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  1. Pay Back's a Bitch (and so is my Brother) Part 7 It was right after we were done with Tyson that reality seemed to hit him as you star he was being turned into, a cock craving gay jock. The defeat was apparent in his expression as well as his hunger for now cock and cum. What no one was aware of was the fact that the little bitch he was suppose to fuck that weekend showed up at the house while my little bro was situated in the sling getting fucked by my friends. Even though school was out for the summer I was sure the word of my brothers new found love of cock was spreading like wildfires. Before the week would be over I was sure that everyone of Tyson's friends and teammates would know that my brother was now a cock hound. But for the moment he definitely needed something to eat along with more T and G. Keeping him naked we took him down to the kitchen where we fed him a high protein breakfast fortified with Tina and his favorite protein shake with the appropriate amount of GHB. Keeping him He needed to be ready for the next few days where he was the star of a advertised sex tour of the local bathhouses and adult bookstores. The word of Tyson’s grand tour was word of mouth and any lucky guy that night just be present when Tyson showed up. After a good meal we have my little bro a complete shave is all his body hair from the neck down before giving him a good cleaning out and a shower. I could definitely see a change occurring in Tyson. Normally he wouldn't free caught naked around me or any of my gay friends. Now he’s not only made but wants to touch and guy around. He’s for a semi-hard on that can only bed from the Cealis he’s been getting. He is thinning more about cock then anything what. It was time to head out. We had a loosely planned schedule of where we were going each night ending up at one of the bathhouse. Dustin was allowed to wear only a pair of mesh basketball shorts, a t-shirt and an old pair a sneakers. We climbed into my car and we were off. First stop was a sleazy ABS. I knew the clientele would free all over my bro’s ass and I was so very right. The second we were in a room I slammed him up before opening three for to find two black guys ready to tap his white, jock ass. Of course it cost each did $15 for 15 minutes to fuck his ass. I worked some deals giving his ass over for 2 hours and was paid $200. It was a group of college frat boys. After the time at the ABS we skipped right to a bathhouse near the edge of the gay section of town. I had reserved three sling room. It was easy to get him into the sling and even easier to administer a double slam. He was so fucking high I don’t think he knew his own name. It wasn’t very crowded but there was enough sleaze balls there to full his ass with enough cum we had to plug his ass up to keep the cum from leaking all over the car seats. By the time the sun came up he had had enough and we took him back home to crash.
    9 points
  2. Part 13 - Ladies That Lunch Ellie arrived at the restaurant and found Margarite sat at a quiet table in the corner. Margarite stood and gave Ellie a kiss on the cheek and they both sat down as the waiter brought the menus over, they chatted about the Hamptons and what was going on in Harrison over the last few weeks. Ellie talked about Sofie and her dance classes hoping that she would take up ballet. Margarite place her desert order and closed her menu. "Oh I spoke to the Guttenburgs last week" Margarite piped up. Ellie ordered her desert "They only stayed a couple of weeks in the Hamptons this year". "Yes, said they had a lovely beach BBQ at yours" Margarite laughed. Ellie laughed with her "Well he nearly lost his eyebrows at one point, you should come next year". "Husband likes to jet off for holidays, I do try to persuade him" Margarite said looking disappointed. Ellie smiled "Mine wants to go to the Caribbean again in November". "Will all of you go?" Margarite asked. "Ethan probably not, he has his studies and is doing really well" Ellie remarked with pride. Margarite smiled "Ethan looked so happy when I saw him in Larchmont a few weeks back at the Marina restaurant". "Oh, he never told me he went there for dinner" Ellie looked surprised. Margarite leaned forward "He certainly looked all loved up with his date". Ellie grimaced "Well as long as he is happy but doesn't get to serious at the moment". "Of course Ben told me had some suspicions that there was something going on" Margarite casually said. Ellie smiled "Well they are young". Margarite leaned in again "But a Latino, I would never have saw that coming" she looked at Ellie. "Latino?" Ellie remarked "Do you mean Latina?". Margarite shook her head "No Latino, rather sexy as well and very fit, a little older than Ethan I would say". The colour drained from Ellie's face "You must be mistaken". Margarite sat back "Ellie didn't you know?" she feigned a look of shock. Ellie tried to compose herself "Probably a friend from college". "Ben confirmed to me he was the other day" Margarite was enjoying her time immensely. Ellie saw the look of satisfaction on Margarite's face "Gay son, well at least that puts me above the rest". "You don't mind Ellie?" Margarite looked at her. Ellie smiled "At least we have a diverse family unlike the bog standard ones in Harrison". "You know there are other's around here in fact Ethan hangs out with one of them" Margarite played on it. Ellie suddenly guessed "Oh you mean Adam, such a lovely mannered boy we loving having him round". Margarite knew it was backfiring "You do know that Ben and Ethan had a falling out?". "Oh dear is your son not so accepting and open?" Ellie had Margarite on the run and loved it. Lunch over Ellie sat in the car fuming and sent a text message to Ethan 'Where are you?', annoyed at all the networking she had done to pair him off with some of the most respectable girls in Harrison. More than that she was angry that Margarite had to tell her, on the drive home she couldn't work out weather she was really upset, angry or just against it. Ethan's response text came as she pulled up the garage 'Back at 7pm'. She suddenly stopped and realised that Adam was in the Hamptons with Ethan, but no he wasn't a Latino so it couldn't be him. Head full of emotions she decided to sleep on it before confronting him and telling Jack, she knew she would have to before Jack found out from someone else in Harrison. Ethan put his phone down and settled back down in Angelo's arms as they watched the storm raging on, he thought it strange his mother would send a text asking where he was and began to feel a little on edge. An hour had passed and Ethan was packing his bag when his phone pinged again, he saw a new message but this time from Ben, he opened it and read it then dropped his phone. Angelo looked over at his worried face. "What is it Ethan?" Angelo walked over. Ethan sat down "My mother knows, Ben's mother had lunch and told her about us". Angelo sat down besides him "You are going to have to face up to this Ethan". Ethan nodded and looked outside "I think the storm is about to get bad". Angelo put his arm around him "We will deal with what ever happens Ethan". "Really?" Ethan looked at Angelo who nodded. It took nearly 5 hours to drive back as the Hamptons roads were flooded and traffic was slow. Ethan finally walked in to the house at just after 9pm, he could hear his father in the study working and his mother came out from the lounge and looked at him. "You look tired Ethan, long drive back with the weather?" Ellie asked. Ethan looked curiously at her "Yes, really bad storm there". "Come on I will make you a hot drink" Ellie turned and walked in to the kitchen. Ethan sat down "Thank you" he said. "So how was your weekend, you don't seem very happy" Ellie was watching the coffee machine. Ethan looked at her "It was good swam a lot and relaxed". Ellie put the coffee down in front of Ethan "I had an interesting lunch today with Margarite". Ethan looked at his cup "I know". Ellie had a surprised look on her face "How do you know?". "Ben sent me a text gloating, you know we fell out" Ethan wiped his eye. Ellie nodded "I know and I know why" as much as she wanted to be angry with him she couldn't do it. "Oh" Ethan sat starring at the cup "does father know?". "Not yet, I wanted to speak to you first" Ellie closed the kitchen door "Really Ethan?". Ethan looked up at her "Yes, I tried to play along with your matchmaking but it isn't me". "Your only just 18 Ethan we will find you a nice girl to settle down with" Ellie was testing him. Ethan shook his head "It would be living a lie mother, I am just not attracted to girls". "Is it Adam your attracted to?" She asked. Ethan shook his head again "No, he has been very supportive and more loyal as a friend". "I can't say I am happy about this Ethan, it is not who you were raised to be" Ellie looked on disappointed. Ethan stood up "It has nothing to do with being raised it is just who I am inside". Ellie shook her head "Go to bed Ethan". It was tense and Ethan walked in to his bedroom feeling sick, he sat in the bathroom on the floor and cried. Over the following days he kept out of everyone's way at home when he could and had several conversations with Angelo and Adam who had wanted to come over and see him, he had put Adam off for now as he didn't want to antagonise the situation. The first Saturday approached and Ethan quietly slipped out in the afternoon and spent the day with Angelo, it was breaking Angelo's heart to see Ethan so quiet and distracted. By 7pm Ethan asked Angelo to take him home as he shouldn't spend the night out of the house at the moment. Angelo watched Ethan get out of the car "Ethan if things get bad call me, I am here for you". Ethan nodded and kissed Angelo "I promise, I just need this to be out of the way now, I know it's coming". Angelo called out to him "5 to go" he watched Ethan smile and nod. By the time Angelo got back home at 8pm Adam was sat on his porch step wanting to find out how Ethan was holding up. Since he now lived in Larchmont with Tony it was a blessing to see Adam there as Angelo found he needed the company to help take his mind off things. The weekend out of the way Ethan got a call from Adam telling him he would be in Harrison on Tuesday morning and would like to meet up, Ethan agreed and said he would be there by 11am. He was still keeping a low profile around his mother and concentrating on his studies to make sure he was well versed for the year ahead at college. Tuesday came and Ethan quietly came down the stairs and opened the front door. "Where are you going Ethan?" Ellie stood at the kitchen door looking at him. Ethan turned in surprise "Harrison, I am meeting Adam to catch up". "Just don't get spotted doing anything else" Ellie turned and closed the kitchen door. Sofie looked up "What's the matter mother?". "Nothing, how is your rehearsal going?" Ellie changed the subject. Sofie looked over at her "It's Ethan isn't it?". Ellie turned to face her "What do you mean?". Sofie rolled her eyes upwards "You know full well what I mean". Ellie looked shocked "You know?". "Of course, it is obvious if you only stopped and paid real attention for once" Sofie retorted. At sixteen Sofie was not above speaking her mind in front of her mother. She kept her ear to the ground and knew what was going with Ethan through her own circle of friends. "What do you mean by that young lady?" Ellie lost her patience with Sofie. Sofie shook her head "Really mother, you and father don't know Ethan at all, he is just a puppet to you". Ellie sat down "Is that what you think?". "Ethan's life has been mapped out by you both, somewhere along the way you lost sight of him" Sofie replied. Ellie knew she had hit the nail on the head "Is that why he rebelled like this?". "He hasn't rebelled he just likes boys, why don't you find him one instead of a girl" Sofie chuckled. Ellie looked at her "It doesn't bother you?". Sofie laughed "Of course it does, I have to worry about competing against him for boys now". Ellie laughed for the first time in many days, chatting to Sofie had shone a whole new light on things seeing her daughter quite open and happy about a gay brother. Ethan shook his head in disbelief and walked up the drive and along the lane towards Harrison, his head conflicted not really knowing where his mother stood, he was happy to finally see Adam and be able to talk to him. Although brief Ethan felt a lot better and walked back towards home. He said hello to his mother and went up to his room. Jack had finished early and headed home pulling up the driveway just after 2pm. Ellie made him a sandwich and took it to the study where Jack was catching up on some emails. She waited until he had finished and wondered in. "Jack we need to talk about Ethan" she closed the door and walked over towards him. Jack looked up "Has he got in to trouble?". Ellie nervously laughed "No, well not quite but you should know he is not interested in girls". "Not interested in girls, you mean he doesn't want to marry?" Jack looked confused. Ellie shook her head "Not quite, he is.. well gay". Jack looked at her "What!, when, are you sure?". Ellie nodded "Yes he is Jack". "Not in my house he doesn't I won't have it" Jack stormed to the door and shouted "Ethan get down here now". Ethan shook as somehow he knew his mother had just told his father and could tell by the way he was summoned that he was angry, he slowly made his way downstairs he walked in to the study where Jack gabbed his arm and spun him around. "Well is it true, you fuck around with men?" Jack shouted in his face. Ethan stepped back looking afraid and nodded "Yes". Quick as a flash Ethan felt the stinging pain across his face as his father struck him with hefty force, his eyes filled with tears at the pain and he wiped under his nose to see blood. Ethan had fallen to the floor and stood back up. "No son of mine is gonna be gay" Jack screamed at Ethan. Ellie was horrified and upset "Jack please calm down". Jack continued his shouting "Get out of my house, pack your things and fuck off out of my house". Ethan looked "Father please". Jack repeated louder stressing his anger for Ethan to get out of his house and raised his hand again. Ethan reacted quickly in self protection and punched his father in the face with all his might sending him toppling over the sofa. Realising what he had done he ran out of the study and up to his room and locked the door. He sobbed for nearly an hour in the corner of his room, his face still sore. Eventually he stood up and went in to the bathroom and looked in to the mirror, he had blood stains running down over his lips and chin and several splatters on his t-shirt. He wiped his eyes and went back to the bedroom to get his phone and rang Angelo, the phone rang and rang, he called the number again but it went to voicemail he left a message 'Angelo, please I need you' he put his phone on the bed and sat waiting. Ethan could still hear his father ranting downstairs, Ethan had never hit anyone and to do it to your father was something he couldn't fathom out where it had come from. An hour had passed and he heard nothing from Angelo, he was now beginning to fear the worse that Angelo was not turning out to be the real deal and had lead him up the garden path, had he played him for a fool and left him to deal with his own consequences. Ethan cried again and began packing some of his clothes and college work in to a couple of large bags he had for weekends away. He picked up his phone again and tried Angelo's number but it rang and eventually went to voicemail again. He sat on the bed all cried out, he had nowhere to go and no idea what he was going to do, he sat for a what seemed like hours. He packed a few more things and thought to call Adam and Tony and was reaching over for his phone. Angelo was finishing his meeting and returning to his office when Mark, his assistant, told him his personal phone had been going off like crazy. Angelo saw the missed calls from Ethan and listened to the voicemail. He ran out of the office and called to his assistant that he would be back in the morning. Angelo jumped in to his car and put his phone on Bluetooth, he sped away towards Harrison and called Ethan's mobile. The phone rang and Ethan saw that Angelo was calling him "Angelo". "Ethan what's wrong" Angelo asked urgently. Ethan sniffed "Please come and take me away..." Angelo stopped him "I am already on my way, you are coming home with me where you belong". "Thank you Angelo" Ethan hung up and wiped his eyes. He felt an immense sense of relief that he had somewhere to go, but more so it would be with Angelo. He picked up his two bags and quietly walked down the stairs the study door was closed and he could hear his father had calmed down and was talking with his mother. Unmistakably he heard his name mentioned several times and a banging sound from his father hitting the desk with his fist. Sofie appeared over the stairs "Go Ethan I love you, will text you later" she said quietly. Ethan smiled but with sadness in his eyes and opened the front door then quietly slipped out, he went round the side of the house to avoid being seen walking up the drive. He threw his bags over the wall and climbed over then sat on the grass, he had been there only seconds when he saw Angelo's car approaching. Angelo jumped out of the car and saw the blooded t-shirt and redness around his nose and chin. He shook his head and hugged Ethan. "Did your father do this" Angelo said. Ethan nodded "Yes, but he was angry". Angelo looked angry "Fuck Ethan that is no excuse, if he wasn't your father I would beat him to pulp". "It will just make things worse. I thought you had changed your mind when I couldn't get hold of you" Ethan said. Angelo kissed his head "Never Ethan, you belong with me". Angelo put Ethan and his belongings in the car and drove off towards Larchmont, Ethan looked back tears running down his face. Sofie went in to the kitchen to fetch a drink and as she closed the refrigerator door she heard the door to the study open and Jack walked in. "Oh, thought you was Ethan" Jack looked at her then shouted up to Ethan "Ethan come down". Sofie passed by and climbed the stairs "He won't answer you father" she looked at him. "Can you talk to him Sofie?" Jack asked Sofie shook her head "He left about 15 minutes ago". "Left, what do you mean left?" Jack replied looking more annoyed. Sofie continued up the stairs "You told him to leave, so he has". Ellie burst in to tears "See what you have done" she ran up the stairs towards Ethan's room. Ethan was asleep when Angelo arrived home, he got out of the car and put Ethan's belongings in the hallway before going back to the car to wake Ethan up. Angelo helped him out of the car and picked him up carrying him inside. "Do you want to have a bath?" Angelo asked putting Ethan on the sofa. Ethan nodded "Please". Angelo ran a bath and Ethan walked in to the bathroom naked "Take your time, I will make you something to eat". Ethan looked at Angelo "Thank you Angelo, for being here" he smiled and kissed him. Angelo smiled "Ethan you don't need to thank me". Ethan climbed in to the bath "You still love me then?" he looked at Angelo. "Very much so Ethan" Angelo stroked Ethan's head "I will get you a set of keys tomorrow". Ethan hadn't computed things properly for a while and looked confused "Keys?" Angelo smiled "Yes, that is if you still want to live with me?". Ethan smiled at Angelo "Yes but I don't want you to think it is because of today". "It is earlier than anticipated but it doesn't change anything" Angelo kissed him on the head. A heavy downpour of rain had suddenly appeared and Angelo picked up the blood stained t-shirt looking at it, he felt angry at Jack for hitting Ethan, he took it to the laundry room then brought Ethan's bags upstairs to the master bedroom. Angelo's anger dissipated and was replaced by real happiness that Ethan would now be living with him, he knew there was a lot of recovering ahead for Ethan but at least he could be by his side. Angelo stood in the kitchen making a sandwich when there was a knock at the door, he wasn't expecting anyone he looked at the door cam and saw Adam standing there looking anxious, Angelo opened the front door and saw a drenched Adam standing there. "Angelo is he here?" Adam asked looking worried. Angelo nodded and pulled Adam inside "I picked him up about an hour ago". "Thank god, his sister sent a message to my sister, blah blah you know what girls are like" Adam spoke fast. Angelo shook Adam gently "Hey calm down Adam, Ethan is okay, a little upset and soaking in the bathtub". Adam breathed and hugged Angelo "Did he leave home?". Angelo nodded "Yes, but you need to get out of those wet clothes Adam". Adam undressed "His sister said there had been a big fight" he said standing holding his clothes. Angelo brought Adam a dressing gown down and put his wet clothes in the dryer "Yes" Angelo held his breath. "Angelo, please don't do anything crazy" Adam held Angelo's arm. Angelo looked at Adam "He hit his own son and my boyfriend, god it makes me angry thinking about it". Adam hugged Angelo "You must let it go Angelo let it sort it self out". Ethan walked in to the kitchen he had heard the last part of the conversation, the sight of Adam hugging Angelo in comfort was a big step with Angelo showing his emotions. Angelo wiped his eyes and told Ethan to eat his sandwich, Adam came over and gave Ethan a hug and sat down next to him. "Are you working tomorrow Angelo?" Adam asked. Angelo nodded "Yes I have a busy couple of weeks in the city". "Do you want me to come over in the morning and be with Ethan" Adam suggested. Angelo looked at Ethan "Thank you that is if Ethan wants the company". Ethan nodded "Yes, I don't want to be alone and dwell on today, I want to move forward" Ethan had put his phone on silence and refused to answer calls and messages from his mother and father. He sent one message to his sister telling her he was fine. Ethan climbed in to bed next Angelo his face was still sore and a small bruise was appearing under his left eye, Angelo put his arm around Ethan and allowed him to cuddle up. Ethan had no idea how long he had been asleep but his dreams replayed the fight with his father and he felt he was struggling to be free and sat bolt upright gasping. Angelo sat up and put his arm around Ethan who flinched at the touch thinking he was still dreaming. Angelo knew this time he was not flinching at his touch 'Ethan it's alright you are safe' he whispered, Ethan turned and kissed Angelo and settled back down in his arms. Angelo stroked his head 'Never forget you are loved and wanted' he whispered cuddling him. Finally Ethan settled back down but was wide awake, he slipped his hand down Angelo's body and was rewarded feeling Angelo's aroused state, Ethan kissed him lovingly and rolled on to his stomach. Angelo didn't need any prompting as he guided his body over Ethan's and rested on his back slowly kissing and biting his neck working his way towards Ethan's mouth, Ethan responded with small moans of pleasure and pushing his ass up grinding it against Angelo's cock. The magic between them showing it's hand as Angelo slipped his arm around Ethan's neck firmly holding his shoulder, Angelo raised his hips and let his cock slide between Ethan's ass cheeks. Angelo moaned in excitement feeling his cock slipping inside, Ethan raised his head turning to kiss Angelo, he moaned and whimpered between kisses as Angelo pushed his cock in deeper until his hips rested on top of Ethan's ass. Ethan pushed his ass up and Angelo forced it back down with his hips causing Ethan to cry out in pleasure, Angelo held Ethan closer to him and began moving his hips up and down in a tender loving motion. They continued for nearly half an hour with Ethan feeling more than ever this was what he needed and wanted. For the first time Ethan moaned louder and begged Angelo to fuck him harder, no sooner had he said that he felt the pressure increasing from Angelo as he pushed past any resistance from Ethan's ass. His hips slapping down harder withdrawing more of his cock each time and ramming it back in, Ethan's legs shook through the excitement and his toes tried curling in on themselves as every fibre of his body cried out for Angelo's sex. Angelo kissed Ethan's neck and continuously telling him how much he loved getting fucked by him. Ethan had never endured such powerful emotions his head buried in the pillow he cried out 'fuck me Angelo, show me you own me' he pleaded. Angelo gave Ethan one last kiss and raised his body up and began relentlessly hammering his cock in to Ethan, precum leaking from his cock coated the inside of Ethan's ass, his cock sweeping in and out with ease. His balls suddenly tightened without warning his hips pushed down hard as Ethan gasped and moaned, Angelo's hips kept pushing hard up against Ethan's ass as the seed from his cock erupted in to Ethan's body, he grunted loudly and cried 'You belong to me Ethan, I own you forever' Ethan's eyes were watering from the hardest sex he had willingly endured, his head jolted up with every clenching movement of Angelo's ass checks that forced the cock deeper inside his ass. Ethan collapsed on the bed his ass wriggling in happiness as he tried to catch his breath. Angelo collapsed on top of Ethan his hips grinding hard against Ethan's ass showed no sign of stopping imminently. Ethan moaned and turned his head to look at Angelo "I love you and belong to you". Angelo slipped his tongue into Ethan's mouth kissing him "That's everything I wanted from you". Angelo pulled Ethan on to his side still holding on to him as they both fell asleep and slept through the rest of the night. The alarm woke Ethan abruptly and he sat upright still slightly confused until he felt Angelo's arm pulling him back down to lay by his side. "I guess I have to get use to this" Ethan said cuddling next to Angelo. Angelo stroked his shoulder "How are you feeling?". Ethan rolled on to his back "I don't know, upset, angry you name it and I am probably feeling it". Angelo got out of bed and looked at him "Loved?". Ethan smiled "Very much so". Ethan settled in and with Adam as company he was putting he worse behind him, after 3 days Ethan eventually relented from the continuous text messages from his mother and told her he was doing well and would return to college in two weeks. He was being evasive and wouldn't let on where he was living or with who, but his mother bombarding him said she wanted to meet to talk. Cutting all his family out was the last thing he wanted to do and after much deliberation and coercion from Angelo he agreed to meet her on Monday in Harrison at Mel's Diner for a coffee. Adam who was now sporting a car of his own said he would drive Ethan and look after him to make sure nothing happened. Ethan was learning how to cook with Angelo and he was making himself useful tidying and cleaning around the already spotless house thanks to the cleaner.
    7 points
  3. I made it to class and sat in me seat with my legs spread and knew his cum was leaking out a little. My panties were wet and I liked it. I am not sure what we were discussing in class but all I could think about was Ryan, Abdul and Adam. It seemed like it had been so long since Adam had fucked me I really wanted to feel him inside me again and Abdul. All of them really. My mind was wondering thinking of a hot foursome with all three guys and me. Abruptly class ended and I needed to leave and as I walked out into the hall Abdul was waiting there. He greeted me and asked me how I was. I told him good and tried to focus. Could this be I wished for him and he was there. What if he wanted to fuck, I have cum inside me, should I tell him it is Jared's? That would make sense right? My bf fucked me and that is why I have cum in my pussy. Abdul broke my trance and asked me if everything was okay and I said yes, and the asked if I wanted to take a walk and I also agreed that would be great to get some fresh air. We headed down a hall and away from the exits and we followed to the end and then another hall. I had been down her a couple times but it is not used much anymore since the new addition was added. They planned on knocking this down over the summer and rebuilding this section. It was getting dark and I wondered where we were going and then he opened a door and motioned me in. In this room there was a bed, chair and sofa. It was not that large. The twin bed was up against a wall and there was a tv on one wall and chair on the other. and sofa opposite the bed. He started groping me and he kissed me and I almost melted. Then he started to slide his hand up my skirt and then his hand made it to my panties. He broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, you are so wet, He slide them off and I started to unbuckle his belt and undid his pants and that thick dick feel out against me and I jacked it with one hand and then lined it up to my pussy and he grabbed me and slide in as he held me and pushed me back onto the bed and spread my legs. He felt amazing and then he pulled out and slide back in and whispered in my ear. I am fucking your cummy pussy, so your bf fucked you and pre-lubed you for me. He drilled my pussy and came two times in me. When he was done he made me suck his cock clean and told me he needed to fuck me soon. He got dressed quickly and said he needed to back before his gf found out he had just creamed some pussy. He left me there in a room, I tried to clean up and leave but just then the door opened. This tall lanky black man was standing there. He asked me what I was doing in his room. I tried to apologize but he said I know you white sluts always want to take some big black cock. He unbuttoned this pants and out came a really thick but still soft black cock. I had never been with a black guy but had always fantasized about it. I had just been fucked by two guys and they both came in me. I was not sure now was the time to live out this fantasy but there he was. His dick just kept getting better and he would bounce it and it would grow and get harder. He walked two steps toward me and grabbed my hand and guided it to his dick. I jacked him and then he put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me and I took the hint and got on my knees. There it was this huge black dick leaking right in front of me and I opened my mouth and started to suck him. He moaned and guided my head deeper on his dick and after four minutes or so he said, undress and get on the bed. I quickly got naked and on the bed with my legs slightly spread and he grabbed them and spread them on got on the bed and bent down to his dick rest on my stomach as he sucked and nibbled on my tits. The right for a few minutes and then the left. He worked his was down my stomach and then to my pussy and he said, nice a little white slut who takes cum. He licked and sucked my clit and then licked and sucked my pussy lips and seem to enjoy the cum in there and before long I was came hard. He had suck a hot tongue and he just kept eating me out and then I came again. My eyes were rolling back in my head. He came back up and slapped his big dick on my pussy. It hurt a little his dick was heavy and I was tender, before long he was rubbing the head along my lips and it was getting wet from his pre-cum and I was already wet inside and then once he spread my lips enough he changed his angle and started to slide in but put his hand on my mouth and she slide deep in me tearing me open with a trust as I screamed and whimpered in his hand. He held me there slow fucking me for three or four minutes and then pulled his hand off and kissed me as he fucked harder and deeper and then without a sound ten minutes in he held his dick there and kit my tongue as he came in me the first of three time. His dick never went soft, he fucked two more time and it was two hours worth of fucking. I came a total of six times with him and I never even know his name. When he was done he got up and said, now look what you have done, I have to go shower in the locker room. Do me a favor and be gone with I get back but I need you to come back on Monday evening and be ready for some real fucking whore. He left and I thought, I am not sure I like being called that. I did love that huge dick inside me and his mouth was amazing. I am not coming Monday, I always wanted to know what that was like and now I do. I can mark that off my bucket list. I cleaned up again and heading home. I really hope Jared is out or on a game call when I get in.
    4 points
  4. Maybe not the piggiest, but one of the hottest times was when my hubby and I first opened up our relationship and we both got on prep, we took a trip to Madrid with friends (another gay couple). My hubby still had a rule that we’d use condoms with strangers. But the first night out at the gay bars, we all got drunk, and I followed my hubby when he snuck into the darkroom where I watched him breed a Spanish otter’s furry hole. Back at the bar I confronted him about breaking his own condom rule, so he finally agreed we could both bareback with strangers from that point on. It was such a hot moment knowing I had this new freedom to take raw loads with his permission. Our friends were a bit more conservative and sort of shocked by the whole conversation. They and my hubby were ready to call it a night, but I had an itch to check out the bathhouse and explore my new freedom. They went back to the airbnb while I ended up at the bathhouse. The bathhouse was dimly lit and full of Spanish daddies with big uncut cocks. First I sucked a few guys in the steam room and swallowed two loads. That got me really horny so I made my way into the pitch black maze where almost immediately I was felt up by several guys with a huge hard cocks. Someone fingered my hole with lube and then a bare cock pushed right in. He fucked me hard against a wall for a few minutes before spurting a huge load deep in my guts. I was in total ecstasy as at least 4 more guys followed in succession and each bred my hole. Drunk and tired, I stumbled back to the Airbnb with cum dripping down my leg. When I crawled into bed, my hubby woke up and asked if I took any loads at the bathhouse. I told him I had 5 in my ass and 2 down my throat. He was so turned on that he got on right on top of me and shoved his cock in and started plowing my ass, moaning like I’ve never heard him before. Must have woken our friends because they came in our room naked and jacking their cocks as they watched my hubby plow me. Cum was squirting from my hole all over the bed and floor. Hubby added his load, then our friends (who I thought were more sex shy) jumped right in and tag teamed me until they both gave me their loads too. Was a great start to lots of hot times together.
    4 points
  5. Early today i got a message from a profile with no pic and very little information..after a few messages I figure out he is a “straight” guy with girlfriend. interesting...a few more messages and he asks if he can come in the house to find me ass up, lubed ready to take his cock...Raw... no problem, so he finally gets to my place...after not seeing a picture I was silently cheering....big 6 ft rugby build, heavily tattooed...stunning fella. so I do what any of us would do....drop to my knees and blow him, a few minutes of his cock pounding the back of my throat he grabs me by the neck and holds me face down on the bed...his cock was very much the grower..big fat 7 inch cock..it went in pretty hard (glad I lubed up) and he just pounded away as he shoved my face into the bed...after about 10 minutes he was sweating and slamming it up my furry ass...he muttered something as I felt him hold it deep in me and bury his face into my back....he was blowing a huge load deep up my ass. just for something different (I mentioned earlier I liked w/s) he kept a hold of my head and he was still right up my ass...I felt a warm rush flood my hole....grrrr it was the hottest thing...I blew all over my blanket and belly...he just got up, quickly changed and left. though he did message me and told me he wanted the same again soon, I hope he makes it a regular thing...best fuck in a long time!
    4 points
  6. When I got home Jared was still playing video games and I walked in with more confidence this time knowing he would not notice I had cum in my pussy. I sat and watched tv and wondered if they both new about the fucks? I thought maybe they did but they never said anything and they may not know. I am not going to say anything because first I do not want it to tops, second I do not want them to know I let each of them cum in me if they do not already now and I was not ready to admit it to myself that I loved the idea of two different guys cumming in me two nights in a row. That really makes me sound like a slut, I sat back and smile about how it made me feel and hoped no one would find out I thought about getting fucked every night by those two. I cuddled up to Jared and slept all night and got up in the morning and headed off to my job, I work part time at a restaurant down the street for spending money. There are lots of construction workers and I rarely pay attention to them but there was a tall dark haired guy about 30 at the end of the counter and he was with a crew that always came in. I took his order and found out his name was Ryan and he had just moved her and his wife and kid were back home. He was looking for an apartment and asked me if I knew any. I told him I lived in a pretty nice building down the street and there are always open unites. He thanked me and ate and I continued to work. He slipped me a piece of paper before leaving and it had his number on it and it said, text me later I want information on your building. I shot off a text to him that read, " Great to meet you Ryan, hit me up after you are off work and I can show you around the building and introduce you to the super to see if there are any units coming up. I found myself day dreaming about Ryan, I tried to stop myself. I knew he was married and had a kid and really just wanted a place to live. It did not stop my from imagining him pinning me against the wall and wanted him to drill me and fill my with his cum. I know this was unlikely but it still made me hot and I know at the very least Adbul would most likely fuck me tomorrow when we "study." I tried to study but I kept looking at my watch and wondering when Ryan got off work. Jared would be home at 6PM and hoped Ryan would get here before 5 PM so I could connect him with my Super. It was 3:05 and I looked at my watch. Then it buzzed, I looked and it was Jared asking me if I was going to be home for dinner tonight. I text him back and said I had class tonight so no I would not be. Then the text hit, Hi Audrey, is your offer still good for me to come back and check out your place. I text back Sure, gave him my address and he said he would be there in five minutes since he was at the restaurant. Damn, I was tingly all over. I heard a knock and went to the door and there he was, he had been to the gym and he had a tank top and work out shorts on and he was far more muscled than I could have imagined in his loose close. I invited him and asked him if he wanted something to drink and he said sure, I brought him some water and asked if he wanted to see the apartment. Sure that would be helpful, he cleared his throat and said, so you have a boyfriend? I quickly said yes but he is at work and will not be home till after 6 PM. I thought to myself, why did you just tell him that. He started commenting on the apartment and how nice it was and how he would like to live there and as we got to Jared and my bedroom I stopped in the door way and he stopped right behind me but pressed up against me. I could feel his chest and junk pushed up against me. He leaned down and said this is a really nice room, can I see the rest of it? I move forward and he followed. He stayed right behind me and his hands started to unbutton my blouse. I froze and before I knew it my blouse was off and then my bra. He grabbed my tits and held them and said, I have wanted to do this since this morning. He leaned in and kissed my neck and then his hands drifted to my sweat pants and started to push them down and I wanted to stop him but I could not and did not say a word. My panties and my sweat pants down around my ankles and he had one hand between my legs and the other back on my left tit. He kept rubbing my clit and I was getting really wet and the he moved his hands and picked me up and placed me on our bed and lifted my right leg and started to lick my pussy and clit and then went down and ate me out and make me cum, once and then again before he stood up and dropped his pants and out sprung this long dick that had to be 11" . He leaned over me and the head of his dick was right above my mouth and I opened and he lowered himself into my mouth and I stated to suck him while he went back to eating me. Then after about five minute of him lowering himself and me gagging he pulled his wet dick out and the spread my legs and slapped my clit with it. I jumped and then she nestled the head of his dick into me and I started to moan and he said I was so wet wet he loves my pussy. He was deep in me and fucking me and telling me he loves fucking me and that he would need me often until his wife moves up. I was moaning and then I came again on his big dick and she fucked me for another ten minutes and then came deep in me shaking as he unloaded. He pulled out and fell onto the bed and caught his breath. We laid there for about fifteen minutes and he caught his second wind and he pushed me to my side and lifted my left leg and slipped back inside me and fucked me for another thirty minutes and I came again before he shot the second load inside me. Just then I looked over at the clock. It was not 5: 30 and we missed the super and Jared would be home soon. I popped up and said my boyfriend would be home soon and he said let me rinse off quickly and he hopped into the shower and then He got dressed. He was taking his sweet time and he leaned in and kissed me and we made it to the door. He left and from the poop hole I could see him walk away and the elevator open and Jared was walking toward the apartment and all of a sudden Ryan stops him as they are talking. Fuck does he know my boyfriend? Was this a set up? I was panicking as I made the bed with fresh sheets. It seemed like forever and Jared walked in and asked what I was doing here, I told him I was running late but needed to head out soon, he kissed me and I brushed by him and left for class. I was a wreck, why would I let three guys in the same week fuck me and cum inside me. I need help! I am gonna need to find someplace to live if Jared finds out. My parents would be disappointed, they think we are getting married one day. Even though I was feeling all that, I slipped my finger down to my pussy and felt how wet I was and then tasted his cum on my finger after sliding it deep and putting it in my mouth. Hope he fucks me again.
    4 points
  7. When I first came out in Hollywood, few guys had posed naked. With the internet a virtual 'arms-race' of lewd nudity has taken place and I love it. The favorite way of guys showing off their stuff is by posing 'forced perspective', cock front and center, and SHOWING FACE, and often with the tongue out for the extra lascivious touch... especially when they pop up on hook-up apps and let you know in no uncertain terms "Dude I ONLY DO BARE!"
    3 points
  8. Being in chastity for nine months and not cumming once is hard, but to have them keep putting smaller & smaller cages on is torture. I'm sent to one of the owner's homes to have it removed, and I would be there for some time. When I enter, he is waiting and hands me a rubber suit with holes for my dick, nipples, and my ass. It's tight to put on, and when it's on, I have a second shin. He leads me over to a chair that will support my legs and torso. I'm strapped tight to the chair, and I can see in the mirror I can see everything as he pulls out a bolt cutter. Boy if I mess up with this bolt cutter, you might louse your dick. When the cage is off, I'm shocked as he rubs my dick. Boy, your dick has shrunk up a bit, let me see if I can get it back to its original size. He puts a hood over my head and; I can't see anything now. He is putting something in my ass that feels like a dildo going into my second sphincter, so I know it's deep. I hear the motor, and the dildo is going in and out slowly. Next, he puts a pump as they use for milking cows on my dick and me being hairless it easy to stay on. With my nipples, there is also suction pumps put on. I'm feeling great until he speeds up the dildo and then the pump on my dick and nipples. He changes out the dildo to a bigger one and turns it on; I feel like I'm being split in half. I have a raging hardon that is driving me nuts, and I think I must have cum a few times. When I'm taken down, and the hood comes off, I see my dick looks more significant in size. I get out of the rubber suit; the sweat is running off me and hand me a drink, and from the taste, there is nothing in it but gives me some viagra. I head to the shower turn the water this boy walk in, and he is hot and about my age and is all over me in the shower kissing me with passion, I respond as my dick has not fucked a hole in a while. He takes me to a bedroom; his mouth is on my dick as I see the owner come in and hands this boy a drink, hands me a bag of tina. Shoves this up his hole before you fuck him. He takes the boy arm ties it off and gives him a slam; it was not a heavy one but enough. We are left alone as I kiss him and his mouth on my nipples is driving me nuts, I push him off as it's his hole is want I want. I take a shard and shove it in, and to my surprise, this hole is tight as I have ever seen. I bury my face in it, and I'm in heaven as he is moaning a bitch in heat. The head of my dick is on his pucker hole. I like it rough shove it in. OK, you want it he is screaming and I know I'm doing damage, but I don't give a shit as after nine months of being lock up in chastity this hole is giving me so much pleasure even as I see some blood on my dick. At this time I'm negative, so I'm not knocking him up. I must have collapsed as I wake up with him in my arms. The owner comes in pushes me off. Now the real fun comes for this boy. He grabs him by the arm, and I lay there and see on the sheets some pink cum as I look at my still hard dick. In the other room, I hear a lot of noise, so I get to see what is going on. They have the boy strapped to a bench with four bears around with some tattoos and piercing. The closer I look they are Bio-Hazard tattoos. They are slapping his ass hard and saying well we had the boy that was in chastity wreck your hole now it's our turn to welcome to the brotherhood. The owner comes over to me; this is a conversion party as he hands me a point to slam him. After every POZ load, they hand me a long thin dildo to push the POZ cum feather up his hole. I still have a raging hardon, so I stick my dick in his mouth as they were fucking his ass with POZ load. I left there so tired when I made it home I fell into Thad's arms and slept for a day.
    3 points
  9. PART 11 There I stood, naked from the waist down in only a T-shirt. My legs were still a little rubbery from balancing myself while the last guy had fucked me. And my dick was still rock hard. The adrenaline and endorphins kicking thru my 18 year old body, combined with the raunch of where I was with all this porn and the smell of cum all around me, knowing guys are getting off in the booths around me, was almost too much to take. My senses had long since gone to overload. It was like being starving and then getting to eat at the best buffet you could imagine. And even though my legs felt like jelly and my hole was already a little sore, I couldn’t shut it off, that feeling of needing cock and cum. And now here I was, with multiple loads already in me, standing naked in front of a total stranger. Thru the glare off the screen I could get a decent look at him as we sized each other up. He was definitely in his 40’s and tall, really tall. And very thin. He was mostly balding and had his hair cropped very short, which combined with his mustache just made him extra hot to me. This time it was me thst closed the distance as I reached out and stroked his cock thru his pants. “Still hungry?” He whispered. Without a word he tugged my shirt off and then he slipped his shirt off and his pants. We were both totally nude in the booth. And now seeing him naked, I just wanted him more. He had to be st least 6 4” and something about how thin he was just made him sexier. And then there was his cock. It was gorgeous. He was more than half hard already and I could see a perfect cut cock, at least 8 inches with a nice prounounced head and just the slightest upward arch along the thick shaft. And his massive balls hung low as they sagged below. I began to slide to my knees but he stopped me. “Turn around boy. Bend over and show me that ass,” he whispered in my ear as he spun me around. I put my knees up against the bench and spread myself wide for him. I could sense as he slid down on his knees, putting his face level with my ass. “Fuck yeah” he whispered, “look at that hole. All that cum. Fucking hot boy.” I responded by trying to spread even wider and pushing my ass out. I felt him gripping my ass cheeks and then his beard as it brushed my ass cheek. And then he was rimming my hole, even more than that, he was devouring it. I bucked uncontrollably as he held me in place. I am sure I made noise as I gasped and sighed as my body shuddered while he made love to my hole with his mouth. The way he teased and licked and literally fucked my hole with his tongue was almost beyond what I could take. It felt so good, and with my hands holding me up, my hard cock just swayed in the air leaking precum as I ground my ass back. Then he was up and I could feel him as he bent over me. I felt his hot breath against my neck as he spoke to me. “How old are you boy?” I whispered my age back. “18 and in an adult book store getting fucked. And taking loads. You horny little fucker.” “It’s my first time here. I just... I really like getting fucked and the guys didn’t want to use condoms so I...” i drifted off, unsure what to say. The whole time I could feel his cock resting in my ass crack, driving me crazy. “I don’t like condoms either.” He whispered as he breathed hot and heavy in my ear. “That’s ok. I don’t... I don’t like them either. You can cum in me.” I whispered urgently, my need for cock overpowering me. “Yeah. You fucking like having a guy cum in you don’t you? I have a huge load for you. Do you want it? Do you want me to cum in you?” He asked as he grinded against my hole. “Yeah. I fucking want it please. You can cum in me please.” I practically begged. And now his hand was down there and I felt the pressure of that hard cock as it forced my hole open. “Yeah open up for me. Open up that hole.” He whispered as he drove his cock into me. I concentrated on relaxing my hole as he worked it open. With all the cum me cocks I had already taken, it wasn’t long before my hole blossomed for him and he began to fuck me harder. Leaning over me again he whispered “what’s your boy?” I managed to whimper out my name. “Chris, you have such a hot right hole. I want to fuck it again. I’m gonna leave you my number to call me when you need more cum. Do you want my cum? Want me to cum inside you Chris?” “Please. Please cum inside me. I want it. I want it so badly.” I did beg this time. “It’s such a big load Chris. My balls make so much cum. I want to flood you so bad. Is it ok that I have hiv?” He whispered in my ear. An electric jolt went thru me. I had a an hiv oositive cock inside me. A really big cock that was hitting me so deep and felt so good. And that breath against my neck and in my ear and the feel of his hands pulling my hips back to meet his body. My body made the decision for me. “It’s ok.” I whispered so quietly I wasn’t sure he heard me. Then he kissed my neck. “I’m gonna give you my load in a few seconds Chris. And I’ll be in you forever. You want that fucking cum Chris? Want me to shoot my load inside you?” He said thru clenched teeth. “Please! I want it I want it I want your cum.” And I did. I was pushing back bf when he gripped my hips extra tight I pushed back hard to make sure that cock was as deep in my guts as it could be when the first jets of cum pulsed out of the head. “Fuck yeah, take it chris. Take that fucking load.” He grunted as he bucked and jabbed his cock deeper with each throb of his cock. I clenched and pulled at his cock with my hole, trying to milk every drop out. As his orgasm subsided and he came down, he slowly slid out of me. We were both silent as we dressed. Then he handed me a piece of paper. “That’s my number Chris . My place is only a few minutes away. When that hole needs more cum, you call me, ok?” Taking the paper I nodded. Looking closely at me, es asked quietly, “are you ok with that poz cum inside you right now Chris? No regrets?” I was nervous as hell but I wasn’t regretting it. “No...I... i liked it.” He smiled and ruffled my hair. “Don’t make me wait for that hole. I want it again. Soon! And call anytime. No matter what time it is, when you want my special cum, you just call Rich” And then the door was open and he was out and the door closed again. I wasn’t sure my legs would work to get me to the parking lot. Finally, I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked out. As I wobbled out, the clerk looked at me and winked. I had been there over an hour and had taken four loads. And Ted.... he had told me he had hiv and I still couldn’t stop. And now I had his number. He was so hot. Safe in my car, the reality hit me and I got the shakes a little. I was 18 and had just had unprotected sex it’s four guys and one for sure has hiv. And Ted was so hot and his cock as perfect. And when he can his cock throbbed so hard it felt like it must be pumping jets of cum. And he told me to call anytime. Like he knows I can’t resist him. All of this rushed thru my head. And I knew even then, I was gonna call ted. It was just a matter of how long i could hold out. And the bookstore, oh I was going to be there a lot.
    3 points
  10. A few years ago I was invited to join some friends on a trip to Munich for a long weekend in December. There were six of us - my friend Michael and his partner, another couple in their mid 30s, Ben and Paul, and another friend of Michael's I hadn't met. For reasons which will become obvious I've changed all the names in this story...... I liked Michael very much - he'd been a good friend for many years and I liked his partner too. The other couple I knew but less well, Paul had been friends with Michael for a long time and I had met him and his partner Ben quite a few times and liked them both. We flew out to Munich on the Friday morning and checked out the Christmas markets in the afternoon. We were all staying until Monday except Paul who had to fly home on Sunday due to work commitments. We had a good time and I enjoyed the company very much. I had been busy at work and was working long hours so I had not had much time for anything else and I was looking forward to having a break. I was also feeling very horny. I knew, however, that this particular group of friends didn't really approve of things like cruising and saunas or sex clubs and also had very strong views on monogamy and on safe sex. I had often heard them talking about it and talking very disapprovingly about the amount of barebacking going on. I had every intention, however, of getting some time to myself and going in search of some horny bareback sex. On the Saturday night we all went out for a meal and later on that night I went off to a large park I had heard was a good cruising ground. I found it easily and had a wander round. It was a beautiful night but it was very cold and there were not many people around. I tried cruising a young lad who looked to be in his late 20s and was dressed in jeans and a puffer jacket but he didn't seem to be interested. A few older guys were cruising but nothing much was happening. Even though I wasn't getting any action, I enjoyed walking around very much. I passed the young lad a few more times with the same result and just as I was on the point of giving up and going back to my hotel, he passed me again and started cruising me. I assumed he had been looking for someone nearer his own age but had concluded that I would have to do. I didn't care and soon his jeans and pants were down and his cock was in my mouth. He had a fair sized cock and I enjoyed sucking it very much. He didn't object when I turned him round and soon my tongue was up his arse. I rimmed him for a while and then stood up and began to rub the head of my cock over his arsehole. Again he didn't object so I began to push the head of my cock into his hole. He groaned and, reaching into his pocket, handed me a small packet. I thought it was going to be a condom but it was a small sachet of lube. I lubed him up and pushed my cock slowly right up his arse. Soon he was leaning against a tree, his puffer jacket hitched up and his jeans and pants at his knees as I fucked him bareback. His arse was really tight and I enjoyed every minute of fucking him. I hadn't cum for several days and before too long I was shooting what felt like a massive load right up his arse. I was feeling much more relaxed and chilled now and we all went out for lunch on Sunday and then Ben went with Paul to the airport for his flight home. The other three were going out for the evening and would not be back until late- they had obtained tickets for some high brow concert outside Munich and were really excited about it. Ben and I arranged to go out for something to eat and found a really good Italian restaurant. I was getting to know Ben a bit better now and I really liked him. A few things he said suggested he was actually more relaxed about some things than the others and he sank quite a few pints of beer in the course of the evening. After we had finished our meal it was still quite early and Ben suggested going for a drink in a nearby gay bar. The bar was nice and modern with good music and friendly bar staff and it was just starting to get busy when we got there. When I went downstairs to the toilet, I discovered there was a darkroom down there too. I took a quick piss and then had a look in the darkroom. Quite a few guys were in there - a young blond twink was down on his knees sucking two older guys and a fit looking black guy was being fucked hard in a corner, I watched for a while and then went back upstairs. A little later Ben went to the toilet. He came back a little while later and said "There's a darkroom down there too." I nodded and Ben grinned. The blond twink was now at the bar and after a while he disappeared again. A little later Ben finished his drink and asked me if I fancied checking out the darkroom. The darkroom was a bit busier now - and there was quite a lot of sucking and fucking going on. The blond twink was bent over being fucked and a few other guys were watching and wanking. As we watched they guy fucking the twink thrust hard up his arse a few times and then pulled out. He took off a condom and threw it on the floor. The twink stayed bent over and a dark haired guy stepped up. He pulled the twink's cheeks apart, lined up his cock and pushed right up him bareback. Ben's eyes lit up and he said "Fuck!" as we moved in closer to watch the action. The dark haired guy was fucking the twink hard up against the wall now and Ben said "Fuck....I'd love to...." I said "Go on, if you want to." He looked at me. "I won't tell anyone." I said. Ben hesitated for a moment and then he moved over to the twink. I watched as Ben pulled his jeans and pants down to his knees and began to wank as he watched the twink being fucked. The twink turned round a little and bent forward, taking Ben's cock into his mouth. Ben and the dark haired guy spit roasted the twink for a while and then the dark haired guy thrust hard up his arse a few times and pushed his cock right up him and held it there and I knew he was cumming deep in the twink's arse. When he pulled out the twink turned round and pushed his arse towards Ben. Ben didn't hesitate - he pushed his bare cock right up the twink's arse and began to fuck him. I hadn't expected that at all and I soon had my cock out wanking as I watched Ben fucking the twink bareback. Ben fucked him for a while and after a while I could tell he was getting close. I watched as Ben threw his head back and pushed right up the twink, obviously blowing his load right up him. When Ben pulled out, I took his place. I was really horny from watching Ben and it wasn't long before I added my cum to the loads the twink already had up him. Ben was a bit quiet when we went back up to the bar but then we got talking to a group of German guys and he livened up again. We got talking to two guys in their mid 30s who were a couple who lived in Munich. One of them was tall and quite thin and the other small and chunky. I went to the toilet and when I came back Ben was chatting to them. I had noticed that Ben was flirting with them, and was clearly enjoying being off the leash for the evening. A little later I went to the bar for some more drinks. The bar was busy and it took me a while to get served. I looked over and saw that Ben was now standing closer to them and chunky guy had his hand on Ben's arse. When I got back the two German guys were just finishing their drinks and shortly after that they left. I couldn't see if they had left the bar or if they had gone downstairs, but I suspected the latter. After a short time Ben put his drink down and said casually "I think I might go check out the darkroom again..." I guessed that he was going to join the other two guys and sensed that he probably would be less inhibited if I wasn't there so I said "No problem, I'll see you later," I waited a while and then made my way back down to the darkroom. It didn't take me long to find Ben and as I had thought, he was with the two German guys. Ben and the taller guy were standing with their trousers and pants down and the chunky guy was down sucking on first one cock and then the other as Ben and the taller guy kissed each other. I watched for a while and then the German guy stood up and Ben got down and started sucking the other two. It was all very horny but it soon got even hornier. Ben was now bent over sucking the chunky guy, his fit arse in the air as the taller guy went round behind him. I saw him taking out a small packet and he began to rub some lube into Ben's arse. This was getting interesting... I didn't think there was any way Ben would get fucked without a condom, but he didn't even look round as the tall guy began to push his bare cock against his arsehole. I watched as the guy pushed his cock right up Ben's arse. He gave Ben a moment to get used to his cock and then began to fuck him. I had my cock out now, wanking as I watched Ben being fucked bareback. I had never thought that Ben would cheat on his boyfriend - and certainly not that he would do it without a condom. The tall guy was fucking him hard now and I could tell that Ben was loving every minute of it. I watched them fuck for a while and then the guy thrust up Ben's arse a few more times and I knew he was cumming in Ben's arse. The chunky guy pulled out of Ben's mouth and moved round behind him. His cock was much bigger than the tall guy's and I watched and wanked as Ben reached round and pulled his cheeks apart to help the guy get his big bare cock up his arse. The chunky guy fucked Ben hard and fast and I could hear Ben groaning as the chunky guy took hold of his hips and began to fuck him even harder. It wasn't long before he too shot his load up Ben's unprotected, cheating arse and I shot my load on to the floor of the darkroom I was back upstairs by the time Ben returned from the darkroom looking flushed. I asked him if he had fun and he grinned and nodded He had no idea I knew just how much fun he actually had.......
    2 points
  11. Apologies coz I know I've mentioned it before - it was still the hottest stealthing ever. A guy my bf fancied invited me and my bf to play with him and his bf - all safe fun -which we did. At the end the other two went downstairs to get some food leaving me with the host. He then said "can I put it in bare - not to fuck but just to feel it inside?" I was sure he wasn't going to stick to that - but I said "ok" thinking I could tell him to stop when he started to fuck. To my surprise he didn't. He just put it in and kept it still - no movement at all, for what felt like 5 minutes. Then suddenly still no movement - but I just feel his cum shooting inside me. "I've cum" he said (something I had already worked out). I pretended to be annoyed - found my bf and said we were leaving. But of course went back for more. Still don't know how he did it though.
    2 points
  12. Totally agree with that .... I just wanted to know and experience what the guys I was fisting were feeling. OMG ... AWESOME. So now I'll fist whoever comes my way with a decent inviting hole, fuck them and get my first load off ... THEN ... its my turn in the sling. And so it goes, sometimes all night, sometimes with some nice chems it'll be all weekend. Just so need to feel that fist and arm inside me!
    2 points
  13. Feels like live blogging today lol the bf asked me to come home with a few more loads so opened Grindr, found a fuckbud online and I stopped by his place for a quick fuck since he had to go meet his wife for dinner so I got there dropped my pants as he threw me on the carpet, legs up and rammed his cock deep in, 10 minutes later I had his babies deep in me and as I left I saw a message on Grindr from a top nearby (200m away) told him I was close, loaded and asked if wanted to add his load, his response was “fuck yeah” and I was on my way. He was a kisser and started feeling my ass feeling my cummy hole and growled in my mouth. I told him I have a bf that wanted my pussy full of cum and he got even harder he immediately pushed me on all 4 and teased my cummy hole with his cock head (6.5” thick) till I begged him to shove it in me and fuck me hard he obliged and went to town on my hole, fucking hard and loving my sloppy hole for almost 10 minutes till he dropped his first load and kept on going so 20 min later I got his second load deep inside me Now I’m on my was back to the bf with a pussy full of cum for him to munch on
    2 points
  14. 4. “I’m going to keep you my horny little cock slut till you cant take it any longer. How does that sound boy?” “Thank you, Sir.” My cock throbbed against the cage but more importantly my hole pulsed around the plug still lodged deep inside of me. “Good boy. I’ve got a long night of pussy wrecking planned for you.” He grabbed me hard behind my head and drew me close to him. Roughly he stuffed his tongue in my mouth again, biting at my lip. He held me by my hair, tight against him. He bit my ear lightly and said “Go get on the bed with that cunt in the air. I’m ready to breed my pussy again.” I basically ran to the bedroom and leapt onto his bed. Sir followed slowly his cock swinging in front of him. I stuck my ass in the air and grabbed onto both cheeks the plug sticking straight up in the air. Sir grabbed the plug and slowly started to pull. As he did I felt my ass lips being pulled open. It took a long moment for my hole to open wide enough to let the plug base out. I gasped when it did and pushed back on it. Sir pushed the plug back into making me groan. He did it again, and again. Slowly working up to fucking me with the plug base. It snapped in and out of my hole and I pushed back against it till my hole barely closed around the plug each time. Finally, Sir tore the plug from me completely with a wet sound, my face was buried in the mattress after the plug fucking and I only heard him spit and then felt his cock head dive into my ruined hole. He slammed all the way in with one stroke. I grunted but my hole was so open I felt nothing but pleasure. I reached back behind me and held my hole open for him. “Damn this pussy has loosened up better than I thought,” Sir said as he pulled his cock completely out of me and then slammed back in. “You’ll be taking my fist in your cunt in no time boy. You’re rings already starting to look nice and blown out.” I felt something else slide into my hole and realized he had stiffed two fingers into my hole next to his cock. He was fingering me and fucking me and I could take it no problem. My hole, I now came to understand, had always been meant to be fucked, I had just been doing it wrong. Sir pummeled my hole. He pounded me harder and harder, getting his cock as deep as it would go. At some point I he worked two more fingers into me. When his breathing finally started to change and I knew he was getting close he had three fingers in my hole next to his cock and he had flipped me on my back. As Sir’s pace began to change I started to understand why Sir called my hole a pussy and a cunt. That was how I felt, a loose hole made for cock. My cunt felt so good stretched around Sirs cock. This was who I was supposed to be. Just then Sir slammed his cock as deep as it would go and pulled his fingers from my cunt. His cock throbbed deep inside of me as he deposited his seed. Sir put the slick fingers that had just been in my hole next to my lips and without being told to I opened up and licked the cum and ass juice off of them greedily. Sir smiled at me, his forehead slick with sweat. Once his cock had softened he pulled out of me. “Stay right there,” he said. He opened the same draw he had when he pulled me the first time and pulled out a bigger plug. He lugged a big glob of spit onto its head and rubbed it on my gaping pussy. It popped in easily, and I smiled. “Good boy. You’ve passed the first tests with flying colors.” “Thank you, Sir!” “Now, let’s see how well you do with the rest of the night. Are you ready for the next test boy?” “Yes, Sir!” “Good, get dressed. You’re going to visit a friend of mine.”
    2 points
  15. Paybacks a Bitch (so is my Brother) Part 4 Tyson could only moan with Rod’s cock stuffed in his mouth as I dumped another load on toxic cum inside his ass. I could see Rod grab my brother’s skull between his two hands as he let the new cock sucker, “Time for you to learn that a real man’s cock belongs in a cock suckers throat.” I felt Tyson’s body convulsing and heard a “Oompha” from him and knew that Rod’s cock was inching its way into my brother’s throat as he was being taught the proper way to suck cock. Rod continued to mental challenge Tyson, “That’s it jock boy, suck that cock. Use for throat of yours and make me feel good.” With Rod’s ass right in front of my face I could tell he was slowly working his 9” in and out of Tyson’s throat while providing instruction as he pulled out, “Breath I through your nose before you suck my cock into your throat again.” I continued to work my poz load deeper into my brother’s as I knew something that would help get Rod to cum down Tyson’s throat. I wanted him to know what cum tasted like as he was going to be consuming it frequently over the next two weeks. I leaned in and began to eat Rod’s ass. His moans told me I was thing it right, his comment told me he wanted more, “Fuck yeah Steph, eat my ass. Fuck jock boy, your bro’s going to mage me cum soon. You better be ready to eat some sperm cause I’m going to be feeding you real soon.” I kept my tongue I Rod’s ass as he kept fucking my brother's mouth and throat. I could feel his ass start to clench as ha was getting closer to fling Tyson’s mouth with a load of his own dirty cum. I figured a few more thrusts and Tyson would have those baby makers shot into his tongue. Rod showed a kind streak he rarely shows a but he's skull fucking, “Jock boy better me ready to swallow my sperm cause I’m about to fill your mouth with enough sperm to choke a horse.” I knew Rod always shot huge loads, I’m usually able to keep up but wondered how my bro was going to handle the cum he was about to receive. This action also had be ready to deliver another load before I’d turn his ass over for Rod to breed. Rod was ready to give Tyson his first taste of creamy sperm as I felt his ass spam and he moaned if, “Oh yeah jock boy, taste that dirty sperm. I’m know you’ll enjoy the taste and it’ll go better when I breed your jock boy ass. Just savor the taste. I think you should use my sperm as tooth paste and brush your teeth with it.” With Tyson’s head still I Rod’s hands he finished filling up his mouth as a little dribbled of the corners if his lips and which Rod licked up as I finished filling Tyson’s ass one more time before I was ready to pull out. I was able to grab the toothbrush Rod asked me to have on hand. Rod took the toothbrush from me and as he told Tyson to hold his sperm he inserted the toothbrush into Tyson’s mouth and began to vigorously brush Tyson’s teeth. I knew the objective was to use the toothbrush to massage the virus present on Rod’s jiz into Tyson's gums. Paybacks a Bitch (so is my Brother) Part 4 Not giving Tyson anytime to think I pulled my cock out of his well fucked ass while Rod gave the jock a another slam. It was Rod's turn to fuck Tyson while Steph prepared for his friends to arrive. Rod maneuvered the former straight not onto his hands and knees before mounting his ass. Tyson was in for a brutal fucking. Rod as known for hammering away with his 9 thick cock and this was not going to be any exception. Rod slammed all 9” into Tyson’s hole as my brother yelled out in pain. He quickly grew accustomed to the intrusion as the rush took over Tyson’s mind and body. With the Tina rushing through Tyson’s system he’d be able to handle Rod's pounding. While I got the house ready for the weekends ‘festivities’ Tyson began to moan as Rod pounded away. Rod fucked my brother's body and mind as he continued the verbal assault on Tyson’s sexuality, “Oh yeah, jock boy’s ass is better than his throat. You liking the dirt loads I’m during into your ass?” Tyson was trying to process what he was hearing. He had no clue of the true meaning of what Rod was asking him, he could only moan back. Rod continued, “Jock boy is going to make a good cum dump for our friends. Just wait until we pimp your neg ass out. You’re going to be so popular once the word is out that a fresh, new, young piece of ass is open for breeding.” I was assembling the portable sling he brought over woke Rod was taking his turn breeding my brother. Steph had to pause the assembling of the sling when he heard Rod say, “Is Jock boy ready for my gift?” Tyson was barely able to answer, still moaning when Rod slapped Tyson across his face and asked again, “Is jock boy ready for my gift? I want to hear you ask for my gift.” In his dog fueled brain Tyson answered the only way he knew how, “Give me your gift.” I knew Tyson had no clue what he was really asking for or what he was really getting when Rod’s pace quickened. I knew Rod well enough to know he was fling my brother with good poz cum. As Rod continued to fuck my brother working his freshly added load to the ones I had deposited earlier I went back to assembling the sling. My friends would be arriving soon. Rod had enough time to give Tyson at least once more load. Sure enough Rod deposited his second load as my friends started to arrive. This gave us the time to move my (still) drugged up little brother over to the sling. Several of my friends easily picked him up and carried him over to the sling where he was quickly restrained. I leaned in and kissed Tyson forcing my tongue down his throat just before I told him, “Bro, when this weekend of over, your ass is going to be bleeding com.” I then have my little bro another slam and proclaimed, “The neg, straight, jock boy is open for breeding.
    2 points
  16. I don't know how long it was but time seemed to stand still. I was high. Higher than I had ever been. I felt amazing and my ass was being stretched by a monster of a butt plug. I wanted more. I needed more and as I heard a knock at the door I knew I was going to get more. Zac and Jo returned to the room with a third guy. He was about 6 ft tall , black and built like Atlas. His body seemed to be complete muscle. He looked like he could own any situation just by being there and the atmosphere seemed to change with his presence. He was introduced as Big T. I just stared at him. I was drooling. He smiled at me and I saw a perfect set of white teeth that he licked with a very long tongue. I was lost in his eyes. I wanted him and he could see the lust in my eyes. Big T started to undress and before long stood before me in his full glory. Everything about him was big. His arms ,his hands, his chest, his cock and his legs. He was in perfect proportion but it was all on a big scale. I knew that this Adonis was gonna make me feel good. Zak spoke first and asked Big T if he needed a chair. No looked puzzled but said nothing. Zak returned with a chair and put it at the base of the bed. Big t asked how many loads I had taken and was told there were about 10 deposits from 4 guys. Big T smiled and said that that will help the GS but he would need more lube than that. Zak went to his fuck sack and pulled out some lube and handed it to Big T. He opened the jar and started to cover his hands in the liquid. He then had me lay on my back with my hole at the edge of the bed. He told Zak to get on the bed behind me and when he was there he told me to put my legs back shock Zac grabbed hold of and held them in place. Big T smiled and said what a delicious looking hole. He then grabbed hold of the butt plug and without warning pulled it quickly out of my hole. I yelled out loud and was quickly muffled by Zac who rammed his cock down my throat. My hole was gaping and it felt like he had pulled half my guts out with the plug. He then looked at me and said You have a great looking pussy there and I'm going to enjoy using it. I'm going to enter my fingers into you one. You one and then you will take my fist. When we get that far I'm then going to put my cock in your hole and I'm gonna wank myself off inside you. I looked at him as if I had misheard him. He just smiled and nodded but said no more. It was No that was next to speak and he said that sounds awesome and asked Mr T if he could film it. Mr t readily agreed. Mr T then placed his middle finger at my entrance and with a softness that belittled his size he gently pushed it in my hole. It felt good but I wanted it badly so I tried to push back on his hand to get more. Big T laughed out loud and said Pussy Boi seems hungry and needs more. I just moaned and nodded. Me eyes looked pleadingly at him. He then said well if that's the way you want it then who am I to disappoint. Big t pulled out his finger and dipped them in the lube. He then placed his hand at my hole. He looked me straight in the eyes and he gave an evil grin and rammed 4 fingers in my hole at once. I tried to scream and pull away but the cock in my mouth had me gagged and its owner held me firmly in place. Big T laughed and without stopping started to twist his finger back and forwards. Although I had been stretched his massive hand was really pushing my limits. He kept doing this for about 10 minutes occasionally pulling out and then reliving before plunging in again. The initial pain was gone and the pleasure had returned . I was moaning at the intense feelings my pussy was sending to my brain. I was starting to push back. Big T took this as a sign to go to the next stage. He placed his thumb against his palm and pushed his hand forward. He was stretching me still further. I could feel the pressure getting more and more. I could feel my hole being forced to its limit and I was trying to scream for him to stop and pull away. I felt like I was going to pass out when Big T stopped and said to Zac that I was going to need a little help. Zac nodded and told Jon to get the black spectacle case from his rucksack. Joe went and got it and handed it to Zac. Jon was then instructed to tie of my arm. Zack pulled a loaded point from the case and said that this was a special one and that it would do the job. Zac soon found a vein and pulled back and got a register. big T had relived his hand and placed it back in my hole and was applying pressure again. Withing saying a word Big T noodles at Zac who pushed the plunger and loaded the contents into my arm. Zac pulled out the needle and released the tie. I felt the chems travel up my arm. The taste hit my throat and I started to cough but this time it felt different. I felt like I started to float. I felt like I was watching from afar. My vision was technicoloured and my hearing was muffled. I felt strange but good. I then realised that big T had his fist in me. I don't know when it happens but I could feel it filling my hole. He was standing up and I could see him moving. He had his cock inside me as well and was wanking himself inside me. I felt like I could see it all happening but It was like it was happening to someone else. I don't know how long this went on for but I remember waking up some time later. Big T had gone. Zac and Jon were sitting and watching telly. My ass was plugged and sore and I still felt amazing but I was back in this world. Zac explained that I had gone into a K hole. He explained that the last slam had contained T and K . He said after a while I had blacked out but they laughed and said that Big T had left satisfied. I looked at the guys and asked what they meant. Zac said why don't you watch the video whilst I get you a drink. Jon turned on the film. There was I impaled on Big Ts mitt . He was fucking my hole and his hand and it went on for ages. I could clearly be heard begging for more. After Big T shot his load I see home relive his hand and then I see him edge his hole hand and arm up to his elbow deep inside me. It looked awesome. It looked hot. I felt the plugged in my hole. I felt so hot and horny. The guys asked me what I thought. I looked at both of them and I said it's bloody fantastic and for god's sake one of you fuck me before I go mad. They both laughed out loud. We returned to the bed and they both took turns fucking me again. We continued playing until the sun started to come up and bathing the bedroom in light. That's when we decided we needed some sleep. Zac said he had errands to run. He told Jon and I to get some rest as after all we had a busy night ahead!!!!. I fell asleep in jons arms with his cock buried in my hole
    2 points
  17. Paybacks a Bitch (so is my Brother) Part 1 This is all about Tyson, my straight of a jock younger brother who turned 18 the summer before his senior year in high school. My parents held him back a year since he demonstrated exceptional athletic skills paying Pop Warner. It paid off for him when he became the starting QB in the middle of the season during his sophomore year. For me it reminded my father that his other son was a ‘flaming fag'. I never blamed my brother for any of the animosity I received from my father. It was Tyson’s cockiness that pissed me off the most. While I was being abused by his fellow jocks Tyson was fucking any girl he wanted. I can’t really call what the jocks did to be as abuse, I sucked a good number of jock cock and took a few you the ass. The one time I will never forget was the end of my senior year (the same year my brother became the starting quarterback). This one senior jock I regularly ‘serviced’ had me over his place for what I thought was going to be our typical I suck him, he fucks me. What ended up happening was they I sucked off and was fucked by a dozen football players including my brother. It didn’t bother me (that much) that sucked off my brother after he fucked me. What buttered me was the fact that after that night he thought he had an open invitation on my ass and mouth. For the last few weeks of the year he'd walk into my bedroom and without saying a word force his cock down my throat or force me face down and mount my ass. I endured the humiliation of all this for one reason, actually two reasons. The first reason was that my brother (along with every guy who fucked me that night) shot their wad of cum I my ass and/or down my throat. The second reason was that my had a decent cock that was nearly as big as my 8” and be wasn’t that bad with it either. Tyson did this to me 2 or 3 times a week, but now it was payback time!! First thing I needed to perform ‘coitus intruptus’ and mess up his plans with his girlfriend. I knew when he Tyson was giving my parents a ride to the airport. I figured I’d arrive at the house right after they left allowing me time to set everything up. One thing you need to know about my brother is that be drinks Gatorade, a lot of Gatorade. The first thing I needed to do was replace his Gatorade with one’s I prepare special. The preparation is simple, some Gatorade has a slightly (let’s just say) salty taste to it adding some Tina, Tina piss and GHB wouldn't be easily be overlooked if you didn’t know the taste. I used some concentrated citrus flavoring to help hide the chems Tyson would be unknowingly consuming. Once he was horny and loosened up I'd make my move. He was surprised as all fuck when he walked in and saw me sitting there watching porn on my laptop. As I watched him grab a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge and star to drink he asked, “What the fuck are you doing here Steph?” I told him, “My apartment is getting bug bombed this weekend. I figured if crash here since mom and dad left on there 2 week trip.” I saw a slight look of disappointment in Tyson's eyes as he continued to guzzle the Gatorade when he replied, “I guess you can crash here as long as you don’t fuck up my plans.” For a second I thought I’d reply with ‘You having your jock buddies over for a circle jerk?’ and actually responded with, “You having over some girl to play house with?” As Tyson finished of the 32 ounces bottle he answered with, “You know it.” I let him know, “I promise I won’t interfere with you getting fucked.” Of course I my promise didn’t indicate which type of fucking he’d be getting. He didn’t waste a lot of time as he grabbed another bottle of Gatorade. I knew the Tina I it would make him thirsty and he liked diving Gatorade to satisfy his thirst. I should see that the chems were starting to kick in as he rubbed his crotch looking at me sitting there in just a pair of shorts. It didn’t take long after that when he approached me, pushed my laptop aside, grabbed me behind my neck and pulled my head into his cock. I pushed him so he was sitting on the couch, pulled his basketball shorts of with his boxer briefs and telling him before I started sucking his chemmed up cock, “Bro, you don’t have to be so forceful, just ask.” I sucked his cock like normal, but he wasn't getting hard as he expected. He was still working on his third bottle of my specially mixed Gatorade and I figured the chems were doing their ‘magic’ on his dick. I could sense he was getting frustrated with his ‘impotence’ I told him, “I have a sure way to get a dick hard.” Of course it was my dick that was getting hard at the thought of what I was about to go to Tyson. I pushed his legs up as I began to lick his balls working down towards his virgin hole. When I licked his taint a couple times he squirmed a bit with a quiet moan escaping his closed mouth. Knowing I was at the line it was time to cross it and go for broke. I knew when these two weeks were over Tyson would be changed forever. Did I really want to turn my straight brother into a Tina addicted HIV positive, cum craving, cock hungry bottom? I answered this internal question when I began eating his ass.
    1 point
  18. True story from Dec. 23rd holiday party. My partner Shane and I went to a friend’s holiday party. It’s a semi-annual event, and always one of the best parties of the year. This year there were around 70 guys attending. There was a small catering team handling the food and bar. My favorite was the blonde waiter; when we chatted, he shared he was a senior in a nursing program and was thinking about PA school next year. The bartender was a muscular guy, shaved head, in his late 30s or early 40s; he was pouring the drinks pretty heavy. I chatted briefly with another waiter, this one a bit shy with dark, thick hair and glasses who was also finishing college, and looking a bit overwhelmed by all the men. There was a really mishmash of guests, ranging from late 20s through early 60s, with the majority in their 40s and 50s. A good cross-section of fit and outgoing gentlemen. I knew about half of the guys from other social events, and a few from prior seasons in Ptown. A few close friends were attending, and I was mingling throughout the night. Shane and I crossed paths now and agin in the house — a 3600 sq. Ft. Home built along the edge of conservation land, so it was nice and private. There was a constant level of flirting and sexual energy in the group; not ususual for one of these parties. Men were casually chatting, rubbing one another’s chest, and breaking the touch-barrier by laying a hand on someone new’s shoulder or around their waist. The buzz in the house was lively as guys moved from room to room, and occasionally out to the chillly patio, during the evening. Around 10 p.m. some guys began to take their leave. I’d chatted with my friends, made some new acquaintances, and even exchanged a couple nice kisses with some new handsome guys. Shane introduced me to a tall, lean red head named Eric, and I chatted with the handsome ginger for a bit before needing to visit the bartender again. There’d also been a slow migration of some guys to the upper floor, which had a walkway and small seating area that overlooked the living room. Guys were hanging out up there, and then disappearing down the hallway. I wasn’t in a hurry to wander upstairs, and was enjoying the conversations still happening on the main floor. Around 10:45 the main floor was growing pretty thin. The last of my close friends that were still hanging around were saying goodbyes. The main floor was littered with empty food plates, wine glasses, and cups. I peeked into the front living room and saw a guy sitting on the couch with another kneeling at his feet blowing him. In the kitchen, three guys were in a tight embrace exploring one another’s bodies under their winter clothing. I decided to wander upstairs and see what was happening there. The master bedroom was at the end of the upstairs hallway, past several other closed doors. The hall was quiet, and there wasn’t much noise coming from those closed rooms. The master bedroom door was opne, but the room was dark. With about 6 feet left to the hallway, I could begin to hear the happy murmurs of men in the dark. There were about 25 guys in the bedroom, a large space with 2 levels — the lower level had a king size bed in the center of the floor looking out a wall of glass into the woods. Behind the bed was a low wall with steps on either side that went to the upper level. Guys were everywhere. From the upper level, I could see a group of 7 guys active on the bed, with one guy laying spread eagle and another laying on top of him. Two other guys were on all fours at opposite sides of the bed being fucked from behind. Around me were small groups of naked men sucking, and I spied what looked like a metal framework in the corner opposite the hallway. I stripped, tossed my clothes behind a chair, and started to wander the upper level to see who was there and where I might join in. The bedroom was filled with happy moans and groans of men sharing sexual intimacy. There were random bottles of poppers and lube floating around, and I took a quick hit of poppers to get myself going; my dick was already rock hard, my favorite leather cockring hugging it tight at the base. My friend Matthew was laying on a blanket on the floor, holding his legs in the air as someone I hadn’t spoken to tonight started penetrating his hole. Three guys were on their knees in the middle of a group of 6 or 7, hungrily sucking one cock after another. The frame I saw in the corner was for a sling, but the sling was empty at the moment — I didn’t think that would last very long. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness, just a few candles punctuating small areas of the room, and casting most of the bodies as silhouettes until you got up close. I picked up a bottle of poppers and took a second hit as one of the guys kneeling reached out and touched my cock; I slipped it into his mouth and enjoyed a nice blowjob before he moved back to the guy on my right. I wandered down to the lower level by the bed. The sounds here were more intense — skin slapping against skin, and short grunts, moans, and gasps as men were being fucked in the near darkness. I had to get close to make out faces. To my surprise, the adorable blonde waiter was bent over the edge of the bed being fucked by one of the hosts. The host leaned over as I got close, and made out with me while he kept fucking the boy. There was a bottle of lube and some poppers laying nearby on the bed, and I reached underneath to feel the host’s bare cock sliding in and out of the boy’s hole. I stepped around and knelt on the bed, taking a hit of poppers, sharing one with the boy, and pushed my cock into his mouth to spit roast him. I looked at the other pairs fucking on the bed, and realized it was Shane laying spread eagle on one side of the bed with the red head plowing into his hole. I felt the thrill that goes through me when I see Shane being fucked by someone. He was grunting over and over as Eric delivered thrust after thrust, his body weight pressing Shane into the mattress. The muscly bartender was standing at the other edge of the bed, stroking slowly as he watched two other guys fucking near him; he occasionally reached over and touched Eric’s ass and ran his hand up along his spine. I decided to walk up top and see if there was an available ass ready to be fucked. My friend Matthew was now in the sling with a couple guys standing near, but no one stepping up. I quickly lubed my cock, stepped up to Matthew’s waiting hole, and started to push in. He and I smiled to each other for a second, then he took two long hits of poppers knowing what was coming, and then the fuck started. His ass was incredible warm wrapped around my dick, and I felt the smooth skin rubbing against my cock as I pumped in and out of his hole. I fucked him with long strokes, purposely trying to have my balls slap against his ass. He started jacking himself, and I picked up the pace as he starting moaning. I went from long and deep strokes, to a more moderate pace, letting the sling begin to do some of the work as it swung forward and back, pulling his hole away from my cock, and then plunging back to impale him again. Matthew was groaning loudly, which totally turns me on, and I started a power fuck, slamming his ass hard as I pulled back against the chairs holding the sling. Matthew and I locked eyes, him grunting and snarling like someone who loves his ass used hard. My pelvic bone was starting to hurt I was fucking him so hard, pulling back on the chains to bring his hole back to me. Matthew grunted and then asked for a break. I stepped back, and helped him up, his lightly furred chest drenched in sweat, and he was gasping a bit. We stood there making out for a few minutes, then he went downstairs for water. I washed off my cock in the shower (I think that’s always polite after fucking someone’s ass), and wandered back toward the bed. There were at least 10 guys on or around the bed, and the energy had become primal. Shane and the blonde waiter was laying on their backs along the bottom end of the bed, with a third guy on all fours beside them. All three were being fucked. Shane was taking the bartender’s big cock, his moans conveying how hot the fuck was. The blonde was giving it up for a silver fox, and the third was impaled on the host’s cock. This is where everything just begins to become a pagent of smells, sounds, and feelings. I jumped onto the bed, and there were others that followed. The next 40 minutes was a circus of mystery cocks slipping in and out of willing holes as tops moved around the bed regularly, I fucked a cute otter at the edge of the bed while watching Shane take the silver fox in his ass, and another guy push his cock into Shane’s mouth. I was just thinking of breeding the otter when someone came up behind me and pushed into my ass. I became distracted by the mystery cock inside me, and the incredibly warm feeling of the otter’s hole. I thrusted forward to bury myself deep, feeling the dick in my slide out to his head; and then pushed back onto the cock behind me while giving the otter a moment of relief. I was caught up in the amazing slippery feelings on my cock and in my ass. There was a rotation on the bed, and I lost my otter hole only to find the blonde waiter sniffing poppers with his legs spread wide. I didn’t waste time taking that beautiful hole, watching the expressions on his face as I began to pump in and out of him raw. A suddenly loud grunting / growling sound was off to my left, and I could make out (through the tangle of bodies) a bearded guy from Connecticutt pumping his load into Shane’s ass. My poppered up blonde was cradling his knees in his arms, lifting his ass up for my cock. I pounded him, shifting my stance a few times to reach different angles in his hole. He vacillated between low moans and quick whimpers as he took another cock in him. I made out with a guy next to me who then asked for a turn with the blonde. I gave myself a quick respite for some water, then returned to the bed. The redhead Eric was back at Shane’s ass, holding his legs wide while he pumped away at the hungry hole. Shane was moaning, and after a few minutes I heard him ask for Eric’s load. The redhead pumped with determination; I could hear their bodies slapping against one another, and felt it in the bed itself. Finally Eric unloaded into Shane, still pumping away to push his load deep inside. I felt someone fingering my hole, but he was a bit too tentative to keep my attention. Meanwhile, the otter was available again, and he presented his hole to me. I decided this was where I was going to finish for the night. I made out with the handsome otter, letting my hardon tease against his hole for a moment before pushing back inside. We found a quick rhythm and made out while I fucked his ass. I felt the urge building inside me to shoot. I looked up and saw one of the hosts bending Shane over the edge of the bed and positioning his cock to enter my partner. “Are you gonna breed me?” The otter asked. ”Fuck yeah!” I grunted. He looked at me with cocklust in his eyes, and I knew I was going to tag his ass. I let the urge build, my cock aching to release, “OH YEAH~” and I let my cum flood the adorable otter in front of me. He started grunting, and I saw his own cum shoot across his chest and hit his chin. I licked him cum onto my tongue, and pushed it into his own mouth, letting him taste his own cum while mine filled his ass. Our host grunted again and again as he unloaded into Shane’s ass in front of me. I got off the bed with the otter, the two of us walking hand-in-hand, I lead him toward the shower. I slapped the host’s ass, “Nice work” and he smiled back. “I’ve wanted to breed that ass for over a year!” The otter and I showered, then snuggled in one of the other bedrooms for awhile. When I finally got up to collect my clothing and boyfriend, I found him showering with a bearded guy from Boston I’d met before. He had fucked Shane in the sling and given him another load. Shane told me later that he’d been fucked by two guys in the sling, taking both loads. If you enjoyed hearing about Shane’s and my holiday orgy, click the Blue Heart and Upvote, and leave a message.
    1 point
  19. Indeed, Audrey's story is really great and I look forward to hear more about her slutty encounters (will there be a poz turn at some point ? Who knows ^^). But please Hungtop4barehole, if ever you have time, I will be very keen on reading more of "They were all three hot!", it is one of the best, if not the best bi poz story ever. I am sure that after having sampled all those "Three hot guys", and after a period of sadness about her posing, she will realize that she can not go back to protected sex, she will have to go back to those hot three guys, and after that she will make a really hot gifter, using her super hot looks and sluttyness to convert naive young guys (with or whiteout the help of her three gifters) :-P.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, obviously you can write what you want, your choice, but more of some of those stories would be great, especially the one with the girl having sex with the three hiv+ badboys. Also "gloryhole" is great.
    1 point
  21. Love how each chapter tells us more about the people while weaving in some hot sex as well! Kudos to @losolentfor his excellent writing...? Looking forward to the forthcoming chapters!
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Get fisted is a very hot fantasy, but wondering how open will be my ass once I go in that path.
    1 point
  24. "Right"? Perhaps, but I prefer a Dom Top with no interest.
    1 point
  25. Loving this story! The depth of the characters is amazing and I am in love with Angelo. Dominant and aggressive but soft and compassionate when it counts.
    1 point
  26. There was a great discussion/thread recently that talked about (among other things) how most "bottoms" have the equipment and physical ability to fuck. For me it's certainly true. i wake up with erections, it feels physically good to touch my penis and cum. It also feels physically good to be penetrated by a guy and bred, but additionally, there is something emotional and mental that is nurtured and sighs with satisfaction in me when a guy wants me. Penetrating and breeding can be so much more than physical, and it's those areas where i am "total bottom." i may feel physically good cumming using my penis, but emotionally i experience disappointment, like i have compromised my self. i don't believe there is a right or wrong way to be, Top, vers, bottom, are all part of the mix, but i seem psychologically wired 'total bottom' and feel my strongest attraction to "total Tops.' i see that as natural, i.e., "opposite forces attract and bond."
    1 point
  27. And I hope to get another load from you up my ass again! It'll be my 2nd SmokeOut
    1 point
  28. Just back from a trip to Las Vegas , it really is sin city. Woke up with early in the COSMO with jet lag early on Christmas Day , BF still asleep. When on to BBRTS and saw there was a hot 40's ex forces DILF in the hotel. Neither of us could accommodate so we arranged to meet on a conference floor by the lift. He was there first , I wasn't disappointed , cute little ass . We found a toilet in a quiet corner , and moved in to the disabled cubicle. He pulled his pants down to show a lovely sort white ass , cheeks like 2 floury rolls , he started playing with him self so I pushed him round so that I could finger his ass. He lubed him self up and started sniffing poppers , I just pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my very hard cock in to him. Not much resistance , I was soon balls deep. As I handnt cum for a fews days I had a very full load , he was nervous because the toilet was very public and kept begging me to load him up. I pushed him over to get a good handle and he grabbed the support rails (always an advantage of disabled toilets. I fucked him deep and came in him in 4-5 spurts.
    1 point
  29. i base my underwear choice on the fact that i usually have at least a few fresh loadsdripping from my fuckhole. so if i'm somewhere that i need to be a less obvious cumdump i wear bikini briefs(something easy for men to pull down or off or even to the side if i'm wearing a skirt) if its warm weather i wear a jockstrap cause my girl shorts are too small to keep my dick in without something but they keep my fuckhole super available for use plus it lets cum drip and make an obvious cumspot.if i have enough cum in me it will drip down my legs as i walk,rollerblade or bike around hunting for raw cocks.i usually wear a jockstrap while taking loads at the bathhouse of fuckbenches and in the public sling
    1 point
  30. My first cum dump experience: I visited Denver in April 2018, got a cheap hotel room, and started looking for fun. First guy was really hot, looking for some dom sub fun. Love that kind of play. He force fed me his cock, and fucked me, going back and forth on this. Tied me up a little as he fucked me too. After playing for a couple hours we sat and shared a smoke and chatted in between me sucking his cock. After he left I started looking for more. Found a little bit older guy that came over. We shared a quick smoke, and then I sucked his cock for a little while. Then he fucked me hard until cumming in my slutty hole. The third guy I found was a hot black guy, not much for conversation, but had a big cock. I sucked his cock to get him hard, then he bent me over the bed and fucked me hard. It was so hot, and my hole was really open at that point. As he got close to cumming he asked if I wanted it in me, or on me. I was so high and horny I moaned to cum in me. He picked up the pass saying he was going to breed me. It was so hot feeling his cum fill my hole. At this point it was about 4am, and I was getting tired. I did find a pair of guys that wanted to play in their hotel room. One a hot thin black guy, and the other a older white guy. We played for a little while with me sucking their cocks and them playing some with my hole. I finally decided to head back to my room and get some sleep. That was the end of my first cum dump experience, but it made me so hungry for more.
    1 point
  31. PART 10 I backed up towards the bench, as the new stranger in my booth turned his back to me and fed a few tokens into the booth’s machine til a gay porn appeared on the screen. Now, he turned and faced me. He was taller than me and thin, with a mustache. It was hard to tell in the dark, but he was 35, maybe 40? After looking to the door to make sure it was locked, he slid off his shoes and then his pants and underwear, so he was naked for the waist down. He walked over to me and grabbed at my shirt and pulled it up and over my head, tossing it on the bench. Next my shorts were pulled down and thrown on the bench. I was naked in the booth. I looked down to see an already hard cock, long with a big mushroom head and low hanging balls that swung freely. “You like getting fucked don’t you” he whispered. I just nodded. “How many guys have fucked you so far?” He asked. “Two” i whispered back. “Turn around and show me your hole.” He whispered. I immediately spun around and spread my legs wide and bent over, using the bench to brace my knees and the wall to lean into. I felt his hands grip my cheeks and spread me wider. Then the roughness of his beard as it grazed the inside of my ass cheeks. Then his tongue as it licked and stabbed and swirled around my asshole. I gasped and moaned and bucked my hips as he teased my sensitive hole with his mouth. Finally coming up for air I felt hi leaning over me as he whispered “they came inside you.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact. I felt hi lining up his cock as he pushed and I felt that pressure and then the sharp pain as it gave and three inches of cock slid into me. I focused on relaxing as he worked into me. He was aggressive but not trying to hurt me. I clenched my jaw as my hole began to relax and take his cock. He wasn’t the thickest but he was long and soon he was fucking me deep and giving me long strokes. My hard cock would hit my belly once in a while as he fucked me harder and harder. I didn’t need to touch it. The feelings in my hole were completely satisfying. I could hear his breathing getting quicker and his pumping get erratic and focused on pushing back. With a deep thrust and a grunt, he pumped load number three into me, as he collapsed over me. I felt his cock throb as he worked to make sure he had pumped out all of his sperm into my guts. I ground back into him greedily, wanting to make sure he gave me every drop. “Hungry little slut” he whispered laughing. Without a word, he slid out and quckly dressed. I was so weak kneed, I just slid into the bench and managed to get my T-shirt on. As I caught my breath, he straightened up, slid open the lock and with a quick open and shut was out the door. The porn played on, as some guy got his giant cock sucked by another hot guy. I sat, still naked from the wAist down, in my T-shirt with my shorts draped over my lap. My cock was still hard, my hole was tender, but the sounds and that smell... that smell of cum and sex, just wouldn’t let go of me. I told myself to get up and lock he door, to give myself a moment to collect myself and then get going. I had gotten fucked three times in the last thirty minutes or so. I am definitely going to get up and lock the door. In one minute. I had two reasons for that. One to give my legs a chance to stop shaking from being bent over like that over and over. And two, and I didn’t want to admit it, but I thought maybe I will give it one minute and if nobody comes in, then I really can lock the door and leave. The gay porn was playing loud and clear, so anyone outside it knew what I was watching. I was still naked from the waist down. And I was about to get up and lock the door. I had almost begun to stand up when I heard it. It was definitely getting louder and closer, the sound of a person walking, shoes sliding on the hallway floor, then pausing outside my door. I could see the shadow of someone from the edge under the door. That almost nauseating bundle of nerves and fear and excitement hit me, as I watched the door knob slowly start to turn. He didn’t hesitate. He just slid in and closed the door, quickly locking it behind him, before turning to face me. And as I looked at him, I decided immediately not to be shy. Not for this guy. And I quickly pulled my shorts off my lap and stood up to offer myself for his inspection. And even though I’d already been there and my hole was well used, this guy had relit my fire. He was hot. And please I thought to myself, please want to fuck me.
    1 point
  32. I stopped by the ABS the other day to get some poppers. Since some of my last BB adventures, I just wanted to pick up a bottle to use while playing with myself at home. This way I wouldn't be tempted to take a cock BB and get a load in my ass. It was after work when i stopped by and I was dressed in dress shirt and slacks. I walked in and went to purchase a bottle when i decided, since there was no other cars in the parking lot, I would go ahead and pay the additional and head back to the booths. I picked one in the back and took off my pants and underwear so I could jerk off while doing the new poppers and getting off to some good vids. I am not sure why, but I had left the door partially open, just to add to the excitement probably...sometimes guys will just stay outside and watch......but still was not expecting anyone. I had taken a few hits of poppers and started playing with my ass and cock when I noticed a tall black gentleman outside my booth. He looked at me and then pulled out a nice 8" cock. I took another hit of poppers and knelt down outside the booth and decided i was at least gonna suck his nice black cock. I started slowly taking his cock into my mouth and swirling my tongue all over it. He started talking to me saying that it felt good and that i was a good cocksucker. I sucked on if for a few minutes outside the booth and then started to get a little nervous, so I stood up and taking him by the cock i pulled him into my booth. As he is following me in he starts talking some more. "You have a nice ass, you have any lube?" I mumbled that I did not and since I wasn't there to take any loads in my ass I got back on my knees and took another hit and really started to go to town on his cock. It was getting nice and hard and I loved the feel of it in my mouth. I was trying to get it into my throat, but I still gag on large cocks like his. "mmmm baby that feels good...would love to see how it feels in your ass" he said. I told him again that I didn't have lube. About that time the movie stopped playing so I turned around to grab another token...and as I did he started caressing my ass and playing with my hole. Before I knew it he had started to kiss my ass and then i felt his tongue on my hole. it felt wonderful and so i let him. I decided that I would not take anymore hits of the poppers and that way I could stay in control. I let him play for a bit and in between he kept talking like he wanted to fuck me. I was getting pretty horned up so i thought that I had better turn around and see if I could suck him some more and have him cum in my mouth. When I turned around he grabbed my cock and started sucking on it. I was surprised but thought..."this is cool...I will just go with it" . I decided it would feel better with another hit from the poppers, so I took a big hit in both nostrils. At that point I started to really feel it and he must have known cause he stood up and before I knew it he had turned me back around with my ass now right at his cock. He started rubbing his cock on my hole but since i was dry i knew it was not going in...but he had other plans. He spit on my ass and used his hand to push it down to my hole. I thought i felt it but was not sure. He pushed his cock up against me again and spit directly on my hole..He kept talking the whole time. "baby this ass looks so good, i just want to fuck it right now" By now my asspussy was getting wet...from his spit and precum and next thing that happened was that he started to push in. by this time i was lost....so i just stayed bent over as he grabbed my hips and started pumping away at my ass. After about 5 mins, he really started fucking me and my head was actually banging the back wall of the booth..I kept thinking that he is going to bust a load in my ass and there is nothing that I could do. He had a good grip on my hips and would stop. Soon he started to speed up and then it happened....He pushed really hard and deep into me and unloaded his cum. I could feel it shooting into my ass for what seemed like a minute or two. He pulled out and cleaned up and said "Thanks...Nice piece of ass". That's when I realized that I was just a cumdump for him and just put here to be used. I pulled on my underwear and pants...and walked out of the ABS with his cum still inside me for the whole ride home.
    1 point
  33. The anonymous cock in my arse pulls out and I feel a gush of cum follow it, running down my arse crack. I feel for my hole, it feels wide open and semen is dripping out. I collect some on my fingers and taste it, it's a devine taste of cum and my arse juices. A thought flits through my head, I don't know his status and he filled my hole with his seed, then I think but I know I've taken two HVL loads this evening, it hardly matters if he's poz! Devon is still lying next to me. ‘My mate wants a piece of your arse he tells me, ‘his cock is quite special though…’ Mate of Devon's? ‘Is he Poz?’ I ask. ‘Oh yeah, very’ Devon replies, ‘but the special bit is that his cock has a few piercings. I'm sure you could take them, but they can be too much for some guys….’ Shit, I think, if he's asking me first it must be special. I wonder what the piercings might do to my already abraded hole, and he's sure to dump another ‘very poz’ load of semen inside my body. But I've always enjoyed a bit of pain, and I feel totally out-of-it at the moment with the poppers, adrenaline, and the intensity of what I'm doing. ‘Yeah, mate’ I hear myself whisper, ‘I'll do anything tonight.’ I feel Devon’s mouth cover mine and we kiss. I reach for his wondrous cock and find it hard, I think that I need to have him again later. There's a guy the other side of me, he's been running his hands over my chest, squeezing my nipples, working my cock that is still so hard it feels almost ready to split! He is feeling between my arse cheeks, seeking out my hole. ‘This is Shaun’ Devon tells me, ‘My mate..’ I sit up and reach for Shaun’s cock. Devon’s monster may have made me gasp but Shaun’s almost made me run! His cock was equally as long as Devon’s, and it was thick and veiny. But the metalwork that i encountered was something else! I expected a PA, maybe a ring or a barbell. I could feel that Shaun was circumcised, and I felt three thick bars passing through his cock head, each with a polished ball on each end. These were at different angles, creating a star of stainless steel - I could only guess what this would feel like travelling in and out of my arse. Then, as I explored further, I found a series of rings through the skin along the underside of his cock. Thick rings, each with a ball in it, fuck knows how they were put in. The first is about an inch down his shaft from his cock head and there must have been eight of them finishing just before his balls. And to add to this he had barbell piercings along the top of the shaft, I counted six or seven, all with balls on each end! My head was spinning, I wondered what this cock would feel like inside me. And I couldn't imagine what those piercings on the top and bottom of his shaft would feel like passing through my sphincter. I almost decided I couldn't do it, the cock itself would be a stretch, but the piercings, what would they do to my hole? But before I could say no Shaun grabbed me and turned me onto my front, my bare feet on the sticky floor. He pushed me down onto the bench, I found myself laying on my stomach with my arse exposed. ‘Get some poppers mate,’ he told me, ‘you know you want to try it!’ I got the little brown bottle under my nose, closed one nostril and breathed. Deep. Long. Four or five breaths in through one nostril, then the same through the other. My heart raced, my head spun, my cock raged, stiff, trapped under me, my blood coursed through me in excitement. Shit, I knew I was going to let him! Shaun’s cock head was resting in the cleft of my arse, I could feel the cold steel bars between my buttocks. I pressed back against him, the poppers starting to work. I could feel my hole start to stretch. Then I felt his fingers starting to work the bars that cross his cock head through my muscle. One was inside me, then two, then the third. I realised they were so long that they seemed to trap just inside my inner hole, before his engorged bulbus cock head burst through into me. It wasn't really painful as I had been stretched so much earlier, and the three loads of cum were lubing my passage, but it was a weird feeling of the cold steel and the hot meat forcing my muscle to widen as they enter. And, I thought, the hot meat inside my body was a very poz cock. He then started to press more of his cock into me. First I felt the star of steel pushing, pressing, working through my rectum. Hard smooth bars, round steel balls, opening me up so differently than the cocks that went before. I know there are no pain receptors in the rectum, so if it feels uncomfortable what the fuck is that thing doing inside me? But then the first of the rings underneath his cock starts pressing through my sphincter. His thick cock shaft is stretching my muscle to capacity anyway, so this new intrusion stretches my ring, pulls it inward, before the steel ring drags past the muscle, through into my arse. But before the ring is fully in one of the barbell piercings on the top of his cock starts forcing my hole open, reaming past my stretched hole which is forced to open to allow it's passage. And then the next ring piercing scrapes through into me. And so it continues, one at a time the piercings would pull, stretch skin and muscle, force muscle against its will and then pop through. One by one, top then bottom. All of these sensations are driving me wild, and this is just him entering my arse. Slowly his cock head reams its path through my guts - he is taller than me and his cock is smashed against my prostate, the rings rubbing against the sensitive gland. My arse started to feel full again, familiar feelings, Shaun’s cock is filling me to capacity. He reaches the end, I knew that the steel piercings of his cock head were now pressing against the rear of my rectal void, I wondered if it could push through into my intestines the way Devon’s cock head had, but before I could try to move to allow it Shaun began to withdraw. As his shaft moved through my hole all of his shaft piercings pulled out through my sphincters again. I groaned at this sensation, he pulled outside more quickly than he had entered making the feelings more intense. But then, before I could process this, he was pushing back in again! My hole was pummelled, my prostate pounded as he started to fuck in and out of me, the fucking quickly created sensations that were so extreme, they were painful but so erotic. As I snorted more poppers I felt my arse muscles start to spasm. My body was unable to control the stretching being imposed by Shaun's cock and my muscles were struggling to adjust. This, along with the continual massage that my prostate was receiving, rapidly took me toward another orgasm But the anal stimulation being caused by Shaun's fucking prevented me reaching the point of release, thiis was such an intense feeling. My balls were boiling and I wanted to cum so badly but could only concentrate on Shaun's murderous cock head doing its worst inside my rectum, his piercings sawing in and out through my tortured hole, and my muscles trying but failing to clench his thick cock shaft. I tried to reach my cock to wank it but Shaun took hold of my hand and twisted my arm behind my back. His other hand was on my shoulder pinning me to the bench. ‘Just enjoy the fuck, bitch’ he snarled, ‘you don't cum til I let you.’ My cock was trapped, rubbing between my stomach and the edge of the bench, but the rubbing wasn't enough to make me cum. His fucking was now faster, one second my colon felt so full with his cock head bars ramming into my arse wall, then I was empty and my hole felt like it was being turned inside out. His cock was running the full depth of my arse, his shaft piercings being wrenched in and out of my hole, again and again, my prostate being mashed by his meaty pierced shaft. He drove in and out of me, faster, deeper, shagging my hole, grating my ring. Then he reared up, both hands on my buttocks pulling himself higher, his cock driving deeper into me. I felt the familiar feeling deep inside as his cock head hit the same point that Devon had, but the bars through Shaun’s glans made the passage around into my colon more difficult. The deep intrusion hurt, but when I tried to pull against it this caused his cock to travel even deeper. Then the out stroke pulled the metalwork back out, through my colon, the shaft piercings dragging my sphincter out, the rings under his shaft dragging, one at a time, past my prostate. He fucked into my inner opening again and again. Finally I started to cum, but this made my arse clench against the tortuous cock, doubling the sensations that his piercings were producing, causing me to cry out in ecstasy and pain. I tried to stop my arse clenching but that made it worse. He kept fucking, I kept cumming, an intense orgasm that just seemed to open the passage from my balls, cum pouring out of my cock as my arse tried to clench onto his. My cum seemed to last an eternity, and throughout the unrelenting fucking continued. ‘I'm gonna breed you!’ he finally cried, ramming deep into me again. In my head I saw his thick toxic semen spraying into my hole, I imagined the pressure building behind the star of steel before forcing past as a jet of poison, spraying against the soft, mashed and abraded tissues of my intestines. He rammed deep, four, five, six, more, until he eventually collapsed, falling forward onto my back. Spent. I hoped he'd not caused any damage inside my arse, but then thought about the massive load of ‘very poz’ cum that he had just deposited. I'm definitely damaged I thought to myself. He slowly extracted his cock from my arse. He had softened but was still long and thick, I felt every lump and bulge as they left my hole. Once he was out I moved round and leant over to worship his weapon, taking his cock into my mouth, managing to get the pierced head and part of his shaft past my teeth. As I leant over I felt another pair of legs move up to my arse and a long cock slid up my back. Looking behind me I recognised the shape as being Devon. I shook my head but his fingers were in my hole. I stood up. ‘No more, mate’ I tell him, leaning back to kiss him. ‘I'm fucked.’ ‘Come with me’ he replies. Taking my hand he leads me from the darkroom, along the corridor into one of the private booths. On the bench is Bobby, lying on his back, his cock hard in his hand. He looks worse in the light of the booth, his cheeks are sunken, his stomach distended, lesions on his arms, legs, stomach. But his cock is hard as he slowly slides the foreskin back and forth over the head, precum glistening as it drips onto his bony fist. ‘Do you think you could take us both?’ asked Devon. The idea scared me, I'd never been DPd before. Bobby isn't massive, but Devon is. AIDS cock and high viral POZ cock inside me together? Devon hands me my poppers. ‘Have a few breaths of this before you decide…’
    1 point
  34. Part 7 - Taking Care Of Business Monday morning Ethan woke up feeling like his normal self, his dreams again were full of Angelo and the beach. His desire for Angelo was overtaking him but he could not shake off what happened, and to boot he now knew where he lived so he was caught between a rock and a hard place. His head ringing of the warning from Adam, he picked up his phone and sent a message to Adam as he needed to talk and confide in him. Adam responded within minutes and said he would come over in an hour. Ethan heard a car pulling up at the front the house, as he stepped outside he saw Tony in the driver seat and Adam getting out the passenger door. "Hi Ethan" Tony called from the open window. Ethan shouted "Hi" as Tony pulled away and Adam headed towards Ethan. Adam walked up and kissed Ethan "Someone looks like they need a friend" he said. Ethan burst in to tears as his emotions finally boiled to the surface "I do Adam". They walked inside the house Adam had his arms around Ethan holding him until the sobbing stopped. Adam sat Ethan down on the sofa in the dayroom and sat next to him holding his hand. "Want to tell me what's going on Ethan?" he asked. Ethan nodded "Angelo told me that he gave me hiv and I have been so ill on Friday and Saturday". "Why didn't you call me, I told you I would be here for you." Adam looked shocked. Ethan sobbed "I know I'm sorry I didn't call you. He told me to go a clinic for tests". Adam put his arm around Ethan "I can take you Ethan, so did you see him again?". Ethan nodded again "Stupidly I gave him my address, he picked me up Saturday and took care of me". "Really?. Go on" Adam prodded. Ethan looked at him "Things got a bit heated and I pushed him away". Adam shook his head "He doesn't like being pushed away Ethan". "I found that out, he held me down on the bed and..." Ethan stopped. "Did he rape you?" Adam asked looking at Ethan. Ethan nodded "I don't think it was rape as such". Adam held Ethan tighter "Do you want to report it?". Ethan looked at him "No, he told me it triggered some bad memories. I think he has been badly hurt". "That's no excuse for what he did though" Adam replied. Ethan nodded "I know, but I saw such a vulnerable side to him yesterday, he was sad". Adam shook his head "Your falling for him aren't you?". Ethan shrugged his shoulders "I don't think I am, it is just very confusing". "Well you did sort of go in full steam ahead, maybe you need to take a step back" Adam suggested. Ethan kissed Adam "Thank you Adam, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you to talk to". Adam smiled "Fancy some lunch, my treat, we can meet up with Tony in Harrison?". Ethan smiled back at him "Yes, I need some normality". "Be honest with me Ethan have you fallen for Angelo?" Adam asked him again. Ethan stopped laughing "How do you mean fallen?". "Are you in love with him?" Adam replied. Ethan thought for a moment "I don't know what it is to be in love with someone Adam". Adam looked at him "Do you have feelings for him?". "Oh, well he drives me crazy when I am around him, I don't know what it is about him" Ethan said honestly. Adam cuddled Ethan "Sometimes things have a strange way of showing themselves, just be careful with him". Ethan smiled "I will and if I am unsure I will turn to you". "I will always help as much as I can Ethan you can be sure of that" Adam replied standing up. Adam and Ethan left the house and walked up to Harrison to meet with Tony for lunch. Tony was going to be starting work in a few weeks and his parents were setting him up with a small house close to Larchmont, he walked in to the diner to find Adam and Ethan sitting there waiting for him, the sight brought a big smile to his face. "How did it go?" Adam asked as he sat down. "Done, I have a small 3 bedroom place near the centre of town" Tony said looking happy. "Isn't is scary moving in to your own place?" Ethan asked. Tony laughed then looked at Adam "So are you going to move in with me?" "Yes of course I will" Adam replied all smiles. Tony looked over at Ethan "When we are settled I hope you will come and stay". Ethan had never been shown such kindness "I would love to Tony". "Tony you do a favour after lunch for a couple of hours?" Adam asked picking up some pizza. Tony nodded "Of course I can, what is it?" Adam looked at Ethan who nodded understanding what he was asking "Can you drive us to the clinic in Larchmont?". Tony stopped eating "Is something wrong?" "I need to get tested, but why Larchmont" Ethan plucked up the courage to speak up. Adam leaned over "It is away from here and a specialist clinic for this type of thing". Tony nodded "We will both come with you Ethan for support". They settled down to finish lunch before Tony drove them to the clinic in Larchmont. It was a small unassuming building almost like a large family home, it bore no signage to indicate it's purpose. Adam lead the way with Ethan and Tony at the rear, they entered in to the reception room which had a few chairs and approached the desk. Ethan saw the dark haired receptionist who was tanned and actually pretty attractive he thought, his name badge showed him as being Stefan who was 30 years old and built much like Adam. Stefan smiled at seeing Adam and Tony and came round from the desk to hug them both. "What can I do for you boys?" His eye was taken by Ethan who stood quietly in the background. Adam pulled Ethan forward "Stef can we get our friend Ethan tested please?". "Sure, we just need details and insurance. I take it you do have insurance?" Stefan looked at Ethan. Ethan nodded "I do but will my father find out?". Stefan smiled "No insurance companies aren't permitted to divulge information irrelevant of who pays". Ethan breathed a sigh of relief "Thank god". "Oh but hang on" Stefan walked back round and started typing on his computer for a few minutes. Adam leaned on the desk "Still as sexy as ever Stef". Stefan looked up "So are you" he stood up again "Okay Ethan I can put you on the clinic program". "Clinic program, what is that?" Ethan said looking confused. Stefan explained to Ethan that the program was testing and treatment funded by the clinic so long as you attended a minimum 3 tests per year as part of trials and research, and the best part was that it was anonymous but they have to be able to get in touch with participants by phone. Adam smiled "We are both on it Ethan" nodding over at Tony. "Okay" Ethan nodded. Stefan came round from the desk "Let's take you to a treatment room". "Oh, can they come with me?" Ethan asked. Stefan chuckled "Yes of course, Dr Mark will be with you a moment" as he showed them in to the room and left. "Why am I so worried?" Ethan looked at Adam and Tony. Tony put his arm around Ethan "Don't worry I felt the same even though I knew I had hiv". The three of them sat and chatted about what would happen with the blood test and the short wait, only a couple of minutes had passed before the door opened and Dr Mark entered the room. Ethan looked and fell in love immediately, he stood 6 foot, black hair with a beard to match, in his 30's and obviously worked out a bit as he could see he was slim but very fit. "Ethan" Adam prodded him. Ethan blushed the finest colour of red "Oh sorry what?" Dr Mark laughed "Hello Ethan, don't worry I get that reaction at least 4 times a day". "Sorry I don't know what come over me" Ethan fumbled his words out. Dr Mark greeted Adam and Tony as friends and looked at Ethan "Just need you to fill out this form". Ethan took the form and filled out his first name, date of birth and phone number "Is that all you need?" "Yes, your on the clinic program. So tell me Ethan why do you think you may be hiv positive?" Dr Mark asked him. Ethan lowered his head in shame "I had sex with someone who is hiv positive and I was ill last week". Dr Mark put his finger under Ethan's chin raising his head "Don't ever be ashamed Ethan, be proud of who you are". Ethan smiled "It all just happened so quickly". Dr Mark nodded "Roll your sleeve up and lets do a blood test" he replied putting on latex gloves. The wait seemed to go on for hours as Ethan sat there waiting with Adam and Tony, he had relaxed more and felt a little more comfortable about the inevitable outcome of the test. He was glad to have his friends with him especially as they had both been through this and explained exactly what would happen. Dr Mark came back in to the room after 15 minutes had passed and sat down opposite Ethan. "So Ethan the test has come back positive" He held Ethan's hand. Ethan looked and nodded "I sort of expected it to". Dr Mark smiled "Good thing is the viral count is very low at the moment and CD4 has dropped marginally". "The what?" Ethan looked confused. "CD4 is sort of your army, it had only dropped by 50 so you are very healthy" Dr Mark explained. Ethan nodded again "Is that good then?". Dr Mark patted Ethan's hand "Very good, we will keep an eye on both levels, so no treatment is needed now". Dr Mark went on to explain what Ethan needed to do and when to come back for his follow up appointments. Ethan was somewhat relieved as they stood at the reception making his appointment in 4 months, Stefan told him that if he felt unwell he was to call in immediately no matter what the illness was. On the drive back to Harrison Ethan asked if they would stay with him for a few hours as he didn't feel like being alone at the moment, Adam and Tony agreed and spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool at Ethan's home. As early evening drew in the three of them were sat naked in the pool, it was the first time Ethan had ever gone naked in the pool let alone with two other gay guys with him. But strangely he felt a whole different person and not afraid of who he had become, he put it down to the people in the clinic and his two new friends. Tuesday he spent finishing off some assignments and swimming in the pool, he was enjoying the peace and tranquillity and often his thoughts would wonder off to Angelo. He woke at 7am on Wednesday he had the dream again of walking along the surf with Angelo and the dream had cut off when Angelo would lean in to kiss him. Ethan laid in bed giggling realising he had his first very real wet dream and was now laying a pool of his own cum. After sorting himself out he decided to sit by the pool and bide his time until the afternoon. Angelo sat at the board table across from Raffa the CIO and Jerry the president of the company, they chatted whilst waiting for the company legal adviser to arrive. The CIO apologised explaining that he was driving in from the Hamptons and traffic was busy. Just before midday Jack opened the door to the board room and walked in apologising for the delay. Angelo looked at his face and could have sworn he recognised him from somewhere but immediately put the thought behind him to get down to business. It was a very quick meeting as both sides agreed to the legal terms and signed on the dotted line. The CIO insisting they all went for lunch at a nearby restaurant, Jack had hit it off with Angelo and was impressed by how he built up his business from scratch to have 15 people working for him. "So are you heading back to the Hamptons this afternoon Jack?" Angelo asked sipping his wine. Jack nodded "Yes the family is there for a month vacationing. Have you been there Angelo?". Angelo laughed "I go down to the beach sometimes but never stayed down there". "You should it is a great escape from the hustle and bustle" Jack replied. Angelo smiled "Maybe when I have someone to share it with I will". "Your still young Angelo, plenty of time to find the right girl" Jack said smiling at him. Angelo shook his head "I don't think the right girl would ever come along". Jack suddenly realised what Angelo meant "Ah" was all he could muster up. "You seen unnerved Jack do you have a problem with that?" Angelo asked looking seriously at him. Jack looked at Angelo "No, no problem". Raffa hearing this quickly intervened "Jack is old school conservative stock Angelo". Angelo looked at Jack "You know my stance on this Raffa". "Angelo we have worked with Jack for several years he knows the score with our company" Raffa replied. "I don't have a problem with this Angelo, it just took me by surprise" Jack said looking at both of them. "In what way?" Angelo asked. "From the outside I would never have guessed" Jack replied. Raffa laughed "You just don't flaunt it in his face but otherwise a great person to work with". Angelo looked carefully at Jack fis features again looked familiar "I think we will be okay". Raffa looked at Jack "You better get moving Jack otherwise you will hit the traffic". Jack looked at his watch "3pm hell, we have neighbours round for dinner tonight as well". Raffa stood and shook hands with Jack "Glad you could spare the time Jack". "Anything for you Raffa you know that. Angelo great meeting you" Jack held his hand out to Angelo. Angelo stood and shook his hand "Likewise". Jack stopped for moment "Maybe we can go for a drink or dinner one evening as an apology if I upset you". "I don't think any apology is needed but thank you" Angelo replied. Angelo said goodbye to Raffa and headed towards his car to drive over to the Bronx. He was unsure about Jack but given that Raffa worked with him he would give him the benefit of doubt this time. Angelo made record time to the bathhouse as traffic was pretty light and by 3.45pm he had wondered around the almost empty bathhouse hoping to see Ethan, residing to the fact that he may have pushed him to far, he wandered in to the steam room to relax. "Well hello baby" Brad smiled at Ethan who came through the door. Ethan smiled seeing him standing behind the counter "Hello Brad". "Come through, Angelo didn't know if you were going show up, he is downstairs". Ethan looked at Brad "Why?". Brad smiled "He doesn't tell me everything, something must have happened between you". "Oh, we had a turbulent time at his house at the weekend" Ethan replied taking the key from Brad. "His house?" Brad looked astonished. Ethan nodded "Yes". Brad shook his head "He must like you" he said handing the towels to Ethan. Ethan's heart almost skipped a beat hearing what Brad said, he rushed around getting changed, he walked down the stairs to the lower level noticing a few guys roaming around and many of the private rooms had their doors closed. Ethan opened the door to the steam room and carefully worked his way around past a couple of guys and then he caught sight of the muscular body and tattooed arms through the mist, it was like a feeling of happiness had taken him over seeing him there. Ethan looked and saw his head was rolled back enjoying the steam and heat, he wondered what to do for a moment. He stepped forward and straddled Angelo's lap. Angelo almost jumped feeling the person sitting on his lap, he tilted his head forward and opened his eyes but the persons mouth was already on his, he knew who those soft lips belonged to and he wrapped his arms around the young body of Ethan as they kissed passionately for several minutes, Ethan could feel Angelo's cock get an instant erection once he knew he was there. He felt the arms lifting him up and the cock position itself ready. He winced in pain as Angelo pushed his cock in a few inches then slowly he guided the rest of his shaft deeper in to his boy. This was what Ethan had hoped sex was like, he kissed Angelo over and over as he slowly rode Angelo's cock, the adrenaline running through his body killed the pain and he felt a pure sense of enjoyment for the very first time. Angelo's arms tightened around Ethan's body and he moaned in escatsy, Angelo's head tilted back and Ethan looked deeply in to his eyes as he felt the cock inside him pulsing and reverberating through his ass, he could feel the warmth of Angelo's seed entering in to his ass. They never lost eye contact through Angelo's orgasm, his grip on Ethan's body held tight as they continued looking in to each others eyes. Finally Ethan kissed Angelo in a more intimate way than they had ever done, Angelo's arms loosened their grip but still held Ethan close to him as the sweat dripped between their bodies. Ethan stayed impaled on Angelo for nearly half an hour during which time he received two more loads from Angelo, when they finally stopped kissing Angelo looked him in the eyes. "You came" Angelo said. Ethan rubbed the sweat from his face "twice I think". Angelo laughed "No I mean you came here". Ethan looked in to his captivating eyes "I wanted to". Angelo caressed Ethan's body "I didn't think you would". Ethan continued kissing Angelo's neck and face "I belong to you Angelo". Angelo kissed him back "Am I forgiven?". "Just never do that again to me Angelo, talk to me if I upset you" Ethan leaned in and kissed Angelo deeply. Angelo nodded looking him in the eye "Don't ever push me away Ethan". Ethan smiled and nodded "I need a cold drink" he whispered to Angelo. Angelo smiled "You go up, I will come up shortly". They kissed as Ethan rose and glided off Angelo's still semi hard cock, he wrapped his towel around his waist and headed upstairs to the lounge. Tony watched Ethan through the mist as he disappeared through the door, his gaze returned to Angelo who now put his towel over his groin, between the plumes of steam he saw a very happy and content look on Angelo's face. It was evident from what he just saw that there was more than just a fuck taking place between them. Tony stood up and slipped out of the steam room and wandered round to the cubicles, Adam exited from the third cubicle along adjusting his towel and looked up to see Tony. Tony kissed Adam "Never guess who I just saw having sex?". "No guessing just tell me who?" Adam demanded. "Angelo and Ethan" Tony nodded to reaffirm his statement. Adam's eyes opened wide "Seriously, I thought Ethan was going to avoid him". Tony smirked "Oh but from I saw it was more than just sex". "What do you mean?" Adam asked looking curiously. "What took place was not just a fuck, they were nearly making love" Tony enthused. Adam smiled "May need to have a talk with Ethan. Want to get a drink and head home?" "Sounds like a good idea my man" Tony replied kissing Adam. Tony and Adam climbed the stairs and walked in to the lounge immediately they spotted Ethan sat at a table on his own drinking juice.
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  35. Part 6 - The Birthday Gift A week later and classes finally finished for the academic year, Ethan and Adam sat on the grass relaxing and watching all the other students heading home, Ethan was feeling lethargic and hot so he was glad when they eventually went their separate ways. The June weather being particularly kind with blue skies and humid conditions, but Ethan had already decided to skip the Hamptons in favour of getting his college work done so that he could at least enjoy a few weeks relaxing, his family would be gone for at least a month. He heard his father talking about some business he had to conclude next week in the city for one of his corporate clients and he would drive there from the Hamptons, he knew no one would be home for the month. When he eventually reached home he collapsed on the sofa hot and exhausted, he figured he was coming down with a cold and more annoyed that it was starting right at this point. He didn't feel like eating and wondered upstairs and laid on the bed falling asleep quickly. The morning sunlight streamed in to his bedroom, he had a raging headache and felt very queasy, quickly he jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom where he started heaving in to the toilet, sweat ran down his face as he sat on the floor his head resting against the coolness of the tiled wall for some comfort. He had no idea how long he had been sitting there and slowly rose to his feet heading back to bedroom he undressed and climbed in to bed, as the day wore on he felt worse and suffered alone. He was woken by his phone alerting him to a message, reaching over he picked it up and saw a message from Angelo he was not in the mood and placed the phone back on the bedside cabinet. Besides he was going to heed Adam's advice and cut off ties with him thinking it would be the best course of action. Ethan laid looking up at the ceiling and debating if he should call his mother and tell her he was sick and laid up in bed, he knew that she would probably drive home to be with him, he didn't even get chance to think it through before he dozed off again. His phone pinged again and he reached over to retrieve it seeing another message from Angelo so reluctantly he opened the first message 'Your quiet', he scrolled to the next one 'Don't ignore me'. Ethan not really thinking straight typed a reply 'Sorry, I am not well, in bed' he looked at this response for a moment then tapped the send button. His reply came immediately 'What's wrong, do you have flu?, give me your address and I will bring you back to mine'. Ethan laid back looking at the screen until it switched off, he really didn't know what to do. He had no idea why he did it but Ethan unlocked the phone and typed his address and sent it. Angelo laughed to himself knowing that Ethan lived in Harrison which was only a twenty minute drive from Larchmont, he replied telling Ethan to be ready in thirty minutes. Ethan sat bolt upright shouting 'fuck, fuck, fuck', he realised he had just given Angelo his address, if he could go any whiter than he currently looked he made a very good attempt at it. He had just made the fatal mistake of giving his address to him, and knew that Angelo could now get to him whenever he wanted. Reluctantly Ethan hauled himself out of bed and threw on some joggers and a top and sat on the front door step as the sun started to sink lower in the sky, his head in his hands as the car pulled up, he looked up seeing Angelo's face who called out for him to get in. Ethan sat in the passenger seat and Angelo looked at Ethan's sweat covered face. The car pulled away for the short trip to Larchmont, Ethan paid little attention where they were going until the car stopped and Angelo got out and came round to the passenger side, he picked Ethan up and carried him inside up to his bedroom. Angelo undressed him and laid in in bed, he put the TV on and slipped in to bed beside Ethan cuddling up next to him, within minutes Ethan was fast asleep. Angelo watched Ethan sleeping in his arms he felt a sensation wakening in his body at being happy to able to care for someone, after all it had been a long time, Angelo fell asleep with a smile on his face. Ethan woke at the sound of movement, it was dark outside as Angelo entered the bedroom with some food and water. He helped Ethan sit up and began to feed him. "How are you feeling?" Angelo asked dipping the spoon in the soup. Ethan sighed "Not as bad as this morning, I've never been this ill". "It looks like the fever has broken so it will pass soon enough" Angelo replied. Ethan looked at Angelo "What will?". "I expect it is your body reacting to the hiv virus" Angelo put the bowel on the bedside table. Ethan sobbed and put his head in his hands "You did this to me". "If I hadn't someone else would have, you saw what that place is like" Angelo said with no expression. Ethan wiped the tear from his eye "You have ruined my life". Angelo shook his head "You put yourself in the bathhouse no one else did that". Ethan sobbed "Why did you do it?". "To take your virginity and give you a gift for your birthday" Angelo replied looking at him. Ethan stopped and looked at him "Wait, how did you know it was my birthday?". Angelo laughed "Brad told me, you don't think someone like you doesn't get noticed do you?". Ethan placed his head in his hands again "Is it just a game to you ruining lives". Angelo smirked at Ethan "It's sex whatever way you look at it". "For you maybe it is, but you have just taken my future away" Ethan sobbed in his hands. Angelo looked at him "You need to go to a clinic and get tested that...." Ethan cut him off "I should go this is all wrong". "Go where?" Angelo moved closer to Ethan. "Home, this is all wrong I need to be alone" Ethan moved and sat on the edge of the bed. "I own you, your not going anywhere" Angelo's tone changed as he reached up to stroke Ethan's head. Ethan flinched and pushed him away, his actions provoked a reaction he never expected. Angelo twisted Ethan's body around with force and pushed him flat on bed, his hands held Ethan's shoulders down so he could not move. It happened so quickly Ethan screamed and thrashed about under the weight of Angelo, his ass burning in pain. Angelo gave no warning or indication he just forced his cock deep in to Ethan's ass and began hammering his body in to the mattress. Every time Ethan tried to escape and move Angelo fucked him harder. Ethan pleaded and cried for him stop but the fucking continued and rained down into his ass. His voice grew hoarse and his body to weak to fight he sobbed in to the bed sheet waiting for it to be over. Angelo was focused on the job at hand but couldn't hold back, he just found the young lad sexy and it brought him to orgasm quickly. Angelo pushed his cock in deep and locked his hips up tight against Ethan as he let out a loud grunt releasing a fresh quantity of potent seed in to his boy. Ethan cried as he felt each breeding contraction in his ass from the invading cock releasing more seed in to his body. Angelo panted heavily next to Ethan's face and kissing his neck he whispered 'Never push me away, you belong to me, never forget that I own you!'. He followed with several had thrusts to reinforce his statement to Ethan. In some far off bizarre way and through the pain of what he endured he felt a very strange desire for Angelo, but he knew he had just seen part of Angelo's aggressive side. Slowly Angelo withdrew his cock from Ethan's ass and rolled on to his back and looked at the ceiling, he didn't know what had come over him to behave like this. Yes he had been brutal with other men but never on this scale to someone so young, was he really that afraid that he had pushed the young guy to far and may have scared him off. He turned his head to look at him, Ethan laid on his stomach to exhausted to move. He daren't move, his body ached and his ass was in pain, he now only comprehended Adam's warning and should have trusted him. There was an eerie silence in the room and Ethan closed his eyes as he felt Angelo moving on the bed, he waited but nothing happened. Angelo sat on the edge of the bed looking at himself in the mirror, had he really become that much of a monster, never allowing anyone to get close and always keeping them at a distance to use and abuse when he wanted and on his terms. He saw the young guys reflection in the mirror still laying in the same position, it was the first time he had ever brought anyone back to his home since his previous partner from 5 years ago. He had caught him cheating and sat waiting for him to come home, when he did Angelo tried to fuck his partner who pushed him away saying he was not in the mood. Angelo slapped him and held his partner down before fucking him aggressively telling him that if he wanted to fuck with other men then he would treat him like the cheating whore he is. After he finished he dragged his partner by his legs naked in to the hallway outside their apartment and threw his clothes at him and locked the door. He vowed then never to let anyone get close to him for fear of rejection or deceit. But seeing the reflection of the young guy brought a sadness to him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you" Angelo said watching the reflection in the mirror. Ethan turned on to his back "You hurt me, what did I ever do to you?" his voice shaking. Angelo looked at Ethan through the mirror "I'm so sorry" he said again and lowered his head. "Why would you do that to me?" a tear rolled down Ethan's face. Angelo stood up "I can't do this now, I will drive you home when you are ready" he left and closed the door. Ethan watched Angelo as he left the bedroom he saw deep sadness clearly on his face, Ethan rolled over on to his side going over what had just happened, his body still weak gave out and he fell asleep. The dreams came and went, the same dream of Angelo and him on a beach playing and walking in the surf. Ethan woke and saw the time was 3am and the house was silent the bed apart from him was empty, he needed a drink of water so he quietly got walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. He stopped at the bottom surprised to see Angelo sat in the lounge in darkness looking out in to the garden. He looked lost as he just stared out of the French windows at nothing, Ethan felt sorry for him, yes, what he did to him a few hours ago was unpleasant but his head was telling him it was not aggression against him personally. Ethan walked round the sofa and stood to the side of Angelo who quickly rubbed his eyes seeing the young guy standing there. Ethan had no idea what to do or had any experience of dealing with these things, he mustered up the courage. "Talk to me Angelo?" Ethan spoke softly. Angelo looked up at him "No, you better leave". Ethan stood there "Why did you, you owe me that much of an explanation?". "A complex of fear and emotion, you wouldn't understand" Angelo's gaze returned to the garden. Ethan kneeled down in front of him "Why won't you be open with me?". "Your just a fuck that was in the wrong place at the wrong time" Angelo spoke with sadness in his voice. Ethan touched Angelo's leg "Is that what you do, fuck and shut people out?" Angelo looked at him as he hit the nail on the head "Your very perceptive". "Do you think that people don't care for you despite what you did, I mean do?" Ethan stood up. Angelo's gaze returned to the garden "It makes things less complicated". "For you maybe, you don't even know my name do you?" Ethan looked Angelo in the eye. Angelo looked at him and shook his head "No, as I said it makes things less complicated". Ethan touched Angelo's hand "You are the only person I have had sex with or been so intimate with". "What I did upstairs was not intimate" he replied looking at Ethan's hand. Ethan looked at Angelo "I'm glad you know the difference. I can get a cab if you want me to leave now?". Angelo shrugged his shoulders "Do what you think is best for you, I won't stop you". There was an awkward silence between them for a moment, Ethan knew that he didn't want to leave as he had come to the realisation he found Angelo intriguing and somewhat crazy but liked him, but there was that nagging worry that he could turn and do it again. Ethan pulled his hand away and stood up. Angelo fixed his gaze on the young guy, seeing him standing there lit by moonlight he was undeniably attractive in many ways in his eyes. Angelo was hoping that it wasn't going to end like this, the young guy had in a short few weeks got closer to him than anyone had these past few years. Ethan stepped forward and sat on Angelo's lap looking him in the eye he kissed Angelo on the lips delicately. "At least come and lay in bed with me" Ethan spoke softly to him. Angelo nodded "Are you sure?". Ethan smiled "You told me upstairs that you owned me". Angelo stood picking Ethan up "Is that what you want, me to own you?". "I don't know, I'm so confused at the moment I can't think properly" Ethan replied. Angelo kissed him "I will lay with you until daylight then take you home". "Ethan, my name is Ethan and Ethan needs water" he told Angelo. Angelo broke a smile and carried him to the kitchen nodding towards the refrigerator, Ethan opened the door and retrieved a bottle of water. He clasped his hands around Angelo's neck as he carried him upstairs to the bedroom. Ethan was still feeling weak and exhausted and soon his heavy eyelids closed as he fell asleep. Angelo held Ethan in his arms and gently stroked his back until sleep overtook him as well. The sunlight woke Ethan who found his body enveloped by Angelo's muscled arms wrapped around him, feeling a lot better he laid there not stirring but looking out of the window and began thinking about his decision to explore sex. It had led him down a path he never suspected or wanted, yet he laid in the arms of the person who has destroyed his life and verged on raping him last night. Ethan didn't know what to make of Angelo's motives and if he was just another notch on the bed post, Angelo moved his arms pulling Ethan closer to him. Ethan laid there in bliss with the warmth of Angelo's body next to his, he had never felt so close to another man like he did right now and drifted off in to a comforting sleep. Angelo opened his eyes and glanced at the clock, it was early afternoon, Ethan was still sleeping and huddled up close against him, he gently removed his arms and slipped out of bed heading to the bathroom. Ethan stirred and realised he was alone in bed, he sat on the edge of the bed and took a sip of water. Standing up he walked over to the window looking out at how beautiful the day was and the how pretty the grounds and surrounding area looked. Ethan sensed Angelo had come back in to the bedroom. Angelo stood at the doorway from the bathroom and watched Ethan for a moment, he liked what he saw and loved the sexual naivety about him. Angelo crossed the room and stood behind him, Ethan felt the warm breath on his neck, he moved back a touch until their bodies touched. Angelo wrapped his arms around Ethan gently he did not hesitate and pushed back more to be closer as his ass rubbed against Angelo's semi hard cock. He was beginning to learn how to respond and respect the strange intoxicating power Angelo had over him now. He stroked Angelo's arm as Angelo kissed his neck, gently Angelo turned Ethan around picking him up and carried him to the bed, gently laying him down. There was no sex but what Ethan saw was a loving and tender moment, just the intimacy of them being together in each others arms kissing. At some point things turned in his head and Ethan hit the point where he did not want Angelo to let him go. Was he really falling for Angelo he thought to himself, his erratic dreams always involved Angelo at some point and they always ended with them on a beach walking in the surf. The sun was sinking lower in the sky and Ethan knew he had to get home and try to catch up on his course work, he was somewhat hesitant to bring up the subject not knowing how Angelo would react. Ethan turned to face Angelo "I have to go home Angelo". Angelo looked at him intently "I understand Ethan" he replied a little hesitantly. "Thank you for looking after me" Ethan moved and sat on the edge of the bed. Angelo moved up behind Ethan and kissed his neck "I am sorry about last night Ethan". "Why did you?" Ethan asked turning his head. Angelo stroked his head "You pushed me away, I don't like that and to many bad memories flooded back". "Oh" Ethan struggled to find his words "I should go". Angelo's hands dropped from Ethan's head "Okay" he sounded disheartened. The drive home was a pretty quiet as Ethan's emotions were in turmoil over if should see him again, but on the flip side he didn't know if Angelo would want to see him again. As the car pulled up to the driveway Ethan noticed that Angelo just stared dead ahead. "Thank you Angelo" Ethan said touching Angelo's arm. Angelo glanced at him "I am in the city on Wednesday and will be at the bathhouse at 4pm". Ethan opened the car door "Do you want me to be there?" he asked looking back. "No Ethan, you need to decide if you really want me to own you" Angelo replied. Ethan closed the car door slightly stunned and shocked at his reaction, it was as if Angelo had put his guard up again but it was in no way a demand. Ethan watched him pulling away disappearing down the tree lined road, he had already decided he would be at the bathhouse and knew that this action would mean surrendering himself to Angelo.
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  36. Part 5 - Caught Red-handed Ethan crossed the lounge towards Brad who handed him his locker key and smiled. "Are you okay?" Brad asked. Ethan nodded "Yes, a bit shook up from what happened". Brad smiled "I banned the three of them, but you might want to get a cab home". "Why is that?" Ethan asked. "Just in case they are still hanging around in the street" Brad replied. Ethan had a worried look on his face "Maybe I will hang around up here for a bit". Ethan thanked him and he noticed how quiet it had become in the lounge, there was only a couple of guys sat talking since everyone else was downstairs enjoying themselves. The locker room was quiet except for one person who was busy in his locker, he could only glimpse his arms and noticed that they bore no tattoos so it wasn't Angelo. Ethan unlocked the door and started sorting his things out, a funny thing curiosity where something in the human nature likes to know who is in the same vicinity, he kept taking glances but the other person was just to far out of his field of vision. Ethan pulled his underwear out and closed the locker door so he could change. He sensed someone standing there and turned around, his mouth fell open seeing the smile on Adam's face who was looking directly at him. "Hello Ethan!, fuck I knew I was right" Adam shook his head in disbelief. Ethan stared back, this was not good "Oh Adam". Adam laughed "You didn't waste any time then since you only had your birthday last week" he stepped closer. "Adam, please don't say anything to anyone about this. I am not out with my family or friends" he looked pleadingly. "I guess we both have a secret, but on one condition" Adam moved closer. Ethan didn't like where this was going "What condition" he asked watching Adam closing in. "Kiss me Ethan" Adam ran his hand down Ethan's chest. Ethan caught his breath at Adam's touch "Just one". His body felt electrified by Adam's touch and senses awakened and poised, Ethan had secretly dreamed about this and was only to happy to kiss him. His head moved closer to Adam's as their lips touched gently their mouths opened and Ethan was immediately speared by Adam's tongue as he kissed him deep for more than a minute until Adam moved away and looked at Ethan. "Wow, where did you learn to kiss like that?" Adam asked looking at Ethan. Ethan shrugged his shoulders "Kiss like what, was it bad?". Adam shook his head "No, it's just.. wow. Are you just leaving?". "Yes" he replied nodding his head. "I was about to as well, let's get a coffee before we get changed" Adam said taking Ethan's arm. Ethan stopped "Adam, I should leave". Adam looked at him "A coffee won't hurt then we can go back together". Ethan agreed "5 minutes Adam then we must go". "I don't get what all the rush is about Ethan" Adam said partly dragging Ethan in the lounge. Ethan sat at the table and watched Adam getting the drinks, his eyes picked up the tell tell signs of a tattoo on his lower back, he could make out the top section and saw the unmistakable biohazard marking. Adam returned with the coffees and sat down. "I told Tony and Leo I had my doubts about you" Adam said smiling. Ethan was looking at his coffee "What if I was gay?". "Yes, when did you first come here?" Adam asked sipping his coffee. Ethan looked over at Brad who was watching them "Last week on my 18th birthday, what about you?". Adam laughed "About a year ago and usually come along once a month. So did you have sex last week?". Ethan still looked down at his coffee "Yes, but it didn't turn out like I expected". "What do you mean?" Adam asked looking intrigued. Ethan looked at Adam "I was pulled in to fast and it happened so quickly". Adan shook his head "I just wish you had come out to me and I could have brought you here". "I only found out that you were gay the day before my birthday" Ethan said. Adam chuckled "It's no secret, just the bit about Tony and I". "You have a tattoo on your back just above the towel, is it what I think it is?" he motioned downwards. Adam smiled "What do you think it is?". Ethan moved his head closed "Do you have it, the hiv thing?". "Yes" Adam laughed at his shyness "You do know this place is notorious for bareback sex". Ethan nodded "I may have been infected" he whispered. Adam looked seriously "Oh Ethan. Don't worry, if it has happened it is controllable. Don't let it upset you". "But everyone will know now, my parents will flip when they find out" Ethan looked upset. Adam looked at him seriously "Take it in your stride, I won't say anything to anyone, promise". Ethan nervously watched the locker room area "Can I talk to you if I need to?". Adam smiled "Of course you can". Ethan smiled "You know I have fancied you for years, but I don't think we..." Adam cut him off. "Ethan, if anything happens it happens, if it doesn't I still want to be your friend" Adam told him. Ethan smiled "Thank you Adam". "Did you have sex today?" Adam asked looking at him. Ethan nodded "Same guy as last week, he paid for my visit tonight as he wanted to meet me again". Adam chuckled "Is he hot, tell me about him?". Ethan laughed "I think he is hot, tall and muscular Latin guy with tattoos" Adam grabbed Ethan's hand. "Ethan is his name Angelo?" he asked looking concerned. He looked at Adam's face "Yes". "He is not the best choice, sexy yes, but people tend to avoid him" Adam said in hushed voice. Ethan looked concerned "In what way?". "He breeds and moves on, never fucks the same guy twice and shows no interest in them" Adam looked worried. Ethan shook his head "So how come he has fucked me twice?". "You got me there, he must have enjoyed fucking you, I take it you was a virgin?" Adam asked. Ethan blushed "Yes, still never sucked a cock yet" he nervously laughed. Adam shook his head "Angelo owned one guy a year back for several months". "Oh you mean like a relationship?" Ethan asked. Adam smirked "It was no relationship Ethan, the guy was never allowed to get close he just used him for sex". Ethan looked down suddenly he began to see clearly "Explains a lot of what happened downstairs earlier". "What do you mean?" Adam looked with curiosity. Ethan looked around "Three guys tried to force me to have sex with them...". Adam cut him off "I head there was an altercation in the sling room was that you?". Ethan nodded "If Brad hadn't intervened I don't know what would have happed, it shook me up a bit". Adam rubbed Ethan's shoulder "Did they hurt you?" "No, one of them turned on Brad then Angelo walked in" Ethan nodded in Brad's direction. Adam looked surprised "I heard some of the gossip up to the point that Angelo went in". Ethan continued "I didn't see what happened but the tall one fell to the floor gasping for air". "You know Angelo has a bit of a rough guy reputation" he informed Ethan. Ethan shook his head "No, anyway he told the guy never to touch his property, I didn't really understand that". Adam shook his head "Ethan, I think you may have got yourself in a little mess". Ethan looked at him "Do you think I should forget about him?" he asked. Adam shrugged his shoulders "I know Angelo doesn't take no for an answer". "What am I going to do?" Ethan replied almost in tears. "Ethan I can look out for you, I can't tell you what to do but it might be best if you did" Adam finished his coffee. Ethan finished his coffee "Will you come with me back to Harrison?". Adam smiled "Of course I will, come on". Ethan cheered up as they got on the train the walk to the station had seemed to go on as Ethan kept looking over his shoulders to make sure no one was following. It was only five minutes in to the journey when Ethan disappeared to the toilet, he was beginning to feel Angelo's seed leaking out. Adam chuckled as Ethan was also seeing the funny side of it now, on his last return he sat down next to Adam. "What do I do Adam, I am so confused about this now?" Ethan looked concerned. Adam moved next to Ethan "He only has your phone number?" he asked. "Yes, he doesn't even know my name" Ethan replied. "That doesn't surprise me. Has he been violent towards you?" Adam asked. Ethan looked at him "No". "You could just ignore him if he tries to ring or text" Adam replied. Adam stuck his head up looking around the carriage and seeing it was quiet he sunk back in his seat and pulled Ethan in to kiss him. Ethan didn't resist, his body tingled as Adam's lips met his and they kissed for several minutes. Adam laughed "For a beginner you kiss like a lover". "I have only kissed Angelo and sort of followed his lead" Ethan replied blushing. Adam smiled and sat back in his seat "I would love to kiss Angelo like that". Over the next few weeks Ethan tried to put Angelo out of his head, Adam and himself had become friends but never more than stolen kisses and cuddling ever took place between them. Their friendship bordered more on erotic brotherly love for each other. Adam kept his word and made no mention of Ethan's like of men but suspicious eyebrows were being raised whenever they would laugh and fool around at college. The other students noticed that Ethan and Adam had become friends and also at the looks that went on between them before they both would laugh. The final week of classes for the academic year were fast approaching, unfortunately it meant 7 assignments to be done and ready when they went back. Ethan had already decided to forego the 4 weeks in the Hamptons to get all his work out of the way so he could enjoy the rest of the summer break, he and Adam laid on the grass relaxing in the sunshine chatting. "So how are things Ethan?" Adam rolled on to his stomach. Ethan looked at him "Well I haven't heard from him for a couple of weeks if that's you mean". Adam laughed and ran his hand up Ethan's arm "Maybe a good sign". Ethan smiled "Does your boyfriend know you do that to me?". "No I kept my promise, but he has always had fancy for you" Adam responded. "Oh, he is sexy but I don't want to complicate things" Ethan leaned over and quickly kissed Adam. Adam smiled "And that doesn't? People will see you doing that Ethan". Ethan stood up "Maybe they will maybe they won't. I have to head off home". "Already?" Adam sat up. "Yes family heading to the Hamptons next week for a month so spending time with them this weekend" Ethan replied. Adam squinted looking at him "So your not around for 4 weeks?". "I will be, I decided to stay home and get my course work finished" Ethan smiled at Adam. "Do I get to see you then?" Adam asked. Ethan picked up his bag "Yes". Adam stood up smiling at Ethan "Good, I like hanging out with you plus Tony works most days". They walked through Harrison until they went their separate ways, Adam whispered in Ethan's ear 'One day I will fuck you Ethan', Ethan laughed and sauntered off down the road. Adam met with Tony after he finished work for a date night and headed to their favourite Italian in Harrison. Tony sat there looking at Adam "Your distracted, what's the matter?" he observed. Adam put his fork down "I shouldn't tell you this as I promised not to". "Go on" Tony was intrigued". Adam looked at Tony "I bumped in to Ethan at the bathhouse". Tony laughed "No way, did you break him in?". "No, no, no, I caught him red-handed last week" Adam replied. Tony chuckled "So was he having sex with anyone". Adam leaned in "Yes, with Angelo". Tony shook his head "Your kidding me, does he not know about him?". "Not at the time, I tried to tell him about what he is like" Adam moved the food around his plate. Tony looked at Adam "Poor thing, I assume he got the message?". Adam nodded "Maybe, but he has been with him twice now". "Angelo fucked him twice?" Tony said with an astonished look on his face. "Yeah I know" Adam replied immediately. They continued talking about Ethan through dinner until they left the restaurant.
    1 point
  37. Last weekend while I was gang fucked I was getting it real rough from a hung guy while another shoved his thick cock down my throat, fed me poppers for a couple of minutes them pinched my nose so I couldn’t breath while I was high on poppers. It was incredible!
    1 point
  38. well i love wrapping a belt around the faggots throat and pull hard while i fuck it from behind.i can fuck hard like that and when they pass out the cunt loosens right up but nothing beats wrapping my hands around its throat so i can feel it struggling to breathe and look into its eyes while it loses conciousness. i love that look in a young faggots eyes when its not sure if im going to let it live.but for a gangbang whore.i like to put the boy on a fuckbench and hang it with an actual noose while we all fuck it. just gotta let it breathe once in awhile lol
    1 point
  39. Part 4 - Returning To The Scene "Hello again baby, didn't expect to see you back so soon" Brad said looking at him with a big smile. Ethan looked and smiled "Hello Brad". "$30 tonight dude as it's Friday" Brad pointed to the sign on the window. Ethan remembered to use the word "Oh right, my name is Tiger" he said embarrassingly. Brad stopped and looked at him "Really" the smile disappeared from his face "Are you sure dude?". Ethan looked confused "I got told to say it to you". "I hope you know what your doing, your visit is paid for come through" Brad was eyeing him more intently. Ethan pushed through the door and immediately noticed how busy the lounge area was, he quickly glanced around the room looking for him, Brad tapped him on the shoulder handing him towels and a locker key. Ethan crossed the lounge but couldn't help notice the number of guys shuffling in their seats to get a look as he passed by to the locker room, he couldn't be sure but was certain he heard the words 'Jailbait' mentioned a few times with laughter. Ethan just finished changing when Brad appeared at the locker room. "Okay Tiger I will take your locker key I don't want any trouble" Brad said walking towards Ethan. "Trouble, what do you mean?" Ethan replied looking shocked. Brad looked at him "I see all the guys watching you and Angelo will not be happy if they touch you". Ethan looked curiously at Brad "Who is Angelo?". "Seriously dude, Angelo is who you are here to meet" Brad was the one who looked shocked. Ethan handed over his key "Is that his name?". Brad shook his head "Did you not know that?". "No, well we never really spoke last week" Ethan responded. Brad turned to leave "He is downstairs, you must be special" he said shaking his head as he disappeared. Ethan stood at the top of the stairs thinking what Brad had just said but none of it made any sense, he could already see it was busy down there but he braced himself and walked down. At first sight he caught such a wider variety of guys and ages, three of whom stood in one corner all in the 30's and muscled. He noticed them watching him coming down the stairs, Ethan was disorientated and confused about where to go, it was much easier when there was only a few men in here but this was packed, more unnerving was that he felt extremely vulnerable. The three men who watched him moved away from the wall, diligently they watched Ethan's moves discovering by the way he was looking around he was new. Ethan thought he was heading to the steam room but suddenly realised he was standing by the shower room, he tried to look as though he knew what he was doing but was failing miserably. He turned to trace his steps back but bumped in to the tall muscled guy. "Oh, sorry I didn't know you was there" Ethan apologised slightly shocked how close he was. He laughed "That's okay, you look a little lost there need a hand?" he touched Ethan's arm. "No that's okay I know where I am going" Ethan replied moving his arm away. Ethan stepped back as the taller one moved forward again touching his arm and gently pushing him back, he took a few more steps back realising he was moving in to a darkened corridor. "Please I am here to meet someone, excuse me" Ethan began to look nervous and scared. The tall one laughed "You don't need to meet anyone, we will take very good care of you". Ethan felt hands rubbing his ass through his towel, stunned he turned to see the other two men had circled behind him. Ethan tried to push past but the taller one was inches away from his own body still causing Ethan to step back further in to the corridor. The music playing was louder in this part of the bathhouse, come to think of it Ethan couldn't remember seeing this part on his previous visit. Suddenly he felt the guy behind him grasp his arms around Ethan's chest, he shouted 'No' but they laughed at his protests. The taller one grabbed Ethan's legs and they hoisted him in the air carrying him further down the corridor in to the sling room. Ethan panicked and tried to thrash his legs to get him to release his hold. Brad had come down to the lower level to change the shower gels and saw the legs thrashing, he caught a glimpse of the person before they turned in to the sling room and realised it was Angelo's boy. Brad dropped the gels in the shower room and went after the three guys, the last thing he needed was Angelo finding out what has going on, but word had already spread about the newbie being taken to the sling room. One guy entered the steam room and told his friend about the cute young blond guy about to be group fucked in the sling, Angelo overheard and like a shot he stood up and powered out of the steam room. Ethan was protesting being forced to lay in the sling, the taller one yanked his leg up and secured it in one of the restraints followed by his other leg he then ran his hand over Ethan's hole and smiled at his two friends. Ethan was now struggling with the other two who held his arms and began guiding them up to the restraints, until they heard Brad's voice. "That's enough guys let him go" Brad didn't sound happy. "Mind your own business he wants some fun with us" the taller one replied. Brad pushed him to the side and released Ethan's legs "Mutual agreement, I saw you pick him off deliberately". The taller one laughed "We can take you down easily as well" he pushed Brad against the wall and grabbed his throat. Angelo stood at the entrance "Don't you dare" the voice caught all of them off guard. The taller one turned to see Angelo standing there "What have we here a fairy rescue party?". Angelo stood and laughed "Move your filthy hands off him". He let Brad go and walked towards Angelo "Why you want to play as well?". Angelo watched the other two join the taller one in front him "Only if you like it rough?. The taller one laughed "Fucking break you if that's how rough you want it". The taller one looked at his two friends smirking then suddenly he buckled to his knees and on to the floor, his two friends watched him gasping trying to catch his breath. Angelo pushed his friends out of the way and hauled the taller one back to his feet. "I thought you wanted to play rough" Angelo snarled at the taller one still struggling to breath. "Angelo enough" Brad called out with Ethan by side in his shocked state. Angelo leaned in to the taller one "Never touch my property again or I will break your bones one by one". He pushed him with such force that his feet left the ground and he came crashing down on the floor, his two friends ran from the sling room leaving him there. They had never encountered Angelo before and didn't fancy a showdown. Angelo walked over to Brad "I'm sorry Brad, are you alright?" "Yes I'm fine" Brad replied. Angelo nodded "You know I've always got your back". Brad smiled "You need to look after him Angelo, it's a good thing I saw them" nodding to Ethan. Angelo picked Ethan up and carried him back out past the showers and down a corridor with private rooms where he placed Ethan on the day bed inside one of the room. Even in his distressed state Ethan had the same strange secure feeling, the strong arms holding him in a bearhug as he was carried him through the bathhouse. Angelo turned and spoke to Ethan directly for the first time. "I will go and get you a drink stay here" he said turning to leave. Ethan looked worryingly "Please don't leave me here, I shouldn't have come it was a mistake". Angelo turned to look at him "No mistake, don't worry no one will touch you". Ethan was still slightly troubled at his lucky escape and the one thing he remembered Angelo saying was 'don't touch my property'. He couldn't fathom out what the meaning of those words would come to signify. Sitting there several men walked past looking through the open door at the young guy, suddenly one lad who looked only a couple of years older than Ethan smirked and watched for a moment, he crossed the threshold of the door when he was grabbed by a mysterious arm and a voice warned him 'I wouldn't to that if I was you, he belongs to Angelo'. The guy stopped as a look of horror spread across his face and made a clumsy but rapid exit. A little smile appeared on Ethan's face so his name is definitely Angelo he thought to himself. Angelo returned with two soft drinks and closed the door behind him and offered a can of pop to Ethan. He thanked him and took a sip putting the can down on the floor. "Are you okay" Angelo asked him. Ethan nodded "Sort of, still a bit shaken". Angelo put his arm around Ethan and pulled him close, their lips touched sensually feeling each other until Angelo put more pressure against Ethan's lips which gave way allowing for a very tender French kiss. The man of little words knew how to entice and quickly he removed their towels and pulled Ethan over to straddle his lap, Ethan could feel the hardness under his ass cheeks and he knew what was going happen. With surprise Angelo stroked the side of Ethan's face and whispered 'I knew you would want me again' he pulled Ethan closer and resumed kissing him. Ethan took the lead and raised his hips slightly, Angelo removed one arm and spat in to his hand and rubbing it in to his hole he then guided his cock towards Ethan's ass. Tingling sensation followed on by a sharp burning pain ran up his body as he felt the head of his cock penetrating into his body. Pushing his hips up he forced Ethan down on his cock, Ethan gasped and moaned as Angelo's cock pushed it's way in to his body, he winced in pain repeatedly and finally came to a rest on Angelo's lap who let out what seemed like gratifying purr. Angelo stopped kissing and Ethan felt himself being lifted up forcing him to lock his legs around Angelo's waist as he stood up their mouths met in an excited and yearning manner. In one swift movement Ethan was on his back in a missionary position with Angelo gently gyrating his hips. The sensation was overwhelming as his body shuddered at this new experience, Angelo looked Ethan deep in the eyes as he relaxed, he switched between thrusting and gyrating, Ethan's back arching his body responding to Anglo's movements in unison, his moans and cries played like music to Angelo's ears. Ethan wrapped his arm around his neck pulling them closer face to face. Angelo spent some time kissing Ethan, he didn't know it then but Angelo was nurturing him to kiss an a sensuous and loving way. It would be the only way Ethan would know how to kiss and think it was normal. The tender kissing and gentle thrusting was causing Angelo's cock go rigid and swell putting more strain against his tight ass. Angelo began to pick up speed fucking Ethan with total abandonment until he grunted loudly several times as he delivered his seed in to Ethan's body. An agonising cry emitted from Ethan as the cock inside him pulsed against the anal wall, every forward jolt of his body meant another ribbon of seed planted deep inside him. Ethan's legs shook and his toes curled as he flew in to ecstasy and orgasmed, he could feel his own cum trickling down the side of his body. Still locked together Angelo rolled on his side, his arms wrapped around Ethan's body, both panting heavily. Ethan tenderly kissed Angelo's neck as his orgasm subsided, Angelo responded by holding Ethan tighter and closer to his body. The warmth of their entwined bodies, his dominance over Ethan just draw him deeper and deeper into hedonism, Ethan just wanted to lay here with him forever. Angelo was still balls deep inside Ethan's body but he was not done with his boy yet, he started pushing and grinding his hips against Ethan's ass. Ethan kissed Angelo as the steady thrusting rhythm began despite the pain he still felt in his ass there was no mistaking that Ethan was enjoying sex with this incredible man. His orgasm was a big as the first but this time he stayed inside Ethan for nearly half an hour gently pushing his cock deeper making sure his seed was planted deep and secure in his boy. Angelo stroked Ethan's back and kissing his head as he gradually he began to remove his cock slowly. A cry escaped Ethan's lips as his head finally pulled free, he kissed Ethan and stood up looking down at him. Angelo smiled pulling Ethan to his feet and told him to get dressed and head home. He did not argue and walked out of the room climbing the stairs he looked around to see Angelo disappear in to the steam room, his heart sank a little wondering if he would get to be with him again.
    1 point
  40. Another great chapter! I love that the little brother is beginning to become a willing bottom cum dump cock-sucker for dirty cum .... maybe I am biased because I was willing cum-dump for my older brother and his jock friends!
    1 point
  41. Payback’s a Birch (and so is my Brother) Part 6 I leaned in and kissed Tyson forcing my tongue down his throat just before I told him, “Bro, when this weekend of over, your ass is going to be bleeding com.” I then gave my little bro another slam and proclaimed, “The neg, straight, jock boy is open for breeding.” With Tyson’s drugged up jock body secured I the sling I watched as one by one my friends each took a turn at his ass. I made sure he was constantly high reducing him too nothing more than the cum dump I him to be. The only sound heard from him were moans of pleasure and the occasional response when the guy fucking him was ready to breed him to which my bro would almost beg for the top to shoot inside his ass. By the time the last guy left Tyson was ready for a break. We helped him out of the sling, upstairs and into a hot shower before I have him something to knock his ass out for a while. We all needed some rest before we'd start pimping his ass out at the various bathhouse's. Tyson sleep a good 12 hours before he finally woke up sandwiched between myself and Rod. He quickly realized that all three of us were naked. I was sure he could feel my had cock near his ass as we began to move about. What he want prepared was my grabbing him by the waist and pulling him towards me. His first instinct was one of resistance, but as the tip of my cock touched his still com soaked hole a switch flipped and the pussy boy we created suddenly pushed back to get as much of my raw cock inside him as he could. He moaned out as my cock bottomed out balls deep. Rod flipped around giving Tyson access to his morning wood while he had access to Tyson’s semi hard cock. We were a little surprised with all the Tina he had over the weekend that he was able to get hard at all, but sure enough he was spouting a decent hard on. With my cock lodged in his ass and Rod starting to suck Tyson’s growing cock, that left Rod's morning wood directly in front of my brother’s face. He seemed to open his mouth on instinct as he began to suck Rod’s cock. At first just taking the to into his mouth. Then little by little he began to go deeper and deeper until he had the entire shaft moving in and out of his throat. Rod took a moment to praise Tyson on his cock sucking skills, “That’s it jock boy, eat that dick. You know you want that dirty cum of mine for breakfast.” By now Tyson and I were really going at it. He was working his ass to meet every thrust I made. I could feel every muscle in his ass flexing as he worked to get me to cum. With Rod’s cock lodged in his throat I was sure he couldn’t say much, but I had plenty to say, “Looks like little bro is starting to like cock. I can tell your ass is hungry for another load of my special cum and from the lack of sounds your making your wanting a nice protein breakfast.” Shortly after that was said I felt the familiar tingle if the impeding orgasm and with the silks my brother was demonstrating I was sure Rod wasn’t far behind me. I felt Tyson’s ass spasm as he began to shoot his load down Rod's throat. Rod sent me over the edge as I began to fill Tyson’s ass. Tyson didn’t have to wait long before he was greedily swallowed every drop of Rod’s cum.
    1 point
  42. Part 3 - The College Jock Ethan unlocked the cubicle door and went back to the locker room to find it empty, opening the door to his locker to retrieve his clothes he found a note with a phone number which read 'When you want more and you will, call me as I now own you'. Ethan read and re-read the note before coming to the conclusion that the author thought way to much of himself, but he realised his cock was rock hard. Unconsciously he folded the note and put in the pocket of his shorts and finished changing. The warmth and brightness of the sun shocked him as he left the bathhouse, Ethan looked at his phone and was amazed to find it was already nearly 5pm. The walk back to the train station was strange to say the least, he wondered if he was walking funny and did the people walking past notice this. The one thing the train didn't have was soft seats which is what he could have really done with right now. He found it hard for the first 5 minutes adjusting his seating position, every time the train jerked pain shot through his ass, thankfully the journey was over quickly and he headed through Harrison down the leafy road to home. Halfway home he felt a weird feeling as his underwear was sticking to his ass, he tried to adjust without being noticed, panic struck thinking that he might be bleeding and would bleed out if he didn't get home in time. The house was quiet as he stepped through and he rushed up to his bedroom and bathroom, stripping as he did so. He noticed a damp patch on his shorts and pulled down his underwear he saw a patch of pink slime congregated in them, partly relieved that he was not bleeding he got to cleaning himself up. He ran some hot water and rinsed his underwear to get rid of the signs, as he did so he felt another strange sensation as a trickle ran down the inside of his thigh. He grabbed some toilet tissue and saw more of the pink slime escaping from his ass. He cleaned himself up as best he could and went back to the bedroom picking up the shorts from the floor, he suddenly remembered the note an debated weather to destroy it, pausing he read it once more and saw the face and body of the young man. Ethan suddenly noticed that he had grabbed his cock and felt he was rock hard again. He stood looking at the note and decided to add the number in his contacts, he tore the note up satisfied that if he wanted to contact him he could or he could wipe the number forever, but now was not the time to make that decision. Tired and aching he pulled the duvet cover back and snuggled down in bed to sleep for a few hours, in no time at all he was deep asleep thinking about the encounter with the Latin guy. After several hours he woke startled as he felt a wet patch he was laying on, jumping out of bed he looked at the sheet to see another pool of the pink slimly seed, a faint odour hit his nose and could only deduce this is what a fucked ass must smell like. It was all very new to him and almost unsure if it was normal, he quickly removed the sheet and took it to the laundry room to wash it with his underwear and shorts. Returning to the bedroom he headed to the shower and cleaned the mess around his ass and legs, he dried himself off and sat on the edge of the bed. He felt pretty normal considering he was no longer a virgin, but was he expecting to feel different after all the only sign was the mess and his sore ass. For the first time he chuckled to himself and picked his phone up typing a message to the mysterious number it was short and to the point 'Your cum is still leaking out of my ass.', he hit the send button and looked at the screen in contemplation. He was about to put the phone back when it pinged almost making him jump, quickly he looked and saw the reply 'Good, will take a while as you got a lot. Let me know when you want it again.', he put the phone down and laid a clean sheet on the bed, he grabbed the towel he just used to dry himself with and laid it over the clean sheet as he settled back down to sleep. Ethan slept right through until 8am when he heard the cleaner moving around downstairs, his ass was still throbbing but less so as he got out of bed and inspected the towel. Sure enough there was a large dry patch that was almost rusty in colour, he dressed and took the towel down to the laundry room chatting briefly with the cleaner. The rest of the day went by without any more incidents and he spent the afternoon out and about Harrison with his college friends before the family returned from the Hamptons. The virus already established itself in it's new host and was beginning to divide and conquer, slowly but surely Angelo was more a part of Ethan he could ever have comprehended. Ethan was sure he had dodged the bullet this time but the one thing he hadn't researched was what to do if you had unprotected sex with a hiv positive man. By the middle of the week he had missed any chance to take PREP and unknown to him he had let the virus infiltrate every part of his body, day by day it was changing his whole life. On Thursday Ethan had the sniffles and thought he was coming down with a cold, his body had began the fight back against the invading virus, battle lines were drawn and war was fought but to no avail. Thankfully Friday came around again and he had the afternoon off college so was looking forward to a longish weekend. The forecast was for sunny and warm weather but that morning he felt the cold had cleared and was looking forward to morning lessons,. He knew that half day at college meant extra assignment work to be done and handed in on Monday, this mean if he didn't get it done this afternoon the rest of the weekend would be manic. He picked his bag up and about to head out of the door to college. "Ethan," his mother called out to him. He stopped with this hand holding the door handle "Yes" he shouted back. His mother appeared "There you are, we are heading to the Hamptons later for the weekend." Ethan sighed "I would love to go but I am going to get a ton of work from college as it's half day." Nodding her head "Okay, but if you need anything let the cleaner know she will be on Sunday." "Sure, will do and you're only a phone call away if I need you," he said smiling at her. She said goodbye as Ethan walked up the driveway on his 30 minute walk to the college. Ethan arrived and found himself a quiet table in the recreation room before lessons and was reading through some of the work for the morning. Tony and his friend Leo wandered in and took the table next to Ethan. Leo smirked at Tony nodding in Ethan's direction, Tony definitely had a big crush on Ethan but his boyfriend Adam had told him not do anything silly in case it backfired. Tony and Leo sat chatting waiting for Adam to arrive, they both spent the 10 minutes taking sneaky glances at Ethan whose head was in his book until Adam arrived. One thing Ethan could not help was having a look at Adam whenever he entered the room, after all Ethan had thought about Adam and himself making love over and over, his train of thoughts was cut off by Tony talking. "Hey Adam, thought you was going to be late as your cutting it fine" Tony asked. Adam shook his head seeing they were sitting next to Ethan "Plenty of time" he replied sitting down. Tony leaned over "How was last night?" Adam smile "Good, had a great night last night, Bradley did good as usual" laughing at trying to be discreet. Tony laughed "Man you are so lucky" he replied. Adam leaned forward in a hushed voice "He wants you next time as well" he said to Tony. "Seriously, oh yeah I'm up for that," Tony replied. "He told me he is going to and get a cute young guy if he shows up again," Adam commented. Tony scoffed "That's if you know who doesn't get there first." "From what he said that has already happened" Adam replied. Tony leaned in "Did he tell you anymore about who it was?" Adam shook his head "You know Bradley ever the soul of discretion." Ethan strained to hear what conversation was going on. the name Bradley didn't ring any bells, only the bell sounding classes to start in 5 minutes stopped them in their tracks. Ethan watched Adam out the corner of his eye, he stood just slightly taller than Ethan, but was a powerhouse in comparison, he played a lot of sport and had a well defined muscular build. His dark cropped hair suited him and was always surrounded by other guys, he was indeed the all American college jock. Ethan first had his suspicion about Adam due to the lack of girls that flocked around him, and his friends revelation last week confirmed what he thought. The recreation room was emptying and Ethan stood up. "Hey Ethan mind if I walk with you to class?" Adam asked standing up. Ethan looked around as if trying to fathom if Adam was talking to him "Oh, sure I guess so". "Oh happy birthday for last weekend. You turned 18, didn't you?" Adam asked as Tony glanced back at them. Ethan blushed a little "Yes and thank you." "I didn't get a party invite, though," Adam joked looking at Ethan. Ethan fumbled around Adam "Oh I err didn't have a party." "No party?" Adam stopped and looked at him. Ethan shook his head "Didn't want one, plus I was busy" he replied. "Can't wait for this morning to be over." he said to Ethan as they walked along the corridor. Ethan looked at him a little stunned that he was making conversation "Yes, been a long week." "You have plans for the weekend Ethan?" he asked him. Ethan shook his head "Nothing in particular just need to keep on top of my coursework". Adam laughed "You need to have more fun, mind if I sit with you?" he asked as they reached the lecture room. "Sure" was all that Ethan could manage. Adam sat down next to Ethan "Maybe we could hang out sometime?" "Oh, yeah that would be nice" Ethan replied. He felt uncomfortable all through the lecture as he was sure Adam was watching him, several times their legs touched each other and he was trying to work out if it was deliberate. At 10am they were recessed for 20 minutes and Adam insisted Ethan came and sat with him outside on the grass to get some air. They spent the time talking about their studies and Harrison in general, this morning had turned out to be a revelation as it was really the first time they engaged in a conversation beyond the odd hello and how are you. For Adam what started out as a joke to see who if anyone could get in to Ethan's underwear was turning more in to a friendship. The midday bell rang and Ethan walked out with Adam. "Are you rushing off anywhere Ethan" Adam asked. Ethan caught by surprise shook his head "Just home to get the assignment done." "Mind the company if I walk with you?" Adam was assessing Ethan. Ethan nodded but curiosity go the better of him "Why the sudden interest in me Adam?" Adam stopped walking "Oh, we hit the same classes but you never really speak to me." "Sorry I wasn't being funny, but I just thought you had your friends," Ethan replied. Adam laughed "Ah, you mean Tony and Leo?" Ethan nodded "Yes, you seem very close." "Well Leo is a friend and Tony is somewhat closer than a friend" Adam replied looking at Ethan who found himself looking deep into Adam's eyes "You, really?" Adam nodded "Yes, Ethan, me." Ethan thought back to class "So you were deliberately touching my leg with yours." Adam stumbled a moment as he had been found out "No, no, well maybe a little." Ethan walked on "Your quite funny and very brave". Adam caught up "I hope we can still be friends now you know". "If you want to then I am sure we can" Ethan replied. "Just one other thing, now you know about Tony and me please don't say a word" Adam looked seriously at him. Ethan chuckled "Our secret then." They reached Harrison town centre and Ethan said good bye to Adam and wished him good weekend as he headed off towards home. Adam couldn't help himself but stand and watch Ethan walking away until he was interrupted by a tapping on his shoulder. "Do you still think he is on the fence?" Tony asked surprising Adam. Adam turned to Tony "I really don't know he gave nothing away" he said looking back at Ethan. Tony watched "Did you tell me about us?" "Yes, strange but it felt okay telling him," Adam replied. Tony nudged Adam "Maybe you did sniff him out right. Are you parents home?" he asked. Adam laughed "No, come on back to mine I want to fuck your brains out." "About time" Tony replied as they turned and walked in the opposite direction. Ethan was glad to be home and he sat down to get his assignments done before the weekend and just as the clock struck 5pm he finished and closed his books. He wandered up to his bedroom to put his things away and started group texting with his friends to find out if anyone was going out, whilst waiting for a reply he stumbled across the message from last weekend to mystery man. Stupidly he typed a message 'Hi' followed by a smiley face and hit the send button, immediately he shook his head, what the fuck was I thinking he thought to himself. He had a worrying feeling before realising his cock was bursting in his pants to be set free. Angelo stepped out the shower walked over to pick his phone up and saw a message from 'Virgin', he chuckled to himself at the one word message. Typing he sent a response. Ethan was shocked that the reply came so quickly, he fumbled and opened the message to read it 'Meet me at the bathhouse in one hour', he contemplated but another message came along 'When you arrive tell Brad your name is Tiger'. Ethan never stopped to think as his cock and desire for sex again was driving and was already changing his clothes and out of the door within 10 minutes, he jogged to the train station and caught the first train heading to NYC via the Bronx. He was not afraid but he still worried about the young man and his poz status if the tattoo of the Angel on his back was anything to go by. Walking along the blocks he was literally dead on time with a few minutes to spare, he stood outside the building looking at the door, steadying himself he pressed by the buzzer and waited until the door opened. Behind the glass box stood Brad, but all Ethan could think about was being held in those strong arms by the sexiest guy he had seen in a long time.
    1 point
  43. Part 14: Jason's New Journey William and Becky were trying desperately to find a medication that would work for Jason. In the meantime with nothing helping Jason was horny all the time. He went from being scared to die to now all he thought about was sex. He was the one now fucking William every chance he could. And William was enjoying getting fucked as often as possible. But something was happening inside of Jason. He wanted to share his toxic seed and knock men up with his gift. So he started going back to the adult theater to start sharing his gift. So late one Friday night after fucking William he drove down to the theater to see how much more fun he could have. As he pulled into the parking lot it didn't look too busy but there were several cars there. He entered the building and paid his fee at the front. He made his way into the back and went into the main theater where on screen there were two hot guys enjoying some hot bareback sex. Jason sat down and took his cock out and slowly stroked it. He was hard in no time. A couple of rows behind him was a nice looking guy who was probably about ten years older than himself. The guy noticed Jason's cock and slowly made his way over to Jason. They both looked at each other and without saying a word the guy got on his knees and started sucking Jason's cock. This guy was a great cock sucker. At first he just used his mouth to kiss and lick Jason's cock all over getting it all wet. Then he opened his mouth and engulfed Jason's cock in one quick motion. Jason let out a soft moan and he grabbed the guy by the back of his head and slowly fucked his mouth. The guy put his hands on Jason's thighs for leverage and as Jason was fucking his throat he looked down and noticed the guy had on a wedding band. Jason at first was just going to cum down the guys throat but seeing the wedding band he got a wicked smile across his face. He was going to knock the closet faggot up with his toxic cum. He pulled the guy up from his knees and turned him around and before the guy could say anything Jason rammed his cock all the way inside the guys ass. The guy let out a loud cry which several others noticed inside the building. To shut the guy up a dirty looking old man got in front of the guy and rammed his cock down the guys throat. Now this poor guy was being abused but when the others noticed his ring they started cheering on Jason and the old man. The old man looked gaunt and Jason noticed a scorpion tattoo on him and this excited Jason. They were really going to fuck this closet faggots life up. It didn't take long before the old man erupted down the guys throat and made the guy swallow his cum. Jason in the meantime was really tearing the guys ass up. He was fucking him hard and noticed blood on his cock. After about fifteen minutes of raping the guys hole Jason let out a deep long grunt and painted the inside of the guys ass with his cum. Jason stayed inside the guy until he went limp. Jason and the old man sat back and watched as others used the guy for their own pleasure. The guy was no longer resisting and succumb to his own desires. As he was being used Jason learned the old man's name was Garrett. Garrett told him that he had full blown AIDS and that he enjoyed not being medicated. Jason told him that he was POZ and that he had tried several medications but nothing was working. This got Garrett hard again and he asked if he wanted to try and see if they could get the guy to join them for the weekend. Jason said yes and so when everyone was finished using the guy Jason and Garrett helped him up and got him dressed. Garrett asked him if he wanted to join the two of them for the weekend. The guy said yes that his wife was out of town and he wanted to get fucked as much as possible before she got back home. They learned his name was Brad and Brad and Jason followed Garrett back to his place in each of their vehicles. Garrett had a nice two story house with a huge yard and swimming pool. As they entered the house each guy got undressed and played with each other. As they were playing with each other Brad noticed the scorpion tattoo on Garrett and asked about it. Garrett told him it meant he was toxic and had AIDS and Jason was HIV positive. Poor Brad fainted. Garrett and Jason laughed when Brad fainted. They got him back conscious and Brad started crying. He wanted the sex sure. But getting HIV or AIDS was something he didn't want. Garrett and Jason calmed him down and the more he thought about it the harder he got. His marriage was pretty much over anyway before all of this and so being desired again felt really good. He noticed Garrett and Jason were both hard as well so he got on all fours and asked no begged Garrett to fuck him. As Garrett reached for the lube Brad stopped him and told him to rape him with his AIDS cock. Garrett did as asked and rammed his cock into Brad's ass. Garrett was not small in the cock department. He was 11 inches long and thick as a coke can. So although Brad had been fucked by several other cocks that night they were nothing compared to Garrett. Brad screamed in pain and Jason forced his cock down Brad's throat while Garrett raped him. Although it hurt Brad was hard and leaking precum all over the floor. Garrett had great stamina and he fucked Brad for over an hour. Brad's knees were getting sore so Garrett put him on his back and drove his cock deep into Brad. Jason straddled his face and fucked his mouth as Garrett plowed Brad. Jason came first and once he went limp he laid beside Brad and watched Garrett tear up Brad's ass. When Garrett was getting ready to cum Brad surprised himself by begging to be knocked up with Garrets AIDS babies. This sent Garrett over the edge and as he started cumming Jason took Brad's cock in his mouth and Brad came at the same time. By this time the sun was rising and so were Becky and William. They noticed Jason was gone and about that time the phone rang and it was Jason letting them know he'd be back late Sunday evening. Before they could ask any questions Jason hung up the phone. Now Brad had to call his wife but he waited until later in the day. Becky and William wanted to keep Jason under their supervision to make sure he stayed healthy. But Jason pulling this stunt means that they would have to sit down with Jason and talk about the future. Also Brad knew his calling and that he would have to divorce his wife because truth be told she was having an affair anyway. Luckily no kids would be involved in their divorce so it should be fairly simple. Garrett told them he really enjoyed their company and he had plenty of money so each could live with him and not have to work. The only condition he had was that after he was gone that they continue spreading the gift to others. Now each has a major decision to make which will affect all involved.
    1 point
  44. Sometimes guys like the role play. They don’t want you to pull out but what you to dominate you. I told a guy “too late I’m breeding your cunt faggot” and he just pushed his ass deeper on my dick. It was the best orgasm.
    1 point
  45. I think it's internal to many of us. I would feel extremely guilty at the thought of saying no to anyone who wanted to fuck me. Occasionally someone who has fucked me will give my address to a friend. If they show up, they fuck me, no questions asked. I recently got fucked in public by a top who recognized me from my profile pic. He simply took me to the side of a building, bent me over the steps, pulled down my pants and fucked me. By the time he came in me, two more guys had stopped. He told them for $25 apiece they could fuck me. He collected the money, they fucked me, and he pocketed the cash and left. IMO he was completely within his rights. I'm a set of holes. Holes that exist to be used. I don't choose. It's not in my nature.
    1 point
  46. Damn right. I love to get stetched by toys, cocks, or fists, wide and dripping wet. But I can tighten up on the tops cock on command or maybe as a surprise, practice I guess
    1 point
  47. http://www.docjohnson.com/anal-toys/large/roundbuttplugs-large-black.html I recently picked up this one, I haven't tried sleeping with it yet but once you get it in your hole, it's the most comfortable I have. You KNOW it's there with every motion it makes you feel full and it feels great, and there's no way it's falling out. So I am gonna try to sleep with it. Great to prestretch yourself too...
    1 point
  48. I love it. My ex used to always butt plug me after I had been taking heaps of loads off him and other tops and would pat it and play with it if he woke up during the night.
    1 point
  49. Personally I'd encourage bottoms to sleep with large plugs. I love a wrecked hole on a young guy. Tells me they love playing with their ass
    1 point
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