of snow you'd see in a dramatic movie where there's a Winter burial and the snow is just there for a melancholy effect. Does that make sense? Well, anyway -- it was minor and didn't even seem to accumulate on the ground. After about 70 miles, I was nearly convinced that no man had ever actually set foot on the lunar surface...and the snow had gotten heavier. The flakes were still small but they were coming faster. I just kept my eyes on the road and felt a rod of alertness move straight up my spine. After 100 miles, I couldn't get the station anymore and the snow was getting worse in every way. The flakes were so big and so fast that they were alost a blur...a sideways-moving blur. I could also feel the wind picking up, moving my crappy little tin can car at its will. Uh oh. I was feeling a little panic, and thought briefly of trying to tune in some Christmas music to calm myself. But I didn't dare touch the radio so I could fully concentrate on the disappearing road. The speakers sputtered out static white noise as the storm got worse. Right up ahead I saw a blue Rest Area sign on the right. Good timing. I pulled into the small parking lot where there were no other cars or even any big semi trucks you always see in these places. Well, sure. They all have access to weather reports we tin can car drivers do not. I parked and considered the situation. I hadn't smoked at all that day because my mom hated the smell, but now seemed like the perfect time for a cigarette. I cracked the window a bit and let that steel rod up my back soften ever so slightly. I used my mostly-empty can of Mountain Dew as an ashtray and tried using my mind to soften the storm, but that of course didn't work. Thinking I just needed some extra time for my will over the weather to work, I opened the car door and made my way toward the restrooms. After a piss and maybe another smoke, surely this would all but be over with. I trudged up the mostly obscured sidewalk and noticed drifts had piled up the concrete box of toilets that had probably been here since Eisonhower was alive. It was obvious I should have worn heavier clothes because the freezing air went through me like an x-ray. Once I got inside the men's room on the left of the building, I felt a little less vulnerable. It was ugly, smelly and lit only by bare lightbulbs in ancient fixtures on the ceiling -- but it was about fifteen degrees warmer than the outside. I thought I'd probably take a nice long pee and smoke break, sitting on one of the toilets but two of the stalls were 'out of order' and the third one was clogged with massive turds. Never mind. I went to one of the urinals which were not seperated by any kind of partition. Even though I had the whole place to myself, I still hesitated about which urinal to pick. I finally chose the one furthest down the line away from the door and unzipped. I tried to pee, but my whole body was shivering and I was severely stressed out by the weather. My dick shrunk up like snai; and wouldn't let me vacate the contents of my bladder. Without zipping back up, I backed away a little and put a cigarette in my mouth. If I just kept standing and relaxed a bit, the pee would find its way out eventually. So I tried again. As the wind roared outside, I aimed at the drain and was almost there when I heard a loud creak as the door opened. Shit! I had no idea what to do. NO idea. Maybe it would be a capable state trooper who'd escort me safely home in his warm patrol SUV that had a plow attached to the front bumper. No. It was just a very regular-looking guy, not much older than me wearing sweats under a bright orange ski jacket. And flip-flops...in this kind of weather. I wasn't shocked or anything because I went to college with dudes who would wear shorts and sandals on the coldest days because they wanted to seem eccentric or else they just didn't have the money to do laundry ona regular basis. He didn't seem very collegiate. He looked like a guy who would repair combines or something. Whatever the case, I was determined to empty my water no matter what. I'd go back to my car and sit there with the heater on and maybe pray, Of course he lined up at he urinal next to me...which meant no pissing would happen soon. Goddamn him. I was going to pee despite this idiot. I let the cig tumble put of my mouth intp the drain below me. The guy pulled his sweats down and unleashed his dick right there where I could see. For Christ's sake! I stared straight ahead at the concrete tiles and focused on my own business. I didn't hear any flow on his side either. Nothing. I ventured a look and saw him holding his fat pink penis in his left hand. I wasn't too impressed with his member, but I noticed his hand for sure. It was a rural hand. A working hand. I'm so stupid. What if he saw me staring and why was I staring? Whatever. The world was ending out there and I wanted to look. I couldn't help but notice his nails. They were jagged - as if he cut them with a dull handsaw. And they were so black. Most people think that dirty nails are caused by actual dirt, soil. But it's mostly dead skin cells, body oil and food. There's a word for this, but I don't know it. I'm a lousy student, remember? As I'm mesmerized by the dude's dirty nails, I noticed his dick was getting erect. It went from 'average' to 'above average' to 'very above average' in ten seconds. I had to make myself look up at him, and of course he was watching me watch his stuff. Oh fuck it! I was so far beyond embarrassment eight then that I just said "Hi.". We turned toward each other with our dicks hanging out od our flies, He was taller and cuter than I'd noticed at first. What to say next? "Nice hands", I said stupidly. "Huh?", he really sounded confused -- I guess because he thought I was going to compliment his dick. "Well. I mean. Nice ... big hands. And the. The dick is really nice too, I'm sorry," He laughed and I looked at the floor. I'm so dumb. He'd probably beat the hell out of me now. This stranger. I waited for it. "what he hell are you doing here, kid?" My words were still formless, but I tried to say that I was going home. All that came out were sudden loud sobs and a few words like "Christmas" and "Mom". And then I collapsed under the weight of my own panic and hit the floor. "Stay here", he said and bolied for the exit, his flip-flops clicking urgently as he scurried away. I was all alone. In a bathroom. In a blizzard. I've never had a passion for life, but never thought it'd end like this. Seconds later, the guy came back with his arms overloaded with army-green blankets and two orange sleeping bags. He busied himself making a little green and orange nest in the back of the cement room where there was once a stall that had been removed. "Come get warm", he said with chattering teeth. I was confused. "Here??" "What? You want to camp outside?" I felt like I was nine years old. "What if somebody comes in? What if help comes?" He looked at me like I was a total idiot. "The whole turnpike is shut down. Get it? There's no going North and no going South". "Meaning?" His face softened and his eyes were figuring out how to now see me. "Meaning...we've got the whole middle of the state to ourselves". And then he smiled and came over to help me up off the floor. He led me back to our makeshift suite of blankets and sleeping bags and layed me down like my mom would. The fluffy sleeping bags were our mattress and the blankets made a comforter. It was amazingly nice and cozy. We were both laying on our backs and having our own thoughts without talking. I didn't figure we'd talk anymore the whole night. I was alost relaxed until he spoke up. "What did you say about my hands again?" Oh man. I guess there was no being shy at this point. "I just noticed how nice your hands were...and your fingers...and your fingernails". I didn't stumble on a single word. SILENCE Then he kaughed a little and held his left arm out straight above our heads to catch what little light we had. "Jeezus, dude. My fingernails are filthy as fuck! You didn't notice that?" I reached out of the warm blanket and pulled his hand down to my face, I licked the palm and made it a point o suck each fingertip. I guess I'd made my point. "Wow. Thanks, man. Did you notice anything else?" I scanned my useless brain for something I'd forgotten to mention. "Check it out", he whispered as he twisted his arm to show me the underside of his thick wrist. There I saw a biohazard tattoo. I knew what it was from visits to the doctor's office and seeing that red trash can with the same symbol on it. That's where gloves, needles and bandages went. It was a hospital thing. "Are you a doctor?", I ventured. "Yes. That's it. I'm here to cure you of yourself. Get it?" I didn't. But as I wondered what he meant, he was on top of me. OK. I was thinking I was ready for this step. He pulled my jeans off and ripped my underwear . He was kissing me and I tasted him. As I searched for a description of his flavor, he stuck one of his dirty, nasty fingers in my asshole. He was scratching in there on purpose. Then there were two dirty fingers inside. Shit. I was going to get an infection of some sort. I needed to put a stop to this shit, but as I pre-formed my protest my hero was suddenly higher on top of me and the head of his dick was inside my hole. GOD! How can anything hurt that much? I'd broken my arm when I was ten and it didn't hurt like this. But it was sex. Right? Man Sex is supposed to be like this? I had so much to think about and so much pain to process, but I was forced to deal with Hero Man's rapid thrusting and animal grunts. I wanted him to look at me, but his eyes were shut tight as he made one last thrust and growled. I sure wanted to talk about all this, but he just tunbled into sleep. I wasn't tired at all until suddenly I was. I wormed my way down into the pile of blankets and felt sleep attack me like a grizzly bear. Merry Christmas, I guess.
    1 point
  37. Just another wasted youth (Part 2) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “How old are you bitch?” I asked him, while pulling his nipples through his t-shirt. “18” he moaned. “I turned 18 two days ago” “Aaawwww… and now we seem to be your gift” I smiled. The boy smiles back at me. “Keep yourself dizzy bitch” I encouraged to sniff at the poppers bottle as often as he could. “Enjoy your ride to hell” I stated and my buddies and I laughed loudly while we held this twats body up. “Wouldn’t you enjoy to get fucked by everyone in this darkroom?” I whispered. “Imagine all the cocks getting hard, just because of your cute butt” “They sure would enjoy pounding your sweet loyal cunt” my mate grunted. “I don’t know” the youth replied. “You guys got big dicks…. I am horny for big dicks tonight” he replied. “A true bottom should never refuse a hard cock – not on a night like this” I tried to persuade him. “I love my boyfriend… I don’t want to cheat on him” said the twink who just got his ass fucked by totally strangers. “You are not… tonight your boyfriend isn’t here. You miss him so much, that is why you allowed us to plow your ass….” I talked to him soothingly. “It is your boyfriends fault. He should have been here with you at your birthday party. But don’t worry about it, no one needs to know, that you are a greedy little ass cunt.” The guy behind the twink had his hands on the youths shoulders and fucked him high speed. “Yeah…. it is all *grunts* his fault. He should have been here with me, instead of working for his company…..oooooh - I got needs” he moaned. “Yeah and let the guys here fulfill your needs just for tonight. Tomorrow your boyfriend will get to love you anyway and you love him, but tonight we are here to please your cunt” “Doesn’t it feel good to have a big cock up your ass, jamming your tight entrance…. give us the chance to make you feel good. Let’s make you the star of this night… let all the guys here fuck your ass…. just so, because you can do it…. and you do it so good baby.” I whispered those words into his ear. “Don’t reject anyone… see every cock as a present for you to set a new world record in getting charged up in one night – don’t be a fool to let this chance pass you by….” I continued to talk him into. “You don’t even have to look at the guys. Just stay here, look at the wall and imagine your ass a deposit for cum. Take another whiff….. Yeah….. imagine you are just a hole to us. Help us to get off…. into your sweet little body.” “Oooooh fuck…. your cock feels so good…..and maybe I should let you all fuck my pussy – but only tonight” the lad agreed. “Yeah – only for tonight slut” I answered satisfied. “And only with condoms….” he insisted. This was ridiculous. There he was – a totally drunk teen and buzzed up with poppers and still he had the audacity to demand safe fucks? I sighed deeply and looked at our third mate, who would have been the next to fuck this toad. “Sorry man… then you can’t fuck him with your 12 incher” I winked at him. “Man…. what the fuck….?” he complained. “You know his dick is so huge and thick… he has really problems finding condoms which would fit him.” I explained to our target. He peered at the next cock and seemed to be mesmerized. “Ooooooh *sighs* your cock is fucking beautiful. I have never seen a real dick being so thick and long” he moaned. “And do you see how much he looked forward to demolish your hole? Look at the streams of precum, dripping to the floor already.” I brought his attention to my pals Gono infection. But he was so swept away, that he really didn’t draw the conclusion or maybe it was simply too dark. He asked instead if he could lick his ‘precum’ away. “Of course” my friend said and while still getting fucked up the ass, the lad bent a little to the side and started sucking his fag beater. After only two minutes he got up again and asked my mate ‘Are you okay?’ “I feel great….” my pal replied. “No I mean, are you healthy……?” he mumbled under the influence of the alcohol. “Yeah faggot. Don’t worry I am clean” he lied stealthily. In the meanwhile the second fucker reached his orgasm and ejaculated the second high POZ load flooded the boys’ sewer. “Okay…. then fuck my ass raw.” he whispered. “What?” my mate answered as he was hard of hearing. “FUCK ME RAW” the twink shouted. “Gentlemen…..this twink just turned 18 two days ago and he is willing to accept the gift…. Please…..make sure you make room to those who are willing to share…..” I exclaimed. “You want to get charged up, right?” I asked him loudly. “Yeah man, charge me up with your dicks” he moaned. “I didn’t hear you?” I teased him. “OH FUCK….. GIVE ME YOUR COCKS….. *moans* CHARGE ME UP PLEASE!” he almost cried out. In no time we had a nice crowd of guys gathering around to take part at this spectacle. While our last friend started penetrating the boys’ hole, the twink moaned in pleasure and pain. 12 inch of hard cock meat worked his way up the lads’ ass cunt. “Ooooooh yeah…. this is it….. fuck me…. FUCK….. batter me with your huge dick” he begged. “Don’t worry pups…. I will fuck you hard and give you all I got…..” he snickered.
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  38. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 5) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Davis was on the floor, trying to avoid the beating. I stood above him, with two of my pals and we were swinging our belts and hit his body in every possible spot. He trashed around, but had no chance to escape the whipping. The scene was filmed by the 4th guy and he switched between close ups of the welts appearing all over Davis’ body and the scenery from afar. So we could enjoy those minutes again and again later on. We showed no mercy. It was like the warming up before the main event. Our cocks stood out proud and hard, just wishing the rape would start right now. Davis was not screaming at the moment. It was more or less just grunting. He clenched his teeth and almost seemed out of this world. And again the lad tried to flee from the pain and the violence. He simply fainted on us. We were so in motion, that we didn’t notice it at first. Out of breath we stopped our attack. “You brought us a nice piece of meat” someone said. “Wake him up” I said coldly. Another bucket of cold water was splashed over his head. He gasped for air and looked around disorientated. “No more…” were his first words. “No more…” he repeated again. “No more… beating” I said. “No more…” I stressed my words and crouched next to him. “Move your body to the bed” I whispered to Davis. “Move your fucking body to the bed and spread your fucking legs so we can start ripping your ass open.” with that I got up again and gave the lad a little nudge with my boots to make him more cooperative. Slowly he crawled to one of the beds, accompanied by our booted feet, showing him the right way. Every muscle in his body was tensed. It was such a great moment, hearing his soft sobbing, realizing he wanted to crawl away from us, but we gave him little kicks, so it would be easier for him to find our love nest. We grinned at each other and jerked our cocks slowly. “Good boy” I teased him Davis looked around scared, when he got onto the bed. “On your back cunt and spread those damn legs” I growled. Davis assumed position, but didn’t look all too happy about it. “Now… Davis… wouldn’t it be nice, if you would repeat the words you used, when you contacted me?” I asked soothingly. “About getting fucked?” he asked timidly. “About everything…” I answered loudly. “Tell us how you wanted to be raped and your cunt busted.” The 18 year old boy shook his head. “You better tell us…” I warned him. “I… I wanted to be raped. I… I wanted my cunt destroyed *sniffs* I needed hard cock….” Davis mumbled. “Exactly and now a little bit louder and say it in a way, that we believe it.” I ordered him to tell us the things a second time. Before that, I told my pals to assemble on the bed, next to our little rape toy and let him stroke our cocks and lick two cockheads, while the 5th fellow would film this great scene. Davis looked around, not knowing how to react. While Davis got a zoom up, jacking us off or lick our dickheads we gave him the opportunity to look straight into the cam and tell us his deepest desires. “I…. *sob* I… want to be raped.” “I am a useless cunt and need to be destroyed” Tears ran down his face while he praised his hole to be torn apart and to be fucked bloodily. “Good cunt…. we will give you, what you were looking for.” and we fist bumped each other, while using insults on the lad. “So let’s get started. You must be delirious already” I laughed cruelly. I went between the guys legs and arranged his legs to be on my shoulder. Davis tried to push me away, but I was a lot stronger than this helpless little twink. “Someone hand me the lube….” I demanded. It was a lot commotion going on now. Davis felt my cock nestling against his tiny hole, already probing to gain entrance. He wasn’t happy about it and tried to push me away. “Lube….” I shouted and tried to get the boy under control. “Erm… nobody brought lube with him apparently.” “We need lube…. oh well, spit and blood will do it also I guess….” I mused. “This will hurt lad, but it will hurt you more, that it will hurt me” I cackled gleefully. “As soon as you bleed, my cock will glide more easily into your twat. Don’t worry….” I added. “Maybe this will help?” someone said. A guy came out of the bathroom, holding a used toothbrush in his hand. He looked at the men… They looked at me… I looked at Davis… “We need to get your hole bloody…” I told him truthfully. Suddenly Davis understood the concept and started wailing…
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  39. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 4) “Come here… stroke my cock while you dance you horny fuck” I ordered Davis. He hesitated at first and looked at me worried. Then he moved slowly towards me and lowered his head. I could see him crying. He took my hard cock in both of his hands and started stroking it gently. We could all hear him sob. I handed the cam to a mate, then put my arms around Davis and pulled him closer to me. “Continue stroking me, pup” I told him in a normal tone. His head rested against my right shoulder. I could feel his tears on my skin. My hands started massaging his ass cheeks through his white pair of jeans. My black leather gloves made a nice contrast to the white fabric. Davis’ sobbing increased slightly. He was shaking like a leaf. He guessed obviously, that I would tear his jeans down from him and rape myself into his body. “What’s wrong baby? Don’t you want to welcome us with your sweet innocent hole?” I asked him softly. He shook his head slowly, without looking at my ski mask, revealing only my eyes and my mouth. “Open your jeans and keep on moving your body to the music” I said. Another friend moved closer and pressed himself against the youth’s backside, twisting Davis’ nipples again. Davis heard a loud squeak - just to learn it was himself making those noises. My buddy pressed his hard dick against the boys’ jeans and Davis felt an enormous erection pushing against his ass. The guy moved slowly with Davis rocking body. There was danger in the air. “Start to unbutton your jeans now” I repeated myself squeezing his ass cheeks even more. Davis shook almost violently while sobbing and started to follow my order. It took an eternity for him, to unbutton his pants, but as soon as he accomplished the task, my friend and I pulled Davis’ tight jeans down to his upper thighs. His movements were now more restricted, because he couldn’t get rid of the whole pants at once. I looked down and realized the slut was wearing a jock strap. “Oh you cheap whore…. you dressed up for us? Huh?” I looked at him with my masked face and lifted his chin up, so he could see my cold eyes through the slit. “I bought it for today” he sniffed. “You bought this for our date? You hear that guys? This slick cum bucket bought this whore pants for us” I sneered. I pulled his ass cheeks apart and my mate immediately attacked the boys’ hole. He tried to push his glans penis into Davis, who wailed in distress. It was fun to keep the boy in place, while my mate tried again and again to push his cock into this narrow pink hole. It seemed impossible to fuck him dry. I mean… of course with enough brutality it would fit sooner or later, but we had another plan. “Let a real man open up this cunt” another guy leered. We dragged Davis to a couch and positioned him over one of the couch arms. Someone spread the boys’ ass cheeks apart and with a little bit of spit the second guy actually entered the boy two inches. Davis screamed like a maniac. I pushed his face into a cushion, to muffle his screams. “How does it feel, getting ripped up without lube. Do you like his cock boy? Do you want more of his tube in your cunt?” I shouted out. “Man… he is tight…” the lucky bastard moaned. He withdrew his cock and we let go of Davis. The little punk tried to get up and run for the door, but fell over his own two feet. He tumbled down and crawled away, only to end up hiding in a corner of a room. There he tried to be invisible. Davis blinked and saw three pair of legs walking into his direction. The guys walked slowly and removed their belts slowly. He didn’t dare to examine the whole situation. All he could see were several legs, three hard cock and some dangling belts. Then he felt the first blow….
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  40. Despite calling in sick that day, this semester was more difficult than previous years. My departmental director changed and wanted to institute new teaching techniques using technology guided education methods. Learning how to use the technology and how to teach using the technology required a lot more time than he anticipated. I was rarely out of school before 6pm on weekdays and frequently reading about how to work with the technology on weekends. I barely had time to run or go to the gym. I stayed on a shorter workout routine, but continued to get home after 9-10pm. Consequently, I had very little time for sex and my hole was getting twitchy. The holiday break came at just the right time. I was getting tired of using my dildos. I needed to get properly fucked and bred. I went out to the bars in Manhattan with Marty, who was definitely still chasing the A List crowd around. It annoyed me that he wanted to associate with these guys just because of who they knew, where they worked, and what parties they went to, etc. Regardless of all that "noise," I was at the bar and it was time for some drinks. It was also time to cruise the fuck out of these boys. I scoped around the bar and and saw a few guys I liked. I talked to one of them for awhile and he was in town from Chicago and had left his boyfriend at home. After an hour, I realized this dude was not looking for a hookup and I moved on. I went back to Marty and grabbed an open seat at the bar. We hung out with his friends for a few hours as they discussed almost every guy in the bar - top/bottom, cock size, where they live, what they do, who they are dating, etc. Granted, it interested me because I hadn't really ever seen any of these guys; so I encouraged them to talk more. As I did so, the rounds of drinks kept coming and I was getting rather tipsy. A couple of Marty's actor friends wanted to go to a bathhouse. I said I'd go with them. We left Marty and the others behind and went to a bathhouse I'd heard of but not been to previously. I loved getting fucked, but it's not like I was a denizen of all things sexual in NYC. I asked why they liked it and one of the guys said it's because they are mostly guys in their 30s-50s. They had met some awesome daddies there. I was up for some hot daddy action, why not. We got into the bathhouse and changed. Marty's friends weren't shy about their bodies and they didn't need to be. They were gorgeous. We went in our towels, me also in a jockstrap, to the main area. We saw some porn playing and guys watching it and each other and stroking. We hung out for a bit. The guys were right, these daddies were pretty hot. Sure some were out of shape but there were plenty of built and toned daddies around to ride on. We separated and I wandered the hallways for a bit. I saw a face that I faintly recognized in a sling. The room was large enough for me to get into and there was a bit of an audience. I stepped into the room. Leaning against the wall and stroking my cock, I was trying to remember where I met this dude previously. He could be a fuck or a mostly anonymous fuck that I'd had over the years; but that wasn't it. There was something more about this guy - something memorable. As the top fucking him got closer, he asked if the bottom wanted his load. The bottom grunted, "Give me your load." The top unloaded in the bottom. He pulled out and another guy stepped up to take his place. The second top said, "Do I need to use a rubber?" Almost in unison, the first top and the bottom said, "No. I/He just fucked him/me bareback." At the mention of the word bareback, the memory of this bottom flooded back to me. It was Sam! Sam, the pharmacist from when I was with Eli. Sam, the never bareback, always use condoms guy who helped me pick out lube and condoms and enemas when I was 18. Holy crap! The second top finished inside Sam. I stepped up and slipped my cock in Sam - bareback. I was topping for the first time in years. I wanted to feel his ass. I wanted to have it - Mr. Safe Sex Pharmacist was taking my cock bareback. He never mentioned a condom as I slipped inside him. I was thinking how times have changed since I first met Sam. He was such a Safe Sex guy back then. I wondered what had opened him up to taking bareback loads from random guys. I wondered if a boyfriend had gotten him hooked on being bred. I wondered if he gradually stopped using condoms over the years. I felt a cock press into my ass and I looked back to see one of Marty's friends slipping his cock inside me. He said, "You have an amazing ass." As he fucked me, I fucked Sam. I had a hot guy fucking me bareback as I fucked Mr. Safe Sex pharmacist bareback. Man, I was on a fucking high. I was getting close and said, "I'm going to cum." Sam begged for my load. I fucked it into him. As I pulled out, Marty's friend stopped fucking me but left his cock in my ass. He guided me to the wall and fucked me against it until he came. He took awhile and I heard Sam beg for two more loads as I was getting fucked. I turned to look at Sam before I left the room. He was in his 30s, toned, tight body, still really attractive and he was sweaty and covered in cum. Fuck that's hot, I thought as I left the room.
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  41. I was utterly humiliated. As the love of my life left, all I could do was cry. I cried and cried and cried. I was in New Orleans, in our apartment, and no Connor. No. Connor. I didn't eat, return phone calls, or see friends. I think I made myself physically ill because after a few days I could barely move from my bed. All my muscles hurt and my stomach was heaving even though I hasn't eaten for days. My friend John eventually forced me to open the front door and let him in the apartment. He asked no questions, but made me some soup and forced me to eat it. We sat on the couch and watched a movie. I was really glad John was there because Connor called. He was entirely businesslike on the voicemail message he left. He was coming through with his father and asked me to not be in the apartment as they cleared out his items next week. He also said, he'd leave me a check for my half of the NYC apartment deposit. He told me to find my own place in NYC. After listening to Connor's voicemail, I threw up the soup John made and went back to bed crying. I heard John pleading with me to come out of the bedroom, but I passed out. When I woke up, John was on the couch. He stayed with me all week. He made me call my aunt and uncle so I could ask to stay with them until I could get an apartment. He also forced me to call my father to ask for help moving my things to NYC. The second call was so humiliating that I went back to bed for two days. Connor and his father were due the next day and he called to make sure I would not be at the apartment. I packed a bag and went to stay with Bradley for the night. Bradley, John and I went to dinner. We ran into Rob and my neighbor who asked about the moving truck and why I wasn't there moving out with Connor. Bradley said Connor and I had broken up. I excused myself for the bathroom and cried. When I emerged from the bathroom, Rob, Bradley and John were waiting. My neighbor went out to get snacks and rent movies. We all went to Bradley's house to watch movies and hang out. Rob hugged me tight against him in the car. At Bradley's house, I sat between my neighbor and Rob on the couch as we watched movies. We finished one movie and John left. In the middle of the second movie, Bradley got a call from his parents and went to his room. He came back a few minutes later and said he was going to shower and go to bed. He asked me to make sure I locked the door when our guests left. Rob asked if I wanted to go to bed or finish the movie. I said I wasn't tired. My neighbor moved to the chair where Bradley had been seated leaving the couch to Rob and I. Rob and I spooned on the couch. He asked if I was still the "most perfect Jewish bottom boy in the world." I laughed. It was the first time I laughed in weeks. I could feel his hard cock on my ass through our clothes. I reached back and felt his cock. He had a great cock. I rubbed it. We heard the shower turn off, the bathroom door open, and Bradley's bedroom door close. Rob kissed my neck. He unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. I was wearing a jockstrap. Rob reached inside my shorts and felt my ass. Rob told me to stand up and he sat up. I took off my shirt and shorts. He opened his shorts and I got on my knees and sucked his cock for a few minutes. Rob took a couple of bottles out of his short's pocket - lube and poppers. He had me lube his cock and then turn around. He put his lubed cock on my ass and had me sniff the poppers. I inhaled deeply and sat down on his bare cock. I rode his cock until he flipped me over the back of the couch and started hammering my ass. Rob blew his poz load in me and then pulled out. My neighbor then fucked me until he came in my ass. Then Rob fucked another poz load into me. They left. I put my shorts back on and fell asleep on Bradley's couch as their loads leaked from my ass. The next day I went to my apartment and Connor's things were gone. I cried as I read the note he left with the check telling me to keep the bed because he couldn't bring himself to sleep on it anymore. I called Rob and asked him to come over and fuck me in the bed. Rob fucked me all week in the bed. I took about 20 poz loads off him that week. Then I asked Rob if he wanted the bed when I moved because I had no place to put it in NYC. He took the bed in his SUV the same day my father and brother arrived to move me to NYC. John, Bradley, and Seth took a lot of the other furniture and kitchen supplies. I moved my clothes, some personal items, computer and television to NYC. The ride home took about a day because we all shared the driving. It was a quiet ride and my humiliation was enhanced all the more when my brother asked about Connor only to have my father say, "Gay relationships aren't like normal relationships. They always fall apart." My brother told my father that was stupid and they fought for a few minutes. I just looked out the window. I arrived in NYC and moved into my aunt and uncle's spare room. My aunt kindly asked about Connor, but quickly realized it was a very emotional topic when I tried to answer but couldn't find the words. As a teacher in NYC public schools, I was soon working after I got to the city because I had to get my classroom ready, department meetings, meet the principal, vise principal, fill out paperwork, etc. Surprisingly, a friend from high school - Rachel - was teaching across the hall from me. We connected and she insisted that I spend time going out with her and her friends. Over the next few months, I gradually came out of my depression. By the time classes ended the following spring, I was living with her in a two bedroom unit in Brooklyn.
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  42. Had a great day Saturday. Met a fellow barebacker at Hoornseplas in Groningen (provence of the Netherlands), a recreational area, with lake to swim in. There was a place especially for nude recreation at the water. He just gave me a boner by jerking me, and sat on my dick, in public. Never done that, but was very hot. Also fucked him, spooning. Later he went into the bushes, and got fucked by an old man, who came in his ass, almost immediately. He sucked a man, and was fucked bare by another man. Took over fucking him. Went back to our towels, where he sucked me and sat on my dick again. We repeated this several times, during the day. Later we moved to a more crowded spot, where we cruised a lot, in the bushes. I fucked him there, standing up, being passed by cruising men. He got fucked and swallowed some loads. Later when we were sunbathing, we got the request for him, to sit on my cock again. He just slid over my cock, and I fucked him again. About ten people were watching. Later on, we layed sideways, and I fucked him long and slowly, till I came in his ass. We kissed, cuddled and laid next to each other. Was so unbelievable hot! When we got up, a man recognised me from Grindr, and asked me to fuck him like that next time. Yess, I will!
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  43. gang fucked at the Flamingo resort last night all BB lost count of how many loads, dont ask dont tell never pull out
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  44. You are the kind of breeder I admire. Finding a breeder of your caliber is almost impossible to find.
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  45. I dont understand that guy. When I lift my ass up Im offering it to everybody. Like a good cumdump and whore slut it is my duty to take any cock and receive all the loads. Everyone can fill me with seed and Im here to obey.
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  46. Always amazes me when I see or hear of queers getting too picky about partners----especially in a group sex/sex event type venue. If you wanna fuck then shut and take some cock. It is not a life time commitment, it is simply a cock in the ass (or mouth). If you have to have a perfect cock, stay home, look at "pretty boy" porn and choke your chicken. Cumunion and similar places are for those of us who understand what man to man fucking is all about. I suspect somewhere, at some time, that same guy complained about not getting much cock at Cumunion. It is always about someone else with those types. I am not really into treating people rudely, but guys like that give faggots and free fucking a bad name. They need to be called out on it.
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  47. Both are nice, but to be honest I do have a preference for cunt breeding.
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  48. Great story! Definitely hope there's more ...
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  49. CHAPTER 13 Mark (Cody’s Dad): I can’t believe how incredibly intense it felt breeding Jake’s tight ass. Jake is probably hiv-positive now; my mind is reeling. I don’t know exactly how long Sam was in the other room, but when he returns Sergei and I are getting more familiar. We’re both still rock hard, stroking each other, and making out. I can feel hands behind me and Sam’s familiar cock snaking in and out of the crack of my ass. I turn around to make out with Sam and I feel Sergei rub that fat, poz cock against me; I press back to let him know my need. This goes on for several minutes, back and forth, when I finally feel Sergei’s hands moving me, guiding me really, to the edge of Sam’s bed. “Looks like somebody is hungry for poz cock”, I can hear Sam, and then I feel it. Sergei drops what must be a big mouth full of spit right to where his cock is rubbing against my hole; he forces his cock head into me. Fuck it hurts. Sergei is pushing in slowly, but its burning, Sam and I always use a bit of lube. My groans of pain don’t seem to register and I feel him pushing in further, he mumbles something unintelligible, and then I feel him it --- ALL OF HIM – Sergei bottoms out. His nutsac, firmly pressed close against my ass, “Yeah baby… yeah… ahhhhh… now you have all”, he says. “Fuck yeah… fuck yeah… ahhh.. ahhh.. fuck… breed me”, it hurts but I know I want him to breed me. Sergei starts using my ass, slow at first, but he quickly gets into fucking me. He’s moaning a lot and I can tell he probably won’t last long. “Yeah fuck him… breed that ass”, “ahhhh.. ahhh… fuck… ohhhhhh… fuck.. yeah… fuck me”. It feels like Jake just left, yet the room is full with the sounds of men breeding again; I know I’m about to get a big load poz cum in my ass. Sex with Cod flashes into my mind. I really miss him… “That boy is getting his ass raped!”, I think. “Ahhhh… ahhh…. So tight… you want this? You want poz cum boy?” Its clear to me Sergei knows I’m not a boy but he’s far too into breeding my ass to think; he means to use me as his cum dump. “Give it to me… fuck… fuck… fuck me … yeah… fucking breeding me”, “Ahhhh… ahhhhhhhh… FUCK… FUCK… ohhhh… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, and then I feel his warmth -- Sergei is dumping his cum inside me. He stops moving for a moment, then starts fucking me again, pushing his poz seed in deeper. I wonder how many guys he’s knocked up? “Fuck YES!”, I hear Sam, “Breed that hole!”. As many times as Sam and I have fucked its hot to know he gets into seeing me take another man’s poz cum. Sergei pulls out and Sam quickly takes his place, “I got a load for you, too”. Sam is sweaty and worked up and before either of us realize it he’s adding his poz sperm to that which Sergei just gave me; we’re all nearly completely out of breathe. Sam and Sergei are lying back on the bed, hot, sweaty – my cock still rock hard. The room smells like sex and arm pits.. I love it, but I’ve got a boy at home with an empty ass that needs his Dad’s, hopefully, poz dick. “I’m going to poz Cod”, I think, I fully intend to convert him if I’m actually hiv-positive. He and I haven’t fucked since I had fuck flu, “I need to get tested again. I need to breed Cod’s ass and he needs to get tested.”, so many thoughts in my head. “Ok guys.. love this, but gotta boy at home to breed”, as I stand up to dress, “Fuck yeah you do”, I hear Sam. Sergei grins, “That was hot”. I get outside and decide to send a few texts before driving. I send Jake a text to see how upfront he will be about the kind of sex pig obviously is, “Hey its Mark.. staying out of trouble?”, then one to Chris from the testing center, “Hey man.. what’s up, we should get together sometime. Think I need to get tested again, too.”, and then one last one to my boy Cod, “omw home, love you”. I start the car and begin to leave when the phone buzzes, its Jake, “Always” – liar, “We need to hookup”, my only reply. No immediate reply from Chris or Cod, but that’s fine I’ll be home soon enough and Cod is really getting it. Cody: I hear a car pull up again and take a quick peek. It looks like Adam again and there’s someone else with him. I hear the alarm jingle and the sounds of undressing in the living room. I quickly put the blindfold on and get on my knees in front of my bed. Adam and I had been fucking a lot lately and I want to spice it up a bit with the blindfold, but an anon experience with others is even hotter than what I had imagined. I hear footsteps then I feel hands on my shoulders and chest, “Stand up boy”, its Adam’s voice; I can hear other noises but I’m not sure what’s happening exactly. “Open your mouth and say ahhh … “, I hear another voice say, “Don’t close your mouth until I say so Cody”. This is weird, what are they doing, then I feel something cottony being swabbed along my gums several times, then its gone. “You can close”, comes the other voice, “Chris here works at one of the testing centers.”, “Cool”, is all I can manage. It seems a little strange, “Testing for… “, I start, “HIV”, comes Chris’ voice, “We test for other stuff too, but this test is just for HIV”. “Ohh… ok.. cool. I’m neg.”, “You sure? Guess we’ll find out.”, I hear Adam again, “You’ve been naughty, taking so much of my poz cock and cum bareback lately”. I swallowed. Adam is right, with Dad not in the mood and then sick, Adam has been my regular fuck and I love his cock. I gulp, “What doe sit say?”, “It takes a few minutes.. relax”. Before I can dwell on it, I feel a hand pushing me down, “Get on your knees”, Adam says softly, and I kneel, there’s a hand on my head, “Open”. I feel a cock on my lips, instinct takes over and I start to suck – I immediately forget about our little discussion. “Ahhh…. Ahhh yeah… ohhh that’s good”, I hear Chris and realize I’m not sucking Adam. “Yeah Cody.. oh yeah,… suck me,… you never said he’s so good”, his cock completely fills my mouth and I feel both his hands on the back of my head pulling me in closer. The large mushroom head of his cock sliding effortlessly down my throat and I suck all of him in. Instantly his hips begin to gyrate, and his cock is moving in and out of my mouth. “Ohhh.. yeah he’s definitely good”, “Told you”, I feel more hands on my head and shoulders as I suck. “Ohhhhh… yeah… ohhhh yeah.. you like precum Cody?”, I hear Chris again, I just keep sucking. Chris is groaning more now and I feel like he’s going to blow his load, then I feel it, his cock spasms a little and I can taste him. “Don’t worry Cody that’s just me giving you a big taste of precum … my spunk is going in that hot ass of yours.”, “Fuck yeah he’s getting a poz load and a neg load today”, I can’t really speak but as I keep sucking, I think, “I guess they know I’m good with it”. After what seems like only a few minutes I hear an alarm clock sound, quickly turned off, followed by Chris removing his cock from my mouth; then hands on my head and my mouth full again, “This must be Adam’s cock”. My jaw is aching a bit but I keep sucking, I want him horny and feeling good when he fucks me. I can hear Chris doing something but no idea what then Adam removes his cock, “Stand up”, when I do he removes the blindfold. I can finally see Chris, he’s really cute, light brown hair and a nice go-tee, “Chris and I have been friends for years now”. Adam and Chris both smile at me we all start to make out. Adam breaks our kiss, “Time to breed you”, “Fuck yeah” and I climb on the bed, “Get on your back”, I hear Adam again and I move. Adam lubes my hole and then he’s pressing into me, “Fuck yeah… been needing this hole.”, Adam bottoms out inside of me and he holds perfectly still. “I”ve been needing that bare cock so bad Adam”, I see Chris smile, “Oh yeah… what do you need so bad Cody?”, “Your Cock. Cum. Fuck me”. I hear a “Fuck yeah.. Give it to him”, from Chris. “Fuck yeah… we’re gonna breed that hole Cody. Chris is still neg and I’m still poz. Tell me you want it Cody. Do you want poz cock?”. What did he mean still? I can feel Adam’s cock throb inside me, “Ohhhh.. ohhh… fuck.. fuck yeah… fuck me Adam”, “Do you want poz cock?”, I hear Adam again, this time more demanding. “Yes.. yes.. fuck yes..”, “Say it then”, “I want YOUR poz cock Adam, please … please fuck me”, “And?”, “And…? And dump your poz cum inside me.”, “Fuck yeah!” is all he says and I feel him start to fuck me. Chris is watching Adam fuck me, jacking off, he moves closer. “Mmmmm.. yeah… ahhh… move back a bit Adam”. I feel Adam’s cock leave my ass; he’s just touching my hole with the tip of his cock, “What is he doing?”, I think. Chris groans and I see a large squirt of clear liquid leave his cock and feel it in the crack of my ass, then Adam presses back into me, “Fuck yeah”, is all Adam says as he fucks Chris’ precum into me. “Breed him… fuck that hole”, I hear Chris, “ahhh yeah…. Ahhhh… ahhhh.. yeah breed me Adam, fuck me full of poz cum.”, “FUCK YES!”, I hear Chris again. That really turns Adam on and he starts banging my ass harder; I have no idea where my begging came from but Adam’s cock feels so good inside me I don’t care. “Yeah… yeah.. so close… fuck… fuck… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. “, I recognize the sounds when Adam is about to cum. Then, “FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK… ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkk”, and I know Adam is dumping yet another load of his cum in my ass. Adam catches his breathe, pulls out, and I feel Chris immediately take his place. Their cocks are almost the same size and it immediately feels good as Chris rides my ass, “ohhhh fuck… ohhh… fuck… so close”. I think, “He can’t really be that close”, “CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMING… fuckkkkkkkkkk” and in the space of less than 2 minutes I’m taking a second load of cum. “Holy fuck”, I hear Adam. Chris is breathing heavy, “fuck.. fuck… sorry… ohhhh damn… “, I hear Adam laugh, “Fuck that’s so hot”, “Sorry I didn’t last longer, but I was so wound up watching you take Adam’s cum, I was right there”, between breathes, “Its cool”. We lay like that for a minute, then Adam gets up. I can see Adam write something down, fold the paper over and hand it to me, “You can read this after we’re gone.. its your test results, I want you to think about it before the next time I fuck you.”, I nod, “Hope we can do it again soon”, I hear Chris. I nod again and we all kiss… “love to”. Adam and Chris leave and I hear them putting on their clothes in the other room. “What’s this paper? What’s to think about?”, I wonder. I’m about to unfold it but decide to wait until they’re out the door like Adam said. I’m absent mindedly feeling my hole – its so wet back there. The door alarm jingles and I snap out of it, “paper”, and I unfold it. The word “negative” is written out. “So I’m negative? Negative for HIV.“, I think. I reach my finger back against my hole again, its so amazingly wet, “I’m hiv-negative”, I think, and my ass is full of Adam’s hiv-positive cum. My cock is hard. The phone buzzes, its Dad, “omw home, love you”. I’m going to rape that man.
    1 point
  50. PART 4 .... Guess who just left my apt? I am sitting here with a butt-plug fully in place. Keeping Mauro's load sealed in my ass. No dripping or leakage this time, I'm going to let my ass marinate in his cum all damn night. I can barely see clear, so typing this out is taking a very long time.... I had communicated with Mauro twice since our last meeting, telling him to NOT drop by any more. No visits, no texts, no calls, no anything. After the last couple visits, I wanted nothing to do with him or his friends again. Getting too damn trashed to function wasn't going to work out really well. After work I went to the gym and then had dinner with a friend, managed to finally get home just after 8:30pm. Very very busy at work all week and am now very very tired. Going to walk and feed the dog then go to bed ... I park my truck around the corner from my bldg, get my backpack out then head to my apt. I turn down the walkway alongside the bldg off the alley and see Mauro sitting on my back-doorstep. Damn it. My neighbors are all on their front lawn right outside my door. I quietly tell Mauro to go home, I have nothing for him. He pulls out a small bag of T, maybe a half a teen, hands it to me and says that he's sorry for all the bullshit and for getting me so fucked-up with spiked T. He says that I can keep the bag, it's free, and he wants to fix any problems I have with him. I let him in the apt as my dog is having a nervous breakdown now that she has heard me, she really needs to walk. I get her ready and tell Mauro I need to go. He follows me out and heads off. When I return about 20 minutes later, he's back on the doorstep. What the hell? He shows me his pipe and torch, again in front of the neighbors and their kids. Damn it!! I let him back in and tell him that he's screwing up again. He hands me the pipe and torch, says I should try some of the T and make sure its okay. He doesn't want to leave unless I like it. I tell him to go sit down while I take care of my dog .. I'm hoping he will just leave if I ignore him. He stays seated, waiting for me to finish. Damn. Okay, I give up. I pick-up the pipe and torch, light-up and do one hit. I am still dealing with the week long crash from our last encounter. The 1st hit really effects me fast ... I actually seem able to calm down for the 1st time in a week. damn........ he always has good Tina. He sits there, sprawled back on a chair, rubbing his crotch. I do another two hits, let them fill my head, let everything fade out. I drop to the floor on my knees. He asks if its good. Hell yes!!! Very strong, no weird side-effects crap. He says that I can keep the torch and pipe too. Says take another. I do two more deep pulls... best I've felt for too long. He pulls off his shorts, leaving on his boxers .... the boxers are ripped on the seam between his legs. He pulls his dick thru the rip, fully hard with that damn 1.5" of foreskin hanging off the end. Already looks like it's full of pre0cum. He says to stand-up and take my clothes off. I do it .. I very slowly strip naked, still holding the pipe .. he says turn around .. I slowly do it ... he says bend-over and show him my ass ... (I know I need to stop!!!) ... I turn my back to him, bend over and spread my ass ... he says back-up ... I get close to him, between his spread legs .. he teases my hole with one of his fingers, slow circles, tugging the hairs around my hole. He tells me to take another hit then grabs my waist pulling me closer. He starts licking my ass. .. his tongue takes several long rides from the back of mt ballsack to the top of my ass-crack... stops his tongue a couple of times along the way to tease my now very horny and wet hole .. I push back trying to get his tongue into me .. he begins to finger my hole again, working one finger in to the base .. asking if I want more ... pulls out his finger then works his tongue in deep , soaking my ass, sucking on my hole, chewing my ass-lips. I'm lost in this, giving all the access I can. He has me straddle the chair, his tongue buried in me, he pushes me down to suck on his hard uncut meat .. I'm fukn choking on his dick, taking every inch I can down my throat. He bucks and shoves his dick up deeper down my throat, pushing my head down with one hand, holding my ass in place with the other. He still has his mouth on my asshole, sucking, drilling and chewing my hole raw. He pushes me up, grabs my hips, pulls me down on his cock .. he's fully buried in me in one motion, grinding his dick deeper into me. My hole is torn-up, from his chewing on my ass-lips and now getting ground-up by his trimmed pube-hair. I'm flying from the T and his feasting on my ass .... now full impaled on his dick, feeling the full length of his cock, every inch, every vein, every throb of his meat in me. Fucking flying!!!! Fucks me for over an hour, every position available, I end up on my back on the coffee-table, holding my legs back while he's standing over me pounding faster into my ass. He finally slams in hard, deep, fast. He groans very loud as he starts pumping is load into me. I know the neighbors heard him call me a fucking cum whore. He pumps what seems like a gallon of cum into me, then stays inside when he's done, dripping sweat, soaked ... asks where my toys are at .. I keep my ass clenched on his meat as he pulls out, I want his meat in me. I get every drop out of him. I very slowly get up and find the toy box. He picks out my 18"X3" double and gets me back on the coffee-table. He says to pull my legs back, spits on one end of the double then jams the toy in, deep fucks me with it, drives his load in deep, I take all but the last couple inches. He says that's fucking hot, he's tearing my ass up ... asks if I wanted it .. hell yeah!!! After maybe 15-20 minutes of feeling the double riding my guts, he pulls it out, grabs a 3.5" wide plug and shoves it in .... OH FUCK!!! Says to keep it in all night ....I need to save his load.... he hopes I like the T .. He says he'll be back to fuck-up my ass again. He grabbed his stuff and left. I stayed down, hanging off the table. I stayed there for another half-hour, trying to calm down.... severely trashed ... feeling damn good. I still have the T, the pipe, and his torch ... Breathe ...............trying to slow down, to calm down ............. damn ............. very very good T .. very strong ... no wipe out or disconnect so probably not spiked .. I am guessing ... Moved from the coffee-table to outside on the doorstep again ... naked with the butt-plug in place .. no dripping .. no leakage ... fucked and eaten so damn good!! My ass is feeling very sore and damn good ... still high ... still uncalm ... Getting fuk'd-up was probably not a good idea to do tonight ... I have meetings most all today ... no slips allowed ... mgmt is not fun to deal with on a normal day. So need a long break from this party crap... but also so need to get fuk'd over and over and over ...... A hard dick filling my ass is my main goal ... the cum/load is a massive welcome extra and major turn-on ... hot raw dick juice/cum/seed filling my hole ...... but the feel and sensations and surrender to raw hard cock in my ass will never be topped ... fucked senseless ... all damn good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
    1 point
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