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  1. I am a bottom, frequently going on and off my prep and travel the US, Canada, and the UK weekly for work. Would love to hear from you and hopefully meet up. Particularly if you are a poz top that likes to gift and convert. We can plan ahead to make sure my hole is ready for your gift. But today, I just wanted to say thank you to the guys who have taken their time and given us the stories on this site. You cant imagine how many loads (hundreds) I have unloaded reading your stories. Without amazing stories from folks like Pozpuppy, chi4loads, MackyJay, Rawdad4sons, Scorpion, vjohn90, Pigtoy, 1981virginia, logan43, newboy1689....and so many more....thank you, thank you, thank you. The literally gallons of cum that i have unloaded thinking of your creative and expressive stories has been amazing. It frustrates me a bit when guys complain or negatively comment on people's stories or get upset because they stop. WTF? But anyway..... you guys are amazing and thank you for sharing your gift. And for those of you willing to share with me your toxic gift. please get at me.
    9 points
  2. I was new here in town. I needed to get a physical exam for my new job so I asked around and one of my neighbors recommended I go see Dr. Kendrick, over on 10th. I called to make an appointment and a few days later I headed over there. Dr. K had an office right there in his home, a cozy-looking house set back from the street. Inside the front door was a small waiting area. A sign on the wall said to take a seat until I was called. After a few minutes a door opened. First, a young man about my age came out and hurried for the front door. I remember that his face was red and sweaty. Maybe he had seen the doctor because he had a fever. Next, Dr. K stepped into the waiting room and said, "You must be Larry. Larry Hicks? Come on into my exam room." I followed him into a bigger room. This one had a desk, a couple of chairs, cabinets and, in the middle of the floor, was a medical exam table. "Why don't you start getting undressed while we talk? You can leave your boxers and shirt on for now." So, I took off my socks and shoes along with my trousers, shirt and underwear and put them on one of the chairs. "Hop up on the table," he said, and tell me what I can do for you." As I explained my reason for the appointment he began making notes of our conversation. He asked my age, which was 19, and inquired about my medical and family history. All the while he poked and prodded me, working his way through the exam. Eventually the questions turned more personal. "So, are you sexually active, Larry?" I reddened a bit and said, "Not much. I've only done it a couple of times." "That's not a problem," he said. "Now...when you think about having sex...you know, when you get horny...do you mainly think of having sex with women or having sex with men?" Seeing the shocked expression on my face, he continued, "It makes no difference to me, young man. I just need to get a complete picture of your situation." "I don't know," I said, "I guess maybe I'm gay. I've only done it with two guys." "Well, if you're unsure, we can certainly help you figure that out. Do you like having your penis sucked?" I nodded. "Do you like it when a man puts his organ in your mouth? Do you like to pleasure him? Do you like him to ejaculate in your mouth? And do you swallow his semen?" Guiltily, I nodded "yes" to each question. "Well, at this point, I think it's safe to say that you are an homosexual." I blushed. "Now, as for anal sex...are you the insertive partner?" He glanced at me. "Hmmm! No! Probably not! So, you're the receptive partner, right?" My cheeks burned bright red and I could only look at the floor. So...you are what's commonly known as...."a bottom. In plain words...you accommodate the needs of other men. Excellent!" He smiled warmly! "Let's move on! Do you have any Sexually Transmitted Diseases? Herpes? Syphilis?" "No," I stammered. "Are you HIV-negative?" "Yes! I mean...I guess so." "Well," he said, "we have to be sure. We'll get you tested for everything. Then I can give you a clean bill of health." He did the pinprick and drew some blood. "Larry, I'm running a little behind. While we're waiting for your results, I'm going to put you in the next room. Bring your stuff. You can leave your boxers and shirt on for now." He ushered me through a doorway into the next room. "This actually is my bedroom," he said, and indeed, there was a large bed situated against one wall. "I use this as a second exam room when it gets busy. It's quiet and private. Have a seat there on the bed and make yourself comfortable. Mrs. Shaw is just stopping by to get her flu shot. It won't take long. I'll be back in about 10 minutes." He retreated to the first exam room and closed the door behind him. I sat down at the base of the bed and began to wait. In a few moments, I heard another patient enter the room next door and I could hear the murmur of their conversation. A few minutes later I could hear Mrs. Shaw departing. After a few more minutes, Dr. K came back into the bedroom. "Good news!" he said. "You're completely healthy. Your HIV test was negative. I hope you're not disappointed?" I was a bit confused. "What did you say?" He smiled back at me. "Oh, nothing...let's finish up the exam. You seemed a little unsure about your sexuality. You know...your preferences and needs. So, let's find out!" With that, he reached out and placed his palm against my chest as I sat there at the end of the bed. He pushed firmly, causing me to lie back on the bed cover. "I want to check your responses," he said as he began unbuttoning my shirt. When he was finished, the shirt fell open, exposing my chest and stomach. Without any warning, he reached out with both hands and used his fingers to firmly grasp my nipples. As he gave them a short but sharp twist, I moaned involuntarily, "Uhnh!" and my mouth remained open in an O-shape. My body reacted strangely in other ways as well. My back arched, pushing my chest towards the doctor's hands. Also, my knees jerked, pulling apart and upward towards my chest a bit. Dr. K stepped smoothly into the gap between my legs, thereby preventing them from closing. Dr. K's smile got bigger. "Well, well! That's interesting." He twisted the flesh trapped between his fingers once again and said, "When I apply pressure HERE, look what happens. Your legs spread apart and your mouth opens wide." And that's just what happened. As my legs parted, he pressed even closer to me. He leaned forward and placed his right hand on my face. Two fingers aggressively entered my mouth and started exploring. "This is VERY NICE," he said. "Even better than I had hoped for." I could only try to gurgle a response. Dr. K's voice remained kindly but his eyes seemed to harden somewhat as he looked down at me. "Raise your hips, Larry! Come on...haven't got all day! Let's get these off you." With that, I felt his free hand tug on my boxers. They slid off my hips and down my legs, finally brushing past my toes as they fell away to the floor. "There...that's better! You won't be needing them for a while." His fingers continued their rough invasion of my mouth and I felt his other hand cup my balls. He used his thumb to stroke the head of my dick in a circular motion. I response to his ministrations, I could feel my cock begin to lengthen and swell. "Your reflexes have proven exceptional," he announced. "Can you tell that your penis is becoming erect? And your nipples! My Lord,...we've already seen how responsive to stimulation they are." As if to prove the point, his hands descended on my nipples again, his fingers pincering them forcefully. I was helpless as my mouth opened again and my legs twitched further apart. Now, THREE fingers were jammed into my gaping mouth. "We've conclusively established that your sexual responses are HOMOSEXUAL! Now we should discuss your HIV status. I know that you tested negative this time, but it's well known that many gay men secretly regret being negative. For many reasons, every day, men like you choose to become HIV-positive. I imagine that you must have given it thought, haven't you?" With his digits swirling around inside my mouth, only garbled noises came out in response. "That's what I thought," he continued, as if I had somehow agreed with him. "Let's help you decide! Let's say you were gay...which you are. And you were a submissive bottom...which apparently you are. And your status is negative...which it is. And you desperately wanted to be HIV-positive instead." He now looked at me. "Is that right?" "Anngh! Gruhhh! Mmmpph!" He looked at me quizzically. "Does that mean, 'Yes'?" I tried to lurch upright, but his hand on my face kept me pinned to the bed. The doctor nodded, "See! I knew that deep down, you might want that for yourself. The question is...what can we do about it? Hmmm?" He stared at me. His eyes didn't seem very friendly any more. In fact, I felt like the doomed bird transfixed by the serpent's gaze. "Let's figure this out together. Here's a test for you. I just want you to answer honestly. Nobody's judging you here, ok?" Although the alarms in my head hadn't really stopped, I nodded my head. "Good! SO, let's say you come to me seeking my advice about becoming HIV-positive. I might ask you the following: "If you were to be helped in converting to a positive status, would you want to be infected, or 'assisted' if you prefer that word, by one man alone...or would you prefer to be infected by several men at once? Of course...you'd be in a sling for comfort." I was lying on the bed, unable to speak intelligibly and unable to sit up. My shoulders drooped in resignation. Maybe I should just play his game and see what happened. I gently prodded his fingers with my tongue. He got the hint and withdrew them so I could be understood. "I....I....," I whispered. He asked, "What?" As he leaned closer, his fingers gave each nipple a sharp little pinch. I gasped, "one man...ONE MAN!" He squeezed HARDER! "Say it ALL!" he commanded. Utterly under his control, I moaned, "I...I'd want...ONE MAN...one man to INFECT ME!" "I was hoping that's what you'd say. That's all you had to do, Larry...just ask!" I could hear his free hand fumbling with his belt. His other hand left my mouth and I heard the sound of a zipper being lowered followed by the whisper of his pants as he pushed them down. He cupped my balls again and my dick, no longer neglected, stiffened rapidly. Dr. K leaned over and covered my mouth with his. His tongue entered me, controlled me. "You don't have to be afraid, Larry! I'm going to take care of you. We're going to do this the right way, baby. His mouth trailed down my chest and belly. Upon reaching my cock, he engulfed it with his lips and began sucking up and down my shaft. Heavenly! Too quickly, he broke free and brought his face back up to mine. "You know...I've given many guys like you their first fuck...right here on this bed. And I given many guys their first condomless fuck...right here on this bed. In fact, I've given many men...men just like you, Larry... their first POZZING...right here on this bed! Pozzing...that means taking a man that is HIV-negative and introducing the active virus into his system, turning him HIV-positive. It's a privilege to be the one that helped you to understand your need to convert to positive like so many have done before you." He continued,"Nothing could be simpler, more natural and more normal than for two men to share their fluids like this, in order for the negative one to convert. Let me show you. "Open your mouth!" I didn't have a choice because his fingernails scratched across my nipples, making my mouth open. He leaned over me and slowly spit a few long gobs of saliva into my waiting orifice. "Now...Taste it!" I ran my tongue through his spit, letting his juices mingle with mine. "And Swallow it!" he ordered. I meekly complied. "See how natural that was?" I could feel the head of his dick bobbing around, pushing into my ball sac, leaving a trail of gooey precum wherever it touched. Suddenly, I felt warm liquid washing over my belly, running back down over my cock and balls onto the bed. "See, Baby! See how natural that is? How good my piss feels on you? I'm sharing that with you as well." My mind reeled with the thought that, by sharing his fluids, he was merging himself, his very DNA with me. ""The best comes last!" he hissed. His penis zeroed in on my hole. The head, still leaking precum, nudged a bare half inch into me, and stopped. "There!" he whispered. "I'm inside you and I've already left a tiny bit of fluid behind. A little HIV is already growing inside you. Do you want MORE?" All I could do was whimper! "You have to SAY IT!" he said. "YES!...I want more!" With that, he eased in and started up a slow steady pistoning motion. He growled, "You want my HIV? You want me to fuck my HIV into your neg pussy? SAY IT!" All the while his thrusts picked up speed and power. My voice got louder. "YES! Fuck me with your HIV! Make me positive! POZ ME!!" By now, he was banging into me furiously. "I want you to remember that someday....someday when you have AIDS...that it's MY AIDS inside you. I'm the one that infected you, put my virus in you. And YOU...you did what a Poz Bottom was supposed to do...you just SPREAD YOUR LEGS and BEGGED ME FOR IT!" He yelled as he began to blast his viral sperm deep within me. I could almost fell the bug attaching itself to my sensitive rectal walls, starting to grow. Dr. K rolled off of me and stood up. He bent over and gave my ass a loud smack. "I've probably knocked you up. I'm pretty potent because I don't take any HIV medications and my viral levels are always very high. Just to be safe, let's give you an appointment in 3 months so you can come in and get tested. My promise is that I'll keep fucking you until my virus has claimed you.
    8 points
  3. PARK CRUISE   PART 1 My divorce became final; then, I closed on my new condo. Of course, it was stocked with bits and pieces of furniture I had gathered together from an assortment of thrift stores and second hand shops. I didn’t care though. I had my freedom now.   No longer was I going to deny my sexual awareness and lust for men. Of course, my lust being tempered by the "gay cancer" that was running rampant through the country. Here I am thirty-six years old abandoning a fifteen-year marriage and setting out fresh in a new life. Yes, I had a huge amount of empathy for my ex. She just couldn’t understand how I couldn’t have known I was gay: That was her problem now to contemplate.   I had moved into my condo on Halloween. What a memory that makes. I searched the neighbourhood and found most of the places where I would shop and do business. I commenced to becoming a regular around the neighbourhood and started the hand waving, head bobbing, and just smiling that one does to those who are seen frequently. None of these people knew about my new quest in life which was to find men and have them fuck my mouth and ass.   Even now with my new life I on occasion let the memory of what precipitated my divorce flood into my brain. Len, my ex-wife’s younger brother, had promised to take care of me during the bachelor party for their sister. Len took care of me for sure.   Len was ten years younger than I. He stood eye to eye with me meaning he was 6 feet 3 inches tall, also. Len weighed 190 pounds to my 170. His dark brown eyes always sparkled with mischief as did my green eyes. His dark brown hair contrasted with my Irish red hair. And, that dark brown hair was everywhere on his body. My blondish red hair covered my body as well but it just didn’t make its presence known as well.   Len’s body hair was massive and thick as it covered his body. I was always amazed at how much hair he had and which he loved. Many times, he was told to shave but he always good naturedly would laugh and say he would catch a cold if he did that. I loved to see him during the summer months when he wore very little. I just didn’t realize why I loved seeing him. And, that’s a good thing, too, I suppose.   Well, Len and I went off to the bachelor party. It was held at a hotel that Len had arranged. The festivities went well. At one in the morning, Len and I saw the last of the revellers to their hotel rooms and went to our room. Upon entering, we found one bed and not the two that had been ordered. Len said let’s not get upset and just straighten the situation out when we woke up. That sounded reasonable to me at the moment.   The two of us began taking off our clothes. I admit that I stole a couple of furtive looks at Len. I saw his muscles flex and move as required to take off his clothes. I envied Len his handsome looks and all that dark brown hair that covered his body. We both finished at the same time. We each stood on opposite sides of the bed. Len grinned at me, lifted up the covers, and slid into bed. I stood for just a moment and did the same.   I had hesitated getting into bed as I was in somewhat of a shock at what I had seen. Len was wearing a white Bike jockstrap for underwear. The contrast of that white jock that ran through his dark brown hair was stunning. The huge bulge that I saw in the pouch was almost unnerving. I had not really thought about Len’s cock but had at some time decided that he had a nice cock but that was without any empirical evidence.   We lay there in stillness and silence and let sleep creep into us. My last thoughts were of my wife. I seemed to focus on her. As I dreamily thought of her, I began to get aroused noting that my 8-inch cut cock began to grow. I smiled. If I had been home with her, no doubt she would have found herself impaled on my cock as I rode her to completion. But, that night, there would be no such riding. At least not the riding that I was used to.   Sometime after we had gone to bed, I lazily realized that I was in that state of awareness yet not awake. I was on my left side. I felt a presence behind me pressing up against me. I gently moved backwards spooning my body into this other body. I then felt a hand grasping my cock which was obviously hard. This hand began to move very gently up and down my cock. I whispered a moan. Then, I felt kisses on the back of my neck as my cock was manipulated a little faster. I inhaled a slight breath of air.   I then awoke totally. I felt my neck being kissed but by someone with a stubble. My back pressed against a hairy flat chest as the hair pressed into my skin tickling me. The hand jacking my cock was big. LEN! It was Len who was pressed into my back, kissing me, and jacking my cock. Then, I felt a big pressure against my butt. Len’s cock was hard.   "Len," I whispered.   "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh," he hushed me.   I lay there feeling the kisses continue as Len continued jacking my hard cock. He attempted to move closer grinding his restrained cock into my butt cheeks as he did so.   "Len," I whispered again, "you need to stop."   "Shhhhhhhhhhhh," he hushed me again then said, "I’ve waited a long time for this . . . and so have you. All you have to do is take your hand, put it on mine, and remove my hand from your cock. If you do that, I’ll stop."   I lay there as Len continued to kiss the back of my neck and now began licking it. His hand felt so good as he massaged my cock. I continued to feel Len touching me with his lips, tongue, and hand. My eyes rolled upwards shortly thereafter, and I knew I would not remove Len’s hand.   PART 2 In short time, I was soon moaning quietly as Len continued to arouse me. I caught myself trembling as Len touched me. I pushed backwards into his body and began to reach behind me touching Len. I was conflicted on many levels: brother in-law; another man; arousal at a man’s touch; betrayal of my wife. I thought of these and more but waved them aside and pulled Len closer to me.   Len’s hand left my cock. I felt him fumbling between us. I at last realized he was releasing his cock from his jockstrap. His cock was wet from pre-cum. Len maneuvered his cock between us so that the shaft settled into the crack of my butt cheeks. He pressed hard and moaned deeply as he did so. The feeling was unreal . . . but welcomed. Instinctively, I pushed my butt backwards toward Len’s cock. I had no fight or argument now. I was a willing participant.   Len stepped up the attention and foreplay. His hand was everywhere on my body. He caressed my stomach, touched my nipples, stroked my face, traced my torso from my underarm to my hip, and finally began to pinch and squeeze my nipples before returning to once more begin jacking my fully erect and leaking cock.   I now had a light glaze of sweat covering my body as my libido grew in its intensity. Len no doubt sensed my abandonment of trying to stop him and increased his kissing and licking as well as his hand wandering all over my body raising my sensitivity level ever higher. He also increased his pressing his girthy wet cock into my butt cheeks which I now wanted to feel more of making me to push backwards.   "I’m going to fuck you, Jack. I’m going to fuck your ass so good and fill it with my thick cum load," Len whispered in my ear as he continued to kiss and lick my neck. "You want me to fuck you. Jack, tell me you want me to fuck you and fill your ass with my cum."   I heard the words. I recognized every one of the words. I knew the definition of each word. Yet, in my state of mind and arousal, I couldn’t swear that I even knew English as a language let alone understand what a message spoken in English meant while I was in the midst of such an unknown and totally foreign activity as I was. My mind focused on how my body and psyche were feeling at Len’s touch.   "Jack, I’m going to fuck you and fill your ass with a big load of my cum. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you and fill your ass," Len said almost in a menacingly tone as his hands inflicted sharp but brief points of emphasis by pinching me in several places.   My brain gathered its reasoning power and processed the words I had heard. There was no hesitancy on my part when I said, "Yes, Len. Fuck me. Fuck me now. Fill my ass with your cum load and fuck me some more. Don’t stop fucking me. And, don’t let me stop you."   Len grabbed my right nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed hard as he bit my neck. It hurt like crazy, yet, I restrained myself from yelling. It was a mating ritual I accepted.   Len released me, tossed back the covers raised up off the bed and ripped off his white jock. I stood by the bed and rid myself of my boxers. The two of us looked at each other in the dimmest of light that came in the room from around the curtain. We both were breathing heavily.   Len lowered himself back onto the bed resting on his back. I climbed onto the bed and straddled him as if I had been doing so for years. Somehow, I instinctively sat astride his hips as I moved his cock up from his body and let it rest on my backside. My mind began screaming as I had now touched his cock and knew how massive it felt. I had no clue how my ass could ever take his cock but take it I had to now.   I leaned forward cupping my hands behind Len’s neck. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Our tongues met and twirled around each other as we began our quest for completion. Len’s hands roamed all over my body once more sending shivers throughout me. At long last, I felt Len’s hand attempt to reach his cock. I stopped kissing him and pulled myself slightly upright as I moved my hand to my mouth. I dropped a great deal of spit on my fingertips which I moved to my ass wetting it as best as I could.   Len’s cock was taut from being so strained from arousal. Once more I doubted that I would be able to take his cock in my ass. I felt his cock in my hand and moved myself and his cock until at last I felt the sticky pre-cum coated head touching my hole. I held his cock firmly as I moved about adjusting myself. When I thought I was on target, I gritted my teeth and gave a quick backwards jerk of my ass. POP!   To say that I needed to scream and almost passed out is so very much an understatement. Immediately, I tried to move upwards to pull Len’s cock’s head out of my ass, but he had other plans. Len knew what would happen and was prepared to stop me. I was aware of his legs raising up so that his feet were planted on the mattress. At the same time that I was trying to pull off his cock, my hands went to my mouth covering it to stifle the scream I was attempting. This left Len with the leverage he needed.   Len grabbed my hips firmly and pulled me downward onto his blood-engorged mighty phallus of his manhood. The searing and burning pain raced through my body with each additional downward jerk as more and more Len impaled me onto his weapon of ass destruction. The pain was the worst I had ever felt, yet, I began to steel myself to accept it and soon did so. I was weak by the time I accepted the mighty invasion of my ass. I was covered in sweat from agony.   My hands slid away from my mouth and came to rest on Len’s chest as I leaned forward slightly over him. My ass was screaming and on fire. The fire I felt was burning away all that I had denied until now. My eyes were closed as I envisioned myself and re-lived what I had just experienced and tried to focus on what was about to happen.   Len decided to get my attention and did so by flexing his cock that was so adeptly planted in my now willing ass. My head jerked upright, and I gurgled a scream. Len’s commanding hands kept me impaled firmly on his blockbuster whopper. I thrashed about in excruciating pain as pitiful moans and whimpers escaped my lips. My mind was racing at what I was doing yet I could not stop. I didn’t know why but I had to experience this wherever it led.   PART 3 Len began softly and soothingly to talk to me. I heard his words of encouragement as the pain in my ass abated and the burning flickered lower. My head turned to face Len with conflicted eyes still reflecting the pain I had felt. I could just see his face. He was smiling as he now lessened his vise-like grip on my waist.   "See? It’s not that bad now. It’s going to get a lot better, and you’re going to beg me for more," Len whispered as he rubbed my thighs. Each time that he flexed his cock I winced and shook. "I’ve waited a long time for this. All you have to do now is to ride my cock and learn how much you love being fucked by me. And, when I blow my load in your ass, you’re going to have your mind blown away when you realize how much you love that feeling. You’re going to want more—lot’s more. Come on brother in-law; get your ass moving up and down on that big 9 inches of cock of mine. I want to hear that first moan that you make and know you are hooked on my big cock, and I can fuck you any time I want."   What the hell was happening to me? How did I get harpooned with Len’s cock? Why wasn’t I pulling myself up off his turgid cock? Why wasn’t I punching Len? Why had I stifled my screams when my ass was slammed down onto Len’s cock? Why wasn’t I protesting and stopping this? Why had I not fought harder to get away? These questions raced through my mind as I looked down at Len whom I could see from only the small amount of light coming in from around the drapery.   Some strength had returned to me as I had sat listening to Len and pondering my questions. I reached my hands out, and Len took them. I looked at him and then looked down at my own cock in the dim light. It struck me odd that despite being skewered onto a man’s cock my own cock was straining with lust and excitement.   My eyes returned to gaze at Len. Slowly, ever so slowly, I began to raise my ass upwards allowing Len’s gargantuan cock to slide out of my ass in small jerks. Shots of pain returned. Our hands grasped together tightly as an audible gasp escaped my lips. I rose up about 3 or 4 inches before beginning to slide down on Len’s cock again. I was gasping for air by the time I had re-taken all of his cock in my ass. My entire body shook at the sensation.   "Yeah, BJ, that’s the way to do it!" Len excitedly whispered. "Get that ass up higher on my cock this time. I’ll let you know when to start back down. I won’t let you pull off. Just a couple of more full-length strokes and you’ll be a pro at it!"   Again, I raised my body up off Len. This time was a smoother trip. As the head of Len’s cock neared my sphincter, Len told me to stop and slide back down onto his cock. I was panting now as a light coating of sweat had broken out all over my body. I eased myself back down onto Len’s rigid manhood. My heart was pounding in my ears with my excitement. Three, four, five, six times more I raised myself up and lowered myself down spearing my ass with his bloated fat cock. As I lowered myself the sixth time, my brain was swimming in ecstatic sensation of desire. I heard myself moan as each of his nine inches entered me. Len heard my moans also.   PART 4   Len whispered to me, "Good boy. Now start bouncing harder and faster. Make it feel even better." I started to pick up the pace. Up and down I rode his hard rod of steel. He impaled me so deep and I felt so full. His rigid tool was starting to really feel good as my ass opened more and more to his cock. My prostate was being rubbed harder and harder and I was moaning in exstacy now. My own cock was harder than I think it had ever been. I could not fathom the pleasure I was receiving. Len was moaning his pleasure now also. I could literally feel him getting harder and harder now. He was telling me, "take it Jack. Feel how good it is. I just knew you would love this. I'm getting closer to filling your ass full of my hot cum." I did my best to increase my speed even more, rising and falling down. Impaling my ass as deep as possible. I wanted every inch of that pole in me as far as possible. Len was now thrusting up as I came down on him, too, impaling me deep. His hands then grabbed me and another few hard strokes and he jammed upwards as I came down in one final smashing blow and I felt his cock expand and start to throb in me. I could feel his hot cum filling me up and heating my insides and then I erupted also, spewing my cum all over his chest. He ground into me and then rolled us over onto our sides, holding me close and keeping his still throbbing cock in me. We laid there in a pool of our sweat for what seemed like hours, but was really only about 10 minutes and then his cock slowly slid out of me as he went limp. My mind was completely befuddled by what had happened. Then we both fell asleep in each others arms.     PART 5 Several hours later I woke up, the sun shining outside, and my ass on fire. As I came around more, I felt the movement and Len was again in me and slowly fucking me. As I turned my head to look at him, he smiled and said, "It's about time you woke up. I have been in you for almost a half hour now and I am about ready to burst another load deep in your sweet ass, but I wanted to see your expression as you got another load of my hot cum in you." He then picked up his pace, faster and harder, and I found myself moaning with pleasure. I told him, "Go, go, pound my hole. Fill me up. I want to feel you erupt in me again." He told me to get ready, "Here it comes." Len pounde my hole really hard about 4 more thrusts and then I felt his cock expand and start to throb as he spilled his hot cum deep inside my sheath and then my own cock erupted again. Both of our bodies shook with the force of our ejaculations and then we lay in each others arms, kissing and caressing our bodies while we came down from our sexual high.
    7 points
  4. I was talkin to an alpha bull online recently who wanted to gang rape me with his buddies so fuckin rough and loud that the police get called so he could try to whore me out to em for having to come out and check on me..... got me thinkin of when i was 16 and i was at a rest stop back by the semis cruising for dick when a state patrol officer pulled in and asked why i was back there, he looked at my license N asked me to step outta the car N said he was gonna search it, he put me in cuffs N looked thru the car, he found a duffle i had condoms, lube N porn mags in, looked at me and threw it back in my trunk N said we both know what u were doin back here, he started grabbin his dick thru his uniform.... he said i had 2 choices, he arrests me for prostitution or we take a walk in the woods N work something out.... just as we got into the woods he told me to get on ur fuckin knees faggot! He told me i was gonna get what i wanted as he unzipped his pants N pulled his thick fuckin dick out. He left me in the cuffs N grabbed the back of my head and made me look in his eyes while he raped my throat so fuckin hard it felt like id pass out! He never let up till i swallowed 2 loads from him then he uncuffed me, spit in my face N walked towards his car. He saw a trucker who was watching N told him theres a faggot back there takin loads if u wanna rape the bitch... he got in his car N drove off and the trucker grabbed me and put me on a picnic table in the open N slammed his raw cock balls deep in me! He held me down by the neck as he raped me till another trucker walked up N held me down, by the time he bred me 3 guys had busted in my throat N another was about to rape my ass. Before he slammed into me he said he can either poz rape me in his sleeper so i dont get passed around all night or he can poz rape me right there till more guys line up.... he said its ur choice u fuckin whore, either way my fuckin poz seed is gonna be in ur pussy when im done with u! He made me beg him to rape and poz me in his sleeper b4 he drug me to his truck. He slammed the door behind us as we got in his semi N pushed me towards the bed, tellin me to get face down and spread ur fuckin legs whore! He stripped N shoved his fingers inside me as he stroked his dick askin me how old i was, i said 16 and begged him to use a condom.... he said he almost feels bad pozzing me but thats what happens to fuckin whores who beg for it and he slammed into me! He fuckin raped 3 loads into me as i lied there motionless takin it till he pulled out of me N said get the fuck outta my truck u nasty bitch! i got in my car and called a fuck buddy who was a doctor and told him what happened, he said to come over and he will give me a post exposure RX, when i walked in he was rock hard from what i told him happened and he fucked me on the floor of his entryway telling me 1 more poz load isnt gonna matter with all the seed inside me!! It was the first time he fucked me raw and the 1st time he told me he was poz! He unloaded in me, got up N tossed the RX's on the floor by me N told me i gotta go cause he had some 20yo neg pussyboy on the way over N he was gonna stealth the bitch and knock him up! I got hard as fuck as i passed him in the hall as i walked to the elevator knowin what was about to happen to him!
    6 points
  5. Just finished my first official professional adult film shoot. My hole is trashed,sloppy, achy and leaking come and Lube from the fucking and fisting by the two-legged stallion that topped me. The smile on my face is wide and the smile on my soul is even wider.
    6 points
  6. I was in the hospital for routine sinus surgery. I was in the screened-off area where patients are prepped. The nurses had finally finished the lengthy preparations. I lay on the gurney, naked except for the flimsy johnnie they had provided. The curtain parted and in walked two men. The first one had on a white coat and a name tag that identified him as "Dr. Graham." "Hello!" He said, "I'm Dr. Graham and I'll be the anesthetist for your procedure." He went on to explain that he would lightly sedate me now and then, in a half hour, I would be brought into the surgical suite. There, he would put me under completely. After the operation was finished, I would be brought back to the waiting area until I had fully recovered from the anesthetic. After that, if all was well, I could go home. The other guy was pretty young. Mid-20's maybe. Pretty good looking, too! He kept looking at me with a funny expression. I might have been mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that he winked at me! "Hi, my name's Davey! he said. "I'm your attendant. After you drift off, I'll be staying here with you until it's time to go into the O.R.. When you wake up afterwards, I'll be around in case you need anything." With that, they got down to business. After they put a drip into my arm, they plugged in a sedative and asked me to count backwards from 100. I remember getting to about 92 before I went under. Next, I remember coming awake and feeling confused. Was this what recovering up from surgery felt like? I noticed things that, at first, didn't make sense. It felt like my legs were up in the air, spread apart . I could feel the weight of...was that a person?...rhythmically pushing into the back of my thighs! And something was bumping into my butt. It felt strange down there. Was I losing bowel control or what? Still groggy, I opened my eyes. A man had my legs propped up on his shoulders while he rocked back and forth against me. He was wearing a surgical mask so I couldn't see his face but I could hear him breathing raggedly and grunting quietly in time with his thrusting motions. I knew I must be hallucinating, but I swear that it felt like he was FUCKING ME! I must admit...it felt GREAT, even if it wasn't for real. The only other things I recall was that he had 2 tattoos. The first, some kind of Celtic design, circled his left wrist. His torso was bared. He had pulled his shirt up to get it out of his way. Right there on the right side of his chest was a large black biohazard symbol! Great! My imaginary lover was HIV-positive, maybe even had full-blown AIDS. I couldn't move really, but I managed to croak, "What...?" The man looked quickly down at me. He didn't seem surprised or alarmed and his slow, steady pistoning cock didn't miss a beat. He whispered to me, "Sorry! You were meant to be asleep. Let me just increase the sedative drip for you. Rest now!" Immediately, as I began to drift off again, I thought I felt him shudder and from a distance I heard his voice say, "I'm cumming!" The next thing that I recall was the nurse in the Recovery Room waking me up. It took a while, but the world came back into focus. They told me the surgery had gone well and left me to rest up and regain my energy. All of a sudden, I remembered that strange dream. Wow! Getting pozzed in a hospital! What a hoot! Since it couldn't possibly have been real, I didn't feel upset. In fact, now the whole thing seemed like a really hot scene! Hospital or not, I began to feel a little horny! Just then a voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hey! How're you feeling, sport?" It was Davey, the attendant. Given my sexed up state of mind, I decided he was looking pretty good. I wondered what he might be like in bed. He said, "I'll be around for a while. Just holler if I can get you anything." It was then that I noticed the striking tattoo on his left wrist. My heart jumped as I stared at it. He had the same tat as the mystery man that pumped me full of his virus had in my "hallucination!" As I looked up into his eyes, he winked at me and said, "Welcome to the CLUB, Sport!
    5 points
  7. Saturday night the bb RT party ad for a dungeon fuck party had over 100 people respond. I got there at 9 PM when the party started, there were already about 30 people there. I went downstairs and there was a beautiful man being fucked in a sling by the host, he was in great shape with beautiful tan skin black hair and a beard. I watched for a while. The host had to leave for a bit and I stepped in and fucked this beautiful muscle man until I shot my load up his ass. I took some time to walk around, The number of people there kept increasing. After about 30 minutes I spied Chris, he's about 5' 7" lean wearing a jockstrap. He was bent over the bed being fucked, the guy fucking him stepped away and I stepped in. I hadn't fucked him in a while, it was nice to be deep inside of him again. I flipped him over onto his back so I could stare into his eyes as I fucked him after about 20 minutes I shot deep inside him. I took a longer break this time, when I went back downstairs I joined groups of guys took turns fucking a few of them then I ran into a friend. We started kissing, I led him to the bed and started to eat his ass. I came up and entered his beautiful tight hole, I fucked him for a while. Another guy wanted a shot at his hole so I stepped aside. As I looked around I saw Chris again and began to fuck him. Something about this guy just does it for me, he got my third and final load of the night. It was a great party with about 70 guys there
    4 points
  8. Honolulu, HI - A resourceful Uber driver drove and escorted me to a secluded cruisy area near Diamond Head when I asked where I could lay out nude and accommodate passersby. He stood by and watched while I spread out my towel, got naked and took out my sunscreen and lube, and offered to lotion my back for me (which included my buns), then automatically squirt my crack with lube, working it into my hole with his fingers. (‘Here ... you’ll need some of this for sure.”) I thanked him for his kindness and offered my hole for his use. Although no one seemed at first to be around, he was very vocal while fucking me, and we were immediately surrounded by three other men who watched and masturbated their exposed erections. After he came in me, he whispered in my ear, ‘You’ll do fine - have a good time’ and told the others, ‘He’s all yours, guys’ on his way back to his car. It turned out to be quite a popular area and I was thoroughly used throughout the morning ...
    4 points
  9. Today this building security guy I know had an empty flat. He asked me to take his load as well as that of his friend, about whom he wouldn't tell me much. I agreed, arriving at the flat at 1:15. The two of them tagged teamed my hole, the security guard breeding me first, then his friend, a hot young Asian guy with a nice thick seven inch cock. Then the security guard pushed his BBC back in and gave me his second load after a really rough fucking. Afterwards I was high as fuck on real poppers and dripping cum.
    3 points
  10. This is so well-written I had to bump it because it says so much of what I would say. The only thing it omits, that others have emphasized, is the importance of the audience factor. My awareness of all the eyes looking hungrily upon my naked body sharpens two senses in my mind. As they watch me in receptive coitus, I know that many if not most of them consider me submissive, a man to be taken, dominated and used by them, violated in intimate ways without consultation or consequence, and my humiliation is deep and rich. But so is my pride, because I know that I am the object of desire, and when each cock enters me, and its owner exclaims at the pleasure I provide him, I am exhilarated. Men enjoy watching me be fucked by other men; they have even gone so far as to light up my face so they can see my expressions in a dark campground. When I become the vessel that ChainedBoy describes, my humiliation and my pride mix together within me like the many loads churning inside me as each new cock mixes them and adds more.
    3 points
  11. Let's face it. Most gays shop for a mate based on looks and sexual compatibility. Looks fade and, after you've been in a relationship for a while, sex is oftentimes no longer exciting or what's keeping you together. What holds you together then? It's probably the fact that you've grown to love the person you're with (flaws and all). Most of us never get to that point because we are too focused on what he must look like, sex, what he must have and what friends and families will think etc. It's no wonder most relationships fail - we put entirely too much pressure on them to be perfect. And on top of that, we expect our potential mates to accept us the way we are, while we are constantly telling them what they must do to keep us happy. I think men of a certain age should look for companionship first. Find people who have similar interests and invest time in getting to know them. If someone has to be your idea of a sexual god before you will even allow them to speak to you, then guess what? You're probably going to be alone. That doesn't mean you have to date an ogre, but let's be truthful here. If what you wanted was easy to have, you'd probably have it, right? And I do believe if you present only the sexual side of yourself to the world, then that's all people will focus on. Your worth to them will only be based on if they find you sexually attractive. Understand that if you really do decide to invest in getting to know people, you are not going to hit the jackpot the first few times you play the love lottery. And by the way, there is nothing wrong with having a "list" of your deal breakers. If that list is too long (more than four or five things), then you probably need to take a long look at why it's so long. We make life so complicated sometimes. I've stopped trying to get people interested in me. You either are or you aren't. And I've starting loving the people who love me back.
    3 points
  12. I was cruising BBRT last night when I received a message from a guy who was visiting town and was at a nearby hotel. No pics but he said he had a nice hard cock that needed a hole for release. I said why not and headed over. Once at hotel I knocked on door he let me in. The lights were off and the guy was wearing one of those German shepherd dog masks. Closing the door, he pushed me to my knees and skull-fucked my face. After some time he was rock hard and slick with my drool. He pulled me up pushed me over the edge of the bed, pulled my pants off and then roughly fingered my ass with some lube, after which he drove his big cock in balls-deep. Guess I made too much noise from the shock of the sudden invasion so he pulled out a ball gag from somewhere and soon I was gagged. He roughly plowed me for probably 30 minutes until I felt him unleash his load deep up my ass. He then pulled out made me clean his cock, I got dressed and left. Hope he comes back to town soon!
    3 points
  13. I couldn't resist his hot mouth as he worked my cock with an expertise that had me blowing my load down his throat in no time. After he cleaned my cock off I looked down at him and let him know that we needed to talk. After my son had finished sucking a load out of my cock he disappeared into the bedroom as I finished drying off. I walked naked into the bedroom to find him lighting up my Tina pipe as I slowly walked across the room to join him on the bed. He took a couple big hits and handed the pipe to me. I followed his lead and took a could hits of my own. I asked him how long he knew. The question had a double meaning, one was about his own sexuality and the second was about his knowledge of mine. He answered both meaning by telling me he knew about my being gay from his mother’s conversations with her friends. Sean knew about his being gay since he was 13 when he was abused by one of my ex’s boyfriends who got Sean to suck his cock while his mom was at work and unavailable to take care of his needs. He went on to tell me that he found my pipe and stash when he was snooping around the apartment one afternoon and knew that we’d get along just fine. He also told me that he wanted me to take his cherry and breed him. I cautiously told him he may not want that from me only to be told as he took another hit from the pipe that he knew exactly what he was asking me. I looked into his eyes and knew he knew what he was asking. As I kissed him he wrapped his arms around me as he lay back and allowed me to climb on top of his slim frame. It didn't take me long to respond as my cock began to harden again. As we kissed he looked me in the eyes and almost pleaded me to seed him but not before he pulled out a couple points from under a pillow as he asked me to slam him up and use him all weekend. I didn't ask him anything more. As I prepped a point for him (and one for me) I explained how to prepare a point. I then asked him if he’d like to meet some of my friends. He shook his head yes and asked if I might take him to the local baths as well that weekend. A smile came to his face as I had his point in hand. I fixed the tourniquet on his arm and looked for a good vein. Sean watched as I explained to him how to administer. I stuck the point in his arm and drew back to register a flash of blood to make sure I was in the vein. I then emptied the contents into his arm and pulled the tourniquet from his arm and watched his reaction. Sean coughed out hard as the slam hit him hard. I prepped a good strong one for his fist slam. Sean began to suck me hardening cock as I applied the tourniquet to my arm. He had my hard 8” down his throat as I registered the flash and emptied the slam into my own arm. I pulled the tourniquet and coughed out as Sean was eagerly swallowing my cock. I flipped us around so Sean could continue sucking my cock while I began to rim his eager ass. He couldn't keep my cock in his mouth as he began to uncontrollably moan. I continued to lick his sweet tasting ass as he moaned and began to beg for me to fuck him. I wasn't one to disappoint my boy and flipped him on his back as I placed his calves on my shoulders. I placed my semi-slick cock with his semi-wet hole and began to push my way inside as I kissed Sean. As our kiss broke Sean looked up at my with a slight look of anguish and pain in his eyes. I continued to work my cock into his hole letting him know that that was all the lube he was going to get as I set to fuck away his cherry. As I began to bottom out balls deep inside my boy’s hole I grabbed the pipe and light the torch. I let Sean know that we were going to shotgun this hit and he was eager to try. I began to draw back a very big hit of Tina and then sealed my mouth over my boy’s as I exhaled the smoke into his lungs which Sean returned the smoke to my own lungs. The exchange went back and forth several times until we both were in need of oxygen. After a good shotgun Sean seemed to be more at ease as I began to fuck at his tight hole. I fucked away at Sean’s hole I could tell I was tearing him up a little bit, not too much, but just enough to be sure his hole would be more accepting to my poz seed. I could see it in Sean’s eyes that he was enjoying his first fuck and it didn't take long until I was really giving him a pounding he was beginning for when I couldn't’t hold back any longer and blew my poz seed inside his neg cunt.
    3 points
  14. Definitely this. Even if in a gangbang situation, my mind is on the cock inside me and the man attached to it; he has my undivided attention. For this reason I actually don't much like getting spit-roasted or having a cock in each hand while getting reamed - I aim to use my ass as masterfully as possible to leave that Top feeling that he just had the top-shelf fuck that he deserved. That way, the question of whether I'm a slut, or a whore, or public property doesn't really matter - all he will remember is that my ass was good enough that he'll want to tap it again.
    2 points
  15. 5. Trophies “You fuckin’ idiot!” He heard a voice from far away. He coughed, threw his hands up to his throat. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You trying to kill him before he even does the job?” He heard the same far away voice, incredulous, like it was shouted in a long, echoing tunnel. Chris rasped in several breath before he trusted he was breathing again. He sat up in bed naked, still high as fuck, but was alone in the master bedroom. The men had left him, and sounded like they were downstairs arguing. “So I got carried away,” he heard Polanski trying to defend himself. “You get carried away. Look at the way you offed the Bailey family. One by one, Brody. One by one. You ain’t no Saint Sanity when you get worked up. How many pieces’ that Tony kid in now? How many fingers did you cut off, how many ears, and whatever, before you just went and slit their throats? That wasn’t just for the old man’s benefit and you know it. You liked it! You was enjoying yourself.” Chris was trying unsuccessfully to process the evening. How much time had passed since he blacked out? Johnny Carson was on TV doing his opening monologue. It couldn’t have been that long. Still flying, not a lot of things made sense. Then, like someone had flipped a light switch, the pieces of the night fit. The last he’d heard on the television news, the sewer pipe, the two cons, they were right here. Chris crawled off the bed. On hands and knees he crept to the staircase to observe the men. They were in their boxers again. “Listen, you dumb shit. That was to get the dirty cop to squeal where he stashed it. It worked, didn’t it?” Bailey, Don, Brody, whatever his name was, he was no cop. He smacked Polanski in his forehead. “Think, dumb shit. Be smart.” Then he said in a low voice, “If you want to snuff the kid, wait till he brings out the stash, then you can have all the sick motherfuckin’ fun you want. But you almost fucked up what was pretty complicated set up to begin with. Drax would have had both us skinned alive, and I do mean skinned! We seen him do it to that poor fuck Jackson.” Polanski shivered. “So what now?” he said, starting to pace nervously around the room. “So now you go up, and hope the kid recovers. Then you beg him to forgive you, hope he ain’t dead or damaged, and will still do the job for us. You kiss his ass, suck his cock, and do whatever it takes.” “We gonna be straight with him?” “We gotta, but he don’t need to know everything. I’ll do the talking. He’ll trust me more than you, but you gotta make it up to him. Be his pal. You been a mean fuck ever since we busted in on him. Play nice.” They both looked up the staircase. Chris ducked back quickly in the dark hallway. He scurried back to the bedroom, got on the bed, and played possum on his side as the men came back into the room. Polanski got on the bed and shook his shoulder. “Hey, kid,” he said, “kid, you still with us?” Chris faked like he was stirring, throwing his hands to his neck like someone was choking him and sat up in panic. “Nah, nah, you’re okay,” Polanski said nervously. “Things just got a little out of hand, but you’re okay now. Man, I sure am high. How ‘bout you?” “Yeah,” Chris said hoarsely. “You were choking me.” He shoved Polanski away with both hands. “Yeah, nah, I was just playin’, but like Brody knows, I sometimes get carried away. I play too rough.” “Brody?” Chris asked confused. “Ah, geez,” Brody, as Polanski now called him, sighed and put his head in his hand. He sat down on the other side of the bed and put his hand on Chris’ back. “Yeah, we gotta come clean with you kid. We ain’t no cops.” “What?” Chris said in disbelief. “If you’re not the cops, who are you?” Brody laid out it out for Chris. “Nicky and I are ex-cons. We were just released from upstate after doing our time. And the first thing we do is we come pay a visit to the guy who set us up, the crooked cop who lives here. He’d been skimming money off the top for years from the man we work for. A Mister Jones.” “Mr. Jones?” “Well, that ain’t his real name, but better you don’t know.” Brody went on with his story with Chris pretending to hang on every word. “So the dirty cop’s family is away, okay? So we bust in on him. We had to get pretty rough with him, but he finally admitted that he did a bad thing and that he had the money squirreled away in the house, in the duct work. So Mr. Jones instructs us to use Bailey’s uniform and police stuff to get you to come out to Flushing to help us get the stash. Seems like he had his little kid go deep in the ducts and hide the goods where big guys like us can’t get to it, so the only way to get it is for a little guy like you to get it for us. You’re like part of our gang now.” “Did you kill Manetti,” asked Chris, honestly fearing the answer. “Nah,” Brody said. “He hadda done it himself. You seen the place was chained from the inside. Mr. Jones used that as an excuse for us to show up.” “Yeah, and I’m real sorry. I was playing too hard. But it’s ‘cause I like you. I think you’re really sexy and hot for a little skinny guy, and I got a thing for breath control. It’s just a thing I got.” “Yeah,” said Brody, “and it looked like you maybe got a thing for it too now by how much you came all over me.” “Yeah, I don’t think I like it,” Chris said, rubbing his neck. “Nah, nah,” said Polanski. “Not a lot of guys do, and if you, I mean you, me and Brody ever was to, you know, go at it again, and I hope we do, ‘cause the dirty cop ain’t coming back anytime soon,” he said darkly, “so maybe, once we get the stash, maybe we can mess around again, if you want, but only if you want.” “And no choking,” Brody added, running his hand up and down Chris’ back. “Just fun stuff. I like you too. You’ve got a hot little hole like I rarely seen, and a real sexy little bubble butt, which if we didn’t have a job to do, I could right now, cause I’m still horny, right now fuck you again.” It was true. Both men were getting a rise in their shorts. “Yeah,” said Polanski, getting back to business. “But we gotta finish the job, right Brody?” “Nah, you’re right Nicky. So, kiddo, what you say? You part of our gang, help us pull out the money? Then we get back here,” Brody padded the bed, “and we go at it for round two?” “You’d let me be part of your gang?” Chris asked. Both men nodded. “Would I get some of the money?” Polanski raised a brow and looked at Brody. Brody gave him a look back and said to Chris, “Sure, sure. Being in the gang means you get a cut. But we have to give most of it back to Mr. Jones. You understand that, right?” “I guess. I never been in a gang before. And then we can get back here and have more sex? Cause right up till the choking, I really liked it. I never been double fucked before. I guess this’ll be night of firsts.” There was so much untruth dripping all around, as they all looked at each other they all knew they were full of shit, but had to buy it to keep up the ruse.“So let’s do this,” said Chris. They went downstairs and out to the garage. The men’s tools were laid out on the floor near a vent next to the washing machine. The grate was off. Brody gave Chris a small flashlight and a map of the ductwork maze where the cop had his son hide the money. Chris got down on his hands and knees and crawled inside. Even for him it was a tight fit. The two men leered as his ass scuttled away from them. Brody said, shining his flashlight on Chris’ butt admiringly, “Let’s get this done quickly ‘cause I gotta have some of that pretty pussy again.” “Yeah, boy,” Polanski called through the duct, “Taking both our kielbasas means you’re ready for another game I like even better than choking called fisting.” Brody hit Polanski on his forehead again, but Chris had already rounded his first corner and his head was busy sorting through his options. All that stuff his brother had told him came back. Plan B. Look for a way out. They were going to kill him, he was certain of that, so how was he going to make an escape. Here he was, naked crawling through ductwork. If he manage to get out he’d be running down the street naked yelling for help. Well, that was the least of his problems. From the moment both of the men had their hands on him, he felt they were never going to let him out of their site even for one second. Except now. It had to be now or never. Looking at the map there was one tunnel that led to the HVAC system’s main unit in the basement. If he got down to there, he might be able to crawl out one of the basement windows. He scurried the direction he was sure was the route to the basement. It didn’t take him long but once he got down to the basement level he found the only vent into the room was sealed with a grate. He stomped his foot at it. It didn’t budge. He tried again and again, making an awful racket. Brody shouted into the vent what was the matter? He kick against the grate with all his might and it popped off. Nothing, he shouted back. He saw a rat and had to scare it away. He slipped out of the vent and landed on the cold cement. The floor was kind of sticky and slippery. In the dim room he saw the basement windows glowing from the outside streetlights. He went over to one of the windows and unlatched it. It was a lot narrower than he thought, only about six inches high. He was small but not that narrow. Plan B. He walked over to the staircase and again felt the floor was slick and sticky. Once he climbed to the top of the stairs he tried to open the basement door but it was bolted. There wasn’t a latch he could open. A key had to be used to open the door on either side. There must be a key down here somewhere. He felt around for the light switch and flipped it on. The basement was a horror show! Four bodies in various stages of dismemberment were tied to metal folding chairs all facing each other. They were all naked. A blond woman with several knife wounds on various parts of her body was nearest to the stairs. The crooked cop, the one Chris now recognized from the Disney photo, was as big as Brody, was tied up next to her. His neck was sliced ear to ear. Most of the floor’s blood looked to be his, although each family member contributed to the gore. The oldest boy was the one Polanski had talked about. Three of his fingers on his left hand and all the fingers on his right were clipped by garden sheers lying bloodied on the ground. His neck was also sliced. But what was done to the little kid that freaked him out the most, caused him to give up on this particular plan B, of getting out through the basement. As Chris got back into the vent he tried to un-see what he’d seen. The kid he was so envious of? No one deserved a fate like that. In the dark, he follow the map again. He tried to keep his mind on the task at hand, but he kept seeing the kid’s agonized face. Both ears had been clipped, his blond hair matted in red blood. In his mouth, his ears peeked out. As Chris got close to his goal, where there was an X on the map, one glimpse, one flash he tried to push away, but couldn’t: the imprinted image of kid’s bloody crotch. His eyes refused to focus on the particulars of where the blood had come from. He didn’t need to. He knew. Then there, in front of him, was the black briefcase. What kind of psychopaths was he dealing with? What reason could they have to produce such a nightmare? He flipped the clasps and opened it in the narrow vent. Stacks of hundreds neatly lined the case. He was no math wiz, but a quick count of rows times columns times ten stacks deep. The crooks had two million reasons. There was a banging on the metal, and Brody shouted what was taking so long. While he gazed at the money, he shouted he’d gotten to a dead end and got lost. He closed the clasps and turned around in the vent. He added that the map wasn’t accurate but he’d found the briefcase. He was freaked but he knew he couldn’t show it. As he started retracing his steps, he saw there were streaks of blood he’d trailed in from the basement. He had to wipe it off. He re-opening the briefcase and took out a couple of hundreds and cleaned his feet. He had a couple of spots on his knees and hands too, so he took out another couple of bills and wiped himself off with those. It didn’t take long to get back to Brody and Polanski. He pushed the briefcase out and Polanski grab it. Polanski couldn’t help himself and cracked the briefcase. All three of them stared at the contents. Brody was the first to speak. “Holy mother of Christ.” He put his hand on Chris’ butt and started rubbing it. “I think this calls for a celebration fuck. Who’s up for a nightcap?” They flashed glances at one another, and Brody took his finger and felt up Chris’ hole. “Ah, boy. We’re going to have to give you a special reward.” Brody and Polanski shared an evil grin. While they were climbing the stairs back to the bedroom, Brody asked, “So the map was really off?” “Big time,” Chris answered. “The stuff wasn’t where the X was and the layout wasn’t right. That’s what took me so long.” Brody set the briefcase next to the door. “So,” said Brody, “whiskeys on the house.” Chris asked if he could have one. “Sure,” Polanski said. “You earned it, didn’t he Brody?” Brody gave a nod. Chris trotted into the bathroom and brought back a glass. Brody had taken off his boxers and was playing absently with his enormous member. Polanski was around. “Where’s Nick?” he asked starting to pour drinks. “Dunno,” Brody responded, staring at the TV. Johnny Carson was joking around with Joan Rivers. “Hey,” he said lumbering off the bed, “We need a better show. How ‘bout you entertain us while you entertain us?” “Huh?” asked Chris as he poured the final glass. “I want to see how Manetti played with you while we play with you. I got the tape downstairs.” He went to fetch it. He had only a few seconds. Manetti’s drug box was on the cart. He opened it and took out the bottle of G and spit the contents between two of the drinks. He replaced the vial in the box, just when Polanski reappeared. “Crisco!” the man announced. “Promise I’m gonna curl your toes.” Chris gave Polanski his shark smile. “I feel ‘em curling already.” He handed Polanski his whiskey. Brody came in holding the VHS tape and popped it in the VCR and pushed play. Chris handed him his drink, as the familiar grunts of Manetti fucking him played in the background. Brody held up his glass. “We, who are about to die, salute you.” They both looked at Chris and each of them downed their glasses in one gulp. The two men squished their faces. Chris followed suit and stuck out his tongue making a gah sound, which made the men laugh. Polanski grabbed the almost empty bottle. “How about a chaser for a job well done, and to the newest member of our gang.” He divided the remains between them. “Bottoms up!” They raised their glasses again and kicked them back. “Okay, bottom. Up!” he ordered Chris. “On your back, head here,” Polanski barked. “Knees up.” Not used to hard alcohol, the whiskey got to Chris’ head pretty quickly. Combined with the earlier crystal, he was starting to feel spaced and horny. He got on the bed, listening to Manetti fuck him on TV. He forced his mind not to think about Manetti, but focused instead on Polanski. Even though he didn’t like the guy he was a sexy fucker. Brody knelt next to him and pushed his head toward his erection. Polanski greased two fingers and slipped them into Chris’ asshole. It felt good to have Polanski in his chute. Not liking him somehow made him harder. He bore down on Polanski’s fingers and took them right down to the knuckles. Polanski said to Brody, “This kid’s a natural. Look at this.” He greased up four fingers and slipped them with no resistance into Chris. Brody gave out an excited moan. “How ‘bout being a real pig, kid. Eat daddy’s hole.” He raised himself from feeding Chris his dick and lifted one leg over Chris’ head and sat his hairy butt on his face. “Dig in there, pig boy. Clean daddy’s dingleberries.” He complied eagerly, using his hands to spread Brody’s cheeks further apart, using his tongue to untangle each strand of clotted hair. The closer he came to Brody’s asshole, the more hardened fecal matter he found. Polanski added his thumb and Chris felt his whole hand pressing at his entrance. Again, he bore down and his asslips swallowed all of Polanski’s hand. “Woo-ee,” shouted Polanski. He wasn’t patient or caring like Manetti, he didn’t wait for Chris to adjust to his hand, just began pulling his hand out and pushing it back in again. Chris yowled under Brody’s ass each time Polanski yanked out his hand. He raised his hand to tell Polanski to take it easy, but Brody grabbed them both. Brody’s ass was firmly on his face, and the big man started rutting impatiently for Chris to get his tongue deeper his hole. When Chris traced his tongue around his asslips, the man gave out a huge farted. The skin vibrated lewdly on his mouth and Brody grabbed his head so Chris couldn’t get away. The smell was foul but he was stuck smelling it. Polanski was picking up the pace, pulling one of Chris’ legs over his muscular shoulders to get Chris to spread of his legs wider. The violent punching was winning. The helplessness of being pinned up such a big hair butt and his legs force apart while his hole was being wrecked, caused Chris to surrender completely. Polanski took the surrender to increase his attack, pulling out fiercely. He stopped for a second to admire the red pedals of the rosebud he was creating. “That’s it boy, push!” shouted Polanski, tapping on the rectum that was coming out of its hole. “I want some of that,” Brody said woozily, getting off Chris’ face. He scuttled down to Polanski and each man took one of Chris’ legs and pulled him apart. “Look, this little fuck still has a boner.” He looked at Chris who was wiping bits of Brody’s shit off his face. “You gonna let us do whatever we want to you, ain’t ya, boy?” Chris nodded. Brody greased his big paw and stuck four fingers into Chris. His hand was too big to get, but Brody stubbornly kept pushing his paw against Chris’ resisting hole. “Give it up, boy.” “I can’t,” Chris said. “It’s too big.” That only made Brody more determined. He leaned into the boy, and forced his fist in. Chris gave out a cry of extreme pain. His torso shot up trying to expel Brody’s huge mitt, but Brody twisted and prodded his hole enjoying the spasms he was causing Chris to endure. The hand popped out of the boy as he fell back on the bed. “You pussy,” said Brody, with weary eyes. “Let’s try that again. Daddy likes depth. C’mon, open your cunt for daddy.” His hand shot into Chris again, and though it was agonizing, Chris felt his rectum was prepared this time to accommodate the invasion. Brody was even rougher than Polanski, more aggressively tunneling deep into his hole. Polanski watch amused, though his breath was increasingly labored and shallow. Brody laid flat on his side to reach into Chris’ hole, Polanski fell from his knees to one butt cheek. He looked at Chris’ hard on and reached out and smacked the kid’s balls. The kid jumped but Brody’s fist in his ass held his in place. Polanski slapped his balls again, then took a fist and punched him in the nuts. Chris’ ass muscles reacted by baring down hard on Brody’s wrist and that egged Brody on to go in deeper. Chris’ intestines could accept any more of the girth of Brody’s hand, yet Brody’s face showed that a little thing like Chris’ anatomy wasn’t going to stop him. “The goal is the heart of the boy, and you’re going to give it to me,” stated Brody as he pushed in another inch. Polanski didn’t let up punching Chris in the balls. Chris’ head was back on the bed struggling to resist these two psychopaths, his hands flying in the air. There was a bounce on the bed. He looked over to see Polanski laying on his side. Brody looked at Polanski laying there, said, “Lightweight.” He pushed himself up on his side and pulled one of Chris’ legs over his fleshy shoulder. He stop for a second and examined the bottom of Chris’ foot. His face displayed his puzzlement. “Boy,” he said having a hard time put words together, “why have you got a red foot?” His mystified expression suddenly sparked with a dull anger. He pulled up Chris’ other foot. “You been someplace you shouldn’t.” There was such an ominous tone, Chris knew the man figured out where he’d been. “I’m gonna fuckin’...rip your heart...out of your…” The big man went down. Chris laid there for a moment. Brody’s hand was still far up his colon. He felt his fingers slightly twitching. His balls ached painfully, he was sure Polanski had damaged him. He started trying to pull his chute off of Brody’s hand, but at first only managed to pull Brody along with him as he slid across the bed. Without realizing it he found himself on the bed’s edge, his hand gave out under him, and he fell backward landing on his back. The quick, forceful drop pulled Brody’s whole hand out of him in one go, and also pulled out of Chris a gut-wrenching shriek. He now had that empty feeling once again, but this time he was very happy about it. The bedroom phone rang on the nightstand behind his head. The digital clock showed it was just after two o’clock. He knew who it was. He picked up the receiver without saying anything, just listening. “Do you have it?” Master Drax said on the other end of the line. “Yes,” Chris answered. There followed a long pause so long, Chris thought the connection was lost. Then Master Drax continued. “Are they dead?” He leaned over Polanski who hadn’t move since he fell over. He got in close to see if he was breathing. He was, but just barely. His lips were blue and his skin very white. Brody was breathing hard, but Chris had noticed he was always breathing hard. “No, but they don’t look good.” “Bring me what you found in the ventilation system. Leave the briefcase. It will attract undue attention to you. Put the contents in your bag and bring it to me.” Brody started to stir. Chris stepped back in alarm. The large man raised up on one hand, then vomited all over the bed. He looked around the room disoriented, saw Chris, tried to focus, but his eyes closed and he collapsed into his mess. “Leave them. Move quickly, child.” There was a click, and then dial tone. Chris went in the bathroom and splashed water on his face, then all the mess off his ass. What was he going to wear? His clothe in the washer were wet probably. He ran into the large walk-in closet. Half the clothes were the wife’s, and the other half were the dead officer’s, all way too big for him. A bright red jogging suit with white stripes hung next to the door. It was also way too big, but there was a belt rack on the back of the door. He could cinched up the waist with one of them. He grabbed the jogging suit, which uncovered the officer’s holster and police revolver. He wished he’d found that before. Now it seemed after the fact. He put the briefcase and his gym bag on the bed and began transferring the money. He looked over at Polanski. He’d quit breathing. All the money fit with a little room left over. He ran downstairs to the garage and got his damp clothes out of the washer. Sprinting back upstairs he stopped off in Eddie’s bedroom, found his sneakers, and sat on the kid’s bed tying his shoes. He went back into the bedroom to fetch the bag, when Brody rolled over the side of the bed with great effort, but even more determination. He stood teetering, blocking the door. “You little fuck,” he said, looming menacingly, taking one step at a time toward Chris. Chris back up with each step he took, but there wasn’t anywhere he could run. He was cornered. He jumped up on the bed, but the big man grabbed his foot and Chris tumbled off onto the floor, banging his head on the closet door. The man stumbled toward him. Chris scrambled up and backed into the closet, closing the door behind him. He grabbed the holster and moved to the back of the closet, far away the door. The door flew open and Brody charged at him with a monstrous roar intent on tearing him limb from limb. Chris pulled the Glock out of its holster, clicked off the safety, and emptied six bullets in the man’s stomach. Brody was knocked backwards with each strike, but still stood his ground, taller and now madder than ever. “I’m fucking gonna reach inside you and tear out your lungs.” He charge again at Chris, grabbed Chris by the neck and lifted him to the ceiling. Chris unloaded nine more rounds, first hitting his shoulder, his arm, his chest, and, finally feeling his throat about to snap, shot him between the eyes. He kept pulling the trigger long after the gun was empty. Brody fell backward dropping Chris to the floor. His body made a loud thump. As he sprawled, arms wide, on the emerald green shag carpeting, red streams of blood slowly spread in all directions. Chris slowly stood up, still in shock. It wasn’t till the heavy revolver slipped out of his hand that his flight instinct took over. He jumped over the dead man, snatched up his gym bag, and sped out of the house never looking back. A black Camaro sat at the curb. Its engine gunned once as Chris approached it with mounting dread. At curbside he bent down to view the driver and his fate. Inside a large shark-tooth grin spread from ear to ear. “Nice work, Chief,” Manetti said holding the wheel, gunning the engine again. “Love the outfit. Red's definitely suits you. Get in.” Chris did. The car squealed down the street, wheels smoking, laying eight feet of rubber minutes before the cops arrived triggered by several reports of gun fire.
    2 points
  16. One of the great things about being gay is to create our own rules about love and relationships. We don’t have to do what the straight world does. My partner and I had 30 years together before his death. We were best friends. We worked together. We had the same interests. It was only in the bedroom where we were only sort of compatible. We were both great cocksuckers, but he hated to get fucked. I love to fuck. So, because we loved each other, we had to work out how we could make this work. Our option was to go our separate ways on set nights. He loved to hear me tell stories about who I fucked and how. It often led to sex between us. What the particulars of your rules and regulations has to be worked out between the two of you. But guys who truly love each other are going to want their partner to be happy.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. I was turned out cherry popped by Black Bulls in prison, I became who'e and C um depositor!
    2 points
  19. I generally go without and try again later... the tension builds. I have a drawer full of toys that rarely get used because, for me, using them is like fucking myself and the way I am wired it leaves me wanting. For me there's just more to getting fucked, I guess I milk a lot out of the experience (so to speak). I need/want a guys energy and seed, not just a cock to fill the space. Same if I am at a bath house or ABS and a top fucks me but doesn't come or pretends to but doesn't (I feel like I can tell) because he wants to spread himself around. I end up feeling frustrated and needing more. How a top fucks me has a lot to do with whether or not I am sated. And though it's been discussed before, calling my hole or me a pussy can be a total turn on for me depending on how you say it. For me, it's not the word but the attitude behind it. It's a totally emotional thing for me, not rational at all. I am not effeminate and the only people who know I am gay are the people I tell... i.e., there is nothing 'traditionally' "pussy" about me. I am also feminist socially/culturally, so I cringe at patriarchal stereotypes of women. If the word is use derogatorily, or it's attached to mysoginy, I am turned off. But as the conversations on this topic reveal, this can be a very individual, personal thing. For me too. It's not the word, but what is implicit from the individual using it. So, why does it have a "turn on" effect on me? Again, it's the energy and attitude behind it. If I feel the least bit bullied, I turn cold. If I feel threatened, I'm liable to come up on the balls of my feet (the ready stance of a life long martial artist). That rarely happens though. For me the term usually represents a Dom/sub energy, and it pushes my sub button. The more expert the Dom, the more powerful the trigger. Lol, I tend to be a very engaged, cerebral fuck. The Dom tops that end up 'owning' me and leaving their mark are the ones who use the the terms affectionately, but matter of factly. I.e., they are asserting position for both parties. I love the feeling of power exchange, of being possessed by desire. Add intelligence and the skill of a top who is out to not just fuck, but capture and possess, and it takes the experience to a whole different level for me. Using those words is not a black or white deal for me lol.
    2 points
  20. It was a typical Saturday afternoon and I was at my usual spot outside of the bookstore. A sleazy, popular joint that attracted all kinds of men and was an easy place to deal. If I thought I was being watched I could just slip inside and get lost for a while, always at least getting my big,11 inch ebony snake sucked, or dumping my load in some hungry manpussy. I didn't even have to pay to enter the maze of booths. The owner was a regular customer and I'd let him worship my monster, so I had unlimited access to the arcade. I was leaning against the side of the building, waiting for one of my regulars to come by when a black Escalade parked across the street, half a block down. I didn't think nothin of it when nobody got out right away. Wasn't unusual for dudes to sit in their cars getting up the nerve to actually go inside. It must have been about 15 minutes before the driver finally got out, and damn if one look at him didn't get my cock stirring in my jeans. Out stepped the sweetest little white boy I had seen in a while! He had to be barely 18 if a day, with strawberry blond hair, and a plump little bubble butt. My eyes followed him as he walked toward the door, nervously looking around before he ducked inside. My hardening dick told me to follow him, and I did. The kid was looking around the store, his hands stuffed into his pockets, obviously new to this whole thing. I could tell he was a rich kid with his Air Jordan's that didn't even have a scuff on them, his Sean John jeans, and his Ralph Lauren shirt. That was no doubt Daddy's Escalade he rolled up in. Hell, he had probably never been to this neighborhood before. But if he was here lookin for what I think he was, he was gonna get more than he bargained for if I had my way. He finally went up to the counter and handed the guy some cash, and showed him his ID. He had to pass by me on the way to the booths and I got a good smell of him. He smelled like soap, teenage boy, and sex. I went up to the counter and got a bottle of poppers and headed back there after my prey. My eyes had to adjust to the dark, but I didn't see my prize anywhere. I wandered the halls for about 5 minutes before I finally saw him exit a booth. He walked past me, giving me a nervous glance that said both, "I don't know what I'm doing", and "I want you." Damn right he wanted me. I was a fine mother fuckin piece of man. 6'2", and at 35, had a rock hard, wirey body, and beautiful ebony skin. The kid went into another booth and started to shut the door. My hand stopped it, and I slid in behind him, shutting the door. He didn't say a word as I gently reached out and stroked his face, but I could feel him tremble. "First time here?" I whispered to him. He just nodded, his blue eyes looking up at me. He wasn't very big, probably 5'9" and slender, but he did possess that plump mound of ass. I placed my hand on it while I said "relax baby boy, Jesse's gonna take real good care of you." I tilted his head back and leaned down, placing my full lips on his. He opened his mouth and I stuck my tongue in him. Mmmmmm....he tasted like candy. My hands rubbed his ass as my mouth took control of him. He just melted into me and I knew I had found my next bitch. I opened up the bottle and held it under his nose. "Breath deep baby boy, this will make you feel good. He inhaled deep like a good boy. I just switched nostrils back and forth a few times while he sucked in the fumes. I sat down on the chair and he sank onto my lap. Grabbing my face he started kissing me passionately while he ground his ass into my lap. I knew I had him hooked. "You like that baby boy?" I asked. "You like how that made you feel?" "Mmmmmmmm yea," he moaned. "Feels good." "I got something else that will make you feel sooooo much better. You wanna try it? You trust me?" "Oh yea," he moaned, licking my neck. Stupid little bitch. He didn't know he just sealed his fate. I pulled a little pipe out of my pocket that I kept preloaded. "You know what this is baby boy?" He just shook his head no. "This is Majic Miss T. She knows how to make you feel real good." I lit my lighter and melted the shards. As soon as the pipe filled up, I took the first hit, blowing the smoke into his mouth. Then I held up the pipe for him. "Breath slow and deep," I told him. Then blow it into my mouth. He did as instructed, so obedient. I just kept feeding him the pipe, until he finished off the bowl in 6, big hits. "Good boy," I told him. "You did that very well." Even in the dim lite I could see his eyes become dark saucers as lust glazed them over. I pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his creamy, alabaster skin, and his little pink nipples. I latched my mouth onto one, sucking it hard, and biting it with my teeth. He squealed and writhed, but I held him firm, then attacked the other one. I could feel his hard dick in his jeans pressing into my stomach, assuring me he was loving the rough treatment. I pulled off his shoes and socks, throwing them in the corner, and unbuttoned his jeans. I pushed him onto the floor and grabbed the legs, pulling them off, leaving him in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs, but not for long. I grabbed the waist band and ripped them off, leaving him naked and vulnerable, just how I like my white boys to be. His dick stood straight up out of his patch of reddish pubes, and he looked at me with crazed lust. "How much time you got baby boy?" I asked. "As much as I want. My parents and my sister are on vacation for two weeks." He panted. "Oh bitch," I thought to myself. You don't know what you just got yourself into.
    1 point
  21. PART 1 i was 21 when i got pozzed. i happened during a vacation in the USA. i was visiting NYC with a friend of mine. one evening i decided to go to a bathhouse i ended up in a cruising club. there were only a handful guys my age. most guys were around 35 - 40. after 30 minutes walking around in my towel i got eye contact with a hot ripped black dude. he started following me so i decided to drop my towel so he could see my ass. he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall. he asked my where i came from because i didn't look American. i told him that i came from amsterdam. we talked some more. he asked me if i wanted to go to his cabin; i said yes. In his cabin he also dropped his towel and i was amazed by his enormous dick dangling. i asked how big it was and he told me it was 11.5 inch when it was hard. he asked me if i could take something that big in my ass. i said i never had a cock that big but that i already played several years with some big and long dildo's. i started to lick and suck his cock that started to grow and began to ooze precum. He turned me around and made my hole wet. Then he put his finger in a bag, when it came out it was covered in some white powder. he said that it would relax me more. he stuck his finger up my ass and start moving around. My ass started to burn. but he told me that the burning feeling will go a way. i was laying flat on my stomach legs spread while he lube up my ass and started to shove more fingers in my ass. a stranger feeling started to come over me. i was getting hot and became super horny. i started to push my ass up so i could feel his fingers deeper. he stopped and started to mount me. i felt the head of his huge cock pressing against my sphincter. he then said to me: "listen, i'm not wearing a condom because my cock is to big. and even if they would fit i don't use them. hate the feeling. you can leave now if you don't like it...". until that moment i only fucked bare with close friends. but i was so horny that i replied with "fuck me". he grabbed my shoulders and thrust his hips forward. my ass gave way for his huge cock. my ass was used to big dildo's but didn't prepare me for his black rod. i wanted to scream but he placed his hand over my mouth. he shove his dick deeper in side me. only the last 2 inch didn't go in. so he grab some poppers and held it under my nose. "inhale deep" he said. "more". after i inhaled deep he told me to hold my breath, but after 10 seconds i wanted to exhale via my nose, but before i knew he held my nose shut with the other hand. i started to struggle but i was pinned down. he was suffocating me. i saw stars and started to blackout. He took away his hand. at the same time i gasped for air he pushed his hips forward. my second sphincter gave way and he sank his whole length in my ass. the feeling was so intense that i could only moan softly. my body was shivering. after a few minutes i felt his cock slowly retracting. he grab his bag again, so i turned my head and saw that he was putting a good amount on the tip of his cock. then i felt how he shoved his cock deep in me. "in a few minutes you will meet Tina again and this time she will make you go wild". i had no idea what he meant and i didn't care. he had me in his power. then i felt a rush going trough me. i became warm. he saw me grabbing my hair and knew that the Tina did his job. he grab my wrists and put them above my head. his hips start to move. slowly he took out his cock a bit and plunged it back in my ass. with each stroke he pulled out more of his BBC. His strokes became longer and faster. then he said "your ass is great i can't hold back my first load much longer. do you want me to cum?". i replied with a loud moan. "you want me to keep fucking?" he asked. again i replied with a loud moan. "if you want me to cumfuck you... then tell me that you wanted it." he said. "do you want my cum?" he asked. I moaned back "yes". "Inside you?".... "Yessss. come inside me!". "No matter what?"... "Noooo... i want all!". "are you sure?! i will knock you up... merge my DNA with yours"... "My ass is yours... make it yours". Then he started to grunt. "I'm cumming" he shouted. he plunged his dick deep in my ass. i felt the cum shooting out. he waited a few seconds and started fucking me again. "I'm still coming... do you feel my toxic cum breeding you?". i heard him say 'toxic' but i was to high to process what he said. "Breed your bitch!" i moaned. MORE TO CUM!
    1 point
  22. I have been a trucker for quite a while, often making the run from Montréal to Chicago. My favourite place to stop in Gary, Indiana. There is a chain truck stop there that is right across from a small porn shop with private booths. I go there to watch a porn. Frequently I'll get down on my knees and suck a dick. I sometimes call my wife and family after while in my sleeper, I can feel and taste the semen from the guy I sucked in my mouth as I converse with my family. It seems so nasty to have it in my mouth as I talk to them. Last month was a turning point of sorts. I was walking out of the place back to the truck stop when I was stopped by another guy who was also leaving. He was a few steps behind me and asked “Got a light?” Pausing, I passed him my lighter. “I have seen you here before” he commented, unsure how to respond. He did, however, know how to keep me on the hook as he remarked "Whatever you are looking for, I would love to help you find it.” I stammered “I can't let the others see me talking to you here. Watch where I go and later come to my truck. The driver's door will be unlocked. Just act as though you are the driver of it. Okay?” He nodded and I turned and walked. I was so nervous. Mixture of emotions churning inside me. This had become more personal and the anonymity was gone. My cock and butt both were tingling at the same time. I didn’t look back as I walked across the street then through the parking lot to my truck. I opened to door and jumped into the cab. I pulled the curtains shut and sat on the bunk. A long long period passed when finally I herd the door latch and then the door opened. His blond head appeared first as he climbed up into the cab. He sat on the seat while I sat glued to the bunk, virtually speechless, even as I recognized the nice tight young body in the cab of my truck with me. “So, do you know why I'm here” he asked as he dropped onto his knees, shuffling across the three foot gap between the seat and the bunk. “I'm here to fuck with a big burly trucker, 'cause I fuckin' love fucking around with married guys.” My cock was like a flag pole. This young guy was a little slut and there I was with him. He popped my cock out and started sucking. He put a hand up and pushed me back so I was laying on the bunk. He was sucking me and then propped one of my legs up on a shelf. I felt his finger probe my asshole. Oh this felt good. I was very close to cumin' when he stopped, got this his feet and returned to the seat. “Do you like that?” he asked. “Oh fuck yeah. It feels great,” I replied. He then pointed to the picture in my cab asking “Is that your family?” I replied it was. He smiled saying it made him hot to see the family the people that trusted me to be faithful when I was out on the road. Then he got to his feet and shoved his erect cock in my face. “So, what do you want more? To be faithful to your family or to fuck around with me?” I grabbed his hips and put my mouth around his mushroom headed dick. I sucked him slowly but eagerly. Fuck he tasted good. I reached between his legs and poked my finger into his butt hole. It felt warm, wet and slimy. I popped his cock out of my mouth and looked up. He looked down at me “Relax, it's cum - from guys who fucked me earlier today. Yeah, I know I'm a slut. You should probably tell me to leave because I want to make you like me.” It was like I was hearing a rattlesnake warning but I became willing to dangle myself in its strike zone. My cock was throbbing as he told me to turn around. I was in a trance of lust as I complied. Turning around and getting on all fours on my bunk. I felt his mouth and tongue on my asshole. He was eating me, tonguing my ass, fingering me deeper and deeper. I felt him rise and he was obviously fumbling with something. Next, the picture of my family was floating down toward the bunk as he obviously threw it in front of me. At the same time, his cock started rubbing at my asshole. "Take a good look at them. You're not going to be able to stop fucking her. You're not going to be a good father if you take me in your hole, and you’ll be worse when you get home 'cause you know what you're going to do to your wife. Right?” My cock grew harder and was throbbing like never before. He knew I was super horned-up. “Tell me what you’ll do to your wife, even 'though you've let me fuck you.” I couldn’t deny what I was thinking any longer. "I’m going to continue fucking her, even though I have been fucked like this.” His cock slipped into my ass. It felt so good. He started pumping me faster and faster. Then my phone rang. He stopped “Answer it. I'll be quiet," he promised. I reached for the phone and answered it on speaker. He continued to fuck me slowly. “Hi, Honey, how are you?” the voice on the other end asked. “I'm great” I replied. I continued conversing as the guy steadily pumped my asshole. I could feel his cock swelling inside me. He bent down and whispered into my ear “If you really love her, hang up and I'll stop. If you tell her you love her I will cum into you - with all the risks of my unprotected slut-cock blowing its load in your hole.” It was like I reached a corner. I realized what I was looking for in the porn shop - a reason to never stop going there. “I love you babe. I miss you, and can't wait to see you,” I said to my wife as his steaming hot cum flowed deep inside of me. He reached down and hit the hang-up up button on my phone. "Tonight is your first night as a slut” he said just as the phone began to ring. I got dressed and went with him back to the porno shop as my phone continued to ring away. That night I didn’t just suck a couple of cocks: I pushed my ass to the hole and took all the fuckers I could. It occurred to me that I was not just delivering a load from Montreal to Chicago. I could be bringing a hot load back from my long hauls ... deep inside me.
    1 point
  23. Anyone else totally get off when the TOP talks gutter talk, maybe whispering nasty stuff in my ear, talking about breeding, knocking me up, getting me pregnant, using my pussy, calling me a faggot. It makes me scorching hot.
    1 point
  24. (Sorry for my English, it’s not my mother tongue) So that happened after work in Toronto, I was looking for an anonymous fuck to satisfy my eager hole. I’m 24, athletic, and it was not so hard to have full positives answers for an anonymous fuck on Grindr. One bearded, short, manly guy answers me and says that he could not host, but he know some spots in big shops around. One was a closed bathroom, never did that, so I said that I was interested. My dick was already leaking with precum, wetting my boxers as I walk. We finally find each other in the commercial centrer, he’s smaller and older than me, charming, manly, hairy, wonderful. We make our way toward the bathroom, putting his hand on my ass on the way in public. Very horny guy. i said that I wanted to play safe on Grindr, while being still very excited by bareback “teasings” and little risks, but I don’t say it. As soon as we enter the bathroom, he asks me to drop my pants and to suck his dick. He had a 6inches thin dick, hairy, with a fine man smell, and a huge precum leaking from his headcock. He’s playing with his precum with his finger in front of my face. While I’m now sucking him, making him even harder, he starts to finger my ass. I think about stopping him saying that I wanna play safe and that I’d rather not having his precum in my ass. But I see him now fingering my ass with his saliva so I just take it cool. he takes the control, and quickly turns me while I’m on my fours. I hear a plastic of a condom, And quickly feels his headcock close to my butthole. He starts slide into me, it feels fantastic, to be fucked by an older guy in a commercial bathroom. after few mins I noticed that my ass was getting more and more wet and the fuck feels better and better. Then somebody’s knocking on the door and we quickly stop the fuck, as I’m standing up I noticed his bare dick, covered in asses juices & his own precum, my asshole was so smooth because of the precum. He fucked me bareback since the beginning and he was pretending not having read that I wanted to play safe. I get a little nervous, we are completely silent and seeing his wet dick while waiting makes me even harder, knowing that it was purely and simply bare in my hole and mixing his tons of precum inside my hole. i finish the job while sucking his dick with a fantastic manly&sex smell, he cums on my face and I cum on the floor. he said that he’s on prep and he didn’t know, that i had nothing to worry. Few hours later he said that that was very hot, and he’s happy that there’s a little of himself inside of me right now. secretly, I was happy too ;-)
    1 point
  25. Having just turned 18 I was living with my parents and loved my x-box and gaming on-line. One night I was battle demons with a gamer when we lost and ended up trapped in the lair, the guy I was gaming with messaged me “dam, how we gonna get out of this?”, I chuckled back at him and suggested we just run for it. The tactic didn’t work and we were both killed “we need to combine resources next time to defeat them” I messaged to him, “If you were in London we could play it together” he responded. I messaged him back and told him I was in Fulham, as it turned out we were only 2 streets away from each other. He went on to tell me he was in his early 40’s and a raging homosexual, this caused me to laugh so I replied I am 18 and think I am too. I agreed to meet him at a cafe for coffee the following evening as I told him it was not a sexual meeting and he totally agreed and respected this. I ordered a latte and found a table in a quiet part of the cafe and waited, I watched several guys come in order coffee then leave. The door opened again and in walked what appeared to be a youngish guy who looked about 30 with cropped hair and designer stubble with what can only be described as kissable lips. He ordered a drink then looked around and headed towards me, “Marc?” he asked and I replied “Yes, you must be Jake?”, he smiled and sat down so I had to ask him if he really was in his 40’s and indeed he was. We chatted for a couple of hours and I agreed to come to his place Saturday afternoon so we could defeat the demons, he warned me he smokes weed and if that was a problem I said each to their own and I don’t judge people. saturday afternoon I made my way to his house and we sat on the floor in the lounge leaning up against the sofa, he had boxers and a vest on so I felt a little overdressed in shorts and t-shirt. He offered me a beer which I took and sipped it slowly as I hadn’t really done drinking plus it was quite bitter, then we got on and played our game but alas defeated again at the same point. He smoked a joint and it made me slightly dizzy just breathing in the second hand smoke but I was relaxed and comfortable with him and he certainly wasn’t a threat. My eyes kept glancing to his fully formed lips and his stubble which somehow just turned me on, I relaxed back against the sofa not realising his arm was there. He lit another joint and was sipping his beer “what? he asked, he had caught me looking at him so I casually laughed it off and then felt his arm drop over my shoulder so I snuggled in whilst he caressed my chest. I touched in stubble and ran my fans through it and as his face moved closer I touched his lips and and knew then I had to kiss them so I went in for the kill, he responded by kissing me back and lingering there he touched his lips to mine slowly moving around my mouth slightly parted and he made his move as his tongue parted my lips. I was floating as his kissing was so tender we locked to get her for 5minutes or so then pulled away and smiled, “that was nice but I think it is best we leave it at that” he said, I agreed and we clinked bottles and he relit his joint as we chatted then he excused himself. I looked at the ash tray where the joint was burning and the temptation to try was taking over me, so I picked it up and drew on the joint only to cough and splutter just as he walked in. He looked and laughed at me in a tha will teach you kind of way, he then sat back down and put his arm around me. He let me try the joint with guidance and by now I was getting paranoid and giggling at the same time, I then moved on to his lap facing him and went in for another kiss and this time he fully reciprocated. We kissed for an age then he moved me up on to the sofa and we began undressing, as I removed his boxers a beautiful long thick cock was exposed. We resumed kissing and he positioned himself in a missionary position I saw his hand move down and felt him raise his hips as he positioned his cock against my hole. By now kissing had become more sensual and erotic and I felt my arse opening at the pressure of his cock head nudging it’s way into my arse. I put up no resistance as the weed had totally relaxed me and not even thinking about condoms, I moaned loudly as the last inch buried itself in to me. There was no talking as we were lip locked and our head moved in a synchronous motion as he thrusted his hips back and forward in a steady rhythm, after some time he positioned his arm around my neck and I clasped him tightly around his neck as I felt his pace quicken. My whole body was quivering with delight as he stopped kissing me and lifted his head he grunted then shouted “ Fuck, take my seed baby” he then thrusted upward with a sharp jab as he moaned and released his seed into my body, he held me for what seemed ages and wave after wave of thrusting jabs nailed into my ass. He looked me in the eye and then kissed me lovingly as he collapsed on top with me impaled on his hard cock. He pulled out and we got dressed and played another game before I went home. An hour after being back in bedroom I felt the need to go to the toilet, I sat down passed a little wind which burnt like hell on my arse lips, when I got up I saw semen in the toilet that tinged with pink streaks, I though nothing more until a few weeks later I got a nasty flu like cold, I had heard that was one of the first signs of being infected so I took myself off to the clinic and got tested. My result came back positive which was a massive shock, I took the bold decision to confront Home so I knocked at his door, he opened the door and invited me in. As I told him that he had infected me with hiv that afternoon he smiled got me a beer and proposed a toast to the perfect gifting afternoon, I looked at him in disbelief but he moved towards me and kissed me, I woke up several hours later in his bed laying in his arms.
    1 point
  26. When the internet was young I was a frequent user of the latest chat room IRC, it was pretty basic but enough to get the job done. One autumn I came home from work alone as my bf had gone on a business trip so when I got settled I did some cleaning and then logged on too IRC. I went to the usual room #gaylondonsex but got bored quickly so I flitted in and out of several other rooms #gayskinheads, #gaypiss and then I hit the room #gaybareback saw there were about 5 guys in there but I exited almost as quick as I entered. Within a minute a chat screen had opened up from a guy called BAREBACK8 so we chatted a while and I explained that I only had a look in the room and not actively engaged in bareback fucking, still the chatting went on he told me he was poz and I told him I was neg then after a while I agreed to meet but under no illusion that I would fuck with him. An hour later he arrived at the flat and I opened the door to a early 40''s 6 foot man, not hot by any standards but hey sex is sex so we went to the bedroom and undressed and I stood in awe at his athletic build and smooth skin but what I couldn't stop noticing was that he was indeed 8 inches with a cock ring on and already standing to attention like a rock he had an average thickness but still enough to know what you were holding . We moved on to the bed and did the usual antics of sucking, kissing and rimming. Gradually he moved his finger over my hole rubbing it gently and then eased it in which made me catch my breath as I wasn't expecting it but I relaxed and let him carry on whilst I worked on his cock laying stomach to stomach head to toe. Gradually he worked another finger in and continued doing this for about 20 minutes before he slipped finger number 4 in which became a little uncomfortable. I stopped him and said I wasn't into fisting so he got up to his knees... "What do you like?" he asked. "Fucking" I replied. "You going to take it bareback?" I didn't even realise the words "YES" had escaped my mouth and with a swift movement he was in front of me with my legs on his shoulders and his arms by my side, it happened so quick like a heat seeking missile he pushed his cock half in to my hole without missing target and no lube or spit. I gapped his lower arms and winced at the pain and he just looked my in the eye and continued pushing the shaft of his cock in one smooth slow motion until his balls made contact and he had his target, without allowing me to adjust to him being so deep inside me he had already got into his rhythm with steady thrusting all the time looking me in the eyes. I glanced down and could see his butt grinding away at me which went on for a good 15 minutes. I was powerless to resist as it just didn't stop and weirdly I was loving the feel of him inside me, just then I felt the rhythm pick up pace and power of the thrusting grew in intensity I grasped his arms even harder all the time he did not lose eye contact with me. I felt him push in harder and he stopped thrusting and I felt his cock pulsing as he released and planted his toxic seed deep into my body by now he had a big smile on his face. "Your done" he said. He stayed inside for what seemed an age gently pushing his toxic seed deeper into me, I just layed there not fully comprehending what had just happened. He withdraw his cock and looked down at my hole. "No mess, not a drop wasted" he said. I was still speechless at what I had enjoyed so we lay there and kissed, he then got dressed and asked if I was free at the weekend as he would like to spend all weekend poz fucking me. I didn't even search for a response and said I will make myself free. That weekend I went to his place on Friday evening after work and stayed until Sunday evening where I was treated like a whore and got nailed by him continuously. Sadly that was the last time I ever saw him as the following month we moved away from London.
    1 point
  27. Question for guys in a relationship. Sometimes you meet someone who you really connect with and could easily see yourself being in a relationship with only to find out that you really connect on all levels except sex. Meaning you're a total bottom and so is he. Or you're a total top and so is he. Not talking about one of you being vers, just both of you being top or bottom. What do you do? Any guys here who are in such a relationship? Most couples seem to -conveniently- consist of a top and a bottom. But I can't believe "The Guy for You" always happens to be someone who has the opposite sexual appetite and role. If you meet someone like that, or if you already have, would you enter such a relationship? And how do you go about the sex issue? Each goes his own way when it comes to getting sex (I do include open relationships in this question. Most guys are not mongamous)? Or play together with a third (or more) all the time? Do you have sex together at all or never? Or would you assume the opposite role just for him in your relationship and start bottoming or topping just for him even though that goes against what you really like? I'm curious as over the years I have met some guys I really liked and I could see myself getting more involved with, maybe even start a relationship with (although I haven't really been a relationship type of guy so far) but feel myself pulling back going further because we're not sexually compatible and I think that could become an issue in the end. How do/would you handle this?
    1 point
  28. Writing this with a nice load leaking out of my hole:-) A guy I've been trying to hookup with was finally able to get away from his family for an evening. He's about 50, 6', salt and pepper hair and beard, stocky and hairy. Just about my favorite kind. Our plans were to have a few beers, get naked and rub, suck, kiss. Nothing too intense as he's not too experienced. Fine with me, as I enjoy all that. Plus he enjoys a good cigar, so that made it better. So he shows up, and he's real friendly. I grab some beers and an ash tray for his cigar. I got my pipe going, and am already hard seeing this bear smoking his cigar. We keep talking, and I'm sitting next to him on the couch. He rubs my beard with his hand, and I follow suit and rub his hairy belly under his tshirt. I invite him to the bedroom to get more comfortable, and a few minutes later we're both naked on the bed, and I'm stroking his very thick 6" cock as we kiss. Soon we're 69ing and he's really rubbing my hairy ass as he's sucking me. He asks me to roll over, and he starts gripping my ass cheeks, and running his tongue into my crack. Damn I love a guy that appreciates an ass. I prop a pillow under my waist as he's licking me, so I'm at a better angle for his tongue, and soon I feel him slurping on my hole and tonguing me. I'm in heaven, pushing my ass back against his face, until finally I get up on my knees to show him what I want. He keeps tonguing me until I'm telling him to fuck me. He gets on his knees behind me and he starts rubbing his cock on my hole and up and down my crack. Next time I feel his head right on my hole, I push back and take half of it in me. He moaned a little and grabbed my hips, then pushes in me the rest of the way. Fuck yeah, buddy, I tell him. Fuck my hole. He fucked like an old pro, nice n steady and damn it felt good. He seemed to like my encouragement, so I'm telling him how good his cock feels, and telling him to not stop til he cums. He sincerely asked me if I wanted his load, to which I replied hell yeah try to knock me up. Sure enough he went to work fucking me harder, and soon he was pumping his load deep into my gut. I jerked my cock as he was cumming and came all over my blanket. Don't pull out, I told him, and we lay flat on bed with him on top, still in me. He stayed hard another 5 or so minutes, and I asked him to gently keep fucking me, which he did until he softened up and plopped out. I got him another beer, and grabbed my pipe, and we hung out on my bed for another 30 or so minutes before he had to get going. As he was getting dressed, I had him pause so I could lick him clean. Then we said goodnight and I walked him to the door. My kind of Saturday night- no crowds, no noisy bars, just some good ole raw fuckin in the comfort of my own home.
    1 point
  29. I'd love to go to Berlin some time as well. Last time I was there the wall was still standing! But there is also something to say for southern European cities. Especially if you go in spring time. It's already warm then there and what's better then roaming the city in shorts (commando I would say, for easy access, hehe!) and a T-shirt or tank top? Barcelona has the added advantage of having Sitges with its gay beaches (nude outside the town or clothed in front of the hotels at the boulevard) a short train ride away. I wouldn't rule that out.
    1 point
  30. Yes this is an interesting discussion. As for me, my husband and I have been together for 32 years now also. We are both tops when it comes to fucking and always have been. It took us a while but we have been able to make the open relationship thing work. Guess it helps that we are both raving pigs too........... I will admit that it took some time for each of us to move beyond the jealousy thing to develop our own appetites and kinks. But we knew we loved each other, so it just made sense to figure the fuck thing out. So we have a third join us if the mood strikes and we sometimes go whoring together. Most of the time though when we want to fuck we are on our own. Interestingly our only rule is that we have to tell each other when we play others. Come to think of it we have some hot story times that are as sexually charged as if we were fucking each other. Come to think of it I think it has made me a bit more piggy than I might have been............. no one wants to come home with a vanilla story. Oh and whoever said you can't make a partner into what you want was right. None of us change that much and trying to be top or a bottom when you are not just doesn't work. Ya gotta be able to go with the flow and adapt yourself.
    1 point
  31. Many European cities all have their good times... Barelin in particular, but others can be real slutty, particularly on fri through sun. eg Munich, Hamburg, Amsterdam and Antwerp. Only problem with a lot of places is that Mon,tue,wed and sometime Thursdays can be dead. London can be interesting during the week and Barelin .. well that can be a 7 day fest, particularly on event weekends.
    1 point
  32. 3. Hole Fuck. Fuck. A triangle Fuck. A triangle of pleasure Fuck. A triangle of pleasure spreads Fuck. A triangle of pleasure spreads from his cock, balls, asshole, erupting outward, unrelenting, uncontrollable, to his entire body like an volcano exploding. Nothing could ever top this feeling sending him ablaze in molten heat and light. Fuck. The only thing that could ever top this feeling had to be death. Snuffed. Blackness. Oblivion. Because right now, mother fucker, at this single moment, he felt everything. Every fucking thing. He was Colossus. A Titan. God. The world channeled through him. Fuck yes. He was the eye of the needle; the eye of the beholder; the fuckin' cat five swirling eye of the hurricane. Nothing existed before this moment, nothing would after. He embodied the chord alpha and omega struck together throughout eternity jammed into one single note. Bam! Fuckin’ right here. Right now. Shit, man, it's a tsunami in here and he's riding this skinny little surfboard called Chris—it’s a thrill of a lifetime—and he's hanging on for dear fucking life! Fuck. He's overboard! He lost where he was, who he was. He's swimming up for air. All he feels is a tongue in his hole and a gummy mouth sucking his shriveled dick. Hairy arms hold him and run their hands over mounds of flesh, his burning flesh. He grinds his ass over someone’s furry pubes. Fuck, dude, tell how good is that? He'll never be able to sustain how aroused he is, every synapse of ecstasy is firing simultaneously. He's sure someone’s saying something to him but he can’t comprehend, even less respond. All he can react to is touch, those that touch him, those he can touch. Other senses abandoned him. Hard flesh, leathery muscle, sagging flesh, sinewy muscle, all attached to him in some area of his body, but he can’t differentiate the sum of these sensations. Fuck. There’s an argument, then a suggestion. Slowly he’s regaining sight. The pictures he saw stuttered like a reel of film falling off its track, still he made out bits of a room that could be hell. Red flakes falling off walls. Metallic roof reflecting flames all around him. An orange object dangled in front of him. What the fuck was that? A tentacle? He thought of a carrot, albeit one that was extraordinarily long and extremely pliable. Fuck. It was going in his anus and going in deep. Fuck. Voices emerged in the hellscape. Take it in—let it penetrate you. I've still got you. Long Beach Carl, his mother’s boyfriend was there. He's pushing the carrot into him. Oliver North was there as are a million cameras firing off strobe after strobe in his brain. Pop! Pop pop pop. He felt the object, initially so slender you hardly knew it was there until its mass grows with every inch it's inserted. The object passed through his rectum and entered his large intestine. It jus' pass through his second ring, said a Caribbean sounding voice. He's in a James Bond movie. He closes his eyes, he's tripping heavy, he knows he's not in a James Bond movie. Yet in his mind he imagines there's a race car that's tearing through a winding road in the Alps. He sees Sean Connery driving the winding road. His colon is a road, the object a vehicle that’s opening up his insides; every twist, tunnel and turn. Boom. Fuck. Chris is back in his body trying to come to terms with an object he feels somewhere on the right side of his abdomen. He ran his hand down to the spot and definitely felt an object inside him. Someone, Manetti it must be, pulled his hand back over his head. There are two men, Jamal and Master Drax he recognized, conferring at his hole, pushing something, a malleable orange sex toy through his anal canal. "The last mile is always the most difficult," Master Drax said to Jamal. Jamal goes back to sucking Chris' peanut. It not only distracted, but felt indescribably soothing. "Are you still with us, child?" Master Drax asked Chris. Chris wanted to communicate that he was still with them, raise a thumb or something, but he can't. He's immobile. He blinked instead hoping that said something. Words won't come back for quite a while, except for one. "Fu-u-u-u-ck," he yowls, forcefully arching his back. "I told you, Christian. New worlds. Hold him down. It doesn't give you pain. It's simple something you've never experienced." There is nothing to compare this to. He's hornier than fuck. He imagined his colon is being invaded by the tentacle of an octopus. He vividly hallucinates Master Drax is holding an octopus and guiding it to slither deep and deeper into him. But the tentacle had hit an impasse. It refused to penetrate into the next chamber. It had a life of its own, the tentacle; it poked and prodded against an impenetrable wall, won't proceed no matter how much Chris or Master Drax want it to. "The last foot is always the most revealing," Master Drax said to Chris, who could do nothing but look at him, and feel what was happening inside. "Jamal, get the amyl from the drawer." Jamal left the boy's dick and returned with a handful of capsules. He broke one and put it up to Chris nostrils. "Inhale it deeply, child." The effect it had on him was to immediately knock his head off his body. More than freeing his gut to allow the sex toy to penetrate, was the attitude it instilled: lust overpowers everything. He wanted that orange tentacle further up his ass. Jesus Fucking Christ he did! And his lust made it so. "F-u-u-u-u-ck." He feels it so intensely slip deeper inside. Two inches, three? It's a tickle that grows to a finger, which grows two feet in length to the size of a fist. The final girth is a medium size clenched fist. Master Drax has gotten the entire sex toy to press up against Chris' sphincter, but he's not satisfied. He bares down with his own fist to get his fist inside the boy too. "Another one," he instructed Jamal, who already had another hit of amyl under Chris's nose. Chris doesn't say, ‘fuck.’ Instead out rasped a throaty animal sound, a squall of air reacting to muscles going beyond what they're meant for: to hold shit in. There was pain, undeniably, but there was a definite element of pleasure in the animal cry, too. A sound an animal might shriek when it was dying but more like when it gave birth. To Chris, it was a sound emanating from his guts, and the large object within him and the large fist, that even after it entered his hole still plunged deeper into his bowels. He started stammering mindlessly, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," throwing his pelvis in the air, trying to get whatever's inside him outside him. This was where Manetti came in, holding him down, calming his colt. "Shhh. You did it, Chief.” He brought the kid down to him. “Good boy, good job." And though Manetti was as high as he's been in quite a while, he knew how to ride these twenty foot waves to shore. "Breathe. Get used to it. Accept it.” Manetti ran his hand over Chris’ chest, tweaked his nipple lightly. “Breathe, buddy. Relax your hole around it. Now squeeze! Now relax. Do it again." He's more a disembodied voice to Chris, but it was a familiar, disembodied voice, and it seemed to work. Though his hole was ready to explode again at any moment, and though the strain was more intense than anything he'd ever felt, he was over the agony of a few seconds ago. As he squeezed, then released, he was letting go of the panic and accepting the new sensation. Master Drax's pulled his fist out. This set off on another round of spasms, this time dispelling, like a two foot long shit—which pretty accurately described how it felt—the orange two-foot long object inside him. What would usually take his body hours of wave-like contractions to expel, happened in two seconds, which left him with an amazing feeling. Besides having the relief of not having the object ripping and pulling every which way, he was left with a sense of profound emptiness, and one other feeling he didn’t expect: he wanted it back in again. *** "Jamal, we need to capture this. Put two lights there and the camera there." Jamal went about setting up the shot. "Pig, let Christian up and bring over some grease. And take off that cage. I want you fluffed up when we shoot." Manetti helped Chris out of the sling. "I don’t think he’s ready to take my paw. Let Jamal fist him. He can probably take that,” he said to Master Drax. "Nonsense. Are to telling me how to conduct his affairs?" Master Drax handed Chris a bottle of poppers. "Use this right before we shoot." "No, Master,” Manetti replied. “You always know best. I just think the kid should..." "Enough. I determine what he 'should.' Jamal, are we ready?" Jamal nodded, and then helped Chris get into the sling. "Chief, how you feelin'?" Manetti asked Chris, who was adjusting the leg straps. "I feel great! That was mind-blowing. I am so fucking high." Manetti acknowledged he was too. Chris hadn't really considered that. Nothing seemed to exist beyond the skin of his body. "Places." Master Drax was in his element. "Jamal, take the boom, I'll operate the hand held. Pig, I want you coming into the shot. Christian, you just stay where you are. Enjoy it and encourage Manetti however you'd like. Use the seduction you know you have—you have the hole everyone wants, own that—but make sure you don't fake it, make sure you really want it from Manetti. No BS. Let's see how you do." "Yes, Master. Thank you for all of this." Master Drax nodded his approval, and called, "Action:" FADE IN: ABANDONED BUILDING - NIGHT There's a close-up of Chris' little puckered butthole. Its lips pout out like it's waiting for a kiss. It's not virginal anymore, but it's hardly gaped either. It lusts for something, someone. Manetti's broad back and hairy shoulders enter the frame and, yes, he's hard, very hard. You can tell there's chemistry, pun intended, between him and the boy. Let's not hide the fact they both look heavily drugged. He sits on a stool facing the boy's vulnerable hole. He puts a finger on its lip and pulls it down, testing its elasticity. The boy starts only slightly. He's excited yet there is an edge of fear in his face. We zoom in. His eyes are more than a little crazed with desire. The world weighs heavily on him, but he's young and resilient. It will take a lot to wear him down completely, and Manetti is more than capable of doing it. The man brings up two greased fingers and inserts them in the boy's velvet hole. They slide in easily. He coats the canal and bends down and brings up three fingers and more lube. The man's other hand is stroking his own rigid pole. He could nut at any point but he’ll hold off, at least for now. Three fingers easily slide into the boy's opening. The man shoves his three fingers up to where his pinky stops him from going further. He twists around the boy's hole, causing the boy to stir in pleasure. It's a very new sensation to him, and there's an exhilaration in his eyes that this man is going to penetrate his rectum with those enormous paws. He anticipates what it will feel like, how much it will hurt, but still grants there’s a deeper lust in him, a hedonistic impulse he's knows he's always had, that wants this man, wants this man in the most carnal of ways. Four greased fingers come up to the boy's butt and slide in, this time not as easily. Manetti has to go slow, gathering his fingers together, twisting slowly, applying pressure ever so slowly, prying the kid's sphincter apart, easing it open. He still has the large ridge of his thumb to go and he doesn't want to rush Chris. "Pick up the pace, pig. Let's get to it," says the director. Manetti sees Chris is taking a hit of poppers. That should help. He greases his whole hand and swathes the boy's entire butt. He prods the hole with four fingers, then adds his thumb. It's all funneling down into this tight hole. He's fighting with Chris' sphincter, it's resisting the circumference of his palm. Manetti twists slowly one way then the other. "Take three hits in a row, boy," he instructs Chris. Chris has only had single hits up to now, and each one has left him spinning, but he listens to Manetti and takes three consecutive hits. He barely manages to replace the cap but his eyes signal he's ready. Manetti holds his hand out in place. Not only is the kid's hole relaxing, he’s pushing out his butt and on his own, starts swallowing Manetti hairy paw. He keeps jutting his ass out so it swallows Manetti’s thumb, clutching the entire appendage down to his wrist. He’s instinctively squeezing Manetti’s huge mitt into him, as the hand tapers to a wrist. The vice-like clamp slides Manetti fingers into the boy's soft internal flesh. He howls at his accomplishment. He's in ecstatic agony as his rectum comes to accept the large foreign object. A huge invader, the likes his internal organs have never known. Master Drax was large, but Manetti's huge. Manetti rests his hand just where it is. He tells Chris to take another hit, which he does, and then starts slowly turning his hand inside the boy. They look into each other's eyes, and you can see the intensity of their communication transcends words. There is a microsecond of pain registering on Chris' face, and Manetti stops twisting, but begins again as soon as he sees Chris has accepted the sensation and now enjoys it. The tip of Manetti's middle finger is the first to touch a deeper area. He feels the rapid pulse of the boy in what feels like strings guarding a new chamber. He gently swirls the finger clockwise, then slowly traces the finger counterclockwise. Chris initiates a release of internal muscles that allow Manetti to add his index and ring finger deeper into Chris' canal. Manetti rotates slightly to allow his pinky and thumb to follow into the chamber. Chris inhales deeply as he senses where Manetti is in his body. It’s both an open invitation to go further, and a dawning realization of how far he ultimately wants Manetti to penetrate him. It’s just the two of them, eye to eye. Again he's in an enclosed confessional with Manetti. “You owned me," he admits, "ever since I met you. I can't resist you." He proves it, too, by sliding down deeper and impaling himself further onto Manetti's hand. You only have to look at the earnestness in his expression, his utter submission to the will of the man inside him, to see Manetti can do to him whatever he wants. Manetti knows that and will exploit it. The splayed out fingers start balling into a fist. The fingertips scrape against the raw colon sending nerve cells into an explosion of sensation, firing round after round of alarm to Chris' brain. Chris trusts Manetti with his body. He breaths and quells the panic. There is a joy about him knowing Manetti now actually has his fist, his balled up fist, in his ass. The noun, fist, he sees, is why it's also a verb. Yes, he signals to Manetti. Yeah, do it, fist me, say his eyes. And Manetti starts, ever so slowly, pulling out then pushing in. It's building. You can see it in the boy's face. It's revving up to become a piston fuck, which is animating Chris' face: joy, pleasure, excitement, apprehension, and at last at a building rhythmic pace, lust; demonic lust for Manetti to do it harder. Manetti knows this. This isn't his first rodeo. He's a great Top and is proving again. When you say 'handpuppet' this is what it means. Manetti twists Chris on his wrist. He's testing the boy constantly, seeing what he can take, seeing where he has to push him to accept his, Manetti's, will. Manetti knows the kid's body will reveal the course his hand will take and guide him along the way, but it's Manetti's confidence in his power that allows Chris to relinquish his. When the kid says he owns him, Manetti takes him at his word. He unfurls his fist, stretches his fingers deep into the kid's rectum, finds a new ring, swirls, charms, and enters his intestine. He straightens out the curve he finds, using his hand to reshape the boy under his care. He then almost pulls out, sphincter puckered to the extreme, then goes back in and rests just momentarily. He's traveled a great distance in those inches. Chris is undulating with libidinous hunger, but calms down when Manetti rests. He syncs to Manetti’s mastery. The man's palm is holding his prostate, holding it like it's resting in a hammock. As he rocks it gently, Chris is in ecstasy as if Manetti is rocking his soul. But Manetti doesn’t simply the boy's soul. He’s looking for the point where Chris will give up everything. That’s the ultimate power he seeks. He's probing the boy again feeling all his organs till he finds the pressure point he's looking for. Manetti's other hand grabs the boy's erect cock and a spray of piss erupts out of him. "Beautiful," says the director. Manetti first directs it toward himself, lets it splash in his mouth, noisily slurping down a few gulps and spits some out, then he points the stream back at Chris. Chris is out of his mind with sensation he's perceiving inside his body with the awareness that his pissing uncontrollably in front of a group of strangers, and being recorded doing it, and he's finding pleasure in the lewd act of primal degradation. He doesn't care, and that is incredibly erotic. He lets out a spontaneous, "Oh, fuck, Sir," as the stream hits his face and he greets it open mouthed. Manetti has pulled his hand back into a fist and is tugging at the inside of the kid's sphincter. He lets it sit at the extreme point of the stretch, pushes back in as far as he can, then yanks the fist completely out. Chris' hole flairs out with the camera capturing the red pedals of the freshly opened boyhole, the newly revealed flesh the world has never seen before. It's the first promise that a rosebud will bloom. Chris is convulsing wildly. Manetti stands, puts a hand on the kid's heaving chest, and with his other hand he's diddling, strumming his fingers against the boy's excited hole, doesn't want to lose the gape he fought for. Before Chris has a chance to come to his senses, Manetti's inserting three, and then four fingers back inside him. It tells Chris he's still open enough to keep fisting. Chris eyes him. Manetti has broken through something, for Chris says with clear intent, "Sir, destroy my pussy." "You want me to destroy your pussy, boy?" "Yes, Sir. I want you to give me a sloppy cunt." "You got a nasty mouth, boy." He sits back down on the stool, and there's a new lasciviousness that wasn't in Manetti before. He applies grease, a lot more grease, to his hand and some to his large hairy cock; black hair spotted with chunks of white Crisco. He also spreads some lube over his massive balls. He's back at the boy's hole with four fingers twisting around. His second hand joins the first with another swath of grease. They're sliding over each other and the rapid stimulation shows on the boy's face. He grabs for the poppers and takes a hit. His head releases back and he's now solely focused on his hole. He feels fingers sliding in and out. Pulling at his hole. Two fingers on each side pry him open, then three fingers on each side, then four. The hands pry his hole apart so hard they’re shaking. The inside of his hole feels like pudding, malleable flesh that submits to each stroke of Manetti's churning hands. One hand slips easily inside, then comes right out. The other hand disappears inside the kid's hole then reappears. Manetti's hand crunches into a fist and strains at Chris’ sphincter, trying to punch through. Chris leans his head forward and takes a couple more hits, and the fist punches in. The kid utters a loud moan. Manetti leans in, asks, "You okay, boy?" Chris answers, "Punch my fuckin' pighole." Manetti does, let's loose his fury. At first, one first in and out, then the other in and out. He's building up momentum until Chris is wailing in delirium. He pulls out a fist violently to watch the hole again flair open, this time much larger, almost the size of his palm. Chris' body shakes until Manetti puts a single finger on Chris gaping hole. He is in charge of that hole; he will tell it when it is allowed to have an orgasm. "Take more hits, boy." Chris does, and with a head clouded with poppers, Manetti resumes his repetitive punching, but now, Chris grabs his legs and pulls them to his chest, pulling his ass cheeks apart, begging to be Manetti's hole. Manetti obliges, inserting a fist and goes deep, pulling out quickly, then inserting a second fist in as far as it will go. It's not as rapid, but it’s a much deeper punch. Chris is not only taking it but continuing to pull his legs apart farther. In fact, he's taking his right leg with both arms and falling to his left side in the sling, moaning like a whore pushing his boy pussy obscenely out of the sling for Manetti to pummel. It's too much for Manetti seeing the boy in such a lewd pose. He needs to fuck this cunt right now, while he's in this state of abnormal delirium. He’s turned the kid into a whore and he’s the stud who gets the reward of fucking a possessed cunt! He grabs both of Chris' legs and pulls him forward in the sling. He stuffs his gaping hole with his cock, then pops one wiry ball in, then the other. He fucks him in short, staccato strokes. Chris is in rapture and eggs Manetti on, squeezing as much of his loosened sphincter as he can. What he lacks in strength he makes up in how extended his pussy has become. With his entire rectum he surrounds Manetti's genitals in a gelatinous, gluey grip. He knows—he feels!—Manetti's hairy balls are scraping against his bowels. He experiences Manetti gyrating inside him, perceives a iron erection stirring his entrails. Wanting him to cum in him, spread his dirty cum in his raw hole, he begs and pleads aloud for Manetti to breed him, to knock him up. Manetti pulls out completely. His balls swing freely dripping lube and other viscous droppings. His engorged cock plops out and slaps Chris’ balls. The kid jumps. Manetti likes what he sees, so he slaps his balls again with a greasy hand. Instead of retreating, the kid pushes his balls up toward Manetti's chest. The man grabs the kid’s balls and twists them till the kid cries in agony. With his other greasy hand Manetti smacks his ass, then plays with the boy’s hole, lowering him down. He takes the hand that smacked the kid's ass and penetrates him with it. The kid gasps, but accepts the hand immediately, starts squirming on it, becomes ravished by it. Manetti is in heat. He takes his dick and inserts it into the palm of the hand that’s inside Chris. It's far more girth then Chris has so far endured. You can see that in his strained face. But he's not rejecting it. His desire for Manetti overwhelms everything. He wants Manetti's to jerk off inside him, he encourages it with a slight rocking movement. When Manetti stops he realizes that Manetti wants to control his own hand job, so Chris completely submits, holds his legs apart so Manetti can do what he wants to him. Manetti observes the complete, utter subservience as does the camera. There's not much movement for you to see for a moment except in close-up of the hole. There's a rapid vibration only showing in the tendons of Manetti's wrist. He’s jerking his hand inside the hole. Manetti contorts his face as Chris watches in awe. He's getting close. Chris relaxes some muscles to encourage Manetti to use more of his insides to beat off. He's fisting his cock just as violently as he's fisting Chris' hole. The more Chris submits to Manetti's violet masturbation, the harder Chris realizes he's getting fisted. It's win-win. They're in perfect sync. Manetti is using long strokes to pleasure himself and Chris is writhing in pleasure. Manetti releases as Chris' eyes roll back in his head. Manetti's trained to show the money shot but he's locked into this moment of seeding this hole. He explodes, shoots deep into the bowels, sending his fist into the innermost depths. He pulls out very briefly to show cum leaking from his dick, but he's quick to get back inside, still jetting, smearing his dickhead around and around Chris' entrails. He squeezes every last drop out of his balls. He pinches his foreskin to not leave any semen behind. There both stare at each other. Manetti drips sweat onto Chris, who's also shining in heat. Manetti has a look of relief of a man who has given everything and held nothing back; Chris looks beatific, fulfilled—a bride inseminated. Manetti looks in his wide blue eyes, raises an eyebrow, and floods his hole with piss. Chris looks surprised, and states astonished, "You’re whizzing in me." Manetti pulls out for a second, pisses all over him, then reinserts himself. He flashes his famous shark tooth smile. Chris sends an identical shark tooth grin right back. "Cut," the director says.
    1 point
  33. It all comes in knowing what you are good for. I am a hole. I want to be treated as a hole and used as a hole. So ... fuck me any way you want!
    1 point
  34. Part Seven: Leaking Onto My Seat *********************************************** I began to come down from my orgasm, again my brain focusing on the wetness inside my ass and the thick, rigid cock stretching it open. I could feel Tom beginning to soften, and slowly he began to withdraw, the metal of his ring tracing a line of cum I obviously could not see as it popped through my inner ring and began to slide against the soft innards of my lower rectum. It arrived at my outer ring, and he paused as he spoke. "Squeeze down tight, it will keep any cum still on my bar from coming out." Squeeze down... right. As if my ass had any control of its muscles anymore. It had be savagely busted open by these two men and used for their pleasure, and after destroying any ability of my muscles to tighten themselves, he now wanted me to try to close itself as he withdrew. Nevertheless, I tried to oblige him. He popped out and I felt the cool air rush up inside me; clearly my ass could no longer close itself. "Yeah boy, that's a gaping hole there. Mmmm, nice and cummy, with just a hit of red to know the job is done." My own uncut cock had been released by Gary's mouth, and as I felt him begin to pull himself out from under me from under my ass I felt myself experience a strange disappointment, that the night was now over. And yet, not quite. Gary pulled himself forward enough that he was able to sit up, his legs partially entwined with mine, and I felt the warmth of his breath move toward my hole. His tongue began to gently lick what must have been a small trail of cum leaking from my gaping ring. He slowly moved upward, collecting the dribble and bringing it to the doorway it had escaped through, and gently pushed it back in. He hadn't spoken since Tom had entered the fray, and I heard that first, original voice again. "There we go, no cum left behind." He and Tom both chuckled. "A little tearing but not much. You took us both so well boy. Don't think anyone has ever handled both our cocks so well. Did you enjoy it?" Hah! Was it not evident by the fact that I had never said "stop" or such? Were the two generous loads I had expelled not a sign? My still exposed ass all but begging for more didn't make it obvious? Of course I had, and I responded as such. "Fuck yeah. Still can't believe I did that. I mean, taking poz loads was always a fantasy, but how fast it just happened. I've always managed to avoid it somehow." Gary continued to maneuver himself down around my ass, and I felt his still rigid and wet head come to rest against my hole. "You avoided nothing tonight boy. You've taken quite a bit of toxic cum, with more than just our gift of AIDS. Many bugs now reside inside you. And you've been ripped open a bit. There's no question of avoidance this time. You belong to us now." And with that, he pushed his head into me, the dull pain of my outer ring being stretched open so far was far less that it was just a short time ago when he had ripped me open as never before. This time, though he was still large enough to always remind me of his size, he was able to bust in with minimal resistance. And he didn't stop after his head broke through, sinking all the way into me, lodging just inside my inner ring as it also expanded sorely and then clamped down to hold that head deep inside me. I knew he had one goal, to push any cum that had escaped my deepest insides during Tom's withdrawal back where it belonged. He pulled back out of my inner ring and shoved back in again, deep short strokes beginning to build in force and frequency. He was clearly bringing himself to a third orgasm. It took only moments and I felt his head again become impossibly solid as he shoved forward once more and the warmth I had experienced deep inside me from his first two loads, and that I realized had been missing when Tom exploded, returned as several splashes of his virally toxic semen joined what had to be quite the pond of deadly seed deep inside me. I could almost feel a sloshing inside me. "Oh yeaaah. That's it boy. So much cum in my balls." He collapsed forward on my back and my weak arms and legs gave out from under me; we landed on the bed, both face down, his sweaty, matted fur pressed against my back, his cock still inside, the last bits of his seed dribbling out his slit as he twitched a few more times. Tom laid down up at the head of the bed, his softened cock coming to rest on his left thigh. It was still streaked with the tiniest hints of cum, and--much more obviously--red blotches of blood. My blood. I hadn't bled just a bit, clearly I had been torn open quite badly. I felt my eyes grow heavy momentarily, and I closed them for just a moment. Or so I thought. In reality, it turned out I dozed off for about an hour. I awoke to find us in the same positions, Gary atop and inside me, Tom to the left of me. My ass was incredibly sore, and Gary had softened a bit while I had laid there, but feeling my stirring, he flinched inside me, and I felt his head begin to expand as the blood flowed in. Softened, it had slipped itself back into my lower chute, but wedged inside me his expanding head and shaft again begin to work into my deepest reaches, and I felt him again enter my second sphincter. Surely he wasn't about to fuck me for a fourth time?!?! He was not. Instead, I experienced another previously unexplored sensation. I suddenly felt a deep heat inside me, and it began to expand upward toward my stomach. Suddenly I began to feel my middle colon filling up and I realized his bladder was doing just the opposite. He was pissing deep into my ass, washing his and Tom's cum deep into my bowels. A part of me they hadn't been able to reach with their cocks was now to be fouled with their deadly poison, propelled forward by a wave of positive urine. Clearly he had well hydrated himself because the expanding colon walls of my intestines were becoming hot and painfully distended by the forced expansion from his discharge. Finally it seemed to stop moving, and I knew he had emptied himself. I heard--and felt--him sigh, his frail, wasted body still on my back. "Oh fuck boy, I needed to let that go. I piss like a racehorse too so you are quite well drenched inside. Just hold still as I slide out, we don't want you to lose any." He slowly pulled back and as his head popped back into my lower anal cavity, i felt a little splash of his scalding hot piss follow into an undrenched area. His cock tugged at my outer hole slightly as his shaft, which had dried a bit during my nap, extracted itself and the bulbous head it supported down to my final opening. He pulled out, my outer hole expelling him more easily than before as he had softened again considerably, and I felt the cold rubber of an ample butt plug thrust between my cheeks and through the entrance he had just vacated. It stung a bit as the unlubed plug broke through and created a seal. Everything was locked inside. Gary slid off the foot of the bed into a standing position, and Tom also rolled off and stood up. Our night was over. I somehow summoned the strength to pull myself off the bed and forced my wobbling knees to hold me upright. We all managed to make it down the stairs somehow without awkwardly tumbling down, and with the flick of a switch, Tom illuminated the room slightly with a single lamp. There behind the couch was the pile of my clothes, exactly where I had left them. Wait, where was me jock? Shit, I still had it on as I looked down at my now-soft uncut penis, exposed by the fabric where Gary had pulled it aside to free me. I pulled the fabric outward, allowing my dick to return inside. Gary and Tom stood there, watching, as I awkwardly bent over to pick my clothes up, the butt plug in my ass making this anything but a simple task. It was compounded by the fact that in bending over, my inner ring must have stretched in a way that I felt a small torrent of cum-laden piss spill into my lower rectum and splash down to my plug-sealed ass. It was unable to go further. Both noticed the momentary look of panic on my face as I felt the piss break through, thinking it would blast its way out of me onto the floor. Gary chuckled as Tom stepped forward. "Yeah, it will eventually work it's way down, filling you up down there. You'll feel like you need to press down and take a shit. Best to resist that urge." I somehow managed to work my legs into my track pants and pull them up, but in doing so I could feel my movements releasing more piss, and it was beginning to seep down around the butt plug, lubricating it; I knew eventually the dry seal holding it in would give way. I pulled on my tshirt, threw my jacket on, and stepped into my sneakers, leaving them untied. I dare not bend over for fear of losing the contents of my ass. Tom walked with me to the door, still naked, opening it to a blast of cold night air. I stepped out into the darkness, grabbing my keys and hitting the unlock button on the small remote. "Thanks for coming." Tom gently closed the door, and just as unceremoniously as that, I stood outside the house. My ass was full of lethal seed, already doing its work, my bowels distended by an incredibly large amount of piss. I stepped up into my Jeep. I sat down, the plug pushing up into me as I felt the first signs of wetness between my cheeks. I knew it would only grow, and as I began to drive away, the uneven terrain of the driveway bounced me around, releasing more piss from deep inside into my rectum, where the increasing pressure forced more drops and dribbles past the plug and into my track pants. I had almost reached the highway, when I felt one more torent increase the pressure to a point I knew was unmanageable. I slammed the car into park, threw open the door, and hopped out next to my Jeep. I thrust my pants down, grabbed the frame, and squatted back as I felt the but plug painfully erupt from my ass, firing itself into the darkness of the brush alongside the road. It was followed by a foreful spray of hot piss, splashes of which came back against my legs and sneakers and the track pants piled around my ankles. I felt my ass contact again, pushing down hard as if trying to take a shit, and another loud, forceful spray shot out. A few more pushes, a bit more piss, and finally it stopped. Shit. My ass was drenched and I had nothing to wipe it dry with. I winced as I pulled up my pants, feeling a disgusting wetness. I climbed back in my car, and resumed my drive home. And yet, despite all that I had expelled, I felt a few remnants of piss continue to escape, drenching my pants; I drove the remaining hour home that way, the mixture of cum and piss passing through the nylon fabric and leaking onto my seat.
    1 point
  35. I love being the object of desire. Knowing that all hard dicks are there because they want to fuck me turns me on so much. milking the cum out of so many dicks knowing that there is more behind the next guys gets me wet and hard all at the same time. HAHA.
    1 point
  36. there aren't specific ones but i found loads in all of them. Centurion, Basement (Canada street) and Lateshift. As PreP is now on up theres been a real increase in barebacking. NZ has had a successful run with condom based safe sex campaigns so there is still a lot of guys that won't bareback In my experience its a quick conversation about being neg and on prep and its all go.
    1 point
  37. Knowing that my hole MADE all these men cum is the best feeling in the world. I don't care if anyone is watching, I only care that each top is getting what he needs. Does he want me sloppy and loose or milking his meat? Does he want me to squirm or cry out? Does he want me to suck a guy off while he's breeding me? Does he want ATM? Whatever he wants, that's my job. Feeling him cum, I KNOW I am the reason he came. So, there's a certain amount of pride (plus a stretched out hole dripping cum is AMAZING)!
    1 point
  38. I love both places. I agree that Hanks is sleazier, but I think more play goes on there as well. I don't know about earlier in the day, but from 5 on there usually is some action going on. Late night on weekends, can be very busy. I have gotten totally naked there.
    1 point
  39. There are many reasons I love getting gang banged. I love when men bond over fucking me, huge turn on. Also, one of the reason I love getting gang banged, when I spend time getting cleaned and ready, I want to get seriously fucked and usually one guy doesn't get it. I am usually just in the frame of mind, fuck this feels good just as the first guy cums. So if I can get a couple of guys taking turns, by the 3rd guy, I fucking fully relaxed. Plus there's nothing better than that getting truly fucked, and seeded, and you just get fucking mounted again
    1 point
  40. I went to BZ bathhouse in Detroit last night. So many times I wished I lived near Steamworks Chicago or Flex in Cleveland. BZ is very run down. But the great thing about BZ is that there is a ton of BBC on Friday and Saturday nights. I don't specifically seek black guys, but I seem to attract black guys more than white guys. I had 8 black guys and 1 white guy fuck me in my 6 hour stay. Some of the black guys came back for more. Since I love love love BBC, I found that I am satisfied with BZ in Detroit. It may not be Chicago, but there is less competition here for dick, and I never have a problem getting as much BBC as I want. I just get in my doggy style position to prominently show my ass, and black guys know they are going to fuck a clean ass as deep as they want and for as long as they want. I have a reputation at BZ for having some of the best hole in the D. I'm the resident whore, and black guys know they have some guaranteed good ass to breed anytime they want. I don't discriminate. My hole is open to all.
    1 point
  41. Part 6 I grabbed Blakes collar and dragged him across the floor on his stomach depositing him next to a large ottoman before pulling the next toy out of the bag. Placing my fingers in his mouth, I pried his jaw apart and shoved a mouth spreader in it, quickly buckling it behind his head. I turned the screw on the side, stretching his jaw painfully apart. Blake moaned in pain. I picked him up and placed him on his back on the ottoman and attached his wrists to the rings on the side of the leather collar to keep them out of the way. Then I took a couple of chains and attached them to the ankle cuffs, raising his legs up and also attaching them to the collar leaving his already sloppy cunt open and vulnerable, then pulled his shoulders so his head hung off the ottoman. "There you go men! Two available cumholes. Unable to resist what you've got for him! Just a couple more things." I tied a bandana over his nose and grabbed a little baggie, taking out a nice sized rock, pushing it deep into the wet, open cunt, causing Blake to moan from the burning. "Damn Jeese!" exclaimed Buck. "Giving him more?" "Fuck yea man! I told you I want this little bitch royally fucked up and wrecked. When I'm through with him he won't be nothing but a worthless piece of used up gutter trash. Now whose up? Line your cocks up to the holes but wait till I say go, then show this slut no mercy!" Roy and Brad stepped up next. Brad had a respectable 8 inches and moved to Blake's head while Roy chose his pussy to receive the wrath of his very thick 10 inches. "Hold on Jesse." said Roy. If you really wanna ruin this crackers hole, I got just the thing. With that he pulled a fat ring out of his pocket and put it through his pierced cock head. It was covered with short, sharp spikes. "I never get to use this thing. This little bitch is about to be ripped to shreds!" "Fuck yea brother!" I exclaimed. "This cunt is about to be brutalized!" With that I took the poppers and poured some on the bandana over the bitches nose and grabbed a pair of alligator tit clamps that had sharp, needle like teeth. "Get ready to suffer, bitch!" I hissed in Blakes ear as he whimpered in fear, unable to stop the brutal attack he was about to recieve. "Ready.......Set........Go!" I shouted as I released the clamps on the sluts tender nips as two cocks plunged in his two fuck holes deep and hard. Blake screamed and convulsed as pain tore through his entire body. He choked and gagged on the cock buried in his throat as spit and puke poured out of his mouth. The men cheered as the teenager helplessly had his body pulverized by the two pounding cocks. You could see the cock in his throat stretch it wide as it slid in balls deep. Fresh red oozed from his ripped cunt as the spiked cock shredded his insides. Brad would occasionally pull all the way out so Blake could quickly gasp for air before burying himself down the boys throat again, grabbing the chain on the clamps and pulling on Blakes tender titties, causing the clamps to dig in harder. Tears flowed from Blakes eyes as the men reduced him to nothing more than two wet holes. Roy would pull his cock out and rub the spikes around the boys tender inflamed ass ring before plunging it back it, mercilessly scraping his insides. Before long, Blakes screams subsided as the pain and drugs transported him into another realm. Soon both men buried their throbbing cocks as deep as they could while cum was pumped into both ends of the cumdump. No time was wasted before two more men stepped up for their turns. Roy generously loaned his pierced ring to another man with a piered cock to continue further wrecking the already bleeding cunt. The new man had a very visible bio hazard tattoed on his chest. I raised up Blakes head so he could see the tattoo as the man roughly shoved his spiked cock into the already damaged fuckhole. "See that bitch?" I whispered into Blake's ear. "After tonight you wont be anything more than my whore. I'll sell you to anyone I want, any time I want, any where I want. And there wont be a thing you can do about it. Your diseased cunt will barely be worth the money you'll make for me. Nobody else will want you. Your parents wont want an infected, drugged pussy fag for a son. You are mine now. And I'll keep you as long as your usefull, then sell you for what I can get. Say good bye to the life you knew! Watch as he fills you with his poison! Feel his dirty cum seep into your ripped up insides. Tonight you fufill your destiny!" As I said those words, the man fucking him bellowed as he filled Blake's ass with more cum. I just dropped Blakes head back down as a cock slammed down his open throat. Blake was used like this for over an hour before I released him and removed the mouth spreader. But his night was far from over.
    1 point
  42. I've been fucked by quite a few homeless guys. Denver has a huge population of them and a lot a hot young ones, early 20s drifters. Give them a pack of cigs or some weed. Most of them are "straight" but wanna nut in something lol.
    1 point
  43. Part 5 I left Blake tied on the bed and plugged while he softly sobbed from the pain and the realization of his predicament. I'll bet he was sorry he ever went to the bookstore. It was only a couple of hours before the party started, and I had lots of calls to make. At 9:30 I went back upstairs. Blake looked quite uncomfortable tied in that position with the long, fat plug in his cunt. "Good," I thought to myself, "a scared white boy in pain is one of my favorite things!" And it would only get worse for him. "Please untie me!" he begged. THWACK, THWACK, THWACK! Three hard slaps across his brought tears to his eyes. "Shut the fuck up bitch!" I yelled. "You will learn, the only begging you will do is to have your holes raped and filled with cum. Do I make myself clear?" Three more hard slaps and Blake was in agreement. "Yes Sir." he sobbed. I untied him and he put up no resistance. I put a leather collar with rings around his neck, and wrist and ankle restraints. I then put a cock and ball harness on his little dick, making it as tight as I could. "Drink this," I said holding a bottle up to his mouth. He made a face, but didn't dare disobey me. It was now almost 10:00, and I could hear our guests arriving. I told them to be prompt as they didn't want to miss anything. I attached a leash to Blake's collar and led him downstairs. I was pleased to see all 15 of the guests were already there. "Welcome gentlemen! Here is my new slut and tonights party favour! Short of killing him, anything goes. I want him wrecked like a white slut should be! Lets not waste any time." With that, I grabbed Blake and threw him to the ground,pinning him down with a foot on his chest. One of the guys tied a band around his arm and another stuck the needle in. "Are you sure Jesse?" he asked. It's a 2.0 hit." "Fuckin do it! This little whore needs to be fucked up royally!" With that, the plunger was pushed down and the band released. Blake went instantly rigid and coughed hard. "I want you to go first." I told my friend Buck. He had a 13 inch cock with a P.A. "And show no mercy! Rape that cunt good and hard!" Buck just rolled the teenage boy over and ripped the plug out of his pussy. Blake howeled. Then Buck just spread his cheeks apart and plunged his huge, hard, black pole deep into the puffy, pink hole beneath him. Blake screamed at the top of his lungs while the guys cheered. Tears flowed from his eyes as his cunt was ripped even further apart. Buck just pushed down on the boys shoulders and power fucked his cunt, drilling as deep and as hard as he could. Blood covered his dick as he pulled out before plunging back in balls deep. He fucked Blake mercilessly for a solid 10 minutes, never letting up until he buried himself to the hilt and dumped his load far up into the teenage cumdump. After he pulled out, he spread Blake's cheeks apart so everyone could see his bleeding rosebud. It was puffy and inflamed, oozing red cum. "Who's next?" I asked.
    1 point
  44. hola am a beautiful Brazilian transsexual. I am full bareback for men who like liberal sex without taboos , got it in my house all men who want to spend quality time with me ... Relaxed take a drink can talk like we're lovers ! I am dominant and I love being the boss. if u this trip by Spain for tourism or business contact only by me can be the ideal companion can travel across europe
    1 point
  45. I have many best stories but one I remember clearly is when I was 17 and moved to a big city for study, just giving into my search for sex, and also in a cruising park. I had been cruising for half an hour or so and had seen 5 guys in their 20s or something cruising who I thought were hot. They however did not make a move and I didn't either. Finally saw a guy in his 30s or so (#1) who motioned me to follow him to a spot off the track to a clear spot between the trees. He didn't waste any time and was in my tight young ass within minutes. After a few minutes he was fucking me I noticed 3 of the 5 hot guys I saw before were there too. One (#2) unzipped and forced his cock in my mouth. Only took a few minutes until he unloaded his balls down my throat. Zipped up and left. My first spitroast. When he left #1 grunted and shot his load in my hole. He left too. #3 took over and fucked me too. Shot his spunk on my ass and left. #4 took over and dumped his load IN my ass. I was horny as fuck after that, hadn't cum yet and walked around with a boner and took a few more loads that night, regardless of what the guys looked like (it was dark anyway so couldn't see much). One made me cum. He fucked so hard and deep I couldn't help myself and came. Guess they all liked a young small 17yo butt. I still remember that night today. Probably because it was my first time to take a lot of loads in a row. One of the best experiences I had.
    1 point
  46. Hy Scottyrim, I can tell you some for the french language. If you search for bareback, French are using the same term or "baise au jus", litteraly to fuck with juice, juice said as cum. You can also tell "baiser nokpote or no capote", litteraly to fuck without condom. Neg is the same as in english. For Poz, the most used is "plombe" "un mec plombé" as a pozzed guy, "ta plombe" as your poz cum. You can also find "jus pourri" as poz cum. Also "pourri moi le cul" as poz my ass. For breeding, I think is close to "insémination".
    1 point
  47. i also like keeping it in. After all its where it belongs.
    1 point
  48. I had a hot bottom cumdump bud of mine chatting me up awhile back, he was totally turned on by me being poz. He was very hungry for my loads but wasn't ready to take the plunge just yet. He started telling me about this hot hairy bi bud of his, who loved bareback too, and who he had spied on before while he was taking loads himself. So, the guy tells me he things it would be hot if he got his bud totally drunk and passed out and then had me come by and use his hole! Well, he sent me a pic of the guy, and I was of course skeptical, but we chatted more and more and I found the idea hot. Finally one night everything fell into place. I finished class work early and was really horny for hole, and my bud hit me up and told me his bud was already totally plastered out on his bed, naked and ready for me. My cock sprang to attention immediately and told him I wanted to come breed his bud! So the guy tells me the address and I was on my way. I arrived shortly after, I suspected the guy I had chatted with was somewhere hiding watching, but funny enough I didn't even think about that, I just came in the bedroom and saw this hot furry boy laying on his stomach ass up and mumbling something. He was clearly totally wasted. I took my shirt, jeans, shoes and socks off, climbed into bed with him, and started eating his yummy hole for all it was worth. It was so fucking hot. He moaned like he enjoyed it so I kept on eating it. Finally after about 15 minutes I started fucking him, and his hole was amazingly tight, wet, and just a slice of heaven. I thrust into him deeper, harder, and he moved his ass onto my cock too. I reached under and pinched his hot nipples, he was really getting into it, even though he was still pretty out of it. It wasnt long before I came a fountain deep into his hole flooding him with my poz seed, and kept on fucking him. His hole started getting warmer and hotter, and soon after I came again without stopping. I pushed my cock deep into him and then slowly pulled out, tapped his furry ass and got dressed and left. Later that night, my bud who had arranged the whole thing asked, did you fuck him? I said, hell yeah, and probably pozzed him too. He thought that was so hot. Later on I found out that the guy I had pozzed had turned into a regular little cumdump, taking loads from all over town! My bud said he told him later that he was poz, but never knew who had pozzed him. Me and my bud knew, it was me! After that hot time, I fucked and seeded my bud in that same bed many times, always remembering that hot time with his passed out friend. There is nothing like a hot naked obedient hole for the taking! That was my one true unconscious sexual experience!
    1 point
  49. Started out with my dad when I was a kid... He was a cop and no one woulda guessed the sick shit he was doing at home with me. Went on for years... Now I find that all kinds of 20 year olds here in LA suddenly see me as Dad... Always try to help out... OINK
    1 point
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