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  1. Growing up as a kid in the city was awesome with all the sights and sounds that you could see and hear. Our family was big with myself, my sister, our parents who between them had ten brothers and sisters or aunties and uncles to us kids. At the age of 10 I loved the holiday season and the big family get togethers. I looked forward to it and hoped that my parents would enjoy it as they had endured a year of hell caused by one of my dad's brothers. They had been careful not to talk about anything in front of us kids so we did not what was really going on or with who. We set off to our grandparents' house for the family shindig and, by chance, we were more-or-less the last to arrive, as all of our cousins and older relations seemed to be present. We gathered in the lounge, chatting and enjoying pre-dinner drinks. I noticed that the atmosphere was somewhat subdued. Vinnie my older cousin was sat next to me. He was 16 and, at least in my eyes, a bit of an idiot. Still I turned to him and quietly asked what was going on. Fixing my gaze with a stare, he mouthed the word 'later'. An hour or so later we sat down for dinner and things slowly got back to normal. By then I noticed that Uncle Pete was missing from the gathering. Uncle Pete is my dad's youngest brother. At 20 years old he had gone college and landed himself a pretty good job. In terms of family dynamics Uncle Pete always seemed to be the odd one out. He was also physically somewhat different as, unlike most of the family, he had black hair, piercing blue eyes, at six feet was taller than most of us, and had a jock build as he had played quarterback in college. Being 10 the curiosity got the better of me. Desert was being served when I asked across the table "Where is Uncle Pete, is he not coming?" Spoons dropped into bowels as the adults looked over at me and my grandma replied "He is coming over later for an hour, his work is keeping him busy." Conversation was swiftly moved on to other subjects so us kids finished and left the table and went to the lounge. Vinnie came over and asked if I knew what was going on. Learning I was out of the loop, Vinnie quietly told me Uncle Pete had fallen-in with a bad crowd of people, and had come-down sick as a result of 'doing things his way'. "I always liked Uncle Pete," I told Vince. To my astonishment he replied "Don't get let him like you too much in return," as he turned and walked off to chat with another family member. I was somewhat mystified by Vince's mysterious remark, but when, at 9:00 PM Uncle Pete turned up in the lounge with all the adults, he extended a general greeting, dropped off his presents, and in short order was off. That was the last I saw of him until I was 19, at which time I was in college, living in the dorms as it was an hour drive from home. In the years between the somewhat mysterious Christmas party and my 19th year, I had developed in a lot of areas: I was tall, my hair was jet black, and my eyes, like Uncle Pete's, were an odd shade of piercing blue. Moreover, during the last three or so years I had been going to the gym, consequently buffing up a bit, but more so just to keep myself looking fit. I decided to take up swimming a bit more, so joined a gym that had a pool and was only a 15 minute bus ride from campus. The swimming time also gave me a little escape time from college and friends, although I often was accompanied by a couple of college mates who were gay, and who would lightly flirt with me to and from the gym. I certainly didn't mind their attention, seeing it as harmless fun. We got along very well. One day returning to the campus from the pool one of the guys mentioned 'Bluey the sex god' and how his absence from the pool was an occasion for disappointment. "Bluey... what sort of name is that?" I laughed at them. The guys described 'Bluey' as exceptionally fit, with deep blue eyes and mentioned he openly gave the other men at the pool the once-over, including, as it turned out, me, although I hadn't apparently registered him. One of the guys also remarked "You know, you have the same blue in your eyes as Bluey." Quite involuntarily my eyes widened, and I found myself staring at my buddy until he smacked me on the arm remarking "Any way, Bluey is a tainted lover. He's forbidden fruit." With that the guys laughed as the bus arrived at the campus. I finished lessons at 4:00 PM one Wednesday and decided to head over to swim a couple of miles. As I walked in to the pool area I was surprise to see it was quite busy but still I got in a set of on my two-mile swim. As I finished I stopped in the shallow end of the pool to take five, just as another swimmer pulled up, "Hi", he said as he caught his breath he removed his swim goggles to piercing blue eyes. "Matt?" Returning his gaze I immediately recognized Uncle Pete. "I see you ended up with the my hair as well as my eyes," he laughed. I was overwhelmed to see him and gave him a hug. We exited the pool, moved to the locker room where we changed as we chatted away. I explained I was at campus down the road. He mentioned he lived a scant three blocks away, inviting me to catch-up over coffee at the little coffee shop across the road. We sat down with our drinks and I asked him "Why have you never been back to see us?" "It's complicated" he replied but I kept pushing him as I reminded him I was not longer a kid, "You don't need to tell me your no kid anymore you are quite a stunner now, how many girlfriends have you had?" he asked, he caught me off guard with that question "Oh, I have a few girls that flirt with me constantly at college, I went on a date with one of them but, I don't know, it just didn't seem to be right so we just remained friends. How about you? Are you married yet?" "No, I had one relationship but that went sour big time so I am just playing the field at the moment," Uncle Pete replied, giving me a quick grin. I couldn't get over how attractive uncle Pete was at 29 and how he had kept his fine physique. We exchanged phone numbers but he was careful to remind me not to tell anyone in the family we were in touch otherwise they would flip out. I decided to stay on campus more and more at weekends and this Saturday I was going to Uncle Pete's for dinner and as promised I told no one in the family as our relationship had grown stronger and I loved being around him. Uncle Pete answered the door, surprising me somewhat when I saw he was wearing nothing more than Lycra shorts. Of course I undertook a surreptitious glance at his body, buy my eyes stalled at his crotch as the Lycra outlined a bulge that looked like it was trying to free itself from the Lycra confines. "Hell I feel overdressed!" I joked. "I have another pair if it will make you feel comfortable" Uncle Pete replied laughing as we moved in to his beautifully decorated home. Two wine glasses appeared and a bottle of red wine, "Are you allowed to drink?" he asked. "I guess I can have a glass," I replied, he sat down next to me and we clinked glasses, he still made no attempt to get dressed properly. I kept ribbing him about it so he got up went to down the hall to the bedroom came back and threw a pair of Lycra shorts at me. "Here put these on then maybe you will shut up," giggling as he said so. Setting my glass aside, I stood, stripped off my clothing, all of my clothing, and was pulling-up the Lycra shorts when Uncle Pete exclaimed "Wow!" Chuckling, I responded "Hands off until I'm drunk," which Uncle Pete apparently found amusing as he chirped in reply "Deal." Hell, the Lycra was tight as it slipped up over legs and around my waist. I felt quite exposed, yet simultaneously incredibly sensual. Somehow it was easy to get used to the Lycra, perhaps because we were similarly dressed. In any event we had a delicious, light dinner and as we sat at the table I interrogated him again as I sipped on my third glass of wine feeling overly warm and giddy. "So are you going to tell me what is going on, no one in the family will talk about it?" I asked in a serious slurring tone. "Well the family don't accept my lifestyle and the choices I made." I leaned back in the chair "Do you fuck around with guys?" I blurted out and blushed at the same time. "That's one way of putting it," Uncle Pete replied, adding "You know you are in so many ways like me when I was your age. Perhaps you haven't found out who you really are." I contemplated his statement as the alcohol crept throughout my body, leaving me slightly dizzy. Suddenly the name Bluey bounded to the front of my brain as it all started making a drunk kind of sense. As we moved in to the lounge he sat on the sofa and I collapsed next to him and he put his arm around me and pulled me close. In one movement I found my hand stroking his chest as his lips touched my forehead. We sat in silence for a few minutes in our drunken state "You will have to stay here the night, I can't let you go back to campus in that state or you will be expelled." I let out a low sigh and nuzzled in closer. I move my hand across his shorts and his cock which by now was even more pronounced through the Lycra. He stood up and dragged me to my feet as he guided me to the bedroom where I promptly collapsed face down in the middle of the bed. I felt the Lycra slipped past my thighs and crotch and hear them as they fell to the floor in a muffled sound. Suddenly I felt the hands running up and down my legs as they were being gently pried apart as a warm flow of air ran over the hole of my arse, a sensation of deep pleasure erupted in my body as my Uncle licked at my arse hole, caressing in slow circling motions. I lay there, clawing at the sheets, as the intensity grew as low guttering mumbles escaped my mouth. I was powerless to resist. A sharp pain erupted from my arse causing by body to twitch as he aggressively penetrated me with two fingers twisting his wrist around. As the pain grew a burning sensation hit me, causing me to snap back to reality asking him to stop what he was doing, but I felt his hand pushed in to my back holding me down as he twisted his wrist left then right in rapid succession as his fingers were digging in to my arse scratching sharply at the anal wall. Just as suddenly as it started, Uncle Pete withdrew his fingers. A sense of stillness enfolded around me even as he pushed me my legs apart, his body enveloping mine, his arms wrapped around my neck and chest as I felt his hips rising up. I felt a stabbing at my hole. An increasingly excruciating pain shot through my pelvis up my spinal column, causing my hands to clench a fist full of bedding as his hips came crashing down. I may have screamed and bucked, but his power was overwhelming. He tightened his grip on my neck and chest, his cock now fully embedded in my arse. His body rocked back and forth over my back and arse as his hips pushed down and up in a continuous rapid motion. "Stop, please," I slurred, but not a word escaped form his lips as he continued fucking my arse, gradually picking-up speed and intensity, his feet now hooked around my calves, pushing them further apart, which gave his hips more leverage. His pace accelerated as his cock ripped through me with every thrust. Uncle Pete gave a jolt as his body shuddered he moaned loudly as he released his tainted seed in to my body, his hips pushing my arse down and deeper in to the bed, my tears flowing freely on to the pillow. Even now he still had me pinned down - I couldn't move. He rolled on his side still holding my body tightly in a spooning position he feel in to a deep sleep. The alcohol had subdued my pain and agony and I drifted off in to a induced sleep. I woke as sunlight streamed through the window my head felt like a brick. I tried to move, but Uncle Pete's arms were still wrapped around my chest, although his cock had slipped out of my arse at some point in the night. As I moved his arms he mumbled and turned over. I sat up and noticed a pink dried patch on the bed where we had been laying. Stepping into the bathroom, I threw up several times as I knelt on the cold floor tiles I placed my head against the wall tiles for the coolness. Beginning to return to normality Uncle Pete came in to the bathroom and gave me a glass of water "You will be dehydrated, you drank a lot of wine last night." "What did you do to me?" I asked shyly. "Actually we sort of made love." I got in the shower and as I ran my hand over my arse, feeling a soreness such as I had never before experienced. I kept trying to run through what had happened but the pieces wouldn't fit together. I dressed had a coffee and made my excuses to leave heading to the bus stop back to campus. I kept a low profile for the next few weeks but gradually became aware the odd person would stare at me in the canteen. Judging by the way groups would look over at me then hudde back together, I suspected a rumor was circulating that somehow involved me. One day I was seated with one of my gay friends, so I thought to ask him if he knew of any rumors that involved me. My friend took a deep breath and replied "The rumor is you slept with Bluey from the pool." "Actually 'Bluey' is my Uncle." "Yes, everyone knows he is your Uncle and that you had unprotected sex with him - for which he is quite notorious about amongst the gay community." Thank god it was the last day of college for the summer. Although Uncle Pete texted me, I didn't reply to him. The next day I had my belongings packed and was ready when my parents arrived for the ride home. "How was college?" they asked. "Fine. I passed all my exams. Oh, Dad, would you put the air-conditioning on? I feel light headed and hot." By the time we pulled up the driveway I was sweating profusely, so I went to bed, and then spent a few days laid-up with flu symptoms. By now I began to realise Uncle Pete had set out to deliberately to enact his revenge on the family for having ostracized him. It was simply my bad luck to have been chosen. Still, over the following years my resentment cooled and he helped me through a lot things personally and professionally. We became very close and would have sex on a regular basis. I even raped him one night and now it has turned in to a game of who can rape who.
    10 points
  2. I'm a full-grown adult now, but that totally happened without my consent. I was never ready to be an a grownup and take responsibility for my own life. This would be particularly embarrassing if I were to admit my real age now -- which I won't. Let's just say that I was a child of the 1980's, and leave it that. Was it because I was an only child, born to parents who'd wanted a big family? And treated me like a baby for far too long? People think only kids are spoiled and that's certainly correct. Or at least it was back then. That status comes with a price, though. All of my parents' expectations were put on me instead of spread out among three or four siblings. I was pushed to read books before I was even fully comfortable with the alphabet. It was a confusing. I remember Dad handing me the evening paper when he came home from work and telling me to be prepared to discuss what I'd read at the dinner table. Pressure. Oh man. I couldn't decipher much. "Well?", my dad would ask as he forked meat loaf into his mouth. "There's a movie coming to The Twilight called "Tron". It looks good. Can we go see it?" His expression told me that we would not. "Did you read any of the news stories? We need to get you a tutor. I've already got some names. Meanwhile -- finish your plate, drink your milk and the go watch CNN. Soak up some real news for once." For once? They were always watching that channel. None of it was very interesting to me. I gave no shits about politics or Reagan or any of stuff. But an emerging story did catch my attention. There was a deadly disease spreading around gay communities that they couldn't figure out. All they knew was that Africans had started it and it had something to do with monkeys. Possibly. I just wasn't old enough to dissect this information. As horrific as this story was, it did help me strive to learn more. My reading skills improved rapidly due to my interest in AIDS. It was a medical mystery that had elements of horror and sex. Gay men were getting sick and dying after sucking or doing other things with an infected dick. Sperm and blood seemed to be part of it. By sixth grade, I was going to the public library and poring through periodicals for more information. Would I get this disease? I was probably gay -- was that enough to doom me? I read the articles with a chill running up my neck and over my scalp. A year or so later, I read about the Patient Zero. He was supposedly the guy who introduced the disease to our country. His name was Gaetan Dugas...a Canadian flight attendant who had brought the virus to New York. He was handsome, blonde and athletic. I looked at his black and white photo over and over. He was responsible for this mess, but that didn't make him any less beautiful to look at. He died in 1983. His kidneys had failed because of the AIDS virus. I skipped Junior High altogether because the administration decided I was "advanced". If they only knew I spent all my free time lusting after an older blonde man who was dead now. You can only guess how hard it was to look ten years old and be in a classroom with teens who were developing adult bodies. I was made fun of and picked on every single day! Miserable...but I kept my head down and advanced. Most of the teachers seemed to dislike me too, but were still giving me good grades. When would I ever fit in anywhere? Never? The Summer before junior year, I grew into a man. My voice got deeper and my height increased by almost a foot. "Growth Spurt" was what hey called it. I don't think my spinal cord was ready for it because it started to curve a bit. You couldn't tell unless my shirt was off -- which it never was. I'd been lucky enough to miss P.E. classes. I spent my time reading or daydreaming. AIDS was of no concern to the kids around me. It was 'a fag disease', and it happened 'somewhere else'. I was still obsessed with it though. Maybe it was the sexual aspect of it. I sat in the library and read all the magazines that featured stories about the emerging epidemic. I remember one piece in "Newsweek" about the devastation in San Francisco. There was a black and white photo of a solitary man wearing only a white towel, sitting alone on a bench. It was taken in the city's only remaining bath house. I had no idea what a bath house was...it seemed like a big locker room. Was this the kind of place where sexy Gaetan had gone to first spread the viral load he had between his legs. I'm sure they had those kind of places in New York. Maybe he went to one of those gay bars...like 'The Dark" which was in our town. I imagined what it was like back in the early 80's. I knew a lot from reading, and I knew that over a decade had passed since The Stonewall Riots. Gays were fighting for rights and (slowly) becoming a presence in American culture. They didn't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, they fucked with no worries. I imagined a smoky bar full of hot gay men, drinking beer from bottles and touching each other. Lots of leather. They'd think nothing of a dashing blonde walking in and ordering a drink. He was handsome, but there were probably a hundred handsome there. Competition. He had a ticking bomb inside him that would change gay life for many years. Inside of his balls was a virus that would claim so many millions of lives, but on that particular night he was just a face in the crowd. I thought about who he'd meet first, who would buy him a drink and flirt with him. Did he have a French accent like some Canadians do? Is it weird that I wanted to be the guy who found him first? If only I could go back in time and be 'Patient One'. I guess the responsible thing would be to kill the both of us afterward, but I don't know if I could do that. I was leading such a sexless life then that I would take whatever from whomever. You could say that I was a 'bug chaser' before the term existed. If only. Did death and disease turn me on? Possibly. Fast forward to my 18th birthday. I was in my third year of college and had changed quite a bit. I lived in one of those "progressive" dorms. You know -- artists, hippies, Wiccans. etc. I was smoking clove cigarettes and took a drink from time to time. My roommate was a 'performance artist' and was usually on a mushroom trip. We got along. I was working on a double major and didn't really pay attention to what went on around me. There was a smoking room in the school's giant library. and I'd go there every hour or so to get my fix. Of course there would be one or two gay dudes there. One of them would always make eye contact with me, but I wasn't into him. Not at all. I had a 'type' and he wasn't even close. I liked the menacing, dangerous type. He had a man purse, for Christ's sake. I was coming back from the library when I first felt the pain in my chest. I thought it was from the cold air. I continued on back toward the dorms, but they were so far. Maybe if I just sat for a minute... blackness I remember feeling so much better a few minutes later, better than I'd ever felt. I remember bits and pieces of falling to the sidewalk on campus. I might have hit my head...or had heart failure. Whatever -- I guess I died. Right? Was there any kind of official confirmation from an angel or something when you passed on? Did God chime in with a "howdy-do"? Maybe that happened for normal people, good people. I was alone in darkness, listening to loud traffic and footsteps and crowds talking. Maybe if everybody shut up for a minute, I could hear the tiny voice of my deceased grandmother. Maybe... "Oh, Honey! Did you start too early? Let me help you up, OK?" A drag queen in a blonde wig with shoulders like a linebacker lifted me to my feet. I was in a city that I guessed was New York based on the skyline. Yep. I was dead. This was too unreal to be not unreal. "Can you walk? Do you need a cab?" I suddenly felt just fine. Perfect, actually. I was aware that I was dressed differently...very differently. I was wearing black leather boots with small silver chains across the tops of my feet. My jeans were grubby and torn -- as was my white t-shirt. I had on a leather jacket that was boss as hell. Yep. This was either a dream or a post-death illusion. I turned to the drag queen and 'her' companion. She was tall and dolled-up to the max. She might have been going for a Mae West look, but was too tall and thin to pull it off convincingly. Her friend was a short, dumpy little guy who looked bored and on the verge of a making a run for it. I just walked with them for a block or two. "What year is this?" "Lordy! Are you that far gone? Did you drink too much tonight?" "No. I think I'm dead. I'm supposed to be in 1992." Mae West stopped and grabbed my arm. "Dear me. Eddie -- we are in the company of a time-traveler here!" The dumpy dude just looked at his watch and sighed. "No. I'm just a little confused is all. Please tell me today's date and I'll leave you two alone." "It is May 1st, 1981. You are probably headed to 'The Eagle's Nest', right? You've got the look. We're going further up the block to someplace a little more friendly. Come join us later if you get a chance. Here you go, Sweetie. That black door under the light bulb is your place. Do you still have your wallet with you?" Fuck if I knew. Yeah. I did. It was thick with cash, but no credit cards, no student I.D. . "Yeah. I'm good. Thanks for your help, Beautiful Angel." She blew me a kiss and moved on. I was here the same night Patient Zero had arrived in town on a layover. I was getting my chance to be his first 'victim'. I guess that was why I was here. To let the AIDS virus begin and end with me. He'd be sick and dying in a short tine and I was already dead -- so what would be the problem? Once inside the door, I was immediately struck by how many hot men were there. New York. All the beauties migrated to this city. Where was Gaetan? Had he not arrived yet? I had no idea what time it was, but it seemed early. I got a beer from the bar and maneuvered through the crowd of men until I found a space to lean against the grimy wall. A handsome man - dressed just like I was - came up and offered me a cigarette. "Hi. I'm Tommy. Are you new in town?" "Very." "I thought so. You like it so far?" "Yeah. I'm waiting for someone, but this place is so big. It's just important that we meet." "Well..this place has four levels. This is the main bar, and there's a dance floor upstairs. The top level is completely dark and you can get into the heavy stuff. The basement is only open for brown or yellow parties." "What are those?" "God, you really are new. 'Yellow Parties' are for men who like to piss on each other and drink piss and stuff like that. 'Brown Parties' are pretty much the same except with shit instead of pee. It's invitation only, but I can introduce you to the guy who works here and makes the guest list." He arched his eyebrows and looked at me with some sort of flirty expectation. "Uh. No. I don't think so." He probably regretted buying me a beer. Did he do it so I'd later urinate it on him? Who knows. This was like being in a foreign country and dealing with locals who knew everything already. I decided to move more toward the entrance so I could catch a glimpse of Gaetan when he entered. I also needed to find the restroom. I'd drank that beer a little too fast. Jesus -- who knows what I'd find in there? I asked a big fat guy with a tattooed neck where the restrooms were, and he pointed me in the direction. My bladder was about to burst as I found my way inside the dimmest, grossest bathroom in the world. Was I in Hell now? I knew I was dead but that thought took a backseat to my my desperate need to piss. Normally, I'm one of those 'pee shy' guys who can't go if anyone else is near. Fuck that now. I let loose a long, thick stream in the only empty urinal and groaned a little. I knew there were men all around me...and maybe they had thoughts or comments about me...or maybe not. It was probably pointless to wash my hands, but I always did it back when I was alive. Habit. Then I saw my reflection in the smeared mirror. Who the hell was that?! I guess it looked like me in some ways, but I was older (28? 29?) and the shape of my jaw had changed. It was more square and had a cleft in my chin. I looked like a guy I'd be attracted to. The afterlife wasn't so bad after all. I moved back through the crowd to find a spot close to the entrance. There was a table that looked like a strategic place to sit and watch for Gaetan. There was another dude sitting there, but the confidence I felt from my fake new looks. He wouldn't mind. He was a bearded big guy in full leather drag...including the cop cap. "Howdy. Mind if I sit here for a second?" "Not at all. I've never seen you here before..are you new in town?" "You could say that." "I did say that. You don't have a drink....let me get you one. What's your brand?" His big brown eyes crinkled when he smiled. "Anything. I'll have what your having." He stood up from the bar stool, looking all tall and massive. It occurred to me that I could suck this stud's dick and let him fuck me, and there would be no consequences...except maybe a few of those STDs that weren't life-threatening. I wasn't really here, so why not just have as much fun as possible? The music from the dance floor upstairs got louder all the sudden. Donna Summer...'I feel loooo-ooove' . My big grizzly returned with a two bottles of a weird beer I'd never seen before and two shot glasses. I knew how it worked. You downed the shot and the drank the beer. Right? I have no idea what the liquor in the shot was, but it had a nice burn. We sipped the brews and got friendly. "I'm Burt. What's your name?" "Ross. Nice to meet you. It's getting loud in here all of the sudden." "Midnight. So I guess you've never been here before." "Nope. I talked to some guy earlier who told me about all the levels. I'd like to check them out...but not the basement." He grinned. "It stinks like an outhouse down there. There's black garbage bags covering the floor and walls...and weird stuff like random bathtubs and ...it's not my thing." "Do you dance?" "I LOVE to dance, but I usually don't because I look like a giant circus animal on the dance floor." "Nah. I want to dance with you, Burt." He warmed to the idea and led me up the stairs to where disco beats were still alive and thriving. And so loud. Blondie started cooing out an extended version of "Heart of Glass". Even though only about ten guys were there, I grabbed Burt's giant hand and led him out under the spinning lights. Songs like that get inside your body and make it move for you. I was really enjoying myself, but felt like I was overheating. I moved my mouth close to his ear and asked if there was a safe place I could leave my jacket. He nodded. We both took our leather off and he carried them somewhere. Such a cool relief. When Burt returned he made a comment about my body. It seemed like he thought I should remove my t-shirt too. Uh, no. I was very shy in my old life and never exposed my underdeveloped torso -- plus there was that curve in my back. But what the hell? I was in a death dream or something anyway. My face had changed, and so maybe my body did too. "I will if you will." That's all it took for him to rip the shirt from my body as he also removed mine. He tossed them over his shoulder like pieces of trash. I might have been upset if not for the sight of his abundant body hair and impressive build. Big bulge as well. I'd forgotten all about Patient Zero now. I wanted to have sex with Burt. Soon. Sadly, the Blondie song smoothly transitioned into a thumping disco song I'd never heard. Burt said something I didn't quite hear. I gave him a look that was supposed to say "what?", but he just got closer and wrapped me in a big sweaty hug. Then the music stopped (or so I thought) and the room went completely dark... "Open your eyes, Ross. ROSS! Wake up and look at us!" My mother's voice. "I think his color is better today. A little. Open your eyes right now, young man!" Dad. Another voice mumbled. A woman. I'm almost certain it was my aunt Bev. Maybe. "Do they know yet? Do they know what caused this?" "Not yet. I thought for sure it was speed or some other drug, but I checked his computer at the dorm and his phone. No clues there." Good old dad. "His heartbeat is almost regular now and he can breathe on his own, but he won't wake up." "The doctor is supposed to check in before noon." Mom sounded hopeful. Then it was back to the dance floor with Burt all over me. We weren't even dancing, just vertically humping. "You stumbled. Are you wasted?" "No. Just halfway between life and death." "That's all of us, Ross." He grinned and I was now certain that I wanted to have sex with him...while this dream/afterlife lasted. "Show me the upstairs, Burt." Another wide grin. "You sure? There's no light and usually crazy shit going on." "Yeah, I'm not really here anyway. Lead the way." For whatever reason, Burt seemed to like my cryptic words. Or maybe he just thought I was drunk. Fine line. "The stairs are a little steep...and completely unlit. I'll go first, but grab my belt so you you can follow safely." "How about I just grab your ass?" "That works, Buddy!" Total darkness. I thought he was giving me further instructions, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. "Ross! We know you can hear us, Honey. Your brain waves and blood pressure are almost normal. Talk! Wake up!" My poor mom. If only she would leave me alone for a little longer. "It was a heart attack," my dad said. "Apparently he's got a faulty valve. It has a name, but I can't remember it." Dad. "Can it be fixed?" That was my cool aunt again. I was glad she was keeping my joyless parents company. "He's gay, by the way. There is some shit on the laptop that confirms it. He was apparently obsessed with the guy who brought AIDS to North America." God love my aunt...her own brain waves were always amped to the max. "He may have been working on a term paper...and would have found out that the guy they called 'Patient Zero' was not the real culprit. Apparently, HIV came to the United States in the 70's. and it sprang up in several cities at about the same time." "Who gives a good goddamn?! He's a gay kid in a coma. Don't say one more word for now, Bev." Count on Dad to always have my back. "Damn, kid. You stumbled again. Are you sure you're up for this?" Burt grabbed my hand with his giant paw. "Yeah. I don't see so well in the dark." "We're in luck. There's a little bit of light. Little camping lanterns or something. Too bad we're here already...I liked you holding my ass." "The pleasure was all mine, Burt." He wrapped a massive arm around my shoulders. "The bar is right up here in the front. I need something strong just now...you?" "VERY strong." I heard all kinds of sex noises from every direction. 'Enjoy it while you can' was all I thought. Burt left me alone there in the semi-dark. That's when I saw him. Gaeten. I knew it was him because I'd memorized what his photos looked like. He was striking, with that blonde hair and mustache. He was standing (maybe shorter than I'd thought), right next to one of those little lanterns because I guess he knew he looked good lit from below. It made his jaw look stronger and sharper. He was not at all muscular, but his features were striking. I considered my situation. I had Burt - who was fetching me a drink, and who I was attracted to -- and I also felt as though I was here on a mission and had to do this...get his infected seed somehow. We locked eyes and I smiled in his direction. He responded instantly and motioned me over. I went right to him like I was in a trance. "Hi. I think I know you. You work for a Canadian airline, right? He was taken aback a little... "How did you know? I've only been to New York four times before, and I never met a guy that looked like you." I was either drunk or cocky ... or stupid when I said "You're famous." That somehow made him feel good about himself because he put a small finger to my face, "Ahhh. Thanks. I'm a real blonde -- just so you know." I was about to say another flirty thing when Burt found me, and wrapped me up in his big,bare arm. He pulled me to the side a bit... "He's a dud. I've fucked him twice -- and he fucked me once. Smallest dick ever. I barely felt it, but he does have that French passion. The accent was the only reason I let him fuck me a month ago. Twice. I don't like getting fucked, but I was okay with it." So I guess I wasn't going to be 'Patient One' -- maybe not two or three either. Did this mean Burt was infected? It didn't make sense. Why was I here? Why now? I knew from some movie I watched once that little brain adventures like this happened for a reason. Was I suppose to learn a life lesson? What was the end game? "Let's go somewhere and talk, Burt." At first he grinned like 'talk' was code for 'fuck', but I think he could tell by my expression that I was troubled by something. "What's wrong? Did you want the French guy to join us? I'd be open to just about anything tonight." "No. Do you know what's going on? Are you part of this? I just need to know if all of you here are in on it." "Uh oh. You're on something, right?" "No...I mean...I'm not sure." He took my hand and led me through a maze of guys getting blow jobs and doing other stuff. We were at the far end of the room with a little battery-powered lantern on the floor. "Guys always steal these things and take them home. That way they see some sponsor's logo every day. I'll grab one for you if I want." "Sure -- but I don't think I live here in New York, or even have a place." I was about to elaborate a little more but I stumbled again. Backwards. I'd stepped on and fell back on a large gym mat. I remember these from P.E. class. Burt plopped down too. "I think you need to just clear your head a little. Relax. At least this mat feels relatively clean. Rest for a minute, Ross. I'll be right back." I was flat on my back, looking at dancing shadows and listening to grunts, moans, and "Fuck yeah!"s. I had to be dead. That was the only explanation for this. For all I knew there could be gateway to Narnia nearby. Then Burt was back down on the mat with me. He had two more beers for us and some things in a plastic baggie. "What's that?" "I scored some lube and poppers from a friend of mine who works at the bar. Am I assuming too much? I just want to fuck the weirdness out of you, Buddy." "Yeah. I want that. I've never done poppers before, but I know what they are." He opened a tiny little bottle and sniffed the opening. "Sit up a little. There you go. Now inhale through your nose, deep. I'm going to take your boots off." It reminded me of some smell from a mechanics garage. And then I felt my head spin...in a good way. Burt had taken off my boots, socks, pants and underwear. Good. And the he took off the rest of his clothes and it was a sight to behold....the lantern light made his naked body look otherworldly somehow. His big sweaty boner looked like some sort of beautiful monster from where I was viewing it. Hell, that thing made a long shadow that reached all the way to his chin. Wow. All man. "Yeah. I knew it. You're an angel of some sort." "Never been called that before. How do you like it? On your back?" "However you want. I've never done this, Burt. Take over." I didn't need to say much more because already working a fat finger covered with lube into mt butt hole. My friend Arna from high school told me all about her first time. She said it was the same kind of pain as if you pulled your earlobe really hard. His big finger was already causing me some discomfort, and he was breathing heavily as he worked deeper into my ass. I think he had two fingers up there by the time I took my third sniff from the bottle of poppers. Maybe three fingers. I felt open and free of worry. "Lift your knees up as close to your chest as you can. Good. Just like that. Now...get ready." His full weight was on me and I was thankful for the cushion beneath me. Burt's erection was poking all around my hole, trying to find the prize. He found it. DAMN! It hurt when he snaked it in, but I didn't complain at all. "Ahhh. Wow." "Damn, boy. You are so tight down there...it's like a fist is grabbing my cock. If you don't loosen up a little, I'm going to fucking cum too fast..." "Do it, Burt. Get me pregnant!" "You can't open a little? Just a little?" As much as I willed myself to relax, it wasn't happening. Burt was thrusting and sweating as his shadowy expression told me he was close to an orgasm. Was he about to infect me? he had to..or this "journey" was pointless. He went all the way to the end of my insides and groaned loudly. He was emptying his load into the center of me. "FUCK! I....I hope I didn't hurt you too bad." I answered him with a deep kiss and let him rest on top of me for a minute. We'd drawn a small crowd of guys in various stages of arousal. I can almost remember being shy and easily-embarrassed. They moved closer. As soon as Burt stood up, another dude was on top of me. I didn't agree to this, but I was in no position to fight back. I wondered if Burt would rescue me, but he seemed to not care. "Go ahead and get a piece of that...he's a mental case and probably high as hell." A total of seven guys fucked me as the night went on. The lanterns were losing power and the room got darker, but I still recognized the face of the slender guy fucking me...it was Gaetan. He did indeed have passion in his hips. "Thank you for doing this." He was confused. "Uh. My pleasure. Remember me when you get back." That was an odd thing to say, but I was in an odd world. Then all the lanterns finally died out and I was in blackness again. I felt used and abused, but it didn't matter. "He's awake. His eyelids are fluttering and he looked right at me for half a second." Mom. "Ross? How do you feel? Can you speak to me, honey?" I tried to open my mouth, but I felt completely dehydrated and unable to form words. "You're in the hospital. You had an episode with your heart, but it can be repaired with surgery. You'll be good as new after that." Well, that was good. "They have to wait to do the procedure until your fever comes down. Hospitals are so full of germs -- you never know what you're going to catch." "You have no idea," I thought.
    7 points
  3. Sorry, but I have to disagree completely with what @bdbottom said above. Having a healthy immune system in no way shields a person from becoming infected with HIV. The only way you could resist the virus is if you had developed immunity through exposure, and what makes HIV so treacherous is that by the time your body develops antibodies to it, it’s already hijacked your immune system. The idea that you can avoid HIV through healthy diet and exercise alone is rubbish. Ditto with other STDs, by the way - you don’t develop immunity to gonorrhea or chlamydia from having had it. You can get it again. There is some debate about whether effective immunity can be developed to syphilis via exposure. Herpes and genital warts are both spread by shedding virus, and if you’re not already infected, you have no immunity (younger men may have been vaccinated against HPV in recent times.) Hep A and Hep B are lurking, and you can be vaccinated against those - but Hep C is as present a danger as HIV, and there is no cure, Crabs, of course, are simply pubic lice, and can leap onto anyone, no matter how clean and healthy you are. Sorry to be the square dildo at the orgy, but you asked about STDs, and them’s the facts, my friend. To answer your original question, my gangbang experiences have landed me exactly one STD: HIV. And yes, I was quite healthy at the time.
    6 points
  4. Wish I were going to whore around with you! I went about 10 years ago. Had a lot of sex at the nude beaches during the day - highlight was this totally smooth ripped muscle boy showing off on a cliff maybe 50 feet up overlooking the gay beach area. Made my way up to him after a while of watching. He was 100% shaved smooth, covered in suntan oil and a total hardon. I guess he told me to come over - somehow figured out he was French. He dropped down to blow me for a few minutes, and a small group appeared about 20 feet away watching. Then the kid stood up, turned around and backed his slick oily (probably cum filled) hole back to my cock. Not a word spoken. I wish I could've lasted longer, but with this HOT slut, an audience and outdoors on a small cliff was too much, and I bred him balls deep and pretty fast. This was before barebacking was quite as common as it is again today, so not sure how many of those "watchers" took a turn after me. I bolted after I came and went back to my towel. These days would be different, and I'd be up there taking a few loads myself before dumping up his ass Your pic is hot as fuck - I'm sure you won't have to look far at all to get all the raw ass and cock you want!! Please let us know!!
    4 points
  5. The doorbell rang at 8:30 PM on chilly wet Thursday evening at the start of long four-day Easter weekend in mid April. I left work at 4:00 PM that day and headed home, where, upon walking through the door, I witnessed my housemates, Chris and Will frantically rushing about preparing for a trip they had booked at the last minute to Greece. When they decided to look at going away I couldn’t get all the time off work and I would go with them later in the year. Their cases packed they ran out the house to head to the airport, closing the door behind them. I looked forward to four days of bliss and doing nothing. Will sent me a text telling me they were boarding the flight, followed by a text from Chris which read "Sorry to do this as it slipped my mind at the time. A guy called Barry may come at 8:30 PM. Please give him my apologies and I will contact him when I get back.” Typical, I thought. How typical I should be asked to clean up his messy arrangements. I had some dinner and sat down to watch a film. Chris was a bit of a put it about town guy, whereas Will quieter but still a sex maniac. I was 26 and just a normal guy at 5’8", average build, not such a sex maniac but enjoyed a good love maker. Just after the opening credits had passed, and before the main action commenced, there was a knock at the door. Opening the front door I was greeted by a male voice asking “Oh, hello, is Chris here?” “Are you Barry?” I asked. He nodded in reply, and, noticing he was wet from the rain I invited him in explaining “I am sorry but Chris is on a flight to Greece, last minute holiday booking.” As he looked and muttered thought it was to good to be true, I explained again that it was a very last minute thing. I offered him a chance to dry off and made a coffee. Barry was late 40’s 5’11” slim build with a mohican style haircut cut and goatee beard. He took his coat off and sat down as I handed him his coffee. We chatted a while and he had travelled five hours on the train and was set to spend the weekend with Chris. “That’s unusual for Chris to invite someone to stay the weekend. What were you planning on doing?” I asked out of interest. “He wanted to spend the time having me breeding him to knock him up.” Not quite fully understanding what he meant I asked him to explain it a bit more. “He wanted me to bareback fuck and shoot my toxic seed into his arse all weekend,” Barry replied. “You was going to poz him?” To my shock he nodded in affirmation. Being in his presence was quite intoxicating and dangerous I thought, still I asked “Are you heading back tonight?” “No, last train has gone.” “Well you could stay over and head back in the morning,” I offered, thinking that it should be fine. He gratefully accepted my invitation, stepped over to me and thanked me with a kiss on the cheek and a cuddle. Did I linger to long or did he as I still had my arms wrapped around him as he looked at me and smiled “Do you like to make love or fuck?” he asked, taking me by surprise. “More love making,” I replied as he gently caressed my cheek with his hand and his mouth moved towards mine he kissed me on the mouth tenderly several times. “I don’t bareback at all though,” I pointedly explained. He continued his tender kissing moving down my throat and back to my mouth where his lips parted as they rested on mine his tongue flickered in to my mouth and I was swallowed up sexual prowess. We made our way to my bedroom as he kissed me more deeply our mouths locked together as he started undressing me and himself till we stood naked. He gently pushed me towards the bed until I fell on to it, looking up at his hairy chest flowing down to a beautifully erect eight inch thick cock. I felt his cock on my lips as I gladly took the head in to my mouth licking and caressing moving up and down the shaft I noticed a slight salty taste of precum as I continued to massage his cock with my mouth. He pushed me back till I was laying flat on my back and climbed on top of me and continued to kiss me deep and slow. By now I was totally in his power and finding him more and more sexually attractive. His legs started to move mine up around his hips into the missionary position, as he did so I felt the head of his cock rubbing against my hole as my hips pushed upwards. Still lip locked he took my responsiveness as a sign I was ready as his hips gyrated positioning the tip of his cock on my hole, the pressure increased and my hole parted as his head slipped in my back arched up at the pain. His kissing arousing me even further as I felt a bigger surge of pain as he started pushing his thick shaft deeper into my arse until the searing pain stopped and I relaxed. He positioned his arm around my neck to hold my head as he moved his head towards my ear breathing hot air he whispered “I am going to make love to you properly,” he murmured, looking into my eyes as he started slow gently rocking of his hips against mine. Catching my breath I involuntarily moaned. His mouth sought mine with a new tenderness and we became one as our bodies entwined his paved quickened. The pain began to hit again as we had been making love for nearly half an hour and his hips were thrusting forward with more power and speed, he released me from our kiss as his mouth moved to me as his arm around my neck pulling me in tighter he began moaning and grunting louder and louder as his hips bucked and pounded into me. I was lost in ecstasy begging him to make love to me, he let a guttural moan “I’m breeding, yeah, I'm planting my seed in your beautiful body." His hip slammed against mine grinding away as I felt his cock give a big jolt as my arse filled with his warm seed, pulsation after pulsation of seed shooting in me as he held me tight and deep on his cock. He kissed my neck and found my mouth again as we locked together again. We lay together as he turned the light out and fell asleep. As morning came around I woke up to find him lying on his back, as I turned on to my side I felt him roll on to his side coming up behind me his arm went around my body he kissed my neck. I felt his stiff cock rubbing at my arse before he gently eased it in to my hole and pushed me on my stomach. He positioned himself and fucked me hard and rough. The discomfort I was feeling made me struggle slightly which he seemed to enjoy as he started pounding harder. As he moaned and kissed my neck as I felt his cock twitching as it released another toxic load in to my body. Laying on top of me, his cock buried deep inside, panic came over me as I considered what I had just done. Sensing as much, he cuddled me, calming me whispering sweetly in my ear “You're mine now, I own you." Completely seduced by him he asked me if I wanted him to stay until Monday as he enjoyed making love and knocking me up. Against better judgement I agreed, knowing that I was letting this real man make love to me planting his toxic seed inside me. The weekend turned out to be amazing as the sex was very spontaneous as there was no fumbling around for condoms.
    3 points
  6. Was staying in a hotel for a work trip and found a guy on grindr that was really close - turns out he worked at the hotel. His profile said he was straight and just looking for some boy pussy so I invited him to my room once his shift ended. I greeted him naked at the door and let him in. He is latino, pretty short (about 5'6) with an average build and average sized uncut cock. He told me he doesn't do this often and that I can't tell anyone - that's fine, I say, I just want his load. I lead him back to the bedroom where get gets naked. Unsure of whether or not he expects foreplay, I stand still for a moment before he tells me he just wants to fuck. That's fine, I say again, before bending over the bed and arching my back, ready and waiting for his cock. I have no lube and neither of us makes any mention of condoms, so he spits on his cock and then on my hole and begins to slide into me. It hurts at first - my ass is tight, but he tells me my hairy hole feels good and I can feel his cock get harder in my ass. He begins to pick up his pace, and compliments my boy pussy before telling me to lay sideways. After a few minutes of this he must've been getting close as he pushed me back on my stomach and begin pounding away at my ass mercilessly. I could only lay there and taking it, moaning quietly every time his cock stabbed at my prostate. Finally he grunted and heaved himself deep into my ass and I could feel his rod pulsing a warm load deep into my guts. He pulled out and cleaned up quickly before dressing and leaving. After he was gone I went and pushed his load out into the toilet. I wasn't too surprised to see some blood in the water as well.
    3 points
  7. Yesterday I fucked an American Student who lives in a halls of residence not far from my office, this is the second time I fucked him, hes friendly, a ten minute walk away and cum hungry which is all good. I had had a stressful day and emptying my balls into his ass felt good before I went back to the office.
    3 points
  8. Just to qualify, the gangbang experience that I believe got me my HIV was a 34-load event. A personal best.
    3 points
  9. Posted an ad on BBRTS for no loads refused breeding session. Ended up having 8 guys show up and breed my neg ass. Mixture of negative and undetectable poz guys. But the best was a Toxic poz guy who just left. He pounded my ass hard and could hear the sloshing of the other loads. Me made me beg for his toxic cum as. he bred me deep with his very thick cut cock. He was about 7" but he really knew how to work it, and had a big mushroom head. Pulled out and put in a butt plug to keep his precious poz seed in me. I then sucked him clean and he left. That's all for me tonight, I'm going to jerk off and hit the sack.
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Ethan Wolfe is back at Treasure Island Media having just shot a scene with Ace Era in Portland, OR directed by Dice. No release date is yet known but here is a picture that was posted on twitter from the shoot. I cannot wait to see him and his big cock back on the screen. Hope he has more new scenes lined up!
    2 points
  12. Dry spell for a long time. I thought I would have to stop trying... I met up a guy on Grindr who I have been trying to get to fuck me but seemed to not be interested. He was 400 feet away. So I inticed him over and he came. I sucked his dick once we got into my apartment. After that I go o. The edge and let my ass fall over the end of the bed. He went out of town on my puffed up ass lips and ate it like it was a pussy. Moaning on how good it was. He then stood up and began to enter my hole. Tight at first but went in with his hard 6”. He rode my cunt and talked dirty to me. I sensed he was about to cum but he stop saying, “I wanna use that ass for as long as I can.” I continued for 30 mins and dumped his week long load up my cunt. My hole was juicy and I could just leave it as it is, so I posted it on BBrt. “Who wants seconds” My FB who has me in his closet for anon message me and asked me if I had a load. I love his 8 inch black clock! I said yes and I needed more. He too lives a loud 500 feet away. He usually watches porn in his phone while fucking be. He took his time and my ass was making slipping sound of a lot of liquid if mushing around. He dumped his load in me and off I went with now cum dripping down my leg. Im keeping it in me.
    2 points
  13. Two loads last night. Was feeling crazy horny so posted a BBRT ad for anon pump and dump loads before my bf (who doesn’t know what kind of cum slut I am) got home. First guy was a kid that I had forgotten about. We had fucked a few months ago. He came by and found me ass up. He wanted to lube my ass up while I huffed poppers deep, and slid his cock in eventually. Not terribly thick but he held me down and fucked pretty hard. Lasted a while too. Was kind of hot hearing a younger guy in me progressively losing control as he got closer to shooting his load. Turned into a nasty talking top breeder too. Decently hot fuck and nice thick load deep. As he left a semi regular fuck buddy messaged and said he wanted to breed but my bf was already on the way home. Plus my buddy’s bf was home. So he made up an excuse to head out and I raced over to meet him at the video store. He bent me over and started fucking me hard. I was moaning loud. He didn’t last super long but was nice and verbal, calling us both cheating sluts and commenting on how great my cummy ass felt. Finally he grabbed me the shoulders and pile drove me until he nutted. And we both split right away to head home. My BF got home, we had dinner, and went to bed... him having no idea that an hour prior I was offering my ass up to all takers, and that two big raw loads were soaking into my slutty hole.
    2 points
  14. His name is Bradley. I met him on a craiglist ad which I thought was bullshit. He had a swimmer's build, nice cut cock, and hairy buns that just perfectly formed around his very tight looking boy hole. He was 21, me 35. Perfect. So, I reach out to him and we start chatting. He tells me that he's only fucked one guy before and I instantly get rock hard. So, we exchange numbers and we start texting. Then all of a sudden, no responses. So, I'm like, well, another craigslist pussy. Then about 3 days go by and he tests me a picture of him with his shirt off. He seemed drunk so I take advantage and ask for his address. After about 20 minutes he responds with an address. He literally lives 5 blocks from me. So I respond that I'm on my way. OK, he says. I walk over, ring the bell, and he let's me in. He is kind of drunk and smells like it a bit. Anyway, he cracks me a beer and we sit down on his couch. He immediately starts to kiss my neck and rub my bulge. One think leads to another and the next thing you know we are all over each other rolling on the ground. I pull my throbbing cock out and he starts to worship it and taking all 7 inches down his warm throat. I tell him to turn around and bend over. I start stroking his cock that is leaking pre cum and start to stick my tongue in his ass. He tastes like pure virgin meat. At this point I have my arms around him and my cock is starting to prod his hole. Pre cum getting his hole even wetter. I want you RAW. He is hesitant and tells me he's never fucked bareback. I tell him that it's amazing into his ear and my lips sucking his ear lobe. I tell him to take his precum, and rub it on his hole. He listens and abides. I take some of my precum and start to finger him. My fucking god what a tight hole. I can feel it sucking my finger into his guts. I spit on my cock and slid my dick into his hole. He lets out a loud, painful moan so I sit there letting him feel it. I start to pump him slow, grabbing his thighs and forcing him onto my dick. My cock is flying out of his tight hole struggling to stay in. I'm in heaven. We start fucking like wild fucking animals. I flip him over and fuck him, watching his cock fly around and slap on his belly. I squeeze his balls and stroke him until he cums on his belly. I take some of his cum, taste it, and put it on my cock. Perfect fucking lube. I slide back in until I unload rope after rope of my DNA into his guts. I slide out to look at the sight of two men's cum all over his stomach and leaking from his ravaged hole. I move in to give his hole a taste. Great dessert. His pussy is red, leaking my load, and sticking to his hairy ass. It was one of the best fucks I've ever had and honored I was the one to breed him for the very first time.
    2 points
  15. I was supposed to meet up with this one guy I had been talking to, big cock, and was going to be when I got up. For some reason that fell through. I was on Adam and browsing the guys when I got hit up by this younger guy. About 25ish, Asian, not my normal type, but I was horny and saw that he was a versatile top and had nothing listed for condom/bare. We chat a bit and I tell him up front I'm looking to be a BB bottom, and he immediately replies he needs to fuck me. Off to a good start. We chat some more, make arrangements and after he gets off work I find my ass in the air waiting him to walk into my darkened apartment. This boy goes to town on eating my ass out. He's incredibly talented at making me moan with just my tongue. He eventually jumps into bed and has me start sucking him. Not the biggest cock, but decent girth, and tastes like pussy. I'm thinking he's been in a woman earlier? Hmmm..... He pulls me up to him and tells me to sit on his cock, I lower myself onto it and it feels so good. He starts pounding me from underneath, and I'm amazed he can fuck so much while I'm on top. We switch off positions a couple times, he says he's not ready to cum and pulls out a few minutes into it so I know he's doing good. I start telling him to give it to me and all of a sudden he starts to pound my ass like a jackrabbit. Hard, fast, rhythmic. He keeps this up longer than I thought was possible, and then suddenly says he's gonna cum. He shoots a nice big load in my ass! He pulls out, we chat some, and he makes a comment asking why I don't have a line. He he.....can't wait til next time with him, So little did he know, a fuck bud of mine, the one that gave me my last load of 2017, had messaged me when the guy that had just left had initially contacted me. I had strung him along a bit, and didn't commit, wasn't sure if I could do more than one tonight, but when chatting with me he told me a time he'd be free. I realized it was an hour after the first guy was supposed to cum to my place so I figured, what the hell. Maybe I can give him some sloppy seconds. I know this guy doesn't like fucking used hole though, so I have to be coy about it. He had been texting me while guy #1 was fucking me, and of course I hadn't answered. I smoothed it over and made a few comments to make him riled up and sat there ass up waiting for him. He arrives and our usual fucking around is me sucking him while I'm blindfolded and he eventually pulls my ass up to play with and then slides in. This is of course how we start. Now the last time this guy has cum by and I had a guy before him, he's made a comment about the sign-in sheet at the doormans desk having my apartment listed by another guy. This time he hadn't said anything. When he slides into me it is heavenly. I have not let on that I had taken a load already. He probably fucks me a good 10 minutes when I start hearing that tell-tale sound of cock going in and out a sloppy-hole. Yikes, the jig is up I think. He doesn't say anything. A few minutes later he finally says, "you got another guys load in you don't you" and I tell him I do. At first I think he's gonna pull out, but he keeps going. As a matter of fact he's fucking me even harder now. This guy tends to edge a little when fucking, pulls out every now and then, or stops his thrusting. When he stops thrusting I give his cock a little squeeze, and he says "Trying to make me cum?" I make a joke about that "of course, I need us to go on to Maury so that you can be told you're the father." He chuckles then starts thrusting again. Once again he is pounding me harder than usual. He's almost as rough as guy #1 was. Finally he says the words that are music to my ears "I'm cumming" and I feel his cock pulsating in my hole! We kiss, hug and say goodbyes and I feel fulfilled. Before guy #2 had shown up I had been messaged by a fuckbud that is a goldstar barebacker! I had told him I had a load in and might be getting #2. Well, after #2 was in I quickly popped on and messaged him I had just gotten fucked. I wanted him to cum over and give me #3 but in the end he was more persuasive and I went to his place. This guys BF is usually home, tonight he wasn't there so we were able to fuck in the house instead of a few other places in his building we've found. He doesn't last long in my ass, and again the goodbyes and hugs, see ya next time and this time I'm off to go home. When I get home I let it out, I swear this wad of cum was almost the size of a baseball! The perfect number of loads in a 24 hour period! Off to bed now, hope you enjoyed
    2 points
  16. Part 3   My new neighbor and his friend went at it for a good hour. I could not believe the time. Then I finished up my room and got around for the day. It being Sat. and a nice day, I decided to mow the yard like normal for me. I went and got out the mower and then decided to clean it before. I sat down on the lowest step and tipped the mower over on its side. Then started to scrape out the old grass and dirt from the underside, which I had not done before putting it away last time I used it. I was concentrating on it and then it dawned on me someone was watching. I looked up to see Hank standing there watching me and I had not heard him walk up. Being down so low, about the first thing I noticed was that he was wearing old style shorts, the kind men used to wear and very short in the legs. I found myself, basically, looking right at his cock almost hanging out. It was huge. I, being straight, didn't linger there though, it was just a passing thought. I looked up to see that the shorts were really all he had on. He was well muscled, I noted, and had a smile on his face. I told him hi and he said hi in return. He asked what I was up to and told him I was just cleaning the mower and then going to mow. He knelt down and wanted to know if I needed any help? Kneeling like he did, with those short shorts on, his cock practically fell out entirely. He said, "Oops, sorry about that, I just kind of threw these on and didn't realize how short they were anymore. Didn't mean to put on a show." I just laughed and said, "No problem, the neighbors can't see back here with that fence around the back." I went on to tell him I could get the lawn ok, but thanks anyway. I soon had the mower ready and got the yard mowed, working up a good sweat by the time I was done. I went in the house and threw off my sweaty clothes, took my shower and then before getting dressed, went to the kitchen to get a cold water out of the fridge. As I turned to go get dressed I heard a soft whistle and turning found Hank standing at the door. He said, "Sorry about that, but you left the door open and I was just about to yell when I noticed you bent over in the refridgerator. Sorry, also, about the whistle but couldn't help it as you do have a nice bod there. I just wanted to see if you had a hammer I could borrow. I'm going to hang some pics up and can't find mine?" I was a little flustered at being naked in front of a gay man, but regained my composure and told him that I did have one, just give me a minute to get some clothes on. He told me he would wait. I threw on some shorts and a Tshirt and went back to the kitchen. I dug in my tool drawer and got the hammer for him. We stood there a bit and made some small talk. He then said, "Oh, by the way, do you have plans for tonight? If not, I am having a few friends over for some drinks. Nothing fancy, just sitting around gabbing and you can come over if you want to. I am sure they would all welcome you." I told him, "I planned on going to a couple of bars to check on friends and see what else might happen." He said, "We will still be up late and the offer still stands if you want to stop by later." He then left and I started getting ready to go out and see if I could find a hot girl for the night. As I was leaving I noticed about 5 guys walking up to my neighbor's door. They each seemed to be, like him, about 35 to 40 years old and all seemed to be decent looking guys.
    2 points
  17. Part 2 - Bend Over for Daddy I could only stare in wonder as the Uber driver fished a mammoth dick out his shorts. His cock was even longer and thicker than the one that had just bred me. In a flash I had pulled-off my pants and was grunting face down in the back seat as he mounted me and raw fucked my ass, using the fresh cum that had just filled my guts as lube. “Give me that hole,” the driver demanded as he pushed deeper, “You like black dick? Huh? Maybe I should drive you around and find some street dudes to breed you. How much you pay me for that? You’d like that? Getting creamed by anonymous dick? Anonymous black dick? Hell yes you do! Cummy ass right here - cummy hole needing some more nutt. Ready for another breeding?” I could only grunt in affirmation and pleasure as he spurted his load and doubled my total for the morning. There’s just something fucking hot and amazing about a man who does not even ask about using a condom, but who just whips out his raw dick expecting a bottom will take it then, there, and anyway he wants. I was definitely game for that. The Uber driver grabbed some paper towels from underneath the front seat, wiped up a few streaks, leaned back, powered the window down a little and lit up a cigarette to enjoy that post-orgasm chill. I left my pants off, but put them under me so I would not spot the leather seats, and sat there gently playing with his semi-hard dick while he chilled and smoked. His dick would twitch, drool, get a little hard, then soften again as I touched and stroked it. I was eager for more and focused on working him back up when there was a sudden rapping on the window and I about pissed myself and said, “SHIT!” The Uber driver eased the window down a crack more and saw the guy from the house that had fucked me. His head turned at an angle so he could see in, “Yo slim, saw you were still here and lit up. Thought I might ask to take another crack at that as I got some more daddy juice to spill. You up for killing a few?” He then pressed his face close to the window so all I could really see was his mouth as he said more quietly, “Chill like a couple of real nasty Gs? Do that homie down low thing?” The Uber driver laughed, “Yeah man, sure,” then turned to me and said, “Scoot over.” He then reached into my pants, pulled out my phone, handed it out through the window to the daddy on the sidewalk, “Just so you don’t any ideas. I’m your ride remember.” The daddy stood by the car as we both got dressed, then climbed out of the backseat. Positioned between the two of them as we walked up the broken walkway, I asked “Don’t I get a say in this?” They both looked at each other, at me, and busted out laughing like I had just said the funniest joke ever. When we got inside the Uber driver asked where the bathroom was so he could piss. As his stream echoed off the porcelain, I asked our daddy host, “Do you guys know each other or what? I mean you said hi to him when he dropped me off and now...like how do you know he’s cool with...you know.” Daddy laughed as he paused, stripped, grabbed a crumpled box of cigarettes and tapped out a fresh one, lit up, inhaled and replied “Naw, but we from the same hood. Seen him around here and there and when I looked out and saw his car still parked, well - I knew he was a brotha that’s into sloppy seconds and freak shit and up for some more creep-and-roll. Now get the fuck out of them clothes and BEND OVER FOR DADDY!” I was getting naked when the Uber driver came out, “Hey slim,” the daddy host said as he waved the driver out of the room and into the kitchen. I could hear them speaking in hushed tones and was tempted to edge closer to the door to try to hear, but then they came back in. The Uber driver unzipped his pants, sat on the edge of the couch, lit up a cigarette and said, “Get that mouth down here. I need some sloppy head.” I eagerly bent forward, resting my hands on his firm thighs as I started to slurp on his hefty shaft. The daddy had shucked his pants back off, walked around us, dug around in the pile of filthy clothes on the couch and hauled out a couple more black, dirty caked socks and chuckled as he held them up to the light to inspect them. He then reached down onto the floor and grabbed the t-shirt I used earlier to wipe myself off, which he tossed to the Uber driver. The driver held the shirt up to his face, inhaled, “Oh yeah, smells like used pussy. I dropped a hefty nutt in there, so you don’t need no lotion man.” The daddy dropped the bottle of lotion back onto the floor that he had been preparing to slather me up with and with my throat busy, the daddy grabbed my hips and slammed into my open hole. I lifted off the driver’s dick, “Fuck me with that raw dick!” I pleaded, “I want all the dick you can give me.” In reply the Uber driver said, “SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SUCK THAT DICK!” while the daddy banged me, priming my engine with that BBC oil. The daddy handed the Uber driver the filth-matted socks and he immediately knew what to do. First he reached around and set his cigarette on an ashtray amidst the trash on the couch, then he held the back of my head firm with his left hand and with his right, wadded them up under and over my nose so the only way I could breath was to inhale the sharp, ripe, rank. I started gagging, sputtering through the spit onto his dick, which made him just press the socks tighter, and which made the daddy slam my hole harder. The Uber driver gripped my head, forcing the socks into my nostrils, cutting off all fresh air. I gagged and wretched. Apparently taking some pleasure in my discomfort, the driver demanded “Fuck, yeah, smell that shit! Chew it up. They stink to fuck'in bad! Come on, make them pussy walls talk. if you scrape them right they'll chatter back. Long dick that shit! It's good and wet for you. Fill that hole up. How 'bout we 'gag the fag? Open that mouth. Don't fuckin' fight. Mutha-fucker, I said 'Open that mouth'! If you bite my fingers I'll knock the living shit out of you. Now, goddammit, open that mouth! That's right. Choke on them dirty man socks. Fuck yeah. That shit's nasty! Gag on it, bitch! Wretch. Bet that wasn't the first black you was expecting in that throat, hug? Oh, no you don't. No breathing through that nose. You work that mouth. Only through your mouth. Swallow that filth. HERE THAT BRO? HE TRYING TO GAG UP IN THEM SOCKS - SO MAKE THAT ASS BOUNCE AND CLAP - COME ON FUCKER - SLAM THAT SHIT - POUND IT OUT - BITCH SHAKING GOOD - WANT ME CHOKE THE BITCH OUT? THAT’LL MAKE THAT HOLE CREAM ALL OVER YOUR DICK - COME ON G, FUCK IT - FUCK IT - FUCK IT - YEAH G - NUTT IT GOOD - THERE GO - HELL YEAH I HEAR THAT PUSSY GETTING WETTER - YOU FILLING IT UP MAN? CHRIST YEAH!” The daddy grunted and groaned as he bred me and I continued to struggle to breathe through the unclean air filters stuffing my throat. Once his bone was dry, he slid out. The Uber driver released his grip on my head and I stood up and reached to take the now slimy socks from my mouth. I got slapped hard, “No you fucking don’t,” the driver said. He reached down and picked up the dirty red t-shirt back up. Our daddy host plopped himself in the middle of the couch, lit a cigarette, and let out a contented sigh. The Uber driver stood behind me, spun the t-shirt into a cotton binding then wrapped it around my mouth and head, tying it tight. “There,” he said proud of his MacGyver styled handiwork, “Time to put those dirty socks on another spin cycle in that mouth. I want to hear you trying to puke that grit and dirt back up because it ain’t going nowhere so bend the fuck back over and bury that head in them dirty clothes, no one needs to be seeing you, all I need is that hole.” With that, I was unceremoniously upended, my hole jammed with a new, raging boner, and as he took advantage of me all I could do was struggle to keep my breathing focused. The blackened cotton in my mouth was mixing with the filth and saliva to create the foulest punishment. My stomach and throat wanted to push it out, but the tied t-shirt around my head ensured it stayed in place and stewed and brewed. The Uber driver was banging my ass hard when we heard a voice from the front door, “Hey bro, got your text. What’s...OH DAMN!” The driver paused, I set my hands on the couch arm to try to push myself up and got my head slapped, “Where the fuck you going?” I felt the couch move as the daddy host got up, I heard hands clasp, then he said, “Yo slim, this my neighbor Coop. Told you he’d be up for it.” More greetings made, then the new voice said, “Bro - you know the deal with this shit.” Our host said, “Yeah, yeah, fucking chill man. Hang on.” I then felt him rummaging in the pile of dirty clothes. He then pulled another t-shirt over the top of my head but instead of pulling it down over my body, twisted and wrapped it so it so it was like a hood with the neck hole positioned over my nose/mouth. He then took a belt and wound it around my neck and cinched it so my homemade gag and hood wood stay in place. Once his handiwork was done, the driver - who’s dick was still buried in my ass and I could feel the blood in it pulsing - said, “Why they call you Coop?” Before our new guest could answer, the daddy laughed and said, “Cause he be fucking the grannies around here for nothing more than a handful of grocery coupons with that magnum freak dick of his so we call him Coop for short.” All three of the BBCs laughed. The laughter was cut short as I heard a zipper. The Uber driver whistled and cursed. The daddy said, “And that shit ain’t even hard yet,” and Coop added, “You know there’s no worries on that front. See - it’s already coming to life seeing you got this freak’d out craziness happening and I can smell that creampied ass from here. That’s good cause you know I don’t wear fucking condoms and only fuck raw. So he’s good with that?” The other two laughed, “Like he has a choice?” Hmmm - just what I wanted to hear. The Uber driver yanked his dick out of my swollen, used hole. I grunted from the shock of being left gaping and the frustration of not being stuffed. He then took both hands and spread my ring open like he was trying to peek inside a clam shell, “See? Fucking slut right here and let both of us just climb right in raw and dawg it out. All that nicca milk, coating them guts, but I’m about ready to bust again - you down for that?” Coop quickly answered, “Hell yeah, let’s get it on!” I heard some rustling, a few quips, our host turned up the volume of the porn flick a little to which Coop said, “Yeah, luv hearing them bitches cry as they get dicked down.” The Uber driver - or maybe it was the daddy host - I was not real sure at that point, grabbed my right arm and walked me closer to the TV. I figured they would have me get on the ottoman or something, but no. I was guided so I stepped over someone lying on the floor as my left foot brushed his rib cage as I stepped across him. I was then made to kneel and get on my hands and knees - on all fours doggy style - over the body on the floor, which I knew was Coop when he said from underneath me, “Jesus, there’s nicca nutt coating them balls like glaze on a Krispy Kreme,” before he proceeded to start licking and slurping on my nut sack. That shit makes me squirm - can’t help it - have very sensitive balls - but that clearly did not bother him as he smacked, suckled, slurped, and rolled my balls around his mouth like he was shooting 8-ball corner pocket. The Uber driver smacked my head, “Put that face down there, get a feel for what’s coming.” I blindly bobbed my head around like I was dunking for apples at a Halloween fair, not sure what the fuck he was talking about. I then bumped into something long, thick, stiff - Coop’s fucking dick. I paused and the driver chuckled, “Fucking right. Nicca’s got that 12-inch eggplant. You think we busted that cootch open? Fuck no. G is swinging that king dick hole wrecker. Too bad you can’t taste it.” I could only grunt and moan in frustration and awe at what he said as the filthy sock gag in my mouth and t-shirt hood made anything else impossible. I felt hands position themselves on my lower back, then grunted as a big dick slid in my wet hole. The Uber driver started banging my ass again then paused as Coop’s mouth moved from my balls, followed the skin trail back towards my hole, and with a shift of his body underneath mine, he started lapping at the base of the driver’s shaft as he fucked me. “FUCK YEAH - WORK THAT TONGUE. TASTE THAT PUSSY AND DICK MIX - HAPPY TRAILS RIGHT HERE. YOU TRYING TO TASTE THAT DEEP TANG? YEAH? SCOOT BACK A LITTLE MORE - HELL! YOU GOT A MOUTH ON YOU BRO - LICK IT CLEAN SO I CAN DIRTY IT UP AGAIN - FEED YOU THAT HOLE NUTT.” It took me second to guess what was going on, but as Coop has adjusted his body and as his monster dick bounced and danced around my head I figured out he had moved on from just orally working my hole, to sucking the Uber driver’s dick. Coop was tasting my ass - freshly fucked as I coated the driver’s dick. Back and forth the driver went - full length into my arched ass, then dropping down a little to gag Coop. Frankly, tops who suddenly become dick suckers because a big dick is nearby is usually a turn off, but Cop’s donkey dick promised things to come so while he gargled and slurped I could only moan in frustration wishing I could remind them both that load was for my ass - not Coop’s throat. Our daddy host - who must have been back on the couch smoking, chimed in and said, “Yeah, Coops got some mad throat skillz too.” Clearly more than the grannies in the neighborhood were getting serviced. “HERE IT COMES - READY TO SEED THAT WHITE PUSSY AGAIN - LEMME FEEL THAT TONGUE TOO - YEAH - GET READY TO SLURP MY SHIT BECAUSE I GOT ANOTHER NUTT SACK FULL OF CUM - GONNA BLOW IT DEEPER IN THAT HOLE - YOU BETTER GET A STRAW G CAUSE THIS SHIT IS GOING DEEP - FUCKING HELL! BREEDING THAT ASS! RAW DAWGING IT! UGH - UGH - U...YEAH! OPEN THAT MOUTH, IT’S GONNA COME RUSHING OUT WHEN I PULL BACK.” Gagging and slurping filled the room as Coop cleaned off the driver’s dick and then went to town sucking at my gaping hole. He had a fucking Hoover mouth and as he cleaned up the creampie his dick swelled and got as straight and stiff as a Redwood. Coop stopped his deep tongue action, pushed at me; I rolled off to the side and heard him get up. I worked my tongue around the slimy-filthy-cotton-mass in mouth and inhaled through my nose. I would never get the taste or smell out! “I need to put something long and hard in that ass,” Coop warned. I stood up. Multiple hands grabbed me, feet entangled as I was wedged between two legs. Warm hands grabbed my hips, “Here,” Coop instructed, “Put one leg over mine, then the other, I want you to straddle me - don’t worry, I got you. Get in that cowgirl position - time for some black bull dick making you taste some nutt from the back door.” I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but he and both the daddy and the Uber driver got me into position. In my mind I could see Coop sitting on the ottoman, me straddling his legs, my torso facing his. Coop guided me as he lined up his jumbo 747 for my runway, “That’s it, squat some more, put your arms on my shoulders and hands around my neck - that’s it. Don’t worry, my Gs are holding you up - you won’t fall, I got you too. You trust me? Huh? That’s right - you a good pussy hungry for dick. Good thing these homies opened that cunt up - otherwise - THIS - MIGHT - HURT!” As if he had said, “On 3” all at the same time, he pulled me downwards with his hands, the driver and daddy pushed me down from my shoulders, and Coop slammed up with his hips. The result? Well my ass split and even with all that cum his 12-inch Mandingo dick tore me open like a zipper as he raped my ass. My cries of pain were muffled in the dirty socks in my mouth and the t-shirt hood covering my face pulsed as my breath quickened. I tried to push off from his chest but Coop’s dick had impaled me like a spit through a pig and now he planned to roast and baste me. His two accomplices reached under my arms and lifted me up a bit - Coop slammed his hips up again - my hole split more - he moaned, I cried - they dropped me. I was gutted. Over and over they raised me back up and dropped me back down. All resistance broken, all flesh scorched and burned as Coop broke my walls down into utter destruction. Once Coop was buried as deep as he could go, he leaned back a little and I could hear him sucking someone’s dick again. Damn! I wanted that! I mumbled into the rags in my mouth, to no avail. Having got the taste he wanted, Coop sat up, “Aiight. Ease up off it - that’s it - stand all the way up. Here - turn around and sit. OK, now lean back - you OK. See? You’re on the stool. Scoot forward a little - good - good.” I was on my back on the ottoman and as Coop adjusted my body, the other two Gs started slapping their dicks across my hooded face and talking shit - the warm up for the grand finale as Coop pushed his 12-inches in. One voice mixed into another - yet the message was clear: “SLAM THAT BOSS DICK IN THAT PUSSY!” “MURDER THAT MAGNUM DICK WITH THAT SLOPPY CUNT - RIDE THAT RED BONE” “THAT HOLE DONE YET?” “TUCK THEM KNEES BACK - TIME TO GET THAT WOMB WRECKED!” “HUNGRY PUSSY FOR NICCA SEED - SLURPING THEM BABIES - FUCKING WHORE!” “SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET INTRUDERS RAID YOUR HOME?” “PUSSY BLEEDING FOR IT GOOD NOW - THAT’S IT - TAKE THIS MOTHA-FUCKIN-DICK BALLS DEEPS - READY TO BREED IT - READY TO FILL IT WITH HOT NUTT!” Some time later the Uber pulled over to the curb. The driver put his right arm across the back of the front seat, turned, smiled and said, “How bout I help you inside? You look a little worse for wear. Maybe I should stay with you for a while, make sure you OK.” Yeah, the weekend was turning out alright after all. I smiled. Then he snapped his fingers, smirked and said, “Oh yeah. I almost forgot. You asked me to drive you around and find some street dudes to fuck you. What say we go grab your wallet and head out. I know just the place to get that hungry hole stuffed with more anonymous, black dick. Who knows? Maybe I’ll decide to tap that hole some more too.” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  18. The patient was young, smooth, and high on pain meds. He had surgery to repair a hernia. The dressing was in his groin and when I was assessing after surgery I saw he had a nice thick cock that stretched across his hip. When I felt his balls he sucked in a quick breath and when I picked up his cock and moved it around he moaned so soft and sweetly. I gave that cock a gentle squeeze and played with his balls some more and he got hard though he did not get much longer. I caught up on charting as he was waking up and noticed his hands had gone under the covers and were slowly moving. I glanced at his face and his eyes were closed so I pulled the covers back and his gown up and watched him slow jack that cock for awhile. After he woke up a bit more I asked him who came with him to the hospital and he said “his dads”. I asked again and he said his dad and his bf brought him. When it was time to get him ready for discharge real dad had gone to the cafeteria but the bf came back to the room. I told him everything went well and told him I was going to show him how to care for his dressing and check his progress. I once again pulled the covers down and the patient’s gown up and there was that big cock stretched across his hip. The bf said “well he is definitely his dad’s son with that big cock”. I reached over rolled his balls around and squeezed his cock and the patient was hard again quick. I showed the bf what to do and then had him demonstrate back to me. He looked at me and quickly reached out and got a handful of cock and balls. The patient opened his eyes and said, “Whoa dad that feels so good”. I just smiled. The precum was flowing but we waited some until his dad came in and after telling him what I had told the other dad I showed him how to check his son and when his hard cock came into view I said we have established he gets this big cock from you which made everyone laugh. Then I had him demonstrate for me. Watching him touching his sons cock and balls was so hot. The patient was still high from the pain meds and then I had the dads alternate back and forth demonstrating and I occasionally got my hands back on the patient a few times too. Then I said I would get them ready to go. I covered the patient back up and commented that they both seemed worked up indicating the tents in their pants and told them they could step into the room next door which was empty. They looked at me and just laughed though I could see they were thinking about it. I showed them that there was a bathroom that connected to the other room and that no one was going to be using that room. At that time of day it was just us and one other patient who was across the department on another hall. I stepped out and worked on some paperwork but didn’t take long and when I went back in the room the patient was alone and the doors to the bathroom were open and all the lights off except for in the room with the patient. I saw the patient half sleeping and jacking his cock I watched the dads in the other room. One was sucking the other as they watched their son playing with his cock. I uncovered the patient so they could see him working his big cock and the dad getting sucked motioned me over. I walked towards them freeing my cock and stood next to the one getting sucked and fed my cock to his bf. Then they both took turns sucking me until I had them both stand where they could watch their son and I got down and sucked them both, alternating back and forth. The patient certainly did get his cock from his dad and it stretched my mouth as he fucked my throat. There was a lot of back and forth sucking and then the one dad said he needed to fuck to cum. I said I would love to take that big cock of his and the bf said if I fucked him while his bf fucked me he was all for it. Who was I to argue? Soon I had my cock fucking in and out of the ass of one of the dads while his bf fucked that big thick cock of his into me. We found a rhythm that worked and took it slow at first quickly speeding up. All the while we were watching the patient still high on pain meds slow jacking his cock eyes closed in the other room. The dad fucking me shot into me first but stayed in me as I continued to fuck the other dad. I leaned over and whispered pretend it is your sons cock fucking you and damn if that didn’t push him over the edge which caused me to blast inside of him. We all got cleaned up and I got them discharged and sent on their way. The dads and I have met a few more times and it has always been hot. The son never remembered a thing about that day but the dads and I will always remember the fun we had.
    2 points
  19. I was working some later hours for a friend who needed to be off. I was the only nurse in the department and when the OR staff brought the patient out he was yelling and in obvious pain. I knew the hospital was full and I would have to keep this patient longer than usual so quickly worked on making him comfortable. After some pain medicine he started to relax but it also made him very talkative. He asked about his scar and I told him where the surgical site was and how big the dressing was. Even though it was on his back I pulled up his gown and showed him about where it was on his stomach. I made sure to brush his cock which looked very plump. He started talking about manscaping and how he shaved his stomach and his balls—which I had already noticed as I watched him squeeze his cock. He started talking about would he be able to walk, would he be able to do this and that and then he got quiet and tearful. I asked what was wrong and he said he was worried that his dick wouldn’t work anymore because he couldn’t get hard and that he loved sex and that he was 44 but he has to have a lot of sex and with all the pain and now the surgery he was worried. I rubbed his stomach and talked with him until he calmed down then I slid my hand lower and rubbed his cock. He moaned and seemed to relax so I continued. And said we should put his worries to rest and get him hard. I asked what usually gets him hard and he told me he loved to get head. I had one hand on his balls rolling them around while I stroked his cock which was getting thicker and longer. I asked if I should suck him some to see if it would get him the rest of the way hard and before he answered I leaned over and sucked him all the way in. I pulled up and worked my tongue around the head and felt him get thicker. I sucked for a few minutes and when I had him full hard I stopped and stroked him and told him he had no need to worry anymore about getting a hard on. He reached down and jacked himself off while I watched and encouraged him. I asked what turned him on and he told me of some of the things he had done. That he had been with guys and they gave better head and he loved head. Giving and getting. I took his hand and placed it on my cock and as I stroked him he stroked me as we talked about what turned us on. I would occasionally lean over and suck him. He reached around and felt my ass and said he wished he could fuck me. I had been thinking the same thing. Since it was late and he was stuck in the recovery room until they found a room for him I knew no one would come by and check on us so I gave him some more pain meds and lubed up his cock with some surgical jelly and climbed on the bed. I straddled his hips and lowered my ass to the head of his cock and I told him to not move and let me take him. I squatted down and felt the head of that thick, fat cock push into me. I took a second to get used to it then slowly sank down on him taking everything he had. He was moaning and had his hands on my hips guiding me up and down his length. He told me he cums quick sometimes but with the meds he was lasting longer than he thought. I rode that cock until he told me he was going to cum talking the whole time about how much he needed this. I milked his cock until I felt him blast his load in my ass and then I slow fucked myself on him until I felt him start to get soft. He fell asleep soon after. He was not kidding when he said he was a sex fiend I sat there with his load in my ass and watched him play with himself all night. I sucked him off in the morning before I was able to take him up to a room. He is a patient I will never forget.
    2 points
  20. I couldn't resist his hot mouth as he worked my cock with an expertise that had me blowing my load down his throat in no time. After he cleaned my cock off I looked down at him and let him know that we needed to talk. After my son had finished sucking a load out of my cock he disappeared into the bedroom as I finished drying off. I walked naked into the bedroom to find him lighting up my Tina pipe as I slowly walked across the room to join him on the bed. He took a couple big hits and handed the pipe to me. I followed his lead and took a could hits of my own. I asked him how long he knew. The question had a double meaning, one was about his own sexuality and the second was about his knowledge of mine. He answered both meaning by telling me he knew about my being gay from his mother’s conversations with her friends. Sean knew about his being gay since he was 13 when he was abused by one of my ex’s boyfriends who got Sean to suck his cock while his mom was at work and unavailable to take care of his needs. He went on to tell me that he found my pipe and stash when he was snooping around the apartment one afternoon and knew that we’d get along just fine. He also told me that he wanted me to take his cherry and breed him. I cautiously told him he may not want that from me only to be told as he took another hit from the pipe that he knew exactly what he was asking me. I looked into his eyes and knew he knew what he was asking. As I kissed him he wrapped his arms around me as he lay back and allowed me to climb on top of his slim frame. It didn't take me long to respond as my cock began to harden again. As we kissed he looked me in the eyes and almost pleaded me to seed him but not before he pulled out a couple points from under a pillow as he asked me to slam him up and use him all weekend. I didn't ask him anything more. As I prepped a point for him (and one for me) I explained how to prepare a point. I then asked him if he’d like to meet some of my friends. He shook his head yes and asked if I might take him to the local baths as well that weekend. A smile came to his face as I had his point in hand. I fixed the tourniquet on his arm and looked for a good vein. Sean watched as I explained to him how to administer. I stuck the point in his arm and drew back to register a flash of blood to make sure I was in the vein. I then emptied the contents into his arm and pulled the tourniquet from his arm and watched his reaction. Sean coughed out hard as the slam hit him hard. I prepped a good strong one for his fist slam. Sean began to suck me hardening cock as I applied the tourniquet to my arm. He had my hard 8” down his throat as I registered the flash and emptied the slam into my own arm. I pulled the tourniquet and coughed out as Sean was eagerly swallowing my cock. I flipped us around so Sean could continue sucking my cock while I began to rim his eager ass. He couldn't keep my cock in his mouth as he began to uncontrollably moan. I continued to lick his sweet tasting ass as he moaned and began to beg for me to fuck him. I wasn't one to disappoint my boy and flipped him on his back as I placed his calves on my shoulders. I placed my semi-slick cock with his semi-wet hole and began to push my way inside as I kissed Sean. As our kiss broke Sean looked up at my with a slight look of anguish and pain in his eyes. I continued to work my cock into his hole letting him know that that was all the lube he was going to get as I set to fuck away his cherry. As I began to bottom out balls deep inside my boy’s hole I grabbed the pipe and light the torch. I let Sean know that we were going to shotgun this hit and he was eager to try. I began to draw back a very big hit of Tina and then sealed my mouth over my boy’s as I exhaled the smoke into his lungs which Sean returned the smoke to my own lungs. The exchange went back and forth several times until we both were in need of oxygen. After a good shotgun Sean seemed to be more at ease as I began to fuck at his tight hole. I fucked away at Sean’s hole I could tell I was tearing him up a little bit, not too much, but just enough to be sure his hole would be more accepting to my poz seed. I could see it in Sean’s eyes that he was enjoying his first fuck and it didn't take long until I was really giving him a pounding he was beginning for when I couldn't’t hold back any longer and blew my poz seed inside his neg cunt.
    2 points
  21. The New Owner Part 1 I had moved to the city about two years ago and into a nice duplex. I was now 21, 5' 10", 165#, blond hair, fit and never had trouble getting a date or getting laid whenever I wanted to. The girls went nuts for me and my nice cut 7" cock helped some too. I had a good job and prospects to move upward in the company. My name was Jim. Then the duplex was sold. The new owner moved into the other half of the duplex. He was, I found out, 40, 6', 195#, brown hair and seemed to be very fit and his name was Hank. I was to find out later on that he also was well endowed with a 9" cut fat cock. His moving in did not change the rent, just made it easier to pay since he was just 'next door'. For the next couple of months nothing seemed any different and all went about like normal. Then one Friday night, as I was leaving to go out, I met him coming home with a friend. Hank introduced me to his friend, name of Tom. We talked for a few minutes, about nothing in particular and then I left. For a Friday night, the scene was really dead for some reason and for the first time in quite a while I came home earlier than normal, about 11pm and alone. I made casual notice that the lights were on in my landlords place but really didn't pay any more attention than that. I sat down to watch some TV but there wasn't much on there either. By midnight, I decided I was tired and headed to bed. My bedroom shared a wall with the other half of the duplex. I had just settled down when I could hear sounds coming through the wall. I guess I had never paid any attention to that before. I was kind of curious and got up and put my head closer to the wall as the sounds didn't seem to be a TV. I was startled to hear what seemed to be moans of pleasure. Then I heard a definitely male voice, Tom?, saying how good that felt. "Keep fucking me good." Then I heard Hank saying, "Yeah, your hole feels so good, I love fucking your ass, and I am going to fill you full of my cum." My mind went round and round, as I realized my new landlord must be gay and I didn't know it before. What a mind blower that was. I had really never known anyone gay before, that I knew of anyway. I listened some more and heard Hank saying, "Are you ready? I am going to cum and fill you full. Here it comes." I heard him growl then and knew he must .be cumming and then heard Tom say, "OMG, I am cumming too. Keep pounding my hole. It feels wonderful." Then Hank was telling him that he was such a good cumdump and hoped he would enjoy his gift and Tom saying he had waited too long for it and was enjoying it to the max. I had no idea what that last bit had been about but they apparently were done for the night as I heard no more sounds then and turned in for the night myself.
    1 point
  22. I was out of town on business. Of course, I stopped in at the baths. It was half price lockers and rooms that night. So even though it was a weeknight, the place was packed. I had a lot of fun. Sucked a couple of cocks, got fucked by a so-so guy...just to get things going, and fucked a couple of willing holes in the steam room. But I held my nut. Still, I was feeling very randy and my inhibitions, if I had any by that point, were fully suppressed. I had just finished fucking a boy and headed to the shower. And there he was...barrel chested, massive arms, broad shoulders, a bit shorter than me, red hair, blue eyes, MAJOR beard, and random tattoos EVERYWHERE that seemed to float above his pale skin. Stunning. And the fucker had a damn thick fucktool hanging between his legs and HUGE balls. Just scorching hot. He was standing there in the shower rinsing off and chatting-up who I assume was either his buddy or his most recent fuck. I wasted no time. None. Too much competition around for me to play it cool. He didn't even see me walk into the shower area. I walked directly up to him and grabbed his fat swinging meat. He turned to me. And before he could say a damn thing, I leaned in close, eye to eye, and said "Room 221...NO LIMITS. ANYTHING you fuckin want!". I held his cock and his gaze for a moment longer, letting him know I meant what I said. The look in his eyes and the feel of his fuckpole told me my message had been received. I turned and walked away before he could say a word. I went back to my room and waited. Stroking my cock in anticipation. I didn't have to wait long before he walked in, his towel dropped to the floor and so did I. I hit my knees and sucked his beautiful thick meat. He seemed to like it, but it wasn't getting him too hard. Abruptly, he turned around, put one foot up on the mattress and parted his ass. NOT what I had expected. But OK. I started licking his freshly washed fuckhole. Pink, tender, and oh so warm. I rarely eat ass, but this guy made me want it. (His being freshly washed certainly helped.) "Fuck, man - put it in me" he growled. OK...not what I was looking for, but also not a problem. As I had laid down some good spit and I was rock hard, I slid right in and pushed my entire weight against his. Be began cursing me. Actually growling. Ordering me to get on with it. Commanding me fuck him. So I did. Oh yeah...I did... I fucked him standing, bent over, legs up and a couple of other ways I cant even remember. And as I fucked him he became super hard. All the while cursing me out like a sailor. The more I long dicked him, the filthier his language, and the harder he got. And I mean, that cock was hard as steel - a nine inch wrecking bar. Suddenly, he ripped himself away from me. Quite violently, really. Then pulled me up to him. There was fire in his eyes. “Gonna pound your fuckin’ cunt!”. He spit those words at me. “Understand?!”, it was NOT a question. He smacked me hard across the face. I was stunned for a moment. He took control of my body; with absolute authority he pushed me to my knees on the rack. “Gonna split your fuckin pussy!”, he hissed as he brought his cock up my crack. I had no time to lube his cock or my hole. In a hot second he punched himself into me and was all-out pounding my hole from behind with THE HARDEST DAMN COCK I've ever taken. Sweat providing the only lube I would get. I was breathless. Overwhelmed. Pinned down by his steel rod pistoning into me without mercy, I flailed under him. He got loud - I got loud. He got louder. My senses were overwhelmed. I was sweating like I never had. The room was an oven. I opening the door. I was getting the fuck of my life and I needed to be seen...seen being used like meat. The doorway quickly filled with admirers. “Game On, Fuckhole!”, he sneered wickedly at me as his holewrecking intensifed. And he absolutely ravaged, RAVAGED, my cunt...viciously fucking me. Urgently, savagely - like a piece of meat - he yelled out “You like this, fuckhole? You like being used like a BITCH?!” He was a man posessed. He was assaulting my hole. Angry fucking with a vengeance I had never experienced. I fought to catch my breath. He slapped my ass - HARD. This was an animal charging up my hole. A force of nature, unstoppable. His rail splitter destroying my cunt. "THIS WHAT YOU WANT? THIS HOW YOU NEED IT?!”, he yelled. “Yeah...yeah...use it...take me...breed me...”, I stammered. My hole being absolutely wrecked. ”Oh you’re gonna get it, fuckhole....and you’re gonna get SOOO MUCH MORE!” As those words passed his lips, a long string of precum practically poured out of my turgid cock. I moaned at the prospect of this animal charging up my cunt. “Do it, fucker! Do it! CHARGE ME UP!!” I cried...I begged. ”You want it?! YOU WANT MY TOXIC LOAD, FUCKHOLE?!” I could tell he was barely holding it back. ”DO IT, FUCKER! PAINT MY GUTS! POZ. MY. FUCKIN. CUNT!” That’s all he needed. He dug his fingers into my flesh and he let loose an primal yell as he filled my wrecked pussy with his toxic load. Over and over he spasmed and spunked inside me. He churned his cream into me. Then he leaned in and growled in my ear, “I just fuckin’ POZZED your ass”. And that’s all it took - for the first time (in a long time) I shot a hands free load. Mind blown. I was gone. We, both of us, fell onto the rack - panting. My hole destroyed and distended. Wrecked. Beleive it or not, a smattering of applause came from the half dozen of so men watching at the door. We both had forgotten about them. “Thank you...thank you...don’t forget to tip your waitress!”, I announced as I closed the door. We had a really good laugh at that. An honest hearty bellylaugh. He was smiling sweetly through the thicket of his beard. The demon that had destroyed my hole was gone. The fire in his eyes was quenched - now a beautiful cool blue. My god he was beautiful. He pulled me against him. We lay there catching our breath. He ran his fingers on my wrecked, distended pussy...making me moan...making me whimper. We chatted awhile. Turns out; he is a natural top, actually hates getting fucked. His cursing me out? Not a show. But he can only get hard enough to fuck if he's been fucked first. Takes all kinds, huh? I told him how hot he looked in the shower, how fucking majestic his cock is, and how awesome a fucker he is. He actually blushed at that. This bull of a man BLUSHED at a compliment. Wow. All the while, his finger circled my pussylips...absently...like he owned it. And in fairness, he had every right to do so, for this bull of a man had claimed it like NO man ever had. He told me about his tats. He said he liked to my no nonsense attitude and complimented me for not pussying out on my no limits promise. That he rarely got to go balls out savage like he just had with me. He said that sheepishly. I thanked him for the recharge. He liked hearing that. After awhile, we stood...there was that awkward moment when he was about to leave. And then, he leaned in and kissed me for the first and only time...tenderly. His hand, that earlier had felt like a vise, softly caressing my face. It was a sublime moment. And then I watched as he walked down the hall, his towel draped over his right shoulder...the bare bulbs overhead causing his red hair to intermittently blaze, and his perfect white cheeks to glow as he passed under each one before turning the corner and disappearing. Neither of us asked the others’ name. I still think of my Red Bull.
    1 point
  23. It was a hot summer day in Arizona and I was taking the bus to my mom's workplace to pick up the car so I could take my visiting cousins to rent some VHS movies to pass the time. I was still in high school and jumped at any opportunity to borrow the car, even if it was for just an afternoon. We stopped to pick up some people and on walks this older, bald, short, muscular guy with visible tattoos on his arms. He sits accross from me and I can't stop looking at him. He is probably around 36 or 38, muscular and veiny with a goatee and dark piercing eyes. He sees me looking and looks back but I am young and not sure so I move to the back of the bus at the next stop. He soon follows and sits right behind me and leans in and says, "so where are you headed kid?" I am startled and turn my head to see him lick his lips. My heart started to race as I told him my plans and asked where he was going. He said he was gonna go visit a friend and then had some free time on his hands and asked if I wanted to pick him up so we could "hang out". I was so excited and my cock was rock hard as I stammered.. "uh, sure. I can pick you up at the main bus station in about half an hour if you want?" He agreed to meet me there and I got off at the next stop. After my cousins took forever deciding on a movie, I finally got them back to the grandparents house and said I had to run some errands. I raced over to the station and drove around worried he would be gone until I finally saw him walking up the street. I pulled up and rolled down the window and he got in, "what took you so long, I thought you ditched me kid?" "No.. sorry" I stammered, "so what did you want to do?" I asked pretty seriously naive. " I wanna fuck" he said turning to look at me as he grabbed his crotch. My heart was beating hard and my cock was leaking precum by now as I raced back home. We got inside and he said his name was John and that he only had about an hour to kill as he stripped off his clothes. He wasn't shy and had no reason to be, he had a well muscled body with tats on his arms, chest, abs and back. I was moving much slower than him as I was in shock at what was happening. I wasn't a virgin but had NEVER done anything like this and my teen cock was throbbing at the idea of having sex with this MAN. When he was finally nude, he moved to my bed and his balls hung low and his cock was about 7 inches semi hard and thick as fuck. I finally got naked and he told me to come over. As I got into bed, he guided my mouth to his cock and I began to lick and suck it like a champ. He started with the "yeah baby's" and "fuck that feels good" which only made me suck harder. After a few minutes he sat up, grabbed me and flipped me on my back and spread my legs as he dove into suck my dick. I almost came when his mouth took my cock all the way in. I was probably no more than 5 1/2 inches hard so he was able to take my entire cock easily. I was moaning and wrtihing in pleasure when he started to lift my legs and move his tongue down to my smooth hole. FUCK, I started shaking as his tongue shot into my asshole and he pushed my legs back further to get even deeper. I was moaning and whimpering as he tongue fucked my tight shitter and I was in heaven. He finally came up and said "you know what I wanna do" are you ready for me to fuck you?" I could only nod yes. He spit on his hand and rubbed it on his cock then lined up his head to my tight, teen hole and slowly pushed in. His raw cock was begining to fill me and I gasped as I felt him sliding in. He pushed my legs out wider and started to really shove. I tried to push him back as it began to hurt but he was strong and wild with lust for my young ass and he pinned my arms back as he rammed the rest of his veiny, raw dick into my hole. I almost screamed out but he landed on top of me and covered my mouth with his and began kissing me as he let my asshole take in the girth and length of his man cock. Instinctivly I wrapped my legs around his strong, waist and he knew he had me. He grabbed my face and started to fuck me hard while kissing, licking and biting me. I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed him back as best as I could in between deep breaths. My smooth cock was rubbing against his abs and I knew I wouldn't last long. He was biting my neck and sucking when he started to pump me faster and harder and the next thing I knew he rammed his entire length into me and shot a hot raw load deep into my guts! "FUCKKKKK, HOLY SHIT, ARRRGGGHHHH" was all I heard in my ear as he convulsed and finally collapsed on top of me, out of breath. His cock slowly slid out of my spent hole and he flipped over on his back. I leand in to kiss his perfect chest and he pulled me into him, kissing my head like an uncle would his nephew. "So how was that?" he asked me. I just smiled and kissed his lips. He reached down and took hold my my still hard cock saying, "you wanna try fucking me?" I jumped up and said ok and tried to lift his legs but he stopped me and turned around on his hands and knees. I had never fucked anyone doggy style but as he reached around to spread his thick, muscular cheeks, instinct took over and I tried to ram my young dick into his hot, wet man hole. He pulled away a bit and then pushed back but I was only half way in when he stopped me. "Sorry kid, I thought I could take it but it's been a while, lay down and I'll suck you off." I was dissappointed but happy to let him suck my dick again. He started in on my cock slowly and then put a finger in my used hole. He started to suck harder and finger me deeper. That was all it took and I shot a fresh, hot, watery load of teen jizz into his mouth. He pulled up and I shot the rest on his face and chest, my eyes rolling back and my body thrashing. He pulled out his finger and came up to kiss me, but I could barely breath, let alone kiss him back. John got up and began to pose in the mirror and asked me if I liked his body. I could barely see straight but said hell yeah, he was perfect. "Thanks kid, mind if I take a shower?" "Sure go ahead" I said and got up to show him the way. While he was in the bathroom my nosiness took over and I started to check his pockets. I was a pretty good kid and not trying to take the guy, just curious. I pull out his wallet and opened it up to find an id. Not a driver's license, but a COUNTY JAIL id showing his name as David and being a work realease detainee. I was at once scared and excited. I had just been fucked by a convict out on work release. I was pissed at him for lying but horny as fuck at the idea of a criminal having just used me. I checked his other pockets and found a bus pass in one and then a small sandwich bag in the other. It had some weed in it and I shoved it back in his pants. "John" finished up and came back to my room and saw me holding his pants, although I had put the wallet back, I guess he figured I had peeked and came clean. He said he was supposed to be looking for work but had gone to a friends to pick up some weed and never expected to meet me in the process. He asked me if I wold give him a ride back and I said ok, but would have to hurry. He grabbed some lotion off my dresser and pulled out the pot from his pocket. He rolled it into a small ball and lubed up his hole with lotion before pushing the baggie into his ass. I had never seen this done before and couldn't believe my eyes! He just smiled and said "the guard usually makes you spread your cheeks, but the guy working this shift hates his job and won't even make me take off my underwear." He winked and I smiled. I took "John" back and dropped him off at a bus stop down the street. He grabbed my thigh and said "thanks kid, you were a great fuck!" and got out. I never saw him again but I sure did jack off to the memory of him for many years after. That was the first anonymous fuck that started my craving for raw, anon dick. It's been more than 20 years but I am still grateful to him for bringing out the need for hot, man sex in me that hot summer day.
    1 point
  24. I find that a few of my friends are big safe-sex proselytizers but then in private (once I talk to their 'play-mates') it becomes apparent that they 'drop the safety net' and ride it raw. And I guess ONLY THEIR discretion is excused! And the same ones tend to be all judgmental to your face and quickly dog the one or other as 'TOO promiscuous' and use language like 'he is DIRTY'... or whatever... So to figure out 'whom I'm dealing with' I rattle the cage by talking about bareback sex and how 'HOT IT WOULD BE' with strangers at a bar or whatever, as though it is hypothetical, or bb-play based on PREP use... then you find the conversation develops into polarized camps. Some get all preachy and harp on that 'promiscuous sex is disgusting' or 'there are still ALL KINDS OF OTHER DISEASES'. Others however, your new BB-BROS pull you to the side and spill the beans of how they really feel. On a parallel tangent (the just BEING GAY part) I used to have a beefy, very sexy, cocky buddy who was in the Marines. He was always smiling and had a very outgoing personality and hid his sexuality very well from his Mormon parents and church. To 'play it off' he 'put on a show' PRETENDING he was receptive to amorous play with men and oddly, he became the most popular dude. Guys would want to sit with him on the plane, or who would have him as their tent mate or have him wear their dog-tags or whatever. In short, by 'stirring the pot' and by being colorful he got all the right attention and flew RIGHT UNDER THE RADAR of those who would disapprove and didn't catch on... I recall my best friend, a cop, always dogging his ex (my greatest sexual fantasy, as he is a shaggy-haired blonde, one of my fetishes) telling me 'he is DIRTY' and 'he does bareback with EVERYBODY as though it was a bad thing... (my man actually finally tagged his ass and bred him) My best (cop) friend's new Bf (until a couple years ago), his TWINK, would wait until he was in the house with either me or my man and then spill the beans on his antics. Wild stuff! Once when I told him: "You are such a slut!" He corrected me and said: "I'm no slut! I'm a CUM-DUMPSTER!" After I told him how hot I find all that he opened up about all his kinky secrets that went WAY BEYOND I have ever done... Yet he looked so innocent!
    1 point
  25. I should mention that the trucker who knocked me up 25 yrs ago by talking me into being his bareback bottom was a balding fella. 50's I'd guess. Lean, thick beard, and one hell of a dirty talker. Lol He had his raw cock in my ass before I knew it, and I shot my load from him fucking me in less than a minute. He came shortly after, and told me I was a pig now. Didn't fully understand what had happened at the time, but come to find out he was a dirty gifter and knocked me up on purpose. I met him on AOL. Think he went by rollintrucker or something like that. I've often wondered if he is still around. He'd be late 70's by now.
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  26. It was too bad you pushed his load out into the toilet. I try to keep a top's load in me as long as possible.
    1 point
  27. Great story so far, I cannot wait for the next chapter. This story was well worth the wait, you are taking us on a great adventure!
    1 point
  28. Thursday night I was really horny and wanted to fuck a hole. I went on grindr and found a late 20s muscle bottom looking. I sent him my pic and saw his. Muscle verse guy. Went to his place and he sucked me and he started hitting the poppers. I bent him over and rimmed his hole. I slid inside and could feel he was sorta loose so he is definitely a slut. Fucked him on his squeaky bed and blew a load up his cum hole. Good fuck. I told him I would be back soon to get a load from him up my hole.
    1 point
  29. Toon: That is one great story, I'm impressed with your writing skills stud! Thanks. Drew
    1 point
  30. I always absorb. Love plugging my hole and keeping the load in me! Absorbing it like a whore should
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  31. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m in Indy right now for the Feb. 10 CumUnion party, and I expect you Tops who’ve been bragging about what you do to us cumdump bottoms to come fuck me in half, and prove you’re not just blowing smoke while you jack off in front of your monitors. My ass will be at The Works bathhouse ready for your loads all fuckin’ day, so no excuses - I’ll be wearing my silver collar. Just tap me on the shoulder and we can go to my room or you can fuck me anywhere. If I’m in my room, don’t waste time, just come on in and get started - I’ll be lubed and ready. If y’all are as real as I am, this ought to be fun…
    1 point
  32. Having just turned 18 I was living with my parents and loved my x-box and gaming on-line. One night I was battle demons with a gamer when we lost and ended up trapped in the lair, the guy I was gaming with messaged me “dam, how we gonna get out of this?”, I chuckled back at him and suggested we just run for it. The tactic didn’t work and we were both killed “we need to combine resources next time to defeat them” I messaged to him, “If you were in London we could play it together” he responded. I messaged him back and told him I was in Fulham, as it turned out we were only 2 streets away from each other. He went on to tell me he was in his early 40’s and a raging homosexual, this caused me to laugh so I replied I am 18 and think I am too. I agreed to meet him at a cafe for coffee the following evening as I told him it was not a sexual meeting and he totally agreed and respected this. I ordered a latte and found a table in a quiet part of the cafe and waited, I watched several guys come in order coffee then leave. The door opened again and in walked what appeared to be a youngish guy who looked about 30 with cropped hair and designer stubble with what can only be described as kissable lips. He ordered a drink then looked around and headed towards me, “Marc?” he asked and I replied “Yes, you must be Jake?”, he smiled and sat down so I had to ask him if he really was in his 40’s and indeed he was. We chatted for a couple of hours and I agreed to come to his place Saturday afternoon so we could defeat the demons, he warned me he smokes weed and if that was a problem I said each to their own and I don’t judge people. saturday afternoon I made my way to his house and we sat on the floor in the lounge leaning up against the sofa, he had boxers and a vest on so I felt a little overdressed in shorts and t-shirt. He offered me a beer which I took and sipped it slowly as I hadn’t really done drinking plus it was quite bitter, then we got on and played our game but alas defeated again at the same point. He smoked a joint and it made me slightly dizzy just breathing in the second hand smoke but I was relaxed and comfortable with him and he certainly wasn’t a threat. My eyes kept glancing to his fully formed lips and his stubble which somehow just turned me on, I relaxed back against the sofa not realising his arm was there. He lit another joint and was sipping his beer “what? he asked, he had caught me looking at him so I casually laughed it off and then felt his arm drop over my shoulder so I snuggled in whilst he caressed my chest. I touched in stubble and ran my fans through it and as his face moved closer I touched his lips and and knew then I had to kiss them so I went in for the kill, he responded by kissing me back and lingering there he touched his lips to mine slowly moving around my mouth slightly parted and he made his move as his tongue parted my lips. I was floating as his kissing was so tender we locked to get her for 5minutes or so then pulled away and smiled, “that was nice but I think it is best we leave it at that” he said, I agreed and we clinked bottles and he relit his joint as we chatted then he excused himself. I looked at the ash tray where the joint was burning and the temptation to try was taking over me, so I picked it up and drew on the joint only to cough and splutter just as he walked in. He looked and laughed at me in a tha will teach you kind of way, he then sat back down and put his arm around me. He let me try the joint with guidance and by now I was getting paranoid and giggling at the same time, I then moved on to his lap facing him and went in for another kiss and this time he fully reciprocated. We kissed for an age then he moved me up on to the sofa and we began undressing, as I removed his boxers a beautiful long thick cock was exposed. We resumed kissing and he positioned himself in a missionary position I saw his hand move down and felt him raise his hips as he positioned his cock against my hole. By now kissing had become more sensual and erotic and I felt my arse opening at the pressure of his cock head nudging it’s way into my arse. I put up no resistance as the weed had totally relaxed me and not even thinking about condoms, I moaned loudly as the last inch buried itself in to me. There was no talking as we were lip locked and our head moved in a synchronous motion as he thrusted his hips back and forward in a steady rhythm, after some time he positioned his arm around my neck and I clasped him tightly around his neck as I felt his pace quicken. My whole body was quivering with delight as he stopped kissing me and lifted his head he grunted then shouted “ Fuck, take my seed baby” he then thrusted upward with a sharp jab as he moaned and released his seed into my body, he held me for what seemed ages and wave after wave of thrusting jabs nailed into my ass. He looked me in the eye and then kissed me lovingly as he collapsed on top with me impaled on his hard cock. He pulled out and we got dressed and played another game before I went home. An hour after being back in bedroom I felt the need to go to the toilet, I sat down passed a little wind which burnt like hell on my arse lips, when I got up I saw semen in the toilet that tinged with pink streaks, I though nothing more until a few weeks later I got a nasty flu like cold, I had heard that was one of the first signs of being infected so I took myself off to the clinic and got tested. My result came back positive which was a massive shock, I took the bold decision to confront Home so I knocked at his door, he opened the door and invited me in. As I told him that he had infected me with hiv that afternoon he smiled got me a beer and proposed a toast to the perfect gifting afternoon, I looked at him in disbelief but he moved towards me and kissed me, I woke up several hours later in his bed laying in his arms.
    1 point
  33. Our attitudes are an 'evolving' thing... we have long gone from our naive, teenage puppy-love expectations to habitual horn-dog copulating, when we meet in a forum like this... lol I like strangers slobbering on each other on any part of the body they! Preferably ass and cock, going at it like a randy goats with the tongue out! Some of the hottest pictures that give me the biggest rush (i.e. on tumblr) is when guys are interlocked, bareback, the bottom with a raging boner, both with tongues out, the tips touching! The grossest thing a guy (trick) could say to me NOW on grindr, is: 'I want to MAKE LOVE to you by candle-light and play Barry White'. HURL! Fuck that! Been there done that! When I came out as a self-declared promiscuous barebacker, no fears, no inhibitions, no reasonable offer refused, RAW every time it was like my second coming out. New terms, new protocol! After coming out 'as gay' for years I fell into the CONVENTIONAL 'relationship trap' and saw hypocrisy and cheating that goes with it, drama and divorce, EVEN and especially with straight people. I recall (when I was single) being HOSTILE to guys who were trying to cheat with me on GF, wives and BFs. Hated all that! Blocked them! Called them out! Promiscuity, getting 'something' you couldn't was off, unsafe sex, orgies, all that was... all that was frowned upon... So as a late convert to the BROTHERHOOD all those fears have been REPEALED and replaced (pardon the term). Now, anything suggestive of LUST, debauchery, carnal pleasure, risky behavior and fornication gets my attention! Such behavior was historically embodied and celebrated by the demi-gods of less repressive regimes. PAN, the seductively-scruffy satyr with his perpetual boner and cloven feet (later portrayed as 'THE DEVIL' by 'the church' to the frightened and intimidated) playing his magic flute and seducing sexually-impressionable shepherds to the dark pleasures and taking it up the arse.... TEMPTATIONS: I recall these guys here in Memphis, YEARS ago, always having 'parties' themed like that with 'satyr and Dio...something'. SEX-PARTIES when AIDS was scary! They always invited me but I never went. Mostly out of FEAR and I was trapped in a standard-gay relationship with an arrogant local stud-muffin who played the old-fashioned patriarch! Big dick but emotional misery and him lying and cheating like his dad did on his mom! Still does! I have drifted to the lusty scene with my new beau who is on the same page. My new role models or all SATYRS!!! Fornicating, shameless horn-dogs! Kissing? Well I suppose when it is in a manner that could shift from one guy to the next or the stranger he invited and back with no jealousies or commitments! One of the guys that used to live with those sex-party boys still talks to me. He doesn't speak fondly of the group, which apparently shunned him as he talks dismissively about 'the promiscuous scene': "I bet they all died, whatever, moved to Nashville!" . He doesn't know I have 'joined the bb brotherhood' and talks to me with the hypocritical, judgmental filter of the old school... but it arouses me, he doesn't know that IN SPIRIT I'm one of THOSE. He said: "Yeah they would invite like 20 30 guys over and there NEVER were any rubbers ANYWHERE (HOT to me now). Most of the guys were strangers I had never seen before. There was jizz flying everywhere and they would run trains and cum in each other and you never knew who would be in your bed in your room, it was DISGUSTING! I know they always talked about INITIATING YOU!!!" (I'm fanning myself. I think I'll call him later as I want to know more) I have to admit: the first few tricks (in 2015) from bbrt was a stretch for me! Both in terms of mind, manners, kissing and stretching ass, my own and my man's. Turns me on seeing others breed my man! I take pictures! One dude after consummating his jizz-load into my man and me being totally turned on proceeded to passionately make out with him on the couch! But it seemed like a painfully long time to me. I got 'nervous'. I told ON REFLEX: "Stop that shit! You guys act like fucking Lesbians!" My bad! I think I want to try that again, a 'TAKE TWO' and this time this porn-producer won't say 'CUT' at all... Later that year my man and I hooked up with two sexy inked and pierced 'circuit boys' from Chicago going to NOLA. All was well until the more insecure one of the two reprimanded his more assertive hubby as he was kissing my man with his cock buried deep in his ass: "NO KISSING!" he said in a stern voice and the fun left the room... I don't want to be that guy!
    1 point
  34. As a guy who does the cum loading into them raw bottom holes, I like to see my cum pushed out some to play around with it, lick it up and feed it to my bottom, and use it as lube for round 2 and beyond...plus I love the visual of a bottom looking back, having just taken my nut, and pushing it out as he looks up at me, with his hole gaping and wet
    1 point
  35. Oh, I'm sure such covens exist - probably more than a hundred of them. And I'm sure they're having a lot of fun. "Breeding for S atan" seems to be the new "Fucking for Peace" But wouldn't it be even hotter if their demonic master actually joined in on the fun?!?
    1 point
  36. Part 2   I awoke Saturday morning nicely refreshed from a good nights sleep. It was a nice day, so I decided to sit outside on the porch and drink my morning coffee. As I was sitting there enjoying the wonderful sun, I heard the door of the otherside of the duplex open. I turned to look over there and Hank and Tom walked out, also drinking coffee. When they saw me, they both waved and went down the steps and came over to my side. I asked them to have a seat. We all sat around for a while then drinking coffee and chatting, again, about nothing in particular. Then Hank told me, "I guess you know now that I am gay and so is Tom?" I told him I had kind of guessed it, but did not add that I had heard them last night. Hank asked, "That doesn't change anything with you does it?" I told him it didn't mean a thing to me at all, it was his business. He kind of looked relieved and said, "That is great, so many think badly of it." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "it was no big deal, I was always curious as to why guys and gals were like that, but it really wasn't any of my business to judge." He smiled and thought that was a good way to be and if I had any questions to just ask and he would try to answer them as best as he could. Our talk turned to other things then, the weather, work and so forth, nothing much just passing the time. Then Hank and Tom got up and went back inside Hank's place. I got up and went in to tidy up and do my dishes. Then up to my bedroom to make the bed up and maybe take a shower. I heard noises again and again, I leaned towards the wall to listen. It seemed Hank and Tom were back at it again as I could hear the moans of pleasure again. Both seemed to like a lot of talk during also. Could hear them telling each other how great they felt. Hank telling Tom how great it felt being deep inside him and Tom saying how great it felt having his hole pounded deep and hard.
    1 point
  37. Going to be another hot and heavy cum jerker of a story.
    1 point
  38. I cruise the streets a lot and meet a lot of homeless, street guys, tourists and more.... they cruise me all the time. I can look like regular dude on the streets to total homeless scumbag. I like getting used by dudes and pleasing a hot guy (homeless, or whatever).
    1 point
  39. Horny students! Lucky guy ;-)
    1 point
  40. I work as a checker in a grocery store which is a good place to meet homeless guys and junkies...I always try to engage them in conversation to get them to stick around or come back at the end of my shift...I wait in the bushes by the parking lot and if all goes well, we get high and fuck on work property...love seeing them again after being their Faggot cumdump bitch, especially knowing they could rat me out to the management.
    1 point
  41. I went from glory hole fun in the beginning and took loads just as the GH fever started to wain. After everyone in SF was doing Prep, easy anon ass was all over the place. The glory holes dried up of tops and filled with trolls and the walking dead. I then started to post CL ads and invite guys to my place for ANON. Hit and miss there too but some really memorable ones. But I was hungry for more and started doing the Motel cumdump scene. Still hit and miss but got some pretty good dick. Almost made a science on time, place and when there was a convention in town. Cummnion was s hit and miss, no body wanted to cum and everyone was saving their load. The true love, I’m sure all will agree, is the cum in your hole. Having as much of it more than the actual fucking. I live in a condo now and it’s prerty much secured. No more real anon dick. Unless it’s the guy who lives in the same building as me. I missed my ground floor apartment which had easy access to parking and entrance. Location Location Location.
    1 point
  42. Back when I was working installing landscapes, we hired a new guy for the summer. He was short stocky and had just grown his first beard at the age of 22. Real nice fella. I took him under my wing and showed him the ropes. Also encouraged him to keep letting his beard grow, and I shared my Marlboro Reds with him every break until he showed up one day with his own pack. I had the major hots for him, and knew I couldn't hold back for much longer on making a move. One night in late July I invited him out for beers after work, and we went to a bar a few miles from my place. After three hours of drinking and smoking, I told him I had some good bourbon at my place and we should finish the evening off there. Once we got in the door, I poured us a few shots. We toasted and downed the shots together. He gave me a look I recognized, and I grabbed his and kissed him hard, meeting no resistance. I'll skip some details, but I popped his cherry after eating his hairy ass and gave him his first of many cum loads. For the next month and a half, I fucked him almost daily, and most of the time he shot without touching himself. It ended in September when he decided to go to trucking school, but what a great summer.
    1 point
  43. so, it’s been a few weeks and we have met up every Friday night and Saturday night at my place in the city. It’s been sex sex sex and sex. But before we jump in I must discuss a few things and tell you a bit more of ourselves. For one we aren’t slim twinks we are husky solid bears/cubs. Sweaty unshowered pigs, we were both discovering the true pigs we were, unfortunately nothing we did saved the relationship from me breaking up with him and breaking his heart (that is for later). So, every weekend we would meet, we would fuck each other suck and rim worship each other we would fuck and not cum and did so for several weeks and this is the next part of the story. So, we meet up at my place on a Friday night and go outside on the balcony for a smoke and as we are smoking we are grinding against each other and kissing and just being smutty. Fuck he is a great kisser and makes my knees buckle. Im finishing up my smoke and he unzips me and starts sucking my sweaty cock right outside as I groan and grab his head I start face fucking him holding my cock down his throat watching his face turn red as I pull out as he gasps for breath shoving back inside. Feeling my cock slide down his gullet feels so fucking good we haven’t cum in weeks instead meeting up and just using each other to edge ourselves and not allowing each other to cum. Tonight, is the night I can feel it as I feel my nuts burn with desire. I pull out and grunt as I tell him to get inside. I push him inside and rip his shirt off he is wearing his leather harness and fuck he smells so sweaty, I bury my face in his arm pit as he growls and rips his pants off as I turn him around and push him onto the bed on all fours as I pull my pants down and spit on my cock. I push inside him and I shudder, hearing him grunt he takes my cock so well. Im not the largest at about 6 inches thicker at the base and when im really excited it thickens. No complaints but im happy and so is my master he just grunts as I start fucking him. I don’t have the holding power he does I thrust deep right to my hairy nuts and push in deep, I start fucking him grinding my hips into his arse. “OH, fuck yeah you have a nice arse I love fucking you raw” grunting as I thrust in again I feel my balls tighten and my cock tingles as I pull out and groan trying not to cum. My master senses my excitement and throws me on my back and pushes my legs apart as he growls and pushes against my arse. Again, im still not used to his cock and I seem to close up after two or three days and get tight again. He grunts as he forces me open and buries deep in me. “FUCKKKK GO SLOW” I whine, he grunts “Open up for me piggy I aint stopping” he growls and pushes in deeper. Forcing himself in me I groan as I feel myself open. This goes on for ages, on my back on all fours behind me on myside. I can feel him hit that spot inside me again as I begin to arch my back as my gut starts to cramp up he fucks me harder, holding me down as he growls and grunts. Slamming himself into me I can feel his massive nuts slapping my arse. The room smelling of sweat and sex. “Im Gunna Fucking Cum in your cunt pig” he growls as he stares into my eyes I can’t reply all I can do is whimper and push down on his cock as he suddenly slips into my second opening and makes me scream out loud. ‘FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEEE CUM IN MEEEEEEEEEEEEE” I scream im sure I woke my housemate but I didn’t care I felt him slam inside me and hold still I could feel his cock flex inside me a sure sign he was blowing inside me. Hearing him growl as he blew inside me I cud feel my cock swell as I blew my load over his stomach Shaking under him I could feel the internal orgasm. “FUCKKK again, ohhh fuckkkkkkkk don’t pull out” I whimper feeling myself shake and quiver under him his cock hitting my insides feeling slick full of cum he grins and holds still in me as my back arches and I can’t stop it’s an incontrollable urge. If you haven’t experienced it, it’s so hard to describe and for those that have had one you know exactly what im going through. Finally, after a few minutes he pulls out and I groan feeling empty, his cum leaking out my arse, he collapses beside me. Over the course of the night we get up and go outside for a smoke and a drink and head back into the room and as he dozes off im on the internet and on BBRT and looking at profiles and my first thought about pozzing crosses my screen. It’s a biker travelling from Sydney to Brisbane and he starts chatting me up and I tell him im neg and that my master is neg and looking for fun times etc all the boring stuff. Anyway, my master wakes and he sees what im doing and im completely honest. About everything except for the poz status of the biker. We smile and go to sleep nothing comes out of it for the time being however when we woke on Sunday morning I pretty much rolled him on his back put his feet together and fucked him senseless and blew my load up his ass before sending him home for the week. Again if you want more lemme know (as I said the pozzing will cum) this is all based on real life events. MY master has read my story and approves and wants me to continue.
    1 point
  44. That's exactly the type of action I am interested in sharing with other's. That's a brotherhood worth sharing.
    1 point
  45. Chris Jr Williams aka ChrisJr4Eva87 C x
    1 point
  46. Part 5 ............................... “Ladies and Gentleman. I think we can all agree, that was fucking awesome and clearly the boys are very happy to have received such rave reviews from you” He said grinning as he looked at the four cum and piss covered boys lying kissing each other and licking up the residue off each other and around them. “You’ll be pleased to know that our young sluts here aren’t finished yet and they will now be strapped to the fuck tables and will all be happy to receive more deposits, although we’d especially like those of you who are positive…. and we know who you are” he grinned at the grinning crowd before him, “To step up and make sure Chris, Sam and Ben’s conversion is thorough” to cheers and wild applause. All four boys looked up at the mention of their names and when realising they were to be abused by the crowd looked around with some apprehension. As the four boys were led to the sturdy tables around the edge of the room they were bent over and secured in position to receive their abuse; Julian continued to address the crowd. “Now we have a special treat for you all. My very good friends Donald Campbell, CEO of BoyToys and his investment partner Jason Anders are very happy to put on a little show of their own,” he said, pausing for the short round of applause. “Both Don and Jason are HIV positive and right now, dangerously so," he explained, smiling broadly at the wave of knowing laughter that returned to him. “Also here this evening is Jason’s nephew, Ethan, who just over a week ago came out to Jason and asked that he breed him." There was much chatter at this point. “Ethan has taken many positive loads from all of us this week,” he continued, “but tonight Jason and Ethan will fuck for your pleasure as his conversion continues.” Further applause followed as Ethan and I walked forward completely naked. “And finally our friend Don, please come forward,” Julian asked. Don walked through the crowd, also stunningly naked and into the spot lights near the bed and stood by Julian to enthusiastic applause, “Also here this evening is Don’s son, Jermaine, who recently found out he was HIV positive. Jermaine please come forward,” Julian asked. Jermaine also walked forward and into the light and stood on the other side of Julian looking slightly confused, but stunning in the lights glare. “Jermaine, your father has something he’d like to say to you,” Julian explained, leaving the father and son alone in the center of attention. The room fell totally silent as Don’s deep gravelly voice boomed, “Jermaine” he started, “I know you were confused and unhappy that night,” he started, looking at his son who stared back. “I’m sorry I pushed you..." stumbling a bit on his words, “I’m sorry you think I pushed you away” he said, correcting himself. Jermaine continued to stare at his father. “Jermaine I know I’m positive and I’m not one to judge but I was disappointed you were diagnosed positive so young. I’m sorry, I should have been there for you, son. I love you so much,” he finally managed to say, but his voice broke in the process. Jermaine continued to stare at his father before tears started to well and he stepped forward to embrace his father. The room immediately applauded and it was like a weight lifted. As Don embraced his son, Ethan wrapped his arm around me to hug me too. Don held his son and turning to face him he held his head in his huge hands and then they were kissing, long and passionately. “Oh fuck” Ethan whispered to me, “that’s so hot.” I mentally agreed, and apparently the audience also did, as every where I could see cocks began to swell anew. Don and Jermaine’s kiss intensified as they now openly explored each other's body. Not to be left out, Ethan and I were also kissing now, and I had latched onto on my nephew's beautifully succulent buttocks, which I caressed lustfully. I lifted him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist as we continued to kiss hard. After a long embrace, Jermaine dropped to his knees and, holding his father’s enormous erection, began to suck on the cock that had created him. It was quite a sight and clearly the audience was very much enjoying the incest scene unfolding before them. I’d now lifted Ethan backwards onto the still piss-covered bed and throwing him back, his cunt was exposed and so I knelt down to stick my tongue deep inside him. Ethan lay back, moaning as I invaded his hole. Jermaine was now doing a very good job sucking on Don as I knew only too well how hard it was to take him down my throat. Don held his son’s head and began to face fuck him, pushing deeper into his mouth each time and not actually caring as his son gagged. I loved that aspect of Don: once he was in the zone he was like a total fuck machine and clearly didn’t even care if it was his son he was damaging. I now had three fingers inside Ethan’s cunt, finger-fucking him and sucking hard on his cock while biting down on his balls intermittently. Ethan continuously squirmed, even as he pushed down on my head and asking for more, like the dirty cunt he was. The bed suddenly bounced as I realised Don’s huge frame had fallen backwards on to it with his son still clamped to his father’s monster cock. It wasn’t long though before he pulled Jermaine up to him with his massive arms and they continued to kiss again, all the time Don worked his fingers into his son. My cock was now leaking copious amounts of precum and I needed to fuck my nephew, so pulling up, I aimed my dick at his well lubed, stretched cunt and rammed straight in. Ethan actually screamed and the audience applauded as I started fucking him hard without letting him catch breath, but Ethan the consummate slut, settled quickly and was moaning in pleasure loudly, causing Don and Jermaine to take in the scene. Now it was their turn to be not outdone and Don lifted his not-in-considerably-well-built son up with ease and negotiated his cock to the entrance of his boy’s cunt. Jermaine lifted himself up and holding his Dad’s cock, lowered himself down on to it slowly, but Don couldn’t wait and once he’d split his sphincter with the head of his monster cock he forced upwards, ramming his huge girth deep into his son’s guts. Now it was Jermaine’s turn to scream and to another round of applause. Both boys were now impaled on cocks and were being fucked hard and after some considerable discomfort for Jermaine he settled quickly too. Don was pile-driving him and already their bodies were pouring with sweat. Mean while I pinched down on Ethan’s nipples making them red raw as I fucked hard and deep. It also seemed as if Don and I were competing to see which of us could inflict the most pain on our kin. After ten minutes or so, I pulled out of Ethan and grabbed him, turning him over on to his front and pulling him towards me, pushing my cock in and fucking him again. I also noticed the crowd were so turned on now that there were guys not only wanking but others had moved off to the four restrained boys strapped to the fuck tables and all four had small queues of guys taking it in turns to rape them, although Ben seemed to have the longest queue. Don withdrew from Jermaine, throwing him onto the bed, and then rising to his feet, he pulled his son towards him. Jermaine’s own substantial erection clearly showed how much he was enjoying be raped by his father. When Don was aligned, he once more forced himself inside his son, fucking him missionary. Jermaine spread his legs high and wide to allow good access. Jermaine and Ethan were on opposite sides of the bed but their heads were level and so started kissing while Don and I fucked them. The audience was clearly enjoying the scene of debauchery, as groans and grunts abounded, and every so often a few sprays of cum spurted on one or another of us as an audience member dumped his load on us. I guess it was testament to our staying power but I wasn’t ready yet and my experience of Don meant I knew he wouldn’t be either. The atmosphere was such a turn on and I began to revel in the heat of the spotlights while bodies emerged into the light to jack off on us and then retreat back into the darkness. Jermaine had been wanking his cock and soon we heard the tell-tale sounds of orgasm as he began to ejaculate amidst loud grunts and heavy breathing. His father also was now literally dripping sweat was equally close, and not to be out done, my balls were also beginning to tingle so I knew I was getting close. Looking up I caught Don’s eye and silently mouthed, “in his mouth.” Don understood, and gave me a quick smile and nod in agreement. Feeling my orgasm building I pulled out and forced Ethan round pushing him on to his back so his head was now directly under my cock. He eagerly opened his mouth while I beat off the last few strokes. Don also pulled out and forced his kid round so Jermaine’s open mouth was directly underneath his Father’s cock. Don and I came within moments of each other, depositing our loads or in the case of Don, oceans of cum into the open and willing mouths of our boys. Applause broke out around us as the boys played with their food on their lips. “Share with Ethan” Don commanded of his son, through heavy breathing. He didn’t need asking twice and both boys were in each-other’s arms in moments kissing and sharing the cum between them while Don and I watched proudly. I put my arm around Don's shoulder and we could hear grunting and groaning in four directions as the other boys continued being bred by cock after cock but looking down at my dirty nephew and Don’s equally slutty son, tonight had been much more than good. It had been fucking amazing. To be continued............................
    1 point
  47. Interacting with doctors all day everyday can be challenging. While most of them are indeed very smart it is the attitude that they are smarter and therefore better than everyone they meet that makes things difficult. There is one surgeon, Dr. M. that is smart and while not exactly what I would call good looking he does have a rugged masculine quality about him. He also has something big swinging in his scrub pants and I am checking that out every chance I get. Dr. M. goes to the same gym I do and a few weeks ago I was there late after work and saw him in the steam room. He got up to restart the steam and I got a good look at his naked body. Average but hairy in all the right places, nice ass and what looked to be an impressive cock. He scooted closer and we talked a bit more and I noticed he kept playing with his balls and cock lifting and pulling them. I watched some then did the same and quickly it became interesting. He leaned back and spread his legs giving me a good view of his low hanging balls and thick cock. He got up and stood in front of where I was sitting still talking and pulling on that cock. I reached out and replaced his hand with mine quickly followed by my mouth. He worked up a quick rhythm of face fucking me and I loved it. He pulled me up and then pushed me around so I was facing out the window and he stood behind me playing with my ass. He said he really needed to relax and fucking a hot hole always relaxed him and would I be willing to help him. Hell yeah I was willing. He spit on his cock and rubbed the head on my hole and finally I pushed back and the head popped in and then I took a breath and slid back until I had him all. He stood there a minute the steam and what we were doing was making it very hot in there. Soon he started a slow steady pace getting faster and harder. Dr. M. knew how to fuck and he was burying it deep and pulling all the way out only to do it again. He was pulling my hips back onto his cock asking how I like it and did I like his thick bare cock fucking my hole. The whole situation was feeding a dual fantasy of fucking a doctor from work and doing it in a place where we could potentially get caught. The curve of his cock had him hitting my prostate over and over and I told him I was going to come soon he just piston fucked me harder until he buried it in me balls deep and shot in my ass as I shot all over the wall in front of me. I see Dr. M. most days at work and occasionally at the gym. We have fooled around a couple more times usually when he has a rough day he will text me asking to get together. I have to say every time I see that cock swinging in his scrubs my ass tightens remembering the breeding he gave me.
    1 point
  48. As the sun peaked through the windows our bottom boy who first seeded Sean when we arrived began to eat the dripping cum from my boy’s hole. Once he had enough cum in his mouth he approached Sean’s head and spit the cum from his mouth into Sean’s right before he kissed him. The two spoke as Sean climbed out of the sling. It was Saturday afternoon and I knew that the baths would be getting a little busy soon. Sean and his new friend exchanged numbers as they dressed and we were off to the baths. Sean and our groups bottom boy, who we learned was named Jonathon, sat in the back seat of my car and made out as I drove us to the bathhouse. I did my best to peak at them as the two young men swapped spit and blow jobs. We arrived at the bathhouse and the parking lot was packed. I knew it was going to be a good night, I just hoped they had a room available. We walked in and found a member of our group working the counter that night. He cut me a deal on a large room as we dropped our clothes off in the lockers and proceeded to find our room. Once in the room I prepared some points for the boys and slammed them up hard. I then did mine and left them in the room as I went to find the dry erase board where I wrote that I had two bottom boys who were taking loads with our room number. I got back to our room to find the boys 69'ing with their limp Tina dicks. I told them to get on all fours and have their asses face the door as I left it wide open. I then proceeded to switch off fucking Sean and Jonathon as guys walked by the open room. It didn't take long for the word to spread and in no time there was a line to fuck the boys. I climbed on the bed near the boys head so that they could take turns sucking my cock as they got fucked. While the action was going on one of the guys who came into the room to fuck asked me if both of them were my boys. I looked up at him and simply answered that they weren't just my boys, but my sons. Both boys looked up at me and I got a smile from Jonathon just before the two kissed and resumed working my cock. I knew about Jonathon’s background, he left home when he was 16 or 17 and began to hustle to survive. I had thought about taking him in before but it seemed a little strange to me until Sean came to live with me. I knew I could get him a job where I worked and help him get off the streets. The boys took a lot of cum that night to where it was dripping from their holes, although I think there was more dripping from Sean’s hole than Jonathon’s. As the crowd began to thin out I knew the time was drifting into Sunday. I asked the boys if they had had enough and wasn't surprised to hear Sean say that he was getting a little sore and Jonathon was eager for more. I got up and closed the door before I rummaged through my bag for the last dose of Caverject I picked up at the party the day before. I had Jonathon lie on his back as I gave the injection to Sean. Sean climbed back on the bed and straddled Jonathon’s chest so that he could feed him is drugged up cock. I pulled out my video recorder (I always took it to partied for just the purpose, to video guys fucking )as I could see Sean’s cock respond as the drug worked quickly. Once Sean was rock hard I notice that he didn't just inherit my gay gene, buy my large cock. Sean moved between Jonathon’s legs where I instructed him to eat his cum filled ass. Sean was quick to comply as he pushed Jonathon’s legs back and lick the cum dripping from his hole. He took a little time to suck some of the cum out before moving up Jonathon’s lean body. As he moved up he positioned his cock at Jonathon’s hole and slid in balls deep. Then he leaned in and shared the cum in his mouth with he adopted, big brother. Sean slowly began to fuck as I asked him if this was his first time topping. He looked at me with a big grin and nodded yes. I could see the pleasure in his face and knew in time these two young, healthy looking boys would be pozzing unsuspecting neg boys around their age. Jonathon was enjoying Sean’s cock working his hole as he looked up and asked if I was serious about him being his son. I told him abso-fucking-lutely. He looked up at Sean and the two kissed again. After the kiss ended it was like Jonathon read my mind when he suggested to Sean that they could play a monogamous negative couple and work to poz them. I could see the wheels turning in Sean’s head he began to fuck Jonathon a little harder causing a moan and grunt to escape from his lips with each thrust. I don’t know if it was the Tina or what, because Sean had good stamina. There were times were Sean would power fuck into Jonathon where I thought he was going to cum. After a good two hours Sean began to pant very heavily and slammed back into Jonathon as it was very evident he was cumming. Sean pulled out and collapsed on the bed as Jonathon quickly moved to clean Sean’s cum covered cock. As Sean’s cock was cleaned I leaned down and kissed my son and commented what a strong orgasm he must have felt while fucking non-stop for a couple hours. Jonathon had a lot more cum dripping from his well fucked ass. Once Sean caught his breath I was surprised to discover that he had dropped more than one load inside Jonathon. Jonathon commented that he could feel Sean’s cock pulse inside him as he continued to fuck. It was approaching Sunday afternoon when we cleaned up and headed home.
    1 point
  49. Prefer bigger guys over 200 pounds, if they are under 200 they had better be hairy and masculine. I'm a versatile fucker and big guy, seems about half the guys when I'm cruising are into my size.
    1 point
  50. My "First" Gift Giver As I mentioned, since Boston's indoor sex venues closed it has been increasingly difficult to find playmates. Even when you do find someone compatible on the phone or the Internet, you still have to struggle with all the logistics: who is hosting and who is traveling; when is a good time to meet; giving and getting directions; who will bring the poppers and pot. Given that there is no worse a project management job than organizing homosexuals, it's amazing we ever hookup at all. However, there is always an exception to the rule. One summer day during the 2001/2002 recession…when I had little else to keep me occupied…I had my usual phone ad out looking for cum pigs and poz guys. Generally, this ad is too specific and "out there" for the general phone sex populace, but you never can tell. Several of the poz guys I had played with before were from the lines. Anyway, it was getting late and I had already reconciled myself that nothing was going to happen...in fact I had already jerked off and was thinking about making some dinner. Just as I was about to delete my ad, the phone rang. It was some poz guy and...wonders of wonders...he was only a couple of blocks away and knew my street. After he made sure I was looking for poz loads, he decided to stroll over for a quickie. I don't think we even exchanged detailed stats. All he knew was I was a fat pig looking for poz loads and all I knew was he wanted to give them. Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised when this stereotypical, Abercrombie and Fitch, blond muscle "boi" showed up. Ironically, his name also happened to be Brian. Did I mention a psychic once told be to beware of men named Brian? Anyway, after he took a leak (unfortunately, not in me or on me), we got right down to business. First I sucked him hard. While sucking we talked a bit between slurps and I discovered his thing was pozzing guys. He didn't care who or where or whether they knew his status or not. He got off on using guys holes for his perverted pleasure and leaving. This turned me on big time because most of the known poz guys I had played with were into barebacking, but the whole conversion scene did little for them so I always had to be more circumspect than I wanted so I wouldn't scare them off. So in many ways, Brian The Blond "Boi" was my first real gift giver. Yah, some of those unknown poz guys who had used me in the Pilgrim Theater and Art Cinema probably had been into gifting, but not so I could enjoy it. Once he was nice and hard, I got on all fours. Then very business like, he spread my cheeks and started spitting on my hole. Well, this got me going and Brian could tell. Though I have only done it a few times, I do love getting spat upon. It's just so degrading. Once Brian determined I was wet enough, he started to shove his big (not huge, but big) charged cock into me. Again I was surprised, I thought he was just going to rip into my hole, but he knew what I wanted and that he was going to get to unload in me, so he gave me a chance to get used to it. You see, I love taking poz loads, but the ripping and tearing scene is not my thing. Then he started some serious barebacking. His fucking style was as efficient as this entire scene was turning out to be: a straight and hard in and out with a good rhythm. To add some interest, he started spitting all over my hairy back and this drove me even more nuts. All-in-all, it was a great fuck. After about 15 minutes he announced he was about to cum and all I moaned something I had always wanted to say: "Give me that poz load." Then I started using my ass muscles to give him some good, hard squeezes. Finally, I felt him pulse inside of me as he shot his dirty seed. After I milked his cock with my hole a few minutes, he withdrew, put on his clothes, and left. It was all very efficient and orderly. Pity more tricks can't be so easy. 
 My Best Night of Sex In early December of 1998 on a Sunday about two years into our fuck buddy-ship, Brian-the-Pig-Boy calls. Apparently, the little slut had gone to the local bathhouse and got himself gang banged by five guys and taken a total of seven loads. He wanted to know if I wanted to suck them out. Silly question. Of course I did! Nothing I like better than felching stranger cum from a fellow pig's hole. And the thought of it all made me want his load up my ass real bad. And honestly, I needed the relief. I had just got laid off from the second job in as many months. The late 90s were a fickle time. Now I was a little worried because I had just jerked off about half an hour before. Well, it's a good thing, because we had such a hot time that I would have cum way too fast. I really shouldn't have worried because I ended up blowing several more times, including two times after he left just thinking about it all. So Brian shows up and we start toking some and he tells me about the gang bang. Well, it just about blew my mind. I have always wanted to experience that and knowing I was hearing all about it first hand and would be basically getting the rewards of it was a major turn on. After we get some stoned….and I admit it, I was a bit buzzed already….he tells me he has to pee. Well, I figured we might as well start the evening on the right note and had him piss in my mouth. Jeez, he must have pissed a quart, I could actually feel my belly distend a bit. After that, we got undressed and got even more stoned and started hitting the poppers while he continued telling me about his adventures. He was politely sitting on a towel so he wouldn't mess up my easy chair. I love being a pig, but I draw the line at ruining upholstery. Finally, we grab the supplies and head for the bedroom. The first thing he wants to do is assemble the rim seat I had found an antique wooden toilet discarded on the street in front of a house being renovated. In a very Martha Stewart moment, I built it with supplies from Home Depot. Brian wanted the bottom role first. He said that all those loads up his ass must be worth at least an hour of me on top. Then it dawned on me that he's as much of a butt muncher as myself. He was was actually trading the loads up his ass for some uninterrupted rim time. I told him that and we both laughed. One of the great things about our play is we both can step back from a scene, comment on it, and see the humor in it. After some monster hits of poppers, he began munching on my big, hairy ass while I started talking smut. I could tell he really enjoyed the scene because he would jerk off and then pull his hand away as it became too intense. After a good 10 or 15 minutes he screamed beneath me that he could feel the cum leek from his ass. Then he threw up his legs and I shoved a couple of fingers in. The butt play portion of the evening had begun! Brian asked for a breather to calm down. We have both become masters of buzz sex, knowing just when to pull back and recompose ourselves. This allows us to play and party for hours. Now it was his turned to get rimmed. I wanted to start out on the bed first so I could control the flow of spunk out of his ass. So Brian got in the doggy position. I looked at his cum frosted bum and it looked so inviting that I knew just had to slip it in, even though I knew I would cum fast. I wanted to feel all that hot spooge around my cock. I also knew I was buzzed enough to keep on playing as long as I didn't think too much about it. So I plugged his fine (but unfortunately shaved) ass and blew my second load for the night. Damn if it didn't feel as good and as big as the first. Now it was time to eat. I spread his cheeks and just buried my face up his used butt. Now Brian might be a burgeoning rim pig, but I am the master. I have butt sucked thousands of men and there is not a trick I don't know and I used each and everyone of them on Brian's ass. As Brian says, I am no wimpy butt muncher. Boy his ass tasted wonderful. I was getting mouthfuls of white, white cum as well as all the other textures and tastes that make ass eating so great. I expected his ass to be more cummy tasting…what one college friend described to me once as a mixture of Clorox and buttermilk…but the loads were really sweet. Makes me think the guys who gang banged him all knew each other and started drinking the same stuff about the same time. Now it was me to take to the floor beneath the rim seat. What a great invention. It drives me absolutely nuts to be able to wedge my tongue so far up a hole and keep at it comfortably for what seems like an endless time. The cum was shooting out of his ass in sloppy streams and it looked just like cream. There must have been a cup of it. Needless to say, load three soon shot out of me, burning like fire. Time for another break. Brian and I smoked another bowl, drank a couple of beers, and he gave me a couple of hits of speed ( because it would be soon time for my butt to get some attention. While we rested, chatted, and waited for our buzzes to kick in again, Brian started working a big black double-ended dildo up his butt. Being a good friend, I naturally lent a hand, all the while telling him how I was rubbing all that stranger cum into his ass. As much as I had sucked out, there was still cream seeping from his asshole as half of the dildo's 18 inches slipped into him. After a while, we traded places. He wiped the crap from the very end of the dildo, but left a good layer of white slime on it and began inserting it into my ass. Now I am not much into toys, but I really enjoying it with Brian and knowing it was lubed with all those loads was an amazing head trip. Brian then bent the other end of the dildo up and began sitting on it himself. From past sessions, I knew he had always wanted to try this, but I had been reluctant. Fuck, he was right! It felt great and I was just as proud as punch when I felt his ass cheeks touch mine. We separated, groaning like total whores as that big piece of rubber was pulled from our asses. I personally love having it ripped out real fast so my hole starts spasming. We took a brief break and Brian said he wanted to eat some more ass, but he wanted to try something new. A few weeks before we were playing and he noticed a box of chocolates in the fridge, so in a moment of whimsy he shoved a piece up his ass and sat on my face. Now, I am not into scat (I know because I have tried it a few times), so the texture and color sort of freaked me out. Then when my taste buds kicked in...all I can say is WOW. He wanted me to return the favor, so he ran to his stuff in the living room and brought back what I assumed was a couple of pieces of boxed candy. It felt really odd and way too big to be what I thought, but Brian was having a good time and who am I to complain? This went on for a time and I knew he was getting getting ready to bareback me. After about a half an hour I needed to rest and cleanup, if you know what I mean. So I went to the bathroom and since I was a tad pasty I went to the kitchen to get some juice. On my way back, I noticed a piece of wrapper on the coffee table in the living room. I then recognized it. No wonder it felt big. He had just shoved an extra large Milky Way up my ass! I began to laugh and told him that I was only a convenience store fuck to him. Ok, now it was time for the finale. I took the doggy position on the bed. We both start talking trash and doing poppers to get that really great intense feeling. Then he shoved his nice and very average cock hard way up my ass. After about five minutes of heavy pounding, that load that he had been saving for me all night flew into my ass. His load was so big, it felt more like a load of piss flooding my guts . He pulled out and I rolled over and shot my fourth load of the evening. Brian then cleaned up and made his way home and I watched the X-Files on video to let the buzz pass so I could sleep. While watching what turned out to be a really great episode, I slowly jerked off and shot twice more . That makes six loads for the night…a personal best.
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