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  1. 12. Veracruz Para bailar la bamba, Para bailar la bamba, Se necesita una poca de gracia One week after the townhouse fire, they were anchored off the coast of Virginia, and Mike was done, had had it. The End. Flash disclaimers: no animals were harmed in the making of this film; all actors were eighteen or older at the time of production. Roll credits. He swam out to sea, far enough so he couldn’t make it back. Not a great plan, but he didn’t need a plan that was great, just one that would do the job. He swam away from the yacht as far as he could till he couldn’t see it anymore, then swam some more. This wasn’t the way he wanted the rest of his life to be. He wouldn’t let anyone touch him. Not Ben. Not Chris. He didn’t even want to be seen. The one thing the orderly Barkley got right, he was a freak. He swam for miles. The yacht had long vanished, the coastline gone hours ago, his arms were finally growing tired. Still he swam. He’d go till he hit England or France or whatever the fuck was on the other side of the Atlantic. He was getting more than tired. He was getting delirious. Desperate, he wanted to rid himself of life, wanted to shit it out of his body like diarrhea, vomit it out like bad Little Neck clams. He managed seroconverting years ago, it was sketchy time but became manageable, something he sealed a bargain with and could live alongside. But this wasn’t something manageable, something he could live with. This made him not him. He swam harder. Furiously faster. Further out. Not a chance of returning. How much longer could he keep it up? If nothing else it was becoming tedious. He was bored killing himself. He could feel himself shiver, and yet it was July, after the Fourth for god sakes, but he was cold nonetheless. Maybe the cold would kill him first before he drowned. He wished he could stop thinking. The time for thinking was over. Thinking was overrated. Still he swam, one arm in front of the other, one kick and then another. Exhaustion kept at bay, but he could feel it creeping up on him like sleep. It was in the corner of his eye. He could never spot it, for when he moved to catch a glimpse, it moved, lingering just at the edge. He rubbed his eyes. They stung from the salt water. He hated the taste of the brine, hated almost everything right now. Except for Ben. Except for Chris. They let him be. He wished they hadn’t, wished they’d pressed him, made him talk about it, but anytime they did, he’d storm out of the room. So once they’d bought Boris and Roger’s boat and drove into the Great South Bay and points south, no one brought it up, no one talked about anything. Talking was overrated. Swimming was everything now. A goal in and of itself. Dying was everything. Dying consumed him. Dying. It’s an active verb, isn’t it? Means: Not Dead Yet. Because he wasn’t, and because this thing had been on his mind for weeks, he knew he wasn’t dead yet—he pictured Ben and Chris as he put one arm in front of the other. He wished inside he were dead, but he wasn’t—he was very alive. He was conflicted, confused. He hoped in death he would escape confusion. There wasn’t an easy answer. Either he cared for one or the other. He pictured he was with one or the other. It was a binary choice. And yet either choice was null as he felt himself to be null, he’d never satisfy either one. So, the coward that he was, he search for a third option: he swam. Thinking about any of this pissed him off and he swam faster, tried to outpace his thoughts. He doubled down on his strokes, kicked faster, harder, frantically wanting to die before these feelings killed him. He began to weep as he swam. Real body sobs. And why not? He was alone. He was in the middle of the fucking ocean. Who’d see him weep? Fish? Mermaids? If one caught him boo-hooing with his face in the water, he could always say it was the salty ocean not salty tears in his face. He breathed in water accidentally as he sobbed and he choked. He was going to Davy Jones’ Locker soon, so did he care if he choked? He’d be meeting Davy Jones soon. Davy Jones. Wasn’t he one of the Monkees? He laugh. He stopped swimming. He tread water. He was laughing and crying. He was tired, really tired, hadn’t slept for days, tossing and turning, wrapped in his desires and utter pointlessness of feeling anything at all. He’d swum for hours and hours, far, far away, and if not physically swimming away, then for days and days he’d been mentally, emotionally swimming away. Closing off; shutting down. Away from everything. Away from anyone who cared. Treading water as an excuse for living. Suddenly cramps. He folded in half, exploded bubbles underwater. Saw his toes. Coming up for air, he threw his head back, wailing to the sky, crying, Fuck you! for meeting Ben who introduced Drax, and the path his life took. But how could he ever really curse meeting Ben? And with Ben came Chris. He heaved and bobbed, sputtered profanities into the sky, shouted blasphemies into the water, thrashed violently against the waves, but there was nothing to make contact with, nothing to hit to make him feel better, only worse, more hollow, empty. Yelling at God, at the sky, was as fruitless as tossing matches at the sun. The sun didn’t care. It laughed. And at last he was growing weak. It couldn’t be much longer. Small whitecaps broke around his ears. Soon. Soon. He’d wait right here. Death knew where he was. He didn’t have to search any farther for it. Soon it would find him. But like an obligation he couldn’t get out of, like a promised he couldn’t keep, his tangled love followed him, came in sight—Chris at the bow with binoculars trained on him, Ben at the helm navigating to where Chris pointed. They sped up their approached with Chris waving his arms. They didn’t press, didn’t ask, didn’t tell, but they also never gave up. But just as they pulled alongside him, Manetti’s body gave out. He slid down into the depths, went to meet Davy Jones. The Jolly Roger pulled up beside where they’d last seen him. Ben cut the engines. Manetti was finally let go, threading down to the bottomless sea. Chris jumped in the water. Turbulently he dove kicking down, searching desperately for Mike, saw nothing but fingertips disappearing into the grey expanse below. He kicked frantically till whole fingers then a hand came into view. He grabbed it, pulled on it till he grasped the whole hand, Mike’s still warm hand, then the arm, and pulled and stroked and kicked stubbornly trying to rise to the surface. He made no progress with the heavy body. He hadn’t taken in enough air and it was running out. His lungs burned but still he kicked doggedly, didn’t matter he wasn’t rising to the surface. He’d let Mike pull him under before he’d give him up to the sea. There was another splash. Ben dove beneath him, found Mike’s other arm. Together they pulled till the surface came into view. The sun glistened like an orb rippling far above. They sliced water with their free arms, kicking stubbornly with their feet, chasing their breath in the form of bubbles racing to the surface. They broke through the ocean’s skin and gasped for air. Ben had left a life vest waiting close to the boat. Chris grabbed it and tucked it under Mike’s chin. Mike coughed salt water out of his lungs, barfed water back into the ocean. Dazed and half conscious, his chin rested on the orange life preserver. He eyed Chris. He eyed Ben. For a second he thought he’d fallen into heaven looking at the brothers. But then he remembered who he was, where he was, what he was, felt the whitecaps break around his ears. Maybe death hadn’t found him today. But if he had any say, he’d let it find him. One day. Soon. *** he yacht they bought from the morticians, Boris and Roger, called—what else—The Jolly Roger, skull and crossbones painted on the stern, bobbed gently in the harbor. Tucked in their rented slip, the vessel swayed slightly as Chris woke from a nap. He felt the movement so knew they were still on the sea. There was something reassuring about living on the ocean over the last several months. Maybe it was growing up so close to the beach, it was the one place of refuge he knew he could always turn to. She was always there, constant, unchanging from one season to the next. Each year he grew older, she didn’t. Veracruz was a port town similar to Long Beach in a lot of ways. The smell for one. Brackish water mixed with heavy industry. Massive freighters carrying millions of tons of crude oil sat next to cargo ships with thousands of stacked containers. Millions of transaction daily. The port covered over five hundred acres of water, nine hundred acres on land. Veracruz was one of Mexico’s busiest port, its open hand to the world. The volume of exchange was hard to fathom, but it had been this gateway for centuries. Its open hand brought with it Caribbean and African influences. You could hear it in its music, see it in the people. The pleasure boats docked closer to the city hotels and to the city’s center; the massive ships stayed out by the barrier reefs with a nearly thousand foot quay connecting it to land. It was an extremely active port, a lively scene in the daytime, with huge cranes loading and unloading cargo till late afternoon. Then activity ebbed, trucks loaded with containers drove off, and the harbor took on a more serene and festive mood. He got up from his small bunks, and climbed to the top deck bar where he knew Mike and Ben would be. Yep, they were there in flowery Hawaiian shirts bought in Miami, sipping vodka cranberries, watching the lights of the city start to flutter awake. The deep azure sky was quickly fading to night. The first stars of the night were unveiling. “How you feeling, Chief,” Manetti asked him. “Better,” Chris replied. “Can I have one too?” Ben looked him over. “If you’re not gonna get sick, I guess you can.” Manetti, the ship’s official bartender, asked if he wanted a cherry in his Shirley Temple. Chris glared at him. Manetti mixed his vodka cranberry grinning his goofy grin, throwing in a lime. “Arrrrg,” he said in a pirate voice, handing over the drink, “Yer wants to prevent scurvy, matey.” They settled on their barstools. “Perty, ain’t it?” Manetti said to no one in particular, watching the rippling lights coming toward them across the water. He’d come a long way, Chris thought, since the incident in Virginia months back. They all had, healed some or scarred over. Still no one talked about what they all kept quiet about. What was there to say? If you come to an understanding, an unspoken compromise, why talk? So they all slept in the boat’s many separate bunks in different parts of the ship, the master cabin at the bow left empty. Each alone in his bunk with his solitary thoughts, they sailed the Caribbean, hiding from each other as much as from Drax. After a long silence Ben said Veracruz reminded him of Miami. Long Beach, Chris replied. The radio softly played a local folk station—guitars, plaintive Spanish songs, son jarocho. A tune came on that pricked up Ben’s and Mike’s ears. Ben said, “Isn’t that…” “La Bamba,” Mike finished the thought. “Yeah, a lot different from—what’s his name?” “Richie Valens,” Ben said. “Who’s Richie Valens,” asked Chris. Ben explained, “He was someone who died in a plane crash with the The Big Bopper and Buddy Holly back in the fifties.” “Who,” Chris asked again. “Shut up,” said Mike. After a few moments listening to the familiar song overlaid by the original folk melody, not as brash as the early rock n roll rendition, but with complex guitar work still rhythmically inviting, Ben asked Mike what they were saying. Mike listened intently. He’d grown up speaking broken Italian in his house, so over the last months, as they sailed around Mexico and the Caribbean, he’d managed to pick up and got pretty good at Spanish. “The guy’s singing: To dance the bamba, to the dance the bamba, you need a little grace.” “What the bamba?” Chris asked. “I don’t know,” said Mike, “It’s the name of the dance, I guess, like the twist or something.” “What’s the twist,” Chris asked again. “Please let me throw him overboard,” Manetti begged Ben. “Kidding,” Chris laughed. Then something stopped Manetti. A light went off in his face as he cocked an ear to the radio. “Aw, this is good. Listen.” Manetti sang, not very well, but passionately, a refrain, “Yo no soy marinero, yo no soy marinero, soy capitan. He says, I’m not a sailor, I’m not a sailor, I’m captain, I’m captain.” His smile blossomed, the first true smile Ben and Chris had seen since they left New York. Not sardonic or ironic either. Saying something for the first time he believed. “I’m captain,” he sang in his raspy off-key baritone. The three of them sipped drinks and gazed over the port town, felt shrouded in the approaching night. The rocking of the boat brought them together. They didn’t need to talk. Maybe wounds weren’t healing so much as scabbing over. During their months at sea, they’d developed their own silent language, speaking only when something had to be said. Something like they needed a refill of meds, or they needed a new fuel filter. Their exchange over La Bamba had been the most they’d spoken to each other in months, particularly Manetti. Maybe they were ready to talk. Or maybe it wasn’t words they needed to express. A little buzzed, Chris swayed on his barstool to the song’s refrain. As the song went on he got up and swayed to the music in front of Manetti. He’d grown tall in the last few months, still skinny as a rail but now eye height to Manetti. So with Manetti perched on his barstool, Chris looked him straight in the eye. He got in close and was dancing closer. “Bamba la bamba,” he sang in his reedy voice, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. *** A brief history of the internet would likely begin with the Advanced Research Projects Administration network, or ARPANET, a U.S. Department of Defense project, based on the idea that if nuclear war took out parts of the country, decentralized yet connected computer operation would allow data to continue to flow in the un-nuked parts of the United States. Comforting thought. ARPANET was a pioneering network for sharing digital resources among geographically separated computers. You can trace a direct line from its initial demonstration in 1969 to the development and adoption of what we now know as the Internet. Chris was two that year, making his first stack of building blocks—four high. He clapped his fat little hands sitting on the living room rug, while his mother, dad, and twelve-year-old brother watched a shoot-out on Bonanza. In 1976, Queen Elizabeth II sent her first email. As she pushed the send button, she placed her white gloves against her lips. She was very excitedly. The royal family, surrounding her, shared in her delight. When Ben and Mike fucked for the first time at the St. Marks Bath in 1983, the Domain Name System, or DNS, was established giving us the familiar website suffixes .com, .net, .gov, etc., which was a heck of a lot easier to remember than the series of numbers websites previous used, like, say, Two years later, when bath houses and sex clubs were shut down by the health department, in 1985, the internet was well on its merry way. So were Chris, Ben and Mike having dug up Chris’ buried treasure, bought The Jolly Roger, and set sail for a four years voyage hiding on the open seas. Miami, Freeport, Key West, Veracruz, Belize, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Aruba, through the Panama Canal, up to Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, with a brief stop in Long Beach to pick up Ben’s record collection and check in on mom. She was better than fine, had a new boyfriend named Burt, who actually was decent to her. She was disappointed they had to leave so soon, but packed the three sea voyagers a lunch, kissed their cheeks including Manetti’s scruffy beard, and with records tucked under their arms, they were back sputtering up the California coast by noon, chomping on Mrs. Prior’s peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and homemade Rice Crispy treats. Mike, Ben and Chris sailed under the astonishing Golden Gate Bridge revealing the magnificent San Francisco skyline, August of ’89. Within a week they dry docked The Jolly Roger, and set up house in the Castro. Chris was twenty-two. One year later, 1990, Tim Berners-Lee develop the HyperText Markup Language, or HTML, which is still the basis of how we navigate and view the internet today. (Where you going with this, Chief? Bear with me, I’ll get to it.) Chris got his first computer the same year. It’s not really a part of internet history, but it’s important to the story because it was important to Chris: his first computer was a Macintosh IIfx. Mike and Ben chipped in together to celebrate both Chris getting his GED and an acceptance letter to Stanford just down the peninsula. That was back when Stanford wasn’t next to impossible to get into. Chris discovered that besides having a knack with car and boat engines, he had a natural aptitude for figuring out how things fit together—physical or otherwise. The very first thing he did when he got his Mac was to take it apart and reassemble it. So combine aptitude with physical objects to a newly discovered affinity for reading and writing code, Stanford was a logical place to park his butt for the next four years. Reading and writing code was intuitive for him. He tried to explain it to Ben and Mike, passing around some ganja they’d brought with them from Long Beach; it’s simply another form of language, he said. Ben and Mike tried to follow as he prattled on. It reflects the same rules as any language: the mechanics of verbs, whether motor engines, electrical systems, or logical functions and methods; the structure and solidity of nouns, whether you’re talking car parts or object-oriented programming’s classes and instances; the skin of adjectives, colors, attributes, the aggregate of forms that determine design; finally the assembled thought, the purpose, the reasoning, the expression, the i/o of flowing data, the brain giving orders—what is it you want this thing to accomplish, man?—it all interlocked in his mind, he’d just never had a way to express it before nor much inkling he even wanted to. But now all that changed: Hello world! Mike took the joint out of Chris’ hand. It didn’t hurt that he graduated from Stanford in ’94. Two guys in the class before his had a startup called Yahoo! They brought Chris onboard first as an intern in his senior year, and then fulltime by summer. There wasn’t a whole lot of money in those lean, early days—the two founders were working with venture capitalists who weren’t immediately forthcoming with cash—so Chris got paid, against Ben and Mike’s advice, in options. Since he was a workaholic, staying up writing code throughout the night wired on caffeine and an occasional jolt of amphetamines, he piled up a shitload of options. He kept them in a shoebox under the bed. When the company incorporated the following year, Chris converted options each time the stock hit a new high. He made a killing in just the first year alone, and still had an almost-full shoebox under the bed. In 1996, Match.com was launched, and other dating sites sprang up soon after. One night, after Mike had brought home some kickass Peyote buttons, and during some powerful, transformative sex—i.e., the first night Chris took his first double fist—he realized he should create a new kind of dating site. He bought a domain the next day, and built the site, still amped from the Peyote and fuckin’ awesome sex, over the course of one weekend. Chris’ life, informed by Mike and Ben, showed him that the rainbow flag not only transcended a spectrum of races and cultures, it also, and more in line with his experiences, encompassed a spectrum of sexual universes. Where dating sites that competed for survival in the burgeoning, Darwinian world of online hookups viewed the model from top down as straight white vanilla, tossing out a net to capture the broadest swath possible, his take on sex was completely opposite, bottom up, a banquet of chocolatey rocky road. He started with all the categories and sub-categories of life he knew viscerally, starting with Master Drax and continuing over the last few years in San Francisco: leather, master & slaves, fisters, S&M, bondage, grunge& raunch, hoods & masks, pups & trainers, military, medical, uniforms, watersports, smokers, skinheads, punks, tats, piercings, feet, chastity, bareback, bikers, bears, rubber, and friendship—you name it, there was a place, or maybe several places, for you somewhere on his site. San Francisco was the perfect beta test city to incubate his idea. His site was free with limited search capability—proof of concept, man, search is gonna be the key, he claimed—but for a few dollars more, a monthly Premium membership gave you unlimited search capabilities. This bottom up approach, this one-size-does-not-fit-all model, this choose-your-own-adventure paradigm—plus, add-on messaging, chat rooms, picture sharing, winks, scorekeeping, leaderboards: the whole gamification of getting laid—it caught fire. First city-wide, then nationally, and within a year, internationally. We’re talking beaucoup bucks here, sailors. It, his website, and he, its sole founder, made scads of money from the get go and attracted attention. But, perhaps, attention might not be what he was looking for. But then you have to figure, hey, he—they—could only keep out of site forever. *** The old guy at the end of the bar lit a Camel cigarette. Bobo, a large, very attractive middle-aged drag queen who helped Manetti run the place weeknights (and who had an obvious, though unrequited crush on him—but that’s another story) served Duke, a young, wiry, opinionated hustler who liked to badger Mike incessantly. They were at the center of the long saloon bar staring at the smoking man. It was a slow Tuesday night—only four of them in the place. The big green neon clock showed it was almost one-thirty in the morning, a half hour from closing. “Not cool,” said Duke to Manetti. Bobo checked her nails studiously. “Hey, mister,” Manetti said, walking over to the man. “You can’t smoke here.” He stopped short recognizing Drax. Under his black leather cap, what used to be grey beard had gone completely white and was now pointed and quite long. His bald head had had a buzzed crown around the sides, but he’d let that grow long, too, so the wispiest of white hair hung over his shoulders. Black circles sagged under his eyes. He’d once worn glasses but now they were absent. Instead his dark eyes were ghostly pale with thick cataracts. He hacked a loud, phlegmatic cough as Manetti approached. “Bourbon neat, barkeep,” he said. “We got a backyard bar for smoking,” Manetti said under his breath cautiously. Though Drax looked infirmed, he knew a wounded snake was a more dangerous one. He gave Drax a once over, checked what he could to ascertain if anything were holstered under his leather coat. It didn’t look like he was packing, but you never knew with Drax. He’d surprised many a wary adversary. He shot a glance to Duke and Bobo, a little afraid for them if things suddenly went south. “We’re getting close to last call. How ‘bout I get us a bottle and we talk out back?” he offered Drax. The old man luxuriated in his cigarette, picking off a shred of tobacco from the left side of his split reptilian tongue. Manetti had forgotten that tongue. Drax took a long drag and blew a large plume into the stale barroom air. “Not cool, man,” Duke pronounced from the center of the bar, waving his hand in front of his face as if from that distance he was bothered by the smoke. Manetti raised a scolding finger at Duke. Don’t! the finger and Manetti’s scowl warned him. Duke usually would take that up as challenge and start arguing with Manetti, but something told him to stand down. He clamped his pie hole and instead blinked at Bobo. Bobo took out a nail file and glanced a disconcerting look at Mike. “These San Francisco street whores—little pansy ass lung fairies, aren’t they,” Drax said to Manetti. He turned his head only slightly, not bothering to look at Duke but making sure he knew he was talking to him. “Fuck you, cunt,” he said in his gnarly voice. “Hey, now!” said Bobo alarmed and angry, pointing her nail file at the old man. “No C-word in my joint.” Manetti sauntered back to Bobo and Duke. “Hey kids. This is an old acquaintance of mine,” Manetti said. “Sweetie, would you mind watching the door till closing? I’m going out back so he can finish his smoke. If anyone else comes tell ‘em I’m out back,” he said and kissed Bobo’s rouged cheek. “Night, Chief,” he said to Duke. “You be good, ya hear me.” He held up that warning finger again, and gave them both his reassuring shark-tooth smile. He knocked Duke’s chin, friendly-like, with his knuckles. Duke sheepishly grinned. Who didn’t have a crush on Manetti? *** The back patio had a little straw tiki bar with two bar stools. Mike set Drax’s glass and his on the bamboo surface and poured generous amounts of Four Roses in each. He set down the bottle, picked up his glass and waited. Off in the harbor a plaintiff foghorn wailed. Drax came out hobbling with a cane. He limped along favoring his right hip. The patio bar was perched on the side of a hill. Several picnic tables were scattered about, barstools lined the railings overlooking a deserted alley far below. Manetti positioned himself in back of the tiki bar and Drax slid onto one of the stools. Drax flicked his ash on the floor, hooked his cane on the bar ledge, and set down his lighter and pack of Camels next to his bourbon. “You grow a beard?” he asked squinting. Manetti nodded yes, running his fingers over it. “This your place then, huh,” he said to Manetti with an undercurrent of disbelief and maybe a little envy. Drax’s eyes were fixed on the bartender, his former stable boy, now spouting a few grey hairs in his unruly auburn mop. Drax’s near-blind eyes shined luminous in the gloom. “Ben and mine,” Manetti answered. He picked up Drax’s Camels, took one out. He plucked Drax’s smoke from his fingers and lit his from it. He handed him back his cigarette. “Long time, MD. How’d you know we were here?” “It's an odd thing,” Drax began in an effete manner, flicking his wrist exaggerated by his cigarette. It was completely discordant with his nature, so against his butch, hard guy character, yet a very spot on mimicry. “But anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.” He brought his fingers to his lips and puffed. Manetti gave a smile in recognition. “Master Drax quotes Oscar Wilde. A sign of the apocalypse,” Manetti snorted, taking a hit off his own smoke. Drax curled his lips displaying a gummy smile. Manetti exhaled into the overhead fog. “And then Wilde exclaimed,” speaking in his own mincing voice, “It must be a delightful city and possess all the attractions of the next world.” Drax took a sip of bourbon. “I haven’t seen any evidence of that yet,” he said, “but give me a day. I only arrived tonight.” He approved of the bourbon and took a bigger swig. “When’d you get so fucking literary?” Manetti took a long drag. He’d quit smoking when they were at sea, but tonight was a special occasion. The cool air and the warm smoke had a familiar sensation. It provoked some relished, decadent, post sex memories. He took another hit, felt the nicotine work its magic, salving the undercurrent of nervousness being back in Drax’s presence. He’d always been charmed and at the same time repulsed by the man; tonight was no different. “Taking a couple of night classes at City College, finishing my degree.” “Hm,” grunted Drax. He paused thinking back. “You were on scholarship at NYU ages ago, weren’t you?” Drax asked. “Afore you became just another burnout.” “I was on a wrestling scholarship back then, yeah.” Manetti drew deeply from his glass. “I was working out some issues. But I’m back now. It’s cheap. I’m getting a degree in English literature next year. Lot of good it’ll do me working here,” he laughed. “Hm,” Drax grunted again. “You trying to impress me?” He fidgeted on his stool. “It’s cold for fucking July,” he groused. “Welcome to San Francisco,” Manetti responded. “Drink up, it’ll warm you. Might even thaw you a bit.” Smoking brought out a sense of security. He went on, “I’m working on something that might interest you. Working with Bobo on it. Besides being one of the best bartenders around, she’s a great lyricist. You met her inside.” The bourbon was loosening him up, warming his gut. “Maybe you knew him when he bartended at The Mineshaft. He was Carlos back then. Big dockworker type. Large black horseshoe mustache?” Drax looked at him blankly. “Well, I remembered him.” Drax downed the rest of his drink, then plunked down the glass. “Too hard to tell,” his said, pointing to his head. “All that big hair.” “We’re collaborating, she and I,” Manetti said. He raised his hand eliciting a marque. “Mineshaft, the Musical,” he said with a flourish. Drax crowed hard once, while Manetti refilled his glass. Drax crushed out his cigarette, drifted in reflection, studying the dying smoke. “Hm.” He rolled thoughts over. Manetti watched the old man’s pale eyes flutter. It was dark out here. Fog lowering. Getting dank, too. Drax looked up and tried to scan Manetti’s face in the dingy light. Mike saw his former director, confessor and pimp, shiver. Manetti, too, was cold, wearing his usual bar uniform: white t-shirt, jeans, leather vest. He flipped on an overhead heater. It cast both of them in a devilish orange light. The heat lamp sizzled, chewing on the fog as it warmed them both. The foghorn softly moaned again. “I remember,” Drax finally began after taking a sip, “taking Benjamin to the Mineshaft for the first time.” He lit another cigarette. It triggered a bout of hacking and a prolonged, phlegmatic rumbling. It ended with him spitting phlegm onto the ground. He paused for a second, then took another hit off his cigarette, and ruminated for quite a while lost in thought. “Hm,” he said, looking off in a middle distance. “He only had been in the city a year. He was still so cherry. Hadn’t taken a fist, hadn’t done scat or been whipped, he’d only been pissed on once but hadn’t drank from the tap yet. You don’t want to rush a boy. Good pornography, it’s best when it records discoveries. We’re born like a rock with all these rough edges,” he said swirling around the contents of his glass. “Life wears you down. But you don’t want to smooth a boy down all at once. One step at a time down that long descending staircase. If you can, you capture that moment when a synapse fires off, that shows he actually likes it, whatever kink it is, that’s what make your viewer shoot his load. Yeah, sure, it’s also that big throbbing dick, but it’s also that spark of recognition. That identification. And sometimes to get it, you need to go off script. Plant some seeds. See what’s in the boy’s true nature.” Drax flicked his ash, stared at his ember. Took a long draw sucking in his hollow cheeks. “So this night, it’s the night of the blackout of ’77, July. It’s sweltering hot in his apartment, we’re naked and dripping in sweat. I wanted him to learn to take a fist. I just slammed him for a second time, but we were getting nowhere. Been shoving big dildos and plugs up his ass, he was begging for them, shoving ones bigger than my hand, but when my fingers touched his hole?” Drax demonstrated for Manetti Ben’s tightly clenched butthole with his closed fist. “My experience, a good slam fixes that, but not Ben, not that night. Then the blackout happens, power goes out in the apartment and you might as well call it quits. Except we’re both higher than fuck, and I tell him, put on your jock and those chaps, I’m taking you somewhere. We usually didn’t go out in public. Some men recognized him, mostly from vanilla stuff that first year. Spreads in the soft core rags, beach boy, long hair surfer, jacking. Pics of him playing with his hole. Some with other pretty boys. He preferred boys his own age he could dominate. He was still skinny, tall though, aggressive with my other twink bottoms. Slapped them around some, nothing too violent, more bossy, really. Naturally verbal I was discovering. Bit of a nasty streak if you wanna know the truth. Had a real foul mouth when he got started. Loved when he got his bottom confessing to being his fucktard bitch,” Drax chuckled. “Said he got it from his stepdad.” “Chris’ real dad,” Manetti injected. “Ben’s stepdad. He used to beat Chris mercilessly.” “Yeah?” Drax paused interested, curious, mulled it over. “I could see that.” He gave Manetti a harsh once over, then pulled on his cigarette, letting the smoke drift out his teeth as he spoke. “So we ride in the cab seeing there this blackout going on all over the city, wasn’t just the fuses in the building. We pass a Walgreens being looted, I don’t know, old men carrying out cartons of cigarettes, six-packs, old ladies with shopping carts full of boxes of clothespin and plastic tablecloths, the strange things people do. Plastic flowers piled in their shopping carts. We pass a couple of cars on fire on Broadway and Eighth, both of us high as shit. We’re in this real-life Hieronymous Bosch painting. Are we really seeing these things? Maybe we are. Guys breaking into the Crazy Eddies store, a dog running up the Six Avenue by itself, no street lights of course, so the driver takes it easy. We get to Washington Street, there’s cops lined up. Ben’s afraid ‘cause of the cops. I have to convince him they’re just dress-up cops, club customers waiting to get in. We get out, climb the stairs past leather men, policemen, denim cowboys, we push up the line ‘cause Wally’s at the ropes and he sees me and takes one look at this beautiful boy I have in chaps and a jock, and opens the rope right up. We’re walking around the bar and I’m holding his leash. I got him to cut his hair that week. Made him get a Mohawk, I thought it’d be fun.” Manetti almost snorted his bourbon through his nose. “You’re shittin’ me. Ben let you give him a Mohawk?” he said. “Of course he didn’t. You think he’d ever go for that, the little priss. But I did get him to cut it shorter. Much better. He twern’t at the beach no more, were he? Dorothy ain’t in Kansas.” “Guess not,” said Manetti. He poured himself another glass and stole another of Drax’s smokes. Drax didn’t seem to care, but he did notice. “So of course there’s no lights or music in the club ‘cause it’s the fuckin’ blackout of nineteen seventy-seven! We’re in the middle of this sweltering heatwave, Son of Sam’s on the loose knocking couples off, and Ben’s making his debut at The Mineshaft on my leash, struttin’ around in his jockstrap and chaps, and I got everyone salivating. Boy don’t yet know his worth, but the men do. The bar’s all lit up by a thousand candles. Men all murmuring. It’s like a fucking church, which is exactly what The Mineshaft is actually. Am I right? It’s hotter than shit so I have Ben strip, which he’s high but a little reluctant to do right out in public, but I strip and others are walking around naked, so what the fuck. He asks sort of innocently, what kind of bar is this? Not a bar, son, I say. Let’s go down those stairs, I tell him. We leave the second floor bar, go down naked to the first floor and he’s like a kid in a candy store. His eyes are wide, his pupils like black saucers, and I see he’s hungry for what the store has to offer. There’s glory holes, rim seats, slings, but what does that sick pup pick up on first? There a spotlight and a bunch of men surrounding the spotlight. Of course he’s drawn to it. We go over, and the light’s focused on a bathtub. Two guys are in it getting pissed on by all the men standing around it. He begs me to let him get in. I unleash him, and he runs over naked wearing just his dog collar, making his way through a sea of naked or semi-naked men in harnesses, all their cocks waving, and he climbs in and gets on his knees. More men come over to get a load of this new dirty blond hunk, this gorgeous piece of fresh meat, and of course they want to piss all over him, mark him. He opens his mouth and consumes shit loads of their piss. One short Asian guy nuzzles up to him with his big black bush, and Ben learns to drink from dick, then he takes this black guy’s Johnson and sucks out his piss till the guy’s empty. He can’t get enough drinking piss, piss, piss, piss, piss, and wallowing under the spotlight doing it. No telling what bonus chems are in those streams, but he’s certainly changed after that. He’s a wild man the rest of the night. Hyped and wired.” Drax’s eyes are glowing, the orange reflecting off the white, like a red-eye photograph. He, too, looks to Manetti like a wild man, not really here, but in the past, a blind seer, watching Ben decades before soaking in piss, riding the limelight in that tub. Drax takes a sip to fortify the memory. “And then this big muscled cop, or a guy in a jockstrap wearing a cop’s shirt, pulls him out. I think he’s going to fuck the shit out of the kid, this big stud cop, but the cop finds an empty sling, pulls Ben with him, and then flops back in the sling himself, and slides his big jackboots through the sling’s leg straps. I pull up next to him to see what Ben’s gonna do. He’s wet, smells acrid from the piss, short hair slicked back—never looked better—asks the guy if he’s a real cop. The guy, in a low voice, admits he is—he’s the real deal! The fucker should have been out protecting the city but he’s here, looks high, waiting for Ben to bone him. Seeing he’s a real cop, Ben pops an instant stiffy. It’s saluting at full attention, with veins so hard around his thick shaft they look like crawling worms, for fuck sake. Men around him notice. I notice. He sticks his engorged meat in the guy in one balls-deep thrust, buries himself right up to his brown curlies. The guy yells to let him get use to his big fuckstick, and more guys come over hearing that. It’s all shadows and flickering candles, and what your eyes can’t see, your brain fills in. Fuck, man, the sounds they make. Not human sounds. Animalistic. Some ritual not even I understand is going on between cop and his former prey, between victim and abuser—rolls reversed. He’s fucking someone in his past, or a group of someones, I can tell, ‘cause whatever motivates him out of his past he’s taking it out on this cop in the sling, right here, right now—and it’s something fuckin’ brutally beautifully. It has all the sounds of a rape but let me tell you the cop is absolutely into it. His ass ain’t never had a Big Ben in it before and he’s enjoying the shit out of it. It ain’t a bottom and a top going at it. It’s a top being fucked by an über-top. That’s what The Mineshift spawned, the original anti-Eden: not butches doing fems, but the homomasculine submitting to the Über-masculine. We’re in Tom of Finland territory. Ben rips the cop’s shirt open, fucking him blindly, pinching the shit out of his big cop tits. They’re exchanging snarls, gorilla grunts, and Fuck Yous, and he’s releasing on the cop’s ass a lifetime of stored up rage. He climaxes shooting all over the guy’s uniform and in his face, but isn’t done with him yet. No sir. He’s got the whole corner of the room captivated. He shouts, Crisco, putting his hand out like he’s waiting for a stagehand. He’s in command. He truly is. He’s sweating profusely from the meth, and whatever chem piss is running through his system, and someone puts a wad of grease in his hand. Ben lubes his fist and doesn’t go gently into that good night. No sir. He pulls up next to the cop’s face, pushes his still hard, shit-crusted cock in the cop’s mouth, and pushes his clutched fist into the guy’s ass. Not a gooseneck hand to start, but the full magilla, his big clutched fist plunges into the guy’s gut. You can almost hear it go pop. There’s this loud fart of air as Ben pulls all the way out afore he pushes back in. The cop’s gagging on his cock from its girth as he’s struggling with the force of Ben’s arm pumping straight into his chute.” “Jesus,” Manetti said. “That’s what the cop is crying. Jesus Chris, slow down, man! he’s shouting, but Ben’s not listening to any of that shit. Not that he’s punch fucking the guy violently. No. He’s standing next to him, making him suck his shitty cock, pistoning him slowly but deep into this big cop’s ass like he’s kneading a big vat of dough. In, out. Stroke after stroke, sending the guy into both heaven and hell at the same time. Then they’re not even talking anymore, just Ben silently watching the cop’s anguished-exhilarated face, watching what he’s doing to the man, what effect he’s having on this cop he’s turned into a meat puppet. All the while the cop’s nursing Big Ben like an infant suckin’ on his mama’s teet. It gets quieter the deeper Ben pushes in his arm. Swear to God, it got as solemn as a church service. Wasn’t a cop and a top anymore. More biblical, priest administering to a penitent, more like it. Like the agony he’d put the man through came out the other side and he was now tending to him, fist going in deeper and pulling out. A part of the cop’s colon comes with it, big ol’ prolapse, probably the first one Ben ever saw. Didn’t bother him, got him hard again, he just pushes it back in and goes deeper. Wants to see how much gut he can pull out of the guy. Men gathered around, some stroking, some just watching in wonder, trying to fathom what the story is between this naked holy man and the supplicant. When Ben forced the man to cum, and forced him he did if you saw his face…” Drax said. “I’ve seen that face,” Manetti confirmed. “Well, then, you know how Ben is when he’s in charge. The cop cums all over his uniform, his chest, over his face, shoots over his head. Rope after rope of cum. Men fall to their knees to worship this new priest among them, some fell to the cop’s ass and chewed on his spent prolapse, all wanted Ben to do to them what he’d just done to the cop. They lick Ben’s feet, like he’s fuckin’ Jesus coming out the desert, kiss his thighs, lick his ass, stick their tongues inside his anus, suck on his armpit, whatever Ben offered raising up his arms to his new flock. Three at a time are under him worshiping his cock, balls, and taint. The cop slowly gets out of the sling, shaking his head, pushing his prolapse back in, trying to figure out where the fuck he’s been for the last hour, and I come with a can of grease and lay Ben back down in the sling, in front of this group of envious men. I lock his arms over his head and hand the cop a bottle of strong poppers to administer to him, then I buckle the strap holding Ben’s feet high in the air. He’s spread eagle with men groping his body like a holy relic. I lube my hand and take a good scoop of Crisco and start pushing it into the boy’s ass. I do this a couple of times so there’s a lot inside him when I start pushing two fingers in his slippery chute. He’s as tight as he’s ever been but he’s also rock hard. You want this, I tell him. Tell me how much you want this, I say. Please, Master, he begs, put your arm inside me. I slide in three, then four fingers. Stop fighting me I say at him. Give him a hit, I tell the cop. I’m getting pissed if he don’t let me fist him this time, with this audience. The cop bends the kid’s head over the bottle and lets him huff all he wants. He breathing in the bottle for a while afore he lets his head fall back against the leather. I can feel now not only has his ass relaxed, he’s trying, as much as he can tied up, to slide down the sling on my hand. I don’t even have to push in. His hole is opening and his weight is falling over the edge of the sling onto my hand on its own accord. And then I’m in and still sliding deeper without me having to do anything. He’s yelling Oh Fucks the deeper I go. But I gotta tell you: too much is made over the trust a bottom must have from his top. Bullshit I say. Fisting comes out of the school of S&M, and giving the bottom control of the scene ruins it. Fisting was created as a form of punishment as much as it was a form of control. I tell the cop to give him another hit. He does and I’m taking the boy for a ride he won’t forget. My hand comes out and goes back in a second time in the form of a fist. He’s struggling to accept the width but I won’t budge until he lets me in. From sheer pressure he pops open but not without a cry of distress. Good, I tell him, that feeling is what you can expect for the next hour. And that’s exactly what I give him, no merciful, sensual assplay, but forced punching of his anus until its lips hang loose and sloppy. The red of his colon starts to show after a while. His first night fisting and I’m developing this beautiful small rose. Push out, I yell at him. It’s a pretty pink flower for all to see. I clear some of the Crisco so the men around can see it better. Someone goes down and licks it, giving the kid the first taste of what getting his rosebud eaten feel like. He’s loving it. I go for depth after the first hour. Each time he takes a hit from the cop I’m pushing in deeper before the chemicals have an impact so that when they do I can push him even further. The cop asks if he can take over for a while, Ben becomes afraid, begs me no. Did I ask you? I say to him. Sure. Have at it. And the cop, with his big hairy paws, is plunging into him. I make the boy suck my dick while the cop is exacting revenge on the boy’s sphincter. The cop’s even slipping in a couple of additional fingers while he’s alternating hands in the kid’s ass. He’s almost got two hands in but I see pink in the grease on the cop’s forearms so I have him pullout. I don’t want him damaged. He relinquishes him, but not without one last deep punch, sending Ben’s head flinging back in agony. His suffering is my aphrodisiac. I’m dripping, so I slowly and savagely fuck him. Hours—you been at my receiving end afore, so you know—hours reaming him in chem-filled lust. No need for a bathroom break ‘cause I got my toilet attached to my cock. Besides the chem-piss makes him even more of a whore. Around daybreak, as most all the candles have burnt out, it’s now almost pitch black inside, you can see some outside daylight in the cracks, the last two or three flickering candles are fading, so Ben can’t really see but only feel my cock inside him. I slide my hand in next to my cock, which has been tenderizing him in the last of the wee hours. I wrap my fingers in a fist and piston my cock. He don’t know what he’s getting but the whore likes it. In the cavernous dark as the last candles go out, men are kissing him, nursing his nipples, sucking his cock. And he’s moaning, speaking in tongues, is tweaking on another plane, sucking on other cocks being fed to him, asses bent over for him to eat, and I jack my spooge inside my fist inside him. He’s blathering invites to anyone around him to fist his hole. He’s where I want him. He turns me on so hard, so broken, so open, and I let other guys fist and fuck him, watching along the wall, drinking my beer. “Drax, you fuck,” Manetti said. “He’s struggling under a brutal Neanderthal, fucking his insides out. Ben the boy is suddenly gone, surrendered, arms hanging off the sides of the sling. Taking it, accepting it, a martyr to sex. I bend over and ask him why he’s suddenly surrendered. He whimpers, Hunters got me trapped, Daddy, I can’t escape. I’m lost. Cops got me in a back alley. He’s lost in his past or his fantasy, it’s taken him over. He’s biting his lip. Four more men fuck him and four more fist him. I’m kissing him while they do, telling him accept what he is, just a hole for men to use as their cumrag. Then I see his hole drooling a steady, cloudy white stream of men’s seed, all pooling on the floor under his ass. I know I want back inside that warm, wet cave. I fuck my baby well into the day. Daddy’s got you, I tell him, won’t ever let you go. Then around noon the harsh club lights flickers back on. The blackout’s over. I don’t know how many times I shot into him. I know he shot wads more. Did he remember? Probably half of it. We go out into the daylight, blinded, looking to hail a cab. Butchers right next door to The Mineshaft, in their bloody white aprons, haul in large stabs of meat. Ben looks like just another one of their carcasses. I fold him into the backseat of a gypsy cab. Like one of the many hanging carcasses we ride away from, I look at him, his head’s back, he’s staring at the cab’s cloth ceiling talking to himself. This big human carcass of meat, flecked with viscera across his chest, his and many others—he’s a rock now as smooth as I want him.” Silence falls between Drax and Manetti. Fog veils the alley from sight. They both sip bourbon. Drax’s cigarette was a stub, had long ago gone out. Drax looks at the cigarette butt in his hand with his white eyes, and sets it in the ashtray. “Best fuck of my life,” he says, downing his second drink. *** He’s fumbling with his cigarettes and lighter. He knocked one out of the pack. His lighter shook in an unsteady hand. He’s unable to aim the flame under his cigarette, so Manetti reached over and steadied his hand, and Drax managed to get it lit. Manetti considered the man on the other side of the tiki bar. Sure, it’s the orange heat light and the backlit fog that created the illusion, but Drax wears the expression of a weary demon or maybe a withered angel; some hybrid of bliss and torment. He, Manetti’s, had witnessed that ecstatic tortured look, that rapture, firsthand whenever Drax was cumming inside him over the year he spent in his stable. This suspension between extremes, this balance between worlds; no wonder Ben stuck around more than a decade. Moth to a flame, night after night. It had its draw. “So,” said Manetti, rolling his ember in the ashtray. The glass ashtray’s imprinted with The Plan B Bar, the name he and Ben chose. He’s pretty sloshed by now, as is Drax, who’s smoking with exaggerated control. “How’d you really find us?” Manetti asked a second time, refilling his glass. Drax covered his emotions with each cloud of smoke he exhaled. “Read this article in Wired back when I could read,” Drax said. “Don’t look shocked. I read sometimes.” Drax took up his drink, swirled it, and gave it a small sip. “There was this article, a profile of a kid, called himself Alistair Enge. Didn’t want to give out his real name to the magazine. ‘Fraid his mama’d find out, I suppose. He started a porn site, the article said, e-commerce, premium subscriptions, whatnot. It claimed it was changing the face of porn. No photo of this new face of porn, but I said to myself, Drax, you old fuck,” he flicked his ash, “where you hear that name afore?” He paused long enough to take a drag. “Then I remembered your pirate story from back in the day. When was that, Michael? Eleven, twelve years ago?” Manetti thought for a second, stoking his beard, a few strands of grey now blending in. “Twelve years,” he says. “Well, I thought to go ask my friends Boris and Roger—they’re still together, if you’re wondering. Wallace died though. Pity, nice pooch. I asked my old friends Boris and Roger, I said, hey Boris, hey Roger, what you’d ever do with that boat. What was its name?” “We bought it. The Jolly Roger.” “The Jolly Roger, yes.” He swirled his drink again and sipped a little more urgently. “So this is yours and Ben’s establishment. What about Chris, or is it Alistair now?” Drax held his cigarette to his mouth, sucked hard on the tip, smoke curling around his tattooed knuckles, H-A-T-E. “Yeah, we own it. Chris has his own thing going, has a crew of programmers and managers, sales, regulatory, things like that. But Ben and I run this.” He hit his cigarette and blew smoke out forcefully threw his nose. “What made you think of the boat?” he asked. “Alistair—the new face of porn—said he’d spent several years sailing with his family around the Caribbean before Stanford. Family,” Drax scoffed bitterly. “Three of you, huh? How does that work?” “Works quite well,” Manetti replied, taking a last hit from his cigarette and then stamped it out. “So MD. You came all the way out here to…?” Manetti let the question hang. Drax let it dangle. “Shame about Bichon, but I suppose karma has a way of catching up to even the best of us, wouldn’t you say, Michael?” Drax’s ghostly eyes looked accusingly at him. The patio’s becoming darker each minute by the encroaching fog. “So, how’s tricks, boy-o? Turned any lately?” Manetti returned a cold smile. “No, man. Lifetime ago,” he said, calmly sipping his drink. “Very happily married. Proud owner of The Plan B, which we live above.” He pointed to a lit window over them. “Part-time bartender, full-time husband.” “Not even a nibble?” “Not even a taste.” “I have to say, when you three ran off, a third of my stable initially went with it. That took a big hit on my livelihood. To tell you the God’s honest truth, devastated my livelihood, completely. Put me right out of business.” Manetti considered this. He tipped the glass to his lips, swallowed. “Never had much overhead, MD,” he said a bit confused. “Hard to see how that could’ve impacted you in any meaningful way.” “Meaningful.” Drax tries the word in his mouth. “Meaningful. Full of meaning.” In the feeble light he searched Manetti’s face through his cataracts. “You tell me, Michael, what meaning is there when a usurper comes and steals your favored boy, the only boy you want, and gets away clean? I’ll tell you what that means. It means the rest of the stable sees there’s no repercussion for abandonment, and the whole stable dismantles, the tower crumbles.” “Hold on,” Manetti said, brows tightly knit. “I’m supposed to feel sorry for getting away from you? You cut off my cock, fucker, planted a pussy on me, and I’m the one that should feel guilty about what happens to you?” He barked a mirthless laugh. “The night of the fire you’re lucky Ben and Chris talked me out of tracking you down. I would have been much more medieval on you than I was to the good doctor.” Drax pulled out another cigarette from his pack. He wasn’t done with the first and tried to light the new one from the old, but his hand shook too much to get it lit. Manetti just watched him struggle, feeling no pity, only disgust. Drax finally got his Camel to light and blew out an enormous stream of smoke. “Truth is, you were damaged long before I met you, Michael. I just removed the damaged part I saw that was rotting away.” Manetti grabbed the old man’s shirt across the bar, and pulled him partially over the bamboo top. He cocked back his other arm in a fist but not before Drax pulled out a snub nose pistol from his pocket. Manetti saw the gun, dropped him and took a step back. “Whoa, whoa,” he said, hands where Drax could see them. He’s making no fast moves but his brain is racing. “So,” he ventured, seeing if he could tamp down the situation, “you come cross-country just to kill me because, what, you miss Ben? Mineshaft closed more than ten years ago, Drax. Boys grow up. Birds fly from the nest.” “I came for the one point eight million you stole,” Drax hissed. Manetti’s hands are still in the air. “Okay,” he conceded. “Fair enough. You’re owed that. We can more than cover it.” “And for stealing Ben,” Drax spits. “Can you cover that?” Manetti didn’t have a comeback. Manetti’s heart was racing. “No, you’re right, you’re right.” Drax had him in a corner, emotionally, logically, physically. “I fucked you over. I’m sorry. You have every right.” But then, finding himself cornered, he felt a spark of anger he couldn’t hold back. “So castration isn’t enough,” he said darkly, “you have to off me, is that it?” Drax looked out through his white glowing eyes and slowly, viciously nodded yes. Manetti looked down, thoughtful, then looked at his drink. Looked at Drax. Saw nothing but the cold, dead eyes of a shark. “So I guess, cheers, to my rotten life, then, huh?” He’s pleading, reaching slowly for his drink, hoping Drax will grant him a dead man’s right for a last fortifying drink. Drax gave him a gummy smile. “Go ahead, boy-o. On the house,” he said, pulling back the gun’s hammer. Manetti raised this glass, saluted Drax, and then tossed the alcohol in Drax’s face. Drax fired and hit Manetti, but Manetti snatched his lighter, flicked the wheel, and put the flame to the old man’s long beard. The alcohol ignited his doused beard, face and hair, and Drax’s whole head, right up to his eyebrows, lit into one giant flame. He’s reeling back, a human matchstick. He’s screaming, slapping his head, stumbling, wobbling blindly all over the patio. He’s firing at empty air, senseless of where he was. Manetti smacked the gun out of his hand and kept pushing him back, again and again, toward the railing. Drax was still screaming, clutching his head, consumed in fire. At the railing, Manetti gave him a final tap, not even that hard, and the old man flew downward into the alley, landed head first with a snap. Bobo and Duke ran out soon after the gunshots. Mike was holding his shoulder by the railing, peering over at something. Bobo rushed to Mike to see the extent of his wound, while Duke gazed down, inspecting the singed, smoldering figure, its arms and legs bent out at unnatural angles, sprawled over the asphalt. Duke turned to Mike grimly, “I told you smoking could kill you.” *** Chris danced in front of Manetti, with Ben looking on encouragingly. Manetti tried not to smile. The ocean was calm, the harbor breeze warm. The night sky was a dome of lights, moonless. Chris was feeling good, a bit buzzed. He swayed his hips close to Mike perched on his barstool. Chris reached up to the top button of Mike’s flowered shirt. “Bamba la bamba,” he sang. “No,” said Manetti. Chris unbuttoned it anyway. He reached for the second button. “C’mon, knock it off,” Mike said batting Chris’ hand away. Chris went back and undid the second button and reached in his hand and felt Manetti’s massive, fur-covered chest. He leaned in and lightly brushed his lips, felt his scruffy dark beard. Manetti started breathing unevenly. Chris kissed him slowly, purposefully, sensually. Manetti relaxed, for the first time letting down his guard. Chris pulled away with a spark in his eye, undoing the flowered shirt’s last button revealing the man’s entire black pelt. Ben was behind him and removed the Hawaiian shirt and placed it on the bar. He kissed Manetti’s right shoulder, then his left, then the nape of his neck. He threaded his hands around Manetti’s chest, feeling his warmth and his racing heart. Chris grasped the man’s belt and Manetti stood up quickly and pushed Chris away. “I can’t,” he cried. “No. Don’t,” he pleaded. Chris got on his knees and unlatched the belt, started lowering the zipper. Manetti was never one for underwear, so when the shorts fell, he stood on the deck naked, exposed for all the world see. Chris bent in and kissed Manetti’s regrown bush, his soft black hair, brushed it delicately with his fingertips, drew a line along the soft pink lips. “Stop,” Manetti gasped. “It just a cunt.” “Not just, it’s you,” the young man said. “You is who I want.” He put his face between Manetti’s legs, breathed him in, licked Manetti. The unfamiliar sensation caused the man to heave a monumental breath, brought a sigh of pleasure but also one of confusion. Shaking he stepped back off balanced. Ben was there to catch him. Manetti felt weak, fought against his frailty. Turning his vulnerability to strength, he steeled himself, grabbing Chris and Ben by their hands and pulling them forcefully down to the master cabin. There he ripped off Chris shirt and tore off the boy’s pants, then combatively, ripped the buttons off Ben’s shirt, held his head forcefully, and sucked his face like he’d been wanting to every day for the past six months. Ben, still locked onto Manetti’s lips, slipped off his shorts. Chris came over and stuck his face close to theirs. Manetti pulled back as Chris kissed Ben’s bent forehead, then as Ben looked up at his brother, Chris kissed his cheek. Ben found Chris’ mouth, and slid his tongue over his brother’s tongue. Both men were erect, which Manetti took full advantage of. He suck his lover’s massive member, then his brother’s smaller but still generous meat. He stuck both their cocks in his mouth and tortured them, rubbing their cockheads against each other, sliding his tongue around them, making them leak in arousal. He grabbed some bedside lube and rubbed it on Chris and Ben erections, then on his front lips and between his cheeks. He positioned himself on his side pulling Chris down with him. Ben laid down in back. Manetti eased his butt, like so many times in the past, against Ben protruding erection. Ben’s stiff and metal adorned organ slowly slid inside Manetti, familiar and so welcome. Chris faced Mike and held his cock at Mike’s new lips and looked in his eyes. Mike gave him a smile of permission, and Chris slowly, sensually parted Mike’s virginal lips. Chris rubbed his dick up and down, rhythmically finding he could part Mike’s body. Mike helped by rocking back on Ben’s cock, allowing it to penetrate him deeply, then rocked forward to take a bit, an inch, then two, of Chris’s cock. There was electricity in the dark cabin, palpable breath on a face, on a neck, mouth against mouth, inhalations and exhalations exchanged. A painful tearing of skin, slowly, erotically. Of all the collective torture they’d been through, this was the most protracted and agonizing. Like a band aid slowly being ripped off, one cell at a time. Tension and desire continually traded places, body parts awash in lubricants, smoothly flowing, painfully, exhilaratingly, new sensations every second between three men who found they were heading into unexplored territory. Mike felt the violation of his organ, both past and present, ravishing him, making him loose control. Once past the initial pain, at first the pleasure was too intense, but the allure of submitting to two men stroking inside his body, became intensely satisfying. Then, after accepting the satisfaction, he recognized he could invert it. Suddenly he felt more in control of them than they were of him. Writhing between them, he was in charge of their pleasure. He controlled their body’s rhythm, granting them unending satisfaction through his rhythmic, velvety undulations, granting them the pleasure they sought within his body. Chris whispered almost inaudible, “Oh, fuck Ben. I feel you.” Their faces so close together not a breath escaped detection by any of them. The three shared this discovering. “I feel you, too, brah,” said Ben deep inside Mike. The closer he drew into Mike, the more Ben’s cock pressed against a wall that barely separated him from his brother. Ben withdrew and slid in deep with each stroke, not only thrilling Mike but also erotically rubbed under Chris’ cockhead. Not one of the three of them saw this coming. They gasped at the orchestra of sensation flowing through their bodies, the variety of pitch and crescendos they could produce. Chris was almost in to his balls, when Manetti cried out in pain. They halted abruptly. They caught their collective breath. No one moved. Chris slowly eased all the way out fearing he’d damaged Mike. But the look on Manetti’s face showed how amorous he still felt, how much he wanted Chris back inside. Ben never left Mike’s ass. One of life’s greatest feelings for Manetti was having Ben’s full python buried deeply inside him. He nudged Ben until Ben fell onto his back pulling Manetti along with him. Then Manetti rocked on top of him, rising forward to impale himself in a squatting position. He bobbed in a wave of lust against his lover’s groin, sending waves of pleasure careening through both their bodies. He smiled lewdly at Chris, his hands parting his new lips, inviting the young man to come back in. Mike fingering his twat was an obscene gesture that excited the fuck out of Chris. He knelt like he was in church in front of the holy alter of Mike, as Mike reclined back spreading his legs, fall back onto Ben’s chest. Chris slipped in cautiously, but increasingly giving into his arousal, his desire to fuck Manetti as deeply and as hard as he could. Chris never imagined he could share in such a complicated arrangement, of boomeranging and ricocheting needs and lust-filled desires. He made out with Mike as his cock rocked inside the man, then found his brother’s face alongside Mike and satisfied his forbidden, incestuous appetite, discovering how deep within Mike he could fuck against his brother’s hard, massive cock. How could they know how good this would feel, how tangled their emotions would entwined, how bound together their souls would become? They united in the moment, tonight, tomorrow, for a lifetime. Manetti felt the brothers shudder together, felt how wet he suddenly was, leaking out both sides of his body as the brothers continued to quake. And somewhere within, sliding against his core, against his body’s tectonic plates, a quake overtook him too, pulled him over a vista and he could see how this could all work out. He shuddered in gratification of the corruption and purity of this comingling of brothers cumming within him at this moment. They gasped, all breathing unevenly, laid there motionless except for the rising and falling of their chests. Chris was the first to make a move, cascading them all to the side, all still holding each other for dear life. Had this even a chance of continuing? Just because it hadn’t been done before it still could be done. It’d be messy and complicated. They’d expect no understanding from others. Gee, didn’t that already sound all too familiar? Chris and Mike looked at each other with faces radiating satiation, Ben kissing the swirling hairs, the soft opera of Manetti’s neck. They lay quietly for a long time. Then Mike exploded. “Alright, you fucking perverts,” he roared between them, snapping into drill sergeant mode. He quickly and rudely untangled their cocks from his body. Rising off the bed, he grabbed the grease. “Prior brothers!” he barked. “Edge of bed with your asses in the air! Now!” He greased both his hands greedily. “It’s time you boys ride the Manetti Chariot!” He smacked both their asses hard. They responded, excitedly bounding to their knees, aligning next to each other on all fours, pulling and playing with each other’s floppy cocks like naughty schoolboys, while Mike lined up his fingers against their holes. Ben draped his arm over Chris’ shoulder and Chris draped his arm over his big brother’s. “And don’t expect me to take it easy on either one of you sick fucks,” Manetti growled, plunging deep inside their cavities.
    6 points
  2. I learned my lesson about engaging in fantasy play with someone you don't really know. Boy did I learn it-- the hard way! Lke most slutty bottoms, I always had a rape fantasy. The details often varied but it always involved me not really seeing the guy's face ever and being "force fucked." Well, I started chatting with a Dom Top on gay.com (back in the day) and confessed this fantasy in one of our conversations. "I can make this happen," he told me. Instantly I boned up, but was also very nervous. I was still a semi-novice bottom at this point and not the full-fledged cum whore I am today. After much more conversation, he convinced me to come over that Saturday evening. I showed up at the door at the appointed time, even 'though I strongly debated chickening-out. Of course. Now I sorta wish I had, but hindsight is always 20/20. I knocked and heard him say "Come in." The motel room was dark, except for the glow of the ember on his cigarette. "You know what to do." I did know because we discussed how things would begin. I was to strip down to my underwear, and put on the hood that would be waiting on the bed. This way I wouldn't see any faces. I did as I was told and sat on the bare mattress. "Good. Now, are you sure you want to be raped tonight boy?" he asked. "I think so, sir." "I'll take the boner in your underwear as a 'yes'. Okay, so this is going to be intense so I'm giving you a "safe word" to use if you feel things are too much beyond what you can handle. The word is 'firetruck'. Got it?" "Yes sir. Firetruck." "Good boy. Now we're going to begin. Roll over on your stomach and lay on the bed." I did as I was told and waited. I heard him rummaging around in a bag and then come back to the bed. I then felt him start to fasten leather cuffs to my wrists. "Um... What's happening? I don't remember any talk about bondage," I asked. "You want a rape scene, boy. For that you need to be restrained. Feeling helpless. Otherwise it's just another fuck." His explanation sounded logical so I went with it. The next thing I knew he was clipping my wrists to restraints at either side of the top of the mattress. He similarly bound my ankles, so after about five minutes I found myself hooded and tied spread eagle on a bare motel mattress. Then he made a call. "Yeah, the stupid fucker actually showed up... Yup, he's all tied up 'n' ready for it. Oh, you're gonna like it. Sweet bubble butt to plow. Oh yeah, bring him too, but he has to go last. I don't want him wrecking that cunt too much before I get in there. Okay. See you soon." Then he hung-up. The room was silent. "Um... We didn't talk about their being others involved either," I said, feeling a bit of panic start to creep up inside. "If you're gonna get raped, might as well be gang raped" he nonchalantly remarked. More silence. My anxiety slowly built-up. All I could hear were the slow drags off of his cigarette and then the noisy exhalation of the smoke. Then he got up and went to the bathroom sink and filled a glass. He came back to the bed and put the glass to my lips. "Here, drink this. You're gonna need it." "What is it?" I asked nervously. "Just water... With a little GHB to relax you." "Firetruck! I don't want to do any drugs." "Suit yourself, but when the boys get here, you are really gonna wish you had listened to me. Besides, I'm not trying to knock you out. What would be the fun in raping you then? It's just enough so you can pretend that you had no control over taking three cocks in your ass." I thought about it a bit-- in for a penny, right? So I tipped my head back and opened my mouth. He fed me the water and I lay my head back down on the mattress. It wasn't long before I could feel the effect of the drug - I felt foggy and lethargic. It was also about that time I heard a car pull up outside. Before I knew it, all three men were in the room. I heard a couple beers crack open. They surrounded the bed and one of them smacked my ass. Hard. "HooWee! You weren't kiddin' about this boy's ass!" Who ever he was, he sounded like a redneck. "Can't wait to fuck it!" "Well, you can have first dibs, cuz you know I like sloppy seconds," said the top who had set-up everything. The third man in a very deep and sinister voice said, "I'm so gonna tear this boy up." He sounded like he might be black. "By the way," the first man said, "His safe word is 'firetruck'." and they all started laughing. Then I heard clothes start to hit the floor. The bed moved under me as I felt someone climb on. My rape scene was going to start very soon and I already felt like things were out of control, but the GHB had done the trick and I felt helpless to resist. The second guy remarked "Fuck I can't wait to bust my nut in this boy hole" and with that he spit violently on my asscrack a couple times, pushing one of his rough fingers into me, working some of the spit inside. He spat a couple more times on my crack, and I felt his cock humping my crack and getting spit slicked, and then positioned his cock head position at my hole. I still had enough of my faculties to mumble out, "Wait...what about a condom?" The cock at my hole paused, and the guy who arranged the rape scene leaned close by my ear. "Now, what kind of a rape would it be if we bothered with condoms?" "You guy's neg?" I asked, on the verge of freaking out. "Don't worry. John here is negative and needs to stay that way for his wife n kids. Now shut the fuck up!" With that John brutally shoved inside my hole. Even drugged up, it hurt. I was only getting fucked with a bit of spit for lube, and John wasn't small. My asshole was burning and he was just jack rabbiting away like a typical married guy. "Fuck yeah, this bitch is TIGHT!" John exclaimed with a hard slap on my ass. "And he ain't gonna get all knocked up like my stupid cunt wife!" "Well, I wouldn't be too sure about that," said the deep sinister voice. All the men in the room laughed at that, and John said, "Oh yeah, I forgot you tend to knock bitches up, Big John." "Firetruck," I mumbled. John kept on fucking me. I said "Firetruck" a bit louder this time and this brought a fresh round of laughter. "I think this cunt just asked for my load, huh guys?" John said. And suddenly he was grunting loudly and I knew he was cumming up my ass. He finished quickly and then pulled himself out of my hole. "Damn that was fine! Now bitch needs to clean my dick for me." I felt him switch around the bed to be beside my head. I kept my mouth closed tightly, but then was slapped hard across the face, stunning me. "You do as your told, boy!" the lead guy said. "And if you even THINK about trying to bite his cock, we will beat you so bad you will wish you'd never been born." I nodded, and with my cheek on fire I opened my mouth and accepted John's cock so I could suck him clean. While sucking, I felt another guy assume the position behind me. John pulled out of my mouth, and before the next cock assault could begin I said, "Firetruck!" From behind me, the lead guy said, "By now you must realize that that isn't gonna work." "But you said....." The leader laughed. "You stupid faggot! That was just so that you wouldn't put up much of a fight! What the fuck fun would it be to rape boy ass if the boy got to stop the scene? No, you wanted a rape fantasy. We're giving you rape reality." I remember thats when I started crying, which didn't deter the scene in the least as the second guy unceremoniously started fucking me. His cock was bigger than the first, but at least there was some slick wetness in my ass from John. He didn't fuck as harshly either. He lay his full weight on top of me while he slowly worked in and out of my ass. I could smell his cigarette breath as he grunted with each thrust. I started to beg him to just hurry up and finish but he just laughed. "Oh no, boy. I like to take my time. I want you to remember this fuck-- my weight on top of you. How my uncut cock feels sliding in and out of your hole. And how it feels when I dump my swimmers inside you." It felt like he fucked me for a long time, but eventually he said, "You ready for my load, boy? And just so you know, I ain't never been AIDS tested. But I mostly fuck stupid neg cunts like you so you probably ain't got nothin' to worry about." "Firetruck," I whispered. And with that I felt his cock throb inside me and knew his load was now mixing with John's. He lay on top of me for a couple minutes more, and then let his dick slide out of me slowly. "You're turn, Big John," he said. "Now clean my dick, cocksucker!". I did as I was told while feeling Big John get up behind me. "I'm gonna be nice to your pretty faggot ass and use some lube. Feels better for my dick anyhow." With that I could hear him slathering lube on his cock. He positioned himself at my hole and slowly worked his big cock head inside me. Initially I thought Big John might be a gentle fuck, but then he violently shoved all the way into my ass. I screamed in pain. Even with the lube and the drugs, it felt as if I was being sodomized by a baseball bat. I was gasping for breath, my guts and ass wracked with pain, but Big John didn't move an inch, he just kept me pinned to the mattress. Then I felt his lips by my ear. "I just want you to know, that while these other dudes are probably neg, I'm not," he whispered. "I popped Poz in prison a few years back. Yeah, a bitch I was seeing accused me of rape, even though she had been beggin' for this big dick - 'til I gave it to her too hard. Cunt had me thrown in the pen. Guess I tore up the wrong holes while inside. So now that I'm out, and already done the time, I figure I should actually do the crime." I started full-on bawling at this point, because I knew there was no way to stop what was about to happen. Big John started raping my hole, and I have never prayed so hard for unconsciousness in my life. He fucked hard an with his entire cock-- pulling all the way out and shoving all the way back in. And he was so massive that each thrust felt like he was punching through my intestines with a broom handle. My tears were soaking the mattress as snot ran out my nose and down my face, but he just kept fucking while John #1 shouted encouragement. I honestly have no idea how long it lasted, and after awhile I actually just became sort of numb to it and it was like I wasn't even in my body any more. Finally Big John said, "Aww shit, I'm gettin close!" and John #1 said, "Fuck yeah! Breed this stupid faggot's ass!" "Yeah faggot! Take my toxic DNA!" With that Big John blew his Poz fuck juice into my guts, mixing his load with the other two in me. I doubt he ever heard me say "firetruck." "So fuckin hot! I'm gonna shoot another load on this cunt just watching" said John, whereupon I felt warm jets of spunk hit my face and neck. Big John stayed inside me for a long time. Then he announced, "I gotta piss. Think I'm gonna use this faggot ass as my piss bucket." With that he proceeded to release a strong stream urine up my guts. I was completely numb when he finally got done defiling me and pulled out. I vaguely remember being fed another glass of water-- which was evidently again drugged. Within minutes I blissfully lost consciousness. When I awoke, it was nearly dawn. I was alone in the room, restraints and hood gone, naked on a bare, now piss/jizz/blood stained motel mattress with a splitting headache and a raw asshole. All my stuff was exactly where I had left it. I dressed and gingerly made my way to my car and back home. I looked online for my rapist, but his profile had already been deleted. I cried some more- mostly over my stupidity. I asked to be raped, and got exactly what I asked for - and it definitely wasn't fantasy material. And then all I could do was wait to see if I ended-up 'pregnant'.
    5 points
  3. Growing up, I'd always suspected that my dad was gay. Or at least, shall we say, sexually indiscriminating? I mean, he was still married to mom and I had to come from somewhere. Besides, I do remember hearing them occasionally banging one out as their bedroom was right across the hall from mine. But still I had my suspicions, which were reinforced by behaviors. From the time I could remember I'd always just been around my dad when he was naked. Nudity was just an everyday thing at my house, so it never struck me as odd. Nudity was a thing for mom and me, too. Heck, There are many a photograph of me running around our house as a kid in my all-together! However, as I got older I started to notice Dad was nude around me more often than Mom. It was more 'our thing' - just two dudes hangin.... We bathed and showered together quite often, and hung out watching TV afterward as we air-dried. And, when I wasn't actually bathing, I would keep Dad company while he took a bath. He would let me play with boats in the deep end while we talked. Occasionally we'd play a game Dad called 'Light House' in which I would drive the boat between his legs to the 'lighthouse' that was standing erect there. The boat would crash on the 'rocks' below and I would laugh and laugh.... Anyway, I also first learned about masturbation from my father when I spied on him when he pleasured himself in the garage. I saw him fire his load into a shop rag, and after he went back inside I retrieved the rag and investigated it. What was this sticky fluid? Naturally he came back and caught me. I was SO embarrassed! But Dad took it very much in stride and was completely matter of fact about it all. And that's when I learned all about the birds and the bees. And also about what guys can do for special fun on their own, as he had just done. He also made it clear I should never tell Mom about because she was a girl and wouldn't understand. Dad's special magazines were also readily available for me; he really didn't even bother to hide them. They were just at the bottom of a magazine basket in our den. They started out as Playboy, but as I got older they became Penthouse, Club, Chic, Oui, and then some harder core mags with dicks and fucking in them too! Those were my favorites-- the ones that showed closeups of men with erections. Anyway, As I got older I gained hair and modesty, so the joint showers and nudity stopped and doors started being closed. Well, really just my doors-- although that didn't stop my Dad from interrupting me on more than one occasion. The first time, I was in my room, officially studying, but of course not only was I playing with myself, I was actually on the cusp of blowing my load when Dad barged into my room. I don't think I ever moved so fast in my life! Giving a quick laugh Dad exclaimed "Whoops!" And as he closed my door he added "Just don't get any on my Penthouse." There were a couple more times after that when Dad caught my jerking off. Each time Dad joked and commented something like "Damn, boy! Don't wear it out!" Or "Do you ever put that thing away?" Which is why I started jacking in the shower or behind a locked bathroom door. Slowly over this time, my suspicions about Dad being gay and his extracurricular activities increased. He was gone longer hours, working out more, or at least saying he was working out. Sometimes he'd come home and you could tell he'd had a beer or two. Mom and he fought more over piddly shit. I pretty much figured he was having an affair, or hooking up somewhere. And I could clearly see my parents on the clear trajectory toward divorce. He was also buddying up to me more during this time, telling me that I was really growing into a man, and complementing my by remarking how handsome I was becoming. Our conversations felt conspiratorial, and Dad increasingly joked around with me, and his jokes took on an ever increasing sexual overtone. Everything seemed to be a double-entendre. Well, the summer before my senior year of high school, Mom started a new job and started working nights. I think she took this job just so she and Dad would spend less time breathing the same air. It also forced Dad to be home more to take care of me (in theory). Dad still routinely got home late, often smelling of, well, I'm not sure what, but his body had a distinctive aroma. Even so, Dad was definitely more often at home more, which conveniently left us together with free time. In the evenings. Before bed. As I said before, Mom and Dad's room was right across the hall from mine. And in their room they had an old TV with a VCR. You know - for watching movies in bed. And with Mom working nights and Dad being Dad, well... he fired up the VCR - a lot. I mostly ignored it the first few times-- but I could hear the porn playing and the soft, creaking motion of his bed and I knew what was going on. But it was my father! I shouldn't be listening, hardly daring to breathe. I shouldn't be turned on by this, should I? Why did I have a boner?? So many thoughts... so many conflicted emotions. Finally one night I couldn't take it any more and I wanted-- no, NEEDED-- to see. So I snuck out of bed and crept quietly into the hall. Dad always left his door ajar, so I figured I could peep in and see him and the porn while he was too distracted to notice. I figured I was being quiet as a cat. I was wrong. "You might as well just come on in," he said in a loud voice. Fuck! Busted AGAIN by Dad!! Well, I sheepishly went into his bedroom and he gestured for me to sit next to him on the bed. He wasn't even trying to hide his erection. "Come on, you might as well 'take a load off' too. I can see you want to," again with the double entendre as he nodded to the boner in my pajamas. I stood next to the bed, guts churning, nervous as hell and shaking like a leaf while I stared at the erection held in his first. He smiled and patted the bed-- and I took my place beside him. Little did I realize that this small action would set me on a dark path and seal my fate. That first night we watched porn together and jacked off. Well, he jacked off and I mostly watched him jack off. When he came all over his belly and fist, I came too. In my pajamas. Without touching myself. From there we slowly progressed. It wasn't an every night event, but when I was in bed and I'd hear the porn soundtrack, I'd get up and join him. It started out as innocently jacking together. From there it became me jacking him off while we watched. I still vividly remember the first time I touched his erection - it was like a bolt of lightning struck me and I could barely breathe. And again, when he came, the feeling of his seed running over my knuckles made my own dick cum in my underwear. (No more Jammie's for this guy!) From there it soon progressed to blowjobs. Never him on me-- I was the son and it was my duty to get him off. To be a good boy. Oddly enough, it was a bigger deal to first jack my Dad than to blow him. The blowjob came naturally. Feeling the smooth, warm skin of his head with my tongue just felt right somehow. And when he shot in my mouth? There was no hesitation: I swallowed instantly. And happily. At this point in our relationship I had definitely shifted to just being his convenient sex toy. Sort of his human fleshlight. He didn't really make eye contact or acknowledge me at all. He was focused on the straight porn on the VCR. I didn't jack off or really touch myself at all in his presence. I would finish him off, he'd turn off the VCR and lights, and I'd go back to my room. Once there is either jack off or go to sleep. More often than not, I didn't even jack myself. And then one night it finally happened. This was in January of my senior year. It was after Christmas and I was back in school, Mom was back to work. I heard the porn fire up, but it was different porn. This time the grunting was more masculine - no more whiny bitch moaning. I went in and I saw Dad watching porn. I was right. He was playing a new porn tape. This one showed two guys on the screen, two, hot, furry, mustachioed men... and they were fucking! It was so hot and the breath caught in my throat. Dad and I started as we usually did-- him jacking for a minute, then me doing it for him. Then my mouth on his dick, as usual. But this time instead of cumming down my throat, he tapped my head after awhile and I stopped. "Get on all fours," he whispered. We NEVER talked during our sessions so this startled me. It was almost like a slap. But he just stopped everything, gestured toward the TV with a chin flip, and told me to "assume the position". My guts instantly turned to water as I knew what was about to happen and I wasn't sure about it at all. Wasn't sure I wanted to get fucked, but after all he was my Dad, and instinctively I wanted to please him so I got on all fours. I was facing the porn and I felt the bed shift as he got behind me. He reached and got some KY off the nightstand. My heart was thundering in my chest. Soon I felt the cool, wet hardness of his cockhead pushing at my sphincter. This was it-- I was losing my virginity. To my father. He pushed into my ass. I distinctly remember the pain. I tried to push back a bit on his thigh, to slow him or get him to stop but he was clearly bent on fucking. Which he did. I winced and grunted as he thrust inelegantly into me. It hurt and it felt like my asshole was ripping because of his thickness. I tried to relax-- I tried to understand how the one guy in the porn seemed to be really enjoying the cock in HIS ass. Did it hurt him as much? I tried to breathe through it. I teared up a bit. Then suddenly my father was buried inside me and shuddering. I could fee his cock throbbing in my ass, much as it had done in my mouth. There would be five or so pulses and a few aftershocks, again... like usual. I counted them off in my head. His hands were on my hips as he slowly pulled out of me. Then he magically produced some paper towels to wipe himself with and he was done. Stunned I made my way to the bathroom to wipe myself clean. There was a KY residue, some brown, and some red. Blood. So I HAD torn a bit. I stood in the bathroom a long time and looked at myself in the mirror. I was confused and hotly ashamed, mainly because I found myself aroused at the thought of what just happened to me. I jacked myself and came all over the bathroom sink while thinking about my Dad's cock violating my ass. Two nights later the same thing happened. And again a couple nights after that. Soon, I realized this was our new norm. So I stopped at Walgreens after work one day and got my own tube of KY that I kept in my secret hiding spot in my room. I started fingering my ass and lubing myself before heading in for our father-son bonding ritual. As time went on, some weeks there was less sex and I found myself a bit disappointed (and if I'm being honest, jealous). Because Dad was "late" getting home, his clothes smelling of cigarettes and "that smell" that I'd later come to realize was the stench of an adult bookstore. I'd always find myself wondering why I wasn't good enough-- had I done something wrong? Was he displeased, or worse... bored with me? But then he'd fire up the VCR again, and everything would be right as rain. Of course it's not like I was completely innocent during this time either. Dad had sort of opened the door to my sexuality. I had a couple friends at school that I was blowing fairly regularly. And there may have been one or two 'park encounters' between me and older men. Anyway, this continued through the summer until it was time for me to leave for my freshman year of college. In my mind this was also the cutoff point for my activity with Dad. I was going to college to start the next chapter in my life. I wanted to be normal. I wanted a change. And I knew I was approaching adulthood, wouldn't really be living at home anymore. I'd love to be able to say that we had one final night together before I left, where we spent the entire night fucking and he actually fucked me on my back while looking at me, and telling me that I was a good son and he was proud. Ah, the romantic in me! But no-- our sessions ended not with a bang, but a whisper. Really I don't even much remember our last fuck. As summer waned he sort of did it less and less. Plus Dad got really sick earlier in the summer, and that really seemed to zap his energy levels. I was okay with all this. It made my college transition that much easier. When I came home at Christmas break, Dad met me at the door and had me sit down. He had some things to tell me, he said. My stomach lurched as I could predict what was coming. Well... ALMOST predict. In a somber voice he explained Mom had moved out and that they were getting a divorce. He said there was something else, too. He had been to his doctor and... He took a deep, shuddering breath and said the last thing I expected: "Son... I'm HIV positive."
    4 points
  4. My partner and I did a long weekend down south to get away from the cold. We try to do this as often as possible in the winter. Stayed at a gay resort in FTL, clothing optional, with a nice pool and hot tub area. The weather was pretty decent while we were there, so the pool area was active most afternoons and evenings. There was a nice mix of guys in their 40s, 50s and 60s at the resort, and it appeared some men came in on a day pass. There’s no playroom at this place, but that doesn’t slow down the sexual energy. There’s plenty of friskiness to be enjoyed. Some guys are very friendly, while there are always a few who just keep to themselves. One afternoon they hosted a little happy hour out by the pool. Nothing fancy, but still a nice opportunity to have a few cocktails and chat with other guys. My partner Shane and I threw on our bathing suits and joined the milling crowd. I chatted with a couple guys from Texas and MInnesota who were spending a couple weeks down there. I also appreciated the bartender was a heavy pourer and I was starting to enjoy a little buzz. Shane was chatting it up with some guys near the hot tub. He looked hot standing there in his blue speedo, his ample cock filling out the front nicely. There were casuals pets and tugs happening around the happy hour as guys flirted with one another. About 45 minutes into the event, I noticed an older bearish guy, silver-white hair, husky, with a trim beard wearing an orange speedo come up behind Shane and start rubbing his shoulders. I recognized the guy as someone who had been around the pool last night, and had chatted with Shane and a few others. He was charismatic and humorous, as I remembered, though I couldn’t recall much about him. I grabbed another drink and joined another conversation. I noticed that the daddy continued rubbing Shane’s shoulders, but was now also slowly grinding against Shane’s ass. Shane for his part had stopped participating in the conversation near him, and was slipping into his non-verbal sexual state. His hands reached back and touched the silver-haired daddy who was methodically seducing him. He started grinding his ass back against the guy’s bulging speedo, which was no longer completely containing the hardon. Finally I saw the guy lean toward Shane’s ear, say something, and Shane silently nodded. They quickly disappeared through the foliage, and then I caught of glimpse of them making their way to the guest rooms. It looked like they may head to our room. I chatted a few minutes more as the bar was closing up for happy hour. Guys were discussing dinner plans. I took that opportunity to slip away and head toward our room. I listened at the door, and thought I heard noise inside — tough to always tell through these metal doors. I unlocked the door quietly and stepped inside quickly and silently so as not to disturb anything. There was an intense sexual energy in the room. Shane was already impaled on the guy’s cock, the bear laying on his back on the bed while Shane bucked and bounced on his thick meat. He was riding hard, grunting and breathing heavy as he took that cock. The bear pushed a bottle of poppers under Shane’s nose — “Take a good hit, boy. You’ll need it.” Shane’s face was a total cock lust — a look I’ve seen plenty of times. I knew he was totally captivated by this guy’s dick inside him, and was going to do whatever he told. The bear obviously figured that out, too. ”Ride it, boy. This is what you wanted. Daddy’s cock in your hole.” i started jerking off,tucked behind a screen off the side of the room where I wouldn’t be intrusive. I love watching Shane get fucked, and this promised to be a hot show. Shane leaned forward, bracing his arms against the bear’s chest. The guy started thrusting upward hard and deep, driving grunts and gasps out of his bottom boy. They fucked intensely for nearly 10 minutes as I watched. Then Shane slowed down and slid off. The cock that emerged from his ass was like a torpedo — no wonder he was making so much noise getting fucked! It looked to be 7 1/2-8 inches long, and was girthy all around the middle before tapering to a nice head that could penetrate the tightest hole. Shane collapsed onto the bed, rolling onto his back. The bear was up and kneeling in front of Shane. “Show me your hole.” Shane complied, raising his legs and spreading them to expose his hole. The bear positioned himself and plunged inside, driving a gasp from Shane. “That’s it boy. It’s supposed to hurt a little. You knew you wanted this cock down by the pool. Now take it.” The guy proceeded to fuck Shane senseless. He was pounding hard, his balls slapping against Shane’ ass — I could hear it across the room — using the younger man’s ass for his pleasure. I could almost feel what Shane was experiencing in his ass. The thick raw cock stretching his hole wide, filling him with each plunging thrust, feeling empty each time it pulled out, and desperate to have it inside him again. He was completely given over to the ecstasy being fucked, and anticipating what more was to come. “I’m gonna mark your ass, boy. That’s right. You’re gonna be bred.” Shane looked up excitedly, breathing heavy with his hot body spread wide open for the pounding he was taking. The bear was grunting, a deep, growling sound. “Oh, boy. You’re gonna be my cumdump. That’s what you wanted down by the pool. Wasn’t it?” Shane was beyond being able to speak — he just nodded excitedly, breathing heavy, and looking with total surrender at the guy using him. The bear pounded into him, his thrusts fast and powerful. He was going for the gold here. He let out a string of grunts, his body slamming hard into Shawn’s spread ass, holding it there for a second, and then thrusting again as he grunted. He was unleashing streams of cum inside Shane’s waiting ass. He gave a feel final thrusts, relishing the tight, warm hole he’d been using. Then he pulled out, shuffled up the bed to Shane head, “Clean off Daddy’s dick,” and he pushed his raw cock into Shane’s open mouth. “ That’s it. Clean every drop of cum off it. Taste your ass on my dick.” Shane moaned his agreement, never taking his mouth off the cock that had just bred him. “That’s it, boy. I knew you were a cum whore. That’s eat. Show me how much you loved Daddy’s cock.” The energy in the room was fading. Shane would not cum, and the bear had no further use for him at the moment. He’d seduce Shane again the next night, and take him to a friend’s room where they would both breed his hot ass. Shane would describe to me how they passed him back and forth, fucking his face and ass until they both filled him with their cum. This is one of the reasons I love staying at gay resorts and on gay cruises. If you enjoyed this story of our exploits, let me know with a message and/or an uprating. I’ll keep sharing so long as people are reading — and hopefully getting off to them.
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. I agree that one shouldn't promote or encourage someone to do something morally or legally wrong here or anywhere else; I have to wonder why are you still here then? You posted in a different thread (delete my account thread) that you were logging off and asked the owner of the website to delete your account (something that was well documented that can't nor won't be done). So why are you still here; do you wish to "stir" the pot or seeking something within yourself but still not mentally willing to accept that part of your desires?
    4 points
  7. Quick version, city dude with redneck farmer fetish gets fucked good and hard by young redneck farmer dude who had a big, thick dick Quick backstory, I spent my early years in Chicago. Just as I was hitting puberty, my dad got transferred and we moved from the city to some dinky farming community downstate. I quickly discovered that young farmers are generally well built and sexy as hell. I was closeted at the time, but even as a young little 14 y/o scrawny bottom bitch in the making, I knew I wanted to get fucked by some farmer studs. My high school jackoff fantasy was being totally dominated by an athletic redneck farmer dude wearing a sleeveless shirt, skin-tight wrangler jeans with a can of chaw in the back pocket, a massive belt buckle, and some cowboy boots. Although I’ve had me a few dudes like this in college to hook up with, after college I moved back to a bigger city and really don’t see many hung, sexy farmer dudes anymore. Anyway, I am back home visiting my family for the weekend. I got bored and went to the neighborhood bar for a gin and tonic. Shortly after I got there, in walked this dude that was fucking sexy as hell. He was in his early 20’s, wearing some skin-tight wrangler jeans, cutoff farmer shirt, huge belt buckle, cowboy boots, a dip of Skoal in his mouth, and a gorgeous smile. The bar was pretty empty and he came over and we started talking. He started talking about his girlfriend who was gone and about how lonely he was. Long story short, after a few more drinks, I walked him home and he invited me in. He mentioned that although he has a girlfriend, he’s down to mess around with a dude on occasion. I made it quite clear to him that i liked getting fucked good and hard by studs with big dicks and I found redneck farmer dudes sexy as hell. Not long after that, I was flat on my back, looking into the eyes of this stud, running my hands over his muscular chest as he was fucking me good, hard, and raw with his big, thick 8 inches of manmeat. Listening to this stud talk sexy to me in his country accent while I was moaning like a little bitch and begging for more. He finished up absolutely jackhammering my ass and the sound of his big ole balls slapping my ass was fucking amazing! Afterwards, he was even down to snuggle and make out a little. He was very impressed that scrawny little feminine gingerbitch me could take an assfucking like that and still beg for more. He said he’d never seen a dude bust a nut simply from getting fucked without anything ever touching my cock Beimg gay is fucking amazing!! Being a bottom bitch faggot is even fucking better!!! Being a bottom bitch faggot who’s getting fucked good and raw by a sexy hung stud with a big, thick dick that’s been my favorite fantasy since I was a young teen is the absolute fucking greatest!!!
    4 points
  8. Hi @Arcaner I totally agree with you about the first point: This story shouldn't be confined here but I disagree with the second point. Usually a jerking off story doesn't need all that background, usually the characters are provided with synthetic description (name, age & size), a place is a place and no more details are needed... Then... Yes I fuck you, he breed me, I fist you... But nothing describe the feeling, the emotions, the efforts and the fatigue involved in those action. Nothing describe how Fisting isn't only an abuse but it found his apotheosis when it become a willing cooperation, when emotions are involved everything is amplified... No one gave me more satisfaction, describing those facts, than @shoreboy and this isn't just a simple JO story.
    3 points
  9. DOUBLE CONVERSION Part 1 Rob was excited as he boarded his flight to New Orleans. He had really been looking forward to his week vacation and it was finally here. It was time for some non-stop drinking and sex. He knew of the cities’ reputation, and was ready to find some holes to sink his fat 8”cock into. It’s not that he had trouble getting serviced at home; after all he was a 6’2” masculine and muscular 32 year old stud. His dark hair, bright blue eyes and well defined muscles got him attention no matter where he went. Every day in the gym there were always guys staring as he worked out and afterwards in the showers of course He was sure it was no coincidence that whenever he showered at the gym that the locker room just happened to be full. He’d play the cock tease and put on a show as he soaped up his defined smooth body, careful to pay special attention to his big cock and balls and well defined ass. However, Rob was all top and he loved to dominate guys. The only thing that got near his ass was the tongue of the bottom that was servicing him at the time. At least in his mind it was degrading for the bottom to eat his ass so that made it hotter. He did have to admit that being rimmed felt great though and made him even harder when he ultimately slammed the bottom’s ass. Although his hometown was pretty good in size, the options to meet guys was somewhat limited. There were only two gay bars in town, one of which was populated mainly by older guys that weren’t his type. He liked younger guys with tight asses. That bar, Renegade, did however attract a lot of guys into leather which was a fetish of his. So he’d go occasionally find someone acceptable for a quick fuck and leave. He had been there enough that the regulars recognized his cocky attitude so it was getting harder to find a hole there. The other bar, Dreams, was more of a twink bar. Of course he got lots of attention there because of his looks but the guys there also recognized him and his reputation. It didn’t help that Rob was fond of taking pictures of guys taking his cock for his collection and those pics occasionally had been used as blackmail when Rob was horny and didn’t want to spend a lot of time finding a hole to fuck. Although he didn’t do drugs himself other than poppers, he did find that a little G and/or X slipped into the bottoms drink made them more willing to do what he wanted. It was especially useful in getting the bottoms to take his cock raw. Raw was the only way he’d fuck, condoms were too restrictive and the felling of his raw cock pounding a tight ass was just so exhilarating. Most of Rob’s conquests lately had been thru apps. There seemed to be a lot of guys looking for cock on the side. He also learned that pretending to be versatile got him more hookups. He never gave his ass up but it did get him the connection in the door and once the guy was zoned out on the drugs and fucked he could leave with his own ass intact. The problem with the apps was all the back and forth messaging that was usually required, Rob didn’t have the patience. A drive to the a nearby college town always resulted in him finding a hole to fuck but that 90 minute drive one way kept him from doing it too often. As Rob settled into his seat on the plane he realized he was hard. Damn he was horny, that asshole last night from Grindr stood him up and he needed to fuck someone. Even though it was a Thursday he was confident from what he had read he’d still get some action tonight in the French Quarter. He was so ready. The male flight attendant noticed his bulge and gave him a smile. Rob thought, “Another gay flight attendant what a surprise”. He had met his share of them that were on an overnight layover in town and were looking for cock on the internet. Most of the ones he had fucked seemed to have well used holes so he thought that probably was why they took the job in the first place.. He did like the NSA attitude they had though and it was always an easy fuck and go since they had to catch flights in the mornings. Although, there may have been a couple of times where they missed the flights because they got a bit too fucked up when Rob was using them. Rob’s attitude was “Oh well if they lost their jobs it’s their problem for being such cum dump whores”. Fortunately the flight had no delays and Rob quickly caught a cab from the airport to his hotel in the French Quarter. Once at the hotel he checked in and immediately changed into a pair of tight worn jeans some black boots and a leather vest. He was ready, his cock was ready! He looked in the mirror, damn he looked hot. That coupled with the fact that he was fresh meat here in New Orleans meant in his mind that he’d get his rocks off soon. He was out the door and on his way to Rawhide. He made a couple of stops along the way to at the bars serving alcohol to the street. By the time he reached Rawhide he had already had 3 beers and was feeling slightly buzzed and very horny. The bar wasn’t packed but it being only 10 p.m. he was sure it would pick up. All eyes were on him, the “fresh meat” theory was certainly true here. His ass was grabbed a couple of times, guess it was time to assert himself as a TOP. Rob made a conscious effort to focus on assess, pat them, grope them, stare at them – surely people would notice what he was interested in. He also casually mentioned to a couple guys standing next to him t at the bar that he was hoping to find a raw bottom to take his load tonight. As the crowd grew he figured it was time to head to the back, he knew from what he read on the internet, that there was likely some action going on back there. Besides he had to piss like a racehorse as he was now on his 6th beer. Here’s where all the people went Rob thought as he pushed his way thru the sweaty bodies and made his way to the urinal. He unfastened his jeans, unzipped and pulled out his cock to let it flow. There were a lot of eyes watching so he thought he’d put on a little show so he stroked his cock a few times to harden it up and shook the last drops of piss off it. Almost immediately, a hand grabbed his cock and started slowly stroking it, someone behind him started nibbling on his neck and another pair of hands played with his nipples. Soon a bottle of poppers appeared under his nose and Rob took a couple of deep huffs. The hand on his cock had been replaced by a mouth which soon began to deep throat his full 8 inches. He was in heaven, but because he was so horny he shot his load deep down the unknown cocksucker’s throat within 15 minutes. He tried to fasten his jeans but he was led to another room cramped with guys and another mouth began to massage his cock. Over in the corner he saw a guy bent over a sink being fucked. The whole room was full of the scent of sweat, poppers and sex. OMG he was ready to cum again. “This place is amazing!!!” After he came the second time someone else was ready to suck his cock. Yeah that would be nice, Rob thought but the site of the guy in the corner getting fucked gave him other ideas. He glanced down slightly and saw a nice plump lily white ass pointed at him, he reached out and fingered the hole . It was wet and lubed so Rob pulled his cock out of the sucker’s mouth and plunged it into the hole in front of him.. The guy in front was caught by surprise to be impaled so suddenly by such a big fat cock and started to call out but Rob soon muffled his mouth with this hand. There were so many people in the room and there was nowhere to go. The guy was soon whimpering.as Rob aggressively pounded his ass while other fed him poppers and groped him all over. Rob’s third load was shot deep in up the assaulted ass and as Rob pulled out another stepped up to fuck the bottom using Rob’s cum as lube. Rob turned and his cock was cleaned by yet another awaiting cocksucker. After all this action Rob needed to piss again but there was nowhere to go. He couldn’t hold it so just started pissing down the throat of his current cocksucker. Wow, Rob thought this was hot, he’d never tried WS. “I’ll have to add that to my repertoire” he thought to himself. Rob eventually go out of the backroom and feeling exhausted left the bar and made his way back home. As he lay on the bed in his room he was grinning ear-to-ear. New Orleans was just as he had hoped and it was only the first day of his trip. He’d have to stop by one of the leather shops he had read about in the morning and check out some new gear and maybe some equipment for his basement. This was going to be a fantastic trip.
    2 points
  10. POZ Massage Part I of II I met Brendan online on an M4M Masseur website. My boyfriend was out of town, and I thought maybe I would get a massage. I knew I wanted a massage from a hot guy, but I figured that's where I would draw the line. After all, my boyfriend and I had decided to try being monogamous for a while, and I was determined to respect that. Out of all of the pages I looked at, Brendan seemed the most clean guy, an All-American jock-type who probably wasn't even gay. He had a few photos posted, some in workout clothes, and some shirtless on a beach somewhere. He had a great body, wide shoulders, built slightly-furry chest, slim waist, and ripped abs. I saw that he had some “locked” pics and sent a message asking if he could send me the code to unlock them. Within less than a minute, he had responded with a nice note saying he was immediately available for out calls along with the unlock code. I drooled when I saw the first private pic. A shot of his back with his muscular ass on display, showing his big ballsac hanging down between his legs. The next one showed him bending over and spreading his asscheeks. The final one was a frontal shot. I first noticed his big thick 7” dripping uncut hardon with a huge D-shape Prince Albert piercing. A few moments later, I saw his tattoo above his bushy dark pubes. I knew immediately it was a biohazard tattoo that meant he was POZ. I trembled all over thinking of this POZ hunk giving me a rubdown. I knew since I only wanted a massage, I would go for it. We agreed on a price and I gave him my address. I ran to the ATM to get the cash to pay him and then hopped in the shower. I couldn't help but finger my hole a little as I showered. Brendan arrived right on time with his folding table under his beefy arms. Every bit as stunning as his pics, he was wearing cut-off sweatpant shorts and a muscle T-shirt that showed off his gorgeous physic. He grinned at me as I shook his hands taking in his masculine form. He smiled saying that he knew the building and had given massages here before. I wondered which of my neighbors let this POZ stud give them a rubdown. He sat up the table as I got him a glass of water. He gave me a CD to play to help relax and I put it in the player. He handed me a smallish towel and asked me to undress. He left the room while I changed out of my clothes and I laid face-down on the table, my face cradled by a green foam ring. I heard Brendan coming back, and lifted my head. I was shocked that he was naked when he came back in the room, his big pierced dick soft and swinging against his legs as he sauntered over to me. “I find it's more relaxing if we're both naked. Is that okay?” I already felt cotton-mouthed, but nodded that it would be fine. He gently laid my head down into the foam ring and straightened out my arms against my sides. He kneaded my shoulders and my upper arms before moving lower to the small of my back and then to my ass. He rolled my cheeks in his hands, spreading them wide. I'm sure he got a great peek at my asshole as he worked my ass. He squirted massage oil repeatedly until my back was a sweetly-scented sticky mess and his hands slid smoothly over my curves and into my crack. This whole time, he was standing to the side of the table. I felt his hairy bare legs graze my arm and hand as he worked back and forth alongside me. At one point, I felt his fingers getting close to my asshole, and I could swear his was rubbing his fingertip practically into me. I let out a moan, and he held still. He then put one of his hands over mine and place his hardening cock onto my upturned palm. I didn't know if I should squeeze back or not, but he would up swiveling his hips enough that he was practically fucking my hand. After a few minutes of him working my ass with his dick in my hand, I got up the courage to wrap my hand around his cock and give it a good squeeze. He moaned back with approval as he worked my upper legs and then my feet. When he got to my feet, he pulled away from my hand, which suddenly felt empty. “You like a little assplay?,” he asked me as he took my feet in his strong hands. “Ummmm Hmmmm...” was all I could muster. With that, he mounted the table, straddling my upturned ass. I could feel his hair low-hanging balls and that cold cock piercing against my ass. I shivered as he leaned forward and ran his elbows up and down my back. I was in heaven, practically putty in his hands. After a few strokes, I felt the head of Brendan's cock at my ass. “You okay with me teasing your, hole, man? You know I'm POZ, right?” “Right....,” I muttered back. I myself wasn't sure if I was answering whether or not I knew his status or if I liked him teasing my hole. Either way, I felt him slide in first one greased-up finger, then two. The whole time, he kept massaging my cheeks with his free hand, and slapping my ass with his raging hard POZ cock. “You like that, man? Want something bigger.” “Ummmmmmmm Hmmmmm......,” I moaned back at him, expecting another finger, or perhaps a dildo. What I wasn't expecting was the tip of his pierced cock to slip into me painlessly without any resistance. In that moment, my mind was flooded with my promise of monogamy to my boyfriend at the same time as knowing the dangers of fooling around bare with POZ guys. It felt so good though that I didn't dare ask him to stop. “You ready for more of that? I've got six or seven more inches of where that came from.” “Okay, Brendan. Just put it in. Don't fuck me or anything, just put it in.” I couldn't believe the words that had just escaped my mouth. Brendan eagerly responded by slowly but steadily sinking his POZ cockmonster deeper and deeper into my raw hole. He stayed hard in me for at least ten minutes as he worked my shoulders, not pumping in and out, but pulsing deep inside me. I felt him slowly start to work his cock in and out, each stroke a bit further in and out, and in and out. It hadn't hurt at all given so much massage oil as lube, but now it felt different, almost creamy. I thought it must have been his precum oozing out of his POZ cock that was easing the way now. Brendan pulled my ass a bit higher so I was on my knees and elbows. He reached around to my crotch to find my own drippy cock so hard and sticky that it was matted to my pubes and belly. He wrapped his hand around my cock and allowed me to fuck myself into his hand. He remained still, so I was also fucking myself onto his bare cock. As I got closer and closer to orgasm, I picked up the pace. I was determined to cum before he did so I could pull off and not take his toxic load. As I pumped away, he hissed in my ear, “Slow down man, or you're gonna make me cum in you again!” Hearing that, I blasted off at once, knowing that he had already shot off in me at least once. That must have been why my ass felt so creamy as he worked his tool in me. I shot onto my chest and all over the table and pulled off of his cock. Brendan stayed on his knees on the table and leaned down to scoop up my spooge with his fingers. He pushed my load into his ass with one hand as he fisted his hardon with the other, quickly sending squirt after squirt of POZ cum all over the table. When we had both caught our breath, he suggested that we shower, and that I try to get out as much of his load as possible. He has assumed that since I had seen his private pics and not commented on the tattoo that I would be fine taking a POZ load. As I squatted over the toilet trying to force his toxic goo out my ass, I told him about my promise of monogamy with my boyfriend. “Since when?,” he asked. I was in this apartment last week, and I filled up your boyfriend's hole real good. My jaw dropped as Brendan threw his head back in a laugh. “So that's why he knew the address,” I surmised. We showered together as he fingered my hole again. After Brendan left, I texted my boyfriend. “WE'VE GOT SOME TALKING 2 DO. BRENDAN WAS HERE. HE CAME IN ME A LITTLE. DID HE CUM IN U?” I got a photo response a few seconds later: A pic of Brendan balls deep in my boyfriend's raw hole on the same table in our living room, followed by a one-word text, “YES.” I knew then and there that monogamy was a joke, and that we would be needing a “couple's massage soon. To be continued....
    2 points
  11. What a load of crap. HIV has been disproportionately affecting gay men since day 1 -- it's hardly something new, and it's certainly not due to bugchasing. Bugchasers are a very small community -- and gifters are incredibly rare, as anyone who reads the desperate posts of chasers here knows. This minority fetish plays an utterly insignificant role in the epidemic. The vast majority of new HIV cases are caused by people who are poz but don't know their status. HIV is at its most infectious in the first few weeks, when an antibody test would show up negative. Idiots who identify as "clean," don't get tested often enough, reject anyone who is honest about being poz/undetectable, and bareback with other "clean" guys -- that's who you need to be lecturing (but please don't). Yes, stealthing is unethical. We all know that. And we did even before you popped in with your missionary zeal to inform us. Where else do you stick your nose in uninvited to give sermons? What are you doing to help feed the hungry, house the homeless, and make peace in the world, like Jesus taught? Those kinds of moral messages are far more needed than lecturing others about their sex lives. But somehow busybodies like you are only concerned with what other people do with their private parts. You are clearly motivated by some inner turmoil of your own, not by concern for other people's well-being. Look in the mirror.
    2 points
  12. I make it clear before I fuck you bare that I intend on breeding and seeding you with no pull outs. Once that is established then its a go. If there is hesitation or they guy says "cant you shoot on my hole" or "shoot it on my ass" or "pull out and shoot on my face" FUCK NO. We're not going to connect. I'm clear: I fuck bare, I breed and I seed Period and its always going to be deep in your hole.
    2 points
  13. Hey guys, thanks for the comments. Hope you enjoy part 2. If you like it I can keep writing more ******* My mind had been racing all day. I had cycled between depression, anxiousness, and horniness thinking about what I did the night before. I'd really let strangers in my door and taken their raw loads anonymously! I was torn by the fulfillment of being a cumdump, and the fear of not being in control. I felt sick every time I thought about being exposed by the guy from craigslist, about losing everything in my life I'd worked for up to that point, and yet as time passed I couldn't resist being turned. I was reminded of Daddy's thick horse cock whenever I walked or sat down. But even though my insides were sore and raw, my faggot cunt kept clenching and feeling empty. Daddy sent just one followup email after he had blackmailed me and threatened to expose me: Don't jackoff until I see you. I want my bitch in heat. I followed his instructions exactly. A part of me feared that cumming would bring me down from the high and I'd regret it all more than I already did. Still, it was torture to deny myself from cumming after I'd just had the kinkiest night of sex in my life. As the time got nearer I scrubbed out my intestines with the deepest enema I'd ever given myself. It was made easier by the fact that I'd had almost zero appetite. Soon, I was squeaky clean and ready to be fucked. Then came time for me to follow Daddy's other instruction. I opened my wife's underwear drawer and looked at her collection of panties with a newfound fascination. I remember looking at these panties with the anticipation of how good they would make my wife's ass look, but now I was picturing my own ass in them, wondering which ones Daddy would like best. Daddy had requested pink, so I chose a hot pink g-string my wife had gotten for Valentine's day. Despite that the front was almost as skimpy as the back, my small smooth package fit nicely against the thin cotton fabric. I popped my ass and looked in the bathroom mirror. Damn, I looked so gay. What would my wife say if she saw me right now? What would the guys I used to play football with say? "I hope Daddy likes these," I said in a faggy voice, sucking on my finger. I reached down and rubbed my cockhead through my pink panties, which drooled stick precum. It was almost time, and I was started getting nervous again. What was I going to do if this guy robbed me or beat me up? But something inside me bowed to his control. When the time came, I shut off all the lights in my apartment, blindfolded myself, and took my place on my hands and knees in front of the door. ****** I waited fifteen minutes in that vulnerable position. Was Daddy late? Was he still coming? Then I heard someone pull up outside my door, and my cunt clenched as if in answer. The door swung open, and heavy footsteps let me know Sir had arrived. "Woof, boy," he growled. "Looks like you understand I'm serious about owning your faggot ass." "Yes, sir" I whimpered. His rough hands started to inspect me, gliding over my shaved smooth ass, and fishhooking into my mouth. I sucked and rubbed my tongue against his calloused finger, and he groaned with approval. He withdrew and spanked me on the ass. "You've got a lot of work to do tonight boy," Sir said, pinching my nipple. I moaned from the mixture of pleasure and pain, not understanding the meaning. "Got a lot of loads lined up for you. But first... I want to make sure you're properly prepared." What did he mean 'a lot of loads'? Suddenly, Daddy stood and left me, walking into the apartment. Blind and helpless as I was, I was in no position to stop him. I heard him flip on the bathroom light switch, and a faint glow shown from behind my blindfold. "The pink one hers?" he asked. "Uh, what?" But he didn't elaborate, and turned the light off. I held my breath as his heavy footsteps brought him past and then back behind me. "Ya boy... you're gonna forget all about pussy. You're gonna forget your dick was ever used for something. You're the pussy now, faggot." Then he put something thin and sharp at my hole and pushed it in. I cringed and gasped as it scraped me guts. He twisted it inside me, fucking me with it in a rough sawing motion. What the fuck was inside me? It felt like a pen or something, but somehow it was grabbing my intestines and scratching them raw. "Reach back and grab your ankles, fag."." I did as Daddy said, putting my face against the floor with my bare ass in the air. I bit my lip as my ass began to sting. A brief illumination let me know he'd just taken a picture of my ass. "If you thought those other pictures I posted of you were bad, just wait until your wife sees you in her panties with her toothbrush shoved up her ass." He laughed dryly. "So you do exactly as I say, boy. Don't try to resist becoming what you really are." I cringed at what the photo must look like, my fat smooth ass squeezed into my wife's pink g-string, along with her fucking toothbrush crammed halfway up my guts, what the fuck... Daddy spanked my ass, and yanked the toothbrush out of my hole, causing me to yelp. "First one's on his way," Daddy said. "You take every single load that walks through this door, and I don't post those pictures of you, understand? And then if I hear at the end of the night you were a good fuck, then I'll come back and put my own load in you... and then I'll let you cum." As in, he'd invited other people, people I had no idea who they were, over to fuck me? That's what he meant? Suddenly, he grabbed my balls and started squeezing them mercilessly in his fist. "You GOT that, faggot?" he growled. "Yes! Yes, I'll do it!" I cried. Relief flooded through me as he released his iron grip on my testicles. "Don't disappoint me, faggot," he said, giving my ass one final slap. "Make your wife proud while these random cocks plow you," he laughed. Then he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. Fuck. I had no doubt he was serious about exposing me. My heart was racing from the rough handling he'd given me. I slumped forward, resting, clenching my asshole in the cool air by the doorway. My hole still stung from the toothbrush. What if one of these guys knew who I was? What if they had an STD or something? But then there were footsteps outside... They wiped their feet on the mat outside, and then opened the door. A chill ran over me as the cold air rushed in over my bare ass. "Mmmm," the stranger said, unzipping and shedding his coat. He groped my ass and testicles. "Been awhile since I smashed college tail," he chuckled. "Turn around, suck my cock boy." I turned around in the darkness, my blindfold ensuring that even with the dim light coming through the crack beneath the door I couldn't see the stranger. I reached up to his cock and found it semi hard. The scent of man was strong as I took his cock into my mouth. He groaned as I sucked on the head, and salty precum started dribbling onto my tongue. His cock inflated until it was hitting the back of my throat. When I tried to pull back, he grabbed the back of my head and thrust, sending his cockhead past my tonsils. "Do a good job..." he said sternly as I choked on his cock. He started thrusting in and out of my throat mercilessly. I gagged and even threw up a bit, but swallowed it and kept sucking. His flaccid cock was now fully erect and rock hard, 7 inches and thick. "Fuck," he said, withdrawing. "Turn around, I want to fuck you now bitch." I did as he said, thankful he was done with my throat. He positioned himself behind me, his belt buckle clinking as he opened up his fly. He pulled my pink panties to the side, as spanked my cheek. The spit on his cock was all the lubrication he gave me as he pushed his meaty cockhead into my hole. I gasped as he fucked his cock roughly into me, and with several more thrusts he was buried balls deep in me, never asking if I wanted him to use a condom. "FUCK ya," he groaned. I could feel his belly resting on my ass as he started to pound me. "Fuuuuck," I whimpered as the stranger's cock prodded my full prostate. The sting in my ass gave way to pleasure as he fucked me bare. I reached back and spread my ass, letting him hit deeper and deeper. His fat belly slapped against me as he quickened his pace. He grabbed my hips and drove his cock into me, panting like a dog. I loved every brutal thrust as he used me. Not only did I not know who he was, someone else had chosen him to load my ass. I had no input on who used my hole. His intense pounding didn't last long before he yelled out and suddenly warmth shot into me, reigniting the stinging sensation. "Ohhhh shit, oh shit," he said, quivering, his cock pulsing more and more into me. "Oh fuck, I just gave you a ten day load bitch," he laughed. "Mmmm, hope you liked that." As he pulled out I tried to clench, but still some of his ample load dribbled out from me. "I did, thank you for your load," I told him, feeling complete with his cum trickling deeper into my guts. He zipped up, opened the door, and left. Load number one. ****** I exhaled and leaned forward. All the uneasiness melted away as the stranger's load sloshed inside me. I reached back and stuck my finger in my cummy hole, wincing as I found my o-ring tender. For two nights in a row a stranger's sperm was swimming around in my guts. I spent the next 20 minutes running my hands over my smooth ass, enjoying how slutty I felt. Eventually I heard a car pull up, and soon there was another man to service at my door. I popped my ass for my newest visitor as he entered. The only sound he made a quiet coughing as he got settled in behind me. Then, he squirted some lube that he'd apparently brought onto my hole and his dick, and slid his smallish cock into me. My hole opened easily for him, being already stretched out and filled with cum. He fucked me in short hard thrusts. Fast to shove in, slow to pull out. Only three minutes in his silence was broken by a muffled orgasm. He pumped a few more times, fucking his frothy cum into me, then zipped up and left without a word. Load number two. A Mexican guy who took a long time to get hard, but after sucking his uncut cock long enough he bred me rough and deep. Load number three. An old guy with a raspy voice and a thin cock. Load number four. A married guy who loved that I was wearing panties, and railed me for fifteen minutes straight, calling me a "stupid slut" as my useless cock flopped around in my wife's panties. Load number five. "Waited a long time to fuck this ass," the next stranger said, spanking me hard. "Never would have guessed you were a faggot, strutting around with that sexy wife of yours." The darkness concealed my sudden blush of embarrassment. Fuck. This guy knew me? "But you must be pretty damn gay to be taking anon loads instead of fucking her..." he said, feeling up my ass. "These her panties?" "Yes," I answered. "Hot... I check out both your asses at the gym, but I guess this way I sorta get to fuck you both," he laughed, snapping the g-string against my plump ass. After a bit of rustling I felt his cockhead at my hole. "Hope you're prepped up boy, cuz I don't pull out." "Mmm, I don't want you to pull out," I said, which seemed to turn him on. He pushed into my wrecked hole, and I discovered he was reasonably hung. Even though it was my sixth cock of the night he gave me a good stretching. "Where is your little wife tonight?" he asked as he fucked me. "She out gettin some dick of her own?" That was pretty possible. Cheating fucking whore. "She's at her parents house," I said, which was partly true. "She know you're taking anon loads tonight?" he asked, picking up his pace a bit. "N-no." "Hm. Didn't think so. Ahhhh fuck. I like it when she wears those little black spandex shorts," he said, breathing heavy as he rammed his big cock deep into my guts. "And when she's on her hands and knees stretching just like this... oh fuck..." Was this guy really fucking me while dirty talking about my wife? "What's her name?" he asked, smacking my ass. "Renee," I answered, sitting my ass back onto his thick cock. "Renee," he repeated. "Fuck ya, Renee, take that dick baby. Ride that dick you married slut." Holy fuck. did that turn me on! "Ya fuck me," I groaned, "fuck my slutty married pussy!" "Mmmm," he growled, pumping into me forcefully, "that's right you dumb cunt. Take it bareback you stupid cockslut. Fuckin whore. Take it bareback in your married pussy." "Yes please! Please fuck my wife's pussy! Cum in her please!" "You want your wife bred? You want your wife's married pussy knocked up?" "YES! Fuck her! Fucking cum in her and knock her up!" "Alright, pig. I'm gonna knock her up. I'm gonna fuck my babies into your wife's sweet cunt. You're gonna taste my cum every time you eat her out and know that I own her slutty pussy. Fuck ya, Renee. Take my cum, take it! Fuck, Renee! FUUUUUCKKK! I blowing in you right now!" "Yes! Breed me! Dump in my!" I yelled as his cum shot into my worn out cunt. His sperm stung my raw walls as he fucked it into me. He kept pumping, panting with exhaustion, until finally he sat back, withdrawing his cock from my gaping ass. "God damn," he sighed. "You're a sick fuck," he laughed. "I like it." I was exhilarated. I had no idea how hot it would be to have a man use me while thinking about my wife. Holy shit, and to hear him screaming her name while he blew it in me! My wrecked hole didn't have the strength to keep the loads in anymore, and some squirted out while I waited for him to leave. "Thanks for your cum," I said as he got dressed in the dark. "Next time I see you at the gym I'll take you to the showers for a quick fuck," he said. My precum dripped at knowing that even though he knew me I had no idea who he was... "I'll send you back out to Renee with my dirty load dripping from your hole." He spanked my ass, and sighed with regret. "If I was younger, I'd fuck you again, pig." Then he opened the door and was gone. Load number six. ******** How long had I been bent over in the darkness, a hole to use for whoever came through the door? I had no idea, but when the next customer opened my door, I recognized - with a mix of fear and horniness - the sound of Daddy's heavy footsteps behind me. "You did a fine job, boy," he complimented me, and I felt relief at his approval. He stepped up behind me and started photographing my cum-splattered ass. "How did you like being a cumdump for my friends?" "I loved it, Daddy," I whimpered. "I took all their loads." "Ya you did, fag. Every fucking toxic load. Such a stupid cumdump, aren't you boy?" "Yes Daddy, just your dumb slut." "You're more than a slut boy, you're my fucking whore now. I just pimped out that sweet neg hole of yours all night. Those dirty fuckers paid me $50 each to fuck you raw." He spanked my ass harshly, laughing as I heard the now familiar sound of a man's belt being unbuckled behind me. "Now you're gonna get what you earned. You're gonna take my load every night from now on until the deed is done, until you're mine forever." Daddy's horse cock stretched my hole open wide. I bit my lip in pain as inch after inch of his thick rod pushed in, lubricated only by the six anonymous loads I'd taken. "You're doing good with your training boy. Just keep doing what I tell you, and you'll be Daddy's boy before too long. I was prepped up before boy, but just for you I'm going off. Might take a little while, but I'll keep breeding you every day pumping my babies into you until you're pregnant for good. You're gonna be such a good incubator for my boys. A nice warm piece of fuckmeat for them to thrive in." Daddy's cock was rock hard and ramming into me so fast I didn't know if I could continue to take it. I clenched my hole in time with his pumping, desperately trying to milk his load out. "Fuck ya, Daddy! I want to have your babies! I'm your fuckmeat!" He growled in approval and started jackhammering into me. I'd never been fucked so hard in my life. My entire guts just relaxed and let him enter me freely, too tired to keep up any resistance to his giant cock. "Here it comes, boy! If you're lucky this'll be the load that ends you, you fucking beta faggot." "Yes Daddy, breed me! Knock me up with your alpha male cum!" "Oh, fuck YAHHHHHHH!" Daddy pushed all his weight onto me as he got ready to cum, flattening me to the floor. His strong hand went to my throat, clamping down on my windpipe as he thrust deeply into me. I wriggled helplessly, fighting for air as he choked me, but he ignored my squirming. "You'll breathe... when I'm done... cumming in you, FUCCCCCKKK!" He rammed his cock into me so hard I thought he was going to break through my intestines. I would have screamed out if I had any air in my lungs. My head spun, my consciousness slipping away as his horse cock pulsed his alpha cum into my ass. "There's another roll of the dice for you, fag boy," he laughed, releasing me from his choke-hold. I sputtered and gasped for air as he got up off me. "Now let's make sure it takes. Go get that butt plug of yours, the one you had in last time. And bring your wife's wedding ring. I'm gonna put it back where it belongs." I fought through my dizziness and obediently crawled on my hands and knees to the bedroom. I knew where they were even in the darkness and without removing my blindfold... sitting on the night stand by the bed. I returned to Daddy in the entry way, groveling in front of my alpha. "H-here they are," I choked out my sore throat. "You know what I love about all this?" he taunted, stepping around behind me. "All night while you were my good little cumdump whore, you've been wearing your wedding ring. What a devoted husband you are." Shit. I hadn't even thought about it. I was so used to wearing it I didn't think to take it off. But Daddy now made that choice for me. "Let's add it to the collection," he said, and pulled my hand backward, slipping it off. What was the point in fighting? The rings were fucking worthless anyway. I moaned as I felt the hard metal circles pushed into my hole: first my ring, then the sharp edges of my wife's. The jabbing feeling of my wife's fake diamond was now obvious to me as my walls contracted and sucked it up. "Fuckin hot, boy," said Daddy as he used his sausage-like fingers to stuff the rings deeper. "I'm having a lot of fun ruining you." And with that, he pressed the glass plug against my hole until my feeble o-ring gave way, and the cavernous abyss that was now my cunt swallowed it hungrily. "Now, have you been a good boy and did your hold your cum in all day for me?" "Yes Sir," I said, acutely aware of how my cock had been denied any attention. "How about I let you have that orgasm I promised you?" "I'd love that Daddy!" I said excitedly. I hadn't cum in over 48 hours. "Ha, you'll love this, boy. Come here, sit up on your knees. I'm gonna show you how beta males are allowed to cum." As I did, I heard a plastic echoey sound come from the bathroom, and then felt something set in front of me. There were more noises too, small items being moved. "Put your hands behind your back. Let me see this little faggot cock of yours." He reached into my panties and pulled out my smallish cock, which immediately shriveled with the cold air. Daddy laughed as he choked it in his fist. "Little guy's scared, ha ha. Well boy, alpha's cum is meant to seed and breed. But your cum, well... it goes somewhere else." He started jacking my cock and I could hear the crinkle of plastic. "Mmmph," I whimpered at having my cock teased. Precum was oozing out and all I could think about were the loads marinating in my ass, plugged up with my wedding rings. I could already feel my cum welling up in me. "Cum from beta males like you goes in the garbage," Daddy said sternly. "It's a waste, just like you are. Weak beta cum needs to be eliminated from the gene pool." "Oh fuck," I gasped under my breath. Every cruel word he said brought me closer to cumming. "Dump it in there boy, shoot your worthless cum into the garbage can. Show me you understand where your place is." "Fuck, oh Daddy! OH FUCK!" And just as I started to cum, Daddy immediately quit jacking me and gripped my cock tightly, pointing it into the garbage can, as rope after rope of my worthless cum shot into the bin. "Oh fuck, please, please DADDY!" I screamed as I pleaded with him to keep jacking me, but he snickered as my burning orgasm fizzled and was ruined, despite having drained my balls. I thrust my hips pointlessly against his fist, but he just laughed and let my spent dick drop against the edge of the garbage can. "That's a good boy," he said, getting up from me and heading toward the door. My mind was so fucked, I couldn't even comprehend what had happened. I felt even more sexually frustrated than before he'd milked me. "I'll be in touch, fag. Got lots more training for you to do." Before I could say another word he left, and slowly my consciousness started to return. It was like I'd been high all day, doped out on a drug. I had done so much shit I shouldn't have, I couldn't even process it. It had come so naturally to be objectified, to be a thing to be used... what purpose had I even had before that... I removed the blindfold, locked the door, and turned on the light. As my eyes adjusted to the burning brightness I saw the garbage can in front of me. Inside were my wedding photos, their black frames and glass covered with my cum. The sperm running down the picture of my wife's face was probably the last "facial" I'd ever be giving her, considering I was now a cumdump. I left the picture frames in there, and put the garbage can back in the bathroom. I had no idea what time it was, but my body was fully spent. I crawled into bed facedown, my brain happy to be shut down after another night of mind-fucking. I drifted off to sleep, the plug keeping Daddy's load safe inside me. ********* I slept hard enough I didn't have any dreams. But sometime, hours later, there was a banging at my front door. "What the fuck," I said, feeling like death as I sat up. I saw daylight peaking through the curtains. I waited, hoping whoever the fuck it was would go away, when suddenly I heard the unmistakable sound of a key turning in the lock. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I pulled the blankets around me in confusion as the door opened. Had Daddy made a key to my apartment? But the footsteps weren't Daddy's. "Hello," Renee said sweetly, standing in the doorway. Fear stuck in my throat, as she approached me. "I..." "I've done a lot of thinking," she said, struggling not to cry. "You're right. We should work on things. I... I just needed some time. I've missed you." She sat next to me on the bed, and took my hand in hers. "Where..." she said, looking down at my hand, then smiled apologetically. "Well it's only fair. I guess I'm not wearing mine either." She pulled me in for a hug saying, "I'm really happy to see you. What have you been doing while I was gone?" As I thought of what to say, my ass involuntarily clenched around the glass plug that was still held our rings inside my guts, soaking in the loads of the strangers who had used me only hours before.
    2 points
  14. Thank you for an amazing adventure
    2 points
  15. If you let a guy fuck you bare expect his load in your hole too. Otherwise simply don't fuck bare. Period.
    2 points
  16. Posted an hour ago. I hope this vid isn't pulled by Xtube as he mentions his err...."professional" activities. By: david-sf https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/david-sf-anon-blindfold-breeding-34601871 DAVID-SF ANON BLINDFOLD BREEDING This hot sexy fuck wanted me to breed him Anon. So I brought my buddy with me to hold the camera and he decided to unload in him also. Def going to be breeding this one again and again. YUM!!!!!! Want me to cum in your guts hit me up.
    2 points
  17. Got into Atlanta last night, staying in a hotel downtown. This morning I had some time and logged into BBRTS. Chatted a few guys, but everyone was one their way to work. One guy hit me up who was working down the block and was thinking he could come over. There were long pauses in his messaging, so I figured he was either at work or flaking. He also never unlocked his pics, though I didn’t ask him to, either. I liked the vibe in his messages and the cock pic. Meanwhile another guy hits me up from one of the other hotels in the area; he seems pretty serious, and we get chatting. The first guy responds again, saying he’s on his way and needs the room number and asking which tower I am in. The latter part of the question told me he knew the hotel and had visited here before. The first guy arrives wearing his work clothes and a light jacket. Handsome bearish guy, about 5’11” with dark hair and a beard. I was immediately attracted and glad I took the risk. I’m wearing nothing but jogging pants which I shuck as he pulls out his soft cock. I drop to my knees and start sucking. I quickly felt his cock responding in my mouth, gradually getting firmer and filling more of my mouth. I took a hit of poppers and went down on him again. His cock grew to an easy 7 1/2 inches, thick head, and getting wider at the base. I was wondering how much work it would be to take him. I stood up, reached for the lube n the nightstand, and slicked his cock. I had pre-lubed my hole with a little Vaseline while he was on his way up. I laid back on the bed with my ass at the edge, He didn’t even both undressing, just pushed his pants down to his thighs and pulled up his shirt tails — it was hot! This guy was strictly here for some hole and his own pleasure. He posoiioned his cock at my hole while I took a long drag on my poppers. He slid in slowly, and my hole stretched right around that thick piece. I was kinda surprised how easily it went. He started pumping, standing over me fully dressed while I was butt ass naked in front of him. He pounded away, his face showing how much he was enjoying himself. “Fuck that hole is tight.” I could tell this was gonna be a quick fuck, so I focused on how hot his raw cock felt. He used long strokes, thrusting back in and drawing out fairly quickly. I was grunting and encouraging him, flexing my ass muscles to help milk his cock. His eyes were locked on me and he grinned. “What did you come to do?” I asked him. ”Breed you.” He started pumping faster, and breathing heavier. His thrusts were harder now, and his head rolled back. “Fuck Yeah!” He says. And he’s pounding away. I knew he was feeling his cum shot building. He finally lets loose, spraying his load inside me. His face was a grimace as he edged between intense pleasure and hypersensitivity that was almost painful for his cock. I clenched my ass muscles, trying to drain his cock. “Push it all the way in me.” He stayed in me, panting, for a good minute or two. Then pulls out. I could feel some of his cum beneath the head of his cock ooze out and down my hole as he pulled out. He pulled up his pants and headed for the door. Quick exchange of thank you’s, and he was gone. No names, though he dropped me a note on BBRTS later saying thanks and how hot my hole was. The second guy showed up about half hour later. Thinner and shorter, he had a nice cock. I was more into the first guy, but had agreed to meet so I was obligated to give up my hole. He told me he was poz, and I said I’m neg and on prep. This was a quick fuck, as well, with me poppering up and offering my hole to his raw cock and load. If you’re gonna offer your hole raw, you’re obligated to take his load. It was an easy fuck. He had a decent cock, though it wasn’t as robust as the first guy’s, so I wasn’t feeling the same intensity. He fucked me about 10 minutes, and I was riding the wave of poppers and getting into being a cumdump this morning. I had one load in me, and knew I could have the second. ”Breed that hole. That’s what you want to do, isn’t it?” He was breathing fast, but he was athletically built and had good stamina. He wasn’t breaking a sweat, but had a solid rhythm. He was watching his cock pump in and out of my hole, then suddenly looked up into my eyes, his mouth open, and shot without any warning. He emptied his seed with slow, deep strokes, taking his time to pleasure himself. I felt the long, slow pull of his cock leaving my hole. He left a couple minutes later after washing up quick. He was a little more conversive, but still left quickly. neither of them showed any concern for me getting off, or asked if I wanted to. Both did a pump-n-dump and left. That was really hot, and I stood in the room stroking my cock thinking about the two loads in me from these nameless guys who came and went. I’m in Atlanta two more nights, and I can tell I want to cumdump again and again while I’m here, and take as many cocks as I can.
    2 points
  18. Part 4 I woke up with Dante's cock so lodged in my ass. I started to think about what I had done with him the night before, the pipe I was given to smoke, two of Dante's crew fucking right in front of me, at how good Dante made me feel and was making me feel at that moment with his hardening cock inside my ass. There was also a feeling of guilt at all I had done. Instinctively I began to move my ass I an attempt to milk his cock for another load. As wrong as it might have been the only thing I knew was that I needed him to cum inside me again and again. This was what I meant to be, a white boy whore born to service a dominant black man. As I worked my ass was much as I possibly could I thought I felt Dante begin to stir. Dante I knew my new white fuck toy was awake as I began to think of what I was going to call him. All of my crew had specific nick names and this boy needed a special one from me as he started to work his ass on my hard cock had been lodged inside him since I fucked that last load inside him before we went to sleep. This would be the first and (for the moment) only white boy in my crew. His only duty would be to be my fuck hole. He had the nicest ass I had ever had the opportunity to fuck. I’ve figured my entire crew, including the straight boys, and this white, home boy was great. He was fresh like white bread. That’s it, I’ll call him Home Slice. It was time to give Home Slice was he was trying to work for as I grabbed his hips, pulled him to his knees as I a show, methodical fuck of this white boy I claimed as my own fuck whole. As I fucked him, making him moan with every in and of movement of my cock, I asked him, “How's my Home Slice feeling?” His response said it all as he moaned a couple times before answering, “Fantastic, I love you cock inside my ass. I can’t wait to feel it throb inside me.” I let Home Slice know, “You’ll get my dirty cum when I’m ready to give it to you. I want you to enjoy this fuck before some of my boys teach you how to suck cock. You’ll have all afternoon to get it down before tonight.” I went on telling him “Now that you’re part of my crew I need to give you a new name to match, I came up with Home Slice. Your ass is uniquely fresh like a slice of white bread, and being a white, home boy, I figured Home Slice fit you perfectly.” As I said this I knew he was liking the name and attention he was getting as I felt his ass working harder to milk my load out of me. I wasn’t going to disappoint him as I picked up my pace, my breathing noticeably changed and I grabbed his hips and rammed my cock in deep inside Home Slice and fired my load deep inside. I kept my all hard cock inside his great ass trying to resist the urge to keep fucking him, knowing me needed to learn to suck cock properly. I had a group of gay boys coming over to teach Home Slice how to suck deep throat a cock. I gave him one more thrust and what cum was left in me before I pulled out letting him know that other then this ‘training’ no one else in the crew was to ever try to fuck him or hey him to suck their cock. His ass belonged to me and me alone and I would decide if he was to be fucked by anyone other then me, and you will be naked when I’m here with you or only a pair of your boxer briefs. You looked so damn hot I them when your shorts came off. Now it’s time for you to learn to suck cock.” Home Slice Dante had given me my name as a new member of his crew. I really liked Home Slice, and the fuck he left me with was amazing. He must have shot his cum very deep in my ass cause with his cock no longer inside me none of it leaked out. Dante walked out of his bedroom leaving me alone in the room for a could minutes before four naked guys came into the room. I recognized one of them from my high school and a sudden fear came over me that everyone from school would soon know about me and Dante. The first thing my classmate told me, “Don’t worry Chris, if I were to tell anyone Dante would probably kill me.” He laughed a little at his own comment telling me he was dead serious. They began to teach me and demonstrate how to suck cock, how to avoid gagging and focusing on the pleasure my mouth and throat can provide not just the guy I’m sucking but the pleasure that will bring me. This was followed by my starting to suck each of them starting with the guy with the smallest cock, probably about 6-6.5” to the guy with the biggest, that had you be a just smaller then Dante’s cock (who happened to be my high school classmate). As I thought about how pleased Dante would be if I could properly suck his cock the task of giving head became easier as I followed their instructions and was soon getting every cock into my throat. I gagged a couple times, but tried to focus on the pleasure I was providing. With that I mind I found myself easily not just taking the guys cock into my throat, but learning how to use my throat to milk the cock. One of the guys teaching me let me know, “The last thing you need to learn is you swallow the guys cum.” Somewhere in the back of my head I knew I’d have to eat a guy’s cum. One by one sucked each guy’s cock to completion. The first guy gave me plenty of warning before he for his cum in my mouth. My first taste of cum wasn't that bad, a little bit of sweet and salty that I knew I’d cum to love. The next guy gave my less time to prepare for him to fill my mouth. His cum tasted a little different, not that bad, but again I knew that I’d be expected to swallow no matter the taste just like I was to accept any cum that was to be shot into my ass. The next one gave me no warning, but somehow I knew when he was ready and didn’t spill a drop. By this time I was eager to swallow his cum. The taste began to grow on me as I eagerly swallowed his load. The last guy, my schoolmate, told me, “Dante wants me to ready you for a skull fucking if I think you can handle it, and I think you can.” I began sucking him, getting him hard as he let me know to take a breath every chance I was given. Once he was hard a steel in he grabbed my head and without a word began to face fuck me. Every so often he works bury his cock I’m my throat cutting of my air supply before pulling out just long enough for me to get a quick breath of air before resuming face fucking me. What really surprised me was even he buried his cock you the root in my throat and I felt his cock throb as he delivered his cum directly to my stomach. He pulled back towards the end of if orgasm allowing me a taste of his cum. He had the best tasting cum of all of the guys teaching me. After that left me in Dante’s room it was only a few minutes before Dante returned. Nothing was said, I knew why he was there and that was to see how I well I could suck cock. I knew he wasn’t going to be disappointed. Dante I had the four white boys wait while I was going to see how well Home Slice had become as a new cock sucker. I told them, “You can hang out with my crew while I check out how well you taught Home Slice. Be sure you keep them happy in any way that they want.” The four white boys knew what I meant by keeping my crew happy as the familiar pipe appeared and the Tina addicts quickly began to smoke. Knowing my crew, I was sure that when I returned to check in them, they’d be spun out of there mind after being slammed. I only knew of one of them that was definitely a slammer and two that had never had slammed before. I made sure that all the action would be recorded for me to watch at a later time. I went to my room to find Home Slice still naked and waiting for me. Not a word was spoken as I sat on the bed resting against the head board with my legs spread and a soft cock waiting for a warm mouth. Home Slice climbed up between my legs and without hesitation took my black cock into his wet and warm mouth. As he went to work sucking and licking my cock began to respond as it grew and soon ground it’s way into his throat. The first the me deep throated me I nearly lost my load. Those boys did good and I was sure that they were enjoying themselves as I began to hear coughing coming from the living room. As good as Home Slice was doing in my cock I had to see how he wound handle a large load of cum shot into his mouth. The work he was doing on sucking me was getting me very close to cumming. I’ve always be one who could hold off cumming easily, but knew this want the time for me to hold back. I gave no warning as I began to fill his mouth with a big load of my cum (no matter how many times I cum my volume barely diminished. He has already taken a good fuck from me, he’s been and to deep throat my big black cock, if he swallows my spunk he’ll be ready for Miguel’s visit tonight. Ready or not get was about to get it from me as I began to fill his mouth. At first it didn’t look like he was going to handle the missive load I was giving him but before I knew it, he began to swallow it down as I continued to fill him up. A little bit leaked out the corner of his mouth but it wasn't enough to matter to me as I finished shooting and he finished swallowing. He was ready!
    2 points
  19. I spent the night working my fingers in his hole, I got 4 fingers in before he started complaining in his drowsy state. I decided to stop, he will be sore tomorrow. I flipped him over, and got out the chastity device, locked his cock up and left a plug on the night stand. “I have the key to the device, you can only cum with me. The plug is to go in when you get home from work after you prepare for me to come over,” I wrote on a paper on the night stand. I called him at 6am sharp to make sure he woke up in time for his morning routine. Sure enough he answered. “Hello?” he sounded groggy. “How are you feeling slut?” “Tired but good, I’m going to start my yoga, eat and go to work. You can text me though.” He was slowly getting back to normal. “I know slut, I like my bottoms flexible and responsible. Less work for us tops. You are to do your yoga naked today, and all curtains in the house are to be open.” “Y-Yes Sir” he stuttered in reply. “Is your pussy sore?” “Surprisingly no, Sir.” “Then you will put the plug in for yoga too, did you enjoy last night?” “mmhmm” “More to come tonight, have a good day slut.” I said as I hung up. I kept thinking about what he said last night, it made my morning wood scream to be played with. But I have to wait, save every load for this boy’s ass. “Fuck me until I’m pregnant” rang in my head. I can do that, I can fuck him until he’s pregnant. I remember seeing a story or two online about bottoms and tops whose fetish it is to become infected with HIV. It made me nervous, am I willing to become HIV positive? I just met this kid, he told me about his dreams and ambitions. He has a lot to look forward to, I on the other hand am set in life. I went to the computer and started researching HIV and AIDS, I remember studying it in dental school, everything has to be sterilized and new for each patient so we don't spread it. My research turned into edging as I found websites with videos of hot bottoms taking raw anonymous loads. Tops telling their bottoms they were going to be “POZ” after this fucking, “take my poz load”, “give me your poz load”. This was so new to me, but it was as intoxicating to watch and hear as the porn stars themselves. I almost stroked to orgasm and it seemed to pull me out of the mindset I was in. “Give it more time Rich,” I said to myself as I got ready for my day at work, “he’ll come around.” My day again was packed and it distracted me from the thought of this boy’s perfect ass. On my lunch break I looked at pictures I took of his ass as he was passed out. He took my cock like a pro bottom, he could be a little more vocal, but he flexed his hole at the right time during my thrusts, and the whole night was about me, his top, and my pleasure in using his body. I’ve never found that before, some bottoms can be so selfish, they cum as I fuck them and then they want to stop because they’re spent, not this boy. Would he really become gay? Is this possible? He showed me a picture of his girlfriend, he really knows how to choose them. He wants kids and comes from a nice family, how would they feel about his coming out? How would they feel about how his boyfriend being 20 years his senior? “Sir your next patient is here” my assistant peaked her head in the door to my office. “Thank you, be right there.” I replied, “back to work rich” I said to myself tying my hardon into my scrubs belt to calm it own. I went home and showered, my cock was hard the whole drive home, and the entire time I got ready to go over. “What to do tonight… “I thought to myself. It didn’t take long to know exactly what I was going to do tonight. “Is the plug in slut?” I text him. “Yessir, I’m ready for you when ever you’re ready” he replied. “Good, when I arrive, come out to the car and grab my bag, and walk me back into the house, see you in an hour.” I pulled up to the house he was watching and honked, surely someone will look out the window wondering if the honk was for them. I saw a shadow in the front window, the curtains were still wide open. He was hesitating, that’s the wrong thing to do. I honked again, a light turned on in the front room of a neighbor’s house, and the porchlight turned on at another house. Finally, Trevor emerged from the dark walkway to the front door. I rolled down the window, “Trevor, go turn on the front walk light, and come back to retrieve me and the bag.” “Y-yessir” he ran back to the house and turned the light on, and ran back to the car, he cock bouncing in the jock strap still locked tight. “Well?” I stood there outside the front door of my car, “I won’t remind you how to greet your lover” He quickly gave me a kiss on the lips, grabbed the bag and I held out my hand to walk back to the house with him. “No drinks tonight, I want you to be aware of everything we do to you tonight” I said when we got to the kitchen. He clearly caught what I said. “We?” his eyes opened wider. “Yes, we. You can’t really expect me not to share the best bottom I’ve ever had do you?” I said. “Head to the bedroom, and put this on, I’ll be in in a moment and tape your wrists to your ankles ass up”, and handed him a blindfold. He looked scared as he walked to the bedroom, his beautiful ass bouncing with every step, the plug glistening with leftover lube. I opened a beer and took out my phone, pretending to call people, inviting them over to fuck my “slutty bottom”. After a few “calls” I went to the bedroom. And used fetish tape to tape his wrists to his ankles like I said. Then took out my Bluetooth noise canceling headphones and put them on his head. Right before I turned them on I asked him, “my friends are on their way, your job is to please them with your pussy as you’ve pleased me. Do you want their cocks raw, or do you want them to cover up?” “I don’t know Sir” he replied. I opened up a popper bottle, and put it under his nose. “deep breath, and then answer me again slut”. After a few deep breaths I could see the plug moving about as the poppers did their job bringing ecstasy to his hole. “Raw, please” He moaned. “My friends are pretty slutty, what if they have something bad?” To my surprise he moaned, and replied, “I don’t care, I just want cum in my ass” “Wow what a good gay little bottom” I turned on the headphones and left the room turning off the lights. I came back in and started feeling up his smooth ass, spanking him once. I took out the plug and lubed up my cock a little, before slowly entering his slightly open inviting hole. I went slow, letting my hands travel his tight body, every once in a while, giving him a playful slap on the ass. I used slow deep strokes, bouncing my hips off his ass trying to take my time. His perfect hole got the better of me, I couldn’t take it anymore, pressing my cock as deep as I could into him I came. I took my cock out, shoved the plug back in and gave him two little slaps on the butt, “Guy #1” is done. I left the room, he was wiggling a little relishing the load I just put into his ass, probably wondering who it was. I opened a beer, and went outside to smoke a bowl of weed. I entered again, making sure the light from the hallway crossed his vision, he can’t hear me but I’m sure he cans see a little light. I walked to the side of the bed, tweaked his nipple and he jumped a bit at my touch. I spit on his face and his mouth opened with surprise and desire. I spit into his mouth, and gave his nipple another squeeze. I went around the back and pulled his cummy hole open with 2 fingers from each hand, peering inside. He fought my fingers but with a little more play his ass started to relax, I took advantage and shoved my fully erect cock into his ass to the hilt in one thrust. He yelped, I reached down and pulled his nipples hard as I continued to rail into his messy pussy. I started to take my cock all the way out and rammed it all the way back in, his hole was still matching my thrusts, he really is meant to take cock. He relaxed as I exited, leaving his hole gaping and ready for my next full thrust. I again couldn’t take it very long despite just cumming minutes before. “Guy #2” came deep into his ass, and spit on his face one more time before leaving the room. I went to the master bedroom, and searched through the owner of the houses’ medicine cabinet, sure enough I found cologne, and sprayed a little too much on. “Guy #3” will be fucking him next and who knows, maybe the next time my slut sees his family friend, he’ll recognize the cologne and wonder if this guy actually fucked a load into him that night. I walked into the bedroom, my slut’s ass slightly gaped, glistening with cum, his balls hanging lower than the chastity device will allow his cock to grow. I slowly go onto the bed, the EDM music still keeping him oblivious to who was going to be entering him, he could feel the bed shift, I heard him softly moan, and rock backwards a bit almost begging for a cock. I reached out and grabbed his balls, wrapping my index finger and thumb around them, pulling them towards me. I gave his balls a nice rub with my other hand, and could feel him tense up, preparing for them to be roughed up. I gave them a nice pat, and he didn’t jump, but he moaned, I gave them a harder pat, yet again he moaned in approval. I sprayed poppers into the towel and pulled his hair lifting his head and shoved his face into the towel. Sure enough he relaxed a bit, ready for more abuse. I started tugging and pulling on his balls, giving them a squeeze and a slap every once in a while. He was loving it, I was nervous about how hard to hit them, but I kept going, his groans of pleasure from the abuse kept me rock hard. I couldn’t bare it any longer, I want his ass again, I shoved my cock in his ass and he met my full thrust, if I can’t make him gay these poppers definitely will. My mind drifted as his ass swallowed my cock, milking it and begging for its cum, I wonder what he would do if I got him pregnant with an HIV+ load. Would he become mine? Would he be mad at me and leave me? I don’t want him to leave, I could fuck this perfect ass forever. His girlfriend would definitely be heart broken, losing such a stud, would he tell her the truth? Would he tell her he loves men now, or at least being fucked by them? He could get her pregnant, that’s not fair, his DNA forever being a part of her. I will test him, what will he do when he realizes he’s a HIV positive gay man meant to take cock? The thought of him coming out to me, and telling me he’s chosen me over women put me over the edge, I came mid thrust, my cock feeling sore from the nights festivities. I stayed inside him, his straight tease of an ass still milking my softening cock like a pro. I relaxed and let a stream of piss into his ass, I was so distracted I didn’t even realize how bad I had to go. My slut moaned, I could feel piss surrounding my cock before being swallowed by his large intestine, taking my load deeper than its ever gone into his ass. I finished, pulled out and got off the bed, dug through my bag and put the largest plug I had into his full ass. It popped into his ass with a little piss escaping, and with that I left the room to clean up. I came back and like a good bottom he didn’t complain about how full his stomach felt with piss and cum. I took off the head phones and turned them off. “So how did you like my friends?” I asked. “How many were there? I got kind of distracted by the poppers.” He replied. “Well… how many did you wish me to invite over?” I said, cutting through the bondage tape and helping him up to take him to the bathroom. “I’m so horny I wish there were 10 or more” he laughed, “this cage is surprisingly comfortable but man is it frustrating and keeping me horny.” “I’m sorry to say only 3 could make it tonight” I lied. I would introduce him to more cocks, but for now I’ll keep him safer. “oh ok, can I release this?” he said pointing behind him to the plug keeping piss in his ass, “I’m pretty sure your last friend pissed a gallon into my body.” “I know I was watching them all, you took them like champs, I didn’t know your balls could take such a beating, could you have handled more?” “Ha – with those dang poppers I felt like I could’ve taken anything” he said sitting down onto the toilet, reaching down and pulling out the plug, piss gushed out of his nice loose ass. “I know you like them being abused, but I was worried that with enough abuse you could go sterile” “Well if I can’t have kids there no real need to have a girlfriend or a wife is there”, he said wiping his ass, “I want kids, but it happens to people even when they haven’t had their balls tortured ha ha.” “So you’d become gay if you were for some reason sterile?!” I said shocked “Well don’t crush them to a pulp, or take them off, but yeah I don’t see why not, if I can’t have kids the normal way, I can adopt with anyone right? Plus my brothers will further the family line” “What if one of the guys tonight was positive for HIV? He stared at me for a second, “They weren’t right?” he said worried. “They said they were clean, but sometimes they don’t know or are between tests, I can bring a test over if you want, you want to be gangbanged, do you really expect to stay negative with strangers taking your perfect ass? And trust me a lot of strangers will want your ass.” “A gangbang does sound hot, tonight was great, they all had pretty good size, and each was different. I guess it’s like becoming sterile, it comes as a consequence of my playing. I’d want to make sure I don’t spread anything to my girlfriend though, she doesn’t deserve anything like that.” “Well I hope to make you fully gay before you catch anything you could give to her. I want to make some more ground rules for you.” I grabbed his hand and walked him to the bedroom, sitting down onto the edge of the bed, I pulled him to me, and made him sit facing me on my lap. I grabbed his head and we started to make out, he sure was horny, his hips were rocking back and forth as our tongues explored each other’s mouths. I picked him up, our mouths locked, and laid him underneath me in bed. “You’re the best bottom I’ve ever had” I told him looking into his eyes. He smiled, “thank you, you’re definitely the best top I’ve had.” “Is this the best sex you’ve had gay or straight?” “I’ll be honest, before you I’ve never enjoyed kissing a guy, I was super nervous coming over the first time after your ad said kissing was a must. I’ve never gotten hard with another guy befo-“ “Bull shit” I interrupted. “no really, I’ve never gotten hard while being fucked like some of those guys in porn. I read once that some of them are just hot straight guys doing it for the money, but I got hard with you and it made me question myself.” “Do you think you’re becoming gay?” I asked “I don’t know, but I’m really enjoying this and excited to see what else is instore, I always thought if I came while being fucked it’d mean I am gay” “Have you cum while being fucked?” I said reaching for his locked cock. “No not yet” he answered reaching for my hardening cock. “Ready for my rules?” I said and he nodded in anticipation. 1. Jock straps is all you’ll wear for underwear 2. No more straight porn, only bareback gay porn 3. I want you to be able to do the splits, so add stretching to your leg routine at the gym. 4. From now on, you greet me, and say goodbye to me with a kiss. 5. From now on, all contact with your girlfriend will be because she initiated it, not you. 6. If you don’t want her to see the jock straps, go commando. 7. I need the addresses of your work, gym, home and I want your girlfriends name and address where you stay on weekends. 8. If you cum from being fucked, you tell her you enjoy being fucked in the ass. He seemed to like the rules, he was laying on his back, a small smile forming. “What do you think?” “I like them, can I add one?” “Please do” I said, wondering what he could add to that. “If for some reason I can’t have kids, or if I become HIV positive, I’ll break up with her and come out” “Wow are you serious?” I said pulling back in surprise that this would be a rule. “Does the thought of catching something turn you on?” “yeah, weird huh, it kind of does turn me on to think about, plus if my balls and sperm are useless, might as well be a complete bottom, right? “Wow, you must be ridiculously horny, you’re talking crazy” I told him, “do you want to cum?” “No”, he smiled and got closer to me giving me a deep kiss, going back to where we left off.
    2 points
  20. My body flinched as I felt the sharpness of his pointed finger nail scratching and scraping my ass lining. I moaned and whimpered at the pain as his finger dug deeper tearing me with every movement. After all his profile stated he guaranteed conversion no questions asked. It all started a couple of hours earlier, I had smoked a joint then gorged myself on pasta as the munchies kicked in. Still buzzing and very rampant I went on to the search for a fuck on line. Desperately needing to get laid, but there was very few guys nearby and I was ready to give up when all of a sudden he flashed up as 1 mile away. His picture showed a long dangly cock with low hangers, guessing it must have been around eight inches with a big head that the foreskin rolled back neatly over. His body looked ravaged and skinny, his information showed he was a 50 year old five foot ten inches top poz guy who enjoys bareback sex and looking for slutty twinks to knock up. At 19 years old I found the whole thing quite disturbing but fascinating, nasty but tasty, disgusting but desirable, my head was still buzzing and the mixed feelings drove me replying. I typed slowly but carefully... 19 year old bottom, five feet eight inches, trim build and in need of a good fucking. So here we are, me sat on his bed smoking a joint with him as he strips naked, I couldn't help but notice the biohazard tattoo framing his left nipple. He moved towards me and started undressing me, I relaxed as the joint started to hit and the familiar buzz feeling shrouded my senses. Asking if I was neg my head nodded and he smirked telling me he needs a young neg twink to carry his legacy and I would do perfectly to knock up. My cock hardened as he put his arms around me and moved in to kiss me. I responded like a trooper devouring his mouth an tongue with the eagerness to move things along. He stroked my back as I felt a sharp scratching from my neck tracing all the way down my spine, my body wriggled to move away but he laughed and told me if I felt that nail scratch down my back wait until it rips your ass lining preparing you to receive my toxic seed and make you mine. I found myself trying to swallow his tongue as he kissed me harder and slowly edging me backwards until I fell on to the bed. His legs moved under mine pushing them up and exposing my hole, his hand slowly working down my body, passing my cock and balls he scratched at the ring of my hole. Slightly tickling me my legs moved further up and I let out a cry of pain as he jabbed his finger into my hole. I grabbed his arm to stop him but he gave a sharp twist of his wrist as searing pain erupted in my arse as he tore away at my ass lining opening up wounds that would provide easy access for his virus. I moaned and whimpered as the pain continued from his relentless scratching and scraping. He pulled his finger out and I could see it was coated in my blood as he sucked and licked his finger clean. He moved in closer and positioned his legs so that mine were hooked up around him. The fog was starting to clear and I realised what I was doing, he leaned over me a lit up the joint clamped his mouth over mine, he pinched my nose shut and forced me to breath in drug that would ease my conversion. He held me like this for nearly a minute and when he released me I was floating and in my own world. I groaned loudly as he pushed the head of his cock in to my ass, the blood was causing friction which he continued to push past. The pain was excruciating and I pushed with my hands against his breasts, quickly my hands were pushed over my head and held in position as he pushed the last few inches deep in to my ass followed by several hard thrusts. My head rolled from side to side and my back arched in pain and pleasure. Slow deep thrusts were erupting from his hips, every forward thrust was followed by his balls slapping against my ass. He told me I was probably already converted by his pre cum alone he he continued slowly fucking me. The pain was almost gone as my ass was now lubed by his pre cum. His legs moved closer to me as he lodged his cock deep up to his balls, his hips providing all the momentum he needed. I could feel his balls hitting me in quick succession, he let out a moan as he continued on his legacy quest. He stared directly in to my eyes smiling as he continued, each thrust was met with gasping and begging for him to fuck me harder. Sweat dripped from his chest on to mine and I felt his hands tighten their grip on my arms, still looking deeply in to my eyes he let out a load long grunt "Fuck boy, I'm gonna fucking own you.". He jolted forward pushing his hips harder against me, I cried out as I felt his cock stiffen even more and his ball sacked contracted up. A second hard jolt as I felt a warm stream of his toxic seed flooding my torn ass. I felt a stinging sensation as the wounds inflicted were deep enough to trap his seed. I struggled to free myself but his grip was held tight, never loosing eye contact he jolted forward again as another stream of seed erupted in to my ass. I was panting through excitement as another jolt pushed me up the bed and he collapsed on top of me breathing hard. It took several minutes for both of us to calm down, his cock slipped out of my now well lubricated ass, he rolled on to his back as I caught a glimpse of his blood streaked cock. I got up off the bed and dressed myself and left his apartment. By the time I got home there was a message from him "Part of me is part of you forever.".
    1 point
  21. I found this on another site, and just had to share it with you.... I had been fantasizing about sucking a big black cock for a long time. Looking at websites and pictures on the net, mesmerized by the sight of black cock. I finally couldn't take it any longer, I decided I needed to try sucking one. I went on the web and found a sight that listed gloryholes in the area. I posted a note asking which ones were frequented by black guys and if I would be able to find black cock. After a couple of days, I received a response from a guy who pointed out two movie theatres in the area that were frequented by blacks. He assured me I would find black cock there. He knew both places and they were in black neighbourhood’s and were known as places where white guys went to suck black cock. He told me to be careful because the area was not too safe at night, but he said that once I was in the theatre, it was fine. He also gave me what seemed like a strange warning. He told me to be careful with black cock. He said that there were guys who started sucking black cock and became addicted. Once they were hooked, they started going to look for black cock anywhere they could, and would put themselves in compromising situations just to satisfy their lust. He said that there were black guys who knew this and took advantage of these black crazed cocksuckers. He told me to be careful. At the time, I thought it was a little extreme, I was not one of those guys who went out looking for sex all the time. I rarely did this, but I wanted to satisfy my fantasy and see if it was all that it was cracked up to be. One night, I decided it was time to check the place out. I waited until late at night to avoid too much traffic. The place I went to was an old movie theatre that was open all night and played straight and bi movies. I parked my car a couple of blocks down the street and walked to the theatre. There were some black guys standing outside smoking, but there didn't seem to be much action going on. I walked past them and I heard one of them snicker and say something I couldn't make out. The others smiled and glanced at me. I became embarrassed almost immediately. I remembered what the guy on the website had said, that this place was known for white guys looking to suck black cock and I thought these guys outside were thinking that about me and laughing. The feeling was strange. I was embarrassed but a little aroused at the same time. I was aroused at the thought of finally sucking a black cock, but also at the thought of these guys knowing why I was there and taking a superior attitude towards me. I walked inside and paid the entrance fee. The guy behind the counter said nothing and barely noticed me. I walked through some heavy velvet curtains and immediately saw and heard a straight porn movie. There were three guys fucking a woman silly. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could make out peoples' heads in the seats. There were only about six people sitting and watching the movie. I remembered on the webpage it had described the place and the posting had said that there were gloryholes to the right of the theatre. I walked towards the right and saw a faint red light indicating another doorway covered with heavy velvet. I walked through and down a corridor. The place was very dimly lit and I was barely able to see anything. Then I saw them, the gloryholes. There was a partition along the hallway with a small sign that said feeders and eaters, with arrows pointing to the left for the feeders and right for the eaters. I knew what I was here for, so I went to the right. There were a series of holes cut in the partition wall with small dividers separating them, kind of like a men's bathroom with urinals. There seemed to be no one around, apparently, I was the only eater. I went down the hallway and picked a hole far down where nobody could see me. I was protected by the darkness of the place. In front of each hole, there were small stools, so I sat down and waited to see what happened. I waited for what seemed like forever, but I finally heard someone walking down the other side of the hallway. My heart started pounding. I was nervous because not only was this going to be my first black cock, but I had never been in a gloryhole before. I suddenly heard someone stop in front of my hole. I am very nervous now! The hole was big enough for me to see there was someone there, but it was so dark that I couldn't make out much through the hole. As I waited in anticipation, I was startled by a low voice that suddenly said, "You ready for some dick?" I was caught off guard by this but I was immediately excited and more nervous because the voice was definitely a black guy's voice. I hesitated but, finally responded a feeble "yes". I heard a zipper go down and some ruffling of clothes. This made me even more nervous and excited, my heart was pounding! I suddenly see a large black cock start to slide through the gloryhole and point towards me. It was big and cut and semi-hard already. It must have been eight or nine inches, at least the part sticking through the hole! I just stared at it for a second. It looked hot sticking through the wall and throbbing, pointing at my face. I started to get really hot just looking at it. The voice suddenly said, "You gonna suck it or what?" This brought me out of my trance and I knew it was the moment of truth. I reached up and grabbed the hot throbbing cock in my hand and slowly started to massage it, making it harder as I did so. Then I just plunged in and did what I had come for, I opened my mouth and slid the cock in as far as it would go and started to suck it slowly, moving my mouth back and forth along the hard shaft. I knew I was doing OK because I could hear him moan, his cock was clean and he had a musky masculine smell to him. The taste of his cock immediately made my mouth water and I noticed I was starting to make slurping sounds as I sucked on his cock. I was becoming intoxicated by the taste and smell of his black cock in my mouth. I let go of his cock and got on my knees with my hands pressed against the wall. My body connected to the cock sticking through the hole only through my mouth, my head moving slowly back and forth and sliding my lips and tongue along his hard black cock shaft. The more I established a rhythm of sucking, the more I started to moan and slobber all over his cock. He started moaning louder and louder, saying, "Oh fuck yeah, suck that cock! Suck it good". I was getting hot as hell and hard as a rock, my cock straining in my pants. I started taking more of his cock into my mouth until my nose and lips were starting to touch the wall. I was in such a passion that I did not even think about the dirty wall! Now I started moaning like crazy, I was unaware of what I was doing, not realizing I was probably making a lot of noise. My mouth continued to water and saliva was now dripping out of the sides of my mouth as I furiously sucked on this black cock. I was in a trance of black cock. The sound of the guy moaning and saying, "Suck it, suck it good cocksucker. That's it. Oh yeah, don't stop", only made me hotter. I was obviously doing a good job and all I wanted at that moment was to please him and make him cum in my mouth. I wanted to taste the cum of a black cock, I wanted to feel it explode in my mouth. Suddenly, he said, "Oh fuck, take it, take it all cocksucker" and he started to cum in my mouth. I felt his cum hit the back of my throat and my tongue with force. He was cumming like crazy! I started to swallow as fast as I could, but this guy just kept cumming and it started to come out the sides of my mouth. I kept sucking feverishly and trying to swallow as much as I could. "Clean it up cocksucker, lick it clean for me", he said as I did what he asked. I was in a total state of frenzy, a feeding frenzy if you will. I wanted more black cock, I was not finished yet. As I licked his cock clean, he said, "Oh yeah, you a good cocksucker, boy. That was some good sucking. You one of them white boys that like black cock, aren't you cocksucker?" As I continued to lick his cock, I mumbled, "Yes, I love black cock." I didn't even realize what I was saying at that point, I was still mesmerized by the smell and taste of his cock and the feeling of it sliding in and out of my mouth, and all I wanted was more! "I got more black dick for you if you want it", he said. "Yes, I want more black cock", I said as I was still licking his semi-hard cock, sliding my tongue up and down the sides and wishing I could taste his balls that were stuck on the other side of the hole. "Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes and I'll give you all the black cock you want." When he said this, he slid his cock back through the hole and I was left on my knees with my mouth wanting more. Still in my frenzy of cock and flushed by the new experience of sucking black cock, I got up and went to the bathroom. I had to go through the screening room to get to the bathroom, and two guys watching the movie looked over at me as I came out of the gloryhole place. They obviously knew what I had been doing, because they had probably seen the black guy walk out before me. When I reached that bathroom, I looked in the mirror and saw that I had some streaks of cum on my chin and hair, and then it struck me, I had just sucked a black guy's cock in a movie theatre and he must have cum so much and with such force that I had not even noticed the cum on my face! If I hadn't come to the bathroom, I would have walked outside like this! I started to come out of the cock haze I had been in and started to clean up. I was getting a little nervous again but all I could do was think about what I had just done. I could not get that cock out of my mind. The thought of it was making me stay hard as a rock in my pants. I was going over the scene in my head in detail, I was almost consumed with the idea of the cock I had just sucked and also confused and nervous. I had almost forgotten I had said I would meet the guy in the bathroom, and then the door to the bathroom opened. Three black guys walk in. One guy was in his late thirties or so and well built, the other two were younger, maybe late twenties or early thirties and they were all well built. "This is the cocksucker I was telling you about", said the older first guy. He was obviously the guy I had just sucked. "This bitch just sucked the hell out of my dick and wants more cock, and he loves black cock", he said with a smile on his face. I just stood there in a bit of shock. This guy had just walked into the bathroom with two other black guys and he was calling me a bitch and a cocksucker and saying I loved black cock, I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into! "He swallowed all my nut and licked my dick clean. You should have heard this bitch moaning on my dick! We got ourselves a white cocksucker that likes black cock." They laugh as he says this. I start to get embarrassed and nervous, but my cock is rock hard. "Look at this cocksucker, his dick is hard as a rock just thinking about sucking more black cock!" "Let's give him some, then", says one of the other guys. The two younger ones start to unzip their pants and move towards me. I stay frozen in place, not sure what to do, but the sight of their cocks dangling in the air and walking towards me is mesmerizing. I can't take my eyes off them. They dangle obscenely in from of me, large and throbbing, two black cocks ready for sucking. "Let's go, bitch, start sucking", says one of them. I just drop to my knees in front of them and grab one cock in each hand. As I lick one of them, I massage the other with my hand. I trade off from one to the other, licking the heads and the shafts of their cocks until I start to suck them in turn. I notice that one of the guys I'm sucking has huge balls and I think of the amount of cum that they must hold. I raise his cock up and begin to lick and suck at his ball sack. They are both moaning and making lewd comments about me. The older guy is just watching and smiling. "Suck that dick, cocksucker. Suck it good, bitch. Eat that black dick!" as they get hotter at the feeling of my sucking, they begin to grab my head by the hair and pull my head towards them, forcing me to take more of their cocks, guiding me from one cock to the next. As I suck one cock deep, the other one is rubbed across my face and placed on my head, resting there like some sort of obscene hat, the balls pressing against the side of my face and my ear. They two guys I'm sucking are laughing at the sight of this, "Look at this cocksucking bitch! You love black dick all over you, don't you, bitch? Look at me when I talk to you cocksucker!" I look up at them with a cock still in my mouth and they laugh at the sight. "You love black dick, don't you?" as I try to answer, the one asking presses my head towards his cock and all I can manage is a moan. They laugh more. I am now switching from one cock to the other, saliva and precum all over my face, neck and hair. I am impregnated with the smell of their cocks and balls all over me. I suck and moan furiously from one cock to the next, back in my cock daze and wanting them to come in my mouth and on my face. As I suck on their huge cocks, I massage their balls with my hands, one on each ball sack, I can feel them boiling up to the braking point and know they are going to cum all over me like crazy. "Oh fuck, swallow that cum, bitch", says the one who is in my mouth as he explodes. I try to swallow all I can as he keeps cumming. He pulls out of my mouth and as I go to suck the other one, the one with the really big balls, cum drips out of my mouth and down my chin, a trail of cum hangs from the tip of his cock to the side of my face when I take the other one in my mouth. I start to suck hard, wanting him to cum also. While I suck, the one who just came smears the side of my face with the leftover cum from his cock. I'm covered in cum now. "Look at that cocksucker. This bitch is hungry for black cock, can't get enough cum. You nasty ass bitch full of cum on your face!" He slaps my face with his cock as he says this. I just close my eyes and keep sucking the second cock, waiting for the eruption of cum from those huge balls. "You want my nut, bitch?", asks the second one. "Mmmmm, mmmm", is all I can manage as I suck and look up at his face. I can feel his balls shifting in my hand and I know he is getting ready to cum. I suck as hard as I can. "I'm gonna fill you with cum, faggot! Eat it all, bitch. Ahhhhh!", he says as he cums glob after glob in my mouth. He pushes my head back and takes his cock out of my mouth and continues to shoot loads of cum on my face. I open my mouth but he shoots past it so that I am hit by hot and thick strings of cum across my face, from my forehead to my chin. "Lick it up cocksucker. Man, you was right, this bitch is a real cocksucking faggot. You love black dick, don't you, faggot?" when I don't answer, he pulls my head back by my hair. "I said, you love black dick, don't you faggot?" "Yes, sir, I love black cock", I respond feebly. They laugh as I continue to suck and lick and clean up all the cum on their cocks. The older guy, who has been watching this spectacle all along says, "I told you this bitch was a real cocksucker. Look at his pants!" They all look down, including me, and realize I've creamed my pants, a huge cum stain emanating from my crotch area. "Damn! This bitch gets off from sucking dick and eating cum and he didn't even touch himself!" says one of the younger ones. "That's the sign of a true cocksucker" comments the older one. "I told you we found ourselves a real cocksucker, a white boy that loves the taste of black cock in his mouth! This bitch can't get enough black cock now." They laugh again. I am left embarrassed and exhausted, kneeling on the floor of a bathroom, covered in the cum of three black men. As I try to wipe some of the cum from my face, I remember the warning the internet guy gave me about black cock.
    1 point
  22. Notice: The author does not consent to anyone using the characters or plot line of this story for any derived work, whether the author is still active on this site or not. They are not abandoned nor placed in the public domain. I've had this story sitting around a while. It's a little different than the other story I have. I hope people like it. ------- My name’s Mike and I’m I guess what you would call a bear cub. I’ve played football since I was little and was on the team in high school. Linebacker was my usual position, but sometimes the coach would move me to center. I guess I got the hairy gene from my dad and I could grow a full beard by the end of my freshman year. My chest, arms, legs and butt were covered in dark hair too by the time my sophomore year came around. I was a little self conscious about being so hairy in high school when most other guys could barely grow a decent mustache. I shaved my face until my senior year when a friend told me I should just let it grow out. Most of the girls in high school seemed to be turned off with the hair which was fine with me since I was more interested in guys anyway. After I graduated high school I was working in the local big home improvement store, a job I got when I was a junior in high school. I didn’t have a lot of experience with men but I was able to meet a lot of guys at the store. I was surprised how many hit on me - some were subtle and some blatant. The summer before I went to college I finally got up the nerve to accept the offer of a few of the men, but we never went past kissing and sucking cock. I distinctly remember, however, how on each occasion I found it a real turn-on to look down at the burly, hairy, masculine man sucking my thick seven and a half inch long cock. I also liked to go down on guys and sucking cock. I even found I loved the smell and taste of a sweaty guy’s cock and even the stale piss I could find on the cock of most of the men. With a few of the men I would regularly swap a blowjob. They all expressed disappointment I was leaving for school at the end of the summer, but I was excited. I was determined to be an out and proud gay guy far away from home. I had never studied so hard in my life but I left a little time for fun. I wasn’t on the football team at college - I was never that good so I didn’t try out. I did find some intramural football teams to play on and had fun. I even found a couple gay teams. Some guys warned me that they would rape me, and I secretly hoped they would, but it turned out that they were just like all the other teams on the field. Off the field was kinda similar too - lots of drinking and joking around but sometimes they would have a sex party. The first one I went to I was so nervous. There were over twenty guys there, all naked. It was both of the gay football teams and their friends and boyfriends. There were only two of us freshman and the rest were older with several being grad students. Guys were groping me and kissing me almost right away and I got into the mood immediately. I sucked a few guys and some sucked me. One guy rimmed me while I was sucking a guy on a bed. That’s when I learned an ass up in the air like that was a silent invitation to get fucked. The guy I was sucking held me down as I felt my ass get spread wider and a cock rub around my hole. The guy was holding my head down and I couldn’t look back, but I was pretty sure the guy wasn’t wearing a condom. I had only been fucked about a dozen times but I always played safe. I didn’t even know who was behind me playing with my ass. I felt some liquid squirt on my puckered hole and then a finger push it inside. I moaned around the cock in my mouth and the finger slowly went in deeper and then pulled out. The guy did it several times before he pushed two fingers in. It felt tight for a little bit but by twisting his fingers around and in an out my hole relaxed and opened up. I could hear a group behind me talking. It wasn’t the derogatory comments I heard in the locker room in high school about me being an ape or a neanderthal, but the exact opposite. “Damn that is one sexy ass” one guy said. “That furry hole is gonna look good with my cock inside it” said another. “I could munch on that butt for days” said a third. I was turned-on in hearing the men thought I was sexy, not a freak. My cock was rock hard, dripping precum on to the bed. It was like a fantasy, I had a nice, long cock in my mouth, my cock was hard and some stranger was playing with my ass getting ready to fuck me. And fuck he did. He slid his fingers out of my hole and I felt the cock rub around the ring and between my balls and hole. Indistinct voices urged "Push it in” and “Do it.” I was so horny I pushed my ass back and I heard someone else say “Oh yeah, he really wants it.” I felt the pressure and tried to relax as the stranger pressed in harder. He had lubed me up but it still hurt. The guy that I was blowing started to fuck my head on his cock and the guy in my ass started slowly fucking me. I could feel his cock get deeper and deeper and it started to feel really good. I knew this was about as dangerous as sex could get. I was getting fucked bare by some guy I didn’t know and couldn’t see. The harder he fucked me the harder the cock in my mouth got rammed into my throat. I usually gagged if a cock got too deep, but this was so hot and my brain was so overloaded with sensations I was taking all of the guys cock into my throat. My face was planted into his pubes until I finally started to panic since I couldn’t breathe. I forced my head up and gasped for air and yelled out “Oh FUCK YEAH!!!” Spit was dripping out of my mouth from the face fuck and I looked at the guy that I had been blowing who had a big grin on his face. “You like that raw cock in your ass?” asked the guy. I started to say “Oh shit, no. I only fuck safe” but only got “oh shit” out before the guy fucking me slammed in and shot his cum deep inside me. It was a strange feeling. I could feel my hole get sloppy and warm and wet. I could feel his cock pulse several times, fading after the first four pulses. I felt the guy in my ass lean over and kiss the back of my neck and say “Thanks, dude. That was so fuckin’ hot.” He leaned back and pulled out and before I could move I felt someone else get behind me and push their cock into my cummy hole. I was scared, horny, excited, and aroused all at the same time. The guy in front of me pulled my head back to his cock and I instinctively started to suck while the next unknown guy started to fuck me. This cock was a thinner than the last one but longer. I could feel it dig deep inside me as he would bottom out. I moaned louder around the cock in my mouth and started to bob frantically on it. My tongue flicked and lapped on the guys cock until I felt it start to swell in my mouth. The guy’s hands were on the back of my head again and he pushed down as I felt his cock flood my mouth with his salty, thick cum. I swallowed it all and sucked any cum I could find on his cock and pubes. The second guy in my ass began to fuck me fast and hard and I could tell he was close. I heard some one say “Breed him” and it rocked me back to reality. I was getting fucked bareback and taking strangers' loads. I had become a cumdump without even knowing it. The guy in front of me pulled his soft cock out of my mouth and crawled away. Now I could concentrate only on the guy fucking me. I tried squeezing my hole around the guy's hard cock and he grunted in pleasure as his cock blew his load into my ass. When the spurts of cum ended, he drove his cock in a few more times and pulled out. I’m not sure why I didn’t get up right away, but I think that deep down I wanted to see how many guys wanted to fuck me. Another cock plunged into my now gaping hole. This one was a lot thicker and I soon found out even longer than the last one. As the guy bottomed out, he pulled my body up and my back was against his chest. I saw two arms wrap around me and they were dark skinned with tattoos on both down to the wrist. It was Deon, the other linebacker on our team. “I’ve wanted to fuck that hot ass of yours since I first saw you and it feels even better than I imagined” he whispered in my ear. He pinched and twisted my nipples and then pushed me back to the bed and started to pound my ass. The bed was bouncing and I was uttering meaningless guttural words. Cum was running down both of my legs and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I arched my back more and felt Deon go even deeper and then yell out “Oh baby” over and over until he fell on to my back and held me tight. I could feel his cock pumping his cum deep inside me and it felt so perfect. Three more guys fucked me, each fucking a different way but just as enjoyable. When the last guy pulled out, I had six different men’s DNA swimming inside me and I loved the feeling. I crawled off the bed and stood up slowly, my muscles sore from being pounded and in the same position for almost two hours. I wandered around watching others suck or fuck. I grabbed a beer and guzzled it down, trying to rehydrate my body. I was about to wander around again when our team quarterback, Ty, came up to me and said in a femme voice “You bitch!” and started laughing. I must have looked confused and he then said in his normal voice “You took all the good cock from our team. I was hoping to get all that cock but they fucked you instead.”
    1 point
  23. True story from this past summer. I was staying at a guest house in Provincetown in June. I’d stayed in the same guesthouse a few times, and booked a room that had an outside entrance off the deck. Easier than walking through the guesthouse every time. June is pre-season, so there are a lot of guys around, but town isn’t overly busy. My first full day turned out to be pouring rain, and I was feeling disappointed and horny. I chatted with a few guests downstairs while I grabbed some yogurt and juice, then headed to Joe’s Coffee for a breakfast sandwich. All the while I had my apps open and was cruising. A few familiar faces from years past were on, and one older guy I’d chatted with at the guesthouse that morning. He didn’t really hold my attention (out of shape, and didn’t give off a lot of energy), though he quickly sent 3 messages on Scruff after I left. I heard from a few guys in varying states of readiness to play. Most were still “waking up” and wouldn't be available for awhile. I decided to hit the gym for an hour. As I was leaving the gym, it was still raining. One of the guys I’d chatted online said he was ready to meet if I could host. I checked out his pics. Mid40s with an average, lean body, dark hair and nice beard, and an impressive looking cock. I told him where to find me. He told me to have just a jockstrap on when he arrived. About 15 minutes later, I saw him coming up the steps onto the deck. I took a quick hit of poppers to get me going, just as he showed up at my door. He was easily 15 years older than in his pics, his skin weathered and his beard longer and stragglier than I like. I hesitated and was about to say I didn't think it was going to happen when he pulled out his cock. It was an easy 7 inches, swollen with a nice head and thick shaft, and a silver cockring at its base. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. With a hand on back on my head, he fed me his cock. After a couple minutes, he fed me a hit of poppers, and pushed his dick back into my mouth. Now my blood was pumping and I started sucking him voraciously. He leaned over my back, driving his dick all the way into my mouth so I choked, and pushed two wet fingers into my hole. He repositioned himself so he had better access to my ass, turning my head to the side and pushing me down on all fours on the floor. He had me take a long hit of poppers, and began working 3 fingers into my ass. My piggish side was being activated, and I was offering both holes for him to use. He was stretching my ass with his fingers, probing deep and pushing his fingers apart to relax The sphincter. “Get on the bed, on your back, ass hanging off the edge.” I assumed the position, taking a moment to take two long drags of poppers. I held those drags in my lungs, leaned back on the bed and brought my knees to my chest, letting the chems absorb slowly, and exhaled just as he stepped up to my exposed hole. I felt the warmth of his cock pushing against my hole as the rush of the poppers hit me. I felt his hot shaft pushing inside my prepped hole, stretching it wider than his fingers did. I felt that hardness slide all the way inside, and he held it there as we both groaned. He began fucking me with his raw cock, long, deep strokes that had me moaning. His balls slapped my ass and I could hear the bed squeaking with his deep thrusts. I was caught up in the moment, grunting as this stranger pounded my open hole. He grabbed by ankles and pushed my legs wider apart, watching his own cock pierce my ass. He fucked me for awhile, pulling out just a few times to dive back in again and make me groan with the girthy penetration. I fuck’n loved it! “Where do you want this load?” ”In my ass!” He kept pumping away, that thick dick feeling amazing inside me. He thrust a little faster, then harder, and he rolled his head back when his thrusts became really hard, deliberate, and he paused at the end of each thrusts for a moment. He kinda grunted and gasped a few times in these pump-and-hold combinations. I knew I was being bred! He quickly pulled out, and I could feel some of his cum around my hole. He wiped off his cock on a towel, then dressed, said thanks, and walked back out onto the deck in the rain. He didn’t bother asking me if I wanted to cum. I laid on the bed for a few minutes, feeling my really wet hole and coming down from the fuck haze I’d been in. I stroked my dick, but was still super horny and knew I was a long ways from coming on my own. After a few minutes, I threw on a loose pair of shorts, grabbed by phone, and headed down to the common room to see if there were any snacks. I saw a dozen more messages, with 2 new ones on BBRTS (which had been silent all morning). Sure enough, it was the older guy staying in my guesthouse; he’d figured out my profile based on distance and description (I only show my ass in the public profile). He’d unlocked his pics, and sent his room number. I was still feeling poppered up and horny, and he actually had a really hot looking cock. Without thinking much more about it, I walked up the other set of stairs and started looking for his room number. I found it on the third floor, where is was feeling stuffy and hot, despite the rainy weather. His door was actually open, and he was sitting in a chair inside. Seeing me, he started rubbing his crotch. He stood up, pushed a bottle of poppers under my nose, and told me to whiff (he’d obviously read by profile). As my head started to swim again, I just dropped the baggy shorts, got on all fours on his bed, and offered my ass. I heard him fumbling in a drawer, and then the pumping sound of a lube bottle. Shortly thereafter, his fingers probed my hole, seemingly to find the target, and then he slid inside. It was a rough fuck — the type you get when someone finally gets the piece of ass he’s been wanting. I felt like a total pig, and he was reaping the benefits of it. He pounded away at my hole, and I started getting verbal to egg him on. Finally I told him, “I want your load in my ass.” He bred me pretty quickly after that. I could hear him panting heavy, and I was reminded how out of shape this guy was. He was holding onto my hips as he plugged away until he unloaded. I didn’t stick around, but pulled on my shorts, thanked him, and walked back across the guest house in just my shorts. My ass was totally wet, and I was feeling both piggish and kinda hot walking by a few other guests after having been bred by both guys. If you’ve enjoyed reading about my rainy day breedings, let me know by clicking on the blue heart, leave me an upgrade, and I’ll know to keep pigging out and posting for you.
    1 point
  24. Recently been really horny lately and had some hookups through grindr while some of my friends with benefits are on the mend. Usually when hook up with them I am good for a week or so, but with these more recent ones it hasn't calmed the horn-dog in me down one bit. And jacking off is pretty boring at this point too. I think it's because I have a great sexual connection with certain people that calms me down from a sexual high vs just getting off without the connection being there. How do you guys feel about sex with a connection vs sex without it?
    1 point
  25. Visiting Montreal from March 1st to 5th, 2018. Looking for a group of hung Tops in good physical status, uninhibited creative minded daddies and brothers, to come breed me in my hotel. Email me for invitation. Party starts 2 pm on March 2nd Friday afternoon, hopefully it will turn into a 3 day marathon breeding festival. Neg on PreP here, STD free. BB only. Friendly and open to many things that can enhance our sexual experiences.
    1 point
  26. I’ll say it’s the weird moon we’ve been having, but my cravings have intensified in the past few days so today I gave myself a treat. I awoke early, planned my meals ahead, got some work done, cleaned my ass and by 7:00 PM I was at a bar/video/sex club joint close to my home having a drink and browsing Grindr. But for a few guys there who didn’t seem to be interested in more than exchanging some looks, not much was going on, so I went up to the third floor to the tiny room with a TV and movie theatre seats that awards the venue the “video” status. Two guys were standing up watching the movies, so I grabbed one guy's dick. It was small, thick, and really, really hard. Awkwardly I dropped to my knees and, in the first thrust, sucked him down, balls-deep. He moaned and took his shirt off, while the other guy tried to unbutton my pants and grab my ass. The second guy pulled out his tiny dick promptly rose to an erection. The first guy, meanwhile, had withdrawn his cock from my mouth, stepped behind me, and shoved his dick in me forcibly and completely dry. The pain was extreme, so I asked him to pull out, thoroughly lubed my hole, and he re-entered with vengeance. He fucked like we were on the sturdiest bed ever without another guy involved and not on a squeaky ass movie theatre seat with six other onlookers and another tiny dick for me to suck. He went hard and fast, grabbing me by my waist and shoulders and pulling me towards him, trying to go as deep as he could. He was soon dripping sweat all over, but his moans suddenly intensified as he grunted “Where do you want it?” “Right where you are is good,” I replied. That got one of the onlooker’s attention and he soon came close and pushed the guy I was sucking away, pulling a big thick veiny dick from his pants which he presented for me to suck, which I did, however, no sooner had I begun when the fucker in my ass was done, twitching and moaning as my ass squeezed every last drop of cum out of his dick. No sooner did he withdraw when the hung guy withdrew from my mouth, and gestured for me to turn around so he could aim his cock at my ass. He spat in the palm of his hand, lubed his cock head, and shoved himself in good. While my ass was admittedly sore, it was also wet with cum, so the cock slid in easily. Soon I felt the pleasure that comes as a consequence of having a big fat cock lodged in one's ass. This guy was more of a passionate fucker, and the setting wasn’t playing in our favor. In addition, some of the onlookers had started talking about sports or some other thing and it was kind of distracting, so he asked me to go down to a private cabin. On the floor below one available little cabin with just a chair was waiting for us. We entered, he stripped in two seconds and shoved his dick down my throat. I swallowed it whole but I needed to have that big meat's cum in my as soon as possible, so I got up, turned around and pushed it all the way in. He moaned and grabbed my whole body from behind, passing his hands all over my chest and belly, playing with my nipples and jerking me off. Having all of him in had me close to cumming, and that little touch made my dick start to ooze our cum that got onto my pants. Fuck. I turned half my body around without pulling his dick out and we started making out. I’d brought poppers so we both gave it a hit and it made him turn into a violent power top, sticking his fingers in my mouth and pulling me down towards him from my neck and teeth. It was intense. He started making a lot of noise, both from moaning and our skins clapping against each other, and I could feel my hole just letting it all go and welcoming the violence with pleasure, craving for that second load of cum. He started slowing down and just playing with the tip of his dick in my hole, in and out, in and out, until he suddenly said “That ass is fucking amazing, I’m about to fill it up with cum. You want it? Beg me for it.” "Fuck yes, I want it! Fuck yes I need your big dick to blow your seed deep in my hole," I answered. “Louder, cunt,” he demanded. “Préñame," I shouted, which roughly translates to into English as impregnate me, but it sounds slutty as fuck. He moaned loud and pushed me hard towards him, leaving his load as deep as possible and pushing that first guy’s cum into me as well. Fucking hot. We both got dressed and I left the venue. I took a cab to a downtown hotel that is known for being heavily patronized by gay men. As soon as I arrived I was contacted by a top wanted to come over - so he did. I didn’t even ask for pictures and was disappointed as he was neither hot, nor did he have a big dick. But then it's true, no load should be refused. He blew his load in no more than five minutes, which was fine by me as it raised my ROI of the night. He left, and I noticed a guy on Grindr with whom I've exchanged messages several times, although we had never hooked-up. And the guy was staying at the same hotel! He was about my height, 5’4”, heavier, tattooed and has an average dick. He sent me a very direct text which read 'What’s your room number? I wanna breed you'. I replied with my room number, and within five minutes his cock was down my throat. It turned out to be one of those lays where you know you’re driving the other guy crazy. He kept complimenting my head, was touching me all over, making me flex and playing with my nipple piercing, saying how we should’ve done this earlier. His dick was really hard and straight up, so I got on all fours to have it go all the way in. He fucked me hard and got tired fast, so we had take a couple of breaks. I gave him some poppers and after a few seconds I could feel his balls and dick beating as they got ready to breed my hole. He moaned, groaned and slapped my butt, depositing his seed with the other three I already had in my ass. His orgasm was quite long, and he fucked me afterwards for several minutes as I tried to squeeze every last drop of cum out of him. After that, he got dressed, gave me some more compliments and left. After a while, this guy that’s bred my hole in the bathhouse appeared to be close by on Grindr so we talked and he came over a few minutes later. Even though we met this past month we’ve already fucked over 5 times as he has a nice big dick that gets super fucking hard and he knows how to use it. He says my hole is amazing and that he loves how I look when he plows me, which I don't mind as a compliment. So when he arrived we talked for a bit while he undressed but he didn’t let me blow him this time. He got me on all fours and ate my ass out like it was dripping out some sweet juice, trying to suck out the loads he knew I had in me and make my hole all wet. I squeezed hard as those loads are mine but he stilled managed to get his dick really wet and shoved that big tool in me. He apparently had been fucking but hadn’t cum, so he was forceful, acrobatic and energetic, fucking me in the air, getting on his hands, making me turn with him still in me and finally, after dripping sweat all over me, leaving his load in me, while shoving his hand down my throat and spitting in my face. Fucking. Hot. He had to attend a birthday party, so he dressed and left. Back on Grindr, I resumed my search as I hadn’t yet cum, quickly locating two guys in the same hotel, two stories down, who were looking for a hole to breed. Fuck yes. I went down and they greeted me naked, not waiting for me to undress before pushing me down onto my knees and making me blow them. I can't say the sex was amazing, but it was hot being used by the both of them as a cumdump. The first guy filled my hole in five minutes and the other one jerked off. The second guy actually pushed the other guy out of the way so he could shoot his load into my hole. Seven loads in and I called it a night.
    1 point
  27. As a bottom I only fuck bare and I insist the top never pull out, I want him breed me and shoot his load deep
    1 point
  28. I have to agree. If you give up your ass bare, you are getting a load.
    1 point
  29. YESTERDAY'S FRIDAY WAS GOOD! I was having dinner with friends last night. I was a little more than horny. Oh well, what was I to do? Steamworks Toronto, what else! It was quite busy. I did catch 2 guys I knew from the Club120 bb sex parties there last night. They were have fun and so was I. Now on to the cocks... Cock #1 - front gloryhole-dark area. Taller than me (I'm 5'8") Asian guy locked eyes with me. He started by pinching my nipples. He was hard underneath his towel, and I was hard wearing only a jock. He took his towel off and urged me to suck his cock. No encouragement needed. I could feel that his cumming was imminent, so I asked him if he could blast in my mouth. Within 2 mins. I had a mouthful of hot cum. Cha-ching - LOAD #1. Swallowed. I did clean off his cock. A win-win for both! Cocks #2 and 3 - back, long and narrow dark room. After 2 AM the staff turns the lights off there. Very sensory after that. Bodies, cocks and asses try to fit themselves in and through this space. I was sucking an anon dick. I did feel his cum. Not a huge load, a bit salty. But oh well. LOAD #2 in my mouth. Then, towards the end of my 8 hr. stay I got a handsome muscular young man who wanted a release. Who was I to argue? He had a buff body in the darkness with a curved longish hard cock. I got down on my knees and serviced him. I asked he could cum in my mouth. He said yes. Then he held my head back a few inches from his oh-so-great-tasting dick and he was jerking off. At the moment of cumming I got my mouth and tongue around his swollen cock and felt it pulsating in my mouth. A really big load! He tasted great! I cleaned off his cock. I could tell he was happy! Cock # 4 - earlier in the same back narrow dark room I was fucking a nice younger boy's ass. I could feel that I was about to cum. A guy sucking cock next to me said, "Give me your cumload!" I don't know what had me exit one guy's lovely ass to directly shoot in another guy's mouth, but I shot a good-sized hot load into his mouth. He cleaned off my cock and thanked me. The bottom was still being fucked by other guys. I guess exiting from one guy and into the mouth of another guy is new to me. I loved it!! Time to go to April's Club120 bb sex parties. Cheers, rawbuds!
    1 point
  30. beautiful verbal poz fuck: https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/hot-21-yr-old-gives-me-his-load-34488281
    1 point
  31. I haven’t written in a while as all my last several fucks have been relatively ordinary, which is to say one-on-one, or at most getting two different loads by the end of the night, but that all changed tonight. I was horny as fuck, drinking wine, and smoking a couple of joints with some friends when this thick veiny-dicked dude called me, saying he wanted to come over to breed my hole. He’s an older man, 48, hairy, well built and with those cocks that for some reason have a protruding lower vein like some misshaped fruit, making the dick hard to ride and kinda painful but once it gets going it's clear he'll wreck the hole he is fucking. True to his word he came right over, but sadly didn't take long to cum. Still I rode him for a while, squeezing my asshole to make sure he opened me well, and as planned, he soon blasted his load deep inside my guts. Afterwards we chatted a bit while I checked Grindr where I learned a friend from school was going to the bathhouse downtown so I reached-out to him, suggesting we go together. He readily agreed. The only day the bathhouse opens all night is on Saturday, until 8:00 AM Sunday morning, so as to catch all the horny party men on the way home. I was cautiously optimistic I'd get several loads without the necessity of fending off rubbers. We got there and my friend and I walked into the dry chamber and I started to blow him. He’s got a really thick and curved dick, so I swallowed it whole and was soon jumping on top of it as seven to nine guys gathered to watch. I counted them as I checked out their dicks, beckoning each one to come forward for a blow while I got fucked. While most of the guys were receptive to my invitation, there was one man who was playing shy most didn’t come over, but eventually he stepped forward and, after some effort, I had his exceptionally long, monster dick which I finally got down my throat, as the man's balls bounced against my chin. After several minutes of working monster dick, I decided to give my jaws a break, so I released the monster dick as I also slid off my friend's cock, and turning around, decided I'd finish off my friend with a blow job. The monster dick, however, was not so easily the discouraged as, without any preliminaries, the monster dick slid into my ass, giving me a vigorous fuck. The audience was getting bigger, and another guy approached us and took my hands towards his cock, which was thick, veiny, long, big - in short, a cock I'd be happy to breed me. “I’m about to cum. Where do you want it?” asked the monster dick in my ass. I couldn't effectively answer him as I was deep-throating my friend. Instead I reached behind myself, grabbed him about his waist, and did my best to hold him steady until he blew. Moaning and grunting, the man stood still until his balls released his sweet liquid in my guts. Two loads so far. Not a bad day. He withdrew and to my great pleasure, the thick, veiny, long cock I noticed earlier slid into my ass. It may have hurt like hell, but the idea of having a dick stirring the two loads inside me helped me take it like a man. He fucked me for a while and was soon announcing that he’d cum soon. “You want it? Beg me for it”, he commanded. Fuck, is attitude got me going. The're nothing like a man who recognizes another's need to be recognized as a cumwhore. “Breed that hole, man, leave that load deep and don’t pull out till every drop is in me”, I said, making sure I was heard. He groaned, moaned and was soon awarding me with my third load of the night, withdrawing only after I relaxed my ass muscles, releasing his cock to make its departure. After this I stood-up, stretched, retrieved my towel and walked straight into the little dark room that’s next to the first floor terrace, hoping as I did so, that some of the crowd would follow me. As soon as I got in a found his big bellied hairy guy just sitting there in the darkness with a really low hanging dick. I was soon on my knees deep-throating that soft meat, that sadly wouldn’t get hard for another while. Fortunately I saw a skinny shadow come towards me. The skinny guy thoughtfully guided my hand towards his crotch where, hot damn, I found more big dick. It was amazing. He turned me around, pushed my head down to continue sucking on the big bellied guy and shoved his dick in my ass. Fuck yes, another big dick was now stirring the three loads in my hole. He fucked me hard and fast, being really loud with the grunting and making sure our skins clapped against each other. A crowd formed in the darkness, and people kept trying to grab my chest and arms and hard dick. When the grunting and moaning got more intense and then quickly subsided I turned around with him still in me and asked “Did you fill that hole good?” “Fuck yes,” he replied, a note of satisfaction in his voice. Abruptly I heard someone moan in the darkness as one of the onlookers came. How the exchange between me and the top could get someone off in a dark room is beyond me, but who am I to judge? He pulled out and I felt something big open my ass. I couldn’t fucking believe I had another big dick mixing up his DNA with the other four loads I had inside. I sensed this guy was older, and his dick was something out of this world - one of those huge cocks that completely fills-up and stretches open a bottom's cavities. The guy leaned over, presenting me with some welcome poppers, giving me time to take several huffs before he proceeded to plow me hard, using a methodical, rhythmic pattern of thrusts that reduced me to a true fuck hole. It was fucking perfect. He asked me for the poppers back and took a hit, telling me he’d come soon. I said aloud “Please fill that hole, sir,” and he followed suit in perfect order. Now, five fucking loads one right after the other from five fucking big dicks don’t happen often where I live, so I had to cherish the moment. Another dick walked behind me and I felt someone lean on me and whisper my name, asking “How many loads to have there, you cunt?” I knew it was my buddy, who I had accompanied in this trip to the bathhouse. "Five," I replied, a smile on my lips. I sensed he was jerking himself off fast, and his cock head was colliding with my ass lips. “Get ready for the sixth,” he said, shoving his terribly thick dick in me. His cock was that which pushed me over the line: I went from spongy to rock hard in seconds, and a load blew out of my cock within a minute or so, leaving the room redolent with the smell of cum, sweat, poppers and ass juices. I turned around and we kissed, celebrating a very successful visit to the bathhouse. After that I got my towel, walked out of the little dark room, took a shower and called a taxi. I'm now heading to bed, the DNA of six different men swirling inside my ass. I can only hope not much will cum will show-up when I make my bathroom call tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.
    1 point
  32. I have a few regulars but there's only one FB that I have a connection with and have been meeting for quite some time now. The others are good to take care of the urge of the moment (mine and theirs) but I'm usually left wanting more. When he leaves though I feel fully satisfied and I'm good to go without. For a few days...LOL. It helps that he wants it to be great for me too and isn't just looking for a hole get off in. He takes pride in making me orgasm by just fucking me. And he does that a lot LOL.
    1 point
  33. Just got back from 7 weeks in Thailand I am jet lagged as hell but felt like getting fucked. So I placed an add looking for younger tops and this gorgeous egyptian twink answered my add. He came over and he was fucking beautiful, gorgeous body and a huge cock!! I was nervous at first because he was so big!! I started sucking him and he grew huge, he turned me over rimmed me a bit spit on my hole and rammed it in, it hurt at first but once I got used to the size it felt amazing! He fucked me hard and deep for at least half an hour in every position with lots of ass to mouth ummm. He added a little lube and turned me on my side and jammed it in again I started humping him like there was no tomorrow and was rewarded with a nice load deep in my ass! Fuck that felt good my ass is all tingly now and feels great! Now another guy answered my add I am going to see how he feels about seconds lol.
    1 point
  34. Hot scene. Trans anatomy looks all sorts of ways btw. I am trans and intersex but I have a dick in addition to a rather non-vag looking cunt. Basically a tight hole dedicated solely to the purpose of fucking behind my balls. Anyway, because of this I can tell you that my cunt feels amazing to a dick. And I love fucking other trans guys too. I'm always surprised when guys pass up the chance. It doesn't happen much to me (usually guys have bent me over and are fucking my cunt before I can get a word in, sometimes while telling me my ass is the most amazing thing they've ever fucked lol)... But I see the other more typical trans guys with just cunts and an enlarged glans get rejected a lot by cis guys..... and it's like, dude, I get that you like guys and want to stick to your guns on that but if you're a top here's a horny dude who literally has a hole that is pretty much designed just to fuck dick pretty much any time and anywhere and feel amazing.... and you're turning that down because "you don't fuck chicks"? But whatever, their loss is my opportunity. I like trans pussy best and I hardly ever get to top cis guys anyway because even supposedly total bottoms shove their dicks in the moment they see my holes and fuck me like they've been starved for it forever. Tbf, I don't blame them because that's what do every time a trans guy spreads his pussy for me. But yeah, totally recommend fucking trans guys. Even bottoming to them if they can top and you enjoy bottoming. (We generally stay harder longer even after we cum, so provided he's big enough to get it in, he can likely cum and just keep fucking.) I wish there was more porn out there with trans guys and other dudes and more of it raw.
    1 point
  35. Been reading stories on this site for a few years. Had a hot weekend that I felt I should share. Was in Omaha for a few days over the weekend. Checked into my hotel very late Sunday night. The front desk guy was a decent looking black guy. Was very nice and got me checked in quickly. Once in my room, opened Grindr and Scruff. Since it was late and in Omaha, there wasn't much to chose from or many replying. After awhile, the front desk guy popped up on my Grindr. I sent him a tap and he immediately tapped back. I asked if he wanted to come breed my ass. His response was a definite yes. I told him I needed to prep quick and that I'd let him know. I'd be ass up on the bed, door open, lights low. He could eat my ass if he wanted then lube up and fuck me deep. He said he was down for that except he wasn't into rimming. I was cool with it either way. I got cleaned quick and messaged him. He was soon coming into my room to find me ass up waiting. He immediately dropped his pants and started tapping his cock on my ass and it felt quite hefty. I started hitting the poppers based on what I felt as we had not exchanged pics. I was soon feeling good and he was sliding into me with no mention of status or condoms. Deep. He was fairly girthy and pushing 8in. He was soon fucking me good, both of us feeling great. He had to be quick so he could get back to the front desk. The fuck barely lasted 5min but it was a great 5min. He soon pumped a very large load into me as I felt each squirt. He quickly cleaned up and headed out. I looked for more cock but ended up jerking off on my chest. The next morning I met up and hung out with some friends. Early afternoon I found myself with some time to myself. I hit up a guy who I had been chatting with the night before who he and his husband had been looking for a third. Both tops and both very hung. Well the husband was a work but the one who was the most fit of the two wanted to meet, against their marriage rules. I had prepped in the shower again that morning so was feeling confident on taking his large cock. I was soon at his place just as he was getting back from the gym. This guy is probably the hottest guy I've ever hooked up with. Just a tad shorter me, beautifully fit and toned body, and a cock so large it couldn't stand straight up. We were soon making out in his living room with him keeping an eye on his phone as he didn't want to get caught by his husband. He was an amazing kisser, sensual, kept touching my body. We eventually exchanged head. I can say he was definitely a top contender in that. He soon had me on my back, legs up on his couch and took his time rimming me out. After a bit, he lubed up as I hit the poppers. Surprisingly, he slid in with minimal effort, which is saying a lot since he was quite thick and pushing 9in. We hungrily made out as he fucked me deep. After a bit, he had me kneeling on the couch and he took me again. After about 5min of that, I was cumming a massive load in my hand. He kept fucking me for a bit, still making my ass feel amazing. He pulled out for a bit, ate my ass as he jerked and pushed it back in to fill me with his load. As he was cumming down from his orgasm, he was licking and kissing my back and my neck. He pulled out and we made out for a bit more before I cleaned up and left. This was probably one of my top 5 fucks of all time due to the passion and connection we shared. I'm hoping for another round the next time I'm in town. My plans changed that evening and I stayed another night with friends. My previous trips to Omaha, I'd chatted with an Army guy but we never had the time to connect. I hit him up that evening. He was free and wanting me to come over. He was a very handsome ginger, about 6'2, nice solid build. We went to his room, got naked and spent a good half hour laying on his bed, kissing and just touching and stroking the others body. He then flipped me onto my stomach and ate my ass for another 15min. After he was done, he laid down next to me as I went done on his large cock. Now, he wasn't as big as the previous guy but I for sure was not complaining. After a bit, we were 69ing with my sucking his cock and him eating my ass. I soon turned and started slowly riding my cock against his. He grabbed the lube and I the poppers and he said he needed to be in my ass. In a short time I was riding that rock hard cock as it was hitting all of my buttons. We fucked for about 20min with me sliding off a few times to rest my hole and to keep him from cumming too soon. I finally reached the point of just needing to cum. I told him I was close and he wanted me to cum all over his chest. I soon shot hard and he fucked rabbit style till his load was deep in me. We cleaned up after, kissed and I was on my way. Another guy to add to my repeat list for my travels.
    1 point
  36. Thanks! ---- That was pretty much my college life. Study hard, play some IM football games, and fuck with my gay friends. I never dated anyone and most of my sex was done in a group scene. My senior year started out the same and one Friday I was supposed to meet some friends at a gay bar down town. I got there really early since I mis-read the text message. I walked in and there was only the bartender and a couple other older guys at the bar. I sat down and ordered a beer and waited for everyone to show up. When they hadn’t arrived after 20 minutes, I read the message again and realized that I was going to have to wait at least an hour more. One of the older guys left and the other moved down closer to me. I’m sure most of the college students wouldn’t think he was hot, but I did. He was a muscular bear and what I thought I might look like in fifteen years. He introduced himself to me as Frank and we started to chat. He bought me a beer and when I was half way through it I had to go take a leak. I excused myself and went to the bathroom and went to the urinal and started to piss. When I finished, I washed my hands and was about to leave when Frank walked in to the bathroom. He looked straight at me and pushed me to the wall and started to kiss me. I was surprised, but didn’t fight back. We were two guys in a gay bar and we both knew we were attracted to each other. We kissed for what seemed like an hour but was only a few minutes and our hands groped each other. He grabbed my balls through my pants and I moaned. He unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and was on his knees sucking my cock before I knew it. It felt so good and he really knew how to give head. He got me hard and dripping and I was getting ready to blow my load down his throat when he stood up and pulled me into the stall. He turned around and pushed his pants down and there was his gorgeous hairy ass in front of me. “Fuck me Mike” was all he said. I spread his butt and rubbed my leaking cock around his hairy hole and heard him whimper. I spit on my hand and covered my cock with it and spit again and got some into his hole. I pushed in, then spit again on my cock head and then pushed harder until I felt his hole open up. It felt like heaven being inside him and I started to fuck him. I had never fucked anyone in a public place like that. Anyone could have walked in and found us but I didn’t care. His moans and growls turned me on as I fucked him and the harder I fucked the more vocal he was. I couldn’t keep my cock from shooting any longer and I planted my cock all the way in and held him tight as my cock shot a huge load inside him. I pulled my cock out and he spun around really fast and sat down on the toilet, licking my cock clean of all the cum on it. We pulled our jeans up and he gave me a quick kiss and I could taste my cum while we kissed. We walked back to the bar and sat down and he smiled at me. He finished his beer off and kissed me on my cheek and then left the bar. I sat there for a few moments and the bartender came over. I was the only one left in the bar but we both knew that wouldn’t last long. The Friday afternoon rush would soon be here. The lull before the storm, I suppose. “It looked like you had a good time in the john” the bartender told me. I blushed and said “yeah, I did. Sorry about that, I don’t normally do things like that in a public place.” “You could have fooled me. You pounded him like a pro” the bartender said. I looked back at him and my jaw must have been down around my feet. “You saw it?” I asked. “Yeah, we have cameras everywhere to make sure things don’t get too far out of hand” he replied. “Shit. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again” I said panicked that he was going to throw me out or call the cops. “Hey, don’t worry. I enjoyed it. I’m just surprised that you weren’t the one getting fucked. I’ve never seen Frank take cock before” he told me. I didn’t know what to say. I sipped my beer and wished he would disappear and my friends would show up. “So, he’s a regular here?” I finally asked. “Yeah, he comes in most every afternoon after he gets off work. Has a beer or two. Sometimes fucks a guy in the bathroom or storage room and goes home. He’s been kind of quiet the past few months since his partner, Rocky, died in a car crash. I was actually happy to see him go after you in the john. Maybe he’s getting back to his old self” the bartender said as a few people walked in the door. The crowd slowly filled the bar and finally my friends showed up. We drank and shot some pool. I eventually went home alone and laid there in bed thinking of Frank.
    1 point
  37. I can't decide if this is a legitimate request for perspective and knowledge or if it's bait to start what would very easily descend into a very heated argument over stigma and semantics. "Was it worth it?" Was what worth it? Are you asking about the initial transmission of HIV or are you asking if not seeking treatment and allowing HIV to progress unhindered to the point where an AIDS diagnosis is given? Either way, I know I personally wasn't gambling the pleasure of a particular situation against the risk of contracting HIV, and my decision to stop taking antiretroviral therapy was a conscious one made after much deliberation and with full understanding that AIDS was an inevitability if I continued to abstain from meds. It was three-and-a-half months after my 18th birthday that I started dating the man who, as I came to discover much later, intentionally gave me the virus without my knowledge. In the spring of 1993, having enlisted in the US Navy and tested into the nuclear program, I received a call back to MEPC to speak with the Chief Medical Officer, who relayed to me that my tests had come back positive for the HIV virus, and as such, my oath and enlistment were revoked. He told me I wasn't eligible to serve because active military personnel must be able to donate blood to other soldiers or to civilians in times of war. By the time I tracked down my (by then) ex-boyfriend, he had infected 11 other young men and had committed suicide rather than endure the pain of a slow death from AIDS complications. I was surreptitiously infected with HIV so long ago that I have lived more years with the virus than I'd lived without it. All of the important little psychological finishing touches that happen as adolescent males become mature into fully grown adults were shaped by the stigma and shame surrounding my diagnosis. Fast forward 25 years, past two failed suicide attempts and the deaths of most of the friends and acquaintances I'd known from back then. Perhaps you can understand the state of mind I was in when I decided one day to stop taking HIV meds and just let the virus do what it would until the end finally came. An end, I might mention, that I'd been anticipating for most of those 25 years, coming to terms time and time again with the eventual reality of a death much like the agonizing, humiliating one you describe in your post. When you've had that long to ponder such an end, even trying twice to beat Death to the punch, the concept of dying becomes much less frightening. Last January (2017), I had been off of all HIV medications for 4 years. An unfortunate run in with the flu motivated me to visit an Urgent Care, where they discovered my CD4 count was down to only 30. Soon thereafter I developed a case of thrush, which led to another visit with a doctor for the necessary prescription. Thiat time I walked out with an AIDS diagnosis on my medical record and a lengthy scolding from a particularly insightful Infectious Diseases specialist. I wasn't in any pain. I led a normal, active life and had no issues with mobility or cognition. I fed myself maybe too well and never had trouble drinking. Looking at me, no one would have considered it even possible that I had AIDS. But I did. It was in May of last year that I decided I wasn't ready anymore to let the virus have me. I wasn't done with life. There were things I still wanted to do. So I got back on meds and started to rebuild my immune system. It took me being vigilant in taking my medicine every single day for over 7 months to finally get my CD4 count back above the 200 cell threshold, even though the viral load immediately went undetectable. Was what worth it? Considering the fact that I'm no better or worse off today than that naive 19-year-old boy was back in 1993 when he was first diagnosed, I'm having trouble framing the context of your question. Has the stigma beat the shit out of my confidence and self-esteem over the past two-and-a-half decades? You bet your ass it has, at every turn and from every direction. Has the virus won? Not yet, that motherfucker hasn't. I control the virus now, not the other way around. And I'm past the point where ignorance and fear in other folks' reactions can bruise or batter my sense of self-worth. Those ugly flaws are now reflections of their value, not mine. I'm happy to educate and always forthcoming about my status with every potential sex partner I meet. I can't even pass up an oddly worded post in an online discussion forum without taking the time to address the topic of HIV/AIDS. ;-P
    1 point
  38. Part 37 - The Swimmer and the Artist Ric tossed and turned all Friday night. Thankfully his dad didn’t come into his room that night, since his balls were empty and he was still freaked out about breeding Zac. He finally got a few hours of sleep and got up. He was supposed to meet Jason around 11 AM. He thought about cancelling, but in the end decided to meet Jason as they planned. Ric got to Jason’s house just a few minutes late as Jason’s parents were pulling out of the driveway. He went inside and was just about to grope and kiss him when Jason’s older brother, Jared, came running up the stairs. “Gimme five minutes and I’ll be out of here and you two can have your fun” said Jared. Ric looked shocked and Jason rolled his eyes. “He knows?” said Ric quietly. “Oh yeah. We’ve been doing it for a while and when he fucked me this morning I begged him to leave a big load inside since the guy I was meeting was hung and I needed the lube” Jason said with a chuckle. They started to walk to Jason’s bedroom and his brother came out of his room and squeezed past and winked at Ric. “Don’t stretch him out too much, I like that tight boy pussy. Have fun!” Jared said as he headed towards the door. “Fuck, that’s wild. I can’t imagine getting fucked by a brother. It doesn't matter since I don't have one” Ric said chuckling. “Yeah, I came out to my family a couple years ago and it was kind of rough at first. Jared was cool with it but it took a few months before mom and dad realized I was happy not having to hide it. And now its just not a problem. Dad even gave me a couple condoms this morning. They think I’m fucking every time some guy comes over” Jason explained. “Not every time, just most of em?” Ric joked. “Hahaha, yeah. You know me too well” Jason said as they walked into the room and he closed the door. Ric pinned Jason against the door and kissed him. Jason opened his mouth and their tongues darted against each other. Ric liked holding Jason’s hands against the wall and his chest against Jason’s while they kissed, but Ric was trying to figure out how to tell Jason he was poz. During their previous fuck, Jason forced himself onto Ric but nothing was ever said other than Ric screaming “No!” He knew from comments that Jason had made that he thought Ric might have HIV, but neither had said anything outright. Jason broke the kiss and pushed Ric back. “Do you think you’ve already pozzed me?” Jason asked with a sly grin. “Wow. I guess that means you know that I’m poz. But I don’t know if I have pozzed you. I heard that sometimes one load is all it takes and sometimes its hundreds” Ric replied. “But you’ve fucked me a half dozen times..” Jason said. “Only once after I got sick and that’s what matters. You ok with it?” Ric said. “Fuck yeah. I get so boned when I read stories online about guys getting pozzed or even fucking with poz guys. I figured I was going to have to find some older guy to give me my first poz load, but when you got sick, I was hoping it was because you were poz. I’ve been jacking off thinking about you charging me up” Jason replied. “Well then we better fuck and make sure that hot pussy of yours gets knocked up” Ric said as he pulled Jason towards the bed. They both took their clothes off quickly and Jason was on his knees lapping at Ric’s half hard cock. He pulled back the foreskin and licked the head. “Fuck, I love sucking uncut cocks” Jason said before taking the length of Ric’s shaft into his mouth and throat. “Oh fuck!” Ric yelled out as Jason’s throat gripped his cock. Jason flexed his throat around Ric’s cock and Ric felt the precum start to flow from it. He pulled back and started to fuck Jason’s face. Jason looked up at him and the two locked eyes. Ric could see the hunger in Jason’s eyes and figured Jason could see it in his too. He kept sliding all the way into Jason’s throat with only a little gagging coming from Jason. Ric could feel his cock get slick and needed to feel Jason’s ass wrapped around his toxic cock. Ric pulled his cock all the way out of his mouth and pulled Jason up and on to the bed on his back. He pulled him a bit forward, so Jason’s ass was hanging off and pushed his legs back. Jason grabbed his legs and rolled back exposing his hole. Ric spread his ass cheeks and pushed his tongue into the quivering orifice. “Mmmm, I can taste Jared’s cum” said Ric while he stood up and aimed his toxic sword at Jason’s neg hole. “FUUUCCCKKK YEAH!” Jason yelled out as Ric’s cock drilled into his cum slick hole. Ric sunk his cock into Jason with one long firm push, feeling the warm tissue envelope his dripping cock. “Is that what you want, Jason?” Ric asked with his cock held deep inside Jason. “Oh god yeah. Fuck me Ric. Give me all of your poz seed” pleaded Jason. Ric started to work his cock back and forth, stretching Jason open. Ric was like a train, building up speed and intensity with each stroke. It wasn’t too long before he was pounding Jason. His balls swinging and slamming into Jason’s ass with his body slapping against Jason’s ass. Ric looked down and Jason was stroking his own cock, precum dripping over his abs. “You’re going to be shooting your own poz loads soon, Jason” Ric said while his thrusts got more irregular. “Fuck yeah!” yelled Jason, feeling Ric’s cock digging deep inside him. He started to flex his hole around Ric’s cock, like he had done with his throat. “Breed me Ric, I need that cum inside me” Jason pleaded and wrapped his legs around Ric. He heard Ric start to grunt with each jab of his cock. Ric leaned forward and grabbed Jason’s shoulders and pulled himself deep. His cock pulsed over and over as his poz venom filled up Jason’s guts, mixing with Jared’s load and the virus hopefully seeping into his bloodstream. The two were screaming out in unison with each spurt of cum. After the last shots finished, Ric slowly fucked his cum in deeper and then pulled his cock out. He stood at the side of the bed breathing heavy and Jason had spun around, his head hanging over the edge of the bed and was licking Ric’s cock clean. Once all the cum was licked up the two laid in bed next to each other. “How long before you can breed me again?” asked Jason. “How long we got until they come home?” asked Ric. Jason looked over and said “Shit! Only about an hour.” “Then you better get on your knees so I can fuck that hole again” Ric said. Jason rolled over and got on all fours and said “woof woof” before laughing. Ric climbed behind Jason and mounted him, sliding his long cock into the cum filled tunnel. Jason fucked his body back on Ric’s cock, the shaft easily pushing through the battered inner ring. He held Jason’s hips and pounded his hole hard. This fuck had only a few seconds of gentle motion before Ric’s thrusts got intense. Jason moaned, feeling his hole getting beaten from Ric’s long, thick cock. Jason thought his uncle’s was big and he had been able to take it dozens of times without problems, but Ric had almost two inches on him and was a little thicker. His ass ached, but he enjoyed the feeling and knew it helped get him charged up. Ric pulled his cock all the way out of Jason and watched some cum drop out of his hole and then rammed back in. Jason let out a loud “UGHH.” He did it a few more times and when he was ready to pump a second toxic load into Jason he heard “Fuck, that cock is big. Take it bro!” Jared had come back early and had been watching Ric fuck his brother. Ric slammed in and felt the ropes of cum shoot inside Jason’s ass. His body shook and his cock pulsed. Ric looked over and Jared had his cock out, stroking it. “Don’t waste it on the floor, pump it into his ass” Ric said, pulling his cock out and turning Jason so his ass was over the side of the bed. Jared walked awkwardly over to the side of the bed, his pants around his ankles. He shoved his cock in, feeling the mixture of Ric’s and his cum surround his cock. He moaned and then jackhammered his cock in until he started shooting his neg load into his brother’s bug craving ass. Ric was right behind Jared, his cum covered cock rubbing between his ass cheeks. Ric angled his hips and felt his cock push in and stopped at Jared’s hole. “Oh god, please, no. I can’t take a cock that big” begged Jared. Ric thrust his hips and felt the tip start to penetrate and stopped and whispered “Any time you’re ready, I’d love to knock that ass up just like I did your brother’s.” The three quickly showered and then Ric and Jason sat in his room talking. They heard the front door open and close and then Jason heard his parents talking. “Should we let them see us making out?” Ric joked. “They’ve seen worse. I was sucking a guy off in my room when they came home one time. Thats why I closed the door this time. Little good it did!” Jason said with a little laugh. “I hope we can fuck again soon, Jason” Ric said. “Yeah, I do too. Without my brother next time” Jason said rolling his eyes. — Monday Ric walked into the cafeteria and got his lunch. He sat down at a table by himself over in a corner facing away from everyone. He got about halfway through his lunch when he heard someone come up behind him and sat down next to him. He saw Zac and his stomach felt queasy. He stopped eating and said “I’m sorry, Zac. I didn’t plan on that happening” as Zac looked at him. “Its not your fault Ric. That was the hottest fuck I’ve ever had. Now I know why you guys do it. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all weekend and it made me hard when I did. Can we do it again soon? I want to see what it feels like when its bare the whole time. And I loved feeling your load in me.” Zac asked. “I don’t know. Maybe. Lets talk about it later in the week, OK?” Ric said solemnly. Zac replied “Cool” and got up and left Ric to finish his meal. — Ric had scheduled the appointment with Thad on Thursday afternoon. He told his parents that he needed to help Shane with a project and he wouldn’t be home for dinner. That should give him enough time to drive up, get inked, talk with Thad about Shane’s tattoo and get back home before his curfew. He sent a message to Dave that he would be there around 5pm. Ric had been fucking both Shane and Marty at least once a day. Sometimes it was before school, sometimes after. Wednesday he even fucked Shane in the locker room during school and Ethan had found them just as Ric’s cum shot into Shane’s ass. Ethan quickly fucked Shane and added his neg seed to the poz load Ric had just given him. Ric slid the plug easily back into Shane’s ass and he wondered how many other people noticed that Shane was walking funny with the butt plug he was now keeping in him all the time when Ric wasn’t fucking him. Ric also wondered how long before Shane got sick, since he had been pumping one or two loads a day into him since their first fuck. Ric met Shane at the usual spot by the tree after school and they walked back to Shane’s house. They dropped their backpacks off and went out to the garage. Ric went to get in the passenger side and Shane said “Not so fast. Come over here.” Ric walked over to the driver’s side with a puzzled look on his face until he saw Shane leaning against the car with his jeans down and his jockstrapped ass pushed back. Ric chuckled and moved behind him and pulled the plug out, pushing it into Shane’s mouth to give him a taste. His dick was half hard just seeing Shane’s greedy naked ass and with a few strokes of his hand and a little spit he was pushing back into Shane’s hole. Shane was now used to Ric’s cock and knew what to do to get him to shoot his load quickly. This time, they didn’t need to be quiet like when they fucked in the bathroom, locker room or storage room at school. “Oh yeah, Ric. Breed me full of that bugged up spooge. Poz me good!” Shane begged. Ric had already pumped more than a dozen virus laden loads into Shane. That was twice what he had given Marty and just a few more than his dad. His cock was drooling precum inside Shane while he kept thrusting his cock deep inside Shane’s cunt. His kisses and caresses belied the hard slams of his cock. Ric’s cock started to throb and swell, filling up Shane a little more. Ric pinched both of Shane’s nipples through his shirt and felt Shane squeeze Ric’s cock with his hole just as the diseased cum flooded Shane’s body. After the last few shots joined his lunchtime load, Ric grabbed the plug from Shane’s hand and put it back into place in his ass. They hopped into the car and drove up to Thad’s shop. Shane kept asking questions the whole way about getting tattooed and what was going to happen when he converted. Ric told him what he knew from experience and from reading stuff on the internet. Soon they were pulling into the parking lot. Ric saw Thad at the door of the shop, giving him a thumbs up. He thought it was weird, but the two got out of the car and started walking to the shop door. He got to the front fender and he felt someone grab him from behind and then a cloth go over his nose and mouth that smelled funny and then everything went black. Ric woke up and looked around. He was in a warehouse of some sort and there were guys standing around him. As his eyes got less blurry, he could make out Dave and Thad but didn’t know any of the other eight guys. He realized they were all naked except for one guy that wore a red leather harness. He looked down and realized he was naked too. He started to get up and heard Dave say “Ric, stand here. We are going to induct you into the club. It’s a short ceremony which I think you’ll enjoy. Ric stood and the priest began “We are gathered here to welcome the newest member to our brotherhood. Our mission is to celebrate our gift and help those less fortunate than us become a positive force in the world. Ric, are willing to join us support our mission?” The priest looked at Ric and Ric looked at Joe who was nodding and Ric then replied “Yes”. The priest led him over to a fuck bench and laid him down on it. Ric was extremely nervous. He had never seen anything like this and felt very vulnerable. Dave came over and locked his hands and ankles down and then spit onto his exposed hole. The priest then said “Let the consummation begin.” Ric could only look forward and saw nothing but a brick wall. He felt someone come up behind him and then felt a cock at his hole. He only had a second to prepare for the invasion and felt the guy shove his cock in. The pain ripped through Ric’s body and he screamed out. The guy fucking him ignored the screams and started to pound his hole. Ric’s heart was racing and he was sweating and breathing heavy. He knew he had to relax or it would be even more painful. He thought about all of the cum he had pumped into Shane and how his dad had willingly bent over and begged him to fuck him. Just as he started to relax, the guy fucking his ass slammed in and he felt the cum fill his tortured hole. Joe leaned down and whispered into Ric’s ear “Normally its just one AIDS breeding to induct you, but you get three.” He felt the guy pull out of his ass and soon there was another cock entering him. This one was thicker and pierced. He thought it might be Dave, but Dave was standing in front of him, his cock drooling. Ric opened his mouth and raised his head. Joe moved closer and pushed his cock into Ric’s mouth. Ric sucked and licked the cock that had probably knocked him up while the second guy pummeled his ass. He felt the slams of the cock in his ass get slower and harder until the guy planted his cock in all the way and more hot AIDS cum filled his body. It was quickly replaced by a third cock. This one was longer and thicker than anything he had ever had in his ass. The pain as it pushed deep inside him was new. He screamed around Dave’s cock as the cock in his ass kept ramming in against a wall. “Come on boy, let it past your inner ring” a deep voice said behind him. After two more thrusts, he felt the cock go even deeper inside him and Ric wondered if it was going to come out his throat. The long cock kept driving in and out of his wrecked hole and then Dave started to fuck his throat. The two were thrusting in at the same time and Ric was overwhelmed by the new experience. After a few more minutes of cocks slamming into both ends he felt Dave start to spurt cum into his throat. He tried not to gag but was having a hard time until he felt the cock in his ass erupt. As he tried to scream, a flood of cum shot down his throat. Both cocks pulled out of his exhausted body. He felt several guys slap his ass and Joe leaned down to unlock his hands. “Dave, please fuck me before I get up” Ric asked. He heard a few people nearby clap their hands and Joe unlocked his ankles before moving behind Ric. He felt Dave’s fingers push into his throbbing hole and then felt them on his lips. He opened his mouth and sucked the fingers clean as Joe slid his cock into Ric’s cummy pussy. Joe fucked slowly, feeling the AIDS cum cover his cock. Ric had no problem taking all of Joe’s cock and Joe remembered that first time he had fucked Ric. It had only been a little over a month ago and Ric had gone from a virgin to a poz breeding slut. Joe started to fuck harder and faster and heard Ric moan and beg “give me more of your poz cum, Dave.” Joe grinned as his cock drilled into Ric and the other guys standing around started to chant “Breed him, breed him” over and over. He leaned down and kissed the back of Ric’s neck before ramming in hard and unleashing his toxic load into Ric’s cum soaked cunt. Ric laid there a minute after Joe pulled out and finally got to his feet. He was a little unsteady but Joe held him up and then hugged him. “We didn’t expect you to come with someone else” Joe started to say and Ric blurted out “Oh my god, where’s Shane?” “He’s ok, we have him up front, knocked out. Who is he?” Joe asked. “He’s the friend of mine that I told you about. You know, the swimmer?” Ric replied. Joe chuckled. “Oh, that guy. The horny slut that’s chasing?” Joe asked. The word ‘chasing’ got everyone’s ears perked up and suddenly everyone stopped talking and looked at Joe and Ric. “Yeah, that one” Ric said with a smile. “Do you think he’d like several more doses from some really toxic guys?” Joe asked. “Maybe. I don’t know if he wants it just from me or anyone that can help him get knocked up” Ric answered. “Let’s find out” said Tony. A couple of the guys soon were carrying out Shane, his arms draped over their shoulders. Shane had a fitted hood over his head with only nose and mouth openings, but was otherwise naked and looked pretty lifeless hanging from the two tall guys. As they held Shane up, Tony waved some smelling salts under his nose and Shane slowly came back to life. “Where the fuck am I?” Shane asked groggily. “You’re ok, boy. Now tell me… Do you only take poz loads from Ric here or are you open to a more diverse set of strains?” the priest asked. “Get this hood off my fuckin’ head” yelled Shane. “It’s ok, Shane. Just tell him what he wants to know” said Ric. “Anyone’s, I guess” Shane said feeling helpless. “Do you want to get bred by these guys, Shane? They’re pretty toxic” asked Ric. “Fuck yeah, just don’t hurt me” Shane said. The guys carried Shane over to the fuck bench where Ric had just laid and put him down, pulling his hands and ankles down and securing them with cuffs and locks. Thad walked up and said “Let me have the first shot at him and then you can fill him up while I take care of Ric. Thad stroked his cock, using just some spit, and it got hard quickly. The cute, young swimmer was about to get gang banged by some of the most charged up guys in the area and Thad wanted his to be the first load in. Thad spit on Shanes hole and went to push his fingers in and found the plug. “What do we have here?” asked Thad. “I fucked him before we came up to the shop” Ric said. “Hehe, he’s prelubed then” said Thad as he pulled the plug out. Shane yelped as the plug came out of his ass and yelped again as Thad shoved his cock in to replace it. Thad loved pump and dumps, especially with fresh neg meat. Even with the plug in him for the drive up, his hole was tight around Thad’s shaft and he could feel the PA dig into the tender walls. Tony moved in front of Shane and held up a bottle of poppers to his nose and said “Breathe deep boy, you’re going to need this.” Shane took a couple hits from the bottle and relaxed as the rush hit him. Thad drove in harder and faster and then let out a groan as his balls emptied their poison into the young cum slut. Thad pulled out and presented his cum covered cock to Shane and another guy from the club pushed into his ass. The priest said “Save the AIDS loads for last.” One by one the guys took turns pounding and then adding their own strain into Shane’s doomed cunt. Shane took the pounding well. He was begging while each guy fucked him and then thanked them for their load. He grunted and whimpered as the larger cocks tore into his sore hole but he never asked them to stop until Derrick slammed his cock in. “Oh my fucking god!” Shane screamed out. Derrick left his cock deep inside Shane for a minute, letting him get used to the girth. When he felt Shane’s body stop spasming, he started to fuck slowly. “You’re getting one of the newest AIDS loads in your hole, boy. This should fuck you up good” Derrick said. Tony and him had just gotten their test results and they were now officially classified as AIDS patients. Derrick picked up speed, feeling his cock drip precum the full length of Shane’s colon but he was planning on pumping his seed in deeper. When he couldn’t hold back any longer, Derrick shoved in all the way, hearing Shane scream out and unleashed his very toxic load as far inside Shane as he could. Derrick’s cock was replaced by Tony’s and Shane was relieved that something smaller was now fucking him. Tony didn’t last long, watching so many other guys breed their poz loads into the hot young swimmer had him ready to shoot at any moment. The three guys that had bred Ric on his initiation earlier were the last to fuck Shane. With their loads deposited, the priest reinserted the plug into Shane’s hole. They let Shane lay there, resting and trying to recover from the onslaught. After Thad had bred Shane, he took Ric over to the side and prepped him for his second tattoo. This would be the biohazard that he had talked with Thad about for over a week. He wanted it between his navel and cock and to have just the very tips of the top horseshoe poking above his low rider jeans. The red inner ring interlocked with the three black horseshoes giving it a tribal look. Thad shaved his pubic hair off before starting in. Ric’s cock was hard the entire time Thad worked on the tattoo. He wasn’t sure if it was the excitement of getting the biohazard tat, hearing the guys take turns breeding Shane, or wanting to feel Thad’s cock fuck him like he had fucked Shane. Once Thad finished his work, he gave Ric instructions on caring for it until it healed. “It’s going to be difficult since its in an area you usually have tight clothes on. Use these bandages to keep the area protected and moisturized and you’ll be fine. Now lets get you guys back to the shop.” Thad said and then whispered to Ric “We’re going to knock Shane out. He can’t know where the club meeting place is.” Ric nodded and the two walked back over to the main area. Ric grabbed his clothes and put them on and watched two guys unlock and lift Shane off the bench. Ric looked down and there was a huge puddle of cum where Shane had shot and another one further back where the cum had dripped out of his ass while he was being fucked. One guy used a towel to wipe Shane down before they helped him get back into his clothes. Once he was dressed Tony put a rag over Shane’s face and Ric watched Shane struggle a bit until he was passed out and limp again. Ric noted where they were when he walked outside and got into the van with Tony, Derrick and Shane. They drove back to the shop and Thad unlocked the door and they all went inside. Tony laid Shane out in Thad’s tattoo chair and they used the salts again to wake him up. Tony and Derrick left and Ric and Thad waited for Shane to fully come to. They pulled the hood off and soon Shane was awake. “Fuck, dude. What happened? I had this wild dream. I… I think it was a dream. Why’s my ass so sore?” Shane asked. “It wasn’t a dream, Shane. You were the lucky bystander for a little club initiation I had” said Ric. Thad just smiled at Shane and nodded. He wasn’t going to add anything that Ric didn’t want to tell him. When Ric finished, Thad pulled out some sketches. “These are a few ideas I came up with based on what you sent me. Does it cover what you wanted?” Thad asked. Shane and Ric looked them over and Shane pointed out what he liked on each. Ric kept quiet letting Shane decide what to get. After a lot of discussion and a few more sketches, Shane asked “Before we go much farther, how much is something going to cost?” “Well, I think I can probably give you the club discount now. You’re not really in yet, but after today’s event I’m pretty sure its just a matter of time. And not much time either, from what I hear Ric’s been giving you” Thad said. Thad wrote a number down on a slip of paper and handed it to Shane. “I know you don’t live around here, so getting up here is kind of difficult. I normally would do something like this in two sessions. First an outline and then fill it in on the second visit. We can do it that way or all in one long sitting. I’d block out three to four hours if we do it in one day. We’d have to take a few breaks in the middle.” “That’s just a about what I have saved up, but I can do it. I guess the next question is when? Next week?” Shane asked. “Which day were you thinking about? I do have some time available next week” Thad said. “How about Tuesday. I can get up here after school on Tuesday and Thursday. I would have to do it all at one time. If anyone sees it part way done, it could cause a lot of problems and I might not be able to get the rest of it done for a while” Shane said. “Tuesday at 5? That should work. You can get all of the money by then?” Thad inquired. “Yeah, I should be good by then” Shane said. Ric and Shane got up and started towards the door. “See you Tuesday” Shane said while walking awkwardly. He had gotten pretty good at walking with the plug in his ass, but now his whole body hurt. They got in the car and started driving back towards home. “That really wasn’t a dream?” asked Shane. “Nope. You really got fucked by a group of poz guys. Ten of them” replied Ric. “I remember someone saying ‘AIDS’. Did that really happen?” asked Shane after a few minutes. “Yeah, five of the guys have AIDS. I hope you were really serious about getting infected, cuz this probably guaranteed it” Ric said. “Yeah, I am. It just seems surreal that something like that happened. If I wasn’t so sore, I would have insisted that it was a dream” Shane replied. Ric got home exhausted and tried not to let his parents look at him too much and notice. He saw his dad on the couch looking like hell with a blanket wrapped around him. “You ok, dad?” he asked. “I think I’m coming down with something, but I’ll be fine” his dad replied. Ric went to his room and sent off a text message to Joe “Think I have my first one ;)”
    1 point
  39. RawTop just wrote like a half a book on WHY he doesn't delete profiles, and yet 4 guys.. aww never-mind, they wouldn't pay any attention anyway. fuk it. I have been posting on message boards like this, since 1990. With topics that range from How to groom your dog to boards that explain step by step how to take down a 747.. And theres more that won't delete profiles than will. Get over it!
    1 point
  40. I can tell you what worked on me for my first bareback experience. I met a very well hung 8in + top who fucked me nice and hard with a condom and lube and I enjoyed it during most of the fuck but my asshole became irritated near the end . I was in immense pain just afterward. The pain seemed to intensify after i got home. I had to sit in a bath for hours. I was still sore for days. It isn't a latex allergy, I knew it was mainly his size that wrecked me. A month later the next time i met him i couldn't help myself from hooking up again, but I told him while i was blowing him that getting fucked last time irritated me too much and i didn't want to get fucked again (although i did bring some better organic lube with me ) He convinced me it was the condom friction that causes the pain and that bareback would not hurt a bit. He assured me he would start gently and pull out to cum, he said he was recently tested neg anyway. I said i still wasn't comfortable with BB even if he pulled out because of precum and stuff. He dried off my saliva from his erect cock and showed me he didn't produce any pre-cum. He told and showed me he never makes precum even when fully erect and that he would pull out before he orgasmed. So I agreed and let him take me bare right then. It was the most fantastic fuck just like he promised, i had a huge orgasm as he fucked me and i wasn't sore a bit afterward.
    1 point
  41. Part 22 - On the prowl Steven had been quiet for a few days. Joe and Kyle kept asking him if he was ok and he just lied and said everything was good. He remembered that Joe had said he could stay a few weeks and he knew his time was up. But he was running out of money and knew he wasn’t welcome to work at his parent’s restaurant any more. He had been out hitting other places looking for a part time job that would work around his school schedule and finally found one at Antonio's, one of the nicer restaurants in town. It was the type of place professors took their spouses or mistresses to or for business meetings wooing people to donate to the university. The manager liked his clean-cut looks and polite conversation. “Too many of these students come in here looking for a job with tattoos, piercings and long hair. I need staff that don’t look like they’re homeless” he told Steven. It helped that he had experience being a waiter, bus boy and kitchen helper. His first night he had to fill in for a waiter that didn’t show up and the manager watched him like a hawk. He hustled and did as best he could, learning the menu during any spare time he had. At the end of the evening, the manager came up and thanked him for doing a great job without any training. Steven counted up his tips at the end of his shift and was really happy. The customers here tipped a lot better than his parent’s restaurant. He looked around as he sat at a table with his new coworkers, finally getting to meet them. His gaydar was getting better and he thought that all but one of the waiters was gay. The bus boys all seemed to be straight and he thought only one of the kitchen staff was gay. He felt pretty comfortable and was surprised at how helpful everyone had been. As he went to leave one of the waiters came up to him and gave him a slip of paper and whispered “Call me if you need any help figuring this place out or want to meet.” It was Ryan, a tall dark haired guy with crystal blue eyes that was about his age. His skin was smooth and he had lips Steven would like to kiss for hours. He noticed that he had a circular barbell earring in his ear that he didn’t remember seeing earlier. Steven went back to the apartment and sat on the couch with his laptop and went through the 'Roommate wanted' ads seeing what was available. He didn’t want to leave, but didn’t want to overstay his welcome either. Joe walked in and sat next to him and turned on the TV. Looking over at the laptop screen, Joe asked “Whatcha doing?” Steven’s eyes began to tear and said “Well, you said I could stay here for a few weeks after my Dad threw me out and it’s been that long. Now that I have a job, I’m looking for a place to live.” Joe turned his head and looked at Steven. “That was then. I really didn’t know you and didn’t want to give you the impression that you could stay here forever. Now that I do know you and we’ve bonded like brothers, I want you to stay as long as you want. If you want to help with the rent, that's great. If you can’t we’ll figure something out.” Steven closed the laptop and hugged Joe, crying. Joe, Kyle and Dennis had become his family and he didn’t want to do anything to lose them. “Now, we should do something about getting you a bed instead of the couch,” Joe said as he stood up and went to the playroom. “Let’s take out the inflatable bed and the floor tray, put the sling back in its bag and get some boxes for the toys. It’s up to you to figure out what you want to sleep on and we can find a dresser at a garage sale. Does that work?” “Oh god yeah. I’ll sleep on the couch until I get my paycheck and get something then. Thanks!” Steven said. Steven went to work the second day and found himself bussing tables the whole night and kept glancing at Ryan when he could. At the end of the night he walked outside and waited for him to leave and the two walked around talking and finally ended up at an all night diner and got some coffee. Their conversation had avoided anything to do about their sexuality or relationships. “I’ve seen you around campus but never had the nerve to talk to you,” Ryan said. “Oh? I didn’t know I was intimidating” replied Steven. Ryan chuckled and said “No, its just that I’ve never been good at picking up guys. I don’t know what to say and I’m afraid they’ll be straight and beat me up.” Steven looked at Ryan and said “So, you figure I can’t beat you up?” Ryan’s face turned pale and said “Oh, shit. You’re straight. Fuck! I’m sorry,” and he started to slide out of the booth. Steven grabbed his hand. “No I’m not. Stay. I was trying to be funny.” Ryan moved back into the booth and sighed with relief. They started talking about all the things they avoided earlier in the night and found they were similar in many ways, but Steven was avoiding the topic about him being poz. Ryan looked at his phone and saw it was almost midnight. “I don’t want to, but I’m going to have to go. I have an 8:00 AM class and my roommate hates it when I come home late and wake him up.” He put down money for the coffees and the tip. “Before you go and before we go any farther, I need to tell you something. I don’t want this to get too far before you know,” Steven said. Ryan looked at him concerned. “I hope you’ll keep this just between you and me, I don’t want anyone at the restaurant to know, at least not yet.” Ryan’s look got even more grim. “Are you a vampire?” he said with a nervous laugh. “Almost. I have HIV,” Steven said quietly. “Oh” Ryan replied, his face emotionless. “I understand if you don’t want to go out me. I hope we can still be friends,” Steven said. “I need to think,” was all that Ryan said as he got up and walked out of the diner. Steven cried most of the way back to the apartment and curled up on the couch and fell asleep. He went to classes the next day, but he was down. He showed up at the restaurant and looked for Ryan but he wasn’t there. When he asked, he was told it was his day off. He worked the rest of the night not talking to anyone - cleaning up tables, setting tables up, delivering food to the tables and sweeping floors - just doing his job. Exhausted he walked out of the restaurant at the end of night and made it to the end of the building when he heard a voice from behind him. “I’m sorry I left you like that last night,” Ryan said. Steven stopped and turned around. “I understand. Can we at least be friends?” he asked. “I hope more than that. The news just took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to do,” Ryan explained. Steven’s heart started to beat faster. He asked “You’re okay with it?” They started walking down the street “Yeah, I am. I’m actually surprised I’m not poz too, with some of the crazy things I’ve done. Sometimes I wish I was,” Ryan said. “Oh? You want to tell me what kinds of crazy things you’ve done?” Steven asked as he started to smile. Ryan took a deep breath and said “Uh, you’re not going to hate me if I tell you?” Steven replied “Of course not, I’ve done some wild things too.” Ryan said “I’ve done a few gangbangs as a bareback bottom and I have spent a lot of time at the glory hole at the adult book store sucking and getting fucked and bred and sometimes fucking. I’ve kind of done things like that to make up for not having a boyfriend.” They walked several blocks until Ryan had to turn to go towards his dorm and Steven had to go the other direction to the apartment. Ryan took Steven’s head in his hands and kissed him passionately. “Can we meet tomorrow afternoon?” Ryan asked. “Uh, sure. I have classes until 2:00. Where do you want to meet?” Steven asked. “How about my dorm room, or is that too bold?” Ryan replied. Steven chuckled “Uh, it doesn’t mean anything is going to happen.” Steven got Ryan’s phone number, dorm building and room number, and some directions. He kissed Ryan and headed toward the apartment, feeling much better than the night before. Steven got up earlier than normal and cleaned his ass out well and then showered and got dressed. He packed his backpack with the few things he would need for class and then added a baggie with a condom that he hoped was still good, lube and poppers. He got to campus early and found the building that Ryan lived in and then went to his first class. He was nervous and excited at the same time. He couldn’t concentrate in either of his classes and only ate a granola bar for lunch. When his second class finished up he sent a text message to Ryan telling him he was on his way. Steven’s stomach was in knots as he walked into the dorm building and walked into the elevator. Waiting for the elevator to get up to the fifth floor, he took the poppers, lube and condom and put them in the front pocket of his jeans. Getting off the elevator, no one was around, much to his relief. He wandered down the hall and finally found Ryan’s room. He took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened and there was Ryan, standing in front of him with a big grin, almost naked except for some jogging shorts. He looked up and down his body looking at every detail. Both of his nipples were pierced and he had two star tattoos poking above his shorts, one on either side of his cock. His stomach had a perfect six pack and there was light hair on his pecs and a trail leading to his cock. His legs were toned and also lightly furry. He could only imagine the cock that was hidden in the shorts. Steven walked in and set his bag down before pulling Ryan into a hug and kissing his soft lips. Typically for a dorm room, the only chairs were at the desks and the only other place to sit was on the beds. Ryan led Steven over to his bed and they sat down, one at each end. Steven said “I feel a little overdressed or you are underdressed.” “This is what I normally wear in my room. Its always too warm in here and I prefer to wear as few clothes as possible,” Ryan replied. Wondering how long they had alone, Steven asked “So, when does your roommate come back?” “Oh, he doesn’t get back until six in the evening on Thursdays,” Ryan replied. Steven wondered if they could talk for three hours or what Ryan had planned. Maybe talk for an hour and he would go home. While his mind went through all the possibilities he said “Oh, cool” out loud. “You can take your jacket off, unless you want to be ready to run away,” Ryan joked. Steven smiled and took his pullover off and tossed it over next to his backpack. He kicked off his shoes and sat back on the bed. They talked for a while and Ryan moved next to Steven and pulled his shirt up and off. His hands rubbed over Steven’s body and he leaned in and kissed Steven. Their kiss got more passionate and their tongues danced in Ryans mouth. Steven started to move his hands over Ryan’s chest, rubbing his pierced nipples. Ryan moaned as he played with his nipples and it was obvious that Ryan’s cock was also responding. Steven pushed Ryan onto his back and they continued to explore each others bodies. Ryan reached down and unbuttoned Steven’s jeans and unzipped them, pushing his hand inside Steven’s underwear. Steven’s cock was hard and got harder with Ryan’s grasp. Ryan let go and started to push his pants down and Steven moved back and took them off and stood there in front of Ryan, naked for the first time. “Fuck, you are so hot,” Ryan said as Steven reached over and pulled Ryan’s shorts down. He climbed back on the bed and pushed Ryan’s legs apart and laid down on top of Ryan, kissing him and grinding his body against Ryan’s. Their cocks were rubbing against each other as Steven started to hump Ryan. As the intensity increased, Ryan stopped and looked up at Steven and said “I need you to fuck me.” Steven panicked and wasn’t sure what to do. He got up and fished the condom and lube from his jeans and got back on the bed. His cock was rock hard and throbbing. He looked at Ryan and started to rip open the condom when Ryan said “No, I want it bare.” “But, I’m poz and not on drugs. I could give it to you,” Steven said, wanting desperately to fuck Ryan. “I know. I don’t care. I want you to fuck me and breed me. Please,” Ryan pleaded. Steven put down the condom and tore the lube packet open and slicked his cock up. He put more lube on Ryan’s hole and slid a finger in, pushing some lube in deep. As his finger came out, Steven started pushing his cock in. He felt Ryan’s hole relax and his cock slid in. He worked his cock in deeper and began to drive his cock in hard. Steven looked down at Ryan and saw his big smile and heard him beg for him to fuck him. “Oh god yeah, fuck me Steven. Fuck me with that poz cock. Give it to me,” Ryan said. Steven got turned on hearing him beg and he started to get verbal too. “You want that raw poz cock inside you? Coating your cunt with toxic precum? Yeah, you want me to knock you up, don’t you? Turn you into a poz pig? Is that what you want?” Steven slammed his cock in hard as he asked each question. They were both sweating and the bed was shaking. Ryan’s legs were laying on top of Steven’s shoulders and Steven’s body was bouncing off of Ryan’s firm ass. “Yeah, give me that dirty seed. Make me your poz bitch. Knock my ass up with your poz cum,” Ryan begged. Their eyes were locked together. Steven’s thrusts got more ragged as he felt his balls tighten up “Oh yeah, I’m gonna knock that neg ass of yours up. I’ll breed you good with my toxic seed,” Steven said as he pulled all the way out and drove back into Ryan’s hole. He did it a second and then a a third time. He pulled all the way out and asked “Ready to get pozzed, Ryan?” Ryan replied “Oh god YES!!!” Steven slammed in and felt his cum shoot. He had several days worth of cum built up and he pumped his charged up cum into Ryan’s hungry neg ass. Steven’s body shook with each spurt and Ryan’s hole milked every drop it could. Steven looked down at Ryan who had a big grin on his face. “Fuck that was so hot and dirty. I never heard anyone do poz role-play before. Did you really fuck him raw?” said a voice by the door. Both Ryan and Steven looked shocked. It was Ryan’s roommate Jeff and he walked up and looked at the two of them, Steven’s cock still inside Ryan. Steven pulled back and as his cock came out, so did a large blob of cum. “Oh my god, you really did breed him. Can you fuck me like that. Tell me that you’re pozzing me as your cumming inside me? I’ve always wanted to do it, but never had the guts,” Jeff said. “No, I don’t think so,” Steven said and looked at Ryan incredulously. He couldn’t believe someone would interrupt people having sex like that and assume something this dangerous was only role-play. Ryan shrugged his shoulders and Steven chuckled. “Oh come on. It was really hot. Please?” begged Jeff. “You really want it?” Steven asked. “Fuck yeah, my cock is rock hard from watching and hearing you guys,” said Jeff. “Then get your fucking clothes off and get on the bed. Suck Ryan’s cock and show me that neg hole” Steven barked. Steven was surprised at the words coming out of his mouth. Jeff got out of his clothes in an instant and got on his knees in front of Ryan, bending over and revealing a hairless pink hole. Steven took the packet of lube and fingered some into Jeff’s tight hole. “Damn, is he tight” thought Steven. Jeff started to suck Ryan’s cock, poorly from the sounds coming from Ryan. Ryan started to force Jeff’s head down on his cock, trying to ignore the teeth that were scraping his cock. Steven kept trying to open up Jeff’s hole and was finally able to get two fingers in. “Are you a fucking virgin” Steven asked. A muffled “mmhmm” came from Jeff. “You fucking stupid asshole. You want a toxic cock for your first fuck? There’s no going back. I’m toxic enough to probably poz you with one load. Is that what you want?” Steven demanded. Jeff pulled off Ryan’s cock briefly and said “Yes, SIR. Knock me up like you did my roommate. I want to be poz like him.” Steven didn’t know whether he was pissed that he and Ryan got interrupted or turned on with this stupid neg boy begging for his poz cum. It didn’t really matter, he was going to fuck him either way. “Hold his head down” Steven told Ryan. He forced a third finger into Jeff’s hole and twisted it, scraping his fingernails on the soft tissue inside. Jeff screamed with Ryan’s cock muffling most of the sound. He pulled his fingers out and watched the hole shrink closed and then pushed his cock in. Another muffled scream came from Jeff. He waited a bit and then started to slowly fuck his cock into the no longer virgin hole. Jeff squirmed. After a dozen or so strokes, Steven had worked his whole cock into Jeff’s hole. He grabbed Jeff’s hair and pulled his head back off of Ryan’s cock. “Do you like that poz cock deep inside your ass?” asked Steven. “Yes, SIR! But it hurts” Jeff replied. “Stop fighting it and it won’t hurt so much” said Steven as he pushed Jeff’s head back down on Ryan’s cock. Steven got a good rhythm going and felt Jeff’s hole relax a bit. The occasional screams stopped and he could hear Jeff start to moan around Ryan’s cock. He got up on his feet and started to pound harder. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold off cumming much longer. Steven thrust his cock inside Jeff’s sore hole and held it there while pulling Jeff’s head up by his hair. He whispered in his ear “Be careful of what you ask for. We weren’t roleplaying. I really am poz and I’m about to knock you up.” Steven pulled his cock back and rammed into Jeff’s battered hole a few times hard and let loose five spurts of his poisonous cum deep inside Jeff’s fertile hole as Jeff said “Www..wwwhat?” Once he had finished cumming and his breathing returned to normal, he pulled his cock out and slapped Jeff’s ass. “Welcome to the club” he told Jeff. Jeff was even more pale than normal and looked stunned. He got up and staggered back to his bed, feeling the cum drip out of his ass and down his leg. He saw that the cum was tinged with red streaks. Steven sat down at the end of Ryan’s bed staring at Jeff. “Were you really a virgin?” Steven asked Jeff, who just nodded yes. “Are you even gay?”was Steven’s next question. “I think so, I’ve never been with anyone. I haven’t even really kissed someone” Jeff said quietly. “Do you even watch porn?” Steven asked. “Yeah, I’ve been watching some bareback porn lately and it really turns me on” replied Jeff. “Why would you interrupt us when we’re having sex?” asked Ryan. “I don’t know. I just got so aroused and wanted someone to finally fuck me. I’m sorry,” Jeff said looking down at the floor. “You might very well be sorry and you might be infected right now, too,” commented Steven. “Oh my god,” muttered Jeff. Steven grabbed Jeff’s shirt off the floor and cleaned his cock off with it and put his clothes on. Saying “I’ll see you at work later,” to Ryan, he walked out the door.
    1 point
  42. Part 21 - You’re Number One Joe was walking across campus after classes to get back to the car when his phone rang. It was Nick. “Hey, Nick. How’s it going?” Joe asked. Nick said “Damn good, thanks. You?” “Great here too, I just got done with classes for the day and I’m heading home. Have you thought more about my offer?” Joe asked, deliberately avoiding passersby so no one would overhear the conversation. “Oh yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about it," Nick replied, before asking “Are you really serious? I’ve had a few guys string me along and we never met.” “Dead serious” Joe said with a sinister laugh. “Fuck, I am so hard right now thinking about it. How do you want to set this up? I can pay you guys if you want, but I don’t have a lot of cash,” Nick said. Joe could hear the desire in his voice. “The guys and I were thinking that we’ll do it in a hotel room and just tag team you until we’re empty. If there is anything special you want to do, just let us know. And don’t worry about paying us. We’re just helping a guy out,” Joe said emotionlessly. “I kind of want some more info if you don’t mind,” Nick said as he started to rattle off questions. “How may guys are there? How toxic are they? Are they all our age or old guys? Any of them have AIDS? Are we just going to fuck or are you going to wreck my hole first or blood slam me? Is it just going to be a one night breeding or are we going to keep breeding until I convert?” Joe chuckled at how prepared Nick was and said “Wow, you really have been thinking about this. Lets see if I remembered all your questions. There are five of us, for sure. We all just got over the flu and tested poz but don’t have our numbers yet. One guy is about your age and the oldest is twenty seven. Since we just converted, no one has AIDS. Its up to you if you want us to prep your hole. We didn’t when we got bred, but one guy did have a large PA. Two of us have smaller PAs, so they’ll do some damage. I hate needles and I don’t know if anyone else is up for doing a blood slam. Oh, and we were just planning on doing it one night and seeing if it takes. Maybe we can do a second or third if it doesn’t. Whew. Was that all of the questions?” “Uh, Yeah, I think so. I guess the big one I forgot is how soon can we do it?” asked Nick. “Well, one guy lives down in the city and works, so his schedule is a little less flexible. He’s available Tuesday and Thursday this week in the evenings. He can probably do most other days before 3:00 PM,” Joe answered. “Can we really do it tomorrow night? Fuck that would be so hot. It’s my birthday!” Nick said enthusiastically. “I think so. I’ll send a message to everyone and get back to you. Give me an hour or two,” Joe said. Joe sent off messages to everyone and got replies back from everyone but Steven. When he got back to the apartment Steven was there crying. Joe went over to him and put his arm around him and asked what was wrong. Steven finally was able to explain that his Mom had called and yelled at him for not showing up to work at the restaurant. When he said that if his Dad didn’t want him as part the family, he assumed that meant he didn’t want him around their restaurant too. He said his mom kept yelling at him and called him worthless and lazy and perverted. Then later his phone went dead. Since it was on a family plan, he assumed they shut it off. Joe tried his best to calm him down. He finally said “Steven, your biological family has left you because they can’t accept you for who you are. You are a great person - smart, funny, generous, and sexy. We are your new family now. We look out for each other and help each other. Lets go over to the megamart and pick up a new SIM for your phone and get you a cheap pay as you go plan so you can keep in contact with the ones that really care about you. It took a while but Joe finally felt it was okay to ask Steven if Tuesday evening would be good for him for their meeting with Nick. Steven nodded and then rubbed his cock through his pants. Joe sent a message back to Nick telling him 7:00 PM, room 152 at the Rest Inn Lodge. Joe, Kyle and Steven hit their classes on Tuesday as if it was just an ordinary day. At lunch time, Joe found a secluded area on the campus quad and sat down on a bench. He started typing out a message “Joe here, u said I should call if u if I had a Q about being poz. Talk?” and hit send and sat back waiting for a response from Tyler. He put his headphones on and plugged them into his phone and listened to some music. About ten minutes later he got a message back - “Need 15 min.” Joe smiled and turned up the music a bit and waited. The phone rang and Joe answered. “Hi Tyler, I have a question that I was hoping you could help me out with.” “Sure, what is it?” “Is there any chance we can find out our viral loads before our appointments?” asked Joe. “Uh, we don’t like to give that info out like that. Why do you want to know?” responded Tyler. Joe started “This is off the record, ok?” and heard a “mmhmm” from the other side and continued “I have a chaser and our group is going to help him out, but he wanted to know how toxic we were before it happens.” Joe heard Tyler laugh and say “You pigs. I guess you’re dealing with it ok, then. How many guys are helping?” “There’s five of us and he wants to meet tonight” Joe replied. “Wow, thats quick. Give me the names and I’ll see what I can do” Tyler said. Joe gave him the names of the guys and heard Tyler tell him “OK, give me 30 and I’ll call you back.” Joe waited patiently until the thirty minutes was up and then started glancing at his phone almost every minute. Finally the phone rang and it was Tyler and Joe answered “Yo, dude.” "Hey, I have the info, but I can't really give it to you. If anyone found out, I'd lose my job. I'll give you some info, but I have to get a bit of the action in exchange" Tyler told Joe. Joe frowned. This wasn’t going as he planned, but said “You want to breed the guy? If you’re toxic and can meet tonight at 7:00, I’d say sure.” “I work until seven. Can I be a bit late? I have to go home and shower. I can probably get there by 8:00,” responded Tyler. “You can shower in the hotel room if you don’t mind an audience checking you out. Room 152 at the Rest Inn Lodge. Get there as soon as you can after work. Now, what info can you give me?” Joe asked. “Uh, please don’t share this with anyone than your group and the, uh, guest of honor. The viral loads from the poz tests last week were from 88k to 437k. I can’t tell you who had what and there’s some of you in the middle, but it should satisfy your neg bud,” Tyler said quietly. “Cool, I really appreciate it. See you tonight for some crazy fun. Bye” Joe responded. Joe, Kyle and Steven showed up at the hotel room early with their sling knocked down and in its travel bag. They ran into Dennis finishing up the prep work on the room. Some drinks were laid out in ice bins, the bed was covered in the rubber cover and the restraint rings were attached to the corners of the bed. The TV had a rough bareback porn video playing. Joe and Kyle reassembled the sling and set out the lube, poppers and toys they had brought along. There was a knock at the door and it was Corey. “Hey guys, I was hoping the victim would let me watch and maybe video the event. I can fuck too, but obviously I’m shooting blanks” Corey said as he walked in the room and looked around. “That's all up to Nick. You’ll have to ask him when he gets here,” replied Joe. At ten minutes to seven there was another knock at the door. Dennis answered it and it was Aaron. He walked into the room, visibly nervous and said “I hope I’m not too late. Traffic was a bitch. I’m gonna rinse off in the shower” and started to strip as he was walking to the bathroom. He dropped his bag, pulled his clothes off and got into the shower oblivious that everyone was watching him. They noticed that his cock was a little stiff already and they all smiled to each other. Aaron put on a new jockstrap that he bought, some basketball shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and walked out and found a spot to sit. Kyle passed the joint to him and he took a big hit. “Aaaahhh” he said softly as the rush hit him, and then “Fuck I needed that. My cock has been hard the entire drive up here.” The clock ticked seven and the five guys sat around in the room, passing a joint around and drinking. At five after, Joe sent a text message to Nick asking where he was. They guys started to wonder if they got played or Nick had gotten cold feet. At 7:15, there was a knock at the door and everyone turned and looked at the door. Joe got up and opened the door and saw it was Nick. He pulled Nick inside and looked around outside to see if Tyler was anywhere around. Nick walked in the room and checked each of the guys out while they were examining their prey. Nick had an athletic build and was a runner. His body was well defined even though he didn’t run regularly any more. His hair was dark blond and he kept his chest shaved but left a treasure trail below his navel leading down to a thin eight inch uncut cock. He had a nice firm bubble butt and legs that were taut and muscular, both with a light covering of hair. As he scanned the room he quietly said “Oh fuck” with his eyes on Aaron. Aaron looked back at Nick and said “Scooter?” Nick blushed at the sound of his high school nickname that he had almost forgotten about. “Yeah, but I don’t use that nickname any more.” Everyone looked back and forth between Aaron and Nick until someone asked “Scooter?“ Nick just shook his head and said “Its an old nickname with a long story. Hi guys, I’m Nick.” Joe could see the discomfort in Nick’s posture and hoped that the party was not going to fall apart at the last minute. Dennis broke the awkward silence with “I take it you two know each other?” Aaron responded first “Yeah, we went to high school together. I had a big crush on him, but I thought he was straight. He always had a girlfriend and there were rumors that he knocked one of them up.” Nick looked even more uncomfortable and said “I thought I was straight too and yeah, I knocked one of my girlfriends up trying to prove it. No one wants a gay jock.” Joe interrupted with a loud “AHEM! They’re the best kind of jock” and rolled his eyes. “Anyway, once I had sex with a guy, I realized why I needed to steal my Dad’s Viagra to have sex with women. I was gay.” Aaron said “Damn, I would have given anything to have been that guy. I jacked off so many times to thoughts of you.” Nick blushed and chuckled. “It almost happened a few times, but I chickened out. I didn’t want to be seen with someone some people thought was gay. Sorry.” Joe looked at Nick and said “I know this is kinda awkward, so I can understand if you don’t want to go through with it tonight.” “I’ve been so fuckin’ pumped all weekend thinking about tonight, I can’t stop now,” Nick said. Joe asked “You okay with it, Aaron?” Without hesitation Aaron replied “Hell, yeah.” Nick looked directly at Aaron and asked “So everyone here is poz?” “All but Corey, but we’ll get to that later” Joe said and then continued “We all found out a week and a half ago and haven’t taken any meds yet. I have a bit more info that I was hoping another guest would give, but he said he would get here a little late from work.” Everyone looked curiously at Joe and he grinned. “A little birdie told me that the guys that tested poz the week we did had a viral load of eighty eight thousand to four hundred thirty seven thousand. So the guys here tonight are in that range.” Dennis’s and Kyle’s jaws dropped. “Fuck, yeah. That should do it” Nick said and then added “I took one of the home tests today and it said neg. I have a pic of it if anyone wants to see.” “Nah, thats cool. Do you prefer the bed or the sling, Nick?” Dennis asked. “Let's start out on the bed and then do the sling later,” he said with a grin. Joe laughed and said “Let's get naked and you can pick which cock goes in you first.” As each man removed his clothing, Corey commented “I’m the neg guy. Dennis is my boyfriend. I’m on prep and like to fuck with poz guys. I want to watch if that’s okay, maybe take some pics or vids if you’re cool with it or even fuck you when you’re loaded.” Nick broke out laughing. “Thats sick dude. I love it. Uh… I want copies of all the pics and videos. Just don’t put them up anywhere online. Okay?” “No problem,” Corey replied. Joe said “Oh, by the way, it’s Nick’s birthday today. Lets all give him a birthday gift he’ll remember!” “Line up so I can pick my first toxic cock” said Nick. The guys lined up, each stroking himself to get his cock even stiffer. Corey followed Nick down the line, videoing each of the hard cocks. Nick made it about half way and there was a knock on the door. Joe ran over and hid his naked body behind the door as he cracked it open. It was Tyler standing there in his medical scrubs. “Cool, you made it. We haven’t started yet.” Tyler walked in the room and there were a few gasps. “Guys, here is our other special guest. Tyler, I think you know most of these guys. This is Nick, our bottom slut for the evening and this is Corey, Dennis’s boyfriend. The shower is over there. We’ll wait until you rinse off and then we can get going.” By this time, Kyle had lit another joint and was passing it around. Nick said “Oh, I almost forgot, I brought this," pulling out a toothbrush. "Anyone want to help?” Joe pushed Nick over toward the sling and bent him over. “I’ve never done this, I’ve just seen it in porn” said Joe as he started to push the brush into Nick’s pussy. Nick groaned and started to scream but he cut himself off. Joe twisted the brush as it went in and felt the bristles get just inside the ring. He waited a moment and then started to work the brush in deeper, pushing in and out and rotating the brush. He worked the brush until he heard the water stop from the shower. He slowly pulled the brush out and the tips of the bristles were red and there was a drop of blood clinging on to one of the bristles. He helped Nick up and noticed he was sweating and had bitten his lip and there was blood running down his chin. Tyler walked out into the room naked. “Stand down here, Tyler, next to me” Joe said. As Tyler walked everyone stared at his body. He really did look like he could be a model. His cock, which was semi-erect, was already over six inches, thick with a large PA piercing. Joe was the only one to see Tyler’s back and spotted the large biohazard tattoo between his shoulder blades, the only thing altering his perfect lightly tanned skin. With all of the cocks now at full hardness, Nick once again went down the line trying to decide which would be the first one to fuck and fill him with a viral load. He checked each of them, feeling them and playing with the three pierced cocks. “I want Aaron to do the honors, since I’ve wanted to fuck with him the longest,” Nick said. Aaron pumped his fist and said “Yeah!” as he walked towards the bed, pushing Nick. Nick got on all fours in the center of the bed. Aaron lubed his cock and then got behind Nick, rubbing his cock head on Nick’s tortured hole. “You sure you want to get pozzed up, Scooter?” Aaron asked. “Knock me up, Aaron. Fuck me and give me that toxic cum. POZ ME UP!” Nick begged. Aaron pushed his rock hard cock into Nick’s hole, finally getting it to open and got the head of his cock inside. Aaron moaned and waited a moment before shoving the remaining length of his shaft inside. This was only the second guy he had ever fucked and he was enjoying this even more than Corey’s hole. He had dreamt of having sex with Nick years ago and now he was doing it for real. He started thrusting in and out, slowly at first and getting harder and longer. The feeling of Nick’s battered hole around his cock turned him on more and more. He would slam his cock in and feel Nick’s hole throb around his cock and then pound him hard several times before slowing down and letting his balls relax a bit. Everyone was standing around the bed stroking and watching him fuck and hopefully poz his high school crush. He felt like a porn star, and he kind of was, as Corey recorded all of it. He tried to fight off the impending orgasm, but when Joe pinched his nipple, he couldn’t wait any more and rammed his cock in and felt his balls spew their buggy contents. He hadn’t shot a load since he bred Corey the previous week and it showed with huge amounts of cum flooding Nick’s hole. Aaron laid down on Nick’s back as his hips thrust in a few more times, pushing the cum in deeper. He whispered in Nick’s ear “Thanks. I hope its mine that knocks you up.” Aaron pulled his cock out and moved in front of Nick, letting him lick and suck the blood, cum and ass juice off his still hard cock. Joe was next in line and slammed his cock into Nick’s hole, forcing some of the cum out and it ran down his balls on to the bed. Joe couldn’t believe he was finally fucking his first neg guy with his poz cock. While it felt the same as countless guys he had fucked before, the mental image of his virus infecting Nick made it so much hotter. When Aaron pulled his cock out of Nicks mouth and got off the bed, Joe pushed Nick’s shoulders down to the bed and got in the jockey position and started slamming as hard as he could into Nick’s sloppy cunt. Joe looked down and a pink froth covered his pubes. It reminded why he was fucking Nick and it pushed him over edge and he shot several volleys of his poz cum deep into Nick’s hole. Like Aaron, he pulled his cock out and then fed it to Nick to clean. Nick tried to deep throat Joe, but kept gagging on the piercing. Dennis was next and he spared no mercy to Nick’s now ravaged hole. His sweat dripped down on to Nick’s back. Dennis ground his hips around, making sure his cock visited every part of Nick’s fuck chute. As he got close to cumming, Tyler got up on the bed behind Dennis and started to whisper in his ear, urging him on and then telling him quietly “You are so fucking toxic dude. One load from your cock would probably poz him up.” That was all it took to cause Dennis' cock to pump its deadly load into Nick’s fertile cunt. Tyler took Dennis’s place after he pulled out, pounding his hole relentlessly until he added his own poz cum to the slop inside Nick. Steven followed Tyler and the one that had been quiet all evening became an animal. It was a fuck to breed and infect. The guys were shocked at the change in demeanor but it turned them all on. After shooting his cum into Nick, he did the same as everyone else and made Nick suck his cock clean. Kyle had been edging the entire time, watching Nick get fucked. He didn’t think he would last long and he didn’t. His long, firm thrusts were poking Nick’s prostate and Nick was leaking all over the bed. Finally Kyle put his arm around Nick’s neck and pulled back, preventing Nick from breathing. Nick tried to shake free and then his body started to spasm, bringing Kyle past the point of no return and he shot several large spurts of cum into Nick’s destroyed cunt. He pulled out and Nick was and almost too exhausted to clean his cock, but he did. Kyle fell down on the bed next to Nick and the two sat there gasping for breath. As Nick lay on the bed recovering, he looked around the room and smiled. This was what he had dreamt of as his conversion fantasy. He finally got up and grabbed a bottle of water and drank it down, attempting to replace all the sweat he had lost. The guys started chatting a bit until Nick walked over and laid in the sling. Aaron took the hint and went over and helped put him in the straps. Nick was adjusting himself in the sling when Aaron thrust his cock into Nick’s hole. Round two had begun and the guys followed the same order, each dumping a second load into Nick. Aaron, Tyler and Dennis added a third load from each before they collapsed on the bed. Joe got up and took a buttplug and slid it into Nick’s well lubed hole. After resting a bit, the guys grabbed a beer and another joint got passed around. Tyler looked around the room, matching face with viral load. He then said “I have one other thing we can do to help Nick join the brotherhood. Nick are you interested?” “Yeah, of course” Nick replied. “Dennis, are you up for it?” Tyler continued. “Yeah, maybe” said Dennis, confused as to why he was the only one that was asked. “I brought a syringe. We can take the guy with the highest viral load and give Nick a blood slam. No drugs, just sharing your blood directly with Nick. We don’t have to, its up to Dennis and Nick.” Nick laid back in the sling and laid his arm out saying “I’m up for it if anyone wants to.” Dennis nodded and Tyler got up and got the stuff - one syringe, alcohol wipes and a rubber strap. Dennis sat in a chair and Tyler tightened the strap and drew blood into the syringe filling it three quarters of the way. He removed the strap and moved over to Nick, tying the strap and and pushed the needle in and drew some of his blood in to mix with Dennis’s. He untied the strap and slowly pushed he plunger down. Nick just stared at the syringe as the blood emptied into his body. The other guys watched from a distance. The guys sat around a little while longer drinking and smoking. At 1:00 AM, Dennis announced that he had to go home and get some sleep. Corey knew he was going to get fucked when they got home and was on his feet in seconds. Joe, Kyle and Steven also got up to leave. Dennis told Aaron that if he didn’t want to drive back home tonight he could just sleep in the room. Nick looked up and asked “Mind if I stay here too?” “Not at all. You just need to be out by 10:00 or I’ll have to deal with an angry housekeeper,” Dennis said. As the door shut closed, Nick and Aaron curled up next to each other naked on the couch before falling asleep.
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  43. Part 5 - The Talk Once again, Mark was jolted awake by his phone. He got up and went into the bathroom and took a long piss. He washed his hands and face, trying to wake up. He grabbed the hookup phone and put it on the charger. He checked the time and it was 3:20. Time to leave. At the last second, Mark grabbed a packet of lube and put it in his jeans pocket. He was planning on taking Joey and his roommate out for a pizza and then hit a few bars after Joey and he had 'taken care of business'. Hopefully he could find someone for a bathroom fuck at one of the bars - he loved fucking straight guys in bars but he hadn’t done it since he got pozzed. Driving over to the apartment he had a knot in his stomach. He had rarely had serious discussions with his brother. He had always looked out for him and given him advice, but this was different. Hopefully it would go okay. He parked and walked up to the building he was in just an hour or so ago. Shaking his head he thought 'Sometimes life is really strange'. Walking up the staircase he found the apartment on the third floor and knocked. He heard someone coming closer and the door then was unlocked. The shock was immediate and the knot in his stomach got much bigger. It was the guy he fucked earlier. Both looked at each other in disbelief. Mark raised his finger to his mouth, telling the guy to stay quiet and got a nod from the guy's stunned face. “Hi I’m Joey’s brother Mark. Is he back from classes yet?” Mark stated, trying to be as calm as possible. “Oh… uh.. hi. Yeah, he’s just changing clothes right now. Come on in.” Mark went in to the apartment and glanced around. It reminded him of Joey’s room in high school but bigger and even messier. The smell of pot hung in the air and on the table in front of the couch were a couple pipes and a small bong. “Have a seat wherever. I’m Kyle, Joe’s roommate.” Mark put out his hand and shook Kyle’s hand like any straight guy would. Kyle still looked stunned and pale. Mark made a mental note to himself 'It’s no longer your kid brother Joey, he’s now Joe'. “Do you want a beer?” asked Kyle as he walked to the kitchen. “Sure, thanks” Mark said as he sat down. He heard the toilet flush and the sink run a bit and out came his brother into the living room. Mark got up and met his brother and hugged him, exclaiming "Damn, it's good to see you again, Joe.” The hug lasted longer than Joe expected and Mark’s firm grip on his brothers back surprised him. Mark had never been that affectionate before. “Good to see you, man," Joe answered as Mark finally stepped back and looked his brother over and smiled. Joe was about the same height as his roommate, maybe a bit taller and more muscular. He had his hair in a short wide mohawk and had a chinstrap beard. His ears were both pierced and plugged. The t-shirt he had on was form fitting and showed his body off. The jeans he had were ripped and he was barefoot. Yeah, he was no longer a kid and is becoming his own person, thought Mark. Joe was also checking his brother. “Nice ink, Dude. Does mom know?” Joe asked. Kyle passed out the beers and they all sat down - Kyle and Joe on the couch, Mark in the chair facing them. Kyle started to pack a bowl which caused Mark to chuckle. “So Mom and Dad are pissed at me, huh?” Joe started saying. Mark laughed but knew that Joe’s statement was pretty close to the truth. “Not pissed, just worried. Do you want to talk alone or….” “Nah, Kyle’s cool and knows everything anyway” Joe replied before Mark could finish his sentence. Mark took a breath and said “So, just between the three of us, what the fuck is going on?” At that point Kyle flicked the lighter and took a big hit and passed the pipe to Joe. Joe did the same and after he exhaled the pot smoke into the air looked at Mark. “Well, I got thrown off the team for failing a drug test.” “I didn’t think they threw you off for pot. Hell, most of the guys I knew on the teams were big pot smokers when I was here. Its not really a performance enhancing drug,” Mark commented, laughing at the last part and reaching for the pipe and lighter. Mark took a hit from the bowl and finished it off, enjoying the hit as he felt it spread through his body. Putting the pipe down, he looked at Joe waiting for the rest of the truth. The pause was uncomfortable and Mark added “So what’s the part you’re not telling? I’m not gonna yell at you, I just want to know and help if I can.” Mark looked at Joe, then Kyle and back to Joe. The silence was broken by Kyle, which surprised Mark. “Tell him Joe, tell him everything. I think he’ll be cool with it.” Mark looked at Kyle and nodded, seeing a different side of the guy he had fucked earlier. Joe started to protest and Kyle looked at him sternly and said “Tell HIM”. Joe glared at Kyle with a very pissed off look. After a few moments, Joe started “oh, fuck. Here it goes. Well, I was caught fucking a couple of the other guys on the team. Uh, more than once. And it wasn’t pot that I tested positive for, it was a bunch of other drugs.” There was a pause, but before Mark could say anything, Joe continued announcing “Yeah, I’m gay. Happy? Is that what you wanted to know? Surprised? Your supposedly straight jock little brother is a fag? Yeah, I like cock. I like ass. I like getting fucked and fucking guys. I like a whole lot of shit you probably would freak out about. And before you ask, yes. Kyle is my boyfriend." After he vented, Joe just broke down and started crying as Kyle held him close. Mark let Joe get it all out. He was sick that he had just caused his brother so much pain yet strangely turned on by finding out his brother was gay too. He always had thought his brother was sexy. What were the chances that both kids from uber-straight, homophobic parents would be gay. Mark needed to let Joe know it was okay and he might as well out himself since Kyle would do it sooner or later. “Joey… uh, Joe. It's okay. Gay, straight, trans… I don’t care. You are what you are and I’ll love you just the same.” Joe looked up and wiped the tears from his face “I’m sorry if I let you down, Mark.” With that comment, Mark almost got angry. “Let me down? Don’t let me ever hear you say something like that again. Being gay is not something to be ashamed of. Its a part of who you are just like being blonde or hairy or hung. Be proud. Enjoy the sex, the friendships that you make and meeting other gay people. We have enough of a problem being persecuted by homophobic assholes that we need to stick together and support each other.” Joe looked at Mark confused. 'Did he just say we’? Joe asked himself, only to decide to voice the question: “We?” Mark smiled back at Joe “Yeah, WE. Your big brother is a homo too. Capisce? Happy?” The three of them laughed at the last word. Joe responded “Fuck yeah, I’m happy! I’ve been dreading this day for almost 10 years. I never would have thought that it would work out this good.” “Well, don’t count on mom and dad taking it as well. It may just kill them if they find out both of their kids are queer” Mark said and they all laughed. Kyle got up and grabbed a six pack out of the fridge and handed a beer to each of them. Mark toasted Joe and Kyle “To being gay” and they clinked the bottles and took a big swig. For the next couple hours they drank and smoked, revealed some of their exploits and the times they were sure they were caught by each other or their parents. Joe and Mark hadn’t been this close or opened up to each other since they were in grade school. Mark ordered a pizza as the munchies took hold and when the delivery guy showed up they laughed since all three of them had fucked the guy. As the clock tipped past 10:00 PM they ran out of beer. Mark broke the news and said “Well, I was hoping we would go out to a bar tonight and relax after our ‘meeting.’ You guys interested? And thank god we don’t have to go to a straight bar.” “Fuck yeah!” Joe and Kyle answered in unison. Joe and Kyle changed their clothes and Joe said “I know a great place to go. Its only a few blocks from here.” “Great," Mark replied, adding "But I need to piss first,” as he walked to the bathroom. He left the door open and as he finished up and turned around he saw both guys at the doorway watching. “Too bad we couldn’t see the good stuff” said Joe. The guys walked over to the club and were joking and laughing the whole way. They stood in line for a bit and when they made it to the door, the bouncer asked “Who’s your daddy, Joe?” Mark laughed and then looked at the bouncer a bit closer and chuckled saying “Don’t take shit from Tony, Joe. He’s just a big teddy bear." The bouncer, who stood 6 foot 4 inches of solid muscle, stood up and stared down at Mark. A grin immediately followed as he exclaimed “Holy Fuck! Mark! It's great to see you bud. God I miss that cock”. Tony gave Mark a big bear hug and picked him up. The rest of the people in line had prepared for a fight and were relieved to see it was just old friends. Many were laughing about Tony wanting Mark’s cock. "It must be good" said one guy. Tony finally let Mark down and stamped all three of their hands, not collecting the cover charge. “I’ll see you in a bit Mark, when I get a break” said Tony as the three guys went into the club. The music was thumping and the floor was filled with guys dancing. Most were shirtless and some were almost naked with just a jockstrap or thong. Along one side was a large bar with some tables scattered around. They filtered through the crowd and it was obvious that Joe and Kyle knew a lot of the crowd - there were a few hugs and several asses slapped. They found a table that was empty and Mark headed to the bar. There were three bartenders working and he really liked their uniforms - a black jockstrap and a pair of Chucks. It displayed their sweaty bodies nicely and gave him something to lust over while he waited. Mark noticed that each of the bartenders had dollar bills stuck through the top strap, so he wasn’t sure if that was where they stored tips or if they danced too. He didn’t have to wait too long and one of the bartenders came over and yelled “whatcha need?” Mark gazed at the guy a bit too long, taking in his tight Latino body, six pack, smooth caramel skin with several prominent tattoos and a nipple ring. He had a bit of hair on his pecs and a thicker trail down to a sizable bulge in his jockstrap. There were glow sticks wrapped around his biceps showing off the muscle. His gaze was interrupted as the bartender yelled again “WHATCHA WANT?” Embarrassed, Mark yelled back “Three shots of Patron and three PBRs.” The bartender smiled, and gave him a wink and took off to get the drinks. Mark stared at his hot ass, perfectly framed by the jock’s leg straps, as he walked away and Mark felt his cock twitch. Soon the bartender was back with the drinks on a tray - three rocks glasses with a generous shot of tequila, three limes, a salt shaker and three tall cans of Pabst. The bartender yelled out “Thirty bucks, and I need the tray back right away.” Mark peeled off a 20 and two 10s handing 30 to the bartender and then reached over and stuffed the other 10 into the pouch of his jockstrap. Grabbing the tray, he carefully headed back to the table, dropping off the drinks. Mark never cared for the tequila ritual of salt and lime, so he just grabbed the glass as Joe and Kyle licked and salted their hand. “Salut” yelled Mark and they each downed their shots. Mark collected the glasses, salt shaker and spent limes and took them back to the bar and motioned to his sexy latin bartender that he had returned the tray and glasses. The bartender blew him a kiss and Mark blew one back and went back to the table. The table always seemed to have someone stopping by to say hi and he was introduced to many guys: Tim and Brandon, CJ and Nick and Stephanie and… ugh, he would never remember them all which was okay since he would likely never see them again. Joe and Kyle asked “How about we dance?” Mark, however, replied “You can. I’ll hold down the table,” and with that Joe and Kyle were off to the dance area. Mark watched them for a while, nursing his beer and enjoying the sight of his little brother dirty dancing with his boyfriend. At one point he saw Joe slide his hand down the back of Kyle's pants and Mark laughed, wondering if his load was still inside. Suddenly Mark felt a hand on his shoulder and two beers plopped down in front of him. It was Tony. “How the fuck are you?” was Tony’s greeting. “Doing great. Just back visiting for the weekend and checking up on Joey.” Mark and Tony chatted a bit and caught up. At one point Mark mentioned that he had a hotel for the weekend and maybe Tony could stop by before he left and sample his cock one more time. Tony looked down and then moved his head next to Mark’s ear and quietly stated “I’d love to play with you, but we gotta do it covered this time. I’m poz.” Mark turned his head and grinned at Tony and privately told him “No, we don't have to cover up. I'm also poz, but keep it quiet. I don’t want Joe to know yet.” Tony immediately had his smile back and they both hugged. Tony leaned in and told Mark “I haven’t said anything to Joe about you being gay. Does he know?” “Oh yeah, he does now. It has been an interesting day.” Mark made sure that he had Tony’s current number in his phone and Tony headed back to work just as Kyle walked up dripping with sweat and his t-shirt tucked into his jeans. Mark thought 'Damn he looks so fuckable right now' and almost wanted to bend him over and breed him again. Kyle took a swig of his beer and said “Joe is talking to a bud trying to score more weed. He’ll be back in a few.” “Cool” Mark replied and added “I’m gonna take a leak. Gotta recycle this beer.” Kyle said to Mark “Why don’t you wait 'til Joe gets back. I hate standing here alone, I feel like a loser.” Mark laughed and said “Sorry, nature calls and I can’t hold it much longer. You’ll be fine.” Mark headed over to the restroom and walked in. He was amazed at how big it was. How things change in a few years. He guessed gay clubs in college towns are no longer the dives they kept hidden like when he went to school. There were plenty of urinals, several stalls, a bunch of sinks and there seemed to be two connected rooms. He saw one stall with its door open and a guy fucking another just like he was in the airport the day before. He spotted an open urinal near the end and hurried over to it, whipping out his cock and pissed like crazy. Over his shoulder he heard a bunch of guys yelling and cheering. Once he finished pissing, he stuffed his cock back in his pants, quickly rinsed off his hands, and stepped into the other room to confirm what he suspected was going on. There was a group of about a dozen guys circled tightly around a guy who was bent over getting spit roasted. Mark moved in closer and watched the guy to his right drill the bottom slut. The guys to the sides were all stroking their cocks, some blowing their loads on the slut’s back. Mark pulled his cock out and started to stroke. The guy to his left let out a “Holy fuck, this dude’s pierced.” Mark blushed as everyone looked over to see his hard cock and 0 gauge PA. The guy to Mark’s left reached over and stroked Mark’s cock, gripping it tightly, and Mark reached over and stroked the guy's cock. The guy to his right grunted, bending over the slut, slamming his cock balls-deep as he came. The guy pulled out, his cum clearly oozing out of the slut’s hole. The guy to Mark’s left nudged him over and said “I want to see you fuck this cumdump.” A few of the other men nodded, as each stroke himself. Mark moved over and rubbed some of the cum on to the head of his cock and rested the ring on the slut's hole. Pushing in, the sluts well lubed and stretched hole swallowed up his thick cock. Once he was all the way in, he started fucking for all he was worth, totally enjoying the slut's hole. The guy to his left leaned over and kissed him while pinching his nipple. His thrusts got harder and harder the more his nips were played with. He felt his balls start to tighten and then the guy twisted his nip hard. That was all it took and Mark started to flood the slut with his venom. One spurt became five, then six, then seven. The guy to his left broke the kiss and stopped the nipple play and Mark pulled his cock out of the slut. Looking down at the slut’s ass he saw some cum drip out and a birthmark on the slut's right cheek. “Oh fuck,” he muttered. Mark stuffed his cum covered cock back into his jockstrap and zipped up. He washed his hands again as his heart was racing. He headed back to the table and found Kyle there. Kyle said “You ok man? You look like you saw a ghost.” Mark said “I’m fine. I just caught my cock on my zipper.” Kyle had gotten a round of beers and Mark took a big swig. The awkward silence was broken when Mark whispered in Kyle’s ear “Let’s keep our hookup this afternoon just between the two of us for now. Okay?” Kyle quietly replied "Absolutely. Joe knows I got bred this afternoon, but I didn’t tell him it was you.” “Thanks” Mark replied as he absorbed the ramifications. About that time Joe walked up and smiled, patting his bulging pocket. “Scored some good stuff.” They finished their beers and Joe said it had been a long hard week he was beat. It was almost closing time anyway, so how about they meet tomorrow about noon. Mark agreed and they headed out of the club where Mark slapped Tony’s ass and gave him a big hug. The guys walked back to the apartment. They hugged goodbye at the building door and Mark went to his car still kind of buzzed. 'Good thing the hotel isn’t far' he thought. He pulled in to the space right by his hotel room and went inside. Stripping his clothes off, he went into the shower and rinsed off. Leaning against the wall he let the hot water run all over his body. Finally he turned the water off and dried his body off and fell into the bed. Muttering 'shit' to himself, he rolled over and soon was sound asleep.
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  44. I apologize -- I should not have made a comment about your English. Otherwise, I stand by my position. "...every drug has negatives which is why some you have to be monitored carefully this is one of those drugs becuase it has serious side effects." Aspirin has serious side effects, too. We take advantage of its benefits and weigh the potential side effects in the balance. Truvada for PrEP is no different -- and indeed no more dangerous than aspirin. http://www.hivplusmag.com/prevention/2016/1/06/new-study-shows-prep-safe-aspirin "Using the excuse now about long term it's cheaper to give people prep rather then treat hiv is poor excuse people should be responsable..." People should be responsible -- yes. But, after 35 years of telling people to use condoms, they are still getting HIV by the millions. Do we just let them get infected because they weren't "responsible"? If someone recognizes he is not able to maintain perfect condom compliance and is at risk of contracting HIV, using PrEP is a responsible choice. "To throw around stats without peoples medical history show's that you have no understanding of the field as I stated before peoples health state can have effect on how a drug will work..." Of course an individual's medical history and health state play a role, and a prescriber will take these into account when deciding if PrEP is appropriate for that individual. But the statistics about safety and efficacy are aggregate and take into account test subjects with many different backgrounds and conditions. "...most problems with condoms is people not using them correctly." Exactly. And this despite 35+ years of attempts to teach people how to use condoms . Condoms work well for some individuals who are able to use them correctly and consistently. They should by all means continue to do so. But as a public health measure to end the epidemic, they have plainly failed. You can continue to repeat the same thing -- shouting ever louder about condoms -- and expect a different result. Or you can take advantage of the new tools at our disposal.
    1 point
  45. PART SIX I awoke the next morning with no clue what time it was, but the sun was already blazing and from the sounds of street activity, it was late enough. Definitely late -I’m sure that I was missing work. HE was sitting up next to me playing with my phone. I was a little surprised to see him here, but grateful, nonetheless. HE ignored me for a moment, and that’s when I realized what he was doing -he was deleting all of the contacts in my phone. Alphabetically he worked his way down the list and stopped once he got to ‘W’ for ‘Work’. Then he handed me the phone. “Here. Call work and quit,” he told me, so matter-of-fact I was thrown. “Huh?” “That part of your life is gone now. Accept it. Time to move on. And you’re moving on with me.” Huh. As simple as that. There was no menace in his tone or anything remotely hostile. In fact it was the first time I felt as if we were just two guys having a conversation. I hesitated for a moment, but it really sunk in that I had gone down a road from which there was no return. I was in all likelihood incubating an HIV baby inside of me (several probably, given the insane volume of toxic jizz I’d had dumped in me recently) and would eventually progress to full-blown AIDS if my recent behavior was any indication. Once I accepted my fate, I called work and quit. They were not happy, and they really weren’t happy that I was giving no notice. Gone is gone, so who cares? I doubted I would be needing a reference from them any time soon. “What now?” I asked HIM. “Now we work together,” he told me, slipping his arm over my shoulders and pulling me close to him. Is this really happening? Does HE want to cuddle? There was such a juxtaposition between the man who was raping my ass last night after basically breaking into my apartment and the man I woke up next to. “Work together how? I’m going to lose my apartment-” And cue the inevitable panic attack . . . “Relax,” he said soothingly, pulling me closer and kissing the side of my head. Seriously? Did he just do that? Maybe I died during last night’s sex and this is what my heaven looks like. Huh. “First of all, I like your apartment and you’re not going to lose it. As a matter of fact, you’re getting a new roommate,” he said brightly. “Say what?” I couldn’t help it. “Who? Not one of those burn-outs that have been using my ass at your place. No offense if they’re your friends, but-” “Not them. And they aren’t my friends, either. Casual acquaintances? Some of them.” “Then who?” “Me,” he replied simply. I looked over and frowned at him. Is this really happening? “You?” “You’ve seen that dump I live in. Your place is much nicer and I assume you would prefer to live here instead of move in there.” I pushed away from him so I could turn and face him. “How? How is that going to work. I just quit my job, and you . . . well, lets be real for a second -you mugged me so that you could make rent. Where is the rent for this place coming from?” “I told you, we’ll work together.” I still wasn’t buying it, and I guess he could tell. “Do you know how much you made me when I sold your ass? I paid the rent and then some. And that was just with those, as you called them, ‘burn-outs’. That ass is worth millions.” My heart sunk into my stomach. He wasn’t moving in with me because he liked me. He was becoming my pimp! Again it was like he was reading my mind, and he reached over, grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. “Relax. I think I love you, too,” he said really quickly before he could chicken out I guess. “I don’t know why, but you really put yourself in my hands and trusted me since we started this thing,” he told me, more pensive than I would have expected of him. “And I’m going to take care of you. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take advantage of your slutty nature. I know that you loved having that hole of yours used over and over again, so why not get paid to do it? Do what you love every day?” I inhaled deeply, holding my breath and mulling over what he was proposing. What true pig wouldn’t want to spend his days with cocks and loads up his ass rather than sitting under fluorescent lighting in some boring stuffy office? I felt my entire body relax into him at that revelation. I knew I could do this. And what’s more, I knew that I could enjoy it. Hell, I’d love it! So he says he loves me -who knows if that’s true? But to have a man say that and still be willing to let your whore around? Suddenly I was getting excited. I think HE felt the change in my body because he laughed a little. “See? You know I’m right. I’ll work the business end of things, setting up all of your ‘dates’ and you just do what you do.” I turned my head and said, “Okay.” He leaned in fast and planted his lips onto mine. Not hard like last night, but an actual kiss. That’s really all it took and we were both in heat again. He needed to fuck, and I needed to feel him in me.
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  46. PART 5 Miracle of miracles, I managed to get my tired ass home after another all-night fuckfest. I was too tired to even jack off like I had last time. I felt into bed, still in my sticky clothes, my ass leaking cum and blood, and stinking of sex. I passed out. According to the clock I had slept all day. It was now after 6 pm and I felt refreshed. After a shower and a protein smoothie to replenish my system, I settled myself on the sofa. I was surprised that my ass wasn’t sore. I reached into my shorts and fingered my slack and juicy hole. When I pulled my fingers away they were glossy and slick with semen. My mouth watered and I couldn’t resist sucking them clean. I repeated this a few times, and could not believe how horny I was again. And how I wanted to get fucked again. Am I insane? A nympho? I don’t know. All I know is that I need more cocks and cum in me. I wasn’t sure that I would be up for another all-night whoring with HIM, so I sat around smoking for a while, trying to decide what to do. Eventually I decided that hitting a bathhouse was the best bet. It was not very busy, but I did manage to take a couple of anonymous loads up my ass while hanging in the sling in one of the dark rooms. But after 30 minutes of no action, I decided to head out. There was a bookstore on the way home with some booths that I thought I might give a shot. There were a couple of guys loitering around out front, but when they saw me head into the back they followed, and before I knew it I had a cock in me at both ends. Right out in the hallway. Guys alternated between my mouth and ass, and it appeared that they all wanted to breed me, so I only sucked to get them hard and wet, and when the guy in my hole blew, he was replaced by the man in my mouth. This went on for I think seven or eight guys. After that my body was feeling exhausted again, so decided I felt sated and it was time to head home and try to sleep through the night. I was just turning the key to head inside my apartment when I could feel that someone was behind me. I hadn’t heard a sound, but I knew for certain that someone was there. A neighbor perhaps? As I took a quick step inside, feeling a sudden surge of panic, I felt a large man rush in behind me, slamming me hard into the wall and pinning me there while he reached over and locked the door behind us. Then I felt hot breath next to my face. I thought for certain I was about to die and just closed my eyes and hoped that it would be quick. I was startled to feel a large, warm, wet tongue lick the side of my face. “Mmm, you little fucking whore,” HE said in my ear. Jesus fuck, my dick instantly sprang to life even though I was still terrified. “You just couldn’t wait to get more dick in that faggot ass of yours? You need to be taught a lesson -that ass belongs to me now,” he said menacingly. “You don’t just go whoring yourself at bathhouses and bookstores unless I tell you to.” He dragged me down the hall to my own bedroom and literally threw me onto the bed. I didn’t know what I should do. HE was literally double my size and seemed to be as stealthy as a Navy SEAL, it’s not like I could fight him or escape. I crawled up the bed until my back was against the headboard, but HE followed me up on his hands and knees until he was staring at me with those penetrating eyes, a slightly angry and somehow sexy expression on his face. He reached up, grabbed at my chest, taking a handful of shirt, and literally tore the clothes from my body, starting with that shirt and then with my pants. He didn’t stop until I was totally exposed and naked. A quick yank of my ankles had me underneath him, his powerful legs straddling my mid-section, while he stared down at me. I could see his heart was pounding as quickly as mine, although for probably entirely different reasons. Although, not entirely different reasons. His crotch was mere inches from my face and I could smell his maleness, not to mention I was staring down the barrel of a huge and obscene bulge that as usual had my trashed hole quivering. As if he could read my mind, HE laughed at me. “Fucking pig. Is that all you think about? Sex? Well you should. You weren’t born a slut for nothing. And sluts like you should serve their purpose and make real men like me feel good.” HE leaned down really close to my face now and I could smell Whisky on his breath. In a flash his mouth was on mine, and we were tangled in one of those messy and slightly violent kisses that I’d grown to enjoy. “You want to make me feel good, don’t you?” he whispered, pulling his face away so he could see my reaction. “Always,” I replied in a soft whisper. “I thought so,” he said proudly, leaning down and giving me a quick peck before jumping off of me and standing beside the bed. Fuck, this man had me so confused. He was rough and abusive and treated me like an inanimate object half of the time. But other times, like when he kissed me, I had to wonder what it would be like to be more to him. In a way he was everything I’d always dreamed of in a man. Not what most guys look for, but it’s what I always wanted. His build. His attitude. His need and use of sex. And he would kiss me like that, especially just a quick peck -it is something that you do when feeling affectionate towards someone. It made me feel like me did like me. “Roll over, Fido,” he commanded me, which I did, exposing my bare butt to him. “Good boy,” he snickered, climbing back on the bed and swatting my ass playfully. He immediately inserted his rock hard cock into my ass and truly began to rape me. He was frantic and rough, pounding me deep and hard, growling into my ear as he pinned me to the bed. He seemed to take pleasure in the whimpers he elicited from me with every powerful plunge of his meat sword into my depths. “You need to be reminded who this ass belongs to, bitch,” he reminded me. It was hard to describe this fuck. It was violent and a violation of sorts. But I did want it, didn’t I? My ass yawned open every time I just thought of him. And I had basically surrendered myself to him already, so it was his ass to take. That is what I’ve really always dreamed about but never found -a man who would truly OWN my ass, and use it anywhere he wanted, any time he wanted, any way he wanted. HE really was the man of my dreams. And with that realization, I found myself shoving my ass back to him, encouraging him to fuck HIS ass, the ass that HE owns. He noticed the change and laughed a little. “That’s right, bitch, you know what’s good for that ass. Give it up to me!” he yelled, slamming as deep as possible into me. “You know this is what you want.” “It is! I was made for this, it’s your ass to fuck anytime you want. I want you!” I yelled. “Fuck you, fucking whore! Take my poz load in your fucking whore ass!” he roared, and I felt his balls spray painting my insides with his venomous seed. “Knock me up! Give me your AIDS babies!” I yelled to him. “I’ll do anything you want, I promise. I just need you!” I screamed as my own orgasm was triggered by his still-firing balls. We were so high up that it took us minutes to come down from such an intense climax. We were still joined ass-to-cock, and his arms held me tight to his chest as we lay on our sides panting. “You love me, don’t you?” he said casually in my ear. I didn’t even think or hesitate. “Yes, I do,” I replied bluntly. “Good, then you will do whatever I tell you to from now on,” he said, squeezing me tighter to him. It wasn’t the reaction I’d hoped to hear from him, but I wasn’t disappointed either. Within minutes we both drifted off to sleep, still joined as closely as two men can be joined physically, and spent the entire night exactly that way.
    1 point
  47. Chapter 2. Without intending to do so, I had taken a POZ load at the bookstore, and spooned it into my boy’s hungry ass. Whatever damage could have been done was done, and we were both hungry for more. Robby, the bid-dicked clerk from the store texted back that he was on his way over and included a pic of his hard cock smeared with cum. That got both of us going so we 69ed and fingered each other's hole for a bit. I got up to crack our front door and came back to bed, getting my man on his knees, his face buried in the pillow. I ate his ass and worked my fingers and spit into him so he’d be ready to take Robby’s thick seven inches. I was lapping at his hole when I heard a car pull up and then the door creak open. Robby let himself in and found the bedroom. He grinned when he saw my boy’s upturned hungry willing ass, ready to be fucked and bred. He pulled his hoodie over his head revealing a bit of a belly covered in thick matted hair. I hadn’t really noticed how wizened his face looked in the low-lighting of the store cubicle when he had fucked me earlier. There was no question that this stud was packing some toxic seed. He leered at me as he pulled off his track pants. Out plopped that big thick dick, still wearing the cock ring that matched mine. His dick was smeared with fresh seed and leaking precum. I knew he must have bred someone since fucking me as I had cleaned his dick off before he left me to take the spade-tattooed cock through the glory hole. Robby smacked my face with that dick and I licked off a tasty mix of ass juice and cum, spitting it into my boy’s ass. He craned his head as he fisted his dangling cock, winking his asshole at us. Robby lined up his juicy cock and plunged himself into my boy’s raw ass. My boy groaned with pleasure and pain, grunted, gasped for breath as Robby's impressive cock slammed into him over and over. I crawled underneath and took my boy’s cock down my throat. It was so hot being so close to his hole as that bare toxic cock disappeared inside my boy. It didn’t take long for my boy to loose his load down my throat. I let it fill my mouth as Robby pounded away. I crawled alongside my boy and spit his load into my hand. I reached back and fingered it into my own ass. My boy unclenched his eyes long enough to see me next to him and he kissed me, wrapping his arm around my neck. That caused him to lose his balance and collapse onto the mattress, accidentally pulling away from Robby’s cock. Robby grimaced and slid over so his was now behind me. He slammed into my cummy hole and pounded away for a few minutes. I was in heaven. He picked up his pace and I knew he was about to cum. "My boy! Breed my boy!," I managed to gasp. Robby managed to pull out of me and slam into my boy’s ass just as his cock started to quake and fire off at least his third load in as many hours. My boy groaned over and over again, muttering "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I wasn’t sure if he was thanking me, Robby, or both of us. Robby pulled out and let me tongue bathe his cock. He quickly pulled on his clothes and was out the door. I lapped at my boy’s ass, savoring its stretched-out puffy size, rewarded with pearls of fresh seed. We fell asleep in a sweaty tangle. Hours later I woke up to take a piss and realized that the front door was still wide open. Robby had taped a note to the door which read "I’LL BE BACK SOON. NEXT TIME I MIGHT BRING SUM FRIENDS." Closing and locking the door, I headed back to bed. To be continued…
    1 point
  48. Blueyedsoul, I was part of a trial in SF. We learned on average it was 2 weeks. I have been on PreP over 2 years now. I have always took loads but it was with guy who where undetectable viral loads and did not do party drugs. Never in group play. I took a break and had no bb sex for 60 days before I went on the trials for PreP. I wanted to make certain I was negative. After I started the trial, I waited 30 days before I took any loads. I made sure my blood work came back ok. I wanted to be sure my kidneys weren't affected. If you are exposed to HIV then you need the drug in your system for 30 days. Otherwise the risk of the virus will become resistant to Truvada is higher.
    1 point
  49. I've had pretty good luck with mancaps http://mancaps.com/
    1 point
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