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  1. I was new here in town. I needed to get a physical exam for my new job so I asked around and one of my neighbors recommended I go see Dr. Kendrick, over on 10th. I called to make an appointment and a few days later I headed over there. Dr. K had an office right there in his home, a cozy-looking house set back from the street. Inside the front door was a small waiting area. A sign on the wall said to take a seat until I was called. After a few minutes a door opened. First, a young man about my age came out and hurried for the front door. I remember that his face was red and sweaty. Maybe he had seen the doctor because he had a fever. Next, Dr. K stepped into the waiting room and said, "You must be Larry. Larry Hicks? Come on into my exam room." I followed him into a bigger room. This one had a desk, a couple of chairs, cabinets and, in the middle of the floor, was a medical exam table. "Why don't you start getting undressed while we talk? You can leave your boxers and shirt on for now." So, I took off my socks and shoes along with my trousers, shirt and underwear and put them on one of the chairs. "Hop up on the table," he said, and tell me what I can do for you." As I explained my reason for the appointment he began making notes of our conversation. He asked my age, which was 19, and inquired about my medical and family history. All the while he poked and prodded me, working his way through the exam. Eventually the questions turned more personal. "So, are you sexually active, Larry?" I reddened a bit and said, "Not much. I've only done it a couple of times." "That's not a problem," he said. "Now...when you think about having sex...you know, when you get horny...do you mainly think of having sex with women or having sex with men?" Seeing the shocked expression on my face, he continued, "It makes no difference to me, young man. I just need to get a complete picture of your situation." "I don't know," I said, "I guess maybe I'm gay. I've only done it with two guys." "Well, if you're unsure, we can certainly help you figure that out. Do you like having your penis sucked?" I nodded. "Do you like it when a man puts his organ in your mouth? Do you like to pleasure him? Do you like him to ejaculate in your mouth? And do you swallow his semen?" Guiltily, I nodded "yes" to each question. "Well, at this point, I think it's safe to say that you are an homosexual." I blushed. "Now, as for anal sex...are you the insertive partner?" He glanced at me. "Hmmm! No! Probably not! So, you're the receptive partner, right?" My cheeks burned bright red and I could only look at the floor. So...you are what's commonly known as...."a bottom. In plain words...you accommodate the needs of other men. Excellent!" He smiled warmly! "Let's move on! Do you have any Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Herpes? Syphilis?" "No," I stammered. "Are you HIV-negative?" "Yes! I mean...I guess so." "Well," he said, "we have to be sure. We'll get you tested for everything. Then I can give you a clean bill of health." He did the pinprick and drew some blood. "Larry, I'm running a little behind. While we're waiting for your results, I'm going to put you in the next room. Bring your stuff. You can leave your boxers and shirt on for now." He ushered me through a doorway into the next room. "This actually is my bedroom," he said, and indeed, there was a large bed situated against one wall. "I use this as a second exam room when it gets busy. It's quiet and private. Have a seat there on the bed and make yourself comfortable. Mrs. Shaw is just stopping by to get her flu shot. It won't take long. I'll be back in about 10 minutes." He retreated to the first exam room and closed the door behind him. I sat down at the base of the bed and began to wait. In a few moments, I heard another patient enter the room next door and I could hear the murmur of their conversation. A few minutes later I could hear Mrs. Shaw departing. After a few more minutes, Dr. K came back into the bedroom. "Good news!" he said. "You're completely healthy. Your HIV test was negative. I hope you're not disappointed?" I was a bit confused. "What did you say?" He smiled back at me. "Oh, nothing...let's finish up the exam. You seemed a little unsure about your sexuality. You know...your preferences and needs. So, let's find out!" With that, he reached out and placed his palm against my chest as I sat there at the end of the bed. He pushed firmly, causing me to lie back on the bed cover. "I want to check your responses," he said as he began unbuttoning my shirt. When he was finished, the shirt fell open, exposing my chest and stomach. Without any warning, he reached out with both hands and used his fingers to firmly grasp my nipples. As he gave them a short but sharp twist, I moaned involuntarily, "Uhnh!" and my mouth remained open in an O-shape. My body reacted strangely in other ways as well. My back arched, pushing my chest towards the doctor's hands. Also, my knees jerked, pulling apart and upward towards my chest a bit. Dr. K stepped smoothly into the gap between my legs, thereby preventing them from closing. Dr. K's smile got bigger. "Well, well! That's interesting." He twisted the flesh trapped between his fingers once again and said, "When I apply pressure HERE, look what happens. Your legs spread apart and your mouth opens wide." And that's just what happened. As my legs parted, he pressed even closer to me. He leaned forward and placed his right hand on my face. Two fingers aggressively entered my mouth and started exploring. "This is VERY NICE," he said. "Even better than I had hoped for." I could only try to gurgle a response. Dr. K's voice remained kindly but his eyes seemed to harden somewhat as he looked down at me. "Raise your hips, Larry! Come on...haven't got all day! Let's get these off you." With that, I felt his free hand tug on my boxers. They slid off my hips and down my legs, finally brushing past my toes as they fell away to the floor. "There...that's better! You won't be needing them for a while." His fingers continued their rough invasion of my mouth and I felt his other hand cup my balls. He used his thumb to stroke the head of my dick in a circular motion. I response to his ministrations, I could feel my cock begin to lengthen and swell. "Your reflexes have proven exceptional," he announced. "Can you tell that your penis is becoming erect? And your nipples! My Lord,...we've already seen how responsive to stimulation they are." As if to prove the point, his hands descended on my nipples again, his fingers pincering them forcefully. I was helpless as my mouth opened again and my legs twitched further apart. Now, THREE fingers were jammed into my gaping mouth. "We've conclusively established that your sexual responses are HOMOSEXUAL! Now we should discuss your HIV status. I know that you tested negative this time, but it's well known that many gay men secretly regret being negative. For many reasons, every day, men like you choose to become HIV-positive. I imagine that you must have given it thought, haven't you?" With his digits swirling around inside my mouth, only garbled noises came out in response. "That's what I thought," he continued, as if I had somehow agreed with him. "Let's help you decide! Let's say you were gay...which you are. And you were a submissive bottom...which apparently you are. And your status is negative...which it is. And you desperately wanted to be HIV-positive instead." He now looked at me. "Is that right?" "Anngh! Gruhhh! Mmmpph!" He looked at me quizzically. "Does that mean, 'Yes'?" I tried to lurch upright, but his hand on my face kept me pinned to the bed. The doctor nodded, "See! I knew that deep down, you might want that for yourself. The question is...what can we do about it? Hmmm?" He stared at me. His eyes didn't seem very friendly any more. In fact, I felt like the doomed bird transfixed by the serpent's gaze. "Let's figure this out together. Here's a test for you. I just want you to answer honestly. Nobody's judging you here, ok?" Although the alarms in my head hadn't really stopped, I nodded my head. "Good! SO, let's say you come to me seeking my advice about becoming HIV-positive. I might ask you the following: "If you were to be helped in converting to a positive status, would you want to be infected, or 'assisted' if you prefer that word, by one man alone...or would you prefer to be infected by several men at once? Of course...you'd be in a sling for comfort." I was lying on the bed, unable to speak intelligibly and unable to sit up. My shoulders drooped in resignation. Maybe I should just play his game and see what happened. I gently prodded his fingers with my tongue. He got the hint and withdrew them so I could be understood. "I....I....," I whispered. He asked, "What?" As he leaned closer, his fingers gave each nipple a sharp little pinch. I gasped, "one man...ONE MAN!" He squeezed HARDER! "Say it ALL!" he commanded. Utterly under his control, I moaned, "I...I'd want...ONE MAN...one man to INFECT ME!" "I was hoping that's what you'd say. That's all you had to do, Larry...just ask!" I could hear his free hand fumbling with his belt. His other hand left my mouth and I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered followed by the whisper of his pants as he pushed them down. He cupped my balls again and my dick, no longer neglected, stiffened rapidly. Dr. K leaned over and covered my mouth with his. His tongue entered me, controlled me. "You don't have to be afraid, Larry! I'm going to take care of you. We're going to do this the right way, baby. His mouth trailed down my chest and belly. Upon reaching my cock, he engulfed it with his lips and began sucking up and down my shaft. Heavenly! Too quickly, he broke free and brought his face back up to mine. "You know...I've given many guys like you their first fuck...right here on this bed. And I given many guys their first condomless fuck...right here on this bed. In fact, I've given many men...men just like you, Larry... their first POZZING...right here on this bed! Pozzing...that means taking a man that is HIV-negative and introducing the active virus into his system, turning him HIV-positive. It's a privilege to be the one that helped you to understand your need to convert to positive like so many have done before you." He continued,"Nothing could be simpler, more natural and more normal than for two men to share their fluids like this, in order for the negative one to convert. Let me show you. "Open your mouth!" I didn't have a choice because his fingernails scratched across my nipples, making my mouth open. He leaned over me and slowly spit a few long gobs of saliva into my waiting orifice. "Now...Taste it!" I ran my tongue through his spit, letting his juices mingle with mine. "And Swallow it!" he ordered. I meekly complied. "See how natural that was?" I could feel the head of his dick bobbing around, pushing into my ball sac, leaving a trail of gooey precum wherever it touched. Suddenly, I felt warm liquid washing over my belly, running back down over my cock and balls onto the bed. "See, Baby! See how natural that is? How good my piss feels on you? I'm sharing that with you as well." My mind reeled with the thought that, by sharing his fluids, he was merging himself, his very DNA with me. ""The best comes last!" he hissed. His penis zeroed in on my hole. The head, still leaking precum, nudged a bare half inch into me, and stopped. "There!" he whispered. "I'm inside you and I've already left a tiny bit of fluid behind. A little HIV is already growing inside you. Do you want MORE?" All I could do was whimper! "You have to SAY IT!" he said. "YES!...I want more!" With that, he eased in and started up a slow steady pistoning motion. He growled, "You want my HIV? You want me to fuck my HIV into your neg pussy? SAY IT!" All the while his thrusts picked up speed and power. My voice got louder. "YES! Fuck me with your HIV! Make me positive! POZ ME!!" By now, he was banging into me furiously. "I want you to remember that someday....someday when you have AIDS...that it's MY AIDS inside you. I'm the one that infected you, put my virus in you. And YOU...you did what a Poz Bottom was supposed to do...you just SPREAD YOUR LEGS and BEGGED ME FOR IT!" He yelled as he began to blast his viral sperm deep within me. I could almost fell the bug attaching itself to my sensitive rectal walls, starting to grow. Dr. K rolled off of me and stood up. He bent over and gave my ass a loud smack. "I've probably knocked you up. I'm pretty potent because I don't take any HIV medications and my viral levels are always very high. Just to be safe, let's give you an appointment in 3 months so you can come in and get tested. My promise is that I'll keep fucking you until my virus has claimed you.
    10 points
  2. PARK CRUISE   PART 1 My divorce became final; then, I closed on my new condo. Of course, it was stocked with bits and pieces of furniture I had gathered together from an assortment of thrift stores and second hand shops. I didn’t care though. I had my freedom now.   No longer was I going to deny my sexual awareness and lust for men. Of course, my lust being tempered by the "gay cancer" that was running rampant through the country. Here I am thirty-six years old abandoning a fifteen-year marriage and setting out fresh in a new life. Yes, I had a huge amount of empathy for my ex. She just couldn’t understand how I couldn’t have known I was gay: That was her problem now to contemplate.   I had moved into my condo on Halloween. What a memory that makes. I searched the neighbourhood and found most of the places where I would shop and do business. I commenced to becoming a regular around the neighbourhood and started the hand waving, head bobbing, and just smiling that one does to those who are seen frequently. None of these people knew about my new quest in life which was to find men and have them fuck my mouth and ass.   Even now with my new life I on occasion let the memory of what precipitated my divorce flood into my brain. Len, my ex-wife’s younger brother, had promised to take care of me during the bachelor party for their sister. Len took care of me for sure.   Len was ten years younger than I. He stood eye to eye with me meaning he was 6 feet 3 inches tall, also. Len weighed 190 pounds to my 170. His dark brown eyes always sparkled with mischief as did my green eyes. His dark brown hair contrasted with my Irish red hair. And, that dark brown hair was everywhere on his body. My blondish red hair covered my body as well but it just didn’t make its presence known as well.   Len’s body hair was massive and thick as it covered his body. I was always amazed at how much hair he had and which he loved. Many times, he was told to shave but he always good naturedly would laugh and say he would catch a cold if he did that. I loved to see him during the summer months when he wore very little. I just didn’t realize why I loved seeing him. And, that’s a good thing, too, I suppose.   Well, Len and I went off to the bachelor party. It was held at a hotel that Len had arranged. The festivities went well. At one in the morning, Len and I saw the last of the revellers to their hotel rooms and went to our room. Upon entering, we found one bed and not the two that had been ordered. Len said let’s not get upset and just straighten the situation out when we woke up. That sounded reasonable to me at the moment.   The two of us began taking off our clothes. I admit that I stole a couple of furtive looks at Len. I saw his muscles flex and move as required to take off his clothes. I envied Len his handsome looks and all that dark brown hair that covered his body. We both finished at the same time. We each stood on opposite sides of the bed. Len grinned at me, lifted up the covers, and slid into bed. I stood for just a moment and did the same.   I had hesitated getting into bed as I was in somewhat of a shock at what I had seen. Len was wearing a white Bike jockstrap for underwear. The contrast of that white jock that ran through his dark brown hair was stunning. The huge bulge that I saw in the pouch was almost unnerving. I had not really thought about Len’s cock but had at some time decided that he had a nice cock but that was without any empirical evidence.   We lay there in stillness and silence and let sleep creep into us. My last thoughts were of my wife. I seemed to focus on her. As I dreamily thought of her, I began to get aroused noting that my 8-inch cut cock began to grow. I smiled. If I had been home with her, no doubt she would have found herself impaled on my cock as I rode her to completion. But, that night, there would be no such riding. At least not the riding that I was used to.   Sometime after we had gone to bed, I lazily realized that I was in that state of awareness yet not awake. I was on my left side. I felt a presence behind me pressing up against me. I gently moved backwards spooning my body into this other body. I then felt a hand grasping my cock which was obviously hard. This hand began to move very gently up and down my cock. I whispered a moan. Then, I felt kisses on the back of my neck as my cock was manipulated a little faster. I inhaled a slight breath of air.   I then awoke totally. I felt my neck being kissed but by someone with a stubble. My back pressed against a hairy flat chest as the hair pressed into my skin tickling me. The hand jacking my cock was big. LEN! It was Len who was pressed into my back, kissing me, and jacking my cock. Then, I felt a big pressure against my butt. Len’s cock was hard.   "Len," I whispered.   "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh," he hushed me.   I lay there feeling the kisses continue as Len continued jacking my hard cock. He attempted to move closer grinding his restrained cock into my butt cheeks as he did so.   "Len," I whispered again, "you need to stop."   "Shhhhhhhhhhhh," he hushed me again then said, "I’ve waited a long time for this . . . and so have you. All you have to do is take your hand, put it on mine, and remove my hand from your cock. If you do that, I’ll stop."   I lay there as Len continued to kiss the back of my neck and now began licking it. His hand felt so good as he massaged my cock. I continued to feel Len touching me with his lips, tongue, and hand. My eyes rolled upwards shortly thereafter, and I knew I would not remove Len’s hand.   PART 2 In short time, I was soon moaning quietly as Len continued to arouse me. I caught myself trembling as Len touched me. I pushed backwards into his body and began to reach behind me touching Len. I was conflicted on many levels: brother in-law; another man; arousal at a man’s touch; betrayal of my wife. I thought of these and more but waved them aside and pulled Len closer to me.   Len’s hand left my cock. I felt him fumbling between us. I at last realized he was releasing his cock from his jockstrap. His cock was wet from pre-cum. Len maneuvered his cock between us so that the shaft settled into the crack of my butt cheeks. He pressed hard and moaned deeply as he did so. The feeling was unreal . . . but welcomed. Instinctively, I pushed my butt backwards toward Len’s cock. I had no fight or argument now. I was a willing participant.   Len stepped up the attention and foreplay. His hand was everywhere on my body. He caressed my stomach, touched my nipples, stroked my face, traced my torso from my underarm to my hip, and finally began to pinch and squeeze my nipples before returning to once more begin jacking my fully erect and leaking cock.   I now had a light glaze of sweat covering my body as my libido grew in its intensity. Len no doubt sensed my abandonment of trying to stop him and increased his kissing and licking as well as his hand wandering all over my body raising my sensitivity level ever higher. He also increased his pressing his girthy wet cock into my butt cheeks which I now wanted to feel more of making me to push backwards.   "I’m going to fuck you, Jack. I’m going to fuck your ass so good and fill it with my thick cum load," Len whispered in my ear as he continued to kiss and lick my neck. "You want me to fuck you. Jack, tell me you want me to fuck you and fill your ass with my cum."   I heard the words. I recognized every one of the words. I knew the definition of each word. Yet, in my state of mind and arousal, I couldn’t swear that I even knew English as a language let alone understand what a message spoken in English meant while I was in the midst of such an unknown and totally foreign activity as I was. My mind focused on how my body and psyche were feeling at Len’s touch.   "Jack, I’m going to fuck you and fill your ass with a big load of my cum. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you and fill your ass," Len said almost in a menacingly tone as his hands inflicted sharp but brief points of emphasis by pinching me in several places.   My brain gathered its reasoning power and processed the words I had heard. There was no hesitancy on my part when I said, "Yes, Len. Fuck me. Fuck me now. Fill my ass with your cum load and fuck me some more. Don’t stop fucking me. And, don’t let me stop you."   Len grabbed my right nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed hard as he bit my neck. It hurt like crazy, yet, I restrained myself from yelling. It was a mating ritual I accepted.   Len released me, tossed back the covers raised up off the bed and ripped off his white jock. I stood by the bed and rid myself of my boxers. The two of us looked at each other in the dimmest of light that came in the room from around the curtain. We both were breathing heavily.   Len lowered himself back onto the bed resting on his back. I climbed onto the bed and straddled him as if I had been doing so for years. Somehow, I instinctively sat astride his hips as I moved his cock up from his body and let it rest on my backside. My mind began screaming as I had now touched his cock and knew how massive it felt. I had no clue how my ass could ever take his cock but take it I had to now.   I leaned forward cupping my hands behind Len’s neck. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Our tongues met and twirled around each other as we began our quest for completion. Len’s hands roamed all over my body once more sending shivers throughout me. At long last, I felt Len’s hand attempt to reach his cock. I stopped kissing him and pulled myself slightly upright as I moved my hand to my mouth. I dropped a great deal of spit on my fingertips which I moved to my ass wetting it as best as I could.   Len’s cock was taut from being so strained from arousal. Once more I doubted that I would be able to take his cock in my ass. I felt his cock in my hand and moved myself and his cock until at last I felt the sticky pre-cum coated head touching my hole. I held his cock firmly as I moved about adjusting myself. When I thought I was on target, I gritted my teeth and gave a quick backwards jerk of my ass. POP!   To say that I needed to scream and almost passed out is so very much an understatement. Immediately, I tried to move upwards to pull Len’s cock’s head out of my ass, but he had other plans. Len knew what would happen and was prepared to stop me. I was aware of his legs raising up so that his feet were planted on the mattress. At the same time that I was trying to pull off his cock, my hands went to my mouth covering it to stifle the scream I was attempting. This left Len with the leverage he needed.   Len grabbed my hips firmly and pulled me downward onto his blood-engorged mighty phallus of his manhood. The searing and burning pain raced through my body with each additional downward jerk as more and more Len impaled me onto his weapon of ass destruction. The pain was the worst I had ever felt, yet, I began to steel myself to accept it and soon did so. I was weak by the time I accepted the mighty invasion of my ass. I was covered in sweat from agony.   My hands slid away from my mouth and came to rest on Len’s chest as I leaned forward slightly over him. My ass was screaming and on fire. The fire I felt was burning away all that I had denied until now. My eyes were closed as I envisioned myself and re-lived what I had just experienced and tried to focus on what was about to happen.   Len decided to get my attention and did so by flexing his cock that was so adeptly planted in my now willing ass. My head jerked upright, and I gurgled a scream. Len’s commanding hands kept me impaled firmly on his blockbuster whopper. I thrashed about in excruciating pain as pitiful moans and whimpers escaped my lips. My mind was racing at what I was doing yet I could not stop. I didn’t know why but I had to experience this wherever it led.   PART 3 Len began softly and soothingly to talk to me. I heard his words of encouragement as the pain in my ass abated and the burning flickered lower. My head turned to face Len with conflicted eyes still reflecting the pain I had felt. I could just see his face. He was smiling as he now lessened his vise-like grip on my waist.   "See? It’s not that bad now. It’s going to get a lot better, and you’re going to beg me for more," Len whispered as he rubbed my thighs. Each time that he flexed his cock I winced and shook. "I’ve waited a long time for this. All you have to do now is to ride my cock and learn how much you love being fucked by me. And, when I blow my load in your ass, you’re going to have your mind blown away when you realize how much you love that feeling. You’re going to want more—lot’s more. Come on brother in-law; get your ass moving up and down on that big 9 inches of cock of mine. I want to hear that first moan that you make and know you are hooked on my big cock, and I can fuck you any time I want."   What the hell was happening to me? How did I get harpooned with Len’s cock? Why wasn’t I pulling myself up off his turgid cock? Why wasn’t I punching Len? Why had I stifled my screams when my ass was slammed down onto Len’s cock? Why wasn’t I protesting and stopping this? Why had I not fought harder to get away? These questions raced through my mind as I looked down at Len whom I could see from only the small amount of light coming in from around the drapery.   Some strength had returned to me as I had sat listening to Len and pondering my questions. I reached my hands out, and Len took them. I looked at him and then looked down at my own cock in the dim light. It struck me odd that despite being skewered onto a man’s cock my own cock was straining with lust and excitement.   My eyes returned to gaze at Len. Slowly, ever so slowly, I began to raise my ass upwards allowing Len’s gargantuan cock to slide out of my ass in small jerks. Shots of pain returned. Our hands grasped together tightly as an audible gasp escaped my lips. I rose up about 3 or 4 inches before beginning to slide down on Len’s cock again. I was gasping for air by the time I had re-taken all of his cock in my ass. My entire body shook at the sensation.   "Yeah, BJ, that’s the way to do it!" Len excitedly whispered. "Get that ass up higher on my cock this time. I’ll let you know when to start back down. I won’t let you pull off. Just a couple of more full-length strokes and you’ll be a pro at it!"   Again, I raised my body up off Len. This time was a smoother trip. As the head of Len’s cock neared my sphincter, Len told me to stop and slide back down onto his cock. I was panting now as a light coating of sweat had broken out all over my body. I eased myself back down onto Len’s rigid manhood. My heart was pounding in my ears with my excitement. Three, four, five, six times more I raised myself up and lowered myself down spearing my ass with his bloated fat cock. As I lowered myself the sixth time, my brain was swimming in ecstatic sensation of desire. I heard myself moan as each of his nine inches entered me. Len heard my moans also.   PART 4   Len whispered to me, "Good boy. Now start bouncing harder and faster. Make it feel even better." I started to pick up the pace. Up and down I rode his hard rod of steel. He impaled me so deep and I felt so full. His rigid tool was starting to really feel good as my ass opened more and more to his cock. My prostate was being rubbed harder and harder and I was moaning in exstacy now. My own cock was harder than I think it had ever been. I could not fathom the pleasure I was receiving. Len was moaning his pleasure now also. I could literally feel him getting harder and harder now. He was telling me, "take it Jack. Feel how good it is. I just knew you would love this. I'm getting closer to filling your ass full of my hot cum." I did my best to increase my speed even more, rising and falling down. Impaling my ass as deep as possible. I wanted every inch of that pole in me as far as possible. Len was now thrusting up as I came down on him, too, impaling me deep. His hands then grabbed me and another few hard strokes and he jammed upwards as I came down in one final smashing blow and I felt his cock expand and start to throb in me. I could feel his hot cum filling me up and heating my insides and then I erupted also, spewing my cum all over his chest. He ground into me and then rolled us over onto our sides, holding me close and keeping his still throbbing cock in me. We laid there in a pool of our sweat for what seemed like hours, but was really only about 10 minutes and then his cock slowly slid out of me as he went limp. My mind was completely befuddled by what had happened. Then we both fell asleep in each others arms.     PART 5 Several hours later I woke up, the sun shining outside, and my ass on fire. As I came around more, I felt the movement and Len was again in me and slowly fucking me. As I turned my head to look at him, he smiled and said, "It's about time you woke up. I have been in you for almost a half hour now and I am about ready to burst another load deep in your sweet ass, but I wanted to see your expression as you got another load of my hot cum in you." He then picked up his pace, faster and harder, and I found myself moaning with pleasure. I told him, "Go, go, pound my hole. Fill me up. I want to feel you erupt in me again." He told me to get ready, "Here it comes." Len pounde my hole really hard about 4 more thrusts and then I felt his cock expand and start to throb as he spilled his hot cum deep inside my sheath and then my own cock erupted again. Both of our bodies shook with the force of our ejaculations and then we lay in each others arms, kissing and caressing our bodies while we came down from our sexual high.
    7 points
  3. Ford and I fucked all over the room. Our favorite location was a big leather seat on which he had me on my hands and knees, my ass out. He also had me position myself resting across one of the arms of the chair so he could fuck me at that height. During one of our breaks Ford texted a friend, inviting him to join us. I had no idea how freaky Ford could get, but was open to pretty much whatever he wanted. It took a while between texts and calls but the guy finally assured Ford he was on his way over. Ford and I found ourselves resting our dicks and asses in the meantime because (Ford explained) the other guy's cock was bigger and longer than either of ours. Finally, when the guy texted Ford saying he was around the corner, Ford propped me on the floor at the foot of the bed on all fours, face down, ass up. Very thoughtfully, however, Ford placed some pillows under my knees so I wouldn't end-up with a rug burn. A few minutes later I heard the second guy come up the stairs. He apparently paused at the doorway of the bedroom, assessed the scene and decided to play. Undressing, he immediately went for my ass, lubed himself and me, and slid in balls-deep. Moaning loudly into the pillow, I held my ground as he pounded my ass. It's worth noting neither he nor I had actually seen each other, at least not as of the point when he blew his first load into my hole. Afterwards he withdrew and Ford immediately slid in, continuing the assault on my cummy ass. Eventually Ford withdrew and the three of us moved to Ford's king-sized bed. At that point I got my first look at the guy. It was Andrew from the gym and dating site. Black, bald, goatee, lean, hairy, strong jawbone, big dicked, fucking hot. For the next two hours, we tackled just about every position, Ford on his back, me in his ass, Andrew stuffing his dick in Ford’s mouth. Andrew fucked me sideways while I sucked on Ford until Andrew came in me a second time. At this point, we hadn’t discussed if Andrew even gets fucked as he has been busy fucking and getting sucked by the two of us. At some point Andrew again withdrew so I got onto my back, Ford lifted my legs in the air and took over fucking my cum-lubed hole while Andrew sat on my face, spreading his cheeks for me to rim as he simultaneously grabbed my legs, positioning them to give Ford more access to my hole. Fucking awesome! Two hot looking mature Black men and I’m not too sloppy looking for a brown skinned Latino! I found myself moaning involuntarily, partially simply from getting fucked, partially because my legs had been spread near the breaking point. Ford takes turns fucking, pulling out, fucking, pulling out till he can’t hold out any longer shoves his bone hard dick back in me and explodes deep inside. We finally call it quits. 4 hours after I first arrive, we are done fucking. My hole sore as hell and filled with several loads of cum. I wipe up before getting dressed and smell the rag to make sure I’m clean. Mmmm, like honeysuckle. Their cum smelled sweet. Ford gets in the shower and Andrew and I get to talk a little and get acquainted. I had been chasing this fucker for over a year and he ended up coming to me, albeit through slightly sneaky means. He let me know that now that we had finally met we would definitely going to meet up again - and soon.
    5 points
  4. 5. Trophies “You fuckin’ idiot!” He heard a voice from far away. He coughed, threw his hands up to his throat. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You trying to kill him before he even does the job?” He heard the same far away voice, incredulous, like it was shouted in a long, echoing tunnel. Chris rasped in several breath before he trusted he was breathing again. He sat up in bed naked, still high as fuck, but was alone in the master bedroom. The men had left him, and sounded like they were downstairs arguing. “So I got carried away,” he heard Polanski trying to defend himself. “You get carried away. Look at the way you offed the Bailey family. One by one, Brody. One by one. You ain’t no Saint Sanity when you get worked up. How many pieces’ that Tony kid in now? How many fingers did you cut off, how many ears, and whatever, before you just went and slit their throats? That wasn’t just for the old man’s benefit and you know it. You liked it! You was enjoying yourself.” Chris was trying unsuccessfully to process the evening. How much time had passed since he blacked out? Johnny Carson was on TV doing his opening monologue. It couldn’t have been that long. Still flying, not a lot of things made sense. Then, like someone had flipped a light switch, the pieces of the night fit. The last he’d heard on the television news, the sewer pipe, the two cons, they were right here. Chris crawled off the bed. On hands and knees he crept to the staircase to observe the men. They were in their boxers again. “Listen, you dumb shit. That was to get the dirty cop to squeal where he stashed it. It worked, didn’t it?” Bailey, Don, Brody, whatever his name was, he was no cop. He smacked Polanski in his forehead. “Think, dumb shit. Be smart.” Then he said in a low voice, “If you want to snuff the kid, wait till he brings out the stash, then you can have all the sick motherfuckin’ fun you want. But you almost fucked up what was pretty complicated set up to begin with. Drax would have had both us skinned alive, and I do mean skinned! We seen him do it to that poor fuck Jackson.” Polanski shivered. “So what now?” he said, starting to pace nervously around the room. “So now you go up, and hope the kid recovers. Then you beg him to forgive you, hope he ain’t dead or damaged, and will still do the job for us. You kiss his ass, suck his cock, and do whatever it takes.” “We gonna be straight with him?” “We gotta, but he don’t need to know everything. I’ll do the talking. He’ll trust me more than you, but you gotta make it up to him. Be his pal. You been a mean fuck ever since we busted in on him. Play nice.” They both looked up the staircase. Chris ducked back quickly in the dark hallway. He scurried back to the bedroom, got on the bed, and played possum on his side as the men came back into the room. Polanski got on the bed and shook his shoulder. “Hey, kid,” he said, “kid, you still with us?” Chris faked like he was stirring, throwing his hands to his neck like someone was choking him and sat up in panic. “Nah, nah, you’re okay,” Polanski said nervously. “Things just got a little out of hand, but you’re okay now. Man, I sure am high. How ‘bout you?” “Yeah,” Chris said hoarsely. “You were choking me.” He shoved Polanski away with both hands. “Yeah, nah, I was just playin’, but like Brody knows, I sometimes get carried away. I play too rough.” “Brody?” Chris asked confused. “Ah, geez,” Brody, as Polanski now called him, sighed and put his head in his hand. He sat down on the other side of the bed and put his hand on Chris’ back. “Yeah, we gotta come clean with you kid. We ain’t no cops.” “What?” Chris said in disbelief. “If you’re not the cops, who are you?” Brody laid out it out for Chris. “Nicky and I are ex-cons. We were just released from upstate after doing our time. And the first thing we do is we come pay a visit to the guy who set us up, the crooked cop who lives here. He’d been skimming money off the top for years from the man we work for. A Mister Jones.” “Mr. Jones?” “Well, that ain’t his real name, but better you don’t know.” Brody went on with his story with Chris pretending to hang on every word. “So the dirty cop’s family is away, okay? So we bust in on him. We had to get pretty rough with him, but he finally admitted that he did a bad thing and that he had the money squirreled away in the house, in the duct work. So Mr. Jones instructs us to use Bailey’s uniform and police stuff to get you to come out to Flushing to help us get the stash. Seems like he had his little kid go deep in the ducts and hide the goods where big guys like us can’t get to it, so the only way to get it is for a little guy like you to get it for us. You’re like part of our gang now.” “Did you kill Manetti,” asked Chris, honestly fearing the answer. “Nah,” Brody said. “He hadda done it himself. You seen the place was chained from the inside. Mr. Jones used that as an excuse for us to show up.” “Yeah, and I’m real sorry. I was playing too hard. But it’s ‘cause I like you. I think you’re really sexy and hot for a little skinny guy, and I got a thing for breath control. It’s just a thing I got.” “Yeah,” said Brody, “and it looked like you maybe got a thing for it too now by how much you came all over me.” “Yeah, I don’t think I like it,” Chris said, rubbing his neck. “Nah, nah,” said Polanski. “Not a lot of guys do, and if you, I mean you, me and Brody ever was to, you know, go at it again, and I hope we do, ‘cause the dirty cop ain’t coming back anytime soon,” he said darkly, “so maybe, once we get the stash, maybe we can mess around again, if you want, but only if you want.” “And no choking,” Brody added, running his hand up and down Chris’ back. “Just fun stuff. I like you too. You’ve got a hot little hole like I rarely seen, and a real sexy little bubble butt, which if we didn’t have a job to do, I could right now, cause I’m still horny, right now fuck you again.” It was true. Both men were getting a rise in their shorts. “Yeah,” said Polanski, getting back to business. “But we gotta finish the job, right Brody?” “Nah, you’re right Nicky. So, kiddo, what you say? You part of our gang, help us pull out the money? Then we get back here,” Brody padded the bed, “and we go at it for round two?” “You’d let me be part of your gang?” Chris asked. Both men nodded. “Would I get some of the money?” Polanski raised a brow and looked at Brody. Brody gave him a look back and said to Chris, “Sure, sure. Being in the gang means you get a cut. But we have to give most of it back to Mr. Jones. You understand that, right?” “I guess. I never been in a gang before. And then we can get back here and have more sex? Cause right up till the choking, I really liked it. I never been double fucked before. I guess this’ll be night of firsts.” There was so much untruth dripping all around, as they all looked at each other they all knew they were full of shit, but had to buy it to keep up the ruse.“So let’s do this,” said Chris. They went downstairs and out to the garage. The men’s tools were laid out on the floor near a vent next to the washing machine. The grate was off. Brody gave Chris a small flashlight and a map of the ductwork maze where the cop had his son hide the money. Chris got down on his hands and knees and crawled inside. Even for him it was a tight fit. The two men leered as his ass scuttled away from them. Brody said, shining his flashlight on Chris’ butt admiringly, “Let’s get this done quickly ‘cause I gotta have some of that pretty pussy again.” “Yeah, boy,” Polanski called through the duct, “Taking both our kielbasas means you’re ready for another game I like even better than choking called fisting.” Brody hit Polanski on his forehead again, but Chris had already rounded his first corner and his head was busy sorting through his options. All that stuff his brother had told him came back. Plan B. Look for a way out. They were going to kill him, he was certain of that, so how was he going to make an escape. Here he was, naked crawling through ductwork. If he manage to get out he’d be running down the street naked yelling for help. Well, that was the least of his problems. From the moment both of the men had their hands on him, he felt they were never going to let him out of their site even for one second. Except now. It had to be now or never. Looking at the map there was one tunnel that led to the HVAC system’s main unit in the basement. If he got down to there, he might be able to crawl out one of the basement windows. He scurried the direction he was sure was the route to the basement. It didn’t take him long but once he got down to the basement level he found the only vent into the room was sealed with a grate. He stomped his foot at it. It didn’t budge. He tried again and again, making an awful racket. Brody shouted into the vent what was the matter? He kick against the grate with all his might and it popped off. Nothing, he shouted back. He saw a rat and had to scare it away. He slipped out of the vent and landed on the cold cement. The floor was kind of sticky and slippery. In the dim room he saw the basement windows glowing from the outside streetlights. He went over to one of the windows and unlatched it. It was a lot narrower than he thought, only about six inches high. He was small but not that narrow. Plan B. He walked over to the staircase and again felt the floor was slick and sticky. Once he climbed to the top of the stairs he tried to open the basement door but it was bolted. There wasn’t a latch he could open. A key had to be used to open the door on either side. There must be a key down here somewhere. He felt around for the light switch and flipped it on. The basement was a horror show! Four bodies in various stages of dismemberment were tied to metal folding chairs all facing each other. They were all naked. A blond woman with several knife wounds on various parts of her body was nearest to the stairs. The crooked cop, the one Chris now recognized from the Disney photo, was as big as Brody, was tied up next to her. His neck was sliced ear to ear. Most of the floor’s blood looked to be his, although each family member contributed to the gore. The oldest boy was the one Polanski had talked about. Three of his fingers on his left hand and all the fingers on his right were clipped by garden sheers lying bloodied on the ground. His neck was also sliced. But what was done to the little kid that freaked him out the most, caused him to give up on this particular plan B, of getting out through the basement. As Chris got back into the vent he tried to un-see what he’d seen. The kid he was so envious of? No one deserved a fate like that. In the dark, he follow the map again. He tried to keep his mind on the task at hand, but he kept seeing the kid’s agonized face. Both ears had been clipped, his blond hair matted in red blood. In his mouth, his ears peeked out. As Chris got close to his goal, where there was an X on the map, one glimpse, one flash he tried to push away, but couldn’t: the imprinted image of kid’s bloody crotch. His eyes refused to focus on the particulars of where the blood had come from. He didn’t need to. He knew. Then there, in front of him, was the black briefcase. What kind of psychopaths was he dealing with? What reason could they have to produce such a nightmare? He flipped the clasps and opened it in the narrow vent. Stacks of hundreds neatly lined the case. He was no math wiz, but a quick count of rows times columns times ten stacks deep. The crooks had two million reasons. There was a banging on the metal, and Brody shouted what was taking so long. While he gazed at the money, he shouted he’d gotten to a dead end and got lost. He closed the clasps and turned around in the vent. He added that the map wasn’t accurate but he’d found the briefcase. He was freaked but he knew he couldn’t show it. As he started retracing his steps, he saw there were streaks of blood he’d trailed in from the basement. He had to wipe it off. He re-opening the briefcase and took out a couple of hundreds and cleaned his feet. He had a couple of spots on his knees and hands too, so he took out another couple of bills and wiped himself off with those. It didn’t take long to get back to Brody and Polanski. He pushed the briefcase out and Polanski grab it. Polanski couldn’t help himself and cracked the briefcase. All three of them stared at the contents. Brody was the first to speak. “Holy mother of Christ.” He put his hand on Chris’ butt and started rubbing it. “I think this calls for a celebration fuck. Who’s up for a nightcap?” They flashed glances at one another, and Brody took his finger and felt up Chris’ hole. “Ah, boy. We’re going to have to give you a special reward.” Brody and Polanski shared an evil grin. While they were climbing the stairs back to the bedroom, Brody asked, “So the map was really off?” “Big time,” Chris answered. “The stuff wasn’t where the X was and the layout wasn’t right. That’s what took me so long.” Brody set the briefcase next to the door. “So,” said Brody, “whiskeys on the house.” Chris asked if he could have one. “Sure,” Polanski said. “You earned it, didn’t he Brody?” Brody gave a nod. Chris trotted into the bathroom and brought back a glass. Brody had taken off his boxers and was playing absently with his enormous member. Polanski was around. “Where’s Nick?” he asked starting to pour drinks. “Dunno,” Brody responded, staring at the TV. Johnny Carson was joking around with Joan Rivers. “Hey,” he said lumbering off the bed, “We need a better show. How ‘bout you entertain us while you entertain us?” “Huh?” asked Chris as he poured the final glass. “I want to see how Manetti played with you while we play with you. I got the tape downstairs.” He went to fetch it. He had only a few seconds. Manetti’s drug box was on the cart. He opened it and took out the bottle of G and spit the contents between two of the drinks. He replaced the vial in the box, just when Polanski reappeared. “Crisco!” the man announced. “Promise I’m gonna curl your toes.” Chris gave Polanski his shark smile. “I feel ‘em curling already.” He handed Polanski his whiskey. Brody came in holding the VHS tape and popped it in the VCR and pushed play. Chris handed him his drink, as the familiar grunts of Manetti fucking him played in the background. Brody held up his glass. “We, who are about to die, salute you.” They both looked at Chris and each of them downed their glasses in one gulp. The two men squished their faces. Chris followed suit and stuck out his tongue making a gah sound, which made the men laugh. Polanski grabbed the almost empty bottle. “How about a chaser for a job well done, and to the newest member of our gang.” He divided the remains between them. “Bottoms up!” They raised their glasses again and kicked them back. “Okay, bottom. Up!” he ordered Chris. “On your back, head here,” Polanski barked. “Knees up.” Not used to hard alcohol, the whiskey got to Chris’ head pretty quickly. Combined with the earlier crystal, he was starting to feel spaced and horny. He got on the bed, listening to Manetti fuck him on TV. He forced his mind not to think about Manetti, but focused instead on Polanski. Even though he didn’t like the guy he was a sexy fucker. Brody knelt next to him and pushed his head toward his erection. Polanski greased two fingers and slipped them into Chris’ asshole. It felt good to have Polanski in his chute. Not liking him somehow made him harder. He bore down on Polanski’s fingers and took them right down to the knuckles. Polanski said to Brody, “This kid’s a natural. Look at this.” He greased up four fingers and slipped them with no resistance into Chris. Brody gave out an excited moan. “How ‘bout being a real pig, kid. Eat daddy’s hole.” He raised himself from feeding Chris his dick and lifted one leg over Chris’ head and sat his hairy butt on his face. “Dig in there, pig boy. Clean daddy’s dingleberries.” He complied eagerly, using his hands to spread Brody’s cheeks further apart, using his tongue to untangle each strand of clotted hair. The closer he came to Brody’s asshole, the more hardened fecal matter he found. Polanski added his thumb and Chris felt his whole hand pressing at his entrance. Again, he bore down and his asslips swallowed all of Polanski’s hand. “Woo-ee,” shouted Polanski. He wasn’t patient or caring like Manetti, he didn’t wait for Chris to adjust to his hand, just began pulling his hand out and pushing it back in again. Chris yowled under Brody’s ass each time Polanski yanked out his hand. He raised his hand to tell Polanski to take it easy, but Brody grabbed them both. Brody’s ass was firmly on his face, and the big man started rutting impatiently for Chris to get his tongue deeper his hole. When Chris traced his tongue around his asslips, the man gave out a huge farted. The skin vibrated lewdly on his mouth and Brody grabbed his head so Chris couldn’t get away. The smell was foul but he was stuck smelling it. Polanski was picking up the pace, pulling one of Chris’ legs over his muscular shoulders to get Chris to spread of his legs wider. The violent punching was winning. The helplessness of being pinned up such a big hair butt and his legs force apart while his hole was being wrecked, caused Chris to surrender completely. Polanski took the surrender to increase his attack, pulling out fiercely. He stopped for a second to admire the red pedals of the rosebud he was creating. “That’s it boy, push!” shouted Polanski, tapping on the rectum that was coming out of its hole. “I want some of that,” Brody said woozily, getting off Chris’ face. He scuttled down to Polanski and each man took one of Chris’ legs and pulled him apart. “Look, this little fuck still has a boner.” He looked at Chris who was wiping bits of Brody’s shit off his face. “You gonna let us do whatever we want to you, ain’t ya, boy?” Chris nodded. Brody greased his big paw and stuck four fingers into Chris. His hand was too big to get, but Brody stubbornly kept pushing his paw against Chris’ resisting hole. “Give it up, boy.” “I can’t,” Chris said. “It’s too big.” That only made Brody more determined. He leaned into the boy, and forced his fist in. Chris gave out a cry of extreme pain. His torso shot up trying to expel Brody’s huge mitt, but Brody twisted and prodded his hole enjoying the spasms he was causing Chris to endure. The hand popped out of the boy as he fell back on the bed. “You pussy,” said Brody, with weary eyes. “Let’s try that again. Daddy likes depth. C’mon, open your cunt for daddy.” His hand shot into Chris again, and though it was agonizing, Chris felt his rectum was prepared this time to accommodate the invasion. Brody was even rougher than Polanski, more aggressively tunneling deep into his hole. Polanski watch amused, though his breath was increasingly labored and shallow. Brody laid flat on his side to reach into Chris’ hole, Polanski fell from his knees to one butt cheek. He looked at Chris’ hard on and reached out and smacked the kid’s balls. The kid jumped but Brody’s fist in his ass held his in place. Polanski slapped his balls again, then took a fist and punched him in the nuts. Chris’ ass muscles reacted by baring down hard on Brody’s wrist and that egged Brody on to go in deeper. Chris’ intestines could accept any more of the girth of Brody’s hand, yet Brody’s face showed that a little thing like Chris’ anatomy wasn’t going to stop him. “The goal is the heart of the boy, and you’re going to give it to me,” stated Brody as he pushed in another inch. Polanski didn’t let up punching Chris in the balls. Chris’ head was back on the bed struggling to resist these two psychopaths, his hands flying in the air. There was a bounce on the bed. He looked over to see Polanski laying on his side. Brody looked at Polanski laying there, said, “Lightweight.” He pushed himself up on his side and pulled one of Chris’ legs over his fleshy shoulder. He stop for a second and examined the bottom of Chris’ foot. His face displayed his puzzlement. “Boy,” he said having a hard time put words together, “why have you got a red foot?” His mystified expression suddenly sparked with a dull anger. He pulled up Chris’ other foot. “You been someplace you shouldn’t.” There was such an ominous tone, Chris knew the man figured out where he’d been. “I’m gonna fuckin’...rip your heart...out of your…” The big man went down. Chris laid there for a moment. Brody’s hand was still far up his colon. He felt his fingers slightly twitching. His balls ached painfully, he was sure Polanski had damaged him. He started trying to pull his chute off of Brody’s hand, but at first only managed to pull Brody along with him as he slid across the bed. Without realizing it he found himself on the bed’s edge, his hand gave out under him, and he fell backward landing on his back. The quick, forceful drop pulled Brody’s whole hand out of him in one go, and also pulled out of Chris a gut-wrenching shriek. He now had that empty feeling once again, but this time he was very happy about it. The bedroom phone rang on the nightstand behind his head. The digital clock showed it was just after two o’clock. He knew who it was. He picked up the receiver without saying anything, just listening. “Do you have it?” Master Drax said on the other end of the line. “Yes,” Chris answered. There followed a long pause so long, Chris thought the connection was lost. Then Master Drax continued. “Are they dead?” He leaned over Polanski who hadn’t move since he fell over. He got in close to see if he was breathing. He was, but just barely. His lips were blue and his skin very white. Brody was breathing hard, but Chris had noticed he was always breathing hard. “No, but they don’t look good.” “Bring me what you found in the ventilation system. Leave the briefcase. It will attract undue attention to you. Put the contents in your bag and bring it to me.” Brody started to stir. Chris stepped back in alarm. The large man raised up on one hand, then vomited all over the bed. He looked around the room disoriented, saw Chris, tried to focus, but his eyes closed and he collapsed into his mess. “Leave them. Move quickly, child.” There was a click, and then dial tone. Chris went in the bathroom and splashed water on his face, then all the mess off his ass. What was he going to wear? His clothe in the washer were wet probably. He ran into the large walk-in closet. Half the clothes were the wife’s, and the other half were the dead officer’s, all way too big for him. A bright red jogging suit with white stripes hung next to the door. It was also way too big, but there was a belt rack on the back of the door. He could cinched up the waist with one of them. He grabbed the jogging suit, which uncovered the officer’s holster and police revolver. He wished he’d found that before. Now it seemed after the fact. He put the briefcase and his gym bag on the bed and began transferring the money. He looked over at Polanski. He’d quit breathing. All the money fit with a little room left over. He ran downstairs to the garage and got his damp clothes out of the washer. Sprinting back upstairs he stopped off in Eddie’s bedroom, found his sneakers, and sat on the kid’s bed tying his shoes. He went back into the bedroom to fetch the bag, when Brody rolled over the side of the bed with great effort, but even more determination. He stood teetering, blocking the door. “You little fuck,” he said, looming menacingly, taking one step at a time toward Chris. Chris back up with each step he took, but there wasn’t anywhere he could run. He was cornered. He jumped up on the bed, but the big man grabbed his foot and Chris tumbled off onto the floor, banging his head on the closet door. The man stumbled toward him. Chris scrambled up and backed into the closet, closing the door behind him. He grabbed the holster and moved to the back of the closet, far away the door. The door flew open and Brody charged at him with a monstrous roar intent on tearing him limb from limb. Chris pulled the Glock out of its holster, clicked off the safety, and emptied six bullets in the man’s stomach. Brody was knocked backwards with each strike, but still stood his ground, taller and now madder than ever. “I’m fucking gonna reach inside you and tear out your lungs.” He charge again at Chris, grabbed Chris by the neck and lifted him to the ceiling. Chris unloaded nine more rounds, first hitting his shoulder, his arm, his chest, and, finally feeling his throat about to snap, shot him between the eyes. He kept pulling the trigger long after the gun was empty. Brody fell backward dropping Chris to the floor. His body made a loud thump. As he sprawled, arms wide, on the emerald green shag carpeting, red streams of blood slowly spread in all directions. Chris slowly stood up, still in shock. It wasn’t till the heavy revolver slipped out of his hand that his flight instinct took over. He jumped over the dead man, snatched up his gym bag, and sped out of the house never looking back. A black Camaro sat at the curb. Its engine gunned once as Chris approached it with mounting dread. At curbside he bent down to view the driver and his fate. Inside a large shark-tooth grin spread from ear to ear. “Nice work, Chief,” Manetti said holding the wheel, gunning the engine again. “Love the outfit. Red's definitely suits you. Get in.” Chris did. The car squealed down the street, wheels smoking, laying eight feet of rubber minutes before the cops arrived triggered by several reports of gun fire.
    4 points
  5. Hey! I would have apologized for my comment but the moderator didn't give me the chance and just blocked me for 3 days. Sorry dude!
    4 points
  6. I have been a trucker for quite a while, often making the run from Montréal to Chicago. My favourite place to stop in Gary, Indiana. There is a chain truck stop there that is right across from a small porn shop with private booths. I go there to watch a porn. Frequently I'll get down on my knees and suck a dick. I sometimes call my wife and family after while in my sleeper, I can feel and taste the semen from the guy I sucked in my mouth as I converse with my family. It seems so nasty to have it in my mouth as I talk to them. Last month was a turning point of sorts. I was walking out of the place back to the truck stop when I was stopped by another guy who was also leaving. He was a few steps behind me and asked “Got a light?” Pausing, I passed him my lighter. “I have seen you here before” he commented, unsure how to respond. He did, however, know how to keep me on the hook as he remarked "Whatever you are looking for, I would love to help you find it.” I stammered “I can't let the others see me talking to you here. Watch where I go and later come to my truck. The driver's door will be unlocked. Just act as though you are the driver of it. Okay?” He nodded and I turned and walked. I was so nervous. Mixture of emotions churning inside me. This had become more personal and the anonymity was gone. My cock and butt both were tingling at the same time. I didn’t look back as I walked across the street then through the parking lot to my truck. I opened to door and jumped into the cab. I pulled the curtains shut and sat on the bunk. A long long period passed when finally I herd the door latch and then the door opened. His blond head appeared first as he climbed up into the cab. He sat on the seat while I sat glued to the bunk, virtually speechless, even as I recognized the nice tight young body in the cab of my truck with me. “So, do you know why I'm here” he asked as he dropped onto his knees, shuffling across the three foot gap between the seat and the bunk. “I'm here to fuck with a big burly trucker, 'cause I fuckin' love fucking around with married guys.” My cock was like a flag pole. This young guy was a little slut and there I was with him. He popped my cock out and started sucking. He put a hand up and pushed me back so I was laying on the bunk. He was sucking me and then propped one of my legs up on a shelf. I felt his finger probe my asshole. Oh this felt good. I was very close to cumin' when he stopped, got this his feet and returned to the seat. “Do you like that?” he asked. “Oh fuck yeah. It feels great,” I replied. He then pointed to the picture in my cab asking “Is that your family?” I replied it was. He smiled saying it made him hot to see the family the people that trusted me to be faithful when I was out on the road. Then he got to his feet and shoved his erect cock in my face. “So, what do you want more? To be faithful to your family or to fuck around with me?” I grabbed his hips and put my mouth around his mushroom headed dick. I sucked him slowly but eagerly. Fuck he tasted good. I reached between his legs and poked my finger into his butt hole. It felt warm, wet and slimy. I popped his cock out of my mouth and looked up. He looked down at me “Relax, it's cum - from guys who fucked me earlier today. Yeah, I know I'm a slut. You should probably tell me to leave because I want to make you like me.” It was like I was hearing a rattlesnake warning but I became willing to dangle myself in its strike zone. My cock was throbbing as he told me to turn around. I was in a trance of lust as I complied. Turning around and getting on all fours on my bunk. I felt his mouth and tongue on my asshole. He was eating me, tonguing my ass, fingering me deeper and deeper. I felt him rise and he was obviously fumbling with something. Next, the picture of my family was floating down toward the bunk as he obviously threw it in front of me. At the same time, his cock started rubbing at my asshole. "Take a good look at them. You're not going to be able to stop fucking her. You're not going to be a good father if you take me in your hole, and you’ll be worse when you get home 'cause you know what you're going to do to your wife. Right?” My cock grew harder and was throbbing like never before. He knew I was super horned-up. “Tell me what you’ll do to your wife, even 'though you've let me fuck you.” I couldn’t deny what I was thinking any longer. "I’m going to continue fucking her, even though I have been fucked like this.” His cock slipped into my ass. It felt so good. He started pumping me faster and faster. Then my phone rang. He stopped “Answer it. I'll be quiet," he promised. I reached for the phone and answered it on speaker. He continued to fuck me slowly. “Hi, Honey, how are you?” the voice on the other end asked. “I'm great” I replied. I continued conversing as the guy steadily pumped my asshole. I could feel his cock swelling inside me. He bent down and whispered into my ear “If you really love her, hang up and I'll stop. If you tell her you love her I will cum into you - with all the risks of my unprotected slut-cock blowing its load in your hole.” It was like I reached a corner. I realized what I was looking for in the porn shop - a reason to never stop going there. “I love you babe. I miss you, and can't wait to see you,” I said to my wife as his steaming hot cum flowed deep inside of me. He reached down and hit the hang-up up button on my phone. "Tonight is your first night as a slut” he said just as the phone began to ring. I got dressed and went with him back to the porno shop as my phone continued to ring away. That night I didn’t just suck a couple of cocks: I pushed my ass to the hole and took all the fuckers I could. It occurred to me that I was not just delivering a load from Montreal to Chicago. I could be bringing a hot load back from my long hauls ... deep inside me.
    3 points
  7. I was talkin to an alpha bull online recently who wanted to gang rape me with his buddies so fuckin rough and loud that the police get called so he could try to whore me out to em for having to come out and check on me..... got me thinkin of when i was 16 and i was at a rest stop back by the semis cruising for dick when a state patrol officer pulled in and asked why i was back there, he looked at my license N asked me to step outta the car N said he was gonna search it, he put me in cuffs N looked thru the car, he found a duffle i had condoms, lube N porn mags in, looked at me and threw it back in my trunk N said we both know what u were doin back here, he started grabbin his dick thru his uniform.... he said i had 2 choices, he arrests me for prostitution or we take a walk in the woods N work something out.... just as we got into the woods he told me to get on ur fuckin knees faggot! He told me i was gonna get what i wanted as he unzipped his pants N pulled his thick fuckin dick out. He left me in the cuffs N grabbed the back of my head and made me look in his eyes while he raped my throat so fuckin hard it felt like id pass out! He never let up till i swallowed 2 loads from him then he uncuffed me, spit in my face N walked towards his car. He saw a trucker who was watching N told him theres a faggot back there takin loads if u wanna rape the bitch... he got in his car N drove off and the trucker grabbed me and put me on a picnic table in the open N slammed his raw cock balls deep in me! He held me down by the neck as he raped me till another trucker walked up N held me down, by the time he bred me 3 guys had busted in my throat N another was about to rape my ass. Before he slammed into me he said he can either poz rape me in his sleeper so i dont get passed around all night or he can poz rape me right there till more guys line up.... he said its ur choice u fuckin whore, either way my fuckin poz seed is gonna be in ur pussy when im done with u! He made me beg him to rape and poz me in his sleeper b4 he drug me to his truck. He slammed the door behind us as we got in his semi N pushed me towards the bed, tellin me to get face down and spread ur fuckin legs whore! He stripped N shoved his fingers inside me as he stroked his dick askin me how old i was, i said 16 and begged him to use a condom.... he said he almost feels bad pozzing me but thats what happens to fuckin whores who beg for it and he slammed into me! He fuckin raped 3 loads into me as i lied there motionless takin it till he pulled out of me N said get the fuck outta my truck u nasty bitch! i got in my car and called a fuck buddy who was a doctor and told him what happened, he said to come over and he will give me a post exposure RX, when i walked in he was rock hard from what i told him happened and he fucked me on the floor of his entryway telling me 1 more poz load isnt gonna matter with all the seed inside me!! It was the first time he fucked me raw and the 1st time he told me he was poz! He unloaded in me, got up N tossed the RX's on the floor by me N told me i gotta go cause he had some 20yo neg pussyboy on the way over N he was gonna stealth the bitch and knock him up! I got hard as fuck as i passed him in the hall as i walked to the elevator knowin what was about to happen to him!
    3 points
  8. (Sorry for my English, it’s not my mother tongue) So that happened after work in Toronto, I was looking for an anonymous fuck to satisfy my eager hole. I’m 24, athletic, and it was not so hard to have full positives answers for an anonymous fuck on Grindr. One bearded, short, manly guy answers me and says that he could not host, but he know some spots in big shops around. One was a closed bathroom, never did that, so I said that I was interested. My dick was already leaking with precum, wetting my boxers as I walk. We finally find each other in the commercial centrer, he’s smaller and older than me, charming, manly, hairy, wonderful. We make our way toward the bathroom, putting his hand on my ass on the way in public. Very horny guy. i said that I wanted to play safe on Grindr, while being still very excited by bareback “teasings” and little risks, but I don’t say it. As soon as we enter the bathroom, he asks me to drop my pants and to suck his dick. He had a 6inches thin dick, hairy, with a fine man smell, and a huge precum leaking from his headcock. He’s playing with his precum with his finger in front of my face. While I’m now sucking him, making him even harder, he starts to finger my ass. I think about stopping him saying that I wanna play safe and that I’d rather not having his precum in my ass. But I see him now fingering my ass with his saliva so I just take it cool. he takes the control, and quickly turns me while I’m on my fours. I hear a plastic of a condom, And quickly feels his headcock close to my butthole. He starts slide into me, it feels fantastic, to be fucked by an older guy in a commercial bathroom. after few mins I noticed that my ass was getting more and more wet and the fuck feels better and better. Then somebody’s knocking on the door and we quickly stop the fuck, as I’m standing up I noticed his bare dick, covered in asses juices & his own precum, my asshole was so smooth because of the precum. He fucked me bareback since the beginning and he was pretending not having read that I wanted to play safe. I get a little nervous, we are completely silent and seeing his wet dick while waiting makes me even harder, knowing that it was purely and simply bare in my hole and mixing his tons of precum inside my hole. i finish the job while sucking his dick with a fantastic manly&sex smell, he cums on my face and I cum on the floor. he said that he’s on prep and he didn’t know, that i had nothing to worry. Few hours later he said that that was very hot, and he’s happy that there’s a little of himself inside of me right now. secretly, I was happy too ;-)
    3 points
  9. I started a new job in the same city where my cousin was based and he offered me one of his spare rooms, of course I knew all about my cousin and his wild sexual adventures he got up to. I had my doubts initially as I was a straight 19 year old pretty but gawky in some aspects 5'10" with a usual teens body and a pretty nice cock if I do say so myself, but the safety and security of living with someone I knew was the main draw for my reason to take him up on his offer and he was family so would look out for me. I moved in and settled down pretty quickly being busy at my new job and just meeting new friends at work and going to coffee bars to chill out after with them. One Friday afternoon I came home and Kev (my cousin) was busy unloading beer from his car he turned "Hey, you should know I have some fuck friends coming over tonight so you may want to keep in your room when they arrive as it is going to be a bit of an orgy and quite loud.", I asked if I could take a beer to my room and he said of course but don't tell anyone in the family so I agreed. I knew my cousin was HIV so guessed it was going to be a bareback free for all and having seen some of tricks previously they were quite on the rough edge of the spectrum when it came to partying. His fucks started to arrive after we had eaten and I was sat in the dining room with just boxers and t-shirt on, I grabbed the promised beer and tootled off to my room which was far enough away as my cousin was doing okay for himself and had a large suburban house. I drank the beer slowly and sipped on water as well to make sure I didn't get drunk the downside I needed to pee real bad so I plodded down the hallway on my way to the bathroom. I could smell the odour of pot being smoked so I figured this was going to be a hell of a party, I went in to the bathroom had a pee and then decided to pinch another beer without Kev knowing. Sneakily I dived in to the kitchen only to find two guys in there wearing only harnesses and cock rings, one was skinny and tall the other around my height and definitely worked out judging by his muscles, but my eye was drawn to what I thought was a nuclear radiation symbol tattooed above groin attached to which was a pretty large cock. "HEY pretty boy where you come from?" the muscled one asked me, I explained being Kev's cousin and liking girls not boys, they both laughed "Were no boys babe, were all man." I smiled took the beer and asked where Kev was "Oh, he's been snorting coke and high as a kite riding cocks in the office, he will be there for several hours." I laughed and made my exit. By this time I had to pee again so went in to the bathroom only to feel a presence behind me so I turned and there stood the muscle guy "You disappeared without a kiss goodbye, that was very rude of you." I looked astonished at him and again told him I was not a piece of meat for him. "So your straight, pretty and young and most definitely a virgin then?", I was getting uneasy with him being here as I knew I would not stand a chance against him if he tried to take me down, "Yes so what if I am it's not really your business, go back to the party please and leave me alone". He stood there and studied me "You know the difference between straight and gay is two beers don't you?" as he leaned over and picked out a toothbrush from the holder "Perfect tool to use on you" as he placed it in his harness he walked towards me as I started to back up looking for something to protect myself with so I grabbed the towel ready to whip at him. He kept moving towards me so I gave whip with the towel but grabbed it and yanked it forward pulling me with it as he did so he speedily wrapped it around my body pinning my arms and with that I wriggled and shouted at him to fuck off and leave me alone. He started dragging me out of the bathroom and in to one of the bedrooms closing the door behind and pushing me on the bed as he ripped my shorts off, I started wriggling again but the towel had my upper body immobilised I then felt the weight of him crushing down on top of me causing a loss of breath and layed there stunned under his full body weight. "Time to teach you to be nice and leave you with a present" as I felt his arm go around my neck and his face buried in to my neck kissing me and I began to freak out and freed one of arms just as he grabbed it. The realisation was coming to me that there was no escape and was about to be raped. His hips started to move in a swivelling motion as he positioned his cock directly in to my ass crack "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude" I said pleadingly "please don't do this", "just be quiet and be a good boy and I will only rape you once" was his reply. I felt his now hard cock rubbing against my hole as he lifted his hips up and positioned the head he slowly parted me I yelped and with one hard downward motion his cock penetrated me all the way my screams must have sounded like someone being tortured to death as I started thrashing around but his grip on my neck got tighter as he continuously raised his hips being them smashing down against my ass and his cock tearing it's way into my body. He took his cock out as I turned my tear streaked face towards him I saw him retrieve the toothbrush and felt a tickling sensation as the bristles moved pass my ass lips only to be replace with a steady but forceful brushing movement, I could feel it going deeper a and deeper until his finger slipped in still holding the toothbrush and the motion got more vigorous as he was twisting it around. My arse arched up to try and expel the toothbrush but it was no good, his hand was now holding my head down firmly as I finally felt the bristles against my ass lips. He laughed and put the toothbrush by my head so I could see the unmistakable sight of my blood coating each bristly glistening bright red. I didn't get time to think of anything before a searing pain ran through my body as he rammed his cock back in to the battered ass and he began a furious pounding as I let out scream after scream until I was hoarse and couldn't scream any more. I felt the sweat off his body rubbing against mine and the cock seemed to grow even thicker as once again grabbed me around the neck "Fuck baby this is so go dam good and here comes your gift for being a good boy" his hips thrusting harder as if he was trying to break my pelvis and he shouted "fuck oh yes" he grimaced as his body shuddered and his cocked locked in as he delivered his load, wave after wave of pulsing cock and warmth filling my ass. I lay sobbing like a baby as he kept his dick in side me grinding his hips to make sure he left with the one gift I would never forget. He pulled out wiped his dick on the duvet and let me there crying and coming to terms with what had just happened.
    3 points
  10. Writing this with a nice load leaking out of my hole:-) A guy I've been trying to hookup with was finally able to get away from his family for an evening. He's about 50, 6', salt and pepper hair and beard, stocky and hairy. Just about my favorite kind. Our plans were to have a few beers, get naked and rub, suck, kiss. Nothing too intense as he's not too experienced. Fine with me, as I enjoy all that. Plus he enjoys a good cigar, so that made it better. So he shows up, and he's real friendly. I grab some beers and an ash tray for his cigar. I got my pipe going, and am already hard seeing this bear smoking his cigar. We keep talking, and I'm sitting next to him on the couch. He rubs my beard with his hand, and I follow suit and rub his hairy belly under his tshirt. I invite him to the bedroom to get more comfortable, and a few minutes later we're both naked on the bed, and I'm stroking his very thick 6" cock as we kiss. Soon we're 69ing and he's really rubbing my hairy ass as he's sucking me. He asks me to roll over, and he starts gripping my ass cheeks, and running his tongue into my crack. Damn I love a guy that appreciates an ass. I prop a pillow under my waist as he's licking me, so I'm at a better angle for his tongue, and soon I feel him slurping on my hole and tonguing me. I'm in heaven, pushing my ass back against his face, until finally I get up on my knees to show him what I want. He keeps tonguing me until I'm telling him to fuck me. He gets on his knees behind me and he starts rubbing his cock on my hole and up and down my crack. Next time I feel his head right on my hole, I push back and take half of it in me. He moaned a little and grabbed my hips, then pushes in me the rest of the way. Fuck yeah, buddy, I tell him. Fuck my hole. He fucked like an old pro, nice n steady and damn it felt good. He seemed to like my encouragement, so I'm telling him how good his cock feels, and telling him to not stop til he cums. He sincerely asked me if I wanted his load, to which I replied hell yeah try to knock me up. Sure enough he went to work fucking me harder, and soon he was pumping his load deep into my gut. I jerked my cock as he was cumming and came all over my blanket. Don't pull out, I told him, and we lay flat on bed with him on top, still in me. He stayed hard another 5 or so minutes, and I asked him to gently keep fucking me, which he did until he softened up and plopped out. I got him another beer, and grabbed my pipe, and we hung out on my bed for another 30 or so minutes before he had to get going. As he was getting dressed, I had him pause so I could lick him clean. Then we said goodnight and I walked him to the door. My kind of Saturday night- no crowds, no noisy bars, just some good ole raw fuckin in the comfort of my own home.
    3 points
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  12. Planned to head out to SBN last Sunday. I headed in and stripped down heading straight for the darkroom. Resting my self with my ass pointing out I waited. There was a bit of something going on already and as I looked back a guy peeled off with a hard cock and came over. He immediately slipped in and I could feel,his cumslick cock. The first pumps filled me up, I groaned and pretty soon he was pumping hard and dropping a load. I felt under as his cock slipped out and some cum came out. I started fingering myself and pretty soon a second guy came over, pumped and dumped. Weirdly as it started to fill up I had a longer wait, but three guys took it in turns to fuck their cum into me, usuing the previous as lube. Then this guy with a really chunky cock pushed against my ass and slid slowly in, my hole was super Cummy by then. He slowly thrust in and out and started groaning, I was convinced he had already cum so slowly slid back to feel that cum rush, but he was still hard. Again a few minutes of gentle thrusting he groans and again he is still hard! I am desperate for his cum by now so start to lean back and slap back onto his cock, this time he really groans! He holds my hips and slams in, that was a great load! By 5 I have had about 12 loads stand up, stiff and awkward from leaning forwards. i end up heading off to see a fuck buddy, we do some clouds and then he realises I am full of cum, he can’t get enough of eating it out of me! After about 30’ of stop start I ride him and grind my sloppy ass onto his hard cock, he grunts, groans, spasms and shoots and shoots! Best ever mmmm
    3 points
  13. I had been chatting to this guy on BBRTS a couple of times but it never worked out. However I was walking home yesterday lunch time and I past two NYPD officers on the corner of 50/10 in Hells Kitchen. One of them looked familiar - It was him! I looked at him and smiled and he had a smile on his face and I kept walking. 15 seconds later he stopped me. He was on his own. He asked me if I was free for 15 mins in half an hour. I said yes. He said he was going to swing by my apartment. I gave him my address and walked home. I got home and cleaned. 5 mins later I get a text that he was coming up. I answered the door in my jock as he requested. He was in his uniform. We went into the bed room and and I undid his trousers. He was very sweaty (like a real man) and his arms were on fire! He was already pretty hard but i get hid dick wet. He pushed me on the bed, spat on my hole and slide hid dick in and started pounding me. He was a good size. Lots of poz verbal too, which is a winner! He shot is load in about 10 mins. Pulled out and stuck his dick in my mouth to clean. Sorted out is uniform and left. Hopefully seeing his again for a longer session soon. I'm ShootInsideMe on BBRTS, if u are in NYC and want to dump a load ;-)
    3 points
  14. Part Two “I can’t believe this fucker would go suicide commando on his boyfriend after taking our strains” one person said. “Fuck yeah I did, he’s an uptight bitch when it comes to fucking” David said. The cock in my ass was pumping in and out at a steady pace, balls slapping my ass. My anger grew, but I didn’t want to reveal to David I was on the bench next to him taking toxic loads just like he was. “Fuck man, it’s hotter fucking your sloppy hole knowing you would stealth bomb your boyfriend’s ass later.” someone said. “What I am about to shoot up your hole will convert you and your boyfriend, no doubts” David was moaning harder as the cock in his ass quickened it’s rhythm of pumping his hole. The sound of flesh slapping against each other added to beat of the music playing in the back ground. The cock in me was pumping faster and harder, as it thickened. The balls were not moving as much and I knew I was about to get another load dumped into my hole. The man’s breathing was getting louder and faster, and without warning he slammed into me deep. HIs cock was jumping about in my ass, uncontrollably. I could feel the warmth of his load hitting my inner walls. He grunted and then pulled out. I felt a bit of cum run out, but was quickly scooped up by another cock head and pushed back into my hole. “Damn look at the wasting on the man fucking the cherry” someone said. “That’s the AIDS Angel” someone said. The cock slowly slid out of my hole until I felt it’s head pulling the inside of my hole outwards. It slowly slid back in. “I want that cock next” David yelled. “Don’t be greedy” someone said as the sound of flesh being slapped echoed in the rooms. David’s top was fucking his hole faster and faster. “Huff deep and squeeze my cock, you fucking necro slut!” I heard David inhale deep over and over. I mimicked his huffing until the rush was too much and I felt a bit sick. I squeezed my hole around the death stick sliding in and out. “Squeeze my rod so I can give you the gay cancer, faggot” David’s top yelled as he slapped his ass. I could hear the creaking of David’s bench as his top fucked him harder. “Fuck here it comes in your sloppy fuck hole” he yelled. David yelled as the man rammed is cock deep into his hole. “Take my fucking toxic seed, absorb my fucking death you no good cheating faggot” I closed my eyes, picturing the man’s piss slit open and his white seed of death shoot out, hitting David’s insides and starting to hiss and steam like acid to metal. “Oh fuck, oh fuck” the man yelled. “If that hole is getting the AIDS Angel, then you are the Grim Reaper” someone yelled. I huffed the poppers as I pictured the destruction of David, I saw his body melting away from the venom sting he just received. The cock in my hole, sped up sliding in and out quicker. I squeezed my hole more, then huffed more poppers from the clear tube. “Get another cock up my hole” David yelled, almost begging. The man fucking me had wrapped his hands around my nut sac and was gently squeezing it. I wanted to cry out “harder” but still wanted to keep it secret that it was me from David. My cock was slowly inching back to life, even though I had shot my load just minutes ago. The cock in me felt so good. “If it wasn’t for his cock, you’d think that hole was already dead” someone yelled “Still warm and fuckable” the AIDS Angel said. “Hell you would still fuck it if it was dead and cold” someone said. Peter grunted loudly and I knew someone had rammed a cock up his hole. I could hear his bench creaking again as the top pumped his cock into David’s hole and wondered if the bench broke under the fucking. I head a small creak to my right and a bit of light enter my room, but was quickly extinguished as the door closed. A hand soon covered my mouth and a hot breath heated my ear. I could smell the musk of a sweaty man next to me. “You weren’t the new meat were you?” I shook my head no. “The who the fuck are you” the voice said in my ear. I slowly turned my head and whispered in his ear “The boyfriend of the man in the next room” No more words were said, he just moved away and slowly went out of the room. I closed my eyes and huffed in deep, letting the rush carry me and my thoughts away. The cock was still pumping into my hole. The squeezing on my nut sac got tighter and tighter, sending a bit of pain cursing through my body, the poppers dulled it a bit, so I huffed more. “Fuckin’ gonna squeeze the last bit of neg juice out of these berries even if I have to crush time” my top said. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. My hips started to buck as causing my hard cock to bounce around hitting my crotch, the leather and the top’s hand. The only thing that stopped my hips bucking was a tongue that was licking about my hole from below. It was hitting my hole and the man’s cock as he pumped me. “Squeeze my nuts” the AIDS Angel said. “Oooooh yeah just like that, squeeze my fucking thick biohazard load into his ass” The hand was hitting the base of my ass, following the top’s thrusts in and out of my hole. I was fighting back the urge to yell out, begging for his AIDS charger. “Here it comes, dumping my AIDS in your cunt” he yelled. The man cheered and hollered. I felt his cock slam into me and his cum exploded out. He pulled out and slammed back in, repeating this over and over. “Fuck it feels good sharing death!” he said. “Fucking take his AIDS you lucky fucker” David yelled to me. My cock suddenly started to pulse and I started to shoot my load all over the place, until a mouth covered my cock and started to suck it out. I filled his mouth with my hot thick load. The cock pulled out of my ass as the mouth pulled off my cock. I heard something being spit out and hitting the floor. “Fuck, neg seed tastes like fucking spoiled milk” someone said. “Yeah, poisonous seed is so much better”
    3 points
  15. Update!! The original stud I was supposed to meet late night bailed... Another guy hit me up at like 3am on grindr. He lived about a 5 min walk away. He wasn’t very hot sort of dorky and chubby and an ok cock... but I wanted it none the less and he said he would be quick because it’s so late. As I get to his apartment he stud that bailed messages me to come over but I was already at this other guys place. He buzzes up to his apartment and stripped right away and dropped to my knee like a good cum slut. I sucked his cock which was actually pretty decent once I got I going. It was really hard and stuck stairght up towards his face. I got up after he was rock hard. And turned around and starting grinding my raw ass on his cock. I spit in my hand and rubbed it in and guided his cock right in gracefully. He Bagan to pump and with out warning about 5 min in he moans and cums in my ass. He stops for a min with his cock all the way in and then starts pumping min to my surprise fucks me for another 5 min and cums again! I loved it. I didn’t even clean up and got dressed and left. I was there a total of proably 15 min at most until I didn’t my walk of shame out of the apartment building. As soon as I’m out of his place I hop back on grindr and the stud is still online so I reply and tell him I could right away. His house was min away from the guy that’s two loads were sloshing around my guts along with the load from earlier. I got to his place right away. His house as very nice land he was hot! 40s 6’4” white, blond, and built with a large masculine frame. We went to his room and stripped down to our underware and he started grabbing my tight muscular ass and my limp cock. I was on a mission to pleae and be a traveling fuck boy. He layed on the bed and crawled up on all fours pulled his boxer briefs down and his huge smooth dick balls flopped out I could tell I was gonna good when i sucked it down limp and I was like the size of my wrist. It took him a while to get hard but I didn’t mind I was nursing on his beautiful dick and balls. He had me get on his chest and shove my cock in his face which he sucked for a few min until I starting grabbing his giant dick which could very well be the thickest iv ever had and started jacking it and slid my ass down over it and began positioning head head again my already loaded hole. It went it but stoped halfway and hurt which suppris me because I had three loads up in there and didn’t lube for any of them... but for this monster cock I decid to grease up my hole and sat back down on it and felt it slide all the way with a brief spike of pain... he wait for lik two seconds before he started pumping. I leaned back and pumped back riding his fat cock in and out. He put it all the way and and locked it there and I start riding is cock all the way in my hole for what seemed like forever before I had to adjust my burning legs and started bouncing all the way in and out again. I took a quick break and hit the poppers and sucked for about a min until he pushed back and and pinned my legs back spread them and lined up his cock. He then fucked so hard and had me hold my own legs back as he grabbed my hips and fucked all the way in and out fast hard and loud his balls slappng against my ass until he grunted and filled me with my 4th load of the evening. My new record! I still want more....it was nice to meet my neighbors...
    3 points
  16. It was a slow Tuesday night at the Hollywood adult theater in Lake City. Just a handful of guys, none of whom wanted to stick their dick in my mouth. That was unfortunate. I really wanted to take a lovely prick in my mouth, nurse to a full erection and enjoy the taste of semen filling my mouth. I love sucking dick and I'm good at it. Too bad the closet cases and "straight" guys infesting the theater wouldn't let me show them a good time. I was sitting in the gay room alone, idly stroking my cock and watching a pretty boy take a rough raw fucking from a big dicked black guy. I envied the kid. I didn't have the guts to bareback and take loads like I really wanted to. I'd only had two raw cocks cream my ass, and that was only because I was really drunk. Both times I'd been anxious for months afterwards, until I tested negative. That didn't stop me from jerking off remembering the feel of a bare cock in me, the intensely arousing knowledge that the cock was spewing cum in my ass, the feel of it oozing out of my butt and the taste of it when I wiped it off with my fingers and licked them clean. Ah well, I hadn't been drinking that Tuesday night and would content myself to sucking and swallowing. Now, if some faggot would just allow me do that. The door to the theater slammed and few minutes later a middle-aged white guy walked in the room and looked around a bit and left. Figures, goes directly to the gay room, sees a queer with his cock out and leaves. Oh, well. Not long after that the guy came back and looked at me. He stepped directly in front of me, unzipped and took his cock out. I took my glasses off and licked my lips and he stepped forward and stuck his very nice uncut, soft dick in my mouth. At last, a fag who knows what he wants! I lovingly worshipped his prick. I love uncut cocks, especially when they're soft as they slide in my mouth. I love slipping my tongue under the foreskin and licking the head, enjoying the distinct tastes uncut guys get when they aren't too scrupulous about washing. Before long I had him fully hard, a lovely seven inches of moderately thick meat. Unfortunately he pulled out and walked away, stroking his length. Ah, shit! Tease me and walk off. Just my luck. I had just about just about decided to jerk off to the video when the guy came back and stuck his dick in my mouth again. I nursed him again and was starting to taste precum when he pulled out and sat down next to me. He turned his head to me and leaned forward. I did the same and he kissed me aggressively. I returned the kiss eagerly. I love making out with tops when they're as good at it as this guy was. He murmured in my ear "I want fuck you your ass." "Mmm, that would fun. What's your HIV status?" "I'm negative, tested last week." "Great. Use a condom." "Absolutely." He stood up, took a condom out of his pocket and rolled it on his cock. I checked and it was lubed. I stood up and assumed the position, bent over a chair back. "Let me open you up a little." A lubed finger slid in me and worked my ass, then another. He was a little rough and it hurt a little. He rubbed a thick lube in me and got me ready. Fingers pulled out, I felt the condom covered dick rub my asshole and shoved in hard. He was a hard, fast fuck, pounding my ass relentlessly. I was in heaven. He must have screwed me for 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, he humped in hard and held. "Breeding you, bitch! Knocking you up!" Those words puzzled me, no man had ever said that when he fucked me. Whatever, it was a great fuck. My ass was thoroughly reamed out. He pulled out of me and I sat down. He had pulled tissues out and was pulling the condom off his cock. I motioned to him and he stuck his wet cock in my mouth. I carefully licked and sucked him clean, enjoying the taste. Odd though, there was a tangy, greasy edge to it that I'd never tasted before. He leaned down and kissed me, smiling. "Thanks for a great fuck. Welcome to the club." He wrapped the condom with a tissue, dropped them in a nearby trash can and left. I sat with a pleasantly sore ass, puzzling over his last remark. Surely he could tell I had had dicks in my ass before. One of the guys who had watched me get fucked sat down and took my dick in his hands. Mmm, good. I'd love a blowjob or handjob while enjoying that freshly fucked feeling. We made out while we played with each other's cock. He was was large and hard and oozing precum. After a few minutes he broke off and whispered to me. "Do you know that guy?" "No, never saw him before. Why?" Do you know your HIV status? He's poz." The bottom dropped out of my stomach. He had lied to me. Never the less I responded "I'm neg, but that's ok, he used a condom." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I saw him put it on, felt it when he was in my ass and saw him take it off and throw it in that trash can" pointing to the receptacle in which I had seen the top drop the condom and tissues. The guy reached over and gingerly fished out the tissues and condom, handed the wad of crumpled tissues to me saying simply "Check it." I unwrapped the tissues and looked. The condom was broken and bunched up. I felt the condom and felt what I thought was vaseline, then stood up and looked at the seat of the chair. There was a puddle there. I wiped some up and sniffed. Semen. The guy had doctored the rubber and shot a poz load in my ass. "Fuck. He shot in my ass." "Yeah. I thought as much. He's famous for stealthing guys." "How do you know he's poz?" "He told me. I'm poz too. He's fucked me before. I wish I'd had a chance to tell you. When he fingered your ass did it hurt?" "Yeah, it did. Usually I open really easy, with no pain. His nails were probably a little too long." "That was no accident. He was prepping you for his load. Scratching your asshole and rectum so you'd bleed and be more likely to get infected. I'm sorry, but my guess is that the virus is already in your bloodstream." "What can I do?" "Not much. Stock up on soup and electrolyte drinks. If you get the flu in the next few weeks it means you're infected. Go get tested later." I was sick to my stomach. I'd just been infected with HIV. My dick, however, was rock hard for the first time that evening. The guy next to me stroked my cock. "Odd reaction to getting stealthed." I was breathing hard. I realized that taking a poz load and almost surely getting infected had turned me on more than I'd been in ages. The hand on my cock felt great and I was about to shoot. I kissed the guy next to me and whispered to him "Fuck me and shoot another load of poz cum in me." My cock erupted when I said that. I really meant it. I was free. N o need to use condoms ever again or refuse any man's cock and cum. I was infected with HIV and didn't care if I got other diseases. "I'm really turned on watching you getting fucked and infected. I'd love to fuck your sloppy hole and make it a sure thing. Are you sure?" He held his hand to my mouth and I licked my last neg load from his fingers. I stood up, bent down, and licked the puddle of cum off the seat and tasted semen, assjuice and the coppery taste of blood. Infected, for sure. "Yes, do it. Make sure I'm knocked up." I bent over the back of the chair, reached back and spread my ass cheeks. The oozing head of his infected cock rubbed my asshole and he shoved in hard. My cock was rigid again, although usually it took a while to recover. I was so turned on knowing I had a dirty cock in me and was about to knowingly take dirty cum. He rammed his dick in me, fucking me as hard as the other guy had done earlier. I was in heaven, free at last to glory in pure faggot sex with no worries about anything but pleasing the cock in my ass. He hammered in and shuddered. I could feel his cock jerk and twitch and felt warm wetness in my guts. He moaned in my ear. "Pozzing your ass faggot! Fuckin' infecting you!" My cock twitched and I squirted my soon-to-be dirty cum onto the floor. One of the guys watching bent down and licked it up. My cock stayed hard. The guy rose from the floor, pulled a chair in front of me and bent over it. I stepped up and slid my newly infected cock in his ass. I wonder if he'd heard what the second poz guy had said to me and wondered if he cared. The guy was wet and I'd seen cum oozing out of him. I reveled in the feel of his slick asshole and the knowledge that my cock was bathed in strange cum. In spite of having shot two loads in a few minutes I emptied my balls in him quickly. I stayed in, enjoying the feel of his tight butt on my hard cock. Something nuzzled my well used asshole. I looked around and saw the first guy who'd fucked poz cum into me. He slid into my ass and whispered in my ear "How does it feel to be Another Infected Dicksucker, Son?"
    2 points
  17. Matty was 19 and I was 28 when we met, we chatted on a hook up site, then he insisted we webcamed as awkward as that made me feel, he always could wind me round his little finger. We met for a drink and would go out clubbing at the weekend with my mates. He was a proper twink and knew it. Eventually he crashed over at mine one night and one thing led to another, he was total bttm and so I topped him and it was hot. Still insists mine is the biggest cock he's ever taken. Oddly I felt a bit guilty about sleeping with a guy so young but do it all the time now. I'm 36 now and we stayed friends over the years, he got a boyf the same age, they split up, then he decided to settle down with an older guy in his 40s. Over a tearful messenger exchange he told me he had been diagnosed positive. But they stayed together, and eventually having 3somes with his younger ex he was pozzed too. Over the next few years he was again single, he put on weight looking at his Facebook pics, and was living alone. Come his 25th though he decided to turn it around, only drank spirits (when he could afford it), and ate more healthily, and boy did he tone up. We met up last month as it had been an age. I've always fancied Matty but now he was a man not just a boy. I brought over a litre of vodka and he cooked chicken. He had stopped dying his hair and cut it short at the sides and looked hot and I said so. He cheekily lifted up his T shirt showing off his smooth flat stomach and pointing at his inguinal ligaments proudly declared 'I've got my cum gutters back.' He said he'd come off his meds to get back at his older ex for not wanting to be in touch, he knew he didn't want to see him get sick. This made me just want to look after him all the more too. The gas meter was out so we had to top up and it was gone 11 before we ate. I was off my face drunk and just launched in with a snog which was passionately reciprocated, I put my hands on his firm flat chest and felt him up, then round his back on to his ass and pulled him up into an embrace. He offered for me to stay, it was late, but drunk and embarrassed I downed the remainder of my drink and made my way home. I was so horny the next day I mssgd him on Facebook. He said he wished I'd stayed *winky face* and we chatted: - “I just wanted to spent time with you mono et mono but if vodka leads to a snog and a grope then lets do that - it is preferable! LOL” - Lol! Don't be naughty or you'll give me ideas. “ideas.... you say it like its a bad thing u started it!” - Let's have food and a proper catch up! - “you have been saying that for years!” - U need to top me next time tho - “so there will be a next time? aint a shy 19y/o anymore. I’m vers. id love to fuck u - id love to do more haha always did want to. ive learned a few tricks in a decade haha” - you look super hot as always - “I'd fuck u silly if we were alone and u were up for it. Tho im better with my hands than my dick when it comes to hitting the right spots” - Haha, ff? - “FF is mild. u wanna see my jocks and ropes. these days I bb a lot, byut Ive not had sex in about 4 months the second longest Ive gone since I was 16. See me as much as you want or as little as you want, I'm available whenever for friendship, sex, simply cuddles whatever” - you know I have always had the hots for you He said he used to be a bttm with his ex, but when his younger ex had been unemployed he decided to take charge and would top him just to hear him whimper under him, and had no problem being a top now. I was horny and wanking in the safety of my own bedroom so thought I'd push it, 'I wanna sit on your raw dick,' 'I wouldn't let you,' came the reply and I felt disappointed we’d never be that close, 'you'll sit on my raw dick only when I'm ready,' he replied and my cock jumped! Not only would we be together but he’d breed me. “We need to meet up this week, I don’t think I’ll be undetectable by then though and I dont wanna use condoms with you, so you need to know what you’re letting yourself in for” We met up again the next weekend and I couldn’t wait. We were just matey to begin, I felt a bit embarrassed about how horny I had been for our online chat, and I poured a large vodka. He was in a tight purple T-shirt and jeans, and already had his socks off at home, wriggling his toes on the hard floor in the kitchen every now and again. He invited me to sit in the lounge and he put his hand on my knee, my cock bristled and my mouth was dry. He reached in for a kiss and I reciprocated, we kissed passionately like old lovers for minutes, then he took his top off and told me to do the same. As I had my jumper over my head he stood up and took his jeans off, I could see the outline of his bulge in his pants and he quickly lost these too. 'Suck it,' he said and I didn't need to be asked twice, it was rock hard with a sweet taste of precum, and a perfectly round purple head that just seemed to fit my mouth like a lollipop. He put his hand on the back of my head and started to face fuck me, moaning how good it was. He's certainly grown up! Was he trying to Dom me now? I got up and took my trousers, boxers and socks off in one go, if for nothing more than to stop my cock straining so hard at my zipper, and got back to sucking. He reached down and started to wank me off. I thought I was going to cum. But I wanted to taste his load first. Then he took me by the hand and not speaking a word led me to the bedroom where he pushed me half into the bed. He was still standing between my legs on the floor and he bent over and kissed me again, our cocks fought like in a sword fight. Whilst still locked to my lips first his right hand then his left trailed down my legs to my knees and in one swift movement lifted them up and he looked down as if admiring the view, his eyes were on the target and he lined his cock up with my ass and bent over again to kiss, my legs around my ears. I could feel the pressure and eagerness of his cock at my hole and I wanted it. I wriggled a bit to see if it would go in. He stopped kissing me, our faces a few centimetres from each other, and looked in my eyes and said, 'I really want to do this, to be close to you, to feel inside you, and I think you do too,' I gave a tiny nod, and relaxed my head back and relaxed my ass muscles. He pushed in, I was already well lubed with precum and I was gagging for it so took him easily, he had a pretty decent sized cock as well. Time had clearly taught him a few things about how to get off as a top and he was deeper than anyone I've ever taken before. He started to fuck me, hard and fast and deep, whatever his style was that gave his cock maximum friction, I could tell he was fucking me to cum. I was loving it, and wanking with my right hand, edging the whole time, I could have cum in a second but wanted his hard sweet cock in me for as long as possible, and wanted him to breed me even more. Then he pulled out! I wondered if he had second thoughts about what he was doing, we were friends after all, but he said 'roll over' and in his eagerness helped twist my legs round. Now in doggy I felt two fingers plunge into my gaping hole. He was feeling around inside and knew where to press my prostate to make me wanna explode in an instant. He pulled out some lube from the draw still with his fingers in my ass, they were so deep I felt pinned down, and with a bit of lube there was a 3rd finger. My ass was in ecstasy as he slid further into me, putting up a constant pressure, opening me up as the width of 3 fingers increased the further up the hand. He pulled back a little, I realised to get his little finger in on the act as well, now and I felt even greater pressure, I was hard as a rock and pre-cumming everywhere. I'd never been ff before! 4 fingers in was about all I was going to be able to take when he opened his draw again and pulled out poppers. He opened the lid and took a long deep breath, then didn't even give me the bottle, just held it under my nose and told me to take a deep breath. I felt my head rush, and 110% more horny, I wanted everything he had to give me in my ass, I felt him push up to the knuckle and was about to scream when suddenly realised he was inside me, and my ass had contracted back down around his wrist. I felt so full and content and horny, I could feel him inside me like never before, like a puppeteer working a mannequin and I knew I was his. We stayed like that for 10minutes doing more and more poppers. Finally I couldn't take anymore and he slowly pulled out which hurt like hell, but then I felt his dick fill my gaping ass again before I knew it, still hard as a rock, now lubed and slick, but somehow felt deeper than his fist. And he picked up pace, suddenly slamming into me and letting out a huge groan. It didn't take me two strokes to make myself cum, and I could hear Matty groan again as he felt my ass orgasm around his cock. We stayed like that for a while and then he collapsed next to me and picked up a towel off the floor to wipe up the lube. 'I really needed that,' he said, 'and know you did too.' I just lay there my head spinning. 'And we shud play more often,' he said, ‘don’t think that's just going to be a one off, we were meant to be together, and no you don't get a choice, you're mine now.'
    2 points
  18. Here's a belated Halloween story... Ray got out of the shower and was drying himself in front of a large mirror. A sudden chill went down his spine, he might be naked but this felt unerringly cold. As he continued towelling himself, to his shock, he could see an extremely handsome young man behind him with an already tumescent penis bobbing up and down at the sight of Ray's nakedness. The man spoke... “I am an incubus, a male sex demon. I have had so many men, fed on their sexual desires. Accept your fate! You want to give yourself to me... to become my eternal sex slave.” “Look at my cock, this engorged predator penis... so unearthly, you can't look away. You are now frozen by the sight of my cock. It's so beguiling, so deadly! Can you see my cock growing? See my cock growing harder... and harder... and harder!” “Suck it slowly. Suck my cock and begin the ritual. Lose yourself and suck... lick it up and down... up and down. It's so erotic, it gives so much pleasure!” That's it, it's now as hard as rock! Take my cock fully inside you! I shall push it in long and hard. Let me fill your arse with my engorged cock! How does that feel? Feel yourself being filled deeper... and deeper... and deeper! As I fuck, and fuck and fuck you towards total oblivion. Submit to my cock! Take it in deep. Let me hear you whimper! That's it! Good!” “Know your fate! You are trapped now as I push my cock into you! You know that this will be the end of you! … and out. You can't stop me, you won't deny yourself this pleasure … and in. When I cum, I will fill you with my toxic jizz. Feel my dick pounding you and embrace your fate. I will fuck you and fill you up. You want it don't you? To give yourself to me? I will empty myself completely into you and give you my poisonous essence... you want to die for me in a beautiful orgasmic release.” “Take my whole length in! Yes, that's it! Let me take you! Let my cock overwhelm you! How does that feel now? Feel the thrusting in and out of your dark master! My powerful cock will fill you.” “In... and out... and in... submit to my cock. Out... and in... and out... you've never known such desire. In... and out... you want me to fill you! In... and out... you want me to give you my toxic spunk. Feel my cock grow ever harder. It feels so good, so intimate, so much pleasure! You ache for me to empty myself into you! You yearn for me to fill your hole!” “I will spunk it all into you! You want it all! Quiver in awe, you are enraptured! No mortal man can make you feel this way! My erotic magic overwhelms your senses. I have taken you over, you live to serve my needs! Feel my cock move faster... so good, so much pleasure! Feel it go faster... and faster... and faster... Feel me plunge in deeply. Soon my poison will course through you!” “I will destroy your body, yet you crave more don't you? Yes, you want it so much! Feel my dick go faster... and harder... feel my powerful cock up you! In... and out... leading to your demise. In... and out... faster... and harder... soon I will come inside you! I will ejaculate my toxins into you and you will feel it all pulsing inside you. I will come and give you every last drop of my poison. It will be a beautiful, glorious release!” “As I fuck you in... and out... and harder... closer to the end! Faster... harder... closer to your desire... faster... and harder... closer... and closer... closer … and closer... closer... and closer...” “Now you will scream in agony and ecstasy as my cock grows twice in size and pours it toxic load deep inside you! Feel it go up you... more... and more... and more. Feel it all, feel every last drop! More and more of my poisonous essence sending you to oblivion!” In the morning, Ray woke up on his bed naked. It had all been just a vivid wet dream. Or at least he thought so until his next check-up at the clinic. All the doctors were surprised that not only was he positive but that his viral load was already 187,000. Beware the coming of the Incubus!
    2 points
  19. It was a hot sultry summer Sunday afternoon and my chores were done so I headed out to my local gay sauna for a bit of relaxation. Don't get me wrong it is the place where you can spend hours getting as much sex as your body can take, but for me I just enjoyed meeting with friends I had made there and enjoying the sauna and steam room. Changed and towel wrapped around me I headed downstairs and sat in the steam room for about 20 minutes, there was a few men enjoying themselves and one sat on a bench who showed no interest in any one else. He had a rugby build and was quite muscled but not gym wise, a hair chest and a type of 5 day old beard which looked neat and trimmed, close cropped hair and at a guess must have been just short of 6 foot. He had made his exit from the steam room at the same time just ahead of me, the cooler dry air hit me as I closed the door behind me and my body was all wet so went to the shower room to rinse off. I was standing under the shower closest to the entrance with my eyes closed and I let the cool water run from my head all down my body, at 28 I had an average body but a natural V shape from when I was doing gymnastics and sport at school but was not a gym person as I could never find the time. As I enjoyed the feel of the water I felt a body move past me but kept my eyes closed, when I opened them to finish my shower I noticed he was under the shower head next to me doing practically the same as I did. With no towel around him I had to have a cheeky peek to see what he was packing, average but generous I thought but what struck me was just above his pubic hair was a tattoo of a scorpion and the tail part was drawn down along his cock shaft and ended just short of the head with the stinger. Certainly it aroused me so made a quick exit, dried off I headed up to the reception to grab a cup of tea and saw a couple of my friends in deep conversation so I joined them at their table. "What are you two so deep in conversation about?" I asked plodding my arse on a seat, "The American is back, you must have seen him he has the scorpion tattoo." one of them replied, "Oh yes, he was standing next to me in the shower", they went on to tell me about his reputation when visiting being calculating and sought out his prey carefully and warned me to steer clear of him as he was bad news. I thought to myself for a moment mulling over what they said as a rumble of thunder went overhead. My friends decided it was time to up and leave. "About time we had a storm to break this humid weather" I called to my friends as I past them in the locker room, thinking I would just have a sauna and head back home before the storm hit. After 25 minutes in the sauna I showered off and went to the locker room to get change as crashing clap of thunder and the unmistakable sound of rain starting to fall could be heard, the scorpion man came in to the locker room and started to get dressed. As I exited the building the rain was coming down hard and it was a 50 meter dash to the bus stop across a busy road, standing under bus shelter I wiped my face and was soaked to the bone. I noticed scorpion man exit the building and was heading towards me at the shelter as he arrived he was soaked as well, "lovely British weather we are having" I commented, he laughed and said "I should have just waited it out.". I then did the very British thing "Oh you are not from around here?", "No, San Francisco but I spend several months in the UK working." he replied and then introduced himself as Dave, he was very charismatic as he chatted. "Do you have far to go?" I asked, "Fulham about 25 minute on the bus and then 15 minute walk" was his reply, he seemed okay but not heeding my friends warning and I told him I live just 5 minutes on the bus and your welcome to dry off and wait the storm out, he hesitated and replied that if I was okay with it he would like to take me up on the offer, "Purely as a friendly gesture." I made clear. He smiled and shook my hand as the bus arrived we took our seats and chatted until we got off and went in to my house getting another soaking as we ran. Standing in the kitchen diner I grabbed him a towel and we stripped off, putting our clothes in the dryer and made a hot drink for us both as we moved to the lounge at the back of the house overlooking the garden. He as standing at the window "That is one hell of a storm." he said, "Yes been building up for a few days not sure how long it will last." I replied. By now it was 6pm and he told me more about himself and that he was here for 3 months then back to the San Fran for 3 months then back here again for another 3 months, we had a bite to eat and a beer. I have to admit to myself that Dave had an incredible likeability and utterly engaging, I moved the subject on to the scorpion enquiring why he had it done especially down along his cock shaft, he laughed "I have no idea, one of those moments in life when you want to bare all to the world and hell it was painful for a week after it being done.", he pulled down the towel so I could see it properly. "I won't be getting one any time soon, maybe when I get older" I said, "So how old are you?" he asked, "28, and you?" he paused, "35 but feel 25 at time" he laughed replying. I was being drawn to him, don't know how or why it was like a magnet and sizing his body up I wondered if it would feel a comfortable as it looked being tangled together. Just then a bolt of lightning flashed not far away and the thunder rattled the windows, Dave got up and stood by the window "Aren't storms amazing and thrilling, they send my adrenaline pumping around my body when they get so close" he was talking in a slow very seductive way as I moved to stand next to him he put his hand on my shoulder, "they breathe life and bring destruction but also provide a most romantic backdrop to be made love to." his hand slid down my back as he looked at me. I said nothing and rested my head on his shoulder as we gazed out the french windows, his arm reached further around my body and feeling a getting pulling motion I moved in front of him as his other arm encircled me and our heads rested against each other. He continued talking in his slow seductive voice my hands were now holding his arms as he began to kiss my neck gently "You are very sexy, I am very attracted to you, I want to hold and caress you and make love to you." he whispered, as he started turning me to face him his arms still wrapped around my body as I stroked his back he looked me in the eye as his face drew closer. His lips touched mine as I felt my body surge in pleasure and I could now feel his erect cock pushed against mine, slowly kissing my top lip then the bottom our mouths opened and we had our first passionate kiss. He moved his arm up and around my neck as he kissed me again parting my lips I felt the warmth as he slipped his tongue in to my mouth, I felt like I was floating on air and desired this man standing in front of me. As we engaged in a very long sensual kiss he locked both his arms around my lower back and lifted me up as my legs wrapped around his and my arms clasped at his neck as if afraid he would stop. He carried me over to the large sofa as he lowered me he kept a tight grip on me and positioned his legs missionary style which kept my legs pinned up around his hips, we carried on kissing as and our tongues found a new vigour exploring each other. His arm resumed the position around my neck to hold me and his other hand disappeared below, I felt him rubbing his cock head over my hole as I melted in his arms, slowly increasing the pressure causing my some pain and discomfort my face winced. He kissed my neck moving to my ear and whispered "Relax and let me do the work and together we will both enjoy making love to each other.", I tried to calm myself as he went back to kissing my neck I felt his cock pushing in further as I moaned and told him I wanted to make love. With that he glided the last few inches in and held my tight so we were arse to cock and face to face, his slow gentle thrusts with his cock sent the most amazing feelings through my body and he started to kiss me deeply. It felt so comfortable and loving being locked together as he quickened his pace the thrusting got harder and deeper but by now I was totally his to have and I wanted him badly. After 30 minutes of incredible love making he held my head as close to his as possible and his thrusting got faster and his breathing moved to a panting he kissed my mouth then lifted his head as he thrusted his cock deep me and holding it there he shuddered and moaned as his orgasm began and I felt the warmth of the seed being released in my body at that same time I began shooting my load clasped around his shoulders pulling him closer to me as we were both in throws of ecstasy. We laid there for what seemed an eternity as he continued kissing me and the storm raged on outside and in our bodies. Eventually we undocked ourselves from each other, "wow, that was amazing" I whispered to him, he kissed me "perfect match" he replied and continued "I had already decided when I saw you in the steam room that I would seduce you to make love with me the natural way", I looked back at him "Are you poz?", "Of course, what do you think the scorpion symbolises?". A look of horror must have come across my face as he leaned in and kissed me again. I asked him one question "Why did my friends say you were calculating and bad news?", he laughed at me as he got dressed "I choose my victim carefully and seduce them and have bareback sex with them.", stunned by all the revelation he came over kissed me again and walked out the door. I sat on the sofa listening to the distant rumbles of thunder as the storm moved on. The following day I went to work as usual with conflicting memories over the love making and deliberate act of poz fucking me, this lingered with me all day until I left work and back at home. I had some dinner and sat on the sofa looking out of the window with my thoughts for company. The doorbell ringing shocked me back to reality and I was in two minds to leave it but I got up and opened the door to see Dave standing there, "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you but I want to talk about last night." he urgently said, I moved aside to let him in. "I will understand if you hate me for what I did but I can't get you out of my head and I wanted to see you again" he paused and looked at me "actually I want to see a lot more of you.", my head filled again with conflicts as on one hand he possibly single handedly destroyed my life but the other I was very attracted and addicted to him. I knew he was heading back to San Fran at the end of the week and would be back 2 months later, my mind made up I told him that when he returns if I am diagnosed with HIV I would see him again. We kissed and he apologised again and left. The clinic was full on the day I returned to get my results and as I walked with the doctor to his room he broke the news that the test came back positive, the rest of the consultation was a blur and a further appointment was made for me to go back to check the medication was working that he handed to me. Life goes on and another statistic added to the books. The following Saturday morning the doorbell rang, as I opened it Dave stood there and I let him in. "Did you have the test done?" he asked, "Yes, I have it." was my short reply, he smiled as he looked at me held out his hand as I raised mine and placed it in his open hand. Dave moved towards me and seduced me once again. Somehow the raging storm from that Sunday afternoon had set me up with a man who I lusted after and now loved dearly as we began our lives together.
    2 points
  20. Anyone else do this? When in mens rooms, but certainly not all mens rooms, I like to lower my shorts or jeans down and expose my ass while pissing. Some times I get really disgusting looks from guys, sometimes I get guys that will pat my ass as they pass by me. A number of times I have had guys walk up behind me and tell me my ass looks good enough to eat/fuck. I recall quite a number of times in a local mens room where a guy would actually run his finger up my crack and then walk into the stall for me to follow. Got bred a number of times bent over a stall toilet. Men's rooms makes me horny as FUCK staring down the urinal row. Damn, my uncut cock is leaking like a leaky faucet.
    2 points
  21. You’re the young dark-haired man...the one from my dreams that defiles me with your eyes! I cannot resist your lewd commands. I fall back and lie helpless...hopeless...as you remove my clothing. I cry as you roughly enter me...your slow rutting gains speed and power...my nostrils are filled with your goatish stench. I want to cry aloud as your pronged organ starts to spasm deep inside me...filling me with spurt after spurt of AIDS-tainted Demon Seed. Even now, I can feel that noxious sperm beginning to multiply within me...taking me over...claiming my soul for the Dark Lord! You bite into my neck and then I feel your lips brush against my ear. “I claim you for my Master. Acknowledge Him!” I no longer seek to resist. A strange calm has enveloped me. It’s as if the meaning of life had suddenly been made clear to me. Your teeth find one of my nipples. New and wonderful words issue from my mouth, “Hail Sarah Palin! I am YOURS!” As you continue to gnaw on my flesh, I can feel your tail as my legs wrap around your waist. I pull your head up by the horns and my lips fasten greedily on yours. “Again,” I breathe. “Take me again! Pollute me with your unholy seed! Sarah Palin...I am YOURS!”
    2 points
  22. I wasn’t sure if I was going to hear back from the latest guy I had met. I’ll call him Ford. He works out at my gym (although I’ve never seen him there). We met through a site, I am cool with texting, but he wasn't big on texting, so I thought he might not be particularly interested in meeting up again, or at least not on a very regular basis. This morning, however, he telephoned me at 6:30 inviting me to come over to his place. I replied "Fuck, Give me an hour!" "An hour?" he responded. "Yeah, an hour. I've gotta clean-out before I leave," I explained, even as I thought to myself I was glad I regularly use fiber supplements as they make the clean out fast and easy. By 7:30 AM I was at Ford’s condo. I let myself in, leaving my shoes at the door, and went up to Ford's bedroom where I found him nude in his dark skinned sexiness, laying face down to on the bed. I quickly get undressed, spread his legs and start eating his ass. It took but a few seconds for my dick to go brick. Lubing him with Vaseline, I pulled my foreskin back, lined my cock head with his hole and slid in, loving the sensation of thrusting in and out of his ass which was juicy and wet. After several minutes we traded off and he pushed his fat eight inch dick into my ass hard! We went back and forth several times, each time his ass got me close to busting, but he didn't want me to cum yet. Likewise, when he was pounding my ass we took several breaks because he was on the cusp of blowing his load. More in a little while. In an earlier conversation I had told Ford about Andrew, another hot guy I had met online, and who also works out at the same gym which Ford and I use. Andrew is Black, has a goatee, is bald, tall, lean, muscular, and has a big dick. Ford asked how I knew about Andrew's big dick, so I explained I had seen it in the locker room, as well as on Andrew's A4A profile. Ford responded he thought he might know Andrew, and if so, he might see if Andrew was interested in a threesome with the two of us. I figured there was a fat chance of it happening as as I had been trying to meet Andrew for over a year - with no success.
    2 points
  23. This is a seriously amazing predatory story. i really would love to see more stories involving this doctor
    2 points
  24. Sounds like a GREAT fuck session! This is my preferred way to meet new guys - buddy of a buddy. 3-4-5 ways are my favorite way to play, but sometimes hard to put together when everyone HAS to be into everyone else. Makes it so much easier when one or more are slutty enough they don't even need to know who else is coming over Have had some of the best hookups that way, and made new fuckbuds. 90% of the time I'm looking to play online I'm looking for a "repeat" over a new guy. I love how you guys started out flipping and stopping before someone came - small group of vers guys all taking turns flipping is def the best to me!!!
    2 points
  25. It's hard to believe that Brad and I were ever friends. From the moment we started living together, he became the biggest ass I ever knew. I can deal with a messy roommate or someone that's maybe loud but doesn't realize it. Everything Brad did, though, was annoying. And he never seemed to miss an opportunity to put me down. When Brad read my Adam4Adam profile, he immediately charged into my room, acting all pius. "Anything goes?!" he asked with disdain. First of all, I happen to know that Brad barebacked. We had a couple of ex-hookups in common. Secondly, why the hell did it matter to Brad? We were just roommates; and we weren't each other's type. I replied "Hey, I'm being honest. I don't hook up often, but when I do, I don't like condoms. I'm being straight up about it." Apparently, Brad thought I was implying that he hooked up often; and he got upset. Well, it was true. Brad had somebody new over two or three times a week. So, I tried to brush off the conversation. But, his attitude was really starting to annoy me. And for the third time, he insisted that I pay a higher share of the electric bill because he felt I ran the air conditioning more than him. WTF?! I had the perfect idea to get back at him. I was somewhat familiar with bug chasers and the like. And I have to admit, the idea intrigured me a bit - even though I was too terrified to ever try it myself. It took a bit of planning - but if it worked, it would be a great way to get back at Brad for being such a pompous asshole. It only took a few minutes for me to create a fake profile on A4A. I used a screename that was certain to catch a poz guy's eye: chasemenow. It didn't take too long for one of the horny guys in San Diego to respond to that profile. Ah .. just what I was looking for. A handsome hung poz guy, Miguel, messaged me. Let's put this plan into motion now. I explained to Miguel that I was a chaser and wanted to get stealthed, but that I was very shy. I told him to change his status to neg and to message me on my other screenname (which was actually my roommate's a4a name.) It took some explaining- but I eventually convinced Miguel that I was a chaser that wanted a surprise stealthing. And that it would be hot if he pretended to be neg; and then revealed he had HIV as he came inside me. I told him that he needed to pretend to be neg in case 'my boyfriend' (which Brad didn't actually have) ever read the messages. Would Brad take the bait? Two days later, Brad couldn't wait to tell that he had a hot guy coming over to see him. vBrad asked me to answer the door if Brad was in the shower. Actually, I think he just wanted to rub it in that he was hooking up again. The shower was probably just an excuse for me to see his new trick. When Miguel arrived, Brad was in the bathroom and showering, not surprisingly. I introduced myself to Miguel; and told him Brad was in the shower. I offered him a drink while he waited. "You're really cute," Miguel told me "Do you and your roommate play together?" "No," I explained to him, "we aren't each other's type." I suppose Miguel could tell I liked him since I couldn't stop staring at the bulge in his shorts. "Why don't you get me ready while I wait for him to finish showering?" Miguel suggested. I have to say that I love it when a hung guy is assertive like that. Miguel quickly pulled down his shorts and revealed his large semi-hard cock. Maybe it was because he was so hot - or maybe it was because I wanted to get back at Brad, I don't know why, but I instantly dropped to my knees and started sucking on him. I had completely forgotten he was poz, too for the time being. I was too distracted by his massive dick. I wasn't just sucking his dick. I was devouring it - trying to suck him dry before the shower stopped. It was probably a good thing that the shower stopped after a few minutes. Otherwise, I would have ended up with a poz load in my mouth. Miguel put his monster cock away and Brad made his way out into the dining room area. I had wondered if we seemed awkward to Brad. But, Brad was so arrogant, I don't think he even assumed I could have been slobbering on the cock that he was about to get. Brad guided Miguel into his bedroom, almost acting like royalty. What an ass. Miguel gave me a little wink as he followed Brad into his room. Oh .. that was a perfect indication of what was to come. I guess I knew Brad's routine at this point. He'd put on a movie .. ask his new date to "cuddle." And a few minutes into the movie, I'd hear his bed rocking. I think Brad always wanted me to hear he was getting fucked. I found it hard to believe that anyone could make that much noise every time he hooked up. Not surprisingly, I heard the squeaking and rocking of his bed. I never especially cared about his hookups before; but I desperately wanted to be a fly on the wall on this time. I ended up kneeling down with an ear to the bottom of the door, listening in for any clues as to what was unfolding. "Oh, God that feels so good," Brad said with perverse delight. I had never been more turned on. Brad was getting fucked by a poz guy and he didn't even know it. Fuck yeah! "Take that dick," Miguel answered back. Miguel must have been pounding hard, because I heard a lot of slapping noises. More moans, gasps and slapping noises followed. A random "yeah, fuck my ass!" escaped Brad's lips. "You like this big raw dick up your ass huh?" Miguel queried. I was relieved. I had worried for a bit that Brad might make Miguel put on a rubber. Brad only moaned in response to the question. Their pace seemed to be picking up. I was only just starting to realize that I had pulled my shorts down and I was jacking off as I kept my ear to the bottom of the door. "You ready for my poz cum?!" Miguel blurted out. "Huh?!?" I heard Brad respond confused. "I'm stealthing your ass, bitch!" Miguel clarified. Brad's only response was a steady yell that quavered probably because of deep thrusts attacking his hole now. "I'm about to shoot my HIV up your ass bitch!" Miguel insisted. I was about to unload too as I jacked my rockhard dick. Brad's yell was muffled. It sounded like maybe Miguel shoved his mouth into the pillow. Then, Miguel belted out a low pitched moan and one final warning, "you're getting pozzed!" It sounded like a wrestling match was unfolding. I suppose Brad was resisting somehow. He was a petite guy though. I couldn't imagine him getting the upper-hand here. Miguel seemed to be winning in this contest though because the last thing I heard him say was "take it bitch" followed by several loud slapping noises. He must have been pounding him ruthless. Hell yeah! My own dick exploded jizz like never before. I was probably blowing my load just as Brad was taking a poz load. It felt AMAZING!!! Just after I came, I darted into my bedroom as quickly as possible and into my bathroom. I didn't want to hear how things were going to go after that. LOL. That was a few weeks ago. Brad never talked about it. I gotta say .. he seems much less cocky now though. :-)
    2 points
  26. YES I WANT MORE. You have me hard and dripping already.
    2 points
  27. I know a number of str8 guys that are married (or have a GF) who do not identify as gay or bi, yet!, they love MSM. One of my best fucks is a married dude that hits me up every few weeks. His fridged wife's pussy dried up years ago and dabbled with other girls until one went psycho on him. He hit me up on A4A. Since we worked kinda close together, I agreed to meet him at his work place. I sucked him off in his car in the parking garage and he was hooked. He said he's never gotten head that was so intense and satisfying like how I just did him. Transitioning him from just BJs to actual fucking wasn't hard at all. One weekend, I invited him over. He seemed super nervous so we drank some wine to calm him. I had him close his eyes and I sucked on his cock until he was hard. Instead of trying to make him cum, I teased the shit out of it, alternating hard sucking and deepthroat to light licks and sucking on his balls. He begged me to finish him off so I told him I really need his huge cock in my ass. He mumbled something, which sounded like "ok" to me. I lubed up my hole and his dick and lowered myself on him in a reverse cowgirl/lap dance position and slow grinded. He didn't even utter a word about condoms. While I stroked his cock with my hole, I stroked his ego with my words. I told him he was the biggest I ever had (which he wasn't, but he did have a very decent size that felt real good in me). I made sure to moan extra loud and say some of the dirtiest shit I could think up. Five minutes past and he busted one of the biggest loads I ever felt. I kept going, juicing every last drop out of his balls. After I dismounted, he sat there for a bit, catching his breath, then suddenly got dressed and left. I thought maybe he felt awkward and didn't contact him, giving him his space to come to terms with what just transpired. About 1am that same night, I get a text from him, stating that he sorry he left like how he did, and that he felt confused as to how how a gay dude made a str8 guy feel better than any woman ever did. I told him it was cool, that who better to please a dude than another dude, and if he ever needed a stress relief session, to hit me up. Weeks passed then I got a call that he wants to meet up again. Fast forward a couple of years, he still comes to see me for stress relief. He definitely has become more confident around me, being a very dom, aggressive Top. I can tell when his wife has been giving him a hard time as he really takes it out on me: name calling, spitting, slapping/spanking, and forced sex (play rape). Best part is he always fucks raw. He told me once that it just feels so good to hate fuck his cum into my ass or mouth... ...and I agree.
    2 points
  28. The story continues... Every time Ray visited the clinic the doctors got more and more worried about his ever increasing viral load. They insisted he refrained from any sexual activity, which he complied. The medication seemed to have no effect on him. But at home, he felt his sexual libido increasing daily and the urge to fuck others was growing within him. Only the sensible advice from the doctors' prevented him carrying out his desires. But as time passed, the call for him to fuck outgrew his restraint. Ray headed off to his local sauna despite his obvious toxic state. He went straight to the darkroom to check out any unsuspecting victims. There was only one older guy in the room, who was offering his arse for the taking. So Ray took the opportunity. His cock immediately sprang to attention at the thought of violating his hole. With a hard push Ray inserted his cock deep inside the man and proceeded to thrust in and out, increasing in momentum as his toxic spunk started welling inside him. As the first of his semen started spurting out of his cock, Ray could swear he felt his cock growing inside the man, now being flooded with extremely toxic cum. As the sexual pressure was released by the release of his spunk inside the man, so a feeling of shame came over him and he rushed away to shower and then left the sauna with pangs of guilt, realising what he'd just done. For a whole week, Ray felt very anxious about what he'd done and then the urge to spread his seed came over him again as if someone were directly telling him to go out to infect others. This time Ray chose the most busy day of the week to visit the sauna. He aimed again for where the best action would be and the room was filled with people offering themselves or fucking those available. His cock became instantly aroused as he approached his first bottom of the afternoon and he plunged his dick, without ceremony, straight up the inviting hole. He felt the excitement of ploughing this hole with his still extremely toxic penis. It slid in and out surprisingly effortlessly and the excitement was such a turn-on that he was soon shooting his toxic load inside the bottom. What amazed Ray was that this only increased his sexual desire for more and his tumescence remained unwaveringly erect. So he wasted no time wasting another of the waiting holes with his magnificent member. In and out he triumphantly slid his cock towards another glorious explosion inside the unsuspecting guy. Ray was surprised at how he not only was able to keep up with his rhythm, but that as he came even more of his spunk flew up the guy than the first time. He was still rock hard and ready for more. So he moved on to the third hole inviting a good shafting. As he was pushing the tip of his cock into this guy, he felt someone else behind him manoeuvring their cock to shove it into his own arse. Ray welcomed this attention and didn't object as he found himself between two guys, one he was fucking, the other fucking him. As the guy behind him came, so Ray emptied his third load of the day into another victim. Ray was amazed with his almost supernatural stamina, normally he would be truly spent by now. But instead, he turned the man around who'd just been fucking him to give him his special treatment. He inserted his still semen coated prick up his arse and was soon soaking his hole with jets of spunk. Where was it all coming from? How was he able to carry on this way, almost possessed by a lust for more sex? Still Ray continued with no sign that he was flagging, certainly his penis remained unusually erect throughout fucking another two victims to orgasm. He felt at times as he came inside them that his penis seemed to get larger just before he came. Another man entered the darkroom and was drawn almost magnetically to Ray. He willingly offered himself to him. Ray rammed his cock right up and ravaged his hole with his ever growing cock. But what then freaked Ray out was as he came for the seventh time, his penis didn't just seem to grow but seemed to stick into the sides of the man's hole. As Ray pulled his dick out loads of sperm mixed with blood flowed out. Ray rushed away to shower himself off and rid himself of his activity. Again the pangs of guilt swept over him. Another 7 people had undergone his terrible toxic curse. Ray quickly dressed and retired for the night. Ray spent several days worrying about what was happening to him. Moreover, when he went for his next check up his viral count was still climbing to very dangerous levels. Yet, in some ways he seemed healthier than ever. His muscles were toning up, his complexion was getting ruddy and his sexual athleticism was amazing. But what had possessed him to behave in such a diabolical way at the saunas? People around him seemed to notice he had a greater sexual magnetism. There was now a certain charismatic allure about him. As the inner voice was driving him to more sexual misadventures, he was overcome by the desire to pick up a straight man and convert him in more ways than one. He went out to his local pub and bought copious quantities of drink for a known local womaniser. When the man, called Mark, had had sufficient to make his judgement impaired, Ray invited him around to his place for some more drinks. It wasn't long before Ray got Mark to beg to suck his cock that was tenting out of his trousers. Then when his cock was as well lubricated as they both were, Ray made Mark beg to take his cock inside him raw. Mark went along for a rough ride and it wasn't long before Ray's sticky semen was soaking his aching arse. As time passed so the call grew more strongly for Ray to spread his seed. First he started visiting cruising sites at weekends. He always managed to gather quite a group around him in the bushes. Men were queuing up to suck his cock dry and offer their arse for seeding. They were overcome by Ray's growing animal magnetism. It wasn't the only thing that was growing, his penis was getting measurably larger and ray was discovering that he could get it to expand to a much greater size again just before he ejaculated inside someone. Even more weirdly he found that his cock often grew like a cat's penis with spikes along the sides that could devastate the innards of any arse he was seeding. Ray realised the purpose of this feature, when he was first encountered someone who would only be fucked if he wore a condom. Ray had overcome any vestiges of moral qualms about breeding anyone with his virulent cum and happily acquiesced to putting a condom over his penis before ploughing his protected penis into the arse of this man. Ray thrust harder and harder into him and as he did so his penis grew larger and larger splitting the condom. Then at the moment of ejaculation, he thrust the spikes of his penis out, shredding the sheath and shooting sickening spunk up the now unprotected arsehole. No one was safe from this sexual predator. Ray became more and more obsessed with finding men to seed and began spending every night finding new partners at pubs, clubs, gyms and saunas. Every weekend he visited cruising grounds seeding everyone he could get his cock into. He was possessed with the desire to spread his seed. Dozens had been exposed to his toxic cum. Things, however changed after his 100th victim. Ray was fucking a lovely young twink with a beautiful arse and he felt his cock ready to unload. His cock lengthened and his ejaculate exploded inside the lad's insides, but as he unloaded he heard a cry in his head “Free at last!” Ray's body exploded and all that remained was a handsome incubus saying to the lad “I have poured my poisonous essence within you, prepare for oblivion!! Beware the incubus that is within us all!
    2 points
  29. 4. 249 Station Street, Flushing, Queens Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break, every step you take I’ll be watching you After the massive amount of chem piss Manetti shot into him, there wasn't much more of the night he remembered. He didn't think there was any more filming. Although he was excited thinking he was a star in his first porn video, the actual act of getting fisted and spunked by Manetti was the thing he relished as he woke up. Somehow he'd gotten back to Manetti's apartment. He awoke naked but collarless, a little spaced out about the rest of the evening's events. He rested for a long time on Manetti's futon. A sheet was covering him, but it looked like he had kicked off a blanket. It was already hot in the apartment and it seemed only to be early morning. The VCR clock said seven-oh-three. He felt his butt and found it very wet and greasy. His head felt like shit and he was pretty disoriented, but got up and went to the bathroom. Sitting there, he tried to gather his thoughts. He's pretty sure he got put on a fuckbench and had been ridden by Master Drax and Jamal. His memory was fuzzy. Manetti had opened him up sufficiently for Master Drax to ram his mammoth cock into him, but funny enough he couldn't really remember it. He remembered that Jamal went at him for a long time. He was rough at first but he'd put up little resistance and they soon fell into a hypnotic rhythm that lasted for hours, literally, till the first light of day came into the air shaft. He seemed to remember Jamal pissed in him too. They were like dogs marking their territory, he thought. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, but after that things got sketchy. He thought his memory of Master Drax would come back to him, but right now, sitting on the toilet, he couldn't recall anything after Jamal’s pissing. It hurt, that's as much as he could remember of Master Drax. That, and he distinctly remembered Manetti wasn't there. He released a huge volume of piss from his ass, then followed that up with a slew of shit, grease and blood. When he wiped he was alarmed by the multi-colored streaks: red, brown, yellow, pink. But he knew what he'd been in for, so why actually be surprised? His hole felt it was at least twice the size it had been. Actually it felt amazing. He squeeze a couple of times and realized he couldn't completely squeeze it shut. Overall, the lingering thoughts he had from last night was that it was an adventure he was glad he had, especially what he and Manetti shared, but goddamn did he feel like crap now. He staggered out of the bedroom, saw the back of Manetti's head in the kitchen tub, and crawled back in bed. "Hey, Mike," he managed to eke out, talking into his pillow. "Are you coming to bed?" But he was back asleep before he heard any answer. *** The front door erupted with a tremendous pounding. Chris opened one eye and determined, by airshaft light, it was late afternoon. He looked at the VCR: four-ten. The banging began again. "Mike?" he said. "You there?" The third thumping this time was the loudest, longest, and most determined. He pushed himself up and trotted to the front door. He cracked it opened as far as the chain lock would allow to discover two police officers standing there. "Your neighbor called in a complaint about water leaking from your apartment," the older of the two officer said. He was a big, red-headed guy with a flushed face and greying temples. The other officer in back of him had buzz cut and cold green eyes. “He thought the water looked bloody," the officer added. He peered over Chris head and looked alarmed. “What the hell is that?" He pointed his night stick at something behind Chris’ head. Chris turned around and was dumbstruck. Manetti was naked in the bathtub, wrist slashed, lying in a pool of bloody water. "You need to let us in, young man. Unlatch the door," the officer instructed. The buzz cut officer got on his walkie-talkie and called the incident in. They waited as Chris slipped off the security chain. When he opened the door the younger officer said wryly, "You might want to put on some clothes." It took Chris only a second to realize he was standing in front of them naked. His wasn't thinking, obviously. How could he think? He was just now only fully waking up to the horror of the scene. He looked at Manetti, colorless, his eyelids closed. He focused past him and he saw his clothes hanging on the window grate, now dry. He walked woozily over to the window through a puddle of blood-drenched water. No underwear on the grate, he couldn't remember where that was, so he just slipped on his jeans and his t-shirt. He turned around. The two officers had come into the kitchen and the younger one, the buzz cut guy, put two fingers to Manetti’s neck. He shook his head at the other officer. The red-headed officer introduced himself as Officer Bailey. Chris heard words but they were muffled. Mostly he heard he heard his own blood pulsing through his head. He tried to anchor himself by looking intently at what was in front of him. A police officer in his late forties who looked like a little league coach or Scout Master. Open face, a little flabby maybe, but still solid for his age. There was a bit of tomato sauce on his chin. He wondered what the tomato sauce was from. Officer Bailey nodded at the other officer, said his name was Officer Polanski, then he quizzed him, "Mind telling us your name, son, and who this is and what happened?" His question was nothing more than dampened words under a blanket. Officer Bailey saw the blank look on Chris’ face so he slowly repeated the question: "Your name, son, his name, what happened?" It took Chris a second to shake the cobwebs out of his head before he could pull any kind of answer together. "I don't know. My name’s Chris Prior.” He looked back horrified at Manetti. “I just came in from Los Angeles. Last night. This is Mike, Mike Manetti." He stopped in his tracks after saying Manetti's name. He couldn't continue. Didn’t allow himself to think beyond the officer’s question. "You saying you just now seeing this?" Polanski, the second officer, asked skeptically standing by Manetti’s body. Chris put his hands on his forehead trying to process the scene, then said, a half-step behind each word he spoke, "Yeah, I woke up when you knocked.” It was almost as if he was testing the ground with each word to see if they still held up to reality: "I just flew in from LAX last night. I came here to find my brother. This is his boyfriend, roommate. Was his…" He trailed off. Bailey went in the other room to search the apartment putting on latex gloves. Chris heard him responding to his walkie-talkie. Officer Polanski looked around the room. "You here alone 'cept for him?" Chris nodded. "He leave a note?" "I don't know. You know as much as I know. Is there?" They both scanned the room from where they stood. Chris' eyes kept coming back to Manetti. He had no idea what to do, had no clue why this was happening. The wall phone suddenly began ringing loudly making him jump. Chris looked at it as if it was an alien object. He picked it up. “Hello?” he said in a daze. Master Drax spoke to him in a quiet voice, "Are the police with you?" "Yes," Chris said, staring at the ground. "Do whatever they say. Cooperate with them fully. Now say, 'I haven't seen him today.'" Chris repeated, "I haven't seen him today." He gave a sideways glance out the window and saw an outline of a dark figure on the other side of the air shaft. "Don't say anything to anyone. Just keep saying you don’t know anything.” Chris got out tentatively, “O-kay.” “I'll be in touch again." There was a click, then a loud dial tone. Polanski said, "Who was that?" "I think his boss. Wanted to know why he wasn't in." "Why'd you say you hadn't seen him?" Polanski pressed. There was something dark yet familiar about this officer. Chris didn't have many run-ins with cops in Long Beach but Ben had. The area of Long Beach he grew up in was called Dogpatch. It was close to the refineries and the sprawling Los Angeles harbor. It was also an area where convicts were released. The Burger King close to his house was off limits to him growing up. It was a place crawling with ex-cons and their wives and girlfriends, to cops and fights and arrests. Polanski reminded him of the kind of cop that used to harass Ben. Ben had been busted for being underage at a local gay bar when he was sixteen. He was on the cops' radar ever since. Bailey came back in to the kitchen holding Manetti's box of drugs. He had it open, displaying the contents to Chris. He asked if Chris knew anything about it. He said he didn't. He'd just met the guy last night. He just let him crash here but that was all. Polanski scrutinized him. "What are you, kid, fourteen, fifteen…thirteen?" Bailey gave him a back-off look. "What?" he whined to Bailey, "The kid don't have hair down there. So what am I supposed to think? Maybe we need to take him in for a statement then hand him over to Protective Services?" "I'm eighteen," Chris said, trying not to sound indignant, though he was a little embarrassed they saw he was hairless when they caught him naked. "Eighteen, huh," Officer Bailey said, with a raised eyebrow. "And three month, Sir," Chris added, riffling through his wallet to find his driver’s license. He knew officers like the 'Sir' thing, at least that’s what his brother had told him. When Ben was still at home, his brother was always telling him stuff like that. Like always look for an exit, or always have a plan B, which meant nothing to an eight-year-old. Or like always have two answer for any question you’re asked, if you shoot a gun keep firing till it’s empty, don’t ever mix G with alcohol, stay in your room when mom and Carl are high—useless or obvious stuff like that. Hell, for ten years he didn’t even know what G was until last night. "Here's my driver's license. And I don't know anything about this guy’s drugs habits. Maybe he was a dealer. I don’t know." He was emphatic. "I came in late and we went to sleep, and...." "And that’s why," Polanski interjected, "you're just getting up now, at four o’clock. That don't make no sense." "Jet lag," said Chris defensively. Then quickly added, “I guess it’s jet lag. Sir.” "So you come here looking for your brother and you meet this guy..." "We wrote a couple of letters and he said I could stay with them, with him. He told me he was his roommate, boyfriend, whatever." "And he let you stay the night." Polanski had that real prosecutor's attitude he'd seen Ben subjected to in court. "And the next day you wake up, late in the afternoon, answer the door naked as the day you was born, and this guy’s lying in the bathtub with slashed wrist, and you don't know nothin' about nothin'? Come on. You gotta do better than that." Chris looked crestfallen. Things were happening too fast. Last night was a crazy sex party, some of which he couldn’t even remember, and right on the heels of that craziness, this. Officer Bailey saw Chris' consternation. He sympathetically asked how long his brother had been missing. Chris didn't know exactly. Mike, he thought, said something like two weeks. Polanski chimed in, wanted to know if a missing person’s report was filed. Chris didn't know that either. Maybe he should have, he didn't know why he hadn't. He was in California. He looked down dejected, determined not to cry. Officer Bailey watched him carefully. There was something street wise but also pitiful about the kid. "So this guy's boss calls just now," Polanski continued prosecuting his case, "and you tell him you didn't see him today, even though he's sitting in a bathtub dripping blood two feet away. You covering up for something, aren’t ya kid?" "Nick, enough with the third degree. Can't you see the kid's about to lose it? Son,” Officer Bailey squatted down and squeezed Chris’ thin shoulders. “How much money you bring with you?" Chris took out his wallet again, counted out three singles. "When was the last time you ate something. I couldn't help seeing you're skinny as a rail." "Last night Mike made me some soup. Before that I had a cheese sandwich and crackers on the plane. I don't have a plan B. I know that's stupid. I'm a big, stupid moron, but honest, officer, I don't know about any of this.” Chris pointed at Manetti. “It's the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen. And I really didn’t even know the guy." Chris felt a crippling heartbreak hiding his true feelings about Manetti, how he so callously pushed aside how he really felt about him so quickly. Like he was talking trash like this, with him in the bathtub, right there. He prayed Manetti couldn’t hear him. What a fake and a jerk he was, how right his dad was about how worthless he was. Tears welled up and ran down his face, but he refused to acknowledge them and simply let them roll off his cheeks. He wanted Ben. He needed him now more than ever. He also wanted to go and throw his arms around Mike, wake him up, shake him, hit him, but instead he felt frozen in place, a sniveling little coward. "Listen," Officer Bailey said, sitting Chris at the kitchen table. Chris stared at the back of Manetti's head. "No, look at me, son." He turned the chair away from the tub. "You're not in trouble, but you are a witness. And there’s at least this stash of drugs in this apartment. Detectives will be here soon and take over the case. They'll do a full sweep, turn everything upside down. The coroner’s also coming and will take out the body. So you can't stay here, see? Do you have anywhere you can go? A relative? Maybe one of your brother's other friends?" Chris looked out the air shaft debating whether to talk about Master Drax. He noticed Polanski wasn't in the room. He decided that bringing up Master Drax or the place across the air shaft would be a bad avenue to go down with someone like Polanski. "Hey, Don, come take a look," Polanski called from the other room. Chris heard his own voice on tape rambling energetically, "And I want to get fucked in the gas station toilet. I want that fat turd, Duke, the owner, to fuck me from behind while I'm licking the urinal. You think I stink, man? You should smell that toilet some time. It's righteous foul." Chris came into the bedroom to see Polanski looking through the camera's viewfinder. Polanski rewound the tape a bit and hit play, and Manetti's and Chris' raunchy sex played out of the tinny speaker, no visuals needed. Polanski shut it off. "Doesn't look like you went to sleep right after you got here, pal," Polanski said. "Care to revise your story?" *** Chris totally bailed on Manetti. Said he tricked him to take drugs he didn't want. It wasn't entirely untrue, and he pressed how he was tied up and not at all into it until the drugs kicked in, and then he kind of went crazy. Bailey and Polanski could see that if they looked at the whole tape, which would be really humiliating, but at least it would show he wasn't a willing participant. Polanski wasn't buying it, but with Bailey, there at least was a strand of sympathy. "That why you don't have any hair? He did that to you in the sling when you were tied up?" Chris nodded. "Shitty pervert. So Nick," he said to Polanski, "look what the kid went through. He's out here by himself, don't know where the hell his brother is, run's into this dealer who tricks him, gets him high, ties him up, does God knows what else to him besides shaving him, and wakes up to find the guy who tied him up dead. The perv probably knocks himself off in some last act of conscience for what he done, and you're ready to lock the kid up for trusting this low-life scum. Anyway, look, it’ll be the detectives’ problem in a couple of in a half hour. All’s I'm saying is the kid's been through enough without us piling on him." Polanski frowned. "Yeah,” he looked the kid up and down, “well, maybe there's something to his story." He seemed a little ashamed. "But where does that leave the kid?" Bailey thought for a long moment before he said, "Well, I'm helping you out while you and Molly work things out.” Polanski looked embarrassed. “You're camping out in Tony’s room while my spoiled kid’s off in Europe. He could stay with us for at least a day or two since Kitty and Eddie are at the shore with her ma. He can have Eddie's room. Boy,” he said to Chris, who looked back at him with a spark of hope, “hate to say it, but you look like could use a bath and a couple of hot meals. I don't see how that puts us out any, Nick." Chris looked at the two men expecting Polanski to reject the idea flat out. He looked the type who’d be a real douche bag. "What about the tape?” Polanski asked. “It's pretty incriminating.” "What tape? I didn't see no tape," Bailey said innocently. He looked at Chris, who finally cracked a smile, "Did you see any tape, son?" Polanski pursed his lips, then gave in, shrugging his shoulders. He definitely let Bailey do the thinking. That suited Chris just fine. Bailey seemed like the first nice guy he met in New York since he got here. "We're square then. So, Chris," Officer Bailey said bringing out his wallet, "Here's ten bucks. Go to get some pizza down on Saint Marks or whatever.” He added conspiratorially, “But I'm telling you, Saint Mark’s pizza is the best pizza in New York. Then you catch the seven train out to Flushing. Here's my address." Bailey wrote out the address on his notepad and handed it to Chris. "I’m right across from where the train lets you off. Me and Nick, that is, Officer Polanski, we get off duty in an hour. We should be wrapped up here and back at my house by seven. Think you can get to us around then?" Chris nodded, he definitely could. He thanked Bailey, gratefully pumped his fleshy hand. He even shook Polanski's hand. He found his shoes and began putting them on. He still felt like a fuckhead betraying Manetti, but what was he supposed to do? He certainly didn't have a plan once Manetti offed himself. As he was tying his shoelaces, he wondered why Manetti did it, wondered if something happened after he blacked out. The drugs really fucked him good. As he picked up his gym bag, he flashed on the fact that even the small amount Manetti first slammed him with, he couldn't recollect when Manetti putting a dog collar on him. That was fucked up shit. He swore that was last time he’d ever slam. He saw keys on a hook next to the door, pocketed them, and then left the officers to do whatever they do in these types of incidences. He look back one last time at Manetti who, lying there in the tub, looked almost peaceful. *** Saint Mark's pizza was probably the best pizza he'd ever eaten. He ate two slices and drank a soda, then ordered a third slice. He downed it all while sitting on a stool looking out the window at all the people go by. In one corner of the pizzeria, a TV blared a local news station running a clip of President Reagan giving a speech at the U.N., followed by a traffic report about all the gridlock the president was causing, then ran a local news item about a manhunt in progress upstate. It was just noise that he easily ignored, and instead watched the spectacle out the window. What a bunch of freaks! Punk rockers were all over the place with their spikey Mohawks and safety pins in their noses. Tourist would come up and take pictures of them, then they’d chase the tourist and demand money. Most of the time the tourist paid except one guy in a cowboy hat refused and a fight broke out. A cop came over and broke things up. On the subway, the New York circus continued. An old man in an ascot held onto a subway strap in one hand and clutched a blind Chihuahua in the other; several ladies were touching up their heavy makeup in compacts; grannies in scarves with full shopping carts jabbered away in a foreign language; a group of drunk sailors in white sailor suits piled in and got off when he did at Forty Second Street. He transferred to the train to Flushing. There was graffiti all over everything, the connecting tunnels, the trains, even every single support beam had initials or a little drawing on it. The sailors reminded him of the graffiti in the abandoned building, then he thought of Manetti and started feeling low. After two stops on the Flushing train, a group of homeboys boarded the subway car with their boombox playing earsplitting rap music and started break dancing. They were really good. Spinning on their heads, using the poles in the middle of the cars to swing around, doing complete flips in the moving car. Before they got off they passed around a cap and he put a dollar in it. The boy who passed around the cap said thanks, bro, and held out his hand for a high-five. He high-fived him and that made him feel good. A couple of stations later four older black men got on and started harmonizing a familiar Motown song. Their harmonies and phrasing were perfect. The man he gave a dollar to blessed him and put his hand on his shoulder. Boy, New Yorkers, at least the brothers he saw, were really talented and super nice. As the train went on, fewer people got on. He followed the stops on the sign over the windows, counting down to the last stop. There was only maybe a dozen people when the train finally pulled in. One older Spanish lady was talking to herself vacantly looking out the window. She didn’t seem to be going anywhere. Chris guessed she was probably homeless, clutching her paper bag of valuable. He slipped two of his last dollars into her hand. She stopped talking for a second, looked up at him and said, Dios te bendiga, then went back to talking to herself. Or maybe she was praying. The platform clock pointed to a little after nine. He knew he dawdled coming here, and the train ride was much longer than he expected, but he was still surprised how late it was. The quiet street was dark, but finding the house was easy, especially because there was a hand-carved sign on the corner of the garage that said “The Bailey’s.” The big two-story house with little basement windows he guessed was a typical house for the neighbor, but he wasn't used to staying in anything so nice. To Chris it seemed like he was walking up to a mansion. He rang the bell and Officer Bailey answered. It was strange to see him in yellow boxer shorts and no shirt, but of course it was a warm night and he wouldn't always be walking around in his uniform. “Really nice house, Officer Bailey,” said Chris, as the older man ushered him in. Chris tried to keep his eyes up, but there was definitely a big packages swinging in those boxers. Bailey was a big bear of a man, not really muscly, but very solid. He had a large pillowy chest covered in reddish-brown fur, a tattoo of a lion on his shoulder, a cobweb sketched on his elbow, and a barbwire band around his left bicep. Chris tried to steer his mind away from how sexy his thought this daddy-type cop was. They entered the living room where a Yankees-Red Sox game was playing on a huge TV. He thanked the officer again for letting him stay, but Bailey interrupted him saying to call him Don, and pointed at Polanski sprawled on the sectional sofa in his boxer shorts too, saying “and that cocksucker is Nick.” "Yo," Polanski said curtly, and went back to watching the game. Polanski shirtless was a real piece of work. Both of his arms were covered in full sleeves, and there was very little that wasn’t inked on his chest and legs. His neck too was covered. What bothered Chris was that almost all of the ink, beside a few motorcycle-riding skeletons and smoking devils, was about white power and swastikas. He had to acknowledge, though, Polanski’s body was hot. He was built like a boxer, not huge, not particularly tall, but also not an ounce of body fat on him. His head was dark from short-cropped black hair. He lounged with one arm cradled behind his head showing off a sprawling pit of black hair. He smoked a cigar and scratched his shorts a lot revealing, Chris thought purposefully though he never looked at Chris, his big pecker. Several empty beer cans litter the coffee table. Both the men look well on their way to getting pretty sloshed. Don and Chris stood behind the sectional and followed the game for a couple of minutes. A warm night breeze came in from sliding glass door and the vertical blinds slapped together noisily under the din of the game. Don asked him if he wanted a beer, and Chris cheerfully accepted. Don said there was Popeye’s Chicken on the counter and plenty of beer in the fridge, that he should just help himself, that they were very informal here which was pretty obvious as he pointed to himself and Nick. Chris put down his bag and strolled into the kitchen. He’d never seen a kitchen as nice as this. Expensive looking pink marble was everywhere, rich redwood cabinets lined all the walls, and recessed lighting lit the room dramatically like it was a movie set. There were fluorescent lights but they weren’t turned on, just the spot lights over the marble counter and little lights under the cabinets. Big copper refrigerator and stove matched each other, as did the copper dishwasher. Even the sink was copper. It didn’t seem to fit Don, but maybe his wife was in charge of decorating. He piled his plate with chicken and a big heap of warm fries. He came back with his plate and beer, happily sitting crossed-legged at the coffee table, watching the game with the two men. Through a couple of innings, his opinion of Polanski didn’t improved, because as the game went on Polanski kept swearing racial names at the black players. Chris was too familiar with these kinds of asshole that grew up around him and did his best to only pay attention to the game, the food, and how nice Don was. At the end of the fifth, Don picked up Chris' finished plate. When he bent down he noticed Chris’ stink, and suggested he should probably wash up before bed. Bailey said his room—Eddie's room—was in the middle of the hall. Nick was in Tony's room at the far end, and the master bedroom was at the top of the stairs. The guest bathroom was right across from his room. Chris chugged that last of his beer, got up and thanked Don again for letting him stay, and also for the ten bucks. He said he had a couple bucks left but Bailey waved him off. He thanked him also for the beer and also for the chicken. Don interrupted, said enough with the thanks. Thanks enough, he kidded him, would be not to have a stinky bum in the house. Chris was a little embarrassed, but scurried excitedly upstairs with his gym bag to find Eddie’s room. His jaw literally dropped open when he entered the room. He looked around, thinking, what a life Eddie must lead! Soccer, swim, and baseball trophies were everywhere; posters of race cars and football players lined the wall; and a big Madonna poster was taped to his closet. The kid even had his own cassette stereo system with huge speakers and tons of neatly filed tapes. He didn't think cops made so much money. Eddie was so lucky! This rich kid even had his own color TV, a VCR, and Atari console, with Super Pac Man and Donkey Kong boxes stacked on the TV. He hoped he'd have some time to play them. On Eddie’s dresser, a framed Little League picture showed him holding a bat over his shoulder. He looked a little shorter than Chris and a whole lot younger, twelve maybe. He had blond hair like he did, and striking blue eyes, but what stood out the most to Chris was that he had a smile so confident and winning it literally beamed out of the frame. There were other pictures of him along the walls: him on the pitcher’s mound, mid-kick in the air making a soccer goal, him and his older brother with their ski masks up at a ski lodge, him and his family at the castle at Disney world. This guy had it all. The only thing that was weird was that the man in the Disney photo sort of looked like Don, but not really, but the photo was taken from far away so the family was really small. Mainly the picture was of the castle. Chris set his faded green gym bag on the dresser next to the photo. Looking around the spotless room, with its royal blue shag carpeting, and purple high gloss walls, and white wooden shudders, he felt his gym bag was probably the dirtiest, dingiest thing in here, well, except for maybe himself. Chris crossed the hall, dropped his jeans and t-shirt on the bathroom floor. The shower was all glass and polished metal. He got the temperature to where it was nice and hot, then relished the multiple jets washing over him. It was probably the best shower he was ever in. Jets sprayed him not only from the top, but also at his sides. He was sure he stank and was grateful Don made a joke out of it. He took up the soap and really scrubbed himself down. There was some shampoo in the stall and he used that too. When he rinsed his hair he saw the soapy water turn yellow, and that made him think of Manetti. He put his back to the jets and just hung there for a while as the water flowed over him. There was a knock on the door. He called out, “Yes?” He climbed out the shower feeling not only had he washed his last month of California off his skin, but also the last twenty-four hours as well. Don rapped again and came in. He looked Chris over while Chris grabbed a bath towel off a hook. Don closed the door behind him, and said he was going to start a load of wash before the game ended. The crystal glass he held showed he had switched over to drinking whiskey, and as the man swayed, Chris smirked to himself thinking the cop would never be able to pass a sobriety test. Chris ran the towel over his legs, feeling a little self-conscious being stared at naked, but the man already had seen him that way, and besides he was a dad and policeman, so he just continued wiping himself off with his towel. The cop said he couldn't help notice Chris' clothes could use a wash, hoped he didn't mind, but he'd already thrown the clothes from his gym bag in the washer and thought he'd just pick up these and toss them in too. "What'll I wear," Chris protested as he towel dried his hair. He saw Don looking at his pits and crotch. "Boy that perv shaved you within an inch of your life,” he said. He ran a hand over Chris’ shaved pit. “Truth is, without the wife and kids here, me and Nicky walk around naked most of the time.” He winked, and wobbled unsteady out the door with the last of Chris’ clothes. Chris quickly scoured Eddie's room and realized, even though he was small, he wasn't going to fit in some twelve-year-old’s clothes. He didn’t relish the idea of being naked. Maybe around Don he would, but Polanski was a turn off. He didn’t have many options though. He slinked down the hallway to see if there was something to wear in Nick/Tony's room but it was locked. He creeped to the staircase and saw the lights were off, and the sliding glass door was shut. Don’s bedroom door was ajar with blue TV light seeping through the crack. “Hey, kiddo,” Don called out, “we’re finishing the game in here.” Chris went in and found Don and Nick lying completely naked on the king size bed. They both sat up against the headboard, each with a glass of whiskey in their hands. Don certainly had a massive package. His reddish-brown fur extended to a dark brown swath of pubic hair, with a large semi-erect boner pointing straight out. "Bottom of the ninth, New York’s up by two," Don summarized, as if it were perfectly natural two grown men to always watch a Yankee game naked together on a king size bed. "C’mere, tiger, sit by your ol’ man.” “Yeah. C’mon, sport,” said Polanski, padding the space between them. His Polish sausage hung over two large smooth balls. The cock had a distinctive bend to it, like a large banana. His body was smooth but his crotch was covered, hip bone to pronounced hip bone, by the most substantial amount of the long, black public hair he’d ever seen. “Uncle Nick’s not going to bite.” He paused a beat. “Unless you want him to. Rarrr.” The two men laughed, then as a full count was announced, their attention drifted back to the game. “Swear to God, if that spade lets him walk I’m throwing my fuckin' drink at the fucker.” The umpire called a final ball, and the batter tossed his bat, trotting to first. Polanski, true to his word, flung the glass at the TV. The shattered glass broke violently with whiskey running down the screen. It made Chris flinch, but Don didn’t seem to care. The man again gestured to Chris to come sit next to him. Chris climbed over Polanski’s tattooed legs, and Polanski put a hand on his smooth young ass and gave him a sharp slap. “Woo-ee, who’s not stinky boy anymore? Swear to God boy, you were as smelly as a sewer pipe, and we’re pretty familiar with sewer pipes, ain’t we Donny?” “There he is,” said Don, as Chris settled next to him. The man draped his arm over his bony shoulders. “Fresh as new born baby. Boy, you do clean up nicely, doesn’t he Nicky?” He ran his hand through Chris’ wet hair. “Sure does. Fresh as a daisy.” Nick leaned to get close to his skin and inhaled deeply. “Fresh as a sweet Sunday morning.” "Give your old man a hug like you do when your ma's not home." Chris looked briefly from man to man, deciding whether to play along. He decided. "That's it, kiddo," Don said wrapping his thick arms around the boy. "You're too skinny, except in some new places." He reached down and grabbed Chris' cock. Chris jumped a little, was weirded out but still kind of getting excited. The man was a big furry bear, and his fleshy chest had surprisingly hard muscle underneath. He felt Polanski creep up behind him. His hand went between Chris' butt cheeks and started pressing against his hole. Polanski said, "Eddie sure feels like he's growing up, don't he Daddy Don? Feels like he might even turn out to be a man someday." Polanski stopped as his finger slipped easily into Chris’ anus. "Ah, man, you gotta feel this pussy, Don. That don't feel like virgin pussy, does it to you Officer Bailey?" They both put a finger in Chris' hole. "That most definitely does not feel like virgin pussy." Both men laughed. Chris was actually getting hard, but then there was the sharp crack of a ball being hit. Both men looked over at the game, completely abandoned Chris' sphincter, and leaned forward in bed, crying, No-no-no-no. The batter sent the ball to center-right and it went over the wall. Three men came charging around the bases and the game was over. Don exasperated, got up and went to a fancy bar cart next to the TV and refilled his drink. "You're cleaning that up in the morning," he said to Polanski pointing at the broken glass on the carpet. "Nother one?" Polanski asked if there was another glass. Don went in the master bath and came back with one. He poured Polanski his drink, and said to Chris, "I'd give you one, Edward, but I have a bone to pick with you, young man.” He looked at Chris with mock seriousness. Chris couldn't tell if Don was just drunk or if he was into some serious role play. He guessed role play but wasn't one hundred percent sure. "Eddie, Eddie. Eddie Spaghetti," he said in mock consternation. "I want you to tell me and Uncle Nick about this". He picked up Chris' gym bag that had been sitting on the carpet next to the bar cart. He reached inside and brought out Manetti box of drugs and set it delicately on the cart next to the whiskey and vodka bottles. "Edward Hunter Bailey, I want the truth now. Where did you get these?" he asked, flipping the lid and pulling out three loaded needles. Chris was taken aback. He'd taken that from Manetti's? Was he serious? What kind of cop was he? And was he supposed to be Eddie responding to this, or himself, Chris? He ad-libbed innocence, "Wh-what is that, dad?" "You tell me, son. It's in your bag." "I've never seen them before. What is it?" "Good question, Eddie. Let's see. Officer, please restrain my son." With that, Polanski grabbed Chris' arms and pinned him face down, ass up, in the bed. "Now, boy, don't struggle or Uncle Nick is going to seriously send you into a world of pain." Chris felt his right arm being forced agonizingly up his back. He stopped moving and let Bailey pull out his free arm. The man flipped over his forearm, and he felt the needle go. In less than a minute he felt his body become flush again with heat. Polanski let him go and he rolled to his side, letting the drug roll over him. Fuck, it wasn't fair, was his last fully conscious thought, but then he was horny all over again, and he knew he was totally going to give into these men. As the drug took him over, he wanted them to. More and more he wanted daddy bear and the nazi to corrupt him. While the crystal coursed through his body, igniting his groin, he ran his hands over his cock and inserted fingers in ass. There was a wash of background noise, but he was solely focused on his hole and how empty if felt. He heard Don ask Polanski if he want it in the arm or neck? "Neck," said Polanski, "it's been a long time." Chris was feeling really energized. He popped got up and paced a little holding his arm in the air, then sat against the headboard to watch Don shoot Polanski up. A new, bent fascination had been born in him. Rather than shying away from needles, he became riveted by them. He’d never seen or even imagined someone shooting up in their neck. He couldn't even conceive of how that must feel, but he wanted to see Polanski do it. Polanski laid on his side at the edge of bed and Bailey knelt beside him. Between two zigzag SS's on Polanski’s neck, Bailey found a thick vein, stuck him, registered some blood, then slowly sent the liquid directly into Polanski's brain. When Don pulled out, Polanski pressed his neck with his finger and rolled onto his back. The man said nothing but his eyes popped open and rolled back in his head, his bent cock drool a shitload of pre-cum. Only the whites showed in his eyes and his lids fluttered. He was spasming slightly. Chris ran his hand through the man’s field of black pubes. It was like silk, yards and yards of fine silk. Polanski breathing was rapid and he responding to Chris’ touch with deep moans. He guided Chris’ head to his cock and Chris started working on it, adjusting his angle so he could deep throat the man’s massively curved cock. While Chris sucked the incapacitated man, Don prepped himself with a tourniquet around his thick bicep, found a suitable vein on the front of his forearm, rocked the needle till blood flooded the chamber, then slammed. He fell back on Chris’ hip and, through heaving breath, pulled Chris off of Polanski and crushed him beneath his weight. Chris was pinned but the heavy body actually felt erotic. Pinned, he squirmed obscenely, all skin, no hair, against all hair and rolling flesh. With enormous effort, Bailey rolled to his side bringing Chris along with him. They faced each other running their hands along chests and cocks, a study in opposites, Bailey pressing his fur against the boy, Chris rubbing his smooth skin across the man. Polanski rolled himself to the side was again sticking a finger, then two into Chris' hole. Chris pushed back against his hand and wiggled his ass till he had three fingers in him. "Baby boy, go down on daddy," Bailey said pushing Chris' head down to his crotch. Bailey was a big bear in every way. His fleshy dick was half hard and as Chris went down to suck it, Polanski had his mouth all over Chris' hole, getting it wet and ready to be fucked. The scent of wet cock sent Chris into a frenzy. It was difficult to differentiate what he wanted more, to give head to Bailey or get fucked by Polanski. Bailey decided for him. He rolled on his back and said he wanted baby bear to ride daddy bear's Big Bad Cock. Chris straddled the large man and fed his cock into his wet hole. Polanski was quick to follow the hole he desperately wanted. After Bailey had penetrated Chris, with Chris making obscene noises of pleasure, Polanski set his cock against Bailey's and with every stroke Bailey took, he got his cock in to double dick Chris. Chris' noises of pleasure turned to distressing pain, but again, somehow he enjoyed the distress. He quickly learned to stay stationary as the two men simultaneous pushed in and pulled out. By staying still they could go deeper, and did. At one point with too much motion, Polanski fell out. He immediately pushed himself back in and punished Chris by smacking ass. Chris cried out but pushed his ass deeper onto the men’s cocks. It felt precarious, that they had to work so hard to sustain the position, but it was a position that pleased everyone. Bailey and Polanski were sexually aroused rubbing their cocks against one another, and Chris relished the feeling of being torn apart by the girth of two men at the same time inside him. Their passion built on one another, as the drugs wiped their minds, they became feral animals clawing at each other, rutting in pleasure, nails going into backs, pelts of brown and black fur pressed into a smooth, hairless hole. Bailey and Chris made out while they fucked, and Polanski slapped Chris’ ass with increasing violence. Polanski rambled in Chris’ ear how he was going to take is night stick and rape his with it, ram it up the kid’s ass, how he’d take his gun and make Chris give it head. He started fingering Chris’ the tip of Chris hard dick, trying to get a finger down his piss slit. He said he was going to arrange to have Chris sent to prison to be gang raped. “Would you like that, would you like that, boy?” he breathed into Chris’ ear. Chris readily agreed. Whatever Polanski wanted he’d submit to him. The flow from Polanski’s imagination was unceasing. Somewhere during his description of being his prison bitch, it triggered something in Bailey and he nutted. Polanski was on another level entirely, rutting and heaving, not anywhere on this planet, just a mass of sensations and vile thought, desperately wanting to tear Chris apart. After Bailey emptied the last of his spooge, he started going flaccid and with Polanski pile driving into Chris, his dick soon fell out. Chris also settled down and let Polanski fuck him with ever increasing intensity. He laid on Bailey's chest while the big man stroked his hair. It was an intense combination. Bailey running soothing fingers over his head while Polanski tore angrily into his ass. Polanski had kept up smacking the shit out of the kid's ass, and as the beating became harder, the cracks louder, the more Bailey cooed and shushed Chris' stifled grunts and cries. Still, through it all Chris remained hard. Welts were forming on his ass as Bailey pulled his face down into his neck. Chris felt the bristles on Bailey's neck, and heard Bailey telling him he was alright, that it would soon be over. Chris let himself go limp falling onto Bailey, and in the background the white noise of the post-game wrap up morphed into the local Eyewitness News. The manhunt continued, said the anchor, for two convicts who had escaped from upstate New York four days ago. Bailey kept stroking the boy's hair. The men had escaped through the facility's sewage treatment center dressed as workers. Polanski slipped his arm around Chris' neck. Bailey’s mind drifted off, he repeated his cooing words to Chris. The two men were believed to have crossed into Canada. Canadian officials had cordoned off an area near the border where the two men were believed to be. Polanski wrapped his arm tighter against Chris’ throat, cutting off his airway. Chris started struggling on top Bailey and bucking against Polanski's body. Polanski mindlessly fucked the kid's hole edging closer to cumming the harder Chris struggled. It was a nasty cycle: the more Chris struggled, the harder Polanski increased his hold around his neck. Chris' hole was clenching like crazy trying to spit out Polanski, but instead is was making Polanski cock engorge larger every time it was squeezed. Chris flew into a frenzy to try to get him off and to break his hold. He rasped audibly, and in one long final lunge, Polanski was set free. He spewed ropes of cum deep into the quaking boy. He pulled Chris' head as far back as it would go. The boy's tongue lolled out, his eyes bulged, and he involuntarily released an enormous orgasm spilling buckets of cum onto Bailey pubes. His eyes rolled back in his head, his eyelids fluttered, then all movement ceased. Everything went black, his body went limp, and Chris no longer struggled. Weather with Frank Fields, announced the TV anchor, was up next.
    2 points
  30. I don't often get the chance to visit London but when I do I like to make the most of it and this was certainly true on Monday. I had already booked a hotel room for Monday evening so I could be ready for a conference meeting on the Tuesday. I advertised on BBRT that I would be hosting a hotel gangbang but only got 3 replies and of those only one confirmed, hmmm not really a gang bang so I cancelled the party and got back on line and quickly found a hook up that wanted to come visit me in the hotel. A rather well endowed black guy turned up and after the usual preliminaries we started to fuck, and could he fuck, after about 5 minutes my arse was so his and I was really feeling his throbbing cock rubbing the insides of my anus and making me precum. He eventually came and deposited a nice load deep inside me. After refreshments and chit chat we went at again and again, three times he fucked me long and hard then he had to leave. Well the night was still young so I got myself ready and walked to the Vault for naked night. There was a good crowd of mixed guys and I soon immersed myself in amongst the crowd getting fucked almost immediately bent over one of the barrels in the play area. After this an Arab looking guy took a fancy to me and fucked me with his nice cock for a while before we both got hot and needed some cool air. He later found me round by the cubicles and had me bent over in the corridor fucking my arse and soon I also sucking a juicy cock, meanwhile the Arab guy was offering my arse around and I'm pretty sure there were two takers before he finished off by cumming in me. Well I thought that was that and was winding down when I was hit on again by a scrawny guy with mediocre cock and I thought why not, lol. And that was it for the night. Next day I went to the conference and it finished earlier than I expected so made my way to Chariots Vauxhall where it was bloody slow to be honest but still managed to get fucked and loaded twice more before having to head for the train and home. So all in all, not a bad 24hrs in London all bareback with no sign of anyone wanting to use a condom...
    2 points
  31. It was a typical Saturday afternoon and I was at my usual spot outside of the bookstore. A sleazy, popular joint that attracted all kinds of men and was an easy place to deal. If I thought I was being watched I could just slip inside and get lost for a while, always at least getting my big,11 inch ebony snake sucked, or dumping my load in some hungry manpussy. I didn't even have to pay to enter the maze of booths. The owner was a regular customer and I'd let him worship my monster, so I had unlimited access to the arcade. I was leaning against the side of the building, waiting for one of my regulars to come by when a black Escalade parked across the street, half a block down. I didn't think nothin of it when nobody got out right away. Wasn't unusual for dudes to sit in their cars getting up the nerve to actually go inside. It must have been about 15 minutes before the driver finally got out, and damn if one look at him didn't get my cock stirring in my jeans. Out stepped the sweetest little white boy I had seen in a while! He had to be barely 18 if a day, with strawberry blond hair, and a plump little bubble butt. My eyes followed him as he walked toward the door, nervously looking around before he ducked inside. My hardening dick told me to follow him, and I did. The kid was looking around the store, his hands stuffed into his pockets, obviously new to this whole thing. I could tell he was a rich kid with his Air Jordan's that didn't even have a scuff on them, his Sean John jeans, and his Ralph Lauren shirt. That was no doubt Daddy's Escalade he rolled up in. Hell, he had probably never been to this neighborhood before. But if he was here lookin for what I think he was, he was gonna get more than he bargained for if I had my way. He finally went up to the counter and handed the guy some cash, and showed him his ID. He had to pass by me on the way to the booths and I got a good smell of him. He smelled like soap, teenage boy, and sex. I went up to the counter and got a bottle of poppers and headed back there after my prey. My eyes had to adjust to the dark, but I didn't see my prize anywhere. I wandered the halls for about 5 minutes before I finally saw him exit a booth. He walked past me, giving me a nervous glance that said both, "I don't know what I'm doing", and "I want you." Damn right he wanted me. I was a fine mother fuckin piece of man. 6'2", and at 35, had a rock hard, wirey body, and beautiful ebony skin. The kid went into another booth and started to shut the door. My hand stopped it, and I slid in behind him, shutting the door. He didn't say a word as I gently reached out and stroked his face, but I could feel him tremble. "First time here?" I whispered to him. He just nodded, his blue eyes looking up at me. He wasn't very big, probably 5'9" and slender, but he did possess that plump mound of ass. I placed my hand on it while I said "relax baby boy, Jesse's gonna take real good care of you." I tilted his head back and leaned down, placing my full lips on his. He opened his mouth and I stuck my tongue in him. Mmmmmm....he tasted like candy. My hands rubbed his ass as my mouth took control of him. He just melted into me and I knew I had found my next bitch. I opened up the bottle and held it under his nose. "Breath deep baby boy, this will make you feel good. He inhaled deep like a good boy. I just switched nostrils back and forth a few times while he sucked in the fumes. I sat down on the chair and he sank onto my lap. Grabbing my face he started kissing me passionately while he ground his ass into my lap. I knew I had him hooked. "You like that baby boy?" I asked. "You like how that made you feel?" "Mmmmmmmm yea," he moaned. "Feels good." "I got something else that will make you feel sooooo much better. You wanna try it? You trust me?" "Oh yea," he moaned, licking my neck. Stupid little bitch. He didn't know he just sealed his fate. I pulled a little pipe out of my pocket that I kept preloaded. "You know what this is baby boy?" He just shook his head no. "This is Majic Miss T. She knows how to make you feel real good." I lit my lighter and melted the shards. As soon as the pipe filled up, I took the first hit, blowing the smoke into his mouth. Then I held up the pipe for him. "Breath slow and deep," I told him. Then blow it into my mouth. He did as instructed, so obedient. I just kept feeding him the pipe, until he finished off the bowl in 6, big hits. "Good boy," I told him. "You did that very well." Even in the dim lite I could see his eyes become dark saucers as lust glazed them over. I pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his creamy, alabaster skin, and his little pink nipples. I latched my mouth onto one, sucking it hard, and biting it with my teeth. He squealed and writhed, but I held him firm, then attacked the other one. I could feel his hard dick in his jeans pressing into my stomach, assuring me he was loving the rough treatment. I pulled off his shoes and socks, throwing them in the corner, and unbuttoned his jeans. I pushed him onto the floor and grabbed the legs, pulling them off, leaving him in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs, but not for long. I grabbed the waist band and ripped them off, leaving him naked and vulnerable, just how I like my white boys to be. His dick stood straight up out of his patch of reddish pubes, and he looked at me with crazed lust. "How much time you got baby boy?" I asked. "As much as I want. My parents and my sister are on vacation for two weeks." He panted. "Oh bitch," I thought to myself. You don't know what you just got yourself into.
    1 point
  32. I met a younger college guy and brought him back to my place. I had condoms and lube available in the night stand next to the bed. We kissed and touched and exchange oral. He got nice and hard and had lots of pre-cum and was rubbing against my hole. I let him rub against it and got it nice and wet. We never discussed condoms or safer sex and he just stuck his cock into my ass. He began moving up and down in my asshole and it was getting very lubed up with his pre-cum, he didn't stop and I didn't stop him, his cock unloaded deep inside me. I am new to bareback but it seems like without discussion a lot of guys may be willing to bareback. Has anyone else experienced this?
    1 point
  33. It's always fun when Sarah turns up in here, but kinda distracts from the story
    1 point
  34. Same here. I just wish more guys were looking for repeat. Have had so many chill, chemistry filled (both of the party sort and regular man to man chemistry) hook ups I’ve had where the top seems to want and says he wants a repeat and then he will just ignore me if I ever reach out again while we are both online
    1 point
  35. Damn, this is an awesome discussion NLbear, so many great replies, thanks again for starting it. I kinda tripped over the word "list" even as i was writing it. i agree with you and fetchingPisser about "recognizing a soulmate or best friend when you meet him." For me that's the mysterious attraction i felt when i "fell head over heals" for a guy after being with Him for one day. It totally violated my sense of reason, but in my mind i was picturing us hand on ass, walking into the sunset. i haven't experienced that very often, if ever, to that extent anyway. And then it turned out to not be mutual lol, but i was still grateful for those intense, romantic feelings. I think this is not as unreasonable as it sounds either, more than 85% of communication is supposedly non-verbal, so just because we haven't put it in words doesn't mean we haven't communicated on some level (this coming from a lover of the pen). I should clarify that when i suggested a list, it was more of an exercise of identifying what you are wanting/looking for, not something to put out there in a profile necessarily or even a shopping list. More of an exercise in self awareness and nailing down some of what often just comes out as feeling. It's a way that helps me get in touch with myself.
    1 point
  36. 6 loads in 90 minutes: incredibly busy time at the cruise club tonight. I was fucked 4 times in an hour, and after a short break, got two more loads in a furtefr half hour. Not as rough and hard as I prefer, several guys slowly and gently pumping away, final guy had a great cock and knew how to use it. As well I topped a couple of times. Finally a guy sucked me through a glory hole asked to lick my ass, was so excited by the dripping cum he invited me into his booth to eat me out thoroughly pausing just to have me fuck him. Whole evening bareback, not a single condom suggested or used.
    1 point
  37. mmmm.... speaking to ones unknowing partner while an anonymous cock is fucking you, is fucking HOT ....
    1 point
  38. I love it, as a top and as a bottom. I'm normally a quiet guy, but when I've got a hard thick 8" in my ass, all sorts of crazy shit comes out of my mouth.
    1 point
  39. Haha, I didn't expect to see this one here. I'm the trans guy with the breeding/impreg fetish, both getting bred and breeding other trans guys. (I have a dick in addition to my cunt and can sometimes ejaculate inside other guys.) You can't beat unloading in boy cunts that were actually designed by nature exclusively for the purpose fucking, breeding, and impregnation. It's some sort of reptile brain thing.
    1 point
  40. Part 36 - Gym Muscle Daddy It had been a crappy day at work and it didn’t look like the next few were going to be any better. Mark sent a message to Eric asking what time he would be home and Eric replied “8:30-9.” “Damn”, Mark muttered and he decided to hit the gym. It had been a few days since Eric and him had tag teamed a Craigslist hookup and he was horny again. A quick workout and he could scope the guys and maybe get lucky. He got to the gym and went to change. The locker room was deserted which was an ominous start. He put his jockstrap on, then his gym shorts and finally a sleeveless t-shirt. He headed out and started his usual routine and looked around to see who was there that might have a willing hole. There were only a few guys around and none of them turned Mark on. Mark finished his workout and decided to hit the sauna for a few minutes before going home. He walked through the weight lifting room to get to the sauna, a shortcut he usually avoided since the steroid enhanced bodybuilders that usually were there he found annoying, arrogant and just jerks. He was surprised when there was only one guy there pumping iron. Mark checked him out, just like he usually did, and was pleasantly surprised. The guy was nicely muscled but was missing the thick neck and roid look. He seemed to be half way between muscle cub and muscle daddy, with a nice pelt of fur on his chest poking out of his tank top and a full but trimmed beard and closely cropped hair. He wasn’t the type of guy that Mark usually looked for, but he still considered handsome. As Mark got closer the guy said in a sexy, deep voice “Hey, bud. Can you spot me for my last set? I can’t believe no one is here.” Mark walked over and waited as the guy added another pair of weights on the bar and then spotted him as he did his set. When he was finished the guy said “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I’m Vince, by the way.” Mark replied “No problem, Vince. I’m Mark. See you around” and Mark headed back to the sauna. He grabbed a towel and took his clothes off, putting them in his locker and went in to the men’s sauna. He was the only one there and found a spot near the back and sat down on his towel, naked. He zoned out, trying to relax from the stress at work and heard the door open. He kept his eyes closed and heard someone come near and sit down somewhere close. He opened his eyes and saw the guy from the weight room. He looked even better naked and Mark tried to look him over without being too obvious. “Thanks again for spotting me. I like it when this place is quiet but today its deserted” Vince said. “Yeah, they must be giving away free donuts down the street or something” Mark joked and he heard Vince laugh. There was a pause and then Vince said “I haven’t seen you here before and I think I would have remembered you.” Mark laughed to himself as he thought “this guy is trying to pick me up.” “Yeah, this is not my normal time to work out, but I had a rough day at work and my partner won’t be home until late so I thought I’d get a workout in.” “Oh, you have a partner…” Vince started to say and Mark quickly said “its an open relationship” and gave him a wink. Vince smiled and moved a little closer to Mark who turned a bit to get a better look. Vince put his hand on Mark’s leg and began to rub it. Mark’s cock reacted and soon was getting stiff. Vince moved his hand from Mark’s leg to his cock and began to stroke it while looking at Mark’s face to see his reaction. Mark was a little surprised, since he initially thought the guy was a top, but enjoyed the handjob. Getting no resistance from Mark, Vince went down and started to suck Mark’s cock. Hearing no comment about the piercing, Mark assumed Vince had seen and swallowed them before. Vince sucked him really well, giving attention to every square millimeter of his cock and balls. Mark’s cock was leaking precum and Vince was edging him perfectly. Finally, Vince pulled off his cock, looked up at Mark and asked “Do you have a condom?” Mark could feel his cock soften almost immediately. “No, I don’t. I never use them” Mark replied. “Oh, I only play safe” Vince answered. “Sorry” Mark replied and got up. As he walked towards the locker room his balls ached and needed a release, but Mark had been in that situation before and knew he would get to drop his load in someone soon. He headed to the showers and picked the large one in the corner away from the others. He figured he could rub one out and get some relief. Mark pulled back the curtain and was about to step in when Vince walked up quickly behind him and said “I really need to get fucked bad and your cock is amazing. Can we still fuck?” “Its gotta be bare” Mark said. He could see Vince trying to decide and after several seconds he said “Uh, ok. But don’t cum in me.” Mark smiled and said “No guarantees, I can’t always pull out in time” knowing he had no intention of pulling out at all. Vince nodded and joined Mark in the shower. Mark closed the curtain and pushed Vince to the wall and went to his knees and started to rim his furry ass. Mark loved the thick hair on his ass cheeks and the hair around his hole. It gave him something to feast on and inhale the sweaty man scent from. He slicked up the hole with spit and then forced some spit inside. His tongue and finger warmed up Vince’s hole and he could tell that the guy would do anything to get his cock inside him. He stood up and played with his cock against Vince’s hungry pussy, hearing him moan quietly. Mark pushed in and felt the tightness begin to fade and his bare cock slowly entered Vince’s safe-only hole. Slow, short thrusts got longer as he got his raw, poz cock got deeper into Vince’s ass. Mark reached around and pulled the muscled stud against his body as he pounded his hole harder. “Doesn’t that feel better than a covered cock?” Mark said quietly into his ear. Vince just moaned louder. “Say it” Mark demanded and heard him say “oh my god yeah, it feels so much better.” Mark knew the longer they fucked the better chance they had of getting caught and he knew too well how they dealt with shower sex in the gym. He fucked faster and was drilling into Vince’s hole, the shower water barely covering the sounds of his body slapping into Vince’s firm butt and thighs. “I’m getting close. That ass feels so good around my cock” Mark said into Vince’s ear. “oh god yes, so am I” Vince said and Mark knew he had him where he wanted him. Mark rammed in harder, feeling the piercing and the head of his cock nudge Vince’s prostate each time until he felt Vince begin to shoot his load. The orgasms caused Vince’s ass to clamp down on Mark’s cock and milk it. It was no longer Mark’s fault that he bred Vince, Vince’s own orgasm betrayed him and got his ass filled with toxic seed. Mark planted his cock deep inside Vince’s hole and shot several spurts of his infected cum into Mr. Safe Sex. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry. It felt so amazing I couldn’t prevent myself from cumming” Vince said as both of them stood there recovering from their orgasms. Mark replied “Yeah, you came before I could pull out. Your ass clamped down on my cock and I filled your ass with my load,” Vince pulled off, embarrassed, and quickly walked out of the shower back to his locker. Mark finished his shower and then went back and changed clothes. He tossed the towel into the bin and headed towards the front door. He almost made it when the guy at the front desk whistled at him and he knew he had been busted again. Mark turned and walked to the front desk where the attendant said “You know the rules, Mark. Cough it up. Mark opened his wallet and pulled out a twenty and handed the bribe over to the smiling attendant. “Hope he was good” the attendant said as Mark finally got to the door. A couple days later Mark sat in his car after work. The last three days had been stress filled disasters. Nothing seemed to be going right at work. He texted Eric asking what they were doing that night. Eric replied he had to work a bit late, but he wanted to hit the gym since he hadn’t been all week. Mark told him that he would go too and Eric could meet him there. Mark got to the gym and changed into his usual workout gear and headed off to start his regular workout routine. The gym was busier than it was the last time he was here, but it was still pretty empty. He had no idea when Eric would finally show up, so he took his time with his workout. He decided to take a break when he finished and spend some time in the sauna. He went to take the shortcut through the weight room and saw through the window Vince working out inside. Mark smiled to himself and walked in and as he got near said “Hi Vince” and kept walking. He heard a faint “Hi” back. “Fucker doesn’t even remember the name of the guy that bred him a few days ago” thought Mark. Mark put his workout gear in his locker and grabbed a towel before going into the sauna. Mark sat in the same place as last time. There were a couple other guys in the sauna this time, over on another wall and talking to each other. Mark sat there on his towel, naked, and enjoyed the relaxing steam. He heard the door open and looked, seeing the other two guys leave. He closed his eyes again and about a minute later, the door opened again. He cracked his eyes open and saw Vince walking towards him. Vince sat down next to him and didn’t say anything for a few minutes and then told Mark “Sorry about running out like that last time. I was kinda embarrassed. I don’t do things like that with guys I don’t know.” “Hehe, yeah. Thats what I guessed. Don’t worry” Mark said. “It was fuckin’ hot though. Thanks” Vince said. “Yeah, I enjoyed it too” replied Mark. They stood there in silence for a little while and then Vince reached over and stroked Mark’s cock, feeling it get harder in his hand. Vince got up and kneeled in front of Mark and started to suck his cock. Vince was taking the whole shaft into his mouth and throat, playing with the piercing with his tongue and licking up from the base to the tip. “He likes it if you play with his balls while you suck” Eric said, standing right behind Vince. He had snuck in quietly and found Mark exactly where he expected him to be. Vince froze. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but he was very vulnerable in the position he was in. He didn’t think it was someone from the gym staff busting them, but an angry husband/partner was a good possibility. “Don’t stop. I like watching him get sucked” Eric said as he got on his knees and pushed his face into Vince’s hairy ass. He smelled the musk and licked the sweat and zeroed in on his tight ring. Vince gasped before swallowing down on Mark’s cock again, this time fondling his large balls at the same time. Mark looked down at his partner feasting on Vince’s pussy and remembered he hadn’t told Eric about his rendezvous with Vince the other day. When Mark saw Eric lean back and prepare to fuck Vince, he said “We’re gonna have to go somewhere if things go any further. I already had to pay a fine for our fun the other night, Vince.” Eric looked at Mark with a grin and Vince leaned back and looked surprised. “Oh, sorry. Uh, my apartment is a couple blocks from here” offered Vince. Mark nodded and said “Cool, then we don’t have to rush it.” The three went into the locker room and put their clothes on, skipping a shower and leaving with the sweat from the sauna on their bodies. They walked over to Vince’s apartment with few words spoken. Once inside the apartment, the three were tearing each other’s clothes off until they all stood there naked. Vince pushed the coffee table aside and Mark sat down. Vince was on his knees in a hurry and started to bring Mark’s cock back to life. Eric went back to rimming Vince’s hole. Eric, satisfied that Vince’s hole was lubed enough with spit, got up again and looked at Mark, hoping he wouldn’t stop him this time. Mark looked at Eric and smiled, wondering if Vince would bring up condoms again. Eric rubbed his cock against Vince’s pucker and heard Vince moan around Mark’s cock. Eric added some pressure and felt Vince’s hole start to open and he entered the muscle daddy’s tight pussy. Mark put his hands on the back of Vince’s head, hoping to prevent him from speaking and watched Eric start to fuck Vince. 

Vince didnt put up any fight and seemed to be enjoying Eric’s bare cock inside him. Eric got a good tempo going and felt the hole open up and then get sloppy from his toxic precum. Vince started to work his ass on Eric’s cock, milking it or just gripping it hard. Eric’s thrusts got harder and he really was pounding Vince’s cunt. Vince wasnt slowing down on Mark’s cock either and Mark was afraid he was going to waste his load in Vince’s mouth. Mark saw Eric change his fuck style and knew he would be breeding Vince very soon. He knew the grunts and the stabs from Eric’s cock well and counted down until the moment he would shoot. “Three… two… one… BAM!” Mark said and Eric started to shoot his viral cum just as Mark said “BAM”. He knew Eric hadn’t shot a load in several days and while he had hoped his ass was the one that was going to get it, but Mark thought that Vince could use it even more. Vince let out a loud moan around Mark’s cock and then slowly pulled free of the shaft. “OH FUCK!!!! That feels so good” Vince said as the spurts from Eric’s cock slowed. Mark got up and moved around to Vince’s ass and Eric took Mark’s spot on the couch. Vince started to suck and clean Eric’s cock and Mark slid his cock into the freshly poz bred hole. He fucked rougher than Eric and wanted to make sure that his piercing did as much damage as it could to Vince’s fuck chute. Vince’s moans from Eric’s fuck were now groans while Mark pounded his ass. Mark had already been close to cumming from Vince’s sucking and was trying to delay the inevitable, but it only took several minutes before he was depositing his virus laced cum into Vince’s cunt. Vince pulled off of Eric’s cock and was grinning from ear to ear. “Damn that was so hot. I love feeling your cum inside me.” Vince said. Mark looked at him curiously. “Last time you wanted a condom fuck. What happened?” “After you fucked me last time I realized how much better a raw fuck was. I met a bud last night that had been wanting to fuck me raw for years and he fuckin bred me three times. I’m hooked on it, I guess” Vince said. Eric looked at Vince and asked “Are you a bottom or vers?” “Mostly bottom, but I fuck sometimes” answered Vince. Eric pulled his legs up and exposed his hole over the edge of the couch. “Like now?” asked Eric. Vince moved closer and rubbed his dripping hard cock over Eric’s pussy. He pushed in and felt the warm, slick hole surround his cock. Eric had taken a load from one of his assistants at work just before he headed to the gym, and the virally enhanced cum had been stewing in his hole since then. Vince fucked awkwardly into Eric’s hole, his cock coated with poz cum. It only took a few minutes of slow fucking before he pushed in and felt the cum shoot from his cock into Eric’s colon. He pulled out and Mark pushed Vince on to his back on the floor and sucked all the cum from Vince’s cock and balls. Mark and Eric got up and put their clothes back on. They thanked Vince for the good fuck and headed back to the gym. “You’re getting pretty good at getting those safe-only guys to take bare poz cock, Mark” Eric said as they walked back to their cars. “I guess I’m just that good of a fuck” Mark said laughing.
    1 point
  41. Thanks for all the comments! I really do appreciate any feedback people give. Had more time to work on this update. Going to try and start shooting for a weekly update, but not sure how well I can achieve it with work. Hope you enjoy! -- PART 6: Stoking the Flames “Jake?!” Matthew said with a gasp, hand in hand with her. “Matthew,” I replied curtly, looking down at their hands before looking back in his face. I kept my face completely emotionless. “What…. what are you doing here?” he asked, first looking at her, then me, then their hands intertwined, “Um… Jess… sweetheart, do you mind going up without me I need to talk with Jake… alone…” Looking at me with a satisfied smirk, she turned and smiled at Matt, giving him a huge kiss on the cheek before releasing his hand. “Not a problem baby! I’ll see you upstairs! I’ll miss you bunches sweetie!!!” she replied, her fake saccharine sweet tone grating against my nerves like nails on a chalkboard, as she stepped into the elevator. I watched as she pressed the button for our…. now her floor. She looked at her nails as the doors slowly closed, looking up for only a second to glare at me menacingly. I turned my attention back to Matthew. “She's a real gem,” I said, my tone flat, as I shifted the box in my arms. “Look, Jake, I wanted to tell you but…” Matthew replied, his face bright red from embarrassment. “You’ve just been so busy, right?” I said, blinking slowly at him, suddenly very tired of his bullshit. “Or, let me guess, you forgot?” “No, Jake, baby…” he stammered before I cut him off. “Oh no…” I said, take a step towards him, letting the coldness flow through the tone of my voice, a wave of satisfaction hitting me as he reflexively took a step away from me, “I'm not your ‘baby' anymore Matthew. That new job title is ALL on little Ms. Jess.” “Please Jake, let me just explain…” “Explain what exactly? How you slept around behind my back? I think if I’m smart enough to get a medical degree, I can understand that one without having you explain it to me. You wanted to stick your dick into something new, and boy, you really made sure it was something new,” I smiled, knowing it probably was more like a sneer. Shifting the box to my other hip, I started walking towards Matthew again, “And you know, now that I see the both you together? You two make just a perfect couple. Don’t worry though babe, I’m not here to mess that up. I’m just here to get my things from OUR apartment,” I said, my cold tone and quiet demeanor slowly pushing Matt back against the wall behind him. “Honey, please… it’s not like…” “It’s not like that? Hmmm…. let’s look at it from my point of view. You see, if you wanted an open relationship, you could have come to me and I just might have been open to trying it. Hell, if you wanted to spice things up in the bedroom, I would have tried anything you wanted. A threesome? Sure, why not. Needed to see if you were straight? Not where I saw you going, but something I’d be willing to talk about.” “Wait… really?” he asked, a small glimmer hope in his eyes. “Oh yeah… Absolutely,” I said, with a smile and adding a bit of fake flair to my voice, putting my hand next to his head and leaning in close to his ear, “I really, truly would have. Because I loved you with all my heart and I would have done anything to keep you happy. And I do mean ANYTHING. Things that that girl you’re playing house with up there would lose her shit over babe. Depraved things you can’t even begin to imagine. The type of shit you’d only find in the deepest, darkest porn. I would have fulfilled your nastiest fucking fantasies, just to make you happy and keep us together. Our time apart has shown me some new things about myself you probably would have really liked. Nasty, perverted things the likes you’d never believe, baby.” I let out a soft sigh across his ear and ran my hand through his hair, knowing it was a major turn on for him, watching as what I did made him shiver and bite his lip. I smiled cruelly, knowing he was getting turned on, as I could feel the beginning of a hard-on form in his pants against my leg. I leaned in even closer, giving it a small lick and started to whisper into his ear. “But you fucked all that up the second you went behind my back. When you packed up my shit into those boxes. And when you gave away my things to that piece of trash. Now? Now we are nothing. You aren't my baby, my sweetheart, my love, or any o those false platitudes. You took all the love in my heart for you and threw it into the trash. I could literally not give any less of a shit what you do now. Sleep with whoever you want. Enjoy this thing with that piece of ass. I really, truly don’t care. We are done. Any hope you had of us ever getting back together ended when you packed me away like an unwanted toy.” I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. I stepped back and started walking away. “Jake,” Matthew said, his voice almost needy, “Please… Don’t… I love y…” I stopped and looked over my shoulder. “Oh, no. Don’t even try that one on me. We both know what a big lie that is, and that little boy lawyers like you will always say anything to get what they want when they know they can’t have it.” I watched as he cringed, my words hitting him in the gut as I allowed myself to let every hateful thought I felt about him flow out of my mind and into my mouth. Was it low? Was it the below the belt? Absolutely, and he deserved it. With a smile, I tilted my head and regarded him one last time. “Oh! Before I let you watch me walk out that door one last time, I just have one more thing to tell you,” I said, a smile on my face that I knew didn’t reach my eyes, “Get your bitch her own laptop. If you ever give my shit away to someone else, I will personally make sure to come into your house while you sleep at night and cut your balls off myself. And we both know I have the time, the knowledge, the easy access to the supplies and most definitely the support staff to back that up. Goodbye, Matthew.” I walked out the front doors of my former home, a sense of satisfaction restored at being able to end things with Matthew on my terms. Sometimes, being an evil, heartless bitch felt amazing. — I walked back up to Whitehorn’s with a few minutes to spare, thankful that Eric was still there and waiting. Opening the door, he held it open and gave me a huge smile. “Hey! Jake! Glad you made it back in time!” he said, smoking a new pipe this time, puffing the fragrant smoke in my face. I took a small breath in and had to admit, it smelled wonderful. Different from the cigar for sure, but amazing nonetheless. “Yeah, had a little issue at the old apartment I had to take care of, “ I said, setting my box on the counter and with a grateful sigh rolling my shoulders. “Sorry to hear that man,” he said, taking another puff with a frown on his face. “Oh, nothing major, just had a run-in with the ex and such,” I said, shrugging my shoulders, amazed at how much better I felt after telling Matt off. I turned my attention to the different pipes on display on the counter. “Oh…” he said, looking down at the slightly open box. “I guess you and she didn’t end on good terms?” he said, looking back up at me. “Her? No…. him…. my boyfr… my ex-boyfriend…” I said. “Oh I just assumed since…” he continued with a bit of confusion on his face. “Since?” I asked, not sure where he was going. Pointing down into the box, I looked down at what he was showing me and I let out a sigh. “I mean, pink and sparkly? I wouldn’t exactly call that masculine…” he said with a snort, before letting the smoke from his pipe pour out of his mouth and nose. “Yeah. I can see what you mean. That would be the handy work of my ex’s new girlfriend,” I said turning my attention to one of the displays as Eric continued to move around and straighten up things and turn lights off. “Damn. Traded you in on a girl? That’s fucking cold,” he said, giving me a look of pity. “Wanna talk about it?” I told him the entire story of my breakup, from walking in on Matthew to the satisfying breakup as he finished closing everything up, omitting only the sex parts. He said nothing as he worked except the few outraged replies and angered growls, just puffing at his pipe while letting me vent my entire story out. As I finished, he moved my purchase to the top of my box. “Wow,” he said, speechless for a moment, “Just. Wow. What a fucking douchebag. Fucker deserved everything you gave him. I mean fuck! If I had a smart and sexy guy like you, I’d never let your ass get out of my grip, much less leave our bed!” That one sentence got my immediate attention. “Oh… you’re…” I said, definitely sure now that he was not only flirting earlier but actually being toned down. “Gay as fuck? Shit rainbows and fart glitter? You bet,” he said with a smile as he took a deep puff. He let the smoke out with a large nose jet. “Shit rainbows and fart glitter? That’s a new one. I’ll have to remember that, “ I said, as I let out a small laugh, transfixed by the display of his smoking. “Feel free to use it,” Eric said, taking a few more puffs before reaching under the counter and grabbing a well-worn leather satchel, “Well, shop’s all closed up. Time to leave.” I followed him out the door as he set the alarm, before pulling out a set of keys from his bag. I stood there checking out his firm ass, as he turned around and locked doors. “Look, man,” he started, turning back around, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and bringing it up to the bowl of the pipe. He took a few puffs which make the bowl smoke even more. I watched with interest as he took a deep inhale that he nose jetted out, “This is probably pretty forward. I know you’re fresh out of a relationship. Same here. Not nearly the nasty breakup like yours, but still. If you ever want to meet up and chat, or take it up a notch and take me up on that pipe lesson offer, or even just hook up for a quick smoke fuck, hit me up. You’re one sexy piece of ass, and the fact you’re into smoking is a major plus in my book… And I’d definitely love to get us both puffing away naked sometime and find out how freaky you can get. If you’d be into that kind of thing.” I watched as he reached down, grabbing his cock through his pants and showed made his bulge more prominent. “I kinda have a feeling you are, though,” he said with a smile, taking another puff of the pipe. “You… I…” I spit out, unable to form a sentence at the sudden change in Eric’s attitude outside the shop. I would never have guessed this guy had a dark, kinky side. Though, I guess the same could be said of me. “I saw you checking me you earlier, sexy… getting hard as you saw me smoke,” he said with a wink, “and you’ve had me boned up all day thinking about you lighting up those thick stogies. Something tells me that you’ve been smoking them longer than you let on.” With that, he handed me his business card, and on the back was a telephone number. “That’s my cell. I don’t give it out to just anyone, so… Give me a call soon, stud?” he asked, rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand as I took the card from. “Um… sure!” I said, shocked but pleasantly surprised before blurting out, “Do you need mine?” “Text me and I’ll add you. Well, I gotta go meet up with a few friends tonight for a thing I promised to do with them. I want to see you again soon though,” Eric said, putting his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it with his thumb as he took a deep inhale on his pipe and then pulling it back out of his mouth. “Defini-“ I began to say when he mashed his lips against mine, shoving his tongue into my mouth and blowing his smoke into me. His hand held against the back of my head, holding me against him as I breathed it in, my cock instantly got hard. We stood there for several moments, kissing deeply as our tongues slid against each other. He stepped away, a grin on his face as I slowly exhaled, savoring the taste of his pipe smoke as the thick cloud poured out of my mouth and nose. “Just what I was hoping for. Later hot stuff,” he said, winking at me as placed the pipe in his mouth again and started walking towards the parking lot across the street. I stood there for a minute in a stupor, bringing my fingers to my lips as while watching him as he hopped into a small SUV and drove off, waving to me as he passed with his pipe dangling out of the side of his mouth, the only thing in my mind that I seriously needed to get a pipe or two. Finally snapping out of it, I blinked a few times and walked down the street towards my apartment. Almost to my building, I stopped, looking at the adult bookstore from the night before. I was horny and knew I was going to need to get some relief later at the glory holes. That’s when I realized it. Poppers and an ass plug. I definitely had enjoyed using the poppers every time I had access to them. And as for the plug, with the amount of cum I would hopefully take up my ass very soon, I knew I would need something substantial to keep them trapped inside. My ass ached to be flooded, and I wanted to take all my hard earned prizes home. Walking in, I looked back to the back towards the video booths counter, hoping that Kyle would be there to ask for help. Sadly, instead, there was a small twink guy with bright blue hair, texting away on his phone looking bored. Disappointed, I went to where I saw the poppers before, and after a while found a bottle that looked similar to the ones Kyle had shoved under my nose. The bottle proudly displayed ‘Super Rush’. Next, I walked over to the butt plug and my mind nearly shut down at all the choices. They came in sizes big and small. They could be made of glass, metal, rubber, silicon. Inflating, vibrating, cellular connected. Tails, cock rings, even jeweled. I shuddered at the last one. After the horror that my laptop had become, I could never look at rhinestones and fake crystals the same way again. And then, I saw it. The box called it a jock style plug, and it spoke to me with how it looked like a giant cock, but still, would work like a normal plug. Plus, it came in a two pack, so if one was too big, I could go with a smaller one. Going up to the counter, I paid for the items and threw them into the bag with the cigar supplies. Satisfied, I walked back out and realized as my stomach growled that I had no groceries. Thankfully, on my previous adventures in the neighborhood, I had discovered a decent grocery store, and so I walked across the street to it. A quick run through the aisles and I had a few TV dinners and a couple other staples to last me until I could make a full run to the store the next day. Laden down with both the box and my grocery bags, I walked back and entered my building. With a small lift of my fingers in a wave to Amal, who was talking on the phone, I then proceeded to call the elevator. While I waited, I shuffled the things in my hands and pulled out my phone. Flipping through the numbers, I sent a text message to Kyle: Hey, it’s Jake from last night. If I were to go to the video booths, what time should I go?? I watched as the message sent, and got into the elevator. Looking at my watch, it proudly displayed 6:45 pm. The doors opened, and I looked at my door which caused me to let out a slight curse. Maintenance In Progress, Please Come In Well, I sighed to myself, looks like I’ll have to wait until they are done to try out the purchases. With a groan, I opened the door, and walked in, setting down everything. “Hello?” I called out loud, looking for the maintenance man. “Sorry, in here,” I heard a muffled voice say, coming from the utility closet. Something about it sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. A ding from my phone interrupted my train of thought on where I knew the voice. As I read the reply from Kyle: Depends. y? Me: Well… it’s been a day. And I need to get rid of some stress. Was hoping to have fun like last night. Picked up some poppers and a few cigars. Have a few with your name on them as a thank you. Kyle: fuck! not there tonight, but you tell benny the twink at the front i said you can go in on the friend discount. have to get you to come by a different time so we can enjoy the gars in style fucker Kyle: 2 answer the other ? tho i would say if u want loads dripping out ur cunt like the fuckin slut u are, go after 10 tonight Me: Seriously? Thx! Me: Wait… Slut? I've only ever been there once! lol Kyle: and u were a hot nasty cumdump pig. loved seeing that latin fukkers load drip out ur pussy and watching you take my prick and inhale my fuckin gar man. you have a great hole btw. so tight n made to suck out jizz. wish i was there to watch you get filled with cocksnot til u drip. Kyle: so wanna feed your lungs a few reds and sum more gar smoke, then when ur high on smoke, fuck you up on poppers n get u 2 back your hole up on some nice anon raw dick Kyle: have 2 also get u 2 the bathhouse sometime too. u wood be real popular there. maybe give u the grand tour and have a few buds give you some extra special loads. i know theyd love to take a long hard ride in your ass before filling up ur cunt w their hot swimmers Me: Might just do that. All of that sounds pretty fucking hot actually lol Kyle: just let benny know ur looking to be a cum dumpster 2nite. he’ll send em ur way. btw, he says some preppy guy that fit what i said you look like just came in and bought a nice fuckin set of ass plugs and sum high power poppers. that u? Me: Yeah… I tried to find the kind of poppers you used. And I bought a set of butt plugs that looked really hot. Kyle: hot damn fucker. please tell me its for the loads tonight? u gonna fill up ur hole and let em marinate all night? Me: Maybe…? Kyle: fuck!!! making me wish i was there to help you trap all that ass grease into your cum pit. gonna make you smoke so much more next time we fuck together now i know ur a smoke pig. would love to watch you smoke some reds. watch em dangle from your lips. maybe even give u my piss. Me: Never tried them or piss, but I’m game for both. Kyle: fuckin nice bud! so hot that you are turning into a nasty breeding piggy. never would have pegged u 4 one, but fuckin love it. use booth #8 bro. small enough you can get it from both end anon. hungry pig like you needs it anyway he can. cant wait to fuck your dripping boy pussy again and add my wad. gtg tho Me: ok. ttyl Shit, I have to kill a few hours, I thought to myself. My cock throbbed at the thoughts of what might go on tonight, and I felt antsy, wishing I could start sooner. Maybe I could smoke one of the cigars and get high on the poppers, then work the smaller plug inside me. But first, I’d have to wait for the maintenance guy to leave. Resigned, I unloaded my groceries as I turned my attention back to the voice in the closet. “Oh, sorry. Um… important work text I had to answer. Just didn’t want to startle you when I walked in,” I called out, suddenly realizing I had never replied back to the maintenance worker. Taking my box from the old apartment into my room, I placed it on the ground next to the dresser and made the bed, which I had forgotten to do the night before, picking up a few clothes and putting them into a pile before I reached down and grabbed my used underwear from the night before. Looking at the doorway, I briefly took a quick sniff of the dirty garments, enjoying the smell of dried cum before throwing them in the pile. Grabbing the cigars and supplies, I walked back out and nearly dropped the bag as I was confronted by someone I definitely didn't expect to see. “Holy shit…” I said, slowly, walking up to the kitchen counter, ”Jackson?” Standing in front of me was the man who had introduced me to smoke sex and barebacking. He gave me a slight look of shock as he realized instantly who I was. “Shit! Jake, right?” he said, wiping the sweat from his brow, clearly out of breath. “Yeah, um… why are you…” I began, my nervous habit kicking in again as I began to scratch the back of my neck. Without speaking, he pointed to his shirt, clearly labeled “Maintenance.” Turning back to the new washer and dryer now sitting in the utility closet, he pressed the start button on both, smiling as both started up perfectly. Shutting both off again, he turned his attention back to me. “How have you been? I mean, good I’d guess. Got a new place obviously!” he said, smiling and he went over to and washed his hands before drying them on his shirt, “But things have been going better since I last saw you I hope?” “Yeah, um… Things are better for sure. I just moved in yesterday,” I said, unable to stop staring at him. He looked almost unrecognizable in the polo shirt and lack of prominent piercings, “Why are you working here though? I mean, I thought you did construction work…” “Oh yeah. I still do,” he said, before opening the cabinets to pull out a glass. “Hey, do you mind if I get some water? Been standing on my head for an hour and these polos don't breath at all.” “Sure…” I said, waiting for an answer. I watched as he filled the glass and gulped it down. Setting it in the sink, he turned around and fanned his shirt as he continued. “Little brother is the property manager. He started on a few months back, and his team lost several of the maintenance crew. Few of them to another building and the rest had to be fired. He asked if I could fill in,” he said, as I nodded, checking him out. If anything, he looked even hotter than before, “I love my little bro, and he was in a pretty rough patch. Between that and the cooler weather cutting down on my work, I said sure. So, steady income and benefits until I want to leave. Also get better hours than on my own. In fact, you’re the last job of the day and I get to go home.” “Oh, cool,” I said, feeling my cock harden at the memory of his cock, now a prominent bulge in his pants, filling my ass. “How about you?” he asked, apparently enjoying the fact I couldn't stop staring. “Not much I guess…” I said, trailing off, slightly embarrassed as he made his way over to me before grabbing the bag in my hand. “Damn!” he exclaimed, looking at the name on the side of the bag, “Looks like someone has good taste.” I blushed as he gave me a huge smile. “I, uh… yeah…” I said, muttering slightly trying to come up with something to say, “Kinda have you to blame.” “Shit! Really?” he said, peeking inside of the bag as he sat it on the counter, “How is that?” “You got me really turned on to cigars that night… well, among other things…” I said, still slightly embarrassed. “Double fucking damn!” he said, smiling and rubbing his crotch, an evil grin on his face, “Don’t mean to intrude but… mind if we fire up few of these fuckers? Been dying for a smoke all day, and I’m now officially off the clock. And,” he said, reaching in and pulling out the bottle of poppers as well as the butt plugs, “It looks like you came prepared to play hard, boy. I seem to remember that you owe me a few cigars from the other night.” With a huge grin, he walked over to counter next to me and set the bag down before reaching into the bag and pulling out two of the large Asylums I had purchased. Unwrapping them from their cellophane, he ran one under his nose, inhaling deeply, before reaching over and setting the bottle of poppers in front of me. Next, he opened the butt plugs and taking the smaller one, licked the bottom and shoved it onto the side of the cabinets, where it stuck firmly. “You’re gonna need these poppers with the hard fuck I’m gonna give your tight hole, boy,” he said before he reached down to grab my dick through my pants, “And when I’m done, I’m gonna trap my loads deep inside your cunt.” I put my forehead against his chest, breathing in his sweaty, manly scent, mixed with the faint smell of cigar smoke. I moaned in pleasure. “In the mood for some fun then?” he growled, squeezing my cock, “Want to take a few loads to keep that hole warm all night and let me really fuck those lungs of yours?” Immediately my cock strained even harder in my pants, the thought of having a repeat of that first night made my hole ache to be stretched and filled, and my lungs hungered for the smoke. Slowly, I began to nod.
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  42. Jason was desperately trying to place the mans face as the doctor got between his legs and started to man handle his penis. The doctor rubbed and pull the cock between his rough fingers trying to pry apart the piss slit but finding it sticky. “Hmmm well there is definitely an infection here. He squeezed Jason's dick and made some discharge apart collecting it on his finger. Bringing it up to his nose he sniffed “Hmmm this is a pretty nasty strain whatever it is. Looks and smells like Gonorrhea right Nick?” He proffered his finger across to the nurse Nick who looked at the discharge and also leaned in to sniff. “Yes I would agree Doctor. The colour, texture and smell definitely has all the same characteristics” “Take a closer look young Jason” the Doctor thrust his hand close towards Jasons face now who tried to buck his head back as the doctor moved his finger closer and closer. “Take a deep whiff, have you been noticing this smell a lot. Now Gonorrhea can infect any warm wet areas, have you had any throat pain recently?” The doctor moved his hands to Jasons mouth and squeezed his jaw open. The doctors bare fingers dived into Jasons mouth and he could feel the doctor rubbing around his gums and tongue. “Hmmm I wonder...” mused the doctor as he pushed two fingers down the back of Jasons throat. Jason could taste the disharge on the doctors finger sliding around inside his mouth and as the Doctor pushed his fingers deep down the back of Jasons throat he found no choice but to swallow. “Well there is definitely something down there too” I'll have to explore that later”. The Doctor took his fingers out of Jasons mouth and turned around to drag over a small stool which he sat on. “Well Nick it looks like we have a perfect patient here to help with the students. I believe they are currently in examination room 6 would you like to bring them through” Nick turned and left the room as Jason, still restrained on the examination chair, sat in slight disbelief at what was happening. “Sorry...?” Jason croaked from his man handled throat, “...students?” “Yes Jason, this is a teaching hospital and you signed a release allowing our students and staff to use you for teaching purposes. Don't worry this is a place of medicine, you are in the best hands for the care you need” “Doctor, something happened to me” Jason sighed, as tears began to gather in his eyes. “I... I think... I was raped and I don't know what to do”. “Well Jason that does sound like quite a statement. But I mean you seem like a strong capable lad to me, so I have to wonder if this sort allegation you are making is true, how did it happen? where were you? Why did you not try to stop it?” “I... I don't know? I don't know what happened, its just, theres so much I don't remember. My head is such a mess, even you look familiar to me and I don't know why” The Doctor leaned got between Jason's legs, leaned over and down in Jason's face “Well Jason's thats a very accusatory thing to say. Do you think I raped you? Here I am helping you and youre accusing me of raping you?” “No no you got me wrong thats not what I mean” Jason said crying more as he struggled in the examination chair. “Well I am not in any habit of raping young men, rape is for the unwilling and I always make sure the men I fuck want it” Jason's eyes bulged for a second when the door opened and in walked a large group of male students in white coat, led by the nurse Nick. The Doctors voice changed back into a professional tone as he encouraged the group around Jason. “Gentlemen yes welcome. What we have here is a young male patient who has come in today claiming to have been raped and yet we have found a very aggressive looking strain of Gonorrhea in his penis suggesting that he must have put his dick somewhere pretty infected already”. Jason tried to splutter some protests but The Doctor continued louder. “First we need to see if the infection has gotten into the patients bladder so we will need to insert a catheter , now his penis is quite gummed up so this may be uncomfortable. Nick would you mind?” Behind Jasons head, Nick appeared with a large spherical object and pushed the cold metal object into Jasons mouth. He then pulled on two restraints attached to the ball pulling it back hard into Jason's mouth and restricting his ability to open his mouth or close it. He tried to shout and cry but all that came out was a loud muffled moan. Still tied to the examination chair he was vulnerable and unable to stop the medical staff as they gathered round to watch the procedure up close. The Doctor gripped Jason's cock tightly and began to crudely shove the catheter tube into Jason's piss slit. High pitched squeals came from the gagged Jason, but fell on deaf ears. “Well this isnt working well as the urethra is too gummed and the penis too soft, so in circumstances like this it is good to get the patient aroused to help stiffen the passage and allows an easier entry” The doctor reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a syringe which he proceeded to stick into Jason's cock pushing the plunger and administering the dosage. “Now as that caverject gets to work I want us to examine the lads anus.” The Doctor stood from his chair and began manipulating levers on the examination chair which raised it, lowered Jason's head and raised his arse up so his hole was spread and at waist height. The Doctor pushed two fingers into the tight swollen hole and pulled apart. “Now listen to that sound. Get close and listen” he began open and closing the hole, pulling the hole apart harder and faster to the sound of Jasons sobbing below. “Now that cracking sound you can hear is another telling sign of infection in there, thats dried discharge breaking apart as I manipulate his rectum. “We need to explore this hole deeper and see how bad this is, Nick could you one of the students administer two dosages into the patient please, we need to get this boy nice and relaxed and loose.” Nick moved to a drawer and pulled out two loaded syringes from, Jasons caught a glimpse of the liquid inside which appeared to have some red tinge floating around inside it. “Dont worry” said Nick “These were made up today with help from some of our other patients.” then as he and the male nurse took an arm each they wrapped tourniquets and then both pushed the needles into Jasons veins, pulled back mixed Jasons own blood with the concoction, and then pushed the dirty loads of crystal meth into him, pulling off the tourniquets and watching Jasons body shudder in exhilaration. Jason's mind began to fly away as the massive chemical boost burned its way through his veins however he caught the last of the Doctors voice as he began to drift off and away “Right then gentlemen, its time to explore this cunt and see how much damage was done, its also a great opportunity to show you how deep this little rabbit's hole can go” as he began to place pressure onto Jasons hole which felt as if it was enveloping the Doctors big bare hand.
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  43. Freak Show - Part 5 Off we went through the grounds of the carnival. Lucky for me the cum on my face and in my hair had dried, so I wasn’t that much of a spectacle. Still several men looked at me with a knowing smile. Each clearly wanted to add his cum to the collection on my face. We headed around to the far side of the grounds, here were more trailers, and less crowd, muscle fucker leading the way. “Todd, where are the twins?” muscle fucker asked a guy busy working in the area. “Show time. Won’t be back for at least an hour,” he responded. “Well, fuck.” “He’s the one looking for fun?” “Yeah. I need to find some fun to hold him over until the twins are free.” “Alex is on break from parking duty. He might be up for some fun. He’s behind his trailer.” “Come on whore, we are moving again,” muscle fucker announced. I didn’t hesitate, too late to back out now, especially since I was enjoying the attention. I hadn’t had that much since the break up. At this point I wasn’t even thinking about getting poz loads, I just wanted more cock. We moved in between trailers and went around one to find Alex. Fuck me, it was the man that I paid to park, the one that set this up. He looked up and smiled. “Did you find the fun you were looking for?” “And then some.” "I have some more fun for you” he said grabbing his crotch, adding “I’m not a freak like some but I have my own uniqueness.” He undid the button in his jeans, then slowly pulled down his zipper. I watched attentively, waiting for his uniqueness to appear. He pulled his shirt over his head, exposing the black fur covering his chest. It was beautiful, but nothing that I could see was any different from anyone else. He pulled his jeans open, exposing his black fur covered crotch and the base of his cock. Still nothing. He looked at me and smiled. He pulled his work boots off, I scanned his feet, thinking maybe he had six toes on each foot, but was a little disappointed to see his feet were normal. “Strip for me,” he demanded. Pushing my shorts down,, I realized that I lost my shirt somewhere, so, except for my shoes, I stood there naked. “Turn around. Show me your hole.” I heard muscle fucker snicker as I turned my back to Alex and bent over. I could feel my checks open and knew he could see the butt plug lodged deep in my hole. “Keeping those freak poz loads in, huh?” Alex asked of muscle fucker. He just smiled. I looked between my legs at Alex, he was slowly pulling off his jeans. As he stood up, I saw it. Hanging from the jungle of hair in his crotch was his uncut cock. It was semi-hard. What struck me odd, was the foreskin. It hung a good half a foot or more beyond the head of his cock. “I want to be know in the show as the Foreskin Freak, but not too much call for something like that” he said “yet I keep stretching it.” “Tastes good too," muscle fucker added. I watched him stroke his cock, pulling the foreskin back, and still not exposing the head of his cock. His cock was steadily growing harder and harder. I reached back and pulled the butt plug out. “Please fuck me, breed me,” I whined. “Such a whore," Alex commented. "Actually, a poz whore," suggested muscle fucker. “Looks like I am going to add to the collection.” 'Was everyone here poz? 'I thought as I watched Alex walk towards my hole, slowly stroking his cock. I closed my eyes as his foreskin started rubbing up and down my crack. “Hold him, I don’t want him to get away,” Alex told muscle fucker, who stepped forward, pulled me up a little so my head was rested on his massive chest, as his thick arms wrapped around my body, holding me tight. With that Alex rammed his cock into my hole. Honestly, his cock slid in easily, with virtually no pain. All thanks to having been fucked by Double D and Tiny. Grabbing my hips, Alex rapidly pumping my hole, commenting “Loose fucking hole. Should have brought him to me before Tiny got him.” “Want me to slide my hand in there and jack your cock, Alex?” muscle fucker asked. “As loose as his hole is you could get both in there” Yet, Alex still fucked my hole. I could feel his crotch hair hit my ass, rubbing against my smooth skin. “Alex! Alex, your fucking break is up. Get out here and do your fucking job,” a voice said over the radio. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Alex exclaimed, perhaps in pleasure, perhaps in frustration. "Alex, I swear if you are fucking off right now I will chop off that foreskin, now get out here and do your job, you fucking asshole.” Alex began to pound harder and harder. I knew he was going to cum, his breath was becoming shallower and shallower. He slammed into my hole and shot his load announcing “Fucking take that toxic poz load, you loose fucking whore.” Then he abruptly withdrew from my ass, stepped over to the radio and replied “Fuck you Frank, You know how to kill a mood and a fucking hard on. I'll get there when I fucking get there. Oh, and YOUR ASS is mine.” He quickly dressed. The last thing he did was slam the butt plug back in my hole, remarking "You don’t want to loose that load, sweetheart, it’s highly toxic." Then, just as he was leaving the area he turned and said commented to muscle fucker, “I wanna another go at that hole.” “Deal” answered muscle fucker, who then turned to me and suggested “Let’s go see if the twins are free. They're always up for more than a quickie.” I pulled my shorts on and we were off. My mind quickly turned to the three way with the twins I was about to have.
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  44. Part 5 I left Blake tied on the bed and plugged while he softly sobbed from the pain and the realization of his predicament. I'll bet he was sorry he ever went to the bookstore. It was only a couple of hours before the party started, and I had lots of calls to make. At 9:30 I went back upstairs. Blake looked quite uncomfortable tied in that position with the long, fat plug in his cunt. "Good," I thought to myself, "a scared white boy in pain is one of my favorite things!" And it would only get worse for him. "Please untie me!" he begged. THWACK, THWACK, THWACK! Three hard slaps across his brought tears to his eyes. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" I yelled. "You will learn, the only begging you will do is to have your holes raped and filled with cum. Do I make myself clear?" Three more hard slaps and Blake was in agreement. "Yes Sir." he sobbed. I untied him and he put up no resistance. I put a leather collar with rings around his neck, and wrist and ankle restraints. I then put a cock and ball harness on his little dick, making it as tight as I could. "Drink this," I said holding a bottle up to his mouth. He made a face, but didn't dare disobey me. It was now almost 10:00, and I could hear our guests arriving. I told them to be prompt as they didn't want to miss anything. I attached a leash to Blake's collar and led him downstairs. I was pleased to see all 15 of the guests were already there. "Welcome gentlemen! Here is my new slut and tonights party favour! Short of killing him, anything goes. I want him wrecked like a white slut should be! Lets not waste any time." With that, I grabbed Blake and threw him to the ground,pinning him down with a foot on his chest. One of the guys tied a band around his arm and another stuck the needle in. "Are you sure Jesse?" he asked. It's a 2.0 hit." "Fuckin do it! This little whore needs to be fucked up royally!" With that, the plunger was pushed down and the band released. Blake went instantly rigid and coughed hard. "I want you to go first." I told my friend Buck. He had a 13 inch cock with a P.A. "And show no mercy! Rape that cunt good and hard!" Buck just rolled the teenage boy over and ripped the plug out of his pussy. Blake howeled. Then Buck just spread his cheeks apart and plunged his huge, hard, black pole deep into the puffy, pink hole beneath him. Blake screamed at the top of his lungs while the guys cheered. Tears flowed from his eyes as his cunt was ripped even further apart. Buck just pushed down on the boys shoulders and power fucked his cunt, drilling as deep and as hard as he could. Blood covered his dick as he pulled out before plunging back in balls deep. He fucked Blake mercilessly for a solid 10 minutes, never letting up until he buried himself to the hilt and dumped his load far up into the teenage cumdump. After he pulled out, he spread Blake's cheeks apart so everyone could see his bleeding rosebud. It was puffy and inflamed, oozing red cum. "Who's next?" I asked.
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  45. Part 2 I picked up my boy and bent him over the chair. "Stick out your ass baby," I instructed him, and he arched his back showing me his sweet little pink cherry. There are few things I like more than the first taste of a virgins hole, and this one looked luscious. I kneeled down and lightly kissed his pink pucker and he slightly moaned. I licked around the outside a bit before I planted my lips against the sweet, sweet hole. Damn he tasted good. So fresh. So sweet. I dug my tongue in as far as I could, tasting my fresh new victim before his hole would become a gaping, sloppy gash. I ate that boypussy for a good 20 minutes while my baby boy moaned like a little whore. I finally pulled myself off of it and pulled out a little baggie. This baggie and some nice size rocks and I pulled one out and placed it on his opening with the tip of my finger. Slowly I pushed it into him and he hissed a little as it started to burn. I just slid my finger in deep, and worked that rock around into his tender membranes, rubbing it hard while he continued to moan. I turned him around and sat back on the chair, pulling him into my lap. He went crazy kissing me, trying to devour my tongue. I started pinching his nipples which only made him crazier. I knew I had me a true slut. I stood up and gathered up his clothes. "We're going to change booths," I told him. He looked a little confused, but was already too high to disagree. I stuck a finger up his ass and guided him out into the hallway toward my favourite booth, one that had glory holes in both sides. It was time to put my bitch to work. We passed several men in the hallway, some who knew me and knew what I was up too. They leared at the naked boy attached to my finger, knowing what was in store for him. I closed the door in the new booth and pushed my boy down to his knees. Almost instantly a cock poked through a hole, hard and dripping. "Suck that cock baby boy," I told him. "I want to watch you suck it." I held the poppers under his nose as he took several long drags, fueling his lust further. He crawled to the cock and started sucking it. I could tell he was inexperienced, but that was ok. I let him take his time, and he was doing ok. Soon the cock started to shoot, and I pulled my boy off after the first couple squirts in his mouth so the rest could go on his face and hair. My boy was going to be a dirty bitch and I wanted him to start looking like it. Another cock appeared on the other side and my boy didn't have to be told what to do. He dove on that cock as I held more poppers under his nose, reving him up more. This time I held his head and pushed it back and forth on the cock, forcing it down his throat, stretching him open. When the cock started cumming I pushed his face right against the wall so it was shooting down his throat. Then I pulled him off and coated his face with the rest. He was starting to look like a real cumslut. More poppers and a third cock to suck, and I started fingering his hole. Quickly I had two, then three fingers sliding in and out as the third cock erupted in his mouth. Without being told he pulled off and milked the rest of the load all over his face. Damn he was easy, and I knew he was ready for the next step. The next cock that came through he started sucking it. After he got it nice and wet I pulled him off and turned him around. More poppers and I grabbed his ass cheeks and spread them as I pushed him down on the cock. "Sit on it baby boy," I breathed in his ear. "Relax and let it in you." The kid was so high it took no effort before he had the cock all the way in his pussy. I just held him against the wall as the cock drilled in and out of his hole. He moaned and grunted while he took his first fuck. "Good boy. Now you're learning what your pussy is. You're gonna make Jesse real happy!" He just continued to moan as the cock pumped his ass full of cum for the first time in his young life. Without even pulling away from the hole in the wall, a new cock quickly pushed into my boy, fucking him and getting his hole wetter and looser, and depositing another load in his guts. I opened the door of the booth and saw a buddy out side. I handed him the bottle of poppers and told him to keep an eye on my bitch for a few. "Make sure his holes are getting used! I'll be back very shortly" I grabbed the kids clothes except for his underwear and left the arcade. I tossed his clothes into my car, taking his wallet out of his jeans. I could sell his clothes easy for a few bucks. The Jordans should bring a little more. Then I grabbed his keys and went to the Escalade. I looked in his wallet, $300 bucks in cash, not bad. Stupid kid didn't even know enough to not bring money to a bookstore. A couple credit cards too. Wouldn't take me long to run them up. Daddy would just think they were stolen anyway. I looked around the Escalade for anything else, but found nothing. I looked at the kids ID. Blake Darby. He lived in the Heights. I knew it. Big houses up there. Blakey boy was in for a wild couple of weeks! I returned to the arcade, and slipped into an adjoining booth. I wanted to watch my new slut in action secretly. My buddy just stood there as Blake rode another anonymous cock through the hole. He looked blitz and he just pushed his ass back onto the partition, taking it as deep as he could. My buddy knelt in front of him and fed him his cock. Blake sucked it like a pro already. I watched my boy get spit roasted through the hole as both cocks filled him with more cum. I decided we had spent enough time in the bookstore and it was time for the next phase. I entered the booth and looked at my new slut. Cum dripped off his face and leaked out his no longer virgin hole. I just grabbed his shorts and told him to put them on, we're leaving. He didn't even hesitate or ask where the rest of his clothes were. He pulled on his shorts and I stuck my hand down the back, sticking two fingers in his dripping cunt. I guided him out into the hallway and out of the bookstore to his vehicle. I tossed him in the passenger side and off we went to Daddy's house in the Heights.
    1 point
  46. Zach I’ve been feeling crappy off and on for the past year, I may even be the source of an epidemic in my small town. I graduated last May from high school and will soon be heading off to college, where I will no doubt, begin a new round of infections. I’m 19 now and I’m a total slut, pig, whore whatever you choose to call me, oh and I have a taste for daddies I think my obsession with older guys started when I was doing competitive swimming as a youth, the coach would play us video tapes of athletes like Marc Spitz and Greg Louganis to train us and to give us inspiration in our swimming and diving, I was glad the warm up pants were a bit baggy as I always ended up with a raging hard on. I also guess that is when I internally started realizing and accepting I was gay although I kept it to myself. Now I have always been athletic although I really don’t like sports all that much other than swimming, wrestling and weight lifting. I have kept myself in shape and have proven to be outdoorsy, hiking, camping, and generally being at home in the outdoors, doing activities. I remember back when I was in my mid tens going camping with the family, including my Uncle and his boyfriend and I overheard my uncle talking “so when do you think he’ll come out?” they were talking about me of course. Now my family is pretty liberal and being gay isn’t a big problem with them, but I still stayed in the closet till just before my eighteenth birthday, when I finally decided it was time. Their reaction was “so, this is a revelation” coming out to my parents was easy. Coming out to my best friend since fourth grade was more difficult for me at least, his reaction was “so I’m straight but this doesn’t change anything, our bromance can continue the way it always has” he said with a wink and a smile. On my eighteenth birthday we were buzzed from some really good bud and I leaned over and planted a wet one on his lips, he returned the kiss and we soon were into a hot make out session for about 5 minutes before he pulled away “ok, that never happened, it was the weed, and it won’t happen again” I was a bit crushed but I knew what he was implying, I headed home to my surprise birthday party and pretended I was surprised, I got some cool birthday presents, but the one that piqued my interest the most was getting my own tablet, no more having to share with my sister and brother. As the festivities wound down I retired to my room and proceeded to set up the tablet complete with hidden profile, password protected of course. After getting things set up I connected to the internet and googled “raunchy Gay Sex” picking a site I began watching hardcore porn, the first one showed a guy surrounded by several other men taking a cock in his ass while the other men jerked, pissed and feed him their cocks. I was excited and intrigued, that was how I wanted sex. I spent a good portion of my free time jerking to different videos over the next week, after school I would rush to my room and lock the door, pull out my tablet and put on dirty movies. About three weeks later mom was reminding me not to plan anything for the following weekend as my Uncle was getting married to his partner. I was hoping that being a gay wedding there might be some hot gay guys who might fulfill my fantasies. The day of the Wedding came, and I adorned a black tee shirt and a blue and white striped dress shirt to wear over it unbuttoned so I would look cool. My family and I arrived early and there were a small amount of people mingling and then I spotted him, a handsome daddy bear about early 40’s apparently helping out with the preparations, was taking pictures for my mom so I tried not to be too conspicuous about cruising the guy, but I stayed within eyesight of the daddy. As more guest arrived it became a little harder to cruise him but easier since I was able to get more picture, which allowed me to get closer to him until we were standing next to each other, we exchanged polite small talk, enough to find out he was indeed helping the wedding coordinator and was a friend of my uncle. I noticed he visited the bathroom frequently and I began developing a plan to get him alone and in a compromising position. I handed my mom the camera and headed to the small bathroom, locked the door and pulled up Facebook on my phone, I clicked on my Uncles partner’s page and scanned through is friends to see if the hot daddy was listed, there he was, my heart was pumping and I was hoping he was interested in younger guys. The ceremony was short and sweet, even though I was on the opposite side of the room I kept the daddy in my sights. There was a short break while photos were taken, papers signed and such then the grooms were ushered in to start the buffet line. Soon the whole party was focused on food and drink, lucky for me my family choose a table where I could see him clearly, I went for seconds, and then back for more, after all I’m a growing youth. The second time I came back for more I noticed he got up from his table , but didn’t grab his plate to refill it so I slipped into the bathroom, and stood behind the partition that separated the sink from the toilet. I wait and hoped he would come in, I heard someone push open the door, I peeked as they were latching it, and it was him, he stepped to the sink and quickly washed his hands, as he dried them I stepped out and pressed myself into him, our lips met and he was soon returning the kiss. He protested a bit saying that there was our friends just on the other side of the door, and that he really had to pee. This was my chance I sat down on the toilet and took his semi hard cock into my mouth, I was living out my kinky fantasy, he asked me if I was sure, I nodded and his stream began to flow into my mouth, it was acrid and sweet at the same time. My cock began to get rock hard as he finished pissing in my mouth, I undid my pants and fished it out stroking it as I started giving him my first real blowjob, I had practiced on vegetables and hot dogs and such but this was the first real cock sliding down my throat, I gagged a little and when I had him all slobbered up I quickly stood up and turned around, directing that throbbing piece of meat at my unlubed and virgin hole. I pushed back and the head breached my opening, fireworks of pain shot through me, he grabbed my hips and held me still. At first I thought he was going to pull out, but then I felt his cock twitch the slid another inch in the back out then in again a little deeper, the pain began to turn to pure pleasure as he did this one more time then slammed his cock into my grasping hole. He began fucking me in earnest and had to put a hand over my mouth to help keep me quiet. He pumped me hard I could feel myself getting wetter then I realized his precum was flowing into me, then he grunted and flooded my gut with his seed. His slow gyrations stated up again and he started a new round of thrust hitting my prostate repeatedly causing me to shoot my load onto the toilet seat cover which then puddled into small lakes of semen. He pulled out with a plop and I bent over and slurped the puddles of cum up, presenting my ass to him which he then feltched eating some of his cum from my hole, I turned around and took his slimy cock into my mouth and cleaned off the mess my ass had left there. I stood and kissed him, taking in the taste of my ass while sharing the cum and juices which were still lingering in my mouth. I slipped him my name, number and e-mail and hid behind the partition again as he slipped out the door. I exited a few moments later, returning to my family with a full gut of cum, stopping at the buffet on the way to grab a slider to hide the scent of the sex on my breath. We exchanged glances back and forth but no one was the wiser of our tryst. I left shortly after the cake cutting with my family, riding in the car I could feel cum slowly oozing into my underwear, I was hoping it wouldn’t make a spot in my jeans. Upon arriving home I rushed ahead of my family upstairs and into my room stopping in the bathroom for a quick evaluation of my rear, my shorts were sticky with cum and ass juices along with spots of blood. As I got to my room, without running into either sibling I locked the door and pulled out a small plug I had purchased a few days before, running it up and down my crack to lube it with cum that had escaped then shoved it into my hole, my sphincter gripped the invader by the indent in the shaft, thus sealing my hole from further leakage, I threw on a clean pair of underwear and a pair of basketball shorts and headed downstairs. After watching television with the family for a couple hours I headed back to my room and pulling my used pair of boxers to my face took in the scent of daddies cum and jerked off, falling asleep shortly after blasting out my load. A few days later I was hanging with a buddy at school, and my best friend came by and greeted us both, and the three of us began walking towards the gym and locker-room, they were both on sports teams so I walked them to practice. As they changed into their uniforms I noticed that there was a new assistant coach wandering through the locker-room. I inquired and they told me he was the new assistant coach just out of college. He smiled at us as he passed by, I smiled back and excused myself from my friends, I followed him back to his small office “Err um coach I was just curious if you might have some time to talk” “Sure, what sport you interested in” As he turned around I grabbed my crotch and winked, the hot coach stammered then walked over and closed and locked the door. Coach began rubbing my crotch as I leaned in and began kissing him, I soon had the hot young coach on his back and was pounding his hole with my 7.5 inch stud pounder, I was soon filling him with my 18yo teen boy cum. After having sex with the hot young coach, his boss looked mighty hot, although he was a little more work to get him into my pants and me his. About a month after the wedding I came down with a flu which kept me out of school for almost a week. As sick as I was I still wanted our weekly meetings with each coach flip fucking with the older one and pounding away at the younger one’s sweet mancunt. Three weeks later we were in the final games leading into the playoffs and several players were getting sick with the flu, the coach had been ill a couple weeks after me and so it went the epidemic started and I decided I should lay low for a bit, especially after going over to the next town where nobody knew me and purchased a home HIV test kit. After using it to test myself I put the numbers together I had been infected at the wedding, I in turn infected both coaches who were fooling around with several of the players, who were also banging their girlfriends and boyfriends. I also infected my best friend when we were buzzed one night I talked him into fucking me then I fucked him in return all before I tested. So now my little home town has had an outbreak of HIV and health officials are baffled since no one is talking about who they fucked or let fuck them
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  47. Part II: Okay, I have to be honest. I was a little jealous listening to Miguel fuck Brad. And I couldn't stop thinking about how Miguel's big dick felt in my mouth. I had to suck him again, at least! So, I finally got up the courage to message him on a4a from my real profile. Me: hey. I met you a few weeks ago. I sucked your dick in my kitchen before you fucked my roommate. I noticed that he read the message and then didn't respond. I looked at his profile and saw that he changed it back to HIV positive at some point. It was read, but there was no reply. Damnit. I waited for over an hour and then checked again. I then realized that he might be afraid to talk to me after what happened with Brad. So, I messaged him again to make sure he knew that I didn't know about what happened. Me: I would like to see you again. I loved sucking your big dick. I was kinda jealous that you fucked my roommate too. Ah! It worked. Miguel resonded. Miguel: Well, your roommate is really weird, man. I don't know what's up with that. Me: Oh .. he's a pompous ass. Everyone he sleeps with ends up hating him for one reason or another. I want to move out, but it's so hard to find the right roommate and he won't let me off the lease. There we go. I figured Miguel would feel cool talking with me now. Why would he expect that I set up my roommate for a stealth pozzing? I got a little hard thinking about that again, which only made me a little more forthright as our conversation continued. Miguel: yeah, I would probably move out if I were you and I had the chance. Me: I keep looking for other places. But, I gotta say that from what I heard, he loved the way you fucked him. I was trying not to overhear, but I heard him beg you to keep fucking him and moaning soo loudly. Miguel: well, he said he wanted it. then, he got upset and changed his mind after I came in him. it was so weird. I found myself rock-hard thinking about those slapping noises. And now I wanted to feel what Brad felt with that big dick pounding my ass. I tried to shake off the thought, but had to let Miguel know somehow that I wanted it. Me: If you ever fucked me, I wouldn't change my mind. I never had a big dick like your up my hole. I bet it feels amazing. I want to finish sucking you off still too! I had wondered for a moment if I was going to scare him off by being so direct. But, he replied still. Miguel: you know I'm poz, right? Me: Oh yeah, I saw it on your profile. I'm cool with it, though. Okay, I wasn't cool with it. But, I couldn't get that cock out of my head. My dick was straining to escape from my jeans as we continued chatting. Miguel: Good .. because I want to finish fucking your mouth and then get in that cute little ass of yours. I had to unzip my jeans and let my straining cock escape the pressure. It was too uncomfortable. And I had to hear more about what Miguel wanted to do to me. Me: how will you fuck me? His answer seemed to take forever to come back. I stroked eagerly and kept refreshing my inbox. He finally answered. Miguel: First, I would fuck your face as you make my dick sloppy. Then, I eat your ass until you beg me to put it in. Next, I position you on all fours, and enter your tight hole from behind. I start slowly so you can get used to my big dick inside you. Then, I pick up the pace until you are getting every inch, and your hole is stretch as wide as it can. And that's when the real fucking will begin. I had to stop jerking my cock. I was about to explode at that point. Me: Holy fuck! That sounds amazing. Come get at me NOW !!! Miguel: Are you alone? I don't wanna see your crazy roommate. Me: I'm all by myself. Please come! I never had felt such an urgency. I wouldn't really let him fuck me, though. I'd just suck him off. And I know he'd understand. Miguel: You're really hot. But, I dont want to have someone else change their mind on me .. so .. here's what you need to do ... Miguel instructed me on how to make sure nobody would doubt that I wanted a poz guy to fuck me. Sadly, it meant that I would have to wait a week. He had three requirements. I had to e-mail him one day and beg for it. I had to text him a couple of days later, again begging for it. And then, I had to leave him a voice mail a couple of days after that. And I had to tell him I didn't care that he was poz. He was emphatic one one point: it has to be believable. Challenge accepted, I thought. The e-mail: Dear Miguel, thanks for being honest with me about your poz status. I really appreciate it. I want you to know that I'm still very attracted to you. You are the sexiest guy I ever met in my life. I'm so glad I got to suck on your dick that night I met you. Now, I want more. Please fuck me bareback with your huge cock. I need it sooo bad! I wannt you to fuck me and cum in me. I don't care if it makes me poz too. I need you so badly. Please please please fuck me! After I wrote that e-mail, I jacked off and shot a fountain of cum that unexpectedly ended up in that keyboard. Damn, I didn't see that happening. The text message: It actually took me an hour to figure out what to write. Well, that's because I had to stop and jerk off the more I thought about it. Finally, I sent it. Miguel. idk if u saw my email yet. i want u to fuck me. i know ur poz. im cool with that. pls fuck me raw. idc if end up poz. i need you in me. pound me soon! pls! pls! It bothered me that I didn't get any response a day later. Why was he making me wait?! That sucked. The hardest part was the voice mail. It had to be convincing. And, I still had doubts. I thought of his big cock and started stroking my cock again. The more aroused I got, the braver I got. I was rock hard when I decided to make the call and leave the voice mail. When I called him, it went right to voice mail. Good, he's still up for it, I reasoned. The voice mail: Hey, Miguel. I emailed and texted you. I want to make sure you know that I still want it. I want you to fuck me raw with your big dick. I don't care that you're poz. You're soo hot. I'd do anything for your cock. (I didn't plan to leave the next part, but I was so horned up, it just kinda came out.) I'll suck your dick, swallow your cum. You can cum in me. Fuck me hard and deep! (Suddenly, I was about to erupt as I grabbed my cock tighter and jerked.) Miguel, please fuck me soon. Fuck me deep and hard. Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum! Make me cum! Fuck! (And then I came, and quickly hung up the phone.) Well, I hope that counted. Because there's no doubt that was believable. LOL. I couldn't wait to hear back from him now. Even though I just blew a load, I *still* wanted him desperately. (Too be continued.)
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  48. As the three recovered from their little 'trist' (Austin needing to recover more then the couple) Matt spoke to his sex partners, "Seeing that Austin its feeling better we should be on for Ron to stop by Friday night." John looked up at Matt with a smile, "Sounds like a plan." Austin had no clue what the couple were planning, but had an idea he'd like it. The couple pulled their cocks from Austin's hole. Austin rolled over on the bed as the two got off the bed. Before Austin could get up Matt told him, "Stay where you are till I get back." "OK, but I wanted to take a dip in the pool before we start to make dinner." John barked out, "We're going out to eat tonight." Austin sat in his bed as Matt slipped out to of the room and was back before he knew it. Matt had a tourniquet, needle, a couple small vials and an alcohol wipe. Matt told him, "I'm going to draw a some blood for testing. " Matt drew off enough blood to fill every tube about half way. He pulled the needle from Austin's arm and placed a band aid over the site. "Go ahead and take a quick swim. We'll be leaving in about an hour." Austin went out, hoped in the pool and relaxed. He swam around and felt refreshed. He climbed out, took a quick shower and dressed for dinner. The three pulled into John's car and drove off. John took them to one of the nicest restaurants in the city. They had a nice dinner then went home and before bed Austin sucked load from both men. All three went out by the pool, stripped down and swam around. Then John sat on the edge of the pool as Austin stood in the water and worked on John's cock till he received his 'reward' of a nice load of tastey cum. After John was done Matt took his place on the side of the pool and Austin got his second load of protein to eat. All three swam some more then went to bed. As the three walked into the house Austin asked, "When can I decorate my bedroom?" John answered, "I think that we'll go get the supplies this weekend and you can start working on your room next week. First you need to paint it, then you can pick out pictures for the walls." Austin was getting excited at the idea of finally getting to have the room he's always wanted. The next day Austin resumed his daily routine. The days passed by as John & Matt awaited for the blood tests to return. Come Friday Austin made his call home to his parents. His rents seemed to be more at ease and accepting his new life. While Austin was on the phone with the rents, Matt got a call on his cell phone. As Matt listened to the person on the other end of the call he got a big grin on his face as John looked at him, then both of them looked at Austin. When Austin hung up he was told, "Get your ass out to the play room. Ron will be here soon." Austin stripped down and headed to the play room. When he got out there he was instructed, "Fix yourself a small rig and wait." Austin went about fixing the rig as instructed and waited. He didn't have to wait long when a thin man around 30 walked in with a black bag in hand. Austin was introduced to the man, "Austin, this is Ron." Austin shook the man's hand. "Ron is here to give you something give been working very hard for. We're so proud of you Austin. You're little sickness that you had was what we call the 'fuck flu'. It's something you get when you're sero-convering. We we're like proud parents when you got sick and even prouder when your blood test came back positive." John and Matt were smiling down at Austin as he sat there with his rig in hand waiting to administer it to himself as he processed what they were telling him. "Does that mean I'm HIV+?" "Yes my boy you are poz like us. Ron is here to give you your tattoo. It will be placed on the right side of your chest while a second one, our house brand will be placed on your right ass cheek. This one is similar to the we have on the left side of our chest." Austin had a big grin on his face when he was told that he had not just earned one, but two tattoos. He was very excited at what was about to take place. He was then told to administer his slam and to lady down for the biohazard tattoo. He wasted no time in giving himself his slam then rode the rush as Ron got to work on the biohazard tattoo. The Tina made it easy for Austin to manage the pain from the needle as Ron worked on a nice red and black biohazard symbol on his left pec muscle. Once Ron completed the first tattoo, Austin fixed another small slam and administered it in his arm as he lay on his stomach with his ass up to receive his second tattoo. Austin was strapped down so he could not move. As Ron began to work Matt gave Austin his cock to luck and suck. This distracted Austin as Ron worked. He licked Matt's balls and then Matt's cock from base to tip just before Matt fed him his tool. Matt slowly fucked Austin's face as Ron worked on the teen's ass tattoo. Once Ron finished he and John admired the work. Ron commented, "Looks like he's got a nice ass." "He sure does, care to try it?" " Fuckyeah!" Ron then drop his shorts and pulled out a nice cock, about 8" with a 0 gage PA. He stroked it a few times as John added lube to Ron's cock and some to the house boy's ass. Ron got on his knees behind the teen and eased the tip of his cock in. Austin moaned as Ron inched his way inside. Soon Ron was hammering away at the boy's tight hole. Austin was enjoying the fuck he was getting and as he got fucked his own cock was getting hard beneath him. Ron didn't last long and soon he was filling the boy's ass. "Thaks John. You've got a nice poz house boy there. Sorry I missed your party last week. I bet it was a lot of fun." Austin lookd back at Ron with a big smile on his face, "It was." "I need to get going. Have fun you three." John walked Ron out as Matt removed the straps that were holding the teen in place. When Austin stood up Matt noticed that the teen was boned up really hard and said, "Looks like someone wants to fuck?" as he slowly stroked the teen's 7". Matt then laid on his back and lifted his legs giving Austin access to his ass. John came back in the play room as Austin was sliding his cock inside Matt's ass. "Look who's topping?" John quickly dropped his shorts and stepped up behind Austin. He stroked his his hard prick and as Austin bottomed out inside his partner, John slid inside Austin's already lubed hole. The three worked up a good rhythm as Austin felt the precum flow from his cock and coat the inside of Matt's ass. As John fucked Austin, he was able to able admire Ron's work on the teen's ass. Matt looked up at Austin, taking a finger to the biohazard tattoo on the teen's chest. Austin smiled at the act and leaned in to receive a kiss from the stud he was inside. He the turned his head and looked back at the stud fucking him to get a kiss from John. As the three spent the rest of the weekend fucking and sucking Austin knew he was where he belonged.
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