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  1. Well this is strange place I, Darius, find myself in at the moment sitting here waiting for my new lover to move in to the house that I now own after my previous lover sadly passed away. Now don't get me wrong it was inevitable as his health deteriorated rapidly over the last few months of his life and I had the luxury of time to adjust and prepare myself, and yes he died from hiv complications. He was the one I crazily got seduced by and now I am his legacy and continuing what he started 20 years ago, back then I was a randy and always horny 22 year old and he, Curtis, was a cum shooting 40 year old that loved dipping his dick in to greedy asses and breeding them. Oh Curtis, when I think about him I get hard without any question and all through our time together there was never any day where I didn't get 3 or 4 loads from him and sometimes 6 or 7 at the weekends. I'm now rock hard and oozing toxic pre-cum courtesy of Curtis's strain my underwear now has a sticky wet patch that I finger and lick remembering him. Curtis stood five feet eleven slightly taller than my five feet seven which he always maintained provided him easier access to my ass when we fucked missionary style, his swimmers build was perfectly bronzed. Unusual for a guy with strawberry blond hair and green eyes who usually go red then fade, his undeniable quality was his cock which probed the inner depths of my body at eight and a half inches long and 7 inches thick, when fully erect you could crash a car in to it and do a lot of damage to the car as it stood rock hard like an iron bar on a mission. Me, oh I still retain my firm pert ass and ample seven inch cock, my body is a little wider but still fairly trim and there are grey hairs coming through the mousy brown hair as age defines me. So while I am waiting for my new lover Zack to appear who is 10 years my junior I thought I would write down about how my toxic life began all those years ago. Fresh out of education and working with an accountancy company I had rented a small place not far from Gihrardelli square in San Fran, it was modest but serviced my needs and was comfortable with a great view over the bay. The location was great as it was close enough to the city and plenty of gay action around the area, being new to the area I was much in demand having moved there from Oakland. I had returned from a run along the shore line and showered walking around the apartment with a towel wrapped around me feeling particularly horny as always after I had been running. I wasn't in the mood for company and about to fire up Grindr only to find my phone battery had died, I put it on charge and opened up my laptop and decided to go on to a gay porn site and find some fuck clips, you know one of the free ones. As usual I found some of the barebacking clips not that I ever did raw sex but liked watching them and finding ones where the top actually loaded the bottom rather than pulling out to cum then putting it back in afterwards, I didn't know then why I found those videos disappointing but when it was clear to see the top actually orgasm deep in his bottom it always got me off. I tutted to myself as another clip ended with a wasted load over the bottoms ass instead of in it, I scrolled down to the screen to look at the related clips any my attention was drawn to the thumbnail of a guy holding his erect cock with what looked like quite a big PA. The person wasn't a double take looker in fact just pretty ordinary and the clip was only 3 minutes long so I decided to have a look anyway and soon I was hooked watching as the guy was rubbing his cock talking to the camera. "You like this don't you it is what you pervs crave, my toxic cock buried deep inside you unleashing it's destruction. That's right guys unmedicated poz cock and my viral load grows day by day, you haven't lived until you have had the thrill of feeling my 8.5 inches of rock hard ass destroyer pulsing deep inside knowing it will infect you and bring you in to the brotherhood for life. I need to fuck you pussy boys and let you feel what a real man fucking you feels like, I will fuck you and knock you up and don't even think for one minute I will pull out if you ask me to as it ain't gonna happen. You should feel how hard it is right now, it feels so good in my hand but it needs your neg ass to breed". The clip ended and one of those annoying ads appeared, I looked down and my cum soaked hand having been so engrossed and turned on by him I had jacked off within those 3 minutes, my face was flustered and I found myself panting lightly at my orgasm. I bookmarked the link to this clip and over the next few nights I would watch it again and again. It got to the point that I even created an account on the porn site to leave a comment, surprisingly only 7 comments had been left mostly about how mice the meat looked and how they would like to get to fucked. I looked at his profile shocked to find that his location was San Fran and his scree name "SteelCock" made me smile but his last online date was around 9 months ago, did I detect disappointment hell yes but anyway I still left a comment it was the least I could do for the pleasure it brought me in 3 minutes. "Always gets me hard and jacking off listening to him and watching him massage his beautiful cock". I hit the submit button and logged off going to bed as it was coming up to 11pm. The next day I logged on and saw that a couple of people had like my comment and I saw one response "ditto", I logged in to my account decided to leave a thumbs up on the guy who responded, but immediately my attention was drawn to the flashing "Message Waiting" on the screen. I clicked on it not really sure what to expect but I stared at the screen seeing the message was from SteelCock, I clicked to open the message. "Hey, see you are in SF though not much detail on your profile, hit me up if your neg and willing for a guaranteed breeding". It was short but to the point, I was in a state of shock reading and re-reading the message but I was kind of drawn in, but also wondering if the guy really was real and genuine but kind of turned on at the same time. I was the kind of guy who let older guys fuck me but I usually drew the limit at 30 years old, but in turn I especially liked to fuck guys my age or younger. My hands were already tapping at the keyboard typing out a response blindly. "Hey, not so sure on the willing but hell your hot and loved your clip, I am 22". Needless to say our messages went on for a couple of days where gradually he coaxed more and more out of me, I should have paid more attention to what I said in my first message to him where I stated "not so sure" as he took that as a "probability" and carefully but not overstepping boundaries he was dropping seductive comments in his messages to me. As the weekend drew nearer he asked I plucked up the courage to see if we wanted to meet face to face in public and have a coffee, partly out of sussing out if he was real, surprisingly he agreed and that Saturday afternoon I sat in Gihrardelli square waiting where he told me to be at the coffee shop outside. He said that I would recognise him from the clip without any doubt and he wasn't wrong, I'm not sure if I smiled but I got his eye as soon as he turned the corner and appeared. He sat opposite me after getting us both a coffee and we casually chatted, there was no mention of sex, just a normal conversation with what I was beginning to see was a charismatic charming guy who I knew had a devious streak and wanted only one thing, but I was to drawn in by him and we kind of clicked and got on really well. We had several casual meetings at the same coffee shop a few times a week in the evenings to the point where I was neglecting having sex with guys and concentrating purely on him, when I returned home each time I would jack off furiously completely horned up imagining having sex and feeling his cock deep inside me. A few weeks later we met on a Sunday afternoon for a light lunch then as usual we headed down to the shore for a walk. "So Darius tell me about your love life" he asked as we walked along the shore, I chuckled "I don't have a love life just fucks for the moment", he smiled "A sexy young guy like you and you have no lover". I smiled and bumped my shoulder against his in a friendly gesture "When I am ready then maybe but just not found the right one" a statement that was partially true as I was growing fonder of Curtis as we got to know each other. He looked at me all serious like "You know I want to fuck you Darius and have so since we first me" his statement caught me unaware although it was something I kind of knew that still caused conflicting emotions in me "You don't see me as a friend then" I asked wanting to get an angle of what he was really thinking, his hand patted my shoulder "I do like you Darius but I want to breed your neg ass real good" I literally shuddered hearing the words. "But how do you know I am neg?" I asked as the thought struck me, he chuckled "Your resisting having sex with me Darius it is that obvious", I walked quiet for a moment lost for something to say "I don't know" I replied taking a deep breath to steady myself "I jack off thinking about you every night and more so after we have been together" fuck why did I say that I thought to myself, I was revealing more and more about me to him without rhyme or reason. He smirked and patted my ass "Deep down you want this to happen don't you Darius" he said without looking at me as we climbed around a rock outcrop on the shore finding ourselves alone, my resistance to him was waning more and more "If you used a condom I would fuck without hesitation" I stopped walking feeling a chilly breeze from the ocean coming ashore, he stopped and looked at me "Condom is no use it will break easily from the pounding I will give you so its pointless to start with" he replied raising his hand and stroking the side of my face "It is just a matter of time before you willingly let me take you" he said with confidence. I gulped as he moved closer to me sensing what was about to happen and I was secretly only to ready to kiss him, he leaned forward his lips brushing mine but he quickly kissed me on the cheek "Let's head back I think we have walked far enough" he said turning to walking off. I was close to throwing a tantrum for some reason, he had well and truly teased me making me yearn even more for him. Curtis was smiling but I couldn't see his face, he knew I was hooked and would end up under him for sure. He was good at playing it cool the next time we met for a coffee as if we had never spoken about him gifting me, our chats and meetings were getting longer and longer as I really enjoyed his company. It was during one of our walks along the shore a few days later that I ventured to ask him "How many have you done it to?" half not expecting much of a response but he looked at me "Knowingly about 2 a year, but plenty have had my seed through casual fucking" he replied, guessing he was being open with me I probed further "Do they all get it then?" he smiled and for the first time he put his arm around my shoulder "Unless there really lucky but most get infected, I have a very high viral load and by the time I finish with them it is already in their system", it was kind of creepy hearing this but I didn't pull away from him "And you only do them the once?" I asked looking up at him. He stopped "Your very curious this evening. I never usually go back for seconds it can be awkward" he said with his eyes fixed on me, "I see and are they ones that don't know what your doing to them?" I felt very awkward asking that silly question but he nodded "If they show any hesitation I will stealth them" his arm holding me closer as we continued walking. We reached back to Gihrardelli square and was about to part company when I did the stupidest thing and asked him if he wanted to come back to mine, Curtis looked at me and smiled "No I don't think so your not ready for me yet" he said and it was a very obvious statement of his intention. My face must have been a picture of disappointment and conflict and Curtis registered this and knew that actually I was seduced enough ready for the taking. "I have an idea, a friend of mine has a house in Napa, why don't we go there this weekend we can leave Friday and come back Sunday?" he suggested and it sounded like a great idea to escape the city, I knew what I was letting myself in for and agreed trying to put a casual "Yeah that sounds nice" kind of attitude. My walk home was hasty as I needed to wank big time, Curtis would pick me up at 4pm on Friday and finally we would be spending time together. I wasn't fooled and realised I had just committed myself to getting hiv willingly but was it worth the price, probably not and the dumbest thing I would ever do, Curtis had got me to fallen in love with him and as it stood I was willing to do anything for him. It was so casual as if we were friends going away for the weekend, we had been here for an hour and he made no advances towards me just the kiss on the cheek as he picked me up. We had a lovely dinner in Sonoma and headed back to the house perched on a hill overlooking the vineyards that was quite magical. I stood on the veranda watching the landscape and somehow at peace with my decision to come here, I remembered him saying that most of the guys he knocked up had been one time hook ups and strangely felt that maybe I was being treated differently, my thoughts interrupted as he approached carrying a glass of wine for me. I sighed looking out over the rolling hills "It's perfect here isn't it?" he said and I nodded sipping my wine "It is quite special here" I replied, Curtis put his arm around me "Special place for a special person" he kissed me on the head, he pulled his phone out and set it on video holding it up so we were both in shot before pressing the record button and what proceeded was the most unusual conversation that helped seal my fate. Curtis spoke first "So Darius why did you agree to come here with me?" "You invited me here" I replied looking at him. Curtis smiled "Are you turned on by me Darius?" "I think you know that but yes incredibly so" I replied looking at the phones screen. "Do you want me to fuck you or make love to you Darius?" he asked watching me. I hesitated briefly and went for broke "Both". Curtis laughed "You understand that I only fuck bareback and will cum inside you?". I nodded "Yes". "You know I am hiv positive and have a very high viral load that will infect you?" he said smirking. "Yes" I gulped which sounded louder in my head than it actually was. Curtis smiled "Are you willingly going to engage in bareback sex with me and let me breed you?". The words bouncing in my ears but I nodded "Yes, willingly". "Why is that Darius?" Curtis asked looking into the phones screen. I wanted to say it but should I pausing for a moment unsure what to say before I opened my mouth "I'm in love with you". Curtis abruptly stopped recording and put the phone and my glass of wine down turning me to him and before I could gauge his reaction his tongue was already deep in my mouth kissing me. His arms wrapped around my back picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom where we both stripped naked in between the frantic kissing, my hand delved down finding his cock that was pressed up hard against me. I must have looked shocked when I finally felt it with my hand for the first time, it was thick and it was as hard definitely the hardest cock I had ever felt and then the PA was cool to touch, Curtis smiled and his tongue licked my lips "You know that is going in your ass and won't come out until I have left you with my gift Darius". Curtis ran his hands up my chest then pushed me backwards hard, falling on the bed his hands quickly grabbing my legs pulling me forward until my ass hung over the edge of the bed, his legs hooking mine around his hips as he leaned forward his face inches from mine "I'm going to give it to you Darius make no mistake about it" his words filtering through the haze of desire to be fucked by him "You want it and I know you do", where had this come from I quickly questioned my decision, how had he reduced me to this I began thinking but his tongue was invading my mouth again, any resistance I had at knowing this was a bad decision was gone. Curtis knew the power of seduction but he never expected it would result in me falling in love with him, it was his patience at not rushing me in the first place that paid off in his eyes. I moaned subtly as I felt the metal rubbing at my hole with the pressure gradually increasing prising my hole open, my arms pinned above my head and he continued kissing me deep. The searing pain reverberated around my hole moving deeper as he finally pushed the head of his cock in to my ass, I couldn't scream only moan and mumble my mouth full of his tongue. My arms wriggling in a pretence of trying to escape, he tightened hold of my arms and looked at me "Don't fight it Darius you have been waiting for me to do this" he said. My eyes giving away my desire drove him on, the pain grew in intensity slowly guiding and forcing his cock through my unlubed ass, pushing his cock deep my ass opened wider the deeper he penetrated me, tiny tears opening in my anal wall as the head of his cock and PA worked their way in. My legs clamped around his waist squeezing as my back arched and I moaned louder my eyes watering from the pain, but my legs squeezing gave him all the encouragement he need pushing the final 3 inches hard and without mercy in to me until he was balls deep and coming to a rest. Finally he stopped kissing me and I gasped and moaned trying to thrash around but his cock had me staked on the bed, I looked up from the watery eyes as a tear escaped the corner "Breed me" I commanded out of nowhere, he smiled "Your mine Darius" and gave me several hard thrusts causing me to scream in pain or pleasure I don't remember which but my back arched higher as he wriggled his ass and the cock massaged deep inside my ass, a pleasure I had never felt before overtook me and my mouth filled with his tongue again. Some say that long strokes are good for fucking, but I can tell you that feeling his cock buried so deep in my body, his balls pressed up hard against my ass and just his hips doing the thrusting turned my world upside down when it came to sex in the future. The pain had gone only to be replaced by the feeling of him filling my ass with his cock was more than I could take, my own cock jolted and I cried in to his mouth as my cum shot up both of our chests. Curtis moaned in pleasure in to my mouth the speed of his hips movement increasing along with the intensity he stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye "Your ready for breeding Darius" he said smirking as a bead of his sweat dripped on to my face "What do you want Darius" he asked intently staring at me never missing a beat with his fucking. I looked up at him "Fuck me please" I said, he smirked again "Tell me what you really want Darius" this time he ground his hips hard against me "Ahh fuck, breed me give it to me" I was now pleading but he simply smiled "No that's not it Darius tell me what you want" he asked again, he was going to make me say it "Poz me give me your toxic seed" I almost cried wondering how I could be such a dirty slut and say those words. What had Curtis done to me in such a short space of time was reduce me to a bug chasing bottom begging to get knocked up. Curtis looked and smiled at me he hips ramping up and I could now feel the pain again in my ass as he started to really fuck me harder "That's a good boy you know what you want now but then you always wanted it didn't you?" he asked kissing me tenderly this time, I nodded "You knew I wanted it" I could see the look in his eyes as he tried to hold off from breeding me edging himself them slowing, a trick that allows the balls to build up a momentous amount of cum that would be ready and poised to strike their victim. His cock showed no signs relinquishing it's destructive duty in my ass and I found myself pleading over and over for him to impregnate me with his seed. My ass was beginning to feel painfully sore at the constant pumping of his cock, Curtis looked up and groaned loudly before returning his gaze to me a big grin on his face "Oh baby your fucked for life now" he groaned and slammed his hips so hard against my ass I thought it would split open. The jolts from his hips felt like electric shocks running through and down to the end of his cock as it jumped and pulsed hard against my anal wall finally releasing his toxic seed flooding me and seeping in to the tears of my bleeding ass, Curtis groaned continuously for what seemed like ages finally collapsing on top of me his mouth seeking mine as we kissed and his hips ground against my ass. When he finally took his cock painfully out of my ass he looked down at me "Breeding you felt better than I could have imagined, welcome to the brotherhood Darius", he climbed on the bed and held me in his arms for an hour before turning the light off and falling asleep. I woke up early in the morning and ran to the bathroom, I sat on the toilet letting out a bubbling fart followed by a steady stream of his cum mixed with my blood now a rusty brown colour, I looked down at the result of our fuck and couldn't believe how much of his toxic seed had been released in to my body. I felt bad and stupid and slowly wiped my ass that was still tender and returned to the bedroom climbing back in to bed, Curtis stirred cuddling up against me I could feel his cock growing nestled between my ass cheeks, slowly his body pushed me on my stomach, rolling on top of me his cock slipping deeper between my ass cheeks seeking my hole, I winced at the pain but he was already pushing it back deep inside me. This time he slowly fucked me for several hours breeding me a further 3 times before we even got out of bed, he leaned his head forward to face me "Did you mean what you said last night?" he asked, I looked slightly confused "What did I say?", he smiled "You love me". I looked him in the eye and nodded "Yes". By the time we left on Sunday evening I took a couple of more hard poundings from him but mostly our time was spent making love. We saw each other most nights for a week until I fell ill where he cared for me and after I was better I got tested and confirmed that Curtis had indeed converted me. He seemed happy but then one night I was going through the porn site looking for his clip via my bookmark but it was not found, even his profile had been deactivated. I didn't know what to make of it at first until there was a knock at the door and he stood there holding his hand "Darius come you belong with me" was all that he said, hence this is where my toxic life began. All through the 20 years Curtis and I was breed guys either willingly or by stealth at the bathhouse, until that fateful day 15 years in to our relationship that Zack contacted us through a website. He was one smart well educated dirty slut who craved us to keep him prisoner until he converted, well Zack joined us the house we now owned Napa for a long weekend where Curtis and I took turns nailing the pool guys ass. When Zack wasn't getting fucked he turned his attention to me and although 10 years younger he made me his bitch quite easily due to his quite muscular build, Curtis would quite often film Zack recharging me with his own strain of our seed. Over the course of several months Zack confessed he had fallen in love with us both since that weekend he converted and he made a solemn promise to Curtis after his health deteriorated that he would move in and take care of me, Curtis smiled and whispered thank you to him. True to his words he arrived just as I finish recounting my meeting with Curtis his belongings in tow, Zack kissed me deeply.
    7 points
  2. Chapter V After some small talk, quite awkward really. Randy soon left and seemed quite sorry about what he had done with Nigel. Nigel was quite contrite, also, and apologized to me profusely. I told him not to worry about it as although I was jealous, it had been hot as hell to watch them. I didn't mention the tattoo though as I wanted to think about that a bit. The scene of Randy's huge black cock and his dark skin compared to Nigel's very pale skin was an image I could not get out of my mind. I was wondering what it would look like with that BBC fucking my very pale twink boyfriend's ass and filling if full ov cum. We always fucked with condoms, but I wondered what it would look like with Nigel's beautiful ass dripping cum. Then I was thinking, OMG, it can't happen because Randy is POZ. Damn, I found myself getting so hard it hurt. I almost raped Nigel's hole when we went to bed. The next few days flew by fast. We did keep in touch with Randy. I fucked Nigel like a madman during this time. Friday night arrived and the day before we had found out that Randy had a rare Friday night off and invited him over for dinner again. We had actually went to the restaurant where he worked on Thursday evening. While there, Nigel was flirting almost uncontrollably with Randy who returned it just as much. We did find our that, although Randy was single, he did have somewhat of a crush on another waiter there named Justin. We did see him too, and he was another twink almost identical to Nigel, only he was black. His build was almost identical to my boyfriend and hot looking as hell too. We didn't extend our invite to him as Randy told us he hadn't approached Justin yet to see if he was interested in dating yet. Randy had told us he was going to bring another bottle of wine and one of his own favorite videos for us to watch. We could hardly wait for Fridayl evening to get here. Nigel was almost flying high about it, while I was looking forward to it also, but with some worry too. What if they started to make out and got carried away like last time. Would I, or could I, stop it Did I even want to, knowing Randy was poz and they hadn't even thought about a condom last time. If Randy tried to fuck Nigel could I get them to wrap it up, did I even want Randy's poz bbc wrapped or did I want to see my loved one take a chance on getting pozzed? What a dilemma. Randy arrived a little early, again, carrying a nice bottle of wine and a couple of dvds for us to watch. Nigel was cooking tonight so Randy and I went to the TV room. We had a gass of wine and put one of the vids in to watch until dinner was ready. My mouth fell open from the start of it. The first images were 3 bbc guys and all had biohazards tats just above their cocks. On then bed was a clim cute white twink tied down with his legs in the air and spread wide and his hole lubed and ready. Each of the black guys had cocks that looked to be at the smallest to be close to 10 inches long. As I watched, the first guy walked up to the twink and just rammed his cock in deep in one thrust. The twink groaned but didn't scream. The cock plowed in deep and immediately started a fast and hard fuck. Unlike many pornos this fuck only lasted about 2 minutes and the bbc guy told him he was cumming a huge poz load in his ass. I found my own cock had gotten as hard as a rock. Nigel then yelled to us that our meal was ready. As like last time, Nigel and Randy flirted a lot while we ate. This time, though, they both seemed to pay more attention to me. I found myself actually becoming more at ease with the flirting as I was sure nothing would come of it. We finished quickly and found that we had completely drained the bottle of wine. Luckily, Nigel and I actually kept up a nice small bar for entertaining. It was no problem to replenish our drinks as we went to the TV room. When we got into the room, Randy went right to the dvd player and took out the vid in it and put in the second one he had brought. We took basically the same seats we had last time. I vowed to myself to keep an eye on those two so it didn't get out of hand like last time. The movie started andit was, again, another BB poz vid. OMG, I had hoped it wasn't anything but BB. Too late now I guess. Almost immediately on the screen were two nude twinks almost like twins for Nigel and me in a way. They were soon joined by a marvelous specimen of a man, similar to Randy. BBC with a huge biohazard tattoo on his stomach and a scorpion tat that almost covered his entire chest with a dripping stinger. I heard Nigel gasp at the sight and I had, too. That BBC man approached one of the twinks and picking him up, planted a huge kiss on him. Putting him down he then pushed him to his knees and told the twink to start sucking him. As the twink gulped the BBC into his mouth, the other twink was grabbed and lifted up for a kiss. The only difference was that as they kissed, the poz man ran his hand into the twinks ass crack and the camera showed him ram two fingers up the twinks ass roughly. For some reason, this vid was turning me on terribly. The poz man backed off of the twink sucking him, and lowered the other one down and onto his huge hard cock, withdrawing his fingers and driving his cock deep into him I was rock hard and turned to see how Randy and Nigel were doing. Like last time, they were entwined together, kissing deeply and Randy's hand was again down the back of Nigels' shorts, which were halfway down his thighs. Nigel was stroking Randy's huge POZ BBC, slowly and from his moans, I just knew that Randy had at least one finger up Nigel's butt. I spoke up then, asking what the heck they thought they were doing? They broke apart quickly and guiltily. They moved apart a little and started to watch the movie. I was satisfied that it was done and turned to watch the movie which showed the poz guy just cumming in the twink and telling the other one to get ready as he was going to be fucked good next. He threw the other twink on the bed, spread his legs and rammed his huge cock into him in one mammoth thrust. This was so hot, I found myself rubbing my own small cock from it. I glanced over to our couch, again, and found that Randy and Nigel were both now completely nude with Nigel almost laying down with his legs spread wide and Randy between them and deep kissing again. I could see that Randy's cock was like a bar of steel between them and he had what looked like 3 of his fingers up Nigel's ass and one of his hands holding Nigel's leg up in the air and caressing his foot in a sensual massage. Nigel was moaning in ecstacy. I could not believe my eyes. I yelled at them again, wanting to know what the hell? They ignored me completely. I got up and almost ran to the couch and before I realized what I was saying, blabbed about the tattoo on Randy's back to Nigel. They both, either ignored me or were too far gone in lust. Randy seemed to be getting ready to penetrate Nigel's ass with his poz bbc.. I was in a panic and turned and went to the end table and opened the drawer. I grabbed a condom and turned back to them, seeing Randy rubbing his precum dripping cock on Nigel's hole. I ran over and thrust the condom in Randy's face, telling him he needed to put this on. He took it and dropped it on the floor. He then leaned back a little and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer and placing my hand against his giant cock. He pressed my fingers as far around it as he could and leaned forward guiding his cock and my hand towards Nigel's hole. As the tip hit against the opening, he let go of my hand and whispered for me to decide which direction it was going to go. I looked down into Nigel's eyes, they were filled with lust and longing, and he nodded to me. I found myself guiding and even pushing Randy's POZ BBC into Nigel's hole. As it sank in deeper and deeper, Randy reached between them and pulled my hand away. He reached up and pulled my head down, planting a big kiss on my lips. As we broke apart, I looked down to see that the entire length of his cock was buried deep into my love's ass. I gasped at the sight and looked up to see absolute amazement on Nigel's face. Then Randy started to fuck him. His astonishment at the amount of cock going in and out of him was wild. I was scared to death but also so turned on, my hard cock was almost in pain. Nigel was moaning in pleasure uncontrollably. Randy pounded his hole fast and hard. I could not fathom how he could take all of that monster cock like he was. The fucking went on and on for a good 1/2 hour. Then, like in the porn video, Randy told Nigel he was going to cum and give him his gift of poz cum. As Randy said that, my cock blew a huge load all over his back. Nigel seemed to be cumming between them from the sounds he was making. It was one of the hottest things i had ever been a part of. OMG, my safe sex love of my life and I had put the poz, no condom, cock into his hole with my own hand. I was now wondering what the hell I had done and and was Randy's load undetectable or hvl. I had to ask and the reply shocked both Nigel and me when Randy told us it was probably very high as he had been POZ for about 1 1/2 years and had never done meds. Nigel eyes were even bigger than mine at that pronouncement
    4 points
  3. Right, apologies if this gets a bit dry, but for anyone who is interested, here is my understanding of what the porn block is, how it works and how it might affect your access to this website. Don't ask me WHY we're going down this road in the UK because I haven't got a fucking clue. WHAT? The 'porn block' is what we're calling the regulations brought in under the DEA (Digital Economy Act 2017) that mandates websites which provide commercial pornographic material implement an acceptable age verification procedure before being able to access the pornographic material. Commercial pornography (which can be stills or videos, not sure if written erotica is covered) also includes material that is provided for free on websites that earn revenue from advertising or providing access to premium extras. It applies to all websites worldwide being accessed within the UK. If foreign website operators want to continue being accessed by users in the UK, then they must comply. WHO? The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is the organisation chosen to oversee/interpret/decide which websites will be classed as commercial porn websites; and also decide what is an 'acceptable' age verification system. This is the same organisation with resposibility for age-rating all commercial film and video, and deciding which porn films are allowed to be sold in licensed sex shops. Its also the same organisation that used to reject (therefore banning) porn films with fisting or piss (and even female ejaculation, which they didn't seem to believe was a real thing). Not only will the BBFC decide which sites are pornographic, but they have also been given the powers to force ISPs to block access to the wesbites that they've decided aren't adequately age-screening users OR (and this bit might be pertinent to breeding.zone) are providing access to extreme pornography. So even if a site is compliant with the age restriction stuff, if they have any content deemed to be 'extreme pornography' as defined in the CJIA (Criminal Justic and Immigration Act 2008). HOW? To date, the process of blocking websites in the UK has involved the courts forcing ISPs to block access - and this is done by tinkering with the DNS (Domain Name System). The DNS is the wordlwide way of translating nice wordy website addresses (like "breeding.zone") into the numeric IP addresses that computers use to contact the server on. When you put breeding.zone into your browser, your computer checks its own little address book to see if it already knows the IP address of the server, and if it does it gets the website content from the right server. The trouble is that your computer's little address book only holds on to these addresses for a short period of time, so sooner or later (or if its the first time you try) you'll type breeding.zone into the address bar and your computer won't know the address of the server. So... this is when your computer will put a request out to a DNS server asking to lookup the address. Because this request is not encrypted, your ISP can see every address your computer looks up, and it is spots you asking for a domain on the banned list, instead of letting the request go through, theyll bounce it back to your computer with the wrong address (usually, the wrong address you get directs you to a webpage saying the website is blocked). BEATING THE BLOCK? By using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) you can theoretically open a private connection to another computer elsewhere (like outside the UK where the regualtions won't apply) and connect to the wider internet via that machine/network instead of your own ISP - so your DNS requests would not go via a UK ISP and be restricted. There is also a push from some of the browsers (Firefox and Chrome, I think) to encrypt the requests your computer sends to DNS servers, so your ISP wouldn't be able to snoop on the URL and decide whether or not to block the request. See article on MelonFramers. BREEDING.ZONE? I can't predict the future, and it is entirely possible that breeding.zone will never gain the attention of the BBFC. BUT, if it does, I think (and this is just my own opinion, I'm not involved in the regualtory process at all) that the BBFC will probably deem it commercially pornographic, and very possibly might deem it to contain 'extreme pornographic' content. It will all hinge on exactly what content the site provides - a link to a porn video might not be covered but embedding the same video might. If someone posts a pornographic photo in a forum, that MIGHT be enough to class this as a porn site. The trouble is that this is new, and there is no precedent about how the law should be interpreted. I have seen the BBFC tend to interpret things very strictly (because otherwise they have moral crusading journos and toady politicians after their blood). Just look at how (to our everlasting shame) we Brits ridiculously over-reacted to the so called scourge of 'video nasties' in the 80s (side note, cunts that were casting their vote in the 1980s are still casting their votes today, and can still direct public policy). STAY WOKE? There's no prizes or excuse for ignorance, keep abreast of what is going on out in the world. Are we all on this site because we're living in denial and ignorance and thikning we'll never have a problem if we bareback? No, we've looked and listened and learned about all the risks and are going out fucking raw knowing fine well what problems might occur and we still want it raw. The MelonFarmers is a great website for news about censorship (and other ways that no-fun fucking puritans might want to curb our enjoyment of life next, like banning local sex clubs) and I totally recommend it: http://www.melonfarmers.co.uk/
    3 points
  4. Ive gotten to a point that I cant really experience an amazing orgasm if my top doesnt have ripe pits for some reason
    3 points
  5. PART 5 So getting over the shock of seeing dad’s sites he visits and jerks off too, it was a shock seeing him wearing my jockstrap with scenes of various groups of men around him and in his arse in the photos on his sex profiles I wondered who and where this was. I noticed a sauna details open with sex rooms etc and it was a fetish leather night, I just had an instinct Dad was going. I had to go, just needed to know, sneak a peek of what he does, I was rock hard thinking of him and the memories of them pics earlier. Had dinner, Dad was shifty, but excitable in a funny way, said he was out later meeting a few clients. No worries I said, I have plans and made some shite up.. Dad out later, followed by me on bike, I was nervous, but excited. I got down to the place and discovered there was no parking, it was packed, Dad’s car was there, on a side street. I had to park a couple of blocks away and walk, I also remembered I had a black Jockstrap on as Dad must have taken my Ribbed Bike one!! . I got to the place and I opened the front door which led to small room with a counter. There was already several guys packed into the room waiting in line to get in, I got really nervous because I did not know how things were and also if my dad would see me. By the time I got to the front of the line, I noticed that it was a "masked night" The attendant was presenting each man with a black leather mask with the towel. He gave me just black leather eye mask that clipped at the back covering over my eye frames only, I asked why? He said because you are cute??? Anyway, when I entered the full place it was packed. I never seen anything like before . The lockers next to the door were all in use and I had to take a locker in the basement room. I stripped down to my jockie and put my towel round me and put my mask on. I locked my locker and moved into the male crowd. Most of the guys were wearing towels and all wearing masks. I found my dad, he was in a sling getting fucked by a leather man and sucking a dick lying on his back feet up in the sling, arse wide open forball to see. He's being fucked by the man in leather standing next to a line of men, were they all going to fuck my Dad? His cock is rock hard and so is the line of men, what was scarey was, so was my cock. I moved up next to him for a closer look. I noticed that I am being felt up by guys, hands etc and then joined by a skinny man with a raging rock hard dick, wanking me as we watch the cock sliding in and out of my Dads arse in front of us. Another bloke reaches down and feels my arse up in my backless jockstrap, I move his hand away, not interested mate I said. The guy next to me bent over and went down on my stiff cock. I noticed that the leather man who was fucking my dad had gone and another man from the line had taken his place between Dad’s legs and filling his hole deep. Very horny place, but in this setting, I was a complete novice, entering into a seedy different world which I had previously only been in the realm of fantasy with women of course, an orgy of women and me, but here I was with Men, getting sucked by a man in a mask whilst watching my dad get fucked by various Men and feeling so horny with a real ugly man now fucking my dad and dad was sniffing from a brown bottle, what is that??? I knew dad was going to be here a while, so I went to look around the place; the whole place was packed with Men, but the downstairs which is a maze of corridors with gloryholes and was full of more men. There's a main room which is so packed full of men it's hard to move around. There's cocksuckers down on their knees and several couples fucking. Many blokes watching and wanking everybody wearing masks, Some using brown bottles again, I asked a hairy stocky man what is it, he gave it me and told me to breath deep and inhale and then gave me a hankiechief and told to sniff it good. OMG!!! I felt a hot rush of horniness and floating, he put my head towards his cock,nI bent over and went down on him. The only cock I ever sucked was my Dads, but his cock tasted good and I took him in deep as he held my head and pushed himself inside my mouth, I gagged . This left me bent over and exposed to a room full of horny cocked Men. I felt hands grab hold of my hips and a dick slide up and down my hole, I said NO... his cock changed to his mouth, his long tongue licking my arse , providing pleasure that I never knew I could get, I only ever shit out of it, I wouldn't, couldn't, resist his tongue, his saliva, his beard, his opening more of my cheeks Jesus, wgst is this feeling? My Cock man I was sucking, gave me more poppers, I was opening up more, my hole exposed,each lick against my skin a gently wanted wave of pleasure , pulling me back into the depths of his beautiful hot mouth and tongue, I never wanted him to stop licking my arse and for some reason I thought that being eaten in a public place was even more seductively irresistible than my lame visits to ABS. I had become completely unable to do anything but let myself get lost again in a haze of pure animal lust of being rimmed and sucking a cock , He held me in place and tried to drive his dick into my wet hole and began to fuck me slowly, He had opened me up and pain kicked in, What was I doing??????, I came to my senses and I pulled off him and he moved on he patted my ass as he left. My arse was sore but comfortable, I vowed never again. I found dad still taking loads in the sling, soon as the guy cum and left, I slid up my father’s silky cummy arse an immediately my empty hole was replaced by a warm and welcome tongue; now some horny ass licker was eating my arse and a wet tongue explored my hole, It drove me over the edge. I started bucking and quaking as I shot my load up into my Dads ass, I shivered as the orgasm hit me and I collapsed on top of my Dads sweaty body. The guy eating my ass moved up to my cock as it slid out. There was cum all over it, my balls, until he'd licked it all up and flitted between my Dads arse and mine licking both our arse and the cum more or less together, I was boning again.. I left Dad with another cock entering him, I had taken his poppers, I approached the top of the stairs, there was a largish landing, with two corridors leading in different directions. Here, it felt seedier, felt more explicit, raw, a variety of men with hard cocks. Wandering around, there were several men also walking or standing, all with towels and masks on. On the one side there were rooms off on each side, with monitors offering porn, a larger porn theatre space at the end, and on the other side, dim openings leading into darker rooms that had a rubber doorway, I decided if nothing was happening there, then it would be time to leave, getting home before Dad, after enjoying an interesting visit to a place very different from what I had previously expected. I jumped nervously, I felt a hand reaching for my thigh, undoing my towel, pulling my cock out of my jockstrap and in a hot mouth with that touch and mouth, made me gasp, I sniffed poppers deeply and felt naked men, hairy smooth, hard dicked men push me through the Rubbery door. I was in complete darkness what was this room? Hands, mouths on me, men trying to kiss me, my nipples being pulled, I could not see anyone or anything, it was DARK..I felt my Jockstrap being pulled off me, i tried to resist, I had had too much poppers, what was happening, I floated into this darkened pit, as I kissed the mouth back who had invaded my mouth.......
    3 points
  6. Part 1 It was the middle of the night and I awoke to the sounds of my son Matthew fumbling in the dark trying to find his flip-flops in our dark rv. "Sorry, Dad. I gotta go take a shit," he remarked as he slid his feet into his sandals, heading out the door. This was not unusual, as the campground where we were staying didn't have hookups, so we used the camp toilets which were really just outhouses. It was also not unusual for him to run off shirtless. He hardly ever wore a shirt unless absolutely necessary, but I certainly understood his aversion to shirts: at just one month shy of 20, he was in his prime. He had just finished his freshman year at university where he was on the football team. Not that he had actually played any games yet, but he still had to train hard, and keep fit. And boy did he. At 6'2", he was a tight 190 lbs of head-turning perfection. All the ladies drooled over his curly brown hair, which he kept a respectable shaggy length. His profile showed a strong nose, a stronger jawline, and plump lips that were absolutely enticing. In addition his broad he sported tan, wide shoulders, chiseled, smooth pecs, a narrow waist, perfectly formed, round ass, oh, and his strong legs were lightly covered in dark hair. The only other hair on his body was a light treasure trail, and his dark, bushy pits. His facial hair hadn't really started coming in very heavy, and he still had rosy cheeks which suggested a boyish glow to his face. Then his eyes. Oh my gosh, his big blue eyes framed in thick dark lashes. His mother's eyes. That's what drew me to her first, so many years ago. But how times change. She's still a wonderful person, we just are more like friends now. Still married, just cause it's easier financially, but that's it. The sex ended years ago, and we've had separate bedrooms for quite a while. She says I snore too loud. Of course it doesn't help that she put on a hundred pounds since our wedding. But I do have my sexual releases. Unkown to my wife, I've always been bisexual, and have had a long time fling with my best friend Brian down the street. We keep each other satisfied. Me? Well, I'm not too bad for 43. I'm six feet, and weigh in at 195 pounds. I work out, usually with Matthew, but still am treading the dad bod territory a bit. My salt and pepper hair and distinguished beard certainly help me. I was in the army for 20 years stationed right here, so I receive a pension, and in addition I sell cars. So all in all, things are pretty good. Matthew still lives at home, which I like, if only as it saves money. Matthew was never much of a party kid, instead he was a genuinely pleasant kid, which meant we gave him all the freedom he wants. Living in our basement bedroom, Matthew uses a private entrance to the basement, and we don't frown on his friends staying over. My wife never joins us on our camping trips, she hates it, so it's always been something special my son and I do. I have always treasured our trips, especially now he's almost a grown man. "Dammit," I mumbled to myself. "The fucking power of suggestion. Now I gotta shit!" I grumbled as I put my own flip-flops on and headed into the night, but not before I pulling on a shirt. Walking down the gravel path toward the shitters, I enjoyed the pure peace of a mountain night, however as the outhouses came into sight, I could hear whispering. Specifically, I heard two male voices. Now, at first glance that wouldn't be unusual, although the hour was very late, but when I realized the conversation was occurring within the outhouses, and further realized I wasn't really hearing a dialogue, but rather I was hearing grunting, and panting. You know: sex sounds. When I reached the toilets, I definitely heard a man ask "Yeah, you like that you little slut? You like taking that cock like a bitch?" And I heard another man say, "Yeah, fuck me. I AM a nasty slut! I want your cum in my ass!" IT WAS MATTHEW!! Oh my fucking God! My son was getting dicked in a dirty, smelly outhouse! I froze, not knowing what to do. Should I bang on the door? Should I slip away? My heart pounded as I tried to quickly digest what was happening. My little boy, my Matthew, was getting fucked by a total stranger. And he was liking it. No, he was LOVING it!! He was begging for it. The man fucking him was calling him nasty, degrading things, and my son was pleading for more! I couldn't move, I was transfixed. It was like a car wreck, I couldn't turn away. Then I realized, I didn't WANT to turn away. My cock was rock hard in my shorts. What the fuck? Listening to my son get used turned me on? I had never thought of my son like that! Sure, I could recognize his physical beauty, but I never thought of him sexually. Now that's ALL I could think about. Imagining what he looked like right now, taking a cock up his ass made my own cock ache. Listening to their filthy talk and animal noises made me want to join them. I wanted to be the one fucking Matthew right now! I could hear the man say, "I'm gonna cum slut. Gonna fill you up with a huge load!" Then Matthew begging for it. "Oh fuck yeah! Breed me! I'm a fucking cumdump. That's what I'm for!" That's when I high-tailed it back to our rv, shit or no shit. But before I was out of hearing range I heard the top grunt as he shot his load into my son's hole, to which Matthew moaned in appreciation as his guts were filled with sperm. Now out of breath and my heart racing, I jumped into our rv, kicked-off my sandals as I decided how I would respond to what I had learned. Should I confront him? Should I pretend nothing had happened? While I recognized ignoring what I learned would be the course most parents would take, a voice in my mind suggested 'This could be a golden opportunity. You have the power over him right now'. I had to ask myself, however, if that was what I wanted, recognizing Matthew could freak-out, permanently damaging our relationship, but I also considered Matthew had begged that strange man to use him. "Fuck it!" I thought, as I ripped off my shorts and climbed under my covers, "my son is obviously a cock hungry slut!" Some ten minutes passed before Matthew finally returned, long enough for my breathing and heart rate to return to normal, but not long enough to lose my hardon, or my nerve. "Everything come out okay, son?" I asked as he climbed inside. "Huh, oh, yeah. Just a little constipated, you know," he replied kicking off his flip-flops and crawling under his blankets on our bed. I could smell the sex on him and my cock ached more. "Good night, Dad," he murmured as he lay facing away from me. I waited a few seconds, then inched closer to him. I could feel him tense up as I pulled his blanket up and pulled mine off. The smell of fresh sperm hit me like a mac truck, making my dick pulse. I slid my body next to his as he froze in fear, not sure what to expect. I leaned into his ear as I touched the wet spot where cum had leaked out and whispered, "I know." "Dad......"he started to say. "Shh shh shh," I silenced him, as I pulled the elastic waist band of his shorts down. "It's okay, Matty. Daddy's not mad that you're a little cockwhore." I lightly rubbed his freshly fucked assring, feeling the slimy goo. Matthew moaned a little bit. "Daddy's just disappointed he didn't get it first," slipping two fingers into my son. He moaned a tad louder, so I let him know "But it's okay. Daddy loves sloppy seconds." I slid my fingers into his mouth so he could taste his ass. Then I instructed "Now, pull down your shorts." Matthew complied, removing his shorts, revealing his own throbbing erection. He may have his mother's eyes, but he has his daddy's dick. Before now, I had never seen it erect, but it was a carbon copy of mine. Not thick, but about eight inches long, uncircumcised, and with a wicked curve that could hit all the places inside. "Did you cum?" He shook his head yes, unable to speak. "And you're rock hard again? I guess you truly are a slut." He just shook his head again. I pulled back my foreskin and placed the head of my cock against his wet hole. "Good," I said as I slid my cock slowly into my son. "Daddy wants his little boy to be a good slut for him." Matthew moaned in approval as I buried my bone all the way in his warm, wet, hungry fuck chute, pressing it hard into his prostate. I just held it there as I whispered, "no more secrets." "No more secrets," Matthew returned. I began to saw my cock in and out of my boy's hungry pussy, pushing hard into his prostate as he let out little grunts and moans, obviously loving that his Dad was finally fucking his slutty hole. He reached to jerk his erect cock, but I slapped his hands away, growling into his ear, "No, don't touch your cock, boy until I tell you to." "I'm sorry Sir." He whispered. His natural submissiveness only made my cock swell more in his ass. I wrapped my arms around him, grabbing his hands and squeezed him tight against my body. He squeezed my hands back as he squeezed his glorious asslips around my cock, eliciting a throaty growl from deep inside me. My son definitely had a talented cunt. I knew I wasn't going to last long with his man pussy milking my cock, as I slid in and out of his cum slick chute. Knowing another man's cock had just been in my son, fucking him, using him, cumming in him was too much for my brain to handle. I knew I was close. "Tell me what you want son," I whispered in his ear, "tell your Dad what his nasty, slutty, cumdump of a son wants. Tell me what you are, boy." "I want your cum, Daddy," he whispered back in short gasps as I pounded his prostate hard. "I want you to use me as a cum receptacle. I was born to be fucked and used. I'm a slut, Dad, I'm just a cumdump. Shoot your load in my ass, Dad. Do it. I want your seed in me." That did it. Hearing my son begging for my load pushed me over the edge. I buried my cock as deep as I could in my boy and let out a long, deep moan as my dick throbbed and flexed, pumping what I knew was a huge load into my slut's guts, mixing with the load the other man dumped in him not even a half hour earlier. "Oh Matty," I moaned as his ass muscles milked all the cum out of me. "Daddy's going to be using this hole a lot from now on." "Yessssss," he softly hissed in reply.
    2 points
  7. I was being wheeled through a dark room in a cage. I looked up groggy but sure enough I was being restrained in a tall metal cage with my arms and legs shackled and separated to where I couldn't move at all. I tried to clear my head and remember where I was and what had led up to me being in this situation but my head was so fuzzy I couldn't clear it. I tried to call out to the person that was wheeling me around but couldn't find the voice to do so. I didn't know what to do or what to make of my situation so I decided to just see where I was being wheeled to and see what was going on. We came to a door and the person punched in a code to open the door and we were met with a flood of light and sound on the opposite end of the door. I had to close my eyes for a bit because the light was so bright coming from the dark room before. I opened them slowly and they adjusted to the light and I could see where I was led to. What I saw was a large group of naked men. There had to be about 50 or so men varying from 18 to maybe late 40's dancing around, grinding up on headteacher and even some of them fucking on the lounges around the club. I was shocked and turned on at everything that was going on and my memories started to come back to me in a flash. (earlier that day) I was looking at myself in the mirror and running my hands all over my body. I loved how thin and toned I looked and loved how sensitive I was when I ran my hands all over and how I stopped to pinch and play with my nipples. It made me moan and get so hard I always had to stop myself from cumming to soon. My frame always made everyone think I was a girl and I was ok with that I accepted the fact that no matter what my dad and I tried I couldn't build any muscle mass on my body. We went to a doctor and found out that it was a condition with my metabolism that I would burn off anything too quickly before my muscles to absorb anything to help them grow. I'm was 18 today and I love what muscle that did grow with my age because everyone was so shocked that someone as thin as myself could have a 12 inch cock hiding in my pants with a nice set of low hangers. I slowly moved my hands downward and started to stroke my cock and caress my balls before one of my hands made it's way further to my hole. I circled my pucker and it made my cock twitch even more and I dove in with two fingers and brought myself over the edge and came all over the mirror. I was always a large cummer and coated the mirror in my load. When my cock finished throbbing I slowly slid my fingers out of my ass with a pop and went to lick up my load from the mirror. When the mirror was clean I heard a ping coming from my phone and saw that it was an updated email about a gay club that I was looking into. I hadn't been there before because it was only for 18 and up and saw that they have a birthday special for all newcomers who come on their birthday. I was excited as to what that could be and decided that it was how I wanted to celebrate my birthday. I saw that you had to send an email response if it was your birthday so the place could be set up for it so I sent one with the details they asked for and hit send. Shortly after that I got another email from the club thanking me for my interest in coming to them on my birthday and they sent me a few requests to follow as well and I was happy to oblige. I looked at the list of requests and was getting turned on again. 1. Please bring as little clothes as possible as we are a nude club. 2. Please if you can make sure you clean out before you arrive if you cant we have the tools to do so 3. Please refrain from any oral, anal, and self stimulation from here on out. 4. Please refrain from any kind of drug usage I found these requests to be acceptable and I felt a little bad that I had already came but I know I would be fine for the next day. I picked out a jock, shorts and a shirt for tonight and tried to go on without thinking of how I was excited to have my first night as an adult.
    2 points
  8. who wants this little ass?
    2 points
  9. Too bad Pulitzer doesn't have a QUEER erotica/romance category!
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Happy Birthday present to me... I was 'showered' with gifts. Grin Had (straight) friends over for a birthday dinner. They left relatively early and I thought I'd hop online quick to see if anyone was around. Lucky me... within a minute of logging in, I get pinged 'separately' by a couple I know - who were both online with their own profiles. Both versatile. One is 40 and the other is 29. They both sent a message and asked what I was up to tonight? Good sign!! I told them it was my birthday and my dinner guests had already headed home and I was looking for some action. Were they interested in popping around to my place for a visit? "See you in 15 minutes" was the answer! I hopped in the shower and cleaned up and 10 minutes later they were at the door. We had a glass of wine and then Bryan started taking his clothes off right in the kitchen. Dave looked surprised at Bryan's actions, then started to laugh when he saw me stripping my clothes off as well. I walked into the living room and threw the massage table up, grabbed some lube and threw it over to Bryan. Dave asked for some hot Daddy porn as background noise and I found some good piggy porn of hot Daddies getting fucked by younger guys. I turned and Bryan was already lying back on the table, legs spread, uncut cock was rock hard and dripping. He is a HUGE pre-cummer and a multi cummer... like 2 or 3 loads per session. So I leaned across the table and up between his legs and looked at him as I swallowed that rock hard uncut cock right to the base in one slow movement. He groaned and pulled my head further onto his cock. Pumping nice and slow. By leaning over to suck on Bryan, I had my ass right on the edge of the massage table, and I felt Dave pull my ass apart and moments later his tongue licked from the base of my balls up and across my hole. Then he took some time working his tongue into my hole. Bryan was the only one without something in his mouth, so he kept the piggy talk going for all of us. "Suck his hole babe... open his hole up so I can dump a birthday load in his ass" Bryan urged. "Suck my cock PG. Get it rock hard for your tight hole. I'm gonna give you a couple of loads tonight before I leave dude. Suck that dick". Soon enough, my hole was wide open and I could feel Dave pushing spit into my ass and working it in deeper with his fingers and tongue. He really liked eating ass. In fact, one night he dropped over for a visit and started to eat my ass on my rim chair and realized quickly that I already had a load. That turned him on in a huge way and he has made it a point of eating my ass thoroughly every time we get together. Tonight was no different. Bryan kept talking dirty and asking me if I wanted his Otter cock in my hole? Did I wanna get seeded by a 29 year old kid? Was I gonna take Dave's load too? Dave had opened my hole up nicely and I could feel how wet and juicy it was, as he pushed back off his knees and beckoned Bryan to come off the table. "Come and slide that big uncut cock into PG's ass babe. I've opened him up for you. Breed his hole. Give me something to eat". Bryan jumped up and got behind me. He pushed my chest flat down on the massage table and I could feel him line his dripping dick snug against my anal ring. "Happy Birthday Papa" he whispered in my ear. At the same time, he pushed his cock into my wet hole nice and low and sunk right up to his balls. When he bottomed out, he readjusted his feet on the floor and I could feel him pull his dick back until just the head was inside my hole. And then he started to pummel my ass. This was pounding of a 29 year old horny fucker who wanted to seed the birthday boy. Nothing gentle. Steady pounding and dirty talk. Dave started to feed me his thick cut dick as his other half pound on my hole. "Do you like that PG? Is he fucking you hard enough buddy? He told me on the way here you are getting 2 loads from him tonight. You like that idea?" he taunted as he slid his cock in and out of my mouth. I worked his cock over good, knowing it would likely be going into my ass next. Sounds like they had decided to both be tops tonight - for starters. Bryan pounded me. He slapped my ass cheeks. I could feel them heating up. He told me he was going to breed deep inside and to get ready. And he grabbed my hips and pulled me tight onto his cock as he stopped pounding and started grinding and thrusting. I could feel the first couple of squirts just oozing around his cock head, deep in my hole. I squeezed his cock and loosened it... really milking him. "C'mon Bryan... pump ALL that cum inside of me you slut... load me up", I said over my shoulder. He thrust a few more times, pulled out, slapped my ass and said to Dave "Switch". Dave pulled his hard cock from my mouth and walked around to take Bryan's place. He didn't even wait. He just walked into my hole, cock-first. He pushed right into my hole and actually twitched as he said... "I can feel your cummy load Bryan". And he locked in. His cock is bigger than Bryan's, so I was trying to adjust on the fly to the size difference. Dave didn't care. He pounded the fuck out of me for about 2 solid minutes. All you could hear was the sound of the two of us grunting and skin slapping on skin. Bryan fed me his cummy cock and ordered me to clean it off and get it hard again for round 2. Dave stopped pounding, and then decided to go deep inside hole 2 and really lock his fat cockhead into my guts. I took a couple of huffs and waited. He slowly pushed his head deeper and deeper. I could feel my second ring opening up for him. Bryan was giving me a play by play of how my hole was blossoming around Dave's cock. I was telling them both how I could Dave's cock opening me up. Then he slipped in and stopped and flexed his fucking cock head. I could feel him totally deep in my guts and flexing his cock head. It felt amazing. So, I squeezed his entire cock with my hole and my ass muscles. We both groaned. Then Dave did a nice hip thrust back and forth, only about one inch - in/out. Back/forth. Pumping. Then he pushed in quietly and said "Take this load PG... I've been carrying this load all week. You get it NOW....." and with a roar he pumped like crazy for about 30 seconds. Jerking. Thrusting. Pulling to the edge and hammering back in. And spewing hot cum throughout my guts. I could feel his seed. Bryan pulled back from my sucking and jumped to the end of the table and literally pushed Dave out of the way and shoved his cock into my asshole. "Oh fuck babe.. that was hot watching you seed PG up like that... I'm gonna cum again......". And I could feel the hot cum starting to leak into my quivering hole. Holy crap. This was crazy hot. And he loaded me up a second time in less than 15 minutes. I put a butt plug in and we hit the hot tub for a half hour then headed back inside. Dave pushed me onto my knees on a big easy chair and slowly pulled the plug out. He made sure nothing leaked out. Then he laid on his back and told me to position my ass over his mouth... and told Bryan to cum and fuck me again. Bryan walked up to me doggystyle, ass up and slid his cock into my steaming hole in one push. He waited for Dave to get comfy underneath and started to stroke in and out nice and slow. On every out stroke, Dave licked Bryan's cock right where it met my puffy lips. Bryan moaned every time Dave licked his cock. I moaned every time Dave licked my stretched hole. Dave moaned each lick, because their mixed seed was coating Bryan's cock with each pump in and out. Bryan grabbed my shoulder and pulled me down HARD onto his cock and did some fast hip pumping and yelled that he was cumming again! And again, I could feel the warmth seeping into my battered ass. Bryan pulled his cock out of my hole very suddenly, and a couple of huge globs of creamy cum dripped right out of my ass and into Dave's open mouth. Everybody groaned at that. Dave gave me a couple more licks and got out from underneath me and quickly took me doggy style where his partner had left off. I was once again cleaning off Bryan's uncut meat while his partner pounded my hole. "Load him up Dave... load him. Give him that fourth load. Give him his birthday seed. Fuck it all into him dude!!", Bryan just kept chanting it. I could feel that Dave was speeding up. He started faster and deeper thrusts. "Gonna breed this Daddy ass PG. Gonna load you up. You want my load? You want a cum shower dude?" Dave chattered away. "Load me Dave. Add your load into the three that are there already dude. Give it to me buddy" I shouted to him. I could feel him tense up for a few seconds and then BOOM... more liquid heat spilling around my guts and Dave breathing heavily. Before I knew what was happening, he pulled his cock out and dropped back under my ass and said "Sit on my face". He laid flat on the floor and I swung my ass around so it was right over his mouth... and I started to push all their cum out. I could feel the cum oozing in a steady stream from my gaping hole right onto his tongue. He was gasping and moaning and still stroking his cum covered cock while he ate my ass like a crazy man. I leaned forward and took his semi hard cock into my mouth. While he cleaned my hole, I cleaned his cock. They left after that. It was almost 4 a.m. I was all fucked out. I had cum at least twice in my jockstrap while getting fucked and eaten. Bryan's birthday is next. He's turning 30 in the fall. We agreed to give him a similar birthday gift. What a way to turn 59... it was an awesome night!
    2 points
  12. Its noon on a Monday and I just took a load. It all happened so quick which is odd for my area. Usually it takes a while to get through the bullshit and people not really looking. But about two hours ago I got woofed, or poked, or prodded, or barked or whatever the fuck this app does. We echanged maybe 4 messages and boom he was at my front door. He sat down and commented on my porn. It was hardcore BB. I laid back on the couch next to him, opened up my legs, and slid a finger between my legs and into my hole. He asked if I liked to show my hole off and if so could he see it. I took my cut offs off and sat back down this time facing him. I spread my legs and my semi cock flopped down covering my hole. He laughed and moved my dick out of the way. I teased my hole with my finger while I reached behind the couch and grabbed my glass dick. I have a large collection of Pyrex glass dildos and will not use anything else. If you take nothing else from reading this take that with you. Glass toys are the best. I threw everything else I had away after trying my first glass toy. Its always so smooth and perfect. I produced my glass dick and slid my finger out and slipped the toy all of the way in. His eyes grew to the size of saucers. He got completely naked and his cock was two or three inches bigger than my toy! He used the toy on my a few minutes and then couldn't take it anylonger. He flipped me over and tongue fucked me for a long time. I was so in raptured that I failed to notice his tongue going MIA and his dick slipping in. He had already pumped me three or four times probably before it hit me. Right off the bat he apologized...."This probably wont take long. Your hole is exactly what I fantasize to when I beat off AND I haven't come in weeks....sorry!" I replied "You have nothing to be sorry for, as a matter of--" He came for what seemed like minutes...literally minutes. He slumped over as his cock continuted to throb in my hole. "I was going to ask if you were a local becasue you have already earned an open invitation to my hole anytime you want!" He slowly pulled out of my ass and it felt like beautiful fireworks were going off near my hole. The cum didn't just drip out of me and onto the couch...it poured out. It seemed like 5 people had cum in me. He took a sharpie out of his shirt pocket and wrote his number on my back and left without saying a single word. I sent him my number as the door shut.
    2 points
  13. Just had a 29 poz spanish guy said he wants a second meet after secretly giving me a load with out growning (I felt his cock pulsing deep with heavy breathing) then gave me a second load (saying quietly in my ear) "take my dirty load like a man" and rammmed deep shooting hard.
    2 points
  14. No, no one knows "nice little Randy in Marketing" is a BB slut who's poz and gets gono and crabs.
    2 points
  15. Part 2....... I got so obsessed with my dad since that day when i left my spunk in his arse st the ABS that I arranged activities where I could see him naked like Gym showers, swimming etc and sniffing and checking his used jockeys from the laundry. He had a great manly body and such a beautiful dick and bullballs, nice. I was kinda messed up mentally because I still wanted and loved pussy, but this was my Dad, my father, my guardian, protector and I was planning and scheming and perving on having him again. I fought it, but lust came calling Hard. Anyway, that's that, my dad had bought me a scooter to get around instead of using his car and I used to sit outside his work at the cafe to watch him, there he was, grey beard, tall and strong, handsome in a grey 3 piece suit getting in his car, he was early today. I followed him, sweating in my helmet, but unrecognisable, he pulled up in the park I jumped, my phone rang, it was my dad, I could see him, he asked me how I was, did I fancy dinner tonight etc, yes , I asked what he was doing, he said he was sat at his desk busy, catch u later I said. He got out of his car and walked into the restroom, kinda looking out of place in his suit. I left my helmet on and went in, 3 stalls, 2 taken, I went into empty cubicle and could hear muffles and odd bangs to walls, I noted a Hole in wall, covered over with toilet paper, I move it and see a beautiful hairy arse moving back and forth in the hole on his side and some groaning going on, I look under the stalls and see black office shoes and grey office trousers over the top of them and ankles backs of, dad's, my dad's ankles, obviously being fucked by hairy arse Man, I was kind of jealous for some reason, but severely boned up. I am in the stall 10 minutes, listening and wanking to my dad getting fucked, it went quiet, but then I hear someone come in to the next stall. I look through the hole and its my dad! My dad pulls down his pants and much to my surprise he is sporting a 9 inch king of a hard on. He sits down on the toilet and starts stroking it. I put my visor up on helmet and my mouth to the glory hole and In two seconds I feel the head of his cock slowly slipping into my mouth. I start to slowly suck the head of his cock , my fathers cock in and out of my mouth inching it closer to my throat. Soon I am deep throating my dads beautiful cock till the hairs at the base are tickling my nose. I can smell his pubes, his groin, his man sweat hear him start moaning and he begins to fuck my throat faster until I feel and taste the first jet of sperm hit the back of my throat. I move my face back because I want the rest of his cum in my mouth so I suck the head while stroking his shaft. The next warm spurt hit the roof of my mouth and ran down under my tonge. As I swallowed my dads first mouthful of warm sperm I heard someone going into the stall on the other side of him. My dad heard it to and pulled his cock out of my mouth and through the glory hole but not before one last rope of warm cum landed in my mouth. I heard dad breathing hard in the stall and watched as he sprayed the rest of his cum in the toilet. I looked through the glory hole and in the stall was my dad, backing onto the hole in the wall, being jerked forward, so he is obviously being fucked and I still have dads cum in my mouth and here he is with his pants down getting fucked groaning again, i seen his face, his getting fucked face. He taps on the partition hole and puts his mouth up to the glory hole and I immediatly shoves my dick through the hole into my dad's mouth and starts getting really tuned on. i hear a door open and close and feel a difference on my dick, my dad was again riding my bare dick, it was so warm and silky that I found myself spurting warm cum in to my dads used arse. I now added my cum to the two strangers cum in my fathers arse My dad finaly pulls it back out through the hole and is gone. I sat on the toilet slowly stroking my cock feeling the stickiness on my dick and the warm sperm in my pubes from the strangers cum in my father's arse and his spunk taste still on my tonge. My phone rings, its Dad...........tbc
    2 points
  16. Part 9; - Now listen up pig; I started an IM group sometime ago for unmedicated poz tops, and versatile Men for guys in our City, and neighbouring Counties. Whenever a neg twink presents himself wanting to be pozzed, we alert the group for a pozzing parTy, for which I have just done for you, boy! There are 97 highly charged Men currently in the group, so, expect to be loaded real good tonight! I looked up at this AIDS stud, and I simply rocked my hips, panted, and groaned with a deep intensity in my soul! - Pete is upstairs on my computer, logged into his various profiles, searching out more unmedicated poz tops for your pozzing parTy boy, and maybe the odd bug chasing twink too if he finds any ... Now, the first person to infecT you, is your Master for life. And I am not happy with it being Pete. You are my cunT, and you know it, don't you boy? - Oh FUCK ... YES I do Master! - His toxic cum inside your cunT will take at least a few days to do it's job. Which is why, I am right now going to give you are first blood-slam boy, which will have an immediate effect, and CONTROL will pass directly over to me. You will no longer be allowed to call Pete Master, and may only address him as 'Sir'. I will then OWN you, and you will always call me Master. I will be the one that actually infecTed you! By now I was rubbing my neg Dick, and playing with my gaping neg cunT flaps, and heavily panting. The entire time he had been talking he had been milking his perineum, which now had a decent amount of Gonnorhoea pus oozing out. - I want you to open your mouth, and I am going to smear this over your lips. You must not lick it off, and may only close your mouth when I say. Now OPEN! I did as I was told, and he knelt by my head, and smeared his toxic pus over my lips as he had just promised. I gazed deep into his eyes through his executioners hood. He then got up, put a tourniquet on my arm, then a pillow underneath, and went and sat against a wall, a drew his own blood. He walked back over, knelt by me. It really was time! He placed the needle by my arm. - You may close your mouth now boy. Now make a Fist, and keep very still. Sharp scratch coming up ... The needle was in! He looked deep into my eyes, and bored right through to my soul. He looked extremely serious. I was still panting, and now smiling at him. - Now boy, I want you to look at the syringe, and I want you to watch me pushing it in! We both focused ... He slowly pushed ... Slowly his toxic DNA entered my vein. My cunT began to frantically grip the dildo that was still shoved right inside of hungry cunT. He pushed in the last bit, out came the needle, and he pressed on my puncture site. He ripped off his executioners hood, and gave me a dark sinister stare. He then growled; - You are now MINE ~ You will now serve me, and ONLY me! - YES my Master ~ I now completely submit to your Commands & Desires, and will forever OBEY you! - Good boy. - GET on all 4's pig, and again parallel to the mirrored wall - YES my Master - Well look at my Greedy nasTy pig, swallowing the entire Dildo He went to the other side of the room ...
    2 points
  17. Part 8; Whilst my second in line Master, Jim, ate out my cunT, my primary Master who was in current ownership of me by knocking me up at the sauna showers, fucked his syphilis Dick to the back of my throat. I have a very good gag reflex, which was just as well, as he kept holding my head tight in place to the base of his Dick, causing me to gag, choke and splutter. Master Jim got up and went to one of his magic boxes of tricks, bringing me back an inflatable dildo to play with whilst both of my Masters were gone. Yes, they went and left me, again! He blew the dildo up slightly, and rammed it up my hungry neg cunt. Well, I suppose it kinda was still, at the moment. - That's for you, boy, to keep you occupied whilst we're gone for a short while - Thank you Master - Come on Pete. Some things for you and I to sort out upstairs. They were both very dominant in their own right, however, it was Jim who was the real Alpha between the two of them, and I secretly yearned for him to be my primary Master. How could that change? Would it change. The lights were switched, plunging me back into total darkness, they climbed the stairs, and once again I heard the basement door close. After a few minutes the House Music abruptly stopped. Darkness and silence! I lay on my back, and began fucking my cunt with the dildo, and I just wasn't able to get enough of what I needed, thus, I kept blowing it up bigger, fucking myself, blowing it up bigger, fucking myself, blowing it up bigger, fucking myself, until it seemed it would not blow up any further. At FULL size I was now continually ramming it in as hard as I could, and as far as it would go. I heard the sound system kick in once again. This time played in the sounds of demonic whispers, which made my entire body tingle. With Jim in mind I started screaming ... - FUUUUCK me MASTER ... Fucking FUUUUUCK me ... Oh fuck, I NEED your DEMON Dick inside my cunt NOW ... PLEASE fucking FUCK me, and take full ownership of your nasTy cunT FAGGOT ... FUUUUUUCKING just F-U-CCC-K me!!! Using both hands I now used all the force within me to push the inflatable dildo up my neg(ish) cunt, and then I felt a weird sensation. I began to feel around my cunt lips, and I was wide open, but couldn't feel the dildo. I could only locate it when my fingers were at least 1" inside. My body then just entirely relaxed, arms flopping by my sides as the sounds of demonic whispers washed over me. I was panting, and I could feel my cunT repeatedly grip onto the dildo that was buried deep inside of me. I was now in a constant state of feeling like I was about to cum. I heard the basement door open, and one set of footsteps. The red lights flicked on. It was Master Jim. He walked over, and stood over me, a foot by each shoulder ...
    2 points
  18. Part 7; My AIDS God drove his fancy sports car, whilst Uncle Jim and I got in the back-seat. He instructed me to take my trousers and underwear off, slouch down so I wasn't sitting upright, leaving easier access ... He then started fingering my cunt, and feeding me the toxic load that was swimming inside of me. Part way through the journey my phone pinged, and I managed to check the message, which Uncle Jim leaned over and read too. It was from Ben. 'Please don't do this', with a sad face. He looked at me and began to laugh arrogantly, with his face turning from an evil chuckle to a growling rage, which saw his fingering of my cunt intensify aggressively - Hey Pete, your boy is keeping your death-juice nice and warm for ya. - It's a good job these seats are Leather Jim They both laughed. We arrived at Jim's. We pulled in. The garage door shut, and locked. That was it, I had sealed my own fate. BUT, it's what I wanted. And NEEDED. We all got out, and Jim made me sprawl spread eagle over the bonnet. He slammed right into me, no warning, and power fucked me for a few minutes, then stopped. There is no way I am cumming in you, just yet! We went into the main house, and made our way down into the Basement. It was pitch black! Jim flicked a switch and it lit up with a glowing dim red, so, it still had that dark feeling, but you could clearly see. All over the walls were mirrors, and dozens of large pictures of; the bio-hazard sign, demons and monsters, skulls, the word 'poz'. I was at this point only wearing my tee-shirt, and Jim ripped it from me, and threw me onto the rubber covered mattress, and got my AIDS Master Pete, to help strap me down. Our host kept his stash of chems in his Basement Dungeon, and he gave me my second hit of tina for the evening. I couldn't touch myself, which only served to heighten the mad rush. There I was, wriggling, intoxicated, flying beautifully high, and unable to move. My AIDS Daddies then began to write all over my body with marker pen, with things like; cunt, whore, cum, Demon, Dog, AIDS, FAGGOT,99, Piss, Breed ... Then, they both left, turning off the red lights. I heard the door at the top of the stairs shut. I lay there in complete darkness, silence, and unable to move. Even though I physically lay there, I felt my body elevate, and fly around this wonderful dungeon. I then heard a speaker system come on, and hard house was being pumped in, and into my inner solar system. Several minutes later the red lighting came back on upon Jim & Pete's return, both wearing the same attire as each other; German Army Boots, Leather waistcoat & executioner's hood, plus a Cock-Ring. They stood either side of my torso, with one foot facing inwards to my body, and the other towards my head, so their wasted bodies and gaunt faces both towered above me. They never spoke a word. Just stood there drinking their Heineken's, spitting at me, and tugging at their bulging veiny toxic Fuck-Meat, until they finished the two bottles of drink that they each had. - RIGHT, it is my turn now boy to fuck you, and I guess now we would say, re-charge you! I was unstrapped, had a Leather harness put on me, and ordered on all 4's in the middle of the mattress, parallel to the mirrored wall. - What do you want boy? - Your poz cum Uncle Jim - This is MY Dungeon, you call me Master. Understood you nasTy pig? *He bellowed, whilst flogging me with his Leather paddle* This caused me to have an internal orgasm, and and I began to high pitch whimper, and grunt several time ... - Yes Master. I am so sorry Master. He knelt in between my legs, spreading them wide, pushed my cheeks apart, and stuck his tongue up my cunT, proceeding to rim me and eat me out!
    2 points
  19. Hello : I hope you all enjoy this story. It's my first try on here, so please be a little forgiving. Bart listened to the two young brothers talking in the bar. The one slightly older brother telling his younger brother about testing positive a month ago and starting his meds in about two weeks when his insurance kicks in. Then Bart's ears perked up, the little brother mentioned his thoughts of just to stop worrying about converting, as he hated condoms, but was scared. His brother felt the same about not wanting to use condoms anymore, but was scared about passing the bug along. Bart was a conversion master. He had parties monthly for charging up new comers. He always wanted to get a set of brothers together for a charging. He had a special plan for helping a set who were not sure about completing the process. Now it looks like he could get his dream. This was a little out of the way bar, and the bartender owner was his good friend and buddy in parties, as well as shared his dream. Two hours later, Bart and Tim had the passed out brothers in Bart's playroom. Bart's playroom was no ordinary playroom. It was in someways a dungeon master's wet dream. Different slings, crosses, frames, a water trough accessible from different angles, a large shower area, different electro toys and other toys. All in a large garage like building on Bart's out of the way land. He could have loud parties and no one to bother or notice. Or in this case, two brothers who may be a little loud in their resistance, and no one to hear them. Bart and Tim worked together to strip the two young men and get them strapped into their respective works. As they stripped the older brother they found a muscular athletic body, good amount of hair covering his chest and abs, and very thick trail leading to trimmed pubes. Below was a beautiful uncut cock, a plump almost six inch soft penis and nice large balls. Beautiful fuzzy ass as well. Can't wait to see how large this cock gets and performs. He was strapped into a standing frame a little larger than a doorway and on locking wheels, his body not quite an X but almost. Next to be stripped was the younger brother, which they found a tight swimmers bodied boy. Hair just sprouting around his nipples and a nice neat treasure trail leading to a full set of pubes, and another beautiful uncut cock. His cock actually had a longer foreskin then the older brother, but his cock was little thinner and shorter, but not by much. This brother was strapped into a roll away sling. The brothers were in their respective devices for about 45 minutes when they started coming around, and realizing they couldn't move much. Aaron fixed in a standing position, and Ryan in a prone position, and very much naked. They struggled for bit and then began yelling. This brought in a changed Bart and Tim. They had changed into black jock straps and masks. The two men were very muscular and hairy, each with biohazard tat on one of their pecs. Bart came up close to the two brothers "You might as well settle down, you two aren't going anywhere for a while." "Now, we overheard you talking about your position and your hidden desires. Well little bro, your big bro is going to help you out with a little gift, and big bro your little bro will be helping you out in the process. Both of you will be helping us to live out a dream as well." Aaron struggled a bit and yelled, "What do you mean? Let us go." Tim came up to Aaron and lightly tugged one of Aaron's hairy nipples, "Oh, you'll be sharing a more detailed amount of DNA than you already do." Aaron then recalled what a biohazard tat generally meant for most gay men, and really started struggling. "No, I'm not going to do that. You can't make me." "Oh, you'll not have much of a choice in the matter soon. We'll be sure you get in the 'mood' to give your gift." Bart smiled, and stepping over to a table, he opened a carry bag out of which he selected a small plastic bag containing some little blue pills, another small plastic bag containing a few yellowish shards, another plastic bag containing something that looked like tea leaves, as well as a couple large bottles of water. Then he reached over to the wall and took two medium sized enema bags off of the hooks where they were hanging, poured one of the bottles of water into a pan and started lightly warming it. Bart crushed a blue pill and stirred it into some warm water with some of the tea leaves, and let it sit. He then took a largish yellow shard and crushed it up and put it into one of the enema bags. Bart than took the rest of the warm water and filled both of the enema bags all the way up. "Help me move our guests over near the trough." Bart and Tim moved Ryan closest to the trough, just to the side of the trough near one of the short sides, furthest from the drain. Then moved Aaron to the opposite end closest to the drain. "Now, you get to watch us start to get little bro ready to receive his gift." At this point the brothers starting yelling again, and struggling. Tim knelt down between Ryan's spread legs, held him still, and tongued his hole. In only a few minutes Ryan's hole loosened up to Tim's expert tongue, and Ryan's screams were turning to moans of pleasure. Tim then began fingering Ryan's hole, spreading a little lube into the opening, after a minute or so announcing "He's ready for the first rinse." Bart than hung the first enema bag, the one with plain water and slowly started to insert the nozzle into Ryan's ass. Slowly moving it in and out a little, making Ryan moan a little but still trying to say no. Then with the nozzle fully planted in Ryan's ass, he started the water flow. Tim at the same time rubbed Ryan's belly softly and gently. "There you go little bro, just relax. Let the water in you. Let it pour into your guts. Just relax," Tim kept purring to him. Soon the bag was empty. Bart then lubed up a small/medium butt plug. In one swift motion pulled the nozzle out and shove the plug in. "Let's let the water loosen up everything for bit, and work on big bro now." Aaron started struggling and yelling. "That's not going to you any good. You just need to drink a little something right now. You can either be a good boy and drink or we'll get you to drink it. Yelling does not good, no one is here to hear you. The drink actually tastes real good." "Boys, you might as well relax and enjoy and stop struggling. You'll enjoy it more, and really have fun giving and receiving your gifts." "Your not going to force me to infect my brother with HIV. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do this to my brother. You can't make me. See, I'm not even hard. I'm not going to do it." "Oh, after having this tasty little drink, you'll be more in the mood. In fact, you'll be a horn dog ready to fuck anything." "You can't make me. I won't let myself cum, I'll fight it" "Oh, your too young to resist shooting a load when you get going. Besides, we have our ways." During this time Ryan's eyes got bigger, now that he fully understood what was happening. He'd never been fucked by a real cock yet. He'd had his ass played with, and lots of dildos, but never a real cock. But he'd always dreamed of his brother taking his cherry. When his brother told him he was positive he thought it would never happen now, except maybe using a condom if his brother would take him. As Tim was still rubbing Ryan's belly, Ryan stopped struggling, and Tim noticed Ryan's cock was thickening up and getting a little longer. "Hey bud, I think little bro is liking the idea of what he's hearing." Bart then looked at Aaron, "See your little bro seems to like the idea. So relax, give the gift." "No, you can't make me." Bart then came over to Aaron with cup of liquid. The drink is a modified tea. It of course has the well known little blue pill in it, but also the tea leaves were a mixture of herbs that help in the same manner and also turn up the desire in a man. Usually within an hour a man is harder than a rock and so horned up a goat would be appealing. Between the blue pill and the herbs, Aaron will not be able to fight the urge his body will be put into. But in Aaron's case, it will be something much nicer, Ryan's sweet ass. Aaron forced his mouth shut, and shook his head as Bart tried to get him to drink. "Okay, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way than." Bart set the drink down and went to the wall, reaching up he retrieved a small padded clip and a mask like item that seemed to have a mouth piece and a hose with a funnel sticking out. Ryan's eyes got a little big when he saw this, he didn't want his brother to be forced to do anything, he didn't want his brother hurt. "Aaron, its okay. Drink it. If it makes you want to fuck me, so be it. Aaron don't fight them anymore. I love you. If I have to get infected, I'd rather it be from you. I'd rather you take by cherry, not some stranger if that's want happens. Just drink it if it will help you." "NO!" Bart approached Aaron with the items. "One last time, you want to drink?" Aaron shook his head. "Okay, here goes. Bud come over here, and hold his head." Tim left Ryan and came over behind Aaron and grabbed his head and held it still. Aaron clamped his mouth down harder. Bart then reached over with the little rubberized clip, and clipped it to Aaron's nose, pinching his nose shut. Aaron's eyes got huge as he realized what was going to happen, just as Bart started to talk. "With your nose all pinched shut, you can only breathe through your mouth, so you'll have no choice but to open your mouth. Then I'll get this mask on you and you'll drink whatever we put in the spout. If you don't breathe through your mouth, you'll just pass out and we'll put the mask on anyways. So, one more time you want to drink?" Aaron shook his head, but he was getting red from the need to breathe. Bart readied the mask to shove into his mouth when it opened. "Aaron, just drink it, don't let them hurt you. Please, don't fight them." Aaron felt himself getting light and a little headache from not breathing, and suddenly his reflexes kicked in and his body on its own forced him to open his mouth to breathe. Bart quickly shoved the mask into Aaron's face, forcing the mouth piece into Aaron's mouth and held it there as Aaron panted through his mouth. While Aaron was distracted with the need to breathe, Bart held his head from the front, and Tim fixed the strap to the back of Aaron's head. The mask wasn't going anywhere now. Aaron would now drink whatever Bart or Tim wanted to put into the funnel. "Ok big bro, you will drink now. You'll love the taste. And you'll love how it makes you feel soon. Just relax now. You can either enjoy where your going and in giving your gift, or it will continue to be a struggle and you'll find out how we make you continue." He released the nose plug from Aaron's nose so Aaron was breathing better now. Tim was no longer holding Aaron's head, he didn't need to. Anything poured into that funnel would go into Aaron's mouth and be swallowed by hook or by crook. Aaron just shook his head. "Aaron, please stop fighting. Just drink. I'm scared, but I love you and its okay. It's okay, don't fight them anymore. I'd rather you be the one to do this to me. Please, stop fighting." Ryan was lightly sobbing for his big brother. He was scared, but deep down he knew he didn't like the idea of condoms, he always wanted to feel the real cock, not the rubber. So he knew at some point he'd probably come up poz like his brother. So who better than Aaron to give it to him. Tim pulled over a small stool and lifted the funnel up so the tea would go smoothly down to Aaron's mouth. Aaron's eyes were huge, and tears slowly dripping down. Bart began stroking Aaron's struggling head. "Just relax. Here comes your liquid treat. You'll love the taste" Tim started to slowly pour the tea into the funnel. When the tea hit Aaron's mouth he started shaking his head more, trying not to swallow and hold it in his mouth. The tea was just the right temperature and flavor that his body wanted to swallow. Bart then started caressing Aaron's neck and throat purring at him to swallow, not to fight any more just relax and swallow. Between the pleasant flavor and the stroking of his throat Aaron's body took over and he swallowed, and swallowed as the liquid came into his mouth. "That's a good boy. See it tastes good. That's my boy. Now relax. I'll take the mask off now." Now that Aaron had his drink, Tim went behind Aaron and undid the mask and then reached around Aaron and rubbed Aaron's fuzzy belly, kissing the back of Aaron's neck. Bart started to pull on the mouth piece, "Relax your jaw boy and I'll pull this out." Aaron complied and the mask popped out. Ryan was now getting a little uncomfortable with the liquid in him and started to moan a little. "Ok little bro, time to drain you" Bart and Tim headed over to Ryan, pushed his sling over to the trough, so his ass was over the trough. Tim began rubbing Ryan's belly as Bart pulled the plug out of his ass. All the water began rushing out of Ryan's ass. "Just relax and let it all out, don't push, just relax and let your body do its thing. Enjoy the feeling of it leaving you." Ryan just relaxed and actually chubbed up a bit as the water poured out of him. When he was done, Bart sprayed him off and dried him off. Bart then went over to the table and picked up the next enema bag, the one with the yellowish shard all crushed up in it and a toothbrush, plus a little special lube that also had the same type of crushed shard. "Okay little bro, time to prep your body to receive its gift, and give you your mood enhancer. This might smart just a little, but then you'll start feeling really good once we get the liquid enhancer into you." Bart then begin to tease Ryan's hole with the lube, dipping his finger in and out, and adding more lube as he went. Then he lubed up the toothbrush, which Aaron started moaning no out loud, and lightly sobbed. Bart slowly inserted the toothbrush into Ryan's ass. Slowly out and back in, moving the brush around a little in Ryan's ass so his insides were being brushed all around. Bart was carefully brushing in deeper and deeper into Ryan's ass. Ryan was moaning both in some pain and in pleasure. All the while Aaron watching with tears slowly running down his checks, thinking of what would be coming. "That's it little bro, relax and accept the brushing. Getting you all ready for your special gift from big bro. I'll show you the brush when done, its getting nice and pink." Ryan saw Aaron lightly shaking in his sobs, "Aaron I'm okay, it doesn't hurt. It actually feels sort of good. I'm getting a little warm inside, and a little tingly. If I'm going to get this, I want it from you, no one else. Don't worry Aaron." Ryan also had a few tears running down his checks, mostly because he didn't like seeing his brother so upset. Tim had continued to rub Ryan's belly cooing at him. Bart pulled the toothbrush all the away out again after spinning it around inside Ryan. The brush was now a little more towards red than pink. Bart nodded his head. "Your ready for the mood enhancer now it looks like. See how nicely colored the brush is? See all that nice blood color, this means your ready for the gift and your body will fully accept it." Bart showed the brush to Ryan, who only stared at it and really didn't make much of a noise, as he was too busy feeling the warm tingly feeling and something else starting to rise in him. Bart then walked over to Aaron and showed Aaron the brush. Aaron could only moan again and some more tears fall from his eyes. Aaron moaned, "No, please no, don't do this to us. Please let us go. I don't want to infect him." Bart then placed the brush down on the edge of the trough so Aaron could see it. He then picked up the enema nozzle and generously lubed it up with the special lube, and then inserted into Ryan's ass. "Okay little bro, here comes the good stuff. In a little while you'll really be feeling good, and your ass will begin to scream to be scratched, and a good fucking is the only way to cure that itch." Bart then opened the nozzle letting the liquid flow into Ryan's ass. Ryan began to moan a little as there was a light stinging as it flowed in, but then a little numbness set in. Tim continued rubbing his belly as the liquid began filling him up. Tim was cooing into his ear, "Take it all in little one. Feel it slowly filling you all up. Feel your ass warming to it." Aaron was moaning as he was watching what was going on, and had a feeling he knew what was in that liquid. Once the bag was empty, Bart popped out the nozzle and immediately pushed the plug in again. "Okay, you're all filled up. Let's let you relax and wait for your ass to get hungry. We'll work a little on big bro now before his little drink kicks in more. We don't want him too hard for this part." Bart went back over to the table and picked up a little white soft fuzzy pipe cleaner, that had a smooth waxed tip. Tim walked behind Aaron and wrapped his arms around Aaron, and began rubbing Aaron's fuzzy chest and belly, kissing the back of his neck and grinding his jock covered hard on against Aaron's ass crack. "Okay big bro, time for your special prep. This will help to make your gift that much stronger. Like on your brother, this might smart just a little but then began to feel really good once the lube kicks in. It will also help make your cock hungry for that ass over there, especially with that drink starting to kick in." Bart than grabbed Aaron's cock which was slightly chubbing up because of the drugs in him, and pulled the generous foreskin back exposing the beautiful pinkish purple head of Aaron's penis. What a beautiful large piss hole he had. Bart couldn't help himself, he leaned over and lightly tongued that big hole, the tip of his tongue sliding in a little. Aaron couldn't help himself and moaned a little. Then Bart took the soft pipe cleaner, and slowly, carefully inserted it into Aaron's hole into his penis. Aaron moaned a little in pain, as this was stinging quite a bit. Bart ever so slowly was moving it in and out, going deeper and deeper each time. After a minute the lube's special ingredient sort of numbed the brushing, readying the lube to enter Aaron's bloodstream to make him want to fuck. Also the white of the fuzz was getting subtly pinker, not as pink as the toothbrush, but just a little pinker. Aaron's penis was truly now becoming Aaron's cock, as it was starting to grow and get harder and hotter. The combination of drugs was starting to take affect. The white fuzz was now a true pink, again not quite as red as the toothbrush, but this was only to release a little more of Aaron's toxic fluids into the cum when he shot. Bart pulled the pipe cleaner all the way out, and again gave a little lick to that beautiful cock head. Before he pulled the foreskin back up and let go of Aaron's cock, he dribbled a little more of the special lube on to the head, and carefully pushed what he could into the piss hole, then carefully covered the head up with the skin. "Okay my boys, you are just about ready for the giving of the gift. Let's get little bro the rest of the way ready while big bro's cock gets the rest of the way hard. Oh yeah, one more little thing for you big bro." Bart that pinched his nose causing Aaron to subconsciously open his mouth, and he rubbed a little white powder on and under his tongue, "That will give you a little help in being more compliant." Tim and Bart then moved Aaron's frame a little bit a way from the trough so there would be more room around him. This moved Ryan out of his eye sight. Aaron's head was beginning to spin a little, and he was feeling the most horny he'd ever felt. He looked down and his cock was rock hard and pulsing with his heartbeat. He tried to feel bad about for what was coming, but his sex crazed brain and body just wouldn't let him fully think about it. Tim went over to Ryan, and began rubbing Ryan's belly and looked into Ryan's eyes, which were sort of wide and spacey, and he had that sex blush on his chest. "How you feeling little one? You hungry for cock?" "Fuck, I'm warm all over, I feel so full." "Just wait until we get that water out and put a little more lube in there. Then give you your other little treat. Now the plug is going to be pulled out, you just relax and let the rush feeling just go over you." Bart then removed the plug. Pinkish water came pouring out and into the trough. As the water left Ryan, he started to become hungry for more to be in his ass. Once the water stopped, Bart rinsed him off, and dried him again. Ryan's eyes glassed a bit more and he was starting to moan. "Okay little man, lets move you over near your brother. Then its time for you to receive your special gift." Tim and Bart wheeled Ryan over to within a foot of his brother. Ryan saw Aaron's super hard cock sticking out from his body. He didn't remember it being that big, but maybe that was because it wasn't about to be put into his ass before. Aaron also had a sex flush on his chest going, and he was starting moan saying "Oh fuck, oh fuck." His cock was still pulsing with his heart, and now was starting to leak just a little. Tim kneeled between Ryan's spread legs and started to tongue bathe his hole again. This time though, Ryan's hole was hungry, it wanted sex, it wanted cock. His tongue slid right in deeply making Ryan moan loudly. "Oh fuck, more, I need more." Bart had moved over to the table for the lube and a little nose mask with a small brown bottle. "Just wait little bro, you'll have more in a minute." Bart set the bottle and mask down on Ryan's chest. The went down to his ass, which Tim moved out of the way. Bart took a medium sized syringe and filled it with the special lube, and slowly shoved it up Ryan's ass. Then as he slowly pulled the syringe out he started squeezing a generous amount of the lube into Ryan. The effect was almost immediate for Ryan, making his ass now desperate for cock, for his brother's cock, for his brother's gift. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, please fuck me, I need it up me." "Just a minute little bro, you'll be getting big bro's big cock in you. Lets get your little treat on you now." Bart carefully opened the bottle, and screwed it into the bottom of the nose mask, then carefully fitted it onto Ryan. Ryan automatically breathed in a little with his nose which forced the hit into him. "Oh fuck, ohhhhh" Tim then reached down and rubbed Ryan's chest and pinched a nipple. "Now don't breath in from nose again yet, wait until big bro starts to go into you, then take a deep breath in, you'll get the biggest jolt and high." Bart looked down at Ryan's penis, which was no longer just his penis either, it was a erect cock not quite as impressive as big bro's but just as beautiful in its own way. Bart leaned down and gave it a little kiss, pulsing his tongue into the skin to gently nudge that hidden head. Ryan just moaned louder. "Okay boys, time for big bro to give his gift." Tim got behind Aaron, while Bart securely locked the wheels of Ryan's sling, then slid heavy bars behind and in front of the wheels to be sure that the only movement from the sling cart was just from the sling, which this one didn't move much, just sort of gave little to thrusts, it didn't really swing like the others. Bart was now kneeling down on the floor with the bottle of the special lube, and Tim began to move Aaron's frame to his brother's sling cart. Aaron was now struggling in his mind, he knew he didn't want this, but the drugs in him had him so horned up, his cock was actually itching for action, all his nerves were wired to lust. He tried to yell no, but it came out more as a moan. He felt Bart take hold of his rock hard cock, and start generously lubing it up, all over his cock and inside his foreskin, and an extra amount on the tip of his foreskin. The lube hit him quick and he was starved for sex. Bart stood up with a little bottle in his hand, and held it up to one side of Aaron's nose, and as he pinched the opposite side close he told Aaron to breathe in. Aaron couldn't help it, he did as he was told in his sex crazed mind. The hit went to his brain and he was quaking for sex. Again Bart knelt, and, taking Aaron's cock in hand, nodded his head to Tim to push Aaron to his brother. As Aaron's cock approached Ryan's ass, Bart was thrilled to realize that because Aaron was close to ten inches hard, once he was inside and the frames and Aaron were secured, his cock head would always be buried in his brother no matter how he moved. Tim continued to push Aaron to his brother. And just as Aaron's cock touched Ryan's ass, a small part of Aaron's mind did allow for him to try to pull back, and because he wasn't fully secured in that part of his body his cock did move back. Tim then moved his heavy muscular body against Aaron, and pushed him fully forward and didn't allow him to pull back. This put Aaron's cock nicely into the crack of Ryan's ass. Ryan felt his brother's cock touch him and he moaned loudly, "Please, put it inside, I need his cock inside me, I need it. Aaron, please don't fight it, I need you in me, please." "Breathe in boy, here it comes." And as Bart said this, he held Aaron's cock still and pointing directly against his brothers open hole, and Tim slowly but constantly pushed Aaron so that Aaron's hard cock slowly and evenly slide into his brother. Both brothers moaned in sexual bliss, both slightly quivering from the excitement the of entry. While both brothers were suddenly overwhelmed with the entry, and what their bodies were feeling, Bart quickly secured the two frames together with their special locks, and then secured the special soft belt around Aaron that secured him to the sling. Now if Aaron did try to fight fucking his brother, he wouldn't be able to get away, and his cock was so long it wouldn't fully come out of his brother either. They were meshed together perfectly. "Okay boys, have some fun getting and receiving your special gift. Enjoy this time, feel this time." Tim started moving Aaron's hips a little to help Aaron start his thrusting, while Bart rubbed Ryan's crotch. Aaron was moaning and shaking his head, trying weakly to fight this. His sexual craze taking over a little while causing him to slowly move his cock in and out of his brother. Ryan was just moaning incoherently he was so into it. His cock had actually gotten a little harder, and was beginning to leak precum. Bart couldn't stand it, he had to taste that neg liquid, and ran his tongue all over the top of Ryan's cock, and into the foreskin, making Ryan buck and moan. This causing Aaron's cock to move more in his ass as will. Aaron was moaning in pleasure, but also trying to fight the urge. The fight of the urge was getting more control. "No, please, I can't do this. Ummmm, ohhhh." "Well, lets see if we can get little bro to give you a little help." Bart than moved over to the wall and took down some little pads and a control box. He plugged in the long cord to the control box, and set it down on the floor between the brothers. He then got down on the floor, and saw the beautiful sight of Aaron's big beautiful cock buried in Ryan's ass, with both sets of balls tangling. Bart leaned up and licked each set, causing loud moans from above. As he did this he peeled paper off a pad and stuck it on one of Ryan's ass cheeks as close to Aaron's cock as possible without touching Aaron's cock, and then placed the other on the opposite side. He then plugged the pads into the controller. "Lets help little bro's ass start sucking you a bit big bro, show you how much he wants your gift." Bart and Tim got down under the brothers to watch this. Bart then turned a couple of knobs, and they saw Ryan's butt cheeks twitch, which pulsed his hole and insides on his brother's cock. Aaron felt this and moaned, "Oh, ohhhhh, oh god, no, please, don't make me do this. Ohhh, god, Ryan, I'm sorry. Ohhhh fuckkk your ass it's sucking my cock. Ohhh, ohhh god, I can't, can't give you HIV. Please stop this." Ryan though, because he'd never really been fucked by a real cock, never had drugs, was so lost in lust craze. "Aaron, oh fuck, your cock feels so gooooood in me. I've dreamed of this. Oh fuck, take my cherry. Oh push it in deeper, please." Aaron in a moment of drug lust, shoved as deep as he could go into Ryan at the same time a surge went through the pads, and both brothers moaned and yelled at the intense sexual pulse. Bart afraid Ryan might get too many hits from the bottle now, took off the nose mask, and then pushed off his jock so he could rub his cock as he watched the brother's. Tim also slide off his jock to do the same. The intense sexual excitement of watching the brothers fuck was just too much. Both Bart and Tim saw that the next time Aaron's shaft came out, it was covered in a light pink thick liquid. So all was open and ready to receive Aaron's poison. Between being over a month poz with no meds, and the brushing of both of them, this gifting should take first time. Ryan's ass kept twitching at various intervals, with Aaron trying to fight the urge to fuck, succeeding sometimes and sometime thrusting a few times. Both brothers had a sex sweat covering them. Ryan's cock was at this point copiously leaking precum on to his stomach. Both of the masters were leaking as well, but holding off for the final shot. "Please, please stop this, I don't want to give my brother this, please let me pull out. I know I'm already leaking in him, please I can't give him this. Ohhh ohhh fuck, that ass, ohhhh fuck Ryan, your ass just, ohhhhh god." And he thrusted back in, still trying to fight cumming. This went on for about twenty minutes, Ryan was obviously over the moon in sexual bliss, Aaron was crazed but had just enough of his mind to try to resist. Bart and Tim got up, their hard cocks jutting from the bodies. While both of them were considered well hung, Aaron still was bigger than both of them. Once Ryan got as old has his brother, he might also end up being bigger than them. These brothers with these beautiful cocks, if this gets them into their poz world will make great gifters in their parties. Bart stood up to Aaron and Tim to Ryan. Bart began rubbing Aaron's sweaty fuzzy chest and tweeking his nipples, causing Aaron to moan and jerk a little, and Tim doing the same to Ryan. "Well big bro, I didn't think you had it in you to resist so well. Looks like we'll have to step it up a notch, looking at little bro he's dying to have the gift and your just being stingy. So we'll help you want to give that gift, or more to the point, push it out of you." "No, you don't have to. Oh Aaron, just give me your gift, I want your gift. Give me your bug. I want it, I want it from you. Please, ohhhh, your cock feels so good in me, give me the rest." Ryan came enough out of the haze to moan this at Aaron. "Ryan, bro, ohhhh fuck your ass is still sucking, I can't let myself. Oh fuck, part of me wants to shoot my load in you, and give it to you. But I just, oohhh fuck that feels good, I just can't let myself cum." "Well, okay boys. Buddy, can you get big bro ready for his help in giving his gift." Tim got behind Aaron at this point, and pushed him forward spreading his cheeks, and started to expertly tongue lash his sweaty hairy hole. Aaron just moaned at this and tried to push back to get more tongue, as he loved having his ass eaten out. While Tim was eating Aaron's ass and relaxing it, Bart went to the wall again and brought down two small wired clips, and an elongated butt plug with a wire hanging down. Aaron's hole had opened up to Tim's expert care, so Tim took the same syringe used on his brother and filled it with the lube and lubed up Aaron's insides. While he was doing that, Bart affixed a clamp to each of Aaron's nipples, just tight enough that they wouldn't fall off. Then plugged them into the same control box as Ryan's pad, and turned a knob. Now when Ryan's ass twitched, there was a little tug to Aaron's nipples. This caused Aaron to scream in ecstasy and jerk forward into Ryan, which made Ryan moan harder and his cock twitch a little. Now for the last piece that ought to do the trick, and make Aaron give his reluctant gift. Bart stepped up behind Aaron with the butt plug, and lubed it up with the special lube, he then bent it a little, then slowly pushed it into Aaron, creating a hook. Aaron moaned real loud and shook, especially as it bumped his prostate, which is where it rested. Bart than plugged this into the controller as well, and adjusted another knob. Bart and Tim now stood up to each side of the brothers slowly jacking their hard cocks, their pecs with the tattoo slowly twitching. Aaron was now moaning loudly, "Oh fuck, oh fuck what have you done." Then the pulse from the controler went through for the first time with all the attachments in place. Ryan's ass twitched on Aaron's cock, a tug on Aaron's nipple caused him to start to jerk but then the push against his prostate caused him to push harder into his brother than before. "Ohhhhhh, fuuuckkkk. Ohhhh gooodddd." The pulse stopped. Aaron relaxed and his cock backed a little out of Ryan's ass, with Ryan moaning loudly and saying put it back in. Then another pulse happened, and Aaron's body moved forward jamming his cock back deeply into his brother, both moaning loudly, and now Ryan's cock would jump up with a string leaking from his foreskin to his belly. The pulse stopped and Aaron slide back, with a loud fuck. "Aaron, shove it back in, please, I need it. Please, shove it back, oh god that feels good, its hitting that deep itch. Fuck, oh shit, fuck me. Please." "Ryan, ohhh god, your ass. I'm losing control, I just can't infect you. It's just not fair to you. Ohhhh, ohhhh fuck." And another pulse hit them. Aaron drove forward, with a little pulse of his cock in Ryan which he knew was him pushing a glob of precum in, and Ryan's cock twitch up with its own glob of clear liquid dribbling out. "Ohhhh, Ryan, I don't know how much of this I can take. I really want to cum, I just don't want to let myself, but if I do I'll give this to you, I'll hurt you. I love you, I can't give this to you." "I love you Aaron. I've wanted you inside me since I knew what sex was. I want you inside me, I want your cum. I don't care if it infects me, it will be a part of you in me. Please fuck me, I need you." Another pulse, lasting a bit longer hit them. Aaron was shaking this time a little, groaning, but still refusing to cum, though harder to fight it. Ryan's cock shot up and squirted his clear precum a couple of inches, and he moaned. All the while the masters were jacking off. Bart saw the resistance in Aaron failing, "Big bro, your ready, little bro is ready to receive. I'll help you give your gift to him now. You won't be able to hold off anymore. I can see little bro's ass is dripping with the lube, ass juice, your precum and a little blood. It's time, you need to release your gift. Give your gift to little bro." Bart then turned the knob on the leads to Ryan's ass up a notch which will make it twitch harder and multiple times, he only turned the nipple knob so it will twitch multiple times, and then turned the butt plug up three notches of strength. The next pulse came. Aaron threw his head back, and his waist shot forward harder than ever before, throwing his pubes hard into Ryan, driving his cock the deepest it could go into Ryan. Because the butt plug was on constant not pulse, Aaron held there feeling the tugs on his nipples and Ryan's ass muscle quickly pulsing around his cock. Ryan's cock shot another glob of thick clear fluid out 2 or 3 inches. Both brothers moaning more loudly than before. "Oh bro, I'm not going to be able to hold off. I'm going to cum in you soon. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm weak. I love you so much, I've wanted this too, but not to give you this bug. I'm sorry." Another pulse hit, and Aaron's body shot forward again hard, again driving his cock as deep as it could go, and him trying to push farther, if he could shove his balls in too he would. Pulse stopped, and his cock relaxed back. Sweat was pouring off their bodies. Precum all over Ryan's belly, and still leaking from his cock. Pinkish juices slowly oozing out of Ryan's ass around Aaron's cock. But this time both of their balls were starting to move up tightly to their bodies. It was another few seconds before the next pulse. Bart quickly adjusted knobs so the next one would be a notch stronger all around, and last longer. This was going to be it for them. Bart and Tim were jacking harder, as Bart said, "We're ready to see the gifting, your ready for it. This is it. Your going to shoot now." Then the pulse hit the brothers. Aaron shot forward hard, and because of the strength of the pulse on his prostate and the squeezes around his shaft, his cock just could not take it and the toxin started its hard and fast travel, he was shaking hard against his brothers ass. "Oh fuuuckkk, I'm cumming, I can't stop. Ohhhhh goooddd. Ohhhh, fucckkkk. I can't stop shooting." Shooting he was, he was shooting deeply into Ryan, his cock vibrating and moving and spreading his toxic semen all over the abused walls of Ryan's ass. Ryan at the same time had been through enough, when Aaron's second shot started, Ryan's cock shot up almost straight up and started shooting its on copious load all over his neck, chest and abs. Aaron was in an orgasm for almost five minutes even though the pulse stopped, he didn't remember ever shooting like that. He did it, he shot into Ryan, he probably infected him. But instead of feeling sad, it almost excited him more. Bart and Tim also shot their loads on the floor watching such a forceful show from the brothers. This was all that their dream was imagined. Now if they can get the brothers to come to parties. Bart approached Ryan and ran a hand into Ryan's cum, and lifted it to his mouth to taste the clean sweet cum, Tim did the same thing. Bart gathered up another good amount and lifted his hand up to Ryan, "Here little bro, have some of your cum, this may be your last neg load ever. Remember this as the last." Ryan took the cum and moaned as he swallowed it. Bart scooped up more, "Here big bro, you need to have some of this as well. It's probably his last clean load. Taste its sweetness. Savor your brothers flavor, and remember what a special gift you have given to him." Aaron took the scoop of cum, there was nothing else to do, the deed was done. His brothers cum was delicious. Sweet, a little nutty. "Now you two are even more brothers, you have more DNA together. You've given each your gifts. Big bro's bug will begin growing in you now little bro. Your big bro has given you a gift of freedom, freedom to take what ever cock you want as bare as it should be. And big bro you got his cherry, and he's freed you too. Now the thought of giving your cum isn't scary anymore." Ryan's cock jerked at this, and so did Aaron's which was still about half way in Ryan's ass. "We'll just leave you to together like that. Little bro, just enjoy the feeling of your bros hard cock resting in there. It's going to be hard for some time yet, and it will keep that toxic semen locked in there soaking into you." Aaron though began to feel an urgency in his groin, he had to pee, and he had to pee badly. "I gotta pee, please let us go, so I can pee." Bart and Tim just smiled even broader, "Oh what a treat! That will just seal the gift. Just pee, just let it go, right into his ass. Let your toxic pee will just inject further into his body, fill him up." Ryan sort looked a little shocked, but he secretly always had a desire to feel someone pee in him, so okay, let it me his brother. "Do it Aaron, I want it, pee inside me, just let it go." Tim stood behind Aaron, wedging his semi hard cock into Aaron's fuzzy valley holding Aaron tightly, and began softly rubbing on Aaron's fuzzy belly, right on his bladder. "Do it stud, pee. Let it go. Let it go into that ass. You'll love it, how the hot fluid builds up and around your cock. Let it go. Give him more of the bug, more of your special gift." Bart stood by Ryan and began rubbing his belly, "You ready for your brother's pee, more of his gift, his toxic gift. Get ready to get filled with liquid again, your brother's special liquid." Aaron's head feel back and rested on Tim's shoulder, the sweet talking that light rubbing on his bladder, it was too much, and Aaron begin releasing a torrent of toxic urine into his brother's ass. Shooting with a strong force, shooting well up into Ryan's guts. Filling his guts with the hot liquid. Ryan began moaning loudly as he felt the hot liquid filling him, the rubbing was relaxing him enough to accept the flood of fluids. But it also caused him to start peeing all over himself as his brother was gushing into him. "That's it little bro, just let it go, let it go all over you. Your last neg pee all over you. Feel your brother's going in you, and your's coming out just as hard." Aaron heard this and had to look down to see his brother peeing, and it was a sight. Neither brother remembered peeing so long or hard, nor with such pleasure. "Okay boys, we'll let you rest." Bart rubbed and patted Ryan's full belly, "Big bro will just keep his nice big cock in you for a while, and keep your gift inside you for awhile. We'll keep you here for a couple of weeks as our special guests, just to be sure the gift takes. And if you want to keep giving and receiving the gift to each other, you can. This is a safe place for you to enjoy your new found brotherly love that you two obviously have wanted for some time." Note : I hope you enjoyed this, I know it was a little long, but I wanted all of this in one story for now. I may continue it a bit more, if I can think of a good continuance. Please let me know what you think.
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  20. Me: Master, how long will you make me wait before turning me into a vampire with drug resistant HIV. You know I want this. Please. I will get down on my hands and knees, degrade myself if necessary. Cumvampire1800: I know that, and how much you want to bleed for me! Me: i think about it all the time cumvampire1800: My fangs cutting the soft and hard flesh the blood spurting into me as i feast on your lifes blood! While my toxic serum pours into your body, giving you life yet. Me: exactly. yes cumvampire1800: And to suck you to the point of ejaculation and then go further! To wait until I feel your innocent seed in my mouth, before giving you mine. Me: that is like a furance erupting in me cumvampire1800: More like the light being slowly drained out! Yet you will feel the serum entering your body, going through the cock, to your balls, pouring into your body. Pozzed instantly. Me: u won't go too far I mean sucking the life out of me. I find it amazingly incendiary to think of being pozzed instantly while you drink my cum and then my blood. cumvampire1800: No I won't leave you lifeless, but there will be times i bet you will have concerns! Then I will have to show you the difference between passing on your seed and feasting on some poor stud's blood until he is lifeless. Straight men make the best ones for use to feed on. I will show you all. You know you will grow no older than you are now. Perhaps even become younger if you get enough blood from virgins. Me: ok. I love breeding college boys. High school if they are of age. cumvampire1800: You must be prepared: when i feed most men become queezy and are ill prepared for the reality of what is happening! Me: i thi\nk u may have mentioned that. Me: scary they can be brave and oft fearless, however things change dramatically when its their own blood and its ebbing from them and more importantly from such a crucial part of their bodies! Especially when they do not realize what they are getting in return. They won't die. And their seed will go on to infect others. Me: that is quite vivid. How soon can you be here, sir. Cumvampire1800 You have to summon me. I will send you instructions on how to do this. If you do it right, I will appear before you at once. Me: is there lovemaking, well...sex, before the...act? Cumvampire: if that is your wish. I am very good at making love. You will feel my fangs as I move over you. You will be so drugged by my spittle that you will not resist nor fear. At least not until the orgasm is occuring. Me: Are you saying I am chosen to receive this. To carry on. With you. Cumvampire: Yes. To a degree. After I bring you into the fold, I will show you the difference between feeding and passing on the seed. Me: Is it true I will be able to have any man I want? Cumvampire: (laughs a long time) Why don't you wait until this happens to find out. Surely you do not want to know all now. By the way, I have sent you the sheet of instructions. Now I must go. I believe I shall see you sooner than you realize. Me: Sooner the better.
    1 point
  21. I try to be a good guy. I love my husband with all my heart but there is an itch he just can't scratch. We will be married 3 years this June and in that time I have walked a fine line. This past Sunday I crossed it because I just needed to get scratched. I created a Grindr account and saw a guy nearby who had a hot typical torso pic. We chatted a while and exchanged pics. This is normal...I do a bit of catfishing and move on. The more we talked though, the hornier I got. He finally sent me a dick pic and knew thats what I needed. It was just over 8 inches and fat. I wanted to nurse it but he wanted more. I guaranteed he would get off....so he gave me the address. He met me at the door shirtless with a long bushy beard and lean tan body. He was older than me but he was in great shape. We started to make out right after he shut the door. His hand slid down the back of my shorts and mine went right to his bulge. It didn't take long to find our way to the bed room where he stripped me down and he got naked as well. I sucked his dick a while when he shot a premature load. This is where he surprised me...he stayed hard. I licked the cum off his stomach as he told me to get on all fours. He ate my ass like it was his last meal and I was moaning like a whore. 10 minutes late he was balls deep and slow fucking my hole. Long story short...he nutted balls deep in me and then jerked me off before sending me on my way.
    1 point
  22. Interesting topic. I will do as I’m directed by my top. Whatever give him pleasure is what I want to do. The key here is to be prepared that my top may enjoy this. If it hurts and sometimes it does, just bite the pillow and hold on until it’s done.
    1 point
  23. this butt's for .. anyone who wants it! 😆
    1 point
  24. Uncle Larry heard a knock on his bedroom door at 3am. The only person it could be was his little sissy boi Meghan. Outside the door his little sissy boi waited patiently in her Princess Sparkles frilly dress she always slept in, flowery panties and cute pink bunny slippers. Holding her ass under her dress with one hand and clutching her teddy bear with the other. With sad and scared puppy dog eyes, she stood there as his door swung open. Uncle Larry stood at his door, naked and unkept from just waking up, and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His little sissy boi knew Uncle Larry only sleeps in the nude so she never went in his room after dark, but this was an emergency. “What is it honey?” he asked gruffly. “Ca…can you help me, Uncle Larry?" she said in a quiet and confused gurly voice. "Something happened…. I think someone came in my room when I was asleep and stuck something in my butthole…it hurts so bad.” She was almost about to cry. The entire time she continued rubbing her ass, with a sad look on her face; hoping the pain would go away. "Did poor baby gurl had a nightmare?” Meghan nodded her head yes. Uncle Larry pointed and said, “Climb in bed with your favorite uncle; I want you to show me where it hurts sweetie.” “I promise to kiss it all better.” Uncle Larry’s crusty cock started growing for the second time that night; as he helped his little sissy boi pull her panties off as she laid across his bed. She then rolled on her stomach. His cock was now hard as a rock at the sight of her bare pale ass cheeks in the cute little dress. Meghan then turned slightly so her sore red butthole was in full view for her uncle. She quickly stared are his full manhood but now her didn’t care, she just happy he was going to kiss the spot and make it feel better. Her uncle put a pillow under her waist to raise Meghan’s ass, and gently spread her cheeks landing a loving kiss square on she puckered asshole. Locking eyes with her over the sissy’s ample ass he asked, “Is this the spot?” “Yes, that where someone hurt me…” “Shhh sweetie, I promised to kiss it and make it better.” He licked the crack of the sissy’s ass and tongue kissed her smooth red bud over and over, but when he jammed his tongue in as far as it would go, she yelped and almost jumped off the bed. “Ouch Uncle Larry, that part still hurts. “I’m sorry muffin” he said while rubbing her ass cheeks. Her uncle gently kissed Meghan’s ass ring and slowly made his way down kissing her taint and finally kissing Meghan’s sissy balls. Hearing the almost silent moans and watching her little clitty grow turned him on even more, making her uncle get more aggressive as he sucked on her sissy sack. Telling Meghan to get on her knees her uncle went back to rimming his little faggot and hand started the milking of her shaved cock. “Does that feel better?” She didn’t say a word, only moaned. “When was the last time you squirted baby?” “You told me not to touch myself if I wanted to stay with you Uncle Larry” Meghan asked. “Would you like to squirt now baby?” “Yes please” Meghan answer in a feminine voice. Uncle Larry spit into his hand and pumped hard and fast. “Oh my God, oh my God…that feels so good” Meghan moaned. “Time to squirt darlin” with that her asshole contracted around her uncle’s tongue. Within seconds, her uncle felt pulsating wave after wave of cum being shot out of her little clitty. The more she came, the faster he stroked her. He even continued to jerk her off after she went limp. Meghan tried to rest over the pillow, but her uncle kept her propped up until he was satisfied every drop of sissy juice was emptied out her smooth sack. Then he gently lowered her back over the cum-covered pillow. After a few more kisses to her no longer sore rectum, he let her lay there, bare-assed, over the pillow. He got up, walked over the side of the bed, kissed Meghan on the back and told her it was time for him to get ready for work. Meghan smiled and thanked her uncle for kissing her sore spot.
    1 point
  25. BBC POZ loads? I know mine is.
    1 point
  26. I took 3 loads Saturday night in the barn at a campground in West Virginia. It was a very successful weekend. I didn’t see a single condom get used.
    1 point
  27. Had a good time at Vienna’s classic Kaiserbrundl sauna last night. I started surprisingly by causing a Japanese guy to cum down my leg by an extended session of my nibbling his nipples while standing in an open nude cruising area. Later I got a guy to cum just with some caressing, kissing and frottage. While I was starting to think I had unknown erotic skills I was a bit worried as I was there for the fucking and I hadn’t yet gotten any. I needn’t have worried as I got saguaro in the steam room hard and then to fuck me. When I got back to my hotel room 3 hours later found he’d deposited a nice load. However, the highlight(s) for my evening were in one of the dark huge communal beds that are one of the Kaiserbrundl’s nice features for both resting and action. I was lying in there hoping to get fucked. A tallish guy lay down on his front next to me so he clearly was a bottom wasn’t going to fuck me. However, he reached over to feel my cock and although only semi-hard he seemed to like what he felt. So I took this as my invitation and reached over and stroked his ass. All this was in semi-darkness so you can’t see faces etc. He had a nice ass, slightly hairy, and I gave it a quick lick before pushing my cock in, just pausing and pulling out to apply some oil-based lube. I gave him a good pounding before depositing my load in him. That seemed like a good night’s work completed so I stopped by the small bistro within the sauna, one of the best I’ve seen in a sex venue, and had a light meal and beer. After that I returned to the dark communal beds still hoping to be fucked. After a while the same guy reappeared (I could tell by feeling the hair on his head which was slightly spiky - as I was leaving I recognised a tall muscular Chinese guy as almost certainly being the bottom I’d now fucked twice). I didn’t need to be asked and once again mounted the guy and started fucking him. As I’d already come by now I knew from experience I could stay hard indefinitely while topping - except if I took a whiff of poppers. The bottom had been using poppers and kindly shared with me which entitled him to a free second load. Satisfied with a well-spent evening I headed off into the night.
    1 point
  28. Hey gents - new to the site. Live in Uptown/Oak Lawn area of Dallas. Hope to connect with you guys soon!
    1 point
  29. Thanks! So I have found the tool that says: "blocking (prospective) members whose content I don't want to see". More importantly though, how can I keep a HYPOTHETICAL member from seeing my content if I see he DISLIKES it for no apparent reason. Nothing 'controversial' discussed, just negativity-out-of-the-blue the way you discover birdshit on an otherwise LIKED, freshly washed car, lol Think of prospective BLOCKING as avoiding ANGRY BIRDS that are 'not of your feather'! LOL Personally I see a lot of content that freaks me out and makes me cringe but I don't mark it as DISLIKED. Live and let live, however selfish or (self) destructive! To keep it all fun and games - Inquiring minds want to know for FUTURE REFERENCE!
    1 point
  30. Chapter IV Sunday night arrived and at about 6:30, our buzzer rang and Randy had arrived a bit earty. We welcomed him in and he presented us with a huge bottle of wine. He told us that it was the least he could do for our wonderful invite for supper. He went on to expain that it would be great not having to cook for himself again and to make some new friends. His attitude and huge smile almost melted both Nigel's and my hearts completely. He was great to talk to. I did most of the cooking, although my boyfriend was no slouch when he cooked either. I actually love when he cooked, as it let me admire that beautiful butt of his. It was so round and plump, yet firm. Looked absolutely delicious. As it had been, the night before, Nigel had a huge amount of trouble keeping his eyes off of Randy. I couldn't blame him as I had the same trouble, as Randy was just plainly and simply built like a god. He was magnificent. He had on a tight polo shirt and, as we had explained before, it would be just informal attire, track shorts. Those shorts were almost as tight as his shirt and showed his marvelous bulge. It was hard to keep our eyes up at all. Nigel was flirting terribly and I was getting just a little jealous of the attention he was paying to our guest. We finally sat down to eat supper and everyone loved the meal and we all talked a lot. Our meal took almost an hour and a half to finish. By the time we were fianlly done, Nigel was almost hanging over the corner of the table onto Randy and was flirting nonstop. Randy was returning it also, to the point that, at times, I felt almost left out. I am considered, or so I have been told, to be quite good looking. Maybe not quite as good as Nigel but good anyway. The two of them offered to clean up the table, while I went to our TV room to set up our TV to make sure it was ready to watch our movie. They soon were joining me with the wine and glasses, so I started the movie. It was our new one as I wanted to see what reaction I got from Randy. Nigel and he sat on the couch and I sat in our recliner. They seemed to sit closer than I thought they should, but didn't say anything. Even as the movie was starting the two of them were almost giggling while flirting shamelessly. It was a hot night and Nigel, after only about 5 minutes later , took off his shirt and very soon after Randy did also. Neither of them seemed to watch much of the movie. They would watch a couple of minutes it seemed and then were looking at each other. Nigel was almost drooling. At one point, I looked over at them and they had moved closer together. At this new angle I was able to see Randy's back and as I looked at this rippling muscles from his shoulders downward, I all at once noticed he had a tattoo on his lower back. I almost gasped when I say it as it was a large biohazard symbol with a scorpion curled inside it. I was in shock. This magnificent black Adonis had HIV, I could not even speak. Should I even say anything. I decided not to say anything about it. After all, Nigel would never play with anyone else anyway and even if he did, we always played safe, even with each other. The movie got hotter and hotter. I was definitely getting turned on by it again and even found myself wondering about seeing Nigel getting fucked by a Poz guy. That was crazy, wasn't it. I turned towards Randy and Nigel and found them intwined together and making out hotly. Their mouths were tight together and I could tell that their tongues were wrestling in their mouths. Their hands were all over each other, rubbing, pinching and groping each other. As I watched, Nigel, moved back slightly and reached between them and fished Randy's cock out of his shorts. It was hard and huge. Nigel slowly stroked it and as he did, Randy's hands reached around and lifted Nigel up a little and one hand went down the back of Nigel's shorts. From Nigel's moans I could tell that Randy was fingering his hole. I watched, mesmerized at what was going on. I felt my own cock get hard and yet I was jealous as hell and even a little upset at what my boyfriend was doing right in front of me. By now, Nigel's shorts were down midway on his thighs and his own little cock was hard also. I could see a lot of precum from Randy's cock all over Nigel's fingers as he stroked that huge 'poz' cock. Then all at once, Randy pulled back. He quickly stood up and had a very startled look on his face. He was almost stammering as he apologized for what he was doing. Nigel had a shamed look on his face and had trouble looking my way. Randy tucked his magnificent cock back into his shorts and sat down away from Nigel, who had pulled his shorts back into place also with a very guilty look on his face. They were both looking at me to see my reaction. I had no idea what to say at all as I was upset but also totally turned on like crazy from watching my boyfriend almost get fucked by a huge poz cock. I could not help wondering if it would be hot to watch, but still not really wanting my boyfriend pozzed, or did I?
    1 point
  31. Come on Steve, we are going to be late Dad shouted, I hate weddings Anyway I was driving, Dad wanted a drink. He looked great in his wedding suit and smelt nice, I was turned on looking at him. Nothing much had happened since I seen him in the cottage last week getting fucked and by me, it made some good memories for the wank bank though. The day and evening went quick, I got to have a snog and fondle with a bridesmaid, got her number. Dads mate Jim, brides father shouted me, Dad was completely passed out drunk at a table, not looking good, he asked if I needed help to get him in car, yes I did, but managed to get Dad to stand and took him to restroom to piss, Me and Jim stood at stones holding dad up, you are the son lad, you will have to get it out he said. I unzipped my dad’s trousers and pulled out his dick and held it to the urinal under Jim’s watchful eye, Dad was pissing whilst I held his dick in my hand, he was catching my fingers with his piss, I had such a hard on, when finished, I shook the excess of piss off his dick, Jim said, hey lad, are you wanking him off? But laughed I blushed and we got him in the car, very very unconscious. I Drove home, but I copped a few feels of his body and dick at the lights, he was so wasted, I was boned up. Managed to get him home and upstairs, took ages, lay on his back on his bed, I shook him, nothing, I touched him on the bulge in his pants feeling his dick, I undid his belt and shirt and felt him all over as he was half undressed, he smelt horny, but out cold. I slowly approached his crotch and started stroking his delicious balls with my hands, felt his cock grew harder and harder, suddenly my lips were kissing his nipples and my tongue was running down his abs and into his marvellous cock. The thick head of his dick began to enter my mouth and gently sliding into my throat, how big and delicious it was! I felt it in my throat when I saw his body moved, and I was very scared thinking that he had awakened but, he was too drunk to wake up. His dick was happy though, I know it, it began releasing delicious Dadman juice that I could not get enough of, and he began to moan in his sleep as I gagged with his big fat penis, it was amazing. I spent almost an hour worshiping his delicious piece of meat, never got tired of ramming that delicious cock into my throat. I wanted to return to my room, my brain was telling me to return but my cock would not let me, seeing his beautiful naked body and his big cock in the bed was too hard to resist. So I stripped him completely naked, he genuinely slept through it all, it took me ages, he was a dead weight, I was so hard, dripping even. I stripped naked to and took pictures of him on my cell, even detailed pics of his arse and hole, awesome, I felt bad, but found myself, rolling him over lifting his leg up and placing a pillow under his hips so his arse was higher up and I started to eat that arse out, my father’s arse was being kissed, licked and eaten out by Me, Steve his Son. It was so tasty, I could not help it, seriously I couldn’t . I mounted my Dad and slid my hard cock into his licked out hole deep, I started to fuck him good, I was sweating, worrying he was gonna wake up, but carried on. His cock wouldn’t go soft, and my cock was pretty hard stuck up him. I began to shake and came so hard in my dad’s arse, I was beat, pulled out and I stroked my cock so hard I came again on his body everywhere, after it scared me thinking how I was going to be cleaning it up, so I decided to lick my cum from his body until he was clean, but left my cum in his arse I returned to my room and I was lying in bed feeling a little regret, but looked through my phone st his pics, it only made my dick hard once more and I jerked off again. The next day I woke up before him, took a bath and prepared breakfast, when I heard him get up I greeted him, he went to the dining room with only his pants on, American Eagle pants, I told him we arrived home late last night, saying something about getting in bed. Anyway he sat down on the leather cushioned seat, whilst I did him coffee, he got up for sugar, I noticed wet patch on seat my cum??? Further, I could not help noticing that there was still a trace of my dried cum in his abs and back of his leg; I don’t really know if he didn’t notice or if he just didn’t think, but he did not discuss the issue at all, but seemed distant, I wonder if he thinks he got fucked at the wedding. I am back at Uni, in a couple of weeks, going to miss my dad.
    1 point
  32. Part 22; *My Master's permanent Gono infection* 👺 I stayed on all fours for a few more minutes; Grunting, groaning, and rocking my hips as my Master's filthy toxic Demon seed that overpowered and consumed me continually leaked out. By now a massive pool of the stench-ridden oily Hot Demon slime had collected between my legs onto the black marble slab. And my NEED to enjoy it to it's full potential overpowered me, so, without any instruction or hesitation, I on my own accord shuffled forward on my hands around two steps worth, pushed up onto my heels, then pushed again until I now lay on my back, literally now bathing in disgusting -t☣️xic-6-Demon-6-filth-6. The scratches on my back began to sting which did not stop me in any way shape or form from wriggling about! I scooped up as much as I could in both of my hands, and was stuffing it in my mouth like I had not eaten for weeks! I then put my hands behind my knees so as to support my legs in the air, allowing more EVIL poz filth to flow from my cunt. During this time Usher continued to flog my boyfriend, and our Master simply stood there, enjoying the show! 😈🐐 After much more Diseased-Demon-cum had leaked out I let my legs down and proceeded to repeatedly scoop it up, frantically smearing it all over my body, whilst alternating between wriggling on my back, turning over and wriggling on my front, and getting on all fours and lapping up the Deep-Green, oily, Bitter fluid. Normally I shy away from bitter tastes, BUT, this was pure heaven, and I thoroughly enjoyed each mouthful I swallowed as it slowly travelled down my throat and into my stomach. My Beast maneuvered himself so he was now standing sideways to the mirrored wall, and the opposite wall (St Andrews Cross) wall, and in the middle of the plinth length ways, and a third way in width ways. - Charlie. Stand up. I stood up as instructed. The distension has gone down considerably, seeing me regain my balance. Sir was instructed to bring me to our Master with me facing him, and on my knees. Although I had regained my balance, the marble slab was now very slippery, and of course, I still could not see a thing through the zipped up eye piece on the hood. Once I was kneeling before our Master, Sir was given further instructions. - 'L', I want you to know go to in front of the cage which is in front of the Cross, and I want you to as I said earlier draw in red chalk on the floor a large reversed pentagram, large enough for MY boy here to lie inside. - Hail Master. Yes Master. I heard him walk down the wooden steps from the top of the marble plinth to the floor. Then, I heard Master instruct me to unzip the eye portion to the rubber hood I was wearing. As always I did as I was told. Once unzipped I got my bearings, then looked up and for the first time saw him with his Goat-head up in flames, and his eyes glowing with their Molten-Lava colour. His intoxicating look saw me instinctively reach behind myself and proceed to finger fuck my swollen, bruised, leaking, bloodied, loose yet still very eager cunt. I was fast becoming super aroused that I very quickly began a combination of intertwined heavy panting, and whimpering. As I stared up at him, I in a frantic manner, and almost unintelligible and without making much sense, said; - Oh Master, Fuck, yes Master, Oh Master, Oh Fucking hell, Oh please, Oh please, Yes, YES, I need it, I NEED it ... Suddenly his upper arm thick musky black slippery EEL Dick bounced up to a right angle to the plinth, so it was now right in my face. And from his 1" diameter urethra I saw this brown foul smelling brown discharge leaking from his thick Demon shaft. I knew it wasn't his cum. It was a different colour, consistency, and smell. It looked like PUS!?! - Master what is that coming from the end of your Dick? - That is my permanent G☣️no infection, Charlie. FUCK, I NEEDED me some of that! And, I knew exactly how, so, I had no time to lose before I got a full on erection. Standing up I took my now semi erect Dick from my sexy shiny metallic red jockstrap, and shoved it in his pus leaking urethra, grabbing onto his slippery thick Demon Dick, pulling it back and forth with my Dick inside, gradually swelling as it stretched his urethra. With my neg Dick very soon fully erect I needed something to grab hold onto so I could give a good firm fuck! I reached up putting my hands into my Master's Beast-Goat Head of flames, and grabbed hold of his horns. Bizarrely my hands did not burn. I knew and felt that I was now being protected from stuff like that happening. I looked my Master straight into his glowing Demon eyes, and with my hands locked on his horns I commenced giving his infected urethra a good firm fucking. I turned my neck to the left so I would now be looking at my boyfriend. - PLEASE Charlie, let's stop all this now and go home. This has gone on long enough! Way too late now ... Way too late!! I responded with an expression in my eyes (that poked through my red rubber hood) that was of pure lust for an eternity of depraved filthy action, and my tongue hanging out with the intertwined heavy panting, and whimpering continuing. My Master took the opportunity of my gaping mouth and his serpent tongue gave a thorough probe of my larynx, as he also vigorously fucked my cunt with one set of sharp claws. It wasn't long before the birds outside began to chirp. Which meant daytime was imminent. My Master would be needing to go to his lair in the basement until the following nightfall.
    1 point
  33. Chapter 3 After who knows how long, I came to. Sir had added to my attire of a thick metal collar and ankle/wrist cuffs with a chastity cage around my now soft cock, and a ball gag in my mouth. Sir had also moved me as I was no longer attached to the cross but was bound to a fuck bench with my head propped up and legs spread enough to make it easy to access my cunt. Sir noticed I had woken and shone a bright light in my face and then all of the sudden my phone appeared. Fuck! Sir had been able to unlock my phone with my face and now had complete access to my entire life! “Next step 19 is to make sure you leave your entire past life behind you, and I think a few pictures to your entire contact list should do the trick” Sir said menacingly. There were a few flashes from behind as Sir took some pics of me from behind, and then from the front. “Alright 19, I’ll be a nice Master and let you pick which picture goes out first, then second, but you have to pick a forward AND a rear facing otherwise I’ll take send videos I’ve got saved from our previous fucks, remember the one I got you to beg for my daddy cock and even asked if I had some friends who could join? I bet that would make it really clear to your family you’ve always been just a cum whore.” As Sir scrolled the pictures in front of me, I noticed he had marked up the small of my lower back with a biohazard tattoo, wrote ALL LOADS across my spread ass cheeks. But that wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as the pictures of me, clear as day bound to this bench with a ball gag and number 19 on both shoulders. Sir removed the ball-gag so I was able to tell him my choices. “I guess these 2 Sir” I mumbled. “Well done 19, now you will always know that YOU picked the photos that showed your family what your true self is.” And then it happened, ding after ding of text messages received on my phone, and Sir just laughed and laughed. “Don’t worry 19, I’ll spare you the embarrassment of what these texts say, but know that they worked exactly as designed, you won’t be hearing from anyone again.” Tears began falling down my face. Whatever hope I had that this was just more role play is confirmed to be gone. Sir had completely erased my entire life in an instant. “Remember 19, you chose to submit fully to me. No use crying over the fact you didn’t truly realize what that meant. I had you pegged for this from the start and knew I’d have you in this exact position, it was only a matter of time. You’ve told me numerous times that you were happiest under my control when you came over, well 19, you ARE under my control now, complete total control. Your freedom is gone and your true calling has been bestowed upon you.” Do I accept my new life Sir has given me? Do I try to plan an escape? Even if I did escape, what life was waiting for me now?
    1 point
  34. transfer of fluids 😆
    1 point
  35. Assaulted At The Video Booth is not the right words to use here, although it seen a lot of fun and I would love it all. Now you Dress like a slut whore and go into a Adult Video store with nasty gloryholes on the Mexican Boarder in EL Pasco Texas. You service many nasty men without question and love it. Then when the Men want it their way not your it a Assault? I am a Dumb stupid Bimbo full TS and know if I go into a place like that all bet are off, all control is given up and you are at their mercy. I think you got what you asked for and did for hour with many men.
    1 point
  36. Fuck yeah!!!! More please...such a hot story!
    1 point
  37. I showered and cleaned up the sauan. It was pretty quiet the Bill called me over. "I've got an errand for you, since its quiet." He said. "Get dressed" I put on some clothes and went to the reception desk where he handed me a package with the name of a local hospital on it. He gave me an address and said "take this over and give it to Mick - its his meds which he forgot to pick up from the clinic." "I's a basement flat. He lives there with some other guys who are all poz, though not all on meds." I felt my heart skip a beat and he gave me a filthy smile. "They're pretty far gone, most of them and they don't have the cash to visit the sauna often. I told them you're coming over. It's up to you whether you want to stay for while." Then he raised an eyebrow and I knew what he meant. Did I want to stay and have sex with these men. I took the package. The flat was about 20 minutes walk away in a run down area of old victorian buildings. I went down some steps and knocked on a peeling fron door with carboard in the window and an overflowing rubbish bin next to it. I knocked, and the door opened to reveal a dark hallway with an overwhelming smell of body odour, cigarette smoke and the tang of poppers. The man in the doorway was fat, short, balding and dresed in a stained threadbare dressing gown. "Wotcher want?" He growled looking me up and down. "I...I'm Timmy." I said, recoling from the smell and his grubby appearance. "I've got something for Mick." He smiled revealing stained teeth and the tongue which licked his lips was furred yellow/green. "Oh, right. Heard about you. Come in." He turned and I followed him into the hall way. "Mick ain't here, but you can leave his stuff." He scratched under the robe which gaped open to reveal a flabby belly and masses of hair around a heavy cock. I swallowed, feeling repelled as he scratched busily in his groin, but I was also excited especially as the strong smell of poppers made my head swim. I put the package on the floor and stood awkwardly. "Come and meet the others." He said, noticing my glance at his dangling cock. "Bill said you was a good boy, real friendly like." and he leered at me and laughed. Before I could speak, he led me down the hall and into a small sitting room, dimly lit by a small window high up on the wall. It was smokey and smelled of sweat and worse. There were two sofas on which sat five or six men, all old and all looking like they needed a bath. Several were just wearing singlets and underpants. Others were smoking and they were watching porn on an old TV as they passed a bottle of poppers around. It was really hot and I felt sweat trickling in my armpits. "Well. aintcha gonna sit down?" I squeezed on to a sofa between two old trolls who were watching the TV and sniffing poppers. They ignored me as did the guy who had let me in. I was wondering what to do when the man next to me, dressed only in his underwear said "Fuck, this porn has got me on the go!" He pulled his undepants down and a thick, swollen cock slapped against his hairy belly. It was slimey with pre-cum and I noticed what looked like blisters under the head. "I could do with a fuck!" Suddenly, the other man's boney fingers were on my belt, undoing it and unzipping my fly. "Know what you mean, Fred. I could do with some arse around my cock." As they spoke, they dragged my trousers off, followed by my underpants. The man who'd let me in came over with a filthy tube of lube. "So when's your next clinic appointment Fred?" He said as they pulled me round so I was kneeling on the sofa. "Next week" They spread my arse roughly apart and I felt cool lube being rubbed into my anus. "I guess I'll have to go on meds soon." I heard Fred say as he got heavily off the sofa. "Viral load's through the roof." He got behind me, and I felt his cock against my arsehole. What was I doing? This was a disgusting old man, in a filthy flat, about to put his diseased cock in me without even caring who I was, that I was just an upraised arse and a hole to fill. The man who'd let me in, who I later found out was called Paul, matter of factly pushed some poppers under my nose and as the chemical washed through me, Freds thick, diseased cock slid wetly up into my rectum. In front of me, Paul's robe was open and he was scratching his groin and complaining about it, even as he offered me his swelling cock to suck as Fred fucked me in long, slow, delicious strokes. I was lost. I couldn't resist as the poppers and the thick cock in me made me gasp with pleasure. "Oh yeah!" said Paul. "Fill it up, Fred. Let some others have a go!" Fred was grunting and thrusting hard and I realised he was about to come in me. I felt a moment's fear, a moments regret, and then he gave a pig-like grunt, pushed against me, and I felt his cock throbbing as he spurted into me. When he finished he gave a sigh. "That were good!" He said, sliding his softening cock out of me. A drool of cum slithered over my balls and he scooped it up with his finger and pushed it back in. I stood up, my cheeks flushed with shame and looked across the room. Two men were on the other sofa, one pale and gaunt, the other wizzened with sores around his mouth. They had pushed their clothes down and were jacking their erections as they chatted about someting. Paul grabbed my arm and led me over. "Any one want some tea?" He said. As he spoke, he turned me round and I felt hands on my hips pulling me down on to another cock. It slid easily up me through the spunk and the lube until I was sitting on the old man's lap, impaled on his cock. "Two sugars in mine." I heard him say behind me and then he started to thrust up into me and empty his sperm with the rest...
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  38. "C'mere" Said Bill when we got inside. I went over to him and he turned me round and bent me over. He fingered my swollen and puffy hole, and I blushed as a drool of cum slid out over his finger. "Nice!" He growled. "We'll get you pregnant yet. You feeling ok? No cold or sniffles yet?" I said no, and he shook his head. "Would have thought you'd be knocked up by now with all the hot loads up you. We'll just have to try harder!" There was a knock on the door, and I just had time to hide behind the counter when I saw my mother standing there. "Sorry to trouble you."She said. But Timmy forgot his key and I have to go out." Bill took the key and she asked how I was getting on. As she spoke, I felt a hand on my arse and looked back to see the old guy, Arthur, behind me with one finger on his lips and the other hand graping a drooling erection. "Oh he's fine!" Said Bill. "Very willing and good with the regulars" Arthur gave an evil grin, bent me over and slid his cock into my backside. I gave a gasp, and saw my mother raise an eybrow at the noise. "Must be some air in the sauna."Said Bill Arthur began to thrust slowly in and out of my arse, his hand over my mouth to stop me groaning. Bill must have realised what was happening, and he kept talking to her even as he knew I was being sodomised only feet from her. Arthur was gasping and thrusting hard into me, and getting close to his climax. "Well, I'd better be going" She said. At that moment, Arthur came in me, his cock twitching and throbbing as it spurted. "Nice to see you." Said Bill. "I'll give Timmy the keys and tell him you called. He's probably making himself useful somewhere." She turned and waved good bye as the old man's cock slid out of me and Bill turned with a big smile. "You can come out now you dirty sod!"
    1 point
  39. This really is one of my absolute favorite stories ???
    1 point
  40. Giving this a bump in hopes the OP adds another part.
    1 point
  41. Part 2; We went into his private cabin. He locked the door. - You will now call me Sir. Understood? - Yes Sir - Get on your back and hold your legs in the air. He rubbed my cunt I had shaved this afternoon, and spat in my face - I now own you, pig - Sir, you're HOT & Nasty ... FUCK you Man! He slipped a finger into my cunt, located my prostate, and got working on it. My prostate is super sensitive. Add that to being intoxicated by this AIDS Daddy's crazy HOT presence, I was screwed, literally and figuratively! - you poz, boy? - No Sir, but have often fantasized about being pozzed up. It's so wrong, yet, it feels so right - Ever taken Tina boy? - Only once Sir, with my ex, and we fucked all day on it - I guess he was neg then - No Sir, poz, but on medication, and undetectable! - Aaaaaaahh, so he came inside you then, boy - Yes Sir He put tourniquet on my arm and hiT me up with Tina. Oh Fuck, the Tina rush. I was rubbing myself all over, squirming, panting, like some deranged mental patient. He returned to giving me my prostate massage - So, you've had medicated poz cum up your cunt. How about some recharged super-infection unmedicated poz cum boy? - OMG Sir, fuck YEAH. Fucking BREED me! - I'm not just poz boy. I have AIDS. Current viral load is at 13.3 Million copies, with CD4 count at 51. I have had my initial infection since 1989. Plus a new strain on top which is an aggressive one, due to all the nasty very high risk nasty pig action I have had over recent years. Plus Hep C, and Syphilis ... You still want it? - Oh ... My ... God ~ This has been my sick twisted dark fantasy for years and years. To be infected multiple times over with all kinds of nasty stuff for a pig like me. - Do you fucking want my death seed or not, FAGGOT? - Fuck YEAH Sir ~ I am born to serve Alpha Daddies of this world. Especially top end league ones like you I started fingering my cunt
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  42. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 1985 Xana, Kansas Worst year of my life. But then again, I've been saying that just about every year since I started high school. It really went to hell at that point people started to notice I was 'different'. Up until that point, I had a regular life. Almost regular. My two best friends were my sister Janice (a year younger than me) and the most popular boy in the world. He was everything I wasn't: athletic, good-looking, and fearless. Kevin and I started as friends because we lived on the same block and our moms would get together daily to watch soap operas and drink highballs. But then...but then puberty hit us all like a tsunami. Everybody was changing except for me. The girls got periods and boobs while the boys turned into actual men. The only different thing about me was my new love for music and acting. It was a discovery made when our music class would put on theatrical shows twice a year. At the end of the first semester we always did "A Christmas Carol" and something random in the Spring. I never got a leading part, but I didn't even care. Toward the end of my Sophomore year, I got the role of Linus in "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown". I was so excited because there was a solo part of me dancing and singing to my blanket. According to Janice, the whole school and even some of the adults were talking about my performance, and obviously gay I was. Apparently I was a little too into it and had practically glided on air. She claimed an older couple behind her were debating whether I was a boy or a girl. The news came as a heavy blow and it ruined my life. I was a "faggot'...and everybody knew it. Even Kevin turned on me. High school was going great for him and he couldn't risk hanging out with me. He couldn't even risk NOT bullying me out in the open. He would push me against lockers, spit on me and call me every possible homosexual slang term there was. And just to make everything worse, Kevin and my sister were dating. I felt like I'd lost everything and everybody. I held everything together waiting for this day...graduation. I wanted to get far away as if enough distance would erase the first 18 years of memories and pain. I'd skip college because that seemed like a continuation of high school and I'd already done my time. I had three possible plans in mind with what to do with the college funds set aside for me: 1. Move to Australia, work some menial job there and never come back. 2. Move to L.A. and try to get an acting job. 3. Take a trip to Hawaii and jump into an active volcano. What I ended up doing was just staying home and retreating into books, TV and booze. My parents were both functional alcoholics and not the violent, mean kind -- they were happy and clueless kind. They must have assumed I was just taking some time off to figure out a plan. My plan was to raid their liquor cabinet as often as I could. My sister did the same, but she was never at home. She'd broken up with Kevin for reasons she wouldn't go into. I'd already assumed she lost her virginity since Janice had been boy crazy since first grade. I was predicted she'd be knocked up and/or married before her senior year. We were both pretty much unsupervised, but she was the only one taking full advantage. I was just a boring, garden-variety delinquent. One July morning I got out of bed just in time to see Mom walk out the door with her big purse. This meant she was going over to hang out with Kevin's mom and get good and plastered. She'd left a note for me. Dennis -- If you can, please water the flower beds and also give the grass a good soaking. I love you! The fact that we had one of the nicest yards in town was a great disguise for the secrets inside. People talk in a small town no matter how green your lawn was. Our family unit consisted of two drunk adults, a teen slut and a fag. Whatever. I mixed a generous rum and coke in a plastic quart cup from the convenience store and went out to attend to the greenery. It was hot as hell and also very dry. There was a region-wide burning ban in place for the fifth week. I was almost finished with everything when I felt a tap on me shoulder. It was Kevin. "Hey man. There's two partying old chicks at my house so I thought I'd come over and say hi." Hi indeed. He was pretty obviously stoned...and looking really good. I'd made a point of never looking at him these past few years. He had filled out completely and still had the same dirty blondish hair I remembered. He was a few inches taller than me and solid as steel. He was wearing flip-flops, swim trunks and an ancient Foreigner concert t-shirt. Only a year ago I would have been thrilled to have him talk to me again, but now I had my guard up. "Why are you here? Won't you get point deductions for even being near me?" "I'm sorry. No. I really am. None of that shit matters now, OK? I should have never treated that way." "No you shouldn't have. But again, why are you here?" "Hey - can I have a sip of what you're having?" I hated myself for forgiving him so easily, but maybe I'd find out why he and my sister broke up. "Come on in. I'll make you one and we can play Atari or something." "Cool." We went into my dark living room and helped ourselves to the abundant booze. I was still suspicious, but this felt like old times. Kevin and I, squandering a precious Summer day. Only with cocktails. We sat like yogis in front of the TV and played "Burger Time". It was the only game I'd never beaten, but I was still beating Kevin's scores. After we'd had our fill of the crappy graphics and annoying music, Kevin suggested we go out in the back yard for a smoke. As nice our front yard looked was how crummy the back was. "I see your dad still has a hammock up. Remember how we took turns getting all wound up in in it and pretending we were one of Spider-Man's enemies caught in his web?" Of course I remembered that. Kevin produced a joint from somewhere and lit it. I guessed it might have been his third one of the day. Kansas deserves all the negative impressions people have of it, but the homegrown weed is hardy plentiful here. Janice and I gotten stoned together before we'd ever had a taste of booze. "So what happened between you and my sister?" "She didn't wait for me when I went to go visit my uncle in L.A. for three weeks. It wouldn't have lasted anyway, Dennis. She is a wild child. Did you know she had an abortion last Monday?" "No way!" "Yup. In Wichita. I had to pay for half even though I doubt the baby was mine. We should go to the pool." I wasn't in shock, just sad that she didn't tell me. Oh well. Janice and I were basically just strangers now. "Los Angeles, huh? I wanted to move there after graduation - to be an actor. Lost my courage." "You'd be a great actor, but it's a dangerous place. Trust me. I'm going to go there again and live with my uncle. Maybe I'll be a bartender or something. Maybe you can come live with us. Yeah -- that would be cool. My uncle would love you!" "I don't ever remember you talking about an Uncle in California..." "Well -- he's not my real uncle, but I'll explain more later. My parents are going to Chicago for the weekend....you can come spend it with me and I'll fill you in on everything. Can you?" "Yeah. Sure. My parents are going to the Ozarks this weekend. I guess you don't want me to bring Janice." "Oh -- maybe it's the Ozarks I was thinking of. You never know what they're up to." What? He was full of information about something. But what? I could have asked more questions but I had a real nice buzz going. For whatever reason I stood up, climbed into the hammock and spun myself into a cocoon, "Curse you, Spider-Man!!!" By Friday, I'd tried to put all the pieces together but there were too many missing. Were my parents going away for the weekend with Kevin's parents? Why did he have a fake uncle? Why was I so quick to forgive the guy who'd made my life hell for three years? And what was the deal with Janice? She and I used each other as a sounding board years ago. She probably needed one more than ever now. Oh well...it's not like she didn't know where to find me. My mom and dad were packed and ready to go by 4:30 that afternoon. It was an almost seven hour drive to the Ozarks. They would have left earlier but cocktail hour lasted longer than they'd planned. Mom had changed her hair and put on maybe a tad too much makeup. "So you're spending the night at Kevin's house? Good. You two used to be so close. He's a little cocky, but mostly a decent kid." They left the house in a flurry of cologne and alcohol fumes. Janice wasn't home. I helped myself to a drink while wondering what the hell I was supposed to bring over to Kevin's house. When I was a kid I always took my sleeping bag and pajamas, but that was a million years ago. Oh well -- I could always come back and get what I needed. I didn't want to walk half a block with an overnight bag in broad daylight anyway. "Hey! Come on in. Mom and Dad just left." "So did mine." "What a coincidence," he laughed. "So what do you know that I don't?" "Only thousands of things. Come on....we've got all weekend to talk." He led me to the basement for some reason. It was like all the other basements around here; bare concrete floors, mouse droppings and a ping-pong table that usually had boxes of Christmas decorations on top of it. It had changed. Big time. It was a large, furnished, plush area with carpeting and a bar. "Wow! When did all this get done?" "A few years ago. It's a 'play space'." What? It looked a little too fancy and grown up to be somewhere where you'd gather to play board games or charades. "And check this out..." Kevin walked over behind the bar a flipped on some dim colorful lights on the walls and ceiling. It was cool but still confusing. I sat on one of the giant leather couches and waited for the next magic trick. "I have some questions, Kevin." "I know. I'll tell you everything you want to know. In case you don't want to know any more as I'm talking, just say the word and we'll go upstairs and wait for 'Nightmare Theater'. Can you believe it's still on? Same old guy too." Talk." He was barefoot, wearing the same swim trunks and a Spider-Man t-shirt that he'd probably had since junior high. It was faded and way too small for the broad chest and shoulders he'd developed. "OK. I'll start out small and go from there. Remember, as soon as you feel uneasy -- we stop." "OK" "First of all, your sister is sleeping with Coach Glover, from school. They've been together for a few weeks now." "No way! He's old and married and has kids!" "Well, Janice has already dated every other guy in town. It's coach's turn now." I hated that guy. How could he fool around with young girls when he had a handicapped kid at home? When exactly did I lose her? "So are my parents and your parents going to the same place?" "Yup, but let's back up a little...does this room remind you of anything?" I looked around with new eyes. It was suddenly so obviously meant for sex and seduction. Why else was Kevin so cryptic? "It's a sex room, right?" "Very good! You've earned a drink. Come over to the bar and I'll serve you." It was so fancy. I took a seat on one of the stools and noticed the blue and red neon lights above the liquor bottles. Pretty. Kevin handed me some type of fizzy clear drink in a tall glass. "So your mom and dad remodeled all of this just for a place to have sex?" "Sex parties. They're swingers. You know what that means, right?" I did. I learned about them on HBO. "And guess what else? So are your mom and dad." Fucking hell! I could never look them in the eye again. "No. I mean...how do you know?" "Ready to go upstairs now, or do you really want to know?" The world had tilted so severely on its axis, that I was ready to hear everything. "Go on." "Well these people have parties all over the country. They all get in a room and it becomes a big orgy. And it gets very weird after they've smoked enough weed and snorted enough cocaine. Want to try some? Anyway, my 'uncle' Ray got super out of it and wandered up to my room where he fucked me in the ass." "No! How old were you? Did you tell anyone?" "I was legal...I was born three months before you. It hurt like hell, but just enduring it got me invited downstairs to join in. I fucked Miss Stucky from the library. Mrs. Strotkamp sucked my dick. I don't know if any of our parents noticed because they were either wrecked or ... busy." I gulped my drink all the way down. I knew too much and wanted to go home or go to Australia or kill myself. "Did you?...." "NO. I never did anything with your mom or your dad." "So your fake uncle molested you and you still went out to L.A. to visit him?!" "Don't say 'molested'. I could have kicked his ass if I wanted to. It hurt and all, but it wasn't that bad in the end. My California trip out there was a sex vacation. He hosted great swinger parties all the time. I had sex with so many woman and men." "But...but what about AIDS? Aren't you afraid of that?" He'd mixed me another drink. "Nope. By the time it gets here, everyone will have it. I already tested positive for the HIV. You can get it from kissing. These are The End Times, Dennis. Enjoy life while you still have it." This was too much -- way too much. I remember the days when I'd spend the night and we'd stay up and play poker while watching old scary movies. "So you've..uh..done stuff with gay guys?" "Oh yeah. It's no big deal. Sex is sex. You'll find out some day." I remembered all the times I heard him call me 'fag' and 'homo'. All I did was dance and sing to a blanket on stage, while he was essentially the same as me - actively. "It's not so bad sucking a dick when you focus on how it feels to get yours sucked. It's probably my favorite thing in the world to shoot a wad in somebody's mouth." He was looking at me carefully and I noticed how his face had changed. He was still genetically cursed with dark circles under his ice-blue eyes. The neon lights did him no favors. I finished off the second drink. "Is that all?" "Just one more thing. I talked to Uncle Ray last night and told him about you wanting to come to L.A. to be an actor. He's got a huge house near the beach and wants us BOTH to come and live with him. Wouldn't that be cool? Us in L.A.? It's a whole new world there." "I...So I...never mind." I wish I could be 12 years old again, sitting on Janice's bedroom floor and spilling out all the things I was thinking, feeling. We used to do that all the time. "That's all. Are you okay?" "Yeah. I...got any weed?" "Of course. You haven't heard the sound system yet. I picked up some great music in L.A. Bootlegs and stuff you'd never hear in Kansas." He magically produced a fat joint from somewhere and held it between his lips as he fiddled with some stereo stuff. "You should hear the thumpa thumpa stuff they usually listen to down here. Here's a mix tape i made from my collection. I like punk that's not the angry stuff. It has a melody, but not like what you're used to. Give it a chance." I was sitting on the floor, wishing we could just play poker or war or something. The speakers were hidden and I could swear there must have been dozens of them. The sound was rich and filled the room like a heavy fog. Any kind of music would have been a pleasure to listen to. "What group is this?" "'Heavy Disharmony'. The drummer gave me a blow job once, but that's not why I like it. This is just the sound I dig now. Like it?" I did. It sounded so different and so exciting...and kind of sexy somehow. Kevin came over and sat on the floor with me. "You always liked being on the floor -- I remember now." We shared the joint and listened without talking. It was good because I didn't want to hear anything besides this. "OK. This next song is a dud -- want another drink? I've got dry mouth something terrible." The song was in fact not very good, but the sound still shined. "My uncle says I could make a lot money if I started stripping in clubs out there. You think I could be good at that?" "Probably. You've got a good body. Like in a gay bar or something?" "Mostly. Those guys tip like crazy if you show a little ball sack...and even more if you fuck them." "Wow. The last time I danced in front of people, my life was destroyed." "You're taller and bigger now. You maybe need to work out a little. It can only help you get acting jobs if you're buff. I'll show you. Not to this song. The next one." "The songs are so long." "Because this was all recorded live. It's not three minute Madonna song, Dennis." Kevin stubbed out the roach and stood up. "This next song is one you're going to remember forever." I think he was building it up too much. But okay. The opening of the song was mostly drums and the bassist playing a ditty that I almost recognized somehow. Shit! What was this? Kevin stood a few feet away from me and started grinding his hips. He said I'd remember this song forever, and he was exactly right about that. He slowly peeled off his t-shirt and didn't miss a beat. He was only wearing those trunks and had obviously worked himself into a hard-on. Was he teaching me or trying to seduce me? I didn't care. Then the singer finally started in.... Spider-Man, Spider-Man/Does whatever a spider can/Spins a web, any size..." It was a punk/pop version of the old cartoon theme song. He smiled at me in the most delicious way. He was grinding away, humping the air. My face must have given something away because he started to tease down his swim trunks. There were his minimal pubes -- I wanted to smell them, inhale his funk. The dance was deliberately effective and I knew he's make a ton of money on the coast. It's about then that I realized I was still on my knees but standing up to his crotch level. My position was was just as suggestive as his dancing was. He stepped out of his swim shorts like a seasoned professional. ...To him, life's a great big bang up/Wherever there's a hang up/You'll find The Spider-Man Kevin's cock looked better, thicker than I would have guessed. Impossibly hard and sticking straight out. There's no way I could ever be as confident as he was. He said something, but I couldn't hear it above the music. He danced closer until his dick was just inches from my face. The momentum of all this had reached warp speed. The head of his dick poked me in the cheek, and then my right eye. I wanted him to stop dancing and just let me suck him off. Viruses be damned. I wanted this. As soon as the slick head of his penis went past my lips, he stopped the strip tease at last. I just swallowed as much of him as I could. There was a taste and a smell of a sour dishrag briefly -- probably from those damn swim trunks he wore constantly. He grabbed the back of my head and just thrust his strong hips back and forth like a machine. Is he strong? Listen,Bud/He's got radioactive blood I wondered if he was going to cum in my mouth and I wondered if he knew how much I wanted him to. But no. He stepped back as a line of drool strung out of my mouth and caught a random purple light from overhead somewhere. It glowed. He pulled a mat from underneath one of the plush couches and pushed me down on it. Wait -- didn't I get a say in any of this? It was an almost too familiar feeling of being abused in high school. I guess I'd given my consent by not even trying to fight back. I was on my stomach with Kevin's full weight on top of me. He put his mouth close to my ear "This won't feel good the first time, but I'll make it quick. Hang in there, buddy. He just jabbed his hard dick into my asshole before I even knew what was happening. gear GOD! PAIN! Maybe being everyone's punching bag for years had toughened me up because I didn't yell or cry. Those instinctive responses had been suppressed in me for too long. He pumped away faster and faster. This was gay sex. In a sex basement. It hadn't even ended and I was ready to do it again. He stopped, bent down to me ear again "I just blew my nut. How do you feel?" The music had stopped. "Uh...bathroom?" "It's to the right of the bar. There's a shower in there now. Just do what you need to do, take your time." I used the facility without looking at myself in the mirror. That would need to wait a day or two. There was mouthwash there - which I used while wishing there was such a thing as 'asswash'. When I came out, Kevin was back behind the bar and mixing us more fizzy drinks. "Everything OK?" "I'm fine. What time is it?" "A little after 10. Have a seat...want some peanuts or chips or something?" "Maybe later. So I guess I'm not a virgin anymore." What a retarded thing to say. I needed that drink. "No, but it was about time, don't you think? The good news is that you hardly bled at all. And I didn't even use lube. I bled like crazy the first time Ray fucked me. You were turned on and having fun -- that makes all the difference." "Yeah. Just think -- we could have done that years ago. But I guess you were too busy doing my sister. So I'm going to get AIDS now?" "No. You don't get it from just one fuck. You might possibly have the virus now, but it could be ten years or more before you get the disease. That reminds me...." He went and retrieved a cordless phone. Who the hell was he calling? Oh. Never mind. I should have guessed. "Hi! Did I wake you up from a nap or are you just out of it? Oh. Yeah -- he's here. Ask him yourself, dude. No. No. Oh just let him tell you. Uh...OK. I promise. I don't know, man. Ask him." I knew he was going to hand me the phone. He did. "Hello?" "Dennis! Having fun? Kev showed me your senior picture and you're a handsome young lad. Did you skip a few grades? You look like a kid." "No. Just a late bloomer I guess." "Well I can't wait for you guys to get out here so you can enjoy some sunshine. I'll hook you up with Hollywood people too." "Yeah. Uh huh." My butt hole hurt like a stomachache. Pause. "I'll let you boys get back to your Friday night. Good talking to you, Dennis." "Thanks. You too. Here's Kevin." I handed over the phone. "Yeah. Well -- he's a little shy. No. I know. Let me handle it, OK? Yeah. Bye." "So...that was Uncle Ray, huh?" "The one and only. Neither of you make good first impressions - no offence. He's super excited to meet you though." He handed me a fresh drink and then came out to sit next to me at the bar. "He knew that tonight was the night I was going to break you in. I told him it went just fine." "Break me in?" "I couldn't bring a virgin out to L.A. You understand. He wants me to get you used to the idea of sex for fun. Want to fuck again in the morning?" "Maybe. I need to think about stuff...talk about it." "Thinking is fine, but overthinking is a waste of time. Can you suck me again?" "Not now." I kind of wanted to taste his sperm in my mouth. There was no going back from here. In the chill of the night/At the scene of a crime/Like a streak of light/He arrives just in time
    1 point
  43. Wrestling Party turned Orgy Thanksgiving break was coming up and the guys on the wrestling team were throwing a party to celebrate Thanksgiving break and as a last hurrah before we started our season. So far Rob and I had fucked around with Chris, James, and Jon and Seth. Chris and James had gotten their fuck flus and gone to the clinic to confirm. We now had two confirmed poz guys on the team from Rob and I; and Jon and Seth had actually been poz already; Dad and David had gotten Seth when he first moved to the area and he had bugged Jon up once they started dating. So with Rob and me, we had a total of six guys that were poz and all from the same family strain. Rob and I arrived at Jon and Seth’s a little early to help them out with setup and to help them with a few special preparations. See, this party had two objectives: One to let off a bit of steam before the season started and we all went on restrictions; and two to poz up as many of our team mates as possible. For that end, Rob and I had the task of adding baby oil to the lube, and using a pin to doctor up all the condoms that would possibly be used. We hoped to not have to stealth anyone, but just in case the guy insisted, all the condoms that would be used would break. We finished up with the condoms just as the first guys arrived. We had all agreed that it would be fun to show up in our High school Singlets, so each guy was in his old school colors. Rob and I changed after we finished up with the condoms and then joined the others as we proceeded to get our Drink on. As the night progressed, all the boys got drunker and drunker, except for the five of us who would be helping them all join the club. The one thing I learned that night, most of my team mates were what they often call sixpack gays. To get everyone in the mood to fuck, we moved the furniture to the walls, and began to wrestle with each other. Those of us in the know would rub our cocks in their butt cracks, grab their bulges, or anything to get their minds on sex. Soon, most of the guys were horned up and ready to strip off their singlet. That was soon done, and we had twenty guys all horned up and naked. We all fell into a pile on the floor and began to suck cocks and eat asses. Chris, James, Seth, Rob and I were sure to start working on the guys who might be more on the hetero side and get them to give us their asses bare. The guys were in groups of three or four, at least one of them having their ass worked as they swallowed another guy’s cock. I was eating out Gus’s hole as he sucked on Paul’s cock. Rob has his cock down Eric’s throat as Gene opened up his hole for his cock. Chris was getting blown by Caleb who was in turn getting sucked by Alex who was getting fucked by Brent. James was rimming Lee to get his hole ready, while he was blowing Paul. Jon was on his knees taking turns blowing Jason and Forrest while Don was working his cock into Jon’s hole. Seth had already gotten his cock into Will who was being spit roasted on the other side by Sam. Jason was under Will sucking his cock and occasionally lapping Seth’s cock as it pulled out of Will. Matt was next to Anton kissing each other as each of them were prepped to be fucked by Simon and Wayne respectively. The room was filled with the sounds of grunts, groans and skin slapping skin as all the guys worked up to shooting their cum into their team mates, truly a bonding experience. After that initial round, we kept switching up partners and those of us where were already poz making sure that we got at least one load in most of our team mates. Hopefully, most would be sick just in time to get better for the season. Hours later, and with drained balls, we all fell asleep around the house. And the best part, not a single condom had been used all night.
    1 point
  44. Part 1 - Temptation I took one last, long pull on the joint, sucking it down to the little filter made of card, before stubbing it out. I inhaled, taking all the smoke into my lungs and held it as long as I can. All the while, my friend was above me, kissing me softly on the neck. His cock rubbed up against my hole, slick with lube, and I knew he was aching to bury it in me. Maybe this time it would work. When I couldn’t hold it any longer, I finally exhaled, bellowing smoke up into the already smokey room. He looked me in the eye, pressing his cock hard against me, making me whimper and nod my consent. He smiled, and kissed me on the lips as one of his hands slipped down, lined the tip of his dick up with my hole, and began to push in. The pain was instant, like it always was. I bit down on my lip, hoping he wouldn’t notice. Hoping that maybe, if being stoned wasn’t enough to stop it from hurting, it would at least be enough to dull the pain long enough for him to fuck me. I could feel it pushing into me so slowly, he was trying to be gentle, I knew. The size of his dick didn’t help things. Eight inches long and thick as all hell. But no amount of lube or weed or taking it slow made a difference. It wasn’t going in, and when the pain was too much that I couldn’t keep myself from yelping, he sighed, and I felt what little of his cock there was inside me slip out again as he climbed off me. I slammed a fist into the bed, then covered my face with both hands. “It’s okay!” He told me, but it wasn’t. I knew he was disappointed. I was disappointed. I didn’t really want to smoke weed - though being three joints down tonight and feeling this buzz had definitely changed my views on that - I only did so because we thought it might help me finally get fucked. A last minute Hail Mary that failed spectacularly. He took hold of my wrists and pulled them away from my face, bringing his close and kissing me all over my face, before reaching my lips and slipping his tongue between them, into my mouth. Our bodies tangled into one another and our cocks grinded together. His lube and precum started getting onto my dick, which was just over an inch shorter than his. When we broke the kiss, he nuzzled his head into my neck, and I let out a sigh. It wasn’t too bad, I guessed. I’d just have to fuck him till he came, then he’d suck my dick till I came. A standard Friday night. It would be fun, but it wasn’t what either of us wanted. He was desperate to take my virginity, and I wanted to give it to him so badly. We’d been best friends for as long as either of us could remember, and we’ve played around with each other for as long as we’ve known how to do it, though neither of us found out about actual, penetrative anal sex till after we were both legal. I’d fucked him for the first time just a few months ago, and we’d been going at it basically every weekend ever since. After a few minutes, he moved away from me, to the bedside table, to prepare another joint. He handed me the grinder, the weed and a piece of card to make a filter with, since these were the only bits of rolling a joint my clumsy hands could manage. I checked him out as I worked, trying not to taunt myself with how good it would have been, to see his big, muscled body moving up and down as his cock slipped deep inside me, if only I could manage the pain. Our bodies were like our cocks - I was a bit smaller and a bit skinnier than him. I didn’t have a muscley body to speak of, but he always said I looked sexy, and I guess that’s what counts. When I finished grinding the weed and rolling the filter, I handed them back to him, and only then did I notice he hadn’t touched the rizlas or the tobacco. He was looking at something in his hand, but with his back to me, I couldn’t see what. He turned to me and took the items from me, placing them on the table, but still he didn’t continue. Instead, he moved back onto the bed and leaned against the wall, spreading his legs. Whatever he was holding was small, and clinched tightly in his hand where I couldn’t see it. “Come suck my dick.” He told me. I smiled and obeyed instantly. He had gone soft, but it wasn’t difficult to fix that, and before long I was happily sucking away at it. I figured he wanted a repeat of earlier, when he thought it was funny to ram his dick right down my throat and force me to stay there while he rolled a joint with the rolling box balanced on my head. I found it less funny, but since he wasn’t getting what he wanted, I could at least do this for him. But he did nothing other than bring his free hand up behind my ear, playing with my hair. So I kept on sucking, playing with his dick in all the ways I knew he liked, gently squeezing his balls in one hand, playing with his hole with the other, using the skills that we had discovered and developed together. I must have been at it for a good ten minutes, at least, and was just starting to slip my tongue into his hole when he finally spoke again. “Y’know. There is one more thing we could try…” I stopped and pushed myself up onto one elbow. Instinctively, I took hold of his dick with my free hand, pumping it while he talked. With one hand still stroking my hair, he brought his other hand up near my face. “I got given this by the guy who sells me weed. I’d been talking to him about our… ‘problem’, and he said that if the weed doesn’t do it, this might.” He opened his hand and revealed a small baggy of little whitish crystals, that looked like tiny fragments of a broken stone. “Is that… Coke?” I asked. I let go of his dick and went to pick the bag up, but he pulled it away from me. “No! No, no it’s nothing that hardcore. It’s called drone.” He said, and I’m guessing he thought I’d know the difference, but I didn’t. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head to one side. “He told me it’s great being on it and fucking. Told me that weed probably wouldn’t make it any easier for you to take a dick, but that this would do the trick. I had a look online, and it sounds pretty safe.” “I don’t know…” Weed was one thing, but this sounded like the sort of shit you could get arrested for. His response was to pull me in close, so that I had no choice but to fall and lay on top of him as he kissed me deeply. His empty hand went to my ass and gripped one cheek tightly, squeezing and pulling at it. I knew his intention - trying to remind me of just how badly we wanted this night to work. And it worked in an instant, with every fantasy I’d ever had about him fucking me flooding back into my head. I moaned into his mouth before breaking the kiss. “Okay.” I said. “Let’s try it.”
    1 point
  45. Yeah a guy who used to fuck me at the sauna, he used to get fucked by the 2 same blokes in the massage room whilst sucking me , when they had cum and gone, he fucked me good and hard and shot his load up my arse and went, he always had his truckers overalls on when leaving, Eddie something company. Anyway about an hour later, I was in the supermarket nearby and he was in there with his wife and 2 kids pushing a shopping trolley round, I never acknowledged him, but was so turned on that I still had his cum in my arse and he was there with his family, I was rock hard.
    1 point
  46. Part III “Aw fuck! I’m filling your guts with my cum... right! NOW!” the trucker growled loudly enough for everyone at the rest stop to hear. He was a big-bellied man who wore his cap backwards and had a long, scraggly beard. He stank of piss, beer, and cigarettes, and he fucked me with a thick, long, toxic-looking rod and had dumped my ass with a flash flood of cream. “Alright, I’m next,” said one of the two cute jocky college-aged guys. “Wait man, me too,” the other one said. They were both high as hell I could tell. One of them was tall and had long skater boy hair. He grabbed me by my hair and smacked my face with his rock hard, leaking dick. Then he forcefully clutched both sides of my head and thrust his dick into the back of my throat, making me gag and splutter. The other one was shorter but heavily muscular. He roughly grabbed my ankles and ripped my legs apart like he was opening a Christmas gift. He jammed his cock into me with ease; it had already been opened up by a couple guys and heavily lubed up with cum. The night was silent but for the sounds of the highway, my muffled moaning and gagging, and the smacking sounds of the guy’s balls slapping against my ass every time he pounded me. I was being rented out as a quick pump n’ dump behind a highway rest stop for anyone with five bucks in their pocket. I was on my back, legs in the air, and was being pounded against the wall. Giovanni stood with his back to the wall smoking a joint and collecting money. It was over eighty degrees outside and past 1 AM. “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming inside you bitch!” grunted the guy who was fucking me. With that, he unloaded another load of cum in my ass, and at this point I was overflowing. Cum was leaking in a steady stream out of my ass and down my crack. The other guy pulled outside of my mouth and came onto my hole, then pushed it in with his finger. “Last guy plug him back up,” Giovanni said as he finished. My head was spinning from copious amounts of crack, meth, and weed Giovanni had supplied me in the car on our way here. He made sure I never stopped smoking on the 20 minute drive here. I was pretty much blacked out but would phase in every once in a while in the middle of being fucked and it felt so fucking good. The last guy crammed my giant butt plug back in my ass to keep the cum from trickling out, but my ass was so full some of it still leaked. “Get dressed,” Giovanni said, grabbing me by the hair and lifting me up to my legs. I hurriedly pulled up my board shorts (that’s all he allowed me to wear) and when I stood up I could feel thick, warm streams of cum run down my leg. The men who fucked me were getting into their cars and driving away. Giovanni was wearing a mesh top and a speedo, which meant we were going to the baths today. I crawled into the passenger’s seat of his car and felt the cum from my ass soak through the back of my ass onto the leather seats. Giovanni handed me a loaded syringe and two blunts. “It’s a long way to the baths, cumwhore.” I lit up a blunt and we passed it between us; I greedily left the syringe for right before the baths. I wanted to be freshly high out of my mind and flying before I let any guy with any cock fuck me in the sex clubs. I had spent the entire day tanning by Giovanni’s pole in my g-string smoking T, so I didn’t look gaunt, but I did have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. Giovanni found a parking spot a block away from the bathhouse and I gave myself the slam in the car. There were no cops on this street; it was deserted except for the twisted fuckers at the bathhouse. We walked to the entrance. It was a basement venue, with a red neon sign flashing above it. Guys in harnesses and leather chaps were smoking cigarettes outside. “Yo, Gio! Fresh meat? Let’s go inside, boys. We’ve got fresh cumdump tonight,” one of them said hungrily to the others, grabbing his crotch as they all followed us in. My slimy ass perked at the thought of all those lustful, probably poz men pumping me with their cocks.
    1 point
  47. fucking hot start, can't wait for more.
    1 point
  48. Well HELL have I got a Story to share for you all! Yesterday afternoon, I found an Add that caught my eye "Looking for Tops for Asian Bottoms" Apparently a Big Daddy bear was in town at a hotel and had invited some asian bottoms over and was looking for more tops! I of course responded and headed over. When I got there I should have known something was up when he let me in and right away apologized because evidently the two asian bottoms had "canceled" Since I was already over there the guy suggested we get it on... Now normally I should have left, but this guy was Huge, muscled and oozed sexuality... I tend to be a strict dominant, but something about him pressed the "sub" button deep inside me. Well Fuck if he didn't turn out to be the rarest thing ever.. AN aggressive 'Bottom' this big muscled bear grabbed me and started to make me eat his hairy ass out. And he REALLY wanted me to eat his ass! for a good 20min or so till I was getting short of breath and my nose hurt! The whole time he was talking dirty me, as well as working my tits over and even mashed my face into his armpits. it was Surreal after a while, its been almost Three Years since I met a guy would got me going like this... But the biggest surprise was still to come. after about 30min of working me over, he grabs my cock which was painfully hard and says "You want to fuck Daddy slut?" "Fuck yes!" After all the domination and aggression the big bear tops it off by having me Fuck his ass, not just fuck it, but breed him. For anyone who thinks you can't be a "bottom" while fucking? should try this guy. His ass squeezed so much I thought my cock would bruise, the best part came as I warned him I was getting close and he says "You had better fucking shoot the load in me slut! If you don't cum inside me Daddy isn't get to send you out of here and you'll have to go home to jack off!" I couldn't believe it he actually grabbed my ass and dug his fingers in keeping me inside him as I finally shot my load, and FUCK was it intense! all the excitement and aggression and sweat made it feel more intense then the past several asses I bred! Dumped two days worth of seed up his hole and then... then he throws me down, sits on my face, and made me clean his hole out! So... For the first time in Three years the tables were turned on me... And I STILL Ended up breeding a fucking HOT ass.
    1 point
  49. Hey 1981virginia - Great first post! Welcome to Breeding Zone...
    1 point
  50. Tonight I traveled to the tops' apartments - Got fucked by 5 guys in about 3 hours and got 4 loads... By the last two fucks there was a puddle of cum under where we fucked I had so much in my ass...
    1 point
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