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  1. Virgin POZ Night (Part 1) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** I was strolling around my favorite bath house, when a booth awakened my attention. A note was pinned at the door: ‘Virgin POZ night’ was written in bright red letters. ‘Don’t wake the sleeping beauty’ was added. I heard there was some heavy breathing going on in the booth, but I had the feeling, that only one guy was in it, jacking off. There was no moaning from another party or so. So after a couple of minutes the door was unlocked and a guy I knew so well left the both, with his pants still open and a hard cock sticking out of it. Next to the door was a little blackboard and he drew a line and then left without even noticing me. I could see five marks already. ‘Nice’ I thought and entered the little booth. A blonde twink was laying with the front of his body downwards a short bench. I guess he must have been 18 or 19 the most. He was body was fixed with a strap tightly around his chest and around his lower back. He wouldn’t able to make a move – not an inch, but he was obviously asleep or knocked out more likely. His head was hanging down on one side of the bench. On the other side his cunt was leaking some cum. He had been used for quite a while it seemed. I was drawing a line on his sweat covered back. He shivered….. His hands had been tied to his back. He wouldn’t be able to defend himself, if he would be awake. His body was flawless. Not a single hair could be seen between his ass cheeks. “Beautiful…” I mumbled. I closed the door and locked it behind me. *Click* “Hmmmm… hm…..” he moaned and shook his head a little bit. “What…. where…. am I” he whispered. I was standing right behind him looking down at this young guy who seemed to regain consciousness. “Hello…. is there…. *sigh* is there someone….?” his voice was so soft. “Hey there” I said with my low voice, not getting myself into his view yet. “Sir… my head is spinning. I can’t move…. where am I” he asked slowly. It seemed like the thoughts he had formed slowly the sentences I heard. I didn’t know what to reply. I was sure he wasn’t suppose to know in which town he was or even that this was a biohazard bath house. “Could you…. please…. help me to get up? he stammered. While hearing the twinks soft voice I started massaging the lump in my jeans. “Uuuuugh…. I don’t feel good….. *sighs again softly* … my head is spinning” he sniffed. “Well how did you get here?” I asked with a worried tone. “Uuuuhm….I…. hmmmm….. I don’t know” he mumbled. “I just came around by accident and heard you moan – I came to see if everything was alright” I lied to him. “Are my hands tied Sir? I can’t move them…. could you please untie me?” “Someone handcuffed you behind your back….” I described to him. “Hmmmm…. ooooh…. hrmpf….. my ass is hurting so much. What is happening here? Please… can you open the handcuffs, please Sir” he begged. His head was still hanging down. He didn’t have the strength to raise it by himself. I walked around him and stroked him softly his hair. “Well… I can’t see the keys….” I made some noises like I was looking for a key. Then I grabbed his head and yanked it up violently. I pressed my groin area against his face. *Oooomph* His head had no chance to escape. I pressed my bulge against his him and he wailed a bit. “Can’t…. breathe….” he moaned in panic. “Open your mouth wide then – I am trying to help you here young man!” I exclaimed. The silly twink did just that and opened his mouth widely only to get more of my bulge into his stupid mouth. He tried to yank himself away, but that way he would just sprain his neck and I knew his pain, especially in the back of his neck would be extreme by now. He expelled his hot breath against my crotch. I could feel him fighting for breath, while I almost dry humped his face through my jeans. Then I moved away from the helpless boy. “No keys here…. no nothing….” I hissed. “Then….*gasps for air* please… do you got a mobile phone?” he asked me. “Please… call my parents. Tell them to pick me up.” he almost cried by now. “Calm down lad. Everything will be fine.” I tried to reassure him, that everything was alight. I crouched in front of him and he whispered his mom’s mobile phone number. I couldn’t almost understand every digit, but after I repeated I made sure I would safe this number. In expectation that I would call his mother immediately he gathered all his strength and lifted his head up again. He could only see my body up to my waist and didn’t understand what I was doing. I unbuttoned my jeans slowly and enjoyed to see the terror in his eyes rising. “You really don’t know why you are here, eh” I cackled gleefully. “You are the hole…. A hole for toxic dicks” I explained his fate to him. “Five guys have already fucked you up and now you will get the sixth viral load up your tight asshole” I smiled. “Wait – let me make a picture for your mom… one before…. and one after I POZ fucked you” I said coldly. “Smile for your parents…. smile for your mom” I grinned…
    5 points
  2. After years of reading and enjoying these stories with both hands, this is my first attempt at telling one of my own. Please don't be too hard on me I appreciate your comments though. Perhaps if you like this I will write more. Did you ever have one of those experiences that gets so deeply etched on your brain that you can’t forget it? I know I have, and it was almost like a scene from a movie; one in which the mists part and out steps this person… a person almost defying description. In my case though, the person came not from the mists, but from around a corner; a corner in a bathhouse in Center City Philadelphia. But my reaction was the same as if he had stepped from the mists. I saw him and my heart skipped a beat and I think I stopped breathing for a second. There I had stood, reclining back against the bathhouse wall, one foot propped back against it too, as I took in the sight of this giant of a guy that came lumbering down the hall towards me that night. My reaction was visceral, and instantaneous. I wanted him and everything he had to offer, and I wasn’t gonna be happy till I got all of it. It was late afternoon of New Year’s Day, about 1997. I had decided to go down into Center City as past experience had proven that this day was a great day for getting some action at the local baths. The big New Year’s Day parade was winding down by that time, no one was feeling any pain given all the alcohol that had been consumed on the streets just to try and stay warm, and for guys like us, the horniness level had been ratcheting upwards for hours. And so when that happened, there were only two things you could do. You could either trundle off to one of the gay bars in Center City in hopes that the combination of booze and flirting would land you a fuck, or you wandered over to the baths where for the more proactive types you knew there’d at least be some real shit goin on. And that’s what I did. When I got there I paid my entry and went inside. You could tell right away that the place was hopping as there was a definite vibe to the place. I quickly found my room, got undressed, wrapped my towel around my waist and went out cruising. I had barely been there a half hour when I found myself propped up against that wall as “he” came around that corner. My heart began to do somersaults in my chest. You guys know what it is I’m talking about. Yeah there were guys there that I’d play with, and I had sampled a few already, but I hadn’t really fully engaged with anyone yet as I was awaiting “the one.” And then there he was. I’m no little guy at 6ft, 225 pounds, easy enough on the eyes, and muscled enough where it counts, with a nice hairy chest and scruffy mug. I’ve got a nice fat cock that scares enough of the amateurs away, and challenges just enough of those that that think they can take it. And yet next to this guy, I felt small. He loomed tall at around 6’5”, broad shouldered; olive skinned with enough of a summer tan left yet to give him a healthy glow in January. He had dark hair but was completely bald on top, and the lower half of his face sported a dark, full goatee that just enhanced his sexiness. There was a slight demonic quality about his look that made me spring an almost instant boner; like a guy who knew how to be really, really bad, while being the best that he could be. I’m pretty much a top, but even my ass twitched at the sight of him. I knew right then that I was in for trouble. As he ambled down that bathhouse hallway it gave me ample time to check out what he had goin on. He was a beefy guy with a good 50 pounds on me. But on his frame it just made him look all the more daunting. His chest was covered with a thick pelt of dark fur and his meaty, well-worked nipples projected out from his solid beefy pecs. And underneath that towel that he had wrapped around his hick waist hid the makings of a weapon whose ultimate proportions I could only guess at. As he neared, we made eye contact. A definite glimmer of mutual recognition passed between the two of us… or at least enough so for me to know that the chase was on. Since it appeared that he had just gotten there, I figured he needed to do the perfunctory spin around the place too to check out the action. So I left him pass and then followed behind at a respectable distance as he went through all the floors and the basement of the place; far enough away to not appear stalkerish, but yet close enough to know if he suddenly decided he was ready for action. Eventually we ended we found ourselves back up on the floor where I first saw him and there he veered to the right, off the main hallway and into a bathroom with an adjoining shower room. To the left in this bathroom was another long room with a series of sinks and urinals lining its walls, and at the far end of that room, a cedar door with a small window that led to the club’s dry sauna. I followed him as he headed towards that door, peered through the window and then yanked open the heavy door with a muscled ease and entered the sauna. This was my cue to stop at a discrete spot and watch, but not engage further, mostly to see if he was just checking the room out and would quickly reemerge, or if he had chosen to plant himself in there. When he didn’t reappear after a minute or two, I knew it was the latter and I decided to make my move. The dry sauna was a somewhat lengthy, oblong room with an upper and lower tier of wooden bleachers that ringed three of the room’s four walls. As I looked in the sauna door’s window I saw that the stud had climbed up onto the upper tier of bleachers along the short end of the room directly opposite the door. There, as though perfectly picture framed by the window, sat this giant of a man, his towel spread open, his hairy legs spread wide, his head tilted back against the wall behind him with his eyes closed, and what I still think was one of the most beautiful cocks that I had ever seen hanging softly and pendulously between his spread legs, surrounded by a nest of thick, curly dark pubic hair and resting on top of two enormous balls in their fuzzy sack. And like Pavlov’s dog, I began to salivate as I reached for the handle of that dry sauna door. I stepped into the sauna where there were already three other guys seated on the upper and lower tiers on the right and the left. But against the far wall there was just my guy. I slowly walked over to where he was seated and took off my towel, laying it down to the right of him on the lower tier of seating, and then sat down. I was very close to his leg which rested on the bench right next to me. Just being that close to him was making me hornier. There I sat for a short while just looking at the tree-trunk-like-legs and big feet of this man-god in repose. But I wasn’t fooled by his closed eye routine; he knew I was there and he knew I was watching him. And he was watching me too through his half-lidded eyes… both of us just waiting for one or the other to make the first move. And so I did. I tentatively reached over and began stroking his hairy leg, slowly letting my hand glide higher and higher up his thigh until my fingers came in contact with the puckered flesh of his sweaty nutsack. As he shifted position ever so slightly I felt his massive testicles shift within their protective covering. I slowly rubbed my fingers over and around them. As I did, my fingers came in contact with his previously flaccid cock which by now had started to swell from the attention I was paying him. Apparently he was just as turned on as I was. As I wrapped my hand around his rapidly stiffening cock I realized that whatever I had anticipated his cock being like when underneath that towel, I had sorely underestimated the girthy giant that was then hardening in my hand. Between the heat of the dry sauna, his sweaty cock in my hand, and the musk of a thousand cocks and asses that permeated all the fixtures in that room, my senses had shifted into overdrive and I could barely control myself. I had reached that point that we all are all too familiar with, the point where the animal brain pushes logic and reasoning aside, and throws all caution to the wind, the point where primitive man emerges… with no goal other than to reach orgasm and spread your seed wantonly, anywhere that you can. My body was on sexual auto-pilot as it swiveled around on that bench and my head went straight for that stud’s crotch. Without even asking I sank his cock as deep into my throat as I could get it while I tugged on his nuts. His hands, firmly planted on the back of my sweaty head, were all the tacit approval I needed to know that I had carte-blanche to go town on his rock hard cock. And So I did. Up and down my mouth and head went, only stopping briefly when he leaned forward and shoved that little brown bottle under each nostril and ordered me to “Breathe” deeply. After that I went into overdrive choking on his fat cock, the combined precum and saliva just pouring out of my mouth and down over his cock and balls, pooling in his asscrack where his towel soaked up all the overflow. In a move that kind of shocked me, he raised his legs up and planted his feet on the upper bench where he was seated and swiveled his ass forwards. Then he grabbed my head, pulling it off his cock and shoving it down to his taint. He once again fed me the poppers and then pushed my head down the last little ways till my tongue came in full contact with his sweaty, furry ass. Between the heat and the poppers I was like a wild man as I dove into that hole with reckless abandon and chowed down on his ass as if I was starving. And fuck did that ass taste good. As I ate away at it he took the back of his one foot and ground it into the back of my head as he attempted to push my face even further up into his asscrack. I snaked my tongue as far into that studbutt as I could get, licking him out for all I was worth. Afraid that I was going to pass out from the heat and the lack of oxygen, I finally pulled my face away from his hole just so I could catch my breath. It was then that I realized that we had begun to attract an audience. It was the quiet murmuring that I heard first followed by the slapping sound of hands rapidly stroking hard, wet cocks while their owners watched our live sex show. As I looked over my shoulder I realized that those three guys had now grown to at least 10, with another 3 or 4 standing around the door to the sauna peering in. And like any good pig, that was all it took to make me wanna amp up the show even further. I quickly turned back around and dove back down on that hard cock, slurping on it for all I was worth. His hands went back to my head as they wrapped themselves around it and he began to pump his ass up off the bench driving his cock even further into my throat. After plowing away for a little bit I decided it was time to go for what I really desperately wanted from this giant stud of a guy and so I pulled off his cock and I quickly stood up. While I had been on my knees on that bench blowing him I had reached around and had started fingering my hungry, but rarely used, fuckhole, slipping a finger or two into my mouth where I could to get spit to work into my hole in order to loosen it up. Without giving him to time to react I quickly straddled his thighs, took his dripping spit and pre-cum-slicked cock and aimed it directly for spit-lubed ass, and I sat down on it with all my weight. He must have anticipated my moves because he was already ready with the poppers and pushed them right up to my nose and held them there forcing me to inhale them. And thank God that he did. That fat cock was just about splitting me in half as it barreled up my chute. But as I have learned over time, the more badly you want someone’s cock, the easier it seems to be to take it. In short order I was all the way down to the base with his pubes and balls nestled right in the crack of my ass. And fuck did it feel good. I just sat there for a few moments savoring the feeling of accomplishment I had gotten from getting what I wanted… from getting HIM. I looked into the face of this slightly demonic looking stud and his lips were curled up in an evil, dirty grin that told me I wasn’t very far off base in my assessment of him. We looked into each other’s eyes and knew that we were two of a kind and at that moment we gave each other the go ahead to just let loose and have fun. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was already poz and later realized that I had been for a long time. I must have had a high viral load since this happened shortly before I was diagnosed. I put no condom on him before I climbed on board, nor did he request that we use one either once he was in me. But in those safe-sex only days I could hear the ripple of astonished comments going around the room behind me as guys were flabbergasted that we were fucking condomless, while others were saying “OMG, they are fucking bareback!” Honestly their prudish hectoring just served to turn the two of us on even more. I rode his cock for all I was worth, bouncing up and down on his fat piece of meat, and leaning forward enough very chance I got so that the entire room could see that raw cock sliding in and out of my unprotected hole. I loved that we were scandalizing those cunty little bitches with our raw fucking. But as scandalized as these hypocrites were by our unprotected sex, they didn’t get up and leave. In fact, by this time there wasn’t an empty seat in the room, and guys were crowded around the door that were trying to get in to watch the show, but couldn’t. As I thought the show was nearing its inevitable “climax,” without realizing it, my god-like top daddy had one more trick up his sleeve with which to end the show. After riding him for a good fifteen minutes he leaned forward and wrapped his huge arms tightly around me. And with that this giant of a guy stood up, with me completely impaled on his fat beast cock… and again, I’m no little guy… he spun us around and gently laid me down on the bench where he had just been sitting. His throbbing pole of a cock never left my ass the entire time. He then raised my legs up into the air, an ankle in each hand, and slowly started to pile drive his fat cock into my hungry ass, building in tempo and speed as he progressed. From this position I could now see the collective throng in the sauna and as he was plowing away into my once tight ass, I watched one after the other of them jacking off and shooting their loads while watching this mountain of a guy ravaging my raw hole with his fat unsheathed cock. I literally had to keep my hands off of my own cock or else I would have cum immediately. Instead I just kept snorting poppers and feeding them to him too, as we pushed each other higher and higher. Finally he pulled his dripping cock from my gaping ass, reached forward and like a gentleman gave me his hand, pulling me up and saying “come with me.” We got up off the bench, him never letting go of my hand as helped me down on my shaky legs, and then led me out through the collected throng of pervs who had been watching the show and whispering their disapproving comments while spraying their loads all over the floor. He led me back to his room where he then proceeded to passionately fuck me for another hour or more, gently and tenderly, and also hard and rough, till he bred my ass like a fucking firehose going off inside of me, while bellowing like a wounded elephant as he came. Needless to say, I think everybody in the place knew what had finally just happened.
    4 points
  3. It's gotten to the point where I can't even watch porn if there's a condom. I GO SOFT seeing a condom! The guy could be the hottest twink or sexiest daddy...if there's a condom? It ruins the whole thing! And, no offense, but that goes for real life too. Hottest youngest twink...older sexy motherfucking daddy? Hot. Except if there's a condom. I love cum! It doesn't deserve to be wasted in a fucking rubber! Just saying.
    4 points
  4. I was in Houston Texas for work in 2009 for several weeks throughout the year. I used to frequent the adult theaters being a good little cock whore allowing anyone to breed me. The filthier the place the better. The filthier the men the better. Then came the day. I was staying in center city at a nice hotel and went running after work one night in my skimpy running shorts. I was to meet a friend in memorial park but to get there I had to run along an old water runoff canal. It was very overgrown and crossed under several highways over passes. I was running along and came to the highway over pass and there were tons of beer bottles, drug stuff and several old mattresses laying in the dirt. I stopped for a bit surveying the area and then ran on through to meet my friend. We ran a few miles at the park and then ended up talking on a park bench until dusk. Crap I said that I had to get back before it got dark. He offered to drive but I told him I’d be ok. I began to run back on the path and when I came to the area I could hear men talking. It was a homeless guy hangout for the night to stay out of the rain and weather. I walked up slowly and they all froze thinking I was a cop of something. They were smoking weed, doing drugs and drinking and I just turned my head and walked through. A few of them whistled at me and called me hot. I got past them, started to run and when I turned the corner back onto the trail I ran smack dab into a large black man taking a piss in the bushes. He turned around holding his massive cock in his hand. I didn’t say a word but looked down and stared. He laughed and said if I stared to long I might as well suck it. I got flustered and ran off back to my hotel. In the shower, all I could think about was his cock and struggled with the thoughts about going back. The fear of it all. I climbed into bed and started to jerk off but could not get it off my mind. I had enough so I got up and put my running cloths back on. Grabbed a small flashlight at the drug store and headed back in to the trail. As I approached the area I saw them all sitting around. I was timidly walked out in front of them and just stood there paralyzed with fear. Finally, they noticed me and the black guy came over and said “look what we have here, you shouldn’t have come back boy”. With that 6 other guys surrounded me and ripped my clothes off, bent me over and before I could say no, I had a cock shoved down my throat and one up my ass. I tried to get away but the big black guy grabbed my hair and dragged me to the mattress. He shoved a whisky bottle in my mouth and told me to swallow several gulps…my stomach was now on fire. He began to shove his cock down my throat balls deep until I was gasping for breath. Then he pulled out and shoved the whiskey bottle in my mouth again. The whole place began to spin. I could barely stand and when I tried to run away I just stumbled and fell. They dragged me back to the dirt and several stood around me. I thought they wanted me to suck them but then I guy went balls deep down my throat and began to piss. It was injected down my throat and I could do nothing but swallow it. All of it. Then he threw me back to the ground and two guys began to piss all over me as they laughed. I got really sick and stumbled away to puke my guts up in the bushes. When I was finally dry heaving they grabbed my legs and dragged me back to the mattress, held my legs open and raped me over and over. Violently and I was too weak to resist. Then one guy pulled me on top of him and had his cock inside me. I felt another man come up behind me. OMG he was going to fuck my ass as well. His cock slid in alongside the other guys and I thought my ass was going to tear. I cried out in pain but soon my piss soaked under wear were shoved in my mouth. I could feel every thrust as they bred me over and over. All of them. I began to black out after 6 or 7 guys. I came in and out of consciousness. I woke up the next morning to guy’s pissing on me to wake me. I shot up from the burning in my eyes and tried to stand but something really hurt inside me. Holy fuck there was something inside me. Something very large. They all laughed and just said “this buds for you”. I waddled off and tried to force it out. It hurt like hell. I stuck my finger in and felt the bottom of a beer bottle. OMG they shoved an entire beer bottle up my ass until my ass collapsed around it. Finally, I just grinned and pushed it out. When it popped out and on the ground all sorts of bloody cum leaked out of my now destroyed gaping ass. I had no way of holding it back. I cleaned myself up as best I could and walked back to the hotel in piss soaked cloths all covered in dirt. Vowing to never do that again. The only problem is I went back the next trip, and the trip after that.
    3 points
  5. When I was 22 and was in a committed relationship with a guy named Travis. We had been together a little over a year and at first it had been awesome: we'd fuck all the time and he'd pound my hole constantly, but after a while I was sad to admit I was bored having the same old sex with the same guy over and over again. I would constantly check-out hot guys I saw everywhere and would flirt non-stop at parties. Then I would fantasize about guys on whom I had crushes whenever Travis would fuck me. After a while, 'though, that stopped being enough. One day, I was desperate to get fucked by a new cock so I went to the local bathhouse hoping to find some action. I undressed, threw my stuff in a locker, and then started to wander with my towel around my waist. It wasn't long before I had several guys interested in me. I went up to the hottest one, a tall and toned white guy with dirty blonde hair, and started making out with him. I was in heaven. Eventually I pulled off his towel, revealing a nice thick eight-inch uncut cock that was rock hard. I immediately dropped to my knees and started blowing him. He was very aggressive and shoved his cock all the way into the back of my throat causing me to gag a little bit, but I loved every second of it. He then stopped fucking my face, pulled me up and pushed me against the wall and started grinding his cock in between my ass cheeks, asking me if I wanted his cock in my hole. I moaned and begged him to fuck me. Nothing else in the world mattered at that moment to me except that his thick cock fucked my hole. He spat on his hand, lubed-up his cock, and then slowly pushed it into my hole. I moaned and he started to go faster until he was furiously pounding away. This continued for about five minutes and then he pulled out, pushed me down on my knees, shoved his cock back in my mouth, and shot every drop of his cum down my throat. It was the most exhilarating fuck I had ever had, and knowing I had just cheated on Travis made it all the sweeter. Little did I know at the time that a friend of Travis' who frequented the bathhouses was there and recognized me as I was getting fucked bareback by the stud. Moreover, Travis' friend reported everything back to Travis, and Travis, to his credit, never let on to me that he knew for the next few days that he knew of my indiscretion - instead he plotted his revenge. Travis kept very quiet about it and kept to our normal routine, then a couple of days later I received a message on grindr and flirted with me hardcore. We exchanged dirty pics and messages back and forth for a while and eventually he convinced me to come meet him at his place for some fun. What he didn't tell me is that he was poz and a friend of Travis'. I showed up at his place and as soon as I walked in the door he grabbed me and started making out with me. He was incredibly hot: he was tall, with ginger-colored short-hair, a perfectly defined body and answered the door wearing nothing but some tight briefs which did very little to hide his very large cock. He pushed me up against the wall as he kissed me, pulled off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my underwear. I couldn't contain my self so I immediately dropped to my knees, whipped-out his cock, (which even though not fully hard, was a good eight inches), took it into my mouth and blew him. As his cock rose to its full hardness, I pull it out of my mouth, marveled at it and inquired "How big is that thing?" "Ten inches. Think you can take it all?" Without saying another word I immediately dove back down on it and sucked for all I was worth. I tried to get the whole thing in, but I can't manage it and gagged after about three-quarters was down my throat. "Nice try. Wanna see if your ass can handle it any better?" He asked. "Hell yeah." He led me into the bedroom and pushed me down on the bed on my back. "You don't mind taking it bareback, right?" he asked. "No, not as long as your negative. I have a boyfriend - I don't want to pass anything on to him" I replied. He chuckled saying "I'm neg, yeah. But you don't mind cheating on your boyfriend?" "For a cock like yours? Not at all" I answered as I pulled him down on top of me. With that he positioned himself in between my legs and furiously resumed making-out with me. He slid his cock up and down against my hole, teasing me. I keep trying to position myself so his cock head would catch in my hole. I was essentially begging him to fuck me. Finally he lubed-up himself and my ass, and then pressed his cock head against my hole. "You ready?" he asked, but without waiting for any answer he slammed the whole thing into me to the hilt. I cried-out in pain asking him to pull-out. "Nuh uh. You said you could handle it, so take this cock like the little bitch you are." And with that he commenced fucking me, sliding his big cock in and out of my hole. I continued to wince at the pain, but eventually I adjusted and start writhing in ecstasy begging him to fuck me - harder. He obliged my request and started to slam-fuck my hole, pulling almost all the way out and slamming all the way back in with each thrust. After a minute he mentioned that it looked he had torn me up a bit because a little bit of blood is coming out on his cock. He made the remark with a sly smile that I didn't understand, but in reality I didn't really care: his cock felt so good. The fucking intensified and he panted "You know how I said I was negative before?" "Yeah" I grunted. "I lied. Now take my POZ cum like the cheating little whore you are!" he yelled as he shot his load deep into my hole. He had me pinned underneath himself so I can't get out and he left his cock buried in me for a minute, presumably to make sure the load was absorbed. Finally, he pulled out, tossed my clothing at me and said "Maybe next time you'll think twice before cheating on one of my friends, you little cocksucker. Now get the fuck out of my house."
    3 points
  6. I am a sub masc asian bottom, handsome, 29 years old and 145 pounds and fit with a great ass and hole. The combination of my cocktail, as usual, had turned me into the biggest submissive cock slut bottom so I was looking to get bred. For the longest time most people were not very responsive, but this one Mexican top guy who was around my age and tall with a nice thick cock kept open the line of communication but was unfortunately really looking for a 3 person group (2 tops and 1 bottom). I had given up hope when he stated that he couldn't find anyone and that was it getting late and that he was heading to bed. 20 minutes shortly after that message, I got a text saying he'd found another top: a 30 y/o handsome beautiful Black man who was not only buff and well proportioned, but also had a beautiful big cock to go along with it. The two were interested in sharing me, taking turns tagging my hole, and in 15 minutes we all met up at the Mexican top's place. The moment we get through his door I strip out of my black tank top and drop my shorts (not wearing any underwear) to stand fully nude in front of our lovely Mexican host. I get on my knees like a good sub btm, unbuckle his pants and fish out a nice thick uncut cock. Immediately I envelope it with my mouth, alternating between going all the way down to the shaft and then making little licks along the side of the shaft and the base, all the while looking up. The Black guy rejoins us from the bathroom and he too, gets undressed and I shift my attention to the nice 8" cut piece of meat pointing straight at me. I am in heaven as i have a cock in each hand, making sure to give each one ample attention from my mouth. Looking up and seeing these two tops standing over me while I serviced their cocks was such a big turn on for me and for them, that soon we moved it to the next level. Mexican top got behind me and brought me back to a standing position before bending me forward so that he could go to town rimming my hole. His tongue was so intrusive; these weren't gentle licks but rather directed tongue thrusts with the intent of getting my hole nice and wet and open for what was to come next. While he was doing that, the Black top stood in front of me as I clung to his thighs to steady myself from the force of the rim job. He gently waved that wonderful black cock in front of my face as a signal that I should be servicing it appropriately with my mouth. This went on for some time before I could sense that I was about to do what I was there to do. I felt some cold lube being applied to my hole from behind, and I quickly reached for my poppers. As i began to take my first inhales, I could feel that firm Mexican cock head nudge against my hole, poised and ready to begin its first entry in my hole. With the poppers hitting, I let out a soft plea to "give it to me, fuck my Asian hole with your raw Mexican cock." He pushed in, slowly at first, but then without stopping he steadily sank his cock all the way to the hilt, burying it deep in my ass. I bucked forward from the pressure and sudden fullness, only to have the big black cock shoved into my throat. In the midst of my getting impaled on both ends, my eyes glanced at the closet mirrors that were reflecting our fuck, and I found myself turned on even more seeing a thick brown cock sliding in and out, disappearing in my hole from behind, and a big black cock doing the same in front as I swallowed as much of it as I could. This was heaven. The two tops tag teamed me for the better half the night, each taking turns to fuck me from behind doggy style; my face down and ass up and elevated; facing forward with my back arched as I hooked my legs underneath theirs for better leverage for me to back my ass towards their cocks. It wasn't long though, that I received my first load from the Black top with my laying on my back with my legs pulled back, and he pounding my ass. I love this position because it gives me the best view to see the tops cock disappear to the hilt inside my hole, and also I can look up and see his expression as he's feeling the breed build up. In a sudden exclamation he let me know he was cumming in me, and I immediately hook my legs around him, pulling him and his cock deep in me and ask him to not pull out just yet. He obliges and does some slow thrusting to further plant his cum deep in my hole before pulling out. Immediately, the Mexican top, who had been watching and enjoying the show, told me to get on all fours and proceeded to do some hard piston fucking. By this time my hole was fairly sloppy with the Black top's cum serving as extra lube, but even then I couldn't help letting a few moans of pain and pleasure escape with each forceful thrust. He liked to change positions frequently. He next positioned me onto my back with one leg down and one leg up, resting on his shoulder as he drove his raw cock in me without break. From there he shifted me onto my side, a position that allowed me to gaze in amazement and wonder at how easily his thick Mexican cock was now rapidly sliding in and out of my hole with little resistance. He finally shot his load and fucked his cum deep inside me in that position with a bit of extra roughplay when he looked straight into my eyes with his hands around my neck as he pounded his load deep. Definitely the best 3 some I have ever had: good chemistry all around, beautiful men with beautiful cocks, and 2 loads deposited in my hole to let me know that they own it. Below are the pics from the encounter where both tops demonstrate how much they enjoy shoving their raw cocks deep to the hilt.
    3 points
  7. The encounter is a true story of my first time visiting Slammer, a raunchy sex club in Los Angeles. My name is Josh. I’m 28 y/o, 5’9, 145 lbs, with a smooth and nicely toned body from regular hours spent at the gym. All in all I’m a decently attractive guy who had been introduced to partying back in 2014, and ever since then my sex life has never been the same. I tend to have binge episodes where I don’t have sex for months, only to have my sexual appetite and tension build up to the point of exploding, resulting in a night or two or weekend of sexual frenzy. I had not had sex for over 2 months and I was really feeling horny. There was a top fuck buddy of mine that I had played with regularly. His name is Mark, he’s about late 40’s, fit and friendly white guy. He lived in downtown Los Angeles, had his own apartment, and he was always generous with his favors. In the past he had hosted me many times for some fun long sessions, and with my building horniness reaching a peak I messaged him asking what he was doing. After waiting a short while, he responded saying he could be free after 7 PM and that I should come over. At this point my hunger and anticipation had built to a climax and I prepared for the long night ahead by showering, putting on a black jockstrap under khaki shorts and a black tank top that fit just right to show off my lean body. I also put my laptop and chargers into a bag and drove the 20 minutes over to his place. When I got to Mark’s place he let me into his apartment and greeted me in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, barefoot, having just showered. He stood just slightly shorter than me, white-gray hair sparsely covering his toned pecs down to his lightly muscled stomach. He led me to the bedroom where there was a nice clean queen size bed with pillows, a closet with sliding door mirrors, and a TV facing the bedroom. I put down my belongings and immediately took off my tank top. “So can I offer you anything to drink or anything…?” He asked me, looking at my smooth body and smiling. I knew the game. He knew what I wanted and I didn’t hesitate to ask: “Could you smoke with me a little bit while I get comfortable?” I smiled bashfully as I asked – and when he heard my question his smile widened into a big grin. “I’d be happy to oblige. In the mean time while I get ready, why don’t you go ahead and pick out a movie.” Mark motioned to the DVD collection on the TV stand, and left me to go rummage in the closet for his supplies. His movie collection was extensive and I saw many of my favorite Treasure Island Media films as well as other bareback porn films. I chose one and popped it into the DVD and started it, just as he returned to me holding a little glass bong. Mark looked me in the eyes as he lit the torch and started to heat up the crystals inside. I watched intently as little wisps of smoke began to rise from the small hole in the bowl, at which Mark looked at me and nodded for me to go ahead. He held the bong pipe to my lips as I slowly and steadily began to inhale; slowly and steadily I heard the light bubbling as I inhaled, seeing the white smoke pass through the bong, through the pipe, and feeling it entering my lungs. I focused on keeping the bubbling at just the right amount, not too much and not too little. I had so much sexual frustration built up over my dry spell that when he started to pull the torch away from the bowl I motioned for him to keep going. A look of surprise and pleasure came on his face as he continued to heat the crystals, resulting in a huge hit. After holding in that first huge hit, I blew out the first initial cloud and it engulfed us, and I quickly went back to the pipe and inhaled whatever was still left burning. Almost instantly I felt the rush, a sense of clarity and an acuity that could only come with the crystal. I also became even hornier. “Wow, what an impressive lung capacity. Now about that drink, why don’t you keep smoking while I go prepare you some Gatorade with G. How much do you take again?” “1.5 mL usually but give me 2 this time. I want you to really party me up and make me submissive.” He nodded, smiling, and headed to the kitchen. I didn’t smoke like he had told me to, but instead, slipped off my shorts and stood facing his mirrored closet door admiring my smooth muscled body wearing only the black jockstrap. I looked really hot like that and the Tina was making me feel extremely sexy and horny. Mark returned with two small glasses, one for him and one for me, smiling as he took a moment to observe my new state of undress. He handed me the glass and said cheers, and we downed the drinks. He then motioned to hand him the pipe and the torch, and he began to take a nice big hit of his own; at the end of his inhale he motioned me to lean forward and he shotgunned his hit into my mouth, which I took in completely. He put one of his other hands around the curve of my smooth ass, giving it a slight squeeze, before nodding to me and lighting the pipe again, holding it out to me. Again he gave me a huge hit, making me inhale lightly and steadily until my lungs were filled with that white smoke. “Good boy” he murmured after I blew out the massive cloud. “You want me to really party up your hole, Josh?” Mark asked me, smiling at me. I nodded yes, feeling the high of the tina starting to take hold of me and unleash the submissive bottom I am inside. “Okay, why don’t you go ahead and get on the bed, on all fours. I’m going to prepare you a nice big booty bump to really teach your hole its purpose.” I got on the bed on all fours, facing away from him, with my back arched, as I heard him rummage with his supplies. Soon enough he had a needleless syringe ready with Tina. “Is that water with Tina?” “It’s about 0.3 grams of Tina dissolved in my spit. Now face forward and let me open you up.” I faced forward as I began to feel his tongue against my hole, probing. He spat once, twice, three times in succession. I love when a top spits on my hole, making it nice and wet. He ate out my ass, taking breaks only to tell me what a sweet tight smooth hole I had. After my ass felt nice and wet from his spit, he told me that he was going to bump me, and I felt the syringe being inserted into my ass with ease. “Are you ready?” He asked me. I nodded, and felt him push the liquid into my hole; a mildly burning sensation immediately followed, and he withdrew the syringe. “Now just hold that position for a little bit.” I stayed in that position, head down, ass up, with the booty bump slowly absorbing into my system. He came back with a moist towel to wipe my hole with, before he continued rimming my hole. With his tongue, he again made it nice and wet, and suddenly, it all hit me. The booty bump was the key to the locked room where I kept my submissive slutty bottom side hidden, and suddenly that door was opened. I felt so good, his tongue against my hole, his hands squeezing and grabbing my ass. I wanted him in me and I spread my knees even farther on the bed, reaching back to spread my cheeks as far as I could, and I exclaimed “oh God I can feel the booty bump and the G. I want you inside me.” With that, Mark turned me over onto my back and put a cylindrical pillow under my ass, elevating it. He handed me a bottle of poppers and said “those are brand new poppers so they should be especially strong.” He then ate out my ass some more as he looked straight into my eyes, my feet in the air, my hands holding them back as I looked at this guy who had his tongue in my ass, making me feel all sorts of pleasure. But I was too horny and high to be satisfied with a mere rim job. I needed his big white cock in my hole and I needed it bad. “Please, spit on my hole and fuck me raw with your spit as lube.” Mark smiled at that comment and stood up, slipping his cock out from the Bike white jockstrap he was wearing. “Well, since you asked so nicely…” he replied as he positioned his hard cock against my hole, sliding it up and down. I immediately unscrewed the cap of the poppers bottle and alternated 2 hits each nostril, - big hits, big inhales that created a beautiful sound of air passing over the bottle opening, and I held my breath to keep it all in after the last hit. I capped the bottle and then resumed holding my legs back, looked straight up into Mark’s eyes and said “please fuck me with your big white cock.” As I exhaled I could feel him begin his push in- the warmth from the poppers hit me and immediately I felt the wonderful lightheadedness and relaxed and openness feeling. It mixed with the G and the T I had taken and I was fully realized – I was now the slutty submissive bottom that I was meant to be. I looked up, taking it all in as he stared back into my eyes as he pushed his big 7” thick cock into me. With only his spit as lube, he managed to get it all in, and the feeling of fullness was more pleasurable than anything in the world. I responded by pulling my legs back more, further exposing my hole, and I looked up and with the high of the poppers and G and T enabling me, I said “please fuck me Sir.”
    2 points
  8. (a few years ago) I don't know what it is about my personality or my 'aura', but I've always attracted friends who had fucked up childhoods and/or substance abuse issues. It started in high school when two of my closest friends had a parent that committed suicide. College brought new friends who were molested as kids, were speed freaks or had been in jail. There's nothing tragic about me...I had a normal family and a normal life...except that I was gay. I buried it pretty deep inside, and tried not to even think about it. I considered myself to be pretty boring. I never did anything exciting, and maybe that's tragic in and of itself. I moved to a new city for a job that was something I really wanted to do, but it didn't pay all that great. I moved into an apartment complex that was in a somewhat 'iffy' part of town. It was two levels built into a box shape with a courtyard in the middle. It was cheap and not dirty. That's all I wanted. Wouldn't you know that I met a new misfit the day I moved in. He had the unit right next to mine, and introduced himself immediately. Andy. He looked fairly normal, but there was a touch of insanity in his eyes. I would have guessed he was in the military, judging by his solid build and extremely short haircut. He was around 6'3" and clean-shaven. Cute and around my age. I didn't have a "type", but I did think he'd be the kind of man I'd be interested in. He helped me move my stuff in. And I somehow knew he was crazy. "Just a word of warning: This side gets pretty bright sun in the morning. Keep your blinds closed if you want to sleep late." "Oh, okay. I usually get up early though." "Yeah. Me too. I do maintenance here. It's not great money, but I don't have to pay rent. If you ever lock yourself out or your toilet clogs, don't go to the manager -- just come by or call me. Got your phone on you? I'll give you my number." So I guess he wasn't in the military then. I settled in and arranged what little furniture I had. It wasn't even 24 hours later that my refrigerator stopped running. Ugh. At least there were only some diet Cokes in there. I called Andy and he came over in twenty minutes. He was in shorts and sandals ---- not what I'd think a maintenance worker would wear on the job. "Well, it must be minor because most of the fridges around here are new. It might be your outlet. Give me a few minutes to look." He moved the fridge out from the wall and went looking in the back. I never knew what to do while a repairman was in your home. Do you stand there or leave them alone to do their job? I decided to go watch TV. "Shout if you need anything." As soon as I said that, he said "Done. It's fixed." "You're kidding." "Nope. The plug had just slipped out of the wall socket. It happens sometimes if the power's been off for awhile and suddenly starts back up." I felt stupid. I should have checked that on my own. "Well, sorry for making you come over for an unplugged refrigerator." "No problem, my friend. You got me away from painting and I needed a break. Mind if I hang out here for a little?" "Not at all? Want a Coke?" "Got any beer?" I didn't, so he invited me over to his place next door. He didn't have much more furniture than I did, but it was nice. Great TV and stereo. I sat on the couch and he brought me a beer. I normally never drink at all, but it seemed like there was no way I could say 'no'. "Your TV is huge, Andy. Is it HD?" "Of course. Why? Did you want to watch something? I thought we could just talk." "Oh yeah. Sure." I swallowed more beer. It was way better than the last time I tried it in school. He settled down next to me and kicked off his sandals. "So you're gay, right?" What? I'd only met him twice and had fewer than ten sentences to him. How did he know? "Well...." "Sorry. That was rude. I just kind of see things, you know?" "Like what?" "The very first time I saw you, you were bursting with secrets. You've got those eyes that say there's more there." "Okay. And, yeah. I'm gay. I've just never told anyone." "I understand. I'm gay too. I also have HIV...ever since I was sixteen." "You look healthy to me." "I'm on some good meds now. AIDS is practically curable at this point." "Oh. Good. Are there side effects?" "Some. Nothing like there used to be with the old drugs. I'm a slut. Never had a boyfriend -- just hook-ups. There's, like, five gay bars and a bath house within ten blocks of us. I'll show you around. We can go tonight if you want. It's Saturday." "Ummm...I don't think..." "You've never done anything with a guy, have you?" "No. Not ever." I didn't look at him as I talked. "I guess I always thought it would go away. I come from a very conservative area." "Ugh. That term 'conservative'. It just means 'we all agree to hate the same people'." "You're exactly right. Wow." "It's no problem, dude. Probably too early to just bring you to the gay scene on a weekend. How about if I just introduce you to a few friends of mine --- ease you into this." "Sure. Thanks." "Cool. Well, I gotta get back to painting door frames. Call me anytime." He put his flip-flops on and showed me out. I spent the next few hours alone in my apartment, thinking. This gayness wouldn't go away. It was who I was and I needed to stop hating it. "I give up! You win!"I said to an empty living room. And I quit fighting. Andy called at 10 the next morning. "Let's go get breakfast. I know you don't have any food over there. I know a good lace and my friend Zach will be there." "Sure. Give me ten minutes. and I'll come over." Panic. How do you dress for breakfast with two gay guys? I wore some of nicest 'casual' clothes and even put on a little cologne at the last second. Then I went next door. "Good morning! Wow. You look nice...I could eat you up with a spoon. And you smell good too. Mmm." He nuzzled my neck and smelled. He was wearing more or less what he was wearing yesterday. His pickup was one of those tall ones that you had to climb in. "So how do you know Zach?" "He's one of my friends. He's HIV+ as well, but you don't know that yet. Sometimes he talks about it nonstop and sometimes he doesn't. He's always changing moods. He might be dressed better than you or worse than me." "I'll be cool." The funky little diner was full of the brunch crowd. Andy looked around and spotted his buddy. Zach was probably in his late 30's and had thinning blonde hair. He had a friendly face as he stood and greeted us. "Who's this, Andy?" "My new neighbor. Tommy. He just moved to town and I'm showing him around." "Well, he has to come to the beer bust with us. Hello, young man. Sit, sit." I shook his hand and felt him mentally read me. Andy and I sat across from him and I just studied the menu. "Probably not going to the beer bust, Zach. Tommy has never been out....anywhere. I don't think unlimited beer in a room full of horny dudes is the right environment to bring him to." I was intrigued. "No. It's fine. I'll go. When does it start?" Andy pushed his knee into mine as some sort of silent signal. "Oh, honey. It's already started. It goes on all day. Our whole group is already there. Eat a big meal to prepare your stomach for this." I suddenly realized I hadn't eaten a decent meal in two days. Just snacks and diet Coke. The food wasn't great, but it was filling. Andy aid the bill and told Zach that we'd be there in an hour. Out in the hot noon air, I suddenly felt so full and so sleepy. "Thanks for breakfast, Andy. Next time it's on me." "We don't have to go to this. We can just watch TV and snooze a little. When do you start your new job?" "Not until Thursday. I just need some coffee or a Red Bull first." "Okay. As you wish. I got something better than coffee, though. Take this." He gave me a tiny pill and I swallowed it without thinking too much. I trusted this guy. By the time we got back to the apartment complex, I was feeling nervous and maybe a little hyper. "I just need to pee and then we can go." I felt like my hair was trying to crawl off of my head. Weird. I went to my apartment and got ready while Andy waited outside. "Last warning. You don't have to do this." "Let's go." "Okay. It's ten dollars at the door and they give you a wristband. Then you can drink all the beer you can as long as you can. I'll stick close to you. My friends are cool. You're safe with us around you." We got to a huge bar called "South Paw". It didn't look much different on the outside than any other tavern I'd ever seen. This would be fine. Andy payed our way in and I wore the flimsy little band on my right wrist. The sights and sounds were so intense. I felt Andy grab my hand. His instinct for what I was feeling was starting to amaze me. He led me out a door in the back where there was a patio. "My little group of pals is mostly made up of smokers. You can only smoke on the patio. There they are." His group was composed of different sizes and ages of men, but they all had the same type of military haircut as Andy. Was this a thing now? Was it fashionable all the sudden? I wondered if they were secretly skinheads -- except one two of them were of mixed race. Andy introduced them all. Mark, Rick, Tony, etc. I was bad at remembering names even in the best of circumstances. "Hi. Nice to meet you." One of them grinned broadly. "Andy, is he a new member of our club?" "NO. This is Tom, and he's new to town. Be nice and don't scare him." "You can call me Tommy," I added. "Yeah. Tommy suits you better -- you look like a kid. Want a cigarette, Tommy?" Suddenly I did. I'd never liked the smell of smoke before, but it seemed like a good way to bond with the group. "Thanks." Andy kept me close as we sat down and joined the party. "Jesus, Andy...go get the kid a beer already." He obeyed because obviously this guy was "the leader" I guess. Once I was alone with this group, I decided to ask about the haircuts. I was just so curious. One guy who hadn't spoken yet answered with "It's part of being in the club. It's a rule we all follow...except for Zach." "I don't have much hair left, asshole. I already explained that I'm not shaving what little I have. Besides, I have tenure. I'm above 400,000 now." The others nodded and started trading numbers. 300k, 250k, etc. I figured out they were talking about HIV. They all had it. I thought that the new drugs lowered the viral amounts to almost zero. Guess I needed to read more. Andy came back and handed me a plastic cup of beer. "What have you been telling him?" "He asked about the haircuts." "Oh," Andy looked a tad bit worried. "It's our thing. Easy to recognize each other in a crowd." "I get it. Thanks for the beer. It's not very cold, though." "That's why it's so cheap, boy. Don't worry. You won't notice after we do some shots," Zach assured. "Shots? Like a shot of something, like drugs?" I felt stupid as they all laughed. "No. Whiskey. Mark is a diabetic and they him bring a bag in with his needles and shit. He always packs a fifth of JD in there. Shots here are four bucks a piece." The big, mixed-race guy pulled out his bottle and we all took discreet sips. Andy put his hand on my leg and whispered in my ear. "You can just pretend to drink it if you want." But I liked the foul, burning taste...it went well with the smoke I was inhaling. And I was relaxing a bit. I didn't even care that I was surrounded by poz guys... who seemed to take pride in their virus. Andy took medication so he couldn't be like that. Right? "Is there a cigarette machine here?" I wanted another one. "Yeah, but it's always out of order. Here." Zach handed me one and lit it for me. The light changed and it got later. Andy seemed to want me to leave with him and go someplace else, but I was happy here. We stayed and drank more beer and shots. By the time it was almost dusk, the place got crowded and the music got louder. I needed to pee. Andy escorted me to the restroom and stood by the door while I went. So many men! I hadn't even taken time to check them out. Wasn't this what it was about? They all looked fuck-able to me. Dicks and beards and tight jeans and big boots. When I finished, I walked out and got mashed by the crowd. Somebody grabbed my ass. I couldn't find Andy as I was moved out towards the dance floor. Where was the patio? I was lost. I got pushed up against the wall by Mark the diabetic smuggler. He towered over me and leaned in close. "You lost, Tommy?" "Sort of. I'm trying to find Andy." "Why? You think he's trying to find YOU??. You in love with him or something? Andy doesn't have boyfriends." "I know. But he's my ride home." "I'll give you a ride, little boy. Feel this." He rubbed his hard crotch against my stomach. "Touch it if you want. It's the biggest one here...big enough to make you a club member for life." As rude as this all was, I kind of wanted to touch him down there. I felt my own dick get hard. I reached toward the fly of his pants just as Andy appeared. "Back the fuck off, Mark. Tom and I are leaving now." He grabbed my hand and was leading me away. "How 'bout a little respect, dude. Remember I'm the only guy with the syringes." "Ignore him. Let's go." Once we were back out on the street, Andy seemed to be angry. With Mark? With me? "What's wrong?" "I should not have brought you here. You aren't ready and I thought my friends would be nicer. I need a smoke." "You?" "Yeah. I smoke, Tommy. I just didn't want to do it in front of you for some reason. I wanted you to think more of me." "Why? You saw me smoke." "You don't know what you're doing. This was too fast. Let's share a smoke and go home." We sat on the curb and shared a cig from the pack he'd had with him the whole time. I suddenly didn't want one anymore. We drove home in mostly silence when Andy finally asked, "What he do to you? What did he say?" "He rubbed his groin on me and said he could get me into your club. He also said not to fall in love with you because you don't have boyfriends. What's the deal with your club, Andy?"' "I'll fill you in later. That dumb fuck. I hate him, but he's sometimes a good guy. Sometimes." We got back to the apartment complex, and I wanted to invite Andy in, but he was still mad and distracted. I just went to bed with an upset stomach. I slept like a rock and didn't wake u until that morning sun snaked it's way around the blinds. My mouth tasted horrible. I was in the middle of my shower when Andy knocked at my door. I was still wet and wearing only a towel around my waist when I answered. "Oops. Sorry. I should have called first. I brought McDonald's breakfast since we never had dinner last night. Get dressed and I'll set everything up." I came back it in a t-shirt and shorts. Andy had already taken his flip-flops off and was setting paper plates of fast food breakfast on my little coffee table. I let him ick out something to watch since I didn't even know the channels in this area. We settled on some 70's movie about spies or something. "Thanks for this." "No problem. Mark called me last night. He wanted to apologize to both of us. It's all cool now." "Tell me about your club, Andy. Not later. NOW." He wiped his mouth, leaned back and closed his eyes. "This is too much information, buddy. But I guess I'll have to tell you eventually." "I'm not all that shock-able. I've heard everything." "Okay. Just...just don't avoid me after I tell you. I like you and we're neighbors. Promise? Promise you'll still like me?" "Yes." "Well...you probably already know we're all HIV+. And we all know each other from all the fucking we've done around town. We all started taking meds about the same time. And then we quit medicating." "What? Why?" "I don't know if I can explain it exactly. It all got too safe and too boring. We were all sitting around Zach's place one night and decided that, together, we could develop a mutant strain of HIV that couldn't be controlled by a drug company. It started as a fantasy. Then we got serious about it. It was exciting. We all flushed our pills at the same time. We fucked each other and others with no hesitation." "Wow, Andy. I don't want you to be sick." "I know you don't. But I haven't told you the worst. Mark let's us use his syringes to draw our blood and inject each other. He sometimes does it to strangers, but I swear to you that I haven't. And over the past year, we started competing. Everybody wants the highest viral count. Mine is now just a hair over 300,000. Zach's is the highest...he's almost full-blown. Mark is u there too. Tell me what you're thinking, Tommy." "I...uh...I want you to stop this. I like you and I want to be your boyfriend, but not if you're hell-bent on destroying yourself. There you go." "I've never seen your face without all the secrets hiding it. Can I kiss you?" We kissed and I felt electricity in every atom in my body. We made out on the couch and it almost felt like it would go further, but it didn't. Andy left with a big boner in his shorts and said he'd see me later. The next afternoon Mike came by. "Break time! Come out and have a smoke with me. It's so nice outside." We went and sat on the steps.He smoked, but I didn't. "What are you doing today, Andy?" "Trimming bushes. It's messy, but not that hard. Want to come down and keep me company?" Of course I did. He was cutting and trimming while I just sat om the grass and watched. I knew that I loved him. It was a fact. "Hey -- I thought maintenance guys always wore work boots. Why are you in sandals?" "They make those boots in my size...14, but they don't make 'em wide enough. I inherited my dad's wide, flat feet." "Oh. Sorry if I ask too many questions." "No. Ask anything." "Were you molested as a kid?" I already knew the answer. "Oh, yeah. Brothers, uncles, neighbor kids. I got taller and bigger and decided to do some molesting of my own. I was a bad seed. Why did you ask that?" "I've known a lot of people who went through bad shit. I had a collection of damaged friends." "They were drawn to you, Tommy. You're stable. Or maybe they saw those invisible walls you had been building and wanted to hide behind them too. With you." Yep. I loved him. "What are your goals?" "Seriously? You haven't started your job yet and already you're asking corporate questions. My goals are always changing. At the moment, I just want to be happy. What about you?" "I want to have a better life than I ever imagined. I don't mean being rich in a mansion. I just want to be satisfied." "Well put. 'Satisfied' is a good goal. I have to mow now. Can I drop by after I'm done?" "Sure. Watch your toes." He laughed and left me alone. I watched him walk toward the shed. He was beautiful. His butt and legs and strong back. I sat in my apartment and tried to memorize the TV channels. I ended up on one of the public access stations and watched one of those high school quiz shows. I was on a quiz bowl team back in the day, but was never on TV. I sat and was absorbed for a good hour when my Andy came by. "Done already?" "Yeah. There's not much grass here. What the hell are you watching? Game shows? Come over and have a beer with me. You're gonna be a working boy soon -- we need to party now." His apartment smelled like him and I felt my dick rise. He instantly took off his sandals and his t-shirt. "It's getting warmer out there now. I can turn on the AC if you want." "I'm fine, but turn it on if you need it." He handed me a cold can of beer and we settled on the couch. "Nah. I'm good now. How 'bout if I play some music. Ever heard of Matthew Sweet? He's a goddamn genius. There's a few songs I want you to hear." "Cool." He fiddled around with his stereo, and then the great music started. It was rock, but not harsh or heavy. This Matthew guy had a decent voice and sounded like his heart was breaking. I picked out a few lyrics... "Don't you need somebody to love?" "I want to be your boyfriend." It was just so dreamy. I forgot about his club and his disease. He put his arm around me, and I could smell his new sweat and cut grass. This time I kissed him first...and let my hands wander around his bare chest. His nipples were hard and sharp and perfect. I knew some things. I knew I wanted to have sex with him...and I knew I wanted him to give me his raw dick. He'd always been able to read my mind --- maybe he could now. "Andy...I..." "Shh. I know. Let's go to my bed. I should probably take a shower first." "Not now. Please?" "As you wish, Tommy." We both got entirely naked and wrestled around on top of his comforter. It was heaven. There was so much I wanted to do with him and so much I wanted him to do with me, but I was too afraid to make the first move. I think he knew that. How could he read my mind so easily? He got over me and positioned his big dick right over my face. I wasted no time. I took as much as I could..and a little more. He liked it. He did some push-ups on my face. A poz cock was going in and out of my mouth, but it belonged to a man I loved. "OK. I need you to know that I love having my ass licked. I like it almost as much as I like fucking. Can you do it for me, please?" "Sit down." He plopped his butt on top of my face and sat down hard. I wasn't sure how to go from here. I just stuck my tongue in his hole. Everything was new. I must have done a good job because he moaned and started sliding u and down my face with the heels of his feet dug into the side of my head. Funny how his asshole tasted like mowed grass too. I just wanted to please him. My Andy. He was starting to sweat more. "You've done it now, neighbor. I'm going to have to fuck you." He was reading my mind again. I could breathe again. "Yes. I want this." He was working his dick furiously. "I'll try to make it quick. You're not ready for a long session. Just hold on as best you can." I was talking to him with my mind. Yes, I want you. I want your cum and all the things in it. He lifted my legs up and rested my ankles on his shoulders. It was happening. He pressed that fat head against my ass. I was ready. He got in and I yelled. Loud. It felt like he was breaking me. He put a wide hand over my mouth. It smelled like grass too. He didn't stop, just kept going in harder and deeper. I can't say it felt good, physically. But my mind loved it. He was becoming a part of me now. He knew what I was thinking and quickened his pace. And came. In me. Naked as the day he was born. I held him so tight. So tight. His dirty sperm was now tainting my system. It would be OK. I spent the night in his bed. Cum and blood were everywhere. It was fine. I had unworried dreams. I guess I was in the club now. Now we're a couple. Dating and calling ourselves 'boyfriends'. We are bonded so tightly. I tried to get him to teach me his mind-reading abilities, but he claims it only works on me. I tested HIV+ a few months later. I went on meds and so did Andy. I have no idea what happened to the club. I guess we got each other banned from that group. Gay marriage is legal now and I wanted to propose to him, but of course he beat me to the punch. I'm wearing the ring now as I type this.
    2 points
  9. I`d had a busy day on the road and was looking forward to checking into my hotel, having a shower and a couple of drinks. My day got worse when I pulled up outside to see there was a sign saying it was closed due to a gas leak in the kitchen. I saw one of the reception staff and she told me there was a hotel on the same street that I could go to. Things were bad but, they went even further downhill very quickly when I saw the hotel. The place I was supposed to be staying in was 5star with reception staff in uniforms. This place had a stroppy black kid who demanded £50 cash for a room. I could here him telling his mate in the back room that he`d just" fleeced some white cunt" which pissed me off no end. he was obviously keeping the cash for himself. Anyway I was in no mood to argue and trundled off to my room. It was suprisingly not a bad room so I opened a beer and settled down. I decided that I would have a shower then try to find somewhere for food. I felt a lot better after a nice shower and went to get another beer from my bag. I was naked when I came out the bathroom and got a shock when that fucking black kid was raking through my bag. I shouted at him to get the fuck out of my room but he just laughed and told me to fuck off. What I didnt know was his mate was standing behind me. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me to the floor. Then he kicked me full in the stomach, he then jumped on me and punched me a few times in the head. He laughed at me and told me" not so hard are you now you white cunt". His mate said" he`ll be hard if you stick that big cock of yours up him Delroy " I realised I was in serious trouble now as the stroppy kid came over and knelt on my arms and pulled my legs right back exposing my arse to Delroy. The kid was called Kenny and he unzipped his trousers and smacked me in the face with his big black cock. " fancy this white boy?" he said wiping his cock over my face. I couldnt move. I was on my back with Kenny kneeling on my arms and my legs up against my chest. I could feel something at my arse, and then real pain as Delroy pushed his huge cock up me." you want some black jizz up you white boy? he said There was nothing I could do. I was overpowered by them and they were `nt going to let me go till they`d had their fill of fucking me. Delroy was pounding me hard and the pain was unreal. His cock was massive and it felt like it had torn my hole. When he came he pushed the full length in and filled my arse with his black seed. "you fucking like that white boy?. you fucking like a load of black spunk up your white arse do you?" He withdrew his cock and wiped it over my face and changed places with Kenny. Kenny slipped up me easily. he wasnt as big as Delroy plus there was a heavy load of spunk to lubricate him. He started to fuck me really hard and I felt his spunk gush out of his cock and mix in with Delroys load. Delroy was laughing " thats a nice loaded white arse you have there boy". I thought it was over but realised that Kenny was still hard, and still up my arse. He just kept thrusting in me and after about 5 mins shot another load up me. My hole was leaking spunk and blood all over the carpet but it didnt stop them. Delroy was wanking himself in my face and Kenny had 2 fingers up my arse pushing all their black seed up me. Delroy was about to shoot and he took great pleasure in blowing all over my face and pushing his big black cock in my mouth making me swallow some of his spunk. Then it was over. They got dressed,still laughing at me. Delroy said he was coming back later with some more friends to " give your pretty white arse a good ganging". Then they left. I quickly got dressed and legged it to my car. I could hear them laughing as i ran past reception still with their spunk running out of my ruined hole .
    2 points
  10. This is a true story. I am a 21 twink bottom. I have brown hair, and a smooth thin body. Until last April had never been fucked bareback. I have been fucked by a lot of dudes in my life, but always safe, as far as I know. The night I got barebacked started like a lot of nights for me: I was on Grindr, searching for a top with whom I could hookup. Then I found what I was looking for: a muscle top, in his mid-40. He was beautiful, very nice and very charming. We chatted a bit, he told me he wanted to take me raw. I told him I only played safe. It seemed not to be an issue for him as he said he would fuck me using a condom. I showered, I douched, made myself and my ass perfect, and then went to his place. Once at his place, he welcomed me, and I asked to use the bathroom. I peed, and left the bathroom. Then I saw him, completely naked, laying on the bed. I lay next to him, and tried to kiss him, but he clearly wasn't interested as he guided my head down to his cock, naturally expecting me to suck him. Damn, his dick was so good. It made me so horny. After a while, he made me stop, and positioned me on my back. He climbed behind me, lifted my legs a bit, wrapping them around his waist, as he leaned over to kiss me as his cock head slid about my ass crack, torturing my ass for five minutes or so. I was beyond horny, and let him know saying "I can't take it, I need your dick in my ass." Then he took some poppers and gave them to me. I took a deep hit and got hornier. He knew after a bit hit I wouldn't be able to resist his dick. Positioning his cock against my hole, he dribbles some lube into my hole, as he pressed forward. His dick entered so easily, I was in paradise. However, being a safe sex guy, I automatically blurted out "You should put a condom. Now." "Don't worry, I will, I'm just opening your hole. I'll put on a condom before we get into serious fucking." I guess I was easily convinced as, when his dick had reached balls deep, and after he had administered some additional poppers, he started to fuck me raw and I couldn't object. It was by far the best fuck I ever experienced - the sensation of his skin in my ass made me feel so close with him. I managed to ask him not to cum inside my hole, and he agreed, even as he continued fucking me. Few minutes later, as he was fucking me, he asked "I am going to cum soon, do you want me to cum on your chest?" I was so horny, this fuck blow minded me. I wanted his cum inside my hole, so I responded "No, please, keep fucking me. Cum in my hole. I want your cum in my ass." Then, for the first time ever, I felt a raw dick cumming in my ass. It felt amazing. He wasn't a romantic, however. Climbing off, he stepped into the shower without saying a word, leaving me on the bed, my ass filled with cum. I stayed there for a minute, then put my clothes on, and left before his shower was over. I haven't tried bareback again since that day.
    2 points
  11. Doubt means don't. "Sorry, I won't be able to make it, but I wanna hear all about it on Monday."
    2 points
  12. What I want right now Poz Loads, AIDS Loads, Getting fucked and fucking, Sucking and Swallowing..... Who wants to help please think faggot pup needs it bad
    2 points
  13. Its been a really busy few days on vacation down on the farm ... always plenty to see and do. It all started when we got Jed to do some groundwork with his big bucket ...... Then Andy had to lift up a container with a sling & pulley, ready for plugging ...... We found the two agency guys in the barn erecting a scaffold ..... ...... so that Jed, our plumber could get into the loft to inspect the tank ..... ..... it all got a bit more interesting when Dave dropped his hammer and nails ....
    2 points
  14. Knowing that I was probably going to be getting a right workover that night, I spent my time waiting for Ben by lubing and loosening my hole as best I could. I retrieved a rather large carrot from the fridge, peeled it and then put it in some warm water for a while before working it into my arse, and once I was used to that I had a go with half a cucumber. By the time I was done I was pretty loose, and had squirted quite a bit of lube up there in the process. Ben turned up shortly after 7pm, dressed in a tracksuit and carrying a sports bag. After I let him in he set the bag down on the coffee table, stood and looked at me for a moment, and then sat down on the sofa to start unloading the bag. A few minutes later and I was standing there with a really fat padded leather collar round my neck, matching wrist and ankle restraints, and a wide leather harness tightly gripping my chest and shoulders. “Right” he said, “that’ll do. Now, put this on.” He handed me a loose tracksuit, which I put on over the leather accessories. He then pulled out a big pair of leather boots and told me to put them on, allowing me to go and get some socks to go underneath them. We had to adjust the ankle restraints to their loosest so they would sit just above the top of the boots, before zipping up the bottom of the tracksuit legs to cover them. Once I was dressed and ready we headed out, getting an Uber for quite some time. I realised we must be somewhere in northwest London, perhaps near Kilburn, but I wasn’t sure as I hadn’t seen any tube stations or other landmarks to identify the area. Ben had made me leave my mobile at home, and from where I was sitting I couldn’t see the driver’s satnav. We pulled up in an area of dark and deserted buildings that looked like warehouses, some of which had broken windows and barbed wire round the fences. The driver checked we were sure we were where we wanted to be, which Ben acknowledged before we got out. He led me round the corner and in between some buildings, and then round another corner I saw some men up ahead hanging around outside a door smoking. We passed in between them to get to the door, all of them giving me looks as I went through that ranged from smirks to leers. Once inside we made our way along a corridor, and then right into a surprisingly clean and well-lit room where there were benches, lockers and an adjoining set of showers. Ben then had me strip out of the tracksuit, before he did the same with his. Underneath he was wearing a similar get-up to me, with the addition of some leather armbands but without a collar like mine. “OK” he said, taking my hand, “let’s get you downstairs.” He led me out of the changing room and through a doorway opposite, through which was a staircase that went down between red-painted walls. At the bottom we went through a curtain, and emerged into a full-blown sex club. There was a large area with a bar, and I could see several rooms off at the sides and far end. There were only a few guys there standing at the bar, and I quickly realised they were Mitch, Rob, Gavin and some of the others from work. “Here he is!” said Rob, smiling broadly at me. I smiled back at him, and looked around at the others. “Hey guys” I said. “You ready?” asked Mitch. “Er, I guess” I said, “but I’m not sure for what.” “The rest of your life” said Rob, winking at me. I smiled nervously at him, and was grateful when Gavin handed me a beer. I took a few swigs and began to relax, despite everyone else except Ben being dressed in normal casual clothes while I was there in a leather fetish outfit. I managed to join in the conversations, and eventually had sunk two beers and a couple of cocktails. “Right” said Ben, “let’s get on with this. Is the room ready?” he asked Rob. “Yep, got the big one down the end” he replied. They all then set off down to the far end of the bar room, milling around me and encouraging me forward as they did. We went through a door into another corridor, and then at the end turned left through an arch into a fairly large room. In the middle was a sling attached to hooks on the ceiling, and over at the side was some kind of padded bench. There were a few seats around the room, a couple of bottles of lube on the floor, but that was otherwise all there was to it. “OK my boy” said Ben, taking my hand and leading me to the sling, “let’s get you settled.” He encouraged me to turn around, plant my buttocks on the end of the sling and then lie backwards in to it. I shuffled a bit once in position, and then he hoisted my legs up into the air. He put my boots through some hoops, and then attached the ankle restraints to the chains with a couple of clasps. He then made his way to the other end, raising my arms and attaching the wrist restraints to the chains in the same way. “Fuck me, his hole is gaping” said Lucas. “You already fucked him?” he asked Ben. “Not for a few hours” he replied, before turning to me. “You been working on yourself?” “Er, yeah, just some things from the fridge” I said, blushing. Ben smiled. “Awesome” he said, “that means no waiting around.” With that, he lubed himself up and then pushed into me, starting a fast and furious fuck almost immediately. I don’t know how long I lay there with my former colleagues using me, but they all bred me at least twice. I was completely helpless with my wrists and ankles restrained on the chains, so I just took the fuckings without protest. Eventually the guys tired out, and started to zip up their trousers and put their tops back on. Each of them came over and gave my arse a playful slap before leaving, so that I was finally left alone with just Ben. “So” he said, smiling at me, “did you enjoy your leaving do?” “Yes sir” I said, smiling. “Good” he replied. “Now I think it’s time for the second part of your night.” I looked at him quizzically, and then he turned and left the room. He was gone for a few minutes, leaving me prone in the sling to contemplate what he had lined up for me next. Then he eventually reappeared, with a few guys I didn’t know following him. “Gentlemen, here he is” he announced. “He’s well-loaded already, so just enjoy yourselves.” He then came over to me and stood beside the sling, putting his hand on the top of my head and stroking my hair while he looked down at me with a slightly sad-looking smile on his face. “Boy, it’s time for you to become who I think you really are” he said, “so you can enjoy the rest of your life free of inhibitions.” “What?” I asked. “Don’t hate me” he finished, before leaning down and kissing my lips. Then he was gone, and I was alone with a roomful of men leering at me and my gaping hole. It was then that I noticed their tattoos...
    2 points
  15. “Wakey, wakey little bro” I said slapping my semi-conscious brother across his face. He blinked slowly as his eyes began to open fully, staring up at my grinning face before realising he couldn’t move properly, swivelling to his left then right and seeing that he was naked and that his legs and arms were outstretched with his ankles tied to his wrists and in turn fastened somewhere off the sides of the bed he was lying on. He couldn’t say anything because he was wearing a ball gag and the full realisation of his predicament was sinking in. He was totally naked and his smooth ass and cunt hole were totally exposed. He tried to say something into the ball gag and I laughed, “What’s that little bro?” I asked, “You say you’re looking forward to this afternoon, that’s good little bro” I replied, talking over his struggling and clearly angry tirade. I slapped his face hard again and he immediately stopped, looking up with tears welling in his eyes. “That’s better you little cunt” I said looking down at him sternly, “You need to learn some respect” He also noticed now that I too was naked, standing before him with my fat cock dangling limply between my legs. “I guess you’re wondering why I’ve got you tied naked to my bed, hey little bro?” I asked him. He stared up at me and said nothing, “Well it’s a bit of story really and begins with me finding out that you’ve been secretly filming me in my room for the last year.” I watched my brother’s reaction and it was of a guy with sudden dawning realisation that he’d been caught doing wrong and was probably going to have to pay for it. Of course, he didn’t yet know how. “So imagine my surprise when one of my buds rings me up to tell me he’s seen a video clip on a porn site of a guy getting his cunt fucked, who looked a lot like me”, I continued on, “It turns out there wasn’t just one clip either, but a few, all with a title saying ‘My bro getting pozzed’”, I stopped for more reaction but my brother knew he was in trouble now and just stared up at me looking scared. “Well I decided to check out my room and guess what I found”, holding up a small black cube, “A fucking camera, actually, three fucking cameras.” “Well little bro, I thought two could play at this and I set a couple up in your room, only one of mine was pointed at your computer so I could see what your password was” I said grinning, “IFUCKBOYS; that was quite interesting. I didn’t know you were gay as well little bro but then I saw you and your hot friend making out while you both watched me getting cock”. My brother was listening intently but he couldn’t do anything except stare up, still with tears in his eyes. “So you like seeing your big bro getting dick, that right, you little shit?” I asked, slapping him again. “You know, I should really thank you” I said stepping back and sitting on the end of the bed next to him, “I did actually want some record of my conversion and you filmed it for me. I don’t think you knew at the time, but I had four toxic guys come and use me a few months ago and you captured the whole thing. How they all took turns raping my cunt and loading me with HIV poz cum. You filmed my conversion.” I said, placing a hand on his smooth six pack stomach. “Remember when I got ill a month ago and was sick for a week. Mum thought I had the flu, which I did, but it was fuck flu, and now I’m poz and I’m very toxic right now too” I said grinning down at him and stroking his naked skin. “So little bro, I’m gonna help you out” I started, “I’ve invited the same four poz guys back round and we’re going to rape your neg cunt all night. We’re going to convert you too, because you want it don’t you little bro?” I finished, staring into his eyes and gripping his cock. He began to shake and I could see terror in his eyes but his dick was swelling in my hand and I knew somewhere in his head he was turned on, “You like that don’t you” I said squeezing his cock. I turned to the door and called, “Hey guys”. My brother looked up at the door as it opened and in walked four familiar and totally naked guys, sporting a variety of builds and semi-hard cocks from large to lethal looking. “Little bro, let me introduce you to Aleksy, Joe, Ethan and Rob” I said. The four guys were a bit of a mix of build but all were athletic to muscular, with Rob, the most standout of them all; black, muscular, tattooed and clearly massive in the cock department. Even limp it was lethal looking. Ethan was perhaps slightly more emaciated than athletic looking, and had some bruising to his skin, which was because he had Aids. I knelt up on the bed with my cock slowly rising and each guy stepped up for a kiss and a cock fondle, which I made sure my sibling could see clearly. “Well boys, this is Matthew my little bro and the shit who needs to be taught a lesson.” I said with an evil grin. Matt looked at me and continued to shake a little before realising each guy behind me was also looking down at him with a look of utter lust and desire to rape him. “Now I reckon you boys should do to him what you did to me and in the order we discussed.” I said winking at them, before stepping up off the bed and reaching for a video camera. “And don’t worry bro, I’m going to film the whole thing so I can sell you’re rape and conversion to a porn site.” With that, Aleksy, the first of the four studs moved forward to the bed and climbed on, his fat dick dangling semi erect. Aleksy was Polish with a nice muscular body and short dark hair. I’d met him online and we’d fucked plenty. He was totally top but could be a dirty shit, which I loved very much. He didn’t waste any time in grabbing my bros now erect dick and squeezing it hard so we could hear an intake of air through the ball gag, before leaning down and rimming out Matt’s unprotected ass hole. I was capturing the action by the side of my brother and would focus on his expression, which right now and considering his predicament, was one of pleasure, as Aleksy kept forcing his tongue into my bros cunt, squeezing and wanking his cock. It wasn’t long before my bro received his first cock of the day as Akeksy forced his now eight inch fat dick roughly into Matt who was clearly in some discomfort not having time to adjust. Very soon Aleksy was fucking my bro hard and deep while the other guys stood round wanking their dicks. I got plenty of close ups of cock in cunt and of Matt’s face as he had clearly begun to enjoy this, possibly forgetting the deadly load he was about to receive. For the next twenty odd minutes my bro was relentlessly fucked with Aleksy occasionally gripping his neck, squeezing and then spitting in his face. The look on my sibling’s face was exquisite because he couldn’t prevent any of it. Finally, I knew Aleksy was close and got the camera right in as he slowed and began groaning loudly before pumping the first toxic load into my brother’s negative cunt. I also noticed Matt was suddenly back to reality and realising what was happening as his eyes went from a look of pleasure to terror. He clearly liked the fucking but wasn’t yet happy about the toxic ending. As Aleksy pulled out, I zoomed in on my bros ravaged cunt hole which was now seeping cum. “Joe, get in there and lick that out for me” I instructed as the next stud, a six foot four inch, athletically built and shaved headed guy was on the bed and kneeling at my bros exposed hole in an instant, licking out the dripping cum. I wanked my own cock as I filmed it, “Let me taste Joe” I said as he turned to me, grinning, with cum on his lips and face. We kissed quickly and he pushed the felched splooge into my mouth. I swallowed it all as Joe spat some on his nice fat seven inch cock and lined up to fuck Matt. Joe raped my bro for a good half an hour and clearly my brother was now beginning to come to terms with his predicament because he was clearly now enjoying being fucked. When Joe eventually let out a loud and lengthy groan, I knew he was dumping a huge load. Joe was a heavy cummer and sure enough as I zoomed in again, the cum practically squirted out my brother’s cunt hole, now nicely stretched and red raw. It was Ethan’s turn next, the emaciated Aid’s riddled breeder. My bro eyed him with clear trepidation but Ethan didn’t waste the cum dripping out, he too went down for a felch and not bothering to ask, I went in too and was rewarded with a nice mouth full of the fresh splooge. Ethan’s cock was long, thin and bruised but was soon ravaging my brothers hole. The sweat was pouring off the pair of them and with Rob still side lined and wanking his enormous nine inch shaft, he knelt next to Ethan and licked off his sweat before they kissed hard. Joe couldn’t hold back either and was kneeling by the side of the bed, wanking my brother as he was being fucked before turning to me and sucking my cock as I filmed on. Soon, Ethan too ejaculated into my brother, “Ah little bro, your first Aid’s load” I cried as the other guys laughed. My brother’s expression was harder to work out now, it looked very much like he was happy to have received it. I could have been wrong, “You know what guys, I reckon the dumb little fuck slut is starting to enjoying this now” Ethan pulled out of Matt’s hole and stood up so that Rob could finally get at my brothers red raw cunt. Rob had been waiting a long time now and didn’t want to delay, he simply fingered out some of the cum in my brother’s hole, smeared It on his cock and then rammed it fully into his hole. We all heard the scream, even with a ball gag on, it couldn’t muffle my brothers discomfort and laughing again, we watched as Rob power-drived nine inches of BBC into my young brothers ravaged hole. Matt was in clear discomfort having never had something so big inside him and Rob was intent on tearing his ass hole as we noticed a few trickles of blood now dripping out. Joe was getting me close as I continued to film as best as I could and capturing the power of Rob as he fucked my brother, which was awe-inspiring. The whole bed was shaking as he continued to force his massive tool into Matt, a pleasure I have experienced many times. I knew I was close now, “Rob, hold up” I said through gritted teeth and pulling free of Joe, I knelt up on the bed and while I filmed, Joe may made me cum, with a few last strokes by hand and so that I shot my load onto Rob’s exposed cock, “Some more lube” I groaned. Rob grinned and continued to fuck my brother, pushing my cum into my siblings hole. Finally, Rob let out a deep guttural growl and slowed as he pumped yet another toxic load into my brother as the sweat dripped off them, spreading over the entire bed. My brother was clearly in some distress but that didn’t bother me at all. Knowing he was being knocked up was much more important. To be continued……………….
    1 point
  16. I had just been diagnosed HIV poz and learned my viral load was excessive. Anyone taking an unprotected load was sure to be converted. I was 51 and had a few younger lads with whom I regularly played, lads who were into Daddies. One of the lads was a a fairly shy somewhat nerdy dark haired slight lad who went by the nickname of 'Tiger'. At least that's the nickname he shared with me. We had been playing games for about a year or so, and had always barebacked. He was good at triggering my buttons and, as a consequence, he always went home with more than one load inserted deep in his guts. I hadn't told him yet about the issue about status as I had gotten the results only a couple of days before our next session. Thinking it over, I decided it was best to give Tiger the news face-to-face. I also picked-up some condoms - just in case he still wanted to get fucked. When he walked in the door I gave him a hug, explaining we needed to chat. With that I got the two of us a drink, led him into my bedroom, and taking him into my arms I began saying "Well Tiger, things are gonna be a bit different today and for a while. 'Cause I just leaned I'm HIV poz. It's okay," I added, continuing "I'm fine, I don't need counselling or hugs. To be honest, I'm somewhat surprised I went this long before seroconverting." Tiger made to comment, but I cut him off saying "Anyway, Tiger, here are some condoms. That's the change in the way we go at it, at least for now. My viral load is quite high, so we must take precautions to stay safe, especially because you're so much younger than me." When I paused in my announcement Tiger responded "Look, I barebacked you for a year. I'm not gonna stop now just because of this." "No, Tiger, come on, this is serious business. I don't wanna be responsible for having converted you. Be sensible." Giving me a snog, and tweaking my nipples, he easily got my cock hard and eager to play. I tried to get control of the situation by saying "Hey now, we've gotta agree: no bareback play." "Fuck off," he responded, adding "I decide whether or not I bareback, not you. It isn't your decision. If I wanna side down this diseased a toxic pole - well, that's my choice." "That's not fair to me, Tiger. I couldn't live with myself, knowing I had converted you. Again he snogged me, stuffing his tongue into my mouth and giving my nipples a twist. That is the most expedient way of getting (and keeping) me rock hard and burning with lust. Grabbing my cock, he spat in his hand, lubbed my cock and his ass, and, straddling my cock with his brown eye, he pushed his bum onto my unprotected toxic pole, admonishing "Remember, it's my choice and I want to climb on board for a hot fuck. I want to to ride you - and deep." Before I could react to his declaration he had slid all the way down my poke, and even if I was inclined to protest I could see the determination, lust, passion and sleaze which had combined in his decision. Admittedly my resistance was melting fast as I also found myself overcome with lust, particularly when I experienced the animalistic ferocity with which he slammed his ass down on my cock, his perverted tunnel enveloping my entire cock. Grabbing nearby poppers, Tiger huffed deeply, and then thrust the bottle under my nostril. "Okay, okay," I replied, "but promise to get off my cock before I cum, please," I grunted. Staring at my face intensely, Tiger answered "Okay, I'll try." Inwardly I sighed, thinking perhaps he would come to his senses. But I didn't have much time to dwell on what was, ultimately, Tiger's decision as just then he doubled, if not tripled the energy he was expending in riding my cock, shouting as he did so "You sleazy slut!" adding all manner of obscenities with each furious downward thrust. Nor did he neglect my tits in roughing them up even more fiercely than earlier, which, of course, brought me to the cusp of blowing my toxic load. "Hey Tiger, it's time, get off me, I'm gettin' close," I managed to warn. Tiger, however, only replied "Give me your toxic load, Daddy. Fuck your boy." "Come on, Tiger, you said you'd get off," I grunted, even as I had now joined in pounding his ass. "Okay, okay," he responded, making a move that led me to think he was about to dismount my cock, only to find, to my utter horror and complete startlement, to find he slammed back down on my shaft, sliding all the way down to my balls, simultaneously twisting my nipples, squeezing them hard as he gave me full on eye contact as he snarled at me "I want that fuckin' poz cum, Daddy! I want your toxic load. Holy fuck, give it to me now!" With that he squeezed my shaft with his ass muscles, and held me in position as he verbally demanded I give him my load. Naturally, at a certain point a man just can't be expected to hold off, so I didn't. I accepted the fact that Tiger was a cum whole, a bug chaser, and I should give him what he demanded of me so I let loose and flooded his hole with my toxic load, emptying an unbelievably large load of cum into his hole. As we came down from the orgasm Tiger grunted "Fuck condoms. I want your poz cum and that of all the other hot poz fuckers I can find. I want your disease. I want your AIDS."
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  17. Hi, I'm having a problem which annoys me because I find anal so hot. i can't seem to get any pleasure from anal, I've read stories where the bottom gets so much pleasure from anal fucking - but for me whenever my buddy fucks me, I just get the feeling I need to pee and pre cum dribbles from my cock then he ends up coming in me and we just kiss and he eats my ass until his wife gets back. sometimes I cum by him fingerfucking me which makes my cock flap around which makes me cum but it's a more internal orgasm so I know I can but I don't know how to. if it continues like this then I'll need to become a top - which is still fun but I'd love to be vers.
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  18. PART ONE It all started innocently enough. I know that's what everyone says but it certainly wasn't my intention for things to end up the way they did. My wife died about 20 years ago. For around five years I didn't know what to do with myself, then I discovered the joys of gay sex and was fully-fledged in that lifestyle for a long time keeping it all hidden from my family who thankfully live a long way away. Over that time there wasn't much I didn't try or do to someone else, and we usually did it raw. Unfortunately it bit me on the ass in the end and I ended up poz. It didn't worry me too much as I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later & I was still taking pretty good care of myself despite the fact my daughter was still under the impression I must be living a lonely life. Far from it in fact! The house I had was pretty big though & I was intending to buy a smaller place, seeing it was only me living there aside from any overnight/weekend/weekly "guests" I might have had. My daughter had the great idea of sending her son to help me pack up the house over around a week or so. I didn't think I needed any help but she thought "it'll be good for him & you'll need the company". Great. I didn't have any problems with the boy, he was about 20 years old, straight and a lovely guy but by God the kid was dumb. I'd also heard that some of my "friends" were gonna be in town for a few days and I was intending to catch up with them. Timing! My sex drive wasn't a patch on what it used to be but I was looking forward to catching up with them for some drinks & a good gossip. I'd been up pretty late watching some porn so the banging on the door at 10am came as a bit of a shock. I staggered to the door and was greeted by Brett's smiling face. "Hey there gramps! It's so good to see you!" He stepped inside & gave me a big hug. I tended to only catch up with them round Xmas time and wasn't on social media so I had no idea how much he'd grown, or to be more precise, bulked up. The boy was in fantastic shape. "Thought I'd get here nice & early to get a full day's work in" he said. I can't fault the kid's attitude I guess. "You don't look ready though!" He laughed. "Is there anywhere you want me to start while you have a shower & breakfast?" "Um....sure...the garage I guess?" I replied in my morning haze. "Sure, I'll get straight to it!" About half an hour later with a full belly & a clean body I walked out to my garage. Brett had done a power of work and I could see a bunch of boxes set up for me to determine whether to keep, throw or store. His body showed at too as his young body was coated in sweat. "Wow boy, there'll be nothing left for me to do at this rate!" "I know gramps. Once I get to that part of the garage behind the sheet it'll all be done!" Oh fuck, I thought to myself, I'd forgotten about that this morning. One of the things I really used to love particularly when I was "entertaining", was to use a sex sling. It didn't really worry me too much if I was giving or receiving, I just loved using the damn thing. God knows how many times I seeded a guy or received it myself in that thing. The stories it could tell! I only just realised that my grandson was just about to reveal it. "Well Brett, looks like you could probably do with a break, I'll take it from here!" "No way Gramps, I'm just getting started!" and then the idiot walked over to the sheet and pulled it back. "WOW!!!! What's this Gramps?" My face went bright red (and it's a long time since I've been embarrassed) thinking the secret was well & truly revealed now. "You & Grandma must've got up to all sorts of stuff huh?" By God, how dumb is this kid, she's been dead for nearly twenty years! How sentimental does he think I am! "Ahhhhh yeah, well you know...I was hoping you wouldn't see that" I stammered, thankful for him being so naïve & stupid. "It used to get a bit of work, not so much any more." That part was at least true, he just didn't know that it wasn't his grandmother that was on the receiving end. "So how does it work Gramps? There's a seat & stirrups and a few things here." The dumb boy sat up in the seat, put one of his legs up into the stirrups and was trying with his other one. You know how in movies there's the cliché where a docile animal or person will get a taste for blood or something will just trigger a different side of their personality and then they'll become a maniac. As I looked over to the sling, it wasn't my grandson that I saw. My insatiable sex drive returned and it was a sweaty well-built young man in little to no clothing with his legs spread who was more or less totally helpless. I smiled and I could feel my cock hardening as I walked over to the sling. "I can show you how it works if you like..." END OF PART ONE
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  19. FREAK SHOW I needed to get out of the house. I needed some fun. It had been two weeks since that asshole packed his bags and left, with no fucking reason. I wanted to get away from the memories inside my condo. So I get ready, ready for anything and headed out, driving around the city for a while, not wanting to head to the bars. They were predictable and filled with people that new me and the ass hole. So instead I jumped on the interstate and headed west. About thirty miles outside the city, I saw a sign for a traveling carnival. Not the fun I had prepared for but a good distraction for my pain, maybe I would laugh. I exited and found the parking lot, which was just a big empty field that was filling with cars. I was directed by a man with a flash light to the next empty space. He walked up to my car opened window. When I turned to the window, I came face to face with his crotch. I could see a long tube snaking down his left leg. “Ten bucks to park,” he said. I pulled out a ten and handed it to the man. Before I could pull my hand back in he thrust his crotch toward my hand, pushing his bulge against it. Fuck, my mind wondered if that actually happened. Apparently it had as the attendant bent down, looking into my window. He was handsome, jet black hair with just a little grey at the temples, his eyes were blue and had a thick salt and pepper goatee. I could see inside his shirt, which was hanging open at his neck, revealing a jungle of black hair on his chest. “Looking for some fun?” he asked. “Yeah man, any kind of fun.” “Oh I know what kind of fun you need” he said, squeezing his crotch. I just smiled. “Inside the gate, look for a guy in a black T, it will have a red cross on the right chest” he said. "I'll give him a call on the radio him to tell him to look for you.” With that, he walked away, pulling a radio from his hip and speaking into it. I rolled up my window got out and headed to the gate. There were people every where but I could still see the hot men, their crotches and their asses. Some were in groups of other men, while others were with families. At the gate I paid my entrance fee, and went it. I looked for the guy and instantly found him. Shit, you really could not miss him. He was a massive muscled man, his shirt was straining to hold back his chest, shoulders, and arms. I moved through the flow of people entering, making my way to him. When he saw me, an evil grin formed on his face. Something told me I was in for some trouble. “Ready for your fun?” he asked as I approached. I nodded 'yes'. “Follow me.” We moved through the crowds, passing rides, games and food. We turned next to the fun house and entered a door near the back of the trailer that was the fun house. It was dark, and I could hear laughter coming from inside. With a flick of a switch the small room dimly lit up. In front of me was a window, I could see people passing by pointing and laughing. Some screamed. I started to get nervous, asking myself 'What the fuck is this'? The muscle man, stood next to me and removed his shirt. His pecs were massive, like boulders, smooth and tan. I watched him unbutton his jeans, then popped all the buttons on his fly. He was completely smooth, no crotch hair at all. I could just see a little of the base of his cock and the metal cock ring. What really caught my eye was the tattoo where his hair would be. It was a scorpion, black with a touch of red. He moved behind me and pulled my shirt over my head. Reaching around me, he opened my shorts and dropped them to the floor around my ankles. I was still watching the people on the other side the window. A family had stopped and was just staring, as if they were shocked on what was going on. They jumped and then started to laugh. What the fuck? I could feel his hand on the waist band on my underwear, tugging them down, until they joined my shorts at my ankles. “Shouldn’t have worn those,” he said. I kept looking forward through the window, as I heard his jeans drop. He was rubbing his cock up and down my crack. My cock was rock hard, my head was spinning. I wanted this so bad, yet I wanted to run. He dropped to his knees, placed a hand on each of my ass cheek and spread my crack open. His hot breathe was blowing directly on my hole, causing it to pucker and twitch. "That's it, baby, wink at me,” he said, “show me you want it.” He slowly began to lick my crack, up and down, using a force so strong I had to brace myself against the glass. His tongue found my hole and began to lick it round and round, until pushed into to my hole, tongue-fucking it. I moaned loudly as the people moved on the the other side of the window. At this point I didn’t care who was watching. The man’s tongue slid further into my hole. As good as this felt I could only imagine that his cock would feel like and I was soon to get to know exactly what that felt like. He stood, dropping his hard cock onto my back. I heard him spit, only to feel him lift his cock. I looked over my should to see him wiping the spit on his engorged cock. The cock ring had his cock so hard and thick it looked almost purple. It was massive in girth. "Got a condom?” I asked. "Don’t use them.” “I don’t get fucked with out them.” "You do now” he said, putting his wet cock head against my wet hole and pushed. I tried to fight but he wrapped his free arm around my waist holding me in place. My hole gave way and his raw cock slide in. I tensed up from my hole being stretched open. The pain was intense as his raw cock moved in deeper and deeper opening my hole wider. I felt like I was ripping open. He continued to push in as I held my breath. "Breathe. It will make it better.” “Please take it out. I only fuck safe, man. I don’t want this.” "Relax baby, it’s going to be okay. I won’t hurt you,” he murmured, pausing only to finish his sentence with the word "much." His cock slowly moved back, pulling out until the ridge of the head of his cock was pulling at my hole, then he pushed back in, until I felt his smooth abs against my hole. Over and over he slowly moved in and out of my hole. The pain started to turn to pleasure and I let a moan escape from my throat. “See baby, I knew you would like it.” He picked-up speed, his cock pumping in and out of my hole. He gripped my hips tightly as his balls began to slap against mine. I licked my lips. Holy shit this was hot, this was good. I had almost forgotten he was fucking me raw. Then it hit me again. I couldn't do this. “Fuck man, take it out and put on a condom, please,” I pleaded. “Too late, man. I leak fuck juice like crazy. It's in there mixing with your ass juice. The damage is done.” I tried to push off him, but he had my hips in a death grip. The pain had returned with a vengeance. “Won’t be too much longer and you will get a big shot of poison.” He pounded me harder and harder, my fate was sealed. I watched the people laugh and point in my direction on the other side of the window, as tears ran down my face. I knew I found trouble. “Here it cums! Take that toxic seed, baby.” He pushed up against me, his cock jumping in my ass as his legs shook behind me. He was right. it was too late now. The damage was done. As he had said. He withdrew his cock and I tried to straighten my back, but he stopped me, saying “Nope, stay just like that for a sec.” I could hear noise behind me but didn’t know what was going on. He pushed some thing against my hole and it popped in. “Got to keep that in. Don’t want to let that poz seed escape before it works it’s magic.” He stood behind me and laid his chest against my back as I reached for my shorts and underwear. "Oh, by the way, the visitors couldn’t see us from out there. It's a two way mirror.” I grabbed my underwear to pull them up. I only had reached my knees when I hear the click. He was holding a switch blade. I panicked. He reached down and cut my underwear off me, sniffing them and tossing them aside. "You don’t need those. Now, get dressed. I want you to meet someone.” We both dressed and left the small room of the fun house and moved again through the crowd.
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  20. (early to mid 90's) My name is Banner. My dad was a comic book fan and named me after Bruce Banner - who was The Hulk's other identity. So I'm getting that out of the way now because I've had to explain my name a billion times. I guess Dad was more fun when I was born, but now he is all business and seems to think of nothing but money. He's working himself into an early heart attack. The other part of this story is my grandfather. He was a wealthy man who died when I was in first grade. He left me a trust fund that wouldn't kick in until I was 25. Dad was the custodian of the money and he held that over my head forever. It was conditional. He threatened to withhold every penny unless I graduated college and made something of myself. I also had to keep out of trouble. He didn't have to worry, really. I was a boring kid...AM a boring adult. The only exotic thing about me was my sexuality. I was gay. I kept it a secret. Sometime after I got my high school diploma, my dad had the idea to invest my funds. The housing market was going crazy and he decided he'd build me a house in Kansas City, MO. All I had to do was get a job there AND get married. He explained that it would be a big house and he didn't want me living alone near a big urban area. I just went along with it. I really didn't even care about the money. I was just waiting to not be boring. Why couldn't I rebel like my friend Mitch did? He smoked pot and got drunk and yelled at his parents. It seemed like a lot of wasted effort. I just went to the state college with two things in mind: 1. Make good grades so I could get a good job. 2. Meet a girl who didn't want sex. Well, all the college girls wanted sex. So did the college guys. I guess this would be a bust. I kept my head down and studied. I majored in advertising even though I just wanted to be a writer. I wrote stories and essays on a nifty little word processor. I had a knack for writing horror stories. I wrote fan letters to my favorite authors and a few answered back. Stephen King and Clive Barker both sent me nice little notes in their own handwriting. Wow. I never told anyone about my hobby. I didn't get less boring in college...in fact I sunk deeper into dullness. I try not to think about all the fun I could have had if I'd just lightened up a little. Whatever. By the time I was finishing my last year of education, my dad announced he'd already initiated construction of my future house. It was a fateful phone call. "It'll be great, Banner. It's in a growing suburb of Kansas City...on the Kansas side. It'll have three bedrooms, but don't feel in a hurry to have kids. Just get married and see how it goes from there." "I'm not sure I'll ever get married, Dad." "Oh you say that now. As soon as you get your nose out of the books and look around, you'll find all kinds of nice girls." Enough was enough. "I'm gay, Dad. I don't want to get married and I don't want any kids. Sell the house and keep the money for you and Mom. I don't care." He was silent for a minute. "You're young and don't know what you want. I can't talk about this now. Discuss it with your mother." Mom and I talked for almost an hour. She was very understanding. "I guess I always knew," she said. "I had to say something. Dad wasn't hearing me. I guess it means I'm not rich anymore." "He'll come around. Let me talk to him. After all, it's MY father's money and he wanted you to have it." "I don't care about the money. I never have. My graduation is May 20th. You don't have to come." "I'll be there." "But it's a long drive and I doubt there's any hotel rooms left that weekend." "No. You're my only child and you're graduating college. I'll sleep in the car if I have to." And then I had finals to get through. I was prepared. I'd already talked to some recruiters from ad agencies in Kansas City and Chicago. One of the guys who interviewed me was all excited about "The Internet". He wanted to get a jump on it because "The Web" was going to be big. I mentioned the stories I wrote on a computer and he was very interested. We talked about nothing but horror novels after that. He gave me his card and made me promise to call him. Kansas City. I think I'd been there once as a kid. Some amusement park maybe. I had vague memories of a roller coaster and some really good donuts. Both of my parents came to my graduation. It was supposed to be major, but the school was so big that we all just sat in the football stadium as the dean said a few words. It was over as soon as it began. I said my good-byes to a few friends and a few professors I'd always liked. Back at my apartment, Mom and Dad were waiting. Mom had a beer in her hand -- which I'd never seen in my life. Mom? Dad was silent and wouldn't look me in the eye. "Are you going to invite us in or what?" The first words he'd said to me since that call. Once inside, my dad looked around and sniffed the air. He was making sure I was keeping the place clean and not smoking. "This is not so bad. You keep it neat," Mom observed "Yeah. My lease is up in August. I think I have a shot at a job in Kansas City." Then my dad was interested. "How good a shot?" "I met the recruiter and he seemed to really want me." "Good. Well, your house is almost done. You can live there if you want. It's about 40 minutes from downtown. Just promise me you'll get a big dog for protection. The backyard will fenced in by August." Mom finished her beer and asked me if I wanted one. I guess they had a cooler in the car. I'd never ever seen my mother drink. Dad said he needed to gas up the car because they were driving back tonight. So my mom and I sat and had a beer. "I didn't even know you drank, Mom." "This is a special occasion, Banner. I've seen the house. It's nice. You'll like it." "Dad hates me." "No. He just wanted so much for you. He doesn't realize yet that you'll be fine." Fast forward to August 19th. I'd been in phone contact with the ad agency interested in me. It was almost a done deal. I moved into the house. It was big and empty. My meager possessions barely filled one room. The "suburb" was very unfinished. New houses were being constructed and streets were still being paved. I was practically on an island there. My first official interview wasn't for another week. I had electricity and a phone, but no cable. I'd write stories and then go for long walks around the area. Not all the streetlights were up yet. It got dark at the border, and you could really see the stars. I thought about stuff. I'd been lucky enough to have a life, but hadn't really lived one yet. Maybe that could change somehow. It was a hot Summer, but I still walked around when I couldn't write anymore. During the day, I saw a lot of construction workers out building the houses of my future neighbors. Most of them were well-built and Latino. I'd always tried to suppress my gay thoughts, but, what the hell? I looked. Some of them had their shirts off as they worked. Maybe I was just interested in the houses. There's no law against looking at construction, right? Maybe I should get a dog...it'd be something to do while I wandered aimlessly through this new ghost town. I had no idea where the pound was. I only knew a few fast food places near the freeway. "Hey!" a voice called. I had no clue which worker had shouted. A tall, shirtless black guy approached me with his hard hat on. "You lost or somethin'?" "Not exactly. I just moved in down the block." "505? That your blue car in the driveway?" "Yeah." "OK. Sorry. There's guys around who like to steal building supplies and equipment." I could smell the August heat on his skin. "No, I'm a writer with nothing to do for a few days. Thought I'd get some sun and explore the neighborhood." "A writer? Like books? Wait. Stay here. I gotta go get Luiz." He walked away and I stood there, realizing I'd just spoken my first words in two days. It's funny how odd your own voice can sound after a long period of silence. The guy came back with a big, bulky Mexican guy -- also shirtless and in a hard hat. Neither of them were much older than I was. "Who's this?," the handsome Latin man asked. "He's the new owner of 505. You know..." Luiz looked a little uncomfortable. "Oh. Yeah...I guess I knew this was coming. That's the place where me and Andre take our breaks. It has power, AC and a working fridge to keep our beer in. You didn't notice the almost full case of Natty Lite in there?" "No. I haven't even opened it yet." "So I guess you don't have a wife or nothin'?" "Nope. It's just me. When's your next break?" Andre stared at the ground while Luiz held my gaze. "In about an hour. Want us to come pick up the beer?" "If you want. Or you guys can come take your break like usual. I don't mind company.Want me to leave the door open?" Andre finally spoke again. "Nah. The locks around here are so easy to pick...make sure you get them all replaced." "Will do. I guess I'll see you guys in a little while." "Great. What's your name?" "Banner Lee." He didn't laugh or ask for an explanation or anything. They went back to the site and I headed home. It occurred to me to maybe go get some sandwiches or something, but I didn't feel like trying to go find any. What if I got lost and wasn't there when they came by? I just stayed put and waited around. Clocks. I needed clocks. There was so much I needed. This huge house started to seem ridiculous. I sure hoped I got that job...the utilities alone must be enormous. I looked in the refrigerator, and sure enough, there was a box of "Natural Light". I felt entitled to take one. It didn't taste good to me, but I drank it. Should I put on some music? No. These were hard-working men coming over for a break...not party guests. I took one more beer. Maybe it's because I've never had a drink, but I felt a little light-headed. a knock on the door "We're a little early. The concrete guy never showed. We're done for the day. Still want some company?" "Absolutely. Have a seat." He and Andre settled on my couch as I went to get us some beers. I came back and saw Andre taking off his work boots. Luiz stopped him. "Cabrone! This is someone's house now! Don't do that." "It's okay. I don't mind." "Sorry about him. We usually take our shoes off on breaks. These boots get so hot." Andre took his boots and socks off and stretched his bare feet on the carpet. "Thanks, man. Luiz would do it too, but I think he's embarrassed of his hooves. They are pretty damn ugly." "Shut the fuck up, man. Behave yourself." "It's fine. Go ahead and take them off, Luiz." "Maybe later." There was a spark in his eyes. "Mmm-hmmm. Go ahead and ask him, Luiz." "Ask me what?" "It's nothing. We were just curious why an unmarried kid with no kids is living in a big new house by himself. Andre thinks you won the lottery." "No. It's an investment of my dad's. I'm just living here while I try to get a job. If I won the lottery, we'd be watching a 90 inch flat-screen right now." "But you ain't got a soon-to-be bride or anything?" Andre seemed way too curious for some reason. "No. I'm gay." Did I really just say that out loud? I guess my days of hiding were over. The two of them exchanged quick looks. "Yeah. I kinda guessed that when I saw you watching us work. Don't worry. I'm cool with both of you." "Both?" "Shut up, Andre! Ignore this asshole, Banner. Who needs another?" Luiz got up to fetch some more brews. Andre was looking at me hard. Watching. Waiting. "So..." I had no idea how to navigate this conversation now. Luiz came back and re-beered us. "Well. We gonna get busy with him or what?" Andre seemed impatient. "You're so fucking crude!" "Yeah, whatever. I just came to get my fucking dick sucked. You two can do whatever you want after I leave," "I'm sorry, Banner. He gets horny after work and...well.. I Oddly, I was kneeling on the new carpet as he said that...like I was ready. I wanted Luiz to fix this and make it right. Instead, he just kicked back and nodded. What? I'd never sucked a dick before. How? Now? Andre took off his jeans and aimed his big black dick towards my face. It was way bigger than my own. And so hard. My own penis got erect too, but felt like flesh still. Andre's cock was just so solid and rigid. He just wanted to be sucked. And I tried. He was just too eager and kept thrusting in my mouth. I knew what he needed..and tried my best. I was excited and eager for this. "Shit! He's a natural, Luiz. How is it that guys are so much better at cocksucking than ladies?" I couldn't see Luiz with all the black pubes in my eyes, but I knew he was watching. Andre and I found a good pace where he was happy and I wasn't gagging. It was just and and out and it felt so right to me. I might have known he was about to cum if I'd done this before. He just pistoned his hips faster and a little deeper. "Fuck! I'm cumming. Swallow it, kid!" And then his dick expanded ever so slightly and hot sperm filled my mouth. I swallowed it down. He still had a tiny white drip at the ti of his dick as he pulled away and got dressed quickly. He drained his beer. "Damn. Now I'm not gonna have no load to give the ladies. Guess I'll stay in tonight and play video games. Later." Andre left and I was still stupidly kneeling on my floor, feeling stunned. Luiz didn't seem the least bit phased about what had just happened. He was casually finishing his beer. "Did you like that, Banner?" "I..I did. That was the first time for me. I'm a little confused I guess." "It's okay. I remember the first time I sucked a dick. Go rinse your mouth out and grab another beer. The taste of cum goes away." I chugged some water and then spit it out. The beer helped. "Come sit with me." I went back and joined Luiz on the couch. "So you've given blow jobs before?" "Yeah...since I was 16. One of my cousins. I like getting them more than giving them." "So, you're gay?" "Oh yeah. I thought you knew. I knew you were the minute I saw you because you're too cute." "I'm not cute...and I can't tell anything about people just from looking at them. But if Andre likes to be sucked, why doesn't he let you do it?" "I'm dirty. I'm infected. You know what I'm talking about, right?" I did. This was a crazy day. "You and Andre are the only people on this planet who know. And my doctor. He keeps telling me there are better drugs coming, but I'm not counting on it. Hurry and finish you beer and I'll go get us two more." So much to think about. I was somewhat dizzy. Luiz sat down next to me and flexed his toes a little, "So what did you like about sucking dick?" Pause. "It felt right. Like something I was going to do eventually -- if that makes sense." "Totally." "I liked knowing how much HE liked it. I also liked when he put his fingers in my hair. I sound stupid." "No. Not at all. You probably needed some touch. Like this." He put his big brown hand on to of my head and started petting me like a dog. "I'll suck your dick too." His face brightened a little. "No. No. You are young, healthy and have your life ahead of you. I'm not giving you this burden." "Maybe we can just try it just a little." "Bad idea. I can't stop once I get started, But...we can do other things." "OK." I knew this was like playing with fire. "You can jack me off a little. How about that?" "Let's do it." He took off his shirt and jeans. A wave of clean sweat smell washed over me. So nice. His nice, uncut cock was already hard. As was mine. I got undressed too, aware of how puny my frame was next to his broad, solid body. "Nice, Banner. You are so white, though. Swedish?" "Irish mostly." "Touch my dick, man. Just don't get any ideas about sucking it." I knelt between his legs and started stroking the thick shaft. Turns out I was good at this too. He kept pulling me closer between his knees. He was breathing fast and rolled his head back. I guess it was only natural that I would have to kiss the tip of his dick. "No. Well...just kiss it. No sucking." I had other ideas. I needed to suck this meat. And I did. I moved up and down it like a hungry slut (which I probably was). I thought he'd protest a little, but he just kept guiding my head down. He was bucking and moaning. I didn't actually care about his HIV at the moment...if he wanted to come, I'd sure as fuck let him. Then he pushed me away. "I can't come in your mouth. You don't want that." "What if I do, Luiz?" "Then you're stupid." There was already clear fluid leaking out of his pee hole. "Probably I am, but I still want your semen inside of me." He sighed, but kept stroking his penis. "I want that too. I warned you already that I couldn't stop once I started. If you really want to go the distance, we will. Get on all fours like a dog. Show me your skinny, white ass." I did as I was told, and he got down on the floor with me. I knew he was going to insert his fat organ inside of my butt. I also knew it would hurt. He spit on his dick and just shoved it in. I thought I might scream, but it just came out as "NNNGGG" "No going back from here. Nobody's around to hear if you cry for help. Try to relax and open a little for me. I need to get in there, but your ass is fighting me." I didn't know how to do what he was requesting, but I tried to at least relax my mind. He was almost all the way in me and I was sure there was no farther he could go. Then he pulled out a little and plunged right back in. Damn! Is this what women felt like when their cherry was popped? Is it what my mom felt when my stupid dad mounted her? He started speaking in Spanish and moving faster. I could feel his heartbeat inside my body. "Here you go! You're getting my cum!" He held my hips hard and bred me like a bull in heat. Then he was done. I had already had an orgasm at some point. And it was over. We showered together and took a nap in my bed. I was no longer an amateur and no longer hiding.
    1 point
  21. Part: 7 The announcement was not finished when I felt a wall of men just surround me. Holy shit, where did all these guys come from? There were like 7. I didn’t have much time to process anything when I felt a cock being pushed into my mouth. I looked up and saw this black Adonis looking down at me. Whatever apprehensions I had went away and I took his cock down my throat while I locked eyes with him. He put one hand on each side of my head and just pushed in. I could feel myself gagging, I forced my throat to relax. I wanted to breath but I also wanted his cock. A bottle of poppers was placed up to my nostril and when he pulled his cock out I inhaled. It sent me spinning and back onto that dick I went. I was busy sucking on his cock and another top had positioned behind me. I was about to look back when the black guy slapped me, “eyes forward.” It stung and surprised me but it also made my cock rock hard. I nodded and mumbled “yes sir” as best as you can with a mouth full of dick. I felt the guy behind me spit on my hole and push his cock into me. The top choking me with his dick gave me a few more whiffs of poppers and they both started fucking my holes. They got into a good rhythm. My ass was being stretched and I loved it. it didn’t take long for the top fucking my ass to start picking up speed. He leaned over and whispered in my ear…. “ready for this dirty load you slut, tell me what you want.” “yes sir, breed my pussy, I want your dirty load” And with that I could feel him shooting, he started grunting, I was pushed forward onto the other guy’s cock. He shot his last rope of cum in me and pulled out. He was immediately replaced with another guy. The black guy still had me facing forward with his cock down my throat feeding me poppers from time to time. I don’t know how much time passed and I lost count of how many dicks fucked me. I could feel cum running down my legs and they ached from being on all 4s. Everyone kept telling me they were gifting me, and how they welcomed me to the brotherhood. I wasn’t sure what it was all about but I was loving it. Finally, it was the black guys turn…….
    1 point
  22. I've only bottomed twice. I did not get any pleasure from the act of having a dick up my ass. However, the act of a man taking my ass and basically making me a bitch and being submissive to him is something that gets me off quite often.
    1 point
  23. My brother is flagging with a red hankey in his right rear pocket and is so innocent he does not even know what it means.
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  24. 1 point
  25. About four months ago I met William in a bar and we started talking He was Bi and invited me to a party later that night, said things would be quite interesting. I am not gay but had wanted to suck a cock for a long time and had dildos up my ass in the past so I said what the hell, lets go! Bad mistake. we got there, probably 30 guys and there were three women, bit tits, thick bushes, good looking if you could see them thru the cum on their faces As soon as I got in the house I was told to strip, my clothes were taken, a cock ring(real tight) was put in with a thin collar around my neck I was taken outside to the barn, tied by my wrists to an overhead beam, was told to kneel and was pissed on by about 12 guys, absolutely soaked head to toe, drank quite a bit My cock was rock hard and I was stood on my feet, dripping piss, covered in dirt and was whipped nearly senseless across my chest, stomach, pubic hair, thighs, ass and back. I was covered in welts, scratches, cuts and bleeding from at least a dozen welts, I nearly passed out I was released and fell to the dirt where I was put on my hands and knees and had a large cock stuffed up my ass. One of the women from the house laid down in the dirt/mud(so much piss on the ground now) opened herb legs and jammed her pussy into my mouth, it was soaked with cum, male and female, as was her asshole. They started to whip her large tits as she laided there, and then three guys used her mouth and shot huge loads all over her face and tits The guy in my ass shot a huge load into me and another took over, bigger than the last one. The guy that had been in me grabbed my head and stuck his cock into my throat, my face covered with cum from the woman, He never got soft, and came all over my face and neck with another huge load. By now, I had at least four cocks cum up my ass and another starting. My cock was rock hard and purple but no one touched it and i was too busy now. I was impaled on a cock by laying on top of him, another cock f***ed it way into my loose asshole so I had TWO cocks in me! Nipple clamps had been put on me, I was sucking three guys at once and was jerking off two others, two other guys were using my dirty feet and toes to jerk off onto. Cum splashed onto my abused body, all over my chest, stomach, cock, balls, legs. I was covered in cum, probably had drank at least a quart of it, and every time a cock moved in my asshole gobs of cum oozed out. My cock was leaking cum all over but no one touched it, I was in agony, needed to cum. The women that was here was strung up and six guys started whipping her. mostly with canes, leaving horrible marks all over her badly beated/abused body I was left laying in the dirt at her feet, she was barly consious. and was told to eat her holes and make her cum, again I held onto her ass cheeks and ate her, she came again and again, shooting out cum, my beard had so much cum on it it was barely able to be seen on my face I passed out
    1 point
  26. Well written hot story!
    1 point
  27. Usually I love to see more than just a dick pumping a load in a hole but for some reason his vids are hot: https://www.xtube.com/profile/freedomtofck-44219871/about-me He has put up a few new ones with one where a twink is leaking pre-cum from getting fucked and a load dripping out of his ass afterwards.
    1 point
  28. fucking hot wish i could meet them
    1 point
  29. I've been reading your stories for a while. They're totally diferent that what I come up with, but they're great! Keep writing...
    1 point
  30. The young white guy smiles as he looks at my used and battered hole. Running the head up and down my hole I twitch as the sensitive ring reacts to him. The head slowly starts to push forward, my used hole feels the familiar sting before settling in. His wiry pubes are already against me. My mouth full of the massive black dick my throat is tight and I can barely breath. I try and move my hard back for breath. Only to feel two hands latch onto me really quick. "Bitch you stay on this dick!" The black guy shouts. "Yeah fucking this sloppy hole." The young guy in me shouts. "Yeah once this white boy is out of you gonna give you all this black dick bitch. Have you begging for this load." He laughed while rubbing my head. "Ah shit yes eat this dick bitch!" The guy behind me begins to speed up. His dick is long and uncut. It doesn't tear me as much as the first guy. However, he's in me so deep. I want him to add his load into me. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He shouts before blasting his load into me. "Yeah. Take it bitch. Take it." He screams before he roughly pulls out. Slapping my ass he laughs as he walks out. "Guess you know what's happening now right bitch?" The black dick is removed from my mouth and I can finally breath. "Take a deep breath on those poppers bitch. You're gonna need it." He starts to push in.....I want to scream.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. , I can build you a gloryhole, and I'd love to use it with you. Gloryhole cocksucker friends. Both of us just sharing dick, taking turns, sharing loads from anon strangers who just wanna bust in your our mouths. I live in upper manhattan, where about are you?
    1 point
  33. cman54 wrote: How about hooking up with this guy again and getting some more loads in your sweet ass? You must have enjoyed it so why not keep doing it? I'm feeling better and the guys has been over two times to re-breed my hole, just in case I wasn't converting. I plan on getting tested in another couple of weeks.
    1 point
  34. My boy asked for a puppy. I do not want dog hair all over my house so we made the gym slut into a Puppy. His tail is on order. he is locked in chastity 24/7 and also in diapers 24/7 even when he goes to class. when home he is in nothing but his diaper dog collar and puppy hood
    1 point
  35. So began my new work routine. Someone would find a way to have me leave for a longer lunch than normal, usually dressed up either as a working lunch or an offsite meeting. I would then find myself in the disabled loo three floors up, getting my arse and throat reamed out by a whole host of men who would all dump their sticky goo inside my holes. I never asked who anyone was, nor acknowledged what we’d been up to with any of them that I knew when we were dealing with the firm’s business later on. In time, I was having sessions at which none of the gang from the Barcelona trip were present, even though that prospect had initially unnerved me. Things started to go up a gear when additional sessions before or after the working day started to be added to the equation. Ben always initiated those, especially after another project he was working on began to eat away at his ability to join us for the lunchtime gangbangs. He would use the online communicator to tell me to stay behind a bit late of an evening, or I would get texts while at home with Rachel telling me to be in an hour before normal. Gavin, too, started using these routes to get more time from me, such that I would regularly find myself in at 7.30am for one of them and still hanging around past 7pm for the other. Saturdays even started to come into play, with phantom meetings or working group sessions being set up for me in the office when in fact I would just be getting reamed out again. On those occasions, as the only people in for the day, I would usually get bred on our own floor to up the ante somewhat. Whoever it was and whenever it was that I was summoned for a breeding, I always complied. All of this began to take its toll at home, as the amount of time I spent there with Rachel gradually diminished. I felt for her, I really did, but I just wasn’t in it any more. I knew I had morphed into a true office cumdump bitch, and was increasingly comfortable and happy about that, so trying to act out as someone I wasn’t any longer at home was getting harder and harder. Eventually the inevitable happened and she left, moving to Clapham to take up the spare room of a friend of hers who had recently also split from her boyfriend. I was sad about the way things had ended between us as I did really like her as a person, but truthfully I was just glad to be free of one more potential barrier to my true slutty nature. With Rachel gone, I started to get home visits from guys at the office who lived within reach, most of whom would cover the excursion from their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends or whoever as being a trip to the gym. I suppose there was an element of truth in that, given they gave themselves a decent workout when fucking me senseless. What it meant was that the whole weekend was now open for me to get bred by my colleagues, and with eleven of them now taking advantage of what I had to offer, not a day went by without me taking at least three loads. ------- The next big change came six weeks after Rachel and I broke up. It was a Saturday morning, and I woke up quite early with plans to go for a jog before Ben came over. I was quite excited about the visit this morning, as he’d finally decided to bring one of his own fuckbuddies over to have a go with my arse and as such I was going to get a breeding from someone who I didn’t work with for the first time. I’d done my teeth and got dressed into my jogging gear, but then picked up my phone to check my messages. That’s when I noticed I had texts and emails from the National Lottery, which peaked my interest. Whenever I’d won two pounds before I would just get an email telling me to log in to my account for some news about my ticket, but this time there were many more messages and I saw the word ‘jackpot’ for the first time. I didn’t go jogging. Instead I spent the morning staring blankly at my emails and the lottery website, trying to take in what I was being told. EuroMillions. One hundred and forty million pounds. Sole winner. Even when I phoned in and went through dozens of questions to confirm things, I still couldn’t take it in when the lady confirmed I would be getting that much money in to my bank account in the next few days. Ben and his friend Frank arrived late morning, and I calmly allowed them to fuck me for a few hours without really engaging. Ben could probably tell something was up, but he didn’t let on and just enjoyed spitroasting me with Frank. They even double-fucked me without breaking me out of my near trance-like state, which Frank interpreted to mean I was just such a slut I had gone in to a cum-driven high. I was happy to let him believe that, as it just seemed to spur him on to fuck me harder and thus cum faster. When they eventually left they had each dumped four loads in my throat or arse. I was a bit more with it on the Sunday, so was able to engage a bit more effectively when Lucas from HR came round in the morning to breed me, and also when Vikesh from Ben’s other project stopped by in the afternoon to fill me with seed. The following week I went through the motions at work and in the toilets, still a bit disbelieving that I was suddenly that wealthy. However, when Thursday evening came round and I got home at 9pm after a particularly heavy session with Gavin and his assistant James, I finally got the nerve to log in to my HSBC account. Sure enough, the money was there. I was fucking loaded, in every sense of the word. ------- I started dealing with what had happened by calling Rachel. It was nice to speak to her actually, and she agreed to meet me for a coffee. When I told her that I was giving her seventy million pounds she assumed I was telling some kind of weird joke she didn’t understand, but eventually she started to believe when I explained my reasoning. We had been together when I had bought my rolling EuroMillions ticket, it had kind of been her idea but I had been the one to actually register the account and make the purchase, I had picked her birthday as some of the numbers, and all in all I wanted to make sure she got what I felt she deserved. I then apologised to her for the way things had gone between us, and told her I hoped that we could still be friends. Unsurprisingly, with me having volunteered up a share of an absolute fortune that she would not otherwise have known about and certainly wasn’t entitled to, she forgave me for all that had gone before and we have remained quite close ever since. My next step was to quit my job. As much as I enjoyed working there, I didn’t need the money and, to be honest, having to do 40 hours of actual work a week was starting to cramp my style as a true cumslut. The guys would still be welcome to breed me whenever they wished, and I would be happy to stop by the office for trips to the disabled loos if they wanted me to at lunchtimes, but I didn’t want the hassle of having to pretend like I was this high-flying ambitious guy who wanted to climb the career ladder. I worked some of my notice period, and then took my outstanding annual leave for the rest of it so that I could bring my time in the office to an end. I was thrown a leaving party by my team and the others on the floor, and we all went out for drinks at a nearby pub afterwards. As it was a Friday night it was really busy in there, so there weren’t any trips to the loos with Ben, Mitch or any of the others to get my arse the seeing to it needed. However, at the end of the night Ben took me back to my flat, and for the first he stayed over in my bed, fucking me several times before we both got up mid-morning on the Saturday. “So, Mr Wealthy Slutbags” he said as he sat down at the kitchen table, “what do you have planned now?” “Househunting” I replied, as I poured us both a coffee. “Well, that sounds like a daytime activity” he said. “Does that mean you’re free tonight?” “I am indeed” I said, smiling. “Good boy” he said. “In that case, a few of us guys want to give you the send-off you deserve.” “Oh?” I said, cocking an eyebrow as I walked over with our coffees. “It’s a surprise” he said, taking the cup out of my hand and then having a sip. “I’ll be back later to pick you up.” “What time?” “Whenever I feel like it” he replied, giving me a bit of a glare. “Oh, er, yes, sir, of course” I stammered, surprised at how we had switched from pleasant chatting to our normal dominant-submissive relationship. He winked at me. “Just kidding boy” he said. “But seriously, be ready and cleaned out from 5 o’clock and I’ll be here at some point after that.” I breathed out in relief at his warmer tone. “OK, I will be” I replied, “sir”. He smiled at me as I added the last word after a short pause. “What should I wear?” I asked. “Jockstrap” he said. “I’ll bring the rest.” “Oh” I said, suddenly understanding that this was not going to be night out drinking or clubbing with the guys. “OK sir.” With that, the conversation switched back to what I was now going to do with my life. We talked about where I would look to live, where I wanted to travel, the things I would buy, and the people in my life I would take care of. He never once made even the remotest suggestion that I should include him in any of that, and actually gave me some really good advice about how to dish out my winnings to my loved ones without causing offence or creating rifts between everyone. It was then that I decided he would be a beneficiary, once I’d figured out the perfect gift to give him. Ben left later that morning, and I spent the day registering with various high-end property consultants so that I could arrange some meetings the following week and start my search. I spoke to my parents, read a heartwarming and unexpected email from Rachel’s mum, and also got on to a few other websites to begin splashing out on things I’d always wanted to own. Then, later on, I headed for the bathroom and began a really deep clean, getting myself all washed out inside, shaving my chest, having a good shower, and then sorting out my hair. I then selected my favourite black jockstrap and put it on, doused myself in the Armani fragrance I loved, and then made my way downstairs to wait for Ben. Whatever the night held in store, I was ready and eager to find out.
    1 point
  36. I have worn full time for over five years and my muscles got used to not holding it and got weaker..... my bowels are also weak from stretching and not being used
    1 point
  37. I literally just had a brain wave, and this should have been logic to a filthy bug chaser like me, If I want Stds, I just have to go hang around the only gay men's clinic in the city..... FUCKING BRILLIANT IDEA!!!! Thanks for the post bro, I know it wasn't at all about Bug chasing for you, but you helped a brother out
    1 point
  38. very fucking hot! scrolled up to see if this was in the fiction section it sounds so slutty - so glad it's real update us after your next test - of course he might've been the one to give you something if he's fucking everyone cute going in for std check ups!
    1 point
  39. Regular FB not available Saturday night but horny AF. Decided to clean out (in case of a quick hook up) and try online. Nothing. Eventually gave up and decided to go to bed and read. Two hours later still horny and gave it another try. Two messages from the same guy. Blank profile from a Polish guy. First said: "Horny. I fuck daddie". Second message an invite to see his private pics. Face pic of a -sort of- sexy bearcub. Second of a delicious big meaty dick. Messages were sent an hour before but he was still online. Responded if he was still interested (was almost 1am by then). Immediate response: "Yes". Invited him over. Sexy as fuck in real, about 30 or so, only spoke some broken English. Started making out and then he asked for a condom. Said I didn't have any. Expected him to leave but he didn't even blink and continued. Fucking hell. By the time he was done I was ready to ask him to marry me! Two huge loads and made me cum buckets. Then he asked if he could stay. I hesitated. The only one who gets to stay is my FB (and then only because I know him and he sometimes passes out ) and I am used to sleeping alone. He told me he shared a room with two other (straight) Polish guys and really wanted to stay. Gave in because of the superb fuck and was glad I did. Two more toe-curling fucks and loads before he left this morning. Damn! Maybe I will ask him to marry me. LOL!
    1 point
  40. I never stealth someone. To me it's no condom or no fuck. I expect that from the person who fucks me, too. I have actually walked away from guys who put condom on. But the idea of being bottom for a guy who secretly would stealth me appeals to me.
    1 point
  41. Fuck I love how willing you guys are to service us horny married men. As a married guy it feels good knowing a lot of other guys get off on me being attached. I love my wife but I also love cock and doing much dirtier things with cock than she is willing to do. Also vers fucking is amazing I get off hard on getting fucked in my tight ass, makes me rock solid then I get to flip the switch and pound away at a sweet asshole.
    1 point
  42. Part 2 - Speed Breeding: Garrett’s troll dick was angled to the right, stretching my ass for what he called part of my ‘training’ for the Speed Breeding that was going to happen Friday night at the big sex party. He had already filled me with two loads, and called in a BBC buddy of his to give me a third, so my ass was good and wet. I had only recently tested POZ and while safe sex was the norm those days, it was awesome just fucking without having to talk about all that. Garrett never mentioned his status or asked mine, and I didn’t either. He wanted some ass, I needed some dick, and so we were good. “Lift that right leg back now - that’s it - feel that bit of resistance? That’s your second hole ring. You got a deep ass boy and it took me a minute to find the right spot. There will be some guys there Friday night who are bigger than me and will fuck you with no mercy as hard, deep, and fast as they can. You think you can take that? Once the Speed Breeding starts I can’t have you bowing out or complaining. You trust me? Willing to do what I need to make sure you are trained and ready?” I nodded yes; then looked in Garrett’s eyes as he picked up speed and SLAM! tore through that fleshy barrier. I screamed then immediately started to apologize as it felt like my hole was bleeding a bit. Garrett just kept fucking and smiled, “It’s OK, it’s OK. Feeling better now? See no matter how much your ass may hurt in that second, soon your it starts getting all warm, the hormones flow, and whatever little sting you felt becomes just fucking bliss. Ready for it again?” After Garrett had pumped another load in me, he lit a cigarette, laid back on the messed up bed beside me, and we started to talk. The conversation wasn’t about sex or anything major really, just life, stories of guys he knew, things he had experienced, asses he had fucked, his outlook on life in DC. His townhouse was modest and located at the edge of the ‘gay hood’ and next to a sketchy part of town. Nothing about his life screamed money or flashiness - just a normal guy. Garrett was in his early 40s and I was about 12 years younger. He said he liked the ‘old troll’ label as it was freeing. He had learned long ago not to give a fuck about what anybody thought or said and there was something wild and wicked about all those pretty boy queens bending over to let him fuck them like he wanted. “You’re different though,” Garrett observed as he tapped out his cigarette and handed me the bottle of coke – high grade cocaine. “Quiet and fresh sure, but you don’t seem like that crowd suits you.” I snorted, wiped my nose, shrugged, and admitted, “Yeah. I guess I lived that way far too long - caring what everyone else thought - and have started to realize I was missing out on a lot. You know I had never done anything like what we did at the bar before. I fucking loved it though!” Garrett laughed, took the bottle, snorted, “Yeah that was obvious too. Let me think on what else we can do today to help you along with seeing what you been missing.” Garrett had gone out, but had left me with a few bottles of cocaine and told me to get good and high. He also said I should make myself at home and he would be back shortly and that I was welcome to spend the evening. Then he had added cryptically, “You will really enjoy it if you do.” I couldn’t believe how trusting he was and so just sat in the living room, flipping through a stack of magazines he had on his coffee table. I heard the back door open, Garrett’s voice, and the voices of at least two others. “Pour us a drink will you,” Garrett said to his new guests as he started to walk my way, “Add an extra one for my new friend.” I stood up. Garrett set a few more bottles of coke on the coffee table, “Snort up. Tonight’s my usual card night with a couple buddies. I know you like black dick and they are a couple of white ass killers and tag team destroyers who each have humongous dicks and can fuck round after round. Is that ass still hungry? Fuck your hole is dripping wet and Jesus - look what you did to my dick. But I’ll wait. I need you to take my buddies first. Couple things to know. They are rough, rowdy, rude, and will hold you down and rape fuck you hard. You ever been truly rape fucked? They’re straight - mostly - but a pussy is a pussy and when we drink and get high they get horny as shit, so on occasion I line up a little side action for them. They are not pretty boys - these are real men who take what they want and need when they want and need it. Unlike that young guy I had come fuck you earlier, these two are the real deal. Finally, they are both homeless and for Speed Breeding you have to be willing to take ANY dick. You trust me? Will you do this? I can assure you that you will fucking love it!” And then it began: “TAKE THAT DICK… “YEAH YOU TRAINING THIS ONE RIGHT MAN - TRAINING HIM RIGHT... “THAT SECOND HOLE BROKE ALREADY - DAMN! TIME TO DIG OUT THAT THIRD… “HOW’S THAT CRUSTY DICK FEELING IN THAT PUSSY? PULL THEM CHEEKS APART, LET MY MAN HERE GET A GOOD LOOK AT MY DICK STRETCHING THAT CUNT OUT…” “MAN YOU AIN’T TAUGHT HIM HOW TO DEEPTHROAT YET? FUCK NAW MAN - STRAIGHT ON TO THE ADVANCE COURSE OF GAG-THE-FAG…” “TIME FOR SOME A.T.M. - ASS TO MOUTH - HOW’S THAT DICK TASTE?…” “YEAH HOW’S THAT HORSE DICK FEEL? YOU MY FILLY NOW - FILL YOU UP WITH SOME BABIES, LET YOU SHIT THAT NUTT OUT - FILL YOU AGAIN…” “YOU LIKE HOW THIS NICCA DICK CURVES UP AND HIT’S THAT CLIT? OH YOU WANT IT HARDER? FUCK YEAH!...” “YO GARRETT, WE CRASHING HERE TONIGHT BRO - THINK WE NEED TO KEEP THIS CUNT COKED UP AND KNOCKED UP...” “NO WE AIN’T GENTLE. BITCHES IN HEAT NEED TO GET KNOCKED UP ROUGH BY THE PREDATOR DICK…” “WE SHOULD TAKE YOU DOWN TO THE BOOKSTORES AND LET ALL THE NICCAS GANG RAPE THAT ASS. YOU LETTIN US PIMP YOU OUT? FUCK YEAH!...” “I AIN’T TIED A BITCH UP IN A LONG MINUTE. YO GARRETT? YOU STILL GOT YOUR BAG OF TRICKY SHIT?...” Garrett and his friends never did get to their card game as they said breeding me was all the spades they needed. Of course my friends were suspicious when I called to let them know I was crashing someplace else that night and were not happy when I just told them I was staying with a friend and that it was no one they knew. They believed I didn’t know anyone else in DC - how could I? I had just gotten here Saturday. Well the stress I felt after the call was immediately relieved as one BBC slammed back up my ass, another slammed down my throat, and Garrett stood to the side so I could stroke his troll dick. As the three men spent the night training me to be a sub slut for dirty, raw, dick, and exploring my body, I took in every lesson they taught me on how to take dick, suck dick, and please a true top who just wanted to fuck. None of this lovey dovey gay shit. This was just balls-to-the-wall hardcore sex with no strings. The more they fucked me, the more they talked about what crazy shit they wanted me to do and the more they laughed when without hesitation I said, “I’M IN. WHEN CAN WE DO IT?” Tuesday morning arrived with a tangle of man flesh and an insistent hard dick pushing through the caked cum in my hole to open me back up. The fuck fest had moved from the main floor of Garrett’s townhouse downstairs to a basement apartment, which he said he had rented out when he first bought the place, but now used it for the occasional guest, party, or storage needs. As soon as the morning load was dropped in my hole I scampered to the bathroom and let out a stream of rank piss then some cum farts and a tire’s worth of air. I came out as the two BBC were stretching and looking for a smoke or coke and their sweaty bodies, man funk, masculine ‘fuck-it-if-it-moves’ approach made my dick stiff and my ass hungry for more. That’s how Garrett found us when he came down the stairs carrying a tray of cups and a pot of warm coffee. While the two homeless guys helped themselves, Garrett slid into my raw ass and asked, “Which one of you two has already been digging around up in here this morning? Jesus - it’s my house. You could have at least offered me dibs.” They all laughed. As much as I wanted to just hang out and fuck, I was supposed to help my friend with some stuff at his place. Garrett walked me upstairs, helped me find my clothes, then handed me a small pill, “Here. Take this and drink plenty of water and juice and stuff today. It’ll ease the come down.” I wanted to thank him and to ask when I could see him again, but he was way ahead of me. “I’m planning to cook something up on the grill for dinner tonight. Maybe if you are not doing anything, you are welcome to come back by. Who knows, maybe your other new friends downstairs will be here, or maybe somebody else if you want that too.” I smiled, reached out and stroked his monster troll dick and replied, “I enjoy just hanging with you and talking and, well of course letting you fuck me. But am cool with whatever. Yeah I had a great time with them too so like I said, anything you want. I want to make sure I am ready for the Speed Breeding on Friday.” Garrett nodded, smiled, gave my ass a slap, and let me out the front door. I didn’t realize what assholes my ‘friends’ were until I got back to their house and received a lecture that included the word ‘ungrateful’ just because I was trying to have a life that did not include them after my own had gone to total hell. I bit my tongue, did the cleaning and other shit I had said I would do, and then showered, changed, and left before I said something I would regret. On the walk back to Garrett’s I was mumbling to myself, pissed at my ‘friends’, pissed at the world. “Hey buddy, got some change? Any change?” someone pleaded. The voice brought me out of my stupor and I stopped. There sitting on the curb of the sidewalk was a guy, tall and lanky and sort of hunched over. He was dressed in layers that were far too warm for the time of year and had a dusty, dark colored backpack beside him bulging with stuff. “Any change?” he asked again. My ass quivered. I flashed back to the night before to the two homeless BBC that had fucked me and I needed more. This guy was sexy, masculine, and looked like a good, hard fuck, but what do I say? I just shrugged and said, “Sorry man, but maybe later when I come back by if you’re around.” The guy gave me a ‘yeah I’ve heard that before’ look, but smiled and said, “Any change at all. I appreciate it,” and hunched back over. “What’s wrong?” Garrett asked when he answered the door. I just shook my head while he dried his hands on a dishtowel. I just met the guy. Last thing he needed was to hear my problems. Garrett smiled, “Come on into the kitchen. You can help me cut up stuff and prep. You cook much? Oh and there’s some coke on the counter there if you want some. That’ll make you feel better.” He was right. The cocaine and the pleasant company made me feel better in nothing flat. A little more coke, some more, and my ass was raring to go. While Garrett did say he could not fuck me until he got the ribs and stuff cooking, he did let me kneel on the floor and suckle on his big troll dick while he finished the prep. As I did, I imagined I was sucking the guy I saw on the street so I paused and asked, “How do you pick up guys off the street or in a park?” Garrett stepped back, “Damn! You had me right on the fucking edge. Was going to blast your throat. Turn the fuck around so I can spit fuck that ass.” I grunted as Garrett worked his dry, raw dick into my hole and fumbled with the bottle to snort more coke as he did. The burn in my nose, the drip in my throat, was matched by the burn and drip happening on my backside as Garrett started to fuck me hard and school me in the ways of picking up street trade. “Street dick is all about the nutt and the hustle. No street dude is looking for a love connection. Like my friends last night. It’s all about fucking rough, quick, raw, and making a little something for the hustle if they can. These guys rarely know where the next meal is coming from, where they will crash that night, if the cops are going to hassle them, or if anyone is going to show a little kindness and mercy and help them out. Yeah, cash is necessary, but so to is a warm smile, a human touch. Most of these guys aren’t out there by choice really. Sure, some are fucked up on drugs and shit, but they would choose having a home and family and being high rather than not having a home. You understand? Some guys you can just come right out and ask because they will be upfront about it. Usually they are the gay ones. The ones who might have been street sex workers when they were younger but now that they’re older, that shit’s harder to do cause everyone wants young trade. The straight ones, most will fuck ass just as quick as pussy. They got needs and wants too so if there is a chance to blow some cum in a warm hole, they’ll take it. Just start a conversation and ask what they’re up to or what’s going on. But, you need to offer them a little something. A few bucks, a couple of smokes, a sandwich, whatever. Then they’ll push you against a wall like this or bend you over in the alley - UGH - stick their dick in you like this - UGH - then fucking breed that ass deep like this! UGH UGH!!” With his dick still pumping spurts of hot man juice in my ass I asked, “OK, makes sense, but what if they get pissed or want to fight or something?” Garrett pumped his hips a few more times and told me, “Push your ass back and bend forward - fuck yeah like that - scraping that upper gut wall good. Fuck boy that is good ass.” Garrett pulled out of my ass, I quickly knelt down and licked him clean, then looked up, “I saw this guy a few blocks over on my way here. I really wanted to see if he wanted to fuck. But….” Garrett asked where, I told him, “Yeah he’s got a big old dick and he hustles. I know him from back in the day. Have not done anything with him in ages, but he’s got a little spot around the corner from where he asks for change that he takes men and women. So my buddies last night turned you onto the freak shit huh? Can’t be taught man, you are or you aren’t and you definitely ARE. That’s what I was talking about living. If you want to fuck - fuck. What’s the worst that can happen really? The guy says no. Just be smart about it. Have a plan in mind if you need to run and also never ask a street dude if he wants to fuck when other folks are around. Even the old street trade guys keep their shit on the DL - you know Down Low.” The ribs were on the grill for a slow smoke that Garrett said would take a few hours. “I need to go to the Fire Place bar down on P Street to work out some final plans for Friday’s party with one of the guys who’s in charge of setting shit up. Want to come along?” I declined. My friends had mentioned that place for cheap happy hours so I knew they might be there and I really didn’t want to see them. Garret nodded in understanding, handed me a $10, a bottle of coke, and a few paper towels. “Here, go back up to the corner. He’ll still be there and when I get back, I expect to find your ass full of his cum. Just show him the bill and ask him if he’s got a few minutes. He’ll know what you mean. I’ll leave the back door unlocked so just come in that way when you get back and oh, I may bring some folks back with me too. There’s a couple of fresh, young guys there who just started working the streets. I know their pimp and he owes me and may bring him along too. I think he would like you.” OK, all that just fucking blew my mind I had to laugh wondering what my friends would say if they had just heard that conversation or knew what I was planning to do next. I held the bottle up to the light and eyed the shadow line of cocaine inside. I twisted the black cap, tapped a line out onto the edge of my hand and snorted - and repeated. Garrett was right. Walking up the sidewalk I was nervous as hell, but as I looked, I could see the guy on the corner was not just slumped over. He was scanning the folks on the street, both sides, coming and going, far more aware of what was going on than I suspect anyone else was. I palmed the brown bottle in my pocket and eased out the $10. I paused then paced my approach to try to ensure I timed it when I saw no one else coming the opposite way. I stopped to his right, asked if he remembered me, and before he could answer I flashed the $10 and asked if he had a minute. Well it was barely a minute later before I found myself pressed into a corner between an overgrown part of a yard and high, brick wall and the corners of an old carriage house and run down apartment building. The homeless guy had dropped his pants, grabbed my shoulders, and rape fucked my ass dry, rough, and exactly how I needed it. The only thing he said was, “Shhh,” when I grunted a little loud. His dick was nice and long and not as thick as Garrett’s. I could literally feel it when he shot in me and then he pulled out, stepped back, wiped his dribbling dick head on the inside of his pants, and walked back out of the alley. I pulled my shorts up and looked left and right as I came out. At the corner a now familiar voice asked, “Hey buddy, got some change? Any change?” I smiled and replied, “Not today Sir, but maybe tomorrow.” Back at Garrett’s house I could not help but jack my dick, thinking about the homeless dick that had just nutted in me. I was leaning back on the couch, jacking hard, my eyes closed when I heard the back door and voices. I quit what I was doing, yanked my shorts up, and went to the kitchen, all the while willing my still hard dick to soften. Garrett eyed me, smiled, nodded clearly knowing I had been successful, then introduced me to his guests. “Guys. This is my new friend I was telling you about. He just moved to DC and who will be one of the featured bottoms in the Speed Breeding area at Friday’s party.” The younger guy looked to be about 19 or 20, clean shaven, very preppy looking. The older guy was much taller, with twisted braids and a part in the middle, mustache, with an extra large white/tan plaid shirt on and looked totally like the tall dude from the group Bone Thugs N Harmony. “You two go into the living room and give us a minute. We’ve got a few things to discuss,” Garrett said. In the living room the younger guy pointed at one of the bottles of cocaine on the table, “May I?” he asked. A big snort later and he held out his hand, “Call me Kip. My mom was a fan of Rudyard Kipling - you know the author?” That was the extent of our conversation. We just didn’t click - at all. The tall man walked in, looked at Kip, “Ain’t you got someplace to be youngin?” he asked. Kip scrambled like Godzilla was on the loose. The tall man walked over, sat down on the couch beside me, his arms across the top, his legs splayed wide like he fucking owned the place. “Yo, set me up for some of the powder. My man’s always got the primo shit.” I opened the brown bottle and flinched as he set his hand between my shoulder blades then, “HMMMed,” as he ran his fingers down my spine to where my crack was peeking out the top of my shorts. He leaned forward, cleared 4 lines, then motioned for me to lay out more. I did, then he motioned for me to snort them. I did. “Suck my motha-fuckin dick!” the tall man ordered. I looked towards the kitchen to see where Garrett was. SMACK! The tall man cuffed my head. “Why you not doing what I say? Huh? I said suck it.” I got on the floor between his knees, unzipped his pants, he raised his hips off the couch and let me slide his pants down around his ankles, then I inhaled the sweat from his balls and started to spit up his shaft. He didn’t say a word. Didn’t moan. Nothing. I was afraid to stop. “Bend the fuck over!” he said. I stood up. There was really no place to bend over so I edged a bit further down the couch. He stood up, kicking the coffee table back, making room for his massive mandingo dick. He ran his fingers down my spine again, found my hole, jammed three in deep as he could, scratched it up, pulled them out, grabbed my hips and slammed his dick home. Even full of homeless cum it hurt. “I ONLY FUCK WHORES - YOU A WHORE? YEAH YOU MUST BE. I SMELL THAT SOME DIRTY NICCA’S BEEN UP ON YOU. SMELL THAT PUSSY FULL OF DIRTY NICCA NUTT. YEAH MY MAN WAS RIGHT. THAT PUSSY MADE FOR A DICK LIKE MINE. YOU JUST LET ANY NICCA THAT WANTS CLIMB UP IN THAT SHIT AND NUTT? EVEN WITH AIDS AND ALL THAT? YOU EXACTLY WHAT I NEED TOMORROW THEN. A TOTAL BUSSY WITH NO SELF RESPECT WHO WILL LET A WHOLE GROUP OF DIRTY NICCA USE THAT TWEAKER ASS. BUT DON’T WORRY. C.O.’S GOT YOU.” I was using some of the paper towels from my short’s pocket to wipe the chunks of spooge off the back my thigh when Garrett walked in smiling. “See - I knew you two would get along.” Turning to me he said, “Look. I know you didn’t say it, but clearly things are fucked up where you’re staying at. Look around. I got space. You’re welcome to stay here. Really. You’d even be doing me a favor as I would appreciate someone who could help run errands and clean and stuff. No. No. I’m not asking for rent. I know you don’t have a job yet. That’s what I’m saying. You can work for me. Hell you should see my office upstairs. Trust me I need the help. Even better, you can have the basement apartment. Come and go as you please, but of course I hope you know I do enjoy fucking that ass so while not required for this to work…” The tall man coughed, swallowed the cocaine drip, “Fuck he’ll take it. Can we get on now?” Garrett laughed, “You have not been formally introduced, but this is C.O. - he grew up in Cleveland, Ohio - so C.O.” Another snort and swallow from the tall man. “C.O. will drive you to your friends’ house right now. You can pick up your things and by the time you get back the ribs should be ready and then we can get you set up. How’s that sound?” I looked at Garret with total appreciation, thanks, and a silent promise to let him breed my ass all fucking night long. “How’s that bussy feel?” C.O. asked as we drove the dozen blocks or so to my friends’ house. I looked at C.O as he flicked the ash from his cigarette out the cracked window on the driver’s side. I eyed his tall, rugged form, leaning back in the driver’s seat and imagined him fucking me again as I stared at his crotch area. “Eyes up here whore - eyes up here! He chuckled. “Now which fucking place is it?” Cars behind us were honking as C.O. slowly made his way down the one-way street and double parked close to the townhouse I pointed too. He flipped off the car behind us when he got out, sauntered over to the sidewalk, tossed his still lit cigarette into the bushes, ambled down the steps and banged on the door to the basement unit. Yeah my friends lived in a fucking basement unit. It was nice, really nice, in a huge townhouse in one of the best neighborhoods, but it was still the God damn basement. Fucking uppity queens! They acted like they lived in Buckingham Palace for Christ’s sake! We could hear someone on the other side of the door and C.O. yelled, “OPEN THE FUCK UP! YO BOY’S HERE TO GET HIS SHIT!” He then turned to me with an utter look of confusion like he couldn’t understand why two uptight white dudes would not open their door for him. I stepped up, looked at the peephole and said, “It’s me. I just came to get some things.” The chain eased back, the deadbolt turned, the door opened just a crack so my friends could see it was me. C.O. pushed past me and in a few hectic, loud, chaotic minutes I explained I was moving out, that this was a friend, no I was not being robbed, no they were not being robbed, that yes I was OK, thanks for all they had done, OK see you later. Bye. The car was set into park as C.O. pulled up in front of Garrett’s house. He looked at me and said, “Yo. My man’s good people. He helps folks out. I don’t know you, but trust - if you fuck him over I will hunt you the fuck down. We clear?” I nodded. C.O. smiled, “Aiight, you’re on loan to me tomorrow. Be ready at 3:00. I’ll pick you up. I need a gangbang bitch for a group of brothas who’ll be watching the game tomorrow night. They get off on raping a faggot. They know you can’t call the cops cause they won’t give a shit and they know there’s no risk of baby mama drama. My man says you can handle it. That’s why he’s got you - and Kip - booked for Speed Breeding on Friday. You know you’re taking one of my boy’s slots right? It’s cool yo - business is business, but you got to prove to me - and Garrett - that bussy can handle ANYTHING we fucking throw at it and from what I hear, you still green and fresh to the scene.” I gave C.O. a dismissive grunt, pulled my suitcase out of the trunk and slammed it. I walked up the steps, turned, and saw the rough thug glaring at me from the driver’s side window. I forked my fingers on my right hand, pointed at my face and said, “EYES UP HERE FUCKER. AND DON’T BE LATE TOMORROW. IF YOU WANT THIS BUSSY, YOU BEST BE ON TIME.” C.O.’s chuckle echoed between the brick walls as I made my way inside my new home. Tomorrow would be another day of training, preparing me for the Speed Breeding that would happen Friday. I couldn’t fucking wait! Stay tuned for part 3. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
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  43. I've done a lot of slutty things but the top 2 are probably getting fucked by my bf and his dad and then fucking my bf's sister. Second would have to be getting fucked by 4 large dogs and their owners and friends one night.
    1 point
  44. Hi ... just catching up again on this topic. I know what Tallslender means ... it took me a while to learn the joys of sounds but once tried them I quickly became hooked. Now, if alone (at a loose end so to speak) I'll often reach for both my ball stretchers and the sounds. I don't think I've any pics of the combination but it is truly awesome to feel the balls pulling down, then followed by a nice large well lubricated sound easing its way down inside my cock. Unless I'm very disciplined with myself I can guarantee this'll bring me off ultra quickly so I just lie there slugging poppers, watching porn and feeling my juices beginning to boil deep inside me! Its like an inside-out wank.
    1 point
  45. Play dumb, tell him how much you enjoyed his fuck and wanted some more rounds with him, same conditions.
    1 point
  46. I actually was. my old man was involved with NAMBLA and I was daddy's cumdump for years along with a couple uncles and my God father- and some other neighborhood dudes. mostly Marine buddies my dad drank with. When He died, My mom sent me to a boarding schools which was 90/10 boys. being on the small side I was the cumdump for the older Boys and a few staff members got my first taste of Pain Piss and farm sex there too. And.. i was and alter boy so I was taking Raw catholic priest cock till i hit puberty. -early. - then it was my turn to fuck. here it is 30 -odd year later, i'm not even 40 and i'm a fucking pig. and i'm hard thinking about it. I was scared and really fucked up back then but OINK.. I sure do miss the old days. -especially when I was a teenager and could just grab an man's crotch and get him to feed me.
    1 point
  47. Previously Reflex got the better of me and I looked up in classic blowjob pose – big eyes and lips stretched around his cockhead. This can be a make-or-break moment for a lot of straight dudes – and I’d stupidly done it too early – before I’d shown him how good at head I was. Luckily Theo was staring straight down past me – staring straight at my arse. By this point I had shuffled around on my hands and knees and was on all fours in front of him. My number 1 asset was up in the air away from him. I reached to Theo’s hands and guided them down to it again. He was transfixed. I returned my attention to his cock and slowly deep-throated the entire beast. I heard him groan again as his hands started kneading my ass. He started to thrust. Crisis averted! I’d caught me a straight boy! Right so… Gavin was lost in recounting his time with Theo – my dealer, while I was getting increasingly lost eating out his arse. It was about this time that I felt hands on my arse too. Andreas the tall blond German friend of Simon had woken up and was at that very moment lining his cock up against my hole. I looked back to him and smiled and stood up. He reacted so slowly I was pretty sure he was just running on instinct. I reached down and guided his cock to Gavin’s hole. Andreas smiled and said “Dunkle oder helle Fotze, es ist mir egal” as he saw what I was doing, and took over as I walked around to face the nurse. Gavin didn’t even break rhythm as he continued his tale, not even as Andreas slid all the way into him. “…so as I continued to deep throat him, his hands were going crazy on my ass. He was enraptured with it – kneading it, pushing it together, squeezing it painfully, spanking me. He let out another odd growl, like a cat that’s seeing another in its territory. His cock was rigidly jabbing the back of my throat now, but my gag muscle control was more than enough for it. I felt him take one hand back and heard him spit into it. Soon after I felt his rough fingers work his spit in and around my hole. I don’t usually bareback” – I must cut in here – as Gavin was saying this, Andreas was balls deep raw inside the Pakistani lad. I looked at him sceptically – “well ok, I don’t usually bareback, but this weekend is a total exception to all the rules. I mean, I never did coke before either.” I laughed at Gavin rationalisation of the weekend, but I understood it. This weekend all the rules were being broken. Andreas was working up a rhythm and I looked over Gavin’s head to see the German’s tanned cock slip between Gavin’s teak-coloured asslips. Andreas saw me watching and went slow for effect, pulling out past his pink cock-head to the tip and slowly shoving it back in again. There was a shade of cream staining to his cock, which made me envious – it seemed I hadn’t licked all the cum out. Gavin pulled my head down to his level, he was being fucked missionary style by the German and so it wasn’t too far down. I touched noses with him and grinned maniacally – our eyes were all fully dilated cause of the uppers. Gavin leaned in to kiss me, his hot dry mouth grinding against mine. His breath reminded me of my first kiss, a closeted guy I used to meet up with in a local cottage who had some personal hygiene issues, though I doubted my breath was much better. As Andreas sped up again, Gavin tried to focus on me and continued. Mmmh, so yeah where was I? Theo had started opening me up with his rough hands – it’s a good thing I like it rough cause that lad hadn’t a clue how to treat an asshole. While he started rubbing his wet thumb down to circle my pucker, I sped up my deepthroating. I was determined to sit on his glorious meat, and get some straight boy notches on my belt. I even thought that I could use this fuckbuddy relationship to maybe get a discount on more cocaine from him in future – god, that shit is addictive – I was already making plans for my next hit of it. I needed that cock hilt-deep in me. I heard Theo mutter something above me. I pulled his cock out, “what was that?”. He said “your ass reminds me of this bitch I used to fuck, but it’s tighter, man…” and pulled a toke of his joint. This was my entry point. I got up off my knees and holding Theo’s hand I pulled him over to the bed with all the bags and clothes on it. I picked up a short black fitted coat and put it to the side. “Tell me about her” I said. As Gavin said this I heard a footstep coming from across the room. A familiar voice said “oh so we’re fucking again are we?” I looked up to see Orson standing over me. He asked, “you ready for another go?” Looking back over to Gavin and then back to Orson, I weighed my options and replied “yeah I can be ready, but just let Gavin keep telling me his stories” and turned over to present myself doggy style to Orson Adams – a lad I once thought I’d be glad to see caught in a bombing. As his dick tapped my hole and opened me up, arousing my exhausted nerve endings with yet another sense of “rightness” as his dick slid perfectly into me, I thought “this weekend is the only exception…” Gavin looked up at me and continued. “As we were sitting on the bed Theo confessed he had a thing for dark skinned girls and told me all about this one black girl Bianca who took his virginity when he was 15. After letting him go on for a while about all the coloured girls he’d been with, I asked him suggestively which part of a girl he went for, and he said he loved eating out their asses and pussies. I looked him in the eye and said “well I’ve got one of those things”. With that said I turned and shrugged on the ¾ length fitted coat. On me it looked a bit feminine, and only covered the tops of my ass cheeks. While Theo stayed seated I stood in front of him, and turning back with a grin I used one free hand to pull my jock down. I said to him “Well this ass is all free, and your cock’s pretty hard Theo, how about you just tell me when to stop..” As I said that, I started backing up towards him, my ass quickly nestling his hard rod between my cheeks. Theo was quiet as a graveyard, letting my rub my asscheeks against his throbbing meat. I ducked my hand down to dip his cock to the right angle. No word from Theo. His cock started to poke deeper between my ass cheeks. I moved it up and down from the top to the bottom of my ass crack, stopping briefly to play with my pucker. I looked over to Theo. His head was thrown back smoking his joint and smiling. I took the hint and with a good dollop of spit and acrobatics I raised my ass over his cock and speared it into me… Fuck it was gorgeous! So filling , yet I was in total control. I slowly let him in. As Gavin was talking of slowly letting Theo spear his asshole, I could feel Orson slowly build up a proper fucking rhythm inside me. Orson had a much easier access route now as it was the third time we fucked this weekend, and his thick cock based out in me in mere seconds. As the speed intensified I looked at Gavin rocking underneath me. I clambered over from my side of the couch to be face to face with him. Gavin looked up at me with his long black eyelashes. I’d started milking that straight boy’s cock, looking quite girlish in that little black jacket, but it worked for Theo, and so it worked for me. It seemed like an age that I was bobbing up and down Theo’s fuckstick, when all of a sudden I hear another odd growl and feel his hands grasp me and he started GOING for it! He slam fucked my poor underlubed hole, then pulled out violently and threw me on the bed on all fours. I had just the time to look behind me before I felt him drive his cock deep into my guts again. Gavin looked up to me excited again, both of our heads shoving against the back of the couch in matched time. “He plundered my ass like an animal Mike, and I loved it!”
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  48. Previously... Simon looked down at my GSBC and his gaze took in his ghostly pale skin and luminous white ass cheeks peeking out of his jeans. Spitting on his hand, he stretched his tanned arm behind Padraic and trailed a gooey finger into his asscrack. Padraic ground back against his probing and closed his eyes in pure pleasure at Simon’s digits and answered “something tells me you’ll be perfect for what’s next door” and nodding to me and the lads, lead Padraic to the master bedroom. I knew one masterpiece that was gonna get fine tuning, Jay and Karl would have a field day! I turned back to see Gavin standing with his trousers down and bent over. He was saying something to Theo, but I couldn’t make it out. Theo looked to me and looked back to the brown boy in front of him, in the bright purple jock. He looked back to me seemingly very conflicted as Gavin writhed in his hands, not knowing what to do with himself. I knew when to make an exit and grabbed the dog mask, though I made sure to ask Gavin all about it when we were alone later. This is what he said… Right so... I should let you know that when I heard this, it was Sunday night and Gavin and I were both scagged out in the living room. “Scagged out” for anyone from outside the UK and Ireland means that point where your body is wrecked and tired, but the uppers you have in your body won’t let you sleep, and so while you wait for the drugs to slowly leave your system, you spend a long while trying to normalise. You can try and do more drugs to chase a longer high, but it’s a fool’s game, the crash gets longer and longer too. Weed or xanax helps. Having friends who are also going through it can help too. After all, misery shared… Gavin was lying beside me on the couch that night with an unconscious Andreas on my left. We were just chatting back and forth and smoking spliffs. “Right Mike, well if you want to know what went on in that room then let’s start at the beginning. I’d been wondering about banging you for a while. Maybe it’s the drugs talking but I’ll be honest, you’re hot, but you live all the way across town. You know I’m a male nurse, so I’ve a lot of choice, I’m a lazy cunt on top of that and as I’ve said, you live across town, so I always flaked out of any meet-up with ya – sorry dude. I mean, I’ve basically got sex on tap around the Royal (the Royal Victoria Hospital on the Falls Road) – students nurses, doctors, a few horny patients, and I’ve recently gotten into some rough trade from the area. I mean, I know you offered to come to me once or twice, and I like letting the other guys do the chasing, but I generally can’t accom so I stay close to my neck of the woods. But when you showed me that photo of your cock crossing swords with the other two lads’ and all the drugs underneath… and this was while I had just woke up with a ragin horn… well. It wasn’t too much of an effort then…” I laughed at this. I’d suspected as much and though not as loved up as the previous day, I was still in a forgiving mood, cause in all honesty what gay on Grindr can say they’ve never given up on a date when they realise someone is just way too far away, or too demanding, or too vague – Sometimes I think it’s a miracle we gays ever do meet up at all. Gavin continued… “I showered and douched and put on my lucky underwear – yeah the purple ones are my lucky ones, not that I don’t have success with the green ones either. I just love knowing that as soon as my pants are down that there’s an easy access to my hole. I have to say tho, I was still a mix of emotions by the time I got to ya. Outside I’d bumped into Padraic and Theo and quickly figured out they were going to the same floor. I was immediately drawn to Theo, I mean don’t get me wrong – Padraic with his “the one hot IT guy in the office”-look, the floppy hair, the surprisingly broad shoulders, the pale white skin and red lips – I mean if he wore more fitting clothing and less fucking flannel he’d be a total babe. But Theo… Well Theo is a different kettle of fish altogether eh? I know he’s your dealer and all, and normally I’d steer clear of the straight type who would be more at home banging nasty Falls Road girls with their fake tan and press on nails, but one look at that thick reddish beard, those bushy eyebrows and those tattoos everywhere – even on the back of his hand! Well I was hooked. I guess I came looking to be a bad boy, and Theo was all that I wanted to be that morning. While we waited for you to answer the bell – you took fucking forever by the way! – Padraic made awkward conversation with me, but Theo kept to himself, just yes or no answers. I could feel his eyes on me though. In the elevator I kept rubbing my sides – I commented that I was just after a workout and sore, and let my t-shirt hike up a little to show my waist. I also did some tricep stretches which lifted my top and showed my treasure trail through my six-pack. Each time I could feel his eyes on me. Then of course you answered the door. I didn’t know who you were at time, but the looks on our faces must’ve been priceless! I guess I was in it for the whole experience and got over my shock the quickest, cause when I quickly scanned from side to side the other two hadn’t moved! They were still stunned. I had to break the spell and sorta nudged… well, pushed, Padraic in the door as you ushered us up quickly through the lower floor and up the stairs. I can understand why you did it so quickly, cause I overheard Padraic actually tsk-tsk when we passed that hottie getting fisted. Though I heard he took a DP of two BBCs later, so wouldn’t that be a bit hypocritical – a case of the pot calling the kettle black… and big… and doubly penetrated. Haha. At this point (back on the Sunday) Gavin had broken his tale to chuckle at his own joke and break off the growing ash off his joint. As he turned over to the ashtray I reached over and put on the Pinscher pup mask. When he turned back I jumped on him and scared the fucker full-on.. “Oh fuck off, ye mad bastard” Gavin shouted out, while desperately trying to hold on to his joint. I barked and grabbed him. He didn’t even try to struggle as I flipped him on his back and rested his legs on my shoulders. I was only wearing the mask and a red jockstrap (one of Simon’s I guessed, or maybe Karl’s – I wasn’t sure) and so had no problem hooking out my swollen cock and finding his sloppy hole. Gavin’s mood shifted and he just looked up at me bemusedly and nodded. I could feel his tense body relax as I shoved my cock into his juicy brown ass, and gave some light-hearted thrusts. Leaning forward I growled deep in my throat and then slowly touched his nose with my snout. I barked again. Gavin didn’t break eye contact and I saw his eyes crinkle at the edges as he laughed. “Are you quite done Dealer dog? Cause you can try for round five, but I don’t think either you or me have any cum left…” I chuckled and clambered off him, very matter–of-factly letting my still hard cock pull out and spring back up with a “schlop” noise. Gavin reached down and fingered himself a little. Pulling up his fingers to his mouth, he licked himself and raised an eyebrow… “I think there’s some of your cum still left in there from last time” I pulled off the mask and pulled his fingers to my mouth. They tasted of ass, deep sweaty, chemmed up ass juice. Fucking delicious. Thank god the scagging out hadn’t affected my taste buds. But everywhere else at that point was frazzled. I hadn’t even been horny enough to keep fucking him. I’d just shoved it in cause over the previous 30 hours my cock had been in and out of all kinds of holes and it seemed like a habit at this point. Gavin passed up the joint to me and continued. “Back to yesterday - I noticed that Kurk fella almost running out of the room like there was a fire or something.. Of course later Theo told me who he was. Mental huh? You’d think you’d recognise someone like that from the news. Guess it shows how little attention we pay in public... Anyways, I was in the room with you trying to explain the situation to Padraic and Theo when Simon came in. Smarmy bastard, though gorgeous and he sure fuckin knows it. Of course when he turned his charm on me I was like a rabbit in headlights. I had a massive hard-on as soon as he started asking me about my undies. Later, when Padraic was showing me his ass pics on the phone, I was getting light-headed cause I was so horned up. I basically shoved my tongue down your ex’s throat. What a great kisser by the way! It was hot to peek out of the corner of my eyes and look at you and Theo watching us. All that tension in the room! So fucking hot!” I had ducked down at this point cause I wanted to see if I could get any remaining droplets of cum from his hole. I spread his legs and started licking as he continued… “Then Simon started kissing the two of us on the bed. All the my inhibitions were giving way. I remember saying to myself to just give into what was gonna happen there that day. And next thing I know you’re asking Padraic and me to try the coke. I was so horned up and so jittery with nerves. I’m a nurse so I’ve seen a lot of the bad side of drugs, but I’ve always wondered why people risk so much for them. I’ve smoked a tonne of weed though. So I also knew that some people can ruin the fun for the rest of us by being overprotective. Anyways, all that was going through my head when you and Theo motioned me over and showed me the ins and outs of it all. I’d heard most of it before, but I kinda like the way Theo was talking to me so I let him think I was really naïve. And I kinda got the feeling you were somehow pushing me toward him too Mike. After I tried that line, you made us hug and then asked me to dance in front of all of you.” I pulled back from his ass cheeks at that and let out a chuckle. I’d been pretty effective in cleaning up some trickles of cum and ass juice from Gavin’s worn hole. I guess not all the pleasure effects of the ecstasy had been used up, cause rasping my tongue over and into his chapped pucker… damn… “..of course I’m always in the Kremlin and love me some cheesy pop music. It was probably the coke, I was still getting used to that mad high, but when that song played I turned up all the dials and danced my arse off. And I started to shake my ass your way cause I still wasn’t sure about Theo, but you turned me toward him and he didn’t complain. That was hot. Having him lay his rough tattooed hands on my exposed ass and mess around with my jockstrap. Fuck me, his touch was electric! I was tenting hard on the other side. And all that mad coke energy fizzing around inside my head. I just knew then and there, that I was a sexy motherfucker and I was gonna seduce that bearded dealer. Fuck him being straight, fuck my general attitude of letting guys chase me, I wanted to, no I needed to get bred by Theo as soon as physically possible! So then when you guys all upped and left, I’d been guiding Theo’s hands over my jockstrap and onto my asscheeks. I could hear him breathing deeply and start to get tense. I didn’t want to break the spell, but I felt that if I asked him to finger me now it’d be too much and he’d run for it. I felt almost telepathic with the coke-high. Such a totally different high to pills or weed, isn’t it? So I was thinking about the coke and asked him “Hey Theo, have you ever snorted coke off anyone’s ass before?” He laughed at that and replied that he had, but only a chick’s ass. I told him that with the contrast of my ass he’d be sure not to miss any of it and he laughed and said he was a pro and would never miss a crumb. I told him to prove it, and lowered my back so my ass was at a right degree angle – making a perfect little snorting table. He asked me slowly whether he should really do it. Something about the way he asked that, thinking back now, I think he was also asking himself for permission. I was still bent over and facing forward when I felt his left hand reach for the coke, crush it on the desk and gather it up and sprinkle it on me. The anticipation was intense. I was high as fuck and every sensation seemed heavy with meaning – the slow deliberate crunch of the powder under the credit-card, the drawn-out scrape of it being portioned out – I kept thinking Theo was weighing his options while he did these things. Then nothing; a brief silence before I realised I could feel the slow tickling pitter-patter of it being poured on my ass-cheek, the return of Theo’s steady hand holding my cheek steady as he took aim and decidedly snorted it all in... As Gavin said this, I pulled back out again from his warm slick hole. Wiping the spit and sweat off my face, I asked, “show me on your ass where he put down the line”. Gavin took a shuddering breath, I could tell that recounting this tale was seriously making him horn-up again. He pointed to his left cheek and traced a line. I bent down and gently kissed his trembling skin. He continued… Yeah it was at that point that I pushed my hand back against his pants. He was sporting a massive boner himself and so when I reached back and started massaging his bump, he gently started rubbing into my grip. He had tossed his head back after snorting his line and as I turned around all I could see was his chin. Sensing my window of opportunity, I quickly went to work on his belt buckle while continuing to rub his dick with my other hand. It’s not my first time with a straight lad, and I’d enough of a clue that the more pleasure you give, the less they care. I’m a pro at belts and soon enough I was unzipping his jeans revealing a heavy bulging prize in loose fitting wine-coloured boxers underneath. I massaged his hard-on through the thin fabric and started to lap and trace the outlines. With my other hand I stroked under his shirt to rub his fuzzy stomach. He had the smallest paunch – something to cushion your head in the night. I felt his whole body shudder as he drew in another shuddering breath. A hand grabbed mine mid belly-rub. I heard him clearing his throat “What you doing there lad?” I spoke up to him, my cheek resting against his pulsing still-covered dick. As I spoke my lips brushed against the fabric. “Shh relax Theo. It’s just a blowjob. Nothing to be scared of” I heard him snort up the remaining coke left in his nostrils and shake his head. His body tensed suddenly, then relaxed. It tensed again. I wasn’t sure what was going on in his head. I gently started to nuzzle against his bulging piece, and he didn’t make any move. I turned my face face into it and started lapping the outline again. His hand on mine loosened and I heard a weird moan come out of him. With my free hand I slowly moved it up to his waistband. I lowered my other hand out of his grasp and hooked his jeans and boxers with both hand started slowly edging down. I went about it slowly but deliberately. I didn’t want to shock him. I just hoped against hope that noone would take that time to come in and visit. As his boxers started to show more ginger-russet thatch, I got a whiff of his clean man smell – he’d showered that morning, and there was a hint of soap and sandalwood, but mostly there was a clean sharp scent of a man. Fuck! I breathed it in deep. I continued edging his pants down and over his rock hard manhood. Oh Mike… I was listening and also using my tongue to invade Gavin’s mahogany pucker. His Pakistani half meant his skin around his nipples, cock and ass were all a deeper brown to the rest of his caramel tones. Around his taint the colouring was a marbling of the dark and lighter hues. Watching the dark brown give way to pale and back again as he writhed under my attentions, I was entranced. I could see why skin colour was such a turn-on for Simon and Theo. I spat on his upturned hole (as much as I was able to in my state) and watched the white wad of spit run down his taint. It looked like old-fashioned furniture, yet smelled like nutmeg or something. I heard Gavin groan “Oh Mike…” It seemed that even though we were both wrecked, the story was turning him on again too. Our spirits were willing, but our bodies were.. well scagged out. Gavin continued… Oh Mike! You should have seen it. At least 7 inches and real thick. With a floppy hood that still had covered the whole head even though he had a massive hard-on. I edged the underwear down and released the beast. It bobbed in front of my eyes. I nuzzled against his naked cock and breathed my hot breath down the shaft. I made little nipping kisses as I pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees. Oh man the lad was hung and sporting two lovely heavy balls too. I got methodical and started licking up the velvety shaft. Playfully at first, but then getting more intense. As soon as the head was fully glistening cause of my licking, I tentatively covered the whole thing with my mouth. Reflex got the better of me and I looked up in classic blowjob pose – big eyes and lips stretched around his cockhead. This can be a make-or-break moment for a lot of straight dudes – and I’d stupidly done it too early – before I’d shown him how good at head I was. Luckily Theo was staring straight down past me – staring straight at my arse. By this point I had shuffled around on my hands and knees and was on all fours in front of him. My number 1 asset was up in the air away from him. I reached to Theo’s hands and guided them down to it again. He was transfixed. I returned my attention to his cock and slowly deep-throated the entire beast. I heard him groan again as his hands started kneading my ass. He started to thrust. Crisis averted! I’d caught me a straight boy!
    1 point
  49. Ryan did react though when Brutus walked into the room and sat down on the bed with his legs spread pointing at the space between them, Ryan shuffled over and Brutus reached down grabbing the boys balls and dick in his massive hand squeezing them very tight making the boy grimace and squirm in discomfort as Brutus whispered in the his ear, Carlos lit a cigar “he’s reminding the slut not to play with his dick on his own”, I smirked “fucking nice” Ryan was nodding as Brutus let the his cock and nuts go before pulling the boy very close to him rubbing the lads shoulders before pushing his hands down and pulling apart the kids butt cheeks giving us a view of the boys pink pucker that though it had closed up, opened nice and easily as Brutus pushed his thick finger into it and pulling it out a little making it dribble spunk, I got excited “is Brutus going to fuck the kid?”, Carlos blew out some smoke “depends”, I took a zip of my brandy not taking my eyes off the delicious scene “on what?”, Carlos laughed “on him fucking bobby here of course!”. I coughed and laughed “you sly old Dog!” Carlos sniggered “I know but I know you and your filthy mind, you were thinking about it upstairs”, I had to nod and grin “true” I watched as Brutus pushed two fingers into Ryan’s sweet pussy while looking at us over the kids shoulder with a big sly grin on his face “, Carlos poured me some more brandy “lets face it mate, you’ve fucked bobby, Duke’s fucked bobby, I’ve fucked bobby and we’ve all seeded his cunt, and I know you well enough to know you want him to take more spunk so why not here?”, I thought about it for a moment nodding “your right but I do not know if I want him pimped”. I sipped my drink as I watched Brutus effortlessly finger fuck Ryan as they deep kissed “now that kid is a born whore” Carlos chopped some coke and did a line and handed me the mirror sniffing hard as I did a line “your boy may be one too, have you asked him?”, I admit that statement threw me for a moment and I raised my eyebrows and Carlos chucked grinning “ask him”. We watched Brutus stand up and pull off his tight black t shirt, I do not think I have ever seen a man so hairy, his body was covered with a thick pelt of black hair, Ryan just knelt with bugging eyes as Brutus kicked off his shoes before undoing his slacks and letting them drop to the floor stepping out of them, his semi hard cock sticking out and hanging down like some obscene tube of flesh, the kid seemed frozen for a moment before he tentatively reached up holding the monster cock in his hand and guiding it into his mouth, Brutus grinned at us slyly through the mirror giving us the thumbs up. As Ryan started to slowly, even nervously suck Brutus I rubbed my crotch growling “I’ll ask Bobby, and if he says ‘no’ I’ll tell him”, Carlo slapped my shoulder “good man, now let’s enjoy the show”, I unzipped my shorts and lit a cigar “fuck yeah” and then pondered out loud “where the fuck is Duke?”
    1 point
  50. Another true story Brenda Two weeks of the best sex I ever had with a woman. That’s what comes to mind when I think of when I hear the name. The first night I met her was Sunday at the local gay bar, when was there with some friends from University of Texas at Tyler. We had a mutual friend who introduced us. I’d been eyeing her since I walked through the door that night, cutest face, Long auburn hair, and the short miniskirt she was wearing should make any guy’s cock hard, just imagining what’s under it. She was wearing a button down top that showed just how well developed her breasts were, and those green eyes just captivated me. Our mutual friend Diane saw me taking a good hard look. She wandered up beside me while I was ordering a beer at the bar. “Close your mouth cowboy and come on over to meet her,” she said, I’ll introduce you.” She laughs “to tell you the truth you caught her eye also when you came in, she asked if I knew you.” “Must be fate.” she says. I grab my beer and walk over and Diane makes the introductions, “Breasts here, is Brenda” , Brenda hit her on the shoulder and giggles, I blushed and took her hand. “And my cowboy friend with the big box here is Steve“, and she gropes my groin. “Well you two run on and have fun.” She says, as she grabs her husband’s arm and they go onto the dance floor. “Damn she knows how to embarrass a person” I say. “Yeah, I know.” Brenda replies, and I ask her to dance. We stay on the dance floor for a few songs, and talked. While dancing she asked if I’m gay, and I say “no, I’m bi.” She reaches up and kisses me. “Thanks for the dance, I like you.” “ I like you too. The last dance before the drag show that night was a slow one and she puts her head on my chest, and runs her fingers up and down playing with my chest hair. Her hair smelled sweet. I liked that contact with her, and if that was all we ever had it would have been worth it. They announced the drag show would be starting in a few minutes so we decided to take a seat at a table back by the DJ’s booth. Everyone was watching the stage. Someone needed the table and a chair for a handicap person, so w offered our able, and my chair and I stood by Brenda, who was sitting on a bench seat without a back that just sat against the wall. She reached up and grabbed my crotch. “You know” she says, “I could just sit in your lap”, as she starts popping the buttons on my Jeans. “Oh, hell that sound like a fine idea to me.” As I bend down to kiss her. She sucks on my tongue and it sends shivers down my spine. I kneel on the floor before her like I’m picking something up off the floor. Nobody notices. So I reach up under her skirt and pull her panties down. They are soaked, and stuff them into my jeans pocket. I work my fingers into her wet pussy and come back up to kiss her. Her pussy was so hot, and slick. She started moaning. I get back up and she got off the chair. I sat down, and she pulls my hard cock out of my semi opened jeans, and played with it for a moment or so. It’s blocked from view by her, so it wasn’t likely anyone would see us. I lean back against the wall and she gets in my lap facing me. Straddling me, and putting her arms around my neck. I put my hands on the miniskirt to keep it covering her butt. We started kissing as my cock worked its way up into her sweet wet pussy. Oh, that feeling was something else. My cock was so sensitive, and she was dripping the whole time. It was like my cock was made just for her, it fit into that lick velvety hole just perfect. We simply rocked back and forth thru the whole Drag show, giggling and moaning and kissing. nobody paid us any mind. I bent my head down and sucked on the top of her breasts, then ran my tongue up her neck to her ear, and them back to kissing. We had to kiss each time she had an orgasm ,so we wouldn’t make too much noise. As the show was ending I shot my load upwards into her. We had to be quick here while the confusion of the show ending was distracting everyone, so I pushed my still rigid cock back into my wet jeans, and she got off my lap. With her back to me, and put her hand back and I handed her the panties. I walked in front of her and she put them back on while I was blocking the view. Good thing the lights weren’t on yet. We just barely got ourselves back together before Diane and her husband walked up, “oh, there you two are, we’ve been looking for you.” She says. “Yeah, we’ve just been sitting back here.” I reply. “Well, I need Gerald to give our friends over there a ride home, seems there ride got lucky and left, so I wanted to know if you would give Brenda and I a ride home to Tyler?” “SURE!”, I say. Maybe a bit overly enthusiastically. As the lights start coming up I hear a voice from the behind me. “Steve I want to talk to you before you leave.” So I tell the girls if they will wait by my car I’ll be right out. They head on out , and I turn around and it’s one of the owners of the bar, he’s also the DJ. He smiles at me and says “do you know your pants are all wet?” “Uh, Uh,” I stutter. “ Yeah, I can see everything from my booth you know. And the fact that I am bi myself, and it was one of the most erotic scenes I have ever seen is the only thing that kept me from coming out and stopping you.” He laughs “Don’t do it again though, this is a gay bar, I have a reputation to keep, Please?” I know I’m blushing. “Ok” I say. “That’s all I wanted” he says and starts off towards the office. I head out to my car, where the girls are waiting. Unfortunately the lock had jammed on the front passenger door earlier in the day, and I wasn’t going to be able to get it fixed for a few days. So both girls sit in the back seat. We turn the radio to a station they want to listen to and we head out. When we get to the I-20 and Estes I turn heading west to Tyler from Longview. I hear them giggling and whispering in the back seat. Just about the time I hit 70, Brenda, climbs up thru the center between the two bucket seats and says “HI.” then she reaches over unbuckles my belt and pops the buttons on my jeans. “You don’t mind do you?” She asks OH, HELL NO I DON’T MIND.” I say, as she starts sucking my once again throbbing hard cock. “FUCK” I say, as I shoot and realize I have pushed the accelerator to the floor. “Diane, you have to drive.” I say. So Diane being the small woman she is and laughing about the whole situation works her body between Brenda and the other seat till she gets in the passenger seat. The whole while Brenda doesn’t let up on my cock. I’m panting and moaning and trembling. Then I notice I have accelerated over 100, and have to back it down again. “Brenda stop“, I ask, as Diane grabs the wheel with one hand and Brenda gets back in the back seat. Then I climb thru the opening between the seats as Diane sticks her foot on the accelerator. As I’m climbing over Diane slaps my now bare butt and says “you go cowboy” still laughing. When I get to the back seat I pin Brenda to the drivers side door and give her a deep passionate kiss. I start unbuttoning her blouse as I move down to her breasts. I suck on her nipples and make swirling motions with my tongue as I work a few fingers into her pussy and she pulls the other hand to her mouth and sucks on those fingers. I slowly move my head down and lift her miniskirt and pull her panties off then I stick my tongue up inside her pussy, tasting her, and swallowing the juices flowing from her. I just lap at her pussy as she moans for several minutes then she orgasms. I work my way back up to her breasts again Then slide my hard cock into her moist hole , and start fucking her. As I do this she grabs my shirt and tears it open. So without missing a stroke, I shuck the shirt off. We fucked all the way to Diane’s house with my tongue in her mouth, or sucking on her breasts, And she kept her fingernails scratching my back moaning and speaking just as naughty to me as I was her. I shot 2 loads in her by the time we pulled into the drive, and have no idea how many times she came. As I went back down to her pussy to eat her out again, Diane turns the car off. I go ahead and am licking her when I hear, “We’re here boys and girls.” Diane is still laughing at us. I come up and give Brenda another deep kiss. Then she put her blouse back on, and I just slipped my shirt back on, buttoned up my jeans, and straightened my hat, and we went inside the house to wait for Diane’s husband to get home. It’s 4 am by then, and he is uncomfortable with the idea of me sleeping over, which was Diane’s idea. Besides which I had to be at work the next day, so I drove on home. We only dated two weeks but my balls were sore every day we fucked so much. She was hot for me, and I for her. She had to go home to Houston for spring break, and her parents wouldn’t let her come back to U T because they found out, she had started taking drugs while she was there. They put her into a rehab program. I talked to Diane many times to see how Brenda was doing, and her parents wouldn‘t let her talk to any of her friends from up here. All I can say is if we had been able to stay together, I think we would have literally fucked ourselves to death before it was all said and done. But what a way to die. Those are two weeks I will always remember. So if you are female and read this story, and at some point in time you happen to run across a cowboy who always smiles at the name Brenda, it’s most likely me, please introduce yourself, and tell him of this story. And if it’s not me, I think you’ll wind up with a wonderful story of your own to remember.            
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