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  1. Part 2 Frozen to the spot with my ass on fire and hurting I couldn't think straight, part of me had enjoyed being held down and fucked, the flip side saw it as a violation and an unprovoked act. Gary stood there and licked his lips "As good as I suspected it would be." he said, turning he sauntered out of the kitchen. I went up to my room and locked the door behind me and sat on the bed. My cock was still hard as the thoughts played over in my mind, his body laying on top of me and the feeling of his orgasm as he pumped his load deep in me caused my cock to spasm and release my load inside my jogging bottoms. I stretched out back on bed heaving as the wetness from my load soaked through my joggers and trickled down between my balls as I drifted off to sleep. Woken at 11pm by Andy coming home I got up off the bed and stripped naked and climbed under the duvet and went back to sleep, it was a very rough night of sleep. Between the thoughts of Gary and my sore ass I tossed and turned, made several trips to the bathroom as Gary's seed was seeping out. As I wiped my ass I noticed some pinkish streaks but thought nothing more of it, eventually I drifted off to sleep only to be woken again by my alarm at 6am. Fortunately I usually left work before either of them surfaced, stepping on the metro to the office I was conscious that somehow I looked different to the eyes of the world this morning as I took my seat in the regular spot. As I did so two guys took the seat opposite me and nodded as a good morning to me. I put my earphones in and drifted off in to my world listening to my music. I kept noticing that one of the guys opposite me was looking constantly at me, his eyes darting to the window if I looked over. He looked to be in his early 30's and I could tell by his tight shirt he packed quite a bit of muscle in his arms, I could also make out the outline of a tribal tattoo running down his left shoulder and arm. Inwardly smiling to myself thinking he was pretty dam hot. 20 minutes had passed quickly and I was sat at my office desk, still feeling a little discomfort down below the hours went by slowly up to midday. I went to the gym round the block from my office which was usually quiet at lunchtimes, I didn't feel up to doing to much workout so decided to hit the weight room. As I was finishing my first rep a guy offered to spot for my second, I said thank you but I am okay as I looked up at him I could see the tattoo clearly and his very defined torso. I just layed there looking at him until he introduced himself as Dan and continued that he sees me on the metro every day. I did the usual courtesy thing and introduced myself as Josh, he took the bench across from me only to be consciously aware he was looking at me, I only managed 2 more rep's as I felt a little embarrassed so decided to hit the shower and grab some lunch. That afternoon my mind kept wandering to Dan and how fit he looked staring down at me, in any other circumstance I would have been at such a disadvantage laying on the bench while he stood over me. I stood on the platform waiting for the metro home when a voice behind me said hello Josh, I turned to see Dan and greeted him as the metro pulled in. I stepped on board and Dan followed behind me, all the seats were taken so I stood at the end of the carriage in between the luggage racks and toilets. Dan stood close up next to me then bumped against me as the metro pulled away from the station. I felt a stirring in my groin and did something out of the ordinary by grabbing his arm as the metro jolted again, I looked at him and apologised to be rewarded by a very sexy smile. "Bumpy ride." he said as he moved towards the toilet door and his eyes looking intently at me, he opened the door and motioned me to follow him. I hesitated and had a look round but everyone was minding their own business so I took a couple of steps towards the door tentatively. My mind racing telling me this was a risky move but my desire was winning and letting all my inhibitions slip away. His arm grabbed mine and pulled me inside as he closed and locked the door behind me, pushing me up against the wall with his body and pinning my arms above my head his face moved in quick as he planted his mouth over mine. Natural instinct caused my mouth to part as I felt his tongue dive inside my mouth seeking my tongue. A fire raged in my body as he gave me the most passionate deep french kiss I ever experienced, releasing my arms he wrapped his around my body and neck continuing this deep long kiss. I was brought back to the real world as the familiar jolt shunt jolt of the metro told me it was approaching my stop. Breaking free from the clinches of his arms and mouth he knew this was my stop coming up. "Really that was perfection." he whispered and grabbed my hand rubbing it against his crotch, there was no mistaking that he packed a pretty hefty sized cock judging by how hard he was. I tried to compose myself and unlocked the door and pulling it open slightly to check no one was outside, I slipped out through the door and to the exit waiting for the metro to stop. My heart was doing palpitations at what just happened, people were now moving and waiting behind me as the doors slid open and I stepped on to the platform. Walking towards the station exit I looked in the window to see Dan sat there smiling and winking at me, I smiled and continued my walk home.
    7 points
  2. Part 49 - Wolves in the Sheep Pen “Joe, Paul asked for your number. I hope you don’t mind me giving it to him” Mark said as he walked into the apartment after a run. “No problem. Do you know why?” Joe responded. “No clue. I was too in the zone while I was jogging to do much more than type it out, sorry” Mark replied. Joe didn’t have to wait much longer to find out when his phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number. “Hey Joe. Paul here. u free tonight? want to earn a little $? maybe ur bf too?” said the message. Joe showed the message to Kyle and then whispered to him “What do you think?” Kyle grinned and whispered back “It could be interesting.” “Mark, do you have anything planned tonight?” Joe yelled into Mark and Eric’s bathroom while Mark was showering. “No, I thought we’d just chill and buzz. Why?” Mark yelled back. “May have a gig from Paul, but I didn’t want to step on your plans” Joe replied. Mark laughed a bit and said “Go if you want to. We’ll still be here when you’re done.” Joe replied to Paul’s message and said “mmm, maybe. lets talk.” The phone soon rang and Joe answered “Hey Paul. How’s it going?” They chatted back and forth with Kyle trying to listen in but only getting bits and pieces of the conversation. “OK, cool. See you at 8 then. Ciao” Joe said as he hung up the phone. “So, here’s the deal” he told Kyle. “It’s a kind of roulette party. Paul is in charge of getting the tops. Its mixed neg and poz tops - 9 neg, 3 poz for this party. All the bottoms are neg. They choose the top based on their pic and basic stats, so we have to send him a picture and our age, height, weight. We just can’t show our biohazards or indicate we’re poz or neg. We fuck, we breed, we’re done. We get $300 each. I told him we’re in. If you don’t want to go, I’ll call him back right away.” “Fuck, that sounds hot. So the guys know they could get pozzed?” Kyle asked. “Yeah. They don’t know the odds, just that at least one of the tops is poz. Paul has been the lone poz top for the last few months, but he thought for the last party of the year he should jack the odds up” Joe replied. They went into the spare bedroom and pulled their shirts off. Joe took a few pics of Kyle, including one of him completely naked except for his hands over his tattoo and cock, and then handed the phone to Kyle. Kyle snapped some of Joe who then Joe sent the pics and their stats to Paul and let him decide which picture to use. Joe and Kyle lounged around the pool the rest of the afternoon and then went back to the apartment. Eric was sucking on Mark’s cock out on the balcony. The trees obscured most of it but there were a few angles where they could still be visible. Joe peeled his swimsuit off and started to stroke himself. Mark motioned for Joe to come closer. When Joe was out on the balcony, Eric stood up and Mark pushed Joe to the railing. "Lean on the railing and spread em" Mark said. "But..." Joe started to say and was shut down by Mark. He looked over the railing and felt someone spread his ass and spit on his hole. Seconds later, Eric shoved his dripping cock into Joe's pussy. Joe started to scream from the pain, but then realized where he was and held it inside. Eric started to pound in, with full strokes and did that about a dozen times and pulled out. Mark thrust his cock into Joe's now open hole and took his dozen hard strokes before pulling out. Eric went back in and they continued swapping back and forth until Eric shoved in hard and grunted as his poisonous load filled Joe's cunt. "Fuck yeah" said Mark as his cock dove into Joe's now sloppy hole. He hammered his brother's ass until he too was breeding Joe. Mark pulled out and slapped Joe on the ass. "That's what you get for abandoning us for the evening" Mark said. Joe and Kyle showered and dressed and waited for Paul to arrive. “You two have fun. I’ll have a big bowl packed and ready when you get back” Mark said. “Shit, I think I need that bowl now” said Kyle, visibly nervous. “Is this your first paying sex job?” asked Eric and Kyle nodded yes. “Forget that you’re getting paid for it. Its just another fuck. Paul said its mostly rich college guys. They have to pay $200 to get in, so they must be pretty horny to spend that kind of money to get fucked. Here, take a dick pill. It should take care of any, uh… performance anxiety” Joe said as he handed Kyle a blue pill. Kyle chugged half a bottle of water with the pill just as there was a knock at the door. Joe opened it and there stood Paul with a huge grin on his face. He walked in and said hi to Mark and Eric and said “Ready to knock some boys up?” Joe chuckled and said “I always am!” Paul drove Joe and Kyle over to a warehouse area and parked the car in a loading dock. “Since I organize all the setup, I have to get here early, I hope you don’t mind waiting around a bit until the party really starts” Paul said. “Not at all” Kyle replied. The guys watched the DJ unpack his rig and connect to the speakers, the caterers set up a table of hors d’oeuvres, a bartender tapped a keg of beer and set up glasses, bottled water and a few canisters for a pop dispenser. Another person set up a table by the door with a clipboard of names and 2 stacks of wristbands. A few garbage cans were set up and a few people were setting up partitions to make twenty fuck cubes and another communal area for group sex. Paul saw the amazed look on Joe’s face and said “The best thing about this area is its really easy to pick up these office cubes cheap. So many start-ups fail and most new ones don’t want to buy the used stuff since they think its jinxed.” In only 30 minutes, everything was in place and the party was ready to start. The DJ cranked up the music and the lights got dimmed. Paul came up with three cups of beer and continued “The guy that runs this party does a bunch of parties in this space - raves, orgies, blackout parties, even a cool halloween party and haunted house. Tonight, theres a social hour first and when you hear the first bell, all the tops will congregate near the fuck den in numeric order. At the second bell, the bottoms will line up out here in order. One by one, the bottoms will go and meet up with the top they selected and find a cube or they can choose to fuck in the open area. If the top didn’t show, then we have a few spares. Lets just hope we don’t have more than three no-shows. The bottoms randomly got a number to pick and two hours before the party, they log in and choose their top. Usually everyone is online at 7pm sharp. You guys are new faces, so you went first. I also added that you were visiting, so you were here one time only.” “Wow, that is really organized. Hope I get a hottie” Joe said. Paul chuckled “It doesn’t matter, you’re just here to fuck and breed. If you want, you can go a second time. Oh, and you have to be clothed when out of the play area. Shirts off is ok, but no underwear. We should go over and get our wristbands.” The three walked up to the table and there was a thin black guy standing there making sure everything was ready. “Hey Crystal, can we get our bands?” Paul said. “Sure thing, hun” Crystal said with a femme voice and clipped a white band on Paul’s wrist with a number 4 on it. “And you are…?” Crystal asked. “We have J2 and K here” Paul interrupted. “We only use first initials and a number if we have duplicates here. No need to let too much info get out. Oh, hehe, I forgot to introduce you guys. This is Crystal, the sexiest drag queen around.” “Nice to meet you two. I hope you have fun tonite. It should be positively amazing!” Crystal said. As they walked away, Kyle said “I wouldn’t mind tapping that ass.” “Already did, many times” said Paul with a smile. The DJ sounded a bell and Paul walked over and opened the door. There was a line already there and they slowly filed in, giving their code name. Joe and Kyle wandered back towards the social area and grabbed a couple appetizers and sipped on their beers while the area filled up with guys. They looked around and saw a few guys with white bands like they had and the rest had blue bands. Joe looked to see who had a number 2 that matched his number, but it was fruitless since the angles and lighting made it impossible. “What number do you have?” Joe asked Kyle. “I got number 1. Not sure what that means though, but I’ll be harassing you about it for a while” Kyle said jokingly. They looked around and talked about the guys that were milling about. It was somewhat diverse crowd. Some white frat boys were there along with just about every ethnic group you could think of. Most of the guys seemed to be in their early twenties, a few were a bit older, a couple in their thirties and one guy looked to be in his mid 40’s. They noticed a lot of guys looking them over and pointing at them. “I feel like the new animal at the zoo” Kyle said. “You too?” Joe replied. Just as Joe finished his beer the bell sounded and all of the white banded guys left the area and the Joe and Kyle followed them. Once they were over in the sex area, they lined up - Kyle first, Joe second and up through number 12. The extras stood to the side and then the next bell rang. The talking seemed to stop and just the music filled the warehouse. Kyle looked over and saw the line of bottoms all getting into place. He looked back and saw Paul joking with the guys around him and took a deep breath to relax. Crystal tapped the first guy in the bottom line and he walked towards Kyle. As he got closer Kyle saw his next victim - a tall, tanned blond surfer looking guy with long hair and shiny white teeth. He was one of the ones he saw earlier and had guessed he was in his late twenties. He walked confidently up to the opening of the sex den and Kyle went over and met him. They walked in and found a cube to use. Joe stepped forward and saw Crystal tap the next bottom on the shoulder and he started to walk towards Joe. Joe could sense the uneasiness in his gait and chuckled to himself “the guy is probably just as nervous as I am.” When he got to the opening, Joe could see the guy he was going to fuck was a dark skinned Indian, about the same height as Joe but not muscled at all. He had a trimmed beard without a mustache and was wearing an Atari t-shirt. “Nerd” thought Joe as he walked over and they found a cube to fuck in. One by one the rest of the guys paired up leaving three unassigned tops who were debating who was going to bottom for the other two until Crystal walked up to them and they all started to smile. The music blasted through the area, drowning out any sounds of sex that was soon to happen. Kyle followed his surfer into the cube. The walls were over six feet tall, so no one could really see into the cubes unless they were standing at the doorway. Each cube had 2 bags to put clothes in and a rubber coated pad on the floor. There was a bottle of lube and two towels on the floor in the corner and a single condom thumb tacked right through the center to the wall. Kyle laughed at the sabotaged condom and turned to the surfer who was already taking his clothes off. Kyle stripped and put his stuff in the other bag and moved over to the surfer. They kissed and Kyle pulled him close, cupping his muscular butt. The guy was over four inches taller than Kyle but it didn’t matter. Both of them quickly got into groping and caressing each other. Kyle heard the guy moan into their kiss when his hand gripped Kyle’s cock and he felt the ring. The guy broke the kiss and said “Oh fuck. I’ve never taken a pierced cock before.” “Don’t worry, you’ll like it” Kyle said. Kyle rubbed his fingers along the crack and found the guys hole which felt extremely tight. “Relax, this is going to be fun” Kyle said. When the hole seemed to get less tense, his hands moved up the guy’s back. He was impressed at the taut muscles the guy had and kept moving his hands up until his they were on the guys shoulders. Slowly he pushed the guy down and felt the guys lips and tongue explore down his neck, chest, abs and finally his cock. Number 1 quickly engulfed his stiff cock with a warm, wet mouth and began sucking like a pro. The guy took Kyles cock all the way to his pubes several times, massaging his cock with his throat and tongue. For someone who had never taken a pierced cock before, it didn’t seem to slow the guy down. Kyle began to fuck his face, holding his head with his hands and enjoying his eager cocksucker. His cock was getting coated with spit and throat slime and the surfer was gasping for air each time Kyle pulled most of the way out. Kyle pulled his cock out and tilted the guys head up. The surfer opened his eyes and looked straight at Kyle, his mouth still open. Kyle spit into the open mouth and the guy jolted a bit, surprised at the action. Still staring at Kyle, Kyle said “I want your ass.” The guy nodded and immediately turned around and went to all fours, spreading his legs like he had done hundreds of times before. Kyle grabbed the bottle of lube and brought it closer, just in case spit wasn’t enough to lube the guys clenched hole. He dropped to his knees and spread the muscular mounds before pressing his face in. Licking up from the guy’s balls and up to his hole in one slow motion, the guy wiggled his ass and moaned loud enough for Kyle to hear him over the music. Kyle could see the guy’s six inch uncut cock was dripping precum already, leaving a small puddle on the mat. Kyle dug his tongue in and felt the ring slowly relax. The tight hole he felt earlier was submitting to his tongue and soon his toxic cock would be inside. Kyle tongue fucked his hole and then would lap up the spit while flicking his tongue over the guy’s taint. He could feel the shivers from the guy when he would do it, so he would alternate tongue fucks with tongue tickling his taint. Satisfied that the hole was well soaked with spit, Kyle coated his cock with a light cover of lube. He placed the piercing on the guy’s hole and pressed in, feeling his cock head enter the warm tunnel. There was a bit more resistance and Kyle gave a harder nudge and felt him pop inside the surfer’s unprotected neg ass. The thought caused Kyle to start leaking more precum and he kept driving his cock deeper. He could feel the guy squirm, knowing his cock was stretching the guy open and probably putting small tears in the ass lining. “Just wait til I really fuck this ass” Kyle thought to himself. He let the guy rest a moment once his pubes were firmly against the surfer’s ass. Kyle started to pull back and then quickly rammed back in. The guy tried to pull away, but Kyle held him firmly. He began to fuck the guy’s hole and felt the guy relax and after a few minutes start to enjoy the fuck. Long, firm strokes let the guy know just how long Kyle’s cock was. When Kyle decided the guy was feeling too relaxed, he would slam in, feeling the piercing tug and scrape along the tender tissue gripping his shaft. Kyle didn’t have any concept of time and didn’t know how long he had been fucking. He knew it it had been a few songs since his cock first went into the surfers ass, but it felt really good and he wanted to keep fucking for a while. He also wanted to dump at least two loads into theguy so he started to fuck harder and faster. His balls were churning and he felt his cock swell. Kyle knew it was time to give the guy a taste of his strain and he slammed in, holding the guy tight as his cock pumped and filled his guts with his infected spooge. He leaned forward and said into the guys ear “Don’t worry, I’m usually good for two, maybe three loads.” He didn’t know if that would reassure the guy that he planned to keep fucking or scare him away. The guy milked a few more drops from his cock and then Kyle pulled out, laying down on the mat next to him. The guy moved over and started to suck his cock clean. All of a sudden he stopped and Kyle looked down. The guys eyes were wide open and he could see him mouth the words “You’re poz?” Kyle grinned and nodded yes. He then saw the guy say “Oh fuck!”. The guy went back to licking the cum off his cock, but he could feel the guy shake. After a few minutes of licking, the guy laid down next to Kyle. He could tell the guy’s heart was racing and he hadn’t been prepared to take a charged load tonight. Thanks to the blue pill, Kyle’s cock was still rock hard. Kyle rolled over and stood kneeling between the guy’s legs. Kyle leaned forward and said “You ok?” and the surfer nodded yes. “You want more, don’t you?” Kyle asked. The guy paused a moment and then nodded yes again. Kyle smiled and leaned back and spread the guy’s legs and thrust his cock back into the unsuspecting hole. The earlier fuck was just a warmup and Kyle was determined to make this one something the guy would remember. The spit, precum and cum lubed him perfectly and Kyle took advantage of it. Driving his cock in hard and varying the speed, he would move his hips around jabbing his cock in different directions and abrading the cum coated chute. Kyle paid attention this time and three songs later he was ready to pump a second bug filled load into the surfer. This time, when he started to shoot, he would pull out and ram back in with each pulse of his cock. He could see the guy scream out. He couldn’t tell whether it was from pleasure or pain over the din of the music. After the orgasm faded, Kyle leaned forward and then felt the guy wrap his arms around him, holding him tight. Kyle wasn’t sure what was going to happen and was a little surprised when the guy began kissing him. They rolled over and left Kyle now on his back. The guy kissed and licked the sweat off his chest, nibbling at his nipples and then licked down to his still hard cock. The guy looked at it and laughed before climbing back on top of Kyle, straddling his stomach and lining up the shaft to the surfer’s well abused hole. The guy sank down onto the rigid cock, taking it to the root before he started riding it. Kyle was surprised how hard the guy was bouncing on his cock and even more surprised at how hard his ass muscles were squeezing his shaft. Sweat was flying off the guy and it almost felt like rain on Kyle’s skin. The surfer was stroking his own cock and soon it erupted, coating Kyle’s chest and face with neg cum. The guys orgasm milked one last small load out of Kyle’s balls. Three spurts of virus shot in and Kyle was pretty sure the next couple shots were dry. They laid there a few minutes and finally the guy pulled off of Kyle’s cock. He grabbed one towel and cleaned the sweat and cum off of his chest, cock and legs. Kyle got up and wiped his body down too and put his jeans on and tucked his t-shirt into his back pocket, letting it dangle. When both were dressed, the guy came over and said to Kyle “Thanks, that was fuckin’ hot. Are you on meds or toxic?” “I guess you’ll find out soon enough” Kyle said as he walked out of the cube. Joe followed his bottom into the cube and could see him shaking he was so nervous. Joe looked around the cube and saw everything that he might need. There was a familiar feel to the floor inside the cube and he realized it was a section of wrestling mat. He pulled the condom off the wall and stuffed it in his jeans pocket before he took his jeans and shirt off. He stood there in just his jockstrap and moved over to the guy who said “Hh…h..h.h…hhhhello, I am Amir.” “Hello Amir. You seem awfully nervous. Is this your first time at one of these parties?” Joe asked as he reached out and massaged Amir’s shoulders. “Yyy..yy..yes” Amir replied. Joe moved behind Amir and resumed rubbing his tense shoulders. “Me too. I guess we get to experience it together. Have you had sex with men before?” Joe said into his ear, his warm breath blowing across Amir’s face. Joe hoped he wasn’t a virgin since he really wasn’t prepared to deal with someone unprepared to get fucked and bred like he was planning. “Yyy…yes I have. Mmmmm… many times but my family doesn’t know” Amir said, calming down slightly. “Well, they aren’t here and there’s no reason for them to ever find out what we are going to do. So, relax and let’s just enjoy it” Joe told him. “Yyyyes sir” Amir replied. Joe pulled Amir’s t-shirt off and tossed it over by the wall. “How old are you, Amir?” Joe asked as pressed his bare chest against Amir’s back. “Nnnnineteen, sir” Amir replied as he started to relax. Joe moved his hands over Amir’s body, running his fingers through the hair on his chest and flicking his thumbs over his nipples. He could feel the tension fade in Amir’s body the more he rubbed. He moved his hands to Amir’s back and down to his ass which he squeezed. He moved his hands back to the front of Amir’s jeans and unbuttoned them before pushing them down. Amir was wearing old school boxers and he could feel his firm cock inside them. He could tell that his cock was on the small side but it didn’t matter. Joe was going to do the fucking here. He kissed the back of his neck as he pushed Amir’s boxers down and let them fall to the floor on top of his jeans. Joe backed away a bit and Amir bent over to pick up his jeans and underwear and Joe took his first look at the ass he was going to try and impregnate. It was a little on the flat side and was covered in dark hair which continued down his legs. Joe ran his finger between the crack as Amir was bent over and felt him jump. Once his clothes were folded by the wall, Amir came back to Joe and stopped a foot short looking at him. “I liked your picture… I like men with beards… I wish I had muscles like you… The tattoo makes you look so… uh, dangerous” Amir said to Joe while tracing out the tattoo on his arm and chest with his finger. Joe thought “Just wait until you look at the other tattoos.” Joe pulled Amir closer and tried to kiss him on the lips, but Amir pushed away. “I don’t kiss. I only like to suck and get fucked” Amir explained. “Well then, you better start sucking” Joe said, pushing Amir down to his knees. Amir stared at Joe’s jockstrap and the bulge inside it. He finally put his hands on either side and pulled it down and Joe stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. Amir gasped as he saw Joe’s semi-hard cock. “Suck it” said Joe. Amir put his left hand around the shaft while he played with the piercing with his right hand. Slowly his head went closer and his tongue played with the piercing and finally his lips went around his cut cock. Joe put his hands on the back of Amir’s head and held it as he started to rock back and forth. When he pushed deeper he felt Amir gag but he was doing a better job than Joe expected. He thrust his cock into Amir’s throat and held it there for a few seconds and he felt Amir’s throat spasm around his cock, but he didn’t fight him off. Joe pulled his cock back and Amir gasped for air. Joe looked down and saw two eyes that seemed to say “I will do anything you want me to.” Joe smiled and made Amir suck his cock a little longer before pulling out and saying “Lay down on your back Amir.” Amir did as he was told and instinctively raised his legs. Joe chuckled at his eagerness. Joe pushed him back and licked his tongue up the hairy crack. Before pushing in, Joe always did a light lick to see if a bottom had cleaned out well. Amir passed the test and Joe curled his tongue and pushed in. From the reaction he got, Joe assumed that few guys had ever rimmed his ass. The moaning and writhing seemed to indicate that he liked it and Joe just kept at it. He always enjoyed rimming an appreciative hole and Amir’s was just that. With Amir holding his legs back, Joe spread his ass cheeks wider while using his fingers to stretch the tight hole open. Joe’s fingers and tongue assaulted Amir’s hole and then Joe got a little rough with him. Other than an occasional grunt, Amir never objected to the abuse Joe gave the tender flesh inside his pucker. When he thought the hole was soaked with enough spit, Joe slicked his cock up with a little more and lowered Amir down. With legs over his shoulders, he tapped his cock against the slick hole making sure that Amir felt the steel tap his ass ring. “Sir, you’re going to take it out, right?” asked Amir. Joe smiled and said “No, it will give you new feelings and I like how it feels too.” Before Amir could say anything more, Joe pushed his cock into the hole. Amir clamped down at the sudden invasion, but then relaxed and Joe slowly pushed in deeper. With half of his cock inside, Joe started to fuck, rocking in and out getting further with each inward stroke. Joe could see Amir panting and the tight grip his hole told him the same thing - he was scared about what the PA would do to his insides. Joe knew exactly what was going to happen and it was going to happen sooner with the pressure he was putting on Joe’s cock. Joe picked up the pace and started to fuck faster and deeper while saying “Relax” to Amir. After several minutes Amir’s muscles must have been exhausted and he released his grip on Joe’s cock. Joe really started to enjoy the fuck and his precum was really lubing up the chute, allowing him to long stroke Amir’s pussy. His balls were bouncing off of Amir’s ass and the tightness of the hole was just right to let him fuck as hard as he wanted but still feel the tissue against his bare cock. Joe looked down and saw a smile forming on Amir’s face and he knew he had transitioned from pain to pleasure. Joe started to fuck harder and he was really reaming Amir’s cunt. The tugging of his piercing stimulated his balls to start their production of virally enhanced sperm. Joe wondered if Amir had figured out the symbolism of the scorpion tattoo or was oblivious to the impending poz cum he was going to be filled with. He drove his cock the full length as hard as he could and then left it there as his cock twitched and pulsed as it shot almost ten spurts of charged seed into Amir’s neg hole. Joe looked down at Amir while he bred his hole and saw his eyes get wide, knowing he was being filled with a stranger’s load. Joe gave a few more thrusts of his cock to drive some of the cum deeper and then slowly pulled out. Joe looked down and he had definitely done some damage to Amir’s guts. The cum had a pink hue to it and there were a few darker streaks. Joe rolled over and laid on his back next to Amir, catching his breath. Amir turned to him and said “That was amazing, sir. Do you always fuck that hard and that long?” Joe laughed and said “Yeah, I do. But I hope we’re not done. I just need a little break and we can go again.” Amir’s eyes got wide again and he replied “I am a little sore, sir. But if you want to use me again, you may.” “Just a little sore? I need to do a better job then” Joe thought. “You should clean my cock up a bit before we start our second round” Joe told Amir. “You mean suck your cock, now?” Amir asked. “Yes. Taste what is inside you now” Joe said. Amir slowly moved his mouth towards Joe’s cum and blood covered cock. He tentatively put his tongue out and licked off the tip and studied the taste. “It tastes weird, sir” Amir said before he went down and licked all around Joe’s cock, cleaning it and the base around his cock. After several minutes Joe felt he was ready and got up, pushing Amir to the center of the cube and directing him to stay on all fours. His dick slid into Amir’s hole with ease this time and he pushed all the way in on the first stroke. Joe was on his feet, crouched behind Amir’s raised ass. He pushed down on the small of his back to get him arched and Joe grasped his hips before starting his fuck in earnest. “Slap, slap, slap” was the sound in the cube trying to drown out the dance music the DJ was still playing to a probably empty dance floor. Joe took no mercy in fucking Amir’s sore ass. He pulled all the way out and rammed back in a half dozen times, garnering a loud groan from Amir each time. His cock felt amazing plowing through the load he had dumped in earlier. He was churning the previous cum and adding to it with more poz precum. He knew the wounds he had inflicted earlier gave easy entry to the bloodstream for the virus that was swimming inside Amir’s ass. Joe began to jackhammer Amir’s hole and could hear him whimpering to the pounding. He never asked Joe to stop and Joe doubted he would anyway until he had deposited another toxic load. Joe grunted and slammed in one last time and let his cum begin to shoot inside. Ropes of deadly sperm flew into the cum filled hole. He felt Amir’s hole start to milk his load out and then realized it was from Amir’s own orgasm. His neg seed sprayed all over the mat as both guys reveled in their orgasms. Joe pulled out and this time Amir quickly turned around and licked all of the cum off of Joe’s body - cock, balls, pubes, and legs. Joe sat down and looked back at Amir who said “Thank you, sir. I don’t think I will ever forget this night. It has been an amazing time, but I must go now.” Amir picked up a towel and quickly wiped his body off and then put his clothes back hurriedly on before walking out of the cube. Joe wasn’t sure if Amir was embarrassed or worried or really had somewhere else to go, but he saw the wet spot already forming on the back of his jeans as he walked out. Joe took the other towel and wiped his body down and put his jeans and shirt on before walking back out to the social area and grabbing a bottle of water. He chugged the water down and then grabbed a beer and a few lukewarm appetizers. He looked around and saw Kyle talking to Paul and another top, so he wandered over to them. “How did it go?” asked Paul. “Damn good. Fuckin’ tight hole that seemed to just suck up my cum. How was yours?” replied Joe. “Pretty good too. Though I didn’t last as long as either of you. He just wanted me to pump n dump” Paul said. “And yours?” Joe asked Kyle. “It was a lot of fun. I think he’ll remember this night for a while, at least. How was yours, Trey?” Kyle said. “Not bad. Good hole, but he was pretty dead. I like an active bottom and he just stood there letting me fuck him like a fleshlight” the other guy replied. They watched and saw two different types of people - those that left right after fucking and those that hung around talking to the other guests. Soon, all of the guests started to leave and the workers started tearing things down. “Thats a lot of leftover food” Joe said to Paul. “Yeah, we order extra so theres always some to take over to the homeless gay teen shelter” Paul replied. Paul drove Joe and Kyle back to Mark and Eric’s place and they went up the apartment. Walking in they saw Mark and Eric on the couch, naked, obviously wasted and exhausted from fucking all night. “Did you leave us any? I could use a good toke right now” Joe said and Eric pulled out a small baggie and tossed it on the table. Joe and Kyle smoked a few bowls and then went in to their beds and crashed, reeking of sweat and cum.
    5 points
  3. Part 1 I left the office building and started making my way home through the hustle and bustle of the city at rush hour. Finally I made it on the metro for my 20 minute ride to the suburbs and back to the house that I shared with my brother Andy. As I watched through the window at the scenes passing by, I realised the same routine would happen tonight with Gary who was house sharing and a friend of my brother. Gary was a rather extraordinary person who stood at five feet eleven inches 34 years old, solid build and sported a flat mohican hair style, on his adventures out he always dressed in leather chaps, white t-shirt and leather jacket. At 22 years old I was still fairly naive about the gay scene and not that interested in being a typical gay that fornicated with anything that had a cock. Being only five feet seven inches tall I had a trim compact build gained mostly through going to the gym at lunchtime for an hour, my blond hair was kept cropped as it was easy to manage and I nearly always had a tan. I only had to look at the sun and it would bronze my skin perfectly giving me a look that I was always on holiday at the beach. So it was another usual ride to the suburbs, my headphones were plugged in listening to music and minding my own business, the same familiar faces were on the metro including the men who always tried to grab seats near me and spend the time giving furtive glances in my direction when they could. Sometimes feeling like an expensive prime piece of steak put out on display, on occasion it made me feel uncomfortable but I just let the music take me off in to my own world and adore the admiration. I put my tings down in the kitchen and Andy walked in and greeted me with the usual how was your day chit chat and telling me he had to go back to work as they had a few things going on. My brother was 8 years older than me and a couple of inches taller but had the same build and hair colour. I knew he was HIV positive and talked openly to me about it and his sexual experiences which usually got me pretty aroused. Just then Gary walked in, sporting a pair of boxers he apologised for being inappropriately dressed, we wall laughed at his stupid apology, on his left arm at the top he had one tattoo of a bio hazard symbol which sort of looked out of place being the only tattoo that adorned his body. They started to ask if I had got my cherry popped and why was I holding out, I grabbed my brothers crotch and told him I was waiting for him to fuck me, laughing as I tugged on his ball sack. He kissed my forehead and told me one day he would have his very wicked way with me. I have to admit that my massive crush on my brother was beginning to bother me somewhat and having Gary around as well didn't help things, oh yes I was incredibly turned on by him as well. I knew the only way to get sex with both of them was to go bareback and day by day to thought of this was growing more intense and desirable. The risk of doing such was to expose myself to the virus and that was always the block that stopped me moving towards zero hour. After we had eaten dinner Andy headed out back to work. Gary was finishing in the kitchen and I sat on the counter top chatting to him about his latest escapade. I was wearing only my jogging bottoms and it was quite visible I was getting turned on, as Gary passed me he looked at my crotch, laughed and tapped my semi erection "mmmm someone is horny." he commented. I flinched at the unexpected tap "May have to go and rub it off." I replied. He opened the fridge door and got a pot of greek yoghurt and a teaspoon. "Do you want yoghurt?" he asked, "Sure why not." nodding as I replied. I felt several cold splats hit my chest as he flicked the yoghurt at me, I looked at Gary and he was laughing and said "There you go.". My mouth dropped open as I couldn't believe what he just did "Oh and how am I suppose to eat that!" I cried trying to stifle my giggling, he moved towards me "Like this." he said. He held my arms down at my side as I felt his tongue lapping up the yoghurt from my chest, he moved his mouth towards mine and his lips touched mine forcing my mouth open he drippled the yoghurt in to my mouth. My head spinning I slurped the yoghurt and swallowed it as I felt his tongue again lapping up more and depositing it in my mouth. This time I felt his tongue push in to my mouth as he started kissing me. I offered no resistance as he kept deep kissing and invading my mouth. Slowly he pulled me off the counter and pushed me down to my knees where I came face to face with his fully erect eight inch cock poking out of his boxer shorts. I slid my mouth over the head of his cock and slowly began to suck and explore him intimately. I felt the head go slimy as he started leaking precum enabling me to take more of his cock in my mouth. He pulled me up kissed me again as his hand moved over my ass and pulled my jogging bottoms down exposing my hard cock and firm smooth ass. Gradually he turned me around forcing me over the kitchen counter he started to grind his cock against my hole. His cock leaking more precum that he now started to use to lubricate my hole. I let out a moan as I felt the head of his cock slowly prising my hole open. He worked steadily and with purpose edging in more of his cock, I tried to raise my body upright but I encountered his body leaning further over keeping mine firmly against the counter top. My body felt a burning pain as he slipped more of his cock inside forcing my chute open, I wanted to tell him to stop, but every time I tried he pushed a little further causing me to gasp. I began to feel his pubic fair touch my ass and I knew he was near to full penetration. He stopped pushing and kissed the back of my neck and whispering "I know this is what you really want.", his hips started to gently rock and a cry escaped my mouth as the pain burned up through my back. The rocking picked up speed and intensity and I could feel every movement he made, my ass began pushing back meeting his forward thrust allowing him to get deeper inside me. All of a sudden he tightened his hold on me and thrusted in hard as he let our a low roar, I felt his cock jump inside followed by a warming sensation as he released his toxic seed in to me. His hips never loosing contact with my ass he continued pushing in harder as wave after wave of his orgasm flowed in to my body. He lay panting on top of me as he slowly pulled his cock out, my body quivered as his head plopped out followed by a small trickle of his seed. Zero hour had been reached in a very painful erotic way. I stood upright slightly dazed and confused what had happened, I simply looked at Gary with a mortified look on my face.
    4 points
  4. First of all, let me apologise for the delay in this story, many of you have been asking for this for a while but due to an old broken laptop it’s not been possible, however due to new machine here you go. As you may have worked out from my first story ‘Pozzing the Blond Boy’ I’m into young guys. I always love the chase, from chatting to them through to the actual meeting, persuading the guy to take my toxic poz cock deep in his body. I also like guys with cool hair. Not only does it look good, but I really enjoy running my hands through a guy's hair during sex. I chat with a fair number of cute young guys and seem to be an attraction for them. Why, I’m not sure why, but then I’m not complaining. So how did this story start. Well I was online chatting to a few guys and checking out profiles when I came across a picture that made me stop in my tracks: this young guy was model cute. Very cute face, 5’8” so slightly shorter than me and looked younger than he actually was, which I always find a bonus. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes, a lovely combination and his hair was what I’d describe as a young Justin Bieber swept to the side look, short at the back, also a favourite of mine. I decided I would send him a message just to say hello, not really expecting a reply. To my surprise I received a reply almost immediately. I won't bore you with all the conversational details because that’s not what you want to hear, but we both liked what we saw, his private pics revealed the cutest bubble butt you’ve ever seen, and a slim but slightly defined smooth body. Our conversations revealed that he was a virgin, very nervous about meeting and a bit unsure about himself. After chatting for a while he decided he wanted to meet. Now a guy like this, unsure about himself and nervous about sex is a young guy ripe for stealth breeding, a cute guy you just want to infect but I’d also got to know him quite well and felt kind of guilty so I started asking some poz-probing questions. He was unsure about taking my cock, however loved the look of it and decided he wanted to meet out and go for a drive and a chat. Just to say hello in person. When I pulled into the car park to meet him, always in the back of my mind if he was actually going to be there, but he was. This boy was amazingly cute, even better looking than his pics which were already stunning, he’d had his hair cut that morning so it looked great, neat but still floppy. He got in the car and we went for a drive. During the drive I steered the conversation onto sex, something which I could see was uncomfortable for him to talk about but he so wanted to do things with a guy that his hard cock started to show, I looked down and smiled but he seemed embarrassed, I told him not to be and guided his hand down to my thick poz cock that was hard and wet at the tip. This seemed to flick a switch in his head and he started rubbing my cock, it felt great but I needed more from this boy, I knew I couldn’t fuck him that day but wanted his sweet boy mouth wrapped around my hard cock. We found a place to stop and I leant over and kissed him, he kissed me back and was learning with every minute, I slid my tongue into his mouth as I grabbed his cock and he whimpered with pleasure. After a while I sat back, unzipped and got out my hard poz cock, pulled back the foreskin revealing a wet, pre-cum covered head, all worries about me being poz seemed to go from him as he wrapped his hand around my cock and started to wank it. I needed more and asked him to suck me, he went straight down and I felt his warm wet mouth slide over my cock, it felt amazing, I looked down at his sexy hair and buried my hands in it, something I’d wanted to do since first seeing his picture, it felt great between my fingers, thick textured floppy hair, this made me want to blow my toxic poz load in this boys mouth, but I didn’t want him to waste it, I wanted it swallowed. I put pressure on the back of his hair, pushing his head down, fucking my poz cock deeper into his throat, I told him I was going to cum and wanted it swallowed. I put more pressure on his head building up the pace until I felt my balls tense, I pushed his head down hard, right in the back of his throat and felt my toxic seed pumping deep inside, and he had no choice but to swallow it all like a good boy. After the meet we chatted a few more times and during the chat he revealed that he loved what we did and wanked about swallowing my poz seed for days after, so we arranged a time when his house was free to meet and take his virginity. The talk of poz seed was now turning him on big time and finally the day arrived. He opened the door and gave me a smile that could melt you, those gorgeous light blue eyes, that sexy floppy hair just waiting to be grabbed. As soon as we were in his bedroom I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply, as we kissed we undressed, my hands running up the back of that hair as he buried his tongue into my mouth with an almost primal urge. We got into bed, our naked bodies together, out had cocks fighting with each other under the duvet. After some intense kissing he put his head under the covers, not wanting that hair messed up I pulled the duvet down laid on my back and looked down at the top of his hair as he went to work on my cock. He was taking it deeper and deeper into his mouth, his floppy hair touching my stomach as he went down deep. This boy was doing such a good job, that I could have been there for hours but my brain was saying to me, breed this boy now! I pulled him off my cock and pushed him onto his back, lifted his legs revealing that tight virgin hole, twitching for its first time. I went down on his sucked his cock, tasting his sweet young pre-cum, then worked down to his hole, getting my tongue on and in it, by this time he was moaning with pleasure and now I wanted just one thing, this boy needed to be fucked, needed my high viral load deep in him, infecting him for the rest of his life. I slightly lubed up my cock but just left his hole wet from its rimming. I lifted his legs and positioned my cock at his hole. I told him it was time for him to lose his virginity and that it was going to hurt, but hurt in a good way and he’d love it. I slowly pushed my cock, his hole resisted at first but then with a pop my head slid in, he gasped in pain and tears started to form at the edge of his eyes, but there was no way I was stopping, this boy had given into me and now it was time to initiate him. With one push I drove my thick throbbing pre-cum covered cock right into his guts, he cried with pain so I held still to let him get used to me after all seasoned guys have difficulties with my thick cock so a virgin is definitely going to struggle, he looked up at me through those teary eyes and said, I want this, I want you. I started to slide all the way in and out fucking him deep, his cock started to harden with every stroke and with every stoke I drove it in harder until I was really ramming him, his hair shuddering with every thrust. I pulled out turned him over doggy and rammed my poz cock deep in that willing hole, with every thrust producing a whimper from him, I grabbed his hips and fucked his virgin hole into submission, his floppy hair bouncing with every thrust. I pushed him down on his stomach, laid on him and drove my now dripping poz cock, home, deep into his body, piercing and ripping his inner ring, I buried my hands in the top of that floppy hair while giving him a fuck he will never forget. After I had fucked him into the mattress for a good fifteen minutes I pulled out and revealed my poz cock covered in pre-cum and blood from this boys ripped hole, it was now time to infect this cutie and to have a connection like no other with him for the rest of his life. I turned him back over lifted his legs and rammed my cock home, he gasped again but this time it was in pleasure, his hole finally given up to my highly toxic poz cock. I drove my cock into him while he wanked himself, I could feel my balls building, tingling, my cock started to swell big time and as it did I leant forward, buried my hand in the top of his hair and kissed him. I couldn’t hold back any more, so I pushed in deeper than ever before and as I felt my cock pop in his inner ring it exploded, sending volley after volley of thick highly toxic cum into his guts, directly deep into his body, as I was pumping my high viral load into him, he moaned and then I felt his cock pulse and hot cum shoot between us coating my chest with his seed as I had just done to his arse walls. I whispered in is ear while he was still recovering with my cock in him that I’d just pozzed him and that he was a part of my club forever. I pulled out and told him to clean my cock with his mouth, which he did without hesitation, the enormity of what had just happened still not had time to screw with his mind. He cleaned it so well that I stayed hard, so got my hands on that hair again and told him not to stop, as you may know from my previous story I have a bit of a kink, I like to make sure the boy knows he’s mine. After he sucked me for a while I stood up, him on his knees and got him to bow his head forwards, I wanked my cock hard until I was ready to shoot a second poz load, I aimed it at him and unloaded all over that sexy hair, my strings of white cum laying on his hair, him looking up at me looking properly used. I rubbed my cum into his hair and told him he should keep it in for the rest of the day as well as my cum in his arse. I took a small pair of scissors and cut a full length lock of his hair as my trophy, another to add to the collection. We got dressed and chatted for a good hour about what had just happened, when it was time to go, I gave him a hug and felt my now dry cum in his hair, very horny, when I left and walked away it was a feeling of a job well done but also not the end of the story, after all he’s invited me back to do it all again!
    3 points
  5. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 1995 I was in the middle of my sophomore year of college when I suddenly realized that all of my closest friends were from single-parent families or 'broken homes'. All of my crew had seen some trouble in their childhood. Alcoholism, divorce, suicide, periods of homelessness, etc. I knew nothing of those things in my own history. My parents were boring, white, middle-class and stable. I began to wonder why I had chosen these friends and/or why they'd chosen me. Years later I asked a therapist about this and her response was fairly sensible. "Maybe they're drawn to your stability...or you are drawn to their chaos. Or maybe it's just a fluke." OK. My best friend Andrea never knew her real father. She just referred to him as 'my sperm donor'. I always played with that term in my head. I'd imagine random dudes walking up to one of those red kettles you see next to people ringing a bell and jacking off into it. The whole thing would be close to overflowing with milky sperm by the end of the day. It was fun to fantasize about. I never talked about it, but probably everyone knew I was gay. I was never asked. 1999 I'd graduated with a degree in Industrial Design...which was just something I happened upon. You know your TV remote? The shape of it and the spacing between the buttons was all decided by an industrial designer somewhere. Not all that interesting -- except to other designers. I was recruited by a company in a decent-sized city with a depressingly-large Mormon population. I'd always thought those freaks were all kept in Utah, but apparently they had taken over other places. I'd put in a good year or two at this place before looking elsewhere. I pretty much hated everything about my new life. The job itself wasn't so bad, but most all of the citizens were religious zombies with six or seven kids. I couldn't escape them. The only people I talked to on a regular basis were the brassy, overweight secretary at work (I swear Bette Midler could play her in a movie) and one of the janitors in my apartment building. Roy was a friendly little Mexican bear with a winning smile. I guess he liked me because I didn't look down on his job or have the lofty attitude that so many of the white-collar young snots in my building had. I always said 'hello' when I saw him when he was mopping or vacuuming or whatever. He spoke perfect English (with only the faintest of accents) and came across as pretty intelligent. "Good morning, Roy. Are you always on the clock?" "Seems like it, doesn't it? I'm going through a divorce right now and I need all the hours I can get." "Sorry to hear that. Kids?" He shook his head 'no'. "No, I suppose that is a blessing." "Oh well...I'm running late. Gotta get to work." "Have a wonderful day, Tim." Well, it was the opposite of 'wonderful'. I fell om some rain-soaked concrete steps outside and broke my damn ankle, Because it happened on company property, the security team made me give a pee sample. My understanding is that if I were on drugs or drunk, they wouldn't be liable. Because I was clean, they had to cover all of my hospital bills and give me time off. It was a generous amount of leave because they were legally obligated. Luckily, it was a simple break and wouldn't require surgery. The pain pills kicked ass. I was pretty much helpless while medicated but I didn't care. I had cable TV and the internet. This would be a sort of drugged vacation. Worse things happened to people. I got around pretty well with crutches. TV game shows and reruns got tiresome within 48 hours. Computer porn didn't do much for my boredom because the pain pills had numbed me in all kinds of unhelpful places. I only left the apartment to get my mail, a newspaper or a soda from the vending machine. It was on one of those little ventures out that I ran into Roy. "Holy Christ! What happened to you??" "I broke my ankle, but I'm healing fast." "Your right foot - so you can't drive, right?" "No. Not for another sixty days." "Do you need things from the store?" "Nah. I have an attendant who comes by every other day to get me what I need. I don't even have to pay for any of it." "Thanks be to God. You look very tired." "Just the pills. I came down to get a Mountain Dew so I could wake up a little." "Stay there. I'll get it for you. Bottle or can? They have both." "Can's fine. Thanks." He returned with a Dew and wouldn't let me pay him. "It's cool. I got a key to the machine. I'll bring you another one later after I clean the windows down here." "I appreciate it, Roy. I'll leave the door unlocked because I sometimes fall asleep and don't hear the knocking." He seemed surprised by my offering of trust. "No no. Lock your door. I have keys to every apartment." "Oh. OK." "I will always knock first." "OK. Well...drop by any time. My schedule is all messed up when I'm not working." On the elevator ride back up, I wondered why I didn't feel uneasy about some guy being able to just walk right into my home. I guess it's the reality of apartment living. You never really own anything as a renter -- not even privacy. And Roy was a good person. I believed that, I watched some really dumb game shows for a few hours, and then there was the 'knock' I'd been looking forward to. "Come on in." Roy entered and was a little pissed off that I hadn't locked the door. He was carrying a six-pack of Corona and a Mountain Dew. "You think this place is so safe? It seems that way, but it's really not." "I'm pretty medicated, Roy. I forget things." "I'll lock it for you when I leave. I brought us some beers. You like Corona?" I'd never tried it. "Yeah, but I can't drink alcohol while taking these pills. Have one yourself, though." "Great. I need one. I like your place...your TV is very big. My soon-to-be ex wife kept ours and now I just watch a little portable thing with a broken antenna." He opened a beer and rested it on his knee. "Life sure hasn't turned out like I'd hoped." That was the kind of statement that is meant to prompt followup questions, so I obliged. "How did you want it to turn out, Roy?" "I wanted to stay married and raise a bunch of kids and give them happy lives. It wasn't meant to be." "Your wife couldn't have children?" "Wouldn't have them. Not with me anyway." "Oh. Sorry." "There's more to it, but I don't much like to talk about that stuff. Not now." He had a few more beers and then left the rest of the in my refrigerator. After a few more doctor appointments, I was told I was close to 100 % healed. Good news except they cut me off the pain pills cold turkey. I had no idea how much I'd depended on them, but at least I only had a few sleepless nights instead of some crazy freak out like you see on TV shows about addiction. I still had a bit of a limp but was assured that it would go away in a few weeks. During all this progress and healing, Roy was a frequent visitor. I wondered if I was his only friend. He had really been my only friend for the last two months. We talked for hours...well, he talked mostly while I listened. He needed an outlet for his frustration and grief about his failed marriage and lack of children. "I had nine brothers and sisters. Nine! We were so close and took care of each other." "Are you Catholic?" "Yeah, technically. But that's not why I want kids. I can't explain it. So, you back to work on Monday?" "Yup. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into a routine." "Well - we have to celebrate on Saturday night. I'll cook you dinner and bring some wine. You stopped the pain pills, right?" "Yeah, but you don't have to cook for me, man. We can go out somewhere." "Too late.I already bought most of the stuff. You have skillets? Pans?" "Yes. Rarely-used ones." He chuckled and left. My oven had only been used for cooking frozen pizza, and my stove had never been used. Mom had loaded me up with cookware when I first moved here. Is it weird that I was sort of thinking of the upcoming dinner as a 'date'? I told myself it wasn't. He was straight and not at all what you'd call 'my type'. So anyway. I got up pretty ear;y on Saturday morning and went to the mall. I needed the walk -- to help rebuild my leg muscles and also to burn off some nervous energy. I picked up assorted things here and there...throw pillows, scented candles, wine glasses and these really snazzy rock coasters with what looked like fossils inside. It wasn't a date, but I was preparing as if it were. I'm stupid. Roy was a friend - not a suitor. Of course he arrived early - before I had fully settled myself into the right mood. "Wow. It smells nice in here. Candles? I need to get some of those." He came with two loaded bags of stuff and went directly to my kitchen like he lived here too. "Cool - wine glasses! I forgot to even ask you if you had any." He clanked around at my oven and shelves while I just stood like a giant pigeon in the middle of my living room. I thought about turning the TV on but was thinking maybe I should go keep him company in the kitchen while he cooked. "You got some music? I like to hear music when I cook." "What do you like?" "It's your party, buddy. Pick something and I'll pour us some wine." This would require a little thought and I wasn't prepared. I stuck in David Byrne's first solo CD. I loved it and it was very influenced by Latin culture. It started and was maybe a little too loud. I went to the kitchen. Roy had pretty much taken over everything and was already browning some crumbled meat in a skillet and adding various seasonings. The oven was also on. He handed me a glass pf dark red wine. "Casa Medaro. It's not easy to find. Try it." I knew absolutely nothing about wine except that the few times I'd tasted it I hadn't liked it so much. "It's good, huh?" It was...which is good because he brought three bottles of it. "What are you making? It smells wonderful." "This and that. Pull up a chair and chat with me as I chop vegetables...these knives look like they've never been used." They hadn't. "Doesn't mean you don't have to sharpen the from time to time. My father taught me that." I finally noticed how Roy was dressed. I'd only ever seen him in his dark blue coveralls but now he was in a nice polo shirt, shorts and sandals. His short, powerful legs were covered with black fur and I had this image of him standing in the shower with rivulets of water tracing little paths through the thick black hair. His wife was an idiot for letting him go. The food was incredible and I might have overdone it with the compliments. We'd already polished off one and half bottles of wine by the time the meal was finished. I blew out the candles when we came back into the living room. Their scent wasn't making much headway against the cooking smells. I turned the music down a little and told my guest to make himself comfortable. Now what? I didn't want to overthink this. "Whoa. Cool coasters. Are those little fossils? You should have seen all the fossils I used to find in Coahuila. That's where my parents are from. Let's finish up the second bottle. My divorce was final as yesterday. I don't have any more legal bills, but I also don't have much of anything else either. Bitch got everything." "Everything??" "Yeah. In every way possible." "Your lawyer should have worked harder on your behalf." "Let's just say that she had me over a barrel. Let's open the last bottle. I have two more at my place if we decide we need more." He took off his sandals which I guess some would consider rude, but I liked that he felt at home here...plus it gave me a chance to admire his fat little toes. He padded back to the kitchen and fetched the tasty wine. I don't think I'd ever drank so much and still felt so alert and mostly normal. My antenna was up because I'd been around troubled people for so long and it seemed like he wanted to talk about something, but I couldn't push him right now. "Want to watch a movie?" He shook his head and handed me a way-too-full glass. "No no. Let's just talk. Tell me what your job is again...I still don't quite understand what you do." "I design everyday things to make them easier for people to use. Right before my accident, we were working on new ATM machines. They have to be the right height and simple to understand and also look nice. The bank rejected our first proposed design because it didn't look 'friendly'." Roy nodded as if he understood. "So yeah...I have HIV." What? Wow. I mean, wow. I wasn't expecting that. "Is that why you're getting a divorce?" "Pretty much. That's really your first question? Huh. I figured you'd ask me how I got it...." "I shouldn't have asked anything. I should have just said 'I'm sorry.' Blame the wine. I'm not a drinker." "So...do you want to know?" His eyes were full of hurt. "Only if if you want to tell me, Roy." He shrugged. "It was so stupid. I never went to college, but I always followed my friends when they went to Padre Island for spring breaks. Drunk chicks with hardly clothes on and lots of alcohol automatically guarantees a good time. But stuff goes on there. Bad stuff. That's all I can say for now." "It's fine, Roy. I mean it's not 'fine'...it's just... I'm fine. I was blessed with a really good pair of ears in case you need to talk." "I know this. My wife is still negative somehow. But she wouldn't go near my dick after I told her. I wanted so much to have kids... lots of them. Magic Johnson's wife didn't leave him and she had one of his babies even." "And that was a while ago. There are probably all kinds of new drugs now." "Yeah. Probably too expensive for me. You're a guy, Tim...don't you wish you could spread your seed? It's biological. I can't even give away my genes now." "Some people are missing limbs or have brain damage, Roy. Some people don't even get the chance to be alive. My mom had three miscarriages before I was born. I'm not diminishing your pain or anything, I'm just saying that life is a roll of a dice." He looked down and took another sip of wine. "I wish I had donated sperm when it was clean...then at least I might have some kids out there somewhere." I tried to cheer him up by telling him how I used to imagine guys donating sperm on the street. He looked at me funny. "That's a very strange thing to imagine, Tim. It's...it's so sad that nobody would even pay a cent for my seed now." "I would." "What? OK, no more wine for you, buddy. You have been over-served." "Not so much, really. You told me a big secret and now I'll tell you one -- I'm gay." His expression didn't change in the slightest. "Yeah. I guess maybe I knew that. You're too clean and too polite. I'm totally straight, but if I was gay I'd marry you so fast." That was a very nice thing to say. I would have accepted his proposal. "Thanks, Roy. You'd make a great husband -- even if you weren't handsome and couldn't cook such great food." He smiled at last. "You think I'm 'handsome'?" "Oh yeah. Very." "I still think you're just too drunk." Unless I was very much mistaken, he had dropped a hand to his crotch to hide a growing boner. "I can help you with that." Shit. Maybe I was drunk. "You...you'd suck me? Even with the HIV?" I hadn't even meant oral sex -- I was just going to jack him off, but okay. "It's pretty much safe. I'd even pay you for the chance." "Yeah. I won't touch you and I won't cum in your mouth. Ten bucks." "Deal." I hadn't even bothered to notice how things were moving. It seems like we were just discussing ATM's. I quickly got on my knees right between his furry legs in one liquid motion. He stood up and pulled down his shorts. No underwear. I had to wonder if he hadn't seen this coming (so to speak). His dick was not massive, but it was chubby and curved severely upward toward the tip. How his wife never managed to never get infected was one of God's mysteries. I was careful not to touch him with my hands. I just opened my mouth and let him put the head of his dick past my lips. "Ahhhh! I never thought I'd ever feel my dick sucked again!" He stabbed that dagger of a dong farther in with each thrust. I don't know if he knew this was my first time. He said he wouldn't touch me, but he grabbed handfuls of my hair as he did his thing. "Yeah...suck that cock!" I imagined he had his eyes closed or was looking at the ceiling - or anything else besides the male blowing him. "OK! Stop! I'm gonna cum! STOP!" I did. I missed that penis as soon as it was out of my mouth. He was shooting his load now over my head. I turned my face up to catch what I could and saw he was looking straight down at me. He knew I wanted at least a taste and he aimed it for my nose. Drops and dribbles landed on my eyelids and lips. It was so much warmer than I expected. "Wow." The CD had ended at some point and I hadn't even noticed. I stood up and savored the flavor of Roy for a a second before finishing my glass of wine. There were a few pubes in my mouth. "Thanks, man." He pulled up his shorts. "YOU are thanking ME??" "Thanking you for your kind donation. Thanking you warmly." It was kind of awkward to just continue the evening like nothing happened so Roy decided he should call it a night. "I'll stop by tomorrow and do the dishes. Good night, Tim." As soon as he was gone, I lied flat on the floor and beat off. If this is how satisfying sex always was, I'm sorry I'd never tried it before. After the orgasm, I realized I'd forgotten to give him the ten dollars. I'd finish the rest of the wine left in the bottle and wait until he was probably asleep and then go slip a twenty under his door. Hell, I'd leave a fifty dollar bill if I had that. I turned on the TV and found some B movie that only a drinker could possibly find amusing. I fished a twenty out of a little stash of money I kept on hand for emergencies. The building was quiet for a Saturday night as I took the elevator down to the first floor where Roy lived in a little studio apartment. I'd briefly thought of leaving a note too, but maybe that wouldn't be wise since he might have all kinds of second thoughts about what we'd done. I sure wasn't. I slept so soundly that night and woke up fairly late with only the smallest of hangovers. I showered, dressed and then went to wash the dishes. The twenty had been returned through the crack in my door. A little post-it was attached. You don't have to pay for donations, R Roy knocked on my door around 2 that afternoon. My heart did a cartwheel. He was in nice casual clothes again and looked like a million bucks. How did I ever think he wasn't my type? "How you feeling today, amigo?" "Fine. Really fine. Good to see you again." "I'm ready to help you clean up." "It's all done. You left your corkscrew and I even washed that." He plopped down on my couch and removed his sandals again. "The game is on. You follow the Diamondbacks?" "Off and on. I still have those Coronas you left a while back. Want one?" "Sure. Why not?" By the fourth inning, I was sucking his dick again. It wasn't planned or expected by either of us. I even touched the back of his calves this time. I knew he wanted me to swallow his load this time but he just wouldn't do it. He pulled out again and baptized me with hot seed. I got a big glob in my eye which stung like fuck, but I didn't indicate my pain in an way. He just pulled his shorts on again and we finished watching the game as if nothing happened. We chatted like buddies and drank the beers. The routine remained the same on an almost daily basis. We'd hang out, I'd suck him and he'd shoot all over my face. I kept trying to hold him in my mouth as long as I could...and one day he came in my mouth, and we didn't ever discuss it. By the middle of Summer, I'd swallowed a gallon of his cum. He enentually let me hold hold his hairy ass as he thrust. It was perfect. He got to release his seed and I got to be on the receiving end. On July 4th, he brought over a box of wine. I knew they sold it like this, but had never tried it. It was a 'blush' and Roy assured me it was "better than you'd think". It wasn't bad. Not bad at all. We were watching "A League of Their Own" on TV and enjoying the wine and friendly talk like usual. "Isn't it always weird how late it gets dark this time of year? It makes the days seem so long." It wasn't night yet but we heard random fireworks outside. "After dark, the park across the street is supposed to have one of those big public firework displays." "Can we see it from here?" "No. Not from this room, but my bedroom faces the park." I didn't mean for that to be any sort of suggestive invitation, but it probably came out that way. "Cool. We can watch it there. It should be dark in an hour. More wine?" We'd brought the box out to the living room and were just refilling during commercial breaks. I didn't want to put another movie in when "League" had ended. I wanted to talk as dusk approached. I needed to talk but had no idea how to start. "I read an article in Newsweek about all these great new AIDS drugs coming out. Some of them can make the virus undetectable in your blood." "Yeah, and I bet I could afford exactly none of them." "Too bad you don't look more like me. You could use my I.D. and insurance card to get care." "Yeah. If you had HIV, you could get those pills and we could share them." It's funny how an idea can spark and spread like fire through dry grass. I was thinking about things I never thought I'd ever consider. It was almost dark. "Bring the wine and let's go watch the show." My bedroom was as neat and nice as the rest of the place. Roy made himself comfortable on my bed and propped up on the pillows as I opened the blinds. I turned off the lights to better see the fireworks. I knew these things never started on time, but I wanted to lie in bed with him in the lush darkness. He'd undressed completely as if he had been reading my mind. "You know I'm not gay, Tim. Right?" "Yes." "Still, I'd like to fuck you and give you my HIV. Would you be willing?" "Oh yes. I was going to suggest that if you didn't." "OK. I've fucked a man before...it's probably how I got the disease in the first place. But you have to be sure you want to make this sacrifice for me. We can get those new drugs if you test positive." "My plan exactly." I turned over on my stomach without thinking too much about how it probably wouldn't be too practical for each of us to take half-doses of a medicine - it might even be harmful. I'd just let him have all of it, and I'd bide my time. There...solved. I wanted him to fuck me so bad. That was the goal. He spit on my butt crack and rubbed the hard head up and down to get some on himself. He spit again and then again. He was jerking himself off. "I want to make this as quick as I can for you. I'm almost ready... OK. Let's do this." I had never once imagined that it would be such a hot, searing pain. I winced and sucked in air between my teeth. "You OK?" "I...yeah..don't go in any more just now. Let me...ow...let me get used to it for a second." "Deal. Wow...it feels so nice! Hot and tight. Damn! How about just a little more?" "Yeah." I figured it couldn't possibly get any worse. But it did somehow. I could feel the sensitive skin down there rip a little. No way. I needed to stop this now, but then...but the the searing turned into more of an ache. Tolerable. It didn't feel good, but I could survive this. He was all the way in when he let himself collapse on my back. It was like a heavy, hairy cushion covering me and I liked that part. He kept up a steady pace of pumping and grunting. "I'm about to let it out..I'm ready to...FUCK!" He was shooting that tainted payload deep into my ruined ass. It happened faster than I could think. He probably did that on purpose before I changed my mind. We stayed prone like that for a good twenty seconds while he caught his breath. "Thank you, Tim. You doing that for me means so much." I needed the bathroom right away for obvious reasons. I took care of things as best I could and returned to the bedroom where I saw the still-naked Roy wiping off his dick of with some tissues from my nightstand. "You OK? The fireworks just started." They certainly had. "Yeah. You can use the shower if you want, I'll get you a towel." "Maybe later. Let's watch the show." We both relaxed on the bed and made random comments about the display...as if nothing even remotely new had happened. I couldn't stop my overactive imagination from picturing what the virus was doing in my body now. Was it blasting away my immune system like dynamite? Or had the fuse just been lit? Was it like there were little vandals in my bloodstream, randomly breaking things in random organs? The fireworks ended about an hour later and Roy said he was too tired and comfortable to get dressed and leave and the promptly fell asleep. So our breeding sessions continued for a few more months. It felt like we were lovers except that we didn't kiss or show any physical affection when we were together. I was just a release for a friend who liked to shoot his seed in warm places. I would also his means to medical treatment. Was I as okay with that and that only? For how long? I kept putting off getting tested and Roy didn't push me to get it over with. I was waiting for an appointment with my regular doctor in early November when I always went to get a flu shot. As November 2 approached, Roy hit me with the news that his brother had gotten a really good job in San Diego with a landscaping business. "He said he'd get me hired and the pay is really good - and comes with health insurance!" "Wow. Congratulations. It's supposed to be very beautiful there." I don't think I said that very convincingly. "When are you leaving?" "The week of Thanksgiving. I need to sell all my shit and just go." That's it? No mention of me or the damage he'd done to me? No apology? "We can go celebrate tonight if you want to." "No. Just go. We're done here. Goodbye, Roy." He looked surprised and hurt, but I mean -- what the fuck? I didn't give him much of a chance to say anything, just showed him to the door and locked it after he left. It was over, but it never would anything anyway. Of course I tested positive and my very cool doctor assured me she'd see to it that I'd have a long life. I also started seeing a therapist in the same building. He and I are still sorting through all of this. One concrete obstacle we keep hitting is how I could feel mourning for a love I'd never technically had. He encouraged me to write about it. I just did.
    3 points
  6. Part 3 Rob had worked up a thirst after that last fuck; it was time to check out another bar. That was another great thing about the French Quarter; the bars were always open and you could actually walk down the street with a drink in your hand. He didn’t usually start drinking this early in the day but he was on vacation after all. Alcohol never really seemed to affect Rob’s ability to get rock hard and fuck as long as he didn’t get all shit-faced drunk. He was confident that he could pace himself and be able to keep drinking all day. On a day like today, Rob was happy to find an open bar stool underneath a ceiling fan and close to the open front of the building. This was a perfect view of the street and he also was on display basically for anyone that passed by. “Welcome, my name is Jesse, what can I get you to drink?” “Hey man, my name is Rob; give me a Jack and Coke”. Rob was pleasantly surprised, the bartender Jesse was a masculine looking guy with a nice ass and defined body. Rob detected a few tattoos and could see the nipple rings under his tight T-shirt so Jesse was a little rougher looking than the guys he typically fucked but he’d make an exception in this case. He did get the impression that Jesse was probably another one of those gays that try to pawn themselves off as versatile but in reality was a slutty bottom. He could tell by the way Jesse carried himself. In Rob’s mind, you were either a bottom destined to suck cock, get fucked and just be used or you were a Top like himself. Guys were just fooling themselves if they thought there was something in between. “Here you go Rob, where you visiting from?” asked Jesse as he slid Rob his drink on the bar. “Ohio, is it that obvious I am a visitor?” Jesse just smiled and said “Well I have worked here for a long time and pretty much recognize the locals. Right now there are six locals in here and including you, eight visitors.” “It is also obvious that you aren’t used to this heat and humidity based on the way your tank is clinging to your pecs and the way those shorts are sticking to your ass cheeks and crotch”. Rob was a little taken back by how direct Jesse was speaking. Two can play at that game he thought. “Well then can you also tell who is a Top and who is bottom? What is my position?” Jesse started laughing, “Easy, we bartenders have to be observant here in the Big Easy. It’s obvious from the way you have basically checked out ass since the minute you sat down, including mine, that you are all Top”. Rob just grinned and nodded, this guy was good. Jesse continued, “I’m sorry to disappoint you though, I’m also a Top. It’s why I like to work this shift, it gives me time to make connections and then play all night”. Rob raised his glass, “A toast to stalking your prey” and with that chugged down the rest of his drink. Almost immediately Jesse poured another drink and placed it in front of Rob. Jesse motioned over his right shoulder “This drink, as well as the first, is compliments of the two guys over there by the cash register, they ordered them for you the minute you walked into the place”. Rob looked up and nodded but made no further eye contact with the strangers. He leaned in and whispered to Jesse “I can do better than that, it’s going to take more than buying me drink or two for those old queen cocksuckers to get in my shorts”. Jesse was not surprised by the comment at all. He also was not surprised as Rob turned slightly toward the two men and slightly flexed his arms while casually running his hands across his chest and pinching his nipples until they hardened and strained against the damp material of his shirt. He then turned his back to the men and looked out to the street for something more worthy of his attention. It did feet good to sit out the sun, casually drink and be lusted after by all the bottoms in the bar. It was the way things should be. When Jesse came back to refill his drink, Rob commented “ There seems to be a lot of activity in this bar for this time in the afternoon and I seem to be in a good spot as they all walk by me wiggling their asses to check me out up close and try to get my attention”. “You do seem to be drawing them into the place“, replied Jesse with just a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “ Maybe you should be splitting your tips with me with all the business I am bringing you. Don’t worry man, there is plenty of bottom prey here to divide between us” chuckled Rob as he raised his hand to high-five the bartender. It was at the moment that Rob’s phone vibrated indicating he had a message. He actually had several notifications from his cruising apps. Some of them must have come through earlier when he was plowing that tourist in the hotel room. An evil grin spread across his face as he thought about the fun he had using his cock to tear open” what’s-his-name’s” hole. Rob quickly scanned the responses to his profile postings to see if there was anything of interest. There were several from BBRT but the latest post from A4A is what caught his attention. According to the Geo-location feature, the cocksucker was only a few feet away. The pic didn’t show his ass but the face wasn’t bad. He had nice thick “cock-sucker lips”. Rob glanced around the bar briefly and quickly spotted the guy, literally less than ten feet away. Although Rob could tell the picture posted on the profile was actually the guy in the bar, the picture was not recent. The guy sitting there certainly was several years older than the picture and also had gotten soft. Rob was about to delete and ignore the message when two letters in the interest section of the profile caught his eye -“WS”. Rob downed the rest of his latest drink like a shot, glared briefly at the guy and typed a simple response “THIRSTY”? “Hey Jesse, where is the bathroom in this place, I need to piss” inquired Rob. Jesse pointed him to the back and Rob promptly got up and headed to relieve himself. The bathroom was long, narrow, dimly lit and pretty filthy. It mainly consisted of a long trough for guys to piss in and a stained sink. “They need some sort of air circulation in here” thought Rob as he made his way to the end of the trough. The room reeked, even with the ice that was thrown in the piss trough to control the smell. None the less, Rob’s cock was hardening as he turned toward the door and started counting to himself. He got to seven, the door pushed open and the guy from A4A nervously walked in. Rob opened the front of his cargo shorts and freed his hard cock. The guy bent over to taste the object of his desire when Rob grabbed him by the hair and said “No cocksucker; on your knees and open your fucking mouth. Whatever you don’t swallow is going all over the front of you”. With that he grabbed the guy by both ears, slammed his cock deep into the wet hole of a mouth and started streaming his warm piss down the cocksucker’s throat. The guy struggled with the strong stream but managed to swallow most of it: only a small amount dribbled out the sides of his mouth. “You’re just a fucking urinal hole to hold my piss”, sneered Rob. He emptied his bladder and pulled his cock out of the piss receptacle kneeling in front of him. He then wiped the last drops of piss clinging to his cock off on the guy’s hair, tucked it into his pants, zipped up and went back to the bar. When he got to the bar and sat back down, he ordered another Jack and Coke as if nothing had happened. Jesse however, gave him a knowing look when Rob’s recent conquest exited the restroom and quickly headed out of the bar in an effort to not have to explain to anyone as to why the knees of his faded jeans were now so stained and wet. When Jesse returned with his drink, Rob asked” Where is a good place around here to buy leather and fetish gear”? Jesse raised his eyebrow “What are you looking for?” Rob explained that he only had a few pieces and those didn’t fit right. “I don’t have a lot of local options available back in Ohio, and the stuff I’ve ordered on-line hasn’t really worked out. I’m sure you know how the sight of a Top in leather or latex gear just brings out the whore in a bottom.” Jesse nodded in agreement. ”It’s almost like giving them a party drug, so I was thinking maybe some shorts, jocks, a harness or two. I really just want to try some stuff on to see how it looks before making a decision.” ”Some bondage gear as well so when I get an ass primed and partied up I can just keep it in place and positioned how I want and then just focus on my pleasure rather than making sure the fucking whore doesn’t resist and try to get away.” “Probably the best place for you to go is “Master Nick’s”, it’s just a couple blocks from here” Jesse quickly replied. ”I’ve bought some great stuff from there. Its high quality and they have a big variety. They are good at helping you transform into your true self. They do have a space to demo some of the equipment there as well. They carry everything from cuffs, collars and spreader bars to stocks, fuck benches and bondage tables in the store”. Rob was getting hard just thinking about the place as Jesse gave him directions to the store. As Rob stood and prepared to leave, Jesse had one more question. “Before you go, would it be cool for me to get a selfie with you” asked Jesse. “I like to keep reminders of some of the hot guys that come through here.” Rob of course in his mind interpreted that question as meaning he was correct all along and Jesse really was a bottom and did want Rob’s cock up his ass. So when the bartender came around the bar to take the selfie Rob smiled, flexed and grabbed Jesse’s ass. Trying not to sound too insincere, Jesse looked Rob directly in the eyes and stated, “Thanks for the picture stud, I am sure you enjoy the transformational experience at "Master Nick's" stop by on your way back from store and let me know what you bought.” “I’m here until seven-thirty tonight.” Rob smirked and nodded his agreement as he headed to the exit. As soon as Rob disappeared down the street, Jesse went to his phone and texted a message and attached the selfie with Rob he just took. “Sending a referral to the store that I think you’ll like. He definitely has the cocky top attitude you look for”
    3 points
  7. With spring and summer on the way, I'm wondering if any others enjoy having their clothes soaked with piss and wearing em for the entire day? I know if it's going to be warm, I loved getting a golden shower and then going about my day still wearing the soaked clothes and boots. Usually I'm doing yardwork, or even camping or other outdoor stuff. My cock stays drippy the entire time, thanks to the feel and smell of piss on my clothes and beard.
    2 points
  8. I didn’t set out to take multiple loads, or even to get into an anon scene. I had been chatting with a handful of guys on BBRTS Sunday, my first day in SF, and nothing really panned out (a lot of “how long are you here for?”). Monday morning I got up, checked messages, and was getting ready to head out for some meetings. One of the guys hit me up again saying how horny he was, and that he was only 10 minutes away. I figured I’d see if he actually showed, so I gave him the hotel and room number. He was fascinated by my profile ass pic, and asked if I could be in that position when he arrived. I offered to be ass up on the bed, door ajar, and he could just come right in. He was clearly into that scene. I was chatting with a couple other guys while I waited to see if the first showed. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, I”m naked on all fours with my ass facing the door. The bolt lock makes for a nice block to keep the door ajar. I heard him come in and start undressing right away. His hands were immediately on my ass. I left some silicon lube on the bed beside me. He took it and I heard him pumping the bottle. I took a nice hit of poppers while he started lining his cock up with my hole. He slid in nice and even, letting my hole wrap around his long dick. “Fuuuuck that’s warm and tight,” he said. He started a nice rythm pumping my hole. He was totally turned on, and I was feeling turned on by his energy and the fact I couldn’t see him. His anon cock felt great, and he was plugging away inside me. He grabbed my hips and was pumping, picking up a little speed as he went. I heard his breathing change, and it sounded like he was holding his breath for a few seconds at a time. “Oh yeah,” he finally said, and I knew from the rythm change that he was unloading in me. He left a couple minutes later, patting my ass, me still on all fours, wanting to cling to the anonymity of the scene. A second guy was asking to come buy. A burly bear with shaved head and goatee. He asked if I had a load in me, and i said yes. That seemed to push him over the edge and he walked over from his office building up the street. Again I left the door ajar, and was on all fours when he arrived. I love the anticipation of hearing the guy strip, unseen behind me, and then feeling his hands on my ass. This guy started fingering my hole, using the lube from the first guy to ease his fingers inside. `He didn’t wait to slide his cock inside. He was more verbal than the first, asking how his dick felt in my cummyhole. We were both grunting as he pounded my ass, more forcefully than the first guy. He was clearly here to get off. His burly body slammed into my ass over and over, and he finally told me I was getting his load. He unleashed inside, patted my ass, and left a minute later. I was feeling slutty now, and totallly turned on by the anon loads. I went back on BBRTS and chatted a bit more. I decided to post an ad for the hour, and see what happened. Another guy wanted to come by, and I agreed. He was much faster at cumming than the other two, though for me it was really about having my hole used by a third stranger. After he left his load in me, I scrolled through a few messages. One was particularly mysterious and alluring. No face pic, and not much info. His message was simply that he wanted to breed my hole. He appeared to be fairly close. His cock pic was beautiful, and a bit intimidating. It was long and thick looking. He wanted totally anon cumdump scene. Sure, why not at this point? So I gave him the room number. He came in wordlessly. I heard him undo his belt, and push down his pants. He picked up the bottle of lube and I heard it pumping out the slick liquid. While I’d seen pics of the three guys earlier, this guy was a total enigma. He was simply a series of sounds behind me, and then I felt the head of his cock pushing up into my hole. Still, he said nothing. My hole stretched wide, and I yelped. He didn’t seem concerned. His cock pushed my hole open, and I gasped at the size inside me. Long deep strokes were pushing me deeper into the bed, and he was fucking for his own pleasure. I started grunting and groaning, totally turned on by this mysterious fucker. I felt my hole expand and contract around his raw cock as he slipped in and out,His hands moved to my shoulders, and he was pulling me backward and he thrust forward. I couldn’t wait for it. “Fuck yeah! Breed my ass!” Still he pounded me without a word, keeping his strokes long and deep, and all I could do was take it. Without warning he grunted, this thrusts going deep, holding there a moment, and then thrusting deep again. He pushed his weight on me, and thrust over and over again, each one lingering longer inside me. Finally he held himself inside, panting, growling lowly a bit. He stayed there for a couple minutes, and I was just relishing the size of his cock filling me. He slowly pulled out, and I felt my hole cling to his head before releasing it with a wired pop sound. I could feel some of his cum cripple down my balls, pulled out with his cock. His slapped his cock, still hard, against my ass a few times, and wiped it off against my ass cheeks and balls. He dressed wordlessly and then I heard the door close. I was spent after that last fuck. I rolled onto my back and stoked myself slowly, relishing the feeling of the pounding I’d just taken, and thinking about the 4 loads from total strangers that were filling my ass. It’s inspired me to head out and be slutty at one of the sex clubs. Let me know if you enjoyed hearing about my cumdump morning by leaving a message or clicking the blue heart below.
    2 points
  9. Several months ago I began to chat with a young 26 year old Japanese kid, named Miako. He had posted on Craigslist that he wanted to experience his first sex party, while he was going to be visiting Las Vegas. He's closeted with his family and friends in Japan and completely on the DL. He's also only had limited experience as a bottom. But, his fantasy was to host an anonymous sex party, where he was the only bottom, taking all dicks that come into his room. His CL ad also said he wanted to experience his first black cock. I contacted him and told him that I had hosted many such hotel sex parties here in Las Vegas. I told him that I was a bottom, but that I would be happy to help him out with planning the party. And could also act as a fluffer and take pictures if he was interested. We chatted back and forth and he told me he'd love to have me in the room to photograph and fluff. As well as the fact that he'd feel safer with someone else in the room, since strangers would be coming and going. Since he had only advertised this through Craigslist, I helped him out, by putting posts about the sex party on BBRT, M4SexNow.com Squirt and several other websites on his behalf. I was a bit jealous, because since he's a very young, very feminine, good looking young man with some nice pictures in his CL ad, he had gotten a lot of responses to his ad. On Craigslist alone, he had over 25 guys that had said they wanted to come fuck him. The response from black guys was also really admirable. He had about 7 replies from black guys wanting to pound his ass. I had also sent messages to a couple of my black top fuckbuddies and asked them to attend. Unfortunately, he only wanted to be fucked by condom covered cocks. So, since I put that in the party listing on BBRT, it only got about 6 requests. But one those BBRT guys actually showed up. As did 2 of my black buddies. I met Miako at his off strip hotel room about an hour before his party was supposed to start. When he opened the door to his room, I was greeted by a sweet looking, very slight, delicate young Japanese kid of about 5'4" and 125 lbs. His features were very delicate and feminine. He was very sweet and soft spoken, I was worried that he was getting himself in over his head. And was not prepared for what he's set himself up for. I asked him if he was still sure he wanted to do this? He said he was nervous, but was also very excited to try this. I set up the room, setting out some bottles of lube, poppers and condoms that he had purchased. As well as some boxes of tissues and wet wipes. While I set everything out and put duct tape over his door lock, Miako douched and showered. The party was to start at 7pm. At 6:40pm, just as Miako was stepping out of the shower, there was a knock on the door, the door then was pushed open and the first guest arrived. A heavy set, yet muscular guy in his mid 50's walked into the room. He had a blue work shirt and jeans on. The work shirt had the logo of a heating and air conditioning company. He was obviously on his way home from work. Miako was naked and toweling off as he walked into the room. The first guest immediately walked over to Miako and felt his ass. "Mmmm....... This is going to feel good in your sweet, little boy pussy", he said. The guy quickly undid his belt and unzipped. He pulled out a 6", thick, uncut slab of meat. Miako dropped to his knees and took the thick cock into his mouth. I took a bottle of poppers and put them under both Miako and the other guys noses as Miako got the guy hard. Finally the guy told Miako to get on his knees. As Miako knelt on the end of the bed, the guy kicked his shoes off and pulled his pants off. I handed him a condom and the bottle of lube. He put the condom on and lubed up his cock as I slid lube up Miako's hole. This guy took no time ramming up into Miako's tight pussy. Miako let out a soft moan/groan as the thick cock slid up into him. I asked him if he was ok? He asked for the poppers. I put the bottle under his nose as he took some deep drags. Soon he opened up for the guy and the guy gave him a nice, hard fuck. I took a few pics of the guys cock in Miako's hole as they fucked. It was about a 10 minute fuck, before the guy shot his load, pulled out, dressed and left without a word. As soon as the door slammed shut, Miako began to giggle like a little girl. "Ooooh! That was fun!", he laughed. Just then, the door opened and a Latino guy in his late 20's walked in. Miako goes back to his position on his hands and knees on the edge of the bed. He Latino guy walks over to Miako's ass and fingers his hole. He's pulls out his cock. It's already hard. He puts his raw cockhead up to Miako's hole and begins to push in. Miako pulled back. "NO! Condom only!", he shouts, as I open a condom package. "FUCK!", the guy says. "Fuck parties are raw", he barks. "The kid wants a condom, dude. A condom or no fuck", I tell him as I place the condom in his hand. "Shit!", he says as he unrolls a condom onto his hard 7" cock. The guy fucks hard and deep. I can see that Miako is flinching with every thrust. So, I put the poppers under his nose. Soon, he's relaxed into the fuck and is no longer flinching and has eased into the fuck. Even with the condom, the guy seems to be enjoying Miako's tight Asian ass. After 12 or 13 minutes he pulls out and rips the condom off. "Give me your mouth, Fag", he barks. Miako turns and takes the uncut Latino dick into his mouth. The guy fucks Miako's mouth until he's gagging on it. Then he pulls from the mouth and jacks off into Miako's open mouth. As soon as he cums, he quickly pulls up his pants and leaves the room. Miako again breaks into laughter. "Oh, this is fun. It hurts, but it feels good, too. I feel like prostitute", he chuckles. "You're a geisha whore", I laugh. Another 5 minutes pass before the next guy shows up. I scruffy looking guy in his late 50's/early 60's comes in. His face is covered with several days of stubble. His hair is messy and his clothes are wrinkled. He smells of stale cigarettes and stale beer. He's very gruff and intimidating in his appearance. He says nothing as he comes in and quickly strips completely naked. He has a nice body for a guy his age. He looks like he works an active and very physical job. His tan body is covered in a blanket of faded tattoos. Some of them large breasted naked women. The large tattoo on his chest and upper abs is a naked woman, sitting, with her legs spread, showing her pussy. The guy walks up to Miako's ass and slaps his cock against his hole. I walk over and drop to my knees and say, "Let me get you hard". He puts his dick to my lips. His cock tastes salty and funky. He hasn't showered or washed his dick in awhile. The smell is both repulsive and a turn on at the same time. He's masculine and rough. And I want to service him. He quickly hardens in my mouth. Once he's hard, I roll a condom onto him and lube it up. He then puts his cock to Miako's hole and pushes up into him. The guy fucked Miako for close to 20 minutes. While this guy was fucking Miako, two of my black fuck buddies walked into the room. They quickly undressed. Myron climbed onto the bed and fed his bbc to Miako to suck. I dropped to my knees and began to suck Ben's bbc. Once the scruffy guy came and pulled out, Ben condomed up and began to fuck Miako. The scruffy guy dressed and left. Ben and Myron took turns fucking Miako. Ben is well over 8"s when he's fully hard. Miako was doing his best to take it, but he was needing to sniff the poppers almost continually to be able to take Ben's bbc. Myron's cock was just a bit smaller and thinner than Ben's. But, they are both brutal fuckers. They were not showing Miako's inexperienced pussy any mercy. Miako would flinch in both pleasure and pain as he received each brutal thrust from these hung black men. Finally, Ben pulled his cock from Miako and began to jack off. He began to cum and shot his load all over Miako's tight, bubble butt. Then Ben put his cock up to my mouth and I cleaned off the rest of the cum that continued to ooze from his cockhead. Myron then slipped back into Miako's pussy and fuck harder than ever. He was leaning forward and pinching Miako's tits as he ground his cock into the Asian pussy. Myron let out a loud growl and slammed all the way into Miako as he filled the condom with his load. When he pulled out and pulled off the condom, he threw the condom into the corner and I dove for his cock. I cleaned it with my mouth as he softened. My two black buddies dressed as another black guy walked into the room. This guy was a black God! He was at least 6'4", 265lbs and muscled. "Hey, Bros. How's the pussy?", he asked as he began to strip and they were passing him on their way to the door. "Nice and tight", they both said in almost unison, with a chuckle. Myron and Ben had now left and this new guy was quickly naked. He had at least 8"s of thick, uncut and very thick meat hanging down over 2 swollen, giant balls. He was extremely muscular and also covered in tattoos. He walked over to Miako as Miako repositioned himself on the edge of the bed. He had a fearful look on his face. "Suck me, queer boy", the guy grunted. Miako turned and took the guys soft cock into his mouth. The guy was quickly getting hard. Once he was fully hard, he had grabbed Miako around the back of the head and was face fucking him. Miako was gagging and coughing. Soon the guy turned and barked at me. "Suck it, daddy" he growled. "You want some black dick, don't you?" I took some drags from my poppers and dropped to my knees. He fed me his bbc and I did my best to take it down my throat. I also choked on it as he pulled my head down onto his bbc. Then he pulled from my mouth and told Miako to show him his ass. Miako again knelt on the edge of the bed. The black guy put his raw cock up to Miako's hole and was going to push into him raw. "He wants condoms only", I said as I handed him a condom. "FUCK!" he growled as he ripped the condom package from my hands. As he put the magnum sized condom onto his bbc, I lubed up Miako's stretched hole. This guy had swollen to close to 9"s and very thick. His cockhead was also large and mushroomed shaped. Miako poppered up as the guy began to press inside Miako's cunt. Miako was groaning in pain. "UHHH!!! Stop! Wait!", Miako shouted. The black guy took no heed. He continued to press in. Miako was flinching in pain as this big guy was forcing his cock up into Miako's tender pussy. "Shut up and take it, bitch! You wanted black cock. Now shut up and take it like a man", he shouted back. I leaned down to Miako's face. "Are you ok, buddy? Can you take his cock? Do you need to take a break?" Like a little trooper, he his best to take it, but finally he crawled forward and pulled off the guys cock. "I'm sorry", Miako said. "I can't. I can't take it", he said sadly. "FUCK!" the guy grunted as he ripped the condom off and threw it at Miako. Miako looked frightened as he crawled to the head of the king sized bed. I was also a bit worried. The guy was pissed. "Want to fuck me", I asked the black guy? "You can fuck my ass. I can take you", I replied. Without saying anything, he began to reach for another magnum condom. "Raw!", I shout. "You can fuck me raw", I said. "In fact, I'd prefer it raw. If you'll fuck me raw, I can take it, better", I said. Without a word, he squeezed some lube on his raw cock as I quickly undressed. I asked Miako to lube my ass well. I knelt on the edge of the bed and took some deep drags on poppers as Miako liberally lubed my hole and pushed some in. The Black Beast stepped up to me and slapped his bbc on my hole a few times before plunging up into me. I let out a loud gasp as his cockhead slipped up past my sphincter. I continued to sniff on poppers as he began to thrust. Each thrust going deeper into me. Soon I could feel him go up into the second sphincter. I thought my head was going to explode from all the poppers. But I needed to continue to sniff nearly non-stop to take the hard, deep pounding from this bbc that was assaulting my ass. But, within a few minutes, I had relaxed into it and it was feeling awesome. I looked up at Miako, who was staring at this with a look of awe and unbelief on his face. As this Black God was pounding me, a 20 something, athletic young hunk came into the room and quickly stripped. He was soon followed by an early 40's looking guy next door type guy that also came in and quickly stripped. Miako had gotten off the bed and was sucking both their cocks as the black guy rammed my hole. After about 15 minutes of fucking me in every position imaginable, the black guy finally rammed deep into me and let out a loud growl as he emptied his balls into my gut. The black guy pulled out and climbed off the bed as the 40 something guy climbed up and slid his raw cock up into me. While the guy was fucking me, the 20 something guy told Miako that he was going to fuck him. Miako put a condom on the kid and knelt on the bed, next to me, with his ass in the air. The kid lubed up his condom covered cock and began to slide up into Miako's pussy. Miako flinched and pulled off. "I'm sorry", he said. "I'm too sore. I can't take it". Miako apologized. The guy fucking me pulled out and told the kid to "Try this daddy's hole. It's nice, silky and wet". "Pull the condom off", I told the kid. "I'll take you raw". The kid pulled the condom off and slid up into me. For almost 25 minutes the two guys took turns fucking my raw cunt. First the 20 something kid shot his load up there. Then the 40 something guy slid back into me and added his load. I had been so busy taking both those dicks, that I hadn't even noticed that a black kid in his early 20's had come into the room. When I turned around I saw Miako on his knees sucking a long, thin cock of this young, thuggish looking black kid, wearing a hoodie sweatshirt and jeans. Miako wanted to try again to take this black kids cock in his ass, but after just a few minutes, it was clear that he was just too sore. So, I again offered my ass to the kid. I pulled the condom off the kid and got face down, ass up on the edge of the bed as I felt the kid slide his 7", thin cock easily up into my well opened pussy. He was a brutal fucker. He was grabbing me hard around the waist, his right leg up on the bed as he stood behind me and rammed hard and deep into my cunt. About 15 minutes of hard fucking brought load number 4 into my ass. By now, I needed to get home. I started to dress. "You going to take more cock?" I asked Miako. "No. I'm too sore. I have to stop", he says. I finish dressing and pull the duct tape from the door locks. "Did you have fun?", I ask as I'm about to leave the room. "Oh, yes!", Miako says, almost with a squeal of joy to his voice. I leave the room and head down the hallway towards the elevator, I pass a handsome guy in his mid 40's. Just as I push the elevator button, I look back and see the guy knocking on Miako's door. I smile as I step into the elevator. Not knowing if Miako answered the door and let the guy in or not?
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  10. Strangest place for me was bent over a coffin at a funeral parlour
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  11. I am a musician, so I travel a lot and come to all sorts of places to play concerts. I remember a night in Hamburg, when a guy I had chatted with (so he knew what he was dealing for) came to me in the intermission. The curtain of the stage was down, so I fucked him in a corner of the stage. Luckily, we were just finished, when the curtain went up again….
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  12. who's in Phoenix Arizona? Hmu asap let's swap our toxic poz high viral charged up strains.
    2 points
  13. Last night stop by the video store near work after waiting almost an hour and was ready to head home a slightly older looking Latin guy comes in and we smile at each other. He expressed that he's looking to get blown, I was down with we headed to the booths I took a hit of some poppers and got to business. He got super hard and was enjoying but he abruptly pulls out my mouth and bends down and says he wants to fuck my pussy. I pull down my pants bend my ass near the slot take a couple of strong hits just as his dick almost slams in me he spits on his dick to live and jams into my now accepting ass. He starts thrusting fast and faster until he cums in my ass he wipes his dick off zips up and leaves. I clean up and leave
    2 points
  14. [ I tried something different with this chapter. I'm not sure how it turned out, but I'm sure I'll hear about it! ] Part 48 - Flashback The smell of poppers and cum filled the air and the sounds of the chains jangled as the muscled hulk slammed in and grunted as his highly toxic jizz flooded into the sloppy cunt. “Oh yeah, give me that dirty load” Frank yelled back at the guy. He looked up at the top’s body, from his bulging muscles and well defined torso, veins clearly visible on his arms, the biohazard tattoo on his left pec and finally up to his face where the snarl told him “you are so fucked” without a word being spoken. Who knows how many diseases this guy had just pumped into him. Frank knew he had to have him when he saw most of the guys in the bathhouse scurry away as he walked through looking for his next victim. HIV didn’t scare Frank. He had made sure that he had taken many charged loads from his son until he too was infected. He kept taking them afterwards, since he was so turned on by getting fucked and bred by his own son who never seemed to run out of that delicious poz cum. But variety is the spice of life, as they say, and he sought out as many other strains as he could. “How the fuck could I have gotten to this point” he wondered. He had always loved the feeling of being with another guy. It felt completely different than when he had sex with women. Sex with guys was always about the base need to fuck or be fucked. Just animal sex between two guys who knew what men craved from sex. When he got married, he swore off gay sex and was a devoted husband and then father to their son Ric. As Ric got older he sensed that his son was just like him, but maybe even more so. Ric wasn’t as outgoing as Frank and as far as he could tell wasn’t even sexually active. Once Ric turned 18, Frank decided he needed to prod his offspring into finding the joy of sex. First he hired a female escort to show him how to have sex. She seemed willing and even turned on to be his first. She left after only a half hour and told him later his son was “a fag.” Apparently he never got hard and barely made it to first base. After a few weeks of perusing male escorting sites, he came across an ad for a guy that was only a few years older than Ric. The pictures turned him on. He almost hired the guy for himself, since he liked the looks of the muscular jock. The ad oozed confidence and yet didn’t seem too intimidating. He liked the tattoos on the guy and pieced a few pictures together to see that the lower tattoo was of a scorpion. He searched the internet and found out what the symbolism of it was in the gay community these days. It turned him on even more, but he didn’t know why. He had stopped having gay sex when he met his future wife. He had used condoms occasionally up to that point. His whole sex life had been during the AIDS crisis and after. He saw the pictures and they weren’t pretty. He had ignored the issue since it didn’t affect him while he was living a straight life. But now, thinking that his son was probably gay and his wife had stopped having sex with him a few years earlier and told him that their sex life was over, he started thinking that maybe he should return to having sex with men to satisfy his needs. But this was a whole new world to him. Here was someone who was infected with HIV and proud of it enough to have it broadcast to the world with his very permanent ink. He sent off the message explaining the situation and had gotten a prompt reply from the guy, Dave. It seemed weird having a conversation about having sex with a guy as a business transaction and even weirder that he was setting this guy up with his probably virgin son. “If it goes well, I’ll hire him too” thought Frank. He talked several times to Dave about the meeting with his son and each time found himself stroking his cock wanting to change the appointment for himself instead. He got the hotel room as suggested by Dave. It seemed expensive, but Dave told him it was well equipped for a day and night of fun. When he checked in, the guy at the front desk just oozed sex. Frank would have done almost anything to have an hour or two of wild sex with him. The guy looked straight but he had this feeling inside that he wasn’t. He seemed to be just like the guys he had searched out when he was younger. Masculine, bearded, hairy, confident and a burning desire for sex with other men. Ric had been even more exasperated with Frank at meeting another escort after the first, embarrassing session. In the end, Ric did as Frank asked, but Frank knew this was his last chance at anything like this. He left Ric sitting in the hotel room and sat in his car until the meeting time with Dave. Frank was sure he was more nervous than Ric was. Ric seemed to be completely uninterested in meeting someone for sex. Maybe he didn’t want his parents to know that he liked guys more than girls. Frank had hundreds of thoughts going through his mind. He waited and waited. It had been over an hour since the meeting time and he had seen a guy walk into the hotel room right at the time Dave was supposed to be there, but Frank had been too far away to know if it was Dave. No one came out of the room and he was too scared to get close to see if he could hear any noises. He went and got a hotel room on the other side of town near the interstate and a six pack of beer and watched gay porn on his laptop for the rest of the night. Frank woke up early and checked his phone for the thousandth time, making sure that Ric hadn’t called him to pick him up. Frank went down to get the free breakfast offered at the hotel, but wasn’t really hungry. He was even more nervous now. What if something happened to Ric? What if Dave was really a murderer? He loved his son more than anything in the world. How could he have been so reckless and left him in a hotel room with an HIV positive whore for a whole day and night? He had been projecting his own forbidden fantasies on his young son. He even rationalized that HIV wasn’t an issue any more. If Ric was gay he probably would get infected sooner or later and it made sense to get it over with so he didn’t worry like Frank had. They probably used condoms anyway if they had sex he thought then. He looked down at his plate and he had only taken two bites out of the muffin and the apple still sat there without a mark. His coffee was now cold and the cup almost full. He tossed the muffin and plate in the trash, poured the coffee down the sink and took the apple back to his room. He waited and waited. Time seemed to just crawl along until it was finally time to go pick up Ric. Or maybe claim the body. He packed up, checked out and drove back over to the other hotel and parked. There wasn’t any police tape around the door, so maybe everything was OK. Or they hadn’t found the body yet. He tentatively knocked on the door and it took an hour for someone to open it. Or ten seconds, he couldn’t tell which. The door opened just a bit and he heard the guy say “Yes?” Frank said “I know I’m a bit early, but I was kind of anxious to find out if Ric’s ok and if he had a good time.” The door opened the rest of the way and Dave stood there in just a jockstrap and nothing else. Frank felt his cock jolt awake. He looked up and down Dave’s body and he realized that the pictures didn’t do him justice. He was a magnificent human specimen. Tight muscles, not overdone or roided up. A smile that could melt your heart and a nice bulge in his jockstrap that said he could probably fuck you for days. Frank was brought out of his daze when Joe told him “Yeah, I think it went well, but the real judge is Ric. You have a great son there, Frank. You should be proud of him.” Frank nodded and said “Oh, I am. I just want the best for him.” He wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to ask, but he did anyway, trying to be discrete and not let Ric hear. He whispered “Uh…. I gotta ask… Is he really… gay?” Joe smiled back at Frank and replied to him quietly “Oh yeah, he proved that pretty quickly. I hope you’re ok with it and it won’t change how you feel about him.” Frank nodded. He sat there for a few uncomfortable seconds and swallowed hard before asking “And, did you fuck him? And… knock him up?” He saw a confused look on Dave’s face and knew that while they hadn’t discussed HIV status before the meeting, he was bringing it up now. Joe replied “Yeah, we both fucked each other.” Frank explained “I saw your tattoo in the pictures. One of the reasons I chose you was that I’m guessing you are poz and I wanted Ric to get it out of the way and not have to worry about becoming poz. It’s going to happen sometime if he’s gay, right?” Frank saw the surprise in Dave’s face and he then got very serious saying “It doesn’t have to happen. There’s ways to prevent it. Condoms, prep, being careful with who you fuck.” Frank realized that he had indeed projected his desires on his son. He tried to rationalize it by telling Dave “Yeah, but its easier to just get it over with and he can now do everything without worry.” Before Dave could reply and continue the awkward conversation Ric walked out of the bathroom. Frank looked at his son and couldn’t believe his eyes. His son was no longer the awkward, nerdy kid with the messy hair and the scraggly beard. He could tell it was Ric, but just barely. The clothes he was wearing fit tight and showed off his young body. Ric wasn’t muscled like Dave but the tight shirt let everyone know he was a lean sexy guy. The jeans were cut low and showed off both his bulge and his ass. Frank had never thought his son was hot, but that now changed. Frank blurted out “Oh my god.” He paused and then said “I didn’t expect you to do anything but talk and maybe have some fun.” Frank heard his son’s voice ask him “You like it dad?” Frank nodded his head and said “You look so handsome. Sexy even.” Frank saw his son smile and he realized that any concerns he had about Ric were now gone. Dave then revealed how he had wanted Ric to get pozzed and he was embarrassed that he would do something like that, but Ric seemed to be ok with it. More than OK, since Ric suggested that he get fucked by Dave too. He was shocked, surprised and turned on all at the same time. Ric encouraged him, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to have his son watch him get fucked. Suddenly he found himself in a position he hadn’t been in in a very long time - on his knees in front of another man. He didn’t really know how he got in that position, but it was just like he had dreamed the night before. He sucked his first cock in a very long time and enjoyed every second of it. When he saw his son get aroused watching him suck cock he was shocked. He couldn’t believe how well endowed his son was and then felt disgusted that he wanted to suck his own son’s cock. But disgust turned to lust and he wanted to suck that long, thick shaft. He kept becoming more of a sex pig when he stood there on his knees sucking both cocks, back and forth. Then he found himself kneeling on the bed. He felt Dave’s pierced cock push into his tight ass and all those memories of taking dick decades earlier came back to him. He knew then that he wasn’t going to deprive himself of the pleasures of getting fucked by another man. He remembered getting spit-roasted by Dave and his son and how great it felt. He was jolted back to the present when he felt a guy slam into his ass and grunt “you’re pozzed now, whore” and pull out. He looked up and it wasn’t the muscled guy, but an older black guy with gray in his beard and a large belly. It was only seconds and another guy shoved his cock into Frank’s cum filled hole. He remembered when he was back in the hotel room with Ric and Dave and Dave had leaned over and whispered in his ear “Yeah, I’m poz and not on meds so I’m really toxic. I knocked your son up and now its your turn. You can convert together.” He couldn’t believe how hearing those words turned him on. What he had tried to avoid his whole life was now happening and his cock began to shoot cum all over the bed. Hearing his son tell Dave to breed him caused him to begin shooting his load again. HIs ass spasmed and milked the poz cum out of Dave and into his guts. Frank didn’t think it could get any hotter than that until he heard Dave tell Ric to fuck him. He felt his son’s cock drive deep into his hole, but couldn’t feel his son’s body against his ass. Ric started thrusting in harder and harder and Frank couldn’t remember ever having a cock that deep inside him. And then there was the pain as Ric drove in even further. His cock just kept going in and hitting a wall inside him until he broke through. The pain went back to pleasure after a while but it ended way too soon when he felt his son cum inside him. He wanted more. He needed more. But thats all he got that day. He remembered sneaking into Ric’s room late one night after Ric had been sick and begging him to fuck him. He knew that he might have not gotten infected from Dave and now that he knew his son was poz he wanted Ric to make sure he got pozzed too. Ric had fucked him a lot - almost daily for a few weeks until he got sick too and Ric told him to go to the clinic and get tested. Frank remembered that was when he became a total pig. He volunteered for business trips so he could go to other cities and fuck or get fucked by random guys he would pick up. If the city had a bathhouse, he was there after taking care of work. Sometimes he would pick up other guys on business and fuck them in the room or get fucked. It was always bare. If the guy wanted a condom then he wasn’t interested. He loved it when a guy would ask his status after he had bred them. He always said “I’m not sure but probably neg” claiming that he rarely barebacks. And thats how he ended up here, laying in a sling with guy after guy shooting their charged spunk deep inside his poz cunt. He had put an ad up looking for toxic tops to breed him at the bathhouse and more than a few showed up. He looked up at the guy currently fucking him who was probably in his late sixties with all the signs of wasting. “Yeah, I knew when you let Bobby fuck you, you’d take any load. If you’re not already poz, you will be after all these toxic loads soak into you” the guy said as he grunted and Frank felt yet another bugged load pump inside him. When the guy left, Frank got out of the sling and wandered around trying to find some hopefully neg bottom to breed but they seemed to run away when they saw him coming, knowing that he was a poz cumdump looking to leave his mark on someone. Frank headed back to the hotel and started looking online for someone to tag. He shoved a plug in to hold the loads in his ass and then opened his computer. His search was always the same - neg or not sure bottom or vers guys, either not caring about his status, not asking, or looking for poz cum. He never failed at finding at least one guy every time and was sure he was leaving a trail of newly poz guys all around the country. He tried a different site and there he was: BB bottom, 26 wm, 5ft6, 128lbs, shaved body, neg, recently tested, blindfolded, send pic in 1st msg He sent off a cock pic and a pic with his head cut off and waited for the reply. It came quicker than most and after two more messages, he was off to meet the guy. He walked into the guy’s apartment and heard “Hi daddy. I’m in the bedroom. Are you ready to fuck your boy?” He followed the voice and turned the corner to see a guy matching the description on his knees with his ass up and a hood over his head. “No blowjob, I guess” Frank thought and he took his clothes off, leaving them in a pile on the floor. He tongue fucked the guy and heard him moan. He finger fucked the guy more roughly and the moans became groans. After he worked three fingers in the guy, he stood behind and shoved his cock in. At first it was only a quarter of the way in, but past the outer ring and he felt the guy shake and quiver at the invasion. “You want daddy’s cock all the way inside you?” he asked. “Yes, daddy, please fuck and breed your boy” the bottom said without hesitation. Frank thought it was weird. Every time he would fuck one of these younger guys they would call him daddy, but he never would fuck his own son. He was a poz bottom bitch for his son, and he didn’t want that to ever change. He loved every time his son fucked him and always left with a large poz load inside him. These guys were different. They wanted a bare fuck and he would give it to them along with a fully charged load of cum. The guy he was fucking now was just like them, but maybe a slightly better bottom. The guy worked his ass around Frank’s cock, trying to get Frank to shoot his load in. Frank wanted this fuck to last a bit longer and he stretched it out almost 10 minutes more before he buried his cock inside the boy’s hole and felt his balls pump another load of virus filled cum into the guy. “Thank you daddy” the guy yelled out as his cum shot out. Frank pulled his cock out and wiped it on the sheets and got dressed, his cock sated for a few more hours. He walked out of the apartment, got in his car and drove back to the hotel. Another successful business trip in the books.
    2 points
  15. Part 3 I woke up some time later in a place I did not recognize. Mostly because i couldn't see anything, my entire face was covered and I could barely breath, it felt like my access to oxygen was being restricted through a hose. I started to move and that's when I realized I was completely shackled to something swinging and I could not move. That's when I heard his voice. "Good you're awake, I've been waiting for you to come to. I've got a lot of fun plans for you. I know you've been catfishing and I know your secret desires to be a fuck hole faggot. Now I just need to train you. I've taken the liberty of going through your phone, I texted your boss saying you've had to leave for a family emergency and that you won't be back for some time. She isn't expecting you for at least a month but we can extend that further when the time comes. Your family thinks that you just need some alone time so they won't be looking for you either." At this point I started to panic regretting everything I had done. I tried to break free but then I felt a punch to my guy. "Stop trying to break free faggot. You won't be able to and the sooner you realize that the better for you." He then placed some headphones on my ears and I heard his deep voice saying "you live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master, you are a faggot" on repeat and then I smelt the acrid smell of poppers. He must have screwed them into the mask I was wearing because the smell was overpowering. I was left there for hours listening to the voice repeating those four phrases over and over and the poppers making my head swim. I couldn't make sense of where I was or what was happening. Just the gentle swing of my body back and forth and the drool running down my cheeks. Then I felt the headphones removed and I came to. I heard his voice say, "how are you faggot?" I just moaned incomprehensibly. He then put the headphones back on and I felt him walk away. I passed out shortly there after. I woke up some time later to myself on a bed, or I guess what I now call my bed, really it's just a sheet on the bottom of a cage that is 4x3ft. I had a collar on, my head had been shaved, my dick was in a plastic cage and I had a terrible burning sensation on my ass. I looked down to my ass to see a new tattoo. It said "no load refused" then he came down the stairs and walked over to me. Without a word he reached into my cage and attached a metal chain to my dick cage, unlocked the door to my bed caged and pulled as hard as he could on the chain. I screamed out in pain to which he quickly turned around and back handed me "You will never make a sound again unless given permission" and then walked me over to a shower and turned it on. He cleaned me out with out saying a word, and then brought me back to the sling in the middle of the room. I then saw what he had put on me the day before. It was a gas mask with a hose attached, and the bottom of the hose had rivets in it. He put the mask back on me and directed me into the sling. He then put the headphones back on and screwed in a bottle of poppers to the hose. I was lost again within minutes. However this time I felt something different, he started to probe by ass with his fingers, pulling my hole apart and stretching it. It was very pliable on account of the poppers and loosened up very quickly. He then took off the blinders on the mask and the headphones. He then showed me his cock. It had about 15 piercings on it of varying sizes and he then leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I am about to make you something very special" I screamed into the mask as he put the blinders back on and the headphones. I then felt the cold tip of metal against my hole.
    2 points
  16. Part 2 Rob awoke refreshed but horny. His throbbing morning wood reminded him it would need some attention soon. First however, he needed to hit the gym and pump up. That extra testosterone would make him even more horny and ready to fuck, but based on the action he got last night he was confident it would be no problem to get some release later in the day. The hotel gym was small but adequate for a quick workout to pump up his muscles and clear his head. There was only one other person in the gym, some middle age business type. Rob knew the type as soon as he saw the wedding ring on his finger and the frequent stares at him as he worked his pecs on the machine. “Geez these married guys, they are so obvious about wanting my cock they can’t even stare discreetly”. Well time for a show; Rob stood up and casually gripped his crotch and rubbed it allowing the big outline of his cock to show thru the thin gym shorts. Rob thought the guy’s eyeballs would pop out of his head and was sure he saw a trace of drool as “Mr. Married Businessman’s” jaw dropped. Maybe some other time thought Rob, I’m sure I can do much better. He grabbed his towel and left the gym to go back to his room and shower. After his shower, Rob checked his phone and had several message from the various hookup apps. He had forgotten he had posted a travel ad to both A4A and BBRT. He quickly scanned the responses; they were the usual quick messages indicating they’d love to play while he was in town. Funny there was one response on BBRT from a cocksucker that said he so enjoyed sucking out his load in the bathroom of Rawhide and he love to do it again. Rob did not recognize the guy from his posted pics at all, but then again he only saw most of his cocksuckers last night from the top of their heads slurping down his cock. Rob quickly replied; ”Sure, see you later this weekend, I’ll look for you on your knees”. He was about to log off his phone when he got a message notification, this one from A4A. It was another New Orleans tourist looking for some fun. The profile wasn’t bad, the guy was 25, masculine looking and according to his location he was close. Rob responded asking him to unlock his private photos as he unlocked his own private pics of his hard cock. “Nice bubble ass!”. Rob could almost feel the guy blush. The guy’s name was Matt and he was visiting from Texas, his profile said he was a versatile top and only played safe but Rob knew he could get the guy to rethink that. Soon they had arranged to meet face to face at the bar OZ a short distance from them both. “We can just grab a drink and get to know each other “ Matt implied. Rob thought “Yeah right, the only thing that I’m going to get to know is the inside of your tight ass with my raw cock”. It was going to be a hot humid day in New Orleans so no need for any underwear; he threw on a pair of well-fitting cargo shorts, a revealing white tank and a pair of flip flops. He was out the door in 5 minutes and on his way to Oz. Matt matched his profile pics well so when he walked up to Rob he knew immediately who is was. He was possibly a bit shorter than the 5’9” his profile professed but with a little bubble ass like that it didn’t matter. Matt clearly took care of his body but he wasn’t a muscle stud like Rob. Now was the part of the chase that Rob hated, the small talk and pleasantries before they could get down to action. “Do you wanna party and flip fuck” Matt finally quietly asked. “Sounds good what you got to play with?” replied Rob. “I have some Molly with me if you want to sneak into the bathroom, then we can head to my hotel and play”. So off to the bathroom they went. Matt handed Rob a pill and then swallowed one himself with a quick chug of water. Rob took the pill and with a small slight of hand acted like he swallowed it but actually pocketed the pill for later. He figured it could be useful at a later time. By the time they got to Matt’s hotel, Rob could tell from his eyes that Matt was starting to fly. Once in the room Matt had definitely lost his shyness and quickly stripped and was fondling Rob’s ass and cock. As Rob stripped he pushed Matt to the bed and stuck his cock into Matt’s awaiting mouth. He wasn’t a bad cocksucker but he needs to take it deeper thought Rob. He then started forcing his fat cock farther down Matt’s throat.. He gagged but Rob was persistent, he did want to pace himself though and save his load for that bubble ass. When Matt finally came up for air he said “Suck my cock too, let’s 69”. Rob begrudgingly wet his hand and stroked Matt’s cock. It was a decent cock, about 7” although not very thick. “Hey buddy, why don’t do a shot of tequila from that bottle you have over there and really get down and dirty?”. Rob nodded in agreement so Rob removed his shorts from around his ankles and went to pour some shots into a couple of cups. For Matt’s shot though he had an extra surprise, the other Molly tablet. Using the tequila bottle he quickly crushed the pill and while blocking Matt’s view by giving him a view of his clenched ass, he swept the drug into a cup and added tequila. He poured himself a shot as well. “Bottom’s up!” grinned Rob. Rob then straddled Matt and placed his ass in his face. “Get my hole ready buddy – start licking”. Wow, the tongue eating his hole felt so great he was dazed for a moment but then moved his hand to his prize, he needed to feel that tight puckered pink hole that was ripe for the taking. He slid his finger in and Matt let out a slight yelp. “There’s lube and condoms in the nightstand drawer”. There was no way he was going to use a condom but a little lube would be useful. As Rob roughly worked 3 fingers into Matt’s ass he shifted and pushed his cock back into Matt’s mouth. It was almost show time. Rob could tell by the mouth on his cock that Matt was really flying and almost completely out of it by this time. SUCCESS!. Rob flipped Matt on his stomach and propped his ass up with a pillow and spread his legs to give him full and easy access to his hole. “Condom” Matt whined. “Of course buddy” Rob reached grabbed a condom and ripped it open. He dropped the open wrapper next to Matt’s face so he could see it and paused a moment rubbing the condom between his finger to make it sound like he was actually rolling it on his cock. On second thought, he did ask nicely so maybe I should give him a condom fuck Rob thought with an evil grin, so he barely put the condom on the tip of his fat mushroom cockhead and with that pushed the head into Matt’s awaiting ass. Even in Matt’s drugged state, that cock felt like it was splitting him open. He cried out at the invasion, “More lube, pull it out!”. “You’re a noisy little bottom slut aren’t you? You need to keep it down a little” Rob said as he shoved Matt’s underwear into his open mouth and placed a pillow over his head. “There that’s better”. He then pulled out his cock. Magically the condom was gone, lodged somewhere just inside Matt’s ass. He spit on the open hole in front of him and then again on his cock. “There’s your extra lube” he sarcastically said as he thrust the entire 8” ball’s deep into Matt’s ass. Matt bucked violently but he was no match for Rob’s strength that was pinning him down and soon he was quietly moaning as Rob deep fucked his hole. This guy’s ass was sweet, he loved how it gripped his cock and the sound of his balls slapping against the pale white cheeks was like music to his ears. Thirty minutes later he felt his balls churn and he shot a load deep in Matt’s ass. As he pulled out Matt actually felt empty and could feel the air conditioned hotel air rush in to his stretched abused hole. Rob could see Matt was still conscious by the way he wiggled his ass. It was almost like he was begging for round two. Matt’s ass looked a bit loose from the pounding it just took, but Rob thought “What the hell, my cock is hard again so might as well take advantage, this slut needs to learn he was meant to be a bottom”. So with that thought he fucked Matt in every position possible for another hour and gave him 2 additional loads then jumped in the shower to clean up. Matt rolled on his side and reached back to feel and finger his abused hole. A look of horror showed in his eyes as he realized it was gaping and that there was a mixture of cum and blood leaking out of it. As Rob went to leave he saw Matt’s dazed look and simply said “Don’t worry buddy, that really is Neg cum, I only Top. This will give you something to think about when you play next time now that you’ve realized what a pussy boy bottom you are”. “Oh and at some point in time you will probably find that condom, it's lodged deep in your ass somewhere, enjoy the rest of your vacation” With that Rob walked out the door.
    2 points
  17. The New Owner Part 1 I had moved to the city about two years ago and into a nice duplex. I was now 21, 5' 10", 165#, blond hair, fit and never had trouble getting a date or getting laid whenever I wanted to. The girls went nuts for me and my nice cut 7" cock helped some too. I had a good job and prospects to move upward in the company. My name was Jim. Then the duplex was sold. The new owner moved into the other half of the duplex. He was, I found out, 40, 6', 195#, brown hair and seemed to be very fit and his name was Hank. I was to find out later on that he also was well endowed with a 9" cut fat cock. His moving in did not change the rent, just made it easier to pay since he was just 'next door'. For the next couple of months nothing seemed any different and all went about like normal. Then one Friday night, as I was leaving to go out, I met him coming home with a friend. Hank introduced me to his friend, name of Tom. We talked for a few minutes, about nothing in particular and then I left. For a Friday night, the scene was really dead for some reason and for the first time in quite a while I came home earlier than normal, about 11pm and alone. I made casual notice that the lights were on in my landlords place but really didn't pay any more attention than that. I sat down to watch some TV but there wasn't much on there either. By midnight, I decided I was tired and headed to bed. My bedroom shared a wall with the other half of the duplex. I had just settled down when I could hear sounds coming through the wall. I guess I had never paid any attention to that before. I was kind of curious and got up and put my head closer to the wall as the sounds didn't seem to be a TV. I was startled to hear what seemed to be moans of pleasure. Then I heard a definitely male voice, Tom?, saying how good that felt. "Keep fucking me good." Then I heard Hank saying, "Yeah, your hole feels so good, I love fucking your ass, and I am going to fill you full of my cum." My mind went round and round, as I realized my new landlord must be gay and I didn't know it before. What a mind blower that was. I had really never known anyone gay before, that I knew of anyway. I listened some more and heard Hank saying, "Are you ready? I am going to cum and fill you full. Here it comes." I heard him growl then and knew he must .be cumming and then heard Tom say, "OMG, I am cumming too. Keep pounding my hole. It feels wonderful." Then Hank was telling him that he was such a good cumdump and hoped he would enjoy his gift and Tom saying he had waited too long for it and was enjoying it to the max. I had no idea what that last bit had been about but they apparently were done for the night as I heard no more sounds then and turned in for the night myself.
    1 point
  18. It was a long day at the office, patient after patient, with very little time to eat let alone time to go to the bathroom. Before heading home, I sat at my computer and posted on Craigslist, I need the release tonight. Masc top – 45 Masculine top here HWP in search of a bubble butt bottom into kissing, getting rimmed and fucked. DDF tested at the beginning of the month. Prefer 20-30yrs hwp as well. I take care of myself you should too. Then I submitted a picture of my 7.5 inch uncut thick Latin cock. I could really use the release, business has been booming and that’s great but I want to travel, and meet guys. I drove home, and forgot about the post so I wouldn’t be disappointed by a lack of interest in the post. My roommate was gone for a couple weeks on business I could go home and spend my night naked, watch porn on the big screen and cook myself a good meal without any interference. No matter what it will be a good night. A few hours later I hear my phone go off with the email sound, my cock twitched in excitement. When I opened the email, there was a picture of an athletic, tone, young bubble butt bottom. He wrote his stats, 6’2 185lb with a 6.5 inch cut cock. He knew he was clean and double checked my stats because he has a girlfriend that doesn’t know and it need to stay that way. I couldn’t believe it, I would get to fuck a “straight” sexy bottom tonight. My cock was instantly rock hard, “the code is 002 I’m on the second floor of the building, door will be unlocked. I can’t wait to have some fun! I can show you my last results, we can play safe though if you want. See you at 8pm!” I wrote in reply. I took a nice hot shower and laid in bed, still rock hard with anticipation of fucking this hopefully great ass. It felt like forever, but I heard my apartment door open and shut, and the shadow of my hookup entering my room. Dressed in a plain white undershirt and sweat pants, the picture he sent didn’t do him justice. He didn’t waste any time either, while walking over to the bed he took off his shirt and slid down his sweatpants, the dim lights showed off every line, and curve of his athletic body. He got in bed crawling up to meet me, I grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was an amazing kisser for being “straight” I didn’t think he’d be as into it as he was. My hands roamed his body, his ass was firm, strong and big for a white boy. My fingers played with his puckered hole, “I want to eat your ass”, I said pulling his hips up towards my face, “suck my cock.” He did as he was told, this is where his straightness showed, his mouth was warm and soft but he wasn’t the greatest cocksucker. His ass though, his ass was smooth, tasted so delicious. He cleaned up well, not even a lingering taste of soap. His ass began to open up for my tongue, I pushed my spit deeper with my finger as he deep throated my cock as best he could. I turned him around and sat him down on my wet cock, sliding it between his beautiful ass cheeks. We continued to make out, tongues darting back and forth, when he surprised me by grabbing my cock and lining it up to his tight hole, pushing down onto it slowly. With spit as lube the entry was slow, he pulled up and I licked my hand to put more lube on my cock. He sat down and this time, I slid most of the way in and it felt incredible. He sat up, slowly lifting and dropping down onto my cock eyes closed head up towards the ceiling, he was enjoying it a lot. I ran my hands up his sexy abs to his shoulders and pulled him back down for his delicious mouth. I couldn’t take it much longer, I fucked his ass while kissing him for probably a minute or two longer before pushing him down all the way on my cock and cumming deep into his amazing ass. “Oh my God, you have the perfect ass” I said to him as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth drunk on the cum deep in his ass. “Thank you” he said shyly as he got up, my still rock hard cock leaving his ass with a *pop*. He was clearly nervous as he crept back towards his clothes and left. I wanted his ass again, I want his mouth again. Why do the hot ones have to be straight? I thought to myself as I jacked off to the thought of him. I sent him an email the next mornin, “Thank you for last night, but you left me still hard and wanting your ass, let me know when you can come back for more!” Surprisingly I got a reply within the hour, “Sorry I left in such a hurry, I’m still pretty new to all of this, it felt great though, I think your cum is still inside my ass. Kind of makes me horny all over again.” “that’s hot, keep it in there as long as you can or come back for more. How’s tonight?” My cock now rock hard at the office. I day dreamed all day of what I wanted to do with him. Bringing him to the office and fucking him over one of the dental cleaning chairs, meeting him at his house and fucking him in his bed, and taking him on a vacation away from his girlfriend. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. By the end of the day I had not heard back, I hope I didn’t scare him off. I got home, and while in the shower heard my phone go off. I left the shower running, and went to my phone I hope it says “on my way over”. It didn’t but I enjoyed this email even more. “I cant come over tonight, and weekends are tough, that’s when I see my girlfriend. Next week I’m watching a family friends house, and she can’t stay over if you want to come by a couple times. Maybe play some fantasies I’ve had but never tried.” I replied, “Yes, tell me them.” Hours later he sent me the most exciting email I’ve ever received. “Ok I’m super nervous about a lot of this but… One fantasy is to have my drink drugged and be used all night, with or without video. But to wake up knowing someone used me as their cumrag, sore and full of cum. Btw I’m game to try anything at least once. I want my hole opened up, I love the idea of someone pissing into it, either as an enema or just to fill me up. I have never cum from someone fucking me but I know its possible, I’ve told myself when I’ve been really horny that if I were to accomplish that, that I would consider it a sign I’m truly meant to be gay, to take cocks. Lastly, I like the idea of there being some secret thing I wear, have on my body that claims me as theirs. Other than these I love the idea of gangbangs, 3somes, exhibition, chastity, CBT, golden showers from groups, being abused and dominated, sometimes at my horniest even outed, and scat. I emailed him back “We will have some fun next week, I will come over every night that you can have me. One of those nights you will be drugged and I will use you all night, I will try to fist you, you will drink my piss when I ask, and who knows maybe I’ll call a friend or two. You have the most perfect ass, and I think its meant to take cocks, I will make you gay” “Yes Sir” “Address, phone number, and your work schedule please. I will text you before I come over each night.” I immediately started preparing for the next week, I went to a sex shop and bought restraints, cock rings, poppers and toys in different sizes. I want him to wear a jock strap, I picked up a Diesel, Andrew Christian and Addicted brand straps. I called in and got myself some Xanax from the pharmacy, and some other things for a good cocktail in case. I really do think I could make him gay, and I hope that he becomes mine when he realizes it. Monday took forever to come but I text him at 7pm, “can I come over?” “Yes, I need to clean up though” “See you within the hour”, I said, my cock already pressing into my jeans. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door, I didn’t want to walk into the wrong one. The boy opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and a t-shirt. “Here, go put this on and come to the door to let me in the proper way.” I said handing him one of the jockstraps. I shut the door, and he went off to change. I knocked again, he answered the door in just the jockstrap, but didn’t open the door all the way. He looked so hot, this boy will be mine. I pushed the door wide open, “Aren’t you going to kiss your gay lover hello?” He sheepishly stepped forward, and I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss which he gratefully returned. I spun us around so his ass faced the street, it wasn’t a busy neighborhood but I knew it would scare him and drive him wild. I broke the kiss, “my bag is in my car in the driveway, go get it.” And I shut the door, making sure to lock the deadbolt loudly so he knows there’s only one way back in. I went to the kitchen and started to make us a drink, and he was back at the door knocking. I walked slowly back to the door, and asked who it was as I looked through the hole in the door. “Its Trevor!” he said nervously. “Not remembering, how do I know you?” egging him on. “Sir can you let me in?” he said desperately. I opened the door a crack, “You got the wrong bag, and you will answer, ‘I’m your gay bottom’ if you want to be let back in when you get back. I went back to make him a special drink, piss, gin and tonic with a little treat for him. *Knock, Knock, Knock* But I had to finish making the drinks. It was hard to stop the flow of piss, but I wanted him to have the rest from the tap. *Knock, Knock, Knock* “Who is it?” I yelled from the kitchen this time. He hesitated, and I heard something softly said through the door, “who is it?” I repeated. “It’s your gay bottom!” he rushed and said just loud enough. I walked back to the door, he had the correct bag this time. “Good boy, thanks for grabbing my bag. I made us a drink, lets go chat. Yours is a piss gin and tonic. I’m drinking beer.” He seemed to like that, and I followed his perfect ass into the kitchen. We talked for 45 minutes, and I learned a lot about my future boy. “you need another drink, follow me” I said. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the bathroom, “On your knees, urinal.” He quickly got onto his knees, his hard cock stretching the jock strap. I whipped out my cock and put it in his face, “put your lips around my cock, but no tongue, you will swallow everything I give you tonight” His soft lips surrounded the head of my cock, and I let my stream go, I could hear him gulping. It took every ounce of focus I had to not get hard and stop my flow of piss. He swallowed the last of my piss, I grabbed his face, kissed him deep, and spit into his mouth. “Good boy, lets head to the bedroom.” He got up and stumbled, the Xanax must be kicking in finally I thought. We go into the room and I pushed him onto the bed, “on your elbows and knees, I’m going to eat your ass” I said. He was quiet but by his squirming I knew he was enjoying my tongue, I would stop every once in a while and suck his cock a little to keep him on edge. “What do you want?” I asked. “Your cock” “where do you want my cock?” “I want you to fuck my ass” “I will fuck you good tonight, slut” “Thank you Sir”, he answered as I sprayed a towel with Maximum Impact and pushed it to his face. “Deep breaths slut, these are called poppers, you’re going to like these.” I commanded. Sure enough his hole started to visibly loosen up, and this scared “straight” boy was now ready for the fucking of his life. He moaned as my cock entered his ass, I fucked him deep and slow, he took every inch of it. His ass was meant for cock, I’d make him realize it. He was moaning up a storm as I flipped him back and forth from his stomach to his back fucking him fast and rough, I would slow down and whisper things in his ear, knowing he wouldn’t respond much but hopefully it sticks in his mind. “You will be my boyfriend, we will travel and I’ll fuck you every day while we are gone, you take cock so well, you probably take cock better than you give it, your cock is mine, your hole is mine, I wish I could make your pregnant”. I repeated over and over. He answered at last, “fuck me until I’m pregnant.” That’s when it struck me, I knew how to make him mine forever.
    1 point
  19. The Graduate Assistant This is a completely fictional story. It has no basis on reality what so ever. It was a sunny August afternoon at a Midwest midsize university and Matt is pulling on to campus to start a new chapter in life as a graduate student and a graduate assistant. As he is half listening to the gps give him directions to his new apartment, he is checking out the campus, its buildings, scenery, and the people walking around. He pulled up to his new apartment building, well new to him. The building was built in the early 1900’s, while it is old it is still in decent shape, a real diamond in the ruff. The detail and beauty of the architecture is what sold Matt on the building, that and the location right off campus and low price. He was renting a one bedroom one bathroom apartment on the top floor; it had a great view of the campus. Like the building the apartment was rough but he liked it. He spent the next few hours with help from his parents, which pulled with the moving truck a few minutes after him, unloading and moving his stuff into the new place. After moving in, Matt and his parents went out to a local restaurant for some dinner. The food was good and the conversation fun, Matt would be sad to see them go, but he was ready for this new experience. Around 7 they finished up their dinner, said the goodbyes, and parted ways. Once Matt got home he started to unpack, straighten out the apartment, etc. He needed to get the bulk of the unpacking done that first night because he had to start his orientation and job duties the next day. It took him till almost 11 to get things done. He was tired from the long day and unpacking but he was not able to sleep. He was to excited to sleep. He figured a good workout would help him sleep. He got his gym bag packed and drove to the student recreation center/gym. Matt was a pretty fit and pretty good-looking guy. He was 6’0 tall, 170 lbs, had a four pack, good pecks, broad shoulders, and a nice tan. He had deep blue eyes, sandy brown hair, and wore glasses. He was the cute nerd type and had never really had problems getting a date. To keep his body in that shape he worked out 5 days a week and jogged every day. The thing about working out was that it always made him horny. It was late and the gym was pretty deserted. He worked out for about and hour then headed to the locker room to shower. As he was stripping his wet gym shorts off when a man a few years older then Matt, who had just turned 23 a few months earlier, walked out of the sauna in just a towel. They did the obligatory head nob as they passed each other. Matt checked the guy out as they passed. The mystery guy was in good shape. He was slightly taller then Matt, had more muscle tone and bulk, had red hair, green eyes, and a nice bump in the front of his towel. Matt got into the shower room, which was laid out with 6 circular shower poles, each with 4 heads. All of them were empty so Matt just grabbed the nearest one. As he started to soap up the mystery man walked in naked and started to use the shower across from Matt. As the he turned on the shower he introduced himself to Matt. “Hi, I am Adam, how was your workout?” “Hey, Matt here. It was a pretty good workout. Felt good to stretch and move after a long day of unpacking. How was your steam?” “It was good, I always enjoy a good steam after a hard workout. I saw you checking me out, so you into guys?” Matt fought to keep his mouth from dropping, and he was at a loss of what to say. He never met anyone so forward in his life. He now noticed that Adam was slowly stroking his cock and it was semi-hard, and he was already 6 inches long. Finally Adam stopped the silence, “ I can tell you do, you are sporting some major wood there man.” As Adam was saying this he moved from his showerhead to the one next to Matt. As he came up to him he reached down and grabbed Matt’s 7.5 in cut cock and started to stroke it. As Matt was about to say something Adam started to French kiss him and rub their bodies together. Adam’s cock was at full mass now and was at least 9 in long, uncut, and thick. Matt broke the kiss and said, “Wow this is great but wont we get caught?” “Don’t worry, no one every is in here this late and if some one does come in I am sure they will enjoy the show.” Adam whispered as he licked Matt’s neck and bit on his ear. He pinched Adam’s nipples and ran his hand up and down his cock and balls. Adam lowered himself to his knees and started to lick up and down Matt’s shaft and balls, then took his head in his mouth. He slowly took Matt’s shaft in his mouth till he was balls deep and proceeded to give Matt the best blowjob he had every had. Adam must have been a mind reader because as Matt was getting close he stopped the blowjob and came up to kiss him. As they made out Adam asked, “Do you want to fuck my ass?” Matt could think of nothing better then fucking a tight ass right now. He moaned as Adam took his nipple in his mouth. Adam took the moan as a yes to his question and turned around and positioned Matt’s cock head at his hole. He started to slowly inch Matt’s cock into his ass. Matt responded by slowly starting to move his hips back and forth, and then started to pick up speed. Matt started to pound harder as he kissed Adam’s neck and ear. Adam bent over holding onto the shower pole and arch his back as Matt really started to pound away at his ass. Matt varied his strokes. Long and hard, deep and slow, shallow and swift, all the way out then a fast plunge balls deep. All the while both men were moaning and talking dirty to one another. It was a wonder the front desk clerk didn’t hear and come and break it up. Matt had always had great stamina, but after about 20 minutes of pounding he had to warn that he was close, “Man I am about to cum.” As Matt was about to pull out Adam reached back and grabbed his ass and pulled him back into him. That final plunge was the last straw; Matt blew his load deep in Adam’s ass. Adam felt Matt’s cock grow and spasm. Then the warm tingle of cum came in his ass. He had been stroking the whole time he was getting pounded and the feel of Matt reaching his climax made him shoot his load all over the tile floor. It felt so great for both of them. Adam pulled off Matt’s softening cock. He turned around gave Matt a kiss and thanked him. He did a quick rinse and walked out of the shower. Matt was kind of shocked, but happy. He finished his shower and walked to the lockers. He was the only one in the locker room. No sign of Adam anywhere. He looked for him as he walked to his car but no sign. He hoped to run into Adam again and maybe get a number. It was a top ten fuck for him, he defiantly wanted another time with him. He got home in a few minutes, walked to his apartment, went straight to his room, stripped, set the alarm for 7 am and fell into bed. He was asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.
    1 point
  20. Visiting Master Jerry Cumdump....coming to LA 4/12 to 4/15. Taking loads all night Friday, April 13th at the Economy Inn, 5308 West Sunset Boulevard. NO LOAD REFUSED.
    1 point
  21. I had been working with this guy for quite some time. We had both identified each other as gay, and truth be told, I thought he was drop-dead cute. Not only was he cute, he was younger and shorter than was I, and his hair was a dark ginger color, cut short at the back and sides and brushed to the side, floppy on top - just like I like it. You may know from earlier stories that I have a thing for guys with nice hair, its not so much the colour as the style and a texture. This guy's hair was thick and I imagined it was going to feel great. We had always got on well and when we were alone had a few chats about his boyfriend, who lived a long way away at a different university and they only got to see each other during the holidays. Now my cute co-worker was a bottom, and he occasionally remarked that every time his boyfriend fucked him it hurt because there was a long distance between fucks. At some point he even showed me a photograph of his boy friend's cock. To be honest it was nothing to write home about. During our conversations he also mentioned he would like to find a discreet guy to fuck him during term time so when his boyfriend was around, he could take his cock and enjoy himself. So naturally I showed him a photograph of my thick cock. The look of conflicted lust crossed his face. I could tell he was torn between getting laid and being true to his boyfriend, but I reasoned nothing however cure his horniness other than a proper cock inside him, even if the cock was poz, as was mine. Now he didn't know I was poz, and as he never brought it up, I was happy to leave it that way. Even so I had pretty much written him off as his guilt complex made it too much effort to work through. Then one night this all changed. We were at the company's Christmas party recently and a couple hours into the party we crossed paths and as I could see he had had a few drinks and was somewhat looser, I thought it a good time to see if he was still horned-up, I could even see the bulge in his trousers, so I decided to go for it. I reached under the table and gave his hard cock a squeeze which made him gasp. It was time to fuck this boy. I told him I was going to the toilet and wanted him to come so I could give him what he needed. When we got inside the toilet was empty as it was fairly late, and many of the attendees had already departed. No sooner had we entered the cubicle then he began kissing me, driving his tongue into my mouth. I buried my hand in his thick ginger hair and it felt as good as I thought it would. We turned around in the cubicle and I pushed him down so he sat on the toilet. I unzipped and got out my thick poz cock, wet with toxic pre-cum and drove it into his mouth right into his throat until he gagged. God could the boy suck cock. He took it into his mouth and throat like a depraved crazy guy. I grabbed the top of his hair and pulled him deeper onto my cock until his eyes were watering. I told him to use as much spit as possible to make my cock wet as I was going to shove it in his ass and give him what he needed. At that point he got all worried about his boyfriend but I told him that he's already been sucking me so he's already crossed the line and we weren't going anywhere till I'd emptied my balls deep in his ginger pussy. I stood him up and turned him around, reached round and undid his trousers which fell to his ankles, then dropped his boxers revealing the cutest ass you'd ever seen, he put his knees on the toilet and bent over, his ass cheeks just opened up and left his tight twitching hole exposed. I wasted no time. I lined-up my wet poz cock with his hole and in one motion drove it deep into his guts. He grunted with genuine pain. His grunt may have said 'stop', but his cock never lost its erection, so I pumped him hard, fucking him deeper and deeper with every thrust, driving into his ass so deeply that I popped into his inner ring and I held still, grabbed the top of his hair while I ran my tongue up the back of his neck. He shuddered with pleasure and then I whispered in his ear, “I'm going to shoot my poz load deep in your inner ring!” He looked at me out of the corner of his eye for a moment but nothing came out of his mouth. He just bowed his head forwards as I pounded his ass, using his head of thick hair as an anchor, I built up momentum. I could feel my balls tightening and my cock was on the brink so I drove it home just as my cock swelled and spew volley after volley of highly toxic cum deep in his guts. It crossed my mind that I was shooting so much cum it almost felt like I was pissing in his ass. Yeah, I could feel the warmth of my load surrounding my cock so I knew he was full. Pulling out, my cock was laced with cum and blood from his torn ring. It was one hell of a beautiful sight. I couldn't help the snicker with pleasure. He turned around and collapsed onto the seat, lost in thought. I thought he looked sated, as he should have been given the fuck I had given him. I noticed his hair was in a real state after the fuck and his cock was still hard. I drove my still hard cock into his mouth to clean it as he wanked himself hard. As he shot his load over the floor I pulled out his mouth bowed his head forward and shot my second poz load over that sexy ginger hair. He looked up at me totally exhausted. I pulled him up and told him to raise his trousers because I wasn't going to let him waste my poz cum: it had to stay deep in his bowels. Using my second load, I styled his hair and sent him out of the cubicle. Turning around he asked "Why?" “You didn't ask and you didn't stop me”, I replied. He looked at me and smiled, turned around and re joined the party.
    1 point
  22. Sorry about that. I got kind of distracted there for just a minute, forgive me... So, I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel out here; at the concrete table, between Levi's place and one of the older trucks stops. You know the truck stop thats still pretty nice, just ever since they connected the freeway business has slacked off a tad... Anyway, I'm still trying to tally up how much cock I had had ( did I say that right, nevermind) Fuck it's been a couple of; several, hours since Levi asked me to come get him a Mtn Dew...? Ok, Okay I'm figure'n, first those boys had me going good at they're tucks out in the parking lot. Then there was the three amigos; they fucked and fed me over there in the bushes before I saw this concrete table I'm bent over right now taking cock. And as close as I can tell I'm up to 9, or 11 cocks since arriving at Levi's earlier. Fuck much earlier!!! Time to hit the warp drive! Looking around the concrete table ; one guys fade'n, one is stretching, 3 are getting tucked up ready to roll... And then there's Bob.... "What the hell we gonna do now Bob?" He says firmly, but not altogether convincingly; "I'm ready to fuck ya!" Well I looked up at Bob, and ya know he is a good looking guy.... "Bob, this ass is fix'n to giddy-up-go out of here pretty quick and I want you on it!" At that; I turned to bend back over the concrete table, Arched my back, almost to far.... Checked the gooeyness of my twat, hmmmm Love when I'm Full. Full of Cum. Self Lubricating... I dribbles down my inner thighs, even as I'm holding what I've got in me . All that cum; I can even hear how fully bred I am!!! I'll be self lubricating all night , I'm a drooling cum hole; ! Bob has got a good chunk of dick there! He's lined up on my cock breeder spit'n in his hand and get'n himself, lubed...? "Bob, babe; don't worry about that " I check my clearance both sides, back up on Bob so that just the head is resting on my hole. I kinda wiggle back a few times just almost, but barely not penetrating into my own little cum river! I whipped out my glass, still quite a bit there; damn! And baby I heated up that glass and kept it warm for a minute... I looked like a steam locomotive; my hips we're going back in forth, in and out teasing my self and Bob with ~ my fucked to overflowing cum hole ~ and huffing on some clouds. You know those hits you can feel in your brain? Those! After a bunch if those I was holding the last one, and exhaled as I slide down and onto to Bob's rigid ~ really awesome Cock ~ He kinda gasps a little and I slide Completely down on Bob's Big Cock in one final smooth swallow, then slowly start pulling at his cock just a little squeezing him with my hole...I slowly wiggle down on him a little more, and hmmmm there! I look over my shoulder at Bob, with a mischievious kinda evil grin; "Hang on Bob we're fix'n to make tracks!" I stop squeezing and I start grinding. Swaying, got a smooth rhythm going. "Oh yeah there um, riiiii-ght there" And I drop it into Low gear, and I start fucking myself on Bob's cock for all I'm worth; with reckess abandon! Hell I haven't even got into 2nd gear and I heard Bob kind of squeak. He starts shouting, "I've got to..." I hit 2nd gear bottomed out and growled; "CUM!!!" Holy Fuck Bob! And he's pumping, unloading, dumping into me! "Oh Fuck Yes" I'm milking Bob's Fully Engorged Cock with everything in me. "Fuck Yes!!!" * to be continued
    1 point
  23. Yesterday was hot 40oC was sat naked at home all day on breeding.zone, Grindr, BBRT, Squirt and ads on Craigslist. Posted asking anon guys to come load my ass no load refused status not an issue. posted Craig list add st 9:30am 4 emails almost immediately. All looking to dump a load in me. I told them door was open. I was in jock blindfolded bend over on floor waiting. Then one after the other they turned up some slapped me, some pissed on me all fucked me. Two were small one was really big. Took them all and there loads. Last one was average size while fucking was on his phone telling his mates to come over, he gave them have my address and 15 mins later heard boots on the floor and zips undoing. next thing I know have a cock in my mouth and ass couldn’t tell how many times they swapped. In the end there was a massive puddle of cum on the floor swallowed 3 loads many more in my ass. Loved it!!!
    1 point
  24. Part 5 It's been a week since that first breeding, the first couple of days were hard. My ass has been on fire, it hurt to move which honestly has not been too much of a problem since I've been inside a cage with very little ability to move. I've also had my hands closed in these glove type things and the headphones have been on my ears ever since too with the four phrases just repeating and repeating. "You live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master. You are a faggot." He only comes down to give me this goop that he says has all the nutrients a good faggot needs and water. He let's me out just to go to the bathroom once a day, I've stopped shitting so I guess the goop has been completely absorbed by my body. This has been my day to day for the last week until last night. He came down stairs to let me out and he took off the headphones and told me he has something special planned for tomorrow. He said he is having a couple friends come over to see me and what a good faggot I am. My cock immediately strains against my plastic cage. Maybe this audio is starting to have an effect on me. He then proceeds to tell me that they are a part of his support group at the hospital and that my faggot ass will truly be tested. He then led me over to a bench and pushed me over it. "I am putting this in you so all their cum will really take hold" as I felt a metal something push into me. I felt it scraping my insides as it stretched me out. I let out a whimper as he pushed it all the way in. He slapped me in face again for making a noise. "Now i am gonna leave you here for the rest of the night" he said as he shackled my arms and legs to bench, "and if I come down tomorrow and see that sheathed plug out of your hole there will be hell to pay. " and he walked upstairs after he put my headphones back on. It's now the next day and I feel like I've been in this position for ages. The headphones fell off in the middle of the night and I woke up to a knocking on the upstairs door. People must have been arriving for a while because I hear lots of laughter and footsteps upstairs. And i heard my master say, "you boys ready to see a true faggot?" And the door to my cellar opened up.
    1 point
  25. Part 4 Even though it was cold metal, my hole was in fire. He pushed in and I felt every piercing push into me. It felt like I was being torn open he then bottomed out and I let out a moan of relief. It didn't last long though he pulled all the way out again completely. I felt like I had just been zipped open. I tried to get out of the sling but he slapped me across the face and pushed me down. I felt the cold buckling of cuffs against my wrist and ankles. He then started to push into me again, each piercing grabbing at my hole and dragging across it. This time he slowly started to thrust. Even though I was loose I could still feel every piercing against my hole. He kept thrusting and I could feel my ass getting slippery, it dint hurt as much and his voice in my ears started to sooth me. I was living for his cock and his cum and was wanting him to unload in me, to get it over with but also to feel the warmth of his manliness in me. I felt my cock starting to strain against my plastic cock cage and I started to moan. SLAP He took the headphones off. "What did I say faggot!? No noises unless you have permission." And then he pulled out and slammed all the way in again. I tried not to scream and bit my tongue. I passed out. I woke up to him still fucking me , I don't know how long I was out but it was still going. He saw me come to and removed the headphones. "Good, I'm about to cum and you will be mine always. I have a secret." He then leaned down to my ear and whispered. "I've been poz for 4 years and have a med resistant strain, I just got the notice that I have full blown AIDS and it's all going into you." I screamed as he thrust into me one final time and I felt the warmth gush into me. As he came he told me I was a good faggot slut and now I can become who I was meant to be. He slipped out and I heard a splash, my ass had been leaking ass juices and a small bit of blood. I knew it would take and so did he. He leaned in once more and told me not to worry we weren't done yet. He opened my blinders and I saw him go to the closet in the corner and pulled out a gallon jug filled with yellowish white liquid. He told me he had been saving this for a very special occasion and had been it for 4 months. He told me it was his cum that he had saved. And then he grabbed a funnel and put the end of it into my ass. He again closed my blinders and replaced the headphones. "You live for cock, you live for cum, you live for master you are a faggot," and I felt the cool liquid line the insides of my gut, soothing the ripped flesh and saturating my entirety.
    1 point
  26. Right guys, I have a direction the story could go in but if no one is liking the story or interested in commenting then this is the last chapter. Part 20 I must have blacked out for a bit, when I stirred again my vision was clouded over, I realised I was back in the sling and the mask with the poppers was back over my face. My head was spinning. “Use the jar of cum as lube and whatever is still in his hole. The goal is to get your fist as deep as your elbow. Do that and then add your load of cum for the next guy to use as lube.” I vaguely had an idea of what was about to happen but apart from Daddy’s big cock and being double penetrated I’d never had a fist in my ass before, especially not anything as big and deep as a forearm either. If it wasn’t for the poppers I’d probably have tried to struggle. The first guy took a scoop of cum from the jar of loads and lathered it on my hole, it felt wet and slimy, he started fingering my hole and quickly built up to having 4 fingers deep in my ass, It wasn’t as painful as I thought, but my hole had been abused a lot so far tonight so must have been loose. “Fuck Tom he’s fucking sucking my hand in! Filthy pig” The guy grunted as he forced his fist into my hole I took a deep breath in the mask and felt his fist slide deeper into me. My head was spinning. I let out a deep moan. “He likes it too. His hole is soaked in cum” With all the compliments this guy was giving my hole I felt an odd sense of pride. He began to slide his fist deeper, each time pulling out slightly and then working himself in further. I did my best to relax but the invasion began to become too much. My moaning increased. “Come on boy, don’t let me down. Brian is going to give you some more help” Tom whispered in my ear as I felt the sharp scratch against my arm again. I was being slammed for the second time. This time I didn’t feel as much of a rush and wasn’t sure it had worked until I heard the guy fisting me shout out; “Fucking right to the elbow you slut and you’re still sucking me in!” I hadn’t realised but he was right, my ass had his whole forearm buried in it! I felt him twist his arm and my hole body convulsed! He slowly pulled his arm out and I could feel the flow of cum following it. He then without warning slammed his cock into my hole and quickly bred me! When he pulled out he gave my ass another hard slap! My ass felt unbelievably empty until I felt the next hand at my hole. His hand felt smaller and quickly his fist was in my hole. Maybe I was just so wrecked it felt smaller but all the same he began to work up a rhythm. I soon noticed he was alternating his hands and was fisting me faster each time. He was getting deeper and I could feel myself moaning again in pain and pleasure. “Fucking pig is loving my arm up there.” I heard the guy say as he alternated his arms, eventually he must have reached his elbow as I felt the familiar emptiness followed by a quick breeding. After the first two guys the rush of being slammed and the poppers completely took over. I don’t remember much of what happened, each arm stretched me open in a new way. One guy punch fisted me and another i’m sure went past his elbow. After a couple of hours of being fisted I felt the familiarity of Daddy once again. Tom had taken up the position at my ass. He pulled the mask off my face, flooding me with fresh air, although the room stunk of cum and sex. “Okay boy it’s Daddy’s turn now.” Tom’s hand felt thicker than all the other men before him. He kept adding more cum to my ass from the jar, my hole was soaked and must have been puffy looking. He worked his fist into my ass and without the poppers I felt myself being tighter. Maybe the buzz of the slam had started to wear off too. I felt more aware than I had for the past few hours. “Tom I think his fevers broke, his eyes look brighter. Albeit terrified too!” I hear Brian say as he began to laugh. “That’s it boy, I want you to remember Daddy deep in you, claiming you from the inside!” Tom was getting deeper and deeper into my hole and I could hear myself moaning from the depths of my balls. The pain started to become overwhelming. That’s when I caught his piercing blue eyes, the minute his eyes locked onto mine I felt him slide the last few inches up to his elbow in my ass. He didn’t break eye contact the whole time. “Want more cum boy?” “Yes Daddy” was all I could reply, I was transfixed. He twisted his arm in my hole and puled out a bit, making my hole gape. Brian passed him the jar of cum, there must have been at least a pint of cum in it. How long had they been saving it for! Tom took the jar and poured the cum down his arm and into my now gaping hole. “That’s it boy, make your hole eat it up. Come on soak up that cum” My ass instantly felt cold and began to feel full, with each load of cum Tom poured in he’d shove his fist to his elbow again pushing it in deeper. I could taste it, it was that deep. After the jar was empty Tom worked his fist deeper into my hole he must have been just past his elbow when I felt the familiar coldness of his cock ring next to my hole. I must have looked panicked. “Relax boy, Daddy wants to fuck you, but you’re too stretched out, I’ll need to do it with my arm still inside you! Brian shove the mask back on him. I won’t stop when I start” I felt the darkness over my eyes and my nose instantly filled with poppers. They did help to relax me but with the abuse my ass was now going through there was now way to escape the pain. Tom managed to get half his cock into my ass with his fist up to his forearm at the same time. I began to moan loudly and could feel my body writhing in pain. Unknowingly I’d started to cry. “That’s it boy, give in to Daddy! Remember it’s what I want” His pace sped up and I felt like I would break. He quickly withdrew his fist causing me to scream out in pain, he then slammed all of his cock into my destroyed ass, snatch the mask off my face and kissed me quickly and deeply as he came in me. “I love you boy” Was the last thing I heard and I was out.
    1 point
  27. Well written and said brother.....(claps loudly for you)
    1 point
  28. I make it clear before I fuck you bare that I intend on breeding and seeding you with no pull outs. Once that is established then its a go. If there is hesitation or they guy says "cant you shoot on my hole" or "shoot it on my ass" or "pull out and shoot on my face" FUCK NO. We're not going to connect. I'm clear: I fuck bare, I breed and I seed Period and its always going to be deep in your hole.
    1 point
  29. They don't deserve your cock or cum. That's the job -take the dick and the loads.
    1 point
  30. I don't consider getting pissed on as humiliation. It's just plain fun in my book. Love appreciating a top for giving me the gift of their piss.
    1 point
  31. Oh no. You never pull out of the tight warm hole. If you go in bare you have the right to spunk inside. That is a done deal once you are asked not to rubber up. If the sissy changes their mind once your bare cock is in just spank their bum cheeks hard and tell them to shut up and take it bitch.
    1 point
  32. ive had that raw dick in me and LOVED IT!!!!!!
    1 point
  33. Agree SIR. This cumdump is neg and can take a pounding in his tight ass multiple times a day. Would never dream of overstepping my role and tell a Man to pull out.
    1 point
  34. Especially if im being told to do it, fuck yes.
    1 point
  35. Part 10   Hank really surprised me by wiping my cock off like that. I don't remember ever dripping precum before, just small dribbles, but now my cock was almost pouring it out. He smiled and said, "wow, that is really coming out. I may have to wipe it up again." I had no idea what to say or do and then he reached out and wiped it off again softly and my cock almost erupted then. I gasped and then before I knew what he was doing, Hank had knelt down and took ahold of my cock and then his mouth closed on the head of it. He looked up at me as if to ask if it was ok, but the suction of his lips caused me to just stand there not knowing what to do. He apparently took my inaction as an ok and slowly my cock was sucked deeped into his mouth. The sensation was overwhelming. I could not move and all I could do was to gasp at the feeling. It had been a long time since my cock was used by someone else other than my hand. My cock hit the back of this throat and then into it as he took all of it in. He then started to bob his head making his mouth suction my cock deep and then out till just the head was still in his mouth. I couldn't move at all. The feeling was the best blow job I had ever had. After just a few minutes, he gently grabbed my balls with his hand and kneaded them. Then his other hand was running up and down my ass. This hand was then caressing into the crack of my ass and then a finger was circling my hole. The tickle of that and his sucking soon had me ready to cum. I was "I'm cumming now," as I unloaded a huge volume of cum down his throat. As I was doing that, I also felt his finger at my hole as it slithered into me and I really came harder yet. WOW, what a BJ that was. As I came down from that climax, I was shocked at what had happened. Hank, stood up smiling though and told me how great that tasted and hoping I had enjoyed it. I couldn't say anything I was so stunned. I had never even thought about anything gay and now had seen two guys fucking and gotten a BJ from my new neighbor and owner of the home. I just kind of nodded and turned around and walked out the door. I picked up my clothes and got into my place and then had to sit down to figure out what the hell had just happened.
    1 point
  36. Part 8   I went back to bed then, completely sated for the first time in a while. Wow, that felt good and was soon fast asleep. I woke up very late, for me, Sunday morning, around 11 am. Way later than normal. As I got up I could hear no more sounds from next door, went to the bathroom. I decided I needed a shower badly after the night before's doings. When I finished showering, I decided it was a really nice day, so just grabbed a tshirt and shorts, deciding to go commando and went downstairs to get coffee on and get some breakfast. I decided I wasn't all that hungry, so just decided to make coffee. When it was done, I poured a cup and went out the back door to sit on the patio. I was surprised to find Hank and a couple of his friends already there and all 3 of them naked. I noticed that and was just turning to go back inside when Hank noticed me and said, "Hey, where you going? Come on out and join us. We're just drinking some coffe and looks like you are too." I kind of was looking up and said, "I didn't want to bother you guys. I should just go back inside." He said, "Oh, hell, don't let our being nude bother you, straight boy, none of us bites. Maybe nibble, but not bite." He laughed at his own joke and I couldn't help but smile at the old saying. I walked over to the picnic table and two of them were on one side and Hank on the other, so I sat down on his side. The other two were almost sitting on each other, they were so close. I kind of sat way to one side of the seat as Hank was almost in the middle of that side. They all kind of grinned at that and Hank said, "see he still thinks I might bite him," and then they all laughed. I had to have turned a little red faced. I moved over a little then and we all started to just talk about the weather and the outside and other just rambling talk. Ever so often, the guys on the other side of the table would lean together for a kiss. Then I could tell that once in a while they seemed to be moving their hands below the table. I imagined they must be feeling each other's cock or something. Their kisses and groping seemed to be getting longer and more pronounced. Then Hank finally told them, "If you two are going to get that hot, you ought to go in the house, not in front of this young man." They both kind of giggled at that, but got "up and headed into the house. Hank got up and faked a kick at one thir butts as they went by. He lost his balance though and almost fell on top of me. Hank grabbed the table top at the last second and steadied himself. He said, "Hell, I am still a littl tipsy from last night, I drank a lot." He sat down then, but almost lost his balance again and sat almost against me. He almost missed the seat even and on the spur of the moment I grabbed at him to make sure he didn't fall all the way down and his hand next to me ended up grabbing my thigh, but we got him steadied and on the seat ok. He took a bit before he moved his hand off of my leg and then said, "Sorry about that. I just realized where my hand was. Almost grabbed your crotch there." He laughed and so did I, and said, "It was close, about another inch and you would have for sure." I got up and grabbed our cups and held his up as to ask if he wanted some more and he nodded yes. I went in and refilled our cups and came back out and without thinking, as the other two guys had went in, sat down where I had been beside Hank. Trying not to spill the hot coffee as I sat his in front of him I actually almost sat on his leg. I got the cups on the table and looked down as I noticed how close we were and wow, Hank's cock was standing straight up in the air. He noticed me looking and said, "well, you know I am gay, and being around a good looking man just naturally turns me on. Hope you don't mind." I gulped a little and said, "No, that's ok, only I can't get over how huge yours is. How the hell can a guy take that in them." He grinned and said, "when you play around enough and work that hole open some to start with, it will fit." That was the first time I had even wondered about how it worked. Then Hank surprised me and asked, "would you mind taking your clothes off and let me see that nice body of yours? The glimpse I had before was kind of quick and I won't touch you or anything, just want to see what you do have, if you don't mind?" I wasn't sure what to say and as I was thinking, my mind told me, it is a nice day out, why not be naked outside. I stood up and soon had my clothes off and laying on the table and then did a little spin around to let him see everything. He whistled and said, "that is even better looking than I remembered. What I wouldn't give to be the one making it with you. You have a great body."
    1 point
  37. Part 7 Those guys sure talked funny. How the hell can a guy get pregnant? Must just be their way of talking about him cumming in that other guys ass bare or something? I could hardly believe how hard I had cum, though, listening to them talk though. Been way too long since I had some pussy for me to get off on hearing those guys fuck. I looked at my clock and noticed it was about 2:30 in the morning. I had slept pretty good till then. I had to get up to go take a piss badly now though. I got up and headed into the bathroom, which was next to my bedroom. While taking a piss, I could hear voices coming, apparently, from the new owner's bathroom too. I leaned towards the wall and could hear someone saying, "Oh, yeah, feed me more of your piss. It tastes so sweet." I almost pissed down my leg when I heard that. Some guy was drinking another's piss? I had kind of wondered what that tasted like, but had never tried it. I thought, what the hell, and stopped my flow and stepped into my shower. I was naked and as I got in there, I aimed my cock upwards and let go. I got a faceful to start with and then got it lined up into my mouth to try. The taste was a little bitter but also some sweet to and drank up all I could get and licked my lips when done. Hmmm, not that bad, really at all. I found that my cock was getting hard again, too. I could still hear more sounds and as I leaned to the wall, I heard the guy who had drank up earlier, saying, "That was nice, now give me your cum to drink, too. Oh, that is really . sweet." As I heard that, it made me wonder again about that taste. I was already stroking and so close, so I laid down and raised my legs over my head. I soon was ready to cum and opened my mouth and blew my load. My aim was not all that good to start with and a lot went all over my face before I got it lined up with my mouth and lapped it up. As I was doing that, I used a finger to get all the rest of it wiped up and into my mouth too. As I sat back up, I was swishing it around in my mouth and then swallowed it down. Hey, it tasted pretty good too. I got out of the shower and washed my face off and headed back to bed, kind of wondering if all guys's cum tasted like that.
    1 point
  38. I wish I went to your school and was in your class.
    1 point
  39. Part 6   I awoke sometime later. I am sure a noise had woke me up. I listened and could hear more sounds. I started to get up, when it dawned on me that my new neighbor and owner of the duplex had the noises coming from his place, again. I leaned closer to the wall and could definitely hear the sounds of sex coming through the wall. The unmistakable sound of a cock pounding a hole, with moans of pleasure. There was no talking. Just moans of pleasure and panting and the sounds of a cock pounding the hell out of a hole. I could almost imagine my own cock pounding one of my girls. I noticed I was getting hard as hell listening to it. I soon had to get my cock out and started to jack it in time with the sloppy sounds coming through the wall. I could imagine fucking and wishing I was getting some. It had been way too long now. Then, there started to come sounds of talking, almost yelling. I heard, what had to be the one getting fucked saying, "OMG, give it to me. Pound me harder, faster. Fill me with your cum." The one doing the fucking was then saying, "Oh, yeah, getting so close now. Going to knock you up and give my my babies." That sounded weird to me but whatever. I found myself getting closer to cumming now also. Just as I was about to cum I heard to fucker yell, "Here it comes, take my 10" cock and my hot cum to knock you up forever." There was a loud grunting sound and I heard both of them saying, "I'm cumming hard." As they said that my own cock erupted all over my wall with one of the largest loads I had ever let loose. Then, I heard the one who had to have been the dancer saying, "WOW, I sure tore your ass up good that time. I can see traces of blood and cum running out of you. You will almost definitely be pregnant, now." What?
    1 point
  40. I only fuck faggots, not interested in gay men. A faggots place is to take cock and his reward is my load. How i deliver it or what he needs to do (or endure, like getting throatfucked) to get me off does not matter. Only my pleasure and satisfaction does. I am not a politically correct Master. Never was, never cared for any of stuff. My sub is there to be used rough. Period. I will do just that. If he doesnt like it, he can go on to the next cock.
    1 point
  41. Part 5   I really had no idea what to say, really. I kind of turned my head a little as, sitting down, Hank's cock was sticking straight out at me tenting the hell out of his shorts. As I turned my head, I found I was looking directly at the dancer now and his cock seemed to be like a snake sticking up. He was in the process of taking off his jock completely and it almost made Hank's huge cock look small in comparison. Hank stepped back then and I stood up. I told him, "Looks like you guys are getting a little busy now, I better head over to my place." As I turned to go, I noticed a couple of the guys, on the other side of the room, were already naked and playing with each other's cocks. I turned back to Hank and noticed that the dancer was already on the couch with the other two guys and one of them had that huge cock in his mouth and the other guy seemed to have his mouth buried in his ass and I noticed that the dancer seemed to have a large biohazard tat on his back just above his ass crack. Hank said, "Really am sorry about that if it shocked you. We kind of meet up about every couple of weeks for a 'sometimes' sex party. Didn't mean to have it actually start while you were here though." He went on, "Looks like I'm the odd one out at the moment." and laughed. He then escorted me to the door. As he opened the door he said, "Thanks for not freaking out much, I really appreciate it." I said, "Don't think anything of it. No harm done." He said then, "WOW, you are so understanding and nice." I turned to go, when he grabbed me from behind in a huge hug. Again, he was thanking me and was just overwhelmed. I could feel his big cock against my ass and it was right in my crack. He held me close for a few seconds and then let go saying, "You are much nicer than about anyone I have met in a long time." I turned and couldn't help it as my eyes went down to his crotch for a second. He noticed and said, "sorry about that too. That dance was really hot and I am still thinking about it and it won't go down. Nice isn't it?" With that he reached down and dropped his shorts and it sprang up, hard and fat. I couldn't help looking again, and then noticed he had a biohazard tat just above his cock that I hadn't noticed before. He said, "I better get back in there if I want any fun. You take care and come over anytime you want to." I turned and went home to my place and was soon in bed and fast asleep.
    1 point
  42. Part 3   My new neighbor and his friend went at it for a good hour. I could not believe the time. Then I finished up my room and got around for the day. It being Sat. and a nice day, I decided to mow the yard like normal for me. I went and got out the mower and then decided to clean it before. I sat down on the lowest step and tipped the mower over on its side. Then started to scrape out the old grass and dirt from the underside, which I had not done before putting it away last time I used it. I was concentrating on it and then it dawned on me someone was watching. I looked up to see Hank standing there watching me and I had not heard him walk up. Being down so low, about the first thing I noticed was that he was wearing old style shorts, the kind men used to wear and very short in the legs. I found myself, basically, looking right at his cock almost hanging out. It was huge. I, being straight, didn't linger there though, it was just a passing thought. I looked up to see that the shorts were really all he had on. He was well muscled, I noted, and had a smile on his face. I told him hi and he said hi in return. He asked what I was up to and told him I was just cleaning the mower and then going to mow. He knelt down and wanted to know if I needed any help? Kneeling like he did, with those short shorts on, his cock practically fell out entirely. He said, "Oops, sorry about that, I just kind of threw these on and didn't realize how short they were anymore. Didn't mean to put on a show." I just laughed and said, "No problem, the neighbors can't see back here with that fence around the back." I went on to tell him I could get the lawn ok, but thanks anyway. I soon had the mower ready and got the yard mowed, working up a good sweat by the time I was done. I went in the house and threw off my sweaty clothes, took my shower and then before getting dressed, went to the kitchen to get a cold water out of the fridge. As I turned to go get dressed I heard a soft whistle and turning found Hank standing at the door. He said, "Sorry about that, but you left the door open and I was just about to yell when I noticed you bent over in the refridgerator. Sorry, also, about the whistle but couldn't help it as you do have a nice bod there. I just wanted to see if you had a hammer I could borrow. I'm going to hang some pics up and can't find mine?" I was a little flustered at being naked in front of a gay man, but regained my composure and told him that I did have one, just give me a minute to get some clothes on. He told me he would wait. I threw on some shorts and a Tshirt and went back to the kitchen. I dug in my tool drawer and got the hammer for him. We stood there a bit and made some small talk. He then said, "Oh, by the way, do you have plans for tonight? If not, I am having a few friends over for some drinks. Nothing fancy, just sitting around gabbing and you can come over if you want to. I am sure they would all welcome you." I told him, "I planned on going to a couple of bars to check on friends and see what else might happen." He said, "We will still be up late and the offer still stands if you want to stop by later." He then left and I started getting ready to go out and see if I could find a hot girl for the night. As I was leaving I noticed about 5 guys walking up to my neighbor's door. They each seemed to be, like him, about 35 to 40 years old and all seemed to be decent looking guys.
    1 point
  43. Fucking nice! Glad u took the marine stud's load
    1 point
  44. Fucking HOT! Love that your hole finally gave in and took it all!
    1 point
  45. USMC studs are like gods. I love the stuff he growled in your ear as he pinned you down. You just cave, cuz you know there's no turning back when a dom top decides to take your ass.
    1 point
  46. Hey guys. We had a affair for a year before we left our husbands. Anyway he has sexy feet he wants me to suck his toes in public would we get arrested for thar
    1 point
  47. excellent story- looking forward to more!
    1 point
  48. You only said no to the dry fuck. He did the right thing by greasing up and rejoining the battle against your anus. I admire and desire his determination, aggression, selfishness, and overwhelming physical superiority. It's a privilege to be the object of such men's lust, anger, and need to breed.
    1 point
  49. That's just fucking hot! Sometimes your body just tells you what is good for it and that big cock (and his load) is obviously what your hot ass needed.
    1 point
  50. I used to live in Vegas and I miss the hot sex at the bathhouse as well as just about anywhere else you could find horny gay men.
    1 point
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